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Bahasa Inggris Asking and Giving

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Asking and giving a plan

Definisi :
Adalah sebuah ekspresi dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan
rencana tentang suatu hal yang akan dikerjakan.
Contoh dialogue dan soal :
Shanti : Rina, are you free this evening?

Rina : Yes, I don’t have any plan to go out. What’s going on?

Shanti : Could you help me for a second?

Rina : Sure. I would love to. What can I do for you Shanti?

Shanti : Yesterday, my English teacher gave me a task, but I really don’t understand it. I need
your help.

Rina : Okay. No problem. What is it about?

Shanti : It is about simple present tense. I’m still confused.

Rina : Just come to my house Shanti. What time will you come this evening?

Shanti : Maybe around 7 P.M. Is that okay?

Rina : Yes, that’s okay.

Shanti : Thanks Rina. See you.

Rina : You are welcome Shanti.

Question and Answer :

1. Who is free in this evening? Rina

2. Who asking for help? Shanti

3. What Shanti doesn’t understand in English task? Simple present tense

4. Where Rina wants to teach Shanti? In her house

5. what time do they make an appointment? Around 7 P.M

Asking and giving suggestion

Definisi :

Adalah ungkapan-ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan

bagaimana cara meminta dan memberi saran kepada orang lain.

Contoh dialogue dan soal :

Anisa : Hi Nerly, How are you today?
Nerly : I feel disappointed.
Anisa: What’s wrong with you?
Nerly : I got bad mark English examination yesterday.
Anisa : Don’t be sad. I’m certain you can get mark better next time and you should study
Nerly : Thank you for your suggestion
Anisa : it’s OK .Don’t mention it

Question and Answer :

1. Who feels disappointed? Nerly

2. Why Nerly feels disappointed? Because she get bad mark at examination

3. What lesson Nerly get bad? English lesson

4. What is suggestion from Anisa? “Don’t be sad. I’m certain you get mark better next
time and you should study hard.”

5. What is important point from Anisa’s suggestion? Nerly should study hard

Asking for Advice

Definisi :

Adalah Ungkapan yang digunakan ketika ingin meminta kepada seseorang sebuah nasehat atau
saran tentang apa yang seharusnya dilakukan dengan cara yang baik dan sopan.
Contoh dialogue dan soal :
Hikmah : Why were you absent yesterday?

Dinda : I got the trouble toothache

Hikmah : Have you seen the dentist?

Dinda : Yes, I have. But it is still being felt by me

Hikmah : You would be better to avoid the sweet drink and food, freeze drink and food and must
clean your tooth

Dinda : Yes, I will. Thank you for your advice

Question and Answer :

1. Who’s absent yesterday? Dinda

2. What happened to Dinda? She has a toothache

3. Have Dinda visited the dentist? Yes, she visited

4. what Dinda feel after being from the dentist? Still being felt by her

5. What is advice from Hikmah? “You would be better to avoid the sweet drink and
food, freeze drink and food and must clean your tooth.”

Asking and Giving Opinion

Definisi :

Adalah sebuah ekspresi dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan
pendapat tentang suatu hal.

Contoh dialogue dan soal :

Nina: What is your opinion about my picture?
Nana: Wow! Amazing! I think it is very beautiful and colorful. I think you talent as a Painter or
Nina: Thank you. By the way have you finished your homework?
Nana: Not yet. I have a problem about it. Can you help me?
Nina: Ok. No Problem. What do you think of English lesson?
Nana: I think English lesson is difficult. What about you?
Nina: I think English lesson is easy because it’s one of my favorite lesson.

Question and Answer :

1. Who asks about the picture? Nina

2. Who think the picture is beautiful and colorful? Nana

3. What opinion Nana about drawing skill Nina? Nana think Nina talent as a
Painter or designer

4. What Nana opinion about English lesson? difficult

5. What Nina opinion about English lesson? Easy because it’s one of Nina
favorite lesson

Asking for Help and Offering help

Definisi :

Adalah suatu ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta bantuan kepada
orang lain.
Sedangkan offering help adalah sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menawarkan sesuatu
kepada orang lain.

Contoh dialogue dan soal :

Karina: Lina, Can you help me?

Lina: yes, what is it?

Karina : Can you borrow your video tutorial about dance? .

Lina : No problem. Why not?

Karina: I interested about. and I will to try practiced it. by the way what is name the dance?

Lina: Really! the video about Kukilo Dance from INDONESIA. I’ll bring the video tomorrow

Karina : Thank you.

Lina : Don’t mention it.

Question and answer :

1. Who is asking for help? Karina

2. What Karina wants to borrow? Video tutorial about dance

3. Who has a video tutorial about dance? Lina

4. When will Lina bring the video? Tomorrow

5. What is name the dance? Kukilo dance from Indonesia

Asking and giving service

Definisi :

Adalah suatu ungkapan dalam Bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan
layanan kepada orang lain.

Contoh dialogue dan soal :

Aisyah : Could you help me?

Maryam : Certainly. What can I do for you?

Aisyah : Can you take my dictionary over there?

Maryam : Of course. Here you are.

Aisyah: Thank you

Maryam : Don’t mention it

Question and Answer :

1. What does Aisyah want Maryam to do? Take her dictionary

2. Is Maryam willing to help Aisyah? Yes, she does

3. How does Aisyah ask service to Maryam? “Can you take my dictionary over there?”

4. How does Maryam respon Aisyah’s asking? “of course, here you are.”

5. How does Maryam give service to Aisyah? By bringing the dictionary

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