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Lewis-Palmer Board 7-15-99

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The board discussed developing partnerships with local individuals and organizations to help students. They also discussed putting a bond issue and tax override on the November ballot.

The board discussed the value of developing partnerships with local community members and organizations to help students become productive adults. They mentioned potential contacts and planned further discussions on involving the local community college.

The consent agenda included staff resignations and appointments, textbook adoptions, and policy revisions.






A regular meeting of the Lewis-Palmer Board of Education was called to order at 7:01pm, by
Board President Jeffery Ferguson. Members of the Board answering roll call were Hugh M.
Eaton, Jr.; Jeffery M. Ferguson, Ph.D.; Robert W. Manning; and Tommie T. Plank. Michael L.
Burris was absent and excused.



Mrs. Plank made a motion, seconded by Mr. Manning:

To approve the agenda as presented.
Roll call vote was unanimous; the motion carried 4-0.



Item C.1.

Recognition of visitors

Dr. Ferguson welcomed the visitors to the meeting and asked them to introduce themselves.
Item C.2.


Dave King received a commendation certificate for his volunteer work at Palmer Lake
Elementary School. He is a patron of District 20 who worked with Mrs. Mooney before she
came to District 38, and has continued to assist her at Palmer Lake Elementary School.
Item C.3.

Citizens comments

No one signed up to address the Board under this agenda item.

Item C.4.

Campus reports

Dr. Jacobus, Mrs. Mooney, and Dr. Garcia were present at this meeting, and discussed summer
activities at their schools. Mrs. Rooney of LPCA updated the Board on activities at the charter
school. The charter school will begin classes this year on August 25, 1999.

Minutes of Regular Meeting; July 15, 1999


Page 2


Mr. Manning requested that Item D.12. be pulled for discussion of the policies which are being
presented for approval or revision, and Mr. Belteau reviewed the changes with the Board.
Mrs. Plank made a motion, seconded by Mr. Manning:
To approve the consent agenda items as listed:
Item D.1.

Minutes of regular meeting held June 17, 1999 as presented

Item D.2.

Minutes of special meeting held July 8, 1999 as presented

Item D.3.

Resignations of certificated staff

David Morris
Janet Thresher

Item D.4.

- PLES, Grades 2/3

- LPHS, English

Appointment of certificated staff

Marie Wilson

- GBES, Kindergarten 0.5 FTE INR

Increase in contractual time:

Jessica Schnell
- LPHS, English Increase from 0.5 to 1.0 FTE
Item D.5.

Resignations of support staff

None at this time

Item D.6.

Appointment of support staff

Vickey Meeker

- PLES, Clerk/Health Aide

Item D.7.

List of LPHS supplemental assignments for 1999-2000 as attached to

these minutes

Item D.8.

Special Education contracts with Cleo Wallace Center and the Emily
Griffith Center for Extended School Year services for two students whose
needs cannot be met within the district.

Item D.9.

Adoption of textbooks for health education and business education at

LPHS Health Skills for Wellness, Prentice Hall, 1997; and Law for
Business and Personal Use, South-Western Educational Publishing, 2000

Minutes of Regular Meeting; July 15, 1999

Page 3

Item D.10.

Attendance of nonresident students for the 1999-2000 school year as


Item D.11.

1999-2000 contract with Pikes Peak BOCES as presented, in the

amount of $1,268,509

Item D.12.

Student Code of Conduct and other policy revisions as discussed:

JF, Admission and Denial of Admission
JF-E, Admission and Denial of Admission
JH, Student Absences and Excuses
JICDA, Code of Conduct
JLCD, Administering Medicines to Students
JLCD-E, Permission for Medication (This form will be placed on the
districts web site and copies of the form will be mailed to local doctors
JQ, Student Fees, Fines and Charges

Item D.13.

1999-2000 application for free and reduced price meals, an authorized

representative to accept free and reduced price applications, and a
hearing officer for appeals naming Mrs. Donna Link, Food Service
Supervisor, as the authorized representative to accept free and reduced
price applications; and Mr. Joe Subialka, Executive Director of Financial
Services, as the hearing officer for appeals

Item D.14.

Approval of authorized representative for PL 103-382 - naming Mr.

Joe Subialka, Executive Director of Financial Services, as the authorized
representative for the PL 103-382 (Federal Impact Aid) program.

Item D.15.

Approval of auditing services for FY 1998-1999 as outlined in the

Hoelting & Company, Inc., memorandum of understanding dated July 2,
1999, for services in the amount of $7,950.

Item D.16.

Approval of Capital Reserve Fund Carry-Over Projects for 1999-2000

as submitted, four projects in the total amount of $15,000 to be budgeted
in the Capital Reserve Fund expenditure category of Building
Improvements, and to be completed before the start of the new school

Item D.17.

Land use requests to make no comment on the following three requests

as approval of them would not have an impact on district resources and/or
facilities: 1) Thal subdivision; 2) Sydnis Subdivision; and 3) The Woods
at Happy Landing.

Minutes of Regular Meeting; July 15, 1999

Item D.18.

Page 4

Claims and investments Monthly Financial Report of Revenues and

Expenditures for the period ending June 30, 1999 (Preliminary), as
presented by Dr. Gary Miller

Roll call vote was unanimous; the motion carried 4-0.



Item E.1.

Bond Election/Mill Levy Override discussion and planning

The Board reviewed discussions that had been held over the past several months regarding
growth and educational programs in the district. The recently revised Growth Plan clearly
indicates that a new elementary school and new middle school will be needed by fall of 2001.
Current facilities will be over-capacity by the time new buildings are on-line. In addition,
funding of pubic education has not kept up with inflation and the pressures to provide more and
better services to students. Passage of a budget override election would result in additional
funding for maintaining and improving educational programs in the district. Board members
concluded that it is necessary for the district to ask its taxpayers for a bond issue and a tax
override at the next election in November. Details of the ballot questions will be determined by
the statutory deadline in September.
Mr. Eaton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Manning:
To notify the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder that the Lewis-Palmer School District
38 will have two tax related questions on the November 2, 1999, coordinated election
Roll call vote was unanimous; the motion carried 4-0.
Item E.2.

Consider/approve Call for Nominations for the November 2, 1999, school

director election and a Designated Election Official for the coordinated

Election of school directors will be held at the November 2, 1999, coordinated election. Board
members from Lewis-Palmer director districts 2, 4, and 5 will be elected at this election for fouryear terms. A sample Call for Nominations was presented for the Boards approval and
discussion was held concerning timelines for the election and the requirement to name a
designated election official.
Mr. Manning made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Plank:

Minutes of Regular Meeting; July 15, 1999

Page 5

To approve publication of the Call for Nominations for school directors and selection of
Mrs. Joanne Jensen as the Designated Election Official for the November 2, 1999,
coordinated election.
Roll call vote was unanimous; the motion carried 4-0.
Item E.3.

Community Partnerships discussion

Discussion was held concerning the value of developing partnerships with key individuals and
groups/organizations within the area for the purpose of helping accomplish the mission of the
school district. Connections could be made which would help prepare students to be productive
members of society. Names of potential people and organizations to contact were mentioned. It
was suggested that a plan be designed to develop partnerships. Dr. Jacobus and Mr. Belteau will
have further discussions with the Board in the fall regarding their proposals to involve Pikes
Peak Community College with Lewis-Palmer High School. Mr. Bauman will keep a running list
of potential contacts who would be willing to work with the school district on ways to help
children grow into competent adults.

At 8:18pm, Mrs. Plank made a motion, seconded by Mr. Manning:

To convene in executive session in order to discuss a personnel matter.
Roll call vote was unanimous; the motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Bauman was invited to join the Board in this executive session.
At 9:19pm, the regular meeting was reconvened, with Mr. Eaton, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Manning,
and Mrs. Plank in attendance. No action was taken on items discussed in executive session.



Board members received the following informational items:


State Board Report

Letter from Stettner, Miller and Cohn, PC, concerning a hearing date
Note from Ted Belteau concerning student handbooks
School Ballot Issue Elections Info from CASB
Report on 1999 Elementary Summer School (Board only)
Note: There were no changes on the Student Expulsion List for this month, per
Mr. Belteau

Minutes of Regular Meeting; July 15, 1999


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At 9:20pm, Mr. Manning made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Plank:

To adjourn the meeting.
Roll call vote was unanimous; the motion carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommie T. Plank, Secretary

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