This document provides guidelines for 3D modeling of engineering designs including equipment, piping, structures, civil works, and electrical and instrumentation. It outlines considerations for equipment positioning and piping routing to ensure proper spacing, access, drainage, and clearance is maintained. Piping modeling should follow design philosophies, standards, and reference key documents. Proper support spans, insulation, drainage and maintenance access must be provided.
This document provides guidelines for 3D modeling of engineering designs including equipment, piping, structures, civil works, and electrical and instrumentation. It outlines considerations for equipment positioning and piping routing to ensure proper spacing, access, drainage, and clearance is maintained. Piping modeling should follow design philosophies, standards, and reference key documents. Proper support spans, insulation, drainage and maintenance access must be provided.
This document provides guidelines for 3D modeling of engineering designs including equipment, piping, structures, civil works, and electrical and instrumentation. It outlines considerations for equipment positioning and piping routing to ensure proper spacing, access, drainage, and clearance is maintained. Piping modeling should follow design philosophies, standards, and reference key documents. Proper support spans, insulation, drainage and maintenance access must be provided.
This document provides guidelines for 3D modeling of engineering designs including equipment, piping, structures, civil works, and electrical and instrumentation. It outlines considerations for equipment positioning and piping routing to ensure proper spacing, access, drainage, and clearance is maintained. Piping modeling should follow design philosophies, standards, and reference key documents. Proper support spans, insulation, drainage and maintenance access must be provided.
Engineering Service Capability PDMS/SP3D 3D Modelling
1. Equipment 2. Piping 3. Structural 4. Civil 5. Electrical and Instruments Equipment 3D Modelling
1. Before Equipment positioning we need to consider below points,
• Man access • Space consideration for plant • Underground piping and UG drains 2. Equipment vendor drawing need to be check 3. Nozzle orientation, size and Ratings 4. Nozzle sizes to be cross check with P&ID also 5. Man Hole clearance to be maintain 6. Tank slope to be check Piping 3D Modelling
While modelling Pipe Below Documents to be Refer,
• We need to study the design philosophy for particular project
• PMS and line list we need to Refer • P&ID and Legend • Numbering philosophy • Instrument Hook-up drawings • Valve and instrument data sheets • Piping support standard • Critical and non critical line list to be Refer • Tie-In points locations if applicable • Client standard like shell DEP or OSID or Other standards Piping 3D Modellig
Piping basic engineering while modelling
• As per P&ID to be model
• We need cross check nozzle sizes with equipment GA drawings • Pipe to pipe space to be maintain • Piping insulation or tracing to be maintain each Fittings and Pipes • Any drain connection bottom of valve/flange to floor/platform minimum distance to be maintain (minimum 150mm but standard 300mm) Refer snaps • We need provide high point vent or low point drain for 3D loop and if line routed with pockets there also • All valve and instruments to be modelled as per accessible area • Above tank any valves or instruments are there means we need provide platform Clearance For Drain connection Piping 3D Modellig
• Man walkway and Maintenance to be maintain
• Head room clearance to be maintain-2.1meter • Support span to be check • Possibility combined support to be modelled • Insulation line above 2” shoe it will come • Other than CS pipe (insulated or non-insulated) like SS and AS base plate or wear pad it will come • Maintenance space 750mm width height 2100mm • Strainer and control and instrument removal space we need consider • For control valve, Strainers/Filters, Inline valve, Spectle blind, Instrument valves, Flow meters, Actuated valves and other piping valves access way and Maintenance refer below, Piping 3D Modellig Platform requirement and standard Clearance Pipes Clearance Pipes Clearance In-between Two Pipes
d= ½ Flange OD + ½ Bare pipe OD + Both Pipe Insulation Thickness + 30mm(flange OD should be higher size pipe) (minimum 50mm) Clearance In-between Two Pipes
d= ½ Flange OD + ½ Bare pipe OD + 75mm (flange OD should be higher size pipe) (minimum 50mm) Clearance In-between Two Pipes
d= ½ Flange OD + ½ Bare pipe OD + Insulation Thickness + 75mm (flange OD should be higher size pipe) (minimum 50mm) Clearance In-between Pipes and Structure
d= ½ Flange OD + ½ Structure Member size+ 75mm
(Minimum 50mm) Clearance In between civil and Pipes
• Any civil foundation or equipment we need maintain minimum gap 30mm
safe gap 50mm • Long running pipes max 150m once we need to provide one loop • Higher pressure Steam lines all loops and pocket location we need to provide steam trap assembly. • Control valve and pipe rack& combined support location eccentric flat side down reducer to be provided • Pump suction line we need to use eccentric flat side up reducer • Flare line tapping or connection should be lateral connection or 45 deg otherwise 90 deg. • Flare line slope always towards knock drum side only Pipe Routing For Columns Pipe Routing For Pipe Rack Valve operation Valve operation Navis file • From PDMS to we will convert Navis file like nwd format • EXPORT FILE /D:/XXX.RVM • EXPORT AUTOCOLOUR ON • EXPORT HOLES ON • EXPORT CE • EXPORT FINISH