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Healing Stories of People Final Editing

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The book contains stories of people who were healed from cancer and other terminal illnesses through faith and lifestyle changes.

It is a compilation of stories of people who were healed from various illnesses like cancer, tumors, and other terminal diseases through faith and changing their lifestyles based on what they did and what the reader can do.

The author Ogo Ogbueli has other books, audio recordings, and online resources available on their website covering topics like health, healing, the Holy Spirit, finances, and more.





Compiled By

Ogo Ogbueli
(What they did and what you can do)

This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page
copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are

taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Disclaimer: This book is neither intended to provide medical advice nor replace professional health care consultation.
(email "contact" link provided on this website)

ISBN: 9780463041796

Copyright © 2018 Ogo Ogbueli

All rights reserved.
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Special thanks to God my Heavenly Father for your love and grace towards me.

Thanks to my husband Davinny Ogbueli for taking the loads off my shoulders, allowing me to do what I love to do
(empowering and encouraging people), and to my special children David, Blessing, Praise, Gifted and Daniel Wealth, thank
you for being very good children.

Thank you Pastor David Ogbueli for being an examplary father and leader, and for being soo supportive. Thanks to my
wonderful mum (Mrs. Adaeze Abana) and sibling for always supporting and encouraging me. Thanks to all my Faith Thinz
family for always motivating me to do more. Thanks to my special partners Ijeoma Odeta, Oby Uzoh, Nnenna Uche for
helping me do this work.

Thank you Jacquie Woodward, Venus Demarco, Aster Mullins, Pastor Shirley Mitchell Williams, Pastor Mike Hoesch,
Pastor Jerry Basinger and Evangelist Lashea McKinney for personally permitting me to use your story in this book.

Special thanks to Jacquie Woodward (Mum J) for always encouraging me and for editing and forewarding this book.
I love and appreciate you all.

Ogo Ogbueli has compiled a book of treasure maps that successfully brought several people through and out of the mine
field of terrible sickness and disease. Each testimony stands alone as a spiritual navigation miracle in that each person
eventually, if not immediately, allows Holy Spirit to lead them point-by-point out of dark oppression and into the Glory light
of the risen Messiah. First, their spirits come into resonance with the Lord’s Spirit; then, we witness the thrilling process of
their bodies and souls catching up with their own resurrected spirits.

We see, of course, the living breathing Word of God act, in very practical ways, as the powerful catalyst for the ‘divine
transformation’ these shared accounts of healing and restoration show us. As I meditated on the mystery of healing in
preparation for writing this “foreword”, I asked Holy Spirit for specific Scriptural insights to share. Interestingly, He led me
to consider Luke 24’s narration of “The Road to Emmaus”.

Initially, I wasn’t sure I saw the connection; then, I recalled the darkest moment of my own life when, in the oppressive
stupor of cancer ‘seeming to be winning’, I heard myself say to God, “If it’s my time to leave this world, I can accept that;
but, I cannot accept that “by His (Jesus’) stripes I wasn’t healed. I cannot accept that Your Word is not true in my life. I
cannot accept being another notch on satan’s belt.” Surely that ‘pit of despair experience’ was a glimpse of the same
overwhelming confusion and fear Jesus’ contemporary followers felt upon His death and prior to his resurrection. Without
Jesus, they (and we) have no hope. There might be counterfeit physical healing obtained through some other spiritual source
but it can only be temporal and not eternal without Jesus.

Consider the Emmaus Road encounter I’ll paraphrase. Two disciples (likely a married couple within Jesus’ larger band
of followers) are walking the seven mile trip home in a cloud of oppression—confusion, despair, fear of circumstances—truly
disappointed to the core as though following Jesus had failed them. So Jesus comes along and joins them moving as always
in great compassion. (Note: Compassion does something about the situation whereas pity is just participation within the
oppression.) However Jesus withholds His identity from them. That doesn’t seem compassionate at first. However, He
spends miles of walking time teaching them about Himself in the Scripture that was available to Jews at the time of Christ.
The Bible as they knew it, of course, was Old Testament and would have remained that way had there been no
resurrection. Indeed, celebrating Christmas would be a moot point without the events of Easter. So, Jesus patiently re-
teaches his desperate friends the writings of the Law and the Prophets drawing their attention to the Messianic Scriptures.
Doing that, of course, draws their focus to their witnessing his own earthly ministry. They later remark that his words, “made
their hearts burn within them”. They became so hungry for this “stranger’s” company that they plead with him to stay in their
home with them overnight. He complies.

Their eyes are opened to the reality of Jesus, the Christ, WITH them when they go to the table to break bread and drink
wine which Jesus leads even though in his hosts’ house. Instantly, the two KNOW the Savior is WITH them and they are, in
truth, within the realm of glory through this revelation. Holy Communion remains a portal to His glory.

Jesus is suddenly not visible to them but they KNOW he is still WITH them and the Word of God in Scripture has
shown them the truth. They KNOW Jesus has been victorious and ALL the forces of darkness have been overcome
regardless of what they have visibly seen. They can remain IN this Kingdom of Light that Jesus has established. It’s not over
as they thought when they saw Jesus die on the cross.

By the prophesies Jesus obviously shared with the two, we can also know that Jesus’ death and resurrection give us
provision, wholeness (of body, soul, and spirit), and authority over creation and over evil. We have even more than these
disciples had at the moment Jesus led them from oppression to glory. We also have the reality of Pentecost in which the
Holy Spirit came WITH POWER that emboldened and released from oppression ALL who then and now proclaim and
embrace Jesus. We are meant to walk in that power which is within the Word of God where we are given authority to invoke
the Mighty Name of Jesus—that glorious name above ALL other named things. We have a legal power of attorney.

In our risen Lord, we have Great Treasure—a new and better covenant and a real and powerful inheritance. When we
focus on His finished work, healing is absolute. We have authority over the author of disease. The enemy knows it. God
knows it. Witness this truth unveiled in this book, Praise God.

I remember being in a faith conference in a certain church , and in one of the night services, a young lady took the stage
to share her testimony. It was the most amazing testimony and became the highlight of that entire conference for me.

The woman shared the story of God healing her of a cancerous tumor that was deep inside her nostrils. She said the
doctors told her they would have to cut into part of her face in order to operate on it, but she grabbed hold of God's Word and
began speaking to the tumor—commanding it to leave in Jesus Name. She specifically told the cancer that she would sneeze
it out of her nostrils in Jesus Name. Many nights, she stayed awake in pain but also dancing and praising God for her healing
and deliverance. Then one day, as she was talking to the cancer, she sneezed, and something fell out from her nose, she
caught it with her hands and was shocked at how big it was and that it was able to come out of her nose. She took it to her
doctor, and after they ran tests, they confirmed it was the cancerous tumor and she was declared "cancer free” by the doctors.

This testimony made such an impression on me, so much that I have used it to encourage lots of people. One year later,
I had a leading in my spirit to start a 365 days of healing and health group, where we can share God's Word concerning our
healing and health, minister to the sick, and teach people how to heal the sick. I immediately remembered the testimony
above, and decided to reach out to the lady whose testimony I shared above and ask her to help teach and minister to some
people that had cancer diagnoses in the group. I reasoned that if she shared her testimony with them about how she had stood
on God’s Word and received her deliverance, it would encourage them to do the same.

So I went back to the church in search of her, and was happy to meet an usher who knew the lady at the earlier
conference whose testimony had made such an impression on me. I shared my idea and plans with him. He took me outside
and gave me the sad news that she had passed on a few months after that conference. Yes, she got her healing—she had the
doctor’s report to verify it. And she had gone back to her normal life and work, but she had a relapse which took her from
this life.
As the elder continued to speak, fear gripped me. I had goose bumps all over and my mind was asking lots of questions
at the same time: What went wrong? Does it mean that people cannot be healed and stay healed of cancer? Did the Word she
stood on fail?. With these questions bombarding on my mind, I urgently needed answers because I was extremely shaken by
the news of this young woman’s death after such a strong testimony.

Moments later, the worship service began, and I went back into the church to join in. Still in shock, I couldn't sing or
worship and I just sat down thinking of what had gone wrong. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of the story of Dodie
Osteen (Joel Osteen's mother), how she was diagnosed with a very deadly liver cancer and was given up by the doctors who,
by facts, anticipated she would die shortly. However, she went home and refused to go to bed, and started taking God's Word
as medicine, just like she would take a medication prescribed to her by a doctor. She wrote down healing scriptures and
confessed them daily—morning, noon and night until every symptom of cancer left her. She often shares that she still takes
the Word of God as medicine every day. At this sharing she is still alive and well to the Glory of God.
When He brought Mrs. Osteen’s testimony to me, the Holy Spirit emphasized to me, that we must continue with the Word of
God even after receiving our victory, because our adversary, Satan, does not go on vacation. He is stalking around (as 1
Peter 5:8 tells us) and constantly trying to attack us.

Holy Spirit greatly encouraged me with these words and strengthened my faith so that before long, I found myself
singing, dancing and praising God at the church service with everyone else.

I left that service empowered to go on with the "365 days of healing and health group”, where we now share God's Word
for our healing and health daily, minister to the sick, and teach people how to heal the sick. We have received myriads of
testimonies of God’s goodness manifested in people’s lives. We, of course, stand on the truth that God’s Word is medicine
for all round wellness as well as deliverance from disease.

I am not in any way suggesting that this dear lady in my story above did not continue with the Word of God, and I have
no idea why she had to die. Pastor Jerry Basinger of Healing Life Ministries summarized my thoughts concerning this matter
in a mailing to me saying: “Like you, I have known those who died in faith, confessing God's Word to the last breath, and I
have no answer why they died. We often don't know what goes on in their mind behind closed doors. Perhaps fear? Doubt?
But this I know, God's Word worked for me and continues to work for me. Better to die in faith than to live in compromise.
Steven was martyred for his faith, and there will be many others who will stand on the Word and die for it as well. I wonder
myself why some who believe still die, but GOD knows even if He never tells us. But He has healed many for me, and for
that I am most happy. And many of them have gone on to do mighty things for the LORD.” Jerry Basinger's story is featured
and you can read it in the 10th chapter of this book.

The direct instruction to write this book came on the 14th of August 2018, the day a dear friend/sister went to be with
the Lord at age 35 after battling with breast cancer.

God wants people well and he wants us to know how to be well through the truths he has already shared in his Word for
I believe information is a major key
to living a very healthy life.

I pray that as you read this book, you will be encouraged by the real life testimonies of the people featured in it and that
you will find useful information including links to various resource sites that will help strengthen your faith in God as the
Healer and also give you the motivation to make necessary lifestyle changes to steward your healing journey.

Be encouraged to stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. In this overly medicated world, we must know and
believe that divine healing and divine health belongs to us, it is our personal property that Jesus already purchased for us. It is
a major part of the redemption package.

With Love,

Ogo Ogbueli


Venus DeMarco is passionate about health, healing,

and the power of faith. Why is she passionate? Because she exper ienced the m iraculous.

Against the advice of her doc tors, she was healed of cancer without chemo, radiation, or surgery. She went out on her

own, armed only with an unshakeable belief that “all things are possible with God.”

She is living proof!

Having been raised in a m ilitary fam ily and living in Asia, Europe and all over the United States, Venus shares, “I was exposed
to many lifesty les and traditions which taught me to always keep an open m ind and think outside the box.

I was in the natural skin care industry and self-employed for well over 30 years and have owned businesses in California;

Seattle, Washington; Sun Valley, Idaho, and now in Austin, Texas, which I called home for eight years. I am now res iding in
Safety Harbor Florida.

On April 10, 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through my professional exper ience and passion for nutrition, I
was well aware of the body’
s ability to heal itself given the right tools. Af ter speaking with many doc tors, I chose NOT to
take the conventional route of removing my breasts and undergoing chemotherapy. I dec ided to try a lot of natural healing
methods and give my body the tools to get well.

Saving my life and keeping my breasts, was very important to me. Since 2009, I have been on a fac t-f inding m ission
and I played the role of a human guinea pig. And now, I want to save other women the time and the money by sharing my

story. Being diagnosed with cancer led me to view health from a different light and to essentially relearn some of what I
understood about wellness and nutrition. From that time forward I have taken a passion for the knowledge of wellness to a

burning and powerful interest in continually growing in my knowledge.

On May 31, 2013 I dec ided to leave the skin care profession, change my life’
s direc t ion, and pursue my new dream of
being an author, motivational speaker, and health coach.

I t has become my m ission to make a positive difference in people’

s lives, from the simples t c ircumstances to many of

the most disturbing illnesses fac ing mankind. In this lifetime, my goal is to motivate people to take their “Health”in their
own hands and not wait to change until af ter they become ill, but instead make wellness and health a priority!

Cr edi t: Venus DeMar co A heal thy l if e m ade si m pl e
Used w i th per m i ssi on f r om Venus DeMar co


M ike and Aster Mullins live with their fam ily in Buncrana, Co. Donegal, Ireland, the home of the famous hymn,
“Amazing Grace”. In September of 2009, they welcomed their fourth son into the world. Their new baby, Andrew, was the

f if th child, and from the beginning, Aster considered him her vic tory baby.

In December 2010, M ike and Aster noticed something was bothering Andrew. Their 15-month-old was behaving

strangely; he was not eating well, he was losing weight, and he had begun banging his head. Troubled, the Mullins had
Andrew exam ined by their fam ily doc tor, and they found that Andrew had infec tions in both ears. The doc tor prescr ibed

antibiotics, and the Mullins went about their business—off to Holland to celebrate Christmas.

When they returned to Ireland af ter Christmas, Andrew was still not well and Aster noticed a small lump on his back.
When she saw it, she was gripped with fear.

The Mullins called their doc tor again and took Andrew in for another consultation. The Doc tor then arranged an

appointment with the pediatric ian in their local hospital. In hindsight, Aster remembers try ing hard to pac ify Andrew during
that meeting instead of lett ing the doc tor see the full extent of his tantrums and unsettled behavior. The pediatric ian
exam ined Andrew but did not see an urgency to scan him. About a week later the Mullins received a letter for an

appointment to scan Andrew in m id march.

About two weeks af ter visiting the pediatric ian, M ike and Aster noticed that Andrew was looking scrawny, and they
also noticed that one of his legs was hot to the touch, while the other was very cold. Once again, they brought him to their

local general prac titioner who was both surprised and shocked that Andrew hadn’
t yet been scanned. He immediately

made arrangements for the Mullins to go straight to their local hospital to get Andrew scanned as a matter of urgency.

Aster packed a bag, just in case Andrew would be kept overnight, and brought their son to the hospital for the scan.
That Monday Andrew was exam ined and adm itted to the hospital, where they scanned him on Tuesday and Wednesday. On

Thursday, af ter a consultation with staff at Crum lin Hospital in Dublin, Ireland’
s larges t pediatric fac ility, Andrew was
immediately transferred to Crum lin, where they did more scans, urine tests and exam inations.

On February 25, 2011 the Mullins were told that Andrew had a very aggressive form of cancer called, High Risk
Neuroblastoma. He was already at stage four and had a tumor measuring 7cm x 8cm x 21cm. Andrew was just 17 months

The Mullins, stunned by the news, found their lives turned upside down. They were thrust into a world f illed with
cancer jargon and term inology and put on a very steep learning curve. Aster said it felt like Andrew had been given a death

sentence— like she had already lost her littlest boy.

On the following Monday, Andrew underwent further test ing and preparation for treatment inc luding the inser tion of a
catheter into his neck. This spec ial catheter would be used to deliver chemotherapy, blood produc ts and a protocol of
treatments that would last almost a year and a half.

Bone marrow tests and further, more invasive, scanning of Andrew’

s body revealed that he had over 90% cancer in his

bone marrow, and that the disease was in every bone of his body apart from his hands and his feet.

As they turned to the God they knew for help, they began to pray and plead for healing. In an effort to mobilize as

many people as possible to pray for his son, M ike immediately set up a Facebook page for Andrew. The page brought nearly
5000 people together to “storm heavens gates”on Andrew’
s behalf. Their battle raged.

Three weeks af ter Andrew was diagnosed, Aster gave birth to their sixth child (four weeks premature). They named

their baby girl, Grace.

Among the mail the fam ily received af ter Grace’

s birth, was a parcel which inc luded Andrew Wommack’
s teaching
ser ies, G od W a n ts Y ou W e ll. “The title, funny enough, really didn’
t do it for me at all. At the time I was so raw, I thought,

yeah right, what do I have to do for that?”recalled Aster. She and M ike put the teaching on a shelf— literally—for months.

The Mullins were (and still are) grateful to all of the nurses and doc tors, who treated Andrew with love and dedication,

but af ter nearly six months of rigorous cancer treatment, and thousands of prayers and prayer meetings, Andrew’
s progress
was slower than expec ted, and both M ike and Aster were worn down. There had to be more than this, they thought. “Do I

have to beg God to have mercy on my child? Do I, as a human being, have more compassion than God does,”M ike
wondered. Their prayer life changed at that point, from prayers begging God to help, to prayers asking God to teach them to


Both Aster and M ike were exhausted. Self adm ittedly, they were in survival mode. As tired and frustrated as M ike was,

t want to be in survival mode. He wanted to be in “more- than-a-conqueror”mode (see Romans 8:37). He also
he didn’
wanted to know what the Bible had to say about healing. I t was at this low point, when the Mullins were on their way to

Dublin for another round of chemo, that they f inally listened to the f irst disk of the G od W a n ts Y ou W e ll S er ie s . The
message resonated deeply within their hearts. “Wow, water to my parched, parched, dried out soul,”Aster dec lared.

“Although we had never heard this message before, it was as if we had,”said M ike with regard to AndrewWommack’

teaching. As the two listened and re- lis tened to the ser ies they became convinced that it is always God’
s will to heal and

that He did want their son well. “We don’

t have to storm Heaven’
s gates; God is not the oppressor; nor was He using
s sickness to teach us a lesson.”M ike realized. They continued downloading and listening to Wommack’
s teaching

and were transformed by rightly discerning the Word of God.

God used Andrew Wommack’

s teaching to point the Mullins back to His Word where they found prom ises to stand on
s healing. “
for their son’ We found prom ises in the Word of God, such as in the book of Proverbs where chapter 15 verse 30

says, “good news brings health to your bones.”said M ike.

Af ter their eyes were opened to the truth, they went to their son, and laid their hands on him with conf ident expec tation.
“We put our hands on his thigh bones and his pelvis and we said, ‘ ve got good news for you, “By His (Jesus)
Bones, we’
stripes you were healed”. (1 Peter 2:24). And in faith, with a total convic tion in my heart, we spoke that Bible verse aloud

standing on the Word of God,”said Aster.

Af ter their prayer, Andrew was tested to see if he had made any progress. To the hospital staff’
s surprise, he had. The

consultant called and told them, “

Mullins’ I don’
t know how to tell you this, but every thing regarding Andrew is up in the air.”
To which M ike inquired, “
Is it up in the air good or up in the air bad?”She said, “
I t’
s up in the air good. Every one of

s bones are completely c lean of cancer… We really didn’
t expec t this.”

t a surprise to the Mullins. “

While the news was unexpec ted by the doc tors, it wasn’ We had learned how to pray with
authority, and it worked,”M ike shared.

Andrew still had ac tive cancer near his spine and, due to its location, it was termed inoperable. As Andrew went in for

continued treatment, Aster asked the Lord for something more. Af ter the vic tory in her son’
s bones, she felt they were past

using scriptures about bones—she asked the Lord for another weapon.

Faithful as always, the Lord showed Aster the story of Ehud (Judges 3:12-25). Through this passage, Aster saw her
weapon revealed; she saw Ehud’
s double-edged dagger as the Word of God, and she thrust her dagger into the remaining

cancer. As they gathered to lay hands on Andrew, Aster prayed, “Cancer, Neuroblastoma, I’
ve got a message from God for
you…By His stripes, Andrew is healed.”Aster lef t that word of God there in Andrew’
s belly not adding anything else to it

because she saw in the Scriptures that Ehud did not remove his dagger from the his adversary’
s (King Eglon’
s) belly. She

knew that, in the end, the medical team would f ind that Andrew’
s remaining cancer, like evil King Eglon, was dead on the
f loor. Her convic tion that nothing could stand against the Word of God gave her conf idence that her son would be

completely cancer free and unaffec ted by the vic ious treatment medications, the side effec ts of which, can also be
devastat ing.

Af ter treatment, when Andrew was tested again for cancer, and for any damage caused by the treatment, his results

came back perfec t; there was no sign of cancer or damage to any of his organs. His eyesight, hearing, heart, lungs and both

kidneys were perfec t.

The Mullins chose to believe what they had learned from Andrew Wommack’
s teaching, the truth about God— that it is
always His will to heal—always. The Mullins’vic tory, and revelation of God’
s amazing grace has brought them a freshness,

exc itement and conf idence in the love and goodness of God. Today, they regular ly visit and pray for the sick and have seen
many healed.

As for Andrew Mullins, Aster said, “He is full of life… I t’

s fantastic to see him very ac tive, very playful and very happy.”

Cr edi t: H ea li n g J ou r n ey , Andr ew Wom ack Mi ni str i es

w w w .aw m i .net

Used w i th per m i ssi on by Andr ew Wom m ack Mi ni str i es



"T he s p ir it of m a n w ill s us ta in h is inf irm ity .”(Prov 18:14)

"H e s en t H is W ord a nd hea led them .”(Ps 107:20)

"H im s e lf took our inf irm ities a nd bore our s ic k nes s es .”(1 Pet 2:24)

These scriptures seemed to leap up from my spirit like a rev iving fountain of life. I was regaining consc iousness af ter

suffering a seizure to f ind myself surrounded by hospital staff and friends. "You're gonna make it ... you're healed by Jesus'
stripes," I could hear them say.

Proverbs 4:20-22 says, "My s on a ttend to m y words ; inc line th ine ea r un to m y s ay ing s . L e t them no t dep a r t from

th ine ey e s ; k eep them in the m ids t of th ine hea r t. F or they a re life un to thos e tha t f ind them a nd hea lth to a ll the ir
f les h."

All my life I had struggled with my health since allergies and asthma were almost a daily happenings. Mama and Daddy
were so caring and always prayed for me. Many nights I remember Daddy holding me in the chair and praying until we both

fell asleep. In the early seventies the light on faith healing began to shine bright in our lives. We devoured books on the
subjec ts of the authority of the believer, healing, and faith. That's when I found out I have a part to play in receiving healing.

I began to see that it is something already purchased for me and through faith I could receive healing.

My faith seemed so small and I struggled so much, but there was hope! Jesus said the Word of God is a seed (Mark 4).

If the seed would be planted by believ ing and watered by acknowledging it out loud through meditation and praise, that
seed would grow to produce results.

I t was as if the light turned on for me! (Psalm 119:130) I had a collec tion of healing scriptures and confessions that I

would meditate on every day. Some nights I had to sit in a chair to breathe. I would get those scriptures, start at the
beginning and go to the end. By then, I would get relief. I would take my medic ine and God's medic ine because Proverbs

4:22 says, "H is words a re hea ling a nd hea lth, m ed ic ine to a ll our f les h." I praised, I cried, I sang, I laughed, and I did my

best to ac t on the Word. All the time the seed was growing.

Several years later we moved to Louisiana where allergies are irr itated more by the molds, etc. But my health began to
get stronger. One thing stands out and it is that fear began to be replaced by boldness and conf idence in the face of my

enem ies.

On Sunday evening, July 7, 1991, I lef t the church service with a headache. A few m inutes later I suffered a seizure. I
thank God for doc tors and others in the medical profession nearby who ac ted quickly to get help.

My husband noticed people going in and out of the service and then ambulance lights outside the church. No one
wanted to disturb the preaching of the Word, so they hesitated to interrupt him. He stopped and inquired as to what was

going on and then heard the report.

Af ter tests, MRI's, etc. had been run, the diagnosis was an inoperable brain tumor. I t really does make a difference

the "company" of people you fellowship with. In times of crisis it will dec ide if there is vic tory or defeat. Mark took a stand
on the Word and dec ided not to fear, but only believe. A sign was posted outside the hospital door which said, "No

Wavering Allowed." Only a few people were adm itted into the room—people of strong faith and loved ones with a spirit of
a conqueror. I found that when your body is down, sensit ivity to others' attitudes is heightened. Sympathy, though well-

meaning, is detrimental. Jesus, Himself, even had to put certain people out of the room to keep faith in (Mark 5:40).

From Monday through Friday many tests were run, tears cried, battles fought, and praises sung. I'm forever grateful to

those dear ones who prayed so very fervently and praised God so conf idently. On Friday, I was prepared for surgery, a
biopsy to determ ine if the tumor was malignant. My husband was briefed concerning the complications that could result

from this surgery, such as paralys is or other brain damage. The future in the natural was bleak—fac ing more exper imental
surgery in Atlanta or Dallas. But God . . . He makes all the difference. I remember lying on the bed, being wheeled down to

surgery, laughing at the contraption they had plastered to my head to assis t them in the process. I had no fear or

dread—only peace.

Af ter hours of waiting through the process, Mark was greeted by a pleased, but puzzled doc tor. He said they
thoroughly and repeatedly explored for the tumor, but it was no longer there! I returned home af ter a few days to recover

from the effec ts of the surgery. Each day of recovery had its struggles but I had an assurance that what God had started, He
would f inish.

Our fam ily took a vacation soon af ter to Colorado. On the way we stopped to see Bro. Kenneth Hagin, and I remember
his giving some invaluable instruc tion. He said many times healing is lost in a counter attack, and that we need to hold fast

to what God had done. Sure enough, symptoms would occur–depression would come. There would be times when I did
not want to live. But once again, "He sent His Word."

While reading the story of the woman with the issue of blood, something stood out to me. (Mark 5:34 (AMP)),

"D a u g h ter, y our fa ith . . . ha s res tored y ou to hea lth. G o in ( in to) pea c e a nd be c on tinua lly hea led a nd freed from
y our d is e a s e." Healing is a process—supernatural from beginning to end. The peace of God, I found, is not passive, but
ac tive. (Philippians 4:7 (AMP)) says, "I t w ill ga rr is on a nd m oun t g ua rd ov er y our hea r t a nd m ind."

I learned that healing is received into your spirit and affects the body. I found that God's peace is also spiritual and will
affect the mind, will, and emotions, fighting the battle for you. To this day I am continually healed and made whole,
experiencing more of God's redemption and peace .

Source: Gods Healing Word by Trina Hankins

Credit: Mark Hankins Ministries


A Norvel Hayes Shared Experience

Jesus tells you how to overcome mountains in your life. (Matthew, chapter 21:21,22) In this Scripture, Jesus said: “... if
y e s ha ll s ay un to th is m oun ta in…." You need to talk to mountains. Use your mouth.

What's a mountain? "Mountain" could mean a thousand and one things. I t could and does mean, for example, DJ's


Jesus said to me, "Son, you have to teach the people to talk to the mountains and to the devils. Mountains or problems

are caused by devils, so talk to the mountains and the devils and tell them to get out. Pull them out."

Verse 21 continues, “... if y e s ha ll s ay un to th is m oun ta in, B e thou rem o v ed, a nd be thou c a s t in to the s ea ; it
s ha ll be done!“ Jesus said it! I t shall be done! And it will disappear in the bottom of the sea of forgetfulness. God won't
remember that dumb mountain anymore. I t will be gone.

In verse 22 of Matthew 21, Jesus said, “

A nd a ll th ing s , wha ts oev er y e s ha ll a s k in pray er, be lie v ing , y e s ha ll
rec e iv e." This was the scripture I used for my text “Confession Brings You Possession”in a small Canadian church.

If you make up your m ind to believe God, you will see great things happen all the time. I t's amazing what you will see,

while the whole church world is sitting around wondering if it's going to happen or not.

To the man in the wheelchair, I said, "M ister, the word of the Lord came unto me saying that what I taught this

morning would work for you . . if you would obey it! If you would obey it!"

I taught, “Confession Brings You Possession”. “You know, talk to your mountains. Look at your crooked legs and call them
straight. Talk to them. Tell them what you mean. You can have what you say. Your confession brings possess ion. Don't say
your legs are crooked. Call them straight! Romans 4:17 says, ‘
G od c a lls thos e th ing s wh ic h be no t a s thou g h they were.’
So, call your crooked legs straight. You do it. Call your crooked legs straight."

He looked at me like he was offended. But I don't pay any attention to offenses when it comes to God's work. That's

usually the devil anyhow. I only thought, “God said that confession would bring possess ion to him, and I'm going to get it
into him. I'm going to bombard his m ind”
You see, people's problems are usually with their m inds— they don't think straight. I was determ ined to get this man's

thinking straightened out. So I just held on and pulled myself over to him and put my mouth real c lose to his ear. I said,

"M ister, Jesus said, 'Call your crooked legs straight.’I repeated this several times. ‘
Call your crooked legs straight’

I guess I said that seventy-f ive to a hundred times. This old human breath wants to give out, but you have to keep on
and not let go. I had to blast this man's goofed up m ind away from him. Finally, the man in the wheelchair opened up on
the inside and said, "I call my legs straight!"

I said, "Well, thank God for that! G lory to God!" I almost wore myself out for him. You see, some people's m inds are so

goofed up, you will wear yourself out try ing to get the Word of God on the inside of them.

Af ter I got the man in the wheelchair to call his legs straight, I kept encouraging him, "That's right, now you're pleasing

the Lord. Keep on saying that."

I t was hard for him to get it out, but he kept on. When I had him continually confessing, I backed off. Af ter about f ive

m inutes of confessing that his legs were straight, the Spirit of the Lord came and overshadowed him. He will do that for
everyone who confesses the Bible and c laims it for themselves. He'll do it for you too!

The man began to cry. And, you know, I had gotten “

Confession Brings You Possession”so deep into him, that in the

m idst of his crying he was still confessing. The Spirit of God was blessing him so much. He kept confessing. "I call my legs

straight." I stood there and watched him. He arose from his wheelchair and walked across the front of the church and then
walked back.

The pastor said, "He hasn't ever done anything like this before."

I said, "Do you know why? He never talked to his crooked legs before. But he talked to them today. He called them

straight, they became straight, and he received strength from God."

I told his pastor to keep encouraging him. The Holy Spirit gave this man strength because He heard him say the Word.

The Holy Spirit listens to you. He listens to every word that you say. And when you start quoting the Bible, the Holy Spirit
starts work ing for you at that moment.

The prec ious gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't work just for the man in Canada. If you will “s pe ak to the m oun ta in”, what
you speak shall be done for you! Jesus said in Matthew 21:21, “If ye have faith, and doubt not ... if ye shall say unto this
mountain ... it shall be done”.
Sour ce: H o w T o L i v e A nd N o t D i e by Nor vel Hayes

Excer pt per m i ssi on gr anted by Har r ison House Publ isher s.



In the year, 2000, M ike Hoesch had an itch; and, though he scratched it, the itch persisted. Because he was unable to

f ind relief, M ike exam ined the itchy area on his chest, and he noticed a pimple-sized sore. He dism issed it, but the itch


Months passed and the sore did not go away but, it began to worsen. Although M ike believed in healing, he lacked the

revelation of God’
s unconditional love and his authority as a believer. Instead, due to twenty years of involvement with a
m inistry that focused on performance-based doc trine, M ike believed his healing was available, but conditional upon his

efforts. He continued to suffer.

Af ter a year, M ike sought counsel with his pastor and explained his situation. The pastor, who also happened to be his
employer, was struggling with his own physical issues. He expressed to M ike that it wasn’
t healing that they needed, but
herbal remedies. His pastor prayed that the Lord would lead M ike to the right remedies.

M ike’
s sore continued to worsen, and it began to grow. M ike’
s pastor suggested that he visit a doc tor for a diagnosis so

that they could pray more spec if ically when seeking the Lord for the correc t herbal remedies to help his condition. M ike
made an appointment with a doc tor.

As M ike waited in the exam ining room he was slightly apprehensive, but not fearful. The doc tor entered the room in a

casual friendly manner, putting M ike at ease. But almost instantly his ease turned to fear as the doc tor’
s face revealed grave
concern when he saw M ike’
s chest. The doc tor excused himself from the room and returned with a colleague; they

continued to exam ine M ike. W ithout much conversation the doc tors insisted M ike was to go see a third doc tor, a surgeon,

for immediate surgery. They insisted M ike be seen right away. The sense of urgency was, of course, troubling.

On his way to work from the doc tor’

s off ice M ike called his wife, Caroline and shared the news that they had diagnosed

his sore as being a malignant neoplasm. The term did not mean anything to the Hoesches, so Caroline looked it up on the
Internet. Caroline said, “M ike, that means it is a malignant [cancerous] skin tumor.”Fear immediately gripped M ike. “
All of

a sudden I went from having something that was no problem, to this dreaded thing,”M ike said.

Not wanting to do anything driven by fear, M ike cancelled his appointment with the surgeon, and sought counsel with

his pastor. The doc tor strongly advised M ike to reconsider; stressing that what M ike had was extremely ser ious and could
spread through his entire body.

Over the next six years M ike’

s once pimple-sized sore metastas ized to become a very large and troublesome tumor

requir ing c leaning and bandaging several times a day. He became increas ingly weak as the tumor slowly drained the life out
of him. In his weakened condition he was forced to quit his job with the m inistry.

M ike purposed in his heart that he would seek the Lord and spend time in His Word. While his intentions were good,

he struggled as he began to see things in the Word contrary to what he had been taught over the prev ious twenty years.

Still confused, he began confessing healing Scriptures, not out of understanding, but out of a desire to ea rn h is hea ling .

The tumor became so large that M ike wore a modif ied bra to support it. Then in March of 2008, as M ike was wrestling

with faith and his beliefs, a friend brought him the Andrew Wormmack teaching ser ies, Y ou’
v e A lrea dy G o t I t. Through
s, messages the Lord conf irmed the things He had been showing M ike in the Word, and M ike’
s eyes began to
open to the truth. He rejoiced as he listened to Wommack. “I t just blessed me so much when I heard Andrew Wommack

sharing these things. I t was like, yes, yes, “I’

ve already got it!”exc laimed M ike. “I was waiting for the Lord to intervene again
on my behalf, but he had already done that in Christ.

ll ever comm it or had comm itted—Christ bore! ”M ike

Everything that I had, every sickness, disease, or sin that I’
gained an understanding of the fullness of Jesus’atoning sacrif ice and his faith was strengthened. As a result he completely
let go of his tumor, switching his focus to Jesus, to receive what He had provided.

Af ter M ike received revelation, he began to see his healing manifest. A month af ter his revelation, Caroline was helping
M ike change the dress ing when the couple realized that the tumor had decreased in size. At one time this would have
surprised M ike, and sent him jumping for joy, but because of his new found steadfastness in the Word of God his reac tion
was one of calm expec tancy. Through Andrew’
s simple expression of the truth, he had come to realize that the cancer had
to leave because of what Jesus had already done for him.

Approximately f ive months later M ike’

s chest was c lear. Over the course of his battle with the enemy, M ike had lost

more than twenty pounds and become very weak. As he walked out his healing his strength returned and he gradually
began to regain the weight he had lost. Now, aside from a m inor scar, there is no sign of his tumor.

M ike and Caroline were so impac ted by God’

s faithfulness to His Word, and by the c larity with which Andrew

Wommack teaches the Word, that they relocated to Colorado Springs and enrolled in Charis Bible Collage. “
I want to be
able to m inister to people that they m ight receive the love of God that I’
ve received and know that it’
s unconditional. That is
so important for us to understand,”said M ike.

Credit: Healing Journey by Andrew Wommack Ministries

Mike Hoesch Ministries



A young man came forward and walked up to the pulpit. He said, "Several months ago I was in the hospital dying. The

doc tors had told my wife there was no hope. Your speaker tonight, Mr. Norvel Hayes, was holding a meeting here in the
church. Our pastor brought him to my room in intensive care. He taught my wife how to confess a verse of scripture. She sat
by my bed and confessed it, and the Holy Spirit healed me.

Af ter the young man sat down, I (Pastor Norvel Hayes) asked his wife some questions for the benef it of the

congregation concerning the man’

s healing. (I wanted to hear her answers, too. I like to hear the way God does things.) I
asked her if she kept making the confession I gave her.

She said, "Oh, yes, thousands of times, hours and hours, days and nights. I did exac tly what you said."

That's what I call “a ttend in g to G od' s W ord a nd no t le ttin g it dep a r t from y our ey e s ”. (Prov. 4:20-22.) God warns
you to do this. “K eep H is W ord in the m ids t of y our hea r t”, and then your mouth will confess it. When you confess God's
Word, it will be performed by the Holy Spirit.

I asked the wife, "How long did you confess that your husband would live and not die before you saw any improvement?

When I lef t you that day, he wasn't breathing very regular ly."

She said she made her confession two hours before there was any improvement in his breathing. Af ter that, it speeded up a
little bit.

This was a good sign, because for two days and two nights he had only been taking a breath every once in a while. The

doc tors wouldn't even give him any medic ine. They'd say, "Don't get your hopes up. Every breath could be the last. He'll
draw one last breath and then stop. And that will be it.” But she kept her confession going, all day and all night. Two days

and thousands of confessions later, his breathing returned to normal.

She said, "I said it until I got tired. Then, I'd res t for a m inute or two and start again. I said exac tly what you told me to

say: “
My husband will live and not die. In Jesus' name, My husband will live and not die.'"

Jesus said you can have whatever you say. The power of confession is in saying words. Jesus said in Mark 11:23 that
you can have, that means "possess" or "own," whatever you say! The young woman said, "My husband will live and not

You m ight say, "I've seen a lot of people like that in hospitals and they died."

No, you haven't either! You've never seen anyone in the hospital die when their wife was sitting by the bed boldly

saying, "In Jesus' name, my husband will live and not die," and saying it for days and days without lett ing up. You've never
seen anyone die when somebody paid that kind of price. I'm telling you, the Holy Spirit performs the Bible.

Some people are the nonchalant praying type. They say, "Oh, well, that Mr. Hayes is a nice fellow. But, my pastor

wouldn't have him at our church. He's a guy who goes around the country saying that you have to confess a lot. I'll just

confess a few times and it will probably work." Then when they get tired of confessing, they go get a coke.

That won't work. Have someone bring the cokes to you! Someday your loved one may be dying with no one else to

help them except you. Just you! So pay the price of faith and pay the price of confession and, I guarantee, you'll see the

Holy Spirit work.

In fac t, I had this young man's doc tor teach at my Bible school awhile back. He test if ied that this young man is the

youth leader in his church and totally on f ire for God. Thank God for a wife who refused to let her husband die.

Sour ce: H o w to L i v e a nd N o t D i e by Nor vel Hayes

Excer pt per m i ssi on gr anted by Har r ison House Publ isher s.



A few years ago, i went in for my regular yearly checkup.

My doctor ran some tests, and the results came back showing an aggressive form of prostate cancer. my doctor warned
me, “you can get another opinion, but you’ll be wasting precious time .”

I didn’t say anything to my wife, Taffi , right away. I just went right on living my life as I listened for direction from the
Holy Spirit. About that time, a comedian I know called and offered me a role in a movie. Surprisingly, he wanted me to play
a funeral director.

Considering my diagnosis, I didn’t want to do it, but the Lord had other plans. He instructed me to take the role, telling
me, You’re going to be laughing all day long. He knew exactly what I needed—to laugh. I took the role, and at the end of the
shoot, after a day of laughter and fun, I finally told Taffi about the diagnosis. My wife was a champ. She looked at me and
said, “OK, what’s the plan?” “The plan is what it’s always been,” I replied. By His stripes I knew I was already healed, and I
had no doubt the healing would manifest. What I didn’t realize was that during the experience I would gain a deeper
understanding about healing, rest, spiritual authority, the love of God and how they all work together.

After I told Taffi about the diagnosis, I got to work. I went to the other side of our house and began to meditate on and
confess the Word. While one part of me focused on the Word, the other part fought to remain in a place of rest. My body had
yet to manifest my healing. In essence, I had to believe against—or in spite of—my body.

I learned firsthand that it’s one thing to say something is true, but it’s another to believe so strongly in God’s faithfulness
and the integrity of His Word, that one lives in a place of rest—confidently relying and trusting in Him. If I had stayed
focused on the doctor’s report, I would have strengthened my faith in the cancer more than I would have strengthened my
faith in the healing that had already been provided for me. Instead, I walked up and down the hallway, saying, “Thank You,
Jesus.” Thanksgiving allowed me to stir up my faith and get to a place of rest. I also began meditating on the Word and
spending even more time in God’s presence.

All of these proved important elements to entering into rest. It wasn’t a matter of God healing me—He had already done
that. I was merely laboring to enter into rest so the healing could manifest.

I went to see a doctor friend of mine in Chattanooga, Tenn., who is a specialist. He scheduled an MRI for me. While I
was in the MRI machine, I overheard the technician say, “Oh, dear God, it looks like this man has cancer on his spinal cord.”
My friend, the specialist, was sitting in a remote lab with big screens and other equipment.

When I left the MRI, he called me into his lab where he began pulling up the images. He said, “With the intensity and
aggressiveness that they’ve reported about you, the screen should light up.” He enlarged the image and moved it up and down
and all around. Nothing appeared. No cancer of the prostate. No cancer of the spinal cord. Nothing.

My son was in the room with me, so I have a witness to what I’m sharing. The specialist paused the screen at one point,
and there on the screen appeared the image of a bearded man. My son Jeremy said, “Do you see that?” “at guy right there?”
the specialist asked, pointing to the screen. As clear as day, I heard the Spirit of God speak to my spirit and say, Didn’t I tell
you there’s a man living on the inside of you? I’ve got your back! Something supernatural had happened. The specialist
advised me to go back to my doctor and have him rerun the original test.

I celebrated. The devil had wanted me sick, but I wasn’t going to let that happen. My healing had manifested.

There’s a man living on the inside of me, and He’s got my back!

My revelations about healing didn’t end there. About a year after my healing from cancer, I experienced tremendous
pain in my tailbone. One day, I talked to God about it, reminding Him of all the times I had already talked to Him about this
problem. In the middle of my lecture, the Lord said, You’ve been talking to Me all these months about your tailbone, but you
haven’t talked to your tailbone.“ Ta l k to my tailbone?” I asked. Yeah, I’ve wanted your tailbone healed just as much as you
have. But I don’t have the authority to do anything about it. You do! I gave you the authority. Later that night, I said,
“Tailbone, I speak to you in Jesus’ Name. I command you to be healed. I command the pain to go! You’re not allowed to stay
here anymore! Be healed in Jesus’ Name because you’re already healed!”

Fifteen seconds later, I sat down on a wooden chair and then on the floor. No matter where I sat or how I moved, the
pain was gone—and it has never returned. I discovered that there are two types of prayers God will never answer. No. 1, He
will never answer a prayer to do something that He’s already done. No. 2, He will never answer a prayer about a situation that
He’s already given us instructions on how to handle. Sadly, we spend a lot of time asking God to do what He’s already done
instead of releasing our spiritual authority. Or, we spend time asking God to do something He told us to do.

Spiritual authority has already been given to us. We simply need to release the authority we already have.

Our God is awesome and a miracle worker.

Credit: Believer's Voice of Victory” magazine August 2016

Used with permission from Kenneth Copeland Ministries.



No one wants to get the kind of phone call Shirley Williams got from her doctor.

“She said, ‘Shirley, you are eaten up with cancer. You have cancer not only in your breast, but it’s metastasized into
your bones, into your organs, into your lymph nodes.’” Shirley, continuing through tears, “I thought, ‘How could this be?
God, I’ve served you all my life. I don’t understand. Why?’”

Shirley had been having chest pains and feeling weak and foggy for some time. She rarely went to the doctor. But
when the aches and pains didn’t go away, she decided to get checked out. What followed was a barrage of tests that revealed
Shirley had stage IV cancer. It was untreatable, and she was given a prognosis of only 90 days to live. For Shirley’s husband
Mark, the questions began racing through his mind.

He candidly shares, “What if Shirley died? And what about the kids? Where am I going to be? What am I going to do?
And I’m going, ‘this can’t be.’ I needed scriptures because that was the only place I could dig where I could find
encouragement. And I told her, ‘Shirley, whose report are we going to believe? God’s word says that we ‘shall live and not
die’ (Ps 118:17) and Shirley, it also says that ‘no weapon formed against us will prosper’ (Is 54:17) and ‘by His stripes, we
are healed’. ( Is 53:5) In the days that followed, the pain kept getting worse.

Shirley admits, “I could barely walk, my left hip was hurting so bad. The tumor in my right breast was about half the
size of a fist. There were thoughts that crossed my mind that it would be easier to just lay down and die.”

But Shirley refused to give into fear. Instead, she and Mark decided to live by faith and speak not a single word of

She says with hope, “I never found one place in the scriptures where someone came to Jesus for healing that they were not
healed. I began to see that faith was not just believing that God was able but it was believing that He will.”

So she sought God for direction. And Shirley says one night she woke up from a deep sleep—and saw Jesus at the foot
of her bed. She vividly recalls, “And as I saw Him, I saw compassion. I saw love, I saw hope. I began to feel sweat behind
my right knee, and it was so unusual, and I looked at Him and I said, ‘Lord are you telling me to sweat?’”

Three days later, Shirley got her answer when she went to see a new oncologist named Dr. Olivares. He remembers, “I
told her to pray for a miracle.” Shirley adds, “He said, ‘Shirley, I’ve got a word for you before you leave.’” “I told Shirley
that she needed to sweat,” states Dr. Olivares.

She started intense sweat therapy—including detox, saunas, and lots of exercise. She also went on a strict organic diet.
Meanwhile her friends and church family fasted and prayed for supernatural healing, and Mark prayed and laid hands on
Shirley regularly.

Mark exclaims, “Jesus said, ‘You shall lay hands on the sick in my name and they shall recover’ (Mark 16:18) and so I
did that by just sheer faith. I commanded the pain to cease “in the name of Jesus.”

Then three weeks after learning she had cancer, Shirley had a dream. She was standing behind a glass window.
Coming straight at her was an overloaded, out of control semi-truck. Shirley recounts, “I just began to cry out ‘Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus.’ And as I did, I remember seeing this truck coming and then all of a sudden,” she continues with a clap, “it tapped the
glass right in front of me. And the spirit of the Lord spoke to me and He said, ‘That’s the cancer that I just stopped.’”

For the next two months Shirley continued with treatments, believing that God was healing her. Soon the good days
were outweighing the bad days. And when she went in for her 90-day checkup, she finally got the news she’d been praying

Dr. Olivares says, “The PET scan showed that the tumor was gone and at least there was no evidence that there was
cancer in her body. I believe that when a person has stage IV cancer and the cancer is gone, it’s a miracle.”

“I was jumping excited, twirling, thanking God, just thanking God that He is a restorer,” Shirley joyfully exclaims.

Mark adds, “I felt free on the inside, free to plan again, free to know that God was including her and I together for the
rest of our days here on earth.”

Since that August in 2012, Shirley’s had no sign of cance. She shares, “It’s been amazing to know that there is true life,
and there really is freedom from sickness and disease. There really is freedom from pain.”

Shirley and Mark give all the credit to Jesus Christ. “I’ve been healed today because I believed His Word and I took it,
and it had to become part of every cell of my being,” says Shirley. She concludes, “He’s not a respecter of persons. (Acts
10:34) What He did for me, He will do for others.”

Credit: Stage 4 Cancer Gone! By Shirley Mitchell Williams

Used with permission from Shirley Mitchell Williams



My name is Evangelist LaShea McKinney I work hand in hand with my father Apostle S. E McKinney and we have
grown immensely in 33 years.

All of a sudden my body began to show signs of sickness, I had ignored it for about a year, then I started getting worse
even though I was speaking to my body, I wasn't seeing any results.

My father suggested I go on to the hospital, and I did. It was then that I was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and given
30 days to live. They had given me a breathing apparatus they said I was breathing like a 93 year old woman, my liver was
200 times larger than it was supposed to be and so was my spleen. I didn't have the energy nor the breath to do anything. I
remember walking by the mirror before I lay down and I saw a shadow of death and fear gripped my heart and I knew by
the looks of things, I wasn't going to make it but instead of fighting, I kind of succumbed to it. I remember that day when I
was laying on the couch and my father came to me, he didn't sound too nice, he didn't show any pity because he knew that I
was in a fight for my life. He said you are going to die if you don't get up from here, he said you're a minister of the gospel
and you have to know that the devil is fighting you because of what you are doing positively in the kingdom. "He said
physician get up and heal yourself"

I grabbed my Bible and I began to walk back and forth. I read something from Gloria Copeland that talked about how
we should take the Word like medicine, that we should use it just like we would medicine and use it 3times a day, and if
situation get worse, double the dosage, I will never forget that and that's what i did.

For 28 days (remember I was given 30 days to live), I walked 3 times a day, I got my bible and quoted every scripture
and I prophesied and spoke them over my life. I didn't feel anything different in 28 days, but at the end of that 28th day,
something happened (faith kicked in) and I said "He was wounded for LaShea's transgressions, He was bruised for LaShea's
iniquities and the chastisement of my peace was on Him and with those stripes, I am healed". I knew that day that I was

On the 30th day, I went back to the doctor. They looked at the exams, and took scans again, they brought in one
specialist, and they bought in two specialists, they kept looking. Five specialists came in that day, they were talking amongst
themselves but I didn't know what they were saying.

Finally the doctor came over to me with two reports and said "this is what it looked like 30 days ago, where is the cancer?
It's not here"

We have to understand that the Word of God is for us, it's not something out there or something in the Bible. This is a
Rhema Word and it comes to life when we take it. That's what Gloria Copeland always says "take it". If somebody is giving
you a cake, it's not yours until you receive it. The Word of healing is for us, we have to receive it. It is important for us to
take it and, when we do, it becomes life.

Credit: Healed of Lymphoma Cancer by LaShea McKinney

Believers Voice of Victory Broadcast

Used with permission from Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

and Evangelist LaShea McKinney



Jerry Baysinger is a man who believes the Bible. When the Bible told him that he could be healed by God, Jerry

believed it, even though his doc tor had told him that he had term inal cancer. Because Jerry believed the Bible, he
confessed his way back to health. His story is a witness to God’
s willingness to heal in this present time.

Jerry now has a dynam ic healing m inistry of his own. He said, “

I t all started about 11 years ago. I had developed a number of
growths on my skin, so I went to the doc tor. He gave me some bad news –I had melanoma, an aggressive form of cancer

that starts from a mole or pigmented area on the skin. The only hope the doc tor gave was to operate and cut out the
tumors. I dreaded this surgery and expec ted it to be disf iguring. Then surgery had to be put on hold because my pre-

operative blood tests showed that I had something wrong in my liver.

“Af ter running more tests, the doc tor said, ‘

Jerry, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you do not

have to have the surgery. The bad news is that surgery would be a waste of your time. You have cancer of the liver so
advanced that you will most likely be dead in less than a month. You need to get your affairs in order. There is nothing

medically that can be done.’

“I felt stunned. I became hot all over and my hair stood up on end. My f irst reac tion was for my wife–we had been
married just 4 years and I loved my wife so much. I worr ied about what would happen to her and hurt so badly for her that
it took me a long time to tell her about it all.

“I told her, and the next week, and I went to church and asked the church elders to anoint me with oil and pray for me
as the Bible says to do in the book of James. Af ter they prayed, I trusted my situation to Jesus, and resolved not to worry.

“A few days later, I noticed that the melanomas had started going away. However, the symptoms I had from liver
cancer intensif ied. Not only did the pain get worse, but also I lost a lot of weight. In addition, I was very weak, and it was
hard to keep up my furniture repair business. Day by day, I seemed to be getting worse.

One day as I was reading the Bible, I spoke to the Lord and said, “Lord, I comm itted my life to you. I had the elders pray
for me as you commanded. Are you going to heal me?”God answered me in a surprising way. He said, “
I have already
healed you. Read, believe and confess Psalm 103, verse 2”.

Psal m 103:1-5

“B les s the L O R D , O m y s ou l; A nd a ll tha t is w ith in m e, b les s H is ho ly na m e!

2 B les s the L O R D , O m y s ou l, A nd forg e t no t a ll H is benef its :

3 W ho forg iv es a ll y our in iqu ities , W ho hea ls a ll y our d is e a s e s ,

4 W ho redeem s y our life from des truc tion, W ho c rowns y ou w ith lov in gk indne s s a nd tender m erc ies ,

5 W ho s a tis f ies y our m ou th w ith g ood th ing s , S o tha t y our y ou th is renewed lik e the eag le’
In particular, I point out verses 2-3 say, “B les s the L ord o m y s ou l a nd forg e t no t a ll H is benef its : W ho forg iv es a ll y our
in iqu ities , W ho hea ls a ll of y our d is e a s e s .”

Jerry sha res,“I began to tell people that God had healed me, even though I could see no physical evidence of healing.
My customers would ask me how I was doing, and I would tell them that I was healed, even though I looked pretty sick.
They saw my weight drop down to 86 pounds, and they saw me on days when I could scarcely get around, but I constantly

confessed that God had already healed me.”

Gradually, the Word began to bear fruit in Jerry’

s life. He started to notice signs of improvement. The pain began to

lessen; he started to put on weight; and he gained strength. Eventually he was completely free of cancer. That was 10 years
ago. Today, Jerry has a powerful healing m inistry, and reports many astonishing m irac les inc luding an exper ience of calling

his best friend back from the dead.

Jerry said, “I do not know why God chose me to have these gif ts. I certainly was not worthy of it. The only thing I can say

about myself is that I am one of these people who are ‘

dumb’enough to believe that the Bible is true. All I do is believe Him
100% . He says that we can have healing if we will believe. That is the only requirement, to fear not, only believe (see Luke


“I t is impossible for God to lie. He said in three places in the Bible that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus (Isaiah 53:5,
Matthew 8:17 and I Peter 2:24). We are healed for the same reason that we are saved, because Jesus, King of the Jews,

came and died for our sins. He did not die for His own sins, but for yours and m ine. Our sins are the only thing that can

separate us from God, and God has already done every thing to end that separation. All we have to do is believe Him, and
confess the truth with our mouth.

Psalm 103 shows that God both forgives our sins and heals our diseases. We will not be saved unless we believe in and
confess our salvation. In the same way, we will not be healed unless we believe in and confess our healing. God makes
things easy. W ith salvation, all we have to do is receive it, and we can do the same for healing. Anyone who believes the
Lord shall be saved. That word means healed, delivered, and set free.

“Believe me when I tell you that God has counted every hair on your head. You have importance to him. He knows your
name. He is not a respec ter of persons. What He did for me, He will do for you.”

Cr edi t: Li f e Heal i ng Mi ni str i es

w w w .l if eheal i ngm ini str i

Used w i th per m i ssi on f r om Jer r y Basi nger



In my prime of life I heard the dreaded words - "I t's Cancer."

I researched every thing I could and eventually found a combination of methods that treated the root causes of my disease,

not just symptoms.


Many have called me a cancer survivor. I rejec t that label. I didn't simply survive cancer - I am cured of cancer.

When I was diagnosed, my husband Dale became my cheerleader and my counselor. His exper ience as the only

survivor of an airplane crash gave him an astounding ability to see life through a spiritual lens, along with a history of
overcom ing life- threatening injuries.

Dale became my full- time researcher and he put those skills to valuable use, digging tirelessly for the information I

would need to reverse my disease.

We learned that the most effec tive way to f ight disease is to treat the whole person–body, soul and spirit. God created
us in His image: we are a spirit, we have a soul (our m ind, will and emotions) and we live in a body.

Each of these parts plays a different role, yet they interconnec t. Each part has a great effec t on health or sickness, on
life or death. And each part affec ts the other parts for good or bad. This means that even when sickness or disease is

apparent in your body, the illness may be rooted in your spirit or your soul. Thus, for permanent vibrant health, you must
address all three parts—your spirit, your soul, and your body.

The spirit refers to your spiritual heart, not your physical heart. You are a spirit being, created in God’
s image. God is a

spirit. The real you is your spirit, not your body or m ind. You also have a soul, consisting of your m ind, your will, and your
emotions. Though it’
s probably the least understood of the three parts, the soul has a profound effec t on your life in a
myriad of ways. People commonly believe the soul and spirit refer to the same thing—but they do not. According to

Scripture, they are c learly different, yet both are eternal parts of your being.

You live in a body that exists to house your spirit and soul. Your body allows you to interac t with the physical world in

which you live. The body is the easiest part to understand because you can see it and touch it. You can literally feel your

body, inside and out. For example, if your toe hurts or your head aches, you know your body is aff lic ted. Your body is also
the part of you that others acknowledge and with whom they interac t. If you don’
t consc iously adjust your way of thinking,
you can m istakenly believ ing that your body is who you are. But your body is where you live—not who you are. You— the
real you— is your spirit.

Think of your body like you do your car. I t’

s the vehic le you use to get around in. When people who know you see your

car com ing, they say, “Here comes so-and-so.”They recognize you by the car you drive, but you are not your car. Sim ilarly,

you need a physical vehic le—your body— to carry your spirit and soul through this natural world. In summary, you are a
spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body.

Because each of these three parts interconnec t and interrelate, one part cannot be affec ted without the other parts
responding either positively or negatively.

When most people think of sickness or disease, they think only about the body. But unforgiveness, continual stress, or

feelings of fear and anxiety—which are spirit and soul issues—can have a very detrimental effec t on our physical bodies.

If you are sick and want to get well… or if you are well and want to prevent disease… you need to understand and address
your whole person—body, soul and spirit.

Cr edi t: L i f e, C a n c er a nd G od by Paula Bl ack

Wi nning Over Cancer Mi ni str i es


Finally, late in a very long day of scans and tests, a very young looking intern shuffled into my room staring at the
floor while he nervously revealed, “You have a mass in your pancreas.” His words sucked all the air out of the room while I
sensed my husband trying to right his ship. “Where did this come from?” As numbness overtook panic, I was whisked off for
even more scans, and my husband scurried out to consult with a surgeon friend and to call our grown children.

Somehow, on the way to the Radiology Department, it helped me to focus on comforting this young sleep-deprived
intern since it was obvious that mine was his first “cancer announcement”. I made a weak joke that he had drawn the “short
straw” for this assignment. He still couldn’t make eye contact. Once alone in the scan tube, I said a foxhole prayer, “Lord, I
really don’t know what else to say except to promise you that if you get me through this I will do my very best for You for
the rest of my life.” I meant it, and, amazingly, I realized He knew I did. It didn’t feel like “let’s make a deal”. It was my first
head on glimpse at the “main and the plain” of life even though it was not my first serious health battle. While I faced some
excruciating challenges, I had no idea that the coming ordeal would lead me to amazingly joyful and empowering revelations.

My husband, a retired physician, and I were both raised in the same church denomination, and, unfortunately, both
had been absorbed into the “worldly culture of modern medicine”. We were long dormant Christians who had been taught
about the Bible rather than being taught the power within God’s Word. We had developed way too much appreciation for the
world’s ways of dealing with healing. But God . . .

Just days earlier, the Lord had already put someone in my life to plant faith seeds that I would need to feed and water
in order to survive. A fencing contractor had come to our home to bid on a project and, because his wife was also named
Jacquie, a most unlikely conversation ensued in which he shared her recent dramatic healing testimony. I responded politely
not realizing he’d handed me a critical key to my future.

Home from the diagnosis, this contractor was the first person I called because, being unchurched, I needed the name
of the pastor who had prayed for his wife. He had the pastor call me immediately to pray with me over the phone
commanding the tumor to be dissolved and rooted out of my body in Jesus’ name. I recall thinking, “Wow, that’s bold. Can
he do that without offending God?” Yet, I knew his prayer had power especially because the pastor prayed for me to have
wisdom and revelation regarding the illness. The pastor invited me to church that night offering a James Chapter 5 “oil
service”. At that time I didn’t know there was a book of James in the Bible. But my husband and I went to that church in a
neighboring town and I was anointed with oil and prayed for by the church elders. I felt “lifted off the floor” and heard in my
spirit, “an old life has ended and a new life begun”.

That night I had a vision in which I “saw and heard” my lavender colored pancreas boiling in a bright yellow fluid.
Having no Scripture to draw from, God helped me realize He was explaining “where the tumor came from” as I’d asked upon
diagnosis. My pancreas was boiling in bitterness and resentment and I had a knowing of the exact “forgiving” I would be
required to do in order to heal. (see Mark 11:25) The very next morning I began that tough forgiving process but somehow I
knew the Lord would help me in it. Keep in mind that I previously had no realization of God’s love for me. I’d grown up
not understanding that God knew me intimately. I’d prayed occasionally for “wisdom and revelation” never realizing God
even knew my name. But God . . .

A day or so later, I was awakened early to what seemed an audible, “You know the Bible is true.” I knew instantly
that it was and realized I would overcome this horrible attack because I now had truth. God seemed to have remembered my
prayers for wisdom and strength. I also realized God cared enough to give me these amazing revelations so surely He wanted
me to get through this ordeal. I bought a new Bible and began to go to church and Bible study classes at several churches. I
was following Holy Spirit leading but not yet aware of it. Heretofore, I thought Holy Spirit was more of a “life monitor” than
a “wonderful counselor”. I had a lot to learn but God gave me a hopeful hunger and I began to have conversations with Him
realizing we both wanted me to become a fruitful Christian even in my 60’s and, now, 70’s. During that time of initial
searching, Holy Spirit caused Psalm 1 that I’d memorized in 4th grade to suddenly arise in me with power.

The tumor remained even after the oil service which puzzled me at the time because the only “divine healing” I’d
ever heard about was instantaneous miracles. I have learned, through my experience, that healing is often an “interactive
miracle” in which the initial prayer (if it is Scripturally sound) essentially impregnates our being with the seed of that same
love energy that raised Jesus from the dead. We, then over time, can interact spiritually with God who is a Spirit and the
health develops gradually in our ‘wonderfully and fearfully made’ bodies. (see John 4:24, Romans 8:11 & Psalms 1 &

I discuss this wonderful experience in more detail in my books and blogs; however, I did have surgery which was
highly problematic because I had not asked God to show me how He wanted to proceed; rather, I jumped into what “seemed”
to be right on a worldly plane. Still, God never left me and, after much tribulation, I was led to a highly anointed surgeon
who, literally with the help of angels, repaired several issues the first surgeries had not properly dealt with.

There were intermittent miracles within my greater healing miracle and God stayed with me even in my ignorance.
For example, a major vein which I should not have survived being clamped off more than 20 minutes “in the natural”, was
clamped off 4 hours while this anointed surgeon spent 9 total hours in his craft. My daughter saw an ‘angel of light’ at my
head during recovery. Doctors were fairly giddy that I awoke as I did. A difficult recovery awaited me.

After weeks in the hospital, I returned home on Christmas Eve emaciated and medicated with blood thinners to keep
the stress off healing vein grafts, but a few days later I was airlifted the 250 miles back to that hospital due to repeated
internal bleeding. Once stabilized, Holy Spirit began to encourage me and gradually strengthen me. I began seeking His
guidance in “natural things” like eating. I was reminded that Jesus paid attention to natural elements of healing as well as the
supernatural; for example, at the healing of the Synagogue Ruler’s daughter whom Jesus instructed should be given food
immediately upon His raising her from death.

I was energized increasingly by feeding on God’s Words with daily reading aloud healing Scriptures (which I still
do), and I remember embracing Jeremiah 15:16, “ your Words came and I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight.”
At the same time, I began to consider Psalms 103:5, “ Who satisfies my mouth with good things so my youth is renewed as the
eagle’s.” These Scriptures somehow brought me to further realization that God would provide the exact medicine I would
need for recovery and restoration if I sought His guidance and trusted in it. I began to devour a huge variety of information
about making my body inhospitable to cancer. I’ve included several sections in my book and blogs sharing much of this
information. I learned that inflammation, although a God-given temporary response to trauma and injury, is too often
sustained within our souls and bodies by enemy tactics such as worry and stressful thinking keeping us in a state of “dis-

“Dis-ease”, over time, achieves disease. Diet and lifestyle are parts of “cleansing our body/temples” (see 1 Cor
6:19,20) and are important for dealing with inflammatory disease such as cancers. The night before Jesus died, He said, “my
peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27) . God’s peace is a gift but we must intentionally receive it and steward it. We must trust
and rest “in Him” and all He’s purchased for us. I offer a FREE ebook on my blogs about the celebrating of Holy
Communion with the Lord as a holy mechanism for temple cleansing and healing. I have learned the importance of the
Lord’s Supper sacrament for securing wholeness of spirit, soul, and body.

It took a counterattack upon my liver a few years ago to bring the realization of this amazing healing gift from God. My
husband and I now celebrate this sacrament daily. Since we began, we have both experienced improved health. My
improvement has been remarkable. Doctors are unable to explain my health in “worldly terms” but they recognize my
normal lab reports etc.

The counterattack occurred at a time when the enemy was launching scathing internet attacks on my ministry and me
personally. This serious counterattack blindsided me. I have reason to believe involved witchcraft although I had let my
guard down by becoming offended. However, it did not blindside God. Throughout the night before I was to awaken at
dawn with a stabbing pain at the base of my ribs, God awoke me repeatedly bringing to mind from Psalms 91, “I have given
my angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways and, in your pathway, is life, and healing and health.” The next day,
in the emergency room after scans, the doctor said, “You have a mass in your liver.”.

With Holy Spirit leading, I immediately asked my husband to lay his hand on the pain site and we cursed the mass in
Jesus’ mighty name. Holy Spirit told me I would experience daily improvement; however, outwardly I grew considerably
worse especially after a round of medical treatment where I, again, did not seek Holy Spirit guidance before making the
decision. I came to a very low point physically and mentally and yielded everything to the Lord when finally I realized I
could not bear the thought of His Biblical promises not being true. I told God, “If it’s my time to die, that’s one thing but I
can not accept that the enemy has control of my health”. Holy Spirit directed me to a different treatment which at least
stabilized tumor growth although the doctors admitted we could only hope to manage the tumors. By now there were 14 of

True healing did not begin to manifest until weeks later when, led by Holy Spirit, I began celebrating Holy
Communion daily. The brilliant doctor following me has said, “I am thrilled. This has to be more than my medicine. It’s
lifestyle, attitude or something.” Then he doubled the time between his check-up appoints with me saying he’d never done
that before. God and I know what it is. Jesus didn’t have his body shredded by the Roman whip so we could have
“symptoms managed”. Jesus said, “It is finished.” He paid in full for our complete wholeness (sozo) of spirit, soul, and body.
Every day I meet with this Lord who poured out His soul unto death; willingly and lovingly gave His own body and sinless
blood for me. This realization is a long way from the ignorance with which I began “my interactive miracle” years ago. God
says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge .” (Hosea 4:6) He also promises to “never fail us or forsake us ”. (see Joshua
1:5) Truth is power.

Revelation 3:8 tells us there is a door between God and man that “ no man can shut”. Jesus is, of course, the
carpenter who built that door and the covenant that holds it open with His own body and blood. Holy Communion is a portal
into The Holy of Holies where our spirits are brought into resonance with God’s own because He IS a spirit. It then tunes our
soul and body cleansing them of worldly static.

God’s unconditional love of course seeks an intimate glory encounter with us and He facilitates just that in the
partaking of the Lord’s emblematic body and blood. Holy Communion, therefore, carries us from “glory to glory”. We
become “transformed into His image”. Healing, indeed health, is a gradual progression of glory infusion and “new creation”
realization every time we come to the table gratefully remembering this truth. (See 2 Corinthians 3:18) Another way to say it
is that it takes time for the “healing infusion”, like the one in my testimony, to manifest and it takes “glory to glory

I found more insight about this truth in a Biblical story that may seem unlikely—the cursing of the fig tree in
Matthew 21 & Mark 11. Jesus and disciples were traveling back to Bethany from the Jerusalem temple He had cleansed.
Hungry, He encounters a fruitless fig tree and curses it. Then, the next day on the way back to Jerusalem for another temple
cleansing, the disciples are amazed that the cursed tree has dried up. Jesus had cleansed that corrupted Jerusalem temple and
successfully cursed the fruitless tree. I’m no theologian but something in my spirit senses that we are more powerful against
those things we can curse (like tumors) when our temples (spirit, soul, & body) are cleansed and kept in resonance with
God’s own Spirit. “Interactive miracles” are totally provided for in God’s amazing Word made flesh—Jesus.

Credit: Jacquie Woodward

Used with permission from Jacquie Woodward



So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness
and simplicity of heart...ACTS 2:46

Back then in the early church, Christians would meet each other every day, either corporately in the temple or from house to
house in smaller groups. And when they met in their homes, the Bible tells us that they would break bread. That’s the Holy
Communion, and they took it every day!

Now, I am not saying that you must take the Holy Communion every day. But if you feel led to and you want to, go ahead!
The thing about taking the Holy Communion daily is this: If you are sick, you can be made well on a gradual basis. This
means that you get healthier and stronger from day to day—first thirtyfold, then sixtyfold, then a hundredfold!

You see, while you can receive healing through the prayer of faith (Mark 11:24), it sometimes puts pressure on you because it
requires you to believe that you receive it all—complete healing—the moment you pray. There is nothing wrong with the
prayer of faith, but you may find yourself saying, “I must believe I receive it all, now! I must believe I have it all, now!”

But the Holy Communion allows you to receive a measure of healing every time you partake in faith, so that you get better
and better. The more you take it, the better you become. There is no pressure to believe that you receive it all at once. Isn’t
God good? He meets you at your level of faith!

Now, there are cases I know of in our church, in my family and in my own life, where the manifestation of healing is
immediate and complete. If it happens that way, praise God! But if not, don’t worry. The more you partake, the better you
will become.

I know of people who take the Holy Communion three times a day, just like they would medicine! Why not? My friend, if
you are very sick and you are diligently taking your medication three times a day, why not give the Lord’s Supper the same
amount of attention? Why not boost your recovery rate? And the next time you eat the bread and drink the cup, you may just
find your disease totally gone!


The Holy Communion, known also as the Lord’s Supper, represents the greatest expression of God’s love for His people.

Two items are used in the Holy Communion —the bread which represents Jesus’ body that was scourged and broken before
and during His crucifixion, and the cup which represents His shed blood.

When Jesus walked on earth, He was vibrant, and His body was full of life and health. He was never sick. But before Jesus
went to the cross, He was badly scourged by the Roman soldiers, and His body was torn as He hung on the cross.
At the cross, God also took all our sicknesses and diseases and put them on Jesus’ originally perfect and healthy body, so that
we can walk in divine health. That is why the Bible says by His stripes, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24).

In Luke 22:20, Jesus tells us that the cup is the “new covenant in My blood”, and the apostle Paul tells us that the blood of
Jesus brings forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14, Ephesians 1:7).


Besides being born again in Christ, a healthy body and mind are the greatest blessings anyone can have. And the Holy
Communion is God’s ordained channel of healing and wholeness.

On the night that He was betrayed, Jesus ate His last supper with His disciples. And knowing what He would accomplish
through His sacrifice, He instituted the Holy Communion (Luke 22:19–20, 1 Corinthians 11:24–25).

His loving instruction is that we are to remember Him as we partake of the Holy Communion. Jesus wanted us conscious of
how His body was broken for our wholeness, and His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. And whenever we
partake in this consciousness, we “proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26).

Today, when we partake of the bread, we are declaring that Jesus’ health and divine life flows in our mortal bodies. And when
we partake of the cup, we are declaring that we are forgiven and have been made righteous. Jesus’ blood gives us right
standing before God, and we can go boldly into God’s presence (Hebrews 4:16). When we pray, we can be sure that God
hears us!


Before you partake, remember that the Holy Communion is not a ritual to be observed, but a blessing to be received.

Because it is not a ritual, there is no prescribed bread or special drink required. In the Last Supper, Jesus used whatever He
had at the table—bread commonly eaten at supper, and whatever they were drinking.


Thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Son. By the stripes that fell on His back, my body is healed from the crown of my
head to the very soles of my feet. Every cell, every organ, every function of my body is healed, restored, and renewed. In
Jesus’ name, I believe and I receive.[Eat the bread.]


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your precious blood. Your sin-free, disease-free, poverty-free life is in Your blood. And Your shed
blood has removed every sin from my life. Through Your blood, I am forgiven of all my sins—past, present and future—and
made completely righteous. Today, I celebrate and partake of the inheritance of the righteous, which is preservation, healing,
wholeness and provision. Thank You Lord Jesus, for loving me. Amen. [Drink the wine.]

Credit: The power of Holy Communion by Joseph Prince Ministries


You can take God's Word as a medic ine with no danger of taking an overdose.

You do not have to buy it. I t is free.

Whatever sickness or disease you are suffering from, God's Word can cure it. I t is effec tive for any condition.

If satisfac tory results are not obtained right away, double the dosage.

Like any medic ine, God's Word has to be taken to be effec tive. I t will not work sitting on the shelf. And it has to be taken
according to the direc t ions.

If you will follow God's direc t ions as faithfully as you would follow the direc t ions of a human doc tor, you will see wonderful

Here are the direc t ions:


20 My s on, g iv e a tten tion to m y words ; inc line y our ea r to m y s ay ing s .

21 D o no t le t them dep a r t from y our ey e s ; k eep them in the m ids t of y our hea r t;

22 F or they a re life to thos e who f ind them , a nd hea lth to a ll the ir f les h.

23 K eep y our hea r t w ith a ll d ilig enc e, for ou t of it s pr in g the is s ues of life.

In verse 22 the Hebrew word translated health is translated as medic ine in some translat ions.

PSALM 107:20 NKJ

20 H e s en t H is word a nd hea led them , a nd de liv ered them from the ir des truc tions .

G od' s W ord w ill hea l. I t is fu ll of G od' s power a nd c a rr ie s the a u thor ity of G od who s po k e it.

God's Word will not return to God void, but will produce what He sent it to do.
JOHN 8: 31-32 NKJ

31 T hen J es us s a id to thos e J ew s who be lie v ed H im , "I f y ou a b ide in My word, y ou a re My d is c ip les indeed.

32 "A nd y ou s ha ll k now the tru th, a nd the tru th s ha ll m ak e y ou free."

You have the guarantee of Jesus -- His Word will produce freedom.

But, you must abide, or continue in His Word. You must feed it in until you know that you know that you know the truth.

Then you will ac t on that Truth -- and it will make you free.

God's medic ine works by taking His Word into your being. You do that by listening to the Word, reading the Word, and

speaking the Word.

Filling your thoughts with the Word of God more than anything else is the key. The more of God's medic ine you take, the
better off you will be!

When you need healing—you need faith! To ac tivate and grow your faith for healing, the Word of God is a powerful tool in
getting the truth down inside your spirit. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God—over and over and over.

The following scriptures, from the King James Version of the Bible (unless otherwise noted), have helped countless people
get healed and stay healed, again and again. Read them continually to keep your faith for healing high. Originated from a list
made by Dodie Osteen, who was healed of term inal liver cancer many years ago. She took them daily like medic ine until
every symptom was gone, and she still takes them every day to maintain divine health.

“To be spoken by mouth three times a day until faith comes, then once a day to maintain faith. If c ircumstances grow worse,
double the dosage. There are no harmful side effec ts.”

—Charles Capps



1. Pr over bs 4:20-23: The Wor d of God w i ll save your l if e.

20 My s on, pay a tten tion to wha t I s ay ; turn y our ea r to m y words . 21 D o no t le t them ou t of y our s ig h t, k eep them
w ith in y our hea r t; 22 for they a re life to thos e who f ind them a nd hea lth to one’
s who le bod y . 23 A bov e a ll e ls e,
g ua rd y our hea r t, for ev ery th ing y ou do f low s from it.
2. Joshua 21:45: God’
s Wor d w i ll not f ai l .

45 N o t one of a ll the L ord’

s g ood prom is e s to I s ra e l fa iled; ev ery one w a s fu lf illed.

3. Phi li ppians 2:13: God’

s w i ll - heal i ng - i s w or king i n you.

13 for it is G od who work s in y ou to w ill a nd to a c t in order to fu lf ill h is g ood purpos e.

4. Rom ans 8:11: The Spi ri t of Li f e i s m aki ng your body al i ve.

11 A nd if the S p ir it of h im who ra is ed J es us from the dea d is liv ing in y ou, he who ra is ed C hr is t from the dea d w ill
a ls o g iv e life to y our m or ta l bod ies bec a us e of h is S p ir it who liv es in y ou.

5. 2 Cor inthi ans 1:20: God i s f or you.

20 F or no m a tter how m a n y prom is e s G od ha s m a de, they a re “Y es ”in C hr is t. A nd s o throug h h im the “A m en”is

s po k en by us to the g lory of G od.

6. Matt hew 8:2-3: It i s God’

s w i ll f or you to be heal ed.

2 A m a n w ith lepro s y c a m e a nd k ne lt before h im a nd s a id, “L ord, if y ou a re w illing , y ou c a n m ak e m e c lea n.”3

J es us rea c hed ou t h is ha nd a nd touc hed the m a n. “
I a m w illing ,”he s a id. “
B e c lea n!”I mm ed ia te ly he w a s
c lea ns ed of h is lepro s y .

7. Exodus 15:26: Obey God’

s Wor d and be heal ed.

26 H e s a id, “I f y ou lis ten c a refu lly to the L ord y our G od a nd do wha t is r ig h t in h is ey e s , if y ou pay a tten tion to h is
c om m a nds a nd k eep a ll h is dec rees , I w ill no t br ing on y ou a ny of the d is e a s e s I brou g h t ( perm itted) on the
E gy p tia ns , for I a m the L ord, who hea ls y ou.”

8. Exodus 23:25: Ser ve the Lor d and heal i ng w i ll be your s.

25 W ors h ip the L ord y our G od, a nd h is b les s ing w ill be on y our food a nd w a ter. I w ill tak e a w ay s ic k nes s from
a m ong y ou.

9. Deuter onom y 7:15: God takes al l si ckness aw ay f r om you.

15 T he L ord w ill k eep y ou free from ev ery d is e a s e. H e w ill no t inf lic t on y ou the horr ib le d is e a s e s y ou k new in
E gy p t, bu t he w ill inf lic t them on a ll who ha te y ou.

10. Mal achi 3:10: Obey al l God’

s com m andm ents and r ecei ve Hi s bl essi ngs.

10 B r ing the who le tithe in to the s torehous e, tha t there m ay be food in m y hou s e. T es t m e in th is ,”s ay s the L ord
A lm ig h ty , “a nd s ee if I w ill no t throw open the f lood ga tes of hea v en a nd pour ou t s o m uc h b les s ing tha t there w ill

no t be room enoug h to s tore it.

11. Psal m 103:1-5: One of God’

s benef i ts i s heal i ng.

1 P ra is e the L ord, m y s ou l; a ll m y inm o s t be in g , pra is e h is ho ly na m e. 2 P ra is e

the L ord, m y s ou l, a nd forg e t no t a ll h is benef its —3 who forg iv es a ll y our s ins

a nd hea ls a ll y our d is e a s e s , 4 who redeem s y our life from the p it a nd c rowns

y ou w ith lov e a nd c om pa s s ion, 5 who s a tis f ies y our des ires w ith g ood th ing s s o

tha t y our y ou th is renewed lik e the eag le’


12. Psal m 107:20: God’

s Wor d i s heal i ng.

20 H e s en t ou t h is word a nd hea led them ; he res c ued them from the g rav e.

13. Psal m 118:17: God w ants you to l ive.

17 I w ill no t d ie bu t liv e, a nd w ill proc la im wha t the L ord ha s done.

14. Deuter onom y 30:19: Choose to l ive. Be a f i ghter !

19 T h is day I c a ll the hea v en s a nd the ea r th a s w itnes s es aga ins t y ou tha t I hav e s e t before y ou life a nd dea th,
b les s ing s a nd c urs es . N ow c hoo s e life, s o tha t y ou a nd y our c h ildren m ay liv e.

15. Psal m 91:16: You w i ll l ive a l ong l if e.

16 W ith long life I w ill s a tis fy h im a nd s how h im m y s a lv a tion.

16. Isai ah 53:5: Jesus bor e your si ns and your si ckness.

5 B u t he w a s p ierc ed for our tra n s g re s s ions , he w a s c rus hed for our in iqu ities ; the pun is hm en t tha t brou g h t us
pea c e w a s on h im , a nd by h is wounds we a re hea led.

17. Jer em i ah 30:17: God w i ll r estor e your heal th.

17 B u t I w ill res tore y ou to hea lth a nd hea l y our wounds ,’dec la res the L ord, ‘
bec a us e y ou a re c a lled a n ou tc a s t,
Z ion for whom no one c a re s .’

18. Matt hew 18:18: You can take author i ty over the si ckness i n your body.

18 “T ru ly I te ll y ou, wha tev er y ou b ind on ea r th w ill be bound in hea v en, a nd wha tev er y ou loos e on ea r th w ill be
loos ed in hea v en.

19. Matt hew 18:19: Agr ee w i th som eone f or your heal i ng.

19 “A ga in, tru ly I te ll y ou tha t if two of y ou on ea r th ag ree a bou t a ny th in g they a s k for, it w ill be done for them by
m y F a ther in hea v en.

20. Mar k 11:22-23: What you say w i ll m ake a di f f er ence.

22 “H av e fa ith in G od,”J es us a ns wered. 23 “T ru ly I te ll y ou, if a ny one s ay s to th is m oun ta in, ‘

G o, throw y ours e lf
in to the s ea ,’a nd doe s no t doub t in the ir hea r t bu t be lie v es tha t wha t they s ay w ill ha ppen, it w ill be done for them .

21. Mar k 11:24: Bel i eve and you w i ll r ecei ve.

24 T herefore I te ll y ou, wha tev er y ou a s k for in pray er, be lie v e tha t y ou hav e rec e iv ed it, a nd it w ill be y ours .

22. Isai ah 43:25-26: Pl ead your case to God.

25 “I , ev en I , a m he who b lo ts ou t y our tra n s g re s s ions , for m y own s ak e, a nd rem e m bers y our s ins no m ore. 26
R ev iew the pa s t for m e, le t us a rg ue the m a tter tog e ther; s ta t e the c a s e for y our inno c en c e.

23. Mar k 16:17-18: Have som eone l ay hands on you f or heal i ng.
17 A nd thes e s ig n s w ill a c c o m p a ny thos e who be lie v e: I n m y na m e they w ill dr iv e ou t dem ons ; they w ill s pe ak in
new tong ues ; 18 they w ill p ic k up s na k es w ith the ir ha nds ; a nd when they dr ink dea d ly po is on, it w ill no t hur t them
a t a ll; they w ill p la c e the ir ha nds on s ic k peop le, a nd they w ill g e t we ll.”

24. John 9:31: Wor shi p God.

31 W e k now tha t G od doe s no t lis ten to s inners . H e lis tens to the g od ly pers on who doe s h is w ill.

25. John 10:10: The devi l w ants to ki ll you; God w ants to heal you.

10 T he th ief c om es on ly to s tea l a nd k ill a nd des troy ; I hav e c om e tha t they m ay hav e life, a nd hav e it to the fu ll.

26. Gal ati ans 3:13-14: You ar e r edeem ed f r om the cur se.

13 C hr is t redeem ed us from the c urs e of the la w by bec o m in g a c urs e for us , for it is wr itten: “C urs ed is ev ery one
who is hun g on a po le.”14 H e redeem ed us in order tha t the b les s ing g iv en to A bra ha m m ig h t c om e to the
G en tiles throug h C hr is t J es us , s o tha t by fa ith we m ig h t rec e iv e the prom is e of the S p ir it .

27. Hebr ew s 10:23: You w i ll not w aver i n your f ai th.

23 L e t us ho ld uns werv ing ly to the hope we profes s , for he who prom is ed is fa ithfu l.

28. Hebr ew s 10:35: You can have conf i dence i n God and Hi s Wor d.

35 S o do no t throw a w ay y our c onf iden c e; it w ill be r ic h ly rew a rded.

29. Joel 3:10: You can f i nd str engt h i n God and Hi s Wor d.

10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak ling say, “
I am strong! ”

30. Hebr ew s 13:8: Jesus Chr ist has never changed. W ha t H e d id in the B ib le, H e w ill do for y ou toda y .

8 J es us C hr is t is the s a m e y es terd ay a nd toda y a nd fore v er.

31. 3 John 2: God’

s hi ghest w i sh i s f or you to be w el l .
2 D ea r fr iend, I pray tha t y ou m ay enjo y g ood hea lth a nd tha t a ll m ay g o we ll w ith y ou, ev en a s y our s ou l is g e tting
a lon g we ll.

32. Jam es 5:14-15: Be anoint ed w i th oi l by a Chr isti an w ho bel i eves i n heal i ng.

14 I s a ny one a m ong y ou s ic k? L e t them c a ll the e lders of the c hur c h to pray ov er them a nd a no in t them w ith o il in
the na m e of the L ord. 15 A nd the pray er offered in fa ith w ill m ak e the s ic k pers on we ll; the L ord w ill ra is e them up.
I f they hav e s inned, they w ill be forg iv en.

33. 1 Peter 2:24: Jesus has al r eady pai d the pr i ce f or our heal i ng.

24 “H e h im s e lf bore our s ins ”in h is bod y on the c ros s , s o tha t we m ig h t d ie to s ins a nd liv e for r ig h teou s ne s s ; “by
h is wounds y ou hav e been hea led.”

34. 1 John 5:14-15: Be conf i dent i n your pr ayer s.

14 T h is is the c onf iden c e we hav e in a pproa c h ing G od : tha t if we a s k a ny th in g a c c ord in g to h is w ill, he hea rs us .
15 A nd if we k now tha t he hea rs us —wha tev er we a s k —we k now tha t we hav e wha t we a s k ed of h im .

35. 1 John 3:21-22: God answ er s the pr ayer s of those w ho keep Hi s com m andm ents.

21 D ea r fr iends , if our hea r ts do no t c ondem n us , we hav e c onf iden c e before G od 22 a nd rec e iv e from h im
a ny th in g we a s k , bec a us e we k eep h is c om m a nds a nd do wha t p lea s es h im .

36. 2 Ti m othy 1:7: Fear i s not of God. Rebuke i t!

7 F or G od ha s no t g iv en us a s p ir it of fea r, bu t of power a nd lov e a nd s e lf- d is c ip line.

37. 2 Cor inthi ans 10:4-5: Cast dow n those thoughts and i m agi nati ons that don’
t l ine up w i th the Wor d of God.

4 T he wea pon s we f ig h t w ith a re no t the wea pon s of the wor ld. O n the c on tra ry , they hav e d iv ine power to
dem o lis h s trong ho lds . 5 W e dem o lis h a rg u m en ts a nd ev ery pre tens ion tha t s e ts its e lf up aga ins t the k now led g e of
G od, a nd we tak e c a p tiv e ev ery thou g h t to m ak e it obed ien t to C hr is t.

38. Ephesi ans 6:10-13: Be str ong i n the Lor d’

s pow er . Put on Hi s ar m or to f i ght f or your heal i ng.
10 F ina lly , be s trong in the L ord a nd in h is m ig h ty power. 11 P u t on the fu ll a rm or of G od, s o tha t y ou c a n tak e
y our s ta nd aga ins t the dev il’
s s c he m e s . 12 F or our s tru gg le is no t aga ins t f les h a nd b lood, bu t aga ins t the ru lers ,
aga ins t the a u thor ities , aga ins t the powers of th is da rk wor ld a nd aga ins t the s p ir it ua l forc e s of ev il in the hea v en ly
rea lm s . 13 T herefore pu t on the fu ll a rm or of G od, s o tha t when the day of ev il c om es , y ou m ay be a b le to s ta nd
y our g round, a nd a f ter y ou hav e done ev ery th ing , to s ta nd.

39. Revel ati on 12:11: Gi ve testi m ony of your heal i ng.

11 T he y tr ium phed ov er h im by the b lood of the L a m b a nd by the word of the ir tes tim ony ; they d id no t lov e the ir
liv es s o m uc h a s to s hr in k from dea th.

40. Nahum 1:9: Your si ckness w i ll l eave and not com e back agai n.

9 W ha tev er they p lo t aga ins t the L ord he w ill br ing to a n end ; troub le w ill no t c om e a s ec ond tim e.

Cr edi t: Heal ed of Cancer by Dodi e Osteen

w w w .l akew

Excer pts used w i th per m i ssi on f r om Lakew ood Chur ch/Joel Osteen Mi ni str i es.

Father, I come boldly before Your throne to obtain grace to help in time of need. I have confidence in Your Word, and I take
hold of Your promises to heal me. According to Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24, I resist sickness and disease. I speak with my
mouth and believe in my heart that I am healed of all sickness and disease.

Your Word says that Jesus bore all my sickness and diseases, and He carried my sorrows, so I receive healing now. I know
and declare that Jesus is my Healer. I give You all the praise for providing everything I need to walk in wholeness.

Thank You for satisfying me with long life. Father, I am thankful that You are no respecter of persons. What You do for one,
You will do for all who ask and believe by faith.

Satan, I declare to you in the Name of Jesus that you have no authority over me. According to Matthew 18:18, I bind you
from operating against me in any way. My life is hidden in Christ. You have no power to bring any part of the curse upon me.
I take my stand as one who is redeemed from the curse. So you must flee now! I take my place in God and I resist you.

Now Father, I worship You. I give You reverence. I confess with my mouth that Your Word will not return to You void. I
praise You for Your protection and for Your goodness upon my life. I thank You that Satan is unable to penetrate that. Thank
You for bringing total healing to me. Your Word says whatever I ask in the Name of Jesus will be done for me. So I declare
this is done. My healing is complete. Amen.


Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “W hos oev er s ha ll c a ll on the na m e of the L ord

s ha ll be s av ed”( A c ts 2: 21) .

I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10: “I f

thou s ha lt c onfes s w ith thy m ou th the L ord J es us , a nd s ha lt be lie v e in th ine hea r t tha t G od ha th ra is ed h im from
the dea d, thou s ha lt be s av ed. F or w ith the hea r t m a n be lie v e t h un to r ig h t eou s ne s s ; a nd w ith the m ou th
c onfes s ion is m a de un to s a lv a tion.”I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my

heart that God raised Him from the dead.

I am now reborn! I am a Christ ian—a child of Alm ighty God! I am saved! You also said in Your Word, “
I f y e then, be in g ev il,
k now how to g iv e g ood g if ts un to y our c h ildren: H O W MU C H MO R E s ha ll y our hea v en ly F a ther g iv e the H o ly
S p ir it to them tha t a s k h im ? ”(Luke 11:13). I’
m also asking You to f ill me with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, rise up within me

as I praise God. I fully expec t to speak with other tongues as You give me the utterance (Ac ts 2:4). In Jesus’
Name. Amen!

Begin to praise God for f illing you with the Holy Spirit. Speak those words and syllables you receive—not in your own
language, but the language given to you by the Holy Spirit. You have to use your own voice. God will not force you to speak.

t be concerned with how it sounds. I t is a heavenly language!

Continue with the blessing God has given you and pray in the spirit every day.

You are a born-again, Spirit-f illed believer. You’

ll never be the same!

Find a good church that boldly preaches God’

s Word and obeys it. Become part of a church fam ily who will love and care for
you as you love and care for them.

We need to be connec ted to each other. I t increases our strength in God. I t’

s God’
s plan for us.

Make it a habit to study Gods Word and become a doer of the Word, who is blessed in his doing (James 1:22-25).

You can also visit our website and join any of our online groups for your daily dosage of Gods Word.
4 Steps To Turn Your Desires Into Reality
Letter To My Child; 24 Things I wish I knew and understood early in life

Daily Meditation Audio Series:
Believers AuthorityDaily
Supernatural Childbirth
Fruit of the Spirit
Health and Healing
Divine Protection
The Holy Spirit
Family (Husband, Wife, Children)
Kingdom of God
Giving and Receiving
The Great Commission and so much more
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Dear Parent,
It is our responsibility to mentor our children and to make a positive deposit in
the life of any child that comes in contact with us.

This Iit tle book at tempts to help achieve this goal.

The content of this book has virtues like love, respect, honor, etc. If learnt early,
these will help children thrive and not merely survive in this world.

With this book, we can mentor any child “deliberately”.

Let us partner together to raise godly children who will rule their world.

To participate in the child mentorship project, you can purchase additional

copies of this book for your child to share with friends or you can purchase to
dist ribute in a school/Sunday school near you.
Send an email to or WhatsApp chat to 09058732252 or
call +2349058732252.

Ogo Ogbueli

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