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2018 - Syllabus - Strategic Management PDF

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BUS 4019: Strategic Management

Course Syllabus: Fall 2018

Class No. 13016: Tue. & Thurs. 13:00~14:30 p.m.
Class No. 13017: Tue. & Thurs. 14:30~16:00 p.m.
Instructor: Park, Tae-Young
Office Room: # 414 in the Building of Business School
Office Phone: 02-2220-2684
Office hours: Friday 14:00~16:00

1. Course Description

Everybody knows that good strategy-making and good strategy-execution is the key ingredients of
company success. This course is for learning how a firm successfully formulates and implements a
value-creating strategy, eventually, increasing the firm’s returns. In order to learn this, key concepts,
analytical tools, and various principles are introduced. The course is proceeded according to three
strategic management processes: 1) external and internal environment analysis; 2) formulation of
strategic actions in terms of business level, firm level, competitive dynamics, global level, and
cooperation; 3) implementation of strategic actions in terms of corporate governance and ethics,
organization, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Beyond the understanding of concepts, tools, and
principles associated with strategic management, this course aims at reading and discussing the
extensive cases reflected the evolving reality of strategic management in leading companies and
industries. The course also has a goal of giving students a chance to identify critical strategic issues
which incumbents recently face, and to address the issues by doing the team project.

2. Learning Objectives

By the end of the semester, students should be able to:

 To develop your capacity to think strategically about a company, its present business position,
its long-term direction, its resources and competitive capabilities, the calibre of its strategy,
and its opportunities for gaining sustainable competitive advantage.

 To build your skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of industries, competitive

situations, and the competitive challenges of a global market environment.

 To understand present ethical challenges and make appropriate recommendations for ethical

3. Course Structures

This course is given two times on every Tuesday and Thursday a week. Mostly, every first class
(Tue.) is spent for 75 minutes-lecture and every second class (Thurs.) is for team discussion. And
the last two weeks will be spent for final project presentation.

4. Required Textbook
Ireland, R., Hoskisson, R. and Hitt, M. (2015). The Management of Strategy: Concepts-
Competitiveness and Globalization (11th edition), South-Western Cengage Learning.
ISBN-13: 978-1-285-42518-4/ ISBN-10: 1-285-42518-9.

5. Grading Policy and Evaluation

Score Methods of Evaluation
40% Examination
35% Final project presentation
25% Case discussion
(+) alpha Participation
(−) alpha Attendance
(−) alpha Peer-evaluation
100% Total

Examination (40%). Examination is given one time during this course and the date and time will be
at 8:00~9:15 p.m., Nov. 20 (see 6.Course Outline, p5). Since I am manging two classes under the
same subject, the students registering this course should take an examination together at the same time.
For that reason, the examination time will be in the late evening. So, I hope that all students taking
this course excuse this inconvenience. And the examination place will be noticed before examination.
The type of examination consists of True/False, multiple choice, and glossary choice questions, time
duration will be 1 hour and 15 minutes and its coverage is what you’ve learned until before
examination. There is no make-up examination. Please attend the examination!

Final project presentation (35%). Final project’s topic is ‘establishing future strategies of
incumbents’. This project is the team-based task. Each team should submit a proposal (a maximum
of one page) on the 13th of November (see 6. Course Outline, p. 5). The proposal includes a target
incumbent, the most critical and recent strategic issue which a target incumbent faces. After reviewing
the proposals, I will give each team feedback of ‘approval’ or ‘denial.’ ‘The guide to final project’
is found in Appendix 1(p. 6). Presentation materials must be posted on your class board in HyIn (‘My
Class’ → click on ‘Go’ menu of LMS → ‘Lecture’ menu → ‘PDS’ menu → ‘Student data’)
one day before presentation. If you don't do that, you can get (-) 3 scores. Two teams will present at
each class (see 7. Course Outline, p5) and each team can get less 30 minutes for presentation and 5
minutes for Q&A. For evaluation, I consider the following criteria:
1) Richness of contents; whether you properly utilize what you learned such as theoretical concepts
and analytical tools? Whether your evidences supporting your argument should be sufficient and
2) Excellency of display and presentation skill; whether your PPT properly uses pictures, tables,
and texts for increasing understanding?, whether your verbal presentation is confident and
understandable?, whether the length of ppt (less than 45 slides) is not much and not less?, whether
your presentation time(less than 30 minutes) is not long and not short?
3) Innovativeness of strategic suggestions; whether your strategic suggestions are creative and
4) Right answers to question: If you receive a question from audiences, whether your answer is
immediate, logical, and understandable?.

If you don't attend to the class at your presentation date, you will get (-) 5 score.

Case discussion (25%). You have seven times of case discussion. This activity needs high
cooperation ability among team members and rapid problem-solving capability. Every time after
finishing case discussion, your team have to submit case discussion report in the format of PPT,
before class closing time (2:15 p.m. or 4:45 p.m.). The late submission is not acceptable. If you
don’t participate in making case discussion report because of your absence, you will get ‘0’ score.
You also have the time for exchanging comments of your and other teams’ discussion reports every
next week of submitting a case report. Evaluation criteria of the case report are 1) concise and logical
content; 2) the extent of utilizing the lecture knowledge; 3) creative or interesting idea. The schedule
of case discussion is referred to 6. Course Outline (p.5). All case list is found in Appendix 2 (p.7).
Case materials will be posted on your class board in HyIn (‘My Class’ → click on ‘Go’ menu of
LMS → ‘Lecture’ menu → ‘PDS’ menu → ‘Course data’). The way of case discussion are
presented in the following table.

The Way of Team Discussion

 Read the case before the class.
 A brief explanation of the case and problems will be presented by the professor in the
 Discuss the solutions among team members.
 Make a report of discussion results.
 Send a report file to the professor by email at the end of class.

Participation (+ alpha) The more you answer to my questions and ask something highly relevant to
class materials or other teams’ presentations, the more (+) alpha score you can get.

Attendance (− alpha) All class attendances will be checked at every time, by using the application
‘Hanyang University SMART CAMPUS,’ before starting class. One time absence brings (-) 1 score
and two times lateness is considered as the one-time absence. Please keep in mind if you attend to
less than 2/3(10 weeks) of entire classes, you will fail (F degree) in this course. It is the ‘University
Policy.’ Exceptional circumstances which your absence can be considered ‘attendance’ consist of 1)
sickness; 2) hospitalization; 3) job interview; 4) attending of family members’ funeral or wedding
ceremony; 5) other situations which a professor can accept. BUT you have to submit the proper
documentation proving exceptional situations for waving your absence within 7 days.

Peer-evaluation (−) alpha All students should complete a peer evaluation of the members of your
team concerning the team final project. A copy of the peer evaluation form is found in Appendix 3 (p.
7). This evaluation doesn’t change the score of all students, but if you get the lowest score from more
than 1/2 of your team members, you will get (-) 5 score. If you have any group-related problem (e.g.,
conflict, free-rider, etc.), please let me know immediately. DO NOT WAIT until the end of the
semester. If you report this problem too late, there is not much I can do.

The policy of cheating: If T.A. finds your suspicious behaviors during the examination, the T.A.
gives you warning at the first time. However, you will do it again, at the second time, there will be no
warning, T.A. can take away your answer sheet and make you step out of the examination room.
Please don’t do anything suspicious during the examination.

The policy of using the office hour: Officially, the office hour is from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m, every Friday
but the time can be flexible. So, if you have something (team project, team-related problems,
evaluation and so on) to discuss with me, please first send e-mail for arranging the specific date and
time and purpose. I will make time for you as I can.

6. Course Outline

W Date Contents Remarks

Sep. 4 Explain syllabus and Q&A
Sep. 6 Getting to know each other, team formation, and presentation order
Sep. 11 Ch1. Strategic management and competitiveness
2 Case discussion 1: The rise and fall of BlackBerry –
Sep. 13 Submit case report (PPT)
overall analysis (no focus)
Sep. 18 Ch2. The external environment
Sep. 20 Discussion and comments of case discussion 1 Exchange comments
Sep. 25 National holiday (Korean Thanksgiving Day - No lecture)
Sep.27 Case discussion 2: GE – external environment Submit case report (PPT)
Oct. 2 Ch3. The internal environment
Oct. 4 Discussion and comments of case discussion 2 Exchange comments
Oct. 9 National holiday (Hangul Proclamation Day -No lecture)
Oct. 11 Case discussion 3: HTC – internal environment Submit case report (PPT)
Oct. 16 Ch4. Business level strategy
Oct. 18 Discussion and comments of case discussion 3 Exchange comments
Oct. 23 Special Lecture
Oct. 25 Case discussion 4: McDonald’s – business level strategy Submit case report (PPT)
Oct. 30 Ch6. Corporate level strategy
Nov. 1 Discussion and comments of case discussion 4 Exchange comments
Nov. 6 Ch8. Global strategy
10 Case discussion 5: Sony Corporation’s Aibo –
Nov. 8 Submit case report (PPT)
diversification (corporate level) strategy
Nov. 13 Ch.9 Cooperative implications for strategy Submit proposal
Nov. 15 Discussion and comments of case discussion 5 Exchange comments
Nov. 20 Examination (Nov. 20 8:00~9:15 p.m.)
Nov. 22 Case discussion 6: Huwai in Canada – global strategy Submit case report (PPT)
Nov. 27 Ch10. Corporate governance and ethics
Nov. 29 Discussion and comments of case discussion 6 Exchange comments
Dec. 4 Case discussion 7: Deutsche Bahn AG –corporate ethics Submit case report (PPT)
Dec. 6 Discussion and comments of case discussion 6 Exchange comments
Dec. 11 Final-term presentation (Team 1, 2) Uploading PPT on HYin
Dec. 13 Final-term presentation (Team 3, 4) Uploading PPT on HYin
Dec. 18 Final-term presentation (Team 5, 6) Uploading PPT on HYin
16 Final-term presentation (Team 7, 8): 13:00 Class Uploading PPT on HYin
Open talks with a professor: 14:30 Class No presentation
* This schedule can be changed

Appendix 1: Guide to final project

You may choose an incumbent in the sector (or industry or business) which is highly volatile because
of economic, societal, and technological changes, or the 4th industrial revolution. Please select an
incumbent who is experiencing the transition due to the above-mentioned reasons. The final goal of
this project is suggesting how to get over the transition and sustain the incumbent’s past glory.

I. Introduce a targeted incumbent (less than 10 slides)

1. Introduce a targeted incumbent in a specific business including the reason why you choose the
firm and business from the following aspects:

- Firm’s history, main business, past and current performance, main competitors and so on

II. Explore the most critical and recent issues of a targeted incumbent (less than 25 slides)

1. Investigate and find out the most significant and recent issues from the following analytical

- The external and internal environment, core competencies, business level strategy, corporate
level strategy, global strategy, corporate ownership, corporate ethics, corporate social
responsibility, and others (Notice: NO FOCUS on marketing, organizational, financial

2. Summary of issues explored from the above stage

III. Establish the strategies for addressing the critical and recent issues (less than 10 slides)

Suggest the strategies for addressing all the issues which are defined at the upper stage.

1. Desirable strategy by an issue

2. Summary of recommendations

IV. Reference

Appendix 2: Lists of Case Discussion

The following case materials are posted on your class board in HyIn (‘My Class’ → click on ‘Go’
menu of LMS → ‘Lecture’ menu → ‘PDS’ menu → ‘Course data’) and are downloaded by
yourselves. But these materials are not permitted to distribute outside this class and to use any
commercial purpose because of IP protection. So, the period of the download will be limited by the
end of September.

Case discussion 1: The Rise and Fall of BlackBerry – overall strategic management

Case discussion 2: General Electric after GE Capital – the external environment

Case discussion 3: HTC Corp. in 2012: Differentiation Strategy – the internal environment

Case discussion 4: McDonald’s (in 2013): How to Win Again? – business level strategy

Case discussion 5: Sony Corporation’s Aibo – diversification (corporate level) strategy

Case discussion 6: Huawei in Canada: Can It Become a Trusted Player? – global strategy

Case discussion 7: Deutsche Bahn AG: The heartless train conductor – corporate ethics

Appendix 3: Peer Evaluation

Your team No. Your name:

Please allocate 100 points across all the members of your team including yourself to reflect your
assessment of individual contributions to the team effort.

I will treat your assessments as confidential.

Team-member name: Contribution:

1. Your name:






Total: 100

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