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Industrial Ethernet

Comparison makes confident

Ethernet-based networks very quick- High Expectations in Potential Entry Hurdles

ly became a worldwide phenomenon Automation For many years, Ethernet has been used
due primarily to the explosive growth Due to its high expansion in the area of to network control systems, management
of the Internet. The universality of information technology, Ethernet also has systems, and manufacturing cells, but not
Ethernet together with the transport enormous potential for increasing pro- the devices inside the actual machines and
protocols it uses makes it the ideal ductivity and reducing costs in industrial equipment. In those areas, fieldbus tech-
medium for linking different applica- automation applications: nology continues to be used. In this case,
tions. Ethernet is used across a wide ■ Familiar technology with low initial ex- the system divide needs to be bridged,
spectrum of these applications: from penditures requiring time-consuming adaptation of
email and Web browsing to transfer- ■ Transparent and application-neutral the protocols to the interfaces. Up until
ring speech and video data. protocols now, standardizing Ethernet and the Inter-
■ Worldwide networking for maintenance net protocol from the control level down
and monitoring to the sensors and actuators has failed
■ Low dependency and large selection due to the reputed complexity, the limited
of suitable components availability of devices, and the actual real-
■ 10-100 times faster data throughput time demands.
when compared to other fieldbus tech-
nologies Lately, several different industrial Ethernet
■ Distances of up to 100 meters using variants have been introduced and dis-
cost-effective copper cables cussed in various trade magazines and
All in all, Ethernet technology promises other literature. This proliferation stems
higher performance, more throughput, and mainly from the different technical ap-
higher quality for production processes. proaches to making Ethernet capable of
That being the case, why isn’t Ethernet handling real-time applications. Another
being used in all of today’s industrial ap- reason for this variety is the attempt of
plications? many manufacturers to tie their users into

36 09/2005
their own proprietary networks for the long
term. Frequently forgotten in these discus-
sions is the fact that it’s not just technical
properties such as performance and trans-
fer rates that count, it’s also the soft facts
like easy implementation, openness, con-
formity, interoperability, long-term avail-
ability, and overall distribution. This article
will take a look at the four most well-known
systems with these points in mind.

PROFInet – Massively
Complex Industrial Ethernet promises a standardized networking environment from the control level down to the process
PROFInet is being managed and devel-
oped by the Profibus user organization
under the auspices of Siemens. As a transferred in real-time with microsecond 200 and ERTEC 400) were introduced ear-
direct evolution from PROFIbus, uniform precision. lier this year and are only available on test
Ethernet technology is supposed to be structures.
able to handle all company areas down PROFInet IRT transfers data cyclically and
to the sensor and actuator level. Three dif- reserves isochronous and asynchronous In order to be suitable for wide applica-
ferent PROFInet specifications have been communication channels. Communication tion, this technology must first get out of
designed to meet different demands: paths for time-critical data are freed up the teething phase. The complex switch-
■ PROFInet (previously V1) for applica- isochronously at exact predefined times ing between time- and address-controlled
tions with no real-time demands within the network. Information is then ex- communication doesn’t correspond to any
■ PROFInet RT (previously V2 or SRT) for changed ad-hoc according to address, as standardized procedures and requires
moderate real-time demands is the case with switched Ethernet. support from local software tools and
■ PROFInet IRT (previously V3) for high special test and analysis tools. For future
real-time demands in drive applica- Commercially available Ethernet switch and faster (gigabit) Ethernet variants, new
tions components are not familiar with the switch ASICs will need to be developed.
The first two variants can be implemented time-controlled communication for the iso- In addition to the costs of the special
using conventional Ethernet devices and chronous channel and must be replaced components in all of the end devices and
components. The IRT version demands by special PROFInet switch ASICs from switches, costs for software and licenses
new components that allow data to be Siemens. These components (the ERTEC must be taken into consideration as well.
Providers of price-sensitive sensors and
actuators will not be able to justify these

In summary, PROFInet is pursuing a very

universal approach that will lead to a high
degree of complexity as well as a corre-
ETHERNET Powerlink
spondingly higher price tag.

Ethernet/IP – Network Gurus

Rockwell Automation and the ODVA
(Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) are
the movers behind Ethernet/IP. Instead
of referring to the more commonly known
Ethernet/IP “Internet Protocol”, the “IP” in this case
stands for “Industrial Protocol”, something
that may cause overall confusion. The
core of Ethernet/IP is the CIP (Common
Industrial Protocol), which already forms
Total Cost

the foundation for DeviceNet and Control-

EtherCAT Net fieldbus technology. It is already being
used today in time-uncritical applications.
In order to penetrate into the application

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area of highly dynamic drive systems, the devices alone. Because of this, the mini-
protocol variant CIPsync has been devel- mum possible cycle must be correspond-
oped. ingly higher.
To add to the confusion, this method is
CIPsync makes sure that all of the stations also integrated with the Beckhoff ADS,
in a network run synchronously and that CANopen, and SERCOS communication
real-time data is exchanged between them profiles. To guarantee that devices from
With EtherCAT, all devices are networked in a ring
as needed. This synchronization is handled formation. different manufactuers can work with one
by distributed clocks in each device as another, whether or not all devices sup-
well as by the IEEE 1588 synchronization port the same profile or the same physics
protocol. Extremely precise timing, such All devices are networked with the bus (E-bus or 100Base-T) must be cleared up
as that needed for drive applications, re- master in a ring formation. During each beforehand. For 100% interoperability, de-
quires special hardware clocks. The device cycle, relevant output data is extracted vice manufacturers would have to invest
clock stamps each time-critical message by the devices from the Ethernet data time and effort for all possible variations.
with the time. This makes it possible to packets sent by the bus master. Input In conclusion, EtherCAT is a new fieldbus
clearly specify when inputs were read and data is also stuffed into packets „on the that has some Ethernet properties. The
at which times commands should be ex- fly“; these packets arrive again at the bus technology itself has been partially made
ecuted. master upon reaching the end of the ring. public and protected by Beckhoff through
This system was designed for central- the use of several patents. Whether this
This IEEE 1588-based procedure, how- ized controller architectures with simple network gains wide acceptance will de-
ever, does not guarantee that data is field devices. EtherCAT is not suitable for pend primarily on its availability, price,
transmitted at the right time. Time-critical distributed intelligence. Individual devices and risk analysis when Beckhoff ASICs
messages are assigned a higher priority can only communicate with one another are taken into consideration.
and handled first on the network. All other by detouring over the bus master. The im-
messages are then ranked lower accord- plied ring structure means that star-formed
ingly. networks can only be implemented with ETHERNET Powerlink – With
limitations. Openness Comes Success
Although Ethernet/IP uses familiar IEEE ETHERNET Powerlink was introduced
standards, high precision in this case re- This technology can only be used with by B&R in 2001. Its goal was to provide
quires all devices and components to be custom-made ASICs from Beckhoff. De- standard Ethernet with real-time properties
equipped with hardware clocks that are spite several announcements, they are still and allow universal solutions all the way
closely integrated with the Ethernet chips. not available. The first device prototypes down to demanding motion applications.
These components are not yet available on that were used were expensive FPGAs. Since that time, the EPSG (ETHERNET
the market. The necessary prioritization of This is not an economical solution for Powerlink Standardization Group) has pro-
messages demands detailed knowledge manufacturers of price-sensitive sensors moted ETHERNET Powerlink and taken
of Ethernet mechanisms and the volume and actuators. responsibility for its openness, continuous
of traffic on the network. Automation improvement, and independence.
engineers will not be able to implement Although EtherCAT uses Ethernet packets,
this technology without first being trained it doesn’t have much else in common with ETHERNET Powerlink is a strictly cyclical
in the field of networks. Ethernet/IP is a the Ethernet standard beyond that. The protocol that organizes the access to a
switched network. Because of this, net- individual devices cannot be used on con- network as well as the synchronization of
work analysis is only possible on a limited ventional networks since MAC address- the devices. Its cyclic precision is under 1
basis. The important line-formed network ing isn’t used. Even IP-based protocols µs. The communication cycle is divided
structures of devices so important in au- have to go through the effort of being re- into an isochronous phase for time-critical
tomation cannot be implemented. Finally, packaged and virtually routed when sent. data as well as an asynchronous phase for
the overall performance of Ethernet/IP is Transferring asynchronous data for param- transferring ad-hoc data. All of the devices
strongly dependent on the total volume of eters and diagnostic purposes incidentally on the network can always directly read
network traffic. wasn’t covered at all in the performance all of the data from the other devices. De-
data. touring over a central bus master (as with
EtherCAT) is not necessary. This protocol
EtherCAT – New Fieldbus or In addition to 100Base-T Ethernet, an is equally suitable for local as well as re-
Industrial Ethernet? E-bus has also been designed to reduce mote control designs.
The EtherCAT network, a further develop- components and save approximately 1 µs
ment of Beckhoff’s Lightbus technology, at the expense of stability, electrical iso- Its electrical properties and all of its data
is purported by the company to be the lation, and compatibility. If the 100 axes packets correspond to the Ethernet stan-
fastest industrial Ethernet system available. described at the beginning of this section dard. For example, ETHERNET Powerlink
Being able to process 1,000 I/Os in 30 µs would be implemented with a standard transmits data in the asynchronous phase
or 100 axes in 100 µs is a bold claim that physical structure, then 100 µs would be using standard IP telegrams. Implemen-
needs to be closely analyzed. estimated just for the delay times of the tations are cost-effective because they

38 09/2005
A Guest Article by:
Andreas Pfeiffer
Member of the Board
EPSG, Winterthur

The EPSG (ETHERNET Powerlink Stan-

dardization Group) was founded in Win-
The ETHERNET Powerlink protocol stack is based on established international standards. terthur/Switzerland in June 2003 as an
independent association. Originating from
can be carried out with any Ethernet chip that are specific to each application area. a group of leading automation companies,
currently on the market. Controllers can This is leading to a widely accepted solu- its focus is leveraging the advantages of
achieve extremely short cycle times of tion that can be adapted in just a short Ethernet for high performance Real-Time
100 µs. amount of time. ETHERNET Powerlink en- networking systems based on the ETHER-
sures quick market entry for manufacturers NET Powerlink Real-Time protocol, intro-
The interoperability of devices from differ- and users and is still the only real-time in- duced by B&R at the end of 2001.
ent manufacturers is guaranteed by the dustrial Ethernet system currently in series
100Base-T physical structure as well as its production on the market. The EPSG has clear organisational struc-
integration with the widely used CANopen tures, thereby ensuring transparent deci-
communication and device profiles. For sion processes. Various working groups
network analysis, commercially available Summary focus on different areas, such as safety,
tools and shareware programs from the IT Although the discussion that surrounds technology, marketing, certification and
world can be used without modifications. industrial Ethernet solutions frequently end users. The EPSG furthermore cooper-
Unlike the other three methods, all data centers on such academic topics as the ates with leading standardization bodies
packets can be viewed at any measuring right method and the fastest technology, and associations, like the CAN in Auto-
point without limitations. the long-term market will only accept solu- mation Group, the IAONA, the IEC and
tions that are open, proven, easy to use, the ISO.
As of June, 2005, ETHERNET Powerlink is future-oriented and that conform to stan-
supported by more than 300 companies dards and support interoperability. Users The idea of the EPSG is to maintain the
worldwide with more than 70,000 nodes have become extremely cautious about balance between a common understand-
in series production machines and sys- proprietary systems since they can lead ing of automation technology and the de-
tems in several different industries. Many to unpredictable dependence that cannot mands of different directions. This results
leading companies are already offering be easily lifted. The success of ETHERNET in widely acceptable solutions, which can
fully developed products and services. Powerlink lies in its open access to tech- be implemented on short terms.
This protocol is also distinguished by its nology and its transparent development
easy application without needing special using concepts and ideas from all different
networking know-how. Going beyond its application areas. Countless applications
excellent real-time properties, ETHERNET in machine and system manufacturing,
Powerlink has recently been expanded to measurement technology, the transport
include the EPLsafety protocol layer for industry, and energy production affirm this
safety-critical applications according to path.__
IEC 61508 up to SIL 3 (up to SIL 4 with

The idea behind ETHERNET Powerlink is

to find the right balance between common
automation demands and those demands

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