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Understandable History of The Bible

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An Understandable History of the

© 1987 Samuel C. Gipp
Reproduced by Permission
Dedicated to Matthew 7:17,18 After you read this book you will understand why.

1. Time Trip
2.Where Do We Go From Here
3.The Ground Rules
4.The 100 Year War
5.The Localities
6.The Witnesses
7.The Enemy
8.Westcott and Hort
9.The Authorized Version

Where is the Bible? How did we get it? These questions, though simple, have
baffled the mind of man for years. Even Christians today wonder if they really have the
Word of God. Most Christians are interested in how the Bible came to us through
Many authors, in an attempt to explain how we got our Bible, have clouded the
issue in the gray language of the scholar's union, causing more puzzled looks than
answered questions.
You will find that this book is, as its name implies, An Understandable History of
the Bible. For seven years it has been "field tested" in the hands of the common man.
From steel worker to Greek scholar, from housewife to missionary, all have been im-
pressed by its easily understood style.
You, dear reader, may find the answer to many of the questions you have about the
word of God. You will certainly find it educational. After all, it was written for you.
Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D.
There are just two kinds of Christians. (Are all saved or not? We cannot tell; only
God knows the heart.)
One kind is that earnest, honest number who are ever anxious to have the FACTS
of a vital issue so they may talk intelligently and stand for the TRUTH.
The second kind are that multitude of Christians (fundamentalists for the most part)
who just do not wish to be confused by the FACTS.
Lenin, one of the founders of communism, for once told the truth when he said,
"Facts are stubborn things." Indeed they are. There are so many plain FACTS favoring
the King James Version as being nearest by far to the originals (which it IS) and far, FAR
more accurate and authoritative than all of the modern versions combined (which it IS),
that it is indeed a riddle wrapped up in a puzzle how so many truly born again, blood
bought Christians, when presented with the FACTS, become angry or sarcastic and just
do not wish to be confused by the FACTS.
IF, kind reader, you are the latter, may I be so bold as to suggest, if not urge, that
you waste no time reading further. This book is filled from end to end with FACTS that
are fully documented and they bring the whole Bible version issue into clear-cut focus.
There are no "gray" sections to it, it is all black and white.
I confess there was a time in my ministry when I extolled, read from, and
recommended from the pul- pit some Bible version that had just been published,
solemnly stating, "This is the nearest to the originals...easier to read...clarifies difficult
phrases that are weighed down with archaic words which need to be eliminated so the
sense will be better under- stood." When the Holy Spirit convicted me of this sin, I asked
His forgiveness, and He gave it.
I keep always in mind, and REmind as many as possible, that we face as of NOW
the most vicious and malicious attempted assassination of the character, the name, the
Word of God ever done on planet Earth since those blasphemous words were first
uttered in Eden, "YEA, HATH GOD SAID?"
I have spoken to many in meetings in this country and Canada and have stated
flatly that this is a life and death matter, for IF we do not have an infallible, pure,
inerrant Holy Word of God NOW (NOT in the originals which have been lost forever
centuries ago) to rest our weary souls upon for time and eternity, THEN we have but one
alternative or option, "Let's eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die and go to hell."
I also keep issuing a friendly warning - IF you SEE this issue and take your stand
openly and unashamedly for the King James Version as being your final, absolute
Authority, the true Holy Word of God, THEN you will lose friends and make enemies. I
gladly add that I keep on finding the NEW friends I have made because of this issue, I
would not exchange for the old friends I may have lost - FOR ANYTHING!
Some fifty years ago or more when I entered the ministry, I knew THEN as I know
NOW I had the final absolute Authority from God Himself to guide me through this dark
tunnel called LIFE, beset on every side by Satanic traps. If I had not known this for sure,
I NEVER would have been a minister. I refuse to play the hypocrite.
Without God's true, inerrant Word and His eternal Son the Lord Jesus Christ, "GOD
MANIFEST IN THE FLESH" Who has saved me by his grace and has done so much for
me, and still does, and will do throughout the long reaches of eternity, I say without
these two ironclad, life-giving FACTS, THEN the Bard of Avon would be absolutely
right when he defines LIFE in one of his plays;
Dr. David Otis Fuller
Chapter 1: Time Trip!
Imagine for a moment that we are in a different time period. We have gone back
thousands of years. There are no cars. There are no airplanes. There are no modern
conveniences. We are in primitive times.
We take a look around us. There is no Bible. We know nothing about the universe
around us. We have no knowledge of God. We don't know how mankind got here.
Then we look again. We see a seed fall from a tree and from the top of the soil, plant
itself, tend to its self, raise itself up into a seedling and mature into a tree, only to repeat
the cycle all over again. And we wonder.
Then we go to the ocean. We study the tides and discover that they are used to clean
the waters, making it impossible to support life without them. We look and ask
ourselves, "Was this planned?"
We look beneath the surface of the water, to the depths below. We find life. Strange
creatures! Some which breathe water and some which breathe air like us. Some that
spawn eggs. Some that give birth to living young. We see creatures of all different
shapes and sizes. Some are very small. Some are so huge that they weigh many tons.
Some go fishing with a worm attached to their own fishing pole. Some have no eyes.
Some have their eyes out on stalks. Some carry lights with them. Some move very
slowly. Some dart about almost too fast for our eyes to follow. Again, we wonder. How
did this come into being?
Then we look overhead. We see the birds. They fly yet are never taught. They move
through the air with grace and precision. Their bones are hollow to give them the light
weight suitable for flight. Their feathers all grow in the right places. They migrate to the
same place every year. They possess innate abilities and characteristics required for their
survival. And again we wonder. Could this "just happen?"
Then we look at ourselves, at our bodies. We study the intricacies of the eye and
how it works. We examine the complex mechanisms of the ear. We marvel at our ability
to keep our balance; to speak; to walk. We look at the heart, that marvelous muscle
whose valves know when to open and when to close. It starts functioning without our
help and stops itself in spite of all we can do to prevent it. We look to the nervous
system and the brain. How did all of this come about? Was it created by accidents?
We put forth our questions to our contemporaries. They have no satisfactory answers.
Where is God?
IS there a being greater than we are? One who made all of these marvelous things that
we have looked at? If there were a being greater than we, where would He be? We look
to the ground. No, He is not there. We scan the ocean. He is not there either, for both of
these are limited, and they could not contain so great a Being. Anything that could create
the marvelous works that we find all around us could only come (and we look upward)
from the seemingly unlimited sky!
We look to the sky. Is there Something up there? Something that is watching us even
now? Something that created this whole universe and set it in motion?
But wait. If there is Something up there, if there is a Supreme Being, He must know
us! He must know what is happening on this earth. He must know our problems and
have the answers for them. And if this is so, and He sees our helpless state, He is
indebted to us, His creatures. As our Creator, He must help us with our troubles, assist us
through this life, and see to it that we find a way to reach Him. He must communicate.
The Communication!
We can call to the heavens. We can climb the mountains in an attempt to be nearer. We
can pray. But in all of this, we can only send words in one direction. He must
communicate with us! He must send words to us. He must establish reliable
communications with us. But how? Suddenly it happens. As we walk down the road
toward home, far down in the distance we see a figure. That figure is shouting and
causing a stir. He has an air of excitement about him. As we draw nearer we can hear
him shouting, and as we get closer still we can make out what he is saying.
"Make straight the way of the Lord!" We stop him. "What did you say?"
"Make straight the way of the Lord!"
"Who is the Lord?" we ask.
"The Lord, the Lord God of heaven..."
Of Heaven! Quickly we glance up. He has sent someone! We must find out more!
"Tell us more about this 'Lord'," we ask.
"The Lord God of Heaven! The Creator of the Universe!"
We look to the heavens again. We fall on our knees. God has communicated! We grasp
this figure!
"Tell me! Tell me of this God! Tell me of this Creator!"
"Tell you? You have no need that I tell you, for it is written right here in this Book.
For if all you ever knew about God was what I said, there would be no way to verify it.
But if God is God, He must put His Word in writing, so that we may have it long after
His prophets are gone."
Then he pulls from his belongings a volume of a book. We look at it. Writing! Our
God writes!
"How did these things come to be?" we ask.
"Holy men of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," he replies.
Now we hold in our hands communication from our Creator. He has spanned time and
space and worked through men. He has communicated! He had a message for us but did
not keep it locked in heaven, for He sent it to earth. He has sent that message in plain
black and white so that we could keep it and study it. His obligation was to
communicate. Our obligation is to accept that communication; to read that
communication; to obey that communication. Without that communication, we have no
connection to this God Who is the Creator of the universe. If these are not His words, we
have no hope.
We have known that He existed for so long. But now we hold in our hand His Word.
He has communicated!
The Questioner
But wait! No sooner do we acquire this precious communication than a shadowy
figure arrives on the scene.
"Yea, hath God said? That isn't the Word of God. That only contains the words of
God. That only holds His thoughts, not His very words. Oh there may be a few
fundamental doctrines that you can pretend to believe. But surely you don't believe that
these are God's very words? Don't be a fanatic. Settle for just a few accurate passages."
We find ourselves shocked. Our new found faith assailed! Our confidence shaken!
Then our true prophet explains.
"He is an unbeliever. He does not believe that God has the power to write this Book
perfectly. And, even worse, he is struck with fear when he discovers anyone who does,
so he tries to destroy their faith in it."
"Why doesn't he just give in and believe it?" we ask.
"Pride," explains our prophet.
Back Home
Now we are transported back to our present day. Times and surroundings have
changed. The tattered old volume we held in our hand has become a black, leather
covered book with gilt-edged pages and two precious words printed on the cover, "Holy
Our prophet now stands before us. A look of determination on his face. He speaks.
"This is the Bible. This is God's Word and God's words. Believe it. Read it. Practice it.
This Book will lead you; strengthen you; impower you. It is God's Word."
We open it up and look gratefully at its pages. It is so easy to read now. So orderly.
The Word of God. My, how He must love us to have written all of this. My, what power
He must have to have brought it through a history that has always been hostile to it,
preserve it perfectly, and put it here in our hands!
The Questioner Returns
Suddenly someone speaks.
"Yea hath God said?"
"What?" We look up. He is a fine looking man, well dressed and obviously quite
"I hate to disillusion you, but actually that is not God's word. That only contains a
mere translation of the Word of God, and a poor one at that. Oh, you can find the
fundamentals in it, but surely you don't believe that those are God's very words? Please,
your lack of proper education is showing. Don't be a fanatic. Settle for a few accurate
passages, but don't be a fool and hurt the cause of Christ by saying that God preserved
His very words. Grow up."
We find ourselves shocked. Our faith is being assailed. But wait a minute. As our
verbal intruder walks away, the lesson that we learned earlier strikes home.
"Wow! Those unbelievers are everywhere," we say to our prophet with a sigh of
"They certainly are quick to try to destroy a person's faith in the Bible. I hope he gets
saved someday."
"What do you mean?" replies our prophet. "That guy was a Christian, a college
graduate. He believes that God wrote this Book perfectly a few thousand years ago, but
he doesn't believe that God had the power to preserve it through the centuries and give it
to you and me perfectly in English. What's worse yet, he is struck with fear when he
finds someone who does, so he tries to destroy their faith in it."
"But why doesn't he just give in and believe it?"
Chapter 2: Where Do We Go From Here?
There is a controversy raging today across America and around the world. Where is
the Word of God?
Answers to that question come in all shapes and sizes. Some say that we do not have
the Word of God anywhere in this world. Others say that it is found in the Bible but is
only that portion that "speaks" to the individual. Some say it lies hidden, locked up in
the ancient languages in which it was originally written. Some say we have every word
wrapped up in one volume. Still others say that our English translations are reliable but
faulty at best. Where is the Word of God?
This is an age of change and confusion. The world without Christ is lost in a turmoil
of fear and indecision. Yet to this world, we Christians who have trusted Christ as our
personal Saviour, are taking, and have been taking for many centuries, a message of
hope, Jesus Christ.
We make many claims for this Saviour of all mankind. We claim that He was all man,
and yet He was every bit God. We claim that He was begotten by God through a virgin.
We claim that he lived among men for over thirty years but never once committed a sin.
We all know of His death on the cross. It is we Christians, however, who claim that His
death was not a symbolic gesture of a rebel dying for a "cause," but instead we say that
it was part of a masterful plan by God Himself through which He could make us
acceptable in His presence. We claim that the blood shed by Jesus Christ on that terrible,
old, wooden cross was God's own blood, and that it made the divine and complete
atonement for the sins of all the world. But our seemingly outlandish claims do not stop
at the cross. We claim still further that this same Jesus Christ was removed dead from
that cross and then buried, only to raise Himself from that grave three days and three
nights later. Then we claim that this supposed "dead" man walked this earth for an
additional forty days. This visit was climaxed, we say, when He, in plain view of His
disciples, rose bodily into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of God.
We bold sounding Christians don't stop there, for on top of all this, we claim that
Jesus Christ has not left this world without a hope. We say that He is calling out a people
to Himself in this generation. We claim that through faith in His atonement, by simply
"calling upon the name of the Lord," we shall be saved. Not to be stopped yet, we go on
to say that we can predict future world events including what we call the rapture of the
believers. Still later we say that this same Jesus Christ will return bodily to Jerusalem to
set up His kingdom and reign one thousand years.
The Questioner
"Wild claims! Outrageous! Unfounded superstitions!" shout our critics. Our critics are
quick to attempt to disqualify our claims -- to disprove them -- for these claims are
completely contrary to the humanistic philosophy through which mankind is attempting
to "bring in the kingdom." Our critics continue, "If the claims of these peculiar people --
these Christians -- are correct, then there is no excuse for not accepting them and
repudiating the misguided philosophies of all the humanists, the politicians, and the
socio-religious community. They can't be right! There is too much to lose." So they seek
to discredit our claims.
We Have Proof!
Wild claims? Seemingly. Outrageous? No more than some of the theories put forth by
scientific "freethinkers" of our day. Unfounded superstitions? Never! And this is where
the battle has raged for centuries and will continue to rage. If all we had to back up our
claims was our multiplied words expressing nothing more than our opinions, then we are
no better than our "scientific" adversaries. No, these are not vain words or trumped up
theories. We have a Book! Oh, what a Book! Every claim that we make is contained in it.
We open it and let the arguments of our critics do battle against it with spears made of
rubber on horses with feeble legs. They are repulsed; defeated; humiliated. They regroup
and send in artillery, mortars, and missiles only to find that the Word of God is better
fortified than a concrete bunker. Then suddenly it cuts them to ribbons, and they retreat
wounded, grumbling, and fear-bound. What was it about this Book that so aptly handled
them and remains unharmed? Its words! For this is not a novel. This is not a fiction
thriller. This is not a "science" book which must be rewritten every few years to "keep
up with the changing times." No, this is God's Book, the Bible. This is God's Book,
filled with God's words. Immortal, indestructible, infallible, immovable and unchanging.
What a marvelous Book! What power! What an awful enemy to the silly theories of
The Bible. It stands tall, towering high above its enemies. And it is ours!
My Conversion
I shall never forget the day I trusted Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour. I was
twenty years of age. I was wild, rebellious and unhappy. I was lost and on my way to
Hell. I knelt at an altar where a great man of God took the Bible and leafed through it,
showing me the truths of salvation. Just before he led me in prayer, he, in his wisdom,
played a trick on me, a trick that God used to set the course for my life. He looked over
at me and asked, "Do you believe that Jesus Christ paid for all your sins?"
I replied, "Yes."
"Do you believe that He will save you if you ask Him to?" "Yes."
Then the trick! "How do you know it?"
"Because you told me!" I replied somewhat impatiently and a little put out. I had
come to get saved, and I felt like I was getting the run around. I saw no need at all for
that last question.
What! No? What was going on here? I had come to get saved, and now I was being
made to look like a fool. I had been intentionally set up just so that I would give the
wrong answer! I was angry! I was embarrassed! If his telling me how to be saved wasn't
how I knew it, then how was I supposed to know? I looked him dead in the eye and
blurted out my response almost demandingly, "Then, why?"
His next action took me completely off guard, but it plainly answered my question.
He held that open Bible up in front of me with one hand, tapped its open pages, and said
with grave finality, "Because this Book says so!"
I was shocked! I remember looking at that precious open Bible, and while trying to
fathom this great truth that had just been expounded before me, I said to myself, "You
mean that Book has that much power?" I knew the answer was yes. Then I humbly
bowed my head and my heart and put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, accepting His
payment as my own. But I have never forgotten the lesson taught to me so powerfully on
the day of my salvation.
The Bible. What a powerful Book! It needs no man's approval to assert its authority.
The Bible. The Book that no man can conquer. The Bible. That faithful message from
God. Never changing; never weakening. Standing defiantly as perfect, as authoritative,
in a world that claims nothing can be perfect and that rebels at the thought of any
authority, especially that of a book. The Bible. It is God's Book.
Chapter 3: The Ground Rules
Anyone who has ever played a game, been involved in any kind of competition, or
conducted any type of scientific investigation knows that "ground rules" must be
established at the beginning. It is far better to know the rules before beginning the
investigation rather than to try to establish them as you go.
If we are going to make a study of the preservation of the Word of God, the rules we
shall follow must be established now. The rules we establish now will have a direct
effect on the conclusion reached at the end of our investigation. We must be cautious as
we seek to found these rules. We must free ourselves from prejudice. We must establish
rules which, firstly, will not contradict each other and, secondly, rules that can and will
be applied fairly to all evidence examined.
As in any issue with two sides, the conclusion can not please all. Those to whom the
conclusion is favorable will commend the investigation for its fairness, while those to
whom the conclusion is unfavorable will obviously seek to discredit the method used in
arriving at such a conclusion. With this in mind, the most important portion of our
investigation will not be what evidence we examine, but the rules by which we interpret
that evidence.
Much of the material to be examined is not new but holds huge amounts of truth
which have been locked up and unusable due to the previously unfair method by which
its testimony was evaluated. To insure that this testimony will be thoroughly heard in an
unprejudiced court room, this writer seeks to establish plain, unprejudiced, and
spiritually sound rules by which to judge the witnesses. The voices of some learned men
will no doubt be heard to protest, while the voices of others, equally as learned, will be
heard to agree. The writer will not appeal to either of these voices for approval but will
seek to establish rules which even those who disagree with the conclusion must admit
are fair. These rules will judge all the evidence fairly and completely so as to wring
every bit of worthwhile testimony from them. We must deal in facts and deal with the
facts fairly. As one scholar so aptly put it, "My leading principle is to build solely upon
facts -- upon real, not fanciful facts -- not upon a few favorite facts, but upon all that are
connected with the question under consideration."
First and above all in importance, it must be remembered that the Bible is a spiritual
book. If we divorce this fact from our minds, it will be impossible to arrive at a valid
conclusion. Let me explain.
First, God had His hand in its inception. The passage that so quickly comes to the
mind of all fundamentalists is II Peter 1:19-21:
19 "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take
heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day
star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God
spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

Note that Peter is stating that the written Word is more sure than God speaking from
heaven, a voice which Peter himself heard (vs. 17, 18).
There are many "side-show evangelists" that would have us believe that God "spoke
to me last night." Peter says that God's verbal commands and precepts are not as sure as
His written words. Verbal statements are not binding. They cannot be proven. But
written words are not so fluid. When God chose to put His words down in writing, He
made an irreversible decision. We can now hold Him to His words. Once those words
have been written, they are irrevocable. A God who would bind Himself to us so
inescapably must love us and truly desire for us to have His words and to be sure of
Peter also states that the writers of Scripture did not write under their own power, but
"holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
Why Inspire a Book?
God wants us to see that He had His hand in it from the beginning. The words of
those original autographs were not the thoughts of God, but His very words, which
brings to mind a question. Why did God inspire His word perfectly? Obviously the
answer comes back, "So that man could have every word of God, pure, complete,
trustworthy, and without error." Amen! That statement touches the heart of any
fundamental, Bible-believing Christian. And yet, what if God gave those precious words
only to those early writers, then lost them in history, diluted them with heretical
teachings, and then locked them up in prison where few could visit them and none could
trust them? What if these words and manuscripts, which have long passed off the scene,
were the only perfect words God ever gave us? What if it was impossible for us ever to
obtain those words for ourselves, in this present generation? Why did God inspire them?
Why write a perfect Book and then lose it? Why provide those closest to Christ with a
perfect Book but us, 2,000 years later, with a book that is only a shadow of truth at best?
A book filled with mistakes, spurious passages, and doubtful readings! This is
inconsistent with God's nature.
The question is: Could God, who overcame time (about 1,700 years transpired from
the writing of the oldest Old Testament book to the closing of the New Testament in 90
A.D.1) and man's human nature to write the Bible perfectly in the first place, do the
same thing to preserve it?
Let us look to see what the authority says about such a thing happening.
Psalm 12:6, 7 "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of
earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them
from this generation for ever."
Note verse seven! "THOU shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from
this generation for ever."
The Bible, God's Word, says that God will preserve His words. Verse six mentions the
"words of the LORD" and the "them" of verse seven is referring to those "words." No,
apparently the all-powerful God of creation will not preserve His "thoughts" or "ideas,"
but He will preserve His very words!
Is He capable of that?
Jeremiah 32:17, 27 "Ah Lord GOD, behold thou has made the heaven and the earth by
thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:... Behold, I
am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?"
Is a miracle too hard for the God of miracles? Was the creation too hard for God? Was
the flood too hard for God? Was the parting of the Red Sea too hard for God? Was the 40
years of manna too hard for God? Was the virgin birth of Christ too hard for God? Was
the collection of the 66 books of the Bible written over a period of 1,700 years too hard
for God? Was overcoming the human nature of the sinful writers too hard for God? Is
preserving the words of those writers too hard for God?
I think that inspiration would be far harder to believe than preservation.
Why is it that men of faith sound out their convictions so loudly on the above
mentioned doctrines (and others) in which their faith cannot be pressed to the limit, but
they suddenly shrink from the thought that God, who could write His Book perfectly,
could preserve it? Why is it so easy to believe that God's great miracles are all in the
past, but He cannot work one now? Where are those "words" that Peter spoke in II Peter
1:19-21? Where are those "words" which David spoke of in Psalm 12:6, 7? Where are
those "words" which Jesus Christ Himself spoke of in Matthew 24:35 when He said,
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."
Have those precious and perfect words from the pens of Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel,
Matthew, Peter, Paul, Luke, John and others been cast into oblivion? Have they fallen to
the ground to be trampled under foot of men, only to be replaced by something not as
pure, not as perfect, not as reliable, which we 'Bible-believers' are forced to pretend is
the Word and the words of God when we are in the pulpit, but in the quietness of our
studies or in our private conversations we let our infidelity and fear show as we check
off "mistake" after "mistake?"
God's Mistake?
Is this God's method? I trow not. For if God wrote the Bible perfectly in the
"originals," but we cannot have those same words in a volume of that Book today, then it
would seem that He wasted His time inspiring it perfectly in the first place. We who are
so far removed from the New Testament times need His every perfect word far more
than Matthew, Luke, John, or Peter or the others who saw Jesus Christ in the flesh! They
had their memories. They had His touch still on their brow. They had His words still
ringing in their ears. All we have is the Book. All we have is the words bound between
those black covers. It is essential that they be His every word, for they are all we have!
So well has Wilbur Pickering put it when he said:
"If the scriptures have not been preserved then the doctrine of Inspiration is a
purely academic matter with no relevance for us today. If we do not have the
inspired words or do not know precisely which they be, then the doctrine of
Inspiration is inapplicable." 2

Yes, if God has not preserved His words as He said that He would (Psalm 12:6, 7),
then He has done something which He has never done before. He has wasted His time!
The inspiration of the original manuscripts was in vain if we do not have those very
same words in English today.
So then we see that it is important to any seeker of truth to always keep in mind that
the Bible is different from all other books, in that God had His hand in it. It is a spiritual
book. Anyone undertaking a study of the evidence of the New Testament, or any other
portion of Scripture, who does not take this into consideration cannot possibly arrive at
the correct conclusion.
Rule #1
Ground rule number one is: It is always to be remembered that the Bible is a spiritual
book which God exerted supernatural force to conceive, and it is reasonable to assume
that He could exert that same supernatural force to preserve.
The Great Counterfeiter
This brings us to our next logical step. If God was active in the conception and
preservation of the Bible, then the supreme negative force in nature must be active
against it.
This Book has an adversary. Satan is against it!
The Bible is a tangible item. Like most books, it is printed on paper with ink. As
mentioned above, however, it must be remembered that it is a spiritual book in which
God has had a positive and an active part. It must also be remembered that there exists in
the world a supreme negative power, Satan.
One general truth that we all know concerning Satan is that he at one time had a
position in Heaven. Iniquity was found in him, and he was cast out. What was his
offense? He wanted to be worshipped as God! Remember that. The Bible records in
Isaiah 14:13, 14, "For thou hath said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt
my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in
the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the
most High."
He wanted to be worshipped as God! Satan has not changed his goals. He still desires
to be worshipped as God. To be worshipped as God, he must imitate God. Satan is the
great counterfeiter. From beginning to end, the Bible records Satan's constant efforts to
imitate and replace God. In Genesis chapter three, we find Satan implying that he knows
more than God, and from this point, he influences mankind into obeying him. When
Moses displays the miracles of God through the plagues of Egypt, Satan's magicians
counterfeit as many plagues as they possibly can.
Monasteries, mosques and huge cathedrals cover the globe as a testimony to his
religious fervor and as clear evidence of his ability to extract worship from his
followers. Call him Lucifer, Baal, Ashteroth, Mary or any other name, but allow him the
liberty, and he will take a portion of truth and twist it in such a deceitfully convincing
way that if possible he could "deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24).
In Matthew chapter four, we find Satan's last desperate plea to Jesus Christ was that
He "fall down and worship me."
Satan is the great counterfeiter. For every genuine manifestation of God, Satan
produces hundreds of carbon copies. Look at the record:
One God - many "gods"
One Christ - many "christs"
One Gospel - many "ways to heaven"
One following, Christianity - many religions, denominations, cults
One Bible - ?
Whenever God manifests His power through some positive action resulting in a
miracle, Satan manifests his power in a counterfeit, but deceiving, way in an attempt to
"steal" God's deserved reverence.
Note in Revelation chapter 13 how many times the word "worship" occurs in
reference to Satan in the form of the Anti-Christ. Notice also that this worship comes as
a direct result of Satanic, counterfeit miracles which are all imitations of similar true
miracles performed by God, by His prophets, or by Jesus Christ, which resulted in God
being worshipped.
God's Warning
God knew of Satan's "standard operating procedure" and tried to warn Israel of his
ability to counterfeit God's miracles.
Deuteronomy 13:1-3 "If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams,
and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass,
whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou has not
known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not harken unto the words of that prophet,
or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye
love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul."

Notice that God is aware of the false miracles and is awaiting the outcome. To resist
Satan's false miracles is to turn your heart toward God. This is what happened with Job.
This is what would have happened with Eve if she had rejected his counsel.
Satan's Desires
Satan wants to be worshipped. This is Satan's motive. Let us look briefly at a
scriptural record of the method he used in dealing with his arch-enemy, Jesus Christ.
1. Satan makes a direct approach to achieve his goal. Matthew 4.
2. He produces many "christs" to God's one Christ. Matthew 24:23, 24.
(Christ had many witnesses. Even after death there were over 500 witnesses at His
resurrection appearance. I Cor. 15:16).
3. Satan can produce only two false witnesses to refute the testimony of many, and
their witness does not agree. Matthew 26:60, Mark 14:50.
4. He produces a lie attempting to prove that the original Christ has been lost and is
nowhere to be found. This leaves the field open for his anti-christs. Matthew 28:13, 14.
Now remember, Satan desires to be worshipped as God. Remember he is "the great
God's Three Gifts
Now look at the three most important things God has given to the world:
1. Jesus Christ - through Jesus Christ, God's plan of salvation has been wrought, and
God has displayed to the world the coming King. Jesus Christ is now in heaven.
2. Christianity - The born again believers regenerated by the power of God, upon their
accepting Christ's payment for their sins. The Christians reside on earth, physically
separated from their Saviour.
3. Bible - The crowning work of the Holy Spirit. It is the lifeline of the earthbound
Christians to the Heaven-seated Saviour.
If heaven were real, and it is; if Jesus Christ died for our sins, and He did; if salvation
were free, and it is; if Jesus Christ is coming back to get His church, and He is; if He
will someday rule on a throne in Jerusalem, and He will; but if we have no Bible to tell
us these things, we would not know them! Truth does no good if we do not know about
that truth! The Bible is God's medium through which He tells us all that we know about
If Satan can eliminate the Bible, he can break our lifeline to Heaven. If he can only
get us to doubt its accuracy, he can successfully foil God's every attempt to teach us. The
Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth, but every truth He leads us to will be in the Bible.
If Satan is going to be consistent with his nature, he must attack the Bible, the Word of
Rule #2
Our second rule to keep in mind, then, is: Satan desires to be worshipped. He has the
ability to counterfeit God's actions and definitely will be involved actively in attempting
to destroy God's Word and/or our confidence in that Word, while seeking to replace it
with his own "version."
The Rules Reviewed
The two rules which we must keep in mind at all times are:
1. It is always to be remembered that the Bible is a spiritual book which God exerted
supernatural force to conceive; and it is reasonable to assume that He could exert that
same supernatural force to preserve.
2. Satan desires to be worshipped. He has the ability to counterfeit God's actions, and
definitely will be involved actively in attempting to destroy God's Word and/or our
confidence in that Word, while seeking to replace it with his own "version."
Chapter 4: The 100 Year War
For approximately one hundred years now, a battle has been raging over the question,
"Where is the Word of God?"
Surely we Christians cannot expect a Christ-rejecting world to accept our Book as its
authority. We can, of course, expect rebellion. We can expect the world to make attempts
to discredit the Bible's reliability. The battle of the lost theologians against the Bible has
been waged since the Garden of Eden.
But the war that I am referring to is not the war between the lost world and born again
Christians. For the last one hundred years the same kind of war has been raging within
Christian ranks! Up until the late 1800's there was, generally speaking, only one Bible,
the Authorized Version. There had been others, but the translation instituted by King
James I in 1603 A.D. and published in 1611 A.D. had become known not just in
England, but throughout the entire world as the "Authorized" Version. It is a historical
fact that the King James Bible had become known as the "Authorized" Version due to its
universal acceptance among Christians of the world, and not due to a proclamation from
King James himself.
Hills states: "Although it is often called the 'Authorized Version,' it actually was
never authorized by any official action on the part of the Church or State. On the
contrary, it's [sic] universal reception by the common people of all denominations
seems clearly to be another instance of the providence of God working through the
God-guided usage of the Church."3

Ruckman points out: "As anyone knows, the A.V. 1611 had no royal backing, no royal
promoting, no act of Parliament behind it, and the University Press was allowed to print
any other version of the Bible along with it." 4
McClure states concerning the King James Bible: "Its origin and history so strongly
commended it, that it speedily came into general use as the standard version, by the
common consent of the English people; and required no act of parliament nor royal
proclamation to establish it's [sic] authority."5

As well, the footnote from the above reference in McClure's book reads as follows:
Says Dr. Lee, Principal of the University of Edinburgh: "I do not find that there was
any canon, proclamation, or act of parliament, to enforce the use of it. 'The present
version' says Dr. Symonds, as quoted in Anderson's Annuals, 'appears to have made
its way, without the interposition of any authority whatsoever; for it is not easy to
discover any traces of a proclamation, canon or statute published to enforce the use
of it.' It has been lately ascertained that neither the King's private purse, nor the
public exchequer, contributed a farthing toward the expense of the translation or
publication of the work."

Then in the mid to late 1800's a theory was initiated by two scholars of the names
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort. This is the theory that the
Traditional Text was a "conflate" text produced by editors and not merely by scribes.
Their theory has remained over the years, as Darwin's theory of evolution has remained,
just a theory. It has never been proven and has in fact lost support over the years. Fuller
confirms this when he records Martin's statement that "the trend of scholars in more
recent years has been away from the original Westcott-Hort position."6
Their theory will be looked at in depth in a later chapter of this book.
By 1870 England was ripe for Westcott's and Hort's radical ideas, and their Greek
Text was used by the Revision Committee of 1871 and by every revision and version
ever since.
The battle began! Which text is closest to the "originals?" And, of course, the ultimate
question: "Do we have a perfect Bible in English today?"
Today, three-quarters of the way through the Twentieth Century, Christianity is still
divided over the question, "Do we have a perfect Bible in English today?" This battle
will probably continue for the remainder of this century and well on into the next, if the
Lord tarries His coming.
Do we have a perfect Bible in English today? This is not an amazing question at all.
In fact, it is quite a natural question that comes to every Christian at one time or another.
Surely a naive babe in Christ would never approach an unbelieving scholar with this
question and then lay the Bible in his hands so that he may do with it as he pleases.
Surely he would not lay God's book at man's mercy. If he would, he should not be
surprised when the scholar's answer, flowing in terms not easily understood, comes
back, "No."
Unbelieving scholarship is its own authority. It does not need any competition from a
Unregenerate man goes about believing a theory that man has evolved and was not
created. Yet when this theory is examined scientifically and logically, it cannot be
proven to be true. Does this upset the unbeliever? No. He just sets about to believe his
theory, for he knows that believing it allows him to be his own final authority. He also
knows that to reject the theory of evolution means he must accept creationism as true,
and this he has avowed in his heart not to do. He does not want to be associated with a
few fanatics!
Why is it that this type of reaction is found when dealing with Christian scholarship
concerning the Bible? Ask a Christian scholar to tell you where the Word of God is, and
he will tell you, "in the Bible." Yet, hand him any English Bible, and he will reply, "It's
not there." How can we as fundamental Bible-believers tell people from our pulpits that
the Bible is "infallible, without error, the very words of God" and then step out of the
pulpit and allege to be able to find a mistake in it? This would not seem so serious if "the
infallible Word of God" was not one of the doctrines that separates us from the world.
We take pride in thundering forth that we are not as the unregenerate world, without an
absolute guideline. We have a guideline. We have the guideline, the Word of God! Then
we hold our open Bible up for all to see and shout, "This is God's Word! It's perfect,
infallible, inerrant, the very words of God!" Yet in our hearts we are saying, "I believe
all this about the original; this is just a mistake-filled translation."
Most fundamentalists today vehemently reject the thought that God has preserved His
words in English. We have "the Bible" they say, but it isn't in any one English version.
Most fundamentalists never truly realize the weight of their statements when they say
that we have no perfect English Bible. Anyone who has studied even a little about Greek
manuscripts knows that the Word of God isn't found in any of the Greek texts when
translated literally.
What has started this controversy? From whence has this division of the brethren
The Problem?
The first answer that comes to the mind of some Christians is that this division has
been caused by a small group of fanatics who think that only the King James Bible is the
Word of God, and who refuse to face the facts that the oldest and best manuscripts
support the new translations flooding Christianity.
Strangely enough, history points to just the opposite being true. The text used by the
Authorized Version has been used from the time of the early church until today by true
Christians. It is supported not only by the vast majority of manuscripts existent today but
also by those of the highest quality and oldest reading. It has been used throughout
history with the blessing of God among His born again believers.
The Problem!
It is only a recent occurrence that Biblical Christianity has begun to use the inferior
Roman Catholic manuscripts and asserted that they are better. This is the mistake
garnered by the errant "scholarship" of Wescott and Hort. These people are the new
young sect of Christianity who will not accept the oldest and best. Usually
unsuspectingly, they put their support to manuscripts which are decidedly Roman
Catholic in doctrine and history. It is we who are sure we hold the true words of God
brought down through the centuries by the blood of our martyred Christian brethren.
Ironically, those that take up the "new" versions, with their "better" Greek text, are
voluntarily taking up the Bible which their early Christian brethren refused to use, a
refusal that brought the Roman Catholic Church, the historic enemy of the Truth,
crashing down on them. That same Roman Catholic Church is still active against the
Truth today, only now many Christians are using her Bible.
I know that these are strong statements. I intend throughout this work to prove their
truth, but I state now, that I do not intend to bring railing accusations on those brethren
who do not agree with me. I will state that they are wrong, prove that they are wrong,
and attempt to point out their position in regard to God's revealed Word. I do not intend
however, to forget that they are my brethren (those who have trusted Jesus Christ as their
own personal Saviour) and will treat them as beloved.
The Shot Heard 'Round the World
This one hundred year war of words started back when the supporters of the Oxford
Movement (apostates) realized that they must discredit the Reformers and Fundamental
theologians in order to support their Roman Catholic Greek Text in place of the
Received Text. Their salvo was returned by men like Burgon, Wilson, Scribener, Mauro,
Hoskier, Cook, Salmon, Beckett, Malan and Wilkenson, and continues today with many
of our modern day scholars.
Blind Rage!
On both sides of the issue, men are called fanatic, heretic, cultist, Bible-rejecter,
demon-possessed and more. These two sides have fought until the facts about which
they fight are obscured by the dust of the battle. They call each other names until the
student of Scripture finds reputable men on both sides of the controversy damaging their
potential influence by using some adjectives which, indeed, are very descriptive but
totally unnecessary. I am not a soft city gentleman who thinks we should all sit around
and talk in quiet tones while sipping tea and eating "brunch." I am a militant Bible-
believer who hates the devil, sin, heresy, and apostasy. Yet, I think it is time that we who
claim to be "fundamentalists" step back and look to see who our enemy really is!
The True Enemy
The subtle Roman Catholic Church has assumed the position of the lad who told two
of his enemies, "You and he fight ... I'll hold the coats!" After all, is not "divide and
conquer" one of the oldest military strategies known to men? The fundamentalists have
laid their coats at the feet of "Holy Mother Church" and for the past 100 years proceeded
to "knock each others' block off." Is it any wonder that the Pope smiles so much? Who is
our enemy? Let's find him and fight him. Today it seems, on both sides, that we are
concerned more with finding fault with the people that we disagree with rather than
what they teach. Let me make this statement: If what I believe about the King James
Bible can be disproved, I will gladly trade it in for the "right" Bible.
We have an enemy, and I believe we should be verbal and active against that enemy, but
I feel it is time that we realize that our enemy is not our brother. It is the one holding his
The part of the Roman Catholic Church in the affair is similar to that of a soldier
leaping into the foxhole of the enemy, only to find that all of the enemy soldiers have
strangled each other!
Occasionally on either side we will be forced to face a railer, but instead of "writing
him off" we will have to be charitable and look past his railing to see what his facts say.
If we can disprove his facts, we need not worry about his mouth!
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16.
The Test
What we must do as men of understanding is look into these statements and the
questions which they naturally provoke.
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God
spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." II Peter 1:21.
Did God inspire His Word perfectly in the original autographs?
"The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified
seven times.
Thou shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for
ever." Psalms 12:6, 7.
Has God preserved His words?
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Matthew
Do we have Christ's words, or have they "passed away?"
The first verse, II Peter 1:21, guarantees that God was active in originating His Word
in the first place. "Inspired" we call it. Inspired perfectly, without any error. God was the
all-powerful agent in seeing to it that sinful man wrote down His Word flawlessly.
The second verse, Psalms 12:6, 7, claims that God is not only the agent in writing His
words (verse 6) but is also the primary agent in preserving His words. Note that the
subject is God's words, not His "thoughts."
In the third verse, Matthew 24:35, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh reinforces what
Psalm 12:7 has already said. Christ said that His words would not pass away before
heaven or earth. Heaven is still above us, and I am relatively sure that the earth is still
beneath our feet, so the words of God must be here, within our grasp. Somewhere. If His
words are only in Greek, then he has restricted their usage to an elite number of scholars.
This, however, was never Jesus Christ's method when He was on this earth. He always
went past the religious, scholarly minority and took His words to the common people.
Until then, only the Pharisees had possessed God's words in the form of the completed,
accepted Old Testament books, and although they were well educated and very religious,
they were found to be taking advantage of the common people. Christ eliminated this
problem by going directly to the common people of His day.
The Gospel is to all. God gave His Word to every person and gave the Holy Spirit as a
guide to all truth (John 16:13) in spite of the Roman Catholic teachings that only the
"clergy" are allowed to interpret the Scripture.
If God's words are locked up in the "Greek Text," then once again education is a
prerequisite to having the Word of God and knowing what it says. This type of
philosophy would have eliminated Peter and John from the ministry, for they were
"unlearned and ignorant men." They were unlearned, and the Bible states that they were
ignorant as though incapable of learning. Yet, "they had been with Jesus"! (Acts 4:12,
13). Jesus Christ made the difference, giving Peter a great understanding of Scripture!
Notice his delivery in Acts 1:15-22, 2:14-36, 4:8-12. He understood, though unlearned
and ignorant. Education, though beneficial, is not a necessity for being used of God. I
am not anti-education or anti-college, but the first requirements are that a person has
"been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13) and that they realize and believe that the written Word
which they have in hand is "more sure" than God's spoken Word.
Now today we know that it is easy to "be with Jesus." The Bible says in Romans 10:9,
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." In John 14:20 it says,
"At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."
But what about the second half? What about a written Word that we can believe is
"more sure" than God speaking from heaven? A Word which the Bible claims God has
exalted above all of His name? (Psalms 138:2). Can we have God's words today in our
common language?
The Common Language
While on the subject of a common language, let me point out that many opponents of
the infallibility of the Authorized Version say that if God put a perfect Bible in English,
He is also obligated to furnish such a translation in every other language. There must be
a perfect Bible in German, French, Japanese and all of the other languages of the world.
Unfortunately for them, this argument will not stand. There were many languages on this
earth at the time that God chose to put it in Hebrew. There were hundreds of languages
on this earth also, when God chose Greek for his New Testament. Matthew 13:18, Acts
13:46, 28:28, and Romans 11:11 show that God this time was going to be taking His
message to the Gentiles, so He furnished it in the common language of the day -- Greek.
Question: When would the two Testaments be combined into one perfect Book?
Answer: As soon as God chose a language to become common to the entire world.
Germany, Spain, France and most of Europe were soon to be overly influenced by
Rome. No language there. There have been great Latin and Syrian translations, but these
languages never became common to the entire world. God needed an island of purity, a
nation not shackled by Romanism, and a language so descriptive and simple that it could
best deliver His message. These needs were satisfied in England. Here was a people who
threw off the bondage of Rome and a young language which was to creep into every
corner of the world, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and from England and America to
Moscow and Peking. English is the language of this world!
English is taught to Russian pilots, because it is universal. It is learned by Oriental
businessmen, because it is universal. It was the first language spoken on the moon!
English is spoken the world over. This is the language God would use. Being a God of
purity, He would want to use it in its purest form. The English of the King James Bible
has been known to be the finest form of the language ever used. McClure praises the
Authorized Version in this manner:
"The English language has passed through many and great changes, and had at last
reached the very height of its purity and strength. The Bible has ever since been the
great English classic. It is still the noblest monument of the power of the English
speech. It is singularly free from what used to be called 'ink-horn terms' that is,
such words as are more used in writing than in speaking, and are not well
understood except by scholars."7

The English language was, in the 17th Century, just solidifying. It had been a fluid
language, made up of elements of Danish, Old Norse, Latin, Greek, French, and many
other dialects.
In about 1500, major changes in vocal pronunciation, inflection, and spelling
simplified and helped solidify the language.8 This was all in preparation for the ultimate
English work, the Authorized Version of 1611.
Many claim today that since the Authorized Version was printed in the common
English of that day, that the Bible should be retranslated into the common English of
today, but this is not a valid claim. It must be remembered that the English used in the
Authorized Version was not only the common language, but it was also the English
language in its purest form. The English language has degenerated from what it was in
1611 to what it is today. Those claiming to put the Bible in "modern English" are
actually, though possibly not intentionally, trying to force the pure words of God into the
degenerated vocabulary of today! What a disgrace to God's Word! What a shame to
those who propose such a thing!
The Archaic Con Job
A charge often brought against the Authorized Version is that it is full of "archaic"
words. But are we to make the Bible pay the penalty of our own irresponsibility in not
keeping our language pure and descriptive? Would we not be richer to learn the meaning
of those nasty, old, "archaic" words and add them back into our own vocabulary? Would
we not be making the Bible poorer by depriving it of its descriptive style? Are these
words truly "archaic?" I have seen stores today that still advertise "sundry" items.
Perhaps the store owner didn't realize that it was supposed to be archaic. Perhaps it is
like the fish caught off the Atlantic Coast a few years ago which was supposed to have
been extinct for over one million years. Of course it was extinct! It just didn't know it!
Science said it was extinct, so it must be. (They first had better prove that the world was
here one million years ago.)
Let us look at the word "conversation" in Philippians 1:27 and see how God chose the
most descriptive words He could. Is not "conversation" a much more descriptive term
than "life?" When we realize that our life speaks to people then we must live our
Christianity, not talk it. The Authorized Version obviously gives us a deeper meaning.
What about words whose usage has definitely been dropped from modern English?
Those words which are just not used anymore? What shall we do with them? In answer
to this question, let us remember that the Bible is The Word of God. We "Bible people"
claim to accept its authority in all matters of faith and practice. But do we? Do we accept
the Biblical practice of how to deal with situations today? Would we be willing to accept
the Biblical example of how to deal with words whose meanings have changed?
Let us look and learn and follow the Bible example of handling "archaic" words.
Surely the Bible, God's Word, cannot be wrong! Let us look at I Samuel chapter 9.
1. "Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, the
son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, a mighty man of
2. And he had a son, whose name was Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly: and
there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his
shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people.
3. And the asses of Kish Saul's father were lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take
now one of the servants with thee, and arise, go seek the asses." (I Sam. 9:1-3)

These verses give us the circumstances involved. After searching fruitlessly for his
father's asses, Saul decided to give up, fearing that his father, Kish, may begin to worry
about Saul and his servant.
6. "And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is
an honourable man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass: now let us go thither,
peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go.
7. Then said Saul to his servant, But, behold, if we go, what shall we bring the
man? for the bread is spent in our vessels, and there is not a present to bring to the
man of God: what have we?
8. And the servant answered Saul again, and said, Behold, I have here at hand the
fourth part of a shekel of silver: that will I give to the man of God, to tell us our
way.' (I Sam. 9:6-8)
Now let us watch very carefully, for an "archaic" word is about to make its
appearance in the next verse. But before it can, God inserts a note to the reader!
9. "(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come
and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called
a Seer.)" (I Sam. 9:9)

God knows that the word "seer" is no longer in common usage; it is archaic. He
defines it so that we will better understand His choice of words. Is this changing the
text? No! Look at the following two verses.
10. "Then said Saul to his servant, Well said; come, let us go. So they went unto the
city where the man of God was.
11. And as they went up the hill to the city, they found young maidens going out to
draw water, and said unto them, Is the seer here?" (I Sam. 9:10-11)

Notice in verse 11 God leaves the "archaic" word in the text! He does not change it to
"prophet." He does not change the text. God gives us a definition of the word which He
chose to use in the text, but He does not give us a "modern" or "updated" edition. This is
the Biblical example of how God handles an "archaic" word without rewriting the text.
God's Method
"We fundamentalists accept the authority of the Bible in all matters of faith and
practice." I suggest we practice this method. Define what a word, whose definition has
become cloudy through the changes in the English language, really means. I am not
advising "running to the Greek." I am advising "running to the dictionary" and letting
the text stand as it reads without the derogatory remarks about "archaic" words and "out
of date usage." Let us respect God's text more than that.
God has given us every word; we do well to accept them from Him as they are and
not attempt to "improve" on them. As one great preacher said, "The Bible doesn't need to
be re-written, it needs to be reread." I concur. Born again Christians are intended to be
"Bible people." Are we not expected to read the Book we claim so loudly to believe?
Upon receiving a lengthy letter from home, does a lonely soldier proceed to the third
page to begin his reading? After page 3 does he "speed read" page 4, skip page 5, and
read half of page 6? Does he attempt to understand the last page and then proceed to the
first? Ridiculous isn't it? Yet it describes the Bible reading habits of many of God's
people. Obviously, our soldier, so far away from the home he loves and the writer of his
letter, is going to devour every word of this letter and upon finishing it, he will read it
again -- every word.
God sent us, His homesick soldiers, a "letter from home," yet we steadily refuse to
read it. He didn't give us the whole Book just so that we could read the Psalms. We are
expected to read Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy as well as John, Acts, and
Romans. The same author who inspired I and II Corinthians placed every bit as much
inspiration into I and II Chronicles. We are to read Malachi as well as Revelation. God
has given us every word of the Bible. We are to start at the beginning and read every
word! Upon reaching Revelation 22:21, we are not expected to quietly lay the Bible
aside as if our work has been done. We are to begin afresh at Genesis 1:1. There are only
two events that should stop a Christian from reading through his Bible continuously,
cover to cover: death and the rapture. All other "reasons" are really weak excuses. We
are to read the Book!
Many exclaim, "But I can't understand it! There are portions with deep and difficult
meanings." They find a difficult passage, give God approximately five minutes to
deliver the answer, and then turn to a "better translation" or a Bible commentary for the
answer. They are like the four-year-old child who wishes to drive a car. He sincerely
wants to drive a car. His motive for wanting to drive may be pure. He believes that he
can handle the job, and he wants the answer now. He will not only be refused permission
to drive the car, but he as yet won't even be allowed on a bicycle. He cannot handle
anything larger than a tricycle. As he matures, he will "graduate" to bigger and more
complicated things.
This is true with our English Bible. We begin to read through it for the first time and
ask God a question, the answer of which we just cannot handle until our fourth or fifth
or sixth time through. We sincerely want the answer. Our motive may be pure. We
believe that we can handle the answer, and we want it now. God will not show us on our
first time through the Bible what He has ready for us on our tenth or eleventh time
through. We must grow, and there are no shortcuts. A shelf full of Bible commentaries
and other translations is an attempt at a shortcut, but it will not work. I am not opposed
to Bible commentaries. I am opposed to their de-emphasizing the Bible and replacing
the Holy Spirit. I am in favor of intensifying our reading time in the only authority we
have, the Authorized Version!
But why the Authorized Version? Who says we have to use only this particular
translation? Why couldn't some other version be perfect in English instead of the
Authorized Version?
To get the answers to these questions, we will have to take our hands off each other's
throats long enough to examine the evidence which has come down to us through
history. First, let's study where the manuscripts came from.
Chapter 5: The Localities
Family Feud
The manuscripts and their classifications and readings will be studied in later pages.
What we shall do now is closely scrutinize the primary centers from which our extant
manuscripts have originated. It will be revealed in later study that Biblical manuscripts
(MSS) are divided into two general groups. These two groups have been found to
disagree with each other in many areas. Every English Bible in existence today will be
found to proceed more or less from one of these two groups. The fact that there is one
God plainly tells us that there can be only one correct reading concerning any given
discrepancy between these two groups.
Obviously, prior to comparing readings, it will be beneficial to investigate the ancient
centers from which our two basic groups proceed.
Earlier, we established two "ground rules." It will be relevant to our study to review
those rules at this point, and to keep them in mind as we continue. Firstly, we established
that the Bible is a spiritual book which God exerted supernatural force to conceive, and
it is reasonable to assume that He could exert that same supernatural force to preserve it.
Secondly, that Satan desires to be worshipped. He has the ability to counterfeit God's
actions and definitely will be involved actively in attempting to destroy God's Word
and/or our confidence in that Word, while seeking to replace it with his own "versions."
The fact that the disagreement between these two families is centered around points of
deity or doctrine tells us that one of them must be the preserved text, as found in the
original MSS, while the other is a Satanic forgery. Satan attacked Jesus Christ (Matthew
4:1-11) and will try to replace Him in the future (Revelation 13:1-8).
Are we to believe that Satan, a sworn enemy of Truth, is not going to attempt to
disrupt the travel of God's Word through history? Would he dare let the only tangible
item which God has left us remain unattacked? No, Satan cannot afford to allow the
Holy Scriptures to be unmolested. He will obviously be heard to be its loudest textual
critic and will attempt to eliminate God's true Word while replacing it with his own
Satanic counterfeit.
With this in mind, we shall begin with the original autographs and trace the history of
these two families of MSS.
The Beginning
Jesus Christ always worked through His followers. It is only logical that He would
look to His followers as instrumental in the preservation of His words.
The New Testament was a paradox. It was completely foreign to anything that the
world had ever known. Until the time of Christ, the world was Biblically divided into
two groups.
One was the Jews. They were known as God's "chosen people." Their religious
practices were founded on the teachings of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings
(thirty-nine books which comprise our present Old Testament). They awaited their
Messiah, the ruler who was expected at any time to come to earth and set up a Jewish
kingdom based in Jerusalem.
The other group spoken of in Scripture is the Gentile population of the world. The
Gentiles are also referred to as a group by the term "Greeks." They were very religious,
but heathenistic in practice. This is noted by the Apostle Paul. When in Athens he
mentioned that the city was "wholly given to idolatry" (Acts 17:16). After seeing them
carry out their religious duties, he concluded, "I perceive that in all things ye are too
superstitious" (Acts 17:22). The Gentile world was caught up in the fantasies of
Christless education, philosophy, and religion.
Another location of pagan religious practices was Rome. In Rome were found temples
built for the worship of many pagan gods and goddesses. A few of these are Jupiter,
Apollo, and Minerva.
Still another pagan city known for its education and philosophy was Alexandria,
Egypt. Famed for its library and school, it was a center of education during the centuries
prior to the New Testament era. It was known to have received much of its philosophy
from Athens about 100 B.C.
When the Christian church appeared, made up of born again believers, it was looked
upon as a rather strange group of people. The Jews rejected it because its patrons
claimed that Jesus Christ was the Jewish Messiah. The Gentiles rejected Christianity
because of the Christians' claims that salvation was complete and that one could know
that they had eternal life. This ran contrary to the teachings of pagan philosophy that
nothing can be known for sure. It also made their heathen religious practices worthless,
not to mention all of their beautiful temples.
The New Testament church needed a place to grow. It needed a location that was far
away from the prejudices of the Jewish religious community centered in Jerusalem and
the Gentile philosophical community. It needed a location that would be advantageous to
the spreading of the gospel. Such a location was realized when, after the death of
Stephen, the believers traveled to Phenice, Cyprus, and Antioch (Acts 11:19). But it was
Antioch that the Holy Spirit chose for the base of Christian operations.
Antioch was founded by Seleucus I about 300 B.C. Its location was of prime
importance to the gospel since it was built at the crossroads of ancient trade routes from
Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean and from western Arabia to Asia Minor. It also has a
seaport on the Orontes River.
In addition to the secular history of these two areas, let us examine what the Bible
says concerning them.
The law of first mention is important, as the first mention of a subject usually sets the
light in which that subject shall reside in the Bible narrative.
Since one of the two families of MSS originated in Alexandria, Egypt, we shall first
look at Egypt. Egypt is first mentioned in Genesis 12:10. "...Abram went down into
Egypt to sojourn there...." but verse 12 says, "Therefore it shall come to pass, when the
Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but
they will save thee alive." (Genesis 12:12). Immediately we find a negative air about
Egypt in the Bible. Notice that Abram's fear concerns the line of Christ, Satan's first
"And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and
captain of the guard." (Genesis 37:36). Here we find Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt.
This also is negative.
"Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And
they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses." (Exodus 1:11). In this verse
we see Israel, the people of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, persecuted in Egypt, a type of
the world. Verses 15 and 16 show that Satan's attack was once again on the seed through
which the Lord Jesus Christ would come. In Exodus 20:2, Egypt is called "the house of
bondage." In Deuteronomy 4:20, God calls Egypt "the iron furnace."
God forbids Israel to carry on commercial activities with Egypt in Deuteronomy
17:16. "But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to
Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto
you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way." Notice this final sentence gives the
solemn warning, "Ye shall henceforth return no more that way."
In Jeremiah 46:25 we find God promising punishment on Egypt. "The LORD of
hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh,
and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in
Look at Ezekiel 20:7. "Then said I unto them, Cast ye away every man the
abominations of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the
LORD your God." Here we find that God commanded Israel not to be associated with
Egypt's idolatry.
The last of our references compares Jerusalem in apostasy to Sodom and Egypt. "And
their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom
and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." (Revelation 11:8).
This is only a small cross section of the Biblical references to Egypt, but I believe we
see that God's attitude towards Egypt is not positive.
Now let's zero in on the city of Egypt which will concern our study, Alexandria.
Alexandria is first mentioned in Acts 6:9. "Then there arose certain of the synagogue,
which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of
them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen." Here we find that Jews from
Alexandria were partially responsible for the stoning of Stephen.
Also in Acts 18:24 we find Apollos was from Alexandria. Although he was later saved
and became a great disciple of Christ, he was first associated with inadvertently
misleading the people of Ephesus in Acts 19:1-3.
We have now looked at what the Bible has to say concerning Egypt in general and
Alexandria in particular.
Since we accept the Bible in all matters of "faith and practice," we should take care to
remember that God takes a negative approach to Egypt. Do we have any right to ignore
God's displeasure and approach Egypt in a "positive" manner? Solomon was by far
wiser than we are, yet he ignored God's clear warnings. For example, I Kings 3:1 says,
"And Solomon made affinity with Pharoah king of Egypt, and took Pharoah's daughter,
and brought her into the city of David, until he had made an end of building his own
house, and the house of the LORD, and the wall of Jerusalem round about." Also, I
Kings 10:28 says, "And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yarn: the
king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price." (cf. Deuteronomy 17:16). We find
that ignoring God's Word led to the heart being turned away from the Lord and after
other gods (I Kings 11:3, 4). This resulted in abominable acts on his part (I Kings 11:5,
8)and finally brought God's judgment in I Kings 11:9-43.
Certainly, if wise Solomon could fall by accepting Egypt in spite of God's clear
condemnation, we would do well to take care before we buy any "horses out of Egypt."
God may not be pleased with such actions.
Now let us see what the Bible says about the city of Antioch.
Antioch is first mentioned in Acts 6:5 when Nicolas, a Christian from Antioch, was
chosen to be one of the first deacons. So we see that the first time Antioch is mentioned,
it is in a positive light.
Antioch is mentioned again in Acts 11:19. Here, it is a refuge for Christians from
persecution. In the Scripture Antioch represents a "type" of the new life given to
believers after having accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
To fully understand the light in which the Bible presents Antioch in Acts 11, we must
look at the context in which chapter 11 is written. In the preceding chapter (Acts 10)
God plainly shows that He is calling out a following from among the Gentiles. In the
following chapter (Acts 12) God shows that He is not going to use Jerusalem as the
center of the New Testament church (Acts 12:1-4).
Our Antioch
Antioch, the new center, is away from the Gentile centers of Alexandria, Athens, and
Rome and the Jewish center of Jerusalem. Antioch symbolizes the Christian's new life,
apart from the heathenism of the Gentiles and ritualism of Judaism. II Corinthians 5:17
says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become new." When a Gentile is saved, he is to leave his
heathenistic lifestyle for a new spiritual location in Christ. Likewise, when a Jew is
saved, he is to leave his ritualism for a new spiritual location in Christ. In Galatians 3:28
Paul states that, "There is neither Jew nor Greek...for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." In I
Corinthians 10:32 he divides mankind into three groups, "Jews...Gentiles...the Church of
God." As God gives born again man a new spiritual location, He also gave His new
young church a new physical location.
Please notice that after Acts chapter 12, the other apostles are left alone at Jerusalem
and are mentioned only one last time in the narrative. This is in Acts 21:18 where they
briefly rejoice in Paul's report and then get preoccupied with the law! Paul in Galatians
2:11 had to rebuke Peter of this very thing when he came to Antioch and tried to exercise
the same legalistic teaching of Judaism on the New Testament church there. Obviously
God was using Antioch and Antiochian Christians to forge a new practice of
worshipping Him, different from the Old Testament Judaism and the Gentile mythology
and heathenism.
God's Move
Acts 11:20 shows the beginning of God's settlement in Antioch. "And some of them
were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto
the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus." In Acts 11:22, Barnabas, one of the most
important figures of the New Testament, moves from Jerusalem to Antioch. He is the
man who is responsible for Paul being in the ministry. It was Barnabas who went to
Tarsus to get Paul, then named Saul, in Acts 11:25. Upon finding him, Barnabas brought
him back to Antioch, not Jerusalem (Acts 11:26). So we see that the primary figure of
the New Testament church actually began his ministry in Antioch. Paul had visited
Jerusalem in Acts 9:26-29 and had even preached there, but his ministry to the Gentiles
really began when he departed from Antioch in Acts 13:1-3 with Barnabas.
We must also notice that it was at Antioch that the disciples were called "Christians"
for the first time (Acts 11:26). In verse 27 of Acts 11 we find that the prophets from the
Jerusalem church left it to settle in Antioch. In verse 29 of Acts 11, we even see that it
was necessary for the Christians at Antioch to send relief down to their brethren in
As we mentioned before, Paul's first missionary journey originated from Antioch in
Acts 13:1-3. The Bible states in verse 2 that the Holy Ghost "called" them. It was in
Antioch that God chose these men. Upon returning from their trip (Acts 14:26-28) they
came back to Antioch, not Alexandria; not Jerusalem.
When some "Christian" Judaizers came up to Antioch from Jerusalem and began to
teach the believers there that, "Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye
cannot be saved" (Acts 15:1), Paul and Barnabas confronted them. Afterwards, Paul and
Barnabas went down and spoke with the apostles concerning this. They formed a council
and returned to their beloved Antioch with a written statement to the effect that Judaism
had no hold over the New Testament church.
Upon returning to Antioch, Paul and Barnabas took with them chosen men of the
Jerusalem church, Silas being one of them (Acts 15:22). They all returned to Jerusalem
but Silas (Acts 15:33,34), and he is the only one whom we find recorded in New
Testament history. After Acts chapter 11 and the move to Antioch, God used only those
who left Jerusalem and settled in Antioch! Such is the case with Paul, Barnabas, Silas,
and Mark. Paul and Barnabas reside at Antioch (Acts 15:35) and depart from there again
in verse 40.
Notice that Paul sets his mind to go back to Jerusalem in Acts 20:22, knowing that it
is against God's will as we find in Acts 20:23; 21:4, and again in 21:10-12. He goes to
Jerusalem in spite of God's warning against it and is seized in Acts 21:30, thus beginning
the end of his ministry! This plainly teaches that a Christian is not to return to his "old"
life in any way, shape, or form and should stand firm in his "new location" in Christ. It
also shows that if there will be any center for New Testament Christianity, it will be
found in Antioch.
It may well be that many of the "originals" that we have heard so much about were
written right there in Antioch!
Egypt is a type of this world. Antioch is a type of a Christian's new life in Christ.
Which one do you think that God would use to preserve His Word?
God will not do anything contrary to His nature. It would not be consistent with God's
nature to use Alexandria, Egypt to preserve His Word when He paints such a dismal
picture of it in Scripture. In fact, there is no record of any of the New Testament
Christians ever visiting there.
Antioch, on the other hand, was greatly used by God as the center of New Testament
Christianity. Paul never took up residence in Jerusalem, but always returned to Antioch.
Looking from the spiritual and practical aspect, Antioch would obviously be the logical
location of the true Bible text.
Chapter 6: The Witnesses
It would be extremely beneficial at this point if we could simply produce the original
autographs for examination. This would greatly simplify the operation of establishing
correctly the New Testament text. But this simply cannot happen. It has long been
acknowledged by scholars that we no longer have the "originals." They have long since
passed from the scene. This is due to the fact that scribes were known to have destroyed
worn out MSS after they had copied them. Apparently the early church valued the words
of the original more than the original itself. Therefore, the readings of the originals must
be preserved with us somewhere, or else God's words have "passed away" which we
surely know, from the Scriptural record, cannot happen. (Psalms 12:6, 7 and Matthew
24:35). We must review the witnesses of the Bible record which have come to us
through history. We will be required to keep two things in mind:
1. There is a marked disagreement between the two basic families of readings.

2. Due to the truth above, we must remember our spiritual considerations as well as
historical. Remember, the Bible is like no other book. All other books are written
and then cast adrift on the sea of time; this is not the case with the Bible. We must
remember that God had His hand in its inception and will be seen to have His hand
in its journey through history to the present. It must also be remembered that just as
God will be active in its preservation, Satan will be active in attempting to disrupt
or destroy it.

The "hard" evidence at hand today available for our examination consists of three
The Copies
1. Copies - Since there are no originals, every record of Scripture will be a copy.
Copies are divided into three groups:

A. Miniscules - These are by far the most numerous of extant copies which we
possess. Miniscules in Greek are like the lower case letters of our alphabet. The
oldest copies of this type are papyrus MSS which were sewn together into a roll or
scroll. Papyrus was an inexpensive paper somewhat like newsprint. Some were also
written on vellum scrolls. Vellum is made from animal skins. This was used
because of its durability although it was more expensive than papyrus.

In early copies the words were written end to end with no space in between. Words
like God, Son, Father were abbreviated in this manner: God - gd, Son - sn, Father -
ftr. Later MSS separated the words for ease of reading. An example is shown here:
which-is-in-the-bosom-of-the-ftr-he-hath-declared-him." (John 1:18).
Some miniscules were composed in book form instead of a scroll. These are known
as codice (plural). Codex is the singular form. These also were written on either
papyrus or vellum. In some cases, all that remains of a scroll or codex are

B. Majuscules or Uncials -- These are equivalent to the upper case letters of our
alphabet. In the same verse as above, John 1: 18, letters of our alphabet would
appear in this manner in an uncial MSS:


Majuscules MSS exist in fewer numbers than miniscules and do not appear until
the 4th Century.

C. Lectionaries -- These are equivalent to the "responsive readings" found in the

back of today's hymnals. Due to the shortage of copies of Scripture, lectionaries
were used to put key verses into the hands of the people. In many cases their
readings are very early, i.e., closer to the originals.

The Versions
2. Our second group of Biblical witnesses are the ancient versions. God chose to
write the New Testament in Greek, but He did not choose to keep it in Greek only.
The early Greek MSS were translated into other languages in order that the true
Word of God could be put into the hands of people in other lands. Some versions
such as the Peshitto (or Peschito), a Syrian translation, and the Old Latin Vulgate
(vulgate means "vulgar," i.e., "common") are actually older than our oldest uncial
MSS. The Peshitto was translated from the Greek in about 150 A.D. The Old Latin
Vulgate was translated about 157 A.D.

Other well known versions are the Gothic, Sahidic, Bohairic, and Coptic.

The Church Fathers

3. Our third group is the early church fathers. These are the men who led the
Christians in the first few centuries after the New Testament was completed. We
have record of their early sermons, books, and commentaries. They will be able to
provide us with much information on disputed passages. Many may have seen the
original autographs.
Here we now have our three sources of information. They are copies, versions, and
church fathers. These three groups combined to give us in excess of 5,250 witnesses.9
Over 3,000 of these are Greek MSS.10 With this many extant MSS, versions, and the
fathers for reference, we should have little trouble determining the Greek text of the
original New Testament autographs.
Taking Sides
These surviving witnesses of the Greek New Testament text which we now possess
are found to generally fall into two groups, or "texts." This is where we begin to find
some major problems. We find that these two texts disagree consistently concerning the
major doctrines of the Bible. They are found to disagree on readings concerning the
virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the blood atonement, Christ's second coming, the deity of
Christ, and many other fundamental Christian doctrines. It is for this reason that we must
examine our witnesses to determine if their testimony is accurate (God's text) or if they
are fraudulently misleading (Satan's text). Remember our ground rules!
The Good Guys
The first of these two texts which we will examine is the Majority Text. This is the
text which will be found to uphold the major Christian doctrines which are so vital to
our fundamental beliefs.
The Majority Text has been known throughout history by several names. It has been
known as the Byzantine Text, the Imperial Text, the Traditional Text, and the
Reformation Text, as well as the Majority Text. This text culminates in the Textus
Receptus or "Received Text" which is the basis for the King James Bible, which we
know also as the Authorized Version.
I do not desire to add one more name to the list, but in the interest of finding the most
accurate term to describe this text, and due to its universal reception by orthodox
Christians through history, we shall refer to this text as the "Universal Text."
Dr. Hills justifies this choice: "There is now greater reason than ever to believe that
the Byzantine Text, which is found in the vast majority of the Greek New Testament
manuscripts and which was used well-nigh universally throughout the Greek Church for
many centuries, is a faithful reproduction of the original New Testament and is the
divinely appointed standard by which all New Testament manuscripts and all divergent
readings must be judged."11 (Emphasis mine.)
We describe this text with the term "Universal," because it represents the majority of
extant MSS which represent the original autographs. Professor Hodges of Dallas
Theological Seminary explains, "The manuscript tradition of an ancient book will, under
any but the most exceptional conditions, multiply in a reasonably regular fashion with
the result that the copies nearest the autograph will normally have the largest number of
Even Dr. Hort is forced to admit this as Professor Hodges points out in his footnote,
"This truism was long ago conceded (somewhat grudgingly) by Hort. A theoretical
presumption indeed remains that a majority of extant documents is more likely to
represent a majority of ancestral documents at each state of transmission than vice
Professor Hodges concludes, "Thus the Majority text, upon which the King James
Version is based, has in reality the strongest claim possible to be regarded as an
authentic representation of the original text. This claim is quite independent of any
shifting consensus of scholarly judgment about its readings and is based on the objective
reality of its dominance in the transmissional history of the New Testament text."14
Any corruption to the New Testament text would obviously have to begin after the
original autographs were completed, or there would be no originals to corrupt! If the
originals and the first corruptions of those originals multiplied at the same rate, the
correct text would always be found in the majority of MSS. Add to this the fact that the
orthodox Christian Church would reject the corruptions and refuse to copy them, and we
would find that the correct text would be in the vast majority, universally accepted as
authentic, while the corrupt text would be represented by an elite minority. These are
exactly the circumstances which exist in the MS evidence available today! Fuller
records, "Miller has shown that the Traditional Text predominated in the writings of the
Church Fathers in every age from the very first."15
The Universal Text is that which travels north from Jerusalem to Antioch, the
"gateway to Europe," heading for England. Upon arrival in England it would be ready
for translation into the language through which God has chosen to spread His Gospel -
From Antioch (remember our study of Antioch), the Universal Text was sent up into
Europe. From there it spread through Syria and Europe through its translation into the
Syrian Peshitto version and the Old Latin Vulgate. There are still 350 copies of the
Peshitto in existence today as a testimony to this widespread usage in the years since
150 A.D.
The "Original" Vulgate
The Old Latin Vulgate was used by the Christians in the churches of the Waldenses,
Gauls, Celts, Albigenses, and other fundamental groups throughout Europe. This Latin
version became so used and beloved by orthodox Christians and was in such common
use by the common people that it assumed the term "Vulgate" as a name. Vulgate comes
from "vulgar" which is the Latin word for "common." It was so esteemed for its
faithfulness to the deity of Christ and its accurate reproductions of the originals, that
these early Christians let Jerome's Roman Catholic translation "sit on the shelf."
Jerome's translation was not used by the true Biblical Christians for almost a millenium
after it was translated from corrupted manuscripts by Jerome in 380 A.D. Even then it
only came into usage due to the death of Latin as a common language, and the violent,
wicked persecutions waged against true believers by Pope Gregory IX during his reign
from 1227 to 1242 A.D. 16
Crooked Tactics
The Old Latin Vulgate had come into existence no later than 157 A.D. The Latin
version of Jerome, translated by order of the Roman Catholic Church, was published in
about 380 A.D. It was rejected by real Christians until approximately 1280 A.D. The
Roman Catholic Church chose the name "Vulgate" or "Common" for Jerome's
translation in an attempt to deceive loyal Christians into thinking that it was the true
common Bible of the people. This is the same tactic used by the New Scofield Reference
Bible (1967) and the Common Bible (1973). The former claims to be an Authorized
King James Version, when in fact it is not (check the margin). The latter's name falsely
implies that it is the Bible in "common" use, when in fact the Bible in common use is the
Authorized Version of 1611! It would seem that such deception lacks a little in Christian
ethics, if not honesty.
It is plain to see that the Universal Text has not only been universally accepted by the
faithful Christians down through the centuries, but it was responsible for keeping the
Roman Catholic Church contained to southern Italy for years. It was not until the Roman
Catholic Church successfully eliminated this Book through persecutions, torture, Bible
burnings, and murder that it could capture Europe in its web of superstitious paganism.
Perhaps we should learn a lesson. Where the Universal Text of the King James Bible
reigns, God blesses. Once it is eliminated for a less "clean" text, God withdraws His
blessing. Oh, that America could but look at what has happened to England since the
corrupt Revised Version was published! Perversion has been the father of every
"revision" since, on either side of the Atlantic. Yes, the sun began to set on the British
Empire in 1904, when the British Foreign Bible Society changed from the pure Textus
Receptus to the Egyptian text collated by Eberhard Nestle.17
The Bad Guys
The other text which we must investigate is the Minority Text. This is the text which
is found to be untrue to the beloved doctrines of Scripture such as the virgin birth, the
deity of Christ, the blood atonement, the Trinity, and others. This is also the text which is
used in every translation of the Bible since the Revised Version of 1881.
Its two outstanding trademarks in history are that orthodox Christianity has never used
it and that the Roman Catholic Church has militantly (read that "bloodily") supported it.
We shall say more about this matter later.
The Minority Text is also known as the Egyptian Text, (remember our study of
Egypt), the Hesychian Text, and the Alexandrian Text (remember our study of
Alexandria), which was the basis for the critical Greek Text of Brooke Foss Wescott and
Fenton John Anthony Hort. The Wescott and Hort Text of 1881 was collated with
Weymouth's third edition and Tischendorf's eighth edition by Eberhard Nestle in 1898 to
become what is known as the Nestle's Greek New Testament.18 This is the text used in
all "modern" translations.
The most notable MSS in the text consist of a handful of uncial MSS of the 4th and
5th Centuries. These uncials have been found to be error ridden and untrustworthy and
found even to disagree among themselves.
One of these MSS is called Sinaiticus and is represented by the first letter of the
Hebrew alphabet, Aleph. This MS from all outward appearances looks very beautiful. It
is written in book form (codex) on vellum. It contains 147 1/2 leaves. The pages are 15"
by 13 1/2" with four columns of 48 lines per page. It contains many spurious books such
as the "Shepherd of Hermes," the "Epistle of Barnabas," and even the "Didache."19 This
MS has survived time well, but being in good physical shape by no means makes its
contents trustworthy.
The great Greek scholar, Dr. Scrivener, points this out in his historic work A Full
Collation of the Codex Sinaiticus. He speaks concerning correctional alterations made to
the MS: "The Codex is covered with such alterations...brought in by at least ten different
revisors, some of them systematically spread over every page, others occasional or
limited to separated portions of the MS, many of these being contemporaneous with the
first writer, but for the greater part belonging to the sixth or seventh century."20
Dr. Alfred Martin echos this, "Aleph shows the works of ten different correctors down
through the centuries."21
The corrections are so obvious as to induce Dr. Burgon to comment therefore on Dr.
Tischendorf's willingness to exalt this badly marred MS: "With the blindness
proverbially ascribed to parental love, Tischendorf follows Aleph, though the
carelessness that reigns over that manuscript is visible to all who examine it."22
May I note here that Dr. Tischendorf was the discoverer of Codex Sinaiticus. He
found it in St. Cathrine's Monestary on Mt. Sinai in February of 1859. It was, of all
places, in the wastebasket!"23
Since this MS was of the 4th Century, Tischendorf, deceived by the outmoded
philosophy "older is better," immediately altered his 7th edition of the Greek New
Testament in over 3,500 places. He had claimed that this 7th edition (1856-59) had been
perfect and could not be superceded. His 8th edition (1865-72), based primarily on
Aleph, was apparently 3,500 times more perfect!
False Witness from Rome
Another MS belonging to this family is called Vaticanus. It is often referred to by the
letter "B." As its name implies, it is in the Vatican library at Rome (remember our
enemy). No one knows when it was placed in the Vatican library, but its existence was
first made known in 1841. This MS is also in the form of a book and written on vellum.
It contains 759 pages which are 10" by 10 1/2" with three columns of 41 lines per page.
This Codex omits many portions of Scripture vital to Christian doctrine. Vaticanus
omits Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 46:28; Psalms 106 through 138; Matthew 16:2, 3;
Romans 16:24; the Pauline Pastorial Epistles; Revelation; and everything in Hebrews
after 9:14.24
It seems suspicious indeed that a MS possessed by the Roman Catholic Church omits
the portion of the book of Hebrews which exposes the "mass" as totally useless. (Please
read Hebrews 10:10-12). The "mass" in conjunction with the false doctrine of purgatory
go hand-in-hand to form a perpetual money making machine for Rome. Without one or
the other, the Roman Catholic Church would go broke! It also omits portions of
Scripture telling of the creation (Genesis), the prophetic details of the crucifixion
(Psalms 22), and, of course, the portion which prophesies of the destruction of Babylon
(Rome), the great whore of Revelation chapter 17.
Vaticanus, though intact physically, is found to be of very poor literary quality. Dr.
Martin declares, "'B' exhibits numerous places where the scribe has written the same
word or phrase twice in succession."25 Dr. J. Smythe states, "From one end to the other,
the whole manuscript has been traveled over by the pen of some...scribe of about the
tenth century."26
If Vaticanus was considered a trustworthy text originally, the mass of corrections and
scribal changes obviously render its testimony highly suspicious and questionable.

The corrupt and unreliable nature of these two MSS is best summed up by one who
has thoroughly examined them, John W. Burgon: "The impurity of the text exhibited by
these codices is not a question of opinion but fact...In the Gospels alone, Codex B
(Vatican) leaves out words or whole clauses no less than 1,491 times. It bears traces of
careless transcriptions on every page. Codex Sinaiticus abounds with errors of the eye
and pen to an extent not indeed unparalleled, but happily rather unusual in documents of
first-rate importance. On many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropped through very
carelessness. Letters and words, even whole sentences, are frequently written twice over,
or begun and immediately cancelled; while that gross blunder whereby a clause is
omitted because it happens to end in the same words as the clause preceding, occurs no
less than 115 times in the New Testament."27
If we are to be thorough and discriminatory in our evaluation of the true New
Testament text, then we must not - we cannot - overlook these facts.
How did these MSS come into being? How did it happen that they should be beautiful
to the eye, yet within contain such vile and devastating corruptions? It seems that these
uncial MSS along with the papyrus MSS included in this category all resulted from a
revision of the true, or Universal Text. This revision was enacted in Egypt (remember
our study of Egypt) by Egyptian scribes!
Prior to documenting this statement, it will be needful to identify several of the uncial
and papyrus MSS which will be referred to in the documentation. These are uncial
manuscripts A, B, C, D, and Aleph. Also included are the Chester Beatty Papyri,
designated as P45, P46, P47, and the Bodmer Papyri, designated as P66 and P75.
The Local Mess
It seems that this type of text was a local text of Alexandria, Egypt (remember our
study of Alexandria) of which Eusebius made fifty copies to fulfill a request by Emperor
Constantine. Unfortunately Eusebius turned to the education center in Egypt and got a
"scholarly revision" instead of turning to Antioch for the pure text which was universally
accepted by the true Christians.
Why would Eusebius choose Alexandria over Antioch? Primarily because he was a
great admirer of Origen, an Egyptian scholar. Origen, though once exalted by modern
day Christianity as a trustworthy authority, has since been found to have been a heretic
who interpreted the Bible in the light of Greek philosophy (remember our study of
Athens). He propagated the heresy that Jesus Christ was a "created" God.28 This is a
false doctrine clung to by Jehovah's Witnesses of our day, who strangely enough get
their teaching from the corrupt Alexandrian Text's rendition of John 1:1-5 and John 3:13,
a corruption which Origen is responsible for when he revised the Universal Text to read
in agreement with his personal heresy!
Origen himself said, "The Scriptures are of little use to those who understand them as
they are written."29 Which explains Bishop Marsh's statement, "Whenever therefore
grammatical interpretation produced a sense which in Origen's opinion was irrational or
impossible, in other words was irrational or impossible according to the philosophy
which Origen had learned at Alexandria, he then departs from the literal."30 (Emphasis
mine.) Dr. Adam Clarke claims also that Origen was the first person to teach purgatory.
Total Corruption
Where did this "Local Text," from which all new Bible translations since 1881 are
rendered, originate? Let us see what evidence scholars have unearthed in a search to
discover its source.
Kurt Aland "proposes that the text of P75 and B represent a revision of a local text of
Egypt which was enforced as the dominant text in that particular ecclesiastical
Professor Hodges assures us, "Already scholars are willing to concede a common
ancestry for P75 and B. We can postulate here that this common ancestor and P66 meet
even further back in the stream of transmission...It is quite possible, then that all three
manuscripts go back ultimately to a single parent manuscript in which this emendation
was originally made."33
Dean Burgon remarks, "As for the origin of these two curiosities, it can perforce only
be divined from their contents, that they exhibit fabricated texts is demonstrable. No
amount of honest copying - preserved in for any number of centuries - could by
possibility have resulted in two such documents. Separated from one another in actual
date by 50, perhaps by 100 years, they must needs have branched all from a common
corrupt ancestor, and straightway become exposed to fresh depraving influence."34
Dr. Edward Hills concludes, "The best way to explain this situation is to suppose that
it represents an intentional neglect of the Traditional Text on the part of those ancient
Alexandrian scribes who kept revising the text of Paprus 75 until finally they created the
B text."35
He also states Aland's opinion: "Aland thinks it possible that the Chester Beatty
Papyri also came from this same place."36
That tedious lawyer and former Supreme Court Justice, Philip Mauro, has aptly
determined, "It should be observed, before we proceed with this question, that the
agreeing testimony (where they do agree) of the Vatican and Sinaitic MSS cannot be
properly regarded as having the force of two independent witnesses; for there are
sufficient evidences both internal and external to warrant the conclusion that these two
Codices are very closely related, that they are, in fact, copies of the same original, itself
a very corrupt transcript of the New Testament."37
He also states, "It is admitted on all hands that the Text used as the basis of the
Authorized Version correctly represents a Text known to have been widely (if not
everywhere) in use as early as the second century (for the Peschito and Old Latin
Versions, corroborated by patristic quotations afford ample proof of that). On the other
hand, it is now known that the two Codices we are discussing represent anything but
copies of a bad original, made worse in the copying."38
It also seems generally agreed that this Local Text was used for a basis of the 50
Bibles which Eusebius supplied to Constantine.
The noted Greek scholar, A.T. Roberson, states, "Constantine himself ordered fifty
Greek Bibles from Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, for the Churches of Constantinople. It
is quite possible that Aleph and B are two of these fifty, though the actual copying was
probably done in Egypt or by Egyptian scribes."39
Gregory adds, "This manuscript (Vaticanus) is supposed, as we have seen, to have
come from the same place as the Sinaitic Manuscript. I have said that these two show
connections with each other and that they would suit very well as a pair of the fifty
manuscripts written at Caesarea for Constantine the Great."40
To which Burgon and Miller testify, "Constantine applied to Eusebius for fifty
handsome copies, amongst which it is not impossible that the manuscripts B and Aleph
were to be actually found."41
Dr. David Fuller finalizes, "Age alone cannot prove that a manuscript is correct. B and
Aleph probably owe their preservation to the fact that they were written on vellum,
whereas most other documents of that period were written on papyrus. Many students,
including Tischendorf and Hort, have thought them to be two of the fifty copies which
Eusebius had prepared under the order of Constantine for use in the churches of
Constantinople. They are no doubt beautiful manuscripts, but their texts show scribal
carelessness. B exhibits numerous places where the scribe has written the same word or
phrases twice in succession. Aleph shows the marks of ten different correctors down
through the centuries. Burgon's excoriation of Wescott and Hort's method cannot be
considered too strong in the light of the facts concerning the character of these two
manuscripts."42 Who could be responsible for the corruption of the universally accepted
text of the New Testament?
Wilkenson reports, "Beginning shortly after the death of the apostle John, four names
stand out in prominence whose teaching contributed both to the victorious heresy and to
the final issuing of manuscripts of a corrupt New Testament. These names are: 1. Justin
Martyr; 2. Tatian; 3. Clement of Alexandria; and 4. Origen."43
The Local Alexandrian text fell into disuse about 500 A.D. while the original
Universal Text was spreading true Christianity throughout Europe.
Hoskier reports this in his statement: "Those who accept the Wescott and Hort text are
basing their accusations of untruth as to the Gospellists upon an Egyptian revision
current 200 to 450 A.D. and abandoned between 500 to 1881, merely revised in our day
and stamped as genuine."44
So we see that once a pure copy of the Universal Text had been carried down into
Egypt, it was recopied. During the process of this recopying, it was revised by men who
did not revere it as truly the Word of God. This text was examined by the critical eye of
Greek philosophy and Egyptian morals. These men saw nothing wrong with putting the
Book in subjection to their opinion instead of their opinion being in subjection to the
Book. This process produced a text which was local to the educational center of
Alexandria, Egypt. This text went no farther than southern Italy where the Roman
Church found its unstable character perfect for overthrowing the true Word of God
which was being used universally by the true Christians.
At this point, I believe it will be helpful to study the ruthless Roman Catholic Church
to more clearly understand her part in all new translations of the Bible since 1881.
Chapter 7: The Enemy
"It is necessary to salvation that every man should submit to the Pope." (Boniface VIII
Unum Sanctum, 1303.)
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8, 9.
Here lie two totally contradictory statements. They cannot both be correct. The one
which you believe will depend on which authority you accept.
The Roman Catholic Church has long been antagonistic to the doctrine of salvation by
grace. If salvation is by grace, who needs "mass?" If salvation is by grace, who needs to
fear purgatory? If Jesus Christ is our mediator, who needs the Pope? If the Pope cannot
intimidate people into obeying him, how can he force a nation to obey him?
The true Bible is the arch-enemy of the Roman Catholic Church. Rome can only rule
over ignorant, fear-filled people. The true Bible turns "unlearned and ignorant" men into
gospel preachers and casts out "all fear."
Rome must find a way to supplant the true gospel with "another gospel." The only
way to do this is to eliminate our faith in the Word of God.
Rome received the corrupted Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt and further revised it to
suit her own needs. Some scholars call this revision the "Western" text. This, of course,
makes it part of the already corrupted text and, therefore, still contains the Local Text
readings. This text suited the Roman Catholic Church well, since it attacked the
doctrines of the Bible. Rome is wise. To attack salvation by grace directly would expose
her plot to all. So instead she used subtly. The Roman Catholic Church strips Jesus
Christ of His deity, separates the divine title "Lord" and "Christ" from the human name
Jesus, having the thief on the cross address Him as "Jesus" instead of "Lord" (Luke
23:42). It also removes the testimony to His deity in Acts 8:37, and it eliminates the
Trinity in I John 5:7.
You may ask, "Would not a weakening of the place of Jesus Christ weaken the Roman
Catholic Church's reason for even existing?" The answer is "No." The Roman Catholic
Church does not even claim to represent the gospel of Jesus Christ. Romanist Karl Adam
admits this: "We Catholics acknowledge readily, without any shame - nay with pride -
that Catholicism cannot be identified simply and wholly with primitive Christianity, nor
even with the Gospel of Christ."45
The vacancy left by the removal of Christ would be easily filled by Mary and other
"saints" along with a chain of ritualism so rigid that no practitioner would have time to
really "think" about the true gospel.
The true gospel was fast spreading all over Europe due to the Old Latin translation of
the Universal Text into the "vulgar" or "common" language. This Bible became known
as the "Vulgate" since it was used so commonly all over Europe.
Rome enlisted the help of a loyal subject by the name of Jerome. He quickly
translated the corrupt Local Text into Latin. This version included the Apocryphal books,
fourteen books which no Bible-believing Christian accepts as authentic. To insure its
success over the Old Latin, the Roman Catholic Church gave it the name "Vulgate,"
meaning "common." There was one problem which the Roman Catholic Church did not
anticipate, the same problem which the businessmen publishing new versions cannot
seem to avoid. The common people recognized the true Word of God because the Holy
Spirit bears witness to it! They refuse to accept other versions!
True, many versions have been sold in the past and are being sold now. Yet, this is
primarily due to the media "blitz" by which EVERY new Bible has been introduced
since 1881. This is the same tactic used by Satan in Genesis chapter 3. Notice his first
recorded words. Do you believe that Satan just walked up to Eve and asked, "Yea, hath
God said?" No! In Genesis 3:1 we are picking up in the middle of a conversation,
possibly one of many. Satan paved the way for his attack on God's Word by a little
"softening up" publicity. Christians today do not realize that they "need a better
translation" until they are told so by the Bible salesman a few times. Suddenly, they
"realize their need" for a translation which is "closer to the originals." (Most of these
Christians have never even read the one they have.) The next thing they know, they have
eaten the fruit, and God's blessing is gone. To get God's blessing back, obviously, they
need the next "thoroughly reliable" translation.
This is not an overstatement. An example of the "Bible business" is revealed by Dr.
Edward Hills. He speaks in reference to the committee of the American Standard
Version promising not to publish their translation at the same time as the English
Revised Version. He points out, "They promised not to publish their own revised edition
of the Bible until 14 years after the publication of the English Revised Version (R.V.),
and in exchange for this concession were given the privilege of publishing in an
appendix to this version a list of the readings which they favored but which the British
revisers declined to adopt."46 It was obvious to these "contenders for the faith" that two
new Bibles hitting the market at the same time just would not be conducive to good
profits. These men are obviously "led by the spirit" but I am not entirely sure it is
"Holy." It is a sad thing when men make merchandise of the Word of God.
The name "Vulgate" on the flyleaf of Jerome's unreliable translation did little to help
sales. The Old Latin Bible, or "Italic" as it is sometimes called, was held fast by all true
Christians who upheld the authority of the Bible over the authority of education.
Dr. Wilkenson informs us in reference to the Old Latin, "Not only were such
translations in existence long before the Vulgate was adopted by the Papacy, and well
established, but the people for centuries refused to supplant their old Latin Bibles by the
Vulgate." He records Jacobus' words, "The old Latin versions were used longest by the
western Christians who would not bow to the authority of Rome - e.g. the Donatists; the
Irish in Ireland, Britain, and the Continent; the Albigenses: etc;"47
Dr. Wilkenson also records the words from the "Forum" of June 1887, "The old Italic
version, into rude Low Latin of the second century, held its own as long as Latin
continued to be the language of the people. The critical version of Jerome never
displaced it, and only replaced it when the Latin ceased to be a living language, and
became the language of the learned. The Gothic version of Ulfilas, in the same way, held
its own until the tongues in which it was written ceased to exist."48
So we see that the Vulgate of Jerome was unused and unwanted by the true Christians
for over nine hundred years. This caused the Roman Church much grief. There was only
one remedy to the situation, eliminate the "other" old, archaic Bible. If it was necessary
to violently eliminate the people who used this faithful translation, then they did it.
The Plot
The Roman Catholic Church has long been known for its persecution of true New
Testament Christians. Beginning in about 600 A.D., persecution hounded these Christ-
honoring, Bible-loving people. Pope Gregory I went so far as to systematically destroy
and alter historical records pertaining to these Christians. Concerning one group, the
Waldenses (or Waldensians), Dr. Gilly reports, "It is a singular thing, that the destruction
or rapine, which has been so fatal to Waldensian documents, would have pursued them
even to the place of security, to which all, that remained, were consigned by Morland, in
1658, the library of the University of Cambridge. The most ancient of these relics were
ticketed in seven packets, distinguished by letters of the alphabet, from A to G. The
whole of these were missing when I made inquiry for them in 1823."49
Gilly also enlightens us with this report of the actions of Rome: "The agents of the
Papacy have done their utmost to calumniate their character, to destroy the records of
their noble past and to leave no trace of the cruel persecution they underwent. They went
even further - they made use of words written against ancient heresies to strike out the
name of heretics and fill the blank space by inserting the name of the Waldenses. Just as
if, in a book written to record the lawless deeds of some bandit, like Jesse James, his
name should be stricken out and the name of Abraham Lincoln substituted. The Jesuit
Gretserin a book written against the heretics of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, put
the name Waldenses at the point where he struck out the name of these heretics."50 We
find that Rome's wicked persecutions of the Waldenses culminated in a devastating
massacre of their number in 1655.51 They were hounded as "heretics" until the mid
1800's when their persistence paid off and the vile actions against them ceased.52
A major blow to the authority of Rome came in 1517, when a young Catholic priest
by the name of Martin Luther nailed his historic 95 theses on the church door in
Wittenburg. The nail drove deep into the hearts of truly born-again Christians who had
for centuries been laboring under the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. The people
flocked to their new, brave leader. From this, Lutheranism was established, but even
more important, the fires of the Reformation were kindled.
The tide of the Reformation soon came sweeping across all of Europe until it washed
the very shores of England. The already weakened authority of Rome was devastated by
the onslaught of truth. Two-thirds of Europe was swallowed up in what can probably be
referred to as the greatest spiritual awakening of all time. The Reformation was vital to
the then future translation of the King James Bible. England, too, had been shackled to
the hierarchy of Rome. It was the removal of these superstitious bonds that created the
spirit in England of the supremacy of the Scripture which was prevalent at the time of
the translation of the King James Bible. This would not have been the case had Luther
not sparked the Reformation.
The most vital and immovable weapon in Luther's arsenal came in the form of his
German translation of the New Testament of 1522. This put the pure words of the
Universal Text back into the hands of "Bible-starved" Christians. The Reformation ran
wild across the continent, fueled by this faithful translation. Rome at this point was
totally helpless to stop it. The Papacy needed something with which to fight this dreaded
scourge of truth. It turned in desperation to two different sources.
In 1545 the Roman Catholic Church formed the Council of Trent. The Council of
Trent systematically denied the teachings of the Reformation. The Council decreed that
"tradition" was of equal authority with the Bible. It decreed also that justification was
not by faith alone in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. In fact, it stated that anyone
believing in this vital Bible doctrine was cursed. The Council's exact words are: "If
anyone saith that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy
which remits sins for Christ's sake or that this confidence alone is that whereby we are
justified, let him be anathema."53 (Emphasis mine.)
We now see that the Roman Catholic Church is guilty of officially cursing Jesus
Christ! Would God use this church to preserve His Words?
The Council of Trent was viewed by the Protestants as somewhat of a "paper tiger." It
certainly did not hold any authority over them. The barn door appeared securely locked,
but the horse was triumphantly roaming all over the countryside! Yet there was to be an
enemy much more feared than the boisterous Council of Trent - the Jesuits!
The Diabolical Jesuits
The Society of Jesus was founded in 1534 by a Spaniard by the name of Ignatius
Loyola. Loyola was born don Inigo Lopez de Racalde, in the castle of Loyola in the
province of Guipuzcoa in 1491. He was known as a youth to be treacherous, brutal and
vindictive. He was referred to as an unruly and conceited soldier. Loyola was wounded
at the siege of Pampeluna in 1521. Crippled by a broken leg and plagued by a limp the
rest of his life, he sought "spiritual" conquests.54
Loyola produced an elite force of men, extremely loyal to the Pope, who would set
about to undermine Protestantism and "heresy" throughout the world. Their training
would require fourteen years of testing and trials designed to leave them with no will at
all. They were to learn to be obedient. Loyola taught that their only desire would be to
serve the Pope.
The head of the Jesuits is called the "Black Pope" and holds the title of General, just
as in the military. That they were to be unquestionably loyal to this man and their church
is reflected in Loyola's own words, "Let us be convinced that all is well and right when
the superior commands it," also, "...even if God gave you an animal without sense for
master, you will not hesitate to obey him, as master and guide, because God ordained it
to be so." He further elaborates, "We must see black as white, if the Church says so."55
The Devil's Plainclothesmen
What would be the method used by the Jesuits to achieve their goals? Would it be
military might? Would it be acts of daring? Would it be a violent revolution to install a
Roman sympathizer as ruler? No, these actions would all have their day of usefulness,
The Jesuits were to be the Vatican's "plainclothesmen." They were founded to be a
secret society, a society that was to slide in behind the scenes and capture the positions
of leadership. The Jesuits knew that to capture the leaders of any particular country or
organization is to conquer the entire body.
Edmund Paris, the noted French author and leading authority on the Roman Catholic
Church, has written many books exposing the true spirit and goals of the Vatican. He
points out, "Politics are their main field of action, as all the efforts of these 'directors'
concentrate on one aim: the submission of the world to the papacy, and to attain this the
'heads' must be conquered first."56
The Jesuit priests were not required to dress in the traditional garb of the Roman
Catholic priests. In fact, their dress was a major part of their disguise. They presented
themselves to the world in a variety of manners. They passed themselves off in a number
of ways. Paris asserts that this is still true today, "It is the same today: the 33,000 official
members of the Society operate all over the world in the capacity of her personnel,
officers of a truly secret army containing in its ranks heads of political parties, high
ranking officials, generals, magistrates, physicians, faculty professors, etc., all of them
striving to bring about, in their own sphere, 'Opus Dei,' God's work, in reality the plans
of the papacy."57
They have often been known to join the religious persuasion which they wish to
destroy. Having done this, they would manifest all of the destructive force at their hands
to weaken and tear down their sworn enemy of "Protestantism." Paris again reports just
such an event which took place in Scandinavia in the late 16th Century, "In 1574 Father
Nicolai and other Jesuits were brought to the recently established school of technology
where they became fervent Roman proselytizers, while officially assuming
Lutheranism."58 Dr. Desanctis points out, "Despite all the persecution they (the Jesuits)
have met with, they have not abandoned England, where there are a greater number of
Jesuits than in Italy; there are Jesuits in all classes of society; in Parliament; among the
English clergy; among the Protestant laity, even in the higher stations. I could not
comprehend how a Jesuit could be a Protestant priest, or how a Protestant priest could be
a Jesuit; but my Confessor silenced my scruples by telling me, omnia munda mundis,
and that St. Paul became a Jew that he might save the Jews; it is no wonder therefore, if
a Jesuit should feign himself a Protestant, for the conversion of Protestants."59
Holy Murder
Murder is not above the "means" which might be necessary to reach the desired "end."
The General of the Jesuits will forgive any sins which are committed by the members of
this Satanic order. In reference to the Jesuit General it is stated, "He also absolves the
irregularity issuing, from bigamy, injuries done to others, murder, assassination ... as
long as these wicked deeds were not publickly known and this cause of a scandal."60
That the Jesuit priests have such liberties as murder is reflected in the following
lengthy quote from Paris' book The Secret History of the Jesuits.
"Amongst the most criminal jesuitic maxims, there is one which roused public
indignation to the highest point and deserves to be examined; it is: 'A monk or
priest is allowed to kill those who are ready to slander him or his community.'

So the order gives itself the right to eliminate its adversaries and even those of its
members who, having come out of it, are too talkative. This pearl is found in the
Theology of Father L'Amy.

There is another case where this principle finds its application. For this same
Jesuit was cynical enough to write: 'If a Father, yielding to temptation, abuses a
woman and she publicizes what has happened, and because of it, dishonours him,
this same Father can kill her to avoid disgrace!'"61

In 1572, the Jesuits, with the help of Prince Henry III were responsible for the St.
Bartholomew's Day Massacre. At this infamous event, which took place on August 15,
1572, the Jesuits murdered the Huguenot (Protestant) leaders gathered in Paris for the
wedding of Princess Margaret, a Roman Catholic, and Henry of Navarre, a Huguenot.
The murders inspired Roman Catholics to slaughter thousands of Huguenot men,
women, and children. Henry of Navarre was not killed but was forced to renounce
Protestantism, although his renounciation was insincere, and he remained a Protestant
until 1593. The number of victims in this Jesuit conspiracy is estimated to be at least
10,000.62 In 1589, when Henry III was no longer useful to the Roman Catholic Church,
he was assassinated by a monk by the name of Jacques Clement.63 Clement was called
an "angel" by the Jesuit priest, Camelet.64 Another Jesuit priest by the name of Guigard,
who was eventually hanged, taught his students that Clement did nothing wrong. In fact,
he voiced his regrets that Henry III had not been murdered earlier at the St.
Bartholomew's Day Massacre. He instructed them with lessons such as this: "Jacques
Clement has done a meritor-ious act inspired by the Holy Spirit. If we can make war
against the king, then let us do it; if we cannot make war against him, then let us put him
to death ... we made a big mistake at the St. Bartholomew; we should have bled the royal
The Jesuits' murderous ways were not yet completed in the history of French
Protestants! When Henry III was murdered, Henry of Navarre a Huguenot, came to
power. A hope for Catholic rebellion never materialized, and Henry IV was allowed to
reign. In 1592, an attempt was made to assassinate the Protestant king by a man named
Barriere. Barriere admitted that he had been instructed to do so by a Father Varade, a
Jesuit priest.66 In 1594, another attempt was made by Jean Chatel who had been taught
by Jesuit teachers and had confessed to the Jesuits what he was about to do.67 It was at
this time that Father Guigard, the Jesuit teacher previously mentioned, was seized and
hanged for his connection with this plot.68
In 1598, King Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes, granting religious freedom to the
Huguenots. They were allowed full civil rights and the right to hold public worship
services in towns where they had congregations.
This was the last straw! Henry IV had to be eliminated! This time the Jesuits would
allow for more careful planning. Edmund Paris details the assassination of King Henry
"On the 16th of May, 1610, on the eve of his campaign against Austria, he was
murdered by Ravaillac who confessed having been inspired by the writing of
Fathers Mariana and Suarez. These two sanctioned the murders of heretic "tyrants"
or those insufficiently devoted to the Papacy's interests. The duke of Epemon, who
made the king read a letter while the assassin was lying in wait, was a notorious
friend of the Jesuits, and Michelet proved that they knew of this attempt. In fact,
Ravaillac had confessed to the Jesuit Father d'Aubigny just before and, when the
judges interrogated the priest, he merely replied that God had given him the gift to
forget immediately what he heard in the confessional."69
THIS is the spirit of our enemy! THIS is the ruthlessness of the Roman Catholic
Church against those who will not bow their knee to Rome! Would God use this church
to preserve His Word?
Wherever there is a conspiracy against God's people or God's Word, there seems
always to be the shadow of a Jesuit priest near. Often they present themselves as
seemingly innocent to the proceedings around them when, in fact, they are the driving
force behind such plots against God's work.
It is often said that you can tell a lot about a man by taking a close look at his
enemies. If a man is disliked by Communists, then that shows that he is a non-
Communist and considered dangerous to their cause. If a man is disliked by the Roman
Catholic Church, then this shows that he is not useful in spreading the Roman Catholic
This same thing is true of the Bible. What did the Jesuits, the sworn enemy of truth,
think of the Authorized Version?
The Gunpowder Plot
To show the hatred of the Roman Catholic Church against King James for initiating a
translation which would not use the corrupt Latin Vulgate or the Jesuit Bible of 1582, we
must quote from Gustavus Paine's book, The Men Behind the King James Version. The
account recorded took place in 1605-1606.
"The story is too involved to give detail here, but on October 26, the Lord
Chamberlain, Monteagle, received an unsigned letter begging him to stay away
from Parliament on the day it opened. He took the letter to Robert Cecil, who on
November 1 showed it to the king at a midnight meeting. The King shrewdly
surmised a good deal of what it meant.

Monday, November 4, an agent of the royal party found in a cellar beneath the
House of Lords a man named Guy Fawkes, disguised as a servant, beside piles of
faggots, billets of wood, and masses of coal. The agent went away. Shortly
Monteagle and one other came and talked, but gave no heed to Fawkes, who was
still on guard until they were about to go. He told them he was a servant of Thomas
Percy, a well-known papist. Still later, at midnight, soldiers found Fawkes booted
and spurred and with a lantern outside the cellar door. He had taken few pains to
conceal his actions. They dragged him into an alley, searched him, and found on
him a tinderbox and a length of slow match. In a fury now, they moved the faggots,
billets and coal and came upon barrel after barrel of powder, thirty-six barrels in all.
Fawkes then confessed that he meant to blow up the House of Lords and the king.

On November 6, Percy, with others, rushed into an inn at Dunchurch,

Warwickshire, with the news that the court was aware of their plan. By the 8th the
whole attempt had dearly failed. When Parliament met a week after the stated day,
the King, calm, gracious, and splendid told what had happened and then adjourned
the meeting. At first Fawkes refused to name any except Percy who, with others,
was killed in the course of a chase. In time he gave the names of all, who would
have blown up the House of Lords 'at a clap.'

Guy Fawkes was baptized at St. Michael le Belfrey, York, April 16, 1570, son of
Edward Fawkes, a proctor and advocate in the church courts of York. The father
died and the mother married a Papist. In 1603 Guy Fawkes went to Madrid to urge
that Philip III invade England. Thus he was a confirmed traitor, though egged on
and used by more astute plotters.

Some of these men had been involved in the rising of the Earl of Esses. A
number were former members of the Church of England. Most of them had some
land and wealth. They were all highly disturbed beings, throwbacks, who meant to
subvert the state and get rid of King James. Church and state, they were sure, must
be at one, with fealty to the Pope.

For nearly a year, the plotters had been digging a tunnel from a distance, but had
found the wall under the House of Lords nine feet thick. They had then got access
to the cellar by renting a building. They had planned to kill the King, seize his
children, stir up an open revolt with the aid from Spaniards in Flanders, put
Princess Elizabeth on the throne, and marry her to a Papist. Though all but one, Sir
Everard Digby, pleaded not guilty, the court, such as it was, condemned them all to
death. That same week they were all hanged, four in St. Paul's churchyard where
John Overall, the translator, could have looked on and four in the yard of the old

Three months later came the trial of Henry Garnet, a Jesuit, thought to be head of
the Jesuits in England. Brought up a Protestant, he knew of the plot but had shrunk
in horror from it, though he left the chosen victims to their fate. The court
condemned him also to die.

All this concerned the men at work on the Bible. At Garnet's hanging, May 3, in
St. Paul's churchyard, John Overall, Dean of St. Paul's took time off from his
translating to be present. Very gravely and Christ-ianily he and the Dean of
Winchester urged upon Garnet 'a true and lively faith to God-ward,' a free and plain
statement to the world of his offense; and if any further treason lay in his
knowledge, he was begged to unburden his conscience and show a sorrow and
destination of it. Garnet, firm in his beliefs, desired them not to trouble him. So
after the men assigned to the gruesome duty had hanged, drawn, and quartered the
victim Dean Overall returned to St. Paul's and his Bible task."70

Thus the "Gunpowder Plot" failed. As usual, where there was treachery there was a
Did the failure of this plan stop the Jesuits? Of course not. Garnet had allowed this
drastic plan to be carried out too soon. He had forgotten the Jesuit rule to act a little at a
time "surtout, pas trop de zele" (above all, not too much zeal).
A New Plan
Let it be remembered, Jesuits do not give up. They would have to bide their time.
They would once again resort to undercover activities as they had so many times before.
Their task would be a difficult one, yet for the unfaltering Jesuits, not impossible. They
would have to discredit the Reformation. They would have to dislodge the Universal
Greek Text from the firm position it held in the minds and hearts of English scholarship.
They would have to "wean" Protestantism back into the fold of Rome. To do this they
would use the same plan as they had in similar situations: captivate the minds of
Men have long been worshippers of education. If an educator makes a claim, the
"common" people will follow, because they have convinced themselves that anyone with
that much education can't be wrong.
Evolution has been accepted as a fact by the average American because educators
claim that it is true. The fact that they can produce no evidence to substantiate their
theory is incidental. Education says it is so!
The Jesuits' task was to entice Protestant scholarship back to Rome. They knew that
they could not wean the leaders of Protestantism back into Rome as long as the stubborn
"heretics" clung to the pure text of the Reformers. This Bible would have to be replaced
with one which contained the pro-Roman Catholic readings of Jerome's Vulgate and the
Jesuit translation of 1582. It would be necessary to "educate" the Protestant scholars to
believe that their Reformation Text was unreliable and that their Authorized Version was
"not scholarly." Once thus programmed, the egotistical scholars would spontaneously
attack their own Bible and believe that they were helping God.
The most important objective to be realized would be to replace the Bible as the final
The Authorized Version had become a mightier foe than Rome had anticipated as Dr.
McClure points out: "The printing of the English Bible has proved to be by far the
mightiest barrier ever reared to repel the advance of Popery, and to damage all the
resources of the Papacy. Originally intended for the five or six millions who dwelt
within the narrow limits of the British Islands, it at once formed and fixed their
language, till then unsettled; and has since gone with that language to the isles and
shores of every sea."
The Dreaded Happening
What the Roman Catholics had always dreaded had come to pass. The Word of God
was translated from the true text into the clearest form of the common language,
English. Protestants had long refuted and neutralized Roman Catholicism by the phrase,
"The Bible says so." The Roman Catholic Church had been built on about 10% twisted
Scripture and 90% superstition. Where men were ignorant, it could rule by playing on
their fears. But, when the "ignorant and unlearned" people received Christ as personal
Saviour and clung faithfully to the King James Bible, they were not only immovable but
could easily refute any heresy, be it Catholic or otherwise.
Aiding The Enemy
The job of the Jesuits would be aided by the natural process of time. Every major
religious persuasion follows a natural pattern which is nearly impossible to avoid. They
begin in the form of a revival, not a week long revival meeting, but a spiritual
awakening which leads its followers away from the world system and into Bible
literalism. The Reformation is a good example. People drew nearer to the Bible,
believed it literally, and the end result was a revival which swept Europe and drew
people out of the Roman Catholic system.
The next step is education. The infant Reformation had nowhere to send its converts
to learn the Bible. It certainly could not allow them to return to the Roman school of
philosophy for their education. So the second step is to build your own schools and train
your own preachers and teachers.
The third step is culture. Once a movement has established itself, it forms its own
culture. This process takes from 50 to 100 years. After this period of time, the movement
has proved to the world that it is not a "fly by night" outfit but is a force to be reckoned
with. This was true of Lutheranism, as it is now true of Fundamentalism.
Fifty years ago, a Fundamentalist preacher was considered a backwoods "hick" with
no education and was able to preach nothing more than "hell, fire, and damnation."
Today, the world has awakened to the fact that Fundamentalism is a powerful force.
Fundamental churches are found to be the largest and fastest growing in the country.
Television and magazines are producing special stories concerning the Fundamental
movement. The election of 1980 showed the amount of influence that Fundamentalism
could have. Fundamentalism has proven that it is here to stay.
This acceptance produces a kind of "home-grown" arrogance. This is not a derogatory
comment, but is true.
When the preachers of the Reformation graduated from basements and dungeons to
the pulpits of the largest, fastest growing churches in Europe, they realized that they had
fought their way to victory. As they saw their colleges grow and multiply, they prided
themselves in the job they had done. But the new-found ease of life began to make a
subtle change. They found themselves beginning to appreciate the "finer" things of life.
A pastor who had been satisfied in the early days of the Reformation with a basement
and one candle for light to preach by, twenty-five years later found himself in a fine,
clean, functional building. As his congregation grew and space was needed, the church
built bigger buildings, but the new buildings passed from functional simplicity to a
"touch of elegance." The chandeliers became more ornate. The ceiling became higher.
The pews were more comfortable. The windows saw the use of stained glass, a Roman
Catholic custom. The pastor found social acceptance in the community. Each succeeding
building was "bigger and better" with more elaborate masonry. The preachers and people
began to find time to "appreciate" the arts and sciences. The Christians soon had a
culture which was separate from but parallel to that of the world. This left the door open
for the next and final step, apostasy.
The preachers became "clergy." Their separated lives and Biblical education led to
Phariseeism. Their colleges expanded from just training ministers to covering a wider
spectrum of occupations. Basic Bible courses were supplemented by a study of "the
Revival is from God. Education is necessary to the training of God's ministers, but
culture is a product that appeals to the flesh. Once the flesh is allowed to offer its
preferences, apostasy sets in. Standards become a little more lax. College professors are
hired according to their academic abilities first and the spiritual convictions second.
Statements like "We must have the best" and "I want to be first-class" are used to
comfort the fears of anyone who feels that the churches and schools seem a little
worldly. Of course, a school administrator might find himself thinking, "The average
Christian doesn't understand our minute changes. They aren't educated like we are."
There suddenly appears a Christian with an open Bible, who points out Scripture
which may condemn the new found "culture" of a church or school. The school
amazingly finds itself in the same position as the Roman Catholic Church, refuted by an
ignorant Christian who believes the Bible. Which is to be the final authority, the school
or the Bible? Time after time, education has found that it has come too far to turn back.
"We are!" came the answer from Oxford, Cambridge, and Westminister in England. "We
are!" came the answer from Harvard, Princeton, and Yale in America. Education has
conceived culture and given birth to apostasy!
Ripe for Conquest
England in the early 1800's was ripe for apostasy. The Reformation had come a long
way since Luther nailed his theses on the door of Wittenburg. It had traversed Europe
with the truth, leaving in its wake churches and schools that represented the pure text of
Scripture. The educational foundation had been laid, upon which culture was built. Gone
were the attempts to blow up Parliament. Gone was the fear of ending up like Tyndale
for believing "the Book." Gone was the reign of terror inflicted by "bloody" Mary. The
churches built around the Authorized Version were rich and prosperous. The colleges,
from their meager beginnings, had become great universities, pressing on with higher
education. There were a few "common" people who still feared Rome, but the
"educators" knew that their fears were "unfounded." England was ripe for a transfer of
authority from the Bible to education, and Rome was willing to supply the education.
The absolute reign of the Authorized Version would soon end.
Operation "Undermine"
The Authorized Version had withstood countless attacks, but it would now be subject
to a systematic campaign to exhalt several authorities to a position equal to it. These
perverted "authorities" would then join forces to portray the Authorized Version as weak,
unreliable, inaccurate, outmoded, and generally untrustworthy. Once the Authorized
Version had been successfully dethroned, education would be free to exalt whatever
authority it desired to. The Roman Catholic Church, of course, would be close at hand to
see to it that the authority which was to be exalted would be in agreement with its own
corrupt Latin Vulgate.
The authorities to be exalted as equal with the Authorized Version came from several
different quarters, but all with the same intent. Replace the Universal Text of the
Authorized Version with the Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt.
Science "Falsely So-Called"
One of the authorities which would be used to discredit the Authorized Version was
"textual criticism."
Textual criticism is known as a "science." By being called a science, it will be
accepted by the educated mind. It is a process which looks at the Bible as it would look
at the uninspired writings of any secular writer. This one fact alone means that the power
of God to preserve His Word is ignored in favor of the naturalistic method of evaluating
the "chance" of God's Word being preserved. Textual criticism allows God to "inspire"
His originals, but seeks to replace God as the active agent in preserving His Word.
Earlier we established that the Bible was a spiritual book, that God was active in its
conception, and that it would be reasonable to assume that God could be just as active in
its preservation.
One might ask at this point if textual criticism could not be the method which God
used to preserve His Words? The answer is unequivocably, "No." Here are the reasons
Textual critics look at the Bible today through the same eyes as the Egyptian scribes
did who perverted the Universal Text to construct the Local Text centuries ago. Those
well-educated scribes thought that the Bible was subject to them instead of them being
subject to the Bible. This outlook allowed them to eliminate the power of God from their
minds and make whatever changes they deemed necessary to reach a conclusion which
seemed logical to them. They were the Holy Spirit in their minds!
Today textual critics do the same, in that, before they ever start their work, they are
convinced that God cannot preserve His Word without their assistance. Scholars today
believe that God inspired words but preserved thoughts.
Another reason why textual criticism could not be the method God used to preserve
His Word is that it comes from Rome.
The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "A French priest, Richard Simon (1638-1712), was
the first who subjected the general questions concerning the Bible to a treatment which
was at once comprehensive in scope and scientific in method. Simon is the forerunner of
modern Biblical criticism ... The use of internal evidence by which Simon arrived at it
entitles him to be called the father of Biblical criticism"72
The same source also mentions the Catholic scholar Jean Astruc:
"In 1753 Jean Astruc, a French Catholic physician of considerable note published a
little book, Conjectures sur les memoires originaux dont il parait que Moise s'est servi
pour composer le livre de la Genese, in which he conjectured, from the alternating use
of two names of God in the Hebrew Genesis, that Moses had incorporated therein two
pre-existing documents, one of which employed Elohim and the other Jehovah. The idea
attracted little attention till it was taken up by a German scholar, who, however, claims
to have made the discovery independently. This was Johann Gottfried Eichhorn ...
Eichhorn greatly developed Astruc's hypothesis."73
The same source also speaks of yet another Roman Catholic infidel:
"Yet, it was a Catholic priest of Scottish origin, Alexander Geddes (1737-1802), who
broached a theory of the origin of the Five Books (to which he attached Joshua)
exceeding in boldness either Simon's or Eichhorn's. This was the well-known 'Fragment'
hypothesis, which reduced the Pentateuch to a collection of fragmentary sections partly
of Mosaic origin, but put together in the reign of Solomon. Geddes' opinion was
introduced into Germany in 1805 by Vater."74
Dr. Benjamin Wilkenson records how the naturalistic, unsaved Roman Catholic
scholars judged in favor of the perverted Egyptian manuscripts: "Some of the earliest
critics in the field of collecting variant readings of the New Testament Greek were Mill
and Bengel. We have Dr. Kenrick, Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia in 1849, as authority
that they and others had examined these manuscripts recently exalted as superior, such
as the Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Beza, and Ephraem, and had pronounced in favor of the
Vulgate, the Catholic Bible."75
Stop and think! Naturalistic as opposed to spiritual. Unsaved as opposed to saved.
Roman Catholic as opposed to Biblical. These men conceived and developed theories
which attacked the reliability of Scripture and judged in favor of the perverted Egyptian
Are these men and methods worthy of fellowship? Would a perfect and righteous God
use such a hodgepodge of infidelity to preserve His hallowed Words? Some may say that
textual criticism is good if carried on by good, godly Christian men. This cannot be true.
The "mass" is a Roman Catholic invention contrived to prevent people from knowing
the truth. Would the mass be "good" if performed by good, Bible-believing scholars? Of
course not! Elisha took poison and made it fit to eat, (II Kings 4:38-41). We cannot!
Neither can we take a method instigated by the Roman Catholic Church in order to
overthrow the Bible and filled with the poison of Romanism and miraculously make it
fit to use! Textual criticism is a "science" (falsely so-called - I Timothy 6:20) whose
authority we cannot accept in place of the Bible.
The Greek Game
Another authority by which to judge and down-grade the absolute authority of the
Authorized Version is to change the meaning of the translation and the words used in
First the student is taught that he must not accept a word as it is in the Authorized
Version. He is told to study the Greek or Hebrew words to see if there is another way the
word could be translated. The student, with the purest of motives, proceeds to a lexicon
or a Greek or Hebrew dictionary and discovers to His horror that the translators of the
Authorized Version have translated the word improperly! In truth, the exact opposite has
happened. The lexicon and/or dictionary has defined the word improperly! The poor,
naive, well-meaning student does not know it, but he has been "headed off at the pass."
Years before this poor student ever turned the first page of his lexicon, Roman
Catholics provided the pages he would turn! Let me explain. If the student can be taught
to doubt the accuracy of the translation of any given word in the Bible, then we will turn
to a lexicon or dictionary to find the "'true" meaning. He does not realize it, but in doing
this, he removes the Bible from its position as final authority and bestows that honor
upon an uninspired lexicon or dictionary. All this leaves Satan to do, is to provide that
student with a lexicon or dictionary which reads the way he (Satan) wants it to! This is a
subtle and dangerous precedent. Most often, it is taught in complete, innocent sincerity.
This is much like the phrase used to explain the Communist's takeover of many
countries which were once thriving with many missionaries: "The missionaries taught us
to read, but the Communists gave us the books." (The Communists do not argue about
the proper translation of Marx.)
Many unsuspecting colleges teach their students to accept the lexicon or dictionary as
an authority above the Bible, but the lexicons and dictionaries are provided by the
John R. Rice points out the result of such "authority switching" while discussing
Isaiah 7:14 in the Revised Standard Version: "The most active opposition to the Revised
Standard Version has been about changing the translation of Isaiah 7:14 from, 'Behold, a
virgin shall conceive,' to 'Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son.' Dr.
Luther Weigle, chairman of the translators, said that in the Hebrew English lexicon the
word 'alma' means simply 'young woman,' not necessarily 'virgin' and he said that the
word for 'virgin' in the Hebrew is 'bethulah.'" He did not tell you, however, that the
lexicon he uses was prepared by unbelieving critics.
Gensenius, the German orientalist and biblical critic, is described in the Encyclopedia
Britannica in these words:
"To Gensenius, who was an exceptionally popular teacher, belongs in a large
measure the credit of having freed Semitic philosophy from theological and
religious prepossession, and of inaugurating the strictly scientific (and
comparative) method.

His chief work, Hebraisches u. Chaldais- ches Handworterbuch (1810-1812),

has passed through several editions (Eng. ed.: Francis Brown, S.R. Driver and
Charles A. Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 1907).

Gensenius, a notorious liberal, specialized in changing the theological

terminology of the Bible into that of liberals. Brown, Driver, and Briggs, translators
of the lexicon in English were, all three of them, radical liberals, and two of them
were tried in the Presbyterian church for outrageous infidelity."76

Wilkenson reports that two of the infamous Roman Catholic scholars previously
mentioned also entered into the practice of providing definitive works. "Simon and
Eichhorn were co-authors of a Hebrew Dictionary."77
Such infidelic works are accepted because they are produced by "great scholars."
They are then used by good, godly men who do not realize the price of bowing to
unbelieving scholarship.
Another important step in subtlety removing the authority of the Authorized Version is
to exalt the unreliable MSS of the Local Text of Egypt. This will be commented on later.
Let it suffice for now to reveal the man who laid the groundwork for just such a move.
His name was J.J. Griesbach (1745-1812).
Griesbach divided the extant MSS into three groups. One was called the
"Constantinopolitan" family which is our Universal Text. The other two were known as
"Western" and "Alexandrian."
As can be expected, Griesbach was not a Bible believer. In fact, he stated, "The New
Testament abounds in more glosses, additions, and interpolations purposely introduced
than any other book."78 He was also antagonostic to any verse which taught the
fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Whenever possible he devised means to
cast doubt on such passages. He said, "the most suspicious reading of all, is the one that
yields a sense favorable to the nourishment of piety (especially monastic piety). When
there are many variant readings in one place, that reading which more than the others
manifestly favors the dogmas of the orthodox is deservedly regarded as suspicious."79
It is strange indeed that Dr. Griesbach should expect orthodox Christians to
manipulate the book which they truly believe to be from God, in order to teach
Christianity more fervently. He never mentioned any apprehension that heretics might
delete and alter doctrinal passages. What kind of scholarship is it that naturally suspects
born-again Christians of an act bordering on sacrilege, but never doubts the integrity of
infidels? Is this God's method?
Whatever it was that possessed Griesbach to suspect Christians of such criminal acts
also possessed two of his followers. Hill explains:
"Westcott and Hort professed to 'venerate' the name of Griesbach above that of
every other textual critic of the New Testament. Like Griesbach they believed that
the orthodox Christian scribes had altered the New Testament manuscripts in the
interest of orthodoxy. Hence like Griesbach, they ruled out in advance any
possibility of the providential preservation of the New Testament text through the
usage of believers. But at the same time they were very zealous to deny that
heretics had made any intentional changes in the New Testament text. 'It will not be
out of place,' they wrote, 'to add here a distinct expression of our belief that even
among the numerous unquestionably spur-ious readings of the New Testament,
there are no signs of deliberate falsification of the text for dogmatic purposes.' The
effect of this one-sided theory was to condemn the text found in the majority of the
New Testament manuscripts and exonerate that of B and Aleph."80

Thus the Local Text, supported by the Roman Catholic Church, became an authority
equal to or higher than the Universal Text of the Authorized Version in spite of the many
doctrinal changes. After all, Griesbach, Westcott, and Hort had already established that
heretics never falsify Scripture--only Christians do!
As the infidelity of men such as this is accepted as authorative, Christians begin to
look to their Bible with more and more skepticism. What more could Satan desire?
Are these men to be blamed for their failure to accept the Bible as infallible, or have
they been unsuspecting dupes of a plan much bigger and far more serious than they
could have ever suspected? Let us see.
The Puppeteer
One man who became greatly responsible for the fall of England to a sympathetic
acceptance of Roman Catholic ideas was Cardinal Wiseman (1802-1865).
Wiseman was the prime mover in installing the Roman Catholic Church back on the
shore of England. He was born and raised in England. He went to Rome to study under
Cardinal Mai, the editor of the Vatican Manuscript.
Wiseman had a desire to see England return to the fold at Rome. One of the major
obstacles to this was the supremacy which the Authorized Version held there. Where the
Authorized Version prevails, Rome cannot.
The Puppets
While in Rome, he was visited by several Neo-Protestants. He was instrumental in
"weaning" these men back into subjection to the Pope. One of his visitors was William
Gladstone (1809-1898),who was to become prime minister of England. He was a man
known for his change from being a Conservative to a Liberal.
Another visitor was Anglican Archbishop Trench, who returned to England to promote
a revision of the Authorized Version and even joined the Revision Committee of 1871.
Still another was John Henry Newman. Newman was the brilliant English churchman
who was a leader of Oxford University and the English clergy.
Newman was close friends with Herrell Froude. Froude, Wilkenson tells us, was the
son of a High Churchman, "who loathed Protestantism, denounced the Evangelicals, and
brought up his sons to do the same."81
These two, Newman and Froude, joined affinity with John Keble. Keble, like Froude,
was of High Church background. He was strongly anti-Protestant and anti-
Newman and Froude visited Wiseman in Rome in 1833. Having been taken in by the
beautiful architecture of Rome's cathedrals and the solemn grandeur of the high masses,
the two Oxford professors inquired of Wiseman as to what terms the Roman Catholic
Church would require to accept the Church of England back into the Roman Church.
Wiseman's reply was cold and clear: The Church of England must accept the Council of
Trent. At this, Newman left Rome stating, "I have a work to do in England," a work
indeed, in which he, Froude, Keble, and Edward Pusey joined forces to swing England
back to Rome and to remove their primary adversary, the hated King James Bible.
Newman, brilliant man that he was, provided the strong intellectual leadership
needed. Pusey was the moralist, and Keble spoke through the delicate words of the poet
and captivated the hearts and minds of many an unsuspecting young scholar. Any who
lacked a strong stand on Bible principles would be easy prey for these apostates.
Newman, in fact, was so taken in by the spell of Rome that he, in 1845, left the
Church of England and formally joined the Roman Catholic Church, following a similar
apostate, named Ward, who had written a book teaching the worship of Mary and
"mental reservation." Mental reservation is the act, condoned by the Roman Catholic
Church, of lying to keep from revealing your ties to Rome.
Wilkenson records Newman's betrayal:
"Public sentiment was again aroused to intensity in 1845 when Ward, an
outstanding Tractarian, published His book which taught the most offensive Roman
views, Mariolatry, and mental reservation in subscribing to the Thirty-nine Articles.
When Oxford degraded him from his university rights, he went over in September
to the Church of Rome. It became very evident that Newman soon would follow.
On the night of October 8 Father Dominic, of the Italian Passionists, arrived at
Newman's quarters in a downpouring rain. After being received, he was standing
before the fire drying his wet garments. He turned around to see Newman prostrate
at his feet, begging his blessing, and asking him to hear his confession. Thus the
author of Lead Kindly Light passed over to Rome, and within one year 150
clergyman and eminent laymen also had joined the Catholic Church."83

Where was Wiseman through all of this? He was naturally close at hand. In 1836,
three years following Newman and Froude's visit, he had moved to Ireland to supervise
the Oxford Movement through his paper, the "Dublin Review." Wiseman was described
as, "a textual critic of the first rank, and assisted by the information seemingly passed on
to him from the Jesuits, he was able to finish the facts well calculated to combat
confidence in the Protestant Bible." 84 (Emphasis mine.)
England had graduated from "revival" to "education," and her "education" had
developed into her own unique "culture." From there, the Roman Catholic Church was
willing to supply the apostasy.
Where We Stand
Today in colleges and churches across America and around the world, truly good,
godly men who love the Lord Jesus and sincerely desire to serve Him, are
unsuspectingly propagating the Roman Catholic method of textual criticism. The result
is that Christian soldiers who go out to fight Rome, either with a perfect Bible which
they have been taught to doubt, or else an unreliable translation of the Rome-supported
Local Text, which is worthy of all suspicion.
Education in America has come to the place of either having to swallow its pride,
admit it has been wrong, and return to the true Bible; or else make another more
vehement attack on the Authorized Bible in hopes of finally silencing it and its
supporters, in the hope of hiding its mistake. Christians be warned! The Revised Version
did not ring the death note for the King James Bible. It rang the death note for England!
All of the translations before and after 1881 which were going to replace the
Authorized Version lie silently in the "grave" right now. Those which do not, shall soon
join their ranks in the halls of the "improved," "thoroughly reliable," "truly accurate,"
and "starters of a new tradition," dead. They have failed to start one revival. They have
failed to induce Christians back to reading their Bibles, and have only succeeded in
casting doubt on the true Word of God. The question is, can we repair the damage
already done and proceed from here? The answer is YES!
Chapter 8: Westcott and Hort
Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1903) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) have
been highly controversial figures in biblical history.
On one side, their supporters have heralded them as great men of God, having greatly
advanced the search for the original Greek text.
On the other side, their opponents have leveled charges of heresy, infidelity, apostasy,
and many others, claiming that they are guilty of wreaking great damage on the true text
of Scripture.
I have no desire to "sling mud" nor a desire to hide facts.
I believe it is essential at this time that we examine what we know about these men
and their theories concerning the text of the Bible.
I long sought for copies of the books about their lives. These are The Life and Letters
of Brooke Foss Westeott, by his son, Arthur, and The Life and Letters of Fenton John
Anthony Hort, written by his son.
After literally months of trying, I was able to acquire copies of them both for study.
Most of the material in this section will be directly from these sources so as to prevent it
from being secondhand.
We cannot blindly accept the finding of any scholar without investigating what his
beliefs are concerning the Bible and its doctrines. Scholarship alone makes for an
inadequate and dangerous authority, therefore we are forced to scrutinize these men's
A Monumental Switch
Westcott and Hort were responsible for the greatest feat in textual criticism. They
were responsible for replacing the Universal Text of the Authorized Version with the
Local Text of Egypt and the Roman Catholic Church. Both Wescott and Hort were
known to have resented the pre-eminence given to the Authorized Version and its
underlying Greek Text. They had been deceived into believing that the Roman Catholic
manuscripts, Vaticanus and Aleph, were better because they were "older." This they
believed, even though Hort admitted that the Antiochian or Universal Text was equal in
antiquity. "The fundamental text of the late extant Greek MSS generally is beyond all
question identical with the dominant Antiochian or Graeco-Syrian Text of the second
half of the Fourth Century."85
Vicious Prejudice
In spite of the fact that the readings of the Universal Text were found to be as old, or
older, Westcott and Hort still sought to dislodge it from its place of high standing in
biblical history. Hort occasionally let his emotions show, "I had no idea till the last few
weeks of the importance of text, having read so little Greek Testament, and dragged on
with the villainous Textus Receptus ... Think of the vile Textus Receptus leaning entirely
on late MSS; it is a blessing there are such early ones."86
Westcott and Hort built their own Greek text based primarily on a few uncial MSS of
the Local Text. It has been stated earlier that these perverted MSS do not even agree
among themselves. The ironic thing is that Westcott and Hort knew this when they
formed their text!
Burgon exposed Dr. Hort's confession, "Even Hort had occasion to notice an instance
of the concordia discourse." Commenting on the four places in Mark's gospel (14:30, 68,
72, a, b) where the cock's crowing is mentioned said, "The confusion of attestation
introduced by these several cross currents of change is so great that of the seven
principal MSS, Aleph, A, B, C, D, L, no two have the same text in all four places."87
A Shocking Revelation
That these men should lend their influence to a family of MSS which have a history of
attacking and diluting the major doctrines of the Bible, should not come as a surprise.
Oddly enough, neither man believed that the Bible should be treated any differently than
the writings of the lost histor-ians and philosophers!
Hort wrote, "For ourselves, we dare not introduce considerations which could not
reasonably be applied to other ancient texts, supposing them to have documentary
attestation of equal amount, variety and antiquity."88
He also states, "In the New Testament, as in almost all prose writings which have
been much copied, corruptions by interpolation are many times more numerous than
corruptions by omission." (Emphasis mine.)89
We must consider these things for a moment. How can God use men who do not
believe that His Book is any different than Shakespeare, Plato, or Dickens? It is a
fundamental belief that the Bible is different from all other writings. Why did these men
not believe so?
Blatant Disbelief
Their skepticism does, in fact, go even deeper. They have both become famous for
being able to deny scriptural truth and still be upheld by fundamental Christianity as
biblical authorities! Both Westcott and Hort failed to accept the basic Bible doctrines
which we hold so dear and vital to our fundamental faith.
Hort denies the reality of Eden: "I am inclined to think that no such state as 'Eden'(I
mean the popular notion) ever existed, and that Adam's fall in no degree differed from
the fall of each of his descendants, as Coleridge justly argues."90
Furthermore, he took sides with the apostate authors of "Essays and Reviews."
Hort writes to Rev. Rowland Williams, October 21, 1858, "Further I agree with them
[Authors of "Essays and Reviews"] in condemning many leading specific doctrines of
the popular theology ... Evangelicals seem to me perverted rather than untrue. There are,
I fear, still more serious differences between us on the subject of authority, and
especially the authority of the Bible."91
We must also confront Hort's disbelief that the Bible was infallible: "If you make a
decided conviction of the absolute infallibility of the N.T. practically a sine qua non for
co-operation, I fear I could not join you." He also stated:
"As I was writing the last words a note came from Westcott. He too mentions
having had fears, which he now pronounces 'groundless,' on the strength of our last
conversation, in which he discovered that I did 'recognize' 'Providente' in biblical
writings. Most strongly I recognize it; but I am not prepared to say that it
necessarily involves absolute infallibility. So I still await judgment."

And further commented to a colleague:

"But I am not able to go as far as you in asserting the absolute infallibility of a
canonical writing."92

Strange Bedfellows
Though unimpressed with the evangelicals of his day, Hort had great admiration for
Charles Darwin! To his colleague, B.F. Westcott, he wrote excitedly: "...Have you read
Darwin? How I should like to talk with you about it! In spite of difficulties, I am
inclined to think it unanswerable. In any case it is a treat to read such a book."
And to John Ellerton he writes: "But the book which has most engaged me is Darwin.
Whatever may be thought of it, it is a book that one is proud to be contemporary with ...
My feeling is strong that the theory is unanswerable. If so, it opens up a new period."93
Dr. Hort was also an adherent to the teaching of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His son
writes: "In undergraduate days, if not before, he came under the spell of Coleridge."94
Coleridge was the college drop-out whose drug addiction is an historical fact. "The
opium habit, begun earlier to deaden the pain of rheumatism, grew stronger. After vainly
trying in Malta and Italy to break away from opium, Coleridge came back to England in
One of Coleridge's famous works is Aids to Reflection. "Its chief aim is to harmonize
formal Christianity with Coleridge's variety of transcendental philosophy. He also did
much to introduce Immanual Kant and other German philosophers to English readers."96
This man, Coleridge, had a great influence on the two scholars from Cambridge.
Forsaking Colossians 2:8
Hort was also a lover of Greek philosophy. In writing to Mr. A. MacMillian, he stated:
"You seem to make (Greek) philosophy worthless for those who have received the
Christian revelation. To me, though in a hazy way, it seems full of precious truth of
which I find nothing, and should be very much astonished and perplexed to find
anything in revelation."97
Lost in the Forest
In some cases Hort seemed to wander in the woods. In others he can only be
described as utterly "lost in the forest." Take, for example, his views on fundamental
Bible truths.
Hort's "Devil"
Concerning existence of a personal devil he wrote:
"The discussion which immediately precedes these four lines naturally leads to
another enigma most intimately connected with that of everlasting penalties,
namely that of the personality of the devil." It was Coleridge who some three years
ago first raised any doubts in my mind on the subject - doubts which have never yet
been at all set at rest, one way or the other. You yourself are very cautious in your

"Now if there be a devil, he cannot merely bear a corrupted and marred image of
God; he must be wholly evil, his name evil, his every energy and act evil. Would it
not be a violation of the divine attributes for the Word to be actively the support of
such a nature as that?"98

Hort's "Hell"
Rev. Hort also shrunk from the belief in a literal, eternal "hell."
"I think Maurice's letter to me sufficiently showed that we have no sure
knowledge respecting the duration of future punishment, and that the word 'eternal'
has a far higher meaning than the merely material one of excessively long duration;
extinction always grates against my mind as something impossible."99

"Certainly in my case it proceeds from no personal dread; when I have been

living most godlessly, I have never been able to frighten myself with visions of a
distant future, even while I 'held' the doctrine."100

Hort's "Purgatory'
Although the idea of a literal devil and a literal hell found no place in Hort's educated
mind, he was a very real believer in the fictious Roman Catholic doctrine of "purgatory."
To Rev. John Ellerton he wrote in 1854:
"I agree with you in thinking it a pity that Maurice verbally repudiates purgatory,
but I fully and unwaveringly agree with him in the three cardinal points of the
controversy: (1) that eternity is independent of duration; (2) that the power of
repentance is not limited to this life; (3) that it is not revealed whether or not all
will ultimately repent. The modern denial of the second has, I suppose, had more to
do with the despiritualizing of theology then almost anything that could be

Also while advising a young student he wrote:

"The idea of purgation, of cleansing as by fire, seems to me inseparable from
what the Bible teaches us of the Divine chastisements; and, though little is directly
said resecting the future state, it seems to me incredible that the Divine
chastisements should in this respect change their character when this visible life is

"I do not hold it contradictory to the Article to think that the condemned doctrine
has not been wholly injurious, inasmuch as it has kept alive some sort of belief in a
great and important truth."102

Thus we see that Dr. Hort's opinions were certainly not inhibited by orthodoxy. Yet his
wayward ways do not end here. For, as his own writings display, Dr. Hort fell short in
several other fundamental areas.
Hort's "Atonement"
There was also his rejection of Christ's atoning death for the sins of all mankind.
"The fact is, I do not see how God's justice can be satisfied without every man's
suffering in his own person the full penalty for his sins."103

In fact, Hort considered the teachings of Christ's atonement as heresy!

"Certainly nothing can be more unscriptural than the modern limiting of Christ's
bearing our sins and sufferings to His death; but indeed that is only one aspect of an
almost universal heresy."104

The fact is, that Hort believed Satan more worthy of accepting Christ's payment for
sins than God.
"I confess I have no repugnance to the primitive doctrine of a ransom paid to
Satan, though neither am I prepared to give full assent to it. But I can see no other
possible form in which the doctrine of a ransom is at all tenable; anything is better
than the notion of a ransom paid to the Father."105
Hort's "Baptism"
Dr. Hort also believed that the Roman Catholic teaching of "baptismal regeneration"
was more correct than the "evangelical" teaching.
" the same time in language stating that we maintain 'Baptismal
Regeneration' as the most important of doctrines ... the pure 'Romish' view seems to
me nearer, and more likely to lead to, the truth than the Evangelical."106

He also states that, "Baptism assures us that we are children of God, members of
Christ and His body, and heirs of the heavenly kingdom."107
In fact, Hort's heretical view of baptism probably cost his own son his eternal soul, as
we find Hort assuring his eldest son, Arthur, that his infant baptism was his salvation:
"You were not only born into the world of men. You were also born of Christian
parents in a Christian land. While yet an infant you were claimed for God by being
made in Baptism an unconscious member of His Church, the great Divine Society
which has lived on unceasingly from the Apostles' time till now. You have been
surrounded by Christian influences; taught to lift up your eyes to the Father in
heaven as your own Father; to feel yourself in a wonderful sense a member or part
of Christ, united to Him by strange invisible bonds; to know that you have as your
birthright a share in the kingdom of heaven."108

Hort's Twisted Belief

Along with Hort's unregenerated misconceptions of basic Bible truths, there were his
quirkish and sometimes quackish personal beliefs.
One such example is his hatred for democracy, as he asserts in a letter to Rev.
Westcott dated April 28, 1865:
"...I dare not prophesy about America, but I cannot say that I see much as yet to
soften my deep hatred of democracy in all its forms."109

In fact, Hort's hope, during the years of the American Civil War, was that the South
would win. This desire was fostered by the hope that such a victory would destroy both
countries to eliminate America's threat to England's domination of the world. His own
words betray this in a letter which he wrote to Rev. John Ellerton in September of 1862:
"I care more for England and for Europe than for America, how much more than
for all the niggers in the world! And I contend that the highest morality requires me
to do so. Some thirty years ago Niebuhr wrote to this effect: 'Whatever people may
say to the contrary, the American empire is standing menace to the whole
civilization of Europe and sooner or later one or the other must perish.' Every year
has, I think, brought fresh proof of the entire truth of these words. American
doctrine (only too well echoed from Europe itself, though felt to be at variance with
the institutions of Europe) destroys the root of everything vitally precious which
man has by painful growth been learning from the earliest times till now, and tends
only to reduce us to the gorilla state. The American empire seems to me mainly an
embodiment of American doctrine, its leading principle being lawless force. Surely,
if ever Babylon or Rome were rightly cursed it cannot be wrong to desire and pray
from the bottom of one's heart that the American Union may be shivered to pieces.

"I do not for a moment forget what slavery is, or the frightful effects which
Olmsted has shown it to be producing on white society in the South; but I hate it
much more for its influence on the whites than on the niggers themselves. The
refusal of education to them is abominable; how far they are capable of being
ennobled by it is not clear. As yet everywhere (not in slavery only) they have surely
shown themselves only as an immeasurably inferior race, just human and no more,
their religion frothy and sensuous, their highest virtues, those of a good
Newfoundland dog."110

Hort also had no respect for prominent Americans, be they politician or preacher.
Concerning President Abraham Lincoln he wrote: "I cannot see that he has shown any
special virtues or statesmanlike capacities."111 The great preacher D.L. Moody
impressed him as follows:
"Think of my going with Gray yesterday afternoon to hear 'Moody and Sankey'
at the Haymarket. I am very glad to have been, but should not care to go again. All
was much as I expected, except that the music was inferior, and altogether Sankey
did not leave a favourable impression. Moody had great sincerity, earnestness, and
good sense, with some American humour which he mostly keeps under restraint,
but in matter is quite conventional and commonplace. Much the most remarkable
thing is the congregation or rather audience."112

Hort's distaste for America may not be solely attributed to patriotism as much as to a
tainting of his thinking by a touch of Communism. These facts are brought out in his
continued correspondence with Rev. John Ellerton, circa 1850:
"I have pretty well made up my mind to devote my three or four years up here to
the study of this subject of Communism."113

"I can only say that it was through the region of pure politics that I myself
approach Communism."114

"To be without responsibility, to be in no degree our 'brother's keeper,' would be

the heaviest curse imaginable."115

"Surely every man is meant to be God's steward of every blessing and 'talent'
(power, wealth, influence, station, birth, etc. etc.) which He gives him, for the
benefit of his neighbours."116

Also suspect is Hort's delving into the supernatural along with his good friend,
Brooke Foss Westcott, and others in what was called the 'Ghostly Guild' (more on
this later).

"Westcott, Gorham, C.B., Scott, Benson, Bradshaw, Luard, etc., and I have
started a society for the investigation of ghosts and all supernatural appearances
and effects, being all disposed to believe that such things really exist, and ought to
be discriminated from hoaxes and mere subjective delusions; we shall be happy to
obtain any good accounts well authenticated with names. Westcott is drawing up a
schedule of questions. Cope calls us the 'Cock and Bull Club;' our own temporary
name is the 'Ghostly Guild.' "117

Then again, it is possible that the learned doctor was influenced by more than mere
philosophy, as we see in his description of a hotel in the Alps where he often vacationed:
"Pontresina, Hotel Krone; homely, but very clean and comfortable; ... beer

It is not an amazing thing that any one man could hold to so many unscriptural and
ungodly beliefs. It is amazing that such a man could be exalted by Bible believing
preachers and professors to a point of authority higher than the King James Bible! Dr.
Hort was a truly great Greek scholar, yet a great intellect does not make one an authority
over the Bible when they themselves do not even claim to believe it! Albert Einstein was
a man of great intellect, but he rejected Scripture, and so where he speaks on the subject
of Scripture he is not to be accepted as authoritative. Possessing a great mind or great
ability does not guarantee being a great spiritual leader. Dr. Hort was a scholar, but his
scholarship alone is no reason to accept his theories concerning Bible truth.
If fundamental pastors of today enlisted the services of an evangelist and found that
this evangelist had beliefs paralleling those of Fenton John Anthony Hort, I believe that
the pastor would cancel the meeting. Strangely through, when a pastor discovers such to
be true about Dr. Hort, he excuses him as "a great Greek scholar" and presents his
Authorized Version to him to be maliciously dissected and then discarded as Dr. Hort
sets himself down in the seat of authority which the Bible once held. Here again I must
assert that most often this is done with childlike faith on the part of the pastor, due to the
education he received while in seminary. The seminary is not really guilty either, for
they have simply and unsuspectingly accepted the authority of two men raised under the
influence of a campaign by the Jesuits to re-Romanize England. Wilkenson reports that
Hort had been influenced by these Roman Catholic forces: "Dr. Hort tell us that the
writings of Simon had a large share in the movement to discredit the Textus Receptus
class of MSS and Bibles." 119
Problems with Westcott
Unfortunately for the "new Bible" supporters, Dr. Westcott's credentials are even
more anti-biblical. Westcott did not believe that Genesis 1-3 should be taken literally. He
also thought that "Moses" and "David" were poetic characters whom Jesus Christ
referred to by name only because the common people accepted them as authentic.
Westcott states:
"No one now, I suppose, holds that the first three chapters of Genesis, for
example, give a literal history - I could never understand how anyone reading them
with open eyes could think they did - yet they disclose to us a Gospel. So it is
probably elsewhere. Are we not going through a trial in regard to the use of popular
language on literary subjects like that through which we went, not without sad
losses in regard to the use of popular language on physical subjects? If you feel
now that it was, to speak humanly, necessary that the Lord should speak of the 'sun
rising,' it was no less necessary that he would use the names 'Moses' and 'David' as
His contemporaries used them. There was no critical question at issue. (Poetry is, I
think, a thousand times more true than History; this is a private parenthesis for
myself alone.)" 120

He also said "David" is not a chronological but a spiritual person. 121

That the first three chapter of Genesis are all allegory has been believed by liberals
and modernists for years. Do today's fundamentalists realize that those modernists'
beliefs were nurtures in the heart of this Bible critic?
Westcott was also a doubter of the biblical account of miracles: "I never read an
account of a miracle but I seem instinctively to feel its improbability, and discover
somewhat of evidence in the account of it." 122 If a great fundamental preacher of our
day were to make this statement, he would be called apostate, but what then of Westcott?
Westcott believed that the second coming of Jesus Christ was not a physical coming
but a spiritual coming: "As far as I can remember, I said very shortly what I hold to be
the 'Lord's coming' in my little book on the Historic Faith. I hold very strongly that the
Fall of Jerusalem was the coming which first fulfilled the Lord's words; and, as there
have been other comings, I cannot doubt that He is 'coming' to us now." 123
Westcott's "Heaven"
Wait! This fundamental doctrine is not the last one to be denied by Bishop Westcott,
for he believed Heaven to be a state and not a literal place. Note the following
quotations from Bishop Westcott: "No doubt the language of the Rubric is unguarded,
but it saves us from the error of connecting the Presence of Christ's glorified humanity
with place; 'heaven is a state and not a place.'" 124
"Yet the unseen is the largest part of life. Heaven lies about us now in infancy
alone; and by swift, silent pauses for thought, for recollection, for aspiration, we
cannot only keep fresh the influence of that diviner atmosphere, but breathe it more
habitually." 125

"We may reasonably hope, by patient, resolute, faithful, united endeavour to find
heaven about us here, the glory of our earthly life." 126

Westcott's "Newmanism"
Dr. Westcott was also deeply devoted to John Newman, the Roman Catholic defector
who took 150 Church of England clergymen with him when he made the change. Those
of his disciples who did not make the physical change to Rome, made the spiritual
change to Romanism, though many, like Westcott, never admitted it.
In writing to his futue wife in 1852, Westcott wrote: "Today I have again taken up
'Tracts for the Times' and Dr. Newman. Don't tell me that he will do me harm. At least
today he will, has done me good, and had you been here I should have asked you to read
his solemn words to me. My purchase has already amply repaid me. I think I shall
choose a volume for one of my Christmas companions." 127
This was written after Newman had defected to Rome!
Wilkenson adds, "By voice and pen, the teaching of Newman changed in the minds of
many their attitude toward the Bible. Stanley shows us that the allegorizing of German
theology, under whose influence Newman and the leaders of the movement were, was
Origen's method of allegorizing. Newman contended that God never intended the Bible
to teach doctrines."
Westcott also resented criticism of the Essays and Reviews. Upon hearing the Bishop
of Manchester deride the apostate authors of these heretical essays, Westcott wrote, "But
his language about the Essays and Reviews roused my indignation beyond expression."
These are the convictions of a man greatly responsible for the destruction of Christian
faith in the Greek Text of the Authorized Version. Place Mr. Westcott next to any present
fundamental preacher or educator, and he would be judged a modernist, liberal and
heretic. In spite of his outstanding ability in Greek, a man of his convictions would not
be welcome on the campus of any truly Christian college in America. This is not an
overstatement, nor is it malicious. The Christian colleges of today hold very high
standards and simply would not settle for a man of such apostate conviction, no matter
how great his ability to teach a given subject.
Surprising Defense
It is truly amazing that a man who believed things completely contrary to the
convictions of today's fundamental preachers and educators could be exalted and
defended by them. Of course, I believe this is done primarily because our fundamental
brethren know little of what either Dr. Westcott or Dr. Hort really believed and taught.
Westcott's Socialism
This does not completely describe Brooke Foss Westcott, the man. He was a devout
socialist and postmillenialist. Socialism and postmillenialism go hand in hand.
Postmillenialism is the belief that we shall bring in the millenial reign of Christ
ourselves, without Christ's help. Socialism is usually the means of establishing that
thousand-year reign of peace.
A postmillenialist would see a spiritual "coming" of Christ at any great event which
drew the world closer to his idea of peace. It is also easy to see why he would believe
that a "heaven" was attainable down here, i.e., Westcott's statement: "We may reasonably
hope, by patient, resolute, faithful, united endeavour, to find heaven about us here, the
glory of our earthly life."
These are only two small glimmers of the socialistic light which burned in Westcott's
breast. If they were all of the evidence available, it would make for a weak case indeed.
They are not!
Dr. Westcott's "pacifist" nature shows early in his life. He was known as a "shy,
nervous, thoughtful boy" while attending school. His hobbies were as follows: "He used
his leisure chiefly in sketching, arranging his collections of ferns, butterflies, and moths,
and in reading books of natural history or poetry." 129
He developed an interest in social reform early on. He was known about his school for
talking about things "which very few schoolboys talk about - points of theology,
problems of morality, and the ethics of politics." 130
His son, Arthur, describes him with these words: "As a boy my father took keen
interest in the Chartist movement, and the effect then produced upon his youthful
imagination by the popular presentation of the sufferings of the masses never faded. His
diary shows how he deserted his meals to be present at various stirring scenes, and in
particular to listen to the oratory of 'the great agitator,' presumably Feargus O'Connor
himself. He would often in later years speak of these early impressions, which served in
no small degree to keep alive his intense hatred of every form of injustice and
oppression. He even later disapproved of his father's fishing excursions, because his
sympathies were so entirely on the side of the fish. On one occasion, being then a little
boy, he was carrying a fish-basket, when his father put a live fish into it, and later in life
he used to declare that he would still feel the struggles of that fish against his back."131
(The Chartist movement was a campaign for social reform in England from 1838-
This one paragraph reveals the temperament which could describe Westcott for the
rest of his life:
He was ever in favor of any social reform, at any cost, as he himself stated in
speaking of the French Revolution: "The French Revolution has been a great object of
interest. I confess to a strong sympathy with the republicans. Their leaders at least have
been distinguished by great zeal and sincerity. Lamartine, who I fancy you know by
name, quite wins my admiration."132
Westcott's Poetical Influences
Westcott was ever a lover of poetry and was deeply influenced by its message. This
explains his admiration of Alphonse de Lamartine. Lamartine was a French poet whose
writings helped influence the French people into revolution. Ironically, but I am sure not
coincidentally, Lamartine had studied under the Jesuits.
He is a fool who thinks a poet's pen is not a mighty weapon!
Westcott's romantic attitude explains why he would make the statement that, "Poetry
is, I think, a thousand times more true than history."
It also explains his susceptibility to the subtle Romanizing influence of the poet
Keble. Westcott had a fondness for poetry and an unusual fondness for Keble's poetry.
No poet is mentioned more often in his writings than Keble.
Westcott writes concerning Keble, "But I intend reading some Keble, which has been
a great delight to me during the whole week, and perhaps that will now be better than
filling you with all my dark, dark, dark gloominess."133
It seems Keble's poetry inspired Westcott to see that the Church of England needed to
make a change.
"I have been reading Keble for the day, and though I do not recollect noticing the
hymn particularly before, it now seems to me one of the most beautiful and
especially does it apply to those feelings which so often described to you: that
general sorrow and despair which we feel when we look at the state of things
around us and try to picture the results which soon must burst upon our Church and

Westcott found time to quote Keble to express his feelings.

"On these look long and well, Cleansing thy sight by prayer and faith, And thou
shalt know what secret spell Preserves them in their living death."

"That hymn of Keble's contains very, very much. You have read it again and
again now, I am sure, and understand it."135

Westcott's Romanism
That Keble formed in Westcott a passive attitude toward Christianity's arch-enemy,
Rome, is evident by his reaction to a sermon condemning Popery: "As for Mr. Oldham's
meetings, I think they are not good in their tendency, and nothing can be so bad as
making them the vehicle of controversy. What an exquisitely beautiful verse is that of
Keble's, 'And yearns not her parental heart,' etc. We seem now to have lost all sense of
pity in bitterness and ill-feeling. Should not our arm against Rome be prayer and not
speeches; the efforts of our inmost heart, and not the display of secular reason?"136
It has been often stated that "You are what you read." Westcott's constant exposure to
pro-Roman influences set a pattern for his thinking, even though he may not have been
aware of it. Westcott even refused to abandon Keble as his writings became more
obviously Popish.
"Keble has lately published some sermons in which, as well as in a preface on
'the position of Churchmen,' I am afraid he will offend many. I can in some
measure sympathize with him."137

Remembering the hatred Westcott had for what he considered "injustice and
oppression," and his submission to the programming poetry of Keble, we find him
slipping farther away from a truly biblical stand after hearing another pro-Roman
speaker, Maurice.
"See Maurice's new lectures, with a preface on development written apparently
with marvelous candour and fairness, and free from all controversial bitterness. He
makes a remark which I have often written and said, that the danger of our Church
is from atheism, not Romanism. What a striking picture is that he quotes from
Newman of the present aspect of the Roman Church - as despised, rejected,
persecuted in public opinion."138

This constant barrage of Romanizing influences caused Westcott to incorporate many

Roman Catholic practices into his thinking.
In February of 1849 he decided to investigate two favorite subjects of the
Romanizers: "Inspiration -- Apostolical Succession. May I inquire on all these topics
with simple sincerity, seeking only the truth!"139
The result of the first study led to Westcott's believing the Bible to be absolutely true,
but he refused to call it infallible.
"My dear Hort - I am glad to have seen both your note and Lightfoot's - glad too
that we have had such an opportunity of openly speaking. For I too must disclaim
setting forth infallibility in the front of my convictions. All I hold is, that the more I
learn, the more I am con- vinced that fresh doubts come from my own ignorance,
and that at present I find the pre- sumption in favor of the absolute truth - I reject
the word infallibility - of Holy Scripture overwhelming."140

Our good Bishop has now lost the conviction that Scripture is "infallible." We are
never told the result of his study of the Roman Catholic teaching of "Apostolic
Westcott's Iconism
Westcott also had an affinity for statues since his poetic spirit had the ability to read a
great deal into that which he saw.
"Our Cathedral buildings at Peterborough are far from rich in works of sculpture,
but among the works which we have there are two which have always seemed to
me to be of the deepest interest. The one is a statue of a Benedictine monk, which
occupies a niche in the gateway built by Godfrey of Croyland about 1308; the other
is an effigy of an unknown abbot of considerably earlier date, carved upon the slab
which once covered his grave, and which now lies in the south aisle of the choir.
They are widely different in character and significance. The statue of the monk,
which Flaxman took as an illustration of his lectures on sculpture, is one of the
noblest of medieval figures. The effigy of the abbot has no artistic merit whatever.
But both alike are studies from life; and together they seem to me to bring very
vividly before us the vital power of early monasticism in England."141

The Jesuit plan is to introduce the ways of Rome into the minds of Protestants and
familiarize them with the "High Church" atmosphere. Then, little by little, allow these
Roman ideas to intertwine themselves with the worship service. Dr. Wylie aptly
describes the plan:
"Tract 90, where the doctrine of reserves is broached, bears strong marks of a
Jesuit origin. Could we know all the secret instructions given to the leaders in the
Puseyite movement, the mental reservations prescribed to them, we might well be
astonished. 'Go gently,' we think we hear the great Roothan say to them.
'Remember the motto of our dear son, the cidevant Bishop Autun, "surtout, pas trop
de zele"(above all, not too much zeal). Bring into view, little by little, the authority
of the church. If you can succeed in rendering it equal to that of the Bible, you have
done much. Change the table of the Lord into an altar; elevate that altar a few
inches above the level of the floor; gradually turn around to it when you read the
Liturgy; place lighted tapers upon it; teach the people the virtues of stained glass,
and cause them to feel the majesty of Gothic basilisques. Introduce first the
dogmas, beginning with that of baptismal regeneration; next the ceremonies and
sacraments, as penance and the confessional; and lastly, the images of the Virgin
and the saints'."142

This trend was quite apparent in the unsuspecting mind of Bishop Westcott. "I do not
say that baptism is absolutely necessary, though from the words of Scripture I can see no
exception, but I do not think we have no right to exclaim against the idea of the
commencement of a spiritual life, conditionally from baptism, any more than we have to
deny the commencement of a moral life from birth."143
"Dear Mr. Perrott - I had sketched out a plan in my mind for the windows in the
chancel at Somersham which I should have been glad to carry out, but now, as you
know, my connection with the parish has practically ceased, and in a few weeks
will formally cease. My wish was to have a figure of John the Baptist opposite that
of the Virgin, to represent the Old Dispensation, and to have the work executed by
Heaton and Butler, who executed the window for Mr. Mason."144

Westcott's Purgatory
These Romanistic leanings eventually led Westcott into allowing the practice of
"prayers for the dead." In writing to a clergyman in August of 1900 concerning this
Roman Catholic practice which had found its way into an Anglican church, HE
STATED, "I considered very carefully, in conference with some other bishops of large
knowledge and experience, the attitude of our church with regard to prayers for the dead.
We agreed unanimously that we are, as things are now, forbidden to pray for the dead
apart from the whole church in our public services. No restriction is placed upon private
devotions."145 (Emphasis his.)
Notice that the Bishop advised against prayers for the dead in "public service," but he
did not even attempt to discourage the practice in "private devotions!" Would one of
today's fundamental preachers who have such high regard for the Westcott and Hort
Greek Text respond in the same manner? Would we hear one of our Bible-believing
brethren confront the matter with, 'Well, we don't practice prayers for the dead here in
our services, but if you want to do it in your private devotions, it's okay.' NEVER! We
are to hate the garment "spotted by the flesh." (Jude 23.) Dr. Westcott's garment is
spotted to the point of resembling a leopard's skin! Are we to expect an unbiased
rendering of the Greek Text by a man whose convictions would rival Jerome's in loyalty
to Roman teaching? I trow not!
But to allow prayers for the dead would be futile if there were only heaven and hell.
The "dead" in heaven would need no prayers, and the "dead" in hell would be beyond
Benjamin Wilkenson provides the missing link in Westcott's chain of Romanism when
commenting on the Revised Version translation of John 14:2:
King James: "In my Father's house are many mansions."

Revised: "In my Father's house are many abiding places." (margin)

"In the following quotation from the Expositor, the writer points out that, by the
marginal reading of the Revised, Dr. Westcott and the Committee referred, not to a
final future state, but to intermediate stations in the future before the final one.

"Dr. Westcott in his Commentary of St. John's Gospel gives the following
explanation of the words. 'In my Father's house are many mansions. The rendering
comes from the Vulgate mansiones, which were resting places, and especially the
stations on a great road, where travelers found refreshment. This appears to be the
true meaning of the Greek word here; so that the contrasted notions of repose and
progress are combined in this vision of the future.'

"'For thirty years now,' said Dr. Samuel Cox, in 1886, 'I have been preaching
what is called the larger hope, through good and ill report.

"The larger hope meant a probation after this life, such a time of purifying, by
fire or otherwise, after death as would insure another opportunity of salvation to all
men. Dr. Cox, like others, rejoices that the changes in the Revised Version sustain
this doctrine. 'Had the new version been in our hands, I should not have felt any
special gravity in the assertion,' he said. Doctors Westcott and Hort, both Revisers,
believed this larger hope." (This Roman Catholic translation also appears in the

Considering the Romanistic ideals which Dr. Westcott possessed, it is no surprise that
his close friend and companion, Dr. Hort, would compare him to, of all people, the
Roman Catholic defector, John Newman! "It is hard to resist a vague feeling that
Westcott's going to Peterborough will be the beginning of a great movement in the
church, less conspicuous but not less powerful, than that which proceeded from
It also seems not surprising that Westcott would call the Jesuit inspired Oxford
Movement, "the Oxford Revival!" "The Oxford Revival in the middle of the century,
quickened anew that sense of corporate life. But the evangelical movement touched only
a part of human interest."148
Westcott's Mariolatry
Another Roman Catholic doctrine is the adoration of Mary. Here also Dr. Westcott did
not let the Roman Catholic Church down, as he reveals in a letter to his fiancee Sarah
Louisa Whittard.
"After leaving the monastery, we shaped our course to a little oratory which we
discovered on the summit of a neighboring hill ... Fortunately we found the door
open. It is very small, with one kneeling-place, and behind a screen was a 'Pieta' the
size of life (i.e., a Virgin and dead Christ) ... Had I been alone, I could have knelt
there for hours."149

This condition is also indicated by his son, Arthur, in describing Westcott's reaction to
the painting "The Sistine Madonna:"
"It is smaller than I expected, and the colouring is less rich, but in expression it is
perfect. The face of the virgin is unspeakably beautiful. I looked till the lip seemed
to tremble with intensity of feeling - of feeling simply, for it would be impossible to
say whether it be awe of joy or hope - humanity shrinking before the divine, or
swelling with its conscious possession. It is enough that there is deep, intensely
deep, emotion such as the mother of the Lord may have had."150

The intensity of Westcott's admiration for Christ's mother is best revealed by his
desire to change his fiancee's name to "Mary" as Arthur explains: "My mother, whose
name was Sarah Louisa Whittard, was the eldest of three sisters. She afterwards, at the
time of her confirmation at my father's request, took the name of Mary in addition."151
The above examples illustrate Dr. Westcott's strong Roman Catholic leanings. Again I
must say that I do not believe that if a man lived today with the convictions we have just
studied, that he would be welcome in a fundamental pulpit anywhere in America, be his
name Bishop Wescott or Hort or Schuler or any other.
Westcott's Communal Living
Few of Bishop Westcott's Twentieth Century supporters know the true thoughts and
intents of his heart. If they did, they would know that he was an advocate of communal
living! Let the record speak for itself.
His son, Arthur, stated in his book, Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott:
"In later years of his Harrow residence (approximately 1868) my father was very
full of the idea of a 'Coenobium.' (Arthur's footnote for the word 'Coenobium' states
simply, 'community life.') Every form of luxury was to him abhorrent, and he
viewed with alarm the increasing tendency amongst all classes of society to
encourage extravagant display and wasteful self-indulgence. His own extreme
simplicity of life is well-known to all his friends. He looked to the family and not
the individual for the exhibition of the simple life. His views upon this subject are
accessible to all who care to study them. I only wish to put it on record that he was
very much in earnest in this matter and felt that he had not done all he might have
for its furtherance."152

On the idea of the Coenobium, Bishop Westcott's socialism bordered very close to
communism as we see by his own description of what a Coenobium was to be.
"It would consist primarily of an association of families, bound together by
common principles of life, of work, of devotion, subject during the time of voluntary
co-operation to central control, and united by definite obligations. Such a corporate
life would be best realized under the conditions of collegiate union with the hall
and schools and chapel, with a common income, though not common property, and
an organized government; but the sense of fellowship and the power of sympathy,
though they would be largely developed by these, would yet remain vigorous
whenever and in whatever form combination in the furtherance of the general ends
was possible. Indeed, complete isolation from the mass of society would defeat the
very objects of the institution. These objects - the conquest of luxury, the
disciplining of intellectual labor, the consecration of every fragment of life by
religious exercises - would be expressed in a threefold obligation; an obligation to
poverty, an obligation to study, and obligation to devotion."158 (Emphasis mine.)

Little did the esteemed professor realize that the college students of a hundred years
later would be more than happy to turn his dream into a reality!
Arthur viewed the establishment of the Coenobium with much fear and trembling.
They were assured of its future reality quite often.
"My own recollections of the Coenobium are very vivid. Whenever we children
showed signs of greediness or other selfishness, we were assured that such things
would be unheard of in the Coenobium. There the greedy would have no second
portions of desirable puddings. We should not there be allowed a choice of meats,
but should be constrained to take which was judged to be best for us. We viewed
the establishment of the Coenobium with gloomy apprehension, not quite sure
whether it was within the bounds of practical politics or not. I was myself inclined
to believe that it really was coming and that we, with the Bensons (maybe) and
Horts and a few other families, would find ourselves living in a community life. I
remember confiding to a younger brother that I had overheard some conversation
which convinced me that the Coenobium was an event of the immediate future, and
that a site had been selected for it in Northamptonshire; I even pointed out
Peterborough on the map."154

In a letter to his old college friend, Dr. E.W. Benson, dated November 24, 1868, Dr.
Westcott states his regrets that the Coenobium had not yet been established, and wonders
if he wouldn't have done better to have pursued the matter further.
"My dear Benson - alas! I feel most deeply that I ought not to speak one word
about the Coenobium. One seems to be entangled in the affairs of life. The work
must be for those who have a fresh life to give. Yet sometimes I think that I have
been faithless to call which might have grown distinct if I had listened."155

Two years later he was still promoting the idea through articles in a periodical entitled
"Contemporary," as he explains in another letter to Benson dated, March 21, 1870:
"...the paper on the Coenobium will appear, I think, in the next number of the
'Contemporary.' It was a trial to me not to send it to you and Lightfoot and
Wordsworth for criticism, but on the whole I thought it best to venture for myself,
and speak simply what I feel. If anything is to come of the idea it will be handled
variously, and something is gained even by incompleteness. On the true
reconciliation of classes I have said a few words which are, I hope, intelligible."156

Young Arthur's naive sounding prediction in 1868 of the establishing of such a

Coenobium in Peterborough, two years later (1870) seemed almost prophetic. In
December of 1868, Dr. Westcott became Examining Chaplain in the Diocese of
Peterborough! Just prior to the move, he wrote Benson, "The Coenobium comes at least
one step nearer."157
Arthur's fears seemed somewhat realized.
"The move to Peterborough was a great venture of faith on my father's part. He
had a large family to educate, and yet he exchanged the comparative opulence of a
Harrow house master for the precarious income attached to a canonry in an
impoverished Chapter. Our manner of life was already adapted to the idea of the
Coenobium in its strict simplicity, so the only luxury that could be abolished was
meat for breakfast, which however, was retained as a Sunday treat."158

Thus we see a side of Dr. Westcott which is not too publicized by his followers, yet it
was there nonetheless. In addition to his desire to see the Authorized Version replaced, a
Romanized Church of England, and the establishment of college Coenobium, he had one
other great driving force, the abolition of war.
Westcott's Peace-Movement
No true Christian loves war. A Bible believer takes the premillenial view and realizes
that war is caused by the sinful nature of mankind - James 4:1. He understands that this
will all be changed at Christ's return - Philippians 3:21.
A Bible rejector who has chosen the postmillenial viewpoint cannot allow himself to
believe that mankind is bad. He must find a way to show that man is basically good. All
men must be brothers in his eyes. "Brothers," he assumes, will just naturally work
toward peace.
Westcott, a postmillenial socialist, had this to say concerning the "brotherhood" of
man in regard to instituting "peace on earth."
"Christianity rests upon the central fact that the Word became flesh. This fact
establishes not only a brotherhood of men, but also a brotherhood of nations; for
history has shown that nations are an element in the fulfillment of the Divine
counsel, by which humanity advances toward its appointed end."159

What should these "brothers" do to help establish "peace on earth?" We can at once
recognize the part which the Christian society is called upon to take with regard to three
great measures which tend to peace - meditation, arbitration, and (ultimately)
disarmament - and at least silently work for them.160
"Combine action, in any ways possible, for the bringing about of a simultaneous
reduction of the armaments."161
Once again the Cambridge professor is ahead of his time. "Disarmament" has been the
cry of liberal, pro-Communist college students for two decades. Strange it is that as the
"peace" movement of the 1960's was led by a "minister" with the exact same philosophy
about world peace!
Westcott wanted an "arbitration board" made up of the "Christian society" to decide
international policy concerning disarmament quotas. He first envisioned England and
the United States submitting to this idea, assuming then that the rest of the world would
be forced to follow.
"The United States and England are already bound so closely together by their
common language and common descent, that an Arbitration Treaty which shall
exclude the thought of war - a civil war - between them seems to be within
measurable distance. When once the general principle of arbitration has been
adopted by two great nations, it cannot but be that the example will be followed,
and then, at last, however remote the vision may seem, disarmament will be a
natural consequence of the acceptance of a rational and legal method of settling
national disputes."162

Westcott even felt that world peace would be worth an "Ecumenical Movement."
"Other cognate subjects were touched upon -- the proposed Permanent Treaty of
Arbitration between the United States and Great Britain, the significance of war as
extreme outcome of that spirit of selfish competition which follows from the
acceptance of a material standard of well being, the desirability of seeking
cooperation with the movement on the part of the Roman and Greek Churches --
but it seemed best to confine immediate action to a single point on which there was
complete agreement."163

He assumed that "world peace" was of the utmost importance.

"The proposal to work for the simultaneous reduction of European armament is
definite, and deals with an urgent peril. Such a disarmament would secure the
lasting and honourable peace which the leaders of Europe have shown lately, once
and again, that they sincerely desire. We are all sensible of the difficulties by which
the question of disarmament is beset, but we cannot admit that they are

All this was to be done, of course, in the name of Christ. Westcott felt that he was
simply trying to bring to pass Luke 2:14. He truly considered himself a man with whom
God was "pleased," as that verse had been mistranslated in the Revised Version.
"The question of international relations has not hitherto been considered in the
light of the Incarnation, and till this has been done, I do not see that we can look for
the establishment of that peace which was heralded at the Nativity."165

So here we have a man who doubted the miracles which Christ performed.
"I never read an account of a miracle, but I seem instinctively to feel its
improbability, and discover some what of evidence in the account of it."166

Even though he doubted Jesus Christ's miracles, he didn't doubt that a Roman
Catholic priest could perform them, as he explains what he saw in France at "Our Lady
of La Salette" shrine.
"A written narrative can convey no notion of the effect of such a recital. The
eager energy of the father, the modest thankfulness of the daughter, the quick
glances of the spectators from one to the other, the calm satisfaction of the priest,
the comments of look and nod, combined to form a scene which appeared hardly to
belong to the nineteenth century. An age of faith was restored before our sight in its
ancient guise. We talked about the cures to a young layman who had throughout
showed us singular courtesy. When we remarked upon the peculiar circumstances
by which they were attended, his own comment was: 'Sans croire, comment
l'expliquer?' (translated: 'Without believing how can it be explained?') And in this
lay the real significance and power of the place."167

We have a man who could read and exalt a Jesuit-inspired poet, Keble, but when it
came to reading anything that presented Rome in a negative light, such as Fox's Book of
Martyrs, he said, "I never read any of Fox's book."168
He was a man who claimed, "I cannot myself reconcile the spirit of controversy and
that of Christian faith."169
Since controversy was "un-Christian," he refused to answer John Burgon's arguments
concerning the Local Text of Alexandria which Westcott helped exalt. He simply said, "I
cannot read Mr. Burgon yet. A glance at one or two sentences leads me to think that his
violence answers himself."170
It is a sad thing that Westcott's prejudice closed his mind to Burgon's comments.
Burgon was harsh, but Burgon was correct. Time has since proven that. It is a dangerous
spirit which ignores a man's FACTS just because of a "holier than thou" attitude which
teaches that "anyone who is right, must be gentlemanly." Had more people in the late
1800's looked past Burgon's harsh comments and examined his FACTS, Christianity
would be richer today.
We have in Brooke Foss Westcott a man who believed in communal living; a man
who believed that the second coming of Christ was spiritual, heaven was a state of mind,
prayers for the dead were permissable in private devotions, and that Christ came to bring
peace through international disarmament. He believed in purgatory and admiration for
Mary, and he thought the Bible was like any other book. This is the man who walked
into the Revision Committee and sat in judgment of our Bible. He thought he saw room
for improvement in the Authorized Version and offered a pro-Roman Greek text with
which to correct it. The ironic thing is that Bible-believing Christian educators and
preachers, who would never agree with his theology, have for years exalted his opinion
of the Greek as nearly infallible. These facts alone should be reason enough to condemn
Westcott and Hort, their Greek Text and the MSS which they used to arrive at such a
text. But let us look at their actions concerning the molesting of the pure words of the
King James Bible, in favor of Rome. Saddest of all, we have in Brooke Foss Westcott a
man who neither believed in salvation by grace nor ever experienced it. There is no
record in his "Life and Letters" that he ever accepted Christ as his personal Saviour. In a
letter to his then future wife, he stated strongly his feelings concerning "baptism."
"My dearest Mary - I quite forget whether we have ever talked upon the subject
alluded to in my last note - Baptismal Regeneration - but I think we have, for it is
one of the few points on which I have clear views, and which is, I am sure, more
misunderstood and misrepresented than any other. Do not we see that God
generally employs means. I will not say exclusively, that He has appointed an
outward Church as the receptacle of His promises, and outward rites for admission
in to it, and thus for being placed in a relation with Him by which we may receive
His further grace; for till we are so connected by admission into His outward
Church, we have no right to think that he will convey to us the benefits of his
spiritual Church, when we have neglected the primary means which He provides. It
does not, of course, follow that the outward and spiritual churches are co-extensive,
that all who have been placed in relation with God by Baptism, and so made heirs
of heaven conditionally, will avail themselves of that relation to fulfill those
conditions - and here lies the ambiguity: because a child is born again into the
Church of God, as he has been born into the world before, people seem to conclude
that he must discharge all the duties of his new station, which in temporal matters
we know he does not. By birth he may, if he will, truly live here; by baptism he
may if he will, truly live forever. I do not say that Baptism is absolutely necessary,
though from the word of the Scripture I can see no exception, but I do think we
have a right to exclaim against the idea of the commencement of a spiritual life,
conditionally from Baptism, any more than we have to deny the commencement of
a moral life from birth."171

As has already been established, both Drs. Westcott and Hort were hostile to the true
Greek text of the King James Bible. Dr. Westcott has been unconsciously influenced into
a pro-Roman Catholic attitude. It must also be pointed out that earlier Dr. Hort had been
a student of Dr. Westcott's, as Arthur Westcott points out: "Another of Westcott's private
pupils was F.J.A. Hort."172
The meticulous care with which he taught his pupils is noted by Dr. Whewell, Master
of Trinity at the time, "The pains he bestows upon his pupils here (private pupils) is
unparalleled, and his teaching is judicious as well as careful."173
The common desire of these two Cambridge scholars was to eliminate the authority of
the Universal Greek Text of the King James Bible. Scholars had long sought to do this,
but were baffled by the obvious evidence testifying that the Universal Text was indeed
the true text of the Bible, and in that, a preservation of the original autographs. These
scholars, subtly influenced by Rome, knew that their duty was to overthrow this pure,
Protestant, Christ-honoring text and replace it with the Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt,
but the overwhelming evidence was always weighted in God's favor. No one, even the
Roman Catholic Church, could find a way to explain why 95% of all extant MSS
belonged to the Universal Text. "Textual criticism" was at a standstill until this
roadblock could be circumvented.
Hort's Fiction
It was the genius of Fenton John Anthony Hort which rode to the rescue of the forlorn
Roman Catholic text. This man used the same method to overthrow the authority of the
Universal Text that Charles Darwin used to overthrow the fact of creation. He used a
His theory was that the "originals" agreed with the Local Text, and that this Local
Text was "edited" by the Syrian church at Antioch in the Fourth Century to become what
we know as the Universal Text, and then forced upon the people by the church council.
Just as was true for Darwin, common sense, all available facts, and the nature of God
testified against his theory. Just as Darwin did, he collected minute scraps of evidence,
then twisted and magnified his evidence, and theorized that he was right. Just as Darwin
did, his theory was manufactured in his head, and INDEPENDENT of historical facts
and evidence.
Just as Darwin, his theory was overwhelmingly accepted by the overeducated men of
his day who were looking for a way of overthrowing God's authority. The theory of
evolution was music to the ears of scientists, biologists, and college professors who
resented the thought of creation. The sound of "God did it; that settles it" just naturally
mustered all of the animosity and rebellion that is resident in the human flesh (Romans
7:18). When Darwin issued his theory to the world, the world was happy to believe the
The same thing was true of Christian scholarship. They had long resented the thought
that God could or would preserve His Word without their help. Like the lost scientists,
they begrudgingly had to acknowledge that the evidence and facts of history were in
favor of the Authorized Version. The issuing of Hort's theory, with the backing of Dr.
Westcott, was heralded as the "liberation" of textual criticism. Dr. Alfred Martin explains
the delight of liberals which existed upon learning of Hort's theory:
"Men who had long denied the infallibility of the Bible - and there are many
such in the Church of England and in the independent churches - eagerly acclaimed
a theory which they thought to be in harmony with their position.

"At precisely the time when liberalism was carrying the field in the English
churches the theory of Westcott and Hort received wide acclaim. These are not
isolated facts. Recent contributions of the subject - that is, in the present century -
following mainly the Westcott-Hort principles have been made largely by men who
deny the inspiration of the Bible."174

Like Darwin's theory, different viewpoints using his theory arrived at different
conclusions. This, Dr. Martin records, Hort knew: "Hort freely admits this and concedes
that 'in dealing with this kind of evidence equally competent as to the same
Of course, the fact of different conclusions did not hamper Hort's followers. They
were not interested in establishing a new conclusion. They were interested in abolishing
an old one, i.e., that the King James Bible is the Word and the words of God.
A textual critic is not like a man driving an automobile to a destination which only he
knows. He is more like a little child standing behind the wheel who doesn't particularly
care where he goes, just as long as HE is doing the driving. Dr. Martin exposed this
tendency: "Their principle method, an extreme reliance upon the internal evidence of
readings, is fallacious and dangerous, because it makes the mind of the critic the arbiter
of the text of the Word of God."176
The feeling of power, to be the judge of God's Word, coupled with the old nature
which exists in the flesh of all men, even in Christian scholars, becomes overwhelming
to the mind. As Paul stated in Romans 7:18, "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh),
dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is
good I find not." Jeremiah concluded in chapter 17, verse 9, "The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" Even a saved man has bad
flesh. Give this flesh the authority to change God's Word, and he will soon plant himself
on God's throne. As it has been said "Put a beggar on horseback, and he will ride off at a
Scholarly Prejudice
Another similarity between Hort's theory and Darwin's theory is that it is still held in
high esteem long after it has been disproven. Darwin's theory has long ago suffered
irreparable damage by historical evidence, the Word of God, and of course common
sense. Yet, scientists have doggedly upheld it as reliable. This is not done because they
feel that Darwin's theory will ever lead them to the truth, but because Darwin's theory
leads them away from the authority they so detest, the Bible.
Hort's theory has been just as ill-handled by the truth, as Dr. Kurt Aland points out:
"We still live in the world of Westcott and Hort with our conception of different
recensions and text-types, although this conception has lost its raison de'etre, or, it
needs at least to be newly and convincingly demonstrated. For the increase of the
documentary evidence and the entirely new areas of research which were opened to
us on the discovery of the papyri, mean the end of Westcott and Hort's

Dr. Jacob Geerlings, who has extensively studied the manuscript evidence of the New
Testament, states concerning the Universal Text:
"Its origins as well as those of other so-called text-types probably go back to the
autographs. It is now abundantly clear that the Eastern Church never officially
adopted or recognized a received or authorized text and only by a long process of
slow evolution did the Greek text of the New Testament undergo the various
changes that we can dimly see in the few extant uncial codices identified with the
Byzantine (i.e. Majority) Text."178

Dr. David Otis Fuller concludes, "Thus the view popularized by Westcott and Hort
before the turn-of- the-century, that the Majority Text issued from an authorative
ecclesiastical revision of the Greek text, is widely abandoned as no longer tenable."
As previously quoted, Dr. Martin has stated, "The trend of scholars in more recent
years has been away from the original Westcott-Hort position."179
In spite of new evidence, historical facts, and God's continued blessing of the
Authorized Version, Christian scholars still exalt the theory as though it were the truth.
This is not done because they feel that Hort's theory will eventually lead them to the true
Word of God. Any honest, "Christian" scholar today who upholds Hort's outmoded
theory will be glad to tell you that there is no perfect translation of "the Bible" in
English today. They will admonish each new translation as "a step in the right direction,"
but even the newest translation is not without errors. This attitude is due to the fact that
man's human nature resents the idea that God could preserve His words without the help
of "good, godly Christians," and from the natural resistance of men to be in subjection to
God. The supporters of Westcott and Hort possess a loyalty which borders on cultic, as
Dr. Martin again has faithfully pointed out:
"The theory was hailed by many when it came forth as practically final, certainly
definitive. It has been considered by some the acme in textual criticism of the New
Testament. Some of the followers of Westcott and Hort have been almost
unreasoning in their devotion to the theory; and many people, even today, who have
no idea what the Westcott-Hort theory is, or at best only a vague notion, accept the
labors of those two scholars without question. During the past seventy years it has
often been considered textual heresy to deviate from their position or to intimate
that, sincere as they undoubtedly were, they may have been mistaken."180

This cultic bent was even observed by Hort's friend, Professor Armitage Robinson, in
1891 who stated that a "kind of cult" had sprung up around the venerated old scholar.181
To criticize either Dr. Westcott or Dr. Hort is almost sacrilegious in their eyes. We can
almost hear Dr. Westcott's own words, "I cannot myself reconcile the spirit of
controversy and that of Christian faith." This he used as a defense against the "fanatics"
who think that the Bible is perfect. Once accepted, pride makes the decaying process
almost irreversible. As any parent knows who has questioned their guilty son or
daughter, being caught "red-handed" is not nearly as difficult for the child to take as is
admitting that they have been wrong.
Freedom Then Slavery
Just prior to the translation of the King James Bible, England had broken free of the
yoke of Rome. Shortly after the Authorized Version was published, England once again
started down the road back to Rome. For a brief "parenthesis" in English history,
England was free of Roman influence just long enough to translate and propagate a
perfect Bible.
As we have seen, by the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, England had again, bit-
by-bit, fallen to Roman influence. The Romaninzing effects of the Oxford Movement,
the corrupt tracts of Newman, Pusey, and other pro-Romanists, the decisions by the
Privy Council in favor of the anti-scriptural position of the "Essays and Reviews" had
wrought their desired effect. In 1845, Newman made a formal break with the Church of
England to join the Roman Catholic Church. His decision influenced 150 Church of
England clergymen to do the same. In 1850, the aggressive Roman Catholic Cardinal
Wiseman who had done so much to lead Newman to Rome, and had directed the Oxford
Movement via his paper, "Dublin Review," had been commissioned by the Pope to
formally re-establish the Roman Catholic Church on the shores of England.
England had come from the Bible-honoring, Rome-rejecting position of the
Reformation, to the ritualistic, pro-Roman attitude which mistrusts and condemns the
England was ripe for revision!
The Trap is Set
In 1870, the Convention of the Church of England commissioned a revision of the
Authorized Version. A gleam of hope shone in the eye of every Roman Catholic in
England and the Continent. An eager anticipation filled every Jesuit-inspired, Protestant
scholar in England. Although it was meant to correct a few supposed "errors" in the
Authorized Version, the textual critics of the day assured themselves that they would
never again have to submit to the divine authority of the Universal Text.
In November of 1870, Westcott testified of just such a spirit in a letter to Dr. Benson,
"In a few minutes I go with Lightfoot to Westminster. More will come of these meetings,
I think, than simply a revised version."182
The Convocation had instructed the Revision Committee NOT to deal with the
underlying Greek text of the Authorized Version. They were instructed to do as follows:
(1) to introduce as few alterations as possible into the text of the King James Bible, and
(2) to limit ... the expression of any alterations to the language of the Authorized
Westcott and Hort had other plans. They had edited the corrupt Vatican and Sinaitic
manuscripts of the Local Text of Alexandria and produced their own Greek text. Wisely
they had never published it. Thus its existence was unknown to the world, and Westcott
and Hort did not have to worry about the investigative eyes of their contemporary
scholars, such as Dean John Burgon. Had it been published earlier, it assuredly would
have been exposed as corrupt and unfit for translation into English. Drs. Westcott and
Hort were definitely "wise as serpents," but unfortunately they were equally as harmful.
Scholarly Deceit
Since the Committee had been instructed not to deal with matters of the Greek text,
and the Westcott and Hort text had not been published, it was necessary for the two
Cambridge Catholics to submit it little by little to the Committee. Even this was done in
In order to establish their own Greek text as authorative, they first planned the
strategy prior to the first meeting of the Committee. Their old friend Bishop Lightfoot
was even there to help as Westcott notes in a letter to Hort dated May 1870, "Your note
came with one from Ellicott this morning ... Though I think the Convocation is not
competent to initiate such a measure, yet I feel that as 'we three' are together it would be
wrong not to 'make the best of it' as Lightfoot says ... There is some hope that alternative
readings might find a place in the margin."184
The next month he wrote to Lightfoot himself: "Ought we not to have a conference
before the first meeting for revision? There are many points on which it is important that
we should be agreed."185
They then secretly submitted their text to the Committee members, and stayed close
by their sides to see to it that their scheme was carried out. This fact, Dr. Wilkenson
attests to:
"The new Greek Testament upon which Westcott and Hort had been working for
twenty years was, portion by portion, secretly committed into the hand of the
Revision Committee. Their Greek text was strongly radical and revolutionary. The
Revisors followed the guidance of the two Cambridge editors, Westcott and Hort,
who were constantly at their elbow, and whose radical Greek New Testament,
deviating the furthest possible from the Received Text, is to all intents and purposes
the Greek New Testament followed by the Revision Committee. This Greek text, in
the main, follows the Vatican and Sinaiticus Manuscripts."186

These actions reek of Jesuit underhandedness. Although Westcott and Hort were men
of scholarship, they were not men of integrity.
Defending the Infidel
For the most part, Westcott and Hort found a welcome audience to their abolition of
the Universal Text, for the spirit of the revision had been set when the Christ-denying,
Unitarian preacher, Dr. Vance Smith, was seated on the Committee.
Dr. Hort shared his feelings concerning Smith's appointment with co-conspirator
Lightfoot. "It is, I think, difficult to measure the weight of acceptance won before the
hand for the Revision by the single fact of our welcoming an Unitarian."187
Westcott exposed his loyalty to apostasy when he threatened to quit if the
Convocation were successful in ejecting Smith from the Committee.
"I never felt more clear as to my duty. If the Company accepts the dictation of
Convocation, my work must end. I see no escape from the conclusion."188

Wilkenson records Smith's comments concerning Isaiah 7:14: "This change gives
room to doubt the virgin birth of Christ. The meaning of the words of Isaiah may,
therefore, be presented thus: 'Behold the young wife is with child."'189
Dr. Smith called the belief in Christ's second coming an error. "This idea of the
Second Coming ought now to be passed by as a merely temporary incident of early
Christian belief. Like many another error, it has answered its transitory purpose in the
providential plan, and may well, at length, be left to rest in peace."190
Dr. Westcott felt that doctrine was unimportant. He believed that he as a scholar
should decide the text, then theologians could add their remarks afterwards. He stated, "I
hardly feel with you on the question of discussing anything doctrinally or on doctrine.
This seems to me to be wholly out of our province. We have only to determine what is
written and how it can be rendered. Theologians may deal with the text and version
What did Westcott think of Smith's theological beliefs? "Perhaps we agree in spirit but
express ourselves differently. At least we agree in hope."192
This last statement may very well hold more truth than Westcott intended. It may help
here to point out that the Church of England defector to Rome, Dr. Newman, was asked
to be on the Committee, but he refused.193 This should reveal the true spirit which the
revisors had in their attempt to "bring the Bible up-to-date."
This is not the first revision Newman was asked to sit in on. In 1847, two years after
defecting, Cardinal Wiseman, the militant Roman Catholic priest, wrote him this from
Rome: "The Superior of the Franciscans, Father Benigno, in the Trastevere, wishes us
out of his own head to engage in an English Authorized Translation of the Bible. He is a
learned man and on the Congregation of the Index. What he wished was, that we would
take the Protestant translation, correct it by the Vulgate ... and get it sanctioned here."194
Strangely enough, the desire of Wiseman, to "correct" the Authorized Version with
Jerome's corrupt Vulgate, is exactly what Protestant scholars did in 1881, 1901, 1952,
1960, 1973, and in every "new" and "improved" translation since 1611.
Westcott and Hort were so successful at their secret task of subtly guiding the decision
of the Revision Committee that many Committee members did not suspect that they had
been used by the Cambridge duo to help destroy the authority of the Authorized Version
and give the world yet another Roman Catholic Bible. Philip Mauro records:
"In view of all the facts it seems clear that, not until after the Committee had
disbanded, and their work had come under the scrutiny of able scholars and faithful
men, were they themselves aware that they had seemingly given their official
sanction to the substitution of the "New Greek Text" of Westcott and Hort for the
Textus Receptus. The Westcott and Hort text had not yet been published, and hence
had never been subject to scrutiny and criticism; nor had the principles upon which
it was constructed been investigated. Only after it was too late were the facts
realized, even by the Revisors themselves."195

It can be safely said that if Westcott and Hort were not two Jesuit priests acting on
secret orders from the Vatican, that two Jesuit priests acting under such orders could not
have done a better job of overthrowing the authority of God's true Bible and
establishing the pro-Roman Catholic text of Alexandria, Egypt!
It is truly amazing in light of all the evidence of their apostasy, that Westcott and Hort
should be so revered by modern scholarship. It is strange indeed that men who believe in
the premillenial return of Christ would defend men who did not. That men who believe
that salvation is by grace through faith could uphold men who not only did not believe in
it, but sadly, did not experience it. It is amazing that men who believe with all their heart
that the Bible is the Word of God could be so blind to the infidelity to the Word of these
two men.
Revival in America is still possible, but like Jacob told his household in Genesis
35:2,3: Christian scholarship must "put away the strange gods" and "go up to Bethel."
Chapter 9: The Authorized Version
Christian Critics
In this chapter we will be looking at some of the common misrepresentations of the
Authorized Version. Many of these misrepresentations are unintentional. Most of the
comments against the Authorized Version are, in fact, simply repetitions of what the
commentator heard from a pulpit, read in a book, or learned in a classroom.
Most of the fervency against the Authorized Version is not so much due to a
conscious hatred against the Book, as much as it is a show of one's education. This fact,
which is a conscious malice, is then coupled with the "flesh" or "natural man," which
may be an unconscious malice, to form a constant antagonism toward the true Word of
God. This "old nature" exists in every person, even Christians. It will not change until
the rapture. This nature manifests itself in an innate desire not to submit to the authority
of God.
Satan realizes this and uses it to his own advantage by giving the flesh ammunition
to fight a battle which it naturally wants to fight. The sad result of this spirit of judgment
is that the Word of God never really gets a fair trial.
Inspiration vs. Preservation
Today it is widely taught and accepted that God wrote the originals perfectly, but
that there is no perfect translation. Yet, there is no scripture that teaches any such thing!
This teaching is based on logic, man's logic. Christian educators of today say that it is
absurd to believe that God could use sinful men to translate His Word perfectly. Such a
supposition of a perfect translation is no more absurd than the teaching that God used
sinful men to write the Bible perfectly in the originals! Every argument for innerrant,
infallible inspiration applies also for innerrant, infallible preservation. It is the same
If a believer in perfect inspiration says that God overpowered the writers' ability to
make a mistake, the believer in perfect preservation can also state that God overpowered
the translators' ability to make a mistake. It can also very happily be pointed out that a
man who claims that God preserved His Words can at least PRODUCE what he claims
to believe in!
Put Up or Shut Up
I personally believe that God has perfectly preserved His Word in the King James
or Authorized Version. I can at least produce a King James Bible to show what I believe
in. Any person who claims that God inspired the original autographs perfectly, cannot
produce those original manuscripts to prove it! I do not believe that the King James
Bible is a new inspiration. "Inspiration" starts with a blank sheet of paper, a man of God,
and God. I am saying that the Authorized Version is every word of God that was in the
original autographs, preserved to this day. "Preservation" starts with God's manuscripts,
a man of God, and God. The end result of both is the same: the perfect Word and words
of God. It only makes sense.
Many of today's preachers and self-proclaimed scholars slam their fists down on
their pulpits in simulated "righteous indignation" while holding a Bible over their heads
and loudly proclaim, "This Book doesn't 'CONTAIN' the word of God, it IS the Word of
God! Perfect! Infallible! Without admixture of error!" to the delight of the audience. But
ask them, while out of their pulpit, if they believe that THE BOOK IN THEIR HAND is
truly without error, and they immediately go into a song and dance routine about "just a
translation OF the Bible" and say something about "Forever, O LORD, thy word is
settled in heaven." Try pressing the issue, and they will question your authority to do so
(Matthew 21:23), and if you persist you will be labeled a "Ruckmanite."
All for simply believing that this "godly man" really believed what he had said
when he was performing behind his pulpit!
Unwilling Allies
We have studied the history of the MSS, of the New Testament, and the historical
plans and attempts to overthrow God's preservation of His Word. We have seen that the
vast majority of MSS and of historical evidence points to the Authorized Version as
God's preserved Word. Still, there is an air of antagonism against the Authorized
Version. Strange as it may seem, the only things which Roman Catholics, apostates,
Protestants, and fundamentalists can agree on is that the King James Bible should be
eliminated! This striking truth in itself should be enough to shock born-again Christians
into scrutinizing their position to make sure of which side of the fence they are on.
When we find ourselves aligned with Satan's church against Scripture, we find ourselves
in a very dangerous position. This is especially true when we consider what the result
would be if these groups were successful in abolishing the King James Version. The
elimination of the Authorized Version finds us without a Bible, at which time we find
Rome rushing to the rescue with her 1582 Jesuit translation, and the anti-God Local Text
of Alexandria. Knowing that no fundamentalist would consciously use a Roman
Catholic Bible, the Roman Church has obliged us by changing the cover to Revised
Version, American Standard Version, Good News for Modern Man, the Living Bible, the
Amplified Bible, the Jerusalem Bible, the Common Bible, the New International
Version, the New Scofield Reference Bible, and many more. The story is true; the names
have been changed to protect the guilty.
Sowers of Discord
Rome realized that there is not one of these new Roman Catholic translations which
will ever replace God's Authorized Version. Her plan is to get any one of these
translations to replace the Authorized Version in any group of Christians. Let the
fundamentalists use one of the Revised Standard Version's "twin sons," the New
American Standard Version or the New International Version. Convince the young
people that they cannot understand the "thees" and "thous" in God's Authorized Version
and hand them a "Good News for Modern Man" or a "Living Bible." Promote each new
translation of the Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt, as "thoroughly reliable" or "more
accurate," until the Authorized Version is removed from the hearts of Christians little by
How many young "preacher boys" have had their faith in God's PERFECT Word
trampled and destroyed while they sat in independent, fundamental Bible colleges where
they thought that they were safe?!
How many found themselves, upon graduation three or four years later indebted to
their "alma mater" for teaching them what the "originals really said" and in so doing
saved them from being drawn into that group of "King James fanatics," that "lunatic
fringe," that "cult"?
They found themselves leaving college with the confidence (?) that the Book under
their arm was NOT perfect, and thanking God for the school that had shown them that!
The only person happier than they were was the Pope. After all, who wants
someone who speaks with authority? (Mark 1:22)
Many Shall Come
It must be remembered at this time that every new Bible is introduced as being
"better than the Authorized Version." It may also be noted that every false prophet is
introduced as "better" than Jesus Christ. Mohammed had supposedly come to finish the
work which Christ began. Charles Manson claimed that he was Jesus Christ. Sun Nyung
Moon claims to have to finished the job which Jesus Christ failed to finish. Jim Jones
claimed to be Jesus Christ. The Beatles claimed to be more popular than Jesus Christ.
Notice that Jim Jones did not claim to be Mohammed. Notice that Moon did not
claim to be the replacement for Buddha. All of the false prophets attack Jesus Christ.
Notice that the Good News for Modern Man does not claim to be better than the
American Standard Version, but it does claim to be better than the Authorized Version.
Notice also that the New International Version does not claim to be better than the
American Standard Version; it claims to be better than the Authorized Version. A false
prophet can always be recognized, because he attacks the true prophet. A false Bible can
be recognized, because it attacks the true Bible.
The Super Sack Philosophy
LET ME ALLEGORIZE FOR A MOMENT. The claims of the new Bibles are
strikingly similar to the claims of the famous "Super Sack" grocery bag which has swept
the country. The bag producers wanted to cut production costs. The "old reliable" double
bag was just about indestructible when it came to doing its job, but it was too costly to
produce. The manufacturers came up with the idea of producing an inferior product but
calling it "superior."
It has happened to us all. One day, on a trip with our wives to the grocery store, we
picked up our groceries and noticed the bag. It wasn't a double bag! "They've made them
cheaper," we thought. Then we noticed an official looking statement on the side: "This
new Super Sack is made from a new high strength paper. There is no double bagging
"Well," we realized, "then it isn't an inferior product after all. It's new and better.
That's good to know."
We "bought the pitch." In our trusting, childlike manner, we believed that the
"Super Sack" was better than the "old reliable" double bag, just because someone told us
that it was.
"This new Super Sack ... no double bagging needed."
How many times have these words echoed through my head as I heard a horrifying,
tearing sound. I watched as the cans rolled across the grocery store parking lot. I
watched the flour break open in the back seat of the car. After getting the survivors into
the car, we headed for home.
"This new Super Sack ... no double bagging needed."
We hear that sound! We watch broken eggs as they pour their contents out into the
driveway. The cereal has broken open, and now the neighbors dog picks up our last
package of hamburger. We make a wild dash for the house, leaving a trail of canned
goods, broken jelly jars, and spilled milk in our wake. We arrive at the back door
holding nothing more than a large piece of brown paper with words on the side reading:
"This Super Sack is made from a new high strength paper. There is no double bagging
At times like that, standing there, surveying the damage, I can hardly frame the
proper words with which to thank the manufacturers for blessing me with this
wonderful, new, improved "Super Sack."
This "Super Sack" philosophy has existed in the field of Bible translations for
Every new translation published appears first with a giant "media campaign"
directed at the Christian community. This campaign is designed to tell the Christians that
they "need" this new translation, because the Christians do not know it. This is not an
overstatement but is proven true by the Preface to the New American Standard Version
of 1963. The last paragraph in the Preface begins with this statement:
"It is enthusiastically anticipated that the general public will be grateful to learn of
the availability, value and need of the New American Standard Version." (Emphasis
The Lockman Foundation has admitted translating a Bible that the general public
doesn't know that it needs! It is intended for the general public to realize that they "need"
this Bible when they read the advertisement. This is just like a laundry detergent.
The Sales Pitch
Let us look into the way in which this "Bible advertising" works.
We read a few Christian periodicals and observe that a new translation has been
published. It is, of course, compared to the Authorized Version. The "mistakes" of the
Authorized Version are revealed to show us the "need" for a new translation. Next, this
new translation is unveiled with exclamation of "thoroughly reliable," "true to the
Original Greek," and "starting a new tradition." We read but are skeptical.
We proceed to the "Bible" book store to look over this new translation. After having
the "sales pitch" from the man behind the counter, we leave carrying a grocery bag
(Super Sack) full of "new," "modern," "easy to read" translations in which we are
assured that "all of the fundamentals can be found." On the way home, we decide to try
out these "more accurate," "Christ exalting" versions.
The Let Down
We meet a Jehovah's Witness. In the following discussion we try to convince him
that Jesus Christ was not a created God. He shows us John 1:18 in his "New World
Translation." It reads that Christ was the "only begotten God." We snicker. "That's just
your version," we say, reaching for a New International Version. To our amazement it
also reads "only begotten God!"
Being fully embarrassed, we change the subject to the trinity. "I John 5:7!" we
exclaim. Now we've got him! We turn to I John 5:7 in the "Good News for Modern
Man." "There are three witnesses," it says.
Our Jehovahs Witness asks, "So, what does that teach?" We stammer, "Wait a
minute," as we reach for a New American Standard Version. "And it is the Spirit who
bears witness, because the Spirit is truth."
"So how is the trinity taught from that verse?" he demands.
With our face glowing red and phrases like "thoroughly reliable" and "faithful to
the originals" spinning through our head, we desperately grab a New King James
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Spirit; and these three are one." I John 5:7.
"There it is! There it is!" We exclaim, "See there, the Trinity!"
"Read the footnote on it," he states calmly. "Out loud!"
"The words from 'in heaven' (v. 7) through 'on earth' (v. 8) are from the Latin Bible,
although three Greek mss. from the 15th Century and later also contain them."
"You see," says our adversary, "it doesn't belong there."
Thankfully he hasn't got any more time to talk, and he leaves.
We tear our "Super Sack" slightly as we pick it back up and head for home, not
quite understanding what has taken place. In our mind we hear the Bible store salesman
saying, "But I can find the fundamentals in these new versions."
Devastating Revelations
In an attempt to boost our own morale, we try to lead a man to Christ. We tell him
the simplicity of conversion. We relate to him how easy it was for the Ethiopian eunuch.
We open a Revised Standard Version to show it to him. We read Acts 8:36 and then the
next verse, verse 38. "Wait just a second; I seem to have skipped over a verse," we say
We read verse 36, then carefully run our finger across the line to the next verse,
verse 38! There is no verse 37! This eunuch never believed on the Lord Jesus Christ!
"Excuse me," we apologize. "I seem to have picked up the wrong Bible." We lay
down the Revised Standard Version and pick up the New American Standard Version.
We read again. This time we arrive at verse 37.
It says, "See footnote."
"No thank you!" we say to ourselves.
Having lost his train of thought, our lost friend walks off shaking his head and
wondering why Christians don't know their Bibles better.
Of all things, we run into an infidel before we can reach the safety of our home.
"Jesus Christ was not God in the flesh," he states.
"Oh yes He was!" we retort confidently, happy to have the opportunity to redeem
ourselves for the bad showing earlier. "Look at I Timothy 3:16."
We pick the Living Bible.
"But the answer lies in Christ, who came to earth as a man...."
"There's no 'God' in that verse," he declares.
The statement of the salesmen comes to mind again. "But I can find the
fundamentals in these."
"Where?" we ask ourselves returning to the Revised Standard Version.
"He was manifested in the flesh...."
"Where is God?" demands our infidel. We wonder the same thing!
"He appeared in human form," says the Good News for Modern Man.
"He who was revealed in the flesh," states the New American Standard Version.
"Where is God?" demands our infidel with finality.
"I don't know. I really don't know," we reply with our heads down in sorrow.
We drag our wounded spirits home. Words cannot describe our "gratitude" to the
Lockman Foundation and all the rest of those "godly, conservative scholars" who gave
us these "accurate, reliable, true to the original" translations. We hear a horrifying,
tearing sound as we reach the back door.
The next morning the garbage man finds a garbage bag full of brand new, unused
"Bibles" covered by a large, torn piece of brown paper with the words on the side
saying: "This new Super Sack is made from a new high strength paper. There is no
double bagging needed."
No thank you, we will stick with our "old, reliable" King James, 1611.
The story has been an allegory, but the philosophy it describes is very true.
Common Complaints
We shall now look at some of the complaints against the Authorized Version.
Remember, being able to "find the fundamentals" in a version is not enough. This was
the claim of the corrupt Revised Version! As Wilkenson points out, "There are many
who claim that the changes in the Revised Version did not affect any doctrine."
The problem with this statement is that even if the major doctrines can be found in
these new Roman Catholic Bibles, these doctrines always appear in a watered down
Yes, the blood of atonement can be taught in spite of the removal of the word
"blood" from Colossians 1:14. The doctrine of the blood atonement is found in other
passages. The danger is this. Where the Authorized Version teaches a given doctrine in
maybe thirty different places, the New American Standard Version may teach the same
doctrine in only twenty. The New International Version may only teach this doctrine in
fifteen passages. The next "new and improved" version may teach it only three or four,
until it is reduced to only one passage. How then can we teach a new convert this
"major" doctrine from only one passage?
All of the doctrines, which today's fundamentalists claim to be able to "find" in
these new translations, have been taught to these same fundamentalists through the use
of a King James Bible. How will the next generation of Christians learn pure doctrine
from a watered down Bible? How can we even call something a "major" doctrine which
is taught only in one or two verses?
Remember, Satan is not worried at all about what people think of Jesus if he can
just keep us from being able to prove that He was virgin born, shed His blood for our
sins, rose from the dead, or is coming back physically. Without scripture to prove the
above, Jesus was just a man.
The new Bibles have no blood in them, no Lord, no second coming, nor other vital
doctrines. In other words, the new Bibles have all of the convictions of B.F. Westcott.
"The Scholar Scam"
Many Christian educators, (especially scholars) claim that the scholarship of today
is greater than that of the days of King James. How can they say such a thing? How can
men who say that the Bible teaches that everything will get worse and worse with time
claim that education is the exception? We see the signs of apostasy all around us. They
are evident in world economic systems. They are evident in educational systems. They
are evident in the apostasy of religious groups which were formerly loyal to the Bible.
They are evident in the worldly learnings of many once separated Christian colleges. Are
we to believe that "scholarship" has avoided the "downhill progress?" That is far from
being realistic.
Scholar for scholar, the men on the King James translating committee were far
greater men of God than Westcott, Hort, or any other new translator. They were not only
educated in a powerful, anti-Roman atmosphere, but they looked at the MSS which they
handled as the Holy Word of God. They state such in the Dedicatory to King James:
"So that if, on the one side, we shall be traduced by Popish persons at home or
abroad, who therefore will malign us, because we are poor instruments to make
God's holy Truth to be yet more and more known unto the people, whom they
desire still to keep in ignorance and darkness; or if, on the other side, we shall be
maligned by self-conceited brethren, who run their own ways, and give liking unto
nothing, but what is framed by themselves, and hammered on their anvil...."

As can be seen, they considered themselves "unworthy instruments," for these were
humble men.
Compare the words of the King James translators to the pride of the anonymous
Lockman Foundation:
"The producers of this translation were imbued with the conviction that
interest in the American Standard Version should be renewed and increased.
Perhaps the most weighty impetus for this undertaking can be attributed to a
disturbing awareness that the American Standard Version of 1901 was fast
disappearing from the scene. As a generation "which knew not Joseph" was born,
even so a generation unacquainted with this great and important work has come
into being. Recognizing a responsibility to posterity, the Lockman Foundation felt
an urgency to rescue this noble achievement from an inevitable demise, to reserve it
as a heritage for coming generations, and to do so in such a form as the demands of
passing time dictate. It is enthusiastically anticipated that the general public will be
grateful to learn of the availability, value and need of the New American Standard
Bible. It is released with the strong confidence that those who seek a knowledge of
the scriptures will find herein a source of genuine satisfaction for a clear and
accurate rendering of divinely-revealed truth."196
The mysterious Lockman Foundation seems not only to believe that they have done
us a great service, but seems also to feel that we "ignorant" members of the general
public should be grateful to them for their "clear and accurate" translation. Of course we
are grateful. We are just as grateful to the Lockman Foundation as we are to the
manufacturers of the "Super Sack." Their products seem to be equal in quality.
Genuine Scholarship
As stated earlier, the translation of the King James Bible was achieved at a
"parenthesis of purity" in English history. It was produced during a brief period
following the overthrow of Roman authority and prior to the apostasy of the Church of
England. It was translated in the era when the still young English language was at its
height of purity. Dr. McClure succeeds in aptly describing this esteemed company of
"As to the capability of those men, we say again, that, by the good providence
of God, their work was undertaken in a fortunate time. Not only had the English
language, that singular compound, then ripened to its full perfection, but the study
of Greek and of the Oriental tongues and/or rabbinical lore had then been carried to
a greater extent in England than ever before or since."

"This particular field of learning has never been so highly cultivated among
English divines as it was at that day. To evidence this fact, so far as necessary limits
will admit, it will be requisite to sketch the characters and scholarship of those
men, who have made all coming ages their debtors. When this pleasing task is
done, it is confidently expected that the reader of these pages will yield to the
conviction, that all of the colleges of Great Britian and America, even in this proud
day of boastings, could not bring together the same number of divines equally
qualified by learning and piety for the great undertaking. Few indeed are the living
names worthy to be enrolled with those mighty men. It would be impossible to
convene out of any one Christian denomination, or out of all, a body of translators
on whom the whole Christian community would bestow such a confidence as is
reposed upon that illustrious company, or who would prove themselves as
deserving of such confidence. Very many self-styled "improved versions" of the
Bible, or of parts of it, have been paraded before the world, but the religious public
has doomed them all, without exception, to utter neglect."197

As Dr. McClure has already stated, to fully appreciate the depth of true scholarship
present at the translation of the King James Bible, it is necessary to investigate the
character of the individuals on the translating committee. His excellent book, Translator
Revived, will be the primary source of the following brief biographical comments.
Lancelot Andrews
Dr. Lancelot Andrews, a member of the Westmenster Company is known for his
linguistic ability.
"Once a year, at Easter, he used to pass a month with his parents. During this
vacation, he would find a master, from whom he learned some language to which
he was a stranger. In this way after a few years, he acquired most of the modern
languages of Europe."198

"He was not a man of 'head knowledge' only. He was a man of great practical
preaching ability and an ardent opponent of Rome. His conspicuous talents soon
gained him powerful patrons. Henry, Earl of Huntington, took him into the north of
England, where he was the means of converting many Papists by his preaching and

"As a preacher, Bishop Andrews was right famous in his day. He was called
the 'star of preachers.'" 200

Dr. Andrews was also known as a great man of prayer.

"Many hours he spent each day in private and family devotions; and there
were some who used to desire that 'they might end their days in Bishop Andrews'
chapel.' He was one in whom was proved the truth of Luther's saying, that 'to have
prayed well, is to have studied well.'"201

Although he was a mighty preacher and prayer warrior, he was not "above" the
people around him.
"This worthy diocesan was much 'given to hospitality,' and especially to
literary strangers. So bountiful was his cheer, that it used to be said, 'My Lord of
Winchester keeps Christmas all years 'round.'"202

Lastly we review his ability as a translator of the Word of God.

"But we are chiefly concerned to know what were his qualifications as a
translator of the Bible. He ever bore the character of a 'right godly man,' and a
'prodigious student.' One competent judge speaks of him as 'that great gulf of
learning!' It was also said, that 'the world wanted learning to know how learned this
man was.' A brave old chronicler remarks, that such was his skill in all languages,
especially the Oriental, that had he been present at the confusion of tongues at
Babel, he might have served as the Intepreter-General! In his funeral sermon by Dr.
Buckzidge, Bishop of Rochester, it is said that Dr. Andrews was conversant with
fifteen languages."203

John Overall
Dr. John Overall was another of the King James translators. He, too, was known for
his opposition to Roman rule. He was present at the hanging of the Jesuit Henry Garnet,
mastermind of 'the Gun-powder Plot.'
In spite of his opposition to Rome, he had an interest in individual souls and urged
Garnet to make a true and lively faith to God-ward."204
Dr. Overall was vital to the translation because of his knowledge of quotations of
the early church fathers. Without a man with such knowledge it might have been
impossible to verify the authenticity of passages such as I John 5:7. This verse has a
multitude of evidence among church fathers, though its manuscript evidence suffers
from the attacks of Alexandria's philosophers.
This disputed verse is known among textual circles as the "Johannine Comma." Dr.
Edward Hills records some of the evidence in its favor:
"The first undisputed citations of the Johannine Comma occur in the writings
of two fourth century Spanish bishops, Priscillian, who in 385 was beheaded by the
emperor Maximus in the charge of sorcery and heresy, and Idacious Clarus,
Priscillian's principal adversary and accuser. In the Fifth Century the Johannine
Comma was quoted by several orthodox African writers to defend the doctrine of
the Trinity against the gainsaying of the Vandals, who ruled North Mrica from 439
to 534 and were fanatically attached to the Arian heresy. About the same time it
was cited by Cassiodorus (480-570) in Italy. The Comma is also found in r, an old
Latin manuscript of the fifth or sixth century, and in the Speculum, a treatise which
contains an old Latin text. It was not included in Jerome's original edition of the
Latin Vulgate, but around the year 800 it was taken into the text of the Vulgate from
the old Latin manuscripts. It was found in the great mass of the later Vulgate
manuscripts and in the Clementine edition of the Vulgate, the official Bible of the
Roman Catholic Church."205

It was also cited by Cyprian in 225 A.D. 206

This is one hundred and seventy-five years before Eusebius penned the Vatican
We can see then that Dr. Overall's contribution to the translation would be of the
utmost importance. No "modern" translation has so candidly investigated the evidence
of the church fathers.
Hadrian Saravia
Dr. Hadrian Saravia, another learned translator, was as evangelical as he was
scholarly. McClure reports:
"He was sent by Queen Elizabeth's council as a sort of missionary to the
islands of Guernsey and Jersey, where he was one of the first Protestant ministers;
knowing, as he says of himself, in a letter, 'which were the beginnings, and by what
means and occasions the preaching of God's Word was planted there.' He labored
there in a two-fold capacity, doing the work of an evangelist, and conducting a
newly established school, called Elizabeth College."207

He too, as any truly dedicated soldier for Christ, was a constant foe of Rome. In
1611 he published a treatise on Papal primacy against the Jesuit Gretser.
He is said to have been "educated in all kinds of literature in his younger days,
especially several languages."208
John Laifield
Dr. John Laifield was another man of unique talents which lent to his extraordinary
value as a translator. Of him it is said: "That being skilled in architecture, his judgement
was much relied on for the fabric of the tabernacle and temple."209
Robert Tighe
Dr. Robert Tighe was known as "an excellent textuary and profound lingtlist."210
William Bedwell
Dr. William Bedwell was "an eminent Oriental scholar." His epitaph mentions that
he was "for the Eastern tongues, as learned a man as most lived in these modern times."
"He published in quarto an edition of the epistles of St. John in Arabic, with a
Latin version, printed at the press of Raphelengius, at Antwerp, in 1612. He also
left many Arabic manuscripts to the University of Cambridge, with numerous notes
upon them, and a font of types of printing them. His fame for Arabic learning was
so great, that when Erpenius, a most renowned Orientalist, resided in England in
1606, he was much indebted to Bedwell for direction in his studies. To Bedwell,
rather than to Erpenius, who commonly enjoys it, belongs the honor of being the
first who considerably promoted and revived the study of the Arabic language and
literature in Europe. He was also tutor to another Orientalist of reknown, Dr.

"Some modern scholars have fancied, that we have an advantage in our times
over the translators of King James' day, by reason of the greater attention which is
supposed to be paid at present to what are called the 'cognate' and 'Shemitic'
languages, and especially the Arabic by which much light is thought to be reflected
upon Hebrew words and phrases. It is evident, however, that Mr. Bedwell and
others, among his fellow-laborers, were thoroughly conversant in this part of the
broad field of sacred criticism."212
In addition to his work on the Authorized Version, Dr. Bedwell left several other
contributions to his age:
"Dr. Bedwell also commenced a Persian dictionary, which is among
Archbishop Laid's manuscripts, still preserved in the Bodelian Library at Oxford.
In 1615 he published his book, A Discovery of the Impostures of Mahomet and of
the Koran. To this was annexed his Arabian Trudgeman.

"Dr. Bedwell had a fondness for mathematical studies. He invented a ruler for
geometrical purposes, like that we call Gunther's Scale, which went by the
'Bedwell's Ruler'.

"After Bedwell's death, the voluminous manuscripts of his lexicon were

loaned to the University of Cambridge to aid the compilation of Dr. Castell's
colossal work, the Lexicon Heptaglotton."213

Edward Lively
Dr. Edward Lively was known as "one of the best linguists in the world ... Much
dependence was placed on his surpassing skill in Oriental languages."214
Lawrence Chaderton
Dr. Lawrence Chaderton was raised a Roman Catholic and encouraged by his
family to become a lawyer. He traveled to London where he was converted to Christ and
joined the Puritan Congregation there. 215 It is said that:
"He made himself familiar with the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues and
was thoroughly skilled in them. Moreover he had diligently investigated the
numerous writings of the Rabbis, so far as they seemed to promise any aid to the
understanding of the Scriptures."216

Dr. Chaderton was a powerful preacher who lived to the age of one hundred and
three. A preaching engagement in his later years was described as follows:
"Having addressed his audience for two full hours by the glass, he paused and
said, 'I will no longer trespass on your patience.' And now comes the marvel; for
the whole congreagtion cried out with one consent for God's sake, go on! He
accordingly proceeded much longer, to their great satisfaction and delight."217

Dr. McClure leaves us to ponder the direction scholarship has taken in these
modern times. "For even now people like to hear such preaching as is preaching. But
where shall we find men for the work like those who gave us our version of the Bible?"
Francis Dillingham
Dr. Francis Dillingham was so studied in the original languages that he participated
in public debate in Greek.218
Dr. Dillingham was another soldier for Christ who took aggressive action against
the teaching of Rome. "He collected out of Cardinal Bellarmine's writings, all the
concessions made by the acute author in favor of Protestantism. He published a Manual
of Christian Faith, taken from the Fathers, and a variety of treatises on different points
belonging to the Romish controversy."219
Thomas Harrison
Dr. Thomas Harrison, it is recorded, was chosen to assist the King James translation
due to his knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. In fact his ability served him well in his
duties as Vice-Master of Trinity College in Cambridge.
"On account of his exquisite skill in the Hebrew and Greek idioms, he was one
of the chief examiners in the University of those who sought to be public professors
of these languages."220

John Harding
John Harding was an ardent scholar of whom it is said concerning his ability: "At
the time of his appointment to aid in the translation of the Bible, he had been Royal
Professor of Hebrew in the University for thirteen years. His occupancy of that chair, at
a time when the study of sacred literature was pursued by thousands with a zeal
amounting to a possession, is a fair intimation that Dr. Harding was the man for the post
he occupied."221
John Reynolds
Dr. John Reynolds had been raised in the Roman Catholic Church. As Chaderton,
he too trusted Christ and became a Puritan. The attributes leading to his position on the
translation committee are recorded as follows:
"Determined to explore the whole field and make himself master of the
subject, he devoted himself to the study of the Scriptures in the original tongues,
and read all the Greek and Latin fathers, and all the ancient records of the

His aggressive nature toward the false teachings of his former church are
exemplified in the following record:
"About the year 1578, John Hart, a popish zealot, challenged all the learned
men in the nation to a public debate. At the solicitation of one of Queen Elizabeth's
privy counsellors, Mr. Reynolds encountered him. After several combats, the
Romish champion owned himself driven from the field."
"At that time, the celebrated Cardinal Bellarmine, the Goliath of the
Philistines at Rome, was professor of theology in the English Seminary at that city.
As fast as he delivered his popish doctrine, it was taken down in writing, and
regularly sent to Dr. Reynolds; who from time to time, publicly confuted it at
Oxford. Thus Bellarmine's books were answered, even before they were

His skills in Hebrew and Greek made his appointment to the company of translators
a wise one. While on his death bed, it is recorded:
"The papists started a report, that their famous opposer had recanted his
Protestant sentiments. He was much grieved at hearing of the rumor; but too feeble
to speak, set his name to the following declaration: 'These are to testify to all the
world, that I die in the possession of that faith which I have taught all my life, both
in my preachings and in my writings, with an assured hope of my salvation, only by
the merits of Christ my Savior."'224

Richard Kilby
Dr. Richard Kilby was a man worthy of the position of translator. One incident in
his life, which occurred shortly after the Authorized Version had been published, suffices
not only to reveal his depth, but also the dangers of the self-esteemed "scholars"
changing the translation of even one word in God's Book.
"I must here stop my reader, and tell him that this Dr. Kilby was a man so
great in learning and wisdom, and so excellent a critic in the Hebrew tongue, that
he was made professor of it in this University; and as also so perfect a Grecian, that
he was by King James appointed to be one of the translators of the Bible, and that
this Doctor and Mr. Sanderson had frequent discourses, and loved as father and
son. The Doctor was to ride a journey into Derbyshire, and took Mr. Sanderson to
bear him company; and they resting on a Sunday with the Doctor's friend, and
going together to that parish church where they were, found the young preacher to
have no more discretion than to waste a great part of the hour allotted for his
sermon in exceptions against the late translation of several words, (not expecting
such a hearer as Dr. Kilby) and showed three reasons why a particular word should
have been otherwise translated. When evening prayer was ended, the preacher was
invited to the Doctor's friend's house, where after some other confidence, the
Doctor told him, he might have preached more useful doctrine, and not filled his
auditor's ears with needless exceptions against the translation; and for that word for
which he offered to that poor congregation three reasons why it ought to have been
translated as he and others had considered all them, and found thirteen more
considerable reasons why it was translated as now printed."225
Miles Smith
Dr. Miles Smith was the man responsible for the preface to the King James Bible.
This preface is no longer printed in the present copies of the Book. He had a knowledge
of the Greek and Latin fathers, as well as being expert in Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic.
"Hebrew he had at his finger's end." 226 And so was the Ethiopic tongue.
Henry Saville
Dr. Henry Saville was known for his Greek and mathematical learning. He was so
well known for his education, skilled with languages and knowledge of the Word, that
he became Greek and mathematical tutor to Queen Elizabeth during the reign of her
father, Henry VIII. 227
Dr. McClure tells us, "He is chiefly known, however, by being the first to edit the
complete works of John Chrysostom, the most famous of the Greek Fathers." 228
We could go on and on concerning the scholarship of the King James translators,
but we have not the space here. Dr. McClure's book, Translators Revived, is
recommended for an in-depth study of the lives of these men.
It should be noted that these men were qualified in the readings of the church
fathers which prevented them from being "locked" to the manuscripts, causing early
readings to be overlooked. This is vastly better than the methods used by modern
It should also be recognized that these men did not live in "ivory towers." They
were men who were just as renowned for their preaching ability as they were for their
esteemed education. It is a lesson in humility to see men of such great spiritual stature
call themselves "poor instruments to make God's Holy Truth to be yet more and more
"Revised" Scholarship
We shall now briefly examine a few of the translators of the Revised Standard
Version. The reasons that we shall examine these revisors are as follows:
First, it is due to the secrecy surrounding translations such as the New American
Standard Version and the New International Version. The Lockman Foundation has
elected to remain anonymous. This is, of course, the safest method, as it prevents
investigative eyes from discovering truths such as those we shall see concerning the
Revised Standard Version translators.
The translating committee of the New International Version is also nameless. We
are assured of their "scholarship" although words without proof ring of a snake oil
salesman in the days of the Old West. Of course, it must be admitted, they are both in the
"selling business."
Secondly, we have chosen to examine the Revised Standard Version translators
because they are of the exact same conviction concerning biblical MSS as Westcott and
Hort, Nestle, the Lockman Foundation, the New Scofield Board of Editors, and the
majority of unsuspecting college professors and preachers across America today.
Namely, they believed the Vatican and Sinaitic MSS are more reliable than the God-
preserved Universal Text.
Thirdly, due to this mistaken preference for Roman Catholic MSS, EVERY Bible
translation since 1881 is linked directly to the Revised Version, and had nothing to do
with the Authorized Version. These new translations follow the same MSS family as the
Revised version. This family is the Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt and has no
relationship whatsoever to the Authorized Version. It is the text which Satan has altered
and promotes as a replacement for God's Universal Text.
All modern translations, such as the New American Standard Version, are linked to
the Revised Standard Version of 1952, which is a revision of the American Standard
Version of 1901, which was originally marketed as the American Revised Version - an
American creation growing from the English Revised Version of 1881.
Edgar Goodspeed
Edgar Goodspeed was on the Revised Standard committee. Goodspeed did not
believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. He looked at Jesus Christ as a social reformer who
gave His life as a martyr for a "cause." Goodspeed said, "Jesus' youth was probably one
of the dawning and increasing dissatisfaction with the prevalent form of the Jewish
religion in Nazareth and in his own home. HE DID NOT IN THOSE EARLY YEARS
SEE WHAT HE COULD DO ABOUT IT, but he must have felt a growing sense that
there was something deeply wrong about it, which should be corrected."229
Goodspeed continues, "He faced the question of his next step in his work. He had
no mind to die obscured in some corner of Galilee, to no purpose. A bolder plan was
now taking shape in his mind. He would present himself to Jerusalem ... publicly offer
them their Messianic destiny, AND TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES. And he would do
this in ways that would make his death something that would never be forgotten, but
would carry the message to the end of time. Yet how could this be done?" 230
Goodspeed also, like Westcott, seemed to think it necessary to explain away
Christ's miracles. Here we see what he thought took place at the feeding of the five
"He took the five loaves and two fishes and looked up to heaven and blessed
the loaves, and broke them in pieces, and gave them to the disciples to pass to the
people. He also divided the two fishes among them all. And they all ate, and had
enough. JESUS' SIMPLE EXAMPLE OF SHARING ALL he and his disiciples had
with their guests must have MOVED THOSE GALILEANS as it moves us still.
HIS EXAMPLE. He simply showed the way, and they gladly took it." 231

Goodspeed called Genesis the product of an "Oriental story teller at his best." 232
Julius Brewer
Julius Brewer, another revisor, stated, "The dates and figures found in the first five
books of the Bible turn out to be altogether unreliable." 233
Henry Cadbury
Henry Cadbury, another member of the Revised committee, believed that Jesus
Christ was a just man who was subject to story telling. "He was given to overstatements,
in his case, not a personal idiosyncrasy, but a characteristic of the Oriental world." 234
He also doubted the deity of Christ. "A psychology of God, if that is what Jesus
was, is not available." 235
Cadbury, like Westcott, was a socialist, and he attempted to fit Jesus Christ into the
same mold. "His (Jesus') gospel was in brief, a social gospel." 236
Walter Bowie
Walter Bowie was another revisor who believed that the Old Testament was legend
instead of fact. He says in reference to Abraham, "The story of Abraham comes down
from the ancient times; and how much of it is fact and how much of it is legend, no one
can positively tell." 237
In speaking of Jacob wrestling with the Angel, he says, "The man of whom these
words were written (Genesis 32:31) belongs to a time so long ago that it is uncertain
whether it records history or legend." 238
Bowie did not believe in the miracle of the burning bush. "One day he (Moses) had
a vision. In the shimmering heat of the desert, beneath the blaze of that Eastern sun, he
saw a bush that seemed to be on fire, and the bush was not consumed." 239
Clarence Craig
Clarence Craig was one of the revisors who denied the bodily resurrection of
Christ. "It is to be remembered that there were no eyewitnesses of the resurrection of
Jesus. No canonical gospel PRESUMED to describe Jesus emerging from the tomb. The
mere fact that a tomb was found empty was CAPABLE OF MANY EXPLANATIONS.
BODY." 240
Craig also held Westcott's view that Christ's second coming was a spiritual coming,
not physical. "In other words, the coming of Christ is to THE HEARTS of those who
love him. IT IS NOT HOPE FOR SOME FUTURE TIME, but a present reality of faith."
Strangely enough, Craig is found to agree with the position of the present day
"godly Christian scholars" who believe that God is not able to preserve His Word. "If
God once wrote His revelation in an inerrant book, He certainly failed to provide any
means by which this could be passed on without contamination through human
fallibility...The true Christian position is that the Bible CONTAINS the record of
revelations." 242
Frederick Grant
Frederick Grant was in agreement with Westcott and Hort's belief in prayer for the
dead. "It would seem that modern thought...demands that if prayer be real or effective at
all, it shall not cease when those who have gone before advance, as by a bend in the road
beyond our sight...must we cease to pray for them? The answer is CEASE NOT TO
PRAY, for they are living still, in this world of the other, and still have need of prayers."
Willard Sperry
Willard Sperry shows his dislike for the gospel of John in the following statement.
"Some of these sayings, it is true, come from the Fourth Gospel (John), AND WE DO
It is a known fact that all liberals attack John's gospel, due to the fact that it makes
the strongest statements of the four gospels concerning the deity of Jesus Christ.
William Irwin
William Irwin believed that the Jewish prophets inflated the position of God in the
Bible. "The prophets were forced by the disasters that befell to do some hard, painful
Fleming James
Fleming James was yet another Bible revisor who was as much an infidel as any
secular college professor in America today. He said concerning Moses' authorship of the
first five books of the Bible, "The idea has been shown by scholars to be untenable on
many grounds. The view that now prevails is that through these five books, there were
TOGETHER to make the present story...Two are older and more reliable as history, two
proceed from later time and are so coloured by later ideas that they can hardly be called
history at all." 246
This almost coincides with Fenton John Anthony Horts' belief concerning the
synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
"I quite agree that it is most essential to study each Synoptist by himself as a
single whole. Only I should add that such a study soon leads one to the fact of their
having all largely used at least one common source, and that fact becomes an
additional element in their criticism." 247

We also find that he doubted the miracle of the Red Sea crossing.
"What really happened at the Red Sea WE CAN NO LONGER KNOW; but
scholars are pretty well agreed that the narrative goes back to some striking and
pretentious event which impressed both Moses and the people with the belief that
YAHWEH had intervened to save them. THE SAME MAY BE SAID OF THE

Concerning Elijah's action in 2 Kings 1:10, he said, "The narrative of calling down
fire from heaven upon soldiers sent to arrest him is PLAINLY LEGENDARY." 249
Millar Burrows
Millar Burrows finalizes the true convictions of the revisors in his statement, "We
cannot take the Bible as a whole and in every part as stating with divine authority what
we must believe and do." 250
Earlier we studied the beliefs of Drs. Westcott and Hort. We can see how all of
these men fit together so well and were able to completely reject God's text in favor of
Rome's. Many may make a defense for new translations in claiming that these men are
"liberal" scholars, while today's modern translations such as the New American Standard
Version and the New International Version are translated by "conservative" scholars.
This claim is an empty one, though, because concerning which MSS are to be judged as
"best, most reliable, etc...," "conservative" scholars of the day agree wholeheartedly with
the conviction of the "liberal" revisors of the 1881 and 1952 revision committees. They
BOTH believe that the Roman Catholic text found in Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, etc., is better
than the Universal Text of the Authorized Version.
Conservative "scholars" also agree with the liberal "scholars" in their conviction
that God could not preserve His words through history.
We see then that the men of the King James Bible were men of great education,
education which was tempered by true spirituality and biblical convictions. They were
used by God as instruments in His plan for the preservation of His words. They were not
"inspired" to write a new revelation. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit to
preserve that which had already been written. This is what God had promised in Psalms
The King James Apocrypha
Another one of the assaults on the Authorized Version is that the early editions
contained the Apocrypha between the Old and New Testaments. In defense, we shall list
the seven reasons why the Apocrypha was NOT considered inspired by the Authorized
Version translators. 'The reasons assigned for not admitting the Apocryphal books into
the Canon, or list, of inspired Scriptures are briefly the following:
1. Not one of them is in the Hebrew language, which was alone used by the inspired
historians and poets of the Old Testament.
2. Not one of the writers lays any claim to inspiration.
3. These books were never acknowledged as sacred Scriptures by the Jewish church
and, therefore, never sanctioned by our Lord.
4. They were not allowed among the sacred books, during the first four centuries of
the Christian church.
5. They contain fabulous statements, and statements which contradict not only the
canonical Scriptures, but themselves; as when, in the two books of Maccabees,
Antiochus Epiphanes is made to die three different deaths in as many places.
6. It includes doctrines in variance with the Bible, such as prayers for the dead and
sinless perfection.
7. It teaches immoral practices, such as lying, suicide, assassination, and magical
For these and other reasons the Apocryphal books, which are all in Greek, except
one which is extant only in Latin, are valuable only as "ancient documents, illustrative
of the manners, language, opinions, and history of the East." 25l
We see then that the King James translators did not accept the books of the
Apocrypha as inspired by God.
The Greek Game in Action
Still another complaint against God's Authorized Version is the manner in which
certain Greek words have been translated. Today's "God-honoring" scholars "love the
Lord and His Bible" but are quick to point out and attack any seeming inconsistency in
translation in the Authorized Version. Even the most infinitesimal Greek article is
attacked under the guise of seeking to give a more "grammatically correct" translation.
This is the claim consistently made by the translating groups, such as the anonymous
Lockman Foundation.
This is all very noble sounding. It puts into one's mind a picture of these "hard
working scholars" slaving away to remove all of the "mistakes" from the Authorized
Version so that we can finally have the pure "Word of God." This is the farthest thing
from the truth. The truth is that the new "Bibles" are translated by men who first, desire
to eliminate the detested Authorized Version and second, though never admittedly, to
make money in the "Bible business." Sad as that is to think, it is true.
The problem with their hypercritical examination of the Authorized Versions is that
the same scrutiny is never applied to their own work.
The Greek Game in Reverse
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, who is known for being very Burgonian in his comments, is
nonetheless an outstanding authority in manuscript readings. In several of his works, he
has done no more than to examine the new translations under the same unyielding eye
with which the modern translators examine the Authorized Version.
Before examining any of his findings and the evidence of the critical apparatus of
Nestle's 23rd edition, it must first be remembered that the present day translations and
translators act under the premise that the Nestle's Greek New Testament is the closest to
the original text. Nestle's text is basically Westcott and Hort's text, which is in turn
primarily Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, as Dr. Wilkenson has recorded.
"It was of necessity that Westcott and Hort should take this position. Their
own Greek New Testament upon which they had been working for twenty years
was founded on Codex B and Codex (Aleph), as the following quotations show:

"If Westcott and Hort have failed, it is an overestimate of the Vatican Codex,
to which (like Lachman and Tregelles) they assign the supremacy, while
Tischendorf may have given too much weight to the Sinaitic Codex." 252

All modern translators give B and Aleph unbalanced superiority, assuming them to
be more accurate because they assume that they are older.
They unfortunately overlooked the fact that the Universal Text has MSS just as old,
plus the backing of the church fathers. They also seem not to realize that Egypt is NOT
the location for the pure text - old manuscripts maybe, but not pure readings.
Modern translators build their arguments for changing the Authorized Version
readings around two very loose rules:
1. The oldest reading is best.
2. The majority reading is best.
This sounds very good except for one small problem. What happens when the
oldest reading conflicts with the majority? The answer is: Do what you want as long as
you do not agree with the Authorized Version. This is not an over statement, but it
describes the animosity which modern scholarship has for the text of the Authorized
Following will be examples of translations in which modern translators break all
their own rules of translating in order to eliminate the readings of the Universal Text of
the King James Bible.
The readings to be examined are those which have been pointed out by Dr.
Ruckman. We shall compare his references to the footnotes in the critical apparatus of
Nestle's 23rd Edition, unless he states such evidence already. The English translation to
be examined will be the New American Standard Version, since it is the one which is
assumed by most fundamentalists to be sound.
First, the verse to be discessed will be quoted from the Authorized Version, then it
will be quoted from the New American Standard Version. The word, words, or passage
in question will be italicized.
Mark 1:2
AV: "As it is written in the prophets, Behold I send my messenger before thy face,
which shall prepare thy way before thee."

NASV: "As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, Behold, I will send my messenger
before your face, who will prepare your way."

Here the New American Standard Version sticks with the premise of using the
"oldest" reading. The phrase, "Isaiah the prophet" appears in the Hesychian (Local Text)
family represented primarily by B, C, and Aleph.
The problem arises when you read the remainder of verse two and then verse three,
the Old Testament quote in verse two is NOT from Isaiah! It is quoted from Malachi 3:1.
Verse three is from Isaiah. (Isaiah 40:3) Malachi plus Isaiah does not equal "Isaiah the
prophet;" it equals "the prophets."
The reading "the prophets" is found in W along with the Textus Receptus
(Universal Text) which is represented by E, F, G, and H in the gospels. It is also found in
the majority of witnesses. Also it was cited in 202 A.D., 150 years before Vaticanus or
Sinaiticus. 253
Immediately we run into the problem of the "oldest" versus the "majority." It
happens though that neither of these two groups is to be judged just because of what
they represent. The deciding factor is, which group reads with the Universal Text? That
group is the correct group.
In sticking with the Local Text, the Lockman Foundation has managed to print a
Bible with a MISTAKE in it! It is obvious that the reading "Isaiah the prophet" is wrong,
because Isaiah never said what is quoted in verse two.
Why would anyone try to hide the quote by Malachi? Dr. Ruckman explains, "You
see, the quotation from Malachi was reference to Jehovah God the Father! If anyone
were to find this reference, they would see that "thy" and "thee" of Mark 1:1,2 is the
"me" of Malachi 3:1!" 253
Thus the deity of Christ is hidden in the New American Standard Version even
though it claims to "confirm" the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately for the egos of
the nameless Lockman Foundation, the Lordship of Jesus Christ was "confirmed" in the
wilderness in Matthew chapter four, and God did not have to wait over 1900 years for
them to "confirm" it.
Luke 24:51
AV: "And it came to pass while he blessed them, he was parted from them and
carried up to heaven."

NASV: "And it came about that while He was blessing them, He parted from

Here we see a portion of Scripture where both the "oldest" and "majority" texts read in
favor of the Authorized Version. The inconsistent Lockman Foundation has omitted the
phrase "and carried up into heaven" (kai ephereto eis ton houranan) which is in P75, a
papyrus MS of the second century, as well as the entire Receptus family, plus A, B, C, E,
most other witnesses, and every Latin copy.
On what "weighty" evidence does the Lockman Foundation remove the bodily
ascension of Jesus Christ? On the weight of ONE copy of Sinaiticus and ONE copy of
As stated before the only rule which is consistently kept by supposed "godly
Christian scholars" is the practice of attacking the Authorized Version reading because it
upholds the deity of Christ.
It might be advisable for us to look at Acts 1:1,2.
"The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to
do and teach.

"Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost
had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:"

You will notice that Luke claims that his "former treatise" (the gospel of Luke)
ended with a record of Jesus being "taken up." But in the New American Standard
Version's translation of Luke's gospel, Jesus Christ does NOT ascend, but He is left
standing flat-footed on the Mount of Olives. Thus, we see that if the gospelist, Luke,
could examine both a King James Bible and a New American Standard Version, he
would quickly expose the New American Standard Version as a fraudulent adulteration
of his 'former treatise."
In other words, "If the King James Bible is good enough for the disciple Luke, then
it's good enough for me!"
Luke 24:52
AV: "And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy."

NASV: "And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy."

In the case of "And they worshipped him" (proskunesantes auton), the New
American Standard Version translators actually lose a witness, for in Luke 24:52 even
Aleph joins the innumerable mass of witnesses in favor of the King James translators'
scholarship. This leaves D to stand alone against several thousands of MSS which
uphold the deity of Christ.
With evidence like this, it seems somewhat hypecritical to hear "good, godly men"
deride Erasmus for using only five MSS, which represented the oldest and the majority,
to collate his text, a text which upholds our Savior. While here we see the Lockman
Foundation's corrupters use a minority of the minority to attack two major doctrines of
the Bible, the bodily ascension and the deity of Christ.
The argument may be forwarded that "I can still find these doctrines in the New
American Standard Version." Yes, but not in as many places as in the Authorized
Version. There is NO Bible which upholds Christ's deity as much as the Authorized King
James Version.
2 Timothy 2:15
AV: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

NASV: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who need
not to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth."

The critics of the Authorized Version often complain that the scholars of the
translation of 1611 have translated a Greek word with an English word which
supposedly does not correspond with the correct meaning. This makes the modern
translators seem very sincere in that they present themselves as if they would never do
such a thing. Here in 2 Timothy 2:15 we find them guilty of that very thing for which
they assail the King James translators.
The Greek word the King James translators translate "rightly dividing"
(orthotomeo) means just that. The Analytical Greek Lexicon (Zondervan 1970) has it as
"to cut straight." There is no Greek evidence for the two words "handling accurately."
The Greek word for 'handle'(pselapho) is found in I John 1:1. The Greek word for
"accurate" (doloo) does not appear in the Bible. These two words together in no way
resemble the Greek word used in II Timothy 2:15 and correctly translated "rightly
dividing." As Dr. Ruckman points out, "The Greek word for 'rightly dividing' is found in
all four families of manuscripts, all cursives and uncials, of any century." 254 It might be
good to note here that Nestle's Greek Text does not even give an alternate reading!
The question which naturally arises in our mind is, "Why would anyone want 2
Timothy 2:15 to read "handling accurately?" The answer is found in the preface to the
New American Standard Version in which it (the NASV)is called a translation of
"linguistic accuracy." 255
In other words the Lockman Foundation says, "Be diligent to present yourself
approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately
the word of truth." The Lockman Foundation then says that IT has handled God's Word
accurately! To pat one's self on the back so often and so obviously must make for tired
Let us look at a word change which is designed to keep the Roman Catholic Church
"in business."
James 5:16
AV: "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be
healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

NASV: "Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so
that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish

Confession of sins has been a teaching of the Roman Catholic Church for centuries.
The Greek word for "faults" (paraptomata) is found in MSS E, F, G, H, S, V, Y, and
Omega, plus the rest of the Receptus family and the greater number of all remaining
witnesses. Nestle's text inserts "sins" (tax amarties) with NO manuscript authority, and
the misguided men of the Lockman Foundation accept it with no evidence. Perhaps there
are more Jesuits lurking in the shadows than we think! Anyone accepting an alternate
reading with no evidence CANNOT be credited with acting ethically or scholarly.
One last passage shall suffice:
John 9:35
AV: "Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said
unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"

NASV: "Jesus heard that they had put him out; and finding him, He said, 'Do you
believe in the Son of Man?'"

Here once again the "conservative scholars" of the New American Standard Version
and other "Bibles" have attempted to water down the deity of Christ.
The word for "God" (Theou) is found in MSS E, F, G, H, S, V, Y, Omega, Theta,
the majority of the remaining miniscules, most of the remaining witnesses, plus the
entire Latin tradition.
The Greek word "man" (anthropouo) is upheld by one Twentieth Century Greek
It is strange indeed that the Lockman Foundation is quick to strip Jesus Christ's
Godship away from Him. Here, the "conservative" scholars of the secret Lockman
Foundation are in complete agreement with the "liberal" scholars of the Revised
Standard Version. These are strange bedfellows! I am certainly glad that the translators
of the Christ-exalting Authorized Version never "slept" in this bed.
This is, of course, NOT a "God-honoring" translation. I know that the deity of
Christ "can be found" in other places in the New American Standard Version, but it now
"can be found" in one less place than in the Authorized Version.
Would John, in penning the gospel that is intended to exalt Jesus Christ as God, use
the term "Son of Man"? Dr. Ruckman explains:
"One of the great critical dictums for correcting the A.V. 1611 Greek
manuscripts is that 'one should always choose language and expressions most
charcteristic of the author.' Well, what in the world would possess a man who was
acquainted with John's style (in the Gospels), to suddenly write "Son of man"
where Jesus is dealing with a sinner on matters of doctrinal belief? Is this
characteristic of John? It isn't in any 20 passages, anywhere, in the Gospel of John!
"The Son of God" is the correct reading, and the ASV, RSV, and all the new 'Bibles'
are greatly in error, 'not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.'" 256

The Apostle John NEVER called Jesus Christ the "Son of Man" anywhere in his
gospel when dealing with a doctrinal belief. Furthermore, the context of the book
defines the correct translation in that the multitude cried for Jesus Christ's crucifixion in
John 19:7 because "he made himself the Son of God." (Greek: huion Theos heauton
epoinsen.) This statement so struck the already frantic Pilate, that "he was more afraid"
(John 19:8) at which time he hurried back to where Jesus Christ was waiting and asked,
"Whence art thou?" Pilate realized that there was something supernatural about Jesus
Christ. It is too bad the elusive Lockman Foundation has never come to such a
We have looked at only a few passages where modern translators have made
unwarranted changes in God's Word. The result is a change in doctrine. It is evident then
that, no matter what Bible salesmen may say about being able to "find" the fundamentals
in any of the new translations, they are still weaker on doctrine than the God-honoring
Authorized Version. I repeat, EVERY new "Bible" is doctrinally weaker than the King
James Authorized Version. Why then should any school or preacher use a "Bible" in
which they must "search" to prove doctrines which are more than evident in the King
James Bible? If we honor Jesus Christ, then we should just naturally choose and use the
Bible which honors Him the most. In case after case, the Christ-honoring Bible is found
to be the King James Bible.
Virtue, Not Fanfare
Finally, it must be remembered that the Authorized Version is the only Bible ever
released without fanfare.
The Revised Version, the American Standard Version, the Revised Standard
Version, the New American Standard Version, the Living Bible, the Good News for
Modern Man, the New International Version, the New King James Version, and all other
new translations have been published with a great advertising "blitz." They have all
attempted to replace the Authorized Version in the study, in the pulpit, in memorization,
and in the hearts of believers. They have all failed. Those which have not failed are
destined to fail, except for one.
The Counterfeits
To explain the last statement, let us look at a few facts. For every truth which God
has, Satan has many counterfeits and then one ultimate counterfeit. Look at the
following example:
God's Truth Satan's Ultimate
Satan's Counterfeits

One God Many "gods" Satan is "god" of this

One Christ Many "anti-christs" The Antichrist
One Church Many false churches One ultimate church,
One Bible Many "Bibles" (ASV, One ultimate false
(AV) NIV, etc.) "Bible"
We see from the above example that there is one true God. Satan has many false
"gods" for people in this world to worship. Satan himself is the ultimate "false god."
We further see that there is one true Christ. Satan has many spirits of anti-Christ.
During the tribulation there will be a manifestation of "the Antichrist."
God has one true church made up of born-again believers. Satan has many
congregations serving him on this earth today. During the tribulation the ultimate
Satanic church located in Rome (Babylon the Great) will again be in power.
God has preserved His Words in one Bible. Satan has many "Bibles." I believe it
seems certain that someday in the future he will have one ultimate Satanic "Bible." It
will probably be called a "New Authorized Version."
Notice that in the examples above, the "many" counterfeits seem to run in
conjunction with the Church Age. Satan's ultimate counterfeit is always manifested
during the Great Tribulation when the Holy Spirit has ceased to deal with mankind. I
believe that there is a time when Satan will have an anti-bible exalted as the true Word
of God just as surely as he will have an Antichrist exalted as the Son of God. It seems
likely that this will not take place until the great Tribulation. Until then, God will be
exalted, Jesus Christ will be exalted, Christ's church will be exalted, and the Authorized
Version will be exalted.
The ASV "Bust"
In spite of the publicity campaigns to sell "Bibles," they all fail. The American Standard
Version is a prime example. It was heralded as a replacement for the King James when it
was published in 1901. Twenty-three years later it went broke and sold its copyright to
the National Council of Churches. Was God's hand on this "Bible?" If so, WHY wasn't it
accepted and used by Christianity even MORE than the Authorized Version? Was Satan
able to overcome God's Will? If God's hand was not on the American Standard Version,
why would the Lockman Foundation try to "resurrect" it?
"The producers of this translation were imbued with the conviction that
interest in the American Standard Version should be renewed and increased.

"Perhaps the most weighty impetus for this undertaking can be attributed to a
disturbing awareness that the American Standard Version of 1901 was fast disappearing
from the scene." (From the Preface of the New American Standard Bible.) 257
If God wouldn't use the American Standard Version, WHY would the Lockman
Foundation want to? If God's blessing was on the American Standard Version, and it
died in twenty-three years without even a minor revival, HOW has the Authorized
Version lasted nearly four hundred years in spite of all of the "better translations" which
God has supposedly been "blessing"?
Of course, there is no answer for these questions, unless it is admitted that God's
Bible is the Authorized Version and that He will preserve it whether the Christian
educators can help it or not. God will continue to use this English version of sthe
Universal Text and will continue to ignore the English versions of the Local Text, no
matter who the fundamentalist is that recommends them and no matter what size college
may use them. Advertisement will not help.
Chapter 10: Vindication
In this book we have observed the battle which rages in fundamental circles
concerning the question of the perfect English translation.
We have taken a scriptural look at the localities from which we have obtained the
extant MSS.
We have looked closely at the witnesses and have examined their testimony in light
of our two ground rules, and in respect to their place of origin and faithfulness to the
Lordship of Christ.
We have taken a careful look at the true enemy of the Word of God, the Roman
Catholic Church. In so doing, we have examined Rome's efforts and goals concerning
the overthrow of the God-honored Universal Text. We have seen that in the past, this
organization has been ruthless in her attempt to exterminate both Christians and their
Bible. We can be confident that her goals have not changed.
We have looked into the lives of the two men who were primarily responsible for
the successful overthrow of the Universal Text in textual criticism, and have discovered
that they were not the "godly conservative scholars" which many brethren claim they
Lastly, we have looked at the Authorized Version, a Bible which has lasted through
time in spite of major efforts by fundamentalists and liberals both to replace it with the
Roman Catholic Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt. We have compared the scholarship
and piety of the King James translators to the liberal and infidelic standards of the
revisors of 1881 and 1952, who have been faithfully followed by the Lockman
Foundation and other modern translators. We have briefly investigated the manuscript
readings in a Christ-honoring light.
Throughout this work we have answered some of the common innuendoes hurled at
God's Authorized Version, such as "archaic words," supposed authorization by King
James, supposed "better" MSS being in favor of new translations, etc.
What is the conclusion?
The conclusion is that first, we Christians who call ourselves "Bible-believing
fundamentalists" need to realize that the true enemy to the King James Bible is Rome.
Christian colleges should closely examine their curriculum and philosophy of teaching
concerning its relationship to the Authorized Version. Preachers should remove all new
"Bibles" from their pulpits and private studies, realizing that Rome's teaching moves
very subtly.
Secondly, it is time to turn away from the teaching that Westcott and Hort were two
born-again, Bible-believing scholars. They were not. They and their long-dead theories
concerning the Bible should be treated with all the sincerity with which Darwin and his
theory are treated in Christian circles.
Thirdly, it is hoped that Christian preachers and teachers would direct their zeal for
the Lord in more positive action than in attempting to destroy the Christians faith in
God's perfect Word, and to insult or ruin fundamental brethren who disagree with them
concerning the history of the manuscripts. I believe that parties on both sides have been
extremely guilty of attacking each other with such zeal as to be a source of never ending
joy for the Roman Catholic Church.
Brethren who believe the Authorized Version have been sadly maligned due to a
misteaching on the part of those who do not believe it. Believers in the Authorized
Version attempted to "fight fire with fire." This has left a sad division in fundamental
circles. A faithful return to the Authorized Version will not only be honoring to God, but
will be helpful in mending the wounds of nearly one hundred years of warfare with the
wrong enemy.
There is no Bible that exalts Jesus Christ any higher than the Authorized Version.
There is no Bible that has ever been more blessed by God than the Authorized Version.
There is no Bible which is more hated by Satan and the Roman Catholic Church than the
Authorized Version. There is no Bible which is more clearly translated nor is any easier
to read than the Authorized Version. There is no Bible which teaches doctrine more
clearly than the Authorized Version.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ. I love His Book. I am thankful for His graciousness in
giving me a perfect Bible in English. To show my appreciation, I intend to read it,
believe it, learn it, memorize it, promote it, defend it, love it, keep it, and most of all, be
in subjection to God's authority through it. In appreciation, I will not change it - not a
colon or a comma, not even an italicized word, not a chapter, nor a verse marking. Nor
will I condemn the parts I do not understand. I will not "correct" the parts I do not like. I
will exalt Jesus Christ and give His Book any benefit of the doubt. I will not worry about
"what the Greek says" but will accept the "English" God has given me. It is a spiritual
Book. God's Hand is on it. I need no more. No other version comes close to it nor ever
will. There is no reason that it should be replaced, for it is every word of God preserved
in English and placed in my hand. It is up to me to place it in my heart.
As the very great man of God, Lester Roloff, once said, "The Bible - we don't need
to rewrite it, we need to reread it!"
What more can be said about this grand Book than what it says about itself?
Psalms 12:6, 7 says, "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a
furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for
Thank you, Lord, for your perfect Bible, the Authorized King James Bible.
Burgon, John, The Last Twelve Verses of Mark, (Associated Publishers and Authors Inc.,
Grand Rapids, 1881).
Burgon, John, The Revision Revised, (Conservative Classics, Paradise, 1883).
Clarke, Donald, Bible Version Manual, (B.T.M. Publications, Millersburg, 1975).
Cummons, Bruce, The Foundation and Authority of the Word of God, (Massillon Baptist
Temple, Massillon, 1973).
Fuller, David, Counterfeit or Genuine, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1975).
Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications,Grand
Fuller, David, Which Bible? , (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand Rapids,
1970, 1971).
God's Inspired Preserved Bible, (Peoples Gospel Hour, Halifax, 1979), p. 20.
Hills, Edward, Believing Bible Study, (The Christian Research Press, Des Moines, 1967).
Hills, Edward, The King James Version Defended, (The Christian Research Press, Des
Moines, 1956).
Hort, Arthur, Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, (Macmillan Press, New
York, 1896).
Karl, Adam, The Spirit of Catholocism, (MacMillan, New York, 1928), p. 2.
King James Dedicatory, (Oxford Press, 1611).
Lockman Foundation, New American Standard New Testament Preface, (Gospel Light
Publications, Glendale, 1971, Volume 6).
Machen, Gresham, New Testament Greek for Be- ginners, (The Macmillan Co. Collier-
Macmillan Canada, Ltd., Toronto, 1923).
McClure, Alexander, Translators Revised, (Maranatha Publications, Worthington).
National Council of the Church of Christ, Revised Standard Version, (Thomas Nelson
and Sons, 1972).
Nestle Eberhard, Novum, Testamentum Graece, (United Bible Societies, 1898).
New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977).
Paine, Gustavus, The Men Behind the KJV, (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1959).
Paris, Edmond, The Secret History of the Jesuits, (The Protestant Truth Society, London,
Ray, James, God Wrote Only One Bible, (The Eye Opener Publishers, Junction City).
Rice, John, Our God-Breathed Book - The Bible, (Sword of the Lord Publishers,
Murfreesboro, 1969).
Ruckman, Peter, Manuscript Evidence, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1970).
Ruckman, Peter, Monarch of the Books, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1970).
Ruckman, Peter, Satan's Masterpiece! , (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1974).
Ruckman, Peter, The Bible Babel, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1964).
Smyth, Paterson, How We Got Our Bible, (James and Pott Co., New York).
Standridge, James, Do We Have an Infallible Bible Today, (Cook Road Baptist Church,
Mansfield, 1973).
Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (The Macmillan Co., 1903).
Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930).
1 Ray, James, God Wrote Only One Bible, (The Eye Opener Publishers, Junction
City), p. 96.
2 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Press, Grand Rapids,
1973), p. 269.
3 Hills, Edward F., Believer's Bible Study, (The Christian Research Press, Des
Moines, 1967), pp. 120-122.
4 Ruckman, Peter, Christian's Handbook on Manuscript Evidence, (Pensacola
Bible Press, Pensacola, 1970), p. 24.
5 McClure, Alexander, Translators Revived, (Maranatha Publications,
Worthington), p. 60.
6 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Press, Grand Rapids,
1971), p. 254.
7 McClure, Alexander, Translators Revived, (Maranatha Publications,
Worthington), p. 61.
8 New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977), Volume
L, No. 64.
9 Hills, Edward, The King James Version Defended, (The Christian Research Press,
Des Moines, 1956), p. 115.
10 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications,Grand
Rapids, 1970, First Edition) p. 10.
11 Ibid., pp. 51,52.
12 Ibid., p. 21.
13 Ibid., p. 21.
14 Ibid., p. 21.
15 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), p. 264.
16 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
17 Nestle, Eberhard, Novum Testamentum Graece, (United Bible Societies, London,
1898), p. 60.
18 Ibid., pp. 59, 60.
19 Ruckman, Peter, Manuscript Evidence, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1970),
pp. 72, 73.
20 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), pp. 74, 75.
21 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1971, Second Edition), p. 272.
22 Ibid., First Edition, p. 61.
23 Burgon, John, The Revision Revised, (Conservative Classics, Paradise, 1883), pp.
243, 244.
24 Ruckman, Peter, Manuscript Evidence, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1964),
p. 70.
25 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1971, Second Edition), p. 272.
26 Smythe, Paterson, How We Got Our Bible, (James and Pott Co., New York), p. 22.
27 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), p. 77.
28 New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977), Volume
O, P. 154.
29 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1970, First Edition), p. 103.
30 Ibid., p. 71.
31 Ibid., p. 130.
32 Ibid., p. 13.
33 Ibid., pp. 14, 15.
34 Burgon, John, The Revision Revised, (Conservative Classics, Paradise, 1883), p.
35 Hills, Edward, Believing Bible Study, (The Christian Research Press, Des Moines,
1967), p. 166.
36 Ibid., p. 48.
37 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), p. 82.
38 Ibid., p. 88.
39 Clarke, Donald, Bible Version Manual, (B.T.M. Publications, Millersburg, 1975),
p. 37.
40 Ibid., p. 37.
41 Ibid., p. 37.
42 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1971, Second Edition), p. 272.
43 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma, 1930), p. 16.
44 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1970, First Edition), p. 74.
45 Karl, Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism, (Macmillan, New York, 1928), p. 2.
46 Hills, Edward, The King James Version Defended, (The Christian Research Press,
Des Moines, 1956), p. 226.
47 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
48 Ibid., p. 27.
49 Ibid., p. 34.
50 Ibid., pp. 32,33.
51 Ibid., p. 36.
52 New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977), Volume
W, p. 18.
53 Council of Trent, Session VI, Cannon 1545.
54 Paris, Edmond, The Secret History of the Jesuits, (The Protestant Truth Society,
London, 1975), p. 17.
55 Ibid., p. 28.
56 Ibid., p. 26.
57 Ibid., p. 32.
58 Ibid., p. 44.
59 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
60 Paris, Edmond, The Secret History of the Jesuits, (The Protestant Truth Society,
London, 1975), p. 31.
61 Ibid., p. 67.
62 New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977), Volume
S, p. 35.
63 New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977), Volume
H, p. 141.
64 Paris, Edmond, The Secret History of the Jesuits, (The Protestant Truth Society,
London, 1975), p. 48.
65 Ibid., p. 48.
66 Ibid., p. 48.
67 Ibid., p. 49.
68 Ibid., p. 49.
69 Paris, Edmond, The Secret History of the Jesuits, (The Protestant Truth Society,
London, 1975), p. 49.
70 Paine, Gustavus, The Men Behind the KJV, (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids,
1959), pp. 88-90.
71 McClure, Alexander, Translators Revised, (Maranatha Publications, Worthington),
pp. 71,72.
72 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
73 Ibid., p. 104.
74 Ibid., p. 104-105.
75 Ibid., p. 105.
76 Rice, John, Our God-Breathed Book - The Bible, (Sword of the Lord Publishers,
Murfreesboro, 1969), p. 387.
77 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
78 Hills, Edward, The King James Version Defended, (The Christian Research Press,
Des Moines, 1956), p. 65.
79 Ibid., p. 65.
80 Ibid., p. 66.
81 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
82 Ibid., p. 127.
83 Ibid., pp. 135,136.
84 Ibid., p. 135.
85 Burgon, John, The Revision Revised, (Conservative Classics, Paradise, 1883), p.
86 Hort, Arthur Fenton, Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, (New York,
1896), Volume 1, p. 211.
87 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), p. 261.
88 Hills, Edward, Believing Bible Study, (The Christian Research Press, Des Moines,
1967), p. 122.
89 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), p. 240.
90 Hort, Arthur Fenton, Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, (New York,
1896), Volume I, p. 78.
91 Ibid., p. 400.
92 Ibid., pp. 420-422.
93 Ibid., pp. 414-416.
94 Ibid., p. 42.
95 New Standard Encyclopedia, (Standard Educational Corporation, 1977), p. 450.
96 Ibid., pp. c450-451.
97 Hort, Arthur Fenton, Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, (New York,
1896), Volume I, p. 449.
98 Ibid., p. 121.
99 Ibid., p. 149.
100 Ibid., p. 122.
101 Ibid., p. 275.
102 Ibid., Volume II, pp. 336,337.
103 Ibid., Volume I, p. 120.
104 Ibid., p. 430.
105 Ibid., p. 428.
106 Ibid., p. 76.
107 Ibid., Volume II, p. 81.
108 Ibid., p. 273.
109 Ibid., p. 34.
110 Ibid., Volume I, pp. 458,459.
111 Ibid., p. 458.
112 Ibid., Volume II, p. 207.
113 Ibid., Volume I, p. 130.
114 Ibid., p. 138.
115 Ibid., p. 140.
116 Ibid., p. 139.
117 Ibid., p. 211.
118 Ibid., p. 377.
119 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
120 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott. (New York, 1903),
Volume II, p. 69.
121 Ibid., p. 147
122 Ibid., Volume I, p. 52.
123 Ibid., Volume II, p. 308.
124 Ibid., p. 49.
125 Ibid., p. 253.
126 Ibid., p. 394.
127 Ibid., Volume I, p. 223.
128 Ibid., p. 279.
129 Ibid., p. 13.
130 Ibid., p. 6.
131 Ibid., p. 7.
132 Ibid., p. 135.
133 Ibid., p. 60.
134 Ibid., p. 73.
135 Ibid., p. 77.
136 Ibid., p. 77.
137 Ibid., p. 93.
138 Ibid., p. 43.
139 Ibid., p. 110.
140 Ibid., p. 110.
141 Ibid., p. 318.
142 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930),
pp. 143,144.
143 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (New York, 1903),
Volume II, p. 160.
144 Ibid., p. 439.
145 Ibid., Volume II, p. 349.
146 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930),
pp. 157.
147 Ibid., p. 157.
148 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (New York, 1903),
Volume II, p. 251.
149 Ibid., Volume 1, p. 81.
150 Ibid., p. 183.
151 Ibid., p. 8.
152 Ibid., pp. 263, 264.
153 Ibid., p. 264.
154 Ibid., p. 2E;4, 265.
155 Ibid., p. 265.
156 Ibid., pp. 265, 266.
157 Ibid., p. 267.
158 Ibid., p. 305
159 Ibid., Volume II, p. 22.
160 Ibid., pp. 22,23.
161 Ibid., p. 18.
162 Ibid., p. 23.
163 Ibid., p. 19.
164 Ibid., p. 19.
165 Ibid., p. 23.
166 Ibid., p. 52.
167 Ibid., Volume 1, p. 254.
168 Ibid., p. 135.
169 Ibid., P. 77.
170 Ibid., p. 404.
171 Ibid., p. 160.
172 Ibid., p. 108.
173 Ibid., p. 108.
174 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1971, Second Edition), pp. 265, 266.
175 Ibid., p. 268.
176 Ibid., p. 270.
177 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1973), p. 231.
178 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications,Grand
Rapids,1971,First Edition), p. 16.
179 Ibid., p. 16.
180 Ibid., Second Edition, p. 254.
181 Hort, Arthur, Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, (New York, 1896),
Volume II, p. 368.
182 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (New York, 1903), p.
183 Clarke, Donald, Bible Version Manual, (B.T.M. Publications, Millersburg, 1975),
p. 39.
184 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (The Macmillan Co.,
1903), p. 390.
185 Ibid., p. 391.
186 Fuller, David, Which Bible?, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1971, Second Edition), p. 204.
187 Ibid., p. 206.
188 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (New York, 1903), p.
189 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
190 Ibid., pp. 197,198.
191 Westcott, Arthur, Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott, (The Macmillan Co.,
1903), p. 393.
192 Ibid., p. 393.
193 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
194 Ibid., p. 147.
195 Fuller, David, True or False, (Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand
Rapids, 1971, Second Edition), p. 91.
196 Lockman Foundation, New American Standard New Testament Preface, (Gospel
Light Publications, Glendale, 1971), p. VI.
197 McClure, Alexander, Translators Revised, (Maranatha Publications,
Worthington), pp. 63,64.
198 Ibid., p. 78.
199 Ibid., p. 79.
200 Ibid., p. 85.
201 Ibid., p. 86.
202 Ibid., p. 87.
203 Ibid., p. 87.
204 Paine, Gustavus, The Men Behind the KJV, (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids,
1959), p. 90.
205 Hills, Edward, Believing Bible Study, (The Christian Research Press, Des
Moines, 1967), p. 190.
206 Ruckman, Peter, Manuscript Evidence, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1970),
p. 128.
207 McClure, Alexander, Translators Revived, (Maranatha Publications,
Worthington), pp. 93,94.
208 Ibid., p. 95.
209 Ibid., p. 97.
210 Ibid., p. 98.
211 Ibid., p. 1 00.
212 Ibid., pp. 100,101.
213 Ibid., pp. 101,102.
214 Ibid., p. 103.
215 Ibid., p. 107.
216 Ibid., pp. 108,109.
217 Ibid., p. 115.
218 Ibid., p. 116.
219 Ibid., p. 112.
220 Ibid., p. 118.
221 Ibid., p. 120.
222 Ibid., p. 122.
223 Ibid., pp. 123,124.
224 Ibid., p. 132.
225 Ibid., p. 139.
226 Ibid., p. 143.
227 Ibid., p. 165.
228 Ibid., p. 166.
229 God's Inspired Preserved Bible, (Peoples Gospel Hour, Halifax, 1979), pp.
230 Ibid., pp. 18,19.
231 Ibid., p. 18.
232 Ibid., p. 18.
233 Ibid., p. 19.
234 Ibid, p. 20.
235, Ibid., p. 20.
236 Ibid., p. 20.
237 Ibid., p. 21.
238 Ibid., p. 21.
239 Ibid., p. 21.
240 Ibid., p. 22.
241 Ibid., p. 22.
242 Ibid., p. 22.
243 Ibid., p. 22.
244 Ibid., p. 22.
245 Ibid., p. 23.
246 Ibid., p. 23.
247 Hort, Arthur Fenton, Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, (New York,
1896), Volume I, p. 423.
248 God's Inspired Preserved Bible, (Peoples Gospel Hour, Halifax, 1979), p. 23.
249 Ibid., p. 23.
250 Ibid., p. 24.
251 Ibid., pp. 185,186.
252 Wilkenson, Benjamin, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, (Takoma Park, 1930), p.
253 Ruckman, Peter, Satan's Masterpiece!, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1974),
p. 38.
254 Ibid., p. 55.
255 Lockman Foundation, New American Standard New Testament Preface, (Gospel
Light Publications, Glendale, 1971), p. I.
256 Ruckman, Peter, Manuscript Evidence, (Pensacola Bible Press, Pensacola, 1970),
p. 108.
257 Lockman Foundation, New American Standard New Testament Preface, (Gospel
Light Publications, Glendale, 1971), p. IV, V.

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