Municipal Profile Kalibo
Municipal Profile Kalibo
Municipal Profile Kalibo
The municipality of Kalibo is particularly located at the center of all coastal municipalities of Aklan, where the big Aklan River has its
It is bounded on the North by the Sibuyan Sea, on the South by the Municipality of Banga, on the West by the Municipalities of Lezo
and Numancia and on the East by the Municipality of New Washington. It has a cadastral location of North to South between
11˚40’22” N and 11˚40’00” S, from West to East between 122˚ 20’ 27” W and 122˚ 25’ 00” E latitude.Kalibo’s approximate
distance to other cities and municipalities and barangay Poblacion to other barangays are shown on the table below;
Table 2.1 Kalibo’s Distance to other Cities/Municipalities and Barangay Poblacion to other Barangays
Based on the recent cadastral survey conducted by the Land Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources approved Last October 5, 2005, the Municipality has a total land area of 5,075 hectares. Its distribution is shown on the
table below;
The whole area of the municipality is generally flat that favors rapid economic and urbanization growth.This is characterized by
intensive agriculture and high density of urban development. Shown below is the Topographic Map of the Municipality of Kalibo.
Figure 2.3a Topographic Map
The record of the Provincial Register of Deeds shows that the only available mineral element found in the locality is iron (laterite,
magnetite, rutile) which occur in abundance throughout coastal areas of Aklan. Moreover, guano deposit is also found in Tigayon
Cave but of limited quantity.
2.4.1 Soils
6. Beach Sandy Clay (801.32). It is devoted to Coconut and Trees.
The seafront coastal barangays of Andagao, Bakhaw Norte, Bakhaw Sur, Buswang New, Buswang Old, Briones, Caano, Mabilo,
Nalook and Pook have sandy loam, Sta. Rita clay and Hydrosol type of soil. On the other hand, riverine barangays like Estancia,
Linabuan Norte, Mobo, Poblacion, Tigayon and Tinigao have Sta. Rita, San Miguel and Mountain Clay considering its proximity to
the Aklan River.
The interior of Barangay Nalook has a combination of Bantog Clay, Sta. Rita Clay and Hydosol.
Soils suitable for diversified crops are estimated to be 1,111 hectares which is considered good (have properties favorable
forrated use). For tree crops, 1,555 hectares are declared highly suitable or good (alluvial soils). The present area which is
approximately 1150 hectares planted to rice is predominantly classified as highly suitable for rice and diversified farming and the
rest of the area (435 hectares) is considered fair.
a. Alienable and Disposable Lands – The entire Municipality of Kalibo is classified as Alienable and Disposable (A & D)
land. However, there are identified mangrove sites along the coastal area.
b. Timberland –The protected Mangrove Area, the Mangrove Reforestation Project of the municipality located at
barangays Bakhaw Sur, Buswang Old & Buswang New which started on January 30, l990 with an initial area of 50
hectares and has expanded to more or less 220 hectares after 15 years of existence due to natural regeneration and
additional planting.
Kalibo takes pride in the implementation of its Mangrove Reforestation Project - in the great success story of transforming
mudflats into a productive and diverse mangrove forest jointly undertaken by the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) and the LGU-Kalibo. It has grown and flourishedover time under the stewardship of Kalibo Save the
Mangrove Association (KASAMA), a community-based association charged to take care of the project.
c. Wildlife Sanctuary – Within the declared mangrove reserve in Barangay Buswang New, a 20-hectare wildlife sanctuary
was established. This serves as home for birds and other animals that rely on nature’s blessing.
d. Parks/Playground and Other Recreational Spaces – There are an existing area of 42.40 hectares used as parks and
playground in the community that includes basketball/tennis court, stadium, auditorium and public plaza.
The Municipality of Kalibo is predominantly an agricultural domain occupying the biggest portion of the total area. This is
the reason why the major thrust of the Local Government is making Kalibo as the center of agricultural-based economic
industry and eco-tourism. This land classification is mostly planted to agricultural crops like rice, coconuts, bananas,
corns, root crops and vegetables. Some areas were also devoted to fishpond and backyard livestock production. It is
subsequently followed by built-up classification (comprises residential, commercial, industrial, institutional,
parks/playground, infrastructure utilities and other uses) followed by special uses (quarrying, grazing land and tourism
purposes). Forestland (Mangrove Reforestation project) occupies a minimum area of more or less 220 hectares out of the
total land area. Please see Figure below.
Figure 2.5.2 Existing General Land Use Map Municipality of Kalibo
Kalibo has undetermined stock piles of high grade sand and gravel on a sandbar formation at the Aklan Riverbed. The sand and
gravel and other aggregates found in the reverine barangays of the municipality starting from Linabuan Norte to Bakhaw Norte
are said to be the finest kind in the region.
2.7.1 Mangroves
2.7.3 Invertebrates
The municipal waters of Kalibo have various species of crustaceans and mollusk, to wit;
Table 2.7.3 various species of crustaceans and mollusk found in the municipal waters of Kalibo
Species Local Name Species Local Name
Crabs: - Bamboo Shells
Portunidae - Kasag - Bilaog
(Portunid crabs) - Kamantaha - Tuway
Thalamita sp. - Alikumo - Pisotan
- Kuray - Taeaba
- Kaeas-kaeas - Tamilok
- Saka-saka
- Agogokoy
- Agihis
Blue Swimming Crab - Kalampay
- Sihi
Portunos pelagicus sp. Shells:
- Imbaw
- Shellfish (Diwal)
- Litob, Bagungon
2.7.4 Fisheries
Table 2.7.4 Fish Species found in the municipal waters of the Municipality of Kalibo
Species Local Name Species Local Name
Indian sardines sardinilla longiups sp. Tamban Clupeidae (sardines and hearings) Manamsi
sardinella sp.
Cutlass Trichiurus haumela sp. Liwit Tambilawan
Red snapper Lutjanu sp. Malasugi/ Ubod Marbled grouper Epinepheus Inid
fuscoquittatus sp. Bulinaw
Ribbon-fined nemipterid Nemipterus Bisugo
hexoden sp. Pusit
Rougher Scad Decapterus tabl sp. Marot Yellow-finned tuna Neothunnus Tuna/
(galunggong) macropterus sp. bantaeaan
Indeavor shrimp Metapenaeus Shrimp Mangagat
endeavourer sp. (pasayan)
Philippine Jack Hymmis momsa sp. Mamsa
Scombridae (mackerels and tunas) Tangige
Oeans (Cray Scomberomorus sp.
Fish) Hagong
Cichlidae (cichlids) Tilapia sp. Tilapia Moon fish Mene maculate sp. Bilong-
Dorabs Chironcentrus dorabs sp. Balila
Spotted slipmouth Leiognatus ruconius Apotoe
Yellow finned goat fish Uperneus Ti-aw
Sulphureus sp.
Bulit Tuna Alexis rochie sp. Aloy Engraulidae (anchovies) Stolephorus Bulinaw
Mugilidae (mullets) Liza sp.1 Gusaw sp.
2.7.5 Reptiles
Reptiles like Tikig, Pueoy, Haeo and Nipa-Nipa were found at the Mangrove area.
2.7.6 Mammals
There were some whale sharks and dolphin seen at the municipal waters, however, its protection is at risk.
Kalibo Shoreline especially at Barangay Mabilo and the adjacent coastal barangays is believed to be haven for marine turtles. As
proof, some have tangled with the fishermen’s nets. They were later freed back to its habitat after documentation had been
made for their protection.
The municipal shoreline area of the Municipality starts at the Northern part of Barangay Bakhaw Norte to Barangay Mabilo
running on a northeasterly direction. It includes the shoreline facing Sibuyan Sea. The coastline constitutes 7 kilometers dotted
by the estuaries of Aklan River, Sooc River and Andagao Creek all draining to Sibuyan Sea.
2.7.9 Municipal Fishing Ground
Based on the records from the National Irrigation Administration, Kalibo has uneven periods of rainfall throughout the year.
Municipality of Kalibo
2007 0.76 0.96 - - 0.30 0.31 2.02 0.47 1.50 2.49 2.55
2008 1.32 0.74 5.01 5.56 5.69 3.69 3.77 0.65 4.24 3.24 4.20 3.35
2009 0.41 0.30 0.55 0.63 5.95 0.70 0.69 1.08 4.07 0.83 1.02 1.21
2010 - 4.64 548 - - 0.37 - 0.97 3.25 5.48 3.61 2.04
2011 1.41 4.58 2.48 9.34 7.40 - 4.47 3.72 6.31 6.43 7.97 15.56
2012 3.048 2.67 3.55 3.48 2.74 - 2.60 - 3.57 3.01 5.00 -
2013 0.9067 2.7067 0.4301 0.4440 0.7935 - 1.0215 - 0.3848 0.3419 0.3471 -
2014 1.38 1.07 1.03 2.17 1.03 0.43 1.71 2.58 1.42 8.42 6.00 3.56
Source: National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
Based on the average affective rainfall from CY 2000 to 2014 NIA records, it discloses that there were uneven rainfalls
The Aklan River, which is the major river system of the Province, traverses the municipality of Kalibo from barangays Linabuan
Norte, Tigayon, Tinigao, Estancia, the island barangay of Mobo and Poblacion leading to its mouth covering the three barangays of
Bakhaw Norte, Bakhaw Sur and Buswang Old down to Sibuyan Sea.
At the mouth of the river are two (2) major littoral water bodies, the estuarine deltas (a distinct feature of the municipality) which
have seasonal formation of sandbars depending on the tidal influx.
The main function of the mouth/estuaries of the Aklan River is the receiver of water bodies and serves as the drainage system
crenating in the area. Their water is directed by fresh water drainage from the uplands.
a. Flooding
Table 2.10a Flood Hazard Map
Kalibo, having nearly flat features, has experienced occasional flooding especially during heavy downpour. The level of water is
higher when the downpour occurs during high tide affecting the low land portion of Linabuan Norte, Tigayon, Estancia, Tinigaw,
Mobo, Poblacion, Bakhaw Norte, Bakhaw Sur and Old Buswang.
Flooding also occurs in the commercial and built-up areas mainly due to insufficient capacity of drainage facilities aggravated by
uncontrolled dumping or accumulation of street liters. It is a common occurrence that after a heavy downpour, some streets are
flooded with knee-high deep storm water run-off mixed with sewage from nearby residential and commercial areas. However,
flooding subsides after a few minutes.
Soil Erosion is common along the coastal barangays. This is due to the wind and sea water interaction while siltation brought
damages to the rivers and one of the causes of flooding in the lowland areas. Based on topography, climate, soil kind and nature of
vegetation, there is natural erosion along the Aklan River bank and other coastal areas of the municipality. Area covered is 3,538
hectares of total land area. However, greatly affected areas are those barangays situated along the span of the Aklan River
covering almost 72.0 hectares as shown in the figure. The latter urgently needs extensive soil conservation measures such as
natural and infrastructure interventions like the construction of revetment walls, spur, dikes, river controls and rip-rapping of river
banks. Consideration lies in the periodic changes of the course of Aklan River and potential damage to crops and properties.
Almost everybody in Kalibo is a Filipino. There are several persons of foreign origin (Chinese, Americans and others). Dominant
language spoken is the mother tongue which is Aklanon. A unique language spoken only in the Province of Aklan. Other
languages spoken are Hiligaynon, Tagalog, Cebuano, Kinray-a, Rombloanon and Ilocano, English, Chinese and Korean. English
maybe understood by many but is not widely spoken. The language of Kalibo is multi-lingual which means that the average
kalibonhon could easily adapt other languages through speaking and interpreting. The typical family of Kalibo has an average of
5 members. Kalibo is predominantly Roman Catholic, followed by Iglesia ni Cristo and Evangelicals, Seventh Day Adventists,
Church of Jesus Christ, of the Latter Saints Days, Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, , Aglipay, Convention of the Phil. Baptist Church,
Protestant, Association of Fundamental Baptist Church, Phil. Episcopal Church, Iglesia Evangelista, Born Again Christians, Islam,
Pentecostal Missionary and Assemblies of God.
As a bustling Municipality and urban capital of the province, Kalibo has the largest population among the 17 towns garnering
13.93% of the total Provincial population.
This is explained by the rapid in-migration from neighboring municipalities, provinces and even cities because of the socio-
economicpotential of themunicipality wherein better employment opportunitiesand presence of social amenities like light, water,
telecommunications, recreation centers, business centers and educational institutions are basically available and still growing in
For this year 2014, the total projected population of Kalibo is 80,138 with a Population Density of 15.79 or approximately 16
persons in every hectare or 1,579 persons in every square kilometer of the area. The whole municipality of Kalibo was already
classified as an Urban Community per 1990 NSO Census of population.
These facts are illustrated by the figure on the next page, showing that the urban center composed of barangay Poblacion and the
adjoining barangays such as barangays Andagao, Estancia and New Buswang has bigger population.
Table 3.2 Projected Population, No. of Household, Fig. 3.2a Projected Population by Barangay
Population Density Per Barangay,
CY 2014
CY 2014
Popu- No. of 10000
lation Households
(persons/ha.) 8000
Linabuan Norte
Buswang New
Bakhaw Norte
Buswang Old
Source: NSO (Projected Population of 2014 is based from 2010
Census of Population}
The municipality has a higher growth rate of 1.80% compared to the provincial growth rate of 1.73%. This is due to the in-
migration from neighboring towns in order to seek for better education, business and employment opportunities.
Table 3.3 Population Size and Actual Growth Rate 1960– 2010
Census Date 1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 2010
Total Population 21,303 30,247 31,947 39,894 51,387 58,065 62,438 69,700 74,619
Actual Growth Rate 1.49% 3.57% 1.10% 4.54% 2.56% 2.36% 1.97% 1.53% 1.80%
Historical Growth of Populationfor the Municipality of Kalibo was traced back in the year l903 wherein the registered population of
the Municipality is 14,574 as per record from the National Census and Statistic Office (NCSO). The population went down in the
year l918 by 648 persons with a total population of 13,926. From 1939 to present, the population of Kalibo is continuously
increasing with the highest population increased that had occurred between 1975 and 1980 with an average population growth
rate of 4.54%. The average annual increase of population is 1.794% from 1903 to 2010 as shown in Table below.
1975 31947 1700 1.10%
Source: NCSO
Migration is the movement of population, more exactly the movement of people across a specified boundary for the purpose of
residence. Migration is also a contributor to the population growth. The strategic location, access, proximities to the one of the
famous tourism capital of the Philippines-Boracay Island makes the municipality of Kalibo a natural migration area.
The municipality of Kalibo was already classified as Urban Community as per 1990 NSO Census with a population of 51,387. This
year 2014, Kalibo has a projected population of Eighty thousand one hundred thirty Eight (80,138).
Population 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Urban 65,357 66,644 67,957 69296 72,948 74065 77,329 78,721 80,138
The quality of life of the residents can be measured in terms of their status of well-being in relation to certain acceptable or
desired standards, as well as the level of social services that are made available to them indicators of well-being include health,
education, social welfare, housing, employment and income, recreation and protective services.
3.7.1 HEALTH
As a policy, LGU-Kalibo has intensified its health programs and services to ensure the wellness of its constituents. Consequently,
the health situation of the entire populace has improved. (Please see table 3.10a). In Kalibo, health care services delivery may be
considered as adequate due to the presence of public and private health facilities and services. There is one (1) public medical
hospital, Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital and Four (4) Private Hospitals, namely, St. Gabriel Medical Center, St. Jude
Hospital, Aklan Mission Hospital and Panay Health Care Hospital.
Engr.& Maintenance -Public 16 Pharmacist:Private 11 Private 50
- Private 8 Public (DRSTMH) 6
Driver- Private-6 Public 5, 6
Maternal mortality Rate 0.918% Midwives: Private Hospital 7 RHU-1
(St. Gabriel & Mission Panay)
Projected Population as of 80,138
Profile Year Public- DRSTM –5 RHU - 14 19
Table 3.7.1c Ten Leading Causes of Morbidity, 2014 Table 3.7.1d Leading Causes of Mortality, 2014
FUO 272 Pneumonia (All Ages) 163 rce:
Bronchial Asthma 183 RH
Myocardial Infarction 117 U
Allergy All Forms 182 Kali
IHD 96 bo I
Animal Bite 151
HCVD/CVA 85 & ll
Infection (Bacterial, Fungal, Viral) 148 The
Cancer (All Forms) 66 Mu
nicipality of Kalibo recognized the potential of the physically COPD 27
challenged brothers and sisters in nation building. It has
Diabetes Mellitus 23
sustainably administered the Stimulation and Therapeutic
Activity Center or STAC catering not just to Children with Altherosclerosis 15
disabilities or special children from Kalibo but also from other Status Asmaticus 12
towns. LGU Kalibo has given them hope and help them realized
that they play important role in nation building. Acute Renal Failure 11
STAC is now directly managed by LGU Kalibo in partnership with the Kapisanan ng May Kapansanan sa Pilipinas or KAMPI. This special
service is another milestone for the municipality in facilitating innovative assistance for the marginalized sector.
Table 3.7.1e Number of Services Extended to the Physically Table 3.7.1f Number of Children with Disabilities Treated by
Handicapped (STAC)-Jan. to Dec. 2014 Psychiatrist-Jan.-Dec., 2014
# of Children with # of Children with
# of # of CWDs Month disabilities treated Month disabilities treated
No. of Services Extended Treatment Treated by our Psychiatrist by our Psychiatrist
January 2 July 4
Physical Therapy (PT) 851 286 February 5 August 3
Occupational Therapy (OT) 1,480 462 March 4 September 3
Special Education (SPED) 251 83 April 5 October 3
Physiatrist Evaluation 42 May 3 November 2
June 5 December 3
Source: STAC/2014
The Municipality of Kalibo, thru the Municipal Nutrition Council exerts its best efforts to provide quality, accessible and adequate
care to Pregnant and Lactating Women, Pre-School Children and the Number of Normal and above Normal Children.
Table 3.7.1g Municipal Health and Nutrition CY-2014
Male Female Male Female
No. of Normal 6,233 5896 4,803 4,411
No. of Severy Underweight 0 0 - -
No. of Underweight 119 96 0 0
No. of Overweight 16 16 168 116
No. of Wasted - - 221 185
No. Severely Wasted 0 0 0 0
No. of Obese 0 0 51 10
Weight for Age- Normal 410 337 747 440 403 843 1030 796 1826 971 903 1874 1021 989 2010 1066 1093 2159 1438 1281 2719 12178
Weight for Age - Overweight 0 3 3 4 1 5 1 1 2 3 1 4 4 2 6 2 5 7 10 8 18 45
Weight for Age-Underweight 1 1 2 1 3 4 13 17 27 20 13 33 17 10 35 21 14 35 21 18 39 175
Weight for Age – Severy
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Height for All -Normal 396 329 725 438 411 849 862 839 1699 959 893 1852 1034 1008 2042 1058 1099 2168 1476 1320 2796 12120
Height for Age-Tall 1 4 5 1 1 2 8 8 12 9 8 17 9 7 16 5 7 15 8 6 14 78
Height for Age-Stunted 8 3 11 4 4 8 18 14 34 18 21 39 20 15 35 29 11 35 17 10 27 194
Height for Age-Severy Stunted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 6
Height/Length for weight -Normal 400 337 737 434 410 844 877 852 1732 985 905 1890 1056 1024 2080 1081 1105 2184 1492 1312 2804 12,273
Height/Length for weight-
0 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 3 6 2 1 3 16
Height/Length for weight-Obese 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 4 8 9
Height /Length for Weight-Wasted 2 1 3 3 4 7 10 8 18 10 11 21 12 6 18 12 7 28 6 6 12 28
Height /Length for Weight-Severely
2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Table 3.7.1i Nutritional Status Operation Timbang of Pre- School Children per Barangay – 2014
1 Briones 0 0 0 1 0 1 102 98 200 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 New Buswang 0 0 0 4 9 0 757 682 1,439 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Caano 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 122 255 0 0 0 5 6 11
4 Estancia 0 0 0 6 4 10 578 634 1,212 1 3 4 3 1 4
5 Mabilo 0 0 0 0 3 5 192 174 366 1 0 1 0 0 0
6 Nalook 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 191 414 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Poblacion I 0 0 0 4 7 11 531 625 1,056 0 0 0 10 7 17
8 Pook 0 0 0 8 9 16 370 387 757 2 2 4 3 5 8
9 Tigayon 0 0 0 0 0 0 365 305 670 0 1 1 4 3 7
10 Poblacion 11 0 0 0 0 22 19 538 522 1,060 7 6 13 8 8 16
11 Andagao 0 0 0 0 30 19 1044 980 2,024 0 0 0 1 0 1
12 Old Buswang 0 0 0 0 6 2 270 268 538 5 0 5 1 0 1
13 Bachaw Sur 0 0 0 1 1 2 225 252 253 0 0 0 1 1 2
14 Bachaw Norte 0 0 0 6 2 8 208 252 220 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Tinigao 0 0 0 1 2 3 218 150 138 1 0 1 1 3 4
16 Mobo 0 0 0 1 1 2 124 150 319 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Linabuan Norte 0 0 0 0 0 0 310 311 621 2 3 5 1 4 5
TOTAL 0 0 0 93 80 173 6233 5996 12,129 16 16 32 38 38 76
Family Planning Services in Kalibo, Aklan are being provided by the Rural Health Physicians in the Rural Health Unit. The use of
NFP-LAM is the most accepted as a family planning method. This is so because the municipality now promotes the natural family
planning method by means of training and seminar especially in barangay level. Family planning services and coverage in Kalibo
is shown in table below:
Table 3.7.1j Family Planning Methods and Users Kalibo, Aklan, 2014
Family Planning Method
New Acceptors 147 0 146 10 0 1,322 14
Current Users 834 5 1,800 68 4 875 14
Total 981 5 1,946 78 4 2,197 28
Source: RHU-Kalibo 1& II
Social Welfare programs and services in Kalibo are being provided by 1 Municipal Social Welfare Officer, 3 social welfare staff, 1
administrative aide and 32 day care workers. Social Welfare services were implemented based on programs as well as to the
clientele problems. The corresponding Social Work Intervention and strategies are well programmed in order to achieve
expected output.
The MSWDO is extending assistance through its various programs and projects more specifically on the underprivileged and
socially disadvantaged families and communities with focus on women, family and child welfare, and special clients like pre-
delinquent youth and physically disabled individuals. Its livelihood projects, disaster assistance, nutrition feeding program
among others were extended for them to become self sufficient and productive citizens of the community. Each program has
specific services that respond to the clients’ problems/needs.
Pre-marriage Counseling Service is also provided to couples about to get married. They were provided with guidance in their
roles and responsibilities as married couple and would-be parents. This program is also supported by the Responsible
Parenthood Services.
It is also actively involved in the management of Day Care Center Municipal wide. At present there were 32 Day Care Centers
spread all over the 16 barangays of Kalibo. All day care workers were trained on Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program. This
aims to improve and enhance the knowledge, attitude and skills of Day Care Workers. (Please see table below for the master
listing of Day Care Center in the municipality of Kalibo.
Center Martelino New Bus. Pook Interior DCC Pook, Kalibo, 19 24
Buswang Old DCC Buswang Old 16 20 Tigayon Center 1 DCC Tigayon, Kalibo, 22 18
Estancia Centro DCC Estancia, Kalibo, 28 32 Niñolitos Day Care Poblacion, Kalibo, 62 64
Estancia Tigayon Brgy (Ilaya). Estancia, Kalibo, 26 29 Oyo Torong St. Kalibo, Aklan 28 28
Kalibo being the educational center of the Province of Aklan has all the years strengthened and expanded in all levels of education and
state of the art information technology in the municipality through various modes of intervention and innovation. Their services
offered ranges from pre-schools learning centers to technical and tertiary schools. Two of which offer postgraduate courses.
ScSite Area
Vocational Care-giver
Schools Pre-School Elementary Secondary Tertiary
Technical Course
M F M F M F M F M F M F (in sq. m.)
Kalibo District I * 330 309 2,510 2,312 -
Kalibo District II * 293 273 2408 2,116 -
Kalibo Integrated Special Education (KISEC) * 60 64 381 347 59 82
Infant Jesus School ** 15 14 83 72 159 192 2,000
Aklan Learning Center ** 140 167 413 437 1,729
Holy Child Nursery and Kindergarden School** 136 141 -
Kalibo Sun Yat Sen School ** 7 5 106 81 -
Christ the King ** 47 54 48 45 21 24 600
Aklan Interfaith Academy ** 60 46 126 121 -
Star Glow Center for Academic and Arts ** 41 33 94 93 34 36 7,300
Infant Jesus Academy ** 38 44 171 163 74 110 4,514
St. Anne Montessori School ** 26 18 80 73 63 75 1,070
Wadeford School ** 39 41 100 79 28 24 393.47
Maranatha Christian School** 25 15 64 63 3,700
Marian High Learning Center ** 19 4 92 79 29 30 -
St. Gabriel English School ** 42 28 59 41 -
Three Angels Adventist Learning Center ** 6 7 36 22
St. Dominic School ** 42 45 70 67
Day Care Center (32 Centers) * 734 740 -
Regional Science High School for Region V1 * 259 438 10,000
Kalibo Institute ** 207 151 592
Dela Cruz Institute of Business and Industry 1,000
243 172
Aklan Academy ** 188 114 200
Linabuan National High School * 334 374 -
Gaudencio L. Vega NHS( Nalook Nat’l High School) * 186 180 -
Aklan Nat. High School for Arts and Trades ** 828 771 -
Aklan Valley High School ** 268 343 4,046
Aklan Catholic College ** 24 27 190 152 408 443 478 960 annex-3.5has
Garcia College of Technology Annex-
78 80 1109 1740 1621main2049
Northwestern Visayan Coll.** 22 29 106 103 218 209 2116 3752
St. Gabriel College ** 14 13 44 27 124 153 53 143 11,500
Aklan Polytechnic Institute ** 393 297 1881 201 1,774
ASU (Kalibo Campus) School.
974 1142 712 465
Of Industrial Technology * 8 HAS.
Panay Technological College ** 92 76 16 39 36 18 567/507
Private 751 740 1932 1757 2960 2773 5947 7121 304 255 5 40
Total 2160 2134 7231 6532 4626 4618 6921 8263 1016 720 114 132
Vocational Caregiver
Pre-School Elementary Secondary Tertiary
Schools Technical Course
Kalibo District 1 * 1 10 21 113 109 92
Kalibo District 11 * - 12 13 130
Kalibo Integrated Special Education(KISEC)* - 2 2 25 1 3
Infant Jesus School ** - 2 11 27 18 15
Aklan Learning Center ** - 6 1 17 5 8
Holy Child Nursery and Kindergarten Sch.** - 3 - -
Kalibo Sun Yat Sen School ** - 2 2 6
Christ the King ** 1 3 8 4 4
Aklan Interfaith Academy ** - 7 5 35
Star Glow Center for Academic and Arts ** - 6 4 22 8 16
Infant Jesus Academy ** - 7 13 30 28 15
St. Anne Montessori School ** - 3 3 32 8 28
Wadeford School ** - 9 24 33 19 31
Maranatha Christian School ** - 6 - 10 - -
Marian High Learning Center ** - 1 - 6 2 2
St. Gabriel English School ** - 5 4 2
Three Angels Adventist Learning Center ** - 2 - 6
St. Dominic School of Kalibo ** - 3 1 5
Day Care Center (29 Centers) * 1 32
Regional Science High School for Region V1* 5 25
Kalibo Institute ** 4 6
Dela Cruz Institute of Business and Industry (D.I.B.I)** 6 28
Aklan Academy ** 12 18
Linabuan National High School * 2 22
Pre- Secondary Tertiary Vocational Caregiver
Schools School Technical Course
Nalook National High School(Gaudencio 3 13
Vega National High School) *
Aklan National High School for Arts and Trades * 25 34
Aklan Valley High School ** 4 8
Aklan Catholic College ** - 3 2 8 10 18 30 44
Garcia College of Technology ** 2 10 22 37
Northwestern Visayan Colleges ** 3 3 12 28 17 25 20 38
St. Gabriel College ** - 2 - 6 6 11 18 15 1 2 - -
Aklan Polytechnic Institute ** 8 32 44 17
ASU (Kalibo Campus) School. Of Industrial 54 74 21 33
Panay Technological College ** 17 17 21 15 8 6
S. T. I. College ** 10 11
Central Panay College of Science & Technology** - 2 1 5 6 5 - - 6 10
JAVTES ** 16 16 3 4
Lifeline International Caregiver Training Center** 1 3
Kalibo District 1 * 13 140
Kalibo District 11 * 11 112
Kalibo Integrated Special Education (KISEC) *
1 20 3
Infant Jesus School ** 3 6 10
Aklan Learning Center ** 5 13 10
Holy Child Nursery & Kindergarten Sch.** 3
Kalibo Sun Yat Sen School ** 1 8
Christ the King ** 3 3 4
Aklan Interfaith Academy ** 3 7 4
Star Glow Center for Academic and Arts** 4 7 4
Infant Jesus Academy ** 3 13 8
St. Anne Montessori School ** 3 6 5
Wadeford School ** 4 11 4
Maranatha Christian School ** 3 6 4
Marian High Learning Center ** 1 6 4
St. Gabriel English School ** 3 7
Three Angels Adventist Learning Center** 3 6
St. Dominic School 3 6
Elemen- Secon- Ter- Caregiver
Schools Pre-School /
tary dary Tiary Course
Table 3.9e Number of Drop-Out per Level CY 2014
Pre- Vocational Care-giver
Elementary Secondary Tertiary
Schools School Technical Course
Kalibo District 1 * 2 - 2 1 15 5
Kalibo District 11 * - - 1 2 13 4
Infant Jesus School ** 1 1 - - 4 3
Kalibo Integrated Special Education (KISEC) - - 1 2
Aklan Learning Center/Aklan Valley H/S ** - - - -
Holy Child Nursery and Kindergarten School
- - - -
Kalibo Sun Yat Sen School ** 1 1 - -
Christ the King **
Aklan Interfaith Academy ** - - - 1
Star Glow Ctr for Academic &Arts ** 3 1 1
Infant Jesus Academy ** - - - - - -
St. Anne Montessori Sch. ** - - - - - 1
Wadeford School ** - - - -
Maranatha Christian School** - - - -
Marian High Learning Center ** - - - - - -
St. Gabriel High English Center ** - - - -
Three Angels Adventist Learning Center - - - -
Day Care Center (29 Centers) *
Regional Science High School * - -
Kalibo Institute ** 2 6
Dela Cruz Institute of Business and Industry
- -
Aklan Academy 4 5
Linabuan National High Sch. * 13 4
Aklan Valley High School - -
Nalook National High Sch. * 2 2
St. Dominic School of Kalibo - -
Vocational Caregiver
Pre-School Elementary Secondary Tertiary
Schools Technical Course
Aklan National High School for Arts and
13 3
Aklan Catholic College** 1 1 - 1 - - 5
Garcia College of Technology** 1 2 47 37
Northwestern Visayan Colleges** 2 1 5 1 1 1 9
St. Gabriel College** - 1 - 1
Aklan Polytechnic College** 7 3 9 1
ASU (Kalibo Campus) School. Of Industrial
16 9 30 11
Panay Technological College** 2 - 2 2 2
S. T. I. College**
Central Panay College
3 2
Of Science and Technology**
JAVTES** - -
Lifeline International Health Institute** 1 4
*Public Schools
** Private Schools
Table 3.9f Number of Kalibo residents/students, who completed elementary, secondary, tertiary and
vocational education last school year
Vocational Care-giver
Pre-School Elementary Secondary Tertiary
Schools Technical Course
Kalibo District 1 * 324 312 841 765 -
Kalibo District 11 * 273 253 247 256
Infant Jesus School 8 8 43 32 60 77
Kalibo Integated Special Education (KISEC) 40 36 44 45 4 7
Aklan Learning Center/Aklan Valley H/S 28 30 220 270 185 285
Holy Child Nursery and Kindergarten Sch. 118 113 123 115
Kalibo Sun Yat Sen School 5 3 10 6
Christ the King 5 2 2 3
Aklan Interfaith Academy 12 5 20 12
Star Glow Center for Academic and Arts 68 73 15 22
Infant Jesus Academy 18 11 5 7 6 15
St. Anne Montessori School 10 6 7 13
Wadeford School 14 8 6 8 2 4
Maranatha Christian School 9 15 12 4
Marian High Learning Center 124 95 33 34
St. Gabriel High English Center 10 12
Three Angels Adventist Learning center 3 2 - 4
Day Care Center (30 Centers) * 196 184
Regional Science High Sch. for Region 1V* 36 61
Kalibo Institute** 207 259
Dela Cruz Institute of Business and
180 150
Industry (D.I.B.I).
Aklan Academy 21 24
Linabuan National High School * 53 59
Aklan Valley High School 139 128
Nalook National High School * 17 14
St. Dominic School of Kalibo 40 44
Vocational Caregiver
Pre-School Elementary Secondary Tertiary
Schools Technical Course
Aklan National High School for Arts
180 216
and Trades
Aklan Catholic College 14 14 41 53 16 49
Garcia College of Technology 4 4 12 80
Northwestern Visayan Colleges. 12 5 14 10
St. Gabriel College 1 3 1 1 19 21 6 19 - 1
Aklan Polytechnic College 205 102 720 148
ASU (Kalibo Campus) School. Of
45 46 68 81
Industrial Technology
Panay Technological College 52 26 6 10 10 8
S. T. I. College 9 10
Central Panay College
3 5 30 26 82 81 5 5
Of Science and Technology
JAVTES 225 280 45 50
Lifeline International Health
2 29
San Lorenzo College
New OFW Vocational & Tech Schl.
3 1
Verde Grande Culinary School. Inc. 30 17
Total 1051 1845 1758 1750 1812 986 482 685 144 93 2 29
The literacy rate of the municipality is 98.2%, which means that in every 100 persons in the municipality, 98 out of 100 students
are able to read and write. This is evident with the considerable number of professionals working abroad, in different cities and
in the locality.
Table 3.9h School Age Population and No. of Pupils/Students enrolled - Kalibo, Aklan-2014
Pre-School 4,294
Elementary 13,763
Secondary 9,244
Tertiary 15,184
Vocational 1,736
Caregiver Course 246
Protective Services
The Local Government Code of 1991 devolved some functions of national agencies to Local Government Units (LGU’s). Thus,
LGU’s are mandated to provide the following basic services and facilities, to wit: “Section 17: Basic Services and Facilities. They
shall also discharge the functions and responsibilities of the national agencies and offices devolved to them pursuant to this code.
Such basic services and facilities include a Municipality with police and fire stations and substations and the municipal jail.
The Municipality of Kalibo is a peaceful community, where peace and order situation is manageable. The multi- awarded Kalibo
PNP is the lead agency in the maintenance of peace and order and public safety of the municipality. Located at the heart of Kalibo
occupying the ground floor of a 462 sq. m. pre- Hispanic designed building. A Class “A” police station manned by Fifty-Eight (58)
personnel, Two (2) Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs), and fifty six (56) Police Non – Commissioned Officers (PNCOs). Eleven
(11) of which are policewomen.
The Kalibo Police Station has emerged as the Most Citizen-friendly Police Station – Municipal Category, awarded by National
Police Commission and Police Regional Office 6
Index Crimes
1. Homicide/Frustrated/Atmptd 11 7 7 4
2. Rape 14 1 1 13
3. Physical Injuries 622 232 160 190
4. Murder 2 2 2 0
Sub- Total 649 242 170 207
Crime Against Property
5. RA (6539)Car napping 45 14 16
6. Robbery 71 5 5 66
7. Theft 562 11 11 551
8. Cattle Rustling 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total 678 38 30 648
TOTAL INDEX CRIME 1327 272 200 855
548 1779
The Police force is complemented by seventy – nine (79) Kalibo Auxiliary Police (KAP) and three hundred twenty (320) BPAT
members organized in sixteen (16) Barangays comprising the municipality equipped with basics skills and knowledge in the
maintenance of peace and order, traffic management and Barangay peacekeeping.
For the year 2014, it has recorded a Total Crime Volume (TCV) of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Four (2,854) incidents and
Three Hundred Ninety Two (392) of them were solved with Crime Clearance Efficiency of 22.28%. and with a Total Crime
Solution Efficiency of 13.73%. The total index crime is recorded at One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Seven and the total non
- index Crime is recorded at One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Seven and with a crime clearance efficiency of 23.83% and with
a crime solution efficiency of 12.57%.
Source: Kalibo Police Station
# of Personnel Assigned
1. Administrative Section 2 6 2 5 2 7
2. Patrol Section 16 20 20
3. Traffic Section 6 4 4
4. Municipal Ordinance 2 1 4 1 5
5. Invest Section 9 2 7 2 9
6. Intel Section 6 5 5
7. MWCPD Section 5 5 5
TOTAL 2 - 45 11 47 11 58
The ideal police population ratio is 1:500 that is 1 policeman is required to watch over the safety of 500 inhabitants. With the
existing fifty-Eight (58) personnel, the police population ratio of the municipality is at 1:1,382 which very high compared to the
ideal requirement. Based on the minimum standard police to population ratio of 1:1,000, the current police force lacks twenty-
one (22) policemen as per police force requirements. However, despite this condition, Kalibo Police Station has to a great extent
exerted efforts to respond to its mandate of delivering an effective, efficient and community inspired policing to the Kalibonhons,
thus maintained the peace and order situation of the locality.
The existing facilities of the police, Detention and Rehabilitation and Fire Forces are shown in Table 3.13e. It can be noted below
that their equipment and facilities are also reflected to show the protective measures and capability of the department to respond
immediately on crimes and disasters that may arise in the locality.
Table 3.10c
Police Capabilities
Kalibo Police Station (2014)
Motor Vehicles 5 3 (Donated by LGU) 1 4
Motorcycles 2 2 (Donated by LGU) 2
Handheld Radio 20 25 25
Base Radio 2 2 2
Camera 2 1 1
Invistigation Kit 2 1 1
b. Fire Protection
Kalibo Fire Station is located at Quezon Avenue, near the Municipal Motorpool and in front of Kalibo Municipal Cemetery. Kalibo
Fire personnel are committed to protect the lives and properties of the constituency through prevention and suppression of all
destructive fires and other disasters that may affect the municipality.
It has twenty Six (26) fire personnel – Twenty Three (23) Male personnel and Three (3) female personnel with a ratio of 1:2903
or one fire personnel for every 2,903 persons. Their equipment/facilities used are enumerated below.
Fire hose 2 ½ x 50 14 rolls
Fire hose 1 ½ x 50 33 rolls
VHF Base Radio 3 units
Handset 2 Units
Fire Boost 5 pieces
Fire Jacket 5 pieces
Fire Helmet 5 pieces
SCBA 2 pieces
Aerial Antenna 1 piece
Fire Nozzle 1 ½ 6 pieces
Fire Nozzle 2 ½ 4 pieces
Computer 1 piece
Typewriter 1 piece
Spanner Wrench 4 pieces
Eye Type Reducer 1 piece
Source: Kalibo Fire Station
It has no Volunteer Fire Brigade but backed by MDRRMC Special Operations for communication, warning, public information,
rescue and surveillance.
The municipality has an existing forty Six (46) fire hydrants, 2 Hydrants which require 3”Ø adaptor head, 27 Hydrants with 3 ½”
Ø standard head, 11 Hydrants with 2” Ø adaptor head, installed in strategic locations specifically on commercial and residential
areas and at Fire Prone Areas. Eighty Three (83) blew off - Seventy Seven (77) Blow-off with 2” ø or 50 mm, 2 Blow-off with 2½
ø or 65 mm, 2 Blow-off with 3” ø or 75 mm, 2 Blow – Off with 4” ø or 100 mm.
The implementation of the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160) and the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 (RA
7279) gave mandate to the Local Government Units to implement programs and projects in low cost housing and other mass
dwellings especially for the underprivileged and homeless. However, due to the scarcity of the prevailing financial resources of
the LGU, the private sector is encouraged to participate in housing provision pursuant to EO 90 and RA 7279 (Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of Comprehensive Land Use Plan).
Kalibo is beset with the cry of homeless and underprivileged individuals who charge the municipality accountable for the provision
of shelter and basic services. LGU Kalibo in its aspiration to provide the constituents especially the less fortunate ones a decent
home to live by and to call it their own, allocated in a phase-by-phase manner a considerable amount of money for the
enhancement of the Socialized Housing Project of the Municipality.
At present there is an area for socialized housing located at Tigayon, Kalibo, Aklan with an area of 4,648.00 sq.m. Lot
development is in progress and the construction of 43 dwelling units intended as one of the emergency shelter assistance to the
affected families whose houses were totally damaged by typhoon Frank, last June 21,2008 . These beneficiaries were identified
as poorest of the poor. Thirty Three (33) units were completed. The five (5) units are on-going and there are 5 units which are
still vacant.
Shelter program of Kalibo was also expanded through the support of various private entities who have offered socialized housing
as shown below, giving with more focused on the shelter requirements of the underprivileged sector and informal settlers.
Kalibo is the center of educational advancement and recreation in the province of Aklan. Consequently, most recreation
centers are situated in this municipality and usually the venue for different sports and physical activities of the whole province.
Table 3.12 Existing and Potential Sports Facilities, Kalibo, Aklan 2014
1. Andagao Basketball Court,Internet & Gaming Station, Videoke & Sing
Along,Tape Rental, Gun Club, billiards halls, Badminton Court
ComputerShop, Fitness Center, World of Fun (Gaisano)
Tennis Court, Home Video, Gym, Game Center
2. Bakhaw Sur Basketball Court/Internet & Computer Gaming Station, Billiard Halls,
3. Briones Basketball Court, Internet & Computer Gaming Center,
4. Buswang New Basketball Court, Internet & Gaming Station, Videoke & Sing Along
5. Buswang Old Basketball Court, Internet & C omputer Gaming Station, Billiard
Halls, Badminton Court
6. Estancia Park, playground, tennis, Basketball Courts, sports complex,
gymnasium, bowling alley, Internet & Computer Gaming Center,
Videoke & Sing Along, Billiard Halls, Badminton Court
7. Linabuan Norte Basketball Court, Internet & Gaming Station, Videoke & Sing Along,
8. Mabilo Basketball Court , Internet & Computer Shop, Billiard Hall
9. Nalook Basketball Court, Internet & Computer Shop
10. Poblacion Basketball, tennis courts, sports center, home video, videoke & sing
along, billiards halls, public parks, stadium, Video Tape Rental, Gun
Club, Bingo, Badminton Center, Gym, Game Center, Fitness Center,
Internet, Computer Game Center
11. Pook Basketball Court , Internet & Computer Game
12. Tigayon Basketball Court, Internet and Computer Shop,billiard Halls
13. Tinigaw Basketball Court
14. Bakhaw Norte Basketball Court
15. Caano Basketball Court, Internet & Gaming Shop
16. Mobo Basketball Court