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 pursuing amateur arts
 clubs( sport, cultural, professional)
 hobby and work
 modern / peculiar hobbies
 preserving traditions
 exclusive hobbies (golf, riding, scuba diving, etc.)
 hobby and/or professionalism?

In this running world not everyone has the time they would need to chill out but we still have our interests in sports,
art and other relaxing opportunities. I would say that almost everybody has a hobby that he or she really likes to do.
For some, this hobby is their work, for others, their hobby begins after work time, or at the weekends.
This hobby can be anything that the individual enjoys. For me a hobby is something you do whenever you feel like
it. A lot of people say I should take art classes but if I had a precise date when I would have to go and paint I
wouldn’t think of painting as a true hobby anymore. But this question mostly depends on the individual.
These hobbies often stay hobbies in people’s lives, but sometimes it becomes their professional job which they
have to do every day for living.
There are two ways for a hobby to become someone’s job. The first is when you do something, and you love it so
much that you would like to live off money or benefit you can make out of it.
The other way is when you take something up like painting or singing as a profession, and later you start to love it
more and more, so this becomes even your hobby, and you do it even at home or vacation, not just in work time.
Of course, we should make a difference between obsession and passion, as obsession sometimes may not be as
pleasant as it can easily turn into something that can be harmful or make a fool out of the obsessed people. Those
ones can easily hand out money on things that are connected with their obsession, and they do it without any
control. But this is just the financial side, as they might take greater risks than they could overcome.
The lucky people are those who can chose and are good at their work and at the same time love it. A lot of people
spend time on their work without finding it at least a little pleasant.
There are many people who would likely enjoys the privilege of taking up hobbies but because of the quantity of
their work it is impossible for them. (also in school life for students)
Of course, these activities can be useful for individuals to take their mind of work or reduce stress also to improve
their pent-up creative energy. (spend time of the day when bored)
A lot of the hobbies are based on old traditions and their practice, like painting, martial arts and singing. For me, I
have a lot of hobbies, but mostly based on old, traditional ones, such as drawing, painting. When I manage to do
these activities, I always feel like life is just a dream and that there is no pain or suffering that can come to me at
that time.
For a lot of people who are really into their hobbies, which is their true and only passion, they might choose it as
their profession. Humans like to do what they love to do, not obeying / the rules of the society. There are many
people who became famous because they did what they wanted. (Talent included)
Going to the cinema, the theatre or any type of museum can also become someone’s hobby. It is very useful
because by going to these places people’s worldview can expand, along with seeing new and interesting sights and
meeting new and extraordinary people. (make new friends).
Besides that there are many modern and peculiar hobbies like learning photography (many new places, views).
Then doing stand up comedy is also a very interesting and unique hobby that you can take up. (meet new people,
funny jokes). Try rock climbing. Beside being an exhilarating and active sport, it is also very expensive and
dangerous. (lose weight, become strong, new places). Riding is also very interesting for there are many great fields
and opportunities to ride on. (meet animals, way of transport). Practice tai chi. (reduce stress, learn ancient Chinese
practice) Going on concerts can also be a hobby. There are many interesting and new bands and singers showing of
their talents every year. If you don’t like crowds this is most likely the worst place for you. (enjoy music, meet
people with similar music taste).
A lot of people think that a hobby only can become someone ‘s hobby when that individual is very talented. This
fact is false most of the time. Of course, there are people who draw or write because they are good at it but a lot of
times they don’t need to acquire special abilities to be doing any type of hobby. It doesn’t matter if a person is good
or not that good in it, the main goal is to enjoy the process.
15. Studying/work

 (over)qualification/chances on the labour market language knowlegde /skills /career

 lifelong education professional development
 employment opportunities/mobility
 unemployment

In almost all countries there is a law about what age children must study. In Hungary we have to go to school until
the age of 16. Despite our plans, dreams and expectations future may hold unexpected twists and can easily leave
us disappointed. These days it is very hard to find a job in Hungary, as the payouts are low and the taxes are high,
not to mention the price of the food, clothing, gas, electricity, water, and so on. We have to improve ourselves,
study as much as we can, and I would add as much as we can afford.
Not all families are equal. In some places parents struggle with paying their children for college. The saddest thing
is if someone wants to learn and improve, they must have enough money, talent doesn’t matter at this point.
A lot of students nowadays (in Hungary also) always complain and doesn’t understand why they have to study
every single bit of the world knowledge. The reason is because if you have a job, you can lose it every day, and you
don’t have to make a mistake to become unemployed. These days everyone is lack of money, and it can happen that
a company can’t pay its employees for the simple reason that they don’t have enough money. That is why we must
study, study and study, not just the things that we are interested in, but all the things we might need, as it gives us
more opportunity to find another job. It’s never too late to study and to update or widen our knowledge. And the
more things you know the better you can deal with struggles.
Some schools have different rules of others, different ways to teach but learning language is important in every
school. Our most used language in the world is currently English, and it is really important to speak it because if
you for example go to a path that requires you to speak with people abroad it is very important for all those people
to speak a common language in order not to have any difficulties understanding each other.
To speak a little more about younger people working, we should mention how we can get a job. Basically, we can
do different things while we are studying, but these jobs are mostly available for only students and young people,
like in McDonalds. Or when you go to a specific kind of school or course, you have to spend some time practicing
the job itself, to go to a company and apply as a student worker. You can really start doing student work from the
age of 16 in Hungary, this can be beside your studies or after your studies in a gap year for example.
The advantage of the gap year is basically that you can try various type of jobs and earn money to see which one
suits you the best and this can help you pick the perfect job for you.
(Also improving your own skills and study yourself, what skills do you have what are you bad or good at.
After graduating students usually have or search for a job. In other ways, you search the Internet, leaf through the
newspapers or go to an office, where you can talk with a person, who informs you about the things on the job
market, where you can go to work, or what should you learn more, et cetera.
If they find the perfect job, they have to attend a job interview.
For that they have to write a CV, which contains their personal details studies, previous job experiences and maybe
some reasons why they would be the appropriate person for the job. They hand it in bead to the company, where
they would like to work, and based on / it, the employer can decide whether they would like to interview the person
or not. If they call the employee in, they have to talk about the same things as they had written in their CV, and they
have to show their knowledge about the company, too, as it will be very important, if they got selected for the job.
If they get it, they will have to sign a contract that yes, they are there, working and serving the company. In most
places they have probation which is about 1 to 3 months long. If they and their employer are both content the
person will stay there, sign another contract that they are a proved worker and they will get a bit more salary.
When you get into the job very deeply and start working every day you are likely to improve.
Of course, as you go upper the ladder you will have more important and maybe difficult jobs, and maybe a different
work time, also with more and more payout. It is called promotion but if you aren’t working hard enough, you can
easily get fired or your boss can decide if they put you back to your old workplace. If you get a promotion, you may
have to move to another place. These habits are very different in each country. The solution to prevent this is life
long learning. There are always new things to learn new technology, new improvements, which you have to know
by heart if you want to achieve a further levels.
12. Sport

 first-class sports – mass sports/doping healthy lifestyle

 professionalism/amateurism in sport/extreme water sports/ winter sports
 sports
 sport and women (chess, boxing, weightlifting) The ollympic games

Sport is a very important thing is one’s life. It can protect our health, our body, refresh the mind, strengthen us
inside and outside, not to talk about the reduction of the daily stress. As we are different, we can’t all be in just one
specific sport, so during the centuries and millenniums people invented several kinds of sports with different
moves, rules, equipment and requirements Some are dangerous, some are not, your choice may depend on your
physical abilities and the fact that how adventurous you are.
Sport can also help us lose weight, it keeps us fit and it may prevent us from many problems related to our body.
Health problems can be a cause why people take up /belekezd/ different sports, like jogging against obesity
/túlsúlyosság/ and heart problems. Sports can do wonders for our health, by strengthening /megerősítés/ our
muscles, bones, heart and lungs /tüdők/. An other cause why we choose them as our free time activities is that the
fact that it reduces the daily stress and the chance of getting a heart attack.
A lot of people only take up different type of sport to keep themselves fit, also not to gain weight and if it’s a ball
game or something rather going to the gym ( it also counts as a sport) then the individual even enjoys it. Sometimes
people love or good at a particular sport that they tend to start doing it professionally. Let’s take swimming for
example. Hungary is especially good at water sports in general, not just swimming, and if a child is very good in
one of the watersports then they want the child to start doing it professionally and go to competitions often. There
are many different type of sports which you can play in each season.
There are extreme sports for the adrenaline lovers, like hiking windsurfing, scuba diving or parachuting slow sports
which need more concentration and more use of your brain, like chess and golf, there are the martial arts and their
branches /ágazatai/, and the list could go on for long pages.
As for me I tried a lot of sports when I was little (swimming, hand ball volleyball, jazz-dance, rocky, basketball)
but I gave up all of them. Probably because in all the sport they wanted me to race. And I didn’t like it at all. I think
nowadays people turn everything a competition and race against other countries. Since people are trained to be
successful since they are children they can easily have abnormal childhood. (it is the same thing with famous
people’s children.)
As I see it, women might like doing sport more than men, as we are considered to be more worried about our health
and shape, so small wonder that we have at least the same number of girls as boys on each training. Men are said to
be less worried about their bodies and I would say we can see less men running on the streets alone.
Of course there are many body builders who want to have a perfectly trained body in order to look good and to
keep themselves fit. That is why many people go to the gym nowadays. Has become a normal thing in our lives.
I don’t really like gyms because I find them boring. If there is a ballgame or something interesting that has some
entertainment in it I may try it, but going to a room full of people who are pulling weight and exercises doesn’t
interest me at all for some reason.
There are many team sports and individual sports. Both of them has disadvantages and advantages. I think the
advantages of team sport is that when you go practice you have friends and it is much more fun to play ( basketball)
and also your teammates can help you to get better. But if you are not a team player than this is the worst kind of
sport for you. Some people just can cooperate with others and are better off themselves when it comes to sports.
Also if you have a bad team or you just don’t agree on thing it can be depressing to play with them.
On the other hand individual sports tend to be very entertaining if you are better solo. You can concentrate on
yourself better and you don’t have to argue with anybody. The disadvantage is that you can feel that you are left
alone and you don’t have anyone to talk to while practice.
Also, there is the so famous wife-carrying competition, which was invented in Finland as has the basic idea that the
husbands have to carry their wives on their back at the fastest speed they can, through several obstacles .Who is the
fastest and doesn’t hurt, drop or leave his wife wins.
An other idiot sport which spreads around the world with the speed of light is the cell phone throwing. You just
have to toss it in the air, the goal is that it has to fly a long distance up so high, and land at the furthest point.
Sometimes I can’t see a clever point in a game or its rules, but it still can be very enjoyable for someone.
1. Media
 objectivity/impartiality of providing information features of newspaper, their columns
 stars/celebrities sensation and news

As this age is considered to be the age of information, media plays a very important role in our daily lives. The
television, the radio, newspapers and the Internet are just a few examples of communication.
When we wake up in the morning, we turn on the TV, watch the news or the weather forecast .While having
breakfast, a lot of people like to read their favorite newspaper, and when they set off to work, they turn on the radio
in their car. At their workplace, or after they got home, they use their computers to surf the Internet.
As for nowadays people know/ use electronic devices from a very young age. Our ascendants had started using
electronic devices devices when they were adults. Compared to that we can see 4 year old children playing or
watching videos on huge tablets.
Is it good for children to watch videos on the internet at a very young age. I think this depends on the parents. Some
parents often don’t care about what their children watch or don’t know how to restrict it. That is why many children
learn from these videos and often cant make a difference between the real world and the internet. These children
usually become easily influenced by the media news as well. But I think everybody has to learn how to make a
difference between a false and true new on webpages.
Of course, we can’t stay out of the current political topics or not be influenced by one of the parties, as every single
form of media reflects the interests of one party, at least. None of the tools of the media can be considered to be
objective, though we still keep using them, as we form our opinion based on our own ideas, interests and needs, not
really on what others may say.
News are watched usually by older people nowadays. We can find out about various news which happened around
the world through webpages, radio, TV and many other places.
In Hungary, I would say that the most used form of media is the Internet, as it is available almost everywhere, it is
fast and by the time we get the daily newspaper in our hands, there are already at least five updates about the same
topic we read in the morning. The more people use the web to search for information, the age of printed news is
about its end, because we can choose what we want to be informed about, and what is out of our interest. That
probably is the reason why there is a significant difference in the number of newspaper ordering between these days
and a decade ago.
Watching TV is one of the things that didn’t change trough to decades. It was and still is very popular. As soon as
we get home, turn it on, we can listen to music, watch a film or sit down in front of fascinating series. According to
our own taste we can choose whether we would like to watch something on a public or a commercial channel. The
main difference between them is that the public channels run on the money of the government and are mostly
available for everybody, while the commercial channels use the commercials for their living.
Also, while we are await the show to go on, there are other long commercials, which are usually very boring and
annoying for an average person, but this is the price of our favorite programs to run. During the five or ten minute
long advertisement time we switch to an other channel, and watch the news, which is usually about the bad things
that happened in the world. We rarely hear about the opening ceremony of a new school or hospital, because not
everybody thinks it to be important, but likes to hear more about natural disasters and other sad things, like
protesting ended up in catastrophe.
Commercials can also influence us in a way. Probably because people like to get something for nothing. If a person
hears that there is a discount on a product and that product is good quality they want to buy it. Of course this
doesn’t effect everyone. Also they use different techniques to trick the costumer’s mind.
An other great source of income are the reality shows and other programs, which are based on the viewers votes.
People sit down in front of the screen and send text messages to keep their favorite characters in the game or
competition they are watching. Sometimes the money we spend on sending those messages can be incredibly much,
and this money goes only to the founders and the show runs on We should think about that it could me much more
useful if we would send that money to a charity but as it’s a human habit, we like to spend money what entertains
us, not on things that would be good for others, like orphans too.
Stars and celebrities also receive lots of media attention. When a sensation happens the news spread as fast as
voice. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage. To viewers when they are really curious about the news or
their favorite celebrity or star it is very pleasing to receive the news quickly from the internet. But on the other hand
for the celebrities if something embarrassing or bad happens the quickly spreading news can be their nightmare at
this point.

7. Communication/keeping in contact

 the Internet in business communication reasons of the popularity of mobiles

 Fax, e-mail versus traditional letter writing the increasing dominance of the English
 less widely used languages language
vs. English national cultures

Nowadays communication is very important, not just between us and our friends, family, etc., but between companies,
cities and even countries. If there would not be the Internet, the telephone or the letter, there could not be the big variety
of food, clothing, household appliances and other things in the shops, because the companies are keeping in contact with
each other, that’s why we can eat bananas, oranges and food like these in Hungary.
Online shopping is actually available because of the internet. Through in people can buy products from other countries.
To help these great systems going, there are a lot of interpreters, translators and language courses available for everyone,
not just the kids in the schools.
These days almost everything we can write to somebody else, from a single thank you note through a letter for an old
friend to official documents are typed in the computers. It is much easier, because others can get our messages almost in
a minute, and don’t have to wait a week or so, for a traditional letter to arrive. Some people say that it is not a good thing,
since it is less personal and alienates us from each other. But even if there would not be the Internet to send our
messages, there definitely would be less successful companies, as the replies to important questions may arrive later, or if
there would something bad happen, it would take at least one week to send a message asking for help from the directorate
for the subsidiary, which would need some more money, but if it arrives later, it might be too late and that part of the
company may bankrupt.
Instant messaging has its own advantages. First of all as its name said you can write a letter to anybody easily and fast.
No matter where you are if you have Wi-Fi then you can message to anybody you want to. Messaging is available on
many social media webpages like Instagram, messenger, viber. The good thing is that these webpages are online and
even if its downloaded on your phone and your phone breaks and the app disappears you can easily retrieve the
information and chat.
Also since it is possible for us to write letters to anyone in the world if there is a friends or family member who lives in
another country you can easily speak to them without having to wait or spend money.
An other important thing about the Internet is the fact that it is absolutely multilingual, so everyone can use it, even if
they don’t speak any other language except from their mother tongue. And also, it gives excellent opportunities to learn
other languages, because there are many free software, programs and courses that are running on the worldwide web
which are available for everybody, who have Internet access. Of course, you can even practice your language’s dialects
and similar old languages which are spoken in other parts of your country, or may be in use somewhere else. In addition,
you can still find languages which are on the edge of extinction, or are already extinct, but are still in use somehow, like
The world’s most commonly used language is currently English. In society using common languages is very important in
both in general and in the working and business life. It is very important for manufacturers to understand each other,
about products, costumers and other important things.
Business is not the only reason why we should learn this language it is also because we can meet new people and make
new friends from other countries. ( especially from the internet). Besides the importance, I think it is very fun to learn a
new language in general because it widens your view of the world and you can learn new cultures as well.
The e-mails are really easy to type and send, not only because the correction of one’s mistakes, but because if someone’s
handwriting is not the prettiest, everyone can read it, because it’s clear. A big advantage that if once you finished your e-
mail, the address will get it approximately in 10 minutes, independently from where he or she lives, while if you write a
traditional letter, or on its other name, a snail mail, it takes two days to arrive, even if the person you’ve sent the letter to
lives only 10 kilometers away.
There are a lot of electronic devices where we can write letters or chat with others for example: tablets, computers,
laptops…I think the best way to communicate is with the help of mobile phones. They are small, they can fit into your
pocket and you can use it whenever you really want to. On the streets, in school, at home, at the bus stop. Most people
use mobile phones for chatting.
The advantage of using online apps and media services to write to someone on talk to somebody o the phone is that
although you can only use them if there is some kind of Wi-Fi it is free and you don’t have to pay for every single
message you send. It’s the same with calling, however the quality is not always as good as calling on the phone.
To sum up technology has developed in the past years and it will. There will always be solutions and answers to those
thing we don’t at the moment. The main goal is to make our lives easier and more modern so we can increase our options
and knowledge.
3. Family
the social status of families relationship of generations/ living together
/the system of family allowances family/ bringing up children

If we think about a family, different things can be brought up in our minds, depending on our own family or our
ideas about a perfect or imperfect family models. Even the smallest children can plan their future families in the
In Hungary the couples don’t want to have a lot of children. It’s not because the idea of a big family is not coded
deeply in their genes, it’s because they don’t even have enough money to raise up just one child. That’s why the
European society is said to get older, while in Africa, India and Asia becomes younger.
There are small families with one, two or no children, and there are big ones, with more than two children. The
number of the members can be influenced by the other relatives living with their children, grandchildren, uncles,
aunts, cousins and so on. Even an unmarried couple can count as a family, whether they have children or not.
Everything depends on our different points of view.
Nowadays families don’t undertake as many children as they did in the past. There are families with only one or
zero children. In the past especially in big families children who could already walk okay had tasks which they had
to do around the house. Boys were usually out in the fields or feeding the animals, girls were cooking, cleaning and
preparing the house for any visits.
In these days the family models are so familiar in developed and developing countries. Not just the father, but the
mother works too, in order to insure a happier and better life.
Nowadays there are not so many differences between the rights and the jobs of a man and a woman, not like about
hundred years ago. In the past, people didn’t like the idea of a learning or a working woman, because their task was
to stay at home, cook meals, care for the old and the children. They didn’t have so many rights, either. Later,
women started to open their eyes and said it’s not enough and not fair against them. They wanted to go to school
and to work to provide their families and even themselves a better life.
And here comes the other problem, the overpopulation. This can be seen mostly in the Asian countries, the most
outstanding example is probably China. If a couple has one child, they get reductions and aids, if they have two,
they have to pay a fine, and for the third child it is abolished to go to school and get educated. This is how they try
to reduce the overpopulation and find a solution for the overgrowing society.
Now someone who has sibling knows how annoying they can be at times. They stole your stuff, insult you when
they don’t like something and they can overstock you whit their unnecessary curiosity. But I think having someone
around your age to play with or talk to is a very important. Those who have siblings are usually more social and
have more competitive spirit in them. An only child may have the privilege of not being disturbed my anyone or
doesn’t have to compete with other kids often but they tend to feel lonely when they grow up.
So, now a very big percent of the ladies are working, but not just because they wanted, but because they need to
work to get enough money in the family wallet. Some people say it’s not good for the children as they get less care
from their parents while they are going into kindergarten and see their family only on the late afternoons. Of
course, this is hard for their parents too, as they miss their children and can focus less on their jobs while they are
apart from each other.
Another point of view is that because of this fact, children spend less time with their parents, and this corrupts the
relationship between them. It’s like there is a huge chasm which separates them from each other. Also, the more
time the children spend alone the more independent they become. It is not necessarily bad but the fact that some
parents know nothing about their kid, how are they what is their favourite things to do is just sad and abnormal.
This problem can be solved by having our close family members around like grandma, grandpa, cousin or other.
Even when parents aren’t available grandparents who may be pensioner can always be around and help with
anything. They can tell us stories; they can help us with our homework or just simply be there for us as company.
Generations living together can be pleasant at times, but it can be a struggle as well. As older people are from a
different time, they don’t always understand the younger ones. People especially teenagers tend to be much more
stubborn about their own ideas and can be quite self-centred. These two things combined can lead to chaos.
But lets see the positive part of it. Both younger and older generations can teach the other. Older have lived a long
life already and know more about the world, and have some more experience, younger on the other hand are
usually more modern and know more thing about the current situations, technology.
There are seven billion people on this planet and all of us have different plans and models of family, but in the end,
we make compromises and have similar kinds of connections to each other.
6. Shopping
 consumer societ shopping habits
 buying on credit/with credit cards/on the Internet

Our society is growing bigger and bigger each moment, and we all have our personal needs, like food, clothes, places to
live, and of course water, electricity and other things. We get them by shopping. We can go to shopping centers or small
shops, or we can decide to order something to our house, and there are people whose job is to deliver it.
Years ago, there were smart men in the industry, who realized that people buy what they need in the best quality they can
afford. But what if their things have long lifetimes. Here came the planned obsolescence. Its basic idea is to influence the
people to buy a little better, a little more expensive things a little sooner than they actually need, just to keep the industry
working. They can do it in two ways: the first is that they make their products’ lifetimes shorter, but just a little bit longer
than their guarantees, so they buy new things when some single, little tricks would solve the whole problem, like taking
out a microchip. The other way is to find out what the customer would like. They make lots of advertisements, designs,
which look better and cooler, than the older ones, and they take action and sale signs out in their windows as bait for the
Even the product’s place on the shelf influences a single person in the shop: if something is in the height of our eyes, we
notice it sooner and think that it’s somehow better than the one on the bottom of the shelf, which may be a bit cheaper,
and sometimes better. Also manufacturers do things with prices that tricks the costumers mind. Like for example they
write 12999 Fts as a price. This is basically 13000, but your mind automatically senses the 12 so it seems like its cheaper
by a thousand Fts.
But in these times, we also have to think about the rate of the price and the value. There might be some famous brands
which are very expensive but may not know as much or last as long as a bit cheaper and less known brand. And also,
factories try to compete with each other, and the smaller ones are making thing with the bigger ones’ logos. It is called
forgery. There are some ways to find out, which is the original, because sometimes the difference can be very obvious,
but sometimes it’s very hard to distinguish them.
And there are the sales, which attract many people to the shops. You’d rather go into a shop which says on its windows
that you can buy a sweater for 5 dollars, which would originally cost 10 dollars, than into a shop which offers thing for
their original price. But there are even cases, when the original price is what they write on the price tag, as the sale price,
and the price they write as the original is just for showing people that, now it’s really worth buying it.
Another, but probably not last problem is the pay one and take two, or maybe pay for two and take three sales. This way
you can also be fooled. Just see for an example that you would like to eat some grapes, but as you go inside the shop, you
see that you can get three boxes of grapes at the price of two boxes. In the beginning, you wanted to eat just some, and
decided to buy a box, but at the end, you end up buying two, taking three and throwing all away to the garbage, because
you couldn’t eat all, just a half box, and all the rest got rotten. The sale sounds nice, but the results are not that great.
If we are talking about food, I think one of the best places to buy fresh vegetables and fruits is the outside market. They
are much more fresh than the food you get from the supermarkets. Buying straight from the primary producers is a good
decision. These product are not over sprayed. Also there are a lot of households where people tend to grow their own
food. It is easy to reach and not full of unknown chemicals.
Then there is online shopping. Online shopping has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a good thing in
online shopping is that you don’t have to go out to a shopping center.
to buy new clothes because you can easily sit beside your laptop and order it rapidly. After a week or so it arrives in your
hands. The disadvantages however are that not all products are the same as they advertise it. Of course, now many
companies have the solution and take it back. Also, I think shopping with friends is really enjoyable, which isn’t
happening when online shopping.
When I go shopping, I prefer to buy with my credit card, because I don’t need a lot of money in my wallet. What I just
need a small and slim card. There is one problem with it. If you lose it, which can easily happen. If anything like this ever
happens, you need to disable it instantly. If there is someone who stole it or found it, they can take advantage of it.
I think nowadays people lost the value of the goods in shops. In the old days people always appreciated their thing and
took care of them. If something broke down, they did everything to fix it. Today if something bakes down people usually
throw it away. (it depends on how valuable it is)
There are various type of shops and shopping habits. Everyday people usually go shopping once or twice a week. They
collect all the necessities (plus unnecessary things) and go home. Some people only go once in 2 weeks, someone every
other day. There are shops like supermarkets, smaller shops (which are usually much more expensive) gift shops,
souvenir shops, fast food shops. Shops in which you can find many tasty and unique food from other countries.
I think that society have been improving shops and services. They install speakers for music, heater for colder times
make a big selection of goods and they create a comfortable atmosphere so that the costumers can enjoy themselves
while shopping.
5. Travelling/transport
 problems of city traffic/
public transport versus using cars Walking, riding the bike
 transport and environmental protection reasons/ forms of transport

 tourism as a source of income

 aspects of traffic development

The first and probably the most important problem of the travelling and transportation is the pollution. Cars use
fuel, which is hard and costs a lot of money to produce, and it is harmful for the environment. While the cars are
rolling on the streets, they spew their exhaust fumes with dangerous and polluting gases into the air. Besides it
pollutes the air, destroy the ozone layer, and through the steam in the air, and the rain it goes down deeply in the
ground, which is polluting the ground, the water inside of it, and through the water and the dirt, the plants, and by
the plants, the animals and the humans. We may not think of it as something dangerous, because it doesn’t effect
our lives in the most dramatic and critical way but I think these warnings are really important.
We have to take this hazard into consideration when we are travelling anywhere, because it’s not the same when
there is a car with only one person, or when you’re going with two, three or four people in your car. It’s even more
environmental friendly if you use public transport. It may not be the same comfortable, as you won’t always get
enough personal space, or a seat, but it’s definitely less dangerous to your living place and for yourself. You can
even reduce the pollution, if you go by bicycle or on foot, and it’s much healthier, too. We can not only use
bicycling as a way of transporting, we can also take it up a sport. By bicycle we can cover long distances without
polluting the environment, also I think it is a lot of fun as well.
People go by public transport to school, workplace. Basically anywhere. Going by bus is probably the easiest way
to get from point A to B as you can buy a ticket there on the bus, also you can also get a monthly pass if you are a
common traveler.
Trains tend to be more useful if you want to cover a big distance. Many students go to school this way, especially if
they live far away. Also I think being on a train for more than a few hours can be very unpleasant because strain
compartments can get cramped and stuffy. It is very hard to take your mind off the journey. You can try reading or
sleeping to keep yourself busy. This journey can be very tiring, so usually people arrive at their destination almost
Traveling on a ship is much more comfortable as it can offer you a civilized comfort. You can stretch your legs at
the spacious decks or play games, swim meet new and interesting people. The only disadvantage is the weather is
not always nice. If you are likely to get seasick, this is the worst form of transport for you.
Although airplanes are dangerous and they have the grave disadvantage of being the most expensive form of
transport, nothing can match them in speed and comfort. You can easily read, sleep or do any kind of entertaining
activity. And the best of all is beside seeing incredible landscapes, cloud plains and many more interesting view,
you don’t have to spend your upcoming days recovering from and arduous journey.
By the way, as we mention the cars, we also have to think about the driving license, which people can get in
Hungary after they became 18 years old, or with parental permission, at the age of 17. But this is not enough, if you
have a driving license, you still need a car to go where you want. If you get it, you can go with anyone, anything
and anywhere, totally independent from anything. The only things you should be afraid of are the traffic jam, and
the accidents. When you are a person who is learning how to drive it is easier if you practice in parking lots at first
before you try driving your car in other, busier places like city centers.
Back to travelling, an other form of it is when people travel, to see new sights, probably in new countries or in new
cities they’ve never been before, or just to buy things they wouldn’t get at home. My country, Hungary is very
famous for its cuisine, wellness centers, spas and our hospitality. We try to do our best and give the best to our
guests that one may give, this is the secret of why the guests like to come back here year to year.
Just for an example, lake Balaton is a very popular holiday destination, because it’s big, the food is nice, the
entrance-fee are low, the sun is warm, and the summer weather is perfect here. We hold very famous festivals,
which attract many people from abroad, like FEZEN, Sziget, Balaton Sound, the Flower festival in Debrecen, all in
all, we have very different festivals during almost the whole year, for all ages and all tastes. This is a great
advantage of our little but lovely country.

11. Health/illnesses
 science/research serving medical care/genetics healthy diet
 alternative methods of healing nature cure-medicines
 health tourism preventation / screening

In the last few decades there have been many developments in scientific fields Researches and experiments help us
improve our knowledge about our bodies, health and diseases Based on the results scientists and doctors can invent
new medicines, tools and methods which can be much more effective and useful, even against the most-feared
cancer, HIV and AIDS.
Interesting that, the best techniques and ideas were invented for military technology, but later spreaded out It means
that we care much more about fighting each other than curing and healing even our own nation.
As I see the things, there are three main groups of illnesses. The curable ones, the incurable ones, and the ones
which can be cured, but will appear again in a period of time. The incurable diseases can be life-threatening, like
cancer, but luckily not every case ends up in death.
Also, there are other alternative methods of healing, like the homeopathic medicines, which are based on hundred
precent natural component, like herbs, which were used since the human appeared on Earth. Even a few decades
ago there were no special medicines, drugs, pills and other stuff, but there were the nature, which people would
believe in. There were some really nice samples when someone’s belief /hit/ was strong enough to get well. This is
the base idea of placebo pills. They are simply made of glucose, and mostly used as fake antidepressant pills.
Of course, if we don’t want to fill ourselves with any kinds of pills or medicines, there are other alternatives, like
specific massages, energy therapies, essential oils , mind therapies, or if whole body parts are injured, we can go
and take up some kind of sport.
Going to a doctor is always a good solution if you suspect that you might have some kind od problem. Doctors
participate in our lives since our birth to our death. They are always important as they take care of us and protect
our lives. There are various kind of doctors. Doctors even specialized for various type of illnesses. They sometimes
focus on just one specific illness and try to cure it as soon as possible.
To see things from the healthy side, we all should do some sports, at least as a hobby, because it is very good for
the lungs , heart, muscles and bones, and for our whole being. At least we feel that we are doing something for our
own health, and everybody can find something which he or she would like in a sport, and attract them to do that.
Besides the sport, we should protect our immune system, too, as it is weak, it can’t protect us from diseases which
we are in touch every day. Wearing warmer clothes in the cold weather or drinking at least one and a half, two liters
of liquids a day is one of the best things we can do, and it is not so hard to fill a glass with water and drink it.
We should always eat healthy in order to keep ourselves well. Fruits and vegetables always do the job when it
comes to this. There are some everyday pills which you can take like C-vitamin or D-vitamin which doesn’t really
cure one specific type of illness.
Avoiding alcohol and smoking also is a great thing, as we don’t destroy our own body by all those harmful
chemicals and other thing. Would you eat a piece of asphalt each day, then breathe in a bottle of air freshener? No?
Then why do we smoke if the same things can be found in a cigarette or a cigar? Well, people have strange habits
in connection with their bodies.
Pandemics can be caused by viruses which spread all across the world. Because of the global warming it may be
possible that humanity will suffer through more and more pandemics. One of the most well knows pandemic in the
world is covid-19. It appeared in 2020 first in China, then it spread all over the world. We fist had to wear masks
and then we stayed home. Adults worked from home at the time and the children had online school. Then it calmed
down a little bit and we could go back to school.
We got many vaccines in order to be protected by this virus. Of course it is still a problem in the world and it
forever will be. As time goes it will be considered less dangerous and it will be decreasing.
There will always be viruses, illnesses that we have to suffer through, but society will be able to fight against them
no matter what happens. With our doctors, chemists all the worlds illnesses can be cured fully, or at least the can
decrease it.

2. Partnership
 forms of partnership making friends (in person, online etc.)
 nationalities/minorities roles in family

People are living together in families, groups of friends, working or studying in the same atmosphere, they are
making different societies of themselves. They make partnerships with each other.
Sometimes we can make so different connections between us. Basically there are people who have a partner and
there are people who haven’t. If somebody is alone it can be because currently he or she doesn’t have anybody, or
their partner died, they are divorced or they are separated which means that they are not divorced yet, but they are
not living together. If somebody has a partner, they can be just partners, lovers, they can be married, be in an open
relationship or be engaged.
It mostly depends on what people want, but sometimes there can be different obstacles to be together with the
person you chose, like the distance or family problems, or sometimes one of the partners is married and doesn’t
want to get divorced.
I think a good relationship is when both of the members trust each other. No matter how hard life may be, they
always find a solution to help each other. And beside being partners, they are also a lot like friends. They do
activities together, have fun together, and they rely on each other. I’ve never really been in a relationship, but i
think if people are really inlove they would do anything for the other.
Partnerships doesn’t necessarily means couples. It can also be a very good friendship. There are people who make
friends easily, others don’t. The main matter is not who started this friendship, what matters is the quality time. The
more time you spend time with a person the better you get to know them and the closer you become. Long-lasting
friendships don’t accur from one day to he other.
You can be-friend anyone anywhere. A lot of people nowadays make friends online. Technology has enabled us to
communicate with people from other countries, continents. Of course, this has its own dangers. For example when
people lie about themselves and trick other people through social media.
When people start to work they have different friend groups. One are the people they met during middle school,
high school, college etc. And the other is when they make new friends at work or out of work. There are people
who don’t get along with any of their collegues but i think if your job is similar, or the same, you have atleast that
the talk about as a topic. Also adult don’t often have time to hang out with friends that often, so the relationship
takes longer to unfold.
If we talk about partnership, we must mention other forms of it, because our personal and closest relations are not
all under the meaning of this word. There are different nationalities living together. As the world is developing, it is
becoming more and more opened for the other cultures and people from further places. I mean that a country is not
just for itself, but because travelling and business connects us, we start to discover the whole world, meet new
friends, and also, we are moving away from our places. For example, an American man has to move to an other
country, one in Europe, because of his job. Then, there he meets a woman, who is from an other country, but is
there because of her job, too. They fall in love and decide to move away, to a fourth country, which probably is
closer to their original countries.
So, in a country there are a lot of people who have other nationalities or were born somewhere else but were raised
there. Let’s see the case of Hungary. Basically, we would say that there are not many immigrants, but people can be
surprised if somebody tells them that there much more minorities than they could ever imagine. Actually Hungary
has thirteen minorities. Just for examples, there are German, Greek, Polish, Romanian and Ukranian people.
Decades ago women cooked meals for their husband when they got home. Tidied the house, preparing it for guests.
They stayed home and took care of children. Nowadays both the parents do all the things equally. Women and men
go to work and when they get home they spend time with their children.
Hundred years ago children had to start working at a very young age. In fields they had to feed animals, take care of
plans and along with that they had to do several tiring activies. In the modern world people usually focus on
studying and other things that include mind work. (jobs that includes or are about physical activies have fallen
behind in the society’s eyes) That is the reason why these people are payed less and schools have national

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