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Etheric Planets

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The text describes a spiritual view of our solar system as vastly more extensive than the physical view, with many invisible etheric planets and a coherent organization linking all the planets together.

The seven planes of existence described are the physical, etheric, astral, lower mental, higher mental, intuitional, and monadic planes.

The text describes evolution proceeding through seven kingdoms from monad to physical, including mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms, with individuals spending one chain in each kingdom and advancing in rounds.

Etheric planets, Schemes of evolution, and our Solar System (Part I) written by Walter D Pullen !

stara"msn com #ri$inally Posted on www spiritweb or$, %&'!pr'%(() !strolo$y inherently concerns itself with spiritual or non'physical ideas *he whole concept of describin$ inner influences and characteristics of a conscious bein$ is a more sub+ective area outside the study of ordinary facts and fi$ures !ny attempt to understand the actual why or how of astrolo$ical influences leads one outside of standard physical science !t the very least, astrolo$y deals with a rich and colorful lan$ua$e of archetypes and myths that one may consider more of an intuitive art than an ordinary science It is no surprise then that additional planets other than ,ercury throu$h Pluto have been hypothesi-ed in our solar system ,any are not +ust additional physical planets, but are invisible or are on a hi$her etheric plane, not detectable throu$h ordinary means outside of psychic investi$ation or their astrolo$ical influences *he number of such planets is lar$e, fre.uently each one bein$ su$$ested by a different clairvoyant, which can be confusin$ to the astrolo$er who wants to /now how to use them or $et a $rasp of the bi$ picture *his article will describe a complete view of our solar system from a spiritual standpoint ! result of this will be that all the main invisible planets will be deduced and described *o be$in, our solar system is vastly more e0tensive, or$ani-ed, and beautiful than we thin/ #ur limited view of loo/in$ at only the physical plane of e0istence leaves us with a star and a few separate planets orbitin$ it 1oo/in$ beyond, one not only sees the number of planets increase by an order of ma$nitude, but sees a $reat picture of how all planets are lin/ed to$ether, and are one coherent whole composin$ a vast livin$ bein$ called our solar system of which one can barely conceive *his article is meant to $ive a picture of a model and inform only 2o attempt to prove any of the thin$s described here is $iven, or even can be $iven in the ordinary sense *hese thin$s aren3t inherently unprovable however, and one who /nows how and where to loo/ should be able to e0perience proof for themselves #ne can find this information in various different sources, one of the best bein$ the writin$s of the *heosophical Society, especially the boo/ 4*he Solar System4, by 1t 5ol !rthur E Powell, as well as in the teachin$ of various other esoteric schools 6irst, we need to understand the various etheric levels or planes themself In ordinary life, we spend our time on the physical plane *here are however seven planes total, our physical plane bein$ the lowest or most dense 7ence any ob+ect on a hi$her plane will be invisible to us, and we can pass throu$h it as if it wasn3t there Each plane in turn has seven subplanes or densities of matter within it 7ere is a brief description of each plane8 *he Physical Plane8 *his is the lowest of the seven planes, and where we spend our physical lives We are $enerally only aware of the three lower subplanes of physical matter, which are molecular solids, li.uids, and $asses *he four hi$her densities, called the 4etheric plane4, are levels at various subatomic particles ! physical etheric ob+ect is $enerally not visible to ordinary senses 6airies and nature spirits e0ist etherically

*he !stral Plane8 *he first hi$her non'physical plane, one fre.uently hears about this in paranormal accounts In the out'of'body and near death e0perience one is conscious on this plane 9i$ht after one dies and before they reincarnate they are on this plane, and the first :uardian !n$els are found here as well *his is also called the emotional plane because the 4matter4 on this plane is what composes a feelin$, desire, or emotion 2e$ative emotions and the realms of hell'li/e 4pur$atory4 e0ist on the lower subplanes, while positive on the upper It is impossible for what we thin/ of as 4evil4 to e0ist anywhere e0cept from the mid'astral on down, by definition !stral (and hi$her) ob+ects and bodies can not only $o throu$h physical matter in the same space without adversely affectin$ either side, but they can $o throu$h each other without much trouble, avoidin$ the collision aspect that happens with physical matter, althou$h one can still interact much li/e on the physical *he mental plane8 *his is called such because the 4matter4 on this plane composes thou$ht It3s possible for one to mental pro+ect in the same way one astral pro+ects, but on the whole bein$ conscious on this hi$her plane is much more difficult, in that it re.uires an e0tremely hi$h state of spiritual evolution *rue altruistic thou$hts free of desire or any sense of selfishness will rise to this level, as may a person after death from the astral *his consists of a lower level of concrete thou$ht, and a hi$her level called the 45ausal plane4 of abstract thou$ht ,ost !n$els and other spiritual bein$s are found here Where this plane meets the ne0t hi$her is found what we thin/ of as our soul *he bhuddic plane8 6rom here on up we leave behind the concept of an individuali-ed personality and enter levels so hi$h that our tryin$ to conceive of them is li/e a cat tryin$ to understand calculus *he bhuddic plane is the plane of true spiritual insi$ht and intuition (not ordinary psychic feelin$, which is astral) and the plane of all'encompassin$ love and unity *he a/ashic records which contain the history and sum total of the past of everythin$ everywhere are ultimately on this level of unification *he atmic plane8 *his is the plane of consciousness and life itself #n this level are found the $reat spiritual masters, as well as anybody who has achieved the ultimate 4nirvana4 *he monadic plane8 ;eyond any type of matter, dimension, or evolution as we can thin/ of, this is the plane of will where monads, the ultimate divine spiritual spar/ in all livin$ thin$s, e0press themselves and evolve and create on the lower planes We3ve left space, time, and self behind *he lo$oic plane8 *his is the divine plane of 4:od4, un/nowable by definition, free of any limitin$ concept, the potential of everythin$ ! 41o$os4 can be thou$ht of as a vast deity which has the ability to be a 5reator, i e to create spiritual life from itself *he $reat bein$s who are main planets, stars, $ala0ies, and beyond are 4on this level4 !ny ob+ect on any plane has a counterpart on all the hi$her planes *his means any physical ob+ect or at least its counterpart can be seen by an astral entity *here are of course many purely astral ob+ects which can3t be seen vice'versa Each planet on a particular plane also e0ists on all the hi$her planes, but one can say on each hi$her level the planet $ets 4bi$$er4 because of additional matter and spheres that don3t e0ist lower down Each person has not only a physical body, but a separate astral body and a body on the hi$her planes *he physical plane is three dimensional, in that there are three dimensions of space *he astral however has four $enuine spatial dimensions *his means that in dealin$ with astral planets, one can at most point to a physical location where the four dimensional sphere would be if pro+ected into three dimensions ;ein$ astral and aware of all four dimensions is an indescribable and wonderful state, and one of the most limitin$ thin$s one can

e0perience is comin$ bac/ and bein$ forced into three dimensions and a physical body< one can only describe thin$s as appearin$ 4roomy4 but still fundamentally the same !bove the astral, the mental plane has five dimensions, the bhuddic si0, the atmic seven, while the monadic and above are beyond the concept all to$ether *wo important concepts will appear throu$hout what will be described ne0t8 Involution is the process of densifyin$ and separatin$, while evolution is the return +ourney of unification and spirituali-ation #n many levels, somethin$ first involves and becomes more dense and individuali-ed, then turns and becomes more spiritual after its e0perience #n a simple level, the concept of us $oin$ on a trip and then returnin$ home afterward is li/e this #ur entire lives $oin$ from our souls, incarnatin$ in a body, and then returnin$ after 4death4 is li/e this *his is even related to the whole concept of 4:od4 creatin$ and e0periencin$ the universe itself ;efore we start loo/in$ at the various planets in our solar system, let3s be$in with our own physical planet Earth !$ain, our planet is more than what we ordinarily thin/ of it In addition to its astral and hi$her counterparts, our planet has a rich history and an even vaster future *he ancient civili-ations of !tlantis, and before it 1emuria, were indeed real Specifically, evolution on our planet Earth is divided into seven $reat civili-ations or 9oot' 9aces 7ere is brief description of them8 *he first race was the Etheric or ;orean 9oot'9ace, which wasn3t entirely physical, bein$ of the hi$her physical etheric density, and wasn3t even remotely li/e the humanity of today Second was the 7yperborean 9oot'9ace, all traces of which, alon$ with the first race, have lon$ since vanished *hird was the 1emurian 9oot'9ace *his was a civili-ation characteri-ed by activity, and development of individual free will *his was the mythical :arden of Eden which humanity 4fell4 from 1emurians were over %= feet tall, and the first race to develop separate $enders *he 1emurian continent was in the Pacific #cean, with today3s Easter Island a remnant of it 6ourth was the !tlantian 9oot'9ace, e0istin$ from rou$hly a million to %>,>>> years a$o, a$ain different from humanity of today, with many !tlantians havin$ blue s/in *his civili-ation was characteri-ed by emotion, and as a result certain periods in !tlantis were very peaceful and spiritual, while others were filled with strife and occult conflict not unli/e Dun$eons and Dra$ons, proceedin$ until the brea/up and sin/in$ of the !tlantian continent ? 6ifth is the 4!ryan4 or Indo'European 9oot'9ace, characteri-ed mostly by intellect, of which our humanity of today is a part of *his race be$an rou$hly @>,>>> years a$o and is still in development 6ollowin$ our race will come the si0th or 4!.uarian4 9oot'9ace, which will be mostly characteri-ed by love and wisdom It won3t be$in to appear for another %>>> years or so *he last race on our planet will be the seventh 9oot'9ace, which will manifest more abstract levels of bein$ *hese seven races fit into the involutionAevolution model, with !tlantis bein$ the middle or low point, and the first and seventh races bein$ the hi$h endpoints

Part II Etheric planets, Schemes of evolution, and our Solar System (Part II) written by Walter D Pullen !stara"msn com #ri$inally Posted on www spiritweb or$, %&'!pr'%(() 6ifth is the 4!ryan4 or Indo'European 9oot'9ace, characteri-ed mostly by intellect, of which our humanity of today is a part of *his race be$an rou$hly @>,>>> years a$o and is still in development 6ollowin$ our race will come the si0th or 4!.uarian4 9oot'9ace, which will be mostly characteri-ed by love and wisdom It won3t be$in to appear for another %>>> years or so *he last race on our planet will be the seventh 9oot'9ace, which will manifest more abstract levels of bein$ *hese seven races fit into the involutionAevolution model, with !tlantis bein$ the middle or low point, and the first and seventh races bein$ the hi$h endpoints

Each 9oot'9ace is in turn divided into seven sub'races Each sub'race is somewhat similar to the 9oot'9ace of the same number, with the fourth sub'race bein$ more artistic and emotional, the fifth bein$ more intellectual, and so on Different sub'races e0ist simultaneously, but first appear in order *he latest sub'race of our fifth 9oot'9ace is the si0th, which only started appearin$ a century or so a$o *here are various physical and other characteristics that can indicate ones sub'race, althou$h there are many mi0tures Sub' races can in turn be divided into seven branch races or nations, but there isn3t as stron$ of a distinction here

Schemes Of Evolution 2ow comes the interestin$ part8 ;efore the first 9oot'9ace and after the seventh, our lifewave of humanity was or will be on different planets We spend seven 9oot'9aces or an entire World'Period on one $lobe, but our physical Earth is only one $lobe in many that we evolve on in se.uence We are evolvin$ on a $reat 9ound of seven $lobes in our solar system, which are labeled :lobe ! throu$h :lobe : in order that we visit them :lobes ! and : are on the lower mental plane :lobes ; and 6 are on the astral plane :lobes 5 and E are physical but life on them is etheric, while the middle $lobe D is fully physical #ur Earth is the fourth or :lobe D in our present 9ound :lobe 5 is the planet in our solar system we call ,ars, while :lobe E is the planet we call ,ercury *his means many of us had incarnations on ,ars, and will be livin$ on ,ercury after our life'wave leaves the Earth after its seventh 9oot'9aceB When considerin$ $lobes ; and 6, this means that on the astral plane two more planets will be apparent in our solar system, while on the mental two more will appear

What happens before the first and after the seventh $lobesC We don3t +ust visit each planet once, but seven times total We $o around each of the seven $lobes seven times, or have seven 9ounds total We are presently in the fourth 9ound of our whole 5hain of 9ounds *his means some of us, in the far distant past, were on the Earth three times before in the three previous 9ounds !$ain, each 9ound has a main theme, with for e0ample the fourth 9ound developin$ emotion in a $rand sense, the fifth developin$ intellect, and so on Seven 9ounds ma/e an entire 5hain of evolution, however even an entire 5hain of seven $lobes is still part of a lar$er picture 5hains evolve in a se.uence of seven 5hains, each with its own seven $lobes and seven 9ounds of evolution around them !n entire Scheme of seven 5hains a$ain proceeds in the involutionAevolution principle, with the $lobes in the middle 5hains on denser planes and those on the ends on hi$her planes, within which each of the $lobes in turn are dense in the middle and more etheric on the endpoints Specifically, for the first and seventh 5hains, $lobes ! and : are of !tmic matter, ; and 6 are of ;huddic matter, 5 and E are of hi$her mental or 5ausal matter, while $lobe D is of lower mental matter 6or the second and si0th 5hains, everythin$ drops a plane, with $lobes ! and : on the ;huddic, ; and 6 on the 5ausal, 5 and E on the mental, and D on the astral #n the third and fifth 5hains, we3ve densified a$ain, with $lobes ! and : on the 5ausal, ; and 6 on the mental, 5 and E on the astral, and $lobe D physical 6inally on the middle or fourth 5hain of a Scheme we have $lobes ! and : mental, ; and 6 astral, 5 and E hi$her physical, and D lower physical !ctually, the term 4$lobes4 for planets on the hi$h bhuddic and atmic planes is somewhat a misnomer #n those hi$h levels they are more concentrations of ener$y and consciousness We are presently in the fourth 5hain in our entire Scheme !fter each 5hain, the $lobes or planets of it are bro/en up and new set of seven are $enerated #ne can see that our solar system isn3t always static with re$ards to its planets, but that planets and the number of planets visible on any plane chan$e as new 5hains come into e0istence When planets of a 5hain are bro/en up at its end, sometimes remnants of the $lobes can be found in the ne0t 5hain #ur ,oon was the densest or $lobe D of our Scheme3s third 5hain In the lon$ distant past, our ,oon was once much lar$er, predatin$ our Earth and our other $lobes such as ,ars and ,ercury, and many of us e0isted on it durin$ our 4,oon4 5hain3s seven 9ounds ;ut no more proper evolution happens on our ,oon any more and it will eventually fully disinte$rate when our Earth 5hain is in its seven 9ound *hese vast periods of evolution have $reat bein$s of enormous stature loo/in$ after them Evolution isn3t +ust a series of random mutations, but proceeds in a coordinated Plan Sub'races usually have a spiritual ,aster incarnate amon$ them to help $uide or create a reli$ion Each 9oot'9ace has a $reat $uide called a ,anu who amon$ other thin$s incarnates to help set the physical type of each race ,ost of these ,anus and ,asters are /nown in our history !n entire World'Period of its seven 9oot'9aces has a $reat bein$ called the 1ord of the World loo/in$ after it ,ovin$ up the hierarchy, an entire 9ound is coordinated by a 9ound ,anu, and an entire 5hain of seven $lobes is coordinated by several 5hain ,anus #ur entire series of seven 5hains forms a Scheme of evolution *he one we are in now we call the Earth or *errene Scheme *here are other Schemes in our solar system which the other physical planets other than Earth, ,ercury, and ,ars, and many etheric planets belon$ to #ur solar system is composed of ten Schemes total Each Scheme $oes throu$h seven 5hains, and is presently in a particular one of them with its seven $lobes #f the ten Schemes, only seven have any physical planets *he seven principal Schemes or planets within them form the 4Seven Sacred Planets4 and the 4Seven 9ays4 of our solar system

7ere is a brief description of each Scheme, which is $enerally named after its densest planet in its current 5hain8 (%) *he Dulcan Scheme8 Presently in its third 5hain, it has one physical $lobe (the planet Dulcan inside ,ercury3s orbit), two astral, two lower mental, and two 5ausal $lobes (=) *he Denus Scheme8 Presently in its fifth 5hain, it also has one physical (Denus itself), two astral, two mental, and two 5ausal $lobes (E) *he Earth Scheme8 *his is our Scheme presently in its fourth 5hain, with three physical (,ercury, Earth, and ,ars), two astral, and two mental $lobes ()), (F), and (@) *he Gupiter, Saturn, and Hranus Schemes8 !ll three of these Schemes are in their third 5hain, and each of them have one physical, two astral, two lower mental, and two 5ausal $lobes (&) *he 2eptune Scheme8 *his Scheme is in its fourth 5hain, and li/e ours has three physical, two astral, and two mental $lobes #ne of the physical $lobes is 2eptune, while the other two should be outside of its orbit Pluto is li/ely one of them, althou$h it has an eccentric orbit unli/e all the other principle physical $lobes *his means there is one and perhaps two physical planets beyond Pluto3s orbit which have yet to be discovered If the 2eptune 5hain is or$ani-ed li/e Earth3s, then the far out undiscovered planet would be its $lobe 5, Pluto its $lobe D (with 5haron bein$ perhaps li/e our ,oon and the remnant of :lobe D of its third 5hain), and 2eptune its $lobe E Schemes (I), ((), and (%>) are all in their earlier 5hains (either first or second) and hence have no physical $lobes Scheme ei$ht is usually called the !steroids Scheme, since its first physical planet in its third 5hain will be where the asteroid belt is now, with some physical matter already available to be consolidated for it !lthou$h it isn3t /nown, I believe two of these Schemes are in their second 5hain while the tenth is in its first If this were the case then all ten of our Schemes would be lo$ically or$ani-ed with one in its first 5hain, two in their second, four in their third, two in their fourth, and one in its fifth It3s been su$$ested that the Hranians, if physical, would form an outer asteroid belt, and if so could be li/e our inner asteroid belt and hence perhaps be the future point for Scheme nine, the 4Hranian4 Scheme, to physically come in at 7owever as the Denus Scheme is in its last 5hain with any physical $lobes, there will be room in its orbit for planets from other Schemes to be created at in the future, say the tenth, which for lac/ of any other name we could call the 4Denus II4 Scheme 1oo/in$ at all ten Schemes to$ether, and assumin$ that of Schemes ei$ht, nine, and ten, two are indeed in their second 5hains while the other is in its first, we can come up with the followin$ totals for the number of principle planets in our solar system8 #n the physical plane are %% planets (two with physical life and the other nine with only etheric evolution) Discountin$ the Earth, and countin$ the ,oon and the Sun, this $ives us our %= physical planets correspondin$ to each -odiac si$nB

#n the astral plane are %@ planets (astral pro+ect and more than double the number of visible planets in the s/y), or =& also countin$ the %% physical planets with their astral counterparts #n the mental plane are EF planets (%( on the lower mental and %@ on the 5ausal) which a$ain more the double the number of planets on all the lower planes (with @= total countin$ the lower plane counterparts) #n the bhuddic plane are @ planets (@I total), and on the atmic are = planets !ll to$ether we have a $rand total of &> planets in our solar system !s the Denus Scheme is the only one in its fifth 5hain, entities in it are the most hi$hly evolved in the solar system, and have helped out Earth in the past *he second most hi$hly evolved Schemes are our own and the 2eptune Scheme 2ote that as $lobe D in the 2eptune Scheme is fully physical, it should have physical life instead of etheric, meanin$ there should be e0traterrestrial life on this planet that we can see and physically interact withB !lthou$h it wouldn3t be remotely li/e ourself, I3ll be one of the first to propose that there may be life on Pluto about at our level of evolutionB *he small planetoid 5hiron with its eccentric orbit is probably not any $lobe of any 5hain, althou$h it could be a remnant from a previous 5hain or even $lobe 5 or E of the 2eptune Scheme *he Dulcan Scheme, if it is indeed fully in its third 5hain, should have a fully physical planet inside ,ercury3s orbit !s there doesn3t seem to be any such readily visible ob+ect with physical $ravity, it3s possible that Dulcan3s $lobe D is fully on the etheric sub'planes of the physical plane, unli/e the Gupiter, Saturn, and Hranus Schemes #r, as Dulcan3s meanin$ is very similar to the Sun3s, the physical Sun itself could be bein$ used as Dulcan3s $lobe D !strolo$ically, one can $et a very rou$h idea of the type of evolution happenin$ on any Scheme, throu$h the influence we have associated with its various physical planets #ur own *errene Scheme, involvin$ our Earth, ,ars, and ,ercury forms a $eneral theme which can be described as doin$, e0perience, or will 2ote as within the ubi.uitous $roups of seven, the third $enerally deals with activity, as in our third 9oot' 9ace, the fourth with emotion, as in our fourth 9oot'9ace and fourth 9ound, and the fifth with intellect, as with our present 9oot'9ace, the same can be applied to $lobes within our own 5hain 7ence $lobe 5, ,ars, is focused upon activity, and our $lobe E, ,ercury is focused upon intellect, which is very similar to the astrolo$ical meanin$s these planets have #ur own Earth, $lobe D, is perceived from other planets as an influence of emotion or willful feelin$, which is similar the meanin$ we have assi$ned to our ,oon, $lobe D of our previous 5hain 2eptune, and the other planets in its 5hain, which may include an undiscovered planet, Pluto, or even 5hiron have a $eneral theme of aspects of consciousness in its evolution, and in our astrolo$ical influences assi$ned to them !n entire Scheme itself acts as one $reat bein$ called a Planetary 1o$os *his level is the first that touches the 1o$oic plane and is able to act as a 45reator4 and brin$ forth new life !ll the Schemes put to$ether form the $reater bein$ of a Solar 1o$os, which is the spirit of our solar system Even solar systems form $roups throu$h which evolution proceeds in se.uence 1oo/in$ at all the levels, ri$ht now most of us are in the si0th sub'race of the fifth 9oot'9ace of the fourth $lobe of the fourth 9ound of the fourth 5hain of the third Scheme of the second solar system

Evolution proceeds in a $rand Plan throu$h all the /in$doms of nature Each entity in our solar system be$an its evolution with its monad pro+ectin$ a 4body4 of a sin$le atom on the 5ausal or hi$her mental plane Eventually it involves to become a lower mental atom, and after that an astral atom 6inally it enters the physical mineral /in$dom and becomes the spirit of roc/s !fter this it evolves throu$h the ve$etable, animal, then human /in$doms, with seven /in$doms total *he len$th of time any one entity spends in any /in$dom is about one 5hain, meanin$ the whole period of ones evolution throu$h all /in$doms is about the period of one planetary Scheme ,any of us who are human now were animals in our planet3s third 5hain, and individuali-ed and became human in one of its later 9ounds, with the advanced people we re$ard as spiritual masters havin$ entered the human /in$dom a 9ound or so before us :oin$ bac/, this means we were minerals in the first 5hain of our Earth Scheme, and li/ely first entered evolution all to$ether in the fifth 5hain of some previous Scheme in an earlier solar system 2ote that sayin$ that we were physical minerals in Earth3s first 5hain isn3t entirely sufficient in our case as the lowest $lobe in any first or seventh 5hain is on the mental plane, hence there is no physical or astral matter available for such entities to directly involve in #ne can only say that the :reat #nes coordinatin$ such evolution 4thin/ about4 their advancement on the hi$her planes so they pro$ress in a similar manner *his means many of us $ot a 4free ride4 when in the astral and physical elemental /in$doms !ctually it doesn3t ta/e us an entire 5hain to proceed throu$h one /in$dom *hat3s the time period covered, but we only spend about what sums up to one 9ound3s worth of time active in any one 5hain, bein$ in a state of spiritual sleep on the hi$her planes for the other periods !n advanced human doesn3t need to spend time in the earlier 9ounds of a new 5hain ,any of us who were human in the latter 9ounds of the ,oon 5hain have only +ust recently entered the Earth 5hain, on this very $lobe, even within the last century in our own race, the earlier rounds not bein$ evolved enou$h for useful evolutionary pro$ress !lso, as the avera$e evolutionary state in a race, $lobe, and so on becomes more advanced there are times when less evolved entities $et removed, to eventually continue $rowin$ in the earlier parts of a future race, $lobe, etc *hese 4+ud$ment days4 of various de$rees and orders form the basis of the Earth 5han$es and so on one hears about, with a ma+or boundary point for our entire World'Period li/ely comin$ soon #ur entire solar system forms one beautiful coherent whole #n the e0treme hi$h spiritual planes, the various $lobes of a 5hain are actually connected to$ether throu$h a hi$her dimension, loo/in$ li/e the petals of a flower #n still hi$her levels, all the Schemes are connected to$ether, with the entire solar system bein$ one $reat lotus with planetary 1o$os as petals or or$ans in its body !ll the above are in an eternal dance with numerous overlappin$ cycles What corresponds to these $reat bein$s breathin$, or their heart beats, and the spiritual ener$ies as pro+ected throu$h the solar system, are what forms the basis of astrolo$ical influences 1oo/in$ at the movements of the various physical planets can $ive us at least a clue to these cycles and their meanin$s :roups of $roups of solar systems eventually form the spirits of -odiac si$ns or the arms of a spiral $ala0y !ll these to$ether form a :alactic 1o$os which is the spirit of a $ala0y and has stars as cells in its body :ala0ies act as or$ans in the bodies of $alactic clusters, which in turn form superclusters Eventually we have a divine bein$ actin$ as the entire physical plane, where all the planes to$ether form, at least what we can conceive of, :od

4Who am I, What am IC !s I am, I am not ;ut as we are, I !, !nd to you my creation, ,y Perfect 1ove is your Perfect 6reedom !nd I will be with you forever and ever, until the End, and then forever more 4 ' :#D

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