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A Practical Approach To Utility Network Modernization AN

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Simplify the Evolution from SONET/SDH to Packet
Today’s electric utility networks are typically based on Benefits

legacy SONET/SDH technology that is well understood, > Simplify network modernization
while minimizing network
reliable, and provides deterministic behavior. However, transition costs. Upgrade aging
and discontinued SONET/SDH
this present mode of operation is becoming risky and equipment and evolve at your
expensive to maintain as legacy SONET/SDH platforms own pace to next-generation
packet-optical technology
and services are being discontinued by both equipment > Maintain current operational
vendors and network operators and are at risk of failure procedures while providing
the time required to properly
due to dwindling support. Since new grid applications evaluate, test, and transition
to new technologies, using
increasingly rely on packet (IP and Ethernet) technologies, a platform that supports any
continuing to invest in legacy technologies originally combination of SONET/SDH,
OTN, and Ethernet payloads
designed for voice is not a viable option for modernizing > Leverage the lower cost and
the communications network. However, a wholesale much-more-scalable capacity
of Ethernet technology while
replacement of the existing infrastructure with a next-gen retaining predictable traffic-
engineered paths to provide
packet network presents its own set of challenges. consistent, deterministic
To minimize any disruptions to current operations, utilities can deploy a packet-optical
> Take advantage of real-world
solution that continues to support existing legacy services while enabling a smooth,
know-how by leveraging the
incremental evolution to a next-generation packet infrastructure that supports expertise and professional
emerging services and scales cost-effectively to meet long-term needs. services of Ciena and its partners

Today’s Utility Challenges

Typical utility Operational Technology (OT) networks consist of SONET/SDH rings at
OC-3/STM-1 to OC-48/STM-16, linking substations to the network control centers
(Figure 1). Utilities have invested for many years in their current OT network, which
includes the relays, switches, and control mechanisms that run their electrical grids—
and utility personnel have become very familiar with SONET/SDH technology.
Although continuing to leverage this legacy SONET/SDH network may seem
to be the easiest option, utilities need to consider the potential risks.

Rather than maintaining legacy TDM technologies, the telecom industry as a whole is
investing in newer packet and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technologies to
drive improved operating scale and efficiencies. With the industry discontinuing
support of legacy SONET/SDH technologies and services, the costs for a utility to
maintain their legacy networks will continue to escalate, and finding spare equipment
will become increasingly difficult.

A Application Note
In addition, utilities are facing pressure to Primary
T1/E1 Control
support new public and private initiatives Primary
Center Data
to provide increased electrical system Substation A
efficiency, automation, and reliability, Substation
requiring real-time measurement and B
control information and advanced data
E OC-3/12 OC-48
analytics. To meet these demands, utility STM-1/4 STM-16
standards, such as the IEC 61850
communication standard for electrical
substation automation systems, and grid Backup
Substation D Control
equipment, such as relays, are evolving Center
from circuit-based TDM to native Figure 1. Typical utility SONET/SDH OT network
Ethernet communications.

Adopting a new network technology

Packet-Optical Primer
presents its own set of challenges,
including the risk of introducing Packet-optical networks provide the integration of an agile optical layer based
additional cost and complexity that can on Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) with a programmable
place a strain on operational resources Optical Transport Network (OTN) layer and a connection-oriented Carrier
and budgets. Utility engineering Ethernet or MPLS-TP-based packet layer. Whatever the application, the traffic
knowledge and operational procedures can be delivered as packets, timeslots, or wavelengths over whatever is the
will be geared toward the legacy most cost-effective layer. A packet-optical platform converges the transport
OT network rather than the new and switching elements into a single platform that sits at a lower layer than the
technologies and procedures, so any IP router with the ultimate goal of providing increased resiliency, manageability,
change in network technology needs and deterministic behavior—all at a lower cost.
to be carefully evaluated and tested DWDM unlocks the capacity of the utility fiber plant, providing the ability
before it is deployed. While the future to transmit multiple separate and independent signals, each with a
of utility grid communications is destined different wavelength, over the same optical fiber. DWDM facilitates IT/OT
to be packet-based, the evolution path convergence, because it consolidates multiple traffic sources onto a single
from legacy to packet is less clear cost-effective fiber-optic network while maintaining wavelength separation
and must take into account these of grid operations traffic, IT traffic, and general corporate communications.
operational realities. Existing fiber plants used for SONET/SDH today can be leveraged.
OTN was designed to provide a common container for multiple data
Riding Two Horses with One Saddle
networking services, greatly simplifying the process of end-to-end circuit
Some utilities will move quickly to adopt provisioning and enabling better network management. This fundamental
a packet network strategy, with new change helps IP-based traffic map into OTN just as efficiently as SONET/SDH.
applications and services implemented In fact, OTN was developed from the start to be a true multi-service transport
directly on a packet infrastructure, while technology where Ethernet, Fibre Channel, SONET/SDH, and other protocols
others will want to extend the life of their can be transparently mapped onto the same OTN wavelength.
existing SONET/SDH networks to provide
Carrier Ethernet provides connection-oriented Ethernet, leveraging the low
more time to build the new skill-sets and
cost of Ethernet technology while retaining predictable traffic-engineered
procedures. For the latter case, what
paths to provide consistent, deterministic communications. Specific routes
is needed is a solution that enables
and backups can be planned ahead of time, engineered for a given level
utilities to upgrade aging SONET/SDH
of service performance, monitored on an ongoing basis, and adjusted to
equipment and evolve to packet
reflect dynamic bandwidth demand. The result—from a management and
technology at their own pace. This can be
reliability perspective—is performance on par with SONET/SDH, but with
achieved by implementing a converged
much more scalable capacity at a much lower cost. Connection-oriented
packet-optical platform that supports
Ethernet switching with protection technologies—such as MPLS-TP and
both legacy SONET/SDH and next-gen
G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection—provide the benefits of Ethernet access
packet-optical technologies such as
and aggregation with robust transport provisioning and management.
OTN and Ethernet.

Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure

Ethernet Services SONET/SDH PDH Services DWDM
- 10/100/1000BT Services: - T1/E1 SONET/SDH
- FX - OC-3/STM-1 - DS3/E3
- GE - OC-12/STM-4 Ethernet
- 10GE - OC-48/STM-16
- OC-192/STM-64

Figure 2. 6200 Packet-Optical Platform and topology options

By deploying a packet-optical solution, utilities can address and optimize footprint, power, and capacity, while the 8700,
immediate SONET/SDH end-of-life challenges with an a programmable Ethernet-over-DWDM packet switch,
incremental, success-based multi-service solution that addresses the growing need to efficiently aggregate and
maintains the current operational paradigm while providing switch large quantities of packet traffic while guaranteeing
the time required to properly evaluate, test, and transition to stringent performance levels.
the new technologies. This approach simplifies the network
evolution while minimizing its incremental operational costs. 6200 Packet-Optical Platform
Ciena’s compact 6200 Packet-Optical Platform is a highly Download data sheet
flexible and scalable edge device designed to cost-effectively
modernize legacy SONET/SDH networks. Traffic from each Figure 3 illustrates a low-risk, incremental approach to
port on each card can be transported independently over any network modernization. By selectively upgrading SONET/
protocol, enabling utility operators to have full flexibility in SDH nodes to a 6200, utilities can evolve their networks
mapping any client port to SONET/SDH, OTN, or Ethernet over multiple stages to avoid any disruption to core services.
services and allowing for maximum leverage of the The packet-optical architecture provides the foundation
equipment investment. The 6200 provides the flexibility to to migrate to an OTN multiservice architecture or Carrier
gradually transition the network as fast or slow as desired by Ethernet packet architecture. This allows network operators
increasing the capacity of existing services today and laying to evolve systematically to any combination of SONET/SDH,
the groundwork for high-performance Ethernet services in OTN, and Ethernet payloads, providing an effective strategy
the future when the utility is ready. Comprehensive packet to build a modernized infrastructure while still carrying legacy
capabilities include enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) and traffic. As a result, utilities can migrate at their own pace and
ITU G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection for multi-path resiliency, maximize their current network investments and operations.
as well as integrated packet and/or OTN centralized switching
capability to maximize the efficiency of the network. Prescription for Success

The 6200 can serve as both an access and aggregation Utilities should take full advantage of real-world know-how
platform, feeding a core DWDM network—such as one by leveraging the expertise and professional services of
composed of Ciena’s 6500 Packet-Optical Platform—for reliable Ciena and its partners, who have done this before with
multi-protocol service delivery, and/or the 8700 Packetwave™ many customers.
Platform for reliable packet service delivery (Figure 2).
Optimize your network with
The 6500 combines packet, OTN, and flexible WaveLogic
Ciena Specialist Services
photonics in a converged platform to streamline operations

*EOL/MD ‘Expensive’ Replacing failing
equipment capacity equipment and
growth ‘recover’ spares


Ring Ring Ring

OTN or Carrier
Inefficient ring Ethernet overlay Improve space Add new
interconnect network and power footprint OADM
Figure 3. An incremental approach to network modernization

As with any technology transformation, it makes sense to start Summary

small, beginning with a proof of concept or small pilot project, As utilities look to upgrade their aging OT network
and then expand the footprint incrementally based on infrastructures, Ciena’s 6200 can provide a low-risk, seamless
success. This would typically mean progressing from the lab evolution to next-generation communication architectures
to a dark fiber pilot project or a less critical area of the while continuing to leverage the existing utility SONET/SDH
network before expanding more broadly in the live network. operations and infrastructure. As utilities’ requirements
The ability to maintain existing SONET/SDH operations while evolve, the 6200 can support Ethernet or OTN technologies
selectively moving traffic to the next-generation overlay to allow utilities to modernize their communications network
network provides the necessary time to gain expertise in the at their own pace, without having to undergo a wholesale
new technologies and to test and evaluate key considerations replacement of their current solutions. The result is a cost-
such as reliability, security, and compliance and the handling effective, scalable, simple-to-manage solution that can evolve
of legacy infrastructure and interfaces. to support Ethernet and OTN technologies when required.

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Ciena may from time to time make changes to the products or specifications contained herein without
notice. Copyright © 2016 Ciena® Corporation. All rights reserved. AN110 4.2016

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