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NGEC 7 Syllabus

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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga


Outcomes-Based Syllabus


Course Code : NGEC 7

Course Title : Science, Technology, & Society
Units : Three (3)
Class Days & Time : Monday, Wednesday, & Friday – 10:00AM-11:00AM
Room : SGO 110
Name of Instructor : Mr. Arnel A. Turiano

USANT will be a distinguished leader in the provision of quality, yet affordable education.

The mission of USANT is to contribute individual and societal development through outstanding academic programs, research, and community service.

1. Adopt administrative schemes that emphasize corporate social responsibility and to minimize financial burden on parents and students.
2. Nurture a wholesome workplace that spawns excellent, performing, and committed professionals.
3. Achieve appropriate levels of accreditation of all programs to ensure students' competitiveness.
4. Demonstrate greater competence in academics, technical skills, research, and entrepreneurship for holistic students' development.
5. Enrich students' campus experience and competitiveness through state-of- the-art facilities.
6. Generate new knowledge through institutional researches that attract grants to researchers.
7. Provide sustainable measures to alleviate community problems through extension services.
8. Build strategic alliances with alumni and other stakeholders to help USANT realize its visions and mission.


The College of Teacher Education shall be a pivotal instrument of the country to produce the region’s human resource in field of education who are high
achieving, globally-oriented, and of world class competence.


The College of teacher education strives to produce teachers who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional
competence in exercising their noble profession. Likewise, they are expected to strictly adhere, observe and practice the ethical and moral principles,
standards and values.


1. To produce teachers with high level of literacy, communication skills and numeracy, as well as with critical and creative minds to promote higher learning.
2. To Develop teachers richly equipped with knowledge in their major fields of specialization; trained and exposed to the latest innovations in science
technology and research, and are willing and capable to continue learning in order to fulfill their mission as teachers;
3. To develop teachers who are molders of positive attitudes and builders of strong moral character with universal ideals of faith, hope and love;
4. To produce teachers with robust passion for their profession and with deep appreciation to the country’s rich cultural heritage, in order to actively
participate in nation building.


The BSEd degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary
education. After successful completion of all academic requirements for the degree/program, graduates of BSEd should be able to practice the teaching
profession in the secondary level.


Common to all programs:

1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
2. Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing.
3. Work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
4. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”
Common to the discipline (Teacher Education)
1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological and political contexts.
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches and resources for diverse learners.
5. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices.
6. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national and global realities.
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varies experiential and field-based opportunities.


1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically Philippine society.
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its role in nation-building.
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the student as part of society.
4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and Philippine society in general.

1. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the development of the Filipino nation.
2. Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of science and technology such that the student may be able to define for himself/herself the meaning of
the good life.
3. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and the environment.

1. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society.
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of climate change.


The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political and economic contexts which shape and are shaped
by them; specific examples throughout human history of scientific and technological developments.
VII. Learning Plan

Intended Learning Outcomes Topics/Time Allotment Teaching Learning Resource Materials Assessment Methods Evidence of
Activities Outcomes
 Students will be acquainted of Orientation (1 hr) Oral discussion of the Course Syllabus
the classroom policies, course Course Orientation course, grading system, Oral & Written Test Teacher’s rating of
requirements and other essential Grading System course requirements, individual
information related to the Course Requirements classroom policies. performance
subject. Classroom Policies

5-sentence short essay written output of

 Students will be able to set their Expectation Setting and Oral Recitation students’
expectations of the course and
their learning experiences for the
whole semester.
CHAPTER 1: General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology, and
Society (12 hours)
 Students can discuss how the Lesson 1 - Intellectual Lecture-Discussion Textbook: Science, Oral Recitation Assessed through
ideas postulated by Copernicus, Revolutions that Technology, and Society observation of
Darwin, and Freud contributed to Defined Society (2018) by Serafica, Pawilen, Individual participation student responses
the spark of scientific revolution; (4 hours) Caslib, and Alata in class discussion and on Q and A
activity facilitated by
 Analyze how scientific revolution the teacher.
is done in various parts of the
world like in Latin America, East
Asia, Middle East and Africa.
 Discuss the role of science and Lesson 2 – Science, Discussion Textbook: Science, Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
technology in Philippine nation- Technology. And Lecture Technology, and Society individual
building; Nation-Building (8 Group Presentation (2018) by Serafica, Pawilen, Individual participation performance
hours) Caslib, and Alata in class discussion
 Evaluate government policies
pertaining to science and
technology in terms of their Paper and Pencil Test Test scores
contributions to nation-building;
Performance in the
 Identify actual science and group presentation teacher’s rating of
technology policies of the group performance
government and appraise their
impact on the development of
the Filipino nation;
 Discuss the different Filipino /12804933/Filipino-
scientists and their contributions Scientists
in nation-building.
PRELIM EXAMINATION (1 hour) Teacher-made Test Paper and Pencil Test Scores obtained by
the student in the
 Explain how science and Historical Antecedents Discussion Textbook: Science,
technology affected the society in the Course of Lecture Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
and environment and vice Science and Group work (2018) McNamara, individual
versa; Technology (10 hours) Valverde, and Beleno performance
 Ancient Times
 Identify inventions and a. Sumerian Civilization
discoveries that changed the b. Babylonian Civilization Teacher-made ppt Individual participation
world over the course of c. Egyptian Civilization Presentation in class discussion
history; d. Greek Civilization
e. Roman Civilization
 Discuss the scientific and f. Chinese Civilization Presentation of own Rating obtained by
technological developments in  Medieval/Middle inventions/modifications the students in the
the Philippines. Ages of technology presentation which
will be assessed
 Modern Times through a rubric
 Discuss the paradigm shifts Intellectual Discussion Textbook: Science,
through history; Revolutions Lecture Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
(2 hours) (2018) McNamara, individual
 Explain how Intellectual Valverde, and Beleno performance
Revolution change the way how Individual participation
humans see the world; in class discussion

 Describe the technological

advancements that happened in
the information age.
MIDTERM EXAMINTATION (1 hour) Teacher-made Test Paper and Pencil Test Scores obtained by
the student in the
UNIT 2: Science, Technology, Society and the Human Condition
 Discuss what technology Chapter 4 – Human Discussion Textbook: Science,
reveals; Flourishing in Science Lecture Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
and Technology (2018) McNamara, individual
 Examine modern technology and (6 hours) Valverde, and Beleno performance
its role in human flourishing; Individual participation
in class discussion
 Explain the role of art in a
technological world.

 Critique human flourishing vis-à- Chapter 5 – Human Discussion Textbook: Science,

vis the progress of science and Flourishing as Lecture Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
technology; Reflected in Progress (2018) McNamara, individual
and Development Valverde, and Beleno performance
 Explain Hickel’s paradigm of “de- (7 hours) Individual participation
development’; in class discussion

 Differentiate it from the

traditional notions of growth and
PREFINAL EXAMINATION (1 hour) Teacher-made Test Paper and Pencil Test Scores obtained by
the student in the
 Explain the concept of the good Chapter 6 – The Good Seatwork Textbook: Science,
life as posited by Aristotle; Life (4 hours) Discussion Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
Lecture (2018) McNamara, individual
 Define the good life in their own Valverde, and Beleno performance
words; Individual participation
in class discussion
 Examine shared concerns that
make up the good life to come 150-word essay about Rating obtained by
up with innovative and creative “The Good Life” the student’s essay
which will be
solutions to contemporary issues assessed through a
guided by ethical standards. rubric

 Evaluate contemporary human Chapter 7 – When Discussion Textbook: Science,

experience to strengthen the Technology and Lecture Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
human person functioning in Humanity Cross Group Activity (2018) McNamara, individual
society; (5 hours) Valverde, and Beleno performance
Individual participation
 Discuss the importance of in class discussion
human rights in the face of
changing social conditions and
technological development; Role Playing Rating obtained by
the students which
 Identify laws or policies in the will be assessed
country that protect the well- through a rubric
being of the person in
technological advancement and
ethical dilemmas.
UNIT 3: Special Topics in Science, Technology, and Society
 Determine the human and social Chapter 8 – Discussion Textbook: Science,
impacts of the developments in Information Society Lecture Technology, and Society Oral Recitation teacher’s rating of
the information age; (3 hours) (2018) McNamara, individual
Valverde, and Beleno performance
 Discuss the evolution of Individual participation
technology from the ancient in class discussion
times up to the present;

 Illustrate how social media have Social Media Post on

affected their lives. the Impact of Screenshots of
Technology in every Social Media posts
one’s life
FINAL EXAMINATION (1 hour) Teacher-made Test Paper and Pencil Test Scores obtained by
the student in the
TOTAL: 54 hours

A. Criteria for Grading B. Final Grade

Class Standing 40% The final grade will be determined based on the general average.
1.00 – 98-100% 2.50 – 80-82
a. Attendance 1.25 – 95-97 2.75 – 77-79
b. Quizzes / Seatwork 1.50 – 92-94 3.00 – 75-76
c. Recitation 1.75 – 89-91 5.00 – Failed
2.00 – 86-88 FA – Failure due to absences
Project / Outputs 20% 2.25 – 83-85 NG – No Grade
Quarterly Examination 40%
Total: 100%

Textbook: Science, Technology, and Society (2018)
 Daniel Joseph McNamara, SJ, Vida Mia Valverde, Ramon Beleno III
C&E Publishing, Inc.

Science, Technology, and Society (2018)

Janice Patria Javier Serafica, Greg Tabios Pawilen, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib Jr.,
Eden Joy Pastor Alata
Rex Book Store, Inc.



1. Attend the class regularly. Students who incur frequent and consecutive absences are less likely to pass the subject.
2. In case of emergencies, unexpected circumstances or participation in academic-oriented and extra-curricular activities, secure a valid excuse letter
signed by the guardian/parent, adviser of the concerned organization and/or the college dean depending on the nature of activity.
3. Be punctual. Habitual/frequent tardiness is strictly unwanted. Students are given 5 (five) minutes grace period.
4. Always wear the prescribed uniform of the university together with your valid identification card recognized by the university. In case of civilian attire,
ripped jeans, sleeveless, slippers, miniskirts and any indecent clothes are strictly prohibited.
5. Never use mobile phone or any gadget during class hours without seeking permission from the instructor.
6. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness inside the classroom.
7. Pay undivided attention to the teacher during class discussions. Wait for your turn to speak and express your idea.
8. Any form of cheating is strictly not allowed.
9. Take the test on the scheduled date to avoid ambiguity, leakage and delay in the release of grades.
10. Subject Requirements:
a. Subject Textbooks
b. Lecture Notebook
c. Sealed Permit (during periodical examinations)

Instructor Librarian

Reviewed by: ARLENE O. MONSALVE, Ph. D. Approved by: JOSE B. BALLESTEROS, Ph. D.
Dean, College of Teacher Education Vice President for Academic Affairs

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