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Analyzing Undergraduate Students' Performance Using Educational Data Mining

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Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

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Analyzing undergraduate students' performance using

educational data mining
Raheela Asif a, *, Agathe Merceron b, Syed Abbas Ali c, Najmi Ghani Haider a
N.E.D University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering, Karachi, 75270, Pakistan
Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Media, Berlin, 13353, Germany
N.E.D University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer and Information Systems Engineering, Karachi, 75270, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The tremendous growth in electronic data of universities creates the need to have some
Received 23 December 2015 meaningful information extracted from these large volumes of data. The advancement in
Received in revised form 21 April 2017 the data mining field makes it possible to mine educational data in order to improve the
Accepted 17 May 2017
quality of the educational processes. This study, thus, uses data mining methods to study
Available online 22 May 2017
the performance of undergraduate students. Two aspects of students' performance have
been focused upon. First, predicting students' academic achievement at the end of a four-
year study programme. Second, studying typical progressions and combining them with
Data mining
Decision trees
prediction results. Two important groups of students have been identified: the low and
Clustering high achieving students. The results indicate that by focusing on a small number of courses
Performance prediction that are indicators of particularly good or poor performance, it is possible to provide timely
Performance progression warning and support to low achieving students, and advice and opportunities to high
Quality of educational processes performing students.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background and theoretical framework

Owing to digitization of academic processes, universities are generating a huge amount of data pertaining to students in
electronic form. It is crucial for them to effectively transform this massive collection of data into knowledge which will help
teachers, administrators and policy makers to analyze it to enhance decision making. Furthermore, it may also advance the
quality of the educational processes by providing timely information to different stakeholders. The purpose of data mining
methods is to extract meaningful knowledge from data (Han & Kamber, 2006). The application of data mining methods to
educational data is referred to as Educational Data Mining (EDM) (Baker & Yacef, 2009).
Baker (2010) proposes five primary categories or approaches in EDM: prediction, clustering, relationship mining, discovery
within models, and distillation of data for human judgment. The present work combines three approaches: prediction,
clustering and, to some extent, distillation of data for human judgment.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Asif), (A. Merceron), (S.A. Ali), najmi@neduet. (N.G. Haider).
0360-1315/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
178 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

In prediction, the goal is to predict the class or label of a data object. A major key application area of prediction in EDM is
predicting student educational outcomes. Research within this area has been carried out at different levels of granularity: at a
tutoring system level, at course level, or at degree level etc. At the level of intelligent tutoring system (Feng, Heffernan, &
Koedinger, 2006) for instance, EDM predicts students' test scores by integrating timing information and the amount of
assistance a student needs to solve problems; Pardos, Hefferman, Anderson, and Hefferman (2007) have devised a system to
predict whether a student is likely to get the next training exercise right, and if so, whether the tutoring system should skip it.
At the course level, Strecht, Cruz, Soares, Merdes-Moreria, and Abren (2015) predict students' success/failure and grade in a
course by using social variables like age, sex, marital status, nationality, displaced (whether the student lived outside the
district), scholarship, special needs, type of admission, type of student (regular, mobility, extraordinary), status of student
(ordinary, employed, athlete, etc.), years of enrolment, delayed courses, type of dedication (full-time, part-time), and debt
situation; ElGamal (2013) predicts students' grades in a programming course by considering different factors like the stu-
dents' mathematical background, programming aptitude, problem solving skills, gender, prior experience, high school
mathematics grade, locality, previous computer programming experience, and e-learning usage; Huang and Fang (2013)
predict course performance on the basis of students' performance in prerequisite courses and midterm examinations;
Romero, Lopez, Luna, and Ventura (2013) investigated the appropriateness of quantitative, qualitative and social network
information about forum usage as well as the appropriateness of classical classification algorithms and clustering algorithms
to predict students' success or failure in a course; Arnold and Pistilli (2012) provide an early intervention solution for difficult
courses based on students' activity in a Learning Management System. A number of studies predict students' passing/failing
or overall academic achievement (total marks/CGPA) at the end of a degree programme; these studies are described in greater
detail in the ‘Related work’ section.
In clustering, the goal is to group objects into classes of similar objects. Though clustering has been used in educational
data mining for a wide variety of tasks, an interesting sub-area is grouping students to study patterns of typical behaviours.
The work by Cobo et al. (2012) finds typical behaviours in forums such as high-level workers, i.e. students that read all
messages and post many messages in the forum, or lurkers, i.e. students who read all messages without posting any; Bower
(2010) identifies groups of students with similar performance from Kindergarten till the end of high school; while Talavera
and Gaudioso (2004) cluster students' interaction data to build profiles of students.
Distillation of data for human judgment accords with what others call overview statistics and visualizations (Baker, 2010).
Its aim is to help in understanding the results of analyses. For example, Elkina, Fortenbacher, and Merceron (2013) use an
intuitive visualization of analytic results that provides insight about learning processes to teachers, E-learning providers and
researchers. Bower's (2010) work combines dendrograms with heat map to provide an intuitive visualization of distinctive
groups of students.

1.2. Research goal and questions

This study aims to analyze the performance of students pursuing a 4-year Bachelor degree programme in the discipline of
Information Technology. The rationale is to provide information regarding these students' performance to the concerned
teachers and study programme directors which could help them in improving the programme. The approach delineated to
achieve this goal is threefold.

 Firstly, several classifiers are generated to predict the performance of students at the end of the university degree as early
as possible. To build these classifiers, only admission marks from high school certificate and final marks of first and second-
year courses at university are used; no socio-economic or demographic features are considered. This approach should
enable the university administration to develop an educational policy that is simpler to implement. This is the reason to
investigate whether acceptable results can be obtained with marks only.
 Secondly, using these classifiers we aim to derive courses that can serve as effective indicators of students' performance in
a degree programme. In doing so, we will be able to support at-risk students or to stimulate further the students showing
promise. Not every classifier is suitable to derive such indicator courses. A trade-off might have to be met between the
predictive power of a classifier and the interpretability of its model; this is indeed the case in the present investigation. In
this study, decision trees, a classifier type explained in section 3, are used to derive those indicators. With our datasets,
decision trees rank first for the interpretability of the model but third in terms of accuracy. Therefore, the goodness of the
indicators needs to be further investigated in order to devise a pragmatic policy for intervention.
 Thirdly, we investigate how students' academic performance progresses over the 4-year degree programme as a kind of
triangulation. Using clustering techniques, we divide students into groups such that students of the same group share the
same typical progression. This puts in evidence interesting typical progressions, in particular, students who have low
marks all the way through their studies and students with high marks throughout their studies. The key contribution of
our work is to understand the benefits of the indicators proposed in the second step. Investigating the groups of students
returned by the indicators show that they include the interesting groups uncovered with clustering: students with low
marks and students with high marks. Therefore, the indicator courses can be recommended to implement a pragmatic
policy for intervention.
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 179

In light of the above, this study examines three questions:

Question 1: Can we predict students' performance with a reasonable accuracy at an early stage of the degree programme
using marks only?
Question 2: Can we identify courses that can serve as indicators of a good or low performance at the end of the degree?
Question 3: Can we identify typical progressions of students' performance during their studies and relate them with the
indicator courses?
The rest of the paper is arranged in the following order. The next section is devoted to literature review and is followed by
an overview on data mining methods. Then, we describe the data and methodology for this study in section four, and the
results are presented in the succeeding section. The final section presents conclusions and discusses emerging directions for
future research.

2. Literature review

Our study comprises three areas of educational data mining i.e. prediction, clustering and distillation of data for human
judgment. This review identifies strengths and shortcomings in the existing literature and highlights the unique contribution
that the study makes to the field.

2.1. Related works on predicting students' academic performance at degree level

Golding and Donaldson (2006) investigated the relationship between students' demographic attributes, qualification on
entry, aptitude test scores, performance in first year courses and their overall performance in their programme using
regression technique. In their study based on the data of a single cohort comprising 85 students of the School of Computing
and Information Technology at the University of Technology, Jamaica (UTECH), they found a strong correlation between
performance in a first year computer science courses and the students overall performance in the programme, with a cor-
relation of 0.499 that explains 70.6% of the students' overall performance.
Nghe, Janecek, and Haddawy (2007) applied data mining techniques in predicting students' academic performance by
considering the data of two different academic institutes; Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand, and Can Tho Uni-
versity (CTU), Vietnam. The AIT datasets included the Master programmes. The students' GPA at the end of first year of their
Master programme is predicted from their admission information, including academic institute, entry GPA, English profi-
ciency, marital status, Gross National Income, age, gender, and TOEFL score. In the case of the CTU dataset, the students' GPA at
the end of the third year is predicted using attributes such as English skill, entry marks range, field of study, faculty, gender,
age, family, job, religion, and also second-year GPA. For both case studies, the authors have done predictions for 4 classes (Fail,
Fair, Good, and Very Good), 3 classes (Fail, Good, and Very Good) and 2 classes (Fail and Pass). Two data mining algorithms
were applied, namely decision trees and Bayesian network. Decision trees produced better accuracies. For 2 classes the ac-
curacy was: CTU 92.86% and AIT 91.98%; for 3 classes: CTU 84.18% and AIT 67.74%; and for 4 classes CTU 66.69% and AIT 63.25%.
The accuracy of predictions was measured using a 10-fold cross-validation: 9/10 of the data was used to build the model that
was tested on 1/10 of the data, and this process was repeated 10 times. Thus a single cohort was used to build the prediction
model and to evaluate it.
Kabakchieva developed models to predict students' university performance based on students' personal, pre-university
and university performance characteristics (Kabakchieva, 2013; Kabakchieva, Stefanova, & Kisimov, 2011). The studies
encompass the data of 10,330 students in the Bulgarian educational sector. Each student was described by 20 attributes which
included gender, birth year and place, place of living, and country, place and total score from previous education, current
semester, and total university score. Data mining algorithms such as the decision tree C4.5, Naive Bayes, Bayesian networks, K-
nearest neighbours (KNN) and rule learner's algorithms were applied to classify the students into 5 classes: Excellent, Very
Good, Good, Average or Bad. The decision tree classifier performed best having the highest overall accuracy, followed by the
rule learner (JRip) and the k-NN classifier. However, all classifiers performed with an overall accuracy below 70%. The pre-
dictive accuracy for the Good and Very Good classes (which contained the most students) were between 60% and 75%. As
above, the accuracy of predictions was evaluated using 10-fold cross validation.
Oskouei and Askari (2014) studied the academic performance of students in high school and bachelor degree studies in
Iran, and compared their results with the results of a similar study done in India. They considered the data of 500 students
having a high school level and 600 students having a Bachelor degree level. They applied various classifiers such as Naive
Bayes, C4.5 decision tree, Random Forest and Neural Networks, and meta-classifiers such as Bagging, Boosting or Adaboost, to
classify students into 2 classes: Pass, Fail. The results revealed that features such as parent educational level, past examination
results and gender impact the prediction. Best accuracy of 96% was obtained with C4.5 decision tree. The results were
comparable with similar studies conducted in India.
Yehuala (2015) applied the decision trees and Naïve Bayes algorithms to predict the likelihood of success/failure at uni-
versity. The dataset consisted of 11,873 undergraduate students from the Debre Markos University, Ethiopia. His findings
180 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

indicated that EHEECE (Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate Examination) result, gender, number of students in a
class, number of courses given in a semester, and field of study were the major factors affecting the student performance. The
highest prediction accuracy was 92.34% obtained with the decision tree algorithm using 10-fold cross validation.
Campagni, Merlini, Sprugnoli, and Verri (2015) proposed a different methodology to study the behaviour of graduated
students in terms of their academic career. They used the data of 141 graduated students enrolled in the degree of Computer
Science at the University of Florence (Italy) from 2001 to 2002 up to 2007-08 academic years. The variables used in this study
described general information about students and their exams at university, such as the year of enrolment at university, the
chosen curriculum, the type of high school and the corresponding grade, the date of the final examination and grade. In-
formation about exams comprised the exam identifier, the exam date and the grade of the students in the exam, the semester
in which the course was given by the teacher and the semester in which the exam was taken by the student. Authors apply the
concept of an ideal career which means the career of an ideal student who had taken each examination just after the end of
the corresponding course, without delay. The career of each student was then compared with the ideal career by using K-
means clustering and sequential pattern analysis. The results demonstrated that the more the students stick to the order
given by the ideal career, the better they perform in terms of graduation time and final grade.
Zimmermann, Brodersen, Heinimann, and Buhmann (2015) analyzed how well undergraduate achievements can predict
graduate-level performance. They used the data of 171 student records in the Bachelor and Master programmes in Computer
Science at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Employing linear regression models in combination with different variable-selection
techniques, their findings showed that undergraduate level performance can explain as much as 54% of the variance in
graduate-level performance. They identified the third-year grade point average as the most significant explanatory variable,
whose influence exceeds the one of grades earned in challenging first-year courses.
The impression from review of the aforementioned works is that it is possible to predict performance of students with
reasonable accuracy; the more aggregated the performance, e.g. pass/fail, the higher the accuracy. The studies mentioned
differ in the features they select from students' personal information like age, gender, religion, place of living, family, job, total
score from previous education etc., to predict students' performance, but recognize that earlier marks are essential for good
prediction (Golding & Donaldson, 2006; Oskouei & Askari, 2014; Zimmermann et al., 2015). This appears to confirm the
different accuracies obtained in the two studies presented by Nghe et al. (2007): accuracies are higher for the study at CTU.
The CTU dataset includes former marks along with socio-economic or demographic variables; the AIT dataset does not use
former marks. Building on this recognition and taking into account the strict selection process of students' admission in our
context, the present work uses only admission marks and marks of first and second year courses for the prediction of stu-
dents' graduation performance. It does not consider other socio-economic factors such as age, gender, as these kinds of data
are more difficult to obtain and, therefore, make the adoption of a workable policy more difficult. The literature review also
reveals that there is no classifier that does better than the others in all contexts, though decision trees is often quoted to give
good results (Kabakchieva, 2013; Kabakchieva et al., 2011; Oskouei & Askari, 2014; Yehuala, 2015). These works used cross-
validation to evaluate their results. This means that the same cohort is used to build and test a classifier. In the present work,
we take one cohort to build a model and evaluate the classifier by using the next cohort in order to obtain a more realistic
generalization of results, thus, reflecting the intended application of this study. This feature distinguishes our work from other

2.2. Related works on clustering students and distillation of data for human judgment

In the handbook of educational data mining, Vellido, Castro, and Nebot (2010, pp. 75e92) mentions that clustering stu-
dents is a proper technique to find similar learning behaviours. An investigation that has strong connection with our work is
given in Bower (2010). Bower uses all K-12 marks in all topics to cluster school students and applies a hierarchical clustering
once in order to uncover typical learning progressions. We adopt a similar approach in the third step of the present work.
However, we do not perform one single clustering but cluster students year by year. This strategy allows us to discover small
but interesting clusters of atypical students that are more difficult to exhibit with the approach used in (Bower, 2010).
Visualizing clusters calculated over several features is not an easy task and often results are simply given in the form of
tables. By contrast, dendrograms also called cluster-trees, show graphically how clusters aggregate when a single agglom-
erative hierarchical clustering is performed. The study presented in Bower (2010) provides an intuitive visualization by
combining dendrograms with heat map. As we perform several clustering, we use hierarchical histograms to show the
resulting clusters. We, then, use heat map on students grouped by clusters as a visual help to check the indicators of high and
low performance.

3. Data mining methods

Various techniques of data mining like classification and clustering can be applied to uncover hidden knowledge from
educational data. This section gives an overview of the two methods used in this work: classification and clustering. Clas-
sification is a particular case of prediction when a class also called label or a discrete value is predicted by using a classifier
(Han & Kamber, 2006). A classifier produces a classification model based on training data, which contains objects described
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 181

by the values they have on a set of attributes; one attribute is distinguished as the class. The generated model should fit well
with the training data and suitably predict the class or label of unknown data, i.e. the test data, which is a separate set of data
not used to generate the classifier (Han & Kamber, 2006). Usually, the performance of the classifier is evaluated by counting
the test objects that are correctly predicted by the model. Accuracy is the overall correctness of the model and is calculated as
the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of test objects. Calculating the kappa coefficient, which takes
into account that a correct prediction could occur by chance, often completes the calculation of accuracy. As for accuracy the
closer to 1, the better is the performance of the classifier. A kappa value above 0.3 usually indicates that the classifier is better
than chance. In this study, we elaborate only on the classifiers that achieved a reasonable accuracy, as will be explained in the
following section. These are: decision trees, rule induction, artificial neural networks, k-nearest neighbours, Naive Bayes and
random forest trees (Han & Kamber, 2006). Classifiers such as artificial neural networks, k-nearest neighbours, Naive Bayes or
random forest trees are like black boxes. They deliver an outcome, i.e. a prediction, but the results are not interpretable for
humans. For our purposes, this means that one cannot understand which courses impact mainly their prediction. On the
contrary, human can make sense of decision trees and rule induction. Decision trees play a substantial role in the sequel;
therefore, they are discussed in more detail below.

3.1. Decision trees

Decision trees are a kind of non-cyclic flowchart. The tree consists of internal nodes (non-leaf nodes) that correspond to a
logical test on an attribute, and connecting branches that represent an outcome of the test. The nodes and branches form a
sequential path through a decision tree that reaches a leaf node, which represents a label. Any node in the tree corresponds
also to a subset of the dataset. Ideally a leaf is pure, which means that all elements in a leaf have the same value for the target
variable or class. In our context, this means that, ideally, all students of a leaf node have their graduation mark in the same
interval, like ‘A’ or ‘C’, as we will see later. If a leaf is not pure, its class label is determined by the most frequent value of the
target variable or class. The uppermost node in a tree is the root node and represents the complete dataset. A tree is built by
calculating which attribute can best separate an impure node into children nodes that are purer than the parent node. This
attribute is then used to split the node. This process is repeated until a node is pure or too small to be split further. Several
criteria can be used for this calculation. In this study, four criterions, namely information gain, Gini index, accuracy and gain
ratio have been used. Information gain is based on information theory. If a node is pure, its entropy is 0. The greater the
entropy value, the less pure is the node. Gini index is another measure of impurity of a node based on observed probabilities.
The accuracy is defined as above. The variable that maximizes the accuracy of the whole tree constructed so far is selected for
split. Another criterion is Gain ratio which is a variation on the information gain method which is biased towards variables
with a large number of distinct values. Fig. 1 shows an example of a decision tree. The attraction of Decision trees is that they
are simple to understand and interpret, which is important in our context as we need to be able to reason how and why a
particular result occurred.

3.2. Clustering

Clustering is the process of grouping a set of objects into classes of similar objects. A cluster is a collection of data objects
that are similar to one another within the same cluster and are dissimilar to the objects in other clusters (Han & Kamber,
2006). Measuring the similarity of two objects is done by calculating a distance measure such as the Euclidean Distance
attributes having numerical values. There are a number of clustering algorithms. The K-means algorithm divides the objects

Fig. 1. Decision tree with Gini Index, Information Gain and Accuracy built with feature selection.
182 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

into k clusters, and iterates through the division-process as long as the distance between all objects and the centre or mean of
the clusters can be reduced. A characteristic of this algorithm is that the number k of clusters has to be fixed. Quite often this
number k is not known in advance, therefore several values of k need to be tried until a good balance is found between a small
value, which might produce too coarse clusters, and a bigger value, which might produce too detailed clusters. The clustering
method employed in this study is the X-means algorithm (Pelleg & Morre, 2000), which is a modification of K-means al-
gorithm to include an automatic estimation of the optimal number of clusters based on the Bayesian Information Criterion

4. Data and methodology

4.1. Data

The data used in this study comprises students' marks in a 4-year Information Technology bachelor degree of a public
sector engineering university in Pakistan. This study employs data of two academic batches/cohorts using a sample of 210
undergraduate students who had enrolled in the academic batches of 2007e08 and 2008e09. The data set comprises var-
iables related to students' pre-admission marks (used in selecting the students' for admission at university) and the marks for
all the courses that are taught in the four years of the degree programme, shown in Table 1. Adj_Marks, Maths_Marks and MPC
are variables related with the admission data of students defined as follows: Adj_Marks are the total marks in High School
Certificate (HSC) examination, Maths_Marks are the marks in mathematics, and MPC is the sum of the marks in mathematics,
physics and chemistry in HSC examination. The remaining variables are the examination marks of students for all the courses
that are taught in different academic years. Admission data and the courses that are mentioned in the sequel of this study are
explained in Table 1. The full list of the courses used in the study is given in the appendix.
The marks at the end of the degree programme are calculated as the sum of 10% of the first year average examination mark,
20% of second year, 30% of third year and 40% of fourth year average examination mark. The interval of the graduation mark is
divided into five possible values/categories: A (90%e100%), B (80%e89%), C (70%e79%), D (60%e69%), and E (50e59%) as these
intervals are well understood by teachers and students alike. Batches and interval statistics at the end of the degree for the
two cohorts are given in Table 2. It may be noted that there is no column F for fail. Indeed, owing to a strict selection process,
drop-outs and failures are marginal and therefore not investigated in this work. Table 3 is an overview of the distribution of
marks of the students over the four years. The average marks for each student in each year have been calculated as a number
from 0 (worst mark) to 100 (best mark).
All data mining techniques in this study have been performed with the RapidMiner software (

4.2. Methodology

For predicting the students' graduation performance at the end of the degree and answer Research Question 1, several
classification algorithms were used. The literature review suggests that in general there is no single classifier that works best
in all contexts to provide good prediction. Therefore there is a need to investigate which classifiers are more suited to the data
being analysed. As Table 2 shows, the repartition of the students among the intervals is unbalanced. Class ‘C’ interval contains
the most students for both cohorts. Predicting a student class ‘C’ would have an accuracy of 51.92%. This forms the baseline
that we want to improve. As discussed earlier, the classification models to predict students' performance are generated on

Table 1
Variables in dataset.

Variable Description
Adj_Marks HSC Examination total marks
Maths_Marks HSC Examination Mathematics marks
MPC HSC Maths þ Physics þ Chemistry marks
HS-205/206 Islamic Studies or Ethical Behaviour
MS-121 Applied Physics
CS-251 Logic Design and Switching Theory
CT-255 Assembly Language Programming
HS-207 Financial Accounting and Management

Table 2
Statistics of batches and intervals for degree mark.

Academic Total No. of Total No. of students in Total No. of students in Total No. of students in Total No. of students in Total No. of students in
Cohort students ‘A’ Interval ‘B’ Interval ‘C’ Interval ‘D’ Interval ‘E’ Interval
Cohort 1 106 1 41 46 14 4
Cohort 2 104 e 31 54 18 1
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 183

Table 3
Distribution of yearly marks; left cohort 1, right cohort 2.

A (90e100) B(80e89) C(70e79) D(60e69) E(50e59) A (90e100) B(80e89) C(70e79) D(60e69) E(50e59)
First year 0 9 56 31 9 0 14 55 29 6
Second year 0 13 55 25 12 0 13 46 34 11
Third year 1 47 37 16 4 0 30 48 22 4
Fourth year 6 62 26 11 0 0 31 54 18 1

cohort 1 data and evaluated against cohort 2. Preliminary exploration of the data included building decision trees with
different criteria (refer to section 3.1) to predict the division of the final marks of the degree. Divisions are coarser than in-
tervals. The university categorizes a student's academic achievement in one of three divisions when awarding a degree. First
division with distinction matches roughly intervals ‘A’ and ‘B’; first division matches roughly intervals ‘C’ and ‘D’ while second
division matches roughly the ‘E’ interval. Pre-admission marks and yearly marks from all four years were used to generate
these trees. However, the obtained decision trees did not contain any branch labelled with 3rd year or 4th year marks, or, in
other words, did not select 3rd year or 4th year marks to classify students according to division. Building on this exploration,
only pre-admission marks and marks from 1st and 2nd years have been considered as variables or attributes for prediction in
this study.
Research Question 2 deals with exploring the courses that may be indicators of a good or bad performance at the end of the
degree. It is known that selecting attributes might improve the performance of classifiers, since they leave out attributes that
do not have much impact on the prediction, and thus are not likely to be indicators of good or low performance. In the first
step, we have explored different attributes selection techniques to narrow down the variables or attributes used to learn the
classifiers, in particular all well-known selection operators as available in RapidMiner. However, each selection technique
improved only the performance of a minority of the classifiers, and, most important for this study, did not improve the
performance of the decision trees. Decision trees show which attributes lead to the prediction of a particular label and are
therefore helpful to make sense of the findings. An original attribute selection technique has been used since it improves the
performance of almost half of the classifiers, the decision trees in particular. This selection technique is based on the choices
made by the decision trees in selecting the attributes while learning the trees. Extending the data set by considering two more
consecutive cohorts, we have built decision trees with the four criteria given in section 3, taking one cohort to build the model
and the follower cohort to test it. We have selected the variables or courses appearing in at least half of all decisions trees in
the spirit of ensemble methods, as explained in (Asif, Merceron, & Pathan, 2015b). This gives us a set of courses that appear to
be impacting performance most. In the second step, we considered parts of paths occurring in at least half of the decision
trees and leading to nodes labelled ‘B’ -pure nodes or, if impure, containing elements with class ‘A’- and paths leading to nodes
labelled by ‘D’ or ‘E’; in the latter case, impure nodes might include elements with class ‘C’. Courses occurring on those paths
leading to nodes labelled ‘B’ constitute indicators of good performance and courses on paths leading to nodes labelled ‘D’ or ‘E’
constitute indicators of low performance.
For Research Question 3, the focus is on investigating how performance of students progresses during their studies, and on
relating this progress with the indicator courses. For this purpose, we look for typical progression patterns of students during
their studies. Progressions of the marks are considered not on an absolute scale, as has been done in the study by Asif,
Merceron, and Pathan (2014), but in comparison with other students. Each student is represented by a vector comprising
of the marks obtained in each individual course of each of the four years of study. To discover typical progression patterns
over the years, students are clustered each year taking their final marks of each course in each year. X-means clustering with
Euclidean distance is applied. Thus, each student's progression is represented by a 4-tuple indicating the cluster the student
belongs to in each year. We expect to find progressions representing high-performing students and progressions representing
low-achieving students. We relate these results to the prediction results by investigating whether the courses that are in-
dicators of good performance reveal high-performing students and, similarly, whether the courses that are indicators of low
performance disclose low-achieving students.

5. Results and discussion

This section presents the results obtained by following the methodology mentioned above: (1) Predicting graduation
performance using classifiers (2) Deriving actionable predictors for students' performance at the end of the degree pro-
gramme (3) Investigating how academic performance of students progresses over the years and (4) Linking the results of
prediction and progression.

5.1. Predicting graduation performance using classifiers

Table 4 presents the accuracy and kappa results of 10 classifiers that have achieved accuracy above the baseline. These
results show that cohort 1 data can predict students' graduation performance of cohort 2 with a reasonable accuracy at the
184 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

end of the degree by using pre-university marks and marks of 1st and 2nd year courses; no socio-economic or demographic
features were taken into consideration. Therefore, Research Question 1, i.e. Can we predict students' performance with a
reasonable accuracy at an early stage of the degree programme using marks only?, is answered positively.
The resultant confusion matrices are shown in Table 5. To understand these confusion matrices, the first confusion matrix
of the classifier “Decision Tree with Gini Index’ is discussed. In the first column, out of the 31 (i.e. 18 þ 13) actual class ‘B’
students, the classifier predicted correctly 18 as ‘B’; the recall for class ‘B’ is 58.06 (i.e. 18/31). In the first line, 24 (18 þ 6) were
predicted as ‘B’; the precision for class ‘B’ is 18/24 ¼ 75%. Remaining columns and lines are similar for the other classes. All
correct predictions are located in the diagonals of each matrix. One notices that ‘A’ is absent. This is due to the reason that for
cohort 1 there is only one student that belongs to interval ‘A’ and no student for cohort 2. So, in the confusion matrices, there
are only zeros for class ‘A’; therefore the column for class ‘A’ is dropped. Table 5 shows that classifiers have difficulties with
classes that are underrepresented such as ‘A’ and ‘E’. Note that rebalancing techniques have been applied, but they have not
lead to any improvement of the results. Best accuracies are obtained for well-represented classes such as ‘B’ and ‘C’.

5.2. Exploring actionable predictors for students' performance

Table 4 shows that the classifiers with the best performance are Naive Bayes followed by 1-nearest neighbour and random
forests with Gini Index. A drawback of these three classifiers is that they are not interpretable for humans: it is not possible to
understand which variables or attributes, in our context which courses impact the prediction. In contrast, decision trees are
understandable by humans. As established in the methodology section, we have devised our own selection technique that
improves the performance of almost half of the classifiers and, in particular, of the decision trees. This technique performs
better with our data than other well-known selection operators available in RapidMiner. The five selected attributes are HS-
205/206, MS-121, CS-251, HS-207 and CT-255, two courses from the first year and three courses from the second year. The
explanation of these courses is given in Table 1. The decision trees with accuracy above the baseline were built using these 5
courses with cohort 1 and tested with cohort 2 and are shown in Fig. 1. As already explained in the methodology section, a
bigger data set considering two more cohorts has been used to select these five courses. The decision trees for the two
additional cohorts are given in the appendix.
As explained in the methodology section and detailed in (Asif et al., 2015b), a pragmatic policy is derived by considering
parts of paths occurring the most in the decision trees to characterize two groups: group of students who are likely to achieve
their degree with a mark in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval, and group of students who are likely to achieve their degree with a poor
mark i.e. ‘D’ or ‘E’ interval. It is summarized below:

 In the first year, students whose marks are around or less than 63 in MS-121, are likely to have a mark in the ‘D’ or ‘E’
interval at the end of the degree.
 In the second year, students who have marks below 60 in HS-207 or 43 in CS-251 are likely to have a mark in the ‘D’ or ‘E’
interval at the end of the degree.
 In the second year, students who have marks equal to or higher than 80 in HS-207 or students who have marks more than
86 in CT-255, are likely to have a mark in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval at the end of the degree.

Table 4
Classifier Prediction Accuracy and kappa.

Classifier Accuracy/Kappa
Decision Tree with Gini Index 68.27%/0.493
(DT-GI) (with minimal leaf size 2)
Decision Tree with Information Gain 69.23%/0.498
(DT-IG) (with minimal leaf size 6)
Decision Tree with Accuracy 60.58%/0.325
(DT-Acc) (with minimal leaf size 2)
Rule Induction with Information Gain 55.77%/0.352
1-Nearest Neighbour 74.04%/0.583
Naive Bayes 83.65%/0.727
Neural Networks 62.50%/0.447
Random Forest Trees with Gini Index 71.15%/0.543
(RF-GI) (with minimal leaf size 8)
Random Forest Trees with Information Gain (RF-IG) 69.23%/0.426
(with minimal leaf size 10)
Random Forest Trees with Accuracy 62.50%/0.269
(RF-Acc) (with minimal leaf size 2)
Table 5
Confusion matrices.

Decision Tree with Actual Class Naïve Bayes Actual Class

Gini Index precision precision
Predicted B 18 6 0 0 75.00% Predicted B 28 6 0 0 82.35%
C 13 38 2 0 71.70% C 3 47 6 0 83.92%
D 0 10 14 0 58.33% D 0 1 12 1 85.71%
E 0 0 2 1 33.33% E 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Class Recall 58.06% 70.37% 77.78% 100.00% Class Recall 90.32% 87.04% 66.67% 0.00%
Decision Tree Actual Class Neural Networks Actual Class
with Information B C D E precision B C D E precision

R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

Predicted B 16 4 0 0 80.00% Predicted B 30 24 0 0 55.56%
C 15 40 2 0 70.18% C 1 23 3 0 85.18%
D 0 10 16 1 59.26% D 0 6 12 1 63.15%
E 0 0 0 0 0.00% E 0 1 3 0 0.00%
Class Recall 51.61% 74.07% 88.89% 0.00% Class Recall 96.77% 42.59% 66.67% 0.00%
Decision Tree Actual Class Random Forest Actual Class
with Accuracy B C D E precision Trees with B C D E precision
Gini Index
Predicted B 4 0 0 0 100.00% Predicted B 27 13 1 0 65.85%
C 27 44 2 0 60.27% C 4 35 5 0 79.55%
D 0 10 14 0 58.33% D 0 6 12 1 63.16%
E 0 0 2 1 33.33% E 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Class Recall 12.90% 81.48% 77.78% 100.00% Class Recall 87.10% 64.81% 66.67% 0.00%
Rule Induction Actual Class Random Forest Actual Class
with Information B C D E precision Trees with B C D E precision
Gain Information Gain
Predicted B 22 8 3 1 57.89% Predicted B 22 4 0 0 84.62%
C 6 23 2 0 74.19% C 9 50 18 1 64.10%
D 3 23 13 0 33.33% D 0 5 0 0 0.00%
E 0 0 0 0 0.00% E 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Class Recall 70.97% 42.59% 72.22% 0.00% Class Recall 70.97% 95.29% 0.00% 0.00%
1-NN Actual Class Random Forest Actual Class
B C D E precision Trees with B C D E precision
Predicted B 26 11 0 0 70.27% Predicted B 11 1 0 0 91.67%
C 5 38 5 0 79.16% C 20 53 17 0 58.89%
D 0 5 13 1 68.42% D 0 0 1 1 50.00%
E 0 0 0 0 0.00% E 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Class Recall 83.87% 70.37% 72.22% 0.00% Class Recall 35.48% 98.15% 5.56% 0.00%

186 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

5.3. Investigating progression of students

As written in the methodology section, students have been clustered each year by taking into account their final marks for
each course in each year to determine typical progression patterns over the years. The results presented in this section
summarize the results of the work done by Asif, Merceron, and Pathan (2015a). Table 6 represents the clustering of cohort 1
for the first year. One notices that three clusters have been found. The centroids give the average mark of the cluster in each
course. All these courses are listed in the appendix. In each course, the average mark of the cluster Low is less than the average
mark of cluster Intermediate and this one is less than the average mark of cluster High.
Table 7 represents the total number of students in each cluster for all four years for cohort 1 and cohort 2 respectively. The
sets of clusters obtained show the same trends in the complete data: clusters of students with low marks in all courses,
intermediate marks in all courses and high marks in all courses. As a contrasting example, no cluster has been found con-
taining students with low marks in courses 1 and 2, intermediate marks in courses 3 and 4, and high marks in course
Table 7 also indicates that for cohort 1, most of the students belongs to the intermediate cluster in all the years except the
second year where the “High” cluster is particularly large. Notice that in the third year the intermediate cluster splits into two
clusters. Similar to cohort 1, most of the students of cohort 2 belong to the intermediate cluster in all years except in the first
year, where the intermediate cluster does not exist. These findings match well with Table 3, which has the highest number of
students in the interval 70e80 in all four years for both cohorts, except for the fourth year of cohort 1.
Having clustered each cohort four times, the typical progression of a student is determined as follows. First, the mean of all
centres of each cluster in each year is calculated and rounded. For example, for cohort 1 year 1 (see Table 6), the mean of
cluster ‘Low’ is 60, the mean of cluster ‘Intermediate’ is 71 and the mean of cluster ‘High’ is 78; for cohort 2 year 1, there are
only 2 clusters, the mean of cluster ‘Low’ is 60 and the mean of cluster ‘High’ is 73. Then, to obtain an intuitive overview of
how the performance of students globally evolves over the four years, each student is described by a 4-tuple whose elements
are the mean of the centres of the clusters the student is in. For example, for cohort 1, a student belonging to the cluster with
the lowest mark in first year and second year, with intermediate-low marks in third year and intermediate marks in fourth
year will be represented by the tuple (60, 52, 66, 77) while a student belonging to the cluster with high marks in all four years
will be described by the tuple (78, 73, 83, 85).
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 aggregate all the tuples of all students for cohort 1 and cohort 2 respectively in a kind of hierarchical
histogram. The height of the bar represents the number of students characterized by the same tuple. The diagram is ordered
from right to left: low values on the right, and high values on the left. The colour indicates the first year clusters. The 2nd year
is depicted at the bottom of the diagram and divided into different parts corresponding to the mean of the clusters. Each of
these parts is divided into the clusters of 3rd year. Finally, the highest level of the hierarchy divides further each part with the
clusters of the 4th year, which is drawn right below the bars.
We can see from the above figures that there are more high bars towards the left of Fig. 2 as compared to Fig. 3. This shows
that there are more students with higher marks in the second year and high or intermediate marks in the third and fourth
year in cohort 1 than in cohort 2, which visualizes the trend given by Table 3.

Table 6
Cluster centroids of first year for Cohort 1.

Attribute Low Intermediate High

CT-153 61.714 75.636 87.259
CT-157 66.257 80.636 86.259
CT-158 76.543 82.114 82.963
CT-162 58.371 71.614 82.741
EE-115 49.571 62.273 76.259
EL-134 51.686 68.977 76.778
HS-102 53.714 56.409 64.185
HS-105/127 60.114 61.955 68.444
HS-205/206 58.743 64.500 69.296
MS-121 60.400 73.136 82.778
MS-171 60.686 78.341 82.926

Table 7
No. of Students Cluster Wise in Four Years; left cohort 1, right cohort 2.

Cluster First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
Low 32 15 14 23 49 20 18 34
Intermediate 47 25 27 (Intermediate - Low) 49 e 41 43 44
32 (Intermediate - High)
High 27 66 33 34 55 43 43 26
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 187

Fig. 2. Tuples summary of Cohort1.

Fig. 3. Tuples summary of Cohort2.

The above two figures demonstrate two critical groups of students; one group of students is identified by the high green
bar on the far left; this group represent the high-performing students. The second group is identified by the red bar on the far
right and contains the low-achieving students. High-performing students have high marks in each of the four years and this
group is essential in both cohorts. Low-achieving students have low marks in all four years and this group is somewhat bigger
in cohort 2 than in cohort 1. Other important groups for both cohorts are those groups which contain students who have
intermediate marks in all years or who have intermediate marks in all years with the exception of one year. The second and
fourth highest bars of Fig. 2 show such groups for cohort 1: students with intermediate marks in all years but in the second
year, where they have high marks, make up the second highest bar, (71, 73, 75, 77), and students with intermediate marks but
in 1st year, where they have low marks, make up the fourth highest bar, (60, 62, 66, 77). The third and fourth highest bars of
Fig. 3, (60, 69, 70, 76) and (73, 69, 70, 76), are further illustrations of students having intermediate marks but in one year, here
the first year, for cohort 2.
Figs. 2 and 3 also demonstrate that there are very few atypical students like those who have low marks in 1st year but then
progress and finish with high marks in the 4th year. They are discovered searching for small red bars towards the left of the
diagram. There is one such student in cohort 2 given by the tuple (60, 69, 70, 84). Another interesting, and also small cluster, is
constituted by students who have high marks in 1st year but low marks in all following years. Small green bars towards the
right of the diagram depict them. There are two of them in cohort 2 (73, 58, 60, 65), and one in cohort 1 (78, 62, 66, 65).
188 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

The results obtained in this section show that there are two important groups of students: the high-performing stu-
dents, and the low-achieving students. They also show that many students tend to stay in the same kind of groups all four
years: many clusters are constituted of students with intermediate marks all the way but in one year. Finally, our approach
of clustering students year by year allows for discovering small but interesting clusters of atypical students who begin with
low marks and finish with high marks or vice versa. These students are not found when clustering is conducted by
considering the marks of all years together. This kind of atypical group is also difficult to discover in the work done by
Bower (2010).

5.4. Reflecting on the pragmatic policy

In this section, cohort 1 and cohort 2 are tackled in turn. For cohort 1, 39 students are predicted by the pragmatic policy as
likely to have a degree mark in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval and 29 students in the ‘D’ or ‘E’ interval. Precisely, one student with an ‘A’
degree mark, 28 students with a ‘B’, and 10 with ‘C’. Therefore, the accuracy of the pragmatic policy for the degree mark in the
‘A’ or ‘B’ interval is 29/39 or 74.35%. A very legitimate question arises here whether the pragmatic policy detects all students
who obtained a degree mark in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval or not. This is technically known as the recall measure. This is a tricky
question, as the pragmatic policy has not been designed to detect all students with graduation in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval, but
only those where the graduation in a ‘B’ interval would not be too far from the ‘A’ interval as explained in the methodology
section, see also (Asif et al., 2015b). Therefore, a high recall is not expected. Indeed, recall is 29/42 ¼ 69.05%, as the data set of
cohort 1 contains one student with a degree mark in the ‘A’ interval and 41 students with marks in the ‘B’ interval (refer back
to Table 2).
Most important is to know whether the pragmatic policy detects all high-performing students as identified in the
previous section about progression, and indeed it does. Fig. 2 shows that there are 17 high-performing students, which can
be visualized by looking at the green bar at the extreme left of the figure, and defined by the cluster (78, 73, 83, 85). By
inspecting these 17 students in the actual dataset, it may be noticed that these students are all predicted by the pragmatic
policy as likely to have a degree mark in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval. The remaining 22 students that are predicted with an ‘A’ or ‘B’
degree mark by the pragmatic policy are grouped in different clusters as can be seen at the left side of Table 8. In Table 8, the

Table 8
Clusters and identification by the pragmatic policy for cohort 1, left: high performing students, right: low achieving students.

Cluster Total No. of Students No. of students identified by pragmatic Cluster Total No. of Students No. of students identified by pragmatic
in each cluster policy along with the interval count in each cluster policy along with the interval count
(60, 73, 01 01 (‘C’) (60, 52, 11 11(8 ‘D’ and 3 ‘E’)
66, 54, 65)
(60, 73, 02 02 (All ‘C’) (60, 52, 02 02(1‘C’ and 10 D0 )
75, 66, 77)
(71, 73, 13 06 (1‘B’ and 5 ‘C’) (60, 62, 02 02(All ‘D’)
75, 54, 65)
(71, 73, 07 01 (‘B’) (60, 62, 02 02(1‘C’ and 10 D0 )
75, 66, 65)
(71, 73, 05 03 (All ‘B’) (60, 62, 08 04(All ‘C’)
83, 66, 77)
(71, 73, 07 05 (All ‘B’) (71, 52, 01 01(‘D’)
83, 54, 65)
(78, 73, 03 02 (All ‘C’) (71, 62, 02 01(‘C’)
75, 66, 65)
(78, 73, 01 01 (‘B’) (71, 73, 03 01(‘C’)
75, 66, 77)
(78, 73, 04 01 (‘B’) (71, 73, 13 02(1 ‘B’ and 1 ‘C’)
83, 75, 77)
(78, 73, 17 17 (1 ‘A’ and 16 ‘B’) (71, 73, 07 01(‘B’)
83, 83, 85)
(78, 62, 01 01(‘C’)
66, 65)
(78, 73, 17 01(‘B’)
83, 85)
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 189

second column shows the number of students in each cluster and the third column indicates the number of students
identified by the pragmatic policy as well as the real interval of their degree mark. Interestingly, the clusters containing
students identified as likely to obtain a high graduating mark by the pragmatic policy are classified in the category “high”
for the second year.
Looking at the students of cohort 1 predicted as likely to have a degree mark in the ‘D’ or ‘E’ interval, 3 students have ‘B’
interval, 10 have ‘C’ interval, 13 have ‘D’ interval and 3 have ‘E’ interval. So, the accuracy of the pragmatic policy when pre-
dicting ‘D’ or ‘E’ is 16/29 ¼ 55% and recall is 16/18 ¼ 88.88%. In the actual dataset of cohort 1, there are 14 students with ‘D’
interval and 4 students with ‘E’ interval (refer Table 2). These figures reflect that the pragmatic policy has been designed to be
cautious: in doubt, better give a warning. Fig. 2 indicates that there are 11 low-achieving students with lowest marks in all
years and described by the tuple (60, 52, 54, 65). All of them are predicted by the pragmatic policy as likely to have a degree
mark in the ‘D’ or ‘E’ interval, which is indeed the case. The remaining 18 students that are predicted by the pragmatic policy
as likely to have a degree mark in the ‘D’ or ‘E’ interval are in different clusters, see right side of Table 7. We can also observe
that the students who have low marks in all years but one are also flagged by the pragmatic policy, see clusters (60, 52, 54, 71),
(60, 62, 54, 65) and (60, 52, 66, 65) at the right side of Table 7.

Table 9
Clusters and identification by the pragmatic policy for cohort 2, left: students likely to obtain high marks, right: students likely to obtain low marks.

Cluster Total No. of Students No. of students identified by pragmatic Cluster Total No. of Students No. of students identified by pragmatic
in each cluster policy along with the interval count in each cluster policy along with the interval count
(60, 58, 20 01(‘C’) (60, 58, 20 19(2‘C’, 16‘D’, 1‘E’)
60, 60, 65)
(60, 69, 03 01(‘C’) (60, 58, 04 03(2‘C, 1’D)
60, 60, 76)
(60, 69, 07 02(All ‘C’) (60, 58, 02 02(All ‘C’)
70, 70, 65)
(60, 78, 01 01(‘C’) (60, 58, 05 05(All ‘C’)
70, 70, 76)
(73, 69, 04 01(‘C’) (60, 69, 02 01(‘D’)
60, 60, 65)
(73, 69, 12 04(All ‘C’) (60, 69, 03 02(All ‘C’)
70, 60, 76)
(73, 69, 01 01(‘B’) (60, 69, 08 07(All ‘C’)
79, 70, 76)
(73, 69, 04 01(‘B’) (60, 69, 01 01 (‘C’)
79, 70, 84)
(73, 78, 01 01(‘B’) (60, 78, 01 01 (‘C’)
70, 70, 76)
(73, 78, 07 05(‘B’) (73, 58, 02 02(1 ‘C’, 1‘D’)
79, 60, 65)
(73, 78, 17 17(1‘A’, 16‘B’) (73, 58, 04 02(All ‘C’)
79, 60, 76)
(73, 58, 01 01(‘C’)
70, 65)
(73, 69, 04 03(All ‘C’)
60, 65)
(73, 69, 04 02(All ‘C’)
70, 65)
(73, 69, 15 03(All ‘C’)
70, 76)
(73, 69, 04 02(1‘B’, 1‘C’)
79, 84)
(73, 78, 07 02(All ‘B’)
79, 76)
(73, 78, 18 01(‘B’)
79, 84)
190 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194

A further examination of Table 8 shows that the pragmatic policy foresees some students with a degree mark ‘D’ or ‘E’ who
have intermediate or high marks in the first and second year but low or intermediate marks in the third and fourth year.
Example clusters are (71, 62, 66, 65), (71, 73, 66, 77), (71, 73, 75, 77) and (78, 62, 66, 65). This confirms that the pragmatic
policy warns too much. Interestingly, the atypical student beginning with high marks and finishing with low marks is pre-
dicted with degree mark ‘D’ or ‘E’ by the pragmatic policy: (78, 62, 66, 65) though actually s/he manages a ‘C’. The pragmatic
policy is also contradicting; it detects one student that belongs to the cluster (78, 73, 83, 85) as high-performing as well as
low-achieving student.
Analysis of cohort 2 reveals that the accuracy of the pragmatic policy while predicting degree mark in the interval ‘A’ or ‘B’
is 68.85% and recall 70.96%. These figures are similar to those obtained for cohort 1. For predicting degree mark ‘D’ or ‘E’,
accuracy is 30% and recall 94.74%, which shows that almost no targeted student will be missed, but with the price of having
many false warnings issued. Table 9 is similar to Table 8, but for cohort 2. As for cohort 1, the pragmatic policy detects all high-
performing students and all low-achieving students (except 1) in the sense of progression of the previous section. With the
exception of the cluster (60, 58, 60, 65), groups containing students predicted with a degree mark in the ‘A’ or ‘B’ interval by
the pragmatic policy are clusters with high or intermediate marks in year 2. Most of the groups containing students identified
as likely to have a degree mark in the ‘D’ or ‘E’ interval by the pragmatic policy are clusters with low marks in year 1 or 2. Like
for cohort 1, the pragmatic policy is also conflicting for cohort 2; it identifies one student that belongs to the high cluster (73,
78, 79, 84) as a high-performing as well as a low-achieving student.
To have a better visualization of how students are evolving over the years, we make a heat map by sorting the students of
a cohort clusters-wise according to the results of progression. The number 1, 2, 3 and so on at the left of Fig. 4 shows the

Fig. 4. Cohort 1 Heat map with sorted students.

Table 10
HSC marks of high performing and low achieving students.

Cohort Total No. of high- Total no. of students with marks lower than Total No. of low Total no. of students with marks higher than
No. performing students average HSC marks achieving students average HSC marks
Cohort 17 05 11 04
Cohort 17 08 20 04
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 191

clusters sorted by the columns of their tuples. The bottom line shows all the courses of the four-year degree with the
courses of the 1st year on the left, followed by the courses of the 2nd year, 3rd year and finally the courses of the 4th year on
the right. Fig. 4 shows the heatmap of cohort 1 while the heatmap of cohort 2 is given in the appendix. It turns out that this
heatmap visualizes several results of this contribution. The shift in the colour of the columns towards more red on the left
matches the shift towards better marks shown in Table 3. In the section on actionable predictors, five courses have been
selected to improve the performance of classifiers. These courses are HS-205/206, MS-121, CS-251, HS-207 and CT-255.
These courses go from low to high marks (from blue to red) and the change in the colour follows roughly the clusters;
this is particularly true for the courses identified as predictors of low performance (MS-121, CS-251, HS-207) or high
performance (CT-255, HS-207) of students. Accidentally, the heatmap also points out courses where all students tend to
have marks in a small range like CS-158, third from left, which is mostly red, or like HS-102, sixth from left, which is mostly
Our aim is to uncover students likely to obtain a low graduation mark or a high graduation mark as early as possible.
However, it turns out that our pragmatic policy does not use admission marks, which would allow putting in place some
measures already at the beginning of the first year. This is an interesting and important result of the prediction part of this
work. We now take the complementary look by considering the HSC marks of the high-performing and the low-achieving
students, as the university selects the students for the entrance exam on their HSC marks. In cohort 1, out of 17 high-
performing students, 5 have HSC marks lower than the average HSC marks. Similarly, for cohort 2, out of 17 high-
performing students, 8 have HSC marks lower than average. Conversely, we find that 4 out of 11 low-achieving students
have HSC marks above average in cohort 1 and 4 out of 20 low-achieving students in cohort 2. Table 10 gives an overview.
These findings suggest that students are evolving at university and this evolution does not necessarily follow their perfor-
mance behaviour prior to university.

6. Conclusion and future works

The present study has investigated three research questions with the final aim of providing teachers and study programme
directors with information that might help them to improve the educational programmes at their institution. The first
question concerns predicting students' performance using marks only, no socio-economic data. The results show that it is
possible to predict the graduation performance in a four-year university program using pre-university marks and marks of
first and second year courses only with a reasonable accuracy. Further, the model established for one cohort generalizes to the
following cohort.
The second question strives for deriving courses that can serve as effective indicators of good or poor performance in the
degree programme. With the help of decision trees, four courses have been put in evidence that can serve as such indicators.
The third question involves investigating how students' academic performance progresses over the four-year degree.
Surprisingly, in each year students tend to have the same kind of marks: low marks, intermediate marks or high marks in all
courses. This pattern repeats over the years: students tend to remain in the same kind of groups. Thus, two major groups are
put in evidence: the group of high-performing students who acquired high marks during the four years, and the group of low-
achieving students who got low marks during the four years. We observe that the proposed pragmatic policy is reliable in the
sense that it detects these two groups (but for one student) in the two cohorts that we have studied. It should be noticed that
the pragmatic policy is very cautious and may issue a warning to students who are not necessarily struggling students at the
end of the degree program. In summary, the pragmatic policy appears to be workable and allows “automatically flag students
who show early signs of struggle or opportunity”, a scenario that is ranked as very important by teachers in the report
compiled by Pea (2014).
An important future work is to deepen the generalizability of the results. Studies along these lines have already begun and
indicate that using the same approach, graduation performance can be predicted in two other degree programmes of the
same university. Prediction of performance at the end of the course could be investigated for the courses identified as in-
dicators of low and high performance, thus giving the university another leverage to improve educational outcomes. Further,
the university has recently changed from an annual to a semester system. The framework of the present study should be
adapted to this new context. Another future direction of research is to study whether the design of the heatmaps can be
refined to extract the indicators of low and high performance without running the algorithms for prediction before. If
conclusive, the whole approach would be easier to implement in practice.


This work was supported in part by a grant from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.


We thank Dr. Sajida Zaki and Ms. Rahila Huma Anwar for providing language help and proof reading this article. This work
is supported in part by a grant from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.
192 R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194


Fig. A.1. Cohort 2 Heat map with sorted students.

Admission data and the list of courses over the four years are explained in Table A.I. Besides for just a few exceptions, the
first digit in the three digit-numeric code assigned to each course indicates the year in which the course is offered. For
instance CT-153 is taught in first year, CS-251 is taught in second year, while CT-352 is taught in third year and CT-452 in
fourth year.

Fig. A.2. Decision tree with Gini Index, Information Gain and Accuracy built with feature selection for Dataset1.
R. Asif et al. / Computers & Education 113 (2017) 177e194 193

Table A.1
Full list of variables of the dataset.

Name Description
Adj_Marks HSC Examination total marks
Maths_Marks HSC Examination Mathematics marks
MPC HSC Maths þ Physics þ Chemistry marks
CT-153 Programming Languages
CT-157 Data Structures Algorithms and Applications
CT-158 Fundamentals of Information Technology
CT-161 Computing Lab
EE-115 Electrical Technology Fundamentals
EL-134 Basic Electronics
HS-102 English
HS-105/127 Pakistan Studies
MS-171 Differential & Integral Calculus
HS-205/206 Islamic Studies or Ethical Behaviour
MS-121 Applied Physics
MS-172 Discrete Structures
CS-251 Logic Design and Switching Theory
CS-252 Computer Architecture and Organization
CT-251 Object Oriented Programming
CT-254 System Analysis and Design
CT-255 Assembly Language Programming
CT-257 Data Base Management System
EL-238 Digital Electronics
HS-208 Business Communication & Ethics
MS-271 Ordinary Differential Equation & Complex Variable
MS-272 Linear Algebra & Geometry
HS-207 Financial Accounting and Management
CT-352 Computer Graphics
CT-353 Operating Systems
CT-354 Software Engineering
CT-360 Visual Programming
CT-361 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System
CT-362 Web Engineering
CS-351 Computer Communication Networking
CS-352 Digital Communication Systems
CS-353 Microprocessor & their Applications
MS-331 Probability & Statistics
CT-452 Modelling & Simulation
CT-455 Distributed Database Client Server Programming
CT-456 Data Warehouse Methods
CT-460 Network & Information Security
MS-471 Applied Numerical Methods
CS-451 Parallel Processing
CT-454 Compiler Design
CT-461 E-Commerce
CT-481 Wireless Network & Mobile Computing
CT-483 System Administration


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