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Possibility Living - Billy Joe Daugherty

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1 All Things Are Possible

2 Impossible Situation Turns Around!
3 I Challenge You!
4 God Has a Plan
5 Launch Out Into the Deep
6 Hindrances to Possibility Living
7 Important Questions
Personal Prayer of Commitment
All Things Are Possible
God wants you to live in the revelation that all things are possible. This truth is spoken in
many different ways, from the story of creation in Genesis to Revelation. To have Jesus in your
heart and to know He's there puts you in the realm of possibility living.
When Sarah laughed at the idea of Abraham and herself having a child in their old age, the
angel replied, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14). If God wants it to
happen, He can certainly bring it to pass. Your job is to believe. The miracle baby, Isaac, was
born when Abraham was nearly 100 and Sarah 90.
God told Jeremiah to buy a piece of land in Israel as a sign that the people of Israel would
be returned after their captivity in Babylon. In his prayer, Jeremiah said, "Ah, Lord God!
Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched
arm. There is nothing too hard for You" (Jeremiah 32:17).
God did what may have seemed impossible and brought His people from captivity to their
Nothing Shall Be Impossible
The angel Gabriel was sent to give Mary the word that she would give birth to the Son of
God. His reply to Mary's question was, "For with God nothing will be impossible." Just as
God had a plan for Mary, so He has a plan for you. No matter what it looks like now, with God
nothing shall be impossible.
Peter asked Jesus how man could be saved. Jesus replied, "With men this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). In the natural, there are many
impossible situations, but with God nothing shall be impossible.
If You Can Believe
A father brought his tormented, demon-possessed son to Jesus. The disciples had tried but
failed to deliver the child who could not hear or speak. Often, the evil spirit had thrown the boy
into fire or water to destroy him. The father cried out to Jesus, "...If You can do anything, have
compassion on us and help us" (Mark 9:22).
"Jesus said to him, ’If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes’
" (Mark 9:23). He put responsibility on the father. Yes, it's true—you must believe to have
possibility living. The good news is—you can believe.
Jesus spoke to the child and set him free. Remember, miracles require our cooperation. God
does them, but He requires faith. You have faith, and God has given every person the measure of
faith (Romans 12:3). Turn it loose, and start expecting miracles.
Faith As a Mustard Seed
Jesus' disciples were disappointed that they could not deliver the child and asked, "Why
could we not cast him out?" (Matthew 17:19).
So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you
have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it
will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
"However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
Matthew 17:20,21
Faith comes by hearing God's Word (Romans 10:17). You have the faith you need to move
the mountains standing in your way. Get the promises of God in your mouth, your ears, your
mind and down in your heart.
Start speaking to the obstacles that have stood in your way. Declare your faith. Agree with
the Word of God. Say what God says. Let the truth be on your lips.
To see mountains move, you must believe in the Word of God. Doubting the integrity of
Scripture will absolutely nullify your faith. This is why there has been such an attack against the
Bible. Remember, the Word of God will stand forever (Isaiah 40:8).
Jesus said unbelief caused the disciples to fail. On the other side, Jesus was saying faith will
cause you to succeed. Believing is a choice of the heart based on the knowledge of God's will. If
you know God's will in a situation because you have seen it in the Word, then choose to believe.
Believe with your heart and speak with your mouth what God has spoken. This is the spirit of
faith (2 Corinthians 4:13).
Impossible Situation Turns Around!
In late August, 1991, we were speaking in St. Petersburg, Russia, as a guest of Dr. Lester
Sumrall. During the meetings, God spoke in my heart we were to return to the same sports
coliseum and conduct crusades to lead people to Jesus. It was a clear word with urgency. We
must return quickly to reap the harvest while there is time.
As we returned to Tulsa and began making arrangements for a November, 1991 crusade,
there were many obstacles. The biggest was the opinion of the leaders in Russia that we should
not go back for another year. The people who had helped Dr. Sumrall felt they could not be
involved in another crusade for at least nine to ten months. Because we did not know anyone else
who could help us, it seemed impossible.
The final response came to us in the second week of September. After we were turned
down, I filed all the information on Russia and resigned myself to not going. For six days the
Spirit of God kept bringing it up to me. Finally, on a Sunday morning as I was putting on my
shoes, I said to Sharon, "We're going to Russia in November." It was a faith statement that came
up from my spirit.
That Sunday morning after the service, there were four Russians who came to shake my
hand. I had never seen them or talked to them. The miracle is that three were ministers from St.
Petersburg. They said, "We heard you are going to Russia. We want to help you."
They put us in contact with churches that helped us with the November crusade and over
25.000 accepted Jesus in that first crusade!
We started in January of 1992 going once a month to hold a crusade in St. Petersburg. Over
300.000 decisions for Christ came in the first year!
This miracle happened because of possibility living. God made a way when there seemed
to be no way.
I Challenge You!
I challenge you to come out of fear and unbelief. Let go of the negative attitudes that have
tried to hold your life. Say no to the pessimistic spirit of the age.
You can have a better life. God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for others, He
will do for you.
Move Today!
Marvelous rays of God's divine light are beginning to shine into your heart and mind as you
read these words. The darkness is fleeing away as mist in morning sunlight.
You can live without depression. You can be a joyful person. God is for you (Romans
8:31). Your sleep can be sweet, and you can arise with hope in your life each day. You can have
a song in your heart.
I challenge you to believe God wants a good life for you. Believe in His mercy to forgive
your sins. Believe in His ability to restore your life. He can mend the broken heart. He revives
dreams. BELIEVE IT!!
Believe God's goodness is greater than all the devil's badness. Believe Jesus' words, "...I
have come that they [you] may have life, and that they [you] may have it more abundantly"
(John 10:10).
Now, start saying out loud:
Say these words over and over until you are transformed by the renewing of your mind
(Romans 12:2).
God Has a Plan
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
God spoke these encouraging words to a group of people who had failed miserably. In spite
of all their shortcomings, God still had a plan for them. He has one for you, too.
God's plan for you is tailor-made, custom designed. You fit the plan, and the plan fits you.
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works..." (Ephesians
2:10, NAS).
The enormous potential in your life can only be unlocked by you. If you will believe and
confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal life. As you let Jesus rule in
your life, He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to His
power which is at work in you (Ephesians 3:20, TCNT).
He Will Reveal His Plan
God will reveal His plan to you. He revealed His individual plan to Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Joshua, Samuel, John the Baptist, Paul and millions of others. He will cause you to know what
He wants you to do.
A great prayer to pray for revelation about God's plan is Colossians 1:9,10:
For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to
ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual
That you may have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in
every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
God wants you to know His plan and walk in it. He will tell you what you need to know
when you need to know it. Trust Him. Apply yourself right now to what you know to do, and
you will be ready for the next step.
Believe His Plans
"...If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23). The
critical part is believing. God can do it, but He must have people to believe.
God told Abraham of His plan to make a great nation from a son to be born through Sarah
and him. Eventually, Abraham came to the place of believing.
He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in
faith, giving glory to God,
And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.
Romans 4:20,21
Mary's response to the angel who told her she would give birth to the Messiah was, "...Let
it be done to me according to what you have said... " (Luke 1:38, AMP.).
The impossible becomes possible when we believe and obey God. It is your corresponding
act of faith that triggers the release of God's miracle power. Hesitation can open the door to
doubt. Whatever God speaks, do it.
At the wedding of Cana, Jesus' mother told the servants, "...Whatever He says to you, do
it” (John 2:5, AMP.). It seemed impossible that water could turn to wine, but as they obeyed, the
miracle happened.
Obedience is faith in action. It reveals what you are believing and speaking. If you can only
start, then start. Don't be concerned that you do not have all the pieces of the puzzle at the
Dr. David Yonggi Cho pastors the largest church in the history of the world, with over
700,000 members in Seoul, Korea. When asked the secret of his success, he replied, "I pray and I
The little boy offered his lunch as an act of faith. When Jesus blessed it, a multitude was fed
with 12 baskets left over. That's impossible with man, but not with God.
What is in your hand? Give it to Jesus. What can you do? Start. Let your actions be a
declaration of your faith, saying, I BELIEVE ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.
Launch Out Into the Deep
One of the great faith-building accounts in the Bible is Peter's experience with Jesus on the
Sea of Galilee. Jesus took Peter into the dimension of possibility living with a miracle catch of
Now so it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He
stood by the Lake of Gennesaret,
And saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and
were washing their nets.
Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little
from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
Now when He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and
let down your nets for a catch."
But Simon answered and said to Him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught
nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net"
And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was
So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they
came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I
am a sinful man, O Lord!"
For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had
And so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with
Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men."
So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.
Luke 5:1-11
Do What You Have Not Done
Jesus challenged Peter to move out into a new realm of the miraculous. All of Peter's life
had been based on natural laws with all their limitations. Now Jesus gives a command that goes
against all that Peter had ever experienced.
Peter obeyed. "Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." The net-breaking,
boat-sinking load was evidence of God's possibilities for his future.
What happened in the natural was a prelude to what God would do through Peter in the
supernatural. Jesus said, "...You will catch men." On the Day of Pentecost, 3,000 people
accepted Jesus as Lord when Peter preached a simple, yet powerful, message.
Jesus called Peter to do what he had not done before. You will live in a realm of
impossibilities when you only do what you've known in the past. Peter had many obstacles to
overcome to be a part
of something that seemed impossible.
Jesus had bigger plans for Peter than commercial fishing, and God has bigger plans for you
than just increasing your company and expanding your business. God has a plan for you to
launch out into the deep and catch men. We are in a day and time when multitudes of people are
ready to be brought into the Kingdom of God.
Sharon and I and our entire church body, Victory Christian Center, launched out into the
deep when we began holding week-long crusades once a month in St. Petersburg, Russia. When
we began, it seemed so difficult, so far away and so strange, because we had never done it before
ourselves, but we obeyed God. Many people have come to Christ in these crusades.
In January, 1992, we took 50,000 decision cards. They were gone by the third day of the
four-day meeting. That's the only time in my life I have been able to relate to Simon Peter and
his net-breaking catch when he obeyed Jesus' command to "launch out into the deep."
God wants to use you in the King's business! I'm talking about possibility living where you
live in the realm where God lives. When you wait upon the Lord, He will lift you up and you will
begin to see things from His perspective.
Life is more than just washing your nets and getting in your boat! Jesus has bigger plans for
your life, but you must be willing to accept His plan.
God's plan demands that you go beyond where you are right now. If He has a plan, then He
has already made the provision, strength and wisdom you need to carry it out.
As we list some common roadblocks to possibility living, determine to remove them from
your life.
Possibility Living Confessions
All things are possible to me because I believe.
The Greater One lives in me!
I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.
I abide in Jesus, and His Word abides in me.
I know the truth, and the truth sets me free.
Hindrances to Possibility Living
1. Past experiences.
The past has been a snare to many people. Failures, disappointments and heartaches can be
stepping stones instead of roadblocks if you will activate your faith.
Peter's first response to Jesus was about fishing all night and catching nothing. It is amazing
how many people will say, "I've tried praying" or "I've tried believing God's promises."
Determine today to be ruled by Jesus and His Word rather than by what has happened. Like Paul
...Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things
which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13,14 (KJV)
2. Sense knowledge.
What we can see and feel is in the realm of the senses. What we believe in God's Word is in
the spiritual realm. If you let your senses rule your life, you will miss God's blessings.
"God is a Spirit.." (John 4:24, KJV). His words are spirit and life (John 6:63).
To believe in your heart is not an emotional or sensual effort, but rather a spiritual one.
Peter's senses could tell him that fishing in the daytime with a net was useless. Fish could
see the net easily and get away from it..
Jesus' words contradicted the sense knowledge evidence. This is typical of the Word of
God. What God says will often go against what the senses would tell you.
Jesus multiplying a boy's lunch to feed 5,000 defies the human mind. Jesus walking on the
water cannot be explained by the senses. The resurrection is outside the realm of the senses. It
was the power of God's Word and His Spirit that brought each of these miracles to pass. The
good news is that you have His Word and His Spirit, too.
When we built our new facilities on a cash, debt-free basis across the street from Oral
Roberts University in 1986-1988, those were three of the toughest years in Tulsa's economic
history. When businesses were crashing, people were losing money and others were losing their
jobs, God said, "Now is the time to build." If God says it's time, you must get rid of your sense
"For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). Possibility living is by faith in
God's Word. You are stepping into a new realm of relying upon Jesus every moment of your life.
3. Circumstances.
The way things are presently is not the way they must remain. Don't take no for an answer
if God has told you to do something. In kindness and courtesy, seek for the legal ways of
fulfilling God's plan.
Perhaps you would like to have your children attend a Christian school, but you say, "Under
the circumstances, we simply cannot afford it." What are you doing under the circumstances?
One family whose children attend Victory Christian School didn't have the money, in the
natural, to pay tuition for all three of their children, but God gave them a creative idea. They sell
fireworks each year before the fourth of July. They hire people to work for them so they can
continue to do the things they need to do on their regular jobs. The money they make through
this venture pays tuition each year for all three of Sherry and Harry Barbour's children.
God doesn't have a shortage of ideas to meet your needs. The only shortage is between your
ears! Seek the Lord and trust Him. He will give you creative ideas to meet the needs you are
facing. He wants you to move into possibility living! You can do it!
We were scheduled to speak in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m., July 7,
1992. The plane from New York to Finland was over two hours late, causing us to miss the
daytime flight to Russia. We were told there were no other flights until 7:45 p.m. which would
cause us to miss the opening service of the crusade.
Every person we asked stated emphatically that we would not be able to go any earlier than
the evening flight. It looked impossible. The circumstances were very discouraging.
Sharon remembered having a Finnish lady's phone number who offered to help us if we
ever had airline difficulties. We called her and she was home. Also, our coordinator in Russia
started calling the airline for some type of help.
Within 45 minutes, we received word that we would be allowed to change to an Air France
plane that beforehand was impossible to board. While 20 to 30 New York passengers heading to
Russia went to spend the day in a Finnish hotel, we were the only ones to get on the Air France
plane in Helsinki, Finland, and arrive on time for the crusade in St. Petersburg. DON'T TAKE
4. Human limitations.
Age, weight, color, height, education, race and nationality are all important to you as an
individual, but they are not reasons to doubt God's Word.
Gideon struggled to move out of his world of fear and oppression because his mind was
focused on his family's poverty and his position as the youngest in the family. God promised
Gideon the same thing He promises you—The Lord will be with you (Judges 6:12-16).
Quit bellyaching about what you are not and start declaring who God is. He is with you.
Therefore, everything you are not, GOD IS. What you don't have, HE DOES.
I think of David Sizer who attended Victory Bible Institute when he was 96 years old. He
was still ministering in the nursing homes to the old folks and in the jails when he was 100 years
old! Some people at 35 can't get out of bed! Bless their darling hearts! Get out of the box and out
of your pity party, because you're the only one invited!
God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). That means He will do for you what He has
done for others. It pleases God to use what seems foolish to bring His plans to pass on the earth.
Peter was not the great leader of the early church because of human abilities. The power
and glory flowing from that Galilean fisherman were obviously the Lord's.
5. Fear of failure.
There were eleven disciples who stayed in the boat safe and sound while Peter walked on
the water. Why didn't the others call out to Jesus and step out in faith? Could it be they were
afraid of sinking?
You are now a water walker! You have a divine discontent that will not allow you to stay in
the boat. Possibility living has released you from the shackles of mediocrity and the confines of
boredom. God's exciting plan for your life will be fulfilled.
Saul stayed in his tent while a giant cursed Israel and belittled all the soldiers. Fear of
failure puts people in bondage. The intimidation of this giant has made millions slaves of routine
and habit.
You are like David saying, "Give me a shot at that giant." While others feared that Goliath
was too big to fight, David knew he was too big to miss. He launched the first guided missile and
made a deep impression on the "big one."
When David had inquired about the reward that would be given to the man killing the giant,
the soldiers said the king would give riches, his daughter and tax exemption (1 Samuel
17:25,26). The rewards of success are motivation to let go of the fear of failure.
David had proved God's ability in fighting the lion and the bear. His personal time
fellowshipping with God built an awareness of God's presence. Instead of fear, faith rose in his
Fear of failure almost kept me from transferring to O.R.U. at mid-term of my sophomore
year in college. I gave up a full scholarship to obey God and move to Tulsa. I had thoughts of,
"What if I fail? What if I have to go back to the state college to finish my education?" But then I
moved into possibility thinking, "What if I make it? What if it works?"
You, too, can do what seems impossible when you know God intimately (Daniel 11:32).
You have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
6. Fear of what others think.
The fear of man is a snare (Proverbs 29:25). Herod had John the Baptist beheaded because
he was afraid of what people would think. Ridiculous things happen when people care more
about the opinions of others than God's approval.
The Apostle Paul said, "...If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a
bond servant of Christ (the Messiah)" (Galatians 1:10, AMP.).
Decide to obey God. There is a time for wise, godly counsel, but don't allow the negative
attitudes of relatives, friends, or associates to keep you from pleasing the Father.
7. Fear of costs.
How much will it cost? That question needs to be asked, but not at first. It is part of the
information to gather—not all of it.
Any endeavor worth doing will cost somebody something. Feeding 5,000 people after Jesus
preached cost a little boy his lunch. By giving it to the Master in faith, he not only became part of
a miracle to meet the needs of many people, but he also took home 12 baskets full of loaves and
What you gain from obeying God will be far beyond what it costs. God not only finances
His plans, but He also blesses those who carry them out.
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ
(Philippians 4:19, KJV). You can expect unforeseen resources to come your way the
moment you start to obey.
Important Questions
How do I know if my idea, plan, or direction is from the Lord? What can I do to check
myself and avoid presumption?
Possibility living is not simply our own choice. It is God's choice. He calls the shots and we
obey. This is not merely having a positive attitude about life. It is launching out at God's Word.
Three questions will help you locate your motives and God's plan. Prayerfully put them
before the decisions you are making right now.
1. Will God be glorified?
2. Will the needs of people be met?
3. Did God say to do it?
You could take question number 3 by itself and get the answer. I added the first two
because they will always be true if God said do it. These questions will help keep you on track as
you launch out into POSSIBILITY LIVING!
Personal Prayer of Commitment
Lord, I want to launch out into the deep with You in possibility living. To do this, I commit
myself fully to Your plans for my life.
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge You as God's Son. I believe You were crucified, buried,
resurrected and ascended to the Throne of God. I confess You this day as my personal Lord and
Empower me with the Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus, so I will be equipped to move into
possibility living in every realm of life.
I commit to daily filling myself with spiritual food—Your Word, Lord—because I want to
be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so I can
complete the destiny to which You have called me.
Thank You that You have good plans for my new life in You. My old life is now dead and
gone, and I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in You, Lord Jesus!
About the Author
Billy Joe Daugherty is the pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has a
daily radio and television ministry in addition to writing several books: Faith Power, Absolute
Victory, This New Life, You Can Be Healed, The Demonstration of the Gospel, Be On Fire
For the Lord, What Is the Fear of the Lord?, You Will Increase, Diligence Produces Results,
You Are Valuable, Overcoming the Storms of Life, You Can Start Over, and How to Know
God’s WUl.

Victory Christian Center, established in 1981, has grown to over 8,000 members. The
church operates Victory Christian School, Victory Bible Institute and Victory World Missions
Training Center.
Billy Joe and his wife, Sharon, were married in 1973 and have four children: Sarah, Ruth,
John, and Paul.

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