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ISO 9001:2015 (034)722-4169/

Elements of Research
1st Sem. AY 2018-2019

College: College of Arts and Sciences Program: Bachelor of Arts in English

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Chair, AB-English Department CIMD Chairperson

GAD-Focal Person Vice Pres. for Academic Affairs
Course Professor
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Course Code: Descriptive Title: Elements of Research

Course Description:
This course is designed for theatrical orientation for thesis writing. Matters concerning the preliminaries and major components of a thesis will be discussed and
analyzed, and in turn, be worked out in writing exercises in this course.
Course Credit: 3 Units
Pre-requisite: None Lecture Hours/Week: 3 hours Laboratory Hours/Week: None
The College is mandated to provide higher technological, professional, vocational instruction and training in science, forestry, fishery, agriculture, education, marine biology, engineering and
industrial courses; it shall promote research, advance studies, extension work and professional leadership. It shall likewise offer short-term technical or vocational courses, provide non-
formal education and undertake vigorous extension and research programs in food production, nutrition, and health and sports development.
C – Creativity and Innovation A- Accountability and Openness R- Respect E- Excellence S- Service
Vision: SUN- Negros : A Leading university by 2023
Mission: To produce excellent professionals who are locally responsive and globally competitive.
1. Acquired Certificate of Compliance (COPC) for all programs.
2. Increased level of accreditation and sustained certifications.
3. Established programs which are centers of excellent and development.
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Institutional Learning Outcomes:
The institution shall produce a graduate who can:
1. sustain willingness to serve the country and the world;
2. produce scientific and technological innovations;
3. engage in varied entrepreneurial activities;
4. practice as game-changer professional; and
5. demonstrate resiliency in any life challenges.
Program Intended Learning Outcomes:
All graduates should have the ability to:
1. articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice;
2. effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
3. work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi- cultural teams;
4. act in recognition of professional , social and ethical responsibility;
5. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”;
6. recognize the need for and demonstrate the ability for lifelong learning;
7. identify multi-perspectives and interrelations among text and contexts;
8. apply analytical and interpretative skills in the study of text;
9. discuss and/or create artistic forms;
10. demonstrate research skills specific to the sub-discipline in humanities;
11. use appropriate theories and methodologies critically and creatively;
12. appraise the role of humanistic education in the formation of human being and the society;
13. articulate a comprehensive and contextualized view of the English language system and development;
14. communicate in English(both written and oral) fluently, accurately and creatively in diverse social, cultural , academic and professional settings;
15. facilitate English language learning in diverse social, cultural, academic and professional settings;
16. participate effectively in oral communication situations where language system ( phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic) vary;
17. produce a well written text for various academic and professional purposes;
18. teach English communication, skill using knowledge of best practices;
19. enhance literacy development and critical/creative thinking among students through the use of different types of text; and
20. engage in English language research relevant to the school and workplace setting.
NONESCOST AB-English Program Outcomes
The program shall produce a graduate who can:
1. participate actively in oral and written communication settings both in Filipino and English;
2. demonstrate English language competence through a better understanding of the structures and the use of language to meet the emerging demands of the professions
and the society;
3. engage in English language innovations and research relevant to school and workplace in improving quality of life; and
4. strengthen linkages with LGU’s community and other stakeholders.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

At the end of the course the students should be able to:
CILO1. Classify the nature and characteristics of research.
CILO 2. Hypothesize possible implications of investigation results.
CILO 3. Categorize data based on appropriate statistical tools for effective analysis of observed phenomena.
CILO 4. Write a research manuscript and assume responsibility in the application of a research conducted in relation to teacher education Studies.
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CILO5. Appreciate the value of research in one's personal and professional life.

Competence Topics ILOs Teaching/ Equipment or Textbook (T) Assessment Time Remarks
Learning Materials Reference (R) Allotment
Activities Hours
Lec Lab
The students are NONESCOST At the end of the Laptop R2 1
expected to have VMGO session, the Small Group LCD Projector Commitment Sheets
internalized the VMGO of students are Discussion Hand-outs
the College expected to: Students
Brainstorming Handbook
(C-Creativity and 1. share their
Innovation; A- personal views on Lecture
Accountability and their commitment to Discussion
Openness; R-Respect; E- the VMGO of the
Excellence; S- Service) College.
 CILOs 4 & 5
Demonstrate essential Nature, Purpose and 1. define research, Lecture Laptop R4 pp3-3 Quizzes 4
understanding of Types of Research explain its Discussion LCD Projector Long tests
Research/ Nature and importance to Hand-outs
Classification of human life and Concept Books
Research identify the Mapping Activity Sheet
research process; Graphic
(C-Creativity and 2. identify the types Dyad Organizer R6 pp 6-9
Innovation; A- of research;
Accountability and 3.explain the nature
Openness; R-Respect; E- of every research
Excellence; S- Service type and contrast R4 pp 41; 61-153
 CILO 1 each one in terms
of its relevance and
4. classify R4 pp 11-13
5. answer
questions and
exercises to
classify and identify
research according
to its types; and
propose a title for a
research to be
considering the
types of variables.

Page 3 of 12
Differentiate Research 1. differentiate a Lecture Laptop OR 1 Quizzes 5
Problem from Objectives research problem Discussion LCD Projector Summative Test
from a research Hand-outs Graded Oral
Discuss, analyze, objective; Group Books Participation
interpret, the 2. analyze the Discussion Activity Sheet
 Characteristics characteristics of Graphic R4 pp 21-22
/criteria of a good research Graphic Organizer
research problems; Organizer Rubrics
3. interpret the R4 pp 6-9
Construct a problem criteria of good Brainstorming
statement or a research research
objective from an problems; Oral R4 p 28; R7 pp 15-19
approved title. 4. construct a Participation
problem statement
Gender Focus: Gender or a research
Mainstreaming objective from an
approved research
Construct gender related title; and OR 2
titles for possible study 5. write a rationale
justifying the
(C-Creativity and research problem
Innovation; A- or objective
Accountability and 6. construct
Openness; R-Respect; E- gender related title
Excellence; S- Service for

 CILO 1
Review of related 1. recognize the Small Group Laptop R8 p. 27; R4 181-191 Quizzes 5
Literature (RRL) scope and nature Discussion LCD Projector Graded Oral
of the RRL; Hand-outs Participation
2. practice through Lecture Books Graded Presentation
a small group Discussion Graphic Graded Activities
discussion how to Organizer OR 3 Summative Test
identify the nature Oral Rubrics for
of the RRL; Participation presentation
3. determine the Research
components of Individual Journals OR 4
RRL; Presentation Clippings
4. explain in a Sample
power point Thesis OR 5
presentation how
important RRL is in Reporting
research; Buzz Session
5. make a graffiti of

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the reviewed R8 pp 44-45
literature to check
for coherence of
6. organize ideas in
a mini forum the
significance of
conceptual and
backgrounds as
part of RRL; and
7. formulate an
RRL about the
approved research

Verbalize the significance 1. explain in a

of the research study and micro group the R4 pp 183-184 5
the contributions of the significance of the
Significance of the Study research study and
interpret in a
schematic diagram
Write significance of the its relevance in
study for a given conducting an
research title investigation;
2. categorize the
(C-Creativity and contributions of the
Innovation; A- significance of the
Accountability and study through
Openness; R-Respect; E- analyzing situations
Excellence) presented in a
 CILOs 2, 4 & 5 power point
presentation; and
3. practice writing
significance of the
study for a given R8 p. 83
research title,
apply skills acquired by making an actual significance of their own study.

Identify the Scope and 1. identify the Group Laptop R8 p. 83 Quizzes 6

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Limitations of the study, scope and Discussions LCD Projector Graded Oral
and organize through limitations of the Hand-outs Participation
library research the study of the Graded Group Books Graded Presentation
scope and limitations of research and the Report Activity Sheet Graded Activities
the study of their study. type of definition of Graphic Long tests
terms to be Lecture Organizer
Write the scope and appropriately Discussion Rubrics for
limitations of the study. used;2. organize oral
through library Oral participation
Define operationally the research the scope Participation and Group
terms used in research. and limitations of Activity
(C-Creativity and their study and Graded Group Research
Innovation; A- define operationally Activity Journals
Accountability and the terms used in Clippings
Openness; R-Respect; E- their research Sample
Excellence) investigation; and Thesis
3. develop the
CILOs 2, 4 & 5 R4 pp 181-187; R8 p.
Chapter 1 draft of
83; R5 p. 2
research with the
inclusion of the
following elements:
Rationale of the
study, Review of
Related Literature,
Statement of the
Statement of
Significance of the
Study, Scope and
Limitations of the
Study and
Definition of Terms
Classify the appropriate 1. classify the Lecture Laptop R4 pp 41-90 Quizzes 10
research design for the appropriate Discussion LCD Projector Graded Oral
approved research title. research design for Hand-outs Participation
approved research Group Books Graded Presentation
title; Discussion Activity Sheet Graded Activities
2. visit the library Graphic Long tests
Determine the: and gather Graded Group Organizer
-research instrument to information on how Activity Rubrics for
be used in the study and to identify their oral
formulate one for the respondents and Critiquing participation
selected study; the environment of and Group
-sampling procedure their study; Reporting Activity
Page 6 of 12
3. draft and present Samples of
-analyze the appropriate a research Research R4 99 105-153; R8 91-
statistical treatment that instrument to be Titles 92
can be applied to used for the study; Sample of
different types of 4. determine the Research
problems. types of sampling Instruments
to be used in their Sample
study; Thesis
5. analyze and
apply appropriate OR 5
statistical treatment
applicable to the
different problems
6. categorize data R4 pp 181-191; 193-
of an observed 195
phenomenon; and R3 pp 1-129
Write the draft of Chapter 7. develop the draft
2 of the research with the of Chapter 2 of the
following inclusion: research with the
Research Design, following inclusion:
Research Environment, Research Design,
Research Respondents, Research
Research Instrument, Environment,
Sampling and Statistical Research
Treatment Respondents,
(C-Creativity and Research
Innovation; A- Instrument,
Accountability and Sampling and
Openness; R-Respect; E- Statistical
Excellence; S-Service)

CILOs 2, 3, 4, & 5

Conduct of Data 1. familiarize the Lecture R4 pp 193-195 Quizzes 10

Collection, Presentation, different techniques Discussion Graded Oral
Interpretation and in gathering of Group Activity Participation
Analysis of Data data; Graded Presentation
2. Analyze and Oral Graded Activities
(C-Creativity and interpret sample Participation OR 7 Long tests
Innovation; A- data given.
Accountability and 4. create a final Reporting
Openness; R-Respect; E- draft of Chapter 3 R4 p 193
Excellence; S-Service) of their research Group Activity R7 p. 217
CILOs 2, 3, 4, & 5
Page 7 of 12
Formulate Research, 1. formulate the Lecture Laptop Quizzes 8
Findings, Conclusions findings based on Discussion LCD Projector R4 pp 216-236; 241- Graded Oral
and Recommendation the interpreted Hand-outs 247 Participation
(C-Creativity and data; and Critiquing of Books Graded Presentation
Innovation; A- 2. draw out outputs Activity Sheet Graded Activities
Accountability and conclusions and Graphic Long tests
Openness; R-Respect; E- develop Reporting Organizer
Excellence; S-Service) recommendations. Rubrics for
CILOs 2, 3, 4, & 5 Group oral
Discussion participation
and Group
Graded Group Activity
Activity Research
(This syllabus is adapted and slightly modified. This is flexible, i.e. the teacher may add topics/activities which are deemed necessary)

Grading System:
Quizzes – 30%
Recitation - 20%
Projects/Outputs/Assign/Proposal - 10%
Exam - 40%
Total - 100%

Final Grade = Prelim - 30%

Midterm - 30%
End-term - 40%
Total - 100%

Course Requirements:

1. Quizzes
2. Projects/Outputs/Assignments
3. Long Tests
4. Term Exams
5. Group Activity Outputs/Simulation
6. Proposal
7. Class Participation

R1 - Course Syllabus
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R2 - Student Handbook
R3 - Blair, E. (2015). Applied Survey Sampling. SAGE Publication Inc.
R4 - Calderon, J. (2006). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Rex Bookstore.
R5 - Mckenzie, G. et. Al. (2015) Methodology of Educational Research. Arcler Press
R6 - Portillo, R. (2003). Researchy and Technical Writing. ITrinitas Publiching, Inc.
R7 - Powner, L. (2015) Empirical Research and Writing. CQ Press, an Imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc.
R8 - Rivera, M, (1996). Practical Guide to Thesis and Dissertation Writing. Katha Publishing Inc.

OR1 -
OR 2 -
OR3 -
OR 4 -
OR5 -
OR 6 -
OR 7 -

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Journal Reflection Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory-Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total

Content 0-34 points 35-39 points 40-44 points 45-50 points /50
Reflection Reflection lacks critical Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates a
thinking. Superficial limited critical thinking in some degree of critical high degree of critical
connections are made with key applying, analyzing, thinking in applying, thinking in applying,
course concepts and course and/or evaluating key analyzing, and/or analyzing, and evaluating
materials, activities, and/or course concepts and evaluating key course key course concepts and
assignments theories from readings, concepts and theories theories from readings,
lectures, media, from readings, lectures, lectures, media, discussions
discussions, activities, media, discussions activities, and/or
and/or assignments activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and
Minimal connections assignments. Connections relevant connections made
made through made through through contextual
explanations, inferences, explanations, inferences, explanations, inferences,
and/or examples. and/or examples. and examples.
Personal 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /30
Growth Conveys inadequate evidence Conveys limited evidence Conveys evidence of Conveys strong evidence of
of reflection on own work in of reflection on own work reflection on own work reflection on own work with a
response to the self- in response to the self- with a personal response personal response to the
assessment questions posed. assessment questions to the self-assessment self-assessment questions
Personal growth and posed. Demonstrates questions posed. posed. Demonstrates
awareness are not evident less than adequate Demonstrates satisfactory significant personal growth
and/or demonstrates a neutral personal growth and personal growth and and awareness of deeper
experience with negligible awareness through few or awareness through some meaning through inferences
personal impact. Lacks simplistic inferences inferences made, made, examples, well
enough inferences, examples, made, examples, examples, insights, and developed insights, and
personal insights and insights, and/or challenges. Some thought substantial depth in
challenges, and/or future challenges that are not of the future implications of perceptions and challenges.
implications are overlooked. well developed. Minimal current experience. Synthesizes current
thought of the future experience into future
implications of current implications.
Writing 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Quality Poor writing style lacking in Average and/or casual Above average writing Well written and clearly
standard English, clarity, writing style that is style and logically organized using standard
language used, and/or sometimes unclear and/or organized using standard English, characterized by
frequent errors in grammar, with some errors in English with minor errors elements of a strong writing
punctuation, usage, and grammar, punctuation, in grammar, punctuation, style and basically free from
spelling. Needs work. usage, and spelling. usage, and spelling. grammar, punctuation,

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usage, and spelling errors.
Timeliness Deduct 11 points-overall Deduct 6-10 points Deduct 1-5 points 0 points deducted /--
Journal reflection is submitted Journal reflection is Journal reflection is Journal reflection is
2-3 days (49-72 hours) after submitted 1-2 days (25- submitted within 1 day (24 submitted on or before
the deadline. 48 hours) after the hours) after the deadline. deadline.
TOTAL POINTS (sum of 4 Criteria) /100

Adapted from

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