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Annual Report 2017-18

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New India will continue to be:

 The Largest non-life Insurance Company in India with a strong global presence

 Recognized for the highest levels of customer services

 The employer of choice, known for its energetic and motivated workforce.

 An innovative, nimble and technology enabled company.

 A socially responsible organization with best corporate governance.

 The most preferred and trusted brand, surpassing stakeholders expectation.


We are headquartered in Mumbai We offer a range of General Insurance
With a presence pan-India and in 28 products catering to the specific
Countries. needs of customers
THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Journey of Trust and Beyond

As New India enters its Centenary year, the Company can proudly look back on its
past of being the undisputed and consistent leader of the Indian General Insurance
Industry. It was indeed the vision and the courage of its founders that have led the
Company to become as successful and highly respected worldwide. It is the tradition
of expertise and pride in work handed down from one generation of employees
to another that makes the company dynamic, innovative and willing to take new

In the famous words of its founder-Chairman, Sir Dorab J Tata, the illustrious son of
renowned, pioneering Indian industrialist Jamsetji N Tata, “The New India constitutes
the commencement of a new and large commercial undertaking for India. It is not
a Bombay Insurance Company or a Company working solely in India, but may claim
to be a Worldwide Company.”

India’s challenge today is to support its various socio-economic classes and their
aspirations for a bright and secure future. The common man want food, security,
good health & financial well being. Both industrial development and financial
inclusion have to take place hand in hand for India to reach the heights it richly

The General Insurance Industry & its leader, The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. can be
this friend and benefactor to the individual and to businesses through its risk covers,
its policies and schemes. At New India Assurance, it is our constant endeavour to
live up to the expectations of all our stakeholders – from our investors to customers to
agents to channel partners to our employees.

Board of Directors (as on 30th June 2018)

Mr. G. Srinivasan
Chairman cum Managing Director

Mr. Debasish Panda Mr. Hemant G. Rokade Mr. C. Narambunathan

Government Nominee Director Whole Time Director Whole Time Director

Mr. P. Ramana Murthy Mr. Neelam Damodharan Ms. Papia Sengupta

Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director

Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Chanana Mr. Kuldip Singh Mr. S. K. Banerjee

Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director
Awards & Recognitions
Awards won by The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. FY 2017-18

Dun & Bradstreet India's Leading General Insurance Company (Public) Award 2018

Outlook Money Awards 2017: Health Insurance Award

Outlook Money Awards 2017: Non-Life Insurance Award

Dalal Street Investment Journal 2017 Roll of Honour for Highest Market Share in Gross
Premium of 5 years.

India Insurance Summit Award 2018 : General Insurance Company of the year

India Insurance Summit Award 2018 : Product Innovator of the year- Title Insurance Policy
THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Chairman's Message

Dear Shareholders,

It gives me immense pleasure to share with you that we have had yet another successful year just on the verge of the onset of the centenary
year of your Company’s foundation. Your Company had a great year in terms of financial performance vis-à-vis the Industry’s performance
and had a few prominent achievements and new initiatives taken in the fiscal 2017-18.
Continuing the successful growth story, your Company attained historical highs in terms of Gross Written Premium and Profit after Tax in
the last fiscal. Your Company continued a robust premium growth in the FY 2018 in spite of extremely competitive and dynamic business
environment. Your Company continues to be the market leader with a market share of 15.06%. It recorded a global premium of Rs. 26,554
crore recording a growth of 15%. The robust growth was observed across all the Regions. Your Company recorded a Profit After Tax of Rs.
2,201 crores. The Net worth of the Company including fair value is Rs. 38,301 crore and the asset base now stands at Rs. 76,904 crore.
The solvency ratio of the company continues to be high at 2.58 times. In the first year of listing itself, your Company declared total dividend
of Rs.8.75 per share @ 175% on the face value of share. The Board of the Company has also recommended the issue of one bonus share
per share of the Company. I take the opportunity to congratulate all the Shareholders on this great performance to mark the beginning of
the 100th year of successful operations.
In the last fiscal, Your Company was the leader not only in terms of the overall market share but also across all Lines of Business. Your
Company’s growth is keeping pace with the Industry growth and the financials continue to grow stronger year on year.
Today, with a strong network of 2472 offices, online portals, various distribution channels, strong sales force and presence in 28 countries,
the company has it’s reach to the customers across geographies and continually is increasing the same. It has not only grown stronger in
financials or technology aspect but has done well on the human resource front. Today the Company has a competent workforce of around
18000 employees and has been inducting new employees both in the Executive as well as Clerical cadre. The market dynamics demand
skilled workforce for which the company has devised intensive training programmes for the employees. The Company has also been
recruiting new agents and securing business from other new intermediaries & business channels too.
The performance of the company was well recognized by country and it received a few prestigious awards during the year. The prominent
ones among them were the Dun & Bradstreet India's Leading General Insurance Company (Public) Award 2018, Outlook Money Awards
2017: Health Insurance Award, Outlook Money Awards 2017: Non-Life Insurance Award and the Dalal Street Investment Journal 2017 Roll
of Honour for Highest Market Share in Gross Premium of 5 years.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Our Country’s economy is doing good. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), in it’s report, had reaffirmed that India will be the fastest
growing major economy in 2018, with a growth rate of 7.4 per cent that rises to 7.8 per cent in 2019 with medium-term prospects remaining
positive. Asia continues to be both the fastest-growing region in the world giving thrust to the global economy. Asia contributes more than
60 per cent of global growth and three-quarters of this comes from two major economies i.e. India and China.
This is a very favourable scenario for the General Insurance Industry. The General Insurance industry’s growth is directly proportional to
the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country which means an increase in manufacturing, service and infrastructure
activities would contribute to growth of the general insurance sector. India has become one of the top priority emerging markets in the global
insurance business industry.
However, India’s general insurance penetration has been hovering in the range of 0.7-0.8%, much lower than the global average of 2.8%
and penetration of between 1.6-1.8% in the Asian economies of China, Malaysia and Thailand. The insurance density too, at USD 13.2 in
2016, is much lower than the global average of around USD 285.
An analysis of various general insurance product lines indicates significant potential for growth across the board as penetration in India is
much lower than global benchmarks. As of fiscal 2016, only 34% of Indians have a health insurance policy, either provided by voluntary
insurance or government schemes. While retail home loans worth around Rs 14 trillion were outstanding as of March 2017, retail property
insurance premiums are not even a fraction of this amount. The scenario is similar when one looks at the corporate-focused lines such as
engineering, fire, and marine insurance, with penetration estimated to be less than 1% of industrial GDP.
The low penetration levels indicate great opportunity for growth for the general insurance industry. We have been constantly innovating
new products keeping in view the demand of the industry as per customer needs. The customer awareness levels are also very low which
needs to be improved for balanced and sustainable growth of the insurance industry. Your Company has constantly focused on the need to
increase the insurance penetration and awareness in the country, aiming towards an inclusive growth. It has opened 70 new micro offices
during the year to increase it’s reach to the untouched population. Alternative distribution channels, digital marketing strategy, online portals
and increasing number of insurance agents and other intermediaries have greatly helped in increasing the reach to the customers as well
as creating insurance awareness among the public.
The Government as well as the Regulator has also taken many pro-industry initiatives. The Government’s introduction of the RERA Act,
Aayushmaan Bharat Yojana, Mudra Yojana, Saubhagya Scheme, Udaan Scheme, etc have all given a boost to the Industry. The amendment
of the Motor Vehicles Act which introduces strong penalties for road traffic rule violations, Improvement in issuing licenses, registration
process for new vehicles, etc is also viewed as a very good move for the Motor Line of business. There have also been several positive
regulatory changes introduced by the regulator that has made the business environment conducive for growth. IRDAI has introduced
various pro-industry regulations and guidelines in the recent past. Motor Insurance Service provider guidelines issued by IRDAI will greatly
help the industry in regulating the motor insurance business sourced through motor dealers.
Your Company has been a major participant in implementing the government sponsored schemes. We have actively participated in various
schemes of the Government of India viz PMFBY, many state Government sponsored schemes, etc. Crop insurance has grown significantly
in the last fiscal and accounted for nearly 16% of the overall industry premium in the FY 2017-18. We also see a greater role in the proposed
National Health Protection Scheme.
In the last fiscal, New India issued 29.7 million policies and processed 4.9 million claims. We have initiated steps for speedier settlement
of claims as well as to make the claim settlements hassle free. We have also taken few initiatives in the direction of Enterprise Risk
Management and Information technology viz introduction of Desktop Management System Pan-India basis and Aadhar authentication for
Your Company continue on it’s domestic as well as Global expansion plans. There were 70 new domestic offices opened during the year
and few offices were upgraded too. The company has already obtained license to operate in Dubai Financial Centre. We are also in the
process of registering with Qatar Financial Centre, Doha. As of now nearly 15 % of New India’s business comes from the international
The rising income, surge in the middle class, young population with increased disposable incomes, inflation under control, are the factors
that will induce rapid growth in the insurance business. With economic growth gradually picking up and increase in the manufacturing,
services and infrastructure activities, we expect the growth trajectory of the general insurance sector as well as the Company to remain
strong in the next few years.
We have a very clear future strategy of premium growth with profitability. Your Company is adequately capitalized and have a comfortable
solvency margin , much above the mandatory level of 1.5. We intend to bring down the Incurred Claim Ratio and Combined ratio gradually
year by year till we reach the desired level in order to ensure profitability along with a growth rate keeping in the line with the growing market.
We aim to retain our leadership position in the market as well as in all lines of business.
I wish to thank all the Stakeholders, Board of Directors, Customers, Associates, Intermediaries and all New Indians for their continued
support and co-operation in taking the Company to greater heights.
G. Srinivasan

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Net Premium (Global)

Gross Written Premium (Global)

30000 (20956)
₹ (26554) 22000

25000 (23021) ₹
(19012) 20000 (18591)
20000 i
C n 18000
r 15000 (15912)
o C
r 10000 16000
e o
s 5000 r 14000
2017-18 10000
Financial Year
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Financial Year

Net Earned Premium (Global) Net Worth (including Fair value)

20000 i 2017-18
₹ (17815) n
n c
16000 i 2016-17

C a
r 14000 l
r 12000 e 2015-16 (28895)
s r
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000 38000 40000

Financial Year ₹  in Crores

Investment Income

F 2017-18 (5165)
c (4509)
a 2000
r 4000
₹  in Crores

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


 Notice of the 99th Annual General Meeting 11

 Directors’ Report & Management Discussion & Analysis 2017-18 16


 Management Reporting alongwith Age Wise Analysis 66

 Auditors’ Report 73
 Comments of CAG 80
 Certificate "Schedule-C" 81
 Accounts 82
 Schedules 87
 Receipts & Payments 100
 Segment-Indian, Foreign, Global 101
 Shareholder’s Funds & Policyholder’s Funds 116
 Accounting Policy 117
 Notes 121
 Disclosures 130


 Management Reporting 138

 Auditors’ Report 140
 Comments of CAG 148
 Accounts 149
 Schedules 154
 Receipts & Payments 167
 Accounting Policy 168
 Notes 174
 Disclosures 183

 Proxy Form 190

 Attendance Slip 192

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The New India Assurance Company Limited

Regd. & Head Office: 87, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001
CIN No: L66000MH1919GOI000526 , IRDA Reg No: 190
Tel: +91 22 22708263; Fax: +91 22 22652811
Email : ; Website :

July 02, 2018

Dear Member,

You are cordially invited to attend the 99th Annual General Meeting of the members of The New India Assurance Company Limited (‘the
Company’) to be held on Monday, July 30, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. IST at the Walchand Hirachand Hall, Indian Merchant Chambers Bldg., IMC
Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020, India.

The Notice of the meeting, containing the business to be transacted, is enclosed herewith. As per Section 108 of the Companies Act,
2013, read with the related Rules and Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the
Company is pleased to provide its members the facility to cast their vote by electronic means on all resolutions set forth in the Notice. The
instructions for e-voting are enclosed herewith.

Yours faithfully,

G Srinivasan
Chairman cum Managing Director
DIN 01876234

1. Notice to the 99th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
2. Proxy form
3. Attendance slip
4. Instructions for e-voting

Note: Attendees who are differently-abled and require assistance at the AGM are requested to contact Mr. Rajesh, Deputy General
Manager, Estate & Establishment Department, Head Office, 87 M G Road, Mumbai – 400 001 at the below contact details, at least
five days in advance:
Tel: 91 22 22708 502/510/511, Mobile: 91 9819123334

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Route map to the venue of the AGM

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Notice to the 99th Annual General Meeting

NOTICE is hereby given that the 99th Annual General Meeting of “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 149 of the
the members of The New India Assurance Company Limited will be Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and Article 121
convened on Monday, July 30, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. at the Walchand of the Articles of Association of the Company the appointment
Hirachand Hall, Indian Merchant Chambers Bldg., IMC Marg, of Shri Neelam Damodharan (DIN 07759291) as an Ex-Officio
Churchgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020, India to transact the Director w.e.f., 14th August 2017 for a period of three years or until
following: - 30.11.2019 (the date of his superannuation) or until further orders,
whichever is earlier, by Government of India vide Notification F.No.
Ordinary business 11011/1/2015-Ins.II dated 14th August 2017, be and is hereby
Item No 1. To consider and adopt noted.”

(a) the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the Item No 7. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following
Financial Year ended 31st March, 2018; Resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
(b) the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 149 of the
Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2018; Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and Article 121
and of the Articles of Association of the Company the appointment of
(c) the Reports of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Smt. Papia Sengupta (DIN 0701564) a Non Executive Director
Auditors and the Comments of the Comptroller & Auditor w.e.f., 27th September 2017 for a period of three years or until
General of India thereon. 31.09.2019 (the date of her superannuation) or until further orders,
whichever is earlier, by Government of India vide Notification F.No.
Item No 2. To declare dividend on equity shares for the the Financial 11011/1/2015-Ins.II dated 27th September 2017, be and is hereby
Year ended 31st March, 2018 noted.”
Item No 3. To appoint a Director in place of Shri G Srinivasan, Item No 8. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following
Chairman-cum-Managing Director (DIN: 01876234), who retires by Resolution as Ordinary Resolution:
rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 149 of the
Item No.4. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and Article 121
Resolution, as an Ordinary Resolution: of the Articles of Association of the Company the appointment of
Shri S.K. Chanana (DIN 00112424), a Non Executive Independent
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 139(5)
Director w.e.f., 28th September 2017 for a period of three years or
read with Section 142 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board of
until further orders, whichever is earlier, by Government of India
Directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to decide
vide Notification F.No. 15011/03/2015-Ins. I dated 20th September
and fix the remuneration of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the
2017, be and is hereby noted.”
Company appointed / to be appointed by the Comptroller & Auditor
General of India for the Financial Year 2018-19. Item No 9. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following
Resolution as Ordinary Resolution:
Special business
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 149 of the
Item No 5. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following
Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and Article 121
Resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
of the Articles of Association of the Company the appointment of
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 149 of the Shri Samir Kumar Banerjee (DIN 01987541), a Non Executive
Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and Article 121 Independent Director w.e.f., 28th September 2017 for a period
of the Articles of Association of the Company, the appointment of of three years or until further orders, whichever is earlier, by
Shri P. Ramana Murthy (DIN 07815852) as an Ex-Officio Director Government of India vide Notification F.No. 15011/03/2015-Ins. I
w.e.f., 14th August 2017 for a period of three years or until dated 20th September 2017, be and is hereby noted.”
31.05.2024 (the date of his superannuation) or until further orders,
Item No 10. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following
whichever is earlier, by Government of India vide Notification F.No.
Resolution as Ordinary Resolution:
11011/1/2015-Ins.II dated 14th August 2017, be and is hereby
noted.” “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 149 of the
Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and Article 121
Item No 6. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following
of the Articles of Association of the Company the appointment of
Resolution as Ordinary Resolution:
Shri Kuldip Singh (DIN 02905840), a Non Executive Independent
Director w.e.f., 28th September 2017 for a period of three years or

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

until further orders, whichever is earlier, by Government of India period of three years or until further orders, whichever is earlier, by
vide Notification F.No. 15011/03/2015-Ins. I dated 20th September Government of India vide Notification F.No. A.11011/10/2009-Ins.
2017, be and is hereby noted.” by order of the Board of Directors IV, be and is hereby noted.”

Item No 11. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following by order of the Board of Directors
Resolution as Ordinary Resolution: for The New India Assurance Company Limited

“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Sections 196, 197

and 203 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder
and Article 121 of the Articles of Association of the Company the Registered office: Jayashree Nair
appointment of Mr. C. Narambunathan (DIN 08101846), as a Whole 87 M G Road, Fort, Company Secretary
Mumbai – 400 001, India
Time Director of the Company w.e.f., 28th September 2017 for a
July 02, 2018

Notes participant(s). We urge the members to utilize the Electronic

1. Explanatory Statement Pursuant to Section 102 of the Clearing System (ECS) for receiving dividends.
Companies Act, 2013 in respect of the items of Special 9. Members are requested to address all correspondence,
Business is annexed hereto. including on dividends, to the Registrar and Share Transfer
2. The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books Agents, Link Intime India Private Limited, C 101, 247 Park,
will remain closed during the period July 23, 2018 to July L.B.S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400 083.
29,2018 for the purpose of the AGM. 10. We urge members to support our commitment to
3. A member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled environmental protection by choosing to receive their
to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in the meeting instead shareholding communication through email. You can do
of himself / herself, and the proxy need not be a member this by updating your email addresses with your depository
of the Company. The instrument appointing a proxy should participants.
be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not 11. In compliance with Section 108 of the Act, read with
less than forty-eight hours before the commencement of the corresponding rules, and Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing
meeting. Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
4. A person can act as a proxy on behalf of a maximum of 50 2015 (‘the Listing Regulations’), the Company has provided
members and holding in aggregate not more than 10% of the a facility to its members to exercise their votes electronically
total share capital of the Company. A member holding more through the electronic voting (e-voting) service facilitated
than 10% of the total share capital of the Company carrying by the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). The
voting rights may appoint a single person as proxy, provided facility for voting at the Meeting will also be made available
that the person does not act as proxy for any other person or at the AGM. Members attending the AGM, who have not cast
shareholder. their votes by remote e-voting shall be able to exercise their
right at the AGM. Members who have cast their votes by
5. Members / proxies / authorized representatives should bring
remote e-voting prior to the AGM may attend the AGM but
the duly filled attendance slip enclosed herewith to attend the
shall not be entitled to cast their votes again. The instructions
for e-voting are annexed to the Notice. The Board has
6. As already intimated vide Notice dated 31st May,2018, the appointed Mr. S. N. Ananthasubramanian and failing him,
Record Date for payment of Dividend to be declared at the Ms. Malati Kumar, partner of S. N. Ananthasubramanian &
Annual General Meeting is Friday 28th June 2018. Dividend Co., Company Secretaries, as the Scrutinizer to scrutinize
will be paid to the remote e-voting / voting at the Meeting in a fair and
a. To all Beneficial Owners in respect of shares held in electronic transparent manner.
form as per the data to be made available by NSDL/CDSL as 12. The e-voting period commences 9.00 a.m. on July 25,
of the close of business hours on 28th June 2018; 2018 and ends at 5.00 p.m. on July 29, 2018 (5:00 p.m.
b. To all Members in respect of shares held in physical form IST). During this period, members holding shares either in
after giving effect to transfer in respect of valid share transfer physical or dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date, i.e.
requests lodged with the Company/Registrar & Share July 22, 2018, may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting
Transfer Agent (RTA). module will be disabled by NSDL for voting thereafter. A
member will not be allowed to vote again on any resolution
7. Subject to the provisions of the Act, dividend as recommended for which the vote has already been cast. The voting rights
by the Board, if declared at the meeting, will be paid within a of members shall be proportionate to their share of the paid-
period of 30 days from the date of declaration. up equity share capital of the Company as on the cut-off
8. Members whose shareholding is in electronic mode are date. E-voting rights cannot be exercised by a proxy, though
requested to direct change of address notifications and corporate and institutional shareholders shall be entitled to
updates of bank account details to their respective depository vote through their authorized representatives with proof of
their authorization.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

13. The Annual Report 2017-18, the Notice of the 99th AGM and details to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents.
instructions for e-voting, along with the attendance slip and 18. All documents referred to in the Notice will be available for
proxy form, have being sent by electronic mode to members inspection at the Company’s registered office during normal
whose email addresses are registered with the Company / business hours on working days up to the date of the AGM.
depository participant(s), unless a member has requested
for a physical copy of the documents. 19. The attendance registration procedure for the AGM is
as follows: Shareholders are requested to tender their
14. For members who have not registered their email addresses, attendance slips at the registration counters at the venue of
physical copies have been sent by the permitted mode. the AGM and seek registration before entering the meeting
15. Members may also note that the Notice of the 99th AGM and hall.
the Company’s Annual Report 2017-18 is available on the The shareholder needs to furnish the printed attendance slip
Company’s website along with a valid identity proof such as the PAN card, passport,
16. Additional information, pursuant to Regulation 36 of the AADHAAR card or driving license to enter the AGM Hall.
Listing Regulations, in respect of the directors seeking by order of the Board of Directors
appointment / reappointment at this AGM, forms part of the
for The New India Assurance Company Limited
17. The SEBI has mandated the submission of the Permanent
Account Number (PAN) by every participant in the securities
market. Members holding shares in electronic form are, Registered office: Jayashree Nair
therefore, requested to submit their PAN to their depository 87 M G Road, Fort, Company Secretary
participant(s), if not already submitted. Members holding Mumbai – 400 001, India
shares in physical form are required to submit their PAN
July 02, 2018

Additional information on Directors proposed to be appointed / reappointed as required

under Regulation 36 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 for Item Nos from 5 to 11. Information on Directors appointed during the year by the
Government of India is also provided
P Ramana Murthy 8. HR Committee
Resume: Mr. Pikkili Ramana Murthy, aged 54 years (dob 9. Credit Approval Committee
16.05.1964), is an Independent Director. He holds a bachelor’s 10. Head Office Level Credit Committee-2
degree in science (agriculture) from Allahabad University. He is also
a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers. He has 27 years Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): Nil
of experience in the banking industry. He was previously associated Note: Details of P Ramana Murthy’s remuneration and number of
with Allahabad Bank. He was appointed as an Independent Director Board meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the
on August 14, 2017. Corporate governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18.
Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Banking and
Neelam Damodharan
Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key
Managerial Personnel: Nil Resume: Mr. Neelam Damodharan, aged 58 years (dob
24.11.1959), is an Independent Director. He holds a bachelor’s
Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co Ltd degree in science from Acharya N.G. Ranga Agriculture University
and It’s Group Companies) in which P Ramana Murthy holds (earlier known as Andhra Pradesh Agriculture University), and holds
directorship and committee membership: a Diploma in Financial Management from University of Mumbai .
Directorship He is also a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers. He
has over 34 years of experience in the banking industry. He was
Central Bank of India previously associated with Bank of Baroda. He was appointed as
Chairperson / Membership of Board committees an Independent Director on August 14, 2017.
He is Member of the following Committees of Central Bank: Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Banking and
1. Management Committee Finance

2. Risk Management Committee Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key
Managerial Personnel: Nil
3. Large Value Frauds Committee
Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co
4. Customer Service Committee Ltd and It’s Group Companies) in which Neelam Damodharan
5. IT Strategy holds directorship and committee membership:
6. Stakeholders Relationship Committee Directorship
7. Recovery Committee Bank of India

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Chairperson / Membership of Board committees S K Chanana

1. Bank of India: Resume: Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Chanana, aged 64 years (dob
Management Committee of the Board- Member 10.08.1953), is an Independent Director. He holds a Master‘s
degree in Economics from Delhi School of Economics, Delhi
Stakeholders Relationship Committee- Member University and a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Delhi University.
Share Transfer Committee- Member He also holds a Post graduate Diploma in International Trade
from Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. He is also an
Monitoring of Large Value Frauds- Member Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of
Committee of Directors for Risk Management- Member India and an Associate Member of the Insurance Institute of India.
Committee of Directors for Customer Service- Member He has 35 years of experience in the insurance industry. He was
previously associated with Life Insurance Corporation of India, The
IT Strategy Committee- Member Oriental Insurance Company Limited and the Agriculture Insurance
Credit Approval Committee- Member Company of India Limited. He was appointed as an Independent
Director on September 29, 2017.
Business Review Committee- Member
Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Insurance and
Invest Approval Committee- Member Finance.
Steering Committee of the Board on HR- Member Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key
Committee for Monitoring High Value NPAs and Loss Assets- Managerial Personnel: Nil
Member Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee- Member Ltd and It’s Group Companies) in which S K Chanana holds
Board level Digital Payment Promotion Committee- Member directorship and committee membership:

Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): Nil Directorship: Nil

Note: Details of Neelam Damodharan’s remuneration and number Chairperson / Membership of Board committees: Nil
of Board meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): Nil
Corporate governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18. Note : Details of S K Chanana’s remuneration and number of Board
meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the Corporate
Papia Sen Gupta governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18.

Resume : Ms. Papia Sengupta, aged 58 years (dob 27.09.1959),

is an Independent Director. She holds a bachelor’s degree in S K Banerjee
science from University of Calcutta and a Post Graduate Diploma in Resume: Mr. Samir Kumar Banerjee, aged 76 years (dob
Financial Analysis from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts 13.07.1941), is an Independent Director. He holds a bachelor’s
of India. She has 34 years of experience in the banking industry. degree in commerce. He is also a fellow member of the Institute of
She was previously associated with State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, Chartered Accountant of India. He has 37 years of experience in the
State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of India.. She was appointed audit in public sector undertaking such as public limited companies
as an Independent Director on September 27, 2017. bank etc. He is a Partner of Das Gupta & Associates, Chartered
Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Banking and Accountants.. He was appointed as an Independent Director on
Finance. September 29, 2017.
Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Audit and
Managerial Personnel: Nil Finance.
Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co Ltd Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key
and It’s Group Companies) in which Papia Sen Gupta holds Managerial Personnel: Nil
directorship and committee membership: Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co
Directorship Ltd and It’s Group Companies) in which S K Chanana holds
Bank of Baroda directorship and committee membership:

Bank of Baroda (Botswana) Ltd Directorship : Nil

Chairperson / Membership of Board committees: Nil Chairperson / Membership of Board committees: Nil

Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): Nil Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): 36

Note: Details of Papia Sen Gupta’s remuneration and number of Note: Details of S K Banerjee’s remuneration and number of Board
Board meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the Corporate
Corporate governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18. governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Kuldip Singh C Narambunathan

Resume: Mr. Kuldip Singh, aged 62 years (dob 15.09.1955), is an Resume:Mr. C. Narambunathan, aged 59 years (dob 03.05.1959),
Independent Director. He holds a bachelor’s degree in science in is a Whole Time Director of our Company. He holds a bachelor‘s
agriculture from Himachal Pradesh University and a post graduate degree in commerce and a master’s degree in commerce from
diploma in shipping and export management from National Institute the Madurai Kamaraj University. He is also an Associate Member
of Shipping and International Trade. He has 37 years of experience of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and a Fellow of
in the general insurance industry. He was previously associated with the Federation of Insurance Institutes. He has over 36 years of
the National Insurance Company Limited, United India Assurance experience in the insurance industry. He has been associated with
Company Limited and The Oriental Insurance Company Limited.. our Company since August 30, 2010. Prior to joining our Company,
He was appointed as an Independent Director on September 29, he has been associated with United India Insurance Company
2017. Limited.
Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Insurance, Nature of expertise in specific functional areas: Insurance and
Agriculture and Finance. Finance
Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key Disclosure of inter-se relationships between directors and Key
Managerial Personnel: Nil Managerial Personnel: Nil
Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co Listed companies (other than The New India Assurance Co Ltd
Ltd and It’s Group Companies) in which Kuldip Singh holds and It’s Group Companies) in which C Narambunathan holds
directorship and committee membership: directorship and committee membership:
Directorship: Nil Directorship; Nil
Chairperson / Membership of Board committees: Nil Chairperson / Membership of Board committees; Nil
Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): Nil Shareholding in the Company (as on 30.06.2018): Nil
Note: Details of Kuldip Singh’s remuneration and number of Board Note : Details of C Narambunathan’s remuneration and number
meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the Corporate of Board meetings attended during fiscal 2018 are provided in the
governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18. Corporate governance report of the Annual Report 2017-18.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Directors Report & Management Discussion & Analysis - 2017-18

To the Members:
Your Directors have immense pleasure in presenting the Ninety Ninth Annual Report of the Company together with the audited statement
of accounts and balance sheet for the year ended 31st March, 2018.

1. The snapshot of your Company Standalone financial performance is as below :

(` in crores)

Fire Marine Misc Total

Gross Direct Premium Income India CY 2082.57 600.01 20036.19 22718.76
PY 1824.28 610.03 16680.38 19114.69
(% Growth) CY 14.16 -1.64 20.12 18.85
PY 7.83 -1.22 29.91 26.17
Outside India CY 659.74 41.16 1739.65 2440.55
PY 727.25 54.05 1701.92 2483.22
(% Growth) CY -9.28 -23.86 2.22 -1.72
PY -15.21 -5.58 0.18 -5.00
Global CY 2742.31 641.16 21775.84 25159.31
PY 2551.53 664.08 18382.30 21597.92
(% Growth) CY 7.48 -3.45 18.46 16.49
PY 0.08 -1.59 26.43 21.59
Reinsurance Premium Accepted India CY 90.72 5.19 137.68 233.59
PY 87.82 5.15 325.32 418.29
Outside India CY 954.47 38.44 168.58 1161.50
PY 841.04 30.89 132.58 1004.51
Reinsurance Premium Accepted Global CY 1045.19 43.63 306.26 1395.08
PY 928.86 36.04 457.90 1422.80
Reinsurance Premium Ceded India CY 1315.11 263.99 3278.38 4857.48
PY 1018.49 323.47 2425.54 3767.49
Outside India CY 512.42 11.29 216.84 740.55
PY 454.69 11.41 196.21 662.31
Reinsurance Premium Ceded Global CY 1827.53 275.28 3495.23 5598.04
PY 1473.18 334.88 2621.75 4429.80
Global Net Premium CY 1959.96 409.52 18586.87 20956.35
PY 2007.21 365.25 16218.46 18590.92
Addition / Reduction in Un-expired Risks Reserves CY -2.38 31.65 1202.48 1231.76
PY 88.53 -96.78 784.39 776.14
(% to Net Premium) CY -0.12 7.73 6.47 5.88
PY 4.41 -26.50 4.84 4.17
Earned Premium CY 1962.34 377.87 17384.39 19724.60
PY 1918.69 462.03 15434.07 17814.78
Incurred Claims Net CY 1510.40 226.16 15159.90 16896.47
PY 1959.37 349.34 13948.22 16256.93
(% to Earned Premium) CY 76.97 59.85 87.20 85.66
PY 102.12 75.61 90.37 91.26

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

(` in crores)
Fire Marine Misc Total
Commission Net CY 288.74 56.62 1478.65 1824.01
PY 340.60 45.39 937.15 1323.14
(% to Net Premium) CY 14.73 13.83 7.96 8.70
PY 16.97 12.43 5.78 7.12
Operating Expenses CY 330.40 68.95 3129.67 3529.02
PY 408.67 74.29 3299.06 3782.02
(% to Net Premium) CY 16.86 16.84 16.84 16.84
PY 20.36 20.34 20.34 20.34
U/W Results CY -167.20 26.14 -2383.83 -2524.90
PY -789.95 -6.99 -2750.36 -3547.31
Investment Income-Policy Holders CY 596.57 84.51 2847.20 3528.28
PY 443.35 94.28 2452.73 2990.36
Revenue (Policy Holder) Account Surplus CY 429.37 110.65 463.37 1003.38
PY -346.60 87.29 -297.63 -556.95
Investment Income-Share Holders CY 1636.58
PY 1519.08
Other Income less Outgo CY 85.09
PY 201.73
Profit before Tax CY 2725.05
PY 1163.86
Provision for Tax CY 524.14
PY 155.93
Profit after Tax CY 2200.91
PY 1007.93
Interim Dividend CY 309.00
PY 0.00
Dividend Tax CY 62.91
PY 1.09
Transfer to Reserves CY 1829.00
PY 1006.84
Your Directors are pleased to recommend a Final Dividend of ` 5 per Equity share of face value of ` 5 each. The Company had distributed
an Interim Dividend of ` 3.75 per Equity share of face value of ` 5 each in the month of December 2017. The total outgo including the
final dividend of ` 5 per Equity share is ` 868,59,29,745 including Dividend Distribution Tax of ` 147,59,29,745 as against ` 373,11,92,240
including Dividend Distribution Tax of ` 63,11,92,240.
In terms of Regulation 43A of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015
(“Listing Regulations”) the Dividend Distribution Policy of the Company has been hosted on Company’s website and can be viewed at the
below mentioned link :

Your Company had announced a Bonus of 1 new Equity Share for every 1 existing Equity Share.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


(` in crores

2017-18 2016-17

A Gross Written Premium (India) 22952 19533

% change over previous year 17.50 26.09

Gross Written Premium (Foreign) 3602 3488

%change over previous year Gross 3.27 -0.97

Global Premium 26554 23021

%change over previous year 15.35 21.09

Gross Written Premium (GWP) in India has increased from ` 19533 crore in 2016-17 to ` 22952 crore in 2017-18 recording a good growth
of 17.50 % in 2017-18. The company continues to be the market leader in India and is scaling to new heights. Good growth has been
achieved by all the regions. The company crossed ` 22000 crore In Indian market itself in 2017-18.
B Net Premium 20956.35 18590.92

% change over previous year 12.72 16.84

The net premium income of the company grew by ` 2365 crore from `18591 crore to ` 20956 crore.

C Additional Un-expired Risk Reserves 1231.76 776.14

% change over previous year 58.70 -18.48

D Earned Premium 19724.60 17814.78

% change over previous year 10.72 19.08

E Incurred Claims (Net) 16896.47 16256.93

Percentage to earned premium 85.66 91.26

F Commission (Net) 1824.01 1323.14

Percentage to Net premium 8.70 7.12

G Operating Expenses 3529.02 3782.02

Percentage to Net premium 16.84 20.34

H Underwriting Results (2524.90) (3547.31)

I Investment Income (Less Provision)

Apportioned to policyholders 3528.28 2990.36

Apportioned to Shareholders 1636.58 1519.08

Total 5164.86 4509.44

J Revenue (Policyholders) Account Results 1003.38 -556.95

K Other Income/Outgo 85.09 201.73

L Profit Before Tax (PBT) 2725.05 1163.86

M Profit After Tax (PAT) 2200.91 1007.93

N Proposed Total Dividend 721.00 310.00

O Dividend Tax 147.59 63.12

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

(` in crores

2017-18 2016-17

P Paid-up Capital 412.00 200.00

Q Reserves and Surplus 15277.22 11970.16

R Total Assets 76626.79 69172.81

S Investments (at cost)

T Solvency Margin

i. Required sovency margin under IRDA regulations (Global) 5322.97 5073.53

ii. Available solvency margin (Global) 13738.87 11134.68

The company's Global solvency ratio is 2.58 times (PY 2.19 times)

U Compliance with Section 40C

i. Expenses prescribed under the act 7225.88 6209.59

ii. Actual expenses 5004.81 4593.88

iii. Difference 2221.07 1612.70

The Company proposes to transfer an amount of ` 1926.68 crore The impending amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act will be a
to General Reserve. game changer for the industry and can go a long way in speedier
settlement of third party claims, reducing the number of road
3. GENERAL INSURANCE INDUSTRY VIS-À-VIS INDIAN accidents and decreasing the number of uninsured vehicles on the
ECONOMY: road. The Motor Insurance Service Provider guidelines issued by
Indian economy the regulator will play an important role in rationalising the pay-outs
to intermediaries.
The Indian Economy grew at 6.7% in 2017-18. Notably the growth
in the third and fourth quarter were 7.2% and 7.7% respectively Crop insurance business which saw a huge growth after the launch
indicating that the coming year could witness higher growth, and of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana will continue to grow as more
this augurs well for the economy in general and the insurance and more farmers are brought under the ambit of insurance.
industry in particular. During this Financial Year, inflation has The traditional lines like Fire and Engineering where growth is
remained largely stable, and Macro-economic factors continue to closely linked to the general performance of the economy are also
be positive though rising crude prices and increasing rates are a expected to fare better in the coming years with higher growth of
cause of concern. Indian economy and revival of public and private sector investments.
Reforms such as GST, RERA and the push towards a Digital Reforms such as the introduction of the Real Estate Regulation
economy, there has been a transitional shift/push from the informal Act, 2016 (RERA) has also ushered in further reform in the Real
economy to the formal economy. Implementation of bankruptcy Estate sector. Title Insurance, which is a multi-billion dollar market
code and recapitalisation of banks also augurs well for the financial globally, has been made mandatory for developers under RERA.
sector. Taking note of these developments, Moody’s raised India’s
rating from the lowest investment grade of Baa3 to Baa2 and The listing of a few large insurers with many other insurers planning
changed the outlook from stable to positive in November 2017. This to list has brought in higher corporate Governance standards, and
was India’s first upgrade in 14 years. more rational competition in the sector. The GOI has announced
the merger of three large PSU insurers followed by listing of the
Indian general insurance industry combined entity which can lead to consolidation and reduced
The Indian General Insurance Industry grew by 17.44 % in FY18 competitive intensity in the industry.
and the total gross direct premium of the industry reached 1,50,571 Information Technology is an enabler, and disruptive technologies
crore. Motor, Health and Crop were the primary growth drivers of such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning will
the industry. be increasingly used going forward The Insurance industry will be
In the year 2017-18, The Government of India has unveiled in the forefront in the use of technology for settlement of claims,
Ayushman Bharat, the world’s largest National Health Protection detection of fraud, targeted delivery etc. Underwriting pricing and
Scheme, which is expected to cover 10 crore families (approximately marketing decisions will be increasingly data-driven.
50 Crore beneficiaries), with a defined benefit cover of ` 5 lakh The Indian General Insurance industry continues to be
per year, per family. This is a great opportunity for the Insurance underpenetrated compared to its global peers and there is
industry, which is already the recipient of favourable tailwinds from significant opportunity for growth. The insurance penetration of
the improving economy. The Health Insurance segment will see the Indian non-life insurance sector has been low, keeping around
transformation in the coming years. 0.5-0.8 percent range in the last 10 years. The non-life insurance

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

penetration in the year 2016 has improved a bit to .77 from .72 percent in the year 2015. However, non-life insurance density has gone up
from USD 2.4 in 2001 to USD 13.2 in 2016. Non-traditional lines like home owners’ insurance, shop-keepers insurance and various kinds
of liability insurance have huge untapped potential and can provide the next leg of growth.
The Government’s vision of a “New India” is expected to create a transformative push over the next few years. The Insurance Industry as a
whole is expected to be a major contributor towards this achievement, and the General Insurance industry is in a position to deliver unique
solutions and benefit to all stakeholders.


Gross direct premium in India has increased from ` 19,114.69 crores in 2016-17 to ` 22,718.76 crores in 2017-18 recording a growth of
18.85 % during 2017-18. The growth is observed in all geographical segments as well as all classes of business


Sr. 2017-18 2016-17

No (` in Crore) (%) (` in Crore) (%)
1 Gross Direct premium 22718.76 18.85 19114.85 26.17
2 Net premium 18475.96 14.84 16,088.54 21.68
3 Increase in unexpired risk reserve 1246.17 877.76
4 Net earned premium 17229.79 15,210.78
5 Commission 1203.10 6.51 699.54 4.35
6 Incurred claims 15247.75 82.53 14,487.46 90.05
7 Management expenses 3341.68 18.09 3,592.84 22.33
8 Other income (net of outgo) 87.66 0.47 192.61 1.20
9 Investment income 5036.22 27.26 4,373.81 27.18
Note: Percentage shown in sr. no. 1 & 2 indicates the growth over previous year and the percentage shown in sr. no. . 5 to 9 is percentage
to 'Net Premium.'


New India commenced its foreign operations shortly after its ➢ Oman
formation in 1919. The London branch was opened in 1920. After
that the Company saw a steady increase in presence abroad with ➢ Aruba
Manila, Port Louis and Japan. Today New India has presence in ➢ Curacao.
28 countries. Apart from these countries, the Company has subsidiaries in
Today the company operates in the following countries through Nigeria (Prestige Assurance Plc.), Trinidad and Tobago (New
Branches & Agency offices: India Assurance T &T) and Sierra Leone. The New India T &T also
➢ United Kingdom operates in countries such as St. Lucia, Dominica, St Maarten,
Guyana and Anguilla. The Company has opened a Representative
➢ Japan office in Myanmar and is planning to open an office in SEZ,
➢ Hong Kong Myanmar. The Company also has its presence in Saudi Arabia
(WAFA Insurance), Singapore (India International Pte, Singapore)
➢ Philippines and Kenya (Ken India Assurance Co. Ltd., Nairobi)
➢ Thailand The Company’s foreign operations saw a gross written premium
➢ Australia turnover in rupee equivalent of ` 3203 crores and a Net premium
➢ New Zealand of ` 2480 crore in 2017-18. The foreign operations recorded an
underwriting profit of ` 37.84 crore and profit before tax was `
➢ Mauritius 163.91 crore..
➢ Fiji New India Assurance has taken a license to operate in DIFC, Dubai
➢ Dubai through a Regional office.
➢ Abu Dhabi
➢ Bahrain

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


Sr. 2017-18 2016-17

No. (` in Crore) (%) (` in Crore) (%)
1 Gross premium (Gross Direct plus Accepted) 3202.89 1.22 3,164.00 -1.79
2 Net premium 2480.40 -0.88 2,502.53 -7.47
3 Increase in unexpired risk reserve -14.41 NA -101.62 NA
4 Net Earned Premium 2494.81 NA 2,604.15 NA
5 Incurred claims 1648.72 66.47 1,769.47 70.71
6 Commission 620.91 25.03 623.60 24.92
7 Expenses of management 187.34 7.55 189.18 7.56
8 Other outgo -2.57 -0.10 9.12 0.36
9 Investment income 128.64 5.19 135.63 5.42
Note: Percentage shown in Sr. No. 1 & 2 indicates the growth over previous year and percentage shown in Sr. no. 5 to 9 is percentage to
net premium.

5. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE The company continued to maintain its lead position in the
Large Risk Segment which is an indication of its superior
Domestic technical expertise, market reputation and underwriting
The Company has been consistently expanding its footprint by capacity. The Company has been able to design bespoke
opening new Micro Offices in unexplored semi-urban and rural areas covers to suit the requirements of corporate clients with the
and upgrading its large Micro Offices to Branch Offices and Branch support of National and international Reinsurers.
Offices to Divisional Offices to provide better service to the public. The department arranged Risk Engineering and Risk
The Company has set up new 70 Micro Offices to cater to the general Inspection for some of the risks as a value added service.
insurance needs of unexplored rural areas and unrepresented These services are useful for PML Assessment and for
urban areas and upgraded 19 micro offices to Branch Offices and 3 imparting loss minimization measures to the Insured.
branch offices to Divisional offices in this financial year. As on 31st The company aims to maintain its leadership in this area in
March 2018, the Company has a network of 31 Regional Offices, the coming years as well.
7 Large Corporate Offices, 1 Auto Hub, 1 IFSC Insurance, 460
Divisional Offices, 603 Branch Offices, 27 Direct Agent Branches  FIRE AND ENGINEERING INSURANCE
and 1341 Micro Offices, totaling 2472 offices. With Economy growing at a faster pace, Property Insurance
Segment remains one of the most promising sectors in
Foreign General Insurance Industry. With 2082.56 Cr premium in
The Company operates in 28 countries Fire & 445.06 Cr in Engineering, your company has once
again retained the leadership position in property Insurance
 REINSURANCE in Indian General Insurance market. Growing at 14.16% in
The year 2017-18 witnessed several devastating Natural LOB Fire we have gained new business worth 258.28 Cr
catastrophic events in the United States and the Caribbean & are going hand in hand with the Industry. Our aim has
Islands though there were no major natural calamities in been to implement prudent underwriting guidelines to get
India.Our foreign branches in Aruba,Curacao and UK were quality business. Our efforts have been fruitful as the ICR
impacted by claims arising from Hurricane Irma which hit has come down significantly in both Fire & Engineering
the island of St.Maarten in September 2017. Similarly, our adding to financial strength of the company. Apart from
subsidiary New India T&T was also impacted by the claims that we have continued our efforts in improving the pricing
from Hurricane Maria and Irma. Most of these losses are scheme, underwriting & claims management through
recoverable from our Reinsurance arrangements. proper coordination with operating offices by conducting
Renewal of all proportional and non-proportional treaties Underwriting & claim workshops & regular VCs to educate
of Indian as well as foreign offices was completed as per our technical team
schedule and placements made with well rated securities. Your Company has emphasized on quick disposal of
The new line of crop Insurance business of Pradhan Mantri Claims via proper utilization of resources & efficient claims
Fasal Bima Yojana is protected with a new Quota Share and management which has helped in reducing the overall cost
Stoploss Treaty from this year. of claims & in improving the profitability of the company.
Our International Financial Service Centre Office(IIO) at We are focused to maintain our leadership position in the
GIFT city Gandhinagar completed one full year of operations segment in the upcoming year(s) by proactive approach,
with profitable results. prudent underwriting, efficient claims management, technical
competence & innovative techniques.
Techno Marketing Department of the company is a specialized Your company maintains its leadership position in Health
cell which operates from the Corporate Office. The department Insurance this year too with an annual growth of 17.6%
caters to the requirements of corporate clients dealing with
amounting to ` 7008 Crores vis a vis ` 5960 Crores last
Large Projects and operational Large Risks.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

This year, consistent efforts were made to contain the ICR in Focus area for the next year will be towards faster disposal
Health Department and the desired results were achieved. of claims to touch higher levels of customer satisfaction and
There has been good spurt of growth at the Retail segment also boost growth rates in marine line of business using IT
@19% in this financial year. infrastructure and innovation and maintaining balanced and
Your Company has pioneered a prestigious product by name healthy portfolio in marine department.
“The New India Global Mediclaim policy” covering treatment  AVIATION INSURANCE
abroad at World Leading Medical Centres Globally. Some Your Company continues to be the lead insurer for India’s
of the centres offered for treatment include John Hopkins National Carrier Air India, Indigo Airlines, Go Air and Vistara.
University Medical Centre, Memorial Sloan Kattering Cancer During the year 2017-18, we have been chosen as lead
Centre (New York), Kings College Hospital (London) and insurer for Spice Jet and increased our participation in Jet
Mount Elizabeth Hospital (Singapore). Air. New India has also been a preferred Insurer for HAL, the
We have broadened our existing New India Mediclaim 2012 Aircraft Manufacturer and R&D organization, Indira Gandhi
policy too with several attractive features and optional covers. National Flying Academy, the flagship training academy of
We have introduced restoration of sum insured free of cost India and various other General Aviation Business.
under this policy. Our New India Floater Mediclaim policy too With the advent of Government sponsored Regional
has been enhanced with sum insured from a maximum of ` Connectivity scheme, your Company has been the fore-
8 lacs to ` 15 lacs. runner in the two airlines that have taken off – Air odisha and
Recruitment of another batch of 26 doctors is in process for Air Deccan. A few more are in the pipe line.
developing in-house expertise in Health Department. Your Company continues to be a preferred re-insurer in
Constant audit and visit to the hospitals/TPAs for surprise international market extending its support to around 170
check is being carried out which has resulted in containing Aviation Reinsurance Programs across the Globe, including
the ICR. Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, Emirates Airways. Your
Company has provided capacity as Quote Share Reinsurer
Regular training and briefing sessions are carried out for to GIC Re London for their participation in Altitude Risk
updating the marketing force as well as the executives for Partners Pool for enhancing its penetration in the Global
better service and growth in the Health Vertical. Aviation Market.
Your Company continues to maintain its leadership in AUTO TIE-UP
Marine Line of Business with highest market share in Auto Tie-up has been a rich source of new motor vehicle
Cargo as well as Hull in the Indian Market. The Company business and New India has been able to tie up with
has approximately 36.4 % of market share in Hull and motor dealers across India through partnership with major
15.5 % in Cargo Business. Company achieved a Marine brands in the Indian market such as, Maruti Suzuki,Tata
Cargo Domestic premium of ` 350 Crores as against ` 342 Motors, Hyundai, Ford, Royal Enfield, Honda Motorcycles
Crores in the previous year. Despite a very soft market and and Scooters, Ashok Leyland, Volvo-Eicher, Mahindra &
reduction in premium rates at renewal, your Company has Mahindra, Yamaha etc. . This network thru centralized tie
registered a growth of 2.38%. For the first time in Indian up has enabled us to source business through more than
market, we have launched P&I cover for coastal vessels of 4350 dealers. Besides more than 1550 dealers (other than
Indian Ship owners. Such business is being underwritten OEM Tie ups) of private Cars, commercial Vehicles and two
by foreign market due to non-availability of the product in wheelers have tied up with New India offices directly for
India. We hope to retain this business within Indian market. sale of motor insurance policies to their customers. Auto
Hull business has declined because of market conditions but tie up has empowered New India to create a brand image
with increase in oil prices and revival of energy business, of leading motor insurer in India who has been delivering
prospects are good for the next year. Marine business value added services like; instant delivery of insurance
generated by Foreign Offices is ` 33.50 Crore in Cargo and policies & endorsements, seamless settlement of claim, TAT
` 7.60 Crores in Hull. The total Marine Business globally is based delivery of services &cashless facility at dealer points.
` 641 Crores. As a leader in Marine Hull & Cargo Insurance, This has been possible through intervention of IT enabling
we are committed to deliver the best service to its clients our partner dealers to execute all such activities on portals
and therefore, number of initiatives are being undertaken available at each dealer point.
for effective e-marine solution for issuance of Certificates/
Policies through Customer/Intermediary Portals and also for With the recognition of role of motor dealers as MISP – a
claims handling. recognized intermediary of motor insurance business – the
auto tie up business has moved into a new era of regulated
Despite reduction in premium rates, Marine Cargo Portfolio marketing of motor insurance through the dealers, in which
remains profitable. ICR for Marine Cargo Business was New India has not only been able to migrate quickly and
51% in the year 2017-18. The efforts made towards claims grow steadily in the new set.
management, risk management, careful underwriting
and recovery has contributed to sustained profitability of The premium achieved by Auto Tie up Department in financial
the Portfolio. A Centralized Recovery System has been year 2017-18 is ` 2627.64 Crores as against premium of
deployed on pilot basis for selected Offices with the intention ` 2380.23 Crores in 2016-17. Along with increase in volume
of better handling of marine recoveries under subrogation. of business we have also been continuously focusing on
control of ICR to create a comfortable business surplus.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

 Motor Own Damage (O.D.) vikas Yojanais a Special Group Personal Accident Scheme
we have created for the technology trainees of the National
Our company is maintaining number one position in Motor Skill Development Corporation of India for a 3 years period.
segment for the last four years. Overall Motor business
grew at the rate of 19.6% during 2017-18 with Motor OD  BROKERS AND BANCASSURANCE :
premium showing an accretion of 8.35% and Motor third Bancassurance Channel is a business model which offers
party premium at 27.42% which is at par with industry growth immense opportunities of business in the current scenario.
rate We have Bancassurance partnership with 28 Banks which
Motor OD business has shown profitable growth during the includes 5 PSU Banks i.e. Corporation Bank, Union Bank
year and same trend is expected to continue in the coming of India, Bank of India, Canara Bank and Punjab National
years. Claim settlement in Motor OD segment has shown Bank. Recently we also Tied up with Bandhan Bank and
improvement which is at 94.2% as against target of 92%. talks have been initiated with SIDBI as well as DBS Bank for
Motor OD incurred claim ratio has come down considerably Bancassurance Tie-Up.
compared with earlier years. There are 34 claims hub which Bancassurance channel registered a growth of 34% in
handle the claims of over 800 operating offices and company
2017-18. We have provided Portal access to several Banks
has tied up with over 1200 reputed motor workshop/garages
to provide cashless service to retail customers. and also devised co-branded policies as per the Bank’s
requirement. The Bank Branches have also been mapped
 Motor TP Claims and Motor TP Claims Hubs
with our Offices throughout the country so that the channel
Your Company focuses on improving the performance in
potential can be fully utilized.
TP claims handling. This has resulted into reduction of OS
claims from 1,56,490 in previous year to 1,47,997 at the Your Company recognized the importance of the Broker
end of FY 2017-18. Further, overall Claims Disposal Ratio channel at the early stages and has been conducting
increased to 36.99%, compared to 34% in preceding year Technical Workshops for Brokers in different parts of the
country to familiarize the Brokers with the latest Products
Keeping the current judicial view of the Hon’ble Supreme
of the Company. We have specialized offices across the
Court and High Courts in mind, the company has adopted the
country to provide service to Brokers. This channel has
strategy to minimize the further litigation and thus number of
grown at 23% in this financial year and contributing 27% of
claims under appeal or SLP before the Higher Courts have
the total business.
been reduced. The company targeted to settle the maximum
number of fit claims by way of compromise and settled nearly  AGENCY
37% of total settled claims by way of compromise through The Agency channel constitutes largest share to the
Lok Adalat and other Conciliatory Mechanisms. Company's Premium income and continues to be the most
Information Technology aspect had remained the major area significant channel of business. Continuous efforts were
of focus during this year and considerable modifications made during the year for training and empowering Agents
were carried out in the system, which shall enable the user for better functioning and enhancing productivity of agents
to monitor and manage the claims effectively. amidst increasingly stiffer competition in retail market. During
the year, 9519 new agents were recruited, and various
 Solatium Fund
Reward schemes were implemented for agents in Motor,
The Company is the Fund Manager of Solatium Fund for retail Health and Miscellaneous business. The Premium
motor ‘hit and run’ accident cases. The fund balance as at procured by Individual agents was ` 9602 Crores with growth
31st March 2018 is ` 80 crore backed up by earmarked short of 16.85 % & ` 119 Crores through Corporate Agents other
term investments. Both the fund and the investments are than Banks with 133% growth. All Operating offices have an
included in the financials of the Company as at 31st March Agent Manager whose role is to recruit and train agents and
2018. The Solatium Fund will be maintained separately and provide them sales and service support. During the year, 200
not clubbed in the books of the Company from 2018-19 new Agent Managers were imparted training to better perform
onwards their role in nurturing and supporting agents and enhance
 MISCELLANEOUS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE their performance. Programs were also organized for CMD
club agents and champion Agent Managers for enhancing
Your Company continues to be market leader in Liability their skills. Agent portal & App were improved further to make
Insurance for the eighth consecutive year. This year we them more user friendly to enhance penetration and thrust
achieved a domestic premium of ` 371.57 crores (gross) in retail market. Constant encouragement and motivation
in the Liability line of business. Our milestones in Liability supported by training significantly enhanced usage of agent
this year include being the first Insurer in the Indian Market portal and App. During the year, Portal access was enhanced
to file Title Insurance. Your Company is also the preferred to over 22700 agents and they issued 29.77 Lac policies
lnsurance partners in the new emerging lines of Cyber generating Premium of Rupees 1710 Crores.
Liability Insurance for Banks & Financial Institutions. We
have forayed into issuing a Professional Indemnity Cover  RURAL AND SOCIAL SECTOR AND MICRO INSURANCE
to cover lnsolvency Resolution Practitioners as there is Your Company is the pioneer Non-Life Insurance Company in
Personal Liability under Section 233 of the Insolvency and insuring all types of assets and lives under Rural and Social
Bankruptcy Code 2016. We are also the proud Insurers Sector in the country. Company has been a major player in
of the prestigious Mumbai Trans harbour Project. The the Rural & Social Sector Insurance Business in India with a
Miscellaneous Department continues to provide innovative variety of products which suits the requirements of our rural
corporate and retail products. The Pradhan Mantri Kaushal mass. Insurance covers provided by the Company are need-

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

based/tailor made for the benefit of Rural and Social Sectors  CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INITIATIVES
and Rural Insurance activities are village specific. We
Complying with the provisions of the Companies Act 2013,
have participated in Centrally Sponsored Cattle/Livestock
CSR committee of the board was constituted in September
Insurance Schemes, Corporate Dairy schemes and State
2014 with a mission to achieve our vision “to strive to
& District Level schemes, special Insurance Schemes like
transform India into a Risk Aware Society from being a Risk
Drip Irrigation Policy, Agriculture Solar Pumpset Insurance
Averse Society” by integrating social, environmental and
Policy, KCC Master Policy etc. Your Company is empanelled
health concerns of the Indian Society into Company’s overall
by the Government of India, for implementation of our Hon.
CSR Policy and Programme.
Prime Minister’s Ambitious Insurance Programme for Indian
Farmers i.e. PMFBY, Restructured Weather Based Crop The thrust of our CSR activities is on capacity building,
Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) & Unified Package Insurance empowerment of communities’ inclusive social economic
Scheme(UPIS) since Kharif 2016. We are participating in growth, environment protection, promotion of green and
the Tender process in various State Governments all over energy efficient technologies, development of backward
India. Your Company has successfully implemented PMFBY regions and up-liftment of the marginalized and under
during Kharif 2017 in Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Gujarat & Uttar privileged sections of the society. Procedure was formulated
Pradesh & Rabi 2017-18 in Tamil Nadu & Uttar Pradesh. and guidelines were issued for ease of CSR activities.
 RSBY &GOVERNMENT BUSINESS Some of the notable CSR projects where in your Company
participated were with organizations like Swachh Bharat
Social Security and healthcare assurance for all has been
Mission, Kedarnath Utthan Charitable Trust, Vivekananda
the motto of Government of India, and it has taken various
Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra in North East,
steps in this regard. RSBY was launched in early 2008 and
Akshaya Patra in Uttar Pradesh, Science and Technology
was initially designed to target only the Below Poverty Line
Park in Pune, Apparel Made-ups & Home Furnishing Sector
(BPL) households but has been expanded to cover other
Skill Council for Skill India in Himachal Pradesh, Aim For
defined categories of unorganised workers too.
Seva in Orissa, Disabled Welfare Trust of India in Gujarat,
Your Company is implementing RSBY schemes in various Ramakrishna Mission Ashram’s Solar System Installation in
states of India. The company is also implementing various Chennai.
other government sponsored mass schemes like ‘Bhama
Shah Swasthya Bima Yojna’ in Rajasthan, Megha Health
Insurance Scheme in Meghalaya and so on. In Both the Customer Care Department is functioning well at Company’s
above-mentioned mass schemes, New India is the sole Corporate Office as well as all Regional Offices. Dedicated
insurer for third year in a row. The ‘RuPay Insurance program, Customer Care Nodal Officers are working in all the operating
providing Personal Accident cover to more than 43 Crore offices throughout the country for extending quality service to
RuPay Cardholders, has been successfully implemented by the Policyholders and the prospects. Online information on
your Company the Company’s products are provided in the website https:// for the benefit of the public.
The Company’s Call Centre established in 2010 forms an
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) is a
integral part of Customer Relationship Management Activity.
flagship scheme under the umbrella of Pradhan Mantri Jan
The toll free number of the company 1800-209-1415 is
DhanYojana (PMJDY). To achieve the motto of financial
available to the customer 24*7 for inquiries of various
inclusion of Government of India, your Company has
Products, Claims and Grievances, both in Hindi and English.
conducted various enrolment and awareness campaigns
Service Requests for further follow up are replied/resolved
for PMSBY. We have tied- up with more than 200 banks for
by company’s operating offices. This initiative and endeavor
PMSBY and have settled more than 4600 claims keeping the
of ‘Customer Service’ is a key and vital element of our
disposal ratio consistently above 95%.
business strategy for a continuous and progressive growth
Your Company will continue to exhibit consistent growth with in the General Insurance Industry, with value added products
the help of such giant schemes. matching the Customers’ needs and requirements.
 ALTERNATE BUSINESS CHANNEL DEPARTMENT Grievances received orally, over telephone or in writing are
In line with the developments in the market your company registered by us in the CRM Module. Customers can register
has forayed into the online space and has been making their grievance through our website https://www.newindia.
rapid strides in this segment. Web aggregators who are Customer grievances received by IRDA
predominantly changing the online landscape are in gets registered in IGMS. Our CRM Module is integrated
partnership with us along with the other channel partners. with IGMS on real time basis. We also receive customer
grievances registered in Centralized Public Grievance
Simplified products are being put up for sale to ensure ease Redress and Monitoring System ( CPGRAMS) portal
of purchase. During the current year we have forayed into and National Consumer Helpline portal. We resolve the
social media arena to enhance our visibility as well as to use grievances, intimate the customers and post the resolution
this avenue to enhance our sales. through the portal.
We are confident during the years ahead our sales through
online channel will show a significant increase keeping in
view the current market developments.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The Grievance Redressal position for the period 1.4.2017 to - The Outsourcing activities of our company for the
31.3.2018 is as under : FY 2017-18 have been reported as per Outsourcing
Guidelines, 2017 to IRDAI in the specified format.
Outstanding grievances as on 31/03/2017 38
- Information and Cyber Security is also a focal point in
Registered (From 01.04.2017 to 4864
Risk management and is being addressed by various
measures at people, procedures and technology
Resolved (From 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018) 4902 levels in coordination with IT dept.
Outstanding as on 31.03.2018 0
 - The Chief Risk Officer reports to the Risk Management
Disposal Ratio 100% Committee of the Board periodically to update on the
 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT progress of the ERM departmental activities.
Enterprise Risk Management department (ERM) is an  CLAIMS MANAGEMENT
emerging department established at Company’s corporate Your Company carried out various activities throughout the
office with its wings at all Regional Offices and Large year as under :
Corporate Broker Offices represented by ERM Nodal
Officers. Efforts are in full swing to complete the ERM Project 1. Regular monitoring right from the beginning of the
by implementing a suitable ERM software system. financial year was done by targeting settlement of
claims based on the age-wise analysis.
1. The Risk Appetite statement (RAS) of our company
identifies key risk obstructing our strategic objectives 2. For claims that were falling in more than one year
and helps the company to maintain a tolerance/ category, special focus was done
threshold limit for acceptance of such risk. 3. To equip our claims processing officials with technical
2. The TOP RISK register focusing on 10 key risk knowledge and to improve their customer care skills,
areas of our company includes a range of Key Risk training programmes were held at the College of
indicators helps to measure the intensity of risk and Insurance. Total six batches of training were held and
suggest taking appropriate risk mitigation measures. 150 participants were imparted training.
3. The RAS and the TOP RISK register have been Non Suit Suit Total
approved by the Risk Management committee (RMC).
Number of Claims OS as on 137150 167205 304355
4. Incident Reporting (Operational loss reporting) circular 01.04.2017
was issued to all the HO departments and RO’s/
LCBO’s to report six types of incidences that cater to Number of Claims Intimated 4576487 296254 4872741
operational losses. during 2017-18

To create and spread awareness on the domain ERM, Number of Claims Settled 4587425 305670 4893095
various initiatives like ERM Desktop wallpapers, ERM Quiz during 2017-18
and ERM Mailers were held. ERM refresher training and Number of Claims OS as on 126212 157789 284001
Cyber risk training was held for Chief Managers and ERM 31.03.2018
SPOCS to embrace them continuously on the risk domain. Non Suit Suit Total
Business Continuity Management - Establishing Business Claims OS for less than 3 106642 7651 114293
Continuity Management process is a sub-part of ERM dept months
that focuses on mitigating the business continuity risk during
exigencies. Claims OS for more than 3 18439 26609 45048
months but less than 1 year
1. Following the mandate of RMC & based on instruction
of ERM Dept, all the RO’s & LCBO’s have conducted Claims OS for more than 1 year 1131 123529 124660
Fire Safety Audit of their offices to ensure safety of  MANAGEMENT OF NON SUIT CLAIMS
employees, systems and premises.
Parameter 31.03.2016 31.03.2017 31.03.2018
2. Recovery Procedure Document, a single pager
guide during the emergency times, have been No of claims O/s 96424 137529 126212
implemented across all the RO’s & LCBO’s. The RPD Amount of claims O/s ` 4055 cr ` 4769 cr ` 5097 cr
implementation at all other offices is under progress.
No of claim O/s 2114 1261 786
.3 Evacuation Mock drill was conducted in one of the for more than one
Mumbai RO on a pilot basis to test the readiness of year (Excl.GA and
the said premises to respond in case of emergency. Coinsurance)
Similar exercise was replicated in few other RO’s.
BCP training was provided to Fire Prevention Officers Non Suit Claim 96% 97% 97.32%
nominated at HO. Settlement Ratio

The following functions were also performed under ERM  MARKETING DEPARTMENT
framework: - Your Company has once again displayed its leadership by
- The Revised Corporate Anti-Fraud Policy 2018 was retaining number one position in the insurance industry with
approved by Board and adopted by our company a total of 15.06% market share.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Our marketing team of development officers contributed conformity with the objectives of the RTI Act. The Central
with a remarkable share of premium of ` 4821.71 Crs. Our Public Information Officers (CPIOs) of 31 Regional Offices
business associates also contributed more than ` 272.88 crs and 7 Large Corporate Broker Offices (LCBOs) also
premium for the FY-2017-18. contributed to the promotion of the ideals of the Act, under
CMD Club for AO (D), AM (D) was formed and its first the umbrella of RTI Department at Head Office.
convention was held at Coimbatore and convention of With a view to maintaining uniformity, consistency and
Development Officers’ CMD Club was held at Hyderabad improved standard of compliance, the function of First
to felicitate the stars performers. Development Officers Appellate Authority is centralized at Head Office. In
incentives for the FY-16-17 were paid through incentive compliance with the directive of CIC, your Company has
module. appointed Transparency Officer in the rank of General
Special 3 days residential training programme for Manager.
development officers’ CMD club members for 2017-2018 was As per the directives of Ministry of Personnel, Public
arranged in association with Tata Institute of Social Sciences Grievances and Pensions, DoPT, New Delhi ,we have
(TISS) at four major centres across India. The department extended the facility of RTI Web Portal w.e.f. 20.07.2016
undertook 3 Days Residential Training Programme on under the administrative control of Department of Financial
Effective Marketing Skill & Customer Service for more than Services (DFS). It is a citizen interface which facilitates
300 Divisional & Senior Divisional Managers all over India. Indian Citizens to file RTI applications and First Appeals
The training programme was arranged at Insurance Institute online and also to make online payment of RTI fees.
of India, BandraKurla Complex, Mumbai. During the year 2017-18 the total (including online) number
 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT of RTI Applications received is 2411 and First Appeals is
Press conferences were organized to apprise the media 375. In compliance with the CIC guidelines / RTI Act, the
fraternity of our various financial achievements, and also the Company’s official website is up-dated from time to time,
launch of New Global Mediclaim Policy during the year. Wide disclosing and uploading maximum information under xvii
coverage of our achievements, carried out by all the leading points as mandated under the provisions of Section 4(1)(b)
publications, boosted brand image of our company. of the RTI Act,2005.

Your Company organized foundation day programme  ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING

successfully with guest speaker, Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO, Niti Your Company has been complying with the Prevention
Aayog and a number of media persons attended the event. of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) 2002 since it has been
In addition to effective use of traditional outdoor media; new made applicable to insurance companies w.e.f. 01.08.2006.
methods like Digital Advertising on platforms such as Google Amendments issued by IRDAI are adopted by the Board from
Ads, Digital platform of TOI, Dainik Bhaskar, Railway Online time to time. The Principal Compliance Officer posted at
Ticketing Portal – irctc and E.mailers were also used to Corporate Office monitors the compliance of AML guidelines.
reach out to maximum customers. New Hoardings and Glow  INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES AND DISCIPLINE
signs in over 150 displays have been placed at prominent
Airports, Road junctions, Highways, Railway stations and Your Company has strived to impart massive Training on
Bus stands throughout the country to increase our visibility. CDA Rules 2014 across the board to bring about awareness
Advertisements were also displayed on moving media on Misconducts, Prohibitions and Restrictions to ensure
like Mumbai and Delhi Metro trains, Kolkata Nano Trams, better IR climate in the Organization.
buses, containers and also on digital screens on railway In order to ensure strict adherence to a climate of discipline,
platforms. Inside airport branding was taken on all the major the Company has viewed all instances of Unauthorised
Airports with addition of displays on 7 airports - Coimbatore, Absences cases seriously and appropriate actions are taken.
Madurai, Bhubaneshwar, Lucknow, Bhopal, Dehradun and
Goa Airport. Also branding inside 34 Aircrafts of Go Air The Board of your Company has approved the policy on
Flights was done. Prevention , Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment
Effective use of electronic media - T.V. to create Pan India at Workplace.  Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), which
awareness of our Brand through some of the niche channels consists of Chairperson (Women employed at Senior Level),
to create awareness about our Motor and Health products two members amongst the employee committed to cause of
especially our newly launched health product Global women and one member from NGO or Association at Head
Mediclaim . Office and all Regional offices has been set up to redress
complaints received and to promote a work environment that is
We sponsored a number of customer seminars, public safe, secure and free of any form of harassment at Workplace .
awareness camps sports, musical, cultural events and
fairs, exhibitions & regional festivals to reach the masses to Submission of On-line Annual Property Returns have been
expand our base. further streamlined and has since achieved optimum efficacy. 
The Right to Information Department was set up at Head There has been no labour unrest nor and any severe IR
Office in 2005.It processes the requests for information problem during the Financial Year due to proactive approach
from Citizens all over the country and adjudicate on appeals of Senior Management at Head Office as well as the Regional
promptly and efficiently. The department continues to Offices.
facilitate the principles of transparency and accountability, in

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY education, Housing Loan at subsidized rate of interest,

Medical Check-up facility to Manager and above cadres,
The year saw our ICT to take another leap forward and we
Director’s Mediclaim Scheme for reimbursement of medical
augmented our IT infrastructure keeping in mind agility and
expenses of active as well as retired Directors along with
security as the prime drivers and now have a state of the art
their dependent family members etc.
infrastructure to cater to the growing needs in the coming
years. We have also introduced compute in the Near site The Company provides Ex-gratia relief scheme to its
to ensure that there is no disruption in our internet facing employees which provides for reimbursement of medical
applications should there be any contingency in the DC. We expenses beyond the Mediclaim cover. Special leave is
are amongst few enterprises in the country today for having sanctioned and medical expenses are reimbursed if employee
introduced the Software Driven Network infrastructures meets with accident whilst on duty which is in addition to the
in DCs. With this robust modern infrastructure in place we 24 hours Personal Accident cover provided to employees.
were able to garner a total Indian premium of ` 22719 crore. Special leave is also granted for participating in National
Digital premium increased from 15% to 18.95%, amounting & International sports events including Mountaineering,
to ` 4302 crore, an accretion of 47%, as compared to the Expedition and Trekking events. Employees are encouraged
previous year amount of ` 2927 crore. The giant strides for pursuing higher post graduate academic courses for
made were visible in the agent’s portal which doubled in which financial assistance is provided.
the portal usage from ` 763 crore to ` 1691 crore. With this Other welfare schemes like Vehicle Loans at subsidized
robust infrastructure in place, we were able to issue 29.7 rate of interest, Leased accommodation to all cadres of
MN policies and settle 4.9 MN claims. The year also saw employees, Retirement Benefit and Death Relief Schemes
a major focus and direction towards improving security of managed by Mutual Benefit Society for employees, Leave
our ICT infrastructure across our wide spread of offices and Travel Subsidy, Labour Welfare scheme are provided.
many measures taken included beefing up security from
End points to the Database and Data centres. We have In order to facilitate more transparency and expeditious
introduced Biometric as a two factor authentication for all our settlement, the Company has implemented online access
employees in system usage. Security is an ongoing process for all its employees for availing the benefits and necessary
and we have to always be on the guard and are taking the training has also been imparted to them.
required measures and guidance given by Government HUMAN RESOURCES
Agencies and Regulator. We also completed the Security
Employee strength as on 31st March 2018
Audit as envisaged by IRDAI.
Our focus going forward in technology is from the enterprise to Category of Male Female Total
the customer and Agents. With this in mind, we have enabled Employees
various features for customer to login claims, to the Agents Class I 5568 2141 7709
we have provided many new features to manage claims, Class II 960 39 999
appointments calendar, alert notifications etc. We have also Class III 5710 1929 7639
changed the look and feel of our website and portal to make
int more appealing and customer oriented. We hope to do Class IV (Excluding 1121 400 1521
more in the coming year in this direction with introduction of a Part Time Sweepers)
chatbot and the paperless claims processing. The year also Part Time Sweepers 10 2 12
included moving towards advanced Business Analytics from TOTAL 13369 4511 17880
the traditional BI with a Data Visualisation tool an envisage RECRUITMENT AND RESERVATION
extensive usage in the years to come for better analytics and
empowerment of Business Owners in their decision making. Number of employees recruited during 2017-18
With our relentless pursuit to transform ourselves into a Category SC ST OBC Total* Ex-Ser- PWD
technology-driven company, the aim is to keep the customer of vicemen
in the centre of our enterprise and to create a working Employees
environment which is superlative to all stakeholders.
Class-I 43 16 83 300 1 7
STAFF WELFARE SCHEMES Class III 139 54 222 938 69 34
In line with the tradition of keeping the interest of its Class IV 7 6 4 20
employees foremost, the Company has continued to (Excluding
implement welfare schemes for its employees. Active as Part Time
well as retired employees along with their dependent and Sweepers)
non-dependent family members are covered under Group Part Time
Staff Mediclaim Policy covering all kinds of diseases Sweepers
with minimal exclusions, Group Personal Accident Policy TOTAL 189 76 309 1258 70 41
providing 24 hours cover to employees against accidental
death or permanent disablement, Group Savings Linked Life * Ex-Servicemen and PWD included in Total
Insurance, Group Term Life Insurance, Employees Deposit
Linked Life Insurance, Lump sum payment for Domiciliary
Medical Treatment ,Group Baggage Policy ,Education
Advance Scheme for children of employees to pursue quality

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Representation of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe GENDER ISSUES AND EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN
employees under various cadres as on 31.03.2018 Your Company has a strong women force and provides
Category/ Total Number and Percentage adequate opportunities for self and career development. A
Level Number significant number of women Officers, as on 31.03.2018, are
SC % ST %
holding senior positions in our Offices:
Class-I 7709 1590 20.63% 617 8.00%
Class-II 999 97 9.71% 38 3.80% General Manager 2
Class III 7639 1611 21.09% 586 7.67% Deputy General Manager 6
Class IV 1521 745 48.98% 130 8.55% Chief Manager / Regional Manager 19
(Excluding Divisional Manager / Sr. Divisional Manager 53
Part Time Branch Manager / Sr. Branch Manager 65
• Women executives are nominated for various
Part Time 12 9 75.00% 0 0.00% programmes organized by Forum of Women in Public
Sweepers Sector (WIPS)
TOTAL 17880 4052 22.66% 1371 7.67%
• Women Officers are also nominated in large numbers
Your Company Strictly adheres to Brochure provisions and to the Programme for Women Managers conducted by
Government DoPT guidelines regarding reservations and National Insurance Academy, Pune
concessions in the matter of recruitment and promotion and
safeguards the interest of employees belonging to SC/ST/ • Women’s Committees are constituted at Head Office
OBC/PWD and Ex-servicemen. and various Regional Offices and are actively involved
in resolving all gender-related issues/cases referred to
Pre-promotional training programs were duly organised for them
all eligible SC/ST/OBC employees for promotion to various
cadres. Similarly, for Class III and Class III to I promotional • The International Women’s Day was celebrated on
exercise, pre-promotional training is imparted to SC/ST/ March 8th, 2018 in all Offices across the country.
OBC employees under Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Welfare Trust. Seminars were organised at various centers on
Regular training programmes are conducted on personality topics such as Women Entrepreneurship, Stress
development, stress management, motivation etc. for SC/ST Management, Work-Life Balance, Mental & Physical
employees of various cadres. Various benefits under Dr. B. Health, Nutritious diets, Rights of women under
R. Ambedkar Welfare Trust have been given to SC/ST/OBC various laws of the country, and new law for protection
employees. SC/ST/OBC employees have been nominated of the women at workplace etc.
for NIA, Pune training programmes on a regular basis.  TRAINING :
Pre-recruitment training programmes were also arranged for In the competitive scenario of the insurance industry of present
SC/ST/OBC candidates at various centres on all-India basis. times, it is of utmost importance to keep our employees
A separate reservation cell is actively functioning at Head abreast of the changes and to develop their insurance skills
Office and Regional Office level for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex- both in underwriting and claims settlement. Keeping this
servicemen employees. A Liaison Officer under the charge in mind, the Company conducts regular training programs.
of Chief Liaison Officer manages this cell at Head Office, Your Company also nominates employees for various
whereas, Assistant Liaison Officers head the cells at various training programs organized by external institutes from time
Regional Offices. to time. The focus of the trainings are on policy awareness,
technical matters, specialized topics, marketing strategies,
A well-defined mechanism has been provided under IT, personality development etc. Apart from emphasizing
which, on yearly basis, the Liaison Officer from the Head on mainstream training, the Company encourages the
Office inspects the Rosters pertaining to recruitment and nominations in alternate training programs, as arranged for
promotions at all Regional Offices. The inspection report homogenous group of employees. Women employees are
with observations of Liaison Officer, are put up to the Chief also nominated to specialized training programs like the
Liaison Officer & General Manager (Personnel) for further Women Managers Training Programme. Pre-promotional
directions and sent back to the respective Regional Offices training had been imparted to all eligible SC/ST/OBC
with necessary advices. Based on the inspection report, employees of all cadres. Pre-recruitment training had been
action is taken by the concerned Regional Offices in co- imparted to all SC/ST/OBC applicants. Based on our study
ordination with the Head Office to rectify shortcomings in of previous nominations, the system of Training Nominations
procedure, if any, observed by the Liaison Officer. have shifted from nomination-based to employees’ work
Special attention is given to complaints/grievances raised profile based, i.e., the employee is nominated for training
by SC/ST/OBC employees and they are resolved within relevant to his line of working. Every effort is made to limit the
shortest possible time-frame. training of an employee to two in a year, so that maximum
number of employees get the opportunity to be trained
Your Company is providing financial support on behalf
of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Welfare Trust, to various SC/ST/ Apart from above, various Departments at HO conducted
OBC welfare activities. On the eve of Mahaparinirvan Day homogeneous training programmes to respective employees
i.e. December, 6th every year these welfare activities are based on their work profile. Marketing Dept, HO arranged
supported to observe the death anniversary of Dr. B.R. Training to the Operating Office Heads; Agency Dept, Rural
Ambedkar at Chaitya Bhumi, Dadar. Insurance and Claims HUB Departments, HO imparted
Training to Agents Managers and respective Dept- Officials.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE IMPLEMENTATION Workshops, Internal Audit Department at Regional Offices

is conducting quarterly workshops for resolving maximum
The Official Language Department works as per the
number of pending queries.
guidelines issued by the Official Language Department of
Ministry of Home Affairs and Financial Services Department.  LEGAL& CONSUMER FORUM
According to these guidelines all the offices of the company The legal matters other than T.P claims, pertaining to
are required to make all possible efforts to increase Official Consumer Fora cases/Supreme Court cases and Arbitration
Language Implementation work and explore in the area cases in coordination with respective Technical Departments
of Official Language. Hindi Workshops were organized, at Head Office.
Inspections were done of all the Regional/operating offices,
Hindi Diwas was organized, trainings were held to motivate The procedure for handling Arbitration and consumer
and increase the interest of the Official language hindi among disputes has been streamlined to help proper defense
the employees. and quicker resolution of cases. Delhi Legal Hub handles
National Commission/Supreme Court cases and State
 INTERNAL AUDIT Commission/District Forum cases are handled by respective
Internal Audit has been playing a vital role towards Regional Offices/Legal Hubs/Divisional Offices.
strengthening the Corporate Governance and complying Encouraging and monitoring compromise in consumer
with management objectives to improve and strengthen disputes have resulted in improvement in suit claim disposal
internal controls. to 28% as against 25% in previous year. The Department has
Internal Audit functions comprises of examining, evaluating also sensitized handling officials on more effective handling
and reporting to the Management on adequacy of internal of forum cases through personal visit, workshop in Regional
controls, effective and efficient use of resources in the best offices and All India Conference.
possible manner to guard against the leakage of revenue. The Department strives towards achieving the twin objective
IAD has ensured that all operating offices are audited of minimizing fresh reporting of cases by handling claims,
at least once in the financial year. The Department has keeping in mind the trend of Consumer courts and faster
also conducted regular audits of their Regional Offices, disposal of pending cases which will improve the customer
Claims Hubs, Broker DO, LCBOs, Auto tie-up offices& HO satisfaction index of the Company.
Departments and monitor financial transactions, quality
underwriting and adequacy of provisions.  VIGILANCE
Internal Audit Dept. has been instrumental in detecting and The Vigilance Department is headed by Chief Vigilance
reporting to the Management for rectification of systems Officer & focuses on Preventive Vigilance with an objective
and procedural lapses. The Internal Audit Department (IAD) of systemic improvements which besides reducing
has also helped in enhancing the performance of Audit corruption also lead to better operational results. It is a tool
Compliance Cells at the various operating offices for speedy of management & good governance & is aimed at identifying,
resolution of pending audit queries – both internal and CAG. tackling / addressing the root cause of corruption within the
During the Financial Year, maximum stress was given
towards resolving pending queries. At the end of the financial Towards this end, Preventive Vigilance Workshops were
year, the observations of the IAD is consolidated in the form conducted at 180 offices and Surprise Inspections were
of Annual Report. carried out at 550 offices. Recommendations were also
made for systems improvement. Vigilance Awareness Week
In addition to laying emphasis on adherence to various was observed from 30th October to 4th November, 2017. The
systems and procedural lapses, more stress has been given theme for the year was “My Vision – Corruption Free India”.
for strengthening the audit compliance mechanisms and The theme was reinforced across the cross section of society
initiating fresh interventions to ensure elimination of recurring by organizing Quiz Competition, Essay Writing Competition,
system & procedural lapses. In addition to HO level Audit Workshops pan India across various educational institutions.
1 PHILIP SCOTT 39 CHIEF UNDERWRITER 1,27,39,131 ACII 1.8.2011 59 Assicurazione LONDON
Gernerali Spa
During FY 2018, the Company was in compliance with the applicable Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of Company
Secretaries of India with respect to Board and General Meetings.
There are no significant and/or material orders passed by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals during FY 2018 impacting the going

concern status of future operations of the Company.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The Company received an order from Competition party transactions are disclosed under Notes to Financial
Commission of India imposing a penalty of ` 25107 lakhs Statements for FY 2018.
in 2015-16. The Company contested against the order in Board approved policy on Related Party Transactions
Competition Appeal Tribunal and the Tribunal awarded has been hosted on the website of the Company and can
penalty of  ` 20 lakhs as against ` 25107 lakhs of CCI order. be viewed at the below link: “
The penalty was paid in January 2017. CCI has appealed cms/755da005-5d81-4145-bfe3-43b8f82caecf/Related%20
against the order of the Tribunal at the Apex Court and the party%20Policy.pdf?guest=true”.
case has been admitted in the Apex Court in March 2017.
All Independent Directors have given declarations that The Company being a General Insurance Company, its
meet the criteria of independence as laid down under working and functions are governed by the regulations of
Section 149(6) of the Companies Act 2013, SEBI (Listing Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.
Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 The Accounts of the Company are drawn up according to the
and ‘fit and proper’ declaration as laid down under Corporate stipulations prescribed in the IRDA (preparation of Financial
Governance guidelines of IRDAI. Statements and Auditor’s Report) Regulations 2002 and as
 LISTING OF EQUITY SHARES amended from time to time.
During FY 2018, The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.  FINANCIAL RATING
completed its Initial Public Offer (“IPO”) by way of Offer for AM Best Company has reaffirmed the Financial Strength
Sale up to 9,60,00,000 Equity Shares of face value of ` 5 Rating of A-(Excellent). The rating reflects the Company’s
each of the Company by the selling shareholder Government favorable investment results, strong solvency ratio and its
of India and Fresh Issue of 2,40,00,000 equity shares of face strong presence in domestic and overseas markets.
value of ` 5 each.
CRISIL has reaffirmed its ‘AAA/Stable’ rating of The New
The shares of the Company were listed on National Stock India Assurance Company Ltd. indicating that the Company
Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited (BSE) on has the highest degree of financial strength to honour its
November 13, 2017. policyholder’s obligations. The rating continues to reflect
 BOARD EVALUATION the Company’s leadership position in the Indian General
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act 2013 and Insurance industry, its healthy capitalization, sound asset
guidelines for insurance companies issued by Insurance quality and comfortable liquidity.
Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), the  FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNING & OUTGO AND OTHER
Board has carried out an annual performance evaluation INFORMATION
of its own performance. The Evaluation has been carried- The particulars of Foreign Exchange earnings/outgo as
out as per the criteria approved by the Nomination and required by the Companies Act under Section 217(1)(e) is
Remuneration Committee. given below :
 AUDITORS REPORT Earnings : ` 574.28 crores (p.year ` 369.68 crores)
The replies to the qualification made by the Statutory Auditors Outgo :` 648.15 crores (p.year ` 582.51 crores)
in their report is attached as Annexure to the Directors
Report. The earnings included all receipts denominated in foreign
currencies in respect of premium, recovery of claims, outward
 SECRETARIAL AUDITORS commission and investment earnings. The outgo comprised
Pursuant to provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act all payments in foreign currency in respect of outward
2013 and the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration premium, claims on reinsurance accepted, commission and
of Managerial Personnel) Rules 2014, the Company had expenses of management.
appointed S.N.Ananthasubramanian, Practising Company Expenses on (a) Entertainment (b) Foreign tours
Secretary to conduct Secretarial Audit Report is annexed and (c) Publicity and Advertisement amounted to
herewith as Annexure. There are no qualifications, ` 1,04,40,855 (P.Y.1,11,69,220); ` 1,74,63,104 (P.Y.
reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer made by the ` 2,37,85,462) and ` 63,09,71,503 (P.Y. ` 60,45,07,128)
auditor in the report save and except disclaimer made by respectively.
them in discharge of their professional obligation.
Provisions regarding Financial Statements are laid down
The Board has adopted policies & procedures for ensuring under Section 129 of the new Companies Act 2013. As
the orderly & efficient conduct of its business, including per the provision of Section 129 (2) of the said Act, at
adherence to the Company’s policies, the safeguarding every Annual General Meeting of a company, the Board
of its assets, the prevention & detection of fraud, ever of Directors of the Company shall lay before such meeting
reporting mechanisms, the accuracy and completeness of financial statements for the financial year. Section 129(3)
the accounting records and the timely preparation of reliable of the Companies Act 2013 provides that where a company
financial disclosures. has one or more subsidiaries, it shall, in addition to financial
 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS statements provided under sub-section (2) of Section 129,
Your Company undertakes transactions with related parties prepare a consolidated financial statements of the company
in the ordinary course of business. The details of related and of the subsidiaries in the same form and manner as that

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

of its own which shall also be laid before the Annual General since the date of last directors’ report, i.e., 30th April 2017:
Meeting of the company along with the laying of its financial • Cessation of Ms T.L. Alamelu as Director w.e.f. 31st
statements under Sub Section (2) of Section 129. May 2017
As per the above section, the Company is required to prepare • Cessation of Mr. Arun Tiwari as Director w.e.f. 30th
financial statements as above. June 2017.
 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE • Appointment of Mr. Anil Kumar as Whole Time Director
Your Company is fully committed to follow sound corporate w.e.f. 20th June 2017.
governance practices. The Company’s Board is constituted • Appointment of Mr. P. Ramana Murthy and Mr. Neelam
in compliance with CA 2013, in accordance with SEBI (Listing Damodharan as Ex-Officio Directors on the Board
Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 w.e.f. 14th August 2017.
and IRDAI Corporate Governance guidelines 2015. The
Board comprises of Corporate governance refers to the set • Appointment of Ms Papia Sengupta as Ex-Officion
of systems, principles and processes by which a company Director on the Board w.e.f.. 27th September 2017.
is governed. They provide the guidelines as to how the • Appointment of Mr. S.K. Banerjee, Mr. S.K. Chanana
company can be directed or controlled such that it can fulfill and Mr. Kuldip Singh as Non Official Directors w.e.f.
its goals and objectives in a manner that adds to the value 29th September 2017.
of the company and is also beneficial for all stakeholders
in the long term. Stakeholders in this case would include • Cessation of Mr. Mohd. Mustafa as Director w.e.f. 3rd
everyone ranging from the board of directors, management, October 2017.
shareholders to customers, employees and society. The • Appointment of Mr. Lok Ranjan as Government
management of the company hence assumes the role of a Nominee Director w.e.f. 3rd October 2017.
trustee for all others. • Cessation of Mr. Lok Ranjan as Government Nominee
The Board meets at least once a quarter to review the Director w.e.f. 24th May 2018.
quarterly, financial, and operational and investment • Appointment of Mr. Mohd. Zafir Alam as Director w.e.f.
performance of the Company. The company’s philosophy 30th January 2018.
on corporate Governance lays strong emphasis on
transparency, accountability and integrity. Corporate • Appointment of Mr. Debasish Panda as Government
governance is concerned with the establishment of a system Nominee Director w.e.f. 24th May 2018
whereby the Directors are entrusted with responsibilities and The composition of the Board of Directors as on 31.03.2018:
duties in relation to the directions of corporate affairs. It is
concerned with accountability of who are managing it. It is (i) Mr. G. Srinivasan, Chairman-cum-Managing Director
concerned with morals, ethics, values, parameters, conduct (ii) Mr. Lok Ranjan, Government Nominee Director
and behavior of the company and its management. (iii) Mr. Hemant G. Rokade, Whole Time Director
The Board functions either as an entity per se, or through (iv) Mr. Neelam Damodaran, Non Executive and
various committees constituted to oversee specific Independent Director
operational areas. There is an appropriate mix of Executive,
Non-Executive and Independent Directors to maintain the (v) Mr. P Ramana Murthy, Director
independence of the Board. None of the Directors are related (vi) Ms. Papia Sengupta, Director
to any other Directors or employees of the Company.
(vii) Mr. S. Chanana, Director
Mr. Sharad S. Ramnarayanan Appointed Actuary of the
Company is a permanent invitee to the Board meeting. (viii) Mr. Kuldip Singh, Director

 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (ix) Mr. S.K. Banerjee, Director

The Board underwent the following changes in its composition

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


Name Designation Qualifications

G Srinivasan
DIN No. 01876234 Chairman cum Managing Director B.Com, ACMA, FIII
Hemant G Rokade
DIN No. 06417520 Director & General Manager M.Com (FIN)
C Narambunathan 1
DIN No. 08101846 Director & General Manager M.Com, A.C.S., F.I.I.I.
Neelam Damodharan 2
DIN No.07759291 Non-Executive & Independent Director B.Sc(Agr.), CAIIB, Diploma in Financial
P R Murthy 3
DIN No. 07815852 Non-Executive & Independent Director B.Sc(Agr.), CAIIB
Papia Sengupta 4
DIN No. 07701564 Non-Executive & Independent Director B.Sc, CFA(India), CALLB
S K Banerjee 5
DIN No. 01987541 Independent Director Master of Commerce, Fellow ICAI
Kuldip Singh 6
DIN No. 02905840 Independent Director B.Sc, Agr. (Hons),
S K Chanana 7
DIN No. 00112424 Independent Director M.A, LLB, ACS
Lok Ranjan 8
DIN No. 07791967 Government Nominee Director M. Tech
Debashish Panda 9
DIN No. 06479085 Government Nominee Director Post Graduate in Mphil
Appointed on 2nd April, 2018 5.
Appointed on 29th September, 2017
Appointed on 14th August, 2017 6.
Appointed on 29th September, 2017
Appointed on 14th August, 2017 7.
Appointed on 29th September, 2017
Appointed on 27th September, 2017 8.
Appointed on 3rd October, 2017 and ceases on 24th May, 2018
Appointed on 24th May, 2018

Name of the Category 1 of directors No of Number of No of post of

Director Directorship in memberships in Chairperson in Audit/
listed entities Audit/ Stakeholder Stakeholder Committee
including the Committee(s) including held in listed entities
Company the Company including the Company
G Srinivasan Executive Director 4 1 0
Hemant Rokade Executive Director 1 2 0
C Narambunathan1 Executive Director 1 2 0
N Damodharan2 Non-Executive - Independent Director 3 3 1
P Ramana Murthy3 Non-Executive - Independent Director 3 3 1
Papia Sengupta4 Non-Executive - Independent Director 5 0 0
S K Banerjee5 Non-Executive - Independent Director 1 1 0
Kuldip Singh6 Non-Executive - Independent Director 1 1 0
S K Chanana7 Non-Executive - Independent Director 1 0 0
Lok Ranjan8 Govt. Nominee Director 2 0 0
Debashish Panda9 Govt. Nominee Director 2 1 0
Appointed on 2nd April, 2018 5.
Appointed on 29th September, 2017
Appointed on 14th August, 2017 6.
Appointed on 29th September, 2017
Appointed on 14th August, 2017 7.
Appointed on 29th September, 2017
Appointed on 27th September, 2017 8.
Appointed on 3rd October, 2017 and ceases on 24th May, 2018
Appointed on 24th May, 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


THE BOARD FOR FY 2018 : The Board has constituted the following committees:
 BOARD MEETING: i) Audit Committee
During the year, the Board met thirteen (13) times. The ii) Investment Committee
names of the Directors, their attendance at Board Meetings
during the year and the number of directorships and board iii) Risk Management Committee
committee memberships held by them as on the date of the iv) Policyholders Protection Committee
report are set out in the following table :
v) Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Director No. of vi) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Meetings attended/
vii) Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Mr. G. Srinivasan 13/13 viii) Information Technology Committee

Mr. Mohd. Mustafa 3/13 ix) Property Review Committee

Mr. Arun Tiwari 1/13 The terms of reference, the composition along with the
number of meetings held during FY 2018 and the attendance
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 10/13 of the Committees of the Board are provided below :
Ms. T.L.Alamelu 1/13
Mr. Anil Kumar 9/13
Terms of Reference:
Mr. P. R. Murthy 8/13
1. Oversight of the company’s financial reporting process
Mr. N. Damodharan 3/13 and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure
Ms. P. Sengupta 3/13 that the financial statements are correct, sufficient and
Mr. S.K.Banerjee 6/13
Mr. Kuldip Singh 7/13 2. Taking on record the appointment of auditors of the
company by the Comptroller and Auditor General of
Mr. S.K.Chanana 7/13 India;
Mr. Lok Ranjan 1/13 3. Recommendation for remuneration and terms of
Details of Equity Shares held by the non-executive director appointment of auditors of the company;
as on March 31 2018 : 4. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other
services rendered by the statutory auditors;
S r . Name of the Director No. of Equity
No. Shares 5. Reviewing, with the management, the annual financial
statements and auditor's report thereon before
1 Mr. S.K. Banerjee 36
submission to the Board for approval, with reference
FAMILIARISATION PROGRAMME FOR INDEPENDENT (i) Matters required to be included in the Director’s
DIRECTORS : Responsibility Statement to be included in the
The detail of the familiarization programme have been Board’s report in terms of clause (c) of sub-
hosted on the website of the Company and can be viewed section 3 of section 134 of the Companies Act,
at the below mentioned link : https://www.newindia. 2013; (ii) Changes, if any, in accounting policies and
Familiarization.pdf?guest=true practices and reasons for the same;
CODE OF CONDUCT FOR DIRECTORS/SENIOR (iii) Major accounting entries involving estimates
MANAGEMENT based on the exercise of judgment by
The Code of Conduct for Directors/Senior management has management;
been hosted on the website of the Company and can be (iv) Significant adjustments made in the financial
viewed at the below mentioned link : https://www.newindia. statements arising out of audit findings;
(v) Compliance with listing and other legal
requirements relating to financial statements;
(vi) Disclosure of any related party transactions;
The appointment of Directors & Senior Management are as
(vii) Modified opinion(s)/ qualifications in the draft
per the relevant notifications issued by Government of India.
audit report.
6. Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly
The remuneration to Whole Time Directors, Key Managerial financial statements before submission to the Board
Personnel, Senior Management and other employees is as for approval;
per relevant notifications issued by Government of India.
7. Reviewing, with the management, the statement of

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

uses / application of funds raised through an issue 22. Carry out any other function as is mentioned in the
(public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the terms of reference of the Audit Committee and any
statement of funds utilized for purposes other than other terms of reference as may be decided by the
those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice board of directors of the Company or specified/
and the report submitted by the monitoring agency provided under the Companies Act, 2013 or by the
monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or SEBI Listing Regulations or by any other regulatory
rights issue (if applicable), and making appropriate authority.
recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this 23. Management discussion and analysis of financial
matter; condition and results of operations;
8. Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence 24. Statement of significant related party transactions
and performance, and effectiveness of audit process; (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by
9. Approval of any subsequent modification of transactions management;
of the company with related parties; Explanation: The 25. Management letters / letters of internal control
term "related party transactions" shall have the same weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors;
meaning as provided in Clause2(zc) of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) 26. Internal audit reports relating to internal control
Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Listing weaknesses;
Regulations) and/or the Accounting Standards. 27. The appointment, removal and terms of remuneration
10. Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments; of the Chief internal auditor shall be subject to review
by the Audit Committee.
11. Valuation of undertakings or assets of the company,
wherever it is necessary; Attendance of Members of the Audit Committee:
12. Evaluation of internal financial controls and risk Director No. of
management systems; Meetings attended/
13. Reviewing, with the management, performance held
of statutory and internal auditors, adequacy of the Mr. Mohd. Mustafa 3/9
internal control systems; Mr. Arun Tiwari 1/9
14. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function, Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 8/9
if any, including the structure of the internal audit Ms. T.L.Alamelu 1/9
department, staffing and seniority of the official Mr. Anil Kumar 4/9
heading the department, reporting structure coverage
Mr. N. Damodharan 3/9
and frequency of internal audit;
Mr. P. R. Murthy 3/9
15. Discussion with internal auditors of any significant
Mr. Lok Ranjan 1/9
findings and follow up there on;
Mr. S.K. Banerjee 2/9
16. Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations
Mr. Kuldip Singh 1/9
by the internal auditors into matters where there is
suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal  INVESTMENT COMMITTEE:
control systems of a material nature and reporting the
matter to the Board; Terms of Reference:
17. Discussion with statutory auditors before the audit 1. Overseeing the implementation of the investment
commences, about the nature and scope of audit as policy approved by our Board from time to time;
well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of 2. Reviewing the investment policy;
3. Periodical updating to our Board with regard to
18. Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults investment activities of the Company;
in the payment to depositors, debenture holders,
shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared 4. Reviewing the investment strategies adopted from
dividends) and creditors; time to time and giving suitable directions as needed
in the best interest of the Company;
19. Reviewing the functioning of the whistle blower
mechanism and the chief risk officer of the Company; 5. Reviewing the broker policy and making suitable
amendments from time to time;
20. Approval of appointment of CFO (i.e., the whole-
time Finance Director or any other person heading 6. Reviewing counter party/intermediary exposure
the finance function or discharging that function) norms;
after assessing the qualifications, experience and 7. Supervising the asset allocation strategy to ensure
background, etc. of the candidate; financial liquidity, security and diversification
21. Oversee the vigil mechanism established by the through liquidity contingency plan and asset liability
Company and the chairman of audit committee shall management policy; and
directly hear grievances of victimization of employees 8. Overseeing the assessment, measurement and
and directors, who use vigil mechanism to report accounting for other than temporary impairment in
genuine concerns; and investments in accordance with the policy adopted by
the Company.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Attendance of the Members of the Investment Committee: 13. Monitor and review regular updates on business
Director No. of
Meetings attended/ 14. Formulation of a Fraud monitoring policy and
held framework for approval by the Board.

Mr. G. Srinivasan 5/5 15. Monitor implementation of Anti-fraud policy for effective
deterrence, prevention, detection and mitigation of
Mr. Arun Tiwari 1/5 frauds.
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 5/5 16. Review compliance with the guidelines on Insurance
Ms. T.L.Alamelu 1/5 Fraud Monitoring Framework dt. 21st January 2013,
Mr. Anil Kumar 1/5 issued by the Authority.
Mr. P. R. Murthy 3/5 17. Any other similar or other functions as may be laid
down by Board from time to time.”
Ms. P. Sengupta 0/5
Attendance of Members of the Risk Management Committee:
Mr. S.K.Chanana 3/5
Ms S.N. Rajeswari 5/5 Director No. of
Meetings attended/
Mr. Sharad Ramnarayanan 5/5
Mr. S. Shankar 4/5 Mr. G. Srinivasan 4/4
Mr. S. Harinath 4/5 Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 2/4
Mr. Mahesh S. Joshi 1/5 Mr. Anil Kumar 2/4
Mr. N. Damodharan 1/4
Ms. P. Sengupta 2/4
Terms of Reference:
Mr. S.K.Chanana 3/4
1. To review and assess the risk management system Mr. Kuldip Singh 3/4
and policy of the Company from time to time and
recommend for amendment or modification thereof; Mr. S.K.Banerjee 3/4
As per IRDAI guidelines, Mr. Sharad Ramnarayanan
2. To frame and devise risk management plan and policy
Appointed Actuary and Mr. S. Shankar Chief Risk Officer
of the Company;
were present in all meetings of the Risk Management
3. To review and recommend potential risk involved in committee held during the year.
any new business plans and processes; and
4. Establish effective Risk Management framework and
Terms of Reference :
recommend to the Board the Risk Management policy
and processes for the organization. 1. Putting in place proper procedures and effective
mechanism to address complaints and grievances of
5. Set the risk tolerance limits and assess the cost and
Policyholders including mis-selling by intermediaries;
benefits associated with risk exposure.
2. Ensuring compliance with the statutory requirements
6. Review the Company’s risk- -reward performance to
as laid down in the regulatory framework;
align with overall policy objectives.
3. Reviewing the mechanism at periodic intervals;
7. Discuss and consider best practices in risk
management in the market and advise the respective 4. Ensuring adequacy of "material information" to the
functions; policyholders to comply with the requirements laid
down by the authority both at the point of sale and
8. Assist the Board in effective operation of the risk
periodic intervals;
management system by performing specialized
analyses and quality reviews; 5. Reviewing the status of complaints at periodic
9. Maintain an aggregated view on the risk profile of the
Company for all categories of risk including insurance 6. Providing the details of grievance at periodic intervals
risk, market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, operational in such formats as may be prescribed by the authority;
risk, compliance risk, legal risk, reputation risk, etc. 7. Providing details of insurance ombudsman to the
10. Advise the Board with regard to risk management policyholders;
decisions in relation to strategic and operational 8. Monitoring of payments of dues to the policyholders
matters such as corporate strategy, mergers and and disclosure of unclaimed amount thereof;
acquisitions and related matters.
9. Review of regulatory reports to be submitted to various
11. Report to the Board, details on the risk exposures authorities;
and the actions taken to manage the exposures;
review, monitor and challenge where necessary, risks 10. To review the standard operating procedures for
undertaken by the Company treating the customer fairly including time-frames for
policy and claims servicing parameters and monitoring
12. Review the solvency position of the Company on a implementation thereof;
regular basis.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

11. To review the framework for awards given by 3. Taking on record the appointment and removal of
Insurance Ombudsman/ Consumer Forums. Analyse directors, including independent directors, by the
the root cause of customer complaints, identify President of India, acting through respective ministries;
market conduct issues and advise the management 4. Taking on record the extension, if any, of the term of
appropriately about rectifying systemic issues, if any; the independent directors of our Company, as may be
12. To review all the awards given by Insurance directed by the President of India, acting through the
Ombudsman/ Consumer Forums remaining respective ministries;
unimplemented for more than three (3) months with 5. Taking on record the extension, if any, of the term of
reasons therefore and report the same to our Board the independent directors of our Company, as may be
for initiating remedial action, where necessary; directed by the President of India, acting through the
13. To review claim report including status of outstanding respective ministries;
claims with ageing of outstanding claims; and 6. Taking on record the various policies, if any,
14. To review repudiated claims with analysis of reasons promulgated by the Central Government including
15. Recommend a policy on customer education policy on diversity of board of the directors and criteria
for approval of the Board, and ensure proper for evaluation of performance of the directors;
implementation of such policy; 7. Framing suitable policies and systems to ensure that
16. Put in place systems to ensure that policyholders have there is no violation, by an employee of any applicable
access to redressal mechanisms and shall establish laws in India or overseas, including:
policies and procedures for the creation of a dedicated (a) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
unit to deal with customer complaints and resolve (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
disputes expeditiously; 1992 or the Securities and Exchange Board
17. Status of settlement of other customer benefit payouts of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
like surrenders, loan, partial withdrawal requests etc.; Regulations, 2015 to the extent each is
and applicable; or

18. Review of unclaimed amounts of policyholders, as (b) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
required under the circulars and guidelines issued by (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade
the Authority. Practices relating to the Securities Market)
Regulations, 2003.
Attendance of Members of the Policyholders Protection
Committee : (c) Performing such other activities as may be
delegated by the Board of Directors and/
Director No. of or are statutorily prescribed under any law
Meetings attended/ to be attended to by the Nomination and
held Remuneration Committee.
Mr. G. Srinivasan 4/4 Attendance of Members of the Nomination &
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 2/4 Remuneration Committee :
Mr. Anil Kumar 2/4
Director No. of
Mr. Kuldip Singh 3/4 Meetings attended
Mr. N. Damodharan 1/4
Mr. S.K. Chanana 2/2
Mr. S.K.Banerjee 3/4
Mr. Lok Ranjan 2/2
Terms of Reference : Mr. P. Ramana Murthy 2/2
1. Recommend to the Board a policy relating to the
remuneration of the key managerial personnel and  CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEE :
other employees; Terms of Reference :
2. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee, while 1. To formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR
formulating the above policy, should ensure that — policy which will indicate the activities to be undertaken
(a) relationship of remuneration to performance by the Company in accordance with Schedule VII of
is clear and meets appropriate performance the Companies Act, 2013;
benchmarks; and 2. To review and recommend the amount of expenditure
(b) remuneration to key managerial personnel and to be incurred on the aforementioned activities to be
senior management involves a balance between undertaken by the Company;
fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and long 3. To monitor the CSR policy of the Company from time
term performance objectives appropriate to the to time.
working of the Company and its goals.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Attendance of Members of the Corporate Social 3 No. of Investors complaints disposed 1

Responsibility Committee : during 13.11.2017 to 31.3.2018
Director No. of 4 No. of Investors complaints those remained 0
Meetings attended unsolved as on 31.3.2018
Mr. Arun Tiwari 1/3
Terms of Reference :
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 3/3
Evaluation of various IT proposals and after perusal
Ms T.L. Alamelu 1/3 recommending the same to the board for approval.
Mr. P. Ramana Murthy 1/3 Attendance of Members of the Information Technology
Ms Papia Sengupta 0/3 Committee :
Mr. Kuldip Singh 2/3 Director No. of
Meetings attended
Mr. G. Srinivasan 2/2
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 2/2
Terms of Reference :
Mr. Neelam Damodharan 2/2
1. Considering and resolving grievances of shareholders’, Ms Papia Sengupta 2/2
debenture holders and other security holders, of the
Company; Mr. S.K. Chanana 2/2

2. Redressal of grievances of the security holders of the  PROPERTY REVIEW COMMITTEE :

Company, including complaints in respect of allotment
or transfer of equity shares, non-receipt of annual Terms of Reference :
report, non-receipt of declared dividends, balance To review the various matters with regard to the properties
sheets, of the Company, etc.; held by the Company.
3. Allotment or transfer of equity shares, approval of In 2017-18, no meeting of the Property Review Committee
transfer or transmission of equity shares, debentures was held.
or any other securities, of the Company; SITTING FEES PAID TO INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS
4. Issue of duplicate certificates and new certificates on DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31 2018:
split/consolidation/renewal, etc.; and
Name of the Director Sitting Fees (`)
5. Carrying out any other function contained in the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Mr. S.K. Chanana 2,16,000
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Mr. Kuldip Singh 2,16,000
Regulations, 2015 as and when amended from time to Mr. S.K. Banerjee 1,89,000
Attendance of Members of the Stakeholders Relationship
Committee : As per Section 2(51) and Secton 203(1) of The Companies
Act 2013 the following were the Key Managerial Personnel
Director No. of of the Company as on 31.3.2018 :
Meetings attended Chairman cum
Mr. P. Ramana Murthy 1/2 Managing Director : Mr. G. Srinivasan
Mr. G. Srinivasan 2/2 Director & General Manager : Mr.Hemant G. Rokade
Mr. Neelam Damodharan 2/2
Director, General Manager
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade 2/2 & FA : Mr C. Narambunathan
Ms T.L. Alamelu 1/3
General Manager : Mr. S. Pradhan
Number of Complaints :
General Manager : Ms Tajinder Mukherjee
During the year, the Company/its Registrar received
the following complaints from SEBI/Stock Exchanges/ General Manager & CFO : Ms S.N. Rajeswari
Depositories which were resolved within the time frame laid General Manager : Mr. Ranjit Gangadharan
down by SEBI :
General Manager : Mr. R.M. Singh
Sr. PARTICULARS No. General Manager : Mr. J.K. Garg
General Manager &
1 No. of Investors complaints pending as on 0 Chief Risk Officer : Mr. S. Shankar
Appointed Actuary : Mr. Sharad S.
2 No. of Investors complaints received during 1 Ramnarayanan
13.11.2017 to 31.3.2018
Chief Investment Officer : Mr. Mahesh Joshi

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Chief of Internal Audit : Mr. R.P. Joshi No. of Complaints received : Nil
Company Secretary & No. of complaints disposed off : Nil
Chief Compliance Officer : Ms Jayashree Nair  AUDITORS AND AUDIT REPORT
Chief Financial Officer : Ms S.N. Rajeswari Under 139 and Section 143of The Companies Act, 2013,
 Disclosures : the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, appointed M/s.
1. During the year, there are no pecuniary relationships Devendra Kumar and Associates, M/s. Bafna and Associates
or transactions with the Non-Executive Directors. and M/s. NBS & Co. as the Central Statutory Auditors of
the Company for the year 2017-18. Branch auditors for the
2. Financial Statements accurately and fairly represent various Regional Offices, Divisional Offices and claims hubs
the financial condition of the Company. in India and for the foreign branch/agency offices were also
3. There has not been any significant change in the appointed for the year. The Board of Directors expresses
accounting policies of the Company during the year. its gratitude for the directions and guidance given by the
statutory auditors in drawing up the Company's annual
4. The Company has Business Risk Management results.
process which is periodically reviewed by the Board
of Directors/Risk Management Committee to  EXTRACT OF ANNUAL RETURN :
determine its effectiveness.
Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act 2013
5. The Board of Directors and the Audit Committee and Rule 12(1) of the Companies (Management and
periodically reviewed the status of compliances in Administration) Rules 2014, the extract of the Annual Return
respect of applicable Laws and report thereon by the is annexed as Annexure
Internal Audit team.
6. Whistle Blower Policy – The Company has a Whistle
Blower Policy and the same has been hosted on the
Section 3 A has been amended by the Insurance Laws
7. The Global solvency Margin of the company for the (Amendment) Act 2015 to remove the process of annual
year 2017-18 is 2.58 times. renewal of the certificate of Registration issued to insurers
 DISCLOSURE UNDER THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT under Section 3 of the Insurance Act 1938. The insurers
OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE (PREVENTION, however, shall continue to pay such annual fee as may
PROHIBITIONAND REDRESSAL ACT 2013) be prescribed by the Regulations. Thus w.e.f. 26.12.2014
insurers shall not be issued the Renewal Certificate of
The Company has formulated an Anti Sexual Harassment Registration (IRDA/R6) on an annual basis.
Policy in line with the requirements of The Sexual Harassment
of Women at the workplace (Prevention, Prohibition Accordingly, the Certificate of Registration of the Insurers
&Redressal) Act 2013 Internal complaints committee (ICC) renewed in 2016 and which expired on 31st March 2018 shall
has been set up to redress complaints received regarding continue to be in force from 1st April 2018, subject to the
sexual harassment. All employees (permanent, contractual, provisions of Section 3A read with Section 3 of the Insurance
temporary, trainees) are covered under this policy. Act 1938.The Certificate of License has been renewed by
IRDA w.e.f. 01.04.2018.
The following is the summary of Sexual harassment
complaints received and disposed off during the year 2017- The Company has paid the renewal fees as prescribed by
18 : the above Regulations.

The Company has 3 Subsidiary Companies. The names and details of New India shareholding are as under:

S.No. Name of the subsidiary Total paid-up capital New India’s % holding of New
(no. of shares) shareholding (no. of India Assurance
The New India Assurance Company
1. 17,418,946 14,612,444 83.89
(Trinidad & Tobago) Limited
The New India Assurance Company
2. 250,000 250,000 100.00
(Sierra Leone) Limited
3. Prestige Assurance Plc. Nigeria 5,370,434,000 3,732,491,383 69.50

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The performance of subsidiaries for the year ended 31st December 2017 is summarized below:
(Figures in ‘000)
Name of the Curr U/w Profit/Loss Investment Income Other Income Profit before tax Dividend
subsidiary ency
2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
NIA (T&T) Ltd. $ (21,144) 13,068 6672 5,245 - 1,076 (14472) 19,389 3484
NIA (S.Leone) Ltd. Le (18607) (41,758) 12680 21,553 - - (5927) (20,205) - NIL
Prestige Assurance N (3,48,538) (1,81,320) 10,23,979 3,85,955 22548 1,35,759 6,97,989 3,40,394 NIL

• All the subsidiary companies follow the calendar year for finalisation of accounts. Therefore, performance has been given for
the year ended 31st December 2017.
• The New India Assurance Company (Sierra Leone) Limited has closed down business operations with effect from 1st January
2003 due to the civil disturbances prevailing in that country. The Company has not declared any dividend for the year 2017-18.
• In compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2013, the report and audited accounts of the subsidiary companies are
appended hereto.


The details of the Annual General Meetings held in the previous three financial years are given below :
Annual General Meeting Day, Date Time Venue
Ninety Eighth AGM Wednesday, August 2nd 2017 11.30 a.m. New India Assurance Building, 87, M.G.
Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Ninety Seventh AGM Thursday, August 25th 2016 11.30 a.m. New India Assurance Building, 87, M.G.
Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Ninety Sixth AGM Thursday, July 9th 2017 3.00 p.m. New India Assurance Building, 87, M.G.
Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
The details of the Special Resolutions passed in the Annual General Meetings held in the previous three financial years are given
below :

General Body Meeting Day and Date Resolution

Annual General Meeting Wednesday, August 2 2017
1. Approval for adoption of new set of
Articles of Association
2. Approval of sub-division of shares.
3. Increase in Authorised Share Capital
of the Company and subsequent
alteration in the Capital Clause of
Memorandum of Association
4. Approval of issuance of Bonus
5. To consider and approve the Initial
Public Offer
Annual General Meeting Thursday, August 25th 2017 -
Annual General Meeting Thursday, July 9th 2017 -


The Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, (Insurance Division) has confirmed that the Annual Report of the Company
for the Financial Year 2016-17 along with the Directors’ Report was placed before Lok Sabha on 22.12.2017 and Rajya Sabha on
22.12.2017 as per the requirement of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Company’s website ( allows access to all the stakeholders of the Company to access information at their
convenience. It provides comprehensive information of the Company.
The financial and other information and the various compliances as required/prescribed under the Listing Regulations are filed
electronically with BSE and NSE. The financial results, official news releases, analyst call transcripts and presentations are also
available on the Company’s website.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


Registration Number 190

Corporate Identification L66000MH1919GOI 000526
Financial Year 2017-18
Board Meeting for adoption May 11, 2018
of Audited Annual Accounts
Day, Date and Time of 99th
Annual General Meeting
Financial Year April 1 – March 31
Book Closure
Date of Dividend Payment
Company’s Website
High Low High Low
Currently, the Equity shares of the company are listed at : 2017

Stock Exchange Code November 725.06 632.9 750.00 632.26

BSE Limited (BSE) 540769 December 619.6 545.8 636.90 545.06

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 2018
Dalal Street,
Mumbai 400001 January 639.86 605.40 631.16 602.00
National Stock Exchange of India NIACL February 733.66 650.60 751.56 645.00
Limited (NSE)
March 711.30 655.36 719.00 635.00
Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor,
Plot C/1, G block , Bandra Kurla
Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 The Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company is Link
The Company has paid the annual listing fees for the relevant In Time India Pvt. Ltd. for Equity Shares. Investor services
period to BSE and NSE. related queries/requests/complaints may be directed at the
address as under :

 MARKET PRICE INFORMATION : Link In Time India Pvt. Ltd.

247 Park , C 101 1st Floor ,
LBS Marg , Vikhroli ( W ) ,
Mumbai – 400 083
Phone No. : 022 49186000
Email id :

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


Sl. No. Category Number of Shares on March 31 % total

1 Central Government(Promoter) 70,39,99,856 85.4369
2 Clearing Members 46,193 0.0056
3 Financial Institutions 3,86,123 0.0469
4 Foreign Portfolio Investors (Corporate) 10,71,495 0.13
5 GIC & its subsidiaries 1,65,14,834 2.0042
6 Hindu Undivided Family 1,28,672 0.0156
7 Insurance Companies 22,34,465 0.2712
8 Life Insurance Corporation of India 7,14,16,594 8.6671
9 Mutual Funds 22,20,988 0.2695
10 Nationalised Banks 1,73,94,986 2.1110
11 Non Nationalised Banks 5,16,568 0.0627
12 Non Resident (Non Repatriable) 74,468 0.0090
13 Non Resident Indians 2,30,641 0.0280
14 Other Bodies Corporate 26,60,299 0.3229
15 Public 50,93,718 0.6182
16 Trust 10,100 0.0012

Sr Name No. of Shares Held Percentage (%) of total

No. number of shares
3 STATE BANK OF INDIA 10353042 1.2564


Sr No. Shareholding of Number of % OF TOTAL SHARE AMOUNT % OF TOTAL

Nominal Value (INR) Shareholders (INR) ISSUED AMOUNT
From To
1 1 2500 99701 99.1793 21005715.00 0.5098
2 2501 5000 504 0.5014 1749545.00 0.0425
3 5001 10000 142 0.1413 1004840.00 0.0244
4 10001 15000 42 0.0418 527675.00 0.0128
5 15001 20000 19 0.0189 340995.00 0.0083
6 20001 25000 16 0.0159 360315.00 0.0087
7 25001 50000 28 0.0279 1044865.00 0.0254
8 50001 Above 74 0.0736 4093966050.00 99.3681


The Company has annexed to this report a certificate obtained from the Statutory Auditors of the Company regarding compliance of
conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015.
There has been no material changes and commitments, affecting the financial position of the Company, which have occurred
between the end of the financial year of the Company to which the balance sheet relates and the date of this report.
The Company is in the process of formulating this policy and placing to the Board. The same would then be uploaded on the website
of the Company.
Pursuant to the requirements under Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board of Directors of the Company hereby state

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

and confirm that :  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

(a) In the preparation of the annual accounts, the The Board of directors thanks Government of India, Ministry
applicable accounting standards had been followed of Finance, Department of Financial Services (Insurance
along with proper explanation relating to material Division), Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority
departures; (IRDA), General Insurers’ (Public Sector) Association of
(b) Appropriate accounting policies and applied them India (GIPSA), General Insurance Council, intermediaries
consistently and made judgments and estimates that and other government and regulatory agencies for their
are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and valuable guidelines and continuous support provided to the
fair view of the state of affairs of the company at the company throughout the year.
end of the financial year and of the profit and loss of The Board of directors are also grateful to the valued
the company for that period; customers, bankers, agents, surveyors, stakeholders and
(c) Proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of public at large for the patronage and confidence reposed in
adequate accounting records in accordance with the the company.
provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of The Board of directors places on record their appreciation
the company and for preventing and detecting fraud for the commitment, sense of involvement and dedication
and other irregularities; exhibited by each staff member in the overall development
(d) The annual accounts on a going concern basis; and and growth of the company and look forward to the continued
support and whole-hearted cooperation for the realization of
(e) Proper systems to ensure compliance with the the corporate goals in the yearahead.
provisions of all applicable laws and that such system
were adequate and operating effectively. For and on behalf of the Board

(f) No Material Changes and commitments affecting

the financial position of the Company has occurred
between 31st March 2017 and the date of the Report.
 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY, Chairman cum Managing Director
ABSORPTION : DIN No. 01876234
Considering the nature of the operations of the Company,
the provisions of Section 134(3)(m) of The Companies Act Place :Mumbai
2013 read with Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 relating
to information to be furnished on conservation of energy and Dated : May 11, 2018
technology absorption are not applicable.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


I confirm that all the Directors and members of the senior management have affirmed compliance with Code of Conduct for the year ended
March 31 2018.

G. Srinivasan
Chairman cum Managing Director
Place : Mumbai
Date : May 11, 2018


I, Jayashree Nair hereby certify that the company has complied with the Corporate Governance guidelines for Insurance Companies as
amended from time to time and nothing has been concealed or suppressed.

Jayashree Nair
Company Secretary
ACS 28252

Place : Mumbai
Dated : May 11, 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


To the Members the purposes of providing reasonable assurance on the
The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. compliance with Corporate Governance requirements by the
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ CERTIFICATE ON CORPORATE 6. We have carried-out an examination of the relevant records
GOVERNANCE of the Company in accordance with the Guidance Note
1. This certificate is issued in accordance with the terms of our on Certification of Corporate Governance issued by the
engagement with The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. (‘the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India (the ICAI), the
Company’). Standards on Auditing specified under Section 143(10) of the
Companies Act 2013, in so far as applicable for the purpose
2. We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate of this certificate and as per the Guidance Note on Reports
Governance by the Company for the year ended on 31 or Certificates for Special Purposes issued by the ICAI which
March 2018, as per Regulations 17 to 27 clauses (b) to (i) requires that we comply with the ethical requirements of the
of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C,D and E of Schedule Code of Ethics issued by the ICAI.
V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 7. We have complied with the relevant applicable requirements
(the ‘Listing Regulations’). of the Standard on Quality Control (SQC) 1, Quality Control
for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical
MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related
3. The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is Services Engagements.
the responsibility of the Management. This responsibility OPINION
includes the design, implementation and maintenance of
internal control and procedures to ensure the compliance 8. Based on our examination of the relevant records and
with the conditions of the Corporate Governance stipulated according to the information and explanations provided to us
in Listing Regulations. and the representations provided by the Management, we
certify that the Company has complied with the conditions
AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Regulation 17 to
4. Our responsibility is limited to examining the procedures 27, clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C,D
and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for and E of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board
ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of Regulations, 2015 (the ‘Listing Regulations’).
opinion on the financial statements of the Company. 9. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as
5. We have examined the books of account and other relevant to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or
records and documents maintained by the Company for effectiveness with which the Management has conducted
the affairs of the Company.

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

Neeraj Golas Ashish Trivedi Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 074392 Membership No. 109376 Membership No. 046490

Place : Mumbai
Date : May 11, 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


This is to certify that the financial statements of the company for the year ended 31st March 2018 placed before the board of directors for
adoption and approval do not contain any false or misleading statements or figures and do not omit any material fact which may make the
statements or figures contained therein misleading.

S. N. Rajeswari G. Srinivasan
Chief Financial Officer Chairman cum Managing Director

Place : Mumbai
Dated : May 11, 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Form No. MR-3
[Pursuant to section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 9 of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]

To, 2. The Securities and Exchange Board of India

The Members, (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015;
The New India Assurance Company Limited, 3. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue
CIN L66000MH1919GOI000526 of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
New India Assurance Bldg, 2009;
87 - M G Road, 4. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share
Fort, Mumbai - 400001 Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 - Not
We have conducted the Secretarial Audit of the compliance Applicable as the Company has not issued any
of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good shares I options to directors I employees under
corporate practices by The New India Assurance Company Limited the said Regulations during the period under
(hereinafter called 'the Company') for the year ended 31st March, review;
2018. Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that provided us 5. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue
a reasonable basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008 -
compliances and expressing our opinion thereon. Not Applicable as the Company has not issued
Based on our verification of the Company's books, papers, minute and listed debt securities during the financial year
books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the under review;
Company and also the information provided by the Company, its 6. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
officers, agents and authorized representatives during the conduct (Registrars to an issue and Share Transfer Agents)
of Secretarial Audit, we hereby report that in our opinion, the Regulations, 1993 regarding the Companies Act and
Company has, during the audit period covering the financial year dealing with client - Not Applicable as the Company
ended on 31st March, 2018 complied with the statutory provisions is not registered as Registrar to Issue and Share
listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper Board- Transfer Agent during the financial year under
processes and compliance-mechanism in place to the extent, in review;
the manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter:
(i) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms and (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations,
returns filed and other records maintained by the Company for 2009 - Not applicable as the Company has
the financial year ended on 31st March, 2018 according to the not delisted I proposed to delist its equity
provisions of: shares from any Stock Exchange during the
1. The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act), and the rules made financial year under review;
thereunder; (ii) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
2. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 ('SCRA') (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998 - Not
and the rules made thereunder applicable to the Company applicable as the Company has not delisted
with effect from 13th November, 2017; I proposed to delist its equity shares from
3. The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and Bye- any Stock Exchange during the financial
laws framed thereunder applicable to the Company with year under review and
effect from 13th November, 2017;  The management has identified
4. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules and confirmed the following laws as
and regulations made thereunder to the extent of Foreign specifically applicable to the Company:
Direct Investment, Overseas Direct Investment and External  The Insurance Act, 1938;
Commercial Borrowings - The Company has not availed  The Insurance Regulatory and
External Commercial Borrowings during the period Development Authority Act, 1999;
under review;
 All
the relevant Circulars,
5. The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under Notifications, Regulations and
the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 ('SEBI guidelines issued by Insurance
Act') - applicable to the Company with effect from 13th Regulatory and Development
November, 2017; Authority of India.
1. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
 Prevention of Money-Laundering Act
(Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) (PMLA), 2002 and The Prevention of
Regulations, 2011; Money- Laundering (Maintenance of
Records, etc.,) Rules, 2005

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

We have also examined compliance with the applicable clauses I We further report that based on review of compliance
regulations of the following: mechanism established by the Company and on the basis of
 Secretarial Standards with regard to Meeting of the Board of Compliance Certificate(s) issued by the Company Secretary
Directors (SS-1) and General Meetings (SS-2) issued by The and taken on record by the Board of Directors at their
Institute of Company Secretaries of India; meeting(s), we are of the opinion that there are adequate
systems and processes in place in the Company which is
 The Listing Agreements entered into by the Company with commensurate with its size and operations, to monitor and
BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations
and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) and guidelines.
Regulations, 2015- Applicable with effect from 13th
November, 2017. We further report that during the audit period, following events were
having a bearing on the Company's affairs in pursuance of the
During the period under review, the Company has complied with the above referred laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, standards, etc.:
provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Standards,
etc. mentioned above subject to the following observations: • Sub-division of 30 Crore Equity Shares of the Company
having face value of RS.10 each aggregating to Rs. 300
a) The constitution of Investment Committee was not in crore into 60 Crore Equity Shares of RS.5 each.
conformity with Clause 7.2 of Guidelines for Corporate
Governance for Insurers in India dated 18th May, 2016 • Consequential amendments in MOA and AOA of the
till 29th August, 2017. Company.

b) The Policyholders Protection Committee was not • Issue and allotment of 40 Crore fully paid-up bonus equity
headed by a Non-Executive Director till 21st July, 2017 shares of Rs. 5/- each by capitalizing the reserves of the
as required under Clause 7.4 of Guidelines for Corporate Company to the members in the ratio of one equity share for
Governance for Insurers in India dated 18th May, 2016. one equity share held by them as on the Record Date.

Subsequently the constitution of both the above • The Company made Initial public offer of 12,00,00,000
Committees were in conformity with the Guidelines for equity shares consisting of fresh issue of 2,40,00,000 equity
Corporate Governance. shares and an Offer For Sale of 9,60,00,000 Equity Shares
by the President of India, acting through Ministry of Finance,
We further report that Government of India. The said Equity Shares were listed on
• the Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted National Stock Exchange of India Limited and SSE Limited
with Executive, Non-Executive and a Woman Director. The with effect from 13th November, 2017.
changes in the composition of the Board of Directors that
took place during the period under review were carried out in
compliance with the provisions of the Act. FOR S. N. ANANTHASUBRAMANIAN & CO.
Company Secretaries
• adequate notice was given to all Directors about the Firm Registration No. P1991MH040400
schedule of the Board / Committee Meetings, agenda and
detailed notes on agenda were sent at least seven days in
advance before the meeting. The Company has obtained S. N. Ananthasubramanian
consents from the Directors for convening meetings of Partner
Board / Committee for which notice and / or agenda were not M.No.: 4206
sent seven days in advance. Any additional information(s) / C.P. No.: 1774
clarification(s) sought by the Directors on the agenda items
before the meetings were provided to them.
Date: 26th April, 2018
• all decisions of the Board and Committee thereof were
Place: Thane
carried with requisite majority.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The New India Assurance Co. Ltd – Annual CSR Report 2017-18
1. Brief Outline of CSR Policy :
Adoption of villages, eradication of extreme hunger, malnutrition and poverty, promotion of education, promoting gender equality and
empowering women, reducing child mortality and improving maternal health, combating human immunodeficiency virus, acquired
immune deficiency syndrome, malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, social business project, contribution
to Prime Ministers National Relief Fund or other fund set up by the Central or the State Governments for socio-economic development
and relief and funds for the welfare of the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women,
Promotion of Road Safety.
2. Composition of CSR Committee
The CSR Committee of the Board was constituted vide 1534 Board Meeting dated 23rd September 2014. The first CSR Committee
Meeting was held on 29th October 2014. During the year under review, the committee met thrice.

Mr. G. Srinivasan Chairman cum Managing Director

Mr. Arun Tiwari Director
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade Director & General Manager
Ms. T.L.Alamelu Director
Mr. P. R. Murthy Director
Ms. P. Sengupta Director
Mr. Kuldip Singh Director
3. Average Net Profits of the company for the last three financial years
The average net profit of the Company for the last three financial years calculated as specified by the Companies Act 2013 was `
1,140.64 crore
4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure
The prescribed CSR expenditure requirement for FY 2018 was ` 22.81 crore.
5. Details of CSR Spent during the financial year 2017-18
o Total amount spent during the FY :` 13.40 crore
o Amount Unspent :` 9.41 crore
o Manner in which the amount spent during the FY 2017-18 is detailed below :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NO CSR Project Sector in which the Projects/ Amount Amount Cumulative Amount Spent Direct
project is covered Programs (1) Outlay(Budget) spent on the expenditure or Implementing
Local Area or Project or Project or up to the Agency
other (2) State/ Program wise Programs reporting
District (1) Direct period
projects or
Overheads in
1 Ramakrishna Installation of 18 T. Nagar, 1133989 1133989 1133989 IMPLEMENTING
Mission Ashram KW ON- GRID Chennai AGENCY
Roof Top Mounted
Solar PV System

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

2 Social Uplift- Free early Kalyan, Mumbai 400000 100000 100000 IMPLEMENTING
ment and De- detection of cancer AGENCY
velopment for for women.
Health Action

3 Wheel Chair Sponsorship Tambaram, 50000 50000 50000 IMPLEMENTING

Fencing of 10 Wheel Chennai AGENCY
Federation of Chairs/Tricycles
India to physically
challenged people
4 Vivekananda Sponsoring VKV Amliang, 3903760 1951880 1951880 IMPLEMENTING
Rock Memorial Construction of Langjon, AGENCY
& Vivekananda Class Rooms, Arunachal
Kendra Furniture & Pradesh
5 Sri Krishna One time financial T. Nagar, 250000 250000 250000 IMPLEMENTING
Gana Sabha assistance for Chennai AGENCY
Trust 62nd Art Festival
2017- Yagnaraman
Centre for
Performing Arts
(YCPA) and Sri
Krishna Gana
Sabha Trust
6 Inumella Village Adoption of Guntur District, 4000000 925358 925358 IMPLEMENTING
Adoption 6 mandals in Andhra Pradesh AGENCY
Inumella village by
Rajyasabha MP
7 Sanjeevani Life One time financial Mumbai & 1206500 733106 733106 IMPLEMENTING
Beyond Cancer assistance Ahmadabad AGENCY
for providing
certification course
on professional
oncology at
Mumbai and
8 Young Scholars One time financial Delhi 385000 385000 385000 IMPLEMENTING
Educational assistance to AGENCY
Trust Young Scholars
Educational Trust,
Delhi for visually
impaired and
weaker sections of
society students
9 The AkshayaP- Sponsorship of Vrindavan& 4750000 760000 760000 IMPLEMENTING
atra Foundation Mid-day meals to Lucknow , Uttar AGENCY
30,000 children Pradesh
10 Science and Distribution of Pune, 3350410 2680328 2680328 IMPLEMENTING
Technology Scitech Surya Maharashtra AGENCY
park (STEP) Solar LED Home
Lights Phase II

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

11 Chennai One time financial Kodambakkam, 200000 200000 200000 IMPLEMENTING

Cultural assistance for Chennai AGENCY
Academy Trust Golden Jubilee Art
Festival to Chennai
Cultural Academy
12 Sri Veer- 4 Wheeler/ Hubballi, 444852 410907 410907 IMPLEMENTING
abhadra Chari- Ambulance for the Karnataka AGENCY
table Trust aged people

13 Banyan Tree To sponsor multi- Mumbai 500000 500000 500000 IMPLEMENTING

Events India genre festival Kala AGENCY
Pvt Ltd Viraasat in Mumbai
14 Apparel Made- Employment Solan, Himachal 2611080 783324 783324 IMPLEMENTING
ups & Home opportunities for Pradesh AGENCY
Furnishing youth in Apparel
Sector Skill sector through
Council vocational training

15 Indian One time financial New Delhi 1000000 0 0 IMPLEMENTING

Women's Pilots assistance for AGENCY
Association & International
International Conference of
Women Women in Aviation
Professional in & Aerospace (part
Aviation and of Golden Jubilee
Aerospace Celebrations of

16 Bhakti Vedanta50 Cancer Mumbai 2500000 1000000 1000000 IMPLEMENTING

Surgeries @ AGENCY
17 AIM FOR SEVA Sponsorship for Keonjhar and 1740000 540000 540000 IMPLEMENTING
Maintenance of Kalahandi AGENCY
student hostel districts, Odisha
having 58
students; 30,000
per annum per
18 Incredible One time financial New Delhi 300000 300000 300000 IMPLEMENTING
Creations Pvt assistance for AGENCY
Ltd flagship program
for creative girls
aged 12-16 years
"Rising from
Colours" at New

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

19 Disable Welfare To sponsor 10 Surat District,, 42000 40000 40000 IMPLEMENTING

Trust of India wheelchairs Gujarat AGENCY
for physically
persons to Disable
Welfare Trust of
20 District (i) To provide Narmada 4570000 0 0 IMPLEMENTING
Panchayat cement concrete District, Gujarat AGENCY
Narmada, fixed out door
Gujarat game equipments
in Anganwadi
Centers in
District (Gujarat)
(ii) To provide
cement concrete
fixed out door
game equipments
in Primary Schools
in Narmada District
21 BhakthaRasi- Co-Sponsorship of Mumbai 100000 100000 100000 IMPLEMENTING
kaRanjani 47th Annual Day AGENCY
Sabha Celebrations 2018
for musical events
22 The Fine Arts One time financial Mumbai 1000000 1000000 1000000 IMPLEMENTING
Society assistance for AGENCY
hostav 2018
23 G.V.M.C (i) One time Visakhapatnam 200000 0 0 IMPLEMENTING
Sweekaaram financial District, Andhra AGENCY
Education So- assistance Pradesh
ciety & Society to G.V.M.C
for prevention Sweekaaram
of cruelty to Education Society
Animals for various
(ii) One time
to Society for
prevention of
cruelty to Animals
24 SBI Green Mar- To sponsor Mumbai, Delhi, 2000000 1500000 1500000 IMPLEMENTING
athon in col- saplings for 20,000 Bengaluru, AGENCY
laboration with plants in 6 cities Chennai,
Radio Mirchi during SBI Green Ahmadabad
Marathon 2018 and Chandigarh
25 Matoshree Sponsorship Mumbai 100000 100000 100000 IMPLEMENTING
Pratishthan of Drawing AGENCY
Charitable Trust Competition for
school students in

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

26 Swachh Bharat Contribution Delhi 75000000 75000000 75000000 IMPLEMENTING

Kosh to Swachh AGENCY
Bharat Kosh for
Construction of
Toilets as a CSR
SWACHTA PREPARATION Mumbai 56876 56876 56876 DIRECT
27 Medical Health Sponsorship Jaipur, Rajastan 1000000 0 0 IMPLEMENTING
and Family of Rajasthan AGENCY
welfare , Government's
Rajasthan Programme
"Daughters are
28 Indian Red One time financial Mumbai 4346850 0 0 IMPLEMENTING
Cross Society assistance to Red AGENCY
Cross for treatment
of Thalassemia
patients and other
CSR activities
29 All India Cricket One time financial Mumbai 500000 500000 500000 IMPLEMENTING
Association for assistance for AGENCY
the Physically sponsoring Cricket
Challenged Match for All India
Cricket Association
for the Physically
All India Cricket To sponsor Inter Mumbai 600000 600000 600000 IMPLEMENTING
Association for Zone Tournament AGENCY
the Physically for physically
Challenged challenged players
in Mumbai
30 Shri Kedarnath Contribution to Shri Kedarnath, 40000000 40000000 40000000 IMPLEMENTING
Utthan Charita- KedarnathUtthan Uttarakhand AGENCY
ble Trust Charitable Trust for
redevelopment of
Kedarnath town as
a CSR Activity
31 Cancer Patients Screening and Mumbai 800000 0 0 IMPLEMENTING
Aid Association Adoption of cancer AGENCY

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

32 K.K.Birla One time financial Chambal 1000000 800000 800000 IMPLEMENTING

Memorial assistance for District, AGENCY
Society Installation of high Rajasthan
capacity Water
Coolers fitted with
an RO system
in Govt. Upper
Primary Schools,
33 DEEDS To provide capital Dehradun, 3700000 0 0 IMPLEMENTING
(Development item cost to the Uttarakhand AGENCY
Education Bajaj Institute
Empowerment of Learning BIL
of the Dehradun
in Society)
34 Gram Construction of Wardha District, 591000 118500 591000 IMPLEMENTING
Panchayat Women Toilets as Maharashtra AGENCY
Takali (Chana); a CSR activity
District Wardha,
35 Rotary Club of Women Bhubaneshwar, 3677971 1567789 3562475 IMPLEMENTING
Bhubaneswar, Empowerment & Odisha AGENCY
Meadows. Livelihood project,
Wheel Chairs to
PWD's, Distribution
of 1,000 Table
Benches in
168010288 134087057 136554243

6. In case the Company has failed to spend 2% of the average net profit of the last three financial years thereof the company
shall provide the reasons for not spending in its Board’s Report:
The Company has actually spent ` 13.40 crore out of the total budget of ` 22.81 crore allocated project wise as given above. Many
Projects which the company is spending under the CSR Budget has commenced this year i.e. 2017-18 but will get completed only in
2018-19. The difference is due to many projects being in various process of completion.
In years to come the Company proposes to ensure that further efforts are made to meet the targeted CSR spends.
The implementation and Monitoring of CSR Policy is in compliance with the CSR objectives and Policy of the Company. The Company
has undertaken and implemented the projects with careful consideration and these projects are aligned with the vision in our CSR
Policy. In line with the requirements of the Companies Act 2013, monitoring mechanisms (involving local Regional Offices as far as
possible) have also been instituted to ensure the projects go on smoothly as planned.


DIN NO. 01876234 DIN NO. 02905840

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Extract of Annual Return as on financial year ended March 31 2018.
Pursuant to Section 92 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Company
(Management & Administration) Rules, 2014.


1 CIN L 66000 MH 1919 GOI 000526

2 Registration Date 23.07.1919
3 Name of the Company The New India Assurance Company Limited
4 Category/Sub-category of the Public Company
5 Address of the Registered office & New India Assurance Building, 87, M.G. Road, Fort,
contact details Mumbai 400001. Phone : 22708100 / 22708400
6 Whether listed company Yes
7 Name, Address & contact details of the Registrar & Transfer M/s Link Intime India Private Limited ,
Agent, if any. C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S.Marg,
Vikhroli (W), Mumbai – 400 083
II. PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY (All the business activities contributing 10 % or more of the total turnover
of the company shall be stated)

S. No. Name and Description of NIC Code of the % to total turnover of the
main products / services Product/service company
1 Non-Life Insurance 6512 100%

SN Name & Address of the CIN/GLN Holding/ %of shares Applicable Section
Company Subsidiary/ held
1 New India Subsidiary 83.89% Section 2(87) of Companies Act
Assurance(Trinidad & Tobago) 2013
2 Prestige Assurance Plc Subsidiary  69.50% Section 2(87) of Companies Act
3 The New India Assurance Co. Subsidiary 100% Section 2(87) of Companies Act
Ltd. (Sierra Leone) Ltd. 2013
4 Health Insurance TPA of India Associate 23.75% Section 2(6) of Companies Act
Limited 2013
5 India International Insurance Associate 20% Section 2(6) of Companies Act
Pte Ltd., Singapore 2013
IV. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity)
The New India Assurance Company Limited

Sr Category of Shareholders Shareholding at the beginning of the year - 2017 Shareholding at the end of the year - 2018 %
No Change
the year
    Demat Physical Total % of Demat Physical Total % of  
Total Total
Shares Shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter 0  2000000000  2000000000 100           
[1] Indian                  
(a) Individuals / Hindu Undivided Family 0 0 0 '0.0000 703999856 0 703999856 '85.4369 '85.4369

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

(b) Central Government / State 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000


(c) Financial Institutions / Banks 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000

(d) Any Other (Specify)                  
  Sub Total (A)(1) 0 0 0   703999856 0 703999856 '85.4369  
[2] Foreign                  
(a) Individuals (Non-Resident Individuals / 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
Foreign Individuals)

(b) Government 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000

(c) Institutions 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(d) Foreign Portfolio Investor 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(e) Any Other (Specify)                  
  Sub Total (A)(2) 0 0 0   0 0 0 '0.0000  
  Total Shareholding of Promoter and 0 0 0   703999856 0 703999856 '85.4369  
Promoter Group(A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2)

(B) Public Shareholding                  

[1] Institutions                  
(a) Mutual Funds / UTI 0 0 0 '0.0000 2220988 0 2220988 '0.2695 '0.2695
(b) Venture Capital Funds 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(c) Alternate Investment Funds 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(d) Foreign Venture Capital Investors 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(e) Foreign Portfolio Investor 0 0 0 '0.0000 1071495 0 1071495 '0.1300 '0.1300
(f) Financial Institutions / Banks 0 0 0 '0.0000 18297677 0 18297677 '2.2206 '2.2206
(g) Insurance Companies 0 0 0 '0.0000 90165893 0 90165893 '10.9425 '10.9425
(h) Provident Funds/ Pension Funds 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(i) Any Other (Specify)                  
  Sub Total (B)(1) 0 0 0   111756053 0 111756053 '13.5626  
[2] Central Government/ State                  
Government(s)/ President of India

  Sub Total (B)(2) 0 0 0   0 0 0 '0.0000  

[3] Non-Institutions                  
(a) Individuals                  
(i) Individual shareholders holding nominal 0 0 0 '0.0000 4725179 38 4725217 '0.5734 '0.5734
share capital upto Rs. 1 lakh.

(ii) Individual shareholders holding nominal 0 0 0 '0.0000 368501 0 368501 '0.0447 '0.0447
share capital in excess of Rs. 1 lakh

(b) NBFCs registered with RBI 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000

(c) Employee Trusts 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(d) Overseas Depositories(holding DRs) 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(balancing figure)

(e) Any Other (Specify)                  

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

  Trusts 0 0 0 '0.0000 10100 0 10100 '0.0012 '0.0012

  Hindu Undivided Family 0 0 0 '0.0000 128672 0 128672 '0.0156 '0.0156
  Non Resident Indians (Non Repat) 0 0 0 '0.0000 74468 0 74468 '0.0090 '0.0090
  Non Resident Indians (Repat) 0 0 0 '0.0000 230641 0 230641 '0.0280 '0.0280
  Clearing Member 0 0 0 '0.0000 46193 0 46193 '0.0056 '0.0056
  Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 '0.0000 2660299 0 2660299 '0.3229 '0.3229
  Sub Total (B)(3) 0 0 0   8244053 38 8244091 '1.0005  
  Total Public Shareholding(B)=(B)(1)+(B) 0 0 0   120000106 38 120000144 '14.5631  

  Total (A)+(B) 0 0 0   823999962 38 824000000 '100.0000  

(C) Non Promoter - Non Public                  
[1] Custodian/DR Holder 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
[2] Employee Benefit Trust (under SEBI 0 0 0 '0.0000 0 0 0 '0.0000 '0.0000
(Share based Employee Benefit)
Regulations, 2014)

  Total (A)+(B)+(C) 0 0 0 '0.0000 823999962 38 824000000 '100.0000  

Category-wise Share Holding :

(ii) Shareholding of Promoters

The New India Assurance Company Limited

Sr Shareholder's Shareholding at the beginning of the Shareholding at the end of the year -  % change in
No Name year - 2017 2018 shareholding
    No. of % of total %of Shares No. of % of total %of Shares during the
Shares held Shares Pledged / Shares held Shares Pledged / year
of the encumbered to of the encumbered
company total shares company to total
1 GOVERNMENT 200000000 100 '0.0000 703999856 '85.4369 '0.0000 '85.4369
  Total 200000000 100 '0.0000 703999856 '85.4369 '0.0000  
iii) Change in Promoters’ Shareholding
The New India Assurance Company Limited
Sr   Shareholding at the Transactions during the year Cumulative Shareholding
No. Name & Type of Transaction beginning of the year - at the end of the year -
  2017 2018
1 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IN 200000000 100     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 703999840 703999840 85.4369
  Transfer     12 Jan 2018 16 703999856 85.4369
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         703999856 85.4369
Note: 1. Paid up Share Capital of the Company (Face Value Rs. 5.00) at the end of the year is 824000000 Shares.
2. The details of holding has been clubbed based on PAN.
3. % of total Shares of the Company is based on the paid up Capital of the Company at the end of the Year.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

iv) Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders:

(Other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs):

Sr   Shareholding at the Transactions during the year Cumulative

No. Name & Type of Transaction beginning of the year Shareholding at the end
  - 2017 of the year - 2018
1 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 71416594 71416594 8.6671
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         71416594 8.6671
2 GENERAL INSURANCE 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 10833823 10833823 1.3148
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         10833823 1.3148
3 STATE BANK OF INDIA 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 10353042 10353042 1.2564
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         10353042 1.2564
4 UNITED INDIA INSURANCE 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 2306752 2306752 0.2799
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         2306752 0.2799
5 NATIONAL INSURANCE 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 2195737 2195737 0.2665
  Transfer     05 Jan 2018 23646 2219383 0.2693
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         2219383 0.2693
6 ANDHRA BANK 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 2166752 2166752 0.2630
  Transfer     22 Dec 2017 (1007) 2165745 0.2628
  Transfer     29 Dec 2017 1007 2166752 0.2630
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         2166752 0.2630
7 UNION BANK OF INDIA 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 2166752 2166752 0.2630
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         2166752 0.2630
8 SBI MAGNUM TAXGAIN SCHEME 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     26 Jan 2018 770000 770000 0.0934
  Transfer     02 Feb 2018 421000 1191000 0.1445
  Transfer     09 Mar 2018 (1850) 1189150 0.1443
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         1189150 0.1443
9 THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE 0 0.0000     0 0.0000
  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 1083376 1083376 0.1315
  Transfer     24 Nov 2017 8000 1091376 0.1324
  Transfer     01 Dec 2017 14000 1105376 0.1341
  Transfer     08 Dec 2017 17000 1122376 0.1362
  Transfer     15 Dec 2017 8707 1131083 0.1373
  Transfer     22 Dec 2017 6576 1137659 0.1381
  Transfer     29 Dec 2017 9997 1147656 0.1393
  Transfer     05 Jan 2018 7220 1154876 0.1402
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         1154876 0.1402

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

10 PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK 0 0.0000     0 0.0000

  Transfer     17 Nov 2017 1083376 1083376 0.1315
  AT THE END OF THE YEAR         1083376 0.1315
Note: 1. Paid up Share Capital of the Company (Face Value Rs. 5.00) at the end of the year is 824000000 Shares.
2. The details of holding has been clubbed based on PAN.
3. % of total Shares of the Company is based on the paid up Capital of the Company at the end of the Year.
V)Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel:
Shareholding of Mr. G. Srinivasan (Chairman cum Managing Director)

SN For each of the Directors Shareholding at the beginning of Cumulative Shareholding during
and KMP the year theyear
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs. 10 to 2
Shareholding during the year specifying the shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
reasons for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment /
transfer / bonus/ sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs. 5 for
each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. Hemant G. Rokade (Director and General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 10 to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Ms S.N. Rajeswari (GM, FA & CFO)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs. 10 to
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. Anil Kumar (Director and General Manager)

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 10 to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. C Narambunathan (Director and General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 10 to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. SidhartSaratchandra Pradhan (General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs. 10
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. Hemant G. Rokade (Director and General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs. 10
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Shareholding of Ms. Tajinder Mukherjee (General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 10 to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. Zafir Alam(General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 10 to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. Renjit Gangadharan (General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 10 to 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002
Shareholding of Mr. Rakesh Kumar (General Manager)

SN Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
Managerial Personnel beginning of the year during the year
No. of shares % of total No. of shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
1 At the beginning of the year 4 0.000002 4 0.000002
2 Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Split of the Shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs. 10 to
Shareholding during the year specifying the reasons 2 shares of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)
for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / transfer / bonus/
sweat equity etc.): Bonus issue of shares in the ratio of 1 share of face value of Rs.
5 for each share of face value of Rs. 5. (Date of split 04.08.2017)

3 At the end of the year 16 0.000002 16 0.000002

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The Company has no indebtedness with respect to Secured or Unsecured Loans or Deposits during the Financial Year 2015-16
A. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager:

SN. Particulars of Name of MD/WTD/ Manager

G. Srinivasan C Hemant G. T.L. Zafir Alam Anil Kumar
Narambunathan Rokade Alamelu
1 Gross salary      
(a) Salary as per 2874564.00 2035048 2123201.00 1643523 1348968
contained in
section 344813
of the Income
-tax Act, 1961
(b) Value of  0.00 234666.75 2,38,469.67 398624.12 387882.16
perquisites u/s 0.00
-tax Act, 1961
(c) Profits in lieu of  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00
salary Under
17(3) Income
- tax Act,1961
2 Stock Option  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Sweat Equity  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Commission  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00
- as % of
- others specify… 
5 Others,  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00 0.00
please specify 
  Total (A) 2874564.00 2269714.75 2361670.67 344813.00 2042147.12 1736850.16
  Ceiling as per the As per Section 197 and Section 198 of
Act  Companies Act 2013

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

B. Remuneration to other directors

SN. Particulars of Remuneration Name of Director

Mr. S. K. Chanana Mr. Kuldip Singh Mr. S. K.
1 Independent Director
Fee for attending
board committee meetings 216000 216000 189000
Commission 0.00 0.00 0.00
Others, please specify 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total (1) 216000 216000 189000
2 Other Non-Executive
Fee for attending
board committee meetings
Others, please specify
  Total (2)
  Total (B)=(1+2)
  Total Managerial Remuneration
  Overall Ceiling as per the Act


SN Particulars Key Managerial Personnel

Remuneration CS CFO CMO Appointed Chief Chief Chief Chief Total
  Actuary of Investment Risk Under
Internal Officer Officer writing
Audit Officer
1 Gross salary 1522544 1963461 2050173 4988710 1699339 1766216 1998810 2054780 18044033

(a) Salary as
contained in
section 17(1)
of the
Act, 1961
(b) Value of 25142 451590 229938 765859 408409 180650 26540 230427 2318555
u/s 17(2)
Act, 1961
(c) Profits in
Lieu of salary
under section
Act, 1961
2 Stock Option
3 Sweat Equity

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

4 Commission
  - as % of profit
5 Others, please
  Total 1547686 2415051 2280111 5754569 2107748 1946866 2025350 2285207 20362588


DIN NO. 01876234

Place : Mumbai
Date : 11th May 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


I. Audit Qualification (each audit qualification separately): CONSOLIDATED

Details of Audit Qualification:
In case of subsidiary companies, where the accounts are made and maintained in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards(IFRS) as required under the local laws of the respective country, during the process of consolidation, accounting
adjustments have been made to align the accounts of the company to confirm to the accounting polices followed by the Company
however there are material differences in respect of certain items as stated in Significant accounting policies, proportion of these items
to which different accounting policies have been applied is not ascertained.
(i) Management's estimation on the impact of audit qualification: Not quantified
(ii) If management is unable to estimate the impact, reasons for the same:
Accounts of the subsidiaries are merged with the Company on line by line basis as required by applicable regulations. Various
liabilities and obligations of subsidiaries reflected in their financial statements have been incorporated in our consolidated
financial statements providing a true and fair representation of our consolidated financial statements. The impact of the same
is not expected to be material considering the size of the subsidiaries.
(iii) Auditors' Comments on (i) or (ii) above:
Adequate disclosure has been made in the significant accounting policies forming part of the accounts regarding certain items
during the process of consolidation, since the impact arising out of these differences in accounting policies has not been
ascertained, the same cannot be commented upon.
II. Audit Qualification (each audit qualification separately): CONSOLIDATED
Details of Audit Qualification:
Consolidation of accounts of subsidiaries and one associate have been prepared on calendar basis and have been combined as
such, thereby intra group balances have not been eliminated in full as required under the provisions of AS-21 on consolidated financial
statements issued by ICAI. The precise impact of which is not ascertained.
(i) Management's estimation on the impact of audit qualification: Not quantified
(ii) If management is unable to estimate the impact, reasons for the same:
Our subsidiaries and associates prepare accounts based on local regulatory requirements and as per provisions of AS-21 gap
of six months in the holding Company and subsidiary Company accounting period is allowed. There is no material changes in
the accounts of subsidiaries requiring adjustments during the quarter ended March 2018.
(iii) Auditors' Comments on (i) or (ii) above:
As stated in the qualification contained in the Audit Report of the consolidated financial statements, since the intra group
balances have not been eliminated in full due the reasons stated by the management in the disclosures made in the notes to
accounts, the impact could not be ascertained.
III. Audit Qualification (each audit qualification separately): CONSOLIDATED
Details of Audit Qualification:
Balances due to/from persons or bodies carrying on Insurance Business including reinsurers are subject to confirmations and
reconciliation, the ageing of these balances and records relating to old balances are not available in the records of the Company.
Balances of inter office accounts, control accounts, few Bank accounts including those relating to Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana,
certain loans and other accounts at certain offices are also pending for reconciliation/confirmation and consequential adjustments,
effect of which, if any, is not ascertainable and cannot be commented upon. The impact of the above, on year end restatement of these
balances recorded in foreign currency as required under Accounting Standard 11 issued under Sec 133 of the Companies Act, 2013
could not be ascertained.
(i) Management's estimation on the impact of audit qualification: Not quantified
(ii) If management is unable to estimate the impact, reasons for the same:
During the year 2017-18 we have made further progress in the reconciliation of co-insurance balances and the balances have
been further brought down and the exercise would be continued in 2018-19. Reinsurance balances are running balances for
which confirmations are obtained on regular basis and not as a year-end exercise. Company is making efforts in identifying
the amounts received from re-insurers so that it is appropriated with the receivables and proper ageing of the balances can be
Interoffice accounts reconciliation is being carried on a continuous basis and in our opinion there is no significant impact on
revenue. All Bank accounts have been reconciled and few open items pending are also being attended to. Control accounts
are being reconciled on a continuous basis.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The reconciliation of Reinsurance balances is in progress and the corresponding impact on these balances denominated in
foreign currency is also being taken up.
As the reconciliation is in progress in all the above matters, the impact cannot be estimated.
(iii) Auditors' Comments on (i) or (ii) above:
Adequate disclosures have been made in the Notes forming part of accounts referred to in the qualification. Since the impact
arising out of the above disclosure in the Notes, is not ascertained, the overall impact on the financial statement cannot be
commented upon.
IV. Audit Qualification (each audit qualification separately): STANDALONE
a. Details of Audit Qualification:
Balances due to/from persons or bodies carrying on Insurance Business including reinsurers are subject to confirmations
and reconciliation, the ageing of these balances and records relating to old balances are not available in the records of the
Company. Balances of inter office accounts, control accounts, few Bank accounts including those relating to Pradhan Mantri
Fasal Bima Yojana, certain loans and other accounts at certain offices are also pending for reconciliation/confirmation and
consequential adjustments, effect of which, if any, is not ascertainable and cannot be commented upon. The impact of the
above, on year end restatement of these balances recorded in foreign currency as required under Accounting Standard 11
issued under Sec 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 could not be ascertained.
(i) Management's estimation on the impact of audit qualification: Not quantified
(ii ) If management is unable to estimate the impact, reasons for the same:
During the year 2017-18 we have made further progress in the reconciliation of co-insurance balances and the balances
have been further brought down and the exercise would be continued in 2018-19. Reinsurance balances are running
balances for which confirmations are obtained on regular basis and not as a year-end exercise. Company is making
efforts in identifying the amounts received from re-insurers so that it is appropriated with the receivables and proper
ageing of the balances can be generated.
Interoffice accounts reconciliation is being carried on a continuous basis and in our opinion there is no significant impact
on revenue. All Bank accounts have been reconciled and few open items pending are also being attended to. Control
accounts are being reconciled on a continuous basis.
The reconciliation of Reinsurance balances is in progress and the corresponding impact on these balances denominated
in foreign currency is also being taken up.
As the reconciliation is in progress in all the above matters, the impact cannot be estimated.
(iii) Auditors' Comments on (i) or (ii) above:
Adequate disclosures have been made in the Notes forming part of accounts referred to in the qualification. Since the
impact arising out of the above disclosure in the Notes, is not ascertained, the overall impact on the financial statement
cannot be commented upon.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Management Report

1. We confirm that the registration granted by the Insurance 9. (a) Ageing of claims indicating the trends in average
Regulatory & Development Authority is valid during the claims settlement time during the preceding five
year. The same is renewed for the year 2018-19. years is furnished below in the format required:
2. We confirm that all known and undisputed dues payable Age-wise Summary of Claims settled
to the statutory authorities have been duly paid. during the year
3. We confirm that the shareholding pattern and transfer
of shares during the year are in accordance with the
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 &
statutory or regulatory requirements. 2017-18
4. We confirm that the funds of the holders of policies issued Age band No. of Claims Amount
in India have not been directly or indirectly invested (in ` Lakhs)
outside India. 30 DAYS 3044097 400564.48
5. We confirm that the required solvency margins have been 30 DAYS to 6 MONTHS 1244413 547773.87
maintained. 6 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR 120396 154287.65
6. We certify that the values of all the assets have been 1 YEAR TO 5 YEARS 78599 284482.58
reviewed on the date of the Balance Sheet and to the
MORE THAN 5 YEARS 21281 64483.95
best of our belief the assets set forth in the Balance Sheet
are shown in the aggregate amounts not exceeding their GRAND TOTAL 4508786 1451592.52
realizable or market value under the several headings- (Segment Wise Details attached)
“Loans”, “Investments”, “Agents balances”, “Outstanding
Premiums”, “Interest, Dividends and Rents outstanding”, (b) Details of payment to individuals, firms,
“Interest, Dividends and Rents accruing but not due”, companies and organizations in which
“Amounts due from other persons or Bodies carrying on
insurance business”, “Sundry Debtors”, “Bills Receivable”,
directors are interested is required to be
“Cash” and several items specified under “Other Account”. disclosed as per Management Report to be
7. The overall risk exposure for the risks accepted by us is furnished in the following format:
limited to ` 200 crores PML per risk except in respect of
certain risks in which cases there are exposures of ` 500 No. Name Entity in Interested Amount of
Crores PML per policy. The same has been approved which he is as payments during
by the Board. We have made adequate reinsurance interested the financial year
arrangements to mitigate the losses arising out of any (` In lakhs)
major claims. NIL NIL NIL
8. We have overseas operations in 28 countries. The foreign 10. We certify that the investments have been valued as per
branches have their own reinsurance arrangements the Accounting Regulations of the Insurance Regulatory
to protect their exposure. Over and above there is an and Development Authority and shown in the balance
excess of loss protection available, which takes care of sheet.
the exposure risk of the Company as a whole, including
11. All investment assets are reviewed periodically and assets
domestic and foreign branches. are classified into performing and non-performing based
The foreign branches/agencies generate enough revenue on IRDA norms.
in local currencies to meet their liabilities arising out of 12. It is hereby confirmed:
their operations. Hence there is no major currency risk in
the countries we operate. (i) That in preparation of financial statements, the
applicable accounting standards, principles and
As regards the country risk, by and large all the countries policies have been followed, except amortisation
in which we operate are politically stable. We also have of additional actuarial liability for Gratuity and
well defined acceptance limits for foreign operations, Pension as per I.R.D.A. circular no. IRDA/F&A/CIR/
which limits our exposure in these countries.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

ACT/077/04/2016 dated 18.04.2016 and IRDA/F&A/ accounting records in accordance with the
LR/001/2016/6 dated 19.4.2016 applicable provisions of the Insurance Act 1938 and
Companies Act 2013 for safeguarding the assets
(ii) That the management has adopted accounting
of the Company and for preventing and detecting
policies and applied them consistently and made
fraud and other irregularities.
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the (iv) That the management has prepared the financial
state of affairs of the Company at the end of the statements on a going concern basis.
financial year and of the operating loss of the
Company for the year except as mentioned in Para (v) That the management has ensured that the
12 (i) above. internal audit system commensurate with the size
and nature of business exists and is operating
(iii) That the management has taken proper and effectively.
sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Director Director Chairman-cum-
Managing Director

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11, 2018

Agewise Deptt wise Summary of Claims Settlement for the Period 2013-14

Row Labels
No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in
Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs
11 Fire 919 6524.21 3108 13018.82 1753 14714.76 2544 52593.72 175 923.63 8499 87775.14
21 Marine Cargo 7781 4106.04 8839 6425.78 3155 3747.80 7590 4760.16 52 187.12 27417 19226.90
22 Marine Hull 24 406.76 66 73.35 41 164.46 111 1166.26 30 3580.56 272 5391.39
31 Motor OD 153692 25023.11 311400 73983.65 46433 18672.86 15041 8349.55 403 337.33 526969 126366.51
32 Motor TP 6934 5735.59 6563 5813.07 5226 5861.84 17499 28035.21 17365 28418.81 53587 73864.53
33 Decline Risk Pool 243 31.29 348 159.35 194 225.04 26 34.78 3 1.59 814 452.05

34 Health Insurance 559850 137055.49 429881 137156.71 20280 7805.49 49727 117.26 174 76.20 1059912 282211.14
36 Liability 759 799.99 1096 1291.96 586 917.93 727 1180.37 91 101.19 3259 4291.46
38 Motor TP Non 2181 649.84 4093 2562.87 2143 3367.31 421 1005.15 0 0.00 8838 7585.17
39 TP Pool 3528 2633.06 4659 4451.07 6483 8832.25 26974 58303.94 1183 2750.83 42827 76971.15
42 Personal Accident 3514 2533.15 6953 4380.81 1512 1749.10 1400 561.96 45 40.96 13424 9265.97
43 Aviation 2 17.56 11 89.11 10 40.19 97 1069.66 45 -110.95 165 1105.57
44 Engineering 2448 1387.37 7824 4809.06 2339 2560.80 2367 6442.61 69 59.27 15047 15259.11
46 Traditional 7333 2152.65 6335 1761.55 1331 1953.47 1676 1756.73 41 -8.20 16716 7616.20
Business -
47 Rural Insurance - 15196 3220.38 21393 5388.67 6321 1617.89 4806 430.13 166 170.13 47882 10827.20
48 Misc - Non 2232 636.25 4272 1424.02 1296 1034.18 757 659.51 92 62.33 8649 3816.28
Traditional Business
50 Credit Shield 0 0.00 19 349.28 17 792.37 34 268.45 3 -5.36 73 1404.74
Grand Total 766636 192912.73 816860 263139.14 99120 74057.72 131797 166735.47 19937 36585.46 1834350 733430.51
Annual Report 2017-18
Agewise Deptt wise Summary of Claims Settlement for the Period 2014-15
Row Labels
No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in
Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs
11 Fire 1090 5584.00 3519 32001.90 2109 34149.41 1451 53279.06 143 3044.96 8312 128059.33
21 Marine Cargo 8226 4377.96 7766 8221.98 2358 3500.08 1543 2474.44 52 -0.69 19945 18573.77
22 Marine Hull 28 4807.83 58 281.38 34 163.01 61 4401.02 13 56.98 194 9710.23
31 Motor OD 221436 36890.28 350007 93498.47 24751 17016.47 10665 6955.89 664 438.10 607523 154799.20
32 Motor TP 7435 7839.35 6657 7383.62 4584 6918.38 14418 27433.53 15244 27584.58 48338 77159.46
33 Decline Risk Pool 525 175.82 699 469.49 466 592.20 312 800.85 0 0.00 2002 2038.36

34 Health Insurance 932429 179295.75 373297 155166.32 34769 12616.35 7187 2246.89 147 101.12 1347829 349426.42
36 Liability 994 764.28 1207 1281.57 551 888.90 508 1291.82 89 134.83 3349 4361.39
38 Motor TP Non 3693 1679.76 6817 5672.55 5132 9565.28 4035 11344.30 0 0.00 19677 28261.89
39 TP Pool 2119 2456.11 1769 2345.99 2259 3778.65 20468 52222.59 3009 7800.76 29624 68604.09
42 Personal Accident 3546 2543.61 6826 5049.21 972 1686.85 435 769.24 40 70.03 11819 10118.95
43 Aviation 6 7.96 11 76.32 16 844.63 46 3114.09 16 107.58 95 4150.59
44 Engineering 1825 1520.31 6444 6468.13 3122 3671.34 1222 6237.14 42 164.47 12655 18061.39
46 Traditional 8269 3634.79 9029 9113.09 1954 3104.88 1141 3133.25 56 153.98 20449 19139.98
Business -
47 Rural Insurance - 15777 3682.47 19220 4479.81 3244 1007.46 1749 954.31 152 179.58 40142 10303.63
48 Misc - Non 2074 2046.11 4739 9528.92 1483 1405.36 669 925.37 66 54.77 9031 13960.52
Traditional Business
50 Credit Shield 0 0.00 19 52.54 10 162.09 43 -4.70 1 -5.70 73 204.23
Grand Total 1209472 257306.37 798084 341091.29 87814 101071.33 65953 177579.08 19734 39885.36 2181057 916933.43
Annual Report 2017-18

Agewise Deptt wise Summary of Claims Settlement for the Period 2015-16

Row Labels
No. of Amount No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in
Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs
11 Fire 937 4164.03 2973 20156.77 1857 25184.45 7156 90785.30 555 3856.51 13478 144147.06
21 Marine Cargo 5920 4025.30 8850 7318.53 2149 3372.81 3416 5535.45 78 334.87 20413 20586.95
22 Marine Hull 16 129.09 59 1663.96 33 263.20 86 22620.32 38 -3540.69 232 21135.87
31 Motor OD 284472 49534.56 418863 122828.63 29771 22699.16 16269 10141.31 1269 659.93 750644 205863.58
32 Motor TP 7162 6599.68 7518 7998.04 5532 9309.85 13529 32108.04 13243 26887.00 46984 82902.60
33 Decline Risk Pool 561 321.33 893 772.53 796 1503.59 914 2923.69 0 0.00 3164 5521.14

34 Health Insurance 830892 294696.39 318166 150847.22 9237 5756.42 4439 11559.58 112 236.52 1162846 463096.12
36 Liability 906 917.12 1212 1368.62 559 994.67 597 2666.35 108 197.60 3382 6144.37
38 Motor TP Non 4591 2590.51 7984 6963.95 6836 13222.04 9256 29352.32 0 0.00 28667 52128.83
39 TP Pool 1186 1808.92 892 1167.85 874 1477.11 13633 40708.79 4564 13509.53 21149 58672.20
42 Personal Accident 4239 3891.77 7387 6807.41 1286 2402.56 753 1281.27 59 92.26 13724 14475.27
43 Aviation 8 20.08 17 80.38 14 1170.56 55 2986.60 59 964.66 153 5222.29
44 Engineering 1821 1810.49 5723 4646.54 1959 5212.28 13531 8136.02 968 106.11 24002 19911.45
46 Traditional 7927 11087.05 18614 11603.85 3432 3245.83 2185 6489.63 117 203.92 32275 32630.28
Business -
47 Rural Insurance - 13276 3350.97 21523 4872.68 3217 837.98 2249 1031.29 223 105.31 40488 10198.24
48 Misc - Non 2315 619.05 3927 1882.32 1192 1487.67 3337 1093.33 97 94.32 10868 5176.70
Traditional Business
50 Credit Shield 0 0.00 11 204.60 30 265.16 36 379.96 0 0.00 77 849.73
Grand Total 1166229 385566.33 824612 351183.87 68774 98405.35 91441 269799.25 21490 43707.86 2172546 1148662.67
Annual Report 2017-18
Agewise Deptt wise Summary of Claims Settlement for the Period 2016-17
Row Labels
No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in
Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs
11 Fire 603 8155.47 2616 23843.27 2415 43041.33 1655 52756.40 283 2578.79 7572 130375.25
21 Marine Cargo 7157 3380.34 10899 11901.11 2519 4493.94 1453 6128.61 84 2226.70 22112 28130.69
22 Marine Hull 7 3.30 56 474.60 53 4433.14 93 6982.13 18 4814.77 227 16707.95
31 Motor OD 286597 52144.47 483980 146435.68 34082 28098.58 12624 9842.16 985 524.04 818268 237044.92
32 Motor TP 4264 4278.42 7834 8236.27 6858 12605.33 14052 39541.92 11373 28405.77 44381 93067.71
33 Decline Risk Pool 379 340.67 739 663.27 784 1428.27 1504 4885.19 0.00 0.00 3406 7317.40

34 Health Insurance 2210088 369841.44 409529 221872.25 46137 22794.02 3861 12578.78 168 79.98 2669783 627166.46
36 Liability 889 922.46 1133 1282.64 674 927.01 741 3533.31 166 249.90 3603 6915.31
38 Motor TP Non 2517 1599.21 8610 8269.98 8534 17704.81 14901 58034.47 0.00 0.00 34562 85608.47
39 TP Pool 506 753.17 474 688.37 536 1027.97 7940 29630.87 5368 22870.93 14824 54971.30
42 Personal Accident 5371 6529.53 8604 9390.52 1622 3150.19 666 1215.86 58 61.70 16321 20347.82
43 Aviation 3 5.66 14 82.55 15 147.12 43 1632.50 12 217.65 87 2085.47
44 Engineering 1377 793.61 5750 5103.77 2322 5177.09 1051 8452.72 38 41.58 10538 19568.78
46 Traditional 7961 9910.43 12945 12178.67 5389 5453.30 2700 7574.01 79 390.01 29074 35506.42
Business -
47 Rural Insurance - 12865 3157.77 27705 6999.06 4562 1028.35 2021 750.73 349 295.13 47502 12231.04
48 Misc - Non 2116 639.82 3850 2141.26 1315 1817.33 705 968.21 104 82.28 8090 5648.90
Traditional Business
50 Credit Shield 0.00 0.00 6 22.63 27 608.56 42 117.14 1 8.18 76 756.51
Grand Total 2542700 462455.77 984744 459585.89 117844 153936.35 66052 244624.99 19086 62847.42 3730426 1383450.42
Annual Report 2017-18

Agewise Deptt wise Summary of Claims Settlement for the Period 2017-18

Row Labels
No. of Amount No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in No. of Amount No. of Amount in
Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs Claims in Lakhs Claims Lakhs
11 Fire 590 2750.23 2794 14613.40 2273 33367.04 1752 68914.41 265 1633.10 7674 121278.18
21 Marine Cargo 7212 3804.59 9969 10280.33 2988 4946.13 1729 8054.32 170 411.46 22068 27496.83
22 Marine Hull 4 27.69 50 2232.40 55 1122.99 97 9839.86 20 442.06 226 13665.00
31 Motor OD 226039 41978.79 567226 156383.60 45286 33522.92 13992 11375.68 1216 815.81 853759 244076.80
32 Motor TP 2957 2849.19 8837 8935.41 7190 13146.64 15382 47133.23 12154 31237.77 46520 103302.23
33 Decline Risk Pool 96 94.29 348 299.64 541 1027.28 1808 7230.32 3 -2.58 2796 8648.95

34 Health Insurance 2780074 326938.64 577020 292906.65 31802 26888.76 11175 5211.71 163 108.31 3400234 652054.07
36 Liability 403 419.62 1128 1411.10 805 1023.03 675 1915.68 214 471.48 3225 5240.90
38 Motor TP Non 1411 987.68 10039 9077.15 9454 19378.37 20378 84337.13 78 375.68 41360 114156.00
39 TP Pool 121 305.04 240 275.28 265 391.72 4013 13957.75 6452 27060.16 11091 41989.95
42 Personal Accident 5668 8963.77 13081 21922.90 2350 4859.45 787 1840.64 63 62.50 21949 37649.26
43 Aviation 13 1454.00 33 3434.78 25 313.54 45 670.86 12 1140.12 128 7013.30
44 Engineering 1197 758.39 5693 4447.17 2866 3733.25 1360 12278.47 41 52.05 11157 21269.33
46 Traditional 4923 5705.65 9614 9679.94 4309 6941.72 2919 8432.88 95 341.19 21860 31101.38
Business -
47 Rural Insurance - 11609 3016.63 34447 9669.86 8981 1643.63 1756 697.58 193 211.04 56986 15238.74
48 Misc - Non 1780 510.28 3872 2148.12 1132 1497.16 679 1581.53 138 121.70 7601 5858.79
Traditional Business
50 Credit Shield 0 0.00 22 56.14 74 484.02 52 1010.54 4 2.12 152 1552.82
Grand Total 3044097 400564.48 1244413 547773.87 120396 154287.65 78599 284482.58 21281 64483.95 4508786 1451592.52
Annual Report 2017-18
THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

R. Devendra Kumar and Associates A. Bafna & Co. NBS & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
205, Blue Rose Industrial Estate, UG-250, The Dreams Mall 14/2, Western India House,
Near Petrol Pump, LBS Marg, Sir P.M. Road,
Western express highway Bhandup (West) Fort,
Borivali (E), Mumbai-400066 Mumbai - 400078 Mumbai 400001.


To financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the

accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to
The Members of the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that
The New India Assurance Company Limited give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.
Report on the Standalone Financial Statements
Auditor’s Responsibility
We have audited the accompanying standalone financial
statements of The New India Assurance Company Limited Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these standalone
(“the Company”), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March financial statements based on our audit.
31, 2018, the annexed Revenue Accounts of Fire, Marine and We have taken into account the provisions of the “The Act, Rules
Miscellaneous Insurance Business (collectively known as ‘Revenue and Regulations”, the accounting and auditing Standards and
Accounts’), Profit and Loss Account and the Receipt and Payments matters which are required to be included in the audit report under
Account for the year then ended, and a summary of significant the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations made there under.
accounting policies and other explanatory information, in which are
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on
incorporated returns for the year ended on that date:
Auditing specified under Section 143(10) of the Companies
(a) From Forty three Regional offices (including 9 LCO’s ), Act 2013. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical
Four hundred and Sixty Divisional offices audited by the requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
other firms of Auditors appointed by the Comptroller and assurance about whether the financial statements are free from
Auditor General of India under section 139 of the Companies material misstatement.
Act,2013; and
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence
(b) From Nine Foreign Branches, Seven Foreign Agency about the amounts and the disclosures in the financial statements.
offices audited by local auditors appointed by the company The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment,
and unaudited returns of two Run off offices and one including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of
representative office. the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making
those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal financial
Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone Financial control relevant to the Company’s preparation of the financial
Statements: statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also
stated in Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, The Insurance includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies
Act 1938, and for the Accounting Principles as prescribed in the used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of by the Company’s Directors, as well as evaluating the overall
Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance Companies) presentation of the financial statements.
Regulations, 2002 and orders or direction issued by the Insurance We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient
Regulatory and Development Authority(“the Act, Rules and and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion on
Regulations”), with respect to the preparation of these standalone the standalone financial statements.
financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial
position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company in Basis for Qualified Opinion
accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in
Balances due to/from persons or bodies carrying on Insurance
India, including the Accounting Standards specified under Section
Business including reinsurers are subject to confirmations and
133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies(Accounts) Rules,
reconciliation, the ageing of these balances and records relating
2014. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate
to old balances are not available in the records of the company.
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of “the Act,
Balances of Inter office accounts, control accounts, few Bank
Rules and Regulations” for safeguarding the assets of the Company
accounts including those related to Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities;
Yojna , certain loans and other accounts at certain offices are
selection and application of appropriate accounting policies;
also pending for reconciliation/confirmation and consequential
making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
adjustments, effect of which, if any, is not ascertainable and
and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
cannot be commented upon. The impact of the above, on year

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

end restatement of these balances recorded in foreign currency as Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.
required under Accounting Standard-11 issued under section 133
of the Companies Act 2013, could not be ascertained. (Refer Note Other Matters
15 of Notes to accounts, in schedule 16B). a) We did not audit the financial statements of Forty Three
Overall impact of the above and the consequential effects Regional offices (including 9 LCO’s ), Four hundred and sixty
on Revenue Accounts, Profit and Loss Account, assets and Divisional offices, Nine Foreign Branches, Seven Foreign
liabilities and Reserve and Surplus as on March 31, 2018 are not Agency offices, Two Run off offices and one representative
ascertainable and cannot be commented upon. office,included in the financial statements of the Company
whose financial statements / financial information reflect total
Qualified Opinion assets of ` 4334856.34 lakhs as at March 31, 2018 and total
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to revenues of ` 2679247.39 lakhs for the year ended on that
the explanations given to us except for the possible effects of the date, as considered in the financial statements. The financial
matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the statements/information of these offices except in case of
aforesaid standalone financial statements dealt with by this report Run-off and representative offices which have remained
read together with schedules, significant accounting policies and unaudited, have been audited by the other firm of auditors
disclosures, give the information required by the “Act, Rules and whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion in
Regulations” in the manner so required and give a true and fair view so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included
in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in in respect of these branches, is based solely on the report of
India as applicable to Non-Life Insurance Companies: such branch auditors.
(i) In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the b) The actuarial valuation of liability in respect of claims Incurred
company as at March 31, 2018; But Not Reported(IBNR) and those Incurred but Not Enough
Reported (IBNER) as at March 31,2018, is as certified by
(ii) In case of revenue accounts of the Profit in Fire, Marine &
the Company’s Appointed Actuary and our opinion in so far
Miscellaneous Business for the year ended on that date;
as it relates to the amounts and disclosures related to such
(iii) In case of Profit and Loss Account of the Profit for the year liability, is based solely on such report.
ended on that date, and
Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
(iv) In case of Receipt and Payments Account, of the receipts
and payments for the year ended on that date. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Emphasis of Matter As required by Section 143 (3) of the Companies Act 2013 and
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of
We draw attention to the following Notes to Accounts: financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance Companies)
a) Note No. 3 in Schedule 16 B, regarding recognition of Regulations, 2002 and orders or direction issued by the Insurance
Reserve for Unexpired risk by 1/365 method as per the Regulatory and Development Authority, we report that:
approval of IRDAI in case of domestic business while the a) We have sought and except for the matters described in
implementation of systems and procedures to compute the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph and the matters
the same in case of Foreign business in accordance with related to vigilance department which are stated to be
1/365 method is pending and systems in case of domestic confidential ( Refer Note 23),obtained all the information and
business are being strengthened. explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
b) Note No.10 regarding deferment of additional gratuity liability were necessary for the purposes of our audit.;
pursuant to the amendment in the Payment of Gratuity b) Except for the possible effects of the matter described in
Act,1972 to the extent of ` 27001.78 lakhs and deferment of the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph above, in our
expenditure relating to additional liability towards pension on opinion, proper books of accounts have been maintained by
account of pay revision to the extent of ` 690.80 lakhs, as the Company, so far as it appears from our examination of
per the deferment permitted by the IRDAI those books and proper returns both audited and unaudited
c) Note No. 19 regarding outstanding dues from agent from Regional offices, Divisional Offices, branches and other
amounting to ` 2043.30 lakhs for more than 90 days for offices, not visited by us, have been received.
which the branch auditors have not been able to assess the c) The reports of the Regional Auditors consolidating the
repayment capacity of the agent while the management has Divisional Auditors report, Reports of foreign branches and
taken steps for recovery of these dues. foreign agency offices, audited under section143(8) of the
d) The company’s internal controls system and Internal audit Act by the branch auditors have been sent to us and have
specially in area of data input and validation in soft-wares, been properly dealt with by us in preparing this report in the
Reinsurance accounts, PMFBY and other Government manner considered necessary by us.
sponsored Health schemes requires strengthening. (Refer d) The Balance sheet, Revenue account, Profit and Loss
Note No. 20) account and the Receipts and Payments Account dealt with
e) ` 2171.34 Lakhs has been withheld / deducted by Govt of by the report are in agreement with the books of account and
Rajasthan under Bhamashah Scheme towards rejection with the returns received from offices not visited by us.
of claims under the scheme and related matters, since in e) In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements
the opinion of the management the same will be recovered. have been prepared in accordance with the requirements
(Refer Note No 24) of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938), the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) and

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

the Companies Act, 2013 to the extent applicable and in the and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of
manner so required; our information and according to the explanations given to
f) Except for the possible effects of the matter described in the us:
Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, in our opinion, the i) The company has disclosed the impact of pending litigations
aforesaid Standalone Financial Statements comply with the on its financial position in its financial statements – Refer
Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Schedule 16 C to the standalone financial statements;
Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, ii) The company has made provision, as required under
2014; the applicable law or accounting standards, for material
g) The matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion foreseeable losses on long term contracts. There are no
paragraph above, in our opinion, may not have an adverse outstanding derivative contracts at the Balance Sheet date.
effect on the functioning of the Company; iii) There were no amounts which were required to be
h) The qualification relating to the maintenance of accounts and transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by
other matters connected therewith are as stated in the Basis the Company.
for Qualified Opinion paragraph above. n) Further on the basis of our examination of books and
i) On the basis of written representations received from the records of the company and according to the information and
directors as on March 31, 2018, and taken on record by the explanation given to us and to the best of our knowledge and
Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on belief, we certify that:
March 31, 2018, from being appointed as a director in terms i) We have reviewed the management report attached
of section 164(2) of the Act. with the Financial Statements and there are no
j) The accounting policies adopted by the company are apparent mistakes or material inconsistencies between
appropriate and in compliance with the applicable Accounting the management report and the standalone financial
Standards specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with statements;
Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and with ii) Based on the management representation by officer
the Accounting Principles as prescribed in the Insurance of the company charged with compliance, nothing
Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of has come to our attention which causes us to believe
financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance that the company has not complied with the terms and
Companies) Regulations, 2002 and orders or direction issued conditions of registration as stipulated by IRDAI; and
by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
iii) No part of the assets of the policyholders’ funds has
k) The actuarial valuation of liability in respect of claims Incurred been directly or indirectly applied in contravention of
But Not Reported (IBNR) and those Incurred but Not Enough the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938)
Reported (IBNER) as at 31st March 2018, have been duly relating to the application and investments of the
certified by the Company’s Appointed Actuary and relied policyholders’ funds.
upon by us. The Appointed Actuary has also certified that
the assumptions considered by him for such valuations are o) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls
in accordance with guidelines and norms prescribed by the over financial reporting of the Company and the operating
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report
(IRDAI) and the Actuarial Society of India in concurrence in “Annexure A”.
with the IRDAI. As required under section 143(5) of the Companies Act, 2013,
l) As per the information and explanations provided to us, based on our audit as aforesaid, we enclose herewith, as per
the investments have been valued in accordance with the “Annexure B”, the directions including sub-directions issued by the
provisions of the Insurance Act, the regulations and orders/ Comptroller & Auditor General of India, action taken thereon and
directions issued by IRDAI in this regard. the financial impact on the accounts and financial statements of
the Company.
m) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s
Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K.Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013
1. We have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting of THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO LTD. (“the Company”)
as of March 31, 2018 in conjunction with our audit of the standalone financial statements of the Company for the year ended on that
date. These financial statements incorporated returns received:
a) From Forty three Regional offices (including 9 LCO’s ), Four hundred and Sixty Divisional offices audited by the other firms of
Auditors appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013; and
b) From Nine Foreign Branches, Seven Foreign Agency offices audited by local auditors appointed by the company and unaudited
returns of three Run off offices and one representative office.

Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls

2. The Company’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on “the internal control
over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the
Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India”. These responsibilities include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that were
operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company’s policies, the
safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.

Auditors’ Responsibility
3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's internal financial controls over financial reporting based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting
(the“ Guidance Note”) and the Standards on Auditing, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls, both issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal financial controls over
financial reporting was established and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material respects.
4. Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls system over
financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over financial reporting included obtaining
an understanding of internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing
and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether
due to fraud or error.
5. Report of branch auditors relating to London Branch is not in the accordance with the Indian Law & regulations and therefore the
internal controls over financial reporting relating to London Branch has not been considered in this report and cannot be commented
6. Except for the possible effect of matters as stated in note No. 5, we believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls system over financial reporting.

Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

7. A company's internal financial control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding
the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles. A company's internal financial control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures
that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions
of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company
are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable
assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the company's assets that could
have a material effect on the financial statements.

Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

8. Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or
improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also,
projections of any evaluation of the internal financial controls over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the
internal financial control over financial reporting may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Qualified Opinion
9. According to the information and explanation given to us and based on our audit, the following internal control weaknesses of material
nature have been identified as at March 31, 2018:

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

a. Confirmation and reconciliation of various balances relating to co insurers, reinsurers, few bank accounts, inter office accounts
and other control accounts are pending and are at various stages.;
b. Inadequate controls are observed with regard to ageing of insurance receivables;
The Company’s internal control systems especially in area of data input and validation in various soft-wares and recording of intimated
claims at the offices of the company including internal audit require strengthening.
Further to above, the management of the company has appointed external consultant to assess the internal financial control
framework in the company. Though the interim report submitted by the consultants in case of certain processes does not identify
any serious issues, the final report is still awaited. Review of design and testing of the risk control matrix at Regional level/ HO level,
review and testing of entity level controls and final report is yet to be received.
10. A ‘material weakness’ is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal financial control over financial reporting, such that
there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s financial statement will not be prevented or detected
on a timely basis.
11. In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the internal control weaknesses described above on the achievements of the
objectives of the control criterion, the company has maintained , in all material respects , adequate internal financial control over
financial reporting and such internal financial controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as of March 31, 2018,
based on “the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of
internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India”.
12. We have considered the material weaknesses identified and reported above in determining the nature, timing, and extent of audit
tests applied in our audit of the March 31, 2018 standalone financial statements of the Company, and these material weaknesses do
not affect our opinion on the Standalone financial statements of the Company except to the extent of our qualification as contained
in our separate report on the Standalone financial statements of the company.

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K.Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18



Sr. Directions under Section 143(5) Action taken and Financial Impact
No. of Companies Act 2013
1. Whether the Company has clear Company has clear title of lease/ free-hold properties except as below:
title/ lease deeds for freehold
and leasehold respectively? If not LAND:
please state the area of freehold 1. LEASEHOLD LAND:
and leasehold land for which tile/ i. 1 leasehold land book value ` 1.00 is under litigation and SLP is pending with the
lease deeds are not available? Hon'ble Supreme Court.
ii. 2 leasehold lands books value of ` 118.44 Lakhs where lease term has expired and
renewal process is pending with the concerned Govt. Authorities.
iii. 1 leasehold land consists of 123 tenements and 6 godowns with book value
` 3.42 Lakhs and lease period is 999 years. Redevelopment thereof is under
iv. 1 Open plot is jointly owned by 4 PSU companies and the title deed is in the name
of GIC.
i. Land includes book value of ` 124.97 Lakhs for which deed of conveyance is yet to
be executed.
1. Building includes book value of ` 2066.95 Lakhs, where title deeds are presently
not available/ registration formalities are yet to be completed.
2. 29 properties with total book value of ` 163.61 Lakhs, the title deeds are in the
process of being registered in the name of the company.
3. 3 Properties with book value of ` 332.48 Lakhs are received from Tariff Advisory
Committee & registration formalities are pending.
2. Whether there are any cases of According to the records and information provided to us, during the year, amount of
waiver/write off of debts/loans/ ` 164.63 Lakhs towards interest has been waived off in debentures/Loans. Settlement
interest etc., if yes, the reasons as per OTS.
there for and amount involved. The company has written Down investments of equity to the extent of ` 1526.22 Lakhs.
3. Whether proper records are There are no such cases.
maintained for inventories lying
with third parties & assets
received as gift/grant(s) from the
Govt. or other authorities?

Sub- directions issued by C&AG of India as applicable to The New India Assurance Company Limited for the year 2017-18

1. Number of titles of ownership The Central Government/State Government securities balances are tallied as per the
in respect of CGS/SGS/Bonds/ Books of Accounts. In case of Bonds/Debenture/ Equities/Preference Shares, there are 8
Debentures etc. available in Nos of Scrips of Bonds/debentures having face value of ` 6500580, 2 Scrips of preference
physical/demat form and out of Shares having face value ` 26000, and 9 scrips of Equity shares having Book Value of
these, number of cases which ` 841707 which are in shortage as per the records of custodian vis a vis books of accounts
are not in agreement with the of the Company. There are 106 Nos of scrips in equity having Market value ` 412.21
respective amounts shown in the lakhs and 1 scrip in preference share of face value ` 3600 which are in excess quantity as
Company’s books of accounts per custodian records vis a vis books of the company. The Company is in the process of
may be verified and discrepancy taking adequate steps for reconciliation and adjustment wherever required. The dividend
found may be suitably reported. received on such excess shares is shown as liability and taken to income after 3 years.
2. Whether stop loss limits have The investments of the Company are long term in nature and therefore Stop Loss
been prescribed in respect of the Policy is not applicable for the long term investments. As and when the Company
investments. If yes, whether or proposes to have a trading portfolio, it will frame Stop Loss Policy for trading portfolio
not the limit was adhered to. If no, at that time
details may be given.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

3. Whether Company has carried The Company has continued its various level meetings with other PSU companies
out reconciliation exercise for for reconciliation and settlement of Coinsurance balances. In case of balances with
inter-company balances reflected PSUs, while the receivables have been brought down by ` 20939 lakhs during 2017-
in their financial statements with 18 as compared to 2016-17, the payable balances in respect of PSUs have also been
other PSU insurers and whether brought down by ` 8397 lakhs during 2017-18 as compared to 2016-17.
confirmation has been obtained During the year, through settlement at HO level, company has settled the receivable
from other PSU insurers for balances of ` 71842 lakhs and payable balances of ` 105971 lakhs.
balances due from them?
The balance appearing in the amount due to/ due from persons or bodies carrying on
insurance business including reinsurance business , terrorism Pool and Nuclear Pool
with GIC Re, are subject to confirmation/ reconciliation and consequential adjustments
if any. These balances include ` 200927.19 lakhs (Net) Dr. comprising of debit
balances of ` 435682.93 lakhs and credit balances of ` 234755.73 lakhs against
which party-wise balances in the records indicate (Dr.) of ` 329652.55 lakhs relating
to 1004 parties and (cr.) of ` 128725.35 lakhs relating to 877 parties. Precise gross
debit and gross credit balances against each of such parties and age- wise analysis of
these balances are also being compiled .There are some old cases including migration
differences in case of amounts receivables/payables for which sufficient records are
not available with respective technical department. The impact of the above, if any, on
the financial statements are unascertainable. However the company has maintained a
provision of ` 10414.56 Lakhs up-to 31.03.2018 towards doubtful debts as a prudent
The company has reduced its coinsurance balances from net of ` 14539 lakhs (Dr)
to net balance of ` 3313 lakhs(Dr) with other than PMFBY. In case of balances with
PMFBY the balances as at 31.03.2018 ` 48905 lakhs credit compared to a debit of
` 35695 lakhs as at 31.03.2018.
4a Whether the method of accounting In the F.Y. 2017-18, the company is implementing Pradhan Mantri Fasal BimaYojana
of premium and reported (PMFBY) in the following 4 states:
claims are as per conditions 1. Gujarat - Kharif 2017 season only.
of agreement/scheme relating
to Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima 2. Rajasthan - Kharif 2017 season only.
Yojana 3. Uttar Pradesh - Kharif 2017 & Rabi 2017-18 seasons.
4. Tamil Nadu - Kharif 2017 & Rabi 2017-18 seasons.
The total net NIA share of Premium accounted for crop insurance business for the year
2017-18 is ` 1698.88 crores.
Claims paid during the year are ` 1159.79 crores for the states of Tamil Nadu and
Odisha for the year 2016-17. No claims have been reported as on 31.03.2018 for
2017-18 in respect of all the 4 states.
In case of Fasal Bima Yojna, Enrolment data and premium data as per Banks is
to be reconciled with data as per the Central/State Government portal. Accounting
of premium as well as reinsurance accounts , has been done based on portal data
after giving effect of reconcilable items. Since No claims have been reported and no
actual yield data is available relating to the year 2017-18 , provision for outstanding
claims has been made based on IBNR claims as assessed by the actuary. Necessary
adjustments relating to the above are to be carried out in due course. The company
is in the process of strengthening internal controls and the internal audit specially in
the area of PMFBY and other Government sponsored Health schemes to ensure the
compliance of laid down operational guidelines.
4b Whether the method of accounting In the F.Y. 2017-18, Company has implemented the RSBY Scheme in 6 states while
of premium and reported accounting the Gross Direct Premium of ` 10585 Lakhs. Claims paid during F.Y. 2017-
claims are as per conditions of 18 under RSBY Schemes are of ` 10685 Lakhs and that of Outstanding Claims are of
agreement/scheme relating to ` 2995 Lakhs. The company is in the process of strengthening internal controls and
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana the internal audit especially in the area of Government sponsored Health schemes to
ensure the compliance of laid down operational guidelines.

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K.Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The preparation of financial statements of The New India Assurance Company Limited for the year ended 31 March
2018 in accordance with the financial reporting framework prescribed under the Insurance Act, 1938 read with the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor's Report of
Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 and the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) is the responsibility of the management
of the company. The statutory auditors appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under section 139(5)
of the Act are responsible for expressing opinion on the financial statements under section 143 of the Act based on
independent audit in accordance with the standards on auditing prescribed under section 143(10) of the Act. This is
stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 11 May 2018.
I, on the behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit under section
143(6)(a) of the Act of the financial statements of The New India Assurance Company Limited for the year ended 31
March 2018. This supplementary audit has been carried out independently without access to the working papers of the
statutory auditors and is limited primarily to inquiries of the statutory auditors and company personnel and a selective
examination of some of the accounting records. On the basis of my audit nothing significant has come to my knowledge
which would give rise to any comment upon or supplement to statutory auditors' report.

For and on behalf of the
Comptroller and Audit General of India

(Roop Rashi)
Principal Director of Commercial Audit and
ex-officio Member, Audit Board-I, Mumbai
Place : Mumbai
Date : 4 July 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Certificate for the year ended 31st March, 2018 as required by Schedule ‘C’ of Insurance
Regulatory & Development Authority Regulations, 2002 for Preparation of Financial
Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies in case of The New India
Assurance Company Limited.
We certify that:
1 (a) We have verified Cash balances, to the extent considered necessary, and securities related to the Company’s Loans and
Investments, subject to paragraph (b) herein mentioned below, on following basis:

Asset Nature of Verification
i) Cash Physical verification, Management Certificate and Regional / Branch Auditor’s
ii) Investments Custodians’ Certificate (RBI, CCIL & SHCIL) and Management’s Certificate.
iii) Securities relating to loan Management’s Certificate.
(b) i) No confirmations were available from custodian in respect of following:
a) Investment in equity shares having book value of ` 3.12 lakhs are under objection.
b) Equity shares having book value amounting to ` 8.41 lakhs, Debentures/Bonds having face value ` 65 lakhs and
preference Shares having face value of ` 26000 for which no evidence of ownership was available.
ii) The number of equity shares, Preference shares, other Approved Securities and Debentures /Bonds actually held by
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. (Custodian) on behalf of the Company are in excess of the number of equity
shares, Preference shares and Debentures/ Bonds held as per the books of the Company. The value of such excess as
on 31.03.2018 is ` 412.21 lakhs
(for listed equity shares market value is considered, for unlisted equity shares/preference shares, face value is
iii) Investment in Term Loans, Loans to State Government for the purpose of Housing & Fire Fighting Equipments,
Investments in Pass Through Certificates (PTC) and Balances on account of restructuring/rescheduling of debts are
subject to confirmations/ reconciliations.
iv) No confirmations were available in respect of foreign investments amounting to ` 6.07 lakhs.
2 To the best of our information and explanations given to us, the Company has not undertaken any trust as trustee.
3 No part of the assets of Policyholders’ funds has been directly or indirectly applied in contravention of the provision of the Insurance
Act, 1938 relating to the application and Investments of the Policy Holders’ funds.

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Fire Insurance Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year

Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Premium Earned (Net) 1 19623390 19186871
2. Profit on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) - 2287239 1873968
Loss on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) 0 0
3. Others 0 0
4. Interest, Dividend and Rent (Gross) - 3680387 2567532

Total (A) 25591016 23628371

1. Claims Incurred (Net) 2 15104017 19593687

2. Commission 3 2887397 3406043
3. Operating Expenses Related to Insurance Business 4 3299998 4082754
4. Premium Deficiency 0 0
5. Others - Foreign Taxes 4019 3985
Amortisation, Write off, Provisions - Investments 1930 7985

Total (B) 21297361 27094454

Operating Profit/ (Loss) C=(A-B) 4293655 (3466083)

Transfer to Share Holders Account (Profit and Loss Account) - (4293655) 3466083
Transfer to Catastrophic Reserves - 0 0
Transfer to Other Reserves - 0 0
Total 0 0
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16

As required by section 40C(2) of the Insurance Act 1938, we certify that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the information
and explanations given to us, and so far as appears from our examination of the Company's books of account, all expenses of
management, wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly in respect of fire insurance business have been fully debited in the Fire
Insurance Revenue Account as expenses.

The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Marine Insurance Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year

Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Premium Earned (Net) 1 3778699 4620266
2. Profit on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) - 385252 398501
Loss on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) 0 0
3. Others 0 0
4. Interest, Dividend and Rent (Gross) - 460176 545988

Total (A) 4624127 5564755

1. Claims Incurred (Net) 2 2261616 3493418

2. Commission 3 566183 453866
3. Operating Expenses Related to Insurance Business 4 689505 742925
4. Premium Deficiency 0 0
5. Others - Foreign Taxes 0 0
Amortisation, Write off, Provisions - Investments 325 1698

Total (B) 3517629 4691907

Operating Profit/ (Loss) C=(A-B) 1106498 872848

Transfer to Share Holders Account (Profit and Loss Account) - (1106498) (872848)
Transfer to Catastrophic Reserves - 0 0
Transfer to Other Reserves - 0 0
Total 0 0
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16

As required by section 40C(2) of the Insurance Act 1938, we certify that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the information
and explanations given to us, and so far as appears from our examination of the Company's books of account, all expenses of
management, wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly in respect of marine insurance business have been fully debited in the
Marine Insurance Revenue Account as expenses.

The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account
Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari
Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Miscellaneous Insurance Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year

Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Premium Earned (Net) 1 173843892 154340668
2. Profit on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) - 12963711 10367266
Loss on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) 0 0
3. Others 0 0
4. Interest, Dividend and Rent (Gross) - 15519241 14204235

Total (A) 202326844 178912169

1. Claims Incurred (Net) 2 151599025 139482182

2. Commission 3 14786513 9371475
3. Operating Expenses Related to Insurance Business 4 31294787 32988987
4. Premium Deficiency 0 0
5. Others - Foreign Taxes 1906 1636
Amortisation, Write off, Provisions - Investments 10940 44176

Total (B) 197693171 181888456

Operating Profit/ (Loss) C=(A-B) 4633672 (2976287)

Transfer to Share Holders Account (Profit and Loss Account) - (4633672) 2976287
Transfer to Catastrophic Reserves - 0 0
Transfer to Other Reserves - 0 0
Total 0 0
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16

As required by section 40C(2) of the Insurance Act 1938, we certify that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the information
and explanations given to us, and so far as appears from our examination of the Company's books of account, all expenses of
management, wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly in respect of miscellaneous insurance business have been fully debited
in the Miscellaneous Insurance Revenue Account as expenses.

The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account
Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari
Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2018
Current year Previous year
Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Operating Profit / (Loss)
a. Fire Insurance - 4293655 (3466083)
b. Marine Insurance - 1106498 872848
c. Miscellaneous Insurance 4633672 (2976287)
2. Income from Investments
a. Interest Dividend and Rent (Gross) - Share Holders 8911477 8797258
b. Profit on Sale of Investment - Share Holders - 7460658 6420867
Less: Loss on Sale of Investment - Share Holders - 0 0
3. Other Income - Misc Receipts, Credit Balances Written Back 1036764 859585
- Interest on Refund of Income Tax 0 1325922
Total (A)=1+2+3 27442724 11834110
4. Provisions (Other Than Taxation)
a. Others - Amortisation Provision For Thinly - 32430 24627
Traded Shares - Shareholders”
b. For Doubtful Debts - Investments(Shareholders) - (54420) (8823)
c. For Doubtful Debts - Operations 0 129817
d. For Dimunition In Value Of Investments (Shareholders) - 28286 11556
5. Other Expenses
a. Other than those related To insurance business - 6190 0
b. Others - Expenses on Corporate Social Responsibility 135087 0
c. Others - Interest on Income/Service Tax 28443 8580
d. (Profit)/Loss on Sale Of Assets 16132 27784
e. Penalty 0 2000
Total (B)=(4+5) 192147 195541
Profit Before Tax (A-B) - 27250577 11638569
Provision For Taxation - Current Tax - 5149000 1615764
Deferred Tax 92379 (56510)
Profit After Tax 22009198 10079315
Transfer from General Reserves for Equalization / Contingency Reserves for 976658 129457
Foreign Branches
a. Proposed Final Dividend - (3090000) 0
b. Dividend Distribution Tax. - (629051) (10908)
c. Transfer to General Reserves - (19266804) (10197864)
d. Transfer to Equalization / Contingency Reserves for Foreign Branches - 0 0
Profit / (Loss) Carried Forward to The Balance Sheet - 0 0
Basic and diluted earnings per share (`) {Refer Note 9B to notes to accounts in 27.19 12.60
Schedule 16 B}
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16
The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
A. Sources of Funds
1. Share Capital 5 & 5A 4120000 2000000
2. Reserves and Surplus 6 152772200 119701630
3. Fair Value Change Account - 85074135 79813255
Fair Value Change Account - Policyholders - 143808437 157115598
4. Borrowings 7 0 0
Total A 385774772 358630483
B. Application of Funds
1. Investments 8 & 8A 555382128 514302038
2. Loans 9 2601381 2460763
3. Fixed Assets 10 5119647 3641124
4. Deferred Tax Assets 2153431 2245810
5. Current Assets
a. Cash and Bank Balances 11 90210671 80191755
b. Advances and Other Assets 12 110800663 88257984
Sub Total(a+b) 201011334 168449739
c. Current Liabilities 13 273552784 237335207
d. Provisions 14 109709684 97347183
Sub Total(c+d) 383262468 334682390
Net Current Assets (a+b-c-d) (182251134) (166232651)
6. Miscellaneous Expenditure (to the extent not written off or adjusted) 15 2769320 2213400
Total B 385774772 358630483
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16
The Schedules referred to above form integral part of the Balance Sheet

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedule 1 - Premium Earned for the year ended March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 1 - Fire
Premium Earned(Net)
Premium From Direct Business - in India 20825658 18242822
- outside India 6597398 7272521
Total 27423056 25515343
Add: Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 10451910 9288625
Less: Premium on Reinsurance Ceded 18275328 14731827
Net Premium 19599638 20072141
Adjustment for Change in Reserve for Un-Expired Risks (23752) 885270
Total Premium Earned (Net) 19623390 19186871
Schedule 1 - Marine
Premium Earned(Net)
Premium From Direct Business - in India 6000090 6100259
- outside India 411559 540544
Total 6411649 6640803
Add: Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 436304 360409
Less: Premium on Reinsurance Ceded 2752786 3348750
Net Premium 4095167 3652462
Adjustment for Change in Reserve for Un-Expired Risks 316468 (967804)
Total Premium Earned (Net) 3778699 4620266
Schedule 1 - Miscellaneous
Premium Earned(Net)
Premium From Direct Business - in India 200361862 166803842
- outside India 17396531 17019175
Total 217758393 183823017
Add: Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 3062604 4579012
Less: Premium on Reinsurance Ceded 34952260 26217466
Net Premium 185868737 162184563
Adjustment for Change in Reserve for Un-Expired Risks 12024845 7843895
Total Premium Earned (Net) 173843892 154340668

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedule 2 - Claims Incurred for the year ended 31st March, 2018
Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 2 - Fire
Claims Incurred (Net)
Claims Paid Direct 18704991 17248777
Add: Claims on Reinsurance Accepted 7552260 5879393
Less: Claims on Reinsurance Ceded 10767799 6403918
Net Claims Paid 15489452 16724252
Add:Claims Outstanding at End (Net) 27514412 27480750
Less :Claims Outstanding at Beginning (Net) 27480750 25393000
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Relating to Non-Integral Foreign Operations (419097) 781685
Total Incurred Claims (Net) 15104017 19593687
Schedule 2 - Marine
Claims Incurred (Net)
Claims Paid Direct 4313446 4203888
Add: Claims on Reinsurance Accepted 127226 404976
Less: Claims on Reinsurance Ceded 1569002 993869
Net Claims Paid 2871670 3614995
Add:Claims Outstanding at End (Net) 4303618 4914244
Less :Claims Outstanding at Beginning (Net) 4914244 5041145
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Relating to Non-Integral Foreign Operations 572 5324
Total Incurred Claims (Net) 2261616 3493418
Schedule 2 - Miscellaneous
Claims Incurred (Net)
Claims Paid Direct 151960444 132645141
Add: Claims on Reinsurance Accepted 3279459 2709916
Less: Claims on Reinsurance Ceded 21827404 10355005
Net Claims Paid 133412499 125000052
Add:Claims Outstanding at End (Net) 165382900 146725785
Less :Claims Outstanding at Beginning (Net) 146725785 132826443
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Relating to Non-Integral Foreign Operations (470589) 582788
Total Incurred Claims (Net) 151599025 139482182

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedule 3- Commission for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 3- Fire
Commission (Net)
Commission - Direct 3341040 3245925
Add : Commission on Reinsurance Accepted 1706838 1555311
Less : Commission on Reinsurance Ceded 2160481 1395193
Commission (Net) 2887397 3406043
Break-up of Commission Direct
Direct Commission 2523580 2642038
Direct Brokerage 683742 533122
Direct Corporate Agency Commission 133010 70765
Others - Other Channels 708 0
Total Commission 3341040 3245925
Schedule 3- Marine
Commission (Net)
Commission - Direct 646422 640540
Add : Commission on Reinsurance Accepted 91503 51886
Less : Commission on Reinsurance Ceded 171742 238560
Commission (Net) 566183 453866
Break-up of Commission Direct
Direct Commission 320678 369575
Direct Brokerage 325226 270508
Direct Corporate Agency Commission 518 457
Others - Other Channels 0 0
Total Commission 646422 640540
Schedule 3- Miscellaneous
Commission (Net)
Commission - Direct 17071623 11300816
Add : Commission on Reinsurance Accepted 637059 503513
Less : Commission on Reinsurance Ceded 2922169 2432854
Commission (Net) 14786513 9371475
Break-up of Commission Direct
Direct Commission 12669245 8457928
Direct Brokerage 2962340 2534910
Direct Corporate Agency Commission 279925 214367
Others - Other Channels 1160113 93611
Total Commission 17071623 11300816

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)

Schedule - 4

Operating Expenses Related To Insurance Business

1. Employees Remuneration And Welfare Benefits 22712975 22154897

2. Travel Conveyance And Vehicle Running Expenses 680824 611968

3. Training Expenses 327158 146172

4. Rent Rates And Taxes 1363224 1131303

5. Repairs And Maintenance 924148 931935

6. Printing And Stationery 396675 391502

7. Communication Expenses 297892 284114

8. Legal And Professional Charges 628801 535846

9. Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Auditor 117868 92308

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Advisor Or Other Capacity - Taxation 0 0

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Advisor Or Other Capacity - Insurance 0 0

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Advisor Or Other Capacity - Mgt Services 0 0

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. In Other Capacity 0 0

10. Advertisement And Publicity 630972 604507

11. Interest And Bank Charges 85314 52542

12. Others - Exchange (Gain) / Loss (58793) 370344

IT Implementation 1292509 1079473

Outsourcing Expenses 3139722 4378170

Other Taxes 107298 138619

Incentives to Agents 0 1979829

Others 1586924 1813297

13. Depreciation 721938 448777

14. Service Tax / GST Account 328842 669063

Total 35284290 37814666

Apportioned to Fire Segment 3299998 4082754

Apportioned to Marine Segment 689505 742925

Apportioned to Miscellaneous Segment 31294787 32988987

Total 35284290 37814666

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)

Schedule - 5

Share Capital

1. Authorised Capital

1,20,00,00,000 (Previous Year 30,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 6000000 3000000

2. Issued Capital

82,40,00,000 (Previous Year 20,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 4120000 2000000

3. Subscribed Capital

82,40,00,000 (Previous Year 20,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 4120000 2000000

4. Called up Capital

82,40,00,000 (Previous Year 20,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 4120000 2000000

Total 4120000 2000000

Note : Of the above 79,22,98,732 shares are issued as fully paid up bonus shares by capitalisation of general


Pattern of Shareholding

(As Certified by Management) Numbers in (000)

Current Year Previous Year

Share holder
Numbers % of Holding Numbers % of Holding

Promoters Indian 704000 85.44 200000 100

Foreign 0 0.00 0 -

Others 120000 14.56 0 -

Total 824000 100 200000 100

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 6
Reserves and Surplus
1. Capital Reserve (Op. Balance) 575 575
Addition During The Year 0 0
Deduction During The Year 0 0
(Cl.Balance) 575 575
2. Capital Redemption Reserve
3. Share Premium 18962416 0
4. General Reserves (Op. Balance) 108713425 98515561
Addition during the year - Balance Transferred From P & L Account 19266804 10197864
Deduction during the year -
Deduction During The Year - Issue of Bonus shares (2000000) 0
Dividend and dividend Distribution tax for FY 2016-17 (3731192) 0
(Cl. Balance) 122249037 108713425
5. Catastrophe Reserve 0 0
6. Other Reserves
A. Foreign Currency Translation Reserve
Opening Balance 9255404 11160112
Addition During The Year (Refer Note No 12 To Notes To Accounts In Schedule 16 B) 1458404 0
Deduction During The Year 0 (1904708)
(Cl.Balance) 10713808 9255404
B. Equalization / Contingency Reserves for Foreign Branches
Opening Balance 1732226 2060945
Addition During The Year 0 0
Deduction During the Year (885862) (328719)
(Cl.Balance) 846364 1732226
7. Balance Of Profit In Profit And Loss Account 0 0
Total 152772200 119701630

Schedule 7
1. Debentures / Bonds 0 0
2. Banks 0 0
3. Financial Institutions 0 0
4. Others 0 0
Total 0 0

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 8
Investment - Shareholders
Long Term investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 63604126 43570419
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 103059224 91107181
bb. Preference 724 656
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 367123 335099
c. Derivative instruments 0 0
d. Debentures/Bonds 10141826 8438124
e. Other securities - Foreign shares 57839 61546
f. Subsidiaries 426537 470767
g. Investment Properties (Real Estate) 0
4. Investment in Infrastructure and Housing 19657416 16963365
5. Other than Approved Investments (Debentures, Pref.shares, Foreign Shares, Venture Funds 6156465 7105608
and Equity)
Total 203471278 168052765
Short Term Investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 1308125 2704552
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 0 0
bb. Preference 0 0
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 0 0
c. Derivative instruments 0 0
d. Debentures/Bonds 1541122 1855324
e. Other securities - Foreign shares 0 0
f. Subsidiaries 0 0
g. Investment Properties (Real Estate) 0 0
4. Investment in Infrastructure and Housing 2981694 3592811
5. Other than Approved Investments (Debentures, Pref.shares, Foreign Shares, Venture Funds 1110 2012
and Equity)
Total 5832051 8154699

Investments Grand Total 209303330 176207464

1. In India 550774051 509805559
2. Outside India 4608077 4496478
Investment in foreign associates included in equity above 30136 30136
Aggregate amount of Companies Investments in other than listed equity shares Book Value 772410 749587
Market value 761489 725309
Preference shares and FITL preference shares (LTUA) amounting to `80600 (P.Y. `84320) is netted
against interest suspense of an equal amount. Debentures and FITL debentures amounting to `20659
(P.Y. `43101) are netted against interest suspense of an equal amount. Equity shares amounting to
`6376 (P.Y. ` 276) is netted against interest suspense of an equal amount.
Provision made for bad and doubtful debts shown under Schedule 14.5 against assets in Schedule 8
Debentures - Standard Provisions 125654 130412
Housing sector bonds - Standard Provisions 97142 93696
Infrastructure investments - Standard Provisions 146891 146671
Other than approved investments (Debenture) 428126 456547
Equity - Thinly traded and unlisted equity - diminution in value 14364 47935
Equity - Long term unapproved thinly traded and unlisted equity - diminution in value (F)6034/12 14017 14017
Equity subsidiary - Long term unapproved thinly traded and unlisted equity - diminution in value 1535 1535
Total 827729 890813

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 8-A
Investments - Policyholders
Long Term investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 101489977 79139754
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 174210245 179348145
bb. Preference 1223 1291
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 620580 659656
c. Debentures/Bonds 17039159 16455263
d. Investment Properties (Real Estate) 0 0
e. Other securities-other than approved 9630482 13044546
4. Investment in Infrastructure and Housing 33228691 33393066
Total 336220359 322041721
Short Term Investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 2211240 5324020
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 0 0
bb. Preference 0 0
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 0 0
c. Debentures/Bonds 2605097 3652279
d. Other securities (other than approved) 1877 3961
4. Investment in Infrastructure and Housing 5040225 7072593
Total 9858439 16052853
Grand Total 346078798 338094574

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 9
1. Security-Wise Classification
a. On Mortgage Of Property
aa. In India
Loan Against Mortgage Of Property 0 0
Housing, Vehicle And Computer Loans To Employees 2154047 1883444
Direct Term Loans 0 0
bb. Outside India Housing, Vehicle Loan To Employees 70 482
b. On Shares, Bonds, Government Securities
c. Others
Loans to Subsidiaries 0 26862
Loans To State Government Housing, FFe Loans 447264 549974
Unsecured (Term Loans, Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Term Loans PFPS) 0 0
Total 2601381 2460763
2. Borrower-Wise Classification
a. Central And State Governments(Term Loans, Housing and FFE) 447264 549974
b. Banks And Financial Institutions
c. Subsidiaries 0 26862
d. Industrial Undertakings (Term Loans, Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Loans To PFPS) 0 0
e. Others - Housing Loans,Vehicle Loans, Computer Loans To Employees 2154117 1883927
Term Loans and PFPS 0 0
Total 2601381 2460763
3. Performance-wise Classification
a. Loans Classified as Standard
aa. In India:Term Loans, Bridge Loans, State Government Housing And FFE, PFPS 447264 549974
Housing, Vehicle And Computer Loans To Employees 2154047 1883444
bb. Outside India (Loans To Employees) 70 482
Loans to Subsidiaries 0 26862
b. Non-Performing Loans less Provisions
aa. In India (Term Loans, Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Loans PFPS) 0 0
bb. Outside India 0 0
Total 2601381 2460763
4. Maturity-wise Classifications
a. Short-Term (Term Loans, Direct Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Term Loans PFPS) 89592 102710
b. Long-Term
(Term Loans Direct, Loans State Government Housing and FF, and Loans PFPS) 357672 447264
Loans to Subsidiaries 0 26862
Housing, Vehicle, And Computer Loans To Employees. 2154117 1883927

Total 2601381 2460763

PFPS and FITL PFPS amounting to `101572 (P.Y. `585452) and FITL short term loan amounting
to `1675 (P.Y. `1675) and direct term loans amounting to `6101 (P.Y. `6101 ) are netted against
interest suspense of an equal amount.
Assets in Schedule 9 shown after netting of following provisions
Direct term loans (Investments) 18115 18115
Bridge loan (Investments) 400 400
Term loans PFPS 366485 503335
Short term loans (Investments) 83368 85067
Housing loans to state govts. - std.provision 1792 2191
Housing loans to state govts. 16573 16573
FFE loans to state govts. - std.provision 4 19
FFE loans to state govts. 2932 2932
Total 489669 628633

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Schedule 10
Fixed Assets ` (000)
Gross Block Depreciation Fund Net Block
Opening Additions Deletions / * Closing Opening Additions Deletions / * Closing Closing Opening
Balance. Adjustments Balance Balance. Adjustment Balance
01-04-2017 During 2017-2018 31-03-2018 01-04-2017 During 2017-2018 31-03-2018 31-03-2018 31-03-2017
Goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intangibles (Softwares) 1093955 1157790 (2901) 2254647 1060090 205670 (540) 1266300 988346 33865
Land Freehold 76116 0 0 76116 0 0 0 0 76116 76116
Leasehold Property 20786 262630 6039 277377 3609 2587 726 5469 271907 17177

Buildings 1880021 42620 2793 1919848 932778 7943 33 940688 979160 947243
Furnitures & Fittings 710167 49783 1228 758722 503901 30658 1704 532855 225867 206267
Information & 3516867 587251 51866 4052251 2700647 288415 18381 2970681 1081571 816220
Vehicles 1382820 423808 265529 1541098 562630 159755 184743 537642 1003456 820190
Office Equipments 125341 5293 1796 128838 106897 6561 2122 111336 17502 18444
Other Assets # 400368 28068 8663 419773 261662 20349 6186 275825 143948 138706
Work in Progress 566898 0 235125 331773 0 0 0 0 331773 566898
Grand Total 9773338 2557243 335013 11760443 6132214 721938 213355 6640797 5119647 3641124
Previous Year 8395802 1915035 537498 9773338 5787750 448777 104313 6132214 3641124 2608052
* Includes foreign currency fluctuation.
# Other Assets includes Air Conditioner, Water Coolers, Television, Lifts & Cameras etc.
Annual Report 2017-18
THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)

Schedule 11

Cash and Bank Balances

1. Cash (Including Cheques, Drafts and Stamps) 1978528 2344384

2. Bank Balances

a. Deposit Accounts

aa. Short - Term (due within 12 Months) 14541878 16301220

bb. Others 46920989 46194958

b. Current Accounts 9994833 7427035

3. Money at Call and Short Notice

With Banks 0 0

With other Institutions 16774443 7924158

Total 90210671 80191755

Cash and Bank Balances In India 37729416 29479189

Cash and Bank Balances Outside India 52481255 50712566

Total 90210671 80191755

Balances with non scheduled banks included in 2b above 10855421 9090285

Provision made for bad and doubtful debts shown under Schedule 14.5 against assets in
Schedule 11

Indian balances included in 2b above 113049 0

Total 113049 0

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 12
Advances and Other Assets
A. Advances
1. Reserve Deposits With Ceding Companies 556630 161679
2. Application Money For Investments 0 0
3. Pre-Payments 302823 317551
4. Advances To Directors / Officers 0 0
5. Advance Tax Paid And Taxes Deducted At Source (Net Of Provision For Taxation) 2404628 2918562
6. Others 434810 585878
Total (A) 3698891 3983670
B. Other Assets
1. Income Accrued On Investments 7671522 6884500
2. Outstanding Premiums 23966445 6247791
3. Agents Balances 5333380 3969680
4. Foreign Agencies Balances 1586180 995900
5. Due From Other Entities Carrying Insurance Business (Including Reinsurers) 58539935 57513660
6. Due From Subsidiaries/Holding Companies 0 0
7. Deposit With R B I (Persuant to Section 7 Of Insurance Act 1938) 0 0
8. Others - a. Other Accrued Income 1382946 1323800
b. Others Including Sundry Debtors & Interoffice Accounts 6948261 5627995
c. Service Tax / GST Unutilized Credit 214963 323447
d. Fixed Deposit-Unclaimed Amounts of Policy Holders 1380000 1387333
e. Income on Unclaimed Policy Holders Fund 78140 208
Total (B) 107101772 84274314
TOTAL(A+B) 110800663 88257984
Sundry Debtors amounting to ` 5010 (P.Y. `5010) are netted against interest suspense of an
equal amount.
Provision made for Bad and doubtful debts shown under Schedule 14.5 against assets in
Schedule 12
Reinsurance balances included in A1 above 93984 93984
Reinsurance balances included in B5 above 946978 946978
Reinsurance balances included in B8 above 494 494
Foreign balances included in B3 above (Bankok) 67996 62209
Foreign balances included in B4 above (Manila, Dubai & Curacao) 161335 73104
Foreign balances included in B5 above (Bangkok) 10368 11755
Foreign balances included in B8 above (Equitorial Bank London) 11039 9391
Indian reinsurance balances/Miscellaneous debtors included in B5B above 200000 200000
Indian balances included in B3 above 115349 50223
Indian balances included in B8b above 285496 355795
Indian miscellaneous debtors included in B8b above (TCS) 18554 81188
Sundry debtors(5192) investments Indian included in B8 above - Std. provision 31 31
Sundry debtors(5192) investments Indian included in B8 above 3851 3851
Sundry debtors(5192) investments(F) Indian included in B8 above 956 952
Income accrued on investments(5131(F)) Indian included in B1 above 2 2
Total 1916433 1889957

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 13
Current Liabilities
1. Agents Balances 476464 241511
2. Balances Due To Other Insurance Companies 45259935 34446693
3. Deposits Held On Reinsurance Ceded 355315 161528
4. Premium Received In Advance 1934671 1702021
5. Un-Allocated Premium 15834874 11034265
6. Sundry Creditors - a. Other Than Service Tax Payable 9507964 7180845
b. Service Tax Payable /GST Payable 725799 485365
7. Due To Subsidiaries / Holding Company 0 0
8. Claims Outstanding 197200929 179120779
9. Due To Officers/Directors 0 0
10. Others 1087303 1574659
Unclaimed Amounts of Policy Holders - Excess Premium Collected 374526 344769
Unclaimed Amounts of Policy Holders - Refund Premium Due 344015 333600
Unclaimed Amounts of Policy Holders - Stale Cheques 372849 708964
Investment Income on Unclaimed Policy Holders Fund 78140 208
Total 273552784 237335207

Schedule 14
1. a. Reserve for Un-Expired Risks 100201172 87883611
b. Premium Deficiency Reserve 0 0
2. Provision for Taxation (Net of Payment of Taxes) 0 0
3. Provision for Proposed Dividend 0
4. Provision for Dividend Distribution Tax 0 0
5. Others - Reserve for Bad and Doubtful Debts. 2827296 2717286
Provision for Diminution in value of Thinly Traded / Unlisted Shares 29916 63486
Provision for Wage Arrear 0 0
Provision for Leave Encashment 6651300 6682800
Total 109709684 97347183

Schedule 15
Miscellaneous Expenditure
1. Discount Allowed in Issue of Shares and Debentures 0 0
2. Others - Contribution to Pension Fund and Gratuity Fund 2769320 2213400
(Deferred Expenses to the Extent not Written Off)
Total 2769320 2213400

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Receipts & Payments Account / Cash Flow Statement for the period from 01/04/2017 to 31/03/2018
Current Year Previous Year
` (000) ` (000)
A. Cash Flows from the operating activities:
1. Premium received from policyholders, including advance receipts 283541437 241479097
2. Other receipts 134284 265318
3. Payments to the re-insurers, net of commissions and claims (13924530) (15693945)
4. Payments to co-insurers, net of claims recovery (507545) (1907977)
5. Payments of claims (175936050) (152535971)
6. Payments of commission and brokerage (20650257) (14914208)
7. Payments of other operating expenses (35228138) (39560247)
8. Preliminary and pre-operative expenses 0 0
9. Deposits, advances and staff loans (182973) (34413)
10. Income taxes paid (Net) (4663534) 2782513
11. Service tax / GST paid (27249564) (23077869)
12. Other payments (784754) 1648335
13. Cash flows before extraordinary items 4548376 (1549368)
14. Cash flow from extraordinary operations 0 0
Net cash flow from operating activities 4548376 (1549368)
B. Cash flows from investing activities:
1. Purchase of fixed assets (2557243) (1915035)
2. Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 406645 384062
3. Purchases of investments (87382063) (34331236)
4. Loans disbursed 0 0
5. Sales of investments 53265428 29400240
6. Repayments received 268536 (376332)
7. Rents/Interests/ Dividends received 27708668 25431405
8. Investments in money market instruments and in liquid mutual funds 0 0
9. Expenses related to investments (460771) (297503)
Net cash flow from investing activities (8750801) 18295602
C. Cash flows from financing activities:
1. Proceeds from issuance of share capital 18725500 0
2. Proceeds from borrowing 0 0
3. Repayments of borrowing 0 0
4. Interest/dividends paid (7450244) (3019849)
Net cash flow from financing activities 11275257 (3019849)
D. Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents, net 2946082 (4362071)
E. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents: 10018915 9364314
1. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 80191755 70827441
2. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 90210671 80191755
Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari
Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.07628279 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

(`, 000)

Fire M Cargo M Hull Marine Total

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 20825659 18242822 3499171 3417555 2500920 2682704 6000091 6100259
Premium Accepted 907199 878175 16895 -6400 35002 57929 51897 51529
Premium Ceded 13151129 10184970 642904 669863 1996949 2564793 2639853 3234656
Net Premium 8581729 8936027 2873161 2741293 538973 175840 3412134 2917132
Change in URR 35350 1666032 -36485 -281846 363133 -666796 326648 -948642
Net Earned Premium 8546379 7269996 2909646 3023138 175840 842636 3085486 3865774
Profit on Realisation of Investment 2287239 1202679 205112 196292 180140 158439 385252 354731
Interest Dividend and Rent 3248112 1636920 231194 268672 198424 216637 429619 485309
Investment Provisions -4081 4354 -19 817 -81 644 -100 1461

Total Investment Income 5539433 2835245 436325 464147 378646 374432 814971 838579
Claims Paid Direct 12517064 12651233 2762628 2804607 1370041 1314341 4132669 4118948
Claims Paid Accepted 265063 515731 - 2219 53228 35294 53228 37513
Claims Paid Ceded 7330860 4453593 599241 371520 962536 621169 1561776 992690
Net Claim Paid 5451267 8713372 2163387 2435305 460734 728466 2624121 3163772
Cl O/S Claims Direct 33115367 29534522 1704826 2845264 6174321 7564859 7879148 10410123
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 1811469 1688519 16645 23628 419300 521264 435946 544892
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 16671423 15020087 369139 875391 4341543 5838536 4710682 6713927
Net Closing OutstandingClaim 18255413 16202954 1352333 1993501 2252079 2247587 3604412 4241088
Op O/S Claims Direct 29534522 25468509 2845264 3319790 7564859 2628312 10410123 5948102
Op O/S Claims Accepted 1688519 1540409 23628 10232 521264 283920 544892 294152
Op O/S Claims Ceded 15020087 13712269 875391 939255 5838536 927740 6713927 1866995
Net Opening OutstandingClaim 16202954 13296649 1993501 2390768 2247587 1984492 4241088 4375259
Incurred Claims Direct 16097909 16717246 1622190 2330080 -20496 6250888 1601694 8580968
Incurred Claims Accepted 388013 663841 -6983 15615 -48736 272639 -55719 288253
Incurred Claims Ceded 8982196 5761411 92989 307656 -534457 5531965 -441469 5839621
Net Incurred Claim 7503726 11619677 1522219 2038039 465225 991561 1987444 3029600
Commission Direct 1441878 1111701 494713 438267 72099 65025 566812 503292
Commission Accepted 33321 40728 1695 - 8361 9528 10057 9528
Commission Ceded 1726581 887716 71683 97107 84014 105187 155697 202294
Net Incurred Commission -251382 264713 424726 341160 -3554 -30634 421171 310525
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes - - - - - - - -
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 2592439 3099740 520326 621886 125315 56943 645641 678830
Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 4241027 -4878889 878701 486200 -32501 199198 846201 685398


(`, 000)

Motor OD Motor TP Motor Total Health

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 33528270 30943251 57420604 45063466 90948874 76006717 70083659 59596106
Premium Accepted - - - 459906 - 459906 - -
Premium Ceded 1712482 1604420 2891407 2287313 4603888 3891733 7905427 5502486
Net Premium 31815788 29338831 54529198 43236058 86344986 72574889 62178232 54093619
Change in URR 755068 2692099 6208086 7341402 6963154 10033501 3129651 -2794009
Net Earned Premium 31060720 26646731 48321112 35894657 79381832 62541388 59048581 56887629
Profit on Realisation of Investment 1958538 1545076 7694958 5947979 9653496 7493055 1658647 1588818
Interest Dividend and Rent 2055854 2116915 9191339 8149352 11247193 10266266 1979933 2176428
Investment Provisions -2290 6584 6494 25345 4204 31929 1382 6740

Total Investment Income 4016682 3655407 16879803 14071986 20896486 17727393 3637197 3758505
Claims Paid Direct 24535703 23639459 26767629 24070171 51303331 47709630 67413669 63866482
Claims Paid Accepted - - - 553713 - 553713 - -
Claims Paid Ceded 1596974 1207919 1759947 1423141 3356921 2631059 6554924 4968007
Net Claim Paid 22938729 22431540 25007681 23200744 47946410 45632284 60858745 58898476
Cl O/S Claims Direct 7849350 7434479 131957239 115374910 139806589 122809389 9952350 9303903
Cl O/S Claims Accepted -1 - - - -1 - - -
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 557784 925341 8098155 7400297 8655940 8325639 1193178 993597
Net Closing OutstandingClaim 7291564 6509137 123859083 107974613 131150648 114483750 8759172 8310306
Op O/S Claims Direct 7434479 6443556 115374910 103517467 122809389 109961023 9303903 8166225
Op O/S Claims Accepted - - - - - - - -
Op O/S Claims Ceded 925341 651915 7400297 5070286 8325639 5722200 993597 542786
Net Opening OutstandingClaim 6509137 5791642 107974613 98447181 114483750 104238823 8310306 7623438
Incurred Claims Direct 24950574 24630381 43349957 35927615 68300531 60557996 68062115 65004161
Incurred Claims Accepted -1 - - 553713 -1 553713 - -
Incurred Claims Ceded 1229417 1481345 2457805 3753153 3687222 5234498 6754505 5418818
Net Incurred Claim 23721156 23149036 40892152 32728176 64613308 55877211 61307610 59585343
Commission Direct 5673713 2369731 561899 - 6235612 2369731 5049781 3427085
Commission Accepted - - - - - - - -
Commission Ceded 251602 232334 264594 41625 516195 273959 384558 663167
Net Incurred Commission 5422112 2137398 297305 -41625 5719417 2095772 4665222 2763918
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes - - - - - - - -
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 6526450 7694266 9200060 8794387 15726510 16488653 10647209 11220091
Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) -592315 -2678561 14811399 8485705 14219084 5807144 -13934263 -12923218
(`, 000)

Employers Product /Public OtherLiabilities* Personal Accident

Liability* Liablity *
Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 1313318 364392 2050174 3528402 4647874 3755135
Premium Accepted - - 205981 214000 9588 48004
Premium Ceded 65671 130503 1130391 941500 269394 205425
Net Premium 1247648 233888 1125764 2800901 4388068 3597714
Change in URR -13705 -25103 255971 -72816 343134 603266
Net Earned Premium 1261353 258991 869794 2873718 4044934 2994448
Profit on Realisation of Investment 119327 91972 133801 195555 184451 104654

Interest Dividend and Rent 111626 72869 152181 265988 215284 143282
Investment Provisions -329 -437 -134 696 86 439
Total Investment Income 231282 165278 286116 460848 399649 247497
Claims Paid Direct 355590 28910 140906 691258 3751243 1981531
Claims Paid Accepted - - 5159 17815 16717 80671
Claims Paid Ceded 23158 1446 14816 52285 203346 110509
Net Claim Paid 332432 27465 131249 656787 3564614 1951692
Cl O/S Claims Direct 576353 244035 968274 1730828 1825097 1471529
Cl O/S Claims Accepted - - - - - -
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 42332 70674 385432 314351 101757 87742
Net Closing OutstandingClaim 534021 173361 582843 1416476 1723340 1383787
Op O/S Claims Direct 359632 6623 1364573 1818735 1471529 1025895
Op O/S Claims Accepted - - - - - -
Op O/S Claims Ceded 32215 - 282137 250849 87742 30355
Net Opening OutstandingClaim 327417 6623 1082436 1567886 1383787 995539
Incurred Claims Direct 572311 266323 -255392 603350 4104810 2427165
Incurred Claims Accepted - - 5159 17815 16717 80671
Incurred Claims Ceded 33276 72120 118111 115787 217361 167896
Net Incurred Claim 539035 194203 -368344 505377 3904166 2339940
Commission Direct - - 402514 352039 290689 278077
Commission Accepted - - 598 1600 2860 14401
Commission Ceded - 13050 155409 38835 38945 32241
Annual Report 2017-18

Net Incurred Commission - -13050 247703 314804 254603 260237

Foreign Taxes - - - - - -
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 281766 111789 193063 648578 760034 768180
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 671833 131327 1083487 1865806 -474220 -126412

* Employers Liability and Product / Public Liability figures for previous year are included in Other Liabilities

(`, 000)

Aviation Engineering Crop

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 1256430 1245128 4450620 4993558 17200206 10464170
Premium Accepted 38805 67093 336775 318448 644684 2039929
Premium Ceded 1180937 1202549 1802302 2444808 13976307 8648321
Net Premium 114298 109672 2985093 2867198 3868583 3855778
Change in URR 23066 36426 780992 75025 - 261694
Net Earned Premium 91233 73246 2204101 2792173 3868583 3594084
Profit on Realisation of Investment 82826 30223 381905 260269 225222 37741
Interest Dividend and Rent 72528 40556 413324 355715 269019 51710
Investment Provisions -297 68 -274 1047 190 161

Total Investment Income 155651 70711 795503 614937 494051 89290

Claims Paid Direct 705404 208547 2130271 1955212 10130389 -
Claims Paid Accepted 6060 67584 138779 424274 1308372 201569
Claims Paid Ceded 612813 132956 854466 788201 8039229 -
Net Claim Paid 98652 143175 1414584 1591284 3399533 201569
Cl O/S Claims Direct 1919351 1386355 3736973 5173487 14470155 10453502
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 102428 80916 1023602 1190795 743739 1634625
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 1773626 1132974 1876782 2887772 11219326 8242226
Net Closing OutstandingClaim 248153 334297 2883793 3476510 3994568 3845901
Op O/S Claims Direct 1386355 978768 5173487 4552296 10453502 -
Op O/S Claims Accepted 80916 31913 1190795 1280935 1634625 465032
Op O/S Claims Ceded 1132974 875980 2887772 2568515 8242226 -
Net Opening OutstandingClaim 334297 134701 3476510 3264716 3845901 465032
Incurred Claims Direct 1238400 616134 693757 2576403 14147042 10453502
Incurred Claims Accepted 27572 116587 -28414 334134 417487 1371161
Incurred Claims Ceded 1253465 389950 -156524 1107459 11016329 8242226
Net Incurred Claim 12508 342771 821867 1803078 3548200 3582437
Commission Direct 8071 6686 419669 304072 40492 56031
Commission Accepted 2315 2643 44640 24821 228869 184011
Commission Ceded 46090 48875 346491 369493 961939 492423
Net Incurred Commission -35704 -39546 117819 -40600 -692577 -252382
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes - - - - - -
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 110058 94023 542735 655882 651355 784281
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 160022 -253291 1517183 988749 855656 -430962
(`, 000)

Other Miscellaneous Total Miscellaneous Grand Total

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 8046314 7214626 200361862 166803841 227187611 191146923
Premium Accepted 140924 105810 1376756 3253189 2335852 4182893
Premium Ceded 1719014 1418503 32783834 24255326 48574816 37674952
Net Premium 6468224 5901933 168954784 145801704 180948647 157654863
Change in URR 302140 -225255 11759299 7917831 12121297 8635221
Net Earned Premium 6166084 6127187 157195485 137883873 168827350 149019642
Profit on Realisation of Investment 432064 354629 12963711 10064943 15636203 11622354
Interest Dividend and Rent 516007 485179 15049966 13785124 18727697 15907353
Investment Provisions 23 1461 4414 42540 233 48356

Total Investment Income 948048 838346 28009263 23807527 34363666 27481351

Claims Paid Direct 5380073 5411806 141339786 121824465 157989519 138594646
Claims Paid Accepted 93675 55096 1568763 1400720 1887053 1953965
Claims Paid Ceded 1230778 961820 20891897 9644837 29784533 15091120
Net Claim Paid 4242969 4505081 122016652 113580348 130092039 125457492
Cl O/S Claims Direct 4557613 4345973 178056790 156674966 219051305 196619611
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 435329 488415 2305098 3394751 4552512 5628163
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 1477751 1455948 26796798 23440249 48178903 45174263
Net Closing OutstandingClaim 3515191 3378441 153565089 136629468 175424914 157073510
Op O/S Claims Direct 4345973 5494865 156674966 131997806 196619611 163414417
Op O/S Claims Accepted 488442 408324 3394778 2186204 5628189 4020765
Op O/S Claims Ceded 1455947 2174967 23440249 12165653 45174263 27744917
Net Opening OutstandingClaim 3378467 3728221 136629495 122018357 157073537 139690265
Incurred Claims Direct 5591712 4262914 162721610 146501626 180421213 171799840
Incurred Claims Accepted 40562 135187 479083 2609268 811377 3561362
Incurred Claims Ceded 1252582 242801 24248446 20919434 32789173 32520466
Net Incurred Claim 4379692 4155301 138952246 128191460 148443416 142840737
Commission Direct 976041 899829 13422870 7693549 15431559 9308541
Commission Accepted 33895 39178 313177 266654 356555 316910
Commission Ceded 251898 277075 2714576 2196067 4596853 3286077
Net Incurred Commission 758038 661933 11021471 5764136 11191260 6339374
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes - - - - - -
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 1184071 1312811 30208590 31972499 33446670 35751068
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 792331 835490 5022441 -4236694 10109669 -8430186


(`, 000)

Fire M Cargo M Hull Marine Total

Revenue Account Elements CY PY CY PY CY PY CY PY
Premium Direct 6597398 7272521 334874 374999 76685 165545 411559 540544
Premium Accepted 9544711 8410450 69660 80025 314747 228855 384407 308880
Premium Ceded 5124198 4546858 53399 19656 59533 94438 112933 114094
Net Premium 11017910 11136113 351134 435368 331899 299962 683033 735330
Change in URR -59102 -780762 -42117 -36361 31937 17199 -10180 -19162
Net Earned Premium 11077012 11916875 393251 471729 299962 282763 693213 754492
Profit on Realisation of Investment - 671289 - 16566 - 27204 - 43770
Interest Dividend and Rent 432275 930612 13809 22966 16748 37713 30557 60679

Investment Provisions 6011 3631 192 90 233 147 425 237

Total Investment Income 426264 1598270 13617 39442 16515 64770 30132 104212
Claims Paid Direct 5768830 4597544 177803 83540 3547 1400 181350 84940
Claims Paid Accepted 7287197 5363662 32896 27138 41102 340325 73998 367463
Claims Paid Ceded 3436939 1950325 6561 776 664 404 7225 1179
Net Claim Paid 9619088 8010880 204138 109903 43985 341321 248122 451224
Cl O/S Claims Direct 9324746 9831099 571281 666157 74331 72586 645612 738743
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 11330695 9307315 79418 62642 377444 296326 456862 358968
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 11396442 7475871 395897 402573 7370 11430 403268 414003
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 9258999 11662544 254802 326226 444404 357482 699206 683709
Op O/S Claims Direct 9516036 6462125 646863 557757 72246 239893 719109 797651
Op O/S Claims Accepted 8957019 9227795 62340 43699 291674 229376 354014 273075
Op O/S Claims Ceded 7195258 3990506 388558 399432 11408 179 399967 399611
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 11277797 11699414 320644 202024 352512 469090 673156 671114
Incurred Claims Direct 5577540 7966519 102221 191940 5631 -165907 107853 26033
Incurred Claims Accepted 9660873 5443182 49975 46081 126871 407275 176846 453356
Incurred Claims Ceded 7638123 5435691 13900 3917 -3374 11654 10527 15571
Net Incurred Claim 7600290 7974010 138296 234105 135876 229714 274172 463818
Commission Direct 1899163 2134224 75743 93493 3867 43755 79610 137248
Commission Accepted 1673517 1514583 20531 18839 60916 23519 81447 42358
Commission Ceded 433901 507477 14742 5149 1302 31117 16045 36266
Net Incurred Commission 3138779 3141330 81531 107183 63481 36157 145012 143340
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 4019 3985 - - - - - -

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 707559 983014 22549 24259 21314 39837 43864 64096
Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 52628 1412807 164492 145625 95805 41825 260297 187450
(`, 000)

Motor OD Motor TP Motor Total Health

Revenue Account Elements CY PY CY PY CY PY CY PY
Premium Direct 12827768 12634164 - - 12827768 12634164 1711328 1253683
Premium Accepted 145676 160440 182030 - 327706 160440 - -
Premium Ceded 1743499 1485050 - - 1743499 1485050 - -
Net Premium 11229945 11309554 182030 - 11411975 11309554 1711328 1253683
Change in URR -39804 -49798 91015 - 51211 -49798 228823 59449
Net Earned Premium 11269749 11359351 91015 - 11360764 11359351 1482505 1194234
Profit on Realisation of Investment - - - - - - 25793
Interest Dividend and Rent 283547 - - 283547 - 1259 35758
Investment Provisions 3943 - - 3943 - 18 140

Total Investment Income 279604 - - - 279604 - 1241 61412

Claims Paid Direct 7463576 8290752 - - 7463576 8290752 1504150 1082110
Claims Paid Accepted 131448 154367 8493 - 139941 154367 - -
Claims Paid Ceded 765557 633921 - - 765557 633921 16107 -
Net Claim Paid 6829466 7811198 8493 - 6837959 7811198 1488043 1082110
Cl O/S Claims Direct 7783990 6507748 - - 7783990 6507748 224873 149305
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 117231 98388 - - 117231 98388 - -
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 1651574 998536 - - 1651574 998536 - -
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 6249647 5607600 - - 6249647 5607600 224873 149305
Op O/S Claims Direct 6240387 5338245 - - 6240387 5338245 149165 150353
Op O/S Claims Accepted 94985 63718 - - 94985 63718 - -
Op O/S Claims Ceded 940280 362401 - - 940280 362401 - 9129
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 5395092 5039562 - - 5395092 5039562 149165 141224
Incurred Claims Direct 9007179 9460256 - - 9007179 9460256 1579859 1081063
Incurred Claims Accepted 153694 189037 8493 - 162186 189037 - -
Incurred Claims Ceded 1476851 1270056 - - 1476851 1270056 16107 -9129
Net Incurred Claim 7684021 8379237 8493 - 7692514 8379237 1563751 1090191
Commission Direct 2648627 2637098 - - 2648627 2637098 398885 292732
Commission Accepted 7945 1847 32765 - 40710 1847 - -
Commission Ceded 157146 183425 - - 157146 183425 - -
Net Incurred Commission 2499426 2455520 32765 - 2532191 2455520 398885 292732
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 1287 1129 - - 1287 1129 192 125

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 721176 573777 11690 - 732865 573777 109900 37771
Premium Deficiency - - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 643444 -50312 38067 - 681511 -50312 -588981 -165174


(`, 000)

Employers Product /Public OtherLiabilities* Personal Accident

Liability* Liablity *
Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 728319 729086 50080 1327402 192124 215181
Premium Accepted 302 558 -96 -2576 20227 22210
Premium Ceded 40204 34409 16206 74079 8670 11899
Net Premium 688416 695235 33778 1250747 203682 225492
Change in URR -24615 -10509 -10259 -94618 -10905 5946

Net Earned Premium 713031 705744 44037 1345365 214587 219546

Profit on Realisation of Investment - - - 119877 - 6470
Interest Dividend and Rent 30905 36988 17745 166186 5035 8970
Investment Provisions 430 514 247 648 70 35
Total Investment Income 30476 36473 17498 285414 4965 15405
Claims Paid Direct 316475 407029 -123298 739107 71843 56348
Claims Paid Accepted 16 23 13111 132 10110 11128
Claims Paid Ceded - 661 -0 11721 - 1
Net Claim Paid 316491 406391 -110186 727518 81953 67475
Cl O/S Claims Direct 999580 1127118 234071 2229511 59199 63404
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 608 288 12526 10063 26084 23652
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 91586 19209 13180 107164 1038 1390
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 908601 1108197 233416 2132410 84245 85666
Op O/S Claims Direct 903092 1102979 115361 2435707 61224 47656
Op O/S Claims Accepted 530 315 9435 10609 23648 24180
Op O/S Claims Ceded 68056 20006 11819 43666 1390 38
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 835566 1083289 112977 2402649 83482 71799
Incurred Claims Direct 412962 431168 -4588 532912 69818 72095
Incurred Claims Accepted 94 -5 16202 -414 12546 10601
Incurred Claims Ceded 23531 -135 1361 75219 -352 1353
Net Incurred Claim 389526 431299 10253 457279 82716 81342
Annual Report 2017-18

Commission Direct 154272 159724 47456 299889 48718 54375

Commission Accepted 60 119 -26 -514 6910 11508
Commission Ceded 47 10277 1590 12438 589 1199
Net Incurred Commission 154285 149566 45840 286937 55039 64685
Foreign Taxes 79 78 3 125 23 23
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 44209 44647 2169 175543 13080 9475
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 155408 116626 3270 710894 68694 79427

* Employers Liability and Product / Public Liability figures for previous year are included in Other Liabilities
(`, 000)

Aviation Engineering Other Miscellaneous

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct - - 409992 803032 747834 785714
Premium Accepted 890244 736050 232230 249668 214677 160032
Premium Ceded 18305 4504 256885 304198 50247 82409
Net Premium 871939 731547 385336 748501 912264 863337
Change in URR 70196 11977 -181583 -12380 153187 5490
Net Earned Premium 801743 719570 566919 760882 759077 857848
Profit on Realisation of Investment - 52640 - 54334 - 43207
Interest Dividend and Rent 26409 72975 42848 75324 24539 59898
Investment Provisions 367 285 596 294 341 234

Total Investment Income 26042 125330 42252 129365 24198 102872

Claims Paid Direct 3900 - 325336 310207 181057 342151
Claims Paid Accepted 1163293 754780 314891 338626 69313 50162
Claims Paid Ceded 34489 16083 118332 46640 360 1801
Net Claim Paid 1132704 738697 521894 602193 250010 390512
Cl O/S Claims Direct - 86538 1394941 721582 343532 417396
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 1019118 1002892 863303 911673 206294 130417
Cl O/S Claims Ceded - 426032 807484 303929 10873 12406
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 1019118 663398 1450760 1329326 538952 535406
Op O/S Claims Direct 86538 150000 703767 861596 360626 688180
Op O/S Claims Accepted 1002892 942614 887106 551290 129361 82882
Op O/S Claims Ceded 426032 - 295341 295566 12198 4136
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 663398 1092614 1295532 1117319 477789 766927
Incurred Claims Direct -82638 -63462 1016510 170193 163963 71367
Incurred Claims Accepted 1179519 815058 291088 699010 146246 97697
Incurred Claims Ceded -391544 442116 630476 55003 -965 10072
Net Incurred Claim 1488424 309481 677122 814200 311173 158992
Commission Direct - - 125969 158551 65103 164621
Commission Accepted 163241 117769 56736 65271 56132 40978
Commission Ceded - - 32454 32724 5490 7001
Net Incurred Commission 163241 117769 150251 191098 115744 198598
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 98 73 43 75 103 86

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 55995 77084 24746 79566 58585 63271
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) -879973 340493 -242992 -194692 - 539772


(`, 000)

Total Miscellaneous Grand Total

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 17396531 17019175 24405488 24832240
Premium Accepted 1685847 1325824 11614965 10045154
Premium Ceded 2168426 1962139 7405557 6623090
Net Premium 16913953 16382860 28614896 28254304
Change in URR 265546 -73936 196265 -873860
Net Earned Premium 16648406 16456796 28418631 29128163
Profit on Realisation of Investment - 302322 - 1017381
Interest Dividend and Rent 469275 419111 932107 1410402

Investment Provisions 6526 1635 12962 5503

Total Investment Income 462749 719798 919145 2422280
Claims Paid Direct 10150069 10820676 16100249 15503160
Claims Paid Accepted 1710697 1309196 9071891 7040321
Claims Paid Ceded 935507 710168 4379671 2661673
Net Claim Paid 10925258 11419704 20792469 19881808
Cl O/S Claims Direct 12167304 10175484 22137661 20745327
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 2245451 2177086 14033008 11843370
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 2594944 1849459 14394654 9739333
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 11817810 10503112 21776015 22849365
Op O/S Claims Direct 9723140 9671737 19958285 16931513
Op O/S Claims Accepted 2148271 1675292 11459304 11176162
Op O/S Claims Ceded 1775121 714936 9370346 5105053
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 10096290 10632094 22047243 23002622
Incurred Claims Direct 12594233 11324423 18279625 19316974
Incurred Claims Accepted 1807877 1810990 11645596 7707529
Incurred Claims Ceded 1755331 1844691 9403980 7295953
Net Incurred Claim 12646779 11290722 20521241 19728551
Commission Direct 3648753 3607266 5627526 5878738
Commission Accepted 323882 236860 2078845 1793801
Commission Ceded 207593 236787 657538 780530
Net Incurred Commission 3765042 3607339 7048833 6892009
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 1906 1636 5926 5621

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 1086197 1016488 1837619 2063597
Premium Deficiency - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) -388768 1260409 -75843 2860666
(`, 000)

Fire Marine Cargo Marine Hull Marine Total

Revenue Account Elements CY PY CY PY CY PY CY PY
Premium Direct 27423056 25515343 3834045 3792554 2577604 2848249 6411649 6640803
Premium Accepted 10451910 9288625 86554 73625 349749 286784 436304 360409
Premium Ceded 18275328 14731827 696304 689519 2056482 2659231 2752786 3348750
Net Premium 19599639 20072141 3224296 3176660 870872 475802 4095167 3652462
Change in URR -23752 885270 -78602 -318207 395070 -649597 316468 -967804
Net Earned Premium 19623390 19186871 3302897 3494867 475802 1125399 3778699 4620266
Profit on Realisation of Investment 2287239 1873968 205112 212858 180140 185643 385252 398501
Interest Dividend and Rent 3680388 2567532 245003 291638 215172 254350 460175 545988
Investment Provisions 1930 7985 173 907 152 791 325 1698

Total Investment Income 5965697 4433515 449942 503589 395160 439202 845103 942791
Claims Paid Direct 18285894 17248777 2940431 2888147 1373588 1315741 4314019 4203888
Claims Paid Accepted 7552260 5879393 32896 29357 94329 375619 127226 404976
Claims Paid Ceded 10767799 6403918 605802 372296 963200 621573 1569002 993869
Net Claim Paid 15070354 16724252 2367525 2545208 504718 1069787 2872243 3614995
Cl O/S Claims Direct 42440113 39365621 2276107 3511421 6248652 7637445 8524759 11148866
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 13142164 10995834 96064 86270 796744 817590 892808 903861
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 28067866 22495958 765036 1277964 4348913 5849966 5113949 7127930
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 27514412 27865498 1607135 2319727 2696483 2605069 4303618 4924797
Op O/S Claims Direct 39050558 31930634 3492126 3877548 7637105 2868205 11129231 6745753
Op O/S Claims Accepted 10645538 10768204 85968 53931 812938 513296 898906 567227
Op O/S Claims Ceded 22215346 17702775 1263949 1338687 5849944 927919 7113893 2266606
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 27480750 24996063 2314145 2592792 2600099 2453582 4914244 5046374
Incurred Claims Direct 21675449 24683765 1724411 2522020 -14865 6084981 1709547 8607001
Incurred Claims Accepted 10048886 6107023 42992 61696 78135 679913 121127 741610
Incurred Claims Ceded 16620318 11197101 106889 311573 -537831 5543620 -430942 5855193
Net Incurred Claim 15104016 19593687 1660515 2272144 601102 1221275 2261616 3493418
Commission Direct 3341040 3245925 570456 531760 75966 108780 646422 640540
Commission Accepted 1706838 1555311 22226 18839 69278 33047 91503 51886
Commission Ceded 2160481 1395193 86425 102257 85317 136303 171742 238560
Net Incurred Commission 2887397 3406042 506257 448342 59927 5523 566183 453866
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 4019 3985 - - - - - -

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 3299998 4082754 542876 646145 146629 96780 689505 742925
Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 4293656 -3466082 1043193 631825 63305 241023 1106497 872848


(`, 000)

Motor OD Motor TP Motor Total Health

Revenue Account Elements CY PY CY PY CY PY CY PY
Premium Direct 46356038 43577415 57420604 45063466 103776642 88640881 71794987 60849788
Premium Accepted 145676 160440 182030 459906 327706 620345 - -
Premium Ceded 3455981 3089470 2891407 2287313 6347387 5376783 7905427 5502486
Net Premium 43045733 40648384 54711228 43236058 97756961 83884443 63889560 55347302
Change in URR 715264 2642302 6299101 7341402 7014365 9983704 3358473 -2734561
Net Earned Premium 42330470 38006083 48412127 35894657 90742596 73900739 60531087 58081863
Profit on Realisation of Investment 1958538 1545076 7694958 5947979 9653496 7493055 1658647 1614611
Interest Dividend and Rent 2339401 2116915 9191339 8149352 11530740 10266266 1981192 2212186

Investment Provisions 1653 6584 6494 25345 8147 31929 1400 6880
Total Investment Income 4296286 3655407 16879803 14071986 21176090 17727393 3638439 3819917
Claims Paid Direct 31999279 31930211 26767629 24070171 58766907 56000382 68917819 64948593
Claims Paid Accepted 131448 154367 8493 553713 139941 708080 - -
Claims Paid Ceded 2362531 1841840 1759947 1423141 4122479 3264981 6571031 4968007
Net Claim Paid 29768195 30242738 25016174 23200744 54784369 53443482 62346788 59980586
Cl O/S Claims Direct 15633340 13942227 131957239 115374910 147590578 129317137 10177223 9453208
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 117229 98388 - - 117229 98388 - -
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 2209358 1923878 8098155 7400297 10307513 9324175 1193178 993597
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 13541211 12116738 123859083 107974613 137400295 120091351 8984045 8459611
Op O/S Claims Direct 13674866 11781801 115374910 103517467 129049776 115299268 9453068 8316578
Op O/S Claims Accepted 94985 63718 - - 94985 63718 - -
Op O/S Claims Ceded 1865621 1014316 7400297 5070286 9265918 6084602 993597 551915
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 11904229 10831204 107974613 98447181 119878842 109278385 8459471 7764663
Incurred Claims Direct 33957753 34090636 43349957 35927615 77307710 70018251 69641974 66085223
Incurred Claims Accepted 153693 189037 8493 553713 162185 742751 - -
Incurred Claims Ceded 2706268 2751401 2457805 3753153 5164074 6504554 6770612 5409689
Net Incurred Claim 31405177 31528272 40900644 32728176 72305821 64256448 62871362 60675535
Commission Direct 8322340 5006829 561899 - 8884239 5006829 5448665 3719817
Commission Accepted 7945 1847 32765 - 40710 1847 - -
Commission Ceded 408747 415759 264594 41625 673341 457384 384558 663167
Net Incurred Commission 7921538 4592917 330070 -41625 8251608 4551292 5064107 3056650
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 1287 1129 - - 1287 1129 192 125

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 7247626 8268044 9211749 8794387 16459375 17062430 10757108 11257862
Premium Deficiency - - - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 51129 -2728873 14849466 8485705 14900595 5756832 -14523244 -13088392

(`, 000)

* Employers * Product / * Other Liabilities Personal Accident

Revenue Account Elements Liability Public Liablity
Premium Direct 2041638 1093478 2100254 4855804 4839998 3970316
Premium Accepted 302 558 205886 211424 29815 70213
Premium Ceded 105875 164912 1146598 1015580 278064 217324
Net Premium 1936064 929123 1159542 4051648 4591749 3823205
Change in URR -38320 -35612 245712 -167435 332229 609211
Net Earned Premium 1974384 964735 913831 4219083 4259521 3213994
Profit on Realisation of Investment 119327 91972 133801 315432 184451 111124

Interest Dividend and Rent 142531 109857 169926 432174 220319 152252
Investment Provisions 101 78 113 1344 156 474
Total Investment Income 261757 201751 303614 746262 404615 262902
Claims Paid Direct 672065 435940 17609 1430365 3823086 2037878
Claims Paid Accepted 16 23 18271 17946 26827 91799
Claims Paid Ceded 23158 2106 14816 64006 203346 110510
Net Claim Paid 648923 433856 21063 1384305 3646566 2019168
Cl O/S Claims Direct 1575933 1371154 1202345 3960339 1884296 1534933
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 608 288 12526 10063 26084 23652
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 133918 89884 398612 421516 102796 89132
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 1442622 1281558 816259 3548886 1807585 1469453
Op O/S Claims Direct 1262724 1109602 1479934 4254442 1532753 1073551
Op O/S Claims Accepted 530 315 9435 10609 23648 24180
Op O/S Claims Ceded 100270 20006 293956 294515 89132 30393
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 1162984 1089912 1195413 3970535 1467269 1067338
Incurred Claims Direct 985273 697491 -259980 1136262 4174629 2499261
Incurred Claims Accepted 94 -5 21362 17401 29263 91271
Incurred Claims Ceded 56806 71984 119472 191007 217010 169250
Net Incurred Claim 928561 625502 -358091 962657 3986882 2421283
Commission Direct 154272 159724 449970 651928 339406 332452
Commission Accepted 60 119 572 1086 9770 25909
Commission Ceded 47 23328 156999 51273 39534 33440
Annual Report 2017-18

Net Incurred Commission 154285 136516 293543 601741 309642 324921

Foreign Taxes 79 78 3 125 23 23
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 325976 156437 195233 824121 773115 777655
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 827240 247954 1086757 2576700 -405526 -46985

* Employers Liability and Product / Public Liability figures for previous year are included in Other Liabilities


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Aviation Engineering Crop

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 1256430 1245128 4860612 5796590 17200206 10464170
Premium Accepted 929049 803144 569005 568115 644684 2039929
Premium Ceded 1199241 1207053 2059187 2749006 13976307 8648321
Net Premium 986238 841219 3370429 3615699 3868583 3855778
Change in URR 93262 48402 599409 62644 - 261694
Net Earned Premium 892976 792816 2771020 3553055 3868583 3594084
Profit on Realisation of Investment 82826 82863 381905 314603 225222 37741
Interest Dividend and Rent 98937 113531 456172 431039 269019 51710

Investment Provisions 70 353 322 1341 190 161

Total Investment Income 181693 196041 837755 744302 494051 89290
Claims Paid Direct 709304 208547 2455607 2265418 10130389 -
Claims Paid Accepted 1169353 822364 453670 762900 1308372 201569
Claims Paid Ceded 647301 149039 972798 834841 8039229 -
Net Claim Paid 1231356 881872 1936478 2193477 3399533 201569
Cl O/S Claims Direct 1919351 1472893 5131914 5895069 14470155 10453502
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 1121547 1083809 1886905 2102468 743739 1634625
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 1773626 1559006 2684266 3191701 11219326 8242226
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 1267272 997695 4334553 4805836 3994568 3845901
Op O/S Claims Direct 1472893 1128768 5877254 5413891 10453502 -
Op O/S Claims Accepted 1083809 974527 2077901 1832225 1634625 465032
Op O/S Claims Ceded 1559006 875980 3183113 2864081 8242226 -
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 997695 1227315 4772042 4382035 3845901 465032
Incurred Claims Direct 1155762 552672 1710267 2746596 14147042 10453502
Incurred Claims Accepted 1207091 931646 262674 1033144 417487 1371161
Incurred Claims Ceded 861921 832066 473952 1162462 11016329 8242226
Net Incurred Claim 1500932 652252 1498989 2617278 3548200 3582437
Commission Direct 8071 6686 545638 462623 40492 56031
Commission Accepted 165555 120412 101376 90092 228869 184011
Commission Ceded 46090 48875 378945 402217 961939 492423
Net Incurred Commission 127536 78223 268070 150498 -692577 -252382
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 98 73 43 75 - -
Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 166053 171107 567480 735448 651355 784281
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) -719951 87202 1274192 794058 855656 -430962
(`, 000)

Other Miscellaneous Total Miscellaneous Grand Total

Revenue Account Elements
Premium Direct 8794148 8000340 217758393 183823016 251593099 215979163
Premium Accepted 355601 265842 3062604 4579013 13950817 14228047
Premium Ceded 1769261 1500912 34952260 26217465 55980373 44298043
Net Premium 7380488 6765270 185868737 162184564 209563543 185909167
Change in URR 455327 -219765 12024845 7843895 12317562 7761361
Net Earned Premium 6925160 6985035 173843891 154340669 197245981 178147805
Profit on Realisation of Investment 432064 397836 12963711 10367265 15636203 12639735
Interest Dividend and Rent 540547 545077 15519240 14204235 19659804 17317755
Investment Provisions 365 1695 10940 44176 13196 53859

Total Investment Income 972246 941218 28472011 24527325 35282811 29903631

Claims Paid Direct 5561130 5753957 151489855 132645141 174089768 154097806
Claims Paid Accepted 162988 105258 3279459 2709917 10958944 8994286
Claims Paid Ceded 1231139 963621 21827404 10355005 34164204 17752792
Net Claim Paid 4492979 4895594 132941910 125000052 150884508 145339300
Cl O/S Claims Direct 4901144 4763369 190224094 166850450 241188966 217364938
Cl O/S Claims Accepted 641623 618832 4550549 5571838 18585521 17471533
Cl O/S Claims Ceded 1488624 1468354 29391743 25289708 62573558 54913596
Net Closing Outsatnding Claim 4054143 3913847 165382900 147132580 197200929 179922875
Op O/S Claims Direct 4706599 6183045 166398106 141669543 216577895 180345929
Op O/S Claims Accepted 617802 491206 5543049 3861496 17087493 15196927
Op O/S Claims Ceded 1468145 2179103 25215370 12880589 54544609 32849970
Net Opening Outsatnding Claim 3856256 4495148 146725785 132650451 179120779 162692887
Incurred Claims Direct 5755675 4334281 175315843 157826049 198700839 191116815
Incurred Claims Accepted 186808 232884 2286959 4420258 12456972 11268891
Incurred Claims Ceded 1251617 252872 26003777 22764125 42193153 39816419
Net Incurred Claim 4690866 4314293 151599025 139482182 168964658 162569287
Commission Direct 1041145 1064450 17071623 11300815 21059085 15187280
Commission Accepted 90026 80156 637059 503513 2435400 2110710
Commission Ceded 257388 284076 2922169 2432854 5254392 4066607
Net Incurred Commission 873783 860530 14786512 9371474 18240093 13231382
Annual Report 2017-18

Foreign Taxes 103 86 1906 1636 5926 5621

Operating Expenses Related to Insurance 1242655 1376082 31294787 32988986 35284290 37814665
Premium Deficiency - - - - - -
Revenue Accounts Result Profit/ (loss) 1090000 1375262 4633672 -2976285 10033826 -5569520

Shareholders' and Policyholders' Funds

Basis of Allocation of Investments
Particulars As at 31/03/2018 As at 31/03/2017
` (000) ` (000)
Policy Holders Fund
1 Outstanding Claims including IBNR & IBNER 197200929 179120779
2 Unearned Premium Reserve 100201172 87883611
3 Premium Deficiency Reserve 0 0
4 Catastroph Reserve 0 0
5 Other Liabilities Net of Other Assets :
Other Liabilities :
i Premium Received in Advance 1934671 1702021
ii Unallocated Premium 15834874 11034265

iii Balance due to other Insurance Companies 45259935 34446693

iii Due to other Members of Pool such as Third Party Pool, Terrorism Pool etc. 0 0
iv Sundry Creditors (Due to Policyholders) 1169530 1387541
Total Other Liabilities 64199010 48570520
Other Assets :
i Outstanding Premium 23966445 6247791
ii Due from other entities carrying insurance business including Reinsurers 58539935 57513660
iii Balance with Pool such as Third Party Pool, Terrorism Pool etc. 0 0
iv Fixed Deposit-Unclaimed Amounts of Policy Holders 1458140 1387541
Total Other Assets 83964520 65148992

Other Liabilities Net of Other Assets : -19765510 -16578472

Total Net Policyholders Funds 277636591 64.30% 250425918 67.70%

Share Holders Funds
Share Capital 4120000 2000000
Reserves & Surplus 152772200.4 119701630
Total 156892200.4 121701630
Less :
Revaluation Reserves 0 0
Fair Value Change Account 0 0
Accumaulated Losses 0 0
Miscellaneous Expenditure 2769320 2213400
Annual Report 2017-18

Total Net Share Holders Fund 154122880.4 35.70% 119488230 32.3016%

Total Funds 431759471.4 100.00% 369914148 100.00%
THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedule 16
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes forming part of Financial Statements as on 31st March, 2018
16 A. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 4. Premium Received in Advance

1. Accounting Convention Premium received in advance represents premium received

in respect of policies issued during the year, where the risk
The financial statements are drawn up in accordance with commences subsequent to the balance sheet date.
the provisions of IRDAI (Preparation of Financial Statements
and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 5. Reserves for Un-expired Risk/s
2002 and circulars and/or guidelines issued in the context of Unearned premium reserve is computed in accordance with
preparation of the financial statements,and the provisions the guidelines issued by IRDAI as under :
of the Companies Act 2013. The said statements prepared
on historical cost convention and on accrual basis, comply a) Marine Hull : 100% of the net written premium during
with accounting standards specified under Section 133 of the preceding twelve months;
Companies Act 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies b) other segments:
( Accounts) Rules, 2014 and conform to practices prevailing i) in respect of domestic business : on the basis
in the General Insurance industry except as otherwise stated. of 1/365th method on the unexpired period of
respective policies and
2. Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity ii) in respect of foreign business 50% of the net
with generally accepted accounting principles requires premium in respect of all business other than
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect Marine hull
the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and 6. Reinsurance Accepted
expenses and disclosure of contingent liabilities on the date of
the financial statements. Actual results may differ from those Reinsurance returns have been incorporated for the advices
estimates and assumptions. The estimates and assumptions received up to the date of finalisation of accounts or on
used in the accompanying financial statements are based estimation basis.
upon management’s evaluation of the relevant facts and 7. Reinsurance Ceded
circumstances as on the date of the financial statements. Any
revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively Reinsurance cessions are accounted for on the basis of
in current and future periods. actuals or on estimation basis.

3. Revenue Recognition 8. Premium Deficiency

A. Premium Premium deficiency is calculated where the sum of expected
claims costs, related expenses and maintenance costs
Premium income is recognized on assumption of exceed the related unearned premium. The premium
risk. A reserve for Unearned Premium for each deficiency is recognized as per IRDA guidelines and forms
segment, representing that part of the recognized part of unexpired risk reserves.
premium attributable to the succeeding accounting
periods,calculated on time apportionment basis is 9. Acquisition Costs.
created. This forms part of the un-expired risk reserves. Acquisition costs are primarily related to acquisition of
Reinsurance premium is recognized as per the terms insurance contracts and have been expensed in the year in
of the reinsurance contracts. A reserve for Unearned which they are incurred.
Premium for each segment, representing that part of
10. Incurred Claims
the recognized reinsurance premium attributable to the
succeeding accounting periods, is also calculated on Claims are recognized as and when reported.
time apportionment basis. This also forms part of the Claims Paid (net of recoveries including salvages retained
un-expired risk reserves. by the insured, includes interest paid towards claims and all
Any subsequent revisions to or cancellations of expenses directly incurred in relation to their assessment) are
premium are recognised in the year in which they charged to respective revenue accounts.
occur. Claims outstanding at the year-end are provided based on
B. Commission survey reports, information provided by clients and other
sources, past experience and applicable laws and includes:
Commission Income on Reinsurance cessions is
recognized as income in the year in which reinsurance • In respect of direct business, claim intimations received
Premium is ceded. up to the year-end.

Profit Commission under reinsurance treaties wherever • In respect of reinsurance accepted, advices received
applicable, is recognized on accrual. Any subsequent as of different dates of subsequent year up to the date
revisions of profit commission are recognized for in of finalisation of accounts or on estimation basis
the year in which final determination of the profits are • Provision for claims incurred but not reported (IBNR) and
intimated by reinsurers. provision for claims incurred but not enough reported
(IBNER).The said provisions have been determined
by Appointed Actuary, which is in accordance with

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

accepted actuarial practice, requirement of IRDA Interest Income is recognized on accrual basis on time
(Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s proportion except income on non-performing assets is
Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 recognized on realization.
and the master circulars issued in the context of Amount received towards compensation for future
preparation of financial statements and stipulations of loss of interest is recognised as income only to the
the Institute of Actuaries of India. extent attributable to the accounting year and balance
All the outstanding claims for direct business are provided net is kept in interest received in advance account for
of estimated salvage (if any). apportionment in the relevant year.
In respect of motor third party claims where court summons F Profit/Loss on realisation of investments is computed
have been served on the Company without adequate policy by taking weighted average book value as cost of
particulars to establish liability of the Company, provision is investments except:
made as under: • In respect of Government Securities Debentures/
• 100% of the estimated liability, where such claims are Bonds under Trading Portfolio, the profit/loss is
outstanding for more than one year. worked out specific scrip wise.
• 1/3rd of the estimated liability, for all such claims • In respect of Government Securities sold from
for which court summons have been served on the Investment Portfolio, the profit/loss is worked
Company during the year. out on first in first out basis (FIFO).
Interest on motor accident claims tribunal (MACT) claims is G The Company follows the prudential norms prescribed
provided based on the prevailing trends in the motor third by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
party claim awards. Authority as regards asset classification, recognition of
income and provisioning pertaining to loans/advances/
11. Salvage and Claim Recoveries debentures
Recoveries of claims and sale proceeds on disposal of H Investment in government securities, debt securities
salvage are accounted on realisation and credited to claims. and redeemable preference shares are considered as
held till maturity and valued at cost. However, in terms
12. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets
of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in Regulations the premium paid at the time of acquisition
measurement are recognized when there is a present obligation of securities is amortised over the residual period of
as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an maturity.
outflow of resources and reliable estimate can be made of the
amount of obligation. Contingent Liabilities are not recognized I i. Investments in Mutual Funds are valued at Net
but are disclosed in the notes. Contingent Assets are neither Asset Value (NAV) as at the Balance Sheet date
recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements. and the difference between cost/book value and
NAV is accounted in Fair Value Change Account.
13. Loans and Investments In case of non-availability of latest NAV as at the
balance sheet date, investment is shown at cost.
A Loans are measured at historical cost subject to
impairment. Company reviews the quality of its loan ii. Investments in Venture Funds are valued at cost.
assets and provides for impairment if any. If there is reduction in NAV, the same is charged
to revenue and book value of investments is
B Short Term Money Market Instruments such as
reduced accordingly. Any appreciation in NAV
Commercial Papers and Certificate of Deposits are
to the extent of loss earlier recognised, is taken
shown at their discounted value and the difference
to revenue. Wherever Net Asset Value as on
between the acquisition cost and the redemption
Balance Sheet date is not available, latest
value is apportioned on time basis and recognised as
available Net Asset Value is considered.
accrued income.
J (i) In accordance with IRDA/F&I/INV
C Contracts for purchase and sale of shares, bonds,
CIR213/10/2013 dated 30th October 2013 for
debentures are accounted for as “Investments” as on
Valuation of Equity Portfolio, National Stock
date of transaction.
Exchange (NSE ) is considered as Primary
D The cost of investments includes premium on Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange
acquisition, brokerage, transfer stamps, transfer (BSE) as Secondary Stock Exchange.
charges, Securities Transaction Tax and is net of
Investment Portfolio in respect of equity/
incentive/ fee if any, received thereon.
equity related instruments is segregated into
E Dividend income (other than interim dividend) is actively traded and thinly traded as prescribed
accounted for as income in the year of declaration. by Insurance Regulatory and Development
Dividend on shares/interest on debentures under Authority Regulations. The shares are treated
objection/pending delivery is accounted for on as actively traded or thinly traded by taking into
realisation. Interim dividend is accounted for where consideration total traded transactions in the
the amount is received/credited in the account of the month of March on NSE and BSE.
company upto 31st March.
(ii) Actively traded equity/ equity related instruments
Dividend on foreign investments is accounted on are valued at the closing price at NSE or if the
gross basis. scrip is not traded at NSE, the scrip is valued at
the closing price at BSE. The difference between

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

weighted average cost and quoted value is II. Once the value of investment in listed equity/
accounted in Fair Value Change Account equity related instruments/ preference shares
Exchange traded funds are valued as applicable of a company is impaired in accordance with
to Equity portfolio. The difference between the the above mentioned policy, the reversal of
weighted average cost and the quoted value is such impairment losses are not recognised
accounted in Fair Value change account. in revenue/ profit and loss till such company
achieves a positive net worth as per the latest
(iii) Investments in equity shares of companies available published accounts immediately
outside India are valued at the last quoted price preceding the date of working out the reversal.
at the stock exchange of the respective Country. However, in respect of investments where
K Investment in thinly traded equity shares and unlisted the historical or weighted average cost is not
equity shares are shown at cost. However, difference available as mentioned in Policy No.13-L,
between cost and break-up value is provided for as reversal of impairment loss is carried out and
diminution in value. If the break-up value is negative recognised only to the extent of impairment
then the provision is made for the entire cost. Further, losses accounted after 31st March 2000.
if the published accounts of an unlisted Company are N REVERSE REPO transactions are treated as secured
not available for last three accounting years ending lending transactions and accordingly disclosed in the
on or immediately preceding the date of working out financial statements. The difference between total
diminution in value, then the provision is made for the consideration at the 1st and 2nd leg of the transaction
entire cost. is treated as interest income.
L In case of investment in listed and unlisted equity/ O “Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligation“
equity related instruments / preference shares where (CBLO), which is issued at discount to the face value,
the value has been impaired on or before 31.03.2000, is treated as money market instrument as per Reserve
the historical/weighted average costs are not available Bank of India Notification. Discount earned at the time
with the Company. As a consequence, the carrying of lending through CBLO is shown as income, which is
value of such investments as on 01.04.2000 is apportioned on time basis.
presumed to be the historical/ weighted average cost.
P Un-realised gains / losses arising due to changes in
M Investments in listed equity/ equity related instruments/ the fair value of actively traded listed equity shares
preference shares made in those companies, which are other than enumerated in Accounting Policy 13-L are
making losses continuously for last 3 years and where taken under the head “Fair Value Change Account”
capital is eroded, are considered to have impairment in and on realisation reported in profit and loss account.
value. Further, if the published accounts of a Company
are not available for last three accounting years ending Pending realisation, the credit balance in the “Fair
on or immediately preceding the date of working out Value Change Account” is not available for distribution.
impairment in value, it is presumed that the value 14. Foreign Currency Transactions
of investment is fully impaired and is written off to a
nominal value of ` 1/- per Company. • Reinsurance operations:
I. Valuation of such investments is done as under: Revenue transactions of re-insurance in foreign
currencies are converted at the average of buying and
i) In respect of actively traded equity selling rates of exchange of each quarter in which they
shares: - least of cost price, market price are accounted.
or break-up value provided break-up
value is positive. However, if the break- Monetary assets and liabilities of re-insurance in foreign
up value is negative the nominal value is currencies are converted at the closing rate.
taken at Re. 1/- per Company. • Foreign operations:
ii) In respect of other than actively traded • As per the Accounting Standard (AS) 11 “The
equity shares: - lower of cost price or Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”,
break-up value provided break-up value foreign branches/agencies are classified as
is positive. However, if break-up value ‘non-integral foreign operations’.
is negative the nominal value is taken at
• The assets and liabilities (including contingent
Re.1/- per Company.
liabilities), both monetary and non-monetary
iii) In respect of preference shares, if the of the non-integral foreign operations are
dividend is not received for the last three translated at the closing rate,
years, such preference shares are written
• Income and expense items of the non-integral
down to a value which will bear to its
foreign operations are translated at the average
face value, the same proportion as value
exchange rate of the year.
taken/ which would have been taken for
writing down equity shares bears to the • Depreciation on fixed assets held in foreign
face value of the equity shares. However, branches and agencies is provided on written
if the equity shares are written down to down rupee value at the year-end at the rates
Re.1/- per Company, preference shares and in the manner as stated in “Depreciation”
are also written down to a nominal value policy stated herein below.
of Re.1/- per Company.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

• All resulting exchange difference is accumulated All short term employee benefits are accounted on
in a foreign currency translation reserve until the undiscounted basis during the accounting period based on
disposal of the net investment. service rendered by the employees
• Foreign investments transactions during the year are 19. Expenses of Management-Basis of Apportionment
converted at the exchange rates prevailing as on the
last day of the month of purchase or sale. Expenses of management including provision for bad and
doubtful debts and exchange gain/loss, are apportioned to
• Other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are the revenue accounts on the basis of net premium
converted at the average of buying and selling rates of
exchange prevailing at the year end. 20. Segregation of Policy Holders and Share Holders funds:
• The exchange gain/loss due to conversion of foreign Investment Assets includes Policyholders as well as Share
currencies other than relating to non-integral foreign holders. Investment assets are bifurcated at the end of each
operations is taken to revenue(s) account and profit quarter between Shareholders and Policyholders at ‘fund’
and loss account as applicable. level on notional basis in accordance with IRDAI guidelines.

15. Fixed Assets 21. Income from Investments -Basis of Apportionment

• Fixed assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Investment Income (net of expenses) is apportioned between
• The fixed assets are assessed for any indication that Shareholders’ Fund and Policyholders’ Fund in proportion to
an asset is impaired. In case the recoverable amount the balance of these funds at thebeginning of the year.
of the fixed assets is lower than its carrying amount a Investment income (net of expenses) belonging to
provision is made for the impairment loss. Policyholders is further apportioned to Fire, Marine and
• Lease payment for assets taken on operating lease are Miscellaneous segments in proportion to respective technical
recognized as an expense in the revenue(s) accounts reserves balance at the beginning of the year .
and profit and loss account over the lease term. Policy holders fund for this purpose consist of Estimated
liability for outstanding claims including IBNR and IBNER,
16. Depreciation unexpired risk reserve (URR), Premium deficiency (if any).
a. Depreciation on fixed assets is charged on Straight catastrophe reserve (if any) and Other Liabilities net of Other
Line Method (SLM) as per the useful life prescribed Assets ( relating to policy holders) as per the guidelines of
under Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013 and the IRDAI; The residual consists of the Shareholder fund.
residual value of the asset shall be Re 1/-.
22. Taxation.
b. Lease hold properties are amortised over the lease
period. • Tax expense for the year, comprises current tax and
deferred tax.
17. Intangible Assets • Current income tax expense comprises taxes on
Intangible assets are stated at cost of acquisition less income from operations in India and in foreign
accumulated amortisation. The same is amortised over jurisdiction. Income tax payable in India is determined
a period of four years on straight line basis. Software in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax
development / acquisition costs, except those which meet Act 1961. Tax expense relating to foreign operations is
the recognition criteria as laid down in Accounting Standard determined in accordance with tax laws applicable in
26 (AS 26), are charged to revenue. Any additions to countries where such operations are domiciled.
already existing assets are amortised prospectively over the • Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) paid in accordance
remaining residual life of the assets. with the tax laws, which gives rise to future economic
benefits in the form of adjustment of future income tax
18. Employee Benefits
liability, is considered as an asset if there is convincing
Employee benefits comprise of both defined contributions evidence that the Company will pay normal income
and defined benefit plans. tax on future income. Accordingly, MAT is recognized
Provident Fund is a defined contribution plan. Company’s as an asset in the Balance sheet when it is probable
contribution towards provident fund is charged to the Profit that the future economic benefit associated with it will
and Loss Account and Revenue Accounts as applicable. flow to the Company and the asset can be measured
Further Company has no further obligation beyond the reliably.
periodic contributions. • A provision is made for deferred tax for all timing
Pension, Gratuity and Leave Encashment are defined benefit differences arising between taxable income and
plans. The Company has incorporated a Pension Trust and accounting income at currently enacted tax rates.
Gratuity Trust. The Company’s liability towards pension,
• Deferred tax assets are recognized only if there is
gratuity and leave encashment is accounted for on the basis
a virtual certainty backed by convincing evidence
of an actuarial valuation done at the year end and is charged
that they will be realized and are reviewed for the
to revenue accounts and profit and loss account as applicable
except in case of pension for the employee who joined from appropriateness of their respective carrying values at
1stApril 2010 which is defined contribution plan wherein each balance sheet date.
contribution towards pension fund is charged to the Profit and • Refund of income tax is accounted on realisation basis.
Loss Account and Revenue Accounts as applicable. Further,
Company has no further obligation beyond the periodic

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


1. The accounts incorporate Audited accounts of Branches in Fiji, Thailand and unaudited accounts of Canada (run off) which are
prepared on calendar year basis as per the requirement of local laws. There are no material changes for the quarter January 2018
to March 2018. The accounts of 2 runoff Agencies (Colombo and Saudi Arabia) and one representative office at Myanmar have been
incorporated on the basis of unaudited accounts.
2. Land include book value ` 124.97 Lakhs (P.Y. book value ` 124.97 Lakhs) for which deed of conveyance yet to be executed and
lease deed expired is ` 118.44 lakhs (P.Y. ` 118.44 lakhs). Building includes book value ` 2066.95 lakhs (P.Y. ` 2066.95 lakhs) where
registration formalities are yet to be completed / title deeds are not presently available. One property with a book value of ` 3.42
lakhs (P.Y. ` 3.42 lakhs) is in the possession of the company but occupied by inherent tenants. Twenty-nine properties with total book
value of ` 163.61 lakhs (P.Y. ` 163.61 lakhs) are yet to be registered in the name of the company. Three Properties with book value of
` 332.48 lakhs (Previous Year NIL) are received from Tariff Advisory Committee and the registration formalities are pending.
3. In accordance with the approval received from IRDAI, unearned premium reserve (UPR) in respect of domestic business towards
segments other than Marine hull, has been computed on the basis of 1/365th method on the unexpired period of respective policies.
The company is in the process of implementing systems and procedures to implement the IRDAI guidelines regarding following the
1/365 method in case of Foreign business and therefore the impact of pending compliance is presently not ascertainable. Systems
and procedures in domestic business in few segments are also being strengthened to compute the UPR based on data input in the
accounting systems of the company. In the opinion of the management the impact of pending compliances is not expected to be
4. As certified by the Custodian, securities are held by the Company as on March 31, 2018 variations and other differences which
include excess of market value as per the custodian as compared to books amounting to ` 412.21 lakhs are being reconciled, while
shortages have been provided for. In the opinion of the management, these are not expected to have a material impact on the state
of affairs of the Company.
5. (a) Provision for standard assets @ 0.40% amounting to ` 3715.15lakhs (P.Y. ` 3730.22 lakhs) has been made as per Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority guidelines on (i) Term Loan (PFPS/DTL), (ii) Debentures, (iii) Infrastructure Investments,
(iv) Bonds/Debentures of HUDCO, (v) Bonds/Debentures of Institutions accredited to NHB and (vi) Govt. Guaranteed Bonds/
Securities (vii) Housing and Firefighting Loans to State Governments (Viii) Debtors.
(b) The amount of total corporate debt/loans etc. restructured under various categories are being compiled during the year, the
Company has undertaken restructuring as under:

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
Total amount of assets subjected to restructuring Nil 844.24
The breakup of the same is given here under:
(i) Total amount of standard assets subjected to restructuring Nil 268.62
(ii) Total amount of sub-standard assets subjected to restructuring Nil Nil
(iii) Total amount of doubtful assets subjected to restructuring Nil 575.62
Total Nil 844.24

(c) Details of Non Performing Assets (NPA).

i) Details of Non Performing Assets (NPA)

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
(i) Opening Balance 10868.22 11501.04
(ii) Additions during the Year NIL Nil
(iii) Reductions during the Year 1669.72 632.82
(iv) Closing Balance 9198.50 10868.22
Percentage of Net NPAs to Net Assets 0.00% 0.00%

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

ii) Details of Provisions on NPA (other than standard provisions)

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
(i) Opening Balance 10868.22 11501.04
(ii) Incremental Provision during the Year (1669.72) (632.82)
(iii) Closing Balance 9198.50 10868.22
6. Short-term Investments (Schedule - 8) in debentures and other guaranteed securities include those, which are fully repayable in the
next year. As regards those debentures and other guaranteed securities, which have fallen due and remain unpaid as on March 31,
2018, they have been shown under long-term investments, as their realizability is unascertainable. However, necessary provision,
wherever required, has been made.
7. As required IRDAI circular no. IRDA/F&I/CIR/CMP/174/11/2011 dated 14.11.2010, age-wise analysis of unclaimed amount of the
policyholders amounting to ` 11731.51 lakhs (P.Y. ` 13875.41 lakhs) at the year ended March 31, 2018 representing the excess
premium collected, refund premium and the amount lying in stale cheque accounts and unclaimed amount towards claim is as under:
(` in Lakhs)

Total 1-6 7-12 13-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 Beyond 36

Amount Months Months Months Months Months Months Months
Claims settled but not paid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
to policyholders / insured
due to any reason except
under litigation from
insured / policyholders
Sum due to the insured / 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
policyholders on maturity
or otherwise
Any excess collection 7185.41 1223.50 445.94 354.57 267.96 313.58 274.81 4305.04
of premium / tax or any
other charges which
is refundable to the
policyholders either as
terms of conditions of the
policy or as per law or as
may be directed by the
Authority but not refunded
so far
Cheques issued but 3728.48 60.24 161.07 102.02 94.73 106.61 206.48 2997.31
not encashed by the
policyholder / insured
Further as per the IRDA circular no IRDA/F&A/CIR/CPM/134/07/2015, Company has invested the above said total amount of
` 11731.51 lakhs (P.Y. ` 13875.41 lakhs) in fixed deposit and interest credited of ` 781.40 lakhs (P.Y. ` 0.20 lakhs) on such fixed
deposit has been allocated to the fund amount.
8. a) Prior period items have been included in the respective heads amounting to ` 618.08(Debit) and ` 2585.30 (credit) [P.Y. `
223.12 lakhs (Debit)] consisting of the following: -
(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

Sr. No. Particulars
Debit Amount Credit Amount Debit Amount Credit Amount
1 Premium - 2112.00 - -
2 Commission - - - -
3 Claims - 473.30 - -
4 Expenses 618.08 - 223.12 -
5 Income - - - -
Total 618.08 2585.30 223.12 -

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

b) Old credit balances written back in the Profit & Loss account includes ` 4008.45 lakhs [P.Y. ` 1298.16 lakhs (Debit)] and
credit of ` 13231.00 lakhs [P.Y. ` 6121.48 lakhs (Credit) based on information received from various offices and as compiled
by the Management.

9. Disclosure as required by Accounting Standards (AS) :

A. Related party disclosures as per Accounting Standard 18

1) Company’s related parties

a) Subsidiaries:
i) The New India Assurance Co. (T & T) Ltd. – Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago.
ii) The New India Assurance Co. (S.L.) Ltd. – Free Town, Sierra Leone.
iii) Prestige Assurance Plc. – Lagos, Nigeria

b) Associates:
i) India International Insurance Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
ii) Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd., Mumbai, India

c) Key management personnel of the Company:-

Name of person Role/Designation Up to

Mr. G. Srinivasan Chairman cum Managing Director
Mr.Hemant G. Rokade Director & General Manager
Ms. T.L.Alamelu Director & General Manager May 2017
Mr. C. Narambunathan General Manager & Financial Advisor
Mr. S. Pradhan General Manager
Mr. Rakesh Kumar General Manager & Chief Marketing Officer May 2017
Ms Tajinder Mukherjee General Manager & Chief Underwriting Officer
Ms S.N. Rajeswari General Manager & CFO
Mr. Renjith Gangadharan General Manager & Chief Marketing Officer
Mr. R. M. Singh General Manager
Mr. J. K. Garg General Manager
Mr. S. Shankar General Manager & Chief Risk Officer
Mr.Sharad Ramnarayanan Appointed Actuary
Mr. S. Harinath Chief Investment Officer Jan 2018
Mr. M.S.Joshi Chief Investment Officer
Mr. S. Harinath Chief Investment Officer
Mr. R. P. Joshi Chief Manager (Chief of Internal Audit)
Ms Jayashree Nair Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

2. Transactions with related parties:

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

Nature of Relationship Nature of Transaction
No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
i) Subsidiaries Management fees earned (NIA T&T) 48.78 47.96
Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 351.45 412.38
Commission on Reinsurance Accepted (87.09) (104.83)
Claims Paid (1926.01) (139.87)
Dividend income received (NIA T&T) NIL 250.19
Loan Installments & Interest Received (Prestige 271.31 NIL
Assurance Nigeria)

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Interest Accrued (Prestige Assurance Nigeria) NIL 30.44

Dividend receivable (T&T) 71.28 NIL
ii) Associates Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 792.32 723.94
Commission on Reinsurance Accepted (141.39) (123.73)
Claims Paid (493.27) (952.37)
Dividend income received (III Singapore) 465.87 480.77
Additional Equity Infusion (Health TPA of India) 1187.50 NIL
TPA fees paid (Health TPA of India) 271.14 92.60
iii) Key Management Salary and allowances 371.11 224.14

B. Disclosure as per Accounting Standard 20-“Earnings Per Share”:

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Net profit attributable to shareholders (` In Lakhs) 220091.98 100793.15
Weighted average number of equity shares issued (Previous year face value of 809403000 400000000
share ` 10/- each)
Basic and diluted earnings per share of ` 5/- each (`) 27.19 12.60
The company does not have any outstanding diluted potential equity share. Consequently, the basic and diluted earnings per
share of the company remain the same.
C. Taxation:
Income Tax:
i. Provision for Tax - Current Tax shown in Profit & Loss Account includes ` 3854.94 lakhs (P.Y. ` 1039.72 lakhs) relating
to foreign taxes.
ii. The Income Tax Assessments of the Company have been completed up to assessment year 2015-16. Major disputed
demands are in respect of profit on sale of investment, expenses paid to Auto tie-up dealers and related exemptions
from tax liability. Based on the decisions of the appellate authority, the interpretations of the relevant provisions, the
Management is of the opinion that the demands are likely to be either deleted or substantially reduced and accordingly
no provisions have been made for the same. A demand of `45531.97 lakhs was raised for the Assessment year 2015-
iii. Deferred Taxes:
The major components of temporary differences resulting into deferred tax assets are as under:

Current Year Previous Year

(` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
Fixed Assets (1922.68) (849.48)
Leave Encashment 23242.3 23093.23
Estimated Disallowance u/s 40(a)(ia) 34.94 34.61
Gratuity - -
LTS - -
Total 21354.56 22278.36
(1) A sum of ` 923.80 lakhs (Previous year increase of ` 565.10 lakhs) has been debited to the Profit & Loss Account on
account of decrease in deferred assets during the year.
(2) On prudence basis recognition of deferred tax asset on unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward losses has not been
given effect in the books of account.
(3) Above deferred tax asset does not include impact of deferred tax in respect of operations of foreign branches.
(4) The company continues to recognise the deferred tax asset as hitherto, as in the opinion of the management there are
sufficient evidences to establish the virtual certainty of realisation of the DTA from the future taxable profits.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

D. Accounting Standard 15 – Employee Benefits

The details of employee benefits for the period on account of gratuity, superannuation which is funded defined employee
benefit plans and encashment which is an unfunded defined benefit plan are as under.

(` in Lakhs)

I Components of Funded Unfunded

employer expense Pension Gratuity Encashment
C.Y. P.Y. C.Y. P.Y. C.Y. P.Y.
I. Total expense recognized in the statement
of Profit and Loss Account
A Current Service Cost 10,259 10,138 1,986 2,110 1,066 1,048
B Interest Cost 25,359 29,272 8,079 9,084 5,011 5,199
C Expected Return on Plan Assets (23,476) (24,922) (8,039) (7,640) - -
D Curtailment Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
E Settlement Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
F Past Service Cost - - - - - -
G Actuarial Losses/(Gains) 4,995 462 (4,741) (941) 2,165 3,979
H Amortised/(Deferred) Cost 17,094 17,094 4,349 4,349 - -
I PSC Recognized during the period - - 6,978 - - -
J Total expense recognized in the statement of 34,231 32,044 8,612 6,962 8,242 10,226
Profit and Loss Account

II. Actual Returns for the year 2017-18 27,196 26,290 8,611 8,230 - -

III. Net Asset/(Liability) recognized in

Balance Sheet at 31.03.2018
A Present Value of Defined Benefit Obligation 3,47,643 3,51,235 1,37,341 1,07,582 66,513 66,728
B Fair Value of Plan Assets 3,35,006 3,25,159 1,06,520 1,00,619 - -
C Status (Surplus/Deficit) (12,637) (26,076) (30,821) (6,963) (66,513) (66,728)
D Un recognized Past Service Cost 691 17,785 26,774 4,350 - -
E Net Asset / (Liability) recognized in Balance (11,946) (8,291) (4,047) (2,613) (66,513) (66,728)

IV. Change in Defined Benefit Obligation

during the year
A Past value of the Defined Benefit Obligation 3,51,235 3,72,896 1,07,582 1,13,689 66,728 65,070
at the beginning of the period
B Current Service Cost 10,259 10,138 1,986 2,110 1,066 1,048
C Interest Cost 25,359 29,272 8,079 9,084 5,011 5,199
D Curtailment Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
E Settlement Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
F Plan Amendments - - - - - -
G Acquisitions - - - - - -
H Actuarial Losses/(Gains) 8,715 1,830 (4,169) (351) 2,165 3,979
I Asset Loss / (Gain) - - - - - -
J Benefits Paid (47,925) (62,901) (9,889) (16,950) (8,457) (8,568)
K Present Value of Defined Benefit Obligation 3,47,643 3,51,235 1,37,341 1,07,582 66,513 66,728
at the end of the period

V Change in Fair Value of Plan Asset during

the year
A Plan Assets at the beginning of the period 3,25,159 3,17,484 1,00,619 95,617 - -
B Acquisition Adjustment - - - - - -
C Expected return on Plan Assets 23,476 24,922 8,039 7,640 - -
D Asset (Losses)/Gains 3,720 1,368 572 590 - -

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

E Actual Company Contributions 30,576 44,286 7,179 13,722 - -

F Benefits Paid (47,925) (62,901) (9,889) (16,950) - -
G Plan Assets at the end of the period 3,35,006 3,25,159 1,06,520 1,00,619 - -

VI. Transitional Provisions

(Income)/Expense to be recognised 34,231 320.44 26,774 69.62 - -

VII. Actuarial Assumptions

A Discount Rate (%) 7.88% 7.22% 7.51% 7.51% - -
B Expected Return on Plan Assets (%) 7.88% 7.22% 7.99% 7.51% - -
C Rate of escalation in salary 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% - -

VIII. Major Category of Plan Assets as % of the

Total Plan Assets as at 31.03.2018
A Government Securities 50.97% 47.29% 46.81% 47.02% - -
B High Quality Corporate Bonds 39.07% 43.25% 36.27% 43.25% - -
C Others 9.96% 9.46% 16.92% 9.73% - -

IX. Basis used to determine the expected The expected rate of return on plan assets is based on the current
rate of return on plan assets portfolio of the assets, investment strategy and the market scenario,
in order to protect capital and optimize returns within acceptable risk
parameters, the plan assets are well diversified.
E. Accounting for Lease (AS-19)
The Company's Office Premises and Residential flats for employees are obtained on operating lease and are renewable /
cancellable at mutual consent. There are no restrictions imposed by lease agreements. Lease terms are based on individual
agreements. Significant leasing arrangements are in respect of operating lease for premises. Aggregate lease rentals
amounting to ` 13632.24 lakhs (P.Y. ` 11313.03 lakhs) in respect of obligation under operating lease are charged to Revenue
F: Impairment of Assets (AS-28)
During the year, the Company has reviewed its fixed assets for impairment. In the opinion of the management no provision
for impairment loss is considered necessary. However, impairment assessment as required by AS-28 would be done in due
10. a) With the amendment in the payment of Gratuity Act, 2018, the limit of payment of gratuity is enhanced from ` 10 lakhs to ` 20
lakhs with effect from March 28, 2018, resulting in to additional liability. In terms of requirement of the Accounting Standard
(AS-15) Employee Benefits, the entire additional liability of ` 33752.23 Lakhs for gratuity is required to be charged to the Profit
& Loss Account. However, vide circular communications ref IRDA/F&A/GNA/LR/002/2018-19/23 dated 01/05/2018, IRDAI has
permitted the amortization of expenditure relating to additional liability towards gratuity over a period of five years commencing
from FY 2017-18. Accordingly the company has recognized the additional liability and an amount of ` 6750.45 lakhs is charged
to the revenue in the current year and the balance amount remaining to be amortized in next years is ` 27001.78 lakhs.
b) The Pension Scheme 1995 has been extended to PSU officers and staff members who joined until 31.03.2010, by virtue of the
Gazette Notification no. 233(E), 234(E) and 235(E) dated 23.01.2016, the incremental liability towards pension arising out of
the above extension has been arrived at ` 1727.00 lakhs based on actuarial valuation.
In terms of requirement of the Accounting Standard (AS-15) Employee Benefits, the entire amount of ` 1727.00 lakhs for pension
is required to be charged to the Profit &Loss Account. However IRDA vide Circular ref IRDA/F&A/CIR/ACTS/077/04/2016
dated 18.04.2016 has permitted the amortization of expenditure relating to the additional liability over a period of five years
commencing from FY 2015-16 and accordingly an amount of ` 345.40 lakhs is charged to the revenue in the current year and
balance amount remaining to be amortized in next two years is ` 690.80 lakhs for pension.
11. The management is currently in the process of identifying enterprises which have been providing goods and services to the
Company which qualify under the definition of medium and small enterprises as defined under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006. Accordingly, the disclosure in respect of the amount payable to such Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
as at March 31, 2018 has not been made in the financial statements. However, in view of the management, the impact of interest, if
any, that may be payable in accordance with the provisions of the Act is not expected to be material.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

12. "Foreign Exchange Reserve Account” is increased by ` 14584.04 Lakhs (Credit) due to depreciation of foreign currency under the
following heads (P. Y. ` 19047.08 Lakhs (Debit) consisting of the following.
(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

Sr. No. Particulars
Debit Amount Credit Amount Debit Amount Credit Amount
1 Inter office Account - 14584.04 19047.08
2 Outstanding claims - - - -
3 Fixed assets - - - -
Total - 14584.04 19047.08

13. Penalty
As per IRDAI Circular No 005/IRDA/F&A/CIR/MAY-09 dated May 07, 2009, below table mentions the details of
the penalty imposed by various regulators and Government authorities during the year:

Non- ` in Lakhs
No. Particulars compliance / Penalty Penalty Waived/
violation Penalty Paid
Awarded Reduced
1 Insurance Regulatory and Development NIL Nil Nil Nil
Authority / TAC
2 Service Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
3 Income Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
4 Any other Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
5 Enforcement Directorate/ Adjudicating Authority/ Nil Nil Nil Nil
Tribunal or any Authority under FEMA
6 Registrar of Companies/ NCLT/CLB/ Nil Nil Nil Nil
Department of Corporate Affairs or any Authority
under Companies Act, 1956
7 Penalty awarded by any Court/ Tribunal for any Nil Nil Nil Nil
matter including claim settlement but excluding
8 Securities and Exchange Board of India Nil Nil Nil Nil
9 Competition Commission of India Refer note Nil Nil Nil
10 Any other Central/State/Local Government / Nil Nil Nil Nil
Statutory Authority
Note: The Company received an order from Competition Commission of India imposing a penalty of ` 25107 lakhs in 2015-16. The
Company contested against the order in Competition Appeal Tribunal and the Tribunal awarded penalty of ` 20 lakhs as against
` 25107 lakhs of CCI order. The penalty was paid in January 2017. CCI has appealed against the order of the Tribunal at the Apex
Court and the case has been admitted in the Apex Court in March 2017.
14. During the year the Company had fully reversed the Equalization Reserve in respect of London Branch which was required by the UK
Regulations for the time being in force. The same is now not required to be maintained by the Regulation. The closing balance as at
the end of 2016-17 stood at ` 8900.18 lakhs (GBP 11 million).
Further, in accordance with Oman Insurance Company Law, company has created contingency reserve for claims for Muscat agency
for 5 million Omani Riyal. The reserve stood at ` 8463.64 lakhs as on 31.03.2018 due to currency fluctuation.
15. a) The balance appearing in the amount due to/ due from persons or bodies carrying on insurance business including reinsurance
business, terrorism Pool and Nuclear Pool with GIC Re, are subject to confirmation/ reconciliation and consequential
adjustments if any. These balances include ` 200927.19 lakhs (Net) Dr. comprising of debit balances of ` 435682.93 lakhs
and credit balances of ` 234755.73 lakhs against which party-wise balances in the records indicate (Dr.) of ` 329652.55 lakhs
relating to 1004 parties and (cr.) of ` 128725.35 lakhs relating to 877 parties. Precise gross debit and gross credit balances
against each of such parties and age-wise analysis of these balances are also being compiled. These balances include old
cases including migration differences which supporting records are being identified and necessary action is being taken. The
impact of the above, if any, on the financial statements are unascertainable. However the company has maintained a provision
of ` 10414.56 Lakhs up-to March 31, 2018 towards doubtful debts as a prudent measure.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

b) The company has continued to recognize Facultative inward reinsurance premium in cases where the premium payment
warranty period has expired and the company has continued to run the risk during the year. However the receivables on this
account amounting to ` 708.27 lakhs are subject to confirmation and subsequent adjustments if any required shall be carried
out in due course.
c) In case of Co-insurance balances, the reconciliation and settlement process to clear the balances is in progress, the Company
has continued its exercise of reconciliation and settlement with other Companies and have reduced the net receivable balances
without PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna) from ` 14539 lakhs (March 2017) to ` 3313 lakhs as at March 31, 2018. In
case of balances with PSUs, while the receivables have been brought down by ` 20939 lakhs during 2017-18 as compared to
2016-17, the payable balances in respect of PSUs have also been brought down by ` 8397 lakhs during 2017-18 as compared
to 2016-17.
During the year 2017-18, the Company has settled the receivable balances of ` 71842 lakhs and payable balances of ` 105971
lakhs from the Corporate office as a special drive apart from the settlements at operating offices level. As on March 31, 2018,
there is a net Credit balance of ` 48904.50 lakhs with PMFBY comprising of ` 82898.89 lakhs (Dr) and ` 131804.39 lakhs (Cr);
and net debit balance of ` 3312.92 lakhs with other than PMFBY comprising of ` 19520.38 lakhs (Dr) and ` 16207.45 lakhs
(Cr). The net balance outstanding as on March 31, 2017 were ` 35694.27 lakhs (Dr) with PMFBY and ` 14538.99 lakhs (Dr)
without PMFBY.
d) The reconciliation of various accounts relating to inter-office accounts related to domestic and foreign operations amounting to
` 43332.42 lakhs (Debit), (P.Y. ` 25192.25 lakhs (Debit)), Control Accounts, treaty suspense account old balances appearing
in legacy software, sundries and suspense, few Bank Accounts, loans, other assets and other liabilities etc. is under progress.
The impact of the above, if any, on the financial statements are unascertainable.
e) In case of Fasal Bima Yojna, Enrolment data and premium data as per Banks is to be reconciled with data as per the Central/
State Government portal. Accounting of premium as well as reinsurance accounts, has been done based on portal data after
giving effect of reconcilable items. Since No claims have been reported and no actual yield data is available relating to the
year 2017-18 , provision for outstanding claims has been made based on IBNR claims as assessed by the Actuary. Necessary
adjustments relating to the above are to be carried out in due course.
f) In view of various accounts being reconciled and balances under confirmation, the effect of such pending reconciliation on
compliance of various provisions relating to TDS, service tax and GST and interest thereon has been ensured to the extent of
available information and necessary adjustments /payments of any liability arising out of such reconciliation is to be done in
due course.
g) The company has been undertaking restatements of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in Foreign currencies in
accordance with the accounting policy followed except for the balances in treaty suspense due to absence of adequate
details/reconciliation. The effect of such restatement on the balances of other debtors/creditors which are to be reconciled and
confirmed is to be ascertained in due course.
16. Reinsurance acceptance transactions pertaining to the year have been booked for advices received up to April 13, 2018.
17. Receipts & Payments Account / (Cash Flow Statement) have been drawn under “Direct Method” as required by Part I of Schedule
B of the regulation. However, the same is subject to reconciliation of various inter office and other accounts including few Bank
18. The company is in the process of updating the fixed asset register with reference to full particulars, quantitative details and location
thereof. Further, physical verification of fixed assets in respect of some locations is in progress.
19. The company at its Curacao Branch has a receivable from the agent amounting to Nafls 7669884 equivalent to ` 2800.26 lakhs as
at March 31, 2018 out of which an amount equivalent to Nafls 5596584 Equivalent to ` 2043.30 lakhs is due for more than 90 days.
The company has been taking efforts to recover the amount from the agent and is hopeful of recovery and signed an agreement in
this regard. There is no collateral in place. As a prudent measure a provision of Nafis. 1380455 equivalent to ` 504 lakhs as at March
31, 2018 is carried in the accounts
20. The company is in the process of strengthening internal controls and Internal Audit specially in area of data input and validation in
soft-wares , Reinsurance accounts, PMFBY and other Government sponsored Health schemes to ensure the compliance of laid
down operational guidelines.
21. In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company had to spend an amount of ` 2281 lakhs for the financial
year 2017-18 towards Corporate Social Responsibility. During the year an amount of ` 1350.87 lakhs has been spent against the total
sanction of `1680.10 lakhs. The balance could not be spent as various projects are in the completion stage.
22. Unexpired premium reserve at revenue segment level is found to be sufficient to cover the expected claim cost as certified by the
appointed actuary and the claims related expenses as estimated by the management. Hence no premium deficiency reserve is
required to be provided during the year.
23. The company has a fraud monitoring cell which monitors the external frauds reported to the company. As per the assessment made
by the Cell, there were no matters related to external frauds reported during the year which required any adjustments to the financial
statements of the company. Matters related to employees of the company are dealt with by the vigilance department and are kept
confidential and not subjected to audit. In the opinion of the management there were no such matters that came to notice which
required either disclosure or adjustments to the financial statements of the company.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

24. ` 2171.34 Lakh has been withheld / deducted by Govt of Rajasthan under Bhamashah Health Insurance Scheme towards rejection of
claims under the scheme and related matters, the company has since paid the underlying claims the company is in process of getting
the same refunded by the Government of Rajasthan and no provision is required against the same.
25. The Board of Directors at their meeting approved an Interim dividend of 75% during for FY 2017-18 which was duly paid in February
2018. Further a Final dividend of 100% of the paid up capital of the company subject to the approval of the members at the ensuing
Annual General Meeting. In terms of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 4 Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance
Sheet date as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs through the amendments to the Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules
2016, the company has not appropriated proposed dividend (including tax) amounting to ` 49668.78 lakhs from the Profit & Loss
Account for the year ended on March 31, 2018.
26. Pursuant to 1553rd Board Meeting held on July 10, 2017 the Board of directors recommended and the same was approved by the
shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on August 2, 2017, the increase in authorised share capital, sub division of shares
and issue of bonus equity shares resulting in an increase in authorised numbers of shares from existing 3,000.00 lakhs to 12,000.00
lakhs, increase in issued numbers of shares from 2,000.00 lakhs to 8,000.00 lakhs and decrease in face value of shares from ` 10
to ` 5. As a result, the authorised share capital has increased from ` 30,000.00 lakhs to ` 60,000.00 lakhs, and the issued share
capital has increased from ` 20,000.00 lakhs to ` 40,000.00 lakhs. Subsequently in November 2017 the Company concluded its Initial
Public Offer of ` 9,58,582.27 Lakh in the month of November 2017 comprising fresh issue of 240 Lakh equity shares aggregating to
` 191716.45 lakhs and an offer for share of 960 lakhs equity shares by Promoter, Ministry of Finance, Government of India aggregating
to ` 766865.81 lakhs and the paid up capital has now become ` 41200.00 lakhs.
27. Previous year figures have been regrouped / rearranged, wherever necessary.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

16 C. Disclosures Forming Part of Financial Statements (` in Lakhs)

Sr. No Particulars Current Year Previous Year
1 The details of contingent liabilities are as under:
(a) Partly-paid up investments 1,939.52 4,688.72
(b) Underwriting commitments outstanding - -
(c) Claims, other than those under policies, not acknowledged as debts 1,747.65 835.28
(d) Guarantees given by or on behalf of the Company 5,452.41 170.94
(e) Statutory demands/liabilities in dispute not provided for 3,21,200.37 2,67,734.23
(f) Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for in accounts - -
(g) Others (matters under litigation) to the extent ascertainable 1,562.90 4,747.94
(h) Potential Tax Liability towards distribution received from Venture Fund 1,540.41 1,540.41
(i) Policyholders unclaimed amounts transferred to Senior Citizen Welfare Fund 414.31 -
2 The details of encumbrances to the assets of the Company are as under:
(a) In India 6,317.33 5,123.33
(b) Outside India - -
3 Commitment made and outstanding for Loans Investments and Fixed Assets 2,981.55 13,161.63
4 Claims, less reinsurance, paid to claimants:
(a) In India 13,00,920.00 12,54,574.91
(b) Outside India 2,07,924.68 1,98,818.08
5 Claim liabilities where claim payment period exceeds four years. - -
6 Amount of claims outstanding for more than six months (Gross Indian) 9,41,425.78 8,64,304.22
No. of Claims 1,51,563 1,62,425
Amount of claims outstanding for less than six months (Gross Indian) 290335.99 2,66,036.25
No. of Claims 1,33,157 1,41,933
Total amount of claims outstanding (Gross Indian) 12,31,761.77 11,30,340.47
Total No. of claims outstanding 2,84,720 3,04,358
7 Premiums, less reinsurances, written from business
(a) In India 18,09,486.47 15,76,548.63
(b) Outside India 2,86,148.96 2,82,543.04
8 The details of contracts in relation to investments, for
Purchases where deliveries are pending - 37.20
Sales where payments are overdue - -
Sales where deliveries are pending 2,093.23 2,200.72
9 Amount of Claims settled and remaining unpaid for a period of more than six - -
months as on balance sheet date are as under:
No. of claims - -
10 Investments made in accordance with statutory requirements are as under:
(a) In India- Under Sec.7 of Insurance Act 1938 - -
(b) Outside India- Statutory Deposits under local laws 70,272.84 81,529.06
11 Segregation of investments into performing and non-performing investments where
NPA Provision is required as per IRDA Guidelines is as under:
Performing (Standard) Investments 9,28,786.49 9,32,554.73
Non Performing Investments 9,198.50 10,868.22
Total Book Value (Closing Value) 9,37,984.99 9,43,422.95
12 All significant accounting policies forming part of the financial statements are disclosed separately.
13 Operating expenses relating to insurance business are apportioned to the revenue account on the basis of Net premium.
14 In compliance of section 197 of the Companies Act 2013, the total managerial remuneration paid to its Directors including Managing
Director, Whole Time Directors, and Managers in respect of Financial Year 2017-18, does not exceed 11% of Net Profit of the
15 The Company does not have Real Estate Investment Property.
16 Sector-wise break-up of gross direct premium written in India is as under:

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Sector Current Year Previous Year

` in Lakhs Percentage Number of Policies/ ` in Lakhs Percentage Number of Policies/
lives lives
Rural 418024.03 18.40 6435286 (Policies) 292535.00 15.30 466219(Policies)
PMFBY 169889.64 7.48 2907094 104642.00 5.47 355474
Social 187939.30 8.27   441716063 (Lives) 53094.60 2.78 254418431(Lives)

Others 1496023.14 65.85 1461197.63 76.44

Total 2271876.11 100.00 1911469.23 100.00

17 Performance Ratios

i) Gross Premium Growth Rates :

Gross Direct Premium (` in Lakhs) Growth Rate (%)
SEGMENT Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global
Fire 208256.59 65973.98 274230.57 182428.22 72725.21 255153.43 14.16 -9.28 7.48 7.83 -15.21 0.08
Marine Cargo 34991.71 3348.74 38340.45 34175.55 3749.99 37925.54 2.39 -10.70 1.09 2.04 -18.07 -0.37
Marine Hull 25009.20 766.85 25776.05 26827.04 1655.45 28482.49 -6.78 -53.68 -9.50 -5.08 44.24 -3.15
Marine Total 60000.91 4115.59 64116.50 61002.59 5405.44 66408.03 -1.64 -23.86 -3.45 -1.22 -5.58 -1.59
Motor 909488.74 128277.70 1037766.44 760067.17 126341.64 886408.81 19.66 1.53 17.08 23.04 0.94 19.32
Personal Accident 46478.74 1921.24 48399.98 37551.35 2151.81 39703.16 23.77 -10.72 21.90 78.15 17.13 73.26
Aviation 12564.30 0.00 12564.30 12451.28 0.00 12451.28 0.91 - 0.91 8.69 - 8.69
Engineering 44506.20 4099.92 48606.12 49935.58 8030.32 57965.90 -10.87 -48.94 -16.15 1.06 -7.81 -0.27
Health 700836.59 17113.28 717949.87 595961.06 12536.83 608497.88 17.60 36.50 17.99 22.93 10.48 22.65
Liability* 37278.84 12083.05 49361.89 35284.02 13274.02 48558.04 5.65 -8.97 1.66 18.48 -10.76 8.74
Crop 172002.06 0.00 172002.06 104641.70 104641.70 64.37 - 64.37 64.37 - 64.37
Others 80463.14 10470.11 90933.25 72146.26 7857.14 80003.40 11.53 33.26 13.66 11.53 33.26 13.66
Misc sub Total 2003618.61 173965.30 2177583.91 1668038.42 170191.75 1838230.17 20.12 2.22 18.46 29.91 0.18 26.43
Grand Total 2271876.11 244054.87 2515930.98 1911469.23 248322.40 2159791.63 18.85 -1.72 16.49 26.17 -5.00 21.59

*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

ii) Gross Direct Premium to Net Worth Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

a. Gross Direct Premium 2515930.98 2159791.63
b. Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26
Gross Direct Premium to Net Worth Ratio (Times) (a/b) 1.63 1.96

iii) Growth Rate of Net Worth: (` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year Growth (CY) Growth (PY) Growth % (CY) Growth % (PY)
Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26 438900.54 120135.05 39.82 12.23

iv) Net Retention Ratio : Indian

Current Year (` in Lakhs) Previous Year (` in Lakhs)
Segment Gross Written Net Written Net Retention Gross Written Net Written Net Retention
Premium Premium Ratio (%)” Premium Premium Ratio (%)
Fire 217328.58 85817.29 39.49 191209.97 89360.27 46.73
Marine Cargo 35160.66 28731.61 81.72 34111.55 27412.93 80.36
Marine Hull 25359.22 5389.73 21.25 27406.33 1758.40 6.42
Marine Total 60519.88 34121.34 56.38 61517.88 29171.32 47.42
Motor 909488.74 863449.86 94.94 764666.22 725748.89 94.91
Personal Accident 46574.61 43880.68 94.22 38031.38 35977.14 94.60
Aviation 12952.35 1142.98 8.82 13122.21 1096.72 8.36
Engineering 47873.95 29850.93 62.35 53120.06 28671.98 53.98
Health 700836.59 621782.32 88.72 595961.06 540936.19 90.77

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Liability* 35694.74 23734.12 66.49 37424.02 28009.01 74.84

Crop 178448.90 38685.83 21.68 125040.98 38557.78 30.84
Others 85516.29 67021.12 78.37 73204.37 59019.32 80.62
Misc sub Total 2017386.17 1689547.84 83.75 1700570.30 1458017.03 85.74
Grand Total 2295234.63 1809486.47 78.84 1953298.16 1576548.63 80.71
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

Net Retention Ratio : Foreign

Segment Current Year (` in Lakhs) Previous Year (` in Lakhs)
Gross Written Net Written Net Retention Gross Written Net Written Net Retention
Premium Premium Ratio (%) Premium Premium Ratio (%)
Fire 161421.09 110179.10 68.26 156829.71 111361.13 71.01
Marine Cargo 4045.34 3511.34 86.80 4550.24 4353.68 95.68
Marine Hull 3914.32 3318.99 84.79 3944.00 2999.62 76.06
Marine Total 7959.66 6830.33 85.81 8494.24 7353.30 86.57
Motor 131554.74 114119.75 86.75 127946.04 113095.54 88.39
Personal Accident 2123.51 2036.82 95.92 2373.91 2254.92 94.99
Aviation 8902.44 8719.39 97.94 7360.50 7315.47 99.39
Engineering 6422.21 3853.36 60.00 10526.99 7485.01 71.10
Health 17113.28 17113.28 100.00 12536.83 12536.83 100.00
Liability* 12087.63 11399.28 94.31 13248.26 12507.47 94.41
Crop 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Others 12619.97 11897.65 94.28 9457.46 8633.37 91.29
Misc sub Total 190823.78 169139.53 88.64 183449.99 163828.60 89.30
Grand Total 360204.53 286148.96 79.44 348773.94 282543.04 81.01

*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

Net Retention Ratio: Global

Segment Current Year (` in Lakhs) Previous Year (` in Lakhs)
Gross Written Net Written Net Retention Gross Written Net Written Net Retention
Premium Premium Ratio (%) Premium Premium Ratio (%)
Fire 378749.67 195996.39 51.75 348039.68 200721.41 57.67
Marine Cargo 39206.00 32242.95 82.24 38661.79 31766.60 82.17
Marine Hull 29273.54 8708.72 29.75 31350.33 4758.02 15.18
Marine Total 68479.54 40951.67 59.80 70012.12 36524.62 52.17
Motor 1041043.48 977569.61 93.90 892612.26 838844.43 93.98
Personal Accident 48698.12 45917.50 94.29 40405.29 38232.05 94.62
Aviation 21854.79 9862.37 45.13 20482.71 8412.19 41.07
Engineering 54296.16 33704.29 62.07 63647.05 36156.99 56.81
Health 717949.87 638895.60 88.99 608497.88 553473.02 90.96
Liability* 47782.37 35133.40 73.53 50672.28 40516.48 79.96
Crop 178448.90 38685.83 21.68 125040.98 38557.78 30.84
Others 98136.26 78918.77 80.42 82661.83 67652.69 81.84
Misc sub Total 2208209.95 1858687.37 84.17 1884020.29 1621845.63 86.08
Grand Total 2655439.16 2095635.43 78.92 2302072.10 1859091.66 80.76
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

v) Net Commission Ratio to Net Written Premium

SEGMENT Net Commission (` in Lakhs) Net Commission Ratio (%)
Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global
Fire -2513.82 31387.79 28873.97 2647.13 31413.30 34060.42 -2.93 28.49 14.73 2.96 28.21 16.97
Marine Cargo 4247.26 815.31 5062.57 3411.60 1071.83 4483.42 14.78 23.22 15.70 12.45 24.62 14.11
Marine Hull -35.54 634.81 599.27 -306.34 361.57 55.23 -0.66 19.13 6.88 -17.42 12.05 1.16
Marine Total 4211.72 1450.12 5661.84 3105.25 1433.40 4538.66 12.34 21.23 13.83 10.64 19.49 12.43
Motor 57194.17 25321.91 82516.08 20957.72 24555.20 45512.92 6.62 22.19 8.44 2.89 21.71 5.43
Personal Accident 2546.03 550.39 3096.42 2602.37 646.85 3249.21 5.80 27.02 6.74 7.23 28.69 8.50
Aviation -357.05 1632.41 1275.36 -395.46 1177.69 782.23 -31.24 18.72 12.93 -36.06 16.10 9.30
Engineering 1178.19 1502.51 2680.70 -406.00 1910.98 1504.98 3.95 38.99 7.95 -1.42 25.53 4.16
Health 46652.22 3988.85 50641.07 27639.18 2927.32 30566.50 7.50 23.31 7.93 5.11 23.35 5.52
Liability* 2346.53 2543.57 4890.10 3148.04 2869.37 6017.41 9.89 22.31 13.92 11.24 22.94 14.85
Crop -6925.77 0.00 -6925.77 -2523.82 0.00 -2523.82 -17.90 0.00 -17.90 -6.55 0.00 -6.55
Others 7580.38 2110.78 9691.16 6619.33 1985.98 8605.31 11.31 17.74 12.28 11.22 23.00 12.72
Misc sub Total 110214.70 37650.42 147865.12 57641.36 36073.39 93714.75 6.52 22.26 7.96 3.95 22.02 5.78
Grand Total 111912.60 70488.33 182400.93 63393.75 68920.09 132313.83 6.18 24.63 8.70 4.02 24.39 7.12
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

vi) Expense of Management to Gross Direct Premium Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Gross Direct Premium 2515930.98 2159791.63
b. Expense of Management 352902.15 378202.87
c. Direct Commissions 210590.85 151872.80
Expense of Management to Gross Direct Premium Ratio (%) ((b+c)/a) 22.40 24.54

vii) Expense of Management to Net Written Premium Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Written Premium 2095635.43 1859091.66
b. Expense of Management 352902.15 378202.87
c. Direct Commissions 210590.85 151872.80
Expense of Management to Net Written Premium Ratio (%) ((b+c)/a) 26.89 28.51

viii) Net Incurred Claims to Net Earned Premium: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Earned Premium 1972459.81 1781478.05
b. Net Incurred Claims 1689646.58 1625692.87
Net Incurred Claims to Net Earned Premium Ratio (%) (b/a) 85.66 91.26
ix) Combined Ratio: (` in Lakhs)
Current Year Previous Year
Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global
a. Net Earned Premium 1688273.50 284186.31 1972459.81 1490196.42 291281.63 1781478.05
b. Net Incurred Claims 1484434.12 205212.46 1689646.58 1428407.37 197285.51 1625692.87
c. Net Written Premium 1809486.47 286148.96 2095635.43 1576548.63 282543.04 1859091.66
d. Expense of Management 334466.70 18376.19 352842.89 359284.00 18918.87 378202.87
e. Net Commission 111912.60 70488.33 182400.93 63393.75 68920.09 132313.83
Combined Ratio (%) 112.60 103.27 111.20 122.66 98.82 118.72

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

x) Technical Reserves to net Premium Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Written Premium 2095635.43 1859091.66
b. Reserves for Unexpired Risks 1002011.72 878836.11
c. Premium Deficiency Reserves 0.00 0.00
d. Reserves for Outstanding Claims (Including IBNR & IBNER) 1972009.29 1791207.79
e. Total Techical Reserves (b+c+d) 2974021.01 2670043.90
Technical Reserves to Net Premium Ratio (Times) (e/a) 1.42 1.44
xi) Underwriting Balance Ratio: (` in Lakhs)
Current Year Previous Year
Segment Net Earned Underwriting UW Balance Net Earned Underwriting UW Balance
Premium Profit Ratio (Times) Premium Profit Ratio (Times)
Fire 196233.90 -16720.41 -0.09 191868.71 -78995.97 -0.41
Marine Cargo 33028.97 5932.50 0.18 34948.67 1282.36 0.04
Marine Hull 4758.02 -3318.56 -0.70 11253.99 -1981.79 -0.18
Marine Total 37786.99 2613.94 0.07 46202.66 -699.43 -0.02
Motor 907425.96 -62754.94 -0.07 739007.39 -119705.61 -0.16
Personal Accident 42595.21 -8101.41 -0.19 32139.94 -3098.87 -0.10
Aviation 8929.76 -9016.44 -1.01 7928.16 -1088.39 -0.14
Engineering 27710.20 4364.37 0.16 35530.55 497.56 0.01
Health 605310.87 -181616.84 -0.30 580818.63 -169083.09 -0.29
Liability* 29344.94 13485.79 0.46 42190.83 18304.39 0.43
Crop 38685.83 3616.05 0.09 35940.84 -5202.52 -0.14
Others 78436.15 1641.41 0.02 69850.35 4340.42 0.06
Misc sub Total 1738438.92 -238382.01 -0.14 1543406.69 -275036.12 -0.18
Grand Total 1972459.81 -252488.48 -0.13 1781478.06 -354731.52 -0.20

xii) Operating Profit Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Earned Premium 1972459.81 1781478.06
b. Underwriting Profit -252488.48 -354731.52
c. Investment Income - Policy Holders 352828.07 299036.00
d. Operating Profit (b+c) 100339.59 -55695.52
Operating Profit Ratio (%) (d/a) 5.09 -3.13

xiii) Liquid Assets to Liabilities Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Short Term Investments 156904.91 242075.53
b. Short Term Loans 895.92 1027.10
c. Cash & Bank Balances 902106.70 801917.55
d. Total Liquid Assets (a+b+c) 1059907.53 1045020.18
e. Policy Holders Liabilities 2974021.01 2670043.90
Liquid Assets to Liabilities Ratio (Times) (d/e) 0.36 0.39

xiv) Net Earnings Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Premium 2095635.43 1859091.66
b. Profit After Tax 220091.25 100793.31
Net Earnings Ratio (%) (b/a) 10.50 5.42

xv) Return on Net Worth Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26
b. Profit After Tax 220091.25 100793.31
Return on Net Worth Ratio (%) (b/a) 14.28 9.14

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

xvi) Available Solvency Margin (ASM) to Required Solvency Margin (RSM) Ratio (` in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Available Solvency Margin (ASM) 1373886.51 1113468.47
b. Required Solvency Margin (RSM) 532296.86 507353.03
ASM to RSM Ratio (Times) (a/b) 2.58 2.19

NPA Ratio (` in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Total Investment Assets 3497161.33 2932276.89
b. Gross NPA 9198.50 10868.22
c. Net NPA 0.00 0.00
Gross NPA Ratio (%) 0.26 0.37
Net NPA Ratio (%) 0.00 0.00

18 Summary of Financial Statements (` in Lakhs)

No Particulars 2017-18 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014
1 Gross Direct Premium 2515930.98 2159791.63 1776331.01 1548035.95 1372760.87
2 Net Earned Premium # 1972459.81 1781478.05 1495982.60 1331529.12 1119687.46
3 Income from Investments(Net)@ 352828.07 299036.00 266582.00 258948.65 213926.78
4 Other income (Premium Deficiency) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3519.41
5 Total Income 2325287.88 2080514.05 1762564.60 1590477.77 1337133.65
6 Commissions (net incl Brokerage) 182400.93 132313.83 140374.56 128387.08 117260.59
7 Operating Expenses 352902.15 378202.87 351579.38 306060.01 263034.94
8 Net Incurred Claims 1689646.58 1625692.87 1314118.64 1118803.56 938095.49
9 Change in Unexpired Risk Reserves 123175.62 77613.61 95208.38 62351.30 88174.09
10 Operating Profit/Loss 100338.22 -55695.52 -43507.97 37227.12 18742.63
Non Operating Result
11 Total Income under Shareholders' A/c 172167.52 172081.26 134063.07 140402.67 110699.00
12 Profit/(Losss) Before Tax 272505.25 116385.74 90555.10 177629.79 129442.41
13 Provision for Tax 52414.00 15592.54 7686.61 34507.34 20544.00
14 Net Profit/(Loss) after Tax 220091.25 100793.20 82868.49 143122.45 108898.41
15 Policy Holders' Account :
Total Funds 2974021.01 2670043.90 2433828.38 2204859.76 2040960.26
Total Investments 2197290.94 1944392.81 1689955.05 1681833.14 1407751.02
Yield on Investments 15.30 15.40 14.61 15.68 15.17
16 Shareholders' Account :
Total Funds 1541228.80 1102328.26 982193.21 972223.14 862129.70
Total Investments 1299870.39 987884.08 928100.80 799478.67 693369.90
Yield on Investments 15.30 15.40 14.61 15.68 15.17
17 Paid up Equity Capital 41200.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00
18 Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26 982193.21 972223.14 862129.70
19 Total Assets 7662679.20 6917281.06 6288006.57 6171962.53 5309531.00
20 Yield on Total Investments( %) 15.30 15.40 14.61 15.68 15.17
21 Earning per Share (`) 27.19 50.40 41.43 71.56 54.45
22 Book value per Share( `) 187.04 551.16 491.10 486.11 431.06
23 Total Dividend 0.00 0.00 25000.00 30000.00 22000.00
24 Dividend per Share ( `) 0.00 0.00 12.50 15.00 11.00
# Net of Re-insurance
@ Net of losses

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

19 Age wise analysis of outstanding claims as on 31.03.2018 (Gross Indian excluding provision for IBNR and IBNER)
Segment Less than 90 Days 90 Days to 6 Months 6 Months to 1 Year 1 Year to 2 Years
No Amount No Amount No Amount No Amount
(` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs)
Fire 580 57,497.42 312 33,290.71 598 99,261.55 316 68,565.53
Marine Cargo 810 3,325.05 426 1,534.09 440 2,334.79 105 1,610.93
Marine Hull 35 2,192.29 23 1,328.76 42 8,132.64 70 37,765.17
Motor OD 43,189 25,242.50 6,253 7,639.73 3,842 5,260.03 512 1,103.17
Motor TP 7,757 39,035.31 8,971 42,914.64 16,935 83,461.58 28,619 1,46,676.44
Health 56,852 38,756.66 363 1,214.41 2,407 412.03 319 992.25
Liability 294 1,897.65 131 3,058.95 193 1,263.79 241 3,275.49
Personal Accident 1,963 4,587.67 888 2,508.60 648 1,428.16 107 148.09
Aviation 11 962.71 16 219.74 23 6,778.30 11 688.50
Engineering 780 3,610.09 307 5,488.12 276 9,257.77 69 6,269.18
Others 2,259 9,519.49 937 4,511.41 947 14,511.99 298 4,741.88
Total 1,14,530 1,86,626.85 18,627 1,03,709.15 26,351 2,32,102.63 30,667 2,71,836.64

Segment 2Years to 3 Years 3 Years to 5 Years 5 Years and above Total

No Amount No Amount No Amount No Amount
(` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs)
Fire 170 12,875.73 203 12,754.58 577 40,408.14 2,756 3,24,653.67
Marine Cargo 58 2,076.77 83 1,336.48 290 1,147.80 2,212 13,365.91
Marine Hull 17 1,248.22 22 3,122.26 54 1,187.42 263 54,976.76
Motor OD 328 459.25 586 756.54 1,218 1,661.53 55,928 42,122.74
Motor TP 19,279 94,143.79 21,233 98,080.19 45,203 1,37,256.36 1,47,997 6,41,568.32
Health 274 177.65 279 212.42 267 293.90 60,761 42,059.32
Liability 211 1,105.81 341 1,207.57 709 3,259.39 2,120 15,068.64
Personal Accident 71 109.56 54 101.95 82 345.11 3,813 9,229.14
Aviation 8 2,729.06 5 1,717.46 8 1,097.73 82 14,193.51
Engineering 32 5,114.67 50 3,056.58 71 573.32 1,585 33,369.73
Others 219 2,270.59 507 1,521.49 2,036 4,077.19 7,203 41,154.03
Total 20,667 1,22,311.10 23,363 1,23,867.53 50,515 1,91,307.89 2,84,720 12,31,761.77

20 Investment income (Net of Expenses) is apportioned between Revenue Accounts and Profit and Loss account in proportion to the
balance in the Shareholders' funds and Policyholders’ funds at the beginning of the year. The same is further apportioned to fire,
marine and miscellaneous Revenue Accounts in proportion to the technical reserve balance at the beginning of the year.
21 The UPR at a revenue segment level was found to be sufficient to cover the expected claims cost as certified by the Appointed
Actuary and the claim related expenses as estimated by the management . Hence no premium deficiency reserve is required to be

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18



THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Management Report on Consolidated Financial Statements

There are no specific points to be disclosed on Financial 9. (a) Ageing of claims indicating the trends in average
Statements of subsidiaries incorporated outside India in terms claims settlement time during the preceding five
of IRDAI regulations. Therefore, Management Report related years is furnished below in the format required::
to standalone accounts of the Holding Company alone are as Age-wise Summary of Claims settled during the year
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18
1. We confirm that the registration granted by the Insurance
Regulatory & Development Authority is valid during the Age band No. of Claims Amount
year. The same is renewed for the year 2018-19. (in ` Lakhs)
2. We confirm that all known and undisputed dues payable 30 DAYS 3044097 400564.48
to the statutory authorities have been duly paid.
30 DAYS to 6 MONTHS 1244413 547773.87
3. We confirm that the shareholding pattern and transfer
6 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR 120396 154287.65
of shares during the year are in accordance with the
statutory or regulatory requirements. 1 YEAR TO 5 YEARS 78599 284482.58
4. We confirm that the funds of the holders of policies issued MORE THAN 5 YEARS 21281 64483.95
in India have not been directly or indirectly invested GRAND TOTAL 4508786 1451592.52
outside India.
5. We confirm that the required solvency margins have been (b) Details of payment to individuals, firms, companies
maintained. and organizations in which directors are interested
6. We certify that the values of all the assets have been is required to be disclosed as per Management
reviewed on the date of the Balance Sheet and to the Report to be furnished in the following format:
best of our belief the assets set forth in the Balance Sheet
No. Name Entity in Interested Amount of
are shown in the aggregate amounts not exceeding their
which he is as payments during
realizable or market value under the several headings-
interested the financial year
“Loans”, “Investments”, “Agents balances”, “Outstanding
(` In lakhs)
Premiums”, “Interest, Dividends and Rents outstanding”,
“Interest, Dividends and Rents accruing but not due”, NIL NIL NIL
“Amounts due from other persons or Bodies carrying on
insurance business”, “Sundry Debtors”, “Bills Receivable”,
“Cash” and several items specified under “Other Account”. 10. We certify that the investments have been valued as per
the Accounting Regulations of the Insurance Regulatory
7. The overall risk exposure for the risks accepted by us is and Development Authority and shown in the balance
limited to ` 200 crores PML per risk except in respect of sheet.
certain risks in which cases there are exposures of ` 500
Crores PML per policy. The same has been approved 11. All investment assets are reviewed periodically and assets
by the Board. We have made adequate reinsurance are classified into performing and non-performing based
arrangements to mitigate the losses arising out of any on IRDA norms.
major claims. 12. It is hereby confirmed:
8. We have overseas operations in 28 countries. The foreign (i) That in preparation of financial statements, the
branches have their own reinsurance arrangements applicable accounting standards, principles and
to protect their exposure. Over and above there is an policies have been followed, except amortisation
excess of loss protection available, which takes care of of additional actuarial liability for Gratuity and
the exposure risk of the Company as a whole, including Pension as per I.R.D.A. circular no. IRDA/F&A/CIR/
domestic and foreign branches. ACT/077/04/2016 dated 18.04.2016 and IRDA/F&A/
The foreign branches/agencies generate enough revenue LR/001/2016/6 dated 19.4.2016
in local currencies to meet their liabilities arising out of (ii) That the management has adopted accounting
their operations. Hence there is no major currency risk in policies and applied them consistently and made
the countries we operate. judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
As regards the country risk, by and large all the countries prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the
in which we operate are politically stable. We also have state of affairs of the Company at the end of the
well defined acceptance limits for foreign operations, financial year and of the operating loss of the
which limits our exposure in these countries. Company for the year except as mentioned in Para
12 (i) above.
(iii) That the management has taken proper and
sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

accounting records in accordance with the (v) That the management has ensured that the
applicable provisions of the Insurance Act 1938 and internal audit system commensurate with the size
Companies Act 2013 for safeguarding the assets and nature of business exists and is operating
of the Company and for preventing and detecting effectively.
fraud and other irregularities.
(iv) That the management has prepared the financial
statements on a going concern basis.

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Director Director Chairman-cum-
Managing Director

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11, 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

R. Devendra Kumar and Associates A. Bafna & Co. NBS & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
205, Blue Rose Industrial Estate, UG-250, The Dreams Mall 14/2, Western India House,
Near Petrol Pump, LBS Marg, Sir P.M. Road,
Western express highway Bhandup (West) Fort,
Borivali (E), Mumbai-400066 Mumbai - 400078 Mumbai 400001.


To Auditor’s Responsibility

The Members of Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated

financial statements based on our audit.
Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements We have taken into account the provisions of the “the Act, Rules
Report on the Standalone Financial Statements and Regulations”, the accounting and auditing Standards and
matters which are required to be included in the audit report under
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations made there under.
statements of The New India Assurance Company Limited
(hereinafter referred to as “the Holding Company”) and its We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on
subsidiaries (the Holding Company and its subsidiaries together Auditing specified under Section 143(10) of the Companies
referred to as “the Group”), and its associates, comprising of Act 2013. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical
the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2018, the requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
consolidated Revenue Accounts of Fire, Marine and Miscellaneous assurance about whether the financial statements are free from
Insurance Business ( collectively known as Consolidated material misstatement.
Revenue Accounts; the Consolidated Profit & Loss Account, An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence
the Consolidated Receipt and Payments Statement for the year about the amounts and the disclosures in the consolidated
then ended, and a summary of the significant accounting policies financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the
and other explanatory information (hereinafter referred to as “the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of
consolidated financial statements”). material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments,
Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial the auditor considers internal financial control relevant to the
Statements Company’s preparation of the financial statements that give a
The Holding Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are
preparation of these consolidated financial statements in terms appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating
of the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013,The Insurance the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the
Act 1938, and for the Accounting Principles as prescribed in the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the Holding
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Company’s Board of Directors, as well as evaluating the overall
Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance Companies) presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
Regulations, 2002 and orders or direction issued by the Insurance We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient
Regulatory and Development Authority (hereinafter referred to as and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion on
“(“the Act, Rules and Regulations”)that give a true and fair view of the the consolidated financial statements.
consolidated financial position, consolidated financial performance
and consolidated cash flows of the Group including its associates Basis for Qualified Opinion
in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in
1. In case of subsidiary companies ,where the accounts are
India, including the Accounting Standards specified under Section
made and maintained in accordance with International
133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts)
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as required under
Rules, 2014. The respective Board of Directors of the companies
the local laws of the respective country, during the process
included in the Group are responsible for maintenance of adequate
of consolidation, accounting adjustments have been made
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act,
to align the accounts of the company to confirm to the
Rules and Regulations for safeguarding the assets of the Group
accounting polices followed by the company however there
and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; the
are material differences in respect of certain items as stated
selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making
in Significant Accounting Policies para (1), proportion of
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and
these items to which different accounting policies have been
the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
applied, is not ascertained.
financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to 2. Note No 2 and 3 regarding consolidation of accounts of
the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that subsidiary companies and
give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, one of the associate have been prepared on calendar year
whether due to fraud or error, which have been used for the basis and have been combined as such, there by intra group
purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial statements by balances have not been eliminated in full as required under
the Directors of the Holding Company, as aforesaid. the provisions of AS-21 on consolidated financial statements

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

issued by the ICAI. The precise impact of which is not of expenditure relating to additional liability towards pension
ascertained. on account of pay revision to the extent of ` 690.80 lakhs, as
3. Balances due to/from persons or bodies carrying on per the deferment permitted by the IRDAI.
Insurance Business including d) The company’s internal controls system specially in area
reinsurers are subject to confirmations and reconciliation, of data input and validation in soft-wares , Reinsurance
the ageing of these balances and records relating to old accounts, PMFBY and other Government sponsored Health
balances are not available in the records of the company. schemes requires strengthening. (Refer Note No. 23 in
Balances of Inter office accounts, control accounts, few Bank Schedule 16 B)
accounts including those related to Pradhan mantri Fasal e) ` 2171.34 Lakh has been withheld / deducted by Govt. of
Bima Yojna , certain loans and other accounts at certain Rajasthan under Bhamashah Scheme towards rejection
offices are also pending for reconciliation/confirmation and of claims under the scheme and related matters, since in
consequential adjustments, effect of which, if any, is not the opinion of the management the same will be recovered.
ascertainable and cannot be commented upon. The impact (Refer Note No 27 in Schedule 16 B)
of the above, on year end restatement of these balances Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.
recorded in foreign currency as required under Accounting
Standard-11issued under section 133 of the Companies Act Other Matters
2013, could not be ascertained. (Refer Note 16 of Notes to
a) We did not audit the financial statements 3 subsidiaries
accounts, in schedule 16B);
and whose financial statements reflect total assets of
Overall impact of the above and the consequential effects ` 25669.52 lakhs as at 31st March 2018, total revenues
on Revenue Accounts, Profit and Loss Account, assets and of ` 22057.62 lakhs and net cash out flows amounting to
liabilities and Reserve and Surplus as on March 31, 2018 are not ` 6897.94 Lakhs for the year ended on that date, as
ascertainable and cannot be commented upon. considered in the consolidated financial statements. The
consolidated financial statements also include the Group’s
Qualified Opinion share of net profit of ` 12711 lakhs for the year ended 31st
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according March, 2018, as considered in the consolidated financial
to the explanations given to us except for the possible effects of statements, in respect of 2 associates, whose financial
the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, statements have not been audited by us and our opinion on
the aforesaid consolidated financial statements dealt with by this the consolidated financial statements, in so far as it relates
report read together with schedules, significant accounting policies to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these
and disclosures, give the information required by the “Act, Rules subsidiaries and associates, and our report in terms of sub-
and Regulations” in the manner so required and give a true and sections (3) and (11) of Section 143 of the Act, in so far as it
fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally relates to the aforesaid subsidiaries and associates, is based
accepted in India as applicable to Non-Life Insurance Companies: solely on the reports of the other auditors to the extent these
(i) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the were furnished to us.
company as at March 31, 2018; b) The actuarial valuation of liability in respect of claims Incurred
(ii) In case of revenue accounts of the Profit in Fire, Marine & But Not Reported(IBNR) and those Incurred but Not Enough
Miscellaneous Business for the year ended on that date; Reported (IBNER) as at March 31,2018, is as certified by
the Company’s Appointed Actuary and our opinion in so far
(iii) In case of Profit and Loss Account of the Profit for the year as it relates to the amounts and disclosures related to such
ended on that date, and liability, is based solely on such report.
(iv) In case of Receipt and Payments Account, of the receipts Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
and payments for the year ended on that date;
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Emphasis of Matter
As required by Section 143 (3) of the Companies Act 2013 and
We draw attention to the following Notes to Accounts: Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of
a) Note No. 6 in Schedule 16 B, regarding recognition of financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance Companies)
Reserve for Unexpired risk by 1/365 method as per the Regulations, 2002 and orders or direction issued by the Insurance
approval of IRDAI in case of domestic business while the Regulatory and Development Authority, we report that:
implementation of systems and procedures to compute a) We have sought and except for the matters described in
the same in case of Foreign business in accordance with the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph and the matters
1/365 method is pending and systems in case of domestic related to vigilance department which are stated to be
business are being strengthened. confidential ( Refer Note 23),obtained all the information and
b) Note No. 22 in Schedule 16 B, regarding outstanding dues explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
from agent amounting to `2043.30 lakhs for more than 90 were necessary for the purposes of our audit.
days for which the branch auditors have not been able to b) Except for the possible effects of the matter described in
assess the repayment capacity of the agent while the the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph above, in our
management has taken steps for recovery of these dues. opinion, proper books of accounts have been maintained by
c) Note No.13 in Schedule 16 B, regarding deferments of the Company, so far as it appears from our examination of
additional gratuity liability pursuant to the amendment in the those books and proper returns both audited and unaudited
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 to the extent of ` 27001.78 from Regional offices, Divisional Offices, branches and other
lakhs and Note No. 13 in Schedule 16 B, regarding deferment offices, not visited by us, have been received.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

c) The reports of the Regional Auditors consolidating the l) As per the information and explanations provided to us,
Divisional Auditors report, Reports of foreign branches and the investments have been valued in accordance with the
foreign agency offices, audited under section143(8) of the provisions of the Insurance Act, the regulations and orders/
Act by the branch auditors have been sent to us and have directions issued by IRDAI in this regard.
been properly dealt with by us in preparing this report in the m) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s
manner considered necessary by us. Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit
d) The Balance sheet, Revenue account, Profit and Loss and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of
account and the Receipts and Payments Account dealt with our information and according to the explanations given to
by the report are in agreement with the books of account and us:
with the returns received from offices not visited by us. i) The company has disclosed the impact of pending
e) In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated financial litigations on its financial position in its financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with the statements – Refer Schedule 16 C to the consolidated
requirements of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938), the financial statements;
Insurance Regulatory and Development Act, 1999 (41 of ii) The company has made provision, as required under
1999) and the Companies Act, 2013 to the extent applicable the applicable law or accounting standards, for
and in the manner so required. material foreseeable losses on long term contracts.
f) Except for the possible effects of the matter described in the There are no outstanding derivative contracts at the
Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, in our opinion, the Balance Sheet date.
aforesaid Consolidated Financial Statements comply with iii) There were no amounts which were required to be
the Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the transferred to the Investor Education and Protection
Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, Fund by the Company.
n) Further on the basis of our examination of books and
g) The matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion records of the company and according to the information and
paragraph above, in our opinion, may not have an adverse explanation given to us and to the best of our knowledge and
effect on the functioning of the Company. belief, we certify that:
h) The qualification relating to the maintenance of accounts and i) We have reviewed the management report attached
other matters connected therewith are as stated in the Basis with the Financial Statements and there are no
for Qualified Opinion paragraph above. apparent mistakes or material inconsistencies
i) On the basis of written representations received from the between the management report and the consolidated
directors as on March 31, 2018, and taken on record by the financial statements;
Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on ii) Based on the management representation by officer
March 31, 2018, from being appointed as a director in terms of the company charged with compliance, nothing
of section 164(2) of the Act. has come to our attention which causes us to believe
j) The accounting policies adopted by the company are that the company has not complied with the terms and
appropriate and in compliance with the applicable Accounting conditions of registration as stipulated by IRDAI; and
Standards specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with iii) No part of the assets of the policyholders’ funds has
Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and with been directly or indirectly applied in contravention of
the Accounting Principles as prescribed in the Insurance the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938)
Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of relating to the application and investments of the
financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance policyholders’ funds.
Companies) Regulations, 2002 and orders or direction issued
by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. o) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls
over financial reporting of the Company and the operating
k) The actuarial valuation of liability in respect of claims Incurred effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report
But Not Reported (IBNR) and those Incurred but Not Enough in “Annexure A”.
Reported (IBNER) as at 31st March 2018, have been duly
certified by the Company’s Appointed Actuary and relied As required under section 143(5) of the Companies Act, 2013,
upon by us. The Appointed Actuary has also certified that based on our audit as aforesaid, we enclose herewith, as per
the assumptions considered by him for such valuations are “Annexure B”, the directions including sub-directions issued by the
in accordance with guidelines and norms prescribed by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, action taken thereon and
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India the financial impact on the accounts and financial statements of
(IRDAI) and the Actuarial Society of India in concurrence the Company.
with the IRDAI.
For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W
D.K.Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty
Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940
Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013

1. We have audited the internal financial controls over financial of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
reporting of THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO LTD. (“the statements, whether due to fraud or error.
Company”) as of March 31, 2018 in conjunction with our 5. Report of branch auditors relating to London Branch is not
audit of the standalone financial statements of the Company in the accordance with the Indian Law & regulations and
for the year ended on that date. These financial statements therefore the internal controls over financial reporting relating
incorporated returns received: to London Branch has not been considered in this report and
a) From Forty three Regional offices (including 9 LCO’s), cannot be commented upon.
Four hundred and Sixty Divisional offices audited by 6. Except for the possible effect as stated in note No. 5 ,we
the other firms of Auditors appointed by the Comptroller believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient
and Auditor General of India under section 139 of the and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified opinion
Companies Act,2013; and on the Company’s internal financial controls system over
b) From Nine Foreign Branches, Seven Foreign Agency financial reporting.
offices audited by local auditors appointed by the Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over Financial
company and unaudited returns of three Run off Reporting
offices and one representative office.
7. A company's internal financial control over financial reporting
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance
2. The Company’s management is responsible for establishing regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the
and maintaining internal financial controls based on “the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in
internal control over financial reporting criteria established accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A
by the Company considering the essential components company's internal financial control over financial reporting
of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the
Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India”. These and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the
responsibilities include the design, implementation and assets of the company; (2)provide reasonable assurance
maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit
were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and preparation of financial statements in accordance with
efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts
company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the and expenditures of the company are being made only in
prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy accordance with authorizations of management and directors
and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance
preparation of reliable financial information, as required regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized
under the Companies Act, 2013. acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's assets that
Auditors’ Responsibility could have a material effect on the financial statements.

3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls over
internal financial controls over financial reporting based on Financial Reporting
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the 8. Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial
Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over controls over financial reporting, including the possibility
Financial Reporting (the“ Guidance Note”) and the Standards of collusion or improper management override of controls,
on Auditing, , to the extent applicable to an audit of internal material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and
financial controls, both issued by the Institute of Chartered not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the
Accountants of India. Those Standards and the Guidance internal financial controls over financial reporting to future
Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control
plan and perform the audit toobtain reasonable assurance over financial reporting may become inadequate because of
about whether adequate internal financial controls over changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with
financial reporting was established and maintained and if the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
such controls operated effectively in all material respects. Qualified Opinion
4. Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit 9. According to the information and explanation given to us and
evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial based on our audit, the following internal control weaknesses
controls system over financial reporting and their operating of material nature have been identified as at March 31,2018:
effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over
financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of a. Confirmation and reconciliation of various balances
internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing relating to co insurers, reinsurers, few bank accounts,
the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and inter office accounts and other control accounts are
evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal pending and are at various stages.;
control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected b. Inadequate controls are observed with regard to
depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment ageing of insurance receivables;

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The Company’s internal control systems especially in area of of the objectives of the control criterion, the company has
data input and validation in various soft-wares and recording maintained , in all material respects , adequate internal
of intimated claims at the offices of the company including financial control over financial reporting and such internal
internal audit require strengthening. financial controls over financial reporting were operating
Further to above, the management of the company has effectively as of March 31,2018, based on “the internal
appointed external consultant to assess the internal financial control over financial reporting criteria established by the
control framework in the company. Though the interim report Company considering the essential components of internal
submitted by the consultants in case of certain processes control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal
does not identify any serious issues, the final report is still Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued byte
awaited. Review of design and testing of the risk control Institute of Chartered Accountants of India”.
matrix at Regional level/ HO level, review and testing of 12. We have considered the material weaknesses identified
entity level controls and final report is yet to be received. and reported above in determining the nature, timing, and
10. A ‘material weakness’ is a deficiency, or a combination extent of audit tests applied in our audit of the March 31,
of deficiencies, in internal financial control over financial 2018 standalone financial statements of the Company,
reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a and these material weaknesses do not affect our opinion
material misstatement of the company’s financial statement on the Standalone financial statements of the Company
will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. except to the extent of our qualification as contained in our
separate report on the Standalone financial statements of
11. In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the internal the company.
control weaknesses described above on the achievements

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna& Co. For NBS & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Regn No. 110100W

D. K. Gupta M. K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place : Mumbai
Date : May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

ANNEXURE “B” Referred to in Para (Q) in Report on ither Legal and Regulatory Requirement referred
to in Independent Auditors Report of even date for the year 2017-18 on the Consolidated Accounts of
"The New India Assurance Company Limited"
Sr Directions under Section 143(5) of Companies Act 2013 Action taken and Financial Impact
1 Whether the Company has clear title/ lease deeds for freehold Company has clear title of lease/ free-hold properties except as
and leasehold respectively? If not please state the area of below:
freehold and leasehold land for which tile/ lease deeds are not

i. 1 leasehold land book value ` 1.00 is under litigation and SLP

is pending with the Hon'ble Supreme Court.

ii. 2 leasehold lands books value of ` 118.44 Lakhs where lease

term has expired and renewal process is pending with the
concerned Govt. Authorities.

iii. 1 leasehold land consists of 123 tenements and 6 godowns

with book value ` 3.42 Lakhs and lease period is 999 years.
Redevelopment thereof is under consideration.

iv. 1 Open plot is jointly owned by 4 PSU companies and the title
deed is in the name of GIC.


i. Land include book value of ` 124.97 Lakhs for which deed of

conveyance is yet to be executed.


1. Building include book value of ` 2066.95 Lakhs, where title

deeds are presently not available/ registration formalities are
yet to be completed.

2. 29 properties with total book value of ` 163.61 Lakhs, the title

deeds are in the process of being registered in the name of
the company.

3. 3 Properties with book value of ` 332.48 Lakhs are received

from Tariff Advisory Committee & registration formalities are
2 Whether there are any cases of waiver/write off of debts/loans/ According to the records and information provided to us, during
interest etc., if yes, the reasons there for and amount involved. the year, amount of `164.63 Lakhs towards interest has been
waived off in debentures/Loans. Settlement as per OTS.

The company has written Down investments of equity to the

extent of `1526.22 Lakhs.
3 Whether proper records are maintained for inventories lying with There is no such cases.
third parties & assets received as gift/grant(s) from the Govt. or
other authorities?

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Sub- directions issued by C&AG of India as applicable to The New India Assurance Company Limited
for the year 2017-18
1 Number of titles of ownership in respect of CGS/SGS/Bonds/ The Central Government/State Government securities balances
Debentures etc. available in physical/demat form and out of are tallied as per the Books of Accounts. In case of Bonds/
these, number of cases which are not in agreement with the Debenture/ Equities/Preference Shares, there are 8 Nos of
respective amounts shown in the Company’s books of accounts Scrips of Bonds/debentures having face value of ` 6500580,2
may be verified and discrepancy found may be suitably reported. Scrips of preference Shares having face value ` 26000, and 9
scrips of Equity shares having Book Value of ` 841707 which
are in shortage as per the records of custodian vis a vis books of
accounts of the Company.There are 106 Nos of scrips in equity
having Market value ` 412.21 lakhs and 1 scrip in preference
share of face value ` 3600 which are in excess quantity as per
cutodian records vis a vis books of the company.The Company
is in the process of taking adequate steps for reconciliation and
adjustment whereever required. The dividend received on such
excess shares is shown as liability and taken to income after 3
2 Whether stop loss limits have been prescribed in respect of the The investments of the Company are long term in nature and
investments. If yes, whether or not the limit was adhered to. If no, therefore Stop Loss Policy is not applicable for the long term
details may be given. investments. As and when the Company proposes to have a
trading portfolio, it will frame Stop Loss Policy for trading portfolio
at that time
3 Whether Company has carried out reconciliation exercise for The Company has continued its various level meetings with other
inter-company balances reflected in their financial statements PSU companies for reconciliation and settlement of Coinsurance
with other PSU insurers and whether confirmation has been balances. In case of balances with PSUs, while the receivables
obtained from other PSU insurers for balances due from them? have been brought down by ` 20939 lakhs during 2017-18 as
compared to 2016-17, the payable balances in respect of PSUs
have also been brought down by Rupee Foradian 8397 lakhs
during 2017-18 as compared to 2016-17.

During the year, through settlement at HO level, company has

settled the receivable balances of ` 71842 lakh and payable
balances of ` 105971 lakh.

The company has reduced its coinsurance balances from net of

` 14539 lakh (Dr) to net balance of Rupee Foradian 3313
lakhs(Dr) with other than PMFBY. In case of balances with
PMFBY the balances as at 31.03.2018 ` 48905 lakhs credit
compared to a debit of ` 35695 lakhs as at 31.03.2018. The
balance appearing in the amount due to/ due from persons or
bodies carrying on insurance business including reinsurance
business , terrorism Pool and Nuclear Pool with GIC Re,
are subject to confirmation/ reconciliation and consequential
adjustments if any. These balances include ` 200927.19 lakhs
(Net) Dr. comprising of debit balances of ` 435682.93 lakhs and
credit balances of ` 234755.73 lakhs against which party-wise
balances in the records indicate (Dr.) of ` 329652.55 lakhs
relating to 1004 parties and (cr.) of ` 128725.35 lakhs relating
to 877 parties. Precise gross debit and gross credit balances
against each of such parties and age- wise analysis of these
balances are also being compiled .There are some old cases
including migration differences in case of amounts receivables/
payables for which sufficient records are not available with

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

respective technical department.The impact of the above, if any,

on the financial statements are unascertainable. However the
company has maintained a provision of ` 10414.56 Lakhs up-to
31.03.2018 towards doubtful debts as a prudent measure.
4a Whether the method of accountal of premium and reported In the F.Y. 2017-18, the company is implementing Pradhan
claims are as per conditions of agreement/scheme relating to MantriFasalBimaYojana (PMFBY) in the following 4 states:
Pradhan MantriFasalBimaYojana
1. Gujarat - Kharif 2017 season only.
2. Rajasthan - Kharif 2017 season only.
3. Uttar Pradesh - Kharif 2017 & Rabi 2017-18 seasons.
4. Tamil Nadu - Kharif 2017 & Rabi 2017-18 seasons.
The total net NIA share of Premium accounted for crop insurance
business for the year 2017-18 is ` 1698.88 crores.
Claims paid during the year is ` 1159.79 crores for the states of
Tamil Nadu and Odisha for the year 2016-17. No claims have
been reported as on 31.03.2018 for 2017-18 in respect of all the
4 states.
In case of FasalBimaYojna, Enrolment data and premium data
as per Banks is to be reconciled with data as per the Central/
State Government portal. Accounting of premium as well as
reinsurance accounts , has been done based on portal data after
giving effect of reconcilable items. Since No claims have been
reported and no actual yield data is available relating to the
year 2017-18 , provision for outstanding claims has been made
based on IBNR claims as assessed by the actuary. Necessary
adjustments relating to the above are to be carried out in due
course.The company is in the process of strengthening internal
controls and the internal audit specially in the area of PMFBY
and other Government sponsored Health schemes to ensure
the compliance of laid down operational guidelines.
4b Whether the method of accountal of premium and reported In the F.Y. 2017-18, Company is implementing the RSBY
claims are as per conditions of agreement/scheme relating to Scheme in 6 states while accounting the Gross Direct Premium
RashtriyaSwasthyaBimaYojana of ` 10585 lakhs. Claims paid during F.Y. 2017-18 under
RSBY Schemes are of ` 10685 Lakhs and that of Outstanding
Claims are of ` 2995 Lakhs.The company is in the process of
strengthening internal controls and the internal audit specially in
the area of Government sponsored Health schemes to ensure
the compliance of laid down operational guidelines.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

The preparation of consolidated financial statements of The New India Assurance Company Limited for the year ended
31 March 2018 in accordance with the financial reporting framework prescribed under the Insurance Act, 1938 read
with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor's Report of
Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 and the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) is the responsibility of the management
of the company. The statutory auditors appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under section 139(5)
read with section 129(4) of the Act are responsible for expressing opinion on the financial statements under section 143
read with section 129(4) of the Act based on independent audit in accordance with the standards on auditing prescribed
under section 143(10) of the Act. This is stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 11 May 2018.
I, on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit under section 143(6)
(a) read with section 129(4) of the Act of the consolidated financial statements of The New India Assurance Company
Limited for the year ended 31 March 2018. We conducted a supplementary audit of the financial statements of The
New India Assurance Company Limited and Health Insurance TPA of India Limited but did not conduct supplementary
audit of the financial statements of The New India Assurance Co. (T & T) Limited — Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago,
The New India Assurance Co. (S.L) Limited — Free Town, Sierra Leone, Prestige Assurance Plc. - Nigeria and India
International Insurance Pte. Ltd., Singapore for the year ended on that date. Further, section 139(5) and 143(6)(b)
of the Act are not applicable to The New India Assurance Co. (T & T) Limited- Pori of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago,
The New India Assurance Co. (S.L.) Limited Free Town, Sierra Leone, Prestige Assurance PLC - Nigeria and India
International Insurance Pte. Ltd., Singapore being entities incorporated in Foreign countries under the respective
laws, for appointment of their Statutory Auditor nor for conduct of supplementary audit. Accordingly, C&AG has neither
appointed the Statutory Auditors nor conducted the supplementary audit of these companies. This supplementary
audit has been carried out independently without access to the working papers of the statutory auditors and is limited
primarily to inquiries of the statutory auditors and company personnel and a selective examination of some of the
accounting records.
On the basis of my audit nothing significant has come to my knowledge which would give rise to any comment upon or
supplement to statutory auditors' report.

For and on behalf of the
Comptroller and Audit General of India

(Roop Rashi)
Principal Director of Commercial Audit and
ex-officio Member, Audit Board-I, Mumbai
Place : Mumbai
Date : 4 July 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Fire Insurance Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year

Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Premium Earned (Net) 1 19639705 19324914
2. Profit on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) - 2291735 1873968
Loss on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) 0 0
3. Others 0 0
4. Interest, Dividend and Rent (Gross) - 3706777 2590454

Total (A) 25638218 23789336

1. Claims Incurred (Net) 2 15315520 19666289

2. Commission 3 2836530 3346780
3. Operating Expenses Related to Insurance Business 4 3331266 4141805
4. Premium Deficiency 0 0
5. Others - Foreign Taxes 4019 3985
Amortisation, Write off, Provisions - Investments 1930 7985

Total (B) 21489265 27166844

Operating Profit/ (Loss) C=(A-B) 4148952 (3377508)

Transfer to Share Holders Account (Profit and Loss Account) - (4148952) 3377508
Transfer to Catastrophic Reserves - 0 0
Transfer to Other Reserves - 0 0
Total 0 0
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16

As required by section 40C(2) of the Insurance Act 1938, we certify that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the information
and explanations given to us, and so far as appears from our examination of the Company's books of account, all expenses of
management, wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly in respect of fire insurance business have been fully debited in the Fire
Insurance Revenue Account as expenses.

The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Marine Insurance Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year

Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Premium Earned (Net) 1 3837519 4673115
2. Profit on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) - 386112 398501
Loss on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) 0 0
3. Others 0 0
4. Interest, Dividend and Rent (Gross) - 465029 559703

Total (A) 4688660 5631319

1. Claims Incurred (Net) 2 2214205 3577504

2. Commission 3 568638 450918
3. Operating Expenses Related to Insurance Business 4 738340 782710
4. Premium Deficiency 0 0
5. Others - Foreign Taxes 0 0
Amortisation, Write off, Provisions - Investments 325 1698

Total (B) 3521508 4812830

Operating Profit/ (Loss) C=(A-B) 1167152 818488

Transfer to Share Holders Account (Profit and Loss Account) - (1167152) (818488)
Transfer to Catastrophic Reserves - 0 0
Transfer to Other Reserves - 0 0
Total 0 0
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16

As required by section 40C(2) of the Insurance Act 1938, we certify that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the information
and explanations given to us, and so far as appears from our examination of the Company's books of account, all expenses of
management, wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly in respect of marine insurance business have been fully debited in the
Marine Insurance Revenue Account as expenses.

The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Miscellaneous Insurance Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year

Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Premium Earned (Net) 1 174826715 155355332
2. Profit on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) - 12966929 10367266
Loss on Sale or Redemption of Investments (Policy Holders) 0 0
3. Others 0 0
4. Interest, Dividend and Rent (Gross) - 15543026 14310271

Total (A) 203336670 180032869

1. Claims Incurred (Net) 2 152221098 139901785

2. Commission 3 14921943 9522709
3. Operating Expenses Related to Insurance Business 4 31627180 33296592
4. Premium Deficiency 0 0
5. Others - Foreign Taxes 1906 1636
Amortisation, Write off, Provisions - Investments 10940 44176

Total (B) 198783067 182766898

Operating Profit/ (Loss) C=(A-B) 4553603 (2734029)

Transfer to Share Holders Account (Profit and Loss Account) - (4553603) 2734029
Transfer to Catastrophic Reserves - 0 0
Transfer to Other Reserves - 0 0
Total 0 0
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16

As required by section 40C(2) of the Insurance Act 1938, we certify that, to the best of our knowledge and according to the information
and explanations given to us, and so far as appears from our examination of the Company's books of account, all expenses of
management, wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly in respect of miscellaneous insurance business have been fully debited
in the Miscellaneous Insurance Revenue Account as expenses.

The schedules referred to above form integral part of the revenue account

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2018
Current year Previous year
Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
1. Operating Profit / (Loss)
a. Fire Insurance - 4148952 (3377508)
b. Marine Insurance - 1167152 818488
c. Miscellaneous Insurance 4553603 (2734029)
2. Income from Investments
a. Interest Dividend and Rent (Gross) - Share Holders 9052571 8829362
b. Profit on Sale of Investment - Share Holders - 7476103 6420867
Less: Loss on Sale of Investment - Share Holders - 0 0
3. Other Income - Misc Receipts, Credit Balances Written Back 1020431 859585
- Interest on Refund of Income Tax 1324471
Total (A)=1+2+3 27418812 12141236
4. Provisions (Other Than Taxation)
a. Others - Amortisation Provision For Thinly - 32430 24627
Traded Shares - Shareholders”
b. For Doubtful Debts - Investments(Shareholders) - (51960) (8823)
c. For Doubtful Debts - Operations 0 129817
d. For Dimunition In Value Of Investments (Shareholders) - 28286 11556
5. Other Expenses (Other Than Those Related To Insurance Business) 0 0
a. Other than those related To insurance business - 6364 0
b. Others - Expenses on Corporate Social Responcibility 135087 0
c. Others - Interest on Income/Service Tax 28443 11467
d. (Profit)/Loss on Sale Of Assets 15991 27827
e. Penalty 2000
Total (B)=(4+5) 194641 198471
Profit Before Tax (A-B) - 27224171 11942764
Provision For Taxation - Current Tax - 5166412 1722152
Deferred Tax 165534 (59073)
Wealth Tax 0
Profit After Tax 21892226 10279685
Profit attributable to Minority Interest (6092) (44181)
Add : Share of Profit/(Loss) in Associate Enterprises 12711 224277
Transfer from General Reserves for Equalization / Contingency Reserves for 976658 129457
Foreign Branches
Appropriations 0 0
a. Proposed Final Dividend - 0 0
b. Dividend Distribution Tax. - (3090000) 0
c. Transfer to General Reserves - (629051) (10908)
d. Transfer to Equalization / Contingency Reserves for Foreign Branches - (19156452) (10578330)
e. Transfer to Consolidated Revenue Reserve 0 0
Profit / (Loss) Carried Forward to The Balance Sheet - 0 0
Basic and diluted earnings per share (`) {Refer Note 13 B to notes to accounts in 27.06 13.07
Schedule 16 B}
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16
The schedules referred to above form integral part of the Profit and Loss Account

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234
As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W
D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty
Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940
Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
Particulars Schedule
` (000) ` (000)
A. Sources of Funds
1. Share Capital 5 & 5A 4120000 2000000
2. Reserves and Surplus 6 157477850 124407166
3. Fair Value Change Account - 85272169 80435866
Fair Value Change Account - Policyholders - 144363619 157115599
4. Borrowings 7 0 0
5. Minority Interest - 278953 385623
Total A 391512591 364344254
B. Application of Funds
1. Investments 8 & 8A 560238975 519315631
2. Loans 9 2655049 3085957
3. Fixed Assets 10 5933543 4310084
4. Deferred Tax Assets - 2071125 2197485
5. Current Assets -
a. Cash and Bank Balances 11 91814461 81257284
b. Advances and Other Assets 12 111832216 89192592
Sub Total(a+b) 203646677 170449876
c. Current Liabilities 13 275402315 238464383
d. Provisions 14 110399783 98763797
Sub Total(c+d) 385802098 337228180
Net Current Assets (a+b-c-d) (182155421) (166778304)
6. Miscellaneous Expenditure (to the extent not written off or adjusted) 15 2769320 2213400
Total B 391512591 364344254
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts 16
The Schedules referred to above form integral part of the Balance Sheet

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W
D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty
Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedule 1 - Premium Earned for the year ended March, 2018
Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 1 - Fire
Premium Earned(Net)
Premium From Direct Business - in India 20825658 18242822
- outside India 7348454 8092307
Total 28174112 26335129
Add: Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 10431282 9290477
Less: Premium on Reinsurance Ceded 18976528 15417066
Net Premium 19628866 20208540
Adjustment for Change in Reserve for Un-Expired Risks (10839) 883626
Total Premium Earned (Net) 19639705 19324914
Schedule 1 - Marine
Premium Earned(Net)
Premium From Direct Business - in India 6000090 6100259
- outside India 561326 679725
Total 6561416 6779984
Add: Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 434179 361266
Less: Premium on Reinsurance Ceded 2813985 3424906
Net Premium 4181610 3716344
Adjustment for Change in Reserve for Un-Expired Risks 344091 (956771)
Total Premium Earned (Net) 3837519 4673115
Schedule 1 - Miscellaneous
Premium Earned(Net)
Premium From Direct Business - in India 200361862 166803842
- outside India 18474200 18152386
Total 218836062 184956228
Add: Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 3064965 4581850
Less: Premium on Reinsurance Ceded 35061090 26316500
Net Premium 186839937 163221579
Adjustment for Change in Reserve for Un-Expired Risks 12013223 7866247
Total Premium Earned (Net) 174826714 155355332

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedule 2- Claims Incurred for the year ended 31st March, 2018
Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 2 - Fire
Claims Incurred (Net)
Claims Paid Direct 19548408.17 17593591
Add: Claims on Reinsurance Accepted 7363129 5879393
Less: Claims on Reinsurance Ceded 11312942 6492659
Net Claims Paid 15598595 16980325
Add:Claims Outstanding at End (Net) 27804982 27694574
Less :Claims Outstanding at Beginning (Net) 27694574 25790294
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Relating to Non-Integral Foreign Operations (393483) 781685
Total Incurred Claims (Net) 15315520 19666289
Schedule 2 - Marine
Claims Incurred (Net)
Claims Paid Direct 4385851 4467596
Add: Claims on Reinsurance Accepted 124786 404976
Less: Claims on Reinsurance Ceded 1628421 1090316
Net Claims Paid 2882216 3782256
Add:Claims Outstanding at End (Net) 4300707 4988162
Less :Claims Outstanding at Beginning (Net) 4988162 5208696
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Relating to Non-Integral Foreign Operations 19444 15782
Total Incurred Claims (Net) 2214205 3577504
Schedule 2 - Miscellaneous
Claims Incurred (Net)
Claims Paid Direct 152482311 133116093
Add: Claims on Reinsurance Accepted 3278430 2709916
Less: Claims on Reinsurance Ceded 21909100 10309225
Net Claims Paid 133851641 125516784
Add:Claims Outstanding at End (Net) 165961301 147154754
Less :Claims Outstanding at Beginning (Net) 147154754 133352542
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Relating to Non-Integral Foreign Operations (437091) 582788
Total Incurred Claims (Net) 152221098 139901785

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedule 3- Commission for the year ended 31st March, 2018
Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 3- Fire
Commission (Net)
Commission - Direct 3465108 3379901
Add : Commission on Reinsurance Accepted 1699784 1555311
Less : Commission on Reinsurance Ceded 2328362 1588432
Commission (Net) 2836530 3346780
Break-up of Commission Direct
Direct Commission 2647648 2642038
Direct Brokerage 683742 667098
Direct Corporate Agency Commission 133010 70765
Others - Other Channels 708 0
Total Commission 3465108 3379901
Schedule 3- Marine
Commission (Net)
Commission - Direct 672131 661702
Add : Commission on Reinsurance Accepted 90710 51886
Less : Commission on Reinsurance Ceded 194203 262671
Commission (Net) 568638 450918
Break-up of Commission Direct
Direct Commission 346387 369575
Direct Brokerage 325226 291670
Direct Corporate Agency Commission 518 457
Others - Other Channels 0 0
Total Commission 672131 661702
Schedule 3- Miscellaneous
Commission (Net)
Commission - Direct 17235324 11472227
Add : Commission on Reinsurance Accepted 636197 503513
Less : Commission on Reinsurance Ceded 2949578 2453031
Commission (Net) 14921943 9522709
Break-up of Commission Direct
Direct Commission 12832946 8457928
Direct Brokerage 2962340 2706321
Direct Corporate Agency Commission 279925 214367
Others - Other Channels 1160112 93611
Total Commission 17235323 11472227

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)

Schedule - 4

Operating Expenses Related To Insurance Business

1. Employees Remuneration And Welfare Benefits 22880779 22359364

2. Travel Conveyance And Vehicle Running Expenses 705362 644388

3. Training Expenses 330773 155958

4. Rent Rates And Taxes 1375738 1147499

5. Repairs And Maintenance 947437 954517

6. Printing And Stationery 408723 404641

7. Communication Expenses 306904 294025

8. Legal And Professional Charges 660253 565561

9. Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Auditor 128512 99515

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Advisor Or Other Capacity - Taxation 0 211

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Advisor Or Other Capacity - Insurance 0 0

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. As Advisor Or Other Capacity - Mgt Services 0 0

Auditors Fees, Expenses Etc. In Other Capacity 0 0

10. Advertisement And Publicity 643046 616338

11. Interest And Bank Charges 90080 55513

12. Others - Exchange (Gain) / Loss (41643) 370344

IT Implementation 1292509 1079473

Outsourcing Expenses 3139722 4378170

Other Taxes 107298 138619

Incentives to Agents 0 1979829

Others 1647565 1838340

13. Depreciation 744885 469739

14. Service Tax Account 328842 669063

Total 35696785 38221107

Apportioned to Fire Segment 3331266 4141805

Apportioned to Marine Segment 738340 782710

Apportioned to Miscellaneous Segment 31627180 33296592

Total 35696785 38221107

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)

Schedule - 5

Share Capital

1. Authorised Capital

1,20,00,00,000 (Previous Year 30,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 6000000 3000000

2. Issued Capital

82,40,00,000 (Previous Year 20,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 4120000 2000000

3. Subscribed Capital

82,40,00,000 (Previous Year 20,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 4120000 2000000

4. Called up Capital

82,40,00,000 (Previous Year 20,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10 each) Equity Shares of ` 5 4120000 2000000

Total 4120000 2000000

Note : Of the above 79,22,98,732 shares are issued as fully paid up bonus shares by capitalisation of general


Pattern of Shareholding

(As Certified by Management) Numbers in (000)

Current Year Previous Year

Share holder
Numbers % of Holding Numbers % of Holding

Promoters Indian 704000 85.44 200000 100

Foreign 0 0.00 0 -

Others 120000 14.56 0 -

Total 824000 100 200000 100

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 6
Reserves and Surplus
1. Capital Reserve (Op. Balance) 575 41681
Addition During The Year 0 0
Deduction During The Year 0 (41106)
(Cl.Balance) 575 575
2. Capital Redemption Reserve 0 0
3. Share Premium 18962416 0
4. General Reserves (Op. Balance) 112847317 102213460
Addition during the year - Balance Transferred From P & L Account 19156452 10578330
Deffered tax due to Depreciation 0
Transfer and to P & L Account for Equalization / Contingency Reserves and (3328608) (3930424)
CFS Adjustment for Forgine Branches
Change in Depreciation due to Companies Act, 2013 0 0
Deduction During The Year - Issue of Bonus shares (2000000) 0
Dividend and dividend Distribution tax for FY 2016-17 (3731192) 0
Consolidated Revenue Reserve 3442719 3985951
(Cl. Balance) 126386688 112847317
5. Catastrophe Reserve 0 0
6. Other Reserves
A. Foreign Currency Translation Reserve
Opening Balance 9279354 11288295
"Addition During The Year (Refer Note No 15 To Notes To Accounts In Schedule 16 B)" 1458505 0
Deduction During The Year (37038) (2089655)
(Cl.Balance) 10700821 9198640
C. Equalization / Contingency Reserves for Foreign Branches
Opening Balance 2360634 2831785
Addition During The Year
Deduction During the Year (933284) (471151)
(Cl.Balance) 1427350 2360634
7. Balance Of Profit In Profit And Loss Account 0 0
8. Property Revaluation Reserve 0 0
Total 157477850 124407166

Schedule 7
1. Debentures / Bonds 0 0
2. Banks 0 0
3. Financial Institutions 0 0
4. Others 0 0
Total 0 0

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 8
Investments - Shareholders
Long Term investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 64339757 43570419
2. Other Approved Securities 0
3. Other Investments 0
a. Shares 0
aa. Equity 103059224 91107181
bb. Preference 724 656
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 367123 335099
c. Derivative instruments 0 0
d. Debentures/Bonds 10141826 8712462
e. Other securities - Foreign shares 582512 4187426
f. Subsidiaries 0 0
g. Investment Properties (Real Estate) 0 248128
4. Investment in Infrastructure, Housing and Social Sector 19657416 16963365
5. Other than Approved Investments (Debentures, Pref.shares, Foreign Shares, Venture Funds 10134180 7297185
and Equity)
Total 208282761 172421921
Short Term Investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 1308125 2704552
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 0 0
bb. Preference 0
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 0
c. Derivative instruments 0
d. Debentures/Bonds 1586487 2499760
e. Other securities - Foreign shares 0
f. Subsidiaries 0
g. Investment Properties (Real Estate) 0
4. Investment in Infrastructure, Housing and Social Sector 2981694 3592811
5. Other than Approved Investments (Debentures, Pref.shares, Foreign Shares, Venture Funds 1110 2012
and Equity)
Total 5877416 8799136
Grand Total 214160177 181221056
1. In India 550774051 509805560
2. Outside India 9464924 9510071
Investment in foreign associates included in equity above 30136 30136
Aggregate amount of Companies Investments in other than listed equity shares Book Value 772410 749587
Market value 761489 725309
Preference shares and FITL preference shares (LTUA) amounting to `84320 (P.Y. `84498)
is netted against interest suspense of an equal amount. Debentures and FITL debentures
amounting to `43101(P.Y. ` 45115) are netted against interest suspense of an equal amount.
Equity shares amounting to ` 276 (P.Y. ` 276) is netted against interest suspense of an equal
Provision made for bad and doubtful debts shown under Schedule 14.5 against assets in Schedule 8
Debentures - Standard Provisions 125654 130412
Housing sector bonds - Standard Provisions 97142 93696
Infrastructure investments - Standard Provisions 146891 146671
Other than approved investments (Debenture) 428126 456547
Equity - Thinly traded and unlisted equity - diminution in value 14364 47935
Equity - Long term unapproved thinly traded and unlisted equity - diminution in value (F)6034/12 14017 14017
Equity subsidiary - Long term unapproved thinly traded and unlisted equity - diminution in value 1535 1535
Total 827729 890813

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 8-A
Investments - Policyholders
Long Term investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 101489977 79139754
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 174210245 179348145
bb. Preference 1223 1291
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 620580 659656
c. Debentures/Bonds 17039159 16455263
d. Investment Properties (Real Estate) 0 0
e. Other securities-other than approved 9630482 13044546
4. Investment in Infrastructure and Housing 33228691 33393066
Total 336220359 322041722
Short Term Investments
1. Government Securities and Government Guaranteed Bonds including Treasury Bills 2211240 5324020
2. Other Approved Securities 0 0
3. Other Investments
a. Shares
aa. Equity 0 0
bb. Preference 0 0
b. Mutual funds/ ETF 0 0
c. Debentures/Bonds 2605097 3652279
d. Other securities-other than approved 1877 3961
4. Investment in Infrastructure and Housing 5040225 7072593
Total 9858439 16052853
Grand Total 346078798 338094575

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 9
1. Security-Wise Classification
a. On Mortgage Of Property
aa. In India
Loan Against Mortgage Of Property 0 0
Housing, Vehicle And Computer Loans To Employees 2154047 1906868
Direct Term Loans 0 183239
bb. Outside India Housing, Vehicle Loan To Employees 21349 482
b. On Shares, Bonds, Government Securities
c. Others
Loans to Subsidiaries 0 0
Loans To State Government Housing, FFe Loans 447264 571689
Unsecured (Term Loans, Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Term Loans PFPS) 0 423679
Total 2622660 3085957
2. Borrower-Wise Classification
a. Central And State Governments(Term Loans, Housing and FFE) 447264 571689
b. Banks And Financial Institutions 0 0
c. Subsidiaries 0 0
d. Industrial Undertakings (Term Loans, Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Loans To PFPS) 0 578144
e. Others - Housing Loans,Vehicle Loans, Computer Loans To Employees 2175396 1907350
Term Loans and PFPS 0 28774
Total 2622660 3085957
3. Performance-wise Classification
a. Loans Classified as Standard
aa. In India:Term Loans, Bridge Loans, State Government Housing And FFE, PFPS 447264 552183
Housing, Vehicle And Computer Loans To Employees 2175326 1906868
bb. Outside India (Loans To Employees) 70 482
Loans to Subsidiaries 0 0
b. Non-Performing Loans less Provisions
aa. In India (Term Loans, Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Loans PFPS) 0 626423
bb. Outside India
Total 2622660 3085956
4. Maturity-wise Classifications
a. Short-Term (Term Loans, Direct Bridge Loans, Short-Term Loans, Term Loans PFPS) 89592 103123
b. Long-Term
(Term Loans Direct, Loans State Government Housing and FF, and Loans PFPS) 390061 1075484
Loans to Subsidiaries 0 0
Housing, Vehicle, And Computer Loans To Employees. 2175396 1907350
Total 2655049 3085957

PFPS and FITL PFPS amounting to ` 101572 (P.Y. ` 585452) and FITL short term loan
amounting to ` 1675 (P.Y. ` 1675) and direct term loans amounting to ` 6101 (P.Y. ` 6101 ) are
netted against interest suspense of an equal amount.
Assets in Schedule 9 shown after netting of following provisions
Direct term loans (Investments) 18115 18115
Bridge loan (Investments) 400 400
Term loans PFPS std.provision 0 0
Term loans PFPS 366485 503335
Short term loans (Investments) 83368 85067
Housing loans to state govts. - std.provision 1792 2191
Housing loans to state govts. 16573 16573
FFE loans to state govts. - std.provision 4 19
FFE loans to state govts. 2932 2932
Total 489669 628633

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018
Schedule 10
Fixed Assets ` (000)
Depreciation Fund Net Block
Opening Additions Deletions / * Closing Opening Additions Deletions / * Closing Closing Opening
Balance. Adjustments Balance Balance. Adjustment Balance
01-04-2017 During 2017-2018 31-03-2018 01-04-2017 During 2017-2018 31-03-2018 31-03-2018 31-03-2017
Goodwill 156478 0 (2039) 158517 0 0 0 0 158517 156478
Intangibles (Softwares) 1097488 1166101 (1068) 2264657 1061585 206868 (31) 1268483 996174 35903
Land Freehold 76116 0 (185409) 261524 0 0 0 0 261524 76116
Leasehold Property 199389 263252 41908 420734 180244 3208 36489 146963 273771 19145

Buildings 2375563 42620 35208 2379700 962139 18155 3776 977089 1402612 1413424
Furnitures & Fittings 750609 50889 10787 789908 524818 32823 5181 551837 238070 225790
Information & 3565485 590229 56094 4097920 2743679 290407 22287 3010080 1087839 821807
Vehicles 1428621 430351 277435 1583556 600390 165758 192095 573020 1010536 828231
Office Equipments 146896 5365 (2271) 153852 119310 8390 2211 125074 28779 27586
Other Assets # 400368 28068 8663 419773 261662 20349 6186 275825 143948 138706
Work in Progress 566898 0 235125 331773 0 0 0 0 331773 566898
Grand Total 10763911 2576875 474432 12861914 6453827 745959 268194 6928371 5933543 4310084
Previous Year 9739420 1926188 1058174 10607434 6204022 469740 219728 6453827 4310084 3535397
* Includes foreign currency fluctuation.
# Other Assets includes Air Conditioner, Water Coolers, Television, Lifts & Cameras etc.
Annual Report 2017-18

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)

Schedule 11

Cash and Bank Balances

1. Cash (Including Cheques, Drafts and Stamps) 1978552 2344587

2. Bank Balances

a. Deposit Accounts

aa. Short - Term (due within 12 Months) 15149398 16961609

bb. Others 46920989 46194958

b. Current Accounts 10648328 7247640

3. Money at Call and Short Notice

With Banks 17117194 503022

With other Institutions 0 8005468

Total 91814461 81257284

Cash and Bank Balances In India 29479189

Cash and Bank Balances Outside India 51778095

Total 0 81257284

Balances with non scheduled banks included in 2b above 9090285

Provision made for bad and doubtful debts shown under Schedule 14.5 against assets in
Schedule 11

Indian balances included in 2b above --- --

Total ---- --

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 12
Advances and Other Assets
A. Advances
1. Reserve Deposits With Ceding Companies 556630 174565
2. Application Money For Investments 0
3. Pre-Payments 311782 317551
4. Advances To Directors / Officers
5. Advance Tax Paid And Taxes Deducted At Source (Net Of Provision For Taxation) 2399007 2918562
6. Others 434810 589218
Total (A) 3702229 3999897
B. Other Assets
1. Income Accrued On Investments 7689435 6898019
2. Outstanding Premiums 24631477 6630282
3. Agents Balances 5334527 3971445
4. Foreign Agencies Balances 1586180 995900
5. Due From Other Entities Carrying Insurance Business (Including Reinsurers) 58829704 57860472
6. Due From Subsidiaries/Holding Companies 0
7. Deposit With R B I (Persuant to Section 7 Of Insurance Act 1938) 0
8. Others - a. Other Accrued Income 1435746 1325197
b. Others Including Sundry Debtors & Interoffice Accounts 6949815 5694747
c. Service Tax / GST Unutilized Credit 214963 429093
d. Fixed Deposit-Unclaimed Amounts of Policy Holders 1380000 1387333
e. Investment income on Unclaimed Policy Holders Fund 78140 208
Total (B) 108129987 85192696
TOTAL(A+B) 111832216 89192592
Sundry Debtors amounting to ` 5010 (P.Y. `5010) are netted against interest suspense of an
equal amount.
Provision made for Bad and doubtful debts shown under Schedule 14.5 against assets in
Schedule 12
Reinsurance balances included in A1 above 93984 93984
Reinsurance balances included in B5 above 946978 946978
Reinsurance balances included in B8 above 494 494
Foreign balances included in B3 above (Bankok) 67996 62209
Foreign balances included in B4 above (Manila, Dubai & Curacao) 161335 73104
Foreign balances included in B5 above (Bangkok) 10368 11755
Foreign balances included in B8 above (Equitorial Bank London) 11039 9391
Indian reinsurance balances/Miscellaneous debtors included in B5B above 200000 200000
Indian balances included in B3 above 115349 50223
Indian balances included in B8b above 285496 355795
Indian miscellaneous debtors included in B8b above (TCS) 18554 81188
Sundry debtors(5192) investments Indian included in B8 above - Std. provision 31 31
Sundry debtors(5192) investments Indian included in B8 above 3851 3851
Sundry debtors(5192) investments(F) Indian included in B8 above 956 952
Income accrued on investments(5131(F)) Indian included in B1 above 2 2
Total 1916433 1889957

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Schedules for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Current year Previous year
` (000) ` (000)
Schedule 13
Current Liabilities
1. Agents Balances 476464 341964
2. Balances Due To Other Insurance Companies 46033396 34464919
3. Deposits Held On Reinsurance Ceded 362804 161528
4. Premium Received In Advance 1949593 1702021
5. Un-Allocated Premium 15834874 0
6. Sundry Creditors - a. Other Than Service Tax Payable 9673549 18380081
b. Service Tax Payable /GST Payable 725799 591011
7. Due To Subsidiaries / Holding Company 0 0
8. Claims Outstanding 198069920 179778437
9. Due To Officers/Directors 0 0
10. Others 1106385 1656882
Policy Holders Fund - Excess Premium Collected 374526 344769
Policy Holders Fund - Refund Premium Due 344015 333600
Policy Holders Fund - Stale Cheques 372849 708964
Investment Income on Unclaimed Policy Holders Fund 78140 208
Total 275402315 238464383

Schedule 14
1. a. Reserve for Un-Expired Risks 100873694 88590942
b. Premium Deficiency Reserve 0 0
2. Provision for Taxation (Net of Payment of Taxes) 111 69895
3. Provision for Proposed Dividend 0 0
4. Provision for Dividend Distribution Tax 0 0
5. Others - Reserve for Bad and Doubtful Debts. 2844762 3356673
Provision for Diminution in value of Thinly Traded / Unlisted Shares 29916 63486
Provision for Wage Arrear 0 0
Provision for Leave Encashment 6651300 6682800
Total 110399783 98763797

Schedule 15
Miscellaneous Expenditure
1. Discount Allowed in Issue of Shares and Debentures 0 0
2. Others - Contribution to Pension Fund and Gratuity Fund 2769320 2213400
(Deferred Expenses to the Extent not Written Off)
Total 2769320 2213400

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Consolidated Receipts & Payments Account / Cash Flow

Statement for the period from 01/04/2017 to 31/03/2018
Current Year Previous Year
` (000) ` (000)
A. Cash Flows from the operating activities:
1. Premium received from policyholders, including advance receipts 285227667 243593759
2. Other receipts 235600 397159
3. Payments to the re-insurers, net of commissions and claims (13919190) (15900237)
4. Payments to co-insurers, net of claims recovery (507545) (1907977)
5. Payments of claims (177300641) (153615445)
6. Payments of commission and brokerage (20957964) (15205583)
7. Payments of other operating expenses (35604578) (39826148)
8. Preliminary and pre-operative expenses 0 (1637)
9. Deposits, advances and staff loans (182973) (34413)
10. Income taxes paid (Net) (4705501) 2704817
11. Service tax / GST paid (27249564) (23077869)
12. Other payments (787612) 1638030
13. Cash flows before extraordinary items 4247700 (1235545)
14. Cash flow from extraordinary operations 0 0
Net cash flow from operating activities 4247700 (1235545)
B. Cash flows from investing activities:
1. Purchase of fixed assets (2573547) (1922665)
2. Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 407014 384222
3. Purchases of investments (87715497) (35425713)
4. Loans disbursed 0 0
5. Sales of investments 53619129 29981952
6. Repayments received 268536 (376332)
7. Rents/Interests/ Dividends received 27855591 25585167
8. Investments in money market instruments and in liquid mutual funds 0 0
9. Expenses related to investments (460771) (297503)
Net cash flow from investing activities (8599545) 17929128
C. Cash flows from financing activities:
1. Proceeds from issuance of share capital 18725500 0
2. Proceeds from borrowing 0 0
3. Repayments of borrowing (29596) (18586)
4. Interest/dividends paid (7448934) (3054962)
Net cash flow from financing activities 11246971 (3073547)

D. Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents, net 3662051 (4525005)
E. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents: 10557177 9095030
1. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 81257284 72162254
2. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 91814461 81257284

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Schedule 16
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes forming part of Consolidated Financial Statements as on 31st March, 2018
16 A. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES in the same manner as the company’s separate
financial statements. Except in case of the subsidiary
1. Principles of Consolidation: companies, where the accounts are made and
The consolidated financial statements relate to New India maintained in accordance with International Financial
Assurance Co Ltd , the holding company and its subsidiaries Reporting Standards (IFRS) as required under the
( referred to as “Group”) and associates. The consolidated local laws of the respective country, during the process
financial statements have been prepared on the following of consolidation, accounting adjustments have been
basis: made to align the accounts of the subsidiary company
• The financial statements of the company and its to confirm to the accounting policies followed by the
subsidiaries are combined on a line-by-line basis by holding company, however, following are the material
adding together the book values of like items of assets, differences with the accounting policies followed by
liabilities, income and expenses, after eliminating the the holding company as compared to the subsidiary
intra-group balances and intragroup transactions to companies combined in the consolidated financial
the extent possible and by following the consolidation statements :
procedures as laid down in Accounting Standard (AS) a. In accordance with IFRS, Insurance receivables
21- Consolidated Financial Statements. are recognized when due and measured at
• The difference between the cost of investment in the amortized cost, using the effective interest
subsidiaries, over the net assets in the subsidiaries, rate method. The carrying value of insurance
over the net assets at the time of acquisition of shares receivables is reviewed for impairment
in the subsidiaries is recognized in the financial whenever events or circumstances indicate that
statements as Goodwill or Capital Reserve as the the carrying amount may not be recoverable,
case may be. with the impairment loss recorded in the
statement of income.
• The difference between the proceeds from disposal
of investment in subsidiaries and carrying amount b. Deferred Acquisition cost Commissions
of its assets less liabilities as of the date of disposal and other acquisition costs that are related
of investment in subsidiaries is recognized in the to securing new contracts and renewing
consolidated statement of Profit and Loss being the existing contracts are capitalized as Deferred
profit or loss on disposal of investment in subsidiary. Acquisition Costs (DAC) if they are separately
identifiable, can be measured reliably and
• Minority interest’s share of net profit of consolidated it is probable that they will be recovered. All
subsidiary for the year is identified and adjusted other costs are recognized as expenses when
against the income of the group in order to arrive incurred. The DAC is subsequently amortized
at the net income attributable to the shareholders over the life of the contracts in line with premium
of the company. Minority interest’s share of net revenue using assumptions consistent with
assets of consolidated balance sheet is presented in those used in calculating unearned premium.
consolidated balance sheet separate from liabilities It is calculated by applying to the acquisition
and the equity of the company’s shareholders. expenses the ratio of unearned premium to
• Investment in Associate Companies has been written premium. The DAC asset is tested for
accounted under the equity method as per Accounting impairment annually and written down when it
Standard (AS) 23 - Accounting for investments in is not expected to be fully recovered.
associates in Consolidated Financial Statements. c. Insurance and investment contract of
• The company accounts for its shares in change in policyholders are charged for policy administration
net assets of the associates, post-acquisition, after services, investment management services,
eliminating unrealized profits and losses resulting from surrenders and other contract fees. These fees
transactions between the company and its associates are recognized as revenue over the period in
to the extent of its shares, through its profit and loss which the related services are performed. If the
account to the extent such change is attributable to fees are for services provided in future periods,
the associates’ Profit or Loss through its reserves for then they are deferred and recognized over those
the balance, based on available information. future periods;
• The difference between the cost of investment in the d. Reserve for unexpired risk and Premium
associates and the share of net assets at the time of deficiency reserve is calculated and recognized
acquisition of shares in the associates is identified as per 1/365 or 1/24 method or as required
in the financial statements as Goodwill or Capital under local laws.
Reserve as the case may be. e. Provision for claims incurred but not reported
• As far as possible, the consolidated financial (IBNR) and provision for claims incurred but
statements have been prepared using uniform not enough reported (IBNER) is accounted as
accounting policies for like transactions and other per liability adequacy test carried by actuary/
events in similar circumstances and are presented management assessment of such liability.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

f. Property plant and equipment is shown at fair the relevant facts and circumstances as on the date of the
value on historical cost model except in case financial statements. Any revision to accounting estimates is
of NIA (T&T) Ltd., where fair value is based recognized prospectively in current and future periods.
on triennial valuation by external appraisers.
Depreciation on property plant and equipment 4. Revenue Recognition
is calculated and accounted for based on useful A. Premium
lives as assessed by the management which
Premium income is recognized on assumption of risk.
are different from those followed by the holding
A reserve for Unearned Premium for each segment,
company. Investment property is recognized as
representing that part of the recognized premium
per IFRS provisions.
attributable to the succeeding accounting periods,
g. Provisions related to post -employment benefits calculated on time apportionment basis is created.
to the staff are accounted for based on the This forms part of the un-expired risk reserves.
requirements of local laws;
Reinsurance premium is recognized as per the terms
h. Provision for taxation including deferred tax of the reinsurance contracts. A reserve for Unearned
is accounted as per local tax laws and in Premium for each segment, representing that part of
accordance with the provisions of IFRS. the recognized reinsurance premium attributable to
i. Statutory Reserve is created in accordance with the succeeding accounting periods, is also calculated
the requirements of local laws.. on time apportionment basis. This also forms part of
the un-expired risk reserves.
• The list of subsidiary companies and associates which
are included in the consolidation and the company Any subsequent revisions to or cancellations of
holdings are as under : premium are recognised in the year in which they
Sr. Country of
Name of the company Ownership % B. Commission
No. incorporation
Subsidiaries Commission Income on Reinsurance cessions is
1. The New India Assurance 83.89 Trinidad & recognized as income in the year in which reinsurance
Co. (Trinidad & Tobago) Tobago Premium is ceded.
Limited Profit Commission under reinsurance treaties
2. Prestige Assurance PLC 69.5 Nigeria wherever applicable, is recognized on accrual.
Nigeria Any subsequent revisions of profit commission are
3. The New India Assurance 100 Sierra Leone recognized for in the year in which final determination
Co. (Sierra Leone) Limited of the profits are intimated by reinsurers.
4. Indian International 20 Singapore 5. Premium Received in Advance
Insurance Pte. Ltd. Premium received in advance represents premium received
5. Health Insurance TPA of 23.75 India in respect of policies issued during the year, where the risk
India Limited commences subsequent to the balance sheet date.

2. Accounting Convention 6. Reserves for Un-expired Risk/s

The financial statements are drawn up in accordance with Unearned premium reserve is computed in accordance with
the provisions of IRDAI (Preparation of Financial Statements the guidelines issued by IRDAI as under :
and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, a) Marine Hull : 100% of the net written premium during
2002 and circulars and/or guidelines issued in the context of the preceding twelve months;
preparation of the financial statements, and the provisions
of the Companies Act 2013. The said statements prepared b) other segments:
on historical cost convention and on accrual basis, comply i) in respect of domestic business : on the basis
with accounting standards specified under Section 133 of of 1/365th method on the unexpired period of
Companies Act 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies respective policies and
( Accounts) Rules, 2014 and conform to practices prevailing
ii) in respect of foreign business 50% of the net
in the General Insurance industry except as otherwise stated.
premium in respect of all business other than
3. Use of Estimates Marine hull
The preparation of financial statements in conformity 7. Reinsurance Accepted
with generally accepted accounting principles requires
Reinsurance returns have been incorporated for the advices
management to make estimates and assumptions that
received up to the date of finalization of accounts or on
affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues
estimation basis.
and expenses and disclosure of contingent liabilities on the
date of the financial statements. Actual results may differ 8. Reinsurance Ceded
from those estimates and assumptions. The estimates
and assumptions used in the accompanying financial Reinsurance cessions are accounted for on the basis of
statements are based upon management’s evaluation of actuals or on estimation basis.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

9. Premium Deficiency there will be an outflow of resources and reliable estimate

Premium deficiency is calculated where the sum of expected can be made of the amount of obligation. Contingent
claims costs, related expenses and maintenance costs Liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the notes.
exceed the related unearned premium. The premium Contingent Assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in
deficiency is recognized as per IRDA guidelines and forms the financial statements.
part of unexpired risk reserves.
14. Loans and Investments
10. Acquisition Costs. A Loans are measured at historical cost subject to
Acquisition costs are primarily related to acquisition of impairment. Company reviews the quality of its loan
insurance contracts and have been expensed in the year in assets and provides for impairment if any.
which they are incurred. B Short Term Money Market Instruments such as
Commercial Papers and Certificate of Deposits are
11. Incurred Claims shown at their discounted value and the difference
Claims are recognized as and when reported. between the acquisition cost and the redemption
Claims Paid (net of recoveries including salvages retained value is apportioned on time basis and recognised as
by the insured, includes interest paid towards claims and all accrued income.
expenses directly incurred in relation to their assessment) C Contracts for purchase and sale of shares, bonds,
are charged to respective revenue accounts. debentures are accounted for as “Investments” as on
Claims outstanding at the year-end are provided based on date of transaction.
survey reports, information provided by clients and other D The cost of investments includes premium on
sources, past experience and applicable laws and includes: acquisition, brokerage, transfer stamps, transfer
• In respect of direct business, claim intimations charges,Securities Transaction Tax and is net of
received up to the year-end. incentive/ fee if any, received thereon.

• In respect of reinsurance accepted, advices received E Dividend income (other than interim dividend) is
as of different dates of subsequent year up to the date accounted for as income in the year of declaration.
of finalization of accounts or on estimation basis. Dividend on shares/interest on debentures under
objection/pending delivery is accounted for on
• Provision for claims incurred but not reported (IBNR) and realisation. Interim dividend is accounted for where
provision for claims incurred but not enough reported the amount is received/credited in the account of the
(IBNER). The said provisions have been determined company upto 31st March.
by Appointed Actuary, which is in accordance with
accepted actuarial practice, requirement of IRDA Dividend on foreign investments is accounted on
(Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s gross basis.
Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 Interest Income is recognized on accrual basis on time
and the master circulars issued in the context of proportion except income on non-performing assets is
preparation of financial statements and stipulations of recognized on realization.
the Institute of Actuaries of India. Amount received towards compensation for future
All the outstanding claims for direct business are loss of interest is recognised as income only to the
provided net of estimated salvage (if any). extent attributable to the accounting year and balance
In respect of motor third party claims where court is kept in interest received in advance account for
summons have been served on the Company without apportionment in the relevant year.
adequate policy particulars to establish liability of the F Profit/Loss on realization of investments is computed
Company, provision is made as under: by taking weighted average book value as cost of
• 100% of the estimated liability, where such claims are investments except:
outstanding for more than one year. • In respect of Government Securities/
• 1/3rd of the estimated liability, for all such claims Debentures/Bonds under Trading Portfolio, the
for which court summons have been served on the profit/loss is worked out specific scrip wise.
Company during the year. • In respect of Government Securities sold from
Interest on motor accident claims tribunal (MACT) Investment Portfolio, the profit/loss is worked
claims is provided based on the prevailing trends in out on first in first out basis (FIFO).
the motor third party claim awards. G The Company follows the prudential norms prescribed
by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
12. Salvage and Claim Recoveries Authority as regards asset classification, recognition
Recoveries of claims and sale proceeds on disposal of of income and provisioning pertaining to loans/
salvage are accounted on realisation and credited to claims. advances/debentures
H Investment in government securities, debt securities
13. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets
and redeemable preference shares are considered
Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in as held till maturity and valued at cost. However, in
measurement are recognized when there is a present terms of Insurance Regulatory and Development
obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that Authority Regulations the premium paid at the time of

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

acquisition of securities is amortised over the residual value of such investments as on 01.04.2000 is
period of maturity. presumed to be the historical/ weighted average cost .
I i. Investments in Mutual Funds are valued at Net M Investments in listed equity/ equity related instruments/
Asset Value (NAV) as at the Balance Sheet date preference shares made in those companies, which
and the difference between cost/book value are making losses continuously for last 3 years and
and NAV is accounted in Fair Value Change where capital is eroded, are considered to have
Account. In case of non-availability of latest impairment in value. Further, if the published accounts
NAV as at the balance sheet date, investment of a Company are not available for last three accounting
is shown at cost. years ending on or immediately preceding the date of
ii. Investments in Venture Funds are valued at cost. working out impairment in value, it is presumed that
If there is reduction in NAV, the same is charged the value of investment is fully impaired and is written
to revenue and book value of investments is off to a nominal value of ` 1/- per Company.
reduced accordingly. Any appreciation in NAV I. Valuation of such investments is done as under:
to the extent of loss earlier recognised, is taken i) In respect of actively traded equity shares:
to revenue. Wherever Net Asset Value as on - least of cost price, market price or break-
Balance Sheet date is not available, latest up value provided break-up value is positive.
available Net Asset Value is considered. However, if the break-up value is negative the
J (i) In accordance with IRDA/F&I/INV/ nominal value is taken at Re. 1/- per Company.
CIR213/10/2013 dated 30th October 2013 for ii) In respect of other than actively traded equity
Valuation of Equity Portfolio, National Stock shares: - lower of cost price or break-up value
Exchange (NSE ) is considered as Primary provided break-up value is positive. However, if
Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange break-up value is negative the nominal value is
(BSE) as Secondary Stock Exchange. taken at Re.1/- per Company.
Investment Portfolio in respect of equity/ iii) In respect of preference shares, if the dividend
equity related instruments is segregated into is not received for the last three years, such
actively traded and thinly traded as prescribed preference shares are written down to a value
by Insurance Regulatory and Development which will bear to its face value, the same
Authority Regulations. The shares are treated proportion as value taken/ which would have
as actively traded or thinly traded by taking into been taken for writing down equity shares
consideration total traded transactions in the bears to the face value of the equity shares.
month of March on NSE and BSE. However, if the equity shares are written down
(ii) Actively traded equity/ equity related to Re.1/- per Company, preference shares are
instruments are valued at the closing price at also written down to a nominal value of Re.1/-
NSE or if the scrip is not traded at NSE, the per Company.
scrip is valued at the closing price at BSE. The II. Once the value of investment in listed equity/
difference between weighted average cost and equity related instruments/ preference shares
quoted value is accounted in Fair Value Change of a company is impaired in accordance with
Account the above mentioned policy, the reversal of
Exchange traded funds are valued as applicable such impairment losses are not recognised
to Equity portfolio. The difference between the in revenue/ profit and loss till such company
weighted average cost and the quoted value is achieves a positive net worth as per the latest
accounted in Fair Value change account. available published accounts immediately
(iii) Investments in equity shares of companies preceding the date of working out the reversal.
outside India are valued at the last quoted price However, in respect of investments where
at the stock exchange of the respective Country. the historical or weighted average cost is not
available as mentioned in Policy No.13-L,
K Investment in thinly traded equity shares and unlisted reversal of impairment loss is carried out and
equity shares are shown at cost. However, difference recognised only to the extent of impairment
between cost and break-up value is provided for as losses accounted after 31st March 2000.
diminution in value. If the break-up value is negative
then the provision is made for the entire cost. Further, N REVERSE REPO transactions are treated as secured
if the published accounts of an unlisted Company are lending transactions and accordingly disclosed in the
not available for last three accounting years ending financial statements. The difference between total
on or immediately preceding the date of working out consideration at the 1st and 2nd leg of the transaction
diminution in value, then the provision is made for the is treated as interest income.
entire cost. O “Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligation“
L In case of investment in listed and unlisted equity/ (CBLO), which is issued at discount to the face value,
equity related instruments / preference shares where is treated as money market instrument as per Reserve
the value has been impaired on or before 31.03.2000, Bank of India Notification. Discount earned at the time
the historical/weighted average costs are not available of lending through CBLO is shown as income, which
with the Company. As a consequence, the carrying is apportioned on time basis.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

P Un-realised gains / losses arising due to changes in 17. Depreciation

the fair value of actively traded listed equity shares a. Depreciation on fixed assets is charged on Straight
other than enumerated in Accounting Policy 13-L are Line Method (SLM) as per the useful life prescribed
taken under the head “Fair Value Change Account” under Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013 and the
and on realisation reported in profit and loss account. residual value of the asset shall be Re 1/-.
Pending realisation, the credit balance in the “Fair b. Lease hold properties are amortised over the lease
Value Change Account” is not available for distribution. period.
15. Foreign Currency Transactions 18. Intangible Assets
• Reinsurance operations: Intangible assets are stated at cost of acquisition less
Revenue transactions of re-insurance in foreign accumulated amortisation. The same is amortised over
currencies are converted at the average of buying and a period of four years on straight line basis. Software
selling rates of exchange of each quarter in which they development / acquisition costs, except those which meet
are accounted. the recognition criteria as laid down in Accounting Standard
26 (AS 26), are charged to revenue. Any additions to
Monetary assets and liabilities of re-insurance in
already existing assets are amortised prospectively over the
foreign currencies are converted at the closing rate.
remaining residual life of the assets.
• Foreign operations:
19. Employee Benefits
• As per the Accounting Standard (AS) 11 “The
Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”, Employee benefits comprise of both defined contributions
foreign branches/agencies are classified as and defined benefit plans.
‘non-integral foreign operations’. Provident Fund is a defined contribution plan. Company’s
• The assets and liabilities (including contingent contribution towards provident fund is charged to the Profit
liabilities), both monetary and non-monetary and Loss Account and Revenue Accounts as applicable.
of the non-integral foreign operations are Further Company has no further obligation beyond the
translated at the closing rate, periodic contributions.
• Income and expense items of the non-integral Pension, Gratuity and Leave Encashment are defined
foreign operations are translated at the average benefit plans. The Company has incorporated a Pension
exchange rate of the year. Trust and Gratuity Trust. The Company’s liability towards
pension, gratuity and leave encashment is accounted for on
• Depreciation on fixed assets held in foreign the basis of an actuarial valuation done at the year end and
branches and agencies is provided on written is charged to revenue accounts and profit and loss account
down rupee value at the year-end at the rates as applicable except in case of pension for the employee
and in the manner as stated in “Depreciation” who joined from 1st April 2010 which is defined contribution
policy stated herein below. plan wherein contribution towards pension fund is charged
• All resulting exchange difference is accumulated to the Profit and Loss Account and Revenue Accounts as
in a foreign currency translation reserve until applicable. Further, Company has no further obligation
the disposal of the net investment. beyond the periodic contributions.
• Foreign investments transactions during the year are All short term employee benefits are accounted on
converted at the exchange rates prevailing as on the undiscounted basis during the accounting period based on
last day of the month of purchase or sale. service rendered by the employees
• Other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are 20. Expenses of Management-Basis of Apportionment
converted at the average of buying and selling rates of
exchange prevailing at the year end. Expenses of management including provision for bad and
doubtful debts and exchange gain/loss, are apportioned to
• The exchange gain/loss due to conversion of foreign the revenue accounts on the basis of net premium
currencies other than relating to non-integral foreign
operations is taken to revenue(s) account and profit 21. Segregation of Policy Holders and Share Holders funds:
and loss account as applicable. Investment Assets includes Policyholders as well as Share
16. Fixed Assets holders. Investment assets are bifurcated at the end of each
quarter between Shareholders and Policyholders at ‘fund’
• Fixed assets are stated at cost less depreciation. level on notional basis in accordance with IRDAI guidelines.
• The fixed assets are assessed for any indication that
an asset is impaired. In case the recoverable amount 22. Income from Investments -Basis of Apportionment
of the fixed assets is lower than its carrying amount a Investment Income (net of expenses) is apportioned between
provision is made for the impairment loss. Shareholders’ Fund and Policyholders’ Fund in proportion to
• Lease payment for assets taken on operating lease the balance of these funds at the beginning of the year.
are recognized as an expense in the revenue(s) Investment income (net of expenses) belonging to
accounts and profit and loss account over the lease Policyholders is further apportioned to Fire, Marine and
term. Miscellaneous segments in proportion to respective technical
reserves balance at the beginning of the year .

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Policy holders fund for this purpose consist of Estimated • Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) paid in accordance
liability for outstanding claims including IBNR and IBNER, with the tax laws, which gives rise to future economic
unexpired risk reserve (URR), Premium deficiency (if any). benefits in the form of adjustment of future income tax
catastrophe reserve (if any) and Other Liabilities net of Other liability, is considered as an asset if there is convincing
Assets ( relating to policy holders) as per the guidelines of evidence that the Company will pay normal income tax
IRDAI; The residual consists of the Shareholder fund. on future income. Accordingly, MAT is recognized as an
asset in the Balance sheet when it is probable that the
23. Taxation. future economic benefit associated with it will flow to
• Tax expense for the year, comprises current tax and the Company and the asset can be measured reliably.
deferred tax. • A provision is made for deferred tax for all timing
• Current income tax expense comprises taxes on differences arising between taxable income and
income from operations in India and in foreign accounting income at currently enacted tax rates.
jurisdiction. Income tax payable in India is determined • Deferred tax assets are recognized only if there is
in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax a virtual certainty backed by convincing evidence
Act 1961. Tax expense relating to foreign operations is that they will be realized and are reviewed for the
determined in accordance with tax laws applicable in appropriateness of their respective carrying values at
countries where such operations are domiciled. each balance sheet date.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18


1. List of Entities consolidated and their respective share of Net Asset and Profit/Loss-

Name of the Entities Net Worth Share in Profit/(Loss)

Amount Amount
Percentage of Percentage of
(In,000) (In,000)
Net Assets Profit / Loss
` `
Holding Company
New India Assurance Company Limited 96.34 154122880 100.15 22002010
Subsidiaries Companies
a. New India Assurance Company(Trinidad and 0.85 1360049 (0.57) (124467)
Tobago) Limited
b. Prestige Assurance plc. – Nigeria 0.40 645148 0.39 85716
c. The New India Assurance Co. (S.L) Ltd- Free 0.00 372 (0.00) (37)
Town, Sierra Leone
Share of Minority (0.17) (278953) (0.03) (6092)
a. India International 2.44 3906774 0.13 28338
b. Health India TPA 0.14 220186 (0.07) (15626)
100.00 159976457 100.00 21969842
Summary of Position
Share of Holding Company 159697504 21963751
Share of Minority 278953 6092
Total 159976457 21969842
2. The accounts of subsidiary companies and the associate M/s India International Insurance Pte Ltd., Which are combined in the
consolidated financial statements, are prepared on calendar year basis in accordance with the local requirements and these have
been consolidated as such. There are no material changes during the quarter January 2018 to March 2018 requiring adjustments to
the figures reported in the audited/ unaudited accounts as received.
3. Since the accounts of subsidiary companies and associate as stated in Note (2) are prepared based on calendar year basis, the
intra group balances have not been eliminated in full and the residual balances are retained in the respective head of accounts. The
precise impact arising out of the above is presently not ascertainable.
4. The accounts incorporate Audited accounts of Branches in Fiji, Thailand and unaudited accounts of Canada (run off) which are
prepared on calendar year basis as per the requirement of local laws. There are no material changes for the quarter January 2018 to
March 2018. The accounts of 2 run off Agencies (Colombo and Saudi Arabia) and one representative office at Myanmar have been
incorporated on the basis of unaudited accounts.
5. Land include book value ` 124.97 Lakhs (P.Y. book value ` 124.97 Lakhs) for which deed of conveyance yet to be executed and
lease deed expired is ` 118.44 lakhs (P.Y. ` 118.44 lakhs). Building include book value ` 2066.95 lakhs (P.Y. ` 2066.95 lakhs) where
registration formalities are yet to be completed / title deeds are not presently available. One property with a book value of ` 3.42
lakhs (P.Y. ` 3.42 lakhs) is in the possession of the company but occupied by inherent tenants. Twenty-nine properties with total book
value of ` 163.61 lakhs (P.Y. ` 163.61 lakhs) are yet to be registered in the name of the company. Three Properties with book value of
` 332.48 lakhs (Previous Year NIL) are received from Tariff Advisory Committee and the registration formalities are pending.
6. In accordance with the approval received from IRDAI, unearned premium reserve (UPR) in respect of domestic business towards
segments other than Marine hull, has been computed on the basis of 1/365th method on the unexpired period of respective policies.
The company is in the process of implementing systems and procedures to implement the IRDAI guidelines regarding following the
1/365 method in case of Foreign business and therefore the impact of pending compliance is presently not ascertainable. Systems
and procedures in domestic business in few segments are also being strengthened to compute the UPR based on data input in the
accounting systems of the company. In the opinion of the management the impact of pending compliances is not expected to be
7. As certified by the Custodian, securities are held by the Company as on March 31, 2018 variations and other differences which
include excess of market value as per the custodian as compared to books amounting to ` 412.21 lakhs are being reconciled, while
shortages have been provided for. In the opinion of the management, these are not expected to have a material impact on the state
of affairs of the Company.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

8. (a) Provision for standard assets @ 0.40% amounting to ` 3715.15 lakhs (P.Y. ` 3730.22 lakhs) has been made as per Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority guidelines on (i) Term Loan (PFPS/DTL), (ii) Debentures, (iii) Infrastructure Investments,
(iv) Bonds/Debentures of HUDCO, (v) Bonds/Debentures of Institutions accredited to NHB and (vi) Govt. Guaranteed Bonds/
Securities (vii) Housing and Firefighting Loans to State Governments (Viii) Debtors.
(b) The amount of total corporate debt/loans etc. restructured under various categories are being compiled during the year, the
Company has undertaken restructuring as under:

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
Total amount of assets subjected to restructuring Nil 844.24
The break-up of the same is given here under:
(i) Total amount of standard assets subjected to restructuring Nil 268.62
(ii) Total amount of sub-standard assets subjected to restructuring Nil Nil
(iii) Total amount of doubtful assets subjected to restructuring Nil 575.62
Total Nil 844.24

(c) Details of Non-Performing Assets (NPA):

i) Details of Non-Performing Assets (NPA)

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
(i) Opening Balance 10868.22 11501.04
(ii) Additions during the Year NIL Nil
(iii) Reductions during the Year 1669.72 632.82
(iv) Closing Balance 9198.50 10868.22
Percentage of Net NPAs to Net Assets 0.00% 0.00%

ii) Details of Provisions on NPA (other than standard provisions)

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
(i) Opening Balance 10868.22 11501.04
(ii) Incremental Provision during the Year (1669.72) (632.82)
(iii) Closing Balance 9198.50 10868.22
9. Short-term Investments (Schedule - 8) in debentures and other guaranteed securities include those, which are fully repayable in the
next year. As regards those debentures and other guaranteed securities, which have fallen due and remain unpaid as on March 31,
2018, they have been shown under long-term investments, as their realizability is unascertainable. However, necessary provision,
wherever required, has been made.
10. As required IRDAI circular no. IRDA/F&I/CIR/CMP/174/11/2011 dated 14.11.2010, age-wise analysis of unclaimed amount of the
policyholders amounting to ` 11731.51 lakhs (P.Y. ` 13875.41 lakhs) at the year ended March 31, 2018 representing the excess
premium collected, refund premium and the amount lying in stale cheque accounts and unclaimed amount towards claim is as under:
(` in Lakhs)

Total 1-6 7-12 13-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 Beyond

Amount Months Months Months Months Months Months 36 Months
Claims settled but not paid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
to policyholders / insured
due to any reason except
under litigation from
insured / policyholders
Sum due to the insured / 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
policyholders on maturity
or otherwise

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Any excess collection 7185.41 1223.50 445.94 354.57 267.96 313.58 274.81 4305.04
of premium / tax or any
other charges which
is refundable to the
policyholders either as
terms of conditions of the
policy or as per law or as
may be directed by the
Authority but not refunded
so far
Cheques issued but 3728.48 60.24 161.07 102.03 94.73 106.16 206.48 2997.31
not encashed by the
policyholder / insured
Further as per the IRDA circular no IRDA/F&A/CIR/CPM/134/07/2015, Company has invested the above said total amount of
` 11731.51 lakhs (P.Y. ` 13875.41 lakhs) in fixed deposit and interest credited of ` 781.40 lakhs (P.Y. ` 0.20 lakhs) on such Fixed
deposit has been allocated to the fund amount.
11. Prior period items have been included in the respective heads amounting to ` 618.08(Debit) and ` 2585.30 (credit) [P.Y. ` 223.12
lakhs (Debit)] consisting of the following: -
(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

Sr. No. Particulars
Debit Amount Credit Amount Debit Amount Credit Amount
1 Premium - 2112.00 - -
2 Commission - - - -
3 Claims - 473.30 - -
4 Expenses 618.08 - 223.12 -
5 Income - - - -
Total 618.08 2585.30 223.12 -

12. Disclosure as required by Accounting Standards (AS) :

A. Related party disclosures as per Accounting Standard 18
1) Company’s related parties
a) Associates:
i) India International Insurance Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
ii) Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd., Mumbai, India
b) Key management personnel of the Company: -

Name of person Role/Designation Upto

Mr. G. Srinivasan Chairman cum Managing Director
Mr. Hemant G. Rokade Director & General Manager
Ms. T.L.Alamelu Director & General Manager May-17
Mr. C. Narambunathan General Manager & Financial Advisor
Mr. S. Pradhan General Manager
Mr. Rakesh Kumar General Manager & Chief Marketing Officer May-17
Ms Tajinder Mukherjee General Manager & Chief Underwriting Officer
Ms S.N. Rajeswari General Manager & CFO
Mr. Renjith Gangadharan General Manager & Chief Marketing Officer
Mr. R. M. Singh General Manager
Mr. J. K. Garg General Manager
Mr. S. Shankar General Manager & Chief Risk Officer

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Mr.Sharad Ramnarayanan Appointed Actuary

Mr. S. Harinath Chief Investment Officer Jan-18
Mr. M.S.Joshi Chief Investment Officer
Mr. S. Harinath Chief Investment Officer
Mr. R. P. Joshi Chief Manager (Chief of Internal Audit)
Ms Jayashree Nair Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer
Prestige Assurance Plc. – Nigeria
Dr. Balla Swammy Managing Director /CEO
Mr. Sarbeswar Sahoo ED (Operations)
Mr.Raja Vadlamudi DGM Technical
Ms. Josephine Gbuji AGM-Business Dev.
Mr. Emmanuel Oluwadare CFO
The New India Assurance Co. (T & T) Ltd. – Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago

2. Transactions with related parties:

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

Nature of Relationship Nature of Transaction
No. (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
i) Associates Premium on Reinsurance Accepted 792.32 723.94
Commission on Reinsurance Accepted (141.39) (123.73)
Claims Paid (493.27) (952.37)
Dividend income received (III Singapore) 465.87 480.77
Additional Equity Infusion (Health TPA of India) 1187.50 NIL
TPA fees paid (Health TPA of India) 271.14 92.60
ii) Key Management Salary and allowances 637.79 510.93

B. Disclosure as per Accounting Standard 20 - “Earnings Per Share”:

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Net profit attributable to shareholders (` In Lakhs) 220091.98 100793.15
Weighted average number of equity shares issued (Previous year face value of 809403000 400000000
share ` 10/- each)
Basic and diluted earnings per share of ` 5/- each (`) 27.06 13.07
The company does not have any outstanding diluted potential equity share. Consequently, the basic and diluted earnings per
share of the company remain the same.
C. Taxation:
Income Tax:
i. Provision for Tax - Current Tax shown in Profit & Loss Account includes ` 3854.94 lakhs (P.Y. ` 1039.72 lakhs) relating
to foreign taxes.
ii. The Income Tax Assessments of the Company have been completed up to assessment year 2015-16. Major disputed
demands are in respect of profit on sale of investment, expenses paid to Auto tie-up dealers and related exemptions
from tax liability. Based on the decisions of the appellate authority, the interpretations of the relevant provisions, the
Management is of the opinion that the demands are likely to be either deleted or substantially reduced and accordingly

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

no provisions have been made for the same. A demand of `45531.97 lakhs was raised for the Assessment year 2015-16.
iii. Deferred Taxes:
The major components of temporary differences resulting into deferred tax assets are as under:

Current Year Previous Year

(` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
Fixed Assets (1922.68) (849.48)
Leave Encashment 23242.3 23093.23
Estimated Disallowance u/s 40(a)(ia) 34.94 34.61
Gratuity - -
LTS - -
Total 21354.56 22278.36
(1) A sum of ` 923.80 lakhs (Previous year increase of ` 565.10 lakhs) has been debited to the Profit & Loss Account on
account of decrease in deferred assets during the year.
(2) On prudence basis recognition of deferred tax asset on unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward losses has not been
given effect in the books of account.
(3) Above deferred tax asset does not include impact of deferred tax in respect of operations of foreign branches.
(4) The company continues to recognise the deferred tax asset as hitherto, as in the opinion of the management there are
sufficient evidences to establish the virtual certainty of realisation of the DTA from the future taxable profits.
D. Accounting Standard 15 – Employee Benefits
The details of employee benefits for the period on account of gratuity, superannuation which are funded defined employee
benefit plans and encashment which is an unfunded defined benefit plan are as under:
(` in Lakhs)

Components of Funded Unfunded

employer expense Pension Gratuity Encashment
C.Y. P.Y. C.Y. P.Y. C.Y. P.Y.
I. Total expense recognized in the statement
of Profit and Loss Account
A Current Service Cost 10,259 10,138 1,986 2,110 1,066 1,048
B Interest Cost 25,359 29,272 8,079 9,084 5,011 5,199
C Expected Return on Plan Assets (23,476) (24,922) (8,039) (7,640) - -
D Curtailment Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
E Settlement Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
F Past Service Cost - - - - - -
G Actuarial Losses/(Gains) 4,995 462 (4,741) (941) 2,165 3,979
H Amortised/(Deferred) Cost 17,094 17,094 4,349 4,349 - -
I PSC Recognized during the period - - 6,978 - - -
J Total expense recognized in the 34,231 32,044 8,612 6,962 8,242 10,226
statement of Profit and Loss Account

II. Actual Returns for the year 2017-18 27,196 26,290 8,611 8,230 - -

III. Net Asset/(Liability) recognized in

Balance Sheet at 31.03.2018
Components Funded Unfunded
C.Y. P.Y. C.Y. P.Y. C.Y. P.Y.
A Present Value of Defined Benefit Obligation 3,47,643 3,51,235 1,37,341 1,07,582 66,513 66,728
B Fair Value of Plan Assets 3,35,006 3,25,159 1,06,520 1,00,619 - -
C Status (Surplus/Deficit) (12,637) (26,076) (30,821) (6,963) (66,513) (66,728)
D Unrecognized Past Service Cost 691 17,785 26,774 4,350 - -

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

E Net Asset / (Liability) recognized in Balance (11,946) (8,291) (40,47) (2,613) (66,513) (66,728)

IV. Change in Defined Benefit Obligation

during the year
A Past value of the Defined Benefit Obligation 3,51,235 3,72,896 1,07,582 1,13,689 66,728 65,070
at the beginning of the period
B Current Service Cost 10,259 10,138 1,986 2,110 1,066 1,048
C Interest Cost 25,359 29,272 8,079 9,084 5,011 5,199
D Curtailment Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
E Settlement Cost/(Credit) - - - - - -
F Plan Amendments - - - - - -
G Acquisitions - - - - - -
H Actuarial Losses/(Gains) 8,715 1,830 (4,169) (351) 2,165 3,979
I Asset Loss / (Gain) - - - - - -
J Benefits Paid (47,925) (62,901) (9,889) (16,950) (8,457) (8,568)
K Present Value of Defined Benefit Obligation 3,47,643 3,51,235 1,37,341 1,07,582 66,513 66,728
at the end of the period

V Change in Fair Value of Plan Asset during

the year
A Plan Assets at the beginning of the period 3,25,159 3,17,484 1,00,619 95,617 - -
B Acquisition Adjustment - - - - - -
C Expected return on Plan Assets 23,476 24,922 8,039 7,640 - -
D Asset (Losses)/Gains 3,720 1,368 572 590 - -
E Actual Company Contributions 30,576 44,286 7,179 13,722 - -
F Benefits Paid (47,925) (62,901) (9,889) (16,950) - -
G Plan Assets at the end of the period 3,35,006 3,25,159 1,06,520 1,00,619 - -

VI. Transitional Provisions

(Income)/Expense to be recognised 34,231 320.44 26,774 69.62 - -

VII. Actuarial Assumptions

A Discount Rate (%) 7.88% 7.22% 7.51% 7.51% - -
B Expected Return on Plan Assets (%) 7.88% 7.22% 7.99% 7.51% - -
C Rate of escalation in salary 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% - -

VIII. Major Category of Plan Assets as % of the

Total Plan Assets as at 31.03.2018
A Government Securities 50.97% 47.29% 46.81% 47.02% - -
B High Quality Corporate Bonds 39.07% 43.25% 36.27% 43.25% - -
C Others 9.96% 9.46% 16.92% 9.73% - -

IX. Basis used to determine the expected The expected rate of return on plan assets is based on the current
rate of return on plan assets portfolio of the assets, investment strategy and the market scenario,
in order to protect capital and optimize returns within acceptable risk
parameters, the plan assets are well diversified.
E. Accounting for Lease (AS-19)
The Company's Office Premises and Residential flats for employees are obtained on operating lease and are renewable /
cancellable at mutual consent. There are no restrictions imposed by lease agreements. Lease terms are based on individual
agreements. Significant leasing arrangements are in respect of operating lease for premises. Aggregate lease rentals
amounting to ` 13632.24 lakhs (P.Y. ` 11313.03 lakhs) in respect of obligation under operating lease are charged to Revenue
F. Impairment of Assets (AS-28)
During the year, the Company has reviewed its fixed assets for impairment. In the opinion of the management no provision
for impairment loss is considered necessary. However, impairment assessment as required by AS-28 would be done in due

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

13. a) With the amendment in The payment of Gratuity Act, 2018, the limit of payment of gratuity is enhanced from ` 10 lakhs to ` 20
lakhs with effect from March 28, 2018, resulting in to additional liability. In terms of requirement of the Accounting Standard
(AS-15) Employee Benefits, the entire additional liability of ` 33752.23 Lakhs for gratuity is required to be charged to the Profit
& Loss Account. However, vide circular communications ref IRDA/F&A/GNA/LR/002/2018-19/23 dated 01/05/2018, IRDAI has
permitted the amortization of expenditure relating to additional liability towards gratuity over a period of five years commencing
from FY 2017-18. Accordingly the company has recognized the additional liability and an amount of ` 6750.45 lakhs is charged
to the revenue in the current year and the balance amount remaining to be amortized in next years is ` 27001.78 lakhs.
b) The Pension Scheme 1995 has been extended to PSU officers and staff members who joined until 31.03.2010, by virtue of the
Gazette Notification no. 233(E), 234(E) and 235(E) dated 23.01.2016, The incremental liability towards pension arising out of
the above extension has been arrived at ` 1727.00 lakhs based on actuarial valuation.
In terms of requirement of the Accounting Standard (AS-15) Employee Benefits, the entire amount of ` 1727.00 lakhs for pension
is required to be charged to the Profit & Loss Account. However, IRDA vide Circular ref IRDA/F&A/CIR/ACTS/077/04/2016
dated 18.04.2016 has permitted the amortization of expenditure relating to the additional liability over a period of five years
commencing from FY 2015-16 and accordingly an amount of ` 345.40 lakhs is charged to the revenue in the current year and
balance amount remaining to be amortized in next two years is ` 690.80 lakhs for pension.
14. The management is currently in the process of identifying enterprises which have been providing goods and services to the
Company which qualify under the definition of medium and small enterprises as defined under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006. Accordingly, the disclosure in respect of the amount payable to such Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
as at March 31, 2018 has not been made in the financial statements. However, in view of the management, the impact of interest, if
any, that may be payable in accordance with the provisions of the Act is not expected to be material.
15. "Foreign Exchange Reserve Account” is increased by ` 14584.04 Lakhs (Credit) due to depreciation of foreign currency under the
following heads (P. Y. ` 19047.08 Lakhs (Debit)) consisting of the following:
(` in Lakhs)

Sr. Current Year Previous Year

No. Debit Amount Credit Amount Debit Amount Credit Amount
1 Head Office Account - 14584.04 19047.08
2 Outstanding claims - - - -
3 Fixed assets - - - -
Total - 14584.04 19047.08

16. Penalty
As per IRDAI Circular No 005/IRDA/F&A/CIR/MAY-09 dated May 07, 2009, below table mentions the details of
the penalty imposed by various regulators and Government authorities during the year:
` in Lakhs
No. Authority Compliance/ Penalty
Violation Penalty Paid Waived/
1 Insurance Regulatory and Development NIL Nil Nil Nil
Authority / TAC
2 Service Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
3 Income Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
4 Any other Tax Authorities Nil Nil Nil Nil
5 Enforcement Directorate/ Adjudicating Authority/ Nil Nil Nil Nil
Tribunal or any Authority under FEMA
6 Registrar of Companies/ NCLT/CLB/ Nil Nil Nil Nil
Department of Corporate Affairs or any Authority
under Companies Act, 1956
7 Penalty awarded by any Court/ Tribunal for any Nil Nil Nil Nil
matter including claim settlement but excluding
8 Securities and Exchange Board of India Nil Nil Nil Nil

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

9 Competition Commission of India Refer note Nil Nil Nil

10 Any other Central/State/Local Government / Nil Nil Nil Nil
Statutory Authority
Note: The Company received an order from Competition Commission of India imposing a penalty of ` 25107 lakhs in 2015-16. The
Company contested against the order in Competition Appeal Tribunal and the Tribunal awarded penalty of ` 20 lakhs as against
` 25107 lakhs of CCI order. The penalty was paid in January 2017. CCI has appealed against the order of the Tribunal at the Apex
Court and the case has been admitted in the Apex Court in March 2017.
17. During the year the Company had fully reversed the Equalization Reserve in respect of London Branch which was required by the
UK Regulations for the time being in force. The same is now not required to be maintained by the Regulation. The closing balance
as at the end of 2016-17 stood at ` 8900.18 lakhs (GBP 11 million).
Further, in accordance with Oman Insurance Company Law, company has created contingency reserve for claims for Muscat agency
for 5 million Omani Riyal. The reserve stood at ` 8463.64 lakhs as on 31.03.2018 due to currency fluctuation.
18. a) The balance appearing in the amount due to/ due from persons or bodies carrying on insurance business including reinsurance
business, terrorism Pool and Nuclear Pool with GIC Re, are subject to confirmation/ reconciliation and consequential
adjustments if any. These balances include ` 200927.19 lakhs (Net) Dr. comprising of debit balances of ` 435682.93 lakhs and
credit balances of ` 234755.73 lakhs against which party-wise balances in the records indicate (Dr.) of ` 329652.55 lakhs
relating to 1004 parties and (cr.) of ` 128725.35 lakhs relating to 877 parties. Precise gross debit and gross credit balances
against each of such parties and age-wise analysis of these balances are also being compiled.These balances include old
cases including migration differences which supporting records are being identified and necessary action is being taken. The
impact of the above, if any, on the financial statements are unascertainable. However the company has maintained a provision
of ` 10414.56 Lakhs up-to March 31, 2018 towards doubtful debts as a prudent measure.
b) The company has continued to recognize Facultative inward reinsurance premium in cases where the premium payment
warranty period has expired and the company has continued to run the risk during the year. However the receivables on this
account amounting to ` 708.27 lakhs are subject to confirmation and subsequent adjustments if any required shall be carried
out in due course.
c) In case of Co-insurance balances, the reconciliation and settlement process to clear the balances is in progress, the Company
has continued its exercise of reconciliation and settlement with other Companies and have reduced the net receivable balances
without PMFBY (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna) from ` 14539 lakhs (March 2017) to ` 3313 lakhs as at March 31, 2018. In
case of balances with PSUs, while the receivables have been brought down by ` 20939 lakhs during 2017-18 as compared to
2016-17, the payable balances in respect of PSUs have also been brought down by ` 8397 lakhs during 2017-18 as compared
to 2016-17.
During the year 2017-18, the Company has settled the receivable balances of ` 71842 lakh and payable balances of ` 105971
lakh from the Corporate office as a special drive apart from the settlements at operating offices level. As on March 31, 2018,
there is a net Credit balance of ` 48904.50 lakh with PMFBY comprising of ` 82898.89 lakh (Dr) and ` 131804.39 lakh (Cr);
and net debit balance of ` 3312.92 lakh with other than PMFBY comprising of ` 19520.38 lakh (Dr) and ` 16207.45 lakh (Cr).
The net balance outstanding as on March 31, 2017 were ` 35694.27 lakh (Dr) with PMFBY and ` 14538.99 lakh (Dr) without
d) The reconciliation of various accounts relating to inter-office accounts related to domestic and foreign operations amounting to
` 43332.42 lakhs (Debit), (P.Y. ` 25192.25 lakhs (Debit)), Control Accounts, treaty suspense account old balances appearing
in legacy software, sundries and suspense, few Bank Accounts, loans, other assets and other liabilities etc. is under progress.
The impact of the above, if any, on the financial statements are unascertainable.
e) In case of Fasal Bima Yojna, Enrolment data and premium data as per Banks is to be reconciled with data as per the Central/
State Government portal. Accounting of premium as well as reinsurance accounts, has been done based on portal data after
giving effect of reconcilable items. Since No claims have been reported and no actual yield data is available relating to the
year 2017-18 , provision for outstanding claims has been made based on IBNR claims as assessed by the Actuary. Necessary
adjustments relating to the above are to be carried out in due course.
f) In view of various accounts being reconciled and balances under confirmation, the effect of such pending reconciliation on
compliance of various provisions relating to TDS, service tax and GST and interest thereon has been ensured to the extent of
available information and necessary adjustments /payments of any liability arising out of such reconciliation is to be done in
due course.
g) The company has been undertaking restatements of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in Foreign currencies in
accordance with the accounting policy followed except for the balances in treaty suspense due to absence of adequate details/
reconciliation. The effect of such restatement on the balances of other debtors/creditors which are to be reconciled and
confirmed is to be ascertained in due course.
19. Reinsurance acceptance transactions pertaining to the year have been booked for advices received up to April 13, 2018.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

20. Receipts & Payments Account / (Cash Flow Statement) have been drawn under “Direct Method” as required by Part I of Schedule
B of the regulation. However, the same is subject to reconciliation of various inter office and other accounts including few Bank
21. The company is in the process of updating the fixed asset register with reference to full particulars, quantitative details and location
thereof. Further, physical verification of fixed assets in respect of some locations is in progress.
22. The company at its Curacao Branch has a receivable from the agent amounting to Nafls 7669884 equivalent to ` 2800.26 lakhs as
at March 31, 2018 out of which an amount equivalent to Nafls 5596584 Equivalent to ` 2043.30 lakhs is due for more than 90 days.
The company has been taking efforts to recover the amount from the agent and is hopeful of recovery and signed an agreement in
this regard. There is no collateral in place. As a prudent measure a provision of Nafls. 1380455 equivalent to ` 504 lakhs as at March
31, 2018 is carried in the accounts
23. The company is in the process of strengthening internal controls and Internal Audit specially in area of data input and validation in
soft-wares , Reinsurance accounts, PMFBY and other Government sponsored Health schemes to ensure the compliance of laid
down operational guidelines.
24. In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company had to spend an amount of ` 2281 lakhs for the financial
year 2017-18 towards Corporate Social Responsibility. During the year an amount of ` 1350.87 lakhs has been spent against the total
sanction of ` 1680.10 lakhs. The balance could not be spent as various projects are in the completion stage.
25. Unexpired premium reserve at revenue segment level is found to be sufficient to cover the expected claim cost as certified by the
appointed actuary and the claims related expenses as estimated by the management. Hence, no premium deficiency reserve is
required to be provided during the year.
26. The company has a fraud monitoring cell which monitors the external frauds reported to the company. As per the assessment made
by the Cell, there were no matters related to external frauds reported during the year which required any adjustments to the financial
statements of the company. Matters related to employees of the company are dealt with by the vigilance department and are kept
confidential. In the opinion of the management there were no such matters that came to notice which required either disclosure or
adjustments to the financial statements of the company.
27. ` 2171.34 Lakh has been withheld / deducted by Govt of Rajasthan under Bhamashah Health Insurance Scheme towards rejection of
claims under the scheme and related matters, the company has since paid the underlying claims the company is in process of getting
the same refunded by the Government of Rajasthan and no provision is required against the same.
28. The Board of Directors at their meeting approved an Interim dividend of 75% during for FY 2017-18 which was duly paid in February
2018. Further a Final dividend of 100 % of the paid up capital of the company subject to the approval of the members at the ensuing
Annual General Meeting. In terms of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 4 Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance
Sheet date as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs through the amendments to the Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules
2016, the company has not appropriated proposed dividend (including tax) amounting to ` 49668.78 lakhs from the Profit & Loss
Account for the year ended on March 31,2018.
29. Previous year figures have been regrouped / rearranged, wherever necessary.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

16 C. Disclosures Forming Part of Consolidated Financial Statements

(` in lakhs)
Sr. No Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Disclosures made in respect of Contingent Liabilities includes those of subsidiaries. Other disclosures forming part of
accounts are in respect of Holding Company as there are no other significant items to be disclosed in respect of subsidiaries
and disclosures in terms of IRDAI guidlines are not applicable to subsidiaries incorporated outside India.
1 The details of contingent liabilities are as under:
(a) Partly-paid up investments 1,939.52 4,688.72
(b) Underwriting commitments outstanding - -
(c) Claims, other than those under policies, not acknowledged as debts 1,747.65 835.28
(d) Guarantees given by or on behalf of the Company 5,452.41 170.94
(e) Statutory demands/liabilities in dispute not provided for 3,21,200.37 2,67,734.23
(f) Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for in accounts - -
(g) Others (matters under litigation) to the extent ascertainable 1,562.90 4,747.94
(h) Potential Tax Liability towards distribution received from Venture Fund 1,540.41 1,540.41
(i) Policy Holders unclaimed amounts transferred to Senior Citizen Welfare Fund 414.31 -
2 The details of encumbrances to the assets of the Company are as under:
(a) In India 6,317.33 5,123.33
(b) Outside India 2,741.73 2,638.92
3 Commitment made and outstanding for Loans Investments and Fixed Assets 2,981.55 13,161.63
4 Claims, less reinsurance, paid to claimants:
(a) In India 13,00,920.00 12,54,574.91
(b) Outside India 2,07,924.68 1,98,818.08
5 Claim liabilities where claim payment period exceeds four years. - -
6 Amount of claims outstanding for more than six months (Gross Indian) 9,41,425.78 8,64,304.22
No. of Claims 1,51,563 1,62,425
Amount of claims outstanding for less than six months (Gross Indian) 290335.99 2,66,036.25
No. of Claims 1,33,157 1,41,933
Total amount of claims outstanding (Gross Indian) 12,31,761.77 11,30,340.47
Total No. of claims outstanding 2,84,720 3,04,358
7 Premiums, less reinsurances, written from business
(a) In India 18,09,486.47 15,76,548.63
(b) Outside India 2,86,148.96 2,82,543.04
8 The details of contracts in relation to investments, for
Purchases where deliveries are pending - 37.20
Sales where payments are overdue - -
Sales where deliveries are pending 2,093.23 2,200.72
9 Amount of Claims settled and remaining unpaid for a period of more than six months - -
as on balance sheet date are as under:
No. of claims - -
10 Investments made in accordance with statutory requirements are as under:
(a) In India- Under Sec.7 of Insurance Act 1938 - -
(b) Outside India- Statutory Deposits under local laws 70,272.84 81,529.06
11 Segregation of investments into performing and non-performing investments where
NPA Provision is required as per IRDA Guidelines is as under:
Performing (Standard) Investments 9,28,786.49 9,32,554.73
Non Performing Investments 9,198.50 10,868.22
Total Book Value (Closing Value) 9,37,984.99 9,43,422.95
12 All significant accounting policies forming part of the financial statements are disclosed separately.
13 Operating expenses relating to insurance business are apportioned to the revenue account on the basis of Net premium.
14 In compliance of section 197 of the Companies Act 2013, the total managerial remuneration paid to its Directors including Managing
Director, Whole Time Directors, and Managers in respect of Financial Year 2017-18, does not exceed 11% of Net Profit of the

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

15 The Company does not have Real Estate Investment Property.

16 Sector-wise break-up of gross direct premium written in India is as under:
Sector Current Year Previous Year
` in Lakhs Percentage Number of Policies/ ` in Lakhs Percentage Number of Policies/
lives lives
Rural 418024.03 18.40 6435286 (Policies) 292535.00 15.30 466219(Policies)
PMFBY 169889.64 7.48 2907094 104642.00 5.47 355474
Social 187939.30 8.27   441716063 (Lives) 53094.60 2.78 254418431(Lives)
Others 1496023.14 65.85 1461197.63 76.44
Total 2271876.11 100.00 1911469.23 100.00
17 Performance Ratios

i) Gross Premium Growth Rates :

Gross Direct Premium (` in Lakhs) Growth Rate (%)
SEGMENT Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global
Fire 208256.59 65973.98 274230.57 182428.22 72725.21 255153.43 14.16 -9.28 7.48 7.83 -15.21 0.08
Marine Cargo 34991.71 3348.74 38340.45 34175.55 3749.99 37925.54 2.39 -10.70 1.09 2.04 -18.07 -0.37
Marine Hull 25009.20 766.85 25776.05 26827.04 1655.45 28482.49 -6.78 -53.68 -9.50 -5.08 44.24 -3.15
Marine Total 60000.91 4115.59 64116.50 61002.59 5405.44 66408.03 -1.64 -23.86 -3.45 -1.22 -5.58 -1.59
Motor 909488.74 128277.70 1037766.44 760067.17 126341.64 886408.81 19.66 1.53 17.08 23.04 0.94 19.32
Personal Accident 46478.74 1921.24 48399.98 37551.35 2151.81 39703.16 23.77 -10.72 21.90 78.15 17.13 73.26
Aviation 12564.30 0.00 12564.30 12451.28 0.00 12451.28 0.91 - 0.91 8.69 - 8.69
Engineering 44506.20 4099.92 48606.12 49935.58 8030.32 57965.90 -10.87 -48.94 -16.15 1.06 -7.81 -0.27
Health 700836.59 17113.28 717949.87 595961.06 12536.83 608497.88 17.60 36.50 17.99 22.93 10.48 22.65
Liability* 37278.84 12083.05 49361.89 35284.02 13274.02 48558.04 5.65 -8.97 1.66 18.48 -10.76 8.74
Crop 172002.06 0.00 172002.06 104641.70 104641.70 64.37 - 64.37 64.37 - 64.37
Others 80463.14 10470.11 90933.25 72146.26 7857.14 80003.40 11.53 33.26 13.66 11.53 33.26 13.66
Misc sub Total 2003618.61 173965.30 2177583.91 1668038.42 170191.75 1838230.17 20.12 2.22 18.46 29.91 0.18 26.43
Grand Total 2271876.11 244054.87 2515930.98 1911469.23 248322.40 2159791.63 18.85 -1.72 16.49 26.17 -5.00 21.59

*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

ii) Gross Direct Premium to Net Worth Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

a. Gross Direct Premium 2515930.98 2159791.63
b. Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26
Gross Direct Premium to Net Worth Ratio (Times) (a/b) 1.63 1.96

iii) Growth Rate of Net Worth: (` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year Growth (CY) Growth (PY) Growth % (CY) Growth % (PY)
Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26 438900.54 120135.05 39.82 12.23

iv) Net Retention Ratio : Indian

Current Year (` in Lakhs) Previous Year (` in Lakhs)
Segment Gross Written Net Written Net Retention Gross Written Net Written Net Retention
Premium Premium Ratio (%)” Premium Premium Ratio (%)
Fire 217328.58 85817.29 39.49 191209.97 89360.27 46.73
Marine Cargo 35160.66 28731.61 81.72 34111.55 27412.93 80.36
Marine Hull 25359.22 5389.73 21.25 27406.33 1758.40 6.42
Marine Total 60519.88 34121.34 56.38 61517.88 29171.32 47.42
Motor 909488.74 863449.86 94.94 764666.22 725748.89 94.91
Personal Accident 46574.61 43880.68 94.22 38031.38 35977.14 94.60
Aviation 12952.35 1142.98 8.82 13122.21 1096.72 8.36
Engineering 47873.95 29850.93 62.35 53120.06 28671.98 53.98

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Health 700836.59 621782.32 88.72 595961.06 540936.19 90.77

Liability* 35694.74 23734.12 66.49 37424.02 28009.01 74.84
Crop 178448.90 38685.83 21.68 125040.98 38557.78 30.84
Others 85516.29 67021.12 78.37 73204.37 59019.32 80.62
Misc sub Total 2017386.17 1689547.84 83.75 1700570.30 1458017.03 85.74
Grand Total 2295234.63 1809486.47 78.84 1953298.16 1576548.63 80.71
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

Net Retention Ratio : Foreign

Segment Current Year (` in Lakhs) Previous Year (` in Lakhs)
Gross Written Net Written Net Retention Gross Written Net Written Net Retention
Premium Premium Ratio (%) Premium Premium Ratio (%)
Fire 161421.09 110179.10 68.26 156829.71 111361.13 71.01
Marine Cargo 4045.34 3511.34 86.80 4550.24 4353.68 95.68
Marine Hull 3914.32 3318.99 84.79 3944.00 2999.62 76.06
Marine Total 7959.66 6830.33 85.81 8494.24 7353.30 86.57
Motor 131554.74 114119.75 86.75 127946.04 113095.54 88.39
Personal Accident 2123.51 2036.82 95.92 2373.91 2254.92 94.99
Aviation 8902.44 8719.39 97.94 7360.50 7315.47 99.39
Engineering 6422.21 3853.36 60.00 10526.99 7485.01 71.10
Health 17113.28 17113.28 100.00 12536.83 12536.83 100.00
Liability* 12087.63 11399.28 94.31 13248.26 12507.47 94.41
Crop 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Others 12619.97 11897.65 94.28 9457.46 8633.37 91.29
Misc sub Total 190823.78 169139.53 88.64 183449.99 163828.60 89.30
Grand Total 360204.53 286148.96 79.44 348773.94 282543.04 81.01

*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

Net Retention Ratio: Global

Segment Current Year (` in Lakhs) Previous Year (` in Lakhs)
Gross Written Net Written Net Retention Gross Written Net Written Net Retention
Premium Premium Ratio (%) Premium Premium Ratio (%)
Fire 378749.67 195996.39 51.75 348039.68 200721.41 57.67
Marine Cargo 39206.00 32242.95 82.24 38661.79 31766.60 82.17
Marine Hull 29273.54 8708.72 29.75 31350.33 4758.02 15.18
Marine Total 68479.54 40951.67 59.80 70012.12 36524.62 52.17
Motor 1041043.48 977569.61 93.90 892612.26 838844.43 93.98
Personal Accident 48698.12 45917.50 94.29 40405.29 38232.05 94.62
Aviation 21854.79 9862.37 45.13 20482.71 8412.19 41.07
Engineering 54296.16 33704.29 62.07 63647.05 36156.99 56.81
Health 717949.87 638895.60 88.99 608497.88 553473.02 90.96
Liability* 47782.37 35133.40 73.53 50672.28 40516.48 79.96
Crop 178448.90 38685.83 21.68 125040.98 38557.78 30.84
Others 98136.26 78918.77 80.42 82661.83 67652.69 81.84
Misc sub Total 2208209.95 1858687.37 84.17 1884020.29 1621845.63 86.08
Grand Total 2655439.16 2095635.43 78.92 2302072.10 1859091.66 80.76
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

v) Net Commission Ratio to Net Written Premium

SEGMENT Net Commission (` in Lakhs) Net Commission Ratio (%)
Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global
Fire -2513.82 31387.79 28873.97 2647.13 31413.30 34060.42 -2.93 28.49 14.73 2.96 28.21 16.97
Marine Cargo 4247.26 815.31 5062.57 3411.60 1071.83 4483.42 14.78 23.22 15.70 12.45 24.62 14.11
Marine Hull -35.54 634.81 599.27 -306.34 361.57 55.23 -0.66 19.13 6.88 -17.42 12.05 1.16
Marine Total 4211.72 1450.12 5661.84 3105.25 1433.40 4538.66 12.34 21.23 13.83 10.64 19.49 12.43
Motor 57194.17 25321.91 82516.08 20957.72 24555.20 45512.92 6.62 22.19 8.44 2.89 21.71 5.43
Personal Accident 2546.03 550.39 3096.42 2602.37 646.85 3249.21 5.80 27.02 6.74 7.23 28.69 8.50
Aviation -357.05 1632.41 1275.36 -395.46 1177.69 782.23 -31.24 18.72 12.93 -36.06 16.10 9.30
Engineering 1178.19 1502.51 2680.70 -406.00 1910.98 1504.98 3.95 38.99 7.95 -1.42 25.53 4.16
Health 46652.22 3988.85 50641.07 27639.18 2927.32 30566.50 7.50 23.31 7.93 5.11 23.35 5.52
Liability* 2346.53 2543.57 4890.10 3148.04 2869.37 6017.41 9.89 22.31 13.92 11.24 22.94 14.85
Crop -6925.77 0.00 -6925.77 -2523.82 0.00 -2523.82 -17.90 0.00 -17.90 -6.55 0.00 -6.55
Others 7580.38 2110.78 9691.16 6619.33 1985.98 8605.31 11.31 17.74 12.28 11.22 23.00 12.72
Misc sub Total 110214.70 37650.42 147865.12 57641.36 36073.39 93714.75 6.52 22.26 7.96 3.95 22.02 5.78
Grand Total 111912.60 70488.33 182400.93 63393.75 68920.09 132313.83 6.18 24.63 8.70 4.02 24.39 7.12
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

vi) Expense of Management to Gross Direct Premium Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Gross Direct Premium 2515930.98 2159791.63
b. Expense of Management 352902.15 378202.87
c. Direct Commissions 210590.85 151872.80
Expense of Management to Gross Direct Premium Ratio (%) ((b+c)/a) 22.40 24.54

vii) Expense of Management to Net Written Premium Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Written Premium 2095635.43 1859091.66
b. Expense of Management 352902.15 378202.87
c. Direct Commissions 210590.85 151872.80
Expense of Management to Net Written Premium Ratio (%) ((b+c)/a) 26.89 28.51

viii) Net Incurred Claims to Net Earned Premium: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Earned Premium 1972459.81 1781478.05
b. Net Incurred Claims 1689646.58 1625692.87
Net Incurred Claims to Net Earned Premium Ratio (%) (b/a) 85.66 91.26
ix) Combined Ratio: (` in Lakhs)
Current Year Previous Year
Indian Foreign Global Indian Foreign Global
a. Net Earned Premium 1688273.50 284186.31 1972459.81 1490196.42 291281.63 1781478.05
b. Net Incurred Claims 1484434.12 205212.46 1689646.58 1428407.37 197285.51 1625692.87
c. Net Written Premium 1809486.47 286148.96 2095635.43 1576548.63 282543.04 1859091.66
d. Expense of Management 334466.70 18376.19 352842.89 359284.00 18918.87 378202.87
e. Net Commission 111912.60 70488.33 182400.93 63393.75 68920.09 132313.83
Combined Ratio (%) 112.60 103.27 111.20 122.66 98.82 118.72

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

x) Technical Reserves to net Premium Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Written Premium 2095635.43 1859091.66
b. Reserves for Unexpired Risks 1002011.72 878836.11
c. Premium Deficiency Reserves 0.00 0.00
d. Reserves for Outstanding Claims (Including IBNR & IBNER) 1972009.29 1791207.79
e. Total Techical Reserves (b+c+d) 2974021.01 2670043.90
Technical Reserves to Net Premium Ratio (Times) (e/a) 1.42 1.44
xi) Underwriting Balance Ratio: (` in Lakhs)
Current Year Previous Year
Segment Net Earned Underwriting UW Balance Net Earned Underwriting UW Balance
Premium Profit Ratio (Times) Premium Profit Ratio (Times)
Fire 196233.90 -16720.41 -0.09 191868.71 -78995.97 -0.41
Marine Cargo 33028.97 5932.50 0.18 34948.67 1282.36 0.04
Marine Hull 4758.02 -3318.56 -0.70 11253.99 -1981.79 -0.18
Marine Total 37786.99 2613.94 0.07 46202.66 -699.43 -0.02
Motor 907425.96 -62754.94 -0.07 739007.39 -119705.61 -0.16
Personal Accident 42595.21 -8101.41 -0.19 32139.94 -3098.87 -0.10
Aviation 8929.76 -9016.44 -1.01 7928.16 -1088.39 -0.14
Engineering 27710.20 4364.37 0.16 35530.55 497.56 0.01
Health 605310.87 -181616.84 -0.30 580818.63 -169083.09 -0.29
Liability* 29344.94 13485.79 0.46 42190.83 18304.39 0.43
Crop 38685.83 3616.05 0.09 35940.84 -5202.52 -0.14
Others 78436.15 1641.41 0.02 69850.35 4340.42 0.06
Misc sub Total 1738438.92 -238382.01 -0.14 1543406.69 -275036.12 -0.18
Grand Total 1972459.81 -252488.48 -0.13 1781478.06 -354731.52 -0.20
*Liability includes Workmens’ compensation

xii) Operating Profit Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Earned Premium 1972459.81 1781478.06
b. Underwriting Profit -252488.48 -354731.52
c. Investment Income - Policy Holders 352828.07 299036.00
d. Operating Profit (b+c) 100339.59 -55695.52
Operating Profit Ratio (%) (d/a) 5.09 -3.13

xiii) Liquid Assets to Liabilities Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Short Term Investments 156904.91 242075.53
b. Short Term Loans 895.92 1027.10
c. Cash & Bank Balances 902106.70 801917.55
d. Total Liquid Assets (a+b+c) 1059907.53 1045020.18
e. Policy Holders Liabilities 2974021.01 2670043.90
Liquid Assets to Liabilities Ratio (Times) (d/e) 0.36 0.39

xiv) Net Earnings Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Premium 2095635.43 1859091.66
b. Profit After Tax 220091.25 100793.31
Net Earnings Ratio (%) (b/a) 10.50 5.42

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

xv) Return on Net Worth Ratio: (` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26
b. Profit After Tax 220091.25 100793.31
Return on Net Worth Ratio (%) (b/a) 14.28 9.14

xvi) Available Solvency Margin (ASM) to Required Solvency Margin (RSM) Ratio (` in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Available Solvency Margin (ASM) 1373886.51 1113468.47
b. Required Solvency Margin (RSM) 532296.86 507353.03
ASM to RSM Ratio (Times) (a/b) 2.58 2.19

NPA Ratio (` in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
a. Total Investment Assets 3497161.33 2932276.89
b. Gross NPA 9198.50 10868.22
c. Net NPA 0.00 0.00
Gross NPA Ratio (%) 0.26 0.37
Net NPA Ratio (%) 0.00 0.00

18 Summary of Financial Statements (` in Lakhs)

No Particulars 2017-18 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014
1 Gross Direct Premium 2515930.98 2159791.63 1776331.01 1548035.95 1372760.87
2 Net Earned Premium # 1972459.81 1781478.05 1495982.60 1331529.12 1119687.46
3 Income from Investments(Net)@ 352828.07 299036.00 266582.00 258948.65 213926.78
4 Other income (Premium Deficiency) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3519.41
5 Total Income 2325287.88 2080514.05 1762564.60 1590477.77 1337133.65
6 Commissions (net incl Brokerage) 182400.93 132313.83 140374.56 128387.08 117260.59
7 Operating Expenses 352902.15 378202.87 351579.38 306060.01 263034.94
8 Net Incurred Claims 1689646.58 1625692.87 1314118.64 1118803.56 938095.49
9 Change in Unexpired Risk Reserves 123175.62 77613.61 95208.38 62351.30 88174.09
10 Operating Profit/Loss 100338.22 -55695.52 -43507.97 37227.12 18742.63
Non Operating Result
11 Total Income under Shareholders' A/c 172167.52 172081.26 134063.07 140402.67 110699.00
12 Profit/(Losss) Before Tax 272505.25 116385.74 90555.10 177629.79 129442.41
13 Provision for Tax 52414.00 15592.54 7686.61 34507.34 20544.00
14 Net Profit/(Loss) after Tax 220091.25 100793.20 82868.49 143122.45 108898.41
15 Policy Holders' Account :
Total Funds 2974021.01 2670043.90 2433828.38 2204859.76 2040960.26
Total Investments 2197290.94 1944392.81 1689955.05 1681833.14 1407751.02
Yield on Investments 15.30 15.40 14.61 15.68 15.17
16 Shareholders' Account :
Total Funds 1541228.80 1102328.26 982193.21 972223.14 862129.70
Total Investments 1299870.39 987884.08 928100.80 799478.67 693369.90
Yield on Investments 15.30 15.40 14.61 15.68 15.17
17 Paid up Equity Capital 41200.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00
18 Net Worth 1541228.80 1102328.26 982193.21 972223.14 862129.70
19 Total Assets 7662679.20 6917281.06 6288006.57 6171962.53 5309531.00
20 Yield on Total Investments( %) 15.30 15.40 14.61 15.68 15.17
21 Earning per Share (`) 27.19 50.40 41.43 71.56 54.45
22 Book value per Share( `) 187.04 551.16 491.10 486.11 431.06
23 Total Dividend 0.00 0.00 25000.00 30000.00 22000.00
24 Dividend per Share ( `) 0.00 0.00 12.50 15.00 11.00
# Net of Re-insurance
@ Net of losses

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

19. Age wise analysis of outstanding claims as on 31.03.2018 (Gross Indian excluding provision for IBNR and IBNER)
Segment Less than 90 Days 90 Days to 6 Months 6 Months to 1 Year 1 Year to 2 Years
No Amount No Amount No Amount No Amount
(` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs)
Fire 580 57,497.42 312 33,290.71 598 99,261.55 316 68,565.53
Marine Cargo 810 3,325.05 426 1,534.09 440 2,334.79 105 1,610.93
Marine Hull 35 2,192.29 23 1,328.76 42 8,132.64 70 37,765.17
Motor OD 43,189 25,242.50 6,253 7,639.73 3,842 5,260.03 512 1,103.17
Motor TP 7,757 39,035.31 8,971 42,914.64 16,935 83,461.58 28,619 1,46,676.44
Health 56,852 38,756.66 363 1,214.41 2,407 412.03 319 992.25
Liability 294 1,897.65 131 3,058.95 193 1,263.79 241 3,275.49
Personal Accident 1,963 4,587.67 888 2,508.60 648 1,428.16 107 148.09
Aviation 11 962.71 16 219.74 23 6,778.30 11 688.50
Engineering 780 3,610.09 307 5,488.12 276 9,257.77 69 6,269.18
Others 2,259 9,519.49 937 4,511.41 947 14,511.99 298 4,741.88
Total 1,14,530 1,86,626.85 18,627 1,03,709.15 26,351 2,32,102.63 30,667 2,71,836.64

Segment 2Years to 3 Years 3 Years to 5 Years 5 Years and above Total

No Amount No Amount No Amount No Amount
(` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs) (` in lakhs)
Fire 170 12,875.73 203 12,754.58 577 40,408.14 2,756 3,24,653.67
Marine Cargo 58 2,076.77 83 1,336.48 290 1,147.80 2,212 13,365.91
Marine Hull 17 1,248.22 22 3,122.26 54 1,187.42 263 54,976.76
Motor OD 328 459.25 586 756.54 1,218 1,661.53 55,928 42,122.74
Motor TP 19,279 94,143.79 21,233 98,080.19 45,203 1,37,256.36 1,47,997 6,41,568.32
Health 274 177.65 279 212.42 267 293.90 60,761 42,059.32
Liability 211 1,105.81 341 1,207.57 709 3,259.39 2,120 15,068.64
Personal Accident 71 109.56 54 101.95 82 345.11 3,813 9,229.14
Aviation 8 2,729.06 5 1,717.46 8 1,097.73 82 14,193.51
Engineering 32 5,114.67 50 3,056.58 71 573.32 1,585 33,369.73
Others 219 2,270.59 507 1,521.49 2,036 4,077.19 7,203 41,154.03
Total 20,667 1,22,311.10 23,363 1,23,867.53 50,515 1,91,307.89 2,84,720 12,31,761.77
20 Investment income (Net of Expenses) is apportioned between Revenue Accounts and Profit and Loss account in proportion to the
balance in the Shareholders' funds and Policyholders’ funds at the beginning of the year. The same is further apportioned to fire,
marine and miscellaneous Revenue Accounts in proportion to the technical reserve balance at the beginning of the year.
21 The UPR at a revenue segment level was found to be sufficient to cover the expected claims cost as certified by the Appointed
Actuary and the claim related expenses as estimated by the management. Hence no premium deficiency reserve is required to be

Jayashree Nair S. N. Rajeswari

Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
C. Narambunathan Hemant G. Rokade G. Srinivasan
Director, GM & FA Director Chairman-Cum- Managing Director
DIN No.08101846 DIN No.06417520 DIN No.01876234

As per our report of even date

For R. Devendra Kumar & Associates For A. Bafna & Co. For NBS & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 114207 W Firm Reg. No. 003660C Firm Reg. No. 110100W

D.K. Gupta M.K. Gupta Pradeep J Shetty

Partner Partner Partner
Membership No. 009032 Membership No. 073515 Membership No. 046940

Place: Mumbai
Date: May 11th 2018

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Proxy form
[Pursuant to Section 105 (6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 19 (3) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 – Form
No. MGT-11]

The New India Assurance Company Limited

Regd. & Head Office: 87, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001
CIN No : L66000MH1919GOI000526 , IRDA Reg No : 190
Tel: +91 22 22708263; Fax: +91 22 22652811
Email : ; Website :

99th Annual General Meeting – July 30, 2018

Name of the member(s)

Registered address

Registered email address

Folio no. / Client ID


I / We, being the member(s) of.............................................................................................shares of the above named company, hereby


Name : ............................................................................................................Email : .............................................................................................

Address : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................. Signature :

or failing him / her

Name : ............................................................................................................Email : .............................................................................................

Address : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................. Signature :

or failing him / her

Name : ............................................................................................................Email : .............................................................................................

Address : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................. Signature :

or failing him / her

as my / our proxy to attend and vote (on a poll) for me / us and on my / our behalf at the 99th Annual General Meeting of the Company,

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

to be held on Monday, July 30, 2018 at 3.00 pm IST at the Walchand Hirachand Hall, Indian Merchant Chambers Bldg,
IMC Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020, India and at any adjournment thereof in respect of such resolutions as
are indicated below:

Resolution Resolution
1 Adoption of financial statements
2 Declaration of dividend on equity shares
3 To appoint a Director in place of Shri G Srinivasan, Chairman-cum-Managing Director (DIN: 01876234), who retires by
rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
4 To authorize the Board of Directors to fix the remuneration of Auditors to be appointed by the C&AG for the year 2018-
5 To Note the Appointment of Shri P. Ramana Murthy (DIN 07815852 ) as Ex-Officio Director
6 To Note the Appointment of Shri Neelam Damodharan (DIN 07759291 ) as Ex-Officio Director
7 To Note the Appointment of Smt Papia Sengupta (DIN 0701564 ) as Ex-Officio Director
8 To Note the appointment of Shri S.K. Chanana (DIN 00112424), a Non Executive Independent Director
9 To Note the appointment of Shri Samir Kumar Banerjee (DIN 01987541), a Non Executive Independent Director
10 To Note the appointment of Shri Kuldip Singh (DIN 02905840), a Non Executive Independent Director
11 To Note the appointment of Mr. C. Narambunathan (DIN 08101846), a Whole Time Director

Signed this …………………..........………………. day of....................................2018.

Affix revenue
stamp of not
less than
Rs 1
……………………………....…… ……………………………....……
Signature of the member Signature of the proxy holder(s)

This form, in order to be effective, should be duly stamped, completed, signed and deposited at the registered office of the Company, not less than 48 hours
before the Annual General Meeting (on or before July 28, 2018, 3.00 pm IST).

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Attendance slip

The New India Assurance Company Limited

Regd. & Head Office: 87, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001
CIN No : L66000MH1919GOI000526 , IRDA Reg No : 190
Tel: +91 22 22708263; Fax: +91 22 22652811
Email : ; Website :

99th Annual General Meeting – July 30, 2018

Registered Folio no. / DP ID no. / Client ID no.:

Number of shares held:

Name and Address of the Shareholder / Proxy


Joint Holders

No. of Shares held

Name of the Shareholder(s)/Proxy

I/We certify that I/We am a member / proxy / authorized representative for the member of the Company.
I/We hereby record my/our presence at the 99th Annual General Meeting of the Company at the Walchand Hirachand Hall, Indian Merchant
Chambers Bldg, IMC Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020, India, on Monday, July 30, 2018, at 3.00 p.m. IST.

Signature of the member /Joint member (s) / proxy

Note: Please fill up this attendance slip and hand it over at the entrance of the meeting hall at the registration desk. Members are requested to bring
their copies of the Annual Report to the AGM.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

EVEN User ID Password/PIN
(Electronic Voting Event Number)

Note: Please read instructions given in the Annexure: Instructions for e-voting (Voting through electronic means) to the Notice of the 99th Annual
General Meeting of the Company, carefully before voting electronically. The e- voting time commences from July 25, 2018 at 9.00 a.m. IST and ends
on July 29, 2018 at 5.00 p.m. IST. The e- voting module shall be disabled by NSDL for voting thereafter.

Member Name:


Registered Folio no. / DP ID no. / Client ID no.: Number of shares held:

Dear member,

Subject: Instructions for e-voting

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules,
2014, substituted by Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment, 2015 and Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Company is pleased to provide e-voting facility to the members to cast their votes
electronically on all resolutions set forth in the Notice convening the 99th Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday, July 30, 2018, at
3.00 p.m. IST. The Company has engaged the services of the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) to provide the e-voting facility.
The Notice is displayed on the Company's website, and on the website of NSDL,

The e-voting facility is available at the link,

E-voting particulars

EVEN (e-voting event number) User ID Password

The e-voting facility will be available during the following voting period:

Commencement of e-voting End of e-voting

July 25 , 2018 at 9:00 a.m. IST July 29 , 2018 at 5:00 p.m. IST
Please read the following instructions before exercising your vote:
These details and instructions form an integral part of the Notice for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday, July 30, 2018.
Steps for e-voting
1. Open the internet browser and type the following URL or scan the QR code using your smart phone:

2. Click on Shareholder-Login.
3. If you are already registered with NSDL for e-voting, log in using your existing User ID and Password.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Instructions for e-voting

How do I vote electronically using NSDL e-Voting system?
The way to vote electronically on NSDL e-Voting system consists of “Two Steps” which are mentioned below:
Step 1 : Log-in to NSDL e-Voting system at
Step 2 : Cast your vote electronically on NSDL e-Voting system.
Details on Step 1 is mentioned below:

How to Log-in to NSDL e-Voting website?

Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a Personal
Computer or on a mobile.
1. Once the home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the icon “Login” which is available under ‘Shareholders’ section.
2. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your User ID, your Password and a Verification Code as shown on the screen.
3. Alternatively, if you are registered for NSDL eservices i.e. IDEAS, you can log-in at with your existing
IDEAS login. Once you log-in to NSDL eservices after using your log-in credentials, click on e-Voting and you can proceed to Step
2 i.e. Cast your vote electronically.
4. Your User ID details are given below:

Manner of holding shares i.e. Demat (NSDL or Your User ID is:

CDSL) or Physical
a) For Members who hold shares in demat 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digit Client ID
account with NSDL.
For example if your DP ID is IN300*** and Client ID is 12******
then your user ID is IN300***12******.
b) For Members who hold shares in demat account 16 Digit Beneficiary ID

with CDSL. For example if your Beneficiary ID is 12************** then your

user ID is 12**************
c) For Members holding shares in Physical Form. EVEN Number followed by Folio Number registered with the

For example if folio number is 001*** and EVEN is 101456 then

user ID is 101456001***
5. Your password details are given below:
a) If you are already registered for e-Voting, then you can user your existing password to login and cast your vote.
b) If you are using NSDL e-Voting system for the first time, you will need to retrieve the ‘initial password’ which was communicated
to you. Once you retrieve your ‘initial password’, you need enter the ‘initial password’ and the system will force you to change
your password.
c) How to retrieve your ‘initial password’?
(i) If your email ID is registered in your demat account or with the company, your ‘initial password’ is communicated to you
on your email ID. Trace the email sent to you from NSDL from your mailbox. Open the email and open the attachment
i.e. a .pdf file. Open the .pdf file. The password to open the .pdf file is your 8 digit client ID for NSDL account, last 8
digits of client ID for CDSL account or folio number for shares held in physical form. The .pdf file contains your ‘User
ID’ and your ‘initial password’.
(ii) If your email ID is not registered, your ‘initial password’ is communicated to you on your postal address.
6. If you are unable to retrieve or have not received the “Initial password” or have forgotten your password:
a) Click on “Forgot User Details/Password?”(If you are holding shares in your demat account with NSDL or CDSL) option
available on
b) Physical User Reset Password?” (If you are holding shares in physical mode) option available on
c) If you are still unable to get the password by aforesaid two options, you can send a request at mentioning
your demat account number/folio number, your PAN, your name and your registered address.
7.  After entering your password, tick on Agree to “Terms and Conditions” by selecting on the check box.
8. Now, you will have to click on “Login” button.
9. After you click on the “Login” button, Home page of e-Voting will open.

THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Annual Report 2017-18

Details on Step 2 is given below:

How to cast your vote electronically on NSDL e-Voting system?

Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a Personal
Computer or on a mobile.
1. After successful login at Step 1, you will be able to see the Home page of e-Voting. Click on e-Voting. Then, click on Active Voting
2. After click on Active Voting Cycles, you will be able to see all the companies “EVEN” in which you are holding shares and whose
voting cycle is in active status.
3. Select “EVEN” of company for which you wish to cast your vote.
4. Now you are ready for e-Voting as the Voting page opens.
5. Cast your vote by selecting appropriate options i.e. assent or dissent, verify/modify the number of shares for which you wish to cast
your vote and click on “Submit” and also “Confirm” when prompted.
6. Upon confirmation, the message “Vote cast successfully” will be displayed.
7. You can also take the printout of the votes cast by you by clicking on the print option on the confirmation page.
8. Once you confirm your vote on the resolution, you will not be allowed to modify your vote.

General Guidelines for shareholders

1 Institutional shareholders (i.e. other than individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) are required to send scanned copy (PDF/JPG Format) of
the relevant Board Resolution/ Authority letter etc. with attested specimen signature of the duly authorized signatory(ies) who are
authorized to vote, to the Scrutinizer by e-mail to with a copy marked to
2. It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and take utmost care to keep your password
confidential. Login to the e-voting website will be disabled upon five unsuccessful attempts to key in the correct password. In such
an event, you will need to go through the “Forgot User Details/Password?” or “Physical User Reset Password?” option available on to reset the password.
3. In case of any queries, you may refer the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Shareholders and e-voting user manual for
Shareholders available at the download section of or call on toll free no.: 1800-222-990 or send a request at


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