Questionnaire: Consumer Protection Scenario in Life Insurance Sector: With Special Reference To State of Punjab
Questionnaire: Consumer Protection Scenario in Life Insurance Sector: With Special Reference To State of Punjab
Questionnaire: Consumer Protection Scenario in Life Insurance Sector: With Special Reference To State of Punjab
Sincerely yours
(Baldeep Singh)
Part- A (for policyholders only)
Distinct personal profile
Name : _______________________________
1. One must have a suitable insurance policy in these days of uncertainty
3. You have been dealing with above insurance company for the last how
many years?
a) Monthly b) Quarterly
c) Half yearly d) yearly
5. Your mode of premium.
7. How do you find the premium rates of private life insurance as against
public life insurance companies?
8. Life insurance in your opinion is important because of (Give Multiple
a) Risk cover b) Tax saving
c) Investment d) confidence building
e) All of them
12. Life needs protection due to uncertainties and as such long period
policy (15-20 years) is normal.
13. Do you feel that Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is sufficient to protect
the interests of policy holders?
14. Insurance sector is prone to deficiencies in services like other
service areas?
16. Agents or insurance officials do not tell or disclose the Negative points
of the scheme/policies to the consumer while selling the same.
18. Periodical amounts of Money back policies when fall due are not paid
in many cases by insurance companies.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
21. Final payment on expiry of the term of policy is made to the policy
holder/nominee immediately without delay.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Entry of private companies has widened the scope of insurance
sector in India.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
29. Inspite of so much of awareness by CPA and strictness by IRDA,
customers are entrapped by false promises by the insurance companies.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
30. If the negative features are intentionally kept secret by an agent/ sub
agent, he/she should be penalized.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Dear respondents,
The prime motto of conducting this research Endeavour is to study the working of life insurance sector. The
responses given by you would be of great importance and will help me in arriving at logical conclusions.
I hereby declare that the information provided by you shall be kept completely confidential and shall be used
only for research purpose. Your identity and information shall not be disclosed.
Sincerely yours
(Baldeep Singh)
Name : _______________________________
2. It is true that assignments in the insurance sector are target linked and
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
7. Term & conditions of the contract are not explained to the consumers
by life insurance advisors/ agents/sub agents.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
9. Insurance companies issue notices for payment of premium as and
when the premium becomes due, so that penalty is not imposed on the
policy holder.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
11. Claims of Pre mature payment in case of death or disability are not
decided for months.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
16. Your company believes in long lasting relationship with the clientele
based on fair play and transparency.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
17. With the fixing of commission by IRDA, the interests of customers are
now better protected than before.
Strongly Agree Agree neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
21. To what extent the following kind of inputs your company offers to
your customers to increase the sales volume?
a) Organize seminars, work shop
b) Sponsor conferences
c) Gifts
d) Literature
e) Promote new concept