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Excision of Preauricular Pits and Sinuses

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Preauricular pits and sinuses are congenital anomalies located near the ear that may discharge debris if infected. Surgery is only indicated if there are recurrent infections. The procedure aims to completely excise the sinus tract and surrounding tissue to reduce recurrence.

They originate from incomplete fusion of the six auricular hillocks that form the ear, most commonly between the tragus and helix or antihelix and helix. Improper development of hillocks 1-3 can also result in preauricular tags.

The steps include making an elliptical incision, extending it superiorly, dissecting down to the temporalis fascia, identifying and dissecting along the cartilage of the helix, excising a portion of cartilage at the apex, and closing in layers.




Preauricular pits and sinuses are congenital nerve at risk, and incompletely excising
anomalies located in or just in front of the the sinus tract. See chapter: Resecting
ascending limb of the helix (Figure 1). branchial cysts, fistulae and sinuses.

Figure 1: A typically located preauricular

sinus (
Figure 2: Preauricular sinus abscess. Note
They may discharge desquamated keratin puncture wound from needle aspiration
debris. Although more common on the
right, they may be bilateral. The incidence
varies, being as high as 10% in parts of
Africa. Preauricular sinuses may be spora-
dic or inherited (autosomal dominant trait
with incomplete penetrance and variable
expression), and may be associated with
branchio-oto-renal syndrome.

Even though excising a sinus is a relatively

minor surgical procedure, recurrence is not
uncommon if an adequate resection is not
done. Surgery is only indicated when it is
complicated by recurrent infection or ab-
scesses (Figures 2, 3). An abscess should
first aspirated with a needle and fully
treated with antibiotics before surgery is
Figure 3: Suppurated lymph node associa-
A preauricular cyst should not be confused ted with an infected preauricular sinus
with a 1st branchial cleft remnant. Misdiag-
nosing a 1st brachial cleft remnant as a pre-
auricular sinus tract may place the facial

The auricle originates from 6 auricular

hillocks; numbers 1-3 originate from the 1st
branchial arch and 4-6 from the 2nd arch
(Figures 4-6). The external auditory mea-
tus is derived from the 1st branchial cleft.

The hillocks may not fuse completely and

leave sinuses between them, most com-
monly between the tragus and root of the
helix, or between the antihelix and helix. It
has also been postulated that infolding of Figure 5: Contributions of hillocks to auri-
ectoderm during development of the cle
auricle may be the cause.

Figure 6: Contributions of hillocks to auri-

cle as seen at 9 weeks’ gestation1

Anomalous development of the hillocks 1-

3 may also cause supernumerary hillocks
and preauricular tags.

Recommended embryology website:

Figures 4a, b: Six auricular hillocks at 6

weeks’ gestation1

Histopathology field. The frontal branch of the facial nerve
crosses superficially over the zygomatic
Excised sinuses are lined by stratified arch and is at risk of injury only if the
squamous epithelium surrounded by con- surgeon strays anteriorly during the
nective tissue with evidence of chronic in- resection.
flammation. The tract may be of variable
length, have a tortuous course, and exhibit
extensive branching.

Surgical anatomy

The sinus remains superficial to

temporalis fascia, and terminates very
close or is adherent to the cartilage of the
helix. The surgeon must be familiar with
the following anatomical structures:

Facial nerve (Figures 7, 8)

Figure 8: Superficial temporal artery and

vein and frontal branch of the facial nerve

Superficial temporal artery and vein

These two vessels are seen in Figure 8. If

they are lacerated, bleeding is easily con-
trolled by simply ligating the vessel(s).

Auricular cartilage (Figure 9)

Preauricular sinuses and cysts are closely

associated with the auricular perichon-
drium. Dunham et al reported that the his-
tologic distance between excised preauri-
cular epithelial sinus tracts and adjacent
auricular cartilage measured <0.5mm in
Figure 7: Note the position of the frontal >50% cases, and that the epithelial tract
branch of the facial nerve (arrow) was in continuity with stromal tissue and
histologically indistinguishable from peri-
Unlike 1st branchial cleft anomalies, preau- chondrium in nearly all these cases. Hence
ricular sinuses/cysts are located superior some advocate removing of a small portion
and lateral to the facial nerve and parotid of auricular cartilage adjacent to the sinus
gland. The trunk of the nerve is located far tract to ensure a thorough excision and to
inferior and deep to the normal surgical reduce recurrence rates.

Figure 9: Auricular cartilage superim- Figure 10: The temporalis fascia consti-
posed on the ear tutes the deep dissection plane; note the
superficial temporal fat pad anteriorly
Temporalis fascia (Figure 10)
Some advocate injecting methylene blue
The temporalis fascia forms the deepest into the cyst or sinus, but dye often conta-
plane of the dissection. The frontal branch minates the surgical field; others favour
of the facial nerve traverses the superficial probing the tract with a lacrimal probe, al-
temporal fat pad some distance anteriorly though a lacrimal probe may cause a false
(Figure 10). tract and cannot identify small branches.
The author uses neither technique, and
does not attempt to identify the actual
Preoperative investigations sinus tract.

CT or MRI imaging is not indicated unless Steps taken to reduce recurrence include:
a sinus is atypically located or a branchial
cleft remnant is suspected. • Operate under optimal conditions
o Wait for infection to settle
o General anaesthesia without muscle
Surgical principles paralysis (to detect stimulation of
facial nerve)
Recurrence rates following simple sinusec- • Completely excise the sinus tract with
tomy (elliptical incision around sinus and the surrounding tissue
dissection of tract in subcutaneous tissues) o Wide exposure: supra-auricular ex-
of up to 40% have been reported. tension of preauricular incision

o Do not attempt to identify and ex-
cise only the sinus tract, but widely
resect all the subcutaneous tissue
between temporalis fascia and helix
o Posterior boundary: auricular carti-
o Anteromedial boundary: parotid
o Deep boundary: temporalis fascia
o Excise neighbouring perichondrium
and/or cartilage of the helix

Surgical steps

• Make a vertical elliptical skin incision

around the sinus opening (Figure 11)
• Extend the incision superiorly into the
supra-auricular area (good exposure
and hides incision); note the position of
the facial nerve (Figure 11)
• Dissect (sharp or electrocautery) down
to temporalis fascia both anterior and Figure 11: Elliptical incision with supra-
superior to the sinus opening (Figure auricular extension; approximate position
12) of facial nerve in yellow
• Dissect the soft tissues off the tempo-
ralis fascia which constitutes the deep
dissection plane, in a posteroinferior
direction (Figure 13)
• Identify the cartilage of the helix
(Figure 13)
• Dissect along the cartilage, keeping
deep to perichondrium (Figure 14)
• Excise a slither of cartilage deep to the
apex of the preauricular sinus (Figure
• Resect the specimen (Figures 15, 16,
• Irrigate the wound
• A small drain may be left in situ
• Suture the wound in layers

Figure 12: Dissecting down to temporalis

Figure 13: Dissecting along temporalis Figure 15: Final part of dissection inclu-
fascia up to cartilage of helix ding an island of helical cartilage

Figure 14: Slither of helical cartilage Figure 16: Surgical defect following exci-
being excised at apex of sinus tract sion of slither of cartilage at the apex of
preauricular sinus



The Open Access Atlas of Otolaryngology, Head &

Neck Operative Surgery by Johan Fagan (Editor) is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported

Figure 17: Specimen: skin (S), soft tissue

containing preauricular sinus (ST) and
cartilage (C)


1. Dunham B et al. The histologic rela-

tionship of preauricular sinuses to auri-
cular cartilage. Arch Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg. 2009 Dec;135(12): 1262-5
2. Hill MA (2014) Embryology Privacy
policy. Retrieved February 8, 2015,
3. Leopardi G et al. Surgical treatment of
recurring preauricular sinus: supra-
auricular approach. Acta Otorhinolar-
yngol Ital. 2008 Dec;28(6):302–5

Author & Editor

Johan Fagan MBChB, FCORL, MMed

Professor and Chairman
Division of Otolaryngology
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa

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