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ASEAN Fintech

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Emergence of Fintech Companies in Southeast Asia

―Rising Hopes of a Solution to Financial Issues―

By Kaori Iwasaki
Senior Economist
Economics Department
Japan Research Institute

1. A growing number of fintech-related businesses are emerging in Southeast Asia, reflecting
increased interest as part of the global fintech (financial technology) boom. The Internet and
smartphones are spreading rapidly in Southeast Asia, and many of these new businesses are uti-
lizing these technologies to find solutions to the region’s financial problems.
2. Many of the technologies and business models adopted by fintech businesses in South-
east Asia were not developed in the region, but instead imported from developed countries and
China. While using these technologies and business models, Southeast Asian fintech companies
are also retaining some traditional methods to create hybrid business models that combine both
high-tech and low-tech approaches, which from the perspective of developed countries seem un-
suited to the digital age. This situation reflects the fact that digital and non-digital fields have not
developed side by side in Southeast Asia, as they have in many developed countries.
3. These characteristics are seen in the following examples of typical fintech businesses in
Southeast Asia.
(1) Mobile payment services: These can be used even by people who have no bank accounts.
Money can be loaded into accounts in mobile devices by paying cash to affiliated retailers
and other outlets in the local community.
(2) Services that allow cash transfers using only mobile phone numbers: Singapore and Thai-
land are both engaged in national initiatives in this area as part of their efforts to create
domestic infrastructure for electronic payments.
(3) Mobile overseas money transfer services: These services evolved to meet the needs of a
region in which large numbers of people travel overseas to work. They are promoted as
being easier, cheaper, and faster than conventional systems.
(4) Lending services based on the use of alternative data: These businesses collect and ana-
lyze digital footprints and use this information to compensate for or provide an alternative
to underdeveloped credit information systems.
4. One area which is leading the fintech boom in Southeast Asia is mobile payments. Compe-
tition has intensified in this area due to a large influx of companies into the market. The Chinese
companies Alibaba and Tencent are expected to step up their presence in the market sooner or
later. Local companies, such as the powerful ride-hailing startups Go-Jek and Grab, are mean-
while positioning themselves strategically to take leading positions across the entire electronic
payment service sector in Southeast Asia.
5. Fintech businesses are also attracting attention from Southeast Asian governments, which
want to ensure the sound development of fintech as a way to develop and enhance the finan-
cial systems of their countries. There are especially high hopes toward the role of fintech in the
achievement of financial inclusiveness and the creation of a cashless society.
6. Many hurdles will need to be overcome before fintech businesses can become firmly estab-
lished in Southeast Asia and contribute to the solution of the region’s financial problems. What
is most important is to ensure the reliability of fintech businesses. That will require both public
and private initiatives, including the creation of mechanisms and rules, the establishment of se-
curity measures, and awareness-raising activities for users.

2 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

Introduction bile payments, which is leading the fintech boom
in Southeast Asia, focusing in particular inroads
In recent years there has been a global trend by Chinese companies and trends in the ride-hail-
toward the convergence of finance and IT in the ing business. Part 5 will show how governments
form of fintech, leading to the emergence of vari- are looking at fintech businesses in terms of their
ous financial services. In Southeast Asia, this has potential to contribute to the solution of policy is-
led to the rise of various fintech businesses, espe- sues in each country.
cially problem-solving businesses that approach
financial sector problems in Southeast Asia as
business opportunities. These businesses are using
technologies and business models that originated 1. Recent Developments of Fin-
in developed countries and China as problem- tech in Southeast Asia
solving tools. Another feature of these businesses
is their ability to combine high-tech and low- (1) Upsurge in Fintech Businesses
tech approaches according to local conditions, by
introducing cutting-edge technology while also
keeping traditional methods. An overview of fintech businesses in Southeast
In this article we will examine these character- Asia can be obtained by looking at the list com-
istics of Southeast Asian fintech and the compa- piled by the Thai technology media firm Tech-
nies that use fintech. Part 1 will provide an outline sauce and market research and consultancy com-
of fintech businesses in Southeast Asia. Part 2 will pany RUAMKID in Southeast Asia’s Top 75 Fin-
examine the various finance-related problems in tech Companies Report 2017(1). First, the top three
Southeast Asia that have led to the rise of fintech countries in terms of head office locations for
businesses in the region, and show how fintech these companies were Singapore (43%), Thailand
can be used to resolve these issues. Part 3 will (19%), and Indonesia (12%) (Fig. 1). These fig-
look at some typical examples of fintech business- ures confirm that while many fintech companies
es in Southeast Asia, and Part 4 will focus on mo- are concentrated in Singapore, which is the most

Fig. 1 A
 ttributes of the Main Types of Fintech Companies in Southeast Asia
(Survey of 75 Companies)
By Country By Sector

Myanmar (%) Accounting Insurance (%)

4 software 1
4 Investment
Malaysia Personal asset research
5 management 1
Philippines Financial
8 business tools
Singapore 5 Electronic
Vietnam 43 Lending settlements
9 8 43

For personal
Comparison of
Thailand 11
financial products
Notes: The 75 fintech companies were selected on the basis of funds raised, cross-border business expansion, and other factors
(e.g., market leadership, business model innovation, links with large corporations). They include both existing and emerging
Source: Techsauce, RUAMKID, Southeast Asia’s Top 75 Fintech Companies Report 2017, February 2017

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 3

financially advanced country in Southeast Asia, nies are also scattered across other countries in the
they are also emerging in other countries in the region, indicating that companies are emerging
region. Moreover, a significant number of compa- throughout Southeast Asia (Table 1). However,
nies have located their headquarters in Singapore, five out of the six companies engaged in bitcoin-
which, although small, offers an attractive busi- or blockchain-related activities are based in Sin-
ness environment, including its regulatory and tax gapore, as are all four providers of financial and
systems, while conducting their actual business business tools, which are primarily involved in
activities in other countries. supporting financial institutions and professional
Second, if we categorize these companies in investors. This is because these companies must
terms of their field of business, nearly half (43%) satisfy relatively sophisticated financial needs or
are involved in the electronic payment business, require advanced financial technology. In contrast,
including mobile payment services(2). This is far only three fintech companies have their headquar-
higher than the percentage engaged in the second ters in Myanmar, and are involved in the elec-
most common field of activity: financial product tronic payments business. This appears to reflect
comparison (15%), and the third-ranked area: sup- the fact that diversified and sophisticated financial
port for individual investors (11%). When looking needs have only just started to evolve in Myan-
at the global trend, less than 20% of companies mar.
in the Fintech 250 list(3) compiled by CB Insights Key players in the fintech business in Southeast
(2017 edition) are engaged in the electronic pay- Asia include existing financial institutions and
ment business(4), reflecting the dispersal of compa- telecommunications companies, and also start-
nies across a broader spectrum of fields. This sug- ups. Major financial institutions in each country
gests that the electronic payment business is lead- already provide mobile banking services, and tele-
ing the growth of fintech in the Southeast Asian communications carriers as well as financial insti-
market, which still lacks depth. tutions offer mobile payment services.
Cross-aggregation by country and business Fintech start-ups are becoming an increasingly
field confirms that while many electronic payment important presence. Although the aforementioned
companies are based in Singapore, such compa- list of Southeast Asia’s top 75 fintech companies

Table 1 Major Fintech Companies in Southeast Asia by Country and Field

Singapore Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Philippines Malaysia Myanmar Total
Electronic settlements
12 5 3 4 3 2 3 32
(e.g., mobile settlements)
Comparison of financial products 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 11
For personal investors 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 8
Bitcoin/Blockchain 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 6
Lending 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 6
Financial/business tools 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Accounting software 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3
Personal asset management 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3
Insurance 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Investment research 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 32 14 9 7 6 4 3 75

Notes: The 75 fintech companies were selected on the basis of funds raised, cross-border business expansion, and other factors
(e.g., market leadership, business model innovation, links with large corporations). They include both existing and emerging
Source: Techsauce, RUAMKID, Southeast Asia’s Top 75 Fintech Companies Report 2017, February 2017

4 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

is not limited to start-ups, they make up the major- growing number of start-ups from other sectors
ity. Examples include the Vietnam-based company are also moving into the fintech business in South-
M_Service, which provides mobile payment ser- east Asia. In the area of electronic payments, es-
vices under the “MoMo” brand (examined later in pecially mobile payments, start-ups from fields
this article),, which has its headquarters ranging from e-commerce to online gaming and
in the Philippines and provides payment services ride-hailing services have moved into the area. In
using mobile devices and blockchain technology, many countries, there is a now a proliferating ar-
and Funding Societies, a P2P lending company ray of schemes formed by start-ups in collabora-
based in Singapore. Some of these start-ups have tion with existing financial institutions and tele-
attracted enough interest to be included in the communications companies. Two companies that
global Fintech 250 list. are attracting attention in the area of electronic
According to statistics compiled by CB Insights payments are Go-Jek (head office: Indonesia) and
(Fig. 2), Venture capital (VC) investment in fin- Grab (head office: Singapore), both of which are
tech start-ups in Southeast Asia rose from $11 involved in the ride-hailing business. We look at
million in 2012 to $177 million in 2015, a 16-fold their activities in greater detail later in this article.
increase. The total dropped slightly to $158 mil-
lion in 2016, but the growth trend has continued
in terms of the number of investments. The fact (2) The Significance of Fintech for
that fintech has become a significant focus for Southeast Asia
VC investment is confirmed by its share of total
technology-related investment over the past three
years (2014-2016), which reached 9.2% in value In the emerging markets of Southeast Asia,
and 17.1% in volume. In 2016, VC investment in there is ample scope for the development of fin-
fintech in Japan was similar to the level in South- tech businesses. This is because of the big poten-
east Asia at $154 million. tial of fintech to solve the many issues affecting
In addition to specialized fintech start-ups, a the financial environment in these countries.
In developed countries, the level of financial
services available is already relatively high, which
means that the improvements provided by fintech
solutions are generally only marginal(5). While fin-
Fig. 2 Fintech Investment by Venture tech can enhance usability and yield cost savings
Capital in Southeast Asia for financial institutions, so far it has not triggered
(US$ million) (Volume) any dramatic changes to the financial industry.
180 80 Blockchain technology has that potential, but full-
160 70 scale practical implementation is still some dis-
tance in the future.
120 This contrasts with the situation in Southeast
100 Asia, where fintech has the potential to have a ma-
80 jor impact on the financial sector. The region’s fi-
30 nancial systems are underdeveloped, and in many
20 countries there is considerable room for improve-
20 10
ment through the use of fintech. Various things
that were previously difficult can now be achieved
0 0
2012 13 14 15 16 with fintech, and the benefits gained from these
(Calendar years)
Value (left axis) Volume (right axis)
new possibilities are substantial. Similar factors
explain the surge of fintech activity in China and
Source: CB Insights, Southeast Asia Fintech Deals Hit a
New Record, March 17, 2017 India.

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 5

Another factor that affects the scope for the 50% in Thailand and Indonesia, 40% in Vietnam,
emergence of fintech businesses is differences in and only 10% in the Philippines (2016, Fig. 3).
regulatory surroundings. In developed countries, Even in Singapore the coverage ratio is only 66%,
financial activity is already subject to stringent reflecting the fact that its credit information agen-
regulations, which tend to create barriers when cy, Credit Bureau Singapore, was established rela-
fintech start-ups try to introduce pioneering initia- tively recently in 2002.
tives. In contrast, many Southeast Asian countries In addition, the financial needs of low-income
offer an environment in which fintech start-ups earners, whether deposits or loans, tend to involve
can operate freely because their regulatory sys- small amounts, leading to higher operating costs
tems are either relatively relaxed or have not yet for the providers of these services. As a result,
been established. banks have been reluctant to offer financial ser-
vices to low-income individuals and have concen-
trated their branch and ATM networks in urban ar-
eas. They have also been charging account main-
2. The Role of Fintech in Finding tenance fees, and have applied strict terms and
Solutions to Issues in South- high interest rates to loans. Another factor is low
east Asia financial literacy among low-income people. For
these reasons, formal financial services have not
(1) Key Financial Issues been widely available to people in these countries.
In Southeast Asia, this situation has led to the fol-
lowing problems.
In this section, we will analyze problems affect-
ing the financial environment in Southeast Asia. (a) Low Bank Account Holdings
Most of these issues are common to developing The percentages of people with bank accounts
and emerging countries. in Southeast Asian countries are just 31.8% in the
First, there is a significant population of people Philippines and 30.0% in Vietnam. In other coun-
who have problems in terms of identify verifica-
tion and credit checking, especially among low-
income earners. From the perspective of banks,
providing services to these people is both difficult Fig. 3 Credit Bureau Coverage Ratios
and expensive. A significant number of people for Individuals in Southeast
have no documents that can be used to verify their Asia (2016)
identities, and even when such documents are
available, their authenticity is questionable. For
example, in Indonesia all citizens over the age of
17 possess an ID card (Resident Identity Card),
but because of inadequacies in managing the sys-
tem, fraud is not uncommon. For example, some
people possess multiple ID cards, while there are
occasional cases of forgeries(6). For this reason,
banks need to ask for multiple identifying docu- 20
ments and spend time verifying them.
In addition to the difficulty of identity verifica- 0
tion, the challenge of assessing creditworthiness is Vietnam Philippines Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore Japan
significant due to the inadequacies of credit infor- Public agencies Private agencies
mation systems in Southeast Asia. Credit bureau
Notes: Percentages of adult population.
coverage (the larger of either public on private) is Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators

6 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

tries the ratios are below 30%, at 29.1% in Laos, this reason, banks find it difficult to provide loans
25.6% in Myanmar, and 17.8% in Cambodia (all and credit cards not only to people who have no
figures from 2017, Table 2). There is also a dis- bank accounts, but even to those who hold ac-
parity within the country, based on income level counts. In Thailand, for instance, access to loans
and region. For example, in many countries the is limited due to underdeveloped credit informa-
percentages of low-income and rural people with tion systems, despite the fact that a relatively high
bank accounts are lower than the national aver- percentage (81.0%) of people have bank accounts.
ages. The percentages of people with credit cards are
There are various reasons for the low percent- generally low in Southeast Asian countries. The
age of people with bank accounts, including a lack ratio is 48.9% in Singapore and 21.3% in Malay-
of nearby banks, the difficulty and bother of sub- sia, and below 10% in other key Southeast Asian
mitting multiple identity verification documents, countries (Fig. 4). Since credit cards are issued
application procedure taking several weeks before by banks, the low percentage of people with bank
a bank account can be opened, and the cost of accounts is responsible for the low percentage of
bank account maintenance fees. In addition, many credit card holders. This situation has been aggra-
people basically have no reason to open a bank vated by inadequacies in credit information sys-
account. On a global basis, the number of people tems.
without bank accounts is about 2 billion, or almost The inability to obtain financing from banks
40% of the world’s adult population (5.5 billion)(7). when needed has an even greater impact on
Almost 300 million of these people live in nine SMEs, micro-enterprises, and individual business
Southeast Asian countries(8). operators than on individuals, including missed
growth opportunities, and insufficient resilience to
(b) Limited Access to Bank Loans and Credit overcome emergency situations. In a survey con-
Cards ducted by the International Finance Corporation
Inadequate credit information systems make it (IFC)(9), as many as 40% of informal enterprises
difficult for banks to assess creditworthiness. For (enterprises not registered with a local govern-

Table 2 Percentages of People with

Bank Accounts in Southeast Fig. 4 Percentages of People with
Asian Countries Credit Cards in Southeast Asia
Bank account holding ratio Number 70
(aged over 15, %) of ATMs
Lower Upper per
40% by 60% by Rural 100,000
income income adults
Singapore 97.8 96.1 99.0 — 57.7
Malaysia 85.1 80.2 88.4 80.8 48.1
Thailand 81.0 76.9 83.6 80.2 113.1
Indonesia 48.4 36.0 56.6 46.7 54.7 30
Vietnam 30.0 20.3 36.5 24.6 24.5
Philippines 31.8 17.5 41.2 26.1 27.1 20
Laos 29.1 17.4 36.8 22.4 24.3
Myanmar 25.6 22.1 28.0 24.8 2.7 10
Cambodia 17.8 10.3 22.8 15.6 6.7
98.2 97.5 98.7 97.3 127.8 Myanmar Cambodia Laos Philippines Indonesia Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Singapore Japan
Notes: 2017 figures. ATMs for Cambodia are 2014 figures.
Source: World Bank Global Findex Database, World De- Notes: 2017 figures.
velopment Indicators Source: World Bank, Global Financial Inclusion Database

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 7

ment or tax department, or individual business In the Philippines, for example, it takes an av-
operators) in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines erage of 25.9 minutes to reach a bank, and the
and Vietnam stated that they needed finance but waiting time after arrival averages 32.9 minutes.
were unable to access it (Fig. 5). Given the high Even with ATMs, the situation is similar. It takes
percentages of informal enterprises in these coun- an average of 21.9 minutes to reach an ATM, and
tries, the negative effects of this situation are sig- the average time waiting in line is 16.5 minutes(10).
nificant. Furthermore, 60% of Indonesian SMEs Of course, these times are averages. The Philip-
(5-250 employees) stated that they needed finance pines has over 2,000 inhabited islands, and there
but were unable to access it, indicating that formal are many places where the nearest ATM is several
as well as informal companies struggle to secure hours away by sea and overland. As the world’s
finance from banks. largest archipelago nation with over 8,000 inhabit-
ed islands, Indonesia faces similar problems. Even
(c) Low Utilization of Banking Services when an ATM is installed on an island, the cash
Usage levels are low not only for loans and is replenished only on a weekly basis, resulting in
credit cards, but also for other banking services, situations where the machines run out of money
such as deposits and money transfers. Reasons for less than three days after being refilled(11).
this include poor access to physical banking fa- Many people from the Philippines, Indonesia,
cilities, such as branches and ATMs, long lines at Vietnam, and other countries work overseas, cre-
bank counters, a lack of spare money to deposit in ating a need for workers to send money home to
accounts because of low incomes, and failure to their families, and for families to access that mon-
think of using banking services due to low finan- ey. Despite these needs, the systems are incon-
cial literacy rates. Indonesia has 54.7 ATMs per venient and costly for both senders and receivers
100,000 adults, which is about 40% of Japan’s fig- of these funds, either because people do not have
ure (127.8). The totals for Vietnam (24.5) and the bank accounts, or because of the poor accessibility
Philippines (27.1) are just 20% of the figure for of real-world facilities, and the problems involved
Japan (see Table 2 above). are even greater than those affecting domestic

Fig. 5 Fulfillment of Financing Needs of SMEs in Four Southeast Asian Countries

Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Vietnam

(%) (%) (%) (%)

100 100 100 100

80 80 80 80

60 60 60 60

40 40 40 40

20 20 20 20

0 0 0 0
Informal SMEs Informal SMEs Informal SMEs Informal SMEs

Finance not needed Finance needed but not accessible Finance obtained but insufficient Financing needs met
Notes: Informal enterprise: An enterprise not registered with a local government or tax department, or a self-employed person.
SME: Enterprises with 5-250 employees.
Source: IFC Enterprise Finance Gap Database (2011 data)

8 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

transfers. Moreover, because of the high demand rity concerns. Cash-on-delivery is used for around
for money transfers, these services are generally 80% of e-commerce payments in Thailand and
provided by money transfer operators, who gener- almost 70% in Indonesia (Fig. 8)(12). In this way,
ally charge high commissions. cash is used to receive and pay money in everyday
life. According to one survey, over 70% of con-
(d) Cash-Based Societies sumers in the Philippines and Indonesia frequently
People who do not have bank accounts or credit use cash as a payment medium in their daily lives
cards must carry out money transactions in cash. (Fig. 9).
As discussed later in this article, cash transac- The Southeast Asian country that is making the
tions involve high handling costs and are an im- greatest progress toward a cashless society is Sin-
pediment to economic efficiency. In addition, the gapore. For example, few people receive wages
difficulty of tracking cash transactions in cash- or social security benefits in cash, and credit card
centered societies encourages the formation of un- usage is relatively high. Even so, cash is still com-
derground economies and tends to have a negative monly used in some places, such as hawker cen-
impact on economic monitoring and tax collec- ters and small retail outlets(13). That is partly why
tion. Singapore’s ratio of cash flow balance to nominal
In Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and GDP is above the 9.03% average for countries in-
Thailand, over 60% of wages are paid only in cluded in the statistics(14) at 10.36% (2016), indi-
cash (Fig. 6). Concerning social security benefits, cating that its progress toward a cashless society
34.5% paid in cash in Indonesia, and 57.2% in the is not great from a global perspective(15).
Philippines (Fig. 7). Cash is the main medium for
face-to-face payments, and even in e-commerce
there is limited use of credit cards, which are by (2) Changes Caused by Fintech
far the dominant payment method in Japan. Many
people do not have credit cards, and even those
that do refrain from using them because of secu- What specifically can fintech achieve that were

Fig. 6 P
 ercentages of Workers Paid Fig. 7 Percentage of Social Security
in Cash in Southeast Asian Beneficiaries Paid in Cash in
Countries Southeast Asian Countries
(%) (%)

80 40

70 35

60 30

50 25

40 20

30 15

20 10

10 5

0 0
Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Singapore Japan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore Japan
(reference) (reference)

Notes: Percentage of wage-earners paid only in cash (2017 Notes: Percentage of social security beneficiaries paid
figures). only in cash (2017 figures).
Source: World Bank Global Financial Inclusion databank Source: World Bank Global Financial Inclusion databank

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 9

Fig. 8 E
 -Commerce Payment Methods in Key Southeast Asian Countries
(March 2017)

Indonesia Thailand
(%) (%)
Bank transfers

Credit cards
Credit cards

Philippines Singapore
(%) Cash-on- (%)

Bank transfers
41 Cash-on-
49 Credit cards

Credit cards
Notes: Based on the results of an interview survey with EC companies in each country about methods used to obtain payment after
the sale of physical goods, excluding ticket purchases, game charges, etc.
Source: ecommerceIQ, Southeast Asia Payment Methods Data: Cash-on delivery up, despite onslaught of fintech, March 29, 2017

Fig. 9 M
 ost Common Payment not previously possible? An analysis of issues in
Methods Used by Southeast
Asian Consumers Southeast Asia’s financial environment provides
(Percentages Indicating “Cash” the following answers to this question.
in Survey Responses) First, fintech has transformed mobile devices,
(%) such as smartphones, into portable ATMs, allow-
80 ing users to access basic financial services without
70 75
needing to go to bank branches or ATMs. In ad-
70 dition, it is now possible to use mobile devices to
make payments, both online and face-to-face. The
funds that can be used for these mobile payments
40 is no longer limited to money tied up in bank ac-
30 counts and credit cards, thanks to the emergence
of electronic money, which can be used even by
20 25
people who have no bank accounts or credit cards.
10 With QR code payments(16), accepting electronic
0 payments has become possible at low costs, mak-
Philippines Indonesia Thailand Singapore China
ing this method attractive to retailers that handle
small-ticket items, such as street vendors.
Source: PayPal, Digital Payments: Thinking beyond Trans-
actions, August 2017 At the same time, fintech has made it possible

10 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

for financial service providers to acquire customer growing availability of the Internet and smart-
information more easily and at a lower cost than phones in the region. The Internet and social me-
in the past. Identity verification processes can be dia penetration rates have reached 53% and 47%
completed more quickly and no longer need to respectively (Fig. 10)(17), while 40% of people
be carried out at specific locations, thanks to new have bank accounts and over 3.5% are credit card
methods such as image capturing of documents. holders(18). This situation is driving the continual
The use of biometrics is also leading to faster pro- emergence of fintech businesses based on the use
cessing and cost reduction. of the Internet and smartphones in Southeast Asia.
In addition, financial service providers have
greatly expanded the range of information that
they can acquire about both individuals and busi- (3) Characteristics of Southeast Asian
nesses by tracing their digital footprints. For in- Fintech Businesses
dividuals, the content of a person’s social media
posts, the types of goods they buy through e-
commerce, and the sites that they access can to Some of the fintech companies that have
some extent be used to gauge their incomes and emerged in Southeast Asia are not much different
personal characters, such as whether they are re- from their counterparts in developed countries.
sponsible enough to repay loans punctiliously. However, there are also many businesses with
Digital footprints can also be used to assess the characteristics that are unique to Southeast Asia
credit worthiness of SMEs, which is usually diffi- and emerging countries. Overall, the following
cult if you rely on conventional means. The finan- three characteristics can be observed.
cial position of an SME that has opened a store First, many of these businesses are being estab-
on an e-commerce site can be ascertained from lished to solve problems. This reflects the numer-
various data such as sales figures and deposits to ous issues that the Southeast Asian financial sec-
and withdrawals from payment accounts. Meth- tor faces. Founders of fintech start-ups in this area
ods have been developed to allow rapid, low-cost begin not by thinking about what they can achieve
credit checking by automatically collecting and with fintech, but by identifying problems and
analyzing vast amounts of data without human in- considering whether they can use fintech to solve
tervention. them.
One factor that has enabled Southeast Asia to Second, the underlying technologies and busi-
benefit from fintech in these ways has been the ness models utilized by fintech businesses in

Fig. 10 Access to Digital Systems in Southeast Asia

Social media penetration rate
Internet penetration rate Social media penetration rate
(via mobile devices)

53% 47% 42%

Source: We are Social Singapore, Digital in 2017: Global Overview, 2017 (

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 11

Southeast Asia were generally not developed in 3. Typical Fintech Businesses in
the region but were instead imported from devel- Southeast Asia
oped countries and China. Southeast Asian entre-
preneurs and business owners identify financial (1) Mobile Payment Services
issues in the region and scour the world for fin-
tech technologies and business models with the
potential to solve those issues. They then integrate
these technologies and business models into their (a) Typical Scheme
own business operations. From another point of Mobile payment services that have emerged
view, which relates back to the first characteris- in Southeast Asia are basically the same as those
tic of these businesses, fintech is fundamentally a in developed countries. However, one feature
tool for solving problems and little importance is that is not common in developed countries is the
attached to where the technology was originally availability of measures that can be used by peo-
developed or whether it is simply a rehash of an- ple who do not have bank accounts. As in other
other technology. emerging and developing countries, most mobile
Third, the fintech businesses in Southeast Asia phones are prepaid types, for which call charges
employ business models that combine both high- must be paid in advance. Users top up from bank
tech and low-tech methods. Countries normally accounts, or in cash through local retail outlets
make progress gradually by introducing technol- and convenience stores. Many of the mobile pay-
ogy in stages, but because emerging and devel- ments have features that you can load electronic
oping countries have fallen behind developed money in the same way.
countries, they are generally able to “leapfrog”
intermediate stages and achieve rapid evolution by (b) Case Study: MoMo(19)
introducing the latest technology. While Southeast MoMo is a payment service in Vietnam oper-
Asian fintech companies adopt cutting-edge tech- ated by the start-up M_Service. The company
nologies and business models, they also retain tra- launched the service in 2009 after perceiving a
ditional methods that seem unsuited to the digital business opportunity resulting from two factors.
age from the perspective of developed countries. First, most low-income people were unable to ac-
For example, even in situations where mobile pay- cess financial services. Second, smartphones were
ment services are available, those services cannot rapidly becoming common in Vietnam, including
be accessed fully from mobile devices and must rural areas. Initially M_Service provided payment
be complemented by ancillary services provided services using SIM cards, but in 2014 it switched
by partners, such as small retailers in local com- to its own mobile payment app called “MoMo”(20).
munities. One reason for this is the fact digital The app can be used to load electronic money and
businesses and other types of businesses have not carry out various transactions relating to electron-
evolved at the same pace in Southeast Asia, result- ic payments, including money transfers between
ing in gaps that do not exist in developed coun- individuals, utility charge payments, online shop-
tries. A good example is that many people have ping payments, and airline ticket reservations.
smartphones but not bank accounts, a basic neces- In response to the current environment in Viet-
sity from a developed country’s point of view. nam, M_Service’s target user base includes not
In the following section we will look at fintech only people with bank accounts, but also people
businesses that illustrate these characteristics. with bank accounts but no local access to bank
branches or ATMs, people without bank accounts,
and even people who do not own smartphones. To
meet the needs of this broad customer base, M_
Service has established a network of around 4,000
agents throughout Vietnam. These agents enable

12 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

people who cannot go to bank branches or ATMs (2) Money Transfers Using Just a Mo-
as well as people without bank accounts to load bile Phone Number
prepaid electronic money for use in mobile pay-
ments, and to receive cash transferred to them.
Those who do not own smartphones can have the (a) Typical Scheme
agents use their mobile payment facilities to trans- This service allows a recipient to link a bank ac-
fer funds or pay utility charges on their behalf. count number to his or her mobile phone number.
Currently about one-half of MoMo customers Thereafter money can be transferred to that per-
are users of mobile payment services, while the son simply by entering the mobile phone number.
other half use agent services(21). The company’s Services of this type are already being introduced
approach reflects the situation in Vietnam, where worldwide by telecommunications companies and
customer needs for financial services cannot be banks. What is unique about this kind of service in
met solely through mobile devices. They even Southeast Asia is the fact it is being promoted by
offer a feature that allows users to find the near- the governments of both Singapore and Thailand.
est agent using the GPS function on their smart- Their aim is to improve the convenience of credit
phones. transfers and payments as part of efforts by gov-
In rural areas of Vietnam, post offices play an ernments, private sector financial institutions, and
important role in providing financial services, other organizations to develop electronic payment
such as remittances and payments, for people who infrastructure in these countries.
do not have bank accounts. However, these servic-
es are not entirely customer-friendly. For example, (b) Case Study: PayNow (Singapore),
counters normally close at 5 p.m., and remittances PromptPay (Thailand)
take 3-4 days(22)(23). MoMo agents have longer op- Established under an initiative led by the Asso-
erating hours than post offices, and remittances ciation of Banks in Singapore and the Monetary
reach recipients instantly. Authority of Singapore (MAS), the PayNow bank
In November 2017, M_Service entered into a account transfer service has been available in
partnership with Vietnam Sun Corporation (Vina- Singapore since July 2017. Using a smartphone,
sun), a major local taxi operator(24) and announced funds can be transferred almost instantly and with
several new services. One of them is that, when no transfer fees by entering the mobile number or
boarding a Vinasun taxi, the user will be able to national ID number that the recipient has linked
pay with electronic money through the MoMo app to his or her bank account. Currently the system
by using the smartphone to scan the QR code pro- is limited to person to person (P2P) payments, but
vided by the driver. Another is, passengers who there are plans to extend it to accommodate per-
book Vinasun taxis using the Vinasun app will be son to business (P2B) payments, including pay-
able to link with the MoMo app so that they can ments to taxi operators, hawkers (street vendors),
pay automatically. and self-employed people, and B2P payments,
In addition to service content, M_Service such as wages and insurance payments(27).
claims that it has made security a priority with Thailand’s equivalent service, PromptPay, was
the MoMo system. It meets the PCI DSS(25) stan- introduced even earlier, in January 2017, under
dard and has also adopted layered security mea- an initiative led by the Thai Banking Association
sures, such as one-time password verification and and Bank of Thailand, Thailand’s central bank.
SSL(26). Funds can be transferred via a smartphone, Inter-
net banking, or an ATM by entering one of five
types of numbers, such as a mobile phone number
or national ID number(28). Transfers are free for
amounts up to 5,000 baht (about ¥17,000). Charg-
es apply for larger amounts, but overall costs are

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 13

low(29). PromptPay was initially available for P2P people working in other countries to send money
transfers, but it now also accommodates B2B back home using mobile devices. The service is
transfers based on taxpayer (company) IDs. Fu- currently available in Hong Kong and Singapore,
ture plans call for further expansion of the system but the company aims to increase the range of
to include other types of payments, such as utility countries in the future. The co-founder and CEO
charges. is Aaron Siwoku from the United Kingdom. He
By the end of August 2017, a month after the had the idea for the service after seeing Philippine
launch of the service, the number of registered women waiting in long lines to send money home
PayNow users had exceeded 500,000(30). Given and noticing that they all had smartphones in their
Singapore’s population of 5.5 million, this figure hands(35).
is indicative of steady growth. By October 2017, The person making the remittance loads funds
the number of registered PromptPay users had though a smartphone app and then completes the
reached 24 million, or one-third of Thailand’s transfer process. There are multiple ways to load
population (68 million)(31). funds, including transfers from a bank account.
In July 2017, MAS and Bank of Thailand Users can also load cash at affiliated stores. To use
agreed to cooperate in the fintech area and are this method, the person wishing to make a remit-
now working toward the interlinkage of PayNow tance first scans identification documents into his
and PromptPay. Once this is achieved, it will be or her mobile phone and then goes to an affiliated
possible to transfer money between Singapore and store to hand over the cash. This saves time, since
Thailand instantly and safely simply by entering confirmation of identity, which previously had to
the other party’s mobile phone number(32). be carried out in the store, can now be completed
in advance on a smartphone. Another advantage of
this system is that it is based on a familiar remit-
(3) Mobile International Remittance tance method and is therefore easy for users to ac-
Services cept(36). A method that would allow the entire pro-
cess to be completed on a mobile device would be
more convenient, but there is a risk that existing
(a) Typical Scheme customers would not use such a service because
Many people in Southeast Asian countries, es- of the psychological resistance to new ways of do-
pecially the Philippines, work overseas. These ing things.
people generally remit funds each month to Recipients in the Phlippines can choose from
their families in their home countries, primarily three methods for receiving remittances. They
through specialist money transfer operators such can have the money sent to the Toast app or their
as MoneyGram and Western Union. Many expatri- bank account, or obtain cash at an affiliated retail
ate workers do not have bank accounts, and even outlet. This means that the service can be used
those that do are eager to avoid the high transfer even if neither the remitter nor recipient has a
charges levied by banks(33). With money transfer bank account. The service fee is set low. There is
operators, transfers commonly involve time-con- no charge for remittances from Hong Kong to the
suming manual processes, and it takes time for the Philippines using the Toast App, while a charge
money to reach the recipients. This situation has of HKD15 (about USD2) is levied when funds
recently led to the emergence of services that al- are transferred to a bank account, and there is a
low people to remit money overseas easily and at HKD19 (about USD2.4) charge for transfers to an
low prices using mobile devices. affiliated retail outlet.
Toast plans to use data accumulated through its
(b) Case Study: Toast (1)(34) remittance services to start a lending business for
Toast (head office: Singapore) provides inter- overseas workers. By monitoring monthly remit-
national remittance services that allow Philippine tance amounts, the company can estimate the in-

14 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

comes of overseas workers to some extent as the with the consent of loan applicants. Using this
basis for determining their creditworthiness(37). data, it calculates a credit score (1-1,000, where a
higher score indicates a higher credit rating) us-
ing its own proprietary method, and supplies this
(4) Lending Services Based on the information to banks and other organizations. The
Use of Alternative Data types of data gathered include smartphone usage
data, social media data, and psychometric data
(Fig. 11). For example, social media data gath-
(a) Typical Scheme ered include pages accessed on Facebook, Linke-
Credit screening schemes based on the use of dIn, Twitter, and the like, access frequencies, the
digital footprints as alternative data have emerged number of friends, and the content of messages.
in Southeast Asia. Credit providers have devel- If credit bureaus have data, those are also incor-
oped these schemes themselves or purchased them porated. Based on 12,000 data items per case,
from other sources. The fact that credit is not Lenddo calculates a score using an AI prediction
widely available in Southeast Asia is attributable algorithm. The process takes just three minutes.
in large part to the inadequacy of credit informa- Digital footprints are also used for the identify
tion systems, which makes it difficult to assess the verification service, which can be completed in
creditworthiness of potential borrowers. By us- three seconds. Lenddo boasts that the system is
ing alternative data as the basis for credit checks, highly accurate. Other advertised benefits include
lenders are able to target new borrowers who were the fact that lenders can reduce the amount of
previously overlooked due to the lack of credit documentation collected from customers, and the
histories. In addition to the benefits for borrowers, number of credit checks that need to be carried
this approach is also expected to allow credit pro- out by human staff.
viders to expand their customer bases. Table 3 summarizes the four services of fintech
businesses described in this section.
(b) Case Study: LenddoScore(38)
Lenddo (head office: Singapore) provides per-
sonal credit scores (“LenddoScore”) and identity
verification (“Lenndo Verification”) services to or-
ganizations such as banks, micro-finance provid-
ers, and credit card companies. The credit score
service is based on the perception that there are
a certain number of people who are creditwor- Fig. 11 Main Data Items Used in
Credit Assessments by Lenndo
thy despite having no data registered with credit
information agencies, and that the repayment ca-
Credit bureau data
pacity and commitment of such people can be as-
certained to some extent by analyzing their digital Social networks

footprints, since they generally own smartphones.

E-commerce transactions
Lenddo launched a lending business in the Phil-
ippines in 2011 and subsequently expanded into Mobile data

other countries, including Colombia and Mexico.

Browser data
However, it sold the lending business in 2015 and
has since specialized in providing services to third Telecom data

parties. It currently offers its services in over 15

Financial transactions
In addition to data provided by credit bureaus, Psychometric data
Lenndo also collects and analyses alternative data Source: Lenddo website (

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 15

Table 3 Typical Examples of Fintech Businesses in Southeast Asia

Typical example
Fintech service
Provider Country Remarks
M_Service JSC Also available to people without
(1) Mobile payment services MoMo Vietnam
(HQ: Vietnam) bank accounts
Nine major banks Led by the Association of Banks in
PayNow (DBS, OCBC, UOB, Singapore Singapore and Monetary Authority
Money transfers using a etc.) of Singapore
mobile phone number
Led by Thai Banking Association
PromptPay All banks in Thailand Thailand
and Bank of Thailand
Designed to allow Philippine
Overseas remittance service Toast Me Pte Ltd. Singapore, Hong
(3) Toast workers in Singapore and Hong
via mobile devices (HQ: Singapore) Kong, Philippines
Kong to send money home
Over 15 countries,
Based on smartphone usage data,
Lenddo Pte Ltd. including the
(4) Lending using alternative data LenddoScore social network usage histories,
(HQ: Singapore) Philippines, Thailand,
and Indonesia

Source: Compiled by JRI using information from corporate/organization websites, etc.

4. Mobile Payment Trends in

Southeast Asia. Alibaba has acquired Lazada,
Southeast Asia the region’s biggest e-commerce site, and Red-
Mart, a major Lazada-based online seller of food
(1) Chinese Companies Making In- and household goods in Singapore. Alibaba has
roads also invested in Tokopedia, Indonesia’s biggest e-
commerce site. Through moves such as these, it
has established a major presence in the Southeast
As described earlier in this article, mobile pay- Asian e-commerce market (Table 4).
ment services are leading the fintech sector in Tencent has invested in Southeast Asia’s biggest
Southeast Asia. Many companies have already Internet company Sea (formerly Garena), which
moved into this area. In Vietnam, for example, operates online games and other services, VNG,
by the start of 2017, the number of non-banks li- which is Vietnam’s biggest Internet company, and
censed to provide payment services, including Go-Jek. Other moves include the acquisition of
mobile payment services, had reached 16(39). The Sanook Online, the biggest online portal in Thai-
result is a free-for-all battle for business in which land, and investment in Ookbee, a major Thai dig-
financial institutions are also involved. Similar ital content platform provider.
situations are emerging in other countries, al- Both Alibaba and Tencent are also steadily
beit with some variation. No clear winners have building a presence in the payment area in South-
so far emerged. The Chinese companies Alibaba east Asia. Both companies in China enhanced their
and Tencent are sooner or later expected to step understanding of consumers by collecting and an-
up their efforts to establish inroads into this area. alyzing their customers’ payment data. They then
Go-Jek and Grab, which are powerful ride-hailing used this knowledge not only to strengthen their
start-ups, are meanwhile moving to take control of existing businesses, but also to create founda-
general electronic payment services in Southeast tions for the development of new businesses. The
Asia. This section will analyze developments sur- natural approach for them would be to attempt to
rounding the mobile payment business. replicate this approach in Southeast Asia. Alibaba
Both Alibaba and Tencent are starting to make has taken the lead and is working to make use of
significant inroads into the Internet sector in Alipay, an e-commerce site that it has acquired, in

16 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

Table 4 Main Activities of Alibaba in Southeast Asia

May 2014 Alibaba agrees to buy 10.35% of postal giant Singapore Post and enter into a strategic partnership to improve
delivery networks for items sold on its platform.
November 2015 Alibaba invests in Series-C funding for Singaporean start-up M-Daq, which enables companies to process overseas
transactions cheaply.
April 2016 Alibaba invests $1 billion in Lazada, a major e-commerce company based in Singapore, and acquires management
control rights.
• Lazada was established in Germany by Rocket Internet in 2011.
• It has developed business operations in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
October 2016 Alibaba increases its stake in Singapore Post to 14.4% through an additional investment.
November 2016 Ant Financial announces the acquisition of a 20% shareholding in the online payment company Ascend Money
(Thailand) with the option to acquire a further 10%. It also agrees to form a strategic partnership.
• Ant Financial is the financial wing of Alibaba.
• The Ascend Group, to which Ascend Money is affiliated, was spun off from True Corporation (a member of the
CP Group), a major telecoms carrier in Thailand, in 2015. It is now affiliated to True’s parent company, CP Group.
• The target customers for Ascend Money are online payment users and consumers who have no banking
November 2016 Lazada acquires RedMart, an online food and household goods retailer in Singapore.
• Established in 2011, RedMart has developed its business in Singapore.
February 2017 Ant Financial invests in Globe Fintech Innovations (Mynt) and enters into a strategic partnership.
• Mynt is a finance company affiliated to Globe Telecom, a major telecoms carrier in the Philippines.
April 2017 Ant Financial merges with the HelloPay Group, which operates a payment platform on Lazada.
• HelloPay is renamed “Alipay”.
April 2017 Ant Financial enters into a partnership with Elang Mahkota Teknologi (Emtek), Indonesia’s second-ranked media
• The companies plan to provide a payment platform based on the BlackBerry social messaging system.
June 2017 Alibaba undertakes a further investment of approximately $1 billion in Lazada, increasing its shareholding from 51%
to 83%.
June 2017 Alibaba announces that it will launch Tmall World, a Chinese-language e-commerce site serving Singapore,
Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
July 2017 Ant Financial enters into a partnership with Touch’n Go, a subsidiary of CIMB, a major Malaysian bank.
• Touch’n Go provides prepaid payment cards.
August 2017 Ant Financial forms a partnership with the Singaporean company Fave.
• Fave provides discounts for real-world outlets, such as restaurants, fitness centers, and beauty parlors.
• Chinese tourists who use Alipay are now eligible for discounts.
August 2017 Alibaba invests $1.1 billion in Tokopedia (Indonesia) and becomes a minority shareholder.
• Established in 2009, Tokopedia is Indonesia’s biggest e-commerce platform.

Source: Compiled by JRI on the basis of newspaper reports

Southeast Asia. Alibaba also has focused on the from online payments to face-to-face payments,
steady growth in the number of Chinese visitors to electronic payment services in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia and is working on creating an en- could also expand into mobile payment services
vironment in which they can use Alipay in brick- through a transition from face-to-face payments to
and-mortar stores as they do in China. online payments. As noted earlier in this article,
this is because the scale of online payments is still
small, and services that allow mobile payments to
(2) Entry of Ride-Hailing Start-ups be used in face-to-face transactions are being in-
troduced one after another.
There has been particular interest in the mobile
In China, mobile payment services first began payment services provided by the ride-hailing ser-
to spread through e-commerce but have since vice companies Go-Jek and Grab. Go-Jek is based
started to be used in face-to-face transactions in in Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s biggest country
brick-and-mortar stores, following the introduc- in terms of population, while Grab has its head-
tion of QR codes. In addition to this transition quarters in Malaysia and is expanding its business

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 17

operations throughout Southeast Asia. Both have Users can already use Go-Pay credit to make pay-
grown to the extent that they now rank among the ments in affiliated stores, and they can transfer
few “unicorns” (unlisted companies with market money to other users free of charge simply by en-
valuations over $1 billion) in Southeast Asia. Both tering a telephone number. In addition, credit can
companies provide taxi and bike-taxi services, be cashed at affiliated banks. In December 2017,
and it is not surprising that face-to-face payments Go-Jek acquired three fintech companies(42) with
for these services would lead to the use of mobile the aim of expanding the areas in which Go-Pay
payments by consumers. Developments surround- can be used(43).
ing these two companies are outlined below. According to figures released by the company,
Go-Jek has 900,000 contracted drivers. This num-
(a) Go-Jek ber is far larger than the number of bank branches
Founded in Indonesia in 2010, Go-Jek began (25,000) and ATMs (103,000) in Indonesia. The
to provide the bike-taxi ride-hailing app Go-Jek company’s founder and CEO, Nadiem Makarim,
in Jakarta in 2015. Go-Jek’s services have be- recently said that Go-Jek will use its drivers as
come extremely popular, in part because people financial access points to reach a wide range of
in Jakarta use bike-taxis frequently because of the consumers, including people who have previously
city’s under-developed public transport systems not been able to use financial services(44). Go-Jek
and congested streets. Since then the company has aims to become a leading player in electronic pay-
extended its service areas and expanded its range ments in Indonesia and across Southeast Asia.
of services, initially as a way of providing a useful During an interview, Go-Jek’s President Andre
way for drivers to use their free time. Currently it Soelistyo said that his company’s goal was to
offers a wide variety of services, including food build Go-Pay’s presence in Southeast Asia to the
deliveries from restaurants (Go-Food), food deliv- same level as Alipay and WeChatPay in China(45).
eries from stores (Go-Mart), home cleaning (Go-
Clean), and masseur services at the customer’s lo- (b) Grab
cation (Go-Massage). One of those services is the Grab was established in Malaysia in 2012 as a
Go-Pay electronic payment system. start-up providing the GrabTaxi taxi hailing ser-
By downloading the Go-Pay app onto their vice. It has since relocated its headquarters to Sin-
smartphones, users can pay for Go-Jek services gapore. While Go-Jek has specialized in Indone-
with credit loaded into the app. Credit can be sia, Grab provides its services not only Singapore
loaded through transfers from bank accounts, or and Malaysia, but also in Indonesia, Thailand,
deposits at ATMs. To allow people who do not Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cam-
have bank accounts to use the services, cash can bodia. It has gradually expanded the scope of its
also be paid to Go-Jek drivers. In addition to the services, which include “GrabCar,” a ride-sharing
convenience of not needing to engage in cash system for private cars, and “GrabHitch,” a system
transactions by the side of road after using a bike- that allows people to hitch rides with people going
taxi, the system also matches conditions in Indo- in the same direction. Like Go-Jek, its services
nesia, where only a small percentage of people also include an electronic payment system called
have bank accounts. Usage has expanded rapidly “Grabpay.”
since it first became available in 2016, and cur- GrabPay is used in basically the same way
rently 50-60% of Go-Jek rides are paid for using as Go-Pay. Initially it was necessary to link the
Go-Pay(40). Moreover, Go-Pay is now the fourth GrabPay smartphone app to a credit card in order
most commonly used form of electronic money in to load credit, but other methods have since been
Indonesia(41). added, including deposits through bank ATMs, In-
Go-Jek aims to promote the use of Go-Pay not ternet banking, and affiliated convenience stores.
only for payments for its own services, but also As a result, the system can now be used by people
for electronic payments in general in Indonesia. who do not have credit cards or bank accounts. In

18 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

Singapore, over 75% of Grab service users pay es, but the range in which the systems can be used
through GrabPay(46). has gradually expanded. The companies hope that
Like Go-Jek, Grab wants its GrabPay system be people who get used to paying for taxi or bike-taxi
used not only to pay for its own services, but for rides with Go-Pay or GrabPay will also use the
a wide range of other purposes throughout South- systems for other payments, including online pay-
east Asia. In a press release, the company’s co- ments. Going forward, they want to play a leading
founder, Tan Hooi Ling said that Grab wants to role in the development of cashless payments and
be the region’s leading payments platform(47). The financial inclusiveness in Southeast Asia.
company plans to focus initially on expanding the From these perspectives, we can probably ex-
use of GrabPay in small retail outlets, which cur- pect to see a gradual increase in the use of mobile
rently operate primarily on a cash basis, followed payments in Southeast Asia, both through the use
by expansion into the online payment area(48). As of mobile payments for e-commerce, and also
part of this strategy, it has been working since No- through use of mobile payments for face-to-face
vember 2017 to promote GrabPay to restaurants payments when using ride-hailing services.
and hawkers (street vendors) in Singapore.
In 2017, Grab acquired Kudo, an Indonesian
start-up established in 2014 to operate an online-
to-offline (O2O) platform. Kudo provides ser- 5. Southeast Asian Governments’
vices that allow people without bank accounts to Expectations toward Fintech
make online purchases or buy mobile phone credit
through the company’s agents (49). By purchas- (1) Fintech Promotion Measures (Fo-
ing Kudo, Grab has acquired a network of over cused on Singapore)
500,000 agents in 500 cities and towns in Indo-
nesia. It plans to use this network to enhance the
convenience of GrabPay, including the expansion Southeast Asian governments have taken a keen
of locations where credit can be loaded, and to interest in the emergence of various fintech busi-
capture e-commerce payment business in Indone- nesses in the region. Recognizing the potential of
sia. Longer-term, it also aims to handle insurance fintech to change the face of finance, governments
and consumer loans through Kudo(50)(51). are eager to ensure its sound development, so that
it leads to the improvement and advancement of
their countries’ finance systems. Governments in
(3) Expanding Use through Multiple each country are implementing a range of mea-
Channels sures, including the formulation of policies, the
establishment of specialist fintech units within
financial regulatory and supervisory agencies,
Why are providers of ride-hailing apps play- and the introduction of regulatory sandboxes(52)
ing such a prominent role in the mobile payment (Table 5).
business in Southeast Asia? Possible reasons in- Singapore has shown the greatest enthusiasm
clude the fact that taxis and bike-taxis are familiar for the promotion of fintech. It hopes that fintech
modes of transport for the public, and both Go-Jek will (1) solve issues, (2) provide indirect support
and Grab have high overall shares of the markets for Singapore’s evolution as a smart nation, and (3)
in which they have rolled out their services. An maintain and strengthen Singapore’s status as an
incentive for frequent users is the availability of a international financial center.
simple way to make cashless payments instead of Concerning the first of these goals, while Sin-
muddling with cash. gapore already has a fully developed financial sys-
The mobile payment systems provided by Go- tem, there are still issues that need to be solved.
Jek and Grab began for use with their own servic- The government is exploring the potential to use

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 19

Table 5 Fintech-Related Measures in Key Southeast Asian Countries

Dec. 2011 Formulation of the Financial Sector Blueprint 2020 as a vision for financial sector in 2020
• Increase in the number of electronic payments per person from 44 in 2010 to 200
Feb. 2015 Announcement of regulations for investment-type crowd funding by Securities Commission Malaysia
April 2016 Announcement of regulations for P2P lending by Securities Commission Malaysia
June 2016 Establishment of the Financial Technology Enabler Group (FTEG) within the Malaysian central bank
• Support for innovation that contributes to improvement in the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of financial services
• Formulation and strengthening of regulatory policies to promote innovation in the financial sector
Oct. 2016 Introduction of a regulatory sandbox by FTEG
May 2015 Announcement of regulations relating to crowd funding by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand
Dec. 2015 Approval of an e-payment master plan by the Thai cabinet and Ministry of Finance
2016- Progressive introduction of regulatory sandboxes for securities, derivatives, KYC, etc., by the Securities and Exchange
Commission of Thailand
Dec. 2016 Introduction of regulatory sandboxes by Bank of Thailand
Jan. 2017 Launch of the PromptPay C2C electronic money transfer service
May 2017 Introduction of regulatory sandboxes by the Thai Insurance Commission
Aug. 2014 Launch of the “National Non-Cash Movement” by Bank Negara Indonesia
• An initiative to encourage people to use non-cash payment methods
Nov. 2016 Establishment of a specialist unit (the Fintech Office) within Bank Negara Indonesia
• Risk assessment and mitigation, fintech-related surveys
Nov. 2016 Introduction of regulatory sandboxes by Bank Negara Indonesia
Dec. 2016 Announcement of P2P lending regulations by the Financial Services Authority
• Introduction of registration system
June 2017 Establishment of the FinTech Advisory Forum by the Financial Services Authority
• Establishment of strategic direction for the development of the fintech industry
Dec. 2015 Announcement of a framework for a “National Retail Payment System” by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
• A framework of standards for retail payments in the Philippines, and management regulations and policies
• Designed to promote a society that is less dependent on cash
Jan. 2017 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas approval for banks to provide services to their customers through cash agencies (Circular
Feb. 2017 Announcement by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas of regulations concerning money transfers by non-banks, including
e-money issuers, and money transfer platform providers (Circular 942)
Feb. 2017 Announcement by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas of regulations concerning virtual currencies (Circular 944)
March 2017 Announcement by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas of regulations to allow the use of technology instead of face-to-face
contacts for KYC processes when banks commence transactions with new customers (Circular 950)
March 2017 Announcement by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas of guidelines concerning social media risk management (Circular 949)
Dec. 2014 Recognition of e-wallets as payment services by the State Bank of Vietnam (Circular 39)
Jan. 2017 Announcement by the Vietnamese government of a plan to make Vietnam cashless by 2020
• Installation of card readers in all supermarkets, shopping malls, and retail stores
• 70% of water, electric power and telecommunications utilities accepting card payments or online payments
• Increase in the percentage of the 15-and-older population with bank accounts to at least 70%
March 2017 Establishment of the SBV Steering Committee on FinTech by the State Bank of Vietnam
• Acceleration of the development of fintech companies under government guidelines

Notes: See Table 6 and 7 for information about policies in Singapore.

Source: Compiled by JRI using government press releases, media reports, and other sources

20 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

fintech to solve or mitigate these issues. For ex- also helping to accelerate financial innovation(53).
ample, it aims to use blockchain technology to Table 6 summarizes the main fintech regulations
improve cross-border payment mechanisms time- that have been introduced from these perspectives.
wise and cost-wise compared to the existing meth- MAS has placed particular emphasis on cyber se-
ods, through correspondent banks. In addition, curity, and it has introduced a variety of measures
the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and based on its view that to promote fintech, it will
the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) are be necessary to build reliability by ensuring secu-
jointly implementing a blockchain-based digitali- rity. In 2017, MAS established the Cyber Security
zation project to improve the efficiency of trade fi- Advisory Panel and created the post of Chief Cy-
nance, which at present still involves the exchange ber Security Officer within its organization.
of large amounts of paper documents. Second, Singapore is developing infrastructure
In relation to the second point, Singapore has to encourage the use of fintech. It is creating soil
made the “Smart Nation” concept a national strat- for an ecosystem that will continually create fin-
egy for the realization of its goal of becoming a tech innovations and allow them to grow bigger.
knowledge- and innovation-intensive economy. To ensure that the full benefit of these products
Singapore is already a high-income country. The can be realized, the government is also creating
only way that it can maintain its position as a common fintech business standards and support-
front-runner in the world economy is to open up ing fintech interoperability. The main infrastruc-
paths to industrial advancement and economic de- ture elements created so far are listed in Table 7.
velopment through its own innovation initiatives. Just as Singapore is enthusiastically promoting
Obviously fintech is vital to this strategy, since fintech, other countries are also showing strong
IT will play a vital role in both finance and finan- interest. They have particularly strong expecta-
cial innovation in a knowledge- and innovation- tions toward the potential of fintech to improve fi-
intensive economy. MAS believes that to become nancial inclusion and create a cashless society. We
a “Smart Nation” Singapore also needs to become will now look at these two aspects.
a “Smart Financial Centre.” It sees fintech as the
key to the realization of the “Smart Financial Cen-
tre” concept, which it introduced in 2015. (2) Improving Financial Inclusion
Concerning the third point, the financial sector
is one of the most important industries. In 2016 it
accounted for 13.1% of Singapore’s GDP. Main- Low-income and lower-middle-income coun-
taining and improving the industry’s international tries in Southeast Asia have problems relating to
competitiveness and the ability as a financial cen- financial inclusion(54), specifically the fact that a
ter to attract business from financial institutions significant number of people are unable to access
around the world have consistently been national financial services. Financial inclusion is a key pol-
priorities for Singapore. To achieve these goals, icy priority in these countries because of its poten-
Singapore needs to stay at the cutting edge of fi- tial to contribute to poverty eradication and eco-
nance, and to reap the benefits of innovation as nomic development. A variety of initiatives have
quickly as possible. been implemented over many years. Even in Thai-
These expectations are reflected in the Singa- land, a middle-income country where a relatively
porean government’s efforts to promote fintech, high percentage of its people have bank accounts,
which are based on two approaches. First, the gov- bank loans and insurance are not widely available.
ernment is striving to optimize fintech-related reg- Because of this the government is taking a keen
ulations. According to the MAS, the requirements interest in financial inclusion(55). While Singapore
for fintech regulation are to maintain the stability has largely achieved financial inclusion, its gov-
of the financial system and the soundness of key ernment sees this as a problem for Southeast Asia
players, and to protect consumer interests, while as a whole.

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 21

Table 6 M
 ain Fintech Regulations Introduced by the Monetary Authority of
Singapore (MAS)

Payments • Payment regulations, which were previously divided into two categories according to the type of payment
business (Note) have been integrated into activity-based regulations based on a single license.
• This step was taken in response to fintech-related ambiguities and complexities concerning payment business
Cloud services • Guidelines have been created for the use of cloud services by financial institutions.
• Formulated in response to an increase in the use of cloud services by financial institutions, these guidelines
clarify the risks involved and the obligations and responsibilities of financial institutions.
Financial advice • To facilitate participation in online financial advisory services (robot advisors), the requirements for participation
in the financial advisory have been eased compared with those that apply to conventional financial advisory
services, subject to certain safeguards.
• This will allow investors to benefit from low-cost investment advice.
Insurance • Insurance companies are now allowed to provide all types of life insurance online without advice.
• Guidelines have been formulated concerning safeguards relating to the online sale of life insurance products.
Regulatory • In November 2016, MAS announced guidelines concerning regulatory sandboxes for fintech.
sandboxes • These allow eligible companies to trial innovative financial services for a specific period in a relaxed regulatory
environment, subject to certain limits.
Cyber security • Cyber security measures have been strengthened in recognition of the need for reliable cyber security to
encourage the use of new technology and innovative services.
• In September 2017, the Cyber Security Advisory Panel was formed. The panel consists of international experts
on cyber-security.
• In October 2017, a Chief Cyber Security Officer was appointed within the MAS.

Notes: The Payment Systems Oversight Act and the Money-changing and Remittance Business Act.
Source: Monetary Authority of Singapore, “Proposed Activity-based Payments Framework and Establishment of a National Pay-
ments Council,” (consultation paper P009-2016), August 2016
Monetary Authority of Singapore, “MAS Issues New Guidelines on Outsourcing Risk Management; Introduces Guidance
on Cloud Services,” (media release), July 2016
Monetary Authority of Singapore, “Facilitating the Provision of Digital Advisory Services,” (media release), June 7, 2017
Monetary Authority of Singapore, “Guidelines on the Online Distribution of Life Policies with no Advice,” March 31, 2017
Monetary Authority of Singapore, “Fintech Regulatory Sandbox Guidelines,” November 2016

Table 7 Infrastructure Created by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to

Facilitate Fintech

Provision of • Looking Glass@MAS was opened in August 2016 as fintech innovation laboratory.
environments for • Lattice 80 was opened in November 2016 as a hub for fintech start-ups.
collaboration and
Electronic • In July 2017, the Association of Banks in Singapore, with the cooperation of MAS, introduce the PayNow service,
payment which allows funds to be transferred between individuals’ bank accounts using mobile telephone numbers or
infrastructure national ID (or alien registration) numbers.
• The service can be used by linking an account in any of the nine banks participating in the scheme with a
telephone number or national ID number.
• The service can be used free of charge on a 24/365 basis and allows funds to be transferred almost instantly.
• It meets the needs of customers who want to transfer funds simply and efficiently.
State-owned • The MyInfo e-government personal information management service is being extended to the financial sector
KYC businesses to improve the efficiency of KYC processes (Note) by allowing the use of personal data collected by the
• The aim is to make banks’ KYC processes less burdensome.
Blockchain • In collaboration with R3, which administers the Blockchain Consortium, MAS, the Singapore Exchange, and a
infrastructure for consortium of banks are working toward proof of concept for the use of blockchain technology in cross-border
inter-bank cross- inter-bank payments in foreign currencies.
border payments • This initiative is part of the blockchain inter-bank payment project (Project Ubin). Phase 1 (completed) focused
on domestic inter-bank payments. The target from Phase 2 onwards will be cross-border payments.
• Using cash as security, banks will acquire digital currency issued by MAS for use in transfers between banks.
• This system is expected to involve less time and cost and provide greater resilience than the existing system of
transfers through correspondent banks under centralized management.
Open API • Financial institutions will be encouraged to develop and adopt API with as much openness as possible.
• MAS and the Association of Banks in Singapore have jointly published the “Finance-as-a-Service API Playbook”
as guidelines for the use of open API by financial institutions.

Notes: KYC (“know your customer”) refers to the customer identity verification procedures that financial institutions are required to
carry out when opening new accounts.
Source: Monetary Authority of Singapore, “Singapore’s FinTech Journey—Where We Are, What is Next—Speech by Mr. Ravi Me-
non, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore, at Singapore FinTech Festival - FinTech Conference on 16 No-
vember 2016,” November 16, 2016
The Association of Banks in Singapore, PayNow website (

22 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

Governments in various countries are promoting traditional methods. This reduces the financial
fintech as a way to achieve financial inclusion. In- burden on people working overseas and their fam-
donesia and the Philippines have adopted national ilies. Also the increase in lending based on alter-
strategies for financial inclusion, while Myanmar native data is improving access to loans for certain
has drawn up a financial inclusion roadmap. In- segments that were previously unable to obtain
donesia’s strategy highlights the use of ICT, while finance. This means, for example, that SMEs will
the Philippines is focusing on the power of tech- be able to free themselves from a hand-to-mouth
nology. Myanmar’s roadmap points to the poten- existence by obtaining loans to buy the latest
tial of mobile devices (Table 8). equipment so that they can increase their earnings.
While Vietnam has not formulated a national Awareness of these benefits is prompting gov-
strategy, the Deputy Governor of its central bank ernments to promote fintech while also taking
has acknowledged the role of fintech, saying that steps to ensure that fintech contributes to financial
“digital technology will help banks accelerate fi- inclusion. In addition to initiatives to improve the
nancial inclusion (56).” usability of services, such as encouraging service
In fact, many of the fintech services that have providers to achieve interoperability between dif-
emerged in Southeast Asia can lead to greater fi- ferent mobile payment platforms, governments are
nancial inclusion. As illustrated by the previously also ensuring that users can access financial ser-
mentioned examples, even people without credit vices safely through supervision, regulation, and
cards or bank accounts are able to benefit from the prosecution of fraud. Other government initia-
various financial services by using mobile devic- tives include educational activities to enable users
es. The use of mobile payments can also encour- to make the best use of financial services.
age people to set up bank accounts. This expecta- Southeast Asian countries are looking closely
tion has been heightened by the success of the M- at financial inclusion policies in India. The Sin-
Pesa mobile money transfer service in Kenya. The gapore FinTech Festival hosted by the MAS in
spread of that system has led to a major improve- November 2017 included a session on India, and
ment in financial inclusion in Kenya(57). the Indian Minister of Finance was one of the
Mobile overseas money transfer services offer speakers. Identity verification in India has be-
a way to send money abroad at lower costs than come easier since the introduction of a biometric

Table 8 Financial Inclusion Policies in Three Southeast Asian Countries

“National Strategy for Financial Inclusion Fostering Economic Growth and Accelerating Poverty Reduction” (2012)
—Main fintech-related references—
“Technology can enable some of the most important bottlenecks to be overcome and increase the supply of financial services.”
“National Strategy for Financial Inclusion” (2015)
—Main fintech-related references—
“Use of technology and other innovations to reach the financially excluded”
“Financial Inclusion Roadmap 2014-2020” (2013)
—Main fintech-related references—
“Development of electronic payments will require the installation of essential payment, clearing and settlement infrastructure. This
must remain a priority for the government.”
“Mobile devices are expected to play a greater role in providing financial services to the people.”

Source: Compiled by JRI from government releases in each country

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 23

national ID system called “Aadhaar”(58). India has ple with bank accounts will remain low. This cre-
also launched the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yoja- ates a vicious circle, since it becomes impossible
na (PMJDY), a project to ensure that every citizen to move away from a situation in which all trans-
has a bank account(59). Under this project, banks actions are handled in cash, which also hinders
have agreed to provide savings accounts without progress toward financial inclusion.
charging account maintenance fees. By the end For this reason, the Malaysian government, for
of 2017, just over three years since the launch of example, is promoting electronic payments as a
the project in 2014, 300 million new accounts had method that is safe and more cost-efficient than
been created(60). money transfers based on paper (cash), and as an
important tool for improving Malaysia’s economic
efficiency and productivity and accelerating eco-
(3) Creating a Cashless Environment nomic growth(63). The Thai government similarly
believes that electronic payments will bring wide-
ranging benefits to the people, businesses, and the
In addition to financial inclusion, Southeast government (Fig. 12) and is implementing five
Asian governments also see fintech as a way to projects, including the aforementioned PromptPay
create a cashless environment (specifically, the system (Fig. 13).
reduction of the percentage of payments made in Some recent developments relating to fintech
cash). What are the advantages of cashless pay- businesses in Southeast Asia are contributing to
ments? The Japanese government, which is also the creation of a cashless environment. Mobile
working to create a cashless environment, has payments in particular have the potential to en-
highlighted the following advantages(61). First, courage the use of cashless payments in both face-
business operators spend less time handling cash. to-face transactions and e-commerce, while also
Second, there are convenience and safety benefits, reducing the need for exchanges of cash, which
including a reduced need for consumers and for- occur frequently at present.
eign tourists to withdraw cash. Third, government
administration processes involving the receipt of Conclusions
levies or the payment of benefits can be more ef-
ficient(62). Many Southeast Asian countries have This article examined the developments of fin-
greater expectations toward these advantages than tech in Southeast Asia. There are many issues re-
Japan. Because crime rates are higher than in lated to finance in Southeast Asia that are viewed
Japan, the handling or transportation of cash in- by the private sector as business opportunities.
volves greater risks for financial institutions, busi- This is reflected in the continuing emergence of
nesses, and consumers, and the costs are substan- fintech start-ups trying to solve these problems.
tial. Furthermore, bank branch and ATM networks Governments in the region are encouraging these
are less extensive than in Japan, with the result developments.
that the withdrawal of cash from a bank account Of course, many obstacles remain to be over-
is more troublesome. Another problem with cash come before fintech businesses can become firmly
is the difficulty of tracing flows of money and established in Southeast Asia and contribute to
income. This encourages the formation of an un- the solution of the region’s financial issues. The
derground economy with adverse effects in such sustainability of some fintech business models
areas as economic monitoring and tax collection. has not yet been tested. For example, the effec-
The creation of a cashless environment is also tiveness of credit screening systems based on al-
highly significant from the viewpoint of financial ternative data during an economic recession can
inclusion. If money is paid and received in cash, only be proven when a recession actually occurs.
individuals will feel little need to have bank ac- There will also be fintech businesses that are vi-
counts, with the result that the percentage of peo- able when still small but struggle to maintain their

24 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

Fig. 12 B
 enefits Resulting from Thailand’s National Electronic Payment Master

○ Basic financial services (deposits, withdrawals,

○ Low-income people can receive transfers) can be accesses more conveniently
welfare payments more quickly and and inclusively and at a lower cost.
○ Rural residents can make purchases using cards,
which is safer and more convenient and reduces
People the need to hold cash.
○ Low-income people can be monitored
more accurately, leading to improve-
ments in the provision of assistance to
those that need it. ○ Cashless payments can be received
more efficiently and at a lower cost.
○ Paymentsof social welfare benefits
e-payments ○ Business becomes easier, and
become more transparent.
customer service is faciltated.
○ Tax systems can be more efficient,
and the work involved in the ○ Work on the preparation of tax
preparation of tax documents is documents is reduced through a shift
Government Businesses to eTax.

Source: Bank of Thailand, “Payment Systems Report 2015,” 2016

Fig. 13 Five Projects in Thailand’s National E-Payment Master Plan

○ Fivetypes of registration ID: ① national ID number, ② bank account number, ③ mobile
phone number, ④ mobile wallet ID, ⑤email address
Payment system infrastructure ○ Reduction of limitations of existing system, expansion of business opportunities in a wide
range of areas
○ Improved convenience for the people, businesses, and the government
2. Expansion of card use

○ Promoting the use of debt cards instead of cash

Plastic cards
○ Expansion of places were e-payments are accepted

3. eTax

Digitalization of VAT and

○ Promoting eTax, improving the efficiency of document preparation and submission
withholding tax, eTax invoices

4. Digitalization of government benefit payments

○ Transfer of welfare benefit payments using national IDs
Transfers of government welfare
○ Integration of low-income earner data base
benefits and subsidies
○ Use of e-payments for public sector receipts and payments

5. Promotion, incentives
○ Promotion of e-payments by all government agencies through public education
Promotion of e-payments ○ Provision of incentives to use to e-payments instead of cash or checks in the public
Source: Bank of Thailand, “Payment Systems Report 2015”, 2016

viability as the scale of activities expands. It will There is also deep-rooted anxiety about the securi-
take time to determine whether these businesses ty of online payment systems. To overcome these
are truly sustainable. barriers, service providers will need to earn the
Moreover, whether potential users of these new trust of users. This will require efforts by both the
financial services will become active users is hard private sector and governments, including (1) the
to predict. While strong dissatisfaction with the creation of mechanisms that allow potential users
current state of financial services will certainly to try out new systems and assess their usability,
motivate people to use the new services, it is not (2) the establishment of both voluntary rules and
easy to change long-standing customs and prac- laws / regulations, as well as security measures, to
tices. In finance, as in any other field, new things ensure customer protection and the soundness of
tend to be viewed with unease and suspicion. transactions, and (3) educational activities to en-

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 25

able customers to use these new services effective- End Notes
ly. Only when confidence has been built through
initiatives such as these will fintech businesses be
able to earn the trust of society and contribute to
the solution of financial issues in Southeast Asia. 1. Techsauce, Ruamkid, Southeast Asia’s Top 75 Fintech
Companies Report 2017, February 9, 2017 (https://www.

2. The term “mobile payment” refers to payment systems

that utilize mobile devices, such as smartphones and tab-
lets. Mobile payment methods include online payment,
in which users employ mobile devices to make online
payments on the Internet, mobile wallet systems, where
mobile devices are used to make face-to-face payments
in brick-and-mortar stores, the use of mobile devices as
POS terminals in brick-and-mortar stores, and mobile
POS payments using mobile POS payment systems that
can accept card payments. Interfaces used by mobile
wallet systems at the time of payment include QR codes,
NFC, Bluetooth, and apps. Money can be added to mo-
bile wallets from a variety of sources, including credit
cards, bank deposits, and prepaid electronic money.

3. CB Insights, The CB Insights Fintech 250 2017


4. Because CB Insights uses a different classification sys-

tem, this figure represents the total number of companies
providing wallet money transfers and processing pay-
ment infrastructure.

26 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

5. This trend is especially pronounced in Japan, where the 12. With cash-on-delivery, customers can avoid paying for
majority of citizens can open bank accounts and acquire goods that fail to arrive or are defective, since they only
credit cards without any serious difficulties. Basic bank- need to pay after receiving their orders. However, this
ing services are readily available, in part because of the method entails cash handling costs for e-commerce busi-
proliferation of ATMs in convenience stores, and people nesses. There are significant disadvantages with cash-
are able to set aside deposits and obtain insurance to on-delivery in Southeast Asia, including (1) the return
provide for unforeseen contingencies. Loan products are of goods after customers refuse to receive them because
also available for various purposes. The circumstances they have changed their minds, and (2) the theft of cash
of the companies are similar, and the financial institu- received from customers by delivery personnel.
tions that provide financial services generally operate
efficiently, reflecting their involvement in these activities
for many years.
13. In his National Day Rally speech in August 2017, Singa-
pore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated Singapore
was lagging behind other cities in the area of electronic
6. Fuji Sankei Business i, Indonesia’s Parliament Speaker payments and contrasted that with the spread of systems
Arrested, December 5, 2017. Resident Identity Cards (e- like WeChat Pay and AliPay in China. (Prime Minis-
KTPs) are now being digitized to combat fraud. ter’s Office Singapore, National Rally 2017, August 20,
The use of checks in Singapore is also high by world
standards, and the reduction of payments made in cash
7. World Bank website ( or by check has become a priority.

14. Member countries of the Committee on Payments and

8. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Market Infrastructures of the Bank for International Set-
Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia. tlements.

9. International Financial Corporation, Enterprise Finance 15. At 19.96%, the Japanese figure is the highest among the
Gap Database (2011 data). countries surveyed.

10. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, National Baseline Survey 16. With this payment method, payment is completed by
on Financial Inclusion, 2015. scanning a QR code with a smartphone. Shops can store
QR codes on smartphones or similar devices, or print
them on cardboads, and allow customers to scan them
using a smartphone app. Alternatively, customers can
11. NetHope, The Case for Branchless Banking in Thousand install an app on their own smartphones to display a QR
Islands, Indonesia, January 30, 2014 code identifying their bank accounts. The shop can then
( use a smartphone or dedicated device to scan this QR
for-branchless-banking-in-thousand-islands-indonesia). code.

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 27

17. We are Social Singapore, Digital in 2017: Global Over- 24. Vinasun, MoMo partner on smart payments, Viet
view, 2017 ( Figures re- Nam News, November 17, 2017 (http://vietnamnews.
leased in January 2017. vn/bizhub/417696/vinasun-momo-partner-on-smart-

18. World Bank, Global Financial Inclusion Database,

2014. Averages for nine key countries. 25. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

19. References include the MoMo website (https://momo. 26. Secure Socket Layer—A protocol used to encrypt data
vn/). transmitted over the Internet.

20. M_Service initially modeled its service on the GCash 27. Association of Banks in Singapore, PayNow website
service provided by Globe Telecom in the Philippines (
from 2004. It began to provide mobile payment services
based on the SIM card system under a partnership with
VinaPhone, a major mobile telecoms carrier. However,
this limited the customer base to VinaPhone subscribers 28. Other options include bank deposit account numbers,
and involved troublesome processes for customers, such mobile wallet IDs, and email addresses.
as updating. For these reasons, the company began to use
its own mobile payment app in 2014. (Follow the Leader
in Vietnam, Inc. South Asia, August 3, 2017, http://inc- 29. Transfer charges are 2 baht (about ¥7) for amounts over
5,000 baht (about ¥17,000) and up to 30,000 baht (about
¥100,000), 5 baht (about ¥17) for amounts over 30,000
baht and up to 100,000 baht (about ¥340,000), and 10
21. How a fintech outgrew banks in the mobile wallet mar- baht (about ¥34) for amounts over 100,000 baht.
ket in Vietnam, The Asian Banker, May 11, 2017 (http://
vietnam). 30. Monetary Authority of Singapore, Payments Council sets
up taskforce to develop common QR code for Singapore,
(news release), August 29, 2017

22. International Finance Corporation, E- and M-Commerce

and Payment Sector Development in Vietnam, 2014, p.14
31. Singapore, Thailand weigh e-payment alliance in
digital push, Bloomberg, October 5, 2017 (https://www.
23. Vietnam Post is currently digitizing its financial services thailand-discuss-e-payment-alliance-for-digital-push)
in an effort to overcome these issues.

28 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

32. Singapore FinTech Journey 2.0—Remarks by Mr. Ravi 39. E-wallet services aim to make money in future, Vietn-
Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Sin- amnet, January 26, 2017 (http://english.
gapore, at Singapore FinTech Festival on 14 November fms/science-it/171362/e-wallet-services-aim-to-make-
2017, Monetary Authority of Singapore, press release, money-in-future.html)
November 14, 2017

40. We are banking on our digital wallet Go-Pay for the

33. According to a World Bank survey, the average money foreseeable future—Go-Jek CTO, Ajey Gore, inc42, July
transfer commissions in April-June 2017 were 11.00% 11, 2017 (
for banks, 6.56% for post offices, 6.14% for specialist digital-wallet-indonesia/)
money transfer companies, and 3.10% for telecommuni-
cations carriers. (World Bank, Remittance Prices World-
wide, Issue 23, September 2017)
41. This is based on the results of a survey conducted in De-
cember 2016 by the research firm JakPat. Go-Jek’s “Go-
Pay” system is being used by 27.1% of e-money users.
34. References include the Toast website (https://toastme. Bank Mandiri’s “e-Money” was ranked first at 43.8%,
com/sg). followed by Bank Central Asia’s “Flazz” at 39.1%, and
PT Telcomsel’s “T-Cash” at 29.1%. (“Indonesian ride-
hailing unicorn Go-Jek accelerates digital payments,”
eMarketer, January 17, 2017, https://www.emarketer.
35. Toast lands $1.5M for cross-border payment services com/Article/Indonesian-Ride-Hailing-Unicorn-Go-Jek-
for migrant workers in Asia, TechCrunch, November 10, Accelerates-Digital-Payments/1015048)
2016 (

42. The companies are Kartuku, which processes face-to-

face payments, Midtrans, which operates an online pay-
36. Toast to become fully financial service platform ment gateway, and Mapan, which operates a savings and
for migrant workers, e27, November 7, 2016 (https:// loan network for people who do not have bank accounts.
43. Go-Jek acquires three leading fintech business cement-
ing its leadership in Indonesia’s fast-growing pay-
ments market, Go-Jek press release, December 15, 2017
37. As above (

38. References include the Lenddo website (https://www.
44. Chief Executive Officer & Founder Nadiem Makarim
made these comments at the Singapore FinTech Festival
on November 14, 2017.

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 29

45. Indonesia’s ride-hailing start-up Go-Jek wants to ag- 50. Grab solidifies leadership in digital payments with
gressively expand its payments services, CNBC, Sep- agreement to acquire Kudo, Indonesia’s leading O2O
tember 14, 2017, ( Ecommerce platform, Grab press release, April 3, 2017
indonesias-go-jek-competes-with-grab-and-uber-now-it- (
wants-to-be-like-alipay-and-wechat-pay.html) kukuhkan-keunggulan-di-bidang-pembayaran-non-
46. Grab moving into e-payment market, The New Paper,
August 31, 2017 (
51. Grab is also supporting efforts to achieve the Indone-
sian government’s goal of making Indonesia the biggest
digital economy in Southeast Asia by 2020. It will in-
47. Grab, Grab delivers a cashless and seamless ride vest US$700 million under the “Grab 4 Indonesia 2020”
experience to everyone with GrabPay Credits, (press plan, which it announced in February 2017. The three
release), November 29, 2016 ( main areas of investment will be ① human resources for
press/tech-product/grab-delivers-cashless-seamless-ride- technology, ② technopreneurship (technology-related
experience-everyone-grabpay-credits/) entrepreneurship), and ③ mobile payments.
Grab, Grab to invest US$700 million in ‘Grab 4 Indone-
sia’ 2020 master plan, (press release), February 2, 2017
48. Grab, Grab launches GrabPay e-wallet in hawker stalls, usd-700-million-grab-4-indonesia-2020-master-plan/)
restaurants and shops in Singapore, (press release), No-
vember 2, 2017

52. These are deregulated environments in which regula-

tions are eased within a limited scope for a fixed period,
49. Kudo provides services under the following scheme. giving companies the freedom to try out new business
① Individuals or retail store owners sign agency con- ideas, just as children can play freely in sandboxes.
tracts with Kudo.
② Customers go to an agent and look at products on
the Kudo platform on a mobile phone provided by
the agent. The products available are offered by
companies with which Kudo has established part-
nerships, such as the e-commerce marketplaces
Lazada and BukaLapak.
③ If the customer wants to buy a product, he or she
pays cash to the agent. The product is then delivered
to the customer’s home.
④ The agent receives a commission from Kudo ac-
cording to the sale price of the product.
⑤ In addition to e-commerce, the system can also be
used to pay utility charges and buy mobile phone

30 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

53. MAS Managing Director Ravi Menon has identified 56. VN financial inclusion focuses on tech, Viet Nam News,
three requirements for fintech regulation. First, regula- May 20, 2017
tion must not front-run innovation. Regulators need
to watch the situation constantly and decide whether
regulation is needed, or whether things should be left
to evolve further. Second, regulation should be applied 57. Launched in 2007, the M-Pesa service is provided by the
when risks emerge or exceed a certain level, but the mobile phone company Safaricom. Its use has expanded
weight of the regulation must be proportionate to the rapidly among low-income people who have no bank
risk. Third, regulation must both mitigate risks and pre- accounts. M-Pesa has also been a starting point for the
vent the emergence of new risks. (Monetary Authority increasing use of mobile banking, including deposits and
of Singapore, Singapore’s FinTech Journey – Where We loans. The percentage of the adult population with no
Are, What is Next, Speech by Mr. Ravi Menon, Manag- access to financial services has plummeted from 41.3%
ing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore, at Singa- in 2006 to 17.4% in 2016. (Njuguna Ndungu, Digitali-
pore FinTech Festival —Fintech conference on 16 No- zation in Kenya, edited by Sanjeev Gupta et al., Digital
vember 2016) Revolution in Public Finance, International Monetary
Fund, 2017

54. According to the World Bank, Financial inclusion means

that individuals and businesses have access to useful 58. “Aadhaar” is a Hindi word meaning “foundation.”
and affordable financial products and services that meet
their needs—transactions, payments, savings, credit and
insurance—delivered in a responsible and sustainable
way. World Bank website, 59. This means “Prime Minister’s People Money Scheme”
en/topic/financialinclusion/overview in English.
In societies where financial inclusion has not been
achieved, individuals lack suitable means to build as-
sets in the form of deposits. Because they are unable to
access financial products at reasonable prices, they are 60. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana website, (https://pmjdy.
forced to compromise by borrowing money from infor-
mal sources at high interest rates, or by paying excessive
money transfer commissions. They lack deposits and
insurance to provide a buffer for unforeseen events, such
as illness, injury, or unemployment. SMEs, micro-busi- 61. The government aims to increase Japan’s cashless pay-
nesses, and self-employed people face similar disadvan- ment ratio from the current level of around 20% to about
tages. These situations make it difficult to escape from 40% over the next 10 years (by June 2027) and is imple-
poverty and hinder economic growth and the achieve- menting a variety of initiatives to achieve this. (Head-
ment of prosperity by society as a whole. quarters for Japan’s Economic Revitalization, Future
Investment Strategy 2017, June 9, 2017, P.60)

55. Comment by Korn Chatikavanij, Chairman, Thai Fin-

tech Association, at the Singapore FinTech Festival on
November 16, 2017

RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68 31

62. These items were highlighted as advantages of cashless
payments in policies formulated by related government References
agencies for the realization of a cashless society. (Cabi- (Japanese)
net Secretariat, Financial Services Agency, Ministry of 1. Iwasaki, K. [2016], The Rising of Japanese startups in
Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, In- Southeast Asia, in Japan Research Institute, RIM, 2016
frastructure, Transport and Tourism, other government Vol.16, No.62
agencies, Kyasshuresuka ni muketa hosaku [Policies to-
ward the Realization of Cashless Society], December 26,
2014, P.1)
2. Iwasaki, K. [2017], Tonan ajia ni okeru Nihon kigyo to
sutatoappu no renkei no kanosei [The potential for col-
laboration between Japanese companies and start-ups in
63. Bank Negara Malaysia, Financial Sector Blueprint Southeast Asia], in Japan Research Institute, JRI Review,
2011-2020, 2011, p.141 2017 Vol.8, No.47

3. Fujita. T. [2017], Indo no dejitaru-ka seisaku to fintekku

hatten no kanosei [India’s digitalization policy and the
potential for fintech development], in Japan Research In-
stitute, RIM, 2017 Vol.17, No.67

4. Asian Development Bank and Oliver Wyman [2017],
“Accelerating Financial Inclusion in South-East Asia
with Digital Finance”

5. McKinsey & Company [2017], “The Phoenix Rises: Re-

making the Bank for an Ecosystem World—McKinsey
Global Banking Annual Review 2017,” October 2017

6. World Bank [2014], “Opportunities of Digitizing Pay-

ments,” (prepared for the G20 Australian Presidency),
August 28, 2014

32 RIM Pacific Business and Industries Vol. XVIII, 2018 No. 68

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