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BUS10306SemA2019 20CourseOutline (20190902)

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UOW College Hong Kong / CCCU

Semester A 2019/2020
BUS10306 Management
Course Examiner / Lecturer / Tutor **
** Please consult your respective lecturer / tutor for their appropriate contact methods.

 Course Examiner, Lecturer and Tutor : Jay S.K. TO

 Office : Li-5426 When contacting Jay TO, whether by phone or email or
 Telephone : 3442 5959 other means, please always quote your full name,
 Email : student ID number, study program and tutorial class.

 Lecturer and Tutor : Kenneth CHIANG  Lecturer and Tutor: Alvis CHAN
 Office : Li-5420  Office : Li-5424
Telephone : 3442 9654 Telephone : 3442 5958
 Email :  Email :
 Lecturer and Tutor : Patrick YAU Consultation Hours : (50-minute session)
 Office : Li-5414 Jay To : Mon 1300 (RTF) and Wed 1500
Kenneth Chiang : Mon 1600 and Thu 1100
Telephone : 3442 5951 Alvis Chan : Wed 1600 and Thu 1100
 Email : Patrick Yau : Wed 1600 and Fri 1200

Teaching Pattern

Lecture: 26 hours (13 classes of 2 hours each, one 2-hour lecture class each week)
Tutorial: 13 hours (13 classes of 1 hour each, one 1-hour tutorial class each week)

1. Course Aim

The aim of this course is to provide students with an overall understanding of management theory
and practice. It helps students to appreciate and analyze the factors and forces involved in making
organizations and people work effectively and efficiently.

2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. identify the functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling;
2. apply key management concepts to management practices in organizations and in people’s daily
lives in an ethical and socially responsible manner;
3. analyse the impact of environment (economic, legal, cultural, political, etc.) on organizations and
their management;
4. describe some contemporary and topical issues in management; and
5. apply skills like critical thinking, inquiry techniques, problem solving and communication in
developing as a potential manager.
3. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)

This course adopts the standard lecture-tutorial format. Lectures would cover most essential topics in
management with theories, concepts, techniques, and practices introduced. In order to achieve better
learning, you are strongly recommended to read the relevant book chapters and preview the lecture
notes before attending each lecture. The course materials can be downloaded from the course site
on Canvas.

Tutorials are designed with activities to help you understand and apply relevant theories and concepts
through analyzing some questions or scenarios. Groups would be formed with each group being
required to do ONE oral presentation and lead discussion on the tutorial question (the tutorial question
would be allocated by your tutor during the first tutorial class). For those who are not required to
do presentation, they should read and attempt the tutorial question before attending the tutorial.
They should be prepared to discuss issues, answer questions, raise comments and questions.

In order to let you integrate and apply what you have learned from this course and extend your learning
in class, each group is required to do a project and submit a report. The presentation and project are
designed to help you achieve the course intended learning outcomes (CILOs).

4. Assessment Tasks (ATs)

Assessment Task
(A) Group presentation and 10% (one for each group in this semester)
discussion leading
(B) Mid-Term Test 10% (tentatively to be held in Week 7, on Friday
evening, October 18, 2019)
(C) Group Project 20% (group report to be submitted in Week 12, by
5:30pm on Monday, November 18, 2019)
(D) Final Examination 60% (to be held between December 9~21, 2019)

Alignment of the CILOs with the Assessment Tasks

CILOs (Please  if the CILO(s) is/are
aligned with the Assessment Tasks
1 2 3 4 5
I. Group Presentation and Discussion Leading (10%) √ √ √ √ √
II. Mid-Term Test (10%) √ √
III. Group Project (20%) √ √ √ √ √
IV. Final Examination (60%) √ √ √ √ √

4(A) Group Presentation and Discussion Leading (10%) – from Week 3 to Week 11

Each tutorial class will be divided into seven (7) groups during the first tutorial class. Each group is
required to do an oral presentation on one of the tutorial questions which is allocated in the first tutorial
class. Each presentation should last for at most 20 minutes. The presenting group should develop 1
to 2 discussion questions related to their presentation topic and lead the class in further discussion
for another 5 to 10 minutes. Your tutor would raise questions after your presentation and discussion
to test your understanding of related concepts. Presentation would commence in Week 3.

To ensure fairness to students in different tutorial classes doing presentations at different time slots in
the same tutorial week, each group is required to submit a hard copy of your PowerPoint slides (i.e.
presentation materials) to your tutor’s pigeonhole before 8:50 a.m., Monday, in your presentation
week. Please attach ‘Form P--Group Presentation Assessment Form’ in your hard copy
submission with the required information filled. You are also required to submit a soft copy to
‘Group Presentation – name of your tutor’s tutorial classes’ via ‘Assignments’ on Canvas before
the same timeline. In your soft copy submission, your file name should be tutorial class number
(which starts with ‘T’), group alphabet and presentation week for easy identification. (For example,
if your tutorial class is TA9 and you are Group K presenting in Week 4, then the file name you
use for uploading onto Canvas should be “TA9_GroupK_Week4”. Marks may be deducted if
you fail to follow this instruction.) Late submission will incur a 10% (ie 10 marks) penalty every 24
hours for either hard or soft copy.

Each group should submit the soft copy by the group leader only. Your submitted materials must
show your tutorial class number (eg TA9), group alphabet (eg Group K), member name and student

Your presentation should then be based on the contents of materials submitted with no changes being
allowed (such as making corrections, adding new points and removing some points, etc.). Any
changes would not be assessed in your presentation. The assessment by your tutor would only
be based on the contents of your original submission. Once again, please attach a properly filled-
in Form P--Group Presentation Assessment Form to your hard copy. (Form P has been uploaded
onto Canvas separately.)

Each page of the hard copy should contain 4 slides printed horizontally and be in a legible font size.
Slide number should be inserted too. As you are expected to apply what you have learned to analyze
and evaluate issues, there is no need for you to define and explain concepts except when it is
explicitly required by the question. Your Tutor may add other requirements for the presentable
materials as they deem appropriate.

4(B) Mid-Term Test (10%) – in Week 7, Friday, October 18, 2019 – (to be confirmed)

A mid-term test will be held in Week 7 of the semester to test your understanding of management

Format: Multiple-choice questions (and/or other format)

Date and time: October 18, 2019, Friday late afternoon / evening
Venue and Duration: The exact venue, start time and duration would be announced later
Coverage: Lecture 1 to Lecture 6 materials

No make-up test is allowed. It would only be arranged for :

1. students with prior approval from the course examiner due to an inability to attend the test with
valid reasons, or
2. students who are absent due to sickness with a valid medical certificate.

For Condition 1, make your application to the course examiner at least TWO days before the test.
For Condition 2, make your application to the course examiner within ONE WEEK after the test.
(Late request will NOT be entertained and will receive no mark for mid-term test.)

4(C) Group Project (20%) – in Week 12, before 5:30pm Monday, November 18, 2019

Each group (the same group as that for group presentation) conducts a primary or secondary research
on a local or mainland organization to study any management issues and write up a report in around
2,500 words (with + / - 10%), excluding title page, table of contents, list of references, and appendices.
A penalty of 10 marks will be imposed for every 250 words exceeding the word limit (ie 2,750 words).
Examples for investigation include ethical issues, social responsibility issues, organizational structure
and design, motivation strategy, business strategy, control system and so on. You need to apply what
you have learned from this course to analyze and evaluate issues you have identified and then make
recommendations accordingly. Instead of just focusing on one organization, you may compare and
evaluate two organizations on the same issue(s) (e.g. the business strategies of Disneyland and Ocean
Park) and then make recommendations to them accordingly.

A local organization is loosely defined here as a profit-making or non-profit making organization with
operations in Hong Kong (e.g. 759 Store, HSBC, McDonald’s, PwC, Starbucks, Disneyland, Hospital
Authority, Uber, TVB, Zara, etc.). A mainland organization is defined in the same way as any
organization with operations in Mainland China.

Your report should more or less be in the following structure / items :

> Title page (Form R-- Group Written Report Assessment Form and Form D--Assignment
Declaration Cover Sheet): with course code and name, project title, student information, tutor’s
name, date, and word count (for hard copy submission, all students are required to put on their
own signature and forged signature is NOT acceptable)
> Table of contents
> Introduction: provides all necessary information such as purpose and scope of study, background
information, issues to be discussed, data/information collection method, and an outline of the
> Body of the report (often divided into sections and sub-sections with appropriate headings and
sub-headings): findings, analysis and discussion
> Recommendations: recommendations based on analysis and discussion
> Conclusions: summary of key ideas in findings, analysis, and discussion
> References: a list of all references which have been cited in your report
> Appendices (if any)

You are required to apply theories and concepts in doing analysis and making recommendations. There
is no need to give definitions and explain theories and concepts. When you use information and
ideas of others in your report, you must cite the sources of information. Otherwise, you commit
plagiarism and would be subject to disciplinary action. You need to do in-text citations and prepare a
reference list at the end of your report.

(For format of in-text citation and reference list, please refer to CityU Library website 

The hard copy of your report should be submitted to your tutor’s pigeonhole and the soft copy to
‘Group Project – name of your tutor’s tutorial classes’ via ‘Assignments’ on Canvas latest by 5:30
p.m., Monday, November 18, 2019, (Week 12). Please attach a completed “Form R--Group
Written Report Assessment Form” and “Form D-- Assignment Declaration Cover Sheet” to
your report in your hard copy submission. (Form R and Form D have been uploaded onto
Canvas separately.)

In your soft copy submission, you should fill in your tutorial class number (which starts with ‘T’),
group alphabet and Project Title for easy identification. (For example, if your tutorial class is
TA9 and you are Group K working on McDonald, then the file name you use for uploading onto
Canvas should be “TA9_GroupK_McDonald”. Marks may be deducted if you fail to follow this
instruction.) For soft copy submission, no need to attach Group Written Report Assessment Form and
Assignment Declaration Cover Page but please indicate clearly on the first title page / covering page
of your report your tutorial class number, project title, name of tutor, student name and number, date,
and word count. Late submission will incur a 10% (ie 10 marks) penalty every 24 hours for either hard
or soft copy.

The soft copy should only be submitted by the group leader. Do not submit multiple copies of the
same report.

4(D) Final Examination (60%) – during examination period, December 9 ~ 21, 2019

This is a two-hour examination. It was often in the form of multiple-choice and scenario questions.
The examination will be held between December 9 and December 21, 2019. The exact format of the
examination would be announced in due course.

5. Textbook and Reference Materials

5A. Core Textbook

Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2019). Essentials of contemporary management (8th ed.). New York:
McGraw-Hill Education.

5B. Supplementary Textbook

BOOK A > McGraw-Hill Education (2014). BUS10306 Management customized text. (In particular
for Chapter 11, 12 and 13)
BOOK B > Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., & Allen, F. (2011). Principles of corporate finance (10th
ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BOOK C > Hill, C. W. L., & McShane, S. L. (2008). Principles of management (International ed.).
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).
BOOK D > Perreault, W. D., Cannon, J. P., & McCarthy, E. J. (2011). Basic marketing: A marketing
strategy planning approach (18th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BOOK E > Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., Simchi-Levi, E. (2009) Designing and managing the
supply chain: Concepts, strategies and case studies (International ed.). Singapore:
McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).

6. Assessment Tasks Arrangement

Details of criteria / rubrics laid out in Assessment Form for Group Presentation and Group Project
have been uploaded onto Canvas. As described clearly in the Assessment Forms for different
assessment tasks, students are required to perform to a specified level in an assessment task in order
to gain a pass for the course. If students who do not meet the minimum performance level
requirements as set out in the Course Outline and Assessment Forms, they will be given a Fail grade.
Students will be able to get back the assessed work (ie group written report) approximately three
months after the release of grade as it takes time to complete the internal and/or external moderation
process. Group written reports not picked up within one month of the afore-mentioned available date
will be retained for one year after the release of grade and then will be destroyed.

A student’s final mark in a course will be the aggregate of the results from all assessment tasks
according to the percentage weighting of the assessment tasks, leading to the award of a grade.

7. UOW College Hong Kong / CCCU’s Rule on Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is central to the conduct of academic work. Students are expected to present their
own work, give proper acknowledgement of other’s work, and honestly report findings obtained.
Academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offence in UOWCHK/CCCU. Any related offence can
lead to disciplinary action with a penalty including expulsion from UOWCHK/CCCU and
debarment from re-admission.

8. Academic Regulation on Illness or Other Circumstances Affecting Assessment

 If you are not able to attend an examination or in-course assessment (eg group written report)
contributing a weighting of 20% or above to the assessment of a course due to extenuating
circumstances such as illness, hospitalization, accident, family bereavement or other
unforeseeable serious personal or emotional circumstances, you need to inform within one
week of the scheduled task to your home academic unit offering the programme in which
you are enrolled. Please refer to the Academic Regulations on Illness or other Circumstances
Affecting Assessment for details:
" "

9. Lecture and Tutorial Schedule

Wk Lecture Topic Text Tutorial

1 The Management Process Ch. 1 Overview of the Course and assessment
Formation of teams and allocation of
presentation questions
2 Ethics and Social Responsibility Ch. 3 Question for discussion (related to Lecture 1)
3 Managing the Global Environment Ch. 4 Group presentation 1 (related to Lecture 1)
4 Decision Making Ch. 5 Group presentation 2 (related to Lecture 2)
5 Planning and Strategy Ch. 6 Group presentation 3 (related to Lecture 3)
6 Designing Organizational Structure Ch. 7 Group presentation 4 (related to Lecture 4)
7 Managing Human Resources Ch. 12 Q & A for test
8 Motivation Ch. 9 Group presentation 5 (related to Lecture 5)
9 Effective Communication Ch. 13 Group project consultation
10 Foundation of Control Ch. 8 Group presentation 6 (related to Lecture 7)
11 Managing Business Function Ch. 14 Group presentation 7 (related to Lecture 8)
(Operation Management)
12 Contemporary Management Concepts Supp Questions for discussion (related to Lecture
Notes 10)
13 Revision Q & A for examination

Remarks: A make-up class, which is normally scheduled in the same week, would be arranged by
your teacher (lecturer for lecture and tutor for tutorial) when a class falls on a public holiday.

10. Tutorial Activities

Week 1 Tutorial – Overview of the Course and Assessment Requirements, Formation of

Teams and Allocation of Presentation Questions

> Overview of the course and assessment requirements

> Formation of teams and allocation of presentation questions

Week 2 Tutorial – Question for Discussion (Week 1 Lecture )

Choose an organization such as a school or a bank; visit it; then list the different kinds of organizational
resources it uses. How do managers use these resources to maintain and improve its performance?

[Source: Adapted from Textbook : McGraw-Hill (2019). Essentials of Contemporary Management, p.28 ]

Week 3 Tutorial – Group Presentation 1 ( Week 1 Lecture )

You and your partners have decided to open a large, full service restaurant in your local community,
it will be opened from 7am to 11pm to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. You and your partners have
little experience in managing a restaurant beyond serving meals or eating in restaurants, and you now
face the task of deciding how you will manage the restaurant and what your respective roles will be.

1. Decide what each partner’s managerial role in the restaurant will be. For example, who will be
responsible for the necessary departments and specific activities ? Describe your managerial hierarchy.

2. Discuss the most important decisions that must be made related to planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling to allow you and your partners to use organizational resources effectively and build a
competitive advantage.

[Source: Adapted from Textbook : McGraw-Hill (2019). Essentials of Contemporary Management, p. 30 ]

Week 4 Tutorial – Group Presentation 2 ( Week 2 Lecture )

Assuming that you and your group members are Student Representatives / the Consultants to the
Principal of the Community College of Charming University (CCCU), you have been told that CCCU
have set aside a total HK$ 2,000,000 as “Scholarship / Incentive Reward” for the students. You need
to recommend how to “reward” the CCCU students. (For the purpose/ ease of demonstration, you may
assume that there are 1,000 each for Year One and Year Two students with a total of 2,000 students
in this academic year.)

1. By using the following 4 Rules for Ethical Decision Making (see the diagram below), propose 4
options (one for each rule) of this Scholarship / Incentive Reward Scheme. Analyze and explain
your rationale of your options.

 Diagram
extracted from

Week 2
Lecture Note :

Ethics and

2. Which of the option you proposed in (1) above will your group (as Student Representatives /
Consultant) recommend to the Principal of CCCU? Justify your recommendation by incorporating
the concept of the “Determinants of Ethics” (see the diagram below)

 Diagram
extracted from

Week 2
Lecture Note :

Ethics and

Week 5 Tutorial – Group Presentation 3 ( Week 3 Lecture)

You and your partners have decided to open a large, full-service restaurant at moderate price range in
Hong Kong which will be opened from 7am to 11pm to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

1. Decide what you must know about (a) your future customers, (b) your future competitors, and (c)
other forces in the task environment if you want to be successful.

2. Evaluate the main barriers and the extent of such barriers to enter this industry.

3. Based on this analysis, briefly discuss how you would help your new restaurant business succeed.

Week 6 Tutorial – Group Presentation 4 ( Week 4 Lecture )

You and your partners are trying to decide which kind of restaurant to open in a centrally located
shopping centre that has just been built in Hong Kong. The problem confronting you is that Hong
Kong already has many restaurant that provide different kinds of food at all price ranges. You have
the resources to open any types of restaurant. Your challenge is to decide which type is mostly likely
to succeed. Use the first four steps of the six steps in the decision making process (see the diagram
below) to help you decide which type of restaurant to open.

 Diagram
extracted from

Week 4
Lecture Note :


Week 7 Tutorial – Q & A for Test

You can raise any questions related to course contents to your tutor to better prepare for your test.
Your tutor is ready to help.

Week 8 Tutorial – Group Presentation 5 ( Week 5 Lecture )

You and your partners have decided to open a new clothing chain in Hong Kong.

1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the competing clothing chains in Hong Kong.

2. What business-level strategies are these clothing chains currently pursuing ?

3. Recommend what business-level strategies as well as functional strategies (such as Marketing

functions etc) that would do best against the competition.
(hint : you should decide the kind and scale of clothing chain first)

Week 9 Tutorial – Group Project Consultation

Please be prepared to discuss with your tutor as to which organization and what issues you would like
to study. Seek advice from your tutor before you further proceed. You may draft a one-page outline
of your study and get your tutor’s comments / approval.

Week 10 Tutorial – Group Presentation 6 ( Week 7 Lecture )

You and your three partners are engineers who minored in business at college and have decided to
start a consulting business. Your goal is to provide manufacturing process engineering and other
engineering services to large and small organizations. You forecast that there will be an increased use
of outsourcing for these activities. You discussed with managers in several large organizations the
services you plan to offer, and they expressed considerable interest. You have secured funding to start
your business and now are building the HRM system. Your human resource planning suggests that
you need to hire between five and eight experienced engineers with good technical and communication
skills and two Management Trainees (MTs) who between them have financial, accounting, marketing
and human resource knowledge / skills. You are striving to develop your human resources in a way
that will enable your new business to prosper.

1. Describe the methods you would take to recruit and select (a) the engineers, and (b) MTs.

2. Explain what training and development methods you would use to train and develop the engineers
and MTs.

3. How would you appraise the performance of each group and provide feedback to them?

(hint : in order to make your presentation manageable, you are recommended to

consult your tutor about the scope of your presentation content)

[Source: Modified from Textbook : McGraw-Hill (2019). Essentials of Contemporary Management, p.423]

Week 11 – Group Presentation 7 ( Week 8 Lecture )

Suppose you work as a human resources officer in a large local business conglomerate which employs
more than 37,000 staff in Hong Kong. As more and more Gen-Yers enter the workforce and succeed
managerial positions, your immediate supervisor wants to understand more about them so as to make
recommendations to your company to better attract, motivate, and retain them. He now asks you to
conduct a secondary research and then answer the following questions.

1. Define Generation Y.

2. What are the things that motivate Generation Y employees? Suggest some ways to motivate
them. Use relevant motivation theories to explain your answer.

3. Do differences really exist (in terms of motivation) among Generation Y and its previous two
generations – Generation X and Baby Boomers?

Week 12 Tutorial – Questions for Discussion ( Week 10 Lecture )

1. How are planning and controlling linked? Is the controlling function linked to the organizing and
leading functions of management? Explain.

2. Assume that you are a Restaurant Manager in a chained restaurant and need to manage a group of
serving staff (such as waiter / waitress etc). Discuss with examples how you could use direct
supervision with your restaurant serving staff.

Week 13 Tutorial – Q & A for Examination

You can raise any questions related to contents of this course to your tutor to clarify and improve your
understanding. Your tutor is ready to help.

- 10 -
UOW College HK / CCCU

Form D -- Assignment Declaration Cover Sheet

Assignment Topic :

Programme (eg ABA Accounting): _________________________________


Course Code: BUS10306

Tutorial Group and Group Alphabet (eg TA9 and Group K): _______________

Tutor: __________________________________

Submission Date: __________________________________

Plagiarism Declaration

I/We understand that Plagiarism is regarded as a very serious offence in UOWCHK / CCCU. Any
related offence will lead to disciplinary action.

I/We declare that, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, this assignment is my/our own work,
all sources have been acknowledged and the assignment contains no plagiarism.

I/We further declare that I/We have NOT previously submitted this work or any version / part of
it for assessment in any other course offered by UOWCHK / CCCU or any other education
institution in Hong Kong or overseas. If a clear case of plagiarism is found, penalties may include
failure for this course, suspension from study, expulsion from UOWCHK/ CCCU, and debarment
from re-admission

Student Name Student Number Signature Date

- 11 -
BUS10306 Management
Form P -- Group PRESENTATION Assessment Form
(Please fill in the required information in this box and attach this completed form to your hard copy PPT slides in your submission)

Tutorial Class No. T __________ Group _________ Week _______ Name of Tutor ______________________________

Student Name Student Number Proportion of Contribution(%) Signature

Assessment Fail Marginal Fair Good Excellent Comments

Criteria (F) (D) (C- to C+) (B- to B+) (A- to A+) (if any)
Application of Almost no relevant Few relevant Some relevant concepts Many relevant Most relevant concepts
Theories (30%) concepts understood concepts understood understood and suitably concepts understood understood and suitably
and applied and suitably applied applied and suitably applied applied
CILO 1,2,3,4,5 F (0~10.4) D (≥10.5) C-(≥12) C(≥13.5) C+(≥15) B- (≥16.5) B(≥18) B+(≥19.5) A-(≥21) A(≥22.5) A+(≥24) Marks:
Analysis,  Very limited,  Some analysis and  Somewhat clear,  Rather clear,  Very clear,
Arguments and unclear and arguments though comprehensive, and comprehensive, and comprehensive, and
Organization of illogical analysis may not be clear or logical analysis and logical analysis and logical analysis and
Content and arguments logical arguments arguments arguments
(30%)  Messy contents with  Unclear structure  With a structure which  Clear structure that  Very clear structure
little or no structure is somewhat unclear is easy to follow that enhances
CILO 1,2,3,4,5 F (0~10.4) D (≥10.5) C-(≥12) C(≥13.5) C+(≥15) B- (≥16.5) B(≥18) B+(≥19.5) A-(≥21) A(≥22.5) A+(≥24) Marks:
Time Could not finish within  Too short: shorter  Within 15-25 mins  Within 15-25 mins  Within 15-25 mins
Management 25 minutes than 15 minutes  Poor allocation of time  Fair allocation of time  Good allocation of
(5%) for different questions for different questions time for questions
----- F (0~1.74) D (≥1.75) C-(≥2) C(≥2.25) C+(≥2.5) B- (≥2.75) B(≥3) B+(≥3.25) A-(≥3.5) A(≥3.75) A+(≥4) Marks:
Presentation  Voice not heard  Pace too fast or  Pace a bit too fast or  Pace just right, quite  Pace just right, good
Skills (15%) slow, voice too slow, little variation in good variation in variation in voice and
 Little or no eye loud or soft, tone and voice voice and tone tone inflection
contact monotone or erratic inflection inflection  Good eye contact
voice inflection  Some eye contact  Adequate eye contact  Very few distracting
 Reading from notes  Little eye contact  Some distracting  Few distracting gestures
completely  Lots of distracting gestures gestures  Fluent delivery
gestures  Somewhat halting  Smooth delivery  Seldom reading from
 Didn’t make use of  Halting delivery delivery  Limited reading from notes
visual aids at all  Reading from notes  Reading from notes notes  Make effective use
mostly frequently  Visual aids used of visual aids
 Visual aids poorly  Visual aids could be adequately
used improved
CILO 5 F (0~5.24) D(≥5.25) C-(≥6) C(≥6.75) C+(≥7.5) B- (≥8.25) B(≥9) B+(≥9.75) A-(≥10.5) A(≥11.25) A+(≥12) Marks:
Interaction No effort to engage Some effort but  Some effort and a bit  More effort and quite  Substantial effort and
with Audience audience unable to engage able to engage able to engage very able to engage
and Creativity  No creativity at all audience audience audience audience
(10%)  Try to be creativity  Show a bit of creativity  Creative and lively  Highly creative and
(through out the
but not effective attractive to student
whole presentation)
CILO 5 F (0~3.4) D (≥3.5) C-(≥4) C(≥4.5) C+(≥5) B- (≥5.5) B(≥6) B+(≥6.5) A-(≥7) A(≥7.5) A+(≥8) Marks:
Discussion No answer(s) at all / Some but poor Some and fair answers Good answers to some Good answers to most
AND Q & A Very poor answer(s) answers questions questions
CILO 5 F (0~3.4) D (≥3.5) C-(≥4) C(≥4.5) C+(≥5) B- (≥5.5) B(≥6) B+(≥6.5) A-(≥7) A(≥7.5) A+(≥8) Marks:
Total Marks (subject to moderation by course examiner)

Mark Deduction :  Late submission (10% every 24 hours) : ______________ LESS Deduction 
Overall Grade (subject to moderation by course examiner)

Overall Comments: Signature of Tutor : ______________________ Date : __________

BUS10306 Management
Form R -- Group WRITTEN REPORT Assessment Form
(Please fill in the required information in this box and attach this completed form to your hard copy report in your submission)

Project Title :

Tutorial Class No. : T______ Group : ____ Word Count : ______ Name of Tutor : ____________ Submission Date : ___________

Student Name Student Number % of Contribution Student declaration relating to plagiarism Signature
We declare this assignment is entirely our own work except where we
have given fully documented references to the work of others, and that
the material in this assignment has not been previously submitted for
assessment in any formal course of study.

We hereby confirm that all our group members have contributed more
or less equally to the preparation of this written report as indicated in
the % of contribution column. Otherwise, different marks would be
given based on the proportion of work contributed as indicated below.

Assessment Fail Marginal Fair Good Excellent Comments

Criteria (F) (D) (C- to C+) (B- to B+) (A- to A+) (if any)
Application of Fail to apply any Limited theories Some application of Good application of High level of theories
Theories (30%) theories to the subject application to the theories to the specific theories to the specific application to the
of the study. topic of the study. topic of the study. topic of the study. subject of the study.
CILO 1,2,3,4,5 F (0~10.4) D (≥10.5) C-(≥12) C(≥13.5) C+(≥15) B- (≥16.5) B(≥18) B+(≥19.5) A-(≥21) A(≥22.5) A+(≥24) Marks:
Analysis,  The content has  Some analysis and  Somewhat clear,  Rather clear,  Very clear,
Arguments and been arguments though comprehensive, and comprehensive, and comprehensive,
Organization of failed to address may not be clear or logical analysis and logical analysis and logical analysis
Content relevant issues . logical . arguments . arguments . and arguments .
(40%)  Messy contents with  Unclear structure.  With a structure which  Clear structure that  Very clear structure
little or no structure. is somewhat unclear. is easy to follow. to enhance
CILO 1,2,3,4,5 F (0~13.9) D (≥14) C-(≥16) C(≥18) C+(≥20) B- (≥22) B(≥24) B+(≥26) A-(≥28) A(≥30) A+(≥32) Marks:

Recommend- No or weak Clear but not Clear and sufficient Clear, critical and Creative
ation (10%) recommendation and creative recommendation and creative and well- recommendation
not using theory to recommendation use sufficient theories grounded in theory well-grounded in
support. and use few theories to support. recommendation. theory with new
to support. concepts.
CILO 1,2,3,4,5 F (0~3.4) D (≥3.5) C-(≥4) C(≥4.5) C+(≥5) B- (≥5.5) B(≥6) B+(≥6.5) A-(≥7) A(≥7.5) A+(≥8) Marks:
Written  No reference or poor  No citation within  Some citations within  Most of the citations  All needed citations
Presentation referencing format. the body of the the body of the report were included in the were included in the
and report. and a corresponding report. report.
Reference  Pages or paragraphs reference list were  References matched
(10%) with multiple  Lots of mistakes presented.  A corresponding the citations, and all
grammar and found in the reference list was were encoded in the
punctuation errors. reference list.  Some formatting presented. appropriate
problem exists. referencing format.
 _______________  _______________  _______________  ______________
 __________________

CILO 5 F (0~3.4) D (≥3.5) C-(≥4) C(≥4.5) C+(≥5) B- (≥5.5) B(≥6) B+(≥6.5) A-(≥7) A(≥7.5) A+(≥8) Marks:
Language,  Too many careless  A few significant  Some grammar and  Minor grammar and  No grammar or
Spelling and and unnecessary grammar and punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
Grammar mistakes. punctuation errors.
(10%)  __________________  ______________  _______________
 _______________  ______________

----- F (0~3.4) D (≥3.5) C-(≥4) C(≥4.5) C+(≥5) B- (≥5.5) B(≥6) B+(≥6.5) A-(≥7) A(≥7.5) A+(≥8) Marks:
Total Marks (subject to moderation by course examiner)
Mark Deduction :  Late submission (10% every 24 hours) : ______________
 Exceeding work limit (10% every 250 words) : _________ TOTAL Deduction 
Overall Grade (subject to moderation by course examiner)

Overall Comments
Signature of Tutor : ______________________ Date : __________


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