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Section - 11 - Cooling - Towers - XLSX

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Acfm = actual volumetric flow rate of air-vapor mixture, lba =
cu ft/min
ahp = air horsepower, hp lbw =
AWB = ambient wet bulb temperature, °F L =
B = combined water loss through blowdown and LG =
windage, % of circulating water or cu ft/min
CWT = cold water temperature, °F Q =
DB = dry bulb temperature, °F PF
E = water evaporated, % of circulating water or cu R
gpm = gallons per minute V
G = air rate, lb/(sq ft • hr) va =
ha = specific enthalpy of dry air, BTU/lb vas =
has = hs - ha, BTU/lb vs =

hs = enthalpy of moist air at saturation per lb of dry Ws =

air, BTU/lb
HWT = hot water temperature, °F WB =

Air Horsepower = The power output developed by a fan in moving a Fan Deck =
given air rate against a given resistance.

Air Inlet = Opening in a cooling tower through which air Fan Pitch =
enters. Sometimes referred to as the louvered
face on induced draft towers.
Air Rate = Mass flow of dry air per square foot of cross- Fill =
sectional area in the tower's heat transfer region
per hour.
Air Velocity = Velocity of air-vapor mixture through a specific Forced Draft =
region of the tower (i.e. the fan).

Ambient Wet-Bulb = The wet-bulb temperature of the air Hot Water =

Temperature encompassing a cooling tower, not including any Temperature
temperature contribution by the tower itself.
Generally measured upwind of a tower, in a
number of locations sufficient to account for all
extraneous sources of heat.

Approach = Difference between the cold water temperature Induced Draft =

and the entering wet-bulb temperature.

Blowdown = Water discharged from the system to control Liquid-to-Gas Ratio =

concentrations of salt or other impurities in the
circulating water.
Capacity = The amount of water that a cooling tower will Louvers =
cool through a specified range, at a specified
approach and wet-bulb temperature.

Cell = Smallest tower subdivision which can function as Makeup =

an independent unit with regard to air and water
flow; it is bounded by either exterior walls or
partition walls. Each cell may have one or more
fans and one or more distribution systems.

Circulation Rate = Actual water flow rate through a given tower. Natural Draft =

Cold Water = Temperature of the water leaving the collection Net Effect Volume =
Temperature basin, exclusive of any temperature effects
incurred by the addition of makeup and/or the
removal of blowdown.
Collection Basin = Chamber below and integral with the tower where Performance Factor =
water is transiently collected and directed to the
sump or pump suction line.
Counterflow = Air flow direction through the fill is counter- Psychrometer =
current to that of the falling water.

Crossflow = Air flow direction through the fill is essentially Range =

perpendicular to that of the falling water.

Distribution Basin = Shallow pan-type elevated basin used to Recirculation =

distribute hot water over the tower fill by means
of orifices in the basin floor. Application is
normally limited to crossflow towers.

Double-Flow = A crossflow cooling tower where two opposed Water Rate =

fill banks are served by a common air plenum.
Drift = Circulating water loss from the tower as liquid Wet-Bulb =
droplets entrained in the exhaust air stream. Temperature
Units percent of circulating water rate or gpm.
[For more precise work, an L/G parameter is
used, and drift becomes pounds of water per
million pounds of exhaust air (ppmw).]

Drift Eliminators = An assembly of baffles or labyrinth passages Wet-Bulb =

through which the air passes prior to its exit from Thermometer
the tower, for the purpose of removing entrained
water droplets from the exhaust air.

Dry-Bulb = The temperature of the entering or ambient air Windage =

Temperature adjacent to the cooling tower as measured with a
dry-bulb thermometer.
Evaporation Loss = Water evaporated from the circulating water into Wind Load =
the air stream in the cooling process.
Fan Cylinder = Cylindrical or venturi-shaped structure in which a
propeller fan operates. Sometimes referred to as
a fan "stack" on larger towers.

= Example calculation from the book
= Application worksheet for user to fill out
= Numbers that must be filled in according to the user's data and specific situation
= Numbers that must be filled in according to
graphs and charts
pounds of dry air

pounds of water
water rate, lb/(sq ft • hr)
liquid to gas ratio, lb/lb

cu ft/min
performance factor, dimensionless
cooling tower range, °F

air velocity, ft/min

specific volume of dry air, cu ft/lb
vs - va, cu ft/lb
volume of moist air at saturation per lb of dry air,
cu ft/lb
lbw/lba, humidity ratio at saturation

wet bulb temperature, °F

Surface enclosing the top of an induced draft

cooling tower, exclusive of the distribution basins
on a crossflow tower.
The angle which the blades of a propeller fan
make with the plane of rotation, measured at a
prescribed point on each blade.
That portion of a cooling tower which constitutes
its primary heat transfer surface. Sometimes
referred to as "packing."
Refers to the movement of air under pressure
through a cooling tower. Fans of forced draft
towers are located at the air inlets to "force" air
through the tower.
Temperature of circulating water entering the
cooling tower's distribution system.

Refers to the movement of air through a cooling

tower by means of an induced partial vacuum.
Fans of induced draft towers are located at the air
discharges to "draw" air through the tower.

A ratio of the total mass flows of water and dry

air in a cooling tower. (See Air Rate and Water
Blade or passage type assemblies installed at the
air inlet face of a cooling tower to control water
splashout and/or promote uniform air flow
through the fill. In the case of film-type
crossflow fill, they may be integrally molded to
the film sheets.

Water added to the circulating water system to

replace water lost by evaporation, drift, windage,
blowdown, and leakage.

Refers to the movement of air through a cooling

tower purely by natural means. Typically, by the
driving force of a density differential.

That portion of the total structural volume within

which the circulating water is in intimate contact
with the flowing air.

Variable used in determining performance

characteristics inn cooling towers.

An instrument incorporating both a dry-bulb and

a wet-bulb thermometer, by which simultaneous
dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature readings can
be taken.
Difference between the hot water temperature and
the cold water temperature.

Describes a condition in which a portion of the

tower's discharge air re-enters the air inlets along
with the fresh air. Its effect is an elevation of the
average entering wet-bulb temperature compared
to the ambient.
Mass flow of water per square foot of fill plan
area of the cooling tower per hour.
The temperature of the entering or ambient air
adjacent to the cooling tower as measured with a
wet-bulb thermometer.

A thermometer whose bulb is encased within a

wetted wick.

Water lost from the tower because of the effects

of wind.
The load imposed upon a structure by a wind
blowing against its surface.
Example 11-1 -- Effect of Varying WB Temperature on Cold Water Temperature (CWT)

Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F
This is commonly referred to as 20° Range (105-85) and 10° Approach (85-75).

What is the new CWT when WB changes from

75 ° to 60 ° with
gpm and range remaining constant?
Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, then vertically down to 60° WB,
read new CWT of
76 °.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 11-1 -- Effect of Varying WB Temperature on Cold Water Temperature (CWT)

Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F
This is commonly referred to as 20° Range (105-85) and 10° Approach (85-75).

What is the new CWT when WB changes from

75 ° to 60 ° with
gpm and range remaining constant?
Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, then vertically down to 60° WB, read
new CWT of
76 °.

mples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing in
ulation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA
accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose o
luding without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to
ation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site condition
ce to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processo
is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference h
s for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
e, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal th
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such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark,

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ice by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or fa

dead-band limitations.
sement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 11-2 -- Effect of Varying Cooling Range on Cold Water Temperature Application 11-2 -- Effect of V

Given Data: Given Data:

Flow = 1000 gpm Flow
Hot Water = 105 °F Hot Water
Cold Water = 85 °F Cold Water
Wet Bulb = 75 °F Wet Bulb

What is the new CWT when cooling range is changed from What is the new CWT when co
20 ° to 30 °?
(50% increase in heat load) with gpm and WB held constant? (50% increase in heat load) wi
Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, vertically to R = 20° F, Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT
horizontally to R = 30° F, vertically downward to 75° WB, read new CWT of horizontally to R = 30° F, verti
87.5 °.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
plication 11-2 -- Effect of Varying Cooling Range on Cold Water Temperature

= 1000 gpm
= 105 °F
= 85 °F
= 75 °F

hat is the new CWT when cooling range is changed from

20 ° to 30 °?
% increase in heat load) with gpm and WB held constant?
ter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, vertically to R = 20° F,
izontally to R = 30° F, vertically downward to 75° WB, read new CWT of
87.5 °.

es published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing indu
tion spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA an
curacy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or n
ding without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or
on based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions e
on as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with G
information is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information.
bility, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
rom the use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any ot
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nd edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
meliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name

warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
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cess, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recomme

ol set-point dead-band limitations.

imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 11-3 -- Effect of Varying Water Circulating Rate and Heat Load on
Cold Water Temperature
Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F

What is the new CWT when water circulation is changed from 1000 gpm to 1500
gpm (50% change in heat load at constant Range).

Varying water rate, particularly over wide ranges, may require modifications to the distribution
system. Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, vertically to R = 20° F,
horizontally to Performance Factor of
3.1 .
Obtain new PF by multiplying (3.1)(1500/1000) = 4.65, then enter Nomograph at PF of 4.65, go
horizontally to R = 20° F, vertically down to 75° WB, read new CWT of
90.5° .

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 11-3 -- Effect of Varying Water Circulating Rate and Heat Load on
Cold Water Temperature
Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F

What is the new CWT when water circulation is changed from 1000 gpm to 1500
gpm (50% change in heat load at constant Range).

Varying water rate, particularly over wide ranges, may require modifications to the distribution
system. Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, vertically to R = 20° F,
horizontally to Performance Factor of
3.1 .
Obtain new PF by multiplying (3.1)(1500/1000) = 4.65, then enter Nomograph at PF of 4.65, go
horizontally to R = 20° F, vertically down to 75° WB, read new CWT of
90.5 °.

published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing industry
spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and G
acy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-
without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or reli
based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc)
o the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors
voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference here
r a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
ability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory
al curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, flu
tion with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
ormation. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and serv

t or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
ual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.
rvice by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or

nt dead-band limitations.
dorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 11-4 -- Effect of Varying WB Temperature, Range, and Water Circulating Rate on
Cold Water Temperature
Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F

What is the new CWT when the WB changes from 75 ° to 60

°, R changes from 20 ° F to 25 ° F, and gpm changes from 1000
to 1250 (25% change in heat load).

Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, vertically to R = 20° F, horizontally read PF =
then multiply (3.1)(1250/1000) = 3.88 (new PF). Enter Nomograph at PF = 3.88, go horizontally to R = 25° F,
vertically down to 60° WB, read new CWT of
82 °.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 11-4 -- Effect of Varying WB Temperature, Range, and Water Circulating Rate on
Cold Water Temperature
Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F

What is the new CWT when the WB changes from 75 ° to

°, R changes from 20 ° F to 25 ° F, and gpm changes from
to 1250 (25% change in heat load).

Enter Nomograph at 85° CWT, go horizontally to 75° WB, vertically to R = 20° F, horizontally read PF
then multiply (3.1)(1250/1000) = 3.88 (new PF). Enter Nomograph at PF = 3.88, go horizontally to R = 25° F,
vertically down to 60° WB, read new CWT of
82 °.

les published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing indu
tion spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA an
curacy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or n
ding without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or
on based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions e
ulating Rate on


orizontally read PF

orizontally to R = 25° F,

vice to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Proces
n is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference
ess for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
se, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal t
mperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process condition
operation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
ch information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, an

ct, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
nt actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.
by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favo

d-band limitations.
ment, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 11-5 -- Effect of Varying Fan HP Input on Cold Water Temperature Application 11-5 -- Effect of Va

Given Data: Given Data:

Flow = 1000 gpm Flow
Hot Water = 105 °F Hot Water
Cold Water = 85 °F Cold Water
Wet Bulb = 75 °F Wet Bulb

What is the new CWT if motor is changed from 20 HP to 25 What is the new CWT if motor i
HP in Example 11-4? Example 11-4 information given below: HP in Example 11-4? Example
WB change: 75 to 60 WB change:
R change: 20 to 25 R change:
GPM change: 1000 to 1250 GPM change:
Original PF: 3.1 (see previous example for how to get this value) Original PF:

The air flow rate varies as the cube root of the horsepower and performance varies The air flow rate varies as the cu
almost directly with the ratio of water rate to air rate, therefore the change in air almost directly with the ratio of
flow rate can be applied to the Performance Factor. Increasing the air flow rate flow rate can be applied to the P
(by installing a larger motor) decreases the Performance Factor. (by installing a larger motor) dec

PF correction factor = (25 HP/20 HP)^(1/3) = 1.077. Divide PF by PF correction PF correction factor = (25 HP/20
factor to get new PF. Applying this to Example 11-4, we get 3.875/1.077 = 3.6. factor to get new PF. Applying
Enter Nomograph at 3.6 PF (instead of 3.88 PF) go horizontally to R =25° F, Enter Nomograph at 3.6 PF (inst
vertically down to 60° WB, read CWT of vertically down to 60° WB, read
81 °.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
cation 11-5 -- Effect of Varying Fan HP Input on Cold Water Temperature

= 1000 gpm
= 105 °F
= 85 °F
= 75 °F

s the new CWT if motor is changed from 20 HP to 25

Example 11-4? Example 11-4 information given below:
75 to 60
20 to 25
1000 to 1250
3.1 (see previous example for how to get this value)

r flow rate varies as the cube root of the horsepower and performance varies
directly with the ratio of water rate to air rate, therefore the change in air
ate can be applied to the Performance Factor. Increasing the air flow rate
stalling a larger motor) decreases the Performance Factor.

rection factor = (25 HP/20 HP)^(1/3) = 1.077. Divide PF by PF correction

to get new PF. Applying this to Example 11-4, we get 3.875/1.077 = 3.6.
Nomograph at 3.6 PF (instead of 3.88 PF) go horizontally to R = 25° F,
ally down to 60° WB, read CWT of
81 °.

s published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing indust
on spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and
uracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or no
ng without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or re
n based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc
ce to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processo
is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference h
s for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal the
erial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions,
d edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
eliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, tr

ranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
ng into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitation
ss, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommend

set-point dead-band limitations.

mply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 11-6 -- Effect of correction factor on gpm instead of Cold Water Temperature

Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F

Use the PF correction factor from Example 11-5 to increase gpm instead of decreasing

Example 11-5:
What is the new CWT if motor is changed from 20 HP to 25
HP in Example 11-4? Example 11-4 information given below:
WB change: 75 to 60
R change: 20 to 25
GPM change: 1000 to 1250
Original PF: 3.1 (see example 11-4 for how to get this value)

In Example 11-4, we developed a new CWT of 82 when circulating 1250 gpm at R = 25° F
and 60° WB. If motor HP is increased from 20 to 25 under these conditions with PF
correction factor = 1.077 (as shown in Example 11-5), GPM could be increased from 1250
to (1250)(1.077) =
1347 gpm.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 11-6 -- Effect of correction factor on gpm instead of Cold Water Temperature

Given Data:
Flow = 1000 gpm
Hot Water = 105 °F
Cold Water = 85 °F
Wet Bulb = 75 °F

Use the PF correction factor from Example 11-5 to increase gpm instead of decreasing CWT.

Example 11-5:
What is the new CWT if motor is changed from 20 HP to 25
HP in Example 11-4? Example 11-4 information given below:
WB change: 75 to 60
R change: 20 to 25
GPM change: 1000 to 1250
Original PF: 3.1 (see example 11-4 for how to get this value)

In Example 11-4, we developed a new CWT of 82° when circulating 1250 gpm at R = 25° F
and 60° WB. If motor HP is increased from 20 to 25 under these conditions with PF
correction factor = 1.077 (as shown in Example 11-5), GPM could be increased from 1250 to
(1250)(1.077) =
1347 gpm.

g examples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas process
d calculation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the
es of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purp
r (including without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , referen
calculation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site con
on as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with G
information is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information.
bility, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
rom the use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any ot
ositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process
nd edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
meliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name,

arranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
ing into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitatio
ess, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommen

l set-point dead-band limitations.

mply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 11-7 -- Cooling tower calculations on concentration and blowdown rate

Calculate the concentrations and blowdown rate for the following cooling tower:
Circulation Rate = 10000 gpm
Water Temperature
Drop Through Tower = 20 °F
Type of Tower = Mechanical-draft towers
Blowdown Rate = 20 gpm
or 0.2% of circulation rate

Evaporation Loss = 2% (1% for each 10° temperature drop)
Windage Loss = 0.3% (Maximum for mechanical draft tower, p. 11-9)

Number of Concentrations (cycles) = (E + B) / B =

(0.02 + (0.002 + 0.003))/(0.002 + 0.003) = 5.0
If the resultant concentrations are excessive and a desired concentration of 4.0
is required, what must the blowdown rate be?

B = E / (Cycles - 1) = 0.67%

The windage component of B is 0.003, therefore the blowdown rate required would be
0.0067 - 0.003 = 0.0037 or
(10000 gpm) (0.0037) =
37 gpm.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 11-7 -- Cooling tower calculations on concentration and blowdown rate

Calculate the concentrations and blowdown rate for the following cooling tower:
Circulation Rate = 10000 gpm
Water Temperature Drop
Through Tower = 20 °F
Type of Tower = Mechanical-draft towers
Blowdown Rate = 20 gpm
or 0.2% of circulation rate

Evaporation Loss = 2% (1% for each 10° temperature drop)
Windage Loss = 0.3% Maximum for Mechanical-draft towers, p. 11-9

Number of Concentrations (cycles) = (E + B) / B =

(0.02 + (0.002 + 0.003))/(0.002 + 0.003) = 5.0
If the resultant concentrations are excessive and a desired concentration of
is required, what must the blowdown rate be?

B = E / (Cycles - 1) = 0.67%

The windage component of B is 0.003, therefore the blowdown rate required would be 0.0067
- 0.003 = 0.0037 or
(10000 gpm) (0.0037) =
37 gpm.

ples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing ind
lation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA a
accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or
uding without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to o
tion based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions
ft towers, p. 11-9


a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Pr
mation is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Refer
fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
he use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other le
ns, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process cond
edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
eliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, tr

ranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
g into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations
hod, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, r

ual control set-point dead-band limitations.

titute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.

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