Different Type of Chillers
Different Type of Chillers
Different Type of Chillers
Absorption Chillers
Absorption chiller is a machine which operates based on vapour absorption
refrigeration cycle. This cycle consists of four major heat exchangers,
(generator, condenser, evaporator and absorber) with two kinds of solution,
(refrigerant and absorbent). During this cycle high pressure will prevail inside
generator and condenser, while inside evaporator and absorber there will be
low pressure. The cycle starts with input waste heat in the generator. As a
result of this heat input, the solution in the generator will be separated into
refrigerant and weak solution. The refrigerant in the vapour form will enter into
condenser and will change into liquid. The solution part will enter absorber,
since there is a pressure difference between condenser and evaporator, the
refrigerant will flow inside evaporator and will absorb heat from cooled water
that is in circulation inside evaporator. Consequently, the temperature of
circulated water decreases and then it is used for air-conditioning purpose.
The evaporated refrigerant will then enter absorber where it will be mixed with
weak solution, the mixture will then get the liquid state and finally it will enter
generator and the cycle is repeated. The schematic diagram of the vapour
absorption refrigeration cycle has been shown in Fig. 3.