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Command and Control Rules: Game Setup

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Command and Control Rules


1. Game table. Divide the table into 6 equal zones numbered 1 to 6.

1 2 3

4 5 6

Ancient & Medieval Period

Terrain type Number of pieces Dimensions
Europe Middle East Width Depth
Hills 1-3 1-2 20cm 10cm
Rivers 0-1 0-1 4cm -
Woods 0-2 - 20cm 20cm
Rough ground 0-1 0-1 20cm 20cm

Pike & Shot and Horse & Musket Period

Terrain type Number of pieces Dimensions
Europe Middle East Width Depth
Hills 1-3 1-2 20cm 10cm
Roads 1-2 - 3cm -
Rivers 0-1 0-1 4cm -
Woods 0-2 - 20cm 20cm
Towns 0-2 0-1 16cm 16cm
Rough ground 0-1 0-1 20cm 20cm

1. Determine the number of terrain pieces and place these in the zone indicated by a D6 roll.
2. Rivers should ideally enter and exit the table through adjacent table edges. When deployed in
deserts, rivers can be replaced by wadis (dried up river beds).
3. Roads should always enter and exit the table through opposite edges. The first one deployed should
be on the North-South axis; the second (if appearing) on a West-East direction.
4. Rough ground can be: boggy or rocky ground or brush.
5. Deploying units. Roll for which long table edge each army will be deployed on. The Board is divided
into three Areas: Left Flank, Centre and Right Flank. Determine for each unit its initial location using
the following matrix based on the unit type. Roll 2D6 for each unit.
Troop Left Flank Centre Right Flank
Cavalry 2-5 6-8 9-12
Infantry 2-4 5-9 10-12
6. Each Area is further sub-divided into Sections. To determine the specific Section location for each unit
within an Area roll 1D6. Units can be placed up to 15cm from the baseline.
Left Right Left Centre Right Left Right
Cavalry 1-3 4-6 1-3 4-6 1-3 4-6
Infantry 1-2 3-6 1-2 3-4 5-6 1-4 5-6
1. Random delay. Roll for each unit to determine if there is a delay to deployment on the baseline. If roll
6 there is a 1D3 turn delay to arrival.
2. Order of turns. Roll one D6 to determine which side commences the game. The side deemed to be
the attacker adds 1 while the defender deducts 1 from the dice score.
3. Scoring system. The game continues until one side is victorious or until the completion of ten turns.
One point is awarded for each enemy unit eliminated, and an additional ten points for winning the
game (reducing the enemy army to two remaining units).

1. The General designated the Army Commander determines the Battle Plan.
2. Personality. To establish the personality of the commander, roll 1D6 to determine his reaction to the
Battle Plan.
Army Command Level
Personality Poor Average Good
Cautious 1-2 1-2 1
Bold 3-4 3-5 2-5
Rash 5-6 6 6
a. Cautious will downgrade the Battle Plan by one category if roll 1 on D6.
b. Bold will not change the Battle Plan.
c. Rash will upgrade the Battle Plan by one category if roll 6 on D6.


1. Determine the Battle Plan: roll one D6
2. Establish whether there is any modification for cautious or rash generals: roll one D6
3. Determine the number of units in Command.
4. Move units in Command according to Battle Plan priorities.
5. Perform Control Tests for units out of Command.

1. At the start of each side’s move roll one D6 to determine the Battle plan.

Die Roll Battle Plan

0-2 Defensive
3-4 Cautious
5+ Aggressive

-1 More units lost (off-table or destroyed) than enemy
+1 Less units lost than the enemy
+/- The aggression factor of the army
+/- The tactical posture modifier

2. Aggression Factor. This represents the aggressiveness of the army and the tendency to take the
offensive. The army’s rating determines the following modifiers:
Factor Modifier Example
Aggressive +1 French Napoleonic
Neutral +0 WWII US
Defensive -1 Austrian SYW
3. Tactical posture. For attackers apply a modifier of +1, for defenders apply a modifier of -1.
4. After rolling the above die, units in command act in accordance with the following Battle Plan

Aggressive Cautious Defensive

Priority 1 Attack Manoeuvre Cohesion
Priority 2 Manoeuvre Attack (1-3), Cohesion (4-6) Manoeuvre
Priority 3 Cohesion Converse of above Attack

1. If there is a desire to perform a priority 2 order, the unit must roll 4-6 on 1D6. If the unit wishes to
perform a priority 3 order, the unit must roll 5-6 on 1D6. If these tests are failed the unit must
perform a Control Test.
2. The roll is modified by the unit’s training and the quality of its officers and leaders as represented by
its morale rating:
Morale Modifier
Elite +1
Average +0
Levy -1
1. Battle Plan Priorities. The allowable actions a unit may take are covered below:
2. Attack
a. Assault positions and charge enemy units
b. Advance towards the enemy
c. Move units into firing range
3. Manoeuvre
a. Move units toward the enemy side of the battlefield (this becomes an attack order priority if
this goes within 20cm of located enemy units)
b. Swing around to rear positions
c. Respond to enemy attempts to outflank
4. Cohesion
a. Maintain and hold current unit positions
b. Consolidate battle lines
c. Adopt a defensive posture and formations
d. Individual units threatened with destruction are retreated to safety or reinforced

1. A variable number of units are “In Command” in each turn; these follow the Battle Plan priorities.
2. Light Infantry, Skirmishers and Light Cavalry are always in command and can act independently of
3. So far as other units are concerned, roll a die at the start of each turn to find out how many units are
in command which is dependent upon the Command Level of the army.
4. For armies composed of units which exceed the standard eight, use the percentage result to
determine the number in command.
Command Level
Die Roll Poor Average Good
1-2 2 (25%) 4 (50%) 6 (75%)
3-4 3 (33%) 5 (66%) 7 (90%)
5-6 4 (50%) 6 (75%) 8 (100%)
1. To determine which specific units are in command create cards for each unit and take these for the
number in command. These follow priority orders and move first.
a. Units that are out of command must perform a Control Test to determine their action this
turn. Elite units can re-roll and take the most favourable option.
b. Control Test: Units roll a D6.

+1 Unit advancing
+2 Irregular melee troops advancing
-1 Unit retiring or retreating
-1 Unit under fire
-1 Infantry with enemy cavalry in sight and within 20cm
-1 Enemy units advancing within 20cm

0 Retreat Retreat full move facing the enemy
1 Retire Retire half move facing the enemy
2-3 Halt No movement, formation changes or firing allowed
4 Limited Direction Allowed half move, can fire at half effect
5 Use Initiative Act as In Command
6 Advance Advance one move towards nearest enemy
7 Assault Charge enemy within reach

Napoleonic Modification
Infantry with enemy cavalry in sight and within 20cm will form square instead of retreating or
retiring on a roll of 4-6.

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