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Commoon Mistake

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advice vs advise | accept vs except | affect vs effect | a lot/alot/allot

all ready vs already | altogether vs all together | apart

been vs gone | bored vs boring | bought vs brought | borrow vs lend | by vs until
check vs control | complement vs compliment
data vs datum | discreet vs discrete | don't have to vs mustn't
either vs too | every day vs everyday | excited vs exciting
fewer vs less | for vs since (time) | good vs well
heroin vs heroine | he's vs his |"How do you do?" vs "How are you?"
I vs me | interested vs interesting
lay vs lie | lay down vs lie down | less vs fewer | look after vs look for | look at vs watch | look
over vs overlook
me vs my | most vs the most | nor vs or
a part | personal vs personnel | practice vs practise | principal vs principle
raise/rise | said vs told | see vs watch | shortage vs shortness | so vs such | stationary vs
that/which/who | to/too/two| there/their/they're | trainer vs trainee | travel/trip/voyage/journey
used to vs used to do | what vs which | who vs whom

accept vs except Accept is a verb, which means to agree to take something.

For example: "I always accept good advice."

Except is a preposition or conjunction, which means not including.

For example: "I teach every day except Sunday(s)."

advice vs advise Advice is a noun, which means an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do
or how you should act in a particular situation.

For example: "I need someone to give me some advice."

Advise is a verb, which means to give information and suggest types of action.

For example: "I advise everybody to be nice to their teacher."

! Often in English the noun form ends in and the verb form ends in ...ise.

affect vs effect Affect and effect are two words that are commonly confused.

affect is usually a verb (action) - effect is usually a noun (thing)

Hint: If it's something you're going to do, use "affect." If it's something you've already done,
use "effect."

To affect something or someone.

Meaning: to influence, act upon, or change something or someone.

For example: The noise outside affected my performance.

To have an effect on something or someone

Note: effect is followed by the preposition on and preceded by an article (an, the)

Meaning: to have an impact on something or someone.

For example: His smile had a strange effect on me.

! Effect can also mean "the end result".

For example: The drug has many adverse side effects.

a lot / alot / allot A lot, meaning a large amount or number of people or things, can be used to modify a noun.

For example:-

"I need a lot of time to develop this web site."

It can also be used as an adverb, meaning very much or very often.

For example:-

"I look a lot like my sister."

It has become a common term in speech; and is increasingly used in writing.

Alot does not exist! There is no such word in the English language. If you write it this way -
imagine me shouting at you - "No Such Word!"

Allot is a verb, which means to give (especially a share of something) for a particular purpose:-

For example: "We were allotted a desk each."

all ready vs All ready means "completely ready".

For example: "Are you all ready for the test?"

Already is an adverb that means before the present time or earlier than the time expected.

For example: "I asked him to come to the cinema but he'd already seen the film."
"Are you buying Christmas cards already? It's only September!"

altogether vs All together (adv) means "together in a single group."

all together
For example: The waiter asked if we were all together.

Altogether (adv) means "completely" or "in total ".

For example: She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.
! To be in the altogether is an old-fashioned term for being naked!

apart vs Apart (adv) separated by distance or time.

a part
For example: I always feel so lonely when we're apart.

A part (noun) a piece of something that forms the whole of something.

For example: They made me feel like I was a part of the family.

been vs gone been is the past participle of be

gone is the past participle of go

Been is used to describe completed visits. So if you have been to England twice, you have
travelled there and back twice. If you have gone to England, you have not yet returned.

! Now you've been and gone and done it!

bored vs boring bored is an adjective that describes when someone feels tired and unhappy because something
is not interesting or because they have nothing to do.

For example: She was so bored that she fell asleep.

boring is an adjective that means something is not interesting or exciting.

For example: The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep.

! Note Most verbs which express emotions, such as to bore , may use either the present or the
past participle as an adjective, but the meaning of the participles is often different.
borrow vs lend To lend:

Meaning: to hand out usually for a certain length of time.

Banks lend money.

Libraries lend books.

For example: "My mother lent me some money, and I must pay her back soon."

To borrow:

Meaning: to take with permission usually for a certain length of time.

You can borrow money from a bank to buy a house or a car.

You can borrow books for up to 4 weeks from libraries in England.

For example: "I borrowed some money off my mother, and I must pay her back soon."

! For a happy life - Never a borrower nor a lender be.

bought vs bought past tense of the verb to buy

brought For example: "I bought a newspaper at the newsagents. "

brought past tense of the verb to bring

For example: "She brought her homework to the lesson."

! There is an 'r' in brought and an 'r' in bring = they belong together.

by vs until Both until and by indicate “any time before, but not later than.”

Until tells us how long a situation continues. If something happens until a particular time, you
stop doing it at that time.

For example:

They lived in a small house until September 2003.

(They stopped living there in September.)

I will be away until Wednesday.

(I will be back on Wednesday.)

We also use until in negative sentences.

For example:

Details will not be available until January.

(January is the earliest you can expect to receive the details.)

If something happens by a particular time, it happens at or before that time. It is often used to
indicate a deadline.

For example:

You have to finish by August 31.

(August 31 is the last day you can finish; you may finish before this date.)

We also use by when asking questions.

For example:

Will the details be available by December?

(This asks if they will be ready no later than December.)

check (v) To check means to examine. To make certain that something or someone is correct, safe or
vs suitable by examining it or them quickly.
control (v)
For example: "You should always check your oil, water and tyres before taking your car on a long trip."

To control means to order, limit, instruct or rule something, or someone's actions or behaviour.

For example: "If you can't control your dog, put it on a lead!"

What you shouldn't do is use the verb control in association with people and the work they do.

For example: "I check my students' homework, but I can't control what they do!"


In Business English there is often a lot of confusion because of the term control in accounting.

In most organizations the controller is the top managerial and financial accountant. The
controller supervises the accounting department and assists management in interpreting and
utilizing managerial accounting information.

complement vs Complement is a verb, which means to make something seem better or more attractive when
compliment combined.

For example: "The colours blue and green complement each other perfectly."

Compliment is a noun, which means a remark that expresses approval, admiration or respect.

For example: "I am often complimented on this web site."

data vs datum This isn't so much a common mistake as a common cause for arguments (as is often the case
with words of Latin origin).

The dictionaries treat data as a group noun, meaning information, especially facts or numbers,
collected for examination and consideration and used to help decision-making, or meaning
information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer.
Then they go on to confuse matters by giving the following kind of example:-

The data was/were reviewed before publishing.

So, which is it, was or were? Strictly speaking 'datum' is the singular form of and 'data' is the
the plural form.

If you're writing for an academic audience, particularly in the sciences, "data" takes a plural

For example:-

The data are correct.

But most people treat 'data' as a singular noun, especially when talking about computers etc.

For example:-

The data is being transferred from my computer to yours.

discreet vs Discreet is an adjective.

It means to be careful or modest, not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention,
especially by keeping something secret.

For example: To work for the royal family you have to be very discreet.

Discrete is an adjective.

It means something is distinct and separate or has a clear independent shape or form.

For example: She painted using strong colours, discrete shapes, and rhythmic patterns.

don't have to vs Don't have to = Do not have to We have to use don't have to to say that there is no obligation
mustn't or necessity to do something.

For example: "You don't have to do the exercises at the end of this page."

Mustn't = must not is a modal verb used to show that something is not allowed. When you use
mustn't you are telling people not to do things. It has the same force as don’t, as in: Don't do

For example: “You mustn't drink if you're going to drive."

either vs too Either is used with a negative verb when you are agreeing with something someone doesn't do
or like etc.

For example:- B agrees with A in the negative

A - "I don't like cheese." B - "I don't like it either."

A- "I haven't seen Lord of the Rings." B - "I haven't seen it either."

Too is used with an affirmative verb when you are agreeing with something someone does or
likes etc.

For example:- B agrees with A in the positive

A - "I love ice cream." B - "I love it too."

A- "I've seen Gladiator." B - "I've seen it too."

every day vs Every day - here every is a determiner and day is a noun.
When you say every day you mean each day without exception.

For example: You have been late for school every day this week.

Everyday is an adjective.

When you say everyday you mean ordinary, unremarkable.

For example: My culture pages offer an insight into the everyday life of Britain.

excited vs excited is an adjective that describes when someone feels happy and enthusiastic about
exciting something.

For example: She was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

exciting is an adjective that means something is making you excited.

For example: The football match was so exciting that she couldn't wait to tell everyone about it.

fewer vs less Everyone gets this wrong - including native speakers. The general rule is to use fewer for
things you can count (individually), and less for things you can only measure

For example:

There were fewer days below freezing last winter. (Days can be counted.)

I drink less coffee than she does. (Coffee cannot be counted individually it has to be measured).

! Note - "Less" has to do with how much. "Fewer" has to do with how many.

for vs since The prepositions for and since are often used with time expressions.

For indicates a period of time.

For example:

I have been working here for 2 years.

Since indicates a point in time.

For example:

I have been working here since the year before last.

good vs well Good is an adjective. We use good when we want to give more information about a noun.

For example:

My dog Sam is very good. He's a good dog.

She didn't speak very good English. Her English isn't very good.

Well is usually used as an adverb. We use well when we want to give more information about
a verb.

For example:

He usually behaves very well.

She didn't speak English very well.

Note! The exception to this can be when you talk about someone's health:

For example:-

She wasn't a well woman.

and when you describe sensations:

For example:-

This pizza tastes/smells/ looks good.

If you say "You look good." It means they look attractive.

If you say "You look well." It means they look healthy.

Note! Younger people might reply to the question "How are you?" with "I'm good." This is
what I call MTV English.

heroin vs Heroin is a noun; it is a powerful illegal drug, obtained from morphine and is extremely
heroine addictive.

For example: "He was arrested for supplying heroin, a class A drug."

Heroine is a female person who is admired for having done something very brave or having
achieved something great. The male equivalent is hero.

For example: "Grace Darling is one of England's best known heroines."

he's vs his He's is the short form of 'he is' or 'he has'.

For example: “Don’t be scared - he's very friendly."

His is a possessive pronoun, it is used to show something belonging to or connected with a

man, boy or male animal that has just been mentioned.

For example: “Mark just phoned to say he'd left his coat behind. Do you know if this is his?"

"How do you If I had a Euro for every time someone got this one wrong - I'd be a rich bunny!
vs How do you do?
"How are you?"
This is not a question. It is another, very formal way of saying "Hello." It is also very British.

The correct response is; "Pleased to meet you." or "How do you do." or just "Hello."

We only really use it the first time we meet someone.

How are you?

This is a question.

A polite response is; "I'm fine thanks. And you?"

I vs me Usually we choose the correct form by instinct.

For example;-

I am a teacher. (not me)

Give that to me. (not I)

There are other times when people make mistakes with these two pronouns. I/me is difficult
when it is coupled with another pronoun or with a noun. This is when you have to think about
the subject/object in a sentence

For example;-

"It was I who did the homework," or "It was me who did the homework."

Make the statement simpler:-

"I did the homework." so "It was I who did the homework," is correct.

The teacher gave the homework to my friend and me. (Not I)

!If you don't understand why the above sentence is correct, simplify the sentence again.
Deal with the two people separately.

The teacher gave the homework to my friend.

The teacher gave the homework to me.

= The teacher gave the homework to my friend and me.

interested vs Interested is a past participle. When used as an adjective it says how someone feels.
For example: "I was very interested in the lesson."

Interesting is a present participle. When used as an adjective it describes the people or things
that cause the feelings.

For example: "It was an interesting lesson.”

lay vs lie Lay is an irregular transitive verb (lay / laid/ laid - laying). It needs a direct object. It means to
put something or someone down (often in a horizontal position).

For example: "Lay your head on the pillow."

Lie is an irregular intransitive verb (lie / lay / lain - lying). It does not take a direct object. It
means to rest in a horizontal position1 or to be located somewhere2.

For example: "If you are tired lie here and have a rest."1
"Nottingham lies in the Midlands."2

! Lie also means to say something that isn't true but it takes the following form (lie / lied / lied
- lying).

lay down vs lie Lay down has several different meanings.

If you lay something down it can mean you officially establish a rule, or officially state the way
in which something should be done.

For example:-

Please follow the rules laid down by the administrator.

If you lay something down your weapons it means you stop fighting.

For example:- They laid down their guns and surrendered.

If you lay wine down it means you are storing it for drinking in the future.

For example:-I laid down this bottle in 1998; it should be perfect for drinking now.

Lie down means to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or

For example: "If you are tired lie down and have a rest."

look after vs To look after; means to take care of or be in charge of something or someone.
look for
For example: "I often ask my mother to look after the children."

To look for; means to try to find something or someone.

For example: "I am looking for my keys. Have you seen them?"

look at vs watch In this context look is usually followed by the preposition at.

When you look at someone or something you are interested in the appearance.

Generally we look at things that are static.

For example:

Look at these photos, they're really good.

I went to the art gallery to look at the exhibition of paintings.

Watch is a verb.

When you watch someone or something you are interested in what happens.

Generally we watch things that move or change state.

For example:

I watch TV every night.

The security guard watched the shoplifter steal the clock.

! If I say to you "Look at him!" I mean for you to check out his appearance. But, if I say to you
"Watch him!" I mean it as a warning.

look over vs Look over is is a phrasal verb.

When you look over something or someone you quickly examine it or them.

For example:-

I asked my teacher to look over what I had written.

Overlook is a verb.

When you overlook someone or something you fail to notice or consider it or them:

For example: I think my teacher overlooked some of my mistakes.

! Look over is two separate words, overlook is one word.

nor vs nor (conjunction) nor is always used in the negative, usually before the second or last of a set of
or negative possibilities, after 'neither'.

For example: He drinks neither wine nor beer.

or (conjunction) or is used to connect different possibilities.

For example: Is it Tuesday or Wednesday today?

me vs my As in I vs me we usually choose the correct form by instinct.

Me is used as the object of a verb or preposition. You use me to refer to yourself.

In short answers, we usually use this form.

For example:-

• Knock at the door - "Who's there?" ~ "It's me!"

• "I want to buy that new DVD." ~ "Me too!"

My is a possessive adjective.

For example:-

My mother loves me.

Now consider the following sentences:-

"I'm going to me and Margaret's room." or "I'm going to my and Margaret's room."

Which is correct? Me or my?

Simplify the sentence by removing the second person:-

"I'm going to my room." So, "I'm going to my and Margaret's room," is correct.

A real point of confusion arises when considering the use of "my" or "me" as the "subject" of a

The teacher didn't like me telling jokes in class.

The teacher didn't like my telling jokes in class.

But which is correct? Well they both are - sort of, but the use of the possessive, "my telling jokes
in class” serves to isolate the telling of jokes as the object of my teacher's anger. It's hopefully
not "me" at whom she/he has become upset, but the telling of jokes. In the sentence, "me telling
jokes in class", it might seem as though the teacher doesn't like me personally. The rule is that the
subject of a gerund is supposed to be in the possessive case.
Remember though that this is a purist’s view. Both are now becoming acceptable through
common usage. However, you can avoid any confusion by writing the sentence in a different

"The teacher didn't like the way I told jokes in class."

most vs the Most without an article is usually used as an adjective, which means almost all.
For example:-

• They ate most of the cake.

• Most days I go for a jog.

The most is usually used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs.

For example:-

Paul earns the most money.

The Miss World competition is held every year to find the most beautiful woman in the world.

! Note - This is only a general rule - as ever there are exceptions.

personal vs Personal is an adjective.

It can mean relating to or belonging to someone.

For example: Your personal belongings are the things that belong to you.

It can relate to the private parts of someone's life, including their relationships and feelings.

For example: If you have personal problems, it means you have problems that are private and sensitive to
you. Perhaps problems in a relationship.

It can also mean something that is designed for or used by one person.

For example: a personal computer or stereo.

And it can relate to your body

For example: when talk about personal hygiene.

!If you are rude about or offensive towards someone it could be said that you are being

Personnel is a noun.

The people who work for an organisation are the personnel.

For example: military personnel are the members of an army.

The department of an organisation that deals with finding people to work there, keeping
records about them, etc is the Personnel Department. The head of that department is the
personnel manager.

For example: "I need to speak to someone in Personnel."

!Many businesses have renamed their Personnel Department to 'The Human Resources
Department' or HRD for short.

practice vs Practice is a noun

For example: We need to put these ideas into practice.

Practise is a verb

For example: To learn English well you have to practise.

! Note - This is only true in British English.

! Often in English the noun form ends in and the verb form ends in ...ise.

principal vs Principal as an adjective means first in order of importance:

For example: The Mississippi is the principal river of the United States.

Principal as a noun can mean the head teacher in a school or college:

For example: The teacher sent the unruly student to see the principal.

Principal as a noun can also mean the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated

For example: She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.

Principle is a noun which means a basic idea, standard of behaviour or rule that explains or
controls how something happens or works:

For example: The country works on the principle that all citizens have equal rights.

raise vs rise When used as a verb they both have the same general meaning of "to move upwards", the main
difference is that rise is an intransitive verb (it does not take an object), while raise is a
transitive verb (it requires an object):

As you can see from these examples, (nobody is pushing up the sun!), whereas (Mary moved
her hand upwards/The government make laws to increase taxes).

rise (v) Something rises by itself

For example:-
The sun rises in the east.
The chairman always rises to the occasion.
I will rise tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. to walk the dog.
Rise is an irregular verb: rise / rose / risen

raise (v) Something else is needed to raise something.

For example:-
Lynne raised her hand.
The government is going to raise taxes.
They can't raise the Titanic.
Raise is a regular verb: raise / raised / raised

say / said Said v. is the past simple and past participle of to say.
vs It can be used in direct speech:
tell / told For example: "I am sorry", said the criminal.
It can be used in indirect (reported) speech (followed by that).
For example: "The criminal said that he was sorry.

Said adj. is used before the name of a person or thing you have already mentioned:
For example: "The said party denied the charges"

Told v. is the past simple and past participle of to tell.

It is normally used in reported speech, i.e. it is used to talk about what people say (followed by
an object + that:):
For example: I told him that I would be late.

When told has the meaning of "instruct", it can be followed by an object and an infinitive.
For example: He told me to leave.

to see vs To see means to be aware of what is around you by using your eyes.
to watch
For example: "I can see the smoke from here."

To watch means to look at something for a period of time, especially something that is
changing or moving.

For example: "I watched the cricket."

! Note - We watch things that move, such as TV, a film, sport. We look at static things, such as a
photograph, a painting, the stars.

shortage vs Shortage is a noun meaning when there is not enough of something.

For example: There is a shortage of skilled workers in the industry.

Shortness is a also a noun meaning the condition of being short spatially.

For example: Shortness in children and young adults nearly always results from below-average growth
in childhood.

so vs such So when used as in front of an adjective or an adverb means very.

For example: "My English teacher is so patient. She teaches us so well."
Such when used as a determiner can be used in front of a noun or an adjective and a noun to
show extremes, you can't use it in front of adverbs.

For example: "She is such a patient teacher."

! Note - Remember that without the noun you need to use "so."

such + a + patient + teacher

so + patient

stationary vs Stationary means standing still or not moving

stationery For example: "The car was stationary."

Stationery means the items needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils and envelopes.
For example: "It is the secretary's job to order the stationery?"

!'e' is for envelopes 'a' is for automobiles.

that, which, "Who" (or whom) is a pronoun, and is used as the subject or object of a verb to show which
who person you are referring to, or to add information about a person just mentioned. It is used for
people, not things.

"Which” is a pronoun, and is used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are
referring to, or to add information about the thing just mentioned? It is used for things, not people.

"That" is a pronoun, and is used as the subject or object of a verb to show which person or
thing you are referring to, or to add information about a person or thing just mentioned. It can
be used for people and things. It can sometimes be omitted.


The girl who was hungry.

The boy whom I talked to.
The dog that wagged its tail.
The software (that) I wrote.
The company, which / that hired me.

there, their, There can be used as an adjective of place:-

they're For example: "The car is over there in the car park."

There can also be used as the introductory subject in sentences:-

For example: "There are some grammar pages on this web site."

They're is the a contraction of "they are".

For example: "They're always surfing the Internet."

Their is a possessive pronoun like "her" or "our".

For example: "Have they done their homework?"
Example: "There's a large family in this town. Look they're over there by their car."

! If you've written "they're," ask yourself whether you can substitute "they are." If not, you've
made a mistake. There" has "here" inside it to remind you it refers to a place, while "their" has
"heir" buried in it to remind you that it has to do with possession.

trainee vs A trainee is a person who is learning and practicing the skills of a particular job.
For example: "There is a shortage of trainee dentists in the UK."

A trainer is a person who teaches skills for a particular job, activity or sport.

For example: "I like to think of myself as an English trainer, not an English teacher."

to, too or two? To is the most common form. When to is used before a verb it forms part of the infinitive:-

For example: to learn, to do, to be, to drink...

"I need to visit the dentist."

To is also a preposition, often used to indicate direction, which begins a prepositional phrase.

For example: to the limit, to hell and back

Example: "I need to go to the dentist."

Too is an adjective meaning "extra or more than necessary" - after all it has 2 Os - 1 too many?

For example: too much, too big, too small...

"The film was too long."

Too is also an adjective meaning "also"

For example: me too

"I thought it was too long, too."

Two is a number.

For example: one, two, three...

"I only drank two pints of beer."

More examples: We went to a football match. (preposition)

We like to watch a good film. (infinitive)

We ate too much. (meaning "excessively")

I like baseball, too. (meaning "also")

Six divided by three is two. (number)

They own two cars. (number)

! Many other words in English which reflect the number two are spelled with tw.

For example: twin, twice, twenty, between, tweezers, etc.

travel, trip Travel (v) is used in general terms as a verb - it usually means to change location. The word
voyage or travel is very rarely used as a noun.
For example: I have to travel a lot for work.

Trip (n) is often substituted for the word 'holiday' when the travelling distance was short.

For example: How was your trip?

It is often used in connection with business.

For example: I have to travel a lot for work. I am off on another business trip next week.

Trip (v) has a totally different meaning. It means to nearly fall over.

For example: I tripped over the carpet and sprained my ankle.

Voyage (n) is usually a long journey by boat. The word voyage is very rarely used as a verb.

For example: The voyage to South Africa took over six weeks.

Journey (n) is used more in British English than American English. It means the 'piece' of travel
between 2 or more points. The word journey is very rarely used as a verb.

For example: The journey from Darmstadt to Nottingham takes 12 hours.

used to vs used Used to can be used as an adjective and we use it to talk about things that have become
to do familiar, and are no longer strange or new.

For example: "I am used to mistakes now."

You can also be used to doing something.

For example: "I am used to making mistakes now."

Used to do - If we say something used to happen we are talking about repeated events and
actions in the past, usually things that happened a long time ago and are now finished.

For example: "I used to smoke."

what vs which Which and what are both used in questions:-

What is used to ask a question when there are an unknown number or infinite possibilities for
an answer. You know that there are many, many ways that exist to address your question, and
you want to find out—from all those possibilities that you might not even know about—the
best way.
For example: "What movie did you go to see?"

Which is used if you are choosing between two items, already defined, in a different sentence,
like this:

For example: "Which shoes should I wear with this dress—my blue ones or my black ones?"

You can use which when you have a very small or limited field to choose from. Certainly use
which, not what, when there are only two choices, or if both speaker and listener can visualize
all the items under consideration:

For example: "Which foot did you break?"

Often, either which or what can be used for several choices, depending on what is in the
speaker’s mind:

For example:-

a - "Which bus goes into the centre?"

b - "What bus shall I take?"

Both sentences are fine. The speaker is probably thinking about fewer buses in sentence (a) than
in sentence (b).

who vs whom Who is used as the subject of a verb. Basically anytime "I", "she" or "he" 'feels' right, who can be

For example:-

She is the one who built that funny English website.

In questions who is used when asking which person or people did something, or when asking
what someone's name is. In fact in informal writing and speech who is used most of the time.

For example:-

"Who is that girl over there?"

"Who let the dogs out?"
"She asked me if I knew who had got the job."

Whom is used in formal writing as the object of a verb or preposition.

For example:-

"He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores."

"There were 500 passengers, of whom 121 drowned."

!Note - Whom is rarely used in questions. For example:

"To whom do you wish to speak?" (This sounds very old-fashioned and stilted.)
! If in doubt, try the “he or him” test:-

Try rewriting the sentence using “he or him ”.

For example:

"He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores." - "He adores he" should 'feel"'wrong. So it must be
"He adores him."

If you're still not sure, go with who, 99.9% of the time you'll be right.

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