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Interaction of Radiation With Matter: Dhruba Gupta

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Bose Institute Interaction of Radiation

with Matter

Dhruba Gupta
Department of Physics
Bose Institute, Kolkata

Winter School on Astroparticle Physics (WAPP 2015)

December 21-29, 2015 at Mayapuri, Darjeeling
Radiation Detection

Based on transfer of part or all of radiation energy to the detector mass where it
is converted into some other form more accessible to human perception

Ionization detectors
First electrical devices developed for radiation detection. Direct collection of
the ionization electrons and ions produced in a gas by passing radiation, form
an electric current signal

Proportional chamber – energy

Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) – energy & position – tracking
Drift Chamber – time – TPC (Drift+MWPC)
Scintillation detectors

Certain materials when struck by ionizing radiation

generates light in the scintillators. Coupled to an
amplifying device (PMT) these scintillations can be
converted into electrical pulses which can then be
analyzed and counted electronically to give
information concerning the incident radiation.

Inorganic material – NaI, BGO, PbWO4

Organic material – Plastic

Semiconductor Detectors

Based on crystalline semiconductor materials (e.g

silicon, germanium). Passage of ionizing radiation
creates electron-hole pairs which are then collected by
an electric field. Greater stopping power than gas
detectors. Compact in size and can have very fast
response times.
Cerenkov Detectors

Particle detector for charged particles

named after physicist Pavel Cherenkov.
If the speed of charged particles in a
medium exceeds the speed of light in this
medium, they emit radiation (in optical
light). The principle of a Cherenkov
counter is based on the detection of this
Cherenkov radiation. Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov (1904-1990)

Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors

Ionization and excitation produced by the

charged particles along their path through
polymers cause molecular bonds to
break, producing narrow damage trails.
Damaged portions become chemically
more reactive to suitable chemical
reagents (etchants).
Radiation Interactions

Basic reactions which occur when radiation encounters matter and the
effects produced by these processes

Operation of any radiation detector depends on the manner in which the

radiation interacts with the detector material.
Understanding this mechanism : paramount importance. These processes
are the basis of all particle detection devices and determines the sensitivity
and efficiency of a detector.

Penetrating radiation sees matter in terms of aggregate of electrons and

nuclei (and their constituents). Type of interaction will depend on the type
of radiation, its energy and the type of material.
Radiations can be charged particles

(a) heavy charged particles : µ, π, p, α-particles or heavier nuclei

(b) electrons and positrons

Continuously interact through the Coulomb force with the electrons

in the medium through which they pass.

Radiations can be uncharged

n, x-rays and γ-rays

Not subjected to Coulomb force. Neutral particles first have to produce

charged particles, which are consequently detected thru their interactions.
Interaction of heavy charged particles

Primarily interact with matter through Coulomb forces with the orbital electrons
within the absorber atoms. Entering the medium, the charged particle
immediately interacts simultaneously with many electrons. In any one such
encounter, the electron feels an impulse from the Coulomb force as the
particle passes its vicinity.

Depending on the proximity of the encounter, this impulse may be sufficient

either to raise the electron to a higher shell: excitation/ soft collision
or to remove it completely from the atom : ionization/ hard collision. In
some hard collisions, enough energy is transferred to the electrons such that
the electron itself causes substantial secondary ionization.

Interactions of the particles with nuclei occur rarely (not significant in the
detector response). Typically σinel ~ 10-16 cm2 >> σnucl scatt ~ 10-24 cm2 (barn)
dominant energy loss due to atomic electron collisions
The maximum energy that can be transferred to the electron of mass m from a
charged particle of mass M with kinetic energy E in a single collision is
4E(m/M), or about 1/500 of its energy for a proton. At any given time, the
particle is interacting with many electrons, so the net effect is to decrease
its velocity continuously until the particle is stopped.

Amount of energy lost in a single collision δE << E, particle undergoes large

no. of inelastic collisions (N >> 1), process statistical in nature, occurring
with a certain quantum mechanical probability.

Because their number per macroscopic path length is generally large, the
fluctuations in the total energy loss are small and one can meaningfully
work with the average energy loss per unit path length : stopping power
dE/dx and the range of the penetrating particles (distance beyond which no
particle will penetrate).
e.g 10 MeV proton already loses all of its energy in 0.25 mm of Copper
Stopping Power
The quantum mechanical calculation of stopping power S
Bethe-Bloch formula : basic expression used for energy loss calculations.

dE 4πe 4 z 2 ⎡ 2mv 2 ⎛ v2 ⎞ v2 ⎤
− = 2
NZ ⎢ln − ln⎜⎜1 − 2 ⎟⎟ − 2 ⎥
dx mv ⎣ I ⎝ c ⎠ c ⎦

v - velocity, ze- charge of the incident particle, N, Z - number density,

atomic number of the absorber atoms, m - electron rest mass,
e- electronic charge, I- average excitation and ionization potential of the
absorber (experimentally determined parameter for each element)

Nonrelativistic particle (v << c): only first term in [] significant. It varies

slowly with particle energy, thus general behavior is given by the
multiplicative factor.
For a given nonrelativistic particle, S varies as 1/v2. A particle with lower
velocity spends more time in the vicinity of any electron, imparting more
impulse to it → incoming particle loses more energy.
S varies as z2 of the incoming particle. So for a given velocity the particle
with more charge will lose more energy in a given material. Used in
identifying charged particles in expts. (α-particle will lose energy at a faster
rate than proton of same velocity).
dE z2 z2
− ∝ ~M
dx β 2 E

The material with higher NZ will be a better absorber (higher stopping power)
→ lead is used as a very effective absorber.
Limitations : valid as long as velocity of incoming particle remains large
compared with orbital electron velocities in the absorbing material. At
very low velocity (E/A < 1 MeV) the positively charged particle tends to
pick up electrons which effectively reduces its charge (Zeff < Z), and finally
it becomes a neutral atom. Reducing effective charge reduces the electronic
energy loss. At these energies nuclear stopping power dominates.
Bethe-Bloch formula as
function of kinetic energy
for different particles

Non-relativistic energies : dE/dx dominated by the over all 1/β 2 factor and
decreases with increasing velocity. At v ~ 0.96c (particles minimum ionizing).
(dE/dx)min almost same for particles of same charge. Beyond this point, the
term 1/β 2 almost constant and dE/dx rises again due to the log term.
For energies below minimum ionizing value, each particle exhibits a distinct
dE/dx curve – particle identification
Very low energy region (not shown) : Bethe-Bloch formula breaks down.
dE/dx reaches a maximum and drops sharply (particle picks up electrons)

Density correction : Electric field of the particle tends to polarize atoms along
its path, shielding electrons (far from the particle path) from full electric
field intensity. Collisions with these outer lying electrons contribute less to
energy loss. Important at high energy (effect depends on material density).

Shell correction : velocity of incident particle comparable to orbital velocity of

bound electrons (vinc ~ vorbit). At low energy, correction to the stopping power
arises since the assumption of stationary target electron is not valid and
stopping power is reduced. Depends on electron binding energy.
Bragg Curve

For most of track, dE/dx increases

roughly as 1/E. Near the end of track
– charge reduced through electron
pickup and the curve falls off.

Variation of dE/dx as a function of penetration depth of the particle in matter

Particle loses most of its energy near the end of its path
This fact is utilized in medical applications of radiation where high
radiation dose delivered to deeply embedded malignant growths with
minimum destruction to overlaying tissue.
Proton therapy
Proton therapy uses a beam of protons to irradiate diseased
tissue, most often in the treatment of cancer. The dose delivered
to tissue is maximum just over the last few millimeters of the
particle’s range : Bragg peak


Ability to more precisely localize the radiation dosage when

compared with other types of external beam radiotherapy.

Stays focused on the tumor shape and delivers only low-dose

side-effects to surrounding tissue.

Irradiation of Skin exposure at the entrance point is higher, but tissues on the
nasopharyngeal opposite side of the body than the tumor receive no radiation.
Protons of different energies with Bragg peaks at different depths are applied to
treat the entire tumor- blue lines. The total radiation dosage of the protons is
called the Spread-Out Bragg Peak (SOBP) - red line.
Range of charged particles
Depends on material type, particle
type and its energy. Range of charged
particles of a given energy is thus a
fairly unique quantity in a specific
absorber material.

Pass a beam of particles at the desired

energy through different thicknesses
of a material and measure the ratio of
transmitted to incident particles.
Small thickness : nearly all particles pass through. Near the range, ratio
slopes down over a certain spread of thicknesses. Two identical particles
with the same initial energy will not suffer same number of collisions and
hence same energy loss. A measurement with an ensemble of identical
particles will show a statistical distribution of ranges centered about some
mean value : range straggling
The details of microscopic interactions undergone by any specific particle
passing through a thickness of matter, vary somewhat randomly, its energy
loss is a statistical process. Fluctuations occur in the number of collisions
suffered and in the energy transferred in each collision. Therefore a spread
in energies always results after a beam of monoenergetic charged particles
has passed through a given thickness of absorber. The width of this energy
distribution is a measure of energy straggling, which varies with the
distance along the particle track.

Same problem viewed from different angles :

Fluctuations in thickness of path length for a fixed loss in energy.

Fluctuations in energy loss for a fixed thickness of absorber.
Interaction of electrons

The basic mechanism of collision loss is also valid for electrons/positrons, the
Bethe-Bloch formula must be modified due to

Small mass – Large deviations in the path possible because it is interacting

with another (orbital) electron and a much larger fraction of its energy can
be lost in a single encounter. Sometimes electron-nuclear interactions
occur, abruptly changing the electron direction.
For electrons the collisions are between identical particles

Collisional losses for electrons

⎡ ⎤
( )
2πe NZ ⎢ mv 2 E 2⎥
⎛ dE ⎞
( )
⎛ ⎞

2 2 ⎟
−⎜ ⎟ = ⎢ ln − ⎜ ln 2 ⎟ ⎜ 2 1 − β

⎟ − 1 + β ⎟
⎟ + 1 − β 2
+ 1 − 1 − β 2

mv 2 ⎢ 2 I 2 ⎜⎜1 − β 2 ⎟⎟
⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ dX ⎠ c 8
⎝ ⎠
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

⎣ ⎜

⎠ ⎦
Concept of range is less definite for fast electrons than for HCP : electron
total path length is considerably greater than the distance of penetration
along the initial velocity vector. Electron range is taken from a transmission
curve plot by extrapolation of the linear portion to zero (absorber thickness
required to assure that almost no electrons can penetrate the entire
thickness). Fast electrons lose energy at a lower rate compared with HCP.
For equivalent energy, the specific energy loss of electrons is much lower
than HCP. Electron ranges : 1-2 mm per MeV.

The Coulomb forces that constitute the major mechanism of energy loss for
both electrons and HCP are present for positive or negative charge on the
particle. Whether the interaction involves a repulsive or attractive force
between the incident particle and orbital electron, the impulse and energy
transfer for particles of equal mass are about the same.

For positrons the annihilation radiation is generated at the end of the track.
Because these 0.511 MeV photons are very penetrating compared with the
range of the positron, they can lead to the deposition of energy far from the
original positron track.
For electrons/positrons energy loss through electromagnetic radiation arising
from scattering in the electric field of a nucleus (bremsstrahlung) also
becomes important. These can emanate from any position along the track.

Any charge must radiate energy

when accelerated and the
deflections of the electron in its
interactions with the absorber
correspond to such acceleration.

The specific energy loss due to bremsstrahlung is

⎛ dE ⎞ NEZ (Z + 1) e 4 ⎛ 2E 4 ⎞
−⎜ ⎟ = 2 4 ⎜ 4 ln 2
− ⎟
⎝ dx ⎠r 137 m c ⎝ mc 3⎠
dE ⎛ dE ⎞ ⎛ dE ⎞
The total stopping power : =⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟
dx ⎝ dx ⎠ c ⎝ dx ⎠ r
collisional radiative
∞Z ∞ Z2
(dE/dx )r ≅
The ratio of the specific energy losses is :
(dE/dx )c 700
where E is in MeV. Clearly for electrons with very high energy,
radiative processes are more significant than ionization and excitation
specially in absorber materials of high atomic number.

E ~ MeV : a relatively small factor
E ~ 10 MeV : radiation loss ~ collision loss
E ~ 100 GeV, electrons and positrons only particles in which radiation
contributes substantially to the energy loss. The emission probability
~ 1/m2. Radiation loss by muons (m = 106 MeV) is thus some 40,000
times smaller than electrons.
Cerenkov radiation
Cerenkov radiation arises when a charged particle
in a material medium moves faster than the speed
of light in that same medium (βc = vparticle > c/n,
n – index of refraction, c – speed of light in
vacuum). An electromagnetic shock wave similar
to a sonic shock wave is generated. The coherent
wavefront formed is conical in shape and is
emitted at a well-defined angle cosθ = 1/βn
w.r.t the trajectory of the particle.

The energy loss increases with β, however even at relativistic energies the
energy loss is small compared to collision loss.

Advantage : very accurate β measurement of relativistic particles, since cone

angle of radiation (θ ) depends on β. The radiation is observed only for β
above threshold. The Cerenkov detectors based on this principle are widely
used in high energy physics, study of cosmic rays, neutrinos etc.
Interaction of γ-rays
Photon’s lack of an electric charge makes impossible the many inelastic collisions
with atomic electrons so characteristic of charged particles. They are many times
more penetrating in matter than charged particles. A beam of photons is not
degraded in energy as it passes through a thickness of matter, only attenuated in
intensity. They interact with matter in mainly three ways, one dominant over
other depending on the γ-ray energy.

Photoelectric absorption, Compton scattering, Pair production

All these processes lead to the partial or complete transfer of the γ-ray photon energy
to electron energy. Each of the interaction processes removes the γ-ray photon
from the incident direction either by absorption or by scattering away. The
probability that the γ-ray photon is removed from the beam is called linear
attenuation coefficient µ and is given by I(x) =Ioe-µx
µ = Nσ , N: no. density of atoms, σ : total interaction cross section

very different from charged particle

slowing down gradually
Attenuation of a beam of gamma radiation
through an absorber of thickness x
Photoelectric absorption : the absorption of a photon by an atomic electron
with the subsequent ejection of the electron from the atom.
Outgoing electron energy E = hν – B.E. B.E is binding energy of the electron.
Since a free electron cannot absorb a photon and also conserve momentum,
photoelectric effect always occurs on bound electrons with the nucleus
absorbing the recoil momentum

Predominant mode of γ-interaction in all kinds of matter, especially the high-Z

absorbers, at energies less than ~ 0.1 MeV.
(Typical ionization potentials of K electrons are 2.3 keV ( Al ), 10 keV (Cu), and ~ 100 keV (Pb)).

The cross-section of Photoelectric absorption is given by

r Z ⎡m c ⎤ sin 2 θ cos 2 ϕ
2 5 2

=4 2 e 4 ⎢ e ⎥
dΩ (137) ⎣ hω ⎦ ⎡ v ⎤

⎢⎣ c− cos θ ⎥⎦

v is the photoelectron speed, θ, φ are angles specifying the direction of photoelectron

Variation with energy of incident
photon of the exponent n in the total
cross section for photoelectric effect.

Angular distribution of photoelectrons

for various incident photon energies.
The peak moves toward forward
direction as the energy increases, a
behavior which can be qualitatively
obtained from the θ -dependence
Calculated photoelectric cross section for lead

At energies above the highest electron BE of the atom (K shell), the cross
section is relatively small but increases rapidly as the K-shell energy is
approached. Just after this point, the cross section drops drastically
(discontinuous jump) since the K-electrons are no longer available for the
photoelectric effect (K absorption edge). Below this energy, the cross
section rises once again and dips as the L, M levels etc are passed (L-
absorption edges, M-absorption edge). The effect is more pronounced in
the high-Z material.
Compton scattering :

interaction process of a γ-ray photon with a free electron in the absorbing

material. If the photon energy is much higher than the binding energy of a
bound electron, it can be considered to be a free electron. The incoming γ-
ray photon is deflected through an angle θ w.r.t. to its original direction.

The photon transfers a portion of its energy to the (recoil) electron.

Because all angles are possible, the energy transfer vary from zero to a large
fraction of the γ-ray energy.
e─ Recoil electron
Incident photon
φ hν’ = hν /[1+α(1-cosθ)]
hν θ cotφ = (1+α) tan(θ /2)
where α= hν /mc2
Scattered photon

θ ≅ 0 , very little energy transferred,

θ ≅ π , maximum energy transferred (γ-ray backscattered)
The sharp drop at the maximum recoil energy : Compton edge

The cross-section of Compton scattering is given by Klein-Nishina formula:

α 2 (1 − cos θ )2
dσ 2⎡ 1 ⎤ ⎡1 + cos 2 θ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
= Zro ⎢ 1 +
dΩ ⎣1 + α (1 − cos θ ) ⎥ ⎢
⎦ ⎣ 2
⎦⎣ (
1 + cos 2
θ )
[1 + α (1 − cos θ )]⎥

where α ≡ hν / mc , measure of the photon energy in units of the electron


rest mass energy and r0 = e2 /mc2 is the classical electron radius

Thomson scattering - photon energy
much lower than rest mass energy,
scattering by a free electron then
becomes elastic (no energy loss).
Angular distribution of Compton scattering at various
incident energies Er. All curves are normalized at 0o.

At any given α the angular distribution is peaked in the forward direction.

As α increases, the forward peaking becomes more pronounced. The deviation
from Thomson scattering is largest at large scattering angles. In practice the
Klein-Nishina cross section has been found to be in excellent agreement with
experiments at least out to hν = 10 mc2.
Energy distribution of Compton electrons Pulse-height spectra of Compton electrons
for several incident gamma-ray energies. produced by 0.51- and 1.28-MeV gamma rays.

Relative magnitudes of the distributions match quite well between calculation

and experiment. The distribution peaks near the cutoff because there is an
appreciable range of θ near θ = π (cosine changes slowly in this region) and
so hν remains close to mc2/2. This feature is reminiscent of the Bragg curve
depicting the specific ionization of a charged particle.
Pair production : Transformation of a photon into an electron-positron pair.
To conserve momentum, this can only occur in the presence of a third body,
usually a nucleus. To create the pair the photon must have at least an
energy of 1.022 MeV. Any excess energy carried by the photon goes into
the kinetic energy shared by the pair.

This positron subsequently annihilates

after slowing down in the absorbing
medium. For typical energies, both
the e─ and e+ travel a few mm before
losing all the kinetic energy. At this
point the e+ combines with an e─ and
two annihilation photons (0.511 MeV
each) are produced, virtually in
coincidence with the pair production
interaction. The probability of pair
production per nucleus ∞ Z2 of the
absorber material and rises sharply Relative probability of three processes
with energy.
Total σ = σPE (∞ Z4.5) + σC (∞ Z) + σpair (∞ Z2)
Interaction of Neutrons

Neutrons do not carry electric charge, so they can not interact in matter by
means of Coulomb force. Principal means of interaction is through the
strong force with nuclei of the absorbing material (for which it must come
within ~ 10-13 cm of the nucleus). Since matter is mostly empty space, the
neutron is observed to be a very penetrating particle traveling many
centimeters of matter without any interaction.

Elastic scattering A(n,n)A. Principal mechanism of energy loss for En ~ MeV

Inelastic scattering A(n,n’)A*
Neutron capture (n,p), (n,t), (n,d) etc at eV to keV region, charged particles
emitted, cross section falls as 1/v
Fission most likely at thermal energies ~ 0.01 eV
Radiative neutron capture n + (A, Z) → γ + (A+1, Z), probability varies as 1/v
High energy hadron shower production at E > 100 MeV
Secondary radiations resulting from neutron interactions are mainly heavy
charged particles produced by neutron-induced nuclear reactions or nuclei of
absorbing material gaining energy from neutron collisions. Most neutron
detectors utilize some type of conversion of incident neutron into secondary
charged particles, which can then be detected directly.

Slowing down of neutrons (moderation) is most efficient when it interacts with

protons or light nuclei. Scattered neutron
Incoming neutron
E R = En cos 2
θ (1 + A)2

head-on collision (θ = 0o) :

Recoil nucleus (ER) 4A
E R max = E n
(1 + A)2
where A = mass of the target nucleus
En = kinetic energy of the incoming neutron
ER = kinetic energy of the recoil nucleus
θ = scattering angle of the recoil nuclei
Clearly only with proton & H-nuclei with A=1, a neutron can transfer all its
energy in a single collision.
General Characteristics of Radiation Detector

Many types of radiation detectors, same fundamental principle :

transfer of part or all of the energy to the detector mass where it is
converted into some form accessible to human and the transfer happens
through one of the mechanisms discussed earlier.

Interaction time is very small (~ ps in solids to ~ ns in gases). Net result is

the appearance of a given amount of electric charge within the detector
volume, collected to form the basic electrical signal. Collection of charge is
accomplished by imposing an electric field within the detector, which causes
the charges to flow. The time required to fully collect the charge varies from
one detector type to another, from ms to ns. We assume that the rate is low
enough that the current due to many events are distinguishable.

i(t) i(t)

∫ i(t)dt = Q

t=tc t→
The circuit normally used is of the following form:

Detector C R V(t)

Time required for signal pulse to reach its maximum value depends on tc
the intrinsic charge collection time of the detector. It can not be changed
by any external circuit. But the decay time of the pulse is determined by
the time constant t of the circuit.

Also the amplitude of the pulse Vmax = Q / C. Thus since the capacitance
is normally fixed, the amplitude of the signal pulse is directly proportional
to the corresponding charge generated within the detector.

If Q is proportional to the energy of the incident particle, then the

pulse amplitude is a measure of the energy of the incident particle.

Radiation interaction with matter in which the basic mechanisms of

charged particle, neutron and gamma interactions were discussed.
Regardless of the type of nuclear radiation, the interactions taking place in
a material medium invariably result in ionization and excitation
which then can be detected.
Heavy charged particles and electrons produce ion pairs in ionization
chambers, or light emission (excitation of atoms) in scintillation
counters, or electron-hole pairs in semiconductor detectors.
Neutrons collide with protons which recoil and produce ionization or
In the case of gammas, all 3 processes we have just discussed give rise to
energetic electrons which in turn cause ionization or excitation.

Thus the basic mechanisms of nuclear radiation detection involve

measuring the ionization or excitation occurring in the detector in a way
to allow one to deduce the energy of the incoming radiation.

Radiation detection and Measurement

G.F. Knoll (Addison-Wesley)

Techniques in Nuclear Physics Experiment

W.R. Leo (Springer)

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