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Air Change Effectiveness Theory and Calculation Methods PDF

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AIVC 12002

Indoor Air 1999; 9: 47-56 Copyright © i

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved
ISSN 0905-6947

Air-Change Effectiveness: Theory and Calculation


behavior, and outdoor air delivery are closely related

Abstract This paper reports the development of methods for cal­ topics, this paper focuses exclusively on the char­
culating a ventilation performance metric that is a measure of the acterization of airflow patterns and the calculation of
airflow pattern in a room or zone of a multi-zone ventilation sys­
air-change effectiveness.
tem. Temporal mixing theory is used as the basis for these
Concerns about indoor airflow patterns are often ex­
methods. The methods are applicable to all ventilated systems
that can be modeled as a set of interconnected chambers. Re­
pressed by engineers, facility managers, and architects
lations between the ventilation performance metric defined in with questions such as "what fraction of outdoor air is
this paper and those defined previously are derived. The theoreti­ actually delivered to the breathing zone?" or "how
cal results of this paper are consistent with published experimen­ much of the supply air short-circuits the zone?" One
tal findings. They also illustrate that the conclusions in some ex­ may also be interested in characterizing whether or not
perimental studies about the airflow patterns in working build­
the airflow pattern in a displacement ventilation sys­
ings may be incorrect. Re-analysis of previously published data
tem is actually as intended (e.g., from the floor to the
illustrates how common features of mechanically ventilated
buildings, such as recirculation of return air and multiple
ceiling). Undesirable airflow patterns may lead to poor
chambers, confound information about airflow patterns in tracer indoor air quality and increased energy usage.
gas data. The calculation methods developed in this paper can Numerous parameters intended to characterize air­
be used to undo this confounding. flow patterns have been proposed, but most are vari­
ants of one of two basic concepts. The first concept is
Key words Ventilation; Effectiveness; Efficiency; Age-of-air;
derived from temporal mixing theory, and uses ratios
Multizone; Recirculation.
of age-of-air to characterize the airflow pattern. The
Received 12 January 1998. Accepted for publication 17 April 1998. age-of-air is the mean time that it takes a particle (e.g.,
© Indoor Air (1999)
a molecule) to travel from an inlet point, such as the
outdoor air intake, to the measurement point. Sand­
berg and Sjoberg (1983) defined a ventilation perform­
ance measure called relative air diffusion efficiency as
Introduction the ratio of the nominal time constant to the mean age
Ventilation performance measures are primarily of air. This performance measure was modified by
aimed at characterizing either indoor airflow patterns Etheridge and Sandberg (1996) and renamed air-ex­
or pollutant removal behavior. Performance measures change efficiency.
that characterize airflow patterns are commonly re­ The second concept used to characterize airflow pat­
ferred to a air-change effectiveness, while perform­ terns is the notion of an artificial bypass. Janssen (1984)
ance measures that characterize pollutant removal developed a stratification model in which the airflow
behavior are commonly referred to as pollutant re­ pattern is characterized by two parameters, the bypass
moval effectiveness. Fisk et al. (1997) describe calcu­ fraction and the ventilation efficiency. The bypass frac­
lation methods for both of these parameters, field tion is the fraction of the air that is said to bypass or
measurements of each, and relationships between short-circuit the occupied portion of the zone. The ven­
them. Although airflow patterns, pollutant removal tilation efficiency is a measure of how effectively out-

Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Controls Group Research and Development, Johnson Controls, In c. , 507 East Michigan Street, Milwaukee,
WI 53202, USA, Tel: +1414274 5071, Fax: +1414274 5810, E-mail:


door air is utilized. Janssen (1984) only analyzed Single-Zone Buildings

single-zone buildings. Rask et al. (1988) modeled inef­ In this section, relations between the mean age of air
fective ventilation of multi-zone buildings using the and relevant system parameters will be described.
bypass fraction method. A performance measure called Then the relation between air-change effectiveness and
the ventilation efficiency was then defined as one the system parameters will be described.
minus the bypass fraction.
A common feature of mechanically-ventilated build­ Age of Air
ings is that some of the return air is recirculated or Consider the ventilation system depicted in Figure 1 in
recycled. This is usually done because the flow rates which a single zone is supplied by air that is a combi­
required for ventilation are too low for heating or cool­ nation of recirculated return air and outdoor air. The
ing purposes. In order to meet the heating or cooling fraction of return air that is recirculated will be de­
heat transfer rates and keep the supply temperatures noted as R. The dotted line is used to show that the
within a reasonable range, higher supply flow rates are bypass is artificial. The bypass fraction is denoted as S.
needed. Recirculation poses a problem for evaluating The age of air at a point in the room is the length of
ventilation performance using measures derived from time that it takes a particle (e.g., a molecule) entering
temporal mixing theory (such as the relative air dif­ the system from outdoors to reach that point. The age
fusion efficiency) because they were developed under of air will be denoted as o:. The volumetric mean age
the assumption that "neither is it possible for a mol­ of afr will be denoted as Ci.
ecule either to return upstream once it has entered the First, the age of air relations for two abstract systems
room, or to re-enter the room once it has left it" (Sand­ will be described. These relations have been described
berg and Sjoberg, 1983). Practical methods of character­ by Federspiel (1996a). The nominal turnover time, de­
izing airflow patterns must be able to accommodate noted as t,11 is defined as the ratio of the mass of air in
recirculation. the zone to the outdoor air mass flow rate:
A common feature of nearly all buildings, not just
mechanically-ventilated buildings, is that they contain "C =- (1)
more than one room, chamber, or zone, and that the 11 fo
chambers exchange air directly through doorways and Note that all flow rates in this paper are mass flow
permeable ceilings in addition to any air exchange that rates unless specified otherwise. When the air in a
may occur by recirculation. Practical methods of char­ single-zone system is perfectly mixed, then the volu­
acterizing airflow patterns must also be able to accom­ metric mean age of the air is equal to the nominal turn­
modate multiple, interacting zones. over time (Sandberg and Sjoberg, 1983).
In this paper, calculation methods for characteriz­
ing the airflow pattern of indoor air are described. a= t,, (2)
They are based on results from temporal mixing For a perfect-mixing system, the mean age of the air is
theory. The methods may be applied to buildings independent of the recirculation fraction.
with or without mechanical ventilation, with or with­ Another kind of abstract system that is commonly
out recirculation, and with more than one zone. In considered when analyzing ventilation performance is
the next section, ventilation performance measures the system with plug flow and no diffusion (PFND).
for single-zone buildings are discussed because they
are sufficiently simple for relations between import­

ant system parameters and variables to be displayed
graphically, which provides important intuitive
return �
knowledge for analyzing multi-zone systems. Theor­
etical results for perfect-mixing and plug-flow sys­
tems are derived. Relations between ventilation per­
f,R artificial bypass \
formance measures described in this paper and those f., f. fs s


described in other papers are derived. In the section · · · · · · · · ·

entitled Multi-Zone Systems, general calculation

methods for multi-zone buildings are described. This
supply z ne
is followed by a discussion of the implication of the
theoretical results on previously published findings.
Data from a previously published paper are used to
illustrate the results. Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a single-zone building

Air-Change Effectiveness: Theory and Calculation Methods

When f0 and R are constant, the PFND system is a lin­ where a:R=o is the mean age of air that would exist if
ear, time-invariant transport delay. The zone delay is R=O.
the time that it takes a particle to cross the zone from
the supply to the return. It is equal to the local nominal Air-Change Effectiveness
turnover time of the zone, denoted as T. Sandberg and Sjoberg (1983) defined the air diffusion
efficiency as the ratio of the nominal turnover time to
T=M (3) the volumetric mean age of air.
It can be shmyn (see Appendix A) that, for a PFND g =-- (6)
system, the ret'ation between R, T, and a. is as follows: a a

Tl+R This performance metric was modified by Etheridge

a. = --- (4) and Sandberg (1996) and renamed air-exchange ef­
2 1-R
ficiency. The air-exchange efficiency is defined as the
which illustrates that the age of air depends on the re­ ratio of the nominal turnover time to the average time
circulation fraction for a PFND system. of exchange of air in the room.
Figure 2 demonstrates how recirculation affects the
age of the air. The figure shows the normalized average Ea =­ (7)
concentration decay curves for a perfect mixing system 'l"exc
and several PFND systems with different amounts of In the remainder of this paper, Equation (7) will be
recirculation. The concentration is normalized by di­ used rather than Equation (6) unless otherwise noted.
viding by the initial concentration, and the time is nor­ The average time of exchange of air, 'teXCI is equal
malized by dividing by the nominal turnover time. As to twice the mean age of air. Therefore, Equation (7)
the recirculation fraction increases, the decay response becomes
moves closer and closer to the response of the perfect­
mixing system. g = ­ (8)
In practice, the air will not behave like it does in a 2a
these abstract systems. Since the age of return air for
In other words, the air-exchange efficiency is simply
systems with no recirculation is independent of the
half of the air diffusion efficiency.
airflow pattern and is equal to T (Sandberg and Sjob­
Sandberg and Sjoberg (1983) explicitly state that air
erg, 1983; Mantegna, 1993), one can show (see Ap­
diffusion efficiency, and therefore air-exchange ef­
pendix A) that the mean age of air in any single­
ficiency, is intended for use with systems that do not
zone system is:
recirculate air. Nevertheless, Equations (6) and (7) have
been applied to systems that do recirculate air (Of­
(5) fermann, 1988; Persily et al., 1994; Sekhar et al., 1997).
For systems that recirculate air, theoretical relations be­
tween the air-exchange efficiency and the recirculation
fraction can be formulated. For a PFND system it can

J.O be shown (see Appendix B) that the air-exchange ef­

c 0.9 ficiency is:
" 0.8
E 1
'6 E = -- (9)
c a
l +R
·� 0.6
c In general, the air-exchange efficiency is:
" 0.4 •11
& PFND, R=0.5 E = ---- (10)
"' 0.3 aR=O + t,,R

.!:! 0.2
.,; If there were no recirculation, then the air-exchange
e0 �
0.1 - efficiency would provide a measure of the airflow
0.0 +----r--,---..-+---.---r---.==i-..-,,.--�-. pattern in the room. Therefore, another ventilation
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 l.25 1.50 l.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00

nonnalized time, dimensionless

performance measure, which will be referred to as
Fig. 2 Tracer gas decay for a perfect mixing system and several
the relative air-change effectiveness, is defined as the
PFND systems value of the air-exchange efficiency that would have


been calculated had the recirculation fraction been 1.0

zero. 0.9

g = (11) 0.7

2aR=O �

For a single-zone system, it can be shown (see Appen­ c: 0.5
dix B) that: 'ii 0.4


where as is the age of the supply air. Equation (12) dem­ 0.0
onstrates the similarity between i;, and the relative ven­ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0. 7 0.8 0.9 1. 0

tilation efficiency defined by Kim and Homma (1992) R, dimensionless

and the contaminant removal effectiveness defined by Fig. 3 Relation between Ea, E,, and R

Etheridge and Sandberg (1996). The key similarity to

these ventilation performance measures is that the sup­
ply air conditions are included in the calculations.
As with the air-exchange efficiency, the relative air­ described by Federspiel (1996b). Figure 3 shows that as
change effectiveness can be computed at a point by the recirculation fraction approaches 1, Ea approaches
substituting the age of air at a point for the average 1 /2 regardless of the value of E'" It also shows that by
age of air in Equation (12). When there is no recircula­ itself, Ea only provides a qualitative description of the
tion, the age of the supply air is zero, so the relative air distribution pattern. If Ea <1/2, then one can say
air-change effectiveness becomes the same as the air­ that there is some short-circuiting, but one cannot say
exchange efficiency. For single-zone PFND systems, the how much without also knowing R or by knowing g'"
relative air-change effectiveness is equal to one regard­ Sometimes ineffective ventilation is modeled by as­
less of the recirculation fraction. For perfectly mixed suming that some of the supply air bypasses the
systems it is equal to 1 /2. breathing zone and passes directly to the return duct
Since the nominal turnover time is equal to the age (Janssen, 1984; Rask et al., 1988). This can be modeled
of the supply air plus the local turnover time, the fol­ by assuming that in S<O in Figure 1. It can be shown
lowing alternative methods, which have been de­ that for this system:
scribed by Federspiel (1997), can also be used to calcu­
late i;,: 1-S
g = (16)
a 2(1-RS)
6 (13)

The air-exchange efficiency is a measure of how well
outdoor air is utilized. In Rask et al. (1988), a venti­
T lation performance measure called ventilation ef­
gr = (14)
2(c'i-t,.+n ficiency is defined as:

Equation (13) may be a useful calculation method 11=1-S (17)

when the age of air leaving the chamber cannot be It can be shown that:
measured, and Equation (14) may be useful when the
age of air entering the chamber cannot be measured. 11
E =
r 2
In either case, one would calculate from measured
values of M and fs· In other words, the relative air-change effectiveness is
It can be shown (see Appendix B) that for a single­ measure of how effectively supply air is used to venti­
zone system, the relation between , ca, i;,, and R is as late the zone. A problem with the bypass model is that
follows: some ventilation systems (e.g., displacement venti­
e, lation systems) make more effective use of ventilation
E =
(15) air than perfect-mixing systems. When this happens,
a 1-R+2RE,
the bypass factor, S, must be negative. A problem with
This relation is shown in Figure 3. A similar relation the bypass model is that a negative value of S does not
between the air diffusion efficiency, i;,, and R has been have a physical interpretation.

Air-Change Effectiveness: Theory and Calculation Methods

Multi-Zone Systems equal to the flow-weighted average of the incoming

Most buildings contain a number of zones that interact age plus the age accumulation. For a chamber with just
both through recirculation in an air-handling unit and one input and one output, Equation (2) becomes the
directly through passages such as doorways. Figure 4 following:
shows some of the common flow paths in buildings with
multiple zones and mechanical ventilation. These flow ae = a·+- (21)
1 f
paths include both primary and secondary recirculation,
direct air exchange between zones, and zones which are Age distribution at junctions in ducts is modeled with
arranged in series as well as in parallel. The subscripts Equations (19) and (20) by assuming that the junction
on the flow parameters in the figure should be read as is massless. Where a duct diverges into more than one
"from-to, zone number". For example, Fpt,l refers to the duct, the ages in the branches downstream of the junc­
flow from the plenum to the terminal unit of zone l. tion equal the age upstream of the junction. Where
The theory described above can be adapted to multi­ ducts converge into one duct, the age downstream of
zone buildings by modeling a multi-zone building as the junction is the flow-weighted average of the ages
an interconnected set of mixing chambers, and using upstream.
two rules from temporal mixing theory. The first rule There are three methods of calculating Er for multi­
is that at a junction point in the process (e.g., where zone systems which are analogous to the three
two ducts combine into one) the age of air downstream methods for single-zone systems that were described
of the junction is the flow-weighted average of the age in the section on air-change effectiveness. For a
of air of the ducts upstream of the junction. The second chamber with m inputs and n outputs, Er may be com­
rule is that the mean age of air is additive for indepen­ puted as follows:
dent chambers in series. In other words, the age of air n m

leaving a set chambers in series is equal to the sum of L fek<Xek L F;k<Xik (22)

the age of air had the chambers not been arranged in
series. These mathematical results and others are de­
scribed in detail by Nauman and Buffham (1983).
The relation between the incoming age and the out­ For a chamber with just one input and one output,
going age for a chamber with m inputs and n outputs
Equation (22) becomes the following:
is as follows:
II ae-ai
Er = (23)
� F�1/X1:1; 2 (a-a;)
k=l (19)
F The calculation methods for multi-zone systems which
n m are analogous to Equations (13) and (14) are the fol­
F = L Fek = L F;k (20) lowing:
k=1 k=l
The subscripts e and i refer to exit and inlet, respec­
tively. M refers to the mass of air. Equation (19) states (24)
that the flow-weighted average of the outgoing age is

/ air-handling unit local exhaust

F ao . ..... /,F
: : r


zoneN-1 zoneN

Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of a multi-zone ven­ .
.. . . . .. . . . . .

tilation system terminal units


zone 1 zone 2

where T=M/F. As an example, the relative air-change

effectiveness of zone 1 in Figure 4 could be calculated
f, (1-$)/,
as follows:
Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of a two-zone PFND system


where ae1 is the age of air leaving zone 1 to the plenum, 0.9
ae1 is the age of air entering zone 1 from the terminal 0.8

unit, and a1 is the volumetric mean age of air in zone 0.7

1. The relative air-change effectiveness of zone N could ]c: 0.6

be calculated as follows: .2 <j>1=0.I or0.9
tl 0.5

0.2 <j>1=0.05 or 0.95

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

(28) R, dimensionless

Fig. 6 Relation between &0, R, and <j>1 for the system shown in
Figure 5
and where aN is the volumetric mean age of air in zone
N, and CXeN is the age of air leaving zone N. This
method may be more appropriate for zone N because
it would probably be difficult to measure a;N, but rela­ short-circuiting may be arbitrarily high (i.e., E, arbi­
tively easy to measure F No· trarily close to zero), and yet the value of Ea may be
arbitrarily close to 1/2 simply by choosing a suffi­
ciently high recirculation fraction.
Discussion For multi-zone systems, nothing can be said about
Many published experiments on air-change effective­ the "within-zone" airflow patterns from Ea· Therefore,
ness involve tests on systems that recirculate air. Typic­ conclusions from tracer-gas tests such as "it is ob­
ally the air diffusion efficiency or the air-exchange ef­ served that the AEE values are usually close to one
ficiency is reported, and the tests are often carried out implying no serious problems of short circuiting of
with large recirculation fractions (e.g., minimum out­ ventilation air" (Sekhar, 1997) may be incorrect. A
door air conditions). The theory presented above pre­ value of Ea close to 1/2 may be achieved even if there
dicts that under these conditions the air-exchange ef­ is arbitrarily large amounts of short circuiting or per­
ficiency will be close to 1/2 (i.e., air diffusion efficiency fect plug flow in one or more zones simply by recircu­
will be close to 1). This prediction is consistent with lating sufficiently large quantities of air. Furthermore,
many published findings such as Fisk et al. (1988), Per­ 'a value of Ea lower than 1/2 may be due solely to the
sily and Dols (1991), Persily et al. (1994), and Sekhar way that the supply air is distributed to the zones. In
et al. (1997), although some experiments such as those other words, the effects of airflow patterns on Ea are
described by Offermann (1988) have shown that the confounded by differing supply air fractions and recir­
air-exchange efficiency may be significantly less than culation.
1/2 even with recirculation. For example, consider the two-zone system in Figure
The results of the section on air-change effectiveness 5. Assume that the zones are of equal size and that
illustrate that it is not possible draw quantitative con­ the airflow pattern in each zone is plug flow with no
clusions about the airflow pattern in single-zone sys­ diffusion. Under these conditions, it can be shown that
tems from Ea if air is recirculated. Only qualitative con­ the relation between Ea, R, and the fraction of the sup­
clusions can be drawn. For example, the amount of ply air delivered to zone 1 (denoted as <l>i) is as follows:

Air-Change Effectiveness: Theory and Calculation Methods

ery configurations were tested. The first configuration

was typical of North American construction where the
supply and return were both in the ceiling. The second
This relation is depicted in Figure 6. The figure illus­ configuration was intended to function as a displace­
trates that for this particular two-zone system, it is ment ventilation system. The warm supply air was de­
possible for the value of Ea to be less than 1 /2 even livered at the ceiling, and the return air drawn from
though the airflow pattern in each zone is PFND. In a low point on one wall. The third configuration was
fact, as cj>1 approaches zero or one, the value of Ea ap­ designed to intentionally induce short-circuiting. A jet
proaches 0. This example demonstrates the fact that of supply air was aimed at the return grille from a dis­
short-circuiting may have nothing to do with Ea being tance of approximately eight feet. Both the supply and
less than 1 /2. return points of the third configuration were located at
Fisk and Faulkner (1992) have proposed a venti­ the ceiling level.
lation performance measure called the air diffusion ef­ Table 1 shows the values of the breathing-zone air­
fectiveness (ADE) which eliminates some of the con­ exchange efficiency derived from Offermann (1988).
founding in multi-zone systems. This is done by re­ These values were computed by dividing the air dif­
placing the nominal turnover time in Equation 6 with fusion efficiency reported in the paper by two. The
the age of air leaving the zone (at the return grille) table also shows the relative air-change effectiveness
being tested. Doing so makes ADE a qualitative calculated from information supplied in the article. The
measure of the airflow pattern. It is only confounded values of cy shown in the table were not calculated
by recirculation of air. In other words, there is a similar with Equation (23) because one of the configurations
relation between i:,, R, and ADE in multi-zone systems delivered air to a ceiling plenum rather than directly
as there is between i:,, R, and Ea in single-zone systems. to the zone, and because there was some uncertainty
A clear definition of the control volume in which the about leakage of air into the return duct. Instead, cy
air-change effectiveness is to be determined is funda­ was calculated as follows:
mentally important. When the age of the supply air is
not included in the effectiveness calculation and when Er= (30)
the volumetric mean age of air for the whole building 2 (ab-ap-as>
is used in the calculation of air-change effectiveness, where T was calculated from the reported nominal
then the control volume is the building envelope. In ventilation rate, volume of the space (total volume
this case, if the air-change effectiveness indicates short­ minus the volume of the ceiling plenum), and recircu­
circuiting it means that the short-circuiting may be oc­ lation fraction (67%), a.b was the age of air in the
curring in any number of places including the ceiling breathing zone, a.P was the age accumulated in the ceil­
plenum by virtue of duct leakage as well as across the ing plenum, and a.5 was the age of the supply air,
ceiling of individual rooms. Note that uncompensated which was measured as it left the rooftop air-handling
short-circuiting outside the building (an additional re­ unit. For the typical configuration corresponding to Hl
circulation effect) will confound the detection of and H2, and for the short-circuiting configuration cor­
"whole-building" short-circuiting. If the age of air in responding to HS, a.p=O because the supply air was
just one location or space in the building is used in the ducted directly to the room. In the displacement flow
calculation of air-change effectiveness, then the com­ configuration corresponding to H3 and H4, the supply
puted value is a complex function of how supply air is air first passed through the plenum and accumulated
being distributed and of how well air is being mixed age before entering the room.
in each space. It is not a measure of short-circuiting. The re-analysis of the data demonstrates two points.
To illustrate how the theory reported in the sections First, the short-circuiting was much more severe than
on Single- and Multi-Zone Systems may affect con­ was indicated by the original analysis. Second, the
clusions from a real experiment, the data reported in
Offermann (1988) are re-evaluated, and values of cy are
calculated. The article describes a tracer gas experi­ Table 1 Re-evaluation of the data in Offermann (1988)
ment on a zone in a multi-zone system which was di­
vorced from the other zones. Although the zone was
separated from the others, air was still passed through Hl: ceiling supply and return 0.37 0.15
H2: ceiling supply and return 0.33 0.17
a ceiling plenum, which accumulated age. The HVAC H3: ceiling supply, floor return 0.38 0.28
system was operated in the heating mode, so the sup­ H4: ceiling supply, floor return 0.36 0.23
HS: "short-circuiting" design 0.29 0.22
ply air was warmer than the zone air. Three air deliv-



original analysis indicates that the configuration de­ tween the rooms such as open doorways, closed door­
signed to induce short-circuiting had the lowest air­ ways, and vents could be tested. Another good experi­
exchange efficiency. However, by calculating E17 one ment would be to conduct a tracer gas test on a single­
can see that the data actually suggests that the system zone system with either displacement ventilation or ex­
with ceiling supply and return induced more short-cir­ treme short-circuiting and determine if the predicted ef­
cuiting than the system designed to induce it. This is fect of recirculating air is close to the actual effect.
probably because the supply air velocities were higher
with the system designed for short-circuiting, and the
higher velocities probably entrained surrounding air Conclusions
and induced more mixing. l. This paper extends the theory of ventilation per­
Another implication of the theory described in pre­ formance measurement to any building that can be
vious sections pertains to the use of experimentally­ treated as a set of interconnected chambers. A venti­
determined effectiveness parameters in controlling lation effectiveness parameter called relative air­
ventilation systems. The results of the Section on change effectiveness is defined.
Single-Zone buildings and the example described 2. Three methods of calculating relative air-change
above illustrate that an experimentally-determined effectiveness are described. One method is based on
value of Ea should not be used to modulate the nominal age of air measurements at three locations, while the
amount of outdoor air required to satisfy a ventilation other two are based on two age of air measurements
requirement. In particular, the nominally required and a flow rate measurement. Relations between rela­
amount of outdoor air should not be multiplied by an tive air-change effectiveness and ventilation par­
experimentally-determined value of Ea to determine ameters proposed previously are derived.
the actual amount of outdoor air to be supplied be­ 3. The results of the theory illustrate that published
cause it varies as the supply and recirculation flow conclusions about airflow patterns in buildings that are
rates vary. If the goal of the ventilation system were to based on tracer gas tests may be incorrect because of
ensure that the mean age of air in a zone was main­ the effects of recirculated air or air moving between
tained at or below a specified level, then experimen­ zones.
tally-determined values of E, could be used as follows.
First, the age of the supply air would be determined.
If there is no secondary recirculation, then it is the References
product of the nominal turnover time for the entire Etheridge, D. and Sandberg, M. (1996) Building Ventilation:
building and the recirculation fraction. Then the mean Theory and Measurement, New York, Wiley.
Federspiel, C.C. (1996a) "The Effect of Recirculation on Air­
age of air in each zone would be calculated by adding Change Effectiveness Calculations". In: Yoshizawa, S., Ki­
the age accumulated in the zone to the age of the sup­ mura, K., Ikeda, K., Tanabe, S. and Iwata, T. (eds) Proceed­
ply air as follows: ings of Indoor Air '96, Nagoya, 7th International Conference
on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Vol. 3, pp. 971-976.
T Federspiel, C.C. (1996b) "The Effect of Recirculation on Air­
i'i.; =as +___!_ (31) Change Effectiveness". In: Proc. 17th AIVC Conference: Opti­
mum Ventilation and Air Flow Control in Buildings, Gothen­
burg, Vol. 1, pp. 15-23.
where the subscript i refers to the zone number. The
Federspiel, C.C. (1997) "Control and Performance Analysis of
value of T; would be computed from a measured value Ventilation Systems". In: Woods, J. E., Grimsrud, 0.T. and
of the supply flow rate to zone i and the volume of Boschi, N. (eds) Proceedings of Healthy Buildings/IAQ '97,
Washington, Vol. 2, pp. 529-534.
zone i. If the calculated value were greater than the
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a. (h) = (1-R) :i
R" (� )
+ nT (A3)

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v 1-R

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IAQ '97, Washington, Vol. 2, pp. 65-70.
Substituting Equation (A4) into Equation (AS) and
integrating yields Equation (4).
Appendix A: Age of Air Relations
Equation (4) Equation (5)
Consider a single zone with recirculation such as the The age of air in the return duct is equal to •n- There­
one depicted in Figure 7. If this is a PFND system, then fore, the age of air in the supply duct is:
the transport delay across the zone is equal to the (A6)
height of the zone divided by the velocity:
Substituting Definition 1 into Equation (A6) gives:
T =­
(Al) M
a5= R (A7)
where H is the distance from the supply to the return
and is the velocity of air in the zone. If there were no The supply flow rate and the outdoor air flow rate are
recirculation, then the age of air at the point h would related as follows:

fa=fs (1-R) (A8)

Combining Equations (3), (A7), and (A8) gives the fol­

I _____, - H

f, R a =-- (A9)
s 1-R

The age at a point in a system with an arbitrary airflow

pattern is:

a= O.R=O + (AlO)

Fig. 7 Schematic diagram of a PFND system


. I

due to the additivity property of age of air. Using the Equation (15)
same argument, the volumetric mean age of air in a Substituting the quantity 2a from Equation (12) into
system with an arbitrary airflow pattern is given by Equation (S) gives the following:

---- -
Equation (S).
't,1 Ct.s + 2Ct.sEr

Substituting et.5 from Equation (A6) into Equation (B6)

gives the following:
Appendix B: Air-Change Effectiveness

Relations 'tnEr
Ea = ------ (B7)
Equation (9) 'tn Rrn + 2Rrner
Substituting Equation (4) into Equation (S) yields the Canceling 'tn in Equation (B7) yields Equation (lS).

tn (1-R) Equation (16)

= (Bl) For the system shown in Figure 1 with an artificial by­
T (l+R)
pass, the nominal turnover time is related to the bypass
The relation between 'tn and T is as follows: factor as follows:
T tn= Sas + (1-S) a (BS)
'tn =-- (B2)
Substituting a from Equation (BS) into Equation (S)
Substituting Equation (B2) into Equation (Bl) yields leads to the following:
Equation (9).
tn (1-S)
Ea = ---- (B9)
2 ('tn - Sas)
Equation (12)
From the additivity of age of air, the nominal turnover Substituting Ct.s from Equation (A6) into Equation (B9)
time is the sum of the age of the supply air and the and canceling •n leads to Equation (16).
local turnover time:

(B3) Equation (18)

For the bypass system, the air in the zone is perfectly
Substituting T from Equation (B3) into the numerator mixed. Therefore, the mean age of air in the zone is
of Equation (11) gives the following: related to the bypass factor, the age of the supply air,
and the local turnover time as follows:
'tn- Ct.s
er =-­ (B4)
2aR=O T
a=o.s +-­ (BlO)
Substitution a.R=O from Equation (S) into Equation (B4) 1-S
gives the following: Solving for the quantity 1-S in Equation (BlO) leads
to the following:
, ( -­)
2 a.-
TJ = -­T
l+R a-as

Substituting Equation (A9) into Equation (BS) leads to Comparing the right hand side of Equation (Bll) with
Equation (12). (Equation 13) shows that TJ is twice Er


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