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Warmaster Ecw: General Changes

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The key takeaways are that Warmaster ECW provides rule modifications for playing Warmaster miniatures wargames set in the English Civil War period, including adjustments to unit composition and special rules for pikemen and cavalry units.

In Warmaster ECW, regular infantry units are composed of two stands of musketeers with a stand of pikes in the middle.

Pikemen in infantry units cause the unit to count as defended in hand-to-hand combat from the front only in open ground, providing a bonus that does not stack with other defensive situations and only applies against charges from the front.


Warmaster English Civil War is a system of rules based on the popular

fantasy rule set by Games Workshop. The following rules represent
deviations from the rules as they are in the book.

General changes

I have found that Warmaster works so well for the period that the only
changes to the core rules I have made is a Min/Max adjustment on the stat
line. The first min/max value is for Parliamentarian armies, while the
second is for Royalist. Scots armies will be dealt with later. These numbers
are only a suggestion for "balanced" games and players should feel free to
field whatever was appropriate to the scenario being played. Powick Bridge
is an example of a battle for which these values are useless.

As far as figure scale goes, you can do this in one of two ways:

1.) A unit represents a regiment. This is easy and I recommend this for the
beginner as it allows you to get a pretty good battle set up pretty quickly.

2.) Units represent a set number of men. This is what I am working on

now. First I broke units up into 500 man blocks and then 250 man blocks.
This gives you 1 or 2 unit regiments for 500 men and 2-4 unit (5 in the case
of Essex) unit blocks for the 250 man unit. As this messes up the brigading
rules I am working on an uber-brigading system that will allow for more
than four units to be brigaded together and for brigades to be commanded in
some larger fashion with other brigades to form a super brigade. But that is
in the future and I get ahead of myself.

There are other types of troops not included in the description below, note
that they are included in the army list and additional info is there if required.


The biggest difference between Warmaster and Warmaster English Civil

War is the pikes. Pikes were used during this period mostly to ward horses
away from infantry. They were not used offensively for the most part.

Regular infantry units are made up of two stands of musketeers with a stand
of pikes in the middle. There are other types of infantry but they will be
dealt with below.

While the unit may be made up of stands with different compositions all of
the stands have the following profile:

Type ATT HITS Save Pts Min/Max Special

Infantry regiment 3/1 3 6+ 100 2/- -/- pikes*, guns
Ill-equipped infantry 3/1 3 - 90 2/- 4/- pikes*, guns

* Pikes cause a unit to count as defended in hand to hand combat from the
front only. This bonus does not stack with other situations and only counts
in open ground. This bonus does not increase any other bonuses from being
defended or fortified. So to a hit a unit of infantry in the woods would
require a 5+ as they would not be able to use their pikes to defend

Please note that this means that cavalry will not be able to charge infantry
regiments to the front.

This bonus applies in all close combat situations whether the unit is
charging or being charged. If one infantry regiment charges another
defensive shooting is resolved normally, but the hand to hand would require
both sides to roll 5+ to hit.

This has a number of effects on the game. Units of regular infantry are less
likely to charge each other because the charging unit actually gets less
attacks. Since they are charging a unit that is defended they do not get any
bonus attacks. Combine that with the defensive shooting and an attacking
unit gets 9 attacks that hit on 5+. The defending unit gets three shots that hit
on 4+ and penetrate armour (since they are gunpowder weapons) then 9
attacks that hit on a 5+.


There are three types of cavalry in Warmaster ECW: trotters, gallopers and
cuirassiers. There are dragoons too, but the rules for them are so different
they get their own section below.

The stats for each follow:

Type ATT HITS Save Pts Min/Max Special

trotters 3/1 3 5+ 95 1/4 -/4 pistols
gallopers 3/1 3 5+ 105 -/4 1/4 pistols and 1
cuirassiers 3/1 3 4+ 125 -/1 pistols and 2

1. Gallopers get an additional +1 charge bonus when they charge a unit in

the open in the same way as chariots.

2. Cuirassiers do not gain a bonus for charging.

Except for the differences noted above all cavalry count as Empire pistoliers
from the Warmaster rulebook, they all shoot 15cm, give a -1 to armour
saves from shooting and can shoot in a 360 degree arc.

Dragoons are the most difficult unit to use in the game. They are hopeless
from horseback and aren't brilliant in hand to hand. But that is all as it
should be.

Dragoons have two different stat lines depending on whether they are
mounted or not.

Type ATT HITS Save Pts Min/Max Special

Mounted 1/1 2 - 50 -/4 -/4 dragoons
Dismounted 2/1 3 - 50 -/4 -/4 dragoons

Dragoons can start the game mounted or dismounted. From there they may
be given an order to mount or dismount. When mounted dragoons move at
30cm, when dismounted at 20cm. An order to dismount may be combined
with an order to move as long as the move does not take them over 20cm.
You man not combine an order to mount with an order to move.

This rule is to make sure that dragoons can, on occasion, take up their
assigned position.

z.B. I want to issue orders to my dragoons to take up a position 50 cm

away. They started mounted. I issue the first order for them to move 30cm
forward. I then issue a second order for them to dismount and move up
20cm to take the position (or move and then dismount (it doesn't matter).)

If I wanted them to go 60cm I would have to issue three orders, move 30cm,
move 30cm, dismount or move 30cm, move 20cm and dismount, move last
10cm or some combination thereof.

Dragoon unit are represented as cavalry models when mounted and as

infantry when dismounted. I mounted mine 4 to a stand in both situations.
So you will have to have 6 stands to represent 1 unit of dragoons.

Dragoons require a special knack to use properly. If they get into cover
behind a hedge row or in some woods they can be pretty difficult to
dislodge, as pikemen won't count as being defended when charging into
defended ground. The trick to them is to get them into position to disrupt
the enemy while you move your army up. Their 30 cm move and 30 cm
range means they can easily do this, but if caught on horseback can be
seriously hurt by even the most inept of enemy units. The two hits really
hurts if they end up in hand to hand and represents the dragoons not having
the training to fight from horseback.

There were all manner of guns used in the ECW. From tiny little frame
guns to massive cannons that could batter down all but the thickest castle
walls. We have taken all that diversity and for the sake of convenience and
simplicity crammed it into three classes of artillery.

Type ATT HITS Save Pts Min/Max Special

1/2+bounce 2 0 85 -/1 -/1 heavy art.
field gun 1/2 2 0 70 -/2 -/1
Scots armies -
frame gun 1/2 2 0 40 light art.

The mighty cannon is the same as an empire cannon in the Warmaster


The field gun is the same as the cannon except it does not get the bounce
special rules and is not effective against castle walls.

The frame gun (and anything else you deem to be light artillery) reduces
armour saves by 1 and has a range of only 40cm.

The Scots

The Scots army list is the one I have put the least amount of work into.
Since these rules are evolving we have been doing most of our test playing
with Edgehill. But I have come up with tenative rules for the Scots.

Highlanders are a fun feature of Scots armies. While they may not have
been as effective as is romanticized they were still an important part of the
civil war north of the border.

Type ATT HITS Save Pts Min/Max Special

Highlanders 2/.33 3 - 30 Scots -/- Highland charge

It wouldn't be an ECW game without rules for a Highland charge so when

the Highlanders charge a unit in the open they get a +2 attack instead of the
usual +1 in the same way as chariots.

A Highland unit contained a few men armed with different types of shooting
weapons. These account for the .33 in the shooting stat. This means that
they are able to shoot once for a full unit. When they have lost a stand they
are no longer able to shoot, the number of them that have run away have
taken a sufficient number of guns to cause their fire to be desultory at best.

And of course we have Lancers.

Type ATT HITS Save Pts Min/Max Special
Lancers 3 3 6+ 70 Scots -/4

Lancers were used by the Scots in place of real cavalry when they didn't
have the equipment. They could perform quite well in some cases. They
have no special rules.


There are three types of characters in warmaster ECW (not including any of
you playing it, eh.) The general, the officer and the preacher

Type ATT command Pts Min/Max Special

General +2 9 125 1 1 general
Officers +1 8 - 80 -/2 -/3 hero
Preacher +1 7 45 -/2 -/1 hero

The general obviously represents the general of the army and his staff.
Officers represent any high ranking or particularly charismatic officers on
the field. Perhaps a dashing cavalry officer or a stalwart infantry
commander. Preachers usually are represented by a particularly stern
looking man telling those around him that it is in God's name that they must
defeat the enemy. Such things may be inspiring before the battle but
become less so in the face of the enemy and at a good distance from the

Army Lists


Name Type ATT HITS Save Pts Command special
Infantry pikes*,
infantry 3/1 3 6+ 100 2/- 3
regiment guns
equipped infantry 3/1 3 - 90 2/- 3
Musketeers infantry 3/1 3 - 55 -/2 3 guns
gallopers Cavalry 3/1 3 5+ 105 -/4 3
trotters cavalry 3/1 3 5+ 95 1/4 3 pistols
cuirassiers cavalry 3/1 3 4+ 125 -/1 3
dragoons infantry 2/1 3 - 50 -/4 3 dragoons
cavalry 1/1 2 - 3 dragoons
m. cannon artillery 1/2+bounce 2 0 85 -/1 2 cannon
field gun artillery 1/2 2 0 70 -/2 2 med. art.
General char. +2 125 1 9 1 general
Officer char. +1 80 -/2 8 1 hero
Chaplain char. +1 45 -/2 7 1 hero


Name Type ATT HITS Save Pts Command special
Infantry pikes*,
infantry 3/1 3 6+ 100 -/- 3
regiment guns
equipped infantry 3/1 3 - 90 4/- 3
Pikemen infantry 3 3 - 50 -/- 3 pikes*
gallopers Cavalry 3/1 3 5+ 105 1/4 3
trotters cavalry 3/1 3 5+ 95 -/4 3 pistols
dragoons infantry 2/1 3 - 50 -/4 3 dragoons
cavalry 1/1 2 - 3 dragoons
artillery 1/2+bounce 2 0 85 -/1 2 cannon
artillery 1/2 2 0 70 -/1 2 med. art.
General char. +2 125 1 9 1 general
Officer char. +1 80 -/3 8 1 hero
Chaplain char. +1 45 -/1 7 1 hero

A Scots list will be added in the future. I will probably also include rules for
clubmen and other left out items in a future update.

These rules are in a rough state at the moment. They have been play tested
quite a bit and have also been changed significantly from the original
version. If you have any suggestions please send them to: or call us at 724-238-4778.

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