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Song of Autumn by Charles Baudelaire (Lesson Plan)

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Daily Lesson Log in English 10

Teaching Date: Sections: Time:

January 14, 2019 Thomson 2:00-2:50
Monday Faraday 2:50-3:40
Archimedes 3:40-4:30
Galilei 4:50-5:40

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types
serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals,
groups and nature.
B. Performance The learner participates actively and collaboratively in the given tasks.

C. Learning A. Realize the feminine side of nature and appreciate its importance
Competency/Objectives B. Give the definition of unfamiliar words using context clues
C. Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme
II. CONTENT Module 3: Reconciling with Nature
Lesson 3 – Working with Nature’s Limits
Song of Autumn
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide English 10 Teacher’s Guide pp.
2. Learner’s English 10 Learner’s Guide pp. 317-319
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages N/A
4. Additional N/A
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Why Do Leaves Change Colors in the Fall?
Resource (
A. Reviewing How can we say that an antecedent agrees with its pronoun?
previous lesson or
presenting the new
B. Establishing a Refer to the given objectives by letting the students to read them one by one.
purpose for the lesson Inform the students about the classroom rules.

C. Presenting Watch the video entitled “Why Do Leaves Change Colors in the Fall?” After watching
examples/ instances the video, be able to discuss with your groups the things that you have discovered
of the new lesson about the autumn season.

D. Discussing new Give the definition of unfamiliar words from the poem using context clues. Do this with your
concepts and partner.
practicing new skills
1. plunge
2. vivid
3. dismal
4. clutter
5. atremble
6. battering
7. lulled
8. haste
9. boudoir
10. hearth
E. Discussing new Read the poem “Song of Autumn” written by French author Charles Baudelaire and
concepts and translated to English by William Aggeler.
practicing new skills
F. Discussing new Identify the sensory images used in the poem using the table below.
concepts and
#3 Visual

F. Developing Discuss the following questions with your groupmates:

Group 1: Why was the poem entitled Autumn? What ideas and/or feeling/s does the
title evoke?
Group 2: Autumn is described as in-between summer and winter. What things/events
could best represent these two seasons?
Group 3: How would you relate the title of the poem to what is happening now to the
Group 4: What do the following lines suggest? a. That somewhere they’re nailing a
coffin, in great haste b. Sweet beauty, but today all to me is bitter c. Yet, love me,
tender heart! Be a mother, Even to an ingrate, even to a scapegrace
Group 5: Did you realize that even nature has its own limits? How do you deal with
this? Relate it to real-life situations by sharing your own, personal experience/s.
G. Finding practical Make a shape collage representing the two opposing ideas in the poem. Try to vividly
application of describe “summer” and “winter” as described in the poem and in relation to what’s
concepts and skills in happening to mother Earth at present. You could cut out pictures from magazines or
daily living newspapers and paste them on an oslo paper. Be sure to form an icon/ symbol that
could best represent your response to the poem on how you perceive nature’s limits
and how you can respond to it positively. Present it to the class and give a short
H. Making Give the gist of the day’s lesson.
generalizations and
abstractions about the
I. Evaluating learning The following rubric will be used in evaluating your group presentation.

Teamwork - 5 pts
Focus - 5 pts
Organization - 5 pts
Development - 5 pts
Style - 5 pts
Delivery - 5 pts
J. Additional How are the words/phrases in the selection loaded with connotation, associations, or
activities for emotional impact? You may write words associated with them in context.
application or a. autumn
remediation b. summer
c. winter
d. cold darkness
e. nailing a coffin
V. REMARKS The lesson was successfully carried out but further firm up activities will be given on the
next meeting to ensure the students’ mastery of the given lesson.
VI. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% in Most of the students earned 80%
the evaluation and above
B. No. of learners who require 5 to 10 students each section
additional activities for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. Yes
of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to 5 or more students in each section
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies The group activity worked well because
worked well? Why did these strategies
work? it enables the students to learn easily
with his peers, and it develops teamwork
and camaraderie among their groups.
F. What difficulties did I encounter Habitual tardiness and absenteeism of the
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve? Students
G. What innovation or localized N/A
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

English Teacher
Checked by:

Head Teacher
Noted/Observed by:

English Supervisor


Principal III

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