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Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy & Physiology 9th Edition PDF

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Ninth Edition

Mader’s Understanding
Human Anatomy & Physiology

Susannah Nelson Longenbaker

Columbus State Community College, Columbus, OH

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Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2017 by
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Longenbaker, Susannah Nelson, author.

Mader’s understanding human anatomy & physiology / Susannah Nelson Longenbaker
Mader’s understanding human anatomy and physiology | Understanding human anatomy & physiology
Ninth edition. | New York, NY : MHE, 2017. | Includes index.
LCCN 2015036331 | ISBN 9781259296437 (alk. paper)
LCSH: Human physiology—Textbooks. | Human anatomy—Textbooks.
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About the Author vii
Preface viii

PART I Human Organization

1 Organization of 3 Cell Structure and

the Body 1 Function 42
1.1 The Human Body 2 3.1 Cellular Organization 43
1.2 Anatomical Terms 3 Visual Focus: The Cell 44
1.3 Body Cavities and Membranes 6 3.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane 51
1.4 Organ Systems 8 Medical Focus: Dehydration and Water Intoxication 54
Medical Focus: Meningitis and Serositis 9 3.3 The Cell Cycle 55
1.5 Homeostasis 10 Focus on Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting 61
Medical Focus: Imaging the Body 16

4 Body Tissues and

2 Chemistry of Life 20 Membranes 65
4.1  Epithelial Tissue 66
2.1   Basic Chemistry 21
4.2 Connective Tissue 69
2.2 Water, Acids, and Bases 24
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: When 4.3 Muscular Tissue 74
There’s a Poison Involved 26 Medical Focus: Necrotizing Fasciitis 76
2.3 Molecules of Life 27 4.4 Nervous Tissue 77
2.4 Carbohydrates 28 4.5 Extracellular Junctions, Glands, and Membranes 78
2.5 Lipids 29 Medical Focus: Cancer: The Traitor Inside 79
2.6 Proteins 31 What’s New: Targeting the Traitor Inside 80
Medical Focus: Prions: Malicious Proteins? 34 What’s New: 3-D Printing to Create Complex Tissues 82
2.7 Nucleic Acids 34
Medical Focus: The Deadly Effects of High-Level Radiation 38

PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

5 The Integumentary
5.3 Functions of the Skin
5.4 Disorders of the Skin
System 86
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: Burns 96
5.1 Structure of the Skin 87 5.5 Effects of Aging 97
Medical Focus: Decubitus Ulcers 89 5.6 Homeostasis 97
5.2 Accessory Structures of the Skin 89 Medical Focus: Body Art: Buyer Beware! 98


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6 The Skeletal 7 The Muscular
System 102 System 133
6.1 Skeleton: Overview 103 7.1   Functions and Types of
Medical Focus: Osteoporosis 106 Muscles 134
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: Broken Bones 108 7.2 Microscopic Anatomy and
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 136
6.2 Axial Skeleton 109
Visual Focus: Anatomy of a Muscle Fiber 137
Medical Focus: Oh, My Aching Back—Options for Back
7.3 Muscle Responses 142
Injuries 117
Focus on Forensics: Rigor Mortis 144
6.3 Appendicular Skeleton 118
7.4 Skeletal Muscles of the Body 145
6.4 Joints (Articulations) 123
7.5 Skeletal Muscle Groups 146
6.5 Effects of Aging 127
7.6 Effects of Aging 154
6.6 Homeostasis 127
7.7 Homeostasis 154
Focus on Forensics: Skeletal Remains 128
Medical Focus: Benefits of Exercise 155
Medical Focus: Muscular Disorders and Neuromuscular
Disease 157

PART III Integration and Coordination

8 The Nervous
Medical Focus: Eye Diseases and Disorders 206
Focus on Forensics: Retinal Hemorrhage in Shaken Baby
System 162 Syndrome 208
8.1 Nervous System 163
9.4 Sense of Hearing 208
Visual Focus: Synapse Structure
9.5 Sense of Equilibrium 210
and Function 169
Medical Focus: Hearing Damage and Deafness 212
Medical Focus: Research on Alzheimer Disease: Causes,
Treatments, Prevention, and Hope for a Cure 170 9.6 Effects of Aging 213
8.2 Central Nervous System 171
What’s New: Epidural Stimulation in Spinal Cord Injuries: Cause
for Hope: In Memoriam: Christopher Reeve, 1952–2004 177 10 The Endocrine
What’s New: Brain in a Petri Dish: A Human Model for System 217
Alzheimer Research 178 10.1 Endocrine Glands 218
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: Traumatic Brain Injury 179 10.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary
8.3 Peripheral Nervous System 180 Gland 222
Visual Focus: Autonomic System Structure and Function 185 Visual Focus: The Hypothalamus and the Pituitary 223
8.4 Effects of Aging 186 10.3  Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 225
8.5 Homeostasis 187 10.4  Adrenal Glands 227
Medical Focus: Parkinson’s Disease 189 10.5  Pancreas 229
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: Insulin Shock and Diabetic
Ketoacidosis 232
9 The Sensory 10.6  Additional Endocrine Glands 232
System 193 What’s New: Options for Type I Diabetics: The Artificial Pancreas
9.1 General Senses 194 System, Beta Cell Transplants, and the BioHub 233
9.2 Senses of Taste and Medical Focus: Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids 234
Smell 196 10.7  The Importance of Chemical Signals 236
9.3 Sense of Vision 198 10.8  Effects of Aging 237
What’s New: Detecting Alzheimer Disease with Eye Exams 201 10.9  Homeostasis 237
Medical Focus: Corrective Lenses 205

iv Contents

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PART IV Maintenance of the Body

11 Blood 242
13.4  Creating an Immune Response 305
Medical Focus: AIDS Epidemic 307
11.1   The Composition and Functions
of Blood 243 Medical Focus: Immunization: The Great
Protector 309
11.2 Components of Blood 244
Medical Focus: Influenza: A Constant Threat of
Visual Focus: Hematopoiesis 246 Pandemic 311
Medical Focus: Abnormal Red and White Blood Cell What's New: Parasite Prescription for Autoimmune
Counts 249 Disease 313
11.3 Platelets and Hemostasis 250 13.5  Effects of Aging 313
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: Hemorrhage 252 13.6  Homeostasis 315
11.4 Blood Typing and Transfusions 252
11.5 Effects of Aging 254
What’s New: Improvements in Transfusion Technology 255 14 The Respiratory
Focus on Forensics: Blood at the Crime Scene 256 System 318
14.1 The Respiratory System 319
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency:
12 The Cardiovascular Lung Collapse 323
System 259 14.2  Mechanism of Breathing 325
12.1 Anatomy of the Heart 260 14.3  Gas Exchange and Transport 328
12.2 Physiology of the Heart 264 14.4  Respiration and Health 330
Medical Focus: Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Medical Focus: The Most-Often-Asked Questions
and Coronary Artery Disease 267 About Tobacco and Health 333
Medical Focus: The Electrocardiogram 269 What's New: Bronchial Thermoplasty:
12.3  Anatomy of Blood Vessels 271 A Surgical Treatment for Asthma 336
12.4  Physiology of Circulation 274 14.5  Effects of Aging 336
I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 14.6  Homeostasis 337
and Automated External Defibrillation 278
12.5  Circulatory Routes 278
Medical Focus: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease 285 15 The Digestive
12.6  Effects of Aging 286 System 342
What’s New: Novel Stent for the Severest Strokes 287 15.1 Anatomy of the Digestive
System 343
12.7  Homeostasis 287
Focus on Forensics: The Stories That Teeth
Can Tell 345
15.2  Accessory Organs of Digestion 353
13 The Lymphatic
Medical Focus: Disorders of the Digestive Tract 356
System and Body
Defenses 293 15.3  Chemical Digestion 358
13.1 Lymphatic System 294 15.4  Effects of Aging 360
13.2  Organs, Tissues, and Cells 15.5  Homeostasis 361
of the Immune System 294 15.6  Nutrition 361
Medical Focus: The Lymphatic System and Illness 297 Medical Focus: Tips for Effectively Using
13.3  Nonspecific and Specific Defenses 298 Nutrition Labels 364
Visual Focus: Steps of the Inflammatory Reaction 299 Medical Focus: Bariatric Surgery for Obesity 367

Contents v

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 16.4  Problems with Kidney Function   384
The Urinary System
Focus on Forensics: Urinalysis  386
and Excretion  372
Medical Focus: Prostate Enlargement
 16.1  Urinary System  373 and Prostate Cancer   387
 16.2  Anatomy of the Kidney  16.5  Effects of Aging   387
and Excretion  375
 16.6  Homeostasis  387
Visual Focus: Steps in Urine Formation   378
 16.3  Regulatory Functions of the Kidneys   380

PART V Reproduction and Development

The Reproductive 18 
Human Development
System  392 and Birth  425
 17.1  Human Life Cycle   393  18.1  Fertilization  426
 17.2  Male Reproductive  18.2  Development  427
System  395
Medical Focus: Therapeutic
 17.3   Female Reproductive System   401 Cloning  430
Visual Focus: Anatomy of Ovary and Follicle   402  18.3  Birth  437
Medical Focus: Ovarian Cancer   405 Medical Focus: Premature Babies   439
 17.4   Control of Reproduction and Sexually Transmitted Medical Focus: Preventing Birth Defects   440
Infections  410
Medical Focus: Breast and Testicular
Self-Exams for Cancer   413 19 Human
Medical Focus: Endocrine-Disrupting Genetics  445
Contaminants  414
 19.1  Chromosomal
Medical Focus: Preventing Transmission Inheritance  446
of STIs  418
 19.2  Genetic Inheritance  450
 17.5  Effects of Aging   419
 19.3  DNA Technology  454
 17.6  Homeostasis  419
Medical Focus: Preimplantation Genetic Studies   455
Focus on Forensics: Rape  421
What's New: A Profound Dilemma: Bioengineered Babies   457
Focus on Forensics: The Innocence Project   458

Appendix A  A-1
Photo Credits  C-1
Glossary/Index  GI-1

vi Contents

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About the Author
After earning a baccalaureate degree in biology from St. Mary’s College (Notre Dame,

Indiana) and a master’s degree in physiology from the Ohio State University, Susannah

Nelson Longenbaker began her teaching career at Columbus State Community College

in Columbus, Ohio. She continues to teach anatomy and physiology courses there, as

she has for over 30 years. During that time, she earned the college’s Distinguished

Teaching Award and Ohio Magazine’s Excellence in Education award. She founded and

serves as co-coordinator for Columbus State Community College Fantastic Fridays and

Fantastic Fridays Thinking Science. These community outreach programs introduce

middle school and high school students to the fun and excitement of laboratory science.

In 2015, she was awarded the Columbus City Schools Community Excellence Award in

recognition of her work in community outreach and science education.

In 2006, Sue was offered a unique opportunity by Dr. Sylvia Mader: to become the

primary author for Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology. Dr. Mader began

her long career as a college biology professor, then left the classroom to become one of

the most prolific authors of biology and human biology textbooks in the country. Her

works are well known for their direct writing style and carefully crafted pedagogy.

Dr. Mader’s many titles have been published and enjoyed by students worldwide for

almost 40 years.

Sue is honored to continue Dr. Mader’s legacy to education, as the writer for this

ninth edition of the textbook. She looks forward to and appreciates suggestions or

comments from instructors and students alike. Feel free to contact her at the following


Sue Longenbaker
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences
Columbus State Community College
Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 287-2430


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Welcome to the ninth edition of Mader’s Understanding Human First, the Learning Outcomes are briefly summarized, and Key
Anatomy and Physiology! It is a joy and a privilege to work on this Terms and Clinical Key Terms are included, along with a pronun-
project, which is so fulfilling to me as a scientist, educator, and ciation guide. Study Questions can be used as a checklist to ensure
creative artist. I am honored to continue the vision of the book’s that important concepts are well understood. Each asks the student
original author, Dr. Sylvia Mader, who introduced the book almost to craft a short essay. Learning Outcome Questions allow the stu-
two decades ago. We believe that a book designed to introduce the dent to “take the test” because they replicate the types of short
fascinating workings of the human body should be creative, infor- answer questions often used in the classroom (matching, true-false,
mative, accurate, and most important, relevant to today’s students. multiple choice, and the like). Finally, a Medical Terminology
This book is tailored to appeal to a wide audience, from students in Exercise that concludes the chapter helps to build a working
pre-nursing and allied health fields, to non-science majors who vocabulary, thus facilitating comprehension and increasing student
want a clear and concise explanation of how their bodies work. As confidence.
soon as the student opens the book for the very first time, I want to My own students love to relate examples about anatomy, phys-
capture that student’s interest. Then, I want to keep the reader’s iology, and pathophysiology that they’ve seen in the media or come
attention as he or she learns something new about how we humans across on the job. For this reason, the many features in each chapter
work. of this text are tailored toward the varied interests of today’s stu-
Mader’s Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology con- dents. The Focus on Forensics articles relate anatomy and physiol-
tinues to be the perfect text for a one-semester course. Each chapter ogy principles to the process of solving a crime. Every In Case of
begins with a brief introduction, designed to seize attention and Emergency feature will be particularly relevant to those training to
stimulate curiosity, while drawing the reader in for a more detailed be first responders (emergency medical technicians and paramed-
exploration. For example, the introduction for Chapter 6 on the ics, for example), though everyone can benefit from knowing how
skeletal system answers an age-old and commonly asked question: to respond in a medical crisis situation. Each What’s New reading
Does repeatedly cracking one’s knuckles result in arthritis? And describes a cutting-edge development in medicine and/or biotech-
who among us has not experienced a “brain-freeze” headache when nology. For example, you may have read in the popular media about
eating very cold foods too rapidly? The introduction for Chapter 7 the many uses of 3-D printers—but did you know that they can be
on the nervous system explains why it occurs. Historical anecdotes used to craft a scaffolding to grow tissues, and may one day make it
will also intrigue the reader. The brief story of Henrietta Lacks that possible to grow entire organs? You can read about it in Chapter 4!
begins Chapter 4 is a fascinating account of how one woman’s can- New Medical Focus articles can be found throughout the book as
cer cells continue to benefit humanity. The profile of retired astro- well, and each existing Medical Focus article has been carefully
naut and Senator John Glenn in Chapter 12 gives a fascinating researched and updated for this edition. However, perhaps the most
insight to the very beginning of America’s space program, and important thing you’ll notice throughout the book is the quality of
some of the medical issues that arose when humans were put into the artwork. The new line drawings are realistic, detailed, and color-
space for the first time. ful; photographs are fresh and up-to-date. In addition, this ninth
Next, each chapter’s Learning Outcomes are carefully con- edition has been enriched by the incorporation of many fine images
structed to be achievable to students with no prior training in anat- from McGraw-Hill Education’s outstanding resource, Anatomy &
omy and physiology. These Learning Outcomes are repeated as Physiology REVEALED®. You’ll find some of the best artwork in
each new section begins, so that the reader never loses sight of what the industry in this edition of Mader’s Understanding Human Anat-
he or she is expected to learn. At the conclusion of each topic, the omy and Physiology. Couple this with a completely redesigned lay-
Content Check-Up feature allows the reader to test comprehension out, and I trust you’ll find this book to be visually pleasing as well
before continuing. Students who use the wonderful McGraw-Hill as accurate and informative.
Connect® software with this text will be able to use this text’s I have been blessed to have the best job in the world—being a
Learning Outcomes to check their progress. McGraw-Hill Learn- college professor teaching the biological sciences—for over 30 years.
Smart® is the most widely used and intelligent adaptive learning Being in the classroom daily helps me to understand the ways my
resource that is proven to strengthen memory recall, improve course students think, as well as what’s happening in their world. Each
retention, and boost grades. semester’s new batch of students has something to teach me, and
Throughout the text, the Begin Thinking Clinically feature asks I am fortunate to be able to learn something new every day. Further,
a student to do exactly that: start thinking as though he or she was I am privileged to work with a fine group of colleagues who are
already working in a clinic or hospital setting. Each question fosters generous with both their expertise and their advice. I continue to
critical thinking skills by requiring the student to conduct further develop new strategies to describe anatomical and physiological
investigation into the chapter’s subject matter. A great deal of concepts, using more and better examples and analogies. In this
thought and attention have gone into the conclusion of each chapter. book, it’s my goal to share the ideas that work for me with both


lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 8 19/11/15 5:20 PM

students and teachers. I know that this text will help you, the in- I would also like to thank the many others who contributed
structor, to engage and excite your students in the fascinating study to the ancillary products associated with this text: Morris Butcher,
of the human body. Jeanette Ferguson, Cindy Hansen, Susan Rohde, and Phillip
Snider, Jr.
It’s very gratifying to know that one’s colleagues will take the
Acknowledgements time and make the effort to provide comments and suggestions for
Every new edition of Understanding Human Anatomy and Physi- a new edition. I would like to thank the individuals listed below for
ology presents a unique challenge for me. It’s my goal to create a the observations and detailed recommendations they shared with
work with content that is precisely correct, up-to-date, and worth- me. As an author, it’s comforting to know that you have skilled
while for an increasingly diverse and rapidly evolving student pop- and talented peer educators to review your content and help to
ulation. When you have an amazing support team like the one improve it.
I have at McGraw-Hill Education, the task becomes much easier. Finally, I’d like to express my profound thanks to my three
I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to two individuals who di- coworkers, allies, and buddies at Columbus State Community
rectly supported me and with whom I communicated on an almost College: Dr. Jeanette Ferguson, Professor Eric Kenz, and Professor
daily basis: my Product Developer, Fran Simon, and Content Pro- Lyndsy Wolff. Each one generously contributed advice, evaluation
ject Manager, April Southwood. Ladies, thanks for your patience, and review for this edition. Guys, you are the best, and I’m proud to
understanding, and good humor. I appreciate everything you’ve work with you. And to the folks who always have my back—my
done for this edition. husband, Bill, and my family—I can’t do anything that I do without
Further, each of these individuals deserves special recognition your love and support, and I’ll always remember that.
for her hard work: Brand Managers, Chloe Bouxsein and Amy Reed;
— Sue Longenbaker
Marketing Managers, Jessica Cannavo and Jim Connely; Photo Re-
searcher, Lori Hancock; Designer, Tara McDermott; and Buyer,
Sandy Ludovissy. My copyeditor, Kevin Campbell, and proofreaders, Dedication:
Angie Sigwarth and Carey Lange, helped to ensure accuracy through- To the One through whom all things are possible: Ad majorem dei
out the entire project. Photo researcher Jo Johnson contributed hours gloriam. And for Claire, Molly, Maya, and Julia, and for all future
of effort to find just the right photo illustrations in each chapter. students: may my efforts help you learn.

Melody Bell Barry Markillie Rebecca Roush
Vernon College Cape Fear Community College Sandhills Community College
Rolfe Bryant Craig Mauk Deborah Sanderson
Phillips Community College–Stuttgart KCTCS Gateway Community & Technical Piedmont Virginia Community College
Kim Zahn (Demnicki) College Hope Sasway
Thomas Nelson Community College Payman Nasr Suffolk CCC–BRENTWOOD
Cindy Hansen Kent State University–Ashtabula Jackie Spencer
Community College of Rhode Island– Jennifer Presley Thomas Nelson Community College
Warwick Ohio Valley University
Jaime Malcore Tjossem Susan Rainone
Rochester Community & Technical Community College of Rhode Island–
College Warwick

Preface ix

lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 9 19/11/15 5:20 PM

6 The Skeletal System
Guided Tour Through a Chapter!
W ill you please quit doing that?! Keep it up and you’ll get arthritis!” Habitual knuckle-
crackers might stop their annoying habit when confronted with this threat, but is there any
truth to it? Knuckles are freely moving synovial joints (see page 118). In a synovial joint, ligaments
join bones and create a fluid-filled capsule. Stretching the ligaments suddenly creates an air
bubble in the fluid. Popping the bubble causes the “crack” noise. Any synovial joint—toes,
ankles, fingers—can crack, but numerous studies have shown that arthritis doesn’t result from it.
However, ligaments will weaken with habitual cracking, and the bones at a joint can then be
McGraw-Hill Education A&P: We have learning down to a science! dislocated more easily. If you’re tempted to crack those stiff joints, massage and gently stretch
them instead.
At McGraw-Hill Education we work every day to unlock the full potential of each learner. Our mission is to accelerate learning through
intuitive, engaging, efficient and effective experiences—grounded in research. MHE Anatomy & Physiology is your trusted, data-driven
partner in A&P education. Since 2009, our adaptive programs in A&P have hosted 600,000 unique users who have answered more than
600 million probes, giving us the only data-driven solutions to help your students get from their first college-level course to program

Learning Outcomes
at the beginning of every chapter will Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
help students understand what they 6.1 Skeleton: Overview 10. Name the bones of the vertebral possible steps for
column and the thoracic cage. Be damage prevention.
should know after studying the chapter. 1. Name at least five functions of the
able to label diagrams of them.
6.5 Effects of Aging
11. Describe a typical vertebra, the atlas
2. Explain a classification of bones and axis, and the sacrum and 19. Describe the anatomical and
based on their shapes. coccyx. physiological changes that occur in
3. Describe the anatomy of bone. 12. Name the three types of ribs and the the skeletal system as we age.
Describe long bone structure, and three parts of the sternum.
compare/contrast compact bone 6.6 Homeostasis
and spongy bone. 6.3 Appendicular Skeleton 20. List and discuss six ways the skeletal
4. Describe the physiology of bone,
13. Name the bones of the pectoral system contributes to homeostasis.
including the cells involved in growth
girdle and the pelvic girdle. Be able Discuss ways the other systems
and repair, and the process of bone
to label diagrams of them. assist the skeletal system.
growth, development, and
remodeling. 14. Name the bones of the upper limb
(arm and forearm) and the lower limb I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency
5. Name and describe six types of
(thigh and leg). Be able to label
fractures, and state the four steps in Broken Bones
diagrams that include surface
fracture repair.
6. List the surface features of bones,
15. Cite at least five differences between Medical Focus
and give examples where each can Osteoporosis
the female and male pelvises.
be found. Oh, My Aching Back: Surgical Options for Back
6.4 Joints (Articulations) Injuries
6.2 Axial Skeleton 16. Explain how joints are classified, and
7. Distinguish between the axial and give examples of each type of joint. Focus on Forensics
appendicular skeletons.
17. List the types of movements that Skeletal Remains
calcitonin 8. Name the bones of the skull, and state occur at synovial joints.
Figure 10.8 the important features of each bone.
Congenital hypothyroid- 18. Explain how damage and Human Systems Work Together
ism. Individuals who have
9. Describe the structure and function degeneration occurs at joints and
of the hyoid bone. Skeletal System
hypothyroidism since how it can be treated. Outline
infancy or childhood do not
grow and develop as oth-
ers do. Unless medical
treatment is begun, the Thyroid gland
body is short and stocky. secretes 102
Developmental delay is calcitonin
into blood. Bones
also likely. take up Ca2+
from blood.

Blood Ca2+

a 2+
er tissues incorporate so little iodine in
can also be caused by a thyroid tumor,
a lump during physical examination.
Homeostasis (normal blood Ca2+)
Accessible Writing Style More important than any other component of a
textbook, the writing must be appropriate for the level of the reader. Mader’s Under-
ry in combination with administration blo
ognosis for most patients is excellent. Ca 2+

standing Human Anatomy and Physiology features the perfect writing style for the
nificant role in both nervous conduc-
. It is also necessary for coagulation
one-semester course. It has always been written and designed for the one-semester
od calcium level is regulated in part
creted by the thyroid gland when the course, not adapted from a two-semester textbook. Paragraph introductions, explana-
tions, comparisons, and relevant, everyday examples are used with these students in
ig. 10.9). The primary effect of calci- Blood Ca2+
eposit of calcium in the bones. It does Parathyroid
the activity and number of osteoclasts.
mind. The flow of the text is logical and accessible without being overly “chatty”
these cells break down bone. When release PTH
into blood.
normal, the release of calcitonin by
a low calcium level stimulates the re-
ne (PTH) by the parathyroid glands. activated
and consistently makes use of relevant examples and analogies.
vitamin D
hormone in children, whose skeleton
. By contrast, calcitonin is of minor
se parathyroid hormone is the major
Easy-to-Understand Art covers what’s important but leaves out unnecessary,
confusing detail.
stasis. However, calcitonin can be used (PTH)
educe the effects of osteoporosis (see
xxx). Intestines
absorb Ca2+
reabsorb Ca2+
release Ca2+
into blood.
Good examples of this are the homeostasis illustrations – instead of lots of
from digestive from kidney

TH), the hormone produced by the

tract. tubules.
various colored arrows and boxes with explanations, these simple visual pieces
the blood phosphate (HPO422) level
ood calcium (Ca21) level to increase.
Figure 10.9 Regulation of blood calcium level.
Top: When the blood calcium (Ca21) level is high, the thyroid get the message across beautifully.
calcitonin, from the thyroid gland, and gland secretes calcitonin. Calcitonin promotes the uptake of
the parathyroid glands, maintain the Ca21 by the bones, and therefore the blood Ca21 level returns
ormal limits. to normal. Bottom: When the blood Ca21 level is low, the
after a low blood calcium level stimu- parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH
hormone promotes release of calcium causes the bones to release Ca21. It also causes the kidneys
by promoting osteoclast activity.) PTH to reabsorb Ca21 and activate vitamin D; thereafter, the intes-
tines absorb Ca21. Therefore, the blood Ca21 level returns to
f calcium by the kidneys, where it also
D called calcitriol. Calcitriol, in turn,

lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 10 19/11/15 5:20 PM

Another example is stepped-out art, which shows key stages Several Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED® images have been
of an illustration identified by numbered circles. This type added with icons from APR.
of explanation builds comprehension sequentially.

6.3 Appendicular Skeleton acromion

13. Name the bones of the pectoral girdle and the pelvic girdle. Be able glenoid
to label diagrams of them. cavity
14. Name the bones of the upper limb (arm and forearm) and the lower limb
(thigh and leg). Be able to label diagrams that include surface features. coracoid
15. Cite at least five differences between the female and male pelvises.
lysosomes Golgi apparatus humerus

The appendicular skeleton contains the bones of the pectoral girdle, scapula
upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs. sternum

Pectoral Girdle rib
1 plasma
The pectoral
membrane girdle (shoulder girdle) contains four bones: two
clavicles and two scapulae (Fig. 6.12). It supports the arms and cartilage
3 serves as a place of attachment for muscles that move the arms.
The bones of this girdle are held in place by ligaments and muscles. ulna
This arrangement allows great flexibility but means that the arm is radius
vesicle prone to dislocation at the shoulder joint.
incoming vesicle
a. Pectoral girdle, frontal view
Clavicles coracoid
The clavicles (collarbones) are slender and S-shaped (Fig. 6.12a).
Each clavicle articulates medially with the manubrium of the ster-
Golgi apparatus acromion
3 modifies lipids and proteins
lysosome num.
from theThis is the
ER; sorts only place where the pectoral girdle is attached to
and packages process
contains digestive enzymes
that break down macromolecules the axial skeleton.
them in vesicles
entering by vesicles glenoid
proteinEach clavicle also articulates with a scapula. The clavicle cavity
serves as a brace for the scapula and helps stabilize the shoulder. It spine of
transport vesicle
transport vesicle
proteins to weak, however, and if undue force is applied to the scapula
takes lipids to shoulder,
Golgi apparatusthe clavicle will fracture.
Golgi apparatus

rough endoplasmic
smooth endoplasmic
reticulum Thereticulum
synthesizes (sing.,
proteins and scapula), also called the shoulder blades, are
synthesizes lipids and has
various other functions Nucleus
broad bones
packages that
them somewhat resemble triangles (Figs. 6.12b and c).
in vesicles

One reason for the pectoral girdle’s flexibility is that the scapulae
ribosome b. Right scapula, posterior view
are not joined to each other (see Fig. 6.4).
Each scapula has a spine, a thick ridge of bone found on its acromion
a. Endocytosis
posterior surface. Note the following features as well:
b. Exocytosis

Figure 3.5 The endomembrane system. (a) Endocytosis and lysosome function. (1) A vesicle coracoid
∙ acromion process, which articulates with a clavicle and
formed by endocytosis,
containing macromolecules, fuses with (2) the lysosome made at the Golgi apparatus, and (3) lysosome enzymes digest the macro-
molecules in the vesicle. (b) Exocytosis and the secretory vesicle. (1) Transport vesicles from the ER bringprovides a place
proteins and lipidsof
to attachment
the for arm and upper back
Golgi apparatus, where (2) the molecules are packaged in a secretory vesicle, which (3) travels to the plasma membrane, releasing glenoid
its contents by exocytosis.
∙ coracoid process, which serves as a place of attachment for cavity
arm and chest muscles;
∙ glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the arm
bone (humerus). The arm joint’s flexibility is also a result
of the glenoid cavity being smaller than the head of the
Macro to micro figures give the students an overall humerus.
48 PART I Human Organization

Upper Limb
Visual Focus The upper limb includes the bones of the arm (humerus), the fore-
Visual Focus arm (radius and ulna), and the hand (carpals, metacarpals, and c. Right scapula, anterior view
Figure 7.3 Anatomy of a muscle 1
fiber. (a) A muscle
fiber contains many myofibrils with the components shown. (b) A
myofibril has many sarcomeres that contain myosin and actin fila- Figure 6.12 The pectoral girdle. (a) Frontal view of
tendon ments whose arrangement gives rise to the striations so charac- the pectoral girdles with the upper limbs attached. (b) Posterior
teristic of skeletal muscle. (c), (d) Muscle contraction
1 occurs when
deep fascia
sarcomeres contract and thin filaments slide past
The term
upper extremity is used to include a clavicle and scapula (of the pectoral view of the right scapula. (c) Anterior view of the right scapula.
epimysium girdle), an filaments.
arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.
fascicle of muscle cells (fibers)
surrounded by perimysium
muscle fiber surrounded
by endomysium
myofibril 118 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

Learning Outcomes are

a. Muscle fiber has
many myofibrils. listed
Content CHECK-UP! within the chapter! 6.2 Axial Skeleton
7. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons.
one myofibril
1. The term for the expanded portionswill know
at the ends what
of a long 8. Name the bones of the skull, and state the important features of each
bone is:

a. diaphysis.
that specific section is
c. periosteum.
9. Describe the structure and function of the hyoid bone.
covering.d. articular cartilage.
cell 10. Name the bones of the vertebral column and the thoracic cage. Be
b. epiphysis.
able to label diagrams of them.
Z line one sarcomere Z line 2. Osteons are associated with _____ bone. 11. Describe a typical vertebra, the atlas and axis, and the sacrum and coccyx.
3. Which type of bone cell breaks down bone and deposits 12. Name the three types of ribs and the three parts of the sternum.
T tubule sarcoplasmic nucleus calcium calcium into the blood?
reticulum storage site
a. osteoblast c. osteoprogenitor The skeleton is divided into the axial skeleton and the appendicular
b. A myofibril has many sarcomeres.
b. osteocyte d. osteoclast skeleton. The tissues of the axial and appendicular skeletons are
myosin head bone (both compact and spongy), cartilage (hyaline, fibrocartilage,
4. The region in a long bone where growth occurs is
the ____________.
and elastic cartilage), and dense connective tissue, a type of fibrous
connective tissue. (The various types of connective tissues were
5. Imagine that an artery has to pass through bone to enter the
filament extensively discussed in Chapter 4.)
skull. What is the feature through which the artery will pass?
Z line
H zone
A band I band (Refer to Table 6.1.)
In Figure 6.4, the bones of the axial skeleton are colored gray,
c. Sarcomeres are relaxed. d. Sarcomeres are contracted. and the bones of the appendicular skeleton are colored tan for easy
Answers in Appendix A.
distinction. Notice that the axial skeleton lies in the midline of
the body and contains the bones of the skull, the hyoid bone, the

Myofibrils and Sarcomeres stripes, or striations, of skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the
Myofibrils are cylindrical and run the length of the muscle fiber. placement of myofilaments within the sarcomeres. A sarcomere
Each myofibril is composed of numerous sarcomeres, which are contains two types of protein myofilaments: The thick filaments
microscopic repeating units (Fig. 7.3). Each sarcomere extends are made up of a single protein called myosin. Thin filaments are
between two dark, vertical lines called Z lines. The horizontal made up of three proteins: a globular protein called actin, Skull:
plus Skull:
frontal bone
parietal bone
Chapter 7 The Muscular System
137 bone
temporal bone xi
maxilla occipital bone

hyoid bone
Pectoral girdle: scapula
lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 11 Rib cage: vertebral column 19/11/15 5:20 PM
Sphenoid Bone The sphenoid bone helps form the sides and floor Nasal Bones The two nasal bones are small, rectangular bones
of the cranium and the rear wall of the orbits. The sphenoid bone that form the bridge of the nose (see Fig. 6.5). The anterior distal
is shaped like a butterfly. Its complex shape allows it to articulate portion of the nose is cartilage, which explains why the nose is not
with and hold together the other cranial bones (Fig. 6.7). Within seen on a skull.
the cranial cavity, the sphenoid bone has a saddle-shaped midpor-
tion called the sella turcica (Fig. 6.7b), which houses the pituitary Vomer Bone The vomer bone joins with the perpendicular plate of
gland in a depression. the ethmoid bone to form the nasal septum (see Figs. 6.5 and 6.6a).

Guided Tour Through a Chapter!

Ethmoid Bone The ethmoid bone is anterior to the sphenoid bone
and helps form the floor of the cranium. It contributes to the medial
Inferior Nasal Conchae The two inferior nasal conchae are thin,
curved bones that form a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal
cavity (see Fig. 6.6a). Like the superior and middle nasal conchae,
sides of the orbits and forms the roof and sides of the nasal cavity
they project into the nasal cavity and support the mucous mem-
(Figs. 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7). Important components of the ethmoid
branes that line the nasal cavity.
bone include:
Mandible The mandible, or lower jaw, is the only movable portion
∙Built-in Study
crista galli (cock’sAids
comb,such as thea triangular
Fig. 6.7), Content Check-
process that of the skull. The horseshoe-shaped front and horizontal sides of the
Up and the Begin Thinking Clinically
serves as an attachment for membranes that features allow
enclose the brain;
students to test themselves over major sections of textas pas- mandible, referred to as the body, form the chin. The body has an
∙ cribriform plate (Fig. 6.7), with tiny holes that serve alveolar process (see Fig. 6.6a), which contains tooth sockets.
before continuing.
sageways for nerveContent Check-Up
fibers from questions
the olfactory will (nerve
now be found after each major heading. Superior to the left and right angle of the mandible are upright
endings that give us our sense of smell); projections called rami. Each ramus has detailed features:
∙ perpendicular plate (Fig. 6.5), which projects downward to
form the superior part of the nasal septum; ∙ mandibular condyle (see Fig. 6.6b), which articulates with
∙ superior
Content and middle nasal conchae, which project toward
CHECK-UP! 6.2 Axial
a temporal bone; Skeleton
the perpendicular plate. These increase the surface area of ∙ coronoid process (see Fig.
7. Distinguish between the6.6b), which
axial and serves asskeletons.
appendicular a place of
the 1.
Selected term
New for the expanded
Terms portions
support at the
mucous ends of a that
membranes long attachment for the muscles used for chewing.
8. Name the bones of the skull, and state the important features of each
line thebone is:
nasal cavity. bone.
Basic Key Terms flexion (flĕk9shŭn), p. 124 rib cage (rĭb kāj), p. 116

a. diaphysis.
abduction (ăb-dŭk9shŭn), p. 124 fontanel (fŏntŭh-nĕl9), p. 110
c. periosteum.
foramen magnum (fŏr-ā9-mĕn măg9nŭm), p. 110
rotation (rō-tā9shŭn), p. 125
sacrum (sā9krŭm), p. 116
9. Describe the structure and function of the hyoid bone.
adduction (ăd-dŭk9shŭn), p. 124
amphiarthrosis (ămfē-ăr-thrō9sĭs), p. 123 gliding joint (glīd9ĭng jōynt), p. 124 saddle joint (săd9ĕl jōynt), p. 124
10. Name the bones of the vertebral column and the thoracic cage. Be
Bones ofb.the epiphysis. d. articular cartilage. Begin Thinking
diagrams Clinically
hard palate (hărd păl9ut), p. 113 scapulae (skăp9yŭh-lā), p. 118
appendicular skeleton (ăpĕn-dĭk9yū-lĕr
skĕl9ĕ-tŭn), p. 110 hematopoiesis (hēmăh-tō-pōy-ĕ9sĭs), p. 103 sella turcica (sĕl9ŭh tŭr9sĭk-ŭh), p. 113 able to label of them.
2. Osteons are associated with _____ bone.
appositional growth (ăpŭh-zĭsh9ŭn-ŭl grōth), hinge joint (hĭnj jōynt), p. 124 sinus (sī9nŭs), p. 110
Maxillae The two maxillae form the upper jaw. Aside from con-
p. 107
articular cartilage (ăr-tĭk9yū-lĕr kăr9tĭ-lĭj), p. 103
humerus (hyū9mŭr-ŭs), p. 119
ilium (ĭl9ē-ŭm), p. 120
spongy bone (spŭnj9ē bōn), p. 103
sternum (stŭr9nŭm), p. 116
You’re treating an 11-year-oldthe
Describe a typical vertebra, atlas and
patient in axis, and the sacrum and coccyx.
the emergency
12. Name the three types of ribs and the three parts of the sternum.
tributing3.toWhich type of
the floors of bone cell breaks
the orbits
atlas (ăt-lŭhs), p. 115 and to down boneofand
the sides
articulation (ăr-tĭkyū-lā9shŭn), p. 103
the deposits
floor of
intervertebral disk (ĭntĕr-vĕr9tĕ-brŭl dĭsk), p. 113
intramembranous ossification (ĭntrŭh-
room. His right eye was struck by a baseball bat, and he’s
supination (sūpĭ-nā9shŭn), p. 125
suture (sū9chĕr), p. 110
calcium into the blood? rapidly developing a nasty black eye. What bones might
the nasal cavity, each maxilla has the following processes:
axial skeleton (ăk9sē-ăl skĕl9ĕ-tŭn), p. 109 mĕm9brān-ŭs ŏsŭ-fĭ-kā9shŭn), p. 105 synarthrosis (sĭn-ăr-thrō9sĭs), p. 123
axis (ăk9sĭs), p. 115 inversion (ĭn-vĕr9zhŭn), p. 125 synovial fluid (sĭ-nō9vē-ăl flū9ĭd), p. 123

a. osteoblast
ball-and-socket joint (băwl and sŏk9ĭt
jōynt), p. 124
c. osteoprogenitor
ischium (ĭs9kē-ŭm), p. 120
ligament (lĭg9ŭh-mĕnt), p. 123
have skeleton is divided
broken into the axial skeleton and the appendicular
by the injury?
synovial joint (sĭ-nō9vē-ăl jōynt), p. 123
synovial membrane (sĭ-nō9vē-ăl mĕm9brān), p. 123
∙ alveolar process (Fig.
bony pelvis (bō9nē pĕl9vĭs), p. 120
b. osteocyte 6.6a). The alveolar processes contain
medullary cavity (mĕd9ū-lārē kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 103
d. osteoclast skeleton. The tissues
talus (tă9lŭs), p. 123 of the axial and appendicular skeletons are
bursae (bŭr9sā), p. 123 menisci (mĕ-nĭs9kī), p. 123
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
tarsal bones (tăr9sŭl bōns), p. 123
the tooth sockets for teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and
calcaneus (kăl-kā9nē-ŭhs), p. 123 metatarsal bones (mĕt9ŭh-tăr9sŭl bōnz), p. 123
bone (both compact and spongy), cartilage (hyaline, fibrocartilage,
temporal process (tĕm9pō-rŭl prŏh9sĕs), p. 113
4. The region in a long bone where growth occurs is
cartilaginous joints (kăr9tŭl-ăj9ŭh-nŭs jōyntz), p. 123 occipital condyle (ŏk9sĭp-ĭ-tŭl kŏn-dīl), p. 110 tibia (tĭb9ē-ŭh), p. 121
circumduction (sĕrkŭm-dŭk9shŭn), p. 124 ossification (ŏs99ĭ-fĭ-kā9shŭn), p. 105
and elastic cartilage), and dense connective tissue, a type of fibrous
ulna (ŭl9nŭh), p. 119
the ____________.
clavicles (klăv9ĭ-kŭls), p. 118 osteoblast (ŏs9tē-ō-blăst),
occipital bone, twop. 105
temporal C. The (vĕr9tŭh-brā),
vertebrae pelvic girdle p. contains
113 two VI. Homeostasis

∙ palatine process (Fig. 6.7a). The left and right palatine pro-
coccyx (kŏk9sĭks), p. 116 bones,
osteoclast one sphenoid
ethmoid bone.
bone, and
p. 105
The facial connective tissue. (The various types of connective tissues were
vertebral bones,
column and formskŏh9lŭm),
vis when joined to the sacrum
the pel- p. 113 A. The bones protect the internal
organs: The rib cage protects the
5. Imagine that an artery has to pass through bone to enter the Hyoid Bone
compact bone (kŏm9păkt bōn), p. 103 osteocyte p. 105

cesses form the anterior portion of the hard palate (roof of osteon bones
extensively discussed in Chapter 4.)
condyloid joint (kŏn9dīl-ōyd jōynt), p. 124 include
(ŏ9stē-ŏn), p. 103two maxillae, two and coccyx.
Clinical Key Terms The female pelvis is heart, lungs, and kidneys; the skull
palatine bones, two zygomatic generally wider and more shal- protects the brain; and the verte-
skull. What is the feature through which the artery will pass?
coxal bone (kŏk9săl bōn), p. 120 osteoprogenitor cells (ŏstē-ō-prō-jĕn9ĭ-tŭr
bones, two lacrimal bones, two arthritis (ăr-thri9 tĭs), p.
low than the male pelvis.126 brae protect the spinal cord. The
the mouth). In Figure
hyoid6.4, the(see
the is
axial skeleton are colored
to the gray,
depression (dĭ-prĕsh9ŭn), p. 125 sĕlz), p. 105
The U-shaped bone located superior
nasal bones, the vomer bone, bursitis
D. The (bŭr-sī9tĭs),
lower limb p. 123
contains the femur, bones assist all phases of respira-
(Refer to Table 6.1.)
diaphysis (dī-ăf9ĭ-sĭs), p. 103 patella two
(pŭh-tĕl9 ŭh),nasal
inferior p. 121conchae, and fracturethe(frăk9chĕr),
patella, the p.tibia,
108 the fibula, tion. The rib cage assists the

and the box)

appendicular skeleton are colored tan for easy
diarthrosis (dī-ăr-thrō9sĭs), p. 123 pectoralthe girdle (pĕk9tō-rŭl gĕr9dŭl), p. 118
mandible. and the
gout (gŏwt), p. 126 bones of the foot (the tar- breathing process, and red bone

elevation (ĕlŭh-vā9shŭn), p. 125
Answers The two palatine
in Appendix A.
B. girdle
pelvic The U-shaped hyoid bone
(pĕl9vĭk gĕr9dŭl),
bones contribute to the floor and
cated in p.
pelvis (pĕl9-vĭs), the120
p. 120is lo-
neck. It anchors the
larynx (voicesals,disk
herniated metatarsals,
IV. Joints (Articulations)
Is the only
and phalanges).
dĭsk), p. 114 in the body that
marrow produces the red blood
cells that transport oxygen. The
distinction. Notice that the with
skeleton liesInstead,
in the midline of
endochondral ossification (ĕndō-kŏn9drŭl kyphosis (kī-fō9sĭs), p. 114
ŏsŭh-fĭ-kā9shŭn), p. 105
lateral wall of the nasal cavity (Fig. 6.5). The horizontal plates of
epiphyseal plate (ĕpĭ-fĭz9ē-ăl plāt), p. 106
periosteum and does not p.
with any other bone.
phalanges (fŭh-lăn9jēz), p. 123
does not articulate
lordosis (form
bones. Theya joint)
Joints are regions of articulation be-
p. 114
are classified ac- bone. it is
bones store and release calcium.
Calcium ions play a major role in

the body and contains the bones of the skull, the hyoid bone, the
C. The typical vertebra has a body, mastoiditis (măstōy-dī9tĭs),
cording to their structure and/or p. 110 muscle contraction and nerve
epiphysis (ĕ-pĭf9ĭ-sĭs), p. 103

the palatine bones form the posterior portion of the hard palate
eversion (ē-vĕr9zhŭn), p. 125
pivot joint
(pĭv9ŭt jōynt),
a vertebral arch p.
vertebral foramen,
p. and
125 a spinous
suspended from
osteoarthritisthe styloid
degree of movement. processes
are typically(ŏstē-ō-pō-rō9sĭs),
immovable, cartilagi-
tĭs), p. temporal
p. 107
bones by
conduction. Calcium ions also
help regulate cellular metabolism.
extension (ĕk-stĕn9shŭn), p. 124 process. The
pubic symphysis first two
(pyū9bĭk vertebrae
the stylohyoid muscles and ligaments. It anchors the tongue and
p. 120 nous joints are generally
reduction (rĭ-dŭk9shŭn), p. 108 slightly The bones assist the lymphatic

(Fig. 6.7a).
femur (fē9mŭr), p. 121 are the atlas
pubis (pyū9bĭs), p. 120and axis. The verte-
End of Chapter
movable, and synovial joints usually
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), p. 126
system and immunity. Red bone

serves as the site for the attachment of several muscles associated

fibrous joints (fī9brŭs jōyntz), p. 123 bral column
radius (rā9dē-ŭs), has four curvatures
p. 119 are freely movable. marrow produces not only the red
scoliosis (skōlē-ō9sĭs), p. 114
Notice that the hard palate consists of (1) portions of the max- The end-of-chapter material has been newly
and contains the cervical, tho- A. Fibrous joints include sutures blood cells but also the white
fibula (fĭb9yŭ-lŭh), p. 121 red bone marrow (rĕd bōn măh9-rō), p. 103 sinusitis (sīnŭh-sī9tĭs) p. 110 teeth and
racic, lumbar, sacral, and coccy- and the joints between blood cells. The bones assist di-

illae (i.e.,Summary
the palatine processes)
geal vertebrae. Cervical,
and (2) horizontal plates of the with swallowing.their sockets. gestion. The bones used for
thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae
are separated by intervertebral organized with the Summary updated for
B. Cartilaginous joints occur where
bones are connected by hyaline
chewing break food into pieces
small enough for chemical diges-

palatine I.bones. A
Skeleton: Overview cleft
Skull:palateD. results
A. The skeleton supports and pro-
The aribmedullary
cage contains
is bounded
by com-
(1) or (2) have C. The
Skull: jointssurface
every chapter. Key terms are divided into basic
or fibrocartilage.
C. different
Table 6.1kinds describes
are ball features
of synovialthe different
of bones.
tion. The skeleton is necessary for
locomotion. Humans have a

Vertebral Column and (Spine)

vertebrae, and associ- and socket, hinge, jointed skeleton for the attach-
failed to fuse. frontal
tects the body; produces red boneatedpact bone. The
cartilages, and epiphyses
the sternum. con- II.condyloid,
Axial Skeleton
clinical terms. Two levels of additional
pivot, gliding, and sad- ment of muscles that move the
blood cells; serves as a store- tain spongy
III. Appendicular bone with red bone
Skeleton parietal bone
dle. axial skeleton
Movements lies are
at joints in the midline bones.
zygomaticThe bone questions, alongthewith
skullexercises that Itreinforce
house for inorganic calcium and marrow that
appendicular produces
skeleton red blood
consists of the body
broadly classifiedand asconsists
angularof the skull, B. The integumentary and muscular

Zygomaticpermits Bones The two zygomatic

phosphate ions and fat; and
flexible movement.
cells. of
of the bones
upper limbs,
the is
develops, girdle, and lowerform
a livinggirdle,
tissue. It
remodels, and the sides of the temporal bone
The vertebral column extends from
the hyoid
bone, the
and the(circumduction,
thoracic cage. to the pelvis.
systems help the skeletal system
protect organs. The digestive

sis) and two ends

B. A long bone has a shaft
orbits (Fig. which
6.7a). They
limbs. repairs itself. In all these pro
A. Each pectoral
cesses, girdleto the
osteoclasts break
down“cheekbones.” Each sists of occipital
a series bone
of medical
A. Thesupinatin,
and special
cranium bones, terminology,
skull is formed
(inversion, vertebrae,are
by the
and the facial
also included
bones. by padswith
system absorbs calcium that is
stored in the skeleton. The endo-
are covered bymandible
zygomatic bone has a temporal
cartilage. The diaphysis contains
formed by and
bone, the clavicle

and the
osteoblasts build
A zygomatic arch, the
every chapter.
and depression).
The cranium includes the frontal
of fibrocartilage called the intervertebral disks (Fig. 6.8). The
D. The most bone,common typesbones,
two parietal of ar- one
crine system regulates calcium
storage and growth of bones.
B. The upper limb contains the thritis are osteoarthritis, rheuma- 14. Whatsystem
The cardiovascular are thetrans-
bones of the lower limb? 16. How can joint movements permitted 18. What functions of the skeletal system

most prominent featurehyoidof bonea cheekbone,

and the bones of the handconsists
humerus, the radius, the ulna,
of a temporal vertebral column is located in the posterior region of the body at
toid arthritis, and gout. ports calcium toDescribe the special features of these
the skeleton, by synovial joints be categorized? are particularly helpful in maintaining

130 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection carpals, metacarpals, and

(the clavicle
V. Effects of Aging
Two fairly common effects of aging
and muscles aidbones.
movement. 15. How are
(pp. XXX–XXX)
the skeleton
classified? Give examples
Give an example of each category.
(pp. XXX–XXX)
homeostasis? (pp. XXX–XXX)

Pectoral girdle:
phalanges). on the skeletal system are arthritis
and osteoporosis. scapula
of each type of joint. (pp. XXX–XXX) 17. How does aging affect the skeletal sys-
tem? (p. XXX)

Learning Outcome Questions
scapula Study Questions
I. Match the items in the key to the Chapter 6 The Skeletal
e. olecranon process girdleSystem
is specialized 113
Rib cage: vertebral column
1. What are five functions of the skeleton? 6. List the bones of the axial and appen- 10. What are the bones bonesof the listed in questions 1–6.
pectoral f. acetabulum for ________.
(p. XX) dicular skeletons. (p.103 and Fig. 6.4, girdle? Give examples Key:to demon- g. greater and lesser trochanters 19. The term phalanges is used for the

sternum2. What are five major categories of p. XXX) strate the flexibility of thea. pectoral
forehead 7. scapula bones of both the ________ and
bones based on their shapes? (p. 98) 7. What are the bones of the cranium and girdle. What are the special b. chin
features 8. sternum the ________.
c. cheekbone 20. The knee is a freely movable (syno-
ribs 3. What are the parts of a long bone?
What are some differences between
the face? Describe the special features
of the temporal bones, sphenoid bone,
of a scapula? (p. XXX)
d. elbow
11. Name the bones of the upper limb,
temporal bone vial) joint of the ________ type.
e. shoulder blade 11. coxal bone
costal cartilages
compact bone and spongy bone? and ethmoid bone. (pp. XXX–XXX) then outline the special features of
f. hip
IV. Match the movement with the descrip-
(pp. XX–XX) 8. What are the parts of the vertebral col- these bones. (pp. XXX–XXX) 12. ethmoid bone tion in questions 21–25.
g. leg 13. ulna
4. How does bone grow in children, and umn, and what are its curvatures? Dis- 12. What are the bones of the pelvic girdle, a. extension
how is it remodeled in all age groups? tinguish between the atlas, axis, 1. temporal
and what are their functions? (p. XXX) and zygomatic bones b. circumduction
Pelvic girdle: (pp. XXX–XXX) sacrum, and coccyx. (pp. XXX–XXX) radius
2. tibia and fibula
13. What are the false and true pelvises,
3. frontal bone
III. Fill in the blanks.
14. Long bones are ________ than c. adduction
5. What are the various types of frac- 9. What are the bones of the rib and what are several differences they are wide. d. flexion
coxal bones tures? Outline the four steps that are cage? List several functions of the rib
4. ulna
between the male and female pel-
5. coxal bone
15. The epiphysis of a long bone con- e. abduction
21. moving a body part toward the
required for fracture repair. (p. XXX) cage. (pp. XXX–XXX) vises? (p. XXX)
6. scapula
tains ________ bone, where red
blood cells are produced. midline
22. moving a body part away from the
sacrum II. Match the items in the key to the
bones listed in questions 7–13.
16. The ________ are the air-filled
spaces in the cranium. midline
131 23. moving a body part in a circle
Chapter 6 The Skeletal
Key: System 17. The sacrum is a part of the
a. external acoustic meatus ________, and the sternum is a 24. decreasing the angle of a joint
b. cribriform plate part of the ________. 25. increasing the angle of the joint
c. xiphoid process 18. The pectoral girdle is specialized
phalanges d. glenoid cavity for ________, while the pelvic

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. chondromalacia (kŏndrō-mŭh- 8. prognathism (prŏg9năh-thĭzm)
derive the definitions for the medical terms lā9shē-ŭh) 9. micropodia (mīkrō-pō9dē-ŭh)
patella listed below. Many of the prefixes and
suffixes used to create these terms can be
osteomyelitis (ŏstē-ō-mīŭh-lĭ9tĭs)
craniosynostosis (krānē-ō-sīnōs-tō9sĭs)
arthroscopic (ărthrō-skŏp9ĭk)
bursectomy (bĕr-sĕk9tō-mē)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 4. myelography (mīě-lŏg9rŭh-fē) 12. synovitis (sīn-ō-vī9tĭs)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 5. acrocyanosis (ăkrō-sīŭh-nō9sĭs) 13. acephaly (ā-sĕf9ŭh-lē)
xii and consult
Appendix B.
syndactylism (sĭn-dăk9tĭ-lĭzm)
orthopedist (ŏrthō-pē9dĭst)
sphenoidostomy (sfē-nōy-dŏs9tō-mē)
acetabuloplasty (ăs-ě-tăb9yū-lō-plăs-tē)
Online Study Tools APR
tibia Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit
lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 12 19/11/15 5:20 PM
Unsurpassed Clinical Coverage is evident
all through this text. What’s New, Medical Focus,
What's New
Begin Thinking Clinically, I.C.E.: In Case of Brain in a Petri Dish: A Human Model for Alzheimer Research
Emergency, and Focus on Forensics readings and white matter is a thin layer of gray matter that forms a series of auditory, and tactile responses. These include centers that con-
study aids to relate the very latest research and devel-
As you know from page 170, Alzheimer disease results from a Recently, researchers successfully developed a technique for
complex folds. trol head movements in response to visual and auditory stim-
complex biochemical process in neurons. Two proteins—the amy- creating a human study model. First, neural stem cells were geneti-
The cerebellum receives sensory input from the eyes, ears, uli (for example, when you turn your head in the direction of
loid that causes plaques to form between neuron synapses, and the cally engineered to be immortal in cell culture (like the HeLa cells

opments in applied aspects of anatomy and physiol- joints, and muscles about the present position of body parts.
tau that causes neurofibrils to tangle—are known to be involved in
a loud sound). The word pons means “bridge” in Latin, and
the disease process. However, hundreds of questions about the pro-
described in the Chapter 4 opening reading). Next, these cells were
successfully grown in a gel medium, where they formed three-
It also receives motor output from the cerebral cortex about true to its name, the pons contains bundles of axons traveling
ogy to important concepts in the text. Examples where these parts should be located. After integrating this in-
cess remain. Why do some people form the proteins, but show no
signs of disease? Does plaque formation cause tangle formation?
between the cerebellum and the rest of the CNS. In addition, the
dimensional neural networks, much like those of a human brain.
Researchers then induced the same gene mutations found in auto-
Do the proteins themselves cause the disease symptoms, or do they somal dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD). For the first time, the
include “Novel Stent for the Severest Strokes,” “Brainformation, the cerebellum sends motor signals by way of the pons functions with the medulla oblongata to regulate breath-
result when the immune system destroys damaged cells? Why do neurons grown in these cell cultures formed complex networks
brain stem to the skeletal muscles. In this way, the cerebel- ing rate. specific mutations always doom some people to die from the dis- that showed the two distinct pathological changes of Alzheimer

in a Petri Dish: A Human Model for Alzheimer lum maintains posture and balance. It also ensures that all of
ease? Why does disease risk increase with age? To date, research
The medulla oblongata contains a number of reflex cen-
into these and other questions has used mice equipped with human
disease: first, amyloid plaques and then the resulting neurofibril-
lary tangles. Thus, this cell culture technique has created a power-
the muscles work together to produce smooth, coordinated ters for regulating heartbeat, breathing, and vasoconstriction.
Research,” “Improvements in Transfusion Technology,”
Alzheimer genes as the mammalian study model. However, this ful new research tool: a working reproduction of an “Alzheimer
type of study has had serious limitations. Obviously, mice aren’t brain” in a petri dish. Scientists hope that having this replica will
voluntary movements. In addition, the cerebellum assists the It also contains the reflex centers for vomiting, coughing,
humans. The animal brains grow amyloid plaques, but not the allow possible drugs for Alzheimer disease to be rapidly tested. In

“Necrotizing Fasciitis,” and “Influenza: A Constant learning of new motor skills, such as playing the piano or hit- sneezing, hiccupping, and swallowing. The medulla oblongata
resulting neurofibrillary tangles seen in human brains. Further,
experimental drugs that cured mice failed to show any benefits in
addition, this 3-D neural network “brain” could also be used to
investigate other neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s
ting a baseball. lies just superior to the spinal cord, and it contains tracts that
Threat of Pandemic.” The Focus on Forensics and humans.
ascend or descend between the spinal cord and higher brain

I.C.E.: In Case of Emergency readings engage stu- The Brain Stem The entire brain stem is critically important for control of the
dents in real-life scenarios that challenge them to use,
The brain stem is the structure that joins the
Limbic System upper brain re- parasympathetic division of theof autonomic
Stimulation motor
different areas of nervous
the limbic system.
system causes
subject to experience rage, pain, pleasure, or sorrow. By causing
gions to the spinal cord. The brain stem contains
The limbic the mid-
system (illustrated in purple in Cranial nerves
the following figure) whose neuron cell bodies are found in this area
and expand upon, their recently acquired knowledge. brain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata (see
is a collection Fig. 8.8a).
of structures travel and
from both the cerebrum to the
cephalon. It lies just inferior to the cerebral cortex and contains
pleasant or unpleasant feelings about experiences, the limbic sys-
eyes, tem
facial glands,
apparently guidesand internal
the individual intoorgans in isboth
behavior that likely the
Running through all of these structuresneural
is a pathways
web ofthat gray matter
connect portions of thethorax
cerebral and
and regions.
increase the chance of survival.
The limbic system is also involved in learning and memory.
called the reticular formation. The midbrain
the temporal acts as the
lobes with a thalamus
relay and the hypothalamus:
The reticularInformation assists
particular, the most thestructure
inferior cerebellum in system,
of the limbic main-
station for tracts passing between the cerebrum and the spi- taining muscle tone; the it also assists
hippocampus, theinpons
is vital and ofmedulla
processing short-termin regu-
to become long-term memory. Learning requires memory, and
nal cord or cerebellum. It also has reflex centers for visual, lating respiration, memory
heart israte,
in theblood
regions of theThe sensory
cerebrum, but
thalamus just what permits memory development is not definitely known.
The involvement of the limbic system in memory explains why
emotionally charged events result in our most vivid memories.
The fact that the limbic system communicates with the sen-
sory areas for touch, smell, vision, and so forth accounts for the
hypothalamus ability of any particular sensory stimulus to awaken a complex


olfactory bulb
and tract

The Cerebellum
MEDICAL FOCUS Traumatic Brain Injury
hippocampus The cerebellum is separated from the brain stem by the
fourth ventricle (see Fig. 8.8a). The cerebellum has two
hemispheres, which are joined by a narrow median portion.
Research on Alzheimer Disease: Causes, Treatments, Prevention, and Hope for a Cure Each portion is primarily composed of white matter, which
In March 2009, Natasha Richardson, actress and wife of actor Liam Patients who have had a concussion
in longitudinal should
section has always
a treelike be examined
pattern. Overlying the

Alzheimer disease (AD) is an irreversible, fatal disorder characterized Alzheimer cell protein is another possible avenue Neeson, lost At
for research. consciousness
this while she was on the beginner slope of a by an emergency room physician to rule out a critical injury. Before
by a gradual loss of reason that begins with memory lapses and ends with MontrealOneskicategory,
time, only five drugs are accepted for disease treatment. resort, after a seemingly minor fall. After regaining con- first responders transport the person to the hospital, they should
the inability to perform any activities. Personality changes such agitation cholinesterase inhibitors (Aricept®, Razadynesciousness,
, Exelon®, Reminyl ®
she insisted that she was fine, even
178 turning
Integration per-
and Coordination quickly assess whether the patient is alert and able to respond to per-
and hostility, and memory deficits that affect daily routines often signal works at neuron synapses in the brain, slowing the activity of the enzyme
the onset of AD. For example, a normal 60- to 70-year-old might forget
sonnel. However, she complained of a severe headache hours later, and
that breaks down acetylcholine (ACh). Allowing ACh to accumulate in
son, place, and time—in the language of the emergency room, “ori-
the name of a friend not seen for years, but someone with AD forgets the synapses keeps memory pathways in the brainher condition
functional rapidly deteriorated. After being declared brain dead,
for a longer ented times three.” The individual should be able to identify himself
name of a neighbor who visits daily. Likewise, a healthy senior might period of time. The newest drug, memantine (NamendaRichardson ), blocksdied in a New York hospital two days later.
excito- (person), tell where he is (place), and correctly name the day of the
forget where he placed his car keys, while a person with AD will forget toxicity: the tendency of diseased neurons to self-destruct. This medicamedica-
Richardson’s accident focused attention on the need for immedi- week (time). Next, the victim’s pupillary reflex is tested to ensure that
what those keys are for. People afflicted with AD become confused and tion is used only in moderately to severely affected patients. Using the
tend to repeat the same question. Signs of mental disturbance eventually drug allows neurons involved in memory pathways ate medical attention
to survive longer in when a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is suspected. both pupils react similarly and quickly in response to light. Emergency
appear, and patients gradually become bedridden and die of a complica- affected patients. However, it’s important to note Traumatic brain ofinjuries cause swelling of the brain and meninges,
that neither category care providers and family members must be aware of the signs of brain
tion, such as pneumonia. At the cellular level, AD is characterized by the medication cures AD. Both merely slow the progress of disease symp symp-
which reduces blood supply to the brain. Concussion is often the first damage: severe headache, nausea and vomiting, slow heartbeat and
presence of abnormally structured neurons and a reduced amount of the toms, allowing the patient to function independently for a longer period
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (see p. xxx). These defective neurons are of time. Additional research is currently underway symptom
to test theofeffective
TBI. Patients who suffer a concussion become dizzy, con-
effective- breathing rate, and decreasing consciousness. In babies and small chil-
especially seen in the portions of the brain involved in reason and mem- fused or disoriented,
ness of anticholesterol statin drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory medica- suffer short-term memory loss, or lose conscious-
medica dren, the early signs of TBI include crying inconsolably and refusal to
ory. The AD neuron has two pathological features. The first consists of tions, in slowing the progress of the disease. ness. Bleeding inside the brain or skull, called hematoma, or bruising nurse or eat. In these situations, immediate medical and surgical treat-
bundles of fibrous protein, called neurofibrillary tangles, which surround
Research on Prevention of the brain, called a contusion, may follow concussion. These are ment will hopefully lessen or prevent brain damage.
the nucleus in the cells. The tangles are due to an abnormal form of tau, a
protein molecule that normally helps to stabilize microtubules that form Much of current research on AD focuses on prevention. Early findings
life-threatening and often fatal injuries that may not be immediately Athletes (and their parents and coaches) must be aware that no con-
the cell’s cytoskeleton. In addition to these tangles, protein-rich accumu- have shown that risk factors for cardiovascular disease—heart attacks and
evident, but develop in the hours to days after the initial loss of con-
stroke—also contribute to an increased incidence of AD. These include
cussion should be considered minor; each is a traumatic brain injury. Fur-
lations, called amyloid plaques, envelop the axon branches. Over time,
affected neurons will die. The cortex and hippocampus shrivel, the brain
sciousness. In seden- Richardson’s case, her fall resulted in an epidural
elevated blood cholesterol and blood pressure, smoking, obesity, seden Ms. ther, repeated concussions in young people can result in permanent brain
shrinks in volume, and the ventricles become enlarged. tary lifestyle, and diabetes mellitus (see Chapterhematoma: bleeding between the skull and dura mater. Had she re-
12). Low-level infection damage and predispose the victim to neurodegenerative diseases, includ-
caused by gum disease has also been shown to increase the probability of
Research Regarding Its Causes ceived prompt medical treatment, the hematoma could have been sur- ing Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Under no circumstances should an
developing heart disease, and by extension, Alzheimer disease. Thus,
As techniques for genetic study continue to improve, several genetic muta- gically
evidence suggests that a lifestyle tailored for good repaired.
cardiovascular health athlete be returned to play in that day’s game following a concussion.
tions specific to Alzheimer have been identified. One set, designated by may also prevent AD. Slight changes in diet may also lessen the threat of
the acronyms APP, PS1, and PS2, are termed deterministic. People who developing AD: boosting vitamins B and D, eating fatty fish such as
inherit one of these three mutated genes will always develop the disease, salmon, and drinking coffee. Further, younger people must try to prevent
called autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD). It’s interesting to blows to the head. It’s been shown that head injuries (such as those expe-
note that APP, the first of these defective genes to be discovered, is found
on chromosome 21. Down syndrome results from the inheritance of three
rienced by football players) can increase the risk of developing AD in
later life 19-fold. Wearing seat belts and helmets and taking steps to pre-
copies of chromosome 21, and people with Down syndrome tend to vent falls are commonsense, easy ways to prevent head injury. Finally, Chapter 8 The Nervous System 179
develop AD. (You will learn more about autosomal dominant disorders in staying mentally, physically, and socially active—as long as possible— Retinal Hemorrhage in Shaken Baby Syndrome
Chapter 19.) Mutation of a fourth gene, designated APO, puts patients at will help to slow the course of mental impairment for AD sufferers.
risk but does not always result in disease. Scientists are now studying vic-
tims with mutations to try to discover the exact cause for the disease. Early Detection and Hope for a Cure It’s one of the fastest-growing epidemics in children in North One key to making a correct diagnosis of SBS is a retinal exam.
Recent findings have led researchers to believe that the neuron deteriora- Currently, researchers are testing vaccines for AD that would target the America, and the fifteenth-leading cause of death to young children— The retina is a highly vascular tissue with a complex system of blood
tion seen in Alzheimer disease patients may be caused by the spread of the patient’s immune system to destroy amyloid protein. Early study results
child abuse. Approximately 1,600 American children die every year vessels. A healthy retina shows distinct blood vessels in a lacy net-
tau protein from one cell to the next, much as a virus is spread from one show some promising outcomes of this treatment in early-stage patients.
at the hands of a parent or other caregiver, and 75% of those fatalities work. The retina of an infant with SBS shows irregular, blotchy areas
infected cell to another. Other studies have implicated a second protein, However, scientists believe that curing AD will require an early diagnosis
because it’s thought that the disease may begin in the brain 15 to 20 years occur in children four years old or younger. In babies up to a year old, of hemorrhaged blood. Evidence of retinal hemorrhage should
striatal-enriched tyrosine phosphatase, or STEP, in the cell destruction
found in Alzheimer sufferers. Further, other investigators are exploring the before symptoms ever develop. At present, diagnosis can’t be made with the leading cause of child abuse death is a phenomenon called “shaken always lead to suspicion of abuse—this injury does not occur in a
role of cell lysosomes in AD, suspecting that these essential organelles absolute certainty until the brain is examined at autopsy. In the future, baby syndrome,” or SBS. As the name implies, the affected infant has typical accidental fall.
may be failing to destroy the abnormal proteins found in diseased cells. cerebrospinal fluid testing may allow amyloid proteins to be detected been shaken violently by a caregiver. As little as 5 seconds of violent Studies of adult abusers have shown that child abuse is rarely
before disease symptoms appear. Researchers are also developing ways shaking can permanently injure or kill a baby. premeditated; the adult simply loses control while trying to stop a
Research into Its Treatment to tag the amyloid protein with radioactive molecules, which will allow Shaking an infant produces the same effect as whiplash in an particular behavior, such as excessive crying. Because adult caregiv-
Each new finding about what causes Alzheimer disease creates new pos- detection of the protein using a PET scan. (You learned about PET and adult because an infant’s head is very large in proportion to the rest of ers routinely deny involvement in a child’s injury, health-care workers
sibilities for its treatment as well. Researchers are now conducting clini- other imaging techniques in Chapter 1.) The Medical Focus reading in
cal testing on antibodies that block cell-to-cell transmission of the tau
its body and the neck muscles are weak. However, in the infant the must be vigilant and observant to detect and stop SBS. Unexplained
Chapter 9 describes an eye scan technique that might allow an earlier
protein. (You can read more about antibodies in Chapter 13.) A second whiplash effect occurs over and over. Like an adult whiplash injury, a drowsiness, unconciousness, or seizures in an infant should always be
diagnosis, and the What’s New reading on page XXX describes an
treatment might involve the creation of drugs that block formation of the exciting breakthrough in cell culture that will create new options for shaken baby’s brain slams back and forth inside the skull. This investigated with an eye exam, using eye drops to dilate the pupil and
STEP protein. Boosting lysosomal degradation of the abnormal studying neurons and drug therapies in the laboratory. extreme force damages nerve tissue and tears delicate blood vessels examine the retina.
throughout the brain and in the eyes.

9.4 Sense of Hearing which extends from each middle ear to the nasopharynx (area at
the back of the throat, which joins the nasal cavity), allows us to
10. Detail the anatomy of the ear, and give a function of each part.
equalize air pressure. Chewing gum, yawning, and swallowing in
11. Describe the sensory receptors for hearing and their mechanism
of action. elevators and on airplanes help to move air through the auditory
tubes upon ascent and descent. As this occurs, we often hear our
The ear has two sensory functions: hearing and equilibrium (bal- ears “pop.”
ance). The sensory receptors for both of these are located in the inner The inner ear lies in the bony labyrinth, a delicately carved
cavity within the temporal bone of the skull. Lining the bone is
ear, and each consists of hair cells with stereocilia (long micro-
villi) that are sensitive to mechanical stimulation. The hair cells are a tube of tissue called the membranous labyrinth. Two distinct
mechanoreceptors, which respond to pressure or body movement. fluids are found in the inner ear: The space between the bony
labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth contains perilymph (a
fluid similar to cerebrospinal fluid) and the membranous laby-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear rinth is filled with endolymph. The inner ear is divided into three
Figure 9.12 shows that the ear has three divisions: outer, middle, areas: the semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea. The
and inner. The outer ear consists of the pinna (external flap) and semicircular canals and the vestibule are both concerned with
lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 13 the external auditory canal. The opening of the auditory canal is equilibrium and the cochlea is involved with hearing. The 19/11/15
cochlea 5:20 PM
lined with fine hairs and sweat glands. Modified sweat glands are resembles the shell of a snail because it spirals.
Changes to This Edition
Each chapter contains updated and improved line art and new, ∙ New Reading: What’s New: 3-D Printing to Create
more current photos. Images from McGraw-Hill Education’s Complex Tissues.
award-winning interactive learning software, Anatomy and Phys- ∙ Updated the story of Henrietta Lacks, the subject of the
iology REVEALED®, have been incorporated throughout the text. chapter introduction. Her gravesite has recently been located,
All information regarding signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and and after many decades has been permanently identified with
treatment of disease has been carefully investigated using Up To an appropriate grave marker.
Date®, a professional peer-reviewed overview of current research in ∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised description of epithelial
each respective field. This service is utilized throughout the nation
tissues to make it more complete.
by many universities and hospitals, including the Mayo Clinic.
Each section of a chapter ends with a Content Check-Up!
to test student knowledge. In response to reviewer requests, Chapter 5:
selected Content Check-Up! questions throughout the chapters
have been replaced with higher-level questions requiring critical ∙ New chapter opener, featuring new photos.
thinking and assimilation of ideas. ∙ Per reviewer request, relocated and revised the section on
Functions of the Skin.
Chapter 1: ∙ Completely revised sections on homeostasis to improve
∙ Updated Medical Focus: Imaging the Body to include latest ∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised description of sebaceous
technologies used for imaging, including functional magnetic gland function.
resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging.
∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised descriptions of
temperature regulation.
Chapter 2:
∙ New chapter opener about toxins as medication, with new Chapter 6:
∙ New artwork throughout, incorporating multiple images from
∙ Updated Medical Focus: Prions: Malicious Proteins? to
Anatomy and Physiology REVEALED®.
incorporate latest diagnostic technology.
∙ Updated Medical Focus: Osteoporosis to reflect state-of-
∙ Updated Medical Focus: The Deadly Effects of High-Level
the-art knowledge about medical research in the field.
Radiation to contain current information regarding the
∙ Reviewed current findings on causes and therapies to update
effects of radiation on cell-cell junctions.
Medical Focus: Oh, My Aching Back—Options for Back
∙ In response to reviewer commentary: revised explanations
for mass number; low levels of radiation; atomic structure,
∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised description of lacunae
ionization, buffers.
and canaliculi.
∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised discussion of dehydration
∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised description of transverse
reaction, cation and anion structure, disaccharides, glycogen
storage, phospholipid cell membrane structure, protein
Chapter 7:
Chapter 3: ∙ Completely reworked Figure 7.6.
∙ Based on heat map analysis: revised description of chromatin ∙ Researched current findings and professional recommendations
and chromosomes, simple diffusion. to overhaul Medical Focus: Benefits of Exercise. The article
features a table of practical, real-world recommendations about
incorporating exercise into daily living.
Chapter 4: ∙ Based on reviewer feedback, updated discussion of all-or-
∙ Updated What’s New: Targeting the Traitor Inside, which none law, recruitment, muscle tone.
now features the most current available information ∙ Based on reviewer feedback, updated discussion of twitch,
regarding cancer therapies. tetanus, fatigue.


lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 14 19/11/15 5:20 PM

∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised description of the
Chapter 12:
neuromuscular junction.
∙ Based on heat map analysis, revised discussion of myosin ∙ In response to reviewer feedback: updated and revised
power stroke. discussion of intercalated disks and gap junctions.
∙ Updated Medical Focus: Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis,
and Coronary Artery Disease to contain up-to-date
Chapter 8: findings in diagnosis and therapy.
∙ Updated articles: Medical Focus: Research on Alzheimer ∙ Updated I.C.E.—IN CASE OF EMERGENCY:
Disease, and In Case of Emergency: Traumatic Brain Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External
Injury. Both readings now feature current research and Defibrillation to include most current recommendations
recommendations from the Alzheimer’s Association and the from the American Heart Association.
American Heart Association, respectively. ∙ New article: What’s New: Novel Stent for the Severest
∙ Two new articles added: Strokes.
What’s New: Epidural Stimulation in Spinal Cord
Injuries: Cause for Hope What’s New: Brain in a Petri
Dish: A Human Model for Alzheimer Research Chapter 13:
∙ New figures added: Figure 8.4, 8.15. ∙ Updated Medical Focus: AIDS Epidemic.
∙ Based on heat map analysis, added more detail to description ∙ Updated Medical Focus: Immunization: The Great
of peripheral nervous system, neuron structure, all-or-none Protector.
property of the neuron, meninges, pia mater, ventricles, ∙ Updated Medical Focus: Influenza: A Constant Threat of
brainstem functions. Pandemic.
∙ Updated What’s New: Parasite Prescription for
Chapter 9: Autoimmune Disease.
∙ Based on heat map analysis, added more detail about first,
∙ Updated statistics for child abuse, hearing loss, and
second and third lines of defense against infection, and
antibody actions.

Chapter 10: Chapter 14:

∙ Updated all statistics regarding diabetes mellitus.
∙ Updated Medical Focus: The Most-Often-Asked Questions
∙ New reading: What’s New: Options for Type I Diabetics: About Tobacco and Health to include current statistics and
The Artificial Pancreas System, Beta Cell Transplants, information about electronic cigarettes.
and the BioHub
∙ Based on heat map analysis, added more detail about
∙ Updated Medical Focus: Side Effects of Anabolic paranasal sinuses, muscles of forced expiration, respiratory
Steroids. volumes and capacities.
∙ Based on heat map analysis, added more detail regarding
Cushing’s syndrome, ketoacidosis.
Chapter 15:
Chapter 11: ∙ New article: Medical Focus: Disorders of the Digestive
Tract presents information about causes, signs and
∙ Updated What’s New: Improvements in Transfusion symptoms, and treatment of gastrointestinal disease.
Technology to reflect new developments in this field. ∙ Revised and updated Medical Focus: Tips for Effectively
∙ Based on heat map analysis, added more detail to the Using Nutrition Labels.
discussion of hemoglobin breakdown; positive feedback in ∙ Researched and incorporated information about the most
blood clotting. current pharmaceutical treatments for obesity.


lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 15 19/11/15 5:20 PM

∙ Researched and incorporated the latest statistics regarding ∙ Investigated newest research regarding endocrine-disrupting
obesity rates in the United States. contaminants, and included novel recommendations from the
∙ Based on heat map analysis, improved explanations about United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
salivary enzymes and lysozyme and anatomy of the ∙ Revised information regarding causes and treatment of
esophagus. infertility to include contemporary findings and
Chapter 16:
Chapter 18:
∙ New chapter opener, featuring a fascinating historical account
of the first renal dialysis machine and its developer. ∙ Updated information regarding prevention of birth defects,
∙ Based on reviewer request, included a section on lifetime utilizing information from the March of Dimes U.S.A.©
renal function. ∙ Based on reviewer recommendation, revised description of
∙ In response to reviewer feedback, added greater detail implantation and the basis for a positive pregnancy test.
regarding the two types of nephrons and the juxtaglomerular
apparatus. Chapter 19:
∙ NEW article: What’s New: A Profound Dilemma:
Chapter 17: Bioengineered Babies.
∙ In response to reviewer feedback, added more details to the ∙ Added information about cell-free DNA analysis to the
explanation of the process of meiosis. explanation of karyotyping.
∙ Researched and updated diagnostic criteria for ovarian ∙ Revised Medical Focus: Preimplantation Genetic Studies
cancer, incorporating findings and recommendations by the to include information regarding polar body testing.
American Cancer Society. ∙ Updated statistics for Focus on Forensics: The Innocence
∙ Thorough review and revision of all information regarding Project.
contraceptive methods available in the United States, ∙ Incorporated information about DNA repair into the section
including statistics about success/failure rates and health on Gene Therapy.
precautions for each one.
∙ Incorporated up-to-date descriptions of the proper techniques
for breast and testicular self-examination, using information
from the American Cancer Society.


lon96431_fm_i-xx.indd 16 19/11/15 5:20 PM

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1 Organization of the Body

R ecognize anything familiar? The little face, chest, and hands shown here
belong to a baby in the womb, detailed using ultrasound, one of several
imaging techniques described on page 16. All modern imaging methods have
evolved from simple two-dimensional X rays, invented in 1895. The three-
dimensional ultrasound procedure used to create this photo reveals structures
with great detail and clarity. Ultrasound technology can monitor the infant’s
development and help to ensure a safe delivery for baby and mother. It can
even enable physicians to diagnose fetal abnormalities and treat the baby
while still in the womb!

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

1.1 The Human Body 1.3 Body Cavities and Membranes 8. Describe in general the functions of
each organ system.
1. Define anatomy and physiology, and 4. List the cavities of the body, and
explain how they are related. state their locations.
1.5 Homeostasis
2. Describe and give examples for each 5. Name the organs located in each of
level of organization of the body. the body cavities. 9. Describe how a feedback system
maintains homeostasis.
6. Name the membranes that line each
1.2 Anatomical Terms body cavity, and the membranes that 10. Describe the role of each body
cover the organs. system in the maintenance of
3. Use anatomical terms to describe homeostasis.
the relative positions of the body
parts, the regions of the body, and 1.4 Organ Systems
the planes that can be used to 7. List the organ systems of the body, Medical Focus
section the body. and state the major organs Meningitis and Serositis
associated with each. Imaging the Body

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1.1 The Human Body acids join to form macromolecules called proteins. Different pro-
teins make up the bulk of our muscles.
1. Define anatomy and physiology, and explain how they are related.
Macromolecules compose the cellular organelles, which are
2. Describe and give examples for each level of organization of the body.
found within all cells. Organelles are tiny structures that perform
cellular functions. For example, the organelle called the nucleus
Anatomy and physiology both involve the study of the human body. acts as a “control center” by directing cellular activity. Another
Anatomy is concerned with the structure of a part, as well as its organelle, called the mitochondrion, supplies the cell with energy.
relationship with other structures. For example, the stomach is a Cells are the basic units of living things.
J-shaped, pouchlike organ, found between the esophagus and the Tissues are the next level of organization. A tissue is com-
small intestine, two other digestive system structures (Fig. 1.1). The posed of similar types of cells and performs a specific function.
stomach wall has thick folds, which disappear as the stomach expands An organ is composed of several types of tissues and performs
to increase its capacity. Physiology is concerned with a body part’s a particular function within an organ system. For example, the
function, both individually and as a component of an entire system. stomach is an organ that is a part of the digestive system. It has a
For example, the stomach receives food from the esophagus, tempo- specific role in this system, whose overall function is to supply the
rarily stores it and secretes digestive juices, then passes on partially body with the nutrients needed for growth and repair. The other
digested food to the small intestine. Signals from the nervous system systems of the body (see pages 12–15) also have specific functions.
and the endocrine, or hormone system, direct stomach activities. All of the body systems together make up the organism—for
Anatomy and physiology are closely connected because the struc- example, a human being. Human beings are complex animals, but this
ture of an organ suits its function. For example, the stomach’s pouch- complexity can be broken down and studied at ever simpler levels.
like shape and ability to expand are well-suited to its function of storing Each simpler level is organized and constructed in a particular way.
food. In addition, the microscopic structure of the stomach wall is suit-
able to its secretion of digestive juices, as we will see in Chapter 15. Content CHECK UP!
The Body's Organization Levels 1. Which would an anatomy student be studying: the structural
organization of the skin, or functions of the skin?
The structure of the body can be studied at different levels of orga-
nization (Fig. 1.1). Initially, all substances, including body parts, 2. Groups of organs are organized into _____.
are composed of chemicals made up of submicroscopic particles 3. Cells contain small structures called _____ that each perform
called atoms. Atoms join to form molecules, which can in turn join a specific function.
to form macromolecules. For example, molecules called amino Answers in Appendix A.


organ system








Figure 1.1 Levels of organization of the human body. Each level is more complex than the previous level.

2 PART I Human Organization

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1.2 Anatomical Terms Directional Terms
3. Use anatomical terms to describe the relative positions of the body Directional terms are used to describe the location of one body part
parts, the regions of the body, and the planes that can be used to in relation to another (Fig. 1.2):
section the body.
Anterior (ventral)—a body part is located toward the front. The
Certain terms are used to describe the location of body parts, windpipe (trachea) is anterior to the esophagus.
regions of the body, and imaginary planes that can be used to sec- Posterior (dorsal)—a body part is located toward the back. The
tion the body. You should become familiar with these terms before heart is posterior to the sternum (breastbone).
your study of anatomy and physiology begins. Anatomical terms Superior—a body part is located above another part, or toward
are useful only if everyone has in mind the same position of the the head. The face is superior to the neck.
body and is using the same reference points. Therefore, we will Inferior—a body part is below another part, or toward the feet.
assume that the body is in the anatomical position: standing erect, The navel is inferior to the chin.
with face forward, arms at the sides, and palms and toes directed Medial—a body part is nearer than another part to an imaginary mid-
forward, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. line of the body. The bridge of the nose is medial to the eyes.

superior medial proximal superficial

inferior lateral distal deep



ipsilateral contralateral

Figure 1.2 Directional terms. Directional terms tell us where body parts are located with reference to the body in
anatomical position.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 3

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Lateral—a body part is farther away from the midline. The eyes Ipsilateral—a body part is on the same side of the body as an-
are lateral to the nose. other body part. The right hand is ipsilateral to the right foot.
Proximal—a body part is closer to a specific point of origin or Contralateral—a body part is on the opposite side of the body from
attachment, or closer to the trunk of the entire body. For another body part. The right hand is contralateral to the left hand.
example, if the point of attachment is the shoulder, it is
correct to say the elbow is proximal to the hand.
Distal—a body part is farther from a specific point of origin or Regions of the Body
attachment, or farther from the trunk of the entire body. For The human body can be divided into axial and appendicular por-
example, if the point of attachment is the hip, it is correct to tions. The axial portion includes the head, neck, spinal column,
say the foot is distal to the knee. and ribs. The trunk can be divided into the thorax, abdomen, and
Superficial (external)—a body part is located closer to the pelvis. The pelvis is that part of the trunk associated with the
surface than another. The skin is superficial to the hips. The appendicular portion of the human body includes the
muscles. limbs—that is, the upper limbs and the lower limbs.
Deep (internal)—a body part is located farther from the surface The human body is further divided as shown in Figure 1.3. The
than another. The intestines are deep to the spine. labels in Figure 1.3 don’t include the word “region.” It is understood
Central—a body part is situated at the center of the body or an that you will supply the word region in each case. The anatomi-
organ. The central nervous system is centrally located along cal term for each region is followed by the common name for that
the main axis of the body. region. For example, the cephalic region is commonly called the head.
Peripheral—a body part is situated away from the center of the Notice that the upper limb includes (among other parts) the
body or an organ. The peripheral nervous system is located brachial region (arm) and the antebrachial region (forearm). Simi-
outside the central nervous system. larly, the lower limb includes the femoral region (thigh), the crural

cephalic (head)
ophthalmic (eye) cranial
frontal (forehead) (surrounding the brain)
orbital (eye cavity) occipital (back of head)
nasal (nose) auricular, otic (ear)
buccal (cheek)
oral (mouth)
cervical (neck) mental (chin)

deltoid (shoulder) sternal (sternum) deltoid
pectoral (chest) thoracic (shoulder)
axillary (armpit) mammary (breast)
vertebral brachial (arm)
brachial (arm) (spinal
(front of elbow) abdominal (abdomen) cubital,
olecranal abdominal
umbilical (navel)
antebrachial (elbow) lumbar
(forearm) pelvic (lower back)
coxal (hip) inguinal (groin) antebrachial
carpal (wrist) gluteal
pubic, genital (buttock)
palmar (palm) (reproductive organs) dorsum
of the manus
hand (hand)
digital (finger)

femoral (thigh) femoral (thigh) perineal (rectum, anus)

patellar (kneecap) popliteal (back of knee)

crural (leg) sural (calf)

tarsal (ankle)
pes, pedal (foot) dorsum of the foot
calcaneal (heel)
digital (toe) plantar (sole of foot)
a. Anterior view b. Posterior view

Figure 1.3 Terms for body parts and areas. (a) Anterior. (b) Posterior.

4 PART I Human Organization

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region (leg), and the pedal region (foot). In other words, contrary A transverse (horizontal) plane is perpendicular to the body’s
to common usage, the terms arm and leg refer only to a part of the long axis and therefore divides the body horizontally to
upper limb and lower limb, respectively. produce a cross section. A transverse cut divides the body
Most likely, it will take practice to learn the terms in Figure 1.3, or an organ into superior and inferior portions. Figure 1.4c
but you’ll be glad you did. Try pointing to various regions of your is a transverse section of abdomen at the level of the
own body and see if you can give the scientific name for that umbilicus (navel).
region. Check your answer against the figure.
The terms longitudinal section and cross section are often
applied to individual body parts that have been removed and cut
Planes and Sections of the Body either lengthwise or straight across, respectively.
To observe the structure of an internal body part, it is customary
to section (cut) the body along a plane. A plane is an imaginary
flat surface passing through the body. The body is customarily
sectioned along the following planes (Fig. 1.4):
Content CHECK-UP!
A sagittal (median) plane extends lengthwise and divides the
body into right and left portions. A midsagittal plane passes 4. Choose the correct directional term and finish the sentence:
exactly through the midline of the body. The head and The chin is _______ to the navel.
neck are shown in a midsagittal section (Fig. 1.4a). Sagittal 5. If you point to your cheek, what region of the body are you
cuts that are not along the midline are called parasagittal identifying?
(paramedian) sections. 6. Suppose a CT scan creates images showing transverse sec-
A frontal (coronal) plane also extends lengthwise, but it is tions of the head in a migraine headache patient. Are these
perpendicular to a sagittal plane and divides the body or an horizontal or vertical images?
organ into anterior and posterior portions. Here, the knee Answers in Appendix A.
joint is shown in frontal section (Fig. 1.4b).

Median Parasagittal
(midsagittal) plane

a. A section along the (horizontal)
median plane plane

c. A section along a transverse


b. A section along a frontal (coronal)
plane plane

Figure 1.4 Body planes and sections. Observation of internal parts requires sectioning the body along various planes.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 5

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1.3 Body Cavities and Membranes brain; (2) the vertebral canal, enclosed by vertebrae, contains the
spinal cord (Fig. 1.5a).
4. List the cavities of the body, and state their locations.
The posterior body cavity is lined by three membranous
5. Name the organs located in each of the body cavities.
layers collectively called the meninges (sing., men´inx). The
6. Name the membranes that line each body cavity, and the
membranes that cover the organs. innermost, or deepest, of the meninges is tightly bound to the
surface of the brain and the spinal cord. The space between this
During embryonic development, the body is first divided into two layer and the next layer is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Cere-
internal cavities: the posterior (dorsal) body cavity and the anterior brospinal fluid supports and nourishes the brain and the spinal
(ventral) body cavity. Each of these major cavities is then subdi- cord and enables their cells to transmit electrical signals. In the
vided into smaller cavities. The cavities, as well as the organs in the skull, the most superficial of the three meninges lies directly
cavities (called the viscera), are lined by membranes. under the skull bone. In the  vertebral column, the  outermost
meninx is deep to a layer of fat and connective tissue, as you’ll
see in Chapter 8.
Posterior (Dorsal) Body Cavity
The posterior body cavity is subdivided into two parts: (1) The
cranial cavity, enclosed by the bony cranium, contains the

contains brain

(dorsal) body
thoracic spinal cord
contains heart,
lungs, and

spinal cord
anterior contains stomach,
(ventral) liver, spleen,
body pancreas,
cavity gallbladder,
abdominopelvic and intestines
and other

pleural cavity
pericardial cavity thoracic cavity:
parietal contains esophagus,
pericardium mediastinum heart, and lungs

abdominal cavity:
parietal contains digestive
peritoneum and other organs

pelvic cavity:
reproductive and
b. other organs

Figure 1.5 The two major body cavities and their subdivisions. (a) Left lateral view (b) Frontal view.

6 PART I Human Organization

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Anterior (Ventral) Body Cavity
The large anterior body cavity is subdivided into the superior thoracic
cavity and the inferior abdominopelvic cavity (Fig. 1.5a). A muscu- body wall
inner balloon wall
lar partition called the diaphragm separates the two cavities. Mem- (visceral serous
branes that line these cavities are called serous membranes because membrane)
they secrete a fluid that is similar to blood serum. Serum is the fluid
that remains if all of the clotting proteins are removed from the blood.
outer balloon wall
Serous fluid between the smooth serous membranes reduces friction (parietal serous body cavity filled
when the viscera rub against each other or against the body wall. membrane) with serous fluid
To understand the relationship among serous membranes, the
outer body wall, and an organ, consider the following example: Figure 1.6 Relationship between the body wall,
Imagine a soft, pliable balloon (the serous membrane) filled with serous membranes, and organs.
a small amount of fluid (serous fluid). The balloon sits inside a
container (the inner body wall), tightly pressed to all sides of the
container. An organ (the lung, for example) is pushed into this bal- heart is covered by the visceral pericardium. The visceral pericar-
loon and is then covered by the balloon (Fig. 1.6). As a result, two dium contributes to the outermost connective tissue layer of the heart.
layers of serous membrane are created, separated from each other Forming a tough connective tissue sac around the heart is the fibrous
by the serous fluid. The balloon’s outermost layer (lining the inner pericardium, whose inner lining is the parietal pericardium. To-
body wall) is termed the parietal serous membrane. The inner gether, these structures create the  pericardial cavity. The heart,
layer covering the organ is the visceral serous membrane. Thus, inside its visceral pericardial sac, is separated from the outer parietal
the parietal membrane is a cavity lining, and the visceral mem- pericardium by a small amount of pericardial fluid.
brane is an organ covering. Inflammation of the serous membrane
or infection of the serous fluid in the body cavities causes serious
and potentially fatal illness (see Medical Focus, p. 9). Abdominopelvic Cavity
The abdominopelvic cavity has two portions: the superior
abdominal cavity and the inferior pelvic cavity. The stomach,
Thoracic Cavity liver, spleen, gallbladder, and most of the small and large intestines
The thoracic cavity is enclosed by the rib cage and has three por- are in the abdominal cavity. The pelvic cavity contains the rectum,
tions: the left, right, and medial portions. The medial portion, the urinary bladder, the internal reproductive organs, and the rest of
called the mediastinum, contains the heart, thymus gland, trachea, the large intestine. Males have an external extension of the abdomi-
esophagus, and other structures (Fig. 1.5b). nal wall, called the scrotum, where the testes are located.
The right and left portions of the thoracic cavity contain the Many of the organs of the abdominopelvic cavity are covered
lungs. The lung tissue is covered by a serous membrane—the by the visceral peritoneum, whereas the wall of the abdominal
visceral pleura. The parietal pleura lines the thoracic cavity. In be- cavity is lined with the parietal peritoneum. Peritoneal fluid fills
tween these two pleurae is the pleural cavity, which contains a small the cavity between the visceral and parietal peritoneum. Table 1.1
amount of pleural fluid. Similarly, in the medial thoracic cavity, the summarizes our discussion of body cavities and membranes.

TABLE 1.1 Body Cavities and Membranes

Name of Cavity Contents of Cavity Membranes


Cranial cavity Brain Meninges

Vertebral canal Spinal cord Meninges


Thoracic Cavity Parietal Membrane Visceral Membrane

Pleural cavity Lungs, serous fluid Parietal pleura Visceral pleura
Pericardial cavity Heart, serous fluid Fibrous pericardium and Visceral pericardium
parietal pericardium (epicardium)
Abdominopelvic Cavity
Abdominal cavity Stomach, intestines, liver Parietal peritoneum Visceral peritoneum
Pelvic cavity Reproductive organs, urinary Parietal peritoneum Visceral peritoneum
bladder, rectum

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 7

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right left
hypochondriac epigastric hypochondriac
region region region


right upper left upper

quadrant (RUQ) quadrant (LUQ)
right umbilical
lumbar region
region right lower left lower
region quadrant (RLQ) quadrant (LLQ)
small intestine

right left
iliac hypogastric iliac
region region region

urinary bladder

a. Abdominopelvic regions b. Abdominopelvic quadrants

Figure 1.7 The abdominopelvic cavity. The abdominopelvic cavity can be subdivided into (a) nine regions or (b) four quadrants.

It’s important that clinicians use the same terminology to

reference various regions of the abdominopelvic cavity. Either
Content CHECK-UP!
of two systems can be used. The first uses nine regions (imag- 7. Match each of the serous membranes to its function.
ine a “tic-tac-toe” grid, with the umbilicus [navel] in the center
parietal pleura ______ A. covers the heart
square). The upper regions are right hypochondriac, epigastric,
and left hypochondriac. The center regions are right lumbar, visceral pericardium ______ B. lines walls of right and left
umbilical, and left lumbar. The lower regions are right inguinal portions of thoracic cavity
(iliac), pubic, and left inguinal (iliac) (Fig. 1.7a). Note that
visceral peritoneum ______ C. covers the abdominal organs
the terms used are those for each body area, as illustrated in
Figure 1.3. 8. Pleurisy refers to infection or inflammation of the pleurae. You
might expect a common symptom of pleurisy to be ______.
Alternatively, the abdominopelvic cavity can be divided into
four quadrants by running a horizontal plane across the median Answers in Appendix A.
plane at the point of the navel (Fig. 1.7b).

1.4 Organ Systems

7. List the organ systems of the body, and state the major organs asso-
Begin Thinking Clinically ciated with each.
8. Describe in general the functions of each organ system.
Imagine that you are caring for a small child, who tells you
that his stomach hurts. However, he points to his umbilical
region, immediately below his navel. What organ is more The organs of the body work together in systems. The reference
likely the source of his pain? figures found on pages 14 and 15 summarize the functions of each
of these systems. Corresponding figures that complete each organ
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
system chapter show how that particular system interacts with all
the other systems. In this text, the organ systems of the body have
been divided into four categories, as discussed next.
Physicians commonly use these quadrants to identify the
locations of patients’ symptoms. The four quadrants are: (1) right
upper quadrant, (2) left upper quadrant, (3) right lower quadrant, Support, Movement, and Protection
and (4) left lower quadrant. The integumentary system, discussed in Chapter 5, includes the
Figure 1.7 compares the two methods of referencing the skin and accessory organs, such as the hair, nails, sweat glands, and
abdominopelvic region and shows the organs within each region. sebaceous glands. The skin protects underlying tissues, prevents

8 PART I Human Organization

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Meningitis and Serositis

The anterior and posterior body cavities are enclosed areas that are Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleurae—linings of the tho-
protected by bone, muscle, connective tissues, and skin. Inflammation of racic cavity that also cover the lungs. It is often caused by a cold virus,
the membranes lining these cavities is a fairly rare, but serious, illness. If although it can signal the presence of more serious infections or even
body defenses are overcome by bacteria, viruses, or other microbes, the lung cancer. Its symptoms include chest pain that worsens with deep
result is a serious, potentially fatal infection and inflammation of the breathing, and pleural friction rub—a rough, grating sound in the chest
meninges (meningitis) or the serous membranes (serositis). Pleurisy, that can be heard with a stethoscope placed over the painful area. Treat-
pericarditis, and peritonitis are all forms of serositis. ment for pleurisy depends on its cause; most often, pleurisy that results
Meningitis is the term for inflammation of the meninges— from a common cold requires only pain medication such as aspirin or
linings of the posterior body cavity that cover the brain and spinal ibuprofen. Treatment for bacterial infection requires antibiotics.
cord. The most dangerous form is caused by bacteria that commonly Pericarditis affects the linings surrounding the heart. Like menin-
inhabit the nose. In the bacterial meningitis patient, a previous viral gitis, it often results from previous infections and can be extremely dan-
infection (which may be a simple common cold) allows these bacteria gerous. It is a common complication in drug abusers who use dirty needles
to enter the bloodstream and infect the meninges. Symptoms of bacte- for injections. Symptoms include severe chest pain (which may be mis-
rial meningitis include a severe headache and stiff neck, sensitivity to taken for a heart attack), fever, and weakness. Physicians can hear pericar-
light, fever, weakness, and fatigue. Even with aggressive antibiotic dial friction rub by placing a stethoscope over the patient’s heart. Fluid
treatment, bacterial meningitis is fatal in 25% of adults. The best treat- accumulation inside the pericardial sac surrounding the heart may inter-
ment is prevention by immunization—especially important for young fere with blood flow to and from the heart. Bacterial pericarditis is treated
college students living in the close quarters of a college dorm. with antibiotics, pain medications, and drugs that reduce swelling.
Peritonitis affects the lining of the abdominopelvic cavity. It
usually results from bacterial infection; a common cause of infection
is a ruptured appendix from appendicitis. Severe pain, fever, elevated
white blood cell counts, and tenderness are common symptoms.
site for possible Aggressive treatment with antibiotics is necessary to prevent bacteria
meningitis from invading the blood.

site for possible

diaphragm pleurisy
site for possible

site for possible


pelvic cavity

a. Midsagittal view b. Coronal (frontal) view

Figure 1A Meningitis and serositis. (a) Meningitis is infection or inflammation of the linings of the cranial cavity and vertebral
canal. (b) Serositis is infection or inflammation of the ventral body cavities. Pleurisy affects the pleural cavities, pericarditis affects
the pericardial cavity, and peritonitis affects the abdominopelvic cavities.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 9

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infection and water loss, helps regulate body temperature, contains The digestive system (see Fig. 1.1), discussed in Chapter 15, con-
sense organs, and even manufactures certain chemicals that affect sists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large in-
the rest of the body. testine, along with the accessory organs: teeth, tongue, salivary glands,
The skeletal system and the muscular system give the body liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. This system receives food and digests
support and the ability to move. The skeletal system, discussed in it into nutrient molecules, which can enter the cells of the body.
Chapter 6, consists of the bones of the skeleton and associated car- The urinary system, discussed in Chapter 16, contains the
tilage, as well as the ligaments that bind these structures together. kidneys and the urinary bladder. This system rids the body of
The skeleton protects body parts. For example, the skull forms a nitrogenous (nitrogen containing) wastes and helps regulate the
protective case for the brain, as does the rib cage for the heart and fluid level and chemical content of the blood.
lungs. Some bones produce blood cells, and all bones are a storage
area for calcium and phosphorus compounds. The skeleton as a Reproduction and Development
whole serves as a place of attachment for the muscles. The male and female reproductive systems, discussed in Chapter 17,
Contraction of skeletal muscles, discussed in Chapter 7, accounts contain different organs. The male reproductive system consists of
for our ability to move voluntarily and to respond to outside stim- the testes, other glands, and various ducts that conduct semen to and
uli. These muscles also maintain posture and are responsible for through the penis. The female reproductive system consists of the
the production of body heat. Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, and external genitalia. Both
are called involuntary muscles because they contract automatically. systems produce sex cells, but in addition, the female system receives
Cardiac muscle makes up the heart, and smooth muscle is found the sex cells of the male and also nourishes and protects the fetus until
within the walls of internal organs and blood vessels. the time of birth. Development before birth, the birth process, and the
process of genetic inheritance are discussed in Chapters 18 and 19.
Integration and Coordination
The nervous system, discussed in Chapter 8, consists of the brain,
spinal cord, and associated nerves. The nerves conduct sensory nerve Content CHECK UP!
signals to the brain and spinal cord. They also conduct nerve signals 9. Which two organ systems function mainly to control the activi-
from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, glands, and organs. ties of the other organ systems?
The sense organs (discussed in Chapter 9) provide us with 10. Organs of the _____ system receive food and break it down
information about our internal and external environments. The brain into nutrient molecules.
and spinal cord then process this information, and the individual re-
11. Acromegaly is a condition characterized by excess growth
sponds to environmental stimuli using organs, glands, and/or muscles. hormone. This is a disorder of:
The endocrine system, discussed in Chapter 10, consists of
a. the endocrine system.
the hormonal glands, which secrete chemicals that serve as mes-
sengers between body parts. Both the nervous and endocrine sys- b. the cardiovascular system.
tems help maintain a relatively constant internal environment by c. the digestive system.
coordinating and regulating the functions of the body’s other sys- Answers in Appendix A.
tems. The nervous system acts quickly but has a short-lived effect;
the endocrine system acts more slowly but has a more long-acting
effect on body parts. The endocrine system also helps maintain the 1.5 Homeostasis
proper functioning of the male and female reproductive organs.
9. Describe how a feedback system maintains homeostasis.
 10. Describe the role of each body system in the maintenance of
Maintenance of the Body homeostasis.

The internal environment of the body is the blood within the blood
vessels and the tissue fluid that surrounds the cells. Five systems Homeostasis is the relative constancy of the body’s internal envi-
add substances to and/or remove substances from the blood and ronment. Because of homeostasis, even though external conditions
tissue fluid: the cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, may change dramatically, internal conditions stay within a narrow
and urinary systems. range. For example, regardless of how cold or hot one’s environ-
The cardiovascular system, discussed in Chapters 11 and 12, ment gets, the temperature of the body stays around 37°C (97° to
consists of the heart and the blood vessels that carry blood through 99°F). Likewise, no matter how acidic your meal, the blood’s acid-
the body. Blood transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells and ity remains relatively constant, and even if you eat a candy bar, the
removes waste molecules to be excreted from the body. Blood also amount of sugar in your blood is just about 0.1%.
contains cells produced by the lymphatic system, discussed in It is important to realize that internal conditions are not abso-
Chapter 13. The lymphatic system protects the body from disease. lutely constant; they tend to fluctuate above and below a particular
The respiratory system, discussed in Chapter 14, consists value. Therefore, the internal state of the body is often described
of the lungs and the tubes that take air to and from the lungs. The as one of dynamic equilibrium. If internal conditions change to any
respiratory system brings oxygen into the lungs and takes carbon great degree, illness results. This makes the study of homeostatic
dioxide out of the lungs. mechanisms medically important.

10 PART I Human Organization

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Negative Feedback Human Examples for Negative Feedback
Negative feedback is the primary homeostatic mechanism that keeps The thermostat for body temperature is located in a part of the brain
a variable close to a particular value, or set point. A homeostatic called the hypothalamus. When the body temperature falls below
mechanism has three components: a sensor, a control center, and an normal, the control center directs (via nerve signals) the blood ves-
effector (Fig. 1.8a). As you study processes controlled by negative sels of the skin to constrict (Fig. 1.9). This conserves heat. If body
feedback, note that all follow the same basic pattern of events: temperature falls even lower, the control center sends nerve signals
(1) The sensor detects a change in the external or internal environ- to the skeletal muscles, and shivering occurs. Shivering generates
ment and alerts the control center; (2) the control center activates the heat, and gradually body temperature rises to 37°C. When the tem-
effector; and (3) the effector reverses the initial change and brings perature rises to normal, the regulatory center is inactivated.
conditions back to normal again. Once the initial change is corrected, When the body temperature is higher than normal, the control
the sensor is no longer activated and the correction mechanism is center directs the blood vessels of the skin to dilate. This allows
turned off. These steps are illustrated in Figures 1.8 and 1.9. more blood to flow near the surface of the body, where heat can be
lost to the environment. In addition, the nervous system activates
Mechanical Example the sweat glands, and the evaporation of sweat helps lower body
temperature. Gradually, body temperature decreases to 37°C.
A home heating system illustrates how a negative feedback mecha-
nism works (Fig. 1.8b). You set the thermostat at, say, 68°F. This
is the set point. The thermostat contains a thermometer, a sensor
that detects when the room temperature falls below the set point.
The thermostat is also the control center; it turns the furnace on. Control center
The furnace plays the role of the effector. On a chilly day, a fall 60 70


in room temperature activates the thermostat, which starts up the sends data to directs furnace
0 80

furnace. The heat given off by the furnace raises the temperature

60 70
thermostat to turn off
of the room to 68°F. Once the room is warmed, the furnace turns 688F set point

off because the sensor is no longer activated.

Notice that a negative feedback mechanism prevents change Sensor
in the same direction; the room does not get warmer and warmer 0
60 70


because warmth inactivates the system. 5 furnace off
0 80
too hot

60 70

Control center negative feedback

and return to
normal temperature
sends data to control center directs response to stimulus

too m
Sensor Effect Homeostasis
too litt

negative feedback
and return to
negative feedback normal temperature
and return to normal stimulus

too m Sensor
uch furnace on 60 70
Homeostasis 66°F

too litt too cold

le 0 80

60 70
Control center
Figure 1.8 Negative feedback. In both examples, an internal directs furnace 60 70
or external stimulus (pink) activates a sensor (green). In turn, the to turn on 0

sends data to
sensor signals a control center (tan) which causes an effect (blue). 50
60 80
The effect reverses the starting stimulus, and the system returns
688F set point
to homeostasis. (a) The general pattern. (b) A mechanical example. b.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 11

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Positive Feedback
Control center
Like negative feedback, in a positive feedback mechanism an ini-
tial stimulus will cause the sensor to trigger the control center. The
control center in turn activates the effector. However, the effector in
sends data to directs response this type of feedback mechanism produces a response that continues
98.6°F set point
control center to stimulus to stimulate the sensor. Thus, positive feedback causes the initial
stimulus to continue to increase (instead of resolving the stimulus, as
Sensor in negative feedback). A positive feedback mechanism can be harm-
Effect ful, as when a fever causes metabolic changes that push the fever still
higher. Death occurs at a body temperature of 45°C because cellular
proteins are destroyed at this temperature and metabolism stops.
Still, positive feedback loops such as those involved in blood
Blood vessels dilate; clotting, the stomach’s digestion of protein, and childbirth assist
sweat glands secrete.
the body in completing a process that has a definite cutoff point.
Consider that when a woman is giving birth, the head of the baby
begins to press against the uterine cervix, which is the opening into the
negative feedback womb. Pressure on the cervix stimulates sensory receptors built into
stimulus and return to normal its walls (the sensor in this example). When nerve signals reach the
brain (control center), the brain causes the pituitary gland (effector) to
secrete the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin travels in the blood and causes
above the uterus (also an effector) to contract. As labor continues, the cervi-
al cal sensory receptors are increasingly stimulated as the baby’s head
Normal body temperature descends in the birth canal, and uterine contractions become increas-
norm ingly stronger until birth occurs (Fig. 1.10). Once the birth process is
complete, the sensory receptors of the cervix are no longer stimulated.
However, continued secretion of oxytocin is necessary to safeguard the
negative feedback stimulus mother from excessive bleeding after her baby is born. Stimulating the
and return to normal
nipples by allowing the baby to suckle signals the brain and continues
oxytocin secretion. This process is also controlled by positive feedback.
Homeostasis and Body Systems
The internal environment of the body consists of blood and tissue
Sensor fluid. Tissue fluid bathes all the cells of the body. Oxygen and
Blood vessels constrict;
sweat glands are inactive;
nutrients move from blood to tissue fluid, and wastes move from
shivering may occur. tissue fluid into the blood (Fig. 1.11). Tissue fluid remains constant
only as long as blood composition remains constant. All systems
Control center
of the body contribute toward maintaining homeostasis and, there-
directs response fore, a relatively constant internal environment.
to stimulus
sends data to As you use the text, you will be introduced to each of the
control center organ systems. Remember the job of body systems in maintaining
homeostasis as you study each:
98.6°F set point
Integumentary System (skin)—Support and protection of deli-
Figure 1.9 Body temperature regulation, a human example cate internal structures.
of negative feedback. Temperature remains relatively stable Skeletal System—Movement. In addition, the skeleton stores
(37°C) and is returned to normal when it fluctuates above or minerals and produces the blood cells.
below the set point. Muscular System—Movement. Skeletal muscles and bones work
together for movement. Cardiac muscle causes the heart to
pump blood. Smooth muscle inside internal structures moves
substances inside a tube, as when a meal is moved through
Numerous other examples of negative feedback control help the digestive tract. Muscle activity also generates heat, thus
to maintain homeostasis. For example, when blood pressure falls, helping to maintain body temperature.
sensory receptors signal a control center in the brain. This center Nervous and Sensory Systems—Control. We have already seen that
sends out nerve signals to the heart and artery walls. The heart con- in negative and positive feedback mechanisms, sensory receptors
tracts faster and more forcefully, arterial walls constrict, and blood send nerve signals to control centers in the brain, which then
pressure rises. Once the blood pressure is within a homeostatic activate effectors: muscles, glands, or organs. The nervous sys-
range, the signals from the brain diminish. tem can cause rapid change, if needed, to maintain homeostasis.

12 PART I Human Organization

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5 Oxytocin stimulates uterine
contractions and pushes
fetus toward cervix
4 Oxytocin carried in
bloodstream to

1 Head of fetus
pushes against

3 Brain stimulates
pituitary gland to
secrete oxytocin

2 Nerve signals from

cervix transmitted to brain

Figure 1.10 Positive feedback. Positive feedback loops help the body to complete a process with a definite cutoff point, like labor
and delivery.

direction of
blood flow
Lymphatic System—Transportation and defense. The lymphatic
system assists the cardiovascular system. Lymphatic capillar-
ies collect excess tissue fluid, which is returned via lymphatic
vessels to the cardiovascular veins. Lymph nodes help to
purify lymph and keep it free of pathogens (disease-causing
agents such as bacteria and viruses). This action is assisted by
the white blood cells that are housed within lymph nodes.
Respiratory System—Gas exchange. The respiratory system
adds oxygen to and removes carbon dioxide from the blood.
It also plays a role in regulating acid-base balance in blood
and tissue fluid. Removal of CO2 helps to prevent excessive
acidity of the blood.
Digestive System—Nourishment and waste removal. The digestive
system takes in and digests food, providing nutrient molecules
to replace the nutrients that are constantly being used by the
arteriole tissue oxygen and carbon dioxide venule
cells nutrients and wastes
body cells. Substances that cannot be digested are eliminated.
The liver, an accessory digestive organ, also manufactures urea,
blood capillary a waste product of protein digestion. The liver also removes
Figure 1.11 Regulation of tissue fluid composition. Cells are toxic chemicals such as alcohol and other drugs. Additionally,
surrounded by tissue fluid (blue), which is continually refreshed the liver regulates blood glucose (sugar). As glucose enters the
because oxygen and nutrient molecules constantly exit the blood after a meal, any excess is removed by the liver and
bloodstream, and carbon dioxide and waste molecules continu- stored as glycogen. Later, the glycogen can be broken down to
ally enter the bloodstream. replace the glucose used by the body cells. In this way, the
glucose composition of blood remains constant.
Urinary System—Waste removal. Urea and other metabolic
Endocrine System—Control. Endocrine glands secrete
waste molecules are excreted by the kidneys, which are a
hormones into the blood. Endocrine hormones bring about
part of the urinary system. Urine formation by the kidneys is
a slower, more lasting change that keeps the internal
extremely critical to the body, not only because it rids the
environment relatively stable.
body of unwanted substances but also because urine forma-
Blood and Cardiovascular System—Transportation and defense.
tion offers an opportunity to carefully regulate blood volume,
Red blood cells and blood plasma (the liquid fraction of blood)
salt balance, and acid-base balance.
transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and wastes.
Reproductive System—Survival of the species. Although
Platelets in blood participate in the clotting process, preventing
individuals can survive and thrive without reproducing, the
excess blood loss. White blood cells defend against infection.
human species cannot continue without this vital system.
The cardiovascular system conducts blood to and away from
capillaries, where exchange occurs. The heart pumps the blood The contributions of each of the body’s systems are summarized
and thereby keeps it moving toward the capillaries. in the Human Systems Work Together illustration on pages 14 and 15.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 13

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Human Systems Work Together

Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System

Extemal support and Internal support and Body movement;

protection of body; protection; body production of
helps maintain body movement; production heat that maintains
temperature. of blood cells. body temperature.

Nervous System Endocrine System Blood/Cardiovascular System

Regulatory centers for Secretion of Transport of
control of all body hormones for nutrients to body cells
systems; learning chemical regulation and transport of wastes
and memory. of all body systems. away from cells

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Lymphatic System/Immunity Respiratory System Digestive System

Drainage of tissue Rids the blood of carbon Breakdown of food

fluid; purifies tissue dioxide and supplies the and absorption of
fluid and keeps it free blood with oxygen; helps nutrients into blood.
of pathogens. maintain the pH of the blood.

Urinary System Reproductive System

Maintenance of Production of sperm and

volume and egg; transfer of sperm
chemical composition to female system where
of blood. development occurs.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 15

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Imaging the Body

Imaging the body for diagnosis of disease has certainly changed since
the accidental invention of the X ray by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.
Many new techniques allow clinicians to visualize internal structures
with great accuracy. The most widely used imaging technique remains
the X ray, which is produced when high-speed electrons strike a heavy
metal. Dense structures (such as bone) absorb X rays well, showing up
as light areas. Soft tissues absorb to a lesser extent and show up as dark
areas. Injecting opaque dye into blood vessels allows blood vessel visu-
alization, as in a coronary angiogram (an X ray of the heart’s arteries).
Digestive tract imaging is possible on patients who have first consumed
opaque dye solutions. In the past, X-ray images had to be developed on
photographic film for study. Now images can be digitized and projected
on a computer, making it possible to easily store and share an X ray.
A bone density scan is a specialized X ray. The patient is first
injected with a harmless radioactive tracer, which is rapidly taken up a. CT scan b. MRI
by bone. Subsequent X rays can reveal areas of increased bone metab-
olism (as in a cancerous tumor) or decreased metabolism (as in osteo-
porosis). Similarly, radioactive iodine is used to study the thyroid
gland because the thyroid is the only tissue to use the element iodine.
During computed tomography, or CT scan, a computer uses the
X ray information taken from various angles to form a series of cross
sections. CT scanning has reduced the need for exploratory surgery
and can guide the surgeon in visualizing complex body structures dur-
ing surgical procedures.
PET (positron emission tomography) and SPECT (single-photon
emission computerized tomography) are both variations on CT scan-
ning. Radioactively labeled compounds are injected into the body,
where they are taken up by metabolically active tissues. The tissues
then emit gamma rays. Again, a computer generates cross-sectional
c. fMRI d. PET scan
images of the body, but this time the image indicates metabolic activity
in addition to structure. PET scanning is used to diagnose brain disor- Figure 1B Techniques for imaging the body. (a) a CT scan
ders, such as a brain tumor, Alzheimer disease, epilepsy, or stroke. highlights bony structures in white, while soft tissue is dark.
During MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), the patient lies in a A contrast medium has to be used to see brain tissue. (b) In
an MRI, dense bone is dark and soft tissues are illuminated
massive, hollow, cylindrical magnet and is exposed to short bursts of
in lighter shades. (c) and (d) Both fMRI and PET scan show
a powerful magnetic field. This causes the protons in the nuclei of the
areas of highest metabolic activity.
body’s billions of hydrogen atoms to align. Then, when exposed to
strong radio waves, the protons move out of alignment and produce active brain tissue, which has a greater blood supply than neighboring
signals. A computer changes these signals into an image. Tissues with inactive regions. The newest MRI technology application, called diffu-
many hydrogen atoms (such as fat) show up as bright areas, while tis- sion tensor imaging, traces water movement in brain cells. Abnormal
sues with few hydrogen atoms (bone, for example) appear black. This cells have different water movement patterns than normal cells. Both
is the opposite of an X ray, which is why MRI is more useful than an imaging techniques are used to diagnose and treat brain injury and dis-
X ray for imaging soft tissues. However, many people cannot undergo ease (such as brain damage following a stroke, or Alzheimer disease),
MRI, because the magnetic field can actually pull a metal object (like and can also help to track cancer tumor growth and plan brain surgeries.
a tooth filling or an artificial hip) out of the body! The least expensive method of creating tissue images is sonogra-
MRI technology continues to evolve, enabling scientists to study phy, or ultrasound. High-frequency sound waves are transmitted into
the active brain. In functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), as tissues, which reflect the sound waves to create an image. Sonography
with traditional MRI, the patient is placed inside a magnetic field. He or avoids both radiation exposure and rare allergic reactions to dyes. Ultra-
she is then asked to do small tasks (for example, touching thumb to fin- sound is safe for imaging the fetus in a pregnant woman, and can show
gers, or answering simple questions). fMRI highlights metabolically an amazing amount of detail, as you can see in the chapter introduction.

16 PART I Human Organization

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Disease Content CHECK-UP!
Disease occurs when homeostasis fails and the body (or part of the
body) no longer functions properly. The effects may be limited or 12. The two organ systems responsible for eliminating wastes are
the and systems.
widespread. A local disease is more or less restricted to a specific
part of the body. On the other hand, a systemic disease affects 13. The two organ systems that defend the body against infection are:
the entire body or involves several organ systems. For example, a. cardiovascular and urinary
streptococcal tonsillitis, or “strep throat,” is a local disease. If not b. cardiovascular and respiratory
effectively treated with antibiotics, strep throat can progress to c. cardiovascular and skeletal
become a dangerous systemic disease—rheumatic fever. Diseases
d. cardiovascular and lymphatic
may also be classified on the basis of their severity and duration.
Acute diseases occur suddenly and generally last a short time. 14. A person with osteoarthritis, a degenerative disorder that causes
stiff, painful joints, developed this condition at age 60 after decades
Chronic diseases tend to be less severe, develop slowly, and are
of “wear and tear.” Osteoarthritis can best be described as:
long term. Acute bronchitis is a bacterial infection of lung airways
and a frequent complication of the common cold; chronic bronchi- a. acute
tis is typically caused by years of smoking. b. chronic
The medical profession has many ways of diagnosing disease, Answers in Appendix A.
including imaging internal body parts (see Medical Focus, page 16).

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms mediastinum (mēdē-ŭh-stī9nŭm), p. 7 serum (sēr9ŭm), p. 7
abdominal cavity (ăb-dŏm9ĭ-nŭhl kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 7 meninges (mŭh-nĭn9jēz), p. 6 superficial (sūpăr-fĭsh9ŭhl), p. 4
abdominopelvic cavity (ăb-dŏmĭ-nō-pĕl9vĭk molecules (mŏl9ĭ-kyūlz), p. 2 superior (sū-pēr9ē-ŭhr), p. 3
kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 7 negative feedback (nĕg9ŭh-tĭv fēd9băk), p. 11 thoracic cavity (thō-răs9ĭk kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 7
anatomical position (ănŭh-tŏm9ĭ-kŭhl organ (ŏr9gŭhn), p. 2 tissue (tĭsh9ū), p. 2
pō-zĭsh9ŭn), p. 3 organelles (ŏrgŭh-nĕlz9), p. 2 transverse plane (trăns-vĕrs9 plān), p. 5
anatomy (ŭh-năt9ō-mē), p. 2 organism (ŏr9gŭh-nĭzŭhm), p. 2 vertebral canal (vŭr9tŭh-brŭhl kŭh-năl), p. 6
anterior (ăn-tēr9ē-e˘r), p. 3 organ system (ŏr9gŭhn sĭs9tŭhm), p. 2 viscera, (vĭs9ĕr-ŭh), p. 6
appendicular portion (ăpŭhn-dĭk9yŭh-lĕr parietal pericardium (pŭh-rī9-ŭh-tŭhl visceral pericardium (vĭs9ĕr-ŭhl pĕrĭ-kar9dē-ŭm),
pŏr9shŭhn), p. 4 pĕrĭ-kar9dē-ŭhm), p. 7 p. 7
atoms (ăt9ŭhms), p. 2 parietal peritoneum (pŭh-rī9-ŭh-tŭhl visceral peritoneum (vĭs9ĕr-ŭhl pĕrĭ-tŭh-
axial portion (ăk9sē-ŭhl pŏr9shŭhn), p. 4 pĕrĭ-tŭh-nē9ŭhm), p. 7 nē9ŭm), p. 7
cells (se˘ls), p. 2 parietal pleurae (pŭh-rī9-ŭh-tŭhl plūr9ē), p. 7 visceral pleura, (vĭs9er-ŭhl plū9rŭh), p.7
central (cĕn9trŭhl), p. 4 parietal serous membrane (pŭh-rī9ŭh-tŭhl visceral serous membrane (vĭs9ĕr-ŭhl sēr9ŭs
contralateral (kŏn9trŭh-lăt9ŭhr-ŭhl), p. 4 sēr9ŭhs mĕm9brān), p. 7 mem9brān), p. 7
cranial cavity (krā9nē-ŭhl kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 6 pelvic cavity (pĕl9vĭk kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 7
deep (dēp), p. 4 pericardial cavity (pĕrĭ-kăr9dē-ŭhl kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 7 Clinical Key Terms
diaphragm (dī9ŭh-frăm), p. 7 peripheral (pŭh-rĭf9ŭhr-ŭhl), p. 4 acute disease (ŭh-kyūt9 dĭ-zēz9), p. 17
distal (dĭs9tŭhl), p. 4 physiology (fĭzē-ŏl9ō-jē), p. 2 chronic disease (krŏn9-ĭk dĭ-zēz9), p. 17
fibrous pericardium (fī9-brŭs pĕrĭ-kar9dē-ŭm), p. 7 pleurae (plūr9ē), p. 7 disease (dĭ-zēz9), p. 17
frontal plane (frŭn9tl plān), p. 5 positive feedback (pŏz9ĭ-tĭv fēd9băk), p. 12 local disease (lō9kŭhl dĭ-zēz9), p. 17
homeostasis (hōmē-ō-stā9sĭs), p. 10 posterior (pŏs-tēr9ē-ŭhr), p. 3 meningitis (mĕnĭn-jī9tĭs), p. 9
inferior (ĭn-fēr9ē-ŭhr), p. 3 proximal (prŏk9sĭ-mŭhl), p. 4 pericarditis (pĕrĭ-kăr-dī9tĭs), p. 9
ipsilateral (ĭp9sŭh-lăt9ĕr-ŭhl), p. 4 sagittal plane (săj9ĭ-tŭhl plān), p. 5 peritonitis (pĕrĭ-tō-nī9tĭs), p. 9
lateral (lăt9ĕr-ŭhl), p. 4 scrotum (skrō9tŭm), p. 7 pleurisy (plū9rĭ-sē), p. 9
macromolecules (măk9rō-mŏl9ĭ-kyūlz), p. 2 serous fluid (sēr9ŭs flū9ĭd), p. 7 serositis (sērō-sī9tĭs), p. 9
medial (mē9dē-ŭhl), p. 3 serous membrane (sēr9ŭs mem9brān), p. 7 systemic disease (sĭs-tĕm9ĭk dĭ-zēz9), p. 17

1.1 The Human Body function of these parts. Structure molecules, macromolecules, or-
A. Anatomy is the study of the is suited to the function of a part. ganelles, cells, tissues, organs,
structure of body parts, and The body has levels of organiza- organ systems, and finally, the
physiology is the study of the tion that progress from atoms to organism.

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 17

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1.2 Anatomical Terms 1.4 Organ Systems maintain the normal conditions
Various terms are used to describe The body has a number of organ of the body.
the location of body organs when systems. These systems have been D. Reproduction and development.
the body is in the anatomical posi- characterized as follows: The reproductive system in
tion (standing erect, with face for- A. Support, movement, and protec- males (testes, other glands,
ward, arms at the sides, and palms tion. The integumentary system, ducts, and penis) and in females
and toes directed forward). which includes the skin, not only (ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus,
A. The terms anterior/posterior, protects the body, but also has vagina, and external genitalia)
superior/inferior, medial/lateral, other functions. The skeletal sys- carries out those functions that
proximal/distal, superficial/deep, tem contains the bones, and the give humans the ability to
central/peripheral, and contra- muscular system contains the reproduce.
lateral/ipsilateral describe the three types of muscles. The pri- 1.5 Homeostasis
relative positions of body parts. mary function of the skeletal and Homeostasis is the relative
B. The body can be divided into ax- muscular systems is support and constancy of the body’s internal
ial and appendicular portions, movement, but they have other environment, which is composed of
each of which can be further sub- functions as well. blood and the tissue fluid that
divided into specific regions. For B. Integration and coordination. bathes the cells.
example, brachial refers to the The nervous system contains the A. Negative feedback mechanisms
arm, and pedal refers to the foot. brain, spinal cord, and nerves. help maintain homeostasis by
C. The body or its parts may be sec- Because the nervous system stopping a stimulus when the
tioned (cut) along certain planes. communicates with both the response of its effector reaches
A median or midsagittal (vertical) sense organs and the muscles, it the normal range.
cut divides the body into equal allows us to respond to outside B. Positive feedback occurs in pro-
right and left portions. A parasag- stimuli. The endocrine system cesses with a definite cutoff point.
ittal or paramedian section is a consists of the hormonal glands. C. All of the body's organ systems
sagittal section parallel to the The nervous and endocrine sys- contribute to homeostasis. The
midline. A frontal (coronal) cut di- tems coordinate and regulate respiratory, digestive, and
vides the body into anterior and the activities of the body’s other urinary systems remove and/or
posterior parts. A transverse (hor- systems. add substances to the blood.
izontal) cut is a cross section. C. Maintenance of the body. The Blood is then pumped through
1.3 Body Cavities and Membranes cardiovascular system (heart the body by the cardiovascular
A. The posterior (dorsal) body and vessels), lymphatic system system. In this way, all tissues in
cavity contains the cranial cavity (lymphatic vessels and nodes, the body have access to
and vertebral canal. spleen, and thymus), respiratory substances in the blood. The
B. The anterior (ventral) body cavity system (lungs and conducting nervous and endocrine systems
contains the thoracic and ab- tubes), digestive system (mouth, regulate the activities of other
dominopelvic cavities, which are esophagus, stomach, small and systems.
separated by the diaphragm. large intestines, and associated D. Disease is a failure of homeosta-
Specific serous membranes line organs), and urinary system sis. Whether local, systemic,
these cavities (as well as the (kidneys and bladder) all acute, or chronic, disease often
posterior cavity) and adhere to perform specific processing and requires intervention by a medi-
the organs within them. transporting functions to cal professional.

Study Questions
1. Distinguish between the study of State at least two anatomical terms 9. Name the major organ systems, and
anatomy and the study of that pertain to the head, thorax, describe the general functions of each.
physiology. (p. 2) abdomen, and limbs. (pp. 4–5) (pp. 8, 10)
2. Give an example that shows the rela- 6. Distinguish between a midsagittal 10. List the major organs found within
tionship between the structure and the section, a parasagittal section, a each organ system. (pp. 8, 10)
function of body parts. (p. 2) transverse section, and a coronal 11. Define homeostasis, and give exam-
3. List the levels of organization within section. (p. 5) ples of negative feedback and positive
the human body in reference to a 7. Distinguish between the posterior and feedback mechanisms. (pp. 10–13)
specific organ. (p. 2) anterior body cavities, and name two 12. Discuss the contribution of each body
4. What purpose is served by directional smaller cavities that occur within each. system to homeostasis. (pp. 12–15)
terms as long as the body is in anatom- (pp. 6–7) 13. Define the term disease. Compare
ical position? (pp. 3–4) 8. Name the four quadrants and the nine and contrast local vs. systemic
5. Distinguish between the axial and regions of the abdominopelvic cavity. disease, and acute vs. chronic
appendicular portions of the body. (p. 8) disease. (p. 17)

18 PART I Human Organization

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Learning Outcome Questions
I. Match the terms in the key to the 6. buttocks f. nervous system
relationships listed in questions 1–5. 7. palm g. endocrine system
Key: 8. back of head 19. thyroid gland
a. anterior 9. mouth 20. lungs
b. posterior 10. wrist 21. heart
c. superior 11. armpit 22. ovaries
d. inferior 12. neck 23. brain
e. medial III. Match the terms in the key to the 24. stomach
f. lateral organs listed in questions 13–18. 25. kidneys
g. proximal V. Fill in the blanks.
h. distal 26. Learning the body regions and
a. cranial cavity
1. the esophagus in relation to the b. vertebral canal body cavities is the first step in
stomach c. thoracic cavity learning .
2. the ears in relation to the nose d. abdominal cavity 27. A(n) is composed of
3. the shoulder in relation to the hand e. pelvic cavity several types of tissues and per-
4. the intestines in relation to the forms a particular function.
13. stomach
vertebrae 28. The imaginary vertical plane that
14. heart
5. the large intestine in relation to the passes through the midline of the
15. urinary bladder
mouth body is called the plane.
16. brain
29. All the organ systems of the body
II. Match the terms in the key to the body 17. liver
together function to maintain
regions listed in questions 6–12. 18. spinal cord
, a relative constancy
Key: IV. Match the organ systems in the key to of the internal environment.
a. oral the organs listed in questions 19–25.
b. occipital 30. When blood estrogen levels fall
Key: below normal, the ovaries make
c. gluteal
a. digestive system more estrogen. When blood levels
d. carpal
b. urinary system return to normal, the ovaries decrease
e. palmar
c. respiratory system their production of estrogen. This is
f. cervical
d. cardiovascular system an example of feedback
g. axillary
e. reproductive system to maintain estrogen homeostasis.

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can de- 5. Macrocephalus (măkrō-sĕf9ŭh-lŭs) a. chest b. head c. buttocks
rive the definitions for the medical terms listed means large . d. thigh
below. Many of the prefixes and suffixes used 6. Transthoracic (trănsthō-răs9ĭk) means 12. The sacral (sā9krŭhl) nerves are
to create these terms can be found throughout across the . located in the .
the chapter. For additional help, use McGraw-Hill 7. Bilateral (bī-lăt9ŭhr-ŭhl) means two or a. lower back b. neck c. upper back
Connect™ at both . d. head
and consult Appendix B. 8. Ophthalmoscope (ŏf-thăl9mō-skōp) is 13. Hematuria (hē-mŭh-tū9rē-ŭh) means
1. Suprapubic (sūprŭh-pyū9bĭk) means an instrument to view inside the in the urine.
the pubis. . 14. Nephritis (nĕf-rī9tĭs) is inflammation of
2. Infraorbital (ĭnfrŭh-ŏr9bĭ-tŭhl) means 9. Dorsalgia (dŏr-săl9jē-ŭh) means pain the .
the eye orbit. in the . a.  lungs b. heart c. liver d. kidneys
3. Gastrectomy (găs-trĕk9tō-mē) means 10. Endocrinology (ĕndō-krĭ-nŏl9ō-jē) is the 15. Tachypnea (tăk-ĭp-nē9ŭh) is a
excision of the . _________ of the endocrine system. breathing rate that is .
4. Celiotomy (sēlē-ŏt9ō-mē) means 11. The pectoralis (pĕk-tō-răl9ĭs) muscle a. faster than normal
incision (cut into) of the . can be found on the . b. slower than normal

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 1 Organization of the Body 19

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2 Chemistry of Life
C lockwise from the upper left, the critters you see here are an Israeli death
stalker scorpion, a Chilean rose tarantula, a Brazilian pit viper, and a vampire
bat. Besides causing goose bumps, these animals share another common trait:
all are venomous. Venoms are proteins that are directly injected into the victim,
and all are exquisitely tailored to disable, paralyze, and/or ultimately kill the
animal’s prey. However, scientists are also crafting modified venom proteins into
unique medicines. By combining it with a fluorescent dye, scorpion protein has
been bioengineered into “tumor paint,” which specifically targets cancer cells in
the brain, breast, and colon. Even small cancer cell clusters can be identified and
surgically removed when tagged with this protein. Tarantula toxin has been
shown to have unique pain relieving ability, and drugs to fight high blood
pressure have been created from pit viper venom. Further, if that vampire bat
wants a good blood feast, his venom must keep his “dinner’s” blood from
clotting. Researchers are currently perfecting a drug that actually dissolves blood
clots in stroke victims from this protein. You can learn more about proteins on
page 31. And if you want to find out why you get goose bumps from something
you find scary, check out the autonomic nervous system in Chapter 8.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

2.1 Basic Chemistry 2.3 Molecules of Life 2.6 Proteins

1. Describe how an atom is organized, 7. List the four classes of 11. State the major functions of proteins,
and tell why atoms interact. macromolecules in cells, and and tell how globular proteins are
2. Define radioactive isotopes, and distinguish between a dehydration organized.
describe how they can be used in reaction and a hydrolysis reaction.
the diagnosis and treatment of 8. Name the individual subunits that 2.7 Nucleic Acids
disease. link to form carbohydrates, lipids, 12. Describe the structure and function
3. Distinguish between an ionic bond proteins, and nucleic acids. of DNA and RNA in cells.
and a covalent bond. 13. Explain the importance of ATP in the
2.4 Carbohydrates body.
2.2 Water, Acids, and Bases 9. Give some examples of different
4. Describe the characteristics of water types of carbohydrates and their Medical Focus
and three functions of water in the specific functions in cells.
Prions: Malicious Proteins?
human body.
5. Explain the difference between an 2.5 Lipids The Deadly Effects of High-Level Radiation.
acid and a base, using examples of 10. Describe the composition of a
each. neutral fat, and give examples of
6. Use and understand the pH scale. how lipids function in the body.


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2.1 Basic Chemistry first letter is capitalized. Some of the symbols we use for elements
are derived from Latin. For example, the symbol for sodium is Na
1. Describe how an atom is organized, and tell why atoms interact.
because the Latin word natrium means sodium.
2. Define radioactive isotopes, and describe how they can be used in
the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Elements are composed of tiny particles called atoms. The
3. Distinguish between an ionic bond and a covalent bond. same name is given to both an element and its atoms.

Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. It can be a
solid, a liquid, or a gas. Therefore, we humans are matter, just like An atom is the smallest unit of an element that still retains the
the water we drink and the air we breathe. chemical and physical properties of the element. Although it is
possible to split an atom by physical means, an atom is the smallest
unit to enter into chemical reactions. For our purposes, it’s satisfac-
Elements and Atoms tory to think of each atom as having a central nucleus and pathways
All matter is composed of basic substances called elements. It’s about the nucleus called shells (sometimes called energy levels).
quite remarkable that there are only 92 naturally occurring elements. The subatomic particles called protons and neutrons are located
It is even more surprising that over 90% of the human body is com- in the nucleus, and electrons orbit about the nucleus in the shells
posed of just four elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. (Fig. 2.1b). Most of an atom is empty space. If we could draw an
Every element has a name and a symbol consisting of one or atom the size of a football stadium, the nucleus would be like a
two letters. For example, carbon has been assigned the atomic sym- gumball in the center of the field, and the electrons would be tiny
bol C (Fig. 2.1a). When the symbol consists of two letters, only the specks whirling about in the upper stands.
The atomic number of an atom tells you how many pro-
tons an atom has. All atoms of any particular element have the
Common Elements in Living Things
same number of protons. Protons carry a positive (1) charge, and
electrons have a negative (2) charge. Neutrons have no charge.
Atomic Atomic Mass Atoms are electrically neutral because the numbers of protons
Element Symbol Number Number Comment
and electrons are equal. For example, the atomic number of car-
hydrogen H 1 1 These bon is 6. Therefore, carbon has six protons and six electrons.
carbon C 6 12 elements How many electrons are in each shell of an atom? The inner shell
nitrogen N 7 14 make up
oxygen O 8 16 most is the lowest energy level and can hold only two electrons; after
phosphorus P 15 31 biological that, each shell, for the atoms noted in Figure 2.1a, can hold up
sulfur S 16 32 molecules. to eight electrons. Using this information, we can calculate that
sodium Na 11 23 These carbon has two shells and that the outer shell has four electrons.
magnesium Mg 12 24 elements The number of electrons in the outer shell determines the
chlorine Cl 17 35 occur mainly
potassium K 19 39 as dissolved
chemical properties of an atom, including how readily it enters
calcium Ca 20 40 salts. into chemical reactions. As we will see, an atom is most stable
when the outer shell has eight electrons. (Hydrogen and helium,
p = protons with only one shell, are exceptions to this statement. Atoms with
n = neutrons only one shell are stable when this shell contains two electrons.)
= electrons If an atom gains or loses one or more electrons, it becomes an ion.
= nucleus An atom that acquires electrons becomes negatively charged, while
an atom that loses electrons becomes positively charged.
6n The mass number of an atom is generally equal to the sum of its
protons and neutrons. Both protons and neutrons are so light that their
weight is indicated by a special designation called an atomic mass unit
(amu). An atom’s protons and neutrons each weigh one atomic mass
unit, and its electrons have almost no mass. Using this knowledge, you
can determine the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. For
example, here is how you calculate the number of neutrons in carbon
mass number
12 (C): Carbon’s mass number is 12, and you know from its atomic num-
6C ber that it has six protons. Thus, its mass number (12) minus its pro-
b. atomic number
tons (6) equals its neutrons (6). Likewise, the mass number of sodium
Figure 2.1 Elements and atoms. (a) The atomic sym- (23) minus its protons (11) equals its neutrons (12). (Fig. 2.1b)
bol, number, and mass number are given for common elements Further, as shown in Figure 2.1b, the atomic number of an
in the body. (b) The structure of carbon shows that an atom atom is often written as a subscript to the lower left of the atomic
contains the subatomic particles called protons (p) and neutrons
symbol. The mass number is often written as a superscript to the
(n) in the nucleus (colored pink) and electrons (colored blue) in
upper left of the atomic symbol. Thus, determining neutron number
shells about the nucleus.
is as easy as subtracting the bottom number from the top number.

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 21

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In everyday life, length is measured in units such as centime- Molecules and Compounds
ters, meters, inches, and feet. Mass, or weight, is measured in grams
Atoms often bond with each other to form a chemical unit called a
or pounds. Chemists have their own terminology for measuring the
molecule. A molecule can contain atoms of the same kind, as when
number of atoms of an element or molecules of a compound. The
an oxygen atom joins with another oxygen atom to form oxygen
unit is a mole, and one mole is a specific, very large number: 6.02 3
gas. The atoms could also be different, as when an oxygen atom
1023. (This number, termed Avogadro’s number, is the number of
joins with two hydrogen atoms to form water. Combining different
carbon atoms in exactly 12 grams of carbon 12). Thus, when a
atoms forms a compound.
chemist refers to a mole of helium, he or she is referring to 6.02 3
Two types of bonds join atoms: the ionic bond and the
1023 helium atoms. Likewise, a mole of oxygen is 6.02 3 1023
covalent bond. Ionic bonds are created by electrical attraction
molecules of oxygen.
between ions—atoms that have become electrically charged by
gaining or losing electrons. Covalent bonds are created by the
Isotopes sharing of electrons between atoms.
Isotopes of the same element differ in the number of neutrons and
therefore differ in their weight. For example, the element carbon Ionic Bonds
has three common isotopes: Remember that atoms with more than one shell are most stable
6 C*
when the outer shell contains eight electrons. Sometimes during a
*radioactive reaction, atoms give up or take on electron(s) in order to achieve a
stable outer shell.
Carbon 12 has six neutrons, carbon 13 has seven neutrons, and
Figure 2.2a depicts a reaction between a sodium (Na) atom and
carbon 14 has eight neutrons. (Note that the mass number minus
a chlorine (Cl) atom. Sodium, with one electron in the outer shell,
the atomic number equals the number of neutrons.) Unlike the
reacts with a single chlorine atom. Why? Because once the reaction
other two isotopes of carbon, carbon 14 is unstable and breaks
is finished and sodium loses one electron to chlorine, its outer shell
down over time. As carbon 14 decays, it releases various types of
will have eight electrons. Similarly, a chlorine atom, which already
energy in the form of rays and subatomic particles, and therefore
has seven electrons, needs only to acquire one more electron to
it is a radioactive isotope. The radiation given off by radioactive
have a stable outer shell.
isotopes can be detected in various ways. You may be familiar with
As you know, ions are atoms that have lost electrons and carry a
the use of a Geiger counter to detect radiation.
positive charge, or atoms that have gained electrons and carry a nega-
tive charge. Positively charged ions are called cations, and negatively
Low Levels of Radiation charged ions are called anions. When the reaction between sodium
The importance of chemistry to biology and medicine can eas- and chlorine is finished, the sodium cation carries a positive charge
ily be appreciated by understanding the many uses of radioactive because it now has 11 positively charged protons and only 10 nega-
isotopes. A radioactive isotope behaves the same as do the stable tively charged electrons (111, 102; net charge: 11). Meanwhile, the
isotopes of an element. This means that you can put a small amount negatively charged chloride anion has 17 protons and 18 electrons
of radioactive isotope in a sample, and it becomes a tracer by (171, 182; net charge: 12). The attraction between oppositely charged
which to detect molecular and cellular changes. For example, as sodium ions and chloride ions forms an ionic bond. The resulting
mentioned in the Medical Focus on page 16, radioactive iodine compound, sodium chloride, is table salt, which we use to improve
can be absorbed by the thyroid gland, which uses the element to the taste of foods. Salts characteristically form an ionic lattice that
make thyroid hormone. Abnormal thyroid cells (such as cancer dissociates (separates into ions) after dissolving in water (Fig. 2.2b).
cells) will absorb iodine differently than their normal counter- When dissolved in water, salts are referred to as electrolytes.
parts, and the changes can be detected using an X ray. In contrast to sodium, why would calcium, with two electrons
in the outer shell, react with two chlorine atoms? Because whereas
High Levels of Radiation calcium needs to lose two electrons, each chlorine, with seven elec-
Radioactive substances in the environment can harm or kill cells, trons already, requires only one more electron to have a stable outer
damage DNA, and cause cancer (see the Medical Focus on page 38). shell. The resulting salt (CaCl2) is called calcium chloride.
The harmful effects of radiation can also be put to good use, how- The balance of various ions in the body is important to
ever. Radiation from radioactive isotopes has been used for many our health. Too much sodium in the blood can contribute to
years to sterilize medical and dental products. Radiation has even hypertension (high blood pressure); not enough calcium leads
been used to sterilize the U.S. mail to free it of possible pathogens, to rickets (a bowing of the legs) in children; too much or too
such as anthrax spores. little potassium results in arrhythmia (heartbeat irregularities).
The ability of radiation to kill cells is often applied to cancer Bicarbonate, hydrogen, and hydroxide ions are all involved in
cells. Radioisotopes can be introduced into the body in a way that maintaining the acid-base balance of the body (see pages 25–27).
allows radiation to destroy only the cancerous cells. For example,
radioactive iodine is not used just for diagnosis, but also for treat- Covalent Bonds
ment of thyroid cancer. High levels of radioactive iodine can poi- In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons instead of losing or gain-
son thyroid cancer cells. ing them. The overlapping outermost shells in Figure 2.3 indicate

22 PART I Human Organization

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Na Cl

sodium atom (Na) chlorine atom (Cl)

1 2 Na1 Cl2

Na Cl

sodium ion (Na1) chloride ion (Cl2)

sodium chloride (NaCl)

a. b.

Figure 2.2 Ionic reaction. (a) During the formation of sodium chloride, an electron is transferred from the sodium atom to
the chlorine atom. At the completion of the reaction, each ion formed has eight electrons in the outer shell, but each also carries a
charge as shown. (b) In a sodium chloride crystal, bonding between ions creates a three-dimensional lattice in which each Na1 ion is
surrounded by six Cl2 ions, and each Cl2 is surrounded by six Na1.

that the atoms are sharing electrons. Just as two people’s hands
participate in a handshake, each atom contributes one electron to
the pair that is shared. These electrons spend part of their time in H
the outer shell of each atom; therefore, they are counted as belong-
ing to both bonded atoms. O + O
Covalent bonds can be represented in a number of ways. In con-
trast to the diagrams in Figure 2.3, structural formulas use straight lines H H
to show the covalent bonds between the atoms. Each line represents a
pair of shared electrons. A molecular formula describes the molecule’s oxygen 2 hydrogen water
composition, but molecular formulas indicate only the number of each O
type of atom making up a molecule. A comparison follows: H H

Structural formula: Cl—Cl

Molecular formula: Cl2

Double and Triple Bonds N N

In addition to a single bond, in which atoms share only a pair of

electrons, a double or a triple bond can form. In a double bond, nitrogen
atoms share two pairs of electrons, and in a triple bond, atoms share
three pairs of electrons between them. For example, in Figure 2.3, Figure 2.3 Covalent reactions. After a covalent
each nitrogen atom (N) requires three electrons to achieve a total of reaction, each atom will have filled its outer shell by sharing
eight electrons in the outer shell. Notice that six electrons are placed electrons. To determine this, it is necessary to count the
in the outer overlapping shells in the diagram and that three straight shared electrons as belonging to both bonded atoms.
Oxygen and nitrogen are most stable with eight electrons in
lines are in the structural formula for nitrogen gas (N2).
the outer shell. Hydrogen is most stable with two electrons in
What are the structural and molecular formulas for carbon
the outer shell.
dioxide? Carbon, with four electrons in the outer shell, requires

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 23

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four more electrons to complete its outer shell. Each oxygen, with is an inorganic molecule because it does not contain carbon atoms.
six electrons in the outer shell, needs only two electrons to com- Carbon atoms are common to organic molecules.
plete its outer shell. Therefore, carbon shares two pairs of electrons As mentioned previously, in water the electrons spend more
with each oxygen atom, and the formulas are as follows: time circling the larger oxygen (O) atom than the smaller hydrogen
(H) atoms. This gives water both a slight negative charge (symbol-
Structural formula: OCO
ized as δ−) to the oxygen and a slight positive charge (symbolized
Molecular formula: CO2
as 1) to the hydrogen atoms. Therefore, water is a polar molecule
with negative and positive ends:
Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Bonds
In atoms that form a covalent molecule, electrons are shared in sin-
gle, double, or triple pairs. Custody of the shared electrons is not δ− O
always equal. One of the elements often keeps the electrons for a lon- O
ger period of time. Such elements are called electronegative (think H H
“electron-grabbers”). When these electronegative elements such as δ+ δ+ δ+ δ+
oxygen are teamed with smaller, weaker elements like hydrogen,
the resulting compound (water, H2O) forms a polar covalent bond. The diagram on the left shows the structural formula of water, and
Because the electrons spend most of their time with the electro- the one on the right is called a space-filling model.
negative element (oxygen), this element acquires a partial negative
charge. The weaker hydrogen atoms gain a partial positive charge Hydrogen Bonds
because they surrender their electrons for a longer period of time.
What if the atoms in the molecule share their electrons equally, A hydrogen bond occurs whenever a covalently bonded hydrogen has
so that each atom keeps the electrons for the same amount of time? a slight positive charge, and is attracted to a slightly negatively charged
This arrangement results in a nonpolar covalent bond. Molecules atom nearby. A hydrogen bond is represented by a dotted line because
linked by this type of bond do not have an electrical charge. As it is relatively weak and can be broken rather easily. In Figure 2.4, you
you’ll see, the bonding properties of covalent molecules determine can see that each hydrogen atom, being slightly positive, bonds to the
that molecule’s characteristic role in living organisms. slightly negative oxygen atom of another water molecule nearby.

Properties of Water
Content CHECK-UP!
Polarity and hydrogen bonding cause water to have many proper-
1. One particular isotope of the element potassium has the following ties beneficial to life, including the three to be mentioned here.
symbol: 39K. The atomic number (number of protons) for potas-
sium is 19. How many neutrons are contained in this isotope? 1. Water is a solvent for polar (charged) molecules and ionic
compounds, and thereby facilitates chemical reactions both
2. Fluorine gas contains two atoms of fluorine that share two elec-
trons. Draw the structural and molecular formulas for fluorine gas. outside and within our bodies.
Answers in Appendix A. When ions and molecules disperse in water, they move about
and collide, allowing reactions to occur. Therefore, water is a

Begin Thinking Clinically

One of the world’s worst nuclear accidents occurred at
Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986. The damaged nuclear reactor
released radioactive strontium into the air. Strontium is J H δ+
chemically similar to calcium. What body tissue might be

damaged by radioactive strontium? H

Answer and discussion in Appendix A.

2.2 Water, Acids, and Bases

4. Describe the characteristics of water and three functions of water
in the human body.
5. Explain the difference between an acid and a base, using examples
of each.
6. Use and understand the pH scale.
Figure 2.4 Hydrogen bonding between water
molecules. The polarity of the water molecules causes hydrogen
Water is the most abundant molecule in living organisms, usually
bonds (dotted lines) to form between the molecules.
making up about 60–70% of the total body weight. Even so, water

24 PART I Human Organization

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solvent that facilitates chemical reactions. For example, when a salt Only a few water molecules at a time dissociate, and the
such as sodium chloride (NaCl) is put into water, the negative ends actual number of H1 and OH2 is very small (1 3 10−7 moles/liter).
of the water molecules are attracted to the sodium ions, and the Acids are substances that dissociate in water, releasing hydro-
positive ends of the water molecules are attracted to the chloride gen ions (H1). For example, an important inorganic acid is hydro-
ions. This causes the sodium ions and the chloride ions to dissolve chloric acid (HCl), which dissociates in this manner:
and to separate in water:
HCl → H1 1 Cl2
O Dissociation is almost complete; therefore, HCl is called a strong
δ+ H H δ+
H H acid. If hydrochloric acid is added to a beaker of water, the number
δ− δ+ δ+ of hydrogen ions (H1) increases greatly. Lemon juice, vinegar,
The salt NaCl
dissolves in water.
tomatoes, and coffee are all acidic solutions.
Na1 Cl2 Bases are substances that either take up hydrogen ions (H1) or
H H H H release hydroxide ions (OH2). For example, an important inorganic
O H base is sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which dissociates in this manner:
NaOH → Na1 1 OH2
Dissociation is almost complete; therefore, sodium hydroxide is
Ions and molecules that are water-soluble are said to be called a strong base. If sodium hydroxide is added to a beaker of
hydrophilic (“water-loving”). Nonionized and nonpolar mol- water, the number of hydroxide ions increases. Milk of magnesia
ecules that do not interact with water are said to be hydrophobic and ammonia are common basic solutions.
(“water-fearing”). When an acid and a base are combined, the reaction produces
2. Water molecules are both cohesive and adhesive. a salt and water. For example, if hydrochloric acid and sodium
hydroxide are combined:
Water molecules cling together because of hydrogen bonding,
a property called cohesion. Water can also cling to other surfaces HCl 1 NaOH → NaCl 1 H2O
by hydrogen bonding, and this behavior is adhesion. Thus, water
It’s interesting to note that many compounds formed by reacting
flows freely and water-based solutions fill vessels, such as blood
acids and bases are water-soluble alkaline salts that can have direct
vessels. These characteristics of water make it an excellent trans-
effects on our brains. You will recognize many of these: nicotine,
port medium. Within our bodies, the blood that fills our arteries
caffeine, morphine, codeine, and cocaine. When taken in excess, all
and veins is 92% water. Blood transports oxygen and nutrients to
can be poisonous. Emergency care in a poisoning crisis is decribed
the cells and removes wastes such as carbon dioxide from the cells.
in the In Case of Emergency reading on the following page.
3. Water has a high specific heat capacity and a high heat of
pH Scale
Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy needed
to change an object’s temperature by exactly 1°C. Water has the In chemistry, pH is a chemist’s “shorthand.” For practical purposes,
highest specific heat of almost any substance in nature. Thus, water it’s useful to think of pH as a measure of hydrogen ion concentra-
can absorb a tremendous amount of heat energy without changing tion. Technically, pH is defined as the negative of the base 10 loga-
its temperature. This is due to the hydrogen bonds that link water rithm of free hydrogen ion concentration. Suppose a chemist stirs
molecules together. Maintaining a fairly constant body temperature up a solution containing 0.00001 moles per liter of free hydrogen
is possible, in part, because the body is roughly 60% water. High ions. The solution’s concentration can be written (using scientific
water content helps to insulate the body from extreme heat and cold notation) as 1 3 10−5 moles per liter. The base 10 logarithm is the
in the environment. Hydrogen bonding also accounts for water’s exponent, −5. Using the pH system, concentration is expressed as
high heat of vaporization—the amount of energy needed to turn negative times (−5), or pH 5. (Recall that a negative number mul-
water into steam. As water evaporates during sweating, the body tiplied by a negative number equals a positive number.)
can be cooled rapidly and effectively. It’s important to remember that as pH decreases, H1 concen-
tration exponentially increases. For example, a solution of pH 2
(0.01 moles/liter) has 100 times more H1 than a solution of pH 4
Acids and Bases (0.0001 moles/liter).
When water molecules dissociate (break up), they release an equal The pH scale, which ranges from 0 to 14, is used to indicate
number of hydrogen ions (H1) and hydroxide ions (OH2): the acidity and basicity (alkalinity) of a solution. A solution of
exactly pH 7, which is the pH of water, is at a neutral pH because
water releases an equal number of hydrogen ions (H1) and hydrox-
H O H H1 1 OH2
ide ions (OH−). Notice in Figure 2.5 that any solution with a pH
water hydrogen hydroxide above 7 is basic, with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions.
ion ion
Any solution with a pH below 7 is acidic, with more hydrogen ions

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 25

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When There’s a Poison Involved

The world can be a pretty dangerous place for a child. Toddlers will ex- these cases, rapid transport to the emergency room can mean the differ-
amine a new object visually at first, and then it usually goes right into ence between life and death.
their mouths, often regardless of how awful the taste or smell might be. Whenever possible, the patient’s history should be recorded to give
Small children also mimic the older people in their lives, watching as clues about the ingested substance. The victim’s caregivers, relatives,
adults consume drinks or medication. Sometimes, curiosity leads to in- friends, and co-workers can help. Partially empty containers, spilled
discriminate tasting of substances such as lipstick, crayons, hand lotion, material, and evidence of recreational drug use such as needles and sy-
shaving cream, modeling clay, and chalk (all are not toxic in small doses, ringes provide valuable information about the poison’s possible identity.
but ingesting any of them still warrants a call to a poison control center). Once the poison is identified, local and national poison control centers
Unfortunately, accidental poisoning in children happens all too fre- can help, suggesting antidotes and therapies.*
quently when toxins are accessible. EMS personnel shouldn’t attempt to cause vomiting (unless a
Accidental poisoning occurs in adults as well, especially to seniors physician orders an emetic, a drug that causes vomiting). In the emer-
who may be confused about prescription medications. Obviously, poi- gency room, clinicians often have the patient drink a solution of
soning is intentional when an older child, teen, or adult attempts suicide. ground-up charcoal, called activated charcoal, which combines with
When date rape or murder is the motive, poisoning is also deliberate (see many different types of chemicals. Stomach pumping—repeated fill-
Focus on Forensics: Rape in Chapter 17 for further discussion of ing and emptying of the stomach to wash out the poison, with or with-
date rape). out charcoal solution—may also be used. However, if the poison is a
First responders must quickly take action: first, call 911. Then, chemical like gasoline or kerosene, or a burning chemical like drain
continue with the A-B-Cs of emergency care: A → establish an Airway cleaner, these procedures can’t be used because they might further
and make sure the person is Breathing, and maintain Circulation. (The damage the nose, throat, and esophagus. In very serious poisonings,
techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are described in the patient may need dialysis, a technique for cleansing blood
Chapter 12). Other effects of the poison demand a quick reaction as well. artificially.
Alkaloid poisons like nicotine often increase pulse rate and blood
pressure to dangerous levels, while other toxins will cause the opposite *The U.S. National Poison Control Center Hotline telephone number is
effect. Further, many poisons cause delirium, seizures, and coma. In 1-800-222-1222.
pure water, tears

egg wh an blood,

ites, se

an a,


ch od


ma g s

, urin

sto bakin


L ak sia

alt gne

t S ma


be s e f
er, oda Gr ilk o

vin , m
eg nia
ld a
6 7 8 ho
5 9 use
on j
uice ho
4 10
Neutral pH

3 11
2 12 oven
1 13
H+ OH- sodium
0 14
hydrochloric Acidic Basic hydroxide
acid (NaOH)

Figure 2.5 The pH scale. The proportionate amount of hydrogen ions to hydroxide ions is indicated by the numerical values on the
dial. Any solution with a pH above 7 is basic, while any solution with a pH below 7 is acidic.

26 PART I Human Organization

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than hydroxide ions. As we move toward a higher pH, each unit
has 10 times the basicity of the previous unit, and as we move to- Content CHECK-UP!
ward a lower pH, each unit has 10 times the acidity of the previous 3. A soda pop has a pH of 4. How many free hydrogen ions are
unit. This means that even a small change in pH represents a large in the soda in moles per liter?
change in the proportional number of hydrogen and hydroxide ions 4. Depending on what you’ve eaten recently (as well as other
in the body. factors), the pH of your urine can vary from 5 to 8.
For us to remain healthy, the pH of body fluids needs to be a. Which is more acidic—urine at pH 5 or pH 8?
maintained within a narrow range. The normal pH of our blood is
b. How many more free hydrogen ions are in a solution of pH
always about 7.4—that is, just slightly basic (alkaline). If the pH
5, compared to one of pH 8?
value drops below 7.35, the person is said to have acidosis. If it
Answers in Appendix A.
rises above 7.45, the condition is called alkalosis. The pH stability
is normally possible because the body has built-in mechanisms to
prevent pH changes. The respiratory and urinary systems cooper-
ate to maintain normal pH (see Chapters 14 and 16). Addition-
ally, buffers in blood and body fluids help to keep pH within its 2.3 Molecules of Life
normal range. Buffers are chemicals, or pairs of chemicals, that 7. List the four classes of macromolecules in cells, and distinguish be-
take up excess hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions (OH−). One tween a dehydration reaction and a hydrolysis reaction.
of the most important buffer pairs in the body is the combination 8. Name the individual subunits that link to form carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, and nucleic acids.
of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3−), which
helps to keep the pH of the blood within normal range. Carbonic
acid is a weak acid—so called because not all H+ separates from Four categories of molecules called carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
the molecules. Carbonic acid can separate and re-form in the fol- and nucleic acids are the building blocks of cells. As you can see
lowing manner:

H2CO3 dissociates H1 1 HCO32 subunit OH HH subunit

carbonic re-forms hydrogen bicarbonate
acid ion ion

Note that the arrows shown in this chemical equation go forward dehydration H2O
and backward. This indicates that the reaction is reversible. When reaction
hydrogen ions are added to blood (let’s say, because you drink a can
of pop) the following reaction occurs:

H1 1 HCO32 → H2CO3 subunit subunit

What happens if a person takes magnesium hydroxide (often
called milk of magnesia) for an upset stomach? When hydroxide
ions (OH−) are added to blood, this reaction occurs: subunit OH H subunit

OH2 1 H2CO3 → HCO32 1 H2O

In this way, the carbonic acid–bicarbonate buffer pair can tem-

porarily prevent significant changes in the pH of blood. hydrolysis
reaction H2O

As we have seen, salts, acids, and bases are molecules that disso- subunit subunit
ciate; that is, they ionize in water. For example, when a salt such b.
as sodium chloride is put in water, the Na+ ion separates from the
Cl− ion. Figure 2.6 Synthesis and decomposition of
Substances that release ions when put into water are called macromolecules. (a) In cells, synthesis often occurs when
electrolytes because the ions can conduct an electrical current. The subunits bond following a dehydration reaction (removal of
H2O). (b) Decomposition occurs when the subunits in a
electrolyte balance in the blood and body tissues is important for
macromolecule separate after a hydrolysis reaction
good health because it affects the functioning of vital organs such
(addition of H2O).
as the brain and the heart.

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 27

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from the table below, they are called macromolecules, or polymers, bodies use as an immediate source of energy, can be written in any
because each is formed by linking together many smaller subunits, or one of these ways:
5C O O O
Monomer(s) H
C C1
Category Polymer (subunits) 4 OH H OH H
Carbohydrates Polysaccharide Monosaccharide
Lipids Fats, oils, steroids Glycerol and fatty acids,
steroid nucleus C6H12O6
Proteins Polypeptide Amino acid
Other common hexoses are fructose, found in fruits, and ga-
Nucleic acids DNA, RNA Nucleotide lactose, a constituent of milk.
A disaccharide (di, two; saccharide, sugar) is made by join-
ing only two monosaccharides together by a dehydration reaction
To link monomers into polymers, the cell uses a dehydration (Fig. 2.6a). Maltose is a disaccharide that contains two glucose
reaction, so called because an —OH (hydroxyl group) and an —H molecules:
(hydrogen atom)—the equivalent of a water molecule—are re-
moved as the molecule forms (Fig. 2.6a). With each dehydration O O
reaction, another monomer can be added to create a larger polymer,
just like a train can be lengthened by adding boxcars. To break up O
macromolecules, the cell reverses dehydration, using a hydrolysis
reaction. In hydrolysis (“splitting with water”), the components of
water are added (Fig. 2.6b).
maltose C12H22O11

When glucose and fructose join, the disaccharide sucrose

Content CHECK-UP! forms. Sucrose—ordinary table sugar—is derived from sugar cane
or sugar beets. Lactose, or milk sugar, is formed from glucose and
5. List the four major macromolecules found in the
human body. galactose. (Individuals who are lactose intolerant cannot digest this
sugar. If they consume dairy products, they experience intestinal
6. Based on what you know about how macromolecules are
cramping and diarrhea.)
broken up, why is it important to drink liquids with a meal?
Answers in Appendix A.
Complex Carbohydrates (Polysaccharides)
Macromolecules such as starch, glycogen, and cellulose are
polysaccharides that contain many glucose units. Although polysac-
2.4 Carbohydrates charides can contain other sugars, we’ll study the ones that use glucose.
9. Give some examples of different types of carbohydrates and their
specific functions in cells. Starch and Glycogen
Starch and glycogen are ready storage forms of glucose in plants
Carbohydrates are organic molecules that always contain carbon and animals, respectively. Some of the macromolecules in starch
(C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms. Carbohydrate mol- are long chains of up to 4,000 glucose units. Starch has fewer side
ecules are characterized by the presence of the atomic grouping branches, or chains of glucose that branch off from the main chain,
H—C—OH, in which the ratio of hydrogen atoms (H) to oxygen than does glycogen, as shown in Figures 2.7 and 2.8. Wheat flour
atoms (O) is approximately 2:1. Because this ratio is the same and potatoes are examples of high-starch foods.
as the ratio in water, the name “hydrates of carbon” works well. After we eat starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, and pasta,
Carbohydrates first and foremost function for quick, short-term glucose enters the bloodstream. The liver and muscles store excess
cellular energy in all organisms, including humans. The role of glucose as glycogen. In between meals, the liver releases glucose
carbohydrates and other nutrients will be discussed completely from glycogen, so that the blood glucose concentration is always
in Chapter 15. about 0.1%. Maintaining a fairly constant blood glucose concen-
tration is important because the brain and nerve tissues work best
Simple Carbohydrates when they use glucose as their energy source.
If the number of carbon atoms in a carbohydrate is low (between
three and seven), it is called a simple sugar, or monosaccharide. Cellulose
The designation pentose means a 5-carbon sugar, and the desig- The polysaccharide cellulose is found in plant cell walls. In cel-
nation hexose means a 6-carbon sugar. Glucose, the hexose our lulose, the glucose units are joined by a slightly different type of

28 PART I Human Organization

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cell wall

potato cells liver cells

Figure 2.7 Starch structure and function. Starch has straight Figure 2.8 Glycogen structure and function. Glycogen is
chains of glucose molecules. Some chains are also branched, as more branched than starch. The electron micrograph shows
indicated. The electron micrograph shows starch granules in po- glycogen granules in liver cells. Glycogen is the storage form of
tato cells. Starch is the storage form of glucose in plants. glucose in humans.

linkage from that in starch or glycogen. Although this might seem 2.5 Lipids
to be a technicality, actually it is important because humans can-
10. Describe the composition of a neutral fat, and give examples of
not digest foods containing this type of linkage. Cellulose largely how lipids function in the body.
passes through our digestive tract as fiber, or roughage. Dietary
fiber is essential to good health, and its many functions will be
Lipids contain more energy per gram than carbohydrates and pro-
discussed in Chapter 15.
teins, and some function as long-term energy storage molecules
in organisms. Other lipids are part of cell membranes that enclose
individual cells, as well as membranes that surround the organelles
found inside cells. Steroids are a large class of lipids that includes,
Content CHECK-UP! among other molecules, the sex hormones.
7. Categorize each carbohydrate as a monosaccharide, Lipids are diverse in structure and function, but they have a
disaccharide, or polysaccharide: common characteristic: They do not dissolve in water. Their low
a. glucose solubility in water is due to an absence of polar groups. They con-
tain little oxygen and consist mostly of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
b. fructose
c. sucrose
Fats and Oils
d. starch
The most familiar lipids are those found in fats and oils. Fats, which
e. glycogen
are usually of animal origin (e.g., lard and butter), are solid at room
f. cellulose
temperature. Oils, which are usually of plant origin (e.g., corn oil
8. The carbohydrate that humans eat, but cannot digest, is and soybean oil), are liquid at room temperature. Fat has several
______. functions in the body: It is used for long-term energy storage, it
Answers in Appendix A. insulates against heat loss, and it forms a protective cushion around
major organs.

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 29

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H H H H H H dehydration reaction O H H H H H H
1 C C C C C C C H H C O C C C C C C C H
H C OH HO hydrolysis reaction
1 3 H2O


glycerol 3 fatty acids fat molecule 3 water


Figure 2.9 Synthesis and degradation of a fat molecule. Fatty acids can be saturated (no double bonds between carbon atoms) or
unsaturated (have double bonds, colored yellow, between carbon atoms). When a fat molecule forms, three fatty acids combine with
glycerol, and three water molecules are produced.

A fat or an oil forms when one glycerol molecule reacts with Fatty acids are either saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fatty
three fatty acid molecules (Fig. 2.9). Fats and oils are sometimes acids have only single covalent bonds because the carbon chain
called triglycerides because of their three-part structure. They can is saturated, or combined with all the hydrogens it can hold. Fats
also be referred to as neutral fats because the molecules are non- such as lard, bacon grease, and butter are solid at room temperature
polar and have no electrical charge. because they contain saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids
have double bonds between carbon atoms wherever fewer than two
Emulsification hydrogens are bonded to a carbon atom. Oils such as safflower,
corn, and peanut oil are liquid at room temperature because of their
Emulsifiers can cause fats to mix with water. They contain
unsaturated fatty acids. Hydrogenation of vegetable oils can convert
molecules with a nonpolar end and a polar end. The molecules
them to margarine and products such as Crisco®. For more about
position themselves about an oil droplet so that their nonpolar
the role of fats and oils in nutrition, health, and wellness, check out
ends project. Now the droplet disperses in water, which means that
Chapter 15.
emulsification has occurred.

Phospholipids, as their name implies, contain a phosphate group
polar (Fig. 2.10a). Essentially, they are constructed like fats, except that
end in place of the third fatty acid, there is a phosphate group or a
nonpolar grouping that contains both phosphate and nitrogen. Unlike fats and
end oils, phospholipid molecules are not electrically neutral because
emulsifier fat the phosphate and nitrogen-containing groups are ionized. They
form the so-called hydrophilic head of the molecule, while the rest
emulsion of the molecule becomes the hydrophobic tails. Because of their
unique chemistry, phospholipids form the backbone of cellular
Soaps and detergents are emulsifiers that can remove fats and membranes. When surrounded by water (as body cells are), their
oils from dirty clothes or dishes. In our bodies, fats and oils from hydrophilic phosphate heads face outward while the hydrophobic
food must be emulsified before they can be digested. Bile is the fatty acid tails are sandwiched in between. Thus, phospholipids
emulsifier produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and re- spontaneously create a double layer, called a bilayer (Fig. 2.10b).
leased when you eat a fat-containing meal.
Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids Steroids are lipids that have an entirely different structure from that
A fatty acid is a carbon–hydrogen chain that ends with the acidic of fats. Steroid molecules have a backbone of four fused carbon
group —COOH (Fig. 2.9). Most of the fatty acids in cells contain rings, called the steroid nucleus. Each one differs primarily by
16 or 18 carbon atoms per molecule, although smaller ones with the side-chain molecules, called functional groups, attached to
fewer carbons are also known. the rings.

30 PART I Human Organization

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phosphate O
group H HCH
O C C O inside cell
nonpolar HCH HCH
fatty acid HCH HC
tails water-outside cell O HO
HCH HCH a. Testosterone b. Estradiol (a form of estrogen)
b. Membrane structure
Figure 2.11 Steroids. All steroids have four rings, but they
HCH differ by attached groups. Seemingly small chemical differences
HCH between (a) testosterone and (b) estradiol help to produce two
HCH distinct genders.
H Content CHECK-UP!
a. Phospholipid structure
9. Which fatty acid, saturated or unsaturated, contains more
Figure 2.10 Phospholipid structure and function. (a) Phos- hydrogen atoms? Which has double bonds between some
pholipids are structured like fats, but one fatty acid is replaced by of the carbons?
a polar phosphate group. Therefore, the head is polar, while the 10. Are phospholipids water- or oil-soluble? Explain.
tails are nonpolar. (b) This causes the molecule to arrange itself as
shown when exposed to the water-based environment outside 11. Which lipid acts as a precursor to steroid hormones such as
the cell. testosterone?
Answers in Appendix A.

Cholesterol is a component of a human or an animal cell’s

outer membrane and is the precursor of several other steroids, such 2.6 Proteins
as the male sex hormone testosterone, and a group of female sex
11. State the major functions of proteins, and tell how globular proteins
hormones that are collectively termed estrogens. Testosterone is are organized.
formed primarily in the testes, a male’s sex organs. Estrogens, such
as the estradiol molecule pictured in Fig. 2.11, are formed primarily
Proteins perform a wide range of functions, including the following:
in a woman’s ovaries. Testosterone and estradiol differ only by
the functional groups attached to the same carbon backbone, yet ∙ Collagen (found in connective tissue and skin) and
they have a profound effect on the body and on our sexuality keratin (found in skin, hair, and nails) are fibrous structural
(Fig. 2.11a, b). Further, testosterone is a steroid that causes males proteins.
to have greater muscle strength than females. However, taking syn- ∙ Many hormones, which are messengers that influence cellu-
thetic testosterone for this purpose is dangerous to your health, as lar metabolism, are proteins.
will be discussed in Chapter 10. ∙ The proteins actin and myosin account for the movement of
We know that a diet high in saturated fats and cholesterol can cells and the ability of our muscles to contract.
cause fatty material to accumulate inside the lining of blood ves- ∙ Some proteins transport molecules in the blood; for example,
sels, thereby reducing blood flow. As discussed in the Medical hemoglobin is a complex protein in our blood that transports
Focus on page 364, nutrition labels are now required to list the oxygen and carbon dioxide.
calories from fat per serving and the percent daily value from satu- ∙ Antibodies in blood and other body fluids are proteins that
rated fat and cholesterol. combine with pathogens or their toxins.

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 31

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∙ Enzymes are globular (round) proteins that catalyze, or speed present. Enzymes are protein catalysts—molecules that enable a par-
up chemical reactions, allowing them to happen at body ticular metabolic reaction to occur at the body’s normal temperature.
temperature. Atoms and molecules often do not react unless they are first acti-
vated in some way. Energy of activation is the energy needed to start
As you know from the chapter opener, proteins can have
a reaction. In the lab, heat is often used to supply the energy needed
medicinal applications as well.
for a reaction. For example, sugar can be broken down to form car-
bon dioxide and water, but doing so in a laboratory requires tremen-
Structure of Proteins dous heat. In the body, enzymes lower the energy of activation by
Proteins are macromolecules composed of amino acid subunits. forming a complex with particular molecules. Just as a mutual friend
An amino acid has a central carbon atom bonded to a hydrogen can cause particular people to interact at a crowded party, enzymes
atom and three groups. The name of the molecule is appropriate in cells bring together atoms or molecules and cause reactions. Our
because one of these groups is an amino group and another is an bodies use enzymes to convert sugar into CO2 and water (just like in
acidic group. The third group is called an R group because it is the a lab setting), but the reaction can occur at body temperature.
remainder of the molecule (Fig. 2.12a).
Amino acids differ from one another by the R group, which
varies in structure from a single hydrogen atom to a complicated Enzyme-Substrate Complex
ring. When two amino acids join, a dipeptide results. Polypeptides In any reaction, the molecules that interact are called reactants, while
contain three or more amino acids (Fig. 2.12b). Proteins are large the substances that form as a result of the reaction are the products. The
polypeptides. All human polypeptides are created from just 20 reactants in an enzymatic reaction are its substrate(s). Enzymes are
different amino acids. The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide often named for their substrate(s); for example, maltase is the enzyme
is called its primary structure (Fig. 2.12b). that digests maltose. Enzymes are highly specific for their particular
The bond between amino acids is termed a peptide bond. The reactions. This specificity is due to the shape and chemical composi-
atoms of a peptide bond share electrons unevenly, making hydrogen tion of the enzyme’s active site, the region where the reaction occurs.
bonding possible in a polypeptide. Thus, polypeptide molecules There, the enzyme and its substrate(s) fit together, much like pieces of
are polar. Due to hydrogen bonding, the polypeptide often twists to a jigsaw puzzle (Fig. 2.13). After a reaction is complete and the prod-
form a coil or folds into a fan shape. Coiling or folding creates the ucts are released, the enzyme is ready to catalyze its reaction again:
secondary structure of the protein (Fig. 2.12c) Finally, the coil
bends and twists into a particular shape because of bonding between E 1 S → ES → E 1 P
R groups. Hydrogen, ionic, and covalent bonding all occur in poly-
peptides, creating the tertiary structure (Fig. 2.12d). Hydrophobic (where E 5 enzyme, S 5 substrate, ES 5 enzyme-substrate com-
portions of a polypeptide are found inside the molecule, while the plex, and P 5 product). The enzyme is neither changed nor used up
hydrophilic portions are outside where they can contact water. during the chemical reaction.
Some proteins have just one polypeptide, while others have Many enzymes require cofactors. Cofactors assist an enzyme
more than one polypeptide, each with its own primary, secondary, and may even accept or contribute atoms to the reaction. Some co-
and tertiary structures. If a protein has more than one polypeptide, factors are inorganic metals, such as copper, zinc, and iron. Other
the arrangement of individual polypeptides gives a protein its cofactors are organic, nonprotein molecules called coenzymes. Vi-
quaternary structure (Fig. 2.12e). The oxygen-carrying protein tamins are often components of coenzymes.
found in red blood cells, called hemoglobin, is an example of a
protein with a quaternary structure. Hemoglobin molecules contain
four complete protein subunits. Types of Reactions
The final three-dimensional shape of a protein is very important Certain types of chemical reactions are common to metabolism.
to its function. When proteins are exposed to extremes in heat and pH, Synthesis Reactions During synthesis reactions, two or more reac-
they undergo an irreversible change in shape called denaturation. For tants combine to form a larger and more complex product (Fig. 2.13a).
example, addition of acid to milk (as when milk goes “sour”) causes The dehydration synthesis reaction we have already studied (i.e., the
curdling. Heating causes egg white protein, called albumin, to coagu- joining of subunits to form a macromolecule) is an example of a syn-
late (form clumps). Denaturation occurs because the normal bonding thesis reaction (see Fig. 2.8). When glucose molecules join in the liver,
between the R groups has been disturbed. Once a protein loses its forming glycogen, dehydration synthesis has occurred. Notice that
normal shape, it is no longer able to function normally. Research- synthesis reactions always involve bond formation and require energy.
ers hypothesize that an alteration in protein organization may be the
cause of Alzheimer disease (see the Medical Focus in Chapter 8) and Degradation (Decomposition) Reactions During degradation
variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (see the Medical Focus on page 34). reactions (also called decomposition reactions), a larger and more
complex molecule breaks down into smaller, simpler products
(Fig. 2.13b). The hydrolysis reactions that break down macromol-
Enzymatic Reactions ecules into their subunits are degradation reactions. For example,
Metabolism is the sum of all of the chemical reactions that occur digestion of a protein to amino acids is a degradation reaction that
in a cell. Most cellular reactions cannot happen unless an enzyme is occurs in the stomach and small intestine.

32 PART I Human Organization

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a. Amino Acid H N C COOH

b. Primary Structure:
sequence of amino acids

amino acid

peptide bond

c. Secondary Structure:
alpha helix or a pleated sheet C
hydrogen bond
hydrogen bond O C

b (beta) sheet =
a (alpha) helix
pleated sheet

d. Tertiary Structure:
final shape of polypeptide disulfide bond

e. Quaternary Structure:
two or more associated

Figure 2.12 Levels of polypeptide structure. (a) Amino acids are the subunits of polypeptides. Note that an amino acid con-
tains nitrogen. (b) Polypeptides differ by the sequence of their amino acids, which are joined by peptide bonds. (c) A polypeptide often
twists to form a coil or folds into a sheet due to hydrogen bonding between amino acids in the primary sequence. (d) The tertiary struc-
ture of polypeptide structure is due to various types of bonding between the R groups of the amino acids. (e) The grouping of two or
more polypeptides creates the quaternary structure of a large protein molecule.

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 33

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Prions: Malicious Proteins?

Infectious diseases are known to be caused by minute organisms that ultimately starve. Sheep with scrapie will frantically rub wool off
successfully dodge the body’s defense mechanisms. These invaders their bodies. Infected humans lose memory, muscle control, and
include parasites such as liver flukes and parasitic worms; smaller, finally stop breathing. At this time, there is no treatment—all TSEs
one-celled parasites like disease-causing strains of Amoeba; and the are fatal.
smallest unicellular organisms, the bacteria. Viruses are disease- The addition of waste brain/spinal cord tissue from slaughter-
causing particles that are even smaller than bacteria. All of these dis- houses to animal feed has been outlawed in all TSE-affected coun-
ease agents share a common trait: All contain the nucleic acids DNA tries, because researchers believe that prions were initially spread
or RNA, or both. Nucleic acids are large molecules that comprise the from sheep to cattle, and later among infected cattle, when the ani-
genetic material of parasites, bacteria, and viruses. At one time, mals ate contaminated feed. (It is interesting to note that kuru in
scientists believed that infectious organisms had to contain genetic humans was spread by cannibalism among the Fore’ tribe of New
material. Guinea, who honored dead relatives by eating their brains!) Further,
However, disease outbreaks in England, Europe, Canada, and the hunters are now being warned to protect against chronic wasting dis-
United States have demonstrated that even smaller agents, consisting ease by discarding meat from deer or elk that appear ill, to strictly
only of a protein molecule, are capable of causing disease. These pro- avoid contact with any brain or spinal cord tissue (especially con-
teinaceous infectious particles, called prions (pronounced pree- sumption of the tissue!) and to wear gloves if a carcass is butchered in
ahns), are responsible for a set of diseases termed transmissible the field.
spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). There are numerous forms of However, human-to-human TSE transmission can occur if cer-
TSEs: Creutzfeld-Jakob (croits-feld yay-kob) disease and kuru in tain types of brain-derived matter, including brain coverings, corneas
humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (formerly termed “mad from the eyes, and certain hormones are transferred from an infected
cow disease”) in cattle, scrapie in sheep, and chronic wasting disease in donor into a recipient. Prion-contaminated neurosurgery instruments
wild deer and elk, among others. (In addition, some spongiform can also infect a patient.
encephalopathies are inherited.) All human and animal TSE victims To date, probable diagnosis of TSEs has relied on analysis of
show similar findings at autopsy: holes pockmark the brain, giving cerebrospinal fluid (fluid obtained from a spinal tap) and electroen-
the tissue a spongy, Swiss-cheese appearance. Currently, TSEs cephalogram, or EEG. Absolute confirmation of the disease could
affect approximately 1:1,000,000 in a given population each year. In only be determined at autopsy. Recently developed blood tests have
the U.S., this currently translates to 250 to 300 newly infected people successfully detected prion proteins in individuals with one form of
per year. Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. Perhaps early discovery could lead to an
Scientists theorize that prions cause normal brain cell proteins to effective treatment. Very early research has shown success in treating
change into prion proteins. Accumulating prions kill brain cells and prion disease in test tube cultures of nerve cells. However, many
spread throughout brain tissue. Symptoms indicate brain destruction: puzzling questions about prions remain, and much additional research
“Mad” cows (deer and elk as well) wobble, stagger, refuse food, and is needed.

Replacement (Exchange) Reactions Replacement reactions 14. What type of reaction is the digestion of glucose to form car-
involve both degradation (decomposition) and synthesis. Reactions bon dioxide and water?
between acids and bases are replacement reactions. For example, a. synthesis c. replacement
when hydrochloric acid (HCl) is reacted with sodium hydroxide b. degradation/decomposition
(NaOH), the chloride ion (Cl−) trades places with the hydroxide ion Answers in Appendix A.
(OH−). Table salt (NaCl) and water (H2O) are formed as a result.

Content CHECK-UP!
2.7 Nucleic Acids
12. The sequence of amino acids found in a protein is that pro-
12. Describe the structure and function of DNA and RNA
tein’s _______ structure. in cells.
a. primary c. tertiary 13. Explain the importance of ATP in the body.
b. secondary d. quaternary
13. What happens to a protein when it is denatured? How would Nucleic acids are huge macromolecules composed of nucleotides.
this affect biologically active proteins? Every nucleotide is a molecular complex of three types of subunit

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product products

enzyme enzyme

substrates substrate
enzyme–substrate enzyme–substrate
complex complex

active site active site

enzyme enzyme

a. Synthesis b. Degradation/Decomposition
Substrates are combined A substrate is broken
to produce a larger product. down to smaller products.
Figure 2.13 Enzymatic action. An enzyme has an active site where the substrates come together and react. The products
are released, and the enzyme is free to act again. (a) In synthesis, the substrates join to produce a larger product. (b) In degradation/
decomposition, the substrate breaks down to smaller products.

molecules—a phosphate (phosphoric acid), a pentose sugar, and a have two rings (like adenine or guanine) or one ring (like thymine
nitrogen-containing base: or cytosine). In RNA, the base uracil replaces the base thymine.
The bases in DNA and RNA are nitrogen-containing bases—
nitrogen- that is, a nitrogen atom is a part of the ring. Like other bases, the
phosphate C containing
presence of the nitrogen-containing base in DNA and RNA raises
the pH of a solution.
5' O The nucleotides in DNA and RNA form a linear molecule
4' S called a strand. A strand has a backbone made up of phosphate-
sugar-phosphate-sugar, with the bases projecting to one side of the
3' 2' backbone. Because the nucleotides occur in a definite order, so do
pentose sugar
the bases. Any particular DNA or RNA has a definite sequence of
Nucleic acids contain hereditary information that determines bases, although the sequence can vary between molecules. RNA
which proteins a cell will have. Two classes of nucleic acids are is usually single-stranded, while DNA is usually double-stranded,
in cells: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic with the two strands twisted about each other in the form of a
acid). DNA makes up the hereditary units called genes. Genes double helix (like a spiral staircase). The molecular differences
pass on from generation to generation the instructions for rep- between DNA and RNA are listed in Table 2.1.
licating DNA, making RNA, and joining amino acids to form
the proteins of a cell. RNA is an intermediary in the process of
TABLE 2.1 DNA Structure Compared
protein synthesis, conveying information from DNA regarding
to RNA Structure
the amino acid sequence in proteins. As an analogy, think of
DNA as a “blueprint”—a set of instructions for assembling an DNA RNA
entire building. Using this example, RNA would be the direc-
tions, made from the blueprint, describing how to put beams Sugar Deoxyribose Ribose
together to make a wall.
Bases Adenine, guanine, thymine, Adenine, guanine,
The nucleotides in DNA contain the 5-carbon sugar deoxy- cytosine uracil, cytosine
ribose; the nucleotides in RNA contain the sugar ribose. This
difference accounts for their respective names. As indicated in Strands Double-stranded Single-stranded
Figure 2.14, there are four different types of bases in DNA: A 5 ad-
Helix Yes No
enine, T 5 thymine, G 5 guanine, and C 5 cytosine. The base can

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5' end 3' end



T one A



hydrogen bond
3' end 5' end

a. DNA double helix b. Complementary base pairing c. Ladder configuration

Figure 2.14 Overview of DNA structure. (a) Double helix. (b) Complementary base pairing between strands. (c) Ladder con-
figuration. Notice that the uprights are composed of phosphate and sugar molecules and that the rungs are complementary paired bases.

In DNA, the two strands are held together by hydrogen ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
bonds between the bases (Fig. 2.14). When unwound, DNA
Individual nucleotides can have metabolic functions in cells. Some
resembles a stepladder. The sides of the ladder are made entirely
nucleotides are important in energy transfer. When adenosine
of phosphate and sugar molecules, and the rungs of the lad-
(adenine plus ribose) is modified by the addition of three phos-
der are made only of complementary paired bases. Thymine (T)
phate groups, it becomes ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the pri-
always pairs with adenine (A), and guanine (G) always pairs with
mary energy carrier in cells.
cytosine (C) (Fig. 2.14). This is called complementary base
Cells require a constant supply of ATP. To obtain it, they
continually break down glucose (and other food molecules as
Complementary bases pair because they have shapes that
well) and convert the energy that is released into ATP mol-
fit together. We’ll see that complementary base pairing allows
ecules. To give an analogy, the energy in glucose is like a $100
DNA to replicate in a way that ensures the sequence of bases will
bill, and the energy in ATP is like a $10 bill. The larger bill
remain the same. When RNA is produced, complementary base
(glucose energy), when broken down, will yield ten smaller bills
pairing occurs between DNA and RNA, but uracil takes the place
(ATP energy). Cells “spend” ATP energy when cellular reac-
of thymine. Then, the sequence of the bases in RNA determines
tions require energy. Therefore, ATP is called the energy cur-
the sequence of amino acids in a protein because every three bases
rency of cells.
code for a particular amino acid (see Chapter 3, pp. 56–58). The
However, converting food energy into ATP energy is not
code is nearly universal and is the same in other organisms as it is
100% complete. To continue the comparison, imagine that a store
in humans.

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adenosine triphosphate energy


*energy available
for cell functions

P P + P

*energy adenosine diphosphate phosphate

supplied from
food ADP

Figure 2.15 Breakdown and formation of ATP.

won’t accept your $100 bill because it’s too large. You go to a
bank and exchange your $100 bill for $10 bills. Naturally, you Content CHECK-UP!
receive ten $10 bills from the bank—but you lose six $10 bills on 15. For the following terms, indicate whether it is characteristic of
the way home. RNA, DNA, or both:
A similar situation occurs for body cells. Energy in foods must a. uracil
be released, but during the conversion about 60% of food energy is
b. single-stranded
not converted to ATP. In the body, this energy is given off as heat.
c. cytosine
Thus, energy released from the breakdown of food fuels cellular
reactions and warms the body at the same time. d. thymine
Cells use ATP energy when macromolecules such as carbohy- e. double-stranded
drates and proteins are synthesized. In muscle cells, ATP is used f. ribose
for muscle contraction. In nerve cells, it is used for the conduction 16. Suppose someone presented data from DNA analysis of a
of nerve signals. Likewise, all other body cells use ATP energy to newly discovered species showing that the relative amounts
fuel their various functions. of the DNA bases were 30% guanine, 20% thymine, 30% ad-
ATP is a high-energy molecule because the last two enine, and 20% cytosine. Based on what you know about DNA
phosphate bonds are unstable and easily broken. In cells, the structure, why doesn’t this data make sense?
terminal phosphate bond is usually hydrolyzed, releasing 17. The complimentary base sequence for TTAGC is __________.
energy for cell reactions. The terminal bond is sometimes called 18. The breakdown of ATP yields ________, a phosphate group,
a high-energy bond, symbolized by a wavy line. But this termi- and energy.
nology is misleading—the breakdown of ATP releases energy Answers in Appendix A.
because the products of hydrolysis are more stable than ATP.
Breakdown of ATP leaves one molecule of ADP (adenosine
diphosphate) and a molecule of inorganic phosphate,
(Fig. 2.15). Begin Thinking Clinically
After ATP breaks down and the energy is used for a cellu-
lar purpose, ATP is rebuilt by the addition of to ADP again The disease sickle-cell anemia results from improper substi-
(Fig. 2.15). There is enough energy in one glucose molecule tution of a single DNA base (in this case, in part of the DNA
to build roughly 36 to 40 ATP molecules in this way. Homeo- sequence that ultimately results in hemoglobin, blood’s oxy-
stasis is only possible because cells continually produce and use gen-carrying protein). If DNA’s structure is defective, what
ATP molecules. The use of ATP as the energy currency of cells are the other two types of molecules that will be affected?
also occurs in other organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. Answer and discussion in Appendix A.

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The Deadly Effects of High-Level Radiation

On August 6, 1945, and then again on August 9, 1945, the world However, high levels of environmental ionizing radiation can
saw the effects of massive doses of ionizing radiation as two be deadly. By reacting with molecules in the body, each damages
atomic bombs were dropped: first on Hiroshima, Japan, and subse- cells and tissues. Acute radiation poisoning occurs when a per-
quently on Nagasaki. Fast-forward to March 2011: a massive son’s entire body is exposed to 1 Gy or more, from radioactive
earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan damaged nuclear alpha or beta particles touching the skin, consumed in contami-
reactors in Fukushima, Japan, causing release of radioactive steam nated food or drink, or inhaled from the air. Because gamma rays
into the air. Three people were killed in this accident, and radioac- aren’t particles, they directly penetrate the body. Recent research
tive fallout will likely contaminate soil and water for centuries. has shown that radiation breaks down cell-to-cell connections in
Small-scale radiation accidents have also repeatedly happened in the small intestine, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
the decades following the discovery of radiation in the early The first signs of acute radiation poisoning are nausea, vomiting,
twentieth century. For example, there are many people who have and diarrhea, and the faster these symptoms appear, the greater
been exposed to high-level radiation by accidental contact with the dosage. Bone marrow that produces blood cells is destroyed,
radioactive waste. and the person becomes anemic (due to red blood cell death) and
What is ionizing radiation? As the name suggests, it’s an at risk for infection (due to white blood cell destruction). In the
extremely high-powered form of energy that causes ions—charged days or weeks following exposure, any tissue with a rapid growth
subatomic particles—to form when unstable radioactive chemical ele- rate—skin and digestive tract lining, for example—may be
ments fall apart. There are three forms of ionizing radiation: alpha destroyed. A dose of 6 Gy or greater is almost always fatal. Over
particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles consist of time, radiation exposure predisposes a person to many forms
two protons and two neutrons. When a radioactive element spits out of cancer.
an alpha particle, it actually changes into a new element. For example, Acute radiation poisoning caused by alpha or beta particles is
if radium (atomic number 88) releases its alpha particle, it changes treated by having the person consume very high doses of stable
into radon gas (atomic number 86) because it loses two protons. Beta forms of the radioactive element. For example, exposure to radio-
particles are formed when an excess neutron converts to a proton active iodine (following a nuclear reactor incident) is treated by
(which remains in the element) and an electron (which is given off as taking pills containing stable iodine compounds. However, once
a very high-speed particle). As with an alpha-particle emitter, a radio- radiation poisoning injury has occurred, the patient must receive
active element that gives off a beta particle becomes a new element— intensive supportive treatment if he or she is to live. Long-term
this time, by adding a proton. For example, radioactive strontium therapy using intravenous fluids, blood transfusions, antibiotics to
(atomic number 38) becomes yttrium (atomic number 39) by releas- fight infections, drugs to stimulate bone marrow growth, and pain
ing a beta particle. Gamma rays are pure energy. medication will all be essential to keep the person alive until dam-
Throughout our lives, we’re all exposed to many forms of low- aged organs or tissues can regrow.
level ionizing radiation: from cosmic and solar energy, radioactive There are practical ways to prevent radiation poisoning in our
material in soil and water, and radiation used for medical procedures day-to-day lives. In homes, screen for radon gas, which can be
such as dental X rays and mammograms. Absorbed radiation is mea- released from soil surrounding a basement. If you’re preparing to
sured in units called grays, abbreviated Gy. The typical person’s aver- receive an X ray, CT scan, or other medical procedure, ask to have
age annual dosage of radiation from all sources is 0.0062 Gy. As you other body areas shielded from ionizing radiation. Avoid contact
know, there are many medical and commercial uses for radioactive with radioactive waste. Contact the authorities if you discover radio-
elements. For example, radioactive material selectively destroys can- active material (for example, discarded medical or industrial waste).
cer tissue during radiation therapy, and gamma rays are used to steril- Most important, seek immediate medical attention if you’re acciden-
ize delicate surgical equipment. tally exposed.

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms functional groups (fŭngk9shŭh-nŭhl grūpz), p. 30 polar molecule (pō9lĕr mŏl9ĕ-kyūl), p. 24
acid (ăsid), p. 25 gene (jēn), p. 35 polypeptide (pŏlē-pĕp9tīd), p. 32
adhesion (ăd-hē9zhŭn), p. 25 glucose (glū9kōs), p. 28 polysaccharide (polē-săk9ŭh-rīd), p. 28
amino acid (ŭh-mē9nō ăs9ĭd), p. 32 glycerol (glĭs9ĕr-ŏl), p. 30 primary structure (prī9mār-ē strŭk9chŭr), p. 32
anion (ăn9 ī-ŭhn), p. 22 glycogen (glī9kō-jĕn), p. 28 protein (prō9tēn), p. 32
atom (ă9 tŭhm), p. 21 heat of vaporization (hēt ŭv vāpŭh-rī- protons (prō9tŏnz), p. 21
zā9shŭhn), p. 25 quaternary structure (kwă9tĕr-nār-ē
atomic number (ă-tăw9mĭk nŭhm9bĕr), p. 21
hexose (hĕk9sōs), p. 28 strŭk9chŭr), p. 32
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) (ă-dĕn9ō-sēn trī-
fŏs9fāt), p. 36 hydrogen bond (hī9drō-jĕn bŏnd), p. 24 radioactive isotope (rādē-ō-ăk9tĭv ī9sō-tōp),
hydrolysis reaction (hī-drŏl9ĭ-sĭs rē-ăk9shŭn), p. 22
base (bās), p. 25
p. 28 replacement reactions (rē-plās9mĕnt rē-
bile (bīl), p. 30
hydrophilic (hī9drō-fĭl9ĭk), p. 25 ăk9shŭhnz), p. 34
buffer (bŭf9ĕr), p. 27
hydrophobic (hī9drō-fō9bĭk), p. 25 RNA (ribonucleic acid) (rībō-nū-klā9ĭk ăs9ĭd),
carbohydrate (kărbō-hī9drāt), p. 28 p. 35
inorganic molecule (ĭn-ŏr-găn9ĭk mŏl9ĕ kyūl),
cation (cătă ī-ŭhn), p. 22 salt (săwlt), p. 22
p. 24
cellulose (sĕl9yŭh-lōs), p. 28 saturated fatty acids (sătch9ŭ-rāt-ĕd făt9ē
ion (ī9ŏn), p. 21
cholesterol (kō-lĕs9tŭh-răwl), p. 31 ăs9ĭdz), p. 30
ionic bond (ī-ŏn9ĭk bŏnd), p. 22
cofactors (kō9făk-tŏrz), p. 32 secondary structure (sĕk9ŏn-dār-ē strŭk9chŭr),
ionic lattice (ī-ŏn9-ĭk lă9-tĭs), p. 22
cohesion (kō-hē9zhŭn), p. 25 p. 32
isotope (ī9sō-tōp), p. 22
complementary base pairing (kŏm9plŭh- solvent (sŏl9vĕnt), p. 24
lactose (lăk9tōs), p. 28
mĕn9tŭh-rē bās pār-ĭng), p. 36 specific heat capacity (spĭ-sĭf9ĭk hēt kŭh-
lipid (lĭp9ĭd), p. 29
compound (kŏm-pŏwnd9), p. 22 păs9ĭ-tē), p. 25
maltose (măwl9tōs), p. 28
covalent bond (kō-vā9lĕnt bond), p. 22 starch (stărch), p. 28
mass number (măs nŭhm9bŭr), p. 21
degradation decomposition reactions steroids (stĕr9ŏydz), p. 29
(dĕg9rŭh-dā9shŭhn dē-kŏmpŭh-zĭsh9ŭhn metabolism (mŭh-tăb9ō-lĭzm), p. 32
substrate (sŭb9strāt), p. 32
rē-ăk9 shŭhnz), p. 32 mole (mōl), p. 22
sucrose (sŭ'krŏs), p. 28
dehydration reaction (dē9hī-drā9shŭhn rē- molecule (mŏl9 ĕ kyūl), p. 22
synthesis reactions (sĭn9thĭ-sĭs rē-ăk9shŭhnz),
ăk9shŭhnz), p. 28 monosaccharide (mŏnō-săk9ŭh-rīd), p. 28 p. 32
denaturation (dē-nă9chŭr-ā9shŭn), p. 32 neutral fats (nū9trŭhl făts), p. 30 tertiary structure (tēr9shē-ā-rē strŭk9chĕr),
dipeptide (dī-pĕp9tīd), p. 32 neutrons (nū9trŏnz), p. 21 p. 32
disaccharide (dī-săk9ŭh-rīd), p. 28 nonpolar covalent bond (nŏn-pō9lĕr kō9vā9lĕnt triglycerides (trī-glĭs9ŭh-rīdz), p. 30
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) (dē-ŏks9ē-rī-bō- bŏnd), p. 24 unsaturated fatty acids (ŭn-sătch9ŭ-rāt-ĕd făt9ē
nū-klāĭk ăs9ĭd), p. 35 nucleic acid (nū-klā9ĭk ăs9ĭd), p. 34 ăs9ĭdz), p. 30
electrolyte (ē-lĕk9trō-līt), p. 27 nucleotide (nū9klē-ŭh-tīd), p. 34
electronegative (ē-lĕk9trō-nĕg9ŭh-tĭv), p. 24 oils (ŏylz), p. 29 Clinical Key Terms
electrons (ē-lek9tronz), p. 21 organic molecule (ŏr-găn9ĭk mŏl9ĕ-kyūl), p. 24
acidosis (ăsĭ-dō9sĭs), p. 27
elements (ĕl9ŭh-mĕntz), p. 21 pentose (pĕn9tōs), p. 28
alkalosis (ălkŭh-lō9sĭs), p. 27
emulsification (ē-mŭl9sŭh-fŭh-cā9shŭhn), p. 30 peptide bond (pĕp9tīd bŏnd), p. 32
arrhythmia (ā-rĭth9mē-ŭh), p. 22
emulsifier (ē-mŭl9 sŭh-fī-ŭhr), p. 30 pH scale (pē āch skāl), p. 25
hypertension (hīpĕr-tĕn9shŭn), p. 22
enzyme (ĕn9zīm), p. 32 phospholipids (fŏs9fō-lĭp9ĭdz), p. 30
prion (prē9ŏn), p. 34
fats (fătz), p. 29 polar covalent bond (pō9lĕr kō-vā9lĕnt bŏnd),
rickets (rĭk9ĕts), p. 22
fatty acid (făt9ē ăs9ĭd), p. 30 p. 24
tracer (trā9sĕr), p. 22

2.1 Basic Chemistry and mass number (number of neutrons. Radioisotopes are
A. All matter is composed of ele- protons and neutrons). The used in medicine in a variety of
ments, each made up of just one isotopes of some atoms are ways, from imaging the body to
type of atom. An atom has an radioactive and have biological killing cancer cells.
atomic symbol, atomic number and medical applications. c. Atoms react with one another to
(number of protons and, there- B. Isotopes of the same element form molecules. Following an
fore, electrons when neutral), have a different number of ionic reaction, charged ions are

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 39

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attracted to one another. Fol- lungs and kidneys, and the pres- They consist of glycerol and
lowing a covalent reaction, at- ence of buffers, help to keep the three fatty acids, which may be
oms share electrons. Polar pH of body fluids around pH 7. saturated or unsaturated.
covalent bonding results from 2.3 Molecules of Life B. Phospholipids have hydrophilic
unequal sharing of electrons. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and heads and hydrophobic tails.
Nonpolar covalent bonds occur nucleic acids are the molecules of C. Cholesterol is a type of steroid
when electrons are shared life. A monosaccharide, such as that has important functions in
equally. glucose, is a subunit (monomer) for the body, including serving as a
2.2 Water, Acids, and Bases larger carbohydrates. Glycerol and precursor to steroid hormones
A. In water, the electrons are fatty acids are monomers for fat. like testosterone.
shared unequally, and the result Amino acids are monomers for pro- 2.6 Proteins
is a polar molecule. Hydrogen teins, and nucleotides are mono- A. Proteins, which are composed
bonding can occur between mers for nucleic acids. of one or more long polypep-
polar molecules. 2.4 Carbohydrates tides, have both structural and
B. Water is a polar molecule and A. Monosaccharides are physiological functions. Polypep-
acts as a solvent; it dissolves carbohydrate monomers. The tides have several levels of
various chemical substances and monosaccharide glucose is an structure. Their three-dimensional
facilitates chemical reactions. immediate source of energy in shape is necessary to their
Because of hydrogen bonding, cells. Disaccharides are made by function.
water molecules are cohesive joining two monosaccharides to- B. Enzymes are proteins necessary
and adhesive. Water heats up gether. to metabolism. The reaction oc-
and cools down slowly. This B. Glycogen, starch and cellulose curs at the active site of an en-
helps keep body temperature are complex carbohydrates, zyme.
within normal limits. made of many monosaccharides 2.7 Nucleic Acids
C. Substances such as salts, acids, joined together. Glycogen Both DNA and RNA are polymers of
and bases that dissociate in wa- stores energy in the body, nucleotides; DNA is usually double-
ter are called electrolytes. The starch is a dietary source of en- stranded. DNA makes up the genes,
electrolyte balance in the blood ergy, and cellulose is a fiber in and along with RNA, specifies pro-
and body tissues is important for the diet. tein synthesis. ATP is the energy
good health. Acids have a pH 2.5 Lipids “currency” of cells because its
less than 7, and bases have a pH A. Fats and oils are lipids that func- breakdown supplies energy for
greater than 7. The actions of the tion in long-term energy storage. many cellular processes.

Study Questions
1. Name the subatomic particles of an 8. What are buffers, and how do they 14. Name two steroids that function as sex
atom. Using the carbon atom as an ex- function? (p. 28) hormones in humans. (p. 32)
ample, describe their charge, atomic 9. Name the four categories of 15. What are some functions of proteins?
mass unit, and location. (p. 22) macromolecules (polymers) in cells; Why do proteins stop functioning if
2. What is an isotope? A radioactive give an example for each category, exposed to the wrong pH or high
isotope? Discuss the clinical uses of and name the subunits (monomers) temperature? (pp. 32–33)
radioactive isotopes. (p. 23) of each. (pp. 28–29) 16. Discuss the levels of protein structure.
3. Give an example of an ionic reaction, 10. Tell how macromolecules are built up (pp. 33–34)
and explain it. (p. 23) and broken down. (p. 28) 17. How do enzymes function? Name
4. Give an example of a covalent 11. Name some monosaccharides, disac- three types of metabolic reactions.
reaction, and explain it. (pp. 23–25) charides, and polysaccharides, and give (pp. 33, 35)
5. Relate three characteristics of water the functions for each. (pp. 29–30) 18. Discuss the structure and function of
to its polarity and hydrogen bonding 12. What is a lipid? A saturated fatty acid? the nucleic acids DNA and RNA.
between water molecules. (pp. 25–26) An unsaturated fatty acid? What is the (pp. 36–37)
6. What is an acid? A base? (p. 26) function of fats? (pp. 30–31) 19. What is ATP? How does the cell use
7. On the pH scale, which numbers 13. Relate the structure of a phospholipid ATP as the energy source for cell reac-
indicate a basic solution? An acidic to that of a neutral fat. What is the tions? (pp. 37–39)
solution? Why? (pp. 26–28) function of a phospholipid? (p. 31)

40 PART I Human Organization

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Learning Outcome Questions
Fill in the blanks. 5. Acidic solutions contain more 8. A polypeptide has levels of structure.
1. are the smallest units of ions than basic solutions, The first level is the sequence of
matter nondivisible by chemical means. but they have a pH. ; the second level is very
2. Isotopes differ by the number of 6. Glycogen is a polymer of , often a ; the third level is its
in the nucleus. molecules that serve to give the body final .
3. The two primary types of reactions and immediate . 9. speed chemical reactions
bonds are and 7. A fat hydrolyzes to give one in cells.
. molecule and three 10. Genes are composed of ,
4. A type of weak bond, called a molecules. a nucleic acid formed from
bond, exists between molecules that are joined
water molecules. together.

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 3. hypokalemia (hīpō-kā-lē9mē-ŭh) 11. galactosemia (gŭh-lăk-tō-sē9mē-ŭh)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 4. hypovolemia (hīpō-vō-lē9mē-ŭh) 12. hypercalcemia (hīpĕr-kăl-sē9mē-ŭh)
listed below and at right. Many of the prefixes 5. nonelectrolyte (nŏnē-lĕk9trō-līt) 13. hyponatremia (hīpō-nŭh-trē9mē-ŭh)
and suffixes used to create these terms can 6. lipometabolism (lĭpō-mŭh-tăb9ō-lĭzm) 14. gluconeogenesis (glūkō-nēō-
be found throughout the chapter. For addi- 7. hyperlipoproteinemia (hīpĕr-lĭpō- jĕn9ŭh-sĭs)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at prōtēn-ē9mē-ŭh) 15. edema (ē-dē9mŭh) and consult 8. hyperglycemia (hīpĕr-glī-sē9mē-ŭh)
Appendix B. 9. hypoxemia (hīpŏk-sē9mē-ŭh)
1. anisotonic (ăn-īsō-tăwn9ĭk) 10. hydrostatic pressure (hīdrō-stăt9-
2. dehydration (dēhī-drā9shŭn) ĭk-prĕsh9ĕr)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life 41

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3 Cell Structure and Function
N eed another reason to quit using tobacco? The fine, hairlike cilia you see
on these cells from the trachea, or windpipe, are exquisitely tailored
organelles with an important protective function. Sticky mucus covering the
tracheal walls traps harmful pollutants like dust and mold spores before they
can reach the lungs. Cilia push the mucus upward toward the throat, and you
can either spit it out or swallow it. In either case, the mucus and trapped
pollutants are usually harmless. Now consider this: nicotine, the addictive drug
found in tobacco, temporarily poisons delicate cilia. As a result, the airways
become covered with a sticky layer in which fine particles and toxic residue
from the burnt tobacco are trapped. A deep, hacking smoker’s cough becomes
the only way to clear mucus from the airways. You’ll find tips to help you stop
smoking in Chapter 14.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

3.1 Cellular Organization 7. Describe the structures of centrioles, 12. As a part of interphase, also describe
cilia, and flagella and their roles in how cells carry out protein synthesis.
1. Name the three main parts of a cellular movement.
human cell. 13. Describe the phases of mitosis, and
8. Describe the structures and function explain the function of mitosis.
2. Describe the structure and function of the cytoskeleton.
of the plasma membrane.
3. Explain the structure and function of Visual Focus
3.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane
the nucleus. The Cell
9. Describe how substances move
4. Describe the structures and roles of
across the plasma membrane, and
the endoplasmic reticulum and the
distinguish between passive and
Medical Focus
Golgi apparatus in the cytoplasm. Dehydration and Water Intoxication
active transport.
5. Detail the structures of lysosomes
and the role of these organelles in 3.3 The Cell Cycle Focus on Forensics
the breakdown of molecules.
10. Describe the phases of the cell cycle. DNA Fingerprinting
6. Describe the structure of
mitochondria and their role in 11. As a part of interphase, describe the
producing ATP. process of DNA replication.


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3.1 Cellular Organization The nucleus is a large, centrally located structure that contains
the chromosomes and is the control center of the cell. It controls the
1. Name the three main parts of a human cell.
metabolic functioning and structural characteristics of the cell. The
2. Describe the structure and function of the plasma membrane.
nucleolus is a region inside the nucleus.
3. Explain the structure and function of the nucleus.
4. Describe the structures and roles of the endoplasmic reticulum and
The cytoplasm is the portion of the cell between the nucleus
the Golgi apparatus in the cytoplasm. and the plasma membrane. The matrix of cytoplasm is a gelati-
5. Detail the structures of lysosomes and the role of these organelles in nous, semifluid medium that contains water and various types of
the breakdown of molecules. molecules suspended or dissolved in the medium. The presence of
6. Describe the structure of mitochondria and their role in producing ATP. proteins accounts for the semifluid nature of cytoplasm.
7. Describe the structures of centrioles, cilia, and flagella and their roles
in cellular movement.
Along with its nucleus, the cell cytoplasm contains numerous
8. Describe the structures and function of the cytoskeleton. organelles, which are usually membranous structures (Table 3.1 and
Fig. 3.1). The largest organelle, the nucleus, can often be seen with a
light microscope. Others are best seen with an electron microscope.1
Every human cell has a plasma membrane, a single nucleus, and
Each type of organelle has a specific function. As you know, the
cytoplasm. (There are some exceptions to this rule. A mature eryth-
nucleus directs cellular activities. Another type of organelle trans-
rocyte, or red blood cell, ejects its nucleus as it develops. Thus,
ports substances, and a different type produces ATP for the cell.
erythrocytes are anucleate. Cells of skeletal muscle, liver, and
Organelles compartmentalize the cell, keeping the various cellular
other tissues may have up to 50 nuclei and are multinucleate.) The
activities separated from one another. Just as the rooms in your house
plasma membrane, which surrounds the cell and keeps it intact,
regulates what enters and exits a cell. The plasma membrane is a
phospholipid bilayer that is said to be semipermeable (or selec- 1
Electron microscopes are high-powered instruments that are used to generate detailed
tively permeable) because it allows certain molecules but not oth- photographs of cellular contents. The photographs are called electron micrographs.
Scanning electron micrographs have depth, while transmission electron micrographs are
ers to enter the cell. Proteins present in the plasma membrane play flat (see Figs. 3.1a and 3.3). Light microscopes are used to generate photomicrographs
important roles in allowing substances to enter the cell. that are often simply called micrographs.

TABLE 3.1 Structures in Human Cells

Name Composition Function

Plasma membrane Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins Cell border; selective passage of molecules into and
out of cell; location of cell markers, cell receptors
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (envelope) surrounding Storage of genetic information; control center of cell;
nucleoplasm, chromatin, and nucleolus cell replication
Nucleolus Concentrated area of chromatin, RNA, and Ribosomal formation
proteins; found in the nucleus
Ribosome Two subunits composed of protein and RNA Protein synthesis
Endoplasmic reticulum Complex system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs Synthesis and/or modification of proteins and other
substances; transport by vesicle formation
Rough endoplasmic reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes Protein synthesis for export
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes Varies: lipid and/or steroid synthesis; calcium storage
Golgi apparatus Stacked, concentrically folded membranes Processing, packaging, and distribution of molecules
Vacuole Small membranous sac Isolates substances inside cell
Vesicle Small membranous sac Storage and transport of substances into/out of cell
Lysosome Vesicle containing digesting enzymes Intracellular digestion; self-destruction of the cell
Peroxisome Vesicle containing oxidative enzymes Detoxifies drugs, alcohol, etc.; breaks down fatty acids
Mitochondrion Inner membrane within outer membrane Cellular respiration
Cytoskeleton Microtubules, actin filaments Shape of cell and movement of its parts
Cilia and flagella 9 1 2 pattern of microtubules Movement by cell; movement of substances inside a tube
Centriole 9 1 0 pattern of microtubules Formation of basal bodies for cilia and flagella;
formation of spindle in cell division

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 43

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Visual Focus
Visual Focus






outer surface that
regulates entrance and
exit of molecules

protein a. 50 nm

phospholipid NUCLEUS: control center of cell, cell

replication, storage of genetic information
Nuclear envelope: double
CYTOSKELETON: maintains membrane with nuclear pores
cell shape and assists movement that encloses nucleus
of cell parts: Chromatin: diffuse threads
Microtubules: cylinders of containing DNA and protein
protein molecules present Nucleolus: region that produces
in cytoplasm, centrioles, subunits of ribosomes
cilia, and flagella
Intermediate filaments: ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM:
protein fibers that synthesis (and/or modification)
provide support and transport of substances in cell
and strength Rough ER: studded with
Actin filaments: protein ribosomes, processes proteins
fibers that play a role in Smooth ER: lacks
movement of cell ribosomes, synthesizes
and organelles lipid molecules

Centrioles: short Ribosomes:

cylinders of microtubules particles that carry
out protein synthesis

Centrosome: microtubule Mitochondrion: organelle

organizing center that that carries out cellular
contains a pair of centrioles respiration, producing
ATP molecules
Lysosome: vesicle that
digests macromolecules Exocytosis: vesicle
and even cell parts release, secretion
Endocytosis: vesicle formation
Vesicle: membrane-bounded Polyribosome: string of
sac that stores and transports ribosomes simultaneously
substances synthesizing same protein
Cytoplasm: semifluid
matrix outside nucleus Golgi apparatus: processes, packages,
that contains organelles and secretes modified cell products

Figure 3.1 The Cell. (a) Transmission electron micrograph of the cell. (b) The interior of the cell, with its organelles.

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plasma membrane

hydrophobic hydrophilic
tails heads

filaments of cytoskeleton Inside



Figure 3.2 Fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane. In the phospholipid bilayer, the hydrophilic (polar) heads are on
the inner and outer surfaces of the bilayer, and the hydrophobic (nonpolar) tails are sandwiched in between the two hydrophilic layers.
Embedded proteins are scattered throughout the bilayer. Carbohydrate molecules attach to lipids to form glycolipids. Likewise, carbohy-
drates and proteins form glycoproteins.

have particular pieces of furniture that serve a particular purpose, water, they naturally form a spherical bilayer because of the chemi-
organelles have a structure that suits their function. cal properties of the heads and the tails.
Cells also have a cytoskeleton, a network of interconnected At body temperature, the phospholipid bilayer is a liquid;
filaments and tiny hollow tubes called microtubules in the cyto- it has the consistency of olive oil, and the proteins are able to
plasm. The name cytoskeleton is convenient because it allows us change their positions by moving laterally. The fluid-mosaic
to compare the cytoskeleton to our bones and muscles. Bones and model, a working description of membrane structure, suggests
muscles give us structure and produce movement. Similarly, the that the protein molecules have a changing pattern (form a
elements of the cytoskeleton maintain cell shape and allow the mosaic2) within the fluid phospholipid bilayer (Fig. 3.2). Our
cell and its contents to move. Some cells move by using cilia and plasma membranes also contain a substantial number of cho-
flagella, which are made up of microtubules. lesterol molecules. These molecules stabilize the phospho-
lipid bilayer and prevent a drastic decrease in fluidity at low
The Plasma Membrane temperatures.
Short chains of sugars are attached to the outer surfaces of
Our cells are surrounded by an outer plasma membrane. The some proteins and lipids within the plasma membrane. This cre-
plasma membrane separates the cytoplasm and organelles inside ates molecules termed glycoproteins and glycolipids, respectively.
the cell from the outside of the cell. Plasma membrane integrity is Unique glycoprotein molecules, specific to each cell, mark the cell
necessary for the cell to live. as belonging to a particular individual. These cell markers account
The plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer with attached for characteristics such as blood type or why a patient’s system
(also called peripheral) or embedded (also called integral) pro- sometimes rejects an organ transplant. Some glycoproteins have
teins. As you discovered in Chapter 2, each phospholipid molecule a special configuration that allows them to act as receptors for
has a polar head and nonpolar tails (Fig. 3.2). Because the polar
heads are charged, they are hydrophilic (water-loving) and face
outward, where they are likely to encounter a watery environment.
A mosaic is a picture or decorative design that’s created when pieces of colored
The nonpolar tails are hydrophobic (water-fearing) and face in- glass, tile, or paper are placed in or on a surface to create a pattern. In the fluid-mosaic
ward, where there is no water. When phospholipids are placed in analogy, proteins are placed into the phospholipid layer.

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 45

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a chemical messenger such as a hormone. Some integral plasma
membrane proteins form channels through which certain sub- chromatin
stances can enter cells, while others are carriers involved in the mitochondrion
passage of molecules through the membrane.

The Nucleus nuclear

The nucleus is a prominent structure in human cells. The nucleus
is of primary importance because it stores the genetic information nucleolus
that determines the characteristics of the body’s cells and their
metabolic functioning. The unique chemical composition of each reticulum
person’s DNA forms the basis for DNA fingerprinting (see p. 61).
Every cell contains a copy of genetic information, but each cell
type has certain genes turned on and others turned off. Activated
DNA, with messenger RNA (mRNA) acting as an intermediary,
2.5 µm
controls protein synthesis (see pp. 56–58). The proteins of a cell
determine its structure and the functions it can perform. Figure 3.3 The nucleus. The double membrane nu-
When you look at the nucleus, even in an electron micro- clear envelope surrounds the chromatin. The nucleus has a spe-
graph, you cannot see DNA molecules, but you can see chroma- cial region called the nucleolus where rRNA is produced and
tin (Fig. 3.3). Chemical analysis shows that chromatin contains ribosomal subunits are assembled.
DNA and much protein, as well as some RNA. Chromatin coils
into individual rodlike structures called chromosomes just before
the cell divides. Chromatin is immersed in a semifluid medium produced and where rRNA joins with proteins to form the subunits
called nucleoplasm. of ribosomes. (Ribosomes are small bodies in the cytoplasm that
Most likely, too, when you look at an electron micrograph of a contain rRNA and proteins.)
nucleus (Fig. 3.3), you’ll see one or more regions that look darker The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a double
than the rest of the chromatin. These are nucleoli (sing., nucleolus) membrane known as the nuclear envelope, which is continuous
where another type of RNA, called ribosomal RNA (rRNA), is with the endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 3.4) discussed on page 47.




rough ER

smooth ER

Figure 3.4 Endoplasmic reticulum. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes where protein synthesis occurs.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which has no attached ribosomes, produces lipids and often has other functions as well in particular cells.

46 PART I Human Organization

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The nuclear envelope has nuclear pores that are large enough membrane. Vesicles can frequently be seen at the edges of the
to permit the passage of proteins into the nucleus and ribosomal saccules.
subunits out of the nucleus. Once again, remember the most The Golgi apparatus receives protein and/or lipid-filled
important function of the nuclear envelope: to surround and vesicles that bud from the ER. Some biologists believe that
contain DNA. these fuse to form a saccule at the inner face and that this sac-
cule remains a part of the Golgi apparatus until the molecules
are repackaged in new vesicles at the outer face. Others believe
Ribosomes that the vesicles from the ER proceed directly to the outer face
Ribosomes are composed of two subunits, one large and one small. of the Golgi apparatus, where processing and packaging occur
Each subunit has its own mix of proteins and rRNA. Protein syn- within its saccules. The Golgi apparatus contains enzymes that
thesis occurs at the ribosomes. modify proteins and lipids. For example, it can add a chain of
Ribosomes are found free within the cytoplasm either singly sugars to proteins and lipids, thereby making them into gly-
or in groups called polyribosomes (polysomes). Ribosomes are coproteins and glycolipids, which are molecules found in the
often attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, a membranous system plasma membrane.
of saccules and channels discussed next (Fig. 3.4). The vesicles that leave the Golgi apparatus move to other
Proteins synthesized by cytoplasmic ribosomes are used inside parts of the cell. Some vesicles proceed to the plasma membrane
the cell for various purposes. Those produced by ribosomes at- where they discharge their contents. Because this is secretion,
tached to endoplasmic reticulum may eventually be secreted note that the Golgi apparatus is involved in processing, packag-
from the cell. ing, and secretion. Other vesicles that leave the Golgi apparatus
are lysosomes.
Endomembrane System
The endomembrane system consists of the nuclear envelope, Lysosomes
the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and Lysosomes, membranous sacs produced by the Golgi apparatus,
vesicles (tiny membranous sacs) (Fig. 3.5). All four of these contain hydrolytic digestive enzymes. Sometimes macromol-
components of the cell work together to produce and secrete a ecules are brought into a cell by vesicle formation at the plasma
product. membrane (Fig. 3.5). When a lysosome fuses with such a vesicle,
the lysosome’s contents are digested by lysosomal enzymes into
simpler subunits that then enter the cytoplasm. Even parts of a
The Endoplasmic Reticulum cell are digested by its own lysosomes (called autodigestion).
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a complicated system of Normal cell rejuvenation most likely takes place in this man-
membranous channels and saccules (flattened vesicles), is physi- ner, but autodigestion is also important during development. For
cally continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear enve- example, when a tadpole becomes a frog, lysosomes digest away
lope. Rough ER is studded with ribosomes on the side of the the cells of the tail. The fingers of a human embryo are at first
membrane that faces the cytoplasm. Here proteins are synthesized webbed, but they are freed from one another as a result of lyso-
and enter the ER interior, where processing and modification somal action.
begin. Some of these proteins are incorporated into the membrane, Occasionally, a child is born with Tay-Sachs disease, a meta-
and some are for export. Smooth ER, which is continuous with bolic disorder involving a missing or inactive lysosomal enzyme in
rough ER, does not have attached ribosomes. Smooth ER synthe- nerve cells. In these cases, the lysosomes fill to capacity with mac-
sizes the phospholipids that occur in membranes and has various romolecules that cannot be broken down. The nerve cells become
other functions, depending on the particular cell. For example, in so crowded with these nonfunctional lysosomes that they can no
the testes, smooth ER produces testosterone, and in the liver it longer function. Nerve signals in the brain and spinal cord are no
helps detoxify drugs. longer transmitted. The brain stops developing and the child dies.
Regardless of any specialized function, ER also forms vesicles Someday soon, it may be possible to provide the missing enzyme
in which large molecules are transported to other parts of the cell. for these children.
Often these vesicles are on their way to the plasma membrane or
the Golgi apparatus.
Peroxisomes and Vacuoles
Although peroxisomes are not part of the endomembranous sys-
The Golgi Apparatus tem, they are similar to lysosomes in structure. Like lysosomes,
The Golgi apparatus is named for Camillo Golgi, who discov- they are vesicles that contain enzymes. Peroxisome enzymes
ered its presence in cells in 1898. The Golgi apparatus consists of function to detoxify drugs, alcohol, and other potential toxins.
a stack of 3 to 20 slightly curved saccules that resemble a stack The liver and kidneys contain large numbers of peroxisomes be-
of pancakes (Fig. 3.5). In human and animal cells, one side of cause these organs help to cleanse the blood. Peroxisomes also
the stack (the inner face) is directed toward the ER, and the other break down fatty acids from fats so that fats can be metabolized
side of the stack (the outer face) is directed toward the plasma by the cell.

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 47

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lysosomes Golgi apparatus

1 plasma

incoming vesicle

enzyme 2

Golgi apparatus
3 modifies lipids and proteins
from the ER; sorts and packages
contains digestive enzymes
them in vesicles
that break down macromolecules
entering by vesicles

transport vesicle
transport vesicle takes proteins to
takes lipids to Golgi apparatus
Golgi apparatus


rough endoplasmic
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
reticulum synthesizes proteins and
synthesizes lipids and has packages them in vesicles
various other functions Nucleus


a. Endocytosis b. Exocytosis

Figure 3.5 The endomembrane system. (a) Endocytosis and lysosome function. (1) A vesicle formed by endocytosis,
containing macromolecules, fuses with (2) the lysosome made at the Golgi apparatus, and (3) lysosome enzymes digest the macro-
molecules in the vesicle. (b) Exocytosis and the secretory vesicle. (1) Transport vesicles from the ER bring proteins and lipids to the
Golgi apparatus, where (2) the molecules are packaged in a secretory vesicle, which (3) travels to the plasma membrane, releasing
its contents by exocytosis.

48 PART I Human Organization

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Vacuoles are occasionally found within human cells, where
they isolate substances captured inside the cell. For example,
vacuoles may contain parasites that are awaiting digestion by

Although the size and shape of mitochondria (sing., mitochondrion)
can vary, all are bounded by a double membrane. The inner mem-
brane is folded to form little shelves called cristae, which project
into the matrix, an inner space filled with a gel-like fluid (Fig. 3.6).
The matrix also contains mitochondrial DNA, which is distinct
from nuclear DNA.
Mitochondria are the site of ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
production involving complex metabolic pathways. As described 200 nm
in section 2.7, ATP molecules are the common carrier of energy in membrane matrix
cells. A shorthand way to indicate the chemical transformation that intermembrane inner cristae
involves mitochondria is as follows: space membrane


carbohydrate + oxygen carbon dioxide + water

Read as follows: As carbohydrate is broken down to carbon dioxide

and water, ATP molecules are built up.

Mitochondria are often called the powerhouses of the cell: Just
as a powerhouse burns fuel to produce electricity, the mitochondria
Figure 3.6 Mitochondrion structure. Mitochondria
convert the chemical energy of carbohydrate molecules into the are involved in cellular respiration. (a) Electron micrograph of a
chemical energy of ATP molecules. In the process, mitochondria mitochondrion. (b) Generalized drawing in which the outer
use up oxygen and give off carbon dioxide and water. The oxygen membrane and portions of the inner membrane have been cut
you breathe in enters cells and then mitochondria; the carbon diox- away to reveal the cristae.
ide you breathe out is released by mitochondria. Because oxygen
is used up and carbon dioxide is released, we say that mitochondria
carry on cellular respiration. includes microtubules, intermediate filaments, and actin filaments
Fragments of digested carbohydrate, protein, and lipid enter (see Fig. 3.1).
the mitochondrial matrix from the cytoplasm. The matrix contains Microtubules are hollow cylinders whose wall is made up of
enzymes for metabolizing these fragments to carbon dioxide and 13 longitudinal rows of the globular protein tubulin. Remarkably,
water. Energy released from metabolism is used for ATP production, microtubules can assemble and disassemble. Microtubule assem-
which occurs at the cristae. The protein complexes that aid in the bly is regulated by the centrosome, which lies near the nucleus.
conversion of energy are located in an assembly-line fashion on The centrosome is the region of the cell that contains the centrioles.
these membranous shelves. (As noted in Table 3.1, centrioles help to form cilia, flagella, and
Every cell uses a certain amount of ATP energy to synthesize the spindle apparatus.) Microtubules radiate from the centrosome,
molecules, but many cells use ATP to carry out their special- helping to maintain the shape of the cell and acting as tracks along
ized functions. For example, muscle cells use ATP for muscle which organelles move. It is well known that during cell division,
contraction, which produces movement, and nerve cells use it microtubules form spindle fibers, which assist the movement of
for the conduction of nerve signals, which make us aware of our chromosomes.
environment. Intermediate filaments differ in structure and function.
Because they are tough and resist stress, intermediate filaments often
form cell-to-cell junctions. Intermediate filaments join skin cells in
The Cytoskeleton the outermost skin layer, the epidermis. Actin filaments are long,
Several types of filamentous protein structures form a cytoskeleton extremely thin fibers that usually occur in bundles or other groupings.
that helps maintain the cell’s shape and either anchors the organ- Actin filaments have been isolated from various types of cells, espe-
elles or assists their movement as appropriate. The cytoskeleton cially those in which movement occurs. Microvilli, which project

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 49

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from certain cells and can shorten and extend, contain actin filaments. the ovum toward the uterus (womb), where a fertilized ovum grows
Like microtubules, actin filaments can assemble and disassemble. and develops.
Recall that each cilium and flagellum is anchored by its basal
Centrioles body, which lies in the cytoplasm of the cell. Basal bodies, like
centrioles, have a 9 1 0 pattern of microtubule triplets (Fig. 3.8a).
Centrioles are short cylinders with a 9 1 0 pattern of microtubules, They are believed to organize the structure of cilia and flagella
meaning that there are nine outer microtubule triplets and no center even though cilia and flagella have a 9 1 2 pattern of microtu-
microtubules (see Fig. 3.8a). Each cell has a pair of centrioles in bules. In cilia and flagella, nine microtubule doublets surround two
the centrosome, a region located near the cell nucleus. The mem- central microtubules. This arrangement is believed to be necessary
bers of each pair of centrioles are at right angles to one another. for their ability to move (Fig. 3.8b).
Before a cell divides, the centrioles duplicate, and the members
of the new pair are also at right angles to one another. During cell
division, the pairs of centrioles separate so that each daughter cell
gets one centrosome. Content CHECK-UP!
Centrioles are directed by the centrosome in the formation of
the spindle apparatus, which functions during cell division. Their 1. Match each part of the plasma membrane to its function:
role in forming the spindle is described later in the Mitosis/Meiosis a. phospholipid 1. stabilize the
section of this chapter on pages 58–60. A single centriole forms molecules phospholipid bilayer
the anchor point, or basal body, for each individual cilium or b. glycoproteins 2. form a bilayer
flagellum. Basal bodies direct the formation of cilia and flagella c. cholesterol 3. account for a person’s
as well. blood type
2. What are the four components of the endomembrane system?
Cilia and Flagella Which is responsible for protein synthesis? forming vesicles?
Cilia and flagella (sing., cilium, flagellum) are projections of cells destruction of cells or cell parts? containing the nucleus?
that can move either in a wavelike fashion, like a whip, or stiffly, 3. Match the organelle with the function:
like an oar. Cilia are shorter than flagella (Fig. 3.7). Cells that a. nucleolus 1. break down toxins
have these organelles are capable of self-movement or moving b. mitochondrion 2. ribosome production
material along the surface of the cell. For example, sperm cells
c. peroxisome 3. allow movement within
move by means of flagella to carry genetic material to the ovum,
the cell
or egg. As you know from the chapter opener, the cells that line
d. cytoskeleton 4. ATP production
our respiratory tract are ciliated. These cilia sweep debris trapped
within mucus back up the throat, and this action helps keep the Answers in Appendix A.
lungs clean. Within a woman’s uterine tubes, ciliated cells move

a. b.

Figure 3.7 Cilia and flagella. (a) Cilia are common on the surfaces of certain tissues, such as the one that forms the inner
lining of the respiratory tract. (b) Flagella form the tails of human sperm cells.

50 PART I Human Organization

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central microtubules

radial doublet

The shaft of the

flagellum has a ring
of nine microtubule flagellum
doublets anchored cross section 25 nm
to a central pair of
The basal body of a flagellum basal body membrane
has a ring of nine
microtubule triplets with no
central microtubules.



basal body
cross section 100 nm
a. b.

Figure 3.8 Structure of basal bodies and flagella. (a) Basal bodies have a 9 1 0 pattern of microtubule triplets. (b) A flagellum
has a 9 1 2 pattern of microtubules.

3.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane molecules move from high to low concentration, they are said to be
moving down their concentration gradient.) To illustrate diffusion,
9. Describe how substances move across the plasma membrane, and
distinguish between passive and active transport.
imagine putting a tablet of dye into water. The water eventually
takes on the color of the dye as the dye molecules diffuse (Fig. 3.9).
The chemical and physical properties of the plasma mem-
The plasma membrane keeps a cell intact. It allows only cer-
brane allow only a few types of molecules to enter and exit a cell
tain molecules and ions to enter and exit the cytoplasm freely;
by simple diffusion. Lipid-soluble molecules such as alcohols can
therefore, the plasma membrane is said to be selectively
diffuse through the membrane because lipids are the membrane’s
permeable (semipermeable). Both passive and active methods
main structural components. Gases can also diffuse through the
are used to cross the plasma membrane (Table 3.2). A passive
lipid bilayer; this is the mechanism by which oxygen enters cells
transport mechanism is one that doesn’t require cellular energy.
and carbon dioxide exits cells. For example, consider the move-
By contrast, active transport must be fueled by cellular energy
ment of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream. When you
(usually in the form of ATP).
inhale, oxygen fills the tiny air sacs, or alveoli, within your lungs.
Neighboring lung capillaries contain red blood cells with a very
Simple Diffusion low oxygen concentration. Oxygen diffuses from the area of high-
Simple diffusion is the random movement of simple atoms or mol- est concentration to the area of lowest concentration: first through
ecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower alveolar cells, then lung capillary cells, and finally into the red
concentration until they are equally distributed. (When atoms or blood cells.

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 51

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dye Figure 3.9 Diffusion.

molecules Kinetic (thermal) energy causes
(solute) constant, random movement of
both water and dye molecules in
a solution. As dye molecules
a. Crystal of b. Diffusion of c. Equal distribution
dye placed water and dye of molecules move from areas of higher to
in water molecules results lower concentration, the water
takes on the color of the dye.

When atoms or molecules diffuse from areas of higher to lower

concentration across plasma membranes, no cellular energy is in- Begin Thinking Clinically
volved. Instead, kinetic or thermal energy of matter is the energy An intravenous hypertonic solution may help relieve
source for diffusion. swelling in the brain in patients with head trauma. How
does this work?
Osmosis Answer and discussion in Appendix A.

Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a plasma membrane.

Osmosis occurs whenever an unequal concentration of water exists Filtration
on either side of a selectively permeable membrane. (Recall that
a selectively permeable membrane allows water to pass freely, but Capillaries (described in detail in Chapter 12) are the smallest
not most dissolved substances.) In a solution, water is more con- blood vessels. Because capillary walls are only one cell thick,
centrated when it contains fewer dissolved substances, or solutes small molecules (e.g., water or small solutes) tend to passively
(and thus is closest to pure water). Water is less concentrated as diffuse across these walls, from areas of higher concentration
solute concentration increases. When water moves from the area of
higher water concentration to the area of lower water concentration
(i.e., higher concentration of solute) it exerts a force on the selec-
tively permeable membrane called osmotic pressure.
Tonicity is the degree to which a solution’s concentration of
solute-versus-water causes water to move into or out of cells. Normally,
body fluids are isotonic to cells (Fig. 3.10a)—that is, there is an equal H2O
concentration of solutes (dissolved substances) and solvent (water) on
both sides of the plasma membrane, and cells maintain their usual size
and shape. Medically administered intravenous solutions usually have
this tonicity. Body fluids that are not isotonic to body cells are the
result of dehydration or water intoxication (see Medical Focus, p. 54).
Solutions (solute plus solvent) that cause cells to swell or even
to burst due to an intake of water are said to be hypotonic solutions.
If red blood cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, which has a
higher concentration of water (i.e., lower concentration of solute)
than do the cells, water enters the cells and they swell to bursting
(Fig. 3.10b). The term lysis refers to breaking or disintegration of
cells. Hemolysis is the disintegration of red blood cells.
Solutions that cause cells to shrink or to shrivel due to a loss
a. Isotonic solution b. Hypotonic solution c. Hypertonic solution
of water are said to be hypertonic solutions. If red blood cells are (same solute concen- (lower solute concen- (higher solute concen-
placed in a hypertonic solution, which has a lower concentration of tration as in cell) tration than in cell) tration than in cell)
water (i.e., higher concentration of solute) than do the cells, water
leaves the cells and they shrink (Fig. 3.10c). The term crenation
Figure 3.10 Tonicity. The arrows indicate the net
movement of water from high to low concentration.
refers to red blood cells in this condition.

52 PART I Human Organization

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to those of lower concentration. However, blood pressure aids
matters by pushing water and dissolved solutes out of the capil-
Na +
lary, through tiny pores between capillary cells. This process,
called filtration, is the movement of liquid from high pressure
to low pressure. Na

You can observe filtration in a drip coffeemaker. Water moves Na
from the area of high pressure (the water reservoir) to the area +
of low pressure (the coffee pot). Large substances (the coffee
grounds) remain behind in the coffee filter, but small molecules
(caffeine, flavor molecules) and water pass through.

Transport by Carriers
Most solutes do not simply diffuse across a plasma membrane;
rather, they are transported by means of protein carriers within the
membrane. During facilitated diffusion (facilitated transport), a Na +
molecule (e.g., an amino acid or glucose) is transported across the ADP
plasma membrane from the side of higher concentration to the side 2
Na + 3
of lower concentration. The cell doesn’t need to expend energy for K+
this type of transport because the molecules are moving down their Inside
concentration gradient.
Figure 3.11 Active transport through a plasma mem-
brane. Active transport allows a molecule to cross the membrane
Begin Thinking Clinically from lower concentration to higher concentration. 1 Ion (or mol-
ecule) enters carrier. 2 Breakdown of ATP induces a change in
If the disease diabetes isn’t well controlled, the shape that 3 drives the molecule across the membrane.
concentration of glucose found in blood soars after meals.
The protein carriers can’t transport it all into cells. What
happens to that extra glucose? During active transport, a molecule is moving contrary to
Answer and discussion in Appendix A. the normal direction—that is, from lower to higher concentration
(Fig. 3.11). For example, iodine collects in the cells of the thyroid
gland; sugar is completely absorbed from the gut by cells that line the
digestive tract; and sodium (Na+) is sometimes almost completely

TABLE 3.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane

Name Direction Requirement Examples

Simple diffusion High to low concentration Concentration gradient Lipid-soluble molecules, gases
Osmosis High to low concentration Semipermeable membrane, water Absorption of water from
concentration gradient digestive tract to bloodstream
Facilitated diffusion High to low concentration Carrier molecule plus concentration gradient Sugars and amino acids
Filtration High to low pressure Pressure gradient Water and dissolved solutes out
of capillaries
Active transport Low to high concentration Carrier molecule plus cell energy Ions, sugars, amino acids
Phagocytosis Into the cell (“cell eating”) Vesicle formation Bacterial cells, viruses, cell
Pinocytosis Into the cell (“cell drinking”) Vesicle formation Breast milk absorption in infants
Exocytosis Out of the cell Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Hormones, messenger
chemicals, other

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 53

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Dehydration and Water Intoxication

Dehydration is due to a loss of water. The solute concentration in The signs of moderate dehydration are a dry mouth, sunken eyes, and
extracellular fluid increases—that is, tissue fluid becomes hypertonic skin that will not bounce back after light pinching. If dehydration
to cells, and water leaves the cells, so that they crenate. A common becomes severe, the pulse and breathing rate are rapid, the hands and
cause of dehydration is excessive sweating, perhaps during exercise, feet are cold, and the lips are blue. Although dehydration leads to
without any replacement of the water lost. Dehydration can also be a weight loss, deliberately dehydrating to lose weight is extremely dan-
side effect of any illness that causes prolonged vomiting or diarrhea. gerous and can be fatal.

1 Water is lost from

extracellular fluid

intracellular fluid 2 Solute
increases in
fluid compartment.
nucleus extracellular fluid

a. 3 Water leaves
intracellular fluid
by osmosis.

1 Excess water is added

to extracellular
fluid compartment.

2 Solute
of extracellular
fluid compartment

b. 3 Water moves into

intracellular fluid
by osmosis.

Figure 3A Dehydration versus water intoxication. (a) If extracellular fluid loses too much water, cells lose water by osmosis
and become dehydrated. (b) If extracellular fluid gains too much water, cells gain water by osmosis and water intoxication occurs.

Water intoxication may be caused by excessive consumption may be suffering from water intoxication. The cure, an intravenous
of pure water. The tissue fluid becomes hypotonic to the cells, and solution containing high amounts of sodium, is the opposite of that for
water enters the cells. Water intoxication can lead to pulmonary dehydration. Therefore, it is important that physicians be able to diag-
edema (excess tissue fluid in the lungs) and swelling in the brain. In nose water intoxication in athletes who have had an opportunity to
extreme cases, it is fatal. Water intoxication is not nearly as common drink fluids over a period of a few hours. To prevent both dehydration
in adults as is dehydration. It can result from a mental disorder termed and water intoxication, athletes should replace lost fluids continu-
psychogenic polydipsia. Another cause can be the intake of too much ously. Pure water is a good choice if the exercise period is short. Low-
pure water during vigorous exercise: for example, a marathon race. sodium solutions, such as sports drinks, are a good choice for
Marathoners who collapse and have nausea and vomiting after a race longer-duration events like marathons.

54 PART I Human Organization

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withdrawn from urine by cells lining kidney tubules. Active trans- 3.3 The Cell Cycle
port requires a protein carrier and the use of cellular energy obtained
10. Describe the phases of the cell cycle.
from the breakdown of ATP. When ATP is broken down, energy is
11. As a part of interphase, describe the process of DNA replication.
released, and in this case the energy is used by a carrier to carry out
12. As a part of interphase, also describe how cells carry out protein
active transport. Therefore, it is not surprising that cells involved synthesis.
in active transport have a large number of mitochondria near the 13. Describe the phases of mitosis, and explain the function of
plasma membrane at which active transport is occurring. mitosis.
Proteins involved in active transport often are called pumps
because just as a water pump uses energy to move water against The cell cycle is an orderly set of stages that take place between
the force of gravity, proteins use energy to move substances against the time a cell divides and the time the resulting daughter cells
their concentration gradients. One type of pump that is active in also divide. The cell cycle is controlled by internal and exter-
all cells but is especially associated with nerve and muscle cells nal signals. A signal is a molecule that stimulates or inhibits a
moves sodium ions (Na+) to the outside of the cell and potassium metabolic event. For example, growth factors are external sig-
ions (K+) to the inside of the cell. nals received at the plasma membrane that cause a resting cell
The passage of salt (NaCl) across a plasma membrane is of to undergo the cell cycle. For example, when you skin your
primary importance in cells. First, sodium ions are pumped across knee, a growth factor found in blood causes skin fibroblasts
a membrane; then, chloride ions simply diffuse through channels (immature skin cells) in the injured area to complete their cell
that allow their passage. Chloride ion channels malfunction in per- cycle. New skin cells are produced, and the injury heals. Other
sons with cystic fibrosis, and this leads to the symptoms of this signals ensure that the stages follow one another in the normal
inherited (genetic) disorder. sequence and that each stage is properly completed before the
next stage begins.
Endocytosis and Exocytosis The cell cycle has a number of checkpoints, which are
During endocytosis, a portion of the plasma membrane forms places where the cell cycle stops if it is not proceeding nor-
an inner pocket to envelop a substance, and then the membrane mally. Any cell that did not successfully complete mitosis and
pinches off to form an intracellular vesicle (see Fig. 3.5, left). is abnormal undergoes apoptosis at the restriction checkpoint.
Two forms of endocytosis exist: phagocytosis, or “cell eating,” Apoptosis is often defined as programmed cell death because
is a mechanism that allows the cell to ingest solid particles. White the cell progresses through a series of events that bring about
blood cells consume bacterial cells by phagocytosis. Once inside its destruction. The cell rounds up and loses contact with its
the cell, the bacterial cell can be destroyed. Pinocytosis, or “cell neighbors. The nucleus fragments and the plasma membrane de-
drinking,” allows the cell to consume solutions. An infant’s intesti- velops blisters. Finally, the cell fragments and its bits and pieces
nal lining ingests breast milk by pinocytosis, allowing the mother’s are engulfed by white blood cells and/or neighboring cells. The
protective antibodies to enter the baby’s bloodstream. enzymes that bring about apoptosis are ordinarily held in check
During exocytosis, a vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane by inhibitors, but are unleashed by either internal or external
as secretion occurs (see Fig. 3.5, right). This is the way insulin signals.
leaves insulin-secreting cells, for instance. Table 3.2 summarizes Following a certain number of cell cycle revolutions, cells
the various ways molecules cross the plasma membrane. are apt to become specialized and no longer go through the
cell cycle. For example, once they have matured, muscle and
nerve cells rarely, if ever, go through the cell cycle. At the other
Content CHECK-UP! extreme, some cells in the body, called stem cells, are always
4. Which process requires cellular ATP energy? immature and go through the cell cycle repeatedly. There is a
great deal of interest in stem cells today because it may be pos-
a. osmosis
sible to control their future development into particular tissues
b. facilitated diffusion (facilitated transport) and organs.
c. active transport
d. simple diffusion
5. A researcher studying the white blood cells of a patient in- Cell Cycle Stages
fected with tuberculosis (TB) bacteria notices the bacteria are The cell cycle has two major portions: interphase and the mitotic
in vesicles in the cytoplasm. How did the bacteria come to be stage (Fig. 3.12).
inside the cell?
6. A cell will swell when placed in a(n) __________ solution.
a. hypotonic
The cell in Figure 3.1 is in interphase because it is not dividing.
b. isotonic
During interphase, the cell carries on its regular activities, and it
c. hypertonic also gets ready to divide if it is about to complete the cell cycle. For
Answers in Appendix A. these cells, interphase has three stages, called G1 phase, S phase,
and G2 phase.

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 55

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Remain The cell also completes replication of the centrioles. The role of
special centrioles and microtubules in cell division is described later in
Apoptosis this section.
tto division
Restriction Interphase Events During Interphase
checkpoint Two significant events during interphase are replication of DNA
growth and DNA and protein synthesis.
G1 growth and final Replication of DNA
growth preparations for
division As described previously, during replication, an exact copy of a
is DNA helix is produced. (DNA and RNA structure are described
tok on pp. 34–36.) The double-stranded structure of DNA aids replica-

aph op

Pr tion because each strand serves as a template for the formation of



a complementary strand. (In everyday terminology, a template is

most often a mold used to produce a shape opposite to itself.) In
the case of DNA, each old (parental) strand is a template for each
new (daughter) strand.
Figures 3.13 and 3.14 show how replication is carried out.
Figure 3.14 uses the ladder configuration of DNA for easy
Figure 3.12 The cell cycle. The cell cycle consists
of interphase, during which cellular components duplicate, and 1. Before replication begins, the two strands that make up
a mitotic stage, during which the cell divides. Interphase parental DNA are hydrogen-bonded to one another.
consists of two so-called growth phases (G1 and G2) and a DNA 2. During replication, the old (parental) DNA strands unwind
synthesis (S) phase. The mitotic stage consists of the phases and “unzip” (i.e., the weak hydrogen bonds between the two
noted plus cytokinesis. strands break).
3. New complementary nucleotides, which are always present
in the nucleus, pair with the nucleotides in the old strands. A
pairs with T and C pairs with G. The enzyme DNA poly-
merase joins the new nucleotides forming new (daughter)
G1 Phase Early microscopists named the phase before DNA complementary strands.
replication G1, and they named the phase after DNA replica- 4. When replication is complete, the two resulting double helix
tion G2. G stood for “gap.” Now that we know how metaboli- DNA molecules are identical.
cally active the cell is, it is correct to think of G as standing for
Thus, when replication is complete, each chromosome
“growth.” During the G1 phase, cells return to their normal,
has an exact copy, just as duplicating your course notes on
pre-mitotic condition. Each cell enlarges and doubles its num-
a copy machine gives you two copies of the same written
ber of organelles, such as mitochondria and ribosomes. Pro-
text. The identical DNA strands, or chromatids (remember,
teins are synthesized and other materials are accumulated in
each is a complete double helix) are called sister chromatids.
preparation for DNA synthesis. Most important, it is during
The chromosome is called a duplicated chromosome (see
the G1 phase that the cell performs all its “tasks”—endocrine
Fig. 3.16).
cells make and secrete hormones, white blood cells defend
against invaders, and so on. As you read about the functions of
cells in a particular tissue, remember that these are cells in the
G1 phase.
Protein Synthesis
DNA not only serves as a template for its own replication, but
S Phase Following G1, the cell enters the S (for “synthesis”) is also a template for RNA formation and for the construction
phase. During the S phase, DNA replication occurs. At the begin- of proteins by the cell. Protein synthesis requires two steps:
ning of the S phase, each chromosome is composed of one DNA transcription and translation. During transcription, a messenger
double helix, which is called a chromatid. At the end of this phase, RNA (mRNA) molecule is produced, using DNA as the template.
each chromosome has two identical DNA double helix molecules, During translation, this mRNA specifies the order of amino
called sister chromatids. Another way of describing these events acids in a particular polypeptide (Fig. 3.15). A gene (i.e., a piece
is to say that DNA replication has resulted in duplicated of DNA in a chromosome) contains coded information for the
chromosomes. sequence of amino acids in a particular polypeptide. The code is a
G2 Phase During this phase, the cell synthesizes proteins that triplet code: Every three bases in DNA (and therefore in mRNA)
will assist cell division, such as the protein found in microtubules. stand for a particular amino acid.

56 PART I Human Organization

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G Parental DNA molecule contains
C G G C so-called old strands hydrogen-bonded
G C by complementary base pairing.
DNA polymerase T A
A T Region of replication. Parental DNA
A G is unwound and unzipped. New
C T new G C G C nucleotides are pairing with those in
strand old strands.
old G
T strand T G C G C
G C G C Replication is complete. Each double
G helix is composed of an old (parental)
G G C G C strand and a new (daughter) strand.

Figure 3.13 Overview of DNA replication. During Figure 3.14 Ladder configuration and DNA replica-
replication, an old strand serves as a template for a new strand. tion. Use of the ladder configuration better illustrates how comple-
The new double helix is composed of an old (parental) strand and mentary nucleotides available in the cell pair with those of each old
a new (daughter) strand. strand before they are joined together to form a daughter strand.


serves as a template
for mRNA.
DNA 3. mRNA moves into
2. mRNA is processed cytoplasm and becomes
before leaving the nucleus. associated with ribosomes.

large and small

ribosomal subunits
mRNA amino

nuclear pore

4. tRNAs with
C tRNA anticodons carry
7. tRNA departs and will C
C A amino acids
soon pick up another to mRNA.

6. Polypeptide synthesis
takes place one amino
acid at a time.
ribosome codon

5. Anticodon–codon
base pairing occurs.

Figure 3.15 Protein synthesis. The two steps required for protein synthesis are transcription, which occurs in the nucleus,
and translation, which occurs in the cytoplasm at the ribosomes.

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 57

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Transcription and Translation of a structure called a centrosome. The two centrosomes outside
During transcription, DNA unwinds and unzips, as though it the nucleus begin moving away from each other, toward opposite
is preparing for replication. Complementary RNA nucleotides ends of the nucleus. Long, thread-like structures called spindle
from an RNA nucleotide pool in the nucleus pair with the DNA fibers appear between the separating centrosomes. The nuclear
nucleotides of one strand. The RNA nucleotides are joined by an envelope begins to fragment, and the nucleolus begins to disappear
enzyme called RNA polymerase, and an RNA molecule results (Fig. 3.16).
(Fig. 3.15, step 1). There are three forms of RNA: messenger, As mentioned previously, the disorganized chromatin DNA
transfer, and ribosomal; however, only messenger RNA deter- found in the nucleus now coils into distinct duplicated chromo-
mines amino acid sequence. When mRNA forms, it has a se- somes (humans have 46 chromosomes, but only four are shown
quence of bases complementary to that of DNA. A sequence of in Figure 3.16, so that the phases of mitosis are easier to un-
three bases in mRNA that is complementary to the DNA triplet derstand). The duplicated chromosomes are now fully visible
code is a codon (Fig. 3.15). and randomly scattered in the nucleus. Spindle fibers attach to
Translation requires several enzymes and all three types of the chromosome centromeres as the chromosomes continue to
RNA. Messenger RNA, containing the polypeptide’s code, is shorten and thicken.
sandwiched between the two ribosome subunits (Fig. 3.15, step 3). Structure of the Spindle At the end of prophase, a cell has a
Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules deliver amino acids to the ri- fully formed mitotic spindle. The spindle has two poles located at
bosomes, which are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and opposite ends of the dividing cell. Each pole is formed by a centro-
protein (Fig. 3.15, step 4). There is at least one tRNA molecule for some. Short microtubule bundles called asters radiate away from
each of the 20 amino acids found in proteins. The amino acid binds the poles, and spindle fibers stretch between the poles. When
to one end of the molecule, and the entire complex is designated complete, each half of the mitotic spindle resembles a lopsided
as tRNA-amino acid. bicycle wheel, with a centrosome as a “hub” and asters and fibers
Remember that the primary sequence of a protein is de- as the “spokes.”
termined by the ordering of its amino acids (see Chapter 2,
page 32). Transfer RNA must deliver the correct amino acid Metaphase
so that the primary sequence is also correct. At the other end
of each tRNA molecule is a specific anticodon, a group of During metaphase, the nuclear envelope is completely fragmented,
three bases that is complementary to an mRNA codon. A and the completed mitotic spindle occupies the region formerly oc-
tRNA molecule comes to the ribosome, where its anticodon cupied by the nucleus. The paired chromosomes (each with two
pairs with an mRNA codon (Fig. 3.15, step 5). For example, if sister chromatids) are now lined up at the equator (center) of the
the codon is ACC, the anticodon is UGG and the amino acid spindle. Metaphase is characterized by a fully formed spindle, and
is one called threonine. (The codes for each of the 20 amino spindle fibers can easily be seen as they stretch toward the line of
acids are known.) Notice that the order of the codons of the chromosomes (Fig. 3.17).
mRNA determines the order that tRNA-amino acids come to a
ribosome, and therefore the final sequence of amino acids in a Anaphase
polypeptide. At the start of anaphase, the sister chromatids separate. Once
separated, the chromatids are once again called chromosomes.
Separation of the sister chromatids ensures that each cell receives
Mitotic Stage a copy of each type of chromosome and has a complete gene set
Following interphase, the cell enters the M (for mitotic) stage. once mitosis is complete. During anaphase, the daughter chromo-
This cell division stage includes mitosis (division of the nucleus) somes move to the poles of the spindle. Anaphase is characterized
and cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm). The parental cell by the movement of chromosomes toward each pole, and thus to
is the cell that divides, and the daughter cells are the cells that opposite sides of the cell.
result. During mitosis, chromosomes are distributed to two
separate nuclei. When cytokinesis is complete, two daughter Function of the Spindle The spindle brings about chromosome
cells are present. movement. Two types of spindle fibers are involved in the move-
During interphase, the centrioles double in preparation for ment of chromosomes during anaphase. One type extends from
mitosis (Fig. 3.16, upper left). At the beginning of mitosis, each the poles to the equator of the spindle; there, they overlap. As
chromosome is duplicated—it is composed of two chromatids mitosis proceeds, these fibers increase in length, and this helps
joined together at a central region, called the centromere. Mitosis push the chromosomes apart. The chromosomes themselves are
is divided into four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and attached to other spindle fibers that simply extend from their cen-
telophase (Fig. 3.16). tromeres to the poles. These fibers get shorter and shorter as the
chromosomes move toward the poles. Therefore, they pull the
chromosomes apart.
Prophase Spindle fibers, as stated earlier, are composed of microtubules.
Several events occur during prophase that visibly indicate the cell Microtubules can assemble and disassemble by the addition or sub-
is about to divide. Each of the two pairs of centrioles is now part traction of tubulin (protein) subunits. This is what enables spindle

58 PART I Human Organization

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centrioles have replicated sister chromatids centrosome

nuclear centromere
envelope centromere

disappears centromeric
spindle spindle fiber
fibers forming
polar spindle fiber
Early Prophase Prophase Early Metaphase
Centrosomes have duplicated. Nucleolus has disappeared, and Each chromatid is attached
Chromatin is condensing into duplicated chromosomes are visible. to a spindle fiber. Some
chromosomes, and the nuclear Centrosomes begin moving apart, spindle fibers stretch from each
envelope is fragmenting. and spindle is in process of forming. spindle pole and overlap.

sister chromatids chromosome cleavage furrow


spindle fiber

Centromeres of duplicated chromosomes Anaphase Telophase
are aligned at the equator (center of Sister chromatids part and become daughter Daughter cells are forming
fully formed spindle). Spindle fibers chromosomes that move toward the spindle as nuclear envelopes and
attached to the sister chromatids poles. In this way, each pole receives the same nucleoli reappear. Chromosomes will
come from opposite spindle poles. number and kinds of chromosomes as the parental cell. become indistinct chromatin.

Figure 3.16 The mitotic stage of the cell cycle. Humans have 46 chromosomes; four are shown here. The blue
chromosomes were originally inherited from the father, and the red were originally inherited from the mother.

fibers to lengthen and shorten, and it ultimately causes the move- around the circumference of the cell. Actin filaments form a con-
ment of the chromosomes. tractile ring, and as the ring gets smaller and smaller, the cleavage
furrow pinches the cell in half. As a result, each cell becomes en-
closed by its own plasma membrane.
Telophase and Cytokinesis
Telophase begins when the chromosomes arrive at the poles.
During telophase, the chromosomes become indistinct chroma- Importance of Mitosis
tin again. The spindle disappears as nucleoli appear, and nu- Because of mitosis, each cell in our bodies is genetically identical,
clear envelope components reassemble in each cell. Telophase meaning that it has the same number and kinds of chromosomes.
is characterized by the presence of two distinct and separate Mitosis is important to the growth and repair of multicellular or-
daughter nuclei. ganisms. When a baby develops in the mother’s womb, mitosis oc-
Cytokinesis is division of the cytoplasm and organelles. In curs as a component of growth. As a wound heals, mitosis occurs,
human cells, a slight indentation called a cleavage furrow passes and the damage is repaired.

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 59

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spindle fibers





Figure 3.17 Micrographs of mitosis occurring in a whitefish embryo.

Meiosis: Reduction-Division Content CHECK-UP!

Mitosis is the process for growing new body cells, whereas
7. How many chromosomes are found in a human cell after the
meiosis is the process for producing a person’s gametes, or
S phase of the cell cycle is complete?
sex cells: sperm cells in males and ova in females. In meio-
a. 46 c. 92 (46 3 2)
sis, the stages of mitosis—prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
telophase—are repeated twice. When meiosis is complete, the b. 23
sperm or ova that result have half the normal chromosome num- 8. The nuclear envelope fragments and the nucleolus begins to
ber, or 23 (instead of 46 chromosomes in a body cell). When disappear during:
the ovum is joined by a sperm at conception, 23 ovum chro- a. anaphase. c. telophase.
mosomes join with 23 sperm chromosomes to form the genetic b. prophase. d. metaphase.
makeup of the new zygote. (See Chapter 17 for a complete 9. Formation of a cleavage furrow signals the beginning of which
discussion of meiosis.) stage?
a. anaphase c. telophase
b. metaphase d. cytokinesis
Answers in Appendix A.

60 PART I Human Organization

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DNA Fingerprinting
It’s almost a cliché of modern life: Look no further than the evening Identifying the exact nucleotide sequence for each fragment is never
news if you want to view evidence of human cruelty. Tragic scenarios completed—to do so would be extremely expensive and time consum-
are played out daily in emergency rooms and morgues across North ing. Instead, the best DNA analysis technique identifies STRs, or
America, as increasing numbers of innocent people become victims “short tandem repeats.” STRs are segments of repeating nucleotides
of violent crimes—beatings, shootings, stabbings, sexual assault. (for example, A-A-A-A or T-T-T-T). They can be found in all human
However, recent advancements in biotechnology make the likelihood DNA, but their exact location in the molecule is unique to each indi-
of catching and convicting criminals greater than ever before. DNA vidual. Each STR is tagged with radioactive molecules. Finally, the
identification technology, also called DNA fingerprinting, identifies radioactively labeled gel is exposed to X-ray film. The result is a pat-
the DNA samples recovered from a crime scene. Like actual finger- tern similar to a grocery store “bar code,” with alternating light and
prints, the composition of DNA is unique to each individual. Only dark bands.
identical twins share the same DNA. If a suspect’s DNA matches the crime scene DNA, the probabil-
The process of identifying human DNA begins with sample col- ity of finding another person on Earth with the same DNA pattern is 1
lection at the crime scene. Blood, hair, bone, tissue, nail clippings, in 300 billion (a number roughly equal to the number of human beings
saliva, even vomit—all contain human cells. An individual’s DNA is found on Earth!). Thus, DNA fingerprinting is recognized as a very
contained within the nucleus and the mitochondrion of the cell, powerful tool in the courtroom for convicting a guilty individual.
although investigators use nuclear DNA whenever possible because However, the same technique can also be used to clear the innocent. If
of its larger sample size. Exceedingly small samples of only a nano- there is no match between the crime scene DNA and that of the
gram (one-billionth of a gram, approximately 160 human cells) are suspect, the suspect can be declared innocent of the crime
sufficient, making it possible to identify human DNA from saliva on (see Chapter 19, “The Innocence Project”).
a cigarette butt or a single human hair. Crime labs at the state, national, and international levels now
DNA is first extracted from the sample; if necessary, it can be maintain computerized databases of DNA fingerprints. These data-
reproduced from a very small sample to create adequate amounts for bases allow rapid electronic comparison of DNA samples from crime
testing. The DNA is digested into fragments of differing sizes using scenes to the DNA fingerprints of known and suspected felons. Laws
restriction enzymes, which act as a molecular “scissors.” Each frag- currently exist in all 50 states that require felons convicted of murder,
ment is polar—possessing either a positive or negative charge. A tech- assault, sexual offenses, etc., to submit DNA samples on demand to
nique called gel electrophoresis separates the fragments by size and the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), which is maintained by
electrical charge, spreading the fragments throughout a gel medium. the FBI.


PST Control

Suspect 2

Suspect 1


Evidence 2

Evidence 1



Figure 3B Actual DNA fingerprint, from a rape trial. Lanes 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 are controls. Lane 2 is the victim’s DNA, taken
from a blood sample. Lanes 3 and 4 were created using semen samples taken from the victim’s body after the rape was
committed. Study lanes 6 and 7 carefully—who committed the crime—suspect 1 or suspect 2?

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 61

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms endoplasmic reticulum (ĕn-dō-plăzmĭc peroxisome (pĕr-ŏksē-sōm), p. 47
rĕ-tĭkyū-lŭm), p. 47 phagocytosis (făgō-sī-tōsĭs), p. 55
actin filaments (ăktĭn fĭlŭh-mŭhntz),
p. 49 exocytosis (ĕksō-sī-tōsĭs), p. 55 pinocytosis (pĭnō-sī-tōsĭs), p. 55
active transport (ăktĭv trănspōrt), p. 53 facilitated diffusion (fŭh-sĭl-ĕ-tātĭd plasma membrane (plăzmŭh mĕmbrān), p. 43
dĭ-fyūzhŭn), p. 53 poles (pōlz), p. 58
anaphase (ănŭh-fāz), p. 58
filtration (fĭl-trāshŭn), p. 53 polyribosomes (pŏl-ē-rībō-sōmz), p. 47
anticodon (ăntī-kōdŏn), p. 58
flagellum (flŭh-jĕlŭhm), p. 50 prophase (prōfāz), p. 58
apoptosis (ăpō-tō-sĭs), p. 55
Golgi apparatus (gōljē ăpŭh-rătŭs), p. 47 replication (rĕplĭ-kāshŭn), p. 56
asters (ăstŭhrz), p. 58
hemolysis (hē-mŏlĭ-sĭs), p. 52 ribosomal RNA (rībō-sōmŭl RNA), p. 58
basal body (bāsŭhl bŏdē), p. 50
hypertonic (hīpĕr-tŏn-ĭk), p. 52 ribosome (rībō-sōm), p. 47
cell cycle (sĕl sī-kŭhl), p. 55
hypotonic (hīpō-tŏn-ĭk), p. 52 selectively permeable (sĕ-lĕktĭv-lē pĕr
cellular respiration (sĕlyŭh-lŭr rĕspŭh-
rāshŭn), p. 49 intermediate filaments (ĭntŭr-mēdē-ĭt fĭlŭh- mē-ŭh-bŭl), p. 51
mĕntz), p. 49 simple diffusion (sĭmpŭl dĭ-fyūzhŭn), p. 51
centriole (sĕntrē-ōl), p. 50
interphase (ĭntŭr-fāz), p. 55 solute (sŏlyūt), p. 52
centromere (sĕntrō-mēr), p. 58
isotonic (īsō-tŏn-ĭk), p. 52 spindle fibers (spĭndl fībĕrz), p. 58
centrosome (sĕntrō-sōm), p. 49
lysis (līsĭs), p. 52 telophase (tĕlŭh-fāz), p. 59
chromatid (krōmŭh-tĭd), p. 56
lysosome (līsō-sōm), p. 47 template (tĕmplĭt), p. 56
chromatin (krōmŭh-tĭn), p. 46
metaphase (mĕtŭh-fāz), p. 58 tonicity (tō-nĭsĭ-tē), p. 52
chromosome (krōmō-sōm), p. 46
microtubule (mīkrō-tūbyūl), p. 49 transcription (trăns-krĭpshŭn), p. 56
cilium (sĭlē-ŭhm), p. 50
mitochondrion (mītō-kondrē-on), p. 49 transfer RNA (trănsfŭr RNA), p. 58
cleavage furrow (klēvĭj fŭrō), p. 59
mitosis (mī-tōsis), p. 58 translation (trăns-lāshŭn), p. 56
codon (kōdŏn), p. 58
mitotic spindle (mī-tŏtĭc spĭndŭl), p. 58 triplet code (trĭplĕt cōd), p. 56
crenation (krē-nāshŭn), p. 52
mitotic stage (mī-tŏtĭc stāj), p. 55 vacuole (văkyū-ōl), p. 49
cytokinesis (sītō-kĭ-nēsĭs), p. 58
nuclear envelope (nūklē-ĕr ĕnvĕ-lōp), p. 46 vesicle (vĕsĭ-kŭl), p. 47
cytoplasm (sītō-plăzm), p. 43
nuclear pore (nūklē-ĕr pŏr), p. 47
cytoskeleton (sītō-skĕlĕ-tŭn), p. 45
nucleolus (nū-klēō-lŭs), p. 43 Clinical Key Terms
daughter cells (dăhtŭr sĕlz), p. 58
nucleus (nūklē-ŭs), p. 43
duplicated chromosome cystic fibrosis (sĭstĭk fī-brōsĭs), p. 55
(dūplŭh-kā-tĕd krōmō-sōm), p. 56 organelle (orgŭh-nĕl), p. 43
dehydration (dēhī-drāshŭn), p. 54
endocytosis (ĕndō-sītō-sĭs), p. 55 osmosis (ŏz-mōsis), p. 52
Tay-Sachs disease (tā săks dĭ-zēz), p. 47
endomembrane system (ĕndō-mĕmbrān osmotic pressure (ŏz-mŏtĭk prĕshŭr), p. 52
water intoxication (wŏh-tĕr ĭn-tŏksĭ-kāshŭn),
sĭstĕm), p. 47 parental cell (pŭh-rĕntŭl sĕl), p. 58 p. 54

Cells differ in shape and function, but even chromosomes just prior to cell apparatus, the lysosomes, and
so, a generalized cell can be described. division. Genes, composed of various transport vesicles. The
3.1 Cellular Organization DNA, make up the chromo- ER is involved in protein
All human cells, despite varied somes, and they code for the synthesis (rough ER) and various
shapes and sizes, have a plasma production of proteins in the cy- other processes such as lipid
membrane. The plasma mem- toplasm. The nucleolus is in- synthesis (smooth ER). Mole-
brane is said to be selectively volved in ribosome formation. cules produced or modified in
permeable because it regulates C. Ribosomes are small organelles the ER are eventually enclosed
what goes through it to enter or where protein synthesis occurs. in vesicles that take them to the
leave the cell. Ribosomes occur in the cyto- Golgi apparatus. The Golgi ap-
A. The plasma membrane, plasm, both singly and in paratus processes and pack-
composed of phospholipid and groups. Numerous ribosomes ages molecules, distributes
protein molecules, regulates are attached to the endoplasmic them within the cell, and trans-
the entrance and exit of other reticulum. ports them out of the cell. Lyso-
molecules into and out of D. The endomembrane system somes are produced by the
the cell. consists of the nuclear Golgi apparatus, and their hy-
B. The nucleus contains envelope, endoplasmic drolytic enzymes digest macro-
chromatin, which condenses into reticulum (ER), the Golgi molecules from various sources.

62 PART I Human Organization

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E. Peroxisomes digest toxins and In a hypotonic solution, cells A. The cell cycle consists of
fatty acids. Vacuoles isolate sub- swell. In a hypertonic solution, interphase (G1 phase, S phase,
stances captured by the cell so cells shrink. G2 phase) and the mitotic stage,
that lysosomes can digest them. C. During filtration, movement of which includes mitosis and
F. Mitochondria are involved in cel- water and small molecules out of cytokinesis. During G1, the cell
lular respiration, a metabolic path- a blood vessel is aided by blood prepares for DNA replication but
way that provides ATP molecules pressure. also performs its normal activi-
to cells. D. During facilitated diffusion ties. During S, DNA is replicated.
G. Notable among the contents of (facilitated transport), a carrier Finally, during G2, the cell
the cytoskeleton are microtu- is required, but energy is not prepares for cell division.
bules, intermediate filaments, and because the substance is B. During the S phase of inter-
actin filaments. The cytoskeleton moving from higher to lower phase, DNA serves as a template
maintains the shape of the cell concentration. Active transport, for its own replication: The DNA
and also directs the movement of which requires a carrier parental molecule unwinds and
cell parts. and ATP energy, moves sub- unzips, and new (daughter)
H. Centrioles lie near the nucleus stances from lower to higher strands form by complementary
and are involved in the produc- concentration. base pairing.
tion of the spindle during cell divi- E. Endocytosis involves the uptake C. Protein synthesis consists of
sion and in the formation of cilia of substances by a cell through transcription and translation.
and flagella. vesicle formation. Phagocytosis, a During transcription, DNA
3.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane type of endocytosis, takes up serves as a template for the
When energy is required for a sub- solids, whereas pinocytosis is formation of RNA. During
stance to cross the plasma mem- ingestion of a liquid. Exocytosis translation, mRNA, rRNA, and
brane, the process is called active involves the release of sub- tRNA are involved in
transport. If no energy is required, stances from a cell as vesicles polypeptide synthesis.
the process is passive transport. within the cytoplasm fuse with the D. Mitosis consists of a number of
A. Some substances can simply dif- plasma membrane. phases (prophase, metaphase,
fuse across a plasma membrane, 3.3 The Cell Cycle anaphase, and telophase) during
moving from high concentration The cell cycle, or life span of a cell, which each newly formed cell
to low concentration. consists of a series of stages. It is receives a copy of each
B. The diffusion of water is called controlled by internal and external chromosome. Later, the
osmosis. When water diffuses by signals such as growth factors. Stem cytoplasm divides by furrowing.
osmosis, it creates an osmotic cells are cells that can undergo cell Mitosis occurs during tissue
pressure. In an isotonic solution, division multiple times without growth and repair.
cells neither gain nor lose water. becoming further differentiated.

Study Questions
1. What are the three main parts to any and lysosomes in your description. isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic
human cell? (p. 43) (pp. 47–48) solutions. (p. 52)
2. Describe the fluid-mosaic model of 8. Describe the structure and function of 13. What is the cell cycle? What stages
membrane structure. (pp. 45–46) mitochondria. Mention the energy occur during interphase? What
3. Describe the nucleus and its contents, molecule ATP in your description. happens during the mitotic stage?
and include the terms DNA and RNA in (p. 49) (pp. 55–60)
your description. (pp. 46–47) 9. What is the cytoskeleton? What role 14. Review the structure of DNA.
4. Describe the structure and function of does the cytoskeleton play in cells? How does this structure contribute
ribosomes. (p. 47) (pp. 49–50) to the process of DNA replication?
5. What is the endomembrane system? 10. Describe the structure and function (p. 56)
What organelles belong to this of centrioles. Mention the mitotic 15. Briefly describe the events of protein
system? (pp. 47–49) spindle in your description. synthesis. (pp. 56–58)
6. Describe the structure and function (pp. 50–51) 16. List the phases of mitosis. What
of endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Include 11. Contrast passive transport (diffusion, happens during each phase?
the terms smooth ER, rough ER, and osmosis, filtration) with active transport (pp. 58–60)
ribosomes in your description. of molecules across the plasma 17. Discuss the importance of mitosis in
(pp. 47–48) membrane. (pp. 51–53, 55) humans. (p. 59)
7. Describe the structure and function of 12. Define osmosis, and discuss the
the Golgi apparatus. Mention vesicles effects of placing red blood cells in

Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function 63

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Learning Outcome Questions
I. Match the organelles in the key 8. Rough ER has ________, but 15. Contains codons that determine
to the functions listed in questions smooth ER does not. the sequence of amino acids in a
1–5. 9. Basal bodies that organize the polypeptide.
Key: microtubules within cilia and 16. Contains a code and serves as a
a. mitochondria flagella are believed to be derived template for the production of RNA.
b. nucleus from ________. 17. Brings amino acids to the ribo-
c. Golgi apparatus 10. Water will enter a cell when it is somes during the process of
d. rough ER placed in a ________ solution. transcription.
e. centrioles 11. Active transport requires a protein
IV. Match the events in the key with the
1. packaging and secretion ________ and ________ for
cell cycle stage in questions 18–23.
2. cell division energy.
3. powerhouse of the cell 12. Vesicle formation occurs when a
a. DNA replication
4. protein synthesis cell takes in material by ________.
b. nuclear envelope disappears
5. control center for the cell 13. At the conclusion of mitosis, each
c. chromosomes line up in the
newly formed cell in humans
II. Fill in the blanks. middle of the cell
contains ________ chromosomes.
6. The ________, which is the sub- d. sister chromatids move to
stance outside the nucleus of a III. Match the molecules in the key to the opposite poles
cell, contains bodies called functions listed in questions 14–17. e. spindle disappears
________, each with a specific Key: f. division of cytoplasm
structure and function. a. DNA 18. anaphase
7. The fluid-mosaic model of mem- b. mRNA 19. cytokinesis
brane structure says that c. tRNA 20. interphase
________ molecules drift about d. rRNA 21. metaphase
within a double layer of ________ 14. Joins with proteins to form sub- 22. prophase
molecules. units of a ribosome. 23. telophase

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. hemolysis (hēmŏlĭ-sĭs) 9. hypertrophy (hī-pĕrtrō-fē)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. cytology (sī-tŏlō-jē) 10. oncotic pressure, colloid osmotic
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. cytometer (sī-tŏmĕ-tĕr) pressure (ŏng-kŏtĭk prĕshĕr) (kŏlŏyd
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. nucleoplasm (nuklē-ō-plăzm) ŏz-măh-tĭk prĕshĕr)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 5. pancytopenia (pănsī-tō-pēnē-ŭh) 11. hyperplasia (hī-pĕr-plāzhē-ŭh)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 6. cytogenic (sī-tō-jĕnĭk) and consult 7. erythrocyte (ĕ-rĭthrō-sīt)
Appendix B. 8. atrophy (ătrō-fē)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

64 PART I Human Organization

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4 Body Tissues and Membranes
H ow long can human cells survive? In the case of cancer, some types of cells
might, in fact, be “immortal.” Consider the cells of Henrietta Lacks, a young
and very poor African American woman who died of cervical cancer in 1951. Cells
taken from her original tumor, designated HeLa (from Henrietta Lacks) became
the first human cells to easily grow in a laboratory. In their 60-plus years of
survival, thousands of research projects have used these sturdy cells. Developing
vaccines, studying drug effects, investigating virus behavior, developing tests for
genetic disorders, and of course, research into cancer—these are only a few of
their uses. They can be found in tissue culture laboratories all over the world,
including those on the International Space Station. If you’re interested in cell
research, HeLa cells can even be purchased from catalogs. The message on
Henrietta’s tombstone is a fitting eulogy for this remarkable woman:
In loving memory of a phenomenal woman, wife and mother who touched the
lives of many. Here lies Henrietta Lacks (HeLa). Her immortal cells will continue
to help mankind forever.
You can read more about cancer in Medical Focus: Cancer: The Traitor Inside
on page 79.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

4.1 Epithelial Tissue 6. Name the major types of muscular 10. Describe the way the body’s
tissue, and relate each one to a membranes are organized.
1. Describe the general characteristics particular organ.
and functions of epithelial tissue. 11. Name and describe the major types
of membranes in the body.
2. Name the major types of epithelial 4.4 Nervous Tissue
tissue, and relate each one to a
particular organ. 7. Describe the general characteristics Medical Focus
and functions of nervous tissue.
Necrotizing Fasciitis
4.2 Connective Tissue Cancer: The Traitor Inside
4.5 Extracellular Junctions, Glands,
3. Describe the general characteristics
and functions of connective tissue. and Membranes What’s New
4. Name the major types of connective 8. Describe the structure and function
Targeting the Traitor Inside
tissue, and relate each one to a of three types of extracellular
junctions. 3-D Printing to Create Complex Tissues
particular organ.
9. Describe the difference between an
4.3 Muscular Tissue exocrine and an endocrine gland,
and be able to give examples of
5. Describe the general characteristics
each one.
and functions of muscular tissue.


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A tissue is composed of specialized cells of similar structure that Epithelial tissues are classified according to the shape of the cells
perform a common function in the body. There are four major types and the number of cell layers (Table 4.1). A simple epithelium is com-
of tissues: (1) Epithelial tissue, also called epithelium, covers body posed of a single layer, and stratified epithelium is composed of two
surfaces and organs. It also lines body cavities and hollow body or more layers. Squamous epithelium has flattened cells; cuboidal
structures such as the heart, blood vessels, and digestive tract; epithelium has cube-shaped cells; and columnar epithelium has elon-
(2) connective tissue binds and supports body parts; (3) muscular gated cells. In addition, there are two specialized epithelial tissues:
tissue contracts; (4) nervous tissue responds to stimuli and trans- transitional epithelium and pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
mits signals from one body part to another. You can use the “4Cs”
mnemonic to remember these functions: Tissues Cover-Connect- Squamous Epithelium
Contract-Communicate. Body organs are typically composed of all
four tissue types. For example, the heart is covered by epithelium; Simple squamous epithelium is composed of a single layer
its valves are supported by connective tissue; cardiac muscle pumps of flattened cells, and therefore its protective function is not
blood, and nerves regulate how rapidly the heart beats. as significant as that of other epithelial tissues (Fig. 4.1). It is

4.1 Epithelial Tissue Simple Squamous Epithelium

1. Describe the general characteristics and functions of epithelial tissue. Lines air sacs of lungs; blood
2. Name the major types of epithelial tissue, and relate each one to a vessel and heart linings
particular organ. Function:
Filtration; diffusion; osmosis

Epithelial tissues share a set of common characteristics. In all epi-

thelial tissues, the cells are tightly packed, with little space between
them. Externally, this tissue protects the body from drying out,
injury, and bacterial invasion. On internal surfaces, epithelial tissue
protects, but it also may have an additional function. For example,
epithelial tissue in the respiratory tract sweeps up impurities by
means of cilia. Along the digestive tract, it secretes mucus, which
protects the lining from digestive enzymes. In kidney tubules, its
absorptive function is enhanced by the presence of fine, cellular
extensions called microvilli.
Epithelial cells readily divide to produce new cells that replace lost
or damaged ones. Skin cells as well as those that line the stomach and free surface
intestines are continually being replaced. To support its very high rate
of reproduction, epithelial tissue must get its nutrients from underlying nucleus
connective tissues. Epithelial tissues are avascular—they lack blood
vessels. Thus, they can be shed safely without the risk of bleeding. basement membrane
Because epithelial tissue covers surfaces and lines cavities, it
always has a free surface. The other surface is attached to underly-
ing tissue by a nonliving layer of carbohydrates and proteins called
Figure 4.1 Simple squamous epithelium. The thin and
flat cells are tightly joined. The nuclei tend to be broad and thin.
the basement membrane.

TABLE 4.1 Epithelial Tissues

Type of Tissue Description Location
Simple squamous One layer of flattened cells Blood capillaries; air sacs (alveoli) of lungs
Stratified squamous Many layers; cells flattened at free surface Skin and body orifices
Simple cuboidal One layer of cube-shaped cells Secreting glands, ovaries, linings of kidney tubules
Stratified cuboidal Two or more layers of cube-shaped cells Linings of salivary gland and mammary gland ducts
Simple columnar One layer of elongated cells Lining of digestive organs; lining of uterine tubes
Stratified columnar Two or more layers of elongated cells Pharynx (back of throat); male urethra (tube that
carries urine out of body)
Pseudostratified columnar One layer of elongated, tapered cells; Air passages of the respiratory system
appear stratified
Transitional Many layers; when tissue stretches, layers Urinary bladder (stores urine); ureters and urethra
become fewer (tubes carrying urine)

66 PART I Human Organization

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Stratified Squamous
Lines mouth, esophagus, Figure 4.2 Stratified squamous epi­
anal canal, vagina thelial tissue. (a) non-keratinized. (b) keratinized.
Function: non-keratinized stratified
Protection from abrasion squamous epithelial cells
and dessication (drying out)
found in areas where simple diffusion occurs.
(Remember that simple diffusion is movement
of a substance from high to low concentra-
tion.) For example, simple squamous epithe-
lium forms the tiny air sacs (called alveoli) of
the lungs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide
are exchanged. Capillaries (the smallest blood
LM 100x
vessels) are tubes of simple squamous epi-
a. thelium. Nutrients and wastes are exchanged
connective tissue
between capillaries and neighboring cells by
Stratified Squamous diffusion.
Stratified squamous epithelium has
Epidermis many cell layers and does play a protective role
Function: (Fig. 4.2). While the deeper cells may be cu-
Protection from injury, boidal or columnar, the outer layer is composed
dessication (drying out)
of squamous-shaped cells. (Note that stratified
stratified epithelial tissues are named according to the
squamous cells on their outer layer.) There are two forms
epithelial cells
of stratified squamous epithelium. The first is
living stratified stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium
epithelial cells (Fig. 4.2a). This tissue acts as a lining for moist
basement surfaces near the openings of body orifices,
membrane such as the mouth, vagina and anus. There, it
connective LM 100x protects against abrasion and drying out, or
tissue dessication. The second form of stratified squa-
mous epithelium is the superficial (outer) por-
tion of skin, which is keratinized (Fig. 4.2b).
New skin cells produced in the basal (bottom) layer become
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
reinforced by keratin, a protein that waterproofs and provides
Lines kidney tubules; ducts strength. As they move toward the skin’s surface, the cells
of many glands; covers accumulate more and more keratin, and ultimately die. Thus,
surface of ovaries
the outermost layer of skin is composed of dead cells, as you’ll
Secretion; absorption discover in Chapter 5.

Cuboidal Epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium (Fig. 4.3) consists of a single layer of
cube-shaped cells attached to a basement membrane. This type of
epithelium is frequently found in glands, such as salivary glands,
the thyroid gland, and the pancreas, where its function is secre-
tion. Simple cuboidal epithelium also covers the ovaries and lines
most of the kidney tubules, the portion of the kidney where urine
free is formed. In one part of the kidney tubule, it absorbs substances
surface from the tubule, and in another part it secretes substances into
nucleus the tubule. Tubular absorption and secretion are both forms of
active transport. Thus, the cuboidal epithelial cells contain many
mitochondria, which supply the ATP needed for active transport.
Additionally, where the cells function in reabsorption, microvilli
basement membrane (tiny, fanlike folds in the plasma membrane) increase the surface
area of the cells.
Stratified cuboidal epithelium is mostly found lining the
Figure 4.3 Simple cuboidal epithelium. The cells are
larger ducts of certain glands, such as the mammary glands and
cube-shaped. Spherical nuclei tend to be centrally located.
the salivary glands. Often this tissue has only two layers.
Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 67

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Simple Columnar Epithelium Pseudostratified Ciliated
Columnar Epithelium
Lines gastrointestinal tract; the Location:
ducts of many glands Lines respiratory tract; parts of
the reproductive tracts
Protection; secretion; absorption Function:
Protection; secretion; movement
of mucus and sex cells

free surface

goblet cell cilia

goblet cell
nucleus mucus
Figure 4.4 Simple columnar epithelium. The cells
are longer than they are wide. The nuclei are in the lower half of Figure 4.5 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
the cells. epithelium. The cells have cilia and appear to be stratified, but
each actually touches the basement membrane.

Columnar Epithelium the mucus to the back of the throat, where it may be either swal-
lowed or expectorated (spit out).
Simple columnar epithelium (Fig. 4.4) has cells that are lon-
ger than they are wide. They are modified to perform particular
functions. Some of these cells are goblet cells that secrete mucus
onto the free surface of the epithelium. Begin Thinking Clinically
This tissue is well known for lining digestive organs, including In long-term smokers, the pseudostratified ciliated
the small intestine, where microvilli expand the surface area and columnar epithelium in the bronchi is gradually converted
aid in absorbing the products of digestion. Simple columnar epithe- to stratified squamous epithelium. Why do you think this
lium also lines the uterine tubes. Here, many cilia project from the change occurs?
cells and propel the egg toward the uterus, or womb.
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
Stratified columnar epithelium is not very common but does
exist in parts of the pharynx (back of the throat) and the male urethra.
Transitional Epithelium
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium The term transitional epithelium implies changeability, and this
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium is so named because it tissue changes in response to tension. It forms the lining of the uri-
appears to be layered (pseudo, false; stratified, layers). However, nary bladder, the ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys
true layers do not exist because each cell touches the basement to the bladder), and part of the urethra (the single tube that carries
membrane. Each cell is tapered and narrow at one end; the opposite urine to the outside). All are structures that may need to stretch.
end contains the nucleus. The irregular placement of the nuclei cre- When the walls of the bladder are relaxed, the transitional epithe-
ates the appearance of several layers where only one really exists. lium consists of several layers of cuboidal cells. When the bladder
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (Fig. 4.5) lines is distended because it is filled with urine, the epithelium stretches,
parts of the reproductive tract as well as the air passages of the and the outer cells take on a squamous appearance. It’s interesting
respiratory system, including the nasal cavities and the trachea to observe that the cells in transitional epithelium of the bladder
(windpipe) and its branches. Mucus-secreting goblet cells are scat- are physically able to slide in relation to one another, while at the
tered among the ciliated epithelial cells. A surface covering of same time forming a barrier that prevents any part of urine from
mucus traps foreign particles, and upward ciliary motion carries diffusing into the internal environment.

68 PART I Human Organization

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Content CHECK-UP! 4.2 Connective Tissue
3. Describe the general characteristics and functions of connective
1. Which of the following are characteristics of epithelial tissue.
tissues? 4. Name the major types of connective tissue, and relate each one to a
a. possess a blood supply particular organ.

b. rapid rate of mitosis

c. very tightly packed Connective tissue binds structures together, provides support and
protection, fills spaces, produces blood cells, and stores fat. As
d. b and c are correct
a general rule, connective tissue cells are widely separated by a
e. All are correct nonliving, extracellular matrix composed of an organic ground
2. A single layer of tall, skinny epithelial cells would be best substance that contains fibers and varies in consistency from solid
described as: to semifluid to completely fluid. Whereas the functional and physi-
a. stratified columnar epithelium cal properties of epithelial tissues stem from their cells, connective
b. simple cuboidal epithelium tissue properties are largely derived from the characteristics of the
matrix (Table 4.2).
c. simple squamous epithelium
The fibers within the matrix are of three types. Collagen
d. simple columnar epithelium fibers contain the fibrous protein collagen, a substance that
3. Imagine that while studying cells under a microscope, you gives the fibers flexibility and tremendous strength. Elastic
see microvilli. How would you describe the function of fibers contain the protein elastin, which is not as strong as col-
these cells? lagen but is more elastic. Reticular fibers are very thin, highly
Answers in Appendix A. branched, collagenous fibers that form delicate supporting

TABLE 4.2 Classification of Connective Tissue

Type Structure of Matrix Types of Cells  Example of Location


Loose connective tissue

Areolar Collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers Primarily fibroblasts; white blood cells, etc. Between tissues and organs
Adipose Fibroblasts enlarge and store fat; Fibroblasts Beneath skin; around organs
very little matrix
Dense connective tissue
Regular Bundles of parallel collagen fibers Fibroblasts Tendons; ligaments;
Irregular Bundles of nonparallel collagen fibers Fibroblasts Dermis of skin; joint capsules
Reticular connective tissue Reticular fibers Primarily fibroblasts; many white blood cells Lymphatic organs and liver


Hyaline cartilage Fine collagen fibers Ends of long bones; rib

cartilages; nose
Elastic cartilage Many elastin fibers Chondroblasts and chondrocytes External ear
Fibrocartilage Strong collagen fibers Between vertebrae of spine


Compact Collagen plus calcium salts; Skeleton

arranged in osteons
Spongy Collagen plus calcium salts; Osteoblasts and osteocytes Ends of long bones
arranged in trabeculae
BLOOD Plasma plus cells, platelets Red and white blood cells Inside blood vessels

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 69

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Fibrous Connective Tissue matrix. Adipose protects and cushions many organs, including the
eye and kidney. In addition, adipose stores energy and insulates the
Fibrous connective tissue includes both loose connective tissue and
body against the cold.
dense connective tissue. The body’s membranes are composed of
Dense connective tissue (Fig. 4.8) has a matrix produced by
an epithelium and fibrous connective tissue (see pp. 80, 82).
fibroblasts that contains thick bundles of collagen fibers. In dense reg-
Loose connective tissue (also called areolar connective tissue)
ular connective tissue, the bundles are parallel as in tendons (which
commonly lies between other tissues or between organs, binding
connect muscles to bones), ligaments (which connect bones to other
them together. Areolar tissue has a fine, spider-web appearance.
bones at joints), and aponeuroses (sing., aponeurosis; which join
The cells of this tissue are mainly fibroblasts—large, star-shaped
muscle to muscle). In dense irregular connective tissue, the bundles
cells that produce extracellular fibers (Fig. 4.6). The cells are
run in different directions. This stretchy tissue is found in the inner
located some distance from one another because they are separated
portion of the skin (called the dermis) and in joint capsules (Fig. 4.9).
by a matrix with a jellylike ground substance containing many
The fibroblasts of reticular connective tissue are called reticu-
collagen and elastin fibers. The collagen fibers occur in bundles
lar cells, and the matrix contains only reticular fibers. This tissue, also
and are strong and flexible. The elastin fibers form a highly elastic
called lymphatic tissue, is found in lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus,
network that returns to its original length after stretching. Adipose
and red bone marrow. These organs are a part of the immune system
tissue (Fig. 4.7) is a type of loose connective tissue in which the
because they store and/or produce white blood cells, particularly lym-
fibroblasts enlarge and store fat, and there is limited extracellular
phocytes. All types of blood cells are produced in red bone marrow.



elastic fiber


Figure 4.6 Loose (areolar) connective tissue. This tissue has a loose network of fibers.


fat within
adipose cell

nucleus of
adipose cell

Figure 4.7 Adipose tissue. The cells are filled with fat droplets.

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Dense Regular Connective Tissue

Location: Tendons, ligaments, aponeuroses

Function: Binds organs together

Figure 4.8 Dense regular connective tissue. Parallel bundles of collagenous fibers are closely packed.

collagen fiber bundles

fibroblast nucleus

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

Dermis of skin and joint capsules
Prevents organ overexpansion (urinary bladder);
provides strength and resistance to stretching LM 200x

Figure 4.9 Dense irregular connective tissue. Bundles of collagen fibers run in different directions, enabling the tissue to
resist or withstand multidirectional forces.

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Cartilage Bone
In cartilage, the cells (chondrocytes), which lie in small cham- Bone is the most rigid of the connective tissues. Two types of cells,
bers called lacunae, are separated by a matrix that is solid yet the osteoblasts and osteocytes, form an extremely hard matrix of
flexible. Immature chondrocytes,  called chondroblasts, help mineral salts, notably calcium salts, deposited around collagen fi-
cartilage to grow. Unfortunately, because this tissue lacks a bers. The minerals give bone rigidity. The collagen fibers provide
direct blood supply, it heals very slowly if injured. The three elasticity and strength, much like steel rods reinforce concrete.
types of cartilage are classified according to the type of fiber in The outer portion of a long bone contains compact bone.
the matrix. Compact bone consists of many cylindrical-shaped units called
Hyaline cartilage (Fig. 4.10a) is the most common type of osteons, or Haversian systems (Fig. 4.11). In an osteon, matrix is
cartilage. It is strong and durable, yet flexible. The matrix, which deposited in thin layers called lamellae that form a concentric pattern
contains only very fine collagen fibers, has a glassy, white, opaque around tiny tubes called central canals. The canals contain nerve fi-
appearance. This type of cartilage is found in the nose, at the bers and blood vessels. The blood vessels bring nutrients to bone cells
ends of the long bones and ribs, and in the supporting rings of the (called osteocytes) that are located in small hollows called lacunae
trachea. The fetal skeleton is also made of this type of cartilage, between the lamellae. The nutrients can reach all of the cells because
although the cartilage is later replaced by bone. minute canals (canaliculi) containing thin extensions of the osteocytes
Elastic cartilage (Fig. 4.10b) has a matrix containing many connect the osteocytes with one another and with the central canals.
elastic fibers, in addition to collagen fibers. For this reason, elastic The ends of a long bone contain spongy bone, which has an en-
cartilage is more flexible than hyaline cartilage. For example, elas- tirely different structure. Spongy bone contains numerous bony bars
tic cartilage is found in the framework of the outer ear. and plates called trabeculae separated by irregular spaces (Fig. 4.11).
Fibrocartilage (Fig. 4.10c) has a matrix containing strong col- Although lighter than compact bone, spongy bone is still designed for
lagen fibers. This type of cartilage absorbs shock, and is found in strength. Like braces used for support in buildings, the solid plates of
structures that withstand tension and pressure, such as the disks be- spongy bone follow lines of stress. Blood cells are formed within red
tween the vertebrae in the backbone and the pads in the knee joint. marrow found in spongy bone at the ends of certain long bones.

a. b. c.
chondrocyte elastic
matrix lacuna within lacuna perichondrium fibers chondrocytes chondrocytes collagen fibers lacuna

a. Hyaline cartilage b. Elastic cartilage c. Fibrocartilage

Figure 4.10 Three types of cartilage. (a) Hyaline cartilage is durable and flexible. (b) Elastic cartilage has the greatest
flexibility. (c) Fibrocartilage is the strongest type.

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a. compact bone
osteocyte 100 μm
in lacuna


central canal


LM 240x

b. spongy bone
osteocytes in lacunae

spongy bone blood vessels

Figure 4.11 Bone tissue. (a) Compact bone, composed of osteons, forms the outside layer of bones. (b) Spongy bone,
composed of trabeculae, is found inside the bone.

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 73

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Blood Blood is unlike other types of connective tissue because the
extracellular matrix (plasma) is not made by the cells of the tissue.
Blood (Fig. 4.12) is a connective tissue composed of formed
Plasma is a mixture of different types of molecules that enter blood
elements suspended in a liquid matrix called plasma. There are
at various organs.
three types of formed elements: red blood cells (erythrocytes),
which carry oxygen; white blood cells (leukocytes), which aid
in fighting infection; and platelets (thrombocytes), which are
Content CHECK-UP!
important to the initiation of blood clotting. Platelets are not
complete cells; rather, they are fragments of giant cells called 4. Dense regular connective tissue is one type of _____
megakaryocytes, which are found in the bone marrow. connective tissue. One location for it is ______.
In red bone marrow, stem cells continually divide to produce 5. The cells of cartilage are called _____ and lie in spaces called
new cells that mature into the different types of blood cells. The _____.
rate of cell division is high because blood cells have a relatively 6. The connective tissue that has a very hard, rigid matrix is:
short life span and must be replaced constantly. a. dense irregular
b. fibrocartilage
c. bone
7. The liquid matrix of blood is called:
a. reticular tissue c. plasma
b. tissue fluid d. leukocytes
Answers in Appendix A.


buffy coat
4.3 Muscular Tissue
5. Describe the general characteristics and functions of muscular tissue.
formed elements 6. Name the major types of muscular tissue, and relate each one to a
particular organ.

Muscular (contractile) tissue is composed of cells called muscle

fibers (Table 4.3). Muscle fibers contain actin and myosin, which
platelet are protein filaments that interact to cause movement. The three
types of vertebrate muscles are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
(red blood cells) Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle, also called voluntary muscle (Fig. 4.13), is
attached by tendons to the bones of the skeleton, or directly to
the skin. When skeletal muscle contracts, the muscle shortens,
(white blood and body parts such as arms and legs move. Contraction of skel-
cells) etal muscle is generally under one’s conscious control. Skeletal
muscle fibers are cylindrical and quite long—sometimes they

LM 720x
TABLE 4.3 Classification of Muscular Tissue
Location: Type Fiber Appearance  Location  Control
In the blood vessels
Skeletal Striated and Attached to Voluntary
Function: cylindrical skeleton or skin
Supplies cells with nutrients and oxygen
and takes away their wastes; fights infection Smooth Nonstriated, Wall of hollow organs Involuntary
spindle-shaped (e.g., intestine,
Figure 4.12 Blood. When a blood sample is centri- urinary bladder,
fuged, the formed elements settle out below the plasma. White uterus, and blood
blood cells form a layer termed the “buffy coat” on top of red blood vessels)
cells. Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood. Red blood cells, Cardiac Striated, cylindrical Heart Involuntary
white blood cells, and platelets are called the formed elements. and branched

74 PART I Human Organization

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Smooth Muscle
Skeletal Muscle
Fiber appearance:
Fiber appearance: Spindle-shaped with
Striated single nucleus
Location: Location: Walls of
Usually attached to hollow organs
skeleton (e.g., stomach,
Control: Voluntary intestines, urinary
bladder, uterus,
blood vessels)
Control: Involuntary

muscle fiber

striation nucleus
400 3
smooth muscle cell nucleus

Figure 4.13 Skeletal muscle. The cells are long, Figure 4.14 Smooth muscle. The cells are spindle-
cylindrical, and multinucleated. shaped.

run the length of the muscle. They arise during development Cardiac Muscle
when several cells fuse, resulting in one fiber with multiple nu- Cardiac muscle (Fig. 4.15) is found only in the walls of the heart.
clei. The nuclei are located at the periphery of the cell, just in- Its contraction pumps blood and accounts for the heartbeat. Car-
side the plasma membrane. The fibers have alternating light and diac muscle combines features of both smooth muscle and skeletal
dark bands that give them a striated (striped) appearance. These muscle. Like skeletal muscle, it has striations, but the contraction of
bands are due to the placement of actin filaments and myosin the heart is involuntary (although the use of relaxation therapy does
filaments in the fiber, and they give skeletal muscle its strength.

Cardiac Muscle
Smooth Muscle Fiber appearance:
Smooth (visceral) muscle is so named because the arrange- Striated and branched,
single nucleus
ment of actin and myosin does not give the appearance of cross-
Location: Heart
striations. The spindle-shaped cells form layers in which the
Control: Involuntary
thick middle portion of one cell is opposite the thin ends of
adjacent cells. (A spindle is a long, pointed, oval structure.)
Consequently, the nuclei form an irregular pattern in the tissue
(Fig. 4.14).
Smooth muscle is not  under conscious control and there-
fore is said to be involuntary. Smooth muscle is found in the
walls of hollow structures and organs, such as the blood vessels,
250 ×
intestines, stomach, uterus, and urinary bladder.  This  muscle intercalated disk nucleus
type contracts more slowly than skeletal muscle but can remain
contracted for a longer time. Contractility is an important char-
acteristic of smooth muscle, and it contracts rhythmically on its
own. However, its contraction can be modified by the nervous and
endocrine systems. Intestinal smooth muscle contracts in waves,
thereby moving food along its lumen (central cavity). When the
smooth muscle of blood vessels contracts, blood vessels constrict
and their diameter decreases. This helps to regulate blood flow
Figure 4.15 Cardiac muscle. The cells are cylindrical
but branched.
and blood pressure.

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 75

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Necrotizing Fasciitis

On June 30, 1924, 16-year-old Calvin Coolidge, Jr., son of the president,
strode out onto the tennis court at the White House. He was anxious to face
off against his older brother John, and was in a hurry. He'd forgotten his
socks, and chose to play the match without them. As happens to so many
of us, Cal left the tennis court with a blister on his foot. One week later, he
was dead, from what physicians of the day termed “blood poisoning.”
The precise cause of his death will never be known. Calvin Jr.
was never autopsied, and it would have been unlikely that testing
methods of that era would determine the bacterial organism that
infected him. However, medical records showed that surgery had been
performed before his death to try to stop the infection. Based on this
history, it's quite possible that young Coolidge may have been killed
by a condition called necrotizing fasciitis. This condition is most com-
monly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, a group of dangerous
pathogenic bacteria that also cause “strep” throat. This strain of
Streptococcus is commonly referred to as “flesh-eating bacteria.”
As you know, fascia, or areolar connective tissue, binds tissues to
one another. Tissues are organized into groups by the fascia as well. Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (1908–1924).
For example, muscles in the upper and lower limbs are divided into
compartments by fascia. In necrotizing fasciitis, the Streptococcus shock. Surgery to remove dead tissue is frequently necessary to stop
bacteria enter the body through a break in the skin—a small abrasion, the spread of the bacteria. Limbs may need to be amputated. Plastic
a cut, an insect bite, or a broken blister. The person will notice that the surgery often must be performed after recovery to restore function, as
skin around the wound quickly becomes inflamed and painful. Once well as for cosmetic reasons.
infection starts, the bacteria travel extremely rapidly, using fascia Taking a very cautious approach to cleanliness is the best way to
channels to rapidly invade tissues all over the body. Poisons produced stop the disease from occurring. Frequent hand-washing is an obvious—
by the bacteria dissolve and kill connective tissues; thus the term but often neglected—way to prevent all forms of bacterial infection.
necrotizing, which means “causing death.” Victims experience a high Further, any damage to the skin must be taken seriously. Even small
fever, tremendous pain, and dehydration. If the condition progresses, cuts should be washed with soap and water, and bandaged for a short
the person goes into shock (you'll read more about shock in time until a scab begins to form. Resist the urge to “pop” a blister. Once
Chapter 12). The body's organ systems shut down, resulting in death. it opens on its own, disinfect the area thoroughly. If any symptoms of
Today, victims of necrotizing fasciitis are aggressively treated infection develop (high fever, inflammation, and pain around the wound
with antibiotics and the patient is carefully monitored for signs of area), seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

enable some people to consciously slow the heart). Further, like skel-
etal muscle, its contractions are strong, but like smooth muscle, the Content CHECK-UP!
contraction of the heart is inherent and rhythmical. Cardiac muscle 8. Match the muscle type with the characteristic:
contraction can be modified by the nervous and endocrine systems.
a. skeletal 1. striated and branched cells
Even though cardiac muscle fibers are striated, the cells dif-
fer from skeletal muscle fibers in that they have a single, centrally b. cardiac 2. no striations and spindle-shaped
placed nucleus. The cells are branched and seemingly fused to c. smooth 3. striated and multinucleate
one another, and the heart appears to be composed of one large, 9. Which muscle type or types contract on their own, without
interconnecting mass of muscle cells. Actually, cardiac muscle outside stimulation?
cells are separate and individual, but they are bound end-to-end 10. What feature binds cardiac muscle cells to one another so
at intercalated disks, areas where folded plasma membranes they contract as a unit?
between two cells contain adhesion junctions and gap junctions Answers in Appendix A.
(see page 75). These permit extremely rapid spread of contractile
stimuli so that the fibers contract almost simultaneously.

76 PART I Human Organization

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4.4 Nervous Tissue Neuroglia
7. Describe the general characteristics and functions of nervous tissue. Neuroglia are cells that outnumber neurons nine to one and take
up more than half the volume of the brain. The primary function
of neuroglia is to nourish and support neurons. For example, types
Nervous tissue, found in the brain and spinal cord, contains spe- of neuroglia found in the brain are microglia, astrocytes, oligoden-
cialized cells called neurons that generate and conduct nerve sig- drocytes, and ependymal cells. Microglia, in addition to supporting
nals. A neuron (Fig. 4.16) has three parts: (1) A dendrite receives neurons, engulf bacterial and cellular debris. Astrocytes provide
signals that may result in a nerve signal; (2) the cell body contains nutrients to neurons and produce a hormone known as glial-derived
the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm of the neuron; and (3) the growth factor, which someday might be used as a cure for Parkin-
axon conducts nerve impulses. son disease and other diseases caused by neuron degeneration. Oli-
Long axons are called fibers. In the brain and spinal cord, godendrocytes form myelin, a protective layer of fatty insulation.
fibers form tracts. Outside the brain and spinal cord, fibers are Ependymal cells line the hollow cavities, or ventricles, of the brain.
bound together by connective tissue to form nerves. Nerves con- Schwann cells are the neuroglia that enclose all long nerve fibers
duct signals from sense organs to the spinal cord and brain, where located outside the brain or spinal cord. Each Schwann cell covers
the phenomenon called sensation occurs. They also conduct nerve only a small section of a nerve fiber. The gaps between Schwann cells
signals away from the spinal cord and brain to muscles, glands, are called nodes of Ranvier. Collectively, the Schwann cells provide
and organs. nerve fibers with an insulating myelin layer, the myelin sheath, sep-
In addition to neurons, nervous tissue contains neuroglia. arated by the nodes. The myelin sheath speeds conduction because


nucleus cell body

cell body

Astrocyte axon


myelin sheath


Figure 4.16 Nervous tissue. Neurons are surrounded by neuroglia, such as Schwann cells, which envelop axons. Only neu-
rons conduct nerve signals.

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the nerve impulse jumps from node to node. Because the myelin microvilli

sheath is white, all myelinated nerve fibers appear white.

Content CHECK-UP! membranes

11. Complete this statement: In a nerve cell, a(n) _______

receives signals while a(n) _______ conducts signals.
tight junction
a. axon, dendrite proteins
b. dendrite, axon basement membrane
c. dendrite, cell body
a. Tight junction in digestive tract epithelium
12. What two types of neuroglial cells produce myelin?
Answers in Appendix A.

4.5 Extracellular Junctions, Glands,
and Membranes
8. Describe the structure and function of three types of extracellular
junctions. b. Gap junction in smooth muscle
9. Describe the difference between an exocrine and an endocrine
gland, and be able to give examples of each one.
10. Describe the way the body’s membranes are organized. plasma
11. Name and describe the major types of membranes in the body.
Extracellular Junctions filaments
The cells of a tissue can function in a coordinated manner when the c. Adhesion junction in cardiac muscle
plasma membranes of adjoining cells interact. The junctions that
occur between cells help cells function as a tissue. Figure 4.17 Extracellular junctions. Tissues are held together
A tight junction forms an impermeable barrier because ad- by (a) tight junctions that are impermeable; (b) gap junctions that
jacent plasma membrane proteins actually join, producing a zip- allow materials to pass from cell to cell; and (c) adhesion junc-
perlike fastening (Fig. 4.17a). In the stomach, digestive secretions tions that allow tissues to stretch.
are contained, and in the kidneys, the urine stays within kidney tu-
bules because epithelial cells are joined by tight junctions. A gap Glands
junction forms when two adjacent plasma membrane channels A gland consists of one or more cells that produce and secrete
join (Fig. 4.17b). This lends strength, but it also allows ions, sug- a product. Most glands are composed primarily of epithelium in
ars, and small molecules to pass between the two cells. Gap junc- which the cells secrete their product by exocytosis. During secre-
tions in heart and smooth muscle ensure synchronized contraction. tion, the contents of a vesicle are released when the vesicle fuses
In an adhesion junction (desmosome), the adjacent plasma mem- with the plasma membrane.
branes do not touch but are held together by extracellular fila- The mucus-secreting goblet cells within the columnar epithe-
ments firmly attached to cytoplasmic plaques, composed of dense lium lining the digestive tract are single cells (see Fig. 4.4). Glands
protein material (Fig. 4.17c). Desmosomes that join heart muscle with ducts that secrete their product onto the outer surface (e.g.,
cells prevent the cells from tearing apart during contraction. Simi- sweat glands and mammary glands) or into a cavity (e.g., pancreas)
larly, desmosomes in the cervix, the opening to the uterus (womb), are called exocrine glands. Ducts can be simple or compound, as
prevent the cervix from ripping when a woman gives birth. illustrated in Figure 4.18.

Figure 4.18
Multicellular exocrine glands.
Exocrine glands have ducts that
can be simple or compound.
Compound glands vary according
to the placement of secretory
Example: Example:
Sweat Mammary Example:
Simple gland Compound gland Compound Pancreas

Duct Secretory portion

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Cancer: The Traitor Inside

The life of almost every person has been touched, either directly or then examined for cervical cancer cells. A biopsy is the removal of a
indirectly, by the specter of cancer. Cancer is not one disease, but suspect sample of tissue using a plunger-like device. A pathologist is
perhaps several hundred diseases, all sharing a common characteristic: a physician who is skilled at recognizing the abnormal characteristics
rapid, uncontrolled, and disorganized growth of tissue cells. Thus, any that allow for cancer diagnosis. If cancer is found and treated before
cell in any of the body’s tissues can be the starting point for cancer. metastasis occurs, chances for a complete cure are greatly increased.
Cancers are classified according to the type of tissue from which they Tumors can often be removed surgically, but there is always the
arise. Carcinomas, the most common type, are cancers of epithelial danger that they have metastasized. For this reason, surgery is often
tissues (skin and linings); sarcomas are cancers that arise in connec- preceded or followed by radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy to
tive tissue (muscle, bone, and cartilage); leukemias are cancers of the destroy rapidly dividing cancer cells. Radiation therapy using radio-
blood; and lymphomas are cancers of reticular connective tissue. The active protons is preferred over X ray because proton beams can be
chance of cancer occurring in a particular tissue is related to the rate of aimed directly at the tumor. Chemotherapy drugs kill actively grow-
cell division. As you know, epithelial cells reproduce at a high rate. ing cancer cells, but sometimes cancer cells become resistant to che-
That’s why carcinomas account for 90% of all human cancers. motherapy (even when several drugs are used in combination). The
In the body, a cancer cell divides to form a malignant neoplasm plasma membrane in resistant cells contains a carrier that pumps toxic
(“new tissue”), or a malignant tumor, that invades and destroys neigh- chemicals out of the cell. Researchers are testing drugs known to poi-
boring tissue. Cancer cells can also detach and spread to other sites by son the pump in an effort to restore sensitivity to chemotherapy.
invading the blood vessels or the lymphatic vessels. Through this pro- Unfortunately, both chemotherapy and radiation kill normal cells
cess, called metastasis, cancer tumors colonize healthy tissue else- as well as the cancer. The patient will suffer the negative side effects of
where in the body. By contrast, noncancerous, or benign tumors are therapy: nausea, vomiting, hair loss, weight loss, anemia, etc. Thus, the
encapsulated (surrounded by a connective tissue capsule) and stay in use of chemotherapy and radiation must be balanced carefully: strong
one place. To support their growth, cancer cells release a growth factor enough to kill cancer, but not so strong as to cause the person’s death.
that causes neighboring blood vessels to branch into the cancerous tis- The What’s New reading on page 80 describes emerging technologies
sue, a process called vascularization. Cancer development seems to that will specifically target cancer cells while sparing healthy cells.
occur by a two-step process involving (1) initiation and (2) promotion. Individuals should be aware of the seven danger signals for cancer
Cancer initiation is caused by a change, or a mutation, in the DNA (Table 4A) and inform their doctor when any one of these are observed.
(genes) of a cell, which results in runaway cell growth. Some muta- Further, the evidence is clear that the risk of certain types of cancer can
tions, such as those that result in certain forms of breast cancer, are be reduced by lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding excessive sun-
genetically inherited. Agents that are known to actually cause DNA light reduces the risk of skin cancer, and abstaining from cigarettes,
mutations are called carcinogens. Known carcinogens include viruses, cigars, and chewing tobacco reduces the risk of oral, throat, and lung
excessive radiation, and certain chemicals. For example, cigarette cancers, as well as other types of cancer. Exercise and a healthy diet are
smoke contains chemical carcinogens that may initiate cancers of the also believed to be important. Recommendations include:
lung, throat, mouth, and urinary bladder. A cancer promoter is any
1. Lowering total fat intake
influence that causes a mutated cell to start growing in an uncontrolled
2. Eating more high-fiber foods
manner. A promoter might cause a second mutation or provide the
3. Increasing consumption of foods rich in vitamins A and C
environment for cells to form a tumor. For example, evidence suggests
4. Reducing consumption of salt-cured and smoked foods
that a diet rich in saturated fats and cholesterol promotes colon cancer.
5. Including vegetables of the cabbage family in the diet
Considerable time may elapse between initiation and promotion, and
6. Consuming only moderate amounts of alcohol
this is one reason why cancer is seen more often in older people.
Cancer can be detected by physical examination, assisted by
various means of viewing the internal organs. Mammograms can TABLE 4.A Danger Signals for Cancer
detect early breast cancer using low-level X ray, and thyroid cancer is
diagnosed using radioactive iodine (see the Medical Focus on C hange in bowel or bladder habits
page 16). Specific blood tests exist for tumors that secrete a particular A sore that does not heal
chemical in the blood. For example, the level of prostate-specific anti- U nusual bleeding or discharge
gen (PSA) appears to increase in the blood according to the size of a T hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
prostate tumor. Tissue samples can also detect early malignancy. Dur- I ndigestion or difficulty in swallowing
ing a Pap smear (named for George Papanicolaou, the Greek doctor O bvious change in wart or mole
who first described the test), a small sample of epithelial tissue lining
N agging cough or hoarseness
the cervix at the opening of the uterus is obtained using a cotton swab,

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 79

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Glands that no longer have a duct are appropriately known juices, but this protection breaks down when a person develops
as the ductless glands, or endocrine glands. Endocrine glands an ulcer.
(e.g., pituitary gland and thyroid) secrete their products internally
so they are transported by the bloodstream. Endocrine glands Serous Membranes
produce hormones that help promote homeostasis. Each type of
hormone influences the metabolism of a particular target organ You’ll remember from Chapter 1 (pages 6–7) that serous
or cells. membranes line cavities, including the thoracic and abdomino-
Glands are composed of epithelial tissue, but they are sup- pelvic cavities, and cover internal organs such as the intestines.
ported by connective tissue, as are other epithelial tissues. The term parietal refers to the wall of the body cavity, while the
term visceral pertains to the internal organs. Therefore, parietal
membranes line the interior of the thoracic and abdominopelvic
Membranes cavities, and visceral membranes cover the organs.
Membranes line the internal spaces of organs and tubes that open Serous membranes consist of a layer of simple squamous epi-
to the outside, and they also line the body cavities discussed on thelium overlying a layer of loose connective tissue. They secrete
pages 6–8. serous fluid, which keeps the membranes lubricated. Serous mem-
branes support the internal organs and tend to compartmentalize
the large thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. This helps to slow
Mucous Membranes the spread of any infection.
Mucous membranes line the interior walls of the organs and In the thorax, the pleurae are serous membranes that form
tubes that open to the outside of the body, such as those of the a double layer around the lungs. The parietal pleura lines the
digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. These inside of the thoracic wall, while the visceral pleura adheres
membranes consist of an epithelium overlying a layer of loose to the surface of the lungs. Similarly, a double-layered serous
connective tissue. The epithelium contains goblet cells that membrane is a part of the pericardium, a covering for the heart
secrete mucus. (see Fig. 12.2).
The mucus secreted by mucous membranes ordinarily pro- The peritoneum is the serous membrane within the abdomen.
tects interior walls from invasion by bacteria and viruses. For The parietal peritoneum lines the abdominopelvic wall, and the
example, more mucus is secreted when a person has a cold, visceral peritoneum covers the organs. In between the organs,
resulting in a “runny nose.” In addition, mucus usually protects the visceral peritoneum comes together to form a double-layered
the walls of the stomach and small intestine from digestive mesentery that supports these organs (see Fig. 15.5).

What's New
Targeting the Traitor Inside

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, attack have also been observed to mutate over time, becoming increas-
till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, ingly stronger and resistant to both chemotherapy and radiation. When
never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the this occurs, these older techniques don’t work, and the cancer returns.
tide will turn.”
—Harriet Beecher Stowe, novelist
Discovering the Enemy
A diagnosis of cancer is a terrifying event for anyone. Suddenly, life Increasingly, oncologists (doctors who specialize in cancer treatment)
is turned upside-down, and decisions must quickly be made about have new options to offer their patients. One rapidly improving tech-
treatment options. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy have existed nique is to begin the treatment process by identifying the exact genet-
for decades and continue to improve in effectiveness. However, these ics of the patient’s cancer cells. As you know from Focus on Forensics
techniques are comparable to “carpet-bombing” in wartime— in Chapter 3, cellular DNA can be studied by creating a “fingerprint.”
throwing many deadly bombs to blanket large areas and destroy as Once the cancer is precisely identified, targeted therapies can be
much as possible. As in a real-world conflict, chemotherapy and radi- developed. Targeted therapies are sometimes referred to as the result
ation therapy generally hit their cancer target, but they cause a lot of of “rational drug design,” because the treatments are tailored to dam-
collateral damage. Frequently, these types of treatments cause exten- age or destroy only one type of cells—the cancer cells. Normal cells
sive damage to other cells and tissues, which may be fatal. Further- are largely unharmed, survival rates increase, side effects are reduced,
more, cancer cells from the original tumor that survive the original and the patient’s quality of life is improved. —Continued

80 PART I Human Organization

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Targeted therapies work by directly interfering with cancer Now imagine vaccinating people for cancer, using tumor cell
growth and progression. These treatments may function externally vaccines that would work in a way similar to commonly used vac-
(directly on the plasma membrane, for example) or by obstructing cines. For example, to immunize a person for the viral diseases hepa-
internal metabolism. One of the first targeted therapies to be devel- titis (a liver disease) and influenza (flu), a person is injected with
oped is directed at the cell membrane estrogen receptors of breast pieces of virus. The virus segment can’t cause disease, but it does alert
cancer cells. You discovered in Chapter 2 that estrogens stimulate the immune system to fight the virus if you’re ever exposed. Recently,
the growth of all female structures. Unfortunately, breast cancer scientists developed a type of mouse cancer vaccine by mixing lab-
cells also increase their growth rate in response to estrogen. Selec- grown leukocytes with tumor cell cultures. Exposing the two cell types
tive estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) drugs block cancer cell to each other trained the leukocytes to recognize tumor cells, and the
estrogen receptors by binding to them in place of estrogen. Without activated defense cells were then injected into the mice. After a second
estrogen as a promoter, cancer cell growth slows and sometimes injection with more cancer cells, the resulting tumors in vaccinated
completely stops. You may have heard of Tamoxifen, a commonly mice were ten times smaller than those in unvaccinated mice. Much
used SERM. Similar drugs are used for prostate, thyroid, and uterine additional research and testing is needed, but human cancer vaccines
cancers, and new receptor blockers aimed at other cancers are in created using similar techniques might be possible in the future.

Destroying the Enemy

Strengthening the Defense Receptor-blocking drugs and antibodies can’t enter the cancer cell,
Many cancer researchers believe that cancer develops as a result of but modern small-molecule drugs are typically able to diffuse into the
a patient’s sluggish, underactive immune (defensive) system. Thus, cell. Once inside, these drugs attack enzymes involved in cancer cell
stimulating a stronger immune response, called immunotherapy, is DNA replication, RNA transcription, or protein translation. (As
the strategy used in yet another type of targeted therapy. One exist- you’ll recall from Chapter 3, these three interphase processes are
ing immunotherapy involves using small immune system proteins essential for the cell to reproduce.) Likewise, ongoing research is
called antibodies. Antibodies can be tailored to only bind on a investigating nanoparticles to attack the cancer cell from inside.
specific set of cancer cells. One type simply “marks” the cancer Nanoparticles are tiny, water-soluble shells roughly half the size of
cells when it attaches. Leukocytes then can destroy the cancer cell. the smallest bacterial cell. These particles are filled with a chemo-
(A good analogy for this process would be pinning a bull’s-eye therapy drug, which spills out and kills the cancer cell once the cell
target to a wall—you’d know exactly where to aim!) Different anti- takes up the nanoparticle by phagocytosis. (You also studied phago-
bodies are used to deliver toxic chemotherapy molecules precisely cytosis in Chapter 3.)
to specific cells, and others directly kill the cancer cell all by Normally we think of viruses as enemies, because they are natu-
themselves. rally occurring invaders that kill cells. However, cancer investigators
A currently used antibody (bevacizumab, marketed as are now using knowledge of their biology to develop strains that
Avastin®) blocks the action of VEGF, or vascular endothelial growth exclusively invade tumor cells. One strain under investigation deliv-
factor. VEGF is produced in huge quantities by cancer cells and ers an inactive drug, called a prodrug, into colon cancer cells. Once
stimulates nearby blood vessels to sprout new capillaries. Without inside, the prodrug activates and destroys the cell. Another geneti-
VEGF, tumor cells starve and have no route to spread to other body cally engineered virus that is currently in clinical trials selectively
areas. infects tumor cells of the liver, kidney, ovary, and skin. It then multi-
Bioengineers are now conducting clinical trials of a small, plies and destroys the cell while simultaneously triggering additional
aspirin-sized sponge tablet that is implanted under the skin to immune system activity.
fight melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Inside the tab-
let, the researchers place proteins obtained from the patient’s
tumor cells, along with a substance called granulocyte macro- Winning the Fight
phage colony-stimulating factor (GMC-SF). This chemical attracts Rational design therapies such as these may be used alone or com-
leukocytes, which quickly recognize the cancer proteins as for- bined with traditional chemotherapy and/or radiation based on the
eign. These activated leukocytes then cause a potent immune patient’s own tumor cells. In the future, cancer scientists envision
response, which has actually stopped the melanoma in experimen- targeted viruses, small-molecule drugs, antibodies, and other new
tal animals. If it works as effectively on human melanoma, this strategies to use in the fight against cancer. Hopefully, as research
approach could be used to fight this cancer and other cancer forms progresses, we will continue to see even more success stories: patients
as well. who have been completely cured.

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 81

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Synovial Membranes squamous epithelium attached to a thick underlying layer of dense ir-
Synovial membranes line freely movable joint cavities and are regular connective tissue. The skin is discussed in detail in Chapter 5.
composed of connective tissues. They secrete synovial fluid into
the joint cavity. This fluid lubricates the ends of the bones so that
Content CHECK-UP!
they can move freely (see Fig. 6.21). In rheumatoid arthritis, the
synovial membrane becomes inflamed and grows thicker. Fibrous 13. Match each type of extracellular junction to its function:
tissue then invades the joint. The invading tissue may eventually a. desmosome ______ 1. allows ions and small molecules
become bony so that the bones of the joint are no longer capable to pass between cells
of moving. b. tight junction ______ 2. prevents adjacent cells from
tearing apart
c. gap junction ______ 3. forms an impermeable barrier
Meninges 14. Explain the difference between exocrine and endocrine
The meninges are membranes found within the posterior cavity glands. Give examples of each gland type.
(see Fig. 1.5). They are composed only of connective tissue and 15. Match each type of membrane to its function:
serve as a protective covering for the brain and spinal cord. Menin- a. synovial 1. forms outer covering of the
gitis is a life-threatening infection of the meninges (see the Medical membrane ______ body
Focus on page 9). b. cutaneous 2. lines walls of organs that
membrane ______ open to the outside of the body
c. mucous 3. lines the interior of a joint
Cutaneous Membrane membrane ______ capsule
The cutaneous membrane, or skin, forms the outer covering of Answers in Appendix A.
the body. It consists of an outer portion of keratinized stratified

What's New
3-D Printing to Create Complex Tissues

How would you construct a building? Start with a framework, or scaf- heart that was stripped of its cells, and then coated with human heart
fold, formed from a strong, rigid material such as wood or steel. cells. Not only did the cells grow, they beat in a coordinated way,
Around it, add layers: wood, brick, or metal, for example. Inside, much like the actual heart. Likewise, skeletal muscle cells grown on a
insulate and add some form of finishing material (for example, wood framework were able to contract.
or plaster). Now imagine a printer that will spray liquid materials— Now imagine that tissue layers could be crafted into organs. As
concrete, strong plastic materials, plaster—and build up that same you know from Chapter 1, organs are created from layers of tissues.
house layer by layer. That’s how a 3-D printer works, and many prod- However, to grow an actual organ from tissue culture layers, a com-
ucts such as automobile parts, tools, rocket components and house- plex network of blood vessels would have to be simultaneously cre-
hold items are currently being manufactured in this way. Now, ated to provide the organ with oxygen and nutrients, and to carry
bioengineers are now exploring this new technology of 3-D printing away waste. Bioengineers have now begun this organ creation pro-
to create functional tissues, layer by layer, using stem cells. Stem cells cess using 3-D printers and tissue-friendly inks called “bio-inks.”
are so-called undifferentiated cells that can “change their minds”— Each ink performed a different function: one created a scaffold, a
that is, they can form multiple types of different cells. second contained living cells, and when complete, the third created a
For several decades, scientists have been able to grow cells in weblike network of tiny hollow tubes. Each bio-ink created its layers
simple sheets, in a process called tissue culture. (As you know from in a 3-D process. When the printing was complete, a three-layer tissue
the chapter introduction, HeLa cells were the first to be easily grown was created. Most important, the network of tubes was lined with
in tissue culture.) Multiple applications are now widely used. For simple squamous epithelium, just like a capillary (the smallest blood
example, cultured cells can be grown from a burn patient’s remaining vessel) or a blood vessel lining.
healthy skin, then placed over the burned area as a skin graft. Bladder- Scientists continue to develop and improve stem cell culture
shaped epithelial linings can be created using a connective tissue techniques, and refinements in 3-D printing of tissue scaffolds will
framework coated with the patient’s own epithelial cells. The linings likely happen as well. In the future, it may soon be possible to com-
have been successfully transplanted into a patient’s existing bladder. pletely grow entire organs (such as a heart or a kidney) from the
More recently, researchers used a framework created from a mouse patient’s own stem cells.

82 PART I Human Organization

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms mesentery (mĕs9ĕn-tĕrē), p. 80 stratified epithelium (străt9ī-fīd ĕp-ŭh-thē9lē-
mucous membrane (myū9kŭs mĕm9brān), p. 80 ŭhm), p. 66
adhesion junction (ăd-hē9zhŭn
jŭngk9shŭn), p. 78 muscular tissue (mŭs9kyū-lĕr tĭsh9ū), p. 74 stratified squamous epithelium (străt' ī-fīd
myelin (mīĕ-lĭn), p. 77 skwā' mŭhs ĕp-ŭh-thē' lē-ŭhm), p. 67
adipose tissue (ăd9ĭ-pōs tĭsh9ū), p. 70
myelin sheath (mī9ĕ-lĭn shēth), p. 77 synovial membrane (sĭ-nō9vē-ŭl
aponeuroses (ăpō-nū-rō9sĭs), p. 70
mĕm9brān), p. 82
blood (blŭd), p. 74 nervous tissue (nĕr9vŭs tĭsh9ū), p. 77
tendons (tĕn9dŭhnz), p. 70
bone (bōn), p. 72 neuroglia (nū-rō-glē9ŭh), p. 77
tight junction (tīt jŭnk9shŭn), p. 78
cartilage (kăr9 tĭl-ĭj), p. 72 neuron (nū9rŏn), p. 77
trabeculae (trŭh-bĕk9yŭh-lē), p. 72
collagen fibers (kŏl9ŭh-jŭn fī9bŭrz), p. 69 nodes of Ranvier (nōdz ŭv răhn9vē-ā), p. 77
transitional epithelium (trăn-zĭsh9ŭhn-ŭl
columnar epithelium (kŭh-lŭm9 nĕr ĕp-ŭh- pericardium (pĕrī-kăr9dē-ŭhm), p. 80
ĕp-ŭh-thē9lē-ŭhm), p. 68
thē9lē-ŭhm), p. 66 peritoneum (pĕrī-tō-nē9ŭhm), p. 80
connective tissue (kŭh-nĕk9tiv tĭsh9ū), p. 69 pleurae (plū9rā), p. 80
Clinical Key Terms
cuboidal epithelium (kyū-bōyd9 ŭl), p. 66 pseudostratified columnar epithelium (sūdō-
cutaneous membrane (kyū-tā9nē-ŭs străt9 ĭ-fīd kŭh-lŭm9nĕr ĕp-ŭh-thē9lē-ŭhm), benign (bē-nīn9) tumor, p. 79
mĕm9brān), p. 82 p. 68 biopsy (bī9ŏp-sē), p. 79
dense connective tissue ( dĕns kŭh-nĕk9 tĭv reticular connective tissue (rĕ-tĭk9ū-lăr kŭh- cancer (kăn9sĕr), p. 79
tĭsh9ū), p. 70 nĕk9 tiv tĭsh9ū), p. 70 carcinogen (kăr-sĭn9ō-jĕn), p. 79
elastic cartilage (ĭ-lăs9tĭk kăr9tĭl-ĭj), p. 72 reticular fibers (rĕ-tĭk9ū-lăr fī9bŭrz), p. 69 carcinoma (kăr-sĭn9ō-mŭh), p. 79
elastic fibers (ĭ-lăs9tĭk fī9bŭrz), p. 69 serous membrane (sēr9ŭs mĕm9brān), p. 80 diagnosis (dī-ŭhg-nō9sĭs), p. 79
epithelial tissue (ĕp-ĭ-thē9lē-ŭhl tĭsh9ū), p. 66 Schwann cell (shwăn sĕl), p. 77 leukemia (lū-kē9mē-ŭh), p. 79
fibroblasts (fī9brō-blăst), p. 70 simple epithelium (sĭm9pŭl ĕp-ŭh-thē9lē-ŭhm), lymphoma (lĭm-fō9mŭh), p. 79
fibrocartilage (fī9brō-kărtĭl-ĭj), p. 72 p. 66 malignant (mă-lĭg9nŭnt), p. 79
gap junction (găp jŭngk9shŭn), p. 78 simple columnar epithelium ( sĭm' pŭl kŭh lŭm' metastasis (mĕ-tăs9tă-sĭs), p. 79
nĕr ĕp-ŭh-thē'lē-ŭhm), p. 68
goblet cell (gŏb9lĕt sĕl), p. 68 mutation (myū-tā9shŭn), p. 79
simple cuboidal epithelium (sĭm' pŭl kyū bōyd'
hyaline cartilage (hī9ŭh-lĭn kăr9tĭl-ĭj), p. 72 neoplasm (nē9ŭh-plăzŭhm), p. 79
ŭl ĕp-ŭh-thē' lē-ŭhm), p. 67
intercalated disk (ĭn-tĕr9kĕ-lāt-ĕd dĭsk), p. 76 Pap smear (păp smēr), p. 79
simple squamous epithelium (sĭm' pŭl skwā'
lacunae (lŭh-kū9nā), p. 72 mŭhs ĕp-ŭh-thē' lē-ŭhm), p. 66 pathologist (pŭh-thŏl9ŭh-jĭst), p. 79
ligaments (lĭg9ŭh-mĕntz), p. 70 squamous epithelium (skwā9mŭhs ĕp-ŭh- promoter (prŭh-mō9tĕr), p. 79
loose connective tissue (lūs kŭh-nĕk' tiv thē9lē-ŭhm), p. 66 sarcoma (săr-kō9mŭh), p. 79
tĭsh' ū), p. 70 stratified columnar epithelium (străt9ĭ-fīd kŭh- shock (shăwk) p. 76
lymphatic tissue (lĭm-făt9ĭk tĭsh9ū), p. 70 lŭm9 nĕr ĕp-ŭh-thē9lē-ŭhm), p. 68 tumor (tū9 mĕr), p. 79
matrix (mā9trĭks), p. 69 stratified cuboidal epithelium (străt9ĭ-fīd kyū- vascularization (văskyŭ-lŭr-ĭ-zā9shŭn),
meninges (mĕ-nĭn9jēz), p. 82 bōyd9ŭl ĕp-ŭh-thē9lē-ŭhm), p. 67 p. 79

4.1 Epithelial Tissue B. Simple cuboidal epithelium func- 4.2 Connective Tissue
Body tissues are categorized into tions in absorption and secre- In connective tissue, cells are sepa-
four types: epithelial, connective, tion. Stratified cuboidal rated by a matrix (organic ground
muscular, and nervous. Epithelial epithelium forms ducts in glands. substance plus fibers).
tissue is classified according to cell C. Simple columnar epithelium is A. Fibrous connective tissue can be
shape and the number of cell lay- found in mucous membranes. loose connective tissue, in which
ers. The cell shape can be squa- Stratified columnar epithelium is fibroblasts are separated by a
mous, cuboidal, or columnar. not common in the body. semisolid ground substance, or
Simple tissues have one layer of D. Pseudostratified columnar epi- dense connective tissue, which
cells, and stratified tissues have thelium appears stratified, but is contains bundles of collagenous
several layers. actually one cell layer thick. fibers. Adipose tissue is a type of
A. Simple squamous epithelium E. Transitional epithelial cells loose connective tissue in which
allows substances to diffuse, change shape from cuboidal to the fibroblasts enlarge and store
while stratified squamous is for squamous in response to ten- fat. Reticular connective tissue is
protection. sion placed on the tissue. found in lymphatic tissues.

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 83

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B. There are three types of carti- They are involuntary and do not B. Glands are composed of epi-
lage, based on their fiber com- have striations. thelial tissue that produces and
position: hyaline, elastic and D. Cardiac muscle is striated, invol- secretes a product, usually by
fibrocartilage. untary, and contains unique in- exocytosis. Glands can be uni-
C. There are two types of bone tercalated disks. cellular or multicellular. Multi-
tissue: compact and spongy. 4.4 Nervous Tissue cellular exocrine glands have
The matrix of bone is mineral Nervous tissue contains conduct- ducts and secrete onto sur-
salts crystallized on collagen ing cells called neurons. Neurons faces; endocrine glands are
fibers. have processes called axons and ductless and secrete into the
D. Blood is a connective tissue in dendrites. In the brain and spinal bloodstream.
which the matrix is plasma. The cord, axons are organized into C. Mucous membranes line the
three formed elements of blood tracts. Outside the brain and spinal interior of organs and tubes that
are red blood cells, white blood cord, axons (fibers) are found open to the outside. Serous
cells, and platelets. in nerves. membranes line the thoracic and
4.3 Muscular Tissue A. Neuroglia support and nourish abdominopelvic cavities, and
A. Muscular tissue contains actin neurons. There are five different cover the organs within these
and myosin protein filaments kinds, each with their own role in cavities. Synovial membranes
that interact to cause the nervous system. line certain joint cavities.
movement. 4.5 Extracellular Junctions, Glands, Meninges are membranes that
B. Skeletal muscle tissue is volun- and Membranes cover the brain and spinal cord.
tary, striated, and contains many A. In a tissue, cells can be joined The skin forms a cutaneous
nuclei in each cell. by tight junctions, gap membrane.
C. Smooth muscle has spindle- junctions, or adhesion junctions
shaped cells with one nucleus. (desmosomes).

Study Questions
1. What is a tissue? (p. 66) and central canal in your description. body are made up of nervous tissue?
2. Name the four major types of tissues. Describe the difference between (pp. 77–78)
(p. 66) compact and spongy bone. 9. Name three types of junctions, and
3. What are the functions of epithelial (pp. 72–73) state the function of each with exam-
tissue? Name the different kinds of 6. Describe the composition of blood, ples. (p. 78)
epithelial tissue, and give a location and give a function for each type of 10. Describe the structure of a gland.
for each. (pp. 66–68) blood cell. (p. 74) What is the difference between an
4. What are the functions of connective 7. What are the functions of muscular tis- exocrine gland and an endocrine
tissue? Name the different kinds of sue? Name the different kinds of mus- gland? (pp. 78, 80)
connective tissue, and give a location cular tissue, and give a location for 11. Name the different types of body
for each type. (pp. 69–71) each. (pp. 74–76) membranes, and associate each type
5. Contrast the structure of cartilage with 8. What types of cells does nervous with a particular location in the body.
that of bone, using the words lacunae tissue contain? Which organs in the (pp. 80, 82)

Learning Outcome Questions

I. Fill in the blanks. 4. Both cartilage and blood are classi- II. Match the organs in the key to the
1. Most organs contain several differ- fied as tissue. epithelial tissues listed in questions
ent types of . 5. Which is a type of loose connective 7–10.
2. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar tissue? Key:
epithelium contains cells that a. areolar a. kidney tubules
appear to be , have b. hyaline cartilage b. small intestine
projections called , c. compact bone c. air sacs of lungs
and are in shape. 6. A mucous membrane contains d. trachea (windpipe)
3. Connective tissue cells are widely tissue overlying
7. simple squamous
separated by a that tissue.
8. simple cuboidal
usually contains .

84 PART I Human Organization

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9. simple columnar 11. striated and branched, involuntary 15. The three types of cell junctions
10. pseudostratified ciliated columnar 12. striated and voluntary are _____, _____ and _____.
13. visceral and involuntary 16. The type of gland that secretes
III. Match the muscle tissues in the key
into the bloodstream is a(n)______
to the descriptions listed in questions IV. Fill in the blanks.
gland. The type of gland that
11–13. 14. The cell type that conducts
secretes into ducts is a(n) ______
Key: electrical signals is the _____.
a. skeletal muscle Supporting cells are called
17. Membranes that line cavities open
b. smooth muscle _____.
to the environment are _____
c. cardiac muscle membranes.

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 3. meningoencephalopathy (mĕ-nĭnggō- 10. cardiomyopathy (kăr9dē-ō-mī-ăh9pŭh-thē)
derive the definitions for the medical terms ĕn-sĕfŭl-lŏp9ŭh-thē) 11. encephalitis (ĕn-sĕfŭh-lī9-tĭs)
listed below and at right. Many of the 4. pericardiocentesis (pĕrĭ-kărdē-ō-sĕn- 12. glioma (glē-ō9mŭh)
prefixes and suffixes used to create these tē9sĭs) 13. pleurisy (plūr9ĭ-sē)
terms can be found throughout the chapter. 5. peritonitis (pĕrĭ-tō-nī9tĭs) 14. chondroblast (kŏn9drō-blăst)
For additional help, use McGraw-Hill 6. intrapleural (ĭntrŭ-plūr9ŭl) 15. osteology (ŏs9tē-ŏl9ō-jē)
Connect™ at 7. neurofibromatosis (nūrō-fībrōmŭh-
and consult Appendix B. tō9sĭs)
1. epithelioma (ĕp-ĭ-thēlē-ō9mŭh) 8. submucosa (sŭbmyū-kō9sŭh)
2. fibrodysplasia (fībrō-dĭs-plā9sē-ŭh) 9. polyarthritis (pŏlē-ăr-thrī9tĭs)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 85

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5 The Integumentary System

T he photograph you see at left is a microscopic image of a human hair
growing in a hair follicle, a tube-shaped accessory organ found in skin. All
human hair strands have the same basic chemistry—they’re formed from
keratin, the fibrous protein you first studied in Chapter 2. So what accounts for
the distinct hair colors and textures that you see here? Fundamentally, they’re
determined by genetic inheritance. Each color is made by combining the two
basic forms of melanin, the pigment produced by skin cells that also creates
skin color. Different blends of these two melanins create the infinite variations
of red, blonde, brown, and black color shades that are found in human hair. As
melanin production slows with age, a person develops gray hair; a complete
lack of melanin causes white hair. Your own hair’s texture is created by the
shape of your hair follicles. Rounded follicles result in straight hair, such as that
seen in many people of Asian descent. If the follicle is flatter, the hair becomes
more and more curly. So if you’re African, or African American, with very curly
hair, your flattened hair follicles are the reason for your curls. Don’t like your
hair the way it naturally is? By changing its chemistry, you can temporarily
straighten it, curl it, or change its color. You can read more about hair follicles,
hair growth, and hair loss on pages 89 and 90.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

5.1 Structure of the Skin 7. Explain what occurs in hyperthermia 5.6 Homeostasis
and hypothermia.
1. Describe the regions of the skin and 13. Explain how the integumentary
the hypodermis. system interacts with other body
5.4 Disorders of the Skin systems to ensure homeostasis.
2. Name the epidermal layers, and
­describe their structure and function. 8. Name the three types of skin cancer,
and state their risk factors.
3. Describe the structure and function Medical Focus
of the dermis. 9. Describe several skin diseases, and
­outline the steps by which a skin Decubitus Ulcers
wound heals.
5.2 Accessory Structures I.C.E—In Case of Emergency
10. Name and describe four types of
of the Skin burns with regard to depth. Burns
4. Describe the structure and growth of 11. Describe how the “rule of nines” may
hair and nails. be used to estimate the extent of a Medical Focus
5. List three glands of the skin, and burn. Body Art: Buyer Beware!
­describe their structure and function.
5.5 Effects of Aging Human Systems Work Together
5.3 Functions of the Skin 12. Describe the anatomical and Integumentary System
6. List and describe the six major ­physiological changes that occur in
homeostatic functions of the skin. the integumentary system as we age.


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 5.1   Structure of the Skin attaches directly to bone. For example, there are flexion creases
where the skin attaches directly to the joints of the fingers.
1. Describe the regions of the skin and the hypodermis.
2. Name the epidermal layers, and ­describe their structure and function.
3. Describe the structure and function of the dermis.
The epidermis is the outer and thinner region of the skin. It is made
The skin, sometimes called the cutaneous membrane or the up of stratified squamous epithelium divided into five separate lay-
integument, covers the entire surface of the human body. In ers, or strata (sing., stratum). From deepest to most superficial, the
an adult, the skin has a surface area of about 1.8 square meters layers are stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum,
(20.83 square feet). Thus, it is the largest organ in the human body. It stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum. Like all epithelial tissues,
is important to note that the skin is an organ, comprised of all four tis- epidermis lacks blood vessels and has tightly packed cells.
sue types: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissue. Because
the skin has several accessory organs, it is also technically an organ Stratum Basale
system, sometimes referred to as the integumentary system. The basal cells of the stratum basale lie just superficial to the dermis.
The skin (Fig. 5.1) has two regions: the epidermis and the Here, epidermal stem cells constantly divide and produce new cells
dermis. These layers are joined together by a basement membrane. that are pushed to the surface of the epidermis in two to four weeks.
The hypodermis, a subcutaneous (“under the skin”) tissue, is As the cells move away from the dermis, they get p­ rogressively far-
found between the skin and any underlying structures, such as mus- ther away from the blood vessels in the dermis. ­Because these cells
cle. Usually, the hypodermis is only loosely attached to underlying are not being supplied with nutrients and oxygen (since epidermis
muscle tissue, but where no muscles are present, the hypodermis lacks blood vessels), they eventually die and are sloughed off.

hair shaft

stratum corneum
stratum lucidum
stratum granulosum
stratum spinosum
Epidermis stratum basale
free nerve endings
dermal papilla

arrector pili muscle

sebaceous (oil) gland

sweat gland


Hypodermis nerve

adipose connective tissue

hair follicle sensory areolar sensory

receptors connective tissue nerve fiber

  Figure 5.1  Skin anatomy. Skin is composed of two regions: the epidermis and the dermis. The hypodermis, or s­ ubcutaneous
layer, is l­ocated beneath the skin.

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 87

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Keratinocytes are the most numerous cells in the stratum to die. We constantly shed these dead cells throughout our environ-
basale, comprising approximately 95% of the cells in this layer. ment.  Over much of the body, keratinization is minimal. However,
As their name suggests, keratinocytes produce and store a thick, in areas containing an underlying stratum lucidum, a particularly
­waterproof protein called keratin. These sturdy cells form a bar- thick layer of dead, keratinized cells affords extra protection.
rier between the outer environment and the body. As keratinocytes The waterproof nature of keratin protects the body from water
move superficially into the stratum spinosum layer, they enlarge by loss and water gain. The stratum corneum allows us to live in a
packing in additional keratin and other types of ­protein. desert or a tropical rain forest without damaging our inner cells.
Langerhans cells are macrophages found deep in the epider- The stratum corneum also serves as a mechanical barrier against
mis. Macrophages are a type of white blood cell (leukocyte). These microbe invasion. This protective function of skin is assisted by the
cells phagocytize microbes and then travel to lymphatic organs, secretions of sebaceous glands (discussed in section 5.2).
where they stimulate the immune system to react.
Melanocytes are another type of specialized cell located in the
deeper epidermis. Melanocytes produce melanin, the pigment pri- Begin Thinking Clinically
marily responsible for skin and hair color. Because the number of
Psoriasis is a disorder of the immune system that causes
melanocytes is about the same in all individuals, variation in skin
immune cells to target the epidermis. The cells of the
color is due to the amount of melanin produced and its distribution.
epidermis reproduce much more rapidly than normal.
When skin is exposed to the sun, melanocytes produce more melanin
What do you think will happen to the skin’s appearance?
to protect the skin from the damaging effects of the ultraviolet (UV)
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
radiation in sunlight. The melanin is passed to other epidermal cells,
and the result is tanning, or in some people, the formation of patches
of melanin called freckles. A hereditary trait characterized by the lack
of ability to produce melanin is known as albinism. Individuals with Dermis
this disorder lack pigment not only in the skin, but also in the hair and The dermis, a deeper and thicker region than the epidermis, is
eyes. Another pigment, called carotene, is present in epidermal cells composed of dense irregular connective tissue. The upper layer
and in the dermis and gives the skin of certain Asians its yellowish of the dermis has fingerlike projections called dermal papillae.
hue. The pinkish color of fair-skinned people is due to the pigment Dermal papillae project into and anchor the epidermis. In addition,
hemoglobin in the red blood cells in the capillaries of the dermis. dermal papillae cause ridges in the overlying epidermis. Epidermal
Sensory nerves also supply the stratum basale. Free nerve ridges, commonly known as “fingerprints,” are spiral and concen-
endings supply pain and temperature sensations to the brain tric skin patterns that increase friction and provide a better gripping
(Fig. 5.1). Tactile cells (also called Merkel cells) signal the brain surface. Because they are unique to each person, fingerprints and
that an object has touched the skin. footprints can be used for identification ­purposes.
The dermis contains collagen and elastic fibers. The collagen
Stratum Spinosum and Stratum Granulosum
fibers are flexible but offer great resistance to overstretching; they
Immediately superior to the stratum basale are two additional lay- prevent the skin from being torn. The elastic fibers stretch to allow
ers of cells—the stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum. movement of underlying muscles and joints, but they maintain nor-
Like the stratum basale, stratum spinosum cells can reproduce by mal skin tension. The dermis also contains blood vessels that sup-
mitosis. Their name is derived from their spiny appearance, which ply oxygen and nutrients to its cells, and those of the epidermis as
is created by keratin filaments. Stratum granulosum cells are flat- well. Blood rushes into these vessels when a person blushes; pallor
tened cells that get their name from the dark-staining protein gran- (pale skin) develops when blood flow to dermal vessels is reduced.
ules found in their cytoplasm. These cells contain still more keratin If blood is not adequately supplied with oxygen (perhaps because
than stratum spinosum cells. Stratum granulosum cells are tightly of lung disease), the person turns cyanotic, or “blue.”
sealed together and form an effective ­barrier. Extended periods of diminished blood flow to the dermis can
Stratum Lucidum cause the formation of decubitus ulcers, or bedsores (see Medical
Focus, p. 89).
As you examine your skin, you can likely identify areas where There are also numerous sensory nerve fibers in the dermis
constant abrasion has created calluses. These are areas where the that take nerve signals to and from the accessory structures of the
­epidermis has formed stratum lucidum, just deep to the stratum skin, which are discussed in section 5.2.
corneum. This additional layer is found only in thick skin: the
palms of the hands, soles of the feet, elbows, etc. In these areas,
both the stratum lucidum and an extra-thick layer of stratum cor- Hypodermis
neum provide protection from constant friction. As mentioned previously, the hypodermis, or subcutaneous tissue,
lies below the dermis. (From the names for this layer, we get the terms
Stratum Corneum subcutaneous ­injection, performed with a hypodermic needle.)
As cells are pushed toward the surface of the skin, they become flat The hypodermis is composed of loose connective tissue,
and hard, forming the tough, uppermost layer of the epidermis, the including adipose (fat) tissue. Fat is an energy storage form that
stratum corneum. Hardening is caused by keratinization of the can be called upon when necessary to supply the body with mol-
entire cell, which causes the uppermost cell layers of the epidermis ecules for cellular respiration. Adipose tissue also helps insulate

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Decubitus Ulcers

Decubitus ulcers, or bedsores, are a critical problem that should con-

cern anyone who is a care provider for patients requiring long-term or
extended care. Bedsores develop when there is constant, unrelieved
pressure on a single area of the skin. Blood supply to the dermis is
blocked by the continuous pressure. Because the epidermis relies on
diffusion of oxygen from underlying dermis, epidermal cells will begin
to die. Areas of the body where bone is close to the skin are common
areas for the development of bedsores. These include the sacral and
coxal areas (see Fig. 1.3), as well as the ankle, heel, shoulder, and elbow.
Populations at risk for bedsores include elderly patients, quadriple-
gics and paraplegics, and brain-injured individuals. Additional risk fac-
tors include anemia (decreased red blood cell count), urinary/fecal
incontinence, and malnutrition. Signs of injury to the skin begin with a
sunburn-like redness; as injury worsens, blisters develop. Progressive
injury will cause skin loss, first involving the epidermis and subsequently
spreading to the dermis and hypodermis (Fig. 5A). Full-thickness bed-
sores may penetrate to underlying muscle tissue or even to the bone
itself. Patients will have a fever and increased white blood cell count. If
the patient is able to feel pain, the sore is very painful; however, many
Figure 5A  Decubitus ulcer (bedsore). The most frequent
quadriplegics and paraplegics have no pain sensation. Infection of the sites for bedsores are in the skin overlying a bony projec-
bedsore can slow the healing process, and in severe cases will be fatal. tion, such as on the hip, ankle, heel, shoulder, or elbow.
Once formed, decubitus ulcers are very difficult to cure. Keeping
pressure off the affected area is critical. Moist, sterile dressings are
­applied to the wound to protect growing skin. Therapy using high-­ changed immediately to prevent further irritation to the skin. Bony
pressure oxygen is sometimes helpful. Severe cases may require a skin areas at risk for bedsore development should be well padded.
graft to replace lost tissue. Massaging the skin gently to stimulate blood flow is helpful. Proper
The best treatment for bedsores is prevention. Bedridden patients nutrition is important to provide the nutrients needed by rapidly grow-
must be turned and repositioned hourly. Wet, soiled clothing must be ing skin cells.

the body. A well-­developed hypodermis gives the body a rounded  5.2   Accessory Structures of the Skin
appearance and provides protective padding against external as-
4. Describe the structure and growth of hair and nails.
saults. Excessive development of adipose tissue in the hypodermis
5. List three glands of the skin, and d
­ escribe their structure
layer results in obesity. and function.

Content CHECK-UP! Hair, nails, and glands are structures of epidermal origin, even
1. Blood vessels can be found in: though some parts of hair and glands are located largely in the
a. the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. dermis.
b. the dermis only.
c. the hypodermis and the dermis.
Hair and Nails
2. Which of the following white blood cells found in the epider-
mis phagocytize microbes and stimulate the immune system? Hair is found on all body parts except the palms, soles, lips, nip-
ples, and portions of the external reproductive organs. Most of this
a. Merkel cells c. melanocytes
hair is fine and downy, but the hair on the head includes stronger
b. Langerhans cells
types as well. After puberty, when sex hormones are made in quan-
3. What is the deepest layer of the epidermis? What is the most tity, there is noticeable hair in the axillary and pubic regions of
superficial layer? both sexes. In males, a beard develops, and other parts of the body
Answers in Appendix A. may also become quite hairy. When women produce more male
sex hormone than usual, they can develop hirsutism, a condition

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 89

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characterized by excessive body and facial hair. Hormonal injec- male hormone dihydrotestosterone. Lotions containing minoxi-
tions and procedures to kill hair roots are possible treatments for dil (Rogaine®) may promote blood flow to the hair follicles and
this condition. cause hair regrowth in some men with male pattern baldness.
Hairs project from complex structures called hair follicles. ­Alopecia areata is characterized by the sudden onset of patchy
These hair follicles are formed from epidermal cells but are lo- hair loss. It is most common among children and young adults,
cated in the dermis of the skin (Fig. 5.2). Hair follicle cells are and can affect either sex.
found in a structure called the hair matrix, located at the base Each hair has one or more oil, or sebaceous, glands, whose
of the hair. Hair matrix cells continually divide, producing new ducts empty into the follicle. A smooth muscle, the arrector
keratinocytes that form a hair. As you know from the chapter pili, attaches to the follicle in such a way that contraction of
opener, melanocytes in the hair matrix produce the melanins that the muscle causes the hair to stand on end. If a person has had
give hair its color. At first, the cells are nourished by dermal a scare or is cold, “goose bumps” develop due to contraction of
blood vessels, but as the hair grows up and out of the follicle, its these muscles.
cells are pushed farther away from this source of nutrients, be- Nails grow from special epithelial cells at the base of the nail
come keratinized, and die. The portion of a hair within the follicle in the region called the nail root (Fig 5.3). These cells become
is called the root, and the portion that extends beyond the skin is keratinized as they grow out over the nail bed. The visible portion
called the shaft. of the nail is called the nail body. The cuticle is a fold of skin that
The life span of an eyelash is usually three to four months, hides the nail root. Ordinarily, nails grow only about 1 millimeter
while a scalp hair survives for three to four years. Once its life span per week.
is complete, the eyelash or hair is shed and regrows. Alopecia, The pink color of nails is due to the vascularized dermal tissue
meaning hair loss, can have many causes. Androgenetic beneath the nail. The whitish color of the half-moon-shaped base,
alopecia, or male pattern baldness, is the most common form. or lunula, results from the thicker layer of rapidly reproducing
It is a genetically inherited condition caused by an excess of the cells in this area.

hair shaft
(beyond epidermis)

Epidermis hair

(oil) gland

Dermis arrector
pili muscle
dermal blood
vessels LM 70x
a. b.
region of
cell division

  Figure 5.2  Hair follicle and hair shaft. (a) A hair grows from the base of a hair follicle where epidermal cells produce new
cells as older cells move outward and become keratinized. (b) A hair follicle and matrix magnified 70x.

90 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

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body nail
of nail bed cuticle
The glands in the skin are groups of cells specialized to produce
and secrete a substance into ducts.

Sweat Glands
Sweat glands, or sudoriferous glands, are present in all regions of
the skin. There can be as many as 90 glands per square centimeter
on the leg, 400 glands per square centimeter on the palms and soles,
and an even greater number on the fingertips. A sweat gland is tubu-
lar. The tubule is coiled, particularly at its origin within the dermis.
These glands become especially active when a person is under stress.
Two types of sweat glands are shown in Figure 5.4. Both
types secrete their products by exocytosis (see Chapter 3). Apo-
crine glands open into hair follicles in the anal region, groin,
finger dermis epidermis and armpits. These glands begin to secrete at puberty, and a
bone ­component of their secretion may act as a sex attractant. Eccrine
glands open onto the surface of the skin. They become active
  Figure 5.3  Sagittal section of a nail. Cells produced when a person is hot, helping to lower body temperature as sweat
by the nail root become keratinized, forming the nail body.
evaporates. The sweat (perspiration) produced by these glands

Epidermis sweat
gland duct

hair root
Dermis eccrine
sweat gland
arrector pili
sweat gland
hair follicle

  Figure 5.4  Types of skin glands. Apocrine glands and eccrine glands are types of sweat glands.

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 91

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is mostly ­water, but it also contains salts and some urea, a waste Skin helps regulate water loss. Since outer skin cells are dead
substance. Therefore, sweat is a form of excretion. The opening and keratinized, the skin is waterproof, thereby preventing water
into the ear, called the external ear canal, is lined with ceru- loss. The skin’s waterproofing also prevents water from entering
minous glands, which are modified sweat glands. These glands the body when the skin is immersed.
produce ­cerumen, or earwax. Skin helps to eliminate excess water and waste. Sweat glands
secrete water from the body through sensible and insensible per-
Sebaceous Glands spiration. Sensible perspiration can be felt; insensible perspira-
tion occurs without one’s awareness as water evaporates from the
Most sebaceous glands are associated with a hair follicle. These
body. This perspiration contains small amounts of salt, ammonia,
glands secrete an oily substance called sebum that flows into the
urea, and other wastes. Thus, skin plays a minor role in waste
follicle and then out onto the skin surface. This secretion softens
and lubricates the hair and skin and helps to waterproof them both.
Skin produces vitamin D. When keratinocyte cells are exposed
Sebum also weakens or kills bacteria on the skin surface.
to sunlight, the ultraviolet (UV) rays assist them in producing
Particularly on the face and back, the sebaceous glands may
vitamin D from a precursor molecule. Only a small amount of UV
fail to discharge sebum, and the secretions collect, forming white-
radiation is needed for this process to occur. Vitamin D leaves the
heads or blackheads. If pus-inducing bacteria are also present, a
skin and enters the liver and kidneys, where it is converted to a
boil or pimple may result.
hormone called calcitriol. Calcitriol regulates calcium uptake by the
Acne vulgaris, the most common form of acne, is an inflam-
digestive system, as well as cellular metabolism of both calcium and
mation of the sebaceous glands that most often occurs during ado-
phosphorus. Calcium–phosphorus compounds are essential for bone
lescence. Hormonal changes during puberty cause the sebaceous
development and mineralization. They are deposited in bone, mak-
glands to become more active at this time.
ing it strong, yet flexible. In addition, calcium is essential both for
nervous activity and muscular contraction. Most milk today is forti-
Mammary Glands fied with vitamin D, which helps prevent rickets. Rickets is espe-
Mammary glands are modified apocrine sweat glands that pro- cially characterized by soft and deformed bones (Fig. 5.5b).
duce milk only after childbirth. The anatomy and physiology of Skin gathers sensory information from one’s surroundings.
mammary glands are discussed in Chapter 17. The sensory receptors in the epidermis and dermis specialized
for touch, pressure, pain, hot, and cold supply the central nervous
system with information about the external environment. The fin-
Content CHECK-UP! gertips contain the greatest number of touch receptors, allowing
the fingers to be used for delicate tasks. The sensory receptors also
4. Which part of the hair contains actively growing cells? facilitate communication between people. In particular, touch is
a. hair matrix c. hair root important for sexual arousal.
b. hair shaft
5. Contrast hirsutism and alopecia. Give reasons why each
might occur.
6. Which glands begin secretion at puberty and contain a sex
a. eccrine glands c. ceruminous glands
b. apocrine glands d. sebaceous glands
Answers in Appendix A.

 5.3   Functions of the Skin

6. List and describe the six major homeostatic functions of the skin.
7. Explain what occurs in hyperthermia and hypothermia.

Now that you understand the structure of the skin, consider the a. b.
many functions of this essential organ system.
Skin protects. First and foremost, the skin forms a defensive Figure 5.5 (a) X ray of a normal child. (b) X ray of a child with
shield over the entire body, safeguarding delicate underlying struc- rickets. Rickets develops from an improper diet and also from a
tures from physical trauma. The melanocytes in the stratum basale lack of ultraviolet (UV) light (sunlight). Under these conditions,
­vitamin D does not form in the skin, which leads to a reduction in
protect the skin itself from UV radiation. Further, sebaceous gland
­calcium u
­ ptake. Low calcium in bones weakens them and can
secretions, phagocytic Langerhans cells, and the outermost layer of
cause bowing.
dead cells all help to protect against invasion by pathogens.

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Skin helps regulate body temperature. When muscles contract  5.4   Disorders of the Skin
and ATP is broken down, heat is released. If body temperature starts
8. Name the three types of skin cancer, and state their risk factors.
to rise above normal, the smooth muscle layer found in skin blood
9. Describe several skin diseases, and outline the steps by which a skin
vessels will relax. This will cause the diameter of the blood vessel wound heals.
to increase, a process called vasodilation. When skin blood vessels 10. Name and describe four types of burns with regard to depth.
vasodilate, more blood can move to the surface of the body, and 11. Describe how the “rule of nines” may be used to estimate the extent
excess body heat can be released to the environment. Further, the of a burn.
sweat glands are also activated as blood moves to the skin’s surface.
Sweat absorbs body heat, and this heat is carried away as sweat The skin is subject to many disorders, some of which are more an-
evaporates. If the weather is humid, evaporation can be assisted by noying than life-threatening. For example, athlete’s foot is caused
a cool breeze. However, if the outer temperature is cool, the sweat by a fungal infection that usually involves the skin of the toes and
glands remain inactive. At the same time, vasoconstriction occurs soles. Impetigo is a highly contagious disease occurring most often
in the skin’s blood vessels: smooth muscle cells in the vessels con- in young children. It is caused by a bacterial infection that results in
tract, causing the diameter of the blood vessel to decrease. As a pustules that crust over. Candidiasis is caused by a yeast organism,
result, less blood is brought to the skin’s surface and less body heat which develops in moist areas such as the diaper area in infants.
is lost to the environment. In addition, whenever the body’s tem- Eczema, an inflammation of the skin, is caused by sensitivity to
perature falls below normal, the skeletal muscles start shivering: various chemicals (e.g., soaps or detergents), to certain fabrics, or
rhythmic muscular contractions that don’t cause movement, but even to heat or dryness. Dandruff is a skin disorder not caused by
produce heat instead. Further, arrector pili muscles attached to hair a dry scalp, as is commonly thought, but by an accelerated rate of
follicles cause goose bumps to form when a person is cold. The keratinization in certain areas of the scalp, producing flaking and
arrector pili response in animals (birds, cats, and dogs, for exam- itching. Urticaria, or hives, is an allergic reaction characterized by
ple) provides extra insulation when hair or feathers stand upright, the appearance of reddish, elevated patches and often by itching.
but the insulating effect is absent in humans because body hair is Individuals who choose to pierce or tattoo their skin must take
sparse. If the outside temperature is extremely cold and blood flow care to avoid skin damage or life-threatening infection (see Medical
to the skin is severely restricted for an extended period, a portion Focus, p. 98).
of the skin will die, resulting in frostbite.
Skin Cancer
Hyperthermia and Hypothermia
Skin cancer is categorized as either melanoma or nonmelanoma.
Hyperthermia, a body temperature above normal, and Like all cancers, it begins with mutation of the skin cell DNA.
hypothermia, a body temperature below normal, indicate that Nonmelanoma cancers, which include basal cell carcinoma and
the body’s regulatory mechanisms have been overcome. In heat squamous cell carcinoma, are much less likely to metastasize than
exhaustion, blood pressure may be low, and salts may have been melanoma cancer. Basal cell carcinoma (Fig. 5.6a), the most com-
lost due to profuse sweating. Even so, body temperature remains mon type of skin cancer, begins when ultraviolet (UV) radiation
high. Heat stroke is characterized by an elevated temperature, up to causes epidermal basal cells to form a tumor, while at the same time
43°C (110°F), with no sweating. Fever is a special case of hyper- suppressing the immune system’s ability to detect the tumor. The
thermia that can be brought on by immune system response and/or signs of a tumor are varied. They include an open sore that will not
by a bacterial infection. When the fever “breaks,” sweating occurs heal; a recurring reddish patch; a smooth, circular growth with a raised
as the normal set point for body temperature returns. edge; a shiny bump; or a pale mark. About 95% of patients are easily
At first, hypothermia is characterized by uncontrollable shiv- cured by surgical removal of the tumor, but recurrence is common.
ering, incoherent speech, and lack of coordination (body temper- Squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 5.6b) begins in the superficial
ature 90°–95°F). Then the pulse rate slows, and hallucinations cells of the epidermis. While five times less common than basal cell
occur as unconsciousness develops (body temperature 80°–90°F). carcinoma, it is more likely to spread to nearby organs, and death
Breathing becomes shallow, and shivering diminishes as rigid- occurs in about 1% of cases. It, too, is triggered by excessive UV ex-
ity sets in. This degree of hypothermia is associated with a 50% posure. The signs of squamous cell carcinoma are the same as those
mortality rate. for basal cell carcinoma, except that it may also appear as a wart-
like or scaly growth that bleeds and scabs over, but refuses to heal.
Content CHECK-UP! Melanoma (Fig. 5.6c), the type that is more likely to be ma-
lignant, starts in the melanocytes and looks like an unusual mole
7. How does the skin help the urinary system eliminate wastes (Table 5.1). Unlike a normal mole, which is dark, circular, and con-
from the body? fined, a melanoma mole looks like a spilled ink spot, and may dis-
8. When body temperature drops below normal, blood vessels play a variety of shades. A melanoma mole can also itch, hurt, or feel
in the dermis _____. Explain how this prevents body tempera- numb. The melanoma mole may be elevated above the skin surface,
ture from dropping further. and the skin around it turns gray, white, or red. Melanoma is most
Answers in Appendix A. common in fair-skinned persons, particularly if they have suffered
occasional severe burns as children. Melanoma risk increases with

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 93

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a. Basal cell carcinoma b. Squamous cell carcinoma c. Melanoma

Figure 5.6  Skin cancer. In each of the three types shown, the skin clearly has an abnormal appearance.

Kaposi’s sarcoma is a form of skin cancer that is most com-

TABLE 5.1 Warning Signs for Melanoma: monly seen in patients with AIDS, and in others whose immune
The ABCDE Rule system defenses are weakened or nonfunctional. The tumors of
Kaposi’s sarcoma appear as red, blue, or black spots on the skin.
FOLLOWING SIGNS OF MELANOMA: The tumors respond to treatment with a combination of drugs com-
monly referred to as the “AIDS cocktail.”
A. Asymmetrical—instead of being perfectly round, the mole Raised growths on the skin, such as moles and warts, usually
has an oval or irregular shape.
are not cancerous. Moles are due to an overgrowth of melanocytes,
B. Borders of the mole are irregular and have notches or and warts are due to a viral infection.
indentation in them.
C. Color is uneven, and several colors may be present: black,
brown, tan, red, or blue.
Wound Healing
D. Diameter of the mole is greater than 6 mm (larger than a
pencil eraser). Injury to the skin will cause an inflammatory response, character-
E.  Evolving—the mole has changed in size, shape or color. ized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain (inflammation is fully
discussed in Chapter 13). A wound that punctures a blood ves-
the number of moles a person has. Most moles appear before the sel will fill the surrounding area with blood. Chemicals released
age of 14, and their appearance is linked to sun exposure. Melanoma by damaged tissue cells will cause the blood to clot. The clot
rates have doubled in the last decade. Each year, an estimated 76,000 effectively plugs the wound, preventing pathogens and toxins
new cases of melanoma are diagnosed in the United States, and from spreading to other tissues (Fig. 5.7a). The part of the clot
melanoma is responsible for approximately 9,000 fatalities annually. exposed to air will dry and harden, gradually becoming a scab. At
Protecting the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet ra- the same time, inflammatory chemicals draw white blood cells and
diation is the best strategy to prevent all forms of skin cancer: fibroblasts to the injured area. There, white blood cells help fight
infection, and fibroblasts are able to pull the margins of the wound
∙ Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun-protective factor together (Fig. 5.7b). Fibroblasts promote tissue regeneration, and
(SPF) of at least 15, and make sure it protects against both the basal layer of the epidermis begins to produce new cells at
UV-A and UV-B radiation. a faster-than-usual rate. The proliferating fibroblasts bring about
∙ Wear protective clothing: long-sleeved shirts made from fab- scar formation; the scar may or may not be visible from the surface
rics with a tight weave, for example. Choose a wide- (Fig. 5.7c). A scar is a tissue composed of many collagen fibers
brimmed hat over a baseball cap, which doesn’t protect the arranged to provide maximum strength. A scar doesn’t contain the
ears from sunburn. At high altitude or in areas of the Earth accessory organs of the skin, and sensations usually can’t be felt
where the ozone layer is thin, extra care must be taken. For on the scarred area. In any case, epidermis and dermis have now
example, in Australia (where ozone is thin due to the Earth’s healed (Fig. 5.7d).
rotation), children should wear long-sleeved shirts and wide-
brimmed hats when they play outside.
∙ Wear sunglasses that reflect both forms of UV radiation. Content CHECK-UP!
Children’s sunglasses should also protect, so avoid sun-
9. Which skin cancer type is the most common? The most dan-
glasses that are cute but not protective.
gerous? Which causes all forms of skin cancer?
∙ Stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Doing so will
reduce annual exposure to the sun’s rays by as much as 60%. 10. What cell type is responsible for scar formation?
∙ Avoid tanning machines, unless prescribed by a physician Answers in Appendix A.
for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

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wound scab

of skin


blood cells
of skin

blood cells
subcutaneous fat
a. b.

freshly healed
scab epidermis

tissue regenerated
(epidermis) tissue
scar tissue
regrowth of (fibrosis)
blood vessel

c. d.

Figure 5.7  The process of wound healing. (a) Tissue injury causes inflammation, with redness, swelling, heat, and pain. Deep
wounds rupture blood vessels, and blood fills the wound. (b) After a blood clot forms, a protective scab develops. Fibroblasts and
white blood cells migrate to the wound site. (c) New epidermis forms, and fibroblasts promote tissue regeneration. (d) Freshly
healed skin.

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 95

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Burns are skin injuries that are usually caused by 9% A burn is a critical injury if: (1) Second-
heat but can also be caused by radioactive, chem- degree burns cover 25% or more of the patient’s
ical, and electrical agents. Burns account for ap- body; (2) third-degree burns cover 10% or more
proximately 1 million emergency department of the patient’s body; (3) any portion of the
visits yearly in the United States. Emergency body has a fourth-degree burn; or (4) third-
caregivers must quickly assess burn severity and degree burns occur on the face, hands, or feet.
take appropriate supportive action. Facial burns may be accompanied by lung dam-
Two criteria are used to estimate burn se- age from smoke inhalation. Burns to the hands
verity: depth and thickness. In first-degree or feet can scar, resulting in loss of joint
burns (a moderate sunburn, for example), only 36% movement.
the epidermis is affected. The person experi- The first responder’s reactions when caring
ences redness and pain, but no blisters or swell- 9% 9% for a burn patient (and for all other patients) can
ing. The pain subsides within 48–72 hours, and be summarized using the letters ABC:
the injury heals without further complications A—establish the airway. A tube may need
or scarring. Treatment involves pain manage- to be placed into the trachea (windpipe),
ment. The damaged skin peels off in about a ­especially if the patient might have suf-
18% 18%
week. perineum fered smoke inhalation. Smoke inhalation
Second-degree burns extend through the 1% should be suspected whenever there are
entire epidermis and part of the dermis. The per- facial burns, or if the patient has trouble
son experiences not only redness and pain, but breathing.
also blistering. The deeper the burn, the more B—make sure the person is breathing,
prevalent the blisters, which can enlarge after ­using artificial respiration when necessary.
the injury. Unless they become infected, superfi- If smoke inhalation is suspected, a para-
cial second-degree burns heal in 10–14 days medic will administer 100% oxygen.
without complications and with little scarring. If C—circulation must be maintained. The pa-
the burn extends deep into the dermis, it heals tient’s pulse is taken, and CPR is begun
more slowly over a period of 30–105 days. The when needed. The patient must be carefully
healing epidermis is extremely fragile, and observed for signs of shock—a dangerously
Figure 5B  The “rule of nines” for
scarring is common. First- and second-degree estimating the extent of burns. low drop in blood pressure (see Chapter 12
burns are sometimes referred to as partial- for discussion of shock). A paramedic may
thickness burns. begin an IV (intravenous administration of a bal-
Third-degree burns, or full-thickness burns, destroy the entire anced salt solution) ­under a physician’s direction.
thickness of the skin. The surface of the wound is leathery and may be First responders must also act quickly to stop the burn. All clothing
brown or black. Pain receptors, blood vessels, sweat glands, sebaceous must be carefully removed from the body and any smoldering must be
glands, and hair follicles are destroyed. Fourth-degree burns involve extinguished. In the case of a chemical burn, the affected area is flushed
tissues down to the bone. Unless a very limited area of the body is af- continuously with water.
fected, the patient will likely not survive. The major complications resulting from severe burns are fluid
The extent of the burn must also be estimated when judging a loss, heat loss, and bacterial infection. Fluid loss is counteracted by
burn’s severity. The “rule of nines” is used to divide the body into continuous IV therapy. Heat loss is minimized by placing the burn
regions: the head and neck, 9% of the total body surface; each upper patient in a warm environment. Application of antibacterial dress-
limb, 9%; each lower limb, 18%; the front and back portions of the ings and isolation help prevent infection. As soon as possible, the
trunk, 18% each; and the perineum, which includes the anal and damaged tissue is removed and skin grafting is begun. The skin
urogenital regions, 1% (Fig. 5B). Physicians use the Lund-Browder needed for grafting is usually taken from other parts of the patient’s
chart to estimate the extent of burns in children. This system adjusts body. However, if the burned area is quite extensive, skin can be
for the fact that a child’s head is proportionally larger than an grown in the laboratory from only a few cells taken from the
adult’s. patient.

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 5.5   Effects of Aging body and how the other systems help the skin carry out these
12. Describe the anatomical and ­physiological changes that occur in the
­integumentary system as we age.

Skin Interacts with All Organ Systems

As aging occurs, the epidermis maintains its thickness, but the rate
Skin assists the lymphatic system in protecting the organs of all
of cell mitosis decreases. The dermis becomes thinner, the dermal
body systems. Healthy skin aids the lymphatic system by safe-
­papillae flatten, and the dermis is held less tightly to the underlying
guarding all underlying structures from physical damage, infection
fascia, so that the skin is looser. Adipose tissue in the hypodermis
by pathogens, and radiation.
of the face and hands also decreases. These cellular changes have
Skin helps the kidneys regulate water balance and waste ex-
­important ­implications for the overall health of the older patient.
cretion. Waterproof skin protects the body from water loss and
­Decreased adipose tissue insulation means that older people are
dehydration, as well as water gain and hypotonic swelling when the
more likely to feel cold. In addition, older individuals will bruise
skin is surrounded by water. The skin’s sweat glands secrete water
more easily as skin becomes thinner. It’s important for caregivers
from the body through sensible and insensible perspiration. Be-
to watch for any signs of bedsores in elderly patients (see Medical
cause sweat contains a small amount of waste, skin plays a minor
Focus, Decubitus Ulcers, p. 89).
role in waste elimination. In turn, if a person sweats excessively,
The fibers within the dermis change with age. The collag-
the kidneys correct for water loss by returning filtered water to the
enous fibers become coarser, thicker, and farther apart; therefore,
there is less collagen than before. Elastic fibers in the upper layer
Skin aids the skeletal system in storing calcium. The vitamin
of the dermis are lost, and those in the lower dermis become
D produced by skin cells that are exposed to UV light is converted
thicker, less elastic, and disorganized. The skin wrinkles because
to the hormone calcitriol. In the digestive system, calcitriol enables
(1) the epidermis is loose, (2) the dermal fibers are fewer and
calcium to be absorbed from the foods we eat. Calcium compounds
those ­remaining are d­ isorganized, and (3) the hypodermis has less
are deposited in bone, giving bone both rigidity and flexibility. The
skeletal system interacts with skin by providing support and sites
With aging, homeostatic adjustment to heat is limited due
for skin attachment.
to less vasculature (fewer blood vessels) and fewer sweat glands.
Skin serves the nervous system by obtaining sensory
Thus, an older person may be more sensitive to the effects of over-
information from the environment. Skin contains receptors that can
heating. The number of hair follicles decreases, causing the hair on
respond to many different types of sensory stimuli: temperature,
the scalp and extremities to thin. Because of a reduced number of
pain, light touch and deep pressure, itching, tickling, etc. Sensa-
sebaceous glands, the skin tends to crack.
tions from these receptors provide constant, real-time information
As a person ages, the number of melanocytes decreases.
to the nervous system. The nervous system contributes to skin
This causes the hair to turn gray and the skin to become paler. In
homeostasis by regulating the function of blood vessels, glands,
contrast, some of the remaining pigment cells are larger, and pig-
and accessory structures such as arrector pili muscles.
mented blotches appear on the skin.
Skin helps the muscular system regulate body temperature.
Many of the changes that occur in the skin as a person ages
When muscles contract and ATP is broken down, heat is released.
appear to be due to sun damage. Ultraviolet radiation causes rough
If body temperature starts to rise above normal, the skin blood ves-
skin, mottled pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, deep furrows,
sels vasodilate, blood moves to the surface of the body, and heat
numerous benign skin growths, and the various types of skin can-
is released to the surroundings. Cooler temperatures cause vaso-
cer discussed in section 5.4.
constriction, and less body heat is lost to the environment. Muscle
shivering also helps to raise body temperature to normal. Skin
sweat glands activate when one is too warm, and remain inactive if
Content CHECK-UP! body temperature falls. Though skin arrector pili muscles merely
11. Why do older people feel colder as they age? cause goose bumps in humans, in other animals their contraction
creates an insulating layer of fur or feathers. Muscles themselves
Answers in Appendix A.
serve as attachment points for skin, especially in the face.
Skin survives thanks to the cardiovascular, respiratory, diges-
tive, and renal systems. The lungs supply oxygen to the blood,
while simultaneously releasing waste carbon dioxide to the envi-
 5.6  Homeostasis ronment. Cardiovascular blood vessels deliver oxygen to muscles
13. Explain how the integumentary system interacts with other body and remove their wastes, which are then eliminated in urine formed
systems to ensure homeostasis.
by the kidneys. Finally, the digestive system provides essential
The illustration on page 99, called Human Systems Work Together, Skin responds to endocrine hormones and assists repro-
tells how the functions of the skin assist the other systems of the duction. Androgens (male hormones) stimulate hair growth and

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 97

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Body Art: Buyer Beware!

There’s no doubt about it: Body art is definitely mainstream. Tattoo- Metals (especially nickel) used in body jewelry are another
ing (the process of injecting inks into the dermal layer of the skin) and common cause for allergy. Once an allergic reaction develops, it
piercing the body are practices that have existed for thousands of typically persists for life. In such cases, the jewelry must be perma-
years in many different human cultures. In the past decade, both prac- nently removed if at all possible. Additionally, the jewelry may
tices have become commonplace in Western society as well. Actors, damage nerves or blood vessels as piercing occurs. Earlobes can
sports figures, and other celebrities can routinely be seen with visible be torn completely and require surgical repair if an earring is
tattoos, pierced navels, multiple earrings, or other forms of wearable snagged. Jewelry in and around the mouth may damage gums,
art. Moreover, tattoos keep getting larger. It’s no longer uncommon to break teeth or dentures, and interfere with chewing or swallowing.
see so-called sleeves—tattoos covering the entire arm—and facial Mouth jewelry that becomes loose may be aspirated (sucked into
and full-body tattoos as well. The most common sites for piercing the airways), where it can obstruct an airway and interfere with
remain the earlobes and ear cartilage, but noses, lips, eyebrows, breathing.
navels, tongues, and genitals are also common sites. Anyone considering body art must proceed with caution.
As these trends continue, more and more people are tempted to First, make sure you’re not under the influence of drugs or alcohol
get their own tattoo or piercing. But as recent reality shows like Bad when making such an important decision. If local, state, or provin-
Ink, Tattoo Nightmares, and America’s Worst Tattoos have shown, a cial law regulates tattoo and piercing artists, use an approved artist
tattoo can create big problems for its wearer. Individuals must con- or shop. Never try a “do-it-yourself” approach. Check the cleanli-
sider the decision to tattoo or pierce very carefully, and health-care ness of the shop and make sure that all equipment is steam-
providers must be prepared to give accurate information about both sterilized using a device called an autoclave, and that the tattoo
practices. With the increase in both tattooing and piercing, reports of inks are also sterile. Insist that the artist or piercer use sterile
complications have increased as well. gloves at all times. Don’t let the artist tattoo around or near a mole
Tattooing and piercing can result in infections because both prac- or other skin growth, as it may make it very difficult to diagnose a
tices can potentially introduce bacteria into the skin, blood vessels, or skin cancer in the future. For a piercing, make sure that jewelry is
lymphatic vessels. Complications from infection can range from appropriate: not too heavy, and made of inert metals such as gold,
minor skin irritations to life-threatening blood poisoning. Several titanium, niobium, or surgical stainless steel, which are less likely
cases on record have involved infection with resistant bacteria, which to cause allergic reactions. Keep the affected area scrupulously
are extremely dangerous because they are not killed by common anti- clean after piercing or tattooing, and touch jewelry as little as pos-
biotics. Fatalities have been reported from infections caused by both sible. Allow adequate time for healing. For example, pierced
piercing and tattooing. navels may require up to a year to heal completely. Finally, if com-
Further, the reaction of a person’s skin to tattoo ink is unpredict- plications develop (excessive pain, redness, swelling, fever, etc.),
able. Tattoo inks are not regulated by any form of federal agency, and seek medical attention promptly.
many color additives have not been approved for contact with the skin. Most important, anyone considering body art must remember
Some are inks used in paper printing or automobile paint. It is hardly that the decision may very likely be permanent. Piercings may
surprising that many tattooed individuals develop allergies to ingredi- never reclose completely and they may leave a large scar. Tattoos
ents in tattoo dyes. Allergies to tattoo inks can even develop years can change their appearance over time as the inks fade and the skin
after the procedure. Further, tattooed skin may develop unattractive stretches. And though your tattoo might possibly be removed by
granulomas: hard connective tissue nodules under the skin. Keloids— laser therapy, surgery, or dermabrasion (using a rotating wire
scars that grow beyond normal boundaries—may also develop as the brush to scrape off surface skin), such treatment is expensive. It
body reacts to chemicals in the ink. (African Americans are particu- may also leave large scars—and often, it cannot completely remove
larly susceptible to keloid formation, for reasons that are not clear.) the tattoo.

sebaceous gland secretion, while estrogens stimulate fat deposi-

tion in the hypodermis. Skin sensations are an important part of Content CHECK-UP!
sexual arousal and the sex response. Skin protects the fetus in 12. How does the skin help to make bones stronger?
the womb, and mammary glands support a newborn created by Answers in Appendix A.
sexual activity.

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Human Systems Work Together INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM

Skeletal System Lymphatic System/Immunity

How the Integumentary
Skin protects bones; System works with other Skin serves as a barrier
helps provide vitamin D body systems to pathogen invasion;
for Ca21 absorption. Langerhans cells
phagocytize pathogens;
Bones provide support protects lymphatic
for skin. vessels.

Lymphatic vessels pick

up excess tissue fluid;
Muscular System immune system protects
against skin infections.
Skin protects muscles;
rids the body of or con-
serves heat produced by
muscle contraction. Respiratory System

Muscle contraction Skin helps protect

provides heat to warm hair respiratory organs.
Gas exchange in lungs
provides oxygen to skin
and rids body of carbon
Nervous System dioxide from skin.
skin and
Skin protects nerves,
helps regulate body tem-
perature; skin receptors Digestive System
send sensory input to
brain. Skin helps to protect
digestive organs; helps
Brain transmits signals by provide vitamin D for
nerves to regulate size of Ca21 absorption.
cutaneous blood vessels,
activate sweat glands Digestive tract provides
and arrector pili muscles. nutrients needed by

Endocrine System
Urinary System
Skin helps protect
endocrine glands. Skin helps regulate
water loss; sweat glands
Androgens activate carry on some excretion.
sebaceous glands and
help regulate hair Kidneys compensate for
growth. water loss due to
sweating; activate
vitamin D precursor
made by skin.
Cardiovascular System

Skin prevents water loss;

helps regulate body Reproductive System
temperature; protects
heart and blood vessels. Skin receptors respond
to touch; mammary
Blood vessels deliver glands produce milk;
nutrients and oxygen to skin stretches to accom-
skin, carry away wastes; modate growing fetus.
blood clots if skin is
broken. Androgens activate oil
glands; sex hormones
stimulate fat deposition,
affect hair distribution in
males and females.

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 99

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms sebum (sē9bŭm), p. 92 dandruff (dăn9drŭf), p. 93
arrector pili (ăh-rĕk9tŏr pī-lī9), p. 90 stratum basale (stră9tŭm bā9să-lē), p. 87 decubitus ulcer (dē-kyū9bĭ-tŭs ŭl9sĕr), p. 89
cutaneous membrane (kyū-tān9ē-ŭs mĕmbrān) stratum corneum (stră9tŭm kŏr9nē-ŭm), p. 88 eczema (ĕk9zĕ-mŭh), p. 93
p. 87 stratum granulosum (stră9tŭm grăn-yū-lō9sŭm), hirsutism (hĕr9sŭh-tĭzm), p. 89
dermis (dĕr9mĭs), p. 88 p. 88 hyperthermia (hīpĕr-thĕr9mē-ŭh), p. 93
epidermis (ĕpĭ-dĕr9mĭs), p. 87 stratum lucidum (stră9tŭm lū9sĭd-ŭm), p. 88 hypodermic needle (hī-pō-dĕr9mĭk nē9dŭl),
free nerve endings (frē nŭrv ĕn9dĭngs), p. 88 stratum spinosum (stră9tŭm spĭ-nō9sŭm), p. 88 p. 88
hair follicle (hār fŏl9ĭ-kĕl), p. 90 subcutaneous tissue (sŭb9kyū-tā9nē-ŭs tĭsh9ū), hypothermia (hīpō-thĕr9mē-ŭh), p. 93
p. 87 impetigo (ĭmpĕ-tī9gō), p. 93
hair matrix ((hār mā9trĭks)) p. 90
sweat glands (swĕt glănds), p. 91 Kaposi’s sarcoma (kă-pō9sēz săr-kō9mŭh),
hypodermis (hīpō-dĕr9mĭs), p. 87
tactile cells (tăk9tīl sĕlz), p. 88 p. 94
integument (ĭn-tĕg9yū-mĕnt), p. 87
melanoma (mĕl-ŭh-nō9mŭh), p. 93
integumentary system (ĭn-tĕgyū-mĕn9tăr-ē
sĭs9tĕm), p. 87
Clinical Key Terms mole (mōl), p. 93
keratin (kĕr9ŭh-tĭn), p. 88 acne vulgaris (ăk9nē vŭl-gă9rĭs), p. 92 psoriasis (sō-rī9ŭh-sĭs), p. 88
keratinocyte (kĕr9ŭh-tĭn-ō-sīt), p. 88 albinism (ăl9bĭ-nĭzm), p. 88 rickets (rĭk9ĕts), p. 92
Langerhans cells (lăhng9ĕr-hăhnz sĕlz), p. 88 alopecia (ăl-ō-pē9shē-ŭh), p. 90 shock (shăwk), p. 96
lunula (lū9nyū-lŭh), p. 90 androgenetic alopecia (ăndrō-jŭh-nĕ9tĭk ăl-ō- squamous cell carcinoma (skwā9mŭs sĕl kăr-
pē9shē-ŭh), p. 90 sĭ-nō9mŭh), p. 93
mammary glands (mă9mă-rē glănds), p. 92
athlete’s foot (ăth9lēts fŭt), p. 93 subcutaneous injection (sŭbkyū-tā9nē-ŭs ĭn-
melanin (mĕl9ŭh-nĭn), p. 88
basal cell carcinoma (bās9ăl sĕl kăr-sĭ- jĕk9shŭn), p. 88
melanocyte (mĕl9ŭh-nō-sīt), p. 88
nō9mŭh), p. 93 urticaria (ŭrtĭ-kār9ē-ŭh), p. 93
Merkel cells (mĕr9kĕl sĕlz), p. 88
candidiasis (kăn9dĭd-ī9ŭh-sĭs), p. 93 warts (wărts), p. 94
sebaceous gland (sĕ-bā9shŭs glănd), p. 92

5.1 Structure of the Skin cells and consist of keratinized The skin helps regulate body temper-
The skin has two regions, the epi- cells. ature. When the body is too hot, der-
dermis and the dermis. The hypo- B. Sweat glands are numerous and mal blood vessels dilate, and the
dermis lies below the skin. present in all regions of the skin. sweat glands are active. When the
A. The epidermis, the outer region Sweating helps lower the body body is cold, dermal blood vessels
of the skin, is made up of strati- temperature. Sebaceous glands constrict, and the sweat glands are
fied squamous epithelium. New are associated with a hair follicle inactive. Hyperthermia and hypother-
cells continually produced in the and secrete s­ ebum, which lubri- mia are two conditions that can result
stratum basale of the epidermis cates the hair and skin. Mam- when the body’s temperature regula-
are pushed outward and become mary glands located in the tory mechanism is overcome.
the keratinized cells of the stra- breasts produce milk after 5.4 Disorders of the Skin
tum corneum. The stratum lu- childbirth. A. Skin cancer, which is associated
cidum is found only in the thick 5.3 Functions of the Skin with ultraviolet radiation, occurs
skin of the palms and soles. Skin protects the body from physical in three forms. Basal cell carci-
B. The dermis, which is composed trauma and bacterial invasion. Skin noma and squamous cell carci-
of dense irregular connective helps regulate water loss and gain, noma can usually be removed
tissue, lies beneath the epider- which helps the urinary system. Also, surgically. Melanoma is the most
mis. It contains collagenous and sweat glands excrete some urea and dangerous form of skin cancer.
elastic fibers, blood vessels, and other wastes. The skin produces vita- B. The skin has regenerative pow-
nerve fibers. min D following exposure to UV ra- ers and can grow back on its own
C. The hypodermis is made up of diation. A hormone derived from if a wound is not too e
­ xtensive.
loose connective tissue and adi- vitamin D helps regulate calcium and 5.5 Effects of Aging
pose tissue, which insulates the phosphorus metabolism involved in Skin wrinkles with age because the
body from heat and cold. bone development. The skin con- ­epidermis is held less tightly, fibers
5.2 Accessory Structures of the Skin tains sensory receptors for touch, in the dermis are fewer, and the
Accessory structures of the skin pressure, pain, hot, and cold, which hypodermis has less padding. The
include hair, nails, and glands. help people to be aware of their skin has fewer blood vessels, sweat
A. Both hair and nails are produced surroundings. These r­ eceptors send glands, and hair follicles. Although
by the division of epidermal information to the n­ ervous system. pigment cells are fewer and the hair

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turns gray, ­pigmented blotches 5.6 Homeostasis by producing vitamin D, and the uri-
appear on the skin. Exposure to the The skin interacts with various organ nary system by eliminating wastes
sun results in many of the skin systems in many ways. For example, through sweat.
changes we associate with ­aging. the skin helps the skeletal system

Study Questions
1. In general, describe the two regions of 5. Describe in general the structure of 8. Name the three types of skin cancer,
the skin. (p. 87) a hair follicle and a nail. How do hair and cite the most frequent cause of
2. Describe the process by which epider- follicles and nails grow? (pp. 88–91) skin cancer. (pp. 93–94)
mal tissue continually renews itself. 6. Describe the structure and function of 9. Describe how a wound heals and how
(pp. 87–88) sweat glands and sebaceous glands. a scar forms. (pp. 94–95)
3. What function does the dermis have in (pp. 91–92) 10. Explain how to determine the severity
­relation to the epidermis? (p. 88) 7. Name five functions of the skin, and of a burn. Describe the proper treat-
4. What primary role does adipose tell what system of the body is assisted ment for burns. (p. 96)
tissue play in the hypodermis? by these functions and how they con- 11. Explain three changes that happen to
(pp. 88–89) tribute to h­ omeostasis. (pp. 92–93, 97) the skin with age. (p. 97)

Learning Outcome Questions

I. Match the terms in the key to the II. Fill in the blanks. 9. Skin cells produce vitamin
items listed in questions 1–5. 6. Sweat glands are involved in body , which is needed for

Key: regulation. strong bones.
a. epidermis 7. Sebaceous glands are associated 10. The type of skin cancer with the
b. dermis with in the dermis, and highest death rate is ,
c. hypodermis they secrete an oily substance while the most common form is
called . .
1. blood vessels and nerve fibers
8. Skin protects against
2. fat cells 11. The severity of a burn is deter-
trauma, invasion, and
3. basal cells mined by and
gain or loss.
4. location of sweat glands .
5. many collagenous and elastic fibers

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can    1. epidermomycosis (ĕpĭ-dĕrmō-mī-   8. scleroderma (sklēr-ō-dĕr9mŭh)
derive the definitions for the medical terms kō9sĭs)   9. piloerection (pī9lō-ĕ-rĕk9shŭn)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and   2. melanogenesis (mĕlŭh-nō-jĕn9ĕ-sĭs)  10. cellulitis (sĕl9yū-lī9 tĭs)
suffixes used to create these terms can be   3. mammoplasty (măm9ō-plăstē) 11. dermatitis (dĕr-mŭh-tī9tīs)
found throughout the chapter. For   4. antipyretic (antī-pī-rĕt9ĭk) 12. trichopathy (trī-kŏp9ŭh-thē)
additional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™   5. dermatome (dĕr9mŭh-tōm)
at and   6. hypodermic (hypō-dĕr9mĭk)
consult Appendix B.    7. hyperhydrosis (hīpĕr-hī-drō9sĭs)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 5 The Integumentary System 101

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6 The Skeletal System
W ill you please quit doing that?! Keep it up and you’ll get arthritis!” Habitual knuckle-
crackers might stop their annoying habit when confronted with this threat, but is there any
truth to it? Knuckles are freely moving synovial joints (see page 123). In a synovial joint, ligaments
join bones and create a fluid-filled capsule. Stretching the ligaments suddenly creates an air
bubble in the fluid. Popping the bubble causes the “crack” noise. Any synovial joint—toes,
ankles, fingers—can crack, but numerous studies have shown that arthritis doesn’t result from it.
However, ligaments will weaken with habitual cracking, and the bones at a joint can then be
dislocated more easily. If you’re tempted to crack those stiff joints, massage and gently stretch
them instead.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

6.1 Skeleton: Overview 10. Name the bones of the vertebral possible steps for
column and the thoracic cage. Be damage prevention.
1. Name at least five functions of the able to label diagrams of them.
skeleton. 6.5 Effects of Aging
11. Describe a typical vertebra, the atlas
2. Explain a classification of bones and axis, and the sacrum and 19. Describe the anatomical and
based on their shapes. coccyx. physiological changes that occur in
3. Describe the anatomy of bone. 12. Name the three types of ribs and the the skeletal system as we age.
Describe long bone structure, and three parts of the sternum.
compare/contrast compact bone 6.6 Homeostasis
and spongy bone. 6.3 Appendicular Skeleton 20. List and discuss six ways the skeletal
4. Describe the physiology of bone,
13. Name the bones of the pectoral system contributes to homeostasis.
including the cells involved in growth
girdle and the pelvic girdle. Be able Discuss ways the other systems
and repair, and the process of bone
to label diagrams of them. assist the skeletal system.
growth, development, and
remodeling. 14. Name the bones of the upper limb
(arm and forearm) and the lower limb I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency
5. Name and describe six types of
(thigh and leg). Be able to label
fractures, and state the four steps in Broken Bones
diagrams that include surface
fracture repair.
6. List the surface features of bones,
15. Cite at least five differences between Medical Focus
and give examples where each can Osteoporosis
the female and male pelvises.
be found. Oh, My Aching Back: Surgical Options for Back
6.4 Joints (Articulations) Injuries
6.2 Axial Skeleton 16. Explain how joints are classified, and
7. Distinguish between the axial and give examples of each type of joint. Focus on Forensics
appendicular skeletons.
17. List the types of movements that Skeletal Remains
8. Name the bones of the skull, and state occur at synovial joints.
the important features of each bone.
18. Explain how damage and Human Systems Work Together
9. Describe the structure and function degeneration occurs at joints and
of the hyoid bone. Skeletal System
how it can be treated. Outline


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6.1 Skeleton: Overview
1. Name at least five functions of the skeleton.
2. Explain a classification of bones based on their shapes.
3. Describe the anatomy of bone. Describe long bone structure, and
compare/contrast compact bone and spongy bone.
4. Describe the physiology of bone, including the cells involved in
growth and repair, and the process of bone growth, development, c.
and remodeling.
5. Name and describe six types of fractures, and state the four steps in
fracture repair.
6. List the surface features of bones, and give examples where each
can be found.

The skeletal system consists of the bones (206 in adults) and joints,
along with the cartilage and ligaments that occur at the joints. a. b. d. e.

Figure 6.1 Classification of bones. (a) Long bones are longer than
Functions of the Skeleton they are wide. (b) Short bones are cube shaped; their lengths and
The skeleton carries out a number of vital functions in the body: widths are about equal. (c) Flat bones are platelike and have broad
surfaces. (d) Irregular bones have varied shapes with many places for
The skeleton supports the body. The bones of the lower limbs connections with other bones. (e) Round bones are circular.
support the entire body when we’re standing, and the pelvic
girdle supports the abdominal cavity.
The skeleton protects soft body parts. The bones of the skull pro-
compact bone. The epiphyses contain spongy bone. Beyond the
tect the brain; the rib cage protects the heart and lungs.
spongy bone is a thin shell of compact bone and, finally, a layer
The skeleton produces blood cells. All bones in the fetus have red
of hyaline cartilage called the articular cartilage. Articular car-
bone marrow that produces blood cells. In the adult, only
tilage is so named because it occurs where bones articulate (come
certain bones produce blood cells.
together to form a joint). Articulation is the joining together of
The skeleton stores minerals and fat. All bones have a matrix that
bones at a joint. The medullary cavity and the spaces of spongy
contains calcium phosphate, a source of calcium ions and
bone are lined with endosteum, a thin, fibrous membrane.
phosphate ions in the blood. Blood calcium is essential for
In infants, red bone marrow, a specialized tissue that pro-
nerves and muscles to function properly. Fat is stored in yel-
duces blood cells, is found in the medullary cavities of most bones.
low bone marrow.
In adults, red blood cell formation, called hematopoiesis, occurs
The skeleton, along with the muscles, permits flexible body
in the spongy bone of the skull, ribs, sternum (breastbone), and
movement. While articulations (joints) occur between all the
vertebrae, and in the ends of the long bones.
bones, we associate body movement in particular with the
bones of the limbs.
Compact Bone
Anatomy of a Long Bone Compact bone, or dense bone, contains many cylinder-shaped
units called osteons. Osteons are formed by concentric layers of
Bones are classified according to their shape. As the name im- matrix called lamellae. Between lamellae are lacunae, tiny cham-
plies, long bones are longer than they are wide. Short bones are bers where osteocytes (bone cells) can be found. Canaliculi are
cube shaped—that is, their lengths and widths are about equal. Flat small canals that connect lacunae. Oxygen and nutrients can pass
bones, such as those of the skull, are platelike with broad surfaces. through canaliculi to supply the osteocytes in each lacuna. The
Irregular bones have varied shapes that permit connections with matrix contains collagenous protein fibers and mineral deposits,
other bones. Round bones are circular in shape (Fig. 6.1). primarily of calcium and phosphorus salts.
A long bone, such as the one in Figure 6.2a, can be used to il- In each osteon, the lamellae and lacunae surround a single
lustrate certain principles of bone anatomy. The bone is enclosed in central canal. Canaliculi from adjacent lacunae open into the cen-
a tough, fibrous, connective tissue covering called the periosteum, tral canal, and blood vessels and nerves from the periosteum travel
which is continuous with the ligaments that join bones and the ten- within it. These same blood vessels and nerves can travel from one
dons that anchor muscles to bones. The periosteum contains blood central canal to another by way of perforating canals (Fig. 6.2).
vessels that enter the bone and supply its cells. At both ends of a Because osteocytes send cell extensions into the canaliculi, the
long bone is an expanded portion called an epiphysis ( pl., epiphy- osteocytes are connected to each other and also to the central canal.
ses); the portion between the epiphyses is called the diaphysis.
As shown in the section of an adult bone in Figure 6.2, the
diaphysis, or shaft, of a long bone, is not solid but has a medullary Spongy Bone
cavity containing yellow marrow. Yellow marrow contains large Spongy bone, or cancellous bone, contains numerous bony bars
amounts of fat. The medullary cavity is bounded at the sides by and plates, called trabeculae. Although lighter than compact bone,

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 103

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Hyaline cartilage

(with osteocyte) osteon

50 mm
chondrocytes matrix
in lacunae
central canal
hyaline cartilage
(articular cartilage) concentric
epiphyseal line epiphysis
(epiphyseal LM 75x canalicu
growth plate in c. Compact bone
spongy bone
(contains red
bone marrow) concentric
lamellae nerve
compact bone vein artery
medullary central canal
yellow bone
marrow) osteon

diaphysis osteon central

osteocytes canal
in lacunae

cellular fibrous
periosteum layer layer

Osteocyte canaliculus
blood vessel

a. lacuna nucleus

perforating canals d.
trabeculae of blood
spongy bone vessels

Figure 6.2 Anatomy of a long bone. (a) The center shaft is the diaphysis, and the ends are epiphyses. The entire bone is covered
in periosteum, except at the epiphyses. Hyaline cartilage caps each epiphysis. Spongy bone of the epiphyses contains red bone mar-
row. The diaphysis contains yellow bone marrow surrounded by compact bone. (b) The detailed anatomy of spongy bone and com-
pact bone is shown in the enlargement. (c) Photomicrograph of compact bone. (d) An osteon is formed by concentric rings called
lamellae, and has a central canal with a nervous and blood supply. Bone cells, called osteocytes, live in lacunae.

104 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

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spongy bone is still designed for strength. Like braces used for Bone Development and Growth
support in buildings, the trabeculae of spongy bone follow lines The term ossification refers to the formation of bone. The bones
of stress. of the skeleton form during embryonic development in two dis-
tinctive ways—intramembranous ossification and endochondral
Cells for Bone Growth and Repair ossification.
In intramembranous ossification, bone develops between
Bones are composed of living tissues, as exemplified by their abil-
sheets of fibrous connective tissue. Cells derived from connective
ity to grow and undergo repair. Several different types of cells are
tissue become osteoblasts that form a matrix resembling the tra-
involved in bone growth and repair:
beculae of spongy bone. Other osteoblasts associated with a perios-
Osteoprogenitor cells are unspecialized cells present in the inner teum lay down compact bone over the surface of the spongy bone.
portion of the periosteum, in the endosteum, and in the cen- The osteoblasts become osteocytes when they are surrounded by a
tral canal of compact bone. mineralized matrix. The bones of the skull develop in this manner.
Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells formed from osteoprogenitor Most of the bones of the human skeleton form by endochondral
cells. They are responsible for secreting the matrix character- ossification. Hyaline cartilage models, which appear during fetal
istic of bone. development, are replaced by bone as development continues.
Osteocytes are mature bone cells derived from osteoblasts. Once During endochondral ossification of a long bone, the cartilage be-
the osteoblasts are surrounded by matrix, they become the gins to break down in the center of the diaphysis, which is now
osteocytes in bone. covered by a periosteum (Fig. 6.3). Osteoblasts and blood vessels
Osteoclasts are thought to be derived from monocytes, a type of enter the central region. There, these osteoblasts begin to lay down
white blood cell present in red bone marrow. spongy bone in what is called a primary ossification center. Other
Osteoclasts perform bone resorption; that is, they break down osteoblasts lay down compact bone beneath the periosteum. As
bone and assist in depositing calcium and phosphate in the the compact bone thickens, the spongy bone of the diaphysis is
blood. The work of osteoclasts is important to the growth and broken down by osteoclasts, and the cavity created becomes the
repair of bone. medullary cavity.



diaphysis compact- bone
bone collar
primary medullary
ossification cavity

Figure 6.3 Endochondral ossification of a long bone.
(a) A cartilaginous model, surrounded by a periosteum, forms during fetal
development. (b) Osteoblasts that develop from the periosteum begin epiphyseal
d. growth
forming a compact bone collar around the diaphysis of the bone. secondary plate
(c) A primary ossification center contains spongy bone surrounded by ossification
compact bone. (d) The medullary cavity forms in the diaphysis, and the centers
secondary ossification centers develop in the epiphyses. (e) After birth, growth e.
is still possible as long as cartilage remains at the epiphyseal plates. When the
bone is fully formed, the remnant of the epiphyseal plates becomes a thin line.

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Imagine how your world would change if you lived with severe back DEXA can be followed by blood and urine tests to detect high levels
pain. Not the kind that can be fixed with an Icy Hot® patch; rather, this of calcium and biochemicals that are associated with bone loss. Early
variety only responds to drugs whose side effects might include bone thinning, called osteopenia, should be aggressively treated to
dizziness and falling. And you’re terrified of falling, because you’ve restore bone density and reduce fracture risk. The most commonly
seen your friends and loved ones break bones after what should have used drugs, called bisphosphonates (Fosamax” Actonel”) inhibit
been a trivial misstep. For those with osteoporosis, this pain and fear bone-resorbing osteoclast cells. Hormone therapy is another option,
could be a daily reality. Osteoporosis is a condition caused by a reduc- but it is used less often simply because bisphosphonates are so effec-
tion in density of individual bones that make up the skeleton. These tive. Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone are the body’s two naturally
weakened bones are particularly susceptible to painful and debilitat- occurring hormones for calcium homeostasis. Calcitonin can be
ing fractures, especially at the hip, vertebrae, long bones, and pelvis. administered as a nasal spray or an injection to inhibit osteoclasts and
Complications of these fractures can be very dangerous and poten- to slow bone thinning. Parathyroid hormone is given by injection to
tially fatal to an older person. Simply managing pain often requires high-risk patients to stimulate osteoblast cells to build new bone. To
medication with serious side effects; some drugs can be addicting as slow bone loss, estrogen is used for postmenopausal women and tes-
well. Further, as you learned in Chapter 5, an older person immobi- tosterone can be given to men. However, sex hormone therapy must
lized by a fracture is prone to decubitus ulcers and may contract pneu- be carefully monitored because these hormones may trigger the
monia while hospitalized. Moreover, any bedridden person is at growth of certain reproductive tissue cancers. The breast cancer drugs
increased risk for forming a thromboembolism, an abnormal blood tamoxifen and raloxifene are also used occasionally to stimulate the
clot inside blood vessels. These clots can block arteries to the heart or growth of new bone tissue.
brain, resulting in heart attack or stroke. Whatever your age, race, or gender, there are steps you can take
Although osteoporosis can result from various disease processes, to avoid having osteoporosis when you get older. The most important
it’s essentially a disease of aging. Bones are continuously remodeled— thing you can do to protect your skeleton is to make sure your diet
built up, broken down, built up again—throughout life. In childhood, contains enough calcium. The U.S. National Institutes of Health
bone formation is greater than bone breakdown, and skeletal density advises that adults take in 1,000 mg of dietary calcium daily, accom-
increases until approximately age 25. Afterward, rates of bone forma- panied by 600 IU (international units) of vitamin D to promote cal-
tion and breakdown are roughly equal for the next two decades, until cium absorption. After age 65, your calcium intake should increase to
age 45 to 50. Then, reabsorption begins to exceed formation, and bone 1,200 mg. In addition, because older people have fewer vitamin D
density slowly decreases. Over time, men are apt to lose 25%, and receptors in the intestinal tract, you’ll need additional vitamin D as
women 35%, of bone mass. Male bones are generally denser than well: 800 IU are recommended. Get outside if you can, because the
female bones because testosterone (the male sex hormone) promotes ultraviolet energy from mild sunlight exposure allows your skin to
bone formation and doesn’t significantly decline until after about age synthesize vitamin D. If you live on or north of an imaginary line
65. In contrast, estrogen (female sex hormone), which promotes wom- drawn from Boston to Milwaukee, to Minneapolis, and then to Boise,
en’s bone formation, begins to decline at about age 45 with the onset chances are you’re not getting enough vitamin D during the winter
of menopause. These differences in hormone levels mean that women months. If this is the case, look for vitamin D found in fortified foods
are more likely than men to suffer osteoporosis. Women with a slight such as low-fat milk and cereal. Combine regular moderate exercise
build are at greatest risk, especially those of Caucasian and Asian such as walking, cycling or jogging with weight training to restore and
descent. maintain bone strength. And if you’re a smoker, quit! Cigarette toxins
If osteoporosis is detected early enough, treatment can slow or damage blood vessels, thus decreasing the blood supplied to bone. In
stop bone density decrease. Older at-risk individuals, especially post- addition, the nicotine and other chemicals from cigarette smoke
menopausal women, should be tested using dual-energy X-ray absorp- destroy osteoblasts. You can find tips to help you quit smoking in
tiometry (DEXA), a specialized exam used to measure bone density. Chapter 14.

After birth, the epiphyses of a long bone continue to grow, are still present. The rate of growth is controlled by hormones,
but soon secondary ossification centers appear in these regions. such as growth hormones and the sex hormones. Eventually, the
Here spongy bone forms and doesn’t break down. A band of epiphyseal plates become ossified, and the bone stops growing
cartilage called an epiphyseal plate remains between the pri- in length.
mary ossification center and each secondary center. The limbs Long bone growth ends when the epiphyseal plates are os-
keep increasing in length and width as long as epiphyseal plates sified, but it is possible for bones to increase their diameter by

106 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

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appositional growth. In this process, osteoprogenitor cells in the Though it might seem strange, adults apparently require at least
inner periosteum convert to osteoblast cells, which in turn add as much calcium in the diet (about 1,000 to 1,200 mg daily) as do ac-
more matrix to the outer surface of the bone. Osteoblasts in the ma- tively growing children. Calcium promotes the work of osteoblasts
trix are then converted to osteocytes. Appositional growth causes in adults and children. Although adults no longer experience growth
the bone to become thicker and stronger. in the long bones, high levels of calcium are necessary to prevent
osteoporosis. In osteoporosis, bones are thin, weak, and fracture
Remodeling of Bones easily (see the Medical Focus on osteoporosis, previous page).
Growth of bone is a complex process involving over 20 differ-
In the adult, bone is continually being broken down and built up ent known hormones and other messenger chemicals. Three of the
again. Osteoclasts derived from monocytes in red bone marrow most important hormones that regulate bone growth are parathy-
break down bone, remove worn cells, and assist in depositing roid hormone, calcitonin, and growth hormone. Their effects on
calcium in the blood. After a period of about three weeks, the bone are discussed in Chapter 10.
osteoclasts disappear, and the bone is repaired by the work of os-
teoblasts. As they form new bone, osteoblasts take calcium from
the blood. Eventually some of these cells get caught in the matrix Surface Features of Bones
they secrete and are converted to osteocytes, the cells found within As we study the various bones of the skeleton, refer to Table 6.1,
the lacunae of osteons. which lists and explains the surface features of bones.

TABLE 6.1 Surface Features of Bones


Term Definition Example

Condyle (kon-dile) A rounded knob of bone Occipital condyles at the base of the skull (Fig. 6.7)
Epicondyle Smaller knob above condyle Epicondyles of the femur (Fig. 6.17)
Head Large knob of bone that creates a Head of humerus (Fig. 6.13)
joint proximally
Process Creates a bar of bone Zygomatic and temporal processes of the skull
or (Figs. 6.6, 6.7)
forms a joint with a fossa Olecranon process of the ulna (Fig. 6.14)
Suture Immovable joint of the skull Coronal, sagittal, lambdoidal, squamosal sutures
(Figs. 6.5, 6.6, 6.7)
Crest A slender ridge Anterior crest of tibia (Fig. 6.18)
Malleolus Thickened, triangular knob Medial malleolus of tibia (Fig. 6.18)
Spine Slightly thickened ridge Spine of the scapula (Fig. 6.12)
Trochanter (tro-kan ter) Large, oval knob found only Greater and lesser trochanters (Fig. 6.17)
on the femur
Tubercle Small, round knob Greater tubercle of humerus (Fig. 6.13)
Tuberosity Large, irregular knob Tibial tuberosity (Fig. 6.18)
Foramen Hole in a bone Foramen magnum of the skull (Fig. 6.7)
Fossa Depression in bone Olecranon fossa of humerus (Fig. 6.13)
Meatus (me-ay tus) External opening in a canal External acoustic meatus of temporal bone (Fig. 6.6)
Sinus Hollow cavity in bone Frontal sinus in the frontal bone (Fig. 6.5)

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Broken Bones

Raising a child is always an adventure, but having an active, busy child Pain management should begin as soon as possible—fractures are
can bring its share of traumas. Wise parents don’t want to limit their very painful! Fractures are typically diagnosed with X rays, but a CT
children’s activities unless it’s necessary for safety. Lively children scan or MRI is sometimes necessary. The fracture is permanently im-
often require emergency care for bone fractures. When energetic chil- mobilized using a cast or splint. Bone repair occurs in a series of four
dren grow into adolescence, they often suffer sports-related fractures steps (Fig. 6A):
as well.
1. Hematoma—Within six to eight hours after a fracture, blood
A fracture is complete if the bone is broken through and incom-
escapes from ruptured blood vessels and forms a hematoma
plete if the bone isn’t separated into two parts. A fracture is simple if
(mass of clotted blood) in the space between the broken bones.
bone ends don’t pierce the skin and compound if skin is torn open by
2. Fibrocartilaginous callus—Tissue repair begins, and fibrocarti-
bone. When the broken ends are wedged into each other, the fracture is
lage fills the space between the ends of the broken bone.
impacted. A spiral fracture occurs when the break is ragged due to bone
3. Bony callus—Osteoblasts produce trabeculae of spongy bone
twisting. Repair of a fracture is called reduction. Closed reduction
and convert the fibrocartilaginous callus to a bony callus that
involves realigning the bone fragments into their normal position with-
joins the broken bones together and lasts about three to four
out surgery. Open reduction requires surgical repair of the bone using
plates, screws, or pins.
4. Remodeling—Osteoblasts build new compact bone at the periph-
Parents or caregivers should always suspect a fracture if a child
ery, and osteoclasts reabsorb the spongy bone, creating a new
feels pain in a limb, or if the limb is swollen or bruised. If the child
medullary cavity.
can’t move the limb normally, or the limb appears deformed, a frac-
ture is also likely. Emergency care of a fracture involves immobiliza- In some ways, bone repair parallels the development of a bone.
tion of the limb. A temporary splint can be created using rolled-up However, a hematoma indicates that injury has occurred. Fibrocartilage
newspapers or magazines. Caregivers should constantly monitor the precedes the production of compact bone (instead of hyaline cartilage,
affected limb because nerves and blood vessels may be damaged by as in growing bone).
the injury. If tissues begin turning blue and/or a pulse can’t be felt, Parents and caregivers should also be aware that bone fractures
blood vessel damage might be occurring. Tingling or numbness indi- may sometimes indicate child/elder abuse. In cases where abuse is sus-
cate possible nerve damage. Treatment must begin immediately in pected, health-care professionals are required by law to investigate the
these situations. circumstances of the injury.

bone at
hematoma break site

bone fibrocartilaginous regenerating primary bone
(soft) callus blood vessels
a. b. c. d.

Figure 6A Repair of a broken bone. (a) A hematoma forms between the broken sections of the bone. (b) Fibrocartilage fills the
space for about three weeks. (c) Bony callus is formed by osteoblast cells. (d) Osteoclasts reabsorb the callus and create a new
medullary cavity.

108 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

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Content CHECK-UP! 6.2 Axial Skeleton
7. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons.
1. The term for the expanded portions at the ends of a long 8. Name the bones of the skull, and state the important features of each
bone is: bone.
a. diaphysis. c. periosteum. 9. Describe the structure and function of the hyoid bone.
10. Name the bones of the vertebral column and the thoracic cage. Be
b. epiphysis. d. articular cartilage.
able to label diagrams of them.
2. Osteons are associated with _____ bone. 11. Describe a typical vertebra, the atlas and axis, and the sacrum and coccyx.
3. Which type of bone cell breaks down bone and deposits 12. Name the three types of ribs and the three parts of the sternum.
calcium into the blood?
a. osteoblast c. osteoprogenitor The skeleton is divided into the axial skeleton and the appendicular
b. osteocyte d. osteoclast skeleton. The tissues of the axial and appendicular skeletons are
bone (both compact and spongy), cartilage (hyaline, fibrocartilage,
4. The region in a long bone where growth occurs is
the ____________.
and elastic cartilage), and dense connective tissue, a type of fibrous
connective tissue. (The various types of connective tissues were
5. Imagine that an artery has to pass through bone to enter the
extensively discussed in Chapter 4.)
skull. What is the feature through which the artery will pass?
(Refer to Table 6.1.)
In Figure 6.4, the bones of the axial skeleton are colored gray,
and the bones of the appendicular skeleton are colored tan for easy
Answers in Appendix A.
distinction. Notice that the axial skeleton lies in the midline of
the body and contains the bones of the skull, the hyoid bone, the

frontal bone
parietal bone
zygomatic bone
temporal bone
maxilla occipital bone

hyoid bone
Pectoral girdle: scapula
Rib cage: vertebral column
costal cartilages
Pelvic girdle: radius
coxal bones
sacrum metacarpals






phalanges a. b.

Figure 6.4 Major bones of the skeleton. (a) Anterior view. (b) Posterior view. The bones of the axial skeleton are shown in
blue-gray, and those of the appendicular skeleton are shown in tan.

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 109

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vertebral column, and the thoracic cage (composed of the ribs and fontanel is the anterior fontanel (often called the “soft spot”), which
the sternum, or breastbone). Six tiny middle ear bones (three in each is located where the two parietal bones meet the two unfused parts
ear) are also in the axial skeleton; we will study them in Chapter 9 of the frontal bone. The anterior fontanel usually closes by the
in connection with the ear. The appendicular skeleton includes the age of two years. Besides the frontal bone, the cranium is composed
pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs. of two parietal bones, one occipital bone, two temporal bones, one
sphenoid bone, and one ethmoid bone (Figs. 6.6 and 6.7).
Skull Frontal Bone One frontal bone forms the forehead, a portion of the
The skull is formed by the cranium and the facial bones. These bones nose, and the superior portions of the orbits (bony sockets of the eyes).
contain sinuses, air spaces lined by mucous membranes that reduce
Parietal Bones Two parietal bones are just posterior to the frontal
the weight of the skull and give the voice a resonant sound. The
bone. They form the roof of the cranium and also help form its sides.
paranasal sinuses empty into the nose and are named for their loca-
tions. They include the maxillary, frontal, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal Occipital Bone One occipital bone forms the most posterior part
sinuses (the frontal and sphenoid sinuses are shown in Fig. 6.5). of the skull and the base of the cranium. The spinal cord joins
Sinusitis is infection or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The the brain by passing through a large opening in the occipital bone
two mastoid sinuses drain into the middle ear. Mastoiditis, a condi- called the foramen magnum. The occipital condyles are rounded
tion that can lead to deafness, is an inflammation of these sinuses. processes on either side of the foramen magnum that articulate
with the first vertebra of the spinal column.
Bones of the Cranium
Temporal Bones Two temporal bones are just inferior to the
The cranium protects the brain and is composed of eight bones.
parietal bones on the sides of the cranium. They also help form the
These bones are separated from each other by immovable joints
base of the cranium (Figs. 6.5 and 6.6a). Each temporal bone has
called sutures. Newborns have membranous regions called
the following special features:
fontanels, where the bones of the cranial vault have not yet fused
together. The fontanels permit the bones of the skull to shift dur- ∙ external acoustic meatus, a canal that leads to the middle ear;
ing birth as the head passes through the birth canal. The largest ∙ mandibular fossa, which articulates with the mandible;

suture parietal bone

temporal bone
frontal sinus
occipital bone
crista galli squamous suture
ethmoid bone
perpendicular plate sella turcica
lambdoid suture
nasal bone


palatine bone

foramen magnum


Figure 6.5 Sagittal section of the skull.

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frontal bone

parietal bone

temporal bone
sphenoid bone
ethmoid bone
lacrimal bone
nasal bone
ethmoid bone
middle nasal (perpendicular plate) nasal septum
concha vomer
zygomatic bone inferior nasal concha

alveolar processes



coronal suture

frontal bone

parietal bone

squamosal suture

lambdoidal suture
squamous part sphenoid bone
of temporal bone nasal bone
temporal bone lacrimal bone
ethmoid bone
occipital bone
external acoustic meatus zygomatic bone
mastoid process coronoid process
of mandible
styloid process
mandibular condyle
mandibular angle
zygomatic process
of temporal bone body of mandible
zygomatic arch
temporal process
of zygomatic bone

Figure 6.6 Skull anatomy. (a) Anterior view. (b) Lateral view.

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process of

temporal process
of zygomatic bone
zygomatic process zygomatic arch
zygomatic bone of temporal bone

palatine bone
styloid process
sphenoid bone mandibular fossa
temporal bone
mastoid process

occipital condyle

foramen magnum

occipital bone

lambdoidal suture


frontal sinus

frontal bone

crista galli
ethmoid bone
cribriform plate

sella turcica

sphenoid bone

temporal bone

foramen magnum

parietal bone

occipital bone


Figure 6.7 Skull anatomy. (a) Inferior view. (b) Superior cross-sectional view.

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∙ mastoid process, which provides a place of attachment for process connected to a zygomatic process (a portion of the tem-
certain neck muscles; poral bone).
∙ styloid process, which provides a place of attachment for Lacrimal Bones The two small, thin lacrimal bones are located on
muscles associated with the tongue and larynx; the medial walls of the orbits (Fig. 6.6). A small opening between
∙ zygomatic process, which projects anteriorly and helps form the orbit and the nasal cavity serves as a pathway for a duct that
the cheekbone. carries tears from the eyes to the nose.
Sphenoid Bone The sphenoid bone helps form the sides and floor Nasal Bones The two nasal bones are small, rectangular bones
of the cranium and the rear wall of the orbits. The sphenoid bone that form the bridge of the nose (see Fig. 6.5). The anterior distal
is shaped like a butterfly. Its complex shape allows it to articulate portion of the nose is cartilage, which explains why the nose is not
with and hold together the other cranial bones (Fig. 6.7). Within seen on a skull.
the cranial cavity, the sphenoid bone has a saddle-shaped midpor-
tion called the sella turcica (Fig. 6.7b), which houses the pituitary Vomer Bone The vomer bone joins with the perpendicular plate of
gland in a depression. the ethmoid bone to form the nasal septum (see Figs. 6.5 and 6.6a).
Inferior Nasal Conchae The two inferior nasal conchae are thin,
Ethmoid Bone The ethmoid bone is anterior to the sphenoid bone
curved bones that form a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal
and helps form the floor of the cranium. It contributes to the medial
cavity (see Fig. 6.6a). Like the superior and middle nasal conchae,
sides of the orbits and forms the roof and sides of the nasal cavity
they project into the nasal cavity and support the mucous mem-
(Figs. 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7). Important components of the ethmoid
branes that line the nasal cavity.
bone include:
Mandible The mandible, or lower jaw, is the only movable portion
∙ crista galli (cock’s comb, Fig. 6.7), a triangular process that of the skull. The horseshoe-shaped front and horizontal sides of the
serves as an attachment for membranes that enclose the brain; mandible, referred to as the body, form the chin. The body has an
∙ cribriform plate (Fig. 6.7), with tiny holes that serve as pas- alveolar process (see Fig. 6.6a), which contains tooth sockets.
sageways for nerve fibers from the olfactory receptors (nerve Superior to the left and right angle of the mandible are upright
endings that give us our sense of smell); projections called rami. Each ramus has detailed features:
∙ perpendicular plate (Fig. 6.5), which projects downward to
form the superior part of the nasal septum; ∙ mandibular condyle (see Fig. 6.6b), which articulates with
∙ superior and middle nasal conchae, which project toward a temporal bone;
the perpendicular plate. These increase the surface area of ∙ coronoid process (see Fig. 6.6b), which serves as a place of
the nasal cavity. Projections support mucous membranes that attachment for the muscles used for chewing.
line the nasal cavity.

Bones of the Face Begin Thinking Clinically

Maxillae The two maxillae form the upper jaw. Aside from con- You’re treating an 11-year-old patient in the emergency
tributing to the floors of the orbits and to the sides of the floor of room. His right eye was struck by a baseball bat, and he’s
the nasal cavity, each maxilla has the following processes: rapidly developing a nasty black eye. What bones might
have been broken by the injury?
∙ alveolar process (Fig. 6.6a). The alveolar processes contain
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
the tooth sockets for teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and
∙ palatine process (Fig. 6.7a). The left and right palatine pro-
cesses form the anterior portion of the hard palate (roof of Hyoid Bone
the mouth). The U-shaped hyoid bone (see Fig. 6.4) is located superior to the
Palatine Bones The two palatine bones contribute to the floor and larynx (voice box) in the neck. It Is the only bone in the body that
lateral wall of the nasal cavity (Fig. 6.5). The horizontal plates of does not articulate (form a joint) with another bone. Instead, it is
the palatine bones form the posterior portion of the hard palate suspended from the styloid processes of the temporal bones by
(Fig. 6.7a). the stylohyoid muscles and ligaments. It anchors the tongue and
Notice that the hard palate consists of (1) portions of the max- serves as the site for the attachment of several muscles associated
illae (i.e., the palatine processes) and (2) horizontal plates of the with swallowing.
palatine bones. A cleft palate results when either (1) or (2) have
failed to fuse. Vertebral Column (Spine)
Zygomatic Bones The two zygomatic bones form the sides of the The vertebral column extends from the skull to the pelvis. It con-
orbits (Fig. 6.7a). They also contribute to the “cheekbones.” Each sists of a series of separate bones, the vertebrae, separated by pads
zygomatic bone has a temporal process. A zygomatic arch, the of fibrocartilage called the intervertebral disks (Fig. 6.8). The
most prominent feature of a cheekbone, consists of a temporal vertebral column is located in the posterior region of the body at

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 113

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1 7 cervical
2 vertebrae in
3 neck region form
4 cervical curvature.
vertebra 5
rib facet 1
of vertebra 2
(found only on 3
thoracic 4
5 12 thoracic
vertebrae form
6 thoracic curvature.
Ribs attach here.
processes 7
intervertebral 9
foramina 10
Lordosis ("swayback") Kyphosis ("hunchback") Scoliosis
5 lumbar
transverse 12 vertebrae in Figure 6.9 Abnormal curvatures of the vertebral column.
process of small of back
vertebra form lumbar
intervertebral curvature.
3 provide more support than a straight column would, and they also
4 provide the balance needed to walk upright.
sacrum: 5 The curvatures of the vertebral column are subject to abnor-
fused vertebrae malities (Fig. 6.9). An abnormally exaggerated lumbar curvature is
in adult form called lordosis, or “swayback.” People who are balancing a heavy
sacral curvature. midsection, such as pregnant women or men with “potbellies,” may
coccyx: usually 3–5 have swayback. An increased roundness of the thoracic curvature is
fused vertebrae kyphosis, or “hunchback.” This abnormality sometimes develops
form the “tailbone.”
With sacral vertebrae,
in older people as the center sections of thoracic vertebrae become
forms pelvic curvature. compressed. An abnormal lateral (side-to-side) curvature is called
scoliosis. Occurring most often in the thoracic region, scoliosis is
Figure 6.8 Curvatures of the spine. The vertebrae usually first seen during late childhood.
are named for their location in the body. Note the presence of
the coccyx, also called the tailbone.
Intervertebral Disks
The fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disks located between the
vertebrae act as cushions. The disks are filled with gelatinous ma-
the midline, where it forms the body’s vertical axis. The skull rests
terial, which prevents the vertebrae from grinding against one an-
on the superior end of the vertebral column, which also supports
other and absorbs shock caused by such movements as running,
the rib cage and serves as a point of attachment for the pelvic girdle.
jumping, and even walking. The disks also allow motion between
The vertebral column also protects the spinal cord, which passes
the vertebrae so that a person can bend forward, backward, and
through a vertebral canal formed by the vertebrae. The vertebrae
from side to side. Unfortunately, these disks become weakened
are named according to their location: seven cervical (neck) verte-
with age, and they can slip or even rupture (called a herniated
brae, twelve thoracic (chest) vertebrae, five lumbar (lower back)
disk). A damaged disk pressing against the spinal cord or the spinal
vertebrae, five sacral vertebrae fused to form the sacrum, and three
nerves causes pain. Such a disk may need to be removed surgically.
to five coccygeal vertebrae fused into one coccyx (tailbone).
If a disk is removed, the vertebrae are fused together, limiting the
When viewed from the side, the vertebral column has four
body’s flexibility.
normal curvatures, named for their location (Fig. 6.8). The cervical
and lumbar curvatures are concave posteriorly, and the thoracic and
sacral curvatures are convex posteriorly. In the fetus, the vertebral Vertebrae
column has only one curve, and it is convex posteriorly (the curved Figure 6.10a shows that a typical vertebra has an anteriorly placed
“fetal position”). The cervical curve develops three to four months body and a posteriorly placed vertebral arch. The vertebral arch
after birth, when the child begins to hold his or her head up. The forms the wall of a vertebral foramen (pl., foramina). When stacked
lumbar curvature develops when a child begins to stand and walk, on top of one another, the foramina become a canal through which
around one year of age. The curvatures of the vertebral column the spinal cord passes.

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spinous process (“flagpole”) facet of superior articular
axis of rotation process (forms joint with
occipital condyle)
atlas articular facet for
lamina (“roof”) (C1 vertebra) odontoid process (dens)

transverse process odontoid process (dens)

transverse process
pedicle (“walls”)

body (“hill”) ligament

a. Superior view
(C2 vertebra)
spinous process

superior articular
process spinous process c. Atlas and axis, posterosuperior view


vertebral Figure 6.10 Vertebrae. (a) A concept model showing
pedicle the features of a typical vertebra. The vertebral arch is similar to a
“house” on a “hill” (body of the vertebra). (b) A typical vertebra.
The vertebral canal (containing the spinal cord) forms when ver-
tebrae are stacked so their vertebral foraminae sit atop one an-
other. (c) Atlas and axis, showing their interaction. The dens
(odontoid process) of the axis is the pivot around which the atlas
facets for joints with ribs body vertebral foramen
(thoracic vertebrae only)
turns, as when we shake our head and say “no.” The superior ar-
ticular processes on the axis form a joint with the inferior articular
b. Superior view processes on the atlas (not shown).

The structure of a single vertebra can be likened to a house (the C7 is the prominent vertebra, or in Latin, vertebra prominens. It’s
vertebral arch) sitting on a hill (the body of the vertebra). Pedicles an important feature that allows health-care providers to determine
are the upright walls of the house and the laminae form a slanting the transition between cervical and thoracic vertebrae. In addition,
roof. The single spinous process, or spine, is like a flagpole, and the cervical vertebrae all have an opening in the transverse process,
transverse processes are gutters projecting sideways at the corners called a transverse foramen. The vertebral arteries and veins pass
where pedicles join laminae. Each of these bony projections on an through the first six transverse foramina (C1 to C6). The vertebral
actual vertebra serves as a site for muscle attachment. In addition, arteries help to supply blood to the brain, and the veins return blood
superior and inferior articular processes form joints between an to the heart.
upper and a lower vertebra. When stacked this way, the articular The thoracic and lumbar vertebrae also have their own unique
processes create paired openings called intervertebral foramina structural features. The thoracic spines are long and slender and
on both sides of the vertebral column (see Fig. 6.8). Spinal nerves project downward. Further, the bodies  and transverse processes
exit from the spinal cord through these openings and travel to both of thoracic vertebrae have articular facets, called costal facets, for
sides of the body. connecting to ribs. The lumbar spines are massive and square and
The vertebrae have regional differences. For example, as the project posteriorly.
vertebral column descends, the bodies get bigger and are better Atlas and Axis The first two cervical vertebrae are not typical
able to carry more weight. In the cervical region, the spines are (Fig. 6.10c). The atlas supports and balances the head. It has two
short and tend to have a split, or bifurcation. The exception is the depressions that articulate with the occipital condyles, allowing
C7 vertebra, whose long spinous process is clearly seen posteriorly movement of the head up and down (as though nodding “yes”). The
when a person touches his or her chin to the chest (try it!). Thus, axis has an odontoid process (also called the dens) that projects

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into the ring of the atlas. When the head moves from side to side, attaches to the body of the same numbered vertebra (rib 4, for
the atlas pivots around the odontoid process (as though shaking example, is attached to the body of the 4th thoracic vertebra). Next,
the head “no”). each attaches to the body of the vertebra immediately superior (so,
Sacrum and Coccyx The five sacral vertebrae are fused to rib 4 also attaches to the body of the 3rd thoracic vertebra). Finally,
form the sacrum. The sacrum articulates with the pelvic girdle each rib attaches to the transverse process of the same numbered
and forms the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity (see Fig. 6.16). vertebra (rib 4 attaches to the transverse process of the 4th thoracic
The coccyx, or tailbone, is the last part of the vertebral column. It vertebra). Rib pairs 10 through 12 attach only to their respective
is formed from a fusion of three to five vertebrae. vertebrae.
The upper seven pairs of ribs connect directly to the sternum
The Rib Cage by means of costal cartilages. These are called the “true ribs,”
or the vertebrosternal ribs. The next five pairs of ribs are called
The rib cage (Fig. 6.11), sometimes called the thoracic cage, is
the “false ribs” because they attach indirectly to the sternum or
composed of the thoracic vertebrae, the ribs and their costal carti-
are not attached at all. Ribs 8, 9, and 10 are called vertebrochon-
lages, and the sternum.
dral ribs; each attaches its costal cartilage to the cartilage of the
The rib cage demonstrates how the skeleton is protective
rib superior to it. All three ribs attach indirectly to the sternum
but also flexible. The rib cage protects the heart and lungs; yet it
using the costal cartilage of rib 7. Ribs 11 and 12 are vertebral,
swings outward and upward upon inspiration and then downward
or “floating,” ribs. These are short ribs with no attachment to the
and inward upon expiration. The rib cage also provides support for
sternum (Fig. 6.11).
the bones of the pectoral girdle (see page 118).

The Ribs The Sternum

There are 12 pairs of ribs. All 12 pairs connect directly to the tho- The sternum, or breastbone, is a flat bone that has the shape of a
racic vertebrae in the back, by attaching to costal facets built into blade. The sternum, along with the ribs, helps protect the heart and
the thoracic vertebrae. After connecting with thoracic vertebrae, lungs. During surgery the sternum may be split to allow access to
each rib first curves outward and then forward and downward. The the organs of the thoracic cavity. The sternum is also where a first
first pair of ribs attaches to the body of the first thoracic vertebra, responder will place his or her hands when performing CPR (see
or T1. It also attaches to the transverse process of T1, at the facet Chapter 14).
for the joint with the rib. The next eight pairs of ribs (ribs 2–9) The sternum is composed of three bones that fuse during
attach to the vertebrae at three places (see Fig. 6.10a). First, each fetal development (Fig. 6.11). These bones are the manubrium,

2 manubrium

4 body
true sternum
ribs 5
ribs) 6
7 process

(vertebrochondral costal
ribs) 9 12
false cartilage
ribs 10

floating ribs
(vertebral ribs)

Figure 6.11 The rib cage. This structure includes the thoracic vertebrae, the ribs, and the sternum. The three bones that
make up the sternum are the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process. The ribs numbered 1–7 are true ribs; ribs 8–12 are false ribs. Ribs 11
and 12 are also called “floating ribs.”

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Oh, My Aching Back—Options for Back Injuries

Back pain is going to be an inevitable part of almost everyone’s life at vertebrae are fused together, motion and flexibility between vertebrae
some point. It might begin when you bend over to pick up a heavy are limited. Other available options seek to avoid removing the inter-
load and stand up suddenly. Perhaps it comes on gradually with those vertebral disk, and thus avoid having to fuse vertebrae. Intradiscal
extra 30 pounds you’ve put on over the last 10 years. Maybe it was electrothermal therapy (IDET) involves inserting a needle into a rup-
caused by the fall when you were ice skating and landed abruptly on tured disk. The needle is heated to high temperatures for approxi-
your posterior. Regardless of its cause, in 90% of cases, back pain will mately 20 minutes. The tissues of the disk wall become thickened in
slowly improve over time with minimal treatment. Pain management, response to the heat, and the ruptured area is sealed. A diskectomy
weight control, gentle massage, physical therapy, and exercise all and vertebral fusion won’t be necessary because the disk will be able
help to make the patient comfortable and restore mobility. In all but to heal.
about 5% of back pain cases, the pain is resolved within three months Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are techniques that allow com-
or less. pressed vertebrae to be lifted and separated from one another. In
Many back pain sufferers lack the patience and persistence to vertebroplasty, bone cement is directly injected into the space
allow the back to heal itself normally. These folks often inquire about between two compressed vertebrae, while in kyphoplasty, a small
surgical options to alleviate their back pain. However, back and neck balloon is inserted between the vertebrae and then inflated. Bone
surgery is recommended only in the most extreme cases. For example, cement is injected into the space created by the balloon, expanding
excessive movement of the vertebrae or compression of the spinal the existing vertebrae. Both of these techniques relieve pressure on
cord (as in a herniated disk, for example) are reasons to attempt back the trapped spinal nerve. If vertebrae are fractured (in a car accident,
surgery. Surgery may also be required for those with nerve damage for example), the same technique can be used. Artificial vertebral
caused by kyphosis, scoliosis, or fractured vertebrae. Loss of bowel disks can completely replace an intervertebral disk for some patients.
and/or bladder control, tingling in the arms or legs, or pain that The artificial disk is similar to implants used for hip and knee
spreads down arms or legs are all signs of nerve damage. implants. To install the artificial disk, the patient’s own intervertebral
Traditional surgeries include laminectomy, where the bony lam- disk is first removed, then two metal plates are surgically inserted
ina is cut from the vertebra and surgically removed (the lamina is onto the bodies of the superior and inferior vertebrae. In between, a
shown in Fig. 6.10b). This procedure can relieve pressure on a pinched polyethylene-covered titanium disk re-creates the space originally
spinal cord or spinal nerve. Removal of a herniated disk, called a occupied by the intervertebral disk and allows normal motion of the
diskectomy, is usually followed by fusion of vertebrae. However, once spinal column.

the body, and the xiphoid process. The manubrium is the supe-
rior portion of the sternum. The body is the middle and largest Content CHECK-UP!
part of the sternum, and the xiphoid process is the inferior and 6. Which of the following are cranial bones?
smallest portion of the sternum. The manubrium joins with the a. frontal
body of the sternum at an angle. This joint is an important ana-
b. sphenoid
tomical landmark because it occurs at the level of the second rib,
and therefore allows the ribs to be counted. Counting the ribs c. maxilla
is sometimes done to determine where the apex (most inferior d. a and b
portion) of the heart is located—usually between the fifth and e. all of the above
sixth ribs. 7. When you shake your head “no,” you’re moving a joint be-
The manubrium articulates with the costal cartilages of the tween two bones. What are they?
first and second ribs; the body articulates with costal cartilages of 8. The opening in the center of a vertebra where the spinal cord
the second through seventh ribs; and the xiphoid process doesn’t is located is called the _____ ______.
articulate with any ribs. 9. The most superior part of the sternum is the:
The xiphoid process is the third part of the sternum. Com-
a. xiphoid process. c. manubrium.
posed of hyaline cartilage in the child, it becomes ossified (con-
verted into bone) in the adult. The variably shaped xiphoid process b. body. d. costal cartilage.
serves as an attachment site for the diaphragm, which separates the Answers in Appendix A.
thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 117

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6.3 Appendicular Skeleton acromion

13. Name the bones of the pectoral girdle and the pelvic girdle. Be able glenoid
to label diagrams of them. cavity
14. Name the bones of the upper limb (arm and forearm) and the lower limb
(thigh and leg). Be able to label diagrams that include surface features. coracoid
15. Cite at least five differences between the female and male pelvises.

The appendicular skeleton contains the bones of the pectoral girdle, scapula
upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs. sternum

Pectoral Girdle rib

The pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle) contains four bones: two

clavicles and two scapulae (Fig. 6.12). It supports the arms and cartilage
serves as a place of attachment for muscles that move the arms.
The bones of this girdle are held in place by ligaments and muscles. ulna
This arrangement allows great flexibility but means that the arm is radius
prone to dislocation at the shoulder joint.
a. Pectoral girdle, frontal view

Clavicles coracoid
The clavicles (collarbones) are slender and S-shaped (Fig. 6.12a).
Each clavicle articulates medially with the manubrium of the ster- acromion
num. This is the only place where the pectoral girdle is attached to process
the axial skeleton.
Each clavicle also articulates with a scapula. The clavicle cavity
serves as a brace for the scapula and helps stabilize the shoulder. It spine of
is structurally weak, however, and if undue force is applied to the scapula
shoulder, the clavicle will fracture.

The scapulae (sing., scapula), also called the shoulder blades, are
broad bones that somewhat resemble triangles (Figs. 6.12b and c).
One reason for the pectoral girdle’s flexibility is that the scapulae
b. Right scapula, posterior view
are not joined to each other (see Fig. 6.4).
Each scapula has a spine, a thick ridge of bone found on its acromion
posterior surface. Note the following features as well:
∙ acromion process, which articulates with a clavicle and process
provides a place of attachment for arm and upper back
muscles; glenoid
∙ coracoid process, which serves as a place of attachment for cavity
arm and chest muscles;
∙ glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the arm
bone (humerus). The arm joint’s flexibility is also a result
of the glenoid cavity being smaller than the head of the

Upper Limb
The upper limb includes the bones of the arm (humerus), the fore-
arm (radius and ulna), and the hand (carpals, metacarpals, and c. Right scapula, anterior view
Figure 6.12 The pectoral girdle. (a) Frontal view of
the pectoral girdles with the upper limbs attached. (b) Posterior
The term upper extremity is used to include a clavicle and scapula (of the pectoral view of the right scapula. (c) Anterior view of the right scapula.
girdle), an arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.

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The humerus (Fig. 6.13) is the bone of the arm. It is a long
bone with the following structural details at the proximal
∙ head, which articulates with the glenoid cavity of
the scapula; lesser greater
greater tubercle
∙ greater and lesser tubercles, which provide tubercle
attachments for muscles that move the arm and
∙ intertubercular groove, which holds a tendon
from the biceps brachii, a muscle of the arm; deltoid deltoid
tuberosity tuberosity
∙ deltoid tuberosity, which provides an attachment
for the deltoid, a muscle that covers the shoulder
At the distal end, these features can be seen on the
humerus: lateral coronoid olecranon
epicondyle fossa fossa
∙ capitulum, a lateral condyle that articulates with
the head of the radius; medial
medial lateral
capitulum epicondyle
∙ trochlea, a spool-shaped condyle that articulates epicondyle epicondyle
with the ulna; trochlea trochlea
∙ coronoid fossa, a depression for a process of the a. Right humerus, b. Right humerus,
ulna when the elbow is flexed; anterior view posterior view
∙ olecranon fossa, a depression for a process of the
ulna when the elbow is extended. Figure 6.13 Right humerus. (a) Anterior surface view. (b) Posterior
surface view.

The radius and ulna (see Figs. 6.12a and 6.14) are the bones process
of the forearm. The radius is on the lateral side of the forearm coronoid notch olecranon
(the thumb side). When you turn your hand from the “palms process process
up” position to the “palms down” position, the radius crosses head of
radial trochlear
notch notch
over the ulna, so the two bones are criss-crossed. Proximally, radius
the radius has the following features: neck of coronoid
radius process
∙ head, which articulates with the capitulum of the
radial radial
humerus and fits into the radial notch of the ulna; notch
∙ radial tuberosity, which serves as a place of ulna
attachment for the distal tendon from the biceps radius
shaft of
shaft of
Distally, the radius has the following features: ulna
b. Ulna, proximal,
∙ ulnar notch, which articulates with the head of the lateral view
∙ styloid process, which serves as a place of attachment
for ligaments that run to the wrist. ulnar
head of
Ulna styloid styloid
The ulna is the longer bone of the forearm. Proximally, the process process
ulna has the following features: of radius of ulna

∙ coronoid process, which articulates with the coronoid a. Right radius and ulna, anterior view
fossa of the humerus when the elbow is flexed;
∙ olecranon process, the point of the elbow, articulates Figure 6.14 Right radius and ulna. (a) The head of the radius
articulates with the radial notch of the ulna. The head of the ulna articulates with
with the olecranon fossa of the humerus when the
the ulnar notch of the radius. (b) Lateral view of the proximal end of the ulna.
elbow is extended;

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∙ trochlear notch, which articulates with the trochlea of the Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis
humerus at the elbow joint;
The pelvic girdle is formed by two coxal bones (hip bones). These
∙ radial notch, which articulates with head of the radius.
bones meet anteriorly at the pubic symphysis, a tough fibrocarti-
Distally, the ulna has the following features: lage joint. Posteriorly, the coxal bones join the sacrum. Inferiorly,
the sacrum is joined to the small, triangular coccyx. Combined,
∙ head, which articulates with the ulnar notch of the radius;
the four bones form the bony pelvis, also simply called the pelvis
∙ styloid process, which serves as a place of attachment for
(Fig. 6.16a,b; see also Fig. 6.8). The strong bones of the pelvis are
ligaments that run to the wrist.
firmly attached to one another and bear the weight of the body. The
pelvis also serves as the place of attachment for the lower limbs and
Hand protects the urinary bladder, the internal reproductive organs, and
Each hand (Fig. 6.15) has a wrist, a palm, and five fingers, or digits. a portion of the large intestine.
The wrist, or carpus, contains eight small carpal bones,
tightly bound by ligaments in two rows of four each. The distal Coxal Bones
forearm is where we wear a “wrist watch”—the true wrist is the
Each coxal bone (in Latin, os coxa) has the following three parts:
proximal part of what we generally call the hand. Only two of the
carpals (the scaphoid and lunate) articulate with the radius. An- 1. ilium (Fig. 6.16). The ilium, the largest part of a coxal bone,
teriorly, the concave region of the wrist is covered by a ligament flares outward to give the hip prominence. The margin of the
called the flexor retinaculum, forming the so-called carpal tunnel. ilium is called the iliac crest (when you put your hands on
Inflammation of the tendons running through this area is usu- your hips, you are resting them on the iliac crests). The end
ally caused by abuse or overuse of the wrist area. The inflamed points of the iliac crest are called the anterior superior iliac
tendons compress a nerve, and the resulting pain and numbness is spine and the posterior superior iliac spine (Fig. 6.16c). The
carpal tunnel syndrome. greater sciatic notch is the site where blood vessels and the
Five metacarpal bones, numbered with Roman numerals I to large sciatic nerve pass posteriorly into the leg. Each ilium
V from the thumb side of the hand toward the little finger, fan out connects posteriorly with the sacrum at a sacroiliac joint.
to form the palm. When the fist is clenched, the heads of the meta- 2. ischium (Fig. 6.16c). The ischium is the most inferior part of a
carpals, which articulate with the phalanges, become obvious. The coxal bone. Its posterior region, the ischial tuberosity, allows
first metacarpal is more anterior than the others, and this allows a person to sit. Near the junction of the ilium and ischium is
the thumb to touch each of the other fingers. the ischial spine. The distance between the ischial spines
The fingers, including the thumb, contain bones called the helps to determine the size of the pelvic cavity.
phalanges. The thumb has only two phalanges (proximal and dis- 3. pubis (Fig. 6.16c). The pubis is the anterior part of a coxal
tal), but the other fingers have three each (proximal, middle, and bone. The two pubic bones are joined anteriorly by a fibro-
distal). cartilage disk at the pubic symphysis. Posterior to where the
pubis and the ischium join together is a large opening, the
obturator foramen, through which blood vessels and nerves
pass anteriorly into the leg.
radius ulna
Where the three parts of each coxal bone meet is a depression called
the acetabulum, which receives the rounded head of the femur.

False and True Pelvises

carpals The false pelvis is the portion of the trunk bounded laterally by the
flared parts of the ilium. In Figure 6.16, it is the portion of the pelvis
I that is shaded green. This space is much larger than that of the true pel-
vis. The true pelvis (see pink shading on Fig. 6.16), which is inferior
to the false pelvis, is the bony ring formed by the sacrum, lower ilium,
IV V ischium, and pubic bones. The true pelvis is said to have an upper
inlet (also called the pelvic brim), and a lower outlet. The dimensions
proximal of these outlets are important for females because the outlets must be
phalanges large enough to allow a baby to pass through during the birth process.
middle of digits
phalanx Gender Differences
phalanx Female and male pelvises (see Fig. 6.16) usually differ in several
ways, including the following:
1. Female iliac bones are more flared than those of the male;
Figure 6.15 Right wrist and hand.
therefore, the female has broader hips.

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false pelvis
iliac crest

sacrum anterior
pelvic brim
posterior iliac spine
superior ilium
true iliac spine
pelvis pubic symphysis
sciatic notch
ischial spine
a. Female pelvis pubic arch
ischium pubis
iliac crest
ischial obturator
false pelvis foramen

pelvic brim
posterior anterior
sacral curvature
ischium pubis
pelvis acetabulum
Lateral view
obturator foramen
c. Right coxal bone, lateral view
b. Male pelvis pubic arch

Figure 6.16 The pelvis. The female pelvis is usually wider in all diameters than that of the male. (a) Female pelvis. (b) Male
pelvis. (c) Right coxal bone, lateral view.

2. The female pelvis is wider between the ischial spines and the ∙ head, which fits into the acetabulum of the coxal bone;
ischial tuberosities. ∙ greater and lesser trochanters, which provide a place of
3. The female inlet and outlet of the true pelvis are wider. attachment for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
4. The female pelvic cavity is more shallow, while the male ∙ linea aspera, a crest that serves as a place of attachment for
pelvic cavity is more funnel shaped. several muscles.
5. Female bones are lighter and thinner.
Distally, the femur has the following components:
6. The female pubic arch (angle at the pubic symphysis) is
wider. In females, the pubic arch resembles an inverted letter ∙ medial and lateral epicondyles, which serve as sites of
U; in males, the pubic arch resembles an inverted V. attachment for muscles and ligaments;
∙ lateral and medial condyles, which articulate with the tibia;
In addition to these differences in pelvic structure, male pelvic
∙ patellar surface, which is located between the condyles on
bones are larger and heavier, the articular ends are thicker, and the
the anterior surface, articulates with the patella, a small
points of muscle attachment may be larger.
triangular bone that protects the knee joint.
Lower Limb
The lower limb includes the bones of the thigh (femur), the knee- Tibia
cap (patella), the leg (tibia and fibula), and the foot (tarsals, meta- The tibia and fibula (Fig. 6.18) are the bones of the leg. The tibia,
tarsals, and phalanges).2 or shinbone, is medial to the fibula. It is thicker than the fibula and
bears the weight from the femur, with which it articulates. Observe
Femur the structural details of the tibia:
The femur (Fig. 6.17), or thighbone, is the longest and strongest
∙ medial and lateral condyles, which articulate with the
bone in the body. Proximally, note these structures on the femur:
The term lower extremity is used to include a coxal bone (of the pelvic girdle), the thigh,
∙ tibial tuberosity, where the patellar (kneecap) ligaments
kneecap, leg, ankle, and foot. attach;

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fovea capitis
greater head
fovea head
trochanter neck
capitis greater
lesser trochanter



lateral medial
epicondyle epicondyle
medial lateral
lateral medial epicondyle epicondyle
condyle condyle
patellar medial lateral
surface condyle condyle
a. Anterior view b. Posterior view

Figure 6.17 Right femur. (a) Anterior view. (b) Posterior view.

∙ anterior crest, commonly called the shin; Distally, the lateral malleolus articulates with the talus and forms
∙ medial malleolus, the bulge of the inner ankle, which the outer bulge of the ankle. Its role is to stabilize the ankle; it does
articulates with the talus in the foot. not participate in forming the knee joint.

Fibula Foot
The fibula is lateral to the tibia and is more slender. It has a Each foot (Fig. 6.19) has an ankle, an instep, and five toes (also
head that articulates with the tibia just below the lateral condyle. called phalanges or digits).

condyle distal phalanx distal
tibial middle
tuberosity phalanges
head of
fibula proximal
proximal phalanx phalanx
neck shaft of
tibia (great toe)
shaft of I II
fibula anterior medial III
crest cuneiform IV
tibia V metatarsal
tarsal intermediate bones
bones cuneiform
navicular lateral
cuboid tarsal
talus bones

medial calcaneus

Figure 6.18 Bones of the right leg, viewed anteriorly. Figure 6.19 The right foot, viewed superiorly.

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The ankle has seven tarsal bones; together, they are called Fibrous Joints
the tarsus. Only one of the seven bones, the talus, can move freely
Some bones, such as those that make up the adult cranium, are
where it joins the tibia and fibula. The largest of the ankle bones is
sutured together by a thin layer of fibrous connective tissue and are
the calcaneus, or heel bone. Along with the talus, it supports the
immovable. Review Figures 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7, and note the follow-
weight of the body.
ing immovable sutures:
The instep has five elongated metatarsal bones. The distal
ends of the metatarsals form the ball of the foot. Along with the coronal suture, between the parietal bones and the frontal bone;
tarsals, these bones form the arches of the foot (longitudinal and lambdoidal suture, between the parietal bones and the occipital
transverse), which give spring to a person’s step. If the ligaments bone;
and tendons holding these bones together weaken, fallen arches, or squamosal suture, between each parietal bone and each
“flat feet,” can result. temporal bone;
The toes contain the phalanges. The big toe has only two sagittal suture, between the parietal bones (not shown).
phalanges, but the other toes have three each.
The joints formed by each tooth in its tooth socket are also fibrous

Content CHECK-UP!
Cartilaginous Joints
10. Name the specific features on the scapula and humerus that
Where bones are joined by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage,
form the shoulder joint. Why is this joint relatively unstable?
the joint that forms is usually slightly movable. The ribs are
11. The acetabulum is a part of which bone?
joined to the sternum by costal cartilages, which are hyaline
a. coxal bone c. humerus cartilage (see Fig. 6.11). The epiphyseal plate that separates
b. scapula d. femur the diaphysis and epiphyses of growing bones is also a hyaline
12. Which bone forms the heel? cartilage joint. The bodies of adjacent vertebrae are separated
a. talus c. calcaneus by fibrocartilage intervertebral disks, which increase vertebral
flexibility. The pubic symphysis, the joint between the two
b. fibula d. tibia
pubic bones (see Fig. 6.16), consists largely of fibrocartilage.
Answers in Appendix A.
Due to hormonal changes, this joint becomes more flexible
during late pregnancy, allowing the pelvis to expand during

6.4 Joints (Articulations)

Synovial Joints
16. Explain how joints are classified, and give examples of each
type of joint. Synovial joints are generally freely movable because, unlike the
17. List the types of movements that occur at synovial joints. joints discussed so far, the two bones are separated by a joint cav-
18. Explain how damage and degeneration occur at joints and how ity (Figs. 6.20 and 6.21). The joint cavity is lined by a synovial
they can be treated. Outline possible steps for damage
membrane, which produces synovial fluid, a lubricant for the
joint. The absence of tissue between the articulating bones allows
them to be freely movable but means that the joint has to be stabi-
Bones articulate at the joints. There are two systems for classify-
lized in some way.
ing joints. First, joints can be classified according to the amount of
The joint is stabilized by the joint capsule, a sleeve-
movement they allow. A joint called a synarthrosis is immovable,
like extension of the periosteum of each articulating bone.
while an amphiarthrosis allows slight movement. A diarthrosis
Ligaments, which are composed of dense regular connective
joint is freely movable. The second classification system (and the
tissue, bind the two bones to one another and add even more
convention followed here) is to categorize joints according to their
stability. Tendons, which are cords of dense regular connec-
tive tissue that connect muscle to bone, also help stabilize a
Fibrous joints occur where fibrous connective tissue joins bone synovial joint.
to bone. These joints are typically immovable (thus, synar- The articulating surfaces of the bones are protected in sev-
throsis joints), although exceptions exist. eral ways. The bones are covered by a layer of articular (hya-
Cartilaginous joints occur where fibrocartilage or hyaline line) cartilage. In addition, the joint, such as the knee, contains
cartilage joins bones. These are generally slightly movable menisci (sing., meniscus), crescent-shaped pieces of cartilage,
(amphiarthrosis joints), with a few exceptions. and fluid-filled sacs called bursae, which ease friction be-
Synovial joints are formed when bone ends do not contact tween all parts of the joint. Inflammation of the bursae is called
each other, but are enclosed in a capsule. These are usually bursitis. Tennis elbow is a form of bursitis. Articular cartilage
freely movable (diarthrosis joints). Again, there are a few can be worn away by years of constant use, such as when per-
exceptions. forming a sport.

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Types of Synovial Joints
Different types of freely movable joints are listed here and depicted
in Figure 6.22.
yellow bone marrow
Saddle joint. Each bone is saddle-shaped and fits into the com-
spongy bone plementary regions of the other. A variety of movements are
compact bone possible. Example: the joint between the carpal and metacar-
pal bones of the thumb.
joint capsule Ball-and-socket joint. The ball-shaped head of one bone fits into the
cup-shaped socket of another. Movement in all planes, as well as
membrane rotation, are possible. Examples: the shoulder and hip joints.
Pivot joint. A small, cylindrical projection of one bone pivots
joint cavity
(containing synovial fluid) within the ring formed of bone and ligament of another bone.
articular cartilage Only rotation is possible. Examples: the joint between the
proximal ends of the radius and ulna, and the joint between
the atlas and axis (see Fig. 6.10).
Hinge joint. The convex surface of one bone articulates with the
concave surface of another. Up-and-down motion in one
plane is possible. Examples: the elbow and knee joints.
Gliding joint. Flat or slightly curved surfaces of bones articulate.
Sliding or twisting in various planes is possible. Examples:
the joints between the bones of the wrist and between the
bones of the ankle.
Condyloid joint. The oval-shaped condyle of one bone fits into
the elliptical cavity of another. Movement in different planes
Figure 6.20 Generalized anatomy of a synovial is possible, but rotation is not. Examples: the joints between
joint. the metacarpals and phalanges.

Movements Permitted by Synovial Joints

Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons that cross joints.
When a muscle contracts, one bone moves in relation to another
bone. The more common types of movements are described here.
Angular Movements (Fig. 6.23a):
Flexion decreases the joint angle. Flexion of the elbow moves the
skin forearm toward the arm; flexion of the knee moves the leg
toward the thigh. Dorsiflexion is flexion of the foot upward,
as when you stand on your heels; plantar flexion is flexion of
the foot downward, as when you stand on your toes.
fat Extension increases the joint angle. Extension of the flexed el-
bow straightens the upper limb. Hyperextension occurs when
meniscus bursae a portion of the body part is extended beyond 180°. It is pos-
patella sible to hyperextend the head and the trunk of the body, and
joint cavity also the shoulder and wrist (arm and hand).
membrane Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline.
articular For example, adduction of the arms or legs moves them back
cartilage to the sides, toward the body.
bursa Abduction is the movement of a body part laterally, away from
tibia the midline. Abduction of the arms or legs moves them later-
ligament ally, away from the body.
Circular Movements (Fig. 6.23b):
Knee joint, lateral view Circumduction is the movement of a body part in a wide circle,
as when a person makes arm circles. Careful observation of
Figure 6.21 The knee joint. Notice the menisci and the motion reveals that, because the proximal end of the arm
bursae associated with the knee joint.
is stationary, the shape outlined by the arm is actually a cone.

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axis of rotation

(C1 vertebra)

axis Pivot joint

(C2 vertebra)

Saddle joint
Gliding joint


ulna humerus

Condyloid joint

head of humerus scapula

Hinge joint

Ball-and-socket joint

Figure 6.22 Types of synovial joints.

Rotation is the movement of a body part around its own axis, as Special Movements (Fig. 6.23c):
when the head is turned to answer “no” or when the arm is Inversion and eversion apply only to the feet. Inversion is turn-
twisted toward the trunk (medial rotation) and away from the ing the foot so that the sole faces inward, and eversion is
trunk (lateral rotation). turning the foot so that the sole faces outward.
Supination is the rotation of the forearm so that the palm is Elevation and depression refer to the lifting up and down, re-
upward; pronation is the opposite—the movement of the spectively, of a body part, as when you shrug your shoulders
forearm so that the palm is downward. or move your jaw up and down.

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abduction Supination: Inversion:

extension adduction Palm faces Sole of foot
flexion anterior turns inward


adduction pronation

Flexion: Extension: Adduction: Abduction: Rotation: Circumduction: Pronation: Eversion:

Joint angle Joint angle Body part moves Body part moves Body part Body part moves Palm faces Sole of foot
decreases increases toward midline away from midline moves around so that a cone posterior turns outward
its own axis shape is outlined

a. Angular movements b. Circular movements c. Special movements

Figure 6.23 Joint movements. (a) Angular movements increase or decrease the angle between the bones of a joint.
(b) Circular movements describe a circle or part of a circle. (c) Special movements are unique to certain joints.

Joint Damage and Repair sufferers keep moving. Without regular exercise, the muscles
Joints can be damaged, and even destroyed, by overuse or chronic around the joint will atrophy (shrink in size). Tendons and liga-
inflammation. Joint inflammation and destruction is termed ments around a joint weaken, and the bones at a joint can be
arthritis. The most common form, osteoarthritis, is caused by dislocated more easily.
deterioration of the articular cartilage of a joint. The damage might Tissue culture (growing cells outside of the patient’s body in a
be caused by chronic overuse. Typical cases of osteoarthritis are special medium) can help younger people and athletes with knee or
seen in joints of older persons after decades of heavy use, or in ankle injuries to regenerate their own hyaline cartilage. In autolo-
knee joints of football players after constant misuse and/or abuse. gous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) surgery, a piece of healthy
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs when the synovial membrane hyaline cartilage from the patient’s joint is first removed surgically.
becomes inflamed and grows thicker cartilage. RA is caused by The chondrocyte cells are grown outside the body in tissue culture
an autoimmune reaction in which the body’s immune system mis- medium, and then injected into the joint and left to grow. However,
takenly attacks the synovial membrane. RA is more common with ACI isn’t always successful, and it can’t be used for elderly or
age, but it can occur in children and younger adults. Gout, or gouty overweight patients.
arthritis, results from excessive buildup of uric acid (a metabolic When other treatments for arthritis fail, surgical replacement
waste) in the blood. Crystals of uric acid are deposited in the joints, of a joint can restore movement and relieve pain (Fig. 6.24). Knees
causing inflammation. and hips are the most common joints to be replaced, but shoulders,
Arthritis causes joint pain and stiffness. The afflicted joint is elbows, ankles, and even finger joints can be replaced with surgi-
often swollen and may feel warm to the touch. Without the protec- cal implants.
tive hyaline cartilage, exposed bone ends can grate against each After ACI or joint replacement, the patient faces a lengthy
other and cause bone destruction. On an X ray, the joint space is rehabilitation. Physical therapy after ACI will stimulate car-
thinner and narrower than normal. tilage growth without overstressing the area being repaired.
Treatment of arthritis should begin immediately to preserve In joint replacement patients, physical therapy will prevent
function. Pain management is an important first step, followed muscle degeneration and promote bone growth around the new
by physical therapy and exercise. It’s important that arthritis implant.

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femur 6.6 Homeostasis
polyethylene 20. List and discuss six ways the skeletal system contributes to homeo-
stasis. Discuss ways the other systems assist the skeletal system.

The illustration in Human Systems Work Together on page 129

tells how the skeletal system assists other systems and how other
systems assist the skeletal system. Let’s review again the functions
of the skeletal system, but this time as they relate to the other sys-
tems of the body.

a. tibia b.
Skeletal System Interacts with
All Organ Systems
Figure 6.24 Artificial joints in which polyethylene replaces
The bones protect the internal organs. The rib cage protects the
articular cartilage. (a) Knee. (b) Hip.
heart, lungs, and kidneys; the skull protects the brain; and the ver-
tebrae protect the spinal cord. Certain endocrine organs such as
Content CHECK-UP! the pituitary gland, pineal gland, and thymus, are also protected
by bone. The pelvic bones safeguard the pelvic reproductive struc-
13. What are the major unfused synarthrosis and amphiarthrosis tures, thus helping to make reproduction possible.
joints in a newborn? What might happen if these closed The bones assist all phases of respiration. The rib cage assists
prematurely? the breathing process, enabling oxygen to enter the blood. Red
14. The joint found at the elbow is what type of synovial joint? bone marrow produces the blood cells, including the red blood
a. hinge c. saddle cells that transport oxygen to the tissues. Without a supply of oxy-
b. ball-and-socket d. condyloid gen, the cells of the body could not efficiently produce ATP, the
primary cellular energy source.
15. The most common type of arthritis is ______, and involves the
breakdown of ______.
The bones store and release calcium needed by the muscular
and nervous systems. Hormones control the balance between the
Answers in Appendix A.
concentrations of calcium in the bones and in the blood. Calcium
ions play a major role in muscle contraction and nerve conduc-
tion. Calcium ions also help regulate cellular metabolism. Protein
6.5 Effects of Aging hormones, which cannot enter cells, are called the first messenger,
19. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in and a second messenger such as calcium ions jump-starts cellular
the skeletal system as we age. metabolism, directing it to proceed in a particular way.
The bones assist the lymphatic system and immunity. Red bone
Both cartilage and bone tend to gradually deteriorate as a person ages. marrow produces the white cells, which congregate in the lym-
The chemical nature of cartilage changes, and the bluish color typical phatic organs. White blood cells defend the body against pathogens
of young cartilage changes to an opaque, yellowish color. The chon- and cancerous cells. Without the ability to withstand foreign inva-
drocytes die, and reabsorption occurs as the cartilage undergoes cal- sion, the body may quickly succumb to disease and die.
cification, becoming hard and brittle. Calcification interferes with the The bones assist digestion. The bones used for chewing break
ready diffusion of nutrients and waste products through the matrix. food into pieces small enough to be swallowed and chemically di-
The articular cartilage may no longer function properly, and symp- gested. Without digestion, needed nutrients would not enter the body.
toms of osteoarthritis can appear. As you know, decades of constant The skeleton is necessary to locomotion. Our jointed skeleton
heavy use of a joint can speed the development of arthritis. Osteopo- forms a framework for muscle attachment, and muscle contraction
rosis, discussed in the Medical Focus on page 106, is present when causes joint movement. Thus, we can seek out and move to a more
weak and thin bones lead to fractures. However, it’s important to suitable external environment in order to maintain homeostasis.
remember that many of the degenerative changes seen in cartilage and
bone can be slowed or stopped by regular weight-bearing exercise.
Other Body Systems Interact
with the Skeletal System
Content CHECK-UP!
How do the other systems of the body help the skeletal system
16. Imagine that you have a patient whose knee joint has calcified function? The integumentary system and the muscles help the skel-
with age. What motions are most likely to be affected by this etal system protect internal organs. The digestive system absorbs
change? the calcium from food, and the plasma portion of blood transports
Answer in Appendix A. calcium from the digestive system to the bones. The endocrine
system regulates the storage of calcium in the bones, as well as

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 127

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Skeletal Remains
is the initial identification given by law enforcement officials to the
bones of an unidentified human being. The bones may have been found
in the woods by a hiker or a hunter, or in a field after a farmer harvests
his crops. Bones may be uncovered when a building is demolished, or
if natural events such as floods or earthquakes disrupt the soil. Regard-
less of how human bones are found, questions must be answered. Who
was this person? Was this a male or a female, and how old? What was
the person’s ethnicity? How did the person die, and how long ago?
Was this person murdered, or did death come from natural causes?
It’s the job of a forensic anthropologist to collect, analyze, and
ultimately identify the remains. Forensic anthropologists typically
have extensive training in the structure of the human skeleton and are
able to examine the features of the recovered bones. These scientists
rely on a national forensic analysis data bank that contains measure-
a. Female adult skull b. Male adult skull
ments and observations from thousands of skeletons. In addition,
forensic anthropologists are routinely called upon to testify in crimi- Figure 6B Gender differences of the skull. (a) Note that the
nal cases as to a victim’s time and cause of death. female skull is smaller, more delicate, and has a pointed chin.
Clues about the identity and history of a deceased person can be (b) The male skull is large, bulky, and has a squared-off chin.
found throughout the skeleton. Age is approximated by dentition—the
structure of the teeth in the upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (man- Determining the ethnic origin of skeletal remains can be difficult
dible). For example, infants aged 0–4 months have no teeth present; because so many people have a mixed racial heritage. Forensic
children aged approximately 6 through 10 have missing deciduous, or anthropologists rely on observed racial characteristics of the skull. In
“baby” teeth; young adults acquire their last molars, or “wisdom general, individuals of African or African American descent have a
teeth,” around age 20. The age of older adults can be approximated by greater distance between the eyes, eye sockets that are roughly rectan-
the number and location of missing or broken teeth. gular, and a jaw that is large and prominent. Skulls of Native Ameri-
In addition, ossification of bones—that is, replacement of a cans typically have round eye sockets, prominent cheek (zygomatic)
baby/child’s incomplete cartilage skeleton with bone—continues in bones, and a rounded palate. Caucasian skulls usually have a U-shaped
an orderly fashion until about the age of 20. Studying areas of bone palate and a visible suture line between the frontal bones. Addition-
ossification also gives clues to the age of the deceased at the time of ally, the external ear canals in Caucasians are long and straight, so that
death. In older adults, signs of joint breakdown provide additional the auditory ossicles (tiny bones built inside the temporal bone and
information about age. Hyaline cartilage becomes worn, yellowed, used for hearing) are visible.
and brittle with age, and the hyaline cartilages covering bone ends Once the identity of the individual has been determined, the skel-
wear down over time. The amount of yellowed, brittle, or missing etal remains can be returned to the victim’s family for proper burial.
cartilage helps scientists to estimate the person’s age. Although this can be a sorrowful event, the return of physical remains
If skeletal remains include the individual’s pelvic bones, these provides closure and solace to many families. For this reason, special
provide the best method for determining an adult’s gender (see teams of forensic anthropologists employed by the U.S. military are
pages 120–121). The long bones, particularly the humerus and femur, currently researching the identities of bones from soldiers who fought
give information about gender as well. Long bones are thicker and in World War II, as well as the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf, and Iraq/
denser in males, and points of muscle attachment are bigger and more Afghanistan wars. Ancestral remains from Native Americans are pro-
prominent. The skull of a male has a square chin and more prominent tected by the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act,
ridges above the eye sockets or orbits (Figure 6B). and must be returned to the leadership of the tribe.

the growth of bone and other tissues. The cardiovascular system Content CHECK-UP!
transports oxygen and nutrients to bone, and wastes from bone. The
urinary and digestive systems excrete bone wastes. Movement of 17. Which organ systems must cooperate in order to store calcium
the bones would be impossible without contraction of the muscles. in the skeleton?
In these and other ways, the systems of the body help the skeletal Answer in Appendix A.
system carry out its functions.

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Human Systems Work Together SKELETAL SYSTEM

Integumentary System Lymphatic System/Immunity

How the Skeletal

Bones provide support System works with other Red bone marrow
for skin. body systems produces white blood
cells involved in immunity.
Skin protects bones;
helps provide vitamin D Lymphatic vessels pick
for Ca2+ absorption. up excess tissue fluid;
immune system protects
against infections.

Muscular System
Respiratory System
Bones provide attach-
ment sites for muscles;
store Ca2+ for muscle Rib cage protects lungs
function. and assists breathing;
bones provide attach-
Muscular contraction skull ment sites for muscles
causes bones to move involved in breathing.
joints; muscles help
protect bones. Gas exchange in lungs
provides oxygen and rids
body of carbon dioxide.

Nervous System sternum

Digestive System
Bones protect sense cartilage
organs, brain, and spinal upper
cord; store Ca2+ for nerve limb Jaws contain teeth that
function. bones chew food; hyoid bone
vertebrae assists swallowing.
Receptors send sensory
input from bones to central Digestive tract provides
nervous system. Ca2+ and other nutrients
sacrum for bone growth and
Endocrine System

Bones provide protection Urinary System

for glands; store Ca2+
used as second
messenger. Bones provide support
and protection.
Growth hormone
regulates bone develop- lower limb Kidneys provide active
ment; parathyroid bones knee joint vitamin D for Ca2+
hormone and calcitonin absorption and help
regulate Ca2+ content. maintain blood level of
Ca2+ needed for bone
growth and repair.

Cardiovascular System
Reproductive System
Rib cage protects heart;
red bone marrow produces
blood cells; bones store Bones provide support
Ca2+ for blood clotting. and protection of repro-
ductive organs.
Blood vessels deliver
nutrients and oxygen to Sex hormones influence
bones, carry away wastes. bone growth and density
in males and females.

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms flexion (flĕk9shŭn), p. 124 rib cage (rĭb kāj), p. 116
abduction (ăb-dŭk9shŭn), p. 124 fontanel (fŏntŭh-nĕl9), p. 110 rotation (rō-tā9shŭn), p. 125
adduction (ăd-dŭk9shŭn), p. 124 foramen magnum (fŏr-ā9-mĕn măg9nŭm), p. 110 sacrum (sā9krŭm), p. 116
amphiarthrosis (ămfē-ăr-thrō9sĭs), p. 123 gliding joint (glīd9ĭng jōynt), p. 124 saddle joint (săd9ĕl jōynt), p. 124
appendicular skeleton (ăpĕn-dĭk9yū-lĕr hard palate (hărd păl9ut), p. 113 scapulae (skăp9yŭh-lā), p. 118
skĕl9ĕ-tŭn), p. 110 hematopoiesis (hēmăh-tō-pōy-ĕ9sĭs), p. 103 sella turcica (sĕl9ŭh tŭr9sĭk-ŭh), p. 113
appositional growth (ăpŭh-zĭsh9ŭn-ŭl grōth), hinge joint (hĭnj jōynt), p. 124 sinus (sī9nŭs), p. 110
p. 107 humerus (hyū9mŭr-ŭs), p. 119 spongy bone (spŭnj9ē bōn), p. 103
articular cartilage (ăr-tĭk9yū-lĕr kăr9tĭ-lĭj), p. 103 ilium (ĭl9ē-ŭm), p. 120 sternum (stŭr9nŭm), p. 116
articulation (ăr-tĭkyū-lā9shŭn), p. 103 intervertebral disk (ĭntĕr-vĕr9tĕ-brŭl dĭsk), p. 113 supination (sūpĭ-nā9shŭn), p. 125
atlas (ăt-lŭhs), p. 115 intramembranous ossification (ĭntrŭh- suture (sū9chĕr), p. 110
axial skeleton (ăk9sē-ăl skĕl9ĕ-tŭn), p. 109 mĕm9brān-ŭs ŏsŭ-fĭ-kā9shŭn), p. 105 synarthrosis (sĭn-ăr-thrō9sĭs), p. 123
axis (ăk9sĭs), p. 115 inversion (ĭn-vĕr9zhŭn), p. 125 synovial fluid (sĭ-nō9vē-ăl flū9ĭd), p. 123
ball-and-socket joint (băwl and sŏk9ĭt ischium (ĭs9kē-ŭm), p. 120 synovial joint (sĭ-nō9vē-ăl jōynt), p. 123
jōynt), p. 124 ligament (lĭg9ŭh-mĕnt), p. 123 synovial membrane (sĭ-nō9vē-ăl mĕm9brān), p. 123
bony pelvis (bō9nē pĕl9vĭs), p. 120 medullary cavity (mĕd9ū-lārē kăv9ĭ-tē), p. 103 talus (tă9lŭs), p. 123
bursae (bŭr9sā), p. 123 menisci (mĕ-nĭs9kī), p. 123 tarsal bones (tăr9sŭl bōns), p. 123
calcaneus (kăl-kā9nē-ŭhs), p. 123 metatarsal bones (mĕt9ŭh-tăr9sŭl bōnz), p. 123 temporal process (tĕm9pō-rŭl prŏh9sĕs), p. 113
cartilaginous joints (kăr9tŭl-ăj9ŭh-nŭs jōyntz), p. 123 occipital condyle (ŏk9sĭp-ĭ-tŭl kŏn-dīl), p. 110 tibia (tĭb9ē-ŭh), p. 121
circumduction (sĕrkŭm-dŭk9shŭn), p. 124 ossification (ŏs99ĭ-fĭ-kā9shŭn), p. 105 ulna (ŭl9nŭh), p. 119
clavicles (klăv9ĭ-kŭls), p. 118 osteoblast (ŏs9tē-ō-blăst), p. 105 vertebrae (vĕr9tŭh-brā), p. 113
coccyx (kŏk9sĭks), p. 116 osteoclast (ŏs9tē-ō-klăst), p. 105 vertebral column (vĕr9tĕ-brăl kŏh9lŭm), p. 113
compact bone (kŏm9păkt bōn), p. 103 osteocyte (ŏs9tē-ō-sīt), p. 105
condyloid joint (kŏn9dīl-ōyd jōynt), p. 124 osteon (ŏ9stē-ŏn), p. 103 Clinical Key Terms
coxal bone (kŏk9săl bōn), p. 120 osteoprogenitor cells (ŏstē-ō-prō-jĕn9ĭ-tŭr arthritis (ăr-thri9 tĭs), p. 126
depression (dĭ-prĕsh9ŭn), p. 125 sĕlz), p. 105 bursitis (bŭr-sī9tĭs), p. 123
diaphysis (dī-ăf9ĭ-sĭs), p. 103 patella (pŭh-tĕl9 ŭh), p. 121 fracture (frăk9chĕr), p. 108
diarthrosis (dī-ăr-thrō9sĭs), p. 123 pectoral girdle (pĕk9tō-rŭl gĕr9dŭl), p. 118 gout (gŏwt), p. 126
elevation (ĕlŭh-vā9shŭn), p. 125 pelvic girdle (pĕl9vĭk gĕr9dŭl), p. 120 herniated disk (hĕr9nē-ā-tĕd dĭsk), p. 114
endochondral ossification (ĕndō-kŏn9drŭl pelvis (pĕl9-vĭs), p. 120 kyphosis (kī-fō9sĭs), p. 114
ŏsŭh-fĭ-kā9shŭn), p. 105 periosteum (pĕrē-ŏs9tē-ŭm), p. 103 lordosis (lŏr-dō9sĭs), p. 114
epiphyseal plate (ĕpĭ-fĭz9ē-ăl plāt), p. 106 phalanges (fŭh-lăn9jēz), p. 123 mastoiditis (măstōy-dī9tĭs), p. 110
epiphysis (ĕ-pĭf9ĭ-sĭs), p. 103 pivot joint (pĭv9ŭt jōynt), p. 124 osteoarthritis (ŏstē-ō-ăr-thri9 tĭs), p. 126
eversion (ē-vĕr9zhŭn), p. 125 pronation (prō-nā9shŭn), p. 125 osteoporosis (ŏstē-ō-pō-rō9sĭs), p. 107
extension (ĕk-stĕn9shŭn), p. 124 pubic symphysis (pyū9bĭk sĭm9fĭ-sĭs), p. 120 reduction (rĭ-dŭk9shŭn), p. 108
femur (fē9mŭr), p. 121 pubis (pyū9bĭs), p. 120 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), p. 126
fibrous joints (fī9brŭs jōyntz), p. 123 radius (rā9dē-ŭs), p. 119 scoliosis (skōlē-ō9sĭs), p. 114
fibula (fĭb9yŭ-lŭh), p. 121 red bone marrow (rĕd bōn măh9-rō), p. 103 sinusitis (sīnŭh-sī9tĭs) p. 110

6.1 Skeleton: Overview a medullary cavity with yellow C. Table 6.1 describes the different
A. The skeleton supports and pro- marrow and is bounded by com- surface features of bones.
tects the body; produces red pact bone. The epiphyses con- 6.2 Axial Skeleton
blood cells; serves as a store- tain spongy bone with red bone The axial skeleton lies in the midline
house for inorganic calcium and marrow that produces red blood of the body and consists of the skull,
phosphate ions and fat; and cells. Bone is a living tissue. It the hyoid bone, the vertebral
permits flexible movement. develops, grows, remodels, and column, and the thoracic cage.
B. A long bone has a shaft (diaphy- repairs itself. In all these pro- A. The skull is formed by the
sis) and two ends (epiphyses), cesses, osteoclasts break down cranium and the facial bones.
which are covered by articular bone, and osteoblasts build The cranium includes the frontal
cartilage. The diaphysis contains bone. bone, two parietal bones, one

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occipital bone, two temporal C. The pelvic girdle contains two 6.6 Homeostasis
bones, one sphenoid bone, and coxal bones, and forms the pel- A. The bones protect the internal
one ethmoid bone. The facial vis when joined to the sacrum organs: The rib cage protects the
bones include two maxillae, two and coccyx. The female pelvis is heart, lungs, and kidneys; the skull
palatine bones, two zygomatic generally wider and more shal- protects the brain; and the verte-
bones, two lacrimal bones, two low than the male pelvis. brae protect the spinal cord. The
nasal bones, the vomer bone, D. The lower limb contains the femur, bones assist all phases of respira-
two inferior nasal conchae, and the patella, the tibia, the fibula, tion. The rib cage assists the
the mandible. and the bones of the foot (the tar- breathing process, and red bone
B. The U-shaped hyoid bone is lo- sals, metatarsals, and phalanges). marrow produces the red blood
cated in the neck. It anchors the 6.4 Joints (Articulations) cells that transport oxygen. The
tongue and does not articulate Joints are regions of articulation be- bones store and release calcium.
with any other bone. tween bones. They are classified ac- Calcium ions play a major role in
C. The typical vertebra has a body, cording to their structure and/or muscle contraction and nerve
a vertebral arch surrounding the degree of movement. Fibrous joints conduction. Calcium ions also
vertebral foramen, and a spinous are typically immovable, cartilagi- help regulate cellular metabolism.
process. The first two vertebrae nous joints are generally slightly The bones assist the lymphatic
are the atlas and axis. The verte- movable, and synovial joints usually system and immunity. Red bone
bral column has four curvatures are freely movable. marrow produces not only the red
and contains the cervical, tho- A. Fibrous joints include sutures blood cells but also the white
racic, lumbar, sacral, and coccy- and the joints between teeth and blood cells. The bones assist di-
geal vertebrae. Cervical, their sockets. gestion. The bones used for
thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae B. Cartilaginous joints occur where chewing break food into pieces
are separated by intervertebral bones are connected by hyaline small enough for chemical diges-
disks. or fibrocartilage. tion. The skeleton is necessary for
D. The rib cage contains the tho- C. The different kinds of synovial locomotion. Humans have a
racic vertebrae, ribs and associ- joints are ball and socket, hinge, jointed skeleton for the attach-
ated cartilages, and the sternum. condyloid, pivot, gliding, and sad- ment of muscles that move the
6.3 Appendicular Skeleton dle. Movements at joints are bones.
The appendicular skeleton consists broadly classified as angular B. The integumentary and muscular
of the bones of the pectoral girdle, (flexion, extension, adduction, ab- systems help the skeletal system
upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower duction), circular (circumduction, protect organs. The digestive
limbs. rotation, supinatin, pronation), system absorbs calcium that is
A. Each pectoral girdle (shoulder) is and special (inversion, eversion, stored in the skeleton. The endo-
formed by the clavicle and the elevation, and depression). crine system regulates calcium
scapula. D. The most common types of ar- storage and growth of bones.
B. The upper limb contains the thritis are osteoarthritis, rheuma- The cardiovascular system trans-
humerus, the radius, the ulna, toid arthritis, and gout. ports calcium to the skeleton,
and the bones of the hand (the 6.5 Effects of Aging and muscles aid the skeleton in
carpals, metacarpals, and Two fairly common effects of aging movement.
phalanges). on the skeletal system are arthritis
and osteoporosis.

Study Questions
1. What are five functions of the skeleton? 6. List the bones of the axial and appen- 10. What are the bones of the pectoral
(p. 103) dicular skeletons. (Fig. 6.4, pp. 109–110) girdle? Give examples to demon-
2. What are five major categories of 7. What are the bones of the cranium strate the flexibility of the pectoral
bones based on their shapes? (p. 103) and the face? Describe the special girdle. What are the special features
3. What are the parts of a long bone? features of the temporal bones, of a scapula? (p. 118)
What are some differences between sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone. 11. Name the bones of the upper limb,
compact bone and spongy bone? (pp. 110–113) then outline the special features of
(pp. 103–105) 8. What are the parts of the vertebral these bones. (pp. 118–120)
4. How does bone grow in children, and column, and what are its curvatures? 12. What are the bones of the pelvic girdle,
how is it remodeled in all age groups? Distinguish between the atlas, axis, and what are their functions? (p. 120)
(pp. 105–107) sacrum, and coccyx. (pp. 113–116) 13. What are the false and true pelvises,
5. What are the various types of frac- 9. What are the bones of the rib and what are several differences
tures? Outline the four steps that are cage? List several functions of the rib between the male and female pel-
required for fracture repair. (p. 108) cage. (pp. 116–117) vises? (pp. 120–121)

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 131

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14. What are the bones of the lower limb? 16. How can joint movements permitted 18. What functions of the skeletal system
Describe the special features of these by synovial joints be categorized? are particularly helpful in maintaining
bones. (pp. 121–123) Give an example of each category. homeostasis? (pp. 127–129)
15. How are joints classified? Give examples (pp. 124–125)
of each type of joint. (p. 123) 17. How does aging affect the skeletal
system? (p. 127)

Learning Outcome Questions

I. Match the items in the key to the e. olecranon process girdle is specialized
bones listed in questions 1–6. f. acetabulum for ________.
Key: g. greater and lesser trochanters 19. The term phalanges is used for the
a. forehead 7. scapula bones of both the ________ and
b. chin 8. sternum the ________.
c. cheekbone 9. femur 20. The knee is a freely movable (syno-
d. elbow 10. temporal bone vial) joint of the ________ type.
e. shoulder blade 11. coxal bone IV. Match the movement with the
f. hip 12. ethmoid bone description in questions 21–25.
g. leg 13. ulna a. extension
1. temporal and zygomatic bones b. circumduction
III. Fill in the blanks.
2. tibia and fibula c. adduction
14. Long bones are ________ than
3. frontal bone d. flexion
they are wide.
4. ulna e. abduction
15. The epiphysis of a long bone con-
5. coxal bone 21. moving a body part toward the
tains ________ bone, where red
6. scapula midline
blood cells are produced.
II. Match the items in the key to the 16. The ________ are the air-filled 22. moving a body part away from the
bones listed in questions 7–13. spaces in the cranium. midline
Key: 17. The sacrum is a part of the 23. moving a body part in a circle
a. external acoustic meatus ________, and the sternum is a 24. decreasing the angle of a joint
b. cribriform plate part of the ________. 25. increasing the angle of the joint
c. xiphoid process 18. The pectoral girdle is specialized
d. glenoid cavity for ________, while the pelvic

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. chondromalacia (kŏndrō-mŭh- 8. prognathism (prŏg9năh-thĭzm)
derive the definitions for the medical terms lā9shē-ŭh) 9. micropodia (mīkrō-pō9dē-ŭh)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 2. osteomyelitis (ŏstē-ō-mīŭh-lĭ9tĭs) 10. arthroscopic (ărthrō-skŏp9ĭk)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 3. craniosynostosis (krānē-ō-sīnōs-tō9sĭs) 11. bursectomy (bĕr-sĕk9tō-mē)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 4. myelography (mīě-lŏg9rŭh-fē) 12. synovitis (sīn-ō-vī9tĭs)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 5. acrocyanosis (ăkrō-sīŭh-nō9sĭs) 13. acephaly (ā-sĕf9ŭh-lē) and consult 6. syndactylism (sĭn-dăk9tĭ-lĭzm) 14. sphenoidostomy (sfē-nōy-dŏs9tō-mē)
Appendix B. 7. orthopedist (ŏrthō-pē9dĭst) 15. acetabuloplasty (ăs-ě-tăb9yū-lō-plăs-tē)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

132 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

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7 The Muscular System
If you were asked to describe what skeletal muscles do, you’d probably talk
about the conscious limb movements you need for everyday activities like
walking, running, lifting, bending, twisting from side to side, performing sports
activities, and so on. But here’s another skeletal muscle function you might not
have thought of: communication through facial expression. We use over 20
muscles just for facial expression (anatomists disagree on the exact number),
and each performs a very precise movement. It’s interesting to note that
human infants mimic the expressions of their caregivers almost from birth.
Expressing emotions—joy, fear, frustration, unhappiness, loneliness—without
speaking is essential for the baby’s survival, for without this ability the child
couldn’t communicate its needs. Further, facial expressions convey nonverbal
messages between people of all races and cultures. Check out the
expressions of the people pictured here—what do you think each is feeling?
Then, study Figure 7.10 and see if you can determine which facial muscles are
used to make each of these expressions.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

7.1 Functions and Types of 7.3 Muscle Responses 7.7 Homeostasis

Muscles 7. Compare and contrast the behavior 13. Describe how the muscular system
1. Distinguish between the three types of an isolated muscle in the works with other systems of the
of muscles, and tell where they are laboratory with that of an intact body to maintain homeostasis.
located in the body. muscle in the body.
2. Describe the connective tissues of a 8. Contrast slow-twitch, intermediate- Visual Focus
skeletal muscle. twitch, and fast-twitch muscle fibers.
Anatomy of a Muscle Fiber
3. Name and discuss five functions of
skeletal muscles. 7.4 Skeletal Muscles of the Body Focus on Forensics
9. Discuss how muscles work together
Rigor Mortis
7.2 Microscopic Anatomy and to achieve the movement of a bone.
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 10. Give examples to show how muscles
are named. Medical Focus
4. Name the components of a skeletal Benefits of Exercise
muscle fiber, and describe the
function of each. 7.5 Skeletal Muscle Groups Muscular Disorders and Neuromuscular
11. Describe the locations and actions of Disease
5. Explain how skeletal muscle fibers
are innervated and how they the major skeletal muscles of each
contract. body region. Human Systems Work Together
6. Describe how ATP is made available Muscular System
for muscle contraction. 7.6 Effects of Aging
12. Describe the anatomical and
physiological changes that occur in
the muscular system as we age.


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7.1 Functions and Types of Muscles controlled. In Chapter 8, you’ll learn about muscle reflexes, which
happen without any conscious thought.) In this chapter, we will
1. Distinguish between the three types of muscles, and tell where they
are located in the body.
explore why skeletal muscle (and cardiac muscle) is striated.
2. Describe the connective tissues of a skeletal muscle.
3. Name and discuss five functions of skeletal muscles. Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle forms the heart wall. Its fibers are striated and
All muscles, regardless of type, can contract—that is, shorten. When cylindrical and have one or two central nuclei. Because they branch,
muscles contract, some part of the body or the entire body moves. cardiac muscle fibers are able to interlock at intercalated disks.
As you learned in Chapter 4, humans have three types of muscles: Intercalated disks contain gap junctions and adhesion junctions,
skeletal, cardiac, and smooth (Fig. 7.1). The contractile cells of these which permit contractions to spread quickly throughout the heart.
tissues are elongated and therefore are called muscle fibers. Cardiac fibers relax completely between contractions, which pre-
vents fatigue. Contraction of cardiac muscle fibers is rhythmical and
Skeletal Muscle occurs without requiring outside nervous stimulation. Thus, cardiac
Skeletal muscle fibers are cylindrical and have multiple nuclei muscle contraction is involuntary. However, keep in mind that in
around the periphery of the cell, just inside the plasma membrane. order to maintain homeostasis, the nerves that supply the heart can
The fibers have alternating light and dark bands, and you will re- increase or decrease both heart rate and strength of contraction.
member (from Chapter 4) that these are called striations. Skeletal You'll learn more about cardiac muscle in Chapter 12.
muscles attach to the skeleton or directly to the skin (in the case
of facial muscles). Skeletal muscle fibers can run the length of a Smooth Muscle
muscle and therefore can be quite long. Skeletal muscle is volun- Smooth muscle is located in the walls of hollow internal organs
tary because its contraction is always stimulated and controlled by and blood vessels. Its involuntary contractions regulate blood flow
the nervous system. (It’s important to note, however, that though in blood vessels and move materials through hollow organs such as
skeletal muscle is termed voluntary, it is not always consciously the digestive organs, uterus, and urinary bladder. Smooth muscle

muscle fiber

2503 400 3
smooth muscle cell nucleus
2503 intercalated
striation nucleus disk nucleus

Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle

Fiber appearance: striated, cylindrical, Fiber appearance: striated, cylindrical and Fiber appearance: spindle-shaped with
multinucleated branched, one or two nuclei single nucleus
Location: attached to skeleton or skin Location: heart walls Location: walls of hollow organs
Control: voluntary Control: involuntary (e.g., stomach, intestines, urinary
bladder, uterus, blood vessels)
Control: involuntary

Figure 7.1 Types of muscles. The three types of muscles in the body have the appearance and characteristics shown above.

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cells are spindle-shaped: narrow, tapered cylindrical cells with tissue called the perimysium. Finally, the muscle itself is covered
pointed ends. Each cell is uninucleate (has a single nucleus). The by a connective tissue layer called the epimysium. The epimysium
cells are usually arranged in parallel lines, forming sheets. Smooth blends with the deep fascia, a layer of fibrous tissue that surrounds
muscle does not have the striations (bands of light and dark) seen in a set of muscles. Deep fascia separates muscles from each other and
cardiac and skeletal muscle. Although smooth muscle is slower to from the superficial fascia, also called the hypodermis. Remember
contract than skeletal muscle, it can sustain prolonged contractions (from Chapter 5) that the hypodermis is the layer that lies just deep
and does not fatigue easily. to the dermis of the skin. Collagen fibers of the epimysium con-
tinue as a strong, fibrous tendon that attaches the muscle to a bone.
The epimysium merges with the periosteum of the bone.
Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle
Now that you have had a chance to study the similarities and dif-
ferences of the three muscle types, we will return to the chapter's Begin Thinking Clinically
primary focus, which is the study of skeletal muscle.
The deep fascia that surrounds a group of several muscles
is called a muscle compartment. It functions as a tight
Connective Tissue Coverings sleeve containing the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.
Muscles are organs, and as such they contain other types of tis- In a compartment syndrome, swelling inside a compart-
sues, such as nervous tissue, blood vessels, and connective tis- ment increases, choking off the blood supply to the
sue. Connective tissue is essential to the organization of the fibers muscle. This condition can cause complete muscle
within a muscle (Fig. 7.2). First, each fiber is surrounded by a thin destruction and may be fatal. What type of injury could
layer of areolar (loose) connective tissue called the endomysium. cause a compartment syndrome? How could it be
Blood capillaries and nerve fibers reach each muscle fiber by way corrected?
of the endomysium. Second, the muscle fibers are grouped into Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
bundles called fascicles. The fascicles have a sheath of connective


Lateral Medial
superficial fascia
(adipose tissue)
skeletal humerus artery
muscle deep fascia
tendon muscle fascicles
fascicle muscle
deep fascia b.
osseous endomysium
epimysium perimysium
muscle fiber, c.s.
(cut) fascicle, c.s.

fascicle, l.s.

a. c.

Figure 7.2 Connective tissue of a skeletal muscle. (a) Trace the connective tissue of a muscle from the endomysium to the
perimysium to the epimysium, which becomes a part of the deep fascia and from which the tendon extends to attach a muscle to the
periosteum of a bone. (b) Cross section of the arm showing the arrangement of the muscles, which are separated from the skin by fascia.
The superficial fascia contains adipose tissue. (c) Photomicrograph of muscle fascicles from the tongue where the fascicles run in
different directions. (c.s. 5 cross section; l.s. 5 longitudinal section.)

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Functions of Skeletal Muscles microscope shows that these bands are due to the arrangement of
This chapter details skeletal muscles, so it’s important to indepen- protein filaments, called myofilaments, in a muscle fiber.
dently consider their functions (cardiac and smooth muscle func-
tion will be detailed in later chapters). The role of skeletal muscles Structure of a Muscle Fiber
in homeostasis can be summarized:
A muscle fiber contains the usual cellular components, but special
Skeletal muscles support the body. Skeletal muscle contraction names have been assigned to some of these components (note that
opposes the force of gravity, allowing us to remain upright. the terms used to describe muscle start with the prefixes myo- and
Some skeletal muscles are serving this purpose even when sarco-; Table 7.1 and Fig. 7.3). Thus, the plasma membrane is
you think you’re relaxed. called the sarcolemma; cytoplasm is the sarcoplasm; and the en-
Skeletal muscles make bones and other body parts move. doplasmic reticulum is the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A muscle fiber
Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of also has some unique anatomical characteristics. One feature is its
limbs but also for eye movements, facial expressions, and T (for transverse) system; the sarcolemma forms T (transverse)
breathing. tubules that penetrate, or dip down, into the cell so that they come
Skeletal muscles help maintain a constant body temperature. into contact—but do not fuse with—expanded portions of the sar-
Skeletal muscle is thermogenic; that is, its contractions gen- coplasmic reticulum. The expanded portions of the sarcoplasmic
erate heat. Muscle breaks down ATP as it contracts, and heat reticulum are calcium storage sites. Calcium ions (Ca21), as we
energy is distributed around the body. Involuntary muscle will see, are essential for muscle contraction.
contractions that cause shivering help to maintain body tem- The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a fine endomembrane network
perature in the cold. that surrounds hundreds and sometimes even thousands of
Skeletal muscle contraction assists fluid movement in cardiovas- myofibrils, which are bundles of myofilaments. Each myofibril is
cular and lymphatic vessels. The pressure of skeletal muscle about 1 micrometer in diameter. Myofibrils are the parts of muscle
contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and fibers that contract. Any other organelles, such as mitochondria, are
lymph moving in lymphatic vessels. located in the sarcoplasm between the myofibrils. The sarcoplasm
Skeletal muscles help protect bones and internal organs and sta- also contains glycogen, which provides stored energy for muscle
bilize joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in contraction, and the red pigment myoglobin, which binds oxygen
the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle until it is needed for muscle contraction. Muscle is the only tissue
tendons help hold bones together at the joints. that has both myoglobin for a supplemental oxygen supply and gly-
cogen as a nutrient source. Thus, muscle is well-suited to produce the
Content CHECK-UP! enormous amounts of ATP energy needed for muscle contraction.
1. Choose the phrase you could use when describing skeletal
a. has uninucleate cells d. both b. and c.
TABLE 7.1 Microscopic Anatomy of a Muscle
b. can be very long e. all of the above Name  Function
c. is under voluntary control
Sarcolemma Plasma membrane of a muscle fiber that
2. Choose the phrase you could use when describing smooth forms T tubules
Sarcoplasm Cytoplasm of a muscle fiber that contains
a. is multinucleate c. is striated
organelles, including myofibrils
b. has cells arranged in sheets d. fatigues easily
Glycogen A polysaccharide that stores energy for
3. Put the three connective tissue coverings for a muscle muscle contraction
(perimysium, endomysium, epimysium) in order from superfi-
cial to deep. Myoglobin A red pigment that stores oxygen for
muscle contraction
Answers in Appendix A.
T tubule Extension of the sarcolemma that extends
into the muscle fiber and conveys
7.2 Microscopic Anatomy and nerve signals that cause Ca21 to be
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle released from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum into the sarcoplasm
4. Name the components of a skeletal muscle fiber, and describe the
function of each. Sarcoplasmic The smooth ER of a muscle fiber that
5. Explain how skeletal muscle fibers are innervated and how they contract. reticulum stores Ca21
6. Describe how ATP is made available for muscle contraction.
Myofibril A bundle of myofilaments that contracts

We’ve already examined the structure of skeletal muscle as seen with Myofilament Thick and thin filaments whose structure
the light microscope. As you know, skeletal muscle tissue has alternat- and functions account for muscle
striations and contractions
ing light and dark bands, giving it a striated appearance. The electron

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Visual Focus
Visual Focus
Figure 7.3 Anatomy of a muscle fiber. (a) A muscle
fiber contains many myofibrils with the components shown. (b) A
myofibril has many sarcomeres that contain myosin and actin fila-
tendon ments whose arrangement gives rise to the striations so charac-
deep fascia teristic of skeletal muscle. (c), (d) Muscle contraction occurs when
sarcomeres contract and thin filaments slide past thick filaments.
fascicle of muscle cells (fibers)
surrounded by perimysium
muscle fiber surrounded
by endomysium

a. Muscle fiber has

many myofibrils.

one myofibril
muscle myofilament

Z line one sarcomere Z line

T tubule sarcoplasmic nucleus calcium

reticulum storage site

b. A myofibril has many sarcomeres.

myosin head


H zone
Z line A band I band
c. Sarcomeres are relaxed. d. Sarcomeres are contracted.

Myofibrils and Sarcomeres stripes, or striations, of skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the
Myofibrils are cylindrical and run the length of the muscle fiber. placement of myofilaments within the sarcomeres. A sarcomere
Each myofibril is composed of numerous sarcomeres, which are contains two types of protein myofilaments: The thick filaments
microscopic repeating units (Fig. 7.3). Each sarcomere extends are made up of a single protein called myosin. Thin filaments are
between two dark, vertical lines called Z lines. The horizontal made up of three proteins: a globular protein called actin, plus

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tropomyosin and troponin. At both ends of each sarcomere, the Axon terminals contain synaptic vesicles that are filled
I band is light-colored because it contains only thin filaments at- with acetylcholine (ACh), one of a large category of biochemi-
tached to a Z line. Note that I bands overlap adjacent sarcomeres. cals called neurotransmitters. When signals from the brain’s
The dark regions of the A band, found between the I bands of the motor control area travel down the motor neuron and arrive
sarcomere, contain overlapping thick and thin filaments. A good at the axon terminal, the synaptic vesicles release neurotrans-
way to recall the difference between the I band and A band is to mitter into the synaptic cleft. The ACh quickly diffuses across
remember that the letter I is found in the word light. I bands are the cleft and binds to receptors on the sarcolemma. Now the
light because they contain only thin filaments. Likewise, the letter sarcolemma generates an electrical signal, called an action po-
A is part of the word dark. A bands are dark because they contain tential, that spreads over the surface of the sarcolemma. (You
both thick and thin filaments. Directly in the center of the dark A will learn much more about action potentials in Chapter 8.)
band is the lighter H zone, which contains only myosin filaments The action potential signal next spreads down T tubules to the
(Fig. 7.3b and c). sarcoplasmic reticulum, triggering the release of calcium from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium enables the next phase of
muscle fiber contraction, involving interaction between myosin
Myofilaments and actin myofilaments.
The thick and thin filaments differ in the following ways: It’s interesting to note that one of the world’s deadliest poi-
Thick Filaments A thick filament is composed of several hun- sons, a protein produced by the bacterium called Clostridium botu-
dred molecules of the protein myosin. Each myosin molecule is linum, works at the neuromuscular synapse. The botulism toxin
composed of two protein strands, each shaped like a golf club. paralyzes muscle, including respiratory muscles, by blocking the
The straight portions of each strand coil around each other. Each release of acetylcholine from the motor neuron. Without acetylcho-
myosin molecule ends in a double globular head. The paired myo- line, skeletal muscles cannot generate their action potential signals,
sin heads are slanted away from the middle of a sarcomere, to- and poisoning victims die from suffocation. However, the diluted
ward the thin filaments surrounding them. One of the paired heads toxin, called Botox, is routinely used for therapeutic and cosmetic
has an actin binding site that will link to actin in thin filaments reasons. Painful muscle spasms called contractures can be relaxed
during muscle contraction. The second is an enzyme that will with Botox, and it has also been used to treat migraine headaches.
break down cellular ATP to release the energy needed for the Cosmetically, the appearance of facial wrinkles can be reduced by
contraction. paralyzing the muscles of facial expression.

Thin Filaments A thin filament consists primarily of two strands

of the globular protein actin, twisted around each other like inter- The Role of Actin and Myosin Myofilaments
twined bead necklaces. Double strands of tropomyosin coil over Figure 7.5a shows the placement of the three proteins that make up
each actin strand. Troponin occurs at intervals on the tropomyosin a thin filament. Thin filaments are composed of a double row of
strand (see Fig. 7.5a). twisted actin molecules. Threads of tropomyosin wind around each
actin filament, and troponin occurs at intervals along the tropo-
myosin threads. A myosin binding site can be found on each actin
Skeletal Muscle Contraction: The Sliding molecule; when muscle is relaxed, these binding sites are covered
Filament Theory by tropomyosin. Calcium ions (Ca21) that have been released from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum combine with troponin. After binding
Role of the Motor Neuron occurs, the tropomyosin threads shift their position, and myosin
The mechanism behind skeletal muscle contraction is a phenom- binding sites on the actin molecules are exposed.
enon called the sliding filament theory, and it begins with ner- Each one of the paired globular heads of a myosin thick filament
vous stimulation. Muscle fibers are innervated—that is, they are has its own binding sites. One site binds to ATP and then functions
stimulated to contract by nerve cells called motor neurons. Mul- as an ATPase enzyme, splitting ATP into ADP and a phosphate
tiple motor neurons are organized into motor nerves, which are group  P (see Fig. 7.5b, step 1). The energy from this reaction acti-
controlled by a specific motor control area of the brain (Fig. 7.4). vates the second binding site so that it will bind to actin. The ADP
You’ll remember (from Chapter 4) that an axon is the single, long and  P remain on the myosin heads until the heads attach to actin
extension of a neuron. The axon of one motor neuron has several (Fig. 7.5b, step 2). Now, ADP and  P are released, and this causes
branches and can stimulate from a few to several hundred muscle the myosin head to bend sharply toward the center of the sarcomere
fibers of a particular muscle. This entire region is called a motor (Fig. 7.5b, step 3). This action of myosin is called the power stroke,
unit, and it consists of the single motor nerve axon and the entire and it pulls the thin filaments toward the middle of the sarcomere.
collection of muscle fibers it innervates. Each branch of the axon When another ATP molecule binds to a myosin head, the head de-
ends in an axon terminal, an expanded area that lies in close prox- taches from actin (Fig. 7.5b, step 4). The cycle begins again, and
imity to the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber. This region is called the thin filaments move nearer the center of the sarcomere each
the neuromuscular junction. Because a small gap, called a syn- time the cycle is repeated. Some of the myosin heads remain at-
aptic cleft, separates the axon terminal from the sarcolemma, the tached to actin during the cycle while others form new bonds. Thus,
two do not physically touch (Fig. 7.4). the thin filaments don’t slide back to their resting position while a

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motor control Figure 7.4 Neuromuscular junction. (a) The motor
area of brain control area of the brain signals muscles via motor nerves com-
posed of multiple motor neurons. (b) The branch of a nerve
axon ends in an axon terminal that meets but does not touch a
muscle fiber. (c) A synaptic cleft separates the axon terminal
from the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber. (d) Nerve signals
traveling down an axon cause synaptic vesicles to discharge
acetylcholine, which diffuses across the synaptic cleft. When
the neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the sarcolemma
of a muscle fiber, signals begin and lead to muscle fiber

axon of
motor neuron

skeletal muscle fiber

axon branch
axon terminal

b. One motor axon synaptic
goes to several vesicle
muscle fibers.

axon terminal
synaptic vesicle folded
synaptic cleft sarcolemma
sarcolemma ACh receptor

c. A synaptic cleft exists between d. Neurotransmitter (ACh) diffuses across synaptic

an axon terminal and a muscle fiber. cleft and binds to receptors in sarcolemma.

contraction is occurring. Note that ATP has two roles in this pro- completely disappear (Fig. 7.3c and d). It’s important to note
cess: first to energize myosin, and then to break the link between that although the thin filaments slide past the thick filaments, the
myosin and actin. (A good analogy for the sliding filament action myosin filaments do the work with their power stroke. As sar-
of the myosin myofilaments in a sarcomere is a game of tug-of-war. comeres shorten, the myofibril and ultimately the entire muscle
The players on either side can be likened to myosin molecules. As fiber are shortened.
their hands grab, release, and grab the rope again, each side is pulled Contraction continues until nerve signals stop and calcium
toward the other and the distance between them is shortened.) ions are returned to their storage sites. The membranes of the
As the thin filaments slide past the thick filaments toward sarcoplasmic reticulum contain active transport proteins that
the sarcomere’s center, the entire sarcomere shortens (though pump calcium ions back into the interior of the sarcoplasmic
the thick and thin filaments themselves remain the same length). reticulum. Of course, this active transport process also requires
This causes the I band to shorten and the H zone to almost or ATP energy.

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actin filament troponin myosin-binding sites


tropomyosin Troponin— Ca2+ complex pulls tropomyosin

away, exposing myosin-binding sites.

a. Function of Ca2+

actin filament

cross-bridge myosin head

1. ATP is split when myosin

head is unattached.


2. ADP and P are bound to

4. Binding of fresh ATP causes myosin as cross-bridge forms
myosin head to return to between the myosin
resting position. head and actin. myosin


3. Upon ADP and P release,

power stroke occurs; head
bends and pulls actin.

b. Function of myosin c. People playing tug-of-war

Figure 7.5 The role of actin and myosin in muscle contraction. (a) In relaxed muscle, tropomyosin covers myosin binding
sites on actin. Upon its release, calcium binds to troponin, exposing myosin binding sites. (b) After breaking down ATP into ADP and a
phosphate group  P , myosin heads bind to actin filaments, forming cross-bridges. Then, a power stroke causes actin to move.
(c) A tug-of-war game is a good analogy for cross-bridges between myosin and actin. Cross-bridges form, then break and re-form. The
sarcomere, myofibril, and muscle fiber shorten.

Contraction of Cardiac Muscle contains thick and thin filaments. However, in smooth muscle these
filaments are not arranged into myofibrils that create visible stria-
The events of contraction in cardiac muscle are very similar to those
tions. Instead, thin filaments in smooth muscle are anchored directly
in skeletal muscle. However, in cardiac muscle, the calcium needed to
to the sarcolemma or to protein molecules called dense bodies.
bind to troponin comes from outside the cell as well as inside. After the
Dense bodies are scattered through the sarcoplasm. When a smooth
action potential signal in cardiac muscle, calcium diffuses into the sar-
muscle cell contracts, its fibers shorten in all directions, causing the
coplasm and triggers the release of more calcium from the sarcoplas-
cylindrical cell to become more oval in shape. In turn, the entire
mic reticulum. Once calcium has bound to troponin, cross-bridges can
smooth muscle shortens. Smooth muscle contraction occurs very
form between activated myosin and actin, just as in skeletal muscle.
slowly but can last for long periods of time without fatigue.

Contraction of Smooth Muscle Energy for Muscle Contraction

You’ll recall that smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped, that is, ATP produced before strenuous exercise and found in the muscle
uninucleate, cylindrical cells with pointed ends, and that smooth cell  sarcoplasm lasts a few seconds. Then, muscles must manu-
muscle control is involuntary. Like skeletal muscle, smooth muscle facture new ATP in three different ways: creatine phosphate

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breakdown, cellular respiration, and fermentation (Fig. 7.6). Cre- Cellular Respiration
atine phosphate breakdown and fermentation are anaerobic, mean- Cellular respiration completed in mitochondria usually provides
ing that they do not require oxygen. most of a muscle’s ATP. Glycogen and fat are stored in muscle
cells. Therefore, a muscle cell can use glucose from glycogen and
Creatine Phosphate Breakdown fatty acids from fat as fuel to produce ATP if oxygen is available:
Creatine phosphate is a high-energy compound built up when a mus-
cle is resting. Creatine phosphate cannot participate directly in muscle
contraction. Instead, it can recycle ADP inside the cell into ATP by
transferring its phosphate to ADP, using the following reaction:
glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water

ADP ATP The red pigment myoglobin is an oxygen carrier manufactured by

muscle cells, and it is similar to the hemoglobin protein of red blood
creatine phosphate creatine cells. Its presence accounts for the reddish-brown color of skeletal
muscle fibers. Myoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than
This reaction occurs in the midst of sliding filaments, and hemoglobin. Therefore, myoglobin can pull oxygen out
therefore is the speediest way to make ATP available of blood and make it available to muscle mitochondria
to muscles. Creatine phosphate provides enough en- that are carrying on cellular respiration. Then, too,
ergy for only about eight seconds of intense activity, the ability of myoglobin to temporarily store oxy-
and then it is used up. Creatine phosphate is rebuilt gen reduces a muscle’s immediate need for oxygen
when a muscle is resting by transferring a phos- when cellular respiration begins. The end products
phate group from ATP back to creatine (Fig. 7.6a). of cellular respiration (carbon dioxide and water)

In a contracting muscle, ATP is constantly

broken down to ADP and P .

a. To start contracting, muscles break down b. To continue contracting, muscles either carry on cellular respiration
creatine phosphate. (preferred) or carry on fermentation, which can lead to fatigue. A
steady ATP supply is needed to support muscle contraction.
creatine phosphate breakdown O
creates creatine and ATP glucose

phosphate P ADP


oxygen available: oxygen in short supply:

cellular respiration fermentation

in a resting muscle, creatine phosphate

is built up as ATP breaks down to ADP lactate

ATP creatine mitochondrion


creatine CO2
ADP phosphate P

Figure 7.6 Energy sources for muscle contraction. (a) Creatine phosphate can transfer a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP.
(b) Cellular respiration and fermentation also form ATP in muscle tissue.

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are usually no problem in a healthy person’s body. Carbon dioxide
is exhaled by the lungs. Water simply enters the extracellular space, Content CHECK-UP!
and any excess can be excreted by the kidneys. The by-product of 4. The portion of the muscle cell membrane that extends into the
muscular contraction—heat—keeps the entire body warm. muscle and conveys nerve signals is called the:
a. sarcoplasmic reticulum. c. transverse (T) tubules.
Fermentation b. sarcolemma. d. sarcoplasm.
Fermentation, like creatine phosphate breakdown, supplies ATP 5. Thin filaments are composed of which three proteins?
without consuming oxygen. Like creatine phosphate breakdown, 6. Which of the following is the process in a muscle cell that re-
fermentation is an anaerobic process, and it occurs in the sarco- quires oxygen to produce ATP energy?
plasm. Fermentation produces the ATP necessary for short bursts a. fermentation c. cellular respiration
of exercise—for example, a 50-yard dash or a run around the bases
b. creatine phosphate breakdown
in a baseball game. During fermentation, glucose is broken down
Answers in Appendix A.
to lactate (lactic acid):

7.3 Muscle Responses
glucose lactate 7. Compare and contrast the behavior of an isolated muscle in the
laboratory with that of an intact muscle in the body.
The accumulation of lactate in a muscle fiber makes the sar- 8. Contrast slow-twitch, intermediate-twitch, and fast-twitch muscle fibers.
coplasm more acidic, and eventually enzymes cease to function
well. If fermentation continues longer than two or three minutes, Muscles can be studied in the laboratory in an effort to understand
cramping and fatigue set in. Cramping seems to be due to lack of how they respond when in the body.
ATP. As you recall, that is because ATP is needed to pump cal-
cium ions back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and to break the
linkages between the actin and myosin filaments so that muscle
In the Laboratory
fibers can relax. Samples of intact muscle can be taken out of the body and stud-
ied in a laboratory, and these experiments have allowed scientists
to make some important observations about how muscle fibers
Oxygen Debt and entire muscles work. For example, an isolated muscle can be
When a muscle uses fermentation to supply its energy needs, placed in a laboratory solution that provides the ATP, nutrients,
it incurs an oxygen debt. Oxygen debt is obvious when a per- and electrolytes it needs to survive and contract. Next, it is stimu-
son continues to breathe heavily after exercising. The ability lated with an electric shock, whose voltage must be strong enough
to run up an oxygen debt is one of muscle tissue’s greatest as- to make the muscle contract. If a contraction occurs, the electrical
sets. Brain tissue cannot last nearly as long without oxygen as stimulus is called a threshold stimulus; if not, the stimulus is called
muscles can. a subthreshold stimulus. A single threshold stimulus causes the
Repaying an oxygen debt requires replenishing creatine phos- muscle to quickly contract and relax. This action—a single con-
phate supplies and disposing of lactic acid. Lactic acid can be traction that lasts only a fraction of a second—is called a muscle
changed back to a compound called pyruvic acid (or pyruvate) twitch. The mechanical force of contraction is recorded as a visual
and metabolized completely in mitochondria, or it can be sent to pattern called a myogram (Fig. 7.7a).
the liver to reconstruct glycogen. A marathon runner who has just A muscle twitch can be divided into three stages: the latent pe-
crossed the finish line is not exhausted due to oxygen debt. Instead, riod, contraction period, and relaxation period. The latent period
the runner has used up all the muscles’ glycogen supply, and prob- is the interval between the threshold stimulus and the onset of the
ably the liver’s glycogen as well. It takes about two days to replace muscle contraction. During this time, all of the events that lead up to
glycogen stores on a high-carbohydrate diet. cross-bridge formation are occurring in the cell. Acetylcholine dif-
People who train rely more heavily on cellular respiration than fuses across the neuromuscular junction and binds to receptors on the
do people who do not train. In people who train, the number of muscle, the action potential spreads over and throughout the muscle
muscle mitochondria increases, and so fermentation is not needed fibers, and calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The
to produce ATP. Their mitochondria can start consuming glucose contraction period follows the latent period. The muscle physically
and oxygen as soon as the ADP concentration starts rising during shortens during this period as cross-bridges are formed, and thick
muscle contraction. Because mitochondria can break down fatty and thin myofilaments slide past one another. Force generated by the
acids, instead of glucose, blood glucose is spared for the activity muscle increases. Finally, during the relaxation period, muscle force
of the brain. (The brain, unlike other organs, ordinarily utilizes decreases. The muscle returns to its former length as cross-bridges
only glucose to produce ATP.) Because less lactate is produced in break and calcium is returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
people who train, the pH of the blood remains steady, and there is If a muscle twitches and then is allowed to relax in between
less oxygen debt. threshold stimuli, the resulting myogram shows a series of twitches

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with identical force (Fig. 7.7b). However, if the muscle is stimulated
rapidly, the contraction force gradually increases, even if the stimulus
voltage is exactly the same. The more rapidly the muscle is stimu- period
lated, the greater the contraction force becomes. This effect is called
summation (Fig. 7.7c). Scientists believe that summation occurs relaxation

because when the muscle is stimulated quickly enough, there is not
enough time between stimuli to return all the calcium to the sarco- latent
plasmic reticulum. With extra calcium in the sarcoplasm, more cross- period
bridges can be formed after each threshold stimulus. Further, repetitive
muscle contraction also generates heat as ATP is broken down to re- Stimulus Time
lease energy, and scientists believe that muscle enzymes may work
more efficiently to cause contraction when muscle fibers are warmer. a.
During summation, the muscle has less time to relax as the
rate of stimulation increases, and the muscle force becomes more
and more constant. When the muscle is stimulated very rapidly, the
muscle has no time to relax at all. This effect is called tetanus,1
or a tetanic contraction. It can be seen on the myogram as a hori-

zontal line, because muscle force is constant during this period. If
stimulation continues at the same rate, tetanus will continue until
the muscle fatigues. Fatigue occurs when the muscle relaxes even
though stimulation continues, and on the myogram it can be seen
when muscle force falls. There are several reasons why isolated
muscles become fatigued. First, ATP is depleted during constant Time
use of a muscle; the muscle essentially “runs out of energy.” At
the same time, repetitive use causes production of lactic acid by b.
fermentation, which lowers the pH of the sarcoplasm and inhibits
muscle function. In addition, the motor nerves that supply muscle
can run out of their neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.
However, intact muscles in the body rarely fatigue completely
like an isolated muscle in the laboratory does. Muscles are well sup-

plied with blood vessels to transport nutrients and remove lactic acid.
Instead, in the body, fatigue is a gradual weakening that occurs after
repetitive use. In addition, the brain itself may signal a person to stop
exercising, even if the muscles are not truly fatigued. The mechanisms
that cause this muscle fatigue are not well understood. People who
train can exercise for longer periods without experiencing fatigue. Stimuli

In the Body c.

As you know, muscles in the body are stimulated to contract by Figure 7.7. Myograms showing (a) a single twitch, (b) a series
motor nerves composed of motor neurons. The combination of the of twitches, (c) summation of twitches that produces tetanus, or
neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates is called a motor tetanic contraction. Muscle fatigue is caused by pH decrease and
unit. Motor units function according to a property called the all-or- depletion of muscle ATP and acetylcholine.
none law: since all the muscle fibers in a motor unit are stimulated
at once by the same neuron, they all contract simultaneously in
strength it might take to lift a pencil. Now imagine the muscular
response to the neuron, or do not contract. It’s interesting to note
effort needed to lift a book bag loaded with an entire day’s books
that the number of muscle fibers within a motor unit can be quite
and supplies. Increasing a muscle’s contraction strength can be
different. For example, in the ocular muscles that move the eyes,
accomplished by a phenomenon known as recruitment. By in-
the innervation ratio is one motor axon per 23 muscle fibers, while
creasing the intensity of nervous stimulation, the nervous system
in the gastrocnemius muscle of the leg, the ratio is about one motor
can activate, or recruit, more and more motor units, resulting in
axon per 1,000 muscle fibers. No doubt, moving the eyes requires
stronger and stronger muscle contraction. However, while some
finer control than moving the lower limbs.
muscle fibers within a muscle are contracting, others in the same
Changing the strength of a contraction occurs consciously or
muscle are relaxing. This allows a muscle to sustain a contraction
unconsciously throughout one’s day. For example, think about the
for a long period of time. In life, even when muscles appear to be
It’s important not to confuse normal muscle tetanus with the disease of the same name.
at rest, they exhibit tone, in which some of their fibers are always
The disease is caused by a bacterial toxin (see Medical Focus, p. 157). contracting. Muscle tone is particularly important in maintaining

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Rigor Mortis
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter ATP energy is needed to break the bond between an actin binding site
under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die . . . and the myosin cross-bridge. In addition, ATP energy is required for
—Ecclesiastes 3:1,2 KJV muscle relaxation to return calcium ions from the sarcoplasm to the
sarcoplasmic reticulum. Thus, without ATP energy, the muscle
When a person dies, the physiologic events that accompany death occur remains fixed in the same state of contraction that preceded that per-
in an orderly progression. Respiration ceases, the heart ultimately stops son’s death. If, for example, a murder victim dies while sitting at a
beating, and tissue cells begin to die. The first tissues to die are those desk, the body in rigor mortis will be frozen in the sitting position.
with the highest oxygen requirement. Brain and nervous tissues have an Forensic pathologists use body temperature and the presence or
extremely high requirement for oxygen. Deprived of oxygen, these cells absence of rigor mortis to estimate time of death. For example, the
typically die after only six minutes, as the ATP energy reserve within the body of someone who has been dead for 3 hours or less will still be
cell is used up. However, tissues that can produce ATP by fermentation warm (close to normal body temperature, 98.6°F or 37°C) and rigor
(which does not require oxygen) can “live” for an hour or more before mortis will be absent. After approximately 3 hours, the body will be
ATP is completely depleted. Muscle is capable of generating ATP by significantly cooler than normal, and rigor mortis will begin to
both fermentation and creatine phosphate breakdown; thus, muscle cells develop. The corpse of an individual who has been dead at least 8 hours
can survive for a time after clinical death occurs. Muscle death is sig- will be in full rigor mortis, and the temperature of the body will be the
naled by a process termed rigor mortis—the “stiffness of death.” Rigor same as the surroundings. Rigor mortis resolves approximately
mortis develops and reverses itself within a known time period of hours 24–36  hours after death. Muscles lose their stiffness because lyso-
to days after death occurs. Forensic pathologists use this information to somes inside the cell eventually rupture, releasing enzymes that break
study the condition of a body to approximate the time of death. the myosin-actin bonds. Forensic pathologists know that a person has
Rigor mortis occurs as dying muscle cells deplete the last of their been dead for more than 24 hours if the body temperature is the same
ATP energy reserve. Relaxing the muscle becomes impossible because as the environment and there is no longer a trace of rigor mortis.

posture. If all the fibers within the muscles of the neck, trunk, and Slow-Twitch and Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers We’ve seen that
lower limbs were to suddenly relax, the body would collapse. all skeletal muscle fibers metabolize both aerobically (using
oxygen during cellular respiration) and anaerobically (without
Athletics and Muscle Contraction oxygen, using fermentation or creatine phosphate breakdown).
However, some muscle fibers utilize one method more than the
Athletes who excel in a particular sport, and much of the general
other to provide myofibrils with ATP. Slow-twitch and
public as well, are interested in staying fit by exercising. The Medi-
intermediate-twitch muscle fibers tend to be aerobic, and fast-
cal Focus on pages 155–156 outlines the importance of exercising
twitch fibers tend to be anaerobic. Slow-twitch fibers are also
throughout life, and gives suggestions for starting and staying with
referred to as type I fibers, intermediate-twitch fibers are type IIa,
an exercise program.
and fast-twitch fibers are called type IIb fibers.
Exercise and Size of Muscles Muscles that are not used or that Slow-twitch fibers have motor units with a smaller number of
are used for only very weak contractions decrease in size, or atro- fibers. These muscle fibers are most helpful in endurance sports such
phy. Atrophy can occur when a limb is placed in a cast or when the as long-distance running or swimming in a triathlon. Because they
nerve serving a muscle is damaged. If nerve stimulation is not re- produce most of their energy aerobically, they tire only when their
stored, muscle fibers are gradually replaced by fat and fibrous fuel supply is gone. Slow-twitch fibers have many mitochondria that
tissue. Unfortunately, atrophy can cause muscle fibers to shorten can maintain a steady, prolonged production of ATP when oxygen is
progressively, leaving body parts contracted in contorted positions available. An abundant supply of myoglobin, the respiratory pigment
called contractures. found in muscles, gives these fibers a dark color. They are also sur-
Forceful muscular activity over a prolonged period causes rounded by dense capillary beds for a continuous supply of blood and
muscle to increase in size as the size of the individual myofibrils oxygen. Slow-twitch fibers have a low maximum tension, which de-
within the muscle fibers increases. Increase in muscle size, called velops slowly, but these muscle fibers are highly resistant to fatigue.
hypertrophy, occurs only if the muscle contracts to at least 75% Like slow-twitch fibers, intermediate-twitch fibers are well sup-
of its maximum tension. plied with myoglobin and contain many mitochondria. Intermediate-
Some athletes take anabolic steroids, either testosterone or re- twitch fibers have an extensive blood supply as well. However, they
lated chemicals, to promote muscle growth. This practice is quite contract much more quickly and can be described as fast aerobic fibers.
dangerous and has many undesirable side effects, as discussed in Activities that require moderate strength for shorter periods (such as
the Medical Focus on pages 234–235. walking, jogging, or biking) will employ these muscles.

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Fast-twitch fibers have fewer capillaries to supply blood and 7.4 Skeletal Muscles of the Body
oxygen, and they tend to function anaerobically. These fibers are
9. Discuss how muscles work together to achieve the movement of a bone.
light in color because they have fewer mitochondria and little myo-
10. Give examples to show how muscles are named.
globin. They provide explosions of energy and are most helpful in
sports activities such as sprinting, weight lifting, swinging a golf
club, or pitching a baseball. Fast-twitch fibers can develop maxi- The human body has some 600 skeletal muscles, but this text will
mum tension more rapidly, and their maximum tension is greater. discuss only some of the most significant of these. First, let us
However, their dependence on anaerobic energy leaves them vul- consider certain basic principles of muscle contraction.
nerable to an accumulation of lactic acid that causes them to fa-
tigue quickly.
Basic Principles
When a muscle contracts at a joint, one bone remains fairly station-
Content CHECK-UP! ary, and the other one moves. The origin of a muscle is on the station-
ary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on the bone that moves.
7. A motor unit is:
Frequently, a body part is moved by a group of muscles work-
a. a group of myofibrils. ing together. Even so, one muscle does most of the work, and this
b. a group of skeletal muscles that perform a specific function. muscle is called the prime mover or the agonist. For example, in
c. a group of motor nerves in the brain. flexing the forearm at the elbow, the prime mover is the brachialis
d. a motor nerve and all of the muscle fibers it innervates. muscle (Fig. 7.8). The assisting muscles are called the synergists.
The biceps brachii (see Fig. 7.13) is a synergist that helps the bra-
8. An increase in muscle size, caused by increasing the number
of myofibrils in individual muscle cells, is called: chialis flex the elbow. A prime mover can have several synergists.
When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can
a. recruitment. c. atrophy.
only pull; they cannot push. However, agonist muscles are paired
b. hypertrophy. d. tetanic contraction. with antagonists, and antagonistic pairs work opposite one another
9. A certain muscle cell produces most of its energy aerobically, to bring about movement in opposite directions. For example, the
contains many mitochondria, and contracts quickly. What kind brachialis and biceps brachii and the triceps brachii are antagonists;
is it? What kinds of movements is it specialized for, and why? the first pair flexes the forearm, and the other extends the forearm
Answers in Appendix A. (Fig. 7.8). Later on in our discussion, we’ll encounter other an-
tagonistic pairs.

biceps brachii
triceps brachii

biceps brachii

triceps brachii

a. b. c.

Figure 7.8 Origin and insertion. The origin of a muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is
on a bone that moves when a muscle contracts. The two muscles shown here are antagonistic. (a) When the biceps brachii and brachialis
muscles contract, they are agonists that flex the forearm. (b) Strengthening one’s arm muscles using hand weights requires forearm flex-
ion and extension. (c) When the triceps brachii contracts, it is the antagonist muscle that extends the forearm.

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orbicularis oculi
temporalis frontalis
orbicularis oris masseter sternocleidomastoid

trapezius sternocleidomastoid
pectoralis major deltoid
latissimus dorsi
teres major
serratus biceps brachii
anterior triceps brachii
rectus abdominis extensor carpi
brachialis group
external external
oblique oblique
flexor carpi
group gluteus extensor
medius digitorum

rectus femoris pectineus

adductor adductor adductor magnus gluteus maximus
vastus lateralis group
quadriceps vastus medialis biceps femoris
gracilis hamstring
femoris vastus intermedius semitendinosus
group sartorius group
(deep, not shown) semimembranosus
tibialis anterior fibularis longus gastrocnemius
extensor digitorum fibularis longus

calcaneal (Achilles) tendon

Figure 7.9 (a) Anterior view of the body’s superficial skeletal muscles. (b) Posterior view of the body’s superficial skeletal muscles.

Naming Muscles 6. Number of attachments. For example, the biceps brachii

has two attachments, or origins (and is located on the arm).
It’s easier to learn and remember muscle names if you consider
The quadriceps femoris has four origins (and is located on
what each muscle’s name means. The names of the various skel-
the anterior femur).
etal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to
7. Action. For example, the extensor digitorum extends the fin-
characterize muscles:
gers or digits. The adductor magnus is a large muscle that
1. Size. For example, the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle adducts the thigh. Other terms used to indicate action are
that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the flexor (to flex), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).
smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate
size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short). Try to understand the name of every muscle you learn.
2. Shape. For example, the deltoid is shaped like a delta, or trian-
gle, while the trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms Content CHECK-UP!
used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).
3. Direction of fibers. For example, the rectus abdominis is a 10. Which muscle is named for its shape?
longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means straight). a. latissimus dorsi c. gluteus maximus
The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. b. triceps brachii d. frontalis
Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) Answer in Appendix A.
and oblique (diagonal).
4. Location. For example, the frontalis overlies the frontal bone.
The external obliques are located outside the internal
obliques. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis 7.5 Skeletal Muscle Groups
(chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath). 11. Describe the locations and actions of the major skeletal muscles of
You should also review these directional terms: anterior, pos- each body region.
terior, lateral, medial, proximal, distal, superficial, and deep.
5. Attachment. For example, the sternocleidomastoid is attached In our discussion, the muscles of the body (Fig. 7.9) are grouped
to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The brachiora- according to their location and their action. To better understand
dialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius. muscle groups, recall from Chapter 6 that the term arm refers to
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Figure 7.10 Muscles
of the head and neck. Some
of these muscles account for
our facial expressions and the frontalis
ability to chew our food; others
move the head.

orbicularis oculi
levator labii superioris
levator anguli oris
masseter zygomaticus
orbicularis oris
trapezius depressor labii inferioris
depressor anguli oris

the humeral area, whereas the radius/ulna area is referred to as the Buccinator muscles are located in the cheek areas. When a
forearm. Likewise, the femur is the thigh area, whereas the tibia/ buccinator contracts, the cheek is compressed, as when a per-
fibular area is referred to as the leg. son whistles or blows out air. Therefore, this muscle is called
After you understand the meaning of a muscle’s name, try the “trumpeter’s muscle.” Important to everyday life, the
to correlate its name with the muscle’s location and the action it buccinator helps hold food in contact with the teeth during
performs. Knowing the origin and insertion will also help you re- chewing. Babies use this muscle for suckling. It is also used
member what the muscle does. Why? Because the insertion is on in swallowing, as discussed next.
the bone that moves. You should review the various body move- Zygomaticus extends from each zygomatic arch (cheekbone) to
ments listed and illustrated in Figure 6.23. Once you’re finished, the corners of the mouth. It raises the corners of the mouth
you’ll be able to understand the actions of the muscles listed in when a person smiles.
Tables 7.2 to 7.5. Scientific terminology is necessary because it Levator anguli oris and levator labii superioris muscles lift the
allows all persons to know the exact action being described for upper edge and corners of the lip. Simultaneously contract-
that muscle. ing these muscles on both sides of the mouth helps produce a
smile. However, a person will sneer if he uses only the set on
one side of his mouth.
Muscles of the Head Depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris pull the
The muscles of the head and neck, the first group of muscles we’ll lower edge and corners of the lip down, as when a person is
study, are illustrated in Figure 7.10 and listed in Table 7.2. The mus- frowning or a child is pouting.
cles of the head are responsible for facial expression and mastication
(chewing). One muscle of the head and several muscles of the neck
allow us to swallow. The muscles of the neck also move the head. Muscles of Mastication
We use the muscles of mastication when we chew food or bite
something. Although there are four pairs of muscles for chewing,
Muscles of Facial Expression only two pairs are superficial and shown in Figure 7.10. As you
The muscles of facial expression are located on the scalp and face. might expect, both pairs insert on the mandible.
These muscles are unusual in that they insert into and move the
skin. Therefore, we expect them to move the skin and not a bone. Each masseter has its origin on the zygomatic arch and its
As you know from the chapter introduction, these muscles com- insertion on the mandible. The masseter is a muscle of
municate whether we are surprised, angry, fearful, happy, and so mastication (chewing) because it is a prime mover for elevat-
forth. ing the mandible.
Each temporalis is a fan-shaped muscle that overlies the tempo-
Frontalis lies over the frontal bone; it raises the eyebrows and ral bone. It is also a prime mover for elevating the mandible.
wrinkles the brow. Frequent use results in furrowing of the The masseter and temporalis are synergists.
Orbicularis oculi is a ringlike band of muscle that encircles
(forms an orbit about) the eye. It causes the eye to close or Muscles of the Neck
blink, and is responsible for “crow’s feet” at the eye corners. Deep muscles of the neck (not illustrated) are responsible for swal-
Orbicularis oris encircles the mouth and is used to pucker the lips, as lowing. Superficial muscles of the neck move the head (Table 7.2
in forming a kiss. Frequent use results in lines about the mouth. and Fig. 7.10).
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TABLE 7.2 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Name Function Origin/Insertion


Frontalis (frŭn-tă9lĭs) Raises eyebrows Cranial fascia/skin and muscles around eye
Orbicularis oculi (ōr-bĭk9yū-lā-rĭs ŏk9yū-lī) Closes eye Maxillary and frontal bones/skin around eye
Orbicularis oris (ōr-bĭk9yū-lā-rĭs ō9rĭs) Closes and protrudes lips Muscles near the mouth/skin around mouth
Buccinator (bŭk9sĭ-nātōr) Compresses cheeks inward Outer surfaces of maxilla and mandible/
orbicularis oris
Zygomaticus (zīgō-măt9ĭk-ŭs) Raises corner of mouth Zygomatic bone/skin and muscle around mouth
Levator labii superioris (lŭh-vā9 tĕr lā9bē-ī Lifts the lip Zygomatic bone/skin and muscles of upper lip
Levator anguli oris (lŭh-vā9tĕr ăn9 gū-lī ō9rĭs) Lifts the corner of the mouth Maxilla/corner of upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris (dŭh-prĕs9ōr lā9bē-ī Pulls the lip inferiorly Mandible/skin of inferior lip
Depressor anguli oris (dŭh-prĕs9ōr ăn9gū-lī ō9rĭs) Pulls the corner of the mouth inferiorly Mandible/skin of lower corner of the mouth
Masseter (măs-sē9tĕr) Closes jaw Zygomatic arch/mandible
Temporalis (tĕm-pō-ră9lĭs) Closes jaw Temporal bone/mandibular coronoid process
Sternocleidomastoid Flexes head and rotates head Sternum and clavicle/mastoid process of
(stĕrnō-klīdō-măs9tōyd) temporal bone
Trapezius (trŭh-pē9zē-ŭs) Extends head and adducts scapula Occipital bone, C7 vertebra, all thoracic
vertebrae/spine of scapula and clavicle

Swallowing at a joint and extension is a movement that increases the angle at a

Swallowing is an important activity that begins after we chew our joint. Recall that abduction is a movement away from the midline
food. First, the tongue (a muscle) and the buccinators squeeze of the body, whereas adduction is a movement toward the midline.
the food back along the roof of the mouth toward the pharynx. Also, rotation is the movement of a part around its own axis.
An important bone that functions in swallowing is the hyoid (see Sternocleidomastoid muscles ascend obliquely from their origin
Figure 6.4). As you know, the hyoid is the only bone in the body on the sternum and clavicle to their insertion on the mastoid
that does not articulate (form a joint) with another bone. process of the temporal bone. Which part of the body do you
Muscles that lie superior to the hyoid, called the suprahyoid mus- expect them to move? When both sternocleidomastoid mus-
cles, and muscles that lie inferior to the hyoid, called the infrahyoid cles contract, flexion of the head occurs. When only one con-
muscles, move the hyoid. Because these muscles lie deep in the neck, tracts, the head turns to the opposite side. If you turn your
they are not illustrated in Figure 7.10. The suprahyoid muscles pull the head to the right, you can see how the left sternocleidomas-
hyoid forward and upward toward the mandible. Because the hyoid is toid shortens, pulling the head to the right.
attached to the larynx, this pulls the larynx upward and forward. The Each side of the trapezius muscle is triangular, but together, they
epiglottis now lies over the glottis and closes the respiratory passages. take on a diamond or trapezoid shape. The origin of the tra-
Small palatini muscles (not illustrated) pull the soft palate backward, pezius is at the base of the skull. Its insertion is on the clavi-
closing off the nasal passages. Pharyngeal constrictor muscles (not il- cles and scapula. You would expect the trapezius muscles to
lustrated) push the bolus of food into the pharynx, which widens when move the scapulae, and they do. They adduct the scapulae
the suprahyoid muscles move the hyoid. The hyoid bone and larynx when the shoulders are shrugged or pulled back. The trape-
are returned to their original positions by the infrahyoid muscles. No- zius muscles also help extend the head, however. The prime
tice that the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles are antagonists. movers for head extension are actually deep to the trapezius
and not illustrated in Figure 7.10.
Muscles That Move the Head
Two muscles in the neck are of particular interest: The sternoclei- Muscles of the Trunk
domastoid and the trapezius are listed in Table 7.2 and illustrated in The muscles of the trunk are listed in Table 7.3 and illustrated
Figure 7.10. Recall that flexion is a movement that closes the angle in Figure 7.11. The muscles of the thoracic wall are primarily

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Superficial Deep Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
trapezius sternocleidomastoid The abdominal wall has no bony reinforcement (Fig. 7.11). The
wall is strengthened by four pairs of muscles that run at angles to
deltoid one another. The external and internal obliques and the transversus
major abdominis occur laterally, but the fasciae of these muscle pairs meet
at the midline of the body, forming a tendinous area called the linea
external alba. The rectus abdominis is a superficial medial pair of muscles.
serratus intercostals All of the muscle pairs of the abdominal wall compress the
abdominal cavity and support and protect the organs within the
linea alba internal intercostals abdominal cavity.
(band of rectus abdominis External and internal obliques occur on a slant and are at right
connective tissue) transversus abdominis
angles to one another. They are located between the lower
external internal oblique
ribs and the pelvic girdle. The internal obliques are deep to
the external obliques. These muscles also aid trunk rotation
and lateral flexion.
Transversus abdominis, deep to the obliques, extends horizon-
tally across the abdomen. The obliques and the transversus
Figure 7.11 Muscles of the anterior shoulder and trunk. The abdominis are synergistic muscles.
right pectoralis major is removed to show the deep muscles of Rectus abdominis has a straplike appearance but takes its name from
the chest. the fact that it runs straight (rectus means straight) up from the
pubic bones to the ribs and sternum. These muscles also help
flex and rotate the lumbar portion of the vertebral column.

involved in breathing. The muscles of the abdominal wall protect Muscles of the Shoulder
and support the organs within the abdominal cavity.
Muscles of the shoulder are shown in Figures 7.11 and 7.12. They
are also listed in Table 7.4. The muscles of the shoulder attach the
Muscles of the Thoracic Wall scapula to the thorax and move the scapula; they also attach the
External intercostal muscles occur between the ribs; they origi- humerus to the scapula and move the arm.
nate on a superior rib and insert on an inferior rib. These
muscles elevate the rib cage during the inspiration phase of Muscles That Move the Scapula
Of the muscles that move the scapula, you know (from page 148)
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that, as you know,
that the trapezius adducts the scapulae.
separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity (see
Fig. 1.5). The diaphragm is the primary muscle for respira- Serratus anterior is located below the axilla (armpit) on the lat-
tion, and it is the only muscle used during normal, quiet eral chest. It runs between the upper ribs and the scapula. It
breathing. holds the scapula near the thorax, pulling it forward (as when
Internal intercostal muscles originate on an inferior rib and in- we’re pushing on something in front of us). Because this
sert on a superior rib. These muscles depress the rib cage and muscle causes a fast-forward jab of the arm, it is often called
contract only during a forced expiration. Normal expiration the boxer’s muscle. It also helps to elevate the arm above the
does not require muscular action. horizontal level.

TABLE 7.3 Muscles of the Trunk

Name Function Origin/Insertion
External intercostals Elevate rib cage for inspiration Superior rib/inferior rib
Internal intercostals Depress rib cage for forced expiration Inferior rib/superior rib
External oblique Tenses abdominal wall; lateral rotation of trunk Lower eight ribs/iliac crest
Internal oblique Tenses abdominal wall; lateral rotation of trunk Iliac crest/lower three ribs
Transversus abdominis Tenses abdominal wall Lower six ribs/pubis
Rectus abdominis Flexes and rotates the vertebral column Pubis, pubic symphysis/xiphoid process of sternum,
fifth to seventh costal cartilages

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rotator cuff
deltoid infraspinatus muscles
teres minor
teres minor

serratus anterior

latissimus dorsi

external oblique

Figure 7.12 Muscles of the posterior shoulder. The right trapezius and latissimus dorsi
are removed to show the deep muscles that move the scapula, as well as three of the four rotator
cuff muscles.

TABLE 7.4 Muscles of the Shoulder and Upper Limb

Name Function Origin/Insertion
Serratus anterior Depresses scapula and pulls it forward; Upper nine ribs/vertebral border of scapula
elevates arm above horizontal
Deltoid Abducts arm to horizontal Acromion process, spine of scapula, and clavicle/
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Pectoralis major Flexes, medially rotates, and adducts arm Clavicle, sternum, second to sixth costal cartilages/
intertubular groove of humerus
Latissimus dorsi Extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm Iliac crest/intertubular groove of humerus
Rotator cuff Angular and rotational movements of arm Scapula/humerus
(supraspinatus, infraspinatus,
subscapularis, teres minor)
Biceps brachii Flexes arm and forearm; supinates forearm Scapula/radial tuberosity
Triceps brachii Extends arm and forearm Scapula, proximal humerus/olecranon process of ulna
Brachialis Flexes forearm Anterior humerus/coronoid process of ulna
Flexor carpi and extensor carpi Move wrist and hand Humerus/carpals and metacarpals
Flexor digitorum and extensor Move fingers Humerus, radius, ulna/phalanges

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supraspinatus rotator
infraspinatus cuff
deltoid teres minor muscles
biceps brachii
pectoralis triceps brachii
lateral head triceps extensor carpi
biceps brachii, group
long head brachii
long head brachialis
biceps brachii, latissimus dorsi
short head flexor carpi extensor
brachialis group digitorum

a. Anterior view b. Posterior view

Figure 7.13 Muscles of the upper limb. (a) Muscles of

the anterior arm and shoulder. (b) Muscles of the posterior arm and c. d.
shoulder. (c) Muscles of the anterior forearm. (d) Muscles of the
posterior forearm.

Muscles That Move the Arm refers to its two heads that attach to the scapula, where it
Deltoid is a large, fleshy, triangular muscle (deltoid in Greek originates. The biceps brachii inserts on the radius.
means triangular) that covers the shoulder and causes a bulge Brachialis originates on the humerus and inserts on the ulna. It is
in the arm where it meets the shoulder. It runs from both the a muscle of the distal anterior humerus and lies deep to the
clavicle and the scapula of the pectoral girdle to the humerus. biceps brachii. It is the strongest forearm flexor muscle, and
This muscle abducts the arm to the horizontal position. the biceps brachii is its synergist.
Pectoralis major (Fig. 7.11) is a large anterior muscle of the upper Triceps brachii is the only muscle of the posterior arm
chest. It originates from a clavicle, but also from the sternum (Fig. 7.13b). As its name implies, it has three heads. The
and ribs. It inserts on the humerus. The pectoralis major flexes long head originates from the scapula and humerus, while the
the arm (raises it anteriorly). It also medially rotates and ad- medial and lateral heads only originate from the humerus.
ducts the arm, pulling it toward the chest. All three heads join in a common tendon that inserts on the
Latissimus dorsi (Fig. 7.12) is a large, wide, triangular muscle of ulna. The triceps extends the arm and forearm. The triceps is
the back. This muscle originates from the lower spine and also used in tennis to do a backhand volley.
sweeps upward to insert on the humerus. The latissimus dorsi
extends, medially rotates, and adducts the arm (brings it down Muscles of the Forearm
from a raised position). This muscle is very important for
The muscles of the forearm move the hand and fingers. They are
swimming, rowing, and climbing a rope.
illustrated in Figure 7.13c,d and listed in Table 7.4. Note that in
Rotator cuff (Figs. 7.12 and 7.13). This group of muscles is so
anatomical position, extensors of the wrists and fingers are on the
named because their tendons help form a cuff over the proximal
posterior and lateral forearm and flexors are on the anterior and
humerus. There are four rotator cuff muscles. Three are located
medial forearm.
on the posterior scapula: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres
minor. The last rotator cuff muscle is the subscapularis muscle Flexor carpi and extensor carpi muscles primarily originate on
located on the anterior surface of the scapula. These muscles lie the humerus and insert on the bones of the hand. The flexor
deep to those already mentioned, and they are synergists to them. carpi flex the wrists and hands, and the extensor carpi extend
the wrists and hands.
Flexor digitorum and extensor digitorum muscles also primar-
Muscles of the Arm ily originate on the humerus and insert on the bones of the
The muscles of the arm move the forearm. They are illustrated in hand. The flexor digitorum (not shown) flexes the wrist and
Figure 7.13 and listed in Table 7.4. fingers, and the extensor digitorum extends the wrist and
fingers (i.e., the digits).
Biceps brachii is a muscle of the proximal anterior arm
(Fig. 7.13a) that is familiar because it bulges when the
forearm is flexed. It also assists in flexing the arm at the Muscles of the Hip and Lower Limb
shoulder, and supinates the hand when a doorknob is turned The muscles of the hip and lower limb are listed in Table 7.5 and
or the cap of a jar is unscrewed. The name of the muscle shown in Figures 7.14 to 7.17. These muscles, particularly those

Chapter 7 The Muscular System 151

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TABLE 7.5 Muscles of the Hip and Lower Limb

Name  Function  Origin/Insertion 


Iliopsoas (ĭl9ē-ō-sō9ŭs) Flexes thigh Lumbar vertebrae, ilium/lesser trochanter of femur

Gluteus maximus Extends thigh Posterior ilium, sacrum/proximal femur

Gluteus medius Abducts thigh Ilium/greater trochanter of femur

Adductor group Adducts thigh Pubis, ischium/femur and tibia


Quadriceps femoris group Extends leg, steadies hip joint, and Ilium, femur/patellar tendon that continues as a
assists in thigh flexion ligament to tibial tuberosity

Sartorius Flexes leg; flexes, abducts and Ilium/medial tibia

laterally rotates thigh

Hamstring group Flexes and rotates leg medially, Ischial tuberosity/lateral and medial tibia
and extends thigh


Gastrocnemius (găstrŏk-nē9mē-ŭs) Flexes leg; plantar flexion and Condyles of femur/calcaneus by way of Achilles tendon
eversion of foot

Tibialis anterior (tĭbē-ă9lĭs ăn-tē9rē-ōr) Dorsiflexion and inversion of foot Condyles of tibia/tarsal and metatarsal bones

Fibularis group Plantar flexion and eversion of foot Fibula/tarsal and metatarsal bones

Flexor and extensor digitorum longus Moves toes Tibia, fibula/phalanges

of the hips and thigh, tend to be large and heavy because they are illustrated in Figure 7.15. (The third gluteal muscle, gluteus mini-
used to move the entire weight of the body and to resist the force of mus, is deep to both and therefore not shown in the figure.)
gravity. Therefore, they are important for movement and balance.
Gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body and covers
a large part of the buttock (gluteus means buttocks in Greek).
Muscles That Move the Thigh It originates at the ilium and sacrum, and inserts on the
The muscles that move the thigh have at least one origin on the femur. The gluteus maximus is a prime mover of thigh ex-
pelvic girdle and insert on the femur. Notice that the iliopsoas is tension, as when a person is walking, climbing stairs, or
an anterior muscle that moves the thigh, while the gluteal mus- jumping from a crouched position. Notice that the iliopsoas
cles (“glutes”) are posterior muscles that move the thigh. The ad- and the gluteus maximus are antagonistic muscles.
ductor muscles are medial muscles (Figs. 7.14 and 7.15). Before Gluteus medius lies partly behind the gluteus maximus
studying the action of these muscles, review the movement of the (Fig. 7.15). It runs between the ilium and the femur, and
hip joint when the thigh flexes, extends, abducts, and adducts (see functions to abduct the thigh. The gluteus maximus assists
Chapter 6, pp. 124–126). the gluteus medius in this function. Therefore, they are
synergistic muscles.
Iliopsoas (includes psoas major and iliacus) originates at the
Adductor group muscles (pectineus, adductor longus, adductor
ilium and the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, and inserts on
magnus, gracilis) are located on the medial thigh (Fig. 7.14).
the femur medially (Fig. 7.14). This muscle is the prime
All of these muscles originate from the pubis and ischium,
mover for flexing the thigh and also the trunk, as when
and insert on the femur; the deep adductor magnus is shown
we bow. As the major flexor of the thigh, the iliopsoas is im-
in Figure 7.14. Adductor muscles adduct the thigh—that is,
portant to the process of walking. It also helps prevent the
they lower the thigh sideways from a horizontal position.
trunk from falling backward when a person is standing erect.
Because they squeeze the thighs together, these are the
The gluteal muscles form the buttocks. We will consider only muscles that keep a rider on a horse. Notice that the glutes
the gluteus maximus and the gluteus medius, both of which are and the adductor group are antagonistic muscles.

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gluteus medius

gluteus maximus

iliacus adductor magnus

psoas major
biceps femoris
semitendinosus group
sartorius pectineus
adductor longus adductor
gracilis group
adductor magnus
quadriceps femoris femoris
(3 superficial muscles vastus calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
shown; vastus lateralis
intermedius is deep) vastus quadriceps tendon
medialis patella
Figure 7.15 Muscles of the posterior right
patellar ligament
hip and thigh.

Figure 7.14 Muscles of the anterior right hip

and thigh. thigh. Their strong tendons can be felt behind the knee.
These same tendons are present in hogs and were used by
butchers as strings to hang up hams for smoking—hence, the
name. Notice that the quadriceps femoris group and the ham-
Muscles That Move the Leg
string group are antagonistic muscles in that the quads ex-
The muscles that move the leg originate from the pelvic girdle or tend the leg and the hamstrings flex the leg. Likewise, the
femur and insert on the tibia. They are listed in Table 7.5 and il- quads assist in flexing the thigh, while the hamstrings extend
lustrated in Figures 7.14 and 7.15. Before studying these muscles, the thigh.
review the movement of the knee when the leg extends and when
it flexes (see Chapter 6, pp. 124–126).
Muscles That Move the Ankle and Foot
Quadriceps femoris group (rectus femoris, vastus Muscles that move the ankle and foot are shown in Figures 7.16
lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius), also known as and 7.17.
the “quads,” is found on the anterior and medial thigh. The
rectus femoris, which originates from the ilium, is external Gastrocnemius is a muscle of the posterior leg, where it forms
to the vastus intermedius, and therefore the vastus interme- a large part of the calf. It arises from the femur; distally, the
dius is not shown in Figure 7.14. These muscles are the pri- muscle joins the strong calcaneal tendon, which attaches to
mary extensors of the leg, as when you kick a ball by the calcaneus bone (heel). The gastrocnemius is a leg
straightening your knee. They also stabilize the hip and as- flexor, but its most important function is to act as a power-
sist in thigh flexion. ful plantar flexor of the foot that aids in pushing the body
Sartorius is a long, straplike muscle that has its origin on the iliac forward during walking or running. It is sometimes called
spine and then goes across the anterior thigh to insert on the the “toe dancer’s muscle” because it allows a person to
medial side of the knee (Fig. 7.14). Because this muscle stand on tiptoe.
crosses both the hip and knee joint, it acts on the thigh in ad- Tibialis anterior is a long, spindle-shaped muscle of the anterior
dition to the leg. The insertion of the sartorius is such that it leg. It arises from the surface of the tibia and attaches to the
flexes both the leg and the thigh. It also abducts and laterally bones of the ankle and foot. Contraction of this muscle
rotates the thigh, enabling us to sit cross-legged, as tailors causes dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot.
were accustomed to do in another era. Therefore, it is some- Fibularis muscles (fibularis longus, fibularis brevis) are found
times called the “tailor’s muscle,” and in fact, sartor means on the lateral side of the leg, connecting the fibula to the
tailor in Latin. metatarsal bones of the foot. These muscles evert the foot
Hamstring group (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semiten- and also help bring about plantar flexion.
dinosus) is located on the posterior thigh (Fig. 7.15). Notice Flexor (not shown) and extensor digitorum longus muscles
that these muscles also cross the hip and knee joint because primarily originate from the tibia and insert on the toes.
they have origins on the ischium and insert on the tibia. They They flex and extend the toes, respectively, and assist in
flex and rotate the leg medially, but they also extend the other movements of the feet.

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biceps femoris

fibularis ligament head of fibula
tibialis tibialis anterior
brevis gastrocnemius
digitorum fibularis longus
extensor digitorum
fibularis brevis

fibularis tertius
calcaneal tendon

Figure 7.16 Muscles of the anterior right leg.

Figure 7.17 Muscles of the lateral right leg.

Begin Thinking Clinically
Have you ever sat cross-legged for a long period of time?
When you unfolded your legs to stand, you experienced an to stimulate muscle buildup. As discussed in the Medical Focus,
uncomfortable tingling sensation and you were unable to Benefits of Exercise on pages 155–156, exercise has many other
lift your foot (a condition called a foot-drop). The foot- benefits as well. For example, exercise improves the cardiovascular
drop resulted from compressing the nerve supplying the system and reduces the risk of elevated blood sugar, metabolic syn-
muscles that lift your foot. Which muscles are these? drome, diabetes, and glycation. During glycation, excess glucose
Answer and discussion in Appendix A. molecules stick to body proteins so that the proteins no longer have
their normal structure and cannot function properly. Exercise burns
glucose and, in this way, helps prevent muscle deterioration.
Content CHECK-UP!
11. Which muscle of facial expression is also used for swallowing? Content CHECK-UP!
a. frontalis c. zygomaticus 13. A scientist is comparing muscle cells obtained from a 20-year
b. masseter d. buccinator old man and a 85-year old man. What differences does this re-
12. Imagine you’ve heard some great news and a big smile spreads searcher observe in these cells?
over your face. What muscles might you use to create it? Answer in Appendix A.
Answers in Appendix A.

7.7 Homeostasis
7.6 Effects of Aging 13. Describe how the muscular system works with other systems of the
12. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the body to maintain homeostasis.
muscular system as we age.
The illustration in Human Systems Work Together on page 158
Muscle mass and strength tend to decrease as people age. How tells how the muscular system works with other systems of the
much of this is due to lack of exercise and a poor diet is under body to maintain homeostasis.
careful study. Deteriorated muscle elements are replaced initially Cardiac muscle contraction accounts for the heartbeat, which
by connective tissue and, eventually, by fat. With age, degenerative creates blood pressure, the force that propels blood in the arter-
changes take place in the mitochondria, and endurance decreases. ies and arterioles. The walls of the arteries and arterioles contain
Also, changes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems adversely smooth muscle. Constriction of arteriole walls is regulated to help
affect the structure and function of muscles. maintain blood pressure. Arterioles branch into the capillaries,
Muscle mass and strength can improve remarkably if elderly where exchange takes place that creates and cleanses tissue fluid.
people undergo a training program. Exercise at any age appears Blood and tissue fluid are the internal environment of the body, and

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Benefits of Exercise

What’s at the top of many New Year’s resolution lists every January 1? diabetics who exercise regularly can often reduce or even eliminate
You guessed it: get more exercise! Have you ever made that resolu- the need for insulin and other medications.
tion, only to find yourself floundering and failing? Keep reading to Exercise protects your heart, blood vessels, and your brain.
learn why it’s best to stick with your New Year’s exercise plan, The life-long benefits of exercise are most apparent with regard to
instead of admitting defeat when February 1 rolls around. cardiovascular health. Regular exercise raises the blood levels of
Exercise builds muscles and saves your skeleton. Exercise high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the so-called “good cholesterol”; see
programs improve muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. Chapter 12), and lowers blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL,
Muscular strength is the force a muscle (or muscle group) can or “bad cholesterol”). These effects protect both the heart and all
exert against resistance. Muscle endurance is the muscle’s ability blood vessels—including those supplying the brain—from long-term
to contract repeatedly or to sustain a contraction for an extended damage. Thus, regular exercise reduces the risk of heart attack and
time. Muscle flexibility is tested by measuring a joint’s range of stroke.
motion. Further, it’s important to get moving to protect your brain. Exer-
As muscular strength improves, the muscle’s overall size cise can help to moderate the effects of depression because it leads to
increases. Muscle fibers synthesize more thick and thin myofila- an increase in the level of brain neurotransmitters that naturally ele-
ments, and myofibrils increase in size. Though muscle fibers don’t vate mood. Both chronic depression and poor cardiovascular health
reproduce by mitosis, they do enlarge by creating these new myofi- are strongly linked to the development of dementia, including
brils. Simultaneously, the total protein, numbers of capillaries, and Alzheimer disease.
the amounts of connective tissue, including tissue found in tendons Exercise helps prevent cancer. You know (from Chapter 4)
and ligaments, also increase. Physical training with weights can that cancer prevention requires eating properly, not smoking, and
improve muscular strength and endurance in all adults, regardless avoiding exposure to radiation and cancer-causing chemicals. To
of age. detect cancer early, when it’s most curable, you’ll need to undergo
Over time, increased muscle strength creates stronger bones appropriate medical screening tests and know the early warning
and increases joint stability. Exercise also helps prevent osteoporo- signs of cancer. But did you know that exercise also leads to a
sis, the condition described in Chapter 6 in which the bones are reduced risk of certain kinds of cancer? Evidence shows that people
weak and easily broken. Exercise stimulates the activity of osteo- who exercise are less likely to develop colon, breast, cervical, uter-
blasts (the bone building cells) in young and old alike, and even ine, and ovarian cancer.
those with joint diseases such as osteoarthritis can benefit. Patients So how do you keep that promise you made to yourself to get
who regularly exercise report much less pain, swelling, fatigue, and more exercise? Remember to use the acronym SMART as you plan
depression. your exercise routine. Studies show that successful people choose
Exercise helps control weight and keeps blood sugar con- specific and measurable goals, for starters. So instead of “exercise
centration in the normal range. Increased activity can help to take more,” maybe it’s “attend three workout classes at the gym each
off unwanted pounds and to keep them off (and that’s no surprise, week” or “take a 30-minute walk around the block five times a
right?). Moreover, glucose moves into muscle cells during contrac- week.” Activity plans must be attainable and realistic as well. If you
tion, which reduces the amount of glucose in the blood. As a result, can’t fit those three workout classes into your frantically busy life,
blood glucose homeostasis is maintained. This is extremely important why not schedule two instead, and walk in between? Realistic exer-
for your overall health, not just your waistline. Excess body weight cisers who stick with their programs also choose activities they
and elevated blood glucose levels contribute to metabolic syndrome already enjoy and will be more likely to keep doing. Finally, any
and type II diabetes, two disorders of glucose metabolism (see exercise goal must be time-limited—have a definite end time—or you
pages 230–231). Long-term complications of diabetes include kidney just might get burned out. Check out Table 7A for ways to include
failure, blindness, and cardiovascular disease. However, type II exercise in your lifestyle.


Chapter 7 The Muscular System 155

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TABLE 7.A A Variety of Ways to Stay Fit

Children, 7–12 Teenagers, 13–18 Adults, 19–65 Seniors, 65 and Older

How much time should I Vigorous activity Vigorous activity for 1 hour 3–5 days a week; Moderate exercise for
spend exercising? for 1–2 hours otherwise, 30–45 minutes of moderate 1 hour daily, 3 days a
daily activity. Can be broken up into three week; otherwise,
10–15 minute segments if needed. 30–45 minutes of daily
moderate activity. Can
be divided into three
10–15 minute segments.
Exercise at School or Work Physical education classes. Walk or cycle Taking the stairs, Taking the stairs, parking at
to school whenever possible parking at a distant a distant space, walking
space, walking or or cycling to work or to
cycling to work. volunteer activities.
Exercising at Home Free play Build muscle with Build muscle with Do daily stretching
resistance resistance exercise. exercises. Take a daily
exercise. Aerobic Aerobic exercise to walk with a dog.
exercise to prevent lower back Gardening.
control buildup pain: stretching,
of fat cells yoga
Exercising Socially Build motor skills Continue team Find exercise Try low-impact aerobics;
through team sports, dancing, partners: join a before undertaking new
sports, dance, swimming. Try a running club, exercises, consult with
swimming. new sport or bicycle club, outing your doctor.
activity. group
Innovating and Keeping it Fun Initiate family Try tennis, Take active vacations: Learn a new sport or
outings: golfing, swimming, hike, bicycle, activity: golf, fishing,
boating, horseback cross-country ski. doubles tennis, ballroom
camping, hiking riding—sports dancing
that can be
enjoyed for a

without cardiac and smooth muscle contraction, blood would never contraction accounts for peristalsis, the process that moves food
reach the capillaries for exchange to take place. Blood is returned to along the digestive tract. Without this action, food would never
the heart in cardiovascular veins, and excess tissue fluid is returned reach all the organs of the digestive tract where digestion releases
to the cardiovascular system within lymphatic vessels. In turn, skel- nutrients that enter the bloodstream. As part of the urinary system,
etal muscle contraction presses on the cardiovascular veins and lym- smooth muscle contracts to assist in the voiding of urine, which is
phatic vessels, and this creates the pressure that moves fluids in both necessary for ridding the body of metabolic wastes and for regulat-
types of vessels. Without the return of blood to the heart, circulation ing the blood volume, salt concentration, and pH of internal fluids.
would stop, and without the return of lymph to the blood vessels, Contraction of the skeletal muscles that are part of the respira-
normal blood pressure could not be maintained. tory system raises and lowers the rib cage and diaphragm during
The contraction of sphincters composed of smooth muscle fi- the active phases of breathing. As we breathe, oxygen enters the
bers temporarily prevents the flow of blood into a capillary. This blood and is delivered to the tissues, including the muscles, where
is an important homeostatic mechanism because in times of emer- ATP is produced in mitochondria with heat as a by-product. The
gency it is more important, for example, for blood to be directed to heat produced by skeletal muscle contraction allows the body tem-
the skeletal muscles than to the tissues of the digestive tract. perature to remain within the normal range for human beings.
Skeletal muscle in the abdominopelvic region protects all the The muscular system maintains the integrity of the skeletal
internal organs it covers. In the digestive system, smooth muscle system. Repetitive skeletal muscle contraction helps build bone,

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Muscular Disorders and Neuromuscular Disease

During the course of a lifetime, nearly everyone will suffer from some infection and toxin production. Though antibiotics will kill the bacte-
type of muscular disorder. Muscular disorders cover a wide spectrum ria, once the toxin is circulating in the bloodstream, it cannot be
in terms of severity. Minor muscle irritation, inflammation, or injury removed or neutralized. Because muscles can’t relax, the patient can-
may resolve without any medical care. However, many diseases not breathe or swallow, and death may occur due to respiratory fail-
affecting the neuromuscular system are extremely serious and eventu- ure. Immunization and periodic booster shots will prevent the toxin’s
ally prove to be fatal. effects (see Immunization: The Great Protector, pages 309–310).
Spasms are sudden, involuntary muscular contractions, most Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition whose symptoms include
often accompanied by pain. Spasms can occur in both smooth and achy pain, tenderness, and stiffness of muscles. Its precise cause is not
skeletal muscles. A spasm of the intestinal tract is a “bellyache”; most known, though 80–90% of sufferers are women. Substance P, a neu-
such spasms are not serious. Multiple spasms of skeletal muscles are rotransmitter (messenger chemical) of pain pathways in the brain, has
called convulsions. Cramps are strong, painful spasms, especially of been found in the bloodstream of affected individuals. Exercise seems
the leg and foot, usually due to strenuous athletic activity. Cramps to decrease blood levels of substance P. Therapeutic massage, over-
typically occur after a strenuous workout, and may even occur when the-counter pain medication, and muscle relaxants are also
sleeping. Facial tics, such as periodic eye blinking or grimacing, are recommended.
spasms that can be controlled voluntarily but only with great effort. Muscular dystrophy is a broad term applied to a group of
Muscles, joints, and their connective tissues are often subject to disorders that causes progressive degeneration and weakening of
overuse injuries: strains, sprains, and tendinitis. A strain is caused by muscles. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their
stretching or tearing of a muscle. A sprain is the twisting of a joint, place. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the most common type, is
leading to swelling and injury not only of muscles but also of liga- inherited through a flawed gene carried by the mother. It is now
ments, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves. The ankle and knee are two known that the lack of a protein called dystrophin causes the condi-
areas often subject to sprains. Tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon tion. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and
due to repeated athletic activity. The tendons most commonly affected activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. Treatment includes
are those associated with the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. muscle injections with immature muscle cells that do produce
Overuse injuries are often minor and can be treated with pain dystrophin.
medication and rest. However, an individual should seek medical Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease characterized by
attention if the injured area is extremely painful, hot, or swollen, or if weakness that especially affects the muscles of the eyelids, face, neck,
accompanied by a fever. and extremities. Muscle contraction is impaired because the immune
system mistakenly produces antibodies that destroy acetylcholine
Neuromuscular Diseases receptors on the sarcolemma. (Recall that acetylcholine is the neu-
Neuromuscular disease can result from pathologic changes to the rotransmitter released by motor neurons.) In many cases, the first
muscle itself. It can also result from excessive motor nerve stimula- signs of the disease are drooping eyelids and double vision. Treatment
tion, or from damage or destruction of the motor neurons that supply includes drugs that inhibit the enzyme that digests acetylcholine, thus
the muscle. allowing it to accumulate.
The disease tetanus develops in persons who have not been Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is often called Lou
properly immunized against the toxin of the tetanus bacterium. Teta- Gehrig’s disease, after its most famous victim, the 1930s-era baseball
nus toxin shuts down brain areas that normally inhibit unnecessary player. ALS sufferers experience the gradual death of their motor
muscle contractions. As a result, excessive brain stimulation causes neurons, thus losing the ability to walk, talk, chew, swallow, etc. Intel-
muscles to lock in a tetanic contraction (from which the disease gets lect and sensation are not affected, however. Drugs can slow the dis-
its name). A rigidly locked jaw is one of the first signs of bacterial ease’s progression, but ALS is always fatal.

and it strengthens joints by stabilizing their movements. Finally, Content CHECK-UP!

body movements allow us to perform those daily activities nec-
essary to our health and benefit. Although it may seem as if 14. How does skeletal muscle assist the heart and blood vessels
movement of our limbs does not affect homeostasis, it does so by in maintaining blood pressure in the normal range?
allowing us to relocate our bodies to keep the external environment Answer in Appendix A.
within favorable limits for our existence.

Chapter 7 The Muscular System 157

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Human Systems Work Together MUSCULAR SYSTEM

Integumentary System Lymphatic System/Immunity

Muscle contraction How the Muscular Skeletal muscle

provides heat to warm System works with other contraction moves
skin. Muscle moves skin body systems lymph; physical exercise
of face. enhances immunity.

Skin protects muscles; Lymphatic vessels pick

rids the body of heat pro- up excess tissue fluid;
duced by muscle immune system protects
contraction. against infections.

Skeletal System Respiratory System

Muscle contraction Muscle contraction
causes bones to move assists breathing;
joints; muscles help physical exercise
protect bones. increases respiratory
Bones provide attach-
ment sites for muscles; Lungs provide oxygen
store Ca 2+ for muscle for, and rid the body of,
function. carbon dioxide from
contracting muscles.

Nervous System
Digestive System
Muscle contraction
moves eyes, permits Smooth muscle
speech, creates facial contraction accounts for
expressions. peristalsis; skeletal
muscles support and
Brain controls nerves
help protect abdominal
that innervate muscles;
receptors send sensory
input from muscles to Digestive tract provides
brain. glucose for muscle acti-
vity; liver metabolizes
lactic acid following
Endocrine System anaerobic muscle
Muscles help protect
Urinary System
Androgens promote
growth of skeletal Smooth muscle
muscle; epinephrine contraction assists
stimulates heart and voiding of urine; skeletal
constricts blood vessels. muscles support and
help protect urinary
Cardiovascular System
Kidneys maintain blood
Muscle contraction levels of Na+ , K+, and
keeps blood moving in Ca2+ , which are needed
heart and blood vessels. for muscle innervation,
and eliminate creatinine.
Blood vessels deliver
nutrients and oxygen to
muscles, carry away
Reproductive System
Muscle contraction
occurs during orgasm
and moves gametes;
abdominal and uterine
muscle contraction
occurs during childbirth.

Androgens promote
growth of skeletal

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms oxygen debt (ŏk9sĭ-jĕn dĕbt), p. 142 Clinical Key Terms
A band (ā bănd), p. 138 power stroke (pŏw9ĕr strōk), p. 138 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) p. 157
acetylcholine (ŭh-sē’ tŭhl-kō’’ lēn) p. 138 prime mover (prīm mū9vĕr), p. 145 atrophy (ăt9rō-fē), p. 144
actin (ăk9tĭn), p. 137 recruitment (rē-krūt9mĕnt), p. 143 botulism toxin (bŏt’ yū-lĭzm tŏks’ ĭn), p. 138
agonist (ăg' ō-nĭst), p. 145 sarcomere (săr9kō-mēr), p. 137 compartment syndrome (kŭm-părt9mĕnt
all-or-none law (ăwl-ŏr-nŭn lăw), p. 143 skeletal muscle (skĕl9ĕ-tŭl mŭs9ŭl), p. 134 sĭn-drōm), p. 135
anaerobic (ăn’ ŭh rō” bĭk), p. 141 sliding filament theory (slī9dĭng fĭl9ŭh-mĕnt convulsion (kŭn-vŭl9shŭn), p. 157
thē9ō-rē), p. 138 cramps (krămpz), p. 157
antagonist (ăn-tăg9ō-nĭst), p. 145
smooth muscle (smūth mŭs9ŭl), p. 134 fatigue (fŭh-tēg9), p. 143
cardiac muscle (kăr9dē-ăk mŭs9ĕl), p. 134
striations (strī ā shŭnz), p. 134 fibromyalgia (fībrō-mī-ăl9jē-ŭh), p. 157
creatine phosphate (krē9ŭh-tĭn fŏs9fāt), p. 141
summation (sŭh-mā9shŭn), p. 143 hypertrophy (hī-pĕr9trō-fē), p. 144
H zone (h zōn), p. 138
synergist (sĭn9ĕr-jĭst), p. 145 muscular dystrophy (mŭs9kyū-lĕr dĭs9trŭh-fē),
I band (ī bănd), p. 138
tendon (tĕn9dŭn), p. 135 p. 157
insertion (ĭn-sĕr9shŭn), p. 145
tetanic contraction (tĕ-tăn9ĭk kŭn-trăk9shŭn), myasthenia gravis (mīăs-thē9nē-ŭh
motor unit (mō9tōr yū9nĭt), p. 138
p. 143 grăh9vĭs), p. 157
muscle fiber (mŭs9ŭl fī9bĕr), p. 134
tetanus (tĕ’ tăn-ŭs), p. 143 spasm (spăzm), p. 157
muscle twitch (mŭs9ŭl twĭch), p. 142
thick filaments (thĭk fil9 uh-ments), p. 137 sprain (sprān), p. 157
myofibril (mīō-fī9brĭl), p. 136
thin filaments (thĭn fil9 uh-ments), p. 137 strain (strān), p. 157
myoglobin (mīō-glō9bĭn), p. 136
tone (tōn), p. 143 tendinitis (tĕndĕ-nī9tĭs), p. 157
myosin (mī9ō-sĭn), p. 137
T (transverse) tubules p. 136 tetanus [disease] (tĕt9ŭh-nŭs), p. 157
neuromuscular junction (nūrō-mŭs9kyū-lĕr
tropomyosin (trō9pō-mī9ŭh-sĭn), p. 138 tics (tĭks), p. 157
jŭnk9shŭn), p. 138
troponin (trō9pō-nĭn), p. 138
origin (ōr9ĭ-jĭn), p. 145
Z line (z līn), p. 137

7.1 Functions and types of muscles vessels, help protect internal or- fiber and ultimately the entire
Three types of muscle tissue are gans, and stabilize joints. muscle then shorten.
found in the body. 7.2 Microscopic Anatomy and Contrac- D. Since cardiac muscle is also stri-
A. Skeletal muscle is striated and tion of Skeletal Muscle ated, the contraction mechanism
largely voluntary, and attaches A. The muscle cell plasma mem- is very similar to that of skeletal
to the skeleton and skin. Cardiac brane, or sarcolemma, extends muscle.
muscle, found in the heart wall, into the muscle fiber to form T E. Smooth muscle has thick and
is striated, involuntary, and tubules. The sarcoplasmic reticu- thin myofilaments, but they
doesn't fatigue. Smooth muscle lum stores calcium. The arrange- aren’t arranged in a way that cre-
is involuntary, not striated, and is ment of actin and myosin ates striations.
located in the walls of internal myofilaments in a myofibril cre- F. ATP, required for muscle con-
organs and blood vessels. ates the striations of skeletal traction, can be generated by
Though it contracts slowly, it can muscle. way of creatine phosphate
sustain longer contractions. B. Skeletal muscle innervation oc- breakdown and fermentation.
B. Individual skeletal muscle cells, curs at neuromuscular junc- G. Lactic acid from fermentation
called muscle fibers, are sur- tions. Electrical signals called causes an oxygen debt because
rounded by endomysium. Bun- action potentials travel down oxygen is required to metabolize
dles of muscle fibers, called the T tubules and cause the re- this product. Cellular respiration,
fascicles, are surrounded by lease of calcium from calcium an aerobic process, is the best
perimysium. Epimysium envel- storage in the sarcoplasmic re- source of ATP.
ops the entire muscle and is ticulum. 7.3 Muscle Responses
continuous with the muscle ten- C. When calcium binds to troponin, A. In the laboratory, muscles that
don. Skeletal muscles support myosin myofilaments bind to ac- are stimulated with a single
the body, make bones move, tin myofilaments. The myosin threshold stimulus will contract
help maintain a constant body power stroke causes actin to in a twitch. The occurrence of a
temperature, assist movement in slide past myosin, shortening muscle twitch or tetanic contrac-
cardiovascular and lymphatic sarcomere length. The muscle tion depends on the frequency

Chapter 7 The Muscular System 159

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with which a muscle is stimu- movement, some act as prime mov- 7.6 Effects of Aging
lated. Muscle fatigue occurs ers or agonists, others as synergists, As we age, muscles become weaker,
when ATP or acetylcholine are and still others as antagonists. but exercise can help retain vigor.
depleted, or if the muscle pH de- 7.5 Skeletal Muscle Groups 7.7 Homeostasis
creases because of lactic acid The skeletal muscles of the body are Smooth muscle contraction helps
produced by fermentation. divided into those that move: the move blood in the circulatory
B. In the body, muscle fibers belong head and neck (see Table 7.2); the system and food in the digestive
to motor units. The strength of trunk (see Table 7.3); the shoulder system, and allows the urinary
muscle contraction depends on and arm (see Table 7.4); the forearm bladder to empty. Cardiac muscle
the recruitment of motor units. A (see Table 7.4); the hand and fingers contraction pumps the blood. Skel-
muscle has tone because some (see Table 7.4); the thigh (see etal muscle contraction produces
fibers are always contracting. Table 7.5); the leg (see Table 7.5); heat and is needed for breathing.
7.4 Skeletal Muscles of the Body and the ankle and foot (see
When muscles cooperate to achieve Table 7.5).

Study Questions
1. Name and describe the three types of 6. What is the difference between a sin- 11. Which muscles of the neck flex and ex-
muscles, and give a general location gle muscle twitch, summation, and a tend the head? (pp. 147–148)
for each type. (pp. 134–135) tetanic contraction? (pp. 142–143) 12. What are the muscles of the thoracic
2. List and discuss five functions of skel- 7. What is the all-or-none law? What is wall? What are the muscles of the ab-
etal muscles. (p. 136) muscle tone? How does muscle dominal wall? (pp. 148–149)
3. Describe the anatomy of a muscle, contraction affect muscle size? 13. Which of the muscles of the shoulder
from the whole muscle to the myofila- (pp. 143–145) and upper limb move the arm and fore-
ments within a sarcomere. Name the 8. Describe how muscles are attached to arm, and what are their actions? Name
layers of fascia that cover a skeletal bones. Define the terms prime mover, the muscles that move the hand and
muscle and divide the muscle interior. synergist, agonist, and antagonist. (p. 145) fingers. (pp. 149–151)
(pp. 135–138) 9. How do muscles get their names? Give 14. Which of the muscles of the hip move
4. List the sequential events that occur an example for each characteristic used the thigh, and what are their actions?
after a nerve signal reaches a muscle. in naming muscles. (p. 146) Which of the muscles of the thigh
(pp. 138–140) 10. Which of the muscles of the head are move the leg, and what are their ac-
5. How is ATP supplied to muscles? What used for facial expression? Which are tions? Which of the muscles of the leg
is oxygen debt? (pp. 140–142) used for chewing? (pp. 147–148) move the feet? (pp. 151–154)

Learning Outcome Questions

I. Fill in the blanks. 7. The is a muscle in the III. Match the muscles in the key to the
1. muscle is uninucle- arm that has two origins. actions listed in questions 13–18.
ated, nonstriated, and located in 8. The acts as the origin Key:
the walls of internal organs. of the latissimus dorsi, and the a. orbicularis oculi
2. The fascia called acts as the insertion b. zygomaticus
separates muscle fibers from one during most activities. c. deltoid
another within a fascicle. d. serratus anterior
II. For questions 9–12, name the muscle
3. When a muscle fiber contracts, an e. rectus abdominis
indicated by the combination of origin
myofilament slides f. iliopsoas
and insertion shown.
past a myosin myofilament. g. gluteus maximus
Origin Insertion
4. The energy molecule h. gastrocnemius
9. temporal bone mandibular
is needed for muscle fiber
coronoid 13. Allows a person to stand on tiptoe
process 14. Tenses abdominal wall
5. Whole muscles have ,
10. scapula, clavicle humerus 15. Abducts arm
a condition in which some fibers
11. scapula, proxi- olecranon 16. Flexes thigh
are always contracted.
mal humerus process 17. Raises corner of mouth
6. When muscles contract, the
of ulna 18. Closes eyes
does most of the
12. posterior ilium, proximal femur
work, but the help.

160 PART II Support, Movement, and Protection

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Medical Terminology Exercise
After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. hyperkinesis (hīpĕr-kĭ-nē9sĭs) 6. leiomyoma (līō-mī-ō9mŭh)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. electromyogram (ē-lĕktrō-mī9ō-grăm) 7. kinesiotherapy (kĭ-nēsē-ō-
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and suf- 3. meniscectomy (mĕnĭ-sĕk9tō-mē) thĕr9ŭh-pē)
fixes used to create these terms can be 4. tenorrhaphy (tĕ-nōr9ă-fē) 8. myocardiopathy (mīō-kărdē-ŏp9ŭh-
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 5. myatrophy (mī-ăt9rō-fē) thē)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at and consult
Appendix B.

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 7 The Muscular System 161

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8 The Nervous System

B e careful about how quickly you eat that ice cream, or you’ll get a “brain
freeze”! The trigeminal nerve, one of twelve paired cranial nerves, is part
of this phenomenon. Scientists believe that “brain freeze”—a brief, stabbing
headache caused by very cold food or beverages—occurs because cold
narrows blood vessels on the roof of the mouth and in the forehead. It’s the job
of the trigeminal nerve to react to cold, signaling brain blood vessels to widen
and carry warm blood to the “frozen” area. However, the wider blood vessels
stimulate pain nerves in nearby tissues. The response is the trigeminal nerve’s
way of telling you to slow down while you eat. You can read more about the
trigeminal nerve on page 181.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

8.1 Nervous System 9. Name the twelve pairs of cranial Visual Focus
nerves, and give a function for each.
1. Describe the three functions of the Synapse Structure and Function
­nervous system. 10. Name several peripheral nerves, and
­describe the spinal nerves which
2. Describe the structure of a neuron combine to create each one. Explain Medical Focus
and the functions of the three types the function of each of these
of ­neurons. Research on Alzheimer Disease:
peripheral nerves. Causes, Treatments, Prevention, and Hope
3. Explain how a nerve signal is 11. Describe the structure of a reflex for a Cure
conducted along a nerve and across arc and the function of a reflex
a synapse. action. What’s New
12. Define and describe the autonomic
8.2 Central Nervous System nervous system.
Epidural Stimulation in Spinal Cord Injuries:
Cause for Hope
4. Describe the three layers of 13. Distinguish between the
meninges, and state the functions of Brain in a Petri Dish: A Human Model for
sympathetic and parasympathetic Alzheimer Research
the meninges. divisions in four ways, and give
5. Describe the location and function of examples of their respective effects
cerebrospinal fluid. on specific organs. I.C.E. — In Case of Emergency
6. Describe in detail the structure of the Traumatic Brain Injury
spinal cord, and state its functions. 8.4 Effects of Aging
7. Outline the major parts of the brain 14. Describe the anatomical and Visual Focus
and the lobes of the cerebral cortex. physiological changes that occur in Autonomic System Structure and Function
State functions for each structure. the ­nervous system as we age.
Human Systems Work Together
8.3 Peripheral Nervous System 8.5 Homeostasis Nervous System
8. Describe the structure of a nerve, 15. Describe how the nervous system
and distinguish between sensory, works with other systems of the
motor, and mixed nerves.
Medical Focus
body to maintain homeostasis.
Parkinson’s Disease


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 8.1   Nervous System Muscle ­contractions, gland secretions, and changes in organ
function are responses to stimuli received by sensory recep-
1. Describe the three functions of the ­nervous system.
tors. For example, when adjusting body temperature, the hy-
2. Describe the structure of a neuron and the functions of the three
types of ­neurons. pothalamus triggers shivering—skeletal muscles contract
3. Explain how a nerve signal is conducted along a nerve and across a rhythmically, producing heat that warms the body.
It is important to stress that the nervous system maintains homeo-
stasis by receiving sensory information, integrating that informa-
The nervous system has three specific functions: tion, and making an appropriate response.
1. Sensory input. Sensory receptors in skin and organs respond
to external and internal stimuli by generating nerve signals
that travel to the brain and spinal cord. For example, temper-
Divisions of the Nervous System
ature sensors in the skin may signal to the brain that the air The nervous system has two major divisions: the central nervous
surrounding the body is cold. system and the peripheral nervous system (Fig. 8.1). The central
2. Integration. The brain and spinal cord interpret the data nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and spinal cord, which
received from sensory receptors all over the body, and signal have a central location—they lie in the midline of the body. The
the appropriate nerve ­responses. To continue the example of peripheral nervous system (PNS), which is further divided into
body temperature, sensory information from temperature the afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) divisions, includes all
receptors is sent to the hypothalamus, the brain center that the cranial and spinal nerves. Nerves have a peripheral location
controls body temperature. in the body, meaning that they project out from the central ner-
3. Motor output. The nerve signals from the brain and spinal vous s­ ystem. The division between the central nervous system and
cord go to the effectors, which are muscles, glands, and the peripheral nervous system is arbitrary; the two systems work
organs—in other words, structures that will have an effect. ­together, as we’ll see.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

brain spinal cord


cervical spinal
spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

sensory (afferent) nerves — motor (efferent) nerves —

thoracic spinal carry sensory information carry motor information
nerves into brain and spinal cord from CNS to effectors

radial somatic sensory autonomic motor

somatic motor
nerve nerves: signals visceral sensory nerves: signals
lumbar spinal nerves: signals
nerves from skin, nerves: to smooth
to skeletal
skeletal muscles, signals from muscle, cardiac
median muscles,
nerve joints, tendons, body organs muscle, glands,
sacral spinal special senses involuntary

sympathetic parasympathetic
division division
“fight or flight” “rest and digest”

a. b.

  Figure 8.1  Organization of the nervous system in humans. (a) This pictorial representation shows the central nervous s­ ystem
(CNS; composed of brain and spinal cord) and some of the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). (b) The CNS and PNS communi-
cate with each other. Somatic sensory and visceral sensory nerves carry information to the brain and spinal cord. Somatic motor nerves signal
skeletal muscles and autonomic motor nerves signal smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 163

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Afferent nerves come from two sources in the body. Somatic
sensory nerves relay signals from the body surface (skin and a. Sensory
special sensory structures) as well as from skeletal muscles, ten- sensory cell body
dons, and joints. A good example of a somatic sensation might receptor
be a gentle touch to your hand. By contrast, visceral sensations
come from organs within the body. The stretch sensation trans-
mitted to the brain from a filled stomach is a visceral sensation. myelin direction
Likewise, efferent nerves have two general destinations. Somatic sheath of conduction
efferents innervate skeletal muscle. Autonomic efferents signal
structures under involuntary control, such as the heart and diges-
tive organs. There are two divisions to the autonomic nervous
system: sympathetic and parasympathetic. These will be detailed Schwann
in section 8.3. cell

Nervous Tissue
b. Interneuron
Although exceedingly complex, nervous tissue is made up of just
two principal types of cells: (1) neurons, also called nerve cells, 400 nm
which generate and transmit nerve signals; and (2) neuroglia,
which nourish and support neurons (see Chapter 4, pp. 77–78). axon

Neuron Structure
Neurons vary in appearance, but all of them have just three parts:
a cell body, dendrite(s), and an axon. As shown in Figure 8.2, the
c. Motor neuron
cell body of each type of neuron contains the nucleus, as well as
other organelles. Dendrites are shorter, highly branched extensions cell body
that receive signals from sensory receptors or other neurons. At the
dendrites, incoming signals can result in neuron signals that are con-
ducted toward the neuron cell body. Neuron signals are then transmit-
ted away from the cell body by a single axon. Every axon branches
into many fine endings, each tipped by a small swelling called an
axon terminal. (You’ll remember from Chapter 7 that axon terminals
are found at the neuromuscular junction. There they release the ace-
tylcholine neurotransmitter to start a muscle action potential.) node of Ranvier
Axons can be grouped together in bundles. A bundle of par-
allel axons in the peripheral nervous system is called a nerve,
whereas a similar axon bundle in the central nervous system is a
tract. ­Axons found in nerves or in tracts may be covered by cells 2.7 µm
containing myelin, a lipid coating that insulates the axon. The axon terminal
myelin c­ overing of axons in the PNS is formed by neuroglial cells
called Schwann cells or neurolemmocytes. Oligodendrocytes, an- direction
other type of neuroglial cell, perform a similar function in the of conduction
CNS. Because myelin is contained in cells, the cell’s metabolism
can influence the amount and composition of myelin. Gaps in the
myelin sheath are called nodes of Ranvier (neurofibril nodes).   Figure 8.2  Neuron anatomy. (a) Sensory ­neuron with
dendritelike structures projecting from the peripheral end of the
These gaps greatly increase the speed of conduction for a nerve
axon. (b) Interneuron (from the cortex of the cerebellum) with
signal, as you’ll discover shortly. highly branched dendrites. Note that the ­myelin sheath is absent.
(c) Motor neuron. Note the branched ­dendrites and the single,
Types of Neurons long axon, which branches only near its tip.
Neurons can be classified according to their function and structure.
Sensory neurons take nerve signals from sensory receptors to structure that is termed unipolar (Fig. 8.2a). In unipolar neurons,
the CNS. The sensory receptor, which is the distal end of the the extension from the cell body ­divides into a branch that comes
long axon of a s­ ensory neuron, may be as simple as a naked nerve to the periphery and another that goes to the CNS. Because both
ending (a pain receptor), or it may be a part of a highly complex branches are long and transmit nerve signals, it’s now generally
organ, such as the eye or ear. Almost all sensory neurons have a accepted to refer to them collectively as an axon.

164 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Interneurons, also known as association neurons, occur nerve cell typically has 0.07 volts (V), or 70 millivolts (mV), of
e­ ntirely within the CNS. These are the most common type of neuron: stored energy (Fig. 8.3a). By convention, the cell’s voltage mea-
scientists estimate that 99% of all neurons are interneurons. Most surement is assigned a negative value. This is because scientists
interneurons are said to be multipolar because they generally have compare the inside of the cell (where negatively charged proteins
many dendrites and a single axon (Fig. 8.2b). These neurons convey and other large molecules cluster) to the outside of the cell (where
nerve signals between various parts of the CNS. Some lie between positively charged sodium ions and some potassium ions are gath-
sensory neurons and motor neurons, and some take messages from ered). N ­ eurons, like rechargeable batteries, must maintain their
one side of the spinal cord to the other or from the brain to the cord, resting potential to work effectively. To do so, neurons continually
and vice versa. They also form complex pathways in the brain where transport sodium ions out of the cell and return potassium to the
processes accounting for thinking, memory, and language occur. ­cytoplasm. A protein carrier in the membrane, called the sodium-
Motor neurons are multipolar neurons that take nerve signals potassium pump, actively transports sodium ions (Na1) out of
from the CNS to muscles, organs, or glands (Fig. 8.2c). Motor the neuron and potassium ions (K1) into the neuron. However,
neurons cause muscle fibers to contract, organs to modify their the sodium-potassium pump doesn’t perform an even exchange.
function, or glands to secrete, and therefore they are said to inner- Rather, for every three sodium ions pumped out of the cell, only
vate these structures. two potassium ions are returned to the cell. Because potassium dif-
fuses out of the cell faster than sodium diffuses in, and the pump
Nerve Signal Conduction returns fewer potassium ions to the cell, the pump allows the area
immediately ­outside of the cell to keep its resting positive charge.
The function of neurons is to conduct nerve signals and activate the Thus, the sodium-potassium pump constantly “recharges” the cell,
release of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that keeping the area just inside the cell negatively charged and the
allow neurons to communicate with other cells and transmit in- outside perimeter positively charged. Like a freshly charged bat-
formation. Although resting neurons aren’t sending nerve signals,
tery, the cell is always ready to ­perform its work (provided that
they are constantly prepared to do so. A nerve signal, also called an there is sufficient ATP energy for the s­ odium-potassium pump’s
action potential, is conducted by the axon of the neuron. active transport).

Resting Potential
Anyone who has ever used a battery has employed an energy source Action Potential
that’s manufactured by separating positively charged ions across a The resting potential energy of the neuron can be used to perform
membrane from negative ions. The battery’s potential energy can the work of the neuron: conduction of nerve signals. The process
be used to perform work: lighting a flashlight, for example. When a of conduction is termed an action potential, and it occurs in the
neuron is resting, it too possesses potential energy, much like a fully axons of neurons. An action potential begins with a stimulus,
charged battery. This energy, called the resting potential, ­exists be- which activates the neuron. (For example, poking the skin with a
cause the cell membrane is polarized: positively charged in the space sharp pin would be a stimulus for pain neurons in the skin.) The
immediately outside the cell membrane, and negatively charged in a stimulus affects specific protein channels, called voltage-regulated
small area just inside the cell membrane. The cell’s outside perim- sodium gates. These sodium gates are different from sodium chan-
eter is positive because positively charged sodium (Na1) ions cluster nels ­because they are not constantly open; rather, voltage changes
around the cell. There is a concentration gradient for sodium ions, cause them to open and close. Once sodium gates have opened,
and the ions can diffuse into the cell through protein molecules called sodium ions rush into the cell. Adding positively charged sodium
sodium channels. (A cell channel is like a door that remains open all ions causes the inside of the axon to become positive, compared to
the time.) However, the cell membrane is relatively impermeable to the outside (Fig. 8.3b).
sodium ion diffusion when the cell is at resting potential. In addition, If sufficient numbers of sodium ions pass into the cell, the
positively charged potassium ions are concentrated just inside the cell’s voltage will reach a new, higher voltage, called the cell’s
perimeter of the cell membrane, and the cell membrane is perme- threshold. Once this voltage is reached, increasing numbers of
able to potassium. Because of this concentration gradient, potassium voltage-­regulated sodium gates will open and the cell potential
ions are constantly diffusing out of the cell, through their own set will abruptly rise. The resulting change is called depolarization.
of protein channels. There, these ions contribute to the extracellular Depolarization continues until the intracelluar voltage reaches a
positive charge. The inside of the cell is negatively charged because of value of approximately 135 mV.
the presence of large, negatively charged proteins and other molecules Once the change in voltage is complete, the voltage-regulated
that are trapped inside the cell because of their large size. sodium gates close and a separate set of voltage-regulated potas-
It’s important to note, though, that the charged areas on either sium gates opens. Potassium rapidly leaves the cell (Fig. 8.3c). As
side of the cell membrane that are responsible for creating the rest- positively charged potassium ions exit the cell, the inside of the cell
ing potential are very small. Most of the intracellular and extracel- becomes negative again (due to the presence of large, negatively
lular fluid is electrically neutral—the positive and negative charges charged ions trapped inside the cell). This change in polarity is
are perfectly balanced. called repolarization (Fig. 8.3d). Once the action potential is com-
Like a battery, the neuron’s resting potential energy can be plete, the sodium and potassium ions are rapidly restored to their
measured in volts. A D-size flashlight battery has 1.5 volts; a proper place through the action of the sodium-potassium pump.

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 165

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2 1
intracellular extracellular
(recording) (reference)
microelectrode electrode

K + channel

Na+ K+
channel gate


35 35
0 0

a Na+ and K+ gates closed b Na+ gates open, Na +
–70 enters cell –70
Resting membrane Depolarization
a. b.

35 35
0 0

c Na+ gates closed, K + gates d Na+ gates closed,

fully open, K+ leaves cell –70 K+ gates closing –70

Depolarization ends, Repolarization

repolarization begins
c. d.

  Figure 8.3  Resting potential and action potential in an unmyelinated axon. (a) Resting potential. Sodium ions (red dots)
are concentrated outside the cell; potassium (blue dots) and large anions are inside the cell. Potential is approximately 70 mV; the in-
side of the cell is negative compared to the outside. (b) Action potential: depolarization. Na1 gates open and sodium ions flow into
cell; the inside of the cell becomes positive. (c) Action potential: repolarization. K1 gates open and potassium ions flow out. (d) Repo-
larization: Both Na1 and K1 gates are closed. When the sodium-potassium pump restores the ions to their places, repolarization is

166 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Conduction of Action Potentials Transmission across a synapse is carried out by molecules
For a neuron to transmit its signals, it’s important that action called neurotransmitters, which are stored in synaptic vesicles
potentials be conducted, or propagated, along the entire length (small membranous sacs) in the axon terminals. When nerve sig-
of the axon. As depolarization proceeds, each section of the axon nals traveling along an axon reach an axon terminal, channels for
propagates its action potential to the neighboring area when posi- calcium ions (Ca21) open, and calcium enters the terminal. This
tively charged sodium ions inside the cell diffuse into the more dis- sudden rise in Ca21 stimulates synaptic vesicles to merge with
tal ­section. There, these sodium ions will raise the resting potential the presynaptic membrane, and neurotransmitter molecules are
in that area to threshold, and another action potential will follow. released into the synaptic cleft. This process is called exocytosis
Conduction of the action potential down the axon’s length can be (see Chapter 3). Neurotransmitter molecules then diffuse across the
compared to pushing the first domino in a row of dominoes—push cleft to the postsynaptic membrane. There, these molecules bind
the first down, and the others follow one after another. The conduc- with specific receptor proteins on ligand-regulated gates. As you
tion of an action potential is an all-or-none event—that is, either know, a gate is a form of specialized channel which doesn’t remain
an axon conducts its action potential or it doesn’t. (However, if the constantly open. Instead, the neurotransmitter acts as the key—the
neuron’s voltage does not reach the threshold value, the axon will ligand—which opens the gate. In the absence of the ligand, the gate
not generate an action potential.) Then, once they occur, action po- remains closed.
tentials don’t vary in their intensity. The intensity of a message is Depending on the type of neurotransmitter ligand and the type
determined by how many action potentials are generated within a of receptor, the response of the postsynaptic neuron can be toward
given time span. A neuron can conduct a volley of action potentials excitation or toward inhibition. For example, after excitatory neu-
very quickly because only a small number of ions is exchanged with rotransmitters combine with a receptor, a sodium ion gate opens,
each action potential. and Na1 enters the neuron (Fig. 8.5). Other neurotransmitters have
As soon as the action potential has passed by each successive an inhibitory effect, as described in the next section.
portion of an axon, the sodium and potassium ion concentrations
for that section are reversed, and the ions must be returned to their Graded Potentials and Synaptic Integration
correct places by the sodium-potassium pump. The time needed to
pump sodium outside the cell and potassium inside the cell is called A single neuron can have many dendrites plus the cell body, and
the refractory period. During this short interval, the proximal axon both can synapse with many other neurons. Typically, a neuron is
section is unable to conduct an action potential, so the signal can’t on the receiving end of many excitatory and inhibitory synapses
travel in reverse. This ensures the one-way direction of a signal, from (Fig. 8.5). Each of the small signals from a synapse is called a graded
the cell body down the length of the axon to the axon terminal. potential. An excitatory neurotransmitter combines with receptors
If an axon is unmyelinated, conduction along the entire axon on the neuron’s sodium gates and the gates open, producing a graded
in this fashion can be rather slow (approximately 1 meter/second in potential that drives the polarity of a neuron closer to the threshold for
thin axons) because each section of the axon must be stimulated. In an ­action potential. An inhibitory neurotransmitter produces a graded
myelinated fibers, an action potential at one node of Ranvier opens potential that makes it harder for a neuron to have an action potential.
a large number of Na1 gates, allowing rapid diffusion of sodium For example, inhibitory signals can be created by neurotransmitters
through the myelinated portion of the axon. When sodium ions ar- that attach to receptors on potassium gates. When these gates open,
rive at the next node, they trigger another action potential, which potassium ions can leave the cell. Opening other gates that allow
will trigger an action potential at the next node, and so on down ­negatively charged chloride ions (Cl2) to enter the cell will also create
the entire length of the myelinated axon (Fig. 8.4). This type of an inhibitory signal. Either of these changes—potassium ions leaving
conduction, called saltatory conduction, is much faster: In thick, the cell, or chloride ions entering—will cause the cell’s potential to
myelinated fibers, the rate is more than 100 m/s. drift further from threshold and thus, the start of an action potential.
It’s interesting to observe that all functions of the nervous sys- Neurons integrate these incoming signals. Integration is the
tem, from our deepest emotions to our highest reasoning abilities, summing up of excitatory and inhibitory signals. If a neuron re-
are dependent on our ability to start and conduct nerve signals and ceives many excitatory signals (either from different synapses, or
release neurotransmitters. at a rapid rate from one synapse), chances are the cell’s axon will
transmit an action potential. On the other hand, if a neuron receives
both inhibitory and excitatory signals, the summing up of these
Transmission Across a Synapse signals may prohibit the axon from firing.
As you know, every axon branches into many tiny endings called Sensory receptors (for example, light receptors in the eye)
axon terminals. Each axon terminal lies very close to another cell, have special graded potentials called receptor potentials. These
often another neuron. This region of close proximity is called a will be discussed in Chapter 9.
synapse (Fig. 8.5). At a synapse between two neurons, the mem-
brane of the first neuron is called the presynaptic membrane, and
the membrane of the next neuron is called the postsynaptic mem- Neurotransmitter Molecules
brane. The small gap between is the synaptic cleft. The neuro- At least 100 different neurotransmitters have been identified, and
muscular junction, which you studied in Chapter 7, is a synapse more will likely be identified in the future. Two very well-known
between motor nerves and muscle cells. ones are acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NE).

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 167

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nerve signal:
propagation of
++ action potential
––– +
–– +

hillock ––––––––––––++++––––––––––––––––––––––––
– ++ + + + + + + + + + + + – – – – + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

– – – ++ repolarization depolarization


node of Ranvier myelin sheath K1 Na1 diffusion of Na1

through neuron cytoplasm

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + – – – + +
– – – – – – – – – – – – –+ + + – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – – –+ + + – – –
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +– – – + +

repolarization depolarization


  Figure 8.4  Conduction of an action potential in unmyelinated and myelinated axons. (a) In an unmyelinated axon, con-
duction is slow. (b) In a myelinated axon, the action potential quickly travels from one node of Ranvier to the next, and the speed
of conduction is much more rapid. Almost all axons are myelinated in humans.

Once a neurotransmitter has been released into a synaptic molecular breakdown. The short existence of neurotransmitters at a
cleft and has initiated a response, it is removed from the cleft. In synapse prevents continuous stimulation (or inhibition) of postsyn-
some synapses, the postsynaptic membrane contains enzymes that aptic membranes.
rapidly inactivate the neurotransmitter. For example, the enzyme The What’s New feature, Research on Alzheimer Disease,
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) breaks down acetylcholine. In other discusses the disease, which is due in part to a lack of ACh in
synapses, the presynaptic membrane rapidly reabsorbs the neu- the brain. It is also of interest to note that many available drugs
rotransmitters, possibly for repackaging in synaptic vesicles or for enhance or block the release of a neurotransmitter, mimic the

168 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Visual Focus

Presynaptic neuron

arriving action
potential 1. After an action
potential arrives
at an axon
axon of terminal (arrow),
presynaptic Ca2+ enters,
(sending) and synaptic
Ca2+ vesicles fuse
with the plasma
membrane of
axon branches of the presynaptic
sending neurons dendrite neuron.
terminal Synaptic vesicles
enclose neuro-

a. Presynaptic membrane
inhibitory (receiving) Postsynaptic Synaptic
synapse neuron neuron cleft
synapse 2. Neuro-
axon cell body are released
terminals and bind to
on the
of the
neuron. Postsynaptic

3. When an
neuro- neuro-
transmitter transmitter
binds to a
receptor Na+ diffuses
ion gate into the
Na+ postsynaptic


Cell body of the Axon terminals

b. p
y p neuron d.

Many axons synapse with each cell body.

  Figure 8.5  Synapse structure and function. (a) A single nerve cell body may have many excitatory synapses (green) as
well as inhibitory synapses (red). (b) Photomicrograph of a nerve cell body, showing multiple axon terminals that form s­ ynapses.
(c) The sending neuron is called the presynaptic neuron, and the receiving neuron is the postsynaptic neuron. (d) Transmission
across a synapse from one neuron to another ­occurs when a neurotransmitter is released at the presynaptic membrane, diffuses
across a synaptic cleft, and binds to the receptors on the gates found in the postsynaptic membrane. Because the gates shown in
the illustration are Na1 gates, the synapse is excitatory.

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Research on Alzheimer Disease: Causes, Treatments, Prevention, and Hope for a Cure

Alzheimer disease (AD) is an irreversible, fatal disorder characterized Alzheimer cell protein is another possible avenue for research. At this
by a gradual loss of reason that begins with memory lapses and ends with time, only five drugs are accepted for disease treatment. One category,
the inability to perform any activities. Personality changes such agitation cholinesterase inhibitors (Aricept®, Razadyne®, Exelon®, Reminyl®),
and hostility, and memory deficits that affect daily routines often signal works at neuron synapses in the brain, slowing the activity of the enzyme
the onset of AD. For example, a normal 60- to 70-year-old might forget that breaks down acetylcholine (ACh). Allowing ACh to accumulate in
the name of a friend not seen for years, but someone with AD forgets the synapses keeps memory pathways in the brain functional for a longer
name of a neighbor who visits daily. Likewise, a healthy senior might period of time. The newest drug, memantine (Namenda®), blocks excito-
forget where he placed his car keys, while a person with AD will forget toxicity: the tendency of diseased neurons to self-destruct. This medica-
what those keys are for. People afflicted with AD become confused and tion is used only in moderately to severely affected patients. Using the
tend to repeat the same question. Signs of mental disturbance eventually drug allows neurons involved in memory pathways to survive longer in
appear, and patients gradually become bedridden and die of a complica- affected patients. However, it’s important to note that neither category of
tion, such as pneumonia. At the cellular level, AD is characterized by the medication cures AD. Both merely slow the progress of disease symp-
presence of abnormally structured neurons and a reduced amount of the toms, allowing the patient to function independently for a longer period
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (see pp. 167–168). These defective neu- of time. Additional research is currently underway to test the effective-
rons are especially seen in the portions of the brain involved in reason and ness of anticholesterol statin drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory medica-
memory. The AD neuron has two pathological features. The first consists tions, in slowing the progress of the disease.
of bundles of fibrous protein, called neurofibrillary tangles, which sur-
Research on Prevention
round the nucleus in the cells. The tangles are due to an abnormal form of
tau, a protein molecule that normally helps to stabilize microtubules that Much of current research on AD focuses on prevention. Early findings
form the cell’s cytoskeleton. In addition to these tangles, protein-rich have shown that risk factors for cardiovascular disease—heart attacks and
accumulations, called amyloid plaques, envelop the axon branches. Over stroke—also contribute to an increased incidence of AD. These include
time, affected neurons will die. The cortex and hippocampus shrivel, the elevated blood cholesterol and blood pressure, smoking, obesity, seden-
brain shrinks in volume, and the ventricles become enlarged. tary lifestyle, and diabetes mellitus (see Chapter 12). Low-level infection
caused by gum disease has also been shown to increase the probability of
Research Regarding Its Causes developing heart disease, and by extension, Alzheimer disease. Thus,
As techniques for genetic study continue to improve, several genetic muta- evidence suggests that a lifestyle tailored for good cardiovascular health
tions specific to Alzheimer have been identified. One set, designated by may also prevent AD. Slight changes in diet may also lessen the threat of
the acronyms APP, PS1, and PS2, are termed deterministic. People who developing AD: boosting vitamins B and D, eating fatty fish such as
inherit one of these three mutated genes will always develop the disease, salmon, and drinking coffee. Further, younger people must try to prevent
called autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD). It’s interesting to blows to the head. It’s been shown that head injuries (such as those expe-
note that APP, the first of these defective genes to be discovered, is found rienced by football players) can increase the risk of developing AD in
on chromosome 21. Down syndrome results from the inheritance of three later life 19-fold. Wearing seat belts and helmets and taking steps to pre-
copies of chromosome 21, and people with Down syndrome tend to vent falls are commonsense, easy ways to prevent head injury. Finally,
develop AD. (You will learn more about autosomal dominant disorders in staying mentally, physically, and socially active—as long as possible—
Chapter 19.) Mutation of a fourth gene, designated APO, puts patients at will help to slow the course of mental impairment for AD sufferers.
risk but does not always result in disease. Scientists are now studying vic-
tims with mutations to try to discover the exact cause for the disease. Early Detection and Hope for a Cure
Recent findings have led researchers to believe that the neuron deteriora- Currently, researchers are testing vaccines for AD that would target the
tion seen in Alzheimer disease patients may be caused by the spread of the patient’s immune system to destroy amyloid protein. Early study results
tau protein from one cell to the next, much as a virus is spread from one show some promising outcomes of this treatment in early-stage patients.
infected cell to another. Other studies have implicated a second protein, However, scientists believe that curing AD will require an early diagnosis
striatal-enriched tyrosine phosphatase, or STEP, in the cell destruction because it’s thought that the disease may begin in the brain 15 to 20 years
found in Alzheimer sufferers. Further, other investigators are exploring the before symptoms ever develop. At present, diagnosis can’t be made with
role of cell lysosomes in AD, suspecting that these essential organelles absolute certainty until the brain is examined at autopsy. In the future,
may be failing to destroy the abnormal proteins found in diseased cells. cerebrospinal fluid testing may allow amyloid proteins to be detected
before disease symptoms appear. Researchers are also developing ways
Research into Its Treatment to tag the amyloid protein with radioactive molecules, which will allow
Each new finding about what causes Alzheimer disease creates new pos- detection of the protein using a PET scan. (You learned about PET and
sibilities for its treatment as well. Researchers are now conducting clini- other imaging techniques in Chapter 1.) The Medical Focus reading in
cal testing on antibodies that block cell-to-cell transmission of the tau Chapter 9 describes an eye scan technique that might allow an earlier
protein. (You can read more about antibodies in Chapter 13.) A second diagnosis, and the What’s New reading on page 178 describes an
treatment might involve the creation of drugs that block formation of the exciting breakthrough in cell culture that will create new options for
STEP protein. Boosting lysosomal degradation of the abnormal studying neurons and drug therapies in the laboratory.

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neurotransmitter’s action, block the ligand-gated receptor, or inter-  8.2   Central Nervous System
fere with the removal of a neurotransmitter from a synaptic cleft.
4. Describe the three layers of meninges, and state the functions of the
Content CHECK-UP! 5. Describe the location and function of cerebrospinal fluid.
6. Describe in detail the structure of the spinal cord, and state its functions.
1. Which of the following types of neurons are multipolar?
7. Outline the major parts of the brain and the lobes of the cerebral
a. motor neurons d. both motor neurons and cortex. State functions for each structure.
b. sensory neurons
e. motor neurons, sensory neurons,
The CNS, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, is composed
c. interneurons and interneurons
of gray matter and white matter. Gray matter is gray because it
2. During an action potential, depolarization occurs because:
contains cell bodies and short, nonmyelinated fibers. White matter
a. voltage-regulated gates for sodium ions in the cell mem- is white because it contains myelinated axons that run together
brane open, and sodium flows into the cell. in bundles called tracts. The myelin covering on these axons gives
b. voltage-regulated gates for potassium ions in the cell them a shiny, white appearance.
­membrane open, and potassium leaves the cell.
c. the sodium-potassium pump returns sodium to the outside
of the cell and potassium to the inside.
Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid
3. An excitatory neurotransmitter excites the postsynaptic cell Both the spinal cord and the brain are wrapped in protective mem-
­because: branes known as meninges (sing., meninx) (Fig. 8.6). The outer
­meninx, the dura mater, is tough, white, fibrous connective tissue.
a. it opens sodium gates so sodium can enter the cell.
A small space filled with adipose tissue, called the epidural space,
b. it opens potassium gates so potassium can leave the cell.
lies between the dura mater and the skull and vertebra (Fig. 8.7b).
c. it turns on the sodium-potassium pump. The dura mater is constructed of two separate membrane layers
4. Imagine you’ve invented a new medication, and it blocks the that are fused. However, in several areas the layers separate to
receptor for potassium gates at a neuromuscular junction. form the dural venous sinuses. The dural venous sinuses collect
Would the muscle be more likely or less likely to contract after venous blood and excess cerebrospinal fluid, returning both to the
this drug is administered? cardiovascular system. Deep to the dura mater is the arachnoid
Answers in Appendix A. mater (“spider-like”), so called because it consists of spider-
web-like connective tissue. Thin strands of the arachnoid mater

  Figure 8.6  Meninges. (a) Meninges are protective mem-

branes that enclose the brain and spinal cord. (b) The meninges include
scalp three layers: the dura mater, the arachnoid mater, and the pia mater.


spinal cord skin of scalp
meninges hypodermis
spinal nerve bone of skull
dura mater
dural venous
arachnoid meninges

subarachnoid pia mater

gray matter
white matter

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 171

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attach it to the delicate pia mater, the deepest meninx. The pia (Fig. 8.6b). However, blockages can occur. In an infant, the ventricles
mater directly attaches to the brain and spinal cord, and closely can ­enlarge due to cerebrospinal fluid accumulation. As a result, the
follows their contours. Between the arachnoid mater and the pia skull enlarges and the brain tissue between the ventricles and skull
mater is the subarachnoid space, which is filled with cerebrospinal will be compressed, sometimes resulting in brain damage. This con-
fluid (CSF). This clear tissue fluid forms a ­protective cushion dition, called hydrocephalus (“water on the brain”), can ­sometimes
around and within the CNS. Though formed from blood plasma, be corrected surgically.
CSF differs in chemical composition. For example, it has lower
concentrations of protein and glucose, as well as a lower pH.
CSF is formed by the choroid plexus, a tissue created by folds of The Spinal Cord
pia mater, lined with a dense layer of capillaries. Choroid plexus can The spinal cord (Fig. 8.7a) is a cylinder of nervous tissue that
be found in the hollow interconnecting cavities of the brain called ­begins at the base of the brain and extends through a large opening
ventricles. Cerebrospinal fluid fills brain ventricles as well as the in the skull called the foramen magnum (see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.7).
central canal of the spinal cord, and any excess CSF is drained The spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column, which is
into the dural venous sinuses to return to the cardiovascular system composed of individual vertebrae. When the vertebrae are stacked

  Figure 8.7  Spinal cord. (a) Photomicrograph of a

cross section of the spinal cord. (b) The spinal cord passes
through the vertebral canal formed by the vertebrae. Spinal
nerves branch off the spinal cord and project through interverte-
white matter
bral ­foramina. (c) The spinal cord has a central canal filled with
cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter in an H-shaped configuration,
gray matter and white matter elsewhere. The white matter contains tracts
that take nerve signals to and from the brain. (d) Photo of pos-
central canal terior view of spinal cord and ­posterior roots of spinal nerve.


spinal cord gray matter

vertebra white matter

posterior (dorsal)
root intervertebral
posterior root foramen

spinal epidural
nerve space
anterior vertebra (dorsal) root
(ventral) root branches
b. posterior
(dorsal) root
central canal gray matter ganglion
posterior root white matter
posterior root intervertebral
ganglion foramen
nerve cut vertebrae

anterior root


c. d.

172 PART III Integration and Coordination

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on top of each other, their vertebral foramina form the vertebral therefore they send signals to several other interneurons (as well as
canal. The spinal cord passes through the vertebral canal, ending at to the brain) in addition to motor neurons.
­approximately the first lumbar vertebra (see Fig. 8.12).

The Brain
Structure of the Spinal Cord The human brain consists of four major structures: the cerebrum,
Figure 8.7b shows how an individual vertebra protects the spinal the diencephalon, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. The brain’s
cord. The spinal nerves extend from the cord between the verte- four ventricles can be found within these brain structures. The
brae. Intervertebral disks, which are composed of tough fibrocarti- paired lateral ventricles are enclosed by the cerebrum, the third
lage and filled with gelatinous material, separate each vertebra. If a ventricle lies in the center of the diencephalon, and the fourth ven-
disk is torn open, this herniated disk may compress spinal nerves, tricle travels within the brain stem, just anterior to the cerebellum
causing pain and loss of function. (Fig. 8.8a).
A cross section of the spinal cord shows a central canal, gray The electrical activity of the brain can be recorded in the form
matter, and white matter (Fig. 8.7a,b,c). Both the central canal of an electroencephalogram (EEG). Electrodes are taped to dif-
and the subarachnoid space (between the dura mater and arach- ferent parts of the scalp, and an instrument records the so-called
noid mater that cover the spinal cord) contain cerebrospinal fluid. brain waves. The EEG is a diagnostic tool; for example, an ir-
The gray matter is centrally located and shaped like the l­etter H. regular pattern can signify epilepsy or a brain tumor. Absence of
Portions of sensory neurons and motor neurons are found there, electrical activity on an EEG signifies brain death.
as are interneurons that communicate with these two types of
neurons. The posterior (dorsal) root of a spinal nerve contains
sensory fibers entering the gray matter, and the cell bodies of The Cerebrum
these sensory nerves can be found in an enlarged area called the Let’s begin our study of the brain with the cerebrum, the largest
posterior root ganglion. The anterior (ventral) root of a ­spinal portion of the brain in humans. The cerebrum is the last center to
nerve contains motor fibers exiting the gray matter. The posterior receive sensory input and carry out integration before commanding
and anterior roots join, forming a spinal nerve that leaves the ver- voluntary motor responses. It communicates with and coordinates
tebral canal through the intervertebral foramen. Spinal nerves are the activities of the other parts of the brain. The cerebrum carries
a part of the PNS. out the higher thought processes required for learning and memory
The white matter of the spinal cord contains ascending tracts, and for language and speech.
which take sensory information to the spinal cord and brain, and The cerebrum has two halves called the left and right cerebral
descending tracts, which take motor information from the brain. hemispheres (Fig. 8.9). A lateral ventricle can be found inside each
Ascending tracts are generally located in the posterior white hemisphere. A deep groove, the longitudinal fissure, separates the left
matter; descending tracts are found in the anterior white matter. and right cerebral ­hemispheres. Still, the two cerebral hemispheres are
­Because the tracts typically cross just after they enter and exit the connected by a bridge of white matter called the corpus callosum.
brain, the left brain controls the right side of the body and the right Ridges called gyri are separated by shallow grooves called
brain controls the left side of the body. sulci (sing., sulcus). Specific sulci divide each hemisphere into
lobes (Fig. 8.9). Note that each lobe of the brain is located underneath
the skull bone that shares its name. The frontal lobe lies under the
Functions of the Spinal Cord
frontal bone, anterior to the parietal lobe and bone. The occipital
The spinal cord provides a means of communication between the lobe is deep to the occipital bone, in the posterior area of the cra-
brain and the peripheral nerves that leave the cord. nial vault. The temporal lobe is the lateral portion of the cerebral
When someone touches your hand, sensory receptors gener- hemisphere. A fifth, very small lobe called the insula (not shown)
ate action potentials that travel by way of sensory nerve axons to lies directly deep to the lateral sulcus. Its function continues to be
the spinal cord. One of several ascending tracts next carries the researched, but it’s thought to be i­nvolved in speech processing,
information to the sensory area of the brain. When you voluntarily the sense of taste, and determining social emotions (such as em-
move your limbs, action potentials originating in the motor control barrassment, resentment, ­empathy, and self-confidence).
area of the brain pass down one of several descending tracts to the The cerebral cortex is a thin but highly convoluted outer layer
spinal cord and out to your muscles by way of motor nerve axons. of gray matter that covers the cerebral hemispheres. The cerebral
The What’s New on page 178 discusses promising new therapies cortex contains over one billion cell bodies and is the region of the
for patients whose spinal cord is injured. brain that accounts for sensation, voluntary movement, and all the
We’ll see that the spinal cord is also the center for thousands thought processes we associate with consciousness.
of reflex arcs (see Fig. 8.13): A stimulus causes sensory receptors
to generate action potentials that travel in sensory neurons to the
s­pinal cord. Interneurons integrate the incoming data and relay Motor and Sensory Areas of the Cortex
signals to motor neurons. A response to the stimulus occurs when The primary motor area is in the frontal lobe just anterior to the
motor axons cause skeletal muscles to contract. Each interneu- central sulcus (Fig. 8.9). Voluntary commands to skeletal mus-
ron in the spinal cord has synapses with many other neurons, and cles begin in the primary motor area, and each part of the body

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 173

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lateral third pineal
ventricle ventricle gland






(in sides and roof of
third ventricle)
pituitary gland
Brain stem
fourth ventricle
oblongata spinal cord

a. Parts of brain




b. c.

  Figure 8.8  The human brain. (a) The cerebrum, seen here in sagittal section, is the largest part of the brain in humans.
(b) Ventricles of the brain in a lateral view. Ventricles are hollow cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid. (c) Frontal view of the brain’s
four ventricles.

is controlled by a certain section (Fig. 8.10a). The right primary motor cortex in the brain dedicated to them. Similarly, the face
motor area controls the left side of the body and vice versa. and hands are among the most sensitive areas of the body, and
The primary somatosensory area is just posterior to the the large area of the sensory cortex receiving information from
central sulcus in the parietal lobe. Sensory information from them corresponds to that fact. As with the brain’s motor areas, the
the skin and skeletal muscles arrives here, where each part of left hemisphere’s s­ omatosensory area receives information from
the body is sequentially represented (Fig. 8.10b). As you study the right side of the body, and vice versa.
Figure 8.10, notice that the areas of the body with the greatest A primary taste area, located within adjacent areas of the parietal
voluntary c­ ontrol—the face and hands—have the largest area of lobe and insula, accounts for taste sensations. A primary visual area in

174 PART III Integration and Coordination

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central sulcus
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe
primary motor area primary somatosensory area

premotor area somatosensory

leg association area
motor speech trunk primary taste area
(Broca’s) area
prefrontal hand general interpretation area
anterior posterior
(ventral) (dorsal)

Occipital lobe
olfactory primary
area visual area
lateral sulcus visual
Temporal lobe area
auditory association area
primary auditory area
sensory speech (Wernicke’s) area


  Figure 8.9  The lobes of a cerebral hemisphere.  (a) Each

­ erebral hemisphere is divided into five lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal,
occipital, and insular (not shown). These lobes contain centers for r­ easoning
and movement (frontal lobe), somatic sensing including taste (parietal lobe),
hearing (temporal lobe), vision (­occipital lobe), and speech processing, taste,
and social emotions (insular lobe). (b) Superior view of the left and right
­cerebral hemispheres. They are ­connected by the corpus callosum. b. Cerebral hemispheres

the occipital lobe receives information from our eyes, and a primary ­ omentary lack of oxygen during birth can damage the motor areas of
auditory area in the temporal lobe receives information from our ears. the cerebral cortex so that cerebral palsy, a condition characterized
by a spastic weakness of the upper and lower limbs, develops.
The somatosensory association area, located just posterior to the
Begin Thinking Clinically primary somatosensory area, processes and analyzes sensory informa-
tion from the skin and muscles. The visual association area associates
Suppose that a woman slips on ice in the winter and falls
new visual information with memories of previously ­received visual
backward, striking the back of her head on the pavement.
information. It might “decide,” for example, whether or not we have
The accident results in a concussion to the woman’s occip-
previously seen a particular face, symbol, or other o­ bject. The auditory
ital lobe. Which sense might be affected?
association area performs the same functions with regard to sounds.
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.

Processing Centers
There are a few areas of the cortex that receive information from
Association Areas the other association areas and perform higher-level analytical
Association areas are places where sensory signals are integrated and functions. The prefrontal area, a processing area in the frontal
interpreted, and where memories are stored. Anterior to the primary lobe, receives information from the other association area and
motor area is a premotor area. The premotor area organizes motor func- uses this information to reason and plan our actions. Integration in
tions for skilled motor activities, and then the primary motor area sends this area accounts for our most cherished human abilities to think
signals to the cerebellum and the basal nuclei, which integrate them. A ­critically and to formulate appropriate behaviors.

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 175

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arm trunk
pelvis arm neck trunk pelvis
forearm forearm
thumb, fingers, thigh hand, fingers,
and hand and thumb leg
facial leg face foot and
expression toes
foot and lips
salivation teeth and
vocalization gums longitudinal
a. Primary longitudinal b. Primary
mastication fissure
motor area fissure somatosensory
swallowing tongue and

Figure 8.10  Portions of the body controlled by the primary motor area and the primary somatosensory area of the cerebrum. Notice
that the size of the body part in the diagram reflects the amount of cerebral cortex devoted to that body part.

The unique ability of humans to speak is partially dependent These so-called basal nuclei (formerly termed basal ganglia) in-
upon the motor speech area, also called Broca’s area, a process- tegrate motor commands, ensuring that proper muscle groups are
ing area usually located in the left frontal lobe. Signals originating activated or inhibited. Huntington disease and Parkinson’s dis-
here pass to the premotor area before reaching the primary motor ease, which are both characterized by uncontrollable movements,
area. Damage to this area can interfere with a person’s ability to are believed to be due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the
coordinate the respiratory and oral movements that produce speech. basal nuclei.
Wernicke’s area, also called the general interpretive area,
receives information from all of the other sensory association The Diencephalon
areas. Like Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area is usually located in
the brain’s left hemisphere. Its role involves recognizing and un- The hypothalamus and the thalamus are both in the diencephalon,
derstanding spoken and written language. Damage to this area a region that encases the third ventricle (see Fig. 8.8a). The
interferes with a person’s ability to ­interpret written and spoken hypothalamus forms the floor of the third ventricle. The hypo-
messages, even though the spoken words may be a part of the thalamus is an integrating center that helps maintain homeostasis
person’s vocabulary. Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area cooperate by regulating hunger, sleep, thirst, body temperature, and water
to allow human communication. balance. The hypothalamus produces the hormones secreted by
the posterior pituitary gland and secretes hormones that control the
anterior pituitary. Therefore, it is a link between the nervous and
Central White Matter
endocrine systems.
Much of the rest of the cerebrum beneath the cerebral cortex is com- The thalamus consists of two masses of gray matter located
posed of white matter. Tracts within the cerebrum take information in the sides and roof of the third ventricle. The thalamus is on
between the different sensory, motor, and association areas pictured the receiving end for all sensory input except smell; it functions
in Figure 8.9. The corpus callosum, previously mentioned, contains as a sensory “relay center.” Visual, auditory, and somatosensory
tracts that join the two cerebral hemispheres. Descending tracts from information arrive at the thalamus via the cranial nerves and
the primary motor area communicate with various parts of the brain tracts from the spinal cord. The thalamus integrates this infor-
and transmit instructions to the opposite side of the brain stem and mation and sends it on to the appropriate portions of the cere-
spinal cord. Ascending tracts from lower brain centers send sensory brum. The thalamus is involved in arousal of the cerebrum, and
information up to the primary somatosensory area (Fig. 8.10). it also participates in higher mental functions such as memory
and emotions.
Basal Nuclei The pineal gland (sometimes referred to as the pineal body),
While the bulk of the cerebrum is composed of tracts, there which secretes the hormone melatonin and regulates our body’s
are masses of gray matter located deep within the white matter. daily rhythms, is located in the posterior diencephalon.

176 PART III Integration and Coordination

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What's New
Epidural Stimulation in Spinal Cord Injuries: Cause for Hope 
In Memoriam: Christopher Reeve, 1952–2004

It happened in a split second: Christopher Reeve, the tall, athletic

actor who achieved worldwide recognition in his role as Superman,
was thrown from his horse. The accident shattered both atlas and axis,
the first two cervical vertebrae, and Reeve became a ventilator-
dependent quadriplegic. Although he spent the rest of his life in a
wheelchair, Reeve redefined the recovery process for spinal cord
injury with tremendous courage and determination. Spinal cord inju-
ries are usually caused by compression or bruising to one side of the
cord and often result from accidents or trauma. Injured cells in the
center of the cord die, leaving a rim of functional cells. Depending on
the nerve pathways that are interrupted, a variety of effects can result
from the damage. Injury between the first thoracic vertebra (T1) and
the second lumbar vertebra (L2) causes paralysis of the lower body,
or paraplegia. If the injury is between the cervical vertebrae and the
first thoracic vertebra (T1), the entire trunk is affected, resulting in
quadriplegia. At the same time, sensation will be lost in all or parts
of the body. Other serious consequences of spinal cord injury include
loss of breathing ability, pain, absent or exaggerated reflexes, skeletal
muscle spasms, and loss of autonomic motor nervous functions (such
as blood pressure control, ability to sweat, bowel and bladder control,
and sexual function). After his injury, Reeve was determined to
recover, though experts called his case hopeless. He pioneered func-
tional electrical stimulation (FES), using computer-directed muscle
activation to exercise his limbs. FES therapy improves muscle tone
and bone density in spinal cord–injured patients and stimulates spinal
cord recovery. Reeve was the first documented case of significant respond to brain commands. Scientists are unsure of the full extent
improvement occurring more than two years after injury. He regained of recovery that is possible as a result of this technique. However,
movement of his fingers and toes, as well as sensation over most of they are optimistic that as the technology continues to be investi-
his body. He was also able to finally breathe independently for several gated, it will become possible to restore some degree of function
hours at a time. Ironically, Reeve died in 2004 of complications to those with spinal cord injuries.
resulting from an infected decubitus ulcer, or bedsore (see page 89), a In addition, the Reeve Foundation continues to fund research
common affliction of quadriplegics. His legacy includes a nonprofit into improvements in emergency care of victims, as well as inven-
foundation that has raised over $100 million for spinal cord research tions to improve the quality of life for those with spinal injury.
and advocacy. New drugs have been shown to help injured spinal cord nerves to
Recently, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s Neu- survive. Hypothermia treatment, in which the victim’s body tem-
ral Recovery Network reported the results of a pioneering tech- perature is lowered to 92°F (33.5°C), has been shown to slow or
nique in spinal cord treatment conducted at the University of prevent inflammation in the damaged spinal cord. This technique
Louisville, Kentucky. Electrical stimulator devices were implanted has enabled some patients to fully recover from spinal cord inju-
into the epidural spaces above the T11-T12 regions of the spinal ries. Prosthetics for the spinal cord–injured include stair-climbing
cords in four quadriplegic young men. The patients activated the and voice-activated wheelchairs and electronic devices that allow
stimulator using a handheld control. With continued electrical independent breathing and restore bladder and bowel control.
stimulation, all four experienced dramatic improvements in sen- Studies using grafts of neural tissue, neural stem cells, and nerve
sory and motor function in their lower limbs. In addition, each growth factors—hormone-like chemicals that stimulate growth—
showed progress in autonomic functions, including sweating, have shown to be promising for regenerating spinal cord tissue.
bowel and bladder control, and sexual function. Researchers The goal of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation (www
believe that this external device sparks spinal cord circuitry that is to one day produce a cure for spinal cord
was thought to be permanently damaged, enabling it to once again paralysis.

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What's New
Brain in a Petri Dish: A Human Model for Alzheimer Research

As you know from page 170, Alzheimer disease results from a Recently, researchers successfully developed a technique for
complex biochemical process in neurons. Two proteins—the amy- creating a human study model. First, neural stem cells were geneti-
loid that causes plaques to form between neuron synapses, and the cally engineered to be immortal in cell culture (like the HeLa cells
tau that causes neurofibrils to tangle—are known to be involved in described in the Chapter 4 opening reading). Next, these cells were
the disease process. However, hundreds of questions about the pro- successfully grown in a gel medium, where they formed three-
cess remain. Why do some people form the proteins, but show no dimensional neural networks, much like those of a human brain.
signs of disease? Does plaque formation cause tangle formation? Researchers then induced the same gene mutations found in auto-
Do the proteins themselves cause the disease symptoms, or do they somal dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD). For the first time, the
result when the immune system destroys damaged cells? Why do neurons grown in these cell cultures formed complex networks
specific mutations always doom some people to die from the dis- that showed the two distinct pathological changes of Alzheimer
ease? Why does disease risk increase with age? To date, research disease: first, amyloid plaques and then the resulting neurofibril-
into these and other questions has used mice equipped with human lary tangles. Thus, this cell culture technique has created a power-
Alzheimer genes as the mammalian study model. However, this ful new research tool: a working reproduction of an “Alzheimer
type of study has had serious limitations. Obviously, mice aren’t brain” in a petri dish. Scientists hope that having this replica will
humans. The animal brains grow amyloid plaques, but not the allow possible drugs for Alzheimer disease to be rapidly tested. In
resulting neurofibrillary tangles seen in human brains. Further, addition, this 3-D neural network “brain” could also be used to
experimental drugs that cured mice failed to show any benefits in investigate other neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s
humans. disease.

Limbic System Stimulation of different areas of the limbic system causes the
subject to experience rage, pain, pleasure, or sorrow. By causing
The limbic system (illustrated in purple in the following figure)
pleasant or unpleasant feelings about experiences, the limbic sys-
is a collection of structures from both the cerebrum and the dien-
tem apparently guides the individual into behavior that is likely to
cephalon. It lies just inferior to the cerebral cortex and contains
increase the chance of survival.
neural pathways that connect portions of the cerebral cortex and
The limbic system is also involved in learning and memory.
the temporal lobes with the thalamus and the hypothalamus:
In particular, the most inferior structure of the limbic system,
the hippocampus, is vital in processing of short-term memory
to become long-term memory. Learning requires memory, and
memory is stored in the sensory regions of the cerebrum, but
thalamus just what permits memory development is not definitely known.
The involvement of the limbic system in memory explains why
emotionally charged events result in our most vivid memories.
The fact that the limbic system communicates with the sen-
sory areas for touch, smell, vision, and so forth accounts for the
hypothalamus ­ability of any particular sensory stimulus to awaken a complex
olfactory bulb memory.
and tract
The Cerebellum
hippocampus The cerebellum is separated from the brain stem by the
fourth ventricle (see Fig. 8.8a). The cerebellum has two
hemispheres, which are joined by a narrow median portion.
Each portion is primarily composed of white matter, which
in longitudinal section has a treelike pattern. Overlying the

178 PART III Integration and Coordination

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white matter is a thin layer of gray matter that forms a series of auditory, and tactile responses. These include centers that con-
complex folds. trol head movements in response to visual and auditory stim-
The cerebellum receives sensory input from the eyes, ears, uli (for example, when you turn your head in the direction of
joints, and muscles about the present position of body parts. a loud sound). The word pons means “bridge” in Latin, and
It also receives motor output from the cerebral cortex about true to its name, the pons contains bundles of axons traveling
where these parts should be located. After integrating this in- between the cerebellum and the rest of the CNS. In addition, the
formation, the ­cerebellum sends motor signals by way of the pons functions with the medulla oblongata to regulate breath-
brain stem to the skeletal muscles. In this way, the cerebel- ing rate.
lum maintains posture and balance. It also ensures that all of The medulla oblongata contains a number of reflex cen-
the muscles work together to produce smooth, coordinated ters for regulating heartbeat, breathing, and vasoconstriction.
­voluntary movements. In addition, the cerebellum assists the It also contains the reflex centers for vomiting, coughing,
learning of new motor skills, such as playing the piano or hit- sneezing, hiccupping, and swallowing. The medulla oblongata
ting a baseball. lies just superior to the spinal cord, and it contains tracts that
ascend or descend between the spinal cord and higher brain
The Brain Stem The entire brain stem is critically important for control of the
The brain stem is the structure that joins the upper brain re- parasympathetic division of the autonomic motor nervous system.
gions to the spinal cord. The brain stem contains the mid- Cranial nerves whose neuron cell bodies are found in this area
brain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata (see Fig. 8.8a). travel to the eyes, facial glands, and internal organs in both the
Running through all of these structures is a web of gray matter thorax and abdominopelvic regions.
called the reticular formation. The midbrain acts as a relay The reticular formation assists the cerebellum in main-
station for tracts passing between the cerebrum and the spi- taining muscle tone; it also assists the pons and medulla in regu-
nal cord or cerebellum. It also has reflex centers for visual, lating ­respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. The sensory


Traumatic Brain Injury
In March 2009, Natasha Richardson, actress and wife of actor Liam Patients who have had a concussion should always be examined
Neeson, lost consciousness while she was on the beginner slope of a by an emergency room physician to rule out a critical injury. Before
Montreal ski resort, after a seemingly minor fall. After regaining con- first responders transport the person to the hospital, they should
sciousness, she insisted that she was fine, even turning away EMS per- quickly assess whether the patient is alert and able to respond to per-
sonnel. However, she complained of a severe headache hours later, and son, place, and time—in the language of the emergency room, “ori-
her condition rapidly deteriorated. After being declared brain dead, ented times three.” The individual should be able to identify himself
Richardson died in a New York hospital two days later. (person), tell where he is (place), and correctly name the day of the
Richardson’s accident focused attention on the need for immedi- week (time). Next, the victim’s pupillary reflex is tested to ensure that
ate medical attention when a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is suspected. both pupils react similarly and quickly in response to light. Emergency
Traumatic brain injuries cause swelling of the brain and meninges, care providers and family members must be aware of the signs of brain
which reduces blood supply to the brain. Concussion is often the first damage: severe headache, nausea and vomiting, slow heartbeat and
symptom of TBI. Patients who suffer a concussion become dizzy, con- breathing rate, and decreasing consciousness. In babies and small chil-
fused or disoriented, suffer short-term memory loss, or lose conscious- dren, the early signs of TBI include crying inconsolably and refusal to
ness. Bleeding inside the brain or skull, called hematoma, or bruising nurse or eat. In these situations, immediate medical and surgical treat-
of the brain, called a contusion, may follow concussion. These are ment will hopefully lessen or prevent brain damage.
life-threatening and often fatal injuries that may not be immediately Athletes (and their parents and coaches) must be aware that no con-
evident, but develop in the hours to days after the initial loss of con- cussion should be considered minor; each is a traumatic brain injury. Fur-
sciousness. In Ms. Richardson’s case, her fall resulted in an epidural ther, repeated concussions in young people can result in permanent brain
hematoma: bleeding between the skull and dura mater. Had she re- damage and predispose the victim to neurodegenerative diseases, includ-
ceived prompt medical treatment, the hematoma could have been sur- ing Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Under no circumstances should an
gically repaired. athlete be returned to play in that day’s game following a concussion.

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 179

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component of the reticular formation processes sensory stim- bundles of axons, both myelinated and unmyelinated, that travel
uli—sounds, sights, touch—and uses these signals to keep us together. Ganglia (sing., ganglion) are swellings associated with
mentally alert. Additionally, this portion of the brain helps to nerves that contain collections of cell bodies. As with ­muscles,
rouse a sleeping person. Damage to the reticular formation can connective tissue separates axons at various levels of organization.
result in coma, a state of temporary (sometimes permanent) Each axon is surrounded by a fine connective tissue called the
unconsciousness. endoneurium. Bundles of axons called fascicles are enclosed by
a perineurium, and the entire nerve is covered by the epineurium
(Fig. 8.11a).
The PNS is subdivided into the afferent, or sensory,
Content CHECK-UP! system and the efferent, or motor, system (see Fig. 8.1). The
5. The deepest of the three meninges is the: somatic sensory system carries action potentials from the
a. dura mater. skin, skeletal muscles, joints, and t­endons. The special senses
(vision, hearing, taste, smell) are also part of the somatic sen-
b. arachnoid mater.
sory system. The visceral sensory system transmits action
c. pia mater. potentials from the internal organs. Nerves from both sensory
6. Cerebrospinal fluid is found in the ____ ____ of the systems take information from their peripheral sensory recep-
spinal cord, and the ______ of the brain. It is also found tors to the CNS.
in the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and The somatic motor system carries commands away from the
spinal cord.
CNS to the skeletal muscles. The autonomic motor system relays
7. Imagine you’re standing outside when a tremendous clap action potentials from the CNS to structures that are part of the
of thunder occurs. Which structure routes the sound to the organ systems over which we have little or no control (cardiovas-
correct brain lobe? Which lobe contains sensory and memory
cular, digestive, urinary, reproductive, etc.). Thus, the autonomic
areas for hearing?
nervous system regulates the activities of these organ systems. thus
8. Which structure integrates motor commands to make sure that regulating their activity.
proper muscle groups are activated or inhibited?
a. Wernicke’s area
b. corpus callosum
Types of Nerves
c. limbic system
The cranial nerves are attached to the brain, and the spinal nerves
d. basal nuclei
are attached to the spinal cord.
9. Name the three main components of the diencephalon.
10. Match the brain region with its function:
a. cerebellum visual and auditory reflexes Cranial Nerves
b. limbic system motor coordination Humans have 12 pairs of cranial nerves (Table 8.1). By conven-
c. brain stem emotional response tion, the pairs of cranial nerves are referred to by Roman numerals
(Fig. 8.11a). Some cranial nerves are sensory nerves—that is,
Answers in Appendix A.
they contain only sensory fibers; some are motor nerves, containing
only motor fibers; and others are mixed nerves, so called because
they contain both sensory and motor fibers. Cranial nerves
are largely concerned with the head, neck, and facial regions
of the body. There are two exceptions: the vagus nerve (cranial
 8.3   Peripheral Nervous System nerve X), has sensory and motor branches to the face and most of
8. Describe the structure of a nerve, and distinguish between sensory, the internal organs. This mixed nerve, whose name aptly derives
­motor, and mixed nerves.
from a Latin word that means “traveler,” contains both somatic
9. Name the twelve pairs of cranial nerves, and give a function
for each. and visceral sensory nerves. Its efferent nerves belong to the so-
10. Name several peripheral nerves, and describe the spinal nerves matic and the autonomic motor systems. The spinal accessory
which combine to create each one. Explain the function of each of nerve (cranial nerve XI, sometimes simply called the accessory
these ­peripheral nerves.
nerve) supplies motor signals to two skeletal muscles that move
11. Describe the structure of a reflex arc and the function of a
reflex action. the head: the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles (see
12. Define and describe the autonomic nervous system. Table 7.2).
13. Distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
in four ways, and give examples of their respective effects on
specific ­organs. Spinal Nerves
Humans have 31 pairs of spinal nerves; one of each pair is on
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) lies outside the central ner- either side of the spinal cord (Fig. 8.11b). The spinal nerves are
vous system and is composed of nerves and ganglia. Nerves are grouped as shown in Table 8.2 because they are at either the

180 PART III Integration and Coordination

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TABLE 8.1 Cranial Nerves

Transmits Nerve Impulses to (Motor) or

Nerve Type Brain Pathway from (Sensory)

Olfactory (I) Sensory I: Mucous membrane of nose to Olfactory receptors for sense of smell
  olfactory bulbs
Optic (II) Sensory II: Retina → optic nerve → thalamus → Retina for sense of sight
  occipital lobe
Oculomotor (III) Motor III: Midbrain → eye and eyelid Eye muscles (including eyelids and lens); pupil
  (parasympathetic division)
Trochlear (IV) Motor IV: Midbrain → eye Eye muscles
        Sensory V: Sensory: Teeth, eyes, skin, and tongue
Trigeminal (V)    Teeth, eye, skin,
  tongue → pons
        Motor  Motor: Jaw muscles (chewing)
  Pons → jaw muscles
Abducens (VI) Motor VI: Pons → eye Eye muscles
        Sensory VII: Sensory: Taste buds of anterior tongue
Facial (VII)   Tongue → pons
        Motor  Motor: Facial muscles (facial expression) and glands
  Pons → facial muscles,    (tear and salivary)
   salivary glands, tear glands
Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Sensory VIII: Inner ear → pons and medulla Inner ear for sense of balance and hearing
   (also called auditory;
  acoustic)         Sensory IX: Sensory: Pharynx
Glossopharyngeal (IX) Mixed    Tongue, throat → pons
        Motor  Motor: Pharyngeal muscles (swallowing), salivary
  Pons → salivary gland, glands
  throat muscles
         Sensory X: Sensory: Internal organs, external ear canal,
Vagus (X)    Eardrum, ear canal, throat, heart,    eardrum, back of throat
   Mixed lungs, abdominal organs → medulla
        Motor  Motor: Internal organs (parasympathetic division),
  Medulla → throat and larynx, heart,    throat muscles (somatic motor division)
   lungs, abdominal organs
Spinal accessory (XI) Motor XI: Medulla → muscles of throat, neck, Neck and back muscles
Hypoglossal (XII) Motor XII: Medulla → tongue muscles Tongue muscles

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, or coccygeal regions of the verte- Somatic Motor Nervous System and Reflexes
bral column. The first spinal nerve, C1, emerges between the skull
Most actions in the somatic motor nervous system are volun-
and the atlas (the first cervical vertebra). The remaining spinal
tary. These actions, such as when we decide to move a limb,
nerves are designated ­according to their location in relation to the
always originate in the motor cortex. You will remember that
vertebrae because each passes through an intervertebral foramen as
the motor cortex is in the posterior part of the frontal lobe.
it leaves the spinal cord. This organizational principle is illustrated
Other actions in the somatic m ­ otor nervous system are due to
in Figure 8.12.
reflexes—automatic involuntary responses to changes occur-
All spinal nerves are mixed nerves because they contain both
ring inside or outside the body. A reflex occurs quickly; we
sensory fibers that conduct signals to the spinal cord from sensory
don’t even have to think about it. Reflexes are protective mecha-
receptors and motor fibers that conduct signals away from the cord
nisms that are essential to homeostasis. They keep the internal
to effectors. The sensory fibers enter the cord via the posterior
organs functioning within normal bounds and protect the body
root, and the motor fibers exit by way of the anterior root. As you’ll
from external harm.
recall (from section 8.2), the cell body of a sensory neuron is found
Some reflexes, called cranial reflexes, involve the brain, as
in the posterior root ganglion (see Figs. 8.7 and 8.13). Each spinal
when we automatically blink our eyes when an object nears the
nerve serves the particular region of the body in which it is located
eye suddenly. Figure 8.13 illustrates the path of a reflex within the
(Table 8.2).

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 181

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a. Nerve
(covered by
cranial epineurium)

spinal and vein

Cranial Nerves

fascicle I from olfactory

neuron (bundle of nerve receptors
(covered in fibers wrapped in II from retina of
endoneurium) perineurium) eyes
III to eye muscles
IV to eye muscles
V from mouth and
endoneurium unmyelinated axon to jaw muscles
VI to eye muscles
VII from taste buds
and to facial
muscles and
myelin VIII from inner ear
IX from pharynx
and to pharyngeal
XII to tongue
X from and to
internal organs
XI to neck and
b. myelinated axons c. back muscles

  Figure 8.11  Cranial and spinal nerves. (a) A single nerve is composed of the axons of many neuron fibers, arranged in
bundles called fascicles. Axons are covered by endoneurium; fascicles are covered by perineurium, and the nerve is enclosed in
epineurium. (b) Cross section scanning electron ­micrograph of a fascicle containing both myelinated axons (surrounded by gold
myelin sheath) and unmyelinated axons. Endoneurium (tan tissue) surrounds each axon. (c) Inferior surface of the brain showing the
attachment of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

TABLE 8.2 Spinal Nerves

Peripheral Nerves Created
Name from Spinal Nerves Involved1 Function
Musculocutaneous nerves C5–T1 Supply muscles of the anterior arm and carry sensation from skin of the
lateral forearm
Radial nerves C5–T1 Supply muscles of the posterior arm and forearm and carry sensation
from skin of the posterior forearm and hand
Median nerves C5–T1 Supply muscles of the anterior forearm and hand and carry sensation
from skin of the palm
Ulnar nerves C5–T1 Supply muscles of the forearm and hand and carry sensation from skin of
the hand
Phrenic nerves C3–C5 Supply the diaphragm
Intercostal nerves T1–T11 Supply intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, and skin of the trunk
Femoral nerves L2–L4 Supply muscles and skin of the anterior thighs and legs
Sciatic nerves L4–S3 Supply muscles and skin of the posterior thighs, legs, and feet
C 5 cervical; T 5 thoracic; L 5 lumbar

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these interneurons then synapse with motor neurons whose short
dendrites and cell bodies are in the spinal cord. Nerve action po-
tentials travel along a motor fiber to an effector, which brings
about a response to the stimulus. In this case, the effector is a
C2 skeletal muscle, which contracts so that you withdraw your hand
C3 from the pain stimulus.
C4 8 pairs of Various other reactions are also possible—you will most
C5 cervical nerves likely look at the pin, wince, and cry out in pain. This whole se-
C6 ries of responses occurs because the axons of certain interneurons
carry action potentials to the brain via tracts in the spinal cord and
T1 vertebra brain. The brain makes you aware of the stimulus and directs your
other ­reactions to it. You don’t feel pain until the brain receives the
­information and interprets it.
Reflexes can also be used to determine if the nervous system is
reacting properly. Two of these types of reflexes are:
knee-jerk reflex (patellar ligament reflex), initiated by striking
12 pairs of the patellar ligament just below the patella. The response is
thoracic nerves contraction of the quadriceps femoris muscles, which causes
T8 the leg to extend;
T9 ankle-jerk reflex, initiated by tapping the calcaneal (Achilles)
T10 tendon just above its insertion on the calcaneus. The re-
sponse is plantar flexion due to contraction of the gastrocne-
T11 mius and soleus muscles.
T12 Many reflexes are important for avoiding injury, but the
knee-jerk and ankle-jerk reflexes are also important for main-
L1 taining b­ alance. For example, the knee-jerk reflex helps a person
stand erect. If the knee begins to bend slightly when a person
stands still, the quadriceps femoris is stretched, and the leg
L3 5 pairs of straightens.
lumbar nerves

Autonomic Motor Nervous System
and Visceral Reflexes
The autonomic motor nervous system (ANS) is composed of the
S2 5 pairs of
sacral nerves
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions (Fig. 8.14). These two
divisions have several features in common: (1) They function au-
tomatically, with little or no voluntary control; (2) all internal
1 pair of coccygeal organs have fibers from either or both divisions; and (3) they uti-
nerves lize two motor neurons and one ganglion to transmit an action
potential. (By contrast, a somatic motor neuron travels directly
to its effector, without synapsing at a ganglion.) The first neuron
has a cell body within the CNS and a preganglionic axon fiber
  Figure 8.12  Spinal nerves. The number and kinds (the term preganglionic indicates that the axon travels to the gan-
of spinal nerves are shown here. Table 8.2 lists the functions glion). The second neuron has a cell body within the ganglion
of some of the major spinal nerves.
and a postganglionic axon fiber (the axon travels away from the
ganglion to the effector).
Visceral reflex actions, such as those that regulate blood
pressure and breathing rate, are especially important to main-
somatic motor nervous system that involves only the spinal cord tenance of homeostasis. These reflexes begin when the sen-
(called a spinal reflex). If the skin on your hand is poked with a sory neurons in contact with internal organs send messages
sharp pin, a pain sensory receptor in the skin generates action po- via spinal nerves to the CNS. They are completed when
tentials that move along a sensory fiber through the posterior root motor neurons within the autonomic system stimulate smooth
ganglia toward the spinal cord. Sensory neurons enter the cord muscle, ­c ardiac muscle, or a gland. These structures are also
posteriorly and form synapses with many interneurons. Some of effectors.

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posterior (dorsal)
root ganglion central canal
white matter
sensory gray matter
(in skin)

cell body of sensory neuron

axon of sensory neuron
cell body of interneuron

axon of motor neuron


(ventral) root cell body of
motor neuron

Anterior (Ventral)

  Figure 8.13  A reflex arc showing the path of a spinal reflex. A stimulus (e.g., a pinprick to the skin of the hand) causes sen-
sory receptors in the skin to generate nerve signals that travel in sensory axons to the spinal cord. Interneurons integrate data from sen-
sory neurons and then ­relay signals to motor neurons. Motor axons convey nerve signals from the spinal cord to a skeletal muscle, which
contracts. Movement of the hand away from the pin is the response to the stimulus.

Sympathetic Division: “Fight or Flight” (NE). The structure of NE is like that of epinephrine (adrena-
line), an adrenal medulla hormone that usually increases heart
The preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic division arise from
rate and ­contractility.
the middle, or thoracic-lumbar, portion of the spinal cord and
almost immediately terminate in ganglia that lie near the cord.
Therefore, in this division, the preganglionic fiber is short, but the
Parasympathetic Division:
postganglionic fiber that makes contact with an effector is long “Rest and Digest”
(Fig. 8.15a). The parasympathetic division includes several cranial nerves
The sympathetic division is especially important dur- whose preganglionic neurons are located in the brain stem
ing emergency situations when a person might be required to (e.g., the vagus nerve) as well as fibers that arise from the
fight or run away. It accelerates the heartbeat and dilates the sacral (inferior) portion of the spinal cord. Therefore, this
­bronchi—­active muscles, after all, require a ready supply of glu- division is often referred to as the craniosacral portion of
cose and oxygen. On the other hand, the sympathetic division the autonomic ­system. In the parasympathetic division, the
inhibits the ­digestive tract functions—digestion is not an im- preganglionic fiber (axon) is long, and the postganglionic
mediate necessity if you’re under attack. The neurotransmitter fiber (axon) is short because the ganglia lie near or within the
released by the postganglionic axon is primarily norepinephrine effector (Fig. 8.15b.)

184 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Visual Focus

inhibits tears stimulates tears

constricts pupils
dilates ganglion

Sympathetic Division inhibits salivation Parasympathetic Division

stimulates cranial
salivation nerves

slows heart

dilates air
passages vagus nerve

cervical stimulates liver to

nerves release glucose
stimulates gallbladder
to release bile
secretion increases activity
of stomach and

inhibits activity
nerves increases
of kidneys,
stomach, and intestinal
pancreas activity

intestinal activity

inhibits stimulates sacral
urination urination nerves

orgasmic causes
contractions erection Acetylcholine is neurotransmitter.
sympathetic ganglia of genitals Norepinephrine is neurotransmitter.

  Figure 8.14  Autonomic system structure and function. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers (left) arise from the thoracic and
lumbar portions of the spinal cord; parasympathetic preganglionic fibers (right) arise from the cranial and sacral portions of the spinal
cord. Most of the effectors are innervated by both divisions of the ANS (as shown). Where this is the case, the two divisions usually have
opposite effects.

lon96431_ch08_162-192.indd 185 18/11/15 11:28 AM

Sympathetic Division Parasympathetic Division
parasympathetic cranial
ganglion nerves

speeds acetylcholine
heart slows heart

vagus nerve

cervical preganglionic
nerves long

thoracic ganglion
a. b.

  Figure 8.15  Sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. (a) Because sympathetic ganglia usually lie close to the spinal
cord, the preganglionic neuron is short and the postganglionic neuron is long. (b) Parasympathetic ganglia are close to their target or-
gans, so the preganglionic neuron is long and the postganglionic neuron is short.

The parasympathetic division, sometimes called the “house-

keeper” division, promotes all of the internal responses we as- Content CHECK-UP!
sociate with a relaxed state. Parasympathetic function can be 11. Which of the following cranial nerves transmits sensory signals
referred to as “rest and digest.” For example, parasympathetic about hearing and balance?
nerves cause the ­pupil of the eye to contract, promote digestion a. oculomotor c. trochlear
of food, slow heart rate, and decrease the strength of cardiac con-
b. abducens d. vestibulocochlear
traction. The neurotransmitter utilized by the parasympathetic
division is acetylcholine (ACh). 12. Which spinal nerve supplies the diaphragm?
Table 8.3 contrasts the two divisions of the autonomic a. radial c. phrenic
system. b. median d. intercostal
13. Imagine that you accidentally touch a hot stove and automati-
cally pull your hand away. Detail the steps in this reflex
TABLE 8.3 Autonomic Motor Pathways Answers in Appendix A.

Sympathetic Parasympathetic

Type of control Involuntary Involuntary  8.4  Effects of Aging

Number of Two (preganglionic Two (preganglionic 14. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the
neurons per shorter than longer than ­nervous system as we age.
message postganglionic) postganglionic)
After age 60, brain mass begins to decrease. By age 80, the brain
Location of Thoracolumbar Cranial (e.g., vagus)
motor fiber spinal nerves and sacral spinal
weighs about 10% less than when the person was a young adult. The
nerves cerebral cortex shrinks more than other areas of the brain, losing as
much as 45% of its cells. Neurotransmitter production also de-
Neurotransmitter Norepinephrine Acetylcholine creases, resulting in slower synaptic transmission. As a person
Effectors Smooth and cardiac Smooth and cardiac
ages, thought processing and translating a thought into action
muscle, glands muscle, glands take longer. This partly explains why younger athletes tend to
outshine older athletes in sports.

186 PART III Integration and Coordination

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However, it’s very important to note that although structural systems coordinate and regulate the functioning of the other organ
changes occur, mental impairment is not an automatic consequence systems.
of getting older. Maintaining the health of the cardiovascular sys- The everyday regulation of internal organs that maintains the
tem is fundamental to retaining mental function—after all, the composition of blood and tissue fluid usually takes place below
heart and blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. the level of consciousness. Subconscious control is dependent on
In addition, older people can stay mentally alert by challenging the reflex actions that involve the hypothalamus and the brain stem.
brain: taking courses, reading, solving puzzles, etc. Avoiding de- The hypothalamus and the brain stem act through the autonomic
pression is important because it is a contributor to mental impair- motor nervous system to control such important parameters as the
ment; thus, the elderly should try to form and sustain a great social heart rate, the constriction of the blood vessels, and the breath-
network and interact with others in meaningful ways. Exercise is ing rate.
also an important ingredient in good health—­including mental Because the nervous system stimulates skeletal muscles to
health—at every age. contract, it controls the major movements of the body. When we
Neurological disorders, especially Alzheimer disease and are in a “fight-or-flight” mode, the nervous system stimulates
Parkinson’s disease, are more apt to occur in the elderly. The the adrenal glands and voluntarily controls the skeletal muscles
What’s New reading on Alzheimer disease and the Medical Focus to keep us from danger. On a daily basis, you might think that
reading on Parkinson’s disease on pages 170 and 189 will give you ­voluntary movements don’t play a role in homeostasis, but actu-
more information about these conditions. ally we usually take all necessary actions to stay in as moderate
an environment as possible. Otherwise, we are testing the ability
of the nervous system to maintain homeostasis despite extreme
Content CHECK-UP! conditions.
In turn, the body’s other systems support the functions of
14. What can people do to slow the deterioration of the nervous
the nervous system. The integumentary, skeletal, and muscu-
system while they age?
lar systems protect both central and peripheral nervous system
Answer in Appendix A. structures. These systems also supply sensory input to the CNS.
The lymphatic system protects against infection. The metabolic
needs of the nervous system are supplied by the digestive, car-
diovascular, and respiratory systems. The kidneys dispose of
 8.5   Homeostasis metabolic waste, but also maintain the electrolyte balance that
15. Describe how the nervous system works with other systems of the is critical for conduction of an action potential.
body to maintain homeostasis.

The illustration in Human Systems Work Together on page 188 Content CHECK-UP!
shows how the nervous system works with other systems in the
body to maintain homeostasis. The nervous system detects, inter- 15. A patient whose stroke caused loss of function to his upper
prets, and responds to changes in internal and external conditions limb developed decreased bone density in the limb. Why did
to keep the internal environment relatively constant. The hypo- this occur?
thalamus, an important nervous system structure, is also the master Answer in Appendix A.
controller for most of the endocrine system. Together, these two

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 187

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Human Systems Work Together NERVOUS SYSTEM

Integumentary System Lymphatic System/Immunity

Brain controls nerves How the Nervous Microglial cells engulf

that regulate size of System works with other and destroy pathogens.
cutaneous blood vessels; body systems.
activates sweat glands Lymphatic vessels
and arrector pili muscles. pick up excess tissue
fluid; immune system
Skin protects nerves, protects against
helps regulate body infections of nerves.
temperature; skin
receptors send sensory
input to brain.
Respiratory System

Respiratory centers in
Skeletal System brain regulate breathing
Receptors send sensory
input from bones and Lungs provide oxygen
brain for neurons and rid the
joints to brain.
body of carbon dioxide
Bones protect sense produced by neurons.
spinal cord
organs, brain, and spinal
cord; store Ca2+ for nerve
Digestive System

Brain controls nerves that

Muscular System innervate smooth muscle
and permit digestive
Brain controls nerves tract movements.
that innervate muscles;
receptors send sensory Digestive tract provides
input from muscles to nutrients for growth,
brain. maintenance, and repair
of neurons and
Muscle contraction neuroglial cells.
moves eyes, permits
speech, and creates
facial expressions.
Urinary System

Brain controls nerves

Endocrine System that innervate muscles
that permit urination.
Hypothalamus is part of
endocrine system; Kidneys maintain blood
nerves innervate certain levels of Na+, K+, and
glands of secretion. Ca2+, which are needed
for nerve conduction.
Sex hormones affect
development of brain.
Reproductive System

Cardiovascular System Brain controls onset of

puberty; nerves are
Brain controls nerves that involved in erection of
regulate the heart and penis and clitoris, con-
dilation of blood vessels. traction of ducts that
carry gametes, and
Blood vessels deliver contraction of uterus.
nutrients and oxygen to
neurons; carry away Sex hormones masculin-
wastes. ize or feminize the brain,
exert feedback control
over the hypothalamus,
and influence sexual

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Parkinson’s Disease

“My body is completely out of control. That’s the hardest thing about symptoms completely for a few weeks to months. However, as the
this disease. Sometimes I can’t move at all, or I move so slowly that it disease progresses, patients need increasingly stronger medications in
takes forever just to cross the room. Next thing you know, I’m jerking higher dosages to relieve the symptoms. These stronger medications
around like a puppet.” produce undesirable side effects, such as dizziness, sleepiness, and
Your patient has just described the classic symptoms of memory loss.
Parkinson’s disease, a progressive central nervous system disorder. Implants of dopamine-producing cells have also been placed into
The Parkinson’s patient is usually a person age 60 or older. However, the brain. These implants have had low success rates in relieving symp-
the disease is seen increasingly in younger people as well. Actor toms. Research into this practice has largely been discontinued. (Because
Michael J. Fox was just 38 years old when he announced publicly in the cells are often obtained from human embryos, scientists have also
1999 that he suffers from Parkinson’s disease. raised ethical concerns about the source of the implanted cells.)
If the patient’s facial muscles are involved, his or her face may Increasingly, therapy for Parkinson’s disease involves directly
not be able to show emotion, resulting in a fixed, masklike appear- treating brain tissue. In deep-brain stimulation (DBS), a set of elec-
ance. Routine tasks such as dressing and bathing become very diffi- trodes is implanted into precise centers in the brain. The electrodes are
cult. The sufferer has an increased risk of falling and injuring himself connected to an electrical neurostimulator implanted into the chest
because balance and coordination are also affected. The disease takes near the clavicle, or collarbone. The neurostimulator delivers continu-
its toll on the patient psychologically; most suffer depression as their ous electrical signals into the patient’s brain, blocking the signals that
activities and independence become more and more limited. cause Parkinsonian movement. Once implanted, the stimulator can be
Parkinson’s disease is caused by destruction of specific areas of adjusted from outside the body to achieve maximum symptom relief.
the brain called the basal nuclei (see page 176). Researchers have Pallidotomy is performed on an awake patient. In this procedure, a
determined that these basal nuclei nerve cells produce the neurotrans- fine probe is placed into the brain tissue. Next, electrical signals are
mitter dopamine. The lack of this neurotransmitter seems to cause the applied to pinpoint the area for treatment, and the patient describes
signs and symptoms of the disorder. Treatment for the disease has, the signal’s effects to the surgeon. Based on these descriptions, the
until recently, focused on ways to replace dopamine in the brain. Drug surgeon can burn a tiny hole in the brain tissue, permanently stopping
treatment produces temporary dopamine replacement and r­ elieves the the signals that cause abnormal movements.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms cerebellum (sĕrĕ-bĕl9ŭm), p. 178 hippocampus (hĭp9ō-kăm9pŭhs), p. 178
acetylcholine (ăsĕ-tĭl-kō9lēn), p. 167 cerebral cortex (sĕr9ē-brŭl kŏr9tĕks), p. 173 hypothalamus (hīpō-thăl9ŭh-mŭs), p. 176
acetylcholinesterase (ăsĕ-tĭl-kōlĭn-ĕs9tĕr-ās), cerebral hemisphere (sĕr9ē-brŭl hĕm9ĭs-fēr), interneuron (ĭntĕr-nū9rŏn), p. 165
p. 168 p. 173 limbic system (lĭm9bĭk sĭs9tĕm), p. 178
action potential (ăk9shŭn pō-tĕn9shŭl), p. 165 cerebrospinal fluid (sĕrē-brō-spī9nŭl flū9ĭd), p. 172 medulla oblongata (mĭ-dŭl9ŭh ŏb9lŏng-gă9tŭh),
afferent (sensory) system (ăf9ĕr-ĕnt sĭs9tĕm), cerebrum (sĕr9ē-brŭm), p. 173 p. 179
p. 180 corpus callosum (kōr9pŭs kŭ-lō9sŭm), p. 173 meninges (mĕn-ĭn9jēz), p. 171
arachnoid mater (ŭh-răk9nōyd măh9 tŭr), p. 171 cranial nerve (krā9nē-ŭl nĕrv), p. 180 midbrain (mĭd9brān), p. 179
association area (ŭh-sōsē-ā9shŭn ā9rē-ŭh), p. 175 dendrite (dĕn9drīt), p. 164 motor neurons (mō9tĕr nū9rŏnz), p. 165
autonomic motor system (ăwtō-nŏm9ĭk mō9tĕr depolarization (dē-pōlŭh-rīz-ā9shŭn), p. 165 motor speech area (mō9tĕr spēch ā9 rē-ŭh),
sĭs9tĕm), p. 180 diencephalon (dīĕn-sĕf9ŭh-lŏn), p. 176 p. 176
axon (ăk9sŏn), p. 164 dural venous sinuses (dūr9ŭhl vē9nŭs sī9 nŭs-ez), nerve (nĕrv), p. 164
axon terminal (ăk9sŏn tĕr9mĭn-ŭhl), p. 164 p. 171 neurotransmitter (nūrō-trăns9mĭt-ĕr), p. 167
basal nuclei (bās9ŭl nū9klē-ī), p. 176 dura mater (dūr9ŭh măh9 tŭr), p. 171 norepinephrine (nŏrĕp-ĭ-nĕf9rĭn), p. 167
brain stem (brān9 stĕm9), p. 179 efferent (motor) system (ĕf9ĕr-ĕnt sĭs9tĕm), p. 180 parasympathetic division (pārŭh-sĭmpŭh-
Broca’s area (brō9kŭz ā9 rē-ŭh), p. 176 ganglion (găng9glē-ŏn), p. 180 thĕt9ĭk dĭ-vĭzh9ŭn), p. 184
cell body (sĕl bŏd9ē), p. 164 general interpretive area (gĕn9ĕr-ŭhl ĭn- peripheral nervous system (pĕ-rĭf9ĕr-ăl nŭr9vŭs
tĕr9prĕ-tĭv ā9 rē-ŭh), p. 176 sĭs9tĕm), p. 163
central canal (sĕn9 trŭhl kŭh-năl9), p. 172
graded potential (grād-ĕd pō-tĕn9shŭl), p. 167 pia mater (pī9ŭh măh9 tŭr), p. 172
central nervous system (sĕn9trŭhl nĕr9vŭs
sĭs9tĕm), p. 163 gray matter (grā măt9ĕr), p. 171 pons (pŏnz), p. 179

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 189

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posterior root ganglion (pŏs-tēr9ē-ĕr-rūt somatic motor system (sō-măt9 ĭk mō9 tĕr sĭs9 Clinical Key Terms
gāng9glē-ŏn), p. 173 tĕm), p. 180
Alzheimer disease (ăltz9hī-mĕr dĭ-zēz9), p. 170
prefrontal area (prē-frŭn9tŭl ā9 rē-ŭh), p. 175 somatic sensory system (sō-măt9ĭk sĕn9sŭh-rē
ankle-jerk reflex (ān9kŭl-jĕrk rē9flĕks), p. 183
primary motor area (prī9mā-rē mō9 tĕr ā9rē-ūh), sĭs9tĕm), p. 180
cerebral palsy (sĕr9ē-brŭl păll9zē), p. 175
p. 173 spinal cord (spī9nŭl kōrd), p. 172
coma (kō9-mŭh), p. 180
primary somatosensory area (prī9mā-rē sōmă- spinal nerve (spī9nŭl nĕrv), p. 180
tō-sĕn9sō-rē ā9rē-ūh), p. 174 deep-brain stimulation (DBS) (dēp brān stĭm-
stimulus (stĭm9yŭh-lŭs), p. 165
ū-lā9 shŭn), p. 189
receptor potential (rĭ-sĕp9tĕr pō-tĕn9shŭl), p. 167 sympathetic division (sĭmpŭh-thĕt9ĭk
electroencephalogram (ĕ-lĕktrō-ĕn-sĕf9ŭh-lō-
reflex (rē9flĕks), p. 181 dĭ-vĭzh9ŭn), p. 184
grăm), p. 173
refractory period (rĭ-frăk9tŭh-rē pēr9ē-ŭd), p. 167 synapse (sĭn9ăps), p. 167
herniated disk (hĕr9nē-āt-ĕd dĭsk), p. 173
repolarization (rē-pō9lĕr-ĭ-zā9shŭn), p. 165 synaptic cleft (sĭ-năp9tĭk klĕft), p. 167
hydrocephalus (hīdrō-sĕf 9ŭh-lŭs), p. 172
resting potential (rĕst-ĭng pō-tĕn9shŭl), p. 165 thalamus (thăl9ŭh-mŭs), p. 176
knee-jerk reflex (nē jĕrk rē9flĕks), p. 183
reticular formation (rĭ-tĭk9yŭh-lŭr fōr-mā9shŭn), threshold (thrĕsh9hōld), p. 165
pallidotomy (pălĭ-dŏt9ō-mē), p. 189
p. 179 tract (trăkt), p. 164
paraplegia (pārŭh-plē9jē-ŭh), p. 177
saltatory conduction (săl9tŭh-tōr9ē kŭn- ventricle (vĕn9trī-kŭl), p. 172
dŭk9shŭn), p. 167 Parkinson’s disease (păr9kĭn-sŭnz dĭ-zēz9),
visceral sensory system (vĭs9ĕr-ŭhl sĕn9 sŭh-rē p. 189
sensory neurons (sĕn9sŭh-rē nū9rŏnz), p. 164 sĭs9 tĕm), p. 180
quadriplegia (kwăh-drŭh-plē9jē-ŭh), p. 177
sodium-potassium pump (sō9dē-ŭm pō- Wernicke’s area (vŭhr9nĭ-kŭhz ā9 rē-ŭh), p. 176
tă9sē-ŭm pŭmp), p. 165 white matter (whīt măt9ĕr), p. 171

8.1. Nervous System while inhibitory neurotransmitters gray matter, has five lobes in
The nervous system permits sensory may prevent one. each hemisphere. The frontal
input, performs integration, and F. There are at least 100 known lobe initiates motor ­output. The
stimulates motor output. types of neurotransmitters. parietal lobe is the final receptor
A. The nervous system is divided 8.2. Central Nervous System for sensory input from the skin
into the central nervous system A. The CNS, consisting of the spinal and muscles. The other lobes re-
(brain and spinal cord) and the cord and brain, is protected by ceive specific sensory input.
peripheral nervous system (affer- the meninges and the cerebrospi- Various association areas in-
ent and efferent nervous sys- nal fluid. tegrate sensory data. Processing
tems). The CNS lies in the midline B. The spinal cord, located in the centers integrate data from other
of the body, and the PNS is lo- vertebral column, is composed of association areas: The prefrontal
cated peripherally to the CNS. white matter and gray matter. area carries out higher mental
B. Nervous tissue contains neurons C. White matter contains bundles of processes; Broca’s area and
and neuroglia. Each type of neu- nerve fibers, called tracts, which Wernicke’s area are concerned
ron (motor, sensory, and inter- conduct nerve signals to and with speech.
neuron) has three parts from the higher centers of the G. The diencephalon includes the
(dendrites, cell body, and axon). brain. Gray matter is mainly hypothalamus, thalamus, and pi-
Neuroglia support, protect, and made up of short fibers and cell neal gland. The hypothalamus
nourish the neurons. bodies. helps control the functioning of
C. All axons transmit the same type D. The spinal cord is a center for re- most internal organs and con-
of nerve signal: a change in po- flex action and allows communi- trols the secretions of the pitu-
larity (called an action potential) cation between the brain and the itary gland. The thalamus
that moves along the membrane peripheral nerves leaving the receives sensory impulses from
of a nerve fiber. Saltatory con- spinal cord. all parts of the body and relays
duction in myelinated axons is a E. The brain has four ventricles. them to the appropriate area of
faster type of conduction. The lateral ventricles are found the cerebrum.
D. Transmission of a nerve signal in the left and right cerebral H. The limbic system includes por-
across a synapse is dependent hemispheres. The third ventricle tions of the cerebrum, the thala-
on the release of a neurotrans- is found in the diencephalon. mus, and the hypothalamus. It is
mitter into a synaptic cleft. The fourth ventricle is found in involved in learning and memory
E. Graded potentials vary in size the brain stem. and in causing the emotions that
and can be excitatory or inhibi- F. The cerebrum is divided into the guide behavior.
tory. Excitatory neurotransmitters left and right hemispheres. The I. The cerebellum controls balance
may cause an action potential, cerebral cortex, a thin layer of and complex muscular movements.

190 PART III Integration and Coordination

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J. The brain stem contains the B. Reflexes (automatic reactions to responses associated with nor-
­medulla oblongata, pons, and internal and external stimuli) de- mally restful activities.
­midbrain. The medulla oblongata pend on the reflex arc. Some re- 8.4. Effects of Aging
contains vital centers for regulat- flexes are important for avoiding The brain loses nerve cells, and this
ing heartbeat, breathing, and injury, and others are necessary affects learning, memory, and rea-
blood pressure. The pons assists for physiological functions such soning. Mental impairment is not an
the medulla oblongata in regulat- as maintaining balance. automatic consequence of aging.
ing the breathing rate. The mid- C. The autonomic nervous system Maintaining cardiovascular health,
brain contains tracts that conduct ­controls the functioning of inter- pursuing lifelong learning, and sus-
impulses to and from the higher nal organs. taining a meaningful social network
parts of the brain. The reticular for- The divisions of the autonomic are essential for overall health of the
mation, a web of gray matter that nervous system: (1) function auto- brain and nervous system. Alzheimer
travels through brain stem struc- matically and usually without vol- disease is more often seen among
tures, maintains alertness and as- untary control; (2) innervate all the elderly.
sists other brain stem centers. internal organs; and (3) utilize two 8.5. Homeostasis
8.3. Peripheral Nervous System motor neurons and one ganglion The nervous system, along with the
A nerve contains bundles of axons for each impulse. endocrine system, regulates and co-
covered by successive layers of con- D. The sympathetic division brings ordinates the other systems to main-
nective tissue. about the responses associated tain homeostasis. Skeletal muscle
A. Cranial nerves take signals to with the “fight-or-flight” contraction also plays a role because
and/or from the brain. Spinal ­response. movement helps us take precautions
nerves take signals to and from E. The parasympathetic division or stay in a moderate environment.
the spinal cord. “rest and digest” brings about the

Study Questions
1. What are the functions of the nervous well-known neurotransmitters. 10. Name the other parts of the brain, and
system? (p. 163) (pp. 167–169, 171) give a location and function for each
2. What are the two main divisions of the 6. Name the meninges, and describe part. (pp. 176, 178–180)
nervous system? How are these divi- their locations. Where do you find ce- 11. Describe the structure of a nerve. In
sions subdivided? (pp. 163–164) rebrospinal fluid? (pp. 171–172) general, discuss the location and func-
3. What is the general structure of a 7. Describe the structure and function of tion of the cranial nerves and the spi-
neuron, and what are the functions of the spinal cord. (pp. 172–173) nal nerves. (pp. 180–181)
three different types of neurons? 8. What is the difference between the 12. Describe a spinal reflex, including the
(pp. 164–165) cerebrum and the cerebral cortex? role played by a sensory nerve fiber,
4. Describe the resting potential. Explain Name the lobes of the cerebral cor- interneurons, and a motor fiber.
the steps of an action potential. How is tex, and state their functions. De- (pp. 181–184)
it propagated? Why do myelinated fi- scribe the primary motor area and 13. Contrast the actions of the sympathetic
bers have a faster speed of conduc- the primary somatosensory area. and the parasympathetic divisions of
tion? (pp. 165–168) (pp. 173–176) the autonomic system. (pp. 184–186)
5. How is the nerve impulse transmitted 9. What is the limbic system, and what is 14. What role does the nervous system
across a synapse? Name two its function? (p. 178) play in homeostasis? (pp. 187–188)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 4. During the depolarization portion initiated an action potential on a
1. Whereas the central nervous sys- of an action potential, neighboring ­neuron.
tem is composed of the ions are moving to the 7. The brain and spinal cord are cov-
and , the of the nerve fiber. ered by protective layers called
peripheral nervous system is com- 5. The space between the axon end- .
posed of the and ing of one neuron and the dendrite 8. In a simple reflex pathway that
. of another is called the includes sensory neurons, motor
2. A(n) carries action . neurons, and interneurons, only
potentials away from the cell body. 6. ACh is broken down by the the is found entirely in
3. Motor nerves stimulate enzyme after it has the CNS.

Chapter 8 The Nervous System 191

lon96431_ch08_162-192.indd 191 18/11/15 11:28 AM

9. The electrical activity of the brain can be recorded in the
form of a(n) . a.
10. The limbic system records emotions and also is involved in
and . d.
11. The is the part of the brain responsible for
coordinating body movements.
12. The is a gray matter network traveling
through the brain stem, which helps to regulate
13. The vagus nerve is a nerve that controls
14. While the division of the autonomic nervous b.
system brings about organ responses that are part of the
“fight-or-flight” response, the division brings f.
about ­responses associated with normal
restful conditions.
15. Label the following diagram. g.

e. c.




Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. neuropathogenesis (nūrō-păthō-jen 8. meningoencephalocele (mĕ-nĭnggō-
derive the definitions for the medical terms ĕ-sĭs) ĕn-sĕf9ŭh-lō-sēl)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 2. anesthesia (ănĕs-thē9zē-ŭh) 9. neurorrhaphy (nū-rō-răh9-fē)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 3. encephalomyeloneuropathy (ĕn- 10. ataxiaphasia (ā-tăksē-ŭh-fā9zē-ŭh)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- sĕfŭh-lō-mīĕ-lō-nŭ-rŏp9ŭh-theē) 11. cerebrovascular accident (sĕrē-brō-
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 4. hemiplegia (hĕmĭ-plē9jē-ŭh) văs9kyū-lĕr ăk9sŭh-dĕnt) and consult 5. glioblastoma (glīō-blăs-tō9mŭh) 12. duraplasty (dū9rŭh-plăs-tĕ)
Appendix B. 6. subdural hemorrhage (sŭb-dū9răl 13. brachycephalic (brākē-sĕf-ăl9ĭk)
hĕm9ōr-ĭj) 14. arachnoiditis (ŭh-răknōy-dī9tĭs)
7. cephalometer (sĕfŭh-lŏm9ĕ-tĕr)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

192 PART III Integration and Coordination

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9 The Sensory System
O nce again, you hear that really annoying, repetitive song you’ve heard a
million times before, and its lyrics replay over and over in your mind.
You’re affected by an earworm—a phenomenon that is well recognized by the
public, but poorly understood by scientists. Researchers propose that
earworms are auditory, or sound, memories stored in the temporal lobe, which
you’ll read about on page 200. Replaying the memories seems to allow the
brain to “idle” (much as a car engine idles when it’s standing still) while staying
prepared for more important tasks. Want to get rid of a particular earworm?
Activate your brain’s frontal lobe by concentrating on a complex problem, or
eat something very spicy to activate the taste areas. Or you can replace one
earworm with another, just by thinking of a song more irritating than the first!

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

9.1 General Senses 9.3 Sense of Vision 9.6 Effects of Aging

1. Explain how sensory receptors 6. Describe the anatomy and function 13. Explain the anatomical and
function to deliver information to the of the accessory organs of the eye. physiological changes that occur in
brain, and compare and contrast 7. Detail the anatomy of the eye, and the sensory system as we age.
receptor potentials and action give a function of each part.
potentials. Categorize sensory 8. Describe the sensory receptors for What’s New
receptors according to five types of sight, their mechanism of action, and Detecting Alzheimer Disease with Eye Exams
stimuli. the mechanism for stereoscopic vision.
2. Discuss the function of 9. Discuss some common disorders of Medical Focus
proprioceptors. sight. Corrective Lenses
3. Relate specific sensory receptors in
the skin to particular senses of the 9.4 Sense of Hearing
skin. Medical Focus
10. Detail the anatomy of the ear, and Eye Diseases and Disorders
4. Compare and contrast somatic and
give a function of each part.
visceral nociceptors, and discuss the
phenomenon of referred pain. 11. Describe the sensory receptors for Focus on Forensics
hearing and their mechanism of action.
Retinal Hemorrhage in Shaken Baby Syndrome
9.2 Senses of Taste and Smell
9.5 Sense of Equilibrium
5. Name the chemoreceptors, and state Medical Focus
their location, anatomy, and 12. Describe the sensory receptors for Hearing Damage and Deafness
mechanism of action. equilibrium and their mechanism
of action.


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9.1 General Senses Proprioceptors
1. Explain how sensory receptors function to deliver information to the Proprioceptors are mechanoreceptors involved in reflex actions
brain, and compare and contrast receptor potentials and action poten- that maintain muscle tone and thereby the body’s equilibrium and
tials. Categorize sensory receptors according to five types of stimuli.
posture. They help us know the position of our limbs in space by
2. Discuss the function of proprioceptors.
3. Relate specific sensory receptors in the skin to particular senses of
detecting the degree of muscle relaxation, the stretch of tendons,
the skin. and the movement of ligaments. The two forms of proprioceptors,
4. Compare and contrast somatic and visceral nociceptors, and discuss called muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs, both detect the
the phenomenon of referred pain. degree to which a muscle or tendon is stretched. In response to sig-
nals from muscle spindles, motor nerves will increase the degree
When a sensory receptor is stimulated, it generates nerve signals of muscle contraction. By contrast, when Golgi tendon organs send
that travel to your brain. Interpretation of these signals is the func- signals, motor nerves will decrease muscle contraction, and thus,
tion of the brain, which has a special region for receiving informa- muscle tension. The result is a muscle that consistently has the
tion from each of the sense organs. Signals arriving at a particular proper length and tension, or muscle tone.
sensory area of the brain can be interpreted in only one way; for Figure 9.1 illustrates the activity of a muscle spindle. In a
example, those arriving at the olfactory area result in smell sensa- muscle spindle, sensory nerve endings are wrapped around thin
tion, and those arriving at the visual area result in sight sensation. muscle cells within a connective tissue sheath. When the muscle
Specialized sensory receptors throughout the body start sig- relaxes and undue stretching of the muscle spindle occurs, nerve
nal transmission to the brain by using a system called a receptor action potentials are generated. The rapidity of the action potentials
potential. Receptor potentials begin with a stimulus (for example, generated by the muscle spindle is proportional to the stretching
a light stimulus for receptors in the eye). Unlike an action potential of a muscle. A reflex action then occurs, which results in con-
(which is an all-or-nothing event), receptor potentials can be weak traction of muscle fibers adjoining the muscle spindle. The knee-
or strong. Like the signals that occur when nerves synapse, receptor jerk reflex, which involves muscle spindles, offers an opportunity
potentials can add together. Although receptors do not generate ac- for physicians to test a reflex action. By contrast, a Golgi tendon
tion potentials, they are parts of neurons or they synapse with other organ, which is built into the tough connective tissue of a tendon, is
neurons that do create action potentials. In this way, sensory infor- activated by excessive muscle contraction. When Golgi tendon
mation is transmitted to the brain. The brain integrates data from organs generate action potentials, inhibitory signals are sent to the
various sensory receptors in order to perceive whatever caused the muscle. The muscle is prevented from contracting too forcefully,
stimulation of olfactory and visual receptors—for example, a flower. which could possibly injure both muscle and tendon.
Sensory receptors may be categorized into five types based The information sent by muscle spindles and Golgi tendon
on their stimuli: organs to the CNS is used to maintain the body’s equilibrium and
posture despite the force of gravity that constantly acts on the
Mechanoreceptors, such as pressure receptors in the skin and skeleton and muscles.
proprioceptors (specialized stretch receptors) in muscle, are
stimulated by changes in pressure or body movement. Other Cutaneous Receptors
mechanoreceptors in the inner ear also detect body
movements. These will be discussed in section 9.5. The skin is composed of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis.
Thermoreceptors in the skin and in the internal organs are stim- In Figure 9.2, the artist has dramatically indicated these two layers
ulated by changes in the external or internal temperature. by separating the epidermis from the dermis in one location. The
Pain receptors, such as those in the skin, are stimulated by epidermis is stratified squamous epithelium in which cells become
damage or oxygen deprivation to the tissues. keratinized as they rise to the surface. Once at the surface, cells
Chemoreceptors are stimulated by changes in the chemical are sloughed off. The dermis is a thick connective tissue layer. The
concentration of substances. Taste buds in the tongue and deepest layer of epidermis, and the entire dermis layer, contain
olfactory (smell) receptors in the nose are chemoreceptors. cutaneous receptors, which make the skin sensitive to touch, pres-
Other chemoreceptors can sense the concentration of oxygen, sure, pain, and temperature (warmth and cold). The dermis is a
carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ions in the blood. mosaic of these tiny sensory receptors, as you can determine by
Photoreceptors, which are located only in the eye, are stimulated slowly passing a metal probe over your skin. At certain points,
by light energy. you’ll feel touch or pressure, and at others, you’ll feel heat or cold
(depending on the probe’s temperature).
Sensory receptors in the muscles, joints, tendons, some internal Three types of cutaneous receptors are sensitive to fine touch
organs, and skin send action potentials to the spinal cord. From (like the gentle brush of a fingertip across your cheek). Meissner
there, the action potentials travel up the spinal cord in tracts to the corpuscles are concentrated in the dermal papillary layer of
thalamus, the sensory relay center of the brain. The information hairless skin: fingertips, palms, lips, tongue, nipples, the penis,
from these receptors is then relayed to the somatosensory areas of and the clitoris (the female sexual organ). Merkel disks are found in
the cerebral cortex, located in the parietal lobe of the brain. These the deepest epidermal layer, where the epidermis meets the dermis.
general sensory receptors can be categorized into three types: pro- A root hair plexus winds around the base of a hair follicle and
prioceptors, cutaneous receptors, and pain receptors. signals if the hair is touched.

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Figure 9.1 Muscle spindle. 1 When a muscle
is stretched, a muscle spindle sends sensory
nerve signals to the spinal cord. 2 Motor nerve
signals from the spinal cord result in muscle fiber 1
contraction so that muscle tone is maintained.
muscle spindle

2 muscle fiber

bundle of
muscle fibers


free nerve endings
(pain, heat, cold)
corpuscles (touch)

Merkel disks (touch)

Pacinian corpuscles

Krause end
bulbs (touch)

Ruffini endings
root hair
plexus (touch)

Figure 9.2 Sensory receptors in human skin.

The three different types of cutaneous receptors that are sen- and contain lacy networks of nerve fibers. Ruffini endings can be
sitive to pressure are Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini endings, and found in the dermis and hypodermis, and in joint capsules as well.
Krause end bulbs. Pacinian corpuscles are onion-shaped sensory Krause end bulbs are located in the superficial layers of the dermis.
receptors that lie deep inside the dermis. Ruffini endings and The skin’s temperature receptors are simply free nerve end-
Krause end bulbs are encapsulated by sheaths of connective tissue ings in the superficial dermis and epidermis. Some free nerve

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 195

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endings are responsive to cold; others are responsive to warmth. 9.2 Senses of Taste and Smell
Cold receptors are far more numerous than warmth receptors, but
5. Name the chemoreceptors, and state their location, anatomy, and
the two types have no known structural differences. mechanism of action.
As you’ve discovered, each type of receptor described in this
section has a well-defined function. However, research continues
Taste and smell are called chemical senses because their recep-
to show that receptors may respond to more than one sensation.
tors are sensitive to molecules in the food we eat and the air we
For example, microscopic examination of the skin of the ear shows
breathe. The body also has other chemoreceptors that govern re-
only free nerve endings, which function as pain receptors. But as
spiratory rate.
you know from everyday life, the skin of the ear responds to all
Chemoreceptors in the carotid arteries and in the aorta are
sensations: temperature, fine touch, pressure, and so on. Therefore,
sensitive to the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ion concen-
it appears that the skin receptors are somewhat, but not completely,
trations of the blood. These receptors communicate with the re-
spiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Similar chemoreceptors
located directly in the medulla respond to hydrogen ion concen-
tration in the cerebrospinal fluid. Both hydrogen ions and carbon
Pain Receptors dioxide can diffuse from the blood to the CSF; once in the CSF,
The skin and many (but not all) internal organs have pain recep- carbon dioxide can combine with water to generate hydrogen ions
tors, also called nociceptors. Somatic nociceptors from the skin (see sections 2.2 and 14.2). Thus, when the hydrogen ion or carbon
and skeletal muscles respond to mechanical, thermal, electrical, dioxide concentration of blood increases, both sets of chemorecep-
or chemical damage to these tissues. Skinning a knee, burning tors signal an increase in breathing rate. Exhaling carbon dioxide
a finger, or straining a muscle all stimulate somatic nociceptors. lowers hydrogen ion concentration, and thus, returns the pH of the
Visceral nociceptors react in response to excessive stretching of blood to its normal level.
the internal organs, oxygen deprivation when blood supply is re-
duced, or chemicals released by damaged tissues. Visceral noci-
ceptors create the pain sensation when the stomach is too full, as Sense of Taste
well as the crushing pain of a heart attack when blood supply to The sensory receptors for the sense of taste are located in taste
the heart is reduced. buds. Taste buds are embedded in epithelium primarily on the
Stimulation of internal pain receptors is sometimes felt as pain tongue (Fig. 9.3). Many lie along the walls of the papillae, the
from the skin as well as the internal organs; this is called referred small elevations on the tongue that are visible to the naked eye.
pain. Referred pain occurs because the somatic pain nociceptors Isolated taste buds are also present on the hard palate, the phar-
travel in the same spinal cord pathway as the internal visceral no- ynx (back of the throat), and the epiglottis. We have at least five
ciceptors. Signals from both sets of neurons converge on the same primary types of taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and
nervous pathway, and the brain cannot distinguish between the two. umami (pronounced “yoo-mommy”). Umami sensation is named
For example, pain from the heart that occurs during a heart attack after the Japanese word for “delicious”; it can best be described as
is often accompanied by referred pain in the left shoulder and arm, the pleasant, savory taste of well-seasoned meat. The taste buds for
especially in males. each taste sensation are scattered throughout the tongue (Fig. 9.3d).

How the Brain Receives Taste Information

Content CHECK-UP! Each taste bud opens at a taste pore. Taste buds have supporting
1. Imagine that an apple is sitting on your desktop. Describe, in
cells and a number of elongated taste cells that end in microvilli.
order, the categories of sensory receptors you'll use as you The microvilli of taste cells project through the taste pore. These
pick it up and eat it. microvilli have receptor proteins for molecules that cause the brain
2. Which of the following is a receptor for fine touch?
to distinguish between sweet, sour, salty, umami, and bitter tastes.
When these molecules bind to receptor proteins, nerve signals are
a. Meissner corpuscles c. Krause end bulbs
generated in associated sensory nerve fibers. These nerve signals go to
b. Ruffini endings d. Pacinian corpuscles the brain, including the cortical areas, which interpret them as tastes.
3. Following are pairs of sensory receptors and stimuli to which Sensory receiving and memory areas for taste are in overlapping
they respond. Choose the correct pair(s). gustatory (taste) regions of the parietal lobe and the insular lobe,
a. Golgi tendon organs—excessive muscle contraction the smaller inner lobe of the brain (see section 8.2, pp. 173–175).
b. Visceral nociceptors—oxygen deprivation to an organ Since we can respond to a range of sweet, sour, salty, umami,
c. Merkel disks—pressure and bitter tastes, the brain appears to survey the overall pattern
of incoming sensory signals and to take a “weighted average” of
d. a and b
their taste messages as the perceived taste. Again, we can note that
e. All of the above. even though our senses are dependent on sensory receptors, the
Answers in Appendix A. brain integrates the incoming information and gives us our sense

196 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Figure 9.3 Taste buds. (a) When you taste food, it
activates chemoreceptors called taste buds. (b) Papillae on the
tongue are sensitive to sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami
tastes. (c) Tongue papillae, which are visible to the naked eye,
have taste buds along their walls. (d) A single taste bud, shown in
a scanning electron micrograph, has (e) microvilli that bear recep-
tors. When food molecules bind to the receptors, nerve signals
go to the brain where the sensation of taste occurs.


tonsils epiglottis
sensory nerve fiber taste cell taste pore

10 μm

taste bud connective tissue supporting cell microvilli

b. Tongue c. Papillae d. Taste buds e. One taste bud

Sense of Smell Have you ever noticed that a certain aroma vividly brings to mind
a certain person or place, and can re-create emotions you felt about that
Our sense of smell is dependent on olfactory cells located within person or place? The smell of a certain cologne might depress you by
olfactory epithelium high in the roof of the nasal cavity (Fig. 9.4). reminding you of a failed relationship, or the smell of boxwood might
Olfactory cells are modified neurons. Each cell ends in a tuft of create happier emotions because it reminds you of your grandfather’s
about five olfactory cilia, which bear receptor proteins for odor farm. The olfactory bulbs have direct connections with the limbic sys-
molecules. The brain distinguishes odors after odor molecules bind tem and its centers for emotion and memory. For example, one investi-
to the receptor proteins. gator conducted an experiment in which his subjects smelled an orange
while viewing a painting. Afterward, the descriptions of the painting’s
How the Brain Receives Odor Information details that the subjects shared were much more accurate and vivid.
Each olfactory cell has only one type out of more than 1,000 different
types of receptor proteins. Nerve fibers from olfactory cells lead
to neurons in the olfactory bulb, an extension of the brain. An Begin Thinking Clinically
odor contains many odor molecules, which activate a character- An uncinate fit is an olfactory hallucination in which the
istic combination of receptor proteins. For example, a rose might brain “tricks” the person into smelling odors that have no
release a certain combination of odor molecules, designated by cause. The hallucinations are usually unpleasant. For exam-
the blue and green spheres in Figure 9.4, while a carnation might ple, the sufferer might smell spoiled meat even when there
release a different combination. The odor's signature in the olfac- is none nearby. What lobe of the brain might be affected in
tory bulb is determined by which neurons are stimulated. When this condition? What might cause the phenomenon?
the neurons communicate this information via the olfactory tract to Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
the olfactory areas of the cerebral cortex, we know we’ve smelled
a rose or a carnation. As you know from Chapter 8, the olfactory
nerve is cranial nerve I, and the olfactory cortex is located in the Sense of Taste and Sense of Smell
temporal lobe. Some areas of the olfactory cortex receive smell The senses of taste and smell work together to create a combined
sensations; other areas contain olfactory memories. effect when interpreted by the cerebral cortex. For example,

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 197

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olfactory bulb neuron olfactory tract
frontal lobe of
cerebral hemisphere

olfactory bulb

olfactory epithelium
bone of
nasal cavity skull

axons of
olfactory cells



Figure 9.4 Olfactory cell location and anatomy. (a) The olfactory
epithelium in humans is located in the nasal cavity. (b) Olfactory cells end in
cilia that bear receptor proteins for specific odor molecules. The cilia of each supporting olfactory
olfactory cell can bind to only one type of odor molecule (signified here by cell cell
color). For example, if a rose causes olfactory cells sensitive to “blue” and olfactory cilia of
olfactory cell
“green” odor molecules to be stimulated, then neurons designated by blue b.
and green in the olfactory bulb are activated. The primary olfactory area of the odor molecules
cerebral cortex interprets the pattern of stimulation as the scent of a rose.

when you have a cold, you think food has lost its taste, but most 5. As you know from Section 2.2, many common poisons are
likely you’ve lost the ability to sense its smell. These senses water-soluble salts. Most have an alkaline pH. Based on
work together because each sensory pathway travels through that information, which taste buds would have to be the
the limbic system (see page 178 in Chapter 8). Cooperation most sensitive in order to enable someone to taste a poi-
between smell and taste signals protects us in several ways. son, and then reject it?
Appealing tastes and smells stimulate appetite, help to remind 6. Select a correct statement about the sense of smell:
you that it’s time to eat, and make eating a pleasurable activity a. Taste and smell sensations travel through some of the
(other signal pathways for hunger are discussed in Chapter 15). same brain areas.
By contrast, the smell and taste of spoiled or contaminated food b. Olfactory epithelium is located right at the entrance to the
or drink are an early warning system that helps to defend you nasal cavity.
from becoming sick—you reject the food before you actually c. An odor is made by a single type of odor molecule.
swallow it. d. a and c
e. All of the above.
Answers in Appendix A.
Content CHECK-UP!
4. Which of the following statements about the sensation of taste
is correct? 9.3 Sense of Vision
a. Taste buds are located in the back of the throat (pharynx). 6. Describe the anatomy and function of the accessory organs of the
b. Taste buds respond to five primary taste sensations. 7. Detail the anatomy of the eye, and give a function of each part.
c. Taste buds are a type of chemoreceptor. 8. Describe the sensory receptors for sight, their mechanism of action,
d. a and b and the mechanism for stereoscopic vision.
9. Discuss some common disorders of sight.
e. All of the preceding statements are correct.

198 PART III Integration and Coordination

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The photoreceptors for sight are in the eyes. The eyes are located The inner surface of an eyelid is lined by a transparent mucous
in orbits formed by seven of the skull’s bones (frontal, lacrimal, membrane, called the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva folds back to
ethmoid, zygomatic, maxilla, sphenoid, and palatine). The bony cover the anterior of the eye, except for the cornea, which is cov-
ridge superior to the orbits, called the supraorbital ridge, protects ered by a delicate epithelium.
the eye from blows and serves as a location for the eyebrows. The
eye has its own accessory organs, too. Lacrimal Apparatus
A lacrimal apparatus consists of the lacrimal gland and the lacri-
Accessory Organs of the Eye mal sac with its ducts (Fig. 9.5b). The lacrimal gland, which lies in
Accessory organs of the eye include: (1) the eyebrows, eyelids, and the orbit above the eye, produces tears that flow over the eye when
eyelashes; (2) the lacrimal apparatus, which produces tears; and the eyelids are blinked. The tears, collected by two small ducts,
(3) the extrinsic muscles that move the eye. pass into the lacrimal sac before draining into the nose by way of
the nasolacrimal duct.

Eyebrows, Eyelids, and Eyelashes

Extrinsic Muscles
Eyebrows have short, thick hairs positioned transversely above the
Within an orbit, the eye is anchored in place by the extrinsic
eye along the supraorbital ridge (Fig. 9.5a). Eyebrows shade the
muscles, whose contractions move the eyes. Each of these muscles
eyes from the sun and prevent perspiration or debris from falling
originates from the bony orbit and inserts by tendons to the outer
into the eye. (As you saw in the collection of photos in Chapter 7 in-
layer of the eyeball. There are three pairs of antagonistic extrinsic
troduction, eyebrows are very effective in communication as well!)
muscles (Fig. 9.6):
Eyelids are a continuation of the skin, and their eyelashes can
trap debris and keep it from entering the eyes. Sebaceous glands as- First pair:
sociated with each eyelash produce an oily secretion that lubricates Superior rectus Rolls eye upward
the eye. Inflammation of one of the glands is called a sty. Inferior rectus Rolls eye downward
Blinking of eyelids keeps the eye lubricated and free of debris.
Second pair:
The eyelids are operated by the orbicularis oculi muscle, which
Lateral rectus Turns eye outward, away from midline
closes the lid, and by the levator palpebrae superioris muscle,
Medial rectus Turns eye inward, toward midline
which raises the lid. People with myasthenia gravis (see page 157)
have weakness in these muscles due to the destruction of receptors Third pair:
for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and their eyelids often have Superior oblique Rotates eye counterclockwise
to be taped open. Inferior oblique Rotates eye clockwise

orbicularis oculi ducts of
levator palpebrae muscle lacrimal
superioris muscle eyebrow gland

superior rectus

nasolacrimal lacrimal
duct sac

CN II (optic) pupil
cornea eyelashes

inferior rectus sebaceous glands

muscle nostril


Figure 9.5 Accessory structures of the orbit. (a) Sagittal section of the eye and orbit. (b) The lacrimal apparatus. The blue
arrows show the path that tears follow as they move across the eye surface.

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 199

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superior oblique Three cranial nerves—the oculomotor, trochlear, and
muscle abducens—control these muscles. The oculomotor nerve supplies
superior rectus
orbicularis muscle the superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscles, as well as the
oculi muscle levator palpebrae
superioris muscle inferior oblique muscles. The trochlear nerve directs the superior
upper eyelid medial rectus muscle oblique muscle. The abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus
muscle. The motor units of these muscles are the smallest in the
eyelashes body. A single motor axon serves only about 10 muscle fibers, al-
lowing eyeball movements to be very precise.

lateral rectus Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye

The eyeball, which is an elongated sphere about 2.5 cm in diam-
cornea inferior rectus muscle
conjunctiva eter, has three layers or coats: the sclera, the choroid, and the retina
(Fig. 9.7). Only the retina contains photoreceptors for light energy.
orbicularis inferior oblique muscle
oculi muscle Table 9.1 gives the functions of the parts of the eye.
The outer layer, the sclera, is white and fibrous except for the
cornea, which is made of transparent collagen fibers. The cornea is
Figure 9.6 Extrinsic muscles of the eye, along with the window of the eye. The middle, thin, darkly pigmented layer, the
the anatomy of the eyelids and eyelashes. choroid, is vascular and absorbs stray light rays that photorecep-
tors have not absorbed. Anteriorly, the choroid becomes the donut-
shaped iris. The iris is a pigmented smooth muscle structure that
Although stimulation of each muscle causes a precise move- regulates the size of the pupil, a hole in the center of the iris through
ment of the eyeball, most movements of the eyeball involve the which light enters the eyeball. The color of the iris (and therefore
combined contraction of two or more muscles. For example, if the color of your eyes) is determined by its pigmentation. Heavily
your left eye is directed upward and medially toward your nose, pigmented eyes are brown, while lightly pigmented eyes are green
which muscles are required? The answer is the superior and medial or blue. Behind the iris, the choroid thickens and forms the circular
rectus muscles. ciliary body. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle, which


optic disk
ciliary body
retinal blood
vessels lens

optic nerve
fovea centralis

posterior compartment
filled with vitreous humor
filled with
aqueous humor
retina suspensory
choroid ligament

Figure 9.7 Anatomy of the human eye. Notice that the sclera, the outer layer of the eye, becomes the cornea and that
the choroid, the middle layer, is continuous with the ciliary body and the iris. The retina, the inner layer, contains the photoreceptors for
vision; the fovea centralis is the region where vision is most acute. The retina is supplied with a network of tiny blood vessels.

200 PART III Integration and Coordination

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controls the shape of the lens for near and far vision. Changing the
TABLE 9.1 Functions of the Parts of the Eye shape of the lens is a process called accommodation.
The lens, which is attached to the ciliary body by the suspen-
Part Function
sory ligaments, divides the eye into two compartments—the one in
Sclera Tough outermost connective tissue front of the lens is the anterior compartment, and the one behind
layer; protects and supports eyeball the lens is the posterior compartment. The anterior compartment
Cornea Refracts (bends) light rays is filled with a clear, watery fluid called the aqueous humor. A
Choroid Blood vessel layer; absorbs stray light small amount of aqueous humor is continually produced each day.
Normally, it leaves the anterior compartment by way of tiny ducts.
Ciliary body Holds the lens in place
Blockage of the ducts results in glaucoma, as described in the Med-
Ciliary muscle Accommodation: changes the shape ical Focus on page 206.
of the lens for near or far vision
The third layer of the eye, the retina, is located in the pos-
Iris Regulates entrance of light into retina terior compartment. The posterior compartment contains the
Pupil Opening in iris; admits light into retina vitreous body, which is filled with a clear, gelatinous material
Retina Contains sensory receptors for light called the vitreous humor. The retina contains photorecep-
tors called rod cells and cone cells. The rods are very sensi-
Rods Receptors for black and white,
dim-light vision; peripheral vision tive to light, but they don’t see color; therefore, at night or in
a darkened room, we see only shades of gray. Rods also give
Cones Receptors for color vision; bright-light
us peripheral vision, as when you sense movement beside you.
The cones, which require bright light, are sensitive to different
Fovea centralis Largest concentration of cone cells; wavelengths of light, and therefore we have the ability to dis-
makes acute vision possible
tinguish colors. The retina has a very special region called the
Optic nerve Transmits visual signals to brain macula lutea. At its center is an area termed the fovea centralis,
Lens Refracts (bends) and focuses light rays which contains only cone cells. Light is normally focused on the
Suspensory ligaments Support lens; attach lens to ciliary body fovea when we look directly at an object. This is helpful because
vision is most acute in the fovea centralis. Sensory fibers from
Aqueous humor Transmits light rays; supports anterior
compartment the retina form the optic nerve, which takes nerve signals to the
brain. The optic disk is a tiny area surrounding the optic nerve.
Vitreous humor Transmits light rays; supports
posterior compartment Because there are no photoreceptors in this area, it is the blind
spot of the retina.

What's New
Detecting Alzheimer Disease with Eye Exams

As mentioned in the Medical Focus in Chapter 8, Alzheimer disease is office. Fluorescent drops are then applied, and the lenses are re-
a progressive, incurable disease of the brain. Researchers now believe examined. The dye binds to amyloid, thus showing any protein
that the disease process begins over a decade before the first signs start accumulation. Additional tests use precise measurements of blood
to appear. Currently, Alzheimer disease is diagnosed by its symptoms— flow in retinal vessels. These studies have shown that the amount
forgetfulness, confusion, mood changes—all of which worsen over and velocity of blood flow diminishes in Alzheimer disease. Along
time. Available treatments merely delay the patient’s inevitable slow with blood flow studies, researchers are now employing improved
decline. Currently, a definitive diagnosis of the disease can only be retinal scanning technology to accurately view the outermost periph-
made at autopsy, when the patient’s brain can be physically examined. eral areas of the retina. (Previously, examination techniques did not
Several new diagnostic techniques offer the promise of a much allow for precise examination of the entire peripheral retina to be
earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. Neurologists have known for made.) In these outlying retinal areas, deposits of cellular debris
some time that the amyloid protein, which destroys the brains of called drusen accumulate. Though drusen naturally accumulates
Alzheimer victims, can also be observed in the lenses of late-stage with aging, the amount of drusen in the peripheral retina is higher
patients. The condition is called Alzheimer cataract. One new test for individuals with Alzheimer disease.
takes advantage of this fact by employing laser eye scan technology Developers of these technologies envision yearly screening exams,
to detect the early presence of amyloid protein in the lenses of much much like mammograms or prostate exams. Most importantly, earlier
younger, seemingly healthy patients. First, the patient’s lenses are detection may lead to a better understanding of the disease, which may
studied using exams similar to those performed in an optometrist’s then allow effective preventative treatments to be developed.

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 201

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Function of the Lens visual accommodation. The shape of the lens is controlled by
The lens, assisted by the cornea and the humors, focuses images the ciliary muscle within the ciliary body. When we view a
on the retina (Fig. 9.8a). Focusing starts with the cornea and con- distant object such as a tree, the ciliary muscle is relaxed, caus-
tinues as the rays pass through the lens and the humors. The image ing the suspensory ligaments attached to the ciliary body to be
produced is much smaller than the object because light rays are taut. Therefore, the lens remains relatively flat (Fig. 9.8b). When
bent (refracted) when they are brought into focus. Notice that the we view a near object, the ciliary muscle contracts, releasing the
image on the retina is inverted (upside down) and reversed from tension on the suspensory ligaments, and the lens rounds up due
left to right. to its natural elasticity (Fig. 9.8c). Because close work requires
continuous contraction of the ciliary muscle, it very often causes
Accommodation Imagine taking a walk in the country: as you muscle fatigue, known as eyestrain. As discussed in the Medical
stroll along, you focus first on a distant tree, then on a nearby Focus on page 205, if a person’s eyeball is too long or too short,
flower. To maintain focus as you view distant and then near ob- he or she may need corrective lenses to focus the image on
jects, the lens of the eye must change its shape—a process called the retina.

a. Focusing

ciliary body
ciliary muscle relaxed
ciliary muscle contracted
lens flattened
lens rounded
light rays

suspensory ligament taut

suspensory ligament relaxed

b. Focusing on distant object c. Focusing on near object

Figure 9.8 Focusing. (a) Light rays from each point on an object are bent by the cornea and the lens in such a way that an
inverted and reversed image of the object forms on the retina. (b) When focusing on a distant object (such as the tree) the lens is flat
because the ciliary muscle is relaxed and the suspensory ligament is taut. (c) When focusing on a near object, the lens accommodates; it
becomes rounded because the ciliary muscle contracts, causing the suspensory ligament to relax.

202 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Usually after the age of 40, the lens loses some of its elasticity synapse with the photoreceptors react to the absence of neurotrans-
and becomes less able to accommodate. Bifocal lenses may then be mitter by creating action potentials. Thereafter, nerve signals go
necessary for those who already have corrective lenses. to the visual area of the cerebral cortex. Rods are very sensitive
to light and therefore are suited to night vision. (Because carrots
are rich in vitamin A, it’s true that eating carrots can improve your
Vision Pathway night vision.) Rod cells are plentiful throughout the retina. How-
The pathway for vision begins once light has been focused on the ever, there are no rods in the fovea centralis. Rods provide us with
photoreceptors in the retina. Some integration occurs in the retina peripheral vision and perception of motion.
where nerve signals begin before the optic nerve transmits them The cones, on the other hand, are located primarily in the
to the brain. fovea centralis and are activated by bright light. They allow us
to detect the fine detail and the color of an object. Therefore, the
Function of Photoreceptors Figure 9.9 illustrates the structure
condition called macular degeneration, which affects the fovea, is
of the photoreceptors called rod cells and cone cells. Both rods
particularly devastating. The Medical Focus on page 206 discusses
and cones have an outer segment joined to an inner segment by a
macular degeneration.
stalk. Pigment molecules are embedded in the membrane of the
Color vision depends on three different kinds of cones,
many disks present in the outer segment. Synaptic vesicles are lo-
which contain pigments called the B (blue), G (green), and R (red)
cated at the synaptic endings of the inner segment.
pigments. Each pigment is made up of retinal and opsin, but
The visual pigment in rods is a deep purple pigment called
there is a slight difference in the opsin structure of each, which
rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a complex molecule made up of the pro-
accounts for their individual absorption patterns. Various com-
tein opsin and a light-absorbing molecule called retinal, which
binations of cones are believed to be stimulated by in-between
is a derivative of vitamin A. When a rod absorbs light, rhodopsin
shades of color. Inherited absence of the color pigments in the
splits into opsin and retinal, leading to a cascade of reactions and
cones of the eye causes color blindness. Red-green color blind-
the closure of ion channels in the rod cell’s plasma membrane. In
ness, which occurs primarily in men, is the most common form
a sequence of events unique to photoreceptors, the light stimulus
of color blindness.
stops the release of neurotransmitter molecules from the rod’s syn-
aptic vesicles. (By contrast, other sensory receptors react to stimuli Function of the Retina The retina has three layers of neurons
by releasing neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles.) Neurons that (Fig. 9.10). The deepest layer (closest to the choroid) contains the

membrane of disk ion

rod cell light de of reactions
outer segment
cone cell
ion channels
in plasma

inner segment

cell body

membrane Rhodopsin molecule
synaptic of disk
synaptic endings (opsin + retinal)
a. 20 µm b.

Figure 9.9 Photoreceptors in the eye. (a) The outer segment of rods and cones contains stacks of membranous disks, which
contain visual pigments. In rods, the membrane of each disk contains rhodopsin, a complex molecule containing the protein opsin and
the pigment retinal. (b) When retinal absorbs light energy, it splits, releasing opsin, which sets in motion a cascade of reactions that cause
ion channels in the plasma membrane to close. Thereafter, nerve signals go to the brain.

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 203

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rod cell
and cone
cell layer

retina cell layer
cell layer

axons of b. Micrograph of retina

ganglion cells
spot to optic nerve
light rays

a. Location of retina

Figure 9.10 Structure and function of the retina. (a) The retina is the inner layer of the eyeball. Rod cells and cone cells, located at
the back of the retina nearest the choroid, synapse with bipolar cells, which synapse with ganglion cells. Integration of signals occurs at these
synapses; therefore, much processing occurs in bipolar and ganglion cells. Further, notice that many rod cells share one bipolar cell, but cone
cells do not. Certain cone cells synapse with only one bipolar cell. Cone cells, in general, distinguish more detail than do rod cells. (b) This micro-
graph shows that the sclera and choroid are relatively thin compared to the retina, which is composed of several layers of cells.

rod cells and cone cells; the middle layer contains bipolar cells; nerve signals received from the center of its receptive field; otherwise,
and the innermost layer contains ganglion cells, whose sensory fi- it is inhibited. If all the rod cells in the receptive field receive light,
bers become the optic nerve. Only the rod cells and the cone cells the ganglion cell responds in a neutral way—that is, it reacts only
are sensitive to light, and therefore light must penetrate to the back weakly or perhaps not at all. In this way, visual signals are processed
of the retina before they are stimulated. and refined in the retina before nerve signals are sent to the brain. The
The rod cells and the cone cells synapse with the bipolar majority of integration occurs in the visual areas of the cerebral cortex.
cells, which in turn synapse with ganglion cells that initiate nerve
Blind Spot In Figure 9.10, you can see that there are no rods and
signals. Notice in Figure 9.10 that there are many more rod cells
cones where the optic nerve exits the retina. Therefore, no vision is
and cone cells than ganglion cells. In fact, the retina has as many as
possible in this area. You can prove this to yourself by putting a dot
150 million rod cells and 6 million cone cells but only one million
to the right of center on a piece of paper. Use your right hand to
ganglion cells. The sensitivity of cones versus rods is mirrored by
move the paper slowly toward your right eye while you look straight
how directly they connect to ganglion cells. As many as 150 rods
ahead. The dot will disappear at one point—when its image falls on
may activate the same ganglion cell. It’s no wonder stimulation of
the retina where receptors are absent. This is your blind spot.
rods results in vision that’s blurred and indistinct. In contrast, some
cone cells in the fovea centralis activate only one ganglion cell. From the Retina to the Visual Cortex As stated, sensory fi-
This explains why cones, especially in the fovea, provide us with a bers from the ganglion cells in the retina assemble to form the op-
sharper, more detailed image of an object. tic nerves. The optic nerves carry nerve signals from the eyes to
As signals pass to bipolar cells and ganglion cells, integration the optic chiasma. The optic chiasma has an X-shape formed by a
occurs. Each ganglion cell receives signals from rod cells covering crossing over of some of the optic nerve fibers. At the chiasma,
about one square millimeter of retina (about the size of a thumbtack fibers from the right half of each retina converge and continue on
hole). This region is the ganglion cell’s receptive field. Some time together in the right optic tract, and fibers from the left half of each
ago, scientists discovered that a ganglion cell is stimulated only by retina converge and continue on together in the left optic tract.

204 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Corrective Lenses

Normal vision is commonly designated as 20/20. This ratio is In rare cases, the lens itself may take on this oblong shape. The
determined using a Snellen chart, which uses letters of different light rays cannot be evenly focused on the retina; thus, the image
sizes to test visual acuity (alternative charts for children or illiter- is blurred. This condition, called astigmatism, can be corrected
ate individuals use symbols). The numerator of the ratio is always by an unevenly ground lens to compensate for the uneven cornea
the distance from the chart: 20 feet. The denominator is the dis- (Fig. 9Ac).
tance at which a normal individual can read the letter: 20 feet.
The larger this number, the poorer the subject’s vision.
Thus, a person with 20/200 vision must stand 20 feet
away to read a letter that the normal person can read at
200 feet. (In countries that use metric measures, normal
vision is 6/6.) Younger people may actually have vision
that is better than 20/20; 20/15 vision is not uncommon
in teenagers and young adults. Persons who can see close normal
objects but cannot see the letters from this distance have eyeball
myopia—that is, nearsightedness. Nearsighted people
can see close objects better than they can see objects at a Long eyeball; rays focus in front of Concave lens allows subject
distance. These individuals have an elongated eyeball, retina when viewing distant objects. to see distant objects.
and when they attempt to look at a distant object, the a. Near
sight edness
image is brought to focus in front of the retina (Fig. 9Aa).
They can see close objects because they can adjust the
lens to allow the image to focus on the retina, but to see
distant objects, these people must wear concave lenses,
which spread the light rays so that the image can be
focused on the retina. normal
Rather than wear glasses or contact lenses, many eyeball
nearsighted people are now choosing to have laser sur-
Short eyeball; rays focus behind Convex lens allows subject
gery. First, specialists determine how much the cornea
retina when viewing close objects. to see close objects.
needs to be flattened to achieve visual acuity. Con-
trolled by a computer, the laser then removes this b. Fa
amount of the cornea. Most patients achieve at least
20/40 vision, but a few complain of glare, varying
visual acuity and chronic dry eyes.
Persons who can easily see the optometrist’s chart but
cannot see close objects well have hyperopia—that is,
farsightedness. These individuals can see distant objects
better than they can see close objects. They have a short-
ened eyeball, and when they try to see close objects, the Uneven cornea; Uneven lens allows subject
image is focused behind the retina (Fig. 9Ab). When the rays do not focus evenly. to see objects clearly.
object is distant, the lens can compensate for the short eye- c. Astigmatism
ball, but when the object is close, these persons must wear
a convex lens to increase the bending of light rays so that Figure 9A Common abnormalities of the eye, with possible
the image can be focused on the retina. corrective lenses. (a) A concave lens in nearsighted persons focuses
In some individuals, the cornea assumes an oval light rays on the retina. (b) A convex lens in farsighted persons focuses
shape along one axis (imagine a football-shaped cor- light rays on the retina. (c) An uneven lens in persons with astigmatism
focuses light rays on the retina.
nea, instead of the normal round “tennis ball” shape).

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 205

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Eye Diseases and Disorders

Vision is a human being’s strongest sense. When we study the eye, and colors may look faded (Fig. 9B). So-called “wet” MD results
it’s impressive to discover what a complex structure it is. Blindness from abnormal growth of new blood vessels around the macula.
can result from damage to structures involved in the pathway on The blood vessels leak serum and blood, causing severe scarring
which light travels to reach the retina, or by damage to the retina itself. and macular destruction. “Dry” MD, in which blood vessel growth
Light must first pass through the cornea to enter the eye, and doesn’t occur, usually precedes the wet form. Vision loss is less
scarring of the cornea can dim or distort incoming light signals. Com- severe in dry MD. A family history of MD, smoking, hypertension,
mon causes for corneal scarring include injury and/or infection. Cor- lighter eye color, and excessive sunlight exposure are all risk factors
neal transplants, using cadaver corneas, can often restore vision. Light for MD. Vitamin and mineral supplements, especially vitamin C
next passes through the lens as it continues in its path to the retina. A and zinc, may help slow the progression of dry MD. When wet MD
cataract occurs when the lens of the eye becomes clouded, making is diagnosed early, laser treatment can sometimes stop abnormal
it difficult to read, drive, or see details distinctly. Cataract develop- blood vessel growth.
ment increases with age, but smoking and excessive sunlight exposure Like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy is caused by
are also known risk factors. Fortunately, the lenses of cataract patients damage to retinal blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy is a common
can be replaced with an artificial lens implant. When replacement complication of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus—almost half of
isn’t possible, the lenses can be removed entirely. The patient will then all diabetes patients have some degree of diabetic retinopathy. At first,
see by using special glasses. the diabetic person may notice only a mild vision loss, but blurred or
The aqueous humor in the eye’s anterior chamber is continually reduced vision (especially night vision) develop as the disease pro-
being produced and then drained. When a person has glaucoma, the gresses. As damaged blood vessels bleed into the retina and surround-
drainage ducts are blocked and aqueous humor builds up. Without ing cells, the retina may detach. Laser surgery is often necessary to
medication and/or surgical treatment, the resulting pressure inside the stop bleeding and repair a detached retina.
eye compresses the retinal arteries. Retinal cells begin to die due to The retina can also be dislodged from the choroid layer under-
lack of nutrients, and the person becomes partially blind. Eventually, neath by a sharp blow to the eye (for example, being struck by a ball
total blindness can result. during a baseball game). Because detachment interrupts blood sup-
If the retinal photoreceptors are destroyed, a person will be ply, retinal cells will die. Permanent blindness can be prevented by
blind, even if the rest of the visual pathway is undamaged. The most laser reattachment surgery. Tragically, retinal detachment, hemor-
common cause of blindness resulting from retinal damage is age- rhage, blindness, and severe brain damage occur in very young
related macular degeneration (MD). You’ll remember that the children who are victims of shaken baby syndrome (see Focus on
macula (macula lutea, page 201) contains the fovea centralis, where Forensics, p. 208).
cone cells are concentrated. Individuals with macular degeneration A yearly eye examination assists in the early detection of many
have a distorted visual field: Blurriness or a blind spot is present, eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration,
straight lines might look wavy, objects look distorted or wrinkled, cataracts, and glaucoma.

optic nerve

macula fovea
lutea centralis

Scene viewed by someone with normal vision Same scene viewed by someone with macular

Figure 9B When a person with macular degeneration looks at a scene, the objects may look larger or smaller than they
really are. Colors will appear dimmer, and there may be areas that look gray and wrinkled.

206 PART III Integration and Coordination

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optic radiations
visual area
thalamic nuclei of occipital
optic tracts

optic chiasma

optic nerves

Figure 9.11 Optic

chiasma. Both eyes “see” the
field entire visual field. Because of the
optic chiasma, data from the right
half of each retina go to the right
visual area of the cerebral cortex,
and data from the left half of each
retina go to the left visual area of
the cerebral cortex. These data are
then combined to allow us to see
the entire visual field. Note that the
visual pathway to the brain in-
Left visual field
cludes the thalamus, which has the
ability to filter sensory stimuli.

The optic tracts sweep around the hypothalamus, and most areas. In other words, the visual field has been taken apart even though
fibers synapse with neurons in nuclei (masses of neuron cell bod- we see a unified field. The visual association areas are believed to re-
ies) in the thalamus. Axons from the thalamic nuclei form optic build the field and give us an understanding of it. Visual association
radiations that take nerve signals to the primary visual areas of areas also store visual memories of objects previously seen.
the occipital lobes (Fig. 9.11). The occipital lobes are a part of the
cerebral cortex (see Fig. 8.9). Content CHECK-UP!
The visual cortex consists of the primary visual area and
the visual association areas of the occipital lobes. Notice that the 7. The posterior compartment of the eye is filled with:
image arriving at the thalamus, and therefore the primary visual a. aqueous humor. c. blood.
areas, has been split because the left optic tract carries information b. tears. d. vitreous humor.
about the right portion of the visual field and the right optic tract 8. Which statement is true?
carries information about the left portion of the visual field. There- a. Rod cells can be found in the fovea.
fore, the right visual and left visual cortex must communicate with
b. Light stimulus to rod cells stops the release of
each other for us to see the entire visual field. Because the image
neurotransmitter from the rods.
is inverted and reversed (see Figs. 9.8 and 9.11) it must be righted
for us to correctly perceive the visual field. Additionally, inputs c. Cone cells provide peripheral vision.
from each half of the visual cortex are viewed at slightly differ- d. Cone cells are spread evenly throughout the retina.
ent angles. This creates stereoscopic visions, the impression of 9. Imagine that you're looking at your computer screen. After the
three-dimensional width and depth. visual image has reached the fovea centralis, describe the
The most surprising finding has been that each primary vi- nerve path that the image must take through your brain as it
sual area of the cerebral cortex acts like a post office, parceling travels to the visual cortex.
out information regarding color, form, motion, and possibly other Answers in Appendix A.
attributes to different portions of the adjoining visual association

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 207

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Retinal Hemorrhage in Shaken Baby Syndrome
It’s one of the fastest-growing epidemics in children in North One key to making a correct diagnosis of SBS is a retinal exam.
America, and the fifteenth-leading cause of death to young children— The retina is a highly vascular tissue with a complex system of blood
child abuse. Approximately 1,600 American children die every year vessels. A healthy retina shows distinct blood vessels in a lacy net-
at the hands of a parent or other caregiver, and 75% of those fatalities work. The retina of an infant with SBS shows irregular, blotchy areas
occur in children four years old or younger. In babies up to a year old, of hemorrhaged blood. Evidence of retinal hemorrhage should
the leading cause of child abuse death is a phenomenon called “shaken always lead to suspicion of abuse—this injury does not occur in a
baby syndrome,” or SBS. As the name implies, the affected infant has typical accidental fall.
been shaken violently by a caregiver. As little as 5 seconds of violent Studies of adult abusers have shown that child abuse is rarely
shaking can permanently injure or kill a baby. premeditated; the adult simply loses control while trying to stop a
Shaking an infant produces the same effect as whiplash in an particular behavior, such as excessive crying. Because adult caregiv-
adult because an infant’s head is very large in proportion to the rest of ers routinely deny involvement in a child’s injury, health-care workers
its body and the neck muscles are weak. However, in the infant the must be vigilant and observant to detect and stop SBS. Unexplained
whiplash effect occurs over and over. Like an adult whiplash injury, a drowsiness, unconciousness, or seizures in an infant should always be
shaken baby’s brain slams back and forth inside the skull. This investigated with an eye exam, using eye drops to dilate the pupil and
extreme force damages nerve tissue and tears delicate blood vessels examine the retina.
throughout the brain and in the eyes.

9.4 Sense of Hearing which extends from each middle ear to the nasopharynx (area at
the back of the throat, which joins the nasal cavity), allows us to
10. Detail the anatomy of the ear, and give a function of each part.
equalize air pressure. Chewing gum, yawning, and swallowing in
11. Describe the sensory receptors for hearing and their mechanism
of action. elevators and on airplanes help to move air through the auditory
tubes upon ascent and descent. As this occurs, we often hear our
The ear has two sensory functions: hearing and equilibrium (bal- ears “pop.”
ance). The sensory receptors for both of these are located in the inner The inner ear lies in the bony labyrinth, a delicately carved
ear, and each consists of hair cells with stereocilia (long micro- cavity within the temporal bone of the skull. Lining the bone is
villi) that are sensitive to mechanical stimulation. The hair cells are a tube of tissue called the membranous labyrinth. Two distinct
mechanoreceptors, which respond to pressure or body movement. fluids are found in the inner ear: The space between the bony
labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth contains perilymph (a
fluid similar to cerebrospinal fluid) and the membranous laby-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear rinth is filled with endolymph. The inner ear is divided into three
Figure 9.12 shows that the ear has three divisions: outer, middle, areas: the semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea. The
and inner. The outer ear consists of the pinna (external flap) and semicircular canals and the vestibule are both concerned with
the external auditory canal. The opening of the auditory canal is equilibrium and the cochlea is involved with hearing. The cochlea
lined with fine hairs and sweat glands. Modified sweat glands are resembles the shell of a snail because it spirals.
located in the upper wall of the canal. There, they secrete cerumen,
or earwax, a substance that helps guard the ear against the entrance Sound Pathway
of foreign materials, such as air pollutants. Sound waves pass through the auditory canal and middle ear to the
The middle ear is carved into the temporal bone of the cochlea in the inner ear, which transforms them into nerve signals
skull. It begins at the tympanic membrane (eardrum). Three conducted in the auditory nerve to the brain.
tiny bones, collectively called the auditory ossicles, are found in
the middle ear. Individually, they are the malleus (hammer), the Through the Auditory Canal and Middle Ear The process of
incus (anvil), and the stapes (stirrup) because their shapes re- hearing begins when sound waves enter the auditory canal. Just as
semble these objects. The malleus attaches to the tympanic mem- ripples travel across the surface of a pond, sound waves travel by
brane, then forms a joint with the incus. In turn, the incus then the successive vibrations of air molecules. Sound waves do not
connects to the stapes. The stapes fastens to the oval window—a usually carry much energy, but when a large number of waves
small, membrane-covered opening in the bone of the inner ear. strike the tympanic membrane, it moves back and forth (vibrates)
Another, even smaller membrane, the round window, is also ever so slightly. The malleus then vibrates from the pressure wave
located in this bone. The round window helps to diminish pres- from the inner surface of the tympanic membrane, in turn vibrating
sure waves in the inner ear. An auditory tube (Eustachian tube), the incus and then the stapes. The slight pressure wave is multiplied

208 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear

stapes oval window semicircular canals





tympanic cochlea

canal temporal

round window

Figure 9.12 Anatomy of the human ear. The outer ear consists of the pinna and the auditory canal. In the middle ear, the
malleus (hammer), the incus (anvil), and the stapes (stirrup) amplify sound waves. In the inner ear, the mechanoreceptors for equilibrium
are in the semicircular canals and the vestibule, and the mechanoreceptors for hearing are in the cochlea.

about 20 times as it moves from bone to bone. Finally, the stapes with neurons of the cochlear nerve (part of cranial nerve VIII,
strikes the membrane of the oval window, causing it to vibrate. In called the vestibulocochlear, or auditory, nerve). Bending the ste-
this way, the pressure wave is passed to the perilymph within the reocilia of a hair cell causes changes in the amount of signaling
cochlea of the inner ear. from the hair cell to the neuron, and this affects the frequency of
action potentials that are generated in the neuron. Action potential
From the Cochlea to the Auditory Cortex If the cochlea is signals are transmitted into the brain stem, where they are relayed
unwound and examined in cross section (Fig. 9.13), you can see through the thalamus to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe.
that it has three ducts: the vestibular duct, the cochlear duct, and There, the signals are interpreted as sound. Auditory memories of
the tympanic duct. Both the vestibular and tympanic ducts are the sounds we’ve heard in the past, such as the earworms discussed
filled with perilymph, while the cochlear duct is filled with endo- in the chapter introduction, are also housed in the temporal lobe.
lymph. The sense organ for hearing, called the spiral organ (organ Each part of the spiral organ is sensitive to different wave fre-
of Corti), is located in the cochlear duct. The spiral organ consists quencies, or pitches. Near the tip, the spiral organ responds to low
of tiny hair cells rooted in a basilar membrane. A gelatinous mate- pitches, such as a tuba, and near the base, it responds to higher
rial called the tectorial membrane sits above the hair cells, and pitches, such as a bell or a whistle. The nerve fibers from each
their stereocilia are embedded in this membrane. region along the length of the spiral organ lead to slightly different
When the stapes strikes the membrane of the oval window, areas in the brain. The pitch sensation we experience depends upon
pressure waves in the perilymph travel from the vestibular duct to which region of the basilar membrane vibrates and which area of
the tympanic duct across the basilar membrane. The basilar mem- the auditory cortex is stimulated.
brane moves up and down, and the stereocilia of the hair cells Volume is a function of the amplitude (height) of sound waves.
embedded in the tectorial membrane bend. Hair cells communicate Loud noises cause the fluid within the vestibular canal to exert more

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 209

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canals pressure and the basilar membrane to vibrate farther and faster. The
resulting increased stimulation is interpreted by the brain as volume.

cochlea Content CHECK-UP!

10. Imagine you’re listening to your favorite song. Describe the
oval window
pathway the sound waves must travel to reach the inner ear.
11. Which structure allows air pressure to equalize in the middle ear?
a. auditory canal c. cochlear canal
b. auditory tube d. semicircular canal
round window 12. Nerve signals from the cochlea travel along cranial nerve num-
ber ____, called the ______ nerve. This nerve takes the sig-
nals to the thalamus, and then on to the auditory cortex in the
_____ lobe of the cerebrum.
duct (perilymph) Answers in Appendix A.

duct (endolymph)

9.5 Sense of Equilibrium
duct (perilymph) 12. Describe the sensory receptors for equilibrium and their mechanism
cochlear of action.

Mechanoreceptors in the semicircular canals detect rotational

Cochlea cross section
and/or angular movement of the head (rotational, or dynamic,
equilibrium), while mechanoreceptors in the vestibule detect
tectorial membrane
head position, as well as linear movement of the head in any
stereocilia direction (gravitational, or static, equilibrium) (Fig. 9.14).
Through their communication with the brain, these mechanore-
basilar ceptors help us achieve equilibrium, but other structures in the body are
also involved. The cerebellum must integrate information from mech-
hair cell anoreceptors in the inner ear, proprioceptors in muscles and joints, and
photoreceptors in the eye to maintain balance and equilibrium.

Rotational Equilibrium Pathway

tympanic Rotational equilibrium involves the three semicircular canals,
cochlear nerve nal
which are arranged so that there is one in each dimension of space.
Spiral organ
Within each canal is a tube of membranous labyrinth called a semi-
circular duct, and each duct is filled with endolymph. The base of
each of the three ducts, called the ampulla, is slightly enlarged.
Tiny hair cells, whose stereocilia are embedded within a gelatinous
material called a cupula, are found within the ampullae. Because of
the way the semicircular ducts are arranged, each ampulla responds
to head rotation in a different plane of space. As endolymph within
a semicircular duct flows over and displaces a cupula, the stereo-
2 μm cilia of the hair cells bend, and the pattern of signals carried by the
vestibular nerve to the brain changes. The cerebellum and other
Figure 9.13 Mechanoreceptors for hearing. The brain centers use information from the hair cells within the ampul-
spiral organ (organ of Corti) is located within the endolymph-filled
lae of the semicircular ducts to maintain balance. The sensory input
cochlear duct. In the uncoiled cochlea, note that the spiral organ
consists of hair cells (resting on the basilar membrane) and the from semicircular canals tells the brain that you are rotating; motor
tectorial membrane above the hair cells. The vestibular and tym- output to various skeletal muscles can right your present position
panic ducts are filled with perilymph. Pressure waves in perilymph in space as need be (so that you don’t fall).
move from the vestibular duct to the tympanic duct, in turn caus- Sometimes data regarding rotational equilibrium bring about
ing the basilar membrane to vibrate. This causes the stereocilia unfortunate results. For example, continuous movement of fluid
(of at least a portion of the more than 20,000 hair cells) embed- in the ducts within the semicircular canals causes one form of mo-
ded in the tectorial membrane to bend. The nerve signals that are tion sickness. Vertigo is dizziness and a sensation of rotation. It
thus generated travel in the cochlear nerve, resulting in hearing. is possible to simulate a feeling of vertigo by spinning rapidly and

210 PART III Integration and Coordination

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receptor in ampulla endolymph
vestibular nerve





hair cell otolithic


hair cell
supporting cell
vestibular nerve cell

flow of endolymph
flow of otolithic



a. Rotational equilibrium: receptors in ampullae of semicircular duct b. Gravitational equilibrium: receptors in utricle and saccule of vestibule

Figure 9.14 Rotational (dynamic) and gravitational (static) equilibrium. (a) Rotational equilibrium. The ampullae of the
semicircular ducts contain hair cells with stereocilia embedded in a cupula. When the head rotates, the cupula is displaced, bending the
stereocilia. Thereafter, nerve signals travel in the vestibular nerve to the brain. (b) Gravitational equilibrium. The utricle and the saccule
contain hair cells with stereocilia embedded in an otolithic membrane. When the head bends, otoliths are displaced, causing the
membrane to sag and the stereocilia to bend. If the stereocilia bend toward the kinocilium, the longest of the stereocilia, nerve signals
increase in the vestibular nerve. If the stereocilia bend away from the kinocilium, nerve signals decrease in the vestibular nerve. The
difference tells the brain in which direction the head moved.

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 211

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Hearing Damage and Deafness

There are two major types of deafness: conduction deafness and sen- the hunter uses to support the gun. Even listening to city traffic for
sorineural, or nerve, deafness. Conduction deafness occurs when extended periods can damage hearing, and frequent attendance at rock
a mechanical blockage keeps sound waves from reaching the oval concerts and constant listening to loud music from an MP3 player (such
window, the membrane at the beginning of the inner ear. Conductive as an IPod®) are obviously dangerous. The danger is compounded by
deafness can result from the presence of foreign objects in the exter- using earbuds tightly fitted into the external ear canal. Noisy indoor or
nal ear canal, impacted ear wax, or cancerous tumors in the external outdoor equipment, such as a rug-cleaning machine or a chain saw, is also
ear canal or middle ear. Conduction deafness can also be due to troublesome. Even motorcycles and recreational vehicles, such as snow-
repeated infections or otosclerosis. With otosclerosis, the normal mobiles and motocross bikes, can contribute to a gradual hearing loss.
bone of the middle ear is replaced by vascular, spongy bone. The first hint of a problem could be temporary hearing loss, a
Nerve deafness most often occurs when cilia on the receptors “full” feeling in the ears, muffled hearing, or tinnitus (ringing in the
within the cochlea have worn away. Because this may happen with nor- ears). If you have any of these symptoms, modify your listening habits
mal aging, older people are more likely to have trouble hearing. How- immediately to prevent further damage. If exposure to noise is unavoid-
ever, studies also suggest that age-associated hearing loss can be slowed, able, use specially designed noise-reduction earmuffs or purchase ear-
or even prevented, if ears are protected from loud noises, starting even plugs made from a compressible, sponge-like material at a drugstore or
during infancy. Hospitals are now aware of the problem and are taking sporting goods store. These earplugs are not the same as those worn for
steps to ensure that neonatal intensive care units and nurseries are as swimming, and they should not be used interchangeably.
quiet as possible. Sensorineural deafness may also result from congeni- Finally, people need to be aware that some medicines are ototoxic
tal defects, particularly when a pregnant woman contracts German (damaging to any of the elements of hearing or balance). Anticancer
measles (rubella) during the first trimester of pregnancy. For this rea- drugs—most notably, cisplatin—and certain antibiotics (for example,
son, every female should be immunized against rubella before her child- streptomycin, kanamycin, and gentamicin) make the ears especially sus-
bearing years (see the Medical Focus: Immunization: The Great ceptible to a hearing loss. Hearing loss has also occurred in men who take
Protector in Chapter 13 for information regarding immunizations). drugs for erectile dysfunction (Viagra,TM Cialis, TM and Levitra TM). Peo-
In today’s society, exposure to the types of noises listed in Table 9A ple taking such medications should protect their ears from any excessive
is common. Everyone should consider three aspects of noise to prevent noise, and they should discontinue taking the medication and contact a
hearing loss: (1) how loud the noise is (2) how long the noise is heard, and health care professional if they notice hearing loss. It's critically important
(3) how close the noise is to the ear. Loudness is measured in decibels, for cocaine users to seek medical help for their addiction because cocaine
and any level above 80 decibels could damage the hair cells of the organ can also cause deafness (along with a host of other critical health issues).
of Corti. Exposure to intense sounds of short duration, such as a burst of Cochlear implants, which directly stimulate the auditory nerve,
gunfire, can result in an immediate hearing loss. Hunters often have sig- are available for persons with sensorineural deafness. Earlier models of
nificant hearing loss. Interestingly, the butt of the gun partially protects cochlear implants were costly, and people wearing these electronic
the adjacent ear, so hearing loss occurs in the ear opposite the shoulder devices reported that the speech they heard was very mechanical.
Newer models produce better sound quality at a much lower cost.

TABLE 9A Sound Intensity and Hearing Damage

Type of Noise Sound Level (decibels) Effect

Rock concert, shotgun, jet engine Over 125 Beyond threshold of pain; potential for hearing loss is high.
Nightclub, thunderclap, loud music Over 120 Hearing loss is likely.
from “ear bud” headphones
Chain saw, pneumatic drill, jackhammer, 100–200 Regular exposure of longer than 1 minute risks permanent
symphony orchestra, snowmobile, hearing loss.
garbage truck, cement mixer
Farm tractor, newspaper press, subway, 90–100 Fifteen minutes of unprotected exposure is potentially
motorcycle harmful.
Lawnmower, food blender 85–90 Continuous daily exposure for more than 8 hours can
cause hearing damage.
Diesel truck, average city traffic noise 80–85 Annoying; constant exposure may cause hearing damage.
Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, January 1990.

212 PART III Integration and Coordination

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TABLE 9.2 Functions of the Parts of the Ear

Part Medium Function Mechanoreceptor


Pinna Collects sound waves —

Auditory canal Filters air; directs sound waves —
to tympanic membrane


Tympanic membrane and ossicles Amplify sound waves —

Auditory tube (Eustachian tube) Equalizes air pressure —


Cochlea (contains spiral organ) Hearing Stereocilia embedded in tectorial membrane

Semicircular canals Rotational equilibrium Stereocilia embedded in cupula
Vestibule (contains utricle and saccule) Gravitational equilibrium Stereocilia embedded in otolithic membrane

stopping suddenly. Inflammation of cranial nerve VIII, the ves- Appropriate motor output from the brain to various skeletal
tibulocochlear (or auditory) nerve from the ear, can cause vertigo muscles can right our present position in space.
as well. Motion sickness is also possible if the sensory input from Table 9.2 summarizes the functions of the parts of the ear.
the inner ear is different from visual sensation. For example, a
person standing inside a large ship on rough seas will sense move- Content CHECK-UP!
ment with the inner ear (as the ship tosses back and forth on the
waves), but the visual input will register no movement (because 13. Which of the following receptors are found in the semicircular
the ship’s walls don’t move relative to the person’s body). The canals, utricle, and saccule?
person is seasick, with severe nausea and vomiting. People who a. mechanoreceptors c. chemoreceptors
are seasick sometimes find relief if they stand outdoors and focus b. pressure receptors d. nociceptors
on the horizon, so that both visual and inner ear inputs to the brain
14. The vestibule generates action potentials that determine
signal movement. _____ equilibrium, while the semicircular canals generate ac-
tion potentials that determine _____ equilibrium.
Gravitational Equilibrium Pathway Answers in Appendix A.

Gravitational equilibrium depends on the utricle and saccule, two

endolymph-filled membranous sacs located in the vestibule. Both
of these sacs contain tiny hair cells, whose stereocilia are embedded 9.6 Effects of Aging
within a gelatinous material called an otolithic membrane. Calcium 13. Explain the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the
carbonate (CaCO3) granules, or otoliths, rest on this membrane. sensory system as we age.
The utricle is especially sensitive to horizontal (back-forth) move-
ments and the bending of the head, while the saccule responds best As people age, many will need assistance to improve their sight and
to vertical (up-down) movements. hearing. The lens of the eye in older individuals does not accommo-
When the body is still, the otoliths in the utricle and the sac- date as well—a condition called presbyopia. Eyeglasses, contact
cule rest on the otolithic membrane above the hair cells. Thus, lenses, and/or corrective surgery can be used to improve vision.
if you’re standing completely still with your head upright, or if Three serious visual disorders are seen more frequently in
you’re upside down, nerve signals in the vestibular nerve cease. older persons: (1) Possibly due to exposure to the sun, the lens is
When the head bends or the body moves forward-backward and/ subject to cataracts. (2) Age-related macular degeneration is the
or up-down, the otoliths are displaced and the otolithic mem- most frequent cause of blindness in older people. (3) Glaucoma is
brane sags, bending the stereocilia of the hair cells beneath. If more likely to develop because of a tendency for eye pressure to
the stereocilia move toward the largest stereocilium, called the increase in older individuals. These three disorders are described
kinocilium, nerve signals increase in the vestibular nerve. If in the Medical Focus on page 206.
the stereocilia move away from the kinocilium, nerve signals The need for a hearing aid also increases with age. Atrophy of
decrease in the vestibular nerve (Fig. 9.14b). These data tell the organ of Corti can lead to presbycusis (age-related hearing de-
the brain the direction of the movement of the head at the mo- cline). First, people tend to lose the ability to detect high-frequency
ment. The cerebellum and other brain centers use this sensory tones, and later the lower tones are affected. Eventually, they can
information to maintain gravitational equilibrium and balance. hear speech but cannot understand the words being said.

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 213

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Otosclerosis, an overgrowth of bone that causes the stapes to
adhere to the oval window, is the most frequent cause of conduc- Content CHECK-UP!
tion deafness in adults (see the Medical Focus on page 212). The 15. What is the term used to describe an age-related decrease in
condition actually begins during youth but may not become evident accommodation?
until later in life. Dizziness and the inability to maintain balance Answer in Appendix A.
may also occur in older people due to changes in the inner ear.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms mechanoreceptor (mĕkŭ-nō-rĭ-sĕp9tŭr), p. 194 taste bud (tāst bŭd), p. 196
accommodation (ŭh-cŏm-ŭh-dā9shŭn), p. 201 membranous labyrinth (mĕm9bră-nŭs lăb9 thalamus (thălŭh-mŭs), p. 194
ŭh-rĭnth), p. 208 thermoreceptor (thĕr9mō-rĭ-sĕptŭr), p. 194
ampulla (ăm-pūl9ŭh), p. 210
muscle spindles (mŭs9ĕl spin9dŭhlz), p. 194 tympanic membrane (tĭm-păn9ĭk mĕm9brān),
aqueous humor (ā9kwē-ŭs hyū9mer), p. 201
muscle tone (mŭs9ĕl tōn), p. 194 p. 208
auditory canal (ăw9dĭ-tōrē kŭh-năl9), p. 208
nociceptor (nōsē-sĕp9tur), p. 196 utricle (ū9trĭ-kŭl), p. 213
auditory tube (ăw9dĭ-tōrē tūb), p. 208
olfactory cell (ōl-făk9tō-rē sĕl), p. 197 vestibule (vĕst9ŭh-byūl), p. 208
blind spot (blīnd spŏt), p. 204
optic chiasma (ŏp9tĭk kī-ăz9mŭh), p. 204 vitreous body (vĭt9rē-ŭs bŏd-ē), p. 201
bony labyrinth (bōh9nē lăb9ŭh rĭnth), p. 208
optic nerve (ŏp9tĭk nĕrv), p. 201 vitreous humor (vĭt9rē-ŭs hyū9mŏr), p. 201
chemoreceptor (kē9mō-rĭ-sĕp tŭr), p. 194
ossicle (ŏs9ĭ-kl), p. 208
choroid (kō9rŏyd), p. 200 Clinical Key Terms
otolith (ō9tō-lĭth), p. 213
ciliary body (sĭl9ē-ĕrē bŏd9ē), p. 200 Alzheimer cataract (ăltz9hī-mĕr kăt9ŭh-răkt),
outer ear (ŏw9tĕr ēr ), p. 208
ciliary muscle (sĭl9ē-ĕrē mŭs9ŭhl), p. 200 p. 201
oval window (ō9vŭl wĭn9dō), p. 208
cochlea (kōk9lē-ŭh), p. 208 astigmatism (ŭh-stĭg9mŭh-tĭz9ŭm), p. 205
pain receptors (pān rĭ-sĕp9tŭrz), p. 194
cochlear duct (kōk9lē-ĕr dŭkt), p. 209 cataract (kăt9ŭh-răkt), p. 206
perilymph (pĕr9ē-lĭmf), p. 208
cone cell (kōn sĕl), p. 203 cochlear implant (kōk9lē-ĕr ĭm9plănt), p. 212
photoreceptor (fō9tō-rĭ-sĕptŭr), p. 194
conjunctiva (kŏn9jŭngk-tī9vŭh), p. 199 color blindness (kŭl9ŭhr blīnd9nĕs), p. 203
pinna (pĭn9ŭh), p. 208
cornea (kŏr9nē-ŭh), p. 200 conduction deafness (kŏn-dŭk9shŭn dĕf9nĕs),
proprioceptor (prō9prē-ō-sĕptŭr), p. 194 p. 212
cutaneous receptor (kyū-tā9 nē-ŭs rĭ-sĕp9 tŭr),
p. 194 pupil (pyū9pl), p. 200 diabetic retinopathy (dī-ŭh-bĕt9ĭk rĕt-ĭ-nŏp9ă-
dynamic equilibrium (dī năm9ĭk ē9kwĭ-lĭb re- receptor potential (rĭ-sĕp9tŭr pŭh-tĕn9shŭl), p. 194 thē), p. 206
ŭhm) p. 210 retina (rĕt9ĭn-ŭh), p. 201 glaucoma (glăw-kō9mŭh), p. 206
endolymph (ĕn9dōh-lĭmf), p. 208 retinal (rĕt9ĭn-ŏl9), p. 203 hyperopia (hipĕr-o9pē-ŭh), p. 205
extrinsic muscles (ĕks-trĭn9sĭk mŭs9ĕls), p. 199 rhodospin (rō-dŏp9sĭn), p. 203 macular degeneration (mă9kyū-lĕr dējĕn-ĕr-
fovea centralis (fō9vē-ŭh sĕn-trā9lĭs), p. 201 rod cell (rŏd sĕl), p. 203 ā9shŭn), p. 206
Golgi tendon organs (gōl9gē tĕn9dŭhn ōr9gŭhnz), rotational equilibrium (rō-tā9shŭn-ŭhl ē9kwĭ- myopia (mī-ō9pē-ŭh), p. 205
p. 194 lĭbre-ŭhm), p. 210 nerve deafness (nĕrv dĕf9nĕs), p. 212
gravitational equilibrium (grăv9ĭ-tā9 shŭn-ŭhl round window (rŏwnd wĭn9dō), p. 208 otosclerosis (ōtō-sklĕ-rō9sĭs), p. 212
ē9kwĭ-lĭb re-ŭhm), p. 210 saccule (săk9yūl), p. 213 ototoxic (ōtō-tŏk9sĭk), p. 212
hair cells (har sĕlz), p. 208 sclera (sklēr9ŭh), p. 200 presbycusis (prĕzbē-kū9sĭs), p. 213
incus (ĭng9kŭs), p. 208 semicircular canal (sĕmē-sĕr9kyū-lĕr kŭh-nal9), presbyopia (prĕzbē-ōh9-pē-ŭh), p. 213
iris (ī9rĭs), p. 200 p. 208 referred pain (rĭ-fŭrred pān), p. 196
lacrimal apparatus (lăk9rĭ-mŭl ăpŭh-ră9tŭs), Snellen chart (snĕl9ĕn chărt), p. 205 sty (stī), p. 199
p. 199 spiral organ (spī9rŭl ŏr9gŭn), p. 209 tinnitus (tĭn9ĭ-tŭs), p. 212
lens (lĕnz), p. 201 stapes (stā9pēz), p. 208 uncinate fit (ŭhn9sĭn-āyt fĭt), p. 197
malleus (măl9ē-ŭs), p. 208 static equilibrium (sta9tik e9kwi-libre-ŭhm), p. 210 vertigo (vĕr9tĭ-gō), p. 210

8.1 General Senses generated and transmitted to the spinal A. Proprioceptors are mechanore-
Each type of sensory receptor detects cord and/or brain. Sensation occurs ceptors involved in reflexes that
a particular kind of stimulus. When stim- when nerve signals reach the cerebral maintain muscle tone, equilib-
ulation occurs, sensory receptors initiate cortex. Perception is an interpreta- rium, and posture.
receptor potentials. Action potentials are tion of the meaning of sensations.

214 PART III Integration and Coordination

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B. Cutaneous receptors sense touch, receptors for bright light and color) begins with the tympanic mem-
pressure, pain, and temperature. are located in the retina, the inner brane and contains the ossicles
C. Pain receptors are also called layer of the eyeball. Cone cells are (malleus, incus, and stapes). The
nociceptors, and they sense concentrated in the center of the malleus is attached to the tym-
damage to tissues. macula lutea in a region called the panic membrane, and the stapes
8.2 Senses of Taste and Smell fovea centralis. The cornea, the is attached to the oval window,
A. Taste buds contain taste cells, humors, and especially the lens which is covered by a mem-
which can sense five primary bring the light rays to focus on the brane. The inner ear contains
tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, retina. To see a close object, ac- the cochlea and the semicircular
and umami. Taste signals are sent commodation occurs as the lens canals, plus the utricle and the
to gustatory regions in the parietal rounds up. saccule.
and insular lobes of the cerebrum. C. When light strikes rhodopsin B. Hearing begins when the outer
B. Olfactory cells are found in the ol- within the membranous disks of ear receives and the middle ear
factory epithelium in the roof of rod cells, rhodopsin splits into amplifies the sound waves that
the nasal cavity. Each cell has one opsin and retinal. A cascade of then strike the oval window mem-
type of receptor protein. The reactions leads to the closing of brane. Its vibrations set up pres-
senses of taste and smell work to- ion channels in a rod cell’s sure waves in perilymph, which
gether and are directly linked to plasma membrane. Neurotrans- travel across the cochlear canal.
the limbic system, which explains mitter molecules are no longer The cochlear canal contains the
why these senses are closely released. Nerve cells, which spiral organ, consisting of hair
linked to emotions and memories. synapse with photoreceptors, cells whose stereocilia are em-
8.3 Sense of Vision transmit action potentials, which bedded within the tectorial mem-
A. Accessory organs of the eye in- are carried in the optic nerve to brane. When the basilar
clude eyebrows, eyelids, eye- the brain. membrane vibrates, the stereo-
lashes, the lacrimal apparatus, and D. Integration occurs in the retina, cilia of the hair cells bend. Nerve
extrinsic eye muscles. The brows, which is composed of three layers signals begin in the cochlear
lids, and lashes protect the eyes, of cells: the rod and cone layer, the nerve and are carried to the brain.
while the lacrimal apparatus pro- bipolar cell layer, and the ganglion 8.5 Sense of Equilibrium
duces tears to lubricate the eye. cell layer. Integration also occurs in The ear also contains mechanorecep-
B. Vision is dependent on the eye, the brain. The visual field is taken tors for our sense of equilibrium.
the optic nerves, and the visual ar- apart by the optic chiasma and by A. Rotational equilibrium is depen-
eas of the cerebral cortex. The eye the primary visual area in the cere- dent on the stimulation of hair
has three layers. The outer layer, bral cortex, which parcels out sig- cells within the ampullae of the
the sclera, can be seen as the nals for color, form, and motion to semicircular ducts.
white of the eye; it also becomes the visual association area. Then B. Gravitational equilibrium relies on
the transparent bulge in the front the cortex rebuilds the field. the stimulation of hair cells within
of the eye called the cornea. The 8.4 Sense of Hearing the utricle and the saccule.
middle pigmented layer, called the A. Hearing is dependent on the ear, 8.6 Effects of Aging
choroid, absorbs stray light rays. the cochlear nerve, and the As we age, we will likely need
The choroid’s anterior portion con- auditory areas of the cerebral assistance to improve our dimin-
tains the pigmented iris, which cortex. The ear is divided into ished senses of sight and hearing.
controls the amount of light enter- three parts: outer, middle, and Three more serious visual
ing the eye, and the ciliary body, inner. The outer ear consists of disorders—cataracts, age-related
which controls lens shape. The rod the pinna and the auditory canal, macular degeneration, and glau-
cells (sensory receptors for dim which direct sound waves to the coma—may occur, making medical
light) and the cone cells (sensory middle ear. The middle ear intervention necessary.

Study Questions
1. Name the five different types of gen- 4. How are somatic and visceral nocicep- 7. Describe the protective accessory eye
eral sensory receptors. (p. 194) tors alike? How are they different? structures. How does each work to pre-
2. Name two types of proprioceptors. (p. 196) vent eye damage? (p. 199)
What is their general function in the 5. Name the receptors for the senses of 8. How many pairs of extrinsic eye mus-
body? (pp. 194–195) taste and smell. Which brain areas re- cles are there? What movements does
3. Name three types of cutaneous receptors ceive their sensory information? each pair cause? (pp. 199–200)
that are sensitive to fine touch, and three (pp. 196–197) 9. What are the eye's three layers?
that are sensitive to pressure. Where is 6. Describe the relationship between Which contains photoreceptors?
each type found? (pp. 194–195) taste and smell. (pp. 197–198) (pp. 200–201)

Chapter 9 The Sensory System 215

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10. Identify the layer where each of the fol- what chemical each contains, where as a sound wave travels through the
lowing structures can be found: cor- each is located on the retina, and how ear. How does the spiral organ (organ
nea, fovea centralis, ciliary body, iris. each reacts to light. (pp. 203–204) of Corti) in the cochlea translate a
(pp. 200–203) 14. Place the structures of the visual sound wave into an action potential?
11. Explain the accommodation process. pathway (optic radiations, optic nerve, Which cranial nerve carries the action
Describe the shape of the lens when a optic chiasma, optic tracts, thalamus, potential into the brain? (pp. 208–210)
person is viewing a faraway object, occipital lobes) in the correct order as 16. Compare and contrast the utricle and
then when he or she is viewing a near an action potential signal travels from saccule and the semicircular canals.
object. (pp. 202–203) the eye to the brain. How does the How are they alike? How are they differ-
12. Describe sight in dim light. What chem- retina integrate visual information? ent? (pp. 210–211, 213)
ical reaction is responsible for vision in How does the brain process visual in- 17. Define conduction deafness and sen-
dim light? (p. 203) formation? (pp. 204, 207) sorineural deafness. Why do young
13. Compare and contrast rods and cones. 15. Place the structures of the outer, mid- people frequently suffer hearing loss?
Explain what role each plays in vision, dle, and inner ears in the correct order (pp. 213–214)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 5. The lens for viewing 10. The semicircular canals are
1. The sensory organs for position close objects. involved in the sense of
and movement are called 6. People who are nearsighted .
. cannot see objects that are 11. Vision, hearing, taste, and
2. Taste buds and olfactory cells are .A lens smell do not occur unless
termed because they will restore this ability. nerve signals reach the proper
are sensitive to chemicals in the air 7. The ossicles are the , portion of the .
and food. , and .
3. The sensory receptors for sight, the 8. The cochlea is located in the
and , are ear and contains hearing
located in the , the receptors called cells.
inner layer of the eye. 9. The spiral organ is located in the
4. The cones give us vision canal of the
and work best in light. .

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. ophthalmologist (ŏfthăl-mŏl9ō-jĭst) 9. microtia (mīkrō9shē-ŭh)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. presbyopia (prĕsbē-ō9pē-ŭh) 10. presbyosmia (prĕs9bē-ozmē-ŭh)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. blepharoptosis (blĕfŭh-rō-tō9sĭs) 11. iridomalacia (ĭr9ĭ-dō-mŭh-lā9shē-ŭh)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. keratoplasty (kĕr9ŭh-tō-plăstē) 12. hypogeusia (hī-pō-gō9sē-ŭh)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 5. optometrist (ŏp-tŏm9ĕ-trĭst)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 6. lacrimator (lăk9rĭ-mātŏr) and consult 7. otitis media (ō-tī9tĭs mē9dē-ŭh)
Appendix B. 8. tympanocentesis (tĭmpŭh-nō-sĕn-tē9sĭs)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

216 PART III Integration and Coordination

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10 The Endocrine System
J ohn F. Kennedy, the youngest man to be elected president, appeared
healthy, vigorous, and active throughout his entire political career. Photos
of the president showed a handsome, tanned sailor at the family estate in
Massachusetts; others showed the Kennedy family playing football. However,
throughout Kennedy’s entire political life, he and his staff took great pains to
hide his many ailments—in particular, the fact that Kennedy suffered from
Addison’s disease. This rare illness is caused by a deficiency of adrenal cortex
hormones, and you can read about it on page 228. (Ironically, one symptom
of Addison’s disease is skin that looks like JFK’s signature suntan.) Although
he was hospitalized many times, Kennedy repeatedly denied having the
disease or any other serious health problems. Yet, medical records tell a
different story—the president was in almost constant pain, in part because his
vertebrae had been destroyed by the medication for Addison’s disease. At
autopsy, his adrenal glands were shrunken and nonfunctional. Still, there is no
evidence that Kennedy’s illness affected his performance as president, and he
left a legacy that includes the space program and the Peace Corps.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

10.1 Endocrine Glands hormones. Describe the effects of 18. Discuss atrial natriuretic hormone,
thyroid abnormalities. leptin, ghrelin, growth factors, and
1. Define a hormone, and state the prostaglandins as hormones not
function of hormones. 9. Discuss the function of parathyroid
hormone, and describe the effects of produced by endocrine glands.
2. Discuss the difference in mode of parathyroid hormone abnormalities.
action between peptide and steroid 10.7 The Importance of Chemical
hormones. 10.4 Adrenal Glands Signals
3. Name the major endocrine glands, 19. Give examples to show that chemical
10. Describe the anatomy of the adrenal
and identify their locations. signals can act between organs,
4. Discuss the control of glandular cells, and individuals.
11. Discuss the function of the adrenal
secretion by humoral, hormonal, and
medulla and its relationship to the
nervous mechanisms, and give an
nervous system. 10.8 Effects of Aging
example of how negative feedback 20. Discuss the anatomical and
functions in these control mechanisms. 12. Name three categories of hormones
produced by the adrenal cortex, give physiological changes that occur in
the endocrine system as we age.
10.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary an example of each category, and
discuss their actions. Describe the
Gland effects of adrenal cortex malfunction. 10.9 Homeostasis
5. Explain the anatomical and functional 21. Discuss how the endocrine system
relationships between the 10.5 Pancreas works with other systems of the
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. 13. Describe the anatomy of the pancreas. body to maintain homeostasis.
6. Name and discuss two hormones
produced by the hypothalamus that
14. Name three hormones produced by Visual Focus
the pancreas, and discuss their
are secreted by the posterior pituitary. The Hypothalamus and the Pituitary
7. Name the hormones produced by 15. Discuss the two types of diabetes I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency
the anterior pituitary, and describe mellitus, and contrast hypoglycemia
their function. Indicate which of Insulin Shock and Diabetic Ketoacidosis
with hyperglycemia.
these hormones control other What’s New
endocrine glands. 10.6 Additional Endocrine Options for Diabetics: The Artificial Pancreas System,
10.3 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands Beta Cell Transplants, and the BioHub
Glands 16. Name the most important male and Medical Focus
female sex hormones. Discuss their
8. Discuss the anatomy of the thyroid functions. Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids
gland, and the chemical structure
and physiological function of its 17. State the location and function of the Human Systems Work Together
pineal gland and the thymus gland. Endocrine System


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10.1 Endocrine Glands motion an enzyme cascade, so called because each enzyme in turn
activates several others, and so on. These intracellular enzymes
1. Define a hormone, and state the function of hormones.
cause the changes in the cell that are associated with the hormone.
2. Discuss the difference in mode of action between peptide and ste-
roid hormones. Because of the second messenger system, the binding of a single
3. Name the major endocrine glands, and identify their locations. peptide hormone can result in as much as a thousandfold response.
4. Discuss the control of glandular secretion by humoral, hormonal, and The cellular response can be a change in cellular behavior or the
nervous mechanisms, and give an example of how negative feed- formation of an end product that leaves the cell. For example, by
back functions in these control mechanisms.
activating a second messenger, insulin causes the facilitated diffu-
sion of glucose into body cells, while thyroid-stimulating hormone
The endocrine system consists of glands and tissues that secrete causes thyroxine release from the thyroid gland.
hormones. This chapter will give many examples of the close as- Because steroid hormones are lipids, they diffuse across the
sociation between the endocrine and nervous systems. Like the plasma membrane and other cellular membranes (Fig. 10.3). Inside
nervous system, the endocrine system is intimately involved in the cell, steroid hormones such as estrogen and progesterone bind
homeostasis. to receptor proteins. The hormone-receptor complex then binds to
Hormones are chemical signals that affect the behavior of DNA, activating particular genes. Activation leads to production
other glands or tissues. Hormones influence the metabolism of of a cellular enzyme in varying quantities. Again, it is largely
cells, the growth and development of body parts, and homeosta- intracellular enzymes that cause the cellular changes for which
sis. Endocrine glands are ductless; they secrete their hormones the hormone receives credit. For example, estrogen directs cellular
directly into tissue fluid. From there, the hormones diffuse into enzymes that cause the growth of axillary and pubic hair in an
the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body. Endocrine adolescent female.
glands can be contrasted with exocrine glands, which have ducts When protein hormones such as insulin are used for medi-
and secrete their products into these ducts. For example, the cal purposes, they must be administered by injection. If these
salivary glands send saliva into the mouth by way of the salivary hormones were taken orally, they would be acted on by digestive
ducts. enzymes. Once digested, insulin cannot carry out its functions.
Each type of hormone has a unique composition. Even so, Steroid hormones, such as those in birth control pills, can be
hormones can be categorized as either peptide hormones (which taken orally because they’re water-insoluble lipids and poorly
include proteins, glycoproteins, and modified amino acids) or digested. Steroids can pass through the digestive tract largely
steroid hormones. All steroid hormones are lipids that have the undigested, and then diffuse through the plasma membrane into
same four-carbon ring complex, but each has different side chains. the cell.
The majority of hormones are peptides.
Figure 10.1 depicts the locations of the major endocrine glands
in the body, and Table 10.1 lists the hormones they release. It’s im- Hormone Control
portant for you to remember that other organs produce hormones, The release of hormones is usually controlled by one or more of
too. These additional hormones and their actions will be described three mechanisms: (1) the concentration of dissolved molecules or
in detail in later chapters. Further, hormones aren’t the only type ions in the blood, referred to as humoral control; (2) by the actions
of chemical signal. Neurotransmitters (which you learned about of other hormones; and/or (3) by the nervous system.
in Chapter 9) are one example of signaling molecules that allow It’s important for ions or molecules in the body to be kept
direct communication from cell to cell, and you’ll learn about oth- within a normal range to maintain homeostasis. Thus, humoral
ers here as well. control determines the secretion of many body hormones. For ex-
ample, when the blood glucose level rises following a meal, the
pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin causes the liver to store glucose
How Hormones Function and the cells to take up glucose, and blood glucose is lowered back
Along with fundamental differences in structure, peptide and ste- to normal. Once the blood glucose concentration is corrected,
roid hormones also function differently. Most peptide hormones the pancreas stops producing insulin. In much the same way, a
bind to a receptor protein in the plasma membrane and activate a low level of calcium ions in the blood stimulates the secretion of
“second messenger” system (Fig. 10.2). The “second messenger” parathyroid hormone (PTH) from the parathyroid gland. When
causes the cellular changes for which the hormone is credited. As blood calcium rises to a normal level, secretion of PTH stops.
an analogy, suppose you’re the person in charge of a crew assigned These examples of humoral control illustrate regulation by nega-
to redecorate a room. As such, you stand outside the room and di- tive feedback.
rect the workers inside the room. The workers clean, paint, apply Hormone release can also be controlled by specific stimulating
wallpaper, etc. Like the “boss” in this analogy, the peptide hormone or inhibiting hormones. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from
stays outside the cell and directs activities within. The peptide hor- the pituitary gland (also called thyrotropin) does exactly what its
mone, or “first messenger,” activates a “second messenger”—the name implies—it stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid
crew workers inside the cell. Common second messengers found hormone. By contrast, the release of insulin is inhibited by the
in many body cells include cyclic AMP (made from ATP, and production of glucagon by the pancreas. Insulin lowers the blood
abbreviated cAMP) and calcium. The second messenger sets in glucose level, whereas glucagon raises it. In subsequent sections

218 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Releasing and inhibiting hormones:
regulate the anterior pituitary
Antidiuretic (ADH): PINEAL GLAND
water reabsorption by kidneys Melatonin: controls circadian
Oxytocin: stimulates uterine and circannual rhythm
contraction and milk letdown

Posterior Pituitary
Release ADH and oxytocin produced
by the hypothalamus
Anterior Pituitary Parathyroid hormone (PTH):
Thyroid stimulating (TSH): raises blood calcium level
stimulates thyroid
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH):
stimulates adrenal cortex parathyroid glands
Gonadotropic (FSH, LH): egg and (posterior surface of thyroid)
sperm production; sex hormone
Prolactin (PL): milk production
Growth (GH): bone growth, protein
synthesis, and cell division
Thymosins: production and
maturation of
THYROID GLAND T lymphocytes
Thyroxine (T 4) and triiodothyronine
(T3): increase metabolic rate;
regulates growth and development
Calcitonin: lowers blood calcium level
Insulin: lowers blood glucose
level; formation of glycogen
Glucagon: increases blood
ADRENAL GLAND glucose level; breakdown of
Adrenal cortex glycogen
Glucocorticoids (cortisol):
raises blood glucose level;
stimulates breakdown of protein
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone):
reabsorption of sodium and Testes
excretion of potassium Androgens (testosterone):
Sex hormones: reproductive organs male sex characteristics
and bring about sex characteristics Ovaries
Adrenal medulla Estrogens and progesterone:
testis female sex characteristics
Epinephrine and norepinephrine:
active in emergency situations;
raise blood glucose level

ovary (female)

Figure 10.1 Anatomical location of major endocrine glands in the body. The hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands are
in the brain, the thyroid and parathyroids are in the neck, and the adrenal glands and pancreas are in the abdominal cavity. The gonads
include the ovaries in females, located in the pelvic cavity, and the testes in males, located outside this cavity in the scrotum. The thymus
gland lies within the thoracic cavity.

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 219

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TABLE 10.1 Principal Endocrine Glands and Hormones
Endocrine Hormone Chemical Target Chief Function(s)
Gland Released Class Tissues/Organs of Hormone
Hypothalamus Hypothalamic-releasing and Peptide Anterior pituitary Regulate anterior pituitary hormones
inhibiting hormones
Produced by Antidiuretic (ADH) Peptide Kidneys Stimulates water reabsorption by
hypothalamus, kidneys and blood vessel constriction
released from Oxytocin Peptide Uterus, mammary Stimulates uterine muscle contraction,
posterior pituitary glands release of milk by mammary glands
Anterior pituitary Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) Glycoprotein Thyroid Stimulates thyroid gland
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) Peptide Adrenal cortex Stimulates adrenal cortex
Gonadotropic Glycoprotein Gonads Egg and sperm production; sex
Follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormone production
Luteinizing (LH)
Prolactin (PRL) Protein Mammary glands Milk production
Growth (GH) Protein Soft tissues, Cell division, protein synthesis, and
bones bone growth
Melanocyte-stimulating (MSH) Peptide Melanocytes in Unknown function in humans; regulates
skin skin color in lower vertebrates
Thyroid Thyroxine (T4) and Iodinated amino acid All tissues Increases metabolic rate; regulates
triiodothyronine (T3) growth and development
Calcitonin Peptide Bones, kidneys, Lowers blood calcium level
Parathyroids Parathyroid (PTH) Peptide Bones, kidneys, Raises blood calcium level
Adrenal gland
Adrenal cortex Glucocorticoids (cortisol) Steroid All tissues Raise blood glucose level; stimulate
breakdown of protein
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) Steroid Kidneys Reabsorb sodium and excrete potassium
Sex hormones Steroid Gonads, skin, Stimulate reproductive organs and
muscles, bones bring about sex characteristics
Adrenal medulla Epinephrine and norepinephrine Modified amino acid Cardiac and other Released in emergency situations;
muscles raise blood glucose level
Pancreas Insulin Protein Liver, muscles, Lowers blood glucose level; promotes
adipose tissue formation of glycogen
Glucagon Protein Liver, muscles, Raises blood glucose level
adipose tissue
Somatostatin Protein Pancreatic alpha Inhibits insulin and glucagon, prevents
1 beta cells wide fluctuations in blood glucose
Testes Androgens (testosterone) Steroid Gonads, skin, Stimulate male sex characteristics
muscles, bones
Ovaries Estrogens and progesterone Steroid Gonads, skin, Stimulate female sex characteristics
muscles, bones
Thymus Thymosins Peptide T lymphocytes Stimulate production and maturation
of T lymphocytes
Pineal gland Melatonin Modified amino acid Brain Controls circadian and circannual
rhythms; possibly involved in
maturation of sexual organs

220 PART III Integration and Coordination

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capillary steroid
1. Hormone diffuses hormone
through plasma
1. Hormone binds to a membrane because
receptor in the plasma it is lipid soluble. plasma
membrane. membrane

peptide hormone
(first messenger)

activated receptor protein


2. Hormone binds
to receptor inside

2. Binding leads to
activation of an protein
enzyme that changes receptor
ATP to cAMP. DNA protein
mRNA ribosome
ATP (second messenger)
3. cAMP activates an
enzyme cascade. glucose
(leaves cell
and goes
to blood) 3. Hormone-receptor mRNA
complex activates
4. Many molecules of gene and synthesis
glycogen are broken of a specific mRNA 4. mRNA moves to
down to glucose, glycogen
molecule follows. ribosomes, and protein
which enters the synthesis occurs.

Figure 10.2 Action of a peptide hormone. The bind- Figure 10.3 Action of a steroid hormone. A steroid
ing of a peptide hormone leads to cAMP and then to activation of hormone results in a hormone-receptor complex that activates
an enzyme cascade. In this example, the hormone causes glyco- DNA and protein synthesis.
gen to be broken down to glucose.

of this chapter, you’ll learn about other instances in which pairs of It’s important to stress that many hormones are influenced
hormones work opposite to one another, and thereby bring about by more than one control mechanism. In the previous examples,
the regulation of a substance in the blood. you can see that insulin release is influenced by all three control-
The nervous system is an important controller of the endocrine lers: humoral, hormonal, and neural control. For the majority of
system. Upon receiving sensory information from the body, the hormones, control is regulated by negative feedback. As you know
brain can make appropriate adjustments to hormone secretion to from Chapter 1, in a negative feedback system, a stimulus causes a
ensure homeostasis. For example, while you eat a meal, sensory body response. The body response, in turn, corrects the initial stim-
information is relayed to the brain. In turn, the brain signals para- ulus. The result is that the activity of the hormone is maintained
sympathetic motor neurons to cause the release of insulin from the within normal limits and homeostasis is ensured. However, in a few
pancreas. (Recall that the parasympathetic neurons control “rest instances, positive feedback controls the release of a hormone—for
and digest” functions.) Insulin will allow body cells to take up example, release of oxytocin during labor and delivery (discussed
glucose from digested food. on page 222).

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 221

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posterior pituitary. In your body, blood becomes concentrated if
Content CHECK-UP! you have just finished exercising heavily and body water has been
1. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), a peptide hormone, works by: lost as sweat. Upon reaching the kidneys, ADH causes more water
a. binding to a receptor outside the cell and activating a sec-
to be reabsorbed into kidney capillaries. As the blood becomes
ond messenger. diluted once again, ADH is no longer released. This is an ex-
ample of control by negative feedback because the effect of the
b. diffusing into the cell, binding to a receptor inside the cell,
and activating a second messenger.
hormone (to dilute blood) acts to shut down the release of the
hormone. An additional effect of ADH is to raise blood pressure,
c. diffusing into the cell, binding to a receptor inside the cell,
by vasoconstriction of blood vessels throughout the body (hence,
and activating genes in DNA.
the hormone’s additional name of vasopressin). This mechanism
2. Testosterone, a steroid hormone, works by: also illustrates negative feedback: Blood pressure falls because
a. binding to a receptor outside the cell and activating a sec- body water is lost as sweat (stimulus); vasopressin is released (re-
ond messenger. sponse); blood vessels constrict and blood pressure rises to normal
b. diffusing into the cell, binding to a receptor inside the cell, (stimulus corrected). Negative feedback maintains stable condi-
and activating a second messenger. tions and homeostasis.
c. diffusing into the cell, binding to a receptor inside the cell, Inability to produce ADH causes diabetes insipidus (watery
and activating genes in DNA. urine), in which a person produces copious amounts of urine with
3. Antidiuretic hormone stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb water a resultant loss of ions from the blood. The condition can be cor-
and return it to the blood plasma. ADH release is controlled by rected by the administration of ADH.
a negative feedback system. Describe a situation in your daily It’s interesting to note that alcohol suppresses ADH produc-
life during which you would produce ADH. tion and release. When ADH is absent, the kidneys don’t reabsorb
Answers in Appendix A. as much water. The person drinking alcohol urinates more often
and may become dehydrated as a result. The symptoms of the
drinker’s “hangover”—headache, nausea, dizziness—are largely
due to dehydration.
10.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland Oxytocin, the other hormone made in the hypothalamus,
5. Explain the anatomical and functional relationships between the causes uterine contraction during childbirth and milk letdown
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
when a baby is nursing. Uterine contractions during labor push
6. Name and discuss two hormones produced by the hypothalamus
that are secreted by the posterior pituitary. the baby’s head against the uterine opening (called the uterine
7. Name the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary, and describe their cervix). In turn, the cervix dilates, triggering nerve signals to the
function. Indicate which of these hormones control other endocrine glands. hypothalamus that cause oxytocin release. The greater the cervi-
cal dilation, the more oxytocin is released. Similarly, the more a
The hypothalamus regulates the internal environment. For exam- baby suckles, the more oxytocin is released. In both instances, the
ple, through the autonomic nervous system, the hypothalamus helps release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary is controlled by
control heartbeat, body temperature, and water balance (by creating positive feedback—that is, the stimulus continues to bring about
thirst). The hypothalamus also controls the glandular secretions of an effect that  continues to increase in intensity. Positive feedback
the pituitary gland (hypophysis). The pituitary, a small gland about is not the best way to maintain stable conditions and homeostasis.
1 cm in diameter, is connected to the hypothalamus by a stalklike However, it works during childbirth and nursing because external
structure. The pituitary has two portions: the posterior pituitary mechanisms interrupt the process. In childbirth, the delivery of
(neurohypophysis) and the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis). the baby and afterbirth (the placenta and membranes surrounding
the baby) eventually stops oxytocin secretion. When a baby with
Posterior Pituitary a full tummy stops nursing, that, too, halts oxytocin secretion.
For a nursing mother, the letdown response to oxytocin becomes
Neurons in the hypothalamus called neurosecretory cells pro- automatic over time. Thus, it is referred to as a neuroendocrine
duce the hormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin reflex. When the baby begins to suckle, the pressure and touch
(Fig. 10.4, left). These hormones pass through axons into the pos- sensations signal the hypothalamus, oxytocin is released, and the
terior pituitary (neurohypophysis) where they are stored in axon stream of breast milk begins. Similarly, hearing a baby cry—even
endings. Thus, the hypothalamic hormones antidiuretic hormone someone else’s baby—will cause a nursing mother’s breast milk
and oxytocin are produced in the hypothalamus, but are released to flow.
into the bloodstream from the posterior pituitary.
Anterior Pituitary
Antidiuretic Hormone and Oxytocin
A portal system lies between the hypothalamus and the anterior
Certain neurons in the hypothalamus are sensitive to the water-
pituitary (Fig. 10.4, center). In this example, the term portal system
salt balance of the blood. When these cells determine that the
is used to describe the following unique pattern of circulation:
sodium in blood has become too concentrated, antidiuretic
hormone (ADH, also called vasopressin) is released from the capillaries → vein → capillaries → vein

222 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Visual Focus


1. Neurosecretory cells produce

hypothalamic-releasing and
hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones.

2. These hormones are secreted into

a portal system.

1. Neurosecretory cells produce ADH

and oxytocin. optic 3. Each type of hypothalamic
chiasm hormone either stimulates or
inhibits production and secretion
of an anterior pituitary hormone.
2. These hormones move down
axons to axon terminals.
portal system
4. The anterior pituitary secretes
its hormones into the bloodstream,
3. When appropriate, ADH and which delivers them to specific
oxytocin are secreted from axon cells, tissues, and glands.
terminals into the bloodstream.

Thyroid: Adrenal cortex:

thyroid-stimulating adrenocorticotropic
Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary hormone (TSH) hormone (ACTH)

Kidney tubules and Smooth muscle Mammary glands: Mammary glands: Bones, tissues: Ovaries, testes:
blood vessels: in uterus: oxytocin prolactin (PRL) growth hormone gonadotropic
antidiuretic oxytocin (GH) hormones (FSH, LH)
hormone (ADH)

Figure 10.4 The hypothalamus and the pituitary. Left: The hypothalamus produces two hormones, ADH and oxytocin,
which are stored and secreted by the posterior pituitary. Right: The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the anterior pituitary, and the
anterior pituitary controls the secretions of the thyroid, adrenal cortex, and gonads, which are also endocrine glands. It also secretes
growth hormone and prolactin.

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 223

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The hypothalamus controls the anterior pituitary by pro-
ducing multiple hypothalamic-releasing hormones and Begin Thinking Clinically
hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones. For example, there is a An adenoma, which is one type of pituitary gland tumor,
thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and a prolactin-inhibiting can affect the production of one or more pituitary hormones.
hormone (PIH). TRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete What would be the effect of a prolactin adenoma in a man?
thyroid-stimulating hormone, and PIH inhibits the pituitary from Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
secreting prolactin.

Hormones That Affect Other Glands Effects of Growth Hormone

The amount of GH produced by the anterior pituitary affects the
Four of the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary have
height of the individual. The quantity of GH produced is great-
an effect on other glands. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
est during childhood and adolescence, when most body growth
(TSH, or thyrotropin) stimulates the thyroid to produce the
is occurring. If too little GH is produced during childhood, the
thyroid hormones, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH,
individual has pituitary dwarfism, characterized by perfect pro-
or corticotropin) stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce its
portions but small stature. If too much GH is secreted, a person can
hormones. There are actually two gonadotropic hormones
become a giant (Fig. 10.5). Giants usually have poor health, pri-
(gonadotropins), which work on the gonads. Follicle-stimulating
marily because GH has a secondary effect on the blood sugar level,
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulate the
promoting an illness called diabetes mellitus (see pages 230–231).
production of gametes and sex hormones in the male testes and
On occasion, GH is overproduced in the adult and a condition
the female ovaries. The hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary, and
called acromegaly results. Because long bone growth is no longer
other glands controlled by the anterior pituitary are all involved in
possible in adults, the feet, hands, and face (particularly the chin,
self-regulating negative feedback mechanisms that maintain stable
nose, and eyebrow ridges) can respond, and these portions of the
conditions. In each instance, the blood level of the last hormone in
body become overly large (Fig. 10.6).
the sequence exerts negative feedback control over the secretion of
the first two hormones:

releasing hormone
(hormone 1)
TRH Feedback
release of
anterior pituitary hormone 1,

stimulating hormone Feedback

(hormone 2) inhibits
TSH release of
hormone 2,
target gland TSH.

target gland hormone

(hormone 3)

Effects of Other Hormones

Other hormones produced by the anterior pituitary do not affect
other endocrine glands. In women, prolactin (PRL) is produced
beginning at about the fifth month of pregnancy, and is produced
in quantity after childbirth. It causes the mammary glands in the
breasts to develop and produce milk. It also plays a role in carbo-
hydrate and fat metabolism.
Growth hormone (GH), or somatotropic hormone, stimu- Figure 10.5 Effect of growth hormone. The amount of
lates protein synthesis within cartilage, bone, and muscle. It stimu- growth hormone produced by the anterior pituitary during child-
lates the rate at which amino acids enter cells and protein synthesis hood affects the height of an individual. Too much growth hor-
mone can lead to giantism, while an insufficient amount results in
occurs. It also promotes fat metabolism as opposed to glucose
limited stature and even pituitary dwarfism.

224 PART III Integration and Coordination

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Effects of Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid hormones increase the metabolic rate. They do not have
a single target organ; instead, they stimulate all cells of the body
to metabolize at a faster rate. More glucose is broken down, and
more energy is utilized. Thyroid hormone is essential for proper
nervous system development in infants and children. It also works
synergistically with growth hormone and the gonadotropins as an
adolescent goes through puberty.
To produce triiodothyronine and thyroxine, the thyroid gland
actively acquires iodine from the food and water we consume. The
concentration of iodine in the thyroid gland can increase to as much
as 25 times that of the blood. If iodine is lacking in the diet, the thy-
roid gland is unable to produce the thyroid hormones. In response to
constant stimulation by the anterior pituitary, the thyroid enlarges,
Figure 10.6 Acromegaly. Acromegaly is caused by overpro- resulting in a simple, or endemic, goiter (Fig. 10.7). Some years ago,
duction of GH in the adult. It is characterized by enlargement of it was discovered that the use of iodized salt allows the thyroid to pro-
the bones in the face, the fingers, and the toes as a person ages. duce the thyroid hormones, and therefore helps prevent simple goiter.
If the thyroid fails to develop properly, a condition called
congenital hypothyroidism results (Fig. 10.8). Individuals with
this condition are short and stocky and have had extreme hypo-
Content CHECK-UP! thyroidism (undersecretion of thyroid hormone) since infancy or
4. Name three anterior pituitary hormones that cause the release childhood. Thyroid hormone therapy can initiate growth, but un-
of another hormone(s). less treatment is begun within the first two months of life, severe
5. Oxytocin release from the hypothalamus during labor and developmental delay results. The occurrence of hypothyroidism
delivery is a mechanism that works by: in adults produces the condition known as myxedema, which is
characterized by lethargy, weight gain, hair loss, slower pulse rate,
a. positive feedback. b. negative feedback.
lowered body temperature, and thickness and puffiness of the skin.
6. Which of the following is an effect of growth hormone?
The administration of adequate doses of thyroid hormones restores
a. It promotes fat metabolism. normal function and appearance.
b. It stimulates protein synthesis in bone and cartilage. In the case of hyperthyroidism (oversecretion of thyroid hor-
c. It causes a person to grow taller. mone), as seen in Graves’ disease, the thyroid gland is overac-
d. All of the above tive, and a goiter forms. This type of goiter is called exophthalmic
goiter. The eyes protrude because of edema in eye socket tissues
Answers in Appendix A.
and swelling of the muscles that move the eyes. The patient usu-
ally becomes hyperactive, anxious and irritable, and suffers from
insomnia. Surgical removal or destruction of a portion of the thyroid
using radioactive iodine is generally effective in curing the condi-
10.3 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands tion. The toxic effects of radioactive iodine are generally limited to
8. Discuss the anatomy of the thyroid gland, and the chemical structure
and physiological function of its hormones. Describe the effects of
thyroid abnormalities. Figure 10.7 Simple
9. Discuss the function of parathyroid hormone, and describe the ef- goiter. An enlarged thy-
fects of parathyroid hormone abnormalities. roid gland is often
caused by a lack of
The thyroid gland is a large gland located in the neck, where it iodine in the diet. With-
out iodine, the thyroid is
is attached to the trachea just inferior to the larynx (see Fig. 10.1).
unable to produce its
The parathyroid glands are embedded in the posterior surface of hormones, and contin-
the thyroid gland. ued anterior pituitary
stimulation causes the
Thyroid Gland gland to enlarge.
The thyroid gland is composed of a large number of follicles,
each a small spherical structure made of thyroid cells filled with
triiodothyronine (T3), which contains three iodine atoms, and
thyroxine (T4), which contains four iodine atoms. These are the
two forms of thyroid hormone; T3 is thought to have the greater
effect on the body.

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 225

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Figure 10.8
Congenital hypothyroid-
ism. Individuals who have
hypothyroidism since
infancy or childhood do not
grow and develop as oth-
ers do. Unless medical
treatment is begun, the Thyroid gland
body is short and stocky. secretes
Developmental delay is calcitonin
into blood. Bones
also likely. take up Ca2+
from blood.

Blood Ca2+

a 2+
the thyroid gland because other tissues incorporate so little iodine in
their cells. Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by a thyroid tumor, Homeostasis (normal blood Ca2+)
which is usually detected as a lump during physical examination.
Again, the treatment is surgery in combination with administration blo
of radioactive iodine. The prognosis for most patients is excellent. Ca 2+

Calcium (Ca21) plays a significant role in both nervous conduc-
tion and muscle contraction. It is also necessary for coagulation
(clotting) of blood. The blood calcium level is regulated in part
by calcitonin, a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland when the
blood calcium level rises (Fig. 10.9). The primary effect of calci- Blood Ca2+
tonin is to bring about the deposit of calcium in the bones. It does Parathyroid
this by temporarily reducing the activity and number of osteoclasts. glands
Recall from Chapter 6 that these cells break down bone. When release PTH
into blood.
the blood calcium lowers to normal, the release of calcitonin by
the thyroid is inhibited, but a low calcium level stimulates the re-
lease of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by the parathyroid glands. activated
vitamin D
Calcitonin is an important hormone in children, whose skeleton
is undergoing rapid growth. By contrast, calcitonin is of minor parathyroid
importance in adults because parathyroid hormone is the major hormone
controller of calcium homeostasis. However, calcitonin can be used (PTH)
therapeutically in adults to reduce the effects of osteoporosis (see
the Medical Focus on page 106). Intestines Kidneys Bones
absorb Ca2+ reabsorb Ca2+ release Ca2+
Parathyroid Glands from digestive from kidney into blood.
tract. tubules.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), the hormone produced by the
parathyroid glands, causes the blood phosphate (HPO422) level Figure 10.9 Regulation of blood calcium level.
to decrease and the ionic blood calcium (Ca21) level to increase. Top: When the blood calcium (Ca21) level is high, the thyroid
The antagonistic actions of calcitonin, from the thyroid gland, and gland secretes calcitonin. Calcitonin promotes the uptake of
parathyroid hormone, from the parathyroid glands, maintain the Ca21 by the bones, and therefore the blood Ca21 level returns
blood calcium level within normal limits. to normal. Bottom: When the blood Ca21 level is low, the
Note in Figure 10.9 that after a low blood calcium level stimu- parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH
lates the release of PTH,   the hormone  promotes release of cal- causes the bones to release Ca21. It also causes the kidneys
cium from the bones. (It does this by promoting osteoclast activity.) to reabsorb Ca21 and activate vitamin D; thereafter, the intes-
tines absorb Ca21. Therefore, the blood Ca21 level returns to
PTH promotes the reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys, where
it also activates a form of vitamin D called calcitriol. Calcitriol, in
226 PART III Integration and Coordination

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turn, stimulates the absorption of calcium from the small intestine. Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrena-
These effects bring the blood calcium level back to the normal line) produced by the adrenal medulla rapidly cause all the body
range so that the parathyroid glands no longer secrete PTH. changes that occur when an individual reacts to an emergency
Many years ago, the four parathyroid glands were sometimes situation. The release of epinephrine and norepinephrine achieves
mistakenly removed during thyroid surgery because of their size the same results as sympathetic stimulation—the “fight-or-flight”
and location in the thyroid. When insufficient parathyroid hormone responses: increased heart rate, rapid respiration, dilation of the
production leads to a dramatic drop in the blood calcium level, hy- pupils, etc. Thus, these hormones assist sympathetic nerves in pro-
pocalcemia results. Hypocalcemia can result in seizures, abnormal viding a short-term response to stress.
heart rhythms, and hypocalcemic tetany. In tetany, the body shakes
from continuous muscle contraction. This effect is brought about by Adrenal Cortex
increased excitability of the nerves, which initiate nerve impulses There are three layers in the adrenal cortex, and each produces a
spontaneously and without rest. In severe cases, hypocalcemic tetany different set of steroid hormones. The hormones produced by the ad-
is fatal due to heart failure and muscular spasms in the airways. renal cortex provide a long-term response to stress (Fig. 10.10). The
Excessive parathyroid hormone secretion can result from a tumor two major types of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex are the
involving parathyroid tissue, or from a genetic disorder. In this case, mineralocorticoids and the glucocorticoids. The mineralocorticoids
hypercalcemia results. Excessive blood calcium in hypercalcemia regulate salt and water balance, leading to increases in blood volume
can cause muscle weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, renal failure, and blood pressure. The glucocorticoids regulate carbohydrate,
and coma. Extreme hypercalcemia causes heart failure and death. protein, and fat metabolism, leading to an increase in blood glu-
cose level. Cortisol and other forms of glucocorticoids suppress the
Content CHECK-UP! body’s normal reaction to disease—the inflammatory reaction (see
Fig. 13.3) and the immune process. Cortisone, the medication often
7. Which of the following conditions is caused by excessive administered for inflammation of joints, is a glucocorticoid.
thyroid hormone? The adrenal cortex also secretes small amounts of both male
a. Graves’ disease c. simple goiter and female sex hormones—regardless of one’s gender. Both male
b. cretinism (congenital d. myxedema and female sex hormones promote skeletal growth in adolescents.
hypothyroidism) The male hormones from the adrenal gland stimulate the growth of
8. Explain how diet affects the production of thyroid hormone. axillary and pubic hair at puberty. In addition, male hormones help
What populations might be at risk for hypothyroidism? to sustain the sex drive, or libido, in both men and women.
9. The target organs for parathyroid hormone are:
a. kidney, liver, stomach. c. kidney, bone, small intestine.
Cortisol is a biologically significant glucocorticoid produced by the
b. kidney, bone, liver. d. bone, liver, small intestine.
adrenal cortex. Cortisol raises the blood glucose level in at least two
Answers in Appendix A.
ways: (1) It promotes the breakdown of muscle proteins to amino
acids, which are taken up by the liver from the bloodstream. The
liver then converts these excess amino acids to glucose, which en-
10.4 Adrenal Glands ters the blood. (2) Cortisol promotes the metabolism of fatty acids
rather than carbohydrates, and this spares glucose for the brain.
10. Describe the anatomy of the adrenal glands.
11. Discuss the function of the adrenal medulla and its relationship to the
nervous system. Glucocorticoid Therapy
12. Name three categories of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex, Cortisone is the glucocorticoid that is used as a medication. Because
give an example of each category, and discuss their actions. De- it reduces inflammation, cortisone reduces swelling and pain in joint
scribe the effects of adrenal cortex malfunction.
disorders such as tendonitis and osteoarthritis. Clinicians also treat
autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, organ transplant
The adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys (see Fig. 10.1). Each adre-
rejection, allergies, and severe asthma by suppressing the immune
nal gland consists of an inner portion called the adrenal medulla
response with cortisone therapy. However, cortisone should be used
and an outer portion called the adrenal cortex. These portions, like
for the minimum time possible because long-term administration for
the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary, have no physiolog-
therapeutic purposes causes some degree of Cushing’s syndrome (see
ical connection with one another. The adrenal medulla is under ner-
pages 229–230). Further, impaired immunity resulting from cortisone
vous control, and the adrenal cortex is under the control of ACTH
use predisposes the individual to infection and increased cancer risk. In
(also called corticotropin), an anterior pituitary hormone. Stress
addition, sudden withdrawal from cortisone therapy causes symptoms
of all types, including emotional and physical trauma, prompts the
of diminished secretory activity by the adrenal cortex. This occurs
hypothalamus to stimulate the adrenal glands (Fig. 10.10).
because cortisone medication suppresses the release of adrenocortico-
tropic hormone (ACTH) by the anterior pituitary, leading to a decrease
Adrenal Medulla in natural glucocorticoid production by the adrenal cortex. Therefore,
The hypothalamus initiates action potential signals that travel by withdrawal of cortisone following long-term use must be tapered. Dur-
way of the brain stem, spinal cord, and sympathetic nerve fibers to ing an alternate-day schedule, the dosage is gradually reduced and then
the adrenal medulla, which then secretes its hormones. finally discontinued as the patient’s adrenal cortex resumes activity.
Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 227

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cells produce Stress Response:
hypothalamic- Long Term
path of nerve releasing
impulses hormones Glucocorticoids
neuron Protein and fat metabolism
cell body instead of carbohydrate
anterior Reduction of inflammation;
pituitary immune cells are
sympathetic fibers secretes suppressed.
spinal cord ACTH
(cross section)
ACTH Mineralocorticoids
Sodium ions and water
norepinephrine are reabsorbed by kidney.

Stress Response: Blood volume and

Short Term pressure increase.

Heartbeat and blood

pressure increase.

Blood glucose level rises.

Muscles become
adrenal medulla adrenal cortex

Figure 10.10 Adrenal glands. Both the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex are under the control of the hypothalamus
when they help us respond to stress. Left: The adrenal medulla provides a rapid, but short-term stress response. Right: The adrenal
cortex provides a slower, but long-term stress response.

Mineralocorticoids due to increased blood volume, cardiac cells release a hormone

Aldosterone is the most important of the mineralocorticoids. Aldoste- called atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH, or atriopeptide), which
rone primarily targets the kidney, where it promotes renal absorption inhibits the secretion of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. The
of sodium (Na1) and water, and renal excretion of potassium (K1). effect of ANH is the excretion of sodium in the urine—that is, na-
As one might expect, secretion of mineralocorticoids from triuresis. When sodium is excreted, so is water, and therefore blood
the adrenal cortex is influenced by ACTH (adrenocorticotropic pressure lowers to normal.
hormone or corticotropin) from the pituitary gland. However, the
pituitary hormone is not the primary controller for aldosterone Malfunction of the Adrenal Cortex
secretion. When the blood sodium level and therefore the blood Malfunction of the adrenal cortex can lead to a syndrome, a set of
pressure are low, the kidneys secrete renin (Fig. 10.11). Renin is an symptoms that occur together. The syndromes commonly associated
enzyme that converts angiotensinogen (a plasma protein produced with the adrenal cortex are Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome.
by the liver) to angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is fully activated to
angiotensin II by a converting enzyme found in lung capillaries. Addison’s Disease and Cushing’s Syndrome
Angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. When the level of adrenal cortex hormones is low due to hy-
The effect of this system, called the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone posecretion, a person develops Addison’s disease. The pres-
system, is to raise blood pressure in two ways: Angiotensin II con- ence of excessive but ineffective ACTH causes skin bronzing
stricts arterioles, and aldosterone causes the kidneys to reabsorb because ACTH can lead to melanin buildup (see Fig. 10.12 and
sodium. When the blood sodium level rises, water is reabsorbed, the Chapter Introduction). Without cortisol, glucose cannot be
in part because the hypothalamus secretes ADH (see page 222). replenished when a stressful situation arises. Even a mild infec-
Reabsorption means that water enters kidney capillaries and thus tion can lead to death. The lack of aldosterone results in a loss of
returns to the blood. Then blood pressure increases to normal. sodium and water, the development of low blood pressure, and
As you might have already guessed, there is an antagonistic possibly severe dehydration. Left untreated, Addison’s disease
hormone to aldosterone. When the atria of the heart are stretched can be fatal.

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atrial natriuretic
hormone (ANH) When the level of adrenal cortex hormones is high due to hy-
persecretion, a person develops Cushing’s syndrome (Fig. 10.13).
The excess cortisol results in a tendency toward diabetes mellitus as
muscle protein is metabolized and subcutaneous fat is deposited in the
midsection. The trunk is obese, while the arms and legs remain a nor-
mal size. Excessive aldosterone causes too much sodium and water to
be reabsorbed by the kidneys, and simultaneous potassium loss. The
person develops a basic blood pH and hypertension. Excessive tissue
Heart secretes Kidneys excrete fluid, called edema, collects in the facial tissues, giving the patient’s
atrial natriuretic Na+ and water face a puffy, moon-shaped appearance. Masculinization may occur in
hormone (ANH) in urine.
women because of excess adrenal male sex hormones.
into blood.

Content CHECK-UP!
Blood pressure 10. From the following list of hormones of the adrenal cortex and their
drops. corresponding effects, choose the pair, or pairs, that are correct.
a. male hormones → stimulate sex drive
b. aldosterone → increases sodium concentration in the blood
hig c. female hormones → promote long bone growth in adolescents
loo d. Pairs b and c are correct.
e. All are correct.
11. Which hormone opposes the effect of aldosterone in the body?
Homeostasis (normal blood pressure)
a. renin c. atrial natriuretic hormone
low b. angiotensin I d. cortisol
od 12. Aldosterone returns blood pressure to normal by causing the
Na +
kidneys to reabsorb water and sodium. As you know, it works
by negative feedback. Give an example from your daily life
during which your adrenal cortex produces aldosterone.
Blood pressure Answers in Appendix A.

10.5 Pancreas
Kidneys secrete 13. Describe the anatomy of the pancreas.
renin into blood. 14. Name three hormones produced by the pancreas, and discuss their
15. Discuss the two types of diabetes mellitus, and contrast hypoglyce-
Kidneys mia with hyperglycemia.
reabsorb Na+ renin
and water from
kidney tubules.
The pancreas is a long organ that lies transversely in the abdomen
just inferior to the stomach. Its widest portion, called the head, is
located immediately lateral to the duodenum of the small intestine.
angiotensin It is composed of two types of tissue. Exocrine tissue produces and
aldosterone I and II
secretes digestive juices that travel through ducts to the small intes-
Adrenal cortex tine. Pancreatic endocrine tissue includes three types of hormone-
secretes producing cells, found  in clusters called the pancreatic islets
into blood.
(islets of Langerhans). Pancreatic alpha cells produce glucagon,
beta cells produce insulin, and delta cells produce somatostatin.
Figure 10.11 Regulation of blood pressure and volume. All three hormones are released directly into the blood.
Bottom: When the blood sodium (Na1) level is low, low blood pres- The two antagonistic hormones, insulin and glucagon, both
sure causes the kidneys to secrete renin. Renin leads to the secre- produced by the pancreas, help maintain the normal level of blood
tion of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone causes the glucose. Insulin is secreted when the blood glucose level is high,
kidneys to reabsorb Na1, and water follows, so that blood volume which usually occurs just after eating. Insulin stimulates the up-
and pressure return to normal. Top: When the blood Na1 is high, a take of glucose by most body cells. Insulin is not necessary for
high blood volume causes the heart to secrete atrial natriuretic hor-
glucose transport into brain or red blood cells, but muscle cells
mone (ANH). ANH causes the kidneys to excrete Na1, and water
and adipose tissue cells require insulin for glucose transport. In
follows. The blood volume and pressure return to normal.
liver and muscle cells, insulin stimulates enzymes that promote the

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 229

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a. b.

Figure 10.12 Addison’s disease. Addison’s disease is characterized by a peculiar bronzing of the skin, particularly noticeable in these
light-skinned individuals. Note the color of (a) the face and (b) the hands compared to the hand of an individual without the disease.

Figure 10.13 Cushing’s syndrome.

Cushing’s syndrome results from
hypersecretion of adrenal cortex
hormones. (a) Patient at the time of
surgery to remove a pituitary tumor. The
tumor secreted excess ACTH, which
caused excess adrenal cortex secretion
and Cushing’s syndrome. (b) Patient one
year after surgery.

a. b.

storage of glucose as glycogen. In muscle cells, the glucose sup- Diabetes Mellitus
plies energy for muscle contraction, and in fat cells, glucose enters
Diabetes mellitus is a fairly common hormonal disease in which
the metabolic pool and thereby supplies glycerol for the formation
insulin-sensitive body cells are unable to take up and/or metabolize glu-
of fat. In these ways, insulin lowers the blood glucose level.
cose. Therefore, the blood glucose level is elevated—a condition called
Glucagon is secreted from the pancreas, usually between
hyperglycemia. Because body cells cannot access glucose, starvation
meals, when the blood glucose level is low. The major target
occurs at the cell level. The person becomes extremely hungry—a con-
tissues of glucagon are the liver and adipose tissue. Glucagon
dition called polyphagia. As the blood glucose level rises, glucose will
stimulates the liver to break down glycogen to glucose and to
be lost in the urine (glycosuria). Glucose in the urine causes exces-
use fat and protein in preference to glucose as energy sources.
sive water loss through urination (polyuria). The loss of water in this
Adipose tissue cells break down fat to glycerol and fatty acids.
way causes the diabetic to be extremely thirsty (polydipsia). Because
The liver takes these up and uses them as substrates for glucose
glucose is not being metabolized, the body turns to the breakdown of
formation. In these ways, glucagon raises the blood glucose level
protein and fat for energy. Fat metabolism leads to the ketone buildup
(Fig. 10.14).
in the blood, and ketone excretion in the urine (ketonuria). Ketones
Somatostatin prevents the release of the other two hormones.
are acidic, so their buildup in blood causes acidosis, or acid blood. This
In this way, it prevents wide swings in blood sugar that might occur
condition, called ketoacidosis, can lead to coma and death.
between meals.

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We now know that diabetes mellitus exists in two forms. In
type I, often called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM),
Liver stores the pancreas does not produce insulin. This condition is believed
glucose from to be brought on, at least in part, by exposure to an environmen-
blood as
tal agent. This agent—very likely a virus—causes an extreme
immune response, and immune cells destroy the pancreatic islets.
After eating, As a result, the individual must have daily insulin injections. Daily
pancreas injections control the diabetic symptoms, but diabetics can still ex-
secretes insulin
into blood.
perience life-threatening problems, as described in the I.C.E. box,
Insulin Shock and Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Muscle cells Of the 29.1 million people who now have diabetes in the United
store glycogen States, most have type II, often called noninsulin-dependent diabetes
and build protein.
(NIDDM). This type of diabetes mellitus usually (but not always) oc-
curs in people of any age who tend to be obese. Researchers theorize
that perhaps adipose tissue produces a substance that interferes with
the transport of glucose into cells. The amount of insulin in the blood
Adipose tissue of these patients is normal or elevated, but the insulin receptors on the
uses glucose cells do not respond to it. It is possible to prevent, or at least control,
from blood to
form fat.
type II diabetes by adhering to a low-fat, low-sugar diet, maintain-
ing a healthy weight, and exercising regularly. If these attempts fail,
oral drugs are available to stimulate the pancreas to secrete more in-
hb sulin. Other oral medications enhance the metabolism of glucose in
loo Glucose level
luc drops.
the liver and muscle cells. It is projected that as many as 8 million
ose Americans may have type II diabetes without being aware of it. Yet
another 86 million Americans have prediabetes, a condition in which
Homeostasis (normal blood glucose)
blood glucose is chronically elevated. Prediabetes will often lead to
low full-blown diabetes.  It’s important to note that the effects of untreated
cos type II diabetes are as serious as those of type I diabetes. In addition,
e without stringent control, the NIDDM diabetic will ultimately require
insulin injections, thus becoming insulin-dependent.
Long-term complications of both types of diabetes are blind-
Glucose level ness, kidney disease, and circulatory disorders, including athero-
rises. sclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and reduced circulation. The latter
can lead to gangrene in the arms and legs. Pregnancy carries an
increased risk of diabetic coma, and the child of a diabetic is some-
what more likely to be stillborn or to die shortly after birth. How-
ever, these complications of diabetes are not expected to appear
if the mother’s blood glucose level is carefully regulated and kept
Between eating,
Liver breaks pancreas secretes
within normal limits during the pregnancy.
down glycogen glucagon into
to glucose. blood. Content CHECK-UP!
Glucose enters
13. Insulin-sensitive cells in the human body include:
a. muscle cells. d. a and b.
b. adipose tissue cells. e. All of the above.
c. brain and nerve cells.
Adipose tissue
breaks down fat. glucagon 14. Which of the following is an effect of glucagon?
a. causes the liver to break down stored glycogen
Figure 10.14 Regulation of blood glucose level. Top: b. causes adipose tissue to store fat
When the blood glucose level is high, the pancreas secretes in- c. lowers blood glucose level
sulin. Insulin promotes the storage of glucose as glycogen in the d. stimulates the liver to store glucose as glycogen
liver and muscles and the use of glucose to form fat in adipose 15. The release of insulin and glucagon is controlled by negative
tissue. Therefore, insulin lowers the blood glucose level. Bottom: feedback. At what times during your average day would your
When the blood glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes pancreas secrete these hormones?
glucagon. Glucagon acts opposite to insulin; therefore, glucagon
Answers in Appendix A.
raises the blood glucose level to normal.

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 231

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Insulin Shock and Diabetic Ketoacidosis

If you’re someone with diabetes mellitus, the disorder involving the If the blood glucose isn’t too low, the insulin shock can be corrected at
hormone insulin, you already know the importance of maintaining a home. However, one should never attempt to give food or drinks to
stable blood glucose level to ensure your long-term health. If your room- someone who is semiconscious or unconscious—she could easily
mate, friend, or loved one is a diabetic, you need to be informed, too, choke. Instead, the inside of her cheeks can be smeared with glucose gel,
because a diabetic’s possible problems don’t always take a long time to honey, syrup, or frosting, which will melt and be swallowed. If the
develop. Insulin shock and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) can develop patient doesn’t quickly become alert enough to eat or drink, she must be
very rapidly, and both can be fatal or result in permanent brain damage. transported to an emergency room. There, an injection of glucagon or an
It’s important for diabetics and their friends and family to recognize the intravenous solution will quickly raise the blood glucose level.
symptoms of insulin shock and DKA, and know how to use a glucome- Diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by blood glucose that is too high.
ter to measure blood glucose and how to give an injection. It commonly results when the diabetic eats a meal, but forgets to inject
Insulin shock (also called an insulin reaction) results when blood insulin. Infection, injury, or extreme stress can also lead to DKA. The
glucose falls to critically low levels—a condition called hypoglycemia. symptoms of DKA are increased thirst, frequent urination, nausea, and
It often results when the diabetic patient accidentally injects too much vomiting. The patient breathes rapidly, and his breath smells like fruit-
insulin, or takes her insulin but misses a meal. The patient is likely to flavored gum. His pulse is very fast, but his blood pressure is low. With-
feel anxious, sweat profusely, and complain of a headache. She may out an identifying bracelet or tag, he could easily be mistaken as
become hyperactive, confused, and even psychotic as the condition someone who’s had too much to drink: sluggish, lethargic, and increas-
worsens. Eventually, she’ll lose consciousness and lapse into a so-called ingly sleepy. If untreated, he’ll eventually fall into a diabetic coma. For-
diabetic coma. tunately, under a physician’s direction, a trained paramedic can start an
It’s critical for first responders to try to raise the patient’s blood intravenous solution to help dilute the patient’s blood. As he is being
glucose as quickly as possible. If she is conscious and alert, she can transported to the emergency room, EMS personnel can then measure
quickly drink milk, juice, or soda, or eat something sweet. She may be the glucose and ketones in his blood to provide a complete history, in
able to self-inject with glucagon, the hormone that raises blood glucose. preparation for more complete treatment in the hospital.

10.6 Additional Endocrine Glands Androgens

16. Name the most important male and female sex hormones. Discuss Puberty is the time of life when sexual maturation occurs. Greatly
their functions. increased testosterone secretion during puberty stimulates the
17. State the location and function of the pineal gland and the thymus gland. growth of the penis and the testes. Testosterone also brings about
18. Discuss atrial natriuretic hormone, leptin, ghrelin, growth factors, and maintains the male secondary sex characteristics that de-
and prostaglandins as hormones not produced by endocrine glands.
velop during puberty, including the growth of a beard, axillary
(underarm) hair, and pubic hair. It prompts the larynx and the
The body has a number of other endocrine glands, including the vocal cords to enlarge, causing a young man’s voice to deepen. It
gonads (testes in males and the ovaries in females). Other lesser- is partially responsible for the muscular strength of males. This
known glands, such as the thymus gland and the pineal gland, also is why some athletes take supplemental amounts of anabolic
produce hormones. Many other organs  have their own roles as en- steroids, which are either testosterone or related chemicals. The
docrine glands, and researchers continue to discover additional hor- contraindications of taking anabolic steroids are discussed in the
mones and/or growth factors, suggesting that numerous other tissues Medical Focus on pages 234–235. Testosterone also stimulates
and organs function as endocrine glands. Even individual body cells oil and sweat glands in the skin; therefore, it is largely respon-
produce local messenger chemicals termed prostaglandins. sible for acne and body odor. Another side effect of testosterone
is baldness. Genes for baldness are probably inherited by both
sexes, but baldness is seen more often in males because of the
Testes and Ovaries presence of testosterone.
The testes (sing., testis) are located in the scrotum, and the ovaries
are located in the pelvic cavity. The testes produce androgens (e.g., Estrogen and Progesterone
testosterone), which are the male sex hormones, and the ovaries The female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone, have
produce estrogens and progesterone, the female sex hormones. The many effects on the body. In particular, estrogens secreted during
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland control the hormonal secretions puberty stimulate the growth of the uterus and the vagina. Estro-
of these organs in the manner previously described on pages 222–224. gen is necessary for ovum maturation and is largely responsible

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What's New
Options for Type I Diabetics: The Artificial Pancreas System, Beta Cell Transplants,
and the BioHub

“I can remember getting sick with the flu when I was 11. I missed two or in the future to transform the patient’s own stem cells into a new beta
three days of school, and I just never got my strength back. I ate and drank cell population using this process. If successful, such a technique
constantly because I was thirsty and hungry all the time. I was always in would completely eliminate the need for anti-rejection drugs and
the bathroom, and I started wetting the bed—can you imagine, at age 11? would make islet cell transplants much more commonplace.
I fell asleep in school, and the teacher could barely get me to wake up. Meanwhile, scientists continue to investigate ways to shield
That’s when my doctor diagnosed my diabetes for the first time.” transplanted cells from the recipient’s immune system, and thus,
The patient, age 25, is a typical type I insulin-dependent dia- reduce the risk of rejection. In previous studies of a technique called
betic. Her symptoms are characteristic of this form of diabetes microencapsulation, scientists placed beta cells into tiny, porous con-
mellitus (IDDM) (see pages 230–231). As you’ve read, in insulin- tainers consisting of minute carbon tubes called nanotubes. Early
dependent diabetes, the body’s own immune cells destroy pancre- results showed that the cells were initially able to survive and produce
atic beta cells. To treat their illness, type I diabetic patients inject insulin for a time. However, the cells quickly failed and died due to a
insulin three or more times daily or use a continuous insulin pump lack of oxygen and nutrients. Now, new microencapsulation studies
device. Patients use blood tests to check their blood glucose levels sponsored by the Diabetes Research Institute have led to techniques
throughout each day. Further, diabetics must carefully monitor their that enable beta cells to be individually enclosed in tight capsules, and
diets, activities, and stress levels, and regular exercise is also a must. then layered into a bioengineered scaffold called a BioHub. This tech-
Fortunately, ongoing research into diabetes therapy holds the nique enables oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells, and it allows the
promise of treatments that will be much safer and more effective. cells to respond to changes in blood sugar, as though they were housed
Recently, the results were reported from clinical studies on an artificial in a person’s body. If these studies are successful, human or pig beta
pancreas system (APS) that effectively combines two existing tech- cells could be transplanted, and patients would not need either anti-
nologies. The first is the insulin pump, a cell-phone-sized device that rejection medication or insulin injections (Fig. 10A).
continually injects insulin into the patient’s body through fine tubing While these long-term solutions are being researched, new ways
which the patient positions under the abdominal skin. The second to deliver insulin into the body are being developed. For example,
device is a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), which can constantly researchers are actively exploring insulin delivery options that are less
sample glucose levels in subcutaneous tissue fluid and give real-time painful, and potentially more effective and more reliable than injec-
information about the patient’s status. The new device, called Diabetes tions. Currently, diabetics can’t swallow their insulin in a pill, because
Assistant (DiAs) is a smartphone-based application that is wirelessly harsh stomach acid destroys the protein before it can be absorbed.
connected to both the patient’s CGM and insulin pump. In the study, Pharmaceutical companies continue in their efforts to develop gels that
each patient’s DiAs received real-time information from both devices, would reliably shield the insulin as it passes through the stomach while
then estimated the patient’s metabolic rate and adjusted the insulin allowing it to be absorbed in the intestine. Researchers are optimistic
delivery to maintain blood glucose in a normal range. Preliminary that some form of insulin pill might soon be available for use.
results were promising: the blood glucose levels of study participants
were maintained within normal levels, without the need for researchers
to intervene. When the APS is perfected, researchers hope it will
respond much as a real pancreas does: delivering just the right amount
of insulin at just the right moment, day in and day out.
Whole pancreatic transplant can be a permanent cure for indi-
vidual diabetics, but there is a shortage of donor organs. Further, the
transplant is major surgery, and recipients must take lifelong anti-
rejection medications, which have severe side effects (recurring
infections, increased cancer risk, kidney damage, etc.). While less
common, pancreatic islet cell transplantation also continues to show
some promise as a permanent cure for type I diabetes. With this
approach, cadaver beta cells are directly injected into the liver, where
they form colonies and produce insulin. Regrettably, as with whole
pancreas transplants, this type of transplant is limited by the scarcity
of donor cells and complicated by the ever-present risk of rejection.
However, in October 2014, researchers at Harvard University
announced the development of a technique to produce large quantities
of pancreatic beta cells from transformed embryonic stem cells. While
Figure 10 A Encapsulated insulin-producing pancreatic
islet cells from pigs can be transplanted into patients without
this is encouraging, there are practical and ethical issues that remain
the need for immune system–suppressing drugs.
regarding the use of embryonic stem cells. Perhaps it will be possible

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Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids

They’re called “performance-enhancing steroids,” and allegations from both inside and outside the industry maintain that such abuse
of their use remain widespread in athletics, both amateur and pro- has been going on for many years, and that it continues despite the
fessional. Whether the sport is baseball, football, track and field negative publicity. Of tremendous concern to lawmakers, educators,
events, or professional cycling, no activity seems to be safe from and parents is the increased use of steroids by teens wishing to bulk
drug abuse. In January 2013, after years of repeated denials, Lance up quickly, perhaps seeking to be just like the sports figures they
Armstrong finally admitted to using testosterone during the years admire.
when he won an unprecedented seven Tour de France cycling races. Anabolic steroids are synthetic forms of the male sex hormone
Even the Olympic Games have been affected. Olympic history was testosterone. Taking doses 10 to 100 times the amount prescribed by
forever changed when Marion Jones, the first female athlete to win doctors for various illnesses promotes larger muscles when the per-
five medals for track and field events, admitted steroid abuse dur- son also exercises. Trainers may have been the first to acquire ana-
ing the 2000 Sydney Games. In 2008, she was stripped of all med- bolic steroids for weight lifters, bodybuilders, and other athletes,
als she had earned and disqualified from a fifth-place finish in the such as professional baseball players. However, being a steroid user
2004 Athens Games. Future Olympic record books will not include can have serious detrimental effects. Men often experience decreased
her name, and the records of her relay teammates have also been sperm counts and decreased sexual desire due to atrophy of the tes-
tainted. Baseball records will also likely require revisions. The ticles. Some develop an enlarged prostate gland or grow breasts. On
great 1998 home-run competition between Mark McGwire and the other hand, women can develop male sexual characteristics.
Sammy Sosa was largely credited with reviving national interest in They grow chest and facial hair, and lose scalp hair; many experi-
baseball. Both McGwire and Sosa were later accused of using ana- ence abnormal enlargement of the clitoris. Some women cease ovu-
bolic steroids, and in 2010, McGwire admitted that the allegations lating or menstruating, sometimes permanently. Researchers have
were true. Likewise, both Jose Canseco of the Oakland Athletics predicted that two or three months of high-dosage use of anabolic
and Jason Giambi of the New York Yankees have confessed to steroids as a teen can cause death by age 30 or 40. These drugs have
using performance-enhancing drugs. Similar charges of drug abuse even been linked to heart disease and sudden death in both sexes, and
may prevent baseball greats Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds from have been implicated in the deaths of young athletes from liver
ever entering the Baseball Hall of Fame, despite each player’s cancer and one type of kidney tumor. Steroids can cause the body to
award-winning career. retain fluid, which results in increased blood pressure. Users then try
Many athletes and officials continue to deny that anabolic ste- to get rid of “steroid bloat” by taking large doses of diuretics. A
roids are widely used in professional sports. However, many people young California weight lifter had a fatal heart attack after using

for the secondary sex characteristics in females, including female called thymosins. These hormones aid in the differentiation of
body hair and fat distribution. In general, females have a more lymphocytes packed inside the lobules. Although the hormones
rounded appearance than males because of a greater accumula- secreted by the thymus ordinarily work only in the thymus, re-
tion of fat beneath the skin. Also, the pelvic girdle is wider in searchers hope that these hormones could be injected into AIDS
females than in males, resulting in a larger pelvic cavity. Both or cancer patients where they would enhance T-lymphocyte
estrogen and progesterone are required for breast development function.
and for regulation of the uterine cycle, which includes monthly
menstrual periods (discharge of blood and mucosal tissues from Pineal Gland
the uterus). The pineal gland, which is located in the brain, produces the
hormone melatonin, primarily at night. Melatonin is involved
Thymus Gland in our daily sleep-wake cycle; normally we grow sleepy at night
The lobular thymus gland, which lies just beneath the sternum when melatonin levels increase and awaken once daylight re-
(see Fig. 10.1), reaches its largest size and is most active dur- turns and melatonin levels are low (Fig. 10.15). Daily 24-hour
ing childhood. It then shrinks in size throughout  one’s adult cycles such as this are called circadian rhythms. Circadian
life.   Lymphocytes are white blood cells that originate in the rhythms are controlled by an internal timing mechanism called
bone marrow and are responsible for specific defenses against a biological clock.
a particular invader. When lymphocytes mature and complete Based on animal research, it appears that melatonin also reg-
their development in the thymus, they are transformed into ulates sexual development. It has also been noted that children
thymus-derived lymphocytes, or T lymphocytes. The lobules whose pineal gland has been destroyed due to a brain tumor experi-
of the thymus are lined by epithelial cells that secrete hormones ence early puberty.

234 PART III Integration and Coordination

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steroids, and the postmortem 'roid mania–hostility and
aggression; delusions and
showed a lack of electrolytes, balding in men and women; hallucinations; depression
hair on face and chest
salts that help regulate the heart. in women
upon withdrawal
Finally, steroid abuse has psy-
chological effects, including beard and deepening of voice severe acne
depression, hostility, aggres- in women
sion, eating disorders, and
addiction (approximately 30%
of users become dependent).
Unfortunately, these drugs can
also make a person feel invinci-
ble. One abuser even had his
friend videotape him as he
drove his car at 40 miles an hour high blood cholesterol
into a tree! The many harmful and atherosclerosis;
breast enlargement high blood pressure
effects of anabolic steroids are in men and breast and damage to heart
given in Figure 10B. The Fed- reduction in women
eral Food and Drug Administra- liver dysfunction
kidney disease and and cancer
tion now bans most steroids,
retention of fluids,
and steroid use has also been called "steroid bloat"
in women, increased size
banned by the National Colle- of ovaries; cessation of
ovulation and menstruation
giate Athletic Association
(NCAA), the National Football stunted growth in youngsters
reduced testicular size, low by prematurely halting activity
League (NFL), the National sperm count, and impotency of the epiphyseal plates
Basketball Association (NBA)
and the International Olympic
Figure 10 B The effects of anabolic steroid use.
Committee (IOC).

Hormones from Other Tissues

As you now know, the heart is an endocrine gland that produces
atrial natriuretic hormone (see page 228). The kidney also influ-
ences cardiovascular system function by producing the hormone
a. erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates red blood cell production by
winter the bone marrow. This hormone and its effects are detailed in Chap-
ter 11. Further, you’ll see in Chapter 15 that organs and tissues of the
digestive system produce an entire set of so-called enteric hormones
as well. For example, the stomach produces gastrin and the small in-
testine produces secretin. Both are hormones that promote digestion.

Leptin and Ghrelin

Leptin is a protein hormone produced by adipose tissue. Leptin acts
c. on the hypothalamus, where it signals satiety—the feeling that the
6 P.M. 6 A.M. person has had enough to eat. Strangely, the blood of obese individ-
uals may actually be rich in leptin. It is possible that the leptin they
Figure 10.15 Melatonin production. Melatonin produce is ineffective because of a genetic mutation, or else their
production is greatest at night when we are sleeping. Light hypothalamic cells lack a suitable number of receptors for leptin.
suppresses melatonin production (a) so its duration is longer in
Ghrelin is an antagonist to leptin that is produced by the stomach.
the winter (b) than in the summer (c).
Where leptin signals fullness, ghrelin signals hunger.

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 235

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Growth Factors 10.7 The Importance of Chemical
A number of different types of organs and cells produce peptide Signals
growth factors, which stimulate cell division and mitosis. Some,
19. Give examples to show that chemical signals can act between or-
such as lymphokines, are released into the blood; others diffuse to gans, cells, and individuals.
nearby cells. Growth factors of particular interest are the following:
Granulocyte and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM- Chemical signals are molecules that affect the behavior of those
CSF) is secreted by many different tissues. GM-CSF causes cells that have receptors to receive them. For example, a hormone
bone marrow stem cells to form either granulocyte or macrophage that binds to a receptor protein affects the metabolism of the cell.
cells (both are forms of white blood cells, or leukocytes), Cells, organs, and even individuals communicate with one another
depending on whether the concentration is low or high. by using chemical signals.
Platelet-derived growth factor is released from platelets and from We are most familiar with chemical signals that are pro-
many other cell types. It helps in wound healing and causes duced by organs some distance from one another in the body.
an increase in the number of fibroblasts, smooth muscle For example, hormones produced by the anterior pituitary in-
cells, and certain cells of the nervous system. fluence the function of numerous organs throughout the body.
Epidermal growth factor and nerve growth factor stimulate the Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is transported in blood to
cells indicated by their names, as well as many others. These muscle, adipose, and other insulin-sensitive cells. The nervous
growth factors are also important in wound healing. system at times utilizes chemical signals that are produced by
Tumor angiogenesis factor stimulates the formation of capillary an organ distant from the one being affected, as when the hy-
networks and is released by tumor cells. One treatment for pothalamus produces releasing hormones. As you know, these
cancer is to prevent the activity of this growth factor. releasing hormones then travel in a portal system to the anterior
pituitary gland.
Prostaglandins Many chemical signals act locally—that is, from cell to cell.
Prostaglandins are potent chemical signals produced within cells Prostaglandins are local hormones, and certain neurotransmitter
from arachidonate, a fatty acid. Prostaglandins are not distributed substances released by one neuron affect a neuron nearby. Growth
in the blood; instead, they act locally, quite close to where they were factors, which fall into this category, are very important regulators
produced. In the uterus, prostaglandins cause muscles to contract of cell division. Some growth factors are being used as medicines
and may be involved in the pain and discomfort of menstruation. to promote the production of blood cells in AIDS and cancer
Also, prostaglandins mediate the effects of pyrogens, chemicals patients.
that are believed to reset the temperature regulatory center in the Cancer cells produce their own sets of growth factors, and
brain. It’s interesting to note that aspirin, the most common pain- discovering them all remains a challenge for cancer research sci-
and fever-relieving drug, reduces body temperature and controls entists. When a tumor develops, cell division occurs even when
pain because of its effect on prostaglandins. no detectable stimulatory growth factor has been received. Fur-
Certain prostaglandins reduce gastric secretion and have been ther, cancerous tumors are known to produce a growth factor
used to treat ulcers; others lower blood pressure and have been used called tumor angiogenesis factor, which promotes the formation
to treat hypertension; and still others inhibit platelet aggregation and of capillary networks to service its cells. Currently, several forms
have been used to prevent thrombosis (the formation of stationary clots of cancer treatment involve shutting down the activity of cancer
in blood vessels). However, different prostaglandins have contrary ef- growth factors, and more of these treatments will likely be dis-
fects, and it has been very difficult to successfully standardize their use. covered in the future (see the What’s New article entitled “Tar-
geting the Traitor Inside” on pages 80–81 for more about this
type of therapy).

Content CHECK-UP!
16. Describe three functions of the female sex hormones.
Chemical Signals Between Individuals
17. Which of the following is a local tissue messenger that stimu- Chemical signals that act between individuals are called pheromones
lates nearby cells? (see the Introduction, Chapter 17). There are many examples of
a. leptin c. melatonin pheromones in other animals, but they may also be effective between
people. Humans produce airborne chemicals from a variety of areas,
b. prostaglandin d. thymosin
including the scalp, oral cavity, armpits, genital areas, and feet. For
18. From the following list of endocrine glands and their hor-
example, the armpit secretions of one woman could possibly affect
mones, choose the pair that is correct:
the menstrual cycle of another woman. Women who live in the same
a. ovaries → androgens c. kidney → aldosterone
household often have menstrual cycles during the same times of the
b. thymus → insulin d. adipose tissue → leptin month. Further, when women with irregular cycles are exposed to
Answers in Appendix A. extracts of male armpit secretions, their cycle length tends to become
more normal.

236 PART III Integration and Coordination

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influences the digestive, cardiovascular, and urinary systems in a
Content CHECK-UP! way that maintains homeostasis.
19. Match the hormone with the method of action: The endocrine system helps regulate digestion. The digestive
a. gonadotropin c. pheromones
system adds nutrients to the blood, and hormones produced by the
digestive system influence the gallbladder and pancreas to send
b. prostaglandin
their secretions to the digestive tract. Another hormone, gastrin,
1. affects other individuals promotes muscle contractions and protein digestion in the stomach.
2. stimulates secretions from other glands Through its influence on the digestive process, the endocrine sys-
3. local action tem promotes the presence of nutrients in the blood. Leptin (from
Answer in Appendix A. adipose tissue) and ghrelin (from the stomach) regulate satiety (the
feeling of fullness) and hunger.
The endocrine system helps regulate fuel metabolism. To-
gether, insulin and glucagon control the level of glucose in the
blood. Just after eating, insulin encourages the uptake of glucose
10.8 Effects of Aging by cells and the storage of glucose as glycogen in the liver and
20. Discuss the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the muscles. In between meals, glucagon stimulates the liver to break
endocrine system as we age.
down glycogen to glucose so that the blood glucose level stays
constant. Somatostatin  helps to prevent wide swings in blood
Thyroid disorders and diabetes are the most significant endocrine glucose between meals by inhibiting both insulin and glucagon
problems affecting health and function as we age. Both hypothy- secretion. Adrenaline (epinephrine) from the adrenal medulla also
roidism and hyperthyroidism are seen in the elderly. Graves’ dis- stimulates the liver to release glucose. Glucagon (from the pan-
ease is an autoimmune disease that targets the thyroid, resulting creas) and cortisol (from the adrenal cortex) promote the break-
in symptoms of cardiovascular disease, increased body temper- down of protein to amino acids, which can be converted to glucose
ature, and fatigue. In addition, a patient may experience weight by the liver. They also promote the metabolism of fatty acids to
loss of as much as 20 pounds, depression, and mental confusion. conserve glucose, a process called glucose sparing. Finally, the
Hypothyroidism (myxedema) may fail to be diagnosed because the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine set the body’s
symptoms of hair loss, skin changes, and mental deterioration are metabolic rate, and thus are the hormones that ultimately regulate
attributed simply to the process of aging. fuel metabolism.
Both the thymus gland and the pineal gland decrease in size as The endocrine system helps regulate blood pressure and
a person ages. Thymic atrophy is thought to contribute to declining volume. ADH produced by the hypothalamus (but secreted
immune response observed with age, as described in Chapter 13. by the posterior pituitary) promotes reabsorption of water by
The true incidence of IDDM diabetes among the elderly is the kidneys, especially during times when we are dehydrated.
unknown. Its symptoms can be confused with those of other medi- Simultaneously, ADH causes blood vessels to constrict, which
cal conditions that are present. As in all adults, NIDDM diabetes raises blood pressure. Aldosterone produced by the adrenal cor-
is associated with being overweight and often can be controlled by tex causes the kidneys to reabsorb sodium, and when the level
proper diet. of sodium rises, water is automatically reabsorbed so that blood
The effect of age on the sex organs is discussed in Chapter 17. volume and pressure rise together. Regulation by the endocrine
system often involves antagonistic hormones; in this case, ANH
(atriopeptide) produced by the heart causes sodium and water
Content CHECK-UP! excretion.
The endocrine system helps regulate calcium balance.
20. The most common endocrine disorders that develop as we
The concentration of calcium (Ca21) in the blood is critical
age involve the _____ gland.
because this ion is important to nervous conduction, muscle
Answer in Appendix A. contraction, and hormone action. As you know from studying
Chapter 6, the bones serve as a reservoir for calcium. When
the blood calcium concentration lowers, parathyroid hormone
(PTH) promotes the breakdown of bone and calcium reabsorp-
10.9 Homeostasis tion by the kidneys. PTH also stimulates calcium absorption by
21. Discuss how the endocrine system works with other systems of the the intestines by activating Vitamin D. Opposing the action of
body to maintain homeostasis. parathyroid hormone, calcitonin secreted by the thyroid brings
about calcium deposition in the bones (although this function
The endocrine system and the nervous system work together to of calcitonin is more important in growing children than in
regulate the organs of the body and thereby maintain homeostasis. adults).
It is clear from reviewing the Human Systems Work Together The endocrine system helps regulate responses to the ex-
illustration on page 238 that the endocrine system particularly ternal environment. In “fight-or-flight” situations, the nervous

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 237

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Human Systems Work Together ENDOCRINE SYSTEM

Integumentary System Lymphatic System/Immunity

Androgens activate How the Endocrine Thymus is necessary

sebaceous glands and System works with other for maturity of
help regulate hair growth. body systems. T lymphocytes.

Skin provides sensory Lymphatic vessels pick up

input that results in the excess tissue fluid;
activation of certain immune system protects
endocrine glands. against infections.

Skeletal System Respiratory System

Growth hormone regulates Epinephrine promotes

bone development; para- ventilation by dilating
thyroid hormone and bronchioles; growth factors
calcitonin regulate Ca 2+ control production of red
content. hypothalamus
blood cells that carry
pineal gland oxygen.
Bones provide protection pituitary
for glands; store Ca 2+ used Gas exchange in lungs
as second messenger. provides oxygen and rids
thyroid body of carbon dioxide.

Muscular System thymus

Digestive System
Growth harmone and
androgens promote growth Hormones help control
of skeletal muscle; adrenals secretion of digestive
epinephrine stimulates glands and accessory
heart and constricts blood pancreass organs; insulin and
vessels. glucagon regulate glucose
kidney storage in liver.
Muscles help protect
glands. Stomach and small intes-
tine produce hormones.

Nervous System
Urinary System
Hormones affect
development of brain. ADH, aldosterone, and
testes (male) atrial natriuretic hormone
Hypothalamus, pituitary, regulate reabsorption of
and pineal gland are part of water and Na + by kidneys.
endocrine system; nerves
innervate glands of secretion. Kidneys keep blood values
within normal limits so that
transport of hormones
Cardiovascular System

Epinephrine increases blood

pressure; ADH, aldosterone, Reproductive System
ovaries (female) parathyroids
and atrial natriuretic
(posterior part Hypothalamic, pituitary,
hormone help regulate
of thyroid) and sex hormones control
blood volume; growth factors
control blood cell formation. sex characteristics and
regulate reproductive
Blood vessels transport processes.
hormones from glands;
Gonads produce sex
blood services glands; heart
produces atrial natriuretic

238 PART III Integration and Coordination

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system stimulates the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine
(adrenaline) and norepinephrine, which have a powerful effect Content CHECK-UP!
on various organs. This, too, is important to homeostasis be- 21. Match the hormone with its effects:
cause it allows us to behave in a way that keeps us alive. Any a. glucagon 1. increases blood calcium levels
damage due to stress is then repaired by the action of other
b. aldosterone 2. raises blood pressure
hormones, including cortisol. Glucocorticoid (e.g., cortisone)
therapy is useful for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppres- c. parathyroid hormone 3. raises blood glucose levels
sive effects. Answer in Appendix A.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms hypothalamic-releasing hormone (hīpō-thĕ- thyroxine (thī-rŏk9sĭn), p. 225
lăm9ĭk-rē-lēs9ĭng hŏr9mōn), p. 224 triiodothyronine (trī9ī-ō-dō-thī9rō-nēn), p. 225
adenohypophysis (ad9ĕn-ō-hī-pō9fī-sĭs), p. 222
hypothalamus (hī9pō-thăl9ă-mŭs), p. 222
adrenal cortex (ŭh-drē9nŭl kŏr9tĕks), p. 227
adrenal gland (ŭh-drē9nŭl glănd), p. 227
insulin (in9sŭh-lĭn), p. 229 Clinical Key Terms
leptin (lĕp9tĭn), p. 235 acidosis (ăs9ĭ-dō9sĭs), p. 230
adrenal medulla (ŭh-drē9nŭl mĕ dūl9ŭh), p. 227
luteinizing hormone (lū9tŭh-nīzĭng hŏr9mōn), acromegaly (ăkrō-mĕg9ŭh-lē), p. 224
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ŭh-drē9nō-
p. 224
kŏrtī-kō trōp9ĭk hŏr9mōn), p. 224 Addison’s disease (ă9dĭ-sŏns dĭ-zēz9), p. 228
lymphocyte (lĭmf9 ō-sĭt), p. 234
aldosterone (ăldŏs9tĕr-ōn), p. 228 congenital hypothyroidism (kŏn-gĕn9ī-tŭl
melatonin (mĕlŭh-tō9nĭn), p. 234 hīpō-thī9rōy-dĭzm), p. 225
anabolic steroid (ănŭh-bŏl9ĭk stĕ9rōyd), p. 232
mineralocorticoids (mĭnĕr-ăl-ō-kŏr9tĭ-kōyds), Cushing’s syndrome (kŭsh9ĭngs sĭn9drōm),
androgen (ăn9drō-jĕn), p. 232
p. 227 p. 229
anterior pituitary (ăn-tēr9ē-ŏr pĭ-tū9ĭ-tārē),
neurohypophysis (nū9rō-hī-pŏf9ĭ-sĭs), p. 222 diabetes insipidus (dīŭh-bē9tēz ĭn-sĭp9ĭ-dus),
p. 222
norepinephrine (nŏr9ĕp-ĭ-nĕf9rĭn), p. 227 p. 222
antidiuretic hormone (ăntĭ-dĭyū-rĕt9ĭk
hŏr9mōn), p. 222 ovary (ō9văr-ē), p. 232 diabetic coma (dīŭh-bĕ-tĭk kō9-mŭh), p. 232
atrial natriuretic hormone (ā9trē-ŭhl nātrē-yū- oxytocin (ŏksī-tō9sĭn), p. 222 diabetic ketoacidosis (dīŭh-bĕ-tĭk kē9tō9ăs-ĭ-
rĕt9ĭk hŏr9mōn), p. 228 pancreas (păn9krē-ŭs), p. 229 dō9sŭs), p. 232
atriopeptide (ā-trē-yō-pĕp-tīd), p. 228 pancreatic islets (of Langerhans), p. 229 exophthalmic goiter (ĕksŏf-thăl9mĭk gōy9tĕr),
parathyroid gland (pārŭh-thī9rōyd glănd), p. 225
calcitonin (kălsĭ-tō9nĭn), p. 226
p. 226 glycosuria (glīkō-sūr9ē-ŭh), p. 230
calcitriol (kălsĭ-trī9ăwl), p. 226
parathyroid hormone (pārŭh-thī9rōyd Graves’ disease (grāvz dĭ-zēz9), p. 225
chemical signal (kĕm9 ĭ-kŭhl sĭg9 nŭhl), p. 236
hŏr9mōn), p. 226 hypercalcemia (hīpĕr-kăl-sē9mē-ŭh), p. 227
circadian rhythm (sĕrkā9dē-ăn rĭ9thm), p. 234
peptide hormone (pĕp9tid hŏr9mōn), p. 218 hyperglycemia (hīpĕr-glī-sē9mē-ŭh), p. 230
corticotropin (kŏr9tĭ-kō-trōh-pĭn), p. 224
pineal gland (pīn9ē-ul glănd), p. 234 hypocalcemia (hīpō-kăl-sē9mē-ŭh), p. 227
cortisol (kŏr9tĭ-sŏl), p. 227
pituitary gland (pĭ-tū9ĭ-tārē glănd), p. 222 hypoglycemia (hīpō-glī-sē9mē-ŭh), p. 232
cyclic AMP (sĭk9lĭk AMP), p. 218
portal system (pŏr9tŭl sĭs9tĕm), p. 222 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (ĭn9sŭl-
endocrine gland (ĕn9dō-krĭn glănd), p. 218
posterior pituitary (pōs-tēr9ē-ŏr pĭ-tū9ĭ-tārē), ĭn-dē-pĕn9dĕnt dīŭh-bē9tēz mĕ-lī9tŭs),
epinephrine (ĕpĭ-nĕf9rĭn), p. 227 p. 231
p. 222
estrogen (ĕs9trō-jĕn), p. 232 insulin shock (ĭn9sŭl-ĭn shŏk), p. 232
progesterone (prō-jĕs9tĕr-ōn), p. 232
follicle-stimulating hormone (fól9ĭk-kl stĭmyoō- ketonuria (kētō-nū9rē-ŭh), p. 230
prolactin (prō-lăk9tĭn), p. 224
lā9tĭng hŏr9mōn), p. 224
prostaglandins (prŏstŭh-glăn9dĭnz), p. 236 myxedema (mĭksĕ-dē9mŭh), p. 225
ghrelin (grĕl9ŭhn), p. 235
renin (rē9nĭn), p. 228 noninsulin-dependent diabetes (nŏn9ĭn9sŭl-ĭn-
glucagon (glū9kŭh-gŏn), p. 229 dē-pĕn9dĕnt dīŭh-bē9tēz), p. 231
somatostatin (sō9măt-ō-stăt9ĭn), p. 229
glucocorticoid (glū9kō-kŏr9tĭ-kōyd), p. 227 pituitary dwarfism (pĭ-tū9ĭ-tāre dwărf9ĭzm),
steroid hormone (stēr9ōyd hŏr9mōn), p. 218
glucose sparing (glū9 kōs spă9 rĭng), p. 237 p. 224
testes (tĕs9tēz), p. 232
gonad (gō9năd), p. 232 polydipsia (pŏlē-dĭp9sē-ŭh), p. 230
testosterone (tĕs-tŏs9tĕ-rōn), p. 232
gonadotropic hormone (gōnăd-ō-trōp9ĭk polyphagia (pŏlē-fā-jē-ŭh), p. 230
hŏr9mōn), p. 224 thymosin (thī9mō-sĭn), p. 234
polyuria (pŏlē-yū9rē-ŭh), p. 230
growth factor (grōth făk9tŏr), p. 236 thymus gland (thī9mŭs glănd), p. 234
prediabetes (prē9dī-ŭh-bētēz), p. 231
growth hormone (grōth hŏr9mōn), p. 224 thyroid gland (thī9rōyd glănd), p. 225
simple (endemic) goiter (sĭm9pl ĕn-dĕm9ĭk
hormone (hŏr9mōn), p. 218 thyroid-stimulating hormone (thī9rōyd stim9yū-
gōy9tĕr), p. 225
lāt-ĭng hŏr9mōn), p. 224
hypothalamic-inhibiting hormone (hīpō-thĕ- syndrome (sĭn9drōm), p. 228
lăm9ĭk-ĭn-hĭb9ĭt-ĭng hŏr9mōn), p. 224 thyrotropin (thī9rō-trō9pĭn), p. 218
tetany (tĕt9ŭh-nē), p. 227

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 239

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10.1 Endocrine Glands produces calcitonin, which helps produce the sex hormones.
Endocrine glands secrete hormones lower the blood calcium level. B. The thymus secretes thymosins,
into the bloodstream, and from there B. The parathyroid glands secrete which stimulate T-lymphocyte
they are distributed to target organs parathyroid hormone, which production and maturation.
or tissues. Hormones are either raises the blood calcium and C. The pineal gland produces
peptides or steroids. decreases the blood phosphate melatonin, which is involved in
A. Reception of a peptide hormone levels. Parathyroid hormone is circadian rhythms and may affect
at the plasma membrane acti- the primary hormone responsi- the development of the repro-
vates an enzyme cascade inside ble for calcium regulation. ductive organs.
the cell. Steroid hormones 10.4 Adrenal Glands D. Tissues also produce hormones.
combine with a receptor in the A. The adrenal glands respond to Adipose tissue produces leptin
cell, and the complex attaches to stress: during short-term stress, and the stomach produces ghre-
and activates DNA. Protein the adrenal medulla secretes lin. Both act on the hypothala-
synthesis follows. The major en- epinephrine and norepinephrine, mus. Various tissues produce
docrine glands and hormones which bring about responses growth factors. Prostaglandins
are listed in Table 10.1. we associate with emergency are produced and act locally.
B. Neural mechanisms, hormonal situations. 10.7 The Importance of Chemical Signals
mechanisms, and/or negative B. During long-term stress, the adre- In the human body, some chemical
feedback control the levels of nal cortex produces the glucocor- signals, such as traditional endo-
hormones. ticoids (e.g., cortisol) and the crine hormones and secretions of
10.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldoste- neurosecretory cells, act at a dis-
A. Neurosecretory cells in the rone). Cortisol stimulates hydroly- tance. Others, such as prostaglan-
hypothalamus produce antidi- sis of proteins to amino acids, dins, growth factors, and
uretic hormone (ADH) and which are converted to glucose; neurotransmitters, act locally.
oxytocin, which are stored in in this way, it raises the blood glu- Whether humans have pheromones
axon endings in the posterior cose level. Aldosterone causes is under study.
pituitary until they are released. the kidneys to reabsorb sodium 10.8 Effects of Aging
B. The hypothalamus produces ions (Na1) and to excrete potas- Two concerns often seen in the
hypothalamic-releasing and sium ions (K1). Addison’s disease elderly are thyroid malfunctioning
hypothalamic-inhibiting hor- develops when the adrenal cor- and diabetes mellitus. The thymus
mones, which pass to the ante- tex is underactive, and Cushing’s gland atrophies (shrinks). As a result,
rior pituitary by way of a portal syndrome develops when the ad- the immune response is diminished
system. The anterior pituitary renal cortex is overactive. in the elderly.
produces at least six types of 10.5 Pancreas 10.9 Homeostasis
hormones, and some of these The pancreatic islets secrete insulin, Hormones help maintain homeo-
stimulate other hormonal glands which lowers the blood glucose stasis in several ways: they help
to secrete hormones. level, and glucagon, which has the maintain the level of nutrients (e.g.,
10.3 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands opposite effect. amino acids and glucose in the
A. The thyroid gland requires A. The most common illness blood), help maintain blood vol-
iodine to produce triiodothyro- caused by hormonal imbalance ume and pressure by regulating
nine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), is diabetes mellitus, which is due the sodium content of the blood,
which increase the metabolic to the failure of the pancreas to help maintain the blood calcium
rate. If iodine is available in produce insulin and/or the failure level, help regulate fuel metabo-
limited quantities, a simple goiter of cellular insular receptors to lism, and help regulate our re-
develops. If the thyroid is over- properly respond to it. sponse to the external
active, an exophthalmic goiter 10.6 Additional Endocrine Glands environment.
develops. The thyroid gland also A. The gonads (ovaries and testes)

Study Questions
1. Explain how peptide hormones and 3. Explain the relationship of the hypo- hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary,
steroid hormones affect the metabo- thalamus to the posterior pituitary and other endocrine glands.
lism of the cell. (pp. 218–221) gland and to the anterior pituitary (pp. 222–224)
2. Contrast hormonal and neural signals, gland. List the hormones secreted by 5. Discuss the effect of growth hormone
and show that there is an overlap be- the posterior and anterior pituitary on the body and the result of having
tween the mode of operation of the glands. (pp. 219–220, 222–224) too much or too little growth hormone
nervous system and that of the endo- 4. Give an example of the negative when a young person is growing. What
crine system. (pp. 218–221) feedback relationship among the is the result if the anterior pituitary

240 PART III Integration and Coordination

lon96431_ch10_217-241.indd 240 18/11/15 2:10 PM

produces growth hormone in an adult? 9. Name the most significant glucocorti- the functions of the hormones they se-
(pp. 224–225) coid and mineralocorticoid, and crete. (pp. 219–220, 232, 234)
6. What types of goiters are associated discuss their functions. Explain the 12. What are leptin, ghrelin, growth factors,
with a malfunctioning thyroid? Explain symptoms of Addison’s disease and and prostaglandins? How do these
each type. (pp. 225–226) Cushing’s syndrome. (pp. 227–229) substances act? (pp. 235–236)
7. How do the thyroid and the parathy- 10. Draw a diagram to explain how 13. Discuss five ways the endocrine
roid work together to control the blood insulin and glucagon maintain the system helps maintain homeostasis.
calcium level? (pp. 226–227) blood glucose level. Use your (pp. 237–239)
8. How do the adrenal glands respond to diagram to explain the major
stress? What hormones are secreted symptoms of type I diabetes mellitus.
by the adrenal medulla, and what (pp. 229–231)
effects do these hormones have? 11. Name the additional endocrine glands
(pp. 227–228) discussed in this chapter, and discuss

Learning  Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 4. The secreted by the in response to from
1. Whereas hormones hypothalamus control the anterior the anterior pituitary gland.
are lipid soluble and bind to recep- pituitary. 9. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
tor proteins within the cytoplasm of 5. Growth hormone is produced by (ACTH), produced by the anterior
target cells, hormones the pituitary. pituitary, stimulates the
bind to membrane-bound recep- 6. Simple goiter occurs when the thy- of the adrenal glands.
tors, thereby activating second roid is producing (too much or too 10. An overproductive adrenal cortex
messengers. little) because it has results in the condition called
2. Generally, hormone production is (too much or too little) . .
self-regulated by a 7. Parathyroid hormone increases the 11. Type I diabetes mellitus is due to a
mechanism. level of in the blood. malfunctioning , but
3. The hypothalamus produces the 8. Whereas the adrenal type II diabetes is due to malfunc-
hormones and is under the control of the auto- tioning .
, released by the pos- nomic nervous system, the adrenal 12. Prostaglandins are not carried in
terior pituitary. secretes its hormones the as are hormones
secreted by the endocrine glands.

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. hypophysectomy (hī-pŏf ĭ-sĕk9tō-mē) 6. parathyroidectomy (pārŭh-thīrōy-
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. hypokalemia (hīpō-kălē9mē-ŭh) dĕk9tō-mē)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. lactogenic (lăktō-jĕn9ĭk) 7. polydipsia (pŏlē-dĭp9sē-ŭh)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. adrenopathy (ădrĕn-ŏp9ŭh-thē) 8. dyspituitarism (dĭs-pĭ-tu9ĭ-tĕr9ĭzm)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 5. adenomalacia (ădĕ-nō-mŭh- 9. thyroiditis (thī-rōy-dī9tĭs)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at lā9shē-ŭh) 10. microsomia (mī9krō-sō9mē-ŭh) and consult
Appendix B.

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 10 The Endocrine System 241

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I f you know about ABO blood types, and know your own, maybe you’ve
wondered which of the four possible types is the most common worldwide.
The answer depends on the genetic inheritance of a particular population.
Worldwide, the most prevalent ABO type is type O. However, type A blood is
most common in several European countries, including the Scandinavian
countries. In certain geographic areas, virtually the entire population has the
same blood type. For example, certain native Central and South American
tribes are nearly all type O. The least common ABO type is type AB. If you also
know your Rh type (positive or negative), you’ll be interested to know that
approximately 85% of Caucasians, 92% of African Americans, and 97% of
Asians are Rh positive. In addition to the A, B, and Rh proteins, there are
several thousand known blood proteins that have been identified. The
International Society of Blood Transfusion has organized 32 separate major
group systems to classify them (ABO and Rh are two examples of group
systems). Doubtless, more proteins remain to be discovered, and more
classification systems will be developed for them. You can read more about
blood types and blood compatibility on pages 252–254.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

11.1 The Composition and Functions 11.3 Platelets and Hemostasis Visual Focus
of Blood 6. Describe the structure, function, and Hematopoiesis
1. Describe, in general, the composition life cycle of platelets.
of blood and define the term 7. Describe the three events of hemo­ Medical Focus
hematocrit. stasis and the reactions necessary Abnormal Red and White Blood Cell Counts
2. Divide the functions of blood into three for coagulation to occur.
categories, and discuss each category. 8. Discuss disorders of hemostasis. What’s New
Improvements in Transfusion Technology
11.2 Components of Blood 11.4 Blood Typing and Transfusions
3. Describe the composition of plasma, 9. Explain the ABO and Rh systems of I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency
and explain the functions of the blood typing.
plasma proteins. Hemorrhage
10. Explain agglutination and its
4. Explain the hematopoietic role of relationship to transfusions.
stem cells in the red bone marrow. Focus on Forensics
5. Describe the structure, function, and 11.5 Effects of Aging Blood at the Crime Scene
life cycle of red blood cells and white 11. Name the blood disorders that are
blood cells. Briefly outline the effects commonly seen as we age.
of abnormal red and white blood cell


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11.1 The Composition and Functions a light-yellow fluid that contains a variety of inorganic and organic
molecules dissolved or suspended in water. Plasma accounts for
of Blood about 55% of the total volume of whole blood.
1. Describe, in general, the composition of blood and define the term It’s interesting to note that, on average, males have a slightly
hematocrit. higher hematocrit than females. The difference is primarily due to
2. Divide the functions of blood into three categories, and discuss each
the effects of the sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone (and simi-
lar precursor molecules found in high levels in males) stimulates
red blood cell production. In addition, adult females of menstrual
When a blood sample is first prevented from clotting and then
age also experience blood loss during menstruation, and this low-
spun in a centrifuge tube, it separates into three layers (Fig. 11.1).
ers a woman’s hematocrit.
The lower layers consist of the formed elements: red blood cells
(erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (throm-
bocytes). Formed elements make up about 45% of the total volume Functions of Blood
of whole blood. Red blood cells are the heaviest cells due to their
The functions of blood fall into three categories: transport, defense,
iron-containing hemoglobin, and can be found on the bottom of the
and regulation.
tube. The percentage of the volume of a blood sample consisting
of red blood cells is that sample’s hematocrit. The white blood
cells and the blood platelets settle on top of the red blood cells in a Transport
thin, shiny layer called the buffy coat. The upper layer is plasma, Blood moves from the heart to all the various organs, where
exchange with tissues takes place across thin capillary walls.
(Recall from Chapter 4 that capillaries are the smallest blood
vessels and are formed from a single layer of flattened epithelial
cells. Capillaries are so narrow that erythrocytes must travel
through them in single file, as shown in Fig. 11B.) Blood picks
Plasma up oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the digestive tract
(55% of and transports these to the tissues. It also picks up and trans-
whole blood)
ports cellular wastes, including carbon dioxide, away from the
tissues to organs with exchange surfaces, such as the lungs and
Leukocytes kidneys. In the lungs, carbon dioxide is excreted every time we
and exhale. In the kidneys, metabolic wastes can be excreted in the
Formed (<1% of urine. We’ll see that capillary exchanges keep the composition
elements whole blood) of tissue fluid within normal limits.
Erythrocytes Various organs and tissues secrete hormones and other mes-
(45% of senger chemicals into the blood, and blood transports these to other
a. whole blood) organs and tissues, where they serve as signals that influence cel-
lular metabolism.

Because blood contains the white blood cells, it defends the
monocyte body against invasion by pathogens (microscopic infectious
agents, such as disease-causing bacteria and viruses). The white
basophil blood cells also remove dead and dying cells, clearing room
lymphocyte for the growth of healthy cells. Mutated cells—which could
red blood
potentially develop into cancer—are destroyed by white blood
cells as well. Certain white blood cells are capable of engulfing
b. 2503
and destroying pathogens or cancer cells; others produce and
Figure 11.1 Composition of blood. (a) When blood is secrete antibodies into the blood. Antibodies are proteins made
transferred to a test tube containing an anticoagulant (to by a specific class of white blood cells. They incapacitate patho-
prevent clotting) and then centrifuged, it consists of three layers. gens, making them subject to destruction by other white blood
The transparent straw­colored or yellow top layer is the plasma, cells. This function of the blood will be discussed completely
the liquid portion of blood. The thin middle buffy coat layer con­ in Chapter 13.
sists of leukocytes and platelets. The bottom layer contains the When an injury occurs, blood forms a clot, and this prevents
erythrocytes. (b) Micrograph of the formed elements in blood.
blood loss. Blood clotting involves platelets and the plasma pro-
Neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lympho­
teins prothrombin and fibrinogen. Without blood clotting, we
cytes are all different forms of white blood cells.
could bleed to death even from a small cut.

Chapter 11 Blood 243

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Regulation The plasma proteins have many functions that help maintain
Blood helps regulate body temperature by picking up heat, mostly homeostasis. They are able to take up and release hydrogen ions;
from active muscles, and transporting it about the body. If the therefore, the plasma proteins help buffer the blood and keep its
blood is too warm, the heat dissipates to the environment from pH around 7.40. Osmotic pressure is the force caused by a dif-
dilated blood vessels in the skin. ference in solute concentration on either side of a membrane. As
The salts and plasma proteins in blood act to keep the mentioned previously, plasma proteins, particularly the albumins,
osmotic pressure in the normal range. Recall that osmotic pres- contribute to the osmotic pressure. Their role will be described
sure causes diffusion of water (review section 3.2). Thus, the completely in Chapter 12.
osmotic pressure of blood causes diffusion of water into the There are three types of globulins, designated alpha, beta, and
blood. In this way, blood plays a role in maintaining its own gamma globulins. The alpha and beta globulins, produced by the
water-salt balance. liver, bind to metal ions and to fat-soluble vitamins. They also bind
Because blood contains buffers, it also helps regulate body to lipids, forming the lipoproteins. Gamma globulins are one of
pH and keeps it relatively constant (in the range of 7.35 to 7.45). several kinds of antibodies, which are infection-fighting proteins
made by B-lymphocyte white blood cells.
Both albumins and globulins combine with and transport large
Content CHECK-UP! organic molecules. For example, albumin transports the molecule
bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Lipoproteins,
1. What are the three types of formed elements found in blood? whose protein portion is a globulin, transport cholesterol.
Describe where each would be found in a centrifuge tube con­ The other plasma proteins, fibrinogen and prothrombin, are
taining a blood sample. necessary to coagulation (blood clotting), which is discussed on
2. Which of the following are defense mechanisms of the blood? pages 250–251.
a. Blood cells can engulf and destroy bacteria and viruses.
b. Antibodies target pathogens for destruction. Formed Elements
c. The blood clotting mechanism prevents blood loss. The formed elements consist of red and white blood cells and plate-
d. All of the above are defense mechanisms of the blood. lets (Fig. 11.2b). (Platelets are discussed in detail on pages 250–251.)
3. How does blood regulate body temperature? osmotic pres­ In the adult, the formed elements are produced continuously in the
sure? body pH? red bone marrow of the skull, ribs, and vertebrae, the iliac crests, and
Answers in Appendix A. the ends of long bones.
The process by which formed elements are made is called
hematopoiesis (Fig. 11.3). Multipotent stem cells are the red
bone marrow cells that mature into all the various types of blood
11.2 Components of Blood cells. At the top of Figure 11.3 is a multipotent stem cell that first
3. Describe the composition of plasma, and explain the functions of the replicates itself by mitosis. Each cell then differentiates, producing
plasma proteins.
two other types of stem cells: myeloid and lymphoid (lymphatic)
4. Explain the hematopoietic role of stem cells in the red bone marrow.
5. Describe the structure, function, and life cycle of red blood cells and
stem cells. (When a stem cell differentiates, it commits itself to
white blood cells. Briefly outline the effects of abnormal red and follow a single pathway in development.) The myeloid stem cell
white blood cell counts. further differentiates to give rise to the cells that become red blood
cells, granular leukocytes, monocytes, and megakaryocytes, the
parent cell for platelets. The lymphoid stem cell differentiates to
Plasma produce the lymphocytes and natural killer cells.
Many scientists are very interested in developing ways to use
Plasma is the liquid portion of blood, and about 92% of plasma
blood stem cells, as well as stem cells from other adult tissues, to
is water. The remaining 8% of plasma is composed of various
regenerate the body’s tissues in the laboratory (see What’s New in
ions (from salts that dissolve in water) and organic molecules
Chapter 4).
(Fig. 11.2a.) The salts, which are simply dissolved in plasma,
help maintain the osmotic pressure and pH of the blood. Small
organic molecules such as glucose, amino acids, and urea are Red Blood Cells
also dissolved in plasma. Glucose and amino acids are nutrients Red blood cells (RBCs, or erythrocytes) are small, biconcave
for cells; urea is a nitrogenous waste product on its way to the disks that lack a nucleus when mature. They occur in great
kidneys for excretion. The large organic molecules in plasma quantity; there are 4 to 6 million red blood cells per mm3 of
include hormones and the plasma proteins. whole blood.
Three major types of plasma proteins are the albumins, the Red blood cells transport oxygen, and each contains about 200
globulins, and fibrinogen. Most plasma proteins are made in the million molecules of hemoglobin (Hb), the respiratory pigment.
liver. One exception is the antibodies produced by B lymphocytes, If this much hemoglobin were suspended within the plasma rather
which function in immunity. Certain hormones are also plasma than enclosed within the cells, blood would be so thick and viscous
proteins made by various glands. that the heart would have difficulty pumping it.

244 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Plasma Formed Elements

Type Function Source Type Function and Description Source

Red blood cells Transport O2 and help Red bone

(erythrocytes) transport CO2 marrow
Water Maintains blood Absorbed
(90–92% of plasma) volume; transports from 7–8 μm in diameter
molecules digestive Bright-red to dark-purple
tract biconcave disks without
4 million–6 million
per mm3 blood

White blood cells Fight infection Red bone

Plasma proteins Maintain blood osmotic (leukocytes) 5,000–11,000 marrow
(7–8% of plasma) pressure and pH
per mm3 blood
Albumin Maintains blood volume Liver
and pressure; transport Neutrophils * 10–14 μm in diameter
Globulins Transport; fight infection Spherical cells with
multilobed nuclei; fine, lilac
Fibrinogen Clotting granules in cytoplasm;
phagocytize pathogens

Eosinophils 10–14 μm in diameter


Granular leukocytes
Spherical cells with bilobed
Inorganic ions Maintain blood osmotic Absorbed nuclei; coarse, deep-red,
(salts) pressure and pH; aid from uniformly sized granules
(less than 1% of metabolism intestine in cytoplasm; phagocytize
antigen-antibody complexes
1–4% and allergens

Basophils * 10–12 μm in diameter

Spherical cells with lobed
nuclei; large, irregularly
Gases shaped, deep-blue granules
in cytoplasm; release
Oxygen Cellular respiration Lungs
histamine and heparin,
Carbon dioxide End product of Tissues
0–1% which promotes blood flow
to injured tissues
Lymphocytes * 5–17 μm in diameter
(average 9–10 μm)
Spherical cells with large,
Nutrients round nuclei; responsible
Agranular leukocytes

Lipids Food for cells Absorbed 20–45% for specific immunity

Glucose from
Monocytes * 10–24 μm in diameter
Amino acids intestine
Large spherical cells with
kidney-shaped, round, or
Vitamins, etc.
lobed nuclei; become
macrophages that
phagocytize pathogens
and cellular debris; antigen-
Nitrogenous 4–8% presenting cells in immune
wastes system responses

Urea Excretion by kidneys Liver Natural killer 5–17 μm in diameter


Uric acid (NK) cell * Granular leukocytes; similar


Ammonia in structure to lymphocytes;

destroy virus infected cells
and cancer cells; involved
1–5% in transplant rejection
Regulatory Platelets Aid hemostasis Red bone
substances (thrombocytes) marrow
Enzymes Aid metabolism Varied
Hormones 2–4 μm in diameter
Other chemical Disk-shaped cell fragments
signals 150,000–300,000 with no nuclei; purple
per mm3 blood granules in cytoplasm
a. b. * Appearance with Wright’s stain.
Figure 11.2 Plasma and formed elements. (a) Ingredients of plasma. Plasma is approximately 92% water and 8% dissolved or
suspended solutes. (b) Types, functions, and descriptions of the formed elements.

lon96431_ch11_242-258.indd 245 18/11/15 2:18 PM

Visual Focus

Multipotent stem cells in

red bone marrow divide to
produce specific stem cells.

Early differentiation
separates myeloid stem
cells from lymphoid
stem cells. multipotent
stem cells
myeloid lymphoid
stem cells stem cells

Myeloblasts, monoblasts,
and lymphoblasts produce
the white blood cells.

erythroblasts megakaryoblasts myeloblasts monoblasts lymphoblasts NK blast



B lymphocytes T lymphocytes NK
Platelets basophils eosinophils neutrophils processed in processed in cell
monocytes bone marrow thymus
Granular leukocytes Agranular leukocytes

Red blood cells White blood cells

Figure 11.3 Hematopoiesis. Multipotent stem cells give rise to two specialized stem cells. The myeloid stem cell gives rise to
still other cells, which become red blood cells, platelets, and all the whole blood cells except lymphocytes. The lymphoid stem cell gives
rise to lymphoblasts, which become lymphocytes. Though they have granules like the granular leukocytes, natural killer cells also arise
from the lymphoid stem cells.

Hemoglobin In this equation, the hemoglobin on the left, which is not

In a molecule of hemoglobin, each of four polypeptide chains combined with oxygen, is called deoxyhemoglobin (its symbol is
making up globin has an iron-containing heme group in the center HHb). Deoxyhemoglobin forms in tissue capillaries and has a dark
(Fig. 11.4). Oxygen combines loosely with iron when hemoglobin maroon color. The hemoglobin on the right, which is combined
is oxygenated: with oxygen, is called oxyhemoglobin (its symbol is HbO2).
Oxyhemoglobin forms in lung capillaries and has a bright red color.
lungs Hemoglobin is remarkably adapted to its function of picking up
HHb + O2 HbO2 oxygen in lung capillaries and releasing it in the tissues. The higher
tissues concentration of oxygen, plus the slightly cooler temperature and

246 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

lon96431_ch11_242-258.indd 246 18/11/15 2:18 PM

heme iron
group 1. Low blood
stimulus oxygen content stimulus
is resolved

Normal blood
oxygen content

2. Kidneys increase
production of
helical shape
of the
4. Blood oxygen
content returns
to normal

Figure 11.4 Hemoglobin contains four polypeptide chains.

3. Red bone marrow
There is an iron­containing heme group in the center of each stem cells increase
chain. Oxygen combines loosely with iron when hemoglobin is red blood cell
oxygenated. Oxyhemoglobin is bright red, and deoxyhemoglobin production
is a dark maroon color.
Figure 11.5 Regulation of red blood cell production. The
kidneys release increased amounts of erythropoietin whenever
slightly higher pH within lung capillaries, causes hemoglobin to the oxygen capacity of the blood is reduced. Erythropoietin
take up oxygen. By contrast, in tissues the lower concentration of stimulates the red bone marrow to speed up its production of
oxygen, plus the slightly warmer temperature and slightly lower pH red blood cells, which carry oxygen. Once the oxygen­carrying
within tissue capillaries, causes hemoglobin to give up its oxygen. capacity of the blood is sufficient to support normal cellular ac­
tivity, the kidneys cut back on their production of erythropoietin.
Production of Red Blood Cells
Erythrocytes are formed from red bone marrow stem cells (see
Fig. 11.3): A multipotent stem cell descendant, called a myeloid biotechnology, is often prescribed for cancer patients who are ane-
stem cell, gives rise to erythroblasts, which divide many times. As mic (low red blood cell count) due to chemotherapy or radiation
they mature, erythroblasts fill with millions of molecules of he- therapy. Unfortunately, erythropoietin is sometimes abused by ath-
moglobin and lose their nucleus and most of their organelles. An letes in order to raise their red blood cell counts and thereby increase
immature red blood cell lacking a nucleus is called a reticulocyte the oxygen-carrying capacity of their blood.
because it contains ribosomes in a network called a reticulum.
In the bloodstream, reticulocytes can be detected using special
stains. Reticulocytes leave the bone marrow through capillaries, Begin Thinking Clinically
and they continue to produce additional hemoglobin for a day or
two, at which time they are fully mature. Possibly because mature Polycythemia is a condition caused by excessive numbers
red blood cells lack a nucleus, they live only about 120 days. It is of red blood cells in the blood. In this disorder, blood is
estimated that about 2 million red blood cells are destroyed per excessively thick and unable to flow properly, and it often
second; therefore, an equal number must be produced to keep the forms unnecessary, dangerous clots. What do you think
red blood cell count in balance. might cause the condition, and what effect could it have on
Whenever blood carries a reduced amount of oxygen, more red the patient’s heart? How might polycythemia be treated?
blood cells must be produced to maintain homeostasis. For example, Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
lowered blood oxygen occurs when an individual first takes up resi-
dence at a high altitude, or after a hemorrhage when a person loses
red blood cells, or in a patient with impaired lung function. These Destruction of Red Blood Cells
situations are stimuli for the kidneys to accelerate their release of With age, red blood cells are destroyed in the liver and spleen,
erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone first mentioned in section 10.6 where they are engulfed by macrophages. When red blood cells are
(Fig. 11.5). This hormone stimulates mitosis of stem cells and speeds broken down, hemoglobin is released and separates into its three
up the maturation of red blood cells. The liver and other tissues also components. The globin portion of the hemoglobin is broken down
produce erythropoietin. Erythropoietin, now mass-produced through into its component amino acids, which are recycled by the body.

Chapter 11 Blood 247

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The iron is recovered and returned to the bone marrow for reuse. blood cells live only a few days—they probably die while fight-
The heme portion of the molecule undergoes chemical degradation ing pathogens. Others live months or even years.
and is excreted by the liver into the bile as bile pigments. These
bile pigments are bilirubin and biliverdin, which contribute to the Types of White Blood Cells
color of urine and feces. Chemical breakdown of heme is also what
causes a bruise on the skin to change color from red/purple to green White blood cells are classified into the granular leukocytes
to yellow. and the agranular leukocytes. Both types of cells have granules
in the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus, but the granules are
more visible upon staining in granular leukocytes. (The white
Abnormal Red Blood Cell Counts cells shown in Figures 11.1 through 11.3 have been stained with
As discussed in the Medical Focus on page 249, anemia is an ill- a dye called Wright’s stain.) The granules contain various en-
ness in which the patient has a tired, run-down feeling. The body’s zymes and proteins, which help white blood cells defend the
cells are not getting enough oxygen due to a reduction in the body. There are four types of granular leukocytes and two types
amount of functional hemoglobin or the number of red blood cells. of agranular leukocytes. They differ somewhat by the size of the
Hemolysis (bursting of red blood cells) can also cause anemia. cell and the shape of the nucleus (see Figs. 11.2 and 11.3), and
they also differ in their functions.
White Blood Cells
White blood cells (WBCs, or leukocytes) differ from red blood Granular Leukocytes
cells in that they are usually larger, have a nucleus, lack hemoglobin, Neutrophils (see Fig. 11.3 and Fig. 13.2a) are the most abundant
and are translucent unless stained. White blood cells are not as nu- of the white blood cells. They have a multilobed nucleus joined by
merous as red blood cells; there are only 5,000–11,000 per mm3 of nuclear threads; therefore, they are also called polymorphonuclear
blood. White blood cells fight infection, destroy dead or dying body (“many-shaped nuclei”). Some of their granules take up acid stain,
cells, and recognize and kill cancerous cells. Thus, they are impor- and some take up basic stain (creating an overall lilac color). Neu-
tant contributors to homeostasis. This function of white blood cells is trophils are the first type of white blood cell to respond to an infec-
discussed at greater length in Chapter 13, which concerns immunity. tion, and they engulf pathogens during phagocytosis.
White blood cells are derived from stem cells in the red bone Eosinophils (see Fig. 11.3 and Fig. 13.2b) have a bilobed
marrow, and they, too, undergo several maturation stages (see nucleus, and their large, abundant granules take up the dye called
Fig. 11.3). Each type of white blood cell is apparently capable of eosin and become a red color. (This accounts for their name, eo-
producing a specific growth factor that circulates back to the bone sinophil.) Among several functions, they increase in number in
marrow to stimulate its own production. the event of a parasitic worm infection. Eosinophils also lessen an
Red blood cells are confined to the blood, but white blood allergic reaction by phagocytizing antigen-antibody complexes
cells are able to squeeze through pores in the capillary wall involved in an allergic attack.
(Fig. 11.6). Therefore, they can form colonies in tissues through- Basophils (see Fig. 11.3 and Fig. 13.2c) have a U-shaped or
out out the body, including the lungs and liver. They can also lobed nucleus. Their granules take up the basic stain and become
be found in tissue fluid and lymph (the fluid within lymphatic dark blue in color. (This accounts for their name, basophil.) In
vessels), and in lymphatic organs. When an infection is pres- the connective tissues, basophils, as well as a similar type of
ent, white blood cells greatly increase in number. Many white cells called mast cells, release histamine and heparin. Histamine,
which is associated with allergic reactions, dilates blood vessels
and causes contraction of smooth muscle. Heparin prevents clot-
ting and promotes blood flow.
Natural killer cells (see Fig. 11.3) are large, granular leu-
kocytes that are similar in structure to lymphocytes. Like lym-
phocytes, they develop from the lymphoid stem cells. They are
capillary wall
particularly important for their role in destruction of virus-infected
white blood
and mutated (and thus, potentially cancerous) cells. Their function
will be detailed in Chapter 13.

Agranular Leukocytes The agranular leukocytes include lym-

phocytes, which have a spherical nucleus, and monocytes, which
have a kidney-shaped nucleus. Lymphocytes are responsible for
specific immunity to particular pathogens and their toxins (poison-
ous substances), as well as recognizing and destroying cancer
cells. Lymphocytes (see Fig. 11.3 and Fig. 13.2d) are of two types,
Figure 11.6 Mobility of white blood cells. When injury or B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. Pathogens have antigens, sur-
infection occurs, white blood cells can squeeze between the
face molecules that the immune system can recognize as foreign.
cells of a capillary wall and enter the tissues of the body.
When an antigen is recognized as foreign, B lymphocytes will

248 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Abnormal Red and White Blood Cell Counts

Normal erythrocyte count should be in the range of 4–6 million cells per survivors have children, the sickle-cell gene passes on to the next
cubic millimeter of blood (about the size of one large drop), and normal generation. In the United States, sickle-cell disease is most common
blood hemoglobin level is 12–17 grams per 100 milliliters. However, it’s in African Americans whose ancestors are from equatorial Africa, but
important to recognize gender variation: due to the effects of androgen it occurs in people of any race.
hormones such as testosterone, men have a higher red blood cell count Dietary anemias occur because the patient’s diet lacks substances
(and thus, a higher hemoglobin level) than women. Various disease needed for red blood cell development. In iron deficiency anemia, a
processes can affect erythrocyte count and hemoglobin levels. As you common type of anemia, the person’s diet does not contain enough iron,
know from the Begin Thinking Clinically question on page 247, polycy- or there is excessive iron loss from the body. The hemoglobin count is
themia is a disorder in which an excessive number of red blood cells low, red blood cells are small and pale in color, and the individual feels
makes the blood so thick that it is unable to flow properly. An increased tired and run-down. Including iron supplements in the diet can help pre-
risk of clot formation is also associated with this condition. vent this type of anemia. Pernicious anemia is another form of dietary
In anemia, the number of red cells is insufficient and/or the cells anemia. The digestive tract is unable to absorb enough vitamin B12, which
do not have enough normal hemoglobin. Anemia can be classified is essential to red cell development. Without vitamin B12, immature red
into one of several categories. The first category, hemolytic anemia, cells tend to accumulate in the bone marrow. A special diet, vitamin sup-
occurs because the rate of red blood cell destruction increases (hemo- plements, and/or injections of vitamin B12 are effective treatments.
lysis is the rupturing of red blood cells). Hemolytic disease of the In aplastic anemia, the red bone marrow has been damaged due
newborn, discussed at the end of this chapter (see page 253), is one to radiation or chemicals, and red blood cells, white blood cells, and
form of this type of anemia. platelets are all deficient. Bone marrow transplant is one option to
Sickle-cell disease is an inherited hemolytic anemia caused by an treat this condition.
abnormal form of hemoglobin. Affected individuals have fragile, sickle- Hemorrhagic anemia is decreased red blood cell count follow-
shaped red blood cells (a sickle is a shape resembling the letter C; ing a hemorrhage. Transfusions may be administered to increase red
Fig. 11A) that easily tear open as they pass through the narrow capillaries. blood cell count. Research continues to develop improvements in
As a result, the person has far fewer red blood cells than normal, and transfusion technology, as detailed in What’s New on page 255.
anemia symptoms result. Both parents must carry the gene for sickle-cell Certain viral illnesses, such as influenza, measles, and mumps,
disease for a child to be afflicted. Someone with a single gene is said to cause the white blood cell count to decrease. Leukopenia is a total
have sickle-cell trait, and doesn’t have disease symptoms. white blood cell count below 5,000 per cubic millimeter. Other ill-
Both sickle-cell disease and sickle-cell trait are most prevalent nesses, including appendicitis and bacterial infections, cause the
among people who live in areas bordering the equator (for example, in white blood cell count to increase dramatically. Leukocytosis is a
Africa, Asia, India, and Central and South America) where malaria is white blood cell count above 10,000 per cubic millimeter.
common. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite and spread by Illness often causes an increase in a particular type of white blood
mosquitoes that infect humans when they bite. Having sickle-cell trait cell. For this reason, a differential white blood cell count may help
gives the person a better chance of surviving malaria, though it doesn’t with diagnosis. In this microscopic procedure, 100 white blood cells are
protect against the actual infection or subsequent illness. Scientists counted, and numbers of each type of cell are recorded. For example,
aren’t sure why the trait enables some people to survive, but when the characteristic finding in the viral disease mononucleosis is a great
number of large, dark-staining abnormal lymphocytes. This condition
takes its name from the fact that the abnormal lymphocytes resemble
monocytes (although monocytes are much larger than lymphocytes).
Leukemia is a form of cancer characterized by uncontrolled pro-
duction of abnormal white blood cells. These cells accumulate in the
bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and liver so that these organs are
unable to function properly. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL),
which represents over 80% of the acute leukemias in children, also
occurs in adults. Chemotherapy is used to destroy abnormal cells and
restore normal blood cell production. Intraspinal injection of drugs and
craniospinal irradiation are measures that prevent leukemic cells from
invading the central nervous system. In general, the prognosis is more
favorable for children between the ages of 2 and 10 years, and females
fare better because leukemia recurs in the testes of 8–16% of males.
Remission occurs in 70–90% of adult patients after chemotherapy, and
the median period of remission is 20 months. With chemotherapy, 85%
Figure 11A Sickle-shaped red blood cells, as seen by a
of children survive past five years, and of those among this group who
scanning electron microscope.
do not have a relapse, 85% are considered cured.

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form antibodies against it. Antibodies are proteins that neutralize Hemostasis
antigens. T lymphocytes, on the other hand, directly attack and
Hemostasis is divided into three events: vascular spasm, platelet
destroy any cell, such as a pathogen that has foreign antigens. B
plug formation, and coagulation (Fig. 11.7).
lymphocytes and T lymphocytes are discussed more fully in
Vascular spasm, the constriction of the smooth muscle layer
Chapter 13.
in a broken blood vessel, is the immediate response to blood vessel
Monocytes (see Fig. 11.4 and Fig. 13.2e) are the largest of the
injury. Platelets release serotonin, a chemical that prolongs smooth
white blood cells, and after taking up residence in the tissues, they
muscle contraction.
differentiate into even larger macrophages. Macrophages phago-
Platelet plug formation is the next event in hemostasis.
cytize pathogens, old cells, and cellular debris. They also stimulate
Platelets don’t normally adhere to undamaged blood vessel
other white blood cells, including lymphocytes, to defend the body.
walls, but when the lining of a blood vessel breaks, connective
tissue, including collagen fibers, is exposed. Platelets adhere
Abnormal White Cell Counts to collagen fibers and release a number of substances, includ-
Abnormal white blood cell counts are discussed in the Medical ing one that promotes platelet aggregation so that a so-called
Focus on page 249. Because specific white blood cells increase platelet plug forms. As a part of normal activities, small blood
with particular infections, a differential white cell count, also vessels often break, and a platelet plug is usually sufficient to
discussed in the Medical Focus, can be quite helpful in diagnosing stop the bleeding.
the cause of a particular illness. Coagulation, also called blood clotting, is the last event
to bring about hemostasis. As you’ll see, two plasma proteins,
called fibrinogen and prothrombin, participate in blood clotting.
Content CHECK-UP!
4. Imagine you have just donated a pint of blood at a blood drive
in your community. Describe how your body would replace the
donated blood. tissue damage
5. Which of the following is/are bile pigments?
a. hemoglobin
b. biliverdin spasm
c. bilirubin
d. b and c platelet plug
e. All of the above.
6. Granular white blood cells include all of the following except:
a. eosinophils. c. neutrophils. begins
b. macrophages. d. basophils.
Answers in Appendix A. 1

11.3 Platelets and Hemostasis activator
Ca2+ fibrinogen

6. Describe the structure, function, and life cycle of platelets. 3

7. Describe the three events of hemostasis and the reactions necessary thrombin Ca2+
for coagulation to occur.
8. Discuss disorders of hemostasis.
Platelets (thrombocytes) are formed elements necessary to the
process of hemostasis, the cessation of bleeding. fibrin threads
red blood cell

Platelets blood clot

Platelets result from fragmentation of certain large cells, called blood clot 4,400× formation
megakaryocytes, that develop in red bone marrow. It is important
to note that although platelets are called thrombocytes, they are not Figure 11.7 Process of hemostasis. Hemostasis requires
cellular; rather, they are cell fragments. Platelets are produced at a three events: vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, and co­
agulation. Coagulation is further broken down into four steps.
rate of 200 billion per day, and the blood contains 150,000–300,000
When coagulation is complete, threads of insoluble fibrin form a
per mm3. Because platelets have no nucleus, they last at most ten
framework that effectively seals the injured area.
days, assuming they are not used sooner than that in hemostasis.

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Vitamin K, found in green vegetables and also formed by intesti- in the blood vessel. Anticoagulants, such as heparin produced
nal bacteria, is necessary for the production of prothrombin. If, by by basophils and mast cells, also help to prevent accidental
chance, vitamin K is missing from the diet, hemorrhagic bleeding clotting.
disorders develop.
Disorders of Hemostasis
Coagulation Both impaired clotting and excessive clotting can be life-threatening
Coagulation requires many protein clotting factors which are con- or fatal. Thrombocytopenia, a low platelet count, is one cause
stantly present in the blood in an inactive state. Most of these of impaired clotting. It occurs when one’s own antibodies attack
clotting factors are produced by the liver, although several are platelets, or if megakaryocytes in red bone marrow (parent cells
released “on demand” by platelets if tissues or blood vessels are that fragment to form platelets) are destroyed. The hemophilias
damaged. There are two mechanisms for activation of clotting. are inherited clotting disorders caused by deficiencies of clot-
The intrinsic mechanism, so named because all clotting factors ting factors. (The most severe form, hemophilia A, is due to
are intrinsic to the blood, is the slower pathway. The intrinsic the lack of clotting Factor VIII, a step in the intrinsic clotting
mechanism explains why blood will coagulate if placed in a test pathway. You can read more about how the disease is inher-
tube that has not previously been treated with an anticoagulant. In ited in Chapter 19.) In these clotting impairments, the slightest
the body, the intrinsic mechanism is initiated by contact with the bump can cause bleeding into the tissues. Bleeding into a joint
exposed collagen in a torn blood vessel. The extrinsic mechanism causes cartilage degeneration, and resorption of underlying bone
is activated when damaged tissues release a substance called tissue can follow. Bleeding into muscles can lead to nerve damage and
thromboplastin (thus, its activation is extrinsic to blood itself). muscular atrophy. The most frequent cause of death is bleeding
Tissue thromboplastin will interact with platelets, other clotting into the brain with accompanying neurological damage. Treat-
factors, and calcium ions (Ca21). ment involves giving the patient regular transfusions containing
In the body, both clotting pathways are activated simulta- Factor VIII.
neously; their common end point is production of prothrom- Undesirable, excessive clotting may block blood flow to tis-
bin activator. As you know (from Chapter 1), blood clotting is sues. Despite the presence of anticoagulants in the blood, some-
a positive feedback mechanism. Thus, as each step occurs, it times a clot forms in an unbroken blood vessel. Such a clot is
stimulates the next step in the process. Figure 11.7 breaks down called a thrombus if it remains stationary. If the clot dislodges
the subsequent clotting process into four steps: prothrombin and travels in the blood, it is called an embolus. If this embolus
activator is formed. Prothrombin activator then converts pro- blocks a blood vessel, it is a thromboembolism. Pulmonary
thrombin to thrombin. Thrombin, in turn, severs two short thromboembolism (blockage of the pulmonary arteries by a
amino acid chains from each fibrinogen molecule, and these clot) will seriously inhibit the oxygenation of the blood; cere-
activated fragments join end-to-end, forming long threads of bral thromboembolism will cause a cerebrovascular accident or
fibrin. Fibrin threads wind around the platelet plug in the stroke. Coronary thrombosis or thromboembolism causes a heart
damaged area of the blood vessel and provide the framework attack, as discussed in Chapter 12.
for the blood clot. Red blood cells also are trapped within the
fibrin threads. These cells make a clot appear red. Though blood
clotting is a positive feedback process, once clotting is initiated, Content CHECK-UP!
the clotting process will be self-limiting. Several mechanisms
ensure that clotting is confined to just the area of injury. In 7. The parent cell that fragments to form thrombocytes is
particular, thrombin is removed from the area as it is absorbed called a:
by fibrin, trapped in the clot itself, or digested by enzymes in a. stem cell.
the blood. These important safeguards prevent the clot from b. monocyte.
becoming too large, possibly blocking blood flow to other body c. megalocyte.
areas. Limiting the clotting process to only the injured area also d. megakaryocyte.
prevents excessive consumption of the available clotting factors
8. Choose the correct sequence for hemostasis (first step to last):
in the blood.
Clot retraction follows, and the clot gets smaller as platelets a. coagulation → vascular spasm → platelet plug formation
contract. A fluid called serum (plasma minus fibrinogen and pro- b. vascular spasm → coagulation → platelet plug formation
thrombin) is squeezed from the clot. A fibrin clot is present only c. vascular spasm → platelet plug formation → coagulation
temporarily. As soon as blood vessel repair is initiated, an enzyme d. coagulation → platelet plug formation → vascular spasm
called plasmin begins to destroy the fibrin network and restore the 9. Which vitamin is necessary to form prothrombin?
fluidity of the plasma.
a. B12 c. C
Naturally, it is vital to activate clotting when tissues have
been injured. However, it is just as important that clotting not b. folic acid d. K
be activated if there is no injury. Normally, the smooth endothe- Answers in Appendix A.
lial lining of an intact blood vessel prevents clots from forming

Chapter 11 Blood 251

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Anyone who drives a car might be involved in a minor fender-bender Experts agree that the best way to stop a hemorrhage is to
type of accident. Thankfully, in those situations only the car gets “hurt.” quickly apply direct pressure to the injury site, using gauze, towels,
However, as you know, a car can be a deadly piece of equipment. Car clothing, or even your bare hand if you must. Not only does pressing
accidents are the leading cause of death for people ages 16–26, and the on a bleeding wound stop or slow the bleeding, it will also start the
fifth-leading cause of death overall, according to the Centers for Disease blood clotting process. If the cloth becomes soaked, don’t remove it;
Control (CDC). Tragically, many of these deaths are caused by severe add more layers. A clot may have begun to form in the fabric, and
bleeding, or hemorrhage, and might have been prevented. peeling it away might cause bleeding to start again. In addition, ele-
When you’re the first person at an accident scene, your help could vate the victim’s legs, and keep him or her warm. Taking these steps
make the difference between life or death for a hemorrhaging patient. will help prevent shock.
It’s important to react appropriately—first get yourself and the victim At the accident scene, EMS providers can begin an IV while
out of danger, and then call for assistance. Next, immediately check the transporting the patient to the emergency room. In addition, paramedic
patient’s ABCs: Airway—ensure that the airway is intact and open; crews, hospital emergency rooms, and military medics now carry pre-
Breathing—observe regular respiration; and Circulation—check for pared dressings that are designed to stop bleeding, even in deep
heartbeat and pulse. Once you’ve taken these steps, act quickly to stop wounds. All work by quickly drawing water out of blood plasma, con-
or slow any serious bleeding. Excessive blood loss can cause blood centrating the clotting factors at the site of the wound. This promotes
pressure to fall, a condition called hypovolemic shock. Shock causes rapid clot formation, sometimes stopping even a severe hemorrhage
organ failure and death if not treated. within minutes.

11.4 Blood Typing and Transfusions with the other ABO blood types, a person with type AB blood has
neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies in the plasma.
9. Explain the ABO and Rh systems of blood typing.
Blood compatibility is very important when transfusions are
10. Explain agglutination and its relationship to transfusions.
done. The antibodies in the plasma must not combine with the
antigens on the surface of the red blood cells, or else agglutination
A blood transfusion is the transfer of blood from one individ- occurs. With agglutination, anti-A antibodies have combined with
ual into the blood of another. In order for transfusions to be done type A antigens, or anti-B antibodies have combined with type B
safely, it is necessary for blood to be typed so that agglutination antigens, or both types of binding have occurred. Therefore, agglu-
(clumping of red blood cells) does not occur. Blood typing usually tination is expected if the donor has type A blood and the recipient
involves determining the ABO blood group and whether the indi- has type B blood (Fig. 11.9). What about other combinations of
vidual is Rh2 (negative) or Rh1 (positive). blood types? Table 11.1 shows when a blood transfusion is most
likely safe. Type O blood is sometimes called the universal donor
ABO Blood Groups because it has no antigens on the red blood cells, and type AB blood
is sometimes called the universal recipient because this blood type
ABO blood typing is based on the presence or absence of two pos-
has no antibodies in the plasma. In practice, however, there are
sible antigens, called type A antigen and type B antigen, on the
other possible blood groups, aside from ABO blood groups, so it
surface of red blood cells. Whether these antigens are present or
is necessary to physically put the donor’s blood on a slide with the
not depends on the particular inheritance of the individual.
recipient’s blood and observe whether the blood types match (no
A person with type A antigen on the surface of the red blood cells
has type A blood; one with type B blood has type B antigen on the
surface of the red blood cells. What antigens would be present on the
surface of red blood cells if the person has type AB blood or type O
TABLE 11.1 Transfusion
blood? Notice in Figure 11.8 that a person with type AB blood has both If your blood type is: You can safely receive
antigens. A person with type O blood has no AB antigens on the sur- blood of this type*
face of the red blood cell, though other protein antigens will be present.
A A or O
It so happens that an individual with type A blood has anti-B anti-
B B or O
bodies in the plasma; a person with type B blood has anti-A antibodies
AB A, B, AB, or O
in the plasma; and a person with type O blood has both antibodies in
the plasma (Fig. 11.8). These antibodies are not present at birth, but
*Regardless of ABO type, a person who is Rh2 can never be transfused with Rh1 blood.
they appear over the course of several months after birth. Unlike those

252 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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type A antigen type A antigen

anti-B antibodies type B antigen

Type A blood. Red blood cells have type A surface antigens. Type AB blood. Red blood cells have type A and type B surface
Plasma has anti-B antibodies. antigens. Plasma has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies.

type B antigen

anti-A antibodies anti-A antibody anti-B antibody

Type B blood. Red blood cells have type B surface antigens. Type O blood. Red blood cells have neither type A nor type B
Plasma has anti-A antibodies. surface antigens. Plasma has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

Figure 11.8 Types of blood. In the ABO system, blood type depends on the presence or absence of antigens A and B on the surface
of red blood cells. In these drawings, A and B antigens are represented by different shapes on the red blood cells. The possible anti­A and
anti­B antibodies in the plasma are shown for each blood type. Notice that an anti­B antibody cannot bind to an A antigen, and vice versa.

type A blood anti-B antibody no binding

of donor of type A recipient

a. No agglutination No clumping seen.

Successful blood type match.

anti-A antibody binding

type A blood
of donor
of type B recipient Figure 11.9 Cross-matching before a blood
transfusion. No agglutination (a) versus
b. Agglutination Clumping seen. agglutination (b) is determined by whether antibod­
Hemolysis occurs.
Unsuccessful blood type match. ies are present that can combine with antigens.

agglutination occurs) before blood can be safely given from one If a mother is Rh2 and the father is Rh1, the fetus conceived
person to another. This is called cross-matching blood. can be Rh1. The Rh1 red blood cells may begin leaking across
As explained in the What’s New reading on page 255, new the placenta into the mother’s cardiovascular system, as placental
technology may help to eliminate the problems of matching tissues normally break down before and at birth. The presence
blood types. of these Rh1 antigens causes the mother to produce anti-Rh
antibodies. During this pregnancy or a subsequent pregnancy with
another Rh1 baby, the anti-Rh antibodies may cross the placenta
Rh Blood Groups and destroy the child’s red blood cells. This is called hemolytic
The designation of blood type usually also includes whether the disease of the newborn (HDN) because hemolysis continues after
person has or does not have the Rh factor on the red blood cell. the baby is born (Fig. 11.10). Due to red blood cell destruction the
Rh2 individuals normally do not have antibodies to the Rh factor, baby can be severely anemic at birth. Excess bilirubin in the blood
but they make them when exposed to the Rh factor. can lead to brain damage and developmental delay, or even death.

Chapter 11 Blood 253

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red blood anti-Rh
cell antibody

Child is Rh positive; Red blood cells leak Mother makes anti-Rh Antibodies attack Rh-positive
mother is Rh negative. across placenta. antibodies. red blood cells in child.

Figure 11.10 Hemolytic disease of the newborn. Due to a pregnancy in which the child is Rh positive, an Rh­negative mother can
begin to produce antibodies against Rh­positive red blood cells. In a subsequent pregnancy, these antibodies can cross the placenta and
cause hemolysis of an Rh­positive child’s red blood cells.

The Rh problem is prevented by giving Rh2 women an Rh immu- 11.5 Effects of Aging
noglobulin injection at 28 weeks of pregnancy, followed by a second
11. Name the blood disorders that are commonly seen as we age.
injection no later than 72 hours after giving birth to an Rh1 child. This
injection, called Rho-Gam, contains anti-Rh antibodies that attack any
of the baby’s red blood cells in the mother’s blood before these cells Anemias, leukemias, and clotting disorders increase in frequency
can stimulate her immune system to produce her own antibodies. This with age. As with other disorders, good health habits can help pre-
injection is not beneficial if the woman has already begun to produce vent these conditions from appearing.
antibodies; therefore, the timing of the injection is extremely important. Iron deficiency anemia most frequently results from an iron-
deficient diet, but it can also result from a gradual and sometimes
undetectable loss of blood. It is vital that the bleeding source be
Content CHECK-UP! discovered as soon as possible. For example, iron deficiency anemia
is often a first symptom of colon cancer in its early stage. The blood
10. Which of the following correctly describes type AB blood? is often not visible in a person’s stool because it has oxidized and is
a. A antigen and B antigen on the red cell membrane, anti­A concealed in the stool. An occult blood test (test for oxidized blood
and anti­B antibodies in plasma present in the stool) can detect this source of blood loss.
b. A antigen and B antigen on the red cell membrane, no Pernicious anemia most often signals that the digestive tract is
antibodies in plasma unable to absorb enough vitamin B12, but it can also be due to a diet
c. A antigen on the red cell membrane, anti­B antibodies in deficient in B12. Diets that completely exclude animal-derived protein
plasma sources (called vegan diets) are often B12 deficient. A vitamin supple-
d. B antigen on the red cell membrane, anti­A antibodies in ment containing B12 will prevent pernicious anemia in vegan dieters.
plasma Leukemia is a form of cancer that generally increases in fre-
11. Which of the following transfusions would most likely be safe quency with age because of both intrinsic (genetic) and extrinsic
to administer? (environmental) reasons.
a. type A blood to a type B blood recipient
Thromboembolism, a clotting disorder, may be associated
with the progressive development of atherosclerosis in an elderly
b. type AB blood to a type B blood recipient
person. When arteries develop plaque (see Fig. 12A), thromboem-
c. type B blood to a type AB recipient bolism often follows. For many people, atherosclerosis can be con-
d. type AB blood to a type O recipient trolled by diet and exercise, as discussed in the Chapter 12 Medical
12. Hemolytic disease of the newborn occurs in which situation? Focus, “Preventing Cardiovascular Disease.”
a. Rh1 mother, Rh2 father, Rh1 fetus
b. Rh2 mother, Rh2 father, Rh1 fetus Content CHECK-UP!
2 1 1
c. Rh mother, Rh father, Rh fetus 13. Elderly people often have poor appetites and don’t eat well.
d. Rh1 mother, Rh2 father, Rh2 fetus How can this cause anemia?
Answers in Appendix A. Answer in Appendix A.

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What's New
Improvements in Transfusion Technology

If you work in an emergency room (ER) setting, having a supply of Unlike fibroblasts, iPSCs are capable of converting into hematopoietic
donor blood available for transfusion is a problem that you and your cells. After a month of growth in an environment similar to that of
co-workers will face every day. Your patient may be a victim of a car bone marrow, the iPSCs produced red blood cells that were then har-
accident, a shooting, or a stabbing. Perhaps she’s a pregnant woman vested from the cell culture. Because the fibroblasts had been obtained
who is hemorrhaging, or a leukemia sufferer whose hematocrit from an O-negative donor, all of the red blood cells were universal
(see page 243) has dropped dangerously low because of chemotherapy. donor cells and could therefore be transfused into anyone, regardless of
Without an immediate blood transfusion, the patient’s tissue cells will A-B-O or Rh blood type. The researchers are optimistic that this
die from lack of oxygen. If the ER is a major trauma center in a large technique can be applied to large-scale manufacturing. If that’s
city hospital, donor blood for transfusion is usually available, and the possible, it would lead to a steady, reliable, infection-free supply of
ready supply of O-negative blood can theoretically be donated universal donor red blood cells.
to anyone. In the meantime, research continues to explore ways of
But what if the transfusion is needed in a remote area where chemically altering red blood cell membranes. Once again, the goal is
whole blood isn’t available, such as a wartime field hospital or an to find a way to convert all donated blood to O-negative universal
accident scene on an isolated stretch of highway? Likewise, small donor blood, making it safe for anyone needing a transfusion. One
regional hospitals face regular shortages of donor blood. In an strategy involves antigen camouflage, in which the cell membrane
emergency (for example, a hemorrhaging patient), the patient can proteins are covered with a plastic-like “coat.” Once coated, the pro-
be transfused with plasma if whole blood is not available. How- teins can’t trigger a transfusion reaction in the recipient. A second
ever, plasma shortages are possible as well, especially in a mass procedure uses bacterial-derived enzymes to “scrub” the red blood
casualty situation. Further, although the majority of transfusions cells of A, B, and Rh antigens, essentially converting every donated
are safe, there is always a small chance of a transfusion reaction, unit into O-negative blood. Treated cells are called Enzyme Con-
in which the recipient’s immune system rejects the donor blood. verted group O (ECO) cells, and blood containing these cells has
Moreover, even though blood is carefully tested for viruses and already been safely transfused. Similarly, the problem of blood
other infectious agents, infection from donated blood is still a very plasma shortage is being addressed by a company developing tech-
slight possibility. niques to spray-dry blood plasma. Once dry, the plasma can be safely
Recent developments show promise in combating the problems stored without refrigeration for long periods of time, then dissolved in
of blood availability and safety by providing a constant supply of sterile solution to create plasma for transfusion.
O-negative universal donor cells. Scientists at the University of Whenever possible, surgeons avoid human-to-human blood
Edinburgh have successfully produced red blood cells from stem cells. transfusion entirely by using the patient’s own blood during an
These stem cells, called fibroblasts, were obtained from an adult donor. operation. This procedure is called autologous transfusion or
(Fibroblasts are described in Chapter 4.) The fibroblasts were then autotransfusion. For example, patients can have plasma or whole
“de-differentiated”—coaxed into becoming more primitive versions of blood stored before an elective surgery such as a hip replacement.
themselves—to create induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Then the patient receives a transfusion using his or her own blood
if needed. Intraoperative blood salvage, using an apparatus called
a “Cell Saver,” allows an emergency room physician or surgeon to
suction blood from the patient’s body. The suctioned blood is
immediately mixed with an anticoagulant, washed with a saline
solution to remove any contaminants, mixed with more saline, and
then reintroduced into a vein just like a traditional transfusion. The
procedure is quite fast: To prepare an entire unit of blood for rein-
fusion into the patient takes only three minutes. In addition, auto-
LM 2503
transfusion completely eliminates the possibility of transfusion
Erythrocytes reaction.
Until blood replacement technologies are perfected, there will
Figure 11B Erythrocytes passing through a capillary. always be a critical need for blood donation. To find out how you can
The cells line up in a single file to travel through these tiny
help, visit the Red Cross blood donor website at http://www.redcross

Chapter 11 Blood 255

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Blood at the Crime Scene
In cases of violent crime such as homicide, assault, or sexual assault, the a struggle occurred, if the victim moved or was dragged, etc. For exam-
presence of blood at the crime scene is often the most important evidence. ple, research has shown that the shape of blood drops can yield useful
Blood evidence can tell an entire story about the crime—how a victim information about a crime. If sprayed from a short distance, a blood
was attacked, whether the victim fought back or tried to escape, the type drop will form a perfect circle on a wall or floor; however, blood that
of weapon used, and perhaps even the identity of the attacker. Extensive travels a greater distance will form a “sunburst” pattern. Droplet shape
research on the chemistry and properties of blood evidence, along with also yields information about the speed of travel from a person’s body.
detailed examination of the crime scene, can enable a forensic serologist When a droplet travels slowly from the body to an object (for example,
to help solve violent crime cases. (Forensic serologists are scientists a wall), it will form a circular drop. Blood that travels at a fast speed
trained in the examination of blood and body fluid at a crime scene.) from the body to the object will form an elongated, “teardrop” shape.
Upon arrival at the scene, investigators must first carry out a care- Blood flying in a trail of droplets from a knife or a club will leave a trail
ful visual inspection for the presence of blood. Because blood hemo- of spatters called a castoff pattern. Smeared blood may indicate that the
globin is a protein molecule (globin) containing an iron pigment body has been dragged, or that the victim attempted to escape.
(heme), its stains are very difficult to remove completely from con- If the suspect was wounded in a struggle, the suspect’s blood may
taminated areas. As a result, a criminal who tries to clean up blood will be present at the crime scene along with that of the victim. Blood
almost always leave traces behind. Investigators sample between floor- chemistry is as individual as a fingerprint, and can positively confirm
boards, under baseboards, in carpet padding, and on all surface areas. the identity of the suspect. ABO and Rh blood typing, studies of unique
Tests can be done to confirm that a stain is due to human blood and not blood proteins, and DNA analysis (see page 61) are carried out on all
some other reddish-brown chemical. One test involves spraying the blood samples. Other body fluids, if present, may also need to be tested
stain with luminol, a chemical that binds with blood and then glows in because approximately 80% of the human population is comprised of
the dark. The Takayama and Teichmann tests cause crystals to form secretors—individuals whose blood proteins and enzymes are present
from hemoglobin, confirming the presence of blood. Furthermore, by in saliva, tears, urine, semen, and skin, as well as in their blood. The
testing with anti-human antibodies (protein molecules from rabbits), data from these tests identify the source of blood samples, which can
researchers can prove that a sample is in fact human in origin. be statistically narrowed down to one person in several billion. Thus,
Careful documentation and analysis of the location and shape of for all practical purposes, a positive match against a suspect’s blood
any drops, spatters, or smears follows next. This type of evidence is can be made. Evidence such as this can prove that a suspect was at the
carefully recorded and can also help investigators to piece together the crime scene and result in a conviction. Just as important, blood analy-
events of the crime—the position of the suspect and the victim, whether sis may serve to acquit an innocent person.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms fibrinogen (fī­brĭn9ō­jĕn), p. 250 multipotent stem cell (mŭl9tĭ­po9 tent stĕm sĕl),
formed element (fŏrmd ĕl9ĕ­mĕnt), p. 243 p. 244
agglutination (ŭh­glūtĭ­nā9shŭn), p. 252
globulin (glŏb9ū­lĭn), p. 244 natural killer cell (nătch9ŭh­rŭl kĭl9ŭr sĕl), p. 248
agranular leukocyte (ā­grăn9yū­lĕr lū9kō­sīt), p. 248
granular leukocyte (grăn9ū­lĕr lū9kō­sīt), p. 248 neutrophil (nū9trō­fĭl), p. 248
albumin (ăl­byū9mĭn), p. 244
hematocrit (hē­măt9ō­krĭt), p. 243 osmotic pressure (ŏz­mŏt9ĭk prĕsh9ur), p. 244
antibody (ăn9tĭ­bŏdē), p. 250
hematopoiesis (hē9mŭh­tō­poī­ē9sĭs), p. 244 pathogen (păth9ō­jĕn), p. 243
antigen (ăn9tĭ­jĕn), p. 248
hemoglobin (hē9mō­glōbĭn), p. 244 plasma (plăz9mŭh), p. 243
basophil (bā9sō­fĭl), p. 248
hemolysis (hē­mŏl9ĭ­sĭs), p. 248 platelet (plāt9lĕt), p. 250
bile pigments (bīl pĭg9mĕnts), p. 248
hemostasis (hē9mŭh­stā9sĭs), p. 250 platelet plug (plāt9lĕt plŭg), p. 250
buffy coat (bŭ9fē kōt), p. 243
intrinsic mechanism (ĭn­trĭn9sĭk mĕ9kŭn­ĭzm), prothrombin (prō­thrŏm9bĭn), p. 250
coagulation (kō­ăgyū­lā9shŭn), p. 250
p. 251 prothrombin activator (prō­thrŏm9bĭn ăk9tĭ­
eosinophil (ēō­sĭn9ō­fĭl), p. 248
leukocytes (lū9 kō­sītz), p. 248 vātŏr), p. 251
erythrocyte (ĕ­rĭthrō­sīt9), p. 244
lipoproteins (lĭpō­prō9tēnz), p. 244 red blood cell (rĕd blŭd sĕl), p. 244
erythropoietin (ĕ­rĭthrō­pōy9ĕ­tĭn),
lymphocyte (lĭm9fō­sīt), p. 248 reticulocyte (rŭh­tĭk9yū­lō­sīt), p. 247
p. 247
macrophage (măk9rō­fāj), p. 250 serum (sē9rŭm), p. 251
extrinsic mechanism (ĕks­trĭn9sĭk mĕ9kŭn­ĭzm),
p. 251 megakaryocyte (mĕgŭh­kār9ē­ō­sīt), p. 250 thrombin (thrŏm9bĭn), p. 251
fibrin (fī9brĭn), p. 251 monocyte (mŏn9ō­sīt), p. 250 thrombocyte (thrŏm9bō­sīt), p. 250

256 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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tissue thromboplastin (tĭ9shū thrŏm9bō­ dietary anemia (dī9 ŭh­tĕrē ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh), iron deficiency anemia (ī9ĕrn dĭ­fī9shŭn­sē ŭh­
plăstĭn), p. 251 p. 249 nē9mē­ŭh), p. 249
vascular spasm (văs9kyū­lĕr spăzm), p. 250 differential white blood cell count (dĭfĕr­ leukemia (lū­kē9mē­ŭh), p. 249
white blood cell (whīt blŭd sĕl), p. 248 ĕn9shŭl whīt blŭd sĕl kŏwnt), p. 249 leukocytosis (lūkō­sī­tō9sĭs), p. 249
embolus (ĕm9bō­lŭs), p. 251 leukopenia (lūkō­pē9nē­ŭh), p. 249
hemolytic anemia (hē­mō­lĭt9ĭk ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh), mononucleosis (mŏnō­nūklē­ō9sĭs), p. 249
Clinical Key Terms p. 249 pernicious anemia (pĕr­nĭ9shŭs ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh),
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ŭh­kyūt9 lĭm­fō­ hemolytic disease of the newborn (hē­mō­lĭt9ĭk p. 249
blăs9tĭk lū­kē9mē­ŭh), p. 249 dĭ­zēz9 ŏv thăh nū9bŏrn), p. 249 polycythemia (pŏlē­sī­thē9mē­ŭh), p. 247
anemia (ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh), p. 249 hemophilia (hē­mō­fĭl9ē­ŭh), p. 251 sickle­cell disease (sĭ9kl sĕl dĭ­zēz9), p. 249
aplastic anemia (ā­plăs9tĭk ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh), hemorrhage (hĕm9ō­rĭj), p. 252
p. 249 sickle­cell trait (sĭ9kl sĕl trāt), p. 249
hemorrhagic anemia (hĕm9ō­răj­ĭk ŭh­ stroke (strōk), p. 251
autotransfusion (ăh9tō­trănz­fyūzhŭn), p. 255 nē9mē­ŭh), p. 249
blood transfusion (blŭd trăns­fyŭ9zhŭn), p. 252 thrombocytopenia (thrŏmbō­sī­tō­pē9nē­ŭh),
hemorrhagic bleeding (hĕm9ō­răj­ĭk blē9dĭng), p. 251
cerebrovascular accident (sŭh­rē9 brō­văs p. 251
kyŭh­lĕr ăk9sĭ­dĕnt), p. 251 thromboembolism (thrŏmbō­ĕm9bō­lĭzm), p. 251
hypovolemic shock (hī9pō­vō­lē9mĭk shŏk), p. 252
thrombus (thrŏm9bŭs), p. 251

11.1 The Composition and Functions of C. Red blood cells are small, bicon­ neutrophils die within a few days
Blood cave disks that lack a nucleus. when they are fighting an infec­
A. Blood, which is composed of Men have more RBCs than tion. Natural killer (NK) cells are
formed elements and plasma, has women because of the effects of granulocytes structurally similar to
several functions. It transports androgens such as testosterone. lymphocytes which help to de­
hormones, oxygen, and nutrients Red blood cells contain hemo­ stroy damaged body cells. The
to the cells and carbon dioxide globin, the respiratory pigment, agranulocytes include the lym­
and other wastes away from the which combines with oxygen and phocytes and the monocytes,
cells. It fights infections. It regu­ transports it to the tissues. Red which function in specific immu­
lates body temperature, and blood cells live about 120 days nity. On occasion, the monocytes
keeps the pH of body fluids within and are destroyed in the liver become large phagocytic cells of
normal limits. All of these func­ and spleen when they are old or great significance. They engulf
tions help maintain homeostasis. abnormal. The production of red worn­out red blood cells and
11.2 Components of Blood blood cells is controlled by the pathogens at a ferocious rate.
A. Plasma is mostly water (92%) and oxygen concentration of the 11.3 Platelets and Hemostasis
solutes (8%). Small organic blood. When the oxygen A. The extremely plentiful platelets
molecules such as glucose and concentration decreases, the result from fragmentation of
amino acids are dissolved in kidneys increase their produc­ megakaryocytes.
plasma and serve as nutrients for tion of erythropoietin, and more B. The three events of hemostasis
cells; urea is a waste product. red blood cells are produced. are vascular spasm, platelet plug
Large organic molecules include D. White blood cells are larger than formation, and coagulation. Extrin­
the plasma proteins. The plasma red blood cells, have a nucleus, sic and intrinsic pathways that acti­
proteins, most of which are pro­ and are translucent unless vate the clotting mechanism both
duced by the liver, occur in three stained. Like red blood cells, they cause formation of prothrombin
categories: albumins, globulins, are produced in the red bone activator, which breaks down pro­
and fibrinogen. The plasma pro­ marrow. White blood cells are di­ thrombin to thrombin. Thrombin
teins maintain osmotic pressure, vided into the granular leukocytes changes fibrinogen to fibrin
help regulate pH, and transport and the agranular leukocytes. The threads, entrapping cells. The fluid
molecules. Certain plasma pro­ granular leukocytes have con­ that escapes from a clot is called
teins have specific functions: The spicuous granules; in eosinophils, serum and consists of plasma mi­
gamma globulins, which are anti­ granules are red when stained nus fibrinogen and prothrombin.
bodies produced by B lympho­ with eosin, and in basophils, gran­ 11.4 Blood Typing and Transfusions
cytes, function in immunity; ules are blue when stained with a A. ABO typing is the most common
fibrinogen and prothrombin are basic dye. In neutrophils, some of blood typing system used. Type
necessary to blood clotting. the granules take up eosin, and A, type B, both type A and B, or
B. All blood cells, including red others take up the basic dye, giv­ no antigens can be on the surface
blood cells, are produced within ing them a lilac color. Neutrophils of red blood cells. In the plasma,
red bone marrow from stem cells, are the most plentiful of the white there are two possible antibodies:
which are constantly capable of blood cells, and they are able to anti­A or anti­B. If the correspond­
dividing and producing new cells. phagocytize pathogens. Many ing antigen and antibody are put

Chapter 11 Blood 257

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together during a transfusion, ag­ gen must also be considered in cross the placenta and destroy
glutination occurs. Therefore, it is transfusing blood, and it is im­ the red blood cells of any subse­
necessary to determine an indi­ portant during pregnancy be­ quent Rh1 child.
vidual’s blood type before a cause an Rh2 mother may form 11.5 Effects of Aging
transfusion is given. antibodies to the Rh antigen As we age, anemias, leukemias, and
B. Another important antigen is the when giving birth to an Rh1 clotting disorders increase in fre­
Rh antigen. This particular anti­ child. These antibodies can quency.

Study Questions
1. Name the two main components of of red blood cells is regulated. red blood cells and the antibody(ies)
blood, and describe the functions of (pp. 247–248) in the plasma. (pp. 252–253)
blood. (pp. 243–244) 5. Name the six types of white blood 8. Explain why a person with type O
2. List and discuss the major components cells. Describe the structure and give a blood cannot receive a transfusion of
of plasma. Name several plasma pro­ function for each type. (pp. 248, 250) type A blood. (pp. 252–253)
teins, and give a function for each. 6. Name the steps that take place when 9. Problems can arise if the mother is
(pp. 244–245) blood clots. Which substances are pres­ which Rh type and the father is which
3. What is hemoglobin, and how does it ent in blood at all times, and which appear Rh type? Explain why this is so.
function? (pp. 246–247) during the clotting process? (pp. 250–251) (pp. 253­254)
4. Describe the life cycle of red blood 7. What are the four ABO blood types?
cells, and tell how the production For each, state the antigen(s) on the

Learning Outcome Questions

I. Fill in the blanks. 6. B lymphocytes produce II. Match the terms in the key to the
1. The liquid part of blood is called , and T lymphocytes descriptions in questions 10–13.
. attack and pathogens. Key:
2. Red blood cells carry , 7. When a blood clot occurs, fibrino­ a. hematocrit
and white blood cells . gen has been converted to b. red blood cell count
3. Hemoglobin that is carrying oxygen threads. c. white blood cell count
is called . 8. AB blood has the antigens d. hemoglobin
4. Human red blood cells lack a and on
10. 5,000 to 11,000 per cubic
and only live about the red blood cells and
days. of these antibodies in
11. 4 to 6 million per cubic millimeter in
5. The most common granular leuko­ the plasma.
cyte is the , a phago­ 9. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
12. Just under 45% of blood volume
cytic white blood cell. can occur when the mother is
13. 200 million molecules in one red
and the father is
blood cell

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. hematemesis (hĕmŭh­tĕm9ĕ­sĭs) 9. megaloblastic anemia (mĕg9ŭh­lō­
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. erythrocytometry (ĕ­rĭthrō­sī­tŏm9ĕ­trē) blăs9tĭk ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. leukocytogenesis (lūkō­sītō­jĕn9ĕ­sĭs) 10. microcytic hypochromic anemia (mī9krō­
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. hemophobia (hēmō­fō9bē­ŭh) sĭt9ĭk hīpō­krō9mĭk ŭh­nē9mē­ŭh)
found throughout the chapter. For addi­ 5. afibrinogenemia (ŭh­fībrĭn­ō­jĕ­nē9mē­ŭh) 11. hematology (hē9mŭh­tŏl9ō­jē)
tional help, use McGraw­Hill Connect™ at 6. lymphosarcoma (lĭmfō­săr­kō9mŭh) 12. lymphedema (lĭmf9ŭh­dē9mŭh) and consult 7. phlebotomy (flĕ­bŏt9ō­mē) 13. antithrombin (ăntē­thrŏm9bĭn)
Appendix B. 8. hemocytoblast (hē9mō­sī9tō­blăst)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in­
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

258 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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12 The Cardiovascular System
A s you’ll recall from Chapter 5, tattoos have been part of human cultural
practice for centuries. However, it may surprise you to hear that tattoos
once had an interesting medical application as well: ensuring the health of the
original Mercury 7 astronauts before their space voyages in the early 1960s.
John Glenn, pictured here, was one of the original pioneer astronauts, and the
first man to orbit the Earth. He and his fellow astronauts underwent hundreds
of electrocardiograms throughout the years of the program. An
electrocardiogram is a record of the heart’s electrical activity, and is an
important indicator of heart health. Cardiologists (physicians who specialize in
heart care) tattooed Glenn’s chest so that when each repeated
electrocardiogram was taken, the recording pads (called electrodes) would
always be placed in the same position. By creating these permanent markings,
the doctors hoped to ensure the accuracy of the recordings. Glenn was a
pioneer once again, as the oldest space traveler—at age 77, he flew on the
space shuttle Discovery, launched on October 29, 1998. This time, however,
improved ECG technology eliminated the need for his tattoos. Instead,
computers provided constant, real-time information about every aspect of his
heart’s performance: electrocardiogram, heart rate, strength of contraction,
blood pressure, etc. You can find out more about how electrocardiograms are
recorded and used in the Medical Focus on page 269.
Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

12.1 Anatomy of the Heart 12.4 Physiology of Circulation 12.7 Homeostasis

1. Describe the location of the heart 11. Explain how blood pressure changes 19. Describe how the cardiovascular
and its functions. throughout the vascular system, and system works with other systems of
2. Detail the wall and coverings of describe the factors that determine the body to maintain homeostasis.
the heart. blood pressure.
3. Trace the path of blood through the 12. Describe how blood pressure is I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency
heart, naming its chambers and valves. regulated.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated
4. Explain the operation of the heart 13. Define pulse, and tell where the
External Defibrillation
valves. pulse may be taken.
5. Outline the coronary circulation, 14. Describe shock due to hypotension
and various medical consequences Medical Focus
and discuss several coronary
circulation disorders and possible of hypertension. Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, and Coronary
treatments. Artery Disease
12.5 Circulatory Routes The Electrocardiogram
12.2 Physiology of the Heart 15. Name the two circuits of the Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
6. Describe the conduction system of cardiovascular system, and trace the
the heart. path of blood from the heart to any What’s New
organ in the body and back to the heart. Novel Stent for the Severest Strokes
7. Label and explain a normal
electrocardiogram. 16. Describe the major systemic arteries
and the major systemic veins. Human Systems Work Together
8. Describe the cardiac cycle and the
heart sounds. 17. Describe several special circulations:
Cardiovascular System
blood supply to the liver, blood
9. Describe the cardiac output and
supply to the brain, and fetal
regulation of the heartbeat.
12.3 Anatomy of Blood Vessels 12.6 Effects of Aging
10. Name the three types of blood
18. Describe the anatomical and
vessels, and describe their structure
physiological changes that occur in the
and function.
cardiovascular system as we age.


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Chapter 11 described the components of blood and detailed the role 2. keeps the blood flowing in one direction—blood flows away
that blood has in transport, defense, and regulation. In this chapter, from and then back to the heart in each circuit;
we’ll study the body’s transportation system: the cardiovascular sys- 3. creates blood pressure, which moves the blood through the
tem. We’ll begin with the anatomy and physiology of the heart and circuits;
of the blood vessels. Then, we’ll take a look at various branches of 4. regulates the blood supply based on the current needs of the body;
the circulatory system. A crucial function of circulation is to connect 5. serves as an endocrine gland, producing atrial natriuretic
the body’s trillions of cells so that each organ system can carry out its hormone (ANH, or atriopeptide) for regulation of blood pressure.
homeostatic function. In the lungs, oxygen enters and carbon dioxide
exits the blood, and this exchange helps to maintain acid-base bal-
ance in a normal range. (You’ll read more about acid-base balance in CO2 head and O2
upper limbs
Chapters 14 and 16.). The small intestine absorbs nutrient molecules
into the blood. The kidneys allow metabolic wastes to exit the blood,
jugular veins capillaries carotid arteries
while reabsorbing critical ions, molecules, and nutrients and helping from head, to head, subclavian
subclavian veins
to maintain a normal pH. If the body becomes too cool, blood can be from upper limbs
arteries to upper limbs

directed away from the surface to be warmed by the muscles. Con-

versely, blood that is too warm can be diverted to the skin so that heat
can be lost to the surroundings. None of these homeostatic functions—
maintaining O2/CO2, nutrient, pH, and temperature balance—would vena cava
be possible without transportation from the circulatory system. pulmonary artery
The cardiovascular system consists of three components: O2-rich blood O2-poor CO2
to body blood
(1) the heart, which pumps blood so that it flows to tissue capil- to lungs
laries and lung capillaries, (2) the blood vessels through which CO2
the blood flows, and (3) the blood itself, which as you learned in
the previous chapter, is a tissue. As you can see in Figure 12.1, the capillaries

cardiovascular system is divided into two functional systems. The O2

right side of the heart and its blood vessels form the pulmonary
circuit, which pumps blood to the lungs. There, oxygen diffuses
into the bloodstream, and CO2 diffuses into the alveoli (the lung’s
air sacs) to be exhaled. The left side of the heart and its vessels Right Lung
Left Lung
inferior vein
form the systemic circuit, which supplies blood containing oxygen vena cava
and nutrients to the entire body.

12.1 Anatomy of the Heart vein arteries supplying
blood to digestive organs
1. Describe the location of the heart and its functions. liver digestive
hepatic tract
2. Detail the wall and coverings of the heart. portal renal artery
3. Trace the path of blood through the heart, naming its chambers and renal vein common
valves. common iliac artery
4. Explain the operation of the heart valves. iliac vein
internal internal
5. Outline the coronary circulation, and discuss several coronary circu- iliac artery
iliac vein
lation disorders and possible treatments.
external external
The heart is located in the thoracic cavity within the mediasti- iliac vein
CO2 O2
iliac artery
pelvic organs
num, a serous membrane sac between the lungs. It is a hollow,
cone-shaped, muscular organ. To approximate the size of your
heart, make a fist and then clasp the fist with your opposite hand.
Figure 12.1 shows that the base (the widest part) of the heart is
superior to its apex (the pointed tip), which rests on the diaphragm. CO2 O2
Also, the heart lies on a slant; the base is directed toward the right lower limbs
shoulder, and the apex points to the left hip. The base is deep to the
Figure 12.1 Cardiovascular system. The right side of
second rib, and the apex is at the level of the fifth intercostal space the heart pumps blood through vessels of the pulmonary circuit.
(though these positions can vary depending on a person’s size). The left side of the heart pumps blood through vessels of the
As the heart pumps the blood through the pulmonary and sys- systemic circuit. Gas exchange and nutrient-for-waste exchange
temic vessels, it performs these functions: occur as blood passes through lung (pulmonary) capillaries and
tissue (systemic) capillaries. In this illustration, red vessels carry
1. keeps oxygenated blood separate from partially deoxygen-
O2-rich blood, and blue vessels carry O2-poor blood.
ated blood;

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Figure 12.2 The coverings and wall of the heart.
(a) The visceral serous pericardium covers the heart. The tough
outer fibrous pericardium that surrounds the heart is lined by pari-
etal serous pericardium. (b) After covering the heart, the visceral
fibrous pericardium pericardium folds back over the heart and creates the parietal
pericardium. The space between them is the pericardial cavity.
(c) The heart has three layers, from deep to superficial: endocar-
parietal serous dium, myocardium, and epicardium (visceral serous pericardium).
pericardial cavity
visceral serous
parietal simple squamous
serous epithelium
pericardium epicardium
areolar connective (visceral serous
pericardial tissue and fat
cavity pericardium)

heart wall

myocardium (cardiac muscle)

areolar connective tissue

endothelium endocardium
a. c.

The Wall and Coverings of the Heart A layer of the heart can become inflamed due to infection,
cancer, injury, or a complication of surgery. The suffix “itis” added
The heart is composed of three layers, as shown in Figure 12.2. The
to the name of a heart condition tells which layer is affected. For
innermost layer, the endocardium, is a single layer of simple squa-
example, pericarditis refers to inflammation of the pericardium,
mous epithelium, called endothelium. Endothelium not only lines
and endocarditis refers to inflammation of the endocardium.
the heart but it also continues into and lines the blood vessels. Its
smooth nature helps prevent blood from clotting unnecessarily. The
central myocardium is the thickest part of the heart wall and is made Chambers of the Heart
up of cardiac muscle (see Fig. 4.15). When cardiac muscle fibers con- The heart has four hollow chambers: two superior atria (sing.,
tract, the heart beats. The outermost layer is the epicardium, which atrium) and two inferior ventricles (Fig. 12.3). Each atrium has
is also called the visceral serous pericardium (the term visceral an anterior pocket-like flap called an auricle. The auricles expand
means organ, and refers to the fact that this layer covers the heart). fully when the atrium fills with blood. Auricles also contain cells
After covering the heart, the visceral pericardium folds back over the that produce atrial natriuretic hormone (see p. 228), as well as car-
heart, creating the parietal serous pericardium. The two serous mem- diac stem cells. Internally, the atria are separated by the interatrial
branes (epicardium and parietal pericardium) secrete pericardial fluid septum, and the ventricles are separated by the interventricular
(a fluid similar to plasma). The pericardial fluid reduces friction as septum (plural, septa). Therefore, the heart’s pulmonary circuit (its
the heart beats. The parietal pericardium is fused to the outermost fi- right side) is completely separated from its systemic circuit (the
brous pericardium. The fibrous pericardium is a thick layer of fibrous left side) by the septa. However, it’s important to note that though
connective tissue that adheres to the great blood vessels at the heart’s they are physically separated, the pulmonary and systemic circuits
base and anchors the heart to the diaphragm and the mediastinal wall. perform their work together. Thus, the two atria contract simultane-
The coverings of the heart protect the heart, confine it to its location, ously, and then the two ventricles contract simultaneously.
and prevent it from overfilling, while still allowing the heart to con- The thickness of each chamber’s myocardium is suited to its
tract and carry out its function of pumping the blood. function. The atria have thin walls, and each pumps blood into the

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 261

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left subclavian artery
left common carotid artery
brachiocephalic artery

superior vena cava

left pulmonary artery

pulmonary trunk
left pulmonary veins
right pulmonary artery

right pulmonary veins

semilunar valve
left atrium b.

right atrium
(bicuspid) valve
(tricuspid) valve

chordae tendineae

papillary muscles Figure 12.3 Internal heart anatomy.

right ventricle
(a) The heart has four valves. The two atrioventricu-
lar valves allow blood to pass from the atria to the
interventricular septum ventricles, and the two semilunar valves allow blood
to pass out of the heart (the aortic semilunar valve
left ventricle
lies deep to the pulmonary semilunar valve in this
inferior vena cava view). (b) Photomicrograph of a heart valve, show-
ing the fibrous chordae tendineae that attach the
valve to the heart wall.

ventricle below. The ventricles are thicker, and they pump blood Blood from the right ventricle passes through a semilunar
into blood vessels that travel to other parts of the body. The thinner valve into the pulmonary trunk. Semilunar valves are so called
myocardium of the right ventricle is suited for pumping blood to the because their cusps are thought to resemble half-moons. This par-
lungs, which are nearby in the thoracic cavity. The left ventricle has ticular semilunar valve, called the pulmonary semilunar valve,
a thicker wall than the right ventricle. Thicker myocardium enables prevents blood from flowing back into the right ventricle.
the left ventricle to pump its blood to all other parts of the body. Note in Figure 12.3 that the pulmonary trunk divides into the
left and right pulmonary arteries. For help in remembering how
Right Atrium blood flows through the heart, trace the path of O2-poor blood from
At its posterior wall, the right atrium receives O2-poor blood from the vena cava to the pulmonary arteries that take blood to the lungs
three veins: the superior vena cava, the coronary sinus, and the in- (see Fig. 12.1).
ferior vena cava. Venous blood passes from the right atrium into the
right ventricle through an atrioventricular (AV) valve. This valve, In the Lungs
like the other heart valves, directs the flow of blood and prevents Within the right and left lungs, the pulmonary arteries divide to form
any backflow. The AV valve on the right side of the heart is specifi- smaller and smaller arterioles. The smallest arterioles supply pulmo-
cally called the tricuspid valve because it has three cusps, or flaps. nary capillaries: tiny blood vessels which cover the alveoli, or air
sacs of the lungs. As you know from Chapter 4, both capillaries and
Right Ventricle alveoli are composed of simple squamous epithelium, an exceed-
In the right ventricle, the cusps of the tricuspid valve are con- ingly thin tissue. The respiratory gases oxygen and carbon dioxide
nected to fibrous cords, called the chordae tendineae (meaning freely diffuse between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries. The
“heart strings”). The chordae tendineae in turn are connected to the capillaries then empty into pulmonary venules, which join to form
papillary muscles, which are conical extensions of the myocardium. larger veins. The largest of these veins are the four pulmonary veins.

262 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Left Atrium (if the semilunar valve fails). Most often, the valves of the systemic
At its posterior wall, the left atrium receives O2-rich blood from circulation—bicuspid (or mitral) valves and the aortic semilunar
the pulmonary veins. Two veins come from each lung. Blood passes valve—are affected. The backflow causes a heart murmur, which
from the left atrium into the left ventricle through an AV valve. The is typically a clicking or swishing sound heard after the first heart
AV valve on the left side is specifically called the bicuspid valve sound (“lub”). A trained physician or health professional can di-
because it has two cusps. (In the United States, the bicuspid valve is agnose heart murmurs from their sound and timing. A person can
more commonly referred to as the mitral valve, so called because be born with a valve deformity (called a congenital valve defect),
the valve is similar in shape to a bishop’s hat, or mitre.) or the valve can be damaged by bacterial infection. For example,
rheumatic fever begins in the throat, and then spreads throughout
the body. The bacteria attack connective tissue in the heart valves
Left Ventricle as well as other organs. Further, antibodies produced by the in-
The left ventricle forms the apex of the heart. The papillary mus- fected individual can also damage the valves. Fortunately, defective
cles in the left ventricle are quite large, and the chordae tendineae heart valves can be repaired surgically, or replaced with a synthetic
attached to the AV valve are thicker and stronger than those in the valve or one taken from a pig’s heart.
right ventricle.
Blood passes from the left ventricle through a semilunar valve
into the aorta. This semilunar valve is appropriately called the Coronary Circulation
aortic semilunar valve. The semilunar cusps of this valve are Cardiac muscle fibers and the other types of cells in the wall of
larger and thicker than those of the pulmonary semilunar valve. the heart are not nourished by the blood in the chambers; diffu-
Just beyond the aortic semilunar valve lie the first branches from sion of oxygen and nutrients from this blood to all the cells that
the aorta. These are the coronary arteries—blood vessels that lie on make up the heart would be too slow. Instead, these cells receive
and nourish the heart itself. The rest of the blood stays in the aorta, nutrients and rid themselves of wastes at capillaries embedded in
which continues as the arch of the aorta and then the descending aorta. the heart wall.
As mentioned previously, the right and left coronary arteries
Operation of the Heart Valves branch from the aorta just superior to the aortic semilunar valve
(Fig. 12.4). Each of these arteries branches and then rebranches,
and Heart Sounds until the heart is encircled by small arterial blood vessels. Some
Let’s take a look at how the valves of the heart operate to create a of these join so that there are several routes to reach any particular
one-way flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles to the arter- capillary bed in the heart. Alternate routes are helpful if an ob-
ies. The AV valves (tricuspid and mitral valve) are open when the struction should occur along the path of blood reaching cardiac
ventricles are filling with blood. When a ventricle contracts, how- muscle cells. The Medical Focus on pp. 267–268 describes the
ever, the increasing pressure of the blood inside the ventricle forces cause, and some treatment options, for obstruction of the coronary
the cusps of the AV valve to slam shut. The force of the blood can arteries.
be compared to a strong wind that can blow a door (the valve cusps) After blood has passed through cardiac capillaries, it is taken
shut. However, when the ventricle contracts, the papillary muscles up by vessels that join to form veins. The coronary veins are spe-
also contract, causing the chordae tendineae to tighten and pull on cifically called cardiac veins. The cardiac veins enter a coronary
the valve. Thus, AV valves in the normal heart are prevented from sinus, which is essentially a thin-walled vein. The coronary sinus
inverting back up into the atrium. enters the right atrium, where deoxygenated blood mixes with the
The semilunar valves (pulmonary and aortic) are normally blood from the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava. This
closed while the ventricles are filling with blood. However, the blood will then be sent to the lungs for oxygenation.
contraction of the ventricles pushes blood at high pressure against
the valve cusps, forcing the valves open. Then, when the ventricle
relaxes, the blood in the artery falls backward toward the valve, Content CHECK-UP!
closing the valve once again.
A heartbeat produces the familiar “LUB-DUP” sounds as 1. Describe the coverings of the heart in order from superficial to
the chambers contract and the valves close. The first heart sound, deep. Why is the fibrous pericardium important for survival?
“lub,” is heard when the ventricles begin to contract and the atrio- 2. Which valve is located between the right atrium and the right
ventricular (tricuspid and mitral) valves close. This sound lasts the ventricle?
longest and has a lower pitch. The second heart sound, “dup,” is a. pulmonary semilunar c. aortic semilunar
heard when the relaxation of the ventricles allows the semilunar b. bicuspid (mitral) d. tricuspid
(pulmonary and aortic) valves to close. 3. The first heart sound is caused by the closure of the:
Like mechanical valves, the heart valves sometimes leak—in
a. AV valves (tricuspid and bicuspid).
the language of medicine, the valves are incompetent. When valves
don’t close properly there is a backflow of blood. Blood leaks from b. semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary).
the ventricle to the atrium (if an atrioventricular valve is incompe- Answers in Appendix A.
tent) or from the pulmonary artery or aorta back into the ventricle

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 263

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left subclavian artery Figure 12.4
left common carotid artery Anterior view of exte-
brachiocephalic artery rior heart anatomy.
The great vessels
superior vena cava (venae cavae, pulmo-
aorta nary trunk, pulmonary
arteries, and aorta) are
attached to the base of
left pulmonary artery
the heart. The right
pulmonary trunk
ventricle forms most of
left pulmonary veins the anterior surface of
right pulmonary artery the heart, and the left
ventricle forms most of
right pulmonary veins the posterior surface.
left atrium The coronary arteries
right atrium left auricle bring oxygen and nutri-
left coronary artery ents to cardiac cells,
great cardiac vein circumflex artery which derive little from
the blood coursing
right auricle
through the heart.
right coronary artery

left ventricle

right ventricle

left anterior descending

coronary artery

inferior vena cava


12.2 Physiology of the Heart Without this conduction system, the atria and ventricles would
contract at different rates.
6. Describe the conduction system of the heart.
7. Label and explain a normal electrocardiogram.
8. Describe the cardiac cycle and the heart sounds. Nodal Tissue
9. Describe the cardiac output and regulation of the heartbeat. The heartbeat is controlled by nodal tissue, which has both muscu-
lar and nervous characteristics. This unique type of cardiac muscle
The physiology of the heart pertains to its pumping action—that is, is located in two regions of the heart: The SA (sinoatrial) node
the heartbeat. It is estimated that the heart beats almost three billion is located in the upper posterior wall of the right atrium. The AV
times in a lifetime, continuously recycling some 5 to 6 liters (L) of (atrioventricular) node is located in the base of the right atrium
blood to keep us alive. In this section, we will consider what causes very near the interatrial septum (Fig. 12.5).
the heartbeat, what it consists of, and its consequences. The SA node initiates the heartbeat and automatically sends
out an excitation signal every 0.85 second. The SA node normally
functions as the pacemaker for the entire heart because its intrinsic
Conduction System of the Heart rate is the fastest in the system. From the SA node, signals spread
The conduction system of the heart is a route of specialized out over the atria, causing them to contract.
cardiac muscle fibers that initiate and stimulate contraction of When the signals reach the AV node, there is a slight delay
the atria and ventricles. The conduction system is said to be in- that allows the atria to finish their contraction before the ventri-
trinsic, meaning that the heart beats automatically without the cles begin their contraction. The signal for the ventricles to con-
need for external nervous stimulation. The conduction system tract travels from the AV node through the two branches of the
coordinates the atria and ventricles so they work as a “team,” atrioventricular bundle (AV bundle) before reaching the numer-
that is, the atria contract simultaneously, and the ventricles then ous and smaller Purkinje fibers. The AV bundle, its branches, and
contract simultaneously. Thus, the heart is an effective pump. the Purkinje fibers consist of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that

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muscle cell

1 disk
SA node

AV node 2
AV bundle b.

branches of
bundle Figure 12.5 Conduction system of the heart.
(a) 1 The SA node sends out a stimulus, which causes the atria
4 to contract. 2 When this stimulus reaches the AV node, it passes
Purkinje fibers through the atrial wall to the AV bundle. 3 Action potentials are
conducted down the two branches of the atrioventricular bundle.
4 Numerous small Purkinje fibers carry the electrical signal
throughout the ventricle wall. Thereafter, the ventricles contract.
(b) A cardiac muscle cell showing junctions called intercalated
a. disks (see section 4.3 for review).

efficiently spread an electrical signal throughout the ventricles. electrocardiogram, helps a physician detect and possibly diagnose
Recall from Chapter 4 (p. 73) that cardiac muscle cells are bound the cause of an irregular heartbeat. There are many types of irregular
end-to-end at intercalated disks, and within the disks are adhe- heartbeats, called arrhythmias. The Medical Focus on page 269
sion junctions and gap junctions. Gap junctions are specialized discusses the electrocardiogram and some types of arrhythmias.
intercellular connections that allow electrical current to flow di-
rectly from cell to cell. Once stimulated electrically, the ventricular
muscle contracts purposefully to pump blood. Cardiac Cycle
The SA node pacemaker usually keeps the heartbeat regular. A cardiac cycle includes all the events that occur during one heart-
If the SA node fails to work properly, the ventricles still beat due to beat. On average, the heart beats about 70 times a minute, although
impulses generated by the AV node. But the beat is slower (40 to a normal adult heart rate can vary from 60 to 100 beats per minute.
60 beats per minute). This condition is referred to as a heart block. After tracing the path of blood through the heart, it might seem
An area other than the SA node can become the pacemaker that the right and left sides of the heart beat independently of one
when it develops a rate of contraction that is faster than the SA another, but as you know, they actually contract together. First the
node. This site, called an ectopic pacemaker, may cause an extra two atria contract simultaneously; then the two ventricles contract
beat, if it operates only occasionally, or it can even pace the heart together. The term systole refers to contraction of heart muscle,
for a while. Caffeine and nicotine are two substances that can stim- and the term diastole refers to relaxation of heart muscle. During
ulate an ectopic pacemaker. the cardiac cycle, atrial systole is followed by ventricular systole.
Occasionally, the cardiac conduction system fails to operate As shown in Figure 12.6, the three phases of the cardiac cycle are:
properly. As a result, the heartbeat will be abnormal: failing to beat
Phase 1: Atrial Systole. Time 5 0.15 sec. During this phase, both
at regular intervals, or perhaps beating too slowly or too quickly.
atria are in systole (contracted), while the ventricles are in di-
To correct this, an artificial electronic pacemaker can be surgically
astole (relaxed). Rising blood pressure in the atria forces the
implanted to restore a normal heart rate.
blood to enter the two ventricles through the AV valves. At
this time, both atrioventricular valves are open, and the semi-
Electrocardiogram lunar valves are closed. Atrial systole ends when the atrioven-
With the contraction of any muscle, including the myocardium, elec- tricular valves (tricuspid and bicuspid/mitral) slam shut.
trolyte changes occur that can be detected by electrical recording Closure of the AV valves is caused by the rising pressure of
devices. These changes occur as a muscle action potential sweeps blood filling the ventricle. Remember that closure of the AV
over the cardiac muscle fibers. The resulting record, called an valves causes the first heart sound, “lub” (page 263).

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Time Atria Ventricles Atrioventricular Semilunar Valves
Valves (tricuspid, bicuspid) (pulmonary, aortic)
0.15 sec Systole Diastole open closed
0.30 sec Diastole Systole closed open
0.40 sec Diastole Diastole open closed

valves close
(second heart
pulmonary sound “DUP” heard)
artery semilunar
valves superior
(closed) vena cava
veins AV valves
left open
right atrium atrium

valves left inferior
open ventricle vena cava c.
a. Phase 3

right Phase 1
ventricle artery

atrioventricular (AV)
valves close (first heart
sound “LUB” heard)

b. Figure 12.6 Stages in the cardiac cycle.

(a) Phase 1: atrial systole. (b) Phase 2: ventricular
Phase 2 systole. (c) Phase 3: atrial and ventricular diastole.

Phase 2: Ventricular Systole. Time 5 0.30 sec. During this chambers is low. Blood returning to the heart from the supe-
phase, both ventricles are in systole (contracted), while the rior and inferior venae cavae, the coronary sinus, and the
atria are in diastole (relaxed). Rising blood pressure in the pulmonary veins fills the right and left atria and flows pas-
ventricles forces the semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary) sively into the ventricles. At this time, both atrioventricular
to open. Blood in the right ventricle exits through the valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed.
pulmonary artery trunk to the right and left pulmonary
arteries. Simultaneously, blood in the left ventricle exits into
the aorta. During ventricular systole, both semilunar valves Cardiac Output
are open, and the atrioventricular valves are closed. Ventric- Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood pumped out of a ven-
ular systole ends as the ventricles complete their pumping tricle in one minute. (The same amount of blood is pumped out of
job; recall that backflow of blood in the pulmonary artery each ventricle in one minute.) Cardiac output is dependent on two
and aorta forces the semilunar valves to slam shut once more factors:
(page 263). Closure of the semilunar valves causes the sec-
∙ heart rate (HR) 5 beats per minute
ond heart sound “dup.”
∙ stroke volume (SV) 5 amount of blood pumped by a
Phase 3: Atrial and Ventricular Diastole. Time 5 0.40 sec.
ventricle each time it contracts
During this period, both atria and both ventricles are in
diastole (relaxed). At this point, pressure in all the heart Thus, cardiac output 5 HR 3 SV.

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Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, and Coronary Artery Disease

The leading cause of heart attack and stroke, and the number-one These components include fibrinogen (the inactive clotting protein
killer in North America and Western Europe, is arteriosclerosis. you learned about in Chapter 11) and a specific lipid called lipopro-
Arteriosclerosis is the older, more generalized term for abnormal tein (a).
thickening and hardening of the arterial wall over time. (However, Once the arterial wall is injured, the body’s defense mechanisms
this term is now seldom used in clinical literature.) The most common respond. White blood cells called macrophages invade the injured
form of arteriosclerosis is atherosclerosis. Scientists agree that ath- area and stick to the arterial wall. These macrophages ingest LDL and
erosclerosis begins with injury to the arterial wall. Research has sug- are then called foam cells (because mixing fat with the cell’s watery
gested several possible causes for injury: smoking, high blood cytoplasm creates a foamy appearance). A collection of foam cells
pressure (called hypertension), low levels of HDL cholesterol (high- creates a fatty streak. Sadly, post-mortem studies on the arteries of
density lipoprotein, often referred to as “good cholesterol”) and young people have shown that these fatty streaks begin to develop
elevated levels of blood lipids, LDL cholesterol (low-density during the early teenage years.
lipoprotein, or “bad cholesterol”), and homocysteine (a by-product of Over time, the artery’s smooth muscle cells migrate to cover
protein metabolism). Diabetics (especially those with type II or non- the fatty streak. Finally, fibroblasts and scar tissue will cover the
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) are at increased risk for athero- smooth muscle cells. Calcium ions will invade the tissue, causing it
sclerosis, probably because their disease causes high levels of blood to harden into an atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerotic plaques
lipids and LDL cholesterol. can grow so large that they completely block arterial blood flow,
Research also indicates that low-level bacterial or viral infection causing the tissue supplied by the artery to die. Because the plaque’s
that spreads to the blood may injure arterial walls and start the athero- surface is very rough compared to the smooth endothelium, the
sclerosis process. This infection may originate with gum disease, or it plaque may also trigger the clotting mechanism and cause a station-
can be caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (the microbe ary blood clot, or thrombus, to form inside a blood vessel. Thrombi
that also causes ulcers in the stomach). Antibodies specific to these may also form if the surface of the plaque ulcerates (cracks open and
microbes are found in people with atherosclerosis. In addition, a bleeds). As mentioned in Chapter 11, thromboembolism occurs
blood protein called C-reactive protein, or CRP, is an important piece when a blood clot breaks away from its place of origin and is carried
of evidence suggesting an infection. For example, blood CRP levels to a new location. Further, the plaque can prevent the arterial wall
rise if you suffer from a cold or are recovering from a wound. High cells from receiving oxygen and nutrients. The cells die, causing the
blood levels of CRP in an otherwise healthy person imply that the wall itself to weaken, which might result in an aneurysm. Aneu-
arteries are damaged. Indeed, recent studies show that people with the rysms are weakened areas in the arterial wall, which balloon out-
highest blood levels of CRP have double the risk of heart attack. ward and may even rupture.
Further, new research has shown that excesses of additional blood Coronary artery disease is the term for atherosclerosis of the
components may also be linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis. coronary arteries (Fig. 12A). If the coronary artery is partially

of vessel


smooth muscle
fibrous tissue, plaque
calcium, and
a. cholesterol b.

Figure 12A Coronary artery disease. (a) Atherosclerosis begins with injury to an artery; a fatty streak develops at the site
and smooth muscle grows over the lesion. Fibrous tissue and ionic calcium enlarge and stiffen the atherosclerotic plaque.
(b) When plaque is present in a coronary artery, restricted blood flow may result in a heart attack.


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occluded (blocked) by atherosclerosis, the individual may suffer from of the heart will die from lack of oxygen. Dead tissue is called an
ischemic heart disease. Although enough oxygen normally reaches infarct and, therefore, a heart muscle attack is termed a myocardial
the resting heart, the person’s heart is oxygen-deprived during periods infarction.
of exercise or stress. Some patients experience silent ischemia during Two surgical procedures can reopen occluded coronary arteries.
the earliest stage of the disease; that is, they don’t detect any symp- In balloon angioplasty, a plastic tube is threaded into an artery of an
toms of a problem. However, most patients suffer from angina arm or thigh, then guided through a major blood vessel toward the
pectoris, chest pain that is often accompanied by a radiating pain in heart. Once the tube reaches a blockage, a balloon attached to the end
the left arm. Angina pain is a warning sign of reduced blood flow to of the tube can be inflated to break up a blood clot or open a vessel
the heart and must not be ignored. Should the coronary artery become clogged with plaque (Fig. 12B). Often, a small metal-mesh cylinder
completely blocked by atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus, a portion called a vascular stent is inserted into a blood vessel during balloon
angioplasty. The stent holds the vessels open and decreases the risk
of future occlusion. Stent devices currently in use have built-in medi-
cation, which is slowly released in the artery. These medications
prevent blood clots and additional scar tissue from forming, thus
helping to keep the stent open and blood flowing. In a similar fash-
ion, a stent can be placed into an artery weakened by an aneurysm
(Fig. 12C). This type of stent supports the arterial wall and can be
stent and inflated
balloon monitored externally, allowing a physician to ensure that it is work-
ing properly.
In a coronary bypass operation, a portion of a blood vessel
from another body part (usually one of the mammary arteries from the
chest) is sutured from the aorta to the coronary artery, past the obstruc-
tion point. Blood can then flow normally again from the aorta to the
heart muscle. Figure 12D shows a triple bypass in which three blood
Figure 12B Balloon angioplasty. A balloon inserted in an
vessels connect the aorta to the coronary artery, restoring blood flow
artery can be inflated to open up a clogged coronary blood
vessel. to the myocardium.

grafted vessels
carry arterial
stent graft
in aorta

aneurysm Figure 12D Coronary bypass
surgery. During this operation, the
a. . b. surgeon grafts segments of another
vessel between the aorta and the
Figure 12C Abdominal aortic aneurysm. (a) Before and (b) after stent coronary vessels, bypassing areas of
placement. blockage.

268 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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The Electrocardiogram

A graph that records the electrical activity of the myocardium during diagnosis, an ECG must be coupled with other information, includ-
a cardiac cycle is called an electrocardiogram, or ECG.*An ECG is ing X rays, studies of blood flow, and a detailed history from the
obtained by placing several electrodes on the patient’s skin, then wir- patient.
ing the electrodes to a voltmeter (an instrument for measuring volt-
age). As the heart’s chambers contract and then relax, the change in *An ECG is sometimes also referred to as an EKG (from the German, ElektroKardioGramm),
polarity is measured in millivolts. because its Dutch inventor spoke German.

An ECG consists of a set of waves: the P wave, a QRS complex,

and a T wave (Fig. 12E). The P wave represents depolarization of the
atria as a signal started by the SA node travels throughout the atria.
The P wave signals that the atria are going to be in systole and that the
atrial myocardium is about to contract. The QRS complex represents
depolarization of the ventricles following excitation of the Purkinje
fibers. It signals that the ventricles are going to be in systole and that
the ventricular myocardium is about to contract. The QRS complex
shows greater voltage changes than the P wave because the ventricles
have more muscle mass than the atria. The T wave represents repolar-
ization of the ventricles. It signals that the ventricles are going to be in a.
diastole and that the ventricular myocardium is about to relax. Atrial
diastole (repolarization) does not show up on an ECG as an indepen-
dent event because the voltage changes are masked by the QRS 1.0 R
An ECG records the duration of electrical activity and therefore
can be used to detect arrhythmia, an irregular or abnormal heartbeat. .5
A rate of fewer than 60 heartbeats per minute is called bradycardia,

and more than 100 heartbeats per minute is called tachycardia. P
Another type of arrhythmia is fibrillation, in which the heart beats 0
rapidly but the contractions are uncoordinated. Fibrillation can be Q
very dangerous and potentially deadly, because if the heart muscle is
–.5 S
not contracting properly, the heart will not pump blood. Cells and tis-
sues will subsequently die of oxygen starvation. The heart can some- 0 200 400 600
times be defibrillated by briefly applying a strong electrical current to b. Milliseconds
the chest.
It is important to understand that an ECG only supplies
Figure 12E Electrocardiogram. (a) A portion of an electro-
cardiogram. (b) An enlarged normal cycle.
information about the heart’s electrical activity. To be used in

The CO of an average human is 5,250 ml (or 5.25 L) per cardiac output as much as seven to eight times the normal resting
ventricle, per minute, which equates to about the total volume of amount.
blood in the human body. Each minute, the right ventricle pumps
about 5.25 L through the pulmonary circuit, while the left ven- Heart Rate
tricle pumps about 5.25 L through the systemic circuit. And this A cardioregulatory center in the medulla oblongata of the brain
is only the resting cardiac output! During exercise, cardiac out- can alter the heart rate by way of the autonomic nervous system
put can increase tremendously to meet the body’s need for more (Fig. 12.7). Parasympathetic motor signals conducted by the vagus
oxygen. nerve cause the heart rate to slow, and sympathetic motor signals
Cardiac output can vary because stroke volume and heart rate conducted by sympathetic motor fibers cause the heart rate to
can vary, as discussed next. In this way, the heart regulates the increase.
blood supply, dependent on the body’s needs. For example, in- The cardioregulatory center receives sensory input from re-
creases in heart rate and stroke volume during exercise can increase ceptors within the cardiovascular system. For example, stretch

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 269

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carotid artery 1
aortic arch
Regulation of heart rate: baroreceptors

Baroreceptors in the aortic arch and

carotid arteries monitor blood pressure.

Nerve signals from the baroreceptors
2 signal the cardioregulatory center.
e rve (para
vagus n
Increased parasympathetic signals
3 decrease heart rate. cardioregulatory
and vasomotor 4
centers in the
Increased sympathetic signals medulla oblongata
4 increase heart rate. sympathetic
Regulation of blood pressure:

Increased sympathetic signals

5 cause blood vessels to constrict. sympathetic
5 blood vessels

Figure 12.7 Control of heart activity. The cardioregulatory center regulates the heart rate, and the vasomotor center
regulates constriction of blood vessels, according to input received from baroreceptors in the carotid artery and aortic arch.

receptors called baroreceptors are present in the aorta just after it stroke volume. Further, the degree of contraction also depends on
leaves the heart, and also in the carotid arteries, which take blood the correct blood electrolyte concentration. Recall from Chapter 8
from the aorta to the brain. If blood pressure falls, as it sometimes that the proper concentration of ions, or electrolytes, is essential to
does when we stand up quickly, the baroreceptors signal the car- create cardiac muscle action potentials. Without these electrolytes,
dioregulatory center. In response, sympathetic motor signals to the cardiac conduction and contraction are impaired and stroke volume
heart cause the heart rate to increase. Once blood pressure begins to decreases. Two additional factors, venous return and difference in
rise above normal, nerve signals from the cardioregulatory center blood pressure, also influence the strength of contraction.
cause the heart rate to decrease. Such reflexes help control cardiac Venous Return Venous return is the amount of blood entering
output and, therefore, blood pressure, as discussed in section 12.4. the heart by way of the venae cavae (right side of heart) or
The cardioregulatory center is under the influence of the cere- pulmonary veins (left side of heart). The heart adjusts the strength
brum and the hypothalamus. Therefore, when we feel anxious, the of its own contraction beat by beat, based upon venous return. This
sympathetic motor nerves are activated. In addition, the adrenal principle is called the Frank-Starling law. The more blood returned
medulla releases the hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine. to the heart before a given beat, the more the ventricles stretch. As
The result is an increase in heart rate. On the other hand, activities the ventricles are stretched, they contract more and more force-
such as yoga and meditation lead to activation of the vagus nerve, fully. Thus, any event that increases the volume of blood entering
which slows the heart rate. the heart will increase the stroke volume leaving the heart. For
Other factors affect the heart rate as well. For example, a low example, exercise increases the strength of cardiac contraction
body temperature slows the rate. Also, the proper electrolyte con- because skeletal muscle contraction squeezes the veins within
centrations are needed to keep the heart rate regular. muscles and increases venous return. The opposite is also true: If
venous return decreases, stroke volume decreases for the next
Stroke Volume beat. A low venous return, as might happen if there is blood loss,
decreases the strength of cardiac contraction.
Stroke volume, which is the amount of blood that leaves a ventricle,
depends on the strength of heart contraction. As with heart rate, the Difference in Blood Pressure The strength of ventricular con-
autonomic nervous system helps to determine contraction force and traction has to be strong enough to overcome the blood pressure
stroke volume. Sympathetic activity strengthens each contraction and within the attached arteries. If a person has hypertension or athero-
increases stroke volume. By contrast, parasympathetic activity de- sclerosis, the opposing arterial pressure may reduce the effective-
creases both heart rate and contractile force, which in turn decreases ness of contraction and the stroke volume.

270 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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a muscle is actively contracting, for example, the arterioles in the
Content CHECK-UP! vicinity dilate to allow additional blood flow to the muscle. In this
4. The SA node is the pacemaker of the heart and controls heart way, the muscle’s need for oxygen and glucose is met.
rate because: Constriction and dilation of arterioles throughout the body is
a. it sits at the top of the heart. controlled by the autonomic nervous system and helps to determine
blood pressure. The greater the number of arterioles that are con-
b. it has the fastest signaling rate.
stricted, the higher the resistance to blood flow. Higher resistance
c. it has the largest myocardial cells. causes higher blood pressure. By contrast, the greater the number
d. it has the slowest signaling rate. of dilated arterioles, the lower the resistance to blood flow. Blood
5. During atrial systole, pressure falls as a result.
a. the atrioventricular valves are open, but the semilunar
valves are closed.
b. the atrioventricular valves are closed, but the semilunar
valves are open. Arterioles branch into capillaries (Fig. 12.8), which are extremely
c. both sets of valves are closed. narrow, microscopic blood vessels. Their walls are composed of
only one layer of endothelial cells connected by tight junctions.
6. Consider two athletes running a race. The first has trained for
months, and the second has had little to no training for the
These thin walls easily allow gases, nutrients, and wastes to dif-
event. How might training affect each athlete’s cardiac output? fuse between the capillary and the surrounding cells. Capillaries
are extremely numerous: The body probably contains a billion, and
Answers in Appendix A.
their combined surface area is estimated at 6,300 square meters.
Capillary beds (networks of many capillaries) are present in all
regions of the body, and each supplies the needs of neighboring
12.3 Anatomy of Blood Vessels cells. Therefore, most of the body’s cells are near a capillary, and
10. Name the three types of blood vessels, and describe their structure and the heart and other vessels of the cardiovascular system can be con-
function. sidered a means for conducting blood to and from the capillaries.
Not all capillary beds are open or in use at the same time. For
There are three types of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, and instance, after a meal, the capillary beds of the digestive tract are
veins (Fig. 12.8). These vessels function to: usually open, while during muscular exercise, the capillary beds of
the skeletal muscles are open. Most capillary beds have a shunt that
1. transport blood and its contents (see page 260); allows blood to move directly from an arteriole to a venule (a small
2. carry out exchange of gases in the pulmonary capillaries and vessel leading to a vein) when the capillary bed is closed. Sphincter
exchange of gases plus nutrients for waste at the systemic muscles, called precapillary sphincters, encircle the entrance to each
capillaries; capillary (Fig. 12.8). When the precapillary sphincters are constricted,
3. regulate blood pressure; and the capillary bed is closed, preventing blood from entering the capil-
4. direct blood flow to those systemic tissues that most require laries. Conversely, when the precapillary sphincters are relaxed, the
it at the moment. capillary bed is open. As would be expected, the larger the number of
open capillary beds, the lower the blood pressure in the body.
Arteries and Arterioles
Arteries (Fig. 12.8) transport blood away from the heart. They have
thick, strong walls composed of three layers: (1) The tunica intima Capillary Exchange
(sometimes also referred to as tunica interna) is an endothelium layer In the tissues of the body, metabolically active cells require oxygen
with a basement membrane. (2) The tunica media is a thick middle and nutrients and give off wastes, including carbon dioxide. During
layer of smooth muscle and elastic fibers. (3) The tunica externa is an capillary exchange between tissue capillaries and body cells, oxy-
outer connective tissue layer composed principally of elastic and colla- gen and nutrients leave a capillary. Cellular wastes, including carbon
gen fibers. Arterial walls are sometimes so thick that they are supplied dioxide, enter a capillary. For this reason, systemic arterial blood con-
with their own blood vessels. The radius of an artery allows the blood tains more oxygen and nutrients than does systemic venous blood, and
to flow rapidly, and the elasticity of an artery allows it to expand when venous blood contains more wastes than does arterial blood. In pul-
the heart contracts and recoil when the heart rests. This means that monary capillaries—the capillaries supplying the lung—the exchange
blood continues to flow in an artery even when the heart is in diastole. is reversed: Oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves.
Arterioles are small arteries just visible to the naked eye. The The internal environment of the body consists of blood and
middle layer of these vessels has some elastic tissue but is com- tissue fluid. Tissue fluid is simply the fluid that surrounds the
posed mostly of smooth muscle whose fibers encircle the arteriole. cells of the body. In other words, substances that leave a capillary
If the muscle fibers contract, the lumen (cavity) of the arteriole pass through tissue fluid before entering the body’s cells, and sub-
decreases; if the fibers relax, the lumen of the arteriole enlarges. stances that leave the body’s cells pass through tissue fluid before
Whether arterioles are constricted or dilated affects the distribu- entering a capillary. Water and other small molecules can cross
tion of blood flow and blood pressure throughout the body. When through the cells of a capillary wall or through tiny clefts that occur

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 271

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a. b. connective
tissue arteriole

blood sphincter
c. capillary bed
tunica externa
tunica intima arteriovenous
v. tunica media

valve venule
flow vein
v = vein; a = artery

Figure 12.8 Blood vessels. (a) The walls of arteries and veins have three layers: tunica intima (interna), tunica media, and tunica
externa. Arteries have a thicker muscle layer and a thick wall, while veins have valves and the larger diameter. (b) A capillary bed lies
between an arteriole and a venule, and flow through it is controlled by a precapillary sphincter. When the sphincter relaxes, blood passes
through the capillary bed and gives up its oxygen to the tissues. Thus, blood goes from being oxygen-rich in the arteriole (red color) to
oxygen-poor in the venule (purple color). When the sphincter contracts, blood can bypass the capillary bed through an arteriovenous
shunt. (c) Photomicrograph of a capillary bed.

between the cells. Large molecules in plasma, such as the plasma does tissue fluid. Therefore, the osmotic pressure of blood pulls
proteins, are too large to pass through capillary walls. Yet, the com- water into and retains water inside a capillary.
position of tissue fluid stays relatively constant because of capil- Notice in Figure 12.9 that a capillary has an arterial end (con-
lary exchange. Tissue fluid is a water-based solution that contains tains arterial blood) and a venous end (contains venous blood). In
sodium chloride, other electrolytes, and scant protein. Any excess between, a capillary has a midsection. We will now consider the ex-
tissue fluid is collected by lymphatic capillaries, which are always change of molecules across capillary walls at each of these locations.
found near blood capillaries.
Three processes influence capillary exchange—blood pres- Arterial End of Capillary
sure, diffusion, and osmotic pressure: When arterial blood enters tissue capillaries, it is bright red be-
cause the hemoglobin in red blood cells is carrying oxygen. Blood
Blood pressure, which is created by the pumping of the heart,
is also rich in nutrients, which are dissolved in plasma.
pushes the blood through the capillary. Blood pressure also
At the arterial end of a capillary, blood pressure, an outward
pushes blood against a vessel’s (e.g., capillary) walls.
force, is higher than osmotic pressure, an inward force. Pressure is
Diffusion, as you know, is simply the movement of substances
measured in terms of mm Hg (mercury). In this case, blood pres-
from the area of higher concentration to the area of lower
sure is 30 mm Hg, and osmotic pressure is 21 mm Hg. Because
blood pressure is higher than osmotic pressure at the arterial end
Osmotic pressure is a force caused by a difference in solute con-
of a capillary, water and other small molecules (e.g., glucose and
centration on either side of a membrane.
amino acids) filter out of a capillary at its arterial end.
To understand osmotic pressure, consider that water will dif- Red blood cells and a large proportion of the plasma proteins
fuse across a membrane toward the side that has the greater con- generally remain in a capillary because they are too large to pass
centration of solutes, and the accumulation of this water results in through its wall. The exit of water and other small molecules from a
a pressure. The presence of the plasma proteins, and also salts to capillary creates tissue fluid. Therefore, tissue fluid consists of all the
some degree, means that blood has a greater osmotic pressure than components of plasma, except that it contains fewer plasma proteins.

272 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Arterial end
Blood pressure is higher Venous end
from heart than osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is higher to heart
Net pressure out. than blood pressure.
Net pressure in.
water Tissue fluid
osmotic oxygen
blood amino carbon
pressure acids glucose dioxide
21 mm Hg blood osmotic
30 mm Hg
wastes pressure pressure
15 mm Hg 21 mm Hg


smooth osmotic pressure

blood pressure
arteriole muscle fiber venule

Figure 12.9 Capillary exchange. The capillary shows the exchanges that take place and the forces that aid the process. At the
arterial end of a capillary, the blood pressure is higher than the osmotic pressure. Tissue fluid tends to leave the bloodstream. In the midsec-
tion, solutes, including oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), diffuse from high to low concentration. Carbon dioxide and wastes diffuse into
the capillary while nutrients and oxygen enter the tissues. At the venous end of a capillary, the osmotic pressure is higher than the blood
pressure. Tissue fluid tends to re-enter the bloodstream. The red blood cells and the plasma proteins are too large to exit a capillary.

Midsection of Capillary fluid by means of osmotic pressure is not completely effective. The
Diffusion takes place along the length of the capillary, as small body has an auxiliary means of collecting tissue fluid; any excess
molecules follow their concentration gradient by moving from the usually enters lymphatic capillaries.
area of higher to the area of lower concentration. In the tissues,
the area of higher concentration of oxygen and nutrients is always
blood, because after these molecules have passed into tissue fluid,
Veins and Venules
they are constantly being taken up and metabolized by cells. The Veins and smaller vessels called venules return blood from the
cells use oxygen and glucose in the process of cellular respiration, capillary beds to the heart. The venules first drain the blood from
and they use amino acids for protein synthesis. the capillaries and then join together to form a vein. The wall of
As a result of metabolism, tissue cells constantly give off car- a vein is much thinner than that of an artery because the mid-
bon dioxide and other wastes. Because tissue fluid is always the dle layer of muscle and elastic fibers is thinner (see Fig. 12.8).
area of greater concentration for waste materials, they diffuse from Within some veins, especially the major veins of the arms and
tissue fluid into a capillary. legs, valves allow blood to flow only toward the heart when they
are open and prevent the backward flow of blood when they are
Venous End of Capillary closed.
At any given time, more than half of the total blood volume is
At the venous end of the capillary, blood pressure is much reduced
found in the veins and venules. If blood is lost due to, for example,
to only about 15 mm Hg, as shown in Figure 12.9. Blood pressure is
hemorrhaging, sympathetic nervous stimulation causes the veins to
reduced at the venous end because capillaries have a greater cross-
constrict, providing more blood to the rest of the body. In this way,
sectional area at their venous end than their arterial end. However,
the veins act as a blood reservoir.
there is no reduction in osmotic pressure, which remains at 21 mm
Hg and is now higher than blood pressure. Therefore, water tends
to diffuse into a capillary at the venous end. As water enters a capil- Varicose Veins and Phlebitis
lary, it brings with it additional waste molecules. Blood that leaves Varicose veins are abnormal and irregular dilations in superficial
the capillaries to drain into veins is deep maroon in color because (near the surface) veins, particularly those in the lower legs. Vari-
red blood cells now contain reduced hemoglobin—hemoglobin cose veins in the rectum, however, are commonly called piles, or
that has given up its oxygen and taken on hydrogen ions. more properly, hemorrhoids. Varicose veins develop when the
In the end, about 85% of the water that left a capillary at the valves of the veins become weak and ineffective due to backward
arterial end returns to it at the venous end. Therefore, retrieving pressure of the blood.

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 273

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Phlebitis, or inflammation of a vein, is a more serious con-
dition because thromboembolism can occur. In this instance, the cross-sectional
embolus may eventually come to rest in a pulmonary arteriole, area of
blocking circulation through the lungs. This condition, termed vessels
pulmonary embolism, can be fatal.

Content CHECK-UP! velocity

7. The order for the three layers of a blood vessel, from superfi-
cial to deep, is:

a. tunica externa—tunica intima—tunica media
b. tunica media—tunica externa—tunica intima
c. tunica externa—tunica media—tunica intima
8. If you described the differences between arteries and veins,

small arteries
large arteries
you could say:

small veins

large veins

vena cava

a. Arteries have a thicker wall than veins.

b. Veins have valves but arteries do not.
c. Veins return blood to the heart; arteries carry blood away
from the heart. Blood Flow
d. All of these statements are correct. Figure 12.10 Velocity of blood flow changes throughout the
9. Blood pressure is greatest at: systemic circuit. Velocity changes according to the total cross-
a. the venous end of a capillary bed. sectional area of vessels.
b. the arterial end of a capillary bed.
c. the center of a capillary bed.
d. no single area; it is equal throughout the capillary bed. Once blood has left the capillaries, blood velocity increases
as venules combine to form larger and larger veins. Thus, velocity
Answers in Appendix A.
in the venous system is greatest in the venae cavae, which are the
largest veins. However, the velocity of venous blood flow returning
to the heart is always lower than that of arterial blood leaving the
12.4 Physiology of Circulation heart. Contractions of the powerful left ventricle generate a greater
11. Explain how blood pressure changes throughout the vascular velocity for arterial blood. The velocity of the arterial and venous
system, and describe the factors that determine blood pressure. systems working together is very high—in a resting individual, it
12. Describe how blood pressure is regulated.
13. Define pulse, and tell where the pulse may be taken. takes only about a minute for a drop of blood to go from the heart
14. Describe shock due to hypotension and various medical conse- to the foot and back again to the heart!
quences of hypertension.

Blood Pressure
Circulation is the movement of blood through blood vessels, from
Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of blood
the heart to the body and then back to the heart. In this section, we
vessels. You would expect arterial blood pressure to be highest
discuss various factors affecting circulation.
in the aorta. Why? Because the pumping action of the powerful,
thick-muscled left ventricle forces blood into the aorta. Further,
Velocity of Blood Flow Figure 12.11 shows that systemic blood pressure decreases progres-
The velocity of blood flow is slowest in the capillaries. What might sively with distance from the left ventricle. Blood pressure is lowest
account for this? Consider that the aorta branches into the other in the venae cavae because they are farthest from the left ventricle.
arteries, and these in turn branch into the arterioles, and so forth Note also in Figure 12.11 that blood pressure fluctuates in the
until blood finally flows into the capillaries. As you know, the arterial system between systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood
diameter of these vessels decreases, getting smaller and smaller pressure. Certainly, we can correlate this with the action of the
with each branching. Capillary diameter is so small that blood heart. During systole, the left ventricle is pumping blood out of the
cells must travel through in single file. In addition, each time an heart, and during diastole the left ventricle is resting.
artery branches, the total cross-sectional area of the blood vessels More important than the systolic and diastolic pressure is the
increases, reaching the maximum cross-sectional area in the capil- mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), the pressure in the arterial
laries (Fig. 12.10). The slow rate of blood flow in the capillaries system averaged over time. It is important to note that MABP is
is beneficial because it allows time for the exchange of gases in not determined by taking the average of systolic and diastolic pres-
pulmonary capillaries and for the exchange of gases and nutrients sures. Rather, MABP is the product of cardiac output (CO) times
for wastes in systemic capillaries (see Fig. 12.9). peripheral resistance. (Recall that cardiac output equals heart rate

274 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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to heart to heart
120 sys

Systemic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)



small arteries
large arteries

small veins

large veins

vena cava


a. Contracted skeletal b. Closed valve prevents

muscle pushes blood backward flow of blood.
0 past open valve.
Distance from Left Ventricle
Figure 12.12 Skeletal muscle pump. (a) When skeletal mus-
Figure 12.11 Blood pressure changes throughout the cles contract and compress a vein, blood is squeezed past a
systemic circuit. Blood pressure decreases with distance from valve. (b) When muscles relax, the valve closes.
the left ventricle.

peripheral resistance). Similarly, the larger the stroke volume, the

times stroke volume; see page 266). To put it as a simple math greater the blood pressure. However, stroke volume and heart rate
equation, MABP 5 CO 3 PR. According to this equation, increas- increase blood pressure only if the venous return is adequate.
ing CO will also increase MABP. In other words, the greater the Venous Return Venous return depends on three factors:
amount of blood leaving the left ventricle, the greater the pressure
1. a blood pressure difference—blood pressure is higher in sys-
of blood against the wall of an artery.
temic veins than in the right atrium, which enables venous
Another factor that determines blood pressure is peripheral
blood to empty into the heart
resistance, which is the resistance to flow between blood and the
2. the skeletal muscle pump and the respiratory pump, both of
walls of a blood vessel. All things being equal, the smaller the blood
which are effective because of the presence of valves in veins;
vessel diameter, the greater the resistance and the higher the blood
3. total blood volume in the cardiovascular system.
pressure. As an analogy, imagine a skinny, 1-inch-diameter garden
hose (high resistance) compared to a firefighter’s 12-inch canvas Here’s how the skeletal muscle pump works: When skeletal
hose (low resistance). Similarly, total blood vessel length increases muscles contract, they compress the weak walls of the veins. This
blood pressure because a longer vessel offers greater resistance. causes the blood to move past a valve (Fig. 12.12). Once past the
For this reason, an obese person is apt to have high blood pressure valve, backward pressure of blood closes the valve and prevents its
because about 200 miles of additional blood vessels develop for return. Blood in veins will always return to the heart.
each extra pound of adipose (fat) tissue. As you might suspect, gravity can assist the return of venous
Let’s summarize our discussion so far. The two factors that blood from the head to the heart but not the return of blood from
affect blood pressure are: the extremities and trunk to the heart. The importance of the skel-
etal muscle pump in maintaining CO and blood pressure can be
Cardiac output Peripheral resistance
demonstrated by forcing a person to stand rigidly still for a number
Heart rate Arterial diameter and length
of hours. Frequently, the person faints because blood collects in the
Stroke volume
limbs, limiting venous return to the heart. Cardiac output decreases
and hypotension (low blood pressure) develops, robbing the brain
Blood Pressure and Cardiac Output of oxygen. In this case, fainting helps: the horizontal body position
Our previous discussion on pages 266 and 269 emphasized that caused by the faint aids in getting blood to the brain.
the heart rate and the stroke volume determine cardiac output. We The respiratory pump works like this: When inhalation
learned that the heart rate is intrinsic but is under extrinsic (nervous occurs, thoracic pressure falls and abdominal pressure rises as the
and endocrine) control. Therefore, heart rate can speed up. The chest expands. This aids in the flow of venous blood back to the
faster the heart rate, the greater the cardiac output. As cardiac out- heart because blood flows from areas of higher pressure (in the ab-
put increases, blood pressure increases as well (assuming constant dominal cavity) to areas of lower pressure (in the thoracic cavity).

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 275

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During exhalation, the pressure reverses, but the valves in the veins low blood
low blood
prevent backward flow. pressure;
sodium level;
As stated, the amount of venous return also depends on the high blood blood
low blood
electrolyte volume
total blood volume in the cardiovascular system. As you know, this concentration
volume in the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit is 5 L. If
this amount of blood decreases (for example, due to a hemorrhage), hypothalamus
blood pressure falls. On the other hand, if blood volume increases
(due to water retention, for example), blood pressure rises.

Blood Pressure and Peripheral Resistance renin

angiotensin I and II ANH
The nervous system and the endocrine system both affect periph-
eral resistance. adrenal
Neural Regulation of Peripheral Resistance A vasomotor aldosterone
center in the medulla oblongata controls vasoconstriction. This
center is under the control of the cardioregulatory center. As men- sodium is sodium is
tioned on pages 269–270, if blood pressure falls, baroreceptors in reabsorbed; excreted;
the blood vessels signal the cardioregulatory center. The cardio- water is water is
reabsorbed excreted
regulatory center will activate its vasomotor center. The vasomo-
tor center then stimulates sympathetic nerve fibers, which cause blood blood
the heart rate to increase and the arterioles to constrict. Increasing volume normal blood volume
heart rate increases cardiac output; constricting the arterioles rises volume; lowers
normal blood
increases peripheral resistance. The result is a rise in blood pres-
sure. What factors lead to a reduction in blood pressure? If blood
pressure rises above normal, the baroreceptors signal the cardio-
regulatory center in the medulla oblongata. Subsequently, the Figure 12.13 Blood volume maintenance. Normal blood
volume is maintained by ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and aldoste-
heart rate decreases and the arterioles dilate.
rone, whose actions raise blood volume, and by ANH (atrial natri-
Nervous control of blood vessels also causes blood to be uretic hormone), whose actions lower blood volume.
shunted from one area of the body to another. During exercise,
arteries in the viscera and skin are more constricted than those
in the exercising muscles. Therefore, blood flow to the muscles
increases. Also, dilation of the precapillary sphincters in muscles Thus, ADH boosts blood pressure by simultaneously increasing
means that blood will flow to the muscles and not to the viscera. blood volume (which increases cardiac output) and by causing
vasoconstriction (which increases peripheral resistance).
Hormonal Regulation of Peripheral Resistance Certain hor-
The hormonal mechanism for decreasing blood pressure
mones cause blood pressure to rise. Epinephrine and norepineph-
involves an endocrine hormone secreted by the heart. You’ll
rine, the hormones from the adrenal medulla, increase the heart
remember (from Chapter 10) that when the atria of the heart are
rate. As heart rate increases, so too does cardiac output and blood
stretched due to increased blood volume, cardiac cells release a
pressure. Epinephrine and norepinephrine also constrict arterioles
hormone called atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH, or atriopeptide),
in the capillary beds supplying the skin, abdominal viscera, and
which inhibits renin secretion by the kidneys and aldosterone secre-
kidneys. Arteriolar vasoconstriction increases blood pressure by
tion by the adrenal cortex. The effect of ANH, therefore, is to cause
increasing peripheral resistance in these large vascular beds.
sodium excretion—that is, natriuresis (a term that means “excretion
When the blood volume and blood sodium level are low, the
of sodium in the urine”). When sodium is excreted, so is water, and
kidneys secrete the enzyme renin. Renin converts the plasma pro-
therefore blood volume and blood pressure decrease (Fig. 12.13).
tein angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which is changed to angio-
tensin II by a converting enzyme found in the lungs. Angiotensin
II stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. The effect of Evaluating Circulation
this system, called the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, is to Taking a patient’s pulse and arterial blood pressure are two ways to
raise the blood volume and pressure in two ways. First, angiotensin quickly acquire important information needed to assess the status
II constricts the arterioles directly. Second, aldosterone causes the of the cardiovascular system.
kidneys to reabsorb sodium. When the blood sodium level rises,
water is reabsorbed, and blood volume and pressure are maintained.
Two other hormones play a role in the homeostatic maintenance Pulse
of blood volume and blood pressure. As discussed in Chapter 10, The surge of blood entering the arteries causes their elastic walls
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) helps increase blood volume by caus- to stretch, but then they almost immediately recoil. This alter-
ing the kidneys to reabsorb water. ADH also causes vasoconstric- nating expansion and recoil of an arterial wall can be felt as a
tion of smooth muscle in arteries and veins throughout the body. pulse in any artery that runs close to the body’s surface. These

276 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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temporal artery superficial arteries are called pulse points (Fig. 12.14). It is cus-
facial artery tomary to feel the pulse by placing several fingers on the radial
common artery, which lies near the outer border of the palm side of a wrist.
carotid artery
The common carotid artery, on either side of the trachea in the
neck, is another accessible location for feeling the pulse. Nor-
axillary artery mally, the pulse rate indicates the rate of the heartbeat because
the arterial walls pulse whenever the left ventricle contracts. The
resting pulse is usually 70 times per minute, but can vary between
60 and 80 times per minute.
brachial artery

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is usually measured in the brachial artery with a
sphygmomanometer, an instrument that records changes in terms
radial artery of millimeters (mm) of mercury (Fig. 12.15). A blood pressure
cuff connected to the sphygmomanometer is wrapped around the
patient’s arm, and a stethoscope is placed over the brachial artery.
The blood pressure cuff is inflated until no blood flows through
femoral artery
it; therefore, no sounds can be heard through the stethoscope. The
cuff pressure is then gradually lowered. As soon as the cuff pres-
sure declines below systolic pressure, blood flows through the bra-
chial artery each time the left ventricle contracts. The blood flow is
popliteal artery turbulent below the cuff. This turbulence produces vibrations in the
(behind knee) blood and surrounding tissues that can be heard through the stetho-
scope. These sounds are called Korotkoff sounds, and the cuff
pressure at which the Korotkoff sounds are heard the first time is
the systolic pressure. As the pressure in the cuff is lowered still
posterior more, the Korotkoff sounds change tone and loudness. When the
pedis artery tibial artery cuff pressure no longer constricts the brachial artery, no sound is
heard. The cuff pressure at which the Korotkoff sounds disappear
is the diastolic pressure.
Normal resting blood pressure for a young adult is 120/80. The
Figure 12.14 Pulse points. Pulse points are the locations higher number is the systolic pressure, the pressure recorded in an
where the pulse can be taken. Each pulse point is named after
the appropriate artery.
artery when the left ventricle contracts. The lower number is the

220 No sounds
200 (artery is closed)
180 Figure 12.15 Use of
160 a sphygmomanometer.
systole The technician inflates
120 Sounds heard
(artery is opening the cuff with air, gradu-
80 diastole
and closing) ally reduces the pres-
40 sure, and listens with a
No sounds
(artery is open) stethoscope for the
sounds that indicate
blood is moving past
inflatable rubber cuff the cuff in an artery.
This is systolic blood
air hose from squeezable bulb pressure. The pressure
(inflates cuff with air)
in the cuff is further re-
duced until no sound is
sounds are heard with stethoscope
heard, indicating that
blood is flowing freely
through the artery. This
is diastolic pressure.

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 277

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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillation

How many people’s lives have been saved during cardiac arrest by car- for every 30 chest compressions. Continue CPR until you’re re-
diopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)? The exact number would probably lieved by emergency responders.
be impossible to track, according to the American Heart Association • If you have access to an automated external defibrillator (AED),
(AHA). Regrettably, it’s easier to track the tragedies that occur without use it. This computerized device is available in many public
it: Fewer than 30% of people who suffer cardiac arrest ever receive by- places, such as airports and shopping malls, and is prominently
stander help. Onlookers simply don’t know what to do, or perhaps are labeled. An AED will explain, step by step, how to check for the
afraid that they might do something wrong. For this reason, the AHA person’s breathing and a pulse first. Next, it will describe how to
has published the Chain of Survival, a new set of four guidelines that apply pads to the victim’s chest so that the computer can analyze
make it easier to help a person in cardiac arrest: the heart activity. If a shock is needed to restart the victim’s heart,

• Recognize that you’re in an emergency, and immediately call for

the AED delivers a burst of intense electrical current to the chest.
The rescuer simply moves back and pushes a button when
help. Call 9-1-1, or use the EMS service in your area.
• Start CPR. The traditional method alternates chest compressions
prompted. Voice instructions will also detail how to do CPR until
paramedics arrive.
with mouth-to-mouth breathing, also known as rescue breathing.
If you’re not sure how to do rescue breathing, simply pump fast • Transfer to advanced care. Clinicians refer to the first hour after
admission to an emergency room as the “golden hour.” It’s not
(100 or more times a minute) and hard (at a depth of least
surprising that research has shown that patients who receive the
2 inches) on the body of the sternum. Let the patient’s chest rise
best care during this critical time are the most likely to survive.
in between each pump, but don’t stop—keep any interruptions to
10 seconds or fewer. Recent research from the AHA has shown The AHA recommends that everyone learn both CPR and how to
that simple manual chest compression can be as effective as tra- use an AED. The Red Cross and many hospitals regularly offer introduc-
ditional CPR (chest compression accompanied by rescue breath- tory and refresher classes in traditional classrooms and online. With
ing). If you know how to do rescue breathing, use 2 quick breaths training, you just might be able to save a person’s life!

diastolic pressure, the pressure recorded in an artery when the left

ventricle relaxes. Content CHECK-UP!
Hypotension, or low blood pressure, may be caused by a num- 10. Blood flow is slowest through which blood vessels?
ber of factors. Simply standing up very quickly causes orthostatic a. arterioles c. capillaries
hypotension, and a person may temporarily feel light-headed. Nor-
b. veins d. venules
mally, the brain’s blood pressure control mechanisms rapidly com-
pensate. However, factors such as hemorrhage or excessive fluid 11. Mean arterial blood pressure is equal to:
loss (for example, following a burn, or as a consequence of vomit- a. cardiac output times peripheral resistance.
ing and/or diarrhea) can cause severe hypotension and shock (see b. cardiac output plus peripheral resistance.
page 252). If uncontrolled, shock is fatal. c. cardiac output/peripheral resistance.
Currently, an estimated 33% of all Americans suffer from hy- d. cardiac output minus peripheral resistance.
pertension, or high blood pressure. Most have essential hyperten-
12. Why does cardiac output increase when you exercise? What
sion, for which the cause is not precisely known. Hypertension is
effect does this increase have on your blood pressure?
present when systolic blood pressure is 140 or greater, or diastolic
Answers in Appendix A.
blood pressure is 90 or greater. Hypertension is sometimes a silent
killer because it may not be detected until a stroke or heart at-
tack occurs. Among other factors, one’s genetic makeup affects
the development of hypertension. Two genes are involved: the
first codes for the plasma protein angiotensinogen (see page 276), 12.5 Circulatory Routes
while the second gene’s product helps activate angiotensinogen 15. Name the two circuits of the cardiovascular system, and trace the path
of blood from the heart to any organ in the body and back to the heart.
into a powerful vasoconstrictor. Gene therapy might one day cure 16. Describe the major systemic arteries and the major systemic veins.
individuals with this gene combination. Meanwhile, regular blood 17. Describe several special circulations: blood supply to the liver, blood
pressure checks and a lifestyle that lowers hypertension risk are supply to the brain, and fetal circulation.
our best safeguards against hypertension (see the Medical Focus
on pages 285–286). Medication might also be necessary—often Blood vessels belong to either the pulmonary circuit or the sys-
for an entire lifetime. temic circuit. The path of blood through the pulmonary circuit

278 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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can be traced as follows: Blood from all regions of the body first cava; right atrium. In the systemic circuit, unlike the pulmonary
collects in the right atrium and then passes into the right ventricle, circuit, arteries contain O2-rich blood and appear bright red, while
which pumps it into the pulmonary trunk. veins contain O2-poor blood and appear dark maroon.
The pulmonary trunk divides into the pulmonary arteries,
which in turn divide into the many arterioles of the lungs. These
pulmonary arterioles then take blood to the pulmonary capillaries The Major Systemic Arteries
where carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged. The blood then After the aorta leaves the heart, it divides into the ascending aorta,
enters the pulmonary venules and flows through the pulmonary the aortic arch, and the descending aorta (Fig. 12.16). The left and
veins back to the left atrium. Because the blood in the pulmonary right coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart, branch off
arteries is O2-poor but the blood in the pulmonary veins is O2-rich, the ascending aorta (Table. 12.1).
it is not correct to say that all arteries carry blood that is high in Three major arteries branch off the aortic arch: the
oxygen and that all veins carry blood that is low in oxygen. In fact, brachiocephalic artery (also called the brachiocephalic trunk),
just the opposite is true in the pulmonary circuit. the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery.
The systemic circuit includes all of the other arteries and veins The brachiocephalic artery is also correctly referred to as the bra-
of the body. The largest artery in the systemic circuit is the aorta, chiocephalic trunk because it divides into two branches: the right
and the largest veins are the superior vena cava and inferior vena common carotid and the right subclavian arteries. These blood
cava. The superior vena cava collects blood from the head, chest, vessels serve the head (right and left common carotids) and the
shoulders, and upper limbs, and the inferior vena cava collects shoulders and upper limbs (right and left subclavians).
blood from the lower body regions. Both venae cavae enter the The descending aorta is divided into the thoracic aorta, which
right atrium. The aorta and venae cavae are the major pathways for branches off to the organs within the thoracic cavity, and the abdomi-
blood in the systemic system. nal aorta, which branches off to the organs in the abdominal cavity.
The path of systemic blood to any organ in the body begins in The descending aorta ends when it divides into the common
the left atrium, which pumps blood into the left ventricle. In turn, iliac arteries that branch into the internal iliac arteries and the
the left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta. Branches from the external iliac arteries. Each internal iliac artery serves the pelvic
aorta go to the major body regions and organs. Tracing the path organs, and the external iliac artery serves the lower limbs. These
of blood to any organ in the body requires mentioning only the and other arteries are shown in Figure 12.16.
aorta, the proper branch of the aorta, the organ, and the returning
vein to the vena cava. In many instances, the artery and vein that
serve the same organ have the same name. For example, the path The Major Systemic Veins
of blood to and from the kidneys is: left ventricle; aorta; renal Figure 12.17 shows the major veins of the body. The external and
artery; arterioles, capillaries, venules; renal vein; inferior vena internal jugular veins drain blood from the brain, head, and neck.

TABLE 12.1 The Aorta and Its Principal Branches

Portion of Aorta Major Branch Regions Supplied
Ascending aorta Left and right coronary arteries Heart
Aortic arch Brachiocephalic artery
Right common carotid Right side of head
Right subclavian Right shoulder and upper limb
Left common carotid artery Left side of head
Left subclavian artery Left shoulder and upper limb
Descending aorta
Thoracic aorta Intercostal arteries Thoracic wall
Abdominal aorta Celiac artery Stomach, spleen, and liver
Superior mesenteric artery Small and large intestines (ascending and transverse colons)
Left and right renal arteries Kidneys
Left and right gonadal arteries Ovaries or testes
Inferior mesenteric artery Lower digestive system (transverse, descending
and sigmoid colons, and rectum)
Common iliac arteries Pelvic organs and lower limbs

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 279

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superficial temporal a.

external carotid a.
internal carotid a. vertebral a.
right common carotid a. left common carotid a.
right subclavian a. left subclavian a.

brachiocephalic a.
aortic arch
axillary a. ascending aorta aorta
descending aorta
intercostal a.
thoracic aorta
deep brachial a.
brachial a. celiac a.
abdominal aorta
renal a. superior mesenteric a.

radial a.
inferior mesenteric a.
common iliac a.
internal iliac a. gonadal a.

external iliac a.
ulnar a.
deep femoral a.

femoral a.

popliteal a.

anterior tibial a.

posterior tibial a.
fibular a.

dorsalis pedis a.

Figure 12.16 Major arteries (a.) of the body.

Each external jugular vein enters a subclavian vein. In turn, the and then enters the liver. Emerging from the liver, the hepatic
subclavian veins join with the internal jugular veins to form the veins enter the inferior vena cava.
brachiocephalic veins. Right and left brachiocephalic veins merge, In the pelvic region, veins from the various organs enter
giving rise to the superior vena cava. the internal iliac veins, while the veins from the lower limbs
In the abdominal cavity, paired veins return blood from bilat- enter the external iliac veins. The internal and external iliac
eral structures such as the kidneys and gonads. In addition, as dis- veins become the common iliac veins that merge, forming the
cussed in more detail later, the hepatic portal vein receives blood inferior vena cava. Table 12.2 lists the principal veins that enter
from the stomach, spleen, intestines, and other abdominal organs, the venae cavae.

280 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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temporal v.
external jugular v.
facial v.

internal jugular. v

subclavian v.
right brachiocephalic v. left brachiocephalic v.
axillary v. superior vena cava

cephalic v.
brachial v. hepatic v.
basilic v. inferior vena cava

median cubital v.
radial v.
renal v. ascending lumbar v.
ulnar v.
gonadal v.
common iliac v.
internal iliac v.
external iliac v.

femoral v.

great saphenous v.

popliteal v.

posterior tibial v.
small saphenous v.

anterior tibial v.

Figure 12.17 Major veins (v.) of the body.

TABLE 12.2 Principal Veins That Join the Venae Cavae

Vein Region Drained Vena Cava
Right and left brachiocephalic veins Head, neck, and upper limbs Form superior vena cava
Right and left common iliac veins Lower limbs and pelvic organs Form inferior vena cava
Right and left renal veins Kidneys Enters inferior vena cava
Right gonadal vein Right ovary or testis Enters inferior vena cava
Left gonadal vein Left ovary or testis Left renal vein to inferior vena cava
Right and left hepatic veins Liver, digestive tract, and spleen Enters inferior vena cava

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 281

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to form the hepatic portal vein. The gastric veins empty directly into
Begin Thinking Clinically the hepatic portal vein. The hepatic portal vein carries blood to cap-
Sitting still for long periods of time, as you might have to do illaries in the liver. The hepatic capillaries allow nutrients and wastes
on a long plane flight, may cause you to develop a deep vein to diffuse into liver cells for further processing. In addition, colonies
thrombosis, a clot in one of your leg veins. As you study of white blood cells destroy any pathogens that may be present in
Figure 12.17, imagine that the clot is in a deep branch of the the blood. Then, hepatic capillaries join to form venules that enter a
inferior part of the great saphenous vein. Could blood still re- hepatic vein. The hepatic veins enter the inferior vena cava.
turn to your heart and, if so, how? What could you do on the In addition to receiving venous blood from the intestine, the
flight to prevent the thrombosis from forming? liver also receives arterial blood via the hepatic artery. The hepatic
Answer and discussion in Appendix A. artery is not a part of the hepatic portal system.

Hypothalamus-Pituitary Portal System

Special Systemic Circulations The hypothalamus-pituitary portal system (illustrated in the Visual
Hepatic Portal System Focus, Fig. 10.4) is an important endocrine portal system. This
The hepatic portal system (Fig. 12.18) carries blood from the stom- portal venous arrangement links the hypothalamus to the anterior
ach, intestines, spleen, and other organs to the liver. The term portal pituitary. Through it, the hypothalamus sends releasing hormones
system is used to describe the following unique pattern of circulation: to the anterior pituitary.

capillaries → vein → capillaries → vein Blood Supply to the Brain

Capillaries of the digestive tract drain into the superior mesen- The brain is supplied with O2-rich blood by the anterior and pos-
teric and inferior mesenteric veins and the splenic vein, which join terior cerebral arteries and the carotid arteries. These arteries give

inferior vena cava

hepatic veins diaphragm

gastric veins


hepatic portal vein

splenic vein

superior mesenteric vein

inferior mesenteric

small intestine

Figure 12.18 Hepatic portal system. This system provides venous drainage of the digestive organs and takes venous
blood to the liver.

282 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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anterior communicating
anterior cerebral artery

internal carotid artery cerebral

arterial circle
posterior communicating (circle of Willis)
pituitary gland artery

posterior cerebral artery

basilar artery

vertebral artery

Figure 12.19 Cerebral arterial

circle. The arteries that supply blood to the spinal cord
brain form the cerebral arterial circle (circle
of Willis).

off branches that join to form the cerebral arterial circle (circle The path of blood in the fetus can be traced, beginning from
of Willis), a vascular route in the region of the pituitary gland the right atrium (Fig. 12.20). Most of the blood that enters the
(Fig. 12.19). Because the blood vessels form a circle, alternate right atrium passes directly into the left atrium by way of the
routes are available for bringing arterial blood to the brain and thus foramen ovale because the blood pressure in the right atrium
supplying the brain with oxygen. The presence of the cerebral arte- is somewhat greater than that in the left atrium. The rest of the
rial circle also equalizes blood pressure in the brain’s blood supply. fetal blood entering the right atrium passes into the right ven-
tricle and out through the pulmonary trunk. However, because
Fetal Circulation of the ductus arteriosus, most pulmonary trunk blood passes
As Figure 12.20 shows, the fetus has four circulatory features that directly into the aortic arch. Notice that whatever route blood
are not present in adult circulation: takes, most of it reaches the aortic arch instead of the pulmonary
circuit vessels.
1. The foramen ovale, or oval window, is an opening between Blood within the aorta travels to the various branches, includ-
the two atria. This window is covered by a flap of tissue that ing the iliac arteries, which connect to the umbilical arteries lead-
acts as a valve. ing to the placenta. Diffusion of oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide,
2. The ductus arteriosus, or arterial duct, is a connection and metabolic wastes between maternal and fetal blood takes place
between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. It is found on at the placenta. There, oxygen and nutrients diffuse from mother to
the superior pulmonary trunk near the origin of the left fetus, while carbon dioxide and waste simultaneously travel from
pulmonary artery. fetus to mother. It’s important to note that maternal and fetal blood
3. The umbilical arteries and vein are vessels that travel to and do not mix at the placenta during a normal pregnancy. Oxygenated
from the placenta, leaving waste and receiving nutrients. blood from the placenta then returns to the fetus’s body through
4. The ductus venosus, or venous duct, is a connection the umbilical vein.
between the umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava. Thus, blood in the umbilical arteries is O2-poor, but blood in
All of these features can be related to the fact that the fetus the umbilical vein, which travels from the placenta, is O2-rich. The
does not use its lungs for gas exchange—it receives oxygen and umbilical vein enters the ductus venosus, which passes directly
nutrients from the mother’s blood at the placenta. During develop- through the liver. The ductus venosus then joins with the inferior
ment, the lungs receive only enough blood to supply their develop- vena cava, a vessel that contains O2-poor blood. The vena cava
mental need for oxygen and nutrients. returns this mixture to the right atrium.

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 283

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ductus arteriosus
(becomes ligamentum

pulmonary artery
aortic arch

superior vena cava

pulmonary veins

pulmonary trunk
foramen ovale
(becomes fossa ovalis) left atrium

right atrium left ventricle

inferior vena cava right ventricle

abdominal aorta

ductus venosus
(becomes ligamentum

common iliac artery

umbilical arteries
(become medial
umbilical ligaments)
umbilical vein
(becomes ligamentum
teres) internal iliac artery

umbilical vein

placenta oxygen
umbilical arteries level

Figure 12.20 Fetal circulation. Arrows indicate the direction of blood flow. The lungs are not functional in the fetus, but
they are developing. The blood passes directly from the right atrium to the left atrium via the foramen ovale or from the right
ventricle to the aorta via the pulmonary trunk and ductus arteriosus. The umbilical arteries take fetal blood to the placenta
where exchange of molecules between fetal and maternal blood takes place. Oxygen and nutrient molecules diffuse into the
fetal blood, and carbon dioxide and urea diffuse from the fetal blood. The umbilical vein returns blood from the placenta to
the fetus.

Changes at Birth Sectioning and tying the umbilical cord per- number of cases, the passage of O2-poor blood from the right side
manently separates the newborn from the placenta. The newborn’s to the left side of the heart is sufficient to cause cyanosis, a bluish
first breath inflates the lungs, and oxygen enters the blood at the cast to the skin. This condition can now be corrected by open-heart
lungs instead of the placenta. O2-rich blood returning from the surgery.
lungs to the left side of the heart usually causes a flap on the left The fetal blood vessels and shunts constrict and become
side of the interatrial septum to close the foramen ovale. What re- fibrous connective tissue called ligamentums in all cases except the
mains is a depression called the fossa ovalis. Incomplete closure distal portions of the umbilical arteries, which become the medial
occurs in nearly one out of four individuals, but even so, blood umbilical ligaments. Regardless, these structures run between in-
rarely passes from the right atrium to the left atrium because either ternal organs. For example, the ligamentum teres (which is the
the opening is small or it closes when the atria contract. In a small remnant of the umbilical vein) attaches the umbilicus to the liver.

284 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

All of us can take steps to prevent cardiovascular disease, the most The Do’s
frequent cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors that pre- Healthy Diet
dispose an individual to cardiovascular disease include family history Of all the possible dietary changes one could make to prevent cardio-
of heart attack under age 55, male gender, and ethnicity (African vascular disease, the most important will be to switch to a diet low in
Americans are at greater risk). However, people with one or more of saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. These three are found most
these risk factors don’t have to give up. It only means that they need often as the “solid” forms of fat: butter, margarine, shortening, lard, and
to pay particular attention to the following guidelines for a heart- the marbling found on fatty meat. Trans fats can be found in baked
healthy lifestyle. goods as well. Instead, replace these fats with monounsaturated fats
(found in nuts, olives, and olive oil) polyunsaturated fats (found in veg-
The Don’ts etable oils) and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, especially fatty fish
Smoking such as salmon, mackerel, and trout). Healthy fats like these can help to
Hypertension is recognized as a major contributor to cardiovascular lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), while boost-
disease. When a person smokes, the drug nicotine, present in cigarette ing high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Those changes are very important:
smoke, enters the bloodstream. Nicotine causes the arterioles to con- In our bodies, cholesterol is ferried in the blood by LDL and HDL. LDL
strict and the blood pressure to rise. Restricted blood flow and cold (often referred to as “bad cholesterol” by physicians) takes cholesterol
hands are associated with smoking in most people. Cigarette smoke from the liver to the tissues. Recall (from the Medical Focus on
also contains carbon monoxide, and hemoglobin combines preferen- pages 267–268) that in blood vessels, LDL is oxidized by macrophages
tially and nonreversibly with carbon monoxide. Therefore, the pres- to form foam cells, and later, a fatty streak that begins an atherosclerotic
ence of carbon monoxide lowers the oxygen-carrying capacity of the plaque. HDL (“good” cholesterol) transports cholesterol out of the tis-
blood, and the heart must pump harder to propel the blood through the sues to the liver, where cholesterol is metabolized. When the LDL level
lungs. Smoking also damages the arterial wall and accelerates the in the blood is abnormally high or the HDL level is abnormally low,
formation of atherosclerosis and plaque. cholesterol accumulates in artery walls. Substituting heart-healthy fats
in the diet has been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular dis-
Drug Abuse
ease—but it’s important to recognize that all fats are very calorie-dense,
Stimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamines, can cause an irregular
and must be used in moderation to avoid weight gain.
heartbeat and lead to heart attacks even in people who are using drugs
Limiting sodium intake is another important step to take in mod-
for the first time. Intravenous drug use may also result in a cerebral
ifying diet. In 2009, data from the Centers for Disease Control showed
blood clot and stroke.
that approximately 70% of Americans are salt-sensitive, and their
Too much alcohol can destroy just about every organ in the body,
blood pressure tends to rise after consumption of excess sodium. In
the heart included. But investigators have discovered that people who
response, the American Heart Association lowered its recommended
take an occasional drink have a 20% lower risk of heart disease than
daily sodium intake to less than 1500 milligrams (mg). Almost all
do those who completely abstain from alcohol. Two to four drinks a
processed food contains sodium, so watch those nutrition labels!
week is the recommended limit for men; one to three drinks is the
Here’s another recommendation from the American Heart Asso-
recommendation for women.
ciation, and it may surprise you how few Americans actually do it. Only
Research has shown that wines (and especially red wine) contain
about 27% of us eat those five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
antioxidants which can further help to reduce the risk of cardiovascu-
Evidence is mounting to suggest a role for antioxidant vitamins (A, E,
lar damage.
and C) in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and the best sources
Weight Gain are in plant-based food. Antioxidants protect the body from free radi-
Hypertension also occurs more often in persons who are more than cals that may damage HDL cholesterol through oxidation or damage the
20% above the recommended weight for their height. Because more lining of an artery, leading to a blood clot that can block the vessel. It’s
tissue requires servicing, the heart must send extra blood out under not all about vitamins either: By creating a feeling of fullness, all that
greater pressure in those who are overweight. It may be very difficult fiber found in fruits and vegetables can help with weight loss.
to lose weight once it is gained, and therefore weight control should
be a lifelong endeavor. Even a slight decrease in weight can bring a Regular Health Screenings
reduction in hypertension. A 4.5-kilogram weight loss doubles the It is recommended that everyone know his or her blood cholesterol level,
chance that blood pressure can be normalized without drugs. as well as levels of HDL, LDL, and triglyceride. Individuals with a high


Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 285

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total blood cholesterol level (240 mg/100 ml) should be further tested to illness, but enough to injure the endothelial lining and start the formation
determine their LDL cholesterol level. Blood tests can also determine of atherosclerotic plaques. Proper care of the teeth and gums, along with
high levels of homocysteine and C-reactive protein, two important indi- regular visits to the dentist, just might prevent cardiovascular disease.
cators that atherosclerosis is occurring. Levels of these two markers,
along with LDL cholesterol level, must be considered together with Exercise
other cardiovascular risk factors such as age, family history, general People who exercise are less apt to have cardiovascular disease. Exer-
health, and whether the patient smokes. Further, for those with a strong cise helps keep weight under control, may help minimize stress, and
family history of cardiovascular disease, testing may be recommended reduces hypertension. The heart beats faster when exercising, but
for elevated levels of fibrinogen and lipoprotein (a), two blood compo- exercise slowly increases the heart’s capacity. This means that the
nents that may indicate atherosclerosis. A person with a moderate risk of heart can beat more slowly when we’re at rest and still do the same
cardiovascular disease may have success with dietary therapy to lower amount of work. The American Heart Association recommends at
LDL. Cholesterol-lowering drugs are reserved for high-risk patients. least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise: 30 minutes a day,
for 5 days per week. Those 30 minutes can even be broken into three
Proper Dental Care 10-minute sessions, making regular daily exercise an attainable goal
Periodontal disease, the inflammation of the gums caused by poor dental for practically everyone. In addition, practice meditation and yoga-
hygiene, has been suggested as a cause for atherosclerosis. Scientists like stretching and breathing exercises to reduce stress.
suspect that people with tooth decay and gum disease may have a low- For more information about cardiovascular disease prevention,
level bacterial infection in the blood—not severe enough to cause visit the American Heart Association website:

In the elderly, arterial walls tend to thicken with plaque

Content CHECK-UP! and become inelastic, signaling that atherosclerosis and ar-
13. The superior and inferior venae cavae return their blood to the: teriosclerosis are present. Increased blood pressure was once
a. right atrium. c. left atrium. believed to be inevitable with age, but now hypertension is
known to result from other conditions, such as kidney disease
b. pulmonary artery. d. pulmonary veins.
and atherosclerosis. The Medical Focus on pages 285–286 de-
14. In an adult heart, the oxygen content is highest in blood found
scribes how diet and exercise in particular can help prevent
in the:
a. pulmonary arteries. c. pulmonary veins. Myocardial infarction (described in the Medical Focus box
b. pulmonary trunk. d. right ventricle. on pages 267–268) and other diseases related to atherosclerosis
15. Occasionally, the ductus arteriosus fails to close in a newborn increase in frequency as a person ages. Congestive heart failure can
baby. What happens to the pulmonary circuit when this occurs? result from myocardial infarction.
Answers in Appendix A. In congestive heart failure, a damaged left side of the heart
fails to pump adequate blood, and blood backs up in the pulmo-
nary veins. Therefore, pulmonary blood vessels have become
12.6 Effects of Aging congested. The congested vessels leak fluid into tissue spaces,
causing pulmonary edema. The result is shortness of breath, fa-
18. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the
cardiovascular system as we age.
tigue, and a constant cough with pink, frothy sputum. Treatment
consists of the three Ds: diuretics (to increase urinary output),
digoxin (to increase the heart’s contractile force), and dilators (to
The heart generally grows larger with age, primarily because of fat relax the blood vessels). If necessary, a surgically implanted me-
deposition in the epicardium and myocardium. In many middle-aged chanical pump called a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) can
people, the heart is covered by a layer of fat, and the number of collag- help to maintain the pumping ability of the damaged left ven-
enous fibers in the endocardium increases. With age, the valves, par- tricle until it can recover. In some cases, heart transplant is also
ticularly the aortic semilunar valve, become thicker and more rigid. an option.
As a person ages, the myocardium loses some of its contractile The occurrence of varicose veins increases with age, particu-
power and some of its ability to relax. The resting heart rate decreases larly in people who are required to stand for long periods. Throm-
throughout life, and the maximum possible rate during exercise also boembolism as a result of varicose veins can lead to death if a
decreases. With age, the contractions become less forceful; the heart blood clot settles in a major branch of a pulmonary artery. (This
loses about 1% of its reserve pumping capacity each year after age 30. disorder is called pulmonary embolism.)

286 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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What's New
Novel Stent for the Severest Strokes

Imagine you are a physician, nurse, or other health-care provider in a

busy family practice center, when a 68-year-old patient comes into
your office complaining that the right side of his face is numb and his
right arm is tingling. His wife reports that he has had trouble answering
her questions all morning. On physical examination, you can see that
his right-side facial muscles are functioning weakly, and his face is
drooping. When asked to smile, he can only raise the corner of his
mouth on the left side, and when asked to stick his tongue straight out,
you can see that it bends to the left. His previous history includes all of
the risk factors for atherosclerosis: he’s an overweight, sedentary type
II diabetic, with a 20-year history of cigarette smoking and poorly
controlled hypertension. During his most recent physical exam several
months ago, you lectured him about his elevated blood LDL, triglycer-
ide, homocysteine, and CRP levels. You explained that his lifestyle
might lead to hardening and narrowing of his inflamed arteries, and Figure 12F Clot-Removing Stent
warned him that atherosclerosis causes heart attacks and strokes. You
know that he is currently experiencing a transient ischemic attack dissolves clots. However, because large clots often don’t respond to
(TIA), and his symptoms are a warning that he is at tremendous risk tPA treatment, the stroke victim may die or be seriously impaired.
for a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), or stroke. Without hesitating, A new catheter stent device shows promise for removing these
you send him to the nearby hospital known for its excellent stroke care. large clots (Fig. 12F). The catheter is inserted into the femoral artery
Acting fast in this scenario is critical for the patient’s survival and and threaded up to the blocked cerebral artery until it reaches the clot.
continued quality of life. Just as a myocardial infarction causes death Next, a tiny metal cage at the end of the stent is opened and pushed into
to heart muscle, a cerebrovascular accident results in the death of nerve the clot. Once the clot has been captured, the catheter is withdrawn,
cells. Scientists estimate that for each minute that delicate brain tissue pulling the clot along with it. In a recent clinical study of stroke patients,
is deprived of oxygenated blood, up to 1.9 million neurons are lost. 20% of the patients who received tPA alone recovered enough to return
Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States, to independent living. However, of those patients treated with both tPA
affecting more than 800,000 people every year. A small percentage of and the clot-removing stent, fully 33% were able to resume their normal
strokes occur when an intracranial blood vessel bursts, causing a daily activities. Furthermore, subsequent CT scans showed less brain
hemorrhagic stroke. However, the vast majority of strokes are caused damage in patients who received the stent treatment. Neurologists and
by clots that form in cerebral arteries. As you know from the Medical neurosurgeons are optimistic that the device will greatly improve avail-
Focus on pages 267–268, atherosclerotic plaques often trigger the clot- able care for those patients at greatest risk of brain damage.
ting cascade. Thrombotic stroke results from a stationary clot in a It’s important to remember that stroke and heart attack risk can
cerebral artery. If the clot forms elsewhere in the body, then breaks off be lessened by minimizing or avoiding their known risk factors. See
and blocks a cerebral vessel, it causes embolic stroke. Patients with the Medical Focus on pages 285–286 for a complete discussion on
smaller clots can often be successfully treated with tPA, a drug that preventing cardiovascular disease.

Homeostasis is possible only if the cardiovascular system delivers

Content CHECK-UP! oxygen and nutrients to and takes metabolic wastes from the tissue
16. In the elderly, the aortic valve can be come thicker and more fluid surrounding the cells. Human Systems Work Together on
rigid. Which chamber of the heart pumps blood through this page 288 summarizes how the cardiovascular system works with
valve? What happens to the chamber? other systems of the body to maintain homeostasis.
Answer in Appendix A.
Maintaining Blood Composition, pH,
and Temperature
12.7 Homeostasis As you study Human Systems Work Together, it’s important to
understand that the composition of the blood is maintained by the
19. Describe how the cardiovascular system works with other systems of
the body to maintain homeostasis.
other systems of the body. The red bone marrow of the skeletal system
contributes red blood cells for O2 and CO2 transport. The respiratory

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 287

lon96431_ch12_259-292.indd 287 18/11/15 2:28 PM

Human Systems Work Together CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM

Integumentary System Lymphatic System/Immunity

How the Cardiovascular
Blood vessels deliver Blood vessels transport
System works with other
nutrients and oxygen to leukocytes and
body systems.
skin; carry away wastes; antibodies; blood
blood clots if skin is services lymphatic
broken. organs and is source of
tissue fluid that becomes
Skin prevents water loss; lymph.
helps regulate body
temperature; protects Lymphatic vessels collect
blood vessels. excess tissue fluid and
return it to blood vessels;
lymphatic organs store
Skeletal System lymphocytes; lymph
nodes filter lymph, and
Blood vessels deliver the spleen filters blood.
nutrients and oxygen to
bones; carry away
wastes. Respiratory System

Rib cage protects heart; Blood vessels transport

red bone marrow gases to and from lungs;
produces blood cells; Heart blood services
bones store Ca2+ for respiratory organs.
blood clotting. Capillaries
Gas exchange in lungs
rids body of carbon
dioxide, helping to
Muscular System
regulate the pH of blood;
Blood vessels deliver breathing aids venous
nutrients and oxygen to return.
muscles; carry away
Digestive System
Muscle contraction keeps
blood moving in heart and Blood vessels transport
blood vessels. Vein nutrients from digestive
tract to body; blood
Artery services digestive
Nervous System
Digestive tract provides
Blood vessels deliver nutrients for plasma
nutrients and oxygen to protein formation and
neurons; carry blood cell formation; liver
away wastes. detoxifies blood, makes
Brain controls nerves plasma proteins, destroys
that regulate the heart old red blood cells.
and dilation of blood
Urinary System

Blood vessels deliver

Endocrine System wastes to be excreted;
blood pressure aids
Blood vessels transport kidney function; blood
hormones from glands; Reproductive System services urinary organs.
blood services glands;
heart produces atrial Blood vessels transport Kidneys filter blood and
natriuretic hormone. sex hormones; excrete wastes; maintain
vasodilation causes blood volume, pressure,
Epinephrine increases genitals to become erect; and pH; produce renin
blood pressure; ADH, blood services and erythropoietin.
aldosterone, and atrial reproductive organs.
natriuretic hormone
factors help regulate Sex hormones influence
blood volume; growth cardiovascular health;
factors control blood cell sexual activities stimulate
formation. cardiovascular system.

288 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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system is responsible for gas exchange. Both the respiratory and uri- vasoconstriction, while epinephrine can cause either vasoconstric-
nary systems cooperate to maintain proper pH. The digestive system tion or vasodilation. Aldosterone, ADH, and ANH (atriopeptide)
supplies nutrients, and the liver detoxifies waste. Skeletal muscle regulate urine excretion. Retention of water helps to raise blood
contraction supplies heat to keep us warm, and the integumentary pressure, while water excretion helps to lower blood pressure.
system allows us to eliminate any excess heat. The cardiovascular Venous return from the capillaries to the heart is assisted by
system is the body’s transportation mechanism: O2 and nutrients to the muscular and respiratory systems. Skeletal muscle contraction
body tissues, CO2 and wastes to lungs and kidneys, cooler blood to pushes blood past the vein valves, and breathing movements en-
the skeletal muscles to be warmed, warmed blood to the skin to be courage the flow of blood toward the heart. Smooth muscle in the
cooled, and so on. Thus, the body’s O2-CO2 level, nutrient distribu- walls of arterioles constricts and helps raise blood pressure. Plate-
tion, pH, and temperature remain relatively constant. lets are necessary to blood clotting, preventing excessive bleeding
and loss of pressure.
Maintaining Blood Pressure An individual who loses more than 10% of his or her blood
will suffer a sudden drop in blood pressure and go into shock. The
The pumping of the heart is critical to creating the blood pressure decreased pressure triggers the body’s last defense: A powerful
that moves blood throughout the body. The importance of the heart wave of sympathetic impulses constricts the veins and arterioles
to survival can be seen in the speed with which it develops during throughout the body to slow the drop in blood pressure. Heart rate
prenatal life. Long before other major organs, the heart and its ves- soars as high as 200 beats a minute to maintain blood flow, espe-
sels have taken shape and are ready to function. cially to the brain and the heart itself. Because of this reflex, you
The body has multiple ways to maintain blood pressure. Blood might lose as much as 40% of your total blood volume and still live.
vessel sensory receptors signal the brain when blood pressure falls.
The brain’s regulatory center subsequently increases heartbeat and
constricts blood vessels, and blood pressure is restored. The lym-
phatic system collects excess tissue fluid, returning it to the car- Content CHECK-UP!
diovascular system. In this way, the lymphatic system makes an
important contribution to regulating blood volume and pressure. 17. During exercise, the muscles generate heat. What system as-
The endocrine system assists the nervous system in regu- sists the cardiovascular system in ridding the body of excess
lating blood pressure. Epinephrine and norepinephrine act on heat? How does this work?
blood vessels in variable ways, depending on the region of the Answer in Appendix A.
body in which the blood vessels are found. Norepinephrine causes

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms chordae tendineae (kŏr9dē tĕn9dĭ-nē), p. 262 pacemaker (pās9mā9kŭhr), p. 265
aorta (ā-ōr9tŭh), p. 263 conduction system (kŭhn9 dŭk-shŭn sĭs9 tĕm), papillary muscles (păp9ŭh-lĕrē mŭs9ĕlz),
p. 264 p. 262
aortic semilunar valve (ā-ōr9tĭk sĕm9 ī-lū nĕr
vălv), p. 263 coronary artery (kōr9ŭh-nĕr-ē ăr9tĕr-ē), p. 263 pulmonary artery (pŭhl9 mŭh-nār
diastole (dī-ăs9tō-lē), p. 265 ē ăr9tĕr-ē), p. 279
arteriole (ăr-tē9rē-ōl), p. 271
ductus arteriosus (dŭk9tŭs ăr-tēr-ē-ō9sŭs), p. 283 pulmonary circuit (pŭhl9 mŭh-nār ē sĕr9kŭt),
artery (ăr9tĕr-ē), p. 271
ductus venosus (dŭk9tŭs vē-no9sŭs), p. 283 p. 260
atria (ā9 trē-ŭh), p. 261
endocardium (ĕndō-kăr9dē-ŭm), p. 261 pulmonary semilunar valve (pŭhl9 mŭh-nār ē
atrioventricular (AV) node (ātrē-ō-vĕn-trĭk9ū- sĕm9 ī-lū nĕr vălv), p. 262
lĕr nōd), p. 264 endothelium (ĕndō-thē9 lē-ŭhm), p. 261
pulmonary vein (pŭhl9 mŭh-nār ē vān), p. 279
atrioventricular bundle (ātrē-ō-vĕn-trĭk9ū-lĕr epicardium (ĕpĭ-kăr9dē-ŭm), p. 261
pulse (pŭls), p. 276
bŭn9dl), p. 264 foramen ovale (fō-rā9mĕn ō-vā9lē), p. 283
Purkinje fiber (pĕr-kĭn9jē fī9bĕr), p. 264
atrioventricular valve (ātrē-ō-vĕn-trĭk9ū-lĕr gap junction (găp jŭngk9 shŭn), p. 265
vălv), p. 262 renin (rē9nĭn), p. 276
hepatic portal system (hĕ-păt9ĭk pŏr9tăl
atrium (ā9trē-ŭm), p. 261 sĭs9tĕm), p. 282 respiratory pump (rĕs’pŭr-ŭh-tŏr-ē pŭmp),
p. 275
auricle (ōr9ŭh-kŭl), p. 261 inferior vena cava (ĭn-fēr9ē-ŏr vē9nŭh kă9vŭh),
p. 279 semilunar valve (sĕm9 ī-lū nĕr vălv), p. 262
bicuspid valve (bī-kŭs9pĭd vălv), p. 263
interatrial septum (ĭntĕr-ā9trē-ăl sĕp9tŭm), sinoatrial (SA) node (sīnō-ā9trē-ŭl nōd), p. 264
blood pressure (blŭhd prĕ9 shĕr), p. 274
p. 261 skeletal muscle pump (skĕ9 lĕ-tŭl mŭh9 sŭl
capillary (kăp9ĭ-lārē), p. 271
interventricular septum (ĭntĕr-vĕn-trĭk9ū-lĕr pŭmp), p. 275
cardiac cycle (kăr9dē-ăk sī9kŭl), p. 265
sĕp9tŭm), p. 261 superior vena cava (sū-pēr9ē-ŏr vē9nŭh
cardioregulatory center (kărdē-ō-rĕg9ū-lŭh- kă9vŭh), p. 279
tŏr-ē sĕn9tĕr), p. 269 macrophage (măk9rō-făj), p. 267
mitral valve (mī9trl vălv), p. 263 systemic circuit (sĭs-tĕm9ĭk sĕr9kŭt), p. 260
cerebral arterial circle (sĕr9ĕ-brăl ăr-tē9rē-ăl
myocardium (mīō-kăr9dē-ŭm), p. 261 systole (sĭs9tō-le), p. 265
sĕr9kl), p. 283
tissue fluid (ti9 shōo flōo9 ĭd), p. 271

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 289

lon96431_ch12_259-292.indd 289 18/11/15 2:28 PM

tricuspid valve (trī-kŭs9pĭd vălv), p. 262 atherosclerotic plaque (ăthĕr-ō-sklĕr-ŏt9ĭk hemorrhoids (hĕm9ō-roydz), p. 273
tunica externa (tū9nĭ-kŭh ēk-stŭr9nŭh), p. 271 plăk), p. 267 hypertension (hī9pŭhr-tĕn9shŭhn), p. 267
tunica intima (tū9nĭ-kŭh ĭnt9 ŭh-mŭh), p. 271 bradycardia (brădē-kăr9dē-ŭh), p. 269 hypotension (hī9pōh-tĕn9shŭhn), p. 275
tunica media (tū9nĭ-kŭh mē9dē-ŭh), p. 271 cerebrovascular accident (sĕrĕ-brō-văs9kū-lĕr infarct (ĭn9fărkt), p. 268
umbilical artery and vein (ŭm-bĭl9ĭ-kŭl ăr9tĕr-ē ăk9sĭ-dĕnt), p. 287 ischemic heart disease (ĭs-kĕm9ĭk hărt dĭ-zēz9),
and vān), p. 283 congestive heart failure (kŏn-jĕs9tĭv hărt p. 268
vasomotor center (vā9zō-mō9tĕr sĕn9tĕr), fāl9yĕr), p. 286 myocardial infarction (mīō-kăr9dē-ŭl ĭn-
p. 276 coronary artery disease (kōr9ŭh-nĕr-ē fărk9shŭn), p. 268
vein (vān), p. 273 ăr9tŭh-rē dĭ-zēz9), p. 267 phlebitis (flĭ-bī9tŭs), p. 274
ventricles (vĕn9trĭ-kŭhlz), p. 261 coronary bypass operation (kōr9ŭh-nĕr-ē pulmonary edema (pŭhl9 mŭh-nār ē ĕ-dē9
bī9păs ŏp-ĕr-ā9shŭn), p. 268 mŭh), p. 286
venule (vĕn9ūl), p. 273
cyanosis (sīŭh-nō9sĭs), p. 284 pulmonary embolism (pŭhl9 mŭh-nār ē ĕm9
visceral serous pericardium (vĭs9ĕr-ăl sēr9ŭs
pĕr-ĭ-kăr9dē-ŭm), p. 261 ectopic pacemaker (ĕk-tŏp9ĭk pās9mā-kĕr), bŭh-lĭz ŭhm), p. 274
p. 265 stent (stĕnt), p. 268
electrocardiogram (ē-lĕktrō-kăr9dē-ō-grăm),
Clinical Key Terms tachycardia (tăk9ĭ kăr9dē-ŭh), p. 269
p. 269
aneurysm (ăn9yer-ĭzm), p. 267 thromboembolism (thrŏmbō-ĕm9bŭh-lĭz9ŭhm),
embolic stroke (ĕm9bŏl-ĭk strōk), p. 287 p. 267
angina pectoris (ăn-jī9nŭh pĕk9tō-rĭs), p. 268 fatty streak (făt9ē strēk), p. 267 thrombotic stroke (thrŏm-bŏt9ĭk strōk), p. 287
arrhythmias (ŭh-rĭth9mē-ŭhz), p. 265 fibrillation (fĭbrĭ-lā9shŭn), p. 269 transient ischemic attack (TIA), p. 287
arteriosclerosis (ăr-tērē-ō-sklĕ-ro9sĭs), p. 267 heart block (hărt blok), p. 265 varicose vein (vār9ĭ-kōs vān), p. 273
atherosclerosis (ăthĕr-ō-sklĕ-ro9sĭs), p. 267 hemorrhagic stroke (hĕm9ō-răj-ĭk strōk), p. 287

12.1 Anatomy of the Heart C. The first heart sound, “lub,” is 12.3 Anatomy of Blood Vessels
The heart keeps oxygen-poor caused by AV valve closure. The Blood vessels transport blood, carry
blood separate from oxygen-rich second heart sound, “dup,” out exchange in pulmonary and sys-
blood and keeps blood flowing in occurs when the semilunar valves temic capillaries, regulate blood
one direction. It creates blood close. When valves don’t work pressure, and direct blood flow.
pressure and regulates the supply properly, they can be replaced A. Arteries and arterioles carry
of blood to meet current needs. with synthetic or pig valves. blood away from the heart.
The right side of the heart pumps D. The myocardium is supplied with B. Capillaries are made of endothe-
blood to the lungs via the pulmo- blood from the coronary circula- lial cells and have precapillary
nary circuit; the left side pumps tion. Coronary artery disease is sphincters.
blood to the tissues via the sys- caused by atherosclerosis. C. Capillary exchange occurs via a
temic circuit. 12.2 Physiology of the Heart balance of hydrostatic and osmotic
A. The heart is covered by the peri- A. The conduction system of the pressures. At the arterial end of a
cardium. The visceral pericar- heart includes the SA node, the capillary, outward hydrostatic pres-
dium also functions as the AV node, the AV bundle, the bun- sure is greater and tissue fluid
epicardium of the heart wall. The dle branches, and the Purkinje accumulates. At the venous end,
myocardium is made of cardiac fibers. The SA node causes the osmotic pressure is greater and
muscle, and the endocardium is atria to contract. The AV node and tissue fluid is reabsorbed.
the heart’s inner lining. the rest of the conduction system 12.4 Physiology of Circulation
B. The heart has right and left sides cause the ventricles to contract. A. Velocity of blood flow varies
and four chambers: two atria and B. The heartbeat (cardiac cycle) is according to total cross-sectional
two ventricles. There are two divided into three phases: (1) In area; therefore, blood flow is
atrioventricular valves separating atrial systole, the atria contract; slowest in the capillaries.
the atria from the ventricles: the (2) in ventricular systole, the ven- B. Blood pressure decreases with
right tricuspid valve and the left tricles contract; and (3) in atrial distance from the left ventricle.
bicuspid, or mitral, valve. On the and ventricular diastole, both the Cardiac output (CO) and
right side, the pulmonary semilu- atria and the ventricles rest. resistance to flow determine
nar valve controls blood flow C. The cardiac output (amount of blood pressure. Venous return af-
from the right ventricle into the blood discharged by the heart in fects CO. The skeletal muscle
pulmonary artery. On the left one minute) is the product of pump and the respiratory pump
side, the aortic semilunar valve stroke volume and heart rate. The assist venous return. A vasomotor
controls blood flow from the left heart rate is regulated largely by center regulates peripheral resis-
ventricle into the aorta. the cardioregulatory center and tance. Neural regulation of periph-
the autonomic nervous system. eral resistance is via a vasomotor

290 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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center in the medulla that is under off to supply various parts of the in the elderly and causes blood
the control of the cardioregulatory body, including the heart itself. to back up in the pulmonary
center. Several different hor- B. All systemic veins drain into the vessels.
mones regulate blood pressure inferior and superior venae 12.7 Homeostasis
through their influence over the cavae as well as the coronary The cardiovascular system is the
kidney’s reabsorption of water. sinus. body’s transportation mechanism.
C. To evaluate a person’s circula- C. The hepatic portal system car- It assures exchange at the pulmo-
tion, it is customary to take the ries blood from the stomach and nary capillaries and the systemic
pulse and blood pressure. intestines to the liver. Circulation capillaries. There are many exam-
12.5 Circulatory Routes to the brain includes the cerebral ples of the interaction of the car-
The pulmonary arteries transport arterial circle, which protects all diovascular system with other
oxygen-poor blood to the pulmo- regions of the brain from re- systems. For example, the endo-
nary capillaries, and the pulmonary duced blood supply. crine system is dependent on the
veins return oxygen-rich blood to D. Fetal circulation includes four cardiovascular system to transport
the heart. In the systemic circuit, unique features: (1) the foramen its hormones, and hormones help
blood travels from the left ventricle ovale, (2) the ductus arteriosus, maintain blood pressure. Blood
to the aorta, systemic arteries, arteri- (3) the umbilical arteries and vessels deliver wastes to the kid-
oles, and capillaries, and then from vein, and (4) the ductus venosus. neys, and the kidneys help main-
the capillaries to the venules and These features are necessary tain blood pressure. The
veins to the right atrium of the heart. because the fetus does not use respiratory system is dependent on
The systemic circuit serves the body its lungs for gas exchange. the cardiovascular system to trans-
proper. 12.6 Effects of Aging port gases to and from cells, and
A. Blood leaves the left ventricle Aging increases the risk of athero- the respiratory system assists ve-
and enters the ascending aorta, sclerosis and arteriosclerosis. nous return.
which sends smaller branches Congestive heart failure is common

Study Questions
1. State the location and functions of the 8. What types of blood vessels are in the 13. Trace the path of blood from the aorta
heart. (p. 260) body? Discuss their structure and func- to the femoral artery to the dorsalis
2. Describe the wall and coverings of the tion. (pp. 271–274) pedis artery in the foot. Then, trace a
heart. (p. 261) 9. What factors determine velocity of return pathway from the foot through
3. Name the chambers and valves of the blood flow? Blood pressure? In what the great saphenous vein and back to
heart. Trace the path of blood through vessel is blood pressure highest? Low- the aorta. Indicate which of the ves-
the heart. (pp. 261–263) est? (pp. 274–275) sels are in the systemic circuit and
4. Describe the coronary circuit, and dis- 10. What mechanisms assist venous re- which are in the pulmonary circuit.
cuss several coronary circuit disorders. turn to the heart? Discuss nervous and (pp. 279–281)
(pp. 263, 267–268) hormonal control of blood pressure. 14. Compare the fetal circulation with that
5. Describe the conduction system of the (pp. 275–276) of an adult. How are they alike? How
heart and how conduction can be 11. What is pulse? How do you take a per- are they different? (pp. 283–284)
recorded using an electrocardiogram. son’s pulse? How do you take a per- 15. Give examples to show that the cardio-
(pp. 264–265, 269) son’s blood pressure? What does a vascular system functions to maintain
6. Describe the cardiac cycle (using the blood pressure of 120/80 mean? homeostasis and that interactions with
terms systole and diastole), and explain (pp. 276–278) other systems help it and the other
the heart sounds. (pp. 265–266) 12. What are hypertension, stroke, systems to maintain homeostasis.
7. What is cardiac output (CO)? What two aneurysm, and congestive heart fail- (pp. 287–289)
factors determine CO? How are these ure? (pp. 267–268, 278, 286–287)
factors regulated? (pp. 266, 269–271)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 4. The node is known as the pressure, and the
1. The right side of the heart pumps the pacemaker. pressure recorded when the left
blood to the . 5. Arteries are blood vessels that take ventricle relaxes is called the
2. The valve between the left atrium blood the heart. pressure.
and left ventricle is the , 6. The force of blood against the walls 8. The two factors that affect blood
or mitral, valve. of an artery is termed . pressure are and
3. When the left ventricle contracts, 7. The blood pressure recorded when .
blood enters the . the left ventricle contracts is called

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System 291

lon96431_ch12_259-292.indd 291 18/11/15 2:28 PM

9. Blood moves in arteries due to 11. The blood vessels that serve the 14. In the fetus, the opening between the
and in veins movement heart are the arteries two atria is called the
is assisted by . and veins. and the connection between the
10. The major blood vessels taking blood 12. The human body contains a hepatic pulmonary artery and the aorta is
to and from the shoulders and upper portal system that takes blood from called the .
limbs are the arteries the to the .
and veins. Those taking blood to and 13. Blood vessels to the brain end in a
from the legs are the circular path known as the
arteries and veins. .

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. echocardiography (ĕkō-kărdē- 6. thromboendarterectomy (thrŏmbō-
derive the definitions for the medical terms ŏg9rŭh-fē) ĕndăr-tĕr-ĕk9tō-mē)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 2. coronary angioplasty (kōr9ŭh-nĕr-ē 7. cardiovalvulitis (kăr9dē-ō-vălv-yū-
suffixes used to create these terms can be ăn9jē-ō-plăstē) lī9tĭs)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 3. vasoconstriction (văsō-kŏn- 8. vasospasm (va9-sō-spăzm)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at strĭk9shŭn) 9. pericardiocentesis (pĕr-ĭ-kăr9dē-ō-sĕn- and consult 4. valvuloplasty (văl9vū-lō-plăstē) tē9sĭs)
Appendix B. 5. antihypertensive (ăntĭ-hīpĕr-tĕn9sĭv) 10. ventriculotomy (vĕn-trĭk-yū-lŏt9ō-mē)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

292 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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13 The Lymphatic System
and Body Defenses

A s you’ll discover in this chapter about the immune system, an allergy is an

exaggerated immune response to ordinary, everyday substances in the
environment. Mold, pollen, animal hair and dander, dust, bee stings, antibiotics,
food—the list of things that can cause an allergy is a long one (and based on
your own experience, you might be able to add to the list). Peanut allergy is
one of the most prevalent and dangerous food allergies, and the leading cause
of food-related death. For a person with this allergy, the world is a minefield of
peanut products, in one form or another—nuts, oil, flour, empty peanut shells.
Even peanut dust can contaminate other food: For example, baked goods
produced in a factory that also makes peanut butter cookies are unsafe. Public
places such as schools, restaurants, hotels, stores, and even public
transportation are dangerous, too, because all might have some peanut
contamination. Enter man’s best friend: a peanut-sniffing dog. Like a seeing
eye dog is for a blind person, so a peanut-sniffer is for a person with this
deadly allergy. The dogs are trained to detect even minute amounts of peanut
substances and then lead their owners away. Equipped with a sniffing dog, the
allergic person can navigate a peanut-filled world in relative safety. You can
read more about allergies on page 312.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

13.1 Lymphatic System 6. Describe the body’s specific defense Medical Focus
mechanisms: antibody-mediated
1. Describe the functions of the The Lymphatic System and Illness
immunity and cell-mediated
lymphatic system. immunity.
2. Explain the structure of lymphatic 7. Give examples of immunotherapeutic
Visual Focus
vessels and the path of lymph from drugs. Steps of the Inflammatory Reaction
the tissues to the cardiovascular
13.4 Creating an Immune Response Medical Focus
13.2 Organs, Tissues, and Cells of 8. Explain natural active and passive AIDS Epidemic
immunity, and describe how Immunization: The Great Protector
the Immune System artificial active and passive immunity Influenza: A Constant Threat of Pandemic
3. Describe the structure and function are created.
of the primary lymphatic organs: red 9. Give examples of disorders caused
bone marrow and the thymus gland. What’s New
by excessive and inadequate
4. Describe the structures and immune system responses. Parasite Prescription for Autoimmune
functions of the secondary lymphatic Disease
organs: the spleen and the lymph 13.5 Effects of Aging
nodes. Human Systems Work Together
10. Describe the anatomical and
physiological changes that occur in Lymphatic System
13.3 Nonspecific and Specific the immune system as we age.
5. Outline the body’s nonspecific 13.6 Homeostasis
defense mechanisms: barriers to 11. Describe how the lymphatic system
entry, inflammatory reaction, natural works with other systems of the
killer cells, and protective proteins. body to maintain homeostasis.


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13.1 Lymphatic System prevented from flowing backward by one-way valves (in the same
way that vein valves prevent backflow). Failure of the lymphatic
1. Describe the functions of the lymphatic system.
system to properly collect and return excessive tissue fluid to the
2. Explain the structure of lymphatic vessels and the path of lymph from
the tissues to the cardiovascular veins. bloodstream results in edema, as described in the Medical Focus
on page 297.
The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels and the lym-
phatic organs. This system, which is closely associated with the
cardiovascular system, has three main functions that contribute to Content CHECK-UP!
1. If you wanted to describe the lymphatic system, which
1. Fluid balance. The lymphatic system takes up excess statements would you use?
tissue fluid and returns it to the bloodstream. Recall (from a. It takes up excess tissue fluid and returns it to the circulation.
Chapter 12) that lymphatic capillaries lie very near blood b. It houses white blood cells.
capillaries, and they serve as an auxiliary way to take up c. Lacteals in the intestines absorb dietary lipids.
fluid that has exited the blood capillaries.
d. All of these statements are correct.
2. Fat absorption. The lymphatic system absorbs fats from
the digestive tract and transports them to the bloodstream. 2. Imagine that lymph is draining from your right arm to return to
Special lymphatic capillaries called lacteals are located in the heart. Starting with lymphatic capillaries, describe the cor-
rect pathway for lymph flow.
the intestinal villi (see Fig. 15.7). This function ensures
the absorption of dietary lipids as well as lipid-soluble 3. Large lymphatic vessels are similar in structure to:
vitamins. a. capillaries in the cardiovascular system.
3. Defense. The lymphatic system helps defend the body b. arteries in the cardiovascular system.
against disease. This function is carried out by the white c. veins in the cardiovascular system.
blood cells present in lymphatic vessels and lymphatic Answers in Appendix A.
organs, as well as those present in the blood and scattered
between tissue cells. In addition to destroying foreign
invaders, white blood cells are important in the destruction of
dead and dying tissue cells. White blood cells also defend 13.2 Organs, Tissues, and Cells
against body cells that have mutated to become cancerous.
of the Immune System
3. Describe the structure and function of the primary lymphatic organs:
Lymphatic Vessels red bone marrow and the thymus gland.
4. Describe the structures and functions of the secondary lymphatic or-
Lymphatic vessels form a one-way system that begins with gans: the spleen and the lymph nodes.
lymphatic capillaries. Most regions of the body are richly sup-
plied with lymphatic capillaries. These are tiny, closed-ended The immune system, which plays an important role in keeping
vessels consisting of a single layer of simple squamous epithe- us healthy, consists of a network of lymphatic organs, tissues,
lium, whose walls have large pores to allow particles to enter and cells as well as products of these cells, including antibod-
(Fig. 13.1). Lymphatic capillaries take up excess tissue fluid. ies and regulatory agents. Immunity is the ability to react to
Tissue fluid is mostly water, but it also contains solutes (e.g., antigens so that the body remains free of disease. Disease re-
nutrients, electrolytes, and oxygen) derived from plasma and sults from a failure of homeostasis. It can be due to infection by
cellular products (i.e., hormones, enzymes, and wastes) se- foreign microbes, and/or to the failure of the immune system to
creted by cells. Once inside lymphatic vessels, this tissue fluid function properly.
is called lymph.
The lymphatic capillaries join to form lymphatic vessels
that merge before entering one of two ducts: the thoracic duct
or the right lymphatic duct. The larger thoracic duct returns
Primary Lymphatic Organs
lymph collected from the body below the thorax and the left Lymphatic (lymphoid) organs contain large numbers of lym-
upper limb and left side of the head and neck into the left sub- phocytes, the type of white blood cell that plays a pivotal role in
clavian vein. The right lymphatic duct returns lymph from the immunity. The primary lymphatic organs are the red bone marrow
right upper limb and right side of the head and neck into the right and the thymus gland (Fig. 13.1, bottom). Lymphocytes originate
subclavian vein. and/or mature in these organs.
The construction of the larger lymphatic vessels is similar
to that of cardiovascular veins, including the presence of valves.
The movement of lymph within lymphatic capillaries is largely Red Bone Marrow
dependent upon skeletal muscle contraction. Lymph forced Red bone marrow is the site of stem cells that are capable
through lymphatic vessels as a result of muscular compression is of constantly dividing and producing blood cells. Some of

294 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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tonsil: patches of lymphatic tissue; helps to prevent entrance of

pathogens by way of the nose and mouth
right lymphatic duct:
empties lymph into the thoracic duct
right subclavian vein
left subclavian vein
right subclavian vein red bone marrow: site for the origin of all types of blood cells

axillary lymph nodes: thymus: lymphatic tissue where T lymphocytes mature and
located in the underarm region learn to tell "self" from "nonself"

spleen: cleanses the blood of cellular debris and bacteria, while

thoracic duct: empties resident lymphocytes respond to the presence of antigens
lymph into the left
subclavian vein


tissue cell
inguinal lymph nodes:
located in the groin region; blood
cleanse lymph and alert capillary
the immune system to
pathogens b.


cortex capsule

310 µm 641 µm 641 µm 381 µm

lymphocyte monocyte cortex medulla capsule medulla white pulp red pulp

Red bone marrow Thymus gland Lymph node Spleen

Figure 13.1 The lymphatic system. (a) Lymphatic vessels drain excess fluid from the tissues and return it to the
cardiovascular system. (b) The enlargement shows a lymphatic vessel. (c) The red bone marrow, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and spleen
are among those lymphatic organs that assist immunity.

lon96431_ch13_293-317.indd 295 18/11/15 2:31 PM

these cells become the various types of white blood cells: neu- blood. Differentiated blood cells enter the bloodstream at
trophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes these sinuses.
(Fig. 13.2). Lymphocytes differentiate into the B lymphocytes, T lym-
In a child, most bones have red bone marrow, but in an phocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells, the specialized granu-
adult it is limited to the sternum, vertebrae, ribs, the skull, part lar white blood cells similar in structure to a lymphocyte. Bone
of the pelvic girdle, and the proximal heads of the humerus marrow is not only the source of B lymphocytes, but also the
and femur. place where B lymphocytes mature. T lymphocytes mature in
The red bone marrow consists of a network of reticular the thymus.
tissue fibers, which support the stem cells and their progeny.
They are packed around thin-walled sinuses filled with venous
Thymus Gland
The soft, bilobed thymus gland is located in the thoracic cavity
between the trachea and the sternum superior to the heart. The
a. Neutrophil thymus varies in size, but it is largest in children and shrinks as we
Phagocytizes get older. Connective tissue divides the thymus into lobules, which
primarily bacteria are filled with lymphocytes. The thymus gland produces a group of
thymic hormones, collectively called thymosins, that are thought to
aid in the maturation of T lymphocytes. Thymosins also have other
functions in immunity.
Immature T lymphocytes migrate from the bone marrow
b. Eosinophil
through the bloodstream to the thymus, where they mature.
1–4% Only about 5% of these cells ever leave the thymus. These T
Phagocytizes and lymphocytes have survived a critical test: If any show the abil-
destroys antigen-antibody
complexes and parasitic
ity to react with “self” cells (i.e., one’s own tissue cells), they
organisms die. If they have potential to attack a foreign cell, they leave the
The thymus is absolutely critical to immunity; without a thy-
mus, the body does not reject foreign tissues, blood lymphocyte
c. Basophil levels are drastically reduced, and the body’s response to most
0–1% antigens is poor or absent.
Releases histamine and
other chemicals when
Secondary Lymphatic Organs
The secondary lymphatic organs are the spleen, the lymph nodes,
and other organs, such as the tonsils, Peyer patches, and the ap-
pendix. All the secondary organs are places where lymphocytes
d. Lymphocyte encounter and bind with antigens, after which they proliferate and
B type produces become actively engaged cells.
antibodies in blood and
lymph; T type kills virus-
containing cells and Spleen
cancer cells
The spleen, the largest lymphatic organ, is located in the upper
left region of the abdominal cavity posterior to the stomach.
Connective tissue divides the spleen into partial compartments,
e. Monocyte
4–8% each of which contains tissue known as white pulp and red pulp
Becomes macrophage— (Fig. 13.1, bottom). The white pulp contains a concentration of
phagocytizes bacteria lymphocytes. The red pulp, which surrounds venous sinuses, is
and viruses
involved in filtering the blood. Blood entering the spleen must pass
through the sinuses before exiting. Lymphocytes and macrophages
react to pathogens, and macrophages engulf debris and also remove
any old, worn-out red blood cells.
Figure 13.2 The five types of white blood cells. The spleen’s outer capsule is relatively thin, and an infection
These cell types differ according to structure and function. The or a blow can cause the spleen to burst. Although the spleen’s
frequency of each type of cell is given as a percentage of the functions are replaced by other organs, a person without a spleen
total found in circulating blood. (See Chapter 11 for a detailed
is often slightly more susceptible to infections and may have to
description of these cells.)
receive antibiotic therapy indefinitely.

296 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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The Lymphatic System and Illness

As the “next-door neighbor” to the cardiovascular system, the parallel tissue cells. Thus, edema can lead to tissue damage and eventual
lymphatic system defends against infectious disease and cancer, and death, illustrating the importance of tissue fluid collection by the
regulates fluid balance in the tissues. Failure of the lymphatic system lymphatic system.
to maintain homeostatic balance in these critical areas results Blockage of the lymphatic vessels prevents proper tissue fluid
in disease. drainage, resulting in edema. As mentioned previously, surgical
The internal structure of a lymph node is designed to filter out removal of lymph nodes is a common treatment for cancer. How-
from lymph and then destroy any foreign material, including microbes ever, node removal often blocks lymphatic drainage, producing a
and cancer cells. An infection that causes swelling and tenderness of painful and debilitating lymphedema for the patient. A dramatic
nearby lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. If the infection is not example of edema caused by lymphatic obstruction occurs when a
contained, lymphangitis, an infection of the lymphatic vessels, may parasitic roundworm clogs the lymphatic vessels. Tremendous
result. Red streaks can be seen through the skin, indicating that the swelling of the arm, leg, or external genitals results, causing a con-
infection may have spread to the bloodstream. dition called elephantiasis.
Like microbes, cancer cells sometimes enter lymphatic vessels Edema can also be due to a low osmotic pressure of the blood,
and move undetected to other regions of the body, where they produce as when plasma proteins are excreted by the kidneys instead of
secondary tumors. In this way, the lymphatic system sometimes being retained in the blood. Extra tissue fluid forms, and lymphatic
assists metastasis, the spread of cancer far from its place of origin. vessels may not be able to absorb it all. Pulmonary edema is a life-
Because of this potential for metastasis, regional lymph nodes are threatening condition associated with congestive heart failure.
usually removed for examination whenever surgery is used to diag- When the heart muscle is damaged and unable to effectively empty
nose or treat cancer. The presence or absence of tumor cells in the the heart, blood backs up in the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary
nodes can be used to determine how far the cancer has spread. Lymph capillary blood pressure increases, which leads to excess fluid in
node biopsy (the microscopic study of the tissue) also aids in making lung tissue. Congested lung tissue cannot properly exchange
decisions concerning additional treatment, such as radiation or oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood, and the patient may
chemotherapy. suffocate.
Failure of the lymphatic vessels to properly remove tissue Cancer of lymphatic tissue is called lymphoma. In Hodgkin
fluid results in a condition called edema. Edema forms because too disease, billions of lymphoma cells create swollen lymph nodes
much tissue fluid is made and/or not enough tissue fluid is drained throughout the body. The lymphoma cells can migrate and grow in the
away. Excessive tissue fluid can compress the blood vessels within spleen, liver, and bone marrow. The prognosis is good, however, if
a tissue, preventing the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to Hodgkin disease is diagnosed early.

Lymph Nodes
Begin Thinking Clinically
Lymph nodes, which are small, ovoid structures, occur along
Why do surgeons remove lymph nodes at the same time
lymphatic vessels. Connective tissue forms the capsule of a lymph
that a cancer is taken out? What is a sentinel node?
node and also divides the organ into compartments (see Fig. 13.1).
Each compartment contains a nodule packed with B lymphocytes Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
and a sinus that increases in size toward the center of the node. As
lymph courses through the sinuses, it is filtered by macrophages
(phagocytic white blood cells), which engulf pathogens and de- Lymphatic Nodules
bris. T lymphocytes, also present in sinuses, fight infections and Lymphatic nodules are concentrations of lymphatic tissue not sur-
attack cancer cells. rounded by a capsule. The tonsils are lymphatic nodules located
Each portion of the anterior body cavity (see Fig. 1.5) contains in the posterior pharynx (see Fig. 14.2). A single pharyngeal
superficial and deep lymph nodes, named for their location. For tonsil (also referred to as adenoids) is in the nasopharynx, whereas
example, inguinal nodes are in the groin, and axillary nodes are in lingual tonsils sit at the base of the tongue. Palatine tonsils are
the armpits. Physicians often examine for the presence of swollen, visible in the posterior oral cavity. Like lymph nodes, the tonsils
tender lymph nodes as evidence that the body is fighting an infec- contain both T and B lymphocytes. Because of their location, they
tion. This is a noninvasive, preliminary way to help make such a are the first to encounter pathogens and antigens that enter the body
diagnosis. by way of the nose and mouth.

Chapter 13 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 297

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Peyer patches are located in the intestinal wall, and similar of bacteria. Finally, a significant chemical barrier to infection is created
lymphatic nodules are found in the appendix. These structures by the normal flora—microbes that normally reside in the mouth, large
encounter and help to defend against pathogens that enter the body intestine, and other areas. By using up available nutrients and releasing
by way of the intestinal tract. their own waste, these normal germs prevent potential pathogens from
taking up residence. For this reason, abusing antibiotics can make a per-
Content CHECK-UP! son susceptible to pathogenic infection by killing off the normal flora.

4. List and describe two functions of the thymus gland. Inflammatory Reaction
5. Which lymphatic organ functions as a blood reservoir and In a situation where the first line of defense is inadequate, the
removes dead and dying red blood cells?
body’s second line of defenses will activate. These mechanisms
a. thymus c. appendix involve the inflammatory response, accompanied by the actions of
b. Peyer patches d. spleen phagocytic cells, natural killer cells, and protective proteins. Like
6. Which of the following structures has a connective tissue the first line of defense, this second set of responses is nonspecific.
capsule? Whenever tissue is damaged by physical or chemical agents
a. axillary lymph nodes c. Peyer patches or by pathogens, a series of events occurs that is known as the
b. palatine tonsils d. adenoids (pharyngeal tonsil) inflammatory reaction. The inflammatory reaction has four out-
ward signs: redness, swelling, heat, and pain. All of these signs
Answers in Appendix A.
are due to capillary changes in the damaged area. Figure 13.3
illustrates the five basic steps of an inflammatory response:
13.3 Nonspecific and Specific Defenses 1. Chemical mediators, such as histamine, cause capillaries to
5. Outline the body’s nonspecific defense mechanisms: barriers to dilate and become more permeable. These tissue chemicals are
entry, inflammatory reaction, nonspecific phagocytic white blood released by damaged tissue cells and by mast cells found in
cells, natural killer cells, and protective proteins.
the tissues. Mast cells resemble basophils, one of the types of
6. Describe the body’s specific defense mechanisms: antibody-
mediated immunity and cell-mediated immunity. white blood cells (see section 11.2 to review the types of white
7. Give examples of immunotherapeutic drugs. blood cells). Excess blood flow to the inflamed area causes the
skin to redden and become warm. Elevated temperature tends
Immunity includes nonspecific defenses and specific defenses. The to inhibit the growth of some pathogens, and heightened blood
five types of nonspecific defenses—barriers to entry, the inflam- flow brings more defensive white blood cells to the area.
matory reaction, nonspecific phagocytic white blood cells, natural 2. Increased capillary permeability allows fluids and proteins,
killer cells, and protective proteins—are effective against many including blood clotting factors, to escape into the tissues.
types of infectious agents. Specific defenses are effective against a Escaped fluid causes swelling in the affected areas, putting
particular infectious agent. pressure on nearby pain neurons and causing pain. Further,
the inflammatory chemicals themselves can also stimulate
Nonspecific Defenses the pain sensation. Although we can all agree that pain is a
big nuisance, it’s also a warning that tissue has been injured,
Barriers to Entry and we need to try to correct the situation.
The body has built-in barriers, both physical and chemical, that 3. Edema and clots that form in the injured area help to “wall
help to prevent infection by microbes. These barriers are the first off” the area from the rest of the body. Thus, if pathogens
line of defense against infection. The intact skin is generally a very have entered the body during injury, they will not be able to
effective physical roadblock that prevents infection. Mucous mem- cause a systemic infection.
branes lining the respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and urinary 4. Migration of phagocytes, primarily neutrophils and mono-
tracts are also physical barriers to entry by pathogens. (However, cytes, also occurs during the inflammatory reaction. Neutro-
it must be noted that their effectiveness is limited, especially in phils and monocytes are amoeboid (see Figure 11.6) and can
the oral and nasal cavities, because most cold viruses enter the change shape to squeeze through capillary walls and enter
body by crossing these membranes.) The ciliated cells that line the tissue fluid. There, they phagocytize pathogens.
upper respiratory tract sweep mucus and trapped particles up into 5. After monocytes appear on the scene, they differentiate into
the throat, where they can be swallowed or expectorated (spit out). macrophages, large phagocytic cells that are able to devour
Chemical barriers to infection include the secretions of sebaceous as many as 100 pathogens and still survive. Some tissues,
(oil) glands in the skin, which contain chemicals that weaken or kill cer- particularly connective tissue, have resident macrophages
tain bacteria on the skin. As perspiration evaporates, the concentrated that routinely act as scavengers—devouring old blood cells,
salt on the skin helps prevent infection. Further, perspiration, saliva, bits of dead tissue, and other debris. Macrophages also
and tears contain an antibacterial enzyme called lysozyme. Saliva also release colony-stimulating factors, chemicals which pass by
helps to wash microbes off the teeth and tongue. Similarly, as urine is way of the blood to the red bone marrow. There, the factors
voided from the body, it flushes bacteria from the urinary tract. The stimulate the production and the release of white blood cells,
acidic pH of the stomach inhibits bacterial growth or kills many types primarily neutrophils.

298 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Visual Focus


1. Injured tissue cells and mast

cells release histamine and other
inflammatory chemicals which
cause capillaries to dilate. 5. Monocytes become aggressive
Increased blood flow to the area macrophages, which quickly
results in redness and heat. phagocytize pathogens and
stimulate the immune response.
neutrophil monocyte
histamine macrophage
tissue injured tissue
mast cell
4. Neutrophils and monocytes
squeeze through the capillary
wall and phagocytize pathogens.
blood clot

Capillary free nerve ending 3. Blood clotting seals capillary and

(transmits prevents blood loss. Clots also
pain sensation) serve to “wall off” inflamed area.

2. Increased permeability of capillary

causes a local accumulation of tissue fluid.
Swelling and tissue chemicals stimulate
free nerve endings, causing pain.

Figure 13.3 Steps of the inflammatory reaction. (1) When there is an injury, tissue cells and mast cells release inflammatory
chemicals (such as histamine) that dilate blood vessels and cause them to leak. More blood flows to the area, and the skin appears red
and feels warm. (2) Because capillaries are more permeable, edema forms. Swelling and inflammatory chemicals stimulate pain recep-
tors (free nerve endings). (3) Blood clotting seals off the capillary, preventing blood loss and walling off the inflamed area. (4) Mono-
cytes (which become macrophages) and neutrophils squeeze through the capillary wall, and phagocytosis begins. (5) Monocytes
transform to macrophages, which stimulate specific immune responses in addition to destroying pathogens.

Chapter 13 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 299

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During the process of phagocytosis, endocytic vesicles letter C and a subscript. Complement proteins are primarily made
form when neutrophils and macrophages engulf pathogens (see by the liver. A limited amount of activated complement protein is
section 3.2, page 55). When the vesicle combines with a lysosome, needed because a cascade effect occurs: Each activated protein in
a cellular organelle, the pathogen is destroyed by hydrolytic en- a series is capable of activating many other proteins.
zymes. As the infection is being overcome, some phagocytes die. The complement proteins are activated when pathogens enter
These—along with dead tissue cells, dead bacteria, living white the body. The proteins “complement” certain immune responses,
blood cells, and possibly living bacteria—form pus, a whitish ma- which accounts for their name. For example, they are involved in
terial. The presence of pus indicates that the body is destroying and amplify the inflammatory response because complement pro-
dead tissue cells, and/or trying to overcome an infection. teins attract phagocytes to the scene. Some complement proteins
Sometimes an inflammation persists, and the result is bind to the surface of pathogens already coated with antibodies
chronic inflammation that is often treated by administering anti- (specific antibacterial protein molecules), which ensures that the
inflammatory agents such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or cortisone. These pathogens will be phagocytized by a neutrophil or macrophage.
medications act against the chemical mediators released by the Certain other complement proteins join to form a membrane
white blood cells in the damaged area and also decrease the phago- attack complex that punches holes in the walls and plasma mem-
cytic response by white blood cells. branes of bacteria. Fluids and salts then enter the bacterial cell to
Although an inflammatory reaction is a nonspecific defense the point that it bursts.
mechanism that occurs whenever tissue is injured, it can be accom- Interferon is a protein produced by virus-infected body cells.
panied by a specific, directed response to the injury. As infectious Interferon binds to receptors of noninfected cells, causing them to
microbes are destroyed by neutrophils and macrophages, bits and prepare for possible attack by producing substances that interfere
pieces of the dead cells can cross the barrier created by inflamma- with viral replication. Interferon is specific to one particular spe-
tion. These fragments, called antigens, can travel along with the cies; therefore, only human interferon can be used in humans.
released chemical mediators through the tissue fluid and lymph to
the lymph nodes. Now lymphocytes mount a specific defense to the Specific Defenses
infection, as described in the next section.
When creating a specific defense, the immune system lympho-
Natural Killer Cells cytes respond to foreign antigens. This is the body’s third line of
defense against infection. It’s important to understand that normal
Natural killer (NK) cells kill virus-infected cells and tumor cells
cells also have antigens, primarily in the form of protein molecules
by cell-to-cell contact. They are large, granular leukocytes, simi-
found on the cell membrane. However, the immune system is able
lar in structure to lymphocytes, and they originate from the same
to distinguish “self” antigens from foreign antigens. Thus, lympho-
multipotential stem cells as lymphocytes. However, unlike B and
cytes don’t ordinarily attack normal body cells. Lymphocytes are
T lymphocytes, they have no specificity for individual pathogens,
capable of recognizing alien antigens because they have antigen
and they do not form memory cells. Their number is not increased
receptors—plasma membrane receptor proteins that combine with
by prior exposure to any kind of cell.
a specific “nonself” antigen. Antigens are typically large mole-
cules like proteins, though fragments of bacteria, viruses, molds, or
Protective Proteins parasites can also be antigenic. Further, abnormal cell membrane
The complement system, often simply called complement, is proteins produced by cancer cells may also be antigens. Table 13.1
composed of a number of blood plasma proteins designated by the summarizes the nonspecific and specific defenses.

TABLE 13.1 Three Lines of Defense

Types How They Work

First Line: Nonspecific Mechanical barriers Intact skin, mucous membranes, respiratory cilia prevent entry
Chemical barriers Stomach acid, saliva, tears, etc., destroy and/or wash away pathogens
Normal flora of microbes Create a hostile environment for pathogens
Second Line: Nonspecific Inflammatory reaction Walls off infection site, draws white cells to area, signals a pain response
Nonspecific phagocytic cells Neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes/macrophages engulf and destroy
invaders; basophils/mast cells produce chemicals to stimulate immune
Natural killer cells Kill pathogens by cell-to-cell contact
Protective proteins Complement participates, enhances defensive response. Interferon
interferes with viral replication
Third Line: Specific B lymphocytes Antibody response
T lymphocytes Produce messenger cytokines, stimulate B cells, direct cell destruction

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B Cells and Antibody-Mediated Immunity
antigen sites Antigen binds
There are millions of individual groups, or clones, of immature B
to binding site. lymphocytes in an adult. Each clone is pre-programmed to produce
a particular type of antibody if exposed to a specific antigen. The
light clonal selection theory states that one particular lymphocyte in
Shape of antigen fits chain a clone is selected to respond because its antigen receptors com-
shape of binding site. bine with the antigen in the precise “lock-and-key” fit. Next, the
selected lymphocyte goes on to reproduce multiple copies of itself.
Each of the identical cells in the resulting group is a clone of the
original cell. The majority of these B lymphocytes will mature to
C = constant
V = variable
form plasma cells, all bearing the same type of antigen receptor.
Notice in Figure 13.5 that different types of antigen receptors
are represented by their shaped ends: circular, triangular, square,
and so on. The B cell with curved, circular receptors undergoes
clonal expansion because a specific antigen (green dots) is present
and binds to its receptors. B cells are stimulated to divide and be-
come plasma cells by helper T-cell secretions called cytokines, as
discussed later in this section. Some members of the clone become
memory cells, which are the means by which long-term immunity
is possible. If the same antigen enters the system again, memory
B cells quickly divide and give rise to more lymphocytes capable
of quickly producing antibodies. A second exposure to the same
antigen produces a stronger, faster immune response.
Once the threat of an infection has passed, the development
of new plasma cells ceases, and those present undergo apoptosis.
Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell death involving a cas-
b. cade of specific cellular events leading to the death and destruc-
tion of the cell. It is important that these cells die once they are no
Figure 13.4 Structure of a single antibody molecule
(monomer). (a) Monomers contain two heavy (long) polypeptide longer needed. Otherwise they could mistakenly destroy body cells
chains and two light (short) chains arranged so that there are two in an autoimmune response.
variable regions, where a particular antigen is capable of binding Defense by B cells is called antibody-mediated immunity
with an antibody (V 5 variable region, C 5 constant region). because the various types of B cells produce antibodies. It is also called
(b) Computer model of an antibody molecule. The antigen humoral immunity because these antibodies are present in blood and
combines with the two side branches. lymph. A humor is any fluid normally occurring in the body.

Immunity usually lasts for some time. For example, once a Structure and Function of Antibodies
child has been properly immunized against measles virus, the
immune system confers a long-term protection (see the Medical The basic unit that composes antibody molecules is a Y-shaped
Focus on pages 309–310). Booster immunizations help to maintain protein molecule with two arms. Each arm has a “heavy” (long)
immunity throughout the teen years and into adulthood. polypeptide chain and a “light” (short) polypeptide chain (see
Immunity is primarily the result of the action of the Fig. 13.4). These chains have constant regions, located at the trunk of
B lymphocytes and the T lymphocytes. Recall that B lympho- the Y, where the sequence of amino acids is set. The class of antibody
cytes mature in the bone marrow,1 and T lymphocytes mature in for each individual molecule is determined by the structure of the
the thymus gland. B lymphocytes, also called B cells, give rise to antibody’s constant region. The variable regions form an antigen-
plasma cells, which produce antibodies. Antibodies combine with binding site, and their shape is specific to a particular antigen. The
and neutralize foreign antigens. Each antibody protein is shaped antigen combines with the antibody at the antigen-binding site in a
like a specific antigen and combines with that antigen in a pre- lock-and-key manner. Antibodies may consist of single Y-shaped
cise, “lock-and-key” fit (Fig. 13.4). These antibodies are secreted molecules called monomers, or they can be paired together in a mol-
into the blood, lymph, and other body fluids. In contrast, T lym- ecule called a dimer. Very large antibodies belonging to the M class
phocytes, also called T cells, do not produce antibodies. Instead, are pentamers—clusters of five Y-shaped molecules linked together.
certain T cells directly attack cells that bear nonself proteins. Other The antigen-antibody reaction can take several forms. Anti-
T cells regulate the immune response by producing cytokines, bodies react with viruses and toxins (the poisons made by bacteria)
which are proteins that regulate the immune response. by coating them completely—a process called neutralization. Other
antibodies cause agglutination, a reaction that produces an immune
Historically, the B stands for bursa of Fabricius, an organ in the chicken where these cells complex. An immune complex is a clump of antigens combined with
were first identified. antibodies. Clustering antigens into an immune complex marks the

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antigens for destruction. For example, an antigen-antibody com-
plex may be engulfed by neutrophils or macrophages, or it may
B cell B-cell activate complement. Complement makes pathogens more suscep-
antigens receptor tible to phagocytosis, as discussed previously.

Classes of Antibodies
There are five different classes of circulating antibody proteins, or
immunoglobulins (Igs) (Table 13.2). IgG antibodies are the major
type in blood, and lesser amounts are also found in lymph and
a tissue fluid. IgG antibodies bind to pathogens and their toxins.
IgG antibodies can cross the placenta from a mother to her fetus,
so that the newborn has a temporary, partial immune response.
As mentioned previously, IgM antibodies are pentamers. These
Activation cytokines from T cells antibodies are “first responders”: the first antibodies produced
by a newborn’s body. Subsequently, IgM antibodies are the first
to appear in blood soon after an infection begins and the first to
disappear before the infection is over. They are good activators of
the complement system. IgA antibodies are monomers or dimers
containing two Y-shaped structures. They are the main type of
antibody found in body secretions: saliva, tears, mucus, and breast
Clonal expansion
milk. IgA molecules bind to pathogens and prevent them from
reaching the bloodstream. The main function of IgD molecules
seems to be to serve as antigen receptors on immature B cells. IgE
antibodies are responsible for prevention of parasitic infections, but
antibody they can also cause immediate allergic responses.

TABLE 13.2 Functional Classes of Antibodies

Classes Presence Function

Memory B cells
IgG Main antibody type in Binds to pathogens,
circulation; crosses activates
Plasma cells the placenta from complement
mother to fetus proteins, and
IgM Antibody type found in Activates complement
circulation; largest proteins; clumps
antibody; first cells
c Apoptosis antibody formed
antigen by a newborn; first
antibody formed
Apoptosis with any new
IgA Main antibody type in Prevents pathogens
secretions such as from attaching to
saliva and milk epithelial cells in
digestive and
respiratory tract
IgD Antibody type found on Presence signifies
surface of immature readiness of B cell
B cells

Figure 13.5 Clonal selection theory as it applies to B cells. IgE Antibody type found as Responsible for
antigen receptors immediate allergic
(a) Each B cell has different antigen receptors. (b) An antigen combines
on basophils in response and
with only one B-cell receptor. Cytokines cause the B cell to multiply. blood and on mast protection against
(c) The chosen B cell forms plasma cells, which undergo apoptosis when cells in tissues certain parasitic
the immune response is complete. Memory B cells remain in the body. infections

302 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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T cell


MHC/HLA protein
(self antigen)

antigen-presenting cell

foreign antigen

Clonal expansion

Cytotoxic T cell

helper T cell Figure 13.6 Clonal

selection theory as it applies to
T cells. (a) Each T cell has different
cytokines antigen receptors that combine with
only one antigen. (b) The macrophage
presents this antigen in the groove of
Memory T cell an HLA molecule, and the T cell that
can combine with the antigen-HLA pair
is stimulated to divide. (c) Clonal expan-
sion gives rise to three types of T cells.
B lymphocyte Helper T cells produce cytokines that
stimulate immune responses, including
B-cell response. Cytotoxic T cells attack
cells having the same antigen. Memory
cells remain after the immune response
is complete.

T Cells and Cell-Mediated Immunity major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein in the APC
When T cells leave the thymus, they have unique antigen recep- cell’s plasma membrane (Fig 13.6b).
tors just as B cells do (Fig. 13.6a). Unlike B cells, however, T Human MHC proteins are called HLA (human leukocyte
cells are unable to recognize an antigen present in lymph, blood, antigens). These proteins are found on all of the body’s cells.
or the tissues without help. The antigen must be presented to them Thousands of different genes that code for these proteins have been
by an antigen-presenting cell (APC). APCs can be specialized identified. Each individual human being has a unique combination of
macrophage cells or B lymphocytes. When an APC presents a viral genes, and thus, a unique set of HLAs. No two sets are exactly alike.
or cancer cell antigen to the T cell, the antigen is first linked to a An exception is the set belonging to monozygotic, or identical twins.

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Because identical twins arise from the division of a single zygote, Types of T Cells
their HLA proteins are identical. Because HLA antigens mark the The two main types of T cells are cytotoxic T cells and helper T
cell as belonging to a particular individual, they are self proteins. cells. Cytotoxic T (Tc) cells, also called CD8 leukocytes, can bring
The importance of self proteins in plasma membranes was first rec- about the destruction of antigen-bearing cells, such as virus-infected
ognized when it was discovered that they contribute to the specificity or cancer cells (Fig. 13.7a). Cancer cells also have nonself proteins.
of tissues and make it difficult to transplant tissue from one human Cytotoxic T cells have storage vacuoles containing perforin
to another. Comparison studies of HLA antigens must always be molecules. Perforin molecules punch holes into a plasma mem-
carried out before a transplant is attempted. The more of the 50-plus brane, forming a pore that allows destructive enzymes to enter. The
proteins that the donor and recipient share in common, the better the cell then undergoes apoptosis. Cytotoxic T cells are responsible for
tissue match. In other words, when the donor and the recipient are so-called cell-mediated immunity (Fig. 13.7b).
histo (tissue)-compatible, a transplant is more likely to be successful. Helper T (Th) cells, also called CD4 leukocytes, regulate
When an antigen-presenting cell links a foreign antigen to the immunity by secreting cytokines, the chemicals that enhance the
self protein on its plasma membrane, it carries out an important response of other immune cells. Cytokines stimulate macrophages,
safeguard for the rest of the body. Now the T cell to be activated B cells, and other T cells to perform their functions. Because HIV,
can compare the antigen and self protein side by side. The activated the virus that causes AIDS, infects helper T cells and certain other
T cell and all of the daughter cells it will form can distinguish cells of the immune system, it inactivates the immune response.
“foreign” from “self,” and go on to destroy cells carrying foreign AIDS is described in the Medical Focus, pages 307–308.
antigens while leaving normal body cells unharmed (Fig. 13.6b). Notice in Figure 13.6c that a few of the clonally expanded T
Presentation of the antigen leads to activation of the T cell. cells are memory T cells. They remain in the body and can jump-
An activated T cell undergoes clonal expansion (Fig. 13.6c). Many start an immune reaction to an antigen previously present in the body.
copies of the activated T cell are produced during clonal expansion. When a person’s immune response has successfully overcome the
They destroy any cell, such as a virus-infected cell or a cancer cell, illness, ultimately that response must be shut down. Now, the activated
that displays the antigen presented earlier. T cells become susceptible to apoptosis. As mentioned previously,

cytotoxic T cell

a nonself antigen

target cell

Tc cells

Cytotoxic T cell
digesting enzyme
target cell

Perforin c
forms hole
in target cell. Digesting enzymes
enter through the
hole and cause
target cell to
Target cell undergo apoptosis.
d. Scanning electron micrograph SEM 1,2503

Figure 13.7 Cell-mediated immunity: How a cytotoxic T cell destroys a virus-infected or cancer cell. (a) The activated T cell
binds with a nonself antigen presented by the foreign cell. (b) The T cell releases perforin molecules, which form pores in the target cell
membrane. (c) Digesting enzymes enter through the hole, triggering apoptosis in the target cell. (d) This scanning electron micrograph
shows cytotoxic cells destroying a cancer cell.

304 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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apoptosis is programmed cell death that contributes to homeostasis by

Plasma Antibody Concentration

regulating the number of cells present in an organ, or in this case, in the primary response secondary response
immune system. When apoptosis does not occur as it should, the po-
tential exists for self-destruction (called an autoimmune response). Oc- second exposure
to vaccine
casionally, T-cell cancers (i.e., lymphomas and leukemias) can result.
Apoptosis also occurs in the thymus as T cells are maturing.
Any T cell that has the potential to destroy the body’s own cells first exposure
to vaccine
undergoes suicide.

Cytokines in Cancer Chemotherapy

Whenever cancer develops, it is possible that cytotoxic T cells
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
have not been activated. With this possibility in mind, cytokines Time (days)
have been used as immunotherapeutic drugs to enhance the ability
of T cells to fight cancer. Interferon, discussed on page 300, and Figure 13.8 Vaccine responses. During immunization, the
also interleukins, which are cytokines produced by various white primary response, after the first exposure to a vaccine, is minimal,
blood cells, are also being administered for this purpose. but the secondary response, which may occur after the second
exposure, shows a dramatic rise in the amount of antibody
Content CHECK-UP! present in plasma.

7. Which type of cell produces the chemical mediators that cause

the four outward signs of an inflammatory response? immunity can also be induced while a person is well, so that future
infection will not take place. To prevent infections, people are im-
a. macrophage c. neutrophil
munized against them. Successful immunization provides artificial
b. mast cell d. natural killer cells active immunity, because the individual produces his or her own
8. Which sign of inflammation occurs when tissue capillaries antibodies against the antigen given. The United States is commit-
become more permeable and leak protein and tissue fluid into ted to immunizing all children against the common types of child-
the tissue spaces? hood disease, as discussed in the Medical Focus on pages 309–310.
a. swelling c. heat Immunization involves the use of vaccines, substances that
b. redness d. formation of pus contain an antigen to which the immune system responds. Tradi-
9. Which type of immune response involves B-lymphocytes? tionally, vaccines are the pathogens themselves, or their products,
a. cell-mediated that have been treated so they are no longer virulent (able to cause
disease). Today, it’s possible to genetically engineer bacteria to
b. antibody-mediated
mass-produce a protein from pathogens, and this protein can be
10. Virus-infected cells produce a specific protein that helps to used as a vaccine. This method has now produced a vaccine against
slow virus infection. What is it, and how does it work?
hepatitis B, a viral-induced disease, and is being used to prepare a
Answers in Appendix A. vaccine against malaria, a protozoan-induced disease.
After a vaccine is given, it’s possible to follow an immune re-
sponse by determining the amount of antibody present in a sample
13.4 Creating an Immune Response of plasma. This is called the antibody titer. After the first exposure
8. Explain natural active and passive immunity, and describe how artifi- to a vaccine, a primary response occurs. For a period of several days,
cial active and passive immunity are created. no antibodies are present; then the titer rises slowly, levels off, and
9. Give examples of disorders caused by excessive and inadequate gradually declines as the antibodies bind to the antigen or simply break
immune system responses. down (Fig. 13.8). After a second exposure to the vaccine, a secondary
response is expected. The titer rises rapidly to a level much greater
Immunity occurs naturally or is brought about artificially than before; then it slowly declines. The second exposure is called a
(induced) by medical intervention. The two types of immune “booster” because it boosts the antibody titer to a high level. The high
responses are active and passive. In active immunity, the indi- antibody titer now is expected to help prevent disease symptoms even
vidual alone produces antibodies against an antigen; in passive if the individual is exposed to the disease-causing antigen.
immunity, the individual receives prepared antibodies from As mentioned previously, active immunity is dependent upon
another person. the presence of memory B cells and memory T cells that are capable
of responding to lower doses of antigen. Active immunity is usually
Active Immunity long-lasting, although a booster may be required every few years.
Active immunity often develops naturally after a person is in-
fected with a pathogen. Once recovery from illness is complete, Passive Immunity
the person will have a natural active immunity thanks to the B and Passive immunity occurs when an individual is given prepared
T memory cells that remain after the infection. However, active antibodies (immunoglobulins) to combat a disease. Since these

Chapter 13 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 305

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antibodies are not produced by the individual’s own plasma monoclonal antibodies in vitro (outside the body in a laboratory)
cells, passive immunity is temporary. For example, newborn in- is depicted in Figure 13.10. B lymphocytes are removed from an
fants are passively immune to some diseases because antibodies animal (today, mice are usually used) and exposed to a particu-
have crossed the placenta from the mother’s blood. This type of lar antigen. The resulting plasma cells are fused with myeloma
immunity is called natural passive immunity. These antibodies cells (malignant plasma cells that live and divide indefinitely). The
soon disappear, however, so that within a few months, infants fused cells are called hybridomas—hybrid- because they result
become more susceptible to infections. Breast-feeding prolongs from the fusion of two different cells, and oma because one of the
the natural passive immunity an infant receives from the mother cells is a cancer cell. It is important to note that the antibodies from
because antibodies are present in the mother’s milk (Fig. 13.9). these cells cannot cause cancer, however.
Even though passive immunity does not last, it is sometimes used At present, monoclonal antibodies are being used for quick and
to prevent illness in a patient who has been unexpectedly exposed to certain diagnosis of various conditions. For example, a particular
an infectious disease. Usually, the patient receives a gamma globulin
injection (serum that contains IgG class antibodies), perhaps taken
from individuals who have recovered from the illness. For example, a
health-care worker who suffers an accidental needle stick may come
into contact with the blood from a patient infected with hepatitis B
virus. Immediate treatment with an antiviral gamma globulin in-
jection (along with simultaneous vaccination against the virus) can antibody
typically prevent the virus from causing infection in the health-care plasma cell
worker. The gamma globulin injection imparts an artificial passive
immunity. The vaccination will cause the worker to develop her own antigen
antibodies, thus creating artificial active immunity as well.

Monoclonal Antibodies
Every plasma cell derived from the same B cell secretes antibodies
against one specific antigen. These are monoclonal antibodies
because all are the same type and because they are produced by
plasma cells derived from the same B cell. One method of producing
hybridoma cell myeloma cell


Figure 13.10 Production of monoclonal antibodies. Plasma

cells of the same type (derived from immunized mice) are fused
Figure 13.9 Passive immunity. Breast-feeding is believed to with myeloma (cancerous) cells, producing hybridoma cells that
prolong the passive immunity an infant receives from the mother are “immortal.” Hybridoma cells divide and continue to produce
because antibodies are present in the mother’s milk. the same type of antibody, called monoclonal antibodies.

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AIDS Epidemic

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by a of blood or greater (Fig. 13A). For a period of time after the initial
group of related retroviruses known as HIV (human immunodefi- infection with HIV, people don’t usually have any symptoms at all. A
ciency viruses). There are two forms of the virus, termed HIV-1 and few (1–2%) do have mononucleosis-like symptoms that may include
HIV-2. In the United States, AIDS is usually caused by HIV-1. Both fever, chills, aches, swollen lymph nodes, and an itchy rash. These
virus forms enter a host by attaching to a cell membrane receptor symptoms disappear, however, and no other symptoms appear for
called a CD4 receptor. HIV infects helper T cells, the type of lympho- quite some time. Although there are no symptoms, the person is
cyte that stimulates B cells to produce antibodies and cytotoxic T cells highly infectious. Despite the presence of a large number of viruses in
to destroy virus-infected cells. Macrophages, which present antigens the plasma, the HIV blood test is not yet positive because it tests for
to helper T cells and thereby stimulate them, are also under attack. the presence of antibodies and not for the presence of HIV itself. This
Other cells that have CD4 receptors can also be infected and later means that HIV can still be transmitted before the HIV blood test is
destroyed. positive.
HIV is a retrovirus, meaning that its genetic material consists of Several months to several years after a nontreated infection, the
RNA instead of DNA. Once inside the host cell, HIV uses a special individual will probably progress to category B, in which the helper
enzyme called reverse transcriptase to make a DNA copy (called T-lymphocyte count is 200 to 499 per mm3. During this stage, the
cDNA) of its genetic material. Next, cDNA integrates into a host patient may experience swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or
chromosome, where it directs the production of more viral RNA. Each groin that persist for three months or more. Other symptoms that indi-
strand of viral RNA causes the synthesis of an outer protein coat cate category B are severe fatigue not related to exercise or drug use;
called a capsid. The viral enzyme protease is necessary to the forma- unexplained persistent or recurrent fevers, often with night sweats;
tion of capsids. Capsids assemble with RNA strands to form viruses, persistent cough not associated with smoking, a cold, or the flu; and
which bud from the host cell and spread to other cells. persistent diarrhea.
The development of non-life-threatening but recurrent infections
Transmission of AIDS is a signal that the disease is progressing. One possible infection is
HIV is transmitted by contact with infected body fluids: semen, blood, thrush, a fungal infection that is identified by the presence of white
saliva, breast milk, vaginal fluid, and/or tissue fluid from an open spots and ulcers on the tongue and inside the mouth. The fungus may
wound. also spread to the vagina, resulting in a chronic infection there.
The most common method of transmission involves sexual con- Another frequent infection is herpes simplex, with painful and persis-
tact with an infected person, including vaginal or rectal intercourse tent sores on the skin surrounding the anus, the genital area, and/or
and oral/genital contact. Also, needle-sharing among intravenous the mouth.
drug users is high-risk behavior. Babies born to HIV-infected women Without treatment, the majority of infected persons proceed to
may become infected before or during birth, or through breast-feeding category C, in which the helper T-lymphocyte count is below
after birth. The rise in the incidence of AIDS among women of repro- 200 per mm3 and the lymph nodes degenerate. The patient is now
ductive age is paralleled by a rise in the incidence of AIDS in children suffering from AIDS, characterized by severe weight loss and
younger than age 13. weakness due to persistent diarrhea and coughing, and will most
To date, an estimated 100 million people worldwide have con- likely contract an opportunistic infection. An opportunistic infection
tracted HIV, and almost 39 million have died. A new infection is is one that only has the opportunity to occur because the immune
believed to occur every 15 seconds, the majority in heterosexuals. system is severely weakened. Such infections are extremely rare in
HIV infections are not distributed equally throughout the world. Most healthy individuals. Persons with AIDS die from one or more oppor-
infected people live in Africa (70%) where the infection first began, tunistic diseases, such as Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, tubercu-
but new infections are now occurring at the fastest rate in Southeast losis, toxoplasmic encephalitis, Kaposi’s sarcoma, or invasive cervical
Asia and the Indian subcontinent. cancer. This last condition has been added to the list because the
incidence of AIDS has now increased in women.
Phases of an HIV Infection
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognize three Treatment for AIDS
stages of an HIV-1 infection, called categories A, B, and C. During Treatment for AIDS is termed highly active antriretroviral therapy, or
the category A stage, the helper T-lymphocyte count is 500 per mm3 HAART. This therapy consists of combining three or more categories


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Category A: Acute Phase Category B: Chronic Phase Category C: AIDS
CD4 T Lymphocyte in Blood (per mm3)


HIV in Plasma (per ml)


700 CD4 T lymphocytes 105


500 104

HIV 103

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Years Since Infection

Figure 13A Stages of an HIV infection. In category A individuals, the number of HIV in plasma rises upon infection and then
falls. The number of CD4 T lymphocytes falls, but stays above 400 per mm3. In category B individuals, the number of HIV in
plasma is slowly rising, and the number of T lymphocytes is decreasing. In category C individuals, the number of HIV in plasma
rises dramatically as the number of T lymphocytes falls below 200 per mm3.

of drugs. Currently, four categories exist: (1) drugs that inhibit viral of infection worldwide (see Chapter 17 Medical Focus: Prevention of
entry into the cell; (2) drugs that inhibit the reverse transcriptase STIs for details). Counseling of pregnant women is essential to pre-
enzyme; (3) drugs to inhibit protease, an enzyme needed for forma- vent mother-to-child HIV transmission.
tion of a viral capsid; (4) drugs that prevent integration of the viral The likelihood of transmission can be lessened if the pregnant
RNA into human DNA. This multidrug therapy, when taken accord- mother takes a modified form of HAART, and if the child is deliv-
ing to the manner prescribed, can often effectively reduce detectable ered by cesarean section. The mother also must not breast-feed her
blood HIV and restore concentrations of CD4 cells to normal or near- child because the virus is transmissible in breast milk. Medical and
normal levels. The sooner drug therapy begins after infection, the dental professionals should carefully follow universal precautions
better the chances that the immune system will not be destroyed by against infection (gloves, surgical masks, proper disinfection tech-
HIV. Also, HAART medication must be continued indefinitely. How- niques, etc.).
ever, it’s important to note that HAART does not cure AIDS, and all Many investigators are working on a vaccine for AIDS. Some are
of the medications potentially have very serious side effects. These trying to develop a vaccine in the traditional way. Others are working
include bone and joint destruction, heart attack, liver damage, and on subunit vaccines that utilize just a single HIV protein as the vac-
anemia. Unfortunately, a patient’s strain of HIV may become resistant cine. So far, no method has resulted in creating sufficient antibodies
to HAART over time. to keep an infection at bay. After many clinical trials, none too suc-
At present, the best strategy to slow the AIDS epidemic focuses cessful, most investigators now agree that a combination of various
on infection prevention. Education regarding safe sex practices, espe- vaccines may be the best strategy to bring about a response in both B
cially proper condom use and abstinence, has already reduced the rate lymphocytes and cytotoxic T cells.

308 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Immunization: The Great Protector

Immunization protects children and adults from diseases. The success effects (which occur rarely), or can’t bear the expense. As a result,
of immunization is witnessed by the fact that the smallpox vaccination preventable diseases have recently come roaring back: a major out-
is no longer required because the disease has been eradicated. How- break of measles in 2014 spread throughout 14 states and sickened
ever, parents today often fail to get their children immunized because over 600 people. This was the greatest number of cases since 2000,
they don’t realize the importance of immunizations, fear potential side when it was thought that measles had been eliminated in the

Birth 1 2 4 6 12 15 18 24 4-6 11-12 13-18 Adult

month mos. mos. mos. mos. mos. mos. mos. yrs. yrs. yrs.
Hepatitis B 1st Booster Booster Booster Catch 3 Dose
Dose 1 2 3 Up* booster ‡
Rotavirus 1st 2nd Catch
Dose Dose Up*
Diphtheria, 1st 2nd 3rd Booster Booster Tetanus, Tetanus,
Pertussis, Dose Dose Dose 1 2 Diphtheria Diphtheria
Tetanus booster booster
every 10
Haemophilus 1st 2nd 3rd Final
influenzae Dose Dose Dose** Dose
Pneumococcal 1st 2nd 3rd Final Catch Booster
Dose Dose Dose Dose Up* after age
Polio 1st 2nd Final Catch Booster
Dose Dose Dose Up*
Measles, 1st 2nd Catch 1-2
Mumps, Dose Dose Up* Doses
Varicella 1st Catch Catch 2nd 2 DosesD
(chickenpox) Dose Up* Up* Dose

Hepatitis A 1st 2nd Catch 2 Dose

Dose Dose Up* booster ‡
Human 3 doses for females ages 9-18
3 doses for males ages 9-21

Meningococcal 1st Booster

Dose at age 16.
Influenza Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually

Zoster 1 Dose
age 60
* for children or adolescents not previously immunized as infants
**optional, not necessary if doses 1 and 2 have been administered previously
***optional, not necessary if three doses administered previously
‡ recommended if some risk factor is present (e.g., medical condition, occupation, lifestyle).
D for persons with no prior immunity

Figure 13B Suggested immunization schedule for infants, young children, and adolescents. Children who are immune-
compromised may need additional immunizations. Always consult with your health-care provider for up-to-date information on
recommended immunizations for your area.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommended immunization schedules for persons aged 0–18 years—United States, 2015.


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United States. Pertussis (whooping cough), mumps, and chickenpox exposure to these viruses warrants vaccination early in life. Infants
have also made a comeback in children and adults. now receive their first dose of HBV vaccine before leaving the hos-
Figure 13B shows a recommended immunization schedule for pital, with booster immunizations at approximately 3 months and
children and adults. The United States is now committed to the goal of 12 months of age.
immunizing all children against the common types of childhood dis- Cervical cancer has recently been linked to the occurrence of
eases listed. Diphtheria, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae, genital warts, a sexually transmitted disease caused by human papil-
and Pneumococcus infection are all life-threatening respiratory dis- lomavirus (HPV). Therefore, a new vaccine for papillomavirus type
eases. Tetanus is characterized by muscular rigidity, including a 16, the most frequent cause of genital warts, has been developed.
locked jaw. These extremely serious infections are all caused by bac- Currently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommends three
teria; the rest of the diseases listed are caused by viruses. Varicella doses of human papillomavirus vaccine for young women between
virus causes chickenpox. Polio is a type of paralysis; measles and the ages of 9 and 18, and also for young men 9 to 21 years old. Perhaps
rubella, sometimes called German measles, are characterized by high more vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases will one day become
fever and skin rashes; and mumps is characterized by fever and available.
enlarged parotid and other salivary glands. Rotavirus causes a severe It’s important to note that the need for immunizations and
diarrheal illness, which can be fatal in infants and small children. boosters doesn’t stop with adolescence. Regular boosters for teta-
Further, each one of these illnesses can cause fatal complications, nus and diptheria are recommended every 10 years for adults.
though the incidence is rare. Further, everyone should get a yearly flu shot, beginning at age
Currently, immunizations for two forms of hepatitis viruses is 6 months.
recommended. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is transmitted by contami- Even though most bacterial infections (e.g., tetanus) can be cured
nated water and food, especially raw shellfish. Hepatitis B virus by antibiotic therapy, it’s far better to be immunized. Some patients
(HBV) is a blood-borne pathogen that is spread in the United States develop allergic reactions to antibiotics, which can be fatal. In addi-
mainly by sexual contact and intravenous drug use. Health-care tion, antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria as well as those that cause
workers who are exposed to blood or blood products are also at risk, disease. These beneficial bacteria may have checked the spread of
and maternal-neonatal transmission is a possibility as well. Both of pathogens that now are free to multiply and to invade the body. This is
these viruses can cause a serious acute infection. However, HBV why antibiotic therapy is often followed by a secondary infection,
infection can also lead to chronic hepatitis and then cancer of the such as a vaginal yeast infection in women. Likewise, a serious diar-
liver. It is relatively common for children to come into contact with rheal illness caused by a bacterium called Clostridium difficile (or
HAV, but rare for a child to come into contact with hepatitis B virus. “C-diff,” as it is called by heath-care workers) often follows antibiotic
However, physicians feel that the potential for liver damage from use, especially in the elderly.
Antibiotic abuse also leads to resistant bacterial strains that
are difficult to cure. For example, a once-harmless skin bacterium
called Staphylococcus aureus now causes thousands of life-
threatening infections and deaths every year. Post-surgical patients
are particularly at risk, but anyone who is hospitalized can become
infected. After decades of antibiotic exposure, this microbe (abbre-
viated MRSA, for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
and others have become resistant to all but the strongest
Therefore, everyone should take advantage of appropriate vac-
cinations. Preventing a disease by becoming actively immune to it is
certainly preferable to becoming ill and needing antibiotic therapy
to be cured. Vaccination also benefits all of society by preventing
the spread of disease to the most vulnerable among us: newborns
and infants, the elderly, and those whose immune systems are

310 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Influenza: A Constant Threat of Pandemic

“Over there, over there, Send the word, send the word over there— elderly and infirm. In June 2009, the World Health Organization
That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks are coming . . . And we won’t declared the H1N1 swine flu outbreak to be a global pandemic. For-
come back till it’s over, Over there!” tunately, the pandemic persisted for only about a year.
—“Over There,” George M. Cohan In recent studies, scientists reconstructed the 1918 ancestor virus
using genetic engineering, then compared its disease-causing ability to
In April 1918, American soldiers who proudly marched off to World that of modern-day swine flu H1N1. The results were staggering: the
War I battlefields “over there” (referring to Europe, in the words of the Spanish flu virus is roughly 39,000 times more virulent than the newer
popular patriotic ballad of the time), took an unwanted hitchhiker with H1N1 strains that now exist. That’s good news for us as a species, because
them—a particularly virulent strain of influenza A, nicknamed the it seems to indicate that the viral mutants have grown weaker over time.
“Spanish Flu” because of the huge numbers of victims in that country. However, the possibility of deadly antigenic shift will always remain. As
It quickly became a worldwide epidemic, or pandemic, causing an esti- we humans continue to travel the world more and more easily, we’ll take
mated 50 million deaths. Among the soldiers, Spanish flu caused twice our viruses (and those of our native animals) with us. If rapid genetic
as many deaths as those that resulted from combat. This particularly changes occur, new viral strains could spread efficiently from person to
savage virus is once again a concern because of characteristics it shares person, and another pandemic could happen. However, thanks to modern
with a modern-day virus: influenza A (H1N1), the so-called “swine technology, we’ll have a few more weapons in our antiviral arsenal than
flu” virus, which surfaced and rapidly became pandemic in 2009. our great-grandparents had back in 1918. During the 2009 pandemic,
Influenza viruses, like all viruses, have two basic parts. The core of communication tools like radio, television, and the Internet enabled pub-
the virus is its genetic material, which can be either DNA or RNA. Influ- lic health officials all over the world to organize their efforts to fight this
enza A viruses are RNA viruses (Fig. 13C). Like the HIV virus (see new influenza. Preventive vaccinations were quickly prepared, and drugs
Medical Focus, pp. 307–308), their genetic material is covered by a pro- that prevent viral replication, and antibiotics for secondary infections
tective protein coat called a capsid. An additional third piece, called the (such as pneumonia ) were available for treatment. Researchers continue
lipid envelope, contains protein spikes that allow the virus to attach to its to work on ways to better anticipate and recognize viral antigenic shift, so
own specific kind of host cell and not another nonmatching kind. The two we can stay one step ahead of our influenza viruses.
types of protein spikes, abbreviated H (for hemagglutinin) and N (for In the meantime, your best approach to avoid influenza is to use
neuraminidase), allow each type of influenza virus to be categorized. common sense. Get your flu shot every fall, because each new vaccination
There are 16 known types of H proteins, and 9 known types of N proteins. is tailored to that season’s viruses. Wash your hands often and well, don’t
Thus, many different combinations are possible, meaning there are many touch your nose or eyes (because virus can enter your body when you do),
different ways for viruses to attach to different kinds of host cells. Each and stay away from sick people. To keep from infecting others if you do
different combination of H and N represents a new form of flu virus. get sick, don’t go out in public. Cough or sneeze into tissues or your
Avian influenza A, the “bird flu,” which emerged in 1997 and again in sleeve, and wash your hands before you touch anything. Further, if you do
2006, is designated H5N1. The original Spanish flu virus is denoted develop severe flu symptoms such as difficulty breathing, extremely high
H1N1, and the swine flu virus is its molecular “grandchild.” fever, or chest pain, seek prompt medical attention. Antiviral drugs have
How do these new viruses emerge? It’s well known that the genetic the best chance to successfully treat you if you seek help quickly.
material of influenza virus has an extremely high mutation rate. A phe-
nomenon called antigenic drift causes small changes in flu viruses, and
explains why each year a new and different flu shot is needed. By contrast,
antigenic shift is a major change that occurs very infrequently (between 10
and 40 years during the last century). Some of these mutations affect the
structure of the protein spikes, so that a virus that previously could only envelope
infect a particular animal can “jump species.” As the virus moves from RNA
one animal to the next, it can also swap genetic material and create new
combinations. Scientists studying the ancestor H1N1 from 1918 have
noted that it probably originated as a “bird flu” virus, which then mutated spike
to infect human beings. Modern H1N1 flu virus contains bird, human, and
swine DNA—and the swine DNA is from both Europe and Asia. Scien- capsid
tists call this four-way mutant a “quadruple reassortant” virus. The radical
changes of an antigenic shift are what cause pandemics, because human
populations have little or no immunity to a dramatically changed virus.
In 2009, public health officials were particularly concerned
because the illness caused by H1N1 virus was eerily reminiscent of
the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. As in 2009, the original pandemic Figure 13C Influenza A virus is an RNA virus. It has
protein spikes on its outer envelope that make it specific
first began in the spring, not in the winter like most new viral illnesses.
to one kind of host cell.
Both forms killed healthy young adults and children, not just the

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hormone is present in the urine of a pregnant woman. A mono- more slowly than IgE-mediated (immediate) responses. The
clonal antibody can be used to detect this hormone; if it is pres- allergic response is regulated by the cytokines secreted by
ent, the woman knows she is pregnant. Monoclonal antibodies are both T cells and macrophages.
also used to identify infections. And because they can distinguish A classic example of a T-cell mediated allergic response is the
between cancerous and normal tissue cells, they are used to carry skin test for tuberculosis (TB). When the test result is positive, the
radioactive isotopes or toxic drugs to tumors, which can then be tissue where the antigen was injected becomes red and hardened.
selectively destroyed. This shows that there was prior exposure to tubercle bacilli, the cause
of TB. Contact dermatitis, which occurs when a person is allergic to
poison ivy, jewelry, cosmetics, and many other substances that touch
Hypersensitivity Reactions
the skin, is also an example of a T-cell mediated allergic response.
The immune system usually protects us from disease because it can
distinguish self from nonself. Sometimes, however, it responds in a
Tissue Rejection
manner that harms the body, as when individuals develop allergies,
suffer tissue rejection, or have an autoimmune disease. These are Certain organs, such as skin, the heart, and the kidneys, could be
all forms of hypersensitivity reactions. transplanted easily from one person to another if the body did not
attempt to reject them. Rejection of transplanted tissue results
Allergies because the recipient’s immune system recognizes that the trans-
planted tissue is not “self.” Cytotoxic T cells respond by causing
Allergies are hypersensitivities to substances such as pollen or
disintegration of the transplanted tissue.
animal hair that ordinarily would do no harm to the body. The
Organ rejection can be controlled by carefully selecting the
response to these antigens, called allergens, usually includes some
organ to be transplanted and administering immunosuppressive
degree of tissue damage. There are four types of allergic responses,
drugs. It is best if the transplanted organ has the same type of HLA
but we will consider only two of them: IgE-mediated allergic re-
antigens as those of the recipient, because Tc cells recognize for-
sponse and T-cell mediated allergic response.
eign HLA antigens. Two well-known immunosuppressive drugs,
IgE-Mediated Allergic Response An IgE-mediated allergic cyclosporine and tacrolimus, both act by inhibiting the response of
response is often referred to as an immediate allergic response T cells to cytokines.
because it can occur within seconds of contact with an antigen. The Researchers hope that tissue engineering, including the pro-
response is caused by antibodies known as IgE (see Table 13.2). duction of organs that lack antigens or that can be protected in
IgE antibodies are attached to the plasma membrane of mast cells in some way from the immune system, will one day do away with the
the tissues and also to basophils in the blood. When an allergen problem of rejection.
attaches to the IgE antibodies on these cells, mast cells release his-
tamine and other substances that bring about the allergic symp- Autoimmune Disease
toms. When pollen is an allergen, histamine stimulates the mucosal
When a person has an autoimmune disease, cytotoxic T cells or
membranes of the nose and eyes to release fluid, causing the runny
antibodies mistakenly attack the body’s own cells as if they bear
nose and watery eyes typical of hay fever. If a person has asthma,
foreign antigens. Exactly what causes autoimmune diseases is not
the airways leading to the lungs constrict, resulting in difficult
known. However, sometimes they occur after an individual has
breathing accompanied by wheezing. When food contains an aller-
recovered from an infection. Recent research has also shown that
gen, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea result.
autoimmune diseases are genetically inherited.
Anaphylactic shock is an IgE-mediated allergic response that
Virtually any tissue of the body can be a target for autoimmune
occurs because the allergen has entered the bloodstream. Bee stings
disease. In myasthenia gravis, the synaptic junctions between motor
and penicillin shots are known to cause this reaction because both
nerves and skeletal muscles are destroyed. Neuromuscular junctions
inject the allergen into the blood. Anaphylactic shock is character-
do not work properly, and muscular weakness results. In multiple
ized by a sudden and life-threatening drop in blood pressure due to
sclerosis (MS), the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is attacked. This
increased blood vessel dilation and permeability of the capillaries,
can cause a wide variety of neurological and neuromuscular symp-
caused by histamine. Taking epinephrine can delay this reaction
toms: muscle weakness, paralysis, blurred vision, dizziness, and
until medical help is available.
deafness. A person with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has
Allergy shots sometimes prevent the onset of IgE-mediated
an extremely serious disease characterized by antibodies directed
allergic responses. It has been suggested that injections of the
against multiple self antigens, including her own DNA molecules.
allergen may cause the body to build up high quantities of IgG
Symptoms can include facial rashes, arthritis, anemia, and kidney
antibodies, and these combine with allergens received from the
damage. In rheumatoid arthritis, the joints are affected. Research-
environment before they have a chance to reach the IgE antibodies
ers suggest that heart damage following rheumatic fever, and type
located in the membrane of mast cells and basophils.
I diabetes are also autoimmune illnesses. Crohn’s disease and
T-Cell Mediated Allergic Response A T-cell mediated allergic ulcerative colitis are two diseases affecting the digestive system.
response is initiated by memory T cells at the site of allergen Both cause severe diarrhea, which results in fluid and nutrient loss.
contact in the body. T-cell mediated responses are sometimes As of yet, there are no cures for autoimmune diseases, but they can
referred to as delayed allergic responses, because they develop be managed with medication.

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What's New
Parasite Prescription for Autoimmune Disease

It’s a fact that few of us appreciate: Autoimmune disease is approach- Enter swine whipworm, Trichuris suis, a lowly parasitic worm
ing epidemic levels. It’s the second-leading cause of chronic illness in that normally infects pigs. Clinical researchers have chosen the
the United States, and over 50 million Americans suffer from at least eggs, or ova, as the agent for helminthic therapy. This unusual (and
one autoimmune disease. Further, the incidence of autoimmune dis- some would say, downright weird) treatment involves deliberately
eases has risen dramatically in the entire Western world over the past infecting people with parasites to create a counteractive immune
several decades, and research continues to show that many illnesses response that appears to calm the inflammation that causes autoim-
have an autoimmune link. Scientists have long suspected that autoim- mune disease. There are many human parasitic organisms, but
mune disease results from excessive cleanliness—the so-called Trichuris suis ova (TSO) are the parasite of choice because they
“hygiene hypothesis.” These researchers argue that because sanitation can’t reproduce in the human intestinal tract, so they don’t normally
has eliminated exposure to microbes, the immune system is not prop- infect humans. Subjects drink a solution containing TSO, and the
erly regulated. As a result, lymphocytes produce T1 cell cytokines, a eggs hatch in the intestine and latch onto its wall. There, they prompt
form that attacks body cells. In effect, an immune system that is production of T2 cell cytokines, which create a separate immune
poorly challenged by pathogens attacks and destroys body cells and response, and in turn, diminish the inflammatory responses of auto-
tissues instead. Therapy for any one of these many disorders can be immune disease. After approximately two weeks, TSO die and are
complicated and tricky, because each is a separate disease. Tradi- excreted. Clinical trials continue to show success in the treatment of
tional treatments that suppress or eliminate the immune response can Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis using TSO, and more studies
create fatal complications, including infections and cancer. are planned.

Immune Deficiency 13. Which term describes the amount of antibody present in a
blood plasma sample?
When a person has an immune deficiency, the immune system is un-
a. booster c. hematocrit
able to protect the body against disease. AIDS (see the Medical Focus
on pages 307–308) is an example of an acquired immune deficiency. As b. vaccine d. titer
a result of a weakened immune system, AIDS patients show a greater Answers in Appendix A.
susceptibility to a variety of diseases, and they also have a higher risk of
cancer. Immune deficiency may also be genetic (that is, inherited from
one’s parents) or congenital (due to failure of lymphatic tissue to de- 13.5 Effects of Aging
velop). For example, in some infants the thymus gland fails to develop, 10. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the
producing a child with severe immune deficiency. Infrequently, a child immune system as we age.
may be born with an impaired B- or T-cell system caused by a defect
in lymphocyte development. In severe combined immunodeficiency With advancing age, people become more susceptible to all types of
disease (SCID), a genetic disorder, both antibody and cell-mediated infections and disorders because the immune system exhibits lower
immunity are lacking or inadequate. Without treatment, even common levels of function. One reason is that the thymus gland degenerates.
infections can be fatal. Replacing defective stem cells with healthy ones Having reached its maximum size in early childhood, it begins to
through bone marrow transplantation can often produce a cure. shrink after puberty and has virtually disappeared by old age. As
the gland decreases in size, so does the number of T cells. The T
Content CHECK-UP! cells remaining do not respond to foreign antigens; therefore, the
chance of having cancer also increases with age.
11. Which of the following is a form of active immunity?
Among the elderly, the B cells sometimes fail to form clones. Other
a. transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus across B cells may form clones, but the antibodies released may not function
the placenta
well. Therefore, infections are more common among the elderly. In
b. transfer of antibodies from mother to baby in breast milk addition, the antibodies of older people are more likely to attack the
c. immunization for hepatitis B virus body’s own tissues, increasing the incidence of autoimmune diseases.
d. gamma globulin injection for hepatitis B virus The response of elderly individuals to vaccines is decreased.
12. Describe the two forms of passive immunity: natural and However, considering that their overall level of immune response
artificial. How is each one obtained? Is this form of immune is low, it is better that these people be vaccinated than not. For this
response as effective or long-lasting as active immunity? Why reason, elderly individuals are encouraged to get an influenza (flu)
or why not? vaccination each year.

Chapter 13 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 313

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Human Systems Work Together LYMPHATIC SYSTEM

Integumentary System Cardiovascular System

How the Lymphatic Lymphatic organs produce
Lymphatic vessels pick up
System works with other and store formed elements;
excess tissue fluid; immune
body systems. lymphatic vessels transport
system protects against
skin infections. leukocytes and return
tissue fluid to blood
Skin serves as a barrier to vessels; spleen serves as
pathogen invasion; Langer- blood reservoir, filters blood.
hans cells phagocytize
pathogens; protects Blood vessels transport
lymphatic vessels. leukocytes and antibodies;
blood services lymphatic
organs and is source of
tissue fluid that becomes
Skeletal System
Lymphatic vessels pick up tonsils cervical
excess tissue fluid; immune lymph nodes
system protects against Respiratory System

Red bone marrow Lymphatic vessels pick up

thymus axillary lymph excess tissue fluid;
produces leukocytes
nodes immune system protects
involved in immunity.
against respiratory tract
thoracic spleen and lung infections.
Muscular System Tonsils and adenoids occur
along respiratory tract;
Lymphatic vessels pick up breathing aids lymph flow.
excess tissue fluid; immune
system protects against
Digestive System
Skeletal muscle contraction
moves lymph; physical Lacteals absorb fats; Peyer
exercise enhances patches prevent invasion of
immunity. pathogens; appendix
inguinal lymph contains lymphatic tissue.
Digestive tract provides
Nervous System nutrients for lymphatic
organs; stomach acidity
Lymphatic vessels pick up popliteal lymph node prevents pathogen invasion
excess tissue fluid; immune of body.
system protects against
infections of nerves.

Microglia engulf and Urinary System

lymphatic vessel
destroy pathogens.
Lymphatic system picks up
excess tissue fluid, helping
to maintain blood pressure
Endocrine System for kidneys to function;
immune system protects
Lymphatic vessels pick up against infections.
excess tissue fluid; immune
Kidneys control volume of
system protects against Reproductive System body fluids, including
Female immune system
Thymus is necessary to does not attack sperm or
maturity of T lymphocytes. fetus, even though they are
foreign to the body.

Sex hormones influence

immune functioning; acidity
of vagina helps prevent
pathogen invasion of body;
milk passes antibodies to

314 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Specific defenses depend on blood cells, and the lymphocytes and
Content CHECK-UP! macrophages play central roles. B and T cells have antigen receptors
14. How does the size of the thymus gland affect immunity in and can distinguish self from nonself. Antigen binding selects which B
the elderly? or T cells will undergo clonal expansion. B cells recognize an antigen
directly, but T cells must have the antigen displayed by an APC in
Answers in Appendix A.
the groove of an HLA antigen. Plasma cells (mature B cells) produce
antibodies, but T cells kill virus-infected and cancer cells outright.
The lymphatic organs play a central role in immunity, and the
13.6 Homeostasis skeletal system as well. White blood cells are made in the red bone
11. Describe how the lymphatic system works with other systems of the marrow where B cells also mature. T cells mature in the thymus.
body to maintain homeostasis. The spleen filters the blood directly. Clonal expansion of lympho-
cytes occurs in the lymph nodes, which also filter the lymph.
The three functions of the lymphatic system listed on page 294 A strong connection exists between the immune, nervous, and en-
assist homeostasis. The lymphatic system helps the digestive docrine systems. Lymphocytes have receptors for a wide variety of hor-
system by absorbing fats. In the process of absorbing dietary fats, mones, and the thymus produces hormones that influence the immune
lacteals also absorb fat-soluble vitamins. The lymphatic system response. Cytokines produced by T lymphocytes affect the brain’s tem-
assists the cardiovascular system by absorbing excess tissue perature control center. The high body temperature of a fever is thought
fluid. The lymphatic vessels return excess tissue fluid as lymph to create an unfavorable environment for the foreign invaders. Further,
to cardiovascular veins in the thorax, thus helping to maintain the cytokines promote behaviors that tend to make us take care of ourselves
blood volume and pressure needed for capillary exchange. by causing sleepiness and appetite loss. A close connection between
The lymphatic organs and the immune system protect us the immune and endocrine systems is illustrated by the ability of
from infectious diseases. Nonspecific defenses precede specific cortisone to decrease the inflammatory reaction in the joints.
immunity. The skin and the mucous membranes of the respiratory,
digestive, reproductive, and urinary systems all resist infection. Content CHECK-UP!
If a pathogen should enter the body, the infection is localized as
much as possible by an inflammatory reaction. Phagocytic white 15. How do B and T cells differ from the other types of white
blood cells engulf as many pathogens as possible. If the pathogens blood cells?
do enter the blood, complement proteins work in diverse ways to Answers in Appendix A.
keep the blood free of disease-causing organisms and their toxins.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms histamine (hĭs9tŭh-mēn), p. 298 natural killer cells (năt9ū-răl kĭl9ĕr sĕlz), p. 300
active immunity (ăk9tĭv ĭ-myū9nĭ-tē), p. 305 HLA (human leukocyte antigens) (hyū9mŭn palatine tonsil (păl9ă-tīn tŏn9sĭl), p. 297
lū9kō-sīt ăn9tĭ-jĕnz), p. 303 passive immunity (păs9ĭv ĭ-myū9 nĭ-tē), p. 305
antibodies (ăn9tĭ-bŏd9ēz), p. 301
humoral immunity (hyū9mō-răl ĭ-myū9nĭ-tē), p. 301 perforin (pĕr9fŏr-ŭn), p. 304
antibody-mediated immunity (ăn9tĭ-bŏdē mē9
dē-āt ĕd ĭ-myū9nĭ-tē), p. 301 immune system (ĭ-myūn9 sĭs9 tĕm) p. 294 Peyer patches (pī9ĕr păch9ĕz), p. 298
antigen-presenting cell (ăn9tĭ-jĕn prē-zěnt-ĭng immunity (ĭ-myū9nĭ-tē), p. 294 pharyngeal tonsil (fŭ-rĭn9gē-ăl tŏn9sĭl), p. 297
sĕl9), p. 303 inflammatory reaction (ĭn-flăm9ŭh-tōrē rē- plasma cells (plăz9mŭh sĕlz), p. 301
antigens (ăn9tĭ-jĕn), p. 300 ăk9shŭn), p. 298 protease (prō9tē-ās), p. 307
apoptosis (ăp9ō-tō9sĭs), p. 301 lacteal (lăk9tē-ăl), p. 294 pus (pŭs), p. 300
appendix (ă-pĕn9dĭks), p. 298 lingual tonsil (lĭng9gwăl tŏn9sĭl), p. 297 red bone marrow (rĕd bōn măr9ō), p. 294
autoimmune response (ŏt-ō-ĭ-myūn9 rē- lymph (lĭmf), p. 294 retrovirus (rĕt9rō-vī9rŭs), p. 307
spŏns9), p. 301 lymphatic nodule (lĭm-făt9ĭk nŏd9yūl), p. 297 right lymphatic duct (rīt lĭm-făt9ĭk dŭkt), p. 294
B lymphocytes (B lĭm9fō-sītz), p. 301 lymphatic organ (lĭm-făt9ĭk ŏr9gŭn), p. 294 spleen (splēn), p. 296
capsid (kăp9sĭd), p. 307 lymphatic system (lĭm-făt9ĭk sĭs9tĕm), p. 294 thoracic duct (thō-răs9ĭk dŭkt), p. 294
cell-mediated immunity (sĕl mē9dē-ātĕd lymphatic vessels (lĭm-făt9ĭk vĕs9lz), p. 294 thymus gland (thī9mŭs glănd), p. 296
ĭ-myū9nĭ-tē), p. 304 lymph node (lĭmf nōd), p. 297 T lymphocytes (T lĭm9fō-sītz), p. 301
clonal selection theory (klōn9ŭl sĕ-lĕk9shŭn macrophages (măk9rā-fājĕz), p. 298 tonsils (tŏn9sĭlz), p. 297
thē9ō-rē), p. 301 major histocompatibility complex (mā9jōr
clone (klōn), p. 301 hĭs9tō-kŏm-păt-ĭ-bĭl9ĭ-tē kŏm9plĕks), p. 303 Clinical Key Terms
complement system (kŏm9plĕ-mĕnt sĭs9tĕm), mast cells (măst sĕlz), p. 298 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
p. 300 memory B cells (mĕm9ō-rē B sĕlz), p. 301 (ŭh-kwīrd9 ĭm9 yŭh-nō-dĭ-fĭsh ŭn-sē
cytokines (sī9tō-kīnz), p. 301 memory T cells (mĕm9ō-rē T sĕlz), p. 304 sĭn9drōm), p. 307
cytotoxic T cells (sī9tō-tŏk9sĭk T sĕlz), p. 304 monoclonal antibodies (mŏnō-klōn9ăl ăn9tĭ- allergens (ăl9ĕr-jĕnz), p. 312
helper T cells (hĕlp9ĕr T sĕlz), p. 304 bŏdēz), p. 306 allergies (ăl9ĕr-jēz), p. 312

Chapter 13 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 315

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anaphylactic shock (ănŭh-fĭ-lăk9tĭk shŏk), p. 312 immunization (ĭmyū-nĭ-zā9shŭn), p. 305 pandemic (păn-dĕm9ĭk), p. 311
antibody titer (ăn9tĭ-bŏdē tī9tĕr), p. 305 immunosuppressive drugs (ĭ-myūnō-sŭ- pulmonary edema (pŭl9mō-nĕrē ĕ-dē9mŭh),
asthma (ăz9mŭh), p. 312 prĕs9ĭv drŭgz), p. 312 p. 297
autoimmune disease (ăwtō-ĭ-myūn9 dĭ-zēz9), p. 312 interferon (ĭntĕr-fēr9ŏn), p. 300 rheumatoid arthritis (rū9mŭh-tōyd ăr-thrī9tĭs),
Crohn9s disease (krōnz dĭ-zēz9), p. 312 interleukin (ĭn-tĕr-lūk9ĭn), p. 305 p. 312
edema (ĕ-dē9mŭh), p. 294 lymphadenitis (lĭm-fădĕ-nī9tĭs), p. 297 severe combined immunodeficiency disease
lymphangitis (lĭmfăn-jī9tĭs), p. 297 (sĕ-vēr9 kŭm-bīnd9 ĭm9 yŭh-nō-dĭ-fĭsh ŭn-sē
elephantiasis (ĕlŭh-fŭn-tī9ŭh-sĭs), p. 297
dī-zēz9), p. 313
gamma globulin (găm9ŭh glŏb9yū-lĭn), p. 306 lymphedema (lĭmfē-dē9măh), p. 297
systemic lupus erythematosus (sĭs-tĕm9ĭk
hay fever (hā fē9vĕr), p. 312 lymphoma (lĭm-fō9mŭh), p. 297
lū9pŭs ĕr-ĭ-thē-mŭh-tō9sŭs), p. 312
Hodgkin disease (hŏj9kĭn dĭ9zĕz9), p. 297 multiple sclerosis (mŭl9tĭ-pŭl sklĕr-ō9sĭs), p. 312
T-cell mediated allergic response (tē sĕl
IgE-mediated allergic response (ī gē ē mē9dē- myasthenia gravis (mī'-ŭhs-thē nē-ŭh gră9 vis) mē9dē-ā-tĕd ŭh-lŭr9 jĭk rē-spŏns9), p. 312
ātěd ă-lĕr9jĭk rē-spŏns9), p. 312 p. 312
ulcerative colitis (ŭl9sĕr-ă-tĭv cō-lī9tĭs), p. 312
immediate allergic response (ĭm-mē9dē-ĭt ŭh- opportunistic infection (ŏpĕr-tū-nĭs9tĭk ĭn-
vaccines (văk-sēnz9), p. 305
lŭr9 jĭk rē-spŏns9), p. 312 fĕk9shŭn), p. 307

13.1 Lymphatic System A. Nonspecific defenses include activated T cells undergo apopto-
The lymphatic system consists of lym- barriers to entry, the inflamma- sis. A few cells remain, however,
phatic vessels and lymphatic organs. tory reaction, nonspecific white as memory T cells. Cytokines, in-
A. The lymphatic vessels return ex- blood cells, natural killer cells, cluding interferon and interleukins,
cess tissue fluid to the blood- and protective proteins. are used in an attempt to promote
stream, absorb fats at intestinal B. Specific defenses require B lym- the body’s ability to recover from
villi, and help the immune system phocytes and T lymphocytes, cancer and to treat AIDS.
defend the body against disease. also called B cells and T cells. B 13.4 Creating an Immune Response
B. Lymphatic capillaries have thin cells undergo clonal selection A. Immunity can be induced in
walls. Larger vessels are structured with production of plasma cells various ways. Vaccines are avail-
the same as cardiovascular veins, and memory B cells after their able to induce long-lasting, ac-
with valves that prevent backward antigen receptors combine with tive immunity.
flow. The largest lymphatic ves- a specific antigen. Plasma cells B. Antibodies sometimes are avail-
sels, called the right lymphatic duct secrete antibodies and eventu- able to provide an individual with
and thoracic duct, return blood to ally undergo apoptosis. Plasma temporary, passive immunity.
the right and left subclavian veins. cells are responsible for anti- C. Monoclonal antibodies are pro-
13.2 Organs, Tissues, and Cells of the body-mediated immunity. Anti- duced in the laboratory and used for
Immune System bodies are Y-shaped molecules diagnosis and treatment purposes.
Lymphocytes are produced and ac- with two binding sites for a spe- D. Allergic responses occur when the
cumulate in the lymphatic organs. cific antigen. Memory B cells re- immune system reacts vigorously to
A. The primary lymphatic organs main in the body and produce substances not normally recog-
are the red bone marrow, where antibodies if the same antigen nized as foreign. IgE-mediated or
blood cells are produced, and enters the body at a later date. immediate allergic responses, usu-
the thymus, which houses and C. T cells are responsible for cell- ally consisting of coldlike symp-
matures T lymphocytes. mediated immunity. The two main toms, are due to the activity of
B. The secondary lymphatic organs types of T cells are cytotoxic T antibodies. T-cell mediated allergic
include the spleen, lymph nodes, cells and helper T cells. Cytotoxic responses, such as contact dermati-
tonsils, Peyer patches, and ap- T cells kill virus-infected or cancer tis, are due to the activity of T cells.
pendix. Lymph is cleansed of cells on contact because they E. Autoimmune responses occur
pathogens and/or their toxins in bear a nonself antigen. Helper T when immune system cells
both lymph nodes and spleen, cells produce cytokines and stimu- mistakenly attack body tissues
and blood pathogens are de- late other immune cells. Like B and organs. Myasthenia gravis,
stroyed in the spleen. cells, each T cell bears antigen re- multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid
C. T lymphocytes mature in the thy- ceptors. However, for a T cell to arthritis are a few of the many
mus, while B lymphocytes ma- recognize an antigen, the antigen autoimmune diseases.
ture in the red bone marrow, must be presented by an F. Immune system deficiencies can
where all blood cells are pro- antigen-presenting cell (APC), usu- be acquired, such as AIDS, or
duced. White blood cells are ally a macrophage, in the groove genetic, such as SCID.
necessary for both nonspecific of an HLA (human leukocyte anti- 13.5 Effects of Aging
and specific defenses. gen). Thereafter, the activated T The thymus gets smaller as we age, and
13.3 Nonspecific and Specific Defenses cell undergoes clonal expansion fewer antibodies are produced. The
Immunity involves nonspecific and until the illness has been elderly are at great risk of infections,
specific defenses. stemmed. Then most of the cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

316 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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13.6 Homeostasis excess tissue fluid to the intestinal tract, and it assists the
The lymphatic system assists the bloodstream. It assists the digestive immune system through the
cardiovascular system by returning system by absorbing fats from the functioning of its lymphatic organs.

Study Questions
1. What is the lymphatic system, and what sible for which type of immunity? 11. How are monoclonal antibodies pro-
are its three functions? (p. 294) (p. 301) duced, and what are their applications?
2. Describe the structure and the function 6. Describe the structure of an antibody, (pp. 306, 312)
of red bone marrow, the thymus, the and define the terms variable regions 12. Discuss allergies, tissue rejection, and
spleen, lymph nodes, and the tonsils. and constant regions. (pp. 301–302) autoimmune diseases as they relate to
(pp. 294–298) 7. Describe the clonal selection theory as the immune system. (p. 312)
3. What are the body’s nonspecific de- it applies to T cells. (pp. 303–304) 13. Explain the different causes for immune
fense mechanisms? (pp. 298–300) 8. Name the two main types of T cells and deficiency diseases, and describe their
4. Describe the inflammatory reaction and state their functions. (pp. 304–305) effects. (pp. 307–308, 313)
give a role for each type of cell and 9. What are cytokines and how are they 14. How do the lymphatic and immune
molecule that participates in the reac- used in immunotherapy? (p. 305) systems help maintain homeostasis?
tion. (pp. 298–300) 10. How is active immunity artificially (pp. 314–315)
5. What is the clonal selection theory as achieved? How is passive immunity 15. How does the skeletal system assist
it applies to B cells? B cells are respon- achieved? (pp. 305–306) the immune system in maintaining
homeostasis? (pp. 314–315)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. reaction are all examples of 10. Cytotoxic T cells are responsible
1. Lymphatic vessels contain defenses. for mediated
, which close, prevent- 6. and are immunity.
ing lymph from flowing backward. phagocytic white blood cells. 11. Immunization with
2. and are 7. Proteins that function to form holes brings about active immunity.
two types of white blood cells in bacterial cell walls comprise the 12. Whereas immunity
produced and stored in the lym- system. occurs when an individual is given
phatic organs. 8. A stimulated B cell divides and dif- antibodies to combat a disease,
3. T lymphocytes have matured in the ferentiates into antibody-secreting immunity occurs when
. cells and also into an individual develops the ability to
4. Lymph nodes cleanse the cells that are ready to produce antibodies against a spe-
while the spleen produce the same type of antibody cific antigen.
cleanses the . at a later time. 13. Allergic reactions are associated
5. Barriers to entry, protective pro- 9. B cells are responsible for with the release of
teins, and the inflammatory mediated immunity. from mast cells.

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. metastasis (mĕ-tăs9tŭh-sĭs) 7. eosinophilia (ē9ōh-sĭn9ō-fĭl9ē-ŭh)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. allergist (ăl9ĕr-jĭst) 8. thymectomy (thī-mĕk9tō-mē)
listed at the right. Many of the prefixes and 3. immunotherapy (ĭ-myūnō-thĕr9ŭh-pē) 9. lymphopenia (lĭmf9ō-pē9nē-ŭh)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. splenorrhagia (splēnō-rā9jē-ŭh) 10. agammaglobulinemia (ā-găm9ŭh-
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 5. lymphadenopathy (lĭm-fădĕ-nŏp9ŭh- glŏb9yū-lĭ-nē9mē-ŭh)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at thē) 11. pyemia (pī-ē9mē-ŭh) and consult 6. lymphangiography (lĭm-fănjē- 12. tonsillectomy (tŏn9sĭ-lĕk9tĭ-mē)
Appendix B. ŏg9rŭh-fē) 13. hypersensitivity (hī9pĕr-sĕn-sĭ-tiv9ĭ-tē)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 13 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 317

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14 The Respiratory System
H old your breath, drink from a glass (sideways), eat a spoonful of sugar,
have someone startle or scare you, pull hard on your tongue—all of these
are “cures” for singultus, also known as the hiccups (and any of them might
work). Technically, hiccups are spasms of the respiratory diaphragm muscle,
caused by irritation of the phrenic nerve which controls it. (You learned about
the phrenic nerve in Chapter 8.) Everyone gets hiccups, even babies in the
womb. Common causes include excessive alcohol and nicotine, taking a bite
of food that’s too big, and excessive stress (for example, if you’ve been crying).
Normally, hiccups last only a few minutes at most, and they’re harmless.
However, they can continue for a long time—the longest-recorded bout lasted
six months—and might be a sign of much more serious conditions such as a
heart attack or a tumor in the chest. If your hiccups last more than three hours,
and you’re in pain, too, it’s time to see a doctor. You can read more about the
diaphragm and phrenic nerve on pages 327–328. And if you want to give up
smoking to stop your hiccups, see the Medical Focus on pages 333–334.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

14.1 The Respiratory System 14.3 Gas Exchange and Transport 14.6 Homeostasis
1. Describe the events that occur 7. Describe the process of gas 12. Describe how the respiratory system
during respiration. exchange in the lungs and the works with other systems of the
2. Describe the structure and function tissues. body to maintain homeostasis.
of the respiratory system organs. 8. Explain how oxygen and carbon
3. Explain the structure and importance dioxide are transported in the blood. I.C.E.—In Case of Emergency
of the respiratory membrane. Lung Collapse
14.4 Respiration and Health
14.2 Mechanism of Breathing 9. Name and describe the various Medical Focus
4. Outline the process of ventilation, infections of the respiratory tract. The Most-Often-Asked Questions About
including inspiration and expiration. 10. Describe the effects of smoking on Tobacco and Health
5. Describe vital capacity and its the respiratory tract and on overall
relationship to other measurements health. What’s New
of breathing capacity. Bronchial Thermoplasty: A Surgical Treatment
6. Tell where the respiratory center is 14.5 Effects of Aging for Asthma
located, and explain how it controls 11. Describe the anatomical and
the normal breathing rate. physiological changes that occur in Human Systems Work Together
the respiratory system as we age.
Respiratory System


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14.1 The Respiratory System Cellular respiration, which produces ATP, uses the oxygen
and produces the carbon dioxide that makes gas exchange with the
1. Describe the events that occur during respiration.
environment necessary. Without a continuous supply of ATP, the
2. Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system organs.
cells cease to function. The four actions listed here allow cellular
3. Explain the structure and importance of the respiratory membrane.
respiration to continue.
The primary function of the respiratory system is gas exchange—
allowing oxygen from the air to enter the blood and carbon dioxide The Respiratory Tract
from the blood to exit into the air. During inspiration, or inhalation
Table 14.1 traces the path of air from the nose to the lungs. As air
(breathing in), and expiration, or exhalation (breathing out), air is
moves in along the airways, it is cleansed, warmed, and moistened
conducted toward or away from the lungs by a series of cavities,
by the mucous membrane lining of the nasal cavity. Cleansing is
tubes, and openings, illustrated in Figure 14.1.
accomplished by coarse hairs just inside the nostrils and by cilia
The respiratory system also works with the cardiovascular sys-
and mucus in the nasal cavities and the other airways of the respi-
tem to accomplish these four respiratory actions:
ratory tract. Nasal hairs, cilia, and mucus act as screening devices
1. pulmonary ventilation (breathing): the entrance and exit of for dust, dirt, pollen, fungal spores, etc., in inhaled air. Cilia inside
air into and out of lungs the nasal cavity beat backwards, sweeping the mucous sheet into
2. external respiration: the exchange of gases (oxygen and the throat where it can be swallowed. Lysozyme in the mucus helps
carbon dioxide) between air and blood to kill bacteria, while lymphocytes populating underlying tissue
3. internal respiration: the exchange of gases between blood create an immune response whenever pathogens are accidentally
and tissue fluid inhaled. In the trachea and other airways, the cilia beat upward,
4. transport of gases to and from the lungs and the tissues carrying mucus, dust, and other trapped potential contaminants

Nasal cavity
filters, warms, and moistens air
passageway where pathway
for air and food cross
Upper Glottis
Respiratory space between the vocal cords;
Tract opening to larynx
(voice box); produces sound;
covered by the epiglottis
during swallowing

(windpipe); passage of air
to bronchi

passage of air to lungs

passage of air to alveoli
Tract Lung
contains alveoli (air sacs);
carries out gas exchange

Figure 14.1 The skeletal muscle; functions
respiratory tract. Note the struc- in ventilation
tures of the upper respiratory tract
and the lower respiratory tract.
The tract extends from the nasal
cavities to the lungs.

lon96431_ch14_318-341.indd 319 18/11/15 2:37 PM

TABLE 14.1 Path of Air

Structure Description Function


Nasal cavities Hollow spaces in nose Filter, warm, and moisten air
Pharynx Chamber posterior to oral cavity; lies between nasal cavity Connection to surrounding regions
and larynx
Glottis Opening into larynx Passage of air into larynx
Larynx Cartilaginous organ that houses the vocal cords; voice box Sound production


Trachea Flexible tube that connects larynx with bronchi Passage of air to bronchi
Bronchi Paired tubes inferior to the trachea that enter the lungs Passage of air to lungs
Bronchioles Branched tubes that lead from bronchi to alveoli Passage of air to each alveolus
Lungs Soft, cone-shaped organs that occupy lateral portions of Gas exchange
thoracic cavity Acid-base balance; conversion of angiotensin I to
angiotensin II
Alveoli Air sacs that branch from bronchioles Passage of gases into and out of pulmonary
Pulmonary capillaries Capillaries that cover surface of alveoli Receive oxygen from alveoli; oxygenation of
hemoglobin; deliver CO2 from tissues to alveoli

into the pharynx. This important protective mechanism is called superior

the mucociliary escalator. Once in the pharynx, the mucus accu- middle nasal conchae
mulation can be swallowed (thus, destroyed by stomach acid and
digestive enzymes) or spit out. Inhaled air is also warmed by heat
sphenoid sinus
given off by blood vessels lying close to the surface of the lining of
the airways, and it is moistened by the wet surface of the mucous frontal sinus
membrane. pharyngeal tonsil
Conversely, as air moves out during expiration, it cools and nasal cavity
opening of
loses its moisture. As the air cools, it deposits its moisture on the hard auditory tube
lining of the trachea and the nose, and the nose may even drip as palate pharynx
a result of this condensation. However, the exhaled air still retains nostril nasopharynx
so much moisture that when we exhale on a cold day, it condenses soft palate
and forms a small cloud. and uvula
The Nose tongue oropharynx
palatine and
The nose, a prominent feature of the face, is the only external por- lingual tonsils
tion of the respiratory system. Air enters the nose through external epiglottis laryngo-
openings called nostrils. The nose contains two nasal cavities, hyoid bone pharynx
which are narrow canals separated from one another by a septum glottis
composed of bone and cartilage (Fig. 14.2). Mucous membrane larynx esophagus
lines the nasal cavities. The nasal conchae (sing., concha) are bony
ridges that project laterally into the nasal cavity. They increase the
surface area for moistening and warming air during inhalation and
for trapping water droplets during exhalation. Odor receptors are Figure 14.2 The path of air. Air flows through the
on the cilia of cells in the olfactory epithelium, located high in the nose and mouth, which are upper respiratory tract structures, to
recesses of the nasal cavities. enter the pharynx. The pharynx opens into the trachea. The
The tear (lacrimal) glands drain into the nasal cavities by way trachea is part of the lower respiratory tract.
of the nasolacrimal canals (see Fig. 9.5). For this reason, crying pro-
duces a runny nose. The nasal cavities also communicate with the found in the maxillae and in the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones.
paranasal sinuses, air-filled spaces that reduce the weight of the If the ducts leading from the sinuses become inflamed, fluid may ac-
skull and act as resonating chambers for the voice. Sinuses can be cumulate, causing a sinus headache. The nasal cavities are separated

320 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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from the oral cavity by the palate, a partition that has two portions. esophagus is normally collapsed and opens only when a person
Anteriorly, the hard palate is supported by the maxilla and pala- swallows.
tine bones. Posteriorly, the soft palate is composed of muscle and
glandular tissue.
Begin Thinking Clinically
The Pharynx If your upper airways narrow or collapse when you inhale
The pharynx is a funnel-shaped passageway that connects the during sleep, you may have obstructive sleep apnea
nasal and oral cavities to the larynx. Consequently, the pharynx, (OSA). Apnea is defined as absent respiration. The affected
commonly referred to as the “throat,” has three parts: the naso- person has long periods of apnea during sleep, during which
pharynx, where the nasal cavities open posterior to the soft palate; he or she actually stops breathing. Loud snoring and gasp-
the oropharynx, where the oral cavity joins the pharynx; and the ing are symptoms of OSA. The condition causes a very poor
laryngopharynx, which opens into the larynx. The soft palate has a night’s sleep, making the sufferer much more likely to have
soft extension called the uvula that can be seen hanging down into a daytime accident. Long-term, OSA causes hypertension
the oropharynx. (see Chapter 12 for a review of hypertension). As you study
The single pharyngeal tonsil (or adenoids) in the posterior the upper airway structures, which do you think might be
nasal cavity is the primary lymphatic tissue defense for breath- involved in causing OSA? How might OSA be treated?
ing. Its action is supported by the paired palatine tonsils at the Answer and discussion in Appendix A.
rear of the oropharynx, as well as the lingual tonsils at the base of
the tongue. The tonsils contain lymphocytes that protect against
invasion of inhaled pathogens. Here, both B cells and T cells can The Larynx
respond to antigens that may subsequently invade internal tissues The cartilaginous larynx lies posterior to the thyroid cartilage, and
and fluids. Thus, the respiratory tract assists the immune system in serves as a passageway for air between the pharynx and the trachea
maintaining homeostasis. (Fig.14.3a). The larynx can be pictured as a triangular box whose
In the pharynx, the air and food passages cross because the apex, the Adam’s apple, is located at the anterior neck. The larynx is
larynx, which receives air, is anterior to the esophagus, which called the “voice box” because it houses the vocal cords (Fig. 14.3b).
receives food. The larynx lies at the top of the trachea. The lar- The vocal cords are mucosal folds supported by elastic ligaments,
ynx and trachea are normally open, allowing air to pass, but the and the slit between the vocal cords is called the glottis (Fig. 14.3c).

Figure 14.3 Anatomy of the larynx. (a) Anterior view of

the larynx. The larynx lies posterior to the thyroid cartilage of the
neck (commonly called the Adam’s apple). (b) Sagittal view of the
larynx, showing location of the vocal cords. (c) Viewed from above,
the vocal cords can be seen to stretch from anterior to posterior
across the larynx. When air is forced past the vocal cords, they vi-
epiglottis epiglottis brate, producing sound.
hyoid bone

hyoid bone

thyroid thyroid cartilage
cartilage false vocal cord
(Adam’s apple)
true vocal cord

base of tongue
tracheal tracheal cartilage vocal cords
membranous membranous glottis
part of trachea part of trachea

a. Anterior view b. Sagittal view c.

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 321

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When air is expelled past the vocal cords through the glottis, the movement by placing your hand gently on your larynx and
vocal cords vibrate, producing sound. At puberty, the growth of the swallowing.
larynx and the vocal cords is much faster and accentuated in males
than in females, causing males to have a more prominent Adam’s
apple and deeper voices. The voice “breaks” in the young male The Trachea
because he cannot control the longer vocal cords. These changes The trachea, or windpipe, is a tube connecting the larynx to the
cause the lower pitch of the voice in males. primary bronchi. The trachea lies anterior to the esophagus and is
Voice pitch is regulated when we speak and sing by changing held open by C-shaped cartilaginous rings. The open part of the
the tension on the vocal cords. The greater the tension, as when the C-shaped rings forms the anterior wall of the esophagus, and this
glottis becomes more narrow, the higher the pitch. When the vocal allows the esophagus to expand when swallowing. The mucosa
cords relax, the glottis is wider, and the pitch is lower. The loud- that lines the trachea has a layer of pseudostratified ciliated colum-
ness, or intensity, of the voice depends upon the amplitude of the nar epithelium (Fig. 14.4a, b). Pseudostratified—“false layers”—
vibrations—that is, how much the vocal cords vibrate. means that while the epithelium appears to be layered, actually
Coughing, sneezing, and hiccuping also involve the glottis. each cell touches the basement membrane. As mentioned previ-
When we cough, the glottis closes, then suddenly opens as a blast ously, the epithelial cilia sweep mucus produced by goblet cells,
of air is forced upward from the lower respiratory tract. Sneezing is along with trapped debris, toward the pharynx. You’ll recall that
much like coughing, except that the air blast is directed through the this mechanism is called the mucociliary escalator (Fig. 14.4c).
nasal passages. As you read in the chapter introduction, a hiccup is Smoking is known to destroy these cilia, and consequently the soot
caused by spasm of the diaphragm muscle while the glottis is closed. in cigarette smoke collects in the lungs. The effects of smoking
When food is swallowed, the larynx moves upward against are discussed more fully in the Medical Focus on pages 333–334.
the epiglottis, a flap of elastic cartilage that prevents food from If the trachea is blocked because of illness or the accidental
passing through the glottis into the larynx. You can detect this swallowing of a foreign object, it is possible to insert a breathing






a. b.
goblet cell

Figure 14.4. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

epithelium. (a) Though the nuclei are found at different levels
in the cells, each cell touches the basement membrane.
(b) Photomicrograph of this epithelium. Note its “false-layered”
appearance. (c) Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the
surface of this epithelium. Goblet cells secrete sticky mucus
that traps inhaled pollutants, and cilia sweep the mucus layer
c. 2,865 to the pharynx to be swallowed or expectorated (spit out).

322 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Lung Collapse

Imagine that you’re a military medic who’s called upon to respond when burst as a result of the high pressure from the bomb blast, and air has
troops have been injured due to a bomb blast. As you arrive at the scene, filled his thorax from the hole in his lung. When the lungs collapse, the
two fallen soldiers need your attention. One has an open chest wound, air filling the chest compresses the heart and prevents it from filling
caused by shrapnel cutting his chest. The second was nearby when the with blood. This is termed tension pneumothorax, or air in the thorax.
blast occurred, but has no obvious wounds. Yet, both have the same You’ll need to act fast, or both victims will slip into shock.
symptoms: sharp pain when they inhale, difficulty speaking, and a feel- With the help of the first soldier’s buddies, you put a special
ing of breathlessness. Both soldiers’ blood pressure is low and pulse is airtight pressure bandage over his open chest wound, which will
rapid, indicating that they might slip into shock. You take a quick history prevent additional air from entering the wound and help stop bleeding.
from both victims and from their buddies. Next, you’ll start his intravenous solution (IV). By listening to the
Right away, you suspect each soldier has atelectasis—the second soldier’s chest with your stethoscope, you’ll be able to tell
technical term for a collapsed lung. As you’ll recall, the lungs are held where the lung has collapsed because it will sound hollow. When you
up against the chest wall by the attraction force of surface tension. If trained as a medic, you learned to do a thoracocentesis, and you’ll
air enters the thorax, surface tension will fail, and the lungs will rapidly insert a catheter between the soldier’s ribs to let the trapped air
collapse. The first soldier’s chest wound is allowing air from the out into the atmosphere. Now your patients are ready for their helicop-
atmosphere to enter the thorax. A section of the second soldier’s lung ter trip to a field hospital for more advanced care.

tube by way of an incision made in the trachea. This tube acts as of a lung, and the base is the inferior broad portion that curves
an artificial air intake and exhaust duct. The operation is called a to fit the dome-shaped diaphragm, the muscle of respiration that
tracheostomy. separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. The lat-
eral surfaces of the lungs follow the contours of the ribs in the
The Bronchial Tree thoracic cavity.
Each lobe of the lung is further divided into lobules, and each
The trachea divides into right and left primary bronchi (sing.,
lobule has a bronchiole supplying many alveoli. Pulmonary ar-
bronchus), which lead into the right and left lungs (see Fig. 14.1).
teries travel alongside the bronchi; likewise, pulmonary arterioles
The primary bronchi then branch into secondary bronchi: one for
parallel the bronchioles. Each pulmonary arteriole then further
each lobe of the lung. Thus, there are three secondary bronchi for
branches to form pulmonary capillaries. Pulmonary capillaries
the right lung, which has three lobes. Two secondary bronchi sup-
surround and cover each alveolus of the lung. Elastic connective
ply the left lung, which has only two lobes in order to allow room
tissue binds the air passages to the blood vessels within each lung;
for the heart. Each secondary bronchus then divides into smaller
this elastic tissue helps the lungs return to their resting position, or
tertiary bronchi. These smaller bronchi are supported by smaller
recoil, when a person exhales.
plates of cartilage, in place of the cartilage rings of the trachea.
Each lung is enclosed by a double layer of serous membrane
Bronchioles are the smallest conducting airways. They lack carti-
called the pleurae (sing., pleura). The visceral pleura adheres to
lage support, but possess a ciliated epithelium and a well-developed
the surface of the lung; the parietal pleura lines the inside of the
smooth muscle layer. During an asthma attack, the smooth muscle
thoracic cavity. The pleurae produce a lubricating serous fluid
of the bronchioles contracts, causing bronchiolar constriction and
that reduces friction and allows the two layers to slide across one
characteristic wheezing. Each bronchiole leads to an elongated
another. Serous fluid, a water-based solution, also creates surface
space enclosed by a multitude of air pockets, or sacs, called alveoli
tension: the tendency for water molecules to cling to each other
(sing., alveolus). The components of the bronchial tree beyond the
(due to hydrogen bonding between the molecules) and to form a
primary bronchi, including the alveoli, compose the lungs.
droplet (see section 2.2). Surface tension holds the two pleural
layers together, thus holding the lungs open against the chest
The Lungs wall. If this surface tension force is disrupted, the lung will col-
The lungs are paired, cone-shaped organs. Each fills its own pleu- lapse, as described in the In Case of Emergency reading above.
ral cavity inside the thoracic cavity, separated by the mediasti-
num. Recall that the mediastinum is the central compartment that The Alveoli
separates the thoracic cavity. It contains the heart and its major With each inhalation, air passes through the bronchial tree to the
vessels, primary bronchi, thymus gland, trachea, and esophagus alveoli. An alveolar sac is made up of simple squamous epithe-
(see Chapter 1, page 7). The apex is the superior narrow portion lium surrounded by pulmonary capillaries. Gas exchange occurs

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 323

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pulmonary pulmonary
vein artery
between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries
blood flow (Fig. 14.5). Oxygen diffuses across the alveolar and capillary walls
blood flow
to enter the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide diffuses from the
pulmonary arteriole blood across these walls to enter the alveoli.
contains much CO2,
little O2 Each alveolus is lined with an extremely thin layer of water-
based tissue fluid. Gas exchange takes place across moist cellular
bronchiole membranes, and the attractive force created by the fluid’s surface
tension helps the distended lung tissue to return to its resting
position when a person exhales. However, the alveoli must stay
pulmonary arteriole open to receive the inhaled air if gas exchange is to occur, and
pulmonary venule the surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli is capable of
contains much O2, causing them to close up. (As an analogy, rinse a balloon several
little CO2
times with water, then empty the balloon completely. Note how
the balloon’s sides stick together and how hard it is to blow it
lobule up.) Normal alveoli are lined with surfactant—a film of lipo-
protein that lowers surface tension to an acceptable level. Thus,
in healthy lungs surface tension is high enough to help the lungs
recoil (return to a resting position) yet low enough to prevent
the alveoli from entirely collapsing. The lungs collapse in some
newborn babies, especially premature infants, who lack this sur-
factant film. The condition, called infant respiratory distress
syndrome, is now treatable using steroid drugs and by surfactant
replacement therapy.
Alveoli are also equipped with specialized white blood cells
called dust cells that help to defend us against any debris or
pathogens we might inhale. Dust cells are alveolar macrophages
network that can be found in the walls between adjacent alveoli and on the
surface of the alveolus as well (Fig. 14.6). When they are filled
with dust and/or microbes, they are transported to the pharynx
and swallowed.
Figure 14.5 Gas exchange in the lungs. The lungs
consist of portions of the bronchial tree leading to the alveoli, Respiratory Membrane Gas exchange occurs very rapidly be-
each of which is surrounded by an extensive capillary network. cause of the characteristics of the so-called respiratory membrane
Notice that the pulmonary artery and arteriole carry O2-poor (Fig. 14.6). The respiratory membrane consists of the alveolar
blood (colored blue), and the pulmonary vein and venule carry epithelium and the capillary endothelium, which are layered to-
O2-rich blood (colored red). gether. Throughout most of the lungs, their basement membranes are

endothelial cell
respiratory basement
membrane membrane
epithelial cell

secreting cells

Figure 14.6 Structure of the

alveolus and respiratory membrane. The
alveolar wall and the capillary wall allow
gases to easily diffuse between the alveolus
and the capillary.

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fused, meaning that very little tissue fluid separates the two portions1 between the pleurae. Intrapleural pressure is less than atmo-
of the respiratory membrane, and they are indeed one membrane. spheric pressure, and this also helps to keep the lungs inflated.
This membrane is extremely thin—only 0.2–0.6 μm thick. The importance of a reduced intrapleural pressure is demon-
The total surface area of the respiratory membrane is the same strated when atmospheric air accidentally enters the intrapleural
as the area of the alveoli, namely 50–70 m2. The blood that enters space and the lung then collapses. (The In Case of Emergency
the many pulmonary capillaries spreads thin. The red blood cells reading on page 323 describes just such a scenario.)
within the capillaries are pressed up against the narrow capillary 3. A continuous column of air extends from the pharynx to the
walls, and little plasma is present. This too facilitates the speed of alveoli of the lungs.
gas exchange during external respiration.
Content CHECK-UP! Inspiration is the active phase of ventilation because this is the
phase in which the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles
1. Which structure covers the larynx as swallowing occurs? contract (Fig. 14.7a). In its relaxed and resting state, the diaphragm
a. epiglottis c. uvula is dome-shaped; during inspiration, it contracts and becomes a
b. soft palate d. hard palate flattened sheet of muscle. Simultaneously, the external intercostal
2. Put the following structures in order, from external to internal: muscles contract, and the rib cage moves upward and outward.
trachea-alveoli-tertiary bronchi-primary bronchi-secondary As the thoracic volume increases, the lungs increase in volume
bronchi-bronchioles. as well because the lung adheres to the wall of the thoracic cavity.
3. Which membrane structure divides the thoracic cavity into two As lung volume increases, the air pressure within the alveoli (called
separate cavities? intrapulmonary pressure) decreases, creating a partial vacuum. In
a. parietal pleura c. parietal pericardium
other words, alveolar pressure is now less than atmospheric pres-
sure (air pressure outside the lungs). Because a continuous column
b. mediastinum d. visceral pericardium
of air fills the lungs, air will naturally flow from outside the body
Answers in Appendix A. into the respiratory passages and into the alveoli. Airflow contin-
ues, until intrapulmonary pressure equals atmospheric pressure.
It’s important to realize that air comes into the lungs because
they have already opened up; air does not force the lungs open.
14.2 Mechanism of Breathing This is why it’s sometimes said that humans breathe by subatmo-
4. Outline the process of ventilation, including inspiration and expiration. spheric pressure. The creation of a partial vacuum in the alveoli
5. Describe vital capacity and its relationship to other measurements of causes air to enter the lungs. While inspiration is the active phase
breathing capacity.
6. Tell where the respiratory center is located, and explain how it con-
of breathing, the actual flow of air into the alveoli is passive.
trols the normal breathing rate.
Usually, expiration is the passive phase of ventilation, and no muscular
Ventilation effort is required to bring it about. During expiration, the diaphragm
To understand ventilation—the manner in which air enters and and the external intercostal muscles relax. Therefore, the diaphragm re-
exits the lungs—it helps to remember these facts: sumes its dome shape and the rib cage moves down and in (Fig. 14.7b).
1. The lungs lie within the sealed-off thoracic cavity. The rib As the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases, the lungs are free to
cage, consisting of the ribs joined to the vertebral column recoil. Lung recoil occurs due to the elastic tissue built into the lungs’
posteriorly and to the sternum anteriorly, forms the top and walls, and also due to the slight alveolar surface tension. As thoracic
sides of the thoracic cavity. The intercostal muscles lie be- cavity volume and, thus, lung volume, decrease, the air pressure within
tween the ribs. The diaphragm and connective tissue form the alveoli (intrapulmonary pressure) increases above atmospheric
the floor of the thoracic cavity. pressure. Because the airways are filled with a continuous column of
2. The lungs adhere to the thoracic wall by way of the pleurae. air, some of that air will naturally flow out of the body. Airflow contin-
The visceral pleura covering the lungs attaches to the parietal ues until intrapulmonary pressure equals atmospheric pressure.
pleura covering the chest wall, by utilizing the force of surface What keeps the alveoli from collapsing as they decrease in size
tension created by the fluid between them. Any space between during expiration? Recall that the presence of surfactant lowers the
the two layers of the pleura is minimal. (As an analogy, wet a surface tension within the alveoli. Also, as the lungs recoil, pres-
clean glass microscope slide with a drop of water, then cover it sure between the two layers of pleura decreases, and this also helps
with a second glass slide. Note the two pieces of glass will slide the alveoli stay open.
back and forth, but can’t be easily pulled apart.) This surface
tension force creates intrapleural pressure—the pressure Maximum Inspiratory Effort and Forced Expiration
If you recall the last time you exercised vigorously—perhaps
The respiratory membrane has two portions but four layers: alveolar epithelium plus its
running in a race or even just climbing all those stairs to your
basement membrane and capillary endothelium plus its basement membrane. classroom—you’ll probably remember that you were breathing a

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Rib cage Rib cage

moves moves
up and out. down and in.

External intercostal muscles

pull the ribs outward.
Internal intercostal muscles
pull the ribs inward during
forced expiration.

Diaphragm contracts Diaphragm relaxes

and moves down. and moves up.

air in air out

When When
pressure pressure
in lungs in lungs
rib cage
decreases, increases,
air comes air is
rushing in. pushed out.

a. Inspiration b. Expiration

Figure 14.7 Inspiration versus expiration. (a) During inspiration, the thoracic cavity and lungs expand so that intrapulmonary
pressure decreases. Now air flows into the lungs. (b) During expiration, the thoracic wall and lungs recoil, assuming their original
positions and pressures. Now air is forced out. The internal intercostal muscles only contract during forceful expiration.

lot harder than normal during and immediately after that heavy nose or mouth to the lungs and from the lungs to the nose or mouth
exercise. Maximum inspiratory effort involves the accessory is vitally important. Therefore, a technique has been developed
muscles of respiration: muscles of the back, pectoralis minor that allows physicians to determine if there is a medical problem
(chest), sternocleidomastoid muscles of the anterior neck, etc. that prevents the lungs from filling with air upon inspiration and
Their combined efforts can help to make the thoracic cavity larger releasing air from the body upon expiration. An instrument called
than normal, thus allowing maximum expansion of the lungs. a spirometer records the volume of air exchanged during normal
While inspiration is always the active phase of breathing, breathing and during deep breathing. A spirogram (recording from
expiration is usually passive—that is, the diaphragm and external a spirometer) shows the measurements recorded by a spirometer
intercostal muscles are simply allowed to relax, the lungs recoil, when a person breathes as directed by a technician (Fig. 14.8).
and expiration occurs. However, expiration can also be forced.
Forced expiration accompanies the maximum inspiratory efforts
of heavy exercise. Forced expiration is also necessary to sing, blow Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
air into a trumpet, or blow out birthday candles. Contraction of the Normally when we’re relaxed, only a small amount of air moves
internal intercostal muscles can force the rib cage to move down- in and out with each breath. This amount of air, called the tidal
ward and inward. In addition, when the abdominal wall muscles volume, is only about 500 ml.
(rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, and transversus It is possible to increase the amount of air inhaled, and there-
abdominis) contract, they push on the abdominal organs, which are fore the amount exhaled, by deep breathing. The maximum volume
compressed upward against the diaphragm. This creates increased of air that can be moved in plus the maximum volume that can be
pressure in the thoracic cavity, which helps to forcefully expel air. moved out during a single breath is the vital capacity. It is called
During breathing, air moves into the lungs from the nose or vital capacity because your life depends on breathing, and the more
mouth (called inspiration, or inhalation), and then moves out of the air you can move, the better off you are. A number of different
lungs during expiration, or exhalation. A free flow of air from the illnesses, discussed in section 14.4, can decrease vital capacity.

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4,800 reserve
volume inspiratory
Volume of Air in Lungs (ml)

3,600 capacity
2,900 lung
2,400 volume

1,200 residual
residual residual
volume volume

Figure 14.8 Vital capacity. A spirometer measures the amount of air inhaled and exhaled with each breath. During inspiration,
the tracing moves up, and during expiration, the tracing moves down. The volume of one normal breath (tidal volume) multiplied by the
number of breaths per minute is called the minute ventilation. A lower-than-normal minute ventilation can be a sign of pulmonary malfunc-
tion. Vital capacity (red) is the maximum amount of air a person can exhale after taking the deepest inhalation possible.

Vital capacity varies by how much we can increase inspiration be determined by adding expiratory reserve volume and residual
and expiration over the tidal volume amount. We can increase volume. The maximum amount of air that can be held in a person’s
inspiration by using the accessory muscles of respiration (ster- lungs is called the total lung capacity. This measure is the sum of
nocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor, etc.) to expand the chest, and all four volumes: tidal volume, expiratory reserve volume, inspira-
also by lowering the diaphragm to the maximum extent possible. tory reserve volume, and residual volume.
Forced inspiration usually increases the volume of air beyond the
tidal volume by 2,900 ml, and that amount is called the inspiratory
reserve volume. We can increase the amount of air expired by Control of Ventilation
contracting the abdominal and internal intercostal muscles. This Normally, adults have a breathing rate of 12 to 20 ventilations per
so-called expiratory reserve volume is usually about 1,400 ml of minute. The basic rhythm of ventilation is controlled by a primary
air. You can see from Figure 14.8 that vital capacity is the sum of respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata of the brain.
the tidal, inspiratory reserve, and expiratory reserve volumes. The primary respiratory center automatically sends out motor
It’s a curious fact that some of the inhaled air never reaches nerve signals by way of the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm. Simul-
the alveoli; instead, it fills the nasal cavities, trachea, bronchi, and taneously, the intercostal nerves stimulate the external intercostal
bronchioles (see Fig. 14.1). In an average adult, some 70% of the muscles of the rib cage (Fig. 14.9). When these muscles contract,
tidal volume does reach the alveoli, but 30% remains in the air- the thoracic volume and lung volume increase, and the person in-
ways. These passages are not used for gas exchange, and therefore hales. When the respiratory center stops sending neuronal signals
they are said to contain dead-space air. To ensure that a large por- to the diaphragm and the rib cage, the diaphragm relaxes, resum-
tion of inhaled air reaches the lungs, it is better to breathe slowly ing its dome shape. The rib cage moves down and in. Decreasing
and deeply. Also, note in Figure 14.8 that even after a very deep thoracic and lung volumes allow the person to exhale.
exhalation, some air (about 1,000 ml) remains in the alveoli; this The primary respiratory center allows the basic pattern of
is called the residual volume. This air is not as useful for gas inhalation and exhalation. However, if the medulla functions alone
exchange because it contains a great deal of CO2 and has been (as might occur in a person with a serious head injury, if nerves
depleted of oxygen. In some lung diseases, such as emphysema, from higher centers are damaged), respiration is short and gasping.
the residual volume increases because the individual has difficulty Breathing rhythmically at a normal rate and volume requires nervous
emptying the lungs. This means that the vital capacity is reduced input from the pons, the brain stem center immediately superior to
because the lungs have more residual volume. the medulla. Functioning together, these two brain centers allow
With further study of Figure 14.8, you can see that the four normal, quiet breathing, a pattern referred to as eupnea: smooth,
respiratory capacities are sums of the four respiratory volumes. sustained inspiration, followed by a smooth, sustained expiration.
Inspiratory capacity is the sum of inspiratory reserve volume and Although the respiratory center controls the rate and depth
tidal volume; likewise, expiratory capacity is the sum of expiratory of breathing, its activity can be influenced by nervous input and
reserve volume and tidal volume. Functional residual capacity can chemical input.

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Chemical Input
The respiratory center is directly sensitive to the levels of carbon
dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen ions (H1). When they rise, due to
increased cellular respiration (during exercise, for example), the
pons respiratory center increases respiratory rate and depth. The cen-
respiratory ter is not affected directly by low oxygen (O2) levels. However,
control chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies, located in the carotid arter-
centers medulla
(primary respiratory center) ies, and in the aortic bodies, located in the aorta, are sensitive to
blood oxygen levels. (Do not confuse the carotid and aortic bodies
with the carotid and aortic baroreceptors, which monitor blood
intercostal nerves pressure. For a review, see section 12.2). When oxygen concen-
tration decreases, these bodies communicate with the respiratory
center, and the rate and depth of breathing increase.
external intercostal muscles
A condition called Cheyne-Stokes respiration is character-
ized by alternating periods of deep, labored breathing, then shal-
phrenic nerve low or absent breathing (apnea). In this condition, the respiratory
center is largely controlled by chemical input. Breathing rate first
increases when blood CO2 and H1 are high and O2 is low, then
diaphragm decreases when blood CO2 and H1 are low and O2 is high. Con-
gestive heart failure and other disorders may cause this condition.

Content CHECK-UP!
Figure 14.9 Nervous control of breathing. During 4. Name the muscles that contract when a person inhales.
inspiration, respiratory control areas of the pons and medulla 5. Which of the following has to be true for a person to inhale?
stimulate the intercostal and phrenic nerves. Intercostal nerves a. Intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.
cause the external intercostal muscles to contract. The phrenic
b. Atmospheric pressure is greater than intrapulmonary pressure.
nerve stimulates the diaphragm. Expiration occurs rhythmically
when respiratory control areas stop nervous stimulation and c. The abdominal muscles must contract.
allow the muscles to relax. d. a and c
6. Suppose you’re a respiratory therapist and you want to mea-
sure your patient’s tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume,
and expiratory reserve volume. What would you tell him or her
Nervous Input
to do during the test? Describe the steps you’d use.
By observing our breathing during day-to-day living, it’s evi-
Answers in Appendix A.
dent that higher brain centers influence the rate and depth of
respiration. Input from the cerebral cortex, limbic system,
hypothalamus, and other brain centers causes increased respi-
ration rate and depth if you’re angry, frightened, or otherwise 14.3 Gas Exchange and Transport
upset. Faster-than-normal respiration is referred to as hyperpnea. 7. Describe the process of gas exchange in the lungs and the tissues.
Conversely, respiration rate and depth decrease in the soundest 8. Explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in
stages of sleep. Conscious control of respiration allows a person the blood.
to hold his breath for a time, or to voluntarily hyperventilate.
Neural influence over the respiratory centers also helps increase Respiration includes exchange of gases both in the lungs and in the
respiratory rate and depth during exercise. tissues. Both are critical to homeostasis. Recall that diffusion is
Nervous control over respiration also helps to protect delicate the movement of molecules from a higher concentration to a lower
lung tissue, as illustrated by the Hering-Breuer reflex. During ex- concentration. The principles of diffusion alone govern whether
ercise, inspiratory depth increases, due to recruitment of muscle oxygen (O2) or carbon dioxide (CO2) enters or leaves the blood in
fibers in the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and accessory mus- the lungs and in the tissues.
cles. Then, stretch receptors in the bronchi, bronchioles, and the
walls between adjacent alveoli are stimulated; in turn, they pro-
duce inhibitory nerve signals that travel from the inflated lungs External Respiration
to the respiratory center. This causes the respiratory center to stop External respiration is the exchange of gases in the lungs. Specifi-
sending out nerve signals. This reflex helps support rhythmic cally, during external respiration, gases are exchanged between the
respiratory movements by limiting inspiration, thus preventing alveolar air and the pulmonary capillary blood. Blood that enters the
overexpansion of lung tissue. pulmonary capillaries is dark maroon because it is relatively O2-poor.

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Once inspiration has occurred, the alveoli have a higher con- expired air inspired air
centration of O2 than does blood entering the lungs. Therefore, O2 O2
diffuses from the alveoli into the pulmonary capillary blood. The CO2
reverse is true of CO2. The alveoli have a lower concentration of CO2
CO2 than does blood entering the lungs. As a result, CO2 diffuses
out of the pulmonary blood into the alveoli. This CO2 exits the

external respiration
alveolar air
body during expiration. O2
Another way to explain gas exchange in the lungs is to con- CO2
sider the partial pressure of the gases involved. As the molecules
of gases move randomly in all directions, they exert pressure. As
an analogy, imagine blowing up a balloon, then holding its neck
closed. When you open the balloon, air escapes—it rushes out from
high pressure (inside) to low pressure (outside). In the alveoli, the CO2
amount of pressure each gas exerts is its partial pressure, symbol-
ized as Po2 and Pco2. Alveolar air has a much higher Po2 than does pulmonary
blood; thus, oxygen rushes into the blood. The pressure pattern is circulation
the reverse for CO2: blood in the pulmonary capillaries has a higher
Pco2 than the air in the alveoli. Carbon dioxide escapes pulmonary
blood to enter the alveoli. O2-poor blood
O2-rich blood
O2 O2

gas transport
Internal Respiration CO2

Internal respiration refers to the exchange of gases in the tis-

sues. Specifically, during internal respiration, gases are exchanged
between the blood in systemic capillaries and the tissue fluid.
Blood that enters the systemic capillaries is a bright red color
because the blood is O2-rich. Tissue fluid, on the other hand, has circulation
a low concentration of O2. Why? Because the cells are continually
consuming O2 during cellular respiration. Therefore, O2 diffuses
from the blood into the tissue fluid. Tissue fluid has a higher con-
centration of CO2 than does the blood entering the tissues. Why?
Because CO2 is an end product of cellular respiration. Therefore,
internal respiration

CO2 diffuses from the tissue fluid into the blood. Figure 14.10
summarizes our discussion of gas exchange in the lungs and tis-
tissue fluid
sues and shows the differences in O2 and CO2 that lead to diffusion
of these gases. CO2 CO2
Again, we can explain exchange in the tissues by consider-
ing the partial pressure of the gases involved. In this case, oxygen
diffuses out of the blood into the tissues because the Po2 in tissue respiring tissues
fluid is lower than that of the blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses into
Figure 14.10 External and internal respiration. During exter-
the blood from the tissues because the Pco2 in tissue fluid is higher nal respiration in the lungs, CO2 leaves the blood and O2 enters
than that of the blood. the blood passively by diffusion. During internal respiration in the
tissues, O2 leaves the blood and CO2 enters the blood passively
by diffusion.
Gas Transport
The mode of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
differs, although red blood cells are involved in transporting both the body’s oxygen at any given time because oxygen is not very
of these gases. soluble in water.
Hemoglobin is remarkably suited to the task of transport-
ing oxygen because it can either combine with or release oxygen
Oxygen Transport (depending upon its surroundings). The higher concentration of
After O2 enters the blood contained in pulmonary capillaries of the oxygen in the alveoli, plus the slightly higher pH and slightly cooler
lungs, it enters red blood cells and combines with the iron portion temperature, causes hemoglobin to take up oxygen and become
of hemoglobin, the pigment in red blood cells. In addition, a small oxyhemoglobin (HbO2). The lower concentration of oxygen in the
amount of oxygen is transported as a dissolved gas in the watery tissues, plus the slightly lower pH and slightly warmer temperature
blood plasma. This dissolved oxygen amounts to only 2–3% of in the tissues, causes hemoglobin to release oxygen and become

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deoxyhemoglobin (HHb). This equation summarizes the action of of metabolism. Thus, if breathing rate slows, the amount of CO2 in
hemoglobin in oxygen transport: the blood increases, and more carbonic acid is formed. As carbonic
acid dissociates, free H1 (hydrogen ions) are released. As mentioned
tissues lungs previously, hydrogen ions will combine with hemoglobin. How-
HHb + O2 HbO2 ever, if enough H1 are released, ultimately the blood pH decreases.
By contrast, if respiratory rate increases, the blood carbon dioxide
decreases as more is exhaled. Carbonic acid will re-form, and fewer
Carbon Dioxide Transport free H1 will be found in the plasma. Now blood pH will increase.
Transport of CO2 to the lungs involves a number of steps. After Breathing rate is constantly being “fine-tuned” in this way, so that
CO2 diffuses into the blood at the tissues, it can be transported in blood pH remains at normal levels and homeostasis is maintained.
one of three ways: Many respiratory diseases interfere with normal excretion
of carbon dioxide, causing excess carbonic acid to be formed. If
1. Approximately 10% of CO2 is transported as a dissolved gas blood pH falls below the normal range as a result, a condition
in blood plasma and in the cytoplasm of red blood cells. termed acidosis develops. Other conditions may cause a person
Carbon dioxide is much more soluble in water than is oxygen to hyperventilate, or breathe too rapidly. If too much CO2 is elimi-
and, thus, three to five times as much CO2 can be transported nated in this fashion, blood pH will rise above normal level, causing
as a dissolved gas. alkalosis. Stress and anxiety can cause a person to hyperventilate.
2. Roughly 30% of CO2 molecules formed are taken up by the Disorders involving the respiratory control center (such as a brain
protein (globin) portion of hemoglobin, forming a compound tumor or brain damage near the brain stem) may cause a person
called carbaminohemoglobin. to hyperventilate as well. Both acidosis and alkalosis can be fatal
3. Most of the CO2—60%—combines with water, forming because they interfere with cell enzyme function.
carbonic acid (H2CO3). The carbonic acid dissociates to
hydrogen ions (H1) and bicarbonate ions (HCO32). This
reaction is catalyzed (assisted by) an enzyme, carbonic Content CHECK-UP!
anhydrase, which is present in all body cells but is espe-
cially abundant in red blood cells. The release of hydrogen 7. If you describe internal respiration, you can use this
ions from carbonic acid explains why the blood in systemic
capillaries has a lower pH than the blood in pulmonary capil- a. Oxygen diffuses from the blood into the tissue fluid.
laries. However, the difference in pH is slight because the b. Carbon dioxide diffuses from tissue fluid into the blood.
globin portion of hemoglobin combines with excess hydro- c. Internal respiration takes place in systemic capillaries.
gen ions and becomes reduced hemoglobin (HHb). d. All of these statements are correct.
Bicarbonate ions are carried in the plasma because they dif- 8. Hemoglobin with carbon dioxide attached is termed:
fuse out of red blood cells and go into the plasma. Most of the a. reduced hemoglobin. c. oxyhemoglobin.
carbon dioxide in blood is carried as HCO32, the bicarbonate ion. b. carbaminohemoglobin. d. dioxyhemoglobin.
As bicarbonate ions diffuse out of red blood cells, chloride ions
9. List three mechanisms used to transport CO2 in the blood.
(Cl2) diffuse into them. This so-called chloride shift maintains
Answers in Appendix A.
the electrical balance between the plasma and the red blood cells.
In pulmonary capillaries, a reverse reaction occurs. Bicarbon-
ate combines with hydrogen ions to form carbonic acid, which this
time splits into CO2 and H2O, and the CO2 diffuses out of the blood
into the alveoli. The following equation summarizes the reaction 14.4 Respiration and Health
between carbon dioxide and water: 9. Name and describe the various infections of the respiratory tract.
10. Describe the effects of smoking on the respiratory tract and on
overall health.
tissues tissues
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3–
lungs lungs The respiratory tract is constantly exposed to environmental air.
The quality of this air can affect our health. The presence of a dis-
ease means that homeostasis is threatened and if the condition is
By changing the breathing rate, the respiratory system uses this not brought under control, death is inevitable.
chemical relationship to help regulate blood pH.2 As you know, tis-
sue cells are constantly producing carbon dioxide as a waste product Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasal cavities, the phar-
pH means the negative logarithm of free hydrogen ion concentration, so the smaller ynx, and the larynx. Upper respiratory infections (URI) can spread
the pH number, the greater the number of free hydrogen ions. The pH of arterial blood
should range from 7.35 to 7.45. Blood with pH 7.3 (acidosis) has more free hydrogen ions
from the nasal cavities to the sinuses, middle ears, and larynx.
than blood with pH 7.4 (normal). See page 25 to review the concept of pH. Viral infections sometimes lead to secondary bacterial infections.

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What we call “strep throat” is a primary bacterial infection caused result from an upper respiratory infection, or simply from overuse
by Streptococcus pyogenes that can lead to a generalized upper of the larynx (if, for example, you’ve screamed for several hours at
respiratory infection and even a systemic (affecting the body as a a sports event or concert). So long as the immune system is func-
whole) infection. Although antibiotics have no effect on viral infec- tioning properly, an upper respiratory infection usually resolves
tions, they are successfully used to treat most bacterial infections, over time, with rest and adequate fluid intake. Likewise, laryngi-
including strep throat. The symptoms of strep throat are severe sore tis disappears over time as long as the larynx is rested. Persistent
throat, high fever, and white patches on a dark red throat. hoarseness without the presence of an upper respiratory infection
is one of the warning signs of cancer, and therefore should be
checked out by a physician.
Sinusitis is an infection of the cranial sinuses, the cavities within the
facial skeleton that drain into the nasal cavities (see Fig. 6.5). Only Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders
about 1–3% of upper respiratory infections are accompanied by sinus- Lower respiratory tract disorders include infections, restrictive pul-
itis. Sinusitis develops when nasal congestion blocks the tiny open- monary disorders, obstructive pulmonary disorders, and lung cancer.
ings leading to the sinuses. Symptoms include postnasal discharge
as well as facial pain that worsens when the patient bends forward.
Pain and tenderness usually occur over the lower forehead or over the Lower Respiratory Infections
cheeks. If the latter, toothache is also a complaint. Successful treat- Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis are infections of
ment depends on restoring proper drainage of the sinuses. Antibiotic the lower respiratory tract. Acute bronchitis is an infection of the
therapy is necessary if the condition results from bacterial infection. primary and secondary bronchi. Usually, it is preceded by a viral
Even a hot shower and sleeping upright can be helpful. Otherwise, URI that has led to a secondary bacterial infection. Most likely, a
spray decongestants are preferred over oral antihistamines, which nonproductive cough has become a deep cough that expectorates
thicken rather than liquefy the material trapped in the sinuses. mucus and perhaps pus.
Pneumonia is a viral or bacterial infection of the lungs in
Otitis Media which the bronchi and alveoli fill with thick fluid (Fig. 14.11). Risk
factors for pneumonia include advanced age (it is most common
Otitis media is a bacterial infection of the middle ear. The middle
and most often fatal in the elderly), weakened immune system,
ear is not a part of the respiratory tract, but this infection is consid-
smoking, and being immobilized. A common scenario for devel-
ered here because it is a complication often seen in children who
opment of pneumonia is an elderly person who is immobilized
have a nasal infection. Infection can spread by way of the auditory
due to a fractured hip. High fever, productive cough, difficulty in
(eustachian) tube that leads from the nasopharynx to the middle
breathing, headache, and chest pain are symptoms of pneumonia.
ear (see Fig. 9.12). Pain is the primary symptom of a middle ear
Rather than being a generalized lung infection, pneumonia may be
infection. A sense of fullness, hearing loss, vertigo (dizziness), and
localized in specific lobules of the lungs. Obviously, the more lob-
fever may also be present. Antibiotics almost always bring about
ules involved, the more serious is the infection. Pneumonia can be
a full recovery, and recurrence is probably due to a new infection.
caused by a bacterium that is usually held in check but has gained
Tubes (called tympanostomy tubes) are sometimes placed in the
the upper hand due to stress and/or reduced immunity. AIDS pa-
tympanic membranes (eardrums) of children with multiple recur-
tients are subject to a particularly rare form of pneumonia caused
rences to help promote fluid drainage, as well as to prevent the
by the fungus Pneumocystis jiroveci. Pneumonia of this type is
buildup of pressure in the middle ear and the possibility of hearing
almost never seen in individuals with a healthy immune system.
loss. Normally, the tubes fall out with time, and the eardrum heals
Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by the tubercle bacillus, a
over completely.
type of bacterium. When tubercle bacilli invade the lung tissue, the
lung cells build a protective capsule about the foreigners, isolating
Tonsillitis them from the rest of the body. This tiny capsule is called a tuber-
Tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils, masses of lymphatic tissue in cle. If the resistance of the body is high, the imprisoned organisms
the pharynx, become inflamed and enlarged. If tonsillitis occurs die, but if the resistance is low, the organisms eventually can be
frequently and enlargement makes breathing difficult, the tonsils liberated. If a chest X ray detects active tubercles, the individual
can be removed surgically in a tonsillectomy. Fewer tonsillecto- is put on appropriate antibiotic therapy to ensure the localization
mies are performed today than in the past because we now know of the disease and the eventual destruction of any live bacteria. It
that the tonsils remove many of the pathogens that enter the phar- is possible to tell if a person has ever been exposed to tuberculosis
ynx; therefore, they are a first line of defense against pathogenic with a test in which a highly diluted extract of the bacillus is in-
invasion of the body. jected into the skin of the patient. A person who has never been in
contact with the tubercle bacillus shows no reaction, but one who
has had or is fighting an infection shows an area of inflammation
Laryngitis that peaks in about 48 hours.
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, with accompanying More than two billion people worldwide—about 33% of the world’s
hoarseness leading to the inability to talk in an audible voice. It can population—are estimated to be infected with tuberculosis (TB).

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 331

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Pneumonia Bronchitis
Alveoli fill with pus and fluid, Airways are inflamed due
making gas exchange difficult. to infection (acute) or due to
an irritant (chronic). Coughing
brings up mucus and pus.

asbestos tubercle

Pulmonary Fibrosis Pulmonary Tuberculosis Emphysema Asthma

Fibrous connective tissue Tubercles encapsulate Alveoli burst and fuse into Airways are inflamed due
builds up in lungs, reducing bacteria, and elasticity of enlarged air spaces. Surface area to irritation, and bronchioles
their elasticity. lungs is reduced. for gas exchange is reduced. constrict due to muscle spasms.

Figure 14.11 Common bronchial and pulmonary diseases. Exposure to infectious pathogens and/or polluted air, including
tobacco smoke, causes the diseases and disorders shown here.

Poverty and HIV are the risk factors most closely associated with the toward deflation. Breathing asbestos is also associated with the
disease, and 95% of TB victims live in developing countries. Many development of cancer. Because asbestos was formerly used widely
of these people are infected with multiple-drug-resistant (MDR) as a fireproofing and insulating agent, unwarranted exposure has
tuberculosis, a form that is not easily controlled by the standard set occurred. It has been projected that more than 300,000 deaths
of antibiotics used to fight TB. However, there is good news for caused by asbestos exposure—mostly in the workplace—will
the United States, where the incidence of both common and MDR occur in the United States between 2012 and 2020.
tuberculosis infection is in decline and hit a record low in 2013. Coal-dust pneumoconiosus is also known as black lung, and
Public health officials credit several interventions for this improve- it is found in miners who are not adequately protected against in-
ment: a very vigorous response to new infection, including physician haling coal dust. The dust collects in the bronchi, forming small
and patient education, more effective infection control, and close su- deposits called nodules. These nodules can harden and destroy the
pervision of patients in active treatment. The World Health Organiza- lung tissue that surrounds them, gradually decreasing the patient’s
tion is developing similar strategies for use in other countries. ability to inflate his lungs. Victims of black lung are also more
susceptible to tuberculosis and pneumonia. The symptoms of black
Restrictive Pulmonary Disorders lung can be treated with various medications, but the only cure for
the disorder is a lung transplant.
In restrictive pulmonary disorders, vital capacity is reduced because
the lungs have lost their elasticity. An entire class of restrictive
pulmonary disorders, called pneumoconioses, is caused by inhal- Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders
ing particles such as silica (sand), asbestos, clay, cement, flour, In obstructive pulmonary disorders, air does not flow freely in the
and fiberglass. Pneumoconioses can lead to pulmonary fibrosis, airways, and the time it takes to inhale or exhale maximally is
a condition in which fibrous connective tissue builds up in the greatly increased. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are referred
lungs. The lungs cannot inflate properly and are always tending to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD) because

332 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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The Most-Often-Asked Questions About Tobacco and Health

Is there a safe way to smoke? Does smoking affect the heart?

No. All forms of tobacco can cause damage, and smoking even a small Yes. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease, which is the number
amount is dangerous. Tobacco is perhaps the only legal product whose one killer in the United States. Smoking, high blood pressure, high
advertised and intended use—that is, smoking it or chewing it—will cholesterol, and lack of exercise are all risk factors for heart disease.
inevitably hurt the body. The nicotine in tobacco is one of the most Smoking alone doubles the risk of heart disease.
addictive chemicals known; it causes feelings of well-being and eupho-
ria similar to those caused by heroin and cocaine. It will both stimulate Is there any risk for pregnant women and their
and also relax the user throughout the day, depending on the person’s babies?
mood. And as anyone who’s tried to quit can tell you—withdrawing Pregnant women who smoke endanger the health and life of their
from nicotine addiction is stressful and very, very difficult. unborn babies. When a pregnant woman smokes, she really is smok-
ing for two because the nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other danger-
Does smoking cause cancer? ous chemicals in smoke enter her bloodstream and then pass into the
Yes, and not only lung cancer. Besides lung cancer, smoking a pipe, baby’s body. Smoking mothers have more stillbirths and babies of
cigarettes, or cigars is also a major cause of cancers of the mouth, larynx low birthweight than do nonsmoking mothers. Tragically, the death
(voice box), and esophagus. In addition, smoking increases the risk of rate due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is also higher for
cancer of the bladder, kidney, pancreas, stomach, and uterine cervix. babies born to mothers who smoke.

What are the chances of being cured of lung cancer? Does smoking cause any special health problems
Very low; the five-year survival rate is only 13%. However, it is for women?
important to remember that lung cancer, or bronchogenic carcinoma Yes. Women who smoke and use the birth control pill have an increased
in technical terms, is very rare (although not unheard of) in nonsmok- risk of stroke and blood clots in the legs. In addition, women who
ers. Thus, lung cancer is largely preventable: Don’t smoke, and avoid smoke increase their chances of getting cancer of the uterine cervix.
exposure to smoke.
What are some of the short-term effects
Does smoking cause other lung diseases? of smoking cigarettes?
Yes. Smoking leads to chronic bronchitis, a disease in which the air- Almost immediately, smoking can make it hard to breathe. Within a
ways produce excess mucus, forcing the smoker to cough frequently. short time, it can also worsen asthma and allergies. Only seven
Smoking is also the major cause of emphysema, a disease that slowly seconds after a smoker takes a puff, nicotine reaches the brain, where
destroys a person’s ability to breathe. Chronic bronchitis and pulmo- it produces a morphinelike effect.
nary emphysema rates are higher in smokers than in nonsmokers.
Are there any other risks to the smoker?
Why do smokers have “smoker’s cough”? Yes, there are many more risks. Smoking is a cause of stroke, which is
Remember the mucociliary escalator (page 322)? This is the protective the third leading cause of death in the United States. Smokers are more
mechanism for the lungs and the airways: a sheet of mucus present in likely to have and die from stomach ulcers than are nonsmokers. Smok-
the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. Normally, constantly beating ers have a higher incidence of cancer in general. If a person smokes and
cilia on the cells lining the airways move the sheet upward. Once at the is exposed to radon or asbestos, the risk for lung cancer increases dra-
pharynx, mucus can be swallowed or spit out. Smoking is a double matically. Research continues to show that smoking is also a major risk
assault on the mucociliary escalator: First, inhaled, nasty toxins and factor for autoimmune diseases as well. These include Crohn’s disease
particles cling to the sticky mucus. Then, a big dose of nicotine para- (which affects the digestive tract), psoriasis (which affects skin and
lyzes the cilia for 30 minutes or more. Long-term smokers will elimi- connective tissue), and Buerger’s disease (which causes inflammation
nate the delicate, ciliated epithelial cells entirely, replacing them with and destruction of blood vessels, especially in the limbs).
a sturdier epithelium better able to stand the heat of cigarette smoke.
The result: There is no way to clear accumulated mucus (and the What are the dangers of passive smoking?
trapped contaminants in it) except to cough it out. The longer a person Passive smoking causes lung cancer in healthy nonsmokers. Children
smokes, the more pronounced and productive the cough becomes. whose parents smoke are more likely to suffer from pneumonia or
bronchitis in the first two years of life than are children who come
If you smoke but don’t inhale, is there any danger? from smoke-free households, and children of smokers are more likely
Yes. Wherever smoke touches living cells, it does harm. So, even if to develop asthma during childhood. Passive smokers have a 30%
smokers of pipes, cigarettes, and cigars don’t inhale, they are at an greater risk of developing lung cancer than do nonsmokers who live
increased risk for lip, mouth, and tongue cancer. in a smoke-free house.

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Are chewing tobacco and snuff safe alternatives to determined that to be successful, a smoker should use the
cigarette smoking? START plan:
No, they are not. Many people who use chewing tobacco or snuff 1. Set a date, and get ready to quit: Think of all of the reasons you
believe it can’t harm them because there is no smoke. Wrong. Smoke- want to quit, and write them down. (For starters, you’ll save
less tobacco still contains nicotine, the same addicting drug found in money and you’ll feel better!) Once you’ve decided on a date,
cigarettes and cigars. Although not inhaled through the lungs, the juice plan ahead. Review what worked, or didn’t, in the past.
from smokeless tobacco is absorbed through the lining of the mouth. 2. Tell others: Inform your family, friends, and co-workers of your
There it can cause sores and white patches, which often lead to cancer intention to quit, and ask them not to smoke around you. Once
of the mouth. Snuff dippers actually take in an average of over ten you quit, don’t take another puff from a cigarette.
times more cancer-causing substances than cigarette smokers. 3. Anticipate the problems you might encounter. Learn new
behaviors that aren’t associated with smoking: When you first
But what about those e-cigarettes? Those seem like
quit, change your routine completely so that subconscious
they ought to be pretty safe to use.
cues to smoke don’t keep appearing. Take a different route to
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, vary in their style, but all basically work, eat breakfast in a different place, drink tea instead of
consist of a cartridge containing a nicotine solution, a heat source that heats coffee. When the urge to smoke recurs, distract yourself with
the solution into a vapor, and a battery to power the heat source. The user physical or mental activity. Exercise or talk to someone to
inhales the addictive nicotine vapor, along with whatever other additives are reduce stress. Each day, plan something fun and pleasurable
in the liquid. Over 700 different flavors—including soda, candy, fruit, and for yourself.
alcohol flavors—can be added to make the solution more attractive to the 4. Remove anything related to smoking from your home and
smoker. In addition, propylene glycol and glycerol are two ingredients that workplace. Throw out all smoking materials: cigarettes, pipes,
are added to dissolve the nicotine and keep it soluble. However, when ashtrays, lighters, etc. Avoid spending time with people who
exposed to the high heat necessary to vaporize e-cigarette liquid, these com- might undermine your efforts, especially other smokers!
pounds break down to form carcinogens. Propylene glycol and glycerol 5. Talk to your health-care provider to get support,
form formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, both of which are carcinogenic, and encouragement, and help to quit. Never be embarrassed to ask
flavorings can also create cancer-causing agents when burned. Further- for, and use, antismoking medication. Nicotine comes in gum
more, e-cigarettes contain many of the same contaminants as their tradi- and patches (both sold over the counter) and in prescription
tional counterparts: heavy metals (including toxic lead), organic inhaler and nasal spray forms. Using these products can help you
carbon–containing compounds, small particles, and ash. The bottom line is to overcome the cravings for nicotine that occur immediately
that they are clearly toxic, and are likely no safer than traditional cigarettes. after quitting. In addition, use of antidepressants (available by
One thing is certain: public health officials are increasingly view- prescription) has been shown to significantly increase a patient’s
ing e-cigarettes as a societal menace, especially for children and youth. chances of quitting for good. Chantix®, an antidepressant, also
Babies and children have been accidently poisoned from drinking the reduces the effects of nicotine addiction by blocking nicotine
nicotine-laced solution, and burned by the hot cartridge. The vapor fla- receptors. Private and group smoking cessation counseling often
vorings are tailored to appeal to young people, with flavors such as helps, and is available for free or at a low cost. Your local health
bubble gum, cherry, and grape. Studies show that adolescents and teens department will have information about programs in your area.
who use e-cigarettes are more than twice as likely as their peers to transi- There are even apps for your mobile device to help support your
tion to traditional cigarettes. While over 40 states prohibit direct sales to efforts to quit, and you can sign up for a text service that will
minors, e-cigarettes are easily purchased over the Internet, and there is send you regular text messages with tips, advice, and encourage-
no minimum age for those types of purchases. Moreover, if you’re trying ment while you quit.
to quit smoking, you need to be aware that e-cigarettes have not been
approved by the Food and Drug Administration for smoking cessation. And remember—if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!
In fact, physicians are concerned that smokers may try to use them to The first three to six months after quitting will be the toughest, and
quit, instead of traditional, FDA-approved medications. So think again if that’s when many people go back to smoking. Don’t be discouraged if
you have been considering e-cigarettes to be a safe, appealing, and fun this happens to you. On average, most people try to quit at least twice
alternative to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco. before finally succeeding. To avoid a relapse, don’t drink alcohol and/
or hang around with other smokers. Studies have shown that both can
Okay, okay, enough already! You’ve convinced me lead to failure in the attempt to quit. Weight gain and increased irrita-
that I should quit. But how? I’ve tried before. Is there bility or depression can also be expected. Exercise and eating a
a better way to quit smoking? healthy diet will minimize both of these side effects.
The U.S. Office of the Surgeon General has done extensive research For more information, visit the Surgeon General’s stop-smoking
on the most effective ways to quit smoking. This research has website:

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they develop slowly, over a long period of time, and are recur- portion of the lung allows the remaining healthy tissue to expand
rent. Asthma is an obstructive disorder as well. However, asthma and fill the thoracic cavity. Lung transplantation is the other surgical
is generally an acute illness—that is, one that occurs in intermittent option for emphysema, but it’s rarely used because of the scarcity
episodes that flare up and disappear quickly. of donor organs. As with all transplant recipients, the patient must
In chronic bronchitis, the airways are inflamed and filled remain on lifelong anti-rejection therapy after a lung transplant.
with mucus. A cough that brings up mucus is common. The bron- Asthma is a disease of the bronchi and bronchioles that is
chi have undergone degenerative changes, including the loss of marked by wheezing, breathlessness, and sometimes a cough and
cilia and their normal cleansing action. Under these conditions, an expectoration of mucus. The airways are unusually sensitive to
infection is more likely to occur. Smoking cigarettes and cigars is specific irritants, which can include a wide range of allergens
the most frequent cause of chronic bronchitis. Long-term exposure such as pollen, animal dander, dust, cigarette smoke, and indus-
to other pollutants can also cause chronic bronchitis. trial fumes. Even cold air can be an irritant. When exposed to the
Emphysema is a chronic and incurable disorder that results irritant, the smooth muscle in the bronchioles undergoes spasms. It
from smoking (though there is also a rare form caused by a genetic now appears that chemical mediators given off by immune cells in
mutation). Emphysema is often preceded by chronic bronchitis. With the bronchioles cause the spasms. Most asthma patients have some
emphysema, the alveoli are distended and their walls damaged so that degree of bronchial inflammation that reduces the diameter of the
the surface area available for gas exchange is reduced (Fig. 14.12b). airways and contributes to the seriousness of an attack. Asthma
Air trapped in the lungs leads to alveolar damage and a noticeable is not curable, but it is treatable. Special inhalers can control the
ballooning of the chest. On an X ray, the diaphragm (which is nor- inflammation and hopefully prevent an attack, while other types of
mally curved when at rest; see Figure 14.1) appears flattened as the inhalers can stop the muscle spasms should an attack occur.
lungs increase in size. Breakdown in the elastic tissue of the lung
diminishes the elastic recoil. Not only are the airways narrowed, but Lung Cancer
the driving force behind expiration is also reduced. The patient has a Lung cancer used to be more prevalent in men than in women, but
very difficult time exhaling, and residual volume increases. The vic- recently it has surpassed breast cancer as a cause of death in women.
tim often feels a breathless sensation and may have a cough. Because The recent increase in the incidence of lung cancer in women is
the surface area for gas exchange in the lungs is reduced, less oxygen directly correlated to increased numbers of women who smoke. Au-
reaches the heart and the brain. Even so, the heart works furiously to topsies on smokers have revealed the progressive steps by which the
force more blood through the lungs, and an increased workload on the most common form of lung cancer develops. The first event appears
heart can result. Lack of oxygen to the brain can make the person feel to be thickening and callusing of the cells lining the primary bronchi.
depressed, sluggish, and irritable. Before therapy can be effective, the (Callusing occurs whenever cells are exposed to irritants.) Then cilia
patient must stop smoking. Medical treatment for emphysema is lim- are lost, making it impossible to prevent dust and dirt from settling
ited to drugs that dilate the bronchi and bronchioles by relaxing the in the lungs. Following this, cells with atypical nuclei appear in the
smooth muscle, along with inhaled oxygen to improve oxygenation callused lining. A tumor consisting of disordered cells with atypical
of the blood. Surgical options include lung volume reduction sur- nuclei is considered cancer in situ (at one location) (Fig. 14.12c).
gery (LVRS) and lung transplantation. In LVRS, the diseased upper A final step occurs when some of these cells break loose and pen-
portions of the lung are surgically removed, and the remaining lung etrate other tissues, a process called metastasis. Now the cancer has
tissue is sealed with a flap of pericardium. Removing the diseased spread. The original tumor may grow until a bronchus is blocked,


a. Normal b. Emphysema c. Lung cancer

Figure 14.12 Normal lung versus diseased lungs. (a) Normal lung. Note the healthy red color. (b) Lung of an emphysema victim.
Small black deposits from smoking can be seen throughout. The apex (upper portion) of the lung shows lung tissue that has broken
down. (c) Lung from a heavy smoker. Notice how black the lungs are except where the large red cancerous tumor has formed.

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 335

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What's New
Bronchial Thermoplasty: A Surgical Treatment for Asthma

It’s difficult for most of us to imagine a world where a whiff of A new treatment called a bronchial thermoplasty is now avail-
perfume or disinfectant, a faceful of smoke from a careless able for individuals with bronchial smooth muscle thickening, whose
smoker, a bout of strenuous exercise or even someone’s cat could asthma cannot be controlled by medication alone. Using this tech-
disrupt our breathing to the point where we would need nique, the pulmonologist (a physician who specializes in lung disor-
hospitalization—and even worse, knowing that any one of those ders) passes a long, slender tube called a bronchoscope through the
things could kill us. Yet that’s the world in which people with nasopharynx and trachea. The bronchoscope is then advanced as far
asthma live. As you know, asthma is caused by bronchi whose as possible into a section of the patient’s bronchi (see Figure 14.1).
smooth muscle is over-reactive. In response to any of the triggers There, electrodes on the tip of the bronchoscope are heated with
just mentioned, the muscle goes into spasm, reducing airway size radiofrequency energy, causing the surrounding muscle to shrink and
and causing the characteristic asthma symptoms: coughing, thereby increasing the diameter of the bronchus. Patients must
wheezing, a breathless sensation. People with chronic asthma undergo three or more treatment sessions under mild sedation because
actually develop a thickening in the bronchial smooth muscle, a different section of the lung is treated with each session. The therapy
which increases the severity of their disease. The two preferred has been proven to be very effective for individuals with chronic
categories of drugs used to control asthma are inhaled bronchodi- asthma.
lators and steroids, but they are not consistently effective for For more information about asthma and asthma treatment, visit
people with chronic asthma. the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America at

cutting off the supply of air to that lung. The entire lung then col- 14.5 Effects of Aging
lapses, the secretions trapped in the lung spaces become infected,
11. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur
and pneumonia or a lung abscess (localized area of pus) results. in the respiratory system as we age.
The only treatment that offers a possibility of cure is to remove
a lobe or the entire lung before metastasis has had time to occur.
This operation is called pneumonectomy. If the cancer has spread, Respiratory fitness decreases with age. Maximum breathing
chemotherapy and radiation are also required. capacities decline, while the likelihood of fatigue increases.
The Medical Focus on pages 333–334 lists the various illnesses, Inspiration and expiration are not as effective in older persons.
including cancer, that are apt to occur in persons who smoke. Cur- With age, weakened intercostal muscles and decreased
rent research indicates that passive smoking—exposure to smoke elasticity of the rib cage combine to reduce the inspiratory
created by others who are smoking—can also cause lung cancer and reserve volume, while the lungs’ inability to recoil reduces the
other illnesses associated with smoking. If a person stops voluntary expiratory reserve volume. As a result, more residual air is
smoking and avoids passive smoking, and if the body tissues are not found in the lungs of older people, and the residual volume
already cancerous, they may return to normal over time. increases.
With age, gas exchange in the lungs becomes less efficient,
Content CHECK-UP! not only due to changes in the lungs but also due to changes in
the blood capillaries. The respiratory membrane thickens, and the
10. What type of lower respiratory infection should be treated with
antibiotics? What kind should never be treated using gases cannot diffuse as rapidly as they once did.
antibiotics, and why? Respiratory diseases, such as those discussed in
11. Obstructive pulmonary diseases include: section 14.4, are more prevalent in older people than in the
general public. In the elderly, the ciliated cells of the trachea
a. emphysema. c. asthma.
are reduced in number, and those remaining are not as effective
b. chronic bronchitis. d. All of the above.
as they once were. As you know from Chapter 13, other aspects
12. Which of the following increases in a person with emphysema?
of the immune response also diminish in the elderly, including
a. amount of surface area in the lung for gas exchange the numbers and effectiveness of the white blood cells. Thus,
b. residual volume pneumonia and other respiratory infections are among the lead-
c. amount of elastic tissue in the lungs ing causes of death in older persons. For this reason, the Cen-
d. amount of oxygen delivered to the brain and heart ters for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that everyone who
Answers in Appendix A. is older than 65 receive the pneumococcal vaccine to prevent

336 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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What happens to your blood pH if you hypoventilate—that
Content CHECK-UP! is, breathe at a lower-than-normal rate? Acidosis results because
13. Which of the following typically increases with age? carbon dioxide is not being exhaled at the normal rate. Too much
a. lung elasticity
carbonic acid is formed from the excess carbon dioxide. Any
respiratory condition, such as emphysema, that hinders the passage
b. thickness of the respiratory membrane
of carbon dioxide out of the blood also results in acidosis. By
c. number of cilia in the air passages contrast, what happens to your blood pH if you hyperventilate—
Answers in Appendix A. that is, breathe at a higher than normal rate? Alkalosis (high blood
pH) will develop because carbon dioxide is leaving the body at a
high rate. This decreases the concentration of carbonic acid and
the concentration of free H1. Severe anxiety can cause a person to
14.6 Homeostasis hyperventilate.
12. Describe how the respiratory system works with other systems of the
body to maintain homeostasis.
Control of Blood Pressure
The illustration in Human Systems Work Together on page 338 The lungs play a role in the control of blood pressure by assist-
describes how the respiratory system assists and depends on other ing in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway (see p. 219).
body systems. The respiratory system contributes to homeosta- The kidneys produce the enzyme renin whenever blood pressure
sis in many ways—in particular, by carrying on gas exchange and falls. Renin activates angiotensin I (an inactive plasma protein
regulating blood pH. produced by the liver). As blood that contains angiotensin
I flows through the lungs, angiotensin I is further activated to
form angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE),
Gas Exchange which is found in endothelial cells that compose the pulmo-
First and foremost, the respiratory system performs gas exchange. nary capillaries. Once formed, angiotensin II causes arterioles
Carbon dioxide, a waste molecule given off by cellular respiration, to constrict, increasing blood vessel resistance. Angiotensin II
exits the body, and oxygen, a molecule needed for cellular respira- also causes the release of aldosterone from the adrenal gland. In
tion, enters the body at the lungs. Cellular respiration produces turn, aldosterone causes the kidneys to reabsorb salt and water.
ATP, a molecule that allows the body to perform all sorts of work, Through this mechanism, blood pressure returns to normal and
including muscle contraction and nerve conduction. It is estimated homeostasis is maintained.
that the brain uses 15–20% of the oxygen taken into the blood. Not
surprisingly, a lack of oxygen affects the functioning of the brain
before it affects other organs.
The respiratory tract assists in the defense against pathogens by
preventing their entry into the body and by removing them from
Regulation of Blood pH respiratory surfaces. For example, the cilia that line the trachea
The respiratory system can alter blood pH by changing blood sweep impurities toward the throat. The respiratory tract also
carbon dioxide levels. In the tissues, carbon dioxide enters the assists immunity. We now know that the tonsils serve as a location
blood and red blood cells where this reaction occurs. The bicar- where T cells are presented with antigens before they enter the
bonate ion (HCO32) diffuses out of the red blood cells to be carried body as a whole. This action helps the body prepare to respond to
in the plasma: an antigen before it enters the bloodstream. Within the alveoli, dust
cell macrophages phagocytize not only dust, dirt, and pollen, but
pathogens as well.
tissues tissues
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3–
lungs lungs

Content CHECK-UP!
This reaction lowers blood pH because free H (hydrogen 1
14. Lung disease often _____ carbon dioxide levels in the blood,
ions) are formed during the reaction as carbonic acid dissociates. causing _____.
The greater the amount of CO2 in the blood, the greater the car- a. increases; acidosis
bonic acid formed, and the more free hydrogen ions are formed. b. increases; alkalosis
Conversely, when carbon dioxide starts to diffuse out of the blood
c. decreases; acidosis
in the lungs, the reaction occurs in the reverse direction. Carbon
dioxide concentration in blood decreases (because it is being ex- d. decreases; alkalosis
haled), and carbonic acid concentration decreases, too. Now, the Answer in Appendix A.
blood pH rises.

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 337

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Human Systems Work Together RESPIRATORY SYSTEM

Integumentary System Cardiovascular System

How the Respiratory
System works with other Gas exchange in lungs
Gas exchange in lungs
body systems rids body of carbon diox-
provides oxygen to skin
and rids body of carbon ide, helping regulate pH of
dioxide from skin. blood; breathing aids
venous return; lungs
Skin helps protect activate angiotensin,
respiratory organs and which helps maintain
helps regulate body blood pressure.
temperature. Blood vessels transport
gases to and from lungs; blood
services respiratory organs.
Skeletal System

Gas exchange in lungs Lymphatic System/Immunity

provides oxygen and rids
body of carbon dioxide. Tonsils and adenoids
occur along respiratory
Rib cage protects lungs nasal cavity tract; breathing aids lymph
and assists breathing; flow; tracheal cilia sweep
bones provide attach- nose impurities toward throat.
ment sites for muscles pharynx (throat)
involved in breathing. Lymphatic vessels pick
trachea up excess tissue fluid;
immune system protects
Muscular System bronchi against respiratory tract
and lung infections.
Lungs provide oxygen for lungs
contracting muscles and
rid the body of carbon Digestive System
dioxide from contracting
muscles. Gas exchange in lungs
provides oxygen to the
Muscle contraction digestive tract and ex-
assists breathing; physi- cretes carbon dioxide
cal exercise increases from the digestive tract.
respiratory capacity.
Breathing is possible
through the mouth
Nervous System because digestive tract
and respiratory tract
Lungs provide oxygen for share the pharynx.
neurons and rid the body
of carbon dioxide pro-
duced by neurons. Urinary System

Respiratory centers in Lungs excrete carbon

brain regulate breathing dioxide, provide oxygen,
rate. and convert angiotensin I
to angiotensin II, leading
to kidney regulation.
Endocrine System
Kidneys compensate for
Gas exchange in lungs water lost through respi-
provides oxygen and rids ratory tract; work with
body of carbon dioxide. lungs to maintain blood
Epinephrine promotes
ventilation by dilating bron-
chioles; growth factors Reproductive System
control production of red
blood cells that carry Gas exchange increases
oxygen. during sexual activity.

Sexual activity increases

breathing; pregnancy
causes breathing rate
and vital capacity to

lon96431_ch14_318-341.indd 338 18/11/15 2:39 PM

Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms lungs (lŭngz), p. 323 apnea (ăp9nē-ŭh), p. 321
alveolus (ăl-vē9ō-lŭs), p. 323 mucociliary escalator (mū-kō-sĭl9ē-ă-rē ĕs9 asthma (ăz9mŭh), p. 335
kŭh-lā-tōr), p. 320 black lung, (blăk lŭng) p. 332
alveoli (ăl-vē9 ō-lī), p. 323
nasal cavities (nā9zŭl kăv9ĭ-tēz), p. 320 bronchogenic carcinoma (brŏng-kō-jĕn9ĭk
angiotensin (ăn-jē-ō-tĕn9sĭn), p. 337
nose (nōz), p. 320 kăr9sūh-nō9mŭh), p. 333
aortic body (ā-ŏr9tĭk bŏd9ē), p. 328
nostrils (nŏs9trĭls), p. 320 Cheyne-Stokes respiration (shān-stōks rĕspĭ-
auditory (eustachian) tube (ŏ9dĭ-tŏr9ē [yū-
oxyhemoglobin (ŏksē-hē9 mŭh-glō-bĭn), rā9shŭn), p. 328
stā9shŭn] tūb), p. 331
p. 329 chronic bronchitis (krŏn9ĭk brŏng-kī9tĭs),
bicarbonate ion (bī-kăr9bō-nāt ī9ŏn), p. 330
paranasal sinus (pār-ŭh-nā9zŭl sī9nŭs), p. 320 p. 335
bronchiole (brŏng9kē-ōl), p. 323
pharynx (fār9ĭnks), p. 321 chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders
bronchus (brŏng9kŭs), p. 323 (krŏn9ĭk ŭb-strŭkt9ĭv pŭl9mōh-nār-ē dĭs-
pleurae (pleura) (plūr9-ā), p. 323
bronchi (brŏng9 kī), p. 323 ŏr9dĕrs), p. 332
pons (pŏnz), p. 327
carbaminohemoglobin (kăr-bŭh-mēnō-hē9mō- dust cell (dŭhst sĕl), p. 324
glōbĭn), p. 330 primary respiratory center (prī9mĕr-ē rĕs pī-
rŭh-tōr9 ē sĕn9tĕr), p. 327 emphysema (emfĭ-sē9mŭh), p. 335
carbonic anhydrase (kăr-bŏn9ĭk ăn-hī9drās), eupnea (yūp-nē9ŭh), p. 327
p. 330 pulmonary capillaries (pŭl9mōh-nār-ē kăp9īl-
lār-ē), p. 323 hyperpnea (hīpĕr-nē9ŭh), p. 328
carotid body (kăr-ăh9tĭd bŏd9ē), p. 328
reduced hemoglobin (rē-dūs9d hē9mō-glō-bĭn), infant respiratory distress syndrome (ĭn9fŭnt
chloride shift (klōr9īd shĭft), p. 330 rĕs pī-rŭh-tōr9 ē dĭs-trĕs9 sĭn9drōm), p. 324
p. 330
conchae (kŏng9kā), p. 320 laryngitis (lār-in-jī9tĭs), p. 331
residual volume (rē-zĭd9yū-ŭl vŏl9yūm), p. 327
dead-space (dĕd spās), p. 327 lung cancer (lŭng kăn9sĕr), p. 335
respiratory membrane (rĕs pī-rŭh-tōr9 ē
epiglottis (ĕpĭ-glŏt9ĭs), p. 322 mĕm9brān), p. 324 metastasis (mĕ-tăs9-tă-sĭs), p. 335
expiration (ĕkspĭ-rā9shŭn), p. 319 spirometer (spī-rŏm9-ĕ-tĕr), p. 326 obstructive sleep apnea (ŏb-strŭk9-tĭv slēp
expiratory reserve volume (ĕk-spī9rŭh-tō-rē rē- surface tension (sĕr9fŭs tĕn9shŭn), p. 323 ăp9nē-ŭh), p. 321
zĕrv9 vŏl9yūm), p. 327 otitis media (ō-tī9tĭs mē9dē-ŭh), p. 331
surfactant (sŭr-făk9tănt), p. 324
external respiration (ĕks-tĕr9năl rĕspĭ- pneumonectomy (nū-mŭh-nĕk9tō-mē), p. 336
tidal volume (tī9dŭl vŏl9yūm), p. 326
rā9shŭn), p. 328
tonsils (tŏn9sūlz), p. 331 pneumonia (nū-mō9nē-ŭh), p. 331
glottis (glŏt9ĭs), p. 321
trachea (trā9kē-ŭh), p. 322 pulmonary fibrosis (pŭl9mōh-nār-ē fī-brō9sĭs),
hemoglobin (hē9mŭh-glō9bĭn), p. 329 p. 332
ventilation (vĕntĭ-lā9shŭn), p. 325
inspiration (ĭnspĭ-rā9shŭn), p. 319 pulmonary tuberculosis (pŭl9mōh-nār-ē tū-
vital capacity (vī9tŭhl kŭh-păs9ĭ-tē), p. 326
inspiratory reserve volume (ĭn-spī9rŭh-tō-rē rē- bĕrkyū-lō9sĭs), p. 331
zĕrv9 vŏl9yūm), p. 327 vocal cord (vō’kŭhl kŏrd), p. 321
singultus (sing-gŭl9tŭs), p. 318
internal respiration (ĭn-tĕr9năl rĕspĭ-rā9shŭn), sinusitis (sī-nŭ-sī9tĭs), p. 331
p. 329 Clinical Key Terms
tonsillectomy (tŏn9sĭ-lĕk9tō-mē), p. 331
intrapleural pressure (ĭn9trăh-plūr9ăl prēsh9ŭr), acidosis (ăs-i-dō9sĭs), p. 330
tonsillitis (tŏn-sĭl-ī9tĭs), p. 331
p. 325 acute bronchitis (ŭh-kyūt brŏng-kī9tĭs), p. 331
tracheostomy (trākē-ăhs9tō-mē), p. 323
larynx (lār9ĭnks), p. 321 alkalosis (ăl-kă-lō9sĭs), p. 330

14.1 The Respiratory System C. The larynx is the voice box. It then into bronchioles. The lungs
The four main actions of the respira- houses the vocal cords. The are composed of bronchi, bron-
tory system are (1) ventilation, (2) ex- glottis, a slit between the vocal chioles, alveoli, pulmonary capil-
ternal respiration (gas exchange in cords, is covered by the epiglot- laries, and connective tissue.
the lungs), (3) internal respiration (gas tis when food is being swal- E. The respiratory membrane is
exchange in the tissues), and (4) the lowed. formed by the alveolar wall and
transport of gases in the blood. D. The trachea and the primary capillary wall, joined by base-
A. The nasal cavities, which filter, bronchi are held open by carti- ment membrane. The large sur-
warm, and humidify incoming air, laginous rings. The trachea di- face area and thinness of the
open into the pharynx. vides to form two primary respiratory membrane allow
B. The food and air passages cross bronchi, one to supply each lung. rapid gas exchange.
in the pharynx, which conducts The cartilage rings gradually dis- 14.2 Mechanism of Breathing
air to the larynx and food to the appear as the primary bronchi A. Ventilation is the movement of
esophagus. branch into smaller bronchi and gases into and out of the lungs.

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 339

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Surface tension allows the vis- from the area of higher sis, the lungs lose their elasticity.
ceral pleura, which covers the concentration in the pulmonary In obstructive pulmonary disor-
lungs, to adhere to the parietal capillary blood to lower concen- ders, exemplified by chronic
pleura, which lines the inner tration in the alveoli. Oxygen bronchitis, emphysema, and
chest wall. During inspiration, moves from a higher concentra- asthma, the bronchi (and bron-
the thoracic cavity increases in tion in the alveoli to a lower chioles) do not effectively con-
size as the diaphragm lowers concentration in the pulmonary duct air to and from the lungs.
and the rib cage moves upward capillary blood. Smoking, which is associated
and outward. Therefore, the B. Internal respiration occurs with chronic bronchitis and
lungs expand, creating a partial when oxygen moves from a emphysema, can eventually lead
vacuum, which causes air to higher concentration in the sys- to lung cancer.
rush in. During expiration, the temic bloodstream to a lower 14.5 Effects of Aging
diaphragm relaxes and resumes concentration in the tissue All aspects of respiration decline
its dome shape. As the rib cage fluid, and carbon dioxide with age. The elderly often die
and lungs recoil, air is pushed moves from a higher concen- from pulmonary infections. Immuni-
out of the lungs. Expiration can tration in the tissue fluid to a zation with the pneumococcal vac-
be forceful when the internal lower concentration in the sys- cine is recommended for anyone
intercostal muscles contract, temic bloodstream. These over 65.
causing the rib cage to move movements can be explained 14.6 Homeostasis
farther downward and inward. in terms of gas partial pres- A. Oxygen is brought into the
Also, contraction of the abdomi- sures as well. Continuous cel- lungs, where it diffuses into
nal wall muscles pushes the lular respiration creates the pulmonary capillary blood.
abdominal organs up against concentration and partial pres- Carbon dioxide is constantly pro-
the diaphragm, and the sure gradients. duced by cells and tissues. It
increased pressure expels air. C. Oxygen is transported to the diffuses into systemic capillaries,
B. Tidal volume is the amount of tissues in combination with he- and is returned to the lungs for
air inhaled and exhaled with moglobin as oxyhemoglobin excretion.
each breath. Vital capacity is (HbO2). Carbon dioxide is B. The respiratory system regulates
the total volume of air that can mainly carried within the blood pH by changing blood car-
be moved in and out of the plasma to the lungs as bicar- bon dioxide levels. Hypoventila-
lungs during a single breath. bonate ion (HCO32). Hemoglo- tion creates acidosis, while
Some air remains in the lungs bin combines with hydrogen hyperventilation creates
after expiration. This is called ions and becomes reduced alkalosis.
the residual volume. Passages (HHb), and this helps maintain C. The respiratory system helps
within the airways are called the pH level of the blood within maintain blood pressure by con-
dead-space because no gas normal limits. By adjusting re- verting angiotensin I to angioten-
exchange takes place in the spiratory rate, the respiratory sin II.
airways. The four respiratory system helps to maintain the D. The respiratory tract assists in
capacities are summed from the pH balance. Breathing slowly the defense against pathogens
respiratory volumes. decreases pH, and breathing by keeping the tract clean of
C. The primary respiratory center in rapidly increases it. debris. Also, the tonsils are lym-
the medulla oblongata is as- 14.4 Respiration and Health phatic tissue where antigens
sisted by the pons. It rhythmi- A. A number of illnesses are asso- are presented to T-cells. Dust
cally controls the ventilation ciated with the respiratory tract. cell macrophages remove
rate. The respiratory center These disorders can be divided debris and pathogens from the
increases the rate when CO2 into those that affect the upper alveoli.
and H+ levels increase, as de- respiratory tract and those that E. The respiratory system works
tected by chemoreceptors in the affect the lower respiratory with other systems of the body.
respiratory center or the carotid tract. Infections of the nasal The cardiovascular system
and aortic bodies. The latter also cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils, transports gases, and breathing
detects a low O2 level and stim- and larynx are all well known. helps systemic venous blood
ulates the respiratory center, In addition, infections can return to the heart. The nervous
which then increases the venti- spread from the nasopharynx system maintains rhythmic ven-
lation rate. to the ears. tilation, and the sensory organs
14.3 Gas Exchange and Transport B. The lower respiratory tract is for olfaction are located in the
A. Diffusion accounts for the subject to infections such as nasal cavities. The respiratory
movement of gases during acute bronchitis, pneumonia, center responds to the in-
external and internal respira- and pulmonary tuberculosis. In creased gas exchange needs of
tion. External respiration occurs restrictive pulmonary disorders, the muscular system when we
when carbon dioxide moves exemplified by pulmonary fibro- exercise.

340 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Study Questions
1. Name and explain the four events that 5. Explain the volume and pressure 8. How are oxygen and carbon dioxide
comprise respiration. (p. 319) changes necessary to inspiration and transported in the blood? What role
2. What is the path of air from the nose to expiration. How is ventilation con- does hemoglobin play in the transport
the lungs? Describe the structure and trolled? (pp. 325–326) of CO2? (pp. 329–330)
state the function of all the organs 6. What is the difference between tidal 9. Name and describe several upper
mentioned. (pp. 319–324) volume and vital capacity? Of the air and several lower respiratory tract
3. What is the respiratory membrane, and we inhale, some is not used for gas ex- disorders (other than cancer). If
how does its structure promote rapid change. Why not? (pp. 326–327) appropriate, explain why breathing
gas exchange? (pp. 324–325) 7. How is respiration controlled? Contrast is difficult with these conditions.
4. What three conditions should one have external and internal respiration. Why (pp. 330–332, 335)
in mind in order to understand ventila- is there gas flow during each of these? 10. List the steps by which lung cancer
tion? (p. 325) (pp. 327–329) develops. (pp. 335–336)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 8. The breathing rate is primarily
1. In tracing the path of air, the regulated by the amount of
immediately follows the in the blood.
pharynx. 9. Gas exchange is dependent on the
2. The closes the opening physical process of . a.
into the larynx during swallowing. 10. During external respiration, oxygen b.
3. The lungs contain air sacs called the blood.
. 11. During internal respiration, carbon
4. The respiratory membrane consists of dioxide the blood.
the walls of the and 12. Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood e.
. as ions. f.
5. Air enters the lungs after they have 13. The most likely cause of emphysema g.
. and chronic bronchitis is . h.
6. The amount of air moved into and 14. Most cases of lung cancer actually i.
out of the respiratory system with begin in the .
each normal breath is called the 15. Label structures a. through i. in the
. diagram of the respiratory tract.
7. The total amount of air that can be
moved into and out of the lungs
during a single breath is called the
. Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. nasopharyngitis (nāzō-fārĭn-jī9tĭs) 7. otorhinolaryngology
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. pleuropericarditis (plĕrō-pĕrĭ- (ōtō-rīnō-lārĭn-gŏl9ō-jē)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and kărdī9tĭs) 8. hypoxemia (hīpŏk-sē9mē-ŭh)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 3. bronchoscopy (brŏng-kŏs9kŭh-pē) 9. pulmonectomy (pŭl-mō-nĕk9tō-mē)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 4. dyspnea (dĭsp9nē-ŭh) 10. hypercapnea (hī-pĕr-kăp9nē-ŭh)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 5. laryngospasm (lŭh-rĭng9gō-spăzm) 11. spirometry (spy-rŏm9ŭh-trē) and consult 6. hemothorax (hēmō-thō9răks) 12. thoracentesis (thŏr9ŭh-sĕn-tē9sĭs)
Appendix B.

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 14 The Respiratory System 341

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15 The Digestive System
I n a time before modern, well-equipped laboratories existed, one man’s
misfortune turned into an unparalleled opportunity to study digestion. In
1822, Alexis St. Martin was injured by a gunshot wound. The bullet tore
through his stomach, leaving a fistula (a hole in the body wall) that refused to
heal. Dr. William Beaumont, one of St. Martin’s physicians, took advantage of
his patient’s situation to study the stomach’s digestive processes. After tying
various forms of food to a string, Beaumont first pushed the food through the
fistula into St. Martin’s stomach. Next, Beaumont retrieved the food at specified
intervals by pulling on the string. He then measured the remaining food
morsel’s mass and volume to track its digestion rate, and sampled the liquid in
the stomach to analyze its composition. Much of the early knowledge
regarding the stomach resulted from this unusual research. You can find out
more about the stomach’s role in digestion on pages 347–349.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

15.1 Anatomy of the Digestive 15.3 Chemical Digestion 12. Describe the functions of the major
vitamins and minerals in the body.
System 7. Name and state the functions of the
1. Trace the path of food through the digestive enzymes for
alimentary canal, and describe the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Focus on Forensics
general structure and function of The Stories That Teeth Can Tell
each organ mentioned. 15.4 Effects of Aging
2. Describe the wall of the small 8. Describe the anatomical and Medical Focus
intestine, and relate its anatomy to physiological changes that occur in Disorders of the Digestive Tract
nutrient absorption. the digestive system as we age.
3. Describe peristalsis, and state its Human Systems Work Together
function. 15.5 Homeostasis
Digestive System
4. Name the hormones produced by 9. Explain how the digestive system
the alimentary canal that help control works with other systems of the
digestive secretions. body to maintain homeostasis.
Medical Focus
Tips for Effectively Using Nutrition
15.2 Accessory Organs of Digestion 15.6 Nutrition Labels
5. Name five accessory organs of 10. State the functions of glucose, fats,
digestion. and amino acids in the body. Medical Focus
6. Outline the location, anatomy, and 11. Define the terms essential fatty acid, Bariatric Surgery for Obesity
functions of the pancreas, the liver, essential amino acid, and vitamin.
and the gallbladder.


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15.1 Anatomy of the Digestive System Although the term digestion, strictly speaking, means the break-
down of food by enzymatic action, we’ll expand the definition
1. Trace the path of food through the alimentary canal, and describe the
general structure and function of each organ mentioned.
to include both the physical and chemical processes that reduce
2. Describe the wall of the small intestine, and relate its anatomy to food to small, soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the
nutrient absorption. bloodstream.
3. Describe peristalsis, and state its function. The functions of the digestive system are to:
4. Name the hormones produced by the alimentary canal that help
control digestive secretions. 1. ingest the food;
2. break food down into small molecules that can cross plasma
The organs of the digestive system are located within a tube membranes;
called the alimentary canal, or gastrointestinal tract. The 3. absorb these nutrient molecules;
tube begins with the mouth and ends with the anus (Fig. 15.1). 4. eliminate nondigestible wastes.

Accessory organs

Digestive tract organs

Salivary glands
secrete saliva and sublingual
digestive enzyme Mouth
submandibular teeth chew food; tongue tastes and
pushes food for chewing and swallowing

passageway where food is swallowed

passageway where peristalsis pushes
food to stomach

major metabolic organ: Stomach
processes and stores nutrients; secretes acid and digestive enzyme
produces bile for emulsification of fats for protein; churns, mixing food with
secretions, and sends chyme to
Gallbladder small intestine
stores bile from liver; sends it to
small intestine
Small intestine
Pancreas mixes chyme with digestive enzymes
produces pancreatic juice, which contains for final breakdown; absorbs nutrient
digestive enzymes; sends it to the small molecules into body; secretes
intestine; produces insulin and secretes digestive hormones into blood
it into blood after eating

Large intestine
absorbs water and salt to form feces

vermiform appendix Rectum

stores and regulates elimination
of feces


Figure 15.1 Structures of the digestive system.

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 343

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The Mouth canine teeth, or cuspids, which help tear food. Laterally, four flat
premolar teeth, or bicuspids, are used for grinding food. The most
The mouth, also termed the oral cavity, receives food and begins
posterior are the six molar teeth, designed for crushing and grind-
physical and chemical digestion. The oral cavity is bounded exter-
ing food. The last molars, called the wisdom teeth, usually erupt
nally by the lips and cheeks. The space between the teeth, the lips,
between ages 17 and 25. However, they often fail to come in, or
and cheeks is the vestibule.
if they do, they may grow in crooked and be useless. Frequently,
The tongue is composed of skeletal muscle whose contrac-
wisdom teeth are extracted.
tion changes the tongue’s shape. Muscles exterior to the tongue
Each tooth (Fig. 15.2b) has a crown and a root. The crown
cause it to move about. Rough projections on the tongue, called
has a layer of enamel, an extremely hard outer covering of calcium
papillae, help it handle food and also contain the sensory receptors
compounds; dentin, a thick layer of bonelike material; and an inner
called taste buds. A fold of mucous membrane, called the lingual
pulp, which contains the nerves and blood vessels. Dentin and pulp
frenulum, on the underside of the tongue attaches it to the floor
are also in the root. Caries (tooth decay; commonly called cavi-
of the mouth. If the frenulum is too short, the individual cannot
ties) occur when bacteria within the mouth break down sugar and
speak clearly and is said to be tongue-tied. Posteriorly, the tongue
give off acids that corrode the teeth. Once these acids dissolve the
is anchored to the hyoid bone.
enamel and dentin, the pulp is damaged and inflamed, triggering a
The mouth has a roof that separates it from the nasal cavities.
toothache. Fluoride treatments, particularly in children, can make
The roof has two parts: an anterior (toward the front) hard palate
the enamel stronger and more resistant to decay.
and a posterior (toward the back) soft palate (see Fig. 15.3). The
Gum disease is more likely as we age. One example is in-
hard palate is formed by the maxilla and palatine bones; the soft
flammation of the gums, called gingivitis, that may spread to the
palate is formed by muscle and glandular tissue. The soft palate
periodontal membrane lining the tooth socket (Fig. 15.2b). When
ends in a finger-shaped projection called the uvula.
this occurs, the individual develops periodontitis, characterized
by loss of bone and loosening of the teeth. Brushing and floss-
Human Teeth and Salivary Glands ing your teeth after every meal cleans the teeth and stimulates the
During the first two years of life, the 20 deciduous, or baby, teeth gums, preventing these conditions. Make sure you brush gently and
appear. Eventually, the deciduous teeth are replaced by the adult away from the gumline, to keep delicate gum tissue from being de-
teeth. Normally, adults have 32 teeth (Fig. 15.2a). The maxilla stroyed. Taking good care of your teeth and gums is also important
(upper jaw bone) and the mandible (lower jaw bone) each contain in avoiding atherosclerosis (see Chapter 12).
teeth of four different types. Anteriorly, four chisel-shaped incisors Three pairs of salivary glands send saliva by way of ducts to
function for biting. Flanking them on either side are two pointed the mouth. The parotid glands lie anterior and somewhat inferior

crown dentin
hard palate gum

soft palate

uvula root canal


molars (3) membrane
premolars (2)
canine (1)
incisors (2)

a. b.

Figure 15.2 Human teeth. (a) The chisel-shaped incisors bite; the pointed canines tear; the fairly flat premolars grind;
and the flattened molars crush food. The last molar, called a wisdom tooth, may fail to erupt, or if it does, it is sometimes crooked
and useless. Often dentists recommend the extraction of the wisdom teeth. (b) Longitudinal section of a tooth. The crown is the por-
tion that projects above the gumline and can be replaced by a dentist if damaged. When the periodontal membrane is inflamed, the
tooth can loosen.

344 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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The Stories That Teeth Can Tell
In the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, officials in person can be gained if tooth roots happen to contain the victim’s
New York City faced the tremendous task of determining the identity of DNA.) Other features personalize the bones of the jaw: For example,
the 2,891 deceased victims of the terrorist attacks. Only 293 bodies some of the person’s teeth may be missing or cemented in place by a
were found relatively intact and were therefore easily identifiable; most root canal. In the case of extreme heat, such as in the September 11
of the bodies were charred beyond recognition. Further complicating attacks, artificial dental structures become important: Although teeth
the situation was the fact that over 21,000 separate body parts—mostly begin to burn at 400°F and are destroyed at 1200°F, individual metal
bony structures and teeth—were recovered from the rubble. In order to dental work (such as crowns, bridges, and fillings) remains. A forensic
return these remains to the victims’ families, forensic dentists from all dentist carefully studies the separate features of teeth, jaws, and metal
over the world were called in to help identify the remains. The forensic dental work to obtain clues about the deceased’s identity.
dentists relied on the unique properties of human teeth—the hardest In forensic science, dentition is useful for more than identifica-
substance of the human body—to help them with their monumental tion of the deceased. It can also be used to identify a crime suspect
identification task (so monumental that it continues to the present day). through analysis of a bite mark left by a criminal on his or her victim.
Dentition—the makeup of a person’s set of teeth and jaws—is Forensic dentists carefully study the bite mark, noting details such as
even more individualized than one’s DNA structure (identical twins the distance between the canine teeth marks, the shape of each tooth’s
have identical DNA but unique dentition). Thus, it is an invaluable tool mark, evidence showing that a tooth is missing or out of alignment,
to use in the identification of unknown bodies. Many characteristics and many other traits. The bite’s features can then be compared to the
combine to make each person’s dentition unique. There are normally suspect’s teeth. (In addition, saliva left in the bite may contain the
32 teeth in a human adult, and each tooth has five different surfaces, criminal’s DNA, providing further information.) One especially infa-
giving a total of 160 distinct surfaces in each person’s teeth. Also, the mous criminal was largely convicted by a bite mark analysis: Ted
structure of tooth roots and the bone surrounding each tooth differs Bundy, the 1970s serial murderer, was finally linked to one of his
from one person to the next. (Additional information about a deceased victims by bite marks found on her body.

to the ears between the cheek and the masseter muscle. They have the lower jaw. The ducts from the sublingual and submandibular
ducts that open on the inner surface of the cheek at the location of glands open under the tongue. You can locate the openings for the
the second upper molar. The parotid glands swell when a person salivary glands if you use your tongue to feel for small flaps on the
has the mumps, a disease caused by a viral infection. The sublin- inside of your cheek and under your tongue. Saliva is a solution
gual glands are located beneath the tongue, and the submandibu- of mucus and water. It also contains bicarbonate and an enzyme
lar glands are in the floor of the mouth on the inside surface of called salivary amylase, which begins the process of digesting

hard palate food bolus soft palate closes

nasopharynx off nasopharynx

soft wave


glottis is closed
larynx rises and lower gastroesophageal
trachea epiglottis covers esophagus sphincter relaxes and
(airway) open glottis stomach
esophagus food enters stomach
a. Swallowing b. Peristalsis

Figure 15.3 Swallowing. (a) When food is swallowed, the soft palate closes off the nasopharynx, and the epiglottis covers the glottis,
forcing the bolus to pass down the esophagus. Therefore, a person does not breathe while swallowing. (b) Peristalsis moves food
through the gastroesophageal sphincter into the stomach.

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carbohydrate. Saliva moistens food and prepares it for swallowing. to the oropharynx, swallowing then becomes a reflex action per-
In addition, saliva contains an antibacterial enzyme called lyso- formed automatically (without our willing it). When we swallow,
zyme, as well as secretory antibodies, which help to protect the the soft palate moves back to close off the nasopharynx, and the
body. By constantly bathing the teeth, tongue, and oral mucous larynx moves up under the epiglottis so that food is less likely to
membrane, saliva removes microbes. Swallowed microbes can be enter it. (We don’t breathe when we swallow.) The tongue presses
destroyed by stomach acid and enzymes. against the soft palate, sealing off the oral cavity, and the esopha-
gus opens to receive a food bolus (Fig. 15.3). Bolus is the technical
The Pharynx term for a morsel of chewed and swallowed food or drink.
Unfortunately, we’ve all had the unpleasant experience of having
Table 15.1 traces the path of food. From the mouth, food passes food “go the wrong way.” The wrong way may be either into the nasal
through the pharynx and esophagus to the stomach, small intestine, cavities or into the trachea. If it is the latter, coughing will most likely
and large intestine. The food passage and the air passage cross in force the food up out of the trachea and into the pharynx again.
the pharynx because the trachea is anterior to the esophagus, a
long, muscular tube that takes food to the stomach (Fig. 15.3).
The pharynx has three parts: (1) The nasopharynx, posterior The Wall of the Digestive Tract
to the nasal cavity, serves as a passageway for air; (2) the The entire digestive tract, from the esophagus to the rectum, is col-
oropharynx, posterior to the soft palate, is a passageway for both lectively referred to by the technical term gut. The gut is a continu-
air and food; and (3) the laryngopharynx, just superior to the ous tube composed of four layers (Fig. 15.4). From deepest to most
esophagus, is a passageway for food entering the esophagus. superficial, the layers are:
The tonsils are embedded in the mucous membrane of the
tongue and pharynx. As you know (from Chapter 13), the palatine Mucosa (mucous membrane layer) A layer of epithelium sup-
tonsils are on either side of the tongue close to the soft palate, ported by connective tissue and smooth muscle lines the
and the lingual tonsils sit at the base of the tongue. Together, they lumen (central cavity). This layer contains glandular epithe-
help to protect the body from infection caused by ingested and/or lial cells that secrete digestive enzymes and goblet cells that
inhaled microbes. The single pharyngeal tonsil (sometimes called secrete mucus.
the adenoids) sits in the posterior nasopharynx. All of this tonsillar Submucosa (submucosal layer) A broad band of loose connec-
tissue defends against microbes in inhaled air. A person who has tive tissue that contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and
inflamed tonsils has tonsillitis. If the tonsillitis keeps recurring, the nerves lies beneath the mucosa. The submucosa joins the
tonsils may be surgically removed (called a tonsillectomy). mucosa to the muscularis layer. Lymph nodules, called Peyer
patches, are scattered throughout the submucosa of the small
intestine (especially in the ileum; see Chapter 13). Like the
Swallowing tonsils, they help protect us from disease.
During swallowing, food normally enters the esophagus because Muscularis (smooth muscle layer) Two layers of smooth muscle
other possible avenues are blocked. Swallowing has a voluntary make up this section. The inner, circular layer encircles the
phase—from day-to-day living, you know that you can swallow gut; the outer, longitudinal layer lies in the same direction as
voluntarily (try it). However, once food or drink is pushed back the gut. The stomach also has oblique muscles.

TABLE 15.1 Path of Food in the Digestive Process

Organ Function of Organ Anatomic Features Function of Anatomic Features
Oral cavity Mechanical breakdown of food; Teeth Biting, tearing, chewing food
swallowing; starch digestion Tongue Forms bolus; swallowing
Pharynx Transport of food to esophagus Soft palate and uvula Prevents food from entering nasal cavity
Epiglottis Prevents food from entering glottis
Esophagus Transport of food to stomach Four-layer construction Muscularis layer carries out peristalsis
Stomach Food storage; antibacterial; begins protein Rugae Expand as stomach fills
digestion; intrinsic factor production; Parietal cells of gastric glands Produce hydrochloric acid
slow release of chyme to small intestine Chief cells of gastric glands Produce pepsin
Parietal cells of gastric glands Produce intrinsic factor
Pyloric sphincter Controls release of chyme
Small intestine Completes digestion of food; Brush border enzymes Complete digestive process
absorption of nutrients Intestinal villi; microvilli Absorb nutrients
Large intestine Absorption of water; storage of Epithelial cells Water absorption by osmosis
indigestible remains; elimination Haustra Pouch-like structures store material
of fecal material Teniae coli and muscularis Move feces toward anus

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nerve 2.5 mm
supply lymph
mucosa vessel

submucosa mucosa
lumen lumen

artery muscularis
serosa vein



a. b.

Figure 15.4 Wall of the alimentary canal. (a) Several different types of tissues are found in the wall of the alimentary canal.
Note the placement of circular muscle inside longitudinal muscle. (b) Micrograph of the wall of the esophagus.

Serosa (serous membrane layer) Most of the alimentary canal has mouth to the stomach. The entrance of the esophagus to the
a serosa, a very thin, outermost layer of squamous epithelium stomach is marked by a constriction, often called the esophageal
supported by connective tissue. The serosa secretes a serous sphincter. It’s important to note that the esophageal sphincter
fluid that keeps the outer surface of the intestines moist so isn’t a true sphincter muscle. A true sphincter muscle (such as
that the organs of the abdominal cavity slide against one an- the pyloric sphincter, discussed with the stomach) is an actual
other. The esophagus has an outer layer composed only of ring of muscle that closes a tube when it contracts and opens the
loose connective tissue called the adventitia. tube when it relaxes. Although not an actual ring of muscle, the
esophageal sphincter functions as one because it allows the bolus
Although the gut is a continuous tube, its different regions
to pass into the stomach when relaxed (see Fig. 15.3). Likewise,
have individual characteristics uniquely suited to each region’s par-
the sphincter prevents the stomach’s acidic contents from backing
ticular function. For example, the stomach’s circular, longitudinal
up into the esophagus when contracted. When vomiting occurs,
and oblique muscle layers enable it to mix food. You’ll read about
contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles propels the
other specializations as you continue through this chapter.
stomach’s contents past the esophageal sphincter upward through
the esophagus.
The Esophagus
The esophagus is a muscular tube that lies posterior to the tra- The Stomach
chea. It passes from the pharynx through the thoracic cavity and
The stomach (Fig. 15.5) is a thick-walled, J-shaped organ that
diaphragm into the abdominal cavity, where it joins the stomach.
lies on the left side of the abdominal cavity inferior to the dia-
The esophagus is ordinarily collapsed, but it opens and receives the
phragm and posterior to the liver. The stomach is continuous with
bolus when swallowing occurs.
the esophagus superiorly and the duodenum of the small intestine
A rhythmic contraction called peristalsis pushes the food
along the alimentary canal. In peristalsis, short segments of
The length of the stomach remains at about 25 cm (10 in.)
smooth muscle built into the wall of the digestive tract alternately
regardless of the amount of food it holds, but the diameter varies,
contract and then relax. Peristalsis constantly moves food forward
depending on how full it is. As the stomach expands, deep folds in
through the digestive tract. (As an analogy, think of squeezing a
its wall, called rugae, stretch out and gradually disappear. When
toothpaste tube, starting at the bottom, then continuing upward
full, the stomach can hold about 4 liters (1 gallon). The stomach
along the entire length of the tube. If you do it correctly, the
receives food from the esophagus, stores food, liquifies food by
toothpaste moves forward until the tube is empty.) Peristalsis
mixing food with its juices (thereby starting the digestion of pro-
begins in the esophagus and continues in all the organs of the
teins), and moves food into the small intestine.
alimentary canal. Occasionally, peristalsis begins even though
there is no food in the esophagus. This produces the sensation of
a lump in the throat. Regions of the Stomach
The esophagus plays no role in the chemical digestion of The stomach has four regions. The cardiac region, which is near
food. Its sole purpose is to transport the food bolus from the the heart, surrounds the lower esophageal sphincter where food

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esophagus fundic region
lower gastroesophageal
cardiac region
body of stomach

pylorus pyloric muscularis layer

sphincter has three layers gastric pit
of muscle
mucosa layer
has rugae

gastric gland

duodenum parietal
gastric pit
gastric gland
chief cells

b. c. 20 µm
Figure 15.5 Anatomy and histology of the stomach. (a) The stomach has a thick wall with deep folds, rugae, that allow it to
expand and fill with food. (b) The stomach lining has gastric glands, which secrete mucus and protein-digesting gastric juice. (c) Photomi-
crograph of the stomach lining.

enters the stomach. The fundic region, which holds food tempo- pepsin when exposed to hydrochloric acid. Parietal cells produce
rarily, is an expanded portion superior to the cardiac region. The the hydrochloric acid. The HCl causes the gastric juice in the stom-
body region, which comes next, is the main part. The pyloric ach to have a high acidity with a pH of about 2; this is beneficial
region narrows to become the pyloric canal leading to the pyloric because it kills most of the bacteria present in food. Although HCl
sphincter. Food passes through this sphincter and enters the duo- does not digest food, it does break down the connective tissue of
denum, the first part of the small intestine. meat and activates pepsin.
Parietal cells also produce intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein
that binds to vitamin B12, preventing this vitamin from being
Digestive Functions of the Stomach destroyed in the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach. If
The stomach acts on food both chemically and physically. Its wall the stomach fails to produce intrinsic factor, or if the diet is
contains three muscle layers: One layer is longitudinal, another is deficient in vitamin B12, a serious disorder called pernicious
circular, and the third is obliquely arranged. This muscular wall not anemia will result. Lacking the vitamin, red blood cells will
only moves the food along, but it also churns, mixing the food with fail to develop.
gastric juice and breaking it down to small pieces. Enteroendocrine cells of the gastric glands produce the hor-
The term gastric always refers to the stomach. The columnar mone gastrin. This hormone enters stomach blood vessels and
epithelial lining of the stomach has millions of gastric pits, which is circulated throughout the stomach. Gastrin regulates muscular
lead into gastric glands (Fig. 15.5a, b). Gastric glands contain contraction and secretion by the stomach. Histamine from ECL
four types of secretory cells: chief cells, parietal cells, enteroendo- cells prolongs the effect of gastrin, causing additional acid to be
crine cells, and mucous cells. Other secretory cells found scattered secreted. However, it’s important to be able to inhibit acid secretion
throughout the glands are ECL cells and D cells. The gastric glands when appropriate, and that is the role of the somatostatin secreted
produce gastric juice, a watery solution that contains pepsinogen, by the D cells.
hydrochloric acid (HCl), intrinsic factor, and mucus. Chief cells The wall of the stomach is protected by the thick layer of
secrete pepsinogen, which becomes the protein-digesting enzyme mucus secreted by the mucous cells. If, by chance, HCl penetrates

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this mucus, the wall can begin to break down, and an ulcer results Duodenum The first 25 cm (10 in.) contain distinctive glands that
as described in the Medical Focus on page 356. secrete mucus. Like that found in the stomach, this mucus
Alcohol and water are absorbed in the stomach, but food sub- protects the duodenal lining from harsh stomach acid.
stances are not. Normally, the stomach empties in about 2–6 hours. Pancreatic secretions and bile from the liver empty into the
When food leaves the stomach, it is a thick, soupy liquid called duodenum through a common duct. Folds and villi (Fig. 15.7)
chyme. Chyme enters the small intestine in squirts by way of the are more numerous at the end than at the beginning.
pyloric sphincter, dilating and opening, then contracting and clos- Jejunum The next 2.5 m (7.5 ft in a cadaver) contains folds and
ing repeatedly. villi. These features are more common at the proximal end
than at the distal end of the jejunum.
Ileum The last 3.6 m (10.8 ft in a cadaver) contain fewer
The Small Intestine folds and villi than the jejunum. The ileum wall contains
The small intestine extends from the pyloric valve of the stomach Peyer patches, clusters of lymph nodules mentioned in
to the ileocecal valve where it joins the large intestine. It is named Chapter 13.
for its small diameter (compared to that of the large intestine), but
it might make more sense to call it the long intestine. The small
intestine takes up a large portion of the abdominal cavity, averaging Wall of the Small Intestine
about 6 m (18 ft) in length in a cadaver. Its actual length in a living The approximate surface area of the small intestine has been com-
person cannot be accurately determined, because living intestinal pared to that of a tennis court. Three features contribute to increasing
smooth muscle has muscle tone and is much shorter. (See page 143 its surface area: circular folds, villi, and microvilli (Fig. 15.7). The
to review muscle tone.) circular folds are permanent transverse folds involving the mucosa
All the contents of food—fats, proteins, and carbohydrates— and submucosa of the small intestine. The villi (sing., villus) are fin-
are digested in the small intestine to molecules that can be ab- gerlike projections of the mucosa into the lumen of the small intes-
sorbed. To help complete the task, the small intestine receives tine (Fig. 15.7a and b). The villi are so numerous and closely packed
secretions from the pancreas and liver and produces intestinal that they give the wall a velvetlike appearance. A villus has an outer
juices. Absorption of nutrients for the body’s cells, such as amino layer of columnar epithelial cells, and each of these cells has thou-
acids and sugars, occurs in the small intestine. It also transports sands of microscopic extensions called microvilli. Collectively, in
nondigestible remains to the large intestine. electron micrographs, microvilli give the villi a fuzzy border known
as a “brush border” (Fig. 15.7c). Because the microvilli bear the
intestinal enzymes, these enzymes are called brush-border enzymes.
Regions of the Small Intestine
The small intestine has the following regions (Fig. 15.6):
Functions of the Small Intestine
The digestive process is completely finished in the small intestine.
Ducts from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas join to form one
duct that enters the duodenum (Fig. 15.8 and Fig. 15.11). The small
duodenum intestine receives bile from the gallbladder and pancreatic juice
from the pancreas via this duct. Bile, which is produced by the
liver but stored in the gallbladder, emulsifies fat—emulsification
is a process that allows fat droplets to disperse in water. (How-
large intestine
ever, it’s important to note that bile doesn’t digest fat; that job is
left to the lipase enzyme produced by the pancreas.) The intestine
has a slightly basic pH because pancreatic juice contains sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which neutralizes the acidic chyme from
the stomach. The enzymes in pancreatic juice and the enzymes
produced by the intestinal wall complete the process of food diges-
ileocecal valve
tion. The functions of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas will be
detailed in section 15.2.
vermiform The other primary function of the small intestine is absorp-
appendix tion of nutrients. The tremendous increase in surface area created
by the circular folds, villi, and microvilli makes this an efficient
process—the greater the surface area, the greater the volume of
intake in a given unit of time. Also, a villus contains a generous
supply of blood capillaries and a small lymphatic capillary, called
Figure 15.6 Regions of the small intestine. The a lacteal (see Fig. 15.7). As you know, the lymphatic system part-
duodenum is attached to the stomach. The jejunum leads to the
ners with the cardiovascular system; its vessels carry a fluid called
ileum, which is attached to the large intestine.
lymph to the cardiovascular veins. Sugars (digested in part from

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Small intestine
Section of intestinal wall villus

lumen lacteal


goblet villus microvilli

cell c.


a. vessel b.

Figure 15.7 Anatomy of the small intestine. (a) The wall of the small intestine has folds that bear fingerlike projections
called villi (sing., villus). (b) Photomicrograph of intestinal villi. Villi in turn have projections called microvilli. (c) Photomicrograph of
a villus with its microvilli. The products of digestion are absorbed by microvilli and enter the blood capillaries and the lacteals of
the villi.

carbohydrates) and amino acids (digested from protein) enter the Enteroendocrine hormones produced by cells in the stomach and
blood capillaries of a villus. Glycerol and fatty acids (digested small intestine participate as well.
from fats) enter the epithelial cells of the villi, and within these Three phases occur as the control mechanisms become ac-
cells are joined and packaged as lipoprotein droplets, which enter tive. The first, the cephalic phase (remember from Chapter 1 that
a lacteal. Thus, lipids first enter the lymphatic capillaries and are cephalic means “head”), begins when we look at, think about,
ultimately transported in the lymph to the lymphatic ducts. Recall smell, or taste food. Sensory signals are relayed to the hypothala-
that the lymphatic ducts return lymph to the bloodstream by way mus, the brain center that stimulates hunger. In turn, the hypothal-
of the subclavian veins (p. 294). After nutrients are absorbed into amus triggers autonomic nerves belonging to the parasympathetic
the blood, they are eventually carried to all the cells of the body by nervous system to automatically stimulate secretion and muscle
the bloodstream. contraction. Filling the stomach helps to trigger the next regula-
As we noted previously, a third function of the small intestine tory mechanism: the gastric phase of control. The presence of
is movement of nondigested remains to the large intestine. The food (particularly food high in amino acids) that stretches the
wall of the small intestine has two types of movements: segmenta- stomach causes stimulation of the enteric nerve network. At the
tion and peristalsis. Segmentation refers to localized contractions same time, the stomach hormone gastrin is also released. Gastrin
and constrictions that mix the chyme thoroughly with digestive is transported in the bloodstream to nearby smooth muscle and
juices. Segmentation also encourages absorption of nutrients into gastric glands. Gastric contraction and secretion by gastric glands
the bloodstream or lymph. Peristalsis then moves nondigested re- are controlled internally by cooperation of these two mechanisms.
mains toward the large intestine. Both muscle contraction and gastric gland secretion increase in
A similar nerve network and hormone set cooperate with
Regulation of Contraction and Secretion in the
parasympathetic nerve activity to trigger the third, or intestinal
Digestive Tract phase of secretion. When the duodenum is stretched by digested
A combination of three control mechanisms cooperates to regu- food that is rich in fatty acids and carbohydrate, the enteric
late the muscular contractions needed to move food throughout nervous system responds to stimulate intestinal secretion and
the gut, as well as the secretion of digestive juices needed for contraction. Simultaneously, cells of the duodenal wall produce
breaking down the food as it travels along. The central nervous three hormones that are of particular interest: secretin, gastric
system allows us to respond to hunger signals (and for many of inhibitory polypeptide (GIP; sometimes referred to as glucose-
us, stimulating eating behavior when we’re stressed). The enteric dependent insulinotropic polypeptide), and cholecystokinin
nervous system is a nerve network built directly into the wall of (CCK). Acid, especially hydrochloric acid (HCl) present in
the gut, allowing it to control its own movements and secretion. chyme, is a potent stimulator for secretin release, whereas

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partially digested protein and fat stimulate the release of CCK. enjoys). These are leptin, produced by fat cells, and ghrelin,
Secretin stimulates secretion of bicarbonate solution by the produced by the stomach. Both hormones act on the hypothal-
pancreas, and cholecystokinin stimulates pancreatic enzyme amus. Leptin stimulates a feeling of fullness and contentment
secretion. Thus, when these hormones enter the bloodstream, after eating and causes us to stop eating. In contrast, ghrelin
the pancreas increases its output of pancreatic juice. Pancreatic triggers a hunger sensation and causes us to seek food. Scientists
juice buffers the stomach’s acid chyme and helps to digest food. are actively studying both hormones to learn about their roles in
The liver and gallbladder also respond: The liver increases its the development of obesity.
production of bile in response to secretin and the gallbladder
contracts to release stored bile in response to CCK. The third
hormone produced by the duodenal wall, GIP, works opposite The Large Intestine
to gastrin. It inhibits gastric gland secretion and slows the con- The large intestine, which includes the cecum, the colon, the rec-
tractions of the stomach. In this way, GIP prevents the stomach tum, and the anal canal (Fig. 15.9), is larger in diameter than the
from emptying too quickly. Figure 15.8 summarizes the actions small intestine (6.5 cm compared to 2.5 cm), but it is shorter in
of gastrin, secretin, and CCK. As the figure illustrates, these length (see Fig. 15.1). The large intestine absorbs water, salts, and
digestive hormones must first enter the bloodstream to be car- some vitamins. It also stores indigestible material that is eventually
ried to their target cells (just as all other endocrine hormones are eliminated at the anus.
transported in the blood). The cecum, which lies below the junction with the small intes-
It’s important to note that these three regulatory methods— tine, is the blind end of the large intestine. The cecum has a small
cephalic, gastric, and intestinal phases—occur in sequence only as projection called the vermiform appendix (vermiform means
your meal begins. As you continue eating, digesting, and absorbing wormlike). In humans, the appendix also may play a role in fight-
your food, reflexes from each phase may be occurring at the same ing infections.
time. The colon has four portions: the ascending colon, which goes
Two additional hormones contribute to hunger (the desire up the right side of the body to the level of the liver; the transverse
for food) and appetite (the desire for specific foods that one colon, which crosses the abdominal cavity just below the liver and
the stomach; the descending colon, which passes down the left
side of the body; and the sigmoid colon, which enters the rectum,
the last 20 cm of the large intestine. The colon is characterized
gallbladder liver by two distinct anatomic features: pouches called haustra (sing.,
haustrum) along its length, and a band of muscle called taenia coli
on its surface (see Fig. 15.9). Haustra expand to store material in
the colon. The taenia coli and the muscularis layer of the colon
cause peristaltic movement called a mass movement several times
Feces are 75% water and 25% solids. A breakdown product of
bilirubin (see page 248) and the presence of oxidized iron cause
the brown color of feces. Bacteria, shed intestinal cells, undigested
pancreas cellulose fiber, and other indigestible materials are in the solid por-
tion. Colon bacteria use undigested cellulose as an energy source,
producing fatty acids, B-complex vitamins, and most of the vita-
min K needed by our bodies. Bacteria also release hydrogen gas
and sulfur-containing compounds that contribute to human flatu-
lence (gas).
Although most intestinal bacteria are harmless, many cause
disease. To ensure water quality, public health departments
duodenum secretin constantly monitor water supplies for coliform (nonpathogenic
intestinal) bacterial count. A high count indicates that a sig-
blood vessel nificant amount of fecal material has entered the water, and
serves as a warning that disease-causing bacteria might also be
Figure 15.8 Hormonal control of digestive gland secretions. present.
Gastrin (blue), produced by the lower part of the stomach, enters Water is removed from the nondigestible intestinal contents
the bloodstream and thereafter stimulates the upper part of the entering the ascending colon from the small intestine. Then, fecal
stomach to produce more gastric juice. Secretin (green) and CCK material begins to form in the transverse colon. From there, feces
(purple), produced by the duodenal wall, stimulate the pancreas
are propelled down the descending colon toward the rectum by
to secrete its juice, the liver to produce bile, and the gallbladder
periodic, firm peristaltic contractions (see page 347 to review peri-
to release stored bile.
stalsis). When sufficient feces are in the rectum, a reflex defecatory

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 351

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transverse colon
lumen of

ascending descending
colon colon
vermiform sigmoid
appendix colon
anal canal

a. d. Photomicrograph of large intestine mucosa

taenia coli

descending abdominal aorta

valve rectum

vermiform appendix
anal canal

anal sphincter

anal canal anus external

anal sphincter

b. Large intestine, anterior view c. Anal canal

Figure 15.9 The large intestine. (a) The colon has four regions: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the
descending colon, and the sigmoid colon. (b) Haustra (sing., haustrum) expand the colon’s volume, and taenia coli help to create
peristalsis so that defecation occurs. (c) The rectum and anal canal are at the distal end of the alimentary canal. (d) The intestinal
mucosa has many goblet cells.

urge is felt. The involuntary defecation reflex contracts the rectal Peritoneum
muscle and relaxes the internal anal sphincter, a ring of muscle that The abdominal wall and the organs of the abdomen are covered by
closes off the rectum. Then, feces move toward the anus. A pushing peritoneum, a serous membrane (Fig. 15.10). The portion of the
motion, along with the relaxation of the external anal sphincter, peritoneum that lines the wall is called the parietal peritoneum.
propels feces from the body. Because these activities are under The portion that covers the organs is called the visceral perito-
voluntary control, it is possible to control defecation. Defecation neum. In between the organs, the visceral peritoneum is a double-
normally occurs from three times a week to three times daily, and layered mesentery that supports the visceral organs, including the
some variation is normal. blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels.

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Content CHECK-UP!
liver 1. The correct order of layering in the digestive tract wall, from
diaphragm deep to superficial, is:
lesser omentum a. mucosa, muscularis, submucosa, serosa.
pancreas stomach b. serosa, mucosa, submucosa, muscularis.

c. mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa.
d. submucosa, mucosa, muscularis, serosa.
transverse colon
small 2. Which hormone is produced by the stomach and controls
greater omentum stomach contraction and secretion?
parietal peritoneum a. pepsin
b. gastrin
c. cholecystokinin (CCK)
visceral peritoneum d. secretin
3. Unlike the other nutrients, lipids are not absorbed directly into
the bloodstream. Instead, they pass into lymphatic lacteals.
Why do you think they are absorbed this way? How do lipids
eventually make their way to the bloodstream?
ileum peritoneal cavity Answers in Appendix A.
rectum urinary bladder

15.2 Accessory Organs of Digestion

5. Name five accessory organs of digestion.
Figure 15.10 Function of mesentery. Mesentery formed by 6. Outline the location, anatomy, and functions of the pancreas, the
two layers of the peritoneal membrane supports the abdominal liver, and the gallbladder.
viscera. Deep folds of the peritoneal membrane, called the
greater omentum, cover these organs anteriorly. The salivary glands and even the teeth are accessory organs of
digestion that were discussed earlier (see pages 344–346). The pan-
creas, liver, and gallbladder are also accessory digestive organs.
Figure 15.11 shows how the pancreatic duct from the pancreas and
Some portions of the peritoneum have specific names. the common bile duct from the liver and gallbladder join before
The lesser omentum is mesentery that runs between the stom- entering the duodenum.
ach and the liver. The greater omentum is indeed “greater.” It
hangs down in front of the intestines like a large, double-layered
apron. The greater omentum has several functions: It contains The Pancreas
fat that cushions and insulates the abdominal cavity; it contains
The pancreas lies deep in the abdominal cavity, behind the peri-
macrophages that can take up and rid the body of pathogens;
toneum, resting on the posterior abdominal wall. Its broad end,
and it can wall off portions of the alimentary wall that may be
called the head, more than fills the loop formed by the duode-
infected, keeping the infection from spreading to other parts of
num, and its tail extends in the opposite direction (Fig. 15.11).
the peritoneal cavity.
The pancreas has both an endocrine and an exocrine function. As
you know from Chapter 10, pancreatic islets (formerly called is-
lets of Langerhans) secrete insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin;
all are hormones that help keep the blood glucose level within
Begin Thinking Clinically normal limits.
As you know, the large intestine, or colon, is filled In this chapter, however, we’re interested in the exocrine func-
with bacteria. This population is referred to as the nor- tion of the pancreas. Most pancreatic cells, called pancreatic aci-
mal flora of the gut. Like all bacteria, they’re sensitive nar cells, produce pancreatic juice, which is secreted into tiny tubes
to antibiotics. If the normal flora organisms were that unite to form larger and larger tubes. Finally, all drain into one
destroyed by antibiotics, what would be the effect on of two pancreatic ducts: the longer pancreatic duct, which extends
the body? the entire length of the pancreas to the duodenum, or the shorter
Answer and discussion in Appendix A. accessory pancreatic duct (Fig. 15.11). Both ducts empty into the

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cystic duct

common hepatic duct

accessory pancreatic
pancreatic duct


common bile duct b.


exocrine digestive enzyme-

a. cells secreting cells

pancreatic islet
endocrine hormone-secreting
cells islet cells

Figure 15.11 The pancreas. (a) The pancreas is an exocrine gland when it secretes digestive enzymes into tubes that join to be-
come the pancreatic duct. The pancreatic duct and the common bile duct empty into the duodenum of the small intestine. (b) Pancreatic
exocrine and endocrine cells. Pancreatic juice produced by the exocrine cells contains enzymes that digest all types of food: carbohy-
drates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids. Pancreatic endocrine cells secrete hormones.

Pancreatic Juice The Liver

Pancreatic juice contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and di- The liver, the largest organ inside the body, lies mainly in the upper
gestive enzymes for all types of food. Sodium bicarbonate neu- right section of the abdominal cavity, just inferior to the diaphragm
tralizes the acidic chyme from the stomach. This is important (see Fig. 15.1).
because pancreatic enzymes require a slightly basic pH to function
optimally. Pancreatic amylase digests starch, and lipase digests
fat. There are three protein-digesting enzymes in pancreatic juice: Liver Structure
trypsin, chymotrypsin, and carboxypeptidase. Pancreatic juice The liver has two main lobes, the right lobe and the smaller left
also contains two nucleases, which are enzymes that break down lobe, separated by a ligament. Each lobe is divided into many
nucleic acid molecules into nucleotides. Whereas the majority of hepatic lobules that serve as its structural and functional units
pancreatic enzymes are already functional when they reach the (Fig. 15.12). A lobule consists of many hepatic cells arranged
small intestine, the three protein-digesting pancreatic enzymes are in long rows that radiate out from a central vein. Large blood-
secreted in an inactive form. Once inside the small intestine, tryp- filled capillaries called hepatic sinusoids separate the groups of
sin is activated by an intestinal enzyme, enterokinase. In turn, cells from each other. Large, fixed phagocytic macrophages called
trypsin goes on to activate chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase so Kupffer cells are attached to the lining of the hepatic sinusoids.
protein digestion in the small intestine can start. It’s important for They remove pathogens and debris that may have entered the he-
the pancreas to secrete nonfunctional protein enzymes—if the en- patic portal vein at the small intestine.
zymes were active, they could digest the pancreas itself! Portal triads consisting of the following three structures are
In the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis, the production of abnormally located between the lobules: a bile duct that takes bile away from
thick mucus blocks the pancreatic duct. The patient must take supple- the liver; a branch of the hepatic artery that brings O2-rich blood
mental pancreatic enzymes by mouth for proper digestion to occur. to the liver; and a branch of the hepatic portal vein that transports

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inferior Anterior
right lobe vena cava left lobe

round ligament of liver

hepatic artery proper
cystic duct hepatic duct

right lobe
portal vein
ligament inferior
vena cava left lobe
liver round ligament
of liver


hepatic cells
bile canals

branch of
central artery

Figure 15.12 Macroscopic and
microscopic anatomy of the liver. (a) The liver
has two lobes viewed anteriorly (left) and
posteriorly from the visceral surface (right). branch of
(b) Cross section of a hepatic lobule, illustrating hepatic
microscopic structure. b. portal vein

blood from the stomach, pancreas, spleen, and intestines. The bile stored by the liver as glycogen. Between meals, glycogen is broken
ducts merge to form the common hepatic duct. down to glucose, which enters the hepatic veins. In this way, the
The central veins from each of the lobules enter a hepatic vein. blood glucose level remains within a homeostatic range.
With the help of Figure 12.18, trace the path of blood from the If the supply of glycogen is depleted, the liver converts glyc-
intestines to the liver via the hepatic portal vein and from the liver erol (from fats) and amino acids to glucose molecules. This pro-
to the inferior vena cava via the hepatic veins. cess is called gluconeogenesis. To convert amino acids to glycerol
for gluconeogenesis, the liver must first carry out deamination, a
Liver Functions complex metabolic pathway. Through this process, amino groups
are removed, converted to ammonia, and combined with carbon
As the blood from the hepatic portal vein passes through the liver, dioxide to form urea:
hepatic cells remove poisonous substances and detoxify them. The
liver also removes and stores nutrients and works to keep the con-
tents of the blood constant. It removes and stores iron and the fat-
soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K; makes the plasma proteins from 2 NH3 + CO2 H2N C NH2
amino acids; and helps regulate the quantity of cholesterol in the ammonia carbon dioxide urea
The liver maintains the blood glucose level at about 100 mg/ Urea is the usual nitrogenous waste product from amino acid
100 ml (0.1%), even though a person eats intermittently. When breakdown by the liver. Urea is normally excreted by the kidneys.
insulin is present, any excess glucose in the blood is removed and However, if it accumulates excessively, it can be toxic to the body.

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Disorders of the Digestive Tract

Human beings are true omnivores when it comes to the foods we between this bacterium and ulcers, proved his theory to his skepti-
consume. When you consider the myriad of things that people eat— cal peers by drinking a culture of H. pylori—and giving himself an
habanero hot peppers, raw fish, insect larvae, seaweed, bacon-topped inflamed stomach!) For this reason, ulcers are now treated with
greasy cheeseburgers, and all the rest—it’s remarkable to think that antibiotics as well as antacids. Ulcers can also result from taking
the digestive tract and its accessory organs are durable enough to certain medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs such as
handle it all. However, even this sturdy system has its limits. Here are aspirin and ibuprofen. Discontinuing the medication usually
a few of the more common digestive tract disorders. allows the ulcer to heal.

Disorders of the Esophagus Disorders of the Large Intestine

The cardiac sphincter, the structure that separates the esophagus As you have read, the vermiform appendix is an organ suspended
from the stomach, is a relatively weak barrier. As a result, acidic from the cecum, the proximal portion of the large intestine. This
stomach contents can escape to splash into the esophagus, causing organ is subject to inflammation, a condition called appendicitis. If
the pain of heartburn. Most people experience heartburn occa- inflamed, the appendix should be removed before the fluid content
sionally, but it often occurs in overweight people, pregnant women, rises to the point that the appendix bursts. A ruptured (burst) appendix
and smokers (because smokers produce less saliva to wash stomach will cause peritonitis, a generalized infection of the abdominal cavity
acid out of the esophagus). Occasional heartburn can be controlled lining. Peritonitis can be fatal.
by over-the-counter medications such as antacids, drugs called pro- Constipation occurs when the large intestine fails to reflexively
ton pump inhibitors (Prilosec®, Prevacid®) and histamine receptor empty itself and the feces become dry and hard. Temporary constipa-
blockers (Zantac®, Tagamet®, Pepcid®). However, chronic reflux tion due to traveling, pregnancy, or medication can be relieved by
causes a disorder called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or increasing fiber intake, drinking plenty of water, and getting moderate
GERD. Patients with GERD will need stronger medications and exercise. Though oral laxatives (agents that aid in emptying the colon)
perhaps even surgery to strengthen the cardiac sphincter. Without can provide temporary relief, their use must be limited because the
effective treatment, persons with GERD will often develop a condi- person can become dependent on them to defecate. Very rarely, medi-
tion called Barrett’s esophagus. In Barrett’s esophagus, the chronic cal attention is required for constipation. Chronic constipation is asso-
acid backwashing into the esophagus causes the delicate simple ciated with the development of hemorrhoids, which are enlarged and
squamous epithelium of the esophagus to be replaced by abnormal inflamed blood vessels at the anus.
columnar epithelium. The constant inflammation that leads to this Diarrhea is a potentially serious condition characterized by fre-
tissue change also predisposes the individual to esophageal quent, watery stools. Diarrhea often results from food poisoning
cancer. caused by consuming contaminated food or water. The infection irri-
tates the intestinal wall, peristalsis increases and water is not absorbed,
Disorders of the Stomach and diarrhea rids the body of the infectious organisms. In nervous
The hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells of the stom- diarrhea, the nervous system excessively stimulates the intestinal
ach is extremely concentrated, and the stomach shields itself with wall. Osmotic diarrhea results from consuming excess dietary fat or
thick protective mucus produced by the mucous cells of the gastric fiber, which prevents the large intestine from absorbing enough water
glands. However, if these cells fail to generate adequate mucus, to solidify the stool. Regardless of the cause, prolonged diarrhea can
gradual disintegration of the stomach wall will create an open sore lead to dehydration, and in severe cases, disturbances in the heart’s
called a gastric ulcer. Decreased mucus production can also cause contraction may occur due to electrolyte imbalance in the blood.
esophageal ulcers in the lower esophagus and duodenal ulcers in Untreated diarrhea can be fatal, especially in infants and small
the proximal small intestine. It now appears that most ulcers are children.
due to an infection caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter Intestinal polyps are small growths that may be benign or can-
pylori, which impairs the ability of mucous cells to make protec- cerous. Polyps arise from the colon’s epithelial lining and can be
tive mucus. (It’s interesting to note that Dr. Barry Marshall, the removed surgically, along with a portion of the colon if necessary.
Nobel Prize–winning physician who first described the link Colon cancer is completely curable if detected while still confined to

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a polyp. Once diagnosed, colon cancer is treated with surgical excrete bile pigments, the breakdown products of hemoglobin. The
removal of the affected portion of the colon, followed by chemo- liver has amazing regenerative powers and can recover if the rate
therapy. Increasingly, evidence shows that dietary fat increases colon of regeneration exceeds the rate of damage. During liver failure,
cancer risk by causing an increase in bile secretion. Researchers however, there may not be enough time for the liver to heal itself.
believe that intestinal bacteria convert bile salts to carcinogens, sub- Liver transplantation is usually the preferred treatment for liver
stances that promote the development of cancer. On the other hand, failure.
dietary fiber in the diet decreases colon cancer risk by absorbing The gallbladder is a small, muscular sac with one primary func-
water, diluting bile salts, and promoting defecation. Regular elimina- tion: to store bile, a watery solution containing bile salts, bile pig-
tion reduces the time that the colon wall is exposed to any fecal ments, and dissolved mineral salts. These salts can settle out of
carcinogens. solution and form crystals called gallstones. If the gallstones become
Diverticulosis is characterized by the presence of diverticula, or large enough, they can block the common bile duct through which bile
saclike pouches, in the colon. Diverticula commonly form when a leaves the liver, causing obstructive jaundice. The gallbladder will
person strains to defecate. Ordinarily, these pouches cause no prob- then need to be surgically removed.
lems, but approximately 15% of people with diverticulosis develop an Pancreatitis, or pancreatic inflammation, can be caused by drugs,
inflammation known as diverticulitis. The symptoms of diverticulitis excess alcohol consumption, and viral infections (including the
are similar to those of appendicitis—cramps or steady pain with local mumps). When the pancreas is inflamed, its digestive enzymes
tenderness. Fever, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also become activated within the gland and begin to destroy the gland
occur. High-fiber diets are recommended to prevent the development itself. If the destruction spreads to other areas of the abdomen, the
of diverticula. condition can be fatal.

Disorders of the Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Autoimmune Disorders of the Digestive Tract
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, and it has many causes. As you know from Chapter 14, autoimmune diseases happen when
Viral hepatitis can be caused by one of five hepatitis viruses, but the body’s defense mechanisms launch an attack on cells, tissues,
the hepatitis A and B viruses are considered the most dangerous in and organs. Several autoimmune disorders affect the digestive
the United States. Hepatitis A is usually acquired from sewage- tract. Gluten-sensitive enteropathy, or celiac disease, is an allergic
contaminated drinking water. Hepatitis B is typically spread by hypersensitivity to the protein gluten, found in wheat, rye, and bar-
sexual contact, but it can also be spread by blood transfusions or ley. The allergy causes the small intestine lining to die off. If
contaminated needles. The hepatitis B virus is more contagious exposed to gluten in food or drink, the celiac disease sufferer expe-
than the AIDS virus, which is spread in the same way. The United riences painful cramping, diarrhea, and weight loss. He or she may
States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends immuniza- also develop vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A strict gluten-free
tion for these viruses beginning in infancy (see Chapter 13, Medi- diet and nutritional supplements alleviate the symptoms of celiac
cal Focus: “Immunization: The Great Protector”). Both hepatitis C disease.
and D viruses are usually acquired by contact with infected blood. Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and
Hepatitis E has been found in sewage-contaminated water in sev- ulcerative colitis are autoimmune disorders characterized by
eral developing countries, including China, India, and Pakistan. severe diarrhea, cramping, fatigue, and weight loss. Ulcerative
Acute viral hepatitis can cause liver failure, and chronic viral hep- colitis is confined to the colon, but Crohn’s disease can be found
atitis B, C, and D can result in liver cancer. Cirrhosis is another anywhere along the entire length of the digestive tract, from the
chronic liver disease that often results from alcoholism. In alco- mouth to the anus. Both disorders can be effectively treated with a
holic cirrhosis, the organ becomes fatty, and liver tissue is replaced combination of steroids, chemotherapy drugs, and sometimes sur-
by inactive fibrous scar tissue. Hepatitis and cirrhosis affect the gery to remove damaged sections of the small intestine or colon.
entire liver, hinder its ability to repair itself, and are often fatal. Though there is no cure for these diseases, their symptoms may
Both cause jaundice, a yellowish tint to the skin and the whites of resolve over time. However, sufferers must learn to anticipate and
the eyes. Jaundice develops because the liver fails to properly control flare-ups.

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It’s important to drink plenty of water following a high-protein their ability to make fats interact with water, they also enhance the
meal so that urea can be quickly and effectively eliminated. absorption of fatty acids, cholesterol, and the fat-soluble vitamins
The liver produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. A, D, E, and K.
Bile has a yellowish-green color because it contains the bile pig-
ment bilirubin, which is derived from the breakdown of hemo-
globin from red blood cells. Bilirubin from bile is excreted by the Content CHECK-UP!
kidneys and accounts for urine’s yellow color. Bile also contains 4. The protein-digesting enzyme produced by the pancreas is:
bile salts, which are derived from cholesterol. Bile salts emulsify
a. pepsin. c. amylase.
(but don’t digest) fat in the small intestine. When fat is emulsified,
b. gastrin. d. trypsin.
it disperses into droplets. Emulsification of fats provides a much
larger surface area that can be more easily attacked by pancreatic 5. Describe three digestive functions of the liver, and then two
digestive enzymes. ways in which the liver affects the circulatory system.
Because the liver is the most important of the metabolic 6. From the following list of accessory organs of digestion and
organs, it works closely with the cardiovascular system. A large their functions, choose the correct pair.
amount of the body’s blood constantly flows to the liver. Be- a. pancreas → production of insulin and glucagon
tween meals, more than three-quarters of this supply reaches b. gallbladder → production of bile
the liver by way of the hepatic portal vein, which drains the c. salivary glands → production of protein-digesting enzymes
intestine. The remainder comes from the abdominal aorta, via
d. liver → production of nucleases
the hepatic artery. Immediately after a meal, additional blood is
Answers in Appendix A.
diverted to the intestine to cope with the tasks of digestion and
absorption, and the hepatic portal vein drains even more blood
to the liver.
Scientists estimate that the liver carries out more than 500 sep-
arate functions to help maintain homeostasis. Here are just a few: 15.3 Chemical Digestion
7. Name and state the functions of the digestive enzymes for carbohy-
1. Detoxifies blood by removing and metabolizing poisonous drates, proteins, and fats.
2. Stores iron (Fe21) and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
3. Makes plasma proteins, such as albumins and fibrinogen, The digestive enzymes are hydrolytic enzymes, which break down
from amino acids. substances by the introduction of water at specific bonds. Digestive
4. Stores glucose as glycogen after a meal. Between meals, it enzymes have an optimum pH at which they work best.
breaks down glycogen to glucose to maintain the glucose In the mouth, saliva from the salivary glands has a neutral
concentration of blood. When blood glucose is depleted, the pH and contains salivary amylase, the first enzyme to act on
liver converts glycerol to glucose in gluconeogenesis. carbohydrate:
5. Produces urea after breaking down amino acids.
6. Forms and secretes bile. Bile can be secreted directly into the
duodenum or into the gallbladder for storage. Bile salts, formed
starch 1 H2O maltose
from cholesterol, emulsify fats. Bilirubin, the bile pigment, is a
product of the breakdown of hemoglobin from red blood cells. Notice that the name of the enzyme is written above the arrow
7. Helps regulate the blood cholesterol level, converting some to indicate that it is not used up. In this case, the enzyme speeds the
to bile salts. breakdown of starch to maltose, a disaccharide. Maltose molecules
are too large to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract; therefore,
more digestion is required.
The Gallbladder
In the stomach, gastric juice secreted by gastric glands has
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped, muscular sac located in a de- a very low pH—about 2—because it contains hydrochloric acid
pression on the inferior surface of the liver (Fig. 15.12a). About (HCl). The inactive enzyme precursor, pepsinogen, is converted
1,000 ml of bile are produced by the liver each day, and any excess to the active enzyme pepsin when exposed to HCl. Pepsin acts on
is stored in the gallbladder. Water is reabsorbed by the gallbladder protein to produce peptides:
so that bile becomes a thick, mucus-like material. When needed,
bile leaves the gallbladder by way of the cystic duct. The cystic pepsin
duct and the common hepatic duct join to form the common bile protein 1 H2O peptides
duct, which enters the duodenum.
Peptides vary in length, but they are usually too large to be
absorbed and must be broken down further.
Function of Bile Salts In the small intestine, starch, proteins, nucleic acids, and fats
Bile salts carry out emulsification; they break up masses of fat into are all enzymatically broken down. Pancreatic juice, which en-
droplets that can be acted on by enzymes that digest fat. Through ters the duodenum, has a basic pH because it contains sodium

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starch protein
pancreatic amylase bile salts fat globules
pancreatic proteases
maltose emulsification
peptides droplets
epithelial peptidase lipase
cell of glucose
intestinal monoglycerides
villus amino acids and free
fatty acids

pH = basic pH = basic pH = basic lipoprotein

blood capillary blood capillary
a. Carbohydrate digestion b. Protein digestion c. Fat digestion

Figure 15.13 Completing digestion and absorption in the small intestine. (a) Starch is digested to maltose by pancreatic amylase
and to glucose by the brush border enzyme maltase. Glucose is actively transported to intestinal villus cells and enters intestinal
capillaries. Disaccharides are similarly digested and absorbed. (b) Proteins are digested to amino acids by proteases and peptidases;
amino acids are actively absorbed by intestinal villus cells and enter the bloodstream. (c) Fats are emulsified by bile and digested to
monoglycerides and free fatty acids before diffusing into villus cells. In villus cells, they are reassembled into lipoproteins before diffusing
into lacteals.

bicarbonate (NaHCO3). One pancreatic enzyme, pancreatic amy- The peptidases are brush border enzymes that complete the
lase, digests starch (Fig. 15.13a): digestion of protein to amino acids. Peptides, which result from the
first step in protein digestion, are digested to amino acids by these
starch 1 H2O maltose peptidases
peptides 1 H2O amino acids
The three disaccharases (maltase, sucrase, and lactase) are
brush border enzymes produced by cells lining the small intestine. Like monosaccharides, amino acids are absorbed by intestinal
Intestinal disaccharases digest compound sugar molecules, called cells and enter intestinal capillaries.
disaccharides, into single sugar molecules, or monosaccharides. Lipase, a third pancreatic enzyme, digests fat molecules in the
Maltose, a disaccharide that results from the first step in starch fat droplets after they have been emulsified by bile salts (Fig. 15.13c):
digestion, is digested to glucose by maltase: 
bile salts
fat fat droplets
maltose 1 H2O glucose 1 glucose
pancreatic lipase
Similarly, the enzyme sucrase digests table sugar (the disac- fat droplets 1 H2O glycerol and fatty acids
charide sucrose) and lactase digests milk sugar (the disaccharide
lactose). The monosaccharides that result are absorbed by intesti- As mentioned previously, glycerol and fatty acids enter the
nal cells and enter intestinal capillaries. cells of the intestinal villi. Within these cells, they are rejoined and
Recall that there are three pancreatic proteases, or enzymes packaged as lipoprotein droplets before entering the lacteals.
that digest protein: trypsin, chymotrypsin, and carboxypepti- Digestion of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA into free
dase. The following chemical equation summarizes their action nucleotides is accomplished by two pancreatic nuclease en-
(Fig. 15.13b): zymes. The free nucleotides can be further broken down into
their components by a phosphatase and a nucleosidase enzyme
pancreatic proteases built into the brush border cells. The phosphatase cleaves a
protein 1 H2O peptides and free amino acids phosphate from the nucleotide, leaving a molecule called a
Free amino acids are ready to be absorbed by the intestinal vil- nucleoside. The nucleosidase completes digestion into the nu-
lus cells. Peptides are too large and must undergo further digestion cleic acid’s three ingredient molecules: sugar, phosphate, and
in the small intestine. It is important to note that all three pancreatic organic base.
proteases are secreted in an inactive form and cannot digest protein Table 15.2 lists some of the major digestive enzymes produced
until they are inside the small intestine. This prevents them from by the gastrointestinal tract, salivary glands, or the pancreas. Each
accidentally digesting the pancreas itself. type of food is broken down by specific enzymes.

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TABLE 15.2 Major Digestive Enzymes
Enzyme Produced By Site of Action Optimum pH Digestion Process


Salivary amylase Salivary glands Mouth Neutral Starch 1 H2O → maltose

Pancreatic amylase Pancreas Small intestine Basic Starch 1 H2O → maltose
Maltase Small intestine Small intestine Basic Maltose → glucose 1 glucose
Sucrase Small intestine Small intestine Basic Sucrose → glucose 1 fructose
Lactase Small intestine Small intestine Basic Lactose → glucose 1 galactose


Pepsin Stomach Stomach Acidic Protein 1 H2O → peptides

Trypsin Pancreas Small intestine Basic Peptides 1 H2O → smaller peptides 1 amino acids
Chymotrypsin Pancreas Small intestine Basic Peptides 1 H2O → smaller peptides 1 amino acids
Carboxypeptidase Pancreas Small intestine Basic Peptides 1 H2O → smaller peptides 1 amino acids
Peptidases Small intestine Small intestine Basic Small peptides → amino acids


Pancreatic lipase Pancreas Small intestine Basic Fat droplet 1 H2O → glycerol 1 fatty acids


Nuclease Pancreas Small intestine Basic RNA or DNA 1 H2O → nucleotides

Phosphatase Small intestine Small intestine Basic Nucleotide 1 H2O → nucleoside 1 phosphate
Nucleosidase Small intestine Small intestine Basic Nucleoside 1 H2O → base 1 sugar

disorders increases with age. Periodontitis, which is common in

Content CHECK-UP! elderly people, leads to the loss of teeth and the need for dentures.
7. Choose the correct enzyme to cause this reaction: The esophagus is more prone to disorders in the elderly, though
starch 1 water → maltose
it rarely causes difficulties in younger people. The portion of the
esophagus normally found inferior to the diaphragm can protrude
a. trypsin c. lipase
into the thoracic cavity, causing an esophageal hiatal hernia. In
b. pancreatic amylase d. pepsin some older persons, chest pain may occur when the gastroesopha-
8. Which of the following enzymes is not produced by the geal sphincter fails to open and a bolus cannot enter the stomach.
pancreas? Eventually, the esophagus may develop a diverticulum that allows
a. trypsin c. nuclease food to collect abnormally.
b. lipase d. sucrase Peristalsis generally slows within the gastrointestinal tract as
9. Imagine you’ve just eaten your favorite hamburger (or veggie the muscular wall loses tone. When older people fail to consume
burger). Describe the steps your body will take to break that enough dietary fiber, the result is often constipation that leads to
protein down and absorb it into your bloodstream. diverticulosis and hemorrhoids.
Answers in Appendix A. The liver shrinks with age and receives a smaller blood supply.
Notably, it needs more time to metabolize drugs and alcohol. As
a result, medication dosages may need to be adjusted as a person
ages. The older person may need to decrease alcohol consumption
15.4 Effects of Aging as well. Tragically, malnutrition is common among the elderly.
8. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the Hunger and thirst sensations commonly decrease with age, and
digestive system as we age. older people with memory issues may simply forget to eat. In addi-
tion, because one’s senses of smell and taste diminish as well, food
Disorders of the digestive tract are described in the Medical Focus may not be appealing. It’s important for caregivers to monitor their
on pages 356–357, and the incidence of all of these gastrointestinal older patients to ensure that they receive a balanced diet.

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Nutrition involves an interaction between food and the living or-
Content CHECK-UP! ganism. A nutrient is a substance that the body uses to maintain
10. Decreased senses of hunger, thirst, taste, and smell often health. A balanced diet contains all the essential nutrients and in-
cause ______ in the elderly. cludes a variety of foods, proportioned as shown in Figure 15.14.
Answer in Appendix A. Following digestion, nutrients enter the blood in the cardiovas-
cular system, which distributes them to the tissues, where they are
utilized by the body’s cells. Mitochondria use glucose to produce
a constant supply of ATP for the cell. In other words, glucose is
15.5 Homeostasis the body’s immediate energy source. Because the brain’s preferred
9. Explain how the digestive system works with other systems of the source of energy is glucose, it needs a constant supply.
body to maintain homeostasis. The liver can chemically alter ingested fats to suit the body’s
needs, with the exception of linoleic acid and linolenic acid. Both
Human Systems Work Together on page 368 tells how the di- fatty acids are required for the construction of plasma membranes and
gestive system works with other systems in the body to maintain for the synthesis of messenger chemicals. Thus, they are essential
homeostasis. fatty acids. Essential molecules must be present in food because the
Within the gastrointestinal tract, the food we eat is broken body cannot manufacture them. Other fats, especially saturated fats,
down to nutrients small enough to be absorbed by the villi of the should be restricted, as discussed in the Medical Focus on page 364.
small intestine. Digestive enzymes are produced by the salivary If glucose isn’t available, fats can be metabolized into smaller mol-
glands, gastric glands, and intestinal glands. Three accessory or- ecules, which are then used as an alternate energy source. Therefore,
gans of digestion (the pancreas, the liver, and the gallbladder) also fats are said to be a long-term energy source. When adipose tissue cells
contribute secretions that help break down food. The liver produces store fats, the body increases in weight. Cells have the capability of
bile (stored by the gallbladder), which emulsifies fat. The pancreas converting excess sugar molecules into fats for storage, which accounts
produces enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and for the fact that carbohydrates can also contribute to weight gain.
fat. Secretions from these glands, which are sent by ducts into the Amino acids from protein digestion are used by the cells to
small intestine, are regulated by hormones such as secretin pro- construct their own proteins, including the enzymes that carry out
duced by the alimentary canal. Therefore, the gastrointestinal tract metabolism. Protein formation requires 20 different types of amino
is also a part of the endocrine system. Other accessory organs, such acids. Of these, nine are required in the diet because the body is
as the salivary glands and teeth, are also essential to digestion. unable to produce them. These are termed the essential amino
The nutrients absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract are con- acids. The body produces the other 11 amino acids by simply
verted by the body into energy and used for physical activities and
for the growth and repair of body tissue. As we’ll see in section 15.6,
carbohydrates and fats are used to fuel all the body’s processes and
functions, while protein is mainly used as a building material. Be-
sides these three basic components, the body must also have vita-
mins and minerals. Vitamins are essential for normal growth and
development, and because they cannot be manufactured in the body,
they must be supplied as part of a well-balanced diet or as supple-
ments. Minerals assist in many body processes, such as normal nerve
and muscle function, but they are needed only in small quantities. By
providing all other tissues with required nutrients, the digestive tract
helps to ensure homeostasis. Its interactions with other body systems
are summarized in the Human Systems Work Together figure.

Content CHECK-UP!
11. Because the alimentary canal secretes gastrin and secretin, it
is considered a part of the _____ organ system.
Answer in Appendix A.

15.6 Nutrition
10. State the functions of glucose, fats, and amino acids in the body. Figure 15.14 Newest dietary guidelines, published by
11. Define the terms essential fatty acid, essential amino acid, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and available at
and vitamin. The website can be customized for
12. Describe the functions of the major vitamins and minerals in the body. an individual’s age, gender, and activity level.

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 361

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transforming one type into another type. Some protein sources, most vitamins must be present in the diet. Vitamins are organic
such as meat, are complete in the sense that they provide all the molecules, but they differ radically from carbohydrates, fats, and
different types of amino acids. Vegetables and grains supply the proteins. They are much smaller in size and are not broken down
body with amino acids, but they are typically incomplete sources to be used as building blocks or as a source of energy. Instead,
because at least one of the essential amino acids is absent. A com- the body protects them and provides many of them with protein
bination of certain vegetables, however, can provide all of the es- carriers that transport them in the blood to the cells. In the cells,
sential amino acids. In addition, soy protein is a complete protein. vitamins become helpers in metabolic processes that break down
or synthesize other organic molecules. Because vitamins can be
used over and over again, they are required in very small amounts.
Vitamins Vitamins fall into two groups: fat-soluble vitamins (vita-
Vitamins are vital to life because they play essential roles in cel- mins A, D, E, and K) and water-soluble vitamins (the B complex
lular metabolism. Because the body is unable to produce them, vitamins and vitamin C; Table 15.3). Most of the water-soluble

TABLE 15.3 Vitamins: Their Role in the Body and Food Sources
Vitamins Role in Body Good Food Sources
Vitamin A Assists in the formation and maintenance of Deep yellow/orange and dark green vegetables and fruits
healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes; aids (carrots, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes);
in the ability to see in dim light (night vision); is cheese, milk, and fortified margarine
essential for proper bone growth, tooth
development, and reproduction
Vitamin D Aids in the formation and maintenance of bones Milk fortified with vitamin D; tuna, salmon, or cod liver oil;
and teeth; assists in the absorption and use of also made in the skin when exposed to sunlight
calcium and phosphorus
Vitamin E Protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from Vegetable oils and margarine; nuts; wheat germ and
oxidation; prevents plasma membrane damage whole-grain breads and cereals; green, leafy vegetables
Vitamin K Aids in synthesis of substances needed for clotting Green, leafy vegetables, cabbage, and cauliflower; also made
of blood; helps maintain normal bone metabolism by bacteria in intestines of humans, except for newborns
Vitamin C Is important in forming collagen, a protein that Citrus fruits, berries, melons, dark green vegetables,
gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and tomatoes, green peppers, cabbage, potatoes
vascular tissue; helps maintain capillaries,
bones, and teeth; aids in absorption of iron;
helps protect other vitamins from oxidation
Thiamin Helps in release of energy from carbohydrates; Whole-grain products, dried beans and peas, sunflower
promotes normal functioning of nervous system seeds, nuts
Riboflavin Helps body transform carbohydrates, proteins, and Nuts, yogurt, milk, whole-grain products, cheese, poultry,
fats into energy leafy green vegetables
Niacin Helps body transform carbohydrates, proteins, and Nuts, poultry, fish, whole-grain products, dried fruit, leafy
fats into energy greens, beans; can be formed in the body from
tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in protein
Vitamin B6 Aids in the use of fats and amino acids; aids in the Sunflower seeds, beans, poultry, nuts, bananas, dried fruit,
formation of protein leafy green vegetables
Folic acid Aids in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood Nuts, beans, whole-grain products, fruit juices, dark green
cells; aids in the formation of genetic material leafy vegetables
Pantothenic acid Aids in the formation of hormones and certain Nuts, beans, seeds, poultry, dried fruit, milk, dark green
nerve-regulating substances; helps in the leafy vegetables
metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Biotin Aids in the formation of fatty acids; helps in the Occurs widely in foods, especially eggs; made by bacteria
release of energy from carbohydrates in the human intestine
Vitamin B12 Aids in the formation of red blood cells and genetic Milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, poultry, eggs; not found in plant
material; helps in the functioning of the nervous foods unless fortified (as in some breakfast cereals)
system; requires intrinsic factor from the
stomach to be absorbed
Source: From David C. Nieman, et al., Nutrition, Revised 1st ed. Copyright © 1992 Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc., Dubuque, Iowa.

362 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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vitamins are coenzymes, or enzyme helpers, that help speed up prothrombin, a substance necessary for normal blood clotting
specific reactions. The functions of the fat-soluble vitamins, some (see Chapter 11).
of which have been previously discussed, are more specialized.
Vitamin A, as noted in Chapter 9, is used to synthesize the vi-
sual pigments. Vitamin D is needed to produce a hormone that Minerals
regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism (see Chapter 5), In contrast to vitamins, minerals are inorganic elements
and vitamin E is an antioxidant. Vitamin K is required to form (Table 15.4). An element, you’ll recall, is one of the basic

TABLE 15.4 Minerals: Their Role in the Body and Food Sources
Minerals Role in Body Good Food Sources
Calcium Is used for building bones and teeth and for maintaining All dairy products; dark green, leafy vegetables; beans, nuts,
bone strength; also involved in muscle contraction, blood sunflower seeds, dried fruit, molasses, canned fish
clotting, and maintenance of plasma membranes
Phosphorus Is used to build bones and teeth; to release energy from Beans, sunflower seeds, milk, cheese, nuts, poultry, fish,
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; and to form genetic lean meats
material, plasma membranes, and many enzymes
Magnesium Is used to build bones, to produce proteins, to release energy Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts, whole-grain
from muscle carbohydrate stores (glycogen), and to products, beans, dark green vegetables, dried fruit,
regulate body temperature lean meats
Sodium Regulates body-fluid volume and blood acidity; aids in Most of the sodium in the U.S. diet is added to food as
transmission of nerve impulses salt (sodium chloride) in cooking, at the table, or in
commercial processing; animal products contain
some natural sodium
Chloride Is a component of gastric juice and aids in acid-base balance Table salt, seafood, milk, eggs, meats
Potassium Assists in muscle contraction, the maintenance of fluid and Widely distributed in foods, especially fruits and
electrolyte balance in the cells, and the transmission of vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and lean meats
nerve impulses; also aids in the release of energy from
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Iron Is involved in the formation of hemoglobin in the red blood Molasses, seeds, whole-grain products, fortified
cells of the blood and myoglobin in muscles; also is a breakfast cereals, nuts, dried fruits, beans, poultry,
part of several enzymes and proteins fish, lean meats
Zinc Is involved in the formation of protein (growth of all tissues), Whole-grain products, seeds, nuts, poultry, fish, beans,
in wound healing, and in prevention of anemia; is a lean meats
component of many enzymes
Iodine Is an integral component of thyroid hormones Table salt (fortified), dairy products, shellfish, and fish
Fluoride Is involved in maintenance of bone and tooth structure Fluoridated drinking water is the best source; also found
in tea, fish, wheat germ, kale, cottage cheese,
soybeans, almonds, onions, milk
Copper Is vital to enzyme systems and in manufacturing red blood Nuts, oysters, seeds, crab, wheat germ, dried fruit, whole
cells; is needed for utilization of iron grains, legumes
Selenium Functions in association with vitamin E; may assist in Nuts, whole grains, lean pork, cottage cheese, milk,
protecting tissues and plasma membranes from oxidative molasses, squash
damage; may also aid in preventing cancer
Chromium Is required for maintaining normal glucose metabolism; may Nuts, prunes, vegetable oils, green peas, corn, whole
assist insulin function grains, orange juice, dark green vegetables, legumes
Manganese Is needed for normal bone structure, reproduction, and the Whole grains, nuts, seeds, pineapple, berries, legumes,
normal functioning of the central nervous system; is a dark green vegetables, tea
component of many enzyme systems
Molybdenum Is a component of enzymes; may help prevent dental caries Tomatoes, wheat germ, lean pork, legumes, whole
grains, strawberries, winter squash, milk, dark green
vegetables, carrots
Source: From David C. Nieman, et al., Nutrition, Revised 1st ed. Copyright © 1992 Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc., Dubuque, Iowa.

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 363

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Tips for Effectively Using Nutrition Labels

No, it isn’t quite as interesting as your morning newspaper, but there’s for tissue growth and repair. Children and women who are pregnant
important information tucked into the corner of your Aqua Puffs (and or nursing should increase daily protein intake to support their body’s
all other packaged food). Reading nutrition labels, like the one shown rapid growth.
in Fig. 15A, should become a habit for anyone interested in health and
wellness. You’ll find the nutritional breakdown for a single serving Vitamins and Minerals
(in this example, a serving is 1 cup, or 57 grams) on these labels. Vitamins are organic molecules required in small amounts for good
Labels also tell us what share of daily nutrients and Calories is found health. Antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E, and beta-carotene) can
in that serving, based on a diet of 2,000 Calories. Calories are a mea- neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules generated during cellular
surement of food energy. As you can see, one serving of the cereal metabolism. Free radicals damage cell components and are linked to
provides 220 Calories. cancer and atherosclerosis. Calcium, iron, and sodium are important
minerals to consider. Calcium is required for bone manufacture, blood
Carbohydrates clotting, and proper nerve function, and iron is needed for hemoglo-
When studying nutrition labels, check carbohydrate content first. Car- bin. However, sodium consumption should be limited: Excess sodium
bohydrates are the most readily available energy source, and the best can worsen hypertension.
source for brain and nerve tissue. Sugar molecules are simple carbo- Bottom line: How nutri-
hydrates. Complex carbohydrates found in breads, cereals, vegeta- tious is that bowl of Aqua
bles, and fruits have the highest dietary fiber content. Fiber is found in Puffs? It’s a low-fat, high-
two forms, and each has distinct health benefits: Soluble fiber com- fiber cereal with no choles-
bines with cholesterol, preventing it from being absorbed, while terol or saturated fat. It
insoluble fiber has a laxative effect. Current recommendations include provides 80% of daily dietary Nutrition Facts
25 to 30 grams of fiber daily.
Serving Size: 1 cup (57 g)
iron, and 10% of vitamin C, 4
Servings per container: 8

along with 5 grams of pro- Amount per Serving Cereal

Fats tein. Add a cup of low-fat Calories 220
Calories from Fat 20
Next, take a look at the food’s fat content as you review the nutrition milk to supply calcium and % Daily Value
label. Dietary fat makes food more appealing and tasty, but it’s also additional protein, and the Total fat: 2 g 3%

essential for health. Fat is needed for energy, vitamin absorption, cereal will be a decent quick Saturated fat: 0g 0%
Cholesterol: 0 mg 0%
and for manufacturing cell lipids and steroids. However, any excess breakfast. But all that Sodium: 320 mg 13%
nutrient energy is stored as fat, which could ultimately lead to sugar—11 grams! It’s bound Total Carbohydrate: 46 g 15%

obesity. Further, nutrition research continues to prove the danger of to be tasty for someone with Soluble fiber: less than 1 g 0%
Insoluble fiber: 6 g 24%
excess saturated fat, and even worse are the artificially created a sweet tooth, but simple Sugars: 11 g
trans-fats. High saturated fat levels have been implicated in colon, sugars add Calories. Further, Other carbohydrates: 28 g
Protein: 5 g 11%
pancreas, ovary, prostate, and breast cancers. Saturated fat and you’d probably still need a
Vitamin A — 0% • Vitamin C — 10%
cholesterol contribute to atherosclerosis, the major cause of vitamin supplement. A Calcium — 0% • Iron — 80%

hypertension (high blood pressure), heart attack, and stroke in the breakfast of fresh fruit, along 2,000

Western world. (Atherosclerosis is described on pages 267–268.) with a no-fat dairy (or per-
Total fat
Saturated fat
Less than
Less than
65 g
20 g
Cholesterol Less than 300 mg
Better choices for fat intake would be monosaturated and polyun- haps soy) product for pro- Sodium
Total carbohydrate
Less than 2,400 mg
300 g

saturated plant fats such as canola and olive oils. Regardless of the tein, would be a better way to
Dietary fiber
Calories per gram:
25 g

fat type, a 2,000 daily Calorie diet should have no more than match the cereal’s nutrients
Fat 9 • carbohydrate 4 • protein 4

65 grams (585 Calories) of fat. without the sugar. Moreover,

if you eat the recommended
Proteins 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of
In a normal, healthy adult, a daily serving of protein is 45 grams vegetables daily, you’ll be
(about the same size as a deck of playing cards, or a 3 3 5–inch rect- getting your vitamins, along
angle). Low-fat plant source protein (contained in whole grain cereals with other valuable com- Figure 15A Nutrition
label on the side panel of a
like Aqua Puffs) is often healthier than animal source protein, which pounds you can’t get from a
cereal box.
may be high in saturated fat. In adults, protein is typically needed only supplement.

364 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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substances of matter that cannot be broken down further into sim- qualified health care provider. In addition, each must be accom-
pler substances. Minerals sometimes occur as a single atom, in panied by proper dietary modification and exercise in order for
contrast to vitamins, which contain many atoms. Minerals cannot weight loss to be maintained.
lose their identity, no matter how they are handled. Because they Surgery to restrict stomach volume may be required for those
are indestructible, no special precautions are needed to preserve who are moderately or greatly overweight (see the Medical Focus
them when cooking. on page 367). But for most people, a knowledge of good eating hab-
Minerals are divided into macronutrients, which are needed its along with behavior modification may be enough, particularly if
in gram amounts per day, and micronutrients (trace elements), a balanced diet is accompanied by a sensible exercise program. A
which are needed in only microgram amounts per day. The mac- lifelong commitment to a properly planned program is the best way
ronutrients sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, to prevent a cycle of weight gain followed by weight loss. Cycling
and calcium serve as constituents of cells and body fluids, and as in this way can damage one’s health over the long term (and it’s
structural components of tissues. The micronutrients have very certainly discouraging to the person trying to lose weight!).
specific functions, as noted in Table 15.4. As research continues,
more elements will likely be added to the list of those considered
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia nervosa can coexist with either obesity or anorexia
nervosa, which is discussed next. People with this condition have
the habit of eating to excess (called binge eating) and then purg-
Eating Disorders
ing themselves by some artificial means, such as self-induced
Authorities recognize three primary eating disorders: obesity, vomiting or the use of a laxative (Fig. 15.15). Bulimic individu-
bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa. Although they exist in als are overly concerned about their body shape and weight, and
a continuum as far as body weight is concerned, all represent therefore they may be on a very restrictive diet. A restrictive
an inability to maintain normal body weight because of eating diet may bring on the desire to binge, and typically the per-
habits. son chooses to consume sweets, such as cakes, cookies, and ice
cream. The amount of food consumed is far beyond the normal
number of calories for one meal, and the person keeps on eating
until every bit is gone. Then, a feeling of guilt most likely brings
It’s an alarming statistic: In the United States, 69% of us are over- on the next phase, which is a purging of all the calories that have
weight, and approximately half of those who are overweight are been taken in.
obese. In children and young people, the numbers are equally grim: Bulimia is extremely dangerous to health. Blood composi-
one-third of American children are overweight or obese. Obesity is tion is altered, leading to an abnormal heart rhythm, and damage
most often defined as a body weight 20% or more above the ideal to the kidneys can even be fatal. At the very least, vomiting can
weight for a person’s height. By this standard, 36% of women and lead to inflammation of the pharynx and esophagus, and stomach
32% of men in the United States are obese. Moderate obesity is acids can cause the teeth to erode. The esophagus and stomach
41–100% above ideal weight, and severe obesity is 100% or more may even rupture and tear due to strong contractions during
above ideal weight. vomiting.
Obesity is most likely caused by a combination of hormonal, The most important aspect of treatment is to get the patient on
metabolic, genetic, and social factors. It is known that obese in- a sensible and consistent diet. Again, behavioral modification is
dividuals have more fat cells than normal. When an obese person helpful, and so perhaps is psychotherapy to help the patient under-
loses weight, the fat cells simply get smaller; they don’t disappear. stand the emotional causes of the behavior. Medications, including
The social factors that cause obesity include the eating habits of antidepressants, have sometimes helped to reduce the bulimic cycle
other family members. Consistently eating fatty foods, for example, and restore normal appetite.
may cause you to gain weight. Sedentary activities, such as watch-
ing television instead of exercising, also determine how much body
fat you have. The risk of heart disease is higher in obese individu- Anorexia Nervosa
als, and this alone tells us that excess body fat is not consistent with In anorexia nervosa, a morbid fear of gaining weight causes
optimal health. the person to be on a very restrictive diet (see Fig. 15.15). Ath-
Treatment depends on the degree of obesity. Currently, letes such as distance runners, wrestlers, and dancers are at risk
there are several medications that may be prescribed for weight of anorexia nervosa because they believe that being thin gives
control. Orlistat (sold by prescription as Xenical and over the them a competitive edge. In addition to eating only low-calorie
counter as Alli), lorcaserin (sold by prescription as Belviq), foods, the person may induce vomiting and use laxatives to bring
phenteramine-topiramate (sold by prescription as Qsymia) and about further weight loss. No matter how thin they have become,
buproprion-naltrexone (sold by prescription as Contrave) are all people with anorexia nervosa think they are overweight. Such
FDA approved. However, all have serious potential side effects, a distorted self-image may prevent recognition of the need for
and anyone who takes them must be carefully monitored by a medical help.

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 365

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Persons with bulimia nervosa have:
• recurrent episodes of binge eating:
Consuming an amount of food much
higher than normal for one sitting and
a sense of lack of control over eating
during the episode.
• an obsession about body shape
and weight.
• increase in fine body hair, halitosis
(bad breath), and gingivitis
(gum disease).

Body weight is regulated by

• a restrictive diet, excessive exercise.
• purging (self-induced vomiting
or laxative misuse).

Persons with anorexia nervosa have:

• a morbid fear of gaining weight;
body weight no more than 85% of
• a distorted body image; person
feels fat even when emaciated.
• in females, absence of a menstrual
cycle for at least three months.

Body weight is kept too low by either/or

• a restrictive diet, often with
excessive exercise.
• binge eating/purging (self-induced
vomiting or laxative misuse).

Figure 15.15 Recognizing anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Actually, the person is starving and has all the symptoms

of starvation, including low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, Content CHECK-UP!
constipation, and constant chilliness. Bone density decreases, and 12. Fatty acids and amino acids that must be taken in
stress fractures occur. The body begins to shut down; menstrua- through the diet, since the body can’t produce them, are
tion ceases in females; the internal organs, including the brain, called _____.
don’t function well; and the skin dries up. Impairment of the 13. An obese person is one who is at least ____ percent above
pancreas and alimentary canal means that any food consumed the normal weight.
does not provide nourishment. Death may be imminent. If so, the a. 10
only recourse may be hospitalization and force-feeding. Eventu-
b. 20
ally, it is necessary to use behavior therapy and psychotherapy
to enlist the cooperation of the person to eat properly. Family c. 50
therapy may be necessary, because anorexia nervosa in children d. 100
and teens is believed to be a way for them to gain some control Answer in Appendix A.
over their lives.

366 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Bariatric Surgery for Obesity

It’s a final measure sought by increasing numbers of people: bariatric laparoscope to illuminate structures in the abdomen. A band is placed
surgery, or surgical intervention with the specific goal of causing around the stomach. Once tightened like a belt, the stomach is divided
drastic weight loss. For many overweight people, years of dieting into a smaller upper chamber, which receives food, and a lower cham-
haven’t worked. Name a diet plan, and they have tried it—sure, they ber that remains connected to the duodenum. The belt can later be
lose weight, only to regain it. Obesity is approaching epidemic levels tightened further, or removed if necessary. In Roux-en-Y gastric
in the United States, with more than 78 million adults classified as bypass, the top section of the stomach is cut free and stapled shut to
obese. In addition, pediatricians are especially concerned with the make a pouch about the size of an egg. The small intestine is cut free
dramatic rise in childhood and teenage obesity. between the duodenum and jejunum, and the jejunum is sewn to the
Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30,1 or end of the stomach pouch. Finally, the duodenal segment is sewn back
a weight that is 41% or more higher than the ideal weight for one’s to the jejunum (forming the Y-shaped branch for which the procedure
height. It’s a physical and emotional challenge for the overweight patient. is named). The lower stomach and duodenum remain healthy and con-
Obesity is a primary risk factor for hypertension, type II diabetes melli- tinue to secrete digestive enzymes, but never receive food. Regardless
tus, atherosclerosis, stroke, coronary artery disease, and early heart of the approach used, the person will only be able to eat small amounts
attack. It has been linked to increased risk of breast, ovarian, uterine, and of food, but should feel full due to the small size of the stomach after
prostate cancer. Obese individuals suffer disrespect and ridicule from surgery. In addition, secretion of the gastric hormone ghrelin decreases
society and discrimination on the job. After years of struggling with the after surgery, and that often diminishes the person’s appetite.
problem, many are willing to undergo surgery as a last-chance option. It’s important to note that bariatric surgery comes with extremely
However, reputable programs offering bariatric surgery have serious potential complications. Postoperative bleeding and infection
strict requirements for patients. To be admitted as a surgical candi- are risks of any surgical procedure. Blood clots in the legs can form
date, the patient must be morbidly obese (BMI greater than 40; or during hospitalization, causing pulmonary embolism or stroke. After
greater than 100 pounds over ideal weight) or have a BMI in the range gastric bypass, staple lines in the stomach can leak. In rare cases, the
of 35 to 39, along with a serious obesity-related health issue such as connection between the stomach pouch and jejunum narrows, requir-
diabetes or high blood pressure. Patients cannot have respiratory or ing additional corrective surgery. Worst of all, a small percentage of
cardiac problems that might complicate surgery. Most important, the patients die during the surgery itself. After surgery, vitamin and min-
patient must understand the risks of surgery as well as its benefits. eral deficiencies are possible.
Patients must also understand that lifestyle changes will be necessary Further, bariatric surgery offers no guarantees of permanent
even after successful surgery and recovery. Psychological and nutri- weight loss—patients can in fact regain any weight that is lost, even
tional counseling is usually required before surgery to prepare the with a drastically smaller stomach. However, with proper nutrition
patient for new eating habits and ways of thinking about food. Follow- and behavioral changes, bariatric surgery can result in dramatic
up counseling tracks the patient’s progress in adapting. weight loss and improvement to health.
The two most commonly used interventions are laparoscopic
weight in pounds
banding and the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (Fig. 15B). The more con- 1
To calculate BMI, use the following formula: 3 703.
(height in inches) 3 (height in inches)
servative approach, laparoscopic banding, requires making a series of BMI is not always accurate in determining obesity. Other factors such as percent body fat may
small incisions around the stomach and using an instrument called a also need to be used.

After laparoscopic banding Before surgery After Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

stomach (bypassed)

Figure 15B (far left

figure) A laparascopic
band is placed around
jejunum the stomach and then
tightened to decrease
stomach size. (center)
The normal movement
duodenum of food prior to sur-
duodenum gery. (right) The flow of
(bypassed) food after Roux-en-Y
small intestine
gastric bypass surgery.

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Human Systems Work Together DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

Integumentary System Cardiovascular System

How the Digestive
Digestive tract provides System works with other Digestive tract provides
nutrients needed by body systems. nutrients for plasma
skin. protein formation and
blood cell formation; liver
Skin helps to protect detoxifies blood, makes
digestive organs; helps to plasma proteins, destroys
provide vitamin D for old red blood cells.
Ca2+ absorption.
Blood vessels transport
nutrients from digestive
Skeletal System tract to body; blood
services digestive organs.
Digestive tract provides
Ca2+ and other nutrients
for bone growth and Lymphatic System/Immunity
Digestive tract provides
Bones provide support salivary glands nutrients for lymphatic
oral cavity
and protection; hyoid pharynx (throat) organs; stomach acidity
bone assists swallowing. prevents pathogen
invasion of body.
esophagus Lacteals absorb fats;
Muscular System
Peyer patches prevent
Digestive tract provides invasion by pathogens;
glucose for muscle liver appendix contains
activity; liver metabolizes lymphatic tissue.
lactic acid following
anaerobic muscle activity.
large intestine Respiratory System
Smooth muscle con-
traction accounts for peri- Breathing is possible
stalsis; skeletal muscles small intestine through the mouth
support and help protect because digestive tract
abdominal organs. and respiratory tract
share the pharynx.
Gas exchange in lungs
Nervous System provides oxygen to
digestive tract and
Digestive tract provides excretes carbon dioxide
nutrients for growth, from digestive tract.
maintenance, and repair
of neurons and neuroglia.
Urinary System
Brain controls nerves,
which innervate smooth
Liver synthesizes urea;
muscle and permit tract
digestive tract excretes
bile pigments from liver
and provides nutrients.

Endocrine System Kidneys convert vitamin

D to active form needed
Stomach and small for Ca2+ absorption; com-
intestine produce pensate for any water
hormones. loss by digestive tract.

Hormones help control

secretion of digestive Reproductive System
glands and accessory
organs; insulin and Digestive tract provides
glucagon regulate nutrients for growth and
glucose storage in liver. repair of organs and for
development of fetus.

Pregnancy crowds
digestive organs and
promotes heartburn and

368 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Selected New Terms
Basic Key Terms ghrelin (grē9lŭn), p. 351 salivary gland (săl9ŭh-vĕr-ē glănd), p. 344
alimentary canal (ăl-ĭ-mĕn9tĕr-ē kŭh-năl9), p. 343 greater omentum (grā9tĕr ō-mĕn9tŭm), p. 353 secretin (sē-krēt9ĭn), p. 350
anus (ā9nŭs), p. 343 hard palate (hărd păl9ŭt), p. 344 serosa (sē-rō9să), p. 347
ascending colon (ā-sĕnd9ĭng kō9lŏn), p. 351 haustra (hăw9strŭh), p. 351 sigmoid colon (sĭg9mōyd kō9lŏn), p. 351
bicuspid (bī-cŭs9pĭd), p. 344 haustrum (hăw9 strŭhm), p. 351 small intestine (smăwl ĭn-tĕs9tĭn), p. 349
bile (bīl), p. 349 hepatic lobule (hŭh-păt9ĭk lŏb9yūl), p. 354 soft palate (săwft păl9ŭt), p. 344
bile salts (bīl săwltz), p. 358 hydrolytic enzymes (hī9 drō-lĭ tĭk ĕn9 zīmz), p. 358 sphincter (sfĭngk9tĕr), p. 347
bilirubin (bĭlē-rū9bĭn), p. 358 ileum (ĭl9ē-ŭm), p. 349 stomach (stŭm9ăk), p. 347
body region (bŏd9ē rē9jĕn), p. 348 incisor (ĭn-sī9zōr), p. 344 submucosa (sŭb-myū-kō9să), p. 346
bolus (bō9lŭs), p. 346 intestinal phase (ĭn-tĕs9tĭn-ŭl fāz), p. 350 taenia coli (tē9nē-ă kō9lī), p. 351
cardiac region (kăr9dē-ăk rē9jĕn), p. 347 intrinsic factor (ĭn-trĭn9zĭk făk9tŭr), p. 348 transverse colon (trăns-vĕrs9 kō9lŏn), p. 351
cecum (sē9kŭm), p. 351 jejunum (jĕ-jū9nŭm), p. 349 urea (yū-rē9ŭh), p. 355
cephalic phase (sŭh-făl9ĭk fāz), p. 350 lacteal (lăk9tē-l), p. 349 uvula (yū9vyū-lŭh), p. 344
cholecystokinin (kōlē-sĭs-tō-kī9nĭn), p. 350 large intestine (lărj ĭn-tĕs9tĭn), p. 351 vermiform appendix (vĕr9mĭ-fŏrm ŭh-pĕn9dĭks),
laryngopharynx (lă-rĭng9 gō-fār ĭnks), p. 346 p. 351
chyme (kīm), p. 349
leptin (lĕp9tĭn), p. 351 vestibule (vĕs9tĭ-byūl), p. 344
circular folds (sĕr9kyū-ler fōldz), p. 349
lesser omentum (lĕs9ĕr ō-mĕn9tŭm), p. 353 villi (vĭl9ī), p. 349
colon (kō9lŭn), p. 351
lipase (līp9ās), p. 354 vitamin (vī9tŭh-mĭn), p. 362
common hepatic duct (cŏm9mŭn hŭh-păt-ĭk
dŭkt), p. 358 liver (lĭv9ĕr), p. 354
cuspid (cŭs9pĭd), p. 344 lumen (lū9mĕn), p. 346 Clinical Key Terms
cystic duct (sĭs9tĭk dūkt), p. 358 mesentery (mĕs9ĕn-tĕ-rē), p. 352 anorexia nervosa (ăn9ŭh-rĕk9sē-ŭh nŭr-vō9sŭh),
microvilli (mī-krō-vĭl9ī), p. 349 p. 365
descending colon (dē-sĕnd9ĭng kō9lŏn), p. 351
mineral (mĭn9ĕr-ăl), p. 363 bariatric surgery (băr9ē-ăt9rĭk sŭr9jŭh-rē), p. 367
disaccharases (dī-săk9ŏh-rā-sĕs), p. 359
molar (mō9lăr), p. 344 bulimia nervosa (bū-lē9mē-ūh nŭr-vō9sŭh), p. 365
duodenum (duŏ-dē9nŭm), p. 349
mouth (mŏwth), p. 344 caries (kār9ēz), p. 344
enteric nervous system (ĕn-tĕr9ĭk nĕr9vŭs
sĭs9tĕm), p. 350 mucosa (myū-kō9sŭh), p. 346 cirrhosis (sŭh-rō9sĭs), p. 357
enterokinase (ĕntēr-ō-kī9nās), p. 354 muscularis (mŭs-ku-lă9rĭs), p. 346 constipation (kŏn-stĭ-pā9shŭn), p. 356
esophagus (ĕ-sŏf9ŭh-gŭs), p. 347 nasopharynx (nā9 zō-fār ĭnks), p. 346 diarrhea (dī-ŭh-rē9ŭh), p. 356
essential amino acid (ĕ-sĕn9shŭl ŭh-mē9nō oropharynx (ōr9 ō-fār ĭnks), p. 346 diverticulosis (dīvĕr-tĭ-kyū-lō9sĭs), p. 357
ăs9ĭd), p. 361 pancreas (păng9krē-ŭs), p. 353 gastric ulcer (găs9 trĭk ŭlsĕr), p. 356
essential fatty acid (ĕ-sĕn9shŭl făt9ē ăs9ĭd), p. 361 pancreatic amylase (păng9krē-ăt9ĭk ăm9ŭh-lās), gastroesophageal reflux disease (găs9trō-ĕs-
fundic region (fŭn9dĭk rē9jĕn), p. 348 p. 354 ŏf9ŭh-gē-ŭl rē9flŭcks dĭ-zēz9), p. 356
gallbladder (găwl9blăd-ĕr), p. 358 pepsin (pĕp9sĭn), p. 348 gingivitis (jĭn-jŭh-vī9tĭs), p. 344
gastric gland (găs9trĭk glănd), p. 348 peptidases (pĕp9tĭ-dās9), p. 359 heartburn (hărt9bĕrn), p. 356
gastric juice (găs9trĭk jūs), p. 348 peristalsis (pĕrĭ-stăl9sĭs), p. 347 hemorrhoids (hĕm9ŭh-rōydz), p. 356
gastric inhibitory polypeptide (găs9trĭk ĭn-hĭb9ĭ- pharynx (făr9ĭnks), p. 346 hepatitis (hĕpŭh-tī9tĭs), p. 357
tŏr-ē pŏl-ē-pĕp9tīd), p. 350 portal triads (pōr9tŭl trī9ădz), p. 354 jaundice (jŏn9dĭs), p. 357
gastric phase (găs9trĭk fāz), p. 350 pyloric region (pī-lōr9ĭk rē9jĕn), p. 348 obesity (ō-bē9sĭ-tē), p. 365
gastric pits (găs9trĭk pĭts), p. 348 rectum (rĕk9tŭm), p. 351 periodontitis (pĕrē-ō-dŏn-tī9tĭs), p. 344
gastrin (găs9trĭn), p. 348 rugae (rū9jē), p. 347 peritonitis (pĕrĭ-tō-nī9tĭs), p. 356
gastrointestinal tract (găs9trō-ĭntĕs-tĭn-ăl salivary amylase (săl9ŭh-vĕr-ē ăm9ŭh-lās), p. 345 polyp (păh9lĭp), p. 356
trăkt), p. 343

15.1 Anatomy of the Digestive System particles called nutrients, (3) nutrient swallowing. The salivary glands
The gastrointestinal tract consists of absorption, and (4) the elimination of send saliva into the mouth.
the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, indigestible wastes. Saliva contains salivary amylase,
stomach, small intestine, and large A. The oral cavity begins physical an enzyme that begins the
intestine. The functions of the diges- and chemical digestion. chemical digestion of starch.
tive system include (1) ingestion, B. The teeth chew the food and C. Both air and food pass through
(2) the breakdown of food into small the tongue forms a bolus for the pharynx.

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 369

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D. When a person swallows, the na- 15.2 Accessory Organs of Digestion 15.4 Effects of Aging
sopharynx, larynx, and trachea Three accessory organs of The structure and function of the di-
are normally blocked off, and digestion—the pancreas, liver, and gestive system generally decline
food must enter the esophagus. gallbladder—send secretions to the with age. The various illnesses as-
E. The wall of the gastrointestinal duodenum via ducts. sociated with the digestive system
tract has four layers: mucosa, A. The pancreas produces pancre- are more likely to be seen among
submucosa, muscularis, and atic juice, which contains diges- the elderly.
serosa. tive enzymes for carbohydrates, 15.5 Homeostasis
F. The esophagus performs peri- protein, fats, and nucleic acids. The digestive system works with
stalsis to propel food through Pancreatic amylase digests the other systems of the body
the lower esophageal sphincter starch. Three pancreatic enzymes in the ways described in Human
into the stomach. (trypsin, chymotrypsin, and car- Systems Work Together on
G. The stomach expands and boxypeptidase) digest protein. page 368.
stores food. While food is in the B. The liver receives blood from the 15.6 Nutrition
stomach, the stomach churns, small intestine by way of the he- The nutrients released by the
mixing it with acidic gastric patic portal vein. It has many im- digestive process should provide us
juices. Gastric juices contain hy- portant functions, including with an adequate amount of energy,
drochloric acid and the enzyme detoxifying blood, forming plasma essential amino acids and fatty
pepsin. Both initiate the diges- proteins, and storing iron and gly- acids, and all necessary vitamins
tion of protein. cogen. The liver produces bile, and minerals.
H. The three regions of the small in- which emulsifies fat and readies it A. Vitamins are small organic mol-
testine are the duodenum, jeju- for digestion by lipase, an enzyme ecules that have various func-
num, and ileum. The duodenum produced by the pancreas. tions in the body. They are
receives bile from the liver and C. The gallbladder stores excess categorized as water- or lipid-
pancreatic juice from the pan- bile. Bile emulsifies fats, and in- soluble. The vitamins C, E, and A
creas. The walls of the small in- creases dietary absorption of are antioxidants that protect cell
testine have fingerlike fatty acids, cholesterol, and fat- contents from damage due to
projections called villi. The cells soluble vitamins. free radicals.
of the villi have microvilli, where 15.3 Chemical Digestion B. Minerals are inorganic, and are
small nutrient molecules are ab- Digestive enzymes are present in di- classified as macronutrients or
sorbed. Amino acids and glu- gestive juices and break down food micronutrients, depending on
cose enter the blood vessels of into absorbable nutrient molecules: the quantity needed by the
a villus, while glycerol and fatty monosaccharides, amino acids, fatty body. One mineral, calcium, is
acids are joined and packaged acids, and glycerol (see Table 15.2). needed for strong bones.
as lipoproteins before entering Salivary amylase and pancreatic am- C. The diet should be balanced and
lymphatic vessels called lacteals. ylase begin the chemical digestion low in saturated fatty acids and
I. The large intestine consists of starch. Pepsin and pancreatic cholesterol molecules, whose in-
of the cecum, the colon (includ- peptidases digest protein to pep- take is linked to cardiovascular
ing the ascending, transverse, tides. Lipase digests fat to glycerol disease.
descending, and sigmoid colon), and fatty acids. Intestinal enzymes D. The causes of eating disorders,
and the rectum, which ends at finish the digestion of starch and including obesity, bulimia ner-
the anus. The large intestine protein. Digestive enzymes are spe- vosa, and anorexia, are being
does not produce digestive en- cific to their substrate and speed up explored in order to help people
zymes; it does absorb water, specific reactions at optimum body maintain a normal weight for
salts, and some vitamins. temperature and pH. their height.

Study Questions
1. List the organs of the alimentary canal, 4. Name the accessory digestive organs, 8. What is the chief contribution of
and state the contribution of each to and describe the part they play in the each of these constituents of the
the digestive process. (pp. 343–350) digestion of food. (pp. 353–355, 358) diet: (a) carbohydrates; (b) proteins;
2. Discuss the absorption of the products 5. Name and discuss any three functions (c) fats; (d) fruits and vegetables?
of digestion into the lymphatic and of the liver. (pp. 355, 358) (pp. 361–362)
cardiovascular systems. (pp. 349–350, 6. Discuss the digestion of starch, pro- 9. What role do water-soluble
358–359) tein, and fat, listing all the steps that vitamins usually play in the body?
3. Name and state the functions of the occur with each. (pp. 358–360) (pp. 362–364)
hormones that assist the nervous sys- 7. How does the digestive system help 10. Name and discuss three eating disor-
tem in regulating digestive secretions. maintain homeostasis? (pp. 361, 368) ders. (pp. 365–366)
(pp. 350–351)

370 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Learning Outcome Questions
Fill in the blanks. segments: , , 10. The products of digestion are
1. In the mouth, salivary , and . absorbed into the cells of the
digests starch. 6. The pancreas transports digestive , fingerlike projections of
2. The stomach begins chemical juices to the , the first the intestinal wall.
digestion of protein with the enzyme part of the small intestine. 11. Small organic molecules that assist in
. 7. After a meal, the liver stores glucose metabolic reactions and are essential
3. The takes food to the as . for life are called _____ nutrients.
stomach, where primarily 8. The gallbladder stores ,a a. vitamins
is digested. substance that fat. b. minerals
4. The gastric juices are , 9. Pancreatic juice contains , c. hormones
and therefore, they usually destroy , and d. lipids
any bacteria in the food. for digesting protein, for
5. The proximal large intestine is called digesting fat, and for
the , and it continues digesting starch.
distally into these four colon

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. stomatoglossitis (stōmŭh-tō-glŏs-sī9tĭs) 8. cholecystolithotripsy (kōlē-sĭstō-
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. glossopharyngeal (glŏsō-făh-rĭn9jē-ăl) lĭth9ō-trĭpsē)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. gastroenteritis (găstrō-ĕn-tĕr-ī9tĭs) 9. proctosigmoidoscopy (prŏktō-
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. sublingual (sŭb-lĭng9gwăl) sĭgmŏy-dŏs9kŭh-pē)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 5. gingivoperiodontitis ( jĭnjĭ-vō-pĕrē-ō- 10. colocentesis (kŏlō-sĕn-tē9sĭs)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at dŏn-tī9tĭs) 11. trichophagia (trī-kō-fāj9ē-ŭh) and consult 6. dentalgia (dĕn-tăl9jē-ŭh) 12. ileocecal (ĭlē-ŏ-sē9kŭl)
Appendix B. 7. pyloromyotomy (pī-lōrō-mī-ŏt9ō-mē)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 15 The Digestive System 371

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16 The Urinary System and Excretion
T he year was 1943, and the Nazis were in control of the Netherlands. A young
Dutch doctor named Willem Kolff had fled from a Nazi-controlled large city
hospital to a smaller regional one, and it was there that he completed the first of
many revolutionary inventions: a kidney dialysis machine. It was cobbled together
using 10 meters (almost 33 feet!) of sausage casing, wooden barrels, washing
machine parts, a rotating drum, and a tank of electrolyte solution. Kolff had never
forgotten one of his first patients: a 22-year-old man who had died of acute renal
failure. He reasoned that if he could create a system to remove urea from blood,
he could save patients like the young man. He tested his device on a patient by
allowing his patient’s blood to flow into the sausage casing, which was wrapped
around the rotating drum. As the drum slowly spun in the tank of electrolyte
solution, urea diffused from high concentration in the blood to low concentration
in the solution. (You learned about diffusion in Chapter 3.) The patient’s blood,
cleansed of the poisonous urea, was then pumped back into the body. Two years
and 16 failures later, the procedure finally worked. Ironically, his first success was
on a Dutch woman who had been a known Nazi collaborator, whom he treated in
spite of his countrymen’s objections. Kolff went on to design the heart-lung
machine and the first artificial heart, and is recognized as the father of artificial
organs. You can read more about renal failure and dialysis on pages 385–386.
Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
16.1 Urinary System 8. Name and explain how three 16.6 Homeostasis
1. List and discuss the functions of the antidiuretic hormone, and atrial 13. Describe how the urinary system
urinary system. natriuretic hormone—work together works with other systems of the
2. Name and describe the structure to maintain blood volume and body to maintain homeostasis.
and function of each organ in the pressure.
urinary system. 9. Describe three mechanisms, Visual Focus
3. Describe how urination is controlled. including how the kidneys function, Steps in Urine Formation
to maintain the acid–base balance of
16.2 Anatomy of the Kidney and blood. Focus on Forensics
Excretion Urinalysis
4. Describe the macroscopic and 16.4 Problems with Kidney
microscopic anatomy of the kidney. Function Medical Focus
5. State the parts of a kidney nephron, 10. State, in general, the normal
Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer
and relate them to the gross composition of urine and the
anatomy of the kidney. benefits of doing a urinalysis.
11. Discuss the need for hemodialysis
Human Systems Work Together
6. Outline the three steps in urine
formation, and relate them to the and how hemodialysis functions to Urinary System
parts of a nephron. bring about the normal composition
of urine.
16.3 Regulatory Functions of the
Kidneys 16.5 Effects of Aging
7. Describe how the kidneys help 12. Describe the anatomical and
maintain the fluid and electrolyte physiological changes that occur in
balance of blood. the urinary system as we age.


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16.1 Urinary System Preservation of Water–Salt Balance
1. List and discuss the functions of the urinary system. A principal function of the kidneys is to maintain the appropriate
2. Name and describe the structure and function of each organ in the water–salt balance of the blood. As we will see, blood volume
urinary system. is intimately associated with the salt balance of the body. Salts,
3. Describe how urination is controlled. such as NaCl, have the ability to cause osmosis, the diffusion of
water—in this case, into the blood. The more salts there are in
The kidneys are the primary organs of excretion. Excretion is the the blood, the greater the blood volume. The kidneys also main-
removal of metabolic wastes from the body. People sometimes con- tain the appropriate level of other ions (electrolytes), such as po-
fuse the terms excretion and defecation, but they do not refer to the tassium ions (K1), bicarbonate ions (HCO32), and calcium ions
same process. Defecation, the elimination of feces from the body, is (Ca21), in the blood.
a function of the digestive system. Excretion, on the other hand, is
the elimination of metabolic wastes, which are the products of me- Maintenance of Blood Pressure
tabolism. For example, the undigested food and bacteria that make
up feces have never been a part of the functioning of the body, while Recall that blood pressure is the product of cardiac output and
the substances excreted in urine were once metabolites in the body. peripheral resistance, and the kidneys influence both variables. By
preserving salt and water balance, the kidneys maintain normal
blood volume. In turn, blood volume determines the heart’s stroke
Functions of the Urinary System volume and, thus, cardiac output. As you’ll recall from Chapter 12,
The urinary system filters the blood to produce urine, then trans- the kidneys also influence peripheral resistance by producing the
ports the urine out of the body. As the kidneys produce urine, they enzyme renin, which (along with a lung enzyme) activates the
carry out four functions that are essential to homeostasis: excretion plasma protein angiotensin. Angiotensin constricts the blood ves-
of metabolic wastes, preservation of water–salt balance in blood sel smooth muscle, increasing blood vessel resistance and raising
and body fluids, maintenance of blood pressure, and maintenance blood pressure.
of acid–base balance. As you know from studying endocrine
hormones in chapter 10, the kidneys also produce erythropoietin Maintenance of Acid–Base Balance
(EPO), their own endocrine hormone. The kidneys regulate the acid–base balance of the blood. In order
for a person to remain healthy, the blood pH should be maintained
Excretion of Metabolic Wastes in a narrow range around 7.4 (the normal blood pH range is 7.35–
The kidneys excrete metabolic wastes, notably nitrogenous wastes. 7.45). The kidneys monitor and control blood pH, mainly by ex-
Urea is the primary nitrogenous end product of metabolism in creting hydrogen ions (H1) from the blood into the urine. At the
human beings, but humans also excrete some ammonium, creati- same time, the kidneys reabsorb bicarbonate ions (HCO32) and
nine, and uric acid. return them to the blood as needed to keep blood pH at about 7.4.
Urea is a by-product of amino acid metabolism. The break- Urine usually has a pH of 6 or lower because our diet often contains
down of amino acids in the liver releases ammonia, which the acidic foods whose hydrogen ions must be excreted.
liver combines with carbon dioxide to produce urea. Ammonia
is very toxic to cells, but urea is much less toxic. Because urea is Secretion of Hormones
less toxic than ammonia, it can be safely excreted in the relatively The kidneys assist the endocrine system in hormone secretion.
small amounts of water passed daily as urine. (If our bodies had to By releasing the enzyme renin whenever their own blood supply
excrete ammonia instead of urea, the ammonia would have to be decreases, the kidneys activate angiotensin, which leads to the
diluted in extremely large volumes of urine to avoid being toxic to secretion of the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone is produced by
body cells.) the adrenal cortex, the outer portion of the adrenal glands, which
Creatine phosphate is a high-energy phosphate reserve mol- lie atop the kidneys. As described in section 16.3, aldosterone pro-
ecule in muscles. The metabolic breakdown of creatine phosphate motes the reabsorption of sodium ions (Na1) and water by the
results in creatinine. kidneys.
The breakdown of nucleotides, such as those containing ade- Whenever the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is re-
nine and thymine, produces uric acid. Uric acid is rather insoluble. duced, the kidneys secrete the hormone erythropoietin (EPO),
If too much uric acid is present in blood, crystals form and precipi- which stimulates red blood cell production.
tate, or become solid. Crystals of uric acid sometimes collect in the The kidneys also help activate vitamin D from the skin. Vita-
joints, producing a painful ailment called gout. min D is the precursor of the hormone calcitriol, which promotes
Urochrome is a waste product formed as the liver breaks down calcium (Ca21) absorption from the digestive tract.
hemoglobin. As you know from reading Chapter 15, hemoglobin
is first formed into bilirubin, which is excreted in the bile. Once in
the intestine, bilirubin is further broken down into smaller com- The Work of the Kidneys: By the Numbers
pounds, including urochrome. It is urochrome that gives urine its It’s probably safe to say that most healthy people rarely, if ever,
yellow color. think about their kidney function. Yet when kidneys are analyzed

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 373

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by the numbers, their work becomes extremely impressive. Consider of a kidney has a depression called the hilum where a renal artery
this: a healthy, average man’s kidneys filter about 125 mL of blood enters and a renal vein and a ureter exit the kidney.
every minute—that’s 7.5 L per hour, 180 L per day, and 65,700 L
of blood per year. Now assume he lives for 76 years (the average Ureters
life span for a man in the United States) and for 60 of those years
he’s filtering at the normal adult rate. That’s almost 5 million L, or The ureters, which extend from the kidneys to the bladder, are
roughly 1.3 million gallons, of blood filtered by the kidneys during small, muscular tubes about 25 cm long and 5 mm in diameter.
his adult lifetime (the figures are slightly less for women). However, Each descends behind the parietal peritoneum, from the hilum of a
of that volume, only about 1% ever leaves the body as urine, and the kidney, to enter the bladder posteriorly at its inferior surface.
remainder is quickly reabsorbed and returned to the bloodstream. The wall of a ureter has three layers. The inner layer is a mu-
Still, those 13,000 gallons of urine eliminate enormous quantities of cosa (mucous membrane), the middle layer consists of smooth
waste, including almost half a ton of potentially toxic urea. muscle, and the outer layer is a fibrous coat of connective tissue.
Peristaltic contractions of the ureters cause urine to enter the blad-
der even if a person is lying down. Urine enters the bladder in
Organs of the Urinary System spurts that occur at the rate of one to five per minute.
The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary blad-
der, and urethra. Figure 16.1 shows these organs and also traces Urinary Bladder
the path of urine.
The urinary bladder is located in the pelvic cavity, below the pari-
etal peritoneum and just posterior to the pubic symphysis. In males,
Kidneys it is directly anterior to the rectum; in females, it is anterior to the
The kidneys are paired organs located in the lumbar region on ei- vagina and inferior to the uterus. Its function is to store urine until
ther side of the vertebral column. The kidneys are retroperitoneal, it is expelled from the body. The bladder has three openings—two
which means that they are covered by the parietal peritoneum (the for the ureters and one for the urethra, which drains the bladder.
serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity). Thus, the The trigone is a smooth triangular area at the base of the bladder
kidneys are located posterior to the abdominopelvic cavity, not outlined by these three openings (Fig. 16.2).
within it. The kidneys lie in depressions against the deep muscles Collectively, the muscle layers of the bladder wall are called
of the back, where they receive some protection from the lower rib the detrusor muscle. The wall contains a middle layer of circular
cage. Each kidney is usually held in place by connective tissue, fiber and two layers of longitudinal muscle, and it can expand. The
called renal fascia. Masses of adipose tissue adhere to each kidney. transitional epithelium of the mucosa becomes thinner, and folds in
The kidneys are fist-sized, bean-shaped organs that are the mucosa called rugae disappear as the bladder fills and enlarges.
reddish-brown in color. They are covered by a tough capsule of The bladder has other features that allow it to retain urine.
fibrous connective tissue, called a renal capsule. The concave side After urine enters the bladder from a ureter, small folds of bladder
mucosa act like a valve to prevent backward flow.
Two sphincters in close proximity are found where the urethra
exits the bladder. The internal sphincter occurs around the open-
ing to the urethra. Inferior to the internal sphincter, the external
sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle that can be voluntarily
inferior vena cava
renal vein Urethra
renal artery The urethra is a tube that extends from the urinary bladder to an
external opening (see Fig. 17.3 and Fig. 17.9). The urethra is a
abdominal aorta different length in females than in males. In females, the urethra is
only about 4 cm long. The short length of the female urethra makes
bacterial invasion easier and helps explain why females are more
prone to urinary tract infections than males. In males, the urethra
averages 20 cm when the penis is flaccid (limp, nonerect). As the
urinary bladder
urethra leaves the male urinary bladder, it is surrounded by the
prostate gland. In older men, enlargement of the prostate gland
can restrict urination. Medical and surgical treatments for prostate
Figure 16.1 The urinary system. The kidneys produce enlargement are detailed in the Medical Focus on page 387.
urine, and the ureters transport it to the urinary bladder for stor- In females, the reproductive and urinary systems are not con-
age. The urethra (not shown in this photograph) transports urine
nected. In males, the urethra carries urine during urination and
from the bladder to the outside. Urine is found only in the kidneys,
sperm during ejaculation. This double function of the urethra in
ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.
males does not alter the path of urine.

374 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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brain 16.2 Anatomy of the Kidney
and Excretion
4. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the kidney.
lumbar and sacral spinal 5. State the parts of a kidney nephron, and relate them to the gross
cord segments anatomy of the kidney.
6. Outline the three steps in urine formation, and relate them to the
parts of a nephron.

fibers A sagittal section of a kidney shows that many branches of the
(involuntary) renal artery and renal vein reach inside a kidney (Fig. 16.3a). Re-
moving the blood vessels shows that a kidney has three regions
ureter (Fig. 16.3b). The renal cortex is an outer, granulated layer that
urinary trigone dips down in between a radially striated inner layer called the renal
medulla. The renal medulla consists of cone-shaped tissue masses
somatic nerve orifice of
(voluntary) ureter called renal pyramids. The renal pelvis is a central space, or cavity,
that is continuous with the ureter.
Anatomy of a Nephron
external sphincter Each kidney is composed of over one million nephrons, microscopic
structures that are the functional units of the kidney (Fig. 16.3d).
Figure 16.2 Urination. As the bladder fills with urine, There are two nephron types: cortical nephrons, which are shorter
sensory signals (blue arrows) go to the spinal cord and then to because they are located primarily in the cortex, and juxtamedul-
the brain. The brain can override the urge to urinate. When urina- lary nephrons, which extend deep into the medulla. A nephron con-
tion occurs, motor nerve signals (green arrows) cause the blad- sists of two combined structures: a renal corpuscle and a renal
der to contract and an internal sphincter to open. Nerve signals
tubule. The renal corpuscle is formed by the glomerulus, a tightly
also cause an external sphincter to open.
coiled capillary network, and the glomerular capsule (also called
Bowman’s capsule). The glomerular capsule is formed by the closed
end of the renal tubule, which widens to form a cuplike structure
Urination that surrounds the glomerulus. The blood supply of a nephron is un-
When the adult urinary bladder fills to about 250 ml with urine, usual because it contains two distinct capillary regions (Fig. 16.4).
stretch receptors send sensory nerve signals to the spinal cord. Sub- The nephron receives oxygenated arterial blood from an afferent
sequently, parasympathetic motor nerve signals from the lumbar arteriole, which originates from a smaller branch of the renal artery.
and sacral regions of the spinal cord cause the urinary bladder to The afferent arteriole leads to the glomerulus, the first capillary
contract and the sphincters to relax so that urination, also called bed. Blood leaves the glomerulus through the efferent arteriole. The
micturition, is possible (Fig. 16.2). In older children and adults, the efferent arteriole takes blood to the second capillary bed, called
brain controls this reflex, delaying urination until a suitable time. the peritubular capillary network, which surrounds the remain-
ing renal tubule. A specialized section of the peritubular capillary
network, the vasa recta, helps to maintain solute concentration in
Content CHECK-UP! the renal medulla, and will be detailed later. From the peritubular
capillary network, the blood goes into a venule. Venules join larger
1. Which is an enzyme produced by the kidney?
veins that ultimately empty into the renal vein.
a. renin c. erythropoietin
b. angiotensin d. aldosterone Parts of a Renal Tubule
2. Describe the way in which the kidneys and lungs interact to Each renal tubule is made up of several parts, beginning with the
control blood pressure. What chemicals are involved? glomerular capsule. This wide proximal end of the tubule surrounds
3. If you were to describe the urinary system, you could say: the glomerulus and receives the fluid it filters. The inner layer of
a. The kidneys are in the lumbar region. the glomerular capsule is composed of podocytes that have long,
b. The urinary bladder sits in the pelvic cavity. cytoplasmic extensions. The podocytes cling to the capillary walls of
the glomerulus and leave pores that allow easy passage of small mol-
c. The urethra transports urine from the kidney to the urinary
bladder. ecules from the glomerulus to the inside of the glomerular capsule.
Next, there is a proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), called
d. Only a and b are correct.
“proximal” because it is near the glomerular capsule. The cuboidal
e. All three statements are correct. epithelial cells lining this part of the nephron have numerous micro-
Answers in Appendix A. villi about 1 μm in length. These microvilli are tightly packed and
form a brush border, increasing the surface area for reabsorption.

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 375

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renal artery renal cortex

renal vein renal

collecting duct


ureter renal pelvis

d. Nephrons
a. Blood vessels

renal cortex

renal pyramid
in renal medulla
renal pelvis


renal pyramid
in renal medulla

b. Gross anatomy, photograph c. Gross anatomy, art

Figure 16.3 Gross anatomy of the kidney. (a) A sagittal section of the kidney showing the blood supply. Note that the renal
artery divides into smaller arteries, and these divide into arterioles. Venules join to form small veins, which join to form the renal vein.
(b) Sagittal section photograph of the kidney. (c) The same section without the blood supply. Now it is easier to distinguish the renal
cortex, the renal medulla, and the renal pelvis, which connects with the ureter. The renal medulla consists of the renal pyramids.
(d) An enlargement showing the placement of nephrons.

Simple squamous epithelium appears as the tube narrows and they touch is called the juxtaglomerular apparatus. (It is illus-
makes a U-turn called the loop of Henle. Each loop consists of a trated in Fig. 16.8, and its function will be described in section
descending limb and an ascending limb. 16.3.) The distal convoluted tubules of several nephrons enter a
The cuboidal epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubule single collecting tubule. In turn, collecting tubules empty into
(DCT) have numerous mitochondria, but they lack microvilli. larger collecting ducts. Many collecting ducts carry urine to the
This is consistent with the active role they play in moving mol- renal pelvis.
ecules from the blood into the tubule, a process called tubular As shown in Figure 16.4, the glomerular capsule and the
secretion. Within the nephron, the distal convoluted tubule is convoluted tubules always lie within the renal cortex. The loop
generally adjacent to the afferent arteriole. The region where of Henle dips down into the renal medulla; juxtamedullary

376 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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peritubular capillary
Renal Cortex

proximal distal
glomerular capsule convoluted convoluted
(Bowman's capsule) tubule tubule
efferent arteriole
afferent arteriole
arteriole glomerulus


convoluted tubule
afferent arteriole
convoluted tubule

peritubular glomerular
venule capillary capsule
artery c. 503
renal vein limb ascending limb
descending limb
Loop of ascending
limb collecting duct
Henle collecting duct
vasa recta

d. 1003
Renal Medulla

Figure 16.4 Nephron anatomy. (a) A nephron is made up of a glomerular capsule, the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop
of Henle, the distal convoluted tubule, and the collecting duct. Trace the path of blood around the nephron by following the arrows.
(b) Scanning electron micrograph shows a surface view of the glomerulus and its blood supply: the arterioles and peritubular capillary.
(c) Photomicrograph of cross section of the glomerulus. Notice that the convoluted tubules are just adjacent to it. (d) Photomicrograph of
cross sections of ascending and descending limbs of the loop of Henle, and peritubular capillaries.

nephrons have a very long loop of Henle, which penetrates inside of the glomerular capsule. This is a filtration process because
deep into the renal medulla. Collecting ducts are also located in large molecules and formed elements are unable to pass through the
the renal medulla, and they give the renal pyramids their lined capillary wall. In effect, then, blood in the glomerulus has two por-
appearance. tions: the filterable components and the nonfilterable components:

Filterable Nonfilterable
Urine Formation Blood Components Blood Components
Figure 16.5 gives an overview of urine formation, which is divided Water Formed elements (blood
into these steps: glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and Nitrogenous wastes cells and platelets)
tubular secretion. Small molecules of nutrients Large plasma proteins
Salts (ions)
Creatinine and urochrome
Glomerular Filtration
Glomerular filtration occurs when whole blood enters the affer- The glomerular filtrate contains small, dissolved molecules found
ent arteriole and the glomerulus. Due to glomerular blood pressure, in approximately the same concentrations as their plasma concen-
water and small molecules are pushed from the glomerulus to the trations. Small molecules that escape being filtered as well as the

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Visual Focus

glomerular capsule
Glomerular filtration
urea Water, salts, ions, nutrient molecules,
and waste molecules move from the
glucose glomerulus to the inside of the glomerular
capsule. These small molecules are
amino called the glomerular filtrate. Tubular reabsorption
acids Nutrient and salt molecules and ions are
both passively and actively reabsorbed from
uric the ascending limb of the loop of Henle and
acid glucose, drugs, ammonia,
proximal the convoluted tubules into the peritubular
water, amino H1
salts convoluted capillary network, and water flows passively.
acids, salts


arteriole NaCl, water

Tubular secretion
Certain ions and molecules (e.g., H1
and penicillin) are actively secreted from
the peritubular capillary network into the
convoluted tubules.

end of another
distal tubule

renal distal
artery convoluted

Water and salts peritubular
diffuse together capillary
into the vasa network
recta, where they
re-enter the blood
as plasma. H2O
uric acid
loop of Henle salts
vasa recta NH41

Figure 16.5 Steps in urine formation. Top: The three main steps in urine formation are described in boxes that are
color-coded to arrows showing the movement of molecules into or out of the nephron at specific locations. In the end, urine is
composed of the substances within the collecting duct (see brown arrow, lower right).

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Excess blood glucose is filtered into the tubular fluid and subse-
TABLE 16.1 Reabsorption from Nephrons quently passes into the urine because the kidneys cannot reabsorb
it all. The resulting condition is called glycosuria (see Chapter 10).
Amount Amount
Filtered Excreted Reabsorption
The presence of glucose in the filtrate increases its osmolarity com-
Substance (per day) (per day) (%) pared to that of the blood, and therefore less water is reabsorbed
into the peritubular capillary network. The frequent urination and
Water (L) 180 1.8 99.0 increased thirst experienced by untreated diabetics are due to the
Sodium (g) 630 3.2 99.5 fact that water isn’t being reabsorbed.
We’ve seen that the filtrate that enters the proximal convoluted
Glucose (g) 180 0.0 100.0
tubule is divided into two portions: components that are reabsorbed
Urea (g) 54 30.0 44.0 from the tubule into the blood and components that are not re-
L 5 Liter; g 5 grams
absorbed and continue to pass through the nephron to be further
processed into urine:
Reabsorbed Filtrate Nonreabsorbed Filtrate
nonfilterable components leave the glomerulus by way of the ef- Components Components
ferent arteriole. Most water Some water
As indicated in Table 16.1, nephrons in the kidneys filter 180 L Nutrients Much nitrogenous waste
of water per day, along with a considerable amount of small mol- Required salts (ions) Excess salts (ions)
ecules (such as glucose) and ions (such as sodium). If the composi- Some urea and uric acid Creatinine and
tion of the urine were the same as that of the glomerular filtrate, the urochrome
body would constantly lose water, salts, and nutrients in the urine. Molecules not
This does not happen in a healthy person, because the composition recognized by carriers
of the original filtrate is altered significantly as this fluid passes
through the remainder of the tubule. The substances that are not reabsorbed become the tubular fluid,
It is important to stress that many small chemicals are freely which enters the loop of Henle.
filtered from the blood. Once in the filtrate, they cannot be reab-
sorbed and are passed in urine. Thus, urinalysis provides a history Tubular Secretion
of chemicals recently present in the blood, and can be used for Tubular secretion is a second way by which substances are re-
detection of illegal drug use, as described in Focus on Forensics moved from blood and actively transported into the tubular fluid.
(page 386). Hydrogen ions, potassium ions, creatinine, and drugs such as peni-
cillin are some of the substances that are moved by active transport
Tubular Reabsorption from the blood into the distal convoluted tubule. In the end, urine
Tubular reabsorption occurs as molecules and ions are both pas- contains (1) substances that have undergone glomerular filtration
sively and actively reabsorbed from the nephron into the blood of but have not been reabsorbed, and (2) substances that have under-
the peritubular capillary network. The osmolarity of the blood is gone tubular secretion.
maintained by the presence of both plasma proteins and salt. When
sodium ions (Na1) are actively reabsorbed, chloride ions (Cl2)
follow passively. The reabsorption of salt (NaCl) increases the os- Content CHECK-UP!
molarity of the blood compared to the filtrate, and therefore water 4. Select the correct order of the blood supply for a nephron:
moves by osmosis from the tubule into the blood. About 67% of
a. afferent arteriole → efferent arteriole → glomerulus →
Na1 is reabsorbed from the proximal convoluted tubule. peritubular capillary
Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids also return to the
b. efferent arteriole → glomerulus → afferent arteriole →
blood from the proximal convoluted tubule. This is a selective pro-
peritubular capillary
cess. Only molecules recognized by carrier proteins built into tubular
c. afferent arteriole → glomerulus → efferent arteriole →
cell membranes will be actively reabsorbed. Glucose is an example
peritubular capillary
of a molecule that ordinarily is completely reabsorbed because there
is a plentiful supply of carrier molecules for it. However, every sub- d. glomerulus → afferent arteriole → efferent arteriole →
peritubular capillary
stance has a maximum rate of transport. After all its carriers are in
use, any excess in the filtrate will appear in the urine. For example, 5. Imagine a sodium ion that has been filtered out of the glom-
as reabsorbed levels of glucose approach 1.8–2 mg/ml plasma, the erulus. Describe the path it will follow to be excreted in the
urine. At which points in the pathway could it leave the tubule?
rest appears in the urine. Excess glucose occurs in the blood in un-
treated diabetes mellitus because of lack of insulin (type I diabetes), 6. Name two substances you would expect to find in the blood,
or because of failure of insulin receptors to respond normally (type but not the tubular fluid.
II diabetes). Without insulin function, glucose cannot be transported Answers in Appendix A.
into cells, and liver and muscle cannot store glucose as glycogen.

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 379

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16.3 Regulatory Functions extracellular fluid (37%)

of the Kidneys
7. Describe how the kidneys help maintain the fluid and electrolyte
balance of blood. tissue
8. Name and explain how three hormones—aldosterone, antidiuretic fluid
hormone, and atrial natriuretic hormone—work together to maintain plasma
blood volume and pressure.
9. Describe three mechanisms, including how the kidneys function, to lymph
maintain the acid–base balance of blood.
The kidneys are involved in maintaining the blood’s fluid and elec-
trolyte balance, and also the acid–base balance. If the kidneys fail
to carry out these vital functions, either hemodialysis or a kidney
transplant is needed.
intracellular fluid (63%)

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

The average adult male body is about 60% water by weight. The av-
erage adult female body is only about 50% water by weight because
females generally have more subcutaneous adipose tissue, which
contains less water. About two-thirds of this water is inside the cells
(called intracellular fluid), and the rest is largely distributed in the Figure 16.6 Location of fluids in the body. Most of the body’s
plasma, tissue fluid, and lymph (called extracellular fluid). Water water is inside cells (intracellular fluid), and only about one-third is
is also present in such fluids as cerebrospinal fluid and synovial located outside cells (extracellular fluid).
fluid; in Figure 16.6, these fluids are referred to as “other” fluids.
For body fluids to be normal, it is necessary for the body to
be in fluid balance. The total water intake should equal the total filtrate are reabsorbed across the plasma membranes of the cells
water loss. Table 16.2 shows how water enters the body—namely, lining the proximal convoluted tubule. But the amount of salt and
in liquids we drink, in foods we eat, and as a by-product of metabo- water reabsorbed is not sufficient to result in a hypertonic urine—
lism. We drink water when the hypothalamus detects an increase one in which the osmolarity is higher than that of blood. How is it,
in blood osmolarity. Table 16.2 also shows how water exits the then, that humans produce a hypertonic urine? We now know that
body—namely, in urine, sweat, exhaled air, and feces. Similar to the excretion of a hypertonic urine is dependent upon the reabsorp-
the gain and loss of water, the body also gains and loses electro- tion of water from the loop of Henle and the collecting duct.
lytes. Despite these changes, the kidneys keep the fluid and elec-
trolyte balance of the blood within normal limits. In this way, they
also maintain the blood volume and blood pressure. Loop of Henle and Collecting Duct
A loop of Henle has a descending limb (descending through the
medulla toward the center of the kidney, in the area near the renal
Reabsorption of Water pelvis) and an ascending limb (ascending toward the renal cortex).
Because of the process of osmosis (see Chapter 3, page 52), the The kidney’s longest loops of Henle penetrate deep into the center
reabsorption of salt (NaCl) automatically leads to the reabsorption of the renal medulla (just adjacent to the renal pelvis). The ascend-
of water until the osmolarity is the same on both sides of a plasma ing limb has two portions that are structurally different from each
membrane. Most of the salt, and therefore water, present in the other. Salt (NaCl) passively diffuses out of the narrow, first portion

TABLE 16.2 Fluid Balance

Water Input Average ml/day and % of Total Water Output Average ml/day and % of Total

In liquids  1,500; 60% In urine  1,300; 52%

In moist food 750; 30% In sweat 650; 26%
From metabolism 250; 10% In exhaled air 450; 18%
In feces  100; 4%
Total 2,500; 100% Total 2,500; 100%

380 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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of the ascending loop of Henle because it has a thinner wall. The higher concentration of water in the first portion of the descending
wide, thick-walled second portion actively transports salt into the limb. Thus, less solute is needed for water to be able to diffuse into
tissue of the renal medulla (Fig. 16.7). As the second portion of the renal medulla. The remaining fluid within the descending limb
the loop continues to transport salt, less and less salt is available encounters an increasingly greater osmotic concentration of solute
in the fluid moving through it. Therefore, the concentration of salt as it moves along, so that water continues to leave the descending
is greater in the center of the medulla than in the outer rim of the limb along its entire length. Such a mechanism is called a counter-
medulla. It’s important to realize that water cannot leave the thick current mechanism.
segment of the ascending limb because the ascending limb is im- At the top of the ascending limb, any remaining water enters
permeable to water. the distal convoluted tubule. Surprisingly, the fluid inside the neph-
The large arrow on the left side of Figure 16.7 indicates that ron is still not hypertonic—the net effect of reabsorption of salt and
the central portion of the medulla (closest to the renal pelvis) has water so far is the production of a fluid that has the same tonicity
the highest concentration of solutes. You can see that this is due not as blood plasma. However, the collecting duct also encounters the
only to the presence of salt, but also to the presence of urea. Urea same osmotic gradient as did the descending limb of the loop of
is reabsorbed from the lower portion of the collecting duct, and it Henle (Fig. 16.7). Therefore, water diffuses out of the collecting
is this molecule that contributes to the high solute concentration of duct into the renal medulla, and the urine within the collecting duct
the lowest portion of the inner medulla. becomes hypertonic to blood plasma.
Because of the osmotic gradient within the renal medulla, As you can see in Figures 16.4 and 16.5, the renal tubule is
water leaves the descending limb along its entire length. There is a surrounded by peritubular capillaries. As blood flows through
these capillaries, water will naturally diffuse from high concen-
tration (in the blood) to low concentration (in the renal medulla)
because the medulla has high urea and salt concentrations. How is
it, then, that the high particle concentration found in the medulla
distal convoluted isn’t simply “washed away”? A specialized, U-shaped peritubular
capillary, the vasa recta, parallels the loop of Henle and pre-
vents this from happening. As it passes alongside the loop, the
vasa recta collects both salt and water in equal amounts, forming
plasma that is quickly transported out of the kidney and back to
the circulation. This helps to minimize loss of solutes from the

Renal Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

Increasing solute concentration in renal medulla

cortex NaCl
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) produced by the hypothalamus,
Outer NaCl NaCl
and released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary, plays a role
in water reabsorption from the distal convoluted tubule and col-
lecting duct. In order to understand the action of this hormone,
H2O NaCl
consider its name. Diuresis means flow of urine, and antidiuresis
means against a flow of urine. In practical terms, if an individual
H2O NaCl H2O
does not drink much water on a given day, the hypothalamus will
H2O detect an increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood (i.e., the sol-
H2O utes in the blood will become more concentrated). As an analogy,
d limb imagine leaving a glass of salt water on a windowsill for a week or
limb more. The salt will become more concentrated over time because
urea water is lost by evaporation. In the same way, blood solutes become
vvasa recta
more concentrated if the water lost daily isn’t replaced by drink-
ing. In response to increased blood osmolarity, the hypothalamus
Inner collecting
medulla loop of Henle duct will produce ADH, which is then released from the posterior pitu-
itary. ADH is transported to the cells of the collecting duct. There,
it causes specialized cell membrane channels called aquaporins
Figure 16.7 Reabsorption of water at the loop of to open. Water diffuses from the collecting duct to the interstitial
Henle and the collecting duct. A hypertonic environment in the space of the kidney through these aquaporins. Thus, more water is
tissues of the medulla of a kidney draws water out of the de- reabsorbed into the blood, blood volume and blood pressure rise,
scending limb and the collecting duct. This water is returned to and less urine is formed. On the other hand, if an individual drinks
the cardiovascular system. The thick black line means the ascend-
a large amount of water and does not perspire much, ADH is not
ing limb is impermeable to water. In the distal convoluted tubule
released. Collecting duct aquaporins remain closed, more urine
and collecting duct, water permeability is hormone dependent.
forms, and more water is excreted.

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Reabsorption of Electrolytes not sufficient to promote glomerular filtration, the juxtaglomer-
ular apparatus secretes renin. Renin is an enzyme that changes
As previously discussed, the osmolarity of body fluids is depen-
angiotensinogen (a large plasma protein produced by the liver)
dent upon the concentration of particular electrolytes within the
into angiotensin I. Later, angiotensin I is converted in the lungs to
fluids. Electrolytes are compounds and molecules that are able to
angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor that also stimulates the
ionize and, thus, carry an electrical current. The kidneys regulate
adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. The reabsorption of sodium
electrolyte excretion and therefore help control blood composition.
ions is followed by the reabsorption of water. Therefore, blood
volume and blood pressure increase.
The Electrolytes
The most common electrolytes in the plasma are sodium (Na1), Atrial Natriuretic Hormone (ANH)
chloride (Cl2), and bicarbonate (HCO32). The most common elec- Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH—sometimes referred to as
trolytes in the intracellular fluid are potassium (K1) and phosphate atrial natriuretic peptide) is a hormone secreted by the atria of
(PO423). Na1 and K1 are termed cations because they are posi- the heart when cardiac cells are stretched due to increased blood
tively charged. Cl2, HCO32, and PO423 are termed anions because volume. ANH inhibits the secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular
they are negatively charged (see Chapter 2). apparatus and the secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex.
Sodium You’ll remember that the movement of Na1 across an Its effect, therefore, is to promote the excretion of Na1, called
axon membrane is necessary to the formation of a nerve natriuresis. When Na1 is excreted, so is water, and therefore blood
action potential signal and also to muscle contraction. The volume and blood pressure decrease.
concentration of Na1 in the blood is also the best indicator of
the blood’s osmolarity.
Potassium The movement of K1 across an axon membrane is Diuretics are chemicals that increase the flow of urine. Drinking
also necessary to the formation of a nerve action potential alcohol causes diuresis because it inhibits the secretion of ADH.
and muscle contraction. Abnormally low K1 concentrations The dehydration that follows is believed to contribute to the symp-
in the blood, as might occur if diuretics are abused, can lead toms of a hangover. Caffeine is a diuretic because it increases the
to cardiac arrest. glomerular filtration rate and decreases the tubular reabsorption of
Bicarbonate ion HCO32 is the form in which carbon dioxide is Na1. Diuretic drugs developed to counteract high blood pressure
carried in the blood. The bicarbonate ion has the very cause water reabsorption to diminish. Subsequently, blood pressure
important function of helping maintain the pH of the blood, decreases because cardiac output is diminished.
as will be discussed later in this section.
Other ions The plasma contains many other ions. For example,
calcium ions (Ca22) and monohydrogen phosphate ions Begin Thinking Clinically
(HPO422) are important to bone formation and cellular
metabolism. Their absorption from the intestine and Two categories of diuretic drugs are separately classified as
excretion by the kidneys is regulated by hormones, as loop diuretics and aldosterone antagonists. Where in the kid-
discussed in Chapter 10. ney tubule would each of these function? How does each cat-
egory work? Can you name a trade/generic version for each?
Answers and discussion in Appendix A.
The Kidneys
More than 99% of sodium (Na1) filtered at the glomerulus is re-
turned to the blood. Most sodium (67%) is reabsorbed at the prox- Acid–Base Balance
imal convoluted tubule, and a sizable amount (25%) is actively
The pH scale, as discussed in Chapter 2, can be used to indicate the
transported from the tubule by the ascending limb of the loop of
basicity (alkalinity) or the acidity of body fluids. A basic solution
Henle. The rest is reabsorbed from the distal convoluted tubule and
has a lower hydrogen ion concentration [H1] than the neutral pH
collecting duct.
of 7.0. An acidic solution has a greater [H1] than neutral pH. The
normal pH for body fluids ranges between 7.35 and 7.45. This is
Aldosterone the pH at which our proteins, such as cellular enzymes, function
Hormones control the reabsorption of sodium and water in the distal properly. If the blood pH rises above 7.45, a person is said to have
portion of the renal tubule. Aldosterone, a hormone secreted by the alkalosis, and if the blood pH decreases below 7.35, a person is
adrenal cortex, promotes the excretion of potassium ions (K1) and said to have acidosis. If severe, alkalosis and acidosis are condi-
the reabsorption of sodium ions (Na1). Water is subsequently reab- tions that will need medical attention.
sorbed by osmosis. Aldosterone acts on the ascending limb of the The foods we eat add basic or acidic substances to the blood,
loop of Henle, the distal convoluted tubule, and the collecting ducts. and so does metabolism. For example, cellular respiration adds
The release of aldosterone is set in motion by the kidneys carbon dioxide that combines with water to form carbonic acid, and
themselves. The juxtaglomerular apparatus is a region of con- fermentation adds lactic acid. The pH of body fluids stays within
tact between the afferent arteriole and the distal convoluted tubule the normal range via several mechanisms, primarily acid–base buf-
(Fig. 16.8). When blood volume, and therefore blood pressure, is fer systems, the respiratory center, and the kidneys.

382 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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convoluted glomerular
tubule capsule
collecting duct
distal efferent tubule
convoluted arteriole


Figure 16.8 Juxtaglomerular apparatus. (a) This
drawing shows that the afferent arteriole and the distal convoluted
tubule usually lie next to each other. The juxtaglomerular appara-
tus occurs where they touch. (b) The juxtaglomerular apparatus
secretes renin, a substance that leads to the release of aldoste-
rone by the adrenal cortex. Reabsorption of sodium ions followed
by water then occurs. Therefore, blood volume and blood pres-
sure increase.

Acid–Base Buffer Systems These reactions temporarily prevent any significant change in
Normally, the pH of the blood stays near 7.4 because the blood is blood pH. A blood buffer, however, can be overwhelmed unless
buffered. A buffer is a chemical or a combination of chemicals that some more permanent adjustment is made. The next adjustment to
can take up excess hydrogen ions (H1) or excess hydroxide ions keep the pH of the blood constant occurs at pulmonary capillaries.
(OH2). Proteins are the primary buffers of both the intracellular
and extracellular fluid. Their amino acids can combine with or Respiratory Regulation of Acid–Base Balance
release hydrogen ions as needed. One of the most important buffers As discussed in Chapter 14, the respiratory center in the medulla
in the blood is a combination of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and bicar- oblongata increases the breathing rate, as well as the depth of res-
bonate ions (HCO32). Carbonic acid is a weak acid that minimally piration, if the hydrogen ion concentration of the blood rises. This
dissociates and re-forms in the following manner: change rids the body of hydrogen ions because the following reac-
tion takes place in pulmonary capillaries:
H2CO3 dissociates H+ + HCO3–
carbonic re-forms hydrogen bicarbonate
acid ion ion H+ + HCO3– H2CO3 H2O + CO2

When hydrogen ions (H1) are added to blood, the following reac-
tion occurs: In other words, when CO2 is exhaled, H1 ions recombine with HCO32
ions to form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid then dissociates, forming
H+ + HCO3– H2CO3 more carbon dioxide to be exhaled. H1 ions are now no longer free in
solution, but tied up harmlessly with water. Increasing respiratory rate
provides a rapid way to remove excess free H1 ions from blood. In
When hydroxide ions (OH2) are added to blood, this reaction occurs: contrast, when blood H1 falls, respiration decreases (hypoventilation),
allowing CO2 to build up. More H1 is produced and balance is restored.
OH– + H2CO3 HCO3– + H2O It is important to have the correct proportion of carbonic
acid and bicarbonate ions in the blood. Breathing readjusts this

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 383

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proportion so that this particular acid–base buffer system can con-
tinue to absorb both H1 and OH2 as needed. Content CHECK-UP!
7. Which of the following statements about body water is
Renal Regulation of Acid–Base Balance correct?
As powerful as the acid–base buffer and the respiratory center a. Males have a higher percentage of body water by weight
mechanisms are, only the kidneys can rid the body of a wide than females.
range of acidic and basic substances and otherwise adjust the pH. b. Most of the body’s water is found inside cells.
The kidneys are slower acting than the other two mechanisms, but c. Water can be lost from the body in exhaled air.
they have a more powerful effect on pH. For the sake of simplic- d. A portion of daily water intake comes from water produced
ity, we can think of the kidneys as reabsorbing bicarbonate ions during metabolism.
and excreting hydrogen ions as needed to maintain the normal e. All of these statements are correct.
pH of the blood (Fig. 16.9). If the blood is acidic, hydrogen ions 8. Which hormone is produced by the hypothalamus and re-
are excreted and bicarbonate ions are reabsorbed. If the blood is leased from the posterior pituitary?
basic, hydrogen ions are not excreted and bicarbonate ions are
a. atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH)
not reabsorbed. Because the urine is usually acidic, it follows that
an excess of hydrogen ions is usually excreted. Ammonia (NH3) b. aldosterone
provides a means for buffering these hydrogen ions in urine. Am- c. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
monia (whose presence is quite obvious in the diaper pail or kitty d. angiotensin
litter box) is produced by the deamination of amino acids in both 9. Compare and contrast the effects of aldosterone and atrial
liver and kidney tubule cells. Ammonia is a basic molecule that natriuretic hormone on blood pressure.
diffuses easily through tubule cells into the urine. Once there, it Answers in Appendix A.
combines with hydrogen ions to form ammonium ions (NH41) by
this reaction:

16.4 Problems with Kidney Function

NH3 + H+ NH4+ 10. State, in general, the normal composition of urine and the benefits of
doing a urinalysis.
11. Discuss the need for hemodialysis and how hemodialysis functions
to bring about the normal composition of urine.
Ammonium ions cannot diffuse back out of the kidney tubules
and pass out of the body in the urine. Phosphate provides another
means of buffering hydrogen ions in urine. The composition of normal urine is given in Table 16.3. Water
The importance of the kidneys’ ultimate control over the pH of accounts for almost all of the volume of urine (95%). The remaining
the blood cannot be overemphasized. As mentioned, the enzymes 5% consists of electrolytes and various solutes, including nitroge-
of cells cannot continue to function if the internal environment nous end products and substances derived from drugs. Notice that
does not have near-normal pH.
TABLE 16.3 Composition of Urine
Water 95%
capillary Solids 5%
Organic nitrogenous wastes
(per 1,500 ml of urine)
Urea 30 g
kidney tubule Creatinine 1–2 g
Ammonia 1–2 g
Uric acid 1g
Electrolytes 25 g
Positive Negative
Figure 16.9 Acid–base balance. In the kidneys, bicarbonate 1
ions (HCO32) are reabsorbed and hydrogen ions (H1) are Sodium (Na ) Chlorides (Cl2)
excreted as needed to maintain the pH of the blood. Excess Potassium (K1) Sulfates (SO422)
hydrogen ions are buffered, for example, by ammonia (NH3),
Magnesium (Mg21) Phosphates (PO432)
which becomes ammonium (NH41). Ammonia is produced in
tubule cells by the deamination of amino acids. Calcium (Ca21)

384 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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urine is typically free of proteins and blood cells because they are accumulate in the blood. This condition is called uremia. Although
not filtered at the glomerulus. nitrogenous wastes can cause serious damage, the retention of water
Urinalysis is an examination of the physical, chemical, and and salts is of even greater concern. The latter causes edema, fluid
microscopic properties of the urine. A urinalysis is done to help de- accumulation in the body tissues. Imbalance in the ionic composition
termine the state of the body. As discussed in the Focus on Foren- of body fluids can lead to loss of consciousness and to heart failure.
sics on page 386, the composition of the urine changes if disease
has altered body metabolism or if kidney function is abnormal.
Abnormal substances in urine and abnormal quantities of normal Hemodialysis
constituents are both matters of concern. Patients with renal failure can undergo hemodialysis, utilizing
Many types of illnesses, especially diabetes, hypertension, and either an artificial renal dialysis machine or continuous ambula-
inherited conditions, cause progressive renal disease and renal fail- tory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Dialysis is defined as the dif-
ure. Infections of the urinary tract are fairly common, particularly in fusion of dissolved molecules through a semipermeable natural
females because the urethra is considerably shorter than that of the or synthetic membrane having pore sizes that allow only small
male. If the infection is localized in the urethra, it is called urethritis. molecules to pass through. In an artificial renal dialysis machine
If the infection invades the urinary bladder, it is called cystitis. Finally, (Fig. 16.10), the patient’s blood is passed through a membranous
if the kidneys are affected, the infection is called pyelonephritis. tube, which is in contact with a dialysis solution, or dialysate.
Renal calculi are commonly referred to as kidney stones, and Substances more concentrated in the blood diffuse into the dial-
most are made from calcium compounds (salts). Most kidney stone ysate, and substances more concentrated in the dialysate diffuse
sufferers have an inherited condition in which their urine contains into the blood. The dialysate is continuously replaced to maintain
excessively high calcium levels. Kidney stones can be extremely pain- favorable concentration gradients. In this way, the artificial kidney
ful, and if large enough, can cause permanent kidney damage. If they can be utilized either to extract substances from blood, including
cannot be safely passed, kidney stones can be broken into smaller bits waste products or toxic chemicals and drugs, or to add substances
using sound waves, in a technique called extracorporeal shock-wave to blood—for example, bicarbonate ions (HCO32) if the blood is
lithotripsy. In some cases, kidney stones must be surgically removed. acidic. In the course of a three- to six-hour hemodialysis, from
Glomerular damage sometimes leads to blockage of the glom- 50 to 250 grams of urea can be removed from a patient, which
eruli so that glomerular filtration either does not occur or allows greatly exceeds the amount excreted by normal kidneys. Therefore,
large substances to pass through. This is detected when a urinalysis a patient needs to undergo treatment only about twice a week.
is done. If the glomeruli are too permeable, albumin, white blood CAPD is so named because the peritoneal lining of the
cells, or even red blood cells appear in the urine. A trace amount of abdominal cavity is the dialysis membrane. A fresh amount of di-
protein in the urine is usually not a matter of concern. alysate is introduced directly into the abdominal cavity from a bag
When glomerular damage is so extensive that more than two- that is temporarily attached to a permanently implanted plastic tube.
thirds of the nephrons are inoperative, urea and other waste substances The dialysate flows into the peritoneal cavity by gravity. Waste and

blood semipermeable
blood flow


fresh dialysate used dialysate (contains

urea and excess salts)

Figure 16.10 An artificial kidney machine. As the patient’s blood is pumped through dialysis tubing, it is exposed to a dialysate
(dialysis solution). Wastes exit from blood into the solution because of a preestablished concentration gradient. In this way, blood is
not only cleansed, but its water–salt and acid–base balances can also be adjusted.

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Since ancient times, urinalysis has been used to diagnose disease. As freshly voided urine. The test strip contains monoclonal antibodies (see
early as 600 b.c., Hindu physicians in India noted that the urine of a dia- pages 306 and 312) specific for metabolites of street drugs. Strips can
betic was sweet to the taste. In diabetes mellitus, blood glucose is abnor- test for 12 or more different drugs at once, but most screen for five com-
mally high, either because insulin-secreting cells have been destroyed or monly abused drugs: marijuana, amphetamine, PCP, cocaine, and opi-
because cell receptors don’t respond to the insulin that is present. Thus, ates such as heroin. Urine strip testing will give results within minutes,
the filtrate level of glucose is extremely high, and the proximal convo- but certain legal, over-the-counter medications can give false-positive
luted tubule can’t reabsorb it all. Tasting urine to diagnose diabetes per- results. If a sample tests positive, it can be immediately sent for a
sisted through the 1800s (thankfully, modern techniques have made it sophisticated chemical analysis such as gas chromatography. Tracking
obsolete). Similarly, the great Greek physician Hippocrates studied and long-term drug use may require using hair samples as well as urine
wrote about urinalysis, producing perhaps the first written work about samples because drug metabolites can be incorporated into the hair.
renal failure. Hippocrates noted that shaking the urine of renal failure The urine specimen must be properly collected to avoid possible
patients produced frothy bubbles at the surface of the sample. Today, we tampering by the individual being tested. Specimens can be altered by
know that the froth is a sign of proteinuria, or protein in the urine. Pro- simple dilution with sink or toilet water, or by contaminating the sam-
teinuria indicates that the glomerulus is more permeable than normal, ple with any number of additives. Bleach, drain cleaner, soft drinks,
and is an early indicator of chronic renal failure. etc., can be used, as well as products specifically sold for the express
Today, the use of urinalysis has expanded beyond medical appli- purpose of “helping to beat a drug screen.” Drug abusers may also
cations to include forensic diagnosis of drug abuse. Screening for attempt to substitute the urine of a “clean” individual for their own.
illegal drug use is now mandated by federal and state agencies as a Tampering may be prevented by simply requiring the presence of a
condition of employment, and most private employers now require it witness at all times while the sample is being collected and stored. In
as well. Urinalysis can be court ordered if drug abuse is involved in addition, proper documentation must accompany any urine sample.
the commission of a crime. The National Collegiate Athletic Associa- Chain-of-custody forms record each step of the handling of a speci-
tion requires all student athletes to undergo testing, as do many high men, from collection to disposal. This provides proof of everything
school athletic programs. that happens to the specimen, and prevents the possibility of the spec-
Urinalysis is not used to screen for the drugs themselves, but for imen being rejected as evidence in court proceedings.
drug metabolites—the breakdown products of drugs that are consumed The goal of any forensic urinalysis testing program should go
or injected. Once in the body, drugs are metabolized by the liver and beyond mere detection of illegal drug use. The more important aim of
filtered by the kidney. Thus, metabolites will be present in the urine of screening should be intervention. With proper treatment and counsel-
a drug abuser. Two types of techniques can be used for metabolite ing, drug abusers can overcome addiction and lead healthier and more
detection. The first, a screening exam, involves a test strip placed into productive lives.

salt molecules pass from the blood vessels in the abdominal wall is 97% if the kidney is received from a relative and 90% if it is
into the dialysate before the fluid is collected four or eight hours received from a nonrelative. Even with a successful surgery, the
later. The solution is drained into a bag from the abdominal cavity transplant patient must take antirejection medication for the rest
by gravity, and then it is discarded. One advantage of CAPD over of his or her life.
an artificial kidney machine is that the individual can go about
his or her normal activities during CAPD. However, CAPD is not
appropriate for all patients with renal failure. Because the abdomi- Content CHECK-UP!
nal cavity has a permanent opening, the patient must be carefully
10. Which are not normally found in urine? Choose all that apply.
trained and very diligent with sterile technique to avoid causing
abdominal infection (peritonitis). a. hydrogen ions d. urochrome
b. proteins e. creatinine
c. glucose
Renal Transplantation
11. Dialysis is used to treat:
Patients with renal failure sometimes undergo a kidney trans-
a. diabetes mellitus. c. kidney failure.
plant operation, during which a functioning kidney from a donor
is received. As with all organ transplants, there is the possibility b. high blood pressure. d. kidney stones.
of organ rejection. Receiving a kidney from a close relative has Answers in Appendix A.
the highest chance of success. The current one-year survival rate

386 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer

The prostate gland, which is part of the male reproductive system, be used, and there are several belonging to this category: terazosin,
surrounds the urethra at the point where the urethra leaves the urinary doxazosin, tamsulosin, alfuzosin. All relax muscle tissue in the pros-
bladder. The prostate gland produces and adds a fluid to semen as tate. However, these drugs do not shrink the prostate. Often, treatment
semen passes through the urethra within the penis. At about age 50, involves using combinations of drugs from each category.
a man’s prostate often begins to enlarge, growing from the size of a If medication fails to help relieve the symptoms of BPH, a more
walnut to that of a lime or even a lemon. This condition is called invasive procedure can reduce the size of the prostate. Prostate tissue can
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostate enlargement is due to be destroyed by applying microwaves to a specific portion of the prostate,
a prostate enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme acts on the or by using laser or ultrasound. In many cases, however, a physician may
male hormone testosterone, converting it into a substance that pro- decide that prostate tissue should be removed surgically. Rather than per-
motes prostate growth. That growth is normal during puberty, but forming abdominal surgery, which requires an incision in the abdomen,
continued growth in an adult is undesirable. As it enlarges, the pros- the physician can often access the prostate via the urethra in an operation
tate squeezes the urethra, causing urine to back up—first into the called transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). This commonly
bladder, then into the ureters, and finally, perhaps, into the kidneys. used procedure is successful in approximately 97% of patients.
If the bladder can’t be completely emptied, the patient is at risk for Many men are concerned that BPH may be associated with pros-
infection and formation of kidney stones. tate cancer, but the two conditions are not necessarily related. BPH
The treatment for BPH begins by taking dietary supplements or occurs in the inner zone of the prostate, while cancer tends to develop
drugs that are expected to shrink the prostate and/or improve urine flow. in the outer area. If prostate cancer is suspected, blood tests and a
The first, saw palmetto, is sold in tablet form as an over-the-counter biopsy, in which a tiny sample of prostate tissue is surgically removed,
nutrient supplement. It is believed to interfere with the action of 5-alpha will confirm the diagnosis.
reductase. It should not be taken without medical supervision, but it is Although prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in
particularly effective during the early stages of prostate enlargement. men, it is not a major killer. Typically, the most common form of prostate
The prescription drugs finasteride and dutasteride are more powerful cancer is so slow growing that the survival rate is about 98% if the condi-
inhibitors of the enzyme, but erectile dysfunction and loss of libido are tion is detected early. Treatment typically consists of surgery to remove
common side effects. Drugs called alpha-adrenergic blockers can also the prostate, along with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy.

16.5 Effects of Aging than half that of a young adult and often contains residual urine.
Therefore, urination is more urgent and frequent.
12. Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the
urinary system as we age.
Content CHECK-UP!
Urinary disorders are significant causes of illness and death among
12. Many changes occur in the kidneys as people age. The
the elderly. Total renal function in an elderly individual may be only
change that seems to affect renal efficiency most is:
50% of that of the young adult. With increasing age, the kidneys
decrease in size and have significantly fewer nephrons. However, a. degenerating glomeruli.
vascular changes may play a more significant role in declining b. improper diet and fluid intake.
renal efficiency than renal tissue loss. Microscopic examination c. kidney stones.
shows many degenerate glomeruli through which blood no longer d. prostate problems.
flows and many other glomeruli that are completely destroyed. Answer in Appendix A.
Kidney stones occur more frequently with age, possibly as a
result of improper diet, inadequate fluid intake, and kidney infec-
tions. Infections of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys in-
crease in frequency among the elderly. Enlargement of the prostate 16.6 Homeostasis
occurs in males and, as is discussed in the Medical Focus, Prostate 13. Describe how the urinary system works with other systems of the
Enlargement and Prostate Cancer, this can lead to urine retention body to maintain homeostasis.
and kidney disease. Cancer of the prostate and bladder are the most
common cancers of the urogenital system. The illustration in Human Systems Work Together on page 388
The involuntary loss of urine, called incontinence, increases tells how the urinary system works with the other systems of the
with age. The bladder of an elderly person has a capacity of less body to help maintain homeostasis.

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 387

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Human Systems Work Together URINARY SYSTEM

Integumentary System Cardiovascular System

Kidneys compensate for Kidneys filter blood and

water loss due to sweat- How the Urinary System excrete wastes; maintain
ing; activate vitamin D works with other body blood volume, pressure,
precursor made by skin. systems. and pH; produce renin and
Skin helps regulate water
loss; sweat glands carry on Blood vessels deliver
some excretion. waste to be excreted;
blood pressure aids kidney
function; heart produces
Skeletal System atrial natriuretic hormone.

Kidneys provide active

vitamin D for Ca2+ Lymphatic System/Immunity
absorption and help
maintain blood level of Kidneys control volume
Ca2+, needed for bone of body fluids, including
growth and repair. lymph.
Bones provide support Lymphatic system picks
and protection. up excess tissue fluid,
helping to maintain blood
pressure for kidneys to
Muscular System function; immune system
kidney protects against
Kidneys maintain blood infections.
levels of Na+, K+, and ureter
Ca2+, which are needed
for muscle contraction, urinary bladder Respiratory System
and eliminate creatinine, a
muscle waste. Kidneys compensate for
water lost through respi-
Smooth muscular contrac- ratory tract; work with
tion assists voiding of lungs to maintain blood
urine; skeletal muscles pH.
support and help protect
urinary organs. Lungs excrete carbon
dioxide, provide oxygen,
and convert angiotensin
Nervous System l to angiotensin ll, leading
to kidney regulation.
Kidneys maintain blood
levels of Na+, K+, and
Ca2+, which are needed Digestive System
for nerve conduction.
Kidneys convert vitamin D
Brain controls nerves, to active form needed for
which innervate muscles Ca2+ absorption; compen-
that permit urination. sate for any water loss by
Reproductive System digestive tract.

Endocrine System Semen is discharged Liver synthesizes urea;

through the urethra in digestive tract excretes
Kidneys keep blood values males; kidneys excrete bile pigments from liver
within normal limits so that wastes and maintain and provides nutrients.
transport of hormones electrolyte levels for
continues. mother and child.

ADH, aldosterone, and atrial Penis in males contains

natriuretic hormone regulate the urethra and performs
reabsorption and secretion urination; prostate enlarge-
of Na+ and K+ by the kidney. ment hinders urination.

lon96431_ch16_372-391.indd 388 18/11/15 11:37 AM

Recall that excretion means to rid the body of a metabolic nor is glomerular filtration possible in the kidneys themselves. The
waste. Using this definition, it is possible to classify three other kidneys and the endocrine system work together to help maintain
organs in addition to the kidneys as excretory organs: blood pressure. The production of renin by the kidneys and subse-
quently the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sequence help to ensure
1. The sweat glands in the skin excrete perspiration, which is a
that the sodium (Na1) concentration of the blood, and therefore
solution of water, salt, and some urea. Although perspiration
osmolarity and blood pressure, stay normal. The lymphatic system
is a form of excretion, we perspire more to cool the body
assists the urinary system because it makes a significant contribu-
than to rid it of wastes. In times of kidney failure, urea is
tion to blood pressure by picking up excess tissue fluid and return-
excreted by the sweat glands and forms a so-called uremic
ing it to the cardiovascular veins.
frost on the skin.
Aside from producing renin, the kidneys assist the endocrine
2. The liver breaks down hemoglobin and excretes bile pig-
system and also the cardiovascular system by producing erythro-
ments, which are derived from heme. Bile pigments are
poietin. Erythropoietin stimulates red bone marrow to produce
incorporated into bile, a substance stored in the gallbladder
red blood cells. The kidneys assist the skeletal, nervous, and mus-
before it passes into the small intestine by way of ducts.
cular systems by helping to regulate the amount of calcium ions
The yellow pigment found in urine, called urochrome, also is
(Ca21) in the blood. The kidneys convert vitamin D to its active
derived from the breakdown of heme, but this pigment is
form needed for Ca21 absorption by the digestive tract, and they
deposited in blood and is subsequently excreted by the
regulate the excretion of electrolytes, including Ca21. The kid-
kidneys. As you know, the liver also produces urea—our main
neys also regulate the sodium (Na1) and potassium (K1) content
nitrogenous end product—which is excreted by the kidneys.
of the blood. These ions are necessary to the contraction of the
3. The lungs excrete carbon dioxide. The process of exhalation
heart and other muscles in the body, and are also needed for nerve
not only removes carbon dioxide, but also results in the loss
of water. The air we exhale contains moisture, as demon-
We have already described how the kidneys work with the
strated by breathing onto a cool mirror.
cardiovascular system and the respiratory system to maintain the
The kidneys are the primary organs of excretion. They excrete acid–base balance (pages 382–384). This is a critical function to
almost all of our nitrogenous wastes—namely urea, creatinine, and prevent the occurrence of life-threatening alkalosis or acidosis.
uric acid. The liver makes urea, and muscles make creatinine. Urea This function must be performed by a machine when people
is the end product of protein metabolism, and creatinine is a break- undergo hemodialysis. So, while we tend to remember that the
down product of creatine phosphate, a molecule that stores energy kidneys excrete urea, we must also keep in mind all the other func-
in muscles. Uric acid is produced by cells when they break down tions of the kidneys that are absolutely essential to homeostasis.
nucleotides. Nitrogenous wastes are carried by the cardiovascular
system to the kidneys. In this way, the cardiovascular system and
the kidneys work together to clear the blood of nitrogenous end Content CHECK-UP!
products. The excretion of nitrogenous wastes may not be as criti-
13. List three organs (other than urinary organs) that excrete
cal as maintaining the water–salt and the acid–base balances, but it wastes. What substances do they excrete?
is still necessary because urea is a toxic substance.
14. How do the kidneys act as endocrine organs?
The kidneys are the primary organs of homeostasis because
they maintain the water–electrolyte and the acid–base balances of 15. The kidneys maintain homeostatic balance for three ions that
the blood. If blood does not have the usual water–salt balance, are critical for survival. What are they?
blood volume and blood pressure are affected. Without adequate Answers in Appendix A.
blood pressure, exchange across capillary walls cannot take place,

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms erythropoietin (ē-rĭthrō-pōy-ē9tĭn), p. 373 loop of Henle (lūp ŭv Hĕn9lē), p. 376
aldosterone (ăl-dŏs9tŭh-rōn), p. 382 excretion (ĕks-krē9shŭn), p. 373 micturition (mĭktū-rĭsh9ŭn), p. 375
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (ăntĭ-dīŭ-rĕt9ĭk glomerular capsule (glō-mār9yū-lĕr kăp9sŭl), nephron (nĕf9rŏn), p. 375
hŏr9mōn), p. 381 p. 375 peritubular capillary network (pĕrĭ-tū9byū-lĕr
atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) (ā9trē-ăl glomerular filtrate (glō-mār9yū-lĕr fĭl9trāt), p. 377 kăp9ĭ-lārē nĕt9wĕrk), p. 375
nātrē-yū-rĕt9ĭk hŏr9mōn), p. 382 glomerular filtration (glō-mār9yū-lĕr fĭl- prostate gland (prŏs9tāt glănd), p. 374
buffer (bŭf9ĕr), p. 383 trā9shŭn), p. 377 proximal convoluted tubule (prŏk9sĭ-măl
collecting duct (kŭh-lĕk9tĭng dŭkt), p. 376 glomerulus (glō-mār9yū-lŭs), p. 375 kŏn9vō-lū-tĕd tū9byūl), p. 375
creatinine (krē-ăt9ĭ-nēn), p. 373 hilum (hī9lŭm), p. 374 renal artery (rē9nŭl ăr9tĕ-rē), p. 374
distal convoluted tubule (dĭs9tăl kŏn9vō-lūt-ĕd juxtaglomerular apparatus (jŭkstŭh-glō- renal corpuscle (rē9nŭl kŏr9pŭs-ĕl), p. 375
tū9byūl), p. 376 mār9yū-lĕr ăpŭh-ră9tŭs), p. 382 renal cortex (rē9nŭl kŏr9tĕks), p. 375
electrolytes (ē-lĕk9trŭh-lītz9), p. 382 kidney (kĭd9nē), p. 374 renal medulla (rē9nŭl mĕ-dū9lŭh), p. 375

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 389

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renal pelvis (rē9nŭl pĕl9vĭs), p. 375 uric acid (yū-rĭk ăs9ĭd), p. 373 diuretic (dī-yū-rĕt9ĭk), p. 382
renal tubule (rē9nŭl tū9byūl), p. 375 urinary bladder (yūr9ĭn-ār-ē blăd9ĕr), p. 374 gout (gŏwt), p. 373
renal vein (rē9nŭl vān), p. 374 vasa recta (vā9să rĕc9tă), p. 381 hemodialysis (hē-mō-dī-ăl9ĭ-sĭs), p. 385
renin (rē9nĭn), p. 382 incontinence (ĭn-cŏn9tĭn-ĕnts), p. 387
tubular reabsorption (tū9byū-lĕr rēăb- Clinical Key Terms pyelonephritis (pīlō-nĕf-rī9tĭs), p. 385
sŏrp9shŭn), p. 379 acidosis (ăsĭ-dō9sĭs), p. 382 renal calculi (rē9nŭl căl9kyū-lī), p. 385
tubular secretion (tū9byū-lĕr sĕ-krē9shŭn), alkalosis (ălkŭh-lō9sĭs), p. 382 uremia (yū-rē9mē-ŭh), p. 385
p. 379 urethritis (yū-rē-thrī9tĭs), p. 385
benign prostatic hyperplasia (bĭ-nīn9
urea (yū-rē9ŭh), p. 373 prăhs-tăt9ĭk hīpĕr-plā9zē-ŭh), p. 387 urinalysis (yū-rĭ-năl9ĭ-sĭs), p. 385
ureters (yū-rē9tĕrz), p. 374 cystitis (sĭs9tī9tĭs), p. 385
urethra (yū-rē9thrŭh), p. 374 dialysate (dī-ăl9ĭ-sāt), p. 385

16.1 Urinary System tubule have many mitochondria respiratory center has regulated
A. The kidneys excrete nitrogenous and microvilli to carry out reab- the breathing rate to control the
wastes, including urea, uric acid, sorption, which is active transport excretion of carbon dioxide at
and creatinine. They maintain from the tubule to the blood. In pulmonary capillaries. The kid-
the normal water–salt balance, contrast, the cuboidal epithelial neys largely control acid–base
blood pressure, and acid–base cells of the distal convoluted tu- balance by excreting hydrogen
balance of the blood, as well as bule have numerous mitochondria ions and reabsorbing bicarbon-
influencing the secretion of but lack microvilli. They carry out ate ions as needed.
certain hormones. secretion, which is active trans- 16.4 Problems with Kidney Function
B. The kidneys produce urine, port from the blood to the tubule. Various types of urinary problems,
which is conducted by the ure- C. The steps in urine formation are including repeated urinary infec-
ters to the bladder, where it is glomerular filtration, tubular tions, can lead to renal failure.
stored before being released by reabsorption, and tubular A. Hemodialysis uses machines to
way of the urethra. secretion. mimic the function of the kidneys
C. Urine is eliminated from the 16.3 Regulatory Functions of the Kidneys by removing wastes from the
body via a reflex called micturi- A. The kidneys regulate the fluid blood. Some patients use CAPD
tion. Stretch receptors in the wall and electrolyte balance of the to cleanse their blood.
of the urinary bladder begin this body. Water comes into the body B. Patients in kidney failure might
reflex, which ends in the relax- by drinking, in food, and as a by- undergo a kidney transplant.
ation of two urinary sphincters: product of metabolism. Water Success rates of this procedure
the internal sphincter, made of leaves the body through urine, are high, especially when donors
smooth muscle, and the external sweat, exhalation, and feces. and recipients have similar tis-
sphincter, which is made of B. Water is reabsorbed from certain sue types and immunosuppres-
skeletal muscle. parts of the tubule, and the loop of sant drugs are used.
16.2 Anatomy of the Kidney and Excretion Henle establishes an osmotic gra- 16.5 Effects of Aging
Macroscopically, the kidneys are di- dient that draws water from the Kidney function declines with age.
vided into the renal cortex, renal descending loop and also from Also, kidney stones, infections,
medulla, and renal pelvis. the collecting duct. The permeabil- and urination problems are more
A. Microscopically, the kidneys con- ity of the collecting duct is under common.
tain nephrons. Each nephron has the control of the hormone ADH. 16.6 Homeostasis
its own blood supply. Blood in the C. The reabsorption of salt in- The kidneys work with other organs
afferent arteriole flows into the creases blood volume and pres- in the body to excrete wastes. The
glomerulus, a knot of capillaries. sure because more water is also sweat glands of the integumentary
Blood in the efferent arteriole reabsorbed. Two other hor- system excrete excess water, salts,
flows out of the glomerulus and mones, aldosterone and ANH, and urea. The liver excretes prod-
immediately enters the peritubular control the kidneys’ reabsorption ucts of the breakdown of hemoglo-
capillary network. of sodium (Na1) and water and bin, while the lungs excrete carbon
B. Each region of the nephron is ana- the secretion of potassium (K1). dioxide. The kidneys are the primary
tomically suited to its task in urine D. The kidneys regulate the acid– organs of homeostasis: they main-
formation. The spaces between base balance of the blood. tain water–electrolyte balance and
the podocytes of the glomerular Before the work of the kidneys acid–base balance. These in turn af-
capsule allow small molecules to begins, the acid–base buffer fect blood volume and blood pres-
enter the capsule from the glom- systems of the blood have func- sure. The kidneys also act as
erulus. The cuboidal epithelial tioned to keep the pH temporar- endocrine organs to secrete renin
cells of the proximal convoluted ily under control; also, the and erythropoietin.

390 PART IV Maintenance of the Body

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Study Questions
1. List and explain four functions of the 6. Name the parts of a nephron, and tell 9. Describe the action of antidiuretic
urinary system. (pp. 373–374) how the structure of the convoluted tu- hormone (ADH), the renin-aldosterone
2. Trace the path of urine, and describe bules suits their respective functions. connection, and atrial natriuretic hor-
the function of each organ mentioned. (pp. 375–377) mone (ANH). (pp. 381–382)
(p. 374) 7. State and describe the three steps of 10. How do the kidneys maintain the pH
3. Explain how urination is controlled. urine formation. (pp. 377–379) of the blood within normal limits?
(p. 375) 8. Where in particular are salt and water (pp. 382–384)
4. Describe the detailed anatomy of a reabsorbed along the length of the 11. Explain the two techniques which can
kidney. (pp. 375–377) nephron? Describe the contribution of be used for renal dialysis.
5. Trace the path of blood around the the loop of Henle. (pp. 377–381) (pp. 385–386)
nephron. (pp. 375–379)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 6. The outer granulated layer of the  10. At which parts of the nephron does
1. In addition to excreting nitrogenous kidney is the renal , and tubular secretion occur? .
wastes, the kidneys adjust the the renal is composed of  11. Reabsorption of water from the
, , and cone-shaped tissue masses called collecting duct is regulated by the
balance of the blood. renal . hormone .
2. The primary nitrogenous end product 7. The capillary tuft inside the  12. A is a chemical that can
of humans is . glomerular capsule is called the combine with either hydrogen ions or
3. The accumulation of uric acid crystals . hydroxide ions, depending on the pH
in a joint cavity produces a condition 8. is a substance that is of the solution.
called . found in the filtrate, is reabsorbed,  13. The lungs are organs of excretion
4. Urine is carried from the kidneys to and is present in urine. because they rid the body of
the urinary bladder by a pair of 9. is a substance that is .
tubes called . found in the filtrate, is not
5. Urine leaves the bladder in the reabsorbed, and is concentrated in
. urine.

Medical Terminology Exercise

After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. hematuria (hĕmŭh-tū-rē9ŭh) 5. antidiuretic (ăntĭ-dīyū-rĕt9ĭk)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. oliguria (ŏlĭ-gū9rē-ŭh) 6. cystopyelonephritis (sĭstō-pīĕ-lō-nĕ-
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. polyuria (pŏlē-yū9rē-ŭh) frī9tĭs)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 7. nocturia (nŏk-tū9rē-ŭh)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- (ESWL) (ĕkstrŭh-kŏr-pō9rē-ăl lĭth9ō- 8. glomerulonephritis (glō-māryū-lō-nĕ-
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at trĭpsē) frī9tĭs) and consult
Appendix B.

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

Chapter 16 The Urinary System and Excretion 391

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The Reproductive System

“ . . . No sooner met but they looked;

No sooner looked but they loved; D o you believe in love at first sight? There’s no doubt that human beings
have a particularly acute visual sense, and so poets, authors, and lovers
would answer yes to that question. But here is another question: Is there “love
No sooner loved but they sighed;
No sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason; at first smell,” influenced by human pheromones? As you recall from
Chapter 10, pheromones are thought to be airborne messenger chemicals that
No sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy;
influence human sexual behavior through the sense of smell. While you study
. . . they are in the very wrath of love . . . clubs cannot part
the reproductive system in this chapter, the “love at first smell” question is
them . . . ”
interesting to think about. Pheromones clearly exist for animals, and behavioral
As You Like It, William Shakespeare studies seem to indicate that we humans have them, too. For example, it’s well
known that women who live or work together experience menstrual synchrony
(menstrual cycles in unison); this effect seems to be caused by a component of
axillary sweat, which shortens or lengthens women’s cycles until eventually
group members menstruate together. Men’s axillary secretions have also been
shown to influence women’s menstrual cycles. Further, a woman’s vagina
produces fatty-acid compounds called copulines, which can raise a man’s
testosterone (the male sex hormone) level when he is exposed to them.
Likewise, women who were first exposed to androstenol, a testosterone-like
compound found in male sweat, were subsequently more likely to find a man’s
photo attractive. However, scientists aren’t completely convinced about the
influence of human pheromones. The exact compounds responsible for these
effects haven’t been isolated and identified, nor have their precise receptors in
the nose and brain been found. Research into the topic will undoubtedly
continue. For now, though, since we don’t have all the answers yet,
you might not want to count on your pheromone cologne—no matter how
good you smell—to bring you true love.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

17.1 Human Life Cycle 17.3 Female Reproductive System 17.6 Homeostasis
1. Discuss the functions of the 9. Describe the macroscopic and 17. Discuss how the reproductive
reproductive system. microscopic anatomy of the ovaries. system works with other systems of
2. Describe the human life cycle. 10. Label a diagram of the external the body to maintain homeostasis.
female genitals.
17.2 Male Reproductive System 11. Contrast female orgasm with male Visual Focus
3. Trace the path of sperm, from the orgasm. Anatomy of Ovary and Follicle
testes to the urethra. 12. Describe the menstrual cycle.
4. Describe the macroscopic and 13. Describe the actions of estrogen and Medical Focus
microscopic anatomy of the testes. progesterone, including both primary Ovarian Cancer
5. Name the glands and describe the and secondary sexual characteristics.
Breast and Testicular Self-Exams for Cancer
secretions that contribute to the
composition of semen. 17.4 Control of Reproduction and Endocrine-Disrupting Contaminants
6. Describe the anatomy of the penis Sexually Transmitted Infections Preventing Transmission of STIs
and the events preceding and during 14. List several means of birth control,
ejaculation. and describe their effectiveness. Human Systems Work Together
7. Discuss hormonal regulation in the 15. Describe the symptoms of genital Reproductive System
male. warts, genital herpes, hepatitis,
8. Outline the actions of testosterone, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Focus on Forensics
including its effects on the primary Rape
sex organs and secondary sexual 17.5 Effects of Aging
16. Discuss the anatomical and
physiological changes that occur in
the reproductive system as we age.


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17.1 Human Life Cycle MITOSIS
1. Discuss the functions of the reproductive system.
2. Describe the human life cycle.
Unlike the other systems of the body, which are similar in both
genders, the reproductive system is very different in males and
females. Development of a child into a sexually mature young adult
is a sequence of events called puberty. The reproductive system
does not begin to fully function until puberty is complete. Sexual
maturity occurs between the ages of 11 and 13 in girls, and 14 and
16 in boys. At the completion of puberty, the individual is capable
of producing children.
Here’s a quick overview of the functions of our reproductive
organs, the genitals:
1. Both males and females produce reproductive cells called
gametes. Males produce sperm within testes, and females 2n = 46
produce ova (eggs) within ovaries. diploid (2n)
2. In males, sperm mature and are then transported in a duct
haploid (n)
system until they exit through the penis. In females, ova are n = 23
transported in the uterine tubes to the uterus. n
3. The male penis functions to deliver sperm to the female
vagina, which can receive sperm. The vagina also transports
menstrual fluid to the exterior and is the birth canal.
4. The female uterus allows the fertilized egg to develop within
her body. After birth, the female breast provides nourishment
in the form of breast milk. n
5. The testes and ovaries both produce and are maintained by egg
the sex hormones. These hormones have a profound effect on sperm
the body because they bring about masculinization and
feminization of various features. In females, ovarian
hormones allow a pregnancy to continue. Figure 17.1 Human life cycle. The human life cycle
has two types of cell divisions: mitosis, in which the chromosome
Meiosis number stays constant; and meiosis, in which the chromosome num-
ber is halved. Meiosis only occurs in the testes of males during the
We studied the type of cell division called mitosis in Chapter 3 and production of sperm and in the ovaries of females during the
learned that mitosis occurs during growth and repair of the body’s production of ova (eggs). In human beings, the ovum (egg) and
tissues. Mitosis is duplication division (as an analogy, imagine the sperm have 23 chromosomes each, called the n number. Following
cell making exact copies of itself during mitosis, much like a copy fertilization, the new individual has 46 chromosomes, called the
machine does with a page of notes). As a result of mitosis, the chro- 2n number.
mosome number stays constant, and every cell in your body has an
identical set of 46 chromosomes. These chromosomes are orga-
nized into pairs of homologous chromosomes of approximately the are called sister chromatids. Once the chromatids have separated,
same size and length. As you recall (from Chapter 2), chromosome each is called a chromosome once more.
genes are individual sections of DNA that determine particular In addition to mitosis, the human life cycle (Fig. 17.1) includes
traits such as hair or eye color. These specific genes are located in a type of cell division called meiosis, which is reduction division.
the same position on homologous chromosomes. Meiosis only takes place in the testes of males during sperm pro-
It might be helpful to review the cell cycle and mitosis duction and in the ovaries of females during the production of
(Chapter 3). The terminology used to describe DNA might seem ova. During meiosis, the chromosome number is reduced from the
confusing because the terms sound so similar. As you’ll recall, normal 46 chromosomes, called the diploid or 2n number, down
chromatin is the term for unorganized DNA found in the nucleus to 23 chromosomes, called the haploid or n number of chromo-
of the cell, and a chromosome is formed when the chromatin con- somes. This occurs in two successive divisions, called meiosis I and
denses. There are 46 chromosomes in a normal human cell. A meiosis II (Fig. 17.2a). The stages of division in meiosis and mitosis
chromatid is the term used for each single chromosome while it are the same—prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
is attached to its duplicate copy at the centromere (following the To begin meiosis, the cell (called a primary cell) duplicates
S-phase of the cell cycle). In this paired state, the two chromatids each chromatid (individual DNA strand), so there are 92 individual

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 393

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prophase I metaphase I anaphase I

Reproduction Oogonia in women

by Spermatogonia in men
mitosis Diploid (2n) telophase I

92 Oocyte
prophase II
primary cell
meiosis I

metaphase II
46 46
Chromosomes Chromosomes
secondary cell
(23 (23
pairs) pairs)

meiosis II
anaphase II

23 23 23 23 completed
Chromosomes Chromosomes Chromosomes Chromosomes haploid (n)

a. telophase II


Figure 17.2 Meiosis (a) Prior to meiosis, the ovaries in females and testes in males produce large quantities of oogonia/sper-
matogonia by mitosis. Primary cells will divide to form two secondary cells; secondary cells divide further to form four haploid cells. In this
way, the chromosome number is reduced from 92, to two sets of 46 chromosomes, to four sets of 23 chromosomes. (b) The stages in
meiosis are the same as mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) except that they occur twice. Note that during prophase I,
the paired chromosomes in a tetrad can exchange genetic information with one another.

394 PART V Reproduction and Development

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chromatids, which remain joined together (Fig. 17.2). (This is the 17.2 Male Reproductive System
same process that occurs in body cells during the S-phase of the
3. Trace the path of sperm, from the testes to the urethra.
cell cycle, which precedes mitosis; see pages 55–59). Next, chro-
4. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the testes.
mosomes of the same shape and size, called homologous pairs
5. Name the glands and describe the secretions that contribute to the
of chromosomes, line up side-by-side in prophase I (Fig. 17.2b, composition of semen.
prophase I). Each set of four chromatids is called a tetrad. As 6. Describe the anatomy of the penis and the events preceding and
they line up, each of the chromatids in a tetrad can swap bits and during ejaculation.
pieces of DNA with the others, and the result is shown in meta- 7. Discuss hormonal regulation in the male.
phase I (Fig. 17.2b, metaphase I). The effect of this “gene-swap” 8. Outline the actions of testosterone, including its effects on the
primary sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics.
(the technical term is crossing over) is that one’s gametes (ova or
sperm) are not exact copies of body cells. Instead, new and dif-
ferent gene combinations are created and passed down to one’s The male reproductive system includes the organs shown in
children. For humans as a species, forming novel chromosomes by Figure 17.3. The primary sex organs of a male are the paired testes
crossing over creates genetic diversity. (sing., testis), which are suspended within the sacs of the scrotum.
Next, in metaphase I, the chromosome pairs line up at the cell’s The testes are the primary sex organs because they produce sperm
equator, and in anaphase I, spindle fibers draw the pairs apart. In and the male sex hormones (androgens).
telophase I, two separate cells are formed (Fig. 17.2b, metaphase The other organs depicted in Figure 17.3 are the accessory
I, anaphase I, telophase I). As meiosis I is completed, two second- (or secondary) sex organs of a male. Sperm produced by the testes
ary cells are created, each with 46 sister chromatids, which are still are stored within the epididymis (pl., epididymides). Then they
joined together. In meiosis II, only one member of each pair goes enter a vas deferens (pl., vasa deferentia), which transports them
into the daughter cells (Fig. 17.2b, telophase II). To summarize, to an ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory ducts enter the urethra.
each primary cell starts with 92 chromatids in 46 pairs, which are (The urethra in males is a part of both the urinary system and the
divided during meiosis I into two cells with 46 chromatids in 23 reproductive system.) The urethra passes through the penis and
pairs, and then divided once more during meiosis II into four cells transports sperm to the outside.
with 23 chromosomes. Several important secretory structures are also accessory sex
A zygote, the first cell of a new human being, forms following organs. The seminal vesicles lie lateral to each of the two vas def-
fertilization, when a sperm joins with an egg. Because the sperm erentia. The duct of each seminal vesicle joins the duct of the vas
has 23 chromosomes and the egg has 23 chromosomes, the zygote deferens beside it. The shared ducts are termed ejaculatory ducts,
has 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes, or 46 chromosomes al- and each empties into the urethra. The prostate gland is a single,
together. Without meiosis, the chromosome number in each gener- walnut-sized gland that surrounds the upper portion of the ure-
ation of human beings would double, and cells would no longer be thra just inferior to the bladder. Bulbourethral glands (also called
able to function. The zygote undergoes mitosis during development Cowper glands) are pea-sized organs that lie inferior to the prostate
to produce the many cells of a newborn, and mitosis also occurs as on either side of the urethra. At the time of ejaculation, sperm
a child becomes an adult. Of course, mitosis continues throughout leave the penis in a fluid called semen (seminal fluid).
adult life as well, every time any body cell divides. Each component of seminal fluid has a particular function;
these will be detailed as we discuss each of the accessory organs.

Content CHECK-UP! The Testes

1. If you wanted to describe meiosis, which statement(s) could The testes lie outside the male’s abdominal cavity within the two
you use? scrotal sacs, but they were not always outside of the abdomen. The
a. Meiosis occurs only in the ovaries and testes. testes begin their development inside the abdominal cavity but
b. Meiosis begins with 92 chromosomes, in sets called tetrads. descend into the scrotal sacs during the last two months of fetal
c. Meiosis results in two identical cells that are haploid. development. If, by chance, the testes do not descend (a condition
d. Statements a and b are correct.
called cryptorchidism), and the male is not operated on to place the
testes in the scrotum, sterility—the inability to produce offspring—
e. All three statements are correct.
usually follows. This is because sperm formation requires a tem-
2. At the end of meiosis I in a gamete, there are 46 chromo- perature approximately 2°C lower than body temperature; thus,
somes in each cell. At the completion of mitosis, there are also the internal temperature of the body is too high to produce viable
46 chromosomes in each cell. How are the two cells different?
sperm. A subcutaneous muscle along with an adjoining muscle
3. Which type of cell is haploid? raise the scrotum during sexual arousal. If necessary, these muscles
a. sperm cell d. sperm and ovum can also raise the testes closer to the body to warm them.
b. zygote e. All of the above.
c. ovum Anatomy of a Testis
Answers in Appendix A. A sagittal section of a testis shows that it is enclosed by a tough,
fibrous capsule. The connective tissue of the capsule extends into

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 395

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large intestine
urinary bladder
ureter (cut)
seminal vesicle
pubic bone ejaculatory duct
prostate gland
vas deferens
bulbourethral gland

erectile tissue
of penis


penis anus

vas deferens
glans penis epididymis


Figure 17.3 Male reproductive system. The testes produce sperm. The seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the
bulbourethral glands provide a fluid medium for the sperm, which move from a testis to an epididymis to a vas deferens and through the
ejaculatory duct to the urethra in the penis. The foreskin (prepuce) is removed when a penis is circumcised.

the testis, forming septa, or walls, that divide the testis into compart- (Sertoli) cells. Sustentacular cells are large; they extend from the
ments called lobules. Each lobule contains one to three tightly coiled capsule to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. The sustentacular
seminiferous tubules (Fig. 17.4a). Altogether, these tubules have cells support, nourish, and regulate the development of cells under-
a combined length of approximately 250 m. A microscopic cross going spermatogenesis.
section of a seminiferous tubule reveals that it is packed with cells The germ cells near the outer capsule are called
undergoing spermatogenesis (Fig. 17.4b), the production of sperm. spermatogonia. The spermatogonia divide, producing more
Delicate connective tissue surrounds the seminiferous tubules. cells by mitosis. Some of these cells remain as spermatogonia,
Cells that secrete the male sex hormones, the androgens, are which continue to divide. These provide a constant source of
located here between the seminiferous tubules. Therefore, these sperm cells throughout a normal man’s lifetime. Other spermato-
endocrine cells are called interstitial cells (also called interstitial gonia replicate their DNA and become primary spermatocytes,
cells of Leydig or, simply, Leydig cells). The most important of containing 92 sister chromatids (strands of DNA) held together
the androgens is testosterone, whose functions are discussed later in 46 pairs (Fig. 17.5). Primary spermatocytes are termed
in this section. diploid, or 2n cells. The primary spermatocytes start the process
Testicular cancer, or cancer of the testes, is one type of cancer of meiosis, which requires two divisions. Following meiosis I,
that can be detected by self-examination, as explained in the Medi- two secondary spermatocytes are formed, each containing 46
cal Focus on page 413. chromatids in 23 pairs. When meiosis II has been completed,
there are four spermatids, cells that are termed haploid because
they possess half the normal chromosome number. Spermatids
Spermatogenesis then mature into sperm.
Spermatogenesis, the production of sperm, includes the process of Mature sperm, or spermatozoa, have three distinct parts: a
meiosis as the sperm form. Before puberty, the testes, including the head, a middle piece, and a tail (see Fig. 17.4c). Mitochondria
seminiferous tubules, are small and nonfunctioning. At the time of in the middle piece provide energy for the movement of the tail,
puberty, the interstitial cells increase their size and start producing which has the structure of a flagellum. The head contains a nu-
androgens. Then, the seminiferous tubules also enlarge, and they cleus covered by a cap called the acrosome, which stores enzymes
start producing sperm. needed to penetrate the ovum. Notice in Figure 17.4b, that the
The seminiferous tubules contain two types of cells: germ sperm are situated so that their tails project into the lumen of the
cells, which are involved in spermatogenesis, and sustentacular seminiferous tubules.

396 PART V Reproduction and Development

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spermatic cord
blood vessels
interstitial cells head
and nerves
middle piece
epididymis seminiferous seminiferous tubule
deferens sustentacular
tubule lumen cells
septum Germ cells
lobule sperm
scrotal sac end piece
LM 2503

a. Testis (cut to show lobule) b. Seminiferous tubule, cross section c. Sperm

Figure 17.4 Testis and sperm. (a) The lobules of a testis contain seminiferous tubules. (b) Micrograph showing a cross
section of the seminiferous tubules, where spermatogenesis occurs. (c) A sperm has a head, a middle piece, and a tail. The nucleus is in
the head, which is capped by the enzyme-containing acrosome.

When formed, the sperm are transported from the seminifer- Male Internal Accessory Organs
ous tubules into a complex network of channels that ultimately
Table 17.1 lists and Figure 17.6 depicts the internal accessory
form ducts. The ducts join to form the epididymis, which empties
organs, as well as the other reproductive organs, of the male. Sperm
into the vas deferens.
are transported to the urethra by a series of ducts. Along the way,
The ejaculated semen of a normal human male contains sev-
various glands add secretions to seminal fluid.
eral hundred million sperm, but only one sperm normally enters
an egg. Sperm typically survive in the female reproductive tract
for approximately 48 hours after sexual intercourse. However, Epididymides
under optimal conditions sperm can survive for 4–6 days after Each epididymis is a tightly coiled, threadlike tube that would
intercourse. stretch about 6 meters if uncoiled. An epididymis runs posteriorly


spermatogonium primary secondary early late
(diploid) spermatocyte spermatocyte spermatid spermatid
92 chromosomes 46 chromosomes 23 individual
(46 pairs of sister (23 pairs of sister chromosomes
chromatids) chromatids)

nucleus of
Sertoli cell

Figure 17.5 Spermatogenesis. Diploid spermatogonia reproduce by mitosis, and the two phases of meiosis result in
spermatids. Spermatids mature into functional sperm cells.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 397

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down along each testis and becomes a vas deferens that ascends
TABLE 17.1 Male Internal Accessory Organs each testis medially.
Organ Function
The lining of the epididymis consists of pseudostratified
columnar epithelium with long cilia. Sperm are stored in the epidid-
Epididymides Ducts where sperm mature and some ymides, and the lining secretes a fluid that supports them. The wall
sperm are stored
of an epididymis contains a thin layer of smooth muscle. Peristaltic
Vasa deferentia Transport and store sperm contractions move the sperm along as they mature. By the time the
Seminal vesicles Contribute nutrients and fluid to semen sperm leave the epididymides, they are capable of fertilizing an egg
Ejaculatory ducts Transport sperm even though they do not “swim” until they enter the vagina.
Prostate gland Contributes basic fluid to semen
Urethra Transports sperm Vas Deferens
Bulbourethral glands Produce mucoid fluid that neutralizes Each vas deferens is a continuation of the epididymis. Like the
urine epididymis, the vas deferens is lined by pseudostratified colum-
nar epithelium that is ciliated at the testicular end of the tube.
The vas deferens is contained within a protective structure called
urinary bladder the spermatic cord. The spermatic cord consists of connective
tissue and muscle fibers, and contains the testicular artery, vein,
ureter and nervous supply in addition to the vas deferens. As each sper-
matic cord ascends into the abdomen, it passes through the ingui-
nal canal. This is the passageway by which the testis descended
from the abdomen into the scrotum during fetal life. The inguinal
canal remains a weak point in the abdominal wall. As such, it
ampulla is frequently a site of inguinal hernia. (A hernia is an opening
seminal vesicle or separation of some part of the abdominal wall through which
ejaculatory a portion of an internal organ, usually the intestine, protrudes.
Hernias also can occur in the umbilical region, diaphragm, or
gland elsewhere in the abdomen.)
After each vas deferens enters the abdomen, it passes over
the bladder’s superior surface to reach the posterior side. Each vas
bulbourethral deferens widens at its ampulla, located at the posterior base of the
gland urinary bladder, then joins with the duct of a seminal vesicle to
form an ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory ducts pass through the
prostate gland to join the urethra.

vas Seminal Vesicles

deferens corpus
cavernosum The two seminal vesicles lie lateral to each vas deferens on the
epididymis posterior side of the bladder. They are coiled, membranous pouches
about 5 cm long. The glandular lining of the seminal vesicles
secretes an alkaline fluid that contains fructose and prostaglandins
testis into an ejaculatory duct. The pH of the fluid helps modify the
pH of seminal fluid; the fructose provides energy for sperm; and
the prostaglandins promote muscular contractions of the female
genital tract that help to draw sperm further into the female.
spongiosum Prostate
urethra The prostate gland encircles the urethra just inferior to the blad-
der. The walnut-sized gland is about 4 cm across, 2 cm thick, and
3 cm in length. The fibrous connective tissue of its capsule extends
inward to divide the gland into lobes, each of which contains about
40 to 50 tubules. The epithelium lining the tubules secretes a fluid
that is thin, milky, and alkaline. In addition to adjusting the pH
Figure 17.6 Male reproductive system, posterior of seminal fluid, prostatic fluid enhances sperm motility. The
view. This view shows the duct system that transports sperm
secretion of the prostate gland enters the urethra when the smooth
from each testis to the urethra, which continues in the penis.
muscle in its capsular wall contracts.

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As discussed in the Medical Focus on page 387, the prostate fibrous connective tissue, and all are then covered with a thin, loose
gland is a frequent site for cancer. skin (Fig. 17.7b).

Bulbourethral Glands Male Sexual Response

The bulbourethral glands (Cowper glands) are two small glands A male’s sexual response begins with an erection. The erection
about the size of peas. They are located inferior to the prostate process is a spinal reflex; thus, it can even occur in male infants in
gland and enclosed by fibers of the external urethral sphincter. the womb (see Chapter 8 for a review of reflexes). After puberty,
These glands also contain many tubules that secrete a mucuslike sexual excitation in a male can be triggered by touch, smell, visual
fluid. This fluid lubricates the end of the penis preparatory to sex- or emotional stimuli, or a combination of these. The three erectile
ual intercourse. It also neutralizes any acidic urine that may be in bodies contain distensible spaces that can fill with blood during
the urethra. the erection process.
During sexual arousal, autonomic nerves release nitric oxide,
NO. This stimulus leads to the production of cGMP (cyclic guano-
Male External Genitals sine monophosphate), causing the smooth muscle walls of incom-
The external genitals are the sex organs that can be easily ob- ing arteries to relax and the erectile tissue to fill with blood. The
served because they are located outside the body. The penis and the veins that take blood away from the penis are compressed, and
scrotum are the external genitals of the male. The penis is the male the penis becomes erect. Erectile dysfunction (formerly called
organ of sexual intercourse by which sperm are introduced into the impotency) exists when the erectile tissue doesn’t expand enough
female reproductive tract. to compress the veins. Medications for treatment of erectile dys-
function inhibit an enzyme that breaks down cGMP, ensuring that
a full erection will take place. However, individuals who take these
Penis medications may experience vision problems because the same
The penis has an internal root that anchors it to the body wall, and enzyme occurs in the retina.
an external shaft. The tip of the penis is called the glans penis (see Orgasm (climax) in males is marked by ejaculation, which
Fig. 17.6). At the glans penis, the skin folds back on itself to form has two phases: emission and expulsion. During emission,
the prepuce, or foreskin (Fig. 17.7a). This is the structure that is sperm enter the urethra from each ejaculatory duct, and the
removed in the surgical procedure called circumcision. The penis prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands contrib-
contains three cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue. The two paired ute secretions to the seminal fluid. Once seminal fluid is in
corpora cavernosa (sing., corpus cavernosum) are found on either the urethra, rhythmic muscle contractions cause seminal fluid
side of the single corpus spongiosum. The urethra passes through to be expelled from the penis in spurts. During ejaculation,
the corpus spongiosum. These three columns are supported by a sphincter closes off the bladder so that no urine enters the

dorsal vein
dorsal artery
dorsal nerve



layers skin

erectile tissue prepuce urethra

glans penis
external urethral tissue
a. opening b.

Figure 17.7 Penis anatomy. (a) Beneath the skin and the connective tissue lies the urethra surrounded by erectile tissue.
This tissue expands to form the glans penis, which in uncircumcised males is partially covered by the foreskin (prepuce). (b) Two other
columns of erectile tissue in the penis are located posteriorly.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 399

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urethra. (Notice that the urethra carries either urine or semen
at different times.)
Male orgasm includes expulsion of seminal fluid from the
penis but also the physiological and psychological sensations that
occur at the climax of sexual stimulation. The psychological sen-
sation of pleasure is centered in the brain, but the physiological
reactions involve the genital organs and associated muscles, as well hypothalamus
as the entire body. Marked muscular tension is followed by con-
traction and relaxation. GnRH
Following ejaculation and/or loss of sexual arousal, the penis
returns to its normal flaccid state. After ejaculation, a male typi-
cally experiences a period of time, called the refractory period,
during which stimulation does not bring about an erection. The
length of the refractory period increases with age. anterior
There may be in excess of 400 million sperm in the 3.5 ml of pituitary
semen expelled during ejaculation. The sperm count can be much
lower than this, however, and fertilization of the egg by a sperm
can still take place.
Regulation of Male Hormone Levels
At the time of puberty, the sex organs mature, and then changes occur
in the physique of males. The cause of puberty is related to the level of Interstitial tubules
sex hormones in the body, as regulated by the negative feedback sys- cells testis produce
tem described in Figure 17.8. We now know that this feedback system produce sperm
testosterone plus inhibin
functions long before puberty, but the level of hormones is low because
the hypothalamus is supersensitive to feedback control. At the start of Figure 17.8 Negative feedback. Regulation of testosterone
puberty, the hypothalamus becomes less sensitive to feedback control secretion involves negative feedback (reverse arrows) by
and begins to increase its production of gonadotropin-releasing hor- testosterone on GnRH and LH. Regulation of sperm production
mone (GnRH), which stimulates the anterior pituitary to produce the involves negative feedback by inhibin on GnRH and FSH.
gonadotropic hormones. Two gonadotropic hormones, FSH (follicle-
stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), are named
for their function in females but exist in both sexes, stimulating the
appropriate organs in each. FSH promotes spermatogenesis in the Testosterone
seminiferous tubules, and LH promotes androgen (e.g., testosterone) The male sex hormone, testosterone, has many functions. It is
production in the interstitial cells. LH in males is also called intersti- essential for normal development and function of the primary sex
tial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH). organs in males. For example, greatly increased testosterone secre-
tion at puberty stimulates maturation of the penis and testes.
Negative Feedback Mechanisms Secondary Sex Characteristics Testosterone also brings about
As mentioned, the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and testes and maintains the male secondary sex characteristics, which de-
are involved in a negative feedback system. The system main- velop at the time of puberty and visibly distinguish males from
tains testosterone production at a fairly constant level. When females. These characteristics include a pattern of male hair
the amount of testosterone in the blood rises to a certain level, growth, activity of cutaneous glands, deeper pitch to the voice, and
it causes the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to decrease muscle strength.
their respective secretion of GnRH and LH. As the level of tes- At puberty, males experience growth of a beard, axillary
tosterone begins to fall, the hypothalamus increases its secretion (underarm) hair, and pubic hair. In males, pubic hair tapers toward
of GnRH, and the anterior pituitary increases its secretion of the navel. A side effect of testosterone activity is baldness. Although
LH. Thus, stimulation of the interstitial cells occurs. Only minor genes for baldness are probably inherited by both sexes, the most
fluctuations of the testosterone level occur in the male, and the common inherited form of baldness is androgenetic alopecia, or
feedback mechanism in this case acts to maintain testosterone at male-pattern baldness. As you know from Chapter 5, male-pattern
a normal level. baldness is caused by an excess of a form of testosterone called
A similar feedback mechanism maintains the continuous dihydrotestosterone.
production of sperm. The sustentacular cells in the wall of the Testosterone also causes oil and sweat glands in the skin to
seminiferous tubules produce a hormone called inhibin, which increase their secretions, thereby contributing to acne and body
blocks GnRH and FSH secretion when appropriate. odor. The larynx and vocal cords enlarge, causing the voice to

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change. The “Adam’s apple” is a part of the larynx, and it is usually 17.3 Female Reproductive System
more prominent in males than in females.
9. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the ovaries.
Testosterone is responsible for the greater muscular strength
10. Label a diagram of the external female genitals.
of males, which is why some athletes take a supplemental anabolic
11. Contrast female orgasm with male orgasm.
steroid, such as testosterone or a related chemical. It’s important 12. Describe the menstrual cycle.
to note that anabolic steroids will build muscle in both men and 13. Describe the actions of estrogen and progesterone, including both
women. The dangers of anabolic steroid use are discussed in a primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
Medical Focus in Chapter 10, pages 234–235.
The female reproductive system includes the organs depicted in
Figure 17.9. The primary sex organs of a female are the paired
Content CHECK-UP! ovaries that lie in shallow depressions, one on each side of the
upper pelvic cavity. The ovaries produce ova (sing., ovum) and the
4. Create a list of the ingredients of seminal fluid (semen). What
is the function of each? female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
The other organs depicted in Figure 17.9 are the accessory (or
5. Identify, in order, the structures a sperm cell must pass through as
secondary) sex organs of a female. When an ovum leaves an ovary,
it leaves the testis:
it is usually swept into a uterine (fallopian) tube by the combined
a. epididymis → vas deferens → ejaculatory duct → urethra →
action of the fimbriae (fingerlike projections of a uterine tube) and
the beating of cilia that line the uterine tube.
b. vas deferens → epididymis → ejaculatory duct → urethra → Once in a uterine tube, the ovum is transported toward the uterus.
Fertilization, and therefore zygote formation, usually takes place in
c. ejaculatory duct → vas deferens → epididymis → urethra → the uterine tube. The developing embryo normally arrives at the
penis uterus several days later, and then implantation occurs as the embryo
d. epididymis → vas deferens → urethra → ejaculatory duct → embeds in the uterine lining, which has been prepared to receive it.
penis Development of the embryo and fetus normally takes place
6. Starting at puberty, the hypothalamus secretes _____ in the uterus. The lining of the uterus, called the endometrium,
hormone, which stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to participates in the formation of the placenta (see Chapter 18,
secrete _____ hormone and _____ hormone. List the effects pages 432 and 434), which supplies nutrients needed for embry-
of these last two hormones. onic and fetal development.
Answers in Appendix A. The uterine tubes join the uterus at its upper end, while
at its lower end, the cervix enters the vagina nearly at a right

uterine tube ovary

uterine tube
ovary fimbriae uterus


urinary bladder cervix

pubic bone rectum

glans clitoris
Figure 17.9 The female
labium minora anus reproductive system. The ovaries
release one egg per month. Fertiliza-
labium majora
tion occurs in the uterine tube and de-
vaginal orifice velopment occurs in the uterus. The
vagina is the birth canal as well as the
organ of sexual intercourse.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 401

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angle. A small opening in the cervix leads from the uterus to The Ovary
the vagina.
The ovaries are paired, oval bodies about 3 cm in length by 1 cm in
The vagina is the birth canal and organ of sexual intercourse in
width and less than 1 cm thick. They lie to either side of the uterus
females. The vagina also acts as an exit for menstrual flow. If fertiliza-
on the lateral walls of the pelvic cavity.
tion and implantation of an embryo do not occur, the most superficial
Several ligaments hold the ovaries in place (see Fig. 17.12).
layer of the endometrium dies off and is shed during menstruation.
The largest of these, the broad ligament, is also attached to the
The external genital organs of the female are known collectively as
uterine tubes and the uterus. The suspensory ligament holds the
the vulva. The vulva consists of the mons pubis, clitoris, labia majora,
upper end of the ovary to the pelvic wall, and the ovarian ligament
and labia minora. The area between the labia minora, which is termed
attaches the lower end of the ovary to the uterus.
the vestibule, contains the openings of the urethra and the vagina.
A sagittal section through an ovary shows that it is made up
Notice that the urinary and reproductive systems in the female
of an outer cortex and an inner medulla. In the cortex are many
are entirely separate. The urethra carries only urine, and the vagina
follicles, each one containing an immature ovum, called an oocyte
has functions related only to reproduction: It receives the penis
(Fig. 17.10). A female is born with as many as 2 million follicles,
during sexual intercourse and serves as the birth canal.

Visual Focus

2. The secondary follicle

contains a secondary
oocyte and produces the
sex hormones estrogen 3. Vesicular (Graafian)
and some progesterone. follicle develops.

secondary oocyte vesicular (Graafian) follicle

1. A primary follicle contains follicles
an oocyte and begins
producing the sex
hormone estrogen.

4. Ovulation: The
6. Corpus luteum
secondary oocyte is
degenerates. corpus released.
luteum 5. Corpus luteum produces
the sex hormones secondary
progesterone and some oocyte

Figure 17.10 Anatomy of ovary and follicle. As a follicle matures, the oocyte enlarges and is surrounded by layers of
follicular cells and fluid. The micrograph shows the mature vesicular (Graafian) follicle. Eventually, ovulation occurs, the mature follicle
ruptures, and the secondary oocyte is released. A single follicle actually goes through all the stages in one place within the ovary.

402 PART V Reproduction and Development

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but the number is reduced to 300,000–400,000 by the time of the discarded chromosomes, as a sort of cellular “trash can.” Be-
puberty. Only a small number of follicles (about 400) ever become cause it is almost completely lacking in cytoplasm, the polar body
completely mature because a female usually produces only one can never be fertilized or develop further. The vesicular follicle
ovum per month during her reproductive years. Because oocytes bursts, releasing the secondary oocyte surrounded by a clear mem-
are present at birth, they age as the woman ages. This may be one brane and attached follicular cells. This process is referred to as
reason why older women are more likely to produce children with ovulation.
chromosome defects. The secondary oocyte, often called an egg, enters a uterine
Ovarian cancer (cancer of the ovary), which is discussed in tube. If fertilization occurs, a sperm enters the secondary oocyte,
the Medical Focus on page 405, causes more deaths than cervical which then completes meiosis II. A haploid ovum with 23 chromo-
and uterine cancer. somes and a second polar body result. Thus, formation of sperm
cells (spermatogenesis) and formation of the ovum (oogenesis)
both result in cells that are haploid, containing only 23 chromo-
Oogenesis somes. However, spermatogenesis produces four sperm cells for
Oogenesis, the production of an ovum, includes the process of every primary cell. In oogenesis, only one haploid ovum is formed
meiosis. Similar to spermatogenesis, oogenesis begins with a for each primary oocyte (the extra chromosomes are contained in
primary oocyte that undergoes meiosis I to become a second- two polar bodies). When the sperm nucleus unites with the egg
ary oocyte having 23 paired sister chromatids. The secondary nucleus during conception, a diploid zygote with 46 chromosomes
oocyte undergoes meiosis II, but only if it is first fertilized by a is produced.
sperm cell. If the secondary oocyte remains unfertilized, it never A follicle that has lost its egg develops into a corpus
completes meiosis and will die shortly after being released from luteum, a glandlike structure. If implantation does not occur,
the ovary. the corpus luteum begins to degenerate after about 10 days. The
Oogenesis begins within a follicle. As the follicle matures, remains of a corpus luteum is a white scar called the corpus
it develops from a primary follicle to a secondary follicle to a albicans. If implantation does occur, the corpus luteum contin-
vesicular (Graafian) follicle (Fig. 17.10). The epithelium of a ues to secrete for about six months. Hormones from the corpus
primary follicle surrounds a primary oocyte. Pools of follicular luteum help keep the uterine lining intact and allow a pregnancy
fluid surround the oocyte in a secondary follicle. In a vesicular to continue.
follicle, a fluid-filled cavity increases to the point that the follicle Although a number of follicles grow during each month, only
wall balloons out on the surface of the ovary. one reaches full maturity and ruptures to release a secondary oo-
Figure 17.11 traces the steps of oogenesis. As a follicle ma- cyte. Scientists believe that the ovaries alternate in producing func-
tures, the primary oocyte divides, producing two cells. One cell is tional ova. The number of secondary oocytes produced by a female
a secondary oocyte, and the other is a polar body. A polar body during her lifetime is minuscule compared to the number of sperm
is formed only during oogenesis, and its function is simply to hold produced by a male.

first polar
body first polar second polar fusion of
46 chromosomes body body sperm nucleus (n)
in 23 pairs 46 chromosomes 23 chromosomes and egg nucleus (n)

nucleus (n)
23 chromosomes

meiosis I completion of fertilization

meiosis II

primary secondary ovum nucleus ovum (n), haploid zygote (2n)

oocyte (2n, diploid) oocyte 23 chromosomes 46 chromosomes
92 chromosomes 46 chromosomes
in 46 pairs in 23 pairs

Figure 17.11 Oogenesis in an ovary. Oogenesis involves meiosis I, during which the chromosome number is reduced, and
meiosis II, which results in a single egg. Meiosis II takes place after a sperm enters the secondary oocyte. At the end of oogenesis, there
are also at least two polar bodies, nonfunctional cells that later disintegrate.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 403

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Fertilization, the completion of meiosis, and zygote formation
TABLE 17.2 Female Internal Accessory Organs normally occur in the upper one-third of a uterine tube. The devel-
Organ Function
oping embryo usually does not arrive at the uterus for several days.
Once in the uterus, the embryo embeds itself in the uterine lining,
Uterine tubes (fallopian Transport ovum; location of fertilization which has been prepared to receive it.
tubes, oviducts)
Occasionally, the embryo becomes embedded in the wall of a
Uterus (womb) Houses developing fetus uterine tube, where it begins to develop. Tubular pregnancies can-
Cervix Contains opening to uterus not succeed and must be surgically removed because the tubes are
not anatomically capable of allowing full development to occur.
Vagina Receives penis during sexual intercourse; Any pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus is called an ectopic
serves as birth canal and as an exit for
menstrual flow

Begin Thinking Clinically

Female Internal Accessory Organs
Rarely, an ectopic pregnancy can occur outside of the
Table 17.2 lists and Figure 17.12 depicts the internal accessory womb, in the abdominal cavity. How could this occur?
organs, as well as the other reproductive organs, of a female. On which organs could a fertilized ovum construct a
placenta? How would a full-term infant resulting from
Uterine Tubes such a pregnancy be delivered?
The uterine tubes, also called fallopian tubes or oviducts, extend Answers and discussion in Appendix A.
from the uterus to the ovaries. Usually the secondary oocyte en-
ters a uterine tube because the fimbriae sweep over the ovary at
the time of ovulation, and the beating of the cilia that line uterine Uterus
tubes creates a suction effect. Once in the uterine tube, the egg is The uterus is a thick-walled, muscular organ about the size and
propelled slowly toward the uterus by action of the cilia and by shape of an inverted pear. Normally, it lies above and is tipped over
muscular contractions in the wall of the uterine tubes. the urinary bladder. The uterus has three sections: The fundus is the


fundus of uterus suspensory


ovarian ligament
uterine tube

body of uterus

broad ligament


external os

Figure 17.12 Female reproductive system, posterior view.

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Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is often “silent,” showing no obvious signs or reported in the more industrialized countries, with the exception of
symptoms until late in its development. Rarely is there any abnor- Japan.
mal vaginal bleeding, as might be seen with uterine or cervical Early detection requires periodic, thorough pelvic examinations.
cancers. The most common sign is enlargement of the abdomen, The Pap smear, useful in detecting cervical cancer, does not reveal
which is caused by the accumulation of fluid. Vague symptoms ovarian cancer. Women over age 40 should have a cancer-related
may occur: bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating check-up every year. Researchers are currently trying to develop a
and/or feeling full quickly, increased urinary frequency, and the blood test that will allow for consistent diagnosis of early ovarian
urgent need to urinate. When symptoms such as these persist in cancer. Testing for high levels of tumor marker CA-125, a protein
women over 40 (and if they cannot be explained by any other cause) antigen, is sometimes used to screen for ovarian cancer. However,
they may indicate the need for a thorough evaluation for ovarian CA-125 is unreliable because it gives false positive results for many
cancer. other disorders, including benign ovarian cysts and pregnancy. A
The risk for ovarian cancer increases with age. The highest rates combination of blood testing and ultrasound examination of the ova-
are for women over age 60. Women who have never had children are ries is currently the most accurate way to diagnose ovarian cancer.
twice as likely to develop ovarian cancer as those who have. Early age Surgery, radiation therapy, and drug therapy are treatment
at first pregnancy, early menopause, and the use of oral contracep- options. Surgery usually includes the removal of one or both ovaries
tives, which reduces ovulation frequency, appear to be protective (oophorectomy), the uterus (hysterectomy), and the uterine tubes
against ovarian cancer. If a woman has had breast cancer, her chances (salpingectomy). In some very early tumors, only the involved ovary
of developing ovarian cancer double. Certain rare genetic disorders is removed, especially in young women. In advanced disease, an
and usage of hormone replacement therapy are also associated with attempt is made to remove all intra-abdominal cancerous tissue to
increased risk. The highest incidence rates for ovarian cancer are enhance the effect of chemotherapy.

region superior to the entrance of the uterine tubes, and the body of Vagina
the uterus is the major region. The cervix is the narrow end of the The vagina is a tube that makes a 45° angle with the inferior lumbar
uterus that projects into the vagina. A cervical orifice, or opening, region (small of the back). The mucosal lining of the vagina lies
leads to the lumen of the vagina. in folds that extend when the fibromuscular wall stretches. This
Development of the embryo normally takes place in the uterus. capacity to extend is especially important when the vagina serves
This organ, sometimes called the womb, is approximately 5 cm as the birth canal, and it can also facilitate intercourse, when the
wide in its usual state but is capable of stretching to over 30 cm to vagina receives the penis.
accommodate the growing baby. The lining of the uterus, called
the endometrium, participates in the formation of the placenta (see
Chapter 18), which supplies nutrients needed for embryonic and External Genitals
fetal development. In the nonpregnant female, the endometrium The female external genitals (Fig. 17.13) are known collectively
varies in thickness during a monthly menstrual cycle, discussed as the vulva. The vulva includes two large, hair-covered folds of
later in this chapter. skin called the labia majora (sing., labium majus). They extend
Cancer of the cervix is a common form of cancer in women. posteriorly from the mons pubis, a fatty prominence underly-
The Medical Focus Immunization: The Great Protector in ing the pubic hair. The labia minora (sing., labium minus) are
Chapter 13 (pages 309–310) describes a vaccine that immu- two small folds of skin lying just inside the labia majora. They
nizes against the human papillomavirus that causes the major- extend forward from the vaginal opening to encircle and form
ity of human cervical cancers. Early detection is possible by a foreskin for the clitoris, an organ that is homologous to the
means of a Pap smear, which entails the removal of a few penis. Although quite small, the clitoris has a shaft of erectile
cells from the region of the cervix for microscopic examination. tissue and is capped by a pea-shaped glans. The clitoris also has
If the cells are cancerous, a hysterectomy (the removal of the sensory receptors that allow it to function as a sexually sensi-
uterus) may be recommended. Removal of the ovaries in addi- tive organ.
tion to the uterus is termed an ovariohysterectomy. Because The vestibule, a cleft between the labia minora, contains
the vagina remains intact, the woman can still engage in sexual the orifices of the urethra and the vagina. The vagina can be
intercourse. partially closed by a ring of tissue called the hymen. The hymen

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 405

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Estrogen and Progesterone
Estrogen stimulates the growth of the uterus and vagina, and is
pubis also necessary for ovum maturation. Development of the second-
ary sex characteristics in the female, including the onset of the
urethra menstrual cycle, is caused by increased estrogen production dur-
labia vagina ing puberty. Along with sexual development, girls going through
majora puberty experience an early increase in long bone growth that leads
labia minora to increased height. However, estrogen also leads to early fusion of
(spread, showing
the growth plates in long bones, so that most young women have
anus achieved their full adult height by about age 16.
Secondary Sex Characteristics These characteristics include
the female pattern of body hair and fat distribution. In general,
females have a more rounded appearance than males because of a
greater accumulation of fat beneath the skin. Also, the pelvic girdle
Figure 17.13 External genitals of the female. At birth, the
opening of the vagina is partially blocked by a membrane enlarges in females so that the pelvic cavity has a larger relative
called the hymen. Physical activities and sexual intercourse size compared to that of males; this means that females have wider
disrupt the hymen. hips. Both estrogen and progesterone are required for breast
development, which is discussed on pages 407 and 409.

ordinarily is ruptured by initial sexual intercourse; however, it

can also be disrupted by other types of physical activities. If
the hymen persists after sexual intercourse, it can be surgically

Female Sexual Response

Upon sexual stimulation, the labia minora, the vaginal wall, and the
clitoris become engorged with blood. The breasts also swell, and
the nipples become erect. :/; GnRH
The vagina expands and elongates. Blood vessels in the vagi- -
nal wall release small droplets of fluid that seep into the vagina
and lubricate it. Mucus-secreting glands called Bartholin glands,
beneath the labia minora on either side of the vagina, also provide
lubrication for entry of the penis into the vagina. (Bartholin glands anterior
pituitary -
are similar to male bulbourethral glands). Although the vagina is
the organ of sexual intercourse in females, the clitoris plays a sig- :/;
nificant role in the female sexual response. The extremely sensitive
clitoris can swell to two or three times its usual size. The thrusting FSH
of the penis and the pressure of the pubic symphyses of the partners follicle ;
act to stimulate the clitoris.
Orgasm occurs at the height of the sexual response. Blood LH
pressure and pulse rate rise, breathing quickens, and the walls of
the uterus and uterine tubes contract rhythmically. A sensation of corpus
intense pleasure is followed by relaxation when organs return to oocyte
their normal size. Females have no refractory period, and multiple estrogen progesterone
orgasms can occur during a single sexual experience.
Figure 17.14 Hormonal control of ovary. Hypothalamic
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) causes pituitary secre-
Regulation of Female Hormone Levels tion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
At the time of puberty in females, the hypothalamus increases (LH). FSH primarily stimulates ovarian estrogen secretion, while
its secretion of GnRH, and the anterior pituitary releases larger LH primarily causes corpus luteum progesterone secretion after
amounts of the gonadotropins, FSH and LH. These hormones ovulation. Surges of both LH and FSH cause ovulation. Estrogen
stimulate the ovaries to produce and release ova. FSH and LH also and progesterone maintain the female reproductive organs and
secondary sexual characteristics, and they exert feedback control
cause elevated estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries
over the hypothalamus and pituitary.
(Fig. 17.14).

406 PART V Reproduction and Development

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Menstrual Cycle the corpus luteum disintegrates, and menstruation occurs. The
disintegrated corpus luteum in the ovary becomes a patch of
The menstrual cycle is a monthly series of events that involve the
white scar tissue called the corpus albicans. With age, more of a
ovaries and uterus plus the hormones already mentioned. The cycle
woman’s ovarian tissue becomes nonfunctional corpus albicans.
is about 28 days long, but it can be as short as 18 days or as long
This is why ovulation and menstruation eventually stop during
as 40 days (Fig. 17.15).
If fertilization occurs and is followed by implantation, the
Pre-Ovulation Events developing placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin
Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from (HCG), which maintains the corpus luteum in the ovary until the
the anterior pituitary, several follicles begin developing in the placenta begins to produce its own progesterone and estrogen. The
ovary. Therefore, this period of time (days 1–14) is called the placental hormones shut down the anterior pituitary so that no new
follicular phase of the ovary (Fig. 17.15). Although several fol- ovarian follicle matures. Placental hormones also maintain the
licles begin growing, only one follicle continues developing, and endometrium so that the corpus luteum in the ovary is no longer
it secretes increasing amounts of estrogen. This particular follicle needed. Usually, no menstruation occurs during pregnancy. After
becomes more and more sensitive to FSH and then LH. Eventually, human chorionic gonadotropin is metabolized and excreted in the
the very high level of estrogen exerts positive feedback control over urine, it can be detected using prepared monoclonal antibodies.
the hypothalamus so that it secretes ever greater amounts of GnRH. Over-the-counter home pregnancy test kits function in this fashion,
GnRH induces a surge in FSH and LH secretion by the pituitary. as discussed in Chapter 18.
The LH level rises to a greater extent than does the FSH level.
Ovulation is triggered by the very high level of hormonal stimula-
tion, and in particular the spike in LH, called the LH surge. (It is
interesting to note that over-the-counter ovulation prediction test Menopause, the period in a woman’s life during which the men-
kits work by detecting high levels of LH metabolites in the urine, strual cycle ceases, is likely to occur between ages 45 and 55. The
combining the metabolites with monoclonal antibodies to produce ovaries are no longer responsive to the gonadotropic hormones
a color change.) produced by the anterior pituitary, and the ovaries secrete very low
While the ovary is experiencing its follicular phase, first amounts of estrogen and progesterone. At the onset of menopause,
menstruation and then the proliferative phase occur in the uterus. the uterine cycle becomes irregular, but as long as menstruation
During menstruation (days 1–5), a low level of female sex hor- occurs, it is still possible for a woman to conceive. Therefore, a
mones in the body causes the endometrial tissue to disintegrate and woman is usually not considered to have completed menopause
its blood vessels to rupture. A flow of blood and tissues, known until menstruation has been absent for a year.
as the menses, passes out of the vagina during menstruation, also The hormonal changes during menopause often produce
called the menstrual period. physical symptoms, such as “hot flashes” (caused by circulatory
Under the influence of estrogen released by the new follicle, irregularities), dizziness, headaches, insomnia, sleepiness, and
the endometrium thickens and becomes vascular and glandular. depression. These symptoms may be mild or even absent. If they
This is the proliferative phase of the uterus, which ends when are severe, medical attention should be sought. Women sometimes
ovulation occurs. report an increased sex drive following menopause. It has been
suggested that this may be due to androgen production by the
adrenal cortex.
Post-Ovulation Events
Under the influence of LH from the anterior pituitary, the emptied
ovarian follicle tissue becomes a hormone-secreting tissue called Female Breast and Lactation
the corpus luteum. Therefore, this period of time (days 15–28) is Early growth of the female breasts during puberty is referred to
known as the luteal phase of the ovary (Fig. 17.15). The corpus as budding of the breasts. Budding is followed by development
luteum secretes progesterone and some estrogen. As the blood of lobes, the functional portions of the breast, and deposition of
level of progesterone rises, it exerts negative feedback control over adipose tissue, which gives breasts their adult shape.
the anterior pituitary’s secretion of LH so that the corpus luteum A breast contains 15 to 25 lobules, each with a milk duct that
in the ovary begins to degenerate. If fertilization of the egg does begins at the nipple. The nipple is surrounded by a pigmented area
occur, the corpus luteum persists for reasons that will be discussed called the areola. Within the areola, glands are present that secrete
shortly. an oily, saliva-resisting lubricant to protect the nipples, particularly
Under the influence of progesterone secreted by the corpus during nursing. Smooth muscle fibers in the region of the areola
luteum, a secretory phase (days 15–28) begins in the uterus. may cause the nipple to become erect in response to sexual stimula-
During the secretory phase of the uterus, the endometrium of tion or cold.
the uterus doubles or even triples in thickness (from 1 mm to Within each lobe, the mammary duct divides into numerous
2–3 mm), and the uterine glands mature, producing a thick, alveolar ducts that end in blind sacs called alveoli (Fig. 17.16). The
mucoid secretion. The endometrium is now prepared to receive alveoli are made up of the cells that can produce milk. Estrogen and
the embryo. If implantation of an embryo does not take place, progesterone are required for lobe development. It is believed that

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 407

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Ovarian cycle

primary secondary mature ovulation corpus luteum regression

follicle follicle follicle forms
developing follicle

Days 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1

Follicular phase Ovulation Luteal phase

Gonadotropin levels


Days 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1


Ovarian hormone levels



Days 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1

Uterine cycle


Days 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1

Menstrual phase Proliferative phase Secretory phase

Figure 17.15 Events of the menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle, FSH and LH are released by the anterior pituitary. FSH
promotes the maturation of a follicle in the ovary. The follicle produces increasing levels of estrogen, which cause the endometrium to thicken
during the proliferative phase in the uterus. An LH surge causes ovulation. After ovulation, LH promotes the development of the corpus
luteum. This structure produces increasing levels of progesterone, which causes the endometrial lining to become secretory. Menses due to
the breakdown of the endometrium begins when progesterone production declines to a low level due to corpus luteum disintegration.

408 PART V Reproduction and Development

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adipose tissue

intercostal muscles

pectoralis minor

pectoralis major

mammary ducts rib

lobule containing
lobule alveoli

mammary ducts
a. Anteromedial view b. Sagittal view

Figure 17.16 Structure of the female breast and mammary glands. (a) Anteromedial view. (b) Sagittal section.

estrogen causes proliferation of ducts and that both estrogen and Breast cancer is one of the few types of cancer that can be de-
progesterone bring about alveolar development. The abundance of tected by the female herself. The Medical Focus on page 413 tells
these hormones during pregnancy means that the alveoli prolifer- how to do a monthly check for breast cancer.
ate at this time. A breast which does not produce milk has ducts
but few alveoli, while a lactating (milk-producing) breast has many
ducts and alveoli.
During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge as the ducts and Content CHECK-UP!
alveoli increase in number and size. The same hormones that
7. Which ovarian structure eventually releases the secondary
affect the mother’s breasts can also affect the child’s. Some new-
oocyte? Which produces progesterone? Which is scar tissue?
borns, including males, even secrete a small amount of milk for
How are they related?
a few days.
8. The second stage of meiosis in an ovum will only be com-
Usually, no milk is produced during pregnancy. The hor-
pleted if:
mone prolactin is needed for lactation (the process of milk
production) to begin. Prolactin formation is suppressed during a. it occurs before the ovum is released at ovulation.
pregnancy, because negative feedback control by high levels of b. it occurs after the ovum is released and travels through the
estrogen and progesterone shuts down prolactin secretion by the uterine tube.
anterior pituitary. Once the baby is delivered, however, the pitu- c. the ovum is fertilized by a sperm cell.
itary begins secreting prolactin. It takes a couple of days for milk d. it occurs just after the ovum is released from the ovary, but
production to begin, and in the meantime, the breasts produce before it enters the uterine tube.
colostrum, a thin, yellow, milky fluid rich in protein, including 9. During which stage of the monthly cycle of the uterus does
antibodies. the endometrium thicken and become glandular and
The continued production of milk requires a suckling child. vascular?
When a breast is suckled, the nerve endings in the areola are stimu- a. menstrual phase
lated, and a nerve impulse travels along neural pathways from the b. secretory phase
nipples to the hypothalamus, which directs the posterior pituitary
c. proliferative phase
gland to release the hormone oxytocin. When this hormone arrives
at the breast, it causes the lobules to contract so that milk flows into d. ovulation phase
the ducts (called milk letdown), where it may be drawn out of the Answers in Appendix A.
nipple by the suckling child.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 409

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17.4 Control of Reproduction and too have an increased risk of spontaneous clot formation. Women
with uncontrolled high blood pressure, liver or kidney disease, or
Sexually Transmitted Infections certain forms of hormone-sensitive female cancers must use other
14. List several means of birth control, and describe their effectiveness. forms of contraception as well.
15. Describe the symptoms of genital warts, genital herpes, hepatitis, An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small piece of molded plastic
chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
that is inserted into the uterus by a physician. IUDs alter the envi-
ronment of the uterus and uterine tubes, causing inflammation so
that fertilization probably will not occur—but if fertilization does
Contraception occur, implantation cannot take place. One type of IUD has copper
Today, there are more options than ever before for contraception, wire wrapped around the plastic. Other forms will slowly release
or the prevention of pregnancy. Although many contraceptives are progesterone over time into the bloodstream. IUDs are very effec-
available without prescription, women should consult a health-care tive. Their possible side effects include cramping, bleeding, pelvic
provider before choosing a birth control method. Health-care pro- inflammatory disease, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, infertil-
viders can give patients advice on the best method to use and can ity, and a slight risk of uterine perforation.
also ensure that the patient uses the product correctly. However, the The diaphragm is a soft latex cup with a flexible rim that
patient herself should consider her options carefully, to choose the lodges behind the pubic bone and fits over the cervix. The dia-
method that best suits her lifestyle, desire for future pregnancy, and phragm can be inserted into the vagina no more than two hours
ethical beliefs. Table 17.3 lists the means of birth control used in before sexual relations. Also, it must be used with spermicidal jelly
the United States and rates their effectiveness. The statistics cited or cream and should be left in place at least six hours after sexual
are for typical use; i.e., allowing for some users who do not follow relations. A cervical shield is smaller than a diaphragm, and the
directions or use the method consistently. cervical cap is even smaller still. All three devices must be fitted
Oral contraceptives (OCs) come in two basic forms: combina- by a physician or other health-care provider. Each carries a slight
tions of a synthetic estrogen and progesterone, or a synthetic pro- risk of urinary tract infection in the user. Rarely, incidents of a
gesterone alone. Combination hormone methods can be in the form very serious illness—toxic shock syndrome—have been reported
of pills taken orally, and a new regimen of combined pill allows in users of these methods. Use of proper hygiene methods, includ-
a woman to have only three or four menstrual cycles a year. In ing handwashing before inserting the device, and prompt removal
addition, combination hormones can be introduced into the blood of the device, can minimize the risk of serious illness.
via patches that allow hormone absorption through the skin, or Traditional barrier methods of birth control remain fairly pop-
by a plastic ring placed in the vagina. The ring slowly releases ular because they are inexpensive, available without prescription,
hormones into the bloodstream. Regardless of delivery method, and also offer some protection against sexually transmitted infec-
the estrogen and progesterone in the combined hormone form ef- tions. A female condom consists of a large polyurethane tube with
fectively shut down the pituitary’s production of both FSH and LH a flexible ring that fits onto the cervix. The open end of the tube
so that no follicle begins to develop in the ovary. Because ovulation has a ring that covers the external genitals. A male condom is most
does not occur, pregnancy cannot take place. These contraceptives often a latex or polyurethane sheath that fits over the erect penis.
also change the endometrial lining of the uterus and may prevent The semen is trapped inside the sheath and, thus, does not enter the
implantation of the embryo. vagina. When used in conjunction with a spermicide, protection is
A second hormonal method of contraception involves use of better than with the condom alone. So-called “natural” condoms
only a synthetic progesterone, without estrogen. The oral form is made of lambskin or other material do not provide any protection
commonly referred to as the “mini-pill” (because it contains only against sexually transmitted infection.
one hormone) and is taken daily. An injection, Depo-Provera, can be People can be surgically sterilized as a form of contraception.
taken once every three months. Another form of the same hormone In men, a vasectomy procedure will cut or crush the vasa defer-
is an implantable rod that is inserted into the skin under the arm. entia, preventing sperm from entering the semen. Uterine tubal
All three work by inhibiting ovulation and making the mucus of the ligation in women prevents sperm from reaching the ovum in the
uterine cervix thick and sticky. Sperm cells cannot swim through the uterine tube. An implantable metal device (Essure) can be placed at
thick mucus, thus preventing fertilization of the ovum. If fertilization the entrance to the tube without the need for surgery. Once in place,
does occur and an embryo is created, the uterine lining is changed the implant causes scar tissue to form, blocking the uterine tube.
by this medication so that the embryo will not be able to implant. However, those who elect to use these techniques must be aware
All hormonal forms of contraception have potential side ef- that they are most likely irreversible.
fects and health risks, and there are some women who must not Women who are concerned about environmental pollution
take them. Anyone who has had any form of disorder associated caused by hormonal contraceptives (see Medical Focus: Endocrine-
with excessive blood clotting (or a family history of abnormal Disrupting Contaminants on page 414) as well as those who have
clotting) must never use hormonal contraceptives because of the ethical concerns about hormonal contraceptives have revived inter-
increased risk of clot formation. A clot that has formed in a blood est in Natural Family Planning. There are several techniques, and all
vessel is a thrombus or thromboembolism (see Chapter 11), and involve abstaining from intercourse on the days of the woman’s cycle
can cause heart attack or stroke. Likewise, women who smoke are just prior to when the ovum is released and for three days afterward.
discouraged from taking hormonal contraceptives, because they On those days, conception is most likely to occur. The most effective

410 PART V Reproduction and Development

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TABLE 17.3 Common Methods of Contraception
Name Procedure How Does It Work? How Effective Is It?  Side Effects and Other Health Risks

lon96431_ch17_392-424.indd 411
Abstinence Refrain from sexual intercourse No sperm in vagina 100% None; also protects against sexually
transmitted infections
Natural family planning Determine day of ovulation by keeping Intercourse is avoided only during the 80-97% None (requires training for
records; various testing methods time period while ovum is viable symptothermal method to be
Withdrawal method Penis withdrawn from vagina just Ejaculation outside the woman’s body; 75% None
before ejaculation no sperm in vagina
Douching Vagina cleansed after intercourse Washes sperm out of woman’s body Less than 70% May cause infection or inflammation

Male condom Sheath of latex, polyurethane, or Traps sperm and prevents entry into 85% With latex: latex allergy; natural
natural material fitted over erect vagina; latex and polyurethane material condoms give no
penis forms protect against STIs protection against STIs
Female condom Synthetic latex fitted inside vagina Traps sperm and prevents entry into 79% Possible allergy or irritation; urinary
vagina; some protection against STIs tract infection
Spermicide: jellies, foams, Spermicidal products inserted into the Spermicidal chemical nonoxynol-9 50–80% Irritation, inflammation; allergic
films, creams, tablets vagina before intercourse kills large numbers of sperm cells reaction; urinary tract infection
Contraceptive sponges Sponge containing spermicide inserted Spermicidal chemical nonoxynol-9 72–86% Irritation, inflammation; allergic
into vagina and placed against kills large numbers of sperm cells reaction; urinary tract infection;
cervix toxic shock syndrome


Combined hormone, Flexible plastic ring inserted into Suppresses ovulation by the 92% Vaginal irritation, inflammation;
vaginal ring vagina; releases hormones that are combined actions of the hormones dizziness, nausea; changes in
absorbed into the bloodstream estrogen and progestin; prevents menstruation, mood, and weight;
implantation by embryo rarely: cardiovascular disease,
including high blood pressure, blood
clots, heart attack, and strokes
Progesterone-only Injection of progestin once every Inhibits ovulation; prevents sperm 97% Irregular bleeding; weight gain,
injection (Depo- three months from reaching the egg; prevents breast tenderness; headaches;
Provera) implantation by embryo osteoporosis if used for extended
Progesterone-only Single rod implanted into skin under Inhibits ovulation; prevents sperm 99% Irregular bleeding, weight gain,
implantable rod the arm from reaching the egg; prevents increased risk of blood clots,
(Implanon) implantation by embryo heart attack, stroke
Emergency contraception Must be taken within 72 hours after Suppresses ovulation by the 80% Nausea; vomiting; abdominal pain;
unprotected intercourse combined actions of the hormones fatigue; headache, excessive
estrogen and progestin; prevents bleeding
implantation by embryo
Combined hormone pill Pills are swallowed daily; chewable Suppresses ovulation by the 92% Dizziness, nausea; changes in
form also available combined actions of the hormones menstruation, mood, and weight;
estrogen and progestin; may rarely: cardiovascular disease,
prevent implantation by embryo including high blood pressure,

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System

blood clots, heart attack, and


18/11/15 4:19 PM
TABLE 17.3 Continued
Name Procedure How Does It Work? How Effective Is It?  Side Effects and Other Health Risks
Progestin-only mini-pill Pills are swallowed daily Thickens cervical mucus, preventing 92% Irregular bleeding; weight gain;

lon96431_ch17_392-424.indd 412
sperm from contacting ovum; may breast tenderness
prevent implantation by embryo
Combined hormone 91, Pills are swallowed daily; user has 3–4 Suppresses ovulation by the 98% Dizziness, nausea; changes in
daily regimen menstrual periods a year combined actions of the menstruation, mood, and weight;
hormones estrogen and rarely: cardiovascular disease,
progestin; may prevent including high blood pressure,
implantation by embryo blood clots, heart attack, and

PART V Reproduction and Development

Combined hormone patch Patch is applied to skin and left in Suppresses ovulation by the 98% Skin irritation, allergy; dizziness,
place for 1 week; new patch applied combined actions of the nausea; changes in menstruation,
hormones estrogen and mood, and weight; rarely:
progestin; may prevent cardiovascular disease, including
implantation by embryo high blood pressure, blood clots,
heart attack, and strokes


Diaphragm Latex cup, placed into vagina to cover Blocks entrance of sperm into 84% with Irritation, inflammation; allergic
cervix before intercourse uterus; spermicide kills sperm spermicide reaction; urinary tract infection;
toxic shock syndrome
Cervical cap Latex cap held over cervix Blocks entrance of sperm into 84% with Irritation, inflammation; allergic
uterus; spermicide kills sperm spermicide reaction; toxic shock syndrome;
abnormal Pap smear
Cervical shield Latex cap placed in upper vagina, held Blocks entrance of sperm into 84% with Irritation, inflammation; allergic
in place by suction uterus; spermicide kills sperm spermicide reaction; toxic shock syndrome;
urinary tract infection
Intrauterine device, Placed in uterus Causes cervical mucus to thicken; 99% Cramps; bleeding; pelvic
copper T fertilized embryo cannot implant inflammatory disease; infertility;
perforation of uterus; ectopic
pregnancy risk
Intrauterine device, Placed in uterus Prevents ovulation; causes cervical 99% Cramps; bleeding; pelvic
progesterone- mucus to thicken; fertilized inflammatory disease; infertility;
releasing type embryo cannot implant perforation of uterus; ectopic
pregnancy risk

Vasectomy Vasa deferentia are cut and tied No sperm in seminal fluid Almost 100% Most likely irreversible; minor risk of
surgical complications such as
infection or reaction to anesthetic
Tubal ligation: Oviducts are cut and tied, or a clip is Sperm cannot enter oviduct; ova Almost 100% Most likely irreversible; pain,
transabdominal placed on the oviduct cannot pass through oviduct bleeding, infection; other
surgery post-surgical complications;
ectopic (tubal) pregnancy
Sterilization implant Small metallic implant is placed into Causes scar tissue to form, blocking Almost 100% Most likely irreversible; pain after
(Essure) uterine tubes; inserted through the uterine tubes and preventing placement; ectopic pregnancy
vagina using a catheter conception

18/11/15 4:19 PM
Breast and Testicular Self-Exams for Cancer

The American Cancer Society urges women to do a breast self-exam 5. If you find any changes during your self check-ups, try not to
and men to do a testicle self-exam every month. Breast cancer and panic. Finding that there’s a change doesn’t necessarily mean
testicular cancer are far more curable if found early, and either test you’ve got cancer. But see your physician or other health-care
takes less than half an hour. provider right away, just to be sure. Remember—if you find it
early, there’s an excellent chance that breast cancer can be cured.
Breast Self-Exam for the Ladies:
You should know that the best check for breast cancer is a mam-
1. Check your breasts for any lumps, knots, or changes about one week
mogram, which is a low-dose X ray of the breast tissue. When your
after your period. Don’t stand up to do the exam—be sure to lie
doctor checks your breasts, ask about getting a mammogram. Yearly
down on a flat surface. This will allow your breast tissue to spread
mammograms are recommended for women over 40 years of age.
evenly over your chest, so you can feel a change much more easily.
Women with a personal or family history of breast cancer (mother,
2. Place your right hand behind your head. Use the fingertips of
sister, or aunt who have or had the disease) may be advised to start
your middle three fingers for the test; they’re the most sensitive
such screening exams at an earlier age, and to have the exams more
part of your hand. Move your left hand over the right side of your
frequently. Additional exams such as ultrasound or MRI of the breast
chest in an up-and-down pattern. Begin at the edge of your arm-
may also be advised.
pit, tracing overlapping dime-sized circles all the way to the bot-
tom of your rib cage. Stroke up and down across your entire chest Testicle Self-Exam for the Guys:
from the armpit to the sternum (breastbone). As you move your
1. Check your testicles once a month, beginning right after puberty.
fingers across your chest, slide them from the top of your clavicle
It takes only a few minutes.
(collarbone) down to the bottom of your rib cage. Start with a
2. Do your check right after a warm bath or shower, so that the skin
very gentle pressure, so you can feel any lumps that might lie just
on your scrotum is relaxed. Hold your penis out of the way, and
under the skin. Gradually increase the pressure until you’re
check one testicle at a time. Roll each testicle between your
stroking firmly on the breast. Use each level of pressure before
thumb and finger as shown in Figure 17C. Feel for hard lumps or
you move onto another area (Fig. 17A).
bumps. A normal epididymis often feels like a lump on the out-
3. Now place your left hand behind your head and check your left
side of your testis, so get used to locating it.
breast with your right hand.
3. If you notice a change or have aches or lumps, try not to be too
4. Then, check your breasts while standing in front of a mirror
alarmed. There are many normal structures found in a testicle that
(Fig. 17B). First, put your hands firmly on your hips. Then,
may feel “lumpy,” including blood vessels and supporting tissues.
raise your arms above your head and stand up very straight so
But be sure to tell your doctor or other health-care professional right
you’re tightening your chest muscles and skin. Look for any
away if you’re concerned about any differences that you notice.
changes in the way your breasts look: changes in size or shape,
dimpling of the skin, changes in the nipple, redness, swelling, Testicular cancer is the most common solid tissue cancer in young
or abnormal discharge. men between the ages of 15 and 35, so doing a self-exam is very
important. Cancer of the testicles can be cured if you find it early. You
should also know that prostate cancer is the second most common
cancer in men (second only to skin cancer). Men over age 50 should
have an annual health checkup that includes a prostate examination.

Information provided by the American Cancer Society: Used by


Breast Self Examination

While you’re lying down, examine up to the
collarbone, out to armpit, in to middle of
chest, and down to bottom of rib cage.
Figure 17B Mirror check for breast Figure 17C After-shower check for
Figure 17A Breast Self-Examination. cancer. testicular cancer.

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Endocrine-Disrupting Contaminants

One of the first synthetic estrogens to be produced in a laboratory was introduced into the environment via human sewage. Other chemicals
diethylstilbestrol, or DES, created in 1938. In the ensuing years, DES shown to influence hormones are found in plastics, food additives, and
was used to treat a variety of conditions such as prostate cancer in personal hygiene products. Baby bottles, plastic cups, and toys recently
men and menopausal symptoms in women. For a short time, it was have been discontinued from the market because compounds used for
even used as an emergency contraceptive. Tragically, DES was also hardening their plastic are suspected EDCs. In mice, some plastic com-
given to many pregnant women to prevent early miscarriage. Years ponents affect neonatal development when present in extremely low
later, those same women’s children are suffering from its effects on concentrations (parts per trillion). EDCs have been found in nature at
their reproductive systems. Daughters of the original patients (called levels 1,000 times greater than this—even in amounts comparable to
DES daughters) often have birth defects involving reproductive sys- functional hormone levels in the human body. It’s also important to rec-
tem organs, including the ovaries, uterus, and vagina. Further, these ognize that hormones and hormonelike contaminants are concentrated
same women are 2.5 times as likely to have breast cancer after age 40. in adipose tissue. Obesity, which is epidemic in the United States,
DES daughters are also more likely to suffer from cancers of the increases the risk that EDCs might be found at toxic levels in humans.
vagina and cervix. DES sons have an increased risk of genital abnor- Scientists and those representing industrial manufacturers con-
malities, and possibly prostate and testicular cancers as well. tinue to debate whether EDCs pose a health risk to humans. Currently,
The consequences of DES use have raised concern about the the EPA regulates the concentration of 23 inorganic chemicals includ-
many chemicals created after 1938 that might also affect the endo- ing mercury, lead, and arsenic, and more than 30 organic chemicals
crine system. Because endocrine hormones influence nearly all also are regulated. Doubtless other inorganic and organic chemicals
aspects of physiology and behavior in animals, synthetic compounds will be added to the list as research continues. In the meantime, there
called endocrine-disrupting contaminants (EDCs) that show hor- are steps you can take to minimize the dangers of EDCs:
monal effects are being studied extensively. Environmental biologists
first became aware of EDCs when wildlife—especially fish, amphib- • Maintain a healthy weight. Excess adipose tissue can contain
high levels of EDCs that you may have been exposed to through-
ians, reptiles, and birds in polluted areas—began to show abnormali-
out your life.
ties in tissue differentiation, sexual development, and reproduction.
Human studies suggest that these same pollutants lower sperm counts, • Use less plastic. Substitute reusable cloth bags, washable din-
nerware, glass containers, etc., for the plastic products you might
reduce male and female fertility, and increase the rates of certain can-
otherwise buy. In particular, avoid plastics marked 3, 6, or 7,
cers (breast, ovarian, testicular, and prostate). Further, EDCs are
because these types are the most likely to contain EDCs.
thought to be responsible for early onset of menses in young girls,
some of whom begin their periods as early as age 10. Additionally, • Recycle plastic, so that EDCs that might be contained in it don’t
leak into the groundwater.
some studies seem to indicate that EDCs contribute to learning defi-
• Don’t heat or reheat food in plastic containers.
cits and behavioral problems in children.
Many EDCs are chemicals used as pesticides and herbicides in • If you eat a lot of fish, be aware of those that may contain high
levels of EDCs and other contaminants. The EPA maintains a
agriculture, and some are associated with the manufacture of various
database that can help you find out which fish in your area are
other synthetic organic compounds such as PCBs (polychlorinated
safe to eat:
biphenyls). Oral contraceptives and other hormonal pharmaceuticals are

form, called the symptothermal method, uses two separate sets of unprotected intercourse. The name is a misnomer because the medi-
data to determine when ovulation occurs. The first involves record- cation does not have to be taken the next morning—the woman can
ing basal body temperature, the temperature taken when the woman begin the medication one to several days after having unprotected
first awakens. At the time of ovulation, her body temperature will intercourse.
increase abruptly. Simultaneously, the consistency of the mucus dis- One type of emergency contraception contains four synthetic
charge from her cervix changes from thick, dense and sticky to elastic estrogen-progesterone pills; a second type contains progesterone-
(like raw egg whites). When used correctly by trained and motivated only pills. Two pills are taken up to 72 hours after unprotected in-
couples, the method is 98% effective and free from any side effect. tercourse, and two more are taken 12 hours later. The medication
upsets the normal uterine cycle, preventing an embryo from im-
planting in the endometrium. The medication should not be used for
Emergency Contraception regular contraception. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting,
Emergency contraception, sometimes referred to as “morning- abdominal pain, fatigue, and headache. Other, more serious com-
after pills,” refers to a medication that will prevent pregnancy after plications include hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

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Mifepristone, better known as RU-486, does not prevent con- to pelvic inflammatory disease (see page 417) and endometriosis.
ception. Rather, this medication is presently used to cause the loss Endometriosis is the presence of uterine tissue outside the uterus,
of an implanted embryo by blocking the progesterone receptor particularly in the uterine tubes and on the abdominal organs.
proteins of endometrial cells. Without functioning receptors for Backward flow of menstrual fluid allows living uterine cells to es-
progesterone, the endometrium sloughs off, carrying the embryo tablish themselves in the abdominal cavity, where they go through
with it. Thus, the drug induces a medical abortion. When taken in the usual uterine cycle, causing pain and structural abnormalities
conjunction with a prostaglandin to induce uterine contractions, that make it more difficult for a woman to conceive.
RU-486 is 95% effective in ending an early pregnancy. How- Training the couple to recognize the signs of a woman’s ovula-
ever, cases of blood-borne infection and severe hemorrhage have tion (using the symptothermal method mentioned previously) may
occurred in women using the drug, and it has caused fatalities in enable them to effectively time their intercourse and become preg-
Europe and the United States. Thus, patients using RU-486 must be nant. Sometimes the causes of infertility can be corrected by medi-
under the constant supervision of a qualified physician. cal intervention so that couples can have children. If no obstruction
Anyone considering sexual activity must understand that only is apparent and body weight is normal, it is possible to give women
condoms can prevent a sexually transmitted infection, and even they are fertility drugs, which are gonadotropic hormones that stimulate the
not completely reliable. Further, it’s important to know that all forms ovaries and bring about ovulation. However, these types of hormone
of contraception carry the risk of failure. The only 100% effective treatments may cause multiple ovulations and multiple births.
method of birth control is complete abstinence, that is, not engaging in When all attempts to get pregnant fail, many couples adopt a
sexual intercourse. This form of birth control has the added advantage child. Others sometimes try one of the assisted reproductive tech-
of preventing transmission of a sexually transmitted infection. nologies discussed next.

Infertility Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Infertility is the failure of a couple to achieve pregnancy after one Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) consist of techniques
year of regular, unprotected intercourse. The American Medical used to increase the chances of pregnancy. Often, sperm and/or
Association estimates that 15% of all couples are infertile. The ova are retrieved from the testes and ovaries, and fertilization takes
cause of infertility can be attributed to the male (40%), the female place in a clinical or laboratory setting.
(40%), or both (20%).
Artificial Insemination During artificial insemination, sperm are
placed in the vagina by a physician. Sometimes a woman is artificially
Causes of Infertility inseminated by her partner’s sperm. This is especially helpful if the
The most frequent cause of infertility in males is low sperm count partner has a low sperm count, because the sperm can be collected
and/or a large proportion of abnormal sperm. There are numerous over a period of time and concentrated so that the sperm count is suf-
causes for low sperm count. Often, a low sperm count is caused by a ficient to result in fertilization. Often, however, a woman is insemi-
chromosome abnormality in the male. Exposure to ionizing radiation nated by sperm acquired from a donor who is a complete stranger to
can also impair sperm formation. Herbicides and pesticides may cause her. At times, a combination of partner and donor sperm is used.
feminizing effects in the man’s body, as discussed in the previous During intrauterine insemination (IUI), fertility drugs are
Medical Focus. Testicular infection by the mumps virus, gonorrhea, given to stimulate the ovaries, and then the donor’s sperm is placed
or chlamydia may destroy the sperm-forming cells. Chemicals used on in the uterus rather than in the vagina.
the job, such as paints, varnishes, and degreasers, may cause infertil- If the prospective parents wish, sperm can be sorted into those
ity as well. Smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse decrease the numbers believed to be X-bearing or Y-bearing to increase the chances of
and quality of a man’s sperm cells. In particular, abuse of anabolic having a child of the desired sex.
(body-building) steroids can shrink the testes and decrease sperm
In Vitro Fertilization During in vitro fertilization (IVF), conception
count. Exposing the testicles to overheating impairs sperm production
occurs in the laboratory. Ultrasound machines can now spot follicles
and lowers sperm count. Common causes for overheating include pro-
in the ovaries that hold immature ova; therefore, the latest method is to
longed usage of a sauna or hot tub. Wearing extremely tight clothing,
forgo the administration of fertility drugs and retrieve immature ova
sitting for prolonged periods, and long periods of using a very warm
by using a needle. The immature ova are then brought to maturity in
laptop computer may also decrease sperm count in some men.
the laboratory before concentrated sperm are added. After about two
Body weight appears to be the most significant factor in caus-
to four days, the embryos are ready to be transferred to the uterus of the
ing female infertility. Both obese and underweight women may
woman, who is now in the secretory phase of her uterine cycle. If de-
experience difficulty in becoming pregnant. In women of normal
sired, preimplantation genetic analysis can be done and only embryos
weight, fat cells produce a hormone called leptin that stimulates
found to be free of genetic disorders are used. If implantation is suc-
the hypothalamus to release GnRH. In overweight women, excess
cessful, development is normal and continues to term.
leptin impairs ovarian function. The ovaries often contain many
small follicles, and the woman fails to ovulate. A woman who is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection In intracytoplasmic sperm
too thin may not produce enough GnRH, FSH, and LH, and will injection (ICSI), a highly sophisticated procedure, a single sperm
have estrogen deficiency as a result. She too will fail to ovulate. is injected into an egg. This method is used effectively when a man
Other causes of infertility in females are blocked uterine tubes due has severe infertility problems.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 415

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Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused by organisms
ranging from viruses to arthropods; however, we will discuss only
certain STIs caused by viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, for un-
known reasons, humans cannot develop effective immunity to any
STIs. Therefore, any person exposed to an STI should seek prompt
medical treatment. To prevent the spread of STIs, a latex or poly-
urethane condom can be used; the concomitant use of a spermicide
containing nonoxynol-9 gives added protection.
Among those STIs caused by viruses, treatment is available
for AIDS and genital herpes. However, it is important to note that
treatment for HIV/AIDS and genital herpes cannot presently elimi-
nate the virus from the person’s body. Drugs used for treatment can
merely slow replication of the viruses. Thus, neither viral disease is
presently curable. Further, antiviral drugs have serious, debilitating
side effects on the body.
Only STIs caused by bacteria (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, and
syphilis) are curable with antibiotics. Bacteria that acquire antibi-
otic resistance may necessitate treatment with extremely strong
drugs for an extended period to achieve a cure.

Genital Warts
Genital warts are caused by the human papillomaviruses (HPVs).
Many times, carriers either do not have any sign of warts or merely
have flat lesions. When present, the warts commonly are seen on the
penis and foreskin of men and near the vaginal opening in women. A
newborn can become infected while passing through the birth canal.
Individuals who are currently infected with visible growths
may have those growths removed by surgery, freezing, or burning
with lasers or acids. However, visible warts that are removed may
recur. You’ll recall (from Chapter 13) that a vaccine for the human
papillomaviruses that most commonly cause genital warts is now
available. The vaccine is an extremely important step in the preven-
tion of cancer, as well as the warts themselves. Genital warts are
associated with cancer of the cervix, as well as tumors of the vulva,
vagina, anus, and penis. Researchers believe that these viruses may
be involved in up to 95% of all cases of cancer of the cervix. Vac-
cination might make such cancers a thing of the past.

Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus. Type 1 usually
causes cold sores and fever blisters, while type 2 more often causes
genital herpes.
Persons usually get infected with herpes simplex virus type 2
when they are adults. Some people exhibit no symptoms; others
may experience a tingling or itching sensation before blisters
appear on the genitals (Fig. 17.17a, b). Once the blisters rupture,
they leave painful ulcers that may take as long as three weeks or
as little as five days to heal. The blisters may be accompanied by
fever, pain on urination, swollen lymph nodes in the groin, and in
women, a copious discharge. At this time, the individual has an c.
increased risk of acquiring an HIV infection. Figure 17.17 Sexually transmitted infections. (a) Herpes
After the ulcers heal, the disease is only latent, and blisters can simplex virus infection on female labia. (b) Herpes simplex virus
recur, although usually at less frequent intervals and with milder infection on the penis. (c) Treponema pallidum, the bacterium
that causes syphilis.

416 PART V Reproduction and Development

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symptoms. Fever, stress, sunlight, and menstruation are associated is exposed during birth, an eye infection leading to blindness can
with recurrence of symptoms. Exposure to herpes in the birth canal result. All newborns are given eyedrops to prevent this possibility.
can cause an infection in the newborn, which leads to neurological Gonorrhea proctitis, an infection of the anus characterized by
disorders and even death. Birth by cesarean section prevents this anal pain and blood or pus in the feces, also occurs in patients.
possibility. Oral/genital contact can cause infection of the mouth, throat, and
tonsils. Gonorrhea can spread to internal parts of the body, causing
Hepatitis heart damage or arthritis. If, by chance, the person touches infected
genitals and then touches his or her eyes, a severe eye infection can
Hepatitis infects the liver and can lead to liver failure, liver can-
result. Up to now, gonorrhea was curable by antibiotic therapy, but
cer, and death. The type of hepatitis and the virus that causes it
resistance to antibiotics is becoming more and more common, and
are designated by the same letter. There are five known viruses
40% of all strains are now known to be resistant to therapy.
that cause hepatitis, designated A-B-C-D-E. Hepatitis A is usu-
ally acquired from sewage-contaminated food or drinking water,
but this infection can also be transmitted sexually through oral/ Syphilis
anal contact. Hepatitis B is spread through sexual contact and Syphilis is caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum (see
by blood-borne transmission (accidental needle stick on the job, Fig. 17.17c). As with many other bacterial diseases, penicillin is
receiving a contaminated blood transfusion, a drug abuser shar- an effective antibiotic. Syphilis has three stages, often separated by
ing infected needles while injecting drugs, from mother to fetus, latent periods, during which the bacteria are resting before multi-
etc.). Simultaneous infection with hepatitis B and HIV is com- plying again. During the primary stage, a hard chancre (ulcerated
mon because both share the same routes of transmission. Fortu- sore with hard edges) indicates the site of infection. The chancre
nately, a combined vaccine is available for hepatitis A and B; it usually heals spontaneously, leaving little scarring. During the sec-
is currently recommended that all children receive the vaccine ondary stage, the victim breaks out in a rash that does not itch and
to prevent infection (see pages 309–310). Hepatitis C is a blood- is seen even on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
borne illness that causes most cases of post-transfusion hepatitis. Hair loss and infectious gray patches on the mucous membranes
Hepatitis D is sexually transmitted, and hepatitis E is acquired may also occur. These symptoms disappear of their own accord.
from contaminated water. Screening of blood and blood products During the tertiary stage, which lasts until the patient dies,
can prevent transmission of hepatitis viruses during a transfusion. syphilis may affect the cardiovascular system by causing aneu-
Proper water treatment techniques can prevent contamination of rysms, particularly in the aorta. In other instances, the disease may
drinking water. affect the nervous system, resulting in psychological disturbances.
Also gummas, large destructive ulcers, may develop on the skin or
Chlamydia within the internal organs.
Chlamydia is named for the tiny bacterium that causes it Congenital syphilis is caused by syphilitic bacteria crossing the
(Chlamydia trachomatis). The incidence of new chlamydia infec- placenta. The child is born blind and/or with numerous anatomical
tions has steadily increased since 1984. malformations. Control of syphilis depends on prompt and adequate
Chlamydia infections of the lower reproductive tract are usu- treatment of all new cases; therefore, it is crucial for all sexual contacts
ally mild or asymptomatic, especially in women. About 18 to 21 to be traced so they can be treated. Diagnosis of syphilis can be made
days after infection, men may experience a mild burning sensation by blood tests or by microscopic examination of fluids from lesions.
on urination and a mucoid discharge. Women may have a vaginal
discharge along with the symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Content CHECK-UP!
Chlamydia also causes cervical ulcerations, which increase the risk
of acquiring HIV. 10. A combined hormonal method of contraception is available
If the infection is misdiagnosed or if a woman does not seek through the following delivery method(s):
medical help, there is a particular risk of the infection spreading a. pills taken orally.
from the cervix to the uterine tubes so that pelvic inflammatory b. patches applied to the skin.
disease (PID) results. This very painful condition can result in c. injections received monthly.
blockage of the uterine tubes with the possibility of sterility and
d. All of the above.
infertility. If a baby comes in contact with chlamydia during birth,
inflammation of the eyes or pneumonia can result. 11. Name three bacterial forms of sexually transmitted infection.
12. Which of the following is a characteristic of tertiary syphilis?
a. large, destructive ulcers called gummas
b. formation of a hard chancre
Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Di-
c. a skin rash that does not itch
agnosis in the male is not difficult, since typical symptoms are pain
upon urination and a thick, greenish-yellow urethral discharge. In d. hair loss
males and females, a latent infection leads to pelvic inflammatory Answers in Appendix A.
disease (PID), which can also cause sterility in males. If a baby

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 417

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Preventing Transmission of STIs

It is extremely important to protect yourself from getting a sexually Avoid anal-rectal intercourse (in which the penis is inserted into the
transmitted infection (STI). Some of the STIs, such as gonorrhea, rectum) because the lining of the rectum is thin and cells infected with
syphilis, and chlamydia, can be cured by taking an antibiotic. Viral HIV can easily enter the body there.
STIs, such as hepatitis, herpes, and HIV/AIDS, are incurable, though
treatment is available for HIV and herpes. In any case, it is best to Unsafe Sexual Practices Transmit STIs
prevent the passage of STIs from person to person so that you never Always use a latex condom during sexual intercourse if you don’t
need treatment at all. know for sure that your partner has been free of STIs for some time.
Be sure to follow the directions supplied by the manufacturer. Use of
Sexual Activities Transmit STIs (Fig. 17D)
a water-based spermicide containing nonoxynol-9 in addition to the
Abstain from sexual intercourse or develop a long-term monoga- condom can offer further protection because nonoxynol-9 immobi-
mous (always the same partner) sexual relationship with a partner lizes viruses and virus-infected cells.
who is free of STIs.
Avoid fellatio (kissing and insertion of the penis into a partner’s
Refrain from multiple sex partners or having relations with some- mouth) and cunnilingus (kissing and insertion of the tongue into the
one who has multiple sex partners. Think about it: if you have sex vagina) because they may be a means of transmission. The mouth and
with two other people and each of these people has sex with two gums often have cuts and sores that facilitate the entrance of infected
people and so forth, the number of people who might spread an STI cells.
dramatically increases.
Be very careful about using alcohol or any drug that may prevent
Remember that, although the prevalence of AIDS is presently you from being able to control your behavior. In a social setting where
higher among homosexuals and bisexuals, the highest rate of strangers are present, be sure to watch over your food and drinks.
increase in infection is now occurring among heterosexuals. The Date-rape drugs can be slipped into either one, and they’re usually
outermost lining of the uterus is quite thin, and it does allow infected odorless, tasteless, and invisible.
cells from a sexual partner to enter.

Be aware that having relations with an intravenous drug user is Drug Use Transmits Hepatitis and HIV (Fig. 17E)
risky because the behavior of this group risks hepatitis and an HIV Don’t ever inject drugs into your veins! Be aware that hepatitis and
infection. Recognize that anyone who already has another active STI HIV can be spread by blood-to-blood contact.
is more susceptible to an HIV infection.
Always use a new, sterile needle for injection or one that has been
Uncircumcised males are more likely to become infected with an STI cleaned in bleach if you are a drug user and can’t stop your habit.
than circumcised males because vaginal secretions can remain under Never share used needles with anyone else!
the foreskin for a long period of time.

Figure 17D Sexual activities transmit STIs. Figure 17E Sharing needles transmits STIs.

418 PART V Reproduction and Development

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17.5 Effects of Aging However, these functions of sex hormones don’t really pertain to
homeostasis, which involves maintaining the internal environment
16. Discuss the anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the
reproductive system as we age.
of cells. Other activities of the sex hormones do affect the internal
environment, though. For example, estrogen promotes fat deposi-
tion, which serves as a source of energy for cells and also helps
Sex hormone levels decline with age in both men and women.
the body maintain a normal temperature because of its insulating
Menopause, the period in a woman’s life during which menstru-
ation ceases, is likely to occur between the ages of 45 and 55.
In recent years, it’s been discovered that the sex hormones
The ovaries are no longer responsive to pituitary gonadotropic
perform other activities that affect homeostasis even more di-
hormones because after years of ovulating, much of functional
rectly. We are just now beginning to discover the role that estro-
ovarian tissue has been replaced by corpus albicans. After meno-
gen and androgens play in the metabolism of cells and therefore
pause, the ovaries stop producing ova and produce only minimal
their role in homeostasis in general. Estrogen induces the liver
amounts of estrogen and progesterone. At the onset of menopause,
to produce many types of proteins that transport substances in
the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and then eventually ceases.
the blood. These include proteins that bind iron and copper and
Hormonal imbalance often produces physical symptoms, such as
lipoproteins that transport cholesterol. Iron and copper are en-
dizziness, headaches, insomnia, sleepiness, depression, and “hot
zyme cofactors necessary to cellular metabolism. Although we
flashes” that are caused by circulatory irregularities. Menopausal
associate cholesterol with cardiovascular diseases, in fact, it is
symptoms vary greatly among women, and some symptoms may
also a substance that contributes to the functioning of the plasma
be absent altogether.
Following menopause, atrophy of the uterus, vagina, breasts,
Estrogen also induces synthesis of bone matrix proteins and
and external genitals is likely. The lack of estrogen also promotes
counteracts the loss of bone mass. At menopause, when the
changes in the skin (e.g., wrinkling; see Chapter 5) and in the skel-
rate of estrogen secretion is drastically reduced, osteoporosis
eton (e.g., osteoporosis; see Chapter 6).
(decrease in bone density) may develop. Nevertheless, long-
In men, testosterone production diminishes steadily after age 50,
term estrogen therapy (called hormone replacement therapy, or
which may be responsible for the enlargement of the prostate gland.
HRT) is no longer recommended. The National Institutes of
Sperm production declines with age, yet men can remain fertile well
Health conducted a study of 16,608 healthy women who were
into old age. With age, however, the chance of erectile dysfunction
taking both estrogen and progesterone or a placebo. The study
due to degenerative vascular changes in the penis increases.
was halted after 5.2 years because physicians concluded that the
Sexual desire and activity need not decline with age, and many
risks for the group on HRT outweighed the benefits. Though
older men and women enjoy sexual relationships. Men are likely
the benefits of HRT included lower risk of hip fractures and
to experience reduced erection until close to ejaculation, and pre-
colon cancer, the women on HRT had a small but significant
scription medications for erectile dysfunction (such as Viagra® and
increased risk for breast cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke,
Cialis®) can help to restore normal erection. Women may expe-
and blood clots.
rience a drier vagina, and many over-the-counter lubricants can
Similarly, besides the action of androgens (e.g., testosterone)
provide extra moisture.
on the sexual organs and functions of males, androgens play a
metabolic role in cells. They stimulate the synthesis of structural
proteins in skeletal muscles and bone, and they also affect the ac-
17.6 Homeostasis tivity of various enzymes in the liver and kidneys. For example, in
the kidney, androgens stimulate the synthesis of erythropoietin, the
17. Discuss how the reproductive system works with other systems of
the body to maintain homeostasis. protein that signals the bone marrow to increase the production of
red blood cells.
Regulation of sex hormone blood level is an example of homeo-
static control. Figure 17.8 shows how the blood level of testoster-
one is maintained within normal limits. Negative feedback results Content CHECK-UP!
in a self-regulatory mechanism that maintains the appropriate level
of these hormones in the blood. 13. The stage of life after which females can no longer reproduce
The illustration in Human Systems Work Together on page 420 is called _____. Do males experience this? Explain.
shows how the reproductive system works with the other systems 14. Female hormone production drastically decreases after meno-
of the body to maintain homeostasis. Usually we stress that the pause. What are some benefits and risks of replacing these
function of sex hormones produced not only by the gonads but hormones medically?
also by the adrenal glands is to promote development of the repro- Answers in Appendix A.
ductive organs and to maintain the secondary sex characteristics.

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 419

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Human Systems Work Together REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM

Integumentary System Cardiovascular System

How the Reproductive
Androgens activate oil System works with other Sex hormones influence
gland; sex hormones body systems. cardiovascular health; sexual
stimulate fat deposition, activities stimulate
affect hair distribution in cardiovascular system.
males and females.
Blood vessels transport
Skin receptors respond to sex hormones; vasodilation
touch; modified sweat glands causes genitals to become
produce milk; skin stretches to erect; blood services the
accommodate growing fetus. reproductive organs.

Skeletal System Lymphatic System/Immunity

Sex hormones influence Sex hormones influence

bone growth and density immune functioning; acidity of
in males and females. seminal vagina helps prevent
vesicle pathogen invasion of body;
Bones provide support and milk passes antibodies to
protection of reproductive ductus
organs. deferens
prostate Immune system does not
gland typically attack sperm or fetus,
Muscular System even though they are foreign
urethra to the body.
Androgens promote epididymis
growth of skeletal muscle.
penis Respiratory System
Muscle contraction occurs testis
during orgasm and moves Sexual activity increases
gametes; abdominal and scrotum breathing; pregnancy causes
uterine muscle contractions breathing rate and vital
occur during childbirth. capacity to increase.

Gas exchange increases

Nervous System during sexual activity.

Sex hormones masculinize or

feminize the brain, exert Digestive System
feedback control over the
hypothalamus, and influence Pregnancy crowds digestive
sexual behavior. organs and promotes
heartburn and constipation.
Brain controls onset of
puberty; nerves are involved Digestive tract provides
in erection of penis and nutrients for growth and repair
clitoris, movement of gametes mammary
of organs and for
along ducts, and contraction glands
development of fetus.
of uterus.

uterine Urinary System

Endocrine System tube
ovary Penis in males contains the
Gonads produce the sex urethra and performs
hormones. vagina urination; prostate
external genitalia enlargement hinders
Hypothalamic, pituitary, urination.
(clitoris, labia)
and sex hormones
control sex characteristics uterus Semen is discharged through
and regulate reproductive the urethra in males; kidneys
processes. excrete wastes and maintain
electrolyte levels for mother
and child.

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Rape is a crime of violence, and not a crime of sexuality. It happens to high-frequency ultraviolet lamp called a Wood’s lamp can detect the
all kinds of victims: women, men, and children; heterosexual and presence of semen on the patient’s body. Seminal fluid will fluoresce
homosexual; even babies and the elderly. It is a crime that reportedly at specific wavelengths of ultraviolet light. Other chemical testing for
occurs once every two minutes—but that statistic may be much lower the components of semen can be done as well. However, it is impor-
than the number of actual incidents. An estimated 25% of reported tant to note that absence of semen does not mean that rape did not
cases are committed by a complete stranger. Family members carry occur. The perpetrator may have had a vasectomy. Further, a study of
out approximately 12% of rapes, but the highest numbers of such assailants documented that 50% reported erectile dysfunction and
crimes—63%—are committed by an acquaintance of the victim. Many inability to ejaculate while attempting a rape.
rapes go unreported, their victims too afraid or too ashamed to seek Medical treatment for the victim will include testing for sexually
medical and legal assistance. When rape victims do seek emergency transmitted infection, including gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. Antibi-
medical care, it is imperative that their needs for physical, psychologi- otics and anti-retroviral drugs can be prescribed. If the patient is not
cal, and legal assistance are met promptly and compassionately. immunized for hepatitis B, he or she should receive the vaccine. Test-
Many communities have formed Sexual Assault Response ing for HIV and hepatitis should be repeated approximately 6 months
Teams (SARTs). A key member of such a team is a trained sexual after the incident. Female victims should also be tested for a preexist-
assault nurse examiner (SANE). Forensic nursing is a subspecialty of ing pregnancy. Nonpregnant women may elect to receive emergency
nursing recognized by the American Nursing Association, which pro- contraception to prevent pregnancy. However, this treatment can
vides training for nurses desiring SANE certification. The team also damage an existing pregnancy and should not be given to a pregnant
includes EMS personnel, physicians, psychologists, social workers, woman. The patient should also receive a urinalysis, especially if he
and law enforcement officials. or she does not recall details of the rape. Testing can show evidence
The first step in care for the rape victim is taking a thorough medi- of so-called “date-rape” drugs, which induce short-term memory loss.
cal history. The patient should be made as comfortable as possible, and Psychological counseling is essential if a rape victim is to
may prefer to remain clothed during the initial assessment. A physical recover. A rape victim may initially feel anger, fear, or anxiety—
exam will follow during which a standardized rape kit may be used to although he or she may express no emotion at all. Many victims will
collect evidence. The patient should disrobe while standing on a sheet internalize blame for the incident, believing that some past incident
of exam-table paper in order to catch any hairs from the suspect that may have invited the assault. Flashbacks—painful, detailed memories
might remain on the patient’s body. All clothing should be placed in of the incident—are common after rape. Anxiety disorders and post-
paper evidence bags, and any fluid on the clothing (blood, urine, semen, traumatic stress disorder may occur years after the incident, and also
etc.) should be allowed to air-dry before the paper bags are sealed. This require psychological counseling.
will prevent mold growth, which might destroy evidence. Bruises and By properly documenting history and evidence, EMS, nursing,
abrasions on the patient’s body must be documented and photographed. and medical professionals can enable successful prosecution of the
Vaginal exams of females and oral-rectal exams for either gender may rapist. Detailed evidence is particularly important in cases of non-
also give evidence of injury. The pubic hair is combed through with a stranger sexual assault, such as child, spousal, or elder abuse. Evi-
fine-tooth comb to capture any pubic hair from the perpetrator. dence from health-care professionals in these cases can support a
Fluids found on the patient’s body should be collected on swabs victim’s claims of lack of consent to sexual activity. Just as important,
for DNA and other chemical testing, and their presence recorded. The careful medical and psychological care can enable the victim to
victim’s blood, hair, and urine will also be sampled for comparison. A recover from his or her ordeal.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms clitoris (klĭ9tō-rĭs), p. 405 ejaculation (ē-jăkyū-lā9shŭn), p. 395
acrosome (ăk9rō-sōm), p. 396 colostrum (kō-lŏs9trŭm), p. 409 ejaculatory duct (ē-jăk9yū-lŭh-tōrē dŭkt),
corpora cavernosa (kōr9pōr-ă kăv-ĕr-nōs9-ŭh), p. 395
androgens (ăn9drŭh-jĕn), p. 395
p. 399 endometrium (ĕn-dō-mē9trē-ŭm), p. 401
areola (ă-rē9ō-lă), p. 407
corpus albicans (kōr9pŭs ăl9bĭ-kănz), p. 403 epididymis (ĕpĭ-dĭd9ĭ-mĭs), p. 395
Bartholin glands (Băr9tō-lĭn glănds), p. 406
corpus luteum (kōr9pŭs lū9tē-ŭm), p. 403 estrogen (ĕs9trō-jĕn), p. 406
bulbourethral gland (bŭlbō-yū-rē9thrăl glănd),
p. 395 corpus spongiosum (kōr9pŭs spŭn-gē-ō9sŭm), external genitals (ĕks-tĕr9năl jĕn9ĭ-tălz), p. 399
p. 399 fimbriae (fĭm9brē-ē), p. 404
cervix (sĕr9vĭks), p. 401
diploid (dĭp9lōyd), p. 393

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 421

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follicle (fŏl9ĭ-kŭl), p. 402 prostate gland (prŏs9tāt glănd), p. 395 chancre (shăn9kĕr), p. 417
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) (fŏl9ĭ-kŭl puberty (pyū9bĕr-tē), p. 393 chlamydia (klŭh-mĭ9dē-ŭh), p. 417
stĭm9yū-lā-tĭng hŏr9mōn), p. 400 scrotum (skrō9tŭm), p. 395 circumcision (sĕrkŭm-sĭzh9ŭn), p. 399
gametes (găm9ēt9), p. 393 secondary sex characteristics (sĕk9ŭn-dār-ē contraception (kŏn-tră-sĕp9shŭn), p. 410
genitals (jĕn9ĭ-tălz), p. 393 sĕks kārăk-tĕr-ĭs9tĭks), p. 400 cryptorchidism (krĭp-tōr9kĭ-dĭzm), p. 395
germ cells (jŭrm sĕl), p. 396 secondary spermatocyte (sĕk9ŭn-dār-ē spĕrm- ectopic pregnancy (ĕk-tŏp9ĭk prĕg9nŭn-sē),
haploid (hăp9lōyd), p. 393 ă9tō-sīt), p. 396 p. 404
human chorionic gonadotropin (hyū9măn semen (sē9mĕn), p. 395 endometriosis (ĕn-dō-mētrē-ō9sĭs), p. 415
kōrē-ŏn’ĭk gōnăd-ō-trō9pĭn), p. 407 seminal vesicle (sĕm9ĭ-năl vĕs9ĭ-kŭl), p. 395 erectile dysfunction (ē-rĕk9tīl dĭs-fŭnk9shŭn),
implantation (ĭmplăn-tā9shŭn), p. 401 seminiferous tubule (sēmĭ-nĭf9ĕr-ŭs tū9byūl), p. 399
inhibin (ĭn-hĭb9ĭn), p. 400 p. 396 genital herpes (jĕn9ĭ-tăl hĕr9pēz), p. 416
interstitial cell (ĭntĕr-stĭsh9ŭl sĕl), p. 396 sperm (spĕrm), p. 396 genital warts (jĕn9ĭ-tăl wŏrts), p. 416
labia majora (lā9bē-ŭh mŭh-jŏr9ŭh), p. 405 spermatic cord (spĕrm-ă9-tĭk kōrd), p. 398 gonorrhea (gŏn-ō-rē9ŭh), p. 417
labia minora (lā9bē-ŭh mī-nŏr9ŭh), p. 405 spermatogenesis (spĕrmŭh-tō-jĕn9ē-sĭs), gumma (gŭm9ŭh), p. 417
lactation (lăk-tā9-shŭn), p. 409 p. 396 hepatitis (hĕp9ŭh-tī9tĭs), p. 417
LH (luteinizing hormone) (lū9tē-ĭ-nīz-ĭng spermatogonia (spĕrmă-tō-gō9nē-ŭh), p. 396 hernia (hĕr9nē-ŭh), p. 398
hŏr9mōn), p. 400 sustentacular (Sertoli) cells (sŭstĕn-tăk9yū-lĕr hysterectomy (hĭstĕr-ĕk9tō-mē), p. 405
meiosis (mī-ō9sĭs), p. 393 sĕlls), p. 396
infertility (ĭn-fĕr-tĭl9ĭ-tē), p. 415
menopause (mĕn9ō-păwz), p. 407 testis (tĕs9tĭs), p. 395
inguinal hernia (ĭng9gwŭh-nĕl hŭr9nē-ŭh),
menses (mĕn9sēz9), p. 407 testosterone (tĕs-tŏs9tŭh-rōn), p. 396 p. 398
menstrual cycle (mĕnstrū-ăl sī9kĕl), p. 407 urethra (yū-rē9thrŭh), p. 395 intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ĭn9trŭh-sīt-ō-
mons pubis (mŏnz pyū9bĭs), p. 405 uterine tube (yū9tĕr-ĭn tūb), p. 404 plăs-mĭk spĕrm ĭn-jĕk9shŭn), p. 415
oocyte (ō9ō-sīt), p. 402 uterus (yū9tĕr-ŭs), p. 401 in vitro fertilization (ĭn vē9trō fŭrtĭl-ĭ-zā9shŭn),
oogenesis (ōō-jĕn9ĕ-sĭs), p. 403 vagina (vŭh-jī9nŭh), p. 402 p. 415
orgasm (ŏr9găzm), p. 399 vas deferens (văs dĕf9ĕr-ĕns), p. 395 oophorectomy (ō-ŏf-ŏr-ĕk9tō-mē), p. 405
ova (ō9vŭh), p. 401 vesicular (Graafian) follicle (vĕs-ĭk9yū-lĕr ovarian cancer (ō-vār9ē-ŭn căn9sĕr), p. 405
[grăf9ē-ŭn] fŏl9ĭ-kŭl), p. 403 ovariohysterectomy (ō-vārē-ō-hĭstĕr-
ovaries (ō9vŭh-rēs), p. 401
vestibule (vĕs9tŭh-byūl), p. 405 ĕk9tō-mē), p. 405
ovulation (ŏvyū-lā9shŭn), p. 403
vulva (vŭl9vŭh), p. 402 pelvic inflammatory disease (pĕl9vĭk ĭn-
Pap smear (păp smēr), p. 405
zygote (zī9gōt), p. 395 flăm9ŭh-tŏr-ē dĭz-ēz9), p. 417
penis (pē9nĭs), p. 399
salpingectomy (săl-pĭn-jĕk9tō-mē), p. 405
polar body (pō9lĕr bŏd-ē), p. 403
Clinical Key Terms sexually transmitted infection (sĕk9shū-ăh-lē
primary spermatocyte (prī9mā-rē spĕrm-ă9tō- trănz-mĭt9ĕd ĭn9fĕk-shŭn), p. 416
sīt), p. 396 artificial insemination (ărtĭ-fĭ9shŭl ĭn-sĕm-ĭ-
nā9shŭn), p. 415 syphilis (sĭf-ŭh-lĭs), p. 417
progesterone (prō-jĕs9tŭh-rōn9), p. 406
assisted reproductive technologies (ŭh-sĭs9tĕd
prostaglandins (prŏs9tŭh-glăn9dĭn), p. 398
rēprō-dŭk9tĭv tĕk-năh9lō-jēz), p. 415

17.1 Human Life Cycle number of 46 chromosomes. along with secretions produced
The functions of the reproductive Mitosis is used in the growth of by the seminal vesicles, prostate,
system include the production and the embryo, fetus, and child. and bulbourethral glands. Sperm
transportation of gametes by the 17.2 Male Reproductive System and these secretions are called
ovaries and testes, nourishing the The primary male reproductive or- semen, or seminal fluid.
developing embryo and fetus, nour- gans are the testes. The accessory C. The external genitals of males
ishing a newborn via the production organs include the epididymis, vas are the penis, the organ of sex-
and delivery of breast milk, and sup- deferens, ejaculatory duct, seminal ual intercourse, and the scrotum,
plying the body with sex hormones. vesicles, prostate gland, bulboure- which contains the testes.
A. The life cycle of humans requires thral glands, and urethra. D. Erection is a spinal reflex that in-
two types of nuclear division: mei- A. Spermatogenesis occurs in volves the autonomic nervous
osis and mitosis. Meiosis occurs the seminiferous tubules of the system. Orgasm is a physical
in sperm production in males and testes. and emotional climax that results
ova production in females. It re- B. Sperm mature and are stored in in ejaculation of semen from the
sults in haploid cells with 23 chro- the epididymides. Sperm may penis.
mosomes. When fertilization also be stored in the vasa defer- E. Hormone regulation, involving se-
occurs, the zygote has the diploid entia before entering the urethra cretions from the hypothalamus,

422 PART V Reproduction and Development

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the anterior pituitary, and the tes- menstruation phase occurs be- the uterine lining. However, the
tes, maintains testosterone at a fore the proliferative phase. Dur- only 100% effective way to pre-
fairly constant level. FSH from the ing the proliferative phase, vent pregnancy and sexually
anterior pituitary promotes sper- estrogen causes the uterine lin- transmitted disease is
matogenesis in the seminiferous ing to thicken. Ovulation is abstinence.
tubules, and LH promotes testos- caused by a positive feedback B. Some couples are infertile and
terone production by the intersti- cycle in which an abundance of may use assisted reproductive
tial cells. estrogen brings about a surge in technologies in order to have a
17.3 Female Reproductive System FSH and LH. After ovulation, the child. Artificial insemination and
The primary female reproductive or- corpus luteum in the ovary se- in vitro fertilization have been
gans are the ovaries. The accessory cretes primarily progesterone, followed by more sophisticated
organs include the uterine tubes, which causes the uterine lining techniques such as intracyto-
uterus, vagina, mons pubis, clitoris, to become secretory. Unless a plasmic sperm injection.
labia majora, and labia minora. fertilized ovum implants into the C. Sexually transmitted infections
A. Oogenesis occurs within the ova- endometrium, the corpus luteum can be caused by viruses, bacte-
ries. Typically, one follicle ma- gradually deteriorates to form ria, and parasites. Humans cannot
tures each month. This follicle the corpus albicans. Progester- develop effective immunity for
balloons out of the ovary and one production decreases, and these diseases. Viral STIs include
bursts, releasing a secondary oo- the endometrium is shed once HIV/AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, and
cyte in a process called ovulation. again during menstruation. genital warts. Human papillomavi-
B. The ovulated secondary oocyte G. If fertilization takes place, the em- rus (HPV) causes genital warts as
enters a uterine tube, which bryo implants itself in the thick- well as most cervical cancers. Vi-
leads to the uterus. This is where ened endometrium. When this ral STIs have no cure. Bacterial
implantation and development occurs, the developing placenta diseases include syphilis, gonor-
occur if the secondary oocyte is produces HCG, which maintains rhea, and chlamydia. These infec-
fertilized to become a zygote. the corpus luteum. The corpus tions can be cured with antibiotics
C. The external genitalia include luteum continues to secrete pro- unless the bacteria have become
the vaginal opening, mons pubis, gesterone, which prevents resistant to these drugs.
clitoris, the labia majora, and la- menstruation from occurring. 17.5 Effects of Aging
bia minora. The vagina receives H. Estrogen and progesterone are Menopause occurs between the
the penis during intercourse, and needed for mammary gland de- ages of 45 and 55 in women. Fol-
allows passage of menstrual velopment. During pregnancy, lowing menopause, atrophy of the
fluid and the fetus to the outside. the breasts enlarge and prepare genitals is likely. In men, testoster-
D. The external genitalia, especially for lactation. Prolactin stimulates one production decreases after age
the clitoris, play an active role in breast milk production, and oxy- 50, and the incidence of erectile
orgasm, which culminates in tocin causes the release of milk dysfunction increases.
uterine and uterine tube from the breasts. 17.6 Homeostasis
contractions. 17.4 Control of Reproduction and Sexu- Maintaining secondary sexual char-
E. Hormonal regulation in females, ally Transmitted Infections acteristics doesn’t directly affect ho-
like in males, begins with the secre- A. Numerous contraceptive meth- meostasis of the body’s internal
tion of GnRH from the hypothala- ods and devices, such as the environment. But sex hormones have
mus. GnRH promotes the secretion birth control pill, diaphragm, con- many other effects in the body that
of FSH and LH from the anterior pi- dom, surgery, and natural family do. For example, estrogen maintains
tuitary gland. These hormones planning, are available for those bone mass, and after menopause,
stimulate the ovaries to produce who wish to prevent pregnancy. the decreased level of estrogen in
estrogen and progesterone. Emergency contraception can women causes bone weakening and
F. The menstrual cycle can be di- be taken after sexual intercourse fractures. It also increases the risk of
vided into pre-ovulation and but before there is any indication cardiovascular diseases. One of the
post-ovulation events. Before of pregnancy. Mifepristone, for many functions of androgens, espe-
ovulation, FSH causes an example, induces a medical cially testosterone, is to stimulate the
estrogen-producing follicle to abortion by blocking progester- synthesis of structural proteins in
begin developing in the ovary. one receptors, causing an im- skeletal muscle and bone.
Meanwhile, in the uterus, the planted embryo to be shed with

Study Questions
1. Explain the process of meiosis. How is 2. Outline the path of sperm. What 3. Discuss the anatomy and physiology
a haploid cell produced from a diploid glands contribute fluids to semen? of the testes. Describe the structure of
cell? (pp. 393–395) (pp. 395–397) sperm. (pp. 395–397)

Chapter 17 The Reproductive System 423

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4. List five male internal accessory or- 9. List the four female internal accessory 15. Discuss the various means of birth
gans. What role does each play in organs, and be able to describe the control and their relative effective-
forming semen? (pp. 397–399) role of each one. (pp. 404–405) ness in preventing pregnancy.
5. Describe the structure of the male pe- 10. Name and describe the external geni- (pp. 410–412, 414–415)
nis, and what occurs with sexual tals in females. Outline the steps in the 16. Discuss reasons for infertility, and
arousal. (pp. 399–400) female sexual response. (pp. 405–406) describe three methods of assisted
6. Name the endocrine glands involved in 11. How are female hormones regulated? reproductive technology. (p. 415)
maintaining the sex characteristics of What endocrine glands are involved? 17. Discuss the incidence, transmission,
males and the hormones produced by (pp. 406–408) and mechanisms for prevention of
each. (pp. 400–401) 12. Describe the pre- and post-ovulation sexually transmitted infection. Which
7. Describe the organs of the female events of the menstrual cycle. How is forms are bacterial/viral/parasitic?
genital tract. Where do fertilization and menstruation prevented if pregnancy Which can be controlled by antibiotics?
implantation occur? Name two func- occurs? (pp. 407–408) (pp. 416–418)
tions of the vagina. (pp. 401–402 13. Name three functions of the female 18. Discuss the anatomical and physiologi-
8. Discuss the anatomy and the physiol- sex hormones. (pp. 406–409) cal changes that occur in the reproduc-
ogy of the ovaries, and describe the 14. Outline the process of lactation. tive system as we age. (p. 419)
process of oogenesis. (pp. 402–403) (pp. 407, 409)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 7. An erection is caused by the 13. Once a vesicular follicle has released
1. Human haploid cells contain entrance of into erectile an egg, it develops into a glandlike
chromosomes. Which tissue of the penis. structure called a(n) .
cells are haploid? 8. In the female reproductive system, 14. What two hormones are directly
2. Spermatogenesis occurs within the the uterus lies between the uterine involved in lactation?
of the testes. tubes and the . 15. The most frequent causes of male
3. Androgens are secreted by the 9. Which structures are considered parts infertility are and
cells that lie between of the vulva? .
seminiferous tubules. 10. The female sex hormones are 16. Whereas AIDS and genital herpes are
4. The primary male sex hormone is and . caused by , gonorrhea
. 11. In the menstrual cycle, once each and chlamydia are caused by
5. In tracing the path of sperm, the month a(n) produces an .
structure that follows the epididymis ovum and the is
is the . prepared to receive the embryo.
6. The prostate gland, the bulbourethral 12. The release of an ovum from a
glands, and the all vesicular follicle is called .
contribute to seminal fluid.

Medical Outcome Questions
After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. orchidopexy (ŏrkĭ-dō-pĕk9sē) 6. multipara (mŭl-tĭp9ŭh-rŭh)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. transurethral resection of prostate 7. seminoma (sĕmĭ-nō9mŭh)
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and (TURP) (trănsyū-rē9thrăl rē-sĕk9shŭn 8. genitourinary ( jĕnĭ-tō-yū9rĭ-nār9ē)
suffixes used to create these terms can be ŭv prŏs9tāt) 9. prostatic hypertrophy (prŏs-tăt9ĭk
found throughout the chapter. For addi- 3. gonadotropic (gōnăd-ō-trōp9ĭk) hy9pĕr-trōfē)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 4. gynecomastia (gīnĕ-kō-măs9tē-ŭh) 10. azoospermia (ā-zō9ō-spĕr9mē-ŭh) and consult 5. hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
Appendix B. (hĭstĕr-ō-săl-pĭng9gō-ōŏf-ŏr-ĕk9tō-mē)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

424 PART V Reproduction and Development

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18 Human Development and Birth

T he town of Mount Airy, North Carolina, is most famous for its connections
to the fictional town of “Mayberry,” from the 1960s-era television show, The
Andy Griffith Show. Mount Airy is the birthplace of Andy Griffith, the show’s star
and namesake, and Mayberry was modeled after Mount Airy. (If you’ve never
seen The Andy Griffith Show, check it out on YouTube®.) Andy Griffith was not
the town’s only famous resident, however. There were two other Mount Airy
citizens who were famous long before The Andy Griffith Show ever began—
Chang and Eng Bunker. The Bunkers were the original “Siamese twins,” a pair
of conjoined brothers born in Siam (now modern-day Thailand) in 1811. As you’ll
discover in this chapter, conjoined twins like Chang and Eng are formed when
the developing zygote begins separating but doesn’t completely divide. Two
individuals are formed but remain connected somewhere along their bodies.
The two Bunker brothers were united at the chest by a tube of flesh, and
modern-day surgeons speculate that the twins could easily have been
separated with today’s medical knowledge and surgical procedures.
Separation was a medical impossibility then, however, and the two earned a
handsome living for a time as human oddities, giving lectures and
demonstrations throughout the United States and Europe. In 1839, they settled
on a farm in Mount Airy, then married sisters Adelaide and Sarah Yates, and
between them, fathered 21 children. The twins died within hours of each other
in 1874, at the age of 63.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

18.1 Fertilization 4. Describe the events that occur 18.3 Birth

during pre-embryonic and embryonic
1. Explain the events of fertilization and development. 7. Describe the three stages of birth.
the conversion of the ovum into a 8. In general, describe the physical and
zygote. 5. Describe the structures and
functions of the placenta and the physiological changes in the mother
umbilical cord. during pregnancy.
18.2 Development
6. Describe the events that occur
2. Discuss the processes of during fetal development, and Medical Focus
development. compare and contrast development Therapeutic Cloning
3. Name the four extraembryonic of male and female sex organs. Premature Babies
membranes, and give a function
for each. Preventing Birth Defects


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18.1 Fertilization destroyed by enzymes in the ovum (with only vary rare recorded
exceptions). Therefore, the zygote receives cytoplasm, organelles,
1. Explain the events of fertilization and the conversion of the ovum into
a zygote. nutrients, and structural components only from the mother.
The plasma membrane of the ovum is surrounded by a nonliv-
ing extracellular matrix termed the zona pellucida. In turn, the
Fertilization of an ovum at conception requires that a single sperm
zona pellucida is surrounded by a few layers of adhering follicular
penetrate the ovum. When the genetic materials from ovum and
cells, collectively called the corona radiata. These cells nourished
sperm are combined, the zygote is formed. This single cell is the
the ovum when it was in a follicle of the ovary.
foundation for a new, unique individual. Figure 18.1 shows the
manner in which an ovum is fertilized by a sperm in humans.
Steps of Fertilization
Sperm and Ovum Anatomy During fertilization, (1) several sperm penetrate the corona radiata,
(2) several sperm attempt to penetrate the zona pellucida, and (3) one
As you’ll recall from Chapter 17, a sperm has three distinct parts: a
sperm enters the ovum. The acrosome plays a role in allowing sperm
head, a middle piece, and a tail. Very little cytoplasm is found in a
to penetrate the zona pellucida. After a sperm head binds tightly to
sperm cell. The tail is a flagellum, which allows the sperm to swim
the zona pellucida, the acrosome releases digestive enzymes that
through the female reproductive tract toward the ovum. The middle
forge a pathway for the sperm through the zona pellucida. When
piece contains energy-producing mitochondria, and the head con-
a sperm binds to the ovum, their plasma membranes fuse, and this
tains the sperm nucleus, which encloses the 23 chromosomes from
sperm (the head, the middle piece, and usually the tail) enters the
the male. Capping the sperm head is a membrane-bound acrosome,
ovum. Fusion of the sperm nucleus and the ovum nucleus follows.
which contains digestive enzymes. Notice that only the nucleus from
To ensure proper development, only one sperm should enter an
the sperm head fuses with the ovum nucleus. Scientists believe that
ovum. Accidental entry of more than one sperm cell will halt any
the few mitochondria in the middle piece of the sperm are rapidly

2. Acrosomal enzymes microvilli of ovum plasma membrane

tail digest a portion of 3. Sperm binds to and
zona pellucida. fuses with ovum
plasma membrane. sperm

1. Sperm makes its

way through the Corona
corona radiata. Radiata 4. Sperm enters 5. Cortical granules
cytoplasm of ovum. release enzymes;
plasma zona pellucida
membrane becomes fertilization
nucleus membrane.


Fertilization Membrane

6. Sperm and ovum

pronuclei are enclosed
cortical granule in a nuclear envelope.
sperm pronucleus
ovum plasma membrane

Zona Pellucida ovum pronucleus

Figure 18.1 Fertilization. Fertilization is accomplished in a series of steps: 1. sperm cells break aside the cells of the corona
radiata, until a single sperm is able to penetrate and adhere to the zona pellucida; 2. enzymes in the sperm’s acrosome digest the zona
pellucida; 3. sperm plasma membrane binds to the ovum plasma membrane; 4. entire sperm enters the ovum, and its nucleus is released;
5. fertilization membrane is formed, polyspermy is prevented; and 6. sperm and ovum pronuclei fuse together in a nuclear envelope.

426 PART V Reproduction and Development

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further development by the zygote. Cell division cannot take place Cleavage. Immediately after fertilization, the zygote begins to
because additional chromosomes in the zygote will prevent the pair- divide so that there are first 2, then 4, 8, 16, 32 cells, and so
ing of chromosomes essential for mitosis. Prevention of polyspermy forth. During these first divisions, the ball of cells that is
(entrance of more than one sperm) depends on changes in the ovum’s formed does not increase in size; it remains the same size as
plasma membrane and in the zona pellucida. As soon as the sperm the zygote (see Fig. 18.3). Cell division during cleavage is
cell membrane fuses with the ovum cell membrane, the ovum’s mitotic, and each cell receives a full complement of
plasma membrane depolarizes (from −65 mV to 10 mV). Then, the chromosomes and genes.
ovum releases small vesicles called cortical oocyte granules, which Growth. During embryonic development, cell division is
contain lysosomal enzymes. In response, the zona pellucida alters accompanied by an increase in the size of the daughter cells.
its structure and composition, becoming an impenetrable fertiliza- Morphogenesis. Morphogenesis refers to the shaping of the
tion membrane. As a result, the ovum cell membrane and the zona embryo and is first evident when certain cells are seen to
pellucida cooperate to prevent entry of any additional sperm cells. migrate to new positions relative to other cells. As these
Once a zygote has been formed, it must implant into the en- movements continue in a very orderly sequence, the embryo
dometrial layer of the uterus in order to survive. If implantation begins to take on a defined shape.
is unsuccessful, the zygote survives for only a very short period. Differentiation. Differentiation occurs as each group of cells
Following a successful implantation, the mother is clinically takes on a specific structure and function. The first system to
pregnant. She will soon have a positive result on a blood or urine become visibly differentiated is the nervous system.
pregnancy test because of the presence of human chorionic go-
nadotropin (HCG), which is described in the following section.
Extraembryonic Membranes
Content CHECK-UP! The extraembryonic membranes are not part of the embryo and
fetus; instead, as implied by their name, they are outside the em-
1. The nonliving extracellular matrix material surrounding the bryo (Fig. 18.2). The names of the extraembryonic membranes in
ovum is called the: humans are strange to us because they are named for their function
a. corona radiata. c. corpus albicans. in shelled animals—birds and reptiles! In shelled animals, the cho-
b. zona pellucida. d. acrosome. rion lies next to the shell and carries on gas exchange. The amnion
2. Put the following events of fertilization in the correct order as contains the protective amniotic fluid, which bathes the developing
they occur: embryo. The allantois collects nitrogenous wastes, and the yolk sac
1. Sperm nucleus and ovum nucleus fuse. surrounds the yolk, which provides nourishment.
2. Several sperm penetrate the corona radiata.
3. One sperm penetrates the ovum.
4. Barriers are set up to prevent polyspermy. extraembryonic
a. 2-3-4-1 c. 3-2-4-1 amnion

b. 2-4-3-1 d. 3-4-2-1 amnionic

chorion cavity
Answers in Appendix A.
18.2 Development yolk sac

2. Discuss the processes of development.

3. Name the four extraembryonic membranes, and give a function for each.
4. Describe the events that occur during pre-embryonic and embryonic
5. Describe the structures and functions of the placenta and the
umbilical cord.
6. Describe the events that occur during fetal development, and com-
pare and contrast development of male and female sex organs.

Before we discuss the stages of development, you’ll want to be-

come familiar with the processes of development and the names maternal developing
and functions of the extraembryonic membranes. blood vessels

Figure 18.2 Extraembryonic membranes. The

Processes of Development chorion and amnion surround the embryo. The other two extra-
embryonic membranes, the yolk sac and allantois, contribute to
Here’s a quick introduction to the stages of a human being’s
the umbilical cord.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 427

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The functions of the extraembryonic membranes are differ- Stages of Development
ent in humans because we humans develop inside the uterus. The
Development encompasses the events that occur from fertilization
extraembryonic membranes have these functions in humans:
to birth. In humans, this gestation period is usually calculated by
1. Chorion. The chorion develops into the fetal half of the adding 280 days to the start of the last menstruation, a date that is
placenta, the organ that provides the embryo/fetus with usually known. However, only about 5% of babies actually arrive
nourishment and oxygen and takes away its waste. on the predicted date.
2. Yolk sac. The yolk sac has little yolk and is the first site of
blood cell formation. Pre-Embryonic Development
3. Allantois. The allantois blood vessels become the umbilical
blood vessels. Table 18.1 shows that we can subdivide development into pre-
4. Amnion. The amnion contains fluid to cushion and protect embryonic, embryonic, and fetal development. Pre-embryonic
the embryo, which develops into a fetus. development encompasses the events of the first week, as shown
in Figure 18.3.

TABLE 18.1 Human Development

Time Events for Mother Events for Baby
First week Ovulation occurs. Fertilization occurs. Cell division begins and continues.
Chorion appears.
Second week Symptoms of early pregnancy (nausea, breast Implantation occurs. Amnion and yolk sac appear. Embryo
swelling and tenderness, fatigue) are present. has tissues. Placenta begins to form.
Blood pregnancy test is positive.
Third week First menstruation is missed. Urine pregnancy test is Nervous system begins to develop. Allantois and blood
positive. Symptoms of early pregnancy continue. vessels are present. Placenta is well formed.
Fourth week Limb buds form. Heart is noticeable and beating. Nervous
system is prominent. Embryo has tail. Other systems form.
Fifth week Uterus is the size of a hen’s egg. Mother feels Embryo is curved. Head is large. Limb buds show divisions.
frequent need to urinate due to pressure of Nose, eyes, and ears are noticeable.
growing uterus on bladder.
Sixth week Uterus is the size of an orange. Fingers and toes are present. Skeleton is cartilaginous.
Two months Uterus can be felt above the pubic bone. All systems are developing. Bone is replacing cartilage.
Facial features are becoming refined. Embryo is about
38 mm (1½ in.) long.
Third month Uterus is the size of a grapefruit. Gender can be distinguished by ultrasound. Fingernails
Fourth month Fetal movement is felt by a mother who has Skeleton is visible. Hair begins to appear. Fetus is about
previously been pregnant. 150 mm (6 in.) long and weighs about 170 g (6 oz).
Fifth month Fetal movement is felt by a mother who has not Protective cheesy coating, called vernix caseosa, begins to
previously been pregnant. Uterus reaches up to be deposited. Heartbeat can be heard.
level of umbilicus, and pregnancy is obvious.
Sixth month Doctor can tell where baby’s head, back, and limbs Body is covered with fine hair called lanugo. Skin is
are. Breasts have enlarged, nipples and areolae wrinkled and reddish.
are darkly pigmented, and colostrum is produced.
Seventh month Uterus reaches halfway between umbilicus and rib Testes descend into scrotum. Eyes are open. Fetus is about
cage. 300 mm (12 in.) long and weighs about 1,350 g (3 lb).
Eighth month Weight gain is averaging about a pound a week. Body hair begins to disappear. Subcutaneous fat begins to
Standing and walking are difficult because center be deposited.
of gravity is thrown forward.
Ninth month Uterus is up to rib cage, causing shortness of breath Fetus is ready for birth. It is about 530 mm (20–21 inches)
and heartburn. Sleeping becomes difficult. long and weighs about 3,400 g (7.5 lb).

428 PART V Reproduction and Development

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ovum nucleus
2. Fertilization
sperm nucleus


zona pellucida
corona radiata

5. Early blastocyst
single cell =
zygote 1. Ovulation

fimbriae inner cell



uterine tube

2-cell 6. Implantation

3. Cleavage stage

4. Morula

Figure 18.3 Pre-embryonic development. At ovulation, the egg leaves

the ovary. Fertilization occurs in the upper one-third of the uterine tube. The zygote is
termed a pre-embryo when cell division (cleavage) begins. When the pre-embryo begins
implanting itself into the endometrium, it becomes an embryo.

Immediately after fertilization, the zygote divides repeatedly therapeutic cloning, as discussed in the Medical Focus reading
as it passes down the uterine tube to the uterus. A morula is a on page 430. Sometimes during development, either the cells of
compact ball of embryonic cells that becomes a blastocyst. The the morula separate, or the inner cell mass splits, and two em-
many cells of the blastocyst arrange themselves so that there is an bryos are present rather than one. If each of the two embryos
inner cell mass surrounded by a layer of cells, the trophoblast. is able to complete development, the two babies formed will
The trophoblast will become the chorion. The early appearance of be identical twins because they have inherited exactly the same
the chorion emphasizes the complete dependence of the develop- chromosomes. Should separation of the cell mass be incomplete,
ing embryo on this extraembryonic membrane. The inner cell mass the identical twins formed are called conjoined twins (formerly
will become the embryo. referred to as Siamese twins). Conjoined twins can be joined at
Each cell within the morula and the inner cell mass of any part of the body. Fraternal twins, who arise when two differ-
the blastocyst has the genetic capability of becoming any tis- ent ova are fertilized by two different sperm, do not have identical
sue. This recognition has recently led to a new procedure called chromosomes.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 429

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Therapeutic Cloning

The term cloning means making exact multiple copies of genes, a cell, other sources of stem cells. Numerous exciting studies have shown that
or an organism. For example, identical twins are clones of a single zygote. the adult body has plenty of stem cells: blood, skin, liver, bone, skele-
Theoretically, cloning of human beings may someday be possible, though tal muscle, and neural stem cells have all been found. Once scientists
certainly ethically objectionable. The procedure might begin as described can effectively get adult stem cells to reproduce in cell culture, they
in Figure 18A. The person being cloned need not contribute sperm or an could be a source of tissue cells that won’t ever be rejected. It has even
egg to the process. Instead, in a process called somatic-cell nuclear been possible to coax blood stem cells and neural stem cells to become
transfer (SCNT), a 2n (diploid) nucleus from, say, a fibroblast, can be other types of human tissues in the body. Another potential source of
placed in an enucleated ovum, which then begins developing. The pre- blood stem cells is a baby’s umbilical cord, and umbilical blood can
embryo (blastocyst) would be implanted in the uterus of a surrogate now be indefinitely stored for future use. As technology improves,
mother where it would develop until birth. Although subject to envi- these types of abundant, easily obtainable stem cells might just hold
ronmental influences, the clone would be expected to closely resemble the promise of a cure for many human diseases and disorders.
its “parent.” (For example, Dolly the sheep, cloned in 1996, was the
first mammal ever to be produced through SCNT.)
Therapeutic cloning is not the same as cloning a human being skin fibroblast
because the cells of the created pre-embryo are never introduced into the
enucleated ovum
uterus. Instead, they are separated and treated to become particular tis- patient
sues, which can then be used to treat the patient. The separated cells of a
pre-embryo are called stem cells because they divide repeatedly and can
become various tissues, as shown in Figure 18A. Theoretically, tissues
resulting from this procedure will not be subject to rejection by the
patient because they will bear the same surface molecules as the patient’s
cells. However, it’s important to remember that an ovum contains mito- cell fusion
chondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the mother. Researchers are uncertain
what, if any, effect mtDNA could have on the development of rejection.
Researchers hope that one day therapeutic clone cells may provide
insulin-secreting cells for diabetics, nerve cells for stroke patients or those mitosis
with Parkinson’s disease, cardiac cells for those with heart disease, and so
forth. However, so far therapeutic cloning is experimental and has not
been perfected. To date, the research is extremely expensive to carry out morula
and has a very high failure rate. Further, questions remain about what the
new cells will do once implanted in the person’s body—will they spread mitosis
like cancer cells do? Moreover, it is important to recognize that ethical inner cell
concerns about therapeutic cloning will always remain—after all, any mass
pre-embryo is potentially an entire, living human being.
Anticipating intense interest in therapeutic cloning, the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences proposed strict new guidelines for fed-
erally funded research in 2005. As a result, Embryonic Stem Cell
Research Oversight, or ESCRO, committees were created to approve
any research before it could begin. An ESCRO committee review is
embryonic stem cells
carried out in addition to the current review always required by an
Institutional Review Board, or IRB. ESCRO committees include bio-
ethicists and legal experts, as well as members of the general public.
ESCRO rules require that prior to beginning any research, cultured
stem cells
informed consent from the donors of ova or sperm must be obtained.
Further, stem cells created for therapeutic cloning must never be used
for reproductive purposes. Additional restrictions require that the Figure 18A Therapeutic
embryos created cannot be grown in culture for longer than 14 days. cloning. By placing a
At that point, the primitive streak of the developing nervous system patient’s cell nucleus into
begins to form. The Academy formed a national agency charged with an enucleated ovum, stem
cells can be obtained. blood muscle nervous
regularly reviewing all guidelines on stem cell research, and these
reviews were conducted in 2008 and 2010. Then, embryonic stem
cells are grown to form
Problems with rejection of embryonic stem cells, as well as the
tissues for transplant. Transplantation in Patient
ethical issues surrounding their use, have led researchers to pursue

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Embryonic Development the first organ system to be visually evident. Growth of the ner-
Embryonic development begins with the second week and lasts vous system begins when the ectoderm layer on the posterior
until the end of the second month of development. During this surface of the embryonic disk becomes thickened. This thick-
stage, the developing human is called an embryo. ened area is termed the neural plate. A visible trench, called the
neural groove, next begins to form in the center of the neural
Second Week At the end of the first week, the embryo usually plate. As the neural groove deepens, two ridges of tissue become
begins the process of implanting itself in the wall of the uterus. If evident on either side; these are the neural folds. When the neu-
implantation is successful, the woman is clinically pregnant. On ral folds meet in the middle, the hollow neural tube is formed.
occasion, it happens that the embryo implants itself in a location This tube will later develop into the brain and spinal cord. Com-
other than the uterus—most likely, the uterine tube. Implantation plete closure of the neural tube is critical for normal develop-
of the embryo in any location outside the uterus is called extra- ment. Should this fail to occur for whatever reason, a neural
uterine or ectopic pregnancy (see Chapter 17, p. 404). An ectopic tube defect will be the result. Failure of the inferior spinal cord
pregnancy in the uterine tube must be surgically removed, because area to close causes spina bifida, which can sometimes be sur-
the tube is too narrow to allow the continuing growth of the em- gically repaired. Failure of the superior neural tube to close
bryo. Should the pregnancy continue, the uterine tube will eventu- causes a fatal condition called anencephaly (literally, “without
ally rupture, causing a fatal hemorrhage to both mother and brain”), resulting in a fetus whose brain and cranium never com-
embryo. In rare circumstances, ectopic pregnancies elsewhere in plete development. Multivitamin supplements containing the
the abdominal cavity (for example, on the outside of the uterine vitamin folic acid (folate) have been shown to help to prevent
wall or on the wall of the urinary bladder) can continue to term, the occurrence of neural tube defects (see the Medical Focus on
producing a live infant. Of course, birth is by cesarean section in pages 440–441).
this circumstance. A cesarean section is carried out by making an Development of the heart begins in the third week and con-
incision to open the abdominal and uterine walls and withdrawing tinues into the fourth week. At first, there are right and left heart
the baby from the uterus. tubes; when these fuse, the heart begins pumping blood, even
During implantation, the trophoblast secretes enzymes to di- though the chambers of the heart are not fully formed. The veins
gest away some of the tissue and blood vessels of the endometrium enter posteriorly, and the arteries exit anteriorly from this largely
of the uterus. The trophoblast also begins to secrete human tubular heart, but later the heart twists so that all major blood ves-
chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), the hormone that is the basis for sels are located anteriorly.
both blood and urine pregnancy tests. HCG acts like luteinizing
hormone (LH) in that it serves to maintain the corpus luteum past Fourth and Fifth Weeks At four weeks, the embryo is barely
the time it normally disintegrates. Because it is being stimulated, larger than the height of this print. A body stalk connects the cau-
the corpus luteum secretes progesterone, the endometrium is main- dal (tail) end of the embryo with the chorion. Branching projec-
tained, and the expected menstruation does not occur. tions of the chorion called chorionic villi extend into the
The embryo is now about the size of the period at the end endometrial wall of the uterus (Fig. 18.5). Within each chorionic
of this sentence. As the week progresses, further growth of cells villus is a capillary network. Exchange of gases, nutrients, and
below the inner cell mass causes it to separate from the trophoblast. wastes from mother to fetus can take place across this capillary
The inner cell mass now becomes the embryonic disk, and two network. The fourth extraembryonic membrane, the allantois, lies
more extraembryonic membranes form. The yolk sac is the first within the body stalk, and its blood vessels become the umbilical
site of blood cell formation. The amniotic cavity surrounds the em- blood vessels. The head and the tail then lift up, and the body stalk
bryo (and then the fetus) as it develops. In humans, amniotic fluid moves anteriorly by constriction. Once this process is complete,
acts as an insulator against cold and heat and also absorbs shock, the umbilical cord, which connects the developing embryo to the
such as that caused by the mother exercising. placenta, is fully formed (Fig. 18.5c).
Paddle-shaped tissue stalks called limb buds appear (Fig. 18.6);
Primary Germ Layers With the start of the major event called later, the arms and the legs develop from the limb buds, and even
gastrulation, the inner cell mass becomes the embryonic disk. the hands and the feet become apparent. At the same time—during
Gastrulation is an example of morphogenesis (see page 427) the fifth week—the head enlarges and the sense organs become
during which cells move or migrate, in this case to become tissue more prominent. It is possible to make out the developing eyes and
layers called the primary germ layers. By the time gastrulation is ears, and even the nose.
complete, the embryonic disk has become an embryo with three
Sixth Through Eighth Weeks During the sixth through eighth
primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
weeks of development, the embryo changes to a form that is easily
Figure 18.4 shows the significance of the primary germ layers—all
recognized as a human being. Concurrent with brain development,
the organs of an individual can be traced back to one of the pri-
the head achieves its normal relationship with the body as a neck
mary germ layers. Notice also that the original trophoblast layer
region develops. The nervous system is developed well enough to
and the mesoderm layer together form the chorion, the fetal half of
permit reflex actions, such as a startle response to touch. At the end
the placenta.
of this period, the embryo is about 38 mm (1.5 in.) long and weighs
Third Week Two important organ systems make their appear- no more than an aspirin tablet, even though all organ systems have
ance during the third week (Fig. 18.5). The nervous system is been established.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 431

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amnion chorionic villi

amniotic cavity


yolk sac

ectoderm endoderm

epidermis of skin and skin epithelial lining of digestive tract

accessory structures; epithelial and respiratory tract; associated
lining of oral cavity and rectum; glands of these systems;
nervous system epithelial lining of urinary bladder


skeleton; muscular system;

dermis of skin, cardiovascular
system; urinary system;
reproductive system; outer layers
of respiratory and digestive

Figure 18.4 Embryonic germ layers. An embryo has three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Organs and
tissues can be traced back to a particular germ layer as indicated in this illustration.

Placenta eighth week when they begin to disappear, except in one area. These
The placenta is shaped like a pancake, measuring 15 to 20 cm in villi are surrounded by maternal blood, and it is here that exchanges
diameter and 2.5 cm thick. The placenta is normally fully formed of materials take place across the placental membrane. The placental
and functional by the end of the embryonic period and before the membrane consists of the epithelial wall of an embryonic capillary
fetal period begins. The placenta is expelled as the afterbirth and the epithelial wall of a chorionic villus. Maternal blood rarely
following the birth of an infant. mingles with fetal blood. Instead, oxygen and nutrient molecules,
The placenta has two portions, a fetal portion composed of such as glucose and amino acids, diffuse from maternal blood across
chorionic tissue and a maternal portion composed of uterine tissue. the placental membrane into fetal blood, and carbon dioxide and other
Chorionic villi cover the entire surface of the chorion until about the wastes, such as urea, diffuse out of fetal blood into maternal blood.

432 PART V Reproduction and Development

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yolk sac umbilical cord

myometrium chorion
amnion amniotic cavity
amniotic cavity
endometrium cervical canal

a. 3 weeks b. 5 weeks c. 8 weeks

Figure 18.5 Embryonic development within the uterus. (a) Three weeks after fertilization. (b) Five weeks after fertilization,
amnion and chorion are present, and the uterus is about the size of a hen’s egg. (c) Two months after fertilization, the placenta and
umbilical cord are well formed.

brain tail
tail arch
arch heart

region of liver
heart, liver

limb bud limb bud

gastrointestinal tract limb bud
a. b.

Figure 18.6 Human embryo at beginning of fifth week. (a) Scanning electron micrograph. (b) The embryo is curled so that the head
touches the region of the heart and liver. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract are forming, and the arms and the legs develop from the
bulges called limb buds. The tail is an evolutionary remnant; its bones regress and become those of the coccyx (tailbone).

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 433

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Because of the placenta, the digestive system, lungs, and kid- dye molecules create the lines or symbols that indicate a positive
neys do not function in the fetus (though they continue in their de- test. In the woman’s body, HCG prevents the normal degeneration of
velopment). The functions of these organs are not needed because the corpus luteum of the ovary. Instead, HCG stimulates the corpus
the placenta supplies the fetus with its nutritional and excretory luteum to secrete even larger quantities of progesterone. Later, the
needs. placenta begins to produce progesterone and estrogen, and the cor-
The umbilical cord transports fetal blood to and from the pla- pus luteum degenerates—it is no longer needed. Placental estrogen
centa (Fig. 18.7; see Fig. 12.20). The umbilical cord is the fetal and progesterone maintain the endometrium and have a negative
lifeline because it contains the two umbilical arteries and a single feedback effect on the anterior pituitary so that it ceases to produce
umbilical vein, which transport waste molecules (carbon dioxide gonadotropic hormones during pregnancy. Menstruation ordinarily
and urea) to the placenta for disposal and oxygen and nutrient mol- does not occur during the length of pregnancy.
ecules from the placenta to the rest of the fetal circulatory system.
As mentioned, the trophoblast cells of the chorion and then the Fetal Development
placenta produce HCG, the hormone detected by a pregnancy test. The
Fetal development includes the third through the ninth months
test uses monoclonal antibodies (see Chapter 13, pages 306 and 312)
of development. At this time, the fetus definitely looks human
that are specific for HCG. When the antibodies bind to HCG, activated
(Fig. 18.8).
Third and Fourth Months At the beginning of the third month,
amniotic fluid
the fetal head is still very large, the nose is flat, the eyes are far
apart, and the ears are well formed. Head growth now begins to
slow down as the rest of the body increases in length. Epidermal
umbilical cord refinements, such as fingernails, nipples, eyelashes, eyebrows, and
uterine wall
hair on the head, appear.
Cartilage begins to be replaced by bone as ossification centers
placenta appear in most of the bones. Cartilage remains at the ends of
the long bones, and ossification is not complete until age 18 or
20 years. The skull has six large membranous areas called
fontanels, which permit a certain amount of flexibility as the head
passes through the birth canal and allow rapid growth of the brain
during infancy. Progressive fusion of the skull bones causes the
fontanels to close, usually by 2 years of age.
Sometime during the third month, it is possible to distin-
guish males from females using ultrasound. Researchers have
a. discovered a series of genes on the X and Y chromosomes that
cause the differentiation of gonads into testes and ovaries. Once
these have differentiated, they produce the sex hormones that influ-
ence the differentiation of the genital tract.
During the fourth month, the fetal heartbeat is loud enough to
chorionic be heard when a physician applies a stethoscope to the mother’s
villi abdomen. By the end of this month, the fetus is about 152 mm
umbilical cord
(6 in.) in length and weighs about 171 g (6 oz).
umbilical vein
maternal Fifth Through Seventh Months During the fifth through sev-
umbilical blood vessels enth months (Fig. 18.8), the mother begins to feel movement. At
first, she experiences only a fluttering sensation, but as the fetal
legs grow and develop, she feels kicks and jabs. The fetus remains
tightly curled in the uterus, with the head bent down and in con-
b. Placenta tact with the flexed knees. This posture is aptly termed the fetal
Figure 18.7 The placenta. (a) Fetus with umbilical cord and position.
placenta. Blood vessels within the umbilical cord lead to the pla- The wrinkled, translucent, pink-colored skin is covered by a
centa, where exchange takes place between fetal blood and ma- fine downy hair called lanugo. This in turn is coated with a white,
ternal blood. (b) Detail of umbilical cord and placenta. Note that greasy, cheeselike substance called vernix caseosa, which prob-
the umbilical vein is colored red here because it is bringing oxy- ably protects the delicate skin from the amniotic fluid. The eyelids
genated blood from the placenta to the fetus. Likewise, the um- are now fully open.
bilical arteries are colored blue to reflect the deoxygenated
At the end of this period, the fetus’s length has increased to
blood flowing from the fetus to the placenta for gas exchange
about 300 mm (12 in.), and it weighs about 1,380 g (3 lb). With
with the maternal blood vessels.
improved technology, infants born during this period can survive:

434 PART V Reproduction and Development

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Development of Male and Female Sex Organs
The gender of an individual is determined at the moment of
fertilization. Both males and females have 23 pairs of chro-
mosomes; in males, one of these pairs is an X and Y, while fe-
males have two X chromosomes. During the first several weeks
of development, it is impossible to tell by external inspection
whether the unborn child is a boy or a girl. Gonads don’t start
developing until the seventh week of development. The tissue
that gives rise to the gonads is called indifferent because it can
become testes or ovaries depending on the action and concen-
tration of hormones. Genes on the Y chromosome cause the
production of testosterone, and then the indifferent tissue be-
comes testes.
In Figure 18.9a, notice that at six weeks both males and fe-
males have the same types of ducts, called Wolffian ducts and
Müllerian ducts. During this indifferent stage, an embryo has
the potential to develop into a male or a female. If a Y chromosome
is present, testosterone stimulates the Wolffian ducts to become
male genital ducts. The Wolffian ducts enter the urethra, which
belongs to both the urinary and reproductive systems in males. The
testes secrete an anti-Müllerian hormone that causes the Müllerian
ducts to regress. In both genders, the probladder will ultimately
become the urinary bladder as development continues.
In the absence of a Y chromosome, ovaries develop instead
of testes from the same indifferent tissue. Now the Wolffian ducts
regress, and the Müllerian ducts develop into the uterus and uterine
tubes. A developing vagina also extends from the uterus. As you
know, there is no connection between the urinary and genital sys-
tems in females (see Chapter 17).
At 14 weeks, both the primitive testes and ovaries are
located deep inside the abdominal cavity. An inspection of
the interior of the testes would show that sperm are even now
starting to develop, and similarly, the ovaries already contain
large numbers of tiny follicles, each having an ovum. Later,
Figure 18.8 Five- to seven-month-old fetus. in the last trimester of fetal development, both testes and ova-
ries descend into the pelvis. As you know from Chapter 17,
the ovaries remain in the pelvis. However, the testes descend
out of the pelvis into the scrotal sacs (scrotum). Because the
An infant born at 26 weeks gestation, weighing between 1,000 and
testes are normally found in the scrotal sacs, testicular tem-
1,250 g, has a 90% chance of survival (though he or she may have
perature is cooler than body temperature, and this allows sperm
serious medical issues: see the Medical Focus on page 439).
cells to develop. As you’ll recall from Chapter 17, sometimes
Eighth Through Ninth Months As the end of development ap- the testes fail to descend, a condition called cryptorchidism.
proaches, the fetus usually rotates so that the head is pointed to- In that case, surgery will be done later to place them in their
ward the cervix. However, if the fetus does not turn, a breech proper location.
birth (rump first) is likely. It is very difficult for the cervix to ex- Figure 18.9b shows the development of the external genitals.
pand enough to accommodate this form of birth, and asphyxiation These tissues are also indifferent at first—they can develop into
of the baby is more likely to occur. Thus, a cesarean section may either male or female genitals. At six weeks, a small bud appears
be prescribed for delivery of the fetus (incision through the ab- between the legs; this can develop into the male penis or the female
dominal and uterine walls). clitoris, depending on the presence or absence of the Y chromo-
At the end of nine months, the fetus is about 530 mm some and testosterone. At nine weeks, a urogenital groove bor-
(20 in.) long and weighs about 3,400 g (7 lb). Weight gain is dered by two swellings appears. By 14 weeks, this groove has
due largely to an accumulation of fat beneath the skin. Full-term disappeared in males, and the scrotum has formed from the orig-
babies have the best chance of survival; as discussed in the Medi- inal swellings. In females, the groove persists and becomes the
cal Focus on page 439, premature babies are subject to various vaginal opening. Labia majora and labia minora are present instead
challenges. of a scrotum.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 435

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sexually indifferent stage

Wolffian duct

Müllerian duct


limb bud

weeks 5–6

no Y chromosome Y chromosome

urogenital groove

ovaries testes
duct forming epididymis 6 weeks
the uterine Wolffian Müllerian
tube duct duct
(degenerating) (degenerating)
fused Müllerian urinary Y chromosome no Y chromosome
ducts forming Wolffian duct bladder
the uterus urinary forming the
bladder ductus deferens glans
(moved aside) urogenital
seminal vesicle

weeks 10–12 weeks 10–12

uterine tube 9 weeks 9 weeks
seminal vesicle
prostate gland
ovary bulbourethral glans penis
gland urethra prepuce
ductus deferens glans clitoris
urinary bladder
vagina (moved aside) epididymis vagina
hymen urethra testis labium minora
labium majora
14 weeks 14 weeks
at birth at birth
a. b.

Figure 18.9 Male and female organs. (a) Development of gonads and ducts. (b) Development of external genitals.

Content CHECK-UP! 6. If an embryo has a Y chromosome, which of the following will

3. The site of red blood cell production in an embryo is the: a. The embryo will develop into a male.
a. bone marrow. b. The Wolffian duct will develop fully, whereas the Müllerian
b. chorion. duct regresses.
c. yolk sac. c. The Müllerian duct will develop fully, whereas the Wolffian
d. allantois. duct regresses.
4. The umbilical cord is the embryo/fetus’s lifeline, connecting it d. a and b
to the mother. Describe its structure. In which vessel(s) would e. a and c
you expect the oxygen content to be highest? Answers in Appendix A.
5. The inner cell mass of the blastocyst becomes the _____,
while the trophoblast becomes part of the ______.

436 PART V Reproduction and Development

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18.3 Birth Once the baby is breathing normally, the umbilical cord is cut
and tied, severing the child from the placenta. The stump of the
7. Describe the three stages of birth.
cord shrivels and falls off to create a scar, which is the umbilicus.
   8. In general, describe the physical and physiological changes in the
mother during pregnancy.
Stage 3
The uterus has contractions throughout pregnancy. At first, The placenta, or afterbirth, is delivered during the third stage of
these are light, lasting about 20–30 seconds and occurring every parturition (Fig. 18.10d). About 15 minutes after delivery of the
15–20 minutes. Near the end of pregnancy, the contractions may baby, uterine muscular contractions shrink the uterus and dislodge
become stronger and more frequent so that a woman might think the placenta. The placenta then is expelled into the vagina. As soon
she is in labor. “False-labor” contractions are called Braxton-Hicks as the placenta and its membranes are delivered, the third stage of
contractions. However, the onset of true labor is marked by uterine parturition is complete.
contractions that occur regularly every 15–20 minutes (and more
frequently in labor’s final stages) and last for 40 seconds or longer.
A positive feedback mechanism can explain the onset and con- Begin Thinking Clinically
tinuation of labor. Uterine contractions are induced by a stretching During an actual delivery, a pregnant woman’s uterine
of the cervix, which also brings about the release of oxytocin, which contractions will sometimes begin, seemingly strengthen,
is produced by the hypothalamus and released from the posterior and then stop abruptly. What might cause this to occur?
pituitary. Oxytocin stimulates the uterine muscles, both directly What should be done to correct this?
and through the action of prostaglandins. Uterine contractions push
Answers and discussion in Appendix A.
the fetus downward, and the cervix stretches even more. This cycle
keeps repeating itself until birth occurs (see Chapter 1, Fig. 1.10).
Prior to or at the first stage of parturition, which is the process
of giving birth to an offspring, there can be a “bloody show.” This is
Effects of Pregnancy on the Mother
caused by expulsion of the mucus plug from the cervix. During preg- Major changes take place in the mother’s body during pregnancy.
nancy, this thick, sticky mucus effectively sealed the uterine cervix, When first pregnant, the mother may experience nausea and vom-
preventing bacteria and sperm from entering the uterus. Loss of the iting, loss of appetite, and fatigue. These symptoms subside, and
plug is often a first sign that the baby’s birth is imminent. some mothers report increased energy levels and a general sense
of well-being despite an increase in weight. During pregnancy, the
mother gains weight due to breast and uterine enlargement, weight
Stage 1 of the fetus, amount of amniotic fluid, size of the placenta, her own
During the first stage of parturition, the uterine contractions of increase in total body fluid, and an increase in storage of proteins,
labor occur in such a way that the cervical canal slowly disappears fats, and minerals. The increased weight can lead to lordosis
as the lower part of the uterus is pulled upward toward the baby’s (“swayback,” see Fig. 6.9) and lower back pain, especially in the
head. This process is called effacement, or “taking up the cervix.” third trimester.
With further contractions, the baby’s head acts as a wedge to assist Aside from an increase in weight, many of the physiological
cervical dilation (Fig. 18.10b). If the amniotic membrane has not changes in the mother are due to the presence of the placental hor-
already ruptured, it is apt to do so during this stage, releasing the mones that support fetal development (Table 18.2). Progesterone
amniotic fluid, which leaks out the vagina (an event sometimes
referred to as “breaking water”). The first stage of parturition ends
once the cervix is dilated completely (to about 10 cm.).
TABLE 18.2 Effect of Placental
Hormones on Mother
Stage 2
Hormone Chief Effects
During the second stage of parturition, the uterine contractions occur
every 1–2 minutes and last about one minute each. They are accom- Progesterone Relaxation of smooth muscle; reduced
panied by a desire to push, or bear down. As the baby’s head gradu- uterine motility; reduced maternal
ally descends into the vagina, the desire to push becomes greater. immune response to fetus
When the baby’s head reaches the exterior, it turns so that the back Estrogen Increased uterine blood flow; increased
of the head is uppermost (Fig. 18.10c). Because the vaginal orifice renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activity;
may not expand enough to allow passage of the head, an episiotomy increased protein biosynthesis by
is often performed to prevent the mother’s tissues from tearing. This the liver
incision, which enlarges the opening, is sewn together later. As soon
Peptide Increased insulin resistance
as the head is delivered, the baby’s shoulders rotate so that the baby hormones
faces either to the right or the left. At this time, the physician may
hold the head and guide it downward, while one shoulder and then Source: Moore, Thomas R., Gestation Encyclopedia of Human Biology, Vol. 7, 7th edition.
Copyright © 1997 Academic Press.
the other emerges. The rest of the baby follows easily.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 437

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pubic symphysis

urinary bladder
placenta ruptured
rectum amniotic

a. 9-month-old fetus b. First stage of birth: cervix dilates



c. Second stage of birth: baby emerges d. Third stage of birth: afterbirth is expelled

Baby has arrived

Figure 18.10 Three stages of parturition (birth). (a) Position of fetus just before birth begins. (b) Dilation of cervix. (c) Birth of baby.
(d) Expulsion of afterbirth.

438 PART V Reproduction and Development

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Premature Babies

In Memoriam: Brandon Nelson, 1982–1983 features persist in the newborn, oxygen-rich blood will mix
Each and every day in the United States, approximately 1,300 babies with oxygen-poor blood. Blood circulation will be impaired,
will be born too soon. Premature birth is defined as birth prior to perhaps leading to the delivery of a “blue baby”—that is, a
37 weeks gestation (normal gestation is approximately 40 weeks). baby with cyanosis, a bluish cast to the skin. Heart failure can
Many other babies, although full-term, have a low birth weight (less also result from these conditions.
than 5.5 pounds at birth). These babies face weeks to months in the Risk for permanent disability Many premies grow up to be normal
neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU. Fortunately, advances in the and healthy, but many others face permanent disability. Devel-
care of these tiniest patients allow most of them to continue to grow opmental delays, cerebral palsy, learning disorders, chronic
and develop while slowly gaining weight. Most eventually go home. lung disease, blindness, and deafness are all potential conse-
However, “premies” and term babies with low birth weight face many quences of premature birth. Further, pediatricians estimate that
serious challenges to their survival: fully half of all neurological disabilities in children are related
to premature birth.
Respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease) The lungs
do not produce enough of the chemical surfactant that helps the Why do women deliver prematurely? Obstetricians (physicians
alveoli stay open (see Chapter 14, page 324). Therefore, the who specialize in the treatment of women during and after pregnancy)
lungs tend to collapse, instead of expanding to be filled with air. have come up with four general causes for preterm labor and delivery.
Retinopathy of prematurity The high level of oxygen needed to en- The placenta may be disrupted by a bacterial infection; this triggers
sure adequate gas exchange by the immature lungs can lead to uterine contractions. Bleeding from the placenta or from the uterus
proliferation of blood vessels within the eyes, with ensuing itself may trigger labor. The uterus may be stretched excessively, as
blindness. often occurs in multiple births. Finally, maternal or fetal stress may
Intracranial hemorrhage The delicate blood vessels in the brain are trigger a hormone cascade that leads to uterine contraction and pre-
apt to break, causing swelling and inflammation of the brain. If term delivery. Pregnant women who have already had a previous pre-
not fatal, this can lead to brain damage. term delivery are known to be at risk for subsequent preterm delivery,
Jaundice The immature liver fails to excrete the waste product bili- as are women pregnant with twins, triplets, or more. Structural abnor-
rubin, which instead builds up in the blood, possibly causing malities of the uterus or the cervix may also lead to delivery of a
brain damage. premature baby.
Infections The level of antibodies in the body is low, and the various Unfortunately, despite increased research and improvements in
medical procedures performed could possibly introduce patho- medical care, the rate of premature birth has increased by 31% in the
gens. Also, bowel infection is common, along with perforation, past 20 years. Obviously, more needs to be done to prevent premature
bleeding, and shock. birth, and you can read more about it in the Medical Focus on
Circulatory disorders Fetal circulation, discussed in Chapter 12, has pages 440–441. The March of Dimes supports educational efforts and
two features: (1) the oval opening between the atria, and (2) the research into the causes of birth defects and prematurity. More infor-
arterial duct that allows blood to bypass the lungs. If these mation can be obtained at

decreases uterine motility by relaxing smooth muscle, including sphincter and reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. Con-
the smooth muscle in the walls of arteries. The arteries expand, and stipation is caused by a decrease in intestinal tract motility.
this leads to a low blood pressure. Hypotension causes the kidneys Pregnancy results in respiratory system changes caused both
to release their enzyme, renin. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone by progesterone and by the increasing size of the uterus. Under the
mechanism is thus activated, and is promoted by estrogen. Aldo- influence of progesterone, the bronchial and bronchiolar smooth
sterone activity promotes sodium and water retention, and blood muscle relaxes. The brain is signaled to lower CO2,which it does
volume increases until it reaches its peak sometime during weeks by increasing respiratory rate and depth. Compared to nonpreg-
28–32 of pregnancy. Altogether, blood volume increases from nant values, the maternal blood oxygen level changes little, but
5 liters to 7 liters—a 40% rise. An increase in the number of red blood carbon dioxide levels fall by 20%, creating a concentration
blood cells follows. With the rise in blood volume, cardiac output gradient that favors the flow of carbon dioxide from fetal blood to
increases by 20–30%. Blood flow to the kidneys, placenta, skin, maternal blood at the placenta. The increasing size of the uterus
and breasts rises significantly. Smooth muscle relaxation also ex- from a nonpregnant weight of 60–80 g to 900–1,200 g means that
plains the common gastrointestinal effects of pregnancy. The heart- it will occupy most of the abdominal cavity, reaching nearly to
burn experienced by many is due to relaxation of the esophageal the xiphoid process of the sternum. The pregnant uterus not only

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 439

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Preventing Birth Defects

Before the nursery room gets painted pink or blue, before the baby regis- smoke are more likely to have erectile dysfunction than nonsmokers.
try is completed at the department store, before deciding whether the Further, it will later be essential for both the pregnant mother and the
baby gets named after Great-Aunt Adelaide or Grandma Gertrude, a fetus to be in a smoke-free environment at all times.
couple that has decided to start (or add to) a family must take precautions Because the placenta functions as a filter, if mom smokes or
to prevent congenital, or birth, defects. Some birth defects are encounters secondhand smoke, her baby “smokes,” too. Cleft lip/cleft
unavoidable—those caused by chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, palate may occur because of exposure to toxins in cigarette smoke.
for example. Tragically, however, many other birth defects are com- Children of smoking mothers are more likely to be stillborn, or die
pletely preventable. shortly after birth. Death from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS—
For decades, the placenta was believed to be an effective barrier unexplained death of an otherwise healthy baby) is more common in
between mother and fetus, but continuing research has shown instead babies of smoking mothers. The occurrence of preterm babies with
that the placenta is really a filter through which many substances can low birth weight is doubled for women who smoke.
enter the baby’s bloodstream from the mother’s circulation. Thus, Alcohol easily crosses the placenta, and there is no safe dosage
almost anything that mom eats, drinks, smokes, or injects—good and during pregnancy. Even one drink a day appears to increase the chances
bad—is potentially capable of winding up in the baby’s body. of miscarriage. The more alcohol consumed, the greater the baby’s
Chemicals, bacteria, viruses, parasites, antibodies from the mother’s chance of physical abnormalities. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is
immune system (both harmful and beneficial) can all act as the term given to the collection of physical, mental, and behavioral
teratogens—agents capable of causing birth defects. abnormalities seen in babies born to heavy drinkers. FAS babies have
Ideally, preventing birth defects, is a process that should begin decreased weight, height, and head size, with malformation of the
before a woman ever becomes pregnant. At a complete physical exam head and face. Later, developmental delay is common, as are numer-
before pregnancy, she can receive any necessary immunization boost- ous other physical malformations. Babies born to heavy drinkers are
ers, or “catch up” with immunizations she may have missed as a child apt to undergo an extremely painful withdrawal, called delirium
(see pages 309–310). It is especially important to immunize against tremens, after birth—shaking, vomiting, and extreme irritability.
rubella (German measles) because it can cause blindness, deafness, Any use of recreational drugs must end before attempting to
mental retardation, heart malformations, and other serious problems conceive, because all will decrease a man’s sperm count. Certainly,
in an unborn child. Antibiotic treatment can cure bacterial STIs (syph- illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are teratogens
ilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.) and prevent serious harm to the that must be completely avoided during pregnancy. All increase the
embryo. Although there are no cures for viral STIs, it is still important probability of pregnancy complications, including stillbirth. In par-
to know if a woman is infected. As you know, HIV can cross the pla- ticular, cocaine use causes severe fluctuations in a mother’s blood
centa, but highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) can often pressure that temporarily deprive the developing fetus’s brain of oxy-
prevent fetal infection (see pages 307–308). Health-care providers gen. Approximately 60% of drug-affected babies are cocaine babies;
will also recommend prenatal vitamin/mineral supplements with high if they survive, they can have visual problems, lack coordination, and
levels of vitamin B12 and folate, before and after conception, to are often developmentally delayed.
minimize the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Once pregnancy occurs, prenatal medical care and good health
Couples trying to conceive should also adapt their lifestyle, if habits must continue. A healthy pregnancy diet should contain mod-
necessary. If either or both partners smoke, there will never be a more erate increases in calories and protein to meet the demands of both
perfect time to quit (see pages 333–334 for helpful tips). Males who fetus and mother. The pregnant woman of normal weight should

pushes the intestines, liver, stomach, and diaphragm superiorly, but makes cells resistant to insulin, and the result can be gestational
it also widens the thoracic cavity. As a result, a pregnant woman (pregnancy-induced) diabetes. Some of the integumentary
cannot breathe quite as deeply, nor exhale as forcefully. changes observed during pregnancy are also due to placental hor-
The enlargement of the uterus does result in additional prob- mones. Striae gravidarum, commonly called “stretch marks,”
lems. In the pelvic cavity, compression of the ureters and urinary typically form over the abdomen and lower breasts in response to
bladder can result in stress incontinence, during which the preg- increased steroid hormone levels rather than stretching of the skin.
nant woman involuntarily urinates. Compression of the inferior Melanocyte activity also increases during pregnancy. Darkening of
vena cava, especially when lying down, decreases venous return, the areolae, skin in the line from the navel to the pubis, areas of the
and the result is edema and varicose veins. face and neck, and vulva is common.
Aside from the steroid hormones progesterone and estrogen, Changes in breast anatomy and the development of lactation
the placenta also produces some peptide hormones. One of these are discussed in Chapter 17, pages 407 and 409.

440 PART V Reproduction and Development

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expect to gain 25–35 pounds during her pregnancy. Without adequate The medicine cabinet can be a pretty dangerous spot if you’re
weight gain for mom, the infant may have a low birth weight, which pregnant. The most notorious teratogen incident in recent history
increases the risk of complications (such as respiratory problems) occurred in Europe (and to a lesser extent, the United States) during
immediately after birth. Furthermore, growing numbers of studies the 1950s and 1960s when the drug thalidomide was taken to prevent
confirm that low birth weight newborns (less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces nausea in pregnant women. Tragically, it arrested the development of
at birth) are more likely to develop certain chronic diseases, such arms and legs in some children and also damaged heart and blood ves-
as diabetes and high blood pressure, when they become adults. sels, ears, and the digestive tract. Some mothers of affected children
Along with a balanced diet, those prenatal vitamin/mineral sup- reported taking the drug for only a few days. Today, many currently
plements must be taken throughout pregnancy. They have calcium for used medications, including herbal supplements, nonprescription
bone growth, iron for red blood cell formation, and vitamin B6 for medications, and prescription drugs, can also be teratogenic. For
proper metabolism. Most important, they have that vitally important example, the isotretinoins, a group of drugs prescribed for severe acne,
folate (folic acid) to meet the increased rate of cell division and DNA are known to cause severe birth defects. Before receiving these drugs,
synthesis in both mother and fetus. Perhaps as many as 75% of neural a woman must have a negative pregnancy test and sign a contract
tube defects could be avoided by adequate folate intake. Consuming agreeing to simultaneously use two forms of birth control. Because of
fortified breakfast cereals is a good way to meet folate needs because these situations and others, physicians are generally very cautious
they contain a more absorbable form of folate. about prescribing drugs during pregnancy. No pregnant woman should
Certain foods must be avoided during pregnancy, however. take any drug—including ordinary cold remedies and herbal
Game fish species, such as shark, mackerel, swordfish, and salmon, supplements—without checking first with her health-care provider.
should be passed up because of potentially high levels of As her big day draws nearer, mom must continue to be careful to
mercury. Mom should also turn down unpasteurized milk, along with prevent birth defects and illness in her newborn. When a mother has
raw or undercooked shellfish, poultry, pork, beef, or eggs. These HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, or chlamydia, newborns can become infected
foods may contain bacteria or parasites that could sicken her and/or as they pass through the birth canal. Cesarean section birth can pre-
infect the unborn baby. vent the blindness and other physical and mental defects that these
Mom has to be careful at home and on the job as well. Pesticides infections might cause. As you know from Chapter 11, an Rh-negative
and many organic industrial chemicals, such as vinyl chloride, form- woman who has given birth to an Rh-positive child should receive a
aldehyde, asbestos, and benzenes, are teratogens and can cross the Rho-Gam injection within 72 hours after birth. Rho-Gam will help to
placenta. Cleaning the kitty litter box should become someone else’s prevent her body from producing Rh antibodies if her child’s red
job during the mom’s entire pregnancy—cat feces can cause her to blood cells entered her bloodstream during the birth process. The first
contract toxoplasmosis, a dangerous parasitic infection. Lead (from Rh-positive baby is not usually affected by anti-Rh antibodies. How-
old-fashioned, lead-based paint or pipes) can cause severe develop- ever, in subsequent pregnancies, antibodies created at the first birth
mental delays. If mom’s a health-care worker (hospital, doctor, den- cross the placenta and destroy the fetal red blood cells, causing severe
tist office, etc.), she must avoid accidental X-ray exposure. X rays and anemia and other complications in the baby.
other ionizing radiation can cause mutations in a developing With proper prenatal care, a woman’s chances of having a nor-
embryo or fetus and increase the baby’s risk of developing leukemia mal pregnancy and healthy baby are better now than ever before in
after birth. If a pregnant woman must have diagnostic X rays (if she human history. Now that health-care providers and laypeople are
has broken a bone, for example), she should inform her health-care aware of the various ways birth defects can be prevented, perhaps the
provider that she is pregnant. Shielding can minimize or eliminate incidence of birth defects will decrease in the future. For more infor-
danger to the fetus. mation on all aspects of pregnancy, consult

Content CHECK-UP!
7. Oxytocin is an essential hormone both for labor and delivery 9. Which of the following is an effect of placental estrogen?
and the months after birth as well. What are its functions dur- a. reduced uterine motility
ing this entire time? What are the consequences if oxytocin
b. relaxation of smooth muscle
production does not occur?
c. increased insulin resistance
8. Effacement is the technical term for:
d. increased uterine blood flow
a. leakage of amniotic fluid.
Answers in Appendix A.
b. false labor contractions.
c. the process of gradually stretching the cervix until it slowly
d. loss of the mucous plug that blocked the cervical canal.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 441

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Selected New Terms
yolk sac (yōk săk), p. 428
Basic Key Terms growth (grōth), p. 427
zona pellucida (zō9nă pĕl-lū9sĭ-dŭh), p. 426
acrosome (ăk9rō-sōm), p. 426 human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
(hyū9măn kōrē-ŏn9ĭk gō-nădō-trō9pĭn), zygote (zī9gōt), p. 426
afterbirth (ăf9tĕr-bĕrth), p. 432
p. 431
allantois (ŭh-lăn9tō-ĭs), p. 428
implantation (ĭmplăn-tā9shŭn), p. 431 Clinical Key Terms
amnion (ăm9nē-ŏn), p. 428 anencephaly (ăn9ĕn-sĕf9ŭh-lē), p. 431
inner cell mass (ĭn9ĕr sĕl măs), p. 429
blastocyst (blăs9tō-sĭst), p. 429 Braxton-Hicks contraction (brăks9tŏn hĭks cŏn-
lanugo (lŭh-nū9gō), p. 434
chorion (kō9rē-ŏn), p. 428 trăk9shŭn), p. 437
mesoderm (mĕz9ō-dĕrm), p. 431
chorionic villi (kōrē-ŏn9ĭk vĭl9lī), p. 431 breech birth (brēch bĕrth), p. 435
morphogenesis (mŏrfō-jĕn9ĕ-sĭs), p. 427
cleavage (klēv9ĭj), p. 427 cesarean section (sĭ-zār9ē-ŭn sĕk9shŭn),
morula (mŏr9ū-lŭh), p. 429
corona radiata (kō-rō9nă rā-dē-ă9tŭh), p. 426 p. 435
Müllerian duct (myū9lĕr-ē9ŭn dŭkt)
differentiation (dĭf9ĕr-ĕnshē-ā9shŭn), p. 427 p. 435 congenital (birth) defect (kŏn-jĕn9ĭ-tŭl [bŭrth]
ectoderm (ĕk9tō-dĕrm), p. 431 dē9fĕkt), p. 440
neural fold (nū9răl fōld), p. 431
embryo (ĕm9brē-ō), p. 431 delirium tremens (dē-lēr9ē-ŭm trē9mĕns),
neural groove (nū9răl grūv), p. 431
embryonic development (ĕmbrē-ŏn9ĭk dĕ- p. 440
neural plate (nū9răl plāt), p. 431
vĕl9ŏp-mĕnt), p. 431 episiotomy (ĕ-pĭzē-ŏt9ō-mē), p. 437
neural tube (nū9răl tūb), p. 431
embryonic disk (ĕmbrē-ŏn9ĭk dĭsk), p. 431 fetal alcohol syndrome (fē9tŭhl ăl9cŭh-hŏl
placenta (plŭh-sĕn9tŭh), p. 428 sĭn9drōm), p. 440
endoderm (ĕn9dō-dĕrm), p. 431
pre-embryonic development (prē9-ĕm9brē- neural tube defect (nū9răl tūb dē9fĕkt), p. 431
extraembryonic membrane (ĕkstrŭh-ĕmbrē- ŏnĭkdĕ-vĕl9ŏp-mĕnt), p. 428
ŏn9ĭk mĕm9brān), p. 427 parturition (părtū-rĭsh9ŭn), p. 437
primary germ layers (prī9mă-rē gĕrm lā9yĕrz),
fertilization (fĕr9tĭ-lĭ-zā9shŭn), p. 426 premature birth (prē-măh-tyūr9 bŭrth), p. 439
p. 431
fetal development (fē9tŭhl dē-vĕl9ŏp-mĕnt), rubella (German measles) (rū-bĕl9ŭh), p. 440
trophoblast (trōf9ō-blăst), p. 429
p. 434 spina bifida (spī9nŭh bĭf9ĭ-dŭh), p. 431
umbilical cord (ŭm-bĭl9ĭ-kŭl kōrd), p. 431
fontanels (fŏntŭn-ĕlz9), p. 434 striae gravidarum (strī9ē grăv-ĭ-dăr9ŭm), p. 440
vernix caseosa (vĕr9nĭks kasē-ō9sŭh),
gastrulation (găstrū-lā9shŭn), p. 431 p. 434 teratogen (tĕr-ăh9tō-jĕn), p. 440
gestation (jĕs-tā9shŭn), p. 428 Wolffian duct (wŭlf9ē-ŭn dŭkt) p. 435 toxoplasmosis (tŏksō-plăz-mō9sĭs) p. 441

18.1 Fertilization B. The extraembryonic mem- D. The gonads start to develop during
A. A sperm consists of a head, a branes, placenta, and umbilical the seventh week. Testosterone
middle piece, and a flagellum tail. cord allow humans to develop induces the gonads to form into
The ovum is surrounded by a within the uterus. These struc- testes; without testosterone, they
non-living matrix called the zona tures protect the embryo and al- will form into ovaries.
pellucida and an outermost low it to exchange wastes, 18.3 Birth
cellular corona radiata. nutrients, and oxygen with the A. During stage 1 of parturition, the
B. During fertilization, the sperm’s mother’s blood. cervix effaces and dilates.
acrosomal enzymes help to di- C. At the end of the embryonic pe- B. During stage 2, the child is born.
gest the layers around the ovum riod, all organ systems are es- C. During stage 3, the afterbirth is
so a single sperm can penetrate tablished, and there is a mature expelled.
it. There, the sperm nucleus and functioning placenta. Fetal D. During pregnancy, the mother’s
fuses with the ovum nucleus to development extends from the uterus enlarges greatly, resulting
create a zygote with a unique set third through the ninth months. in weight gain, standing and
of chromosomes. Following suc- During the third and fourth walking difficulties, and general
cessful implantation by the em- months, the skeleton is becom- discomfort. It comes to occupy
bryo, a positive blood or urine ing ossified and the sex of the most of the abdominal cavity
test for HCG will confirm the fetus becomes distinguishable. with resultant annoyances such
pregnancy. During the fifth through ninth as incontinence. Many of the
18.2 Development months, the fetus continues to complaints of pregnancy, such as
A. Cleavage of the zygote and early grow and to gain weight. Babies constipation, heartburn,
embryo forms a ball of cells that born after six or seven months darkening of certain skin areas,
then differentiate. The first organ may survive, but full-term ba- and diabetes of pregnancy are
system to appear is the nervous bies have a better chance of due to the presence of placental
system. survival. hormones.

442 PART V Reproduction and Development

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Study Questions
1. Describe the process of ovum nucleus
fertilization and the events 2. sperm nucleus
immediately following it.
(pp. 426–427)
2. Name the four extraembryonic
membranes, and give a
function for each. ovum
(pp. 427–428) zona pellucida
3. What is the basis of the corona radiata
pregnancy test? (p. 427)
4. Specifically, what events
normally occur during single cell =
zygote 1.
embryonic development?
What events normally occur fimbriae inner cell
during fetal development? mass
(pp. 428–429, 431–436) ovary
5. Describe the structure and uterine tube
function of the umbilical cord.
(p. 434)
6. Describe the structure and 2-cell 6.
function of the placenta.
(pp. 432, 434)
7. What are the three stages of
birth? Describe the events of 4-cell
3. stage
each stage. (pp. 437–438)
8. In general, describe the
physical changes in the 8-cell
mother during pregnancy. stage
(pp. 437, 439–440) 4.
9. Label the diagram at right to
review the events that occur
during pre-embryonic
development. (p. 429)

Learning Outcome Questions

Fill in the blanks. 4. When cells take on a specific structure 8. Fetal development begins at the end
1. Fertilization occurs when the and function, occurs. of the month.
nucleus fuses with the 5. During development, the nutrient 9. In most deliveries, the
nucleus. needs of the developing embryo (fetus) appear(s) before the rest of the
2. Once the blastocyst arrives at the are served by the . body.
uterus, it begins to itself 6. The membranes include 10. During pregnancy, constipation,
in the endometrium. the chorion, the , the yolk darkening of certain areas of the skin,
3. The zygote divides as it passes sac, and the allantois. and diabetes are all due to
down a uterine tube. This process is 7. During embryonic development, all produced by the
called . major form. placenta.

Chapter 18 Human Development and Birth 443

lon96431_ch18_425-444.indd 443 18/11/15 3:01 PM

Medical Terminology Exercise
After studying this chapter, see if you can 1. morphogenesis (mŏrfō-jĕn9ĕ-sĭs) 8. perineorrhaphy (pĕrĭ-nē-ŏr9ŭh-fē)
derive the definitions for the medical terms 2. neonatologist (nēō-nā-tŏl9ō-jĭst) 9. abruptio placentae (ăb-rŭp9shē-ō
listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 3. prenatal (prē-nā9tŭhl) plŭh-sĕn9tē)
suffixes used to create these terms can be 4. hyperemesis gravidarum (hīpĕr-ĕm9ĕ- 10. polyhydramnios (pŏlē-hī-drăm9nē-ŏs)
found throughout the chapter. For addi- sĭs grăv-ĭd-ăr9ŭm)   11. amniorrhea (ăm99nē-ō-rē9ŭh)
tional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 5. dysmenorrhea (dĭsmĕn-ō-rē9ŭh) 12. placenta previa (plŭh-sĕn9tŭh and consult 6. primigravida (prīmĭ-grăv9 ĭ-dŭh) prē9vē-ŭh)
Appendix B. 7. oligospermia (ŏlĭ-gō-spĕr9mē-ŭh)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

444 PART V Reproduction and Development

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19 Human Genetics

A s you begin to study the topic of human genetics in this chapter, you might
be interested to know that genetic chance was, in part, responsible for
changing European history. In the early 1900s, the last Russian monarch, Tsar
Nicholas Romanov, and his wife, Tsarina Alexandra, had four daughters but were
desperate for a male heir for the throne. When their fifth child, crown prince
Alexei, was born in 1904, the couple was heartbroken to discover that their son
suffered from hemophilia, a sex-linked genetic disorder that causes uncontrolled
bleeding in affected boys. When physicians of the time couldn’t help their son,
the Romanovs turned to Grigory Rasputin, a Russian mystic often called the
“mad monk.” Historians aren’t sure how Rasputin did it, but he was able to
alleviate Alexei’s suffering. In so doing, Rasputin won the trust of the monarchs,
and gained great influence over their decisions. On Rasputin’s advice, Tsar
Nicholas took control of the Russian army from his generals during World War I,
a decision that scholars agree helped to contribute to Russia’s defeat. Would
Nicholas have been a more effective ruler (and might Europe look different
today?) if his only son hadn’t suffered from a genetic disorder? No one will ever
know. Nicholas abdicated the throne on March 9, 1917, setting the stage for the
Russian revolution, and the entire Romanov family was assassinated in July 1918.

Learning Outcomes After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:

19.1 Chromosomal Inheritance 19.2 Genetic Inheritance 19.3 DNA Technology

1. Explain the normal chromosomal 5. Explain autosomal dominant and 10. Explain how gene therapy is being
inheritance of humans. recessive allele inheritance. used to treat genetic disorders.
2. Describe how a karyotype is 6. Explain X-linked inheritance and why 11. Discuss genomics, including how
prepared and two ways to obtain males have more X-linked disorders genomics might lead to better
fetal chromosomes. than females. treatments for illnesses.
3. Explain how nondisjunction results 7. Relate the inheritance of an allele to
in inheritance of an abnormal protein synthesis. Medical Focus
chromosome number. 8. Describe how to construct and Preimplantation Genetic Studies
4. Describe Down syndrome and interpret a Punnett square.
various syndromes that result from 9. Tell how a genetic counselor could
the inheritance of an abnormal sex What’s New
help a couple who are carriers for
chromosome number. cystic fibrosis. A Profound Dilemma: Bioengineered Babies

Focus on Forensics
The Innocence Project


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19.1 Chromosomal Inheritance who is over the age of 40 may elect to have CVS or amniocentesis
because older women are at increased risk for chromosomal abnor-
1. Explain the normal chromosomal inheritance of humans.
malities in the embryo. Blood testing for pregnant women of any
2. Describe how a karyotype is prepared and two ways to obtain fetal
chromosomes. age may indicate the need for follow-up chromosomal studies. A
3. Explain how nondisjunction results in inheritance of an abnormal blood test routinely offered to pregnant women measures the levels
chromosome number. of four chemicals present in the blood: alpha-fetoprotein, produced
4. Describe Down syndrome and various syndromes that result from by the fetal liver; estriol, an estrogen-like hormone produced by the
the inheritance of an abnormal sex chromosome number.
placenta; human chorionic gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone,
and inhibin-A, a hormone produced by the fetus and placenta. Ab-
Normally, both males and females have 23 pairs of chromosomes, normally high or low blood levels of these chemicals in the blood
for a total of 46 chromosomes. The first 22 pairs, or chromosomes are linked to certain chromosomal and structural abnormalities in
1–44, are called autosomes (literally, “self” chromosomes). The the embryo and fetus. Amniocentesis or CVS may be recommended
final pair, chromosomes 45 and 46, are the sex chromosomes. if abnormal levels are detected. It is important to note that this
These chromosomes determine the gender of the individual. In blood test does not confirm any abnormality; it just suggests that
humans, males have a Y chromosome and an X chromosome. possibility.
Females have two X chromosomes. During amniocentesis, a sample of amniotic fluid is with-
Various human disorders result from the inheritance of an ab- drawn from the uterus of a pregnant woman. Blood tests and the
normal chromosome number, or from inheriting chromosomes that age of the mother are used to determine whether the procedure
are abnormal in size or shape. Such a disorder may be a syndrome, should be done. Amniocentesis is not usually performed until
which is a group of symptoms that always occur together. Table 19.1 about the fourteenth to the seventeenth week of pregnancy. A
lists several syndromes that are due to an abnormal chromosome long needle is passed through the abdominal and uterine walls
number. It is possible to view an individual’s chromosomes by to obtain a small amount of fluid, which also contains fetal cells
constructing a karyotype, a display of the chromosomes arranged (Fig. 19.1a). Testing the cells and karyotyping the chromosomes
by size, shape, and banding pattern. Karyotypes reveal whether an may be delayed as long as four weeks so that the cells can be cul-
individual has inherited an abnormal number of chromosomes (too tured to increase their number. As many as 400 chromosomal and
many or too few). Karyotyping can also often reveal if a chromo- biochemical problems can be detected by testing the cells and the
some has an abnormal length (too long or too short) or is otherwise amniotic fluid.
abnormal in shape. The risk of spontaneous abortion increases by about 0.3% due
to amniocentesis, and doctors only use the procedure if it is medi-
Karyotyping cally warranted.
Any cell in the body except red blood cells, which lack a nucleus, Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) is a procedure for obtaining
can be a source of chromosomes for karyotyping. In adults, it is eas- chorionic cells in the region where the placenta will develop. This
iest to use white blood cells separated from a blood sample for this procedure can be done as early as the fifth week of pregnancy.
purpose. Cell-free fetal DNA can be found in the mother’s blood- A long, thin catheter tube is inserted through the vagina into the
stream beginning at about five weeks of pregnancy. These fetal uterus (Fig. 19.1b). Ultrasound, which gives a picture of the uter-
chromosomes can be studied for certain types of abnormalities, ine contents, is used to place the tube between the uterine lining
but results can be unreliable. The chromosomes of embryos or fe- and the chorionic villi. Remember that the chorion is the most
tuses are usually obtained by either amniocentesis or chorionic villi superficial membrane surrounding the embryo, and it is formed
sampling (CVS). Because each carries a risk of spontaneous abor- from trophoblast cells of the embryo (see Chapter 18, page 429).
tion (miscarriage), these procedures are not routinely performed for Thus, the chromosomes in the cells of chorionic villi are the same
every pregnancy, but only when maternal history and/or prenatal as those of the embryo, although chorionic villi cells do not con-
testing indicate it is necessary. For example, a pregnant woman tribute to forming the embryo itself. Once the catheter is in place, a

TABLE 19.1 Syndromes from Abnormal Chromosome Numbers

Syndrome Sex Disorder Chromosome Number Frequency
Down M or F Trisomy 21 47 1/40 1/800
Poly-X F XXX (or XXXX) 47 or 48 0 1/1,500
Klinefelter M XXY (or XXXY) 47 or 48 1/300 1/800
Jacobs M XYY 47 ? 1/1,000
Turner F XO 45 1/18 1/2,500

446 PART V Reproduction and Development

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During amniocentesis, a long needle aislong
a. During amniocentesis, usedneedle
to b. During
is used to chorionic villi sampling,
b. During a suction
chorionic villi sampling, a suction c. Cells are microscopically examined
c. Cells are microscopically examined
withdraw amniotic a. During
fluid amniotic
withdraw containing fetal
fluid amniocentesis,
containing a tube
long is
fetal cells. needle
used is used
totube is to
remove cells
used b. During
to from
remove chorionic
the cells from the villi sampling, a suction
and photographed. c. Cells are microscopically examined
and photographed.
withdraw amniotic fluid containing fetalchorion,
chorion, where cells.
the placenta
wherewillthetube is used
placenta willtodevelop.
remove cells from the and photographed.
chorion, where the placenta will develop.

Figure 19.1 Human

karyotype preparation. A karyotype
is an arrangement of an individual’s
chromosomes into numbered pairs
according to their size, shape, and
banding pattern. (a) Amniocentesis
and (b) chorionic villi sampling provide
cells for karyotyping to determine if the
d. d. unborn child has a chromosomal
d. abnormality. (c) After cells are treated
as described in the text, the karyotype
can be constructed. (d) Karyotype of
a normal male. (e) Karyotype of a
male with Down syndrome. A Down
d. Normal male
d. karyotype withkaryotype
Normal male 46 chromosomes
with 46 chromosomes e. Down syndrome karyotype
e. Down withkaryotype
syndrome syndrome karyotype has three number
an extra with an extra
d. Normal male karyotype with 46 chromosomes chromosome 21e. Down syndrome karyotype
chromosome 21 with an extra
21 chromosomes.
chromosome 21

tiny sample of chorionic cells is withdrawn by suction. The cells do nucleus of a cell that is about to divide (the chromosomes are more
not have to be cultured, and karyotyping can be done immediately. visible then), so that a picture of the chromosomes is obtained. The
However, this sampling procedure does not gather any amniotic picture may be entered into a computer, and the chromosomes elec-
fluid, so the biochemical tests done on the amniotic fluid follow- tronically arranged by pairs (Fig. 19.1c). The resulting display of
ing amniocentesis are not possible. CVS also carries a greater risk chromosomes is the karyotype. Figure 19.1d,e compares a normal
of spontaneous abortion than amniocentesis—0.8% compared to karyotype with that of a person who has Down syndrome, the most
0.3%. Further, CVS has been suggested as the cause behind certain common autosomal abnormality.
limb and facial congenital abnormalities. The advantage of CVS is
that the results of karyotyping are available at an earlier date. Nondisjunction
An abnormal chromosomal makeup in an individual can be due
Preparing the Karyotype to nondisjunction. Nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I when
After a sample of cells has been obtained, the cells are stimulated to both members of a homologous pair go into the same daughter cell
divide in a culture medium. A chemical is used to stop mitosis dur- or during meiosis II when the sister chromatids fail to separate and
ing metaphase when chromosomes are the most highly compacted both daughter chromosomes go into the same gamete (Fig. 19.2). If
and condensed. The cells are then spread on a microscope slide an ovum with 24 chromosomes is fertilized by a normal sperm cell
and dried. Stains are applied to the slides, and the cells are photo- with 23 chromosomes, the zygote formed has a trisomy: One type
graphed. Staining produces dark and light cross-bands of varying of chromosome is present in three copies instead of the normal two,
widths, and these can be used in addition to size and shape to and the total chromosome count is 47 instead of the normal 46.
help pair up the chromosomes. Today, a computer may be used to Conversely, if an ovum with 22 chromosomes is fertilized with a
arrange the chromosomes in pairs. It is possible to photograph the normal sperm, the zygote formed carries a monosomy: One type

Chapter 19 Human Genetics 447

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92 chromatids;
46 paired


48 chromatids 44 chromatids
in 24 pairs in 22 pairs

meiosis II

Ovum will have one Ovum will have one

extra chromosome. less chromosome.

a. Nondisjunction during meiosis I

Figure 19.3 Down syndrome. Down syndrome occurs

92 chromatids; when the egg or the sperm has an extra chromosome 21 due
46 paired to nondisjunction in either meiosis I or meiosis II. Characteris-
homologous tics include a wide, rounded face and narrow, slanting
chromosomes eyelids. Developmental delay to varying degrees is usually
meiosis I
46 chromatids 46 chromatids
in 23 pairs in 23 pairs Down Syndrome
Down syndrome is also called trisomy 21 because the individual
normal meiosis II nondisjunction usually has three copies of chromosome 21. In most instances,
the ovum had two copies instead of one of this chromosome.
(In 23% of the cases studied, however, the sperm had the extra
chromosome 21.)
Individuals who have Down syndrome share characteristic
Ovum will have normal Ovum will have either one extra physical features (Fig. 19.3). Their heads are rounded; they have a
number of chromosomes. or one less chromosome. short, webbed neck, and eyes that slant upward and have an inner
eyelid fold. Facial features are typically small: a small, flattened
b. Nondisjunction during meiosis II
nose; small ears that may fold over at the top; and a small mouth
Figure 19.2 Nondisjunction during oogenesis. Nondisjunc- that often makes the tongue seem large and protruding. The Down
tion can occur (a) during meiosis I if homologous chromosomes syndrome individual is short statured, with small, short hands that
fail to separate or (b) during meiosis II if the sister chromatids fail have a large, single palmar crease (the so-called simian line). Mild
to separate completely. In either case, abnormal gametes have
to moderate developmental delays are typical of the syndrome.
an extra chromosome or lack a chromosome.
With proper assistance, the Down syndrome individual can often
function well in school and can live and work independently. In
rare cases, developmental delays can be severe.
of chromosome is present in a single copy, and the zygote has The chance of a woman having a Down syndrome child
only 45 chromosomes. It is important to note that nondisjunction increases rapidly with age, starting at about age 40. The fre-
can occur during the formation of gametes in either gender. Thus, quency of Down syndrome is 1 in 800 births for mothers under
although Figure 19.2 shows nondisjunction during the formation of 40 years of age and 1 in 80 for mothers over 40 years of age.
ova, it could also happen during sperm formation. Most Down syndrome babies are born to women younger than
Researchers believe that when the zygote carries either a age 40, however, because this is the age group having the most
monosomy or a trisomy, most nondisjunctions produce embryos babies. Maternal blood testing can screen for abnormal levels
that cannot survive and develop normally. The result is an early of chemicals associated with Down syndrome, but this type
spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), which may occur before a of test is not a positive confirmation. Amniocentesis followed
woman even realizes that she is pregnant. Note in Table 19.1 the by karyotyping is needed to confirm the diagnosis of Down
high rate of miscarriages occurring from monosomy or trisomy. syndrome in the fetus.

448 PART V Reproduction and Development

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It is known that the genes that cause Down syndrome are
located on the bottom third of chromosome 21, and extensive in-
vestigative work has been directed toward discovering the specific
genes responsible for the characteristics of the syndrome. One
day it might be possible to control the expression of these genes
even before birth, so that the symptoms of Down syndrome do not

Begin Thinking Clinically

Individuals with Down syndrome often have a shorter-
than-normal life span. What are some of the reasons
for this?
Answer and discussion in Appendix A.

Sex Chromosome Inheritance

As stated, the sex chromosomes in humans are called X and Y. Be-
cause women are XX, an ovum always bears an X, but since males
are XY, a sperm can bear an X or a Y. Therefore, the gender of the
newborn child is determined by the father. If a Y-bearing sperm
fertilizes the egg, then the XY combination results in a male. On
a. b.
the other hand, if an X-bearing sperm fertilizes the egg, the XX
combination results in a female. All factors being equal, there is a Figure 19.4 Syndromes due to an abnormal sex chromo-
50% chance of having a girl or a boy. some number. (a) A female with Turner (XO) syndrome has a
short, thick neck, short stature, and lack of breast development.
(b) A male with Klinefelter (XXY) syndrome has a feminine body
X Y shape and some development of the breasts.

and prostate gland are underdeveloped, and the individual has no
facial hair. Also, some breast development may occur (Fig. 19.4b).
Nondisjunction also occurs with regard to the sex chromo- Affected individuals have large hands and feet and very long arms
somes. Ova or sperm with too many or too few sex chromosomes and legs. They may have developmental delays, particularly if they
can occur. Therefore, nondisjunction accounts for the birth of indi- inherit more than two X chromosomes.
viduals with too few or too many sex chromosomes. A poly-X female has more than two X chromosomes. Females
with three X chromosomes have no distinctive physical appearance,
aside from a tendency to be tall and thin. Some exhibit delayed
Too Many/Too Few Sex Chromosomes motor and language development, though most are normal. Some
From birth, an XO individual with Turner syndrome has only one may have menstrual difficulties, but many menstruate regularly
sex chromosome, an X; the O signifies the absence of a second and are fertile. Their children usually have a normal karyotype.
sex chromosome. Turner females are short, with a broad chest Females with more than three X chromosomes occur rarely.
and a webbed neck. The ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus are Unlike XXX females, XXXX females are usually tall and severely
very small and nonfunctional. Turner females do not undergo pu- developmentally delayed. Various physical abnormalities are seen,
berty or menstruate, and their breasts do not develop (Fig. 19.4a). but they may menstruate normally.
They are usually of normal intelligence and can lead fairly normal XYY males with Jacobs syndrome can only result from nondis-
lives. Though Turner females have occasionally given birth follow- junction during spermatogenesis. This is because only males have a
ing in vitro fertilization using donor ova, there are significant risks Y chromosome. Affected males are usually taller than average, suffer
for both the mother and baby. Pregnant Turner syndrome women from persistent acne, and tend to have speech and reading problems.
are at high risk of developing pregnancy-related high blood pres- At one time, it was suggested that these men were likely to be crimi-
sure, a condition called pre-eclampsia. If untreated, pre-eclampsia nally aggressive, but it has since been shown that the incidence of
can lead to heart attack and stroke. Further, almost 40% of babies such behavior among them may be no greater than among XY males.
of Turner mothers are born prematurely. Notice that there are no YO males. This shows that at least one
A male with Klinefelter syndrome has two or more X chro- X chromosome is needed for survival. However, XXY individuals
mosomes in addition to a Y chromosome, and is sterile. The testes are males, not females.

Chapter 19 Human Genetics 449

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Content CHECK-UP! 19.2 Genetic Inheritance
5. Explain autosomal dominant and recessive allele inheritance.
1. To describe amniocentesis, you could use the phrase(s): 6. Explain X-linked inheritance and why males have more X-linked
a. A long, thin needle is used to penetrate the abdomen and disorders than females.
uterus of the pregnant woman, and a sample of amniotic 7. Relate the inheritance of an allele to protein synthesis.
fluid is taken from the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus. 8. Describe how to construct and interpret a Punnett square.
b. Four hundred or more biochemical and chromosomal tests 9. Tell how a genetic counselor could help a couple who are carriers for
cystic fibrosis.
can be carried out.
c. The sample can be tested immediately and results are
available within days. Genes, which are sections of chromosomes, control body traits,
d. Both a and b are correct statements. such as height, eye color, or type of earlobe. Genes can also con-
e. All are correct statements. trol the production of specific proteins, such as structural proteins,
cell membrane proteins, and enzymes. Recall that as described
2. Genetics Home Reference is a site sponsored by the National
Institutes of Health, When you visit the in Chapter 17, page 393, each cell contains homologous pairs of
site, investigate Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. How chromosomes. Alternate forms of a gene having the same position
are these two disorders alike? How are they different? (called the locus), on a pair of homologous chromosomes and
3. Which is the chromosome designation for Klinefelter syndrome? affecting the same trait are called alleles. It is customary to desig-
a. 47, XXX b. 45, XO c. 47, XYY d. 47, XXY nate an allele by a letter, which represents the specific characteristic
it controls. A dominant allele “dominates” over a recessive allele;
Answers in Appendix A.
that is, the dominant trait will always be expressed. Thus, the dom-
inant allele is assigned an uppercase (capi-
tal) letter, whereas a recessive allele is given
sperm sperm sperm the same letter but in lowercase. In humans,
for example, unattached (free) earlobes are
ovum ovum ovum
dominant over attached earlobes, so we could
use the letter E for unattached earlobes and
e for attached earlobes.
fertilization fertilization

Inheritance of Genes on
Autosomal Chromosomes
zygote zygote An individual normally has two alleles for an
autosomal trait. Just as one member of each
pair of chromosomes is inherited from each
growth and development growth and development parent, so too is one of each pair of alleles inherited from each par-
ent. If the two alleles are identical, the pair is termed homozygous;
if not, the pair is heterozygous.
The term genotype refers to the genes of the individual.
Figure 19.5 shows four possible fertilizations and the resulting
genotype of the individual for earlobe attachment. In the first in-
stance, the chromosomes of both the sperm and the ovum carry an
E. Consequently, the zygote and subsequent individual have the al-
leles EE, which can be called a homozygous dominant genotype.
A person with genotype EE obviously has unattached earlobes. The
physical appearance of the individual—in this case, unattached
earlobes—is called the phenotype.
In the second fertilization, the zygote has received two reces-
unattached earlobe attached earlobe unattached earlobe
sive alleles (ee), and the genotype is called homozygous recessive.
An individual with this genotype has the recessive phenotype,
Figure 19.5 Genetic inheritance. Individuals inherit a minimum which is attached earlobes. In both the third and fourth examples
of two alleles for every characteristic of their anatomy and physiol- of fertilization, the resulting individual has the alleles Ee, which
ogy. The inheritance of a single dominant allele (E) causes an indi- is a heterozygous genotype. A heterozygote shows the dominant
vidual to have unattached earlobes; two recessive alleles (ee) characteristic; therefore, the phenotype of this individual is unat-
cause an individual to have attached earlobes. Notice that each in- tached earlobes.
dividual receives one allele from the father (by way of a sperm) and
How many dominant alleles does an individual need to in-
one allele from the mother (by way of an ovum).
herit to have a dominant phenotype? These examples show that a

450 PART V Reproduction and Development

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dominant allele contributed from only one parent causes expres- Mother’s Ova

sion of a particular dominant phenotype. How many recessive XB Xb

Father’s Sperm
alleles does an individual need to inherit to have the recessive phe-
notype? A recessive allele must be received from both parents to
bring about the recessive phenotype.

Sex-Linked Inheritance
The sex chromosomes contain genes just as the autosomal chromo-
somes do. Some of these genes determine whether the individual It’s a girl: XB XB It’s a girl: XB Xb It’s a boy: XB Y It’s a boy: Xb Y
is a male or a female. Investigators have now discovered a series Normal, and not a carrier Normal, but a carrier
a. for color blindness for color blindness

of genes on the Y chromosome that determine the development of

male genitals, and at least one on the X chromosome that seems to Mother’s Ova

be necessary for the development of female genitals. X B

Father’s Sperm
Some traits controlled by alleles on the sex chromosomes
have nothing to do with the gender of the individual. These traits
are said to be sex-linked. An allele that is only on the X chromo-
some is X-linked and an allele that is only on the Y chromosome
is Y-linked. Most sex-linked traits are controlled by alleles on the
larger X chromosome. The very small Y chromosome does not
have the corresponding allele, simply because it is so short. Thus,
It’s a girl: XB Xb It’s a girl: Xb Xb It’s a boy: XB Y It’s a boy: Xb Y
the sex chromosomes in males—X and Y—are not truly homolo- Normal, but a carrier COLOR BLIND Normal COLOR BLIND
gous chromosomes. b. for color blindness
As you know, a female has two X chromosomes, and thus her Figure 19.6 Sex-linked inheritance. (a) A typical pattern of
ova will contain either of her two X chromosomes. A male always re- sex-linked inheritance for the color blindness trait. The mother is
ceives a sex-linked recessive condition from his mother, from whom a carrier for the trait, and her sons have a 50% chance of inherit-
he inherited his single X chromosome. The Y chromosome from his ing the trait. (b) A sex-linked trait can be inherited by a daughter
father does not carry a corresponding allele for the trait. Therefore, only if her father is affected and her mother is a carrier or color
males need receive only one recessive allele to have the X-linked dis- blind also.
order. Consider red-green color blindness, for example (Fig. 19.6a).
This genetic disorder results in an individual who cannot see red or African-American couple is concerned about the possibility
green because the cone cells of the eye are abnormal. It is caused of conceiving a child with sickle-cell anemia. As you’ll recall
by a recessive gene on the X chromosome. Note that although the from Chapter 11, sickle-cell anemia is a disease characterized
mother has one recessive gene on an X chromosome, she has normal by abnormal hemoglobin. Red blood cells containing this he-
vision due to the dominant gene on her other X chromosome. She is moglobin are very fragile and easily destroyed (see page 249).
referred to as a carrier for the trait. A carrier is an individual who Sickle-cell anemia is an autosomal recessive trait, like attached/
is heterozygous for a recessive genetic disorder and therefore has no detached earlobes. Both the husband and wife have sickle-cell
symptoms. If the carrier’s ova are fertilized by sperm from a male trait (i.e., both carry the recessive gene for the trait, though their
with normal vision, any male children she bears will have a 50% phenotypes are normal). What is their probability of conceiving
chance of inheriting the disorder. Similarly, any female children will a child with the disease?
have a 50% chance of being a carrier for the disorder. To solve this problem, first draw a Punnett square. It’s just like
Would it ever be possible for a female to have red-green color a tic-tac-toe board:
blindness? It is possible, although unlikely. A female must receive
two recessive X-linked alleles, one from each parent, before she
has an X-linked recessive condition. The inheritance of a dominant
allele from either her mother or her father can offset the inheritance
of a recessive X-linked allele. A female with red-green color blind- Then, put the father’s genotype in the top boxes. The father is phe-
ness will have inherited a recessive X chromosome from both her notypically normal but carries a recessive gene, so he is heterozy-
carrier mother and her color-blind father (Fig. 19.6b). gous, Aa. Any symbols can be used to represent the trait, so long as
the uppercase/lowercase letters look different (to avoid confusion).
Punnett Square to Determine Probability
A a
A Punnett square is a “short-cut” method originally devised
by a mathematician/geneticist named Reginald Punnett that
allows one to predict the probability of inheritance of a par-
ticular trait. It can be used to answer questions about both au- Next, put the mother’s genotype in the side boxes. Again, she is
tosomal and sex-linked inheritance. Consider this example: An heterozygous like the father, since she carries a recessive gene,

Chapter 19 Human Genetics 451

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but is phenotypically normal herself. It makes no difference if the probability of a single genetic event. If the parents with sickle-
father’s symbols are on top, with the mother’s on the side, or vice cell trait have a child with sickle-cell anemia, there will still be
versa—the results will be the same. a 25% probability that any subsequent children will have sickle-
cell anemia. As an analogy, consider tossing a coin—with every
A a
independent coin toss, there is an equal probability of “heads”
A or “tails.”
a The Punnett square method can be used to predict probability
in sex-linked inheritance as well. Consider hemophilia, the sex-
Then, bring the father’s genes down, as though he was passing
linked disease inherited by Alexei Romanov, whose history was
them on to his offspring:
briefly described in the chapter introduction. Alexei’s mother,
A a Alexandra, was the carrier, though she was a phenotypically nor-
A A a mal female. Her genotype can be expressed as XH Xh, where XH
is the dominant trait and Xh is the recessive trait. Tsar Nicholas
a A a
Romanov, Alexei’s father, was normal: XHY. The Punnett square
And finally, bring the mother’s genes across, as though she was used for sex-linked inheritance is similar to one used for autosomal
passing them on to her offspring. inheritance; the only difference is the addition of the X and Y chro-
A a mosomes. The completed square should look like this:
a Aa aa XH XHXH XHXh
The four filled boxes give the possibilities for this couple’s future Y XHY XhY
children, and allow probability to be determined. The first possibil-
The results of this Punnett square show that for every Ro-
ity is 1:4, or 25% probability, of producing a normal child who does
manov child conceived, there was a 25% probability of a pheno-
not carry the recessive trait, as in the starred box:
typically normal noncarrier female (XHXH), a 25% probability of
A a a phenotypically normal carrier female (XHXh), a 25% chance of a
A AA* aA normal male (XHY), and a 25% chance of an affected male such as
a Aa aa Alexei (XhY).
As a historical footnote, you might be interested to know that
The second possibility is 2:4, or 50% probability, of producing a
the original carrier female for the hemophilia trait was Queen
child who is phenotypically normal, but carries the recessive gene,
Victoria of England (Tsarina Alexandra was Queen Victoria’s
just like his/her parents, as in the starred boxes. It’s important to
granddaughter). Because her descendants were royalty them-
note that whether the dominant or recessive trait is written first, the
selves, the hemophilia trait also occurred in the royal households
outcome will be the same:
of England, Spain, Russia, and Prussia. Eventually, the trait was no
A a longer passed down to Victoria’s descendants, so the illness is no
A AA aA* longer found among European royalty.
a Aa* aa
The third possibility is 1:4, or 25% probability, of producing a child Genetic Counseling
who has sickle-cell anemia. Remember that sickle-cell anemia is Couples who believe that they may be at risk for having a child
an autosomal recessive disorder—thus, for the child to be affected, with a chromosomal or genetic disorder may choose to seek the
he or she must be homozygous for the recessive gene. That would advice of a genetic counselor. Genetic counselors are professionals
be the case in the starred box below: with special training and certification. They help families to under-
stand chromosomal and genetic inheritance and to make informed
A a
decisions about pregnancy and childbearing. In order to under-
stand genetic counseling, we will consider the inheritance of cystic
a Aa aa* fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal genetic
Keep in mind that dominant traits are not always “good” or ben- disorder among Caucasians in the United States. About one in
eficial. Consider the inheritance of achondroplasia, a disorder 20 Caucasians is a carrier for CF, and about one in 3,000 newborns
that results in individuals with very short stature. The torso is has the disorder. In children with CF, the mucus in the bronchi,
normal in size, but the limbs are abnormally short. In this dis- bronchioles, and pancreatic ducts is particularly thick and viscous,
order, the normal trait is actually a recessive gene. If two het- interfering with the function of the lungs and pancreas. Affected
erozygous adults with achondroplasia have children, the Punnett individuals suffer from recurring lung infections, which are often
square would be identical to the one above. However, in this case, fatal. Because pancreatic enzymes cannot digest food, a CF patient
there would be 75% probability of an affected child and only 25% may be malnourished as well. However, in the past few years, new
probability of having a nonaffected child. It’s also important to treatments have raised the average life expectancy for CF patients
recognize that Punnett squares only allow one to determine the to approximately 37 years of age.

452 PART V Reproduction and Development

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chromosome 7 Normal individuals have at least one dominant allele for a
plasma membrane channel protein. Figure 19.7 shows the rela-
tionship between inheritance of a normal CF allele on a chromo-
some (chromosome 7) and development of the channel protein.
DNA allele The illustration emphasizes that alleles are actually a segment of
DNA and that alleles cause the production of certain proteins in
transcription a cell.
As shown in Figure 19.8a, if a genetic counselor knows the
genotype of the potential parents, the counselor can predict the
chances that a couple will have a child having a recessive auto-
somal disorder such as CF. If the parents are both carriers, each
translation offspring has a 25% chance of receiving two recessive alleles and
having CF. This pattern of inheritance is the same for all autosomal
recessive disorders.
If the counselor does not know the inheritance pattern of
a disorder, it is sometimes possible to deduce it by studying a
pedigree. A pedigree is a diagram that depicts the inheritance
of a particular trait: Circles are females, and squares are males;
shaded-in symbols represent those who have a trait; half-shaded
symbols represent carriers; and Roman numerals indicate gen-
channel erations. Notice that the pedigree in Figure 19.8b has to be for a
protein recessive disorder because unaffected parents have a child with the
disorder. This can only happen when a condition is recessive. If
the condition were dominant, one of the parents would definitely
be affected.
Figure 19.7 Cystic fibrosis. A person with cystic fibrosis has
an abnormal allele, and the result is an abnormal channel protein
in the plasma membrane. Chloride ions cannot exit the cell, Prenatal Testing for Genetic Disorders
resulting in a very thick mucus, particularly in the bronchial tubes
Commonly inherited genetic disorders are listed in Table 19.2.
and pancreatic duct.
Several of these disorders do not appear unless multiple

TABLE 19.2 Inheritance of Some Genetic Disorders

Dominant Recessive X-Linked Multiple Genes

Examples of dominantly Examples of recessive inherited Examples of X-linked disorders Examples of multifactorial
inherited disorders include: disorders include: include: inheritance include:
∙ Neurofibromatosis—benign ∙ Cystic fibrosis—disorder ∙ Agammaglobulinemia—lack ∙ Cleft lip and/or palate
tumors in skin or deeper affecting function of mucous of immunity to infections ∙ Clubfoot
∙ Achondroplasia—a form of and sweat glands ∙ Color blindness—inability to ∙ Congenital dislocation of the
dwarfism ∙ Galactosemia—inability to distinguish certain colors hip
∙ Chronic simple glaucoma metabolize milk sugar ∙ Hemophilia (some forms)— ∙ Spina bifida—open spine
(some forms)—a major ∙ Phenylketonuria—essential defect in blood-clotting
cause of blindness if liver enzyme deficiency mechanisms ∙ Hydrocephalus (with spina
untreated bifida)—water on the brain
∙ Sickle-cell disease—blood ∙ Muscular dystrophy (some
∙ Huntington disease— disorder primarily affecting forms)—progressive wasting ∙ Pyloric stenosis—narrowed or
progressive nervous system blacks of muscles obstructed opening from
degeneration stomach into small intestine
∙ Thalassemia—blood disorder ∙ Spinal ataxia (some forms)—
∙ Familial primarily affecting persons of spinal cord degeneration ∙ Breast cancer
hypercholesterolemia— Mediterranean ancestry ∙ Diabetes mellitus
high blood cholesterol levels, ∙ Tay-Sachs disease—lysosomal ∙ Coronary artery disease
propensity to heart disease storage disease leading to
∙ Polydactyly—extra fingers or nervous system destruction
Source: Data from the National Foundation/March of Dimes.

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Content CHECK-UP!
4. The outward, or physical expression of a person’s genes for a
trait is the:
a. allele. c. genotype.
b. phenotype. d. recessive gene.
5. A couple has just had a child diagnosed with sickle-cell ane-
mia, which is an autosomal recessive trait. Neither parent has
the disease. What are the parents’ genotypes? (Use the letter
A to represent the dominant trait, and the letter a to represent
the recessive trait.)
carrier parents
a. father Aa, mother aa
b. father aa, mother aa
For each child conceived: c. father aa, mother Aa
d. father Aa, mother Aa
6. Imagine you’re a genetic counselor who is advising grieving
parents who just lost their 2-year-old son to Tay-Sachs dis-
ease. They want to know if there is a chance that they
25% 50% chance 25% could have other children with the disease. What will you
chance unaffected chance
tell them?
unaffected carrier (cf allele affected
noncarrier inherited from Answers in Appendix A.
either parent)
Joe Mary 19.3 DNA Technology
10. Explain how gene therapy is being used to treat genetic disorders.
11. Discuss genomics, including how genomics might lead to better
treatments for illnesses.
b. Bill Sue Rod Tina

Figure 19.8 Inheritance pattern for CF, an autosomal reces- Previously, you studied the structure of DNA and how it replicates
sive disorder. (a) The figures below the parents show four possible and carries out protein synthesis. DNA technology includes our
combinations of inherited alleles. Therefore, each offspring has a ability to work directly with DNA to determine the relatedness of
25% chance of inheriting two recessive alleles and having CF. individuals, to assist forensics in determining whether a person
(b) A sample pedigree for carrier parents and their children. Note has committed a crime, and to develop new treatments for human
that Sue and Rod are carriers like their parents Joe and Mary, and illnesses, called gene therapy.
Tina is affected with CF.

Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is the insertion of genetic material into human cells
for the treatment of a disorder. It includes procedures that give
abnormal genes are inherited. The inheritance of these condi- a patient healthy genes to make up for faulty genes and also in-
tions, listed in the “Multiple Genes” column in Table 19.2, is cludes the use of genes to treat various other human illnesses, such
complex. as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Currently, approximately
Often parents want to improve their chances of having a 1,700 patients are enrolled in over 300 approved gene therapy trials
child who is free of a particular genetic disorder that runs in in the United States.
their families. As you have learned, testing of cell-free fetal How can a molecule as large as a gene be introduced, intact,
DNA in the maternal bloodstream can be followed by chorionic into a cell? The most common approach used by scientists is to
villus sampling or amniocentesis. The Medical Focus reading employ a vector—a carrier whose job is to transport the DNA
on page 455 describes techniques for preimplantation genetic directly into the cell. Viruses are nature’s own vectors because they
diagnosis (PGD). Using PGD, the ovum can be analyzed to ensure replicate themselves by inserting their own genetic material into a
that it does not carry an abnormal allele prior to in vitro fertil- host cell. Scientists studying gene therapy techniques have adapted
ization, or the embryo itself is tested for genetic defects before viruses to function as vectors. The viruses are first modified: Viral
being introduced into its mother’s uterus. In the future, it might genetic material is removed or altered so that it does not cause
be possible to use gene therapy to cure any genetic defects found disease, and human genes are inserted into the virus instead. Next,
in an ovum or embryo. the virus is allowed to infect human tissue, where it inserts the

454 PART V Reproduction and Development

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Preimplantation Genetic Studies

We have already seen that in vitro fertilization a. T

Testing the embr yo b. T
Testing the ovum
can lead to therapeutic cloning (see page 430) for
oman is heterozygous.
het secondary
the production of various tissues. Now, we’ll
consider the medical implications of the fact that
each cell of the pre-embryo is totipotent, mean-
Polar body
ing that each cell can become a complete embryo
because the cells have not yet become special- genetic
ized. Not surprisingly, then, if a single cell is 8-cell embryo Embryonic cell defect.
removed from an eight-celled cleavage embryo, is removed.
Ovum is genetically
geneticall healthy.
the seven-celled embryo will still go on and
vum nucleus
develop into a normal newborn (Fig. 19A).
Researchers are using this knowledge to allow
spermm nucleus
them to carry out preimplantation genetic
Cell is genetically
analysis. healthy.
Consider that one partner (or both) of a
couple may have one of the genetic disorders
listed in Table 19.2. As potential parents,
wouldn’t the couple want the assurance that the
embryo is free of genetic disorders and will
develop into a healthy adult? In some instances,
it’s possible to perform in vitro fertilization and
then preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
Embyro develops
in order to determine the genotype of the
normally in uterus.
embryo with regard to particular genetic disor-
ders. Then, only a healthy embryo is implanted
into the female. Currently, PGD can be used to
screen for over 30 chromosomal and genetic
abnormalities, including Down syndrome, cys-
tic fibrosis, hemophilia, and sickle-cell anemia.
Proponents cite its advantages: By selecting
only healthy embryos for implantation, a cou-
ple is less likely to suffer a miscarriage that Figure 19A Preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (a) Following in vitro fertilization,
results from chromosomal abnormality. Multi- a cell is removed from an 8-cell embryo and its chromosomes are tested for
ple embryos will not have to be implanted, and genetic defects. If genetically healthy, the embryo is implanted into the uterus.
multiple pregnancy, with its increased risk of (b) Before in vitro fertilization, the chromosomes of the polar body accompanying a
premature birth, can be avoided. Furthermore, secondary oocyte are tested for genetic defects. If the polar body contains the ab-
the couple need not go through chorionic villus normal gene, the ovum is assumed to be genetically healthy. Once fertilized with
sperm, it is implanted into the uterus.
sampling or amniocentesis if pregnancy is
achieved, and won’t have to face the painful
decision to terminate an existing pregnancy because of a genetic or on the remaining chromosomes. Newer techniques are being tested
chromosomal disorder. Although the PGD procedure is expensive, on embryos in the blastocyst stage, when 100 cells or more are pres-
proponents argue that lifetime medical care for a child with a ent. In this later stage, five cells can be removed for testing instead
genetic or chromosomal disorder costs far more. In the future, it’s of a single cell, and there is less risk of damaging the embryo.
possible that PGD might be coupled with gene therapy so that any Then, a new screening method called comparative genomic hybrid-
embryo would be suitable for implantation. ization (CGH) allows all chromosomes in the embryonic cells to be
Recently, the effectiveness of single-cell PGD has been called studied.
into question. Researchers note that fewer than half of the embryo’s However, all of the testing takes time, and many IVF embryos
chromosomes are currently tested, and other defects may be present die before the testing can be completed, while those that remain may


Chapter 19 Human Genetics 455

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not be able to implant. Thus, couples who elect to have PGD have a presumed to be disease-free. Likewise, if the polar body sister
lower chance of having a viable embryo. Moreover, experts in medi- chromatids contain the Huntington’s disease dominant gene in a
cal ethics continue to question the use of all forms of PGD. Pointing woman with a family history of that disease, the secondary oocyte has
to the fact that each cell in an eight-cell embryo is totipotent, they the normal recessive gene. In either case, normal secondary oocytes
argue that the single cell used for testing is a potential human being are then fertilized and implanted into the woman’s uterus, and
that is destroyed by the testing process. Likewise, defective embryos defective secondary oocytes are destroyed. (But the technique is not
are potential human beings that will ultimately be destroyed. Further, perfect; there’s a slight chance that crossing-over during prophase I
it’s known that many genetic disorders don’t appear in the affected may have put the defective gene into the secondary oocyte’s chromo-
individual before the third or fourth decade of life. It’s feasible that a somes. See pages 393–395 to review crossing-over.)
cure for the disorder could be found during that time period. Finally, Regardless of the technique that is used, ethical issues about
medical ethicists stress that although children with genetic or chromo- PGD continue to surface. In several instances worldwide, families
somal abnormalities may have medical issues that must be overcome, with a child suffering from a serious blood disorder (leukemia or
their lives can have tremendous meaning and value to their families genetic anemias) have already used PGD to create a “savior baby”—a
and to society. Moral philosophers contend that ending a life shortly second child free of the genetic disorder whose umbilical cord blood
after conception is an act whose morality must be seriously was then transfused into the ill sibling. This practice creates further
questioned. concern that PGD could be used to create babies for their “spare
A second method of PGD, called polar body biopsy (PBB), parts.” Perhaps most disturbing is the notion that PGD could eventu-
avoids the ethical issues surrounding embryonic testing, but its use- ally be used to select only for embryos with a couple’s desired charac-
fulness is limited to detecting the presence of defective genes in a teristics: gender, intelligence, physical appearance, or athletic ability.
woman who is heterozygous for a particular single gene disease (see PGD is already being used by couples who want a male child to select
Table 19.2). PBB involves removal and testing of the chromosomes in only male embryos for implantation—and any female embryos are
the polar body that lies alongside the secondary oocyte. As you know subsequently destroyed. In societies worldwide where male children
(from Chapter 18), the polar body is like a “garbage can,” because it are valued more than females, practitioners of PGD find a very lucra-
contains 23 pairs of sister chromatids that are discarded after meiosis I. tive market for their skills.
The remaining 23 pairs remain in the secondary oocyte. For example, The debate will undoubtedly continue over the uses of this type
consider a woman who is heterozygous for Tay-Sachs disease. If her of technology, and others like it that will develop in the future. It is
polar body chromosome pair has the Tay-Sachs recessive gene, the important that all of us are well informed and understand the scien-
secondary oocyte chromosome pair has the dominant gene and is tific issues so that we can make informed decisions.

healthy human genes into tissue cells. Four classes of viruses have Among the many gene therapy trials, one is for the treatment
been employed in gene therapy research: (1) retroviruses, like the of familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition that develops when
virus that causes AIDS; (2) adenoviruses, which are a form of cold liver cells lack a receptor for removing cholesterol from the blood.
virus; (3) herpes viruses, which cause cold sores on the mouth; The high levels of blood cholesterol make the patient subject to
and (4) the most commonly used virus vector, the adeno-associated fatal heart attacks at a young age. In a newly developed procedure,
virus, a very small virus that can have all of its own genetic ma- a small portion of the liver is surgically excised and infected with
terial removed and still be capable of infecting cells. Scientists a virus containing a normal gene for the receptor. Several patients
have seen some early successes in the treatment of several immune have experienced lowered serum cholesterol levels following this
system deficiency diseases, as well as inherited diseases affecting procedure.
metabolism. Cystic fibrosis patients have an abnormal gene for a trans-
Other mechanisms to insert genes into cells are also being membrane carrier of the chloride ion. Patients often die due to
investigated. One way is to introduce DNA directly into cells. A numerous infections of the respiratory tract. In a newly developed
second mechanism involves attaching the gene to a liposome. Li- procedure, liposomes have been coated with the gene needed to
posomes are microscopic vesicles that form spontaneously when cure cystic fibrosis. The liposomes have then been delivered to the
lipoproteins are put into a solution. Still other scientists attach lower respiratory tract.
the DNA to molecules that have specific receptors on the cell Genes are also being used to treat medical conditions other
membrane, then allowing the cell to incorporate the DNA by than the known genetic disorders. VEGF (vascular endothelial
phagocytosis. growth factor) can cause the growth of blood vessels. The gene that

456 PART V Reproduction and Development

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What's New
A Profound Dilemma: Bioengineered Babies

Consider for a moment that you’re a young woman who is going the mother’s bloodstream? Could it cause an immune response, or even
blind, and the doctors tell you that you’ve inherited a condition called cancer? And the most fundamentally important question of all: is there
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. After researching the condition on any guarantee that the resulting child will be healthy and normal?
the Internet1, you discover that this disease is not inherited in the way Other countries, including the United States, are carefully con-
you might have expected (by mutation of the chromosomes in your sidering Britain’s decision to permit mitochondrial donation. Bioethi-
cells’ nuclei). Rather, this mutation took place in the DNA of your cists everywhere fear that mitochondrial donation is unethical for all
mitochondria. As you know from Chapter 18, human mitochondria individuals involved. The ovum donor and the mother must take hor-
come from the ovum that formed the zygote, not the sperm. That mones to make multiple ova develop within their ovaries and then
means your children’s mitochondria will all have this mutation, undergo laparoscopic surgery to have the ova removed. Both the hor-
though they may or may not display disease symptoms. But what if mones and the surgery involve serious potential (and potentially fatal)
you first replace your mitochondria with a donor’s healthy ones? health risks. Should an ovum donor be subject to these risks, and
That’s the basic premise behind a technique called mitochondrial should she be paid? Will her DNA contribution show up in the child’s
donation, which was approved for human experimentation in the physical, intellectual, or psychological makeup? Does she have any
United Kingdom in February 2015. There are two methods for the legal rights at all regarding the child created from her ovum? Further-
procedure. In maternal spindle transfer, the pronucleus in an ovum more, should a healthy embryo be destroyed in pronuclear transfer so
donated by a healthy woman (i.e., one who is free of mitochondrial that scientists can create the new “hybrid” one? What if the resulting
disease) is destroyed and replaced with the pronucleus from the moth- child has a physical or intellectual disability or a shortened life span?
er’s own defective ovum. This reengineered ovum is then fertilized Even more concerning is a new technology called clustered regu-
with the husband’s sperm. With the second method, pronuclear trans- larly interspaced short palindromic repeat technology (CRISPR). Using
fer, two embryos are first created by fertilizing both the donor ovum this technique, scientists can change the actual chromosomes of a cell by
and the mother’s ovum with the father’s sperm. The nucleus of the adding or deleting snippets of DNA. If the process is only used to correct
healthy donor embryo is removed and destroyed, then replaced with mutations in somatic stem cells (the body’s own stem cells, which pro-
the nucleus from the mother’s embryo. In both techniques, the result- duce muscle cells, nerve cells, etc.), it holds the promise of correcting and
ing embryos are theoretically free of the mother’s defective mito- curing genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs disease.
chondria and can then be introduced into the mother’s uterus. If the Altered somatic cell chromosomes aren’t passed to a person’s children.
embryo implants and is carried to term, the baby will have three sets But what if the procedure is used to alter the chromosomes in embryos?
of DNA: mitochondrial DNA from the ovum donor and nuclear DNA If the embryo implants and completes development, its transformed
from the mother and father. Though neither of these techniques has DNA will theoretically pass to future generations. In theory, this means
been attempted in humans, experimentation in mice and monkeys has that the next generation’s future children could inherit undesirable traits,
successfully produced offspring that seem healthy and disease-free. such as a tendency for uncontrolled rage. Moreover, what if the technol-
Though mitochondrial donation seems an “easy” cure for a number ogy is used to attempt to create a “perfect race?” Novels such as Aldous
of serious illnesses, the entire process still has serious short-term and Huxley’s Brave New World explore the fictional consequences of such a
long-term technical problems. Scientists know that nuclear and mito- decision, and historical examples—most notably, the Holocaust—
chondrial DNA interact, but these interactions are currently very poorly demonstrate the devastation that results when a small group of individuals
understood. Thus, no one can predict what will happen when an artificial assumes the power to make value judgments based on genetics and race.
combination is created. Moreover, one scientist has compared the proce- And perhaps the most important question of all—and one with
dure to the cellular equivalent of a heart transplant. What if the technique profound implications for society—do scientists ever have the right to
isn’t perfect and maternal mitochondria are accidentally transferred along bioengineer a child?
with the mother’s nucleus? What will happen to the donor ovum’s other
organelles? How will the reengineered DNA combination ultimately You can find out more about this condition at:
affect the mother? What if the donor’s mitochondrial DNA passes into /condition/leber-hereditary-optic-neuropathy

codes for this growth factor can be injected alone or within a virus patients report that they have less chest pain and can run longer on
into the heart to stimulate branching of coronary blood vessels. a treadmill.
These additional branches improve coronary circulation, provid- Some of the newest applications of gene therapy are
ing additional oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium. Coronary approaches to correct the errors in transcription and translation

Chapter 19 Human Genetics 457

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that result from a genetic mutation. As you know from Chapter 3, (2) by constructing a map that shows the sequence of genes along
DNA serves as the template for translating messenger RNA, and the human chromosomes.
messenger RNA codes for a protein. If DNA has mutated, it will
not correctly translate into mRNA, and the protein product can’t The Base Sequence Map
be formed. These novel medications are proteins themselves,
which don’t repair the genetic mutation. Instead, they fix the Researchers achieved the first goal in 2003, thanks to an interna-
“manufacturing process,” enabling the correct protein to be tional effort. It took some 15 years for scientists to complete this
translated. monumental task. It is now known that human genetic material
Gene therapy is increasingly used as part of cancer therapy. contains 3.16 billion base pairs, and the order of 99.9% of those
Genes are being used to make healthy cells more tolerant of, and base pairs is exactly the same in all people. To date, no one knows
tumors more vulnerable to, chemotherapy. The gene p53 brings how much of the DNA consists of truly functional genes that ac-
about the death of cells, and there is much interest in introducing it tually code for proteins. It is estimated that 50% or more is so-
into cancer cells, and in that way killing them off. called “junk DNA,” which does not code for protein at all. The total
number of truly functional genes is estimated to be between 30,000
and 50,000—a much lower number than originally projected, and
Genomics less than 2% of the entire genome.

Genomics is the molecular analysis of a genome, which is all the

genetic information in all the chromosomes of an individual. Recall The Genetic Map
from Chapter 2, Figure 2.14, that the two DNA strands of a double The genetic map tells the location of genes along each chro-
helix are held together by bonding between their bases, designated mosome. Sixteen of the 46 human chromosomes have been
as A, T, G, and C. Base A is always paired with base T, and base mapped, including chromosome 22 (the first human chromo-
G is always paired with base C. In a worldwide effort known as some to be completely mapped) and chromosome 4 (the most
the Human Genome Project, researchers set out to map the human recently completed). Completing the genetic map should
chromosomes in two ways: (1) by constructing a map that shows accelerate now that the base sequence map is done. Researchers
the sequence of base pairs along all the human chromosomes, and need only know a short sequence of bases in a gene of interest

The Innocence Project
Imagine that you’re a young man who’s been charged with murder. At past criminal convictions in which evidence is highly suspect. As you
your trial, a truck driver who gives “eyewitness” testimony states that remember from Chapter 3, DNA analysis is often a vital tool for crim-
you were the hitchhiker he picked up near the crime scene—but he’s inal identification. However, DNA evidence can also be used to
blind in one eye and admits it was very dark that night. A jailhouse review court findings and potentially overturn a wrongful conviction.
snitch tells the judge that you confessed to the murder—and then, In Dillon’s case, although nearly all of the evidence from his original
rape charges against him are later dropped by the prosecution. A for- murder trial had been lost or destroyed, the blood-stained T-shirt from
mer girlfriend testifies against you—but then recants her testimony the crime was fortunately still available. DNA testing was performed
two weeks later. A scent-dog handler tells the judge and jury that his on the shirt, and the testing showed that the blood belonged to the
dog identified your scent on a bloody T-shirt found near the scene— victim and to another unidentified man. There was no trace of Dillon’s
but the man’s credentials and the dog’s tracking ability are both later DNA on the shirt. With this new evidence, William Dillon was finally
called into question. You maintain that you were five miles away proven innocent, after spending 26 years in prison for a crime that
from the scene at the time the murder occurred, and others confirm someone else committed. He was cleared of all charges by the prose-
your alibi. However, five days later, you’re convicted of first-degree cution, and was freed from prison on December 10, 2008. In June
murder, sentenced to life in prison, and incarcerated. This was the 2011, 30 years after the original murder, cold-case detectives named
nightmarish scenario faced by William Dillon in 1981. four new suspects.
Now fast-forward to 2007: With help from the attorneys of the William Dillon’s case is one of a multitude of decades-old crimi-
Innocence Project, Dillon’s repeated requests for an investigation into nal cases that have been reopened through the work of the Innocence
his conviction were finally granted by a Florida judge. The Innocence Project. To date, the Project’s efforts have exonerated more than 329
Project—an advocacy group composed of attorneys, law students, and individuals using DNA technology, including 18 who had been serv-
volunteers—uses modern DNA testing in its mission of re-examining ing time on death row.

458 PART V Reproduction and Development

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in order for computers to search the genome for a match. Then,
computers can help to pinpoint where this gene is located. How- Content CHECK-UP!
ever, decades—if not centuries—of research remain to be com- 7. Name the four classes of viruses that are being studied as
pleted about the genome. Many questions remain unanswered: possible gene vectors. How are these viruses used in gene
What does each gene do? How is the gene turned on and off? therapy?
What is all the junk DNA for? How do genes interact to make 8. An abnormal gene for the carrier that transports chloride
each unique individual? What gene, or combination of genes, across the plasma membrane results in:
causes disease? For each question answered, many others will a. familial hypercholesterolemia.
continue to arise.
b. cystic fibrosis.
Many ethical questions also arise regarding how we should use
our knowledge of the human genome. Who owns genetic informa- c. hemophilia.
tion? How should it be used and accessed? Should humans attempt d. sickle-cell anemia.
to control and/or manipulate human genes and, if so, how? As you 9. Which percentage of DNA base pairs is the same for all hu-
know from the What’s New reading on page 457, manipulation man beings?
of human genes is already underway, in laboratories around the a. 99.9% b. 75% c. less than 2% d. 50%
world. It’s imperative that you be knowledgeable about the human Answers in Appendix A.
genome so that you can help decide these issues.

Selected New Terms

Basic Key Terms homozygous dominant (hō-mō-zī9gŭs dŏm9ĭ- X chromosome (x krō9mō-sōm), p. 446
nănt), p. 450 X-linked (x-lĭnkt), p. 451
allele (ă-lēl9), p. 450
homozygous recessive (hō-mō-zī9gŭs rē- Y chromosome (y krō9mō-sōm), p. 446
amniocentesis (ămnē-ō-sĕn-tē9sĭs), p. 446
sĕs9ĭv), p. 450 Y-linked (y-lĭnkt), p. 451
autosome (ăw9tō-sōm), p. 446
karyotype (kăr9ē-ō-tīp), p. 446
carrier (kār9ē-ĕr), p. 451
locus (lō9kŭs), p. 450 Clinical Key Terms
chorionic villi sampling (kō-rē-ŏn9ĭk vĭl9ī
monosomy (mŏ9nō-sō-mē), p. 447
săm9plĭng), p. 446 cystic fibrosis (sĭs9tĭk9 fī-brō9sĭs), p. 452
nondisjunction (nŏndĭs-jŭnk9shŭn), p. 447
dominant allele (dŏm9ĭ-nănt ă-lēl9), p. 450 DNA technology (DNA tĕk-năwl9ō-jē), p. 454
pedigree (pĕd9ĭ-grē), p. 453
genes (jēnz), p. 450 Down syndrome (dŏwn sĭn9drōm), p. 448
phenotype (fē9nō-tīp), p. 450
genome (jē9nōm), p. 458 gene therapy (jēn thĕr9ŭh-pē), p. 454
recessive allele (rē-sĕs9ĭv ă-lēl9), p. 450
genomics (jē9nō-mĭks), p. 458 Jacobs syndrome (jā9kŭbs sĭn9drōm), p. 449
sex chromosome (sĕks krō9mō-sōm), p. 446
genotype (jē9-nō-tīp), p. 450 Klinefelter syndrome (klīn9fĕl-tĕr sĭn9drōm), p. 449
sex-linked (sĕks-lĭnkt), p. 451
heterozygous (hĕtĕr-ō-zī9gŭs), p. 450 poly-X female (pŏ9lē x fē9māl), p. 449
syndrome (sĭn9drōm), p. 446
homozygous (hō-mō-zī9gŭs), p. 450 Turner syndrome (tŭr9nĕr sĭn9drōm), p. 449
trisomy (trī9sō-mē), p. 447
XYY male (xyy māl), p. 449

19.1 Chromosomal Inheritance E. Abnormal combinations of sex individual inherited one domi-
A. Normally, an individual inherits chromosomes include XO nant and one recessive allele
22 pairs of autosomal chromo- (Turner syndrome), XXX (poly-X), and has the dominant pheno-
somes and one pair of sex chro- XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), and type; a homozygous recessive
mosomes. Females are XX and XYY (Jacobs syndrome). individual inherited two
males are XY. 19.2 Genetic Inheritance recessive alleles and has the
B. Amniocentesis and chorionic villi A. Genes control human traits. recessive phenotype. A Pun-
sampling are used to provide Uppercase letters designate nett square can be used to
cell samples for karyotyping fetal dominant alleles; lowercase let- predict the probability of gene
chromosomes. ters designate recessive alleles. inheritance.
C. Nondisjunction during oogenesis B. The genotype represents the C. The inheritance of X-linked
or spermatogenesis explains the genes of an individual, and the alleles differs in males and
inheritance of an abnormal num- phenotype refers to outward females. Males require only one
ber of chromosomes. expression of the gene. A ho- recessive allele to have an
D. The most common autosomal mozygous dominant individual X-linked trait; females require
abnormality is Down syndrome, inherited two dominant alleles two recessive alleles. This
which is due to the inheritance and has the dominant means that males are more likely
of an extra chromosome 21. phenotype; a heterozygous to inherit an X-linked disorder.

Chapter 19 Human Genetics 459

lon96431_ch19_445-460.indd 459 18/11/15 3:20 PM

D. Genetic counselors help couples 19.3 DNA Technology B. Genomics is an actively grow-
determine the chances of having A. Gene therapy, which involves re- ing field. Because the
children with a genetic disorder, placing defective genes with sequence of base pairs along
such as cystic fibrosis. They can healthy genes, is now a reality. the human chromosomes has
also determine the pattern of in- Researchers are envisioning var- now been determined, new
heritance from studying a fam- ious applications aimed at curing treatments for genetic disor-
ily’s pedigree. human genetic disorders, as well ders are expected.
as many other types of illnesses.

Study Questions
1. What is the normal chromosome inher- resulting from inheritance of abnormal 10. Give examples of dominant, recessive,
itance of humans? (p. 446) numbers of sex chromosomes? and X-linked genetic disorders in
2. How is a karyotype prepared? What (p. 449) humans. (p. 453)
are the possible sources for cell 6. Explain autosomal dominant and 11. Describe the function of an allele
samples in an adult? In the fetus? recessive genetic inheritance. using the CF allele as an example.
(pp. 446–447) (pp. 450–451) (pp. 452–453)
3. What is nondisjunction, and when does 7. Explain X-linked allele inheritance in 12. What is gene therapy, and what types
nondisjunction occur during meiosis? humans. (p. 451) of genetic disorders have been treated
(pp. 447–448) 8. Describe how to construct and inter- thus far? (pp. 454, 456–458)
4. What are the characteristics of a person pret a Punnett square. (pp. 451–452) 13. What is a genome? What is genomics,
with Down syndrome? (pp. 448–449) 9. What type of information does a genetic and what might be the benefits of
5. What are the characteristics of the counselor give parents who might pass genomics in the future? (pp. 458–459)
most common human conditions on a genetic disorder? (pp. 452–453)

Learning Objective Questions

For questions 1-9, fill in the blanks. For inheritance of (one or 9. The molecular analysis of a
questions 10 and 11, choose the one best two) abnormal gene(s). genome is called .
answer. 6. Someone who is heterozygous for
10. Karyotyping reveals:
1. Genes are found on the a recessive disorder is called a(n)
a. what alleles a person has.
. of that trait. He or she
b. the entire sequence of genes of
2. A person with Down syndrome has doesn’t display symptoms of this
a person.
inherited copies of disorder.
c. the number and sizes of
chromosome 21. 7. If a person inherits an autosomal
chromosomes of a person.
3. The sex chromosomes of a male genetic disorder and both parents
d. a person’s phenotype.
are labeled . are unaffected by the disorder, the
11. A male with an X-linked recessive
4. A person with Klinefelter syndrome disorder is .
disorder inherited this disorder
has the chromosomes . 8. Replacing defective genes with
from his:
5. A dominant autosomal genetic healthy genes is the goal of
a. mother.
disorder only requires the .
b. father.

Medical Outcome Questions
After studying this chapter, see if you can derive the definitions 1. neogenesis (nēō-jĕn9ĕ-sĭs)
for the medical terms listed at right. Many of the prefixes and 2. regeneration (rē-jĕnĕr-ā9shŭn)
suffixes used to create these terms can be found throughout 3. fetoscope (fē9tō-skōp)
the chapter. For additional help, use McGraw-Hill Connect™ at 4. polydysplasia (pŏlē-dĭs-plā9zē-ŭh) and consult Appendix B. 5. congenital (kŏn-jĕn9ĭ-tăl)

Online Study Tools APR

Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED in-
cludes cadaver photos that allow you to
peel away layers of the human body to
reveal structures beneath the surface. This program also includes
animations, radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice
quizzing. To learn more visit

460 PART V Reproduction and Development

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Appendix A

and all of the symptoms of the disease. If untreated, sickle cell anemia is
Chapter 1 often fatal. You can read more about sickle-cell disease in Chapter 11.
Content Check-Up!
1. structural organization; 2. organ systems; 3. organelles; 4. superior; Learning Outcome Questions
5. buccal; 6. horizontal; 7. parietal pleura—b, visceral pericardium—a, vis- 1. atoms; 2. neutrons; 3. ionic, covalent; 4. hydrogen; 5. hydrogen, lower;
ceral peritoneum—c; 8. chest pain, particularly when a person inhales; 6. glucose, energy; 7. glycerol, fatty acid; 8. amino acids, coil, structure or
9. endocrine and nervous; 10. digestive; 11. a; 12. digestive and urinary; configuration; 9. enzymes; 10. DNA, nucleotide.
13. d; 14. b.
Chapter 3
Begin Thinking Clinically
Page 8: Because the child is pointing to the umbilical region, the source of Content Check-Up!
his pain is most likely the small intestine. Two common reasons for intes- 1. a-2, b-3, c-1; 2. Nuclear envelope, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles
tinal pain are stretching the small intestine (as when the organ overfills are the components of the endomembrane system. Endoplasmic reticulum
with gas) or irritating the intestinal lining (as in bacterial food poisoning). forms proteins and lipids, the Golgi apparatus forms vesicles, lysosomes
destroy cells or cell parts, and the nuclear membrane contains the nucleus;
Learning Outcome Questions 3. a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3; 4. c; 5. The bacteria were taken into the cell by phago-
1. c; 2. f; 3. g; 4. a; 5. d; 6. c; 7. e; 8. b; 9. a; 10. d; 11. g; 12. f; 13. d; cytosis; 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9. d.
14. c; 15. e; 16. a; 17. d; 18. b; 19. g; 20. c; 21. d; 22. e; 23. f; 24. a; 25. b;
26. anatomy; 27. organ; 28. midsagittal or median; 29. homeostasis; Begin Thinking Clinically
30. negative feedback. Page 52: When brain tissue is damaged, fluid escapes into the spaces be-
tween the nerve cells. This swelling can put pressure on the brain (because
Medical Terminology Exercise it’s enclosed by the skull) and cause further brain damage. If a hypertonic
1. above; 2. below; 3. stomach; 4. abdomen; 5. head; 6. thorax; solution flows through the blood vessels supplying the brain, osmosis will
7. sides; 8. eye; 9. back; 10. study; 11. a; 12. a; 13. blood; 14. d; 15. a. cause excess fluid to be returned to the bloodstream.

Begin Thinking Clinically

Chapter 2 Page 53: Excess blood glucose is filtered by the kidneys, traveling from
Content Check-Up! the blood into the fluid that will ultimately become urine. Because it can’t
1. 20; 2. F=F; F2; 3. 1 3 1024 moles per liter, or 0.0001 moles per liter; be completely reabsorbed, the excess glucose is eliminated in the urine.
4. a. urine at pH 5 is more acidic; b. there are 1000 times more free hydrogen Glucosuria (the technical term for glucose in the urine) causes increased
ions in pH 5 urine; 5. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids; urinary output (called polyuria) and increased thirst (polydipsia). These
6. Digestion of food macromolecules occurs by hydrolysis, or splitting with three are common symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes.
water. A constant supply of water is needed for the process to continue;
7. a—monosaccharide, b—monosaccharide, c—disaccharide, d—polysac-
Learning Outcome Questions
1. c; 2. e; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b; 6. cytoplasm, organelles; 7. protein, phospholipid;
charide, e—polysaccharide, f—polysaccharide; 8. cellulose; 9. saturated,
8. ribosomes; 9. centrioles; 10. hypotonic; 11. carrier molecule, ATP;
unsaturated; 10. Their polar phosphate heads are water-soluble, but their
12. endocytosis; 13. 46; 14. d; 15. b; 16. a; 17. c; 18. d; 19. f; 20. a; 21. c;
lipid tails are oil-soluble; 11. cholesterol; 12. a; 13. The protein’s three-
22. b; 23. e.
dimensional structure is changed when the protein is denatured. Biologically
active proteins may no longer function; 14. b; 15. a. RNA, b. RNA, c. both,
d. DNA, e. DNA, f. RNA; 16. This data doesn’t make sense because of Chapter 4
complimentary base pairing. The percentage of adenine must match that of
thymine. Likewise, the percentage of cytosine and guanine must be the Content Check-Up!
same; 17. AATCG in DNA; AAUCG in RNA; 18. adenosine diphosphate. 1. d; 2. d; 3. Microvilli indicate that the cells are specialized for absorption;
4. fibrous connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and aponeuroses; 5. chondro-
Begin Thinking Clinically cytes, lacunae; 6. c; 7. c; 8. a-3, b-1, c-2; 9. cardiac and smooth muscle;
Page 24: Because strontium is similar to calcium in structure, it could 10. intercalated disks; 11. b; 12. Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes; 13. a-2,
replace bone calcium and damage bone. b-3, c-1; 14. Exocrine glands secrete their products through ducts. Salivary
glands are exocrine glands. Endocrine glands secrete their products directly
Begin Thinking Clinically into the blood. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland; 15. a-3, b-1, c-2.
Page 37: When DNA is defective, the structure of the messenger RNA
transcribed from it will also be abnormal. In turn, the amino acid sequence Begin Thinking Clinically
in the protein translated from messenger RNA will be altered as well. Just Page 68: Smoking causes constant “wear-and-tear” on the delicate pseu-
a single base substitution in DNA causes sickle-cell hemoglobin formation dostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of the airways. Over time, this


lon96431_app_A1-A5.indd 1 18/11/15 11:41 AM

tissue will gradually be replaced by stratified squamous epithelium, which
is much sturdier (though unable to move mucus and clear airway
Chapter 7
pollutants). Content Check-Up!
1. d; 2. b; 3. Epimysium (superficial); perimysium; endomysium (deep);
Learning Outcome Questions 4. c; 5. Actin, troponin, tropomyosin; 6. c; 7. d; 8. b; 9. Intermediate
1. tissues; 2. stratified, cilia, columnar; 3. matrix, fibers; 4. connective; twitch; used for walking, jogging, or biking because these activities
5. a; 6. epithelial, loose connective; 7. c; 8. a; 9. b; 10. d; 11. c; 12. a; require moderate strength for shorter periods; 10. a; 11. d; 12. You
13. b; 14. neuron, neuroglia; 15. desmosomes, tight junctions and gap might use zygomaticus, levator labii superioris, and levator anguli oris;
junctions; 16. endocrine, exocrine; 17. mucous. 13. The cells themselves are fewer and smaller, with fewer mitochon-
dria. 14. Skeletal muscle compresses cardiovascular veins, thus forcing
blood back to the heart.
Chapter 5
Content Check-Up! Begin Thinking Clinically
1. c; 2. b; 3. The deepest layer is the stratum basale, and the most super- Page 135: Compartment syndrome usually occurs in the muscles of the thigh
ficial layer is stratum corneum; 4. a; 5. Hirsutism (excess body hair in or leg. It can result from severe bruising of the muscle or from bone fracture.
women) may result from testosterone excess. Alopecia may be genetic or Compartment syndrome is treated by elevating the affected limb and using
caused by an immune disorder; 6. b; 7. Sweat contains salts and urea, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling. In severe cases, the fascia that
which are also excreted by the kidneys; 8. constrict. The process keeps creates the compartment must be cut open, a procedure called fasciotomy.
blood in the body’s torso, retaining heat in the body; 9. basal cell carci-
noma, melanoma, ultraviolet light; 10. fibroblasts; 11. Adipose tissue
Begin Thinking Clinically
Page 154: The muscles that lift the foot are on the anterior leg, commonly
concentration in the dermis decreases, decreasing the amount of insula-
called the shin. The two primary muscles are tibialis anterior and extensor
tion for the body; 12. Vitamin D, produced by skin cells, is converted to
digitorum longus.
calcitriol. Calcitriol enables calcium absorption in the digestive tract.

Begin Thinking Clinically Learning Outcome Questions

1. smooth; 2. endomysium; 3. actin; 4. ATP; 5. muscle tone;
Page 88: In psoriasis, overgrowth of the epidermis causes the skin to have
6. prime mover, synergists; 7. biceps brachii; 8. lower spine, humerus;
a reddened, crusted appearance. Patches of affected skin are covered with
9. temporalis; 10. deltoid; 11. triceps brachii; 12. gluteus maximus; 13. h;
scales, and may itch. Psoriasis is not serious unless it is part of an autoim-
14. e; 15. c; 16. f; 17. b; 18. a.
mune disorder that affects other body tissues (see Chapter 13 for further
discussion of autoimmune disorders).

Learning Outcome Questions Chapter 8

1. both b and c; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. b; 6. temperature; 7. hair follicles, sebum; Content Check-Up!
8. mechanical trauma, pathogen invasion, water gain or loss; 9. D; 1. d; 2. a; 3. a; 4. The muscle would be more likely to contract, because the
10. melanoma, basal cell carcinoma; 11. depth of burn and extent of burn. receptors for inhibitory neurotransmitters would be blocked; 5. c;
6. central canal, ventricles; 7. thalamus, temporal lobe; 8. d; 9. thalamus,
hypothalamus, epithalamus; 10. a. cerebellum—motor coordination,
Chapter 6 b. limbic system—emotional response, c. brain stem—visual and
Content Check-Up! auditory reflexes; 11. d; 12. c; 13. A sensory receptor for pain has an ac-
1. b; 2. compact; 3. d; 4. epiphyseal growth plate; 5. foramen; 6. d; 7. atlas tion potential, and the sensory neuron transmits its action potential to the
and axis; 8. vertebral foramen; 9. c; 10. Glenoid cavity and head of spinal cord, where it synapses with an interneuron. In turn, the interneu-
humerus. The joint is unstable because the glenoid cavity is shallow; ron synapses with a motor neuron. The motor neuron activates skeletal
11. a; 12. c; 13. The sutures of the skull and the epiphyseal growth plates. muscle to contract; 14. Maintaining cardiovascular health through diet
If these close prematurely, no further brain or long bone growth will occur; and exercise is essential. As a person ages, s(he) should continue to
14. a; 15. osteoarthritis, articular cartilage; 16. flexion and extension of remain mentally active as well. A well-developed social network can
the leg; 17. integumentary, skeletal, digestive and endocrine. help to prevent depression, which can impair memory; 15. If the stroke
sufferer loses the ability to move upper limb muscles, those muscles will
Begin Thinking Clinically decrease in size and density. Because the bones are then no longer exer-
Page 113: Depending on the severity of the blow, he may have fractured cised, they will lose density as well.
the bones of the anterior orbit, or eye socket. These include the frontal,
lacrimal, maxilla, and zygomatic bones. He may also have a fracture of the Begin Thinking Clinically
nasal bone. If he lost consciousness after the blow, he must be carefully Page 175: The sensory (receiving) and association (memory) areas for
monitored for a possible brain injury (see the In Case of Emergency read- vision are located in the occipital lobe. The person who strikes his or her
ing in Chapter 8 for a discussion of traumatic brain injury). head in a fall may lose vision or visual memories. Depending on the
severity of the injury, the loss may be permanent.
Learning Outcome Questions
1. c; 2. g; 3. a; 4. d; 5. f; 6. e; 7. d; 8. c; 9. g; 10. a; 11. f; 12. b; 13. e; Learning Outcome Questions
14. longer; 15. spongy; 16. sinuses; 17. axial skeleton, vertebral column 1. brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, spinal nerves; 2. axon; 3. effectors (muscle
and pelvic girdle, axial skeleton and rib cage; 18. support and flexibility, cells, glands, organs); 4. sodium, inside; 5. synaptic cleft; 6. acetylcholines-
support and stability; 19. hand and foot; 20. hinge; 21. c; 22. e; 23. b; terase; 7. meninges; 8. interneuron; 9. EEG or electroencephalogram;
24. d; 25. a. 10. learning, memory; 11. cerebellum; 12. reticular formation; 13. cranial

A-2 Appendix A

lon96431_app_A1-A5.indd 2 18/11/15 11:41 AM

nerve, somatic and parasympathetic motor functions. It also transmits so- hormone, too little iodine; 7. calcium; 8. medulla, cortex, ACTH
matic sensory information; 14. sympathetic, parasympathetic; 15. a. sensory (corticotropin); 9. cortex; 10. Cushing’s syndrome; 11. pancreas, insulin
neuron, b. interneuron, c. motor neuron, d. sensory receptor, e. neuron cell receptors; 12. blood.
body, f. dendrites, g. axon, h. nucleus of Schwann cell (part of myelin sheath),
i. node of Ranvier, j. axon terminals.
Chapter 11
Chapter 9 Content Check-Up!
1. The formed elements are red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood
Content Check-Up! cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). From top to bottom of the
1. Your touch receptors would react to the apple’s texture, your visual test tube, the three layers are: plasma layer, buffy coat (containing both
receptors will respond to its color, chemoreceptors for smell and taste leukocytes and thrombocytes) and red blood cell layer; 2. d; 3. by absorb-
will carry sensory information as you bite and chew it, and pressure re- ing body heat from muscles and transporting it around the body, by main-
ceptors in the mouth will transmit information about the force your jaw taining salt-water and protein balance, by buffering acids and bases; 4. The
generates; 2. a; 3. d; 4. e; 5. Alkaline compounds will taste bitter, so fluid would be replaced through the actions of ADH and aldosterone
bitter taste receptors will have to be the most sensitive; 6. a; 7. d; 8. b; (see Chapter 10). The kidneys would respond to lower blood oxygen levels
9. The image travels on the optic nerves to the optic chiasma. From by producing erythropoietin, which would stimulate red blood cell produc-
there, optic tracts route the image to the thalamus, which directs the in- tion by the red bone marrow; 5. d; 6. b; 7. d; 8. c; 9. d; 10. b; 11. c; 12. c;
formation via the optic radiations to the occipital lobe; 10. Sound waves 13. Because of a poor diet, the elderly may have protein, iron or vitamin B12
strike the tympanic membrane, causing its vibrations and those of the deficiency. Any or all of these will cause anemia, because all three are
malleus, incus and stapes in the inner ear. The stapes vibrates against the necessary for red blood cell production.
oval window, creating fluid movement in the cochlear duct; 11. b;
12. VIII (8), vestibulocochlear nerve, temporal; 13. a; 14. static or grav- Begin Thinking Clinically
itational, dynamic or rotational; 15. presbyopia. Page 247: Polycythemia can occur whenever the tissues (and the kidney in
particular) have a lowered oxygen supply. Thus, heart disease or lung
Begin Thinking Clinically disease can result in polycythemia. Polycythemia also results from un-
Page 197: An uncinate fit is a form of epileptic seizure. Epilepsy results known causes. When the polycythemia is caused by heart or lung disease,
from excessive neuron activity in a particular brain area. In an uncinate fit, treating the underlying condition will alleviate polycythemia. Removing
the temporal lobe areas controlling smell may be damaged, and the seizure blood through a vein can also help to alleviate symptoms.
Learning Outcome Questions
Learning Outcome Questions 1. plasma; 2. oxygen and carbon dioxide, function in defense; 3. oxyhemo-
1. mechanoreceptors; 2. chemoreceptors; 3. rods, cones, retina; globin; 4. nucleus, 120; 5. neutrophil; 6. antibodies, destroy; 7. fibrin;
4. color, bright; 5. accommodates (becomes thicker); 6. distant objects far 8. A, B, neither; 9. Rh negative, Rh positive; 10. c; 11. b; 12. a; 13. d.
away, concave; 7. malleus, incus, stapes; 8. inner, hair; 9. cochlear duct in
the cochlear; inner ear; 10. dynamic or rotational; 11. brain.
Chapter 12
Content Check-Up!
Chapter 10 1. The three layers are fibrous pericardium, parietal serous pericardium,
Content Check-Up! and visceral pericardium (also called the epicardium). The fibrous peri-
1. a; 2. c; 3. You would produce ADH anytime you’re dehydrated; for exam- cardium protects the heart from injury and protects it from overfilling,
ple, after heavy exercise; 4. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing which would reduce its contraction strength; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. The
hormone (LH), thyroid hormone (thyrotropin or TH), and/or adrenocortico- trained athlete’s heart will have increased its size and contraction strength,
tropic hormone (corticotropin or ACTH); 5. a; 6. d; 7. a; 8. One’s diet must and his cardiac output will increase. Without training, the second athlete’s
contain adequate iodine to synthesize thyroid hormone. Populations living in cardiac output will remain unchanged. The trained athlete will have the
inland areas where there is little soil iodine are at risk for hypothyroidism; advantage in the race; 7. c; 8. d; 9. b; 10. c; 11. a; 12. Cardiac output in-
9. c; 10. e; 11. c; 12. You would produce aldosterone anytime you’re creases during exercise because heart rate and stroke volume both in-
dehydrated; for example, after heavy exercise; 13. d; 14. a; 15. Insulin is pro- crease. Stroke volume increases due to increased venous return caused by
duced when blood glucose is high (after a meal, for example). Glucagon is muscle contraction. Increased cardiac output causes increased blood pres-
produced whenever blood glucose is low (when we’re fasting between meals); sure during exercise; 13. a; 14. c; 15. Because blood will be diverted away
16. Female sex hormones cause long bone growth and secondary sexual from the pulmonary trunk, the pulmonary circuit will fail to develop;
characteristic development, menstruation, ovulation and maintenance of a 16. The left ventricle. The chamber gradually enlarges because it must
pregnancy; 17. b; 18. d; 19. a-2, b-3, c-1; 20. thyroid; 21. a-3, b-2, c-1. pump harder to eject blood through the stiff aortic valve; 17. The integu-
mentary system helps to rid the body of excess heat by sweating.
Begin Thinking Clinically
Page 224: A prolactin-producing adenoma in a man might cause his mam- Begin Thinking Clinically
mary glands to swell and produce milk. These adenomas also cause impo- Page 282: Figure 12.17 shows other ways for blood to return from the foot
tence, or inability to achieve erection of the penis. and leg to the heart. For example, blood could travel from the anterior
tibial vein or small saphenous vein to the popliteal vein. However, the clot
Learning Outcome Questions would cause severe pain, and could break free to form a thromboembolism
1. steroid, protein or amine; 2. negative feedback; 3. ADH, oxytocin; (see Chapter 11). To prevent blood clotting, drink lots of water and stay
4. releasing and inhibiting hormones; 5. anterior; 6. too little thyroid hydrated, stretch your legs, and walk around as much as possible.

Appendix A A-3

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Learning Outcome Questions Begin Thinking Clinically
1. lungs; 2. bicuspid; 3. aorta; 4. sinoatrial; 5. away from; 6. mean arterial Page 321: The tissues of the soft palate and tonsils are often enlarged in some-
pressure or blood pressure; 7. systolic, diastolic; 8. cardiac output, periph- one with OSA. The condition is usually treated using a continuous positive
eral resistance; 9. the pumping force of the ventricles, skeletal muscle airway pressure (CPAP) device, which constantly blows air into the patient’s
contraction, the respiratory pump, and pressure difference between veins airways to keep enlarged tissues from collapsing and blocking airways.
and right atrium; 10. subclavian, common iliac and femoral; 11. coronary;
12. digestive organs, liver; 13. cerebral arterial circle (Circle of Willis); Learning Outcome Questions
14. foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus. 1. larynx; 2. epiglottis; 3. alveoli; 4. alveoli, pulmonary capillaries; 5. ex-
panded, opened up; 6. tidal volume; 7. vital capacity; 8. carbon dioxide;
9. diffusion; 10. enters; 11. enters; 12. bicarbonate; 13. smoking; 14. pri-
Chapter 13 mary bronchi; 15. a. nasal cavity, b. nostril, c. pharynx, d. epiglottis,
Content Check-Up! e. glottis, f. larynx, g. trachea/cartilage, h. bronchus, i. bronchiole.
1. d; 2. Lymphatic capillaries will drain to progressively larger lymphatic
vessels, to the right lymphatic duct. This duct will drain to the right sub-
clavian vein. The subclavian vein drains to the right brachiocephalic vein,
Chapter 15
which empties to the superior vena cava. 3. c; 4. The thymus produces Content Check-Up!
thymosins (thymic hormones), and is the site where T lymphocytes ma- 1. c; 2. b; 3. Lipids diff use through the phospholipid cell membrane, and
ture; 5. d; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. Interferon from virus-infected cells can be directly absorbed into the lymphatic lacteals. As you recall from
binds to non-infected cells, causing them to prepare for virus attack by Chapter 13, all lymphatic capillaries empty into larger and larger lymphatic
producing antiviral substances; 11. c; 12. Passive immunity is obtained vessels. The largest of these—right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct—
when antibodies are transferred from one person to another. Natural empty into the right and left subclavian veins, respectively; 4. d; 5. The
transfer occurs across the placenta from a mother to her fetus. Breast milk liver produces bile, which emulsifies fats, allowing them to be effectively
also contains antibodies that pass from the nursing mother to her baby. digested by lipase enzymes. As intestinal blood passes through its hepatic
Artificial passive immunity involves injecting antibodies from one per- portal system, the liver removes and stores nutrients (such as glucose) and
son into another. Neither form of passive immunity is as effective or vitamins and minerals (such as iron and the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E,
long-lasting as active immunity, because the active immune response al- and K) Regulation of blood cholesterol and forming urea from amino acids
lows the person to make his/her own antibodies. 13. d; 14. The thymus are other digestive functions of the liver. By making plasma proteins, the
gland gradually shrinks with age, decreasing the number of T cells. This liver regulates blood osmotic pressure. Finally, liver macrophages help to
decreases the strength of the immune response; 15. B and T cells create a remove pathogens from the blood, while liver enzymes detoxify poisonous
specific immune response, whereas the other white blood cells are non- substances; 6. a; 7. b; 8. d; 9. Physical digestion will begin in your mouth,
specific. as you bite and chew the burger. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid and
pepsin will start the process of chemical digestion. Three pancreatic en-
Begin Thinking Clinically zymes—trypsin, chymotrypsin, and carboxypeptidase—will continue
Page 297: If the cancerous tumor has begun to spread throughout the body, chemical digestion, breaking down the proteins into smaller peptides and
a lymph node will often be the first place for cancer cells to lodge. A sen- free amino acids. Finally, the intestinal peptidases found on intestinal villi
tinel lymph node is the first node to receive lymph from a malignant tumor. will complete the process, breaking down large peptides into dipeptides
If this node is free of cancer cells, others are likely to be free as well. and free amino acids. Both are molecules that can be absorbed into the
blood; 10. malnutrition; 11. endocrine; 12. essential; 13. b.
Learning Outcome Questions
1. valves; 2. B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes; 3. thymus; 4. lymph, blood; Begin Thinking Clinically
5. non-specific; 6. neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes/macrophages; Page 353: If normal flora bacteria are destroyed by antibiotic abuse,
7. complement; 8. plasma, memory; 9. antibody; 10. cell; 11. vaccine; pathogenic microbes can grow in the colon instead. The first symptom
12. passive, active; 13. histamine. caused by these harmful organisms is typically diarrhea. Long-term anti-
biotic abuse can result in vitamin deficiency.
Chapter 14 Learning Outcome Questions
Content Check-Up! 1. amylase; 2. pepsin; 3. esophagus, protein; 4. acidic; 5. cecum, as-
1. a; 2. trachea, primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, cending, transverse, descending and sigmoid portions, rectum, anus;
bronchioles, alveoli; 3. b 4. external intercostals, diaphragm, accessory 6. duodenum; 7. glycogen; 8. bile, emulsifies; 9. trypsin, chymotryp-
muscles; 5. b; 6. You might start by asking the patient to close his/her sin, and carboxypeptidase, lipase, amylase; 10. villi; 11. a.
nose, and then to become familiar with the apparatus by breathing nor-
mally into it. A minute or two of normal quiet breathing determines tidal
volume. You would then prompt your patient to take the deepest breath
Chapter 16
possible, and then to exhale as forcefully as possible. Your patient’s deep- Content Check-Up!
est breath is inspiratory reserve volume, and his or her strongest exhala- 1. a; 2. In response to decreased blood pressure, the kidneys produce the
tion is expiratory reserve volume; 7. d; 8. b; 9. As carbonic acid/ enzyme renin. Renin causes the first step in activation of angiotensinogen
bicarbonate ion, dissolved, attached to Hb; 10. Bacterial infections can be (a blood plasma protein, produced by the liver) to angiotensin. As it travels
treated with antibiotics, but they are not effective against viral infections. through the lungs, angiotensin is completely activated. Angiotensin causes
Using antibiotics unnecessarily can cause bacteria to become antibiotic blood vessels to constrict, increasing blood pressure; 3. d; 4. c; 5. First you
resistant, and disrupt the person’s normal bacterial populations; 11. d; would find the sodium ion in Bowman’s capsule, the structure that collects
12. b; 13. b; 14. a. tubular fluid as it forms. Next, the sodium ion passes into the proximal

A-4 Appendix A

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convoluted tubule, where it can be reabsorbed and returned to the blood. Learning Outcome Questions
If it continues into the loop of Henle, it may be actively transported by 1. 23, sperm and ova; 2. seminiferous tubules; 3. interstitial; 4. testosterone;
ascending limb cells into the renal medulla. However, if it travels into the 5. vas deferens; 6. seminal vesicle; 7. blood; 8. vagina; 9. labia majora, mons
distal convoluted tubule and the proximal collecting duct, its fate depends pubis, labia minora, clitoris, vestibule, orifices of the urethra and vagina;
on two hormones. Aldosterone will cause the ion to be reabsorbed and 10. estrogen, progesterone; 11. vesicular follicle of an ovary, uterus; 12. ovu-
returned to the blood, and atrial natriuretic hormone will allow it to be lation; 13. corpus luteum; 14. prolactin and oxytocin; 15. low sperm
eliminated in the urine; 6. blood cells and large plasma proteins; 7. e; 8. c; count, abnormal sperm; 16. viruses, bacteria.
9. Each causes its effect by changing the amounts of sodium and water that
are reabsorbed from the distal convoluted tubule and proximal collecting
duct. Aldosterone increases sodium and water reabsorption, thus raising Chapter 18
blood pressure. Atrial natriuretic hormone decreases reabsorption and
blood pressure falls as a result; 10. Both b and c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. The Content Check-Up!
sweat glands excrete water, salt and urea. The liver excretes bile pigments. 1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. The umbilical cord is a tube that contains two umbilical
The lungs excrete carbon dioxide and water; 14. They produce erythropoi- arteries and a single umbilical vein. Surrounding them is a complex poly-
etin; 15. sodium, potassium, and calcium. saccharide that acts like a pillow and keeps these blood vessels from being
compressed. Because the placenta is the organ for fetal blood oxygenation,
Begin Thinking Clinically oxygen content would be highest in the blood vessel that drains the
Page 382: Loop diuretics work in the ascending loop of Henle. They inhibit placenta: the umbilical vein; 5. embryo, chorion; 6. d; 7. During labor,
secretion of sodium into the medulla, so sodium is gradually washed away oxytocin promotes uterine contractions that help to deliver the fetus.
and the sodium concentration gradient disappears. Less water is reabsorbed Without it, labor would not progress. After delivery of the placenta, oxy-
in the kidneys, and the volume of urine increases as a result. One generic tocin causes the uterine smooth muscle to continue contracting. This helps
version is furosemide. Aldosterone antagonist diuretics work primarily in to seal the uterine surface that was previously covered by the placenta,
the distal convoluted tubule. By interfering with aldosterone, they inhibit preventing a possible fatal hemorrhage. Oxytocin causes the milk let-
the reabsorption of sodium and water. Once again, more urine is formed. down reflex in a nursing mother, which allows her milk to be emptied into
Drugs called spironolactones are aldosterone antagonist diuretics. the breast ducts and delivered to her baby. Without the hormone, her milk
would not be expelled, resulting in breast swelling (and a hungry baby!);
Learning Outcome Questions 8. c; 9. d
1. sodium, water, pH; 2. urea; 3. gout; 4. ureters; 5. urethra;
6. cortex, medulla, pyramids; 7. glomerus; 8. sodium; 9. creatinine and/or Begin Thinking Clinically
urochrome; 10. loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct; Page 437: Precise mechanisms are unclear, but research suggests that in
11. ADH; 12. buffer; 13. carbon dioxide and water. this circumstance, cervical stimulation fails to cause adequate release of
oxytocin. In this circumstance, oxytocin can be administered through an
intravenous solution.
Chapter 17 Learning Outcome Questions
Content Check-Up! 1. ovum, sperm; 2. implant; 3. pre-embryonic development; 4. differentia-
1. d; 2. The chromosomes in the two cells formed by mitosis are identi- tion; 5. placenta; 6. extra-embryonic, amnion; 7. organ systems; 8. second;
cal. Because of crossing over and the random distribution of sister chro- 9. head; 10. placental hormones.
matids, the chromosomes of the two cells formed by meiosis are not
identical; 3. d; 4. Semen contains sperm cells from the testes, in the alka-
line fluid from the seminal vesicles and prostate. The seminal vesicles Chapter 19
also add fructose and prostaglandins. Fructose serves as an energy source Content Check-Up!
for sperm; prostaglandins produce contractions of the female genital 1. d; 2. Each is a trisomy, where three chromosomes are found instead
tract that help to move sperm closer to the ovum; 5. a; 6. gonadotropin- of the normal two. Edwards syndrome is trisomy 18. Patau syndrome is
releasing, follicle-stimulating, luteinizing. Follicle-stimulating hormone trisomy 13. Both cause severe congenital (birth) defects, and affected
stimulates development of sperm and ova, and luteinizing hormone stim- infants usually die within their first year of life; 3. d; 4. b; 5. d; 6. Un-
ulates testosterone production by the male testes. In females, LH stimu- fortunately, as in all autosomal recessive diseases, any time the couple
lates ovulation and progesterone secretion; 7. vesicular (Graafian) conceives a child, there is a 25% chance that the child will inherit the
follicle, corpus luteum, corpus albicans. The three occur in sequence disorder; 7. retroviruses, adenoviruses, herpes viruses, adeno-associated
from a single primary follicle; 8. c; 9. c; 10. d; 11. syphilis, gonorrhea, viruses; 8. b; 9. a.
chlamydia; 12. a; 13. Menopause. Males do not stop producing the sex
hormones, so they don’t experience menopause. 14. The benefits include Begin Thinking Clinically
relief from menopause symptoms and increased bone density. Risks in- Page 449: Down syndrome individuals can be born with heart and lung
clude increased rates of cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots. abnormalities that can be fatal (though many can be surgically corrected).
Further, Down syndrome adults are more susceptible to a certain form of
Begin Thinking Clinically leukemia, or cancer of the white blood cells. Alzheimer disease occurs in
Page 404: An abdominal ectopic pregnancy occurs when an ovum is fertil- Down’s adults at an earlier age, and the person is more susceptible to in-
ized outside the uterine tube, and doesn’t successfully enter the uterine fection throughout life. The average age at death is 49.
tube to travel to the uterus. The organs most likely to be able to support a
placenta (and allow the fetus to grow) would be the external uterus, uri- Learning Outcome Questions
nary bladder, and the intestines. The infant would have to be delivered 1. chromosomes; 2. c; 3. three; 4. XY; 5. XXY; 6. one; 7. a. mother;
through the abdominal wall by Caesarian section. 8. carrier; 9. recessive; 10. gene therapy; 11. genomics.

Appendix A A-5

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Page references followed by f and t indicate figures and tables, respectively. Bolded terms are defined here.

Active immunity Resistance to disease due to the Agonist, 145

A immune system’s response to a microorganism Agranular leukocyte White blood cell with poorly
or a vaccine, 305 visible cytoplasmic granules, 248
A band Region in the center of a muscle sarcomere Active transport Transfer of a substance into or out AID. See Artificial insemination
that contains overlapping thick and thin of a cell against a concentration gradient by a AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
filaments, 138 process that requires a plasma membrane Disease caused by a retrovirus and transmitted
Abdominal cavity Portion of the body between the carrier protein and an expenditure of energy, via body fluids; characterized by failure of
diaphragm and the pelvis, 6f, 7, 7t, 8f 53–55, 53f, 53t the immune system, 307–308, 308f, 313,
Abdominal wall, 149 Acute bronchitis Infection of the primary and 416, 418
Abdominopelvic cavity Pertaining to the abdominal secondary bronchi, 331, 332f Albinism Genetic disorder characterized by a defect
and pelvic regions, 80, 374 Acute disease Sudden in onset and severe, 17 in pigment production, 87f, 88
Abducens nerve, 200 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Cancer of the Albumin Plasma protein that helps the osmotic
Abduction Movement of a body part away from the blood in which immature lymphocytes concentration of blood, 244, 245f
midline, 124, 126f, 148 proliferate in bone marrow, the thymus, and Alcohol, 440
ABO blood types, 242, 252–253, 252t, 253f lymph nodes, 249 Aldosterone Hormone secreted by the adrenal
Abstinence, 410, 411t, 418 Adam’s apple, 321f, 401 cortex that functions in regulating sodium
Accessory pancreatic duct, 354f Addison’s disease Condition resulting from a deficiency and potassium excretion by the kidneys, 219f,
Accommodation Ability of the lens to change its focus of adrenal cortex hormones, 217, 230f 228, 382
from distant to near objects; achieved through Adduction Movement of a body part toward the Alimentary canal Tubular portion of the digestive
the action of the ciliary muscles that change the midline, 124, 126f, 148 tract, 343, 343f, 347f
shape of the lens, 201, 202–203, 202f Adductor group, 152, 152t, 153f Alkalosis Excessive accumulation of bases in body
Acetabulum Socket in the lateral surface of the Adductor longus, 146f, 153f fluids, 27, 330, 382
hipbone into which the head of the femur Adductor magnus, 146, 146f, 153f ALL. See Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
articulates, 120, 121f Adenoids, 321 Allantois Extraembryonic membrane that serves as
Acetylcholine (ACh) Neurotransmitter secreted at the Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) Molecule produced a source of blood vessels for the umbilical
ends of many neurons; responsible for the when the terminal phosphate is lost from a cord, 428
transmission of a nerve impulse across a molecule of adenosine triphosphate; ATP, 37, Allele Different forms of a gene, 450
synaptic cleft, 138, 139f, 167, 186 37f, 53f, 138–142, 140f, 141f Allergen Foreign substance capable of stimulating an
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Enzyme in the Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Molecule used by allergic reaction, 312
membrane of postsynaptic cells that breaks cells when energy is needed, 36–37, 37f, 49, Allergy Immune response to substances that usually
down acetylcholine; this enzymatic reaction 140–142 are not recognized as foreign, 293, 312
inactivates the neurotransmitter, 168 ADH. See Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) All-or-none law For muscle cells, property
ACh. See Acetylcholine (ACh) Adhesion The molecular attraction exerted between of muscle that states that a muscle cell
AChE. See Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) the surfaces of bodies in contact, 25 contracts completely or not at all. For
Achondroplasia, 453t Adhesion junction Junction between cells in which neurons, property states that neurons either
Acid Solution in which pH is less than 7; substance the adjacent plasma membranes do not touch conduct a nerve signal completely or not
that contributes or liberates hydrogen ions in a but are held together by intercellular filaments at all, 143
solution; opposite of base, 25–27, 26f attached to buttonlike thickenings, 78, 78f Alopecia Loss of hair, 90
Acid-base balance, 373, 382–384 Adipose tissue, 70, 70f, 235 Alveolar processes, 111f, 113
Acid-base buffer systems, 383 ADP. See Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) Alveolus Air sac of a lung (pl., alveoli), 320t,
Acidosis Excessive accumulation of acids in body Adrenal cortex Outer portion of the adrenal gland, 323–324, 324f
fluids, 27, 230, 330, 382 227–229, 228f, 229f Alzheimer cataract A clouding of the lens of the eye
Acinar cells, 353 Adrenal cortex malfunction, 228–229, 230f or its surrounding transparent membrane that
Acne vulgaris Inflammation of sebaceous glands; the Adrenal gland Endocrine gland located on the obstructs the passage of light; currently being
common form of acne, 92 superior portion of each kidney, 219f, 220t, investigated as an early signal of Alzheimer
Acromegaly Condition resulting from an increase in 227–229, 228f, 229f disease, 201
growth hormone production after adult height Adrenaline. See Epinephrine Alzheimer disease Brain disorder characterized
has been achieved, 224, 225f Adrenal medulla Inner portion of the adrenal gland; by a general loss of mental abilities, 170,
Acromion process, 118, 118f produces epinephrine and norepinephrine, 227 178, 201
Acrosome Covering on the tip of a sperm cell’s Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Hormone Amino acid Unit of a protein that takes its name from
nucleus that is believed to contain enzymes secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary the fact that it contains an amino group (—NH2)
necessary for fertilization, 396, 397f, 426, 426f gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex to and an acid group (—COOH), 32, 33f, 35, 36,
ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) produce cortisol, 220t, 223f, 224, 227 53t, 57f, 58, 361–362
Actin One of the two major proteins of muscle; Afferent arteriole, 376f, 378f, 383f Ammonia, 384
makes up thin myofilaments in myofibrils of Afferent system, 180 Amniocentesis Method of retrieving fetal cells
muscle cells, 31. See also Myosin Afterbirth Placenta and the extraembryonic for genetic testing in which a long needle
Actin filaments Long, extremely thin fibers that can membranes, which are delivered (expelled) is used to withdraw a sample of amniotic
be isolated from microvilli and cells that during the third stage of parturition, 432 fluid, 446
undergo movement, 44f, 49, 138–139, 140f Agammaglobulinemia, 453t Amnion One of the extraembryonic membranes; a
Action potential Change in potential propagated Agglutination Clumping of cells, particularly in fluid-filled sac around the embryo, 428, 433f
along the membrane of a neuron; the nerve reference to red blood cells involved in an Amniotic cavity, 432f, 433f
impulse, 165, 166f, 167, 168f antigen-antibody reaction, 252, 301 Amphiarthrosis Joint that allows slight movement, 123

GI-1 Glossary/Index

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Ampulla Expansion at the end of each semicircular production of specific antibodies by B Arterial duct. See Ductus arteriosus
canal that contains receptors for rotational lymphocytes; humoral immunity, 301 Arteriole Branch from an artery that leads into a
equilibrium, 210, 211f Antibody titer Amount of antibody present in a capillary, 271, 272f
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Disease caused by sample of blood serum, 305 Arteriosclerosis Thickening and hardening of arterial
gradual death of motor neurons, which leads to Anticodon Three contiguous nucleotides of a transfer walls, 267, 267f
loss of all movement, including swallowing RNA molecule that are complementary to a Arteriovenous shunt, 272f
and breathing, 157 specific mRNA codon, 58 Artery Vessel that takes blood away from the heart;
Anabolic steroid Synthetic steroid that mimics the Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Hormone released characteristically possesses thick elastic walls,
effect of testosterone, 232, 234–235, 235f from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland 271, 272f, 279, 280f
Anal canal, 352f that enhances water conservation by the Arthritis Inflammation of a joint, 126, 312
Anal intercourse, 418 kidneys; sometimes called vasopressin, 219f, Articular cartilage Hyaline cartilaginous covering
Anal sphincters, 352f 220t, 222, 223f, 237, 276, 381 over the articulating surface of the bones of
Anaphase Stage in mitosis when replicated Antigen Foreign substance, usually a protein, that synovial joints, 103, 104f, 124f, 135f
chromosomes separate and move to opposite stimulates the immune system to produce Articular process, 115, 115f
poles of the cell, 56f, 58–59, 59f, 60f, 394f, 395 antibodies, 248, 300, 303 Articulation Joining together of bones at a joint, 103
Anaphylactic shock A severe systemic form of Antigenic drift, 311 Artificial insemination Placement of donated sperm
anaphylaxis involving bronchiolar constriction, Antigen-presenting cell (APC) The cell that displays in the vagina so that fertilization followed by
impaired breathing, vasodilation, and a rapid the antigen to the cells of the immune system pregnancy might occur, 415
drop in blood pressure with a threat of so they can defend the body against that Artificial organs, 372
circulatory failure, 312 particular antigen, 303 Ascending aorta, 279t, 280f
Anatomical position Standard body position in Antigen receptor Receptor proteins in the plasma Ascending colon Portion of the large intestine that
which the person is erect, with body, head, membrane of immune system cells whose travels superiorly as it extends from the entry
arms, palms, and feet facing forward, 3, 3f shape allows them to combine with a specific of the small intestine to the transverse colon,
Anatomical terms, 3–5, 3f–5f antigen, 300–303, 302f, 302t, 303f 351, 352f
Anatomy Branch of science dealing with the form Antiretroviral therapy, 307–308 Ascending lumbar vein, 281f
and structure of body parts, 2 Anus Outlet of the alimentary canal, 343, 343f, 396f, Ascending tracts, 173
Androgen Male sex hormone, 232, 395 401f, 406f Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) Medical
Androgenetic alopecia Hair loss caused by excessive Aorta Major systemic artery that receives blood from techniques, sometimes performed in vitro, that are
testosterone formation, 90 the left ventricle, 262f, 264f, 279f, 280f, 284f done to increase the chances of pregnancy, 415
Androstenol, 392 Aortic aneurysm, 268f Association area Region of the cerebral cortex
Anemia Condition characterized by a deficiency of Aortic arch, 279t, 280f, 284f related to memory, reasoning, judgment, and
red blood cells or hemoglobin, 248, 249, 254. Aortic body Receptor in the aortic arch sensitive to emotional feelings, 175, 175f
See also Iron deficiency anemia; Pernicious oxygen content, carbon dioxide content, and Aster Short, radiating fibers about the centrioles at
anemia blood pH, 328 the poles of a spindle, 58
Anencephaly Congenital absence of the cranial vault, Aortic semilunar valve, 263 Asthma Condition in which bronchioles constrict
with cerebral hemispheres completely missing Aplastic anemia Insufficient number of red blood and cause difficulty in breathing, 312, 332f,
or reduced to small masses attached to the base cells brought on by damage to the red bone 335, 336
of the skull, 431 marrow due to radiation or chemicals, 249 Astigmatism Visual defect due to errors in refraction
Aneurysm Saclike expansion of a blood vessel wall, Apnea Temporary cessation of breathing, 321 caused by abnormal curvatures in the surface
267, 268f Apocrine glands, 91 of the cornea or lens, 205
Angina pectoris Condition characterized by thoracic Aponeurosis A broad, flat sheet of dense regular Astrocytes, 77
pain resulting from occluded coronary arteries; connective tissue that covers and attaches Atelectasis, 323
precedes a heart attack, 268 various muscles (pl. aponeuroses), 70, 71f Atherosclerosis Condition in which fatty substances
Angioplasty, 268f Apoptosis Programmed cell death and destruction, accumulate abnormally beneath the inner
Angiotensin Plasma protein; in its active state it 55, 301 linings of the arteries, 267, 267f
causes blood vessels to constrict, 337, 373 Appendicitis Infected swelling of the appendix, 9, Atherosclerotic plaque Fatty lesion in the tunica
Anions, 22 249, 356 intima layer of the arteries, 267
Ankle-jerk reflex, 183 Appendicular portion Pertaining to the upper limbs Athlete’s foot Skin disease caused by fungal
Anorexia nervosa Eating disorder caused by the fear (arm) and lower limbs (legs), 4 infection, usually of the toes and soles of the
of becoming obese; includes loss of appetite Appendicular skeleton Part of the skeleton forming foot, 93
and inability to maintain a normal minimum the upper limbs, pectoral girdle, lower limbs, Athletics, 144–145, 234–235, 235f
body weight, 365–366, 366f and pelvic girdle, 110, 118–123, 118f–122f Atlas First cervical vertebra; it supports and balances
Antagonist Muscle that acts in opposition to a prime Appendix Small, tubular appendage that extends the head, 115–116, 115f
mover, 145 outward from the cecum of the large intestine, Atom Smallest unit of matter, 2, 2f, 21–22, 21f
Anterior Pertaining to the front; the opposite of 298, 343f, 349f, 351, 352f Atomic number Number of protons and electrons an
posterior, 3, 3f Appetite, 235 atom of an element has when the element is
Anterior cavity, 6f, 7 Appositional growth In bone, growth that leads to electrically neutral, 21
Anterior cerebral artery, 283f increase in diameter of a long bone, 106–107 ATP. See Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Anterior communicating artery, 283f Aqueous humor Watery fluid that fills the anterior Atrial diastole, 266, 266f
Anterior pituitary Front lobe of the pituitary gland, cavity of the eye, 200f, 201, 201t Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) Substance
219f, 220t, 222–224, 223f, 224f Arachnoid membrane Weblike middle covering secreted by the atria of the heart that
Anterior superior iliac spine, 120, 121f (one of the three meninges) of the central accelerates sodium excretion so that blood
Anterior tibial artery, 280f nervous system, 171, 171f volume decreases, 228, 276, 276f, 382
Anterior tibial vein, 281f Arch, 279t Atrial systole, 265, 266f
Antibody Protein produced in response to the Areola Dark, circular area surrounding the nipple of Atriopeptide Atrial natriuretic peptide, or (ANP),
presence of some foreign substance in the the breast, 407, 409f formerly referred to as atrial natriuretic
blood or tissues, 81, 250, 301–302, 301f, 302f, Arm muscles, 151, 151f hormone, 228
302t, 306, 306f, 312 Arrector pili Smooth muscle in the skin associated Atrioventricular (AV) bundle Part of the cardiac
Antibody-mediated immunity Resistance to with a hair follicle, 90 conduction system that extends from the AV
disease-causing agents resulting from the Arrhythmia Abnormal heart rhythm, 22, 265 node to the bundle branches, 264–265, 265f

Glossary/Index GI-2

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Atrioventricular (AV) node Small region of Bartholin gland Either of two oval glands on each Blood flow velocity, 274, 274f
neuromuscular tissue located near the septum side of the lower part of the vagina that secrete Blood pressure Force of blood against a blood vessel
of the heart that transmits impulses from the a lubricating mucus, 406 wall, 267, 270, 272, 274–278, 275f, 277f, 289,
SA node to the ventricular walls, 264, 265f Basal body Cytoplasmic structure that is located at 337, 373
Atrioventricular (AV) valve Valve located between the base of and may organize cilia or flagella, Blood spatter analysis, 256
the atrium and the ventricle, 262f, 263 50, 51f Blood sugar, 155
Atrium Chamber; particularly an upper chamber Basal cell carcinoma Form of skin cancer that begins Blood transfusion Introduction of whole blood or a
of the heart that lies above the ventricles in the epidermis and rarely metastasizes but blood component directly into the bloodstream,
(pl., atria), 261, 262, 262f, 263, 284f has the capacity to invade local tissues, 93 252–254, 252t, 253f, 254f, 255, 255f
Atrophy Wasting away or decrease in size of an Basal nuclei Mass of gray matter located deep within Blood types, 242, 252–254, 252t, 253f, 254f
organ or tissue, 144 a cerebral hemisphere of the brain, 176 Blood vessels, 271–274, 272f, 273f
Auditory association area, 175f Base Solution in which pH is more than 7; a B lymphocyte Type of lymphocyte that is responsible
Auditory canal Tube in the outer ear that leads to the substance that contributes or liberates for antibody-mediated immunity, 246f, 301
tympanic membrane, 208, 209f, 213t hydroxide ions in a solution; alkaline; opposite Body art, 98
Auditory nerve, 209 of acid, 25–27, 26f Body region (stomach) Central and widest portion of
Auditory tube, 209f Baseball, 234 the stomach, 348, 348f
Auditory (eustachian) tube Air tube that connects Basement membrane, 66, 66f Body temperature, 93, 97, 244
the pharynx to the middle ear, 331 Basilar artery, 283f Body wall, 7f
Auricle, 261, 264f Basilar membrane, 209, 210f Bolus A soft mass of chewed food, 345f, 346
Autoimmune disease Disease that results when the Basilic vein, 281f Bond, 22–24, 23f, 32
immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s Basophil Leukocyte with a granular cytoplasm and Bonds, Barry, 234
own tissues, 312, 313, 357 that is able to be stained with a basic dye, 245f, Bone Connective tissue having a hard matrix of
Autoimmune response Disease process in which the 246f, 248, 296f calcium salts deposited around protein fibers
patient’s own antibodies attack normal healthy B cells, 301, 302f anatomy, 103–107, 104f, 105f
tissue, 301 Bedsores, 89, 89f broken, 108, 108f
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI), 126 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Enlargement of compact, 69t, 72, 73f, 103, 124f
Autonomic motor system Sympathetic and the prostate gland, 387 as connective tissue, 69t, 72, 73f
parasympathetic portions of the nervous Benign tumor Mass of cells derived from a single of cranium, 110–113, 110f–113f
system that function to control the actions of mutated cell that has repeatedly undergone cell development, 105–107
the visceral organs and skin, 180 division but remained at the site of origin, 79 of face, 111f, 112f, 113
Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 183, 185f, 186t Bicarbonate ion The form in which carbon dioxide is growth, 105–107
Autosome Chromosome other than a sex carried in the blood; HCO32, 330, 382, 384f head of, 107t
chromosome, 446 Biceps brachii, 146, 146f, 150t, 151, 151f long, 103–107, 104f, 105f
Autotransfusion Return of collected blood to the Biceps femoris, 153f remodeling of, 107
patient’s own circulatory system, 255 Bicuspid (tooth) Flat premolar teeth used for spongy, 69t, 72, 73f, 103–105, 104f, 124f
AV bundle. See Atrioventricular (AV) bundle grinding food, 344 surface features of, 107t
AV node. See Atrioventricular node Bicuspid valve Atrioventricular valve between the Bone marrow, 103, 104f, 124f, 294–296, 295f, 296f
AV valve. See Atrioventricular (AV) valve left atrium and the left ventricle; also known as Bony callus, 108
Axial portion Pertaining to the body’s axis, 4 the mitral valve, 262f, 263 Bony labyrinth, 208
Axial skeleton Portion of the skeleton that supports Bile Secretion of the liver that is temporarily stored in the Bony pelvis, 120
and protects the organs of the head, neck, and gallbladder before being released into the small Botulism toxin, 138
trunk, 109–117, 109f–112f, 114f–116f intestine, where it emulsifies fat, 30, 349, 354f Brachial artery, 277f, 280f
Axillary artery, 277f, 280f Bile duct, 355f Brachialis, 146f, 150t, 151, 151f
Axillary lymph nodes, 295f Bile pigments Group of compounds formed by the Brachial vein, 281f
Axillary vein, 281f liver from globin, then excreted as waste in Brachiocephalic Pertaining to the arm and head, as in
Axis Second cervical vertebra upon which the bile, 248 the brachiocephalic artery and vein
atlas rotates, allowing the head to turn, Bile salts, 358 Brachiocephalic artery, 262f, 264f, 279, 279t, 280f
115–116, 115f Bilirubin, 358 Brachiocephalic vein, 281f, 281t
Axon Process of a neuron that conducts nerve Bioengineering, of babies, 457 Brachioradialis, 146
impulses away from the cell body, 77, 77f, Biopsy Removal of sample tissue by plungerlike Bradycardia Slow heart rate, characterized by fewer
164, 164f, 169f devices to diagnose a disease, 79 than 60 heartbeats per minute, 269
Axon terminal, 164, 164f, 169f Biotin, 362t Brain, 173, 174f, 282–283, 283f. See also Cerebrum
Birth, 437–441, 437t, 438f “Brain freeze,” 163
Birth control pill Oral contraception containing Brain injury, 179
B estrogen and progesterone, 410 Brain stem Portion of the brain that includes the
Birth defects, 440–441 midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, 174f,
Back pain, 117 Black lung, 332 179–180
Ball-and-socket joint The most freely movable type Bladder, 353f, 374, 374f, 385, 396f, 398f, 401f, 438f Braxton-Hicks contractions Strong, late-term
of joint (for example, the shoulder or hip joint), Blastocyst Early stage of embryonic development uterine contractions prior to cervical dilation;
124, 125f that consists of a hollow ball of cells, 429, 429f also called false labor, 437
Balloon angioplasty Procedure for treating a blocked Blind spot Area where the optic nerve passes through Breast, female, 407–409, 409f
coronary artery: A flexible guide wire is the retina and where vision is not possible due Breast cancer, 409, 413, 413f
pushed into the coronary artery, and a to the lack of rod cells and cone cells, 204 Breast self-exam, 413, 413f
miniature balloon catheter is pushed down the Blood Connective tissue composed of cells separated Breathing, 325–328, 326f–328f
wire to the blockage; repeated inflations of the by plasma. See also Cardiovascular system Breech birth Birth in which the baby is positioned
balloon decrease or relieve the blockage, 268f in aging, 254 rump first, 435
Bariatric surgery Surgery conducted on the digestive components of, 243, 243f, 244–250, 245f–249f Broad ligament of uterus, 404f
tract (stomach, small intestine, or both) used in as connective tissue, 69t, 74, 74f Broca’s area Brain center associated with the motor
the treatment of obesity, 365, 367, 367f functions of, 243–244 control of speech and usually located in the left
Baroreceptors, 270 pH of, 337 frontal gyrus, 175f, 176
Barriers, in immune system, 298

GI-3 Glossary/Index

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Bronchial thermoplasty, 336 Carbohydrate Organic compounds with the general which the nerve fibers extend, 77, 77f, 164,
Bronchial tree, 323, 332f formula (CH2O)n, including sugars and 164f, 169f
Bronchiole Smaller air passages in the lungs, 319f, glycogen, 28–29, 28f, 29f, 364, 364f Cell cycle Life cycle of a cell consisting of G1
323, 324f Carbon dioxide transport, 330 (growth), S (DNA synthesis), G2 (growth), and
Bronchitis, 331, 332f, 335 Carbonic anhydrase Enzyme that promotes the mitosis (division), 55–60, 56f, 57f, 59f, 60f
Bronchogenic carcinoma Form of cancer originating formation of carbonic acid from carbon Cell-mediated immunity Immunological defense
in the air passages of the lungs, 333 dioxide and water, 330 provided by killer T cells, which destroy
Bronchus One of the two major divisions of the Carboxy peptidase, 360t virus-infected cells, foreign cells, and cancer
trachea; leads to the lungs (pl., bronchi), 319f, Carcinogen Any agent that causes cancer, 79 cells, 303–305, 303f, 304f
320t, 323 Carcinoma Cancer arising in epithelial tissue, 79 Cellular respiration Process that releases energy
Buccinator, 147, 147f, 148t Cardiac cycle Series of myocardial contractions from organic compounds in cells, 49, 141
Buffer Substance or compound that prevents large that constitutes a complete heartbeat, Cellulose Polysaccharide very abundant in plant
changes in the pH of a solution, 27, 383 265–266, 266f tissues that human enzymes cannot break
Buffy coat The layer of white blood cells covering Cardiac muscle Heart muscle (myocardium) down, 28–29, 29f
red blood cells in a sample of centrifuged consisting of striated muscle cells that Cementum, 344f
blood, 243 interlock, 74t, 75–76, 75f, 134, 134f, 140, Central Situated at the center of the body or an
Bulbourethral gland Gland located in the pelvic 154–156, 261f, 265f organ, 3f, 4
cavity that adds secretions to seminal fluid Cardiac output (CO), 266–270, 267f–270f, 275 Central canal Tube within the spinal cord that is
within the urethra, 395, 396f, 398f, 398t, 399 Cardiac region The most superior portion of the continuous with the ventricle of the brain
Bulimia nervosa Eating disorder characterized by stomach, 347–348, 348f and contains cerebrospinal fluid, 103, 104f,
binge eating followed by purging, 365 Cardiac vein Blood vessel that returns blood from 172, 172f
Buproprion-naltrexone, 365 the venules of the myocardium to the coronary Central nervous system (CNS) Brain and spinal
Burns, 96, 96f sinus, 263 cord, 163, 163f, 171–180, 171f, 172f,
Bursa Saclike, fluid-filled structure, lined with Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 278 174f–176f, 178f. See also Nervous system
synovial membrane, that occurs near a joint Cardioregulatory center Portion of the medulla Central sulcus, 175f
(pl., bursae), 123, 124f oblongata that regulates the heartbeat rate, Central white matter, 176
Bursitis Inflammation of any of the friction-easing 269–270, 270f Centriole Short, cylindrical organelle that contains
sacs called bursae within the knee joint, 123 Cardiovascular disease, 267–268, 267f, 268f, 284–285 microtubules in a 9 1 0 pattern and is
Cardiovascular system, 10. See also Blood associated with the formation of the spindle
aging of, 286 during cell division, 43t, 44f, 50
C blood vessels in, 271–274, 272f, 273f Centromere, 58, 59f
circulation, 274–286, 274f–277f, 280f–284f Centrosome, 44f, 49, 59f
Calcaneal tendon, 146f, 153f heart in, 260–270, 260f–262f, 264f–270f Cephalic phase In gastric secretion, the phase that is
Calcaneus Heel bone, 122f, 123 in homeostasis, 13, 14f, 287–289 stimulated by central nervous system stimuli
Calcitonin Hormone secreted by the thyroid gland Caries Destruction of tooth enamel by oral such as the taste, sight, or smell of food, 350
that helps regulate the level of blood calcium bacteria, 344 Cephalic vein, 281f
level, 219f, 220t, 226, 226f Carotene, 88 Cerebellum Part of the brain that controls muscular
Calcitriol, 226–227, 226f Carotid artery Either of two arteries branching off coordination, 174f, 178–179
Calcium, 363t, 382 the aortic arch and supplying blood to the head Cerebral arterial circle A complete ring of arteries
Canaliculi, 103, 104f and neck, 260f at the base of the brain and formed by the
Cancer Rapid, uncontrolled, and disorganized growth Carotid body Structure located at the branching of cerebral and communicating arteries; more
of tissue cells, 79 the carotid arteries that contains commonly referred to as the Circle of Willis,
blood, 249, 254 chemoreceptors, 328 283, 283f
breast, 409, 413, 413f Carpals Bones of the wrist, 109f, 120f Cerebral cortex Outer layer of the cerebrum, 173
cervical, 310 Carpal tunnel, 120 Cerebral hemisphere One of the large, paired
chemical signaling and, 236 Carpal tunnel syndrome, 120 structures that together constitute the cerebrum
chemotherapy for, 305 Carrier Molecule that combines with a substance and of the brain, 173, 175f
cytokines and, 305 actively transports it through the plasma Cerebral palsy Spastic weakness of the arms and
exercise and, 155 membrane, 53–55, 53f legs due to damage to the motor areas of the
lung, 333, 335–336, 335f Cartilage Type of avascular connective tissue cerebral cortex, 175
lymphatic system, 297 containing a firm, jellylike matrix embedded Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Fluid found within the
ovarian, 405 with protein fibers that provides support & ventricles of the brain and surrounding the
prostate, 387 protection, 69t, 72, 72f CNS in association with the meninges,
skin, 93–94, 94f Cartilaginous joint Two or more bones joined by 171–172, 171f, 172f
smoking and, 333 cartilage, 123 Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) Condition
T-cells and, 304f Cataract Opaqueness of the lens of the eye, making resulting when an arteriole in the brain bursts
testicular, 413, 413f the lens incapable of transmitting light, 201, or becomes blocked by an embolism; stroke,
treatment, 20, 80–81 206, 213 251, 287
Candidiasis, 93 Cavities, body, 6–8, 6f–7f Cerebrum Main portion of the vertebrate brain that is
Canines, 344f CCK. See Cholecystokinin (CCK) responsible for consciousness, 171f, 173–176,
Capillary Microscopic vessel located in the tissues Cecum Blind pouch, such as the one below where 174f, 174f–176f
connecting arterioles to venules; molecules the small intestine enters the large intestine, Cervical canal, 433f
either exit or enter the blood through the thin 351, 352f Cervical cancer, 310
walls of capillaries, 262, 271 Celiac artery, 279t, 280f Cervical cap, 412t
Capillary bed, 272f Cell Structural and functional unit of an organism; Cervical nerves, 183f
Capillary exchange, 271–273, 273f smallest structure capable of performing all the Cervical shield, 412t
Capitulum, of humerus, 119, 119f functions necessary for life, 2, 2f, 43–50, 43t, Cervix Narrow end of the uterus that projects into the
Capsid The protein shell of a virus particle that 44f–46f, 48f–50f, 105 vagina, 401–402, 401f, 404t, 433f, 438f
surrounds its nucleic acid, 307 Cell body Portion of a nerve cell that includes a Cesarean section Birth by surgical incision of the
Carbaminohemoglobin Hemoglobin carrying carbon cytoplasmic mass and a nucleus, and from abdomen and uterus, 431
dioxide, 330

Glossary/Index GI-4

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Chancre Primary sore or ulcer that is the initial lesion Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cochlea Portion of the inner ear that contains
of syphilis, 417 (COPD) Continued interference with airflow the receptors for hearing, 208, 209f, 210f,
Chemical digestion, 358–360, 359f, 360t in the lungs due to chronic bronchitis or 211f, 213t
Chemical signals, 236 emphysema, 332–335, 332f Cochlear canal Canal within the cochlea that bears
Chemistry, 21–24, 21f, 23f Chronic simple glaucoma, 453t small hair cells that function as hearing
Chemoreceptor Sensory receptor that responds to Chyme Semifluid food mass leaving the stomach, receptors, 209, 210f
a particular chemical in air, water, or blood, 343f, 346t, 349 Cochlear implant Prosthetic device used to help
194, 196 Chymotrypsin, 360t persons with severe hearing impairment; the
Chemotherapy Use of drugs to kill cancer cells, 305 Cilia Membrane-bounded microtubular structures that device converts sound to an electrical
Chewing tobacco, 334 project from a cell, and in multicellular impulse that directly stimulates the auditory
Cheyne-Stokes respiration Type of respiration animals facilitate the flow of materials over the nerve, 212
characterized by alternate periods of deep, cell surface Cochlear nerve Either of two cranial nerves that
labored breathing and no breathing at all, 328 Ciliary body Structure associated with the choroid carry nerve impulses from the spiral organ to
Chief cells, 348f layer of the eye that secretes aqueous humor the brain; auditory nerve, 209f, 210f
Chlamydia Sexually transmitted disease caused by and contains the ciliary muscle, 200, 200f, Codon Set of three nucleotides of a messenger RNA
the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis; often 201t, 202f molecule corresponding to a particular amino
causes painful urination and swelling of the Ciliary muscle Muscle that controls the curvature of acid, 57f, 58
testes in men; is usually symptomless in the lens of the eye, 200, 201t, 202f Cofactor A metal ion, vitamin, or other substance
women but can cause inflammation of the Cilium Short, hairlike projection from the plasma that acts with an enzyme to bring about certain
cervix or uterine tubes, 417 membrane, occurring usually in large numbers, effects; also called a coenzyme, 32
Chloride, 363t 42, 43t, 50, 50f, 319 Cohesion The force of attraction by which the
Chloride shift Movement of chloride ions from the Circadian rhythm Pattern of repeated behavior molecules of a solid or liquid tend to remain
blood plasma into red blood cells as associated with the cycles of night and day, together, 25
bicarbonate ions diffuse out of the blood cells 234, 235f Colitis, 312, 357
into the plasma, 330 Circle of Willis Arterial ring located on the ventral Collagen, 31
Cholecystokinin (CCK) Hormone secreted by the surface of the brain, 283, 283f Collagen fibers Very strong and flexible fibers of the
small intestine that stimulates the release of Circular fold Permanent transverse folds of the protein collagen, 69, 70f, 71f, 88
pancreatic juice from the pancreas and bile luminal surface of the small intestine, Collecting duct Tube that receives urine from several
from the gallbladder, 350, 351, 351f involving the mucosa and the submucosa, 349 distal convoluted tubules, 376, 376f, 378f,
Cholesterol, 31 Circulation Movement of the blood through the heart 380–381, 381f, 383f
Chordae tendinae Tough bands of connective tissue and blood vessels, 274–286, 274f–277f, Colon Large intestine, 351, 352f
that attach the papillary muscles to the 280f–284f Color blindness Genetic disorder in which the
atrioventricular valves within the heart, Circulatory routes, 278–286, 279t, 280f–284f, 281t affected individual lacks particular cone cells
262, 262f Circumcision Removal of the prepuce (foreskin) of and cannot distinguish their corresponding
Chorion Extraembryonic membrane that forms the penis, 399, 418 colors, 203, 453t
an outer covering around the embryo and Circumduction Conelike movement of a body part, Color vision Ability to detect the color of an object,
contributes to the formation of the such that the distal end moves in a circle, while dependent on three kinds of cone cells,
placenta, 428 the proximal portion remains relatively stable, 201t, 203
Chorionic villi Projections from the chorion that 124, 126f Colostomy Attachment of a shortened colon to a
appear during implantation and that in one area Circumflex artery, 264f surgical opening in the abdominal wall
contribute to the development of the placenta, Cirrhosis Chronic, irreversible injury to liver tissue; Colostrum First secretion of a woman’s mammary
431, 432f, 434f commonly caused by frequent alcohol glands after she gives birth, 409
Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) Method of retrieving consumption, 357 Columnar Column-shaped; cells that are taller than
fetal cells for genetic testing in which a long, Clavicle Bone extending from the sternum to the they are wide, 66, 66t, 68, 68f, 322, 322f
thin tube is passed through the vagina into the scapula, 109f, 118, 118f Coma A state of profound unconsciousness caused
uterus, and suction is used to obtain a sample Cleavage Early, successive divisions of the blastocyst by disease, injury, or ingestion of poison,
of chorionic villi cells, 446–447, 447f cells into smaller and smaller cells, 427, 429f 180, 232
Choroid Vascular, pigmented middle layer of the Cleavage furrow Site of cell division of the fertilized Common bile duct, 354f
wall of the eye, 200f, 201t egg that is unaccompanied by growth. Common carotid artery, 262f, 264f, 277f, 279,
Choroid plexus, 172, 174f Numerous small cells result, 59, 59f 279t, 280f
Chromatids Two identical parts of a chromosome Clitoris Small, erectile, female organ located in the Common hepatic duct, 354f, 355f, 358
following replication of DNA, 56, 59f, 393, vulva; homologous to the penis, 406f Common iliac artery, 260f, 279, 279t, 280f, 284f
395, 397f, 448f Clonal selection theory States that the antigen selects Common iliac vein, 260f, 280, 281f, 281t
Chromatin Threadlike network in the nucleus that which lymphocyte will undergo clonal Compact bone Hard bone consisting of osteons
condenses to become the chromosomes just expansion and produce more lymphocytes cemented together, 69t, 72, 73f, 103, 124f
before cell division, 44f, 46, 46f bearing the same type of receptor, 301 Compartment syndrome A painful condition
Chromium, 363t Clone An individual grown from a single body cell resulting from the expansion or overgrowth of
Chromosomal inheritance, 446–449, 446t, 447f–449f of its parent and genetically identical to it; in a leg muscle within its connective tissue
Chromosome Rod-shaped body in the nucleus, the immune system, a single lymphocyte and sheath, producing pressure that interferes with
particularly during cell division, that all of the identical cells that derive from it, circulation and adversely affects the function
contains the hereditary units, or genes, 46, 301, 430, 430f and health of the muscle, 135
56, 58, 59f, 393, 394f, 395, 397f, 403f, 446, Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic Complement system Group of proteins in plasma
450–451 repeat technology (CRISPR), 457 that aid the general defense of the body by
Chronic bronchitis Obstructive pulmonary disorder CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS) destroying bacteria; often called
that tends to recur, marked by inflamed Coagulation Blood clotting, 250, 250f, 251 complement, 300
airways filled with mucus, and degenerative Coal-dust pneumoconiosus, 332 Complex carbohydrates, 28–29, 29f
changes in the bronchi, including loss of cilia, Coccygeal nerve, 183f Complimentary base pairing In DNA, temporary
332f, 335 Coccyx Caudal end of the vertebral column formed hydrogen bonds formed between complimentary
Chronic disease Long and continued but not by the fusion of four vertebrae; tailbone, 109f, nucleotides A—T and C—G; in RNA, A—U
acute, 17 114f, 116 and C—G, 36

GI-5 Glossary/Index

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Compound Chemical substance having two or more Coronary artery disease Condition caused by Cuboid bone, 122f
different elements in fixed ratio, 22–23, 23f atherosclerosis that reduces blood flow through Cuneiform bones, 122f
Computed tomography (CT), 16, 16f coronary arteries to heart muscle; typically Cunnilingus, 418
Concha Shell-shaped structure, such as that seen in results in chest pain or myocardial infarction Cupula, 210, 211f
the bones of the nasal cavity (pl., conchae), (heart attack), 267–268, 267f Curvature, spinal, 114, 114f
111f, 113, 320, 320f Coronary bypass operation Therapy for blocked Cushing’s syndrome Condition characterized by thin
Condom For males, a latex sheath used to cover the coronary arteries in which part of a blood arms and legs and a “moon face;” accompanied
penis during sexual intercourse; for females, a vessel from another part of the body is grafted by high blood glucose and sodium levels due
large polyurethane tube with a flexible ring around the obstructed artery, 268 to hypersecretion of cortical hormones,
that fits onto the cervix. Both male and female Coronary circulation, 263 229, 230f
condoms function as contraceptives and help Coronary sinus A large vessel on the posterior Cuspid A canine tooth, 344
minimize the risk of transmitting infection, surface of the heart into which the cardiac Cutaneous membrane Pertaining to the skin, 82, 87
410, 411t veins drain, 262 Cutaneous receptors, 194–196, 195f
Conduction deafness Hearing loss or impairment Coronoid fossa, of humerus, 119, 119f Cuticle, 90, 91f
resulting from interference with sound wave Corpora cavernosa Two bundles of erectile tissue Cyanosis Bluish cast to the skin due to an increased
transmission to the inner ear, 212 found in the penis or clitoris that distend with amount of deoxyhemoglobin in the blood;
Conduction system of the heart Neuromuscular blood during sexual arousal to cause an sometimes due to a defective atrial septum,
tissue and fibers that control the cardiac cycle; erection (sing, corpus cavernosum), 399, 399f which incompletely closes the foramen ovale
includes the SA node, the AV node, the AV Corpus albicans White, fibrous tissue that replaces after birth, 284
bundle and its branches, and the Purkinje the regressing corpus luteum in the ovary in Cyclic AMP Derivative of ATP that responds to
fibers, 264–265, 265f the latter half of pregnancy, 403, 408f messages entering a cell and triggers the cell’s
Condyle Large, rounded surface at the end of a Corpus callosum Mass of white matter within the brain, response; also known as cAMP, 218
bone, 107t composed of nerve fibers connecting the right Cystic duct, 354f, 355f, 358
Condyloid joint Bone with an oval-shaped projection and left cerebral hemispheres, 173, 174f, 398f Cystic fibrosis (CF) Generalized, autosomal
at one end joined with a bone processing a Corpus cavernosum, 398f, 399, 399f recessive disorder of infants and children, in
complementary elliptical cavity, 124, 125f Corpus luteum Structure that forms from the tissues which there is widespread dysfunction of the
Cone cell Color receptor located in the retina of the of a ruptured ovarian follicle and functions to exocrine glands, 55, 452, 453f, 453t, 454f,
eye, 201, 201t, 203, 204 secrete female hormones, 402f, 403, 406f, 408f 456, 457
Congenital defect Body abnormality arising from Corpus spongiosum The center column of erectile Cystitis Inflammation of the urinary bladder, 385
birth and due to hereditary factors, 440–441 tissue of the penis that contains the urethra and Cytokine Type of protein secreted by a T lymphocyte
Congenital hypothyroidism Abnormal condition is anterior to the corpora cavernosa, 399, 399f that attacks viruses, virally infected cells, and
marked by physical stunting and severe Corrective lenses, 205, 205f cancer cells, 301, 305
developmental delay, caused by severe thyroid Corticotropin Hormone manufactured by the anterior Cytokinesis Division of the cytoplasm following
deficiency, 225, 226f pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal mitosis and meiosis, 56f, 58, 59
Congenital valve defect, 263 cortex; called also adrenocorticotropic Cytoplasm Ground substance of cells located
Congestive heart failure Inability of the heart to hormone, 220t, 223f, 224, 227 between the nucleus and the plasma
maintain adequate circulation, especially of the Cortisol Glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal membrane, 43, 44f
venous blood returned to it, 286 cortex, 219f, 227 Cytoskeleton System of microtubules and filaments
Conjoined twins, 425, 429 Cortisone, 227 that reinforces a cell’s three-dimensional form;
Conjunctiva The mucous membrane that lines the Costal cartilage, 109f, 117, 118f maintains cell shape and allows movement of
inner surface of the eyelids and is continued Costal facets, 115 cell and its contents, 43t, 44f, 45, 49–50
over the anterior surface of the eyeball, except Covalent bond Chemical bond created by the sharing Cytotoxic T cell T lymphocyte that attacks and kills
over the surface of the cornea, 199, 199f, 200f of electrons between atoms, 22–23, 23f, 24 antigen-bearing cells, 304, 304f
Connective tissue Type of tissue characterized by Coxal bone Bone of the pelvic girdle, 109f, 120
cells separated by a matrix; often contains Cramp A painful, involuntary muscle spasm, 157
fibers, 69–74, 69t, 70f–74f, 135, 135f Cranial cavity Hollow space in the cranium
Constipation Infrequent, difficult defecation caused containing the brain, 6, 6f, 7t
by insufficient water in the feces, 356 Cranial nerve Nerve that arises from the brain, 182f Dandruff Skin disorder characterized by flaking,
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), Cranium, 110–113, 110f–113f itchy scalp; caused by accelerated
385–386 C-reactive protein (CRP), 267 keratinization of the scalp, 93
Contraception Deliberate prevention of pregnancy, Creatine phosphate Muscle biochemical that stores Daughter cell Cell that arises from a parent cell by
410, 411t–412t, 414–415 energy, 141, 141f mitosis or meiosis, 58, 59f
Contralateral Structures located on opposite sides of Creatinine Nitrogenous waste, the end product of Dead-space, 327
the body, 3f, 4 creatine phosphate metabolism, 373 Deafness, 212, 212t
Convulsion An abnormal, violent, and involuntary Crenation Shrinking of red blood cells often caused Decubitus ulcer Skin sore due to restricted blood
contraction or series of contractions of the by osmotic conditions, 52 flow to the area in bedridden patients; also
muscles, 157 Crest (bone), 107t called a bedsore, 89, 89f
COPD. See Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cretinism Condition resulting from a lack of thyroid Deep Located away from the surface of the body or
(COPD) hormone in an infant, 225, 226f an organ, 3f, 4
Copper, 363t Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 34 Deep brachial artery, 280f
Coracoid process, 118, 118f Cribriform plate, 112f, 113 Deep-brain stimulation In treatment of Parkinson’s
Cornea Transparent, anterior portion of the outer Criminology, 128, 256, 345 disease, deep-brain stimulation (DBS) uses a
layer of the eyeball, 199f, 200, 200f, 201t Crista galli, 110f, 112f, 113 surgically implanted neurostimulator to apply
Coronal suture Line of junction of the frontal bone Crohn’s disease, 312, 357 targeted electrical shock to brain areas that
with the two parietal bones, 110f, 111f Cryptorchidism A condition in which one or both control movement, blocking the abnormal
Corona radiata Group of small follicular cells testes fail to descend normally into the scrotal nerve signals that cause tremor and disease
immediately surrounding the ovum before and sacs, 395 symptoms, 189
after ovulation, 426, 426f, 429f CSF. See Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Deep fascia, 135, 135f, 137f
Coronary artery Artery that supplies blood to the Cuboidal Cube-shaped; cells that are approximately Deep femoral artery, 280f
wall of the heart (myocardium), 263, 264f, 279t the same width and height, 66, 66t, 67, 67f Defecation Discharge of feces from the rectum
through the anus, 351–352

Glossary/Index GI-6

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Degradation-decomposition reaction Chemical Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 232 Doping, 234–235, 235f
reaction in which larger molecules are broken Diabetic retinopathy Noninflammatory retinal Dorsal Pertaining to the back or posterior portion of a
down into smaller and simpler molecules, 32 disorder caused by chronic, uncontrolled body part; opposite of ventral, 3f
Dehydration Loss of water, 54, 54f diabetes mellitus; retinal damage can cause Dorsal artery of penis, 399f
Dehydration reaction Anabolic process that joins blindness, 206 Dorsal cavity, 6, 6f
small molecules and releases water as a Diagnosis Decision based on an examination to Dorsalis pedis artery, 277f, 280f
by-product of the reaction; synthesis reaction, determine the nature of a diseased condition, 79 Dorsal nerve of penis, 399f
27f, 28 Dialysate Material that passes through the membrane Dorsal vein of penis, 399f
Delayed allergic response Allergic response initiated in dialysis, 385 Double bonds, 23–24, 23f
at the site of the allergen by sensitized T cells, Dialysis, 372, 385–386, 385f Douching, in contraception, 411t
involving macrophages and regulated by Diaphragm Sheet of muscle that separates the Down syndrome Human congenital disorder
cytokines, 312 thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic associated with an extra chromosome 21, 446t,
Delirium tremens Alcohol withdrawal, 440 cavity; also, a birth control device inserted in 448–449, 448f
Deltoid, 146, 146f, 149f, 150f, 150t, 151, 151f front of the cervix in females, 149, 319f, 343f, Drinking, 440
Deltoid tuberosity, 119, 119f 353f, 410, 412t Drug abuse, 285, 418, 418f
Denaturation Loss of normal shape by an enzyme so Diaphysis Shaft of a long bone, 103, 104f dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), 106
that it no longer functions; caused by a less Diarrhea Frequent, watery defecation, often caused Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 157
than optimal pH or temperature, 32 by digestive infection or stress, 356 Ductus arteriosus Fetal connection between the
Dendrite Process of a neuron, typically branched, Diarthrosis Freely movable joint, 123 pulmonary artery and the aorta; venous artery,
that conducts nerve impulses toward the cell Diastole Relaxation of heart chambers, 265, 266f 283, 284f
body, 77, 77f, 164, 164f, 169f Diastolic pressure Arterial blood pressure during Ductus venosus Fetal connection between the
Dens, 115–116 the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle, umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava; also
Dense connective tissue Type of tissue containing 277–278 called venous duct, 283, 284f
many collagen fibers packed together; found Diencephalon Portion of the brain in the region of the Duodenum First portion of the small intestine into
in tendons and ligaments, for example, 69t, third ventricle that includes the thalamus and which ducts from the gallbladder and pancreas
70, 71f hypothalamus, 174f, 176 enter, 348f, 349, 349f, 353f, 354f
Dental care, 286 Diet, 285, 361–366, 361f, 362t–363t, 364f, 366f Duplicated chromosome Chromosome having two
Dentin, 344, 344f Dietary anemias, 249 sister chromatids held together by a
Dentition, 345 Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 414 centromere, 56
Deoxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin not carrying Differential white blood cell count Microscopic Duplication division, 393
oxygen, 330 examination of a blood sample in which each Dural venous sinuses, 171
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Nucleic acid; the type of white blood cell is counted, 249 Dura mater Tough outer layer of the meninges;
genetic material found in the nucleus of a Differentiation Process by which a cell becomes membranes that protect the brain and spinal
cell, 35 specialized for a particular function, 427 cord, 171, 171f
cancer and, 80–81 Diffusion Passive movement of molecules from an Dust cells, 324
fingerprinting, 61, 61f area of greater concentration to an area of Dwarfism, 224, 224f
in meiosis, 393–395, 394f lesser concentration, 51–52, 52f, 53t Dynamic equilibrium, 210, 211f
in protein synthesis, 56, 57f Digestive system, 10
replication, 56, 57f aging of, 360
RNA vs., 35t anatomy of, 343–353, 343f–345f, 346t,
structure, 36f 347f–353f
technology, 454–459, 455f chemical digestion in, 358–360, 359f, 360t Ear, anatomy and physiology of, 208–210, 209f–211f
Depolarization Loss in polarization, as when a nerve disorders, 356–357 Ear infection, 331
impulse occurs, 165, 166f, 168f functions of, 343 Earworm, 193
Depression Movement of a synovial joint that lowers in homeostasis, 13, 15f, 361 Eating disorders, 365
a body part, 125 nutrition and, 361–366, 361f, 362t–363t, Eccrine glands, 91
Depressor anguli oris, 147, 147f, 148t 364f, 366f ECG. See Electrocardiogram
Depressor labii inferioris, 147, 147f, 148t Dipeptide, 32 E-cigarettes, 334
Dermis Thick skin layer that lies beneath the Diploid Having the haploid chromosome number of Ectoderm The outermost of the three primary germ
epidermis, 87f, 88 23 doubled; having 46 chromosomes, 393 layers of an embryo, 431, 432f
Descending aorta, 279t, 280f, 352f Disaccharase Enzyme that digests a disaccharide Ectopic pacemaker A group of cells in the heart that
Descending colon That portion of the large intestine such as sucrose, 359 temporarily serves to direct heart rate and
that travels inferiorly as it extends from the Disaccharide, 28 contraction, 265
transverse colon to the sigmoid colon, Disease Any abnormal condition considered harmful Ectopic pregnancy, 404
351, 352f to the body; an illness or disorder, 17 Ectopic pregnancy Implantation of the embryo in a
Descending tracts, 173 Distal Further from the midline or origin; opposite of location other than the uterus, most often in a
Dessication, 67 proximal, 3f, 4 uterine tube, 404
Detrusor muscle, 374 Distal convoluted tubule Highly coiled region of a Eczema Form of noncontagious dermatitis that begins
Development, 427–436, 427f, 428t, 429f, 430f, nephron that is distant from the glomerular with itchy red patches that thicken and crust
432f–436f capsule, 376, 376f, 377f, 378f, 381f, 383f over, 93
Diabetes insipidus Condition characterized by an Diuresis, 381 Edema Swelling due to tissue fluid accumulation in
abnormally large production of urine, due to a Diuretic Drug used to counteract hypertension by the intercellular spaces, 294
deficiency of antidiuretic hormone, 222 inhibiting Na1 reabsorption so that less water is Effectors, 163
Diabetes mellitus Condition characterized by a high reabsorbed in the nephron, 382 Efferent arteriole, 376f, 378f, 383f
blood glucose level and the appearance of Diverticulosis Presence of diverticula, or saclike Eggs, 393
glucose in the urine, due to a deficiency of pouches, in the colon, 357 Ejaculation Ejection of seminal fluid, 395, 399–400
insulin, 230–231, 233, 237 DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Ejaculatory duct Tube, formed by the joining of the
Diabetic coma A state of profound unconsciousness Dominant allele Hereditary factor that expresses vas deferens and the tube from the seminal
caused by insulin insufficiency that leads to itself even when there is only one copy in the vesicle, that transports sperm to the urethra,
excessive blood glucose, 232 genotype, 450 395, 396f, 398f, 398t
EKG. See Electrocardiogram; Electrocardiogram

GI-7 Glossary/Index

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Elastic cartilage Cartilage composed of elastic fibers, thymus gland in, 234 Erectile dysfunction Failure of the penis to achieve
allowing greater flexibility, 69t, 72, 72f thyroid in, 225–227, 225f, 226f erection, 399
Elastic fibers Flexible connective tissue fibers that Endocytosis Process in which a vesicle is formed at Erectile tissue, 399f
contain elastin, 69, 70f, 88 the plasma membrane to bring a substance into Erythroblasts, 246f
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Recording of the the cell, 44f, 53t, 55 Erythrocyte Nonnucleated, hemoglobin-containing
electrical activity that accompanies the cardiac Endoderm The innermost of the three primary germ blood cell capable of carrying oxygen; red
cycle, 265, 269, 269f layers of an embryo, 431, 432f blood cell, 74, 74f, 244–248, 245f–247f, 246f,
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Graphic recording of Endolymph, 208, 211f 249, 249f
the brain’s electrical activity, 173 Endomembrane system Collection of membranous Erythropoietin (EPO) Kidney hormone that
Electrolyte Any substance that ionizes and conducts structures involved in transport within the cell, promotes red blood cell formation,
electricity; electrolytes are present in the body 47, 48f 247, 373
fluids and tissues, 27, 382 Endometriosis Implantation of uterine endometrial Esophageal sphincter, 357
Electrolyte balance, 380 tissue in the abdominal cavity, possibly as a Esophagus Tube that transports food from the mouth
Electrolyte reabsorption, 382 result of irregular menstrual flow, 415 to the stomach, 320f, 343f, 345f, 346t, 347,
Electron Small, negatively charged particle that Endometrium Lining of the uterus that becomes 348f, 360
revolves around the nucleus of an atom, 21 thickened and vascular during the menstrual Esophagus disorders, 356
Electronegative In a covalent molecule, the atom(s) cycle, 401, 433f Essential amino acid Amino acid that is necessary in
that tend to retain electrons and thus possess a Endomysium, 135, 135f, 137f the diet because the body is unable to
partial negative charge, 24 Endoneurium, 182f manufacture it, 361–362
Electronic cigarettes, 334 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Complex system of Essential fatty acid Fatty acid that is necessary in the
Element The simplest of substances, consisting of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells; sometimes diet because the body is unable to manufacture
only one type of atom (for example, carbon, has attached ribosomes, 43t, 44f, 47 it, 361
hydrogen, oxygen), 21–22, 21f Endothelium, 261, 261f Essential hypertension, 278
Elephantiasis Swelling of the arms, legs, or external Enteric nervous system Nerve network that is built Estradiol, 31f
genitalia due to failure of the lymphatic system into the wall of the organs of the digestive Estrogen Female sex hormone secreted by the
to remove excess fluid, 297 tract, 350 ovaries that, along with progesterone, promotes
Elevation Movement of a synovial joint that raises a Enterokinase Intestinal enzyme that activates the development and maintenance of the
body part, 125 trypsinogen to trypsin, 354 primary and secondary female sex
Embolic stroke, 287 Entry barriers, in immune system, 298 characteristics, 219f, 220t, 232, 402f, 406,
Embolus Moving blood clot that is carried through Enzymatic reactions, 32, 34, 35f 406f, 414, 419, 437t
the bloodstream, 251 Enzyme Protein catalyst that speeds up a specific Ethmoid bone, 110f, 111f, 112f, 113
Embryo Organism in its early stages of development; reaction or a specific type of reaction, 32 Eupnea Easy or normal respiration, 327
in humans, the organism in its second week to Eosinophil Granular leukocyte capable of being Eversion Movement of the foot in which the sole is
two months of development, 431, 433f stained with the dye eosin, 245f, 246f, turned outward, 125, 126f
Embryonic development Period of development 248, 296f Excretion Elimination of metabolic wastes, 373
from the second through eighth weeks, 428t, Ependymal cells, 77 Exercise, 144, 155, 156t, 286
431, 432f Epicardium Visceral portion of the pericardium on Exocrine gland Particular glands with ducts, such as
Embryonic disk Flattened area between the amniotic the surface of the heart, 261 salivary glands, whose secretions are deposited
cavity and the yolk sac from which the embryo Epicondyle, 107t into cavities, 354f
arises, 431 Epidermal growth factor, 236 Exocrine glands, 78, 78f, 80
Emergency contraception, 411t, 414–415 Epidermis Organism’s outer layer of cells, Exocytosis Process in which an intracellular vesicle
Emphysema Lung impairment caused by 87–88, 87f fuses with the plasma membrane so that the
deterioration of the bronchioles, which traps Epididymis Coiled tubules next to the testes where vesicle’s contents are released outside the cell,
air in alveoli, 332f, 335 sperm mature and may be stored for a short 44f, 48f, 53t, 55
Emulsification Breaking up of fat globules into time, 395, 396f, 397–398, 397f, 398f, 398t Exophthalmic goiter Enlargement of the thyroid
smaller droplets by the action of bile salts, Epidural hematoma Bleeding between the dura gland, accompanied by an abnormal protrusion
30, 349 mater and the bone, as a result of a head of the eyes, 225
Emulsifiers, 30 injury, 179 Expiration Process of expelling air from the lungs;
Enamel, 344f Epidural stimulation, 177 exhalation, 319, 325–326, 326f
Endocardium Inner layer of the heart wall, 261, 261f Epiglottis Structure that covers the glottis during the Expiratory capacity, 327, 327f
Endochondral ossification Ossification that begins process of swallowing, 197f, 321f, 322, 345f Expiratory reserve volume Volume of air that can
as hyaline cartilage that is subsequently Epimysium, 135f, 137f be forcibly exhaled after normal exhalation,
replaced by bone tissue, 105, 105f Epinephrine Hormone produced by the adrenal 327, 327f
Endocrine cells, 354f medulla that stimulates “fight-or-flight” Extension Movement that increases the angle
Endocrine-disrupting contaminants (EDCs), 414 reactions; also called adrenaline, 219f, between parts at a joint, 124, 126f, 148
Endocrine gland Gland that secretes hormones 220t, 227 Extensor carpi group, 146f, 150t, 151, 151f
directly into the bloodstream or body fluids, Epiphyseal plate Cartilaginous layer within the Extensor digitorum, 146, 150t, 151, 151f
218–221, 219f, 220t, 221f epiphysis of a long bone that functions as a Extensor digitorum longus, 146f, 152t, 153, 154f
Endocrine system, 10 growing region, 105f, 106 External auditory meatus Opening through the
adrenal glands in, 227–229, 228f, 229f Epiphysis End segment of a long bone, separated temporal bone that connects with the
aging of, 237 from the diaphysis early in life by an tympanum and the middle ear chamber and
chemical signals in, 236 epiphyseal plate, but later becoming part of the through which sound vibrations pass, 110
glands in, 218–221, 219f, 220t, 221f larger bone, 103, 104f External carotid artery, 280f
gonads in, 232, 234 Episiotomy Surgical procedure performed during External genitals Sex organs that occur outside the
in homeostasis, 13, 14f, 237–239 childbirth in which the opening of the vagina is body, 399, 399f, 405–406, 406f
hypothalamus in, 222–224, 223f–225f enlarged to avoid tearing, 437 External iliac artery, 260f, 279, 280f
pancreas in, 229–231, 231f Epithelial tissue Type of tissue that lines the body’s External iliac vein, 260f, 280, 281f
parathyroid gland in, 225–227, 225f, 226f internal cavities and covers the body’s external External intercostals, 149, 149f, 149t
pineal gland in, 234, 235f surface, 66–69, 66f–68f, 66t External jugular vein, 279, 281f
pituitary gland in, 222–224, 223f–225f Equilibrium, 210–213, 211f, 212t, 213t External obliques, 146, 146f, 149, 149f, 149t, 150f

Glossary/Index GI-8

lon96431_glo_idx_GI1-GI25.indd 8 18/11/15 11:44 AM

External respiration Exchange of oxygen and Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Babies born with Follicle Structure in the ovary that produces the egg
carbon dioxide between alveoli and blood, decreased weight, height, and head size and and particularly the female sex hormone
328–329 with malformation of the head and face due to estrogen, 402–403, 402f, 406f, 408f
Extracellular fluid Fluid found around tissue cells the mothers’ consumption of alcohol during Follicle (hair), 86
that contains molecules that enter from or exit pregnancy, 440 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Hormone
to the capillaries, 380, 380f Fetal circulation, 283–284, 284f secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that
Extracellular junctions, 78, 78f Fetal development Period of human development stimulates the development of an ovarian
Extraembryonic membranes Membranes that are from the ninth week through birth, 428t, follicle in a female or the production of sperm
not a part of the embryo but that are necessary 434–435, 435f cells in a male, 219f, 220t, 223f, 224, 400,
to the embryo’s continued existence and Fetus Human in its later developmental stages (from 400f, 406, 406f, 407
health, 427–428, 427f three months to term), following the embryonic Follicular phase, 407
Extrinsic mechanism, 251 stage, 434–435, 435f Fontanel Membranous region located between
Extrinsic muscle Muscle that anchors and moves the Fever, 93 certain cranial bones in the skull of a fetus or
eye, 199–200, 200f Fiber Dendrites and axons of neurons, 77 infant, 434
Eye, 200–207, 200f, 201t, 202f–207f Fibrillation Rapid but uncoordinated heartbeat, 269 Food bolus, 345f, 346
Eyebrows, 199, 199f Fibrin Insoluble protein threads formed from Foot, 122–123, 122f
Eyelashes, 199, 199f, 200f fibrinogen during blood clotting, 250f, 251 Foramen Opening, usually in a bone or membrane
Eyelids, 199, 199f, 200f Fibrinogen Plasma protein that is converted into (pl., foramina), 107t
fibrin threads during blood coagulation, 245f, Foramen magnum Opening in the floor of the
250, 250f occipital bone through which the spinal cord
F Fibroblast Cell that produces fibers and other passes, 110, 110f, 112f, 172
intercellular materials in connective tissues, Foramen ovale Oval-shaped opening between the
Face, bones of, 111f, 112f, 113 70, 70f, 71f, 255 atria in the fetal heart, 283, 284f
Facial artery, 277f Fibrocartilage Cartilage with a matrix of strong Forearm muscles, 151, 151f
Facial expression, 133 collagenous fibers, 69t, 72, 72f Forensic anthropology, 128
Facial vein, 281f Fibrocartilaginous callus, 108 Foreskin Skin covering the glans penis in
Facilitated diffusion Use of a plasma membrane Fibromyalgia Chronic disorder characterized by uncircumcised males, 396f, 399, 399f, 405
carrier protein to move a substance into or out widespread pain, tenderness, and stiffness of Formed element Cellular constituent of blood, 74,
of a cell from higher or lower concentration; muscles and associated connective tissue 74f, 243, 244
no energy required, 53, 53t structures, 157 Fossa, 107t
Falciform ligament, 355f Fibrous connective tissue Tissue composed mainly Fossa ovalis, 284f
Familial hypercholesterolemia, 453t of closely packed collagenous fibers and Fourth ventricle, 174f
Fascia Tough sheet of fibrous tissue that binds the found in tendons and ligaments, 69t, 70, Fovea centralis Region of the retina that consists of
skin to underlying muscles, also supports and 70f, 71f densely packed cones and is responsible for the
separates muscles, 76, 135, 135f, 149 Fibrous joint Two or more bones joined by greatest visual acuity, 200f, 201, 201t
Fascicle Small bundle of muscle fibers, 135, 135f connective tissue containing many fibers, 123 Fracture A break in a bone, 108, 108f
Fast-twitch fibers, 145 Fibrous pericardium External layer of the Free nerve endings Sensory receptors that provide
Fat Organic molecule that the body uses for pericardium, consisting of fibrous tissue, 6f, sensations of pain and temperature, 87f, 88
long-term energy storage, 29–30, 30f, 7, 261f Free radicals Atoms or molecules with an unpaired
364, 364f Fibula Long, slender bone located on the lateral side electron in their outermost shell; linked to
Fat absorption, 294 of the tibia, 109f, 122, 122f several diseases and play a role in the aging
Fatigue Failure of a muscle fiber to continue to Fibular artery, 280f process, 285, 364
contract, due to exhaustion of ATP, 143 Fibularis brevis, 154f Free surface, 66, 66f
Fatty acid Molecule that contains a hydrocarbon Fibularis group, 152t, 153 Frontal bone, 109f, 110, 110f, 111f, 112f
chain and ends with an acid group, 30, 361 Fibularis longus, 146f, 154f Frontalis, 146, 146f, 147, 147f, 148t
Fatty streak Flat, yellow-gray lesion in an artery Filament Protein molecule that makes up part of a Frontal lobe Area of the cerebrum responsible for
composed of lipid and cholesterol; an early myofibril, 44f, 49, 138–139, 140f voluntary movements and higher intellectual
stage of atherosclerotic inflammation in an Filtration Passage of fluid through a membrane processes, 175f, 198f
artery, 267 because of mechanical pressure, as when Frontal plane Plane or section that divides a
Feces Indigestible wastes expelled from the digestive blood pressure forces water out of a capillary, structure lengthwise into anterior and
tract; excrement, 351 52–53, 53t posterior portions; pertaining to the region
Feedback Fimbria Fingerlike extension from the uterine tube of the forehead, 5, 5f
negative, 11–12, 11f, 12f, 400 near the ovary (pl., fimbriae), 401f, 404, 404f Frontal sinus, 112f
positive, 12, 13f, 222 First-degree burns, 96 Fruit, 285
Fellatio, 418 Flagellum Slender, long process used for FSH. See Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Female breast, 407–409, 409f locomotion—for example, by sperm (pl., Functional group In an organic molecule, a
Female condom, 410, 411t flagella), 43t, 50, 50f, 51f particular side chain attached to a larger
Female reproductive system, 401–409, 401f–404f, Flexion Bending at a joint so that the angle between molecule, which then gives the larger molecule
406f, 408f, 409f bones is decreased, 124, 126f, 148 its characteristic properties (i.e., electrical
Female sex organ development, 435, 436f Flexor carpi group, 146f, 150t, 151, 151f charge or solubility), 30
Female sexual response, 406 Flexor digitorum, 150t, 151 Functional residual capacity, 327, 327f
Femoral artery, 277f, 280f Flexor digitorum longus, 152t, 153 Fundic region Pouch that is superior to the body of
Femoral nerve, 182t Flu, 311 the stomach, 348, 348f
Femoral vein, 281f Fluid balance, 294, 380
Femur Thighbone located in the upper leg, 109f, 121, Fluid-mosaic model, 45
122f, 124f
Fermentation, 142
Fluoride, 363t G
Focus Bending of light rays by the cornea, lens, and
Fertilization Union of a sperm nucleus and an egg humors so that they converge and create an G1 phase, 56, 56f
nucleus, which creates a zygote with the image on the retina, 202, 202f G2 phase, 56, 56f
diploid number of chromosomes, 395, Folic acid, 362t Galactosemia, 453t
426–427, 426f, 429f

GI-9 Glossary/Index

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Gallbladder Saclike organ associated with the liver Germ cell An ovum or sperm cell, or a cell that gives Goiter, 225, 225f
that stores and concentrates bile, 343f, 354f, rise to either ova or sperm, 396, 397f Golgi apparatus Organelle that consists of
355f, 357, 358 Germ layers, 431, 432f concentrically folded membranes and that
Gamete Sex cell; sperm cells in males and ova in Gestation Period of development, from the start of functions in the packaging and secretion of
females, 393. See also Ovum; Sperm the last menstrual cycle until birth; in humans, cellular products, 43t, 44f, 47, 48f
Gamma globulin Most common form of plasma typically 280 days, 428 Golgi tendon organs, 194
protein; a protein fraction of blood rich in GH. See Growth hormone (GH) Gonad Organ that produces sex cells: the ovary,
antibodies, administered especially for passive Ghrelin Hormone manufactured primarily by which produces eggs, and the testis, which
immunity against measles, German measles, stomach cells that causes growth hormone produces sperm, 219f, 220t, 232, 234
hepatitis A, or poliomyelitis, 306 secretion, and stimulates fat storage and food Gonadal arteries, 279t, 280f
Ganglion Collection of neuron cell bodies outside the intake, 235, 351 Gonadal vein, 281f, 281t
central nervous system (pl., ganglia), 180 Giantism, 224f Gonadotropic hormone Type of hormone that
Gap junction Junction between cells formed by the Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums, 344 regulates the activity of the ovaries and testes;
joining of two adjacent plasma membranes; it Gland Epithelial cell or group of epithelial cells that principally, follicle-stimulating hormone and
lends strength and allows ions, sugars, and are specialized to secrete a substance, 78, 78f, luteinizing hormone, 219f, 220t, 223f, 224
small molecules to pass between cells, 78, 80, 88, 91–92, 91f Gonadotropin, 408f
78f, 265 apocrine, 91 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), 400f, 406,
Gas exchange, 324f, 328–330, 329f, 337 eccrine, 91 406f, 407
Gas transport, 329–330, 329f Glans clitoris, 406f Gonorrhea Sexually transmitted disease caused by
Gastric bypass, 367, 367f Glans penis, 396f, 398f, 399f the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae that
Gastric gland Gland within the stomach wall that Glasses, 205, 205f causes painful urination and swollen testes in
secretes gastric juice, 348, 348f Glaucoma Increasing loss of field of vision, caused men and is usually symptomless in women, but
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide Hormone produced by blockage of the ducts that drain the aqueous can cause inflammation of the cervix and
by small intestine cells that inhibits stomach humor, creating pressure buildup and nerve uterine tubes, 417
movement and acid secretion; also promotes damage, 206, 213, 453t Gout Joint inflammation caused by accumulation of
release of insulin in response to glucose Glenoid cavity, 118, 118f uric acid, 373
consumption; also referred to as glucose- Gliding joint Two bones with nearly flat surfaces Gracilis, 146f, 153f
dependent insulinotropic peptide, 350 joined together, 124, 125f Graded potential In a neuron, each of many small
Gastric juice Thin, watery digestive fluid secreted by Globulin Type of protein in blood plasma. There are signals at a synapse; together they can be
the gastric glands in the stomach and alpha, beta, and gamma globulins, 244, 245f summed to bring the axon of the neuron to
containing hydrochloric acid and enzymes, Glomerular capsule Double-walled capsule threshold and cause an action potential, 167
such as pepsin, 348 surrounding the glomerulus of a nephron Granular leukocyte White blood cell with prominent
Gastric phase The time period of gastric juice through which glomerular filtrate passes to granules in the cytoplasm, 248
secretion that is stimulated by gastrin, caused the proximal convoluted tubule, 375, 376f, Granulocyte and macrophage colony-stimulating
by the presence of food in the stomach and by 378f, 383f factor (GM-CSF), 236
stomach stretching, 350 Glomerular filtrate Liquid that passes out of the Graves’ disease Autoimmune disease with swollen
Gastric pits Openings into gastric glands, 348, 348f glomerular capillaries in the kidney into the throat due to an enlarged, hyperactive thyroid
Gastric ulcer Open sore in the lining of the stomach; glomerular capsules, 377 gland; patients often have protruding eyes and
frequently caused by bacterial infection, 356 Glomerular filtration Process whereby blood are underweight, hyperactive, and irritable, 225
Gastric veins, 282f pressure forces liquid through the glomerular Gravitational equilibrium Maintenance of balance
Gastrin, 348, 351f capillaries in the kidney into the glomerular when the head and body are motionless, 210,
Gastrocnemius, 146f, 152t, 153 capsule, 377–379, 378f 211f, 213, 213t
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 356 Glomerulus Cluster of capillaries surrounded by the Gray matter Nonmyelinated nerve fibers in the
Gastrointestinal tract, 343, 343f glomerular capsule in a kidney nephron, 375, central nervous system, 171f, 172f
Gastrulation Formation of a gastrula from a blastula; 376f, 378f, 383f Greater omentum, 353, 353f
characterized by an invagination of the cell Glottis Slitlike opening between the vocal cords, Greater sciatic notch Indentation in the posterior
layers to form a caplike structure, 431 319f, 320t, 321, 345f coxal bone through which pass the blood
Gene Unit of heredity located on a chromosome, 35, Glucagon Hormone secreted by the pancreatic islets vessels and the large sciatic nerve to the lower
395, 450–451 that causes the release of glucose from glycogen, leg, 120
General interpretative area, 175f, 176 219f, 220t, 230 Greater trochanter, of femur, 121, 122f
Gene therapy Method of replacing a defective gene Glucocorticoid Any one of a group of hormones Greater tubercle, of humerus, 119, 119f
with a healthy gene, 454–458 secreted by the adrenal cortex that influences Great saphenous vein, 281f
Genetic counseling, 452–453, 453t carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism, Ground substance, 70, 70f
Genetic inheritance, 450–454, 450f, 451f, 453f, 454f 219f, 220t, 227 Growth Increase in the number of cells and/or the
Genetic testing, 453–454 Glucocorticoid therapy, 227 size of these cells, 105–107, 427
Genital Pertaining to the genitalia (internal and Glucose Blood sugar that is broken down in cells to Growth factor Chemical signal that regulates mitosis
external organs of reproduction) acquire energy for ATP production, 28 and differentiation of cells that have receptors
Genital herpes Sexually transmitted disease caused Gluteus maximus, 146, 146f, 152, 152t, 153f for it; important in such processes as fetal
by herpes simplex virus and sometimes Gluteus medius, 146f, 152, 152t, 153f development, tissue maintenance and repair,
accompanied by painful ulcers on the genitals, Glycerol Three-carbon molecule that joins with fatty and hematopoiesis; sometimes a contributing
416–417, 416f acids to form fat, 30 factor in cancer, 236
Genitals, 393, 399, 399f Glycogen Polysaccharide that is the principal storage Growth hormone (GH) Hormone released by the
Genital wart Raised growth on the genitals due to a compound for sugar in animals, 28, 29f, 136t, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that promotes
sexually transmitted disease caused by human 231f the growth of the organism; also known as
papillomavirus, 416 Glycolipids, 45 somatotropin, 219f, 220t, 223f, 224, 224f
Genome All of the DNA in a cell of an organism, 458 Glycoproteins, 45 Gumma Tumor of rubbery consistency that is
Genomics, 458–459 Glycosuria Presence of glucose in the urine, characteristic of the tertiary stage of
Genotype Combination of genes present within a typically indicative of a kidney disease, syphilis, 417
zygote or within the cells of an individual, 450 diabetes mellitus, or other endocrine Gustatory regions, 196
German measles, 440 disorder, 230 Gyrus Convoluted elevation or ridge (pl., gyri), 173

Glossary/Index GI-10

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Hematopoiesis Formation of blood cells in red bone Hippocampus An important part of the limbic
H marrow, 103, 244, 246f system; involved in forming, storing, and
Heme Iron-containing portion of a hemoglobin processing memory, 178
H1N1 flu, 311 molecule, 247f, 248, 256 Hirsutism Excessive body and facial hair in women,
Hair Consists of a cylindrical shaft and a root, which Hemispheres, cerebral, 173, 175f 89–90
is contained in a flasklike depression (hair Hemodialysis Mechanical way to remove Histamine Substance produced by basophil-derived
follicle) in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. nitrogenous wastes and to regulate blood pH mast cells in connective tissue that causes
The base of the root is expanded into the hair when the kidneys are unable to perform these capillaries to dilate; causes many of the
bulb, which rests upon and encloses the hair functions, 372, 385–386, 385f symptoms of allergy, 289f, 298
papilla, 86, 89 Hemoglobin Pigment of red blood cells responsible HLA (human leukocyte-associated) antigen Protein
Hair cell Mechanoreceptor in the inner ear that lies for oxygen transport, 244, 246–247, 247f, in a plasma membrane that identifies the cell as
between the basilar membrane and the tectorial 329–330 belonging to a particular individual and acts as
membrane and triggers action potentials in Hemolysis Lysis of red blood cells that releases an antigen in other organisms, 303
fibers of the auditory nerve, 208, 209, 210f hemoglobin, 52, 52f, 248 Hodgkin disease Cancer of the lymph glands
Hair follicle Tubelike depression in the skin in which Hemolytic anemia Insufficient number of red blood that is normally localized in the neck
a hair develops, 86, 90, 90f cells caused by an increased rate of red blood region, 297
Hair matrix, 90, 90f cell destruction, 249 Homeostasis Constancy of conditions, particularly
Hamstring group, 152t, 153, 153f Hemolytic disease of the newborn Destruction of a the environment of body cells: constant
Hand, 120, 120f fetus’s red blood cells by the mother’s immune temperature, blood pressure, pH, and other
Haploid Having the number of chromosomes of a system, caused by differing Rh factors between body conditions, 10
gamete; half the number characteristic of body mother and fetus, 249, 253–254, 254f in body maintenance, 10–13, 11f–15f
cells, 393, 394f, 403f Hemophilia Most common of the severe clotting cardiovascular system in, 287–289
Hard palate Anterior portion of the roof of the mouth disorders caused by the absence of a blood digestive system in, 361
that contains several bones, 113, 344f, 345f clotting factor, 251, 453t endocrine system in, 237–239
Haustra One of the pouches or small sacs into which Hemorrhage Excessive blood loss from the immune system in, 315
the large intestine is divided, 351, 352f body, 252 integumentary system in, 97
Hay fever Seasonal variety of allergic reaction to a Hemorrhagic anemia Condition in which the blood is muscular system in, 154–157, 156t
specific allergen. Characterized by sudden deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in nervous system in, 187
attacks of sneezing, swelling of nasal mucosa, total volume because of a hemorrhage, 249 reproductive system in, 419
and often asthmatic symptoms, 312 Hemorrhagic bleeding Escape of blood from blood respiratory system in, 337
hCG. See Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) vessels, 251 skeletal system in, 127–128
Head Pertaining to the skeleton, an enlargement on Hemorrhagic stroke, 287 urinary system in, 387–389
the end of a bone, 147, 147f, 148t Hemorrhoids Abnormally dilated blood vessels of Homozygous Having two identical genes on paired
Healing, wound, 94, 95f the rectum, 273 homologous chromosomes, 450
Hearing, 208–210, 209f–211f Hemostasis Stoppage of blood flow, 250–251, 250f Homozygous dominant Possessing two identical
Hearing damage, 212, 212t Hepatic artery, 355f alleles, such as AA, for a particular trait, 450
Heart Muscular organ located in the thoracic cavity Hepatic lobule One of the small masses of tissue of Homozygous recessive Possessing two identical
that is responsible for maintenance of blood which the liver is made, 354, 355f alleles, such as aa, for a particular trait, 450
circulation Hepatic portal system Portal system that begins at Hormone Substance secreted by an endocrine gland
aging of, 286 the villi of the small intestine and ends at the that is transmitted in the blood or body fluids,
anatomy of, 260–263, 260f–262f liver, 282, 282f, 354 218–221, 219f, 220t, 221f, 276
conduction system of, 264–265, 265f Hepatic portal vein Vein leading to the liver and in contraception, 410, 411t, 412t
coronary circulation in, 263 formed by the merging blood vessels of the in digestion, 351f
nodal tissue in, 264–265, 265f small intestine, 260f, 280, 282, 282f, 355f female, 406, 406f
physiology of, 264–270, 265f–270f Hepatic vein, 260f, 280, 281f, 281t, 282, 282f male, 400–401, 400f
sounds, 263 Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver; often due to a Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) Hormone
Heart attack. See Myocardial infarction serious infection by any of a number of produced by the placenta that helps maintain
Heart block Impairment of conduction of an impulse viruses, 81, 357, 417, 418 pregnancy and is the basis for the pregnancy
in heart excitation, 265 Hepatitis A, 310 test, 407, 431
Heartburn Burning pain in the chest occurring when Hepatitis B, 310 Human development, 427–436, 427f, 428t, 429f, 430f,
part of the stomach contents escapes into the Hering-Brewer reflex, 328 432f–436f
esophagus, 356 Hernia Protrusion of an organ through an abnormal Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Virus
Heart disease, 267–268, 267f, 268f, 284–285 opening, such as the intestine through the responsible for AIDS, 307–308, 308f, 313,
Heart murmur Clicking or swishing sounds often abdominal wall near the scrotum (inguinal 416, 418
due to leaky valves, 263 hernia) or the stomach through the diaphragm Human life cycle, 393–395, 394f, 395f
Heart rate, 266, 269–270, 270f (hiatal hernia), 398 Human papillomavirus (HPV), 310, 416
Heart valve Valve found between the chambers of Herniated disk Fibrous ring of cartilage between two Humerus Heavy bone that extends from the scapula
the heart or between a chamber and a vessel vertebrae that has ruptured, 114, 117, 173 to the elbow, 109f, 119, 119f
leaving the heart, 262f, 263 Herpes, 416–417, 416f Hunger, 235
Heat of vaporization Amount of energy needed to Heterozygous Different alleles in a gene pair, 450 Huntington disease Genetic disease marked by
turn water into steam, 25 Hexose Six-carbon sugar, 28 progressive deterioration of the nervous
Heat stroke, 93 Hiccups, 318 system due to deficiency of a neuron-
HeLa cells, 65 Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), transmitter, 176, 453t
Heliobacter pylori, 267 307–308 Hyaline cartilage Cartilage composed of very fine
Helminthic therapy, 313 Hinge joint Type of joint characterized by a convex collagenous fibers and a matrix of a glassy,
Helper T cell Secretes lymphokines, which stimulate surface of one bone fitting into a concave white, opaque appearance, 69t, 72, 72f
all kinds of immune cells, 304. See also surface of another so that movement is Hyaline membrane disease, 439
T lymphocyte confined to one place, such as in the knee or Hydrocephalus Enlargement of the brain due to
Hematocrit Percent of the volume of whole blood interphalangeal joint, 124, 125f abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal
that is composed of red blood cells, 243 Hip, muscles of, 151–153, 152t, 153f, 154f fluid, 172
Hematoma, 108

GI-11 Glossary/Index

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Hydrogen bond Weak attraction between a partially Ileum Lower portion of the small intestine, 349, 349f, Inferior Situated below something else; pertaining to
positive hydrogen and a partially negative 352f, 353f the lower surface of a part, 3, 3f
oxygen or nitrogen some distance away; found Iliac crest, 120, 121f Inferior mesenteric artery, 279t, 280f
in proteins and nucleic acids, 24, 24f Iliacus, 153f Inferior mesenteric vein, 282f
Hydrolysis reaction Splitting of a bond by the Iliopsoas, 152, 152t, 153f Inferior nasal concha, 111f, 113, 320f
addition of water, 27f, 28 Ilium One of the bones of a coxal bone or hipbone, Inferior oblique, 199, 200f
Hydrolytic enzyme Enzyme that catalyzes a reaction 120, 121f Inferior rectus, 199, 199f, 200f
in which the substrate is broken down by the Imaging, 16, 16f Inferior vena cava Large vein that enters the right
addition of water, 358 Immediate allergic response Allergic response that atrium from below and carries blood from the
Hydrophilic Type of molecule that interacts with occurs within seconds of contact with an trunk and lower extremities, 260f, 262f, 264f,
water by dissolving in water and/or forming allergen; caused by the attachment of the 279, 281f, 281t, 284f
hydrogen bonds with water molecules, 25, 45 allergen to IgE antibodies, 312 Infertility Inability to have as many children as
Hydrophobic Type of molecule that does not interact Immune complex, 301–302 desired, 415
with water because it is nonpolar, 25, 45 Immune deficiency, 313 Inflammatory reaction Tissue response to injury
“Hygiene hypothesis,” 313 Immune response, 305–313, 305f, 306f, 308f–311f that is characterized by dilation of blood
Hymen, 405–406 Immune system All the cells in the body that protect vessels and accumulation of fluid in the
Hyoid bone, 109f, 113, 321f the body against foreign organisms and affected region, 298–300, 299f
Hypercalcemia, 227 substances and also against cancerous cells, Influenza, 311, 311f
Hyperglycemia Excessive glucose in the blood, 230 294. See also Antibody Infrahyoid muscles, 148
Hyperopia Inability to see nearby objects, 205 active immunity in, 305 Infraspinatus, 150f, 150t, 151f
Hyperpnea Deep and labored breathing, 328 aging of, 313 Inguinal hernia A hernia in which part of the
Hypersensitivity reactions, 312 barriers in, 298 intestine protrudes into the inguinal canal, 398
Hypertension Elevated blood pressure, particularly cell-mediated immunity in, 303–305, 303f, 304f Inguinal lymph nodes, 295f
the diastolic pressure, 22, 267, 278, 285, 286 complement system in, 300 Inheritance
Hyperthermia Abnormally high body temperature, 93 in homeostasis, 315 chromosomal, 446–449, 446t, 447f–449f
Hypertonic solution Solution that has a higher inflammatory reaction in, 298–300, 299f genetic, 450–454, 450f, 451f, 453f, 454f
concentration of solute and a lower lymphatic organs in, 294–298, 296f, 297f sex chromosome, 449, 449f, 450f
concentration of water than the cell, 52f, 53 lymphatic system in, 294 sex-linked, 451, 451f
Hypertrophy Increase in the size of an organ, usually nonspecific defenses in, 298–300, 299f, 300t Inhibin Hormone secreted by seminiferous tubules
by an increase in the size of its cells, 144 passive immunity in, 305–306, 306f that inhibits the release of follicle-stimulating
Hypocalcemia, 227 proteins in, 300 hormone from the anterior pituitary, 400, 400f
Hypodermic needle Slender, hollow instrument for specific defenses in, 300–305, 300t, Inner cell mass An aggregation of cells at one pole
introducing material into or removing material 301f–304f, 302t of the blastocyte, which is destined to form the
from or below the skin, 88 Immunity Resistance to disease-causing embryo proper, 429
Hypodermis Mainly composed of fat, this loose layer organisms, 294 Inner ear Portion of the ear, consisting of a vestibule,
is directly beneath the dermis; subcutaneous, Immunization Strategy for achieving artificial semicircular canals, and the cochlea, where
87, 87f, 88–89 immunity to the effects of specific disease- balance is maintained and sound is transmitted,
Hypoglycemia Insufficient amount of glucose in the causing agents, 305, 305f, 309–310, 309f 181t, 208, 209f
blood, 232 Immunoglobulin (Ig) Globular plasma proteins that Innocence Project, 458
Hypotension, 275, 278 function as antibodies, 302, 302t Inorganic molecule Type of molecule that is not an
Hypothalamic-inhibiting hormone One of many Immunoglobulin E-mediated allergic response, 312 organic molecule; not derived from a living
hormones produced by the hypothalamus that Immunosuppressive Inactivating the immune organism, 24
inhibits the secretion of an anterior pituitary system to prevent organ rejection, usually Insertion End of a muscle that is attached to a
hormone, 224 via a drug, 312 movable part, 145, 145f
Hypothalamic-releasing hormone One of many Immunotherapy, 81 Inspiration The act of breathing in; inhalation, 319,
hormones produced by the hypothalamus that Impetigo Contagious skin disease caused by bacteria 325–326, 326f
stimulates the secretion of an anterior pituitary in which vesicles erupt and crust over, 93 Inspiratory capacity, 327, 327f
hormone, 224 Implantation, 401, 429f Inspiratory reserve volume Volume of air that can
Hypothalamus Region of the brain; the floor of the Implantation Attachment and penetration of the be forcibly inhaled after normal inhalation,
third ventricle that helps maintain homeostasis, embryo to the lining (endometrium) of the 327, 327f
176, 219f, 220t, 222–224, 223f–225f uterus, 431 Insulin Hormone produced by the pancreas that
Hypothalamus-pituitary portal system, 282 Impotence, 399 regulates glucose storage in the liver and
Hypothermia Abnormally low body temperature, 93 Incisors, 344f glucose uptake by cells, 218, 219f, 220t,
Hypothyroidism, congenital, 225, 226f Incontinence Involuntary loss of urine, 387, 440 229, 231f
Hypotonic solution Solution that has a lower Incus The middle of three ossicles of the ear; Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) Type
concentration of solute and a higher serves with the malleus and the stapes to 1 diabetes mellitus characterized by abrupt
concentration of water than the cell, 52, 52f conduct vibrations from the tympanic onset of symptoms, dependence on exogenous
Hypovolemic shock Form of shock caused by membrane to the oval window of the inner insulin, and a tendency to develop
excessive blood, tissue fluid, or plasma ear, 208, 209f ketoacidosis, 231, 233, 237
loss, 252 Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), 255 Insulin shock Severe hypoglycemia caused by
Hysterectomy Surgical removal of the uterus, 405 Infant respiratory distress syndrome Condition in excessive insulin; left untreated, can result in
H zone In a sarcomere, the region in the center of an A newborns, especially premature ones, in which convulsions and progressive development of
band where only myosin filaments are found, 138 the lungs collapse because of a lack of coma, 232
surfactant lining the alveoli, 324 Integration Summing up of excitatory and inhibitory
Infarct An area of tissue death resulting from signals by a neuron or by some part of the
I obstruction of blood flow, 268 brain, 163
Infection Integument Pertaining to the skin, 87
I band In a sarcomere, the region that is light colored opportunistic, 307 Integumentary system Pertaining to the skin and
and attached to the Z line; comprised of only sexually transmitted, 416–417, 417f, 418 accessory organs, 8, 9, 12, 14f, 87–89, 87f. See
thin filaments, 138 upper respiratory, 330–331 also Skin
Ileocecal valve, 349, 349f, 352f

Glossary/Index GI-12

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Interatrial septum Wall between the atria of the embryos are then placed into the woman’s Keratinocytes, 87f, 88
heart, 261 uterus, 415 Ketonuria Abnormal presence of acidic molecules
Intercalated disk Membranous boundary between Iodine, 363t called ketones in the urine, 230
adjacent cardiac muscle cells, 76 Ion A charged atom, 21 Kidney Organ in the urinary system that forms,
Intercostal arteries, 279t, 280f Ionic bond Chemical attraction between a positive concentrates, and excretes urine, 373–374,
Intercostal muscles, 409f ion and a negative ion, 22, 23f 374f, 375–386, 376f–378f, 379t, 380f, 380t,
Intercostal nerves, 182t Ionic lattice, 22 381f, 383f–385f, 384t. See also Urinary system
Interferon Protein formed by a cell infected with a Ionizing radiation, 38 Kidney stones, 385, 387
virus that can increase the resistance of other Ipsilateral Structures located on the same side of the Kidney transplantation, 386
cells to the virus, 300 body, 3f, 4 Kinocilium, 211f, 213
Interleukin Class of immune system chemicals Iris Muscular ring that surrounds the pupil and Klinefelter syndrome Condition caused by the
(cytokines) having varied effects on the regulates the passage of light through this inheritance of XXY chromosomes, 446t, 449
body, 305 opening, 199f, 200, 200f, 201t Knee-jerk reflex Automatic, involuntary response
Intermediate filaments Tough protein strands that Iron, 363t initiated by tapping the ligaments just below
form cell-to-cell junctions, 44f, 49 Iron deficiency anemia Abnormally low amount of the patella (kneecap), 183
Intermediate-twitch fibers, 144 red blood cells or hemoglobin, due to a lack of Knee joint, 124f
Internal carotid artery, 283f iron in the diet, 249, 254 Knuckle cracking, 102
Internal iliac artery, 260f, 279, 280f, 284f Ischemic heart disease Insufficient oxygen delivery Korotkoff sounds, 277
Internal iliac vein, 260f, 280, 281f to the heart, usually caused by partially Krause end bulbs, 195, 195f
Internal intercostals, 149, 149f, 149t blocked coronary arteries, 268 Kyphoplasty, 117
Internal jugular vein, 279, 281f Ischial spine Projection of the coxal bone into the Kyphosis Increased roundness in the thoracic
Internal obliques, 149, 149f, 149t pelvic cavity, 120 curvature of the spine; also called hunchback,
Internal respiration Exchange of oxygen and carbon Ischial tuberosity, 120, 121f 114, 114f
dioxide between blood and tissue fluid, 329 Ischium Most inferior of the three bones that
Interneuron Neuron found within the central nervous comprise the pelvic bone, 120, 121f
system that takes nerve impulses from one Islets of Langerhans, 229, 233, 233f
portion of the system to another, 164f, 165 Isotonic solution Solution that contains the same
Interphase General term for that period of the cell concentration of solutes and water as does the Labels, nutrition, 364, 364f
cycle in which cell division is not occurring, cell, 52, 52f Labia majora Two large, hairy folds of skin of the
55–58, 56f, 57f Isotope One of two or more atoms with the same female external genitalia, 401f, 405, 406f
Interstitial cell Hormone-secreting cell located atomic number that differs in the number of Labia minora Two small folds of skin inside the
between the seminiferous tubules of the testes, neutrons and, therefore, in weight, 22 labia majora and encircling the clitoris, 401f,
396, 397f IUI. See Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 405, 406f
Intertubercular groove, of humerus, 119, 119f IVF. See In vitro fertilization (IVF) Lacrimal apparatus Structures that provide tears to
Interventricular septum, 261 wash the eye, consisting of the lacrimal gland
Intervertebral disk Layer of cartilage located and the lacrimal sac with its ducts, 199
between adjacent vertebrae, 113, 114,
J Lacrimal bone, 111f, 113
114f, 173 Lacrimal gland, 199f, 320, 320f
Intervertebral foramina, 115 Jacobs syndrome Abnormal condition in a male Lacrimal sac, 199f
Intestinal phase The time period of gastric juice characterized by a single X chromosome and Lactase, 360t
secretion that is stimulated by the presence of two Y chromosomes, 446t, 449 Lactate, 142
food in the intestine and by intestinal Jaundice Yellowish tint to the skin caused by an Lactation Production and secretion of milk by the
stretching, 350 abnormal amount of bilirubin in the blood, mammary glands, 407–409, 409f
Intestinal polyps, 356–357 indicating liver malfunction, 357, 439 Lacteal Lymph vessel in a villus of the wall of the
Intracellular fluid, 380, 380f Jejunum Middle portion of the small intestine, 349, 349f small intestine, 294
Intracranial hemorrhage, 439 Joint Union of two or more bones; an articulation, Lactose, 28
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), 415 123–127, 124f–127f Lacuna Small pit or hollow cavity, as in bone or
Intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET), 117 cartilaginous, 123 cartilage, where a cell or cells are located
Intramembranous ossification Bone that forms from damage, 126 (pl., lacunae), 72, 72f
membranelike layers of primitive connective fibrous, 123 Lambdoidal suture Line of junction between the
tissue, 105, 105f repair, 126 occipital and parietal bones, 110f, 111f, 112f
Intraoperative blood salvage, 255 replacement, 126, 127f Lamellae, 103, 104f
Intrapleural pressure Pressure found in the space synovial, 102, 123–125, 124f, 125f Laminae, 115, 115f
between the parietal pleura and the visceral Joint capsule, 124f Laminectomy, 117
pleura in the thoracic cavity, 325 Joint cavity, 124f Langerhans cells Specialized epidermal cells that
Intrauterine device Solid object placed in the uterine Jugular Any of four veins that drain blood from the assist the immune system, 87f, 88
cavity for purposes of contraception; IUD, head and neck, 260f Lanugo Short, fine hair that is present during the later
410, 412t Juxtaglomerular apparatus Structure located in the portion of fetal development, 434
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Process of walls of arterioles near the glomerulus that Large intestine Portion of the digestive tract that
achieving pregnancy in which donated sperm regulates renal blood flow, 382, 383f extends from the small intestine to the anus,
are deposited in the uterus, 415 343f, 346t, 349f, 351–353, 352f, 396f
Large intestine disorders, 356–357
Intrinsic factor Protein produced by the normal K Laryngitis Inflammation of the larynx, 331
gastrointestinal mucosa that facilitates
absorption of vitamin B12, 348 Laryngopharynx Lower portion of the pharynx near
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 94 the opening to the larynx, 320f, 346
Intrinsic mechanism, 251 Karyotype Arrangement of all the chromosomes Larynx Structure that contains the vocal cords; also
Inversion Movement of the foot so that the sole is from a nucleus by pairs in a fixed order, known as the voice box, 319f, 320t, 321–322,
turned inward, 125, 126f 446–447, 447f 321f, 345f
In vitro fertilization (IVF) Process of achieving Keratin Insoluble protein present in the epidermis Lateral Pertaining to the side, 3f, 4
pregnancy in which eggs retrieved from an and in epidermal derivatives, such as hair and Lateral condyle, of tibia, 121, 122f
ovary are fertilized in a laboratory; viable nails, 87f, 88 Lateral epicondyle, of femur, 121

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Lateral malleolus Rounded protuberance on the Lorcaserin, 365 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 16, 16f
lateral surface of the ankle joint, 122, 122f Lordosis Exaggerated lumbar curvature of the spine; Major histocompatibility complex A group of genes
Lateral rectus, 199, 200f also called “swayback.,” 114, 114f that function especially in determining the
Lateral sulcus, 175f Love, 392 tissue compatibility antigen molecules found
Lateral ventricle, 174f Lower gastroesophageal sphincter, 348f on cell surfaces; abbreviated MHC, 303
Latissimus dorsi, 146f, 150f, 150t, 151, 151f Lower limb, 121–123, 122f, 151–153, 152t, 153f, 154f Male external genitalia, 399, 399f
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD), 286 Lower respiratory infection, 331–332 Male reproductive system, 395–401, 396f–400f
Lens Clear, membranelike structure that is found in Low sperm count, 415 Male sex organ development, 435, 436f
the eye behind the iris and that brings objects Lumbar nerves, 183f Male sexual response, 399–400
into focus, 199f, 200f, 201, 201t, 202–203, 202f Lumen Space within a tubular structure such as a Malignant The power to threaten life; cancerous, 79
Leptin Peptide hormone produced by fat cells; plays blood vessel or intestine, 346 Malleolus Rounded projection from a bone, 107t
a role in body weight regulation by acting on Lung Internal respiratory organ containing moist Malleus First of three ossicles of the ear; serves with
the hypothalamus to suppress appetite and burn surfaces for gas exchange, 260f, 262, 319f, the incus and stapes to conduct vibrations from
fat stored in adipose tissue, 235, 351 320t, 323–325, 324f the tympanic membrane to the oval window
Lesser omentum, 353, 353f Lung cancer Cancer neoplasm found in the airways of the inner ear, 209f
Lesser trochanter, of femur, 121, 122f or lobes of the lungs, 333, 335–336, 335f Maltase Enzyme that catalyzes conversion of maltose
Lesser tubercle, of humerus, 119, 119f Lung capacity, 327, 327f into glucose, 360t
Leukemia Form of cancer characterized by Lung collapse, 323 Maltose, 28
uncontrolled production of leukocytes in red Lunula Pale, half-moon–shaped area at the base of Mammary ducts, 409f
bone marrow, 79, 249, 254 nails, 90 Mammary gland Milk-secreting gland that develops
Leukocytes Several types of colorless, nucleated Luteinizing hormone (LH) Hormone produced by within the breast in pregnancy and lactation;
blood cells that, among other functions, resist the anterior pituitary that stimulates the only minimally developed in the breast of a
infection; white blood cells, 74, 74f, 234, 245f, development of the corpus luteum in females nonpregnant or nonlactating woman, 92
248–250, 248f and the production of testosterone in males, Mandible, 109f, 111f, 113
Leukocytosis Abnormally large increase in the 219f, 220t, 223f, 224, 400, 400f, 406, 406f, 407 Mandibular angle, 111f
number of white blood cells, 249 Lymph Fluid having the same composition as tissue Mandibular condyle, 111f, 113
Leukopenia Abnormally low number of leukocytes fluid; carried in lymph vessels, 294, 380f Mandibular fossa, 110, 112f
in the blood, 249 Lymphadenitis Infection of the lymph nodes, 297 Manganese, 363t
Levator anguli oris, 147, 147f, 148t Lymphangitis Infection of the lymphatic vessels, 297 Manubrium, 116–117, 116f
Levator labii superioris, 147, 147f, 148t Lymphatic nodules, 297–298 Masseter, 146f, 147, 147f, 148t
Levator palpebrae superioris, 199, 199f, 200f Lymphatic organ Organ other than a lymphatic Mass number, 21
Leydig cells, 396 vessel that is part of the lymphatic system; Mast cell Cell to which antibodies, formed in response
LH. See Luteinizing hormone (LH) includes lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, thymus to allergens, attach, bursting the cell and releasing
Life cycle, human, 393–395, 394f, 395f gland, and bone marrow, 294–298, 295f, 296f allergy mediators, which cause symptoms, 298
Ligament Strong connective tissue that joins bone to Lymphatic system Vascular system that takes up Mastication, 147
bone, 70, 71f, 123, 124f excess tissue fluid and transports it to the Mastoiditis Inflammation of the mastoid sinuses of
Ligamentum arteriosum, 284f bloodstream, 10, 13, 15f, 97, 294–298, 296f, the skull, 110
Ligamentum teres, 284f 297, 297f Mastoid process, 111f, 112f, 113
Ligamentum venosum, 284f Lymphatic tissue Reticular connective tissue found Maternal spindle transfer, 457
Limb bud, 433f in lymphatic organs such as lymph nodes and Matrix Secreted basic material or medium of
Limbic system System that involves many different spleen, 70 biological structures, such as the matrix of
centers of the brain and that is concerned with Lymphatic vessel Vessel that carries lymph, 294 cartilage or bone, 69
visceral functioning and emotional responses, 178 Lymphedema Edema due to faulty lymphatic Maxilla, 109f, 110f, 111f, 113
Linea alba, 149f drainage, 297 Mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), 274–275
Linea aspera, 121, 122f Lymph node Mass of lymphatic tissue located along Measles, 309–310
Lingual tonsils, 297 the course of a lymphatic vessel, 295f, 297 Meatus, 107t
Lipase Enzyme secreted by the pancreas that digests Lymphoblasts, 246f Mechanoreceptor A tactile or stretch receptor that
or breaks down fats, 354, 359, 359f Lymphocyte Type of white blood cell characterized responds to a mechanical stimulus such as
Lipid Group of organic compounds that are insoluble by agranular cytoplasm; lymphocytes usually touch or stretch, 194, 210f
in water—notably, fats, oils, and steroids, constitute 20–25% of the white cell count, 234, Medial Toward or near the midline, 3, 3f
29–30, 30f 245f, 248, 296f Medial condyle, of tibia, 121, 122f
Lipoproteins Any of a large class of proteins Lymphoma Cancer of lymphatic tissue (reticular Medial epicondyle, of femur, 121
composed of protein and lipid, 244 connective tissue), 79, 297 Medial malleolus, of tibia, 122, 122f
Liver Largest organ in the body, located in the Lysis To split or divide, 52 Medial rectus, 199, 200f
abdominal cavity below the diaphragm; Lysosome Organelle involved in intracellular Median cubital vein, 281f
performs many vital functions that maintain digestion; contains powerful digestive Median nerve, 182t
homeostasis of blood, 343f, 353f, 354–355, enzymes, 43t, 44f, 47, 48f Mediastinum Tissue mass located between the lungs,
354f, 355f, 357, 358, 360 Lysozyme, 319 6f, 7
Local disease Disease that is confined to a particular Medulla oblongata Lowest portion of the brain;
area of the body, 17 concerned with the control of internal organs,
Locus The position in a chromosome of a particular
M 174f, 179
gene or allele, 450 Medullary cavity Within the diaphysis of a long bone,
Loop of Henle Portion of a nephron between the Macromolecule Large molecule composed of smaller cavity occupied by yellow marrow, 103, 104f
proximal and distal convoluted tubules; molecules, 2, 2f, 27f Megakaryoblasts, 246f
functions in water reabsorption, 376, 376f, Macrophage Enlarged monocyte that ingests foreign Megakaryocyte Large bone marrow cell that gives
378f, 380–381, 381f material and cellular debris, 267, 298 rise to blood platelets, 74, 74f, 246f, 250
Loose connective tissue Tissue that is composed Macular degeneration Disruption of the macula Meiosis Type of cell division in which the daughter
mainly of fibroblasts separated by collagenous lutea, a central part of the retina, causing cells have 23 chromosomes; occurs during
and elastin fibers and that is found beneath blurred vision, 206, 206f spermatogenesis and oogenesis, 60, 393–395,
epithelium, 69t, 70, 70f Mad cow disease, 34 394f, 397f, 403f, 448f
Magnesium, 363t

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Meissner corpuscles, 195f enter the blood vessels or lymphatic vessels, Monohydrogen phosphate, 382
Melanin Pigment found in the skin and hair of humans and start new tumors elsewhere in the body, Mononucleosis Viral disease characterized by an
that is responsible for coloration, 87f, 88 79, 335 increase in atypical lymphocytes in the
Melanocyte Melanin-producing cell, 87f, 88 Metatarsal bones Bones found in the foot between blood, 249
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) Substance the ankle and the toes, 122f, 123 Monosaccharide Simple sugar; a carbohydrate that
that causes melanocytes to secrete melanin in Microglia, 77 cannot be decomposed by hydrolysis, 28
lower vertebrates, 220t Microtubule Hollow rod of the protein tubulin in the Monosomy Having one less than the diploid number
Melanoma Deadly form of skin cancer that begins in cytoplasm, 44f, 49 of chromosomes, 447
the melanocytes, pigment cells present in the Microvillus Cylindrical process that extends from Mons pubis The rounded fleshy prominence over the
epidermis, 93–94, 94f some epithelial cell membranes and increases pubic symphysis, 405, 406f
Melatonin Hormone, secreted by the pineal gland, the membrane surface area (pl., microvilli), Morning-after pill, 411t, 414–415
that is involved in biorhythms, 219f, 220t, 49–50, 68, 78f, 197f, 349 Morphogenesis Establishment of shape and structure
234, 235f Micturition Emptying of the bladder; urination, in an organism, 427
Membranes 375, 375f Morula Early stage in development in which the
body, 6–8, 6f–7f Midbrain Small region of the brain stem located embryo consists of a mass of cells, often
cutaneous, 82, 87 between the forebrain and the hindbrain; spherical, 429, 429f
extraembryonic, 427–428, 427f contains tracts that conduct impulses to and Motor neuron Neuron that takes nerve impulses
mucous, 80 from the higher parts of the brain, 174f, 179 from the central nervous system to an effector;
periodontal, 344f Middle ear Portion of the ear consisting of the also known as an efferent neuron, 138,
placental, 432 tympanic membrane, the oval and round 164f, 165
respiratory, 324–325, 324f windows, and the ossicles, where sound is Motor speech area, 175f, 176
serous, 80 amplified, 209f Motor unit Motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it
synovial, 82, 123, 124f Middle nasal concha, 111f, 113, 320f innervates, 138, 143, 144
Membranous labyrinth, 208 Mifepristone, 415 Mouth Opening through which food enters the body,
Memory B cell Cells derived from B lymphocytes Mineral Inorganic substance; certain minerals must 343f, 344
that remain within the body for some time and be in the diet for normal metabolic functioning MS. See Multiple sclerosis (MS)
account for active immunity, 301, 302f of cells, 363–365, 363t, 364, 364f Mucociliary escalator Protective mechanism
Memory T cells, 304–305 Mineralocorticoid Hormones the adrenal cortex involving cilia of the mucous membranes of
Meninges Protective membranous coverings around secretes that influence the concentrations of the respiratory system; transports mucus
the brain and spinal cord (sing., meninx), 6, 6f, electrolytes in body fluids, 219f, 220t, 227, 228 containing inhaled pollutants to the pharynx
7t, 82, 171–172, 171f, 172f, 174f Mitochondrial donation, 457 where the mucus can be swallowed or
Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges around the Mitochondrion Organelle in which cellular expectorated, 320, 322, 322f
brain and spinal cord usually caused by respiration produces the energy molecule ATP, Mucosa A membrane rich in mucous glands that lines
bacterial infection, 9, 9f 43t, 44f, 49, 49f body passages and cavities that communicate
Meniscus Piece of fibrocartilage that separates the Mitosis Type of cell division in which two daughter directly or indirectly with the exterior, such as
surfaces of bones in the knee (pl., menisci), cells receive 46 chromosomes; occurs during the digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary
123, 124f growth and repair, 58–60, 59f, 60f, 393f, tracts, 346, 348f
Menopause Termination of the menstrual cycle in 394f, 397f Mucous membrane Membrane lining a cavity or
older women, 407, 419 Mitotic spindle, 58 tube that opens to the outside of the body; also
Menses (menstruation) Loss of blood and tissue Mitotic stage, 55 called mucosa, 80
from the uterus, 407 Mitral valve Valve in the heart that controls blood Müllerian ducts, 435
Menstrual cycle Female reproductive cycle flow between the left atrium and the left Multiple sclerosis (MS) Disease in which the outer,
characterized by regularly occurring changes ventricle; prevents the blood in the ventricle myelin layer of nerve fiber insulation becomes
in the uterine lining, 407 from returning to the atrium (also called scarred, interfering with normal conduction of
Menstruation, 236, 392 bicuspid valve), 263 nerve impulses, 312
Merkel cells Cells that signal the brain that an object Mixed nerve Nerve that contains both the long Multipotent stem cell An unspecialized parent cell
has touched the skin; also called tactile cells, dendrites of sensory neurons and the long that gives rise to differentiated cells, 244, 246f
87f, 88 axons of motor neurons, 180, 181 Muscle compartment, 135
Merkel disks, 194, 195f Molar (tooth) Three posterior pairs of teeth in each Muscle fiber Muscle cell, 134, 134f, 136–138,
Mesentery Fold of peritoneal membrane that attaches human jaw with a rounded or flattened surface 136t, 137f
an abdominal organ to the abdominal wall, 80, adapted for grinding; found behind the incisors Muscle spindles, 194, 195f
352–353, 353f and canines, 344, 344f Muscle tone, 132–144, 194
Mesocolon, 353f Mole Raised growth on the skin due to an overgrowth Muscle twitch Contraction of a whole muscle in
Mesoderm The middle of the three primary germ of melanocytes, 22 response to a single stimulus, 142
layers of an embryo; source of bone, muscle, Molecule Smallest quantity of a substance that retains Muscular dystrophy Progressive muscle weakness
connective tissue, and dermis, 431, 432f its chemical properties, 2, 2f and atrophy caused by deficient dystrophin
Messenger RNA (mRNA) Nucleic acid (ribonucleic in basic chemistry, 22–23, 23f protein, 157, 453t
acid) complementary to genetic DNA; has inorganic, 24 Muscularis The smooth muscular layer of the wall of
codons that direct cell protein synthesis at the in levels of organization, 2, 2f contractile organs, such as the digestive organs
ribosomes, 46, 56, 57f, 58, 221f, 458 of life, 27–28, 27f and the bladder, 346, 348f
Metabolic waste, 373 organic, 24 Muscular system, 10. See also Skeletal muscle
Metabolism All of the chemical changes that occur polar, 24 Muscular tissue Major type of tissue that is adapted
within cells, 32 Molybdenum, 363t to contract; the three kinds of muscle are
Metacarpal Bone of the hand between the wrist and Monoblasts, 246f cardiac, smooth, and skeletal, 74–76, 74t, 75f
the finger bones, 109f, 120f Monoclonal antibody Antibody of one type that is Musculocutaneous nerve, 182t
Metaphase Stage in mitosis when chromosomes produced by cells derived from a lymphocyte Mutation Alteration of the DNA in a tissue cell, 79
align in the center of the cell, 56f, 58, 59f, 60f, that has fused with a cancer cell, 306, Myalgia Pain in a muscle or muscles, 157
394f, 395 306f, 312 Myasthenia gravis Muscle weakness due to an
Metastasis Mechanism of cancer spread in which Monocyte Type of white blood cell that functions as inability to respond to the neurotransmitter
cancer cells break off from the initial tumor, a phagocyte, 245f, 246f, 250, 296f acetylcholine, 157, 199, 312

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Myelin sheath Fatty plasma membranes of Schwann enteric, 350 Nucleic acid Large organic molecule found in the
cells that cover long neuron fibers and give in homeostasis, 12, 14f, 187 nucleus (DNA and RNA) and in the cytoplasm
them a white, glistening appearance, 77–78, limbic system in, 178 (RNA), 34–37, 35f–37f, 35t
164, 164f, 168f, 182f meninges in, 171–172, 171f, 172f Nucleolus Organelle found inside the nucleus and
Myeloblasts, 246f parasympathetic, 184–186, 185f, 186f, 186t composed largely of RNA for ribosome
Myocardial infarction Damage to the myocardium spinal cord in, 172–173, 172f formation (pl., nucleoli), 43, 43t, 44f, 46f
due to blocked circulation in the coronary sympathetic, 184, 185f, 186f, 186t Nucleosidase, 360t
arteries; a heart attack, 251, 268, 286 Nervous tissue Tissue of the nervous system, Nucleotide Building block of a nucleic acid molecule,
Myocardium Heart (cardiac) muscle consisting of consisting significantly of neurons and consisting of a sugar, a nitrogen-containing
striated muscle cells that interlock, 261f neuroglia, 77–78, 77f, 164–165, 164f base, and a phosphate group, 34–35
Myofibril Contractile portion of muscle fibers, 136, Neural folds, 431 Nucleus Large organelle that contains the
136t, 137–138, 137f Neural groove, 431 chromosomes and acts as a cell control center,
Myofilament, 136t, 137f, 138 Neural plate, 431 43, 43t, 44f, 46–47, 46f
Myoglobin Pigmented compound in muscle tissue Neural tube, 431 Nutrient absorption, 349–350
that stores oxygen, 136, 136t Neural tube defect, 431 Nutrition, 361–366, 361f, 362t–363t, 364f, 366f
Myography, 143f Neurofibromatosis, 453t Nutrition labels, 364, 364f
Myometrium, 433f Neuroglia Nonconducting nerve cells that are
Myopia Inability to see distant objects clearly, 205 intimately associated with neurons and
Myosin Thick myofilament in myofibrils that is made function in a supportive capacity, 77–78, 164 O
of protein and is capable of breaking down Neurolemmocyte Type of neuroglial cell that forms a
ATP, 31, 137. See also Actin myelin sheath around axons; also called a Obesity Excess adipose tissue; exceeding desirable
Myosin filaments, 138–139, 140f Schwann cell, 164 weight by more than 20%, 285, 365, 367, 415
Myxedema Condition resulting from a deficiency of Neuromuscular diseases, 157 Obstructive sleep apnea Sleep pattern characterized
thyroid hormone in an adult, 225 Neuromuscular junction Junction between a neuron by interruption of breathing; caused by
and a muscle fiber, 138, 139f obstruction of the upper airway by weakened
Neuron Nerve cell that characteristically has three
N parts: dendrite, cell body, and axon, 77, 77f,
or excessive tissues of the pharynx, 321
Obturator foramen, 120, 121f
164–165 Occipital bone, 109f, 110, 110f, 111f, 112f
Nail body, 90, 91f Neurotransmitter Chemical made at the ends of Occipital condyle One of two processes on the lateral
Nail root, 90 axons that is responsible for transmission portions of the occipital bone; for articulation
Nails, 90 across a synapse, 138, 139f, 167–168, with the atlas, 110, 110f, 112f
Nasal bone, 110f, 111f, 113 168f, 169f Occipitalis, 146f
Nasal cavity Space within the nose, 198f, 319f, 320t Neutral fat A triglyceride, 30 Occipital lobe Area of the cerebrum responsible for
Nasal concha, 111f, 113, 320, 320f Neutron Electrically neutral particle in an atomic vision, visual images, and other sensory
Nasolacrimal duct, 199f nucleus, 21 experiences, 175f, 207f
Nasopharynx Portion of the pharynx associated with Neutrophil Phagocytic white blood cell that normally Occluded coronary arteries Blocked blood vessels
the nasal cavity, 345f, 346 constitutes 60–70% of the white blood cell that serve the needs of the heart, 268
Natriuresis, 276 count, 245f, 246f, 248, 296f Oculomotor nerve, 200
Natural Family Planning, 410, 411t Niacin, 362t Odontoid process, 115–116, 115f
Natural killer cell (NK) Lymphocyte that causes Nipple, 409f Oil Substance, usually of plant origin and liquid at
an infected or cancerous cell to burst, 245f, Nociceptor Pain receptor, 196 room temperature, formed when a glycerol
248, 300 Nodal tissue, 264–265, 265f molecule reacts with three fatty acid
Neck, muscles in, 147–148, 147f, 148t Node of Ranvier Gap in the myelin sheath of a nerve molecules, 29–30, 30f
Necrotizing fasciitis, 76 fiber, 77, 164, 164f, 168f Olecranon fossa, 119, 119f
Negative feedback Mechanism that is activated by a Nondisjunction Failure of the chromosomes (or Olecranon process, 119, 119f
surplus imbalance and acts to correct it by chromatids) to separate during meiosis, Olfactory bulb, 198f
stopping the process that brought about the 447–449, 448f Olfactory cell Cell located high in the nasal cavity
surplus, 11–12, 11f, 12f, 400 Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus that bears receptor sites on cilia for various
Neoplasm New tissue form that may be harmless, or NIDDM Type 2 diabetes mellitus, usually chemicals and whose stimulation results in
a precursor to cancer, 79. See also Cancer characterized by gradual onset with minimal or smell, 197, 198f
Nephron Anatomical and functional unit of the no symptoms of metabolic disturbance and no Olfactory epithelium, 198f
kidney; kidney tubule, 375–377, 376f, 377f required exogenous insulin to prevent Oligodendrocytes, 77, 164
Nerve Bundle of long nerve fibers that run to and/or ketonuria and ketoacidosis, 231 Oocyte Developing female gamete, 402–403,
from the central nervous system, 77, 77f, 164 Nonpolar covalent bond Bond created when 402f, 403f
Nerve deafness Hearing impairment that usually electrons shared by adjacent atoms are shared Oogenesis Production of eggs in females by the
occurs when the cilia on the sensory receptors equally, 24 process of meiosis and maturation, 402f, 403,
within the cochlea have worn away, 212 Norepinephrine Hormone secreted by the adrenal 403f, 406f, 448f
Nerve fiber Thin process of a neuron (i.e., axon, medulla to help initiate the “fight-or-flight” Oophorectomy Surgical removal of one or both
dendrite), 77 reaction, 167, 184, 219f, 220t, 227 ovaries, 405
Nerve impulse Change in polarity that flows along Nose Specialized structure on the face that serves as Opportunistic infection Disease that arises in the
the membrane of a nerve fiber, 77 the sense organ of smell and as part of the presence of a severely impaired immune
Nerve signal conduction, 165–167, 166f respiratory system, 320–321, 320f system, 307
Nervous system, 10. See also Central nervous system Nostril One of the external orifices of the nose, Optic chiasma Structure found on the inferior surface
(CNS); Peripheral nervous system (PNS) 320, 320f of the brain where optic nerves meet and cross,
aging of, 186–187 Notochord, 432f 204, 207f, 223f
brain stem in, 174f, 179–180 Nuclear envelope Membrane surrounding the cell Optic disk, 200f, 201
in breathing, 328, 328f nucleus and separating it from the cytoplasm, Optic nerve Nerve composed of the ganglion cell
cerebellum in, 174f, 178–179 44f, 46, 46f fibers that form the innermost layer of the
cerebrospinal fluid in, 171–172, 171f, 172f Nuclear pore Opening in the nuclear envelope, 47 retina, 199f, 200f, 201, 201t, 207f
cerebrum in, 173–176, 174f–176f Nuclease, 360t Optic radiations, 207f
divisions of, 163–164, 163f

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Optic tracts, 204, 207f Ovariohysterectomy Surgical removal of the ovaries bones that is lined with mucous membrane and
Optic vesicle, 433f and uterus, 405 drains into the nasal cavity, 320, 320f
Oral cavity, 346t Ovary Female gonad; the organ that produces eggs, Paraplegia Paralysis of the lower body and legs, due
Oral contraceptives (OCs), 410 estrogen, and progesterone, 219f, 220t, 232, to injury to the spinal cord between vertebrae
Orbicularis oculi, 146, 146f, 147, 148t, 199, 199f, 200f 234, 393, 401f, 402–403, 402f, 403f, 404f, 429f T1 and L2, 177
Orbicularis oris, 146f, 147, 147f, 148t Ovulation Discharge of a mature egg from the Parasympathetic division Portion of the autonomic
Organ Structure consisting of a group of tissues that follicle within the ovary, 402f, 403, 407, nervous system that usually promotes those
perform a specialized function; a component of 408f, 428t activities associated with a normal state,
an organ system, 2 Ovum (pleural, ova) Female gamete, contributing 184–186, 185f, 186f, 186t
Organelle Part of a cell that performs a specialized most of the cytoplasm of the zygote, 426, Parathyroid gland One of four small endocrine
function, 2, 2f 426f, 429f glands embedded in the posterior portion of the
in cellular structure, 43, 43t Oxygen debt Amount of oxygen required after thyroid gland, 219f, 220t, 225–227, 225f, 226f
in levels of organization, 2, 2f anaerobic exercise to replace that used during Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Hormone secreted by
Organic molecule Carbon-containing molecule, 24 the exercise, 142 the parathyroid glands that raises the blood
Organism Individual living thing, 2, 2f Oxygen deficit Amount of oxygen needed to calcium level primarily by stimulating
Organization levels, 2, 2f metabolize the lactic acid that accumulates reabsorption of bone, 218, 219f, 220t, 226
Organ of Corti. See Spiral organ during vigorous exercise, 142 Parental cell Cell that divides so as to form daughter
Organ system Group of related organs working Oxygen transport, 329–330, 329f cells, 58, 59f
together, 2, 2f, 8–10 Oxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin bound to oxygen in a Parietal Pertaining to the wall of a cavity
Organ transplantation Replacement of a diseased or loose, reversible way, 329–330 Parietal bone, 109f, 110, 110f, 111f, 112f
defective organ with a healthy one, 386 Oxytocin Hormone released by the posterior pituitary Parietal lobe Area of the cerebrum responsible for
Orgasm Physical and emotional climax during sexual that causes contraction of uterus and milk sensations involving temperature, touch,
intercourse; results in ejaculation in the male, letdown, 219f, 220t, 222, 223f pressure, pain, and speech, 175f
399–400, 406 Parietal pericardium Outer layer of the two layers
Origin End of a muscle that is attached to a relatively of the serous pericardium, lining the fibrous
immovable part, 145, 145f P pericardium, 6f, 7, 352
Orlistat, 365 Parietal peritoneum Lines the abdominal and pelvic
Oropharynx Portion of the pharynx in the posterior Pacemaker Small region of neuromuscular tissue walls and the inferior surface of the thoracic
part of the mouth, 320f, 346 that initiates the heartbeat; also called the diaphragm, 6f, 7, 7t, 352, 353f, 374
Orthostatic hypotension, 278 SA node, 265 Parietal pleura Membrane that lines the inner wall of
Osmosis Movement of water from an area of greater Pacinian corpuscles, 195, 195f the thoracic cavity, 6f, 7, 7t
concentration to an area of lesser concentration Pain, 117, 196 Parietal serous membrane Serous membrane that
across the plasma membrane, 52, 52f, 53t Pain receptors Receptors that respond to tissue covers the inner body wall, 7, 7f
Osmotic pressure The amount of pressure needed to damage or oxygen deprivation, 194, 196 Parietal serous pericardium, 261f
stop osmosis; the potential pressure of a Palatine bone, 110f, 112f, 113 Parkinson’s disease Progressive deterioration of the
solution caused by nondiffusible solute Palatine process, 112f, 113 central nervous system due to a deficiency in
particles in the solution, 52, 244, 272 Palatine tonsil Either of two small, almond-shaped the neurotransmitter dopamine; also called
Ossicles Tiny bones in the middle ear; malleus masses located on either side of the paralysis agitans, 189
(hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup), oropharynx, composed mainly of lymphatic Parotid glands, 343f
208, 209f, 210f, 213t tissue; believed to act as sources of bacteria- Partial pressure, 329
Ossification Formation of bone, 105, 105f killing phagocytes, 297 Parturition Processes that lead to and include the
Osteoarthritis Disintegration of the cartilage Pallidotomy Surgical destruction of brain tissue for birth of a human and the expulsion of the
between bones at a synovial joint, 126 the treatment of involuntary movements in extraembryonic membranes through the
Osteoblast Bone-forming cell, 105 Parkinson’s disease, 189 terminal portion of the female reproductive
Osteoclast Cell that causes the erosion of bone, 105 Pancreas Endocrine organ located near the stomach tract, 437, 438f
Osteocyte Mature bone cell, 105 that secretes digestive enzymes into the Passive immunity Protection against infection
Osteon Cylinder-shaped units that comprise compact duodenum and produces hormones, notably acquired by transfer of antibodies to a
bone, 103, 104f insulin, 219f, 220t, 229–231, 231f, 343f, susceptible individual, 305–306, 306f
Osteoporosis Weakening of bones due to decreased 353–354, 353f, 354f, 357 Passive smoking, 333
bone mass, 106, 107 Pancreatic acinar cells, 353 Patella Bone of the kneecap, 109f, 153f, 154f
Osteoprogenitor cells Cells found on or near all of Pancreatic amylase Enzyme that digests starch to Patellar ligament, 124f, 153f, 154f
the free surfaces of bone, which undergo maltose, 354, 360t Patellar surface, 121
division and transform into osteoblasts, 105 Pancreatic duct, 354f Pathogen Disease-causing agents, such as bacteria
Otitis media Inflammation of the middle ear, 331 Pancreatic islets (of Langerhans) Distinctive groups and viruses, 243
Otolith Granule that lies above, and whose movement of cells within the pancreas that secrete insulin Pathologist Person trained in knowledge of diseases
stimulates, ciliated cells in the utricle and and glucagon, 229, 233, 233f, 354f and their symptoms, allowing for diagnosis of
saccule, 211f Pancreatic juice, 354, 354f disease, 79
Otolithic membrane, 211f, 213 Pancreatic lipase, 360t Peanut allergy, 293
Otosclerosis Overgrowth of bone that causes the Pancreatitis, 357 Pectineus, 146f, 153f
stapes to adhere to the oval window, resulting Pandemic, 311 Pectoral girdle Portion of the skeleton that provides
in conductive deafness, 214 Pantothenic acid, 362t support and attachment for the upper limbs,
Ototoxic Damaging to any of the elements of hearing Papillae, 197f 109f, 118, 118f
or balance, 212 Papillary muscle Muscle that extends inward from Pectoralis major, 146f, 149f, 150t, 151, 151f, 409f
Outer ear Portion of the ear consisting of the pinna the ventricular walls of the heart and to which Pectoralis minor, 409f
and the auditory canal, 209f the chordae tendinae attach, 262f Pedicles, 115, 115f
Oval window Membrane-covered opening between Pap smear Sample of cells removed from the tip of Pedigree Chart showing the relationships of relatives
the stapes and the inner ear, 208, 209f, 210f the cervix and then stained and examined and which ones have a particular trait, 453
Ovarian cancer Cancer of an ovary, 405 microscopically, 79, 405 Pelvic brim, 121f
Ovarian cycle, 408f Paranasal sinus One of several air-filled cavities in Pelvic cavity Hollow place within the ring formed by
Ovarian ligament, 404f the maxillary, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid the sacrum and coxal bones, 6f, 7, 7t

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Pelvic girdle Portion of the skeleton to which the Peyer patches Lymphatic organs located in small Plasma membrane Membrane that surrounds the
lower limbs are attached, 109f, 120–121, 121f intestine, 298 cytoplasm of cells and regulates the passage of
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Latent infection Phagocytosis Taking in of bacteria and/or debris by molecules into and out of the cell, 43, 43t, 44f,
of gonorrhea or chlamydia in the vasa engulfing; also called cell eating, 53t, 55 45–46, 45f, 51–55, 52f–55f, 53t
deferentia or uterine tubes, 410, 412t, 417 Phalanges Bones of the fingers and thumb in the Plasmin, 251
Pelvis, 120, 121f hand and of the toes in the foot (sing., Platelet Cell-like disks formed from fragmentation of
Penis Male excretory and copulatory organ, 393, phalanx), 109f, 120, 120f, 122f, 123 megakaryocytes that initiate blood clotting, 74,
396f, 398f, 399, 399f Pharyngeal arch, 433f 74f, 245f, 250–251, 250f
Pentose Five-carbon sugar; deoxyribose is the Pharyngeal tonsil Diffuse lymphatic tissue and Platelet-derived growth factor, 236
pentose sugar found in DNA; ribose is a follicles in the roof and posterior wall of the Platelet plug platelets that stick and cling to each
pentose sugar found in RNA, 28 nasopharynx, 297, 320f, 321 other in order to seal a break in a blood vessel
Pepsin Protein-digesting enzyme produced by the Pharynx Common passageway for both food intake wall, 250
stomach, 348, 360t and air movement; the throat, 319f, 320f, 320t, Pleura (pl., pleurae) Serous membrane that covers
Peptidase Enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of 321, 343f, 346, 346t the lungs and lines the walls of the chest and
polypeptides, 359, 360t Phenotype Physical manifestation of a trait that the diaphragm, 6f, 7, 7t, 80, 323, 325
Peptide bond Bond that joins two amino acids, 32 results from the action of a particular set of Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura, 9
Peptide hormone Type of hormone that is a protein, genes, 450 Pneumonectomy Surgical removal of all or part of a
a peptide, or derived from an amino acid, 218, Phenteramine-topiramate, 365 lung, 336
221f, 437t Pheromones, 236, 392 Pneumonia Infection of the lungs that causes alveoli
Perforating canals, 103, 104f Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein, 274 to fill with mucus and pus, 331, 332f
Perforin Protein released by cytotoxic T cells that Phosphatase, 360t Pneumothorax, 323
attaches to an antigen, 304 Phospholipid Lipid that contains two fatty acid PNS. See Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Pericardial cavity Cavity around the heart created by molecules and a phosphate group combined Podocyte, 383f
the pericardial sac, 6f, 7, 7t, 261f with a glycerol molecule, 30, 31f Poisoning, 26
Pericardial fluid Fluid found in small amounts in Phosphorus, 363t Polar body Small, nonfunctional cell that is a product
the potential space between the parietal and Photoreceptors Cells in the retina of the eye that of meiosis in the female, 403, 403f, 455f
visceral laminae of the serous pericardium, can respond to light stimuli, 194, 198–199, Polar covalent bond Bond created when electrons
7, 261 203, 203f shared by adjacent atoms are shared
Pericarditis Inflammation of the pericardium, 9 Phrenic nerve, 182t unequally, 24
Pericardium Protective serous membrane that pH scale Measure of the hydrogen ion concentration; Polar molecule Combination of atoms in which the
surrounds the heart, 6f, 7, 80, 261f any pH below 7 is acidic, and any pH above 7 electrical charge is not distributed
Perilymph, 208 is basic, 25–27, 26f, 337, 373 symmetrically, 24
Perimysium, 135, 135f Physiology Branch of science dealing with the study Pole During cell division, the elongated side of a
Perineurium, 182f of body functions, 2 cell, 58
Periodontal disease, 286 Pia mater Innermost meningeal layer that is in Polycythemia Abnormally high number of red blood
Periodontal membrane, 344f direct contact with the brain and spinal cord, cells in the blood, 247
Periodontitis Inflammation of the periodontal 171f, 172 Polydactyly, 453t
membrane that lines tooth sockets, causing loss Piercings, 98 Polydipsia Chronic, excessive intake of water, 230
of bone and loosening of teeth, 344, 360 Pineal gland Small endocrine gland, located in the Polyp Small, abnormal growth on any mucous
Periosteum Fibrous connective tissue covering the third ventricle of the brain, that secretes membrane, such as in the large intestine,
surface of bone, 103, 104f, 124f, 135f melatonin and is involved in biorhythms, 174f, 356–357
Peripheral Situated away from the center of the body 176, 219f, 220t, 234, 235f Polypeptide A compound formed by the union of
or an organ, 3f, 4 Pinna Outer, funnel-like structure of the ear that many amino acid molecules, 32, 33f
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Nerves and picks up sound waves, 208, 209f, 213t Polyphagia Excessive eating, 230
ganglia of the nervous system that lie outside Pinocytosis Form of endocytosis in which the cell Polyribosome String of ribosomes simultaneously
the brain and spinal cord, 163, 163f, 180–186, takes in liquids, 53t, 55 translating regions of the same mRNA strand
181t, 182f–186f, 182t, 186t. See also Nervous Pituitary dwarfism Condition in which a person has during protein synthesis, 44f, 47
system normal proportions but small stature; caused Polysaccharide Carbohydrate composed of many
Peripheral resistance, 276, 276f by inadequate growth hormone, 224, 224f bonded glucose units—for example, glycogen,
Peristalsis Rhythmical contraction that moves the Pituitary gland (hypophysis) Endocrine gland 28–29
contents along in tubular organs, such as the attached to the base of the brain that consists of Polyuria Excessive output of urine, 230
digestive tract, 345f, 347, 360 anterior and posterior lobes, 218, 219f, 220t, Poly-X female Female who has more than two X
Peritoneal cavity, 353f 222–224, 223f–225f, 283f chromosomes, 446t, 449
Peritoneum Serous membrane that lines the Pivot joint The end of a bone moving within a ring Pons Portion of the brain stem above the medulla
abdominopelvic cavity and encloses the formed by another bone and connective tissue, oblongata and below the midbrain; assists the
abdominal viscera, 80, 352–353, 353f 124, 125f medulla oblongata in regulating the breathing
Peritonitis Generalized infection of the lining of the Placenta Structure formed from the chorion and rate, 174f, 179
abdominal cavity, 9, 356 uterine tissue, through which nutrient and Popliteal artery, 277f, 280f
Peritubular capillary network Capillary network waste exchange occurs for the embryo and Popliteal vein, 281f
that surrounds a nephron and functions in later the fetus, 284f, 428, 432, 434, 434f, 438f Portal system A system of veins that begins and ends
reabsorption during urine formation, Placental membrane Semipermeable membrane that in capillaries, 222, 223f
375, 378f separates the fetal from the maternal blood in Portal triad Grouping of the tributaries of the hepatic
Permeability, 51 the placenta, 432 artery, vein, and bile duct at the angles of the
Pernicious anemia Insufficiency of mature red blood Planes, body, 5, 5f lobules of the liver, 354–355, 355f
cells, due to poor absorption of vitamin B12, Plaque Accumulation of soft masses of fatty material, Positive feedback Process by which changes cause
249, 254 particularly cholesterol, beneath the inner more changes of a similar type, producing
Peroxisomes Small vesicles within a cell which linings of arteries, 267 unstable conditions, 12, 13f, 222
contain enzymes for the breakdown of fatty Plasma Liquid portion of blood, 243, 244, 245f, 380f Posterior Toward the back; opposite of anterior, 3, 3f
acids and hydrogen peroxide, 43t, 47 Plasma cell Cell derived from a B lymphocyte that is Posterior body cavity, 6, 6f
Perpendicular plate, 110f, 111f, 113 specialized to mass-produce antibodies, 301 Posterior cerebral artery, 283f

Glossary/Index GI-18

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Posterior communicating artery, 283f PRL. See Prolactin (PRL) Pulmonary arteriole, 324f
Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) Portion of Process, 107t Pulmonary artery Blood vessel that takes blood
the pituitary gland connected by a stalk to the Processing centers, 175–176 away from the heart to the lungs, 260f, 262f,
hypothalamus, 219f, 220t, 222, 223f, 381, Progesterone Female sex hormone secreted by the 264f, 279, 284f, 324f
409, 437 ovaries that, along with estrogen, promotes the Pulmonary capillaries Capillaries found between
Posterior (dorsal)-root ganglion Mass of sensory development and maintenance of the primary pulmonary arterioles and pulmonary venules,
neuron cell bodies located in the dorsal root of and secondary female sex characteristics, 219f, 262, 320t, 323, 324f
a spinal nerve, 172f, 173 220t, 232, 402f, 406, 406f, 411t, 414, 437t Pulmonary circuit Path of blood through vessels that
Posterior superior iliac spine, 120, 121f Progestin, 412t take O2-poor blood to and O2-rich blood away
Posterior tibial artery, 277f, 280f Prolactin (PRL) Hormone secreted by the anterior from the lungs, 260, 260f
Posterior tibial vein, 281f pituitary that stimulates milk production in the Pulmonary edema Excessive fluid in the lungs
Postganglionic fiber In the autonomic nervous mammary glands; also known as lactogenic caused by congestive heart failure, 286, 297
system, the axon that leaves, rather than goes hormone, 219f, 220t, 223f, 224 Pulmonary embolism Blockage of a pulmonary
to, a ganglion, 183, 184, 186f Prolactin-inhibiting hormone (PIH), 224 artery by a blood clot that commonly originates
Potassium, 363t, 382 Promoter Any influence that causes a mutated cancer in a vein of the lower legs, 274
Power stroke During muscle contraction, the action cell to start growing in an uncontrolled Pulmonary fibrosis Accumulation of fibrous
that pulls thin filaments to the center of the manner, 79 connective tissue in the lungs; caused by
sarcomere, 138 Pronation Rotation of the forearm so that the palm inhaling irritating particles, such as silica, coal
Prediabetes, 231 faces backward, 125, 126f dust, or asbestos, 332, 332f
Pre-embryonic development, 428–429, 428t, 429f Prophase Stage of mitosis when chromosomes Pulmonary semilunar valve, 262, 262f
Prefrontal area Association area in the frontal lobe become visible, 56f, 58, 59f, 60f, 394f, 395 Pulmonary trunk, 262, 262f, 264f
that receives information from other Proprioceptor Sensory receptor that assists the brain Pulmonary tuberculosis Tuberculosis of the lungs,
association areas and uses it to reason and plan in knowing the position of the limbs, 194 caused by the tubercle bacillus, 331–332, 332f
actions, 175, 175f Prostaglandins Hormones that have various and Pulmonary vein Blood vessel that takes blood away
Preganglionic fiber In the autonomic nervous powerful effects, often within the cells that from the lungs to the heart, 260f, 262f, 264f,
system, the axon that goes to, rather than produce them, 236, 398 279, 284f, 324f
leaves, a ganglion, 184, 185f Prostate cancer, 387 Pulmonary venules, 262, 324f
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), 454, Prostate enlargement, 387 Pulp, 344, 344f
455–456, 455f Prostate gland Gland situated around the base of the Pulse Vibration felt in arterial walls due to expansion
Premature birth Child born before full term and male urethra; secretes a viscous alkaline fluid of the aorta following ventricular contraction,
weighing 5 pounds, 8 ounces, or less, 439 that is a major constituent of the ejaculatory 276–277, 277f
Premolars, 344f fluid, 374, 395, 396f, 398, 398f, 398t Punnett square, 451–452
Premotor area, 175, 175f Protease Enzyme that digests protein, 307 Pupil Opening in the center of the iris that controls
Prenatal care, 440–441 Protective proteins, 300 the amount of light entering the eye, 199f, 200,
Prepuce, 396f, 399f Protein Macromolecule composed of amino acids, 200f, 201t
Presbycusis Loss of hearing that accompanies old 31–34, 33f, 300, 364, 364f Purkinje fiber Specialized muscle fiber that conducts
age, 213 Protein synthesis, 56, 57f the cardiac impulse from the AV bundle into
Presbyopia A visual condition that occurs with age Prothrombin Plasma protein made by the liver that the ventricular walls, 264–265, 265f
and is caused by loss of lens elasticity; results must be present in blood before clotting can Pus Thick, yellowish fluid composed of dead
in defective accommodation and inability to occur, 250, 250f phagocytes, dead tissue, and bacteria, 300
focus sharply for near vision, 213 Prothrombin activator Enzyme that catalyzes the Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the kidney; due to
Primary auditory area, 175f transformation of the precursor prothrombin to bacterial infection, 385
Primary germ layers Three layers (endoderm, the active enzyme thrombin, 250f, 251 Pyloric region Distal-most portion of the stomach;
mesoderm, and ectoderm) of embryonic cells Proton Positively charged particle in an atomic joins the duodenum of the small intestine,
that develop into specific tissues and organs, nucleus, 21 348, 348f
431, 432f Proximal Closer to the midline or origin; opposite of Pyloric sphincter, 348f
Primary motor area Area in the frontal lobe distal, 3f, 4 Pylorus, 348f
where voluntary commands begin; each Proximal convoluted tubule Highly coiled region of
section controls a part of the body, 173–174, a nephron near the glomerular capsule,
175f, 176f 375–376, 376f, 377f, 383f
Primary olfactory area, 175f Pseudostratified columnar Appearance of layering
Primary ossification center, 105 in some epithelial cells when, actually, each Quadrants, abdominopelvic, 8f
Primary respiratory center Group of neurons in cell touches a baseline and true layers do not Quadriceps femoris, 146, 153f
the medulla oblongata that regulates exist, 66t, 68, 68f, 322, 322f Quadriceps femoris group, 152t, 153
respiration, 327 Psoas major, 153f Quadriceps tendon, 153f
Primary somatosensory area Area posterior to the Psoriasis Common chronic, inherited skin disease in Quadriplegia Paralysis of the entire body and all four
central sulcus where sensory information which red patches are covered with scales; limbs, due to injury to the spinal cord between
arrives from the skin and skeletal muscles, occurs most often on the elbows, knees, scalp, vertebrae C4 and T1, 177
174, 175f, 176f and trunk, 88, 333 Quaternary structure, 32
Primary spermatocyte Cell dividing into two PTH. See Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
secondary spermatocytes, 396, 397f Puberty Stage of development in which the R
Primary structure, 32 reproductive organs become functional, 232,
Primary taste area, 174, 175f 393, 400–401 Radial artery, 277f, 280f
Primary visual area, 174–175, 175f, 207f Pubic arch, 121f Radial nerve, 182t
Prime mover For muscle action, that muscle or group Pubic bone, 396f, 401f Radial notch, 119f, 120
of muscles that carries out the primary action; Pubic symphysis Slightly movable cartilaginous joint Radial tuberosity, 119, 119f
for example, the biceps brachii is the prime between the anterior surfaces of the hip bones, Radial vein, 281f
mover for elbow flexion, 145 120, 121f, 438f Radioactive isotope Atom whose nucleus undergoes
Prion Proteinaceous infectious particles; thought to Pubis Anterior-most bone of the three bones that degeneration and in the process gives off
cause neurological disease, 34 comprise the pelvic bone, 120, 121f radiation, 22

GI-19 Glossary/Index

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Radius Elongated bone located on the thumb side of in homeostasis, 13, 15f, 419 Rickets Defective mineralization of the skeleton,
the lower arm, 109f, 119, 119f, 120f human life cycle and, 393–395, 394f, 395f usually due to inadequate vitamin D in the
Rape, 421 male, 395–401, 396f–400f body, 22, 92, 92f
Receptor potential In sensory receptors, graded Residual volume Volume of air that remains in the Right lymphatic duct, 294, 295f
potentials that can be summed together to lungs after normal exhalation, 327, 327f Rigor mortis, 144
signal other neurons to create an action Respiration Transport and exchange of gases RNA. See Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
potential, 167, 194 between the atmosphere and the cells via the Rod cell Dim-light receptor in the retina of the eye
Recessive allele Hereditary factor that expresses itself lungs and blood vessels, 328–329, 330–336, that detects motion but not color, 201, 201t,
only when two copies are present in the 332f, 335f. See also Respiratory system 203, 204
genotype, 450 Respiratory capacities, 326–327, 326f Romanov family, 445
Recruitment Increase in the number of motor Respiratory distress syndrome, 439 Root canal, 344f
units activated as intensity of stimulation Respiratory membrane Alveolar wall plus the Root ganglia, 172f, 173
increases, 143 capillary wall, across which gas exchange Root hair plexus, 194, 195f
Rectum Terminal portion of the intestine, 343f, 351, occurs, 324–325, 324f Rotation Movement of a bone around its own
352f, 353f, 401f, 438f Respiratory pump, 275–276 longitudinal axis, 125, 126f, 148
Rectus abdominis, 146, 146f, 149, 149f, 149t Respiratory system, 10 Rotational equilibrium Maintenance of balance
Rectus femoris, 146f, 153f acid-base balance and, 383–384 when the head and body are suddenly moved
Red blood cell. See Erythrocyte aging of, 336 or rotated, 210, 211f, 213, 213t
Red bone marrow Blood cell-forming tissue located breathing in, 325–328, 326f–328f Rotator cuff, 150f, 150t, 151, 151f
in spaces within certain bones, 103, 104f, functions of, 319 Rough ER Endoplasmic reticulum that is studded
294–296, 295f, 296f gas exchange in, 324f, 328–330, 329f with ribosomes on the side of the membrane
Reduced hemoglobin (HHb) Hemoglobin that is in homeostasis, 13, 15f, 337 that faces the cytoplasm, 43t, 44f, 46f, 48f. See
carrying hydrogen ions, 273, 330 infections, 330–332 also Smooth ER
Reduction To align the ends of a fractured bone so lungs in, 323–325, 324f Round ligament of liver, 355f
that proper healing can occur, 108 Respiratory tract, 319–323, 319f–322f, 320t Round window Membrane-covered opening
Referred pain Pain perceived as having come from a Respiratory volumes, 326–327, 326f between the inner ear and the middle ear,
site other than that of its actual origin, 196 Resting potential Potential energy of a resting 208, 209f, 210f
Reflex Automatic, involuntary response of an neuron, created by separating unlike Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 367, 367f
organism to a stimulus, 183, 184f charges across the neuron cell membrane, RU-486, 415
Refractory period During an action potential, the 165, 166f Rubella An acute, infectious disease affecting the
time during which a second stimulus won’t Restrictive pulmonary disorders, 332 respiratory tract in children and nonimmune
cause a second action potential, 167 Reticular connective tissue Collagen fibers that form young adults; characterized by a slight cold,
Renal artery Vessel that originates from the aorta the framework for lymphoid organs, 70 sore throat, and fever, and the appearance of a
and delivers blood to the kidney, 260f, 279t, Reticular fibers Thin, highly branched, collagenous fine, pink rash, 440
280f, 376f, 378f fibers that form delicate supporting networks, 69 Ruffini endings, 195, 195f
Renal calculi, 385, 387 Reticular formation Nerve cells and fibers situated Rugae Deep folds, as in the wall of the stomach,
Renal corpuscle The part of a nephron that consists primarily in the brain stem and functioning 347, 348f
of the glomerulus and surrounding Bowman’s upon stimulation, especially in arousal,
capsule, 375 179–180
Renal cortex Outer, primarily vascular portion of the Reticulocytes, 246f, 247
kidney, 375, 376f, 381f Retina Innermost layer of the eyeball that contains
Renal medulla Inner portion of the kidney, including the rod cells and cones cells, 200f, 201, 201t, Saccule Saclike cavity of the inner ear that contains
the renal pyramids, 375, 376f, 381f 203–204, 204f receptors for gravitational equilibrium, 211f,
Renal pelvis Inner cavity of the kidney formed by the Retinal A form of vitamin A, 203, 203f 213, 213t
expanded ureter and into which the collecting Retinal hemorrhage, 208 Sacral nerves, 183f
ducts open, 375, 376f Retinopathy of prematurity, 439 Sacroiliac joint Connection between the coxal bone
Renal pyramid, 376f Retrovirus Any of the family of single-stranded and the sacrum, 120, 121f
Renal transplantation, 386 RNA viruses, 307 Sacrum Bone consisting of five fused vertebrae that
Renal tubule The part of a nephron that leads away Rheumatoid arthritis Persistent inflammation of form the posterior wall of the pelvic girdle,
from a glomerulus; is made up of a proximal synovial joints, often causing cartilage 109f, 114f, 116, 121f
convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, and distal destruction, bone erosion, and joint Saddle joint Two bones joined, having convex and
convoluted tubule, and empties into a deformities, 126, 312 concave surfaces that are complementary,
collecting tubule, 375–377, 377f Rh factor Type of antigen on red blood cells, 124, 125f
Renal vein Vessel that takes blood from the kidney to 253–254, 254f Sagittal plane Plane or section that divides a
the inferior vena cava, 260f, 281f, 376f, 378f Rhodopsin Light-sensitive biochemical in the rod structure into right and left portions, 5, 5f
Renin Secretion from the kidney that activates cells of the retina; visual purple, 203 Sagittal suture Line of junction between the two
angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, 228, Rib cage Bony framework of the thoracic cavity; parietal bones in the cranium, 123
276, 382 created by the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, costal Salivary amylase In humans, enzyme in saliva that
Replacement reactions Chemical reaction involving cartilages, and sternum, 109f, 116–117, 116f digests starch to maltose, 345–346, 360t
both decomposition and synthesis, in which Riboflavin, 362t Salivary gland Gland associated with the mouth,
two new compounds are formed, 34 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) Nucleic acid that helps secretes saliva, 343f, 344–346
Replication Production of an exact copy of a DNA DNA in protein synthesis, 35, 35t, 58 Salpingectomy Surgical removal of the uterine
sequence, 56, 57f Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) RNA (ribonucleic acid) tubes, 405
Repolarization Recovery of a neuron’s polarity to occurring in ribosomes, structures involved in Salt Compound produced by a reaction between an
the resting potential after the neuron ceases protein synthesis, 58 acid and a base, 22
transmitting impulses, 165, 166f, 168f Ribosome Minute particle, found attached to the Saltatory conduction Conduction of an action
Reproduction, 10 endoplasmic reticulum or loose in the potential down the length of a myelinated
Reproductive system, 10 cytoplasm, that is the site of protein synthesis, axon, by jumping from one node of Ranvier to
aging of, 419 43t, 44f, 46f, 47, 48f the next, 167
female, 401–409, 401f–404f, 406f, 408f, 409f Ribs, 109f, 116, 116f Salt balance, 373
SA node. See Sinoatrial (SA) node

Glossary/Index GI-20

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Sarcolemma, 136, 136t, 137f, 139f Sensory neuron Neuron that takes the nerve impulse Simple diffusion Movement of a substance from high
Sarcoma Cancer that arises in striated muscle, to the central nervous system; also known as to low concentration, caused by kinetic energy,
cartilage, or bone, 79, 94, 94f an afferent neuron, 164, 164f, 194 51–52, 52f, 53t
Sarcomere Structural and functional unit of a Sensory receptor Sensory structure specialized to Simple (endemic) goiter Condition in which an
myofibril, 137–138, 137f receive information from the environment and enlarged thyroid produces low levels of
Sarcoplasm, 136, 136t, 137f to generate nerve impulses, 194, 195f thyroxine, 225, 225f
Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 136, 136t, 137f Sensory speech area, 175f Simple squamous epithelium Covering of the
Sartorius, 146f, 152t, 153, 153f Sensory system, 12, 180 internal and external surfaces of the body;
Satiety, 235 aging of, 213–214 composed of a single layer of flattened,
Saturated fatty acid Organic molecule that includes equilibrium in, 210–213, 211f, 212t, 213t platelike cells, 66–67, 66f, 66t, 67f
a fatty acid molecule which lacks double bonds hearing in, 208–210, 209f–211f Simple tissue Tissue composed of a single layer of
between the atoms of its carbon chain, 30 senses in, 194–196, 195f cells, 66, 66t
Scapula Large bone in the posterior shoulder area smell in, 196, 197–198, 198f Singultus Technical term for hiccup, 318
(pl., scapulae), 109f, 118, 118f taste in, 196, 197f Sinoatrial (SA) node Small region of neuromuscular
Schwann cell Cell that surrounds a fiber of a vision in, 198–207, 199f, 200f, 201t, 202f–207f tissue that initiates the heartbeat; also called
peripheral nerve and forms the neurilemmal September 11 attacks, 345 the pacemaker, 264, 265f
sheath and myelin, 77, 164, 164f Serosa, 347 Sinus Cavity; for example, the sinuses in the human
Sciatic nerve, 182t Serositis Inflammation of a serous membrane, 9, 9f skull, 107t, 110, 112f, 320, 320f
SCID. See Severe combined immunodeficiency Serous fluid Fluid found in the space between Sinusitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane
disease (SCID) visceral and parietal pleurae, 7 lining a paranasal sinus, 110, 331
Sclera White, fibrous outer layer of the eyeball, 200, Serous membrane Membrane that covers internal Sister chromatids Two chromatids of a chromosome,
200f, 201t organs and lines cavities lacking an opening to held together by a centromere, 393
Scoliosis Abnormal lateral (side-to-side) curvature of the outside of the body; also called serosa, 7f, 80 Skeletal muscle Contractile tissue that comprises the
the vertebral column, 114, 114f Serratus anterior, 146f, 149, 149f, 150f, 150t muscles attached to the skeleton; also called
Scorpion, 20 Sertoli cells, 396 striated muscle, 74–75, 74t, 75f, 134, 134f,
Scrotal sac, 397f Serum Light-yellow liquid left after clotting of the 145–146, 146f
Scrotum Pouch of skin that encloses the testes, 7, blood, 251 aging of, 154
395, 396f Severe combined immunodeficiency disease anatomy, 136–138, 137f
Sebaceous gland Gland of the skin that secretes (SCID) Congenital illness in which both characteristics of, 135–136, 135f
sebum, 88, 92 antibody-and cell-mediated immunity are contraction of, 136–138, 137f, 144–145
Sebum Oily secretion of the sebaceous glands, 92 lacking or inadequate, 313 groups, 146–153, 147f, 148t–150t, 149f–151f,
Secondary sex characteristic Trait that is sometimes Sex chromosome Chromosome responsible for the 152t, 153f, 154f
helpful but not absolutely necessary for development of characteristics associated homeostasis and, 154–157, 156t
reproduction and is maintained by the sex with maleness or femaleness; an X or Y hypertrophy of, 144
hormones in males and females, 400, 406 chromosome, 449, 449f, 450f insertion of, 145, 145f
Secondary spermatocyte One of the two cells into Sex-linked Allele that occurs on the sex chromosomes origin of, 145, 145f
which a primary spermatocyte divides, and but may control a trait that has nothing to do responses, 142–145, 143f
which in turn gives rise to spermatids, 396, 397f with the sex characteristics of an individual, Skeletal muscle pump, 275, 275f
Secondary structure, 32 451, 451f Skeletal remains, 128
Second-degree burns, 96 Sex-linked traits, 451 Skeletal system, 10, 12, 14f, 123–127, 124f–127f
Secretin Intestinal hormone that stimulates secretion Sexual assault, 421 Skeleton, 103–109, 103f–105f, 107t, 108f, 109f
by the pancreas and liver, 350, 351, 351f Sexually transmitted infection A bacterial, viral, or appendicular, 110, 118–123, 118f–122f
Secretory vesicle, 48f parasitic infection resulting from sexual axial, 109–117, 109f–112f, 114f–116f
Sections, body, 5, 5f intercourse, 416–417, 417f, 418 functions of, 103
Selectively permeable Membrane that allows some Sexual response, 399–400, 406 Skin. See also Integumentary system
molecules through but not others, 51 Shaken baby syndrome, 208 accessory structures of, 89–92, 90f, 91f
Selenium, 363t Shock A state of profound depression of the vital aging of, 97
Sella turcica Saddle-shaped area of the sphenoid bone; processes of the body that is characterized by cancer, 93–94, 94f
houses the pituitary gland, 110f, 112f, 113 pallor, rapid but weak pulse, rapid and shallow disorders, 93–94, 94f
Semen Sperm-containing secretion of males; seminal respiration, reduced total blood volume, and functions of, 92–93
fluid plus sperm, 395 low blood pressure; usually is caused by severe glands in, 91–92, 91f
Semicircular canal Tubular structure within the allergic reactions, injuries, hemorrhage, burns, in homeostasis, 97
inner ear with ampullae that contain the or major surgery, 76, 96, 252, 312 sensory receptors in, 194–196, 195f
receptors responsible for the sense of rotational Shoulder, 149–151, 149f, 150f, 150t structure of, 87–89, 87f
equilibrium, 208, 209f, 210f, 211f, 213t Siamese twins, 425, 429 wound healing in, 94, 95f
Semilunar valve Valve resembling a half-moon Sickle-cell disease Hereditary disease in which red blood Skull, 109f–112f, 110–113, 128, 128f
located between the ventricles and their cells are narrow and curved so that they are unable SLE. See Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
attached vessels, 262, 262f, 263 to pass through capillaries and are destroyed, Sleep apnea, 321
Semimembranosus, 146f, 153f causing chronic anemia, 249, 249f, 453t Sliding filament theory Muscles contract when the
Seminal fluid Sperm-containing secretion of males; Sigmoid colon Portion of the large intestine that is thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments move
also called semen, 395, 398 S-shaped and extends from the descending past each other, shortening the skeletal muscle
Seminal vesicle Convoluted, saclike structure colon to the rectum, 351, 352f cells, 138
attached to vas deferens near the base of the Simple carbohydrates, 28 Slow-twitch fibers, 144
bladder in males; contributes to seminal fluid, Simple columnar epithelium Covering of the Small intestine Portion of the digestive tract that
395, 396f, 398, 398f, 398t internal and external surfaces of the body; extends from the lower opening of the stomach
Seminiferous tubule Highly coiled duct within the composed of a single layer of tall, prismatic to the large intestine, 343f, 346t, 349–351,
male testes that produces and transports sperm, cells, 66t, 68, 68f 349f–351f, 353f, 359f
396, 397f, 400f Simple cuboidal epithelium Covering of the internal Small saphenous vein, 281f
Semitendinosus, 146f, 153f and external surfaces of the body; composed of Smell, 196, 197–198, 198f
Sensation, 77 a single layer of cube-shaped cells, 66t, 67, 67f Smoker’s cough, 333

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Smoking, 42, 285, 333–334 Spirometer Instrument for measuring the air entering Stratum spinosum, 87f, 88
Smooth ER Synthesizes the phospholipids that occur in and leaving the lungs, 326–327, 326f Strep throat, 331
membranes, among other functions, depending Spleen Large, glandular organ located in the upper Stress incontinence, 440
on the particular cell, 43t, 44f, 46f, 48f left region of the abdomen that stores and Striae gravidarum Stretch marks of pregnancy; caused
Smooth muscle Contractile tissue that comprises the purifies blood, 295f, 296 by weakening of collagen in the skin, 440
muscles in the walls of internal organs; also Splenic vein, 282f Striations, 134, 134f
called visceral muscle, 74t, 75, 75f, 134–135, Sponge, contraceptive, 411t Stroke. See Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
134f, 140, 156 Spongy bone Bone found at the ends of long bones; Stroke volume (SV), 266, 270
Snellen chart, 205 consists of bars and plates separated by irregular Sty Inflammation of a sebaceous gland, 199
Sodium intake, 285, 363t, 382 spaces, 69t, 72, 73f, 103–105, 104f, 124f Subarachnoid space, 172
Sodium-potassium pump, 165, 166f, 168f Sports, 234–235, 235f Subclavian artery Either of two arteries branching
Soft palate Entirely muscular posterior portion of the Sprain Joint injury in which some of the fibers of a off the aortic arch and supplying the arms,
roof of the mouth, 344, 344f, 345f supporting ligament are ruptured, but the 262f, 264f, 279, 279t, 280f
Solute The substance dissolved in a solution, 52 continuity of the ligament remains intact, 157 Subclavian vein, 280, 281f, 295f
Solvent Major component of a solution, usually Squamosal suture Type of suture formed by Subcutaneous injection Introduction of a substance
liquid or gas, 24 overlapping of the broad, beveled edges of the beneath the skin, using a syringe, 88
Somatic system Portion of the peripheral nervous participating bones, 111f Subcutaneous tissue Tissue beneath the dermis that
system containing motor neurons that control Squamous cell carcinoma Type of skin cancer that tends to contain fat cells, 87, 87f
skeletal muscles, 180 occurs in the epidermis; has warty appearance, Subdural hematoma Accumulation of blood
Somatosensory association area, 175, 175f bleeds, and/or forms a scab, 93, 94f between the dura mater and the brain, 179
Somatostatin, 220t, 229, 230 Squamous epithelium, 66, 66t Sublingual glands, 343f
Somatotropin. See Growth hormone (GH) Squamous tissue Tissue formed from groups of Submandibular glands, 343f
Somite, 433f flattened cells, 110f Submucosa, 346
Spasm Sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of a Stapes The last of three ossicles of the ear; serves Subscapularis, 150t
muscle or a group of muscles, 157 with the malleus and incus to conduct Substrate The reactant in an enzymatic reaction, 32
muscle, 157 vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the Sucrase, 360t
vascular, 250 oval window of the inner ear, 208, 209f, 210f Sucrose, 28
Specific heat capacity Amount of energy needed to Staphylococcus aureus, 310 Summation In muscle contraction, increased
change an object’s temperature by exactly 18C, 25 Starch Polysaccharide that is common in foods of contraction until maximal sustained
Sperm Male gamete having a haploid number of plant origin, 28, 29f contraction is achieved, 143, 143f
chromosomes and the ability to fertilize an egg, Static equilibrium, 210, 211f Superficial Near the surface, 3f, 4
the female gamete, 393, 396, 397f, 426, 426f Stem cell A precursor cell, 244, 246f, 255 Superficial fascia, 135
Spermatic cord Cord that suspends the testis within Stent Device used to prop open or reinforce a blood Superficial temporal artery, 277f, 280f
the scrotum; contains the vas deferens and vessel, 268 Superior Toward the upper part of a structure or
vessels and nerves of the testis, 397f, 398 Stereoscopic vision, 207 toward the head, 3, 3f
Spermatid Intermediate stage in the formation of Sterilization, 410, 412t Superior mesenteric artery, 279t, 280f
sperm cells, 397f Sternocleidomastoid, 146, 146f, 147f, 148, 148t, 149f Superior mesenteric vein, 282f
Spermatocytes, 396, 397f Sternum Breastbone to which the ribs are ventrally Superior nasal concha, 113, 320f
Spermatogenesis Sperm production in males by the attached, 109f, 116–117, 116f Superior oblique, 199, 200f
process of meiosis and maturation, 396–397, 397f Steroid Lipid-soluble, biologically active molecules Superior rectus, 199, 199f, 200f
Spermatogonia, 396, 397f having four interlocking rings; examples are Superior vena cava Large vein that enters the right
Spermatozoa Developing male gametes, 396 cholesterol, progesterone, and testosterone, 29, atrium from above and carries blood from the
Sperm count, 415 30, 31f, 234–235, 235f head, thorax, and upper limbs to the heart,
Spermicide, 411t Steroid hormone Type of hormone that has the same 262f, 264f, 279, 281f, 281t, 284f
S phase, 56, 56f complex of four-carbon rings, but each one has Supination Rotation of the forearm so that the palm
Sphenoid bone, 111f, 112f, 113 different side chains, 218, 221f faces forward when in the anatomical position,
Sphenoid sinus, 320f Stimulus In nerve physiology, energy needed to 125, 126f
Sphincter Muscle that surrounds a tube and closes or cause a neuron to respond, 165 Suprahyoid muscles, 148
opens the tube by contracting and relaxing, 347 Stomach Saclike, expandable digestive organ located Supraspinatus, 150f, 150t, 151f
Sphygmomanometer, 277, 277f between the esophagus and the small intestine, Surface tension Force that holds moist membranes
Spina bifida Disorder caused by failure of the neural 343f, 346t, 347–349, 348f, 353f together when water molecules attract, 323
tube to close, 431 Stomach disorders, 356 Surfactant Agent that reduces the surface tension of
Spinal ataxia, 453t Strain An overstretching or overexertion of some water; in the lungs, a surfactant prevents the
Spinal cord Portion of the central nervous system muscles, 157 alveoli from collapsing, 324, 324f
extending downward from the brain stem Strand, 35 Suspensory ligament of eyeball, 200f, 201t, 202f
through the vertebral canal, 172–173, 172f Stratified Layered, as in stratified epithelium, which Suspensory ligament of uterus, 404f
Spinal cord injury, epidural stimulation in, 177 contains several layers of cells, 66t, 68, 68f Sustentacular cell In the testis, a supporting epithelial
Spinal meningitis Inflammation of the meninges of Stratified cuboidal epithelium Tissue created by cell; also called a Sertoli cell, 396, 397f
the spinal cord, 82 layers of cube-shaped cells; found in gland Suture Type of immovable joint articulation found
Spinal nerve Nerve that arises from the spinal cord, ducts, 66t, 67, 67f between bones of the skull, 110
172f, 182f, 183f Stratified squamous epithelium Covering of the internal as bone feature, 107t
Spinal reflex, 183 or external surfaces of the body composed of cranial, 110, 110f
Spindle Apparatus composed of microtubules to layered, flattened, platelike cells, 66, 66t, 67, 67f Swallowing, 148, 345f, 346
which the chromosomes are attached during Stratum basale Deepest layer of the epidermis, Sweat gland Skin gland that secretes a fluid
cell division, 49, 58, 59f where cell division occurs, 87–88, 87f substance for evaporative cooling; also called
Spine (of bone), 107t Stratum corneum Uppermost keratinized layer of sudoriferous gland, 91–92, 91f
Spinous process, 114f, 115, 115f the epidermis, 87f, 88 Swine flu, 311
Spiral organ Structure in the vertebrate inner ear that Stratum granulosum, 87f, 88 Sympathetic division Part of the autonomic nervous
contains auditory receptors; also called organ Stratum lucidum Layer of epidermis that is found system whose effects are generally associated
of Corti, 209 only in thick skin (i.e., the soles of feet), 87f, 88 with emergency situations, 184, 185f, 186f, 186t

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Symptothermal method, 414 of daughter DNA strands, and DNA also serves as Thrombotic strike, 287
Synapse Region between two nerve cells where the a guide for the production of messenger RNA, 56 Thrombus Blood clot that remains in the blood
nerve impulse is transmitted from one to the Temporal bone, 109f, 110, 110f, 111f, 112f, 113, 209f vessel where it formed, 251
other, usually from axon to dendrite, 167, 169f Temporalis, 146f, 147, 147f, 148t Thymic atrophy, 237
Synaptic cleft Small gap between the synaptic knob Temporal lobe Area of the cerebrum responsible for Thymosins Hormones secreted by the thymus, 219f,
on one neuron and the dendrite on another hearing and smelling and for the interpretation 220t, 234
neuron, 167 of sensory experience and memory, 175f Thymus-derived lymphocytes, 234
Synaptic transmission, 167 Temporal process, 111f, 112f, 113 Thymus gland Lobular gland that lies in the neck and
Synarthrosis Immovable joint, 123 Temporal vein, 281f chest area and is necessary for the development
Syndrome A group of symptoms that characterize a Tendinitis Inflammation of muscle tendons and their of immunity, 219f, 220t, 234, 295f, 296
disease condition, 446 attachments, 157 Thyroid cartilage, 321f
Synergist Muscle that assists the action of the prime Tendon Tissue that connects muscle to bone, 70, 71f, Thyroid gland Endocrine gland, located just below
mover, 145 135, 135f the larynx and in front of the trachea, that
Synovial fluid Fluid secreted by the synovial Tension pneumothorax, 323 secretes thyroid hormones, 219f, 220t,
membrane, 123, 124f Teratogen Any substance that produces abnormalities 225–227, 225f, 226f
Synovial joint Freely movable joint, 102, 123–125, during human development, 440 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Hormone
124f, 125f Teres major, 146f that causes the thyroid to produce thyroxine,
Synovial membrane Membrane that forms the inner Teres minor, 150f, 150t, 151f 218, 224
lining of a capsule of a freely movable joint, Terms, anatomical, 3–5, 3f–5f Thyrotropin Hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary
82, 123, 124f Tertiary structure, 32 gland that regulates the formation and secretion of
Synthesis reaction To build up, as in the combining of Testicle self-exam, 413, 413f thyroid hormone; also called thyroid-stimulating
two small molecules to form a larger molecule, 32 Testicular cancer, 413, 413f hormone (TSH), 218, 219f, 220t, 223f, 224
Syphilis Sexually transmitted disease caused by the Testis Male gonad; the organ that produces sperm Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 224
bacterium Treponema pallidum characterized and testosterone (pl., testes), 219f, 220t, 232, Thyroxine (T4) Hormone produced by the thyroid
by a painless chancre on the penis or cervix; if 234, 393, 395–399, 396f, 396f–398f, 415 that speeds the metabolic rate, 219f, 220t, 225
untreated, can lead to cardiac and central Testosterone The most potent of the androgens, the Tibia Shinbone found in the lower leg, 109f,
nervous system disorders, 416f, 417 male sex hormones, 31f, 90, 232, 234, 396, 121–122, 122f
Systemic circuit Part of the cardiovascular system 400–401, 400f, 419 Tibialis anterior, 152t, 153, 154f
that serves body parts other than the gas- Tetanic contraction Sustained muscle contraction Tibial tuberosity, 121, 122f
exchanging surfaces in the lungs, 260, 260f without relaxation, 143 Tic Local and habitual spasm of particular muscles,
Systemic disease Illness that involves the entire body Tetanus Acute infection caused by the toxin of the tetanus especially facial muscles, 157
or several body systems, 17 bacterium; results in a rigidly locked jaw, 143, 157 Tidal volume Amount of air that enters the lungs
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Syndrome Tetany Severe twitching caused by involuntary during a normal, quiet inspiration, 326, 327f
involving the connective tissues and various contraction of the skeletal muscles due to a Tight junction Junction between cells when adjacent
organs, including kidney failure, 312 lack of calcium, 227 plasma membrane proteins join to form an
Systole Contraction of the heart chambers, Thalamic nuclei, 207f impermeable barrier, 78, 78f
particularly the left ventricle, 265, 266f Thalamus Mass of gray matter located at the base of Tinnitus A sensation of noise (ringing or roaring)
Systolic pressure Arterial blood pressure during the the cerebrum in the wall of the third ventricle; that can only be heard by the one affected;
systolic phase of the cardiac cycle, 277 receives sensory information and selectively caused by a body condition such as an auditory
passes it to the cerebrum, 174f, 176, 194 nerve disorder, 212
Thalassemia, 453t Tissue Group of similar cells that performs a
T Therapeutic cloning, 430, 430f specialized function, 2, 2f
Thermoreceptor Type of sensory receptor that connective, 69–74, 69t, 70f–74f
Tachycardia Abnormally rapid heartbeat, 269 responds to changes in temperature, 194 epithelial, 66–69, 66f–68f, 66t
Tactile cells Cells that signal the brain that an object has Thiamin, 362t in levels of organization, 2, 2f
touched the skin; also called Merkel cells, 87f, 88 Thick filaments In the sarcomere, the filaments muscular, 74–76, 74t, 75f
Taenia coli External longitudinal muscle bands built comprised of only myosin molecules; they nervous, 77–78, 77f, 164–165, 164f
into the wall of the large intestine, 351, 352f appear wider in a photomicrograph, 137, 138 nodal, 264–265, 265f
Talus Ankle bone, 122f, 123 Thigh muscles, 152, 153f 3-D printing of, 82
Tarsal bones Bones of the ankle in humans, 122f, 123 Thin filaments In the sarcomere, the filaments Tissue fluid, 271–272, 380f
Taste, 174, 196, 197f comprised of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin Tissue fluid composition, 13f
Taste bud Organ containing the receptors associated molecules, they appear narrower in a Tissue rejection, 312
with the sense of taste, 196, 197f photomicrograph, 137, 138 Tissue thromboplastin Clotting factor, released or
Tattoos, 98, 259 Third-degree burns, 96 derived from tissues, that interacts with platelets,
Tay-Sachs Lethal genetic disease in which the Third ventricle, 174f calcium ions, and other clotting factors, 251
newborn has a faulty lysosomal digestive Thoracic cavity Hollow place within the chest, 6f, 7, T lymphocyte One of two types of lymphocytes: a
enzyme, 47, 453t, 457 7t, 325 killer T cell that interacts directly with
T-cell mediated immune response Immune response Thoracic duct, 294, 295f antigen-bearing cells and is responsible for
caused by lymphocytes that differentiate in the Thoracic nerves, 183f cell-mediated immunity, or a helper T cell that
thymus, possess highly specific cell-surface Thoracic wall, 149 stimulates other immune cells, 234, 246f, 296,
antigen receptors, regulate T- and B-cell Threshold, in action potential, 165 301, 303–305, 303f, 304f, 305, 313
maturation and proliferation, and directly lyse Thrombin Enzyme derived from prothrombin that Tobacco, 42, 285, 333–334
antigen-bearing cells, 312 converts fibrinogen to fibrin threads during Tone Continuous, partial contraction of muscle,
Tectorial membrane Membrane in the spiral organ blood clotting, 250f, 251 132–144, 194
(organ of Corti) that lies above and makes contact Thrombocyte A blood platelet, 74, 74f, 245f Tonicity Osmolarity of a solution compared to that
with the receptor cells for hearing, 209, 210f Thrombocytopenia Insufficient number of platelets of a cell. If the solution is isotonic to the cell,
Teeth, 344, 344f, 345 in the blood, 251 there is no net movement of water; if the solution
Telophase Stage in mitosis when newly formed cells Thromboembolism Obstruction of a blood vessel by is hypotonic, the cell gains water; and if the
separate, 56f, 59, 59f, 60f, 394f, 395 a thrombus that has dislodged from the site of solution is hypertonic, the cell loses water,
Template Pattern or guide used to make copies; parental its formation, 251, 254, 267, 410 52, 52f
strand of DNA serves as a guide for the production

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Tonsil Partly encapsulated lymph nodule located in the Trisomy State of having an extra chromosome—three Umbilical cord Cord through which blood vessels
pharynx, 197f, 295f, 297, 320f, 321, 331, 344f instead of the normal two, 447 that connect the fetus to the placenta pass, 431,
Tonsillectomy Surgical removal of the tonsils, 331 Trochanter, 107t 433f, 434f, 438f
Tonsillitis Inflammation of the tonsils, 331 Trochlea, of humerus, 119, 119f Umbilical vein A vein that passes through the
Tooth decay, 286, 344 Trochlear nerve, 200 umbilical cord to the fetus and returns the
Total lung capacity, 327, 327f Trochlear notch, 119f, 120 oxygenated and nutrient blood from the
Toxoplasmosis Disease caused by toxoplasma Trophoblast Outer cells of a blastocyst that help placenta to the fetus, 283, 284f, 434f
parasites that invades the tissues and can form the placenta and other extra-embryonic Uncinate fit Form of temporal lobe epileptic seizure
seriously damage the central nervous system, membranes, 429 characterized by hallucinations of taste and
especially of infants, 441 Tropomyosin One of three proteins that comprise the odor, 197
Trabeculae Branching bony plate that separates thin filaments in a sarcomere, 138 Unipolar neuron, 164
irregular spaces within spongy bone, 72, 73f Troponin One of three proteins that comprise the thin Universal donor, 252
Tracer Substance having an attached radioactive filaments in a sarcomere, 138 Universal recipient, 252
isotope that allows a researcher to track its Troposin, 138 Unsaturated fatty acid Organic compound that
whereabouts in a biological system, 22 Trunk, muscles of, 148–149, 149f, 149t includes a fatty acid molecule having one or
Trachea Windpipe; serves as a passageway for air, Trypsin Protein-digesting enzyme produced by the more double bonds between the atoms of its
319f, 320t, 321f, 322–323, 322f pancreas, 360t carbon chain, 30
Tracheal cartilage, 321f TSH. See Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Upper limb, 118–120, 118f–120f
Tracheostomy Creation of an artificial airway by T (transverse) tubule Membranous channel that Upper respiratory infection, 330–331
incision of the trachea and insertion of a tube, extends inward from a muscle fiber membrane Urea Primary nitrogenous waste of mammals, 355,
322–323 and passes through the fiber, 136, 137f 372, 373
Tract Bundle of neurons forming a transmission pathway Tubal ligation Method for preventing pregnancy Uremia High level of urea nitrogen in the blood, 385
through the brain and spinal cord, 77, 164 in which the uterine tubes are cut and sealed, Ureters Tubes that take urine from the kidneys to the
Transcription Manufacturing RNA from DNA, 56, 410, 412t bladder, 374, 374f, 376f, 396f, 398f, 404f
57f, 58 Tuberculosis, 331–332, 332f Urethra Tube that takes urine from the bladder to the
Transfer RNA (tRNA) Molecule of RNA (ribonucleic Tuberosity, 107t outside of the body, 374, 396f, 398f, 398t,
acid) that carries an amino acid to a ribosome Tubular reabsorption Process that transports 399f, 401f, 406f, 438f
engaged in the process of protein synthesis, 58 substances out of the renal tubule into the Urethral sphincters, 374
Transfusion, blood, 252–254, 252t, 253f, 254f, 255, 255f interstitial fluid from which the substances Urethritis Inflammation of the urethra, 385
Transient ischemic attack Brief episode of diffuse into peritubular capillaries, 378f, 379 Uric acid Product of nucleic acid metabolism in the
decreased blood flow to the brain; usually Tubular secretion Process of substances moving out body, 373, 389
characterized by temporary blurring of vision, of the peritubular capillaries into the renal Urinalysis Examination of a urine sample to
slurring of speech, numbness, paralysis, or tubule, 378f, 379 determine its chemical, physical, and
fainting; often predictive of a serious stroke; Tumor Abnormal growth of tissue that serves no microscopic aspects, 385, 386
abbreviated TIA; also called mini-stroke, 287 useful purpose, 79. See also Cancer Urinary bladder Organ where urine is stored before
Transitional epithelium Tissue that forms the lining of Tumor angiogenesis factor, 236 being discharged by way of the urethra, 353f,
the ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra, 66t, 68 “tumor paint,” 20 374, 374f, 385, 396f, 398f, 401f, 438f
Translation Assembly of an amino acid chain Tunica externa The outer layer that makes up a Urinary incontinence, 387, 440
according to the sequence of base triplets in a blood vessel; composed of collagenous and Urinary system, 10
molecule of mRNA, 56, 57f, 58 elastic fibers, 271, 272f aging of, 387
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), 34 Tunica intima The innermost lining of a blood vessel, functions of, 373–374
Transplantation, renal, 386 consisting of an endothelial layer backed by in homeostasis, 13, 15f, 387–389
Transport, 53–55, 53f connective and elastic tissue, 271, 272f kidneys in, 375–386, 376f–378f, 379t, 380f, 380t,
Transport vesicle, 48f Tunica media Middle layer of the walls of arteries and 381f, 383f–385f, 384t
Transverse colon Portion of the large intestine that veins; composed of smooth muscle, 271, 272f organs, 374, 374f, 375f
travels transversely as it extends from the Turner syndrome Condition caused by the inheritance urination in, 375, 375f
ascending colon to the descending colon, 351, of a single X chromosome, 446t, 449, 449f Urination, 375, 375f
352f, 353f Twins, conjoined, 425, 429 Urine composition, 384t
Transverse ligament, spinal, 115f Tympanic canal, 210f Urine formation, 377–379, 378f, 379t
Transverse plane Plane or section that divides a Tympanic duct, 210f Urticaria Skin eruption characterized by the
structure horizontally to give a cross section, 5, 5f Tympanic membrane Membrane located between the development of welts as a result of capillary
Transverse process, 114f, 115, 115f external and middle ear; the eardrum, 209f, 213t dilation, 93
Transverse tubules In muscle, structures formed Tympanostomy tubes, 331 Uterine cycle, 408f
from the sarcolemma; they extend into the Uterine tube Tube that extends from the uterus on
sarcoplasm and contact but do not touch the each side toward an ovary and transports sex
sarcoplasmic reticulum, 136, 137f
U cells; also called fallopian tube or oviduct, 401,
Transversus abdominis, 149, 149f, 149t 401f, 404, 404t, 429f
Trapezius, 146f, 147f, 148, 148t, 149f, 150f Ulcerative colitis, 312, 357 Uterus Female organ in which the fetus develops, 393,
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 179 Ulna Elongated bone within the lower arm, 109f, 401, 401f, 404–405, 404f, 404t, 438f, 439–440
Triceps brachii, 150t, 151, 151f 119–120, 119f, 120f Utricle Saclike cavity of the inner ear that contains
Trichuris suis ova (TSO), 313 Ulnar artery, 280f receptors for static equilibrium, 211f, 213, 213t
Tricuspid valve Atrioventricular valve between the Ulnar nerve, 182t Uvula A fleshy portion of the soft palate that hangs
right atrium and the right ventricle, 262, 262f Ulnar notch, 119, 119f down above the root of the tongue, 344, 344f
Trigeminal nerve, 163 Ulnar vein, 281f
Triglyceride Lipid composed of three fatty acids Ultrasound, 3D, 1
combined with a glycerol molecule, 30 Umami, 196 V
Triiodothyronine (T3), 225 Umbilical Pertaining to the umbilicus
Triple bonds, 23–24, 23f Umbilical artery One of a pair of fetal arteries that Vaccine Treated antigens that can promote active
Triplet code Three-nucleotide base unit coding for a pass through the umbilical cord to the placenta immunity when administered, 305, 305f,
particular amino acid during protein synthesis, 56 to which they carry the deoxygenated blood 309–310, 309f
from the fetus, 283, 284f, 434f Vacuole, 43t, 47, 49

Glossary/Index GI-24

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Vagina Female copulatory organ and birth canal, 393, Vertebral foramen, 114
401f, 402, 404t, 405, 438f Vertebra prominens, 114f, 115
Vaginal orifice, 401f Vertebrochondral ribs, 116
Valve Structure that opens and closes, ensuring Vertebroplasty, 117 Wart Raised growth on the skin due to a viral
one-way flow; common to vessels, such as Vertebrosternal ribs, 116 infection, 94, 416
systemic veins, lymphatic veins, and veins to Vertigo Dizziness and a sense of rotation, 210 Waste, metabolic, 373
the heart Vesicle Small, membranous sac that stores substances Water, 24–27, 24f–26f
aortic semilunar, 263 within a cell, 43t, 44f, 47, 48f Water intoxication Disorder caused by excessive
bicuspid, 262f, 263 Vesicular (Graafian) follicle Mature follicle within water consumption, resulting in edema and
ileocecal, 349, 349f, 352f the ovaries that houses a developing egg, electrolyte imbalance, 54, 54f
mitral, 263 402f, 403 Water reabsorption, 380–381, 380t, 381f
semilunar, 262, 262f, 263 Vestibular duct, 210f Water-salt balance, 373
tricuspid, 262, 262f Vestibular nerve, 209f, 211f Weight control, 155
Vampire bat, 20 Vestibule Space or cavity at the entrance of a canal, Weight gain, 285
Varicose vein Irregular dilation of a superficial vein, such as the cavity that lies between the Weight-loss surgery, 365, 367, 367f
seen particularly in the lower legs, due to semicircular canals and the cochlea, 208, 209f, Wernicke’s area Area located in the posterior
weakened valves within the veins, 273, 286 213t, 344, 405, 406f part of the temporal lobe; plays an important
Vasa recta In the kidney, hairpin-shaped peritubular Vestibulocochlear nerve, 209, 213 role in the comprehension of language,
capillaries that descend into the renal medulla, Villi Fingerlike projections that line the small 175f, 176
reunite as they ascend, and play a role in the intestine and function in absorption (sing. White blood cell. See Leukocytes
concentration of urine, 376f, 378f, 381 villus), 349.350f White matter Myelinated nerve fibers in the central
Vascularization Process in which a tumor becomes Violence, sexual, 421 nervous system, 171f, 172f, 176
supplied with blood vessels, 79 Visceral Pertaining to the contents of a body cavity Wisdom teeth, 344
Vascular spasm, 250 Visceral nociceptors, 196 Withdrawal method, of contraception, 411t
Vas deferens Tube connecting the epididymis to the Visceral pericardium, 7 Wolffian ducts, 435
urethra; sperm duct (pl., vasa deferentia), 395, Visceral peritoneum Membrane that covers the Wound healing, 94, 95f
396f, 397f, 398, 398f, 398t surfaces of organs within the abdominal cavity, Wrist, 120, 120f
Vasectomy Method for preventing pregnancy in 352, 353f
which the vasa deferentia are cut and sealed, Visceral pleura Membrane that covers the surfaces X
410, 412t of the lungs, 6f, 7
Vasoconstriction, 93 Visceral reflexes, 183 X chromosome Female sex chromosome that carries
Vasomotor center Neurons in the brain stem Visceral sensory system, 180 genes involved in sex determination, 446. See
that control the diameter of the arteries, Visceral serous membrane Serous membrane that also Y chromosome
270f, 276 covers the surface of an organ, 7, 7f Xenotransplantation Use of animal organs, instead
Vastus intermedius, 146f Visceral serous pericardium The inner layer of the of human organs, in human transplant patients,
Vastus lateralis, 146f, 153f serous pericardium; it is in contact with the 335, 357, 386
Vastus medialis, 146f, 153f heart and the roots of the vessels of the heart, Xiphoid process, 116f, 117
Vector, 454 6f, 7, 261, 261f X-linked Gene found on the X chromosome that
Vegetables, 285 Vision, 174–175, 198–207, 199f, 200f, 201t, controls traits other than sexual traits, 451
Vein Blood vessel that takes blood to the heart, 272f, 202f–207f X rays, 1
273–274, 279–280, 281f, 281t Vision correction, 205, 205f XYY male Male who has an X chromosome and two
Venous duct. See Ductus venosus Vision pathway, 203–207, 203f–207f Y chromosomes in each nucleus, 449
Venous return, 270, 275–276, 275f Visual accommodation Ability of the eye to focus at
Ventilation Breathing; the process of moving different distances by changing the curvature
air into and out of the lungs, 325–326, of the lens, 201, 202–203, 202f Y
326f, 327 Visual association area, 175, 175f
Ventral Toward the front or belly surface; the Visual cortex, 207 Y chromosome Male sex chromosome that carries
opposite of dorsal, 3f Visual field Area of vision for each eye, 207, 207f genes involved in sex determination, 446. See
Ventral cavity, 6f, 7 Vital capacity Maximum amount of air a person can also X chromosome
Ventricle Cavity in an organ, such as the ventricles of exhale after taking the deepest breath possible, Yellow bone marrow, 104f, 124f
the brain or the ventricles of the heart, 172, 326–327, 326f Y-linked traits, 451
174f, 261, 262, 262f, 263, 264f, 284f Vitamin D, 92, 106 Yolk sac Extraembryonic membrane that serves
Ventricular diastole, 266, 266f Vitamins Organic molecules (usually coenzymes) as the first site of red blood cell formation,
Ventricular systole, 266, 266f that must be in the diet and are necessary 428
Venule Type of blood vessel that takes blood from in trace amounts for normal metabolic
capillaries to veins, 262, 272f, 273–274
Vermiform appendix Small, tubular appendage
functioning of cells, 362–363, 362t,
364, 364f
that extends outward from the cecum of Vitreous body The clear, colorless, transparent jelly
Zinc, 363t
the large intestine, 298, 343f, 349f, that fills the eyeball posterior to the lens;
Z line Vertical lines found in a sarcomere,
351, 352f composed of a fiber network filled with
137–138, 137f
Vernix caseosa Cheeselike substance covering the vitreous humor, 201
Zona pellucida Transparent noncellular outer layer
skin of the fetus, 434 Vitreous humor Watery fluid component of the
or envelope surrounding an ovum, 426,
Vertebra Bone of the vertebral column, 113, vitreous body, 200f, 201, 201t
426f, 429f
114–116, 115f Vocal cords Folds of tissue within the larynx
Zygomatic arch, 111f, 112f, 113
Vertebral artery, 280f, 283f that produce sounds when they vibrate,
Zygomatic bone, 109f, 111f, 112f, 113
Vertebral canal Hollow place within the vertebrae 321, 321f
Zygomatic process, 111f, 113
containing the spinal cord, 6, 6f, 7t Voice pitch, 322
Zygomaticus, 146f, 147, 147f, 148t
Vertebral column Backbone of vertebrates, Vomer, 110f, 111f, 112f, 113
Zygote Cell formed by the union of the sperm and
composed of individual bones called vertebrae, Vulva External genitalia of the female that lie near
ovum; the product of fertilization, 395, 403f,
109f, 113–116, 114f, 115f the opening of the vagina, 402, 405
427, 429f

GI-25 Glossary/Index

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