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The Horde

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The document discusses the various races and military forces that make up the Horde.

The Horde forces have strengths such as being a diverse yet cohesive force, having encountered many threats previously, having impressive firepower and common use of magic, and being willing to achieve victory by any means necessary.

Potential weaknesses of the Horde include internal disputes over honorable vs pragmatic tactics, decreasing population size due to conflicts, and potential issues from overextending their technological capabilities.


In fantasies where humans, elves and dwarfs so the Horde’s employ are fleshcrafted monsters
often dominate, the Horde stands apart as a from the laboraties of Frankenstein, powerful
collection of diverse misfits, savages, and explosive technology, flying airships and
outcasts alled united to secure their own spellcasters in incredibly common numbers. To
freedom and survival. All the tropes so often compound this all are various superweapons
potrayed as villainous in other literature- orcs, with the most notable being chemical warfare
ogres, Beastmen, undead and conniving elves- used in spades.
are all represented unified and bound in the
name of a common cause.

Their military is wthout question one of the two

most fearsome in all of Azeroth. Nearly every
soldier in the Horde classifies as superhuman in
some way, able to withstand blows a human
could not, easily wield weapons weighing
hundreds of pounds or are impossibly agile
elves. And this is just the tip of the Iceberg. At
Contents NIGHTBORNE CONSTRUCT ...................... 51
RACES OF THE HORDE ........................................ 4
GOBLIN SHREDDER .................................. 52
ORCS ............................................................... 4
FORSAKEN APOTHECARY ............................. 53
Tribes of the Mag’har................................. 8
ABOMINATION............................................. 54
TAUREN ........................................................ 13
OGRES .......................................................... 55
DARKSPEAR TROLLS ........................... 16
DIRE TROLLS/ORCS ...................................... 56
ZANDALARI TROLLS ...................................... 18
OGRON/GRONNLING ................................... 57
FORSAKEN(UNDEAD) ................................... 20
THE KOR’KRON............................................. 58
GOBLINS ....................................................... 23
GOBLIN SAPPER ........................................... 59
THE SIN’DOREI.............................................. 25
ORC RAIDERS/WARSONG ............................ 60
THE SHAL’DOREI........................................... 27
BLOOD KNIGHTS/SUNWALKERS .................. 62
PANDAREN ................................................... 30
KODO RIDER ................................................. 63
THE OGRES ................................................... 31
HORDE HEAVY CALVARY .............................. 64
RAPID RELIEF .................................................... 65
LINE INFANTRY ................................................. 34
THE HORDE AIR FORCE ................................ 65
ORC GRUNTS ................................................ 34
DRAGONHAWK RIDER ............................. 65
TROLL HEADHUNTERS .................................. 35
BAT RIDER ................................................ 65
TAUREN BRAVES .......................................... 36
PTERROWINGS ......................................... 66
HIGHMOUNTAIN WARBRAVES .................... 37
WIND RIDER ............................................. 67
DUSKWATCH ................................................ 37
RYLAK ....................................................... 68
THE WITHERED ARMY .................................. 39
GOBLIN AIR FORCE................................... 68
BILGEWATER RIFLEMEN ............................... 39
SKYHORN TRIBE ....................................... 70
FARSTRIDERS ................................................ 40
PARATROOPERS ........................................... 70
THE MAG’HAR .............................................. 41
RAPTOR RIDERS ........................................... 71
ZANDALARI BEAST WARD ............................ 72
DEATHGUARD .............................................. 47
ASSOCIATED MOUNTED FORCES ................. 73
LESSER UNDEAD ........................................... 48
SHOCK & AWE.................................................. 74
LINE BREAKERS ................................................. 49
ZANDALARI MEGAFAUNA ............................ 74
GOLEMS & MECHS ....................................... 49
HORDE DEMOLISHERS ................................. 76
ZANDALARI GOLEMS ................................ 49
THE IRON STAR ............................................ 77
BLOOD GOLEMS ....................................... 50
IRON HORDE SIEGE ENGINES ....................... 77
ARCANE GOLEM .................................... 50
ROYAL APOTHECARY SOCIETY ..................... 78
BALLISTAS & CATAPULTS ............................. 80 SAN’LAYEN ................................................. 114
GUNPOWDER ARTILLERY ............................. 81 HORDE BASE DEFENSE ................................... 115
CANNONS & MORTARS ............................ 82 HEROES & LEADERSHIP .................................. 117
FLESH BEASTS ............................................... 83 COMMANDER IN CHIEF ............................. 117
HORDE GUNSHIP .......................................... 84 SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER ................. 117
AZERITE WAR MACHINE............................... 85 MAJOR GENERALS ..................................... 128
STEAM ARMOR ............................................ 86 VAROK SAURFANG ............................. 128
GRONN/MAGNARON ................................... 86 BAINE BLOODHOOF ........................... 133
SPECIALIST SUPPORT........................................ 87 ROKHAN ............................................... 136
HIDDEN SPECIALISTS .................................... 87 LOR’THEMAR THERON...................... 138
DEATHSTALKERS....................................... 88 JASTOR GALLYWIX............................. 143
THE SHATTERED HAND ............................ 89 MAYLA HIGHMOUNTAIN................... 146
DARK RANGERS ........................................ 90 FIRST ARCANIST THALYSSRA .......... 147
BANSHEES ................................................ 91 GROMMASH HELLSCREAM ............... 150
SHADOW HUNTER.................................... 93 KING RASTAKHAN.............................. 152
VALK’YR ........................................................ 97 GENERALS .................................................. 158
THE SHADOWMOON TRIBE.......................... 98 LADY LIADRIN..................................... 158
SPELLBREAKERS.......................................... 100 HIGH OVERLORD
CROMUSH/MELISARA ....................... 162
BLADEMASTERS ......................................... 101
OVERLORD GEYA’RAH............................ 164
MAGISTERS ................................................ 102
NIGHTBORNE WARPCASTERS .................... 103 PRINCESS TALANJI ............................. 165
ELTRIGG ............................................... 167
OGRE MAGI ................................................ 105
DUROTAN/DRAKA ............................. 170
GOBLIN ENGINEER ..................................... 106
GOREN........................................................ 107 HAULDRON BRIGHTWING ................ 174
LIEUTENANTS ............................................. 175
MOK’NATHAL ............................................. 108
REXXAR ................................................ 175
TAUNKA ...................................................... 109
FOREST HOZEN........................................... 110 LASAN SKYHORN ................................ 178
NISHA/KIRO............................................ 179
VULPERA .................................................... 111
AETHAS SUNREAVER ......................... 180
ZEPPLIN ...................................................... 112
SPIRIT WALKERS ......................................... 113 GRAND MAGISTER ROMMATH ........ 182
HELCULAR .............................................. 184
THE HONORBOUND ................................... 113
SIRA MOONWARDEN ............................. 185 BLOOD ELVEN DESTROYER ........................ 230
NAZGREL .............................................. 185 THE HORDE DESTROYER ............................ 230
DELARYN SUMMERMOON ................. 186 FORSAKEN BATTLESHIP.............................. 230
WAR-DRUID LOTI & HEXLORD RAAL GOBLIN SUBMARINES ................................ 231
............................................................... 188 CARRIER ..................................................... 231
KAZ THE SHRIEKER ................................. 189
THE GOLDEN FLEET .................................... 231
THRALL ................................................... 190
GOBLIN MISSILE BOAT .......................... 232
SPEC OPS .................................................... 197 MAG’HAR DREADNOUGHT ........................ 232
RECAP: STRENGTHS ....................................... 232
FARANEL ................................................. 197 RECAP: WEAKNESSES ..................................... 233

ARCANIST VALITROS .............................. 198

GARONA................................................ 200
LILLIAN VOSS .......................................... 202 ORCS
SAMURO................................................. 204
THURA .................................................. 205
REGHAR EARTHFURY ........................ 206
GAZLOWE ............................................. 207
THE GOB SQUAD .................................... 209
ZANDALARI LOA ..................................... 211
HORDE X-FACTORS ......................................... 215
FORCE ORGANIZATION ............................. 222
HORDE GENERAL STRATEGY ................... 226
OPENING SETUP...................................... 226 ‘Unlike the other races of the Horde, orcs are not
native to Azeroth. Initially, they lived as
INITIAL STRATEGY................................. 227
shamanic clans on the lush world of Draenor.
FOREIGN RELATIONS ............................. 228 They abandoned their peaceful culture when
Kil’jaeden, a demon lord of the Burning Legion,
ADAPTIONS.............................................. 229
corrupted the orcs and used them in his
WITHDRAWAL ........................................ 229 vengeful plot against the draenei, who were
exiles from Kil’jaeden’s homeworld.
THE HORDE NAVY .......................................... 229
Because of the demons’ manipulation, most of
the orc chieftains drank the blood of a Burning
Legion pit lord; Mannoroth the Destroyer. This
act infused the orcs with power, but at a great
price: they were now enslaved to the Legion.
Constant exposure to fel energies turned the
orcs’ naturally brown skin to a sickly green, and
the orcs’ usage of fel magic caused their
ancestral lands to wither and die.

After their arrival, the orcs crushed the

unsuspecting human kingdom of Stormwind.
The mighty orc armies, known as the Horde,
then pressed north through the Eastern
Kingdoms, and their victory was nearly assured
for a time. Eventually, however, internal conflicts
resulted in the orcs’ defeat, and those who did
not die in battle were rounded up and placed in
internment camps. But a young slave named
Thrall managed to escape from captivity and join
a liberation force consisting of Warchief Orgrim
Doomhammer and other free orcs. When
Doomhammer fell in combat, Thrall became the
new warchief of the Horde and the inheritor of
Doomhammer’s namesake weapon.

As Kil’jaeden had planned, the orcs succeeded

in killing most of the draenei population. Now
Kil’jaeden was ready to test the orcs’
effectiveness against another old enemy.
Thousands of years before, the demons had
launched an invasion of Azeroth that had
ultimately failed, but this time the orcs could fight
in the Legion’s stead. To that end, the corrupted
human archmage Medivh contacted the orc
warlock Gul’dan. Together they constructed the
Dark Portal, which allowed the orcs to travel to
Thrall and his people later journeyed across the overthrown and the new Warcheif, Vol’jin, vowed
sea to the distant continent of Kalimdor. Within to ensure a new vision of the Horde.
the forests of Ashenvale, the warchief and his
mentor, Grommash Hellscream, confronted When Garrosh escaped imprisonment and
Mannoroth. In the end, Grom gave his life to kill gathered an army from an alternate universe,
the pit lord and remove the blood-curse from the The Horde mustered to fight him. After a
orcs forever. A new chapter began for the orcs: campaign that stretched across the continent of
war was no longer the driving focus of their a alternate version of Draenor, the Horde won
culture, and they settled the land along and even managed to forge some degree of ties
Kalimdor’s eastern coastline, which Thrall with the AU Orcs before they left. Naming
named Durotar. themselves the Mag’har, these Orcs would
eventually flee to Azeroth after getting in a
Years later, the warchief and many others conflict with a more militaristic version of the
returned to the remnants of Draenor, now known Draenei.
as Outland, to prevent another attack from the
Burning Legion. There Thrall met Garrosh, son
of Grom Hellscream, and convinced him to join
the Horde and return to Azeroth as an advisor.
Garrosh was a leading commander during the
battles against the Lich King in Northrend, and
also gained popularity for his fiery personality.

In addition to his commitments as leader of the

Horde, Thrall was a dedicated shaman with
close ties to the elements. When he noticed
severe disturbances in the elemental spirits,
Thrall knew that he had to step down as
warchief in order to investigate the situation lest
all of Azeroth fall into chaos. Given his options,
Thrall believed that Garrosh was the clear
choice for warchief. But the impulsive young
Hellscream was much more aggressive than his
diplomatic predecessor.’

This decision played a large role in re-igniting

the Alliance-Horde war which waged over entire Biologically, the average Orc male stands about
continents. Provinces shifted back and forth seven feet tall, 250 pounds, with an extremely
between the two races as Garrosh sought an muscular physique. The female of the species is
edge to end the stalemate. At the same time his about fifty pounds lighter and around 6.5 feet
divisive policies of the Horde being only a orc tall, with a likewise similar muscular physique.
organization- with the other races being mere Both genders are noted for being, on average,
lackeys- succeeded in alienating the other races far stronger than their human equivalents, with
as well as many Orcs who had come to believe orcs in battle being able to pull the limbs off their
in Thrall’s teachings. With the Alliance turning enemies. Both variants often have tusks jutting
the conflict despite Garrosh’s employment of from their mouths, with the male variant more
superweapons the majority of the Horde under pronounced. Orcs are also notoriously tough —
Vol’jin- with the support of every other Horde a young teenage orc will already dwarf a
leader, including Thrall- revolted. Garrosh was robust human adult, and their skeletal structure
is far more suited for battle, mostly due to the
harsh environment that orcs live in.
Due to this innate strength, a Orc is significantly career choices as men, rise to positions of
stronger than a human. They are able to capably power and are even expected to answer to the
wield weapons in battle that weigh a couple call for battle just as men are. Strength (both
hundred pounds, hurl said weapons dozens of physical and mental), courage, initiative and
meters, physically knock aside a charging independence are prized traits in all orcs. The
human and, in one extreme example, pick up weakness of one contaminates the strength of
and hurl a fully loaded, 1200 packhorse a dozen all, and it is punishable by the greatest
meters. This strength also allows them to humiliation an orc can receive: exile. This tough
weather blows that could knock out or kill a living means Orc children begin weapons
comparatively weaker human. They are also training at the age of six, and are considered
described as having keener senses than a adults at the age of 12.

Orcs are bred for battle, and indeed historically

have had, for many generations, a tendency of
social Darwinism. Orc females would have large
‘litters’, in which many would die, leaving only
the strong, the smart, and the powerful.
However despite the causalities and though this
practice would be overturned in recent years this
gave the Orcs a notable number advantage over Yet the Orcs prize honor over all other aspects
most of their foes, which has persisted despite of their life. First to bring honor to their clan (and
the loss of many in wars. As a result of this by extension, the Horde) and secondly bringing
culture of Darwinism and War, the Orcs have honor to the self and to their sense of self-worth
also cultivated a unique racial ability, known as as an individual. This honor serves as one of the
‘Blood Fury’, in which any Orc can temporarily crucial linchpin to the Horde itself, even as
go into a controlled beserker like state, boosting Human diplomacy and values helps upkeep the
the potency of both their melee attacks and Alliance. It is thanks to honor that the Orcs won
spells. friends among the Tauren (who provided them
hospitality), Trolls, and Goblins. And though the
Orcs are more wary of the Forsaken and Blood
Elves, it is Orc honor that drove them to provide
support in their conflicts and vice-versa, helping
to solidify the bonds of this organization. In
combat honor dictates that other orcs avenge
those slain in an unworthy manner or are

Orcs have traditionally held a great reverence

for the spirits of the land, the elements, but not
necessarily the forests. This has led to man
Orcish society has always been characterized
conflicts with the druidic Night Elves. However it
by hardy and rugged living. As a result they are
also means the Orcs have a long shamanic
staunch pragmatists, and never shy from killing
tradition, the longest of any race in Warcraft
if it will protect the future of the orc or his clan.
except maybe the Tauren. Also, for an unknown
All orcs, regardless of gender or station, are
reason, the Orc’s primal spirit can share traits
expected to pull their own weight and weakness
with the animals that serve with them and it is
is considered a grave liability. There is no
said that a paired Orc-animal bond is even more
discrimination between genders in orcish
deadly than those of other races. Though this
society. Women are able to pursue the same
bond has historically been with Wolves (which the individual clans are kept.
the Orcs ride into battle) it applies to other
animals, the undead minions of a Death Knight,
and even the daemonic minions of a Warlock!

Tribes of the Mag’har

Blackrock Clan : The Blackrocks were known

for their strict military discipline and extremely
regimented society. On Draenor, the clan
studied the earth around them, developing their
knowledge of metallurgy and smithing. Once
they learned the secrets of the unique blackrock
ore scattered throughout Gorgrond, the orcs
were able to create astonishing tools and
weapons. Blackrock blades were soon coveted
for their reliability and durability. The first of the
The Mag'har (or the Mag'har Clans) are the orc clans to master the art of shaping their
union of the uncorrupted orcs of the alternate namesake metal, the Blackrock preferred to
Draenor, who refused the dark bargain of wield blunt weaponry in battle to honor their
Gul'dan and banded together to drive out the ancestors.
Burning Legion. After the defeat of the Burning
Legion at Hellfire Citadel, the survivors of the The Blackrock clan originally used the naturally
Iron Horde and the Frostwolf clan united into a occurring elemental-fueled infernos of ancient
single clan under the leadership of Warchief Draenor to shape and harden their namesake
Grommash Hellscream. ore. A shaman could use these bellows to
channel the power of a fire spirit directly to a
However, in practice, they are shown to maintain blast furnace, allowing the Blackrock to set up
many of the unique armor, arms and culture of forges anywhere.
Members of the Bleeding Hollow imbued
themselves with berserk fury, slathering their
weapons in hallucinogenic venom and stalking
prey from the treetops, branding their victims'
final moments with visions of pure horror. The
clan was infamous for their use of blood magic
and the orcs carved blood sigils into their own
flesh with curved ceremonial blades, created
potions from the blood of their strongest warriors
and used savage blood magic to transform their
warriors into hulking berserkers.

Burning Blade Clan: A clan that vowed to

master the Sword in all ways. These skilled
Bleeding Hollow Clan: On Draenor, the highly swordsmen could focus their warrior energies to
superstitious Bleeding Hollow were much become living cyclones of rage, spinning their
different than other clans and practiced dark blades faster than the naked eye could see, or
rituals in the remote corners of Tanaan Jungle. channel their potent powers in one focused
As they were an insular clan living in one of the strike to cause even greater damage. The clan
most hostile parts of Draenor, they had little was also known for its shaman, who primarily
contact with the draenei. Generations of focused on elemental fire magic. These
surviving in a jungle beset by the remnants of "flameseers" were known to use summoning
the Evergrowth instilled a savage instinct into components consisting of a powdery material
the orcs' way of war and the Bleeding Hollow mixed with something that sparkled. Finally, the
embodied the unrelenting savagery required for clan was said to value honor above all else.
many long years of successful orcish warfare.
frostwolf from coming to the aid of its beloved

Laughing Skull: Maniacal, volatile, and

Frostwolf Clan: On Draenor, the proud
bloodthirsty, the orcs of the Laughing Skull clan
members of the Frostwolf clan were exceptional
were capable of extreme brutality.Other clans
fighters, but nonetheless lived in harmony with
believed them to be mad and considered them
the land, believing that they should adapt to the
to be dangerous and unpredictable, much like
environment rather than seeking to dominate it.
Gorgrond itself, and the clan had a reputation for
The noble ideals of family and community were
being treacherous. Rather than flinching in the
highly valued. The Frostwolves prided
face of death, the Laughing Skulls prided
themselves on suppressing their rage and
themselves on laughing at it instead,and they
bloodlust, for they knew that those who
chortled whenever they collected a humerus
succumbed to the beast within became their
bone from a fallen enemy.
own greatest enemy. Although they were
traditionalists, the Frostwolves rejected certain This violent mindset stemmed from their
practices, such as drowning weak or sickly environment. The Laughing Skulls struggled to
infants. maintain their ancestral territory, but the brutality
of being constantly assaulted by Gorgrond's
The Frostwolf clan derived its symbol and name
warring Breakers and Primals forged them into
from its kinship with Frostfire Ridge's native frost
bloodthirsty savages and forced them to "match
wolves, whom the orcs hunted alongside,
savagery with savagery. However, in a ironic
befriended and even tamed as companions to
turn of events, this clan has proven itself one of
fight and hunt together as an extended pack
the most resistant to outside pressure, allying
family. In order to be granted full standing within
with the Alliance to briefly fight daemons in WC2
the Frostwolf clan, each member had to
expansion, refusing to join the Iron Horde and
undertake a solo quest to befriend and bond
their representative was the only one who spoke
with a wild frostwolf. Not all clan members
against Ner’zhul destroying Draenor in a
passed this trial, but those that did earned a
cowardly attempt to flee it.
lifelong companion. In life, no two creatures
shared a stronger relationship than that of a
Frostwolf orc and his or her companion wolf.
The two ate, slept, and fought side by side until
one or both died an honorable death. Even then,
sometimes not even death itself could stop a
Shadowmoon Clan: The Shadowmoon were Shattered Hand Clan: On Draenor, slavery had
known to be the most spiritual of all the orc changed the Shattered Hand into a twisted and
clans, and were relatively peaceful compared to embittered people who knew only pain and
other orcs. Fascinated with the starry sky, the torment, and they adopted bloody traditions of
Shadowmoon believed they could glean the self-disfigurement and scarification. Made up of
future from stellar movements. They were a orcs who could call no other clan home, the
deeply mystical people, and they developed Shattered Hand were sadistic warriors who
traditions and rituals centered around astrology maimed their bodies, perhaps in a show of
and ancestor worship. A key source of the solidarity, or perhaps because they simply
Shadowmoon clan's power came from their enjoyed the pain, which they claimed
understanding of the stars and their omens. For strengthened them. The clan celebrated victory
centuries, they recorded the patterns of the stars in battle with self-mutilation. Their most
and their interpretations. celebrated warriors were covered with scars and
piercings, and it became increasingly difficult
Shadowmoon mystics often inscribed secret with age to tell which were inflicted by enemies
runes into their flesh using ceremonial bone or by the triumphant orc.
needles to more clearly speak to their ancestors
and the elemental spirits. Consultation with the Taking their namesake literally, warriors of the
spirits of previous generations was considered Shattered Hand would ritualistically smash their
essential to Shadowmoon shaman whenever an own left hand before cutting it off as a way to
important decision was to be made. Talismans demonstrate their loyalty to the clan. The stump
and other relics that were important to an was cauterized and replaced with one of many
ancestor during life provided a more clearly varieties of crude tools or weaponry. Heavily
spiritual conduit for shaman to speak to them in weighted blades resembling simple butcher's
the afterlife. cleavers were used to make a single clean cut at
the wrist.
clefthoof for pack animals to shackling and
subjugating boars, birds and even gronn.

Thunderlord: Unlike the neighboring Frostwolf,

the Thunderlords valued acts of bravery and
valor above all others and sought to dominate
the land rather than adapting to their Warsong Clan: On Draenor, the Warsong
environment. They roamed the frozen wastes of roamed the prairies of Nagrand as nomads,
Frostfire Ridge in huge packs, often embarking rarely staying in the same place for more than a
on dangerous adventures to hunt Frostfire's few months. In camp, a family's tent was marked
fearsome gronn and magnaron. A single gronn with a long pike thrust into the ground, often
kill could sustain them for weeks, but when a adorned with the skulls of defeated enemies and
hunt failed, the orcs would suffer great sometimes branded with the names of key
hardship.A brave and cunning people, the battles.
Thunderlords' culture was greatly focused on
Relying on shock and awe to overwhelm their
synergy, and they derived strength from their
enemies, the Warsong earned their name from
togetherness, though there were still those who
their fearsome battle cries and thunderous drum
strived to become like Brakor and other such
marches. Ripping into every combat crying epic
ancestral heroes of legend. The Thunderlords
battle-hymns of blood and death, they were the
relied on their numbers and spent their days
most distinguishable of the Draenor clans. A
training to hunt as a team, but as individuals
bullroarer is an arm-length piece of rigid wood
they were weak. The Frostwolf chieftain Garad
affixed to the end of a long rope and spun over
claimed that the Thunderlords were willing to
the wielder's head to generate a droning noise
lose ten orcs for every gronn they killed, and that
capable of traveling long distances. The
they considered no sacrifice too great in the
bullroarers used by the Warsong were grooved
pursuit of victory.
to emit a high-pitched whistling noise rather than
The Thunderlords were the greatest big game the low hum used by most other clans. Holes
hunters in all of Draenor. For centuries they carved into Warsong weapons caused them to
used riding beasts and coordinated assaults to howl and wail when swung through the air.This
slay game and gronn alike. Known for their is notably the case with Gorehowl, the famous
mastery of beasts, the clan used numbers and axe of the Hellscream family.
tactics to conquer animals of all types, from
raising rylaks as air support and wrangling
Like most fictional portrayals of Orcs the united by a common enemy: the marauding
Warcraft race has a great legacy and tradition of centaur. These primitive horse-men terrorized
militarism. They are the basic footsoldier of the central Kalimdor, leaving only death and
Horde( The Grunt) . They also have large suffering in their wake. Although the tauren
numbers of hunters, warriors, wolf raiders, tribes struggled valiantly for survival against their
shaman, warlocks and more. The Orcs have foes, the relentless centaur attacks continued.
many siege vehicles such as catapults, Over time, the centaur wiped out the area’s wild
destroyer tanks and even flying gunships. The game, threatening starvation for the
Mag’har add their own various tribal warriors, beleaguered tauren. During the Third War, the
iron-star based technology and enslaved giants. mighty chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof had a chance
encounter with the orcish Horde that would alter
TAUREN the destiny of the tauren forever. After
befriending Warchief Thrall, Cairne and his
Bloodhoof tribe were able to fend off the centaur
as they journeyed to the fertile lands of Mulgore.
Owing a blood-debt to the orcs for their
assistance, the tauren joined Thrall on Mount
Hyjal to defend Kalimdor from an invasion by the
demonic Burning Legion.

Following the Legion’s defeat, the tauren who

helped defend Hyjal returned to their new home
in Mulgore. Ruling from the majestic capital of
Thunder Bluff, Cairne welcomed tauren of every
tribe to this secure refuge. Many tauren who
traveled to the capital were content with Cairne’s
vision of a peaceful and harmonious future, but
at least one tribe felt otherwise. The stern
Grimtotem tribe looked upon Kalimdor’s other
races as inferior and believed that its matriarch,
Magatha, was the only one fit to rule the tauren.
Although Magatha constantly disagreed with
Cairne over the direction of their nation, the
‘The peaceful tauren—known in their own elder crone nonetheless coexisted alongside
tongue as the shu’halo—have long dwelled in him in Thunder Bluff without major incident. The
Kalimdor, striving to preserve the balance of Grimtotem tribe did not, however, join the Horde
nature at the behest of their goddess, the Earth along with Cairne and the tauren under his rule.
Mother. Until recently, the tauren lived as
For years the tauren flourished throughout
nomads scattered throughout the Barrens,
Mulgore, but tragedy befell the noble race
hunting the
following the campaign against the Lich King in
great kodo
Northrend. Believing that the reckless new
beasts native
warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, would lead the
to the arid
Horde to ruin, Cairne challenged the young
upstart to a duel. The tauren high chieftain
Although split fought with a ferocity that belied his age, but an
into different act of betrayal had sealed his fate before the
tribes, the battle had even begun. Unbeknownst to either of
tauren were the duel’s combatants, Magatha had poisoned
Garrosh’s blade. After Cairne was wounded by any other style. Coloration can range from solid
the tainted weapon during combat, he was black to blond and even to white, or mottled
immobilized by the poison, and Garrosh was pelts with a range of spots and different
able to slay him. colors.Horns are most prominent on males,
although all tauren have horns. Due to their
Following the high chieftain’s death, Magatha’s intense connection to the earth they do have an
Grimtotem agents stormed Thunder Bluff and innate resistance to natural plagues, poisons,
seized the tauren capital as their own. They had and acids in the water.
also hoped to murder Cairne’s son, Baine, but
the young tauren managed to elude his would- Culturally the Tauren are an extremely spiritual
be assassins. After formulating a strategy to race based on the Plains Tribes of the Native
exact retribution upon Magatha, Baine launched Americans . They have a love and comradeship
a counterattack and wrested Thunder Bluff from with nature that affects every aspect of their
the hands of the treacherous matriarch. lifestyle. Among their tribe great respect is given
Ultimately, rather than spill further blood, Baine to Elders and Chieftans, particularly those skilled
banished Magatha and all other Grimtotem who in communicating with the land (Shaman/Druid) .
still supported her from tauren lands.’ The Tauren worship the Earthmother and
believe that every creature that exists naturally
is part of her and has a role to play. Lately some
have also come to worship the sun as well.

Though the noble tauren are peaceful in nature,

the rites of the Great Hunt are venerated as the
heart of their spiritual culture. Every tauren,
regardless of class, seeks identity as both a
hunter and as a child of the Earthmother. Their
battle tactics are built around the hunt. Tauren,
young or otherwise, seek to prove their bravery
by setting themselves against the creatures of
the wild. Despite killing the animals, the tauren
are taught never to waste anything given to
them by nature and to give back what they can.
Biologically Tauren stand ten feet tall in lore They are also excellent herbalists and growers
(larger than gameplay) on average with females of plants. They learn the fine balance that exists
at around 9 feet. Tauren are large, muscular in nature and that if they honor the Earthmother,
humanoids with bull-like heads. Tauren are she will bless them in return.
mostly muscle, having incredibly developed
physiques and brawny frames most suitable for
combat and are considered extremely durable.
They are even stronger than orcs, and, as
shown in the Battle for Azeroth trailer, are easily
capable of hurling steel armored humans high in
the air. Soft, downy fur (usually quite short)
covers the tauren body, with manes growing
along head and neck, the lengths of the arms,
and the shins.

Tauren men and women almost always wear

their hair long, and the males prefer braids to
The Highmountain Tribe is very similar to the
regular Tauren, only that they possess moose
antlers rather than bovine horns. Both males and
females have these antlers, though the ones
The Tauren are well-known as the ‘Heart of the seen on females are much smaller. The
Horde’. It is their conscience that has served in Highmountain tauren inscribe and decorate their
the past to temper Orc aggression . Most antlers to show their particular tribe affiliation or
famously when the Forsaken, desperate for even their rank within that tribe. They are also
survival, were sending envoys to the entire world better suited for mountainous terrain and are
for alliances of survival, it was the Tauren who speculated by some to be slightly stronger than
encouraged the Orc warchief Thrall to accept. the average tauren. Like their western cousins,
Though the Tauren acknowledged the sinister they are from a storied hunter culture.
nature of the Forsaken they believed the
Undead race could be, eventually, redeemed. The Tauren have a more primitive military
Surprisingly, when Magatha occupied Thunder appearance than the other races. Their basic
Bluff it was the Forsaken who intervened in Warrior is quite powerful and durable, perhaps
sizable numbers to provide aid to Baine even more so than the orc. As a hunter gatherer
Bloodhoof, citing this as a reason. They are the society they have numerous hunters and tamed
only race most members of the Alliance have beasts at their disposal like massive Kodo
extended a begrudging trust for and they have a Beasts. Thanks to their legacy the Tauren have
historic friendship with the Night Elves. a large Druid and Shaman population, in
addition to a rising number of Sunwalkers (Sun-
worshiping Paladins). The Highmountain provide
similar warriors and shaman to their cousins, but
are also known for their eagle riders.
DARKSPEAR TROLLS Not long after they settled on their new home,
the Darkspears suffered a terrible betrayal from
within. Driven to insanity by the dark powers
under his control, the witch doctor Zalazane
began enslaving his fellow tribespeople and
amassing an army of mindless trolls. For a time,
Vol’jin and other uncorrupted Darkspears fled to
Durotar’s coast and established Sen’jin Village.
From this crude settlement, the trolls struck at
Zalazane’s forces, hoping to win back their
home at any cost. The Darkspears’ efforts,
however, failed to drive Zalazane from the Echo

‘The savage trolls of Azeroth are infamous for

their cruelty, dark mysticism, and seething
hatred for all other races. Yet one exception
among the trolls is the Darkspear tribe and its
cunning leader, Vol’jin. Plagued by a history of
subservience and exile, this proud tribe was on
the brink of extinction when Warchief Thrall and
his mighty Horde forces were driven to the trolls’
remote island home in the South Seas during a
violent storm.

Led at that time by Vol’jin’s wise father, Sen’jin,

the Darkspears abandoned their prejudices and
worked together with Thrall’s orcs to defeat a
group of humans encroaching on the jungle isle. Following the victory against the Lich King in the
With unparalleled bravery, the trolls fought side frozen continent of Northrend, Vol’jin renewed
by side with the Horde to secure victory, but his bid to defeat Zalazane and launched a
tragedy befell the Darkspears soon afterward. brilliant assault on the isles. With the help of the
Intent on appeasing a mysterious sea witch, a tribe’s ancestral loa, the courageous Darkspears
frenzied band of murlocs captured the isle’s killed the maddened witch doctor and seized
defenders. Although a number of the imprisoned their embattled home.’
orcs and trolls managed to escape, the noble
Sen’jin was slain by his captors. Recently the Trolls of the Darkspear were
repressed by the Horde under Garrosh
In Sen’jin’s honor, Thrall welcomed the Hellscream, in part because of the adversial
Darkspears into the Horde and offered them relationship between the then-warchief and
sanctuary in a new kingdom that he planned to Vol’jin. This eventually cumulated in an
create across the Great Sea. The trolls accepted assassination attempt on Vol’jin, and Vol’jin in
Thrall’s offer, and Vol’jin eventually led his tribe reaction leading a rebellion against Garrosh’s
to the vibrant jungles of the Echo Isles located authority that came to be known as the
just off the rugged coastline of Durotar. Darkspear Rebellion. As Garrosh’s leadership
was clearly driving the Horde to extinction the
other Horde leaders all joined in, and together
with the Alliance won the day. Vol’jin was
appointed leader of the Horde but upon his
death in the Battle against the Burning Legion
the Darkspear are leaderless.

Physically trolls generally average in at seven

feet in height and two hundred pounds in weight
and are considered typically stronger than
humans. They have both elven and orc-like
characteristics with their fierce fangs and long
ears. Their long arms, strong legs and quick
reflexes make them adept hunters, and lorewise
make it difficult to impair their movement. Trolls
have only two fingers and a thumb on their
hands, and they have only two toes on each
foot. However, perhaps their most infamous trait
is their regeneration, which is enough to heal
grievous injuries even in combat and sometimes
even grow back limbs in hours or days. Tales
abound of some exceptional trolls being able to
grow back limbs in combat!

It is unknown whether this is a cultural or

physiological aspect, but trolls can be driven to a
state of such frenzy in combat that they fall into
Though the Darkspear and the Zandalari a berserk state. In this state they somewhat lose
compose the majority of the trolls, there are still control of their reasoning however they
two other tribes that have allied with the Horde. compensate with being able to attack and cast
In the Second War the Horde once allied with spells with superhuman speed as adrenaline
the majority of Forest Troll tribes in the Eastern floods their system. Lorewise this altered state
Kingdom, and though most of those tribes have of mind would give them some pain resistance,
long since deserted the Horde there are at least as they ignore the full effect of blows to continue
two tribes, the Revantusk and a tribe that dwells attacking.
in the Twilight Highlands, that have retained
these ties. Furthermore in Cataclysm the Horde
allied with the Shatterspear and convinced them
to attack the Night Elves of Darkshore. The
Shatterspear were crushed and forced out of
their home, though in BFA they have retaken it
and wage ceaseless war with the Kaldorei there.
Culture wise trolls have acquired a reputation witch doctors capable of placing healing wards
for being one of the most hostile races to and hexing the enemy into frogs. Troll batriders
outsiders in Azeroth, a reputation the Darkspear provide aid in the sky, while skulking Shadow
(and other tribes) have taken great pains to Hunters stalk in the shadows.
alter. Whereas other Troll tribes have come to
believe that only unity of all troll factions can ZANDALARI TROLLS
offer them a way to the future the Darkspear see
them as stuck in the past, unable to conceive of
anything better than trying to resurrect ancient
empires that are never to be again. As a result
the Darkspear look to the future rather than the
past, and have come to view the Horde itself-
even ancient enemies such as the Blood Elves-
as first honored allies and then family.

The Darkspear have retained some traditions

from their ancestral past though. They continue
to worship the Loa, which are powerful spirits
whose origins are said to predate the Titans and
the troll race themselves (in Troll mythos there
are tales of ‘mysterious travelers’ who altered
the world). These spirits vary in power with
many being weak, though a few are quite strong.
The Darkspear do not rely on these spirits as
much as other Troll tribes, but do honor them,
with one spirit in particular, Bwonsamdi, the Loa
spirit of the Dead, is the patron of the Darkspear
and Vol’jin in particular. It is through these
ancient spirits that the Darkspear trolls can
maintain access to some voodoo spells.
The Zandalar tribe is the progenitor tribe from
Thanks to millennia of living attuned with nature which all other trolls arose and currently are the
(the ancient troll empires fell many thousands of oldest contigious mortal civilization on Azeroth,
years ago) the troll tribes have come to see a with their empire being founded over 17,000
attunement with aspects of tribal living that are years ago. Their society was built heavily on a
needed to survive. Trolls are excellent hunters caste system, and as time went on those castes
and have developed skills in Beastslaying over evolved into their own people. Most Zandalari
thousands of years. This has made bows and were scholarly and valued knowledge, but a
throwing weapons the iconic arms of the troll significant portion desired conquest instead.
race, giving them a sort of specialized skill, and Over the next several centuries, these
has led to troll headhunters being one of the disaffected trolls left the Zandalari to found other
main forms of ranged support for the Horde. tribes. The scholarly Zandalari were content to
see them go, they saw them as children who
Militarily the Darkspear and the other trolls serve would see the folly of youthful rebellion and
as a support on the battlefield. For basic troop come back begging for Zandalari approval.
they primarily use bow, spear and axe throwing However, the trolls would not return and instead
skirmishers, some of which have been formed their own groupings.
empowered to hulking monsters by voodoo.
Speaking of voodoo they do have some voodoo
Though the Zandalari never expanded as In recent expansions the Zandalari, alarmed by
militaristically far as the other tribes, they the terrible losses of life among all trolls,
continued to be a revered part of troll society. It traveled around the world to reunite their race
was the Zandalari that united the trolls in a and rebuild their once-powerful empire. The
massive, continent spanning war against the Zandalari have begun to conduct bloody raids
Aqir sixteen thousand years ago and it was the on territories that had once been theirs and
Zandalari who intervened on the behalf of their bringing the various troll tribes into an alliance.
then Mogu allies to attempt to put the Pandaren They even resurrected the Mogu Thunder King
revolt down (it failed). Yet, unlike other tribes, to try to bring Pandaria under their control. The
the Zandalari had wisdom of when not to fight Cataclysm has been revealed to be the cause
and opted to sign peace treaties with the ancient behind their sudden urges for conquest, as it
Kaldorei Empire rather than engage them, even caused the Island of Zandalar to sink into the
though the shame of such treaties has resulted ocean.
in lingering resentment towards elves ever
since. However in Battle for Azeroth it is revealed that
Zul exaggerated about the effects of the
Cataclysm on Zandalar to further his own ends,
and his actions in Pandaria and elsewhere were
not at King Rastakhan's order. In that expansion,
Princess Talanji left Zandalar to negotiate with
the Horde because the Zanchuli Council was not
doing its duty to protect the kingdom, though she
told her father that she was simply going to go
exploring. She and Zul ended up being captured
by the Alliance. The Horde sent a strike team,
including Rokhan of the Darkspear, to infiltrate
Stormwind Stockade to free Zul and Talanji.

The Horde was good on their word and, through

the actions of both champions and armies,
helped the Zandalari deal with the various
problems plaguing them.

The Zandalari continued to remain active,

through proxy, since the Sundering. It was their
influence that united the Armani trolls and
persuaded them to make a final, genocidal war
against the Elves of Quel’thalas, though this
failed thanks to a joint Elven-Human coalition. Biologically, the Zandalari share almost all the
The Zandalari have also intervened on many same traits with other trolls, the only real
occasions, both now and in ancient times, to difference being they seem to stand at least a
prevent the rebirth of Hakkar the Soulflayer, the foot taller. They are said to be quite strong and
Loa Blood God. On at least one occasion this in Vol’jin, Shadows of the Horde a Zandalari
necessitated cooperation with both the Alliance easily used his thumb to puncture a lacquered
& Horde. leather breastplate.
Zandalari society has remained an unchanging The Zandalari are the most gaudy, haughty, and
hierarchy for thousands of years. Hardworking advanced of the trolls, not just a tribe but an
farmers, fishers, and craftsmen form the peasant empire, whose society is structured similarly to
caste, the foundation of the empire. Zandalari those of their Highborne descendants. They are
elders tell them what to harvest, when to plant, also quite given to the arrogance and Cultural
and how to behave. To disobey the elders is to Posturing found often among Warcraft's elves
disobey the gods, an offense punishable by exile (especially blood elves). For that reason they
or death. The Zandalari warrior caste sits above are sometimes called the “Elves of Trolls”
the peasantry, acting as the arms of the King though doing so is likely to offend both races.
and the might of the council. Dexterity is not
prized among Zandalari warriors: Brute force, The Zandalari are one of the most powerful
backed by ancient magics, is the preferred factions on Azeroth and they know it. To any
combat style. conflict they bring over fifteen millennia of
acquired knowledge in loa and druidic magic
Dictating every aspect of Zandalari society down and probably have most witch doctors and
to the very last detail are the scholars of the priests than any troll group. They possess caste-
priesthood. Masters of magic and communing bound warriors who train from childhood, a half
with the spirits, these respected bastions of dozen species of dinosaurs, hulking golems and
knowledge stand upon fifteen millennia worth of a legendary fleet at their disposal.
accumulated knowledge. The highest of these
have a seat on the Zanchuli Council, which both FORSAKEN(UNDEAD)
advise the King and ensures his every command
is executed upon. The council is consulted
before every battle or major decision. From a
golden throne, lording over all of the Zandalari,
rests the great King Rastakhan. Empowered by
the Zandalari gods themselves to act as their
voice, he has ruled for over two hundred years.

Death offered no escape for the scores of

humans killed during the Lich King’s campaign
to scour the living from Lordaeron. Instead, the
kingdoms fallen were risen into undeath as
Scourge minions and forced to wage an unholy
war against everything,and everyone, that they
once held dear.
When the Lich King’s grasp on his vast armies
faltered after the Third War, a contingent of
undead broke free of their master’s iron will.
Although this freedom seemed to be a blessing
at first, these former humans were soon
tormented by memories of the unspeakable
horrors that they had committed as mindless
Scourge agents. Those who did not descend
into madness were faced with a chilling
realization: the entirety of Azeroth sought their Ultimately, the Forsaken assisted the Horde with
destruction. a massive offensive against the Lich King’s
power base in Northrend and exacted
In their darkest hour, the renegade undead were vengeance upon their hated enemy. The victory,
rallied together by the former ranger-general of however, was not without its hurdles. During the
Quel’Thalas, Sylvanas Windrunner. Defeated invasion, Grand Apothecary Putress unleashed
during an attack on her kingdom and a new plague that killed friend and foe alike,
transformed into a powerful Scourge banshee, while his traitorous counterpart, the dreadlord
Sylvanas had also regained her freedom from Varimathras, seized the Undercity in a coup that
the Lich King. Under their new queen’s nearly killed Sylvanas. The usurpers were slain
guidance, the independent undead – known as for their vile deeds and
Forsaken – established the Undercity beneath the Forsaken capital
the ruins of Lordaeron’s capital. While some was restored, but the
Forsaken feared Sylvanas, others valued the debacle created
security she provided. Many of the free-willed suspicion among the
undead, however, found a purpose to their Horde regarding
cursed existence through the banshee queen’s Sylvanas’ loyalties.
burning desire to destroy the Lich King.

Despite not being affiliated with the Scourge, the

Forsaken came under threat from humans who Now, along with being
were dedicated to eradicating all Forsaken. As a mistrusted by her own
means to further her own goals and protect her allies, Sylvanas
budding nation, Sylvanas sent emissaries to recognizes that many of
various factions in search of allies. The kind- Azeroth’s other
hearted tauren of Thunder Bluff proved to be the inhabitants still see her
most promising contact. Specifically, Archdruid people as a threat, even
Hamuul Runetotem saw the potential for after the Lich King’s
redemption in Sylvanas’ people, even though he defeat. As a result they have began fortifying
was fully aware of the Forsaken’s sinister their numbers by pretty much raiding every
nature. Thus, the tauren convinced Warchief graveyard possible and, with the ascension of
Thrall, despite his misgivings, to forge an Sylvanas to the position of Warchief, their
alliance of convenience between the Forsaken position has never been stronger.
and the Horde. In the end, the Forsaken’s
chances of victory against the Lich King were
bolstered, while the Horde gained an invaluable
foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms.
As they are saturated with shadow energy, the
Forsaken are somewhat resistant to the effects
of that type of magic. Furthermore they are
saturated enough that sometimes they can
actually drain life from opponents, in battle, and
use it to fuel their own unholy lives. Lorewise
they don’t need to breathe, eat, drink or
(probably) sleep. However though they do not
require substance they can cannibalize corpses,
devouring the unholy substance of death and
occasionally picking off pieces of bodies for
individual use. In at least one instance Forsaken
who had lost a hand simply picked up another
and sewed it back on!

Free will is an important cornerstone to

Forsaken culture, as they are composed of
those willful enough to break free of the Lich
King’s grasp (albeit a period when he was
weakened) or retain sanity whenever they were
resurrected. As a result they are known for being
willful and (un)naturally resistant to attempts to
alter their minds.
It has been noted by Blizzard that a variety of
races comprise the Forsaken, including Elves, As creatures of the undeath, the Forsaken are a
Dwarves and Gnomes, however Humans by far lot less dispassionate about causing death than
are the most prevalent origin and thus the the Alliance or even other members of the
default profile. Physically, the Forsaken are Horde. Of all the Horde members, they are
about 5-6 feet tall and usually have a human seemingly most willing to use plagues,
background, though elves form a significant necromancy, flesh abominations and other
minority. As dead things they are consistently unholy creatures to get their way. This has
shown in an advanced state of decay, with their perpetuated the unease seen in many non-
bodies held together by dark magic. As such Horde races in the world, and as a result of their
they are extremely durable, able to live through rapid power expansion in Cataclysm (even as
wounds no human can survive like getting the Horde elsewhere was not doing so well) they
chopped in half or having limbs ripped off. Even are seen by the Alliance as the greatest Horde
though in those situations the Forsaken may threat. For their part, the Forsaken have
result in incapitation, if they can get an increasingly rallied behind their Queen,
apothecary or necromancer the limbs can simply Sylvanas Windrunner.
be sewn on again. Though permanent blows can
be dealt, this is probably going to be mostly
limited to blows to the head. Like the ghouls and
zombies of the Scourge many were once a part
of, after battle Forsaken can cannibalize bodies
on the battlefield, regaining health and even
limbs (in one situation a Forsaken that had his
hands chopped off had an apothecary grab
some random hands off a corpse and sewed
them on. They worked fine).

The Forsaken are, along with the Orcs, the most

numerous race in the Horde, and thus in a Originally the slaves of jungle trolls on the Isle of
combined profile would shoulder much of the Kezan, goblins were forced to mine kaja’mite ore
fighting. Deathguard maintain a position as out of the volcanic bowels of Mount Kajaro. The
frontline infantry, their undead bodies being able trolls used this potent mineral for their voodoo
to sustain far more wounds than they could in rituals, but it had an unexpected effect on the
life. Lumbering Abominations form powerful slaves who were in constant contact with it:
linebreakers, while the Royal Apothecary kaja’mite generated a startling new cunning and
Society’s use of chemical weaponry-harmful intelligence in the goblin race.
even to the mindless undead-means that they
Crafting powerful artifacts of engineering and
have methods to level any playing field at any
alchemy in secret, the goblins soon overthrew
time. Yet the Forsaken also have many
their oppressors and claimed Kezan for their
specialist units available, such as banshees
homeland. The mines that had once been the
capable of possession, elite Dark Rangers, and
goblins’ prison, their slave camp, and the base
the necromantic Vyrkul who can boost their
of their rebellion now became the city of
armies with fallen undead from the chemicals.
Undermine. Weaving through the heart of the
island in a dizzying network of tunnels, vaults,
and lava tubes, Undermine epitomized the
goblins’ complex, unpredictable mindset. It was
there that they built the foundations of an
empire, and the natural elements of craftiness
(some would call it duplicity) inherent to the race
were honed to a razor edge. The goblins’
inventions would help them rule the world—or at
least own a profitable percentage of it.
To the goblins’ great dismay, the effects of the
kaja’mite began to wear off, and their
intelligence waned. Even worse, the ore itself
became harder and harder to find. Supplies
dwindled. Desperation ensued. The goblins’
once-brilliant inventions started to look
haphazard and makeshift (a look that has
become synonymous with the term “goblin-
made”), and Kezan’s native swindlers soon
realized that they would need to find other ways
to supplement their avarice.

Goblins are slight and wiry, averaging 4 feet in

height and weighing between 30 and 50 pounds.
They have long, sharp noses, chins and ears,
and green skin. Their arms are long and slender
and their four fingers (three fingers, one thumb)
are deft. They tend to wear leather clothing,
The goblins’ remaining craftiness (coupled with
often cut into aprons to protect against caustic
undiminished natural greed) soon lifted the race
fluids. Goggles usually cover their eyes, and
to preeminence as masters of mercantilism.
various technological devices are strapped
Prominent trade princes rose to power during
across their bodies.
the First War as the cleverest goblins took
advantage of the strife. Great fortunes were Goblins are, by most standards, extremely
amassed, and the Isle of Kezan became a hub clever and intelligent, if a bit insane. Culturally,
for fleets of goblin trading ships. One of the the Goblins are a heavily mercantile society
more ambitious trade princes agreed to lend his where coin determines not only wealth and
cartel’s services to the Horde in the Second power, but respect, longevity, and just about
War. Following the Horde’s defeat, the goblins everything else. Its dynamic, innovative society,
learned from that trade prince’s failed example, where business empires are won , destroyed,
realizing that their profits could double if they and then won again in a few strokes of the pen
weren’t stuck in a restrictive relationship. By the and where every goblin tries, at one point, to
end of the Third War, goblins were providing make a name for him or herself. This especially
weaponry, vehicles, and devious services to includes technology, and it needs to be
both the Horde and the Alliance. But the gravy remembered that, for all their ramshackledness,
train wouldn’t last forever… Goblin ingenuity was behind the war machine of
the Iron Horde. To come by the massive
Recently, the Bilgewater Cartel—the goblin
resources needed to produce these
faction centered in Kezan—has found a new
technologies, Goblins have become widely
enemy in the Alliance. Unexpected and
known for strip mining and deforestation. This
unprofitable encounters with the secretive SI:7
puts them at odds with the Night
branch of King Varian’s forces have driven
Elves and Tauren.
Trade Prince Gallywix from his comfortable
neutrality. Reforging old pacts with their
colleagues’ one-time allies, the goblins of the
Bilgewater Cartel have been welcomed into the
Horde with open arms.
In terms of military expertise, goblins provide a
valuable support role. GAMA (Goblin Army:
Mergers & Acquisitions) brings to the field
various technological contributions make the
Horde unmatched when it comes to making
things explode, and their wacky technology in
general provides great tactical advantage.
Goblins are also known well as snipers, rogues
and other sneaky professions when they come
to battle as specific units, however their most
valuable contribution is perhaps with war
machines. Submarines, airplanes, and the iconic
shredder are all known (and feared) Goblin
contributions to the Horde cause.


Though it would be inaccurate to say goblins

don’t have a set of morals, as they have
friends/companions who they value and
personal values (indeed even the infamously
greedy Gallywix drew the line at giving Garrosh
superweapons at any cost), it is accurate to say
that the acquisition of wealth, power or name
recognition is a primary goal. Goblins are each
out to profit for themselves, even at the cost of
virtually any others involved in their lives(even,
as old Goblin mercenary suicide bombers show,
their own lives!) . That said not every single
goblin follows this mantra, and those that do
have a form of honor that comes from signing an For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society
agreement and then following through it . It is centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount
perhaps for this reason, as well as old bonds of that was created using a vial of pure arcane
comradery from the past and debt goblins feel energy from the first Well of Eternity. Nourished
for the Horde saving them recently, that the and strengthened by the Sunwell’s potent
Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel have stuck with energies, the high elves’ enchanted kingdom of
the Horde. For their part, the Orcs and others Quel’Thalas prospered within the verdant forests
have spent a great deal of money and effort north of Lordaeron.
defending the goblins as they took over
During the Third War, however, the high elves
Azshara, helping relations between the two
were nearly scoured from Azeroth. Led by the
death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed
into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety
percent of the kingdom’s population. Arthas then tell if the blood elves can avoid repeating the
used the mystical Sunwell to resurrect the fallen tragic mistakes of their past.
necromancer Kel’Thuzad, irrevocably tainting
the fount in the process.

Fearing that the befouled well would obliterate

his dwindling race, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider
gathered a group of Quel’Thalas’s defenders
and destroyed the fount to avert catastrophe.
Although the high elves were spared from
continued exposure to the Sunwell’s dark
energies, in the fount’s absence they suffered
terribly from withdrawal. As a result, Kael’thas
desperately searched for a means to help his
people—whom he had renamed the blood
elves—and thus he set out for the shattered
world of Outland. There he allied with the
renegade demon hunter Illidan Stormrage in the
hopes of finding a cure for the blood elves’
crippling withdrawal.

Kael’thas had assured his people that one day

he would return to Quel’Thalas and lead them to
paradise, yet time revealed that his promises
were nothing more than lies. On Outland, the
prince became twisted due to his reliance on fel
energy, the dark and corrupting essence wielded
by the demonic Burning Legion itself.
Biologically, Sin’Dorei typically stand 5-6 feet tall
Unbeknownst to Illidan, Kael’thas also came
with slim figures and glowing bright green eyes.
under the sway of the Legion’s commander,
Up to a certain point they age normally like a
human, however eventually they slow down
At the bidding of his new master, the wayward drastically, allowing elves to remain spiff and
prince eventually returned to Azeroth and seized spry for thousands of years if necessary (at least
the site of the Sunwell, hoping to use the fount three thousand). They are known for their agility,
as a means to usher Kil’jaeden into the world. though are not so skilled in this arena as their
Ultimately, Kael’thas was slain before his Kaldorei cousins. They have an affinity for magic
recklessness could bring ruin to Azeroth. In the on a biological level that allows them both a
wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet slight resistance to such attacks, a natural
Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused greater ability to deal it out harmfully, great
heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount enchanters by nature and they possess the
into a source of both holy and arcane energies. ability known as Arcane Torrent, which
temporarily silences a mage in the nearby
Inspired by the Sunwell’s rebirth, the blood elves vicinity (a couple meters) and absorbs some
have since entered into a shining new era in magic .
their ancient race’s history. Although some elves
remain hesitant to abandon their dependence on
arcane magic, others have embraced change for
the betterment of Quel’Thalas. Yet only time will
Military, the Blood Elves offer units of
specialists. For basic troops they have skilled
guerilla rangers in the form of Farstriders and
the thinking golems that patrol their lands can be
taken into combat. They are well known for their
magical affinity and possess a number of
mages, as well as magical devices. This does
extend past the arcane into Fel and Shadow
magic, however what they are most known for
among the Horde is heir light wielding Blood

Culturally the Sin’dorei place a huge emphasis

on magic, with nearly every aspect of their
culture involving it. Brooms, guided by unseen THE SHAL’DOREI
spells, sweep endlessly the paved roads of the
Sin’Dorei while magically built automatons police
the city and all manner of devices are used in
day to day business. Seeing stones, enchanted
weaponry, rune covered defenses ect all are
part of the Sindorei arsenal. They, like most
elves, strive to make everything pleasing to the

Sin’Dorei culture now places a strong emphasis

on control, on the culling of excess. This is due
to the magical addiction the race acquired
through generations of living in the shadow of
the sunwell. To fall into excess is to become
something less than noble, a Wretched, which is
a type of Elf universally despised among the
Sin’Dorei. To this end the absorption of magic by
the Blood Elves, including via their racial ability
“Arcane Torrent” is used sparingly and in a
controlled manner.

Sin’dorei are bound heavily by the memory of

the past, of the genocide that wiped out the The nightborne are the night elves of Suramar
majority of their race . As a result they almost who fought the Legion in the great War of the
always wear crimson to immortalize the blood Ancients to defend their home and close a
their friends, family and community have shed, second demonic portal using the Eye of
leading to the name ‘Blood Elves’. They have Aman'thul that would have
adapted a ‘never again’ attitude and are overtaken and outflanked the
extremely defensive of their race and their own resistance forces led by
interests, going as far to ally with their traditional Kur'talos Ravencrest and
enemies (Trolls and Orcs) to ensure their race’s Malfurion Stormrage to stop
continued survival. They are one of the most Queen Azshara.
active groups of the Horde.
The Great Sundering blasted
some of Suramar to the bottom of the Great
Sea, although a good portion of it remained
above shore in the Broken Isles due to the
efforts of the resident Highborne, who crafted a
magical shield that kept the center of their city
together. This shield would stay up for 10,000
years, as the Highborne led group believed the
world outside of Suramar had been destroyed.
While the city was shielded, it was "probably
next to impossible for normal Nightborne to

Under their shield in a perpetual shroud of night

they would evolve into an even deeper night-
based state over millennia through the energies
of their arcane font, the Nightwell, the great
source of power they would come to totally rely
on for survival within the impenetrable shield.
These night elves would come to call
themselves the shal'dorei or nightborne. When
the city ran out of food the nightborne started
utilizing the substance of their Nightwell as
10,000 years later, the nightborne would lower
nourishment and thus were spared death.
their shield and surrender to the Burning Legion
However this soon caused them to become under the orders of their leader. Gul'dan worked
unable to survive without drawing magic from alongside this leader, Grand Magistrix Elisande,
the Nightwell. Crime in the nightborne society at the Nighthold. Not many nightborne agree
was punished by exile. Cut off from their with Elisande's decision, though they keep their
Nightwell, the exiled would first diminish into the disagreement a secret. With loyalists and
starved Nightfallen state. Continuing without demons marching together in the streets of
nourishment in this state causes further Suramar, fear and distrust grips other elves'
degradation into mindless creatures called hearts and family turns against family. Arcwine
Withered. Unlike Nightfallen, the state of is the method by which the nightborne imbibe
Withered is irreversible and death follows not the Nightwell's energies, and the palace rations
long after. it to control the populace.

A resistance group of nightborne and Nightfallen

led by First Arcanist Thalyssra formed to
overthrow Grand Magistrix Elisande and inspire
the nightborne populace to remember they were
once brave and noble thus overcoming their fear
of exile in order to rise up against the current
Legion occupation and bring to justice those
who betrayed their people by allying with them.

After the death of Grand Magistrix Elisande and

the end of the Third invasion of the Burning
Legion, the shal'dorei wished to rejoin the world.
Thalyssra believed that it was unlikely they
would share any common ground with the
Horde, and that it would only be natural to join To the nightborne, reputation and status are of
(or re-join, as it were) with the night elves, which the utmost concern, and morality and principles
Thalyssra herself was born as. of right and wrong are viewed too often in that
light. They value beauty and perfection nearly to
After an exchange between Thalyssra and a the point of vanity. At their core, however, the
skeptically cautious Tyrande Whisperwind, nightborne, like their night elven kin, do not find
Thalyssra became disillusioned with the night themselves short of noble souls stepping up to
elves' apparent arrogance and mistrust, while take a stand against the crashing tide of
Lady Liadrin of the blood elves expressed a darkness that threatens to sweep their beloved
similar relationship with the night elves. city and the rest of the world in fel fire.
Thalyssra also felt that the Alliance as an
organization was too walled off and too The nightborne of Suramar have an air of
cloistered, an undesirable trait after having been superiority that often comes across, especially
literally walled off for 10,000 years. After an offer amongst loyalists and the elite (with exceptions)
of mutual friendship from Regent Lord as pompous. They revel in their unparalleled
Lor'themar Theron of Silvermoon, the shal'dorei magical civilization but having no exposure to
leader decided that it would be best to ally with the current races of Azeroth untill the rebellion
the Horde, who share ideals similar to those of led an invading force to free Suramar, many still
the nightborne. regard outside races and the world as it was
back then, full of the unworthy, the uncultured,
Biologically, the Nightborne are very similar to and low born far beneath the standards and
other elves in terms of stats, though probably levels of the nightborne civilization. These were
not as physically tough as a Night Elf or Blood the less admirable qualities of kaldorei
Elf due to their lack of exposure to the outdoors. civilization back then, and the shal'dorei
However, they can feed directly on magic rather continue in them as if nothing has changed and
than food or drink. Some Nightborne are so as if they still remain the center of the world.
attuned to magic that purple and violet veins
crisscross their bodies. This attunement has That said, this attitude is starting to change,
given them minor arcane resistance and a slight particularly among the elites in charge of
bonus to magical offensive attacks. Shal’dorei society.

The Ngihtborne are a specialist force, limited in

effect by their low numbers and millennia of
peace. Thus their main contribution is utilitarian,
such as belter portalling systems like telemancy,
general magical support and supplying the force
with constructs.

Culturally, what makes the Nightborne unique is

that they are an uninterrupted line of elven
civilization that extends all the way back to the
Kaldorei Empire, providing a glimpse to that
culture. reminiscient of medieval feudal societies
of Britain, France and northern Europe, status
and nobility mattered enormously to this group.
Eventually the Pandaren, in a period of Mogu
weakness, were inspired by a monk named
Kang to rebel against their masters. Kang taught
the Pandaren's martial arts and forged alliances
with the other races of the continent, such as the
Jinyu. It was a long and brutal conflict that saw
the new coalition under attack from not only the
Mogu, but the Zandalari trolls who had allied
with the Mogu. Eventually both threats were
repelled, and a Pandaren Empire was formed.

Pandaria entered a time of great prosperity

under the Pandaren Emperors, where all races
lived in relative harmony (the exception: remains
of the Mogu and the ever present Mantids).
They were allies of the Night Elves until the
Night Elven elite, the “Highborne”, got really
invested into harnessing arcane magic. At first
the Pandaren attempted to warn the Kaldorei of
this terrible action but were ignored. Knowing
that what the Night Elves would bring through
their portal would ultimately cause the
For eons the Pandaren have lived and Sundering, the last Pandaren Emperor used a
prospered on their native continent of Pandaria. magical spell to shroud the continent. This is
They are one of the oldest races in the world, where the Pandaren would remain hidden for
emerging via isolation as a thoroughly unique 10,000 years
culture. Yet their early history was tumultuous to
say the least. Long ago they were enslaved Roughly 1-2,000 years ago a particularly bold
by the viscous Mogu after a series of wars that Pandaren named Liu Lang set out to see what
took over the entire continent. The Mogu were was beyond the mists by setting sail upon the
cruel masters who believed the lesser races back of a giant sea turtle: Shen-zin Su. As the
must serve them, just as they had once served turtle grew, so did Liu Lang’s desire to explore
the titans. For thousands of years the Pandaren the world. Others joined him, until eventually a
toiled under the Mogu’s yolk, constructing whole colony of Pandaren explorers traveled the
massive work projects at their master’s behest. ocean, living atop the expansive “Wandering

The Cataclysm caused by Deathwing has

exposed Pandaria to the world, resulting in a
massive resurgence of interest in the island. The
Naga have begun to scout the island for an
invasion, while the newly re-arisen Zandalari
and Mogu Empires plot for retribution. The
Alliance and Horde continue their fight, claiming
vast chunks of territory for their own. Pandaria is
now a war zone, with many of the natives taking
one side or another. Those residents of the
Wandering Isle are not immune to this war Huojin Pandaren are perhaps their greatest
either, as they too join one faction or the other. adherents. The Huojin firmly believe injustice
Biology & Culture must be met with a swift and decisive response,
though this response should be flexible and
Pandaren resemble a cross between panda calculated for the situation at hand; to the
bears and humans; they are not dissimilar in Huojin, the end will always ultimately justify the
appearance to furbolgs, though they are less means. In MOP, the Huojin would be drawn to
feral. Pandaren average 5 1/2 feet in height, and the scrappy practicality of the Horde, and would
make assured and precise movements. They commit to aiding their new allies in many of the
are usually overweight, which combined with conflicts to come. Those who follow the path of
their martial arts translates into them somehow the Houjin are impulsive, quick to action, and
taking less fall damage. practical. To them, inaction in the face of
adversity will always be the greatest injustice
If a single trait could sum up the Pandaren
culture, it’s that they live in the moment. They The Pandaren serve mostly as auxiliary troops,
embrace life with gusto. A Pandaren does being used in the Pandaren campaign as guards
everything with vigor, focus, and intensity. The and warriors, though Pandaren can be found
Pandaren work hard, play hard, fight like among any magical class save warlocks and
animals, love with all their soul, tell impossibly death knights. However their most notable
tall tales, drink like they mean it, and sleep like contribution is the Monks, which are near-
the dead. They are wonderful cooks and superhuman melee specialists. Outside of
brewmasters! On mainland Pandaria negative combat they improve morale with their fabulous
emotions such as fear, anger, or despair can cooking and brewing, which sometimes can
literally take on a physical form and stir up contain magical (mostly positive) after effects!
trouble. For this reason, Pandaren emphasize
and cultivate a quiet life of inner harmony and THE OGRES
focus. Conflicts, no matter how bitter, are quickly
forgotten over cold drinks once the matter is
resolved. The Pandaren sense of inner peace
and love of life is infectious. Spend any
significant time with a Pandaren and you, too,
can’t help but get lost in the moment.

Pandaren have different concepts of emotional

attainment, victory and failure than most other
races. To them it is extremes of emotion that are The Ogres can trace their lineage back to the
to be controlled through training, rather than let elemental monster Grond, who was created by
out. In part this is because the lands they reside the titan Aggramar to duel with the Primals and
in are tainted by the sha, who feed on negative their immense Sporemounds. As Grond and the
emotions. They emphasize that there are Sporemounds fought, pieces of the battling
multiple paths through life, and their board leviathans fell to the earth and gave rise to the
games incorporates a myriad of different moves colossals, children of Grond, and the genesaur,
emphasizing choice. Nor is victory the same. children of the Sporemounds. After Grond's
The objective for Pandaren games is for both death, the colossals continued fighting the
sides to “win” though yielding voluntarily to a Sporemound Botaan and its minions, but over
superior position is considered honorable. time many of the stone giants succumbed to
their foes. From the colossals' remains, new
Though many Pandaren have joined the Horde
creatures known as magnaron emerged.
during their campaign in that native land, the
This process continued, with each subsequent prizes strength and many can lift over four tons
species becoming smaller but smarter. It went with ease.
from Magnaron to Gronn, to Ogron, to Ogre and
then, finally, Orc. Some are born with a single eye like a Ogron,
which typically signifies that they will be more
For most of their early history the Ogres labored physically powerful than other Ogres. Others are
in fear of their larger Ogron cousins, who used either born with or magically altered to have two
them as battle slaves and food. However, one heads, which helps with intelligence and
day the Arrakkoa taught some Ogres magic so spellcasting.
that they could steal ancient crystals only for the
Ogres, once they had revolted against the
Ogron, to renege on the deal.

The Ogres then founded a massive continent

spanning empire known as the Gorian Empire,
which persisted several centuries before
oppressing the various Orc clans too far. The
Orcs united and revolted and, though the Ogres
nearly won, the Orcs called upon the elements
in desperation and utterly destroyed the Ogre
capital of Goria. After further upsets by the
Draenei, the Ogres have been on the downhill

Here is where history diverges.

In the Main Universe Draenor the remnants of

the Gorian Empire were conquered by the
Orcish Horde, who were harsh masters and
expended Ogre lives with abandon. However,
Ogre tribes migrated en mass to Azeroth and
settled in both the Eastern Kingdoms and
Kalimdor. A few of these tribes later joined the

In the AU The Ogres were also conquered by Culturally, the Azerothian Ogres have gotten the
the Iron Horde, though this attack did not involve short end of the stick and experienced a
the systematic slaughter of the other world. significant decline in intelligence and capability.
Though their leadership was decapitated by the Though a few smart members remain, most
Alliance/Horde in the ensuing war, their have a well justified reputation for being as
civilization remained alive. Portions of it joined dumb as bricks. In order to look more fearsome
the Mag’har, though it was done by force. to their enemies, they adorn their bodies with
warpaints created using mortars and pestles
Biologically, Ogres are large, heavily built
humanoids with round ears and a single horn on The Draenor Ogres, however, have remained
their forehead. Their skin tones range in color more intact as shown by the fact they are still
from shades of peach to red, to deep blues and able to speak in complete sentences.
ashen black. Male ogre heights range from 6' to
12' with an average of 8' while the females stand Ogre society is based on a clan structure, each
at anywhere between 7' and 10'. Ogre culture clan acting independently of the others.
Chieftains rule small bands of ogres with an iron warriors capable of snapping enemy lines, while
fist, and are never short on challengers. Ogres the Ogres of Draenor have more mages and
greatly respect strength in combat, and besting ogron servants to bring to battle.
a rival is usually the only way to advance within
the clan. Disagreements usually end in violence.
Due to the ogres' distant descent from the
primordial stone giant Grond, a creature NOTES
empowered by the titan Aggramar, they are
naturally attuned to the arcane. They hold a
special affinity for the earth, able to use arcane Before detailing the army units of the Horde, it is
power to shape and bend rock and stone to their important to note central traits regarding
will. When the arakkoa first began to teach the Warcraft profiles that shall help in reading and
ogres in the ways of magic, they were surprised analysis.
and delighted by this discovery, for they had
never seen new spellcasting techniques be The first is that the various factions that
developed so effortlessly. compose of the Alliance and Horde are
incredibly diverse and could form entire army
profiles by themselves. For this reason I have
tried to merge many units in with one another.
This can be seen most notably in the line
infantry section, where groupings are done in
blocks (“The Duskwatch”, “Dreadguard” etc).

The second is that magic is very common in

Warcraft and forms significant components of
their armies. In some cases the ratio between
magic and non-magic can range from as high as
1/10 or even 1/3 ! For that reason, I am noting
magical support in every major conglomerate. It
is up to the reader to factor it all in in either the
Line Infantry or Specialist Support section.

Due to the ancient ogres' practice of sorcery and

The third is that every unit is listed as part of a
exposure to raw arcane magic, ogre children
sub-faction which can be used to determine
would very rarely be born with two heads. It
(very rough) ratios. The sub-factions a unit fits
soon became clear that these two-headed ogres
into (or the larger sub-factions, see
were exceptional spellcasters, and their
reinforcement rate) the more common
appearance was seen as a good omen. In time,
something will be. The sub-factions used are
Goria's arcanists even developed spells to
Durotar (Orcs)
replicate this phenomenon, causing normal
Darkspear Trolls
ogres to grow a second head and increasing
their intelligence and magical aptitude. These
sorcerer kings then codified an entire rule of law
thanks to their enhanced abilities.
Highmountain Tauren
Ogres are often reluctant allies to the Horde at Nightborne
best and don’t have a formal leader. Rather they Sin’dorei
are allied with, trick or even bullied into Mag’har
compliance. The Azerothian Ogres are powerful Ogres
Goblins Like the Alliance footman the Horde Grunt has a
Allied Support (for many miscellaneous minor great deal of variation. Though traditionally they
races) have worn little armor, in recent years the Horde
has focused on outfitting many with heavier
and more encompassing steel.
Offensive: Most use large axes, however other
variations include spears, heavy cleavers, and
blunt weapons. The novels have described
some of their weapons as “1/3 or ½” the size of
a man while the official calculations for the
Doomhammer, a one handed orc weapon, put it
in the couple of hundred pounds. So basically,
any strike the orc hits with is going to hurt- a lot.

Some might have bows, guns or throwing axes

for ranged warfare. They are most often backed
up by shaman.

Armor: Usually light armor throughout most of

the body, but emphasis on strong, steel spiky
shoulder pads . However, in recent years they
have been increasingly better armored. Some
Mobility: 5 might have shields.
Training: 5
Max Range: Bow
Proffered Range: Melee
Sub-Faction: Durotar, smattering among other
Role: Front Line, Garrison
The Grunt is the standard warrior of the
Horde, part of a tradition that dates back to the
first Orc Horde and perhaps before. These are a
mix of warrior and infantry, battle-hardened and
trained by a warrior culture to serve as garrison
and frontline troops. In combat they are
powerful, durable fighters that can hack through
lesser foes with ease.

In comparison to the Alliance Footman, the

standard troop of that rival organization, the
Grunt(generally) has less armor, less defense
and is less suited for formation fighting. However
they are much more suited for chaotic irregular
or one on one fighting, for they are armed with a
brutal hacking axe and are strong enough to rip
off limbs with strength alone. In addition they are
physically more durable and, as noted in the orc
profile, can fall into a state of bloodlust.
TROLL HEADHUNTERS attack twice and as hard, though worry even
less about defense than normal.

Mobility : 5
Training: 3-5
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: 20-30 meters
Sub-Faction: Darkspear
Role: Skirmisher
Since the Second War the Trolls have helped
provide the ranged contingent of the Horde
armies. They are guerilla specialists, having
adapted in particular for the jungle and forest
environments that many tribes call home. In fact
they have frustrated the more civilized races of
the world for millennia with their expert attack LOADOUT
and retreat stratagems. They are agile, stealthy
and able to throw a spear (or any ranged Trolls are generally known for using bows,
weapon really) with deadly accuracy. These javelin-spears and throwing axes, all thrown with
trolls are also renowned trackers and scouts. deadly accuracy. In the case of the latter two the
Troll will generally expend what he has on him
Historically trolls have been characterized by a before keeping the last thrown projectile for
long running animosity with the Elves which melee. Knives and clubs can be found among
stems many thousands of years. It was the melee weapons. As always berserker states can
Kaldorei, for example, that instigated the impact offensive capability and in general a Troll
breakup of some of the mightiest troll empires weapon will be heavier and more powerful
long ago. In Quel’Thalas the Quel’Dorei and the than a human one.
Jungle Trolls fought a several thousand year on-
off guerilla war . At one point the trolls did come Some Darkspear serve as traditional warriors,
close to total victory through their tactics, armed with sword and shield, to serve as
besieging the main cities of Quel’thalas, protection for the skirmishers.
however the Elves formed a hasty alliance with
Humanity that defeated the troll incursion. It Darkspear Trolls are often backed up by witch
doctors or loa priests.
speaks well about Troll tenacity and skill that the
Trolls were able to frustrate, stalemate, even Defensive wise trolls place great emphasis on
beat the High Elves in their woodland domain
their hardy regeneration (see Troll racial profile)
(though they not had anywhere near that degree
backed up by light armor.
of success with the Night Elves) .
As described in the racial profile, Trolls do
employ large amounts of berserkers who fly Excels at Guerrila Warfare.
into such frenzy in battle that they attack with
speeds not usually possible. Essentially they

Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Crossbow
Proffered Range: Melee
Role: Garrison/Line infantry
Sub-Faction: Tauren

The mighty Tauren have traditionally been a

hunter gathering society that roamed the plains
of Souther Kalimdor hunting various prey. Only
in the last ten years, with the arrival of the Horde
and the subsequent incorporation of the Tauren
into that organization, did things change. The To become a brave, a Tauren must overcome
Tauren tribes settled down somewhat, unified, several trials or tests. S/he must overcome
and brought their forces together. However, they multiple enemies in combat, prove their courage,
never lost their hunting instincts. Tauren Brave prove that they are capable of upholding the
philosophy emphasizes killing leaders, just like honor of the Tauren, and demonstrate a
they would if hunting down the head of a pack. willingness to seek the unknown, follow the
guidance of the spirits and honor the ancestors.
Tauren braves are crosses between a warrior
and hunter both. They are deadly proficient at Offensive: Many Tauren use traditional, man
tracking game, foraging and extremely accurate sized totem poles in melee which serves as an
with the bow. Hunter-gatherers by nature the excellent bludgeoning and crushing tool. They
Tauren are experienced fighting plains warfare also make use of Halberds, Spears, great axes
against the likes of the Centuar. Yet they are combined with bow, crossbow or even gun at
also mighty warriors and shock troops. A range. Many are assisted by magic users
charging Tauren can scatter most other foes, ranging from druids and shaman to,
even capable of hurling a steel armored footman occasionally, the holy adherents of Aun’she.
high in the air with horns alone. They are also extraordinarily strong, as the
following gif shows, able to toss fully armored
plate men around with their horns.

Defensive: Leather or plate armor, depending

on their specialty.
HIGHMOUNTAIN WARBRAVES the scattered tribes. Despite their efforts, the
Bloodtotem tribe betrayed their brethren by
joining the Burning Legion. In their place, the
drogbar Navarrogg and his Stonedark tribe
joined the Highmountain's cause instead.

In battle the Highmountain honor their founder

Huln with an emphasis on melee combat that
goes beyond their western kin. Their fighters are
more typically heavily armored and wielding
brutal melee bludgeoning weapon, though the
Highmountain also have a great hunting
tradition. They are said to be stronger, with at
least one strong bull being able to pick up
two other Tauren at once, one in each hand,
and quickly carry them to safety. This is
Mobility: 5 significant as Tauren are said to weigh
Training/Experience: 5 upwards of 800 lbs.
Max Range: 600m + (Crossbow and Ballista)
Effective Range: 250-300 meters (Crossbow) Offensive: Hammers, bludgeoning weapons,
Preferred Range: Melee polearms. A few might carry some sort of large
Role: Line Infantry crossbow or bow. Others ride moose into battles
Sub-Faction: Highmountain Tauren which ram foes. For static positions, they do
In general this can be considered an add-on to
have bulky Romanesque scorpion siege
the Tauren Braves profile in the Horde section.
engines. . Often assisted by shaman and druids.
The Highmountain Tribe has a storied tradition
Defensive: Leather or plate armor.
of warriors, descending from the original Huln
Highmountain who played a pivotal role in the
first Invasion of the Legion 10,000 years ago.
This legendary warrior collapsed the Legion
invasion of Azshara, knocked Deathwing out of
the skies with his magical hammer and won the
blessing of Cenarius, which helped provide the
Tauren race with a druidic tradition. He unified
the four local Tauren tribes of Rivermane,
Bloodtotem, Skyhorn and his own Highmountain
as well as freed Deathwing’s Drogbar slaves.

For millennia the five tribes lived in harmony.

Then everything changed when the Burning
Legion attacked. Without warning a drogbar
leader by the name of Dargrul rose up and Mobility: 5
shattered their unity by stealing the hammer and Training/Experience: 5-6
killing High Chieftain Ulan, intending to use the Max Range: Bow/Crossbow
artifact's immense power to take control of the Preferred Range: Usually melee
region. In response, Mayla Highmountain, Role: Garrison Support, occasional assault
daughter of Ulan and new High Chieftain of the Sub-Faction: Nightborne
*Note: This profile refers to the mostly non-
Highmountain tribe, enlisted the aid of
magical portion of the Nightborne, with an
adventurers in order to stop Dargrul and reunite
emphasis on their main military body, the
Nightborne. The magical side is discussed

The Duskwatch are the primary body

responsible for maintaining law and order in the
city of Suramar. Boasting a wide array of skilled
mages and warriors alike, the Duskwatch
represents the bulk of Nightborne armed forces.

Members of the Duskwatch serve largely as

police for the city, ensuring that the will of the
city's ruler Grand Magistrix Elisande is rigidly
adhered to. Despite serving a relatively domestic
role while the city was sealed off from the
remainder of Azeroth for 10,000 years, the
raising of Suramar's shield has led to the
Duskwatch taking on a more active military role.
They are now regularly employed as soldiers
and shock troops, being deployed throughout
the greater Suramar region.

Initially, in Legion, they were antagonists as their

leader Elisandre forced them to fight for the
Legion as she viewed it as the only way her
people could survive, despite the fact that the
Magic permeates all aspects of Nightborne
majority of the population opposed the deal with
culture, and its military is no exception. Every
the Legion. This caused an uprising that, while
single member possesses magically enhanced
originally suppressed, gradually gained steam
and bound weapons and armor, meaning an
and led to a revolt aided by the Night Elves,
incorporeal ghost invasion could be fought off
Blood Elves and Kirin Tor (who spent half the
with little difficulty. Though their active
time supervising bickering elves). The
experience is lacking, courtesy of being under a
Duskwatch like the rest of Suramar fell under the
magical shell for 10,000 years, they are stated to
command of Tharysa at the conclusion of the
have spent centuries perfecting their forms.
rebellion, likely integrated with her own rebels.
Offensive: Though all weapons are magical,
the Duskwatch known as Arcblades can infuse
their weapons with greater amounts of magical
prowess than normal, or magically empower
their charge to unleash a small (personal)
arcane eruption upon contact with the enemy.

From their police background several of them

have magical handcuffs/bindings. Also they are
supported heavily by Nightborne Warpcasters
(see that profile)
Defensive: A few can channel Nightwell feed upon even the tiniest scraps of magic yet
energies into a form of shield that allows them to unable to ever regain sanity. However, during
defend and reflect back attacks of any nature the events of the Nightfallen rebellion the First
from the front. Others can fortify their already Arcanist Tharysa discovered a way to calm and
magical plate, making them more resistant to tame the Withered, allowing for their use as a
damage. mass of fearless anti-magic zombies to bolster
the Nightfallen’s own budding forces.
Additional Factors: Nightborne use magic and
constructs to take away need for physical labor In combat the Withered are like a horde of
in setting up/maintaining camps. crazed rage zombies from 28 days later,
attacking with fists, claws, sharp teeth, thrown
rocks and even the ability to drain life based on
touch if the target is magical. Such creatures are
bolstered by mutations such as the mana
beserker, a hulking ogre sized fiend with
incredible strength, the manarager- who attacks
with minor arcane spells at range and the
manaseer, which serves as a detector.
However the greatest attribute is the ability of
the Withered to absorb harmful magic, like fel,
to quickly become resistant or even borderline

Offensive: Claws, rocks and occasional drain

life spells (against single target)

Defensive: Nothing, though likely immune to



Mobility: 5
Training: 1-2
Max Range: Spell
Preferred Range: Melee
Sub-Faction: Nightborne
Role: Fodder, Specialist
The withered are nightfallen who could not find
sources of arcane to feed their starvation and
fell into a mindless, feral withered state.
Withered are considered beyond redemption
and there is no cure yet to their state. They are
not only consumed by a burning thirst for the
Nightwell, but are tormented by their former
memories, truly a fate worse than death.

For years, these withered wandered Suramar

preying upon all who they came across, eager to
Mobility: 4 Goblins as shock troops, bodyguards and
Training: 3-4 assistants.
Max Range: Rifle (hundreds of meters)
Preferred Range: Melee Offensive: Hammers, bludgeons, swords and
Sub-Faction: Goblins, Durotar (somewhat) the like for Hobgoblins. Goblins have rifles with
Role: Ranged Firepower
the potential for handheld explosives, like
The Goblins of Bilgewater are far more
dynamite. Other exotic weapons and backed up
industrialized than their neighbors and, as a
by magic users like priests, magi and shaman.
result, make heavy use of rifles. With ranges in
the hundreds of meters (Based on historical Defensive: Army varies, but generally leather or
models) the Bilgewater Riflemen are skilled light mail. They will also make use of mines to
marksmen, and may have rifles that can fire fortify their position.
faster than historical equivalents according
to Good War. There also exist a class of FARSTRIDERS
Goblins known as the Bruiser who specialize in
melee fighting, and might have a shield and a
bludgeon combo.

However, what makes a Goblin force most

notably is the pure number of support equipment
and specialists. Goblins have been known to
take a good natural position and mine it heavily
to defend against intruders while using radio and
flare guns to call in paradropped priests and
magi when needed. Some utilize exotic
weapons like flamethrowers, rocket launchers
and the like. Finally, there is the Hobgoblin.
Mobility: 5
Max Range: Bow
Proffered Range: Bow
Role: Ranged/Strike Force
Sub-Faction: Sin’dorei
For many thousands of years the High Elves of
Quel’Dorei had protected their forest domain
with elite guerilla bands of soldiers known as
Rangers. They are elite wilderness warriors,
archers scouts, , and skirmishers, capable of
doing tricks with the bow that few others can
hope to match. Roughly five hundred years ago,
a group of elite fighters formed and officially
took on the name "Farstriders". Their mandate
was to protect Quel'Thalas far beyond its actual
The Hob-goblin is a sub-variant of the goblin
borders and look after high elf interests all
race created by goblin alchemy, this race as
over Azeroth. The commander of the Farstriders
tough, powerful, and "dumber than an ogre with
was given a unique title: ranger-general of
a hangover". Armed with heavy maces, swords,
hammers and whatever giant weapon they can
get their hands on, Goblins direct their massive Today the Farstriders have expanded to
cousins into points where they can be most incorporate virtually all Sin’dorei rangers . Led
harmful to the enemy. They are used by the by Ranger General Hauldron Brightwing this
group has expanded as one of the main militant Training: 5
bodies of the Blood Elves, and they were the Mobility: 5
main instrument to the liberation of Sin’dorei
Max Range: Rifle
lands from the Scourge. Since then they have
Preferred Range: Varies
served with distinction in Northrend, Pandaria
and Draenor. Role: Varies
Sub-faction: Mag’har
Farstriders are elite woodsmen, archers, The Mag'har (or the Mag'har Clans) are the
scouts and guerillas. In battle they specialize union of the uncorrupted orcs of the
in harassment and surgical strike operations, alternate Draenor, who refused the dark
attacking quickly before melting back into bargain of Gul'dan and banded together to
the terrain. Given their guerrilla nature they are drive out the Burning Legion. After the defeat
rather skilled in stealth as well, and in the of the Burning Legion at Hellfire Citadel, the
Alliance campaign in the Isle of Thunder survivors of the Iron Horde and the Frostwolf
campaign they managed to plant Tactical Mana clan united into a single clan under the
Bombs in secreted locations around the Alliance leadership of Warchief Grommash
camp (though ultimately defused by the Hellscream.
adventurer hero). Working in small organized
teams of competent woodsmen the Farstriders However, in practice, they are shown to
can greatly slow down enemy advances as maintain many of the unique armor, arms
bridges are destroyed, supply lines and culture of the individual clans.
harassed, enemy scouts picked off and
more. In comparison to the normal grunt, the newly
joined Frostwolf grunt appears more rugged,
Offensive: Farstriders are excellent archers, adapted for the harsh winter terrain of Frostridge
some of the best in the world. Some might Valley. Technology wise, they are pretty
charge a shot with a small amount of explosive primitive wielding mostly spears and axes with
gel. leather armor.They come from a society where
everyone must pull their weight, where all must
For melee they usually wear light swords or hunt fearsome creatures in a brutally unforgiving
daggers. environment. Each is a warrior born and skilled
at ambushes.
Defense: Generally light leather armor.

Most notably, every frostwolf has a Frostwolf and "some proper incentive", anyone could be
companion, which is a massive wolf ( larger made into a Laughing Skull.
than a real world dire wolf) that has become,
essentially, the Orc’s life companion. Their bond “Sometimes I look at the draenei and wonder if
exceeds the bond between mount and master there are bones in those fleshy face tentacles
and both would willingly die for one another. because if there are I would collect many
These wolves typically fight as companions, hundreds and string them together into
though they could also serve as mounts if really decorative strands that I would hang from our
needed. Some can empower their attacks with fortress walls so that visitors would marvel and
the supernatural cold, others throw large axes at say hey would you look at all those face tentacle
range while the overall force is aided by the bones I bet they were collected by a very very
Shaman. wise and talented orc and I would answer yes
that is what my mother always told me.

I am sorry. Did you have a question?”- Typical

Laughing Skull Response

The Laughing Skull use a wide variety of tools

and weapons in combat but in general function
as either melee beserkers or assassins. To a
Laughing Skull, a kill is a kill and there are no
rules on how they acquire it. That said, they do
have names that showcase their favored
manner of murder like “Chucklespine”
“Limbflayer” and “Meka the Facechewer”. Oh
and they also really like fire, so any Shaman
that assist them in battle are likely to favor that.

A brave and cunning people, the Thunderlords'

culture was greatly focused on synergy, and
they derived strength from their togetherness,
though there were still those who strived to
become like Brakor and other such ancestral
heroes of legend.The Thunderlords relied on
their numbers and spent their days training to
hunt as a team, but as individuals they were
weak…at least according to their rival clans.
They are, however, acknowledged as the
The Laughing Skulls are perhaps the most greatest big game hunters on Draenor and have
feared orcs on all of Draenor. Maniacal, volatile, a specialization against giant creatures.
and bloodthirsty, the orcs of the Laughing Skull
clan believed in using savagery to fight
savagery. Everyone in their clan are taught from
an early age how to kill, maim and inflict fear,
with even little six year old orcs showing a
surprising knowledge of murder. Members of the
clan wore distinctive skull-like masks. These
were more than fancy facewear; with a mask
The Shattered Hand was founded as a large
grouping of former gladiators and slaves who
revolted against the Ogre Gorian Empire. In their
zeal many of the older guard chopped off one
(or even both) of their own hands, replacing
them with cleavers, axes, hooks and other
such weapons. They generally come in two
varieties- assassin and gladiator- with the latter
being phenomenally devastating warriors who
would function as beserkers in combat. Many
are sadists who enjoy inflicting or receiving pain
while rarely they are assisted by blood mages,
magic users who can manipulate the blood of
foes to debilitate or allies to empower. Note,
though the old guard literally chopped off their
hands, the new members seem to just wear
hand weapons in a manner reminiscent to the
In combat the Thunderlords are primarily old. The Shattered Hand can take out and
ranged warriors, and favor the bow and the screw on different weapons if needed.
spear above all other weapons. In fact they
carry several spears, so that some might be
thrown . They are hunters by nature and thus
ambushes can be expected. Shaman come with
them and, as can be expected, they do favor
lightning based attacks while many
Thunderlords have tamed giant boar, wolves or
large vultures known as bonestrippers to assist
in the attack. Lastly they use instruments like
caltrops, hurled nets, grappling hooks(which
they are known to use to pull enemies towards
them), bolas, poisons and traps.

The Burning Blade are so named thanks to

their particular method of combat- fighting with a
burning blade. Sticky, smelly, and highly
flammable, blazegrease is liberally applied to the
swords and axes of the Burning Blade clan
before battle. Though some warriors choose to
ignite their weapons before battle, most let the
inevitable contact of blades and armor spark
the blazegrease for unpredictable
intimidation. Simply put imagine this clan as
orc samurai armed with burning Katanas,
naginatas, or axes and banners strapped to
their back. They are also accompanied by
shaman and seers who specialize in fire magic.

The Bleeding Hollow is somewhat reminiscent

of a cross between the Thunderlord and the
Frostwolves, but with an emphasis on jungle Perhaps the most formidable of Orc tribes are
fighting and darker arts. Like those two clans, the industrious Blackrock clans. This clan is
they vary heavily between skirmishing weapons known for their skill with the forge and creation.
like hurled spears and more up-front cleavers, They thus have higher quality weapons than the
axes and the like- often dual wielded. They are a typical orc and are responsible for much of the
fanatical and crude clan who fight with a Iron Horde war machines. In battle they are
berserker fury and gain the boon of prophecy known for their favoring of blunt weaponry,
from their elders, who sacrifice an eye to see such as hammers or mauls, along with
into the future. They imbue themselves with enormous spiked scutum shields. However,
berserk fury, slather their weapons in these melee warriors are accompanied by much
hallucinogenic venom, and stalk prey from the more innovation . Commonly these are riflemen
treetops, branding their victims’ final moments however they can also include snipers, semi-
with visions of pure horror. automatic riflemen, flamethrowers, scouts
that utilize timed cluster bombs and rarer
However, what they are most known for is their things, like rocket and grenade launchers.
rampant use of body-altering blood magic. Often
used to create hulking beserkers (See Dire Orc) While the clans once used to fight separately,
blood mages have taken the place of shaman in thanks to recent political developments they
this tribe, and seem to accompany Bleeding have all been unified as part of the Mag’har and
Hollow forces wherever they go. They can thus infantry groups can be found containing all
manipulate the blood of enemies, crippling them, of these clans at once.
siphoning blood to heal themselves, causing
attacks to ignore physical armor or forcibly infect Offensive: Frostwolf: Large axes, with some for
it with toxins. They can also use this blood throwing. Rarely they might throw flasks of
mastery to heal themselves or allies, speed up Clefthoof oil, which functions like a Molotov
their own attacks and movements, or even cocktail.
provide a magical blood shield for protection.
Laughing Skull uses all manner of weapons,
often made from animal bones or scavenged
Thunderlord use primarily spears and bows, but ZANDALARI
with many exotic hunting instruments.
Shattered hands use the blade weapons
attached to the stumps where their hands would
be. Poisons are liberally applied to this.

The Burning Blade favors a large burning blade,

like a katana or naginata.

The Bleeding Hollow uses hatchets, spears,

bows and lots of blood magic. Many of their
weapons are formed of bone.

Blackrock prefers blunt weaponry for melee,

along with smaller hammers for throwing along
with riflemen. Many rarer units are known to
accompany this force, like semi-automatic Training: 5-7 (Warrior); 2-3 (Conscript)
riflemen, flamethrowers etc. Mobility: 5
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Line Infantry
Sub-Faction: Zandalari
The Zandalari possess a strict caste system,
where the majority of the populace are peasant
commoners ruled by the Zandalari elders. Above
them are the scribes of the Empire who
commune with the spirits while above them
further is the council and then the king himself.
The Zandalari warrior caste sits above the
peasantry, acting as the arms of the King and
the might of the council. Dexterity is not prized
among Zandalari warriors: Brute force, backed
by ancient magics, is the preferred combat style.

Defensive: Frostwolf generally wears animal A Zandalari warrior is honed to perfect his or her
skins and leather, while Laughing Skull wear craft since birth. There is no room for weakness
flayed skin, animal or otherwise. Thunderlord among the Zandalari. Strength, ferocity,
typically wear a mixture of animal skins, leather stamina, power: These are the traits by which
and the bones of their conquests. The Shattered success is measured. At adolescence, those
Hand often fight in cowls or bare chested, but Zandalari males not chosen to be priests or
some go in with full plate armor. The Burning scholars must prove their strength to the council,
Blade wears some leather armor as does the the king, and the gods themselves. Any display
Bleeding Hollow. The Blackrock Clan is of physical power will do. Tournaments and
armored in iron and often with enormous iron competitions are held as children come of age.
scutum shields. The Bleeding Hollow is known Adolescents prepare for their trials with years of
to use armor of skin and leather. training, communion with the spirits, and by
tattooing sigils of power onto their skin. A
common rite is to travel to one of the violent,
beast-ruled islands near the capital to steal or
subdue a wild creature. The lesser troll races
have their own, humbler versions of this
tradition. But the mastery of ravasaurs or raptors
is nothing compared to the power required to
call upon a devilsaur or direhorn.

The Zandalari fight in a manner quite unlike their

more tribal brethren, in part because they,
unlike the other troll tribes, have never lost
the knowledge of the ancients. They wear a
combination of stone and plate armor and
shields while their brethren go into battle
with very little. Magical abilities are fairly
common among their trolls courtesy of the
priesthood infusing most of their warrior class
with loa powers and the tendency of each Offensive: Spears, axes, maces, tridents or
Zandalari family to pass magical artifacts down aforementioned Mesoamerican themed
generations. Thus some special weapons might weaponry. Significant degree of loa infusing or
have histories over ten, even twenty thousand magical blessings. The Conscript would mostly
years old! Typically these improve stats like only have an axe or spear
strength or speed however rarer examples
include the sudden ability to wield magic or the Some Zandalari warriors used trained Sabertusk
ability of a troll to regenerate from far more hounds as battle companions and to sniff out
grievous wounds. One notable variant is the enemy spies.
mighty Jaguar Warrior, who, by infusing himself
with the Jaguar loa, can run faster, fight harder
or stalk foes with the stealth of a jaguar.

The Zandalari trolls still make heavy use of

spears, throwing axes and even chained
tridents, which they use to impale an
opponent and pull them to the Zandalari.
Some also use elemental powers in their
weaponry, like frost, lightning or firespears.
However, the most iconic weapon is probably
the polearm seen above. This weapon seems to
be hybridization between a Monk Spade and
a Tepoztopilli, or Aztec spear like instrument
said to be useful for useful for slashing and
thrusting. Lastly, they have been seen using Defensive: Stone or plate armor and shields.
the Aztec Macuahuitl, highlighting their The Conscript would have very little, maybe a
Mesoamerican influence. shield if he is lucky.

Finally, in times of war, the Zandalari are known Some Zandalari Warriors form shield walls while
to make use of conscripts from the peasant archers huddle in behind to fire arrows
class. These Zandalari have noticeably less
Additional Factors: Zandalari use giant floating
quality armor and weapons, being primarily
tiki masks as messengers. Spirits can also be
given axes and spears to fight. However they
bound to them if necessary and, if needed,
are still a troll and thus still superhuman.
these things can bash their foes with sharpened The Deathguard generally does not use the
tusks as a form of (ineffective) attack. heavy armor found in their contemporaries in the
Alliance, instead using light armor such as
leather and chain that emphasizes their mobility
and march speed. However the Dreadguard,
elite regiments of the Deathguard, do .

Mobility: 4
Max Range: Crossbow
Proffered Range: Melee
Role: Garrison/Line infantry
Sub-Faction: Forsaken Axes, hammers, maces, glaives, spears and
The Deathguard are the now undead soldiers of more. There can be found variants that use both
the Forsaken, raised from death for a second two and one handed. While some might have
chance at life…in death. These soldiers are not crossbows, they have increasingly been shown
forced or coerced like many undead troops, nor with rifles. Those attached to Apothecaries or
mindless. Rather they are fully sentient Special Forces might have blightspreaders (see
volunteers (though some are conscripts) trained, Royal Apothecary Society).
equipped and sent into battle like a regular
army. Many Deathguards were soldiers and Defensive Increasingly shown to wear plate and
warriors in their former life, individuals who mail, though leather versions might exist. The
brought their experience to their new unlife. Dreadguard uses light plate in their armor plus
shields at times. These shields are steel roman
The Deathguard serve as Sylvannas’ garrison scutum shields with spikes in the front. Both
force and line infantry. Thanks to the nature of sects of Forsaken make heavy use of their
their new condition they are tough, durable superior durability (and ability to cannibalize)
troops, able to lose limbs and deal with over their dead foes.
blows normal troops cannot. Capable of
enduring vastly harsher conditions than living Royal Deathguards, guardian of the queen, can
troops, the tireless Deathguard can march for carry magically enhanced shields good at
days, even weeks. Indeed in Pandaria a report reflecting spells.
notes that the Forsaken from a sunk ship
merely arrived a few days after, having traveled
the proceeding day by walking on the bottom of
the ocean!
Though functioning only as flavor lore, the RPG couldn’t raise into a Forsaken into corpse, ghoul
notes that Forsaken infantry have “played dead” or zombie.
before, acting like the diseased in mass graves
and piles of bodies before rising up in ambush. These include zombies, which are traditional
rotting corpses. They lack a lot of the
It should also be noted that the Forsaken can intelligence their risen comrades do, even in
and do raise giant poisonous spiders as comparison to abominations. Slow moving and
companions to their Deathguards, which instinctual, you can find these creatures within
typically stand as tall as a man’s chest but can the areas either once or still under Scourge
get much bigger. This is actually a whole control.
weaponized industry where the Forsaken use
the diseased bears native to the Hillsbarad Zombies, due to their lack of intelligence and
Foothills as incubators. When the spiders hatch their numbers, are often used as fodder in the
they have a free range of flesh to feat on, and front lines of the Scourge. Most do not seem to
are collected by Forsaken agents. As they grow be affiliated with any group and just mindlessly
from then on they are then trained by Forsaken wander. Some are upgraded by the Forsaken
who use them as weapons in war. Other times apothecary cult to Ogre sized Shambling Hulks
they use undead hounds. with additional strength.

Skeletons can be reanimated as undead through

magic. While gangly and seemingly frail,
LESSER UNDEAD skeletons can possess superhuman strength
and be resistant to most physical attacks. Some
have retained their consciousness and intellect,
and are capable of attacking with their weapons
(including ranged) and magic. Sylvanas’s most
infamous use of skeletons occurred when she
ressurected two armies’ worth (both hers and
the Alliance’s) outside of the Undercity, after
bombarding the area first with Blight to create

Ghouls were used in masse by the Scourge to

assault enemy positions. In appearance they are
Training: 0-1 sort of a cross between a skeleton warrior and a
Mobility:3 zombie, having more flesh then the formerbut
Max Range: Couple feet not the latter, and usually move in a hunched
Preffered Range: Melee back form. In general they attack with their
Role: Fodder rending claws and teeth, though some are smart
Sub-Faction: Forsaken. enough to use weapons.

Not every ressurection successfully transforms Most Ghouls are stupid, being animalistic
the corpse into a Forsaken. Many fail for one cannibals. However they can be trained to build
reason or another and are put down by the buildings and mine resources. In addition there
Forsaken, who do not like utilizing unintelligent is a few that are capable of great intelligence
undead. However, this rule changed in Battle for and cunning, along with the use of weaponry.
Azeroth, where Sylvanas- realizing she was Perhaps the most important ghoul ability is
wasting a lot of potential troops through this called “cannibalize” in which the ghoul feasts on
method- began turning everything that she enemy corpses, using dark magic to rapidly
regenerate their own wounded body.
Giests are a variant of the ghoul that comes Preferred: Melee
from hanged criminals, but may be able to be Role: Guardian, Shock Troop
created artificially, as the Forsaken employed Sub-Faction: Zandalari
There was once a caste of Zandalari whose
them in Darkshore and they don’t hang people.
purpose was to preserve and defend the
This somehow stretches out their limbs and
remains of past rulers. But when a terrible
allows them impressive agility, giving them the
plague of corrupted blood tore through the
ability to leap up to 7 meters in the air or towards
empire, it was too risky for mortals to handle the
enemy lines.
dead. Golems were summoned for the grim
Offensive: Swords, claws, teeth, whatever is in work of preservation and burial: they have been
hand. used ever since.

Defensive: Whatever is on the ressurected A Zandalari Golem is an artificial construct of

corpse, plus undead durability. stone, much in the manner a Dark Iron Golem is.
However, unlike the Dark Irons, which have their
Additional Factors: The Forsaken do not own sentient intelligences, the Zandalari bind
typically include the ‘mindless’ undead in their fallen spirits, usually of their own dedicated
armies and when they seen deployment it is warrior class, to these things so that they may
almost always as a result of battlefield live and serve forever. While used domestically
circumstances. to handle the dead, in times of war these things
have been brought to the front to fight.

LINE BREAKERS . Each of them has stone arms capable of

crushing bone with a single swipe or causing
shockwaves around their feet. However, what is
GOLEMS & MECHS more frightening to the enemy is surely the
Golem’s gaze, for the golem can unleash beams
ZANDALARI GOLEMS of fire or electricity from its eyes over short
ranges. While most of these golems are ogre
sized, some are made into the size of true

That said, the spirit inside seems to be a

bit…dulled in comparison to the other undead,
and though they can speak and respond to
orders, they cannot dictate strategy (as far as is

Offensive: Immense crushing stone arms,

deadly eyebeams
Defensive: Made wholly out of stone.

Mobility: 3
Training: 5-8
Max Range: Several Meters
BLOOD GOLEMS Animus Golems have an odd niche in combat.
They are much smaller than most shredders or
other golems and seem to usually only be man-
sized. Thus, though still formidable, they lack the
pure power of the other golem variants by
themselves. However, thanks to the nature of
blood magic, the more of them in a squad, the
more powerful they each are. In a squad in close
proximity Anima Golems would fight with
blinding speed, take reduced damage, or
heal/empower allies. The Blood Elves have also
experimented with giving the golem arcane
abilities, including a stat dampening spell, as
Offensive: Fists, likely made of some titan
metal. As noted above their power greatly
increases when with others.
Defensive: Metallic construct.


Mobility: 4
Training: 6-7
Max Range: Spell
Preferred Range: Melee (mostly)
Role: Shock Troop
Sub-Faction: Sin’dorei
The Blood or “Anima” Golems were originally
inventions of the Thunder King, ancient Mogu
robotic constructs with origins dating to the
Titans. These robotic constructs derive a power
source not from metal or the elements, but from
blood magic, a form of magic that uses tortured
life essence as power. During the fights on the
Isle of Thunder, agents under Lor'themar Theron
defeated the Dark Animus and secured its
power source within a crystal. Blood elf
archmagi were tasked with uncovering the
Mobility: 4
secrets behind the origin of the animus golems'
Training: 4-5
powers, also allowing the elves to empower
Max Range: Couple meters
functional blood golems of their own. The
Preferred Range: Up-close
animus' power was adequate leverage for
Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei, Nightborne
Lor'themar, who had sought to find powerful
Role: Anti-infantry
weapons on the isle to prepare for an uprising
against Garrosh Hellscream.
Arcane golems (or crystal golems)[ are hulking,
magically-powered robotic constructs, standing
at least two times a man’s height( but Nightborne
sometimes many more), that are used as constructs are
guards, peacekeepers and, when necessary, mechanical
warbots by the Kirin Tor, Silver Covenant and constructs
the Blood Elves. They are gifted with the ability resembling a
to speak and are often used to supplement humanoid with
regular (mortal) forces. Infused with arcane the lower torso
energy and bound by metal, an Arcane golem is of a saber cat.
classified as both a machine and elemental. Standing two to
four times the
In combat these hulking constructs, likely height of a
weighing well over a ton, crash into combat with man, these
a massive degree of brute strength. With such constructs are
force they could tear enemy targets in two, used primarily to supplement the Duskwatch in
smash through enemy lines or even hurl foes their garrison of the city. As fitting the heavily
bodily through the air. Some arcane golems are arcane influence of the Duskwatch, they are
capable of using bursts of arcane energy at endowed with all sorts of magical detection
range, create small arcane explosions around spells and equipment and can serve as
their person, magnetically pull enemy in, detectors.
conduct electricity to use in melee or even
create small arcane energy fields around Like the Golems, the Nightborne construct is an
themselves that provide brief combat protection. arcane linebreaker that is capable of breaking
enemy lines and literally trampling foes beneath
Offensive: Generally massive strength in their hooves. They have more common magical
combat, boosted by the inherent magical nature abilities than the Arcane Golem, though. It can
of said attacks. Some can use arcane or electric fire both long and short ranged arcane attacks
spells. Those of the Blood Elves, which are such as bursts, blasts or even beams, use a
sometimes used as peacekeepers, can fire miniaturized ‘gravity’ well’ to draw enemies
hooked nets at fleeing opponents. towards it and some can suppress enemy spells.
Defensive: This is a durable, metallic mech They can go into ‘overdrive’ mode boosting their
made of various metal, however it might have stats and attack power but at the cost of long-
certain points of weakness like its exposed term viability.
arcane core (see picture)., though such a crystal
is doubtlessly durable Some can use magical Offensive: Powerful melee blows, backed with
spells to create small shields around arcane magic spells. This includes the ability to
themselves. boost their speed and attack power by going into
‘Overdrive’ mode.
Additional Factors: A few might serve as
detectors of invisible and disguised foes. Defensive: Nightborne constructs are made of
‘Warp Metal’ that is both powerful steel and
NIGHTBORNE CONSTRUCT inherently resistant to magic. Their only weak
Mobility: 5 point is their solid metal arcane core, which
Training: 5 some engineers (though not all) leave exposed.
Max Range: Spell
Preferred : Melee Additional Factors: Many of these constructs
Role: Shock count as detectors.
Sub-Faction: Nightborne
GOBLIN SHREDDER The Mk1. has a open cockpit and a claw for
Mobility:5 grabbing and a saw for cutting. The chasis is
Training/experience 3-4 probably the weakest of the three. Both of these
Max Range: A couple dozen meters weapons can be useful in combat, and
Preferred Range: Melee enterprising goblins have replaced the claw or
Goblins are ever on the lookout for means to the saw with a weapon system at times.
maximize their profits. When the increasing wars However, this variant is aging out at the time of
on Azeroth demanded more materials, and in Battle for Azeroth
particular lumber, the innovative goblin By the time of BFA the Mk 2. Class seems to
engineers responded with the creation of the have largely replaced its predecessor and this
mechanical shredder- a mech designed to variant mixes utility with military applications .
enable its operator to collect the same amount These shredders seem to have been upgraded
of lumber as a nearly a dozen lumberjacks. with more durable steel chasis, a greater
With a sharp, deadly saw in one arm and a number of weapons systems and a steel plating
powerful claw in the other, it wasn’t long before for much of the cockpit. The flamethrower goes
the entrepreneurial goblins realized that this from a rare attachment to standard issue and it
might be a perfect weapon for war. can fire these jets of flame from both arms. They
The Shredder is so successful a design that it are often equipped with rocket boosters which
has now been mass produced to where it can be allow for ‘rocket jumps’ (vaults forward dozens of
found virtually everywhere. Every continent, meters and lands with a shockwave of flame),
every world that the goblins have touched brief flight or even, for some variants, substained
shredders flight. Finally, though quite a few versions have
have been open cockpits just as many versions are shown
brought to. to have enclosed cokpits, so the utility may be
Even Goblin optional.
sports revolve Finally, there is the new experimental Mk. 3
around shredder. With the Mk.3 Shredder the
shredders pendulum swings from the primarily utilitarian
kicking bombs Mk1 to the almost fully militarized Mk3. The rare
at each other. prototype shredders now in development has
In the ultimate a more powerful chasis, a greater number of
showcase of weapon systems, the same cockpit
flattery the protection (but with greater visibility) and
Alliance not can be equipped with an Azerite arsenal. That
only said, the Mk3. Seems to have traded the ability
sometimes to fly for additional weapon systems.
shredders themselves but it is very likely that the
gnome mechpounder is influenced heavily by
the shredder.
There are three versions of the Shredder

The first version, Mk1.,

is the traditional, time-
honored Shredder. It is
primarily built for
harvesting tree and it Offensive: Mk1:
shows in the design.
Mostly a deadly steel saw for cutting down
lumber and a powerful, backbreaking claw for H0
gripping it. Many also have the ability to shoot Mk 2 Version:
mini short ranged saws out of a couple dozen
meters as a projectile weapon. o&t=93s
Mk2: Retains the saws and clasping hands from Mk3 Version:
the MK1, but adds to it flamethrowers.
MK3: Incredibly variable but this version is used
for exclusively military reasons rather than
harvesting. Some have electrified claws and FORSAKEN APOTHECARY
flamethrowers while others can switch out the
claws for another cannon system. Notably, the
Azermek Prototype is utilized in the Battle for
Darkshore to fire Azerite energy blasts, bolts of
concentrated fire, unleash blast waves of fire
against melee enemies and the ability to launch
a fiery vault.
However all sorts of innovations exist and in the
past goblins have attached to their vehicles
grenade launchers, freezethrowers, electro-
shock, anti-aircraft rocket launchers, ability to
shoot acid out and stranger things, like a
magnetic device that can pull enemies in and
launch them high. These are, of course, rare Mobility: 4
innovations. Training: 3-5
Defensive: Durable steel chasis, with the MK Max Range: 20 meters (real world
1’s version said to be tough enough to flamethrower)
Preferred: ^^
withstand low-grade explosives. Each
Role: Anti-Infantry
version’s chasis is progressively tougher. Some Sub-Faction: Forsaken
rare innovations include the ability to fly for In the power vacuum that Lordaeron has faced
limited times, leap really high in the air, since the total destruction of the kingdom of the
‘overdrive’ (which speeds up all shredder same name and retreat of the Scourge, the
movement for a limited time), emergency Royal Apothecary was charged by Sylvannas to
generators that institute quick repair, or ensure that the Forsaken would be forevermore
potentially stranger goblin innovations. secure in their holdings. Officially, the Royal
The existent of a variant called the ‘Orbital Apothecary society was charged with curing
Support Shredder”, which is called in by Goblin their undeath, yet secretly Sylvannas gave them
Engineers in game, suggests engineers are able a missive to create the greatest plague of all
to call in some Shredders as aerial support. time, which would then be used to wipe out all
Additional Factors: The existence of a variant threats, living and death. This was a task the
called the ‘Orbital Support Shredder” , which is Apothecaries zealously took to.
called in by Goblin Engineers in game, suggests
engineers are able to call in some Shredders as For years they researched every possible
aerial support. combination they could find in order to achieve
Also, the Goblins have occasionally automated this task. As alchemists, this necessitated ever
MK1 and MK2 versions. more exotic reagents and ingredients found
Elite MK1 Version: across the world. For that reason Apothecaries have traveled as far as Kalimdor, Northrend and
TI Outland to find these rarities. Gradually their
knowledge of chemical weaponry improved until in conjunction with their stealth units, placing
they created the ultimate disease, one that could carefully these barrels into an enemy camp, well
melt even the Undead Scourge. However the or food supply before deploying them remotely.
Apothecary in charge went rogue, and deployed
it on a combined force of Alliance, Horde and Defense: Mail armor and a gas mask. Which is
Scourge. The resulting conflict would lead to the odd as they do not need to breath (it’s an
beginning of the Horde-Alliance war and a brief acknowledged Forsaken racial trait in game).
Civil War. Said masks might just add to their menacing
appearence. A few also have healing vials for
Since then the Apothecaries have seen greater themselves or other Forsaken
oversight by the rest of the Horde than ever
before, and are forbidden under almost all The Forsaken Alchemists have shown an
circumstances to deploy their most powerful aptitude at creating vaccines as well, though
variant of the Blight. However they can use they don ‘t like to use their powers in such a
lesser versions, and in addition the Forsaken manner.
ignore these edicts when the rest of the Horde
isn’t looking. In the recent war with the Alliance, ABOMINATION
The Forsaken used Blight at near full levels to
poison much of Gilneas, and devastate the
Alliance town of Hillsbarad. When the Alliance-
Horde conflict erupted again in the War of the
Thorns, the Forsaken resorted to their blight and
apothecary specialists began to appear en mass
on the battlefield.

The power of the blightspreader depends on the

version of blight used. The distilled stuff used in
the Battle of Lordaeron could be defended
against by wearing a gas mask. The heavier
duty stuff that is occasionally used, capable of
utterly liquefying the enemy and scarring the
environment over the long term, is dangerous
even to the Forsaken and though used, they are
Training: 1-2
more cautious with it. The variant utilized on the
Mobility: 2-3
battlefield would depend on the number of allies Max Range: 30-20 yards
present, the preparation time of the apothecaries Sub-Faction: Forsaken
and Sylvanas’ whims. Preferred Range: Melee
The Abomination is a foul undead variant
Offensive: The Forsaken Apothecaries have created by sewing together multiple body parts
many different functions. On the minor level they and then animating that into a living, somehow
can brew poisons and minor plagues to spread sentient, being. Though not bright by any
among the enemy or apply to weapons. In the standards, Abominations are nevertheless
infantry level many of the Deathguard assigned thinking beings of mass destruction, built with an
to guard the Apothecaries carry Blightspreaders, iron drive to slay the living.
which is essentially a flamethrower that shoots
out fast acting blight everywhere or by throwing Standing 2-3 times taller than a man,
longer ranged ‘blobs’ of it. They might also Abominations are powerful, durable;
possess vials of blight for throwing into enemy linebreakers thanks to the sheer amount of flesh
ranks. Other times they might deploy barrels of it enemies must hack apart to kill the creature.
Meanwhile the multitudes of cleavers, hooks and OGRES
blades- wielded by 3-5 arms- attempt to hack
them apart with incredible strength and ferocity.
Infection runs rampant as the Plague of the
Undeath seethes in this creature.

Offensive: Chains, barbs, hooks, and swords.

At 20-30 meters it can one of these chains to
violently hook a foe and yank them forward. As
the abomination voids the Plague of the
Undeath from itself, being around it greatly
increases the risk of infection. A few can actually Mobility: 4
explode outwards in a gaseous explosion if near Training: 3-4
Max Range: Spell
death, inflicting immense damange of enemies
Preferred Range: Melee (mostly)
nearby, or spit up poison or acid. Role: Shock Infantry
Sub-Faction: Ogres (some under enslavement
They are physically strong enough to hurl men by Mag’har)
around like ragdolls. Born on Draenor alongside the Orcs, Ogres
have had, for hundreds of years, a mostly
Defense: The Abomination is extremely durable adversial relationship with the Orcs. This is
thanks to its size, typical undead traits, and the because both Ogre & Orc were descended from
sheer amount of flesh that must be hacked apart the Breaker line, who were created by the titan
to kill them. Aggramar to prevent the primals from overtaking
the world. Yet it had devolved steadily over the
Additional Factors: As Southern Barrens
years. Starting with the mountain sized colossus
shows, Forsaken can create Abominations by
each progressive race of the Breakers emerged
simply harvesting random bodyparts on the
smaller but smarter than those that came before.
battlefield. They do need an abnormally large
Finally the Ogres emerged and formed a empire
heart and brains from a sentient foe to create
that covered much of the continent. Eventually
one, though.
however, with the unification of Draenor under
the Horde, Ogres were bullied into becoming
part of it.

On Azeroth most Ogres are powerful, dumb

brutes capable of wielding strength enough to
tear orcs or each other in half, armed with all
sorts of weapons in addition to that. Their group
has devolved heavily since the shattering of
Draenor and, nowadays, the Ogres are known
as a synonym for stupidity more than anything
else. However there still exist smarter, two-
headed magi variants that are rather excellent DIRE TROLLS/ORCS
magic casters of the arcane, shamanistic or
even fel fields. A few Azerothian tribes have
joined the Horde

On AU Draenor this devolution never happened

and, though the Ogres were still bullied into
serving the Iron Horde and later the Mag’har,
they retained their intelligence and much of their
fallen civilization. These Ogres are armed with
better weapons and more armor than their
Azeroth cohorts, are generally more intelligent,
and make far greater use of magic than the
Azerothian tribes. In Warlords of Draenor there
exist specific ‘breaker’ variants that can be made
immune to a lore of magic, and presumably
some of these joined the Horde.
Mobility: 7 (Can climb walls)
Training: 4-6
Max Range: Spell
Proffered Range: Melee
Role: Shock
Sub-faction: Zandalari (Primarily), Some
A small number of trolls are strikingly larger and
more heavily muscled than the rest of their
brethren, though there is no racial distinction
between them and the rest of the troll race. A
Offense: Heavy Weapons like mauls, maces, variety of reasons might be behind this unusual
spears ect. Some Ogres are powerful mage size and musculature. For example, they might
variants with some potentially even being anti- have been altered alchemically or magically, or
magic units. Those of Draenor are master they might also simply have been born larger
arcanists(see mage) and knowledgeable in rune than average. Regardless of the day-to-day
magic, which can contain powerful arcane bursts prejudices that these trolls must contend with
until the time is right. One notable and from other races, dire trolls are not regarded as
frequently used spell conjures a large boulder monstrous by other trolls. Zandalari troll children
out of the ground and hurls it at the enemy. often catch a ride upon the backs of dire troll
Some have giant boar pets. children.

Defense: Somewhat durability, but also iron, Among the military of Zandalar are the elite dire
bronze or steel armor. The Draenor ogres make trolls. These trolls are warriors who have
greater use of armor and some arcanists are perfected their arts, traded portions of their lives
capable of healing their cohorts for the dark gift of brutal strength, and serve
Zandalar as her greatest weapons of war. Long
ago it was decided that the Zandalari dire trolls
should always have a seat on the Zanchuli
Council, to ensure that those specials needs of
the elite warriors were met by the government,
and to provide the wisdom of war to those
councilors who may seldom see a battlefront. OGRON/GRONNLING
Dire trolls are short lived

Dire Trolls are trolls enhanced by alchemical or

voodoo means to become muscular
giants(ogre-sized) of immense strength and
durability (especially combined with troll
regeneration) though questionable
intelligence and sanity. These trolls are
capable of physically ripping men apart and
climbing castle walls.

The Dire Orc is a different version of this created

through blood magic by the Bleeding Hollow
clan. Like with the troll, the Dire Orc is drastically
boosted in strength and physical prowess,
though at the cost of intelligence and sanity.
These brutes are used heavily in supply logistics
and blacksmithing outside of combat, for their
bulk allows them to carry massive crates other
orcs struggle with.
Training: 3
Mobility: 4
Max Range: Thrown Boulder
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Shock Troop
Sub-Faction: Mag’har & Ogre

Ogrons are a species of small giants native to

Draenor who are devolved descendants of the
mighty Colossal. Originally, they ruled most of
Draenor in a series of small clans, lording over
Offensive: Incredible brute strength, enough to
the nascent orc/ogres who served as slaves.
rip armored footmen into pieces through
However, opportunistic Arakkoa taught the Ogre
their hands alone. A few might know some very
slaves how to use magic, and these new magic
basic shamanism spells or else hurl something
users revolted against their cruel masters. The
heavy at the enemy at range. Some of the Dire
tables were turned, and the Ogron came to
Orcs have blades forcibly affixed to their hands
serve the Ogres.
Defensive: Little other than their bulk.
Ogron are large(up to 2-3x the size of an ogre),
mean, cruel and dumb. They are somewhat
smarter than the gronn but still have a reputation
for dull wit and stupidity. However they are quick
to wrath and are terrifying combatants. In
combat Ogrons are a living mass of muscle
and belligerence, large and strong enough to
literally hurl an ogre like a football. Give them
sledgehammers or mauls and they can probably
crack through stone walls.
(In case it was not clear, those are Ogres in his
Gronnlings are adolescent gronn bred in great hands)
numbers in the hopes that at least some can
reach adulthood (for the life of a Gronn is very
violent). The Iron Horde and, later, the Mag’har
realized these beasts could serve as excellent THE KOR’KRON
mounts and preceded to break and armor them.
In combat, these creatures strike with incredible
strength and a few might even have a small
cannon strapped to their back!

Offensive: Ogron- Massive strength, hammers

or mauls, some have primitive iron knuckles.
Gronlings use their fists and are mounted with a
Iron Horde rider who might use a bow, rifle, or
even a small cannon.

Defensive: Iron armor for some variants of the

Gronnling, occasional straps for Ogron

Mobility: 7 (Uses Paratroopers)

Training: 6-7
Max Range: Cannon
Preferred Range: Melee or Close to
Role: Elite
Sub-Faction: Coalition
The Kor’Kron Guard is an elite military
organization that serves as both bodyguards to
the Warchief and an elite strike force. Originally GOBLIN SAPPER
formed by Thrall, this organization has seen
action across two worlds, always serving at the
front of every crisis. During the regime of
Garrosh Hellscream they served as elite soldiers
for the Orc Warchief’s campaign of genocide
against both Alliance and, later on, the Horde.
They are probably the biggest reason he was
able to achieve so much success, even if
temporary. When the regime fell to a combined
Alliance-Horde assault the Kro’Kron was
devastated but under the regimes of Vol’jin and
Sylvannas, both likely recognizing the military
value of the organization, they have recovered.

At its core the Kor’Kron appears very similar to

the rest of the Horde, relying on more elite Mobility: 5
versions of the Orc Grunt, the Troll Skirmisher, Training: 3-4
skulking assassins etc. Their mounted warriors Max Range: Thrown grenade
are similarly elite, with the wolves and kodos Preferred Range: Kaboom
said to be bred for their strength and Role: Explosive Expert/Suicide Bomber
aggressiveness respectively. Armor that would Sub-Faction: Goblins, Some Mag’har
break the back of lesser wolves is comfortably Sappers, saboteurs, demolitionists, grenadiers:
fitted onto a Kor’kron wolf, along with the rider. all similar names to design the same thing,
Others ride Wyverns or even giant war experts in the handling of explosive weapons.
scorpions, which range from SUV to truck sized. Originally sappers were mostly goblins and
dwarves, but now many races are supporting
However, what they are truly infamous for is the their ground troops with these powerful
amount of experimental technology in their technological devices. Bombardiers are another
force. At long range they use sniper rifles with form of sappers, mixing their field experience
extreme skill, and at somewhat closer ranges with the skills of a tinker.Among the Horde,
attack with semi-automatic rifles. At closer goblins are the most likely to use these massed
ranges still they have flamethrowers, rocket explosives though Orcs also like explosions.
launchers, hand explosives and sometimes
magically enhanced weapons. Like many WOW In modern times there are two primary varieties
forces, they have various forms of magical of explosive expert. The first is the long ranged
backup like priests, shamans and mages. grenadier, someone who throws shrapnel
bombs(potentially pipe bombs), grenades,
Offensive: Mostly hand weapons and, at range, elemental blasts or even simply sticks of
bows/rifles. More exotic weapons include sniper dynamite. A rare few might even have
rifles, semi-automatic rifles, flamethrowers, ‘bombots’ which are tiny sentient robots that
rocket launchers and more. They have magical rush towards the enemy before exploding or
backup in the form of priests, mages and rocket/grenade launchers.
shamans. Some have mounts of wyvern,
enormous wolves and giant scorpions. The second variant is the insane suicide
bomber. Cackling madly (or perhaps sensing
Defensive: Iron or Steel armor. they are about to do and wanting to go out
spitefully) a goblin can strap multiple packs of
TNT- or even a whole barrel- to his person and
rush out to meet the enemy. This explosion is
big enough to knock down buildings, clear
through trees, destroy weapon placements and
tear a big gaping hole in the enemy lines.

Offensive: Sticks of dynamites, flashbangs,

elemental explosives, bombs, sticky grenades,
rocket launchers etc. Those in Stormsong Valley
also had flamethrowers. Goblins who choose to
suicide bomb strap a lot of explosives to

Special : Crawler Mines can be used by

Bilegewater. These mines are essentially small
robots that move and seek out foes before
exploding. These can be remote controlled by a
Defensive: Very little distant engineer and given speed boosts or even
temporary cloaking .One Crawler Mine can blow
Video of Flamethrower: Note, the Alliance
up an Alliance Steam Tank
adventurer in this story stole it from a goblin.
4 – Goblin Hand Cannon DcgrwpFQ


Mobility: 7
Training: 4-5
Max Range: Bow
Preferred: Melee
Sub-Faction: Orc & Mag’har
Role: Raiding aspiring wolfrider must go to a quarry, carve a
immense stone, then fight in combat with it
Traditionally, the Orc and the Wolf have always strapped to their back until they have earned
possessed a savage bond, for each sees in the kills. Then, the prospective warrior must go out
other what they admire in themselves. Orcs into the wilds to find a wolfpack, seek out the
prize loyalty, cunning and ferocity while the Wolf toughest alpha wolf he or she can find and
sees much of its own nature in the orc, allowing subdue it in the presence of its kin. Finally, the
them to become pack leaders of the sort. This prospective claimant must ride the wolf to the
bond has allowed the Orc and Wolf to together highest peaks of Nagrand where it will likely try
travel the harsh tundra of Frostfire Ridge, the to buck its rider at a critical moment. Should it
desert valleys of Gorgrond and the plains of not, the claimant succeeds and earns the title
Nagrand. As both wolf and rider are individually ‘wolfrider’.
deadly combatants together they make a
formidable duo. In combat, the Mag’har use all sorts of weapons.
These include spears and axes for close
When the Orc Horde first invaded Azeroth thirty quarters along with throwing javelins and bows
years ago they came on lupine steeds and were at range. They occasionally come backed up by
described as tearing through Stormwind shaman, who are focused on the air and the
regiments. Though they were temporarily wind. Through this they can boost speed and
disbanded in a power play, they made a return even solidify air into cutting swipes of their
in the third war and have thereafter remained an hands.
important part of the Warchief’s army. In
Ashenvale, for example, they were utilized in
great numbers to duel with the Nightsaber
cavalry of the Kaldorei. They are the Orc
Equivalent of the Knight.

The Raider has two functions in combat usage.

The first is that it can act like its namesake, a
raider, as an irregular guerrilla fighter that
specializes in plundering and the destruction of
camps. Usually they carry nets with them,
allowing them to entangle or capture enemy
foes, even constrict low flying foes out of the sky
and send them crashing down. Second is it
occasionally might be used as a full linebreaker,
assaulting enemy lines in great numbers to
break it apart.

With the arrival of the Mag’har, the Warsong

clan proper has returned. The mounted raiders
of the Warsong favor speed and maneuverability
in battle—they move quickly, strike swiftly, and
are away before their enemies know what hit
them. Their war cries inspire their allies and
strike fear into all those who dare get in their

To be recognized as an elite in this clan one

must complete three brutal steps. First, an
Offensive: For the rider giant cleaver-like Blood Knights and Sunwalkers possess the
blades most common, though axes and experience and skillset to compete with any
hammers are existent. Nets and sometimes grouping available to their rivals.
bows. Those in the Arathi Warfront are armed
with what are essentially Molotov cocktails. The Blood Knight order was first conceived by
Grand Magister Rommath and Astalor
Mag’har: Bows, Nets, javelins, spears and axes. Bloodsworn, two master magi who had sought to
Some shaman accompany this force. In both find a better use of Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider's
cases, the wolf itself is a weapon. gift to Silvermoon: the naaru, M'uru. After the
magi had successfully pacified the being,
Defensive: Leather usually if at all. Some might Rommath summoned the former high priestess,
be armored in plate. Liadrin, and told her of his plans to create a new
order of Light warriors who wielded their powers
BLOOD KNIGHTS/SUNWALKERS through sheer willpower - masters of their
power, not servants of it. Liadrin, whose life had
been led by extremities (a devout, pious
priestess to a vengeful warrior), agreed to
consider the offer in the hope of finding balance,
and after an introduction to M'uru, pledged
herself to lead this new order. She rose as Lady
Liadrin, Matriarch of the Blood Knight order.

Since then the Blood Knights have been

indisputably the most active order of the
Sin’Dorei. They have been involved in every
campaign from the fight against the traitorous
Kael’Thalas, to assaulting the Thunder King on
his sorcerous isle, to fighting the Legion on
Draenor and then across Azeroth. Notably, they
played a pivotal role in the conquest of Suramar,
where Liadrin’s knight helped secure first the
city, then the loyalty of the Nightborne.
Currently, they are warring with the Alliance over
the Arathi Highlands.

The Sunwalkers are an order of tauren paladins.

Training: 5-7
Max Range: Spell
Preferred Range: Melee (mostly)
Role: Shock
Sub-faction: Blood Knight- Sin’dorei
Sunwalker- Tauren
While it is the Alliance that tends to focus on-
and weaponized- the Holy Light the most, the
They were founded by Aponi Brightmane after a KODO RIDER
series of theological discussions with Tahu
Sagewind about the importance of balancing out
the night elven focus on moon-worship through
reverence of light as part of their worship of the
Earth Mother. As such, the Sunwalkers are
warriors who wield the power of An'she, the sun
in tauren mythology, as they did in the past.
They are the most militant branch of the tauren
armies within the Horde.

Mobility: 6
Training: 4-5
Max Range: Bow
Preferred: Melee
Role: Shock
Offensive: Enormous maces, axes and Sub-Faction: Tauren, Orc
bludgeoning weapons for the Sunwalkers. The Kodo are massive reptiles with thick leathery
Blood Knights favor 1-2 handed spears and skin that ranges in color from sandy brown to
swords. Both count as paladins and both can black. Most kodo have a large horn that sprouts
ride either plated Elven steeds or giant plated from their nose, and some are even covered in
kodos. woolly hair. Native to Tauren lands, this reptile
has come to be adopted by the entire Horde
Defensive; Steel plate and paladin spells for thanks to its resilience, size and shock value.
Normally docile, this creature can nonetheless
be roused to a great wrath when threatened. It is
a multi-ton powerhouse capable of ramning
through small walls, trampling enemies
underneath or even swallowing a humanoid
whole. Some myths tell of rare kodos that are
bound to the spirits of the sky and storm, thus
allowing the colossal beasts to harness the
powers of lightning itself in combat.

Kodo Beasts serve many other minor roles on

the battlefield. They are beasts of burden,
capable of hauling a ton of storage on their
backs. Drums are also mounted on their sides
with some riders opting to play them in battle to
get the blood of allies pumping.

Offensive: Trampling and eating people, with

rare kodos have electrical attacks. The rider
might also carry a sword or lance. Recently,
those who ride Kodos have taken to using
shotguns to defend their charges from
marauding Quilboars. One incredible specialist
even brought along a rocket launcher for aerial

Defensive: Leather Skin and sometimes plate

Knights in life, the Forsaken Lancers have
HORDE HEAVY CALVARY retained their training in dead. Riding unliving
Mobility: 6 steeds and armed with lances and swords, the
Training: 4-5 Forsaken lancer can crash through enemy lines
Max Range: Bow just as well as a Lordaeron knight could in life.
Preferred: Melee Though their armor is more mail than plate now
Role: Shock they make up for it with a greater natural
Sub-Faction: Forsaken, Mag’har durability and bloodlust.
Between several factions the Horde uses a
variety of heavy cavalry:
Clefthoof: Large enough to quake the ground, Role: Base/Artillery neutralizer
covered with a thick valuable pelt, and armed Sub-Faction: Sin’dorei
with enormous tusks, these gigantic beasts are
a hunter’s most treasured prize and worst
nightmare rolled into one. Like everything else Dragonhawks riders are swift flying unit mounted
on Draenor, the Iron Horde managed to by high elven and blood elven warriors. As their
weaponized this beast and affixed it with a rider name implies, dragonhawks resemble a cross
armed with either spears or a gun. Like the between a hawk and a dragon. They look much
Kodo, if not used for war tamed clefthooves will like large hawks with dragonlike heads and a
be used to transfer supplies. Finally, though they few other draconic characteristics - long neck,
make only rare use of the beast, they have been sleek body and large wings. They are powerful
known to take the very largest Elekks, mount ten creatures, able to rend off a foe with their
or so Thunderlord spear throwers on it, and viscious claws and are powerful enough to carry
send them out to battle. a man off in their talons.

The fierce warriors of the dragonhawk battalions

are often the first into combat, picking apart the
enemy ranks and surround enemy fortifications
with dense fog so that reinforcements can strike
unhindered by enemy defenses. They can also
shackle enemy air units, though doing so
requires all of the Rider’s effort. The riders are
depicted with a shield and a lance, but they can
also act as archers and bombardiers.





Mobility: 10
Training: 5 Mobility: 10
Max Range: Longbow Training: 4
Preferred Range: ^^ Max Range: Longbow
Preferred Range: ^^
Role: Firebomb/plague specialist
Sub-Faction: Darksprear Trolls, Forsaken
Expert at riding and caring for their special
steeds — vampire bats — troll batriders are
perceptive and dangerous foes. In battle, troll
batriders use their flying mounts to swoop down
upon enemy targets. When fighting alongside
the Horde, batriders are often equipped with
blazing torches and fire bombs with which they
can set buildings, war engines and other devices
ablaze. If a Troll senses he has no choice or is
particulary zealous about destroying the enemy,
he may take a ‘unstable concoctation’ which Defensive: Some leather armor
temporarily boosts the movement speed of
himself and the mount, whereupon the bat rider PTERROWINGS
kamikazes the enemy flyer to blow them both up
with fire bombs.

These trolls wear simple leather vests of deep

blue, studded with the teeth of various creatures.
A thick belt around the creatures' waist holds
several axes as well as a simple black scabbard Mobility: 9
with a short but wide sword. In wartime, the Training:5-6
Horde sends batriders on missions against Max Range: Bow
specific enemy targets. A well-equipped flight of Preferred Range: Various
batriders can wreak havoc and leave a trail of Role: Air Support
blazing buildings and dead people behind them. Sub-Faction: Zandalari
The Zandalari primarily utilize massive
The Forsaken also use bat riders, though unlike pterrowings. These massive creatures, which, at
the Trolls they primarily attack with plague- max height, had a wingspan of 36 feet are an
based weapons, rather than fire.As Forsaken option available only to the Zandalari. They are
plague bombs can liquefy flesh and metal they immune to Lightning and with their huge
are just as deadly as the fire bombs, if not more wingspan are known to create powerful gusts of
so. In Stormheim these bats proved their worth wind when hovering over an enemy ground
where, in great numbers, they managed to figure, potentially bowling them over. They are
overwhelm the gunship Skyfire and blow it up. also armed with deadly teeth.
In both cases the bats themselves are powerful The Pterrosaur is sacred in Zandalari society, for
enough to lift an enemy off the ground and drop the Zandalari themselves – a religious, priestly
him, armed with sharp talons, disease filled people- actively worship the loa Pa’ku, the
mouth and short ranged sonic blasts capable of mother of all Pterrosaurs.
stunning or even killing those in its immediate This being takes up
effect. These bats can grow to be twice the size residence nearby and is
of a horse. respected and honored
enough among the
Offensive: Plague or Fire Bombs: Bat Riders
Zandalari to be the
might also have some spears or bows.
commander of the
Zandalari golden fleet.
However, she is fickle and aloof and has a and victory, the wyverns allowed the orcs to ride
occasional habit of dropping followers she does them into combat against those who would
not like off of cliffs. Fortunately, her high priests disturb the tranquility of Kalimdor and its
can also turn into Pterrowings. denizens. The wyverns, who share a common
ancestry with both dragons and gryphons, use
Offensive: Pterrosaurs will drop rocks and any their powerful claws, poisonous stinger tail and
other sort of bombardment down on people. razor-like fangs against both airborne attackers
Their riders also have warbows or spears and and ground troops, while their riders may hurl
can drop wrath totems, which function like envenomed spears at the enemy. These
grenades seemingly. Wyverns have been known to grow up to three
times the size of a horse.
Y In recent years Orcish and Tauren Wind Riders
have undertaken some experimentation.
Defensive: Sometimes adorned with bronze
Sometimes they are equipped with bombs,
which they drop on enemies as they run by. A
WIND RIDER few of the more elite Wyverns are equipped with
actual guns and rockets to blast down enemy

Offensive: Poisoned spears or rifles. When

pierced by these spears, the riders' enemies are
weakened and slowly eaten alive as the vile
poison courses through their bodies. May also
be given bombs for bombardment or bows.

Defensive: Leather for the rider. The most elite

Wyvern are given plate armor.

Mobility: 10
Training: 4
Max Range: Longbow
Preferred Range: Hurled spear
Role: Harassment/Bomber
Sub-faction: Orcs,
The sentient wyverns of Kalimdor were eager to
ally themselves with the shamanistic Horde.
Impressed by the orcs' commitment to honor
RYLAK Defensive: Iron armor on some.


Mobility: 10
Training: 4
Mobility: 8
Max Range: Gun
Preferred Range: Hurled spear Training/Experience: 4-5
Role: Harassment/Bomber Max Range: Cannon
Sub-Faction: Mag’har Preferred Range: Cannon/bomb
Rylaks are a type of two-headed, flying Role: Aerial Superiority/Ground Bombardment
predators and scavengers native to Draenor. Sub-Faction: Goblins
Though seemingly extinct in the main universe,
they are still common on the alternate Draenor
and are frequently captured and ridden by the The Goblins possess, like the Gnomes, static
Thunderlord clan and other members of the winged fighters though this invention may have
Mag’har. These creatures have taken the place been …’borrowed’ from the gnomes. The
normally occupied by the Wyverns of the main overall design is the same and both bomber and
universe. fighter seem to carry much of the same traits
making division tough. The Fighter is of course
They are unique in that, depending on where going to be used to target enemy air units or
they live, they have different breath weapons. vessels, and in lore was used to take down the
Those that live in Frostridge Mountains can giant floating citadel that the Lich King attacked
breathe frost, while those who live in volcanos Stormwind with. Failing that strafing runs can be
can breathe fireballs. They are also well-known used to pepper the ground forces in the same
for their poisonous bite, enough that the way of World War 1 planes. Bombers are self-
Shattered Hand affixes it to their blades. explanatory. Signals by ground forces such as
flares can be used to identify bombing targets.
While many of those captured by the Iron Horde Though admittedly speculation, based on their
are used with just a saddle, others are affixed similarity to World War 1 planes Goblin
with Iron armor and technology. Those formed in Fighters/bombers might have a speed anywhere
such a manner might be used as a gun platform between 80-150 mph.
for riders, while those of the Thunderlord clan
(who seem to utilize this beast more than any In order to house these craft it is often a prompt
other) balance technology and tradition by and immediate objective to construct airbases .
throwing what seems to be explosive tipped These will be constructed on any flat and safe
spears down on their foes. ground to be found, and done so quickly in days
or weeks. In one extraordinary case Goblins
Offensive: Breath Weapons, claws, spears. built a cloaked airbase directly on top of a
Some could have gunpowder weapon systems Scourge tower in the middle of Icecrown citadel
on them
Goblin airplanes and other mechs craft contain rockets to a unknown degree in addition to
microfilm so commanders can view footage of counting as a magical weapon. So far, Hellion
the battle after the fact. Standing orders also variants have been shown to be primarily
demand the pilot, if able, to burn all downed craft bomber-based, however the Goblins could
to prevent the enemy from potentially taking it doubtlessly re-tool for a more aerial focus..
apart and discovering its secrets.

The second is a mini-zepplin version reliant on

two gas ballons too power their way through the
skies. Presumably fragile, these things appear to
be primarily bombers and can carry larger
bombs that the airplane version. Some also
have squads of men attached to them, who
parachute down in the midst of battle as was
done on the assaults on Darkshore and
The goblins also made use of floating hot air Stormsong Valley. They have miniature cannons
balloons as bombing instruments. Only these on the front, while others can deploy a salvo of
have been upgraded with the ability to shoot rockets.
rockets and given speed increases.
Dg 8 (Experimental Goblin flying Device: 9:25)

Also like the Alliance, Goblins are capable of LOADOUT: Fighters are equipped with fully-
paradropping troops though not quite to the automated machineguns or possibly flak
same demonstrated extent of the other faction. cannons; the Bombers have Bombs (obviously)
In Azshara they were able to quickly paradrop some variants are fighter-bombers, which
priests in in case anyone needed healing or de- means they have both!
For defense the elite variants in Icecrown used “infra-green “ technology to provide these
vessels with energy shielding. In addition there
Later, in Battle For Azeroth, the Goblins began is a “stealth” fighter variant seen in Lost Isles
to deploy new designs, one of which is almost that was used to sneak in and drop
certainly ‘borrowed’ off of the Dwarf Gyrocopter paratroopers, though these lacked much in the
while the other appears to be entirely new. way of defense.

The first such example borrows off the Dwarf

gyrocopter design, which, unlike standard bi-
planes, does not require a airport to launch off
of, land and refuel. This gyrocopter, re-
christened the “Hellion” has had its weapon
systems upgraded with Azerite based
technology. This source of magic boosts the
explosive power of gyrocopter’s flak gun and

Mobility: 7
Max Range: 300-500 meters
Preferred Range: ^^
Role: Air Superiority/Harassment
Sub-Faction: Highmountain Tribe
The Skyhorn Tribe are one of the ‘vassal tribes’
of the Highmountain Tauren. Uniquely attuned
to aerial warfare, this tribe raises giant eagles Training: 5
from birth, forming a bond that is fostered Mobility: 7
through a lifetime. They have become renowned Max Range: Varies
for their use of these giant eagles in battle, Preferred Range: Varies
swooping down from the skies to mar with Sub-faction: Coalition
vicious talons. The Tauren themselves who ride Role: Stealth insertion, rapid reinforcement,
these eagles often carry crossbows but have rapid assault
access to more specialized equipment.
One technology developed by both the Alliance
Against monsters the eagle riders employ & Horde and utilized pretty heavily is the
hookshots which impale the beast with an paratrooper. Using this technology the Alliance
arrow attached to a metal chain. Many eagle & Horde can quickly reinforce a beleaguered
riders will shoot into the target at once and then position, make rapid fire insertions or, in the
drag it down through pure eagle power. They case of Northrend & Lost Isles, make stealth
might also carry items from their allies to aid the insertions. In Northrend this insertion resulted in
battle, such as throwing down Rivermane the destruction of the enemy base. Later still, in
healing totems or Stonedark ‘brulfists’ totems the Blood War, the Alliance/Horde would stealth
which cause a giant bludgeoning fist to erupt insert specialists like assassins behind enemy
underneath the opponent. Smoke and small lines. The Horde has used paratroopers armed
handheld traditional bombs are also used. with gliders to infiltrate Kul Tiran strongholds to
assassinate Admiral Hainsworth.
Offensive: Crossbows, with potential room for
hookshots, brulfist totems or Rivermane healing The forces of Warcraft are also capable of
totems (light healing) . The Eagle itself has a making use of this technology in ways we
vicious beak and claws while the rider has a cannot. For example, using mage paratroopers
halberd or spear for melee. to create portals that bring in more
reinforcements. The substance of the
Defensive: Light leather armor for the rider. parachutes are also apparently extremely
strong, as the Alliance has shown the incredible
capacity to parachute in tanks.
Offensive: Paratroopers use mostly normal many years to form this kind of bond- barring the
weapons like swords, bows, guns etc. A few use of loa magic. A tamed raptor is truly a
have radios to call in air strikes fearsome beast, as a skilled troll is able to
Defensive: Steel armor channel the reptilian steed's savagery to suit the
rider's will.

All Troll tribes make heavy use of the Raptor as

RAPTOR RIDERS a battlefield mount, however the Zandalari war
mount is far more ornate . These raptors are
trained to hold what seem to be mini-thrones on
their back, from where their rider sits straight
backed. They carry spears, just like their
Darksprear brethren.

Mobility: 8
Training/Experience: 4-5
Max Range: Hurled Spear
Preferred Range: Melee
Sub-Faction: Zandalari, Darkspear

Role: Melee Combat

The Warcraft Raptor is very much modeled after

the Jurassic Park Velociraptor rather than the
real life model. They are somewhere between 2-
3 meters high, several meters long, weigh 600
pounds, capable of running 40 mph and are
armed with foot long serrated toe blades, vicious
claws and a tooth filled maw. Raptors are one of
the most intelligent anima ls in Warcraft being a
skilled planner, ambusher and hunter at heart. In Offensive: Spear or Axe; The Raptor itself
one extreme example a druidic army actually
used raptors as officers, to deliver their orders, Defensive: The Raptor hide is durable and
to an animal army. At least one Raptor sometimes they are strapped with plate. The
settlement, complete with mud huts, exists in Troll’s armor is very variable.
Additional Factors: Some Darkspear Trolls ride
No intelligent race gets along with the raptor as Venomhide Ravasaurs, who are considered so
well as the troll. Since the dawn of the trolls they poisonous, that even if you rode one you would
have hunted with raptors and used a variety of die after a few hours, to say nothing of their bite
raptors as a mounts. A troll and his raptor are or spit. Ravasaur riders have to work up a
more than just friendship - it is a bond of blood resistance first before they can tame one.
as each is needing the other. Usually it takes
The Zandalari Beast Ward is the group
responsible for handling the dinosaurs among
the Zandalari.

Normally, the bond between trolls and raptors

are sacred, requiring years for trust to be built.
Eventually, the mind of rider and mount become
so intuned that their reactions to one another are
almost instinctual. Usually, but not always, this
bonding is a very long process. However, in
times of war the Zandalari can utilize voodoo
rituals that forcibly bind the minds of the raptors
to the dinomancers of the Zandalari which
results in instant conversion. If one raptor is Somewhat less common than compties or
formidable, imagine an enormous pack of them. raptors packs is the Anklydon which are bear
sized, armored, plated dinosaurs. These
The “Compy” is based on the real life creatures are used by the Zandalari as durable
Procompsognathus which stood about 1.2 combat pets, and attack foes with their spike-
meters (four feet) long with long hind legs, short laden body and a club-like tail. Another beast is
arms, large clawed hands, a long slender snout the Sabertusk, which resembles a mix between
with many small teeth, and a stiff tail. They travel a saber-tooth tiger and a dino. Finally, there is
in large packs, have a poisonous bite and are the Dimetradon, which are called “Roving Land
the Zandalari equivalent of vermin, only a far Sharks” by the Zandalari and attack with
more dangerous variant. Using loa magic the poisonous mouths.
Zandalari can, during times of war, bind large
swarms of these things under their spell and
unleash them on the enemy! These small
dinosaurs prey on the young, swarm the
wounded, kill soldiers while they sleep, poison
water supplies, pilfer through supply crates and
eat enemy rations. When the Alliance arrived in
Voldun, they caused quite a nuisance with the
Quartermaster noting that most of their supplies
were being wasted by the compies. And those
were undirected compies, rather than those
controlled by the Zandalari.

All of these are directed by the Zandalari

Dinomancers, specialized trainers that can
control and direct the dinosaurs with ease. They
can also magically induce healing and infuse
their charges with the Loa, which boosts
strength and ferocity. Some of these
Dinomancers can even transform into raptors.

Offensive: Teeth and Claws, poisonous bite

(compy) . The Dinomancer likely has a some
sort of spear, bow or other hunting weapon
Defensive: Light plate armor have been experimented with to provide turbo
boosts, oil slicks that cause the enemy to slip
and slide, or even weapon systems like rockets
or guns.
(The Following are Mounts that are either exotic, Blood Elf Hawkstrider
or from sub-factions not known for great cavalry
tradition. They will still appear in some great
numbers though)

Goblin Trike

With the Bilgewater goblins now in the trenches

with the bigger brutes of the Horde, a significant
number of trampling deaths have been reported.
Normally unconcerned with such matters, Trade
Prince Gallywix was alarmed to learn that
When Kael'thas led his followers to the ruined
Garrosh’s Forsaken accountants refused to pay
world of Outland, the vibrant hawkstriders that
soldier death benefits if the soldiers never got to
were brought with them proved to be welcome
the actual battle, and accidental stomps caused
reminders of the blood elves’ beauteous home in
by tauren maneuvers made it extremely difficult
Quel'Thalas. Valued for their trustworthiness and
to calculate how many goblins had made it to
speed, these colorful avian creatures embody
the battlefield before they were rendered flat.
the inherent splendor of the forests within the
Gallywix offered a substantial cash reward for an
blood elven kingdom. These are essentially
invention that could both lift goblins out of hoof
giant terror birds large enough to be ridden
traffic and speed them along at comparable
comfortably by a six foot elf.
velocities so that goblin soldiers could die in “a
calculate-able and reimbursable fashion.” Exotic Mounts
After many designs (most of which exploded
horribly) the Goblin trike was invented. This
vehicle, vaguely resembling a chopper, provided
a race little known for cavalry with the option of
riding into battle. That said, the Goblin Trike is
still a relatively rare invention. Some variants


That is certainly not all! Warcraft contains a

huge selection of exotic and sometimes
fascinating mounts that will certainly make an
appearance in any battle the Horde appears.
Pandaren utilize giant snapping turtle-like
Dragon Turtles or giant riding goats. Forest
Hozen ride tigers or goats, while the
Highmountain Tauren ride enormous moose. Mobility: 7
The Nightborne prefer the Manasaber, a mana Training/Experience: 4-5
altered nightsaber usually adjourned with armor. Max Range: Dozens of meters
The Laughing Skull ride fearsome ravagers, Preferred Range: Melee
which are ghastly beasts armed with slicing Role: Mass destruction
talons, the ability to spit acid and some can fly. Sub-Faction: Zandalari
Other options include rockets (that don't
It is stated by Kraal Master B’Khor that all dinos
explode, rather are ridden around), mammoths,
are trained for battle, even those destined for
giant robots, gronn, giant lizards, scorpions,
carrying loads.
cranes, Slithids, wolves and more. These
include both flying and grounded mounts. It is The Direhorn is a mixture of a triceratops, in
canon according to War Crimes that adventurers that it has a tri-horned crest plate, and a
can mount on them and bring them into battle. Ankylosaurus in that its body is armed with
protruding spikes and a viscious looking club-
liked tail. Such a creature could stand almost ten
feet high (though bigger variants exist), thirty
feet long, weigh up to between 13-26 tons, and
run 20 mph . These incredible beasts are almost
akin to juggernauts in the dinosaur kingdom, for
in addition to their weight, bludgeoning tails,
goring horns and spikes they possess armor
hide said to be tougher than steel plate and
capable of minor spell reflection.

Devilsaur: Modeled heavily after a T-rex, the

devilsaur takes its name from its vicious,
relentless attacks, during which it utterly
savages its victims to death. The devilsaur uses
its bite to assault its prey, and its powerful hind
legs and sheer size allow it to chase down
almost any chosen prey. Devilsaurs can grow to
heights exceeding thirty feet and can weigh
almost sixteen tons. Females tend to be smaller
and lighter than males, but are even more
aggressive. In a reversal of most creatures’
natural gender roles, a female devilsaur
abandons her eggs as soon as she lays them;
male devilsaurs can identify a clutch of eggs
they've fathered by scent, and will protect that
clutch until the eggs hatch. The devilsaur uses In all cases the Zandalari can further boost the
its intimidating speed to charge prey as soon as prowess of their monsters by enhancing them
they are within range. It has a very thick hide with loa blessings, which improve strength,
that makes it very difficult for prey or opponents speed and ferocity among other benefits. They
to destroy. can also strap plate armor to the hides of their
already incredibly durable beasts. However and
most notably they can strap some these
dinosaurs with some sort of ‘voodoo based
energy weapon’. These ‘voodoo lasers’ shoot
fire or electrical energy to decimate foes.

Finally the Zandalari will also ride these

creatures into battle armed with throwing
axes,bows and spears.
The Zandalari have also a Brachiosaurus like E
dinosaur that is larger than both the Devilsaur
and Direhorn many times over. Resembling a
large Sauropod this creature would weigh 94
between 35-50 tons though, to compensate for
its size, have a very slow speed. Currently it is
unknown how the Zandalari use such a titan
however its sheer size would make a great
weapons platform!

Offensive: Various natural weapons, throwing

spears and axes or even magic for handlers.
Some examples of magic include summoning a
swarm of scarabs on the enemy or summoning Mobility: 6
some localized meteors to collide into them. Training: 8
Max Range: Couple hundred meters
The dinosaurs themselves have their own Preferred Range: ^^
natural weapons and may, in addition, be Role: Siege
mounted with some sort of ‘voodoo laser Sub-Faction: Orcs, Goblins
weapon’ system. Up to three Zandalari with The orcish demolisher is a phlogiston-powered
bows or throwing spears may ride on a full upgrade for the formerly used orcish catapults
grown Direhorn’s back. which were replaced after the Third War. It is a
standing asset to the Horde. Capable of hurling
Devilsaurs, in addition to the voodoo lazers, they
fiery projectiles over great distances, orcish
are gifted with magical runes along their skulls
demolishers have been the doom of many
that allow them to unleash shockwaves of fire
Alliance regiments. Though a small team of orcs
energy upon command.
must always be available to man these destructive machines, unerringly demolishers
1w (0:57) serve as the Horde's greatest siege weapon.

Defensive: Tough hide, some stronger than This device is incredibly powerful in combat. At
steel. Stone and magically enhanced armor are long range it can hurl a giant, flaming, napalm-
then placed on top of this. covered boulder hundreds of yards right into
enemy regiments. Yet it is no slouch in closer
quarters. Some have been upgraded with
flamethrowers, giant saws, enormous hammers,
the ability to lay land mines around it and, if
nothing else, spike ramming into enemies at 20-
30 miles per hour. There also exist propulsion
systems to briefly double its speed and a few
might have AA rockets.

Offensive: Boulders, various weapon systems

at closer ranges, ramming and potentially saws
for close quarters. The boulders can be replaced
HORDE DEMOLISHERS with Azerite enhanced payloads that sets their
target alight instantly and burn even on water.

Defensive: Construct is made of wood and iron.
THE IRON STAR of the Azerite Star, making them far more
powerful. Some versions have speed boosts
Xk (1:10)


Mobility: 7
Training: 8
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
Role: Mass Destruction
Sub-Faction: Mag’har Orcs
When Garrosh Hellscream arrived on Draenor
The Iron Horde (and now the Mag’har) deploys
from another time and place, he rewrote history
several Iron Star-based vehicles for use at the
by bringing goblin designs with him all based
front. They are powered by smoldering energy
around the Iron Star. The foundation of all Iron
cores which provide several days of fuel and can
Horde technology is a primitive, coal-fired
vary significantly in size, ranging from the size of
centrifugal engine which can be used to turn
a modern tank to something a couple times
wheels, belts, and chains, allowing for the
construction of crude vehicles and siege
weapons including tanks, cannons, and chariots. The most common are the Iron Horde
demolishers (top right and left on the picture) .
These Iron Stars have served as the crux of the
These tanks are really just an enormous cannon
entire Iron Horde war machine. They are built
driven by an operator. Depending on the size
from two Goblin Wonder marvels. The first is a
they fire anything from regular cannonballs or
core of iron that seems strangely aware of what
shrapnel to mortars, to full sized Iron Stars. They
is around it, while a core of magma cool to the
also have an odd secondary ability where the
touch surrounds this.
largest cannons fire not explosives, but drop
The Iron Star can be used as a weapon as well. pods each filled with an Iron Horde squad (or a
They are giant rolling bombs that, once primed, Dire Orc) inside them, who launch themselves
will spew flames as they roll and crush or burn into the enemy ranks in a vicious fury on their
anything in their path before exploding with enemy. Some have the ability to temporarily
enough force to wipe out whole squadrons. Iron boost their speed via thrusters while others have
Horde orcs can get inside, guide them for a riflemen riding on top of them to fire upon
while and bail out before the explosion. Recent infantry.
modifications have also given some variants of
The Iron Horde crusher (bottom left) is a large
the Iron Star some weird sentience to track and
tank whose front end resembles a giant bore.
run down enemies on its own before exploding
Like the flame belcher this device seems
while work with the goblins of the Bilgewater
designed to break enemy lines (or enemy
Cartel has poured Azerite into the latest models
defenses) . When the bore starts spinning, there
is little that can stop it and any troops in front
would be ground to oblivion. Like other tanks, it
has the ability to boost its speed with jets, which
in turn unleashes fire from the rear, a hazard to
any behind it.

Offensive: See Various models.

Defensive: Iron, sometimes ehanced with

magical qualities. Also their fuel cells last
several days straight.


The Flamebelcher is a tank that, as the name

implies, belches flames from its cannon while
being additionally armed with rolling spikes on
the front. This seems like a tank designed to
break the front lines. Some variants contain brief
speed boosts in their engines.

Finally there is the unique Iron Worldbreaker, a

massive vehicle that is more moving structure
than tank. At its front is a single great cannon
capable of firing the largest of iron stars, while Mobility: 7 ( Can fly)
Cannon turrets line the side and presumably, Training: 8
you can fit dozens of riflemen on its top. The Max Range: Artillery
Mag’har only have one of these however. Preferred Range: Artillery
Role: Mass Destruction Sub-Faction: Forsaken
There are apparently many different levels of
blights. The most basic variant functions as
simple poisons, weakening and sometimes
killing those who digest it. More powerful
versions specialize as vile gas grenades, killing
enemies through suffocation and internal
injuries. These can be deployed via catapults or
by Apothecary agents hurling down glass bottles
on the foe.

At the most powerful version of the Blight,

anything that touches the blight promptly begins
to suffocate, hack up their guts, and even turn
completely into goo. Not even undead are safe
and indeed this strain was designed for and
perfected against the Scourge, where in its only
deployment it inflicted massive causalities and
even almost killed the Lich King. Unfortunately
the Forsaken apothecaries in charge went
insane and attacked both Horde/Alliance, which
caused a brief civil war and was an opening shot
in the previous Alliance-Horde war. Since then it
has been banned but is still used when
Sylvannas thinks she can get away with it (or in
the extremely unlikely event the Horde gives her
permission to use it). However even she uses it
sparingly, for its incredibly dangerous even to
the Forsaken who created it! Worse the stuff
sticks around, creates hostile sentient slime
balls that eat people, and pollutes an area for a
hundred years.
Plague Catapult: Ever since the necessity for
However the Royal Apothecary Society does not line-breaking siege machinery rose significantly
limit itself to just plagues but also experiments during the Scourge War, Forsaken Catapults
with radiation! In WOW Legion some of this have become a necessary part of any large-
unique radiation gets loose and causes the scale battle. Behind its menacing skull-like face,
whole northern Stormheim shore to mutate into the device is sometimes outfitted with flame-
mindless savages seeking only to kill the living. throwing vents which divert the device's fuel
exhaust into a fiery spray of death at nearby
enemies. At a more distant range, the Catapult
(With credit to the League of Lordaeron for some is capable of hurling canisters of blight or other
of these descriptions) dense objects across the battlefield, crippling the
enemy line and causing significant building
damage. Though slow-moving and often
impeded by unfavorable or icy ground
conditions, the Forsaken Catapult can mean the
difference between losing or winning a skirmish.

Blight Wagons: Similar in function to the

Forsaken Blight Sprayer is the Blight Wagon- a
mobile, terrain-treading siege vehicle. The
device is considered the pinnacle of Forsaken
Blight technology, able to spray poisonous Mobility: 1
gases instantaneously and at a considerable Training: 4
range, killing anything, living or dead, caught in Max Range: Several hundred meters
its fumes. A series of pumps and tubes dispense Preferred Range: ^^
a gaseous form of Forsaken Blight from the Sub-Faction: Orcs, Zandalari, Darkspear,
central reservoir into twin vaporizers which emit Highmountain, Blood Elves, Forsaken, Mag’har
the toxins directly into the nearby air. Invented Crude, powerful and covered in deadly spikes,
initially by apothecaries under the employment the catapult served the Orc race in campaigns
of the traitor Putress for use at the Wrathgate in across two planets. From the time Orcs first
Northrend, the Blight Wagon proved to be a invaded Azeroth to the present day, the mighty
most valuable asset to the Forsaken for futures catapult was been the iconic war machine of the
endeavors and was used heavily in Darkshore. original Horde. Capable of hurling fiery
projectiles over great distances, Orcish
The Royal Apothecary Society also has some of
Catapults have been the doom of many Alliance
the old Scourge Meat Wagons around, which
were useful for collecting corpses and hurling
their diseased bodies over battlements. While the Demolisher has largely replaced the
catapult, the catapult still sees use to this day
and has been given newer updates. Grim spikes
The Forsaken baggage train includes long lines and scythes have been affixed to this device,
of carts filled to the brim with blight, which is potentially allowing it to function as a deadly ram
used as ammunition throughout the battle. in desperate melee combat if needed. It can fire
incendiary boulders, regular massive stones
Also one variant of the Apothecaries plagues (remember, Orcs use oversized weapons) or
causes the victim to violently lose control and even Forsaken plague cannisters if necessary.
start attacking each other ala 28 days later. One rare variant has had a flamethrower
attached to the front.

The Blood Elves prefer the sleek, elegant

ballistae of their Night Elven cousins. In real life
Ballista fire at greater ranges than basic
catapults( 800m to 400-500m) and Warcraft
ballistae operators, even humans, are known for
their incredible accuracy. The Highmountain
also have a stationary, mounted ballista often
used for defense.

However, the most prevalent user of the Ballista

among the Horde are the trolls, both Darkspear
and Zandalari. Though not as big as the
Stormwind Ballista, these things have an
incredible range of many hundreds of meters.
They fire ballsita bolts set alight by some form of
oil and are used as both artillery pieces, on
ships and even against the air in a ‘skykiller’
Sg (2;25 in)

Offensive: Giant Stones, incendiary boulders,

plague canisters. The troll ballista fires a
flaming ballista bolt while The Blood Elven
ballista fires a man sized bolt. The Forsaken
version is considerably smaller but laced with

Defensive: Spikes for the catapult and a

armored crew for both.
Powered by a Iron Star, the Iron Horde ballista
fires two deadly ballista bolts in a deadly arc. GUNPOWDER ARTILLERY
Though not used as much as other Iron Horde
siege weapons, the ballista is still powerful, and
against monstrous units (Like Magetheridon in
the trailer) the bolts can be tired together by iron
wire to function as a entanglement device or trip
wire. In a emergency, the Iron Horde are free to
use the Iron Star at the center of the device as a
weapon. The Thunderlord clan also possess a
more primitive, non-Iron Star Powered variant.

Finally, the Forsaken possess their own ballista,

though this one is much smaller, mounted as a
The Horde (and Warcraft in general) have three
pod. As is typical for their faction the ballista bolt
main traits going for it that make them different
that it fires is laden with a blight based
from most other Fantasy verses.
explosive. Though stationary, it is small enough
to be portable when carried by a team and in the The First is a bit of a weakness, and that is
Battle for Darkshore they were set up along the power. As it most Warcraft cannons are either
shoreline to fire at Night Elf ships.
equal to or only slightly more powerful then real CANNONS & MORTARS
world cannons, and are not able to level the
battlefield by themselves as some other fictions
can. Though exceptions apply for certain units
and special types of cannons, for the most part
their cannons can be assumed as powerful as
Enlightenment or Civil War era cannons.

That said Warcraft makes a clear distinction in

terms of firing rate, both in game and via text,
with the standard method of loading cannonballs
in one at a time, locking them into place, and
firing deemed, according to the quest “Old
Blasty” of Strangethron Vale’ “ancient”. This
suggests that the gameplay videos posted, with
multiple shots in a barrel, fast reload, and ease
of aim, do in fact have a basis of truth, at least
for certain variants. This is further shown in the
Legion trailer 1:45-1:55. As always one must be
Role: Artillery/Siege Craft
wary for certain gameplay elements like infinite
Max Range: Varies, most Real world
Lastly just as WOW has fairly common magic Preferred Range: In general more than 1000
users at the cost of more diluted power among meters
said users, so to do artillery representations Training: 4
seem relatively common. To use an example in Sub-faction: Orcs, Mag’har, Goblins
Warhammer Fantasy for example an Empire The Horde has cannons of all shapes and sizes,
force would be lucky for more than a dozen ranging from Enlightenment era bombards,
cannons in a massive battlefield. Even demi-cannons and all the way up to equivalents
representations in game, which evidence seen on modern battleships! As one can expect
suggests are much less then lore, place the there is thus a huge variety of different damage
numbers of artillery way above many other effects from these various types. To detail them
fictions. Even powerful Demolishers are shown all would be impossible, for there are that many
to be relatively common, and in fact appear in types, but in general cannons can expect ranges
just about every zone the Horde is involved in by in the hundreds of meters. A few cannons,
the dozens. called “retractable cannons” can apparently be
used to maintain a exceedingly high rate of fire,
enough to function basically as ‘auto-cannons’.
Blast radius again varies from a 5-10 yard range
to a possibly massively bigger for the largest
variant shown below. The Cannons used by the
Horde seem to be based at least somewhat on
Enlightenment-Civil War era cannons.
like canister shots, scattershot, grape and chain
shots, freezing shots, rockets, fire shots etc.
Cannons can be blessed to do greater damage
still. Cannons are precise enough to be used
against quick moving monstrous foes.

Like the Dwarfs the goblins have mortars and
can produce a fair deal of them. While probably
not as portable or as commonly used the goblin
mortar packs a powerful punch and when
combined with advantageous terrain can easily
blunt an enemy force’s advance. This was done
in Azshara, where assaults of sea-borne Naga
was met by a combination of mines and mortars.
Larger, longer range but stationary mortars do

Some Horde cannons have chain-fed

ammunition cartridges, allowing for very rapid
fire shots. These guns have shown to be
incredibly effective at dealing with massed aerial Mobility: 5
or ground foes, though they lack somewhat in Training: 6-7
range compared to larger cannons. Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
Role: Mass Destruction
Sub-Faction: Forsaken
It should be noted that the Forsaken have
deployed, on at least one occasion, a Flesh
Beast though this monster is going to be even
rarer than it is with the Scourge. Flesh Beasts
are massive upgrades of the abomination, being
stitched together from multiple corpses in the
same fashion. They seem to be equipped with
far more tricks then the abominations however,
and loaded with terrible plagues, slime and
acidic bile. They stand at about 42 feet tall
according to concept art.

Ranged: Various types of cannon blast Flesh Beasts are capable of throwing their
radiuses, ranging from 5-10 yards to taking out weight around quite literally, and come with
several small squads at once. There are also vicious claws. More than that that creatures
many different types of rounds of varying rarity
have been seen are shown to be walking and maneuverable platforms from which attacks
disease vectors, spraying enough plague in their may be launched or operations conducted.
immediate area that it becomes hard to breathe. These airships maintain altitude using two vast
Any air they inhale (which they don’t need) is air balloons suspended above the ship, which
then belched out highly infected. are nearly as large as the fuselage itself.

Offensive : Claws, disease vector, acidic vomit While the Alliance gunship is arguably more
stable and can serve as an aircraft carrier, the
Defensive: See Abomination. They are Horde gunship is designed for greater speed
extremely durable and able to tank a great and arguably greater ship weapons. These
amount of damage. gunships are very heavily armed, possessing six
large cannons (four in the front section of the
HORDE GUNSHIP ship and two in the back), as well as six gun
platforms (three on each side) protruding from
the fuselage, on which smaller flak cannon
turrets might be placed. Additionally, a
particularly large double-cannon is located just
under the ship's figurehead and serves as one of
the vessel's most powerful offensive weapons,
likely used in engagement. Just above the main
cannon at the front of the ship is its figurehead,
a grey wolf's head, from whose mouth one of the
cannon barrels protrudes. The ammo these
cannons use are , in game, the size of horses so
pretty much anything they hit, probably dies.
Additional weapons, such as harpoon turrets or
catapults, can be placed on the deck. As a
result of the somewhat dispersed placement of
its guns, the ship is able to fire in almost any
direction at any given time (except directly
Mobility: 10 (documented travel speed of 300
knotts) ; Combat speed much less A gunship is the ultimate shock vessel , capable
of leveling almost anything that gets in its path.
Training: 5-7
However it does have some vulnerability to
Max Range: Artillery getting boarded by swarms of lesser enemies
(though they would take significant causalities)
Preferred Range: Artillery and the unstable nature of the Goblin
Engineering. A massive explosion would result if
Role: Weapon of Mass Destruction the engine or the horse sized ammunition was
Sub-Faction: Coalition set off.

Offensive: Six large cannons, six gun platforms

By far the Horde gunship is the single most of rapid firing flak cannons, two extremely large
powerful weapon in the Horde arsenal, the result cannons at the front. Given the speed of Alliance
of uncounted hours of painstaking engineering cannons shown in the Legion trailer, the Horde
by Goblin engineers. They may serve several might be capable of extremely fast rapid firing
roles, from transport to attack aircraft, but shots. Additional turrets, catapults and cannons
regardless of their function, all serve as versatile can be mounted on deck. Those under the
command of Forsaken will drop giant Blight vary significantly depending on situation and gun
bombs. placement.

While mobile, this large vehicle can travel with

the speed of any steam engine and is large
enough to actually run over other vehicles.
Mounted on top is an rapid-firing Azerite cannon,
whose rounds are considered far more explosive
than any normal type of munition. In the
Lordaeron scenario a single shot of this weapon
can blow apart Siege towers or other tanks.
They are large enough to run over other tanks.

Should an enemy be far away, the machine can

use two attached legs to deploy in ‘seige mode’
just like the Terran Siege Tank of Starcraft. In
this form, its range is greatly improved as the
tank’s gun changes its angle. Finally, the tank
vvRUJlU can also withdraw the gun completely inside
itself, allowing it to function as a mortar at all
Defensive: The Horde vessel can travel at 300
knotts, though must slow down to engage. Much
of its construction is made of wood and steel However, the tank has yet more armament.
and it is vulnerable to AA. As shown in Against pesky infantry assaulting it directly the
Northrend, a cadre of mages on board can great tank can unleash shockwaves, let loose
provide a degree of magical shielding. vents that pour out flame, and ram things with its
front. To top that all off, the tank has enough
AZERITE WAR MACHINE storage compartment to carry a squad
battlemages, elite swordsmen and engineers
capable of on-site repair within it.

That said the Azerite war machine is extremely

rare and, at the moment, even gunships are
more common than it.
Mobility:4 EQ&t=369s (starts 1:33)
Max Range: Artillery Offensive: Azerite cannon, minor weapon
Preferred Range: Varies systems. May have defensive crew inside
Sub-faction: Coalition
Defensive: Armored in azurite enchanted steel
Role: Weapon of Mass Destruction
and possibly rarer, more potent materials. The
Sub-Faction: Coalition
Azerite War Machine at Norwington Estates was
Azerite war machines are massive tanks also able to briefly manifest an energy field.
developed by the Alliance and the Horde that
Azerite War Machine
are fueled by Azerite, the crystallized lifeblood of
Azeroth itself. Infused with such raw power, Here
these war machines have become a miniature
superweapon on the battlefield. Their usage can
STEAM ARMOR goblin mini-nuke or the G.M.O.D. unleashing a
devastating azurite salvo over a battlefield.

Of course weapon systems are only part of the

appeal. As long as the Steam armor has fuel it
can fly and one example of it, the G.M.O.D,
actually flew between an ocean to another
continent- potentially hundreds of miles- without
having to refuel. Auxillary systems exist, such
as the ability to drastically boost speed for a
short time (‘hyperdrive”), a little mechanism that
can teleport allies or enemies wherever the
steam armor operative desires (so long as it’s in
line of sight) or the ability to call in robots to the
operative’s location. The example here would be
how Mekkatorgue can call in bots to initiate self-
repair, electrify enemies or even self-destruct on

Offensive: See above. At least 2-3 weapon

systems per suit.

Defensive: Made of the strongest materials that

Gnomes and Goblins can find. The Goblin
Mobility: 10 variant is also armed with a shield of solid steel
Training/Experience: 5-6 while the Gnome one can deploy extremely
Max Range: Artillery potent energy shields.
Preferred Range: Varies
Sub-faction : Goblins Additional Factors: Consider this to be as rare
Role: Weapon of Mass Destruction if not rarer than the Azerite War Machine. Also
Gnomes are likely to favor auxiliary components
The inventors of the Gnomes have been hard at over firepower while Goblins tend to do the
work fortifying and improving their technology, opposite.
leading to the eventual creation of the Steam
Armor. This weapon was then appropriated by GRONN/MAGNARON
the Goblins and it has seen limited use in the
Blood War, but every time they have been
deployed they have inflicted immense damage
against everything they fought.

The Steam Armor is the pinnacle of all the

mechanical units used by either Goblin and
Gnomes, packed with enough firepower to take
on entire armies. As demonstrated by
Mobility: 6
G.M.O.D., A.M.O.D, and Gelbin’s own mech,
such weaponry can include energy/Azerite Training: 3
cannons, long range mortar, cluster bombs,
shrink rays, flamethrowers and electrical Max Range: Artillery/Cannon
weapons. Some also carry an all-powerful
weapon, like the A.M.O.D. ability to shoot a Preferred Range: ^^^
Role: Shock & Awe That said weaponizing a Gronn is dangerous to
Sub-Faction: Mag’har both Orc & Gronn, and many causalities incur
from unreasonably angry Gronn, cannon
Gronn are half-flesh, half-stone giants that stand misfires or even Gronn rolling on top of their
somewhere between 20-30 feet. During the cannons while asleep. However a trained Gronn
early days of Draenor, these massive predators is an undeniable asset on the field.
stalked the edges of the wilds, terrorizing lesser
life-forms and devouring anything they could The old Iron Horde also had a very, very few
find. Though only moderately intelligent, gronn Magnarons fighting with them. The magnaron
are exceptional hunters, using the jagged spikes are not as large or intelligent as their colossal
protruding from their skin as weapons to kill their progenitors(though at least 2x the size of a
prey while their rocky plates function as armor to Gronn), but they command great power, with
protect them from other dangerous creatures. veins of fire and raw elemental energies
coursing over their jagged skin.Both magnaron
During the rise of the Iron Horde the Iron Horde and goren grow rocky plates on their hides that
recognized these beast’s potential so what did have magical properties. Over time, they can
they decide to do? Tame it and mount cannons shape entire landscapes.
on top of it!
While never mounted with a cannon (or possibly
even tamed) what few Magnaron that still exist
(Single digits certainly) are far tougher than even
the Gronn, have basic control over earth and fire
and can hurl boulders the size of tanks at their

Offensive: Immense Strength, long range

boulders, some elemental magic (Magnaron),
Cannons (Gronn)
Defensive: Tough, boulder-like Hide

While the Horde does not have the vast,
continent spanning organizations of the Alliance,
The Gronn are equipped with Wargronn they do have several specialist groups, the
Harnasses, which are engineered so the big largest of which are the Dreadstalkers and the
beast hardly notices the weight and can fire the Shattered Hand.
cannons at will. As Gronn are shown to be
somewhat intelligent (some can speak) they are
also capable of reloading said cannons. Some
Gronn cannons fire like traditional cannons,
while others seem to fire a barrage of rockets. In
addition, the Gronn are strong and powerful
enough to pick up large boulders and hurl them
at artillery distances. If given the order, they can
do so with Iron Stars or capsules full of troops.
Shadowfang Forest. When Variathmus turned
traitor, the majority of the Deathstalkers sided
with their queen.

The Deathstalkers have continued to prove

useful. In Gilneas, when the onslaught of the 7
Legion pushed the Forsaken almost entirely out
of the province, it was Deathstalker espionage
and sabotage that ground the offensive to a halt.
In neighboring Hillsbarad Foothills Deathstalkers
used infiltration, bombs and banshees to
completely destroy the Alliance attempt to
reclaim the province in a spectacular fashion.
Lately, in the opening act of War of the Thorns,
hundreds of horde rogues( with multi-racial
DEATHSTALKERS identities but with a heavy Forsaken
prominence) ran wild through Ashenvale,
assassinating soldiers, commanders and
conducting sabotage to make the Horde
invasion through Ashenvale efficient and
allowing the swift conquest of Astranaar, the
Alliance capital in the region.

Deathstalkers are highly trained and extremely

dangerous. The fact that they are undead helps
them immensely in their role as assassins. As
Forsaken; they have no need to sleep or even
breathe air. They possess tremendous
willpower. They can remain submerged in water
indefinitely without any need to rise, and can
wait as long as it takes for their target to arrive.
They can even pose as corpses, since by all
means, that is exactly what they are.
Mobility: 5
Offensive: See Rogues. However the
Training: 5-7 Deathstalkers are known for their use of
chemical warfare and bombs, so expect to be
Max Range: Bow seeing a fair bit of that. They also use poisoned
shurikens and….improv.
Preferred Range: Melee

Sub-Faction: Forsaken
Role: Assassination/Sabotage A

The Deathstalkes are Sylvanas’ own personal Defensive: See Rogues

assassin guild, bodyguards and spies. Originally
Additional Factors: Dreadstalkers like
formed by the Daemon Variathmus, this
Shademaster Kyrin are experts at examining a
organization helped spy on the Scarlet Crusade,
corpse’ anatomy and then determining what
disrupt Alliance operations in Lordaeron and
would be the best and most efficient poison to
assassinate many of the Worgen leaders in
kill it. Sometimes, they create race specific eyes and ears of the (Western) Horde. Based
poisons out of the Shadowswift Brotherhood in
Orgrimmar's Cleft of Shadow, they are
responsible for watching the Horde's enemies
and for training aspiring rogues from various
THE SHATTERED HAND races in the ways of stealth, deception, and the
brewing of deadly poisons. They now accept
other races, such as Trolls and goblins. It was
through the Shattered Hand that the Horde
discovered the hidden Black Dragonflight plot in
Stormwind, sabotaged a major Venture
Company project in Kalimdor and stole a
Juggernaut, to be used against Stormwind, from
the Defias Brotherhood.

In addition to Trolls and Orcs they have recruited

goblins as well. As can be expected from such a
ruthlessly cut-throat society, the goblins have no
shortage of agents and contractors to perform all
Mobility: 5
sorts of unsavory deeds. Cut-throat, clever and
Training: 5-6
adaptive, the Goblins are not only expert
Max Range: Sniper
assassins but employ numerous technological
Preferred Range: Melee
innovations as well. Grappling hooks, heat vision
Role: Assassination
goggles, miniature parachutes, lots of explosives
Sub-Faction: Orcs, Darkspear, Goblins,
and more can be utilized by this innovative
Shattered Hand Clan
Finally, the traditional Shattered hand of the
The Warchief is too subtle in his methods. He is
Mag’har keep the old ways’ method of blades
cautious to unleash the might of the Horde.
affixed to sawed off hands and doused in
Once we were stronger, mighty conquerors all.
That pride we must regain, and the Shattered
Hand will do so. We build strength from the Offensive: Various hand weapons, shadow
shadows and strike at the exposed, secretly magic and technological devices like bombs.
laying our enemies low." — Therzo See Rogue. The Shattered Hand specifically
uses deadly Ryak venom.
Historically, the Shattered Clan referred to a clan
of former Orc Gladiators who were forced to Defensive: see Rogue.
fight for the amusement of their Ogre overlords.
Around 11 years before the First War, a slave
named Kargath tore off his own hand to escape
his chains and rallied his fellow slaves to do the
same. Those who did accompanied him as he
rampaged through Highmaul, spilling the blood
of his masters. Kargath and the former slaves
established a new clan, known as the Shattered
Hand, and settled in the Spires of Arak.

Fast forward several decades, and the remnants

of this clan emerged under Thrall’s Horde as the


The Alliance (and Horde) both deploy

professional snipers, though not in large
numbers. Armed with long rifles or even Mobility:5
professional sniper rifles (for the SI:7) these
individuals have already inflicted great sorrow Training: 6-7
upon the enemy. They can be used to snipe
Max Range: Longbow
enemy officers, terrorize enemy soldiers, shoot
down low flying units and provide general Preferred Range: Longbow
support. Role: Operative, Squad commander, stealth
Sub-Faction: Forsaken
For example, in the quest linked below operative
Shokia helped Shademaster Kiryn infiltrate a When Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of
Jinyu encampment and then escape by sniping the Forsaken, regained her physical body, she
all who came in his path. Later, this same sniper realized that the natural world would never
caught Jaina Proudmoore unaware and nearly respond to her wishes again. Angered by this
slew her. development, she turned to the arts that were
becoming more and more natural to her: Necromancy. She altered her elven ranger
Q teachings into a new form. Thus, the dark
rangers were born. When the Lich King's power
began to wane, his mental domination was
weakened, and many of his undead became
free of will again. Many undead elves including
the dark ranger Sylvanas, found themselves free
of will, and Sylvanas rebelled against Arthas,
turning her banshees against their former king.

Dark Rangers were once banshees, however

unlike many of their sisters have managed to
regain corporal form, gaining great powers in
doing so. Dark Rangers are ranged specialists Also Sylvanas is starting to bolster their
who can silence enemy magic casters with numbers again by raising Night Elf Dark
banshee like screams, use Black Arrows to turn Rangers.
any enemy hit by one into undead, use the
shadow to drain life from enemies and even BANSHEES
mind control the weak willed. Like they were in
life Dark Rangers are phenomenal archers with
decades of training behind them.

In Sylvanas’ armies Dark Rangers have three

primary functions. The first is that they are the
traditional bodyguards of the queen, though the
dreadguard also holds that status. They can be
used as elite agents, saboteurs, and specialist
forces. Finally they are used as commanders,
generals and strategists. In this fashion they are
sent to drive the expansion of the Forsaken
Empire and eliminate the remaining enemies
within, such as the Syndicate, Worgen and the
remnants of the Scarlet Crusade.
Mobility: 7 ( Can fly)
The Dark Rangers are skilled snipers and
operatives. In the War of the Thorns they were Training: 5-7
noted for tracking down and assassinating
Kaldorei Highborne Mages. Max Range: Spell

LOADOUT: Preferred Range: Possession

Dark Rangers usually favor the bow as they did Role: Infiltration, Dominance
in life. They are extremely skilled archers, with Sub-faction: Forsaken
some possessing the ability to fire multiple shots
at once or hurl sharpened nets at the enemy. When the Burning Legion and the kaldorei
Whenever an enemy is killed by a specially clashed in the War of the Ancients, 10,000 years
crafted Black Arrow, they turn into a skeleton ago, many night elf women fell. Their brutal
under the control of the Dark Ranger. Dark murders returned them as banshees, and for
Rangers can life drain enemies and even millennia they wandered the world in
mentally dominate the weaker willed ones. lamentation, losing ever more of their dwindling
Some Dark Rangers have giant spider sanity. Eventually, the Lich King, Ner'zhul,
companions. Finally Dark Rangers generally learned of their existence and recruited them
carry short swords for close quarters combat into the Scourge. Banshees fought in the Third
and have martial arts training. War alongside other undead, and when Arthas
attacked Quel'Thalas, he found that he could
Defense: wDark Rangers wear leather armor make banshees of high elves as well.
and some can hide in the shadows ala rogue.
Banshees are undead spirits, many of them from
Additional Factors: Despite their elite status, high elves who were taken and enslaved by the
there are shown to be quite a few of these Dark Lich King after his conquest of Quel'Thalas.
Rangers and in the War of the Thorns whole While under Ner'zhul's control the banshees
regiments fought the archery masters of the were kept just aware enough so that they could
Kaldorei. experience the pain, desperation and anguish of
their existence, and were then filled with a desire began to bleed. Their voices and their spells
to spread that pain among the living. Most were stopped, changed from words of magic to
known for their chilling and deafening screams, incoherent cries of raw grief and startled pain.
banshees can also cast a number of curses.\ Some of them fell, their armor shattering and
breaking off of them in jagged shards; their very
In battle Banshees serve both a stealth and a bones breaking beneath their flesh” –Arthas:
specialist role. Their debilitating curses and Rise of the Lich King. Banshee cry pg. 294
unholy spells can sap the life of defenders, while
wails and cries can stun enemies and silence Unlike the Scourge, which does not use the unit
magic users temporarily. However the most all that effectively, the Banshee Queen
effective use of their talents is possession, for specializes in this type of unit and all the havoc
through such means they can convert powerful they can cause. In Warcraft 3 she overnight
champions to the Scourge’s side, or infiltrate gained a massive army when she possessed the
enemy ranks.Though in game possession is a leaders of several forces with her banshees, and
one-time event, in lore banshees are shown then later possessed scouts of another force to
freely entering and leaving bodies once they are infiltrate inside the enemy base and open the
done with them. gates from within. In WOW she has used them
to spread terror, kidnap individuals and, yes,
more possession. When the banshee possesses
someone she can access the knowledge found
Banshees also serve as spy mistresses, for
through their power they can magic agents to
look like another race.


Offensive: Various spells and curses. The most

basic of which lowers a unit’s effectiveness in
combat, causing them to miss or misfire all the
more often. Banshee Wails and Screeches can
stun and silence enemies, temporarily
preventing them from attacking or casting
spells.As shown in Ghostlands, any special
healing property such is quick regeneration is
disrupted while the cry is carried out.. More than
that these screeches actually classify as a sonic
attack, so in the short range they can be
fatal. Banshee curses make it so the enemy has
far worse luck in hitting foes for a limited period
Some can cast life-draining shadow magic
“She had cried out before, as he had tortured
her. But that was only her own pain, her own
despair. This was so much more. Torment,
agony, yes, but more than that, a hatred so
profound as to be almost pure. She heard other
cries of pain mingling with hers, saw elves
dropping to their knees clutching ears that
Banshees can also possess their foes, taking
complete control of the body and gaining any
powers/spells/abilities associated with. However
in game this cannot be done on heroes or
particularly strong foes, which shows that those
with great enough resistance or willpower can
fight it off.

Defensive: Usually incorporeal, so magic would

be needed to kill them. Anti-Magic shells can be
cost on the banshee or an ally unit, and they
protect against anything but the most powerful
spells or sustained barrages.


Most if not all Banshees appear to be of Elven

“Suddenly there was a flurry of motion,
accompanied by anguished cries. Like the SHADOW HUNTER
ghosts of birds, the blurs dipped and dove,
harrying the monstrosities who paused in their
pursuit of Arthas to bat and roar at the spectral
figures, who suddenly seemed to dive right
inside the creatures.

The slimy, white, maggoty things froze, and then

abruptly turned their attention to the shambling
ghouls that were attacking Arthas. A grin spread
across the death knight’s pale face. The
banshees. He had thought Sylvanas too lost in
her hatred to come to his aid, or worse, like so
many of his warriors, turned to become a pawn
of his enemies. But it would seem that the
former ranger-general’s irritation with him was

With the aid of the banshee-possessed -Mobility: 5

abominations, the tide quickly turned, and a few
moments later Arthas stood, weaving with a -Training 6-7
sudden weakness over a pile of corpses that
Max Range: Spell
were truly dead. The abominations turned on
one another and hacked themselves to grisly Preferred Range: Spell
bits. Arthas wondered Role: Assassin, Agent
Sub-Faction: Darkspear, Zandalari
if even their creators could have sewn back what
was left of them. As they fell to the earth, the These reclusive, wily jungle trolls are considered
spirits that had possessed them darted free.” – to be the highest authority within their respective
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. Pg 334 warbands. They are masters of voodoo magics
who can use their spirit-powers to both heal their
allies and place curses upon their hapless accuracy with their bows and the ability to set
enemies. The Shadow Hunters walk the line traps, such as a trap involving lots of venomous
between darkness and light in hopes of snakes. For melee combat, they are known for
salvaging the future for their savage brethren. long deadly glaives. They can, of course, charge
their shots with shadow magic.
In the modern Horde, the Shadow Hunter often
serves as an elite recon agent, leader, planner Defenses: The Shadowy Blessing of Shango
and assassination specialist. They have been can give the enemy supernatural stealth
called the eyes and ears of the Warchief even undetectable by basic sound or sight. Healing
before Vol’jin, a shadow hunter himself, spells can be utilized , even capable of healing
ascended to the position. Since the troll leader’s someone from the verge of death if the loa is
rise to power they have become even more willing to comply. However the most powerful
prevalent, and played a vital role in leadership move is the ‘Big Bad Voodoo’ which makes
for the Draenor campaign. In Battle for Azeroth, everyone around the Shadow Hunter borderline
the Shadow Hunters led assassination missions invulnerable, at the very least requiring massive
on many alliance targets and could gift others power to damage, for a limited time. However
with supernatural stealth. the Shadow Hunter himself doesn’t benefit from
this move.
Lorewise the abilities of the Shadow Hunter
heavily vary, for they are blessed by the various TROLL WITCH DOCTOR/LOA
loa spirits, of which there are countless, most
weak but some quite powerful (though none
quite as powerful as a full blown god).

Offensive: The Shadow Hunter likely has hex

spells, which are spells that can turn an enemy
into a random critter for a limited amount of time.
These can include cows, sheep, frogs, birds ect
but all for the most part are harmless. Others
use their hex to hurt their enemies combat stats,
making them unlucky or shrinking their stature.

Some Shadow Hunters may use shadow magic Mobility: 5

to attack the enemy or even their spirit directly. It Training: 3-5
depends on the loa, and those loa associated Max Range: Spell
with death may well gift their charges with the Preferred Range: Spell
ability to effect and damage spirits. Serpent Role: Magical Support
Wards, similar to shaman wards, can be placed Sub-Faction: Zandalari, Darkspear
which spit vile corrosive poison at nearby ground Although they are savage and nefarious in the
and air enemies. One Shadow Hunter, attuned extreme, the Troll Witch Doctors have aligned
to the Loa Samedi, was able to sneak up on themselves with the Horde out of pure necessity.
enemies and tear their souls out of the body to These dastardly magic users are adept at
be devoured by their god. Shango, the loa of manipulating the chemical processes within their
storm, can grant his followers supernatural fellow warriors in order to augment their combat
stealth. It is likely the Shadow Hunter can call abilities. Making use of Loa Blessings and a
upon many of the attacks in the Zandalari mysterious element called ‘Voodoo’ these Witch
priesthood section. Doctors bring a thoroughly unique magical
support to the Horde.
In terms of basic ranged combat Shadow
Hunters are stealth specialists capable of great
Vodoo, in Warcraft, refers to a magic that like a raptor’s tenacity and cunning
resembles a dark hybrid of shamanism and gifted through alchemy to a warrior.
traditional druidism merged into one with unique,
mystical, Loa overtones. To power this magic, - Animation and Reanimation: In following
the trolls use a dark substance known as ‘mojo’ with Caribbean Vodoo mythos, the
and ‘juju’ which are believed to be liquefied life resurrection of the dead is a common
sources or even raw blood. Such voodoo brings theme among Troll Witchdoctors and
a myriad of incredible powers and spells that specialists. This can be done en masse
can roughly fall in the following categories: for corpses and, though harder, voodoo
specialists can seize control of and bind
- Hexes: Hexes and curses are fairly spirits too. Food infected with voodoo
common in the troll spellbook. Examples can turn its consumers into zombies.
include curses that leave a foe Voodoo can also be used to mystically
physically weak, make them feel drunk give life to statues .
or off balance, lethargic, that makes
their tongue babble on its own(ruining - Empowerment: Can empower allies by
spellcasting) , make a foe extraordinarily making them far stronger, faster etc.
unlucky or, of course, form alteration. Alternately, voodoo can be used to heal
This can result in local animals being their wounds or cure aliments. The
mutated into corrupt, evil creatures or strongest example, ‘Big Bad Voodoo’
simply casting a spell to turn an enemy can make nearby allies all but
into a frog or shrinks them by half. In invulnerable for a limited time.
another case, a hexed building was
cursed with angry, murderous ghosts.
They can also use hexes to mind
control, such as how dinomancers use
fetishes to gain control of their beasts (if
they lack the time for long training). In
one very powerful example one Troll
Witch Doctor used hexes to mind control
an entire island of trolls, though he was
eventually defeated.

Countermeasures exist to would be

thieves of the Troll arts. In Ashenvale it
is shown that charms exist that can
corrupt those who use it who aren’t
trolls. These charms were then given
deliberately by the Trolls of the Horde,
so that they could drive the Furbolgs
mad and force the Night Elves to deal
with them.

- -Can be used to alter form, allowing for

disguises (in Nazmir, this turned the PC
character- regardless of race- into a
Blood Troll). Some Voodoo allows for
The Witch Doctors can empower seemingly
strength to be taken from a slain animal,
ordinary objects to have magical effect. For
example in the quest ‘Territorial Festishes’ the
character palces around an island little tiki mask within a small area of affect into toads,
markings claiming the land in the name of the totems that detect magic and alert for
Darkspear, and when an enemy was within the trespassers and totems that allow the
immediate area around the fetishes it would minds of animals to be read.
actually make them slightly weaker. In another
example in Nazmir, a voodoo powered poison - Voodoo does allow for brain death
allowed for a couple of heroic characters to kill a resurrection, but in general it requires a
Loa demigod, when normally a whole group very long and complicated ritual. For
would be required. two-tusk tony it required his spirit and
body to be intact, vital organs of all his
In Zandalar at the Rastari Warport one Witch closest friends, the ogans of family
Doctor was able to channel a magical shield members (though as said family
over a pier that changed any who entered it into member was the witch doctor she
tiny, ankle sized, harmless dinos. As Shown by refused to get it, so the adventurer had
the Surjan questline, a troll witch doctor can to loot random animal carcasses
manipulate ‘mojo’ –by taking it from the dead, instead), then finally the death of a
namely, to empowerhimself to incredible lengths powerful magic user as sacrifice.
over time. These powers can actually be given
to others, and in Nazmir Shadow Hunter Da’Jul - Mask of Endless Doom: used against
gave the PC the ability to shoot fireballs (even the Drustvar province, this mask inflicts
for classes that don’t already have the ability). supernatural terror on all it comes
across, causing them to flee
uncontrollably. It is a floating projectile
capable of moving as fast as a horse
- Voodoo Dolls: Dolls shaped like a and can be detonated on a foe or barrier
specific opponents and infused with in a explosion of death energy.
some of their soul (which has to be
acquired first) . Damage to the doll
damages the person.

- Shamanistic Powers: Like Shamans,

Witch Doctors and the like can call upon
the elements such as fire, water or
lightning to attack foes.

- Shadow: Hinting at Voodoo’s dark

origins, many Witch Doctors can use
shadow powers(see Priest). In Drustvar,
these shadow powers were used to
The Zandalari Priesthood is a vast, complex
unleash flying sentient masks upon the
assortments of loose fitting organizations all
Alliance with a supernatural aura that
worshipping one or another of the Zandalari’s
made all in close proximity
loa gods. Through invocations to their loa, they
uncontrollably flee.
can take on magic and aspects of said god. For
- Totems: Witch Doctors use many example, Gronk’s followers, the Raptari, can
totems, such as those that heal, those turn into raptors, move faster and summon other
that poison nearby enemies or even a raptors as a result of their benefactor. Paku’s
stasis trap, which temporarily freezes a can turn into pterrodactyls and fly. Rezan’s gift
squad caught in it in time. They also basically allows a priest (known as a ‘prelate’) to
have Voodoo Totems, which turn all function as a paladin, Bwonsamdi’s boon can
summon spirits to aid you while others can buff generation, honored beyond measure by the
defenses, give the power of lightning, healing or Vyrkul. The Lich King too honored them by
various other abilities. While many can call upon resurrecting these maidens and then binding
the power of many loa, in order to access the them to his will. Now they serve as lieutenants
most powerful blessings you generally have to and necromancers, resurrecting the dead and
be a priest focused solely on a given god. serving as wardens over the other-worldly
shadow realm.
These priests can all buff troops. Sometimes
they can even summon echoes of the Loa The Valky’r are the only ones capable of
themselves, who attack powerfully for several creating new Forsaken in the Horde. It is in this
seconds before dissipating. role that Valk’yr serve in battle, staying behind
the lines to help send hordes of newly risen undead and revived champions at the enemy.
wAg The Most powerful Voodoo ritual : 7:50
Yet in addition the Valk’yr are also powerful
Offensive: See ‘Voodoo’ above. The casters warriors, being some of the best to ever live in
would likely have a backup spear or staff Vyrkul society. They are mages capable of
directly leeching life from foes, ripping souls
Defensive: Light Leather or cloth armor, often
from bodies or even smiting them with holy
with ceremonial fetishes.

Offensive: In combat they are melee masters

who generally attack with spears, whose touch
is also life draining. In addition they can use a
pleuphoria of shadow damaging spells, able to
blast foes with fire, soul-ripping spells or even
use holy powers against the enemy (though,
given that the Valk’yr are undead, this is painful
for them according to Blizzard Creativie
Development). But in most particular use are
their necromancy skills. A Greater Valk’yr can
resurrect an entire battlefield as shown by the
later Forsaken battlefield of Andorhal, while
lesser can still bring back multiple individuals at
Mobility: 8 ( Can fly)
Defensive: Count as flying, ethereal creatures.
Training: 8 Some can manipulate shadow energy to provide
a form of shielding.
Max Range: Spell
Preferred Range:Possession
The Forsaken Cause: It should be noted that,
Role: Necromancer Elite although the Forsaken are capable of
Sub-Faction: Forsaken necromancy and may use mindless
skelatons/zombies against the enemy, they
Warrior Maidens of old, the Val’kyr are cannot forcibly convert and indoctrinate
described as the best fighters of their someone into the Forsaken. They could forcibly
turn someone into a Forsaken zombie, this is THE SHADOWMOON TRIBE
true, however forcible incorporation is an
anathema to them, a reminder of the days of the
Lich King’s tyranny. Thus Newborn Forsaken
are always given a choice on if they want to join
or not, though the choice is admittedly heavily
weighted towards joining the Dark Lady (namely,
many Forsaken do not tolerate ‘hostile’ undead
for long) . But even with obvious weight towards
joining the cause, it’s still a choice, and this
choice is held as sacrosanct by everyone from
Sylvannas on down.

In addition, without the Lich King’s oversight,

being reborn via a Valk’yr is a strenuous process
that not everyone comes out intact from. Some
become mindless zombies or ghouls and must
be put down. Others emerge seeming normal on
the outside but are sick on the inside. Though
those who turn to peacefully decline the
Forsaken cause are allowed to do so, though
the Forsaken clearly expect them to change
their minds someday, as the world outside the
Horde is not very tolerant of the Undead. Others
hate themselves enough to promptly commit
suicide again, or even turn and try to attack the
Forsaken (these are put down).

That said, Sylvanas is known to cheat, raising

Forsaken on the battlefield where the shock of
their violent death makes them highly Mobility: 4
suggestable to outside commands. These new
Training 4-6
troops are then directed to the enemy for mass
slaughter. Those that survive and recover their Max Range: Spell
wits are then given the same choice other
Forsaken receive. Preferred Range: Spell
Role: Shadowy Support
Also, Sylvanas can communicate through any
Valk’yr, major or minor. Sub-Faction: Mag’har

The Shadowmoon were once the mystics of

Draenor, the first clan to discover shamanism
and the first to establish these traditions across
Draenor. They were a spiritual clan and, in those
early years, helped provide unity for their
nascent race. It was the Shadowmoon who
arbitrated inter-clan disputes, held bi-annual
meetings for all the tribes and unified the orcs to
destroy the Ogre Gorian Empire at the time.
Centuries later, before the war in Draenor, the really any known advanced technique of the
Shadowmoons were still largely peaceful, but Void Elves. Rather, they can just use it to
eventually became reclusive as the conflict summon reinforcements from their base or, if
approached, withdrawing into their fortifications. they dare, void creatures themselves.
When the Iron Horde began its march across
Draenor, the clan's chieftain Ner'zhul was given The Shadowmoon also use wolves that are
an ultimatum by Grom Hellscream: join or die. driven bloodthirsty by the Void. They can use
The Shadowmoon were not a war-like clan by void occuli (literally floating void eyes) that have
tradition, but Ner'zhul joined with the Iron Horde detection powers to guard their camp.
in order to save the lives of his clansmen.
Offensive: Lots of Void-based spells that drain
Hellscream also ordered Ner'zhul to provide a
or alter life.The strongest might call down things
worthy form of power or else he would kill the
like Void Storm- which bombards everything in a
Shadowmoon anyway, as he lacked interest in
several meter wide area with void- or another
their astrological and prophetic traditions.
AOE move. The more melee oriented carry
Ner'zhul, with the fate of his clan on the line,
cleavers or axes also infused with the Void. A
broke the ancient laws and called on the power
few might still be shaman from their ancient
of the Dark Star, gaining mastery over the
Void.Using the Void, the Shadowmoon clan
raises undead and calls in creatures of shadow Defensive: Though some have plate, they
to battle their foes. Their nobility has been overally wear relatively little armor, even the
sacrificed for necromantic power, making them melee fighters. Some do use the Void to aid
little different from the Scourge that a different them in defense, though. - Mag’har
version of Ner'zhul once commanded. shadowcasters can cast a void shield on a
target, drastically reducing all damage that the
With the vast powers of the Void and the Dark
target takes. However, this ability must be
Star- a Fallen Naaru- the Shadowmoon nearly
channeled, leaving the shadowcaster vulnerable
destroyed the Draenei’s capital of Karabor,
together with a Iron Horde army. However the
Alliance and Draenei, led by Yrel and Alliance Additional Factors: The Shadowmoon can be
commanders, managed to purify the Dark Star surmised to be one of the least common of the
(though it required AU Velen to sacrifice himself) Mag’har clans, given their decimation in WOD
and defeat Ner’zhul. After the war the and the fact that their homeland is located within
Shadowmoon seems to have re-unified with Draenei territory. They would thus be the first hit
those who were exiled from the clan however, by Yrel when she began to conquer the land.
despite the fact that many went insane using the Moreover they do not seem to have the level of
Void, they never forbade its research again. This control that other void practioners have and may
is shown that, even now, Mag’har Darkcasters go mad from the Void.
clearly wear Shadowmoon colors.

Thus, in combat, the remnants of the

Shadowmoon Clan make rampant use of the
Void. Their melee weapons are enshrouded in
Void, their sepllcasters can unleash terrible
shadow energy at range and some can even
deploy Void Rifts. However, unlike the
Ren’Dorei, they are shown to have a lot less
control over these things and must have portal
masters standing by to maintain them, nor can
they ‘stealth insert’ them inside enemy lands or
SPELLBREAKERS Though in recent years the Spell Breaker corps
have taken severe hits-being reduced to a single
squad after Kael’thalas’s defection-
Lore’Thalmar himself has ordered a resurgence
of the unit. They appeared in large numbers
both in the Pandaria campaign and on Draenor.

Spellbreakers are powerful warriors first and

foremost, armed with Darth Maul-like dual
blades and a tower shield, both easily and
expertly carried. Coupled with their fierce
combat skills, their spell immunity makes them
implacable foes when facing magic-wielding
enemies. They can use magic to seize control of
enemy summoned units. However, the spell
breakers' most astonishing ability is to actually
steal their enemies' beneficial enchantments and
grant them to their own comrades. This uncanny
ability has turned the tide of more than one
battle in the blood elves' favor. Altogether with
the other Blood Elven units they combine to
make the Sin’Dorei a specialist force.

Offensive: Two-bladed sword. The Spellbreaker

is an anti-magic specialist whose every
Mobility: 5 successful blow actually causes magic to revolt
inside the caster’s body, causing it to erupt and
Training 4-6 often fatal feedback to occur.

Max Range: Couple Dozen Meters The Spellbreaker does have two spells. The first
is Spellsteal, which can either steal enemy buffs
Preferred Range: Melee
to apply to allies (like a speed boost or
Role: Anti-Magic
something) while the second applies negative
Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei
enemy buffs on allies to enemies, removing
The cunning blood elf spell breakers have them in the process. The second is called
mastered the arts of spellcraft to such a degree ‘Control Magic’ which allows them to seize
that they have become immune to the effects of control of a summoned unit (s) in conjunction
even the most powerful magics. This evolved with how much mana they have.
out of a need and a specialization, for then High
Defense: Sin’Dorei plate plus tower shield. They
Elf culture (and before that, Highborne) has for
are immune to magic to the point only the very
many millennia enjoyed a mastery of magic.
most powerful can hope to harm them.
Their culture was built upon magic, society was
based on the magical Sunwell and without it ===ADDITIONAL FACTORS===
their very race was threatened. For that reason,
with an aptitude already existing, the High Elves
first evolved a unit to ensure magical dominance
over their foes by inventing a immunity to it.
BLADEMASTERS nature. He use the spirit realm to move in a
fashion invisible to the naked eye, only coming
out of the realm to attack an enemy target. By
focusing their warrior energies, blademasters
can become living cyclones of fighting rage.
Spinning their great blades faster than the naked
eye can see, they are capable of simultaneously
damaging any enemy troops in their vicinity.
However the most fantastical of the Blademaster
abilities is to create duplicate phantom images
of themselves. Though the phantom images can
move about freely of their own volition, they are
not true entities unto themselves.

However, among the Mag’har, the Blademasters

are somewhat common, having not fallen to
darkness in their universe.

Offensive: A long blade like an odachi that is

smeared with flammable grease that lights up in
combat. Some Blademasters have
demonstrated ability to use fire spells.

Defensive: Extremely agile but wears little to no


Mobility: 5

Training: 5-7

Max Range: Melee

Preferred Range: Melee

Role: Champions
Sub-Faction: Orcs, Mag’har

While on Azeroth, the seasoned Blademasters

represent an elite fighting force within the Horde.
These skilled swordsmen were once part of the
ill-fated Burning Blade Clan which consumed
itself in the throes of Demonic corruption. With
their Clan scattered and broken, the proud
Blademasters swore a grim oath to free
themselves and their brethren from Demonic
control once and for all.

A master swordsman, the Blademaster is

capable of combat feats that seem magical in
Following the fall of Quel'Thalas, the culling of
the high elves, as well as the loss of the
Sunwell, the surviving high elves cast off their
name and rose to became "blood elves" in honor
of their fallen brethren. At the behest of Prince
Kael'thas, rightful monarch of Quel'Thalas, many
powerful magi traveled with him to serve the
New Alliance and later Illidan Stormrage in
Outland in order to secure a new homeland for
their people and to find a relief for their race's
magical addiction. The magi were among the
first to dabble in the volatile new powers
advocated by the powerful half-demon, and
Prince Kael'thas sent back a number of magi
along with Grand Magister Rommath to share
these new teachings with the elves back in

The elven homeland, shattered by the Scourge

attack, remained infested with the Scourge in
Mobility: 5 spite of the blood elves' (led by Lor'themar and
Halduron Brightwing) attempts to reclaim it for
Training 6-8 their people. However, this was to little avail,
until Rommath and the magisters returned -
Max Range: Spell
bringing with them the radical teachings
Preferred Range: Spell advocated by Illidan - smoothly attributed to
Role: Magical Support Kael'thas - which involved forcibly taking arcane
Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei energy from various external sources, such as
arcane crystals and mana-bearing creatures.
The famed Magisters of the Sin’Dorei number Coming under the total leadership of Rommath,
some of the greatest mages on Azeroth, many the new Grand Magister, the magisters rejoined
having decades, centuries or even millennia of with the blood elves within Quel'Thalas and
experience and training. The Sin’Dorei , through stormed the undead-infested areas of northern
the lineage Quel’dorei and the Highborne Eversong, eradicating the undead still lingering
before them, have a combined history of 15,000 within.
years of learning and mastering the arcane. As a
result of this lineage and their historic role in Revitalized by this turn of events, the blood
Blood Elven society they make up one of the elves generally took well to this efficient new
three main branches of the Sin’Dorei military, method, and Rommath and the magisters went
along with the Blood Knights and Farstriders. about reclaiming and rebuilding Silvermoon City
-- "almost overnight". Once complete, the
Historically, the magisters kept the capital of magisters quickly re-established themselves as
Quel’Thalas safe for over 8,000 years thanks to one of the most respected political groups within
their skill and the power source of the Sunwell. It Quel'Thalas. The towering spires of Silvermoon
was only thanks to a high ranking traitor within stood standing skyward once again, powered by
their ranks that Arthas and the Scourge was the magisters' volatile magics.
able to raid and destroy their kingdom in the
events of the Third War.
Since then the Magisters have undertaken many However, their most powerful move is the ability
magical experiments to better Blood Elven kind. to summon great Phoenixes- giant magical birds
They created the Arcane Construct to add capable of unleashing gouts of fire upon foes.
muscle to their ranks and then created the Mana Though this variant of mage is rare, they remain
Wyrm to serve as magical messengers. During a part of Blood Elven ranks.
times of war, these little wyrms (actually three
foot long flying creatures) specialize as anti- Offensive: See Mage, however with smatterings
mage creatures, capable of siphoning off magic of other classes included. All have magical
from enemies and even causing a bit of weapons and are often backed by magical
feedback. The Magisters are also shown to constructs and mana-sapping mana wyrms.
have, over time, province wide effects with
Defensive: Cloth armor with spells of magical
achievements including turning the province of
protection woven within.
Quel’thalas into a land of eternal spring, creating
magical dampening fields that span cities or
even their home province, and creating a
massive magical shield to defend their whole

Recently, the magisters have largely absorbed

the Sunreavers, another Magi sect more closely
associated with Dalaran. These Sunreavers too
include powerful mages, however, they are also
backed up by those of other classes such as
paladins, rogues and hunters. Any ally of the
Sunreaver used in such form can expect
magical weapons and enhancements by their

Finally the Magisters also have some Blood

Mages in their ranks. These Mages grew furious
with the loss of the Sunwell to the Scourge years
Role: Magical Support
ago and as a result abandoned the arcane and
Training: 6-7
water magic of their compatriots to embrace fire
Mobility: 5
and daemonic felfire magic. These mages
Max Range: Spell
specialize in burning things and can also banish
Preferred Range: Spell
foes to another dimension for a short time.
Sub-Faction: Nightborne
Over 10,000 years, the Nightborne have manufacturing of their allies. The strongest
developed a wholly unique society, isolated from Nightborne mages can freeze enemies in time or
the rest of the world by a vast, magical barrier. even rewind it for themselves, allowing them to
While they have been bereft of many of the survive blows that would otherwise be fatal.
magical advancements made in recent years,
they have also preserved the vast magical Telemancy: See Additional Factors
acumen of the ancient Kaldorei Empire and
Nightborne Hunters : For then thousand years
expanded it further under the Nightwell’s
the Nightborne were closed off to the world and,
Guidance. Their society became more oriented
during that time, they were cut off from the land
around the arcane than any other before or
beyond their city. Such an enclosed
since, and as a result many new magical styles
environment, with limited nature reserves, was
and techniques were invented.
not conductive to hunting and, just as the
Gnomes and Goblins used technology to catch
A Nightborne sorcerer is capable of the
up, the Nightborne used their mastery of magic.
Nightborne Hunters have mastered the art of
Arcane Magic: The Nightborne specialize in
magical traps. They wield arcane traps that not
arcane, for this is the pure lifeblood of their
only trap the beast in a magical bubble but also
entire society. Their mages can utilize
have a magical attraction to the point. Such
everything from weapon empowerment, to blasts
traps have proven proficient at capturing both
of arcane magic and giant orbs that damage
beasts and, even, sentient foes.
everything around them. Others can use their
magic to see through enemy disguises, illusions, Another magical artifact in common use is the
stealth and invisibility. Some of the more collar of domination. Such a collar allows them
powerful, like Tharysa, can create vast arcane to quickly and effortlessly tame beasts they
barriers capable of housing a large group that come across, even the mighty Devilsaur, though
offer great protection for allies within and with a weakness in that, when the collar comes
incinerate enemies who try to penetrate. off, the beast is not going to be very loyal. The
Essentially they are capable of virtually effects of the collar are described as formidable
everything a arcane mage is capable of, but with and may work, somewhat, on the weak minded.
more power and expanded options. Traditional taming for animal comrades also
Anti-magic: Nightborne have many counter
spells, magical sealants and suppressors for
duels, with some capable of reflecting back
magic onto the enemy or even absorbing it to
convert into energy. There is a rare, specialized
branch of Nightborne who can use this field to
become nearly invincible to all attacks for a time.

Chronomancy: The Nightborne are skilled

manipulators of time. They can slow it down- for
the enemy- greatly reducing attack and
movement speed. They can greatly boost the
attack speed of their allies by speeding up time. Finally Nightborne Hunters bring their magic into
On a strategic sense they created self-contained combat (see Nightborne mage) and are well
rooms where time was sped up to the point equipped with magical arrows and the like. Their
where hundred year wines were aged in hours typical combat companion is the manasaber
or days, which might allow them to help any which is very similar to the Nightsaber, but
inherently magical with tougher natural armor.
Offensive: Various magical spells, mostly of the proportions; shorter arms, less bowed legs, and
arcane but sometimes in the shadow field too. carrying themselves with greater alertness.
The Hunters have bows and Nightsaber pets.
One especially notable feature of some ogre
Defensive: Light but magically enchanted plate magi is that their twin heads act, think and speak
armor independently of one another. The most
notorious example of this is Cho'gall, whose
right head is shown to be more well-spoken and
intelligent while his left head is louder and more
OGRE MAGI fanatical. Another notable example
is Warbringer O'mrogg, whose two heads have
always struggled to agree on even the simplest
matters. Two years ago, O'mrogg began a
twelve-step plan to develop a synergy between
his warring personalities. His heads have yet to
decide on which step to start with.

However, this is not always the case: the twin

heads of Dentarg, Torkus and Imperator
Mar'gok all speak in unison (although the former
two refer to themselves as "we" rather than "I").
In fact, Mar'gok is puzzled when one of his
heads begin to get dizzy after having stared out
across Highmaul for hours, as he notes that his
two brains have always worked together in much
the same way two legs should. Directly
thereafter, the imperator ponders how it would
Mobility: 5 be to experience the world like one of his one-
Training: 5 headed, one-brained, two-eyed subjects, and
muses that it would be impossible to rule that
Max Range: Spell
way, as he would have to focus his entire gaze
Preferred Range: Spell and all his thoughts on a single point at a time,
Role: Magical Destruction and everything would seem blurry
Sub-Faction: Ogres
In terms of Magical Acumen the Ogre Magi reign
The early ogres' practice of sorcery and supreme, having two heads to store all that
exposure to raw arcane magic had some knowledge. They can unleash all sorts of
unexpected side effects. Very rarely, children devastating ice, arcane and fire bolts along with
would be born with two heads. It soon became their own specialized spells, such as summoning
clear that these two-headed ogres were boulders out of thin air above their heads,
exceptional spellcasters, and their appearance summoning magical bindings to incapitate an
was seen as a good omen. In time, Goria's enemy and magically hurling them at the enemy
arcanists even developed spells to replicate this or the ability to conjure magical arcane weapons
phenomenon, causing normal ogres to grow a that hunt foes automatically. They also have
second head and increasing their intelligence knowledge of rune magic and can casts runes
and magical aptitude. upon the enemy to make them explode in
arcane magic or create a rune around
Two-headed ogre magi are noted as being themselves that makes all enemies who steps
larger and stronger than their single skulled within a dozen feet of the mage take constant
brethren, and having slightly different
arcane damage. Other runes can heal an allies The Goblins are the smallest race of the Horde
wounds. but, also, potentially the most dangerous. For
what they lack in size and superhuman ability
While the Azeroth ogres have deteriorated, they make up in deviousness, greed and
those aligned with the Mag’har (by force or technological ingenuity. Where a Orc relies on
choice) have not. brute strength (mostly) and a Blood Elf relies on
speed and mobility the Goblins rely on their own
Offensive: Both mage and the above spells.
clever minds to defeat foes, utilizing clever and,
Also a Ogre Magi is an ogre and is physically
frankly, impossible tech to achieve victory.
strong enough to rip humans in half. Some might
Though a full description is provided at the end
also count as shaman or warlocks.
of this profile, here is the rough analysis of their
Defensive: Little other than innate durability specializations:

Alchemy: Goblins are not only masters of

alchemy they have also weaponized it. They can
unleash great healing sprays upon allies,
causing them to rapidly regenerate. They can
chemically induce superrage on subjects, hurl
great vats of acid and even, in one specialized
spell, turn a target unit into sheer gold. In the
Second War, Goblin Alchemists chemically
‘buffed’ troll beserkers to make them far stronger
than normal trolls.

Biological Manipulations: Goblin Engineers

and Scientists have shown a remarkable
aptitude in regards to the uplifting and even
creation of whole species. In Azshara, goblin
scientists boosted the intelligence of some
members of the nearby raptor population so well
that at least one of these raptors was able to
construct a rocket ship capable of flying off to
another planet. Ka’jha cola can, when drunk,
temporarily boost the intelligence of a creature
to genius level. However the most significant
example of a species creation is the gilgoblin,
which is a underwater dwelling goblin that swiftly
has spread to all oceans across the world, and
the hobgoblin, a hulking ogre like creation used
Mobility: 4 as muscle for engineers.

Training: 3-5 Explosions: The number one Goblin

specialization is in things that explode! They are
Max Range: Massive almost obsessed with things that go boom and
are always trying to one up each other in
Preferred Range: Variable
explosive capacity. Rockets launchers,
Sub-Faction: Goblins
grenades of many different flavors, thermal
Role: Explosive/Combat expert charges, dynamaite and much, much more can
be found within their arsenals. These explosions
can be extremely high yield, and in Hillsbarad GOREN
Foothill ‘mini-nukes’ were use to destroy four
small Alliance bases in rapid succession, after
the Horde infiltrated. They are also known to
combine this love of explosions with mechs and
robots, including suicide bomber units. They are
also well known for their heavy use of land

Miniaturization: Goblins are absolute masters

of miniaturization to a degree that seems insane.
They can miniaturize entire fully built bases or
towns, carry them around in their pocket, and
then deploy them in campaign for instant
logistics. This includes the people inside and
can include entire airbases complete with
zepplins and other flying machines. Another
example is the instant deployment of automated
Mobility: 6
pocket factories, which then pump out suicide
bombing robots. Training: 3
Goblin technology does have some reliability Max Range: Several Meters
issues including the tendency to explode a great
deal. Goblins also don’t tend to read their own Preferred Range: Teeth
instruction manuals when utilizing their Sub-Faction: Mag’har
Role: Base Destruction

The Goren are a semi-sentient Draenor race of

scavenging opportunists that dart between the
feet of their larger cousins. They are known as
the bane of miners and other infrastructure, for
they are voracious eaters whose acidic saliva
and sharpened teeth can cut through almost
anything. However, what they love to dine on the
most is minerals, metals and elementals (
though, if pressed, they will eat flesh, if nothing
else is around).

The Goren appetite is seemingly insatiable and

the more they eat, the more they breed and the
larger they grow. Goren life cycle and size is
directly correlated to have much and fast they
eat andthus children can quickly grow to
adulthood if food is readily available. Though
typically the adult is the size of a gnome, with
access to enough food they can grow to Ogre
size – or even beyond.
The Goren also inherest the properties of what MOK’NATHAL
they eat. If Goren eat an elemental, like one with
some latent electricity powers, they gain that
power boost. As crystals are common in their
area, many have crystalline shells or even the
ability to shoot deadly crystalline spikes at short

The Mag’har orcs haven’t truly tamed these

creatures, only trained them enough to give
some direction such as against a specific target.
In one example, they were unleashed against
Dark iron Mole Machines and Golems, which
they tore through in moments. In theory you can
cause immense devastation to a foe by
sneaking some in a armory, leading them to
artillery, or even undermining walls of a whole
base. In Gorgrond Goren chewing through walls
caused a cave-in for a Dwarf bunker.
Mobility: 5
In addition, the goren typically travel through
Training 5
vast, created tunneling networks when not under
direct command by the Mag’har. Some Mag’har Max Range: Bow
specialists have created a pheromone that
allows them to use these tunnels and in Preferred Range: Melee
Gorgrond this terrain traversing was put to use Sub-Faction: Allied Support
for assassination and sabotage. Role: Beastmasters/Skirmishers

Offensive: Crystalline spikes shot at short The Mok’nathal are a tribe of half-ogres, ogres
ranges in the manner of a Starcraft Hydralisk and orcs that exist in the Blade’s Edge
along with occasional elemental powers. In Mountains. The origins of this clain lay in
melee, Goren have acid laden teeth and very ancient history.
sharp claws.
After battles with the Warsong clan and the
Defensive: Crystaline rocky hides. Also, when rebellion of the Shattered Hand clan, the Gorian
slain, they are often depicted leaving pools of Empire was losing power on Draenor and their
avid in a manner remnant of the monsters from hold on Nagrand was broken forever. Imperator
Aliens. Kelgrok of the Bladespire clan was greatly
troubled by these events and determined to
keep his hold on Frostfire Ridge. He did not only
mean to keep defenses up, but to expand. To
make up for the ogres' low numbers, Bladespire
sorcerers had conducted cruel experiments to
create new creatures that could be used as
labor, and the greatest result came from
selective breeding between ogres and enslaved
orcs. The children of these forced unions were
called mok'nathal, possessing the strength of
ogres and intelligence of orcs. The Bladespire
kept the mok'nathal in chains and bred them
together to create even more. To ensure their TAUNKA
loyalty, the ogres threatened to kill entire
families if even one of the members rebelled.

Eventually, the Imperator decided to declare war

on the neighboring Frostwolf, Iceclaw and
Thunderlord tribes. A vicious war ensued, with
the Mok’nathal joining the Frostwolf and Iceclaw
clans in the final battle. After a truly fearsome
battle in which all groups lost significant portions
of their clans, the Mok’nathal won their freedom.
The mok'nathal settled in a remote corner of
Gorgrond. Resources were scarce, but they
were able to live in peace. They swore off
fighting, only taking up arms to defend their
Mobility: 5
meager lands from threats. Only in the recent
Outland expedition did the Mok’Nathal renew Training 5
ties with the orcs of the new Horde.
Max Range: Bow
The Mok’Nathal excel in one particular trait
above all else-beast mastery. Though only Preferred Range: Melee
numbering in the hundreds at most, the Sub-Faction: Allied Support
Mok’Nathal have learned how to tame beasts so Role: Winter Soldiers
well that whole packs of them wander their
village independently, while beastmasters The taunka are the descendants of a bovine
themselves may carry more than a single beast race known as the yaungol. Several millennia
with them. Rexxar, the most famous before the First War, the yaungol roamed central
Beastmaster, has at least six named pets to him Kalimdor and lived in peace with the demigod
and likely several more yet unseen. Cenarius, but were eventually driven south due
to not wanting to share hunting grounds with the
Offensive: Axes, spears and the like. Always trolls. There, the yaungol were enslaved by the
surrounded by many beasts (see Hunter’s pets), mogu empire and twisted by the mogu flesh-
though an emphasis on boars, clefthoof , hawks, shapers. Though they eventually regained their
bears and quilbeasts, which are pig-like freedom along with the other slave races during
creatures capable of shooting porcupine spikes the pandaren revolution, much of their ancient
at enemies from afar. cultural heritage had been lost. Heated
arguments led many yaungol to migrate back
In Warcraft 3, they were known for making all north. One group, who would later take up the
their animals charge forward in a stampede. name "tauren", resettled in central Kalimdor and
rediscovered their ties to Cenarius, while the
Defensive: Animal Skins
more nomadic tribes traveled across the entire
continent, only stopping when they reached the
frigid lands near the Storm Peaks. There, titan-
forged machinery such as the Forge of Wills
transformed these northern yaungol into a new
subspecies, known as the "taunka". The taunka,
tauren and yaungol retained some contact with
one another for many years, but the Great
Sundering finally shattered the connections FOREST HOZEN
between the tribes

In Wrath of the Lich King the incursions of the

Scourge did great damage to the Taunka and
though the Taunka put up a valiant fight, they
were on the edge of being conquered before the
Horde arrived. Happy to encounter their Tauren
kin once more, the Taunka formed an alliance
with the Horde and served as guides for their

The Taunka or ‘bisonmen’ are swift footed

warriors who have spent their lives fighting in
frozen and mountainous terrain. They are mighty
warriors like their tauren brethren, wielding
mighty clubs, totems and axes, yet also having a
notable hunting tradition. Druids exist, though
the shaman are more common, using the cold
and ice as weapons. Unlike the tauren, the
taunka have surived only by forcing the land and
the elements to yield to their will.

Offensive: Axes, spears, totem polls, clubs,

bows and arrows. Some might know
shamanistic or druidic magic

Defensive: Animal furs and some leather armor.

Mobility: 6

Training: 1-3

Max Range: A couple dozen meters

Preferred Range: Melee

Sub-Faction: Allied Support
Role: Jungle Soldiers

The hozen are a monkey-like race, native to

Pandaria, which allied with the Horde during the
Alliance-Horde war. These creatures are known
for their incredible agility and passion towards
life, for they delight in feeling any emotion so
long as it is extreme. The hozen are a short-
lived race. Their elders are typically no more
than twenty years old, usually fourteen or fifteen,
and few hozen survive past their twentieth
birthday. As a result, their relative maturity when
compared to the other speaking races is quite VULPERA
minimal(according to Blizzard they might have
the maturity of a 14 year old) and their society
lacks roots (and rules) as a result.

Traditionally, the Forest Hozen have been a

tribal species that existed in the Jade Forest and
waged war against their enemies, the Jinyu.
Though great in numbers they were limited by
their combat potential, for they had a limited
grasp of technology that allowed them to use
only basic weapons, like sticks, stones and
clubs. They made up for this, partially, by being
able to adeptly swing tree to tree.

This changed when the Horde arrived. Seeking

allies, the Horde aided the Hozen in their fight by
giving them all sorts of neat items. Among them
were better quality weapons, iron armor,
explosive and methane grenades, and even
semiautomatic rifles. These new weapons made
the Hozen far more formidable then before.

Some ride tigers or else keep the big cats as

combat pets.

Offensive: Spears, clubs and rocks with limited

shamanistic magic (traditional); Semiautoamtic Mobility: 5
rifles, swords and explosive and gas grenades.
Some have been known to ride tigers into battle. Training: 3-4

Defensive: Little: Iron Armor Max Range: Bow

Additional Factors Preferred Range: Away from battle

Role: Scouts, Skirmishers, Supply
The Hozen are also adept at guerilla warfare, Sub-Faction: Allied Support
using ambushes, traps and digging tunnels
when fighting against the enemy. The vulpera are a keen and intelligent race of
nomadic scavengers capable of turning what they find into opportunities to thrive.Vulpera live
0U w in burrows. They travel in caravans, scavenging
for supplies, trading where they can,and
spreading information they pick up along the
way.Dwelling in Vol'dun, the vulpera can't afford
to waste resources. Over time, they have
learned to take anything that looks even
remotely useful and be creative using what they
have,and they have learned to recognize value
wherever it hides in Vol'dun
The Vulpera have allied with the Horde and are Preferred Range: Cannon
moving into formally joining the organization. Role: Transport, Some combat support
They are truly excellent scouts and scavengers, Sub-Faction: Goblin
capable of stealthily ransacking ancient temples
even with a full company of armored guards Zeppelins are flying contraptions created by the
standing around to protect it. They make use of goblins, using a lighter-than-air design, with their
everything they scavenge, either for supply machines employing bags filled with gas to
purposes, to trade or even as weapons. They make them buoyant in the air. A goblin zeppelin
count as desert specialists. consists of a gondola of varying size suspended
beneath one or more bags of lightweight gas
When forced into combat the Vulpera function that serve to keep the craft aloft. In keeping with
as a guerilla force, attacking from hidden the goblin fixation upon profit, these large craft
positions with scavenged rifles and Molotov tend to be packed with cargo or paying
cocktails. They also are known to ride hyenas passengers. The Horde makes regular use of
and travel in caravans which also double as their these vessels as both troop carriers and cargo
homes. These caravans have been used to supply units.
ease the Horde supply burden before,
something which has drawn the ire of the While normally only used for transport, in times
Alliance. of war the Horde can opt to arm them with
weaponry. This can range from a squad of
Offensive: guns, swords and sometimes riflemen as shown in the Warcraft comic or, as
Molotov cocktails. shown in the Twilight Highlands, several
cannons or flak guns. However their range of fire
Defensive: Little but maybe leather for a few is limited and they must rely on aerial escorts to
fighters guard against aerial attacks.

Additional Factors: Vulpera arrive in little horse Zepplins typically have a crew of a dozen and a
drawn carts that function as their homes and half (not counting passengers) and can fly at
which can be used to help ease the supply speeds of up to 40mph, though much faster (and
burden. less safe) engines exist.

ZEPPLIN Offensive: Usually nothing but a handful of sky

marines to repel boarders. Can be equipped
with flak cannons.

Defensive: Very little with the balloon being

especially vulnerable. Note, if shot down goblins
have been known to use their last moments to
maneuver the burning vessel into their enemy.

Mobility: 9

Training: 4-6

Max Range: Cannon


Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Spell
Role: Spirit Specialists
Sub-Faction: Tauren, Highmountain Tauren,

Spirit walkers or spiritwalkers are mystical,

white-furred tauren casters.. Believed to be the
ill omen of a coming age, these tauren are held
in near reverence by their people, often
becoming reclusive priests who wander the land
in search of kindred spirits. Spiritwalkers
maintain balance between the world of the living
and the spirit realm. They can travel into the
memories of the dead to glean clues about the
past. Mobility: 5
Training: 5-8
The Spiritwalkers serve a weird role on the
Max Range: Varies
battlefield, as a mixture of anti-magic and
support. They can create spirit links between Preferred Range: Varies
squads of troops at a time, with the result being Role: Elite Coalition
that damage is distributed across the greater Sub-Faction: Coalition
whole rather than all on a single person. They
can remove all enemy magical buffs over a The Kor’kron, though still existent and active
given area and simultaneously deal immense among the Horde, never fully recovered from
damage to summoned units. They can call upon Garrosh’s tyranny, where most of the
the ancestors to revive nearby Tauren and organization fought for the warchief until the end
temporarily turn ethereal themselves. against the Alliance & Horde rebellion. This
event made the organization strongly associated
Offensive: Axe and magical lantern. Might also with orcish supremacy and even though new
known spells attacking the souls of others. recruitment has begun to change this, it was
Defensive: Little. decided to create a new organization to duel
with the exalted 7 Legion over Kul Tiras and
Zandalar: the Honorbound
There is a lot to unpack in a name, and the term Max Range: Battlefield
‘Honorbound’ of course implies the team is
bound by honor. However, I would suggest this Preferred Range: Spell
term is deliberately ironic, for it was conceived Sub-Faction: Allied Support
right after Sylvanas scathingly insulted
When Kael’thalas travelled with Illidan
Saurfang’s honor obsessed drive. Certainly, the
Stormrage in his failed expedition to destroy the
Honorbound do not shy away from practices
Lich King, the vast majority of his army was
even other members of the Horde consider
purged and destroyed. Noticing the tenacity,
sketchy and dishonorable.
magical talent, and skill of the Blood Elves sent
Led by Nathanios Blightcaller, the Honorbound against him, the Lich King resurrected his hated
is formed from every race and is in the midst of foes and bound them to his service. They were
dueling the Alliance across the breadth of two made vampyric but not vampyric in the
sub-continents. They make use of every tactic traditional sense. Rather instead of feeding off
and weapon of the Horde, though they do seem blood they fed directly off of life force and pain
to focus on Forsaken and Zandalari more than via magical means.
any other.
The San’layen Darkfallen served as the Lich
Offensive: See everything else, though any King’s tacticians, messengers ambassadors,
experimental weapon (including Steam Armor) is and some of the magical support. In Battle for
likely to be aligned with this group Azeroth a handful of individuals would try to join
the Horde, though this was seemingly foiled, via
Defensive: Varies. assassination, by the Alliance.

SAN’LAYEN Offensive: The Darkfallen are great sorcerers

and necromancers, utilizing waves of spells,
resurrection and control of the dead, mental
attacks and particularly life/soul draining shadow
magic. The latter is vampiric, and drains life
force from the enemy to them. They can use
this to power themselves in melee combat,
becoming far more powerful and having their
blows literally rip the life force from their

As shown by the Alliance storyline in Battle for

Azeroth, they can use their blood magic to spam
short ranged teleportation.

Defense: Saronite Plate armor and magical

shielding spells.

Additional Factors: At most a couple dozen

individuals in a tense relationship with the
Horde. That said, they have the capacity to

Mobility: 5

Training: 5-7
walls and palisades, but little else.The
Highmountain variant does have Bola Launchers
to tie up enemies (usually flying) with both
HORDE BASE DEFENSE normal and explosive bola variants.

Forsaken: As a fallen human civilization, the

Forsaken do use some of the human
infrastructure such as their walls. However, the
biggest defense of the Forsaken is the blight, for
a Forsaken base is pretty much a health hazard
to the living (presuming they are not sharing a
base with the living horde members, in which
case they will sustain). Moreover, the Forsaken
The varied races of the Horde each have their
have plague catapults to fire blight cannisters on
own means to defend a camp and each work
exceedingly fast to set up these defenses.
However, they are considerably a more The Elves: Unfortunately the Nightborne have
offensive force than the Alliance. few defenses, having relied on a city-wide shield
to provide for their defensive needs for 10,000
Darkspear Troll/Orcs: The traditional Western
years. However, they might have some abilities
Horde (Trolls, Orcs, Tauren) are more used to
to replicate this on a smaller scale such as minor
bunking together than other races, and thus
magical shielding, cloaking and mana traps.
combine their defensive capabilities, with the
Orcs being the main source of defensive The Blood Elves on the other hand employ
capabilities here. They are known to create towers that serve as arcane conduits for the
towers housing archers and cannons and fortify mages on top. They also make heavy use of
those with large wooden or( increasingly) iron Blood Crystals.
walls ion which cannons and even, in some
cases, anti-air defenses (Flak cannons) are
mounted. The Trolls, meanwhile, add sentry
wards to prevent infiltration and deploy their own
ballistas at key points. Horde bases generally
have spikes all over the buildings.

Zandalari: The Zandalari make use of many

wards, elevated platforms and trap magic
however, their main defense is, like the
Darkspear, ballistas. These have explosive tip
points and come in two varieties, with the
second specializing against air units
Blood Crystal : The crystals have multiple uses.
“Skyseekers”. The Zandalari have a defensive
In addition to storing arcane energy, they can
obelisk that, if activated by a Witch Doctor,
protect blood elven towns and outposts by
summons a vengeful ancestor ghost to help
empowering a large dome around them,
Tauren: Being nomads, the Tauren haven’t interconnecting with other nearby crystals to
traditionally had much in the way of defense. increase the shield's radius. This dome is
Nowadays, they do have the capacity to build resistant to both physical and magical attacks,
while the crystals themselves can act as a
natural insulator of substances such as Mag’har Orc: The Mag’har are another
lightning.They can also be used offensively: as technological force that, while offensively
seen at the Dawnseeker Promontory, the oriented, nonetheless deploy many defensive
crystals possess magical anti-air attacks instruments. These include cannons, ballista
capable of striking aerial enemies down at mid- and giant towers with turrets large enough to fire
to-long range. They can also be modified to Iron Stars. Their walls are made of iron and
serve as arcane wards to dissuade intruders. equipped with spikes.Mines are also deployed,
though these are more elemental with lots of
The crystals require some degree of mana input fire.
to be fully charged. If siphoned using a
smaller Bloodgem Shards, the crystals can give Ogre: Ogre defenses are pretty primitive,
the user a charge of arcane energy to boost generally consisting of stone walls and
their abilities for a limited amount of time, though stationary ballists that fire boulders. Some
if a blood elf undergoes this process, the settlements have towers and put a magi or
exposure to raw arcane energy augments the ogron on top, with the latter physically hurling
elf's innate addiction to magic and is considered boulders at the enemy.
hazardous. Subsequent appearances of the
crystals (such as on the Isle of Thunder) are The Horde has made extensive use of high
utilized on the inverse principle: the blood elves explosive mines before and the Stonetalon
channel magical energy into the crystals, rather campaign, they notably mined a whole valley so
than out. that crossing Night Elves would take extreme
The crystals can also be used for scrying
purposes; the largest crystal in the Dawkseeker Wards: Wards are magical items, sigils, spell-
Promontory is explitly named the "Scrying charmed areas or similar mechanisms that
Crystal," and overlooks the entire Isle of provide a degree of magical protection over a
Thunder. given area. These can be both passive or active
defense. Passive mechanics provide detection,
Goblin Bases: The greatest advantage of a scramble nearby enemy magical
goblin base is that it can be deployed nearly communication(or allow the wielders to spy on it)
instantaneously, thanks to miniaturization and blocking of some harmful magics. For
technology. The goblins have done this with example, in Mists of Pandaria Jaina Proudmoore
towns, outposts and even airbases. These placed wards all over Darnassus that were
bases can be defended with many turrets effective enough to detect rogues trying to sneak
capable of firing rockets the enemy, mines and in and disrupt enemy teleportation or in the Isle
automated flamethrower turrets for close range of Thunder, were wards of the Alliance/Horde
assault and other wacky goblin devices. were able to detect infiltrators into their camp.
Another example occurred in Shadowmoon
Valley where Gul’dan warded a forest to prevent
scrying while in Netherstorm, Outland, the Blood
Elves warded a magical tower to prevent the
wizard inside from scrying out.

Some wards such as those created by the

Wardens can be used to easily hold dangerous
prisoners. Others can dampen the effects of
harmful magics or even prevent them to an
extent, with the greatest example being when
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn prevented Old God
corruption from erupting in Highmountain
(though the strength of said wards needed who were ever resentful of the High Elven
constant maintenance). Wards attached to walls presence in the area. Briefly, this war involved
boost the defense of said fortifications. the Orcs as well, when the Orcs sided with the
trolls in their Second War invasion. Though they
Active Wards are those designed to harm were defeated, much of the forests of
intruders. Sometimes this might be a light shock Quel’thalas burned as a result.
while for others it is a bit more powerful, like a
frost or ice spell or even simply explode, like In the Third War, after Arthas betrayed his
Samuro’s in Warcraft 3. Others can heal nearby country, the Scourge invaded Quel’thalas.
allies or are specialized, like one that causes Though her force was ill suited to matching the
pain to daemons. Scourge directly Sylvanas launched guerilla
attack after guerilla attack, along with aerial
Others: None of the other Horde races are assaults and the latent energy stored in the
known for defense. The Taunka are perhaps the Elven province to delay the force as much as
closest, having wooden walls but little else. The possible. Meanwhile she sent a continuous
Hozen use their numbers and ambushes around stream of messengers back to Silvermoon in an
their settlements, while the Vulpera are entirely attempt to warn them. However this effort was
nomadic. spoiled by a traitor in the Elven ranks, who
tipped off the Scourge in how to avoid the
magical traps as well as in killing the


Sylvanas was defeated in a last stand holding

action. However Arthas, extremely frustrated by
her constant delay, cursed her and resurrected
Mobility: 5 (regular form); 10 (banshee form) her as a Banshee. This Banshee, fully self-
conscious of what she was doing but unable to
Training: 9 control herself, was forced to serve against her
own people by participating in the destruction of
Max Range: Several Hundred Yards Silvermoon . She also participated in the near
destruction of Dalaran where she helped defend
Preferred Range: Bow
Kel’Thuzad until the ritual to summon daemons
Role: Commander in Chief was complete.

Sylvanas was once the heroic Ranger General However, not long after the Legion’s defeat the
of Silvermoon, a leadership role she held Lich King was suddenly weakened, and his hold
possibly for many centuries. For the most part on Sylvanas’ soul lessened. Ever on the lookout
she and her rangers waged an endless guerilla for an opportunity the newly-christened Banshee
war against the various troll tribes of the region, Queen seized it, betraying Arthas just as a
vengeful Burning Legion attacked once more.
However, much to her rage and frustration, last
minute intervention by Kel’Thuzad saved him
even if he was grievously wounded by her
power-sapping arrow.

Now freed, Sylvanas had to deal now with three

daemon lords who sought to once again claim
dominion over the land. Knowing that her forces
were yet too small to take them on directly, she
set about quickly acquiring an army. She sent
out her banshees to possess Mug'thol the leader
of the local ogres, the Bandit Lord Blackthorn,
the gnoll ruler Snarlmane, and the Murloc
Puddle Lord, quickly taking over their armies.
Those she did not possess were killed. With so
many new allies, the Daemon Lord Varimathras
was quick to fall before her. But after she
defeated him, Varimathras begged for his life,
saying that he could serve her well. He knew his
brothers' tactics, and where their bases were
located. Sylvanas knew trusting such an
insidious creature was a risk, but felt that she
could control him enough for her purposes. However, she needed allies. Knowing that the
Alliance would never tolerate her kind she
In the next assault she had her banshees appealed to the Horde. There was a great
possess the scouts of a daemon-enthralled internal debate among the Horde members on
human force before infiltrating the base. In a whether to accept the Forsaken however,
sudden, rapid assault her forces wrecked the ultimately, the Tauren saw the possibility for
town and quickly defeated the Daemon Lord in redemption in the Forsaken and pressured a
charge. In the process freeing the mind of the very reluctant Thrall to allow them in. With allies
human commander, the arrogant Lord Garithos. at their back, the Forsaken expanded further
This temporary alliance would serve her and launched campaigns designed to rid
purposes for the next battle. It was a difficult, themselves of the fanatical Scarlet Crusade.
mostly straight forward assault but in the end Simultaneously, Sylvanas sponsored the
Sylvanas prevailed. When it became clear creation of the Deathstalkers and Royal
Garithos would betray her she betrayed him first, Apothecaries, two organizations that would
murdered him, and declared that a new Undead prove pivotal in Azeroth’s future. Sylvanas
Empire would rule what was left of Lordaeron- played a significant role in convincing Thrall to
the Forsaken. accept the Blood Elves into the Horde, as she
still had affection for her former people.

When the war with the Scourge occurred,

Sylvanas eagerly worked with her Horde allies to
ensure full commitment to the war. She even
twisted the arms of the Blood Elves to ensure
their compliance. For years she had had the
Royal Apothecary Society brew the perfect
plague and she was eager to test it on Arthas.
Unfortunately, those apothecaries she sent to void, where she knew only terror, cold,
Northrend did just that- and on the engaged hopelessness, fear, and regret. She also ran into
Alliance and Horde as well at the battle of the the ghost of Arthas and was surprised to find
Wrathgate. that all he was at this point was a frightened and
lonely little boy. Looking at the man who had
It was part of a coup that Variathmus had long inflicted such torment, Sylvanas admitted that
been planning. Sylvanas was temporarily had her soul not been broken she may have
pushed out of the Undercity, though retook it actually felt pity for him despite what he had
with the help of Thrall and indirect help from the done to her. As she realized that this realm of
Alliance. The Alliance actually intended to take anguish was to be her eternity, the Val'kyr
the city for their own however Jaina Proudmoore appeared to her again. Led by Annhylde the
teleported the whole army out of there. With the Caller, they offered the Dark Lady a pact:
battle over, Sylvanas was thus able to reclaim instead of allowing Sylvanas to reside eternally
her throne, with the treacherous rebels put to in this terrifying realm, Annhylde offered to take
death. However, the entire Wrathgate fiasco did her place if she binds herself to the remaining
not sit well with Thrall, who dispensed a Val'kyr. She would become a powerful vessel
contingent of Kor'kron to keep watch over the through which they can continue to exist, though
Forsaken. With that, Sylvanas herself made the as little more than slaves, with their fates
journey to Northrend - to finally deliver her intertwined. Sylvanas accepted the pact and
vengeance upon Arthas. was returned to the realm of the living
surrounded by the eight remaining Val'kyr.
In Northrend, the vengeful Sylvanas personally
led an elite strike team through the Pits of Saron
and into Arthas’s personal quarters. There, after
meeting the ghost of Uther and dueling Arthas
briefly, she was forced to retreat, as the Lich
King’s power had grown significantly since she
last faced him. Nevertheless she stayed with the
campaign until he died. After the death of the
Lich King Arthas Menethil, Sylvanas ventured
alone to the Frozen Throne. While irritated that
she was not there to see him fall, Sylvanas took
solace in knowing that the work she had begun
in the lush forests of Quel'Thalas was at last
complete: Arthas was dead. With her life's - and
unlife's - goal sated, Sylvanas could think only of
the bright fate that had awaited her before
Arthas tore out her soul and prepared to hurl
herself from the citadel onto the saronite spikes
below, the only thing capable of destroying her

However as she fell visions of her people’s

future bombarded her mind. She saw the
Forsaken sent like meat into the Gilnean grinder
by the new Orc Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream.
Eventually, they were so weakened that the
In Cataclysm she swiftly took over the assault on
Alliance easily conquered them. As the vision
Gilneas, a demand forced upon the Forsaken by
ended, Sylvanas found herself floating in a dark
Garrosh. She spearheaded the assault and was
initially successful in capturing Gilneas City for Forsaken, forces Crowley to retreat before the
the Horde. However, the Forsaken had not main Alliance army shows up.
counted on the Gilneans controlling the worgen
curse that had spread among them, and the Later, she takes part in the invasion of Andorhal
Gilneans uniting their forces after internal where, initially, the Horde & Alliance tag-team
struggling to push the Forsaken out of Gilneas the Scourge. Under the disguise of Lindsay
City. Backed into a corner, Sylvanas faced off Ravensun she watches with disgust as the
against King Genn Greymane, Darius Crowley, Death Knight general, Kolitra blows the battle in
Prince Liam Greymane and a Gilnean resistance part thanks to his lingering affection for his old
force. She quickly turned the tables despite her friend, Thrassalian. Sylvanas turns around the
disadvantage, and aims a poisoned arrow at battle by unleashing her Valkyr, who turn a good
Genn - though Liam hurls himself in its way; number of Farmers and Alliance Soldiers into
dying in the process. Frustrated, and with the undead.
new Warchief's presence breathing down her
neck, Sylvanas orders the city to be drenched in
blight to secure a certain victory. The Gilneans
learn of this and begin to evacuate their citizens.
With the battle over and Gilneas once again in
Forsaken hands, Sylvanas retreats.

Later, however, the battle at the Gilneas Front

takes a turn for the worse as the infamous SI:7
joined the assault. With vicious nighttime raids
and a surprise massed assault, the Gilneans
push the Forsaken out of Gilneas and prepared At the conclusion of this Alliance-Horde war she
for a direct assault on the Forsaken holdings in took part in the Siege of Orgrimmar, where she
Lordaeron. Moving quickly before Stormwind and Lore’thalmar Theron seized Bladefist Bay
could strike, Sylvannas assumed direct control. and took down Galakras. At the Trial of Garrosh
F However, rather than deal with the Worgen Hellscream in Pandaria where she came to hate
first, she chose to focus on the nearby town of the court, believing Garrosh should be
Ambermill instead. However the crafty mages of summarily killed. Vereesa Windrunner, noticing
Ambermill had anticipated such a move, and her sister's mutual hatred for Garrosh,
transported the town into a pocket dimension. anonymously summoned her to Windrunner
There they waited for the orders to attack in Spire to plot the assassination of the tyrannical
unison with SI:7. former Warchief. Concocting a new, untraceable
poison with her Forsaken subjects, she and
Vereesa planned to lace Hellscream's meal with
it. In the meantime, Vereesa entertained the
Sylvanas had her agents find a way to infiltrate
idea of joining her sister in a leadership position
the town then sabotage it from the inside,
of the Forsaken despite the fact that it would
allowing the Forsaken army to roll in. Overnight
require her to abandon her children. Sylvanas
she resurrected hundreds, if not more, of mages
realized that the Forsaken would not accept a
for the Forsaken armies. However the real coup
living creature into their leadership and decided
was resurrecting Lord Godfrey, a leader of
she would murder Vereesa so that her "Little
Gilneas who knew his former compatriots well.
Moon" could be reborn at her side as undead.
Together, through his efforts and the kidnapping
of Lorna Crowley, Sylvanas was able to lead a Unfortunately for her, this plan fell through
daring assault, defeating the Gilnean army. She before she could carry out the deed and
then, under threat of turning Lorna into a
Sylvanas angrily vowed she would never
attempt to love again.

Sylvanas took part in the Horde's attack force

heading for the Broken Isles in a joint assault
with the Alliance, fighting alongside Varian
Wrynn and leaders of both the Alliance & Horde.
However, the Horde was soon overran by the
sheer number of daemons plus the sudden
emergence of their immense capital ships, which
rained down barrage after barrage on their
armies. It was a frantic, desperate battle and
more than once Sylvanas had to call upon her
Val’kyr to physically save the other Horde
leaders. Bereft of air support and surrounded
and with Vol’jin impaled through the back by a
fel spear, Sylvanas assumed leadership by
being the most senior Horde leader not
incapitated. Asked to save the Horde by a fading
Vol’jin, Sylvanas reluctantly ordered a retreat.

Following the battle at the Broken Shore,

Sylvanas is summoned by the dying Vol'jin to
Grommash Hold. After the loa spirits grant Vol'jin
a vision, Vol'jin decides to make Sylvanas
warchief of the Horde in his final moments.
Vol'jin is burned on a funeral pyre, and during
the ceremony, Sylvanas asks the masses of the
Horde who will aid her in avenging him. The
members of the Horde reply with thunderous
battle cries and roars and the other Horde
leaders pledge their loyalty to the new Warchief.
When demon infiltrators assault Orgrimmar, Sylvanas later takes the Forsaken fleet to
Sylvanas' forces and the Illidari envoy, Allari the Stormheim. While her Horde forces pursue the
Souleater, are able to repel the attack. Seeing Aegis of Aggramar, Sylvanas intends to search
that demon hunters will play a crucial part in the for another treasure that she will be pursuing
war, but mistrustful of their motives, Lady through her own means. Suddenly, the fleet is
Windrunner sends a Horde champion to act as attacked by a single Alliance gunship, the
the Horde's envoy to the Illidari and, unofficially, Skyfire. The attack was at the command of a
as her spy. vengeful Genn Greymane and Sky Admiral
Rogers, who have been pursuing Sylvanas.
Sylvanas tasks her champion, Nathanos
Blightcaller, and a Horde adventurer to defend
the fleet. Before her royal flagship --The
Windrunner-- could be boarded by the Alliance,
Sylvanas escapes to Stormheim to fulfill her
mysterious agenda alone.
Sylvanas can later be found in Helheim making and Sylvanas herself didn't want her own people
a deal with Helya. She leaves Helheim and to lose their pride as Forsaken should they too
takes a contingent of dark rangers on The be disappointed by rejection. Nathanos
Oblivion to the outskirts of Skold-Ashil. There proposed she could use the Gathering to her
they attempt to overtake the vrykul city by force advantage by publicly supporting it and either
but are repelled. Sylvanas chooses a different using the reconnection with their loved ones to
approach and sends a Horde adventurer to motivate them to continue existing as undead
undergo a rite of ascension to gain access to the and prolong the Forsaken's will to propagate, or
vault that Sylvanas desires entrance to. There use the hurt feelings from the reunion's failure to
she sought to subjugate the Valkyr queen Eyir sway the Forsaken masses to be amenable to
and thus gain access to the Valkyr forever. bloodlust and vengeance on the living.

However, she was foiled by Genn Greymane. Sylvanas herself considered it an opportunity to
The two dueled, with Genn declaring he would gain Stormwind's trust and exploit it with
take revenge for Varian (who he felt Sylvanas betrayal. Seeing the benefits and after hearing
abandoned at Broken Isles), his ruined kingdom, Nathanos' opinion of the Desolate Council not
and his son. Though Sylvanas eventually gains being a threat, Sylvanas consented to the
the upper hand, Greymane destroys the artifact Gathering, but only with the Desolate Council
she would have used to take control of the members' sole participation and a small group of
Valkyr queen and frees her in the process. humans. Sylvanas and Nathanos returned to the
Undercity, where she clarified her concerns and
Later, at the end of the war, she meets with stipulated the conditions for the Gathering. She
Vereesa and the newly returned Alleria also did her best to sow doubt in the Forsaken
Windrunner. Though the three reminisce about and encouraged thoughts of their rejection.
old times, the reconciliation attempt quickly falls Sylvanas was certain the natural prejudices will
through. It is later revealed that Sylvanas dash any hopes of reconciliation with the living
actually intended to murder her sisters and bring and discredit those sympathetic to the notion in
them into her undead kingdom, but loses her the Desolate Council.
nerve at the last second.
During the Gathering, King Anduin met with
In the lead up to the Blood War she orders the Sylvanas face to face to set the terms of the
goblins to mine Azerite in Sillithus after event, and he bluntly asked her if she
Sargeras’ sword pierces the place. At the same intentionally betrayed his father during the Battle
time, she made secret preparations for a war to for the Broken Shore. Though shocked by
put down the Alliance once and for all. In Anduin's straightforwardness, she gave an
particular, she sought to murder Stormwind and honest answer: That the Burning Legion's
convert its populace to Forsaken, even believing numbers sealed Varian's fate regardless of the
the act was a mercy as they would be united decision she made. Though the Gathering
with their Forsaken loved ones in death and started off peaceful, Sylvanas caught wind of the
freed from the harshness of life's passions and defection of some of the Forsaken as it unfolded
loss. before her as she stood, watching, on Thoradin's
Wall. In order to clarify if the Forsaken were
Sylvanas traveled to the Gallywix Pleasure
indeed defecting, she signaled the recall of the
Palace to check on Gallywix's progress in
Forsaken participants. However, some refused
researching Azerite and to spur his focus on
to heed the retreat.
creating Azerite weapons. Nathanos Blightcaller
interrupted their meeting to relay Anduin Shortly thereafter, one of her priests came to her
Wrynn's missive concerning the proposal of the stating Calia Menethil, heir to the throne of
Gathering. Sylvanas' own family reunion had Lordaeron, was the reason for the defection.
embittered her to reconciliation with the living,
She then let loose her dark rangers on bats. When Varok suggested that the Horde should
Sylvanas ordered her dark rangers to kill all then be preparing to defend themselves for the
Forsaken present in the field, including those next war instead of instigating it, Sylvanas
running back towards Thoradin's Wall. Sylvanas countered by explaining that while Varok himself
reasoned that the only Forsaken she trusted had shown that Stormwind City was seemingly
were those who were already broken and bitter impenetrable to conquering, the Siege of
by their experiences, while those that still had Orgrimmar showed that Orgrimmar was not;
sympathies could not be permitted to fester their thus the Horde was more vulnerable to losing in
hope. Sylvanas herself personally murdered a war than the Alliance. With Azerite
Calia Menethil right in front of Anduin, and undoubtedly changing warcraft, Sylvanas
threatened to kill Anduin as well. She reasoned proposed that they take every opportunity to
it would be her right, considering Anduin brought achieve victory and ensure lasting peace for
an usurper to cause sedition. Anduin however, future generations of the Horde. Varok came to
called Sylvanas' bluff since she was not agree with Sylvanas' sound reasoning, but still
prepared to face the unrestrained ire of the could not fathom what strategy would be
Alliance, nor did she have the full support of the effective enough to sack Stormwind when they
Horde. Leaving himself vulnerable, Anduin lack the logistics to maintain an invasion.
carried Calia's corpse back to Stromgarde Keep.
Sylvanas led Varok to the realization that the
In response, Anduin had Orgimmar saturated war with the Burning Legion had weakened both
with an ungodly amount of Alliance spies as he factions' navies and the deterrence of swift
wanted the Banshee Queen to believe she reprisal that enforced the stalemate between the
couldn’t order a drink without knowing the Horde and Alliance was no longer feasible. With
Alliance knowing the color of her ale. One day, both the Alliance and Horde's navies diminished,
Sylvanas had summoned Varok Saurfang to a they would be unable to transport troops and
secret meeting in Grommash Hold. After thus would be slow to project military power to
Sylvanas assured Varok that her champion reinforce distant warfronts. With such a
Nathanos was keeping this meeting private from weakness, the Horde could secure Kalimdor.
Alliance spying, Sylvanas asked Varok to make Darnassus, the center of Alliance military power
a hypothetical battle plan on how to sack in Kalimdor, would be a feasible target to
Stormwind City. conquer; especially if the Horde took the
Alliance by surprise. Moreover, it would deny the
After evaluating all the scenarios he could think Alliance a safe harbor to ship Azerite from
of, Varok concluded that the Horde would be Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms. The cost
unable to sack Stormwind City and any progress however, would be that their holdings in the
at doing so would be tentative at best. Sylvanas Eastern Kingdoms would likely be susceptible to
suggested that Varok think of a more elaborate reprisal, especially Sylvanas' own capital, the
strategy with Stormwind's conquering as the Undercity.
final phase rather than the sole objective.
Enraged by Sylvanas' warmongering, Varok Sylvanas, however, proposed to politically divide
finally questioned his warchief as to why she the Alliance by baiting the night elves into
was so eager to start a bloody war with the demanding the Alliance prioritize the retaking of
Alliance. Sylvanas rationalized that she believed their homeland and thus dividing the Alliance's
that the Alliance and Horde will never forgive the forces. The Alliance would lack the fleet nor the
transgressions they had committed against one strength to retake Kalimdor and thus weaken or
another and that war was inevitable. Thus, the become politically fractured. Furthermore,
only way to ensure peace for the Horde was to holding Darnassus hostage would paralyze the
dominate the Alliance in war and win it on their Alliance from counterattacking as the night elves
terms. would not stand for their city being annihilated
and thus create a divide between them and the they sent a sizable night elf fleet to Silithus as
Gilneans, who had lost their nation years ago deterrence. Tyrande Whisperwind traveled to
and were not prioritized for military aid on that Stormwind City to help the Alliance leadership
warfront either. With such a political crisis, plan the war, leaving only Malfurion Stormrage
Anduin Wrynn would not be able to act and each and his skeleton crew of night elf defenders for
Alliance nation will act in its own interest to the Horde to contend with. Although Sylvanas'
defend themselves from a unified Horde. Varok advisers saw this as a boon, Sylvanas seemed
came to the realization that was how they quite annoyed that only one night elf leader
intended to defeat Stormwind, by politically would fall in the invasion, as she believed the
carving each individual nation away from the death of their leaders would break the Kaldorei’s
Alliance and then dominating them into a spirits. To scare the night elves into surrendering
surrender. However, Sylvanas was well aware without creating a unifying atrocity for the
that they can only divide the Alliance if the war Alliance to rally to, Varok suggested they bring
to conquer Darnassus does not unite the many siege weapons with them. That way, the
Alliance against the Horde. That can only threat of raining death on Darnassus with
happen if the Horde wins in an honorable impunity would deter the night elves in the city
victory, which Sylvanas knows the Horde doesn't from resisting.
trust her to do. Thus, Sylvanas authorized
Saurfang to create the battle plans and execute
their strategy.
While High Overlord Saurfang led the charge to
secure Ashenvale, Sylvanas focused on hunting
Malfurion Stormrage. Sylvanas clashed with
Malfurion twice — once, when she interrupted a
fight between Malfurion and Lorash Sunbeam
and another when Sylvanas attacked Malfurion
when he had trapped Varok Saurfang in
Astranaar. Despite her efforts, Malfurion
managed to elude her.

After securing Ashenvale, the Horde turned its

attention to Darkshore. When the Horde invaded
Darkshore however, many of their men were
incinerated by the wall of wisps Malfurion had
erected. To compound to their troubles, the night
elven fleet had returned and were aiding in the
kaldorei defense. The night elves' defenses
were enough to halt the Horde's advance, and
Sylvanas and Saurfang knew they needed to act
To lure out the Alliance from Ashenvale, quickly before Stormwind's reinforcements arrive
Sylvanas suggested duping the Alliance spies to stop the invasion. Thus Sylvanas and
into believing a false narrative. Thus, Varok Saurfang came up with a plan to divide the
began planting misinformation and acting out an wisps' attention on multiple fronts, thus
adversarial relationship with Sylvanas and diminishing their effectiveness. Saurfang and
Nathanos to make it seem as if he was priming Nathanos Blightcaller took a group to scale the
the Horde to monopolize the Azerite in Silithus mountains in Felwood and distract the wisps to
and was also bullying Sylvanas into endorsing the north.
his campaign. The Alliance took the bait; fearing
Meanwhile, Sylvannas used her banshee
the Horde was proliferating Azerite weapons,
powers to create holes in the wisp wall through
which she led a portion of her army through. She She conversed with Delaryn Summermoon and,
ordered the burning of the Grove of the upon realizing that the Kaldorei were not cowed,
Ancients, decimated the local Furbolg clans, and she ordered the burning of Teldrassil.
generally occupied the attention of the Kaldorei
defenders even as the remnants of the
Shatterspear opened up a second front up north.
Saurfang roared at Sylvanas and scolded her for
Then, Saurfang’s army crossed the mountains,
her lack of honor and the danger she put the
opening up a third front and proving pivotal to
Horde in. Sylvanas however, was calm and was
overwhelming the defenders. Sylvanas and
already proceeding with planning the defense of
Malfurion met once more, and clashed.
Undercity. When Varok accused Sylvanas of
damning the Horde for a thousand generations,
Sylvanas retorted that this was a war and a
Despite Sylvanas' overwhelming numbers, failure of his own making. Darnassus was never
Malfurion had managed to dispatch all of the objective; the goal was to create a wedge
Sylvanas' guards, leaving Sylvanas and that would split the Alliance apart. Sylvanas
Malfurion to face off alone. Sylvanas and needed a weapon that would destroy hope and
Malfurion dueled each other on the shores of Varok gave that up to spare Malfurion. The
Darkshore. Before their fight could be genocide in Teldrassil was Sylvanas' way of
concluded, Saurfang interrupted and had thrown remedying Saurfang's blunder. Sylvanas
his axe at Malfurion, wounding him with a believed that the Alliance would fight in pain and
dishonorable blow. Although Saurfang was that will give the Horde a chance at victory.
upset that he had done something ignoble,
Sylvanas commended Saurfang for his sneak The Alliance responded swiftly. They used the
attack and gave him the honor of finishing relief force that was bound for Teldrassil and
Malfurion off. launched a naval invasion of Tristfal Glades
before the Horde could reinforce it. Following
When Saurfang returned to her however, she Sylvanas Saurfang and volunteers from every
was displease to learn that Varok did not kill race teleported over, and she and the defenders
Malfurion and that Tyrande had intervened to engaged in a dramatic battle over the city.
save him. Sylvanas was so enraged that she However, the Alliance began to gain the upper
was considering killing Saurfang, but she hand. As the Alliance soldiers began to gain
stopped herself when she thought it would be an ground on Lordaeron, Sylvanas ordered her
inopportun Azerite War Machine to destroy the Alliance's
e time. She siege towers. When the war machine was
walked destroyed by Anduin, Sylvanas ordered her
away from troops to deploy the Blight on the field, much to
Saurfang High Overlord Saurfang's protest, as there were
and both Alliance and Horde troops who would be
Nathanos' caught in the blast. Nevertheless, the Blight was
bickering deployed, and Sylvanas raised those who died
so she on either faction as skeletal minions to push the
could cool Alliance back.
off her
rage and However the timely arrival of Jaina Proudmoore
contemplat turns the tide of battle back in the Alliance's
e about favor and Sylvanas is forced to pull back the
this turn of Horde's forces. She is then confronted by
events. Saurfang who criticizes her for her ultimate
endgame calling it an 'honourless travesty'.
Sylvanas responds that honour means nothing inflict an aura of death (seen in the BFA
to a corpse and that she believes this Horde is cinematic) that wipes out whole squads.
worth saving while telling him to go die his
'warrior's death' and that she may end up raising She is a master archer, capable of firing
him to serve her in undeath. This infuriated enhanced arrows that can destroy siege towers
Baine, but Sylvanas ignored him. in a single hit and turn each slain into an
undead. Sylvanas is no slouch with the blade,
She planned to lure all the Alliance leaders into either.
the city and then detonate the Blight in a
decapitation strike, however Jaina simply The Banshee Queen is aptly named. Her
teleported them all out. screams have the power to silence and weaken
her enemies or bolster the power of her allies. At
Realizing this would be a long war, she ordered high levels it can even kill. When speaking, her
her champions to recruit the Zandalari while, in voice can ring with the barest hint of the force
other parts of the world, the Horde enticed the that her banshee wail could muster, making
Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren and even the tapestries shudder.
alternate universe Mag’har to join. Currently, she
has resurrected the dead Proudmoore brother She can drain life, mind control enemies, and
Derek in order to turn him into a Manchurian telepathically communicate.
Candidate to murder that clan.
Defensive: Her corporeal body is said to be
extremely resistant to conventional weapons,
and Sylvanas can switch in and out of her
incorporeal banshee form at will. In this form,
she can fly.

Also, if she is slain, she has at least one

additional life at this point courtesy of the

Adaptive Creativity: 84/100: Sylvanas has

always been extremely cunning and adaptive.
For example, in the Frozen Throne campaign
she boosted her then small army several times
over by having banshees possess key leaders
and overwhelm a previously numerically
superior force. In every battle since she has
frequently deployed a new device, technique or

Tactics 81/100: While she hasn’t won every

battle she has fought, those that she loses are
either against foes that drastically outnumber
and/or overpower her own or are against the
Alliance, though she delivers an absolute
mauling to them in that case. Everything else,
Offensive: Sylvanas is the most powerful she wins and it is notable she has beaten the
banshee to ever live. She can resurrect Alliance far more times than she has lost.
hundreds or even thousands of lesser
skeletons/zombies through her own power and Strategy: 77/100: She is intended to be one of
the best strategists in the Horde and it should be
noted that the recent Blood War is all from her (albeit undeath with free minds and wills). She
planning. It is through her that the Forsaken certainly will use almost anything to win a war,
grew from a rag tag group of Scourge survivors so long as it does not cost her or the Horde too
to a power that dominated the Northern half of much in the long run.
the continent.
She has some genuine care for the Forsaken,
Audacity: 67/100: While Sylvanas can and will respect for other members of the Horde and light
retreat when need be, she will also happily gratitude for the Tauren for advocating for her
expend her troops if needed, like that time she people.
blighted some of her own in the Battle of
Lordaeron to also blight the Alliance. She does
seem to have a slight hierarchy of expenditures
though, with her Forsaken prized over the other
Horde (though she takes pains to hide this).

Intuition: See Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare: 81/100: When it comes

to negative emotions like fear, greed, pettiness
etc she is a learned master, able to manipulate
the best. However, positive emotions- hope,
love, honor- are things she has some difficulty
understanding and though she can manipulate
them there are hiccups. For example, her belief
that Genn Greymane would cost the Alliance the
latest war by demanding that the Alliance retake
Gilneas while the rest of the Alliance was
focused on Night Elven lands, thus splitting the
Alliance internally, was wrong. Genn put the
needs of an ally before his own. Sylvanas is
skilled at manipulating people who behave like
she does but has trouble with people who are
Personality Traits: In her early life, Sylvanas
more selfless.
was a prodigious ranger, proud and vain—and
Experience: 85/100: Hundreds of years old and pragmatic. As the ranger-general, Sylvanas, like
experienced against a wide assortment of foes, many of the quel'dorei, held the belief that it was
mortal or otherwise. a mistake to teach magic to humanity; though
she was also of the opinion that Quel'Thalas
Discipline: 65/100: Sylvanas is relatively would do well to coexist with the other races of
disciplined but also has a short temper. the world, and to practice tolerance. Sylvanas'
ambiguous relationship with her pupil, the
Inspiration: 66/100: Among the Forsaken, she human Nathanos Marris, may have shaped this
is eighty plus and regarded as virtually divine. belief (or have been the result of it). Death,
She is given a certain respect by the rest of the however, would give Sylvanas a highly different
Horde, who admire her military outlook on life.
accomplishments and history but are still a bit
wary of her. In death, Sylvanas was motivated, for the most
part, by revenge; and later, a drive to survive
Corruption: 80/100: It is hinted she may want to (and avoid the hell awaiting her) at all costs.
kill everything eventually and raise it to undeath Sylvanas is a highly cunning and capable
administrator, having built up a nation from Training: 8
nothing to one of Azeroth's most powerful (and
feared) factions. Though she has forged Max Range: Thrown Axe
alliances, she has consistently kept her allies
Preferred Range: Melee
ignorant of her true motives. Sometimes this
provides an advantage when dealing with more Role: Commander in Chief
volatile allies, though it has contributed to her Sub-faction: Orcs
being blamed for actions that were not her own.
Sylvanas makes little distinction between friend ===NOTE: SINCE THIS IS A COMPOSITE
and foe; if you do not stand with the Forsaken, PROFILE, YOU MAY ASSUME SAURFANG IS
you stand against them. She makes use of FROM BEFORE THE BATTLE FOR
oratory skills to inspire her followers, be it LORDAERON==
rallying the liberated undead on a crusade of
retribution, or motivating her people to war. For as long as the Horde has been around in
Sylvanas is a cold ruler, placing value on few of any iteration, Saurfang has been there leading
her subjects beyond their use as tools, be it its troops to glory.
arrows to kill on her behalf or shields to protect
Born of the Blackrock Clan, he quickly rose to
her from her enemies. Even her own homeland
glory and, at the onset of the Draenei war, rose
was not exempt to this; indeed, Sylvanas was
to become one of Warchief Blackhand’s
willing to use it as a bargaining chip to secure
lieutenants. Varok made the free decision to
more manpower in her quest for vengeance.
drink the blood of Mannoroth alongside
Sylvanas is often brusque and dismissive,
Grommash Hellscream and led forces in the
though is quick to feign respect around figures
sacking of Shattrath, the Blood Curse causing
such as past Warchiefs. She does pay some
them to murder many innocent draenei, children
amount of respect to her own soldiers,
commemorating them through their insignia or
attempting to rescue survivors of a battle. Around the time of the Dark Portal's opening
Varok's mate apparently died and was burned in
Sylvanas is a ruthless and creative military
Nagrand. Having promised his mate that their
leader. She is not above using hostages,
son would not be exposed to the warlocks or
explicitly banned chemical weaponry, and taking
cross the Dark Portal, their son Dranosh was
morally dubious choices to put the Forsaken
hidden away at Garadar in Nagrand, while Varok
ahead in warfare. Differences between Sylvanas
charged into the world of Azeroth, commanding
and the Lich King are still present, primarily in
Blackhand's army like an unstoppable force
that she won't enslave undead as the Scourge
towards Stormwind, never losing in battle until
does, but she knows how to exploit the
the Horde was routed at the end of the Second
confusion of freshly-resurrected soldiers to use
War. When Orgrim seized control of the Horde
them against their former brothers in arms.
in the First War, he chose Varok as his second-
Sylvanas seems to genuinely believe life is a in-command after witnessing Saurfang's efficient
burden and that if others knew this they would and brutal tactics on the field. He participated in
eagerly seek her out for undeath the siege of Stormwind City as well. When the
Horde marched from the Hillsbrad Foothills into
the Hinterlands during the Second War, Varok
commanded a rearguard of Blackrock orcs to
MAJOR GENERALS waylay the Alliance.

. He participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal,

VAROK SAURFANG witnessing Archimonde's fall to the wisps. After
Mobility: 5 the demonic bloodlust had been lifted from the
orcs due to Grommash Hellscream's sacrifice, savage but successful tactics. Varok also
Varok helped dozens of veterans come to grips assisted adventurers in killing Varidus the
with their previous atrocities, ultimately saving Flenser but insisted on not telling Garrosh about
the lives of many great Horde soldiers. His own this.
actions under the Blood Curse, however,
continue to haunt him, as the sound of swine Unfortunately, tragedy struck as his son was
being killed when they are ready for slaughter slain in combat with the Lich King at the
remind him of the death screams of the draenei Wrathgate. Then, to make things worse, the Lich
children, and older veterans like Varok are often King raised the young boy as a death knight and
troubled by the memory. It disturbed Varok so sent him against his father. Saurfang and
deeply that he has refused to eat pork ever champions put him down in Icecrown, though
since. the act devastates Saurfang emotionally.

However, he remained incredibly respected Having promised Garrosh many years ago to kill
among the Horde and when the silithid and their him if he went power mad, Saurfang arrives at
qiraji masters invaded he was selected to serve the siege of Orgimmar to fulfill the promise.
an unheard of position- the supreme Together with Thrall he fought his way through a
commander of the Horde AND Alliance forces in Mantid army at the Underbelly, though he was
the Sillithus. He is the only individual to receive wounded in the fighting. He participated in the
such an honor and he quickly proved to all that Trials of Pandaria afterwards where he
their faith in him was not unjustified. Believing advocated for an honor duel between himself
rightly that the Sillitihd had the numbers to win a and Hellscream. On Draenor he helped the
war of attrition, Varok had champions gather Garrison commander identify key threats for
pieces of the almost mythical Sceptor of the elimination.
Shifting Sands, which had once sealed the
Sillithid in their lands millennia ago. Then, he
used it to unlock this magical barrier and in
doing so was met with the full might of the

Countless tens of thousands poured from the

gates but, though many Alliance/Horde heroes
were slain, Saurfang pushed deep into the
kingdom. He then deployed elite Horde
champions into a zone that held the bulk of the
qiraji, seeking to kill their leadership, while the During the Legion war he took command of the
Alliance champions were tasked with dealing the defense of the Northern Barrens, which was
leaders that hid below- a number that eventually being invaded to cut off Orgimmar and the
included an actual old god C’Thuun. Incredibly Tauren of Mulgor. Despite the massed numbers,
both assaults succeeded. air support and teleporting nature of his foes he
led the defenders to fight off the Legion multiple
Saurfang fought the Scourge when they invaded times. Later, after the defeat at Broken Shore,
Orgimmar and then took part as second in he led a two-person invasion of the island to kill
command of the Horde expedition to Northrend, some daemons. Though his bird was shot down
serving under the untested Garrosh Hellscream he was simply too badass to die and wandered
who Thrall wanted to give experience to. He the isles for a time slaying demons
commanded the Kor'kron in Northrend and indiscriminately. He also tensely watched
remains wary of the resurfacing bloodlust of the Sylvanas as she navigated the path of Warchief.
orcs, due to its employment in Hellscream's
After having the discussion with Sylvanas elves. Once Astranaar was secured, the Horde
detailed in her profile, Saurfang came to rescued Saurfang from the rubble.
honestly believe that the only way for there to be
lasting peace was if the Horde could thoroughly When the Horde invaded Darkshore, many of
achieve a victory. This conversation is detailed their men were incinerated by the wall of wisps
in Sylvanas’ profile. Malfurion had erected. To compound to their
troubles, the night elven fleet had returned and
Before the Horde commenced their invasion, were aiding in the kaldorei defense. The night
Varok deployed Horde rogues as his vanguard elves' defenses were enough to halt the Horde's
force and had them attack every night elf patrol advance, and Sylvanas and Saurfang knew they
and outpost. When the Horde army reached the needed to act quickly before Stormwind's
junction in the Northern Barrens, Saurfang reinforcements arrive to stop the invasion. Thus
revealed to his army their secret plan to conquer Sylvanas and Saurfang came up with a plan to
Darnassus. After galvanizing his army with divide the wisps' attention on multiple fronts,
promises of battle and glory, Saurfang led the thus diminishing their effectiveness. Saurfang
Horde to invade Ashenvale. Despite the Horde's and Nathanos Blightcaller took an army and
overwhelming numbers, the night elf defenders went to Felwood; once there, they used a
met the invading army with fierce resistance. smuggler's passage to scale the mountain pass.
The night elves managed to hold off the Horde Once they reached the north of Darkshore, they
at the Falfarren River for a while, until the Horde began desecrating the forest, distracting the
called their numbers’ bluff and overwhelmed wisps and dispersing the wisp wall. That allowed
them at every front. As the night elves fell back the Horde army under Sylvanas to breach the
deeper into the forests, Malfurion Stormrage wisp wall. Saurfang later regrouped with the
spoke to Varok from the concealment of the Horde army and oversaw the conquering of
woods. Varok proclaimed that the night elves' Lor'danel.
lands would soon belong to the Horde and offers
the night elves a chance to leave in peace; Saurfang found Sylvanas and Malfurion battling
Malfurion responded that the Horde will pay in on the shores of Darkshore. The chaotic battle
blood for each step it gains. obscured who was the victor, but when Saurfang
saw antlers, he instinctively threw his axe which
During the Horde's march on Ashenvale, the transfixed upon Malfurion's back. The moment it
forces led by Saurfang were lured into an hit Malfurion, Saurfang had regretted it, as the
ambush by Malfurion Stormrage and Captain fight had not ended and he had dealt Malfurion a
Delaryn Summermoon in Astranaar. Astranaar, dishonorable blow. Sylvanas however,
being an island, was somewhere that Saurfang commended him for his actions and gave
realized the Horde could not escape from. Saurfang the honor of finishing Malfurion off.
Saurfang challenged Malfurion to a mak'gora in
order to buy his tacticians time to escape with Saurfang however, could not bring himself to kill
their battle plans, but Malfurion did not care him. Saurfang's chance to do so was soon over
about orcish duels and was after Saurfang's life. as Tyrande had arrived to protect and heal
He overwhelmed Saurfang and used roots to Malfurion. Instantly, Saurfang was ensared by
bind his legs, and Saurfang admitted to himself the powers of Elune. Though Tyrande criticized
that there was nothing he could do against Saurfang for leading the Horde into this
Malfurion's power. But as the inn they were dishonorable war, Saurfang was unrepentant as
fighting in began to collapse around them, he felt victory in this war was necessary for the
Sylvanas fired an arrow of dark magic at survival of the Horde. For not killing her
Malfurion, distracting him from Saurfang. husband, Tyrande had decided not to kill
Saurfang was buried under collapsing rubble Saurfang so long as he did not interfere in
while Sylvanas rallied the Horde to rout the night allowing the both of them to leave in peace.
Saurfang agreed, but also warned her that Battle for Lordaeron, only to be stopped by a
Darnassus was lost and if she returned to young troll protégée. He defended Capital City,
Teldrassil, she and Malfurion will die. Tyrande taking up the Horde banner and leading the
and Malfurion hearthstoned to Stormwind and charge. The orc leader managed to strike an
although he was sure Malfurion would recover uppercut with the haft of his axe on the Alliance
and pay back the Horde in blood, he felt content leader, Anduin Wrynn, knocking down the young
in his decision as it was honorable. king. But was pushed back by King Genn
Greymane. After this, Sylvanas and Saurfang
Unfortunately, Sylvannas did not. Believing her looked in awe as Wrynn conjured a massive
whole plan was foiled, she ordered her dome of light to heal and rally his wavering men,
demolishers to fire on Teldrassil. Saurfang before clashing once again with the Alliance.
quickly barked out orders to stop the attack, but
the damage had been done. In a fury he turned When the Horde began to lose the battle,
to Sylvannas and pointed out that Teldrassil Saurfang was against Sylvanas's decision to use
would be a rallying cry for the Alliance forever- the blight. He argued with her that the Horde
after. had to recover the bodies of the fallen as honor
demanded, to which she was opposed. He
When Varok accused Sylvanas of damning the confronted Sylvanas, but she didn't care about
Horde for a thousand generations, Sylvanas the honor. Saying he could die a warrior's death
retorted that this was a war and a failure of his if he wanted, she ordered everyone else to the
own making. Darnassus was never the throne room, while Saurfang chose to stay
objective; the goal was to create a wedge that behind
would split the Alliance apart. Sylvanas needed
a weapon that would destroy hope and Varok Outside in the courtyard, Saurfang waited to
gave that up to spare Malfurion. The genocide in confront the Alliance forces, and refused
Teldrassil is Sylvanas' way of remedying Anduin's offer to stand down. He was defeated,
Saurfang's blunder. Sylvanas believes that the but Anduin ordered his forces to stop before any
Alliance will now fight in pain and that will give could kill him, much to Saurfang's chagrin as he
the Horde a chance at victory. Despite wanted an honorable death. Later, when the
Saurfang's anger at Sylvanas, Varok believed Horde infiltrated the Alliance stockades, he
she was right. chose to stay behind. It is later revealed that he
is working with Anduin Wrynn to ‘reclaim his
As Sylvanas turned back toward the World Tree, horde’.
watching it burn, Saurfang made himself watch
the flames consume city and citizens alike. He Offensive: An Arcanite Reaver- a magical axe.
would not dishonor himself further by turning It is also noted Saurfang is one of the most
away. As he watched the genocide occur in front skilled duelists in all of Azeroth and has a
of him, Saurfang reflected on all the death he reputation for cleaving down entire hordes of
committed in past wars such as Shattrath and foes, with rumors of him cleaving through
Stormwind, and was ashamed that this time, several foes at once with a single blow. In some
there was no haze of corruption now to soften zones he rides upon a fully armored horse-sized
the horror. Saurfang lamented he had war wolf.
dishonored himself and the Horde in this war
and would carry that burden with him until the Defensive: Plate Armor
end of his days; which he hoped would come
Adaptive Creativity: 64/100: While Saurfang
can adapt if needed, he is more known for his
Falling into a state of depression, Saurfang tried and true tactics, earned and learned
attempted to charge the Alliance lines- alone through decades of nonstop war. When planning
and without armor- during the night before the alongside Sylvanas, he generally serves as the
practical side while the Undead Queen is the Alliance and soldiers readily volunteer to join his
creative. That said, he can be unconventional, command, holding him in a sort of awe.
such as maintaining personal spy rings,
personally infiltrating the Cult of the Damned Corruption: 44/100: Saurfang is brutal, perfectly
and working with smugglers to position men willing to kill his enemies on the field of battle.
over a mountain pass in Darkshore. Yet, he has also made ‘honor’ a core personality
trait. Haunted by past atrocities in a daemon-
Tactics: 82/100: Virtually every battle Saurfang fueled haze, he wants to win wars in what he
has personally commanded or directly played a feels is the ‘right’ manner. This means limiting
role in commanding, he has won. This includes civilian deaths and the use of superweapons
battles against the Sillithids, the Legion, the seen as dishonorable (including blight). He will
Scourge and the Draenei. Only the Alliance, put honor even before sound military objectives
ever the Horde’s archenemies, has given him such as when he could have killed Malfurion but
some problems- and even then, Saurfang felt doing in the circumstance would have been
seems to have won more than he lost. dishonorable.

Strategy: 73/100” Saurfang is shown to be a Personality Traits: In many ways, Saurfang

master planner and organizer, and bears embodies what is best about the Orcs. He is
primary responsibility for the recent defeat of the steadfast, loyal to his ideals, and deeply
Night Elves in the War of the Thorns. honorable. So long as the combat is honorable,
he enjoys it. However, it is also true that, as a
Intuition: 50/100 result of his past, he has a bit of a death wish
and certain actions (like Sylvanas’ burning of
Audacity: 74/100: While he will not shove his
Teldrassil) can trigger his PTSD.
troops into a meat grinder, he personally has no
fear of death and may even long for it. Though his social skills are limited and he is
outwardly tough, he gives plenty of chances for
Psychological Warfare: 49/100: Saurfang
his soldiers to redeem themselves and serve
recognizes the value of fear, honor and other
with honor.
such martial emotions, and the opening thrust of
the War of the Thorns was a classic disruption
move. However, he primarily prefers to win
conflicts on the battlefield.

Experience: 82/100: Saurfang has active

experience leading in virtually every war the
Horde has ever fought, from the formation of its
first iteration till now. He is the only living
individual to lead the combined Alliance & Horde

Discipline: 78/100: Saurfang’s patience isn’t

inexhaustible, but his discipline was both
instilled from an early age as part of the
Blackrock clan and learned from a life of military
action. While he shows more emotions in
private, on the battlefield he is nearly

Inspiration: 70/100: Saurfang is extremely well-

respected among the leadership of the Horde &
BAINE BLOODHOOF Baine attempted to warn the dwarven miners of
Bael'dun Digsite that their violent mining
methods were hurting the spirits of the Earth and
even attempted to scare them off by sending
Adventurers to break their tools. However the
dwarves did not listen and continued using
explosives on the earth. In Cataclysm Baine was
shown to be right as the enraged Spirits of the
Earth rose from the ground and killed all the
dwarves at the digsite.

By the time of the defeat of the Lich King, Baine

had become a major leader of the tauren. When
the Emerald Nightmare began to slowly claim all
of the denizens of Thunder Bluff, he helped
guide his people in their resistance. He even
killed a friend of his who was too addled by the
Nightmare to tell friend from foe.

Later, when Malfurion Stormrage called for the

warriors of Azeroth to battle against the
Nightmare, Baine was one of the many to
answer. Once within the Emerald Dream, Baine
once again showed his aptitude for leadership.
When the Horde expressed agitation about
Malfurion giving leadership to Varian Wrynn for
the battle, Baine was the first to stand by his
Mobility: 5 side, alleviating all tension and showing that this
Training :6 conflict was above their petty differences.
Max Range: Gun Although they fought a seemingly hopeless
Preferred Range: Melee battle, the united forces of Azeroth eventually
Sub-Faction: Tauren claimed victory, and Baine was able to return to
his people to help repair the damage. He later
led the defense of Mulgore against an elemental
Raised by the legendary chieftain Cairne
Bloodhoof, Baine grew up in awe of his father.
He engaged in many battles vs. the centaurs in
those early years, and joined his father in
alliance with the Horde when Thrall came. At
one point he was captured by the Tauren but
was saved by Rexxar and his party. In the first
World of Warcraft at Bloodhoof Village, Baine
Bloodhoof led an investigation into Venture
Company operations to the east and a campaign
against the Palemane gnolls to the west. With
his father growing older, Baine took a greater
In the Shattering, Baine ascends to top
role in the leadership of the tauren with each
leadership when his father, Cairne, is killed in a
passing year.
duel with Garrosh Hellscream through unwilling
treachery. Upon his death, Magatha Grimtotem, dissenters that the Horde as being far more than
Cairne's sworn rival, orders her tribe to take over its leaders; an enduring and unifying concept
Mulgore and kill everyone in it, and sends that Thrall and Cairne helped shape.
assassins to Bloodhoof Village to kill Baine, who
remained unaware of what happened in At the same time, Quilboar raids drove a rift
Orgrimmar. However, Baine is tipped off by a between the Tauren chieftain and Garrosh, the
Grimtotem defector, the shaman Stormsong who latter who wanted to wipe the quillboar out for
was supposed to lead the group attacking good. Baine, meanwhile, wanted to pursue
Bloodhoof Village, and managed to escape diplomatic means and had his shaman look up
under the cover of a kodo stampede, sending why the quillboar were attacking. Growing
messengers to other villages warning them of frustrated, Garrosh leads an assault without
the Grimtotems' treachery. They then make their telling Baine which initially goes well but gets
escape to Camp Taurajo, where they join bogged down in their tunnels.
Hamuul Runetotem who had also managed to
Gorehowl in hand, Garrosh and the expert
escape an attempt on his life. Eager to avenge
Kor'kron make quick and ruthless work of the
his father and reclaim Thunder Bluff, Baine asks
quilboar in their tunnels. However, an ambush
his father's old friend and adviser on how to fight
launched by hundreds of the beasts has the
Kor'kron regiment literally swarmed over;
The Blood Elves were too far away, the Garrosh himself disarmed and backed into a
Forsaken controlled by Garrosh, and the trolls corner. As he prepared to fight to the death,
were too few. So Baine turned to Jaina Baine, Hamuul and the Sunwalkers arrive to
Proudmoore, who loaned the Tauren an relieve the battle. Baine succeeded in repelling
incredible amount of cash. At this same meeting the ambush with his skilled use of Fearbreaker,
he also met and struck up a friendship with and helped the warchief reclaim Gorehowl. The
Anduin Wrynn, who was also visiting at the time. Horde forces retreat, and Hamuul demonstrates
Baine sets out to recruit a great number of the power of the Earth Mother to Garrosh as he
mercenaries from around the Horde, while calls upon a river. Baine stands over the
simultaneously sending his agent Stormsong to defeated quilboar, and instructs them that this
Gazowle who provided zeppelins, explosives river will provide them with all the water they
and other supplies. need - providing no more attacks are made on
the tauren people. The quilboar anxiously return
With the materials and manpower he needs, to their tunnels.
Baine leads a surprise attack on Thunder Bluff,
under the cover of a false storm provided by Camp Taurjo, a outlying settlement, was later
Stormsong's shamanic powers. Baine succeeds sacked by the Alliance. Not wanting to inflame
in defeating Magatha, sparing her life when she the situation, Baine had a great wall built
agrees to yield (although he would of been quite between his province of Mulgore and the
happy to end her had she not). Allowing those Alliance forces, and expelled overly vengeful
Grimtotems who would follow him to remain, Tauren.
Baine exiles Magatha and her loyalists.
Baine opposed the thrust aimed at conquering
The next couple of months were difficult for Theramore, even going so far to warn Jaina- a
Baine, as the high chieftain reaffirmed loyalty to personal friend- in secret. Nevertheless, he led a
the Horde and to his father’s killer (even if slain combined Troll-Tauren army against the Alliance
in an honor duel). Garrosh was at times forces at Northwatch Hold, though withdrew
demanding enough that other Tauren began to when Garrosh employed Molten Giants to
consider leaving the Horde, though Baine destroy some of the Alliance forces- a violation
stamped on such sentiment. He told such of the Earthen Ring’s edicts. Baine was
concerned enough to hold secret court among
representatives of the various races of the for Lordaeron, assisting on the front lines. He
Horde, an act that Garrosh considered was furious that Sylvanas simply left Saurfang
borderline treacherous. behind to the mercy of the Alliance, but when
Sylvanas gave him the option of going outside to
This fury was returned tenfold when Garrosh die or to tend to the living, Baine chose the latter
mana-bombed Theramore. Baine angrily saying "For the Horde." with an angry tone. He
declared that there must never be another left the throne room before the blight was
Theramore if Garrosh wanted the Tauren’s released in the city.
support. Garrosh noted this complaint but Baine
kept at it, observing the warchief’s use of the He arrived in Zulzadar to personally oversee the
Sha with growing unease. He was one of the recruitment of the Zandalari, not trusting
first to join Vol’jin’s rebellion and one of the first Sylvanas to do so in an honorable manner. He
to suggest seeking aid “Beyond the Horde”. He helped Talanji and Rakastahn many times,
participated in the Siege of Orgimmar. including during the coup where the Horde army
kept their portion of the city from falling to Zul’s
In the War Crimes novel, he was forced to cultists. However, his sense of unease and fury
defend Garrosh in court by his other Horde only deepened yet further with the forced
leaders. This he does with a heavy heart, but resurrection of Derek Proudmoore, to be used
honestly and earnestly. When Garrosh escapes as a brainwashed assassin against Jaina.
thanks to the Infinite Dragonflight, Baine battled
a version of himself from an alternate timeline.
This alternate Baine slew Hellscream after
Cairne's death by tearing him apart with his
hands, taking the mantle of Warchief for himself.
During the fight, Baine became frustrated at the
August Celestials staying out of the chaos
surrounding them. It was then that the Celestials
proclaimed to the combatants "Remember the
sha", leading Baine to realize that he couldn't
fight this alternate version of himself, but had to
accept him. Baine accomplished this after Offensive: A massive totem and axe. Baine is a
reminding his alternate self about the wisdom of very skilled warrior and cut down Quilboar
their fathers, after which the alternate Baine warriors in spades during his short story.
returned to his own timeline.
Defensive: Ceremonial armor (little)
Baine was present at the Broken Shore
alongside Sylvanas Windrunner battling through X-FACTORS:
the armies of demons. After the Horde escaped
Adaptive Creativity: 61/100: His re-conquest of
from the isle, he witnessed the death of Vol'jin in
Thunder Buff involved a surprise zeppelin
Grommash Hold and was present at his funeral
assault that was obscured by storm clouds while
ceremony where he fought against Felblade
champions infiltrated on their own. Later, he
Assassins. Yet he was uneasy about the reign of
came up with an excellent and unconventional
Sylvanas. Still, he helped recruit Mayla into the
method to resolve a quilboar assault. While the
Horde and assisted the Highmountain in
Tauren utilize traditional tactics, he is more
repelling an Old God attempt to corrupt the
innovative than most.
shaman Ebonhorn, and with him much of the
province. Tactics: 64/100: Technically, he has won every
battle he has fought so far. However, that is still
He was upset by the return of the Alliance-Horde
not many.
war but, nevertheless, participated in the Battle
Strategy: 64/100 and gets to the heart of the matter in order to
quickly resolve a problem. Baine believes deeply
Intuition:54/100: Can speak to the dead like his in his people, but often feels doubt that he is not
father via ritual in War Crimes and ask for their the great leader his Father was, and tries to
wisdom/experience. calmly lead his people in dark times with his
confidence in not Garrosh, but in the Horde's
Audacity: 64/100: Baine tries to avoid fighting
integrity and ideals. While Baine is not afraid to
when he can, but once committed he is known
take charge and tell people calmly what he
for showing personal bravery and fighting from
thinks, he is almost always trying to avoid
the front.
unnecessary conflict, especially in a world
Psychological Warfare: 53/100: While already filled with much strife and suffering.
sometimes using trickery on the field of battle, Diplomacy is his strong suit, but he is a force to
he abstains from anything that seems too be reckoned with, as he fights to end a conflict
dishonorable. as soon as possible. Despite any of his personal
losses or direct affronts to his leadership, Baine
Discipline: 55/100 is incredibly forgiving of people, and able to lay
aside grudges for the sake of his people, and his
Experience: 61/100: Baine has fought in own inner peace. As he tries to emulate his
numerous battles against the Legion, Alliance Father, he also walks his own path, as someone
and other, smaller foes, however he generally who is incredibly perceptive and deals with
keeps himself limited in the conflict. problems logically, as well as seeking to help
deliver peace to a world that sorely needs it
Inspiration: 55/100: He is a respected leader,
even among the Forsaken (for the kindness of ROKHAN
his father) but not well known as a military

Corruption: 30/100: Normally the first one to try

and find a 'peaceful alternative' rather than fight.
When Garrosh is going to torture a mogu for
information, Baine instead proposes that they
use a Pandaren elixir to painlessly probe the
mogu's thoughts for the information. He also
would rather pacify or placate the marauding
quilboar with water rather than risk lives to fight

That said, if pushed he will fight ferociously.

Personality Traits: Baine is everything Garrosh Mobility: 5

Hellscream is not: he is patient, calm, wise Training :7
beyond his years, and looks to spill as little Max Range: Spell
blood as he possibly can by looking at every Preferred Range: Melee
possible alternative that could avoid a battle. His Sub-Faction: Darkspear Troll
ability to speak calmly to Garrosh despite his
rapid demands and insults to his people's ways Rokhan is a Champion of the Horde and the
only show Baine's inner control and patience in Darkspear Tribe, and described by former
dealing with someone he feels will either end up Warchief Thrall as the finest scout at the Horde's
killing himself, or growing up the hard way. He disposal. Rokhan was deployed to assist Rexxar
greatly dislikes anything that disrupts the peace in his quest across Durotar. In doing so, he and
Rexxar became good friends, along with Chen Adaptive Creativity: 71/100: Rokhan makes
Stormstout. cunning use of ambushes and exotic voodoo
spells to achieve victory.
During Thrall's reign, Rokhan continued his
service as an elite scout and spy; no one knows Tactics: 77/100: Rokhan is a sly stealth expert
about any adventures he's been on, because sometimes called in form impossible tasks, like
he's good at his job. He later appeared in the wrecking of a Lightforged army in Drustvar,
Northrend, commanding a contingent of the annihilation of frost wyrms in Dragonblight
Darkspear Dragon Hunters, hunting Frost and the successful infiltration of Stormwind. The
Wyrms across the Dragonblight (Something he only thing he hasn’t succeeded in yet is the
was shown to be very successful in, given the ongoing war over Stromgarde.
amount of skulls around camp). Later, he serves
as second-in-command of the player's Garrison Strategy: 65/100: Rokhan served as co-leader
in Draenor, where he provides the garrison of the Zandalari/Darkspear expedition to Nazmir
commander direction in which targets to take out and second in command in Draenor for the
and news across the front. He then serves a player’s garrison. Both missions were great
central role in Battle for Azeroth where he leads successes.
a covert mission into Stormwind to bust out the
Zandalari Princess Talanji and Prophet Zul.

He then seems to lead, in conjunction with the

princess, the Horde’s efforts in Nazmir, where
he directed some of his Darkspears to root out
the Blood trolls and an allied lich before joining
with Princess Talanji to assault their main base.
He later commands Horde troops alongside
Eitrigg and Lady Liadrin in a warfront at Arathi.
He later commands the Drustvar incursion,
where he and two other Witch Doctors working
together summon a voodoo monster that
decimates the Alliance army. Later still, he
defends the Blood Gates leading an allied
Darkspear/Zandalari force against the Alliance.

Offensive: See Shadow Hunter. However, in

addition to those abilities he has upgraded
moves, like a spell that turns all enemies around
him temporarily into frogs, a sinkhole totem that
causes enemies to fall into the earth, and
serpent totems that spit fire.

He also has a glaive for melee and short range


Defensive: Supernatural stealth that can extend

Experience: 73/100
to a nearby squad, troll regen and light armor.
Intuition: 55/100
Discipline: 70/100: Rokhan is portrayed as LOR’THEMAR THERON
rather stoic and is capable of using the ‘dark
voodoo’ without issue.

Audacity: 58/100: Rokhan is a cautious

ambusher and makes heavy use of sudden
attack and retreat

Psychological Warfare: 67/100: Makes heavy

use of fear inspiring voodoo spells,
assassinations and ambushes. He purposely
plays up the menacing nature of his dark magic
to intimidate his foes, as seen in his banter
towards the Alliance-aligned Paladin Turalyon
during the Arathi Warfront.

Inspiration: 59/100: Well respected among


Corruption: 44/100: Though visibly reluctant, he

is willing to use dark and deadly voodoo spells
to achieve victory over a foe.

Personality Traits: His main characterization in

Warcraft 3 was that he was very laid back and
friendly, and his voiceover gave this impression.
In the novel, Cycle of Hatred, he was described
as having very gentle features - for a Troll,
anyway - with very kind eyes. He tends to be a Mobility: 5
gentleman and, while he doesn't crack jokes Training :7
himself, he's always eager to laugh at someone Max Range: Gun
else's. Preferred Range: Melee
Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei
However, like many trolls he is attuned to the
darker aspects of his religion and is willing to Lor’thalmar served as a ranger captain for many
unleash them upon the enemy. years under the command of Sylvanas
Windrunner, becoming a proficient captain and
clashing many times with the local Armani trolls
in their endless skirmishes. Eventually, he rose
to Second in Command and served with
distinction in the Second War. He served
alongside Alleria in the war that followed and
developed a mutual respect with Turalyon,
second in command of the human forces.

Years later, following King Anasterian's

secession of Quel'Thalas from the Alliance,
Lor'themar had become a chief commander of
the Farstriders - specifically, tasked with
watching over the Sunwell and safeguarding
those who, in turn, would watch over all of
Quel'Thalas. During this time, Lor'themar was Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar was commanded to
approached by Dar'Khan Drathir, a disillusioned safeguard the land and seek a cure for their
face from the past who craved the recognition people while Kael'thas took a group of the blood
he felt he had never received. elf forces to join the New Alliance resistance
against the Scourge in Lordaeron, led by Lord
Dar'Khan used his friendship with Lor'themar to Garithos.
gain intimate knowledge of Quel'Thalas'
defenses, ostensibly to bolster them after the Later, Dar’khan would return to try and corrupt
Hordes invasion during the Second War, and the sunwell once more. Leading a guerilla force
informed the death knight and scion of Lor’thalmar fought desperately to stop him, yet
Lordaeron, the evil Prince Arthas (whom such was Dar’khan’s command of the Scourge
Dar'Khan had sold his loyalty to), of how to that it was a close run affair, won only through
bypass them. Lor’thalmar and his army the combined intervention of Sylvanas, the Blue
discovered this too late, after Arthas had already Dragon Kalex + Allies and the mystical Aveena
bypassed him. Teague.

Lor’thalmar force marched his army to the When Kael’Thalas left for Outland, Lor’Thalmar
capital’s defense, but it was already too late. was forced from military hierarchy to becoming,
The capital had been sacked and a large by necessity, a politician. The switch in lifestyle
percentage of the Blood Elven populace had from that of a ranger to a politician was a
been killed. With the deaths of Anasterian, the daunting one for Lor'themar, who would never
Convocation, Grand Magister Belo'vir, and truly eschew the passion he had for his old life,
Sylvanas, Lor'themar assumed temporary and continuing to think of himself as a Farstrider
leadership of the high elves and, along with his on some level.
much-reduced forces, remained in Quel'Thalas
after the fall of Silvermoon as a resistance to the Leading the blood elves conjointly with Prince
Scourge remnants. Lor'themar reclaimed The Kael'thas, Lor'themar watched over Quel'Thalas
Bazaar from the Scourge, and made it a as its regent. However, Quel'Thalas was still in
makeshift base for any elven survivors he could turmoil, and Lor'themar had few resources to
find. Soon after, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider protect the kingdom: its military was still in
returned to his homeland, and surveyed the tatters, the Amani had been making bolder
damage done to his kingdom. He sent the strikes in the south, and the emergence of the
archmage Rommath to confer with Lor'themar, Wretched had further weakened the elves. To
and to prepare for his arrival. Lor'themar showed make matters worse, Kael'thas had still not
the prince to the body of his father, and was returned from Outland, and the latest news
present when the king was cremated on a Lor'themar heard of his prince did not bode well.
funeral pyre. Lor'themar accompanied Kael, Kael'thas had suffered considerable defections
Rommath, Halduron, Liadrin, and several others from within his ranks, and the Burning Legion
to Quel'Danas once more, to destroy the tainted was amassing for reasons unknown. The prince
Sunwell before the Amani trolls could seize it. was vulnerable, but Lor'themar could not leave
Quel'Thalas undefended while he led a
The group returned triumphantly to Silvermoon, campaign to assist Kael'thas on Outland.
freed from the threat of the Sunwell's corrupted
state, though the loss of the Sunwell led to a The blood elves needed allies, and they would
withdrawal-based lethargy for the survivors, who no longer find them among the humans,
had become dependent on the well's arcane dwarves, gnomes, and night elves. Kael'thas'
energy. Kael'thas then proclaimed the high elves alliance with Lady Vashj and Illidan Stormrage
reborn as the blood elves, in honor of all those had soured relations between Quel'Thalas and
perished. Appointed as Regent Lord of the Alliance, and the kingdom's secession during
Anasterian's rule still left bitter memories; the
Alliance had no interest in fighting for resources he'd acquired on Outland to revitalize
Quel'Thalas, to the point that their ambassador the Sunwell. Leeching Anveena's power, the
was actively working with several night elven well would be transformed into a gateway
spies to sabotage the blood elves' arcane through which Kil'jaeden could at last enter
sanctums. Azeroth. Lor'themar told his people that they
would endure despite the betrayal of Kael'thas,
The blood elves were offered support from an and that like Arthas before him, Kael'thas would
unlikely source: the Forsaken, under the former not crush the spirit of the sin'dorei.
ranger-general Sylvanas Windrunner. Though
initially skeptical of a trick, the blood elves After a bitter battle, Kael'thas was slain and
allowed the Forsaken to assist them in terms of Kil'jaeden was banished back through his would-
manpower in the Ghostlands. Through the be portal. The world was spared from the Legion
Forsaken, Lor'themar was introduced to the once more and, thanks to the intervention of the
wider Horde. Rumors circulated that some Draenei Prophet Velen, the Sunwell became a
lingering part of her still sympathized with font of arcane and light energy. The Sunwell
Quel'Thalas and its hardships. Other stories was reborn, and its return heralded a promising
hinted that Sylvanas had ulterior motives. future for the blood elves.
Whatever the truth, she arranged for Warchief
Thrall and High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof to With the death of Prince Kael'thas, and no
convene with Lor'themar and discuss such a surviving members of the Sunstrider dynasty to
possibility. claim the elven crown, the future of Quel'Thalas
has thus become Lor'themar's alone to guide.
Along with all its problems. Lor’Thalmar would
achieve success and failure, hindered, at times,
by the then-divisiveness among his advisors. His
attempt at a Quel’dorei-Sin’dorei reconciliation
failed, the reconciliation between Kirin Tor-
Sunreaver was difficultly done and, to make
matters worse, Sylvanas blackmailed the regent
lord with threats of withdrawing Forsaken
Despite the elves' history of bitter warfare with support if he did not commit a significant portion
the orcs, Lor'themar was receptive to the idea. of his troops to the war with the Lich King.
He knew this Horde was different than the one
He becomes increasingly skeptical of Garrosh
that had ravaged Quel'Thalas in years past. He
during the Alliance-Horde war and, after the
was also painfully aware that time was running
suspicious death of a key Blood Elven
out for his kingdom and his prince. The Horde's
lieutenants, even enters secret negotiations to
leaders also saw great promise in Lor'themar's
rejoin the Alliance. However, the Sunreavers
people, and considered it an act of honor to offer
allowed the Horde to steal a mystical Pandaren
another race facing extinction their support.
artifact from out under Dalaran’s noses, which
Thrall and Cairne extended the hand of peace,
infuriates Jaina enough that she purges Dalaran.
and Lor'themar accepted.
This ruins the negotiations, though Lor’Thalmar
Unfortunately, Kael’thalas turned out to be a blames both Alliance & Garrosh here.
traitor, maddened by daemonic influence. With
Lor'themar takes command of the Horde forces
heavy hearts, Lor’thalmar had his Sindorei aid
moving against the newly-returned Thunder
the Horde in putting the old prince down.
King, christening his force (a coalition of
However Kil’Jaden resurrected him and sent him
Sunreavers, Magisters and rangers, among
against the sunwell. Kael'thas, twisted by
others) the Sunreaver Onslaught.
demonic energies, used the vast arcane
With Garrosh focusing solely on attacking the Lor'themar and Jaina face off after Shan Bu is
Alliance from Domination Point, Lor'themar dealt with. Lor'themar demands the release of
mobilizes the Onslaught against the threat Lei the Sunreavers from the Violet Hold, professing
Shen poses to all of Pandaria. Lor'themar's their innocence in Garrosh's raid on Darnassus.
reasoning is twofold: for justice, and to claim the Jaina rebukes him with the notion that they are
emperor's weaponry for himself, as leverage prisoners of war, and that she will let him leave
against Garrosh. Lor'themar suspects that a alive if Aethas is handed over to her. Theron
Horde uprising is on the cards, and believes it is refuses this demand, though the parties are
best to be prepared for it. The conflict on the isle interrupted by an injured Taran Zhu, who orders
posed the first major martial affair Lor'themar both Lor'themar and Jaina to stand down and
has engaged in since being named regent lord, move on from this conflict.
which pleased him.
After some convincing (Jaina citing the Horde's
From his destroyer, the Crimson Treader, lack of effort with peace, Lor'themar stating his
Lor'themar goes about forming an alliance with duty to protect his sovereign people), Lor'themar
the Shado-Pan. Lor'themar oversees and Jaina agree to retreat bloodlessly. Jaina
construction of the Dawnseeker Promontory, makes clear that no true peace will be achieved
directing agents of the Horde to strike against while Garrosh Hellscream rules the Horde,
the Kirin Tor's base camp and to back up though to her surprise, Lor'themar states that
Halduron's attempts to battle the Zandalari. As that is precisely why he wishes to conserve his
the war effort progresses, Lor'themar personally strength today. Jaina's expression softens at his
leads the Sunreavers' attacks against the answer, and the two leaders leave their "parley"
Thunder King's stronghold, the regent lord's with courteous bows.
presence on the front lines posing a danger to
his person that Scout Captain Elsia is fearful of; Ultimately, Lor'themar acquires the leverage he
however, Lor'themar maintains that getting his had sought to find on the isle: heroes of the
hands dirty is long overdue. Lor'themar Horde deliver to the regent lord a crystal
commandeers the Lightning Vein Mine after the charged with the power of the Dark Animus,
rangers finish off its defenders, and Theron which Lor'themar uses to re-empower a dormant
plans to have Horde metalsmiths study mogu Animus Golem at the promontory. Lor'themar
fabrication techniques for his own ends. puts his top archmages to the task of extensively
studying it.
Later, the Regent Lord met with Taran Zhu and
Taoshi who prepared the attack on Stormsea He later took part in the Siege of Orgimmar,
Landing. When Lor'themar saw immediately where he and Sylvanas assaulted and captured
recognized to be a powerful artifact and claimed Bladefist Bay.
that Aethas will examine it.
Recently, he has extended diplomatic efforts to
Lor'themar ultimately leads the Horde advance welcome Suramar into the Horde and helped
into the Bloodied Crossing, aiding Lord Taran defend Lordaeron in the Battle for Lordaeron.
Zhu's assault on the Thunder King's stronghold. Though he is uneasy about Sylvanas as
Lor'themar's forces are not alone, however -- Warchief he lends his tentative support for her
Lady Jaina Proudmoore herself leads the past heroism.
Alliance advance into the courtyard. Lor'themar
Offensive: He was traditionally a master of the
states that he will deal with Jaina himself if need
bow and blade. He also does have a few
be, and the Horde and Alliance groups focus on
magical attacks in game like mana burn.
dealing with Shan Bu's legions before turning to
one another. Defensive: Plate armor, ornately decorated
Adaptive Creativity: 51/100: Lore’thalmar though his responsibilities were not always so
favors almost overwhelmingly traditional tactics heavy. Years before his regency, Lor'themar
and weapons, though he will order his forces to was a patriotic and passionate ranger, with a
use new innovations, like the Blood Golems, talent for both battle and strategy. Lor'themar
when necessary. took pride in his role as a Farstrider and a
warden of the Sunwell, which the great traitor
Tactics: 73/100: Lore’thalmar has won most of Dar'Khan Drathir exploited for his own gain.
the battles he personally commanded, including Lor'themar holds guilt for his inability to see
when greatly outnumbered by the Scourge in the through Dar'Khan's betrayal, and his early years
interlude between WOW and WC3. as regent were marked by several hard
decisions and many difficult battles to bring his
Strategy: 66/100: Successfully reconquered
people back from the brink. Theron was hit hard
Quel’thalas and defeated the Thunder King,
by the betrayal of Prince Kael'thas, with the
however his operations have been limited since
future of Quel'Thalas falling into his hands alone.
then. It is notable that he is considered one of
This experience has led him to oppose tyranny
the Horde’s foremost military minds.
and injustice wherever he finds it, always putting
Intuition: 50/100 the good of his people first.

Audacity: 58/100: While he and the Blood Elves As the regent lord of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar
will fight if need be, they often utilize guerrilla has become highly versed in the world of
tactics and defensive zones. politics, able to quickly deduce hidden meanings
and often see through the masks of those within
Discipline: 67/100: He is normally poised and (and out of) his sphere of influence. Though
collected, but mess with his people and he will authoritative (and not afraid to exert that
be furious. authority), Lor'themar values the opinions of his
advisors, in matters of state and beyond. The life
Psychological Warfare: 57/100 He does of a politician is not something Lor'themar ever
encourage disruption among the enemy and craved, however; ever the ranger at heart,
intimidation tactics, but doesn’t specialize in it. Lor'themar enjoys a good fight, longs for his lost
life as a Farstrider and finds politics exhausting.
Inspiration: 61/100: Very well respected among
the Blood Elves, but with some historical Lor'themar places the safety of Quel'Thalas and
dissidents (though most, by this time, have its people high above all else. Lor'themar's
defected to the Alliance in the form of High or loyalty is clear in this regard: he will not suffer
Void Elves). allies who would harm his people, and will not
shy from negotiating with his enemies or plotting
Experience: 83/100: Hundreds of years of
rebellion to secure his people a future. Though
experience, much of it engaged in a low
the burdens of leadership have weighed heavily
simmering conflict.
on Lor'themar's shoulders in the wake of Prince
Corruption: 42/100: Lor’themar is dedicated to Kael'thas' betrayal, under his leadership
his people and to helping their people survive Quel'Thalas has survived many of its darkest
this world. To that end he can and will do days. He has resolved to see his people
morally dubious things, like enforce obedience overcome their struggles, and lead them into a
with mind control of key dissidents and exile the prosperous future.

Personality Traits: Lor'themar has become a

ruler balancing a fierce love for his kingdom
together with the weight of his peoples' burdens,
JASTOR GALLYWIX the confection was rare). That inspired him to
take control of his neighborhood and begin his
rise to power on Kezan. First, he booby-trapped
the payment to the gang with dynamite, blowing
the entire gang sky-high. Then he took over,
buying out the street's businesses, among them
his father's tinkering business.

Many years later, Gallywix had become

president of what became known as the Copper
Street Conglomerate, an advisor to the Tinkers'
Union, a major figure in the Trade Coalition, and
the second wealthiest goblin in the Bilgewater
Cartel - second only to Trade Prince Maldy
himself. With the aid of the moguls of the
Bilgewater and from Tek'zik Riddlevox, Director
of the Tinkers' Union, all of whom believed that
Maldy had gone soft (he was known to dote over
his daughter, Nessa, with whom Gallywix had
fallen in love with on first sight), Gallywix
initiated a hostile takeover of the Bilgewater
Cartel. He bought the loyalty of Maldy's staff,
and replaced his security with his own
mercenaries; he even owned the land on which
Maldy's manor (the site of his own villa many
years later) was situated. Though Maldy hoped
to re-buy his possessions with the money he
Mobility: 3 (G.M.O.D: 10) gained from trading weapons to the Alliance,
Training: 4 Gallywix eliminated that possibility by destroying
Maldy's trade fleet. Now in total control, Gallywix
Max Range: Battlefield
exiled Maldy and his daughter from Kezan, and
Preferred Range: In Mech Suit later arranged his (supposedly accidental)
Sub-Faction: Goblin death.

Jastor Gallywix's father, Luzik, was a tinker who When Deathwing's emergence caused Mount
lived and worked on Copper Street in Kajaro to erupt and rain fire on Kezan, Gallywix
Drudgetown on Kezan, and his mother left for a took the chance to pull the ultimate extortion: he
life of piracy. His father regularly tested his charged an exorbitant fee to allow his followers
inventions - all of which had something to do to escape on his personal barge, but instead of
with explosives (appropriately for goblins) - in letting them go afterwards, he captured them
the house, which had the potential for causing and planned to sell them into slavery. However,
fatal injuries to both himself and his son. On his he came into a naval crossfire between the
tenth birthday, Gallywix had had enough of his Alliance and the Horde, destroying his ship and
father's antics and thought about running away causing the goblins to wash up on the shores of
to become a pirate himself. That was before he the Lost Isles.
witnessed a local street gang rough up his father
for money, and steal a cookie his father had Surviving, Gallywix continued to plot against his
given him (from a bakery that had been own people, brainwashing them and forcing
destroyed in the various Trade Wars; as a result, them to work under his will. However, when his
biggest rival (i.e. the Player Character) showed
up with the aid of the orcs and their former
Warchief Thrall, Gallywix’s plans were foiled
once and for all. Instead of killing the corrupt
Trade Prince, however, Thrall offered to spare
Gallywix if he and the Bilgewater Cartel swore to
serve under the banner of the Horde. Gallywix
agreed, pledged his people to aiding the new orc
Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream.

After joining the Horde, he seems to keep up

with Garrosh's warmongering at first, however,
his appearances out of the public eye shows him
differently. He was actually secretly vying for
peace between the factions. He says that his
people need security and profit, and under
Hellscream they get a lot of neither. This
factored into his joining of the Siege of

In Legion, he ‘led’ the defense of Azshara,

though all his battle speeches involved
financials. He repeatedly cursed the Legion for
Unable to resist the allure of the gold of
their lack of respect for property or assets. After
Atal'Dazar, Gallywix looted his Zandalari allies'
the Legion's defeat, and Sargeras impaling
sacred burial temple. He was confronted not by
Silithus, the Bilgewater Cartel discovered a
the Horde or Zandalari, but by the void elf
mysterious new substance. Gallywix sent many
Magister Umbric and an Alliance adventurer,
goblins to mine it, earning suspicion from Baine
who had chased him down to end his funding of
and Varok, but on the other hand Warchief
the Horde's war efforts. Gallywix escaped to his
Sylvanas was fascinated by the mineral. She
pleasure palace in Azshara, but they followed.
orders him to weaponize it and Gallywix, seeing
They battled Gallywix at the palace only for it to
profit, does so in earnest.
turn out to be an imposter as the real Gallywix
Gallywix funds the Horde's war campaign and flew off.
understands Azerite better than any of the other
In Tides of Vengeance, Gallywix came back in
leaders. Gallywix was aboard The Banshee's
his new G.M.O.D. Steam Armor, a powerful new
Wail in Zuldazar. He led the Horde's expedition
mech capable of devastating entire armies. He
into Drustvar on Kul Tiras because of the large
promptly heads to Drustvar to do just that to a
amount of azerite beneath the region. Though
Gnome mech army and a gunship assaulting his
Gallywix was against it, the Horde made a deal
Drustvar outpost. However, he is
with the Venture Company to have them refine
outmaneuvered on two occasions by Gelbin
Azerite for the Horde's war. When Venture's
Mekkatorgue, against whom Gallywix
leader Mogul Razdunk backed out of the deal,
establishes a grudge.
Gallywix decided to cut out the middle man and
attack Venture Company's Azerite facilities at Offensive: G.M.O.D. Massive mech suit with all
the their main base on Kezan. The Mogul is sorts of Azerite laden explosives and electrical
killed attacks. Has a “Big Red Button” that releases a
salvo that can kill, at minimum, hundreds of
troops at once though it does drain quite a bit of
fuel. If forced out of the suit it is noted that better in Azeroth at enriching themselves than
Gallywix was once a street fighter in his day and Gallywix. As it is he is very whimsical when it
has a magical, Azerite filled scepter. comes to military strategy.

Intuition: 45/100

Discipline: 40/100: Though some of his

business strategies require long term planning,
he is extremely whimsical in terms of personal

Experience: 59/100: He is no stranger to

duplicitous deeds, though less so with war.

Audacity: 40/100: When in a mech suit he has

Defensive: See Steam armor. However, the no problem fighting, enjoys it even! Outside a
most notable defense is the sheer number of mech suit….he is said to have surprising bravery
evasive options Gallywix has, from goblins in when forced to fight according to Black Scroll
decoy suits, to experimental teleporters, to using but really tries to avoid combat however he can.
rocket technology to flee, to simply his
Inspiration: 35/100: Other than his loyal
phenomenal instincts, which have kept him alive
enforcer Draz, no one likes him. They just see
for decades in a highly cut throat culture.
him as useful. Even Sylvanas looks forward to the day he ceases to be useful and she can kill
him. Gallywix is able to bully his soldiers with a
semblance of authority though.
Corruption: 65/100: See Personality Traits:
Gallywix performs quite a lot of atrocities on his
Adaptive Creativity: 77/100: Whatever else you own people, but unlike most of the franchise's
might say about Gallywix, he is very creative villains, he isn't motivated by some tragic past, a
and always looking out for a new opportunity to greater cause or even demon corruption; he is
profit. He figured out within a day of Sargeras’ just a greedy dick who wants to make as much
striking the planet to mine the Azerite at the profit as possible.
impact site. He has sponsored many new
Personality Traits: This quote best sums up his
inventions and he has continuously emerged on
top no matter the circumstance. He is Azeroth’s personality
“Trade Prince Gallywix says: Y'know, every now
greatest opportunist.
and then I think, should I have really told
Tactics: 56/100: To give Gallywix credit he has Sylvanas about this whole Azerite thing?
won battles against the Legion and the Alliance,
Trade Prince Gallywix says: If ya really think
though in the former case he was more
about it, if no one ever found out about this stuff,
concerned about his property than the military
maybe we never woulda started this whole war.
objective and the latter he has a mixed bag with,
defeating one army with overwhelming firepower Trade Prince Gallywix says: Coulda avoided
yet getting trounced by Gelbin. He also doesn’t burnin' down that tree, might still have the
seem to like to command battles from the front.
undead city... it really makes ya think, ddon't it?
Strategy: 44/100: If this was ‘business strategy’
Trade Prince Gallywix says: ... HAH! I'm just
he would get in the 80s, as there is no one kiddin'! Of course I don't care about that stuff,
I'm flyin' a freakin' mech that shoots lasers made “No!”
outta the planet's blood!”
“What, you don’t like surprises? You afraid? I
Gallywix is utterly amoral, willing to enslave his thought trade princes were supposed to have
own people, mine the planet’s blood and serve guts! Push the button, Maldy!”
as a war profiteer. That said, he does buckle
somewhat when it comes to personally causing Baring his teeth like an old lion, Maldy stabbed
genocide and has a soft spot for his dad. his finger at the big red button.

Though he does have some insecurity in private, Down in the harbor, each ship in his trade fleet
he is boastful, loud, and conniving in his exploded into roaring balls of fire in perfect
interactions with others. He is always ready to alphabetical order.”-Secrets of a Trade Prince
swindle for the most profit and uses his
incredible cunning to that effect.

“His wrinkled face split into a wide, leathery

smile. “I knew I liked you,” he said. “Are you
enjoying my daughter’s party?”

“Her party?” I said, signaling the guards. “Not

anymore. It’s mine now.”

“What?” Maldy barked, brows crinkling.

“As of sunset today, I own a majority of your

holdings in the Trade Coalition through a
hundred false fronts and small businesses. You
could check, but I’ve bought off your
administration, so you don’t wanna trust them. I
own your security forces. I stole the land under
your house. And you rented those rings from
one of my shops. You’re done, Maldy. You’re
done, and everyone knows it.”

Somewhere in the distance, a parrot squawked.

Maldy reddened, then purpled, looking around
for an ally and seeing my bruisers closing
around us in a wall instead. I held them back Mobility: 5
with both hands. To impress Nessa, the next Training :5
part needed a personal touch. Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
“My shipment,” he snarled. “Half of my fleet is Sub-Faction: Highmountain
setting sail right now with a weapons shipment
to the Alliance. I’ll make a fortune and buy Mayla is the current High Chieftain of the
everything back.” Highmountain Tauren, who inherited her position
after the murder of her father Ulan Highmountain
“I’m glad you mentioned that,” I said, and pulled when confronting Dargrul the Underking. She,
a remote from my pocket. “I brought a show for as the chieftains before her, is a descendant of
your guests. Push the button.”
the great hero Huln Highmountain who fought in Personality Traits: Mayla is probably the
the War of the Ancients. youngest of the faction leaders here, and of
them feels she has the most to prove. She is just
Her ascension to chiefdom was far earlier than beginning her journey on how to become a great
she expected and initially Mayla had much doubt general, warrior and tactician. That said, the
in her ability. With the help of Spiritwalker events of Legion have given her some fast
Ebonhorn and outsider heroes, she reunified the experience.
Highmountain tribes, and gained the allegiance
of the Stonedark Drogbar. The treacherous FIRST ARCANIST THALYSSRA
Bloodtotem tribe were cast out for their decision
to join the Legion and become the Feltotem.
Ultimately, Highmountain was saved. The
Hammer of Khaz’goroth was reclaimed and
Dargul was defeated in a two-pronged assault
that had Mayla leading a army to occupy their
attention while champions infiltrated the
Underealm. The Hammer was eventually used
in the Tomb of Sargeras to seal the portals the
Legion used to invade Azeroth, where Mayla led
combined assaults of all the Highmountain
Tribes to defeat a Legion army.

At the conclusion of the war against the Legion,

Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner sought allies for
the Horde. She ordered High Chieftain Baine
Bloodhoof to reach out to his long-lost cousins.
This he did, inviting Mayla and her people to a
feast in their honor at Thunder Bluff. However,
this soon turned complicated, as agents of the
Old Gods attempted to corrupt Spiritwalker
Ebonhorn and attacked the feast. Through the
actions of the same hero who’d aided the
Highmountain throughout the campaign to
reclaim the Hammer of Khaz’goroth, the Old
Mobility: 5
Gods were foiled and Ebonhorn saved from their
Training :6
Max Range: Spell
As a result, the two High Chieftains reaffirmed Preferred Range: Spell
their ancient bonds of kinship severed when the Sub-Faction: Nightborne
Sundering split Highmountain off from Kalimdor.
Thalyssra was born as a night elf and as a
Mayla and the Highmountain were welcomed
mage, and was one of the Highborne. By the
into the Horde, bringing their tenacity and
time she was an adult she lived in Suramar City
tradition of battling foes like the Legion and the
before the War of the Ancients, and was one of
Old Gods into its ranks.
its many citizens contained inside the shield that
Offensive: A large halberd type weapon, was conjured up to protect it from the Great
wielded with heroic skill Sundering. Over the centuries, she noted with
concern of how she was undergoing
Defensive: Plate Armor transformation, eventually becoming a
First Arcanist Thalyssra was present when banished. Also hoping to find friendly outsiders,
Gul'dan, emissary of the demonic Burning Thalyssra wove a spell into the waves of
Legion, appeared before the nightborne with his magical energy emanating from the city which
offer: bring down the barrier around Suramar, contained an encrypted message, a cry for help.
give him access to the Nightwell and become Archmage Khadgar in Dalaran intercepted and
allies of the Legion, or be destroyed. While deciphered the message and sent an adventurer
Advisor Vandros was willing to submit to the to Suramar to investigate.
Legion to save their people, Thalyssra argued
that the demons would not be making offers at The adventurer soon found Thalyssra in Meredil
all if they were actually capable of destroying the by following a trail of arcane echoes, and
barrier on their own. together the two fought their way through
swarms of withered to the relative safety of
Two days later, the First Arcanist, convinced that Shal'Aran, an underground refuge where
Grand Magistrix Elisande would give her people Withered dared not enter. From there, Thalyssra
over to the demons in fear, had gathered a small began assembling a resistance movement
group of nightborne — including Advisor against Elisande and her Legion allies, recruiting
Melandrus — with the intent of preventing Chief Telemancer Oculeth for his skill with
Elisande from bringing down the barrier. Though teleportation magic, Arcanist Valtrois for her
her fellow elves were worried about the risk of knowledge of leyline feeds that could power
becoming exiled and turned into nightfallen, Shal'Aran with arcane energy, and the socialite
Thalyssra reminded them of how they had Ly'leth Lunastre for her connections among
resisted the Legion once before during the War Suramar's nobility. She also began offering
of the Ancients, saying that demons would sanctuary to other nightborne in need, such as
promise anything to get what they wanted, and Absolon.
that she would rather die as a nightborne than
live as a Legion slave. Sending her new ally to complete her original
objective of finding Arcanist Kel'danath, he
During the night, the rebels stormed into the city turned out to have succumbed to the Withered
but were ambushed by Elisande's guards. In the state, but left behind a test subject, Subject 16,
chaos that ensued, Thalyssra and Melandrus who was uncharacteristically pacified for a
managed to slip away and reach the outskirts of Withered. By probing Subject 16's memories,
the Nighthold. Once there, however, Melandrus the First Arcanist was able to find the cause of
raised his sword and stabbed Thalyssra through his unusual state, which turned out to be the
the back before pushing her over the edge and arcan'dor seed kept in Moonshade Sanctum.Her
into the river below. Most of the other rebels adventurer ally returned to Shal'Aran with the
were killed, and the barrier was brought down, seed and its ancient night elven keeper,
exposing the city to the Legion. However, Valewalker Farodin, who planted the seed on
unbeknownst to Melandrus and the other the central platform of Shal'Aran, where it would
nightborne, Thalyssra survived, and began in time grow into a full-fledged arcan'dor tree.
planning for her revenge.
Later, as the resistance gathered strength, the
Alone, starving, and having to ignore her stab arcan'dor needed a powerful influx of more
wound for the time being in the wilds outside arcane energy than even the leyline feeds
Suramar City, Thalyssra began to look for allies. arcoss Suramar could provide. First Arcanist
Knowing that the Withered are drawn to old Thalyssra, along with Arluin and the adventurer,
settlements like Ambervale, she began heading infiltrated the Arcway to create a manastorm that
there to find her old colleague Arcanist could give the magical tree the one-time boost of
Kel'danath, who would likely be there as he was energy that it needed, an effort that cost Arluin
researching a cure for the withered when he was his life. Along with Oculeth and Valtrois,
Thalyssra was the first to eat the first fruit of the to Silvermoon City on behalf of Quel'Thalas'
fully grown arcan'dor, which cured her addiction ruler, Lor'themar Theron. While there, Liadrin
to the Nightwell, and after some time, she and Thalyssra discuss the advantages of
recovered from her nightfallen state and membership in the Horde. One of several
returned to the healthy appearance of a normal pertinent factors for Thalyssra is to ensure her
nightborne. people enjoy the freedom to affect the world
while upholding their traditions, which she feels
Thalyssra and her resistance eventually is not offered by the Alliance.
prepared to attack Suramar City itself. They
were aided in this endeavor by elven forces from Thalyssra further reflects on her comparatively
the Alliance and the Horde, led by Tyrande sour relations with Tyrande Whisperwind and
Whisperwind (a native daughter of Suramar the kaldorei, who while natural allies to her
City) and Lady Liadrin, who arrived in force to people on the surface, proved otherwise due to
besiege the city. Tyrande remembered that "arrogance and mistrust." The first arcanist
Thalyssra's people hid under Suramar's shield conjures a brief reenactment of her exchange
during the War of the Ancients and was wary with Tyrande during the events leading up to the
that she would betray them and become a ruler siege of Suramar to illustrate such, and then
like Azshara or Elisande, but still agreed to help readily accepts the invitation to Silvermoon and
them fight the Legion. Liadrin was more hopes to inquire about a place for the nightborne
sympathetic to the Nightfallen, drawing parallels in the Horde.
to her own people's addiction to magic and
Legion-twisted leader years before. There, she helps Lore’thalmar and the Blood
Elven delegation fight off a Void incursion that
Thalyssra personally guided champions through Alleria accidentally unleashed. Negotiations
he Nighthold and then saw to it that adventurers continued further and, impressed by the regent’s
who helped her liberate Suramar were rewarded resolve, Thalyssra agreed to align her people
with prized mounts from the royal stable. With with the Horde. She then went to Orgimmar, to
Elisande's death, she becomes the new leader formally pledge her loyalty to Sylvanas.
of the nightborne, promising to uphold their
promise to aid Azeroth with repelling the Legion, When the Blood War began Thalyssra joined
rather than aiding them. Following her rise as Rokhan in personally leading a stealth mission
leader, she makes the decision to not re- into Stormwind to retrieve two valuable
stabilize the Nightwell, which had become Zandalari prisoners, Talanji and Prophet Zul.
unstable and was dwindling without the Eye of
Offensive: Thalyssra is a learned arcanist and
Aman'thul, which had been brought to Dalaran.
easily a very powerful figure, however she is
Valtrois argued against this, claiming that the
somewhat limited compared to the likes of
well may still provide great power for the
Khadgar and Jaina, having little experience (till
nightborne if it can be saved, but Thalyssra
the last year) with combat. She does wield a
states that the nightborne must learn to live
magical sword in combat as well.
without the Nightwell, lest they fall prey to it as
they had under Elisande. Defensive: However, she is a prodigious barrier
master, able to hold off masses of attacking foes
When Sylvanas Windrunner summoned the
at once. These barriers do damage to the
Horde's leaders to seek out new allies, Liadrin
enemies and can swiftly kill them.
suggested the nightborne; Sylvanas, intrigued
by what Suramar's strength and resources could
bring to the Horde, approved. Liadrin and the
Horde champion then travel to Thalyssra's
estate to offer the first arcanist a formal invitation
long. She also very rarely gives into panic or
other negative emotions.

Experience: 77/100

Corruption: 40/100

Personality Traits: Is one of the most open

minded among the Nightborne and Nightfallen,
one example being when she chides Valtoris
over her disapproval of getting outsiders to help
Adaptive Creativity: 70/100: Heavily them. It gets to the point that the rebellion want
outnumbered and outgunned, Thalryssra was her to succeed Elisande as leader of the
forced to provide many innovations to ensure Nightborne, which she does after the Nighthold
her revolutions’ success, like the Wretched raid. Thalyssra also votes that they should let
Army, Occuleth’s telemancy system and other the Nightwell die and not use it's power when
magical devices. the Acan'dor can cure their mana addiction. That
said, she does have some arrogance and pride
Tactics: 54/100: While Thal has led, along with
in her power. As well as a dry sense of humor.
the Khadgar, the battle of the Nighthold she has
little actual experience commanding battles GROMMASH HELLSCREAM
beyond that.

Strategy: 78/100: That said, she deserves a lot

of credit for her successful resistance
movement. Starting as a single, near-death
Nightfallen she formed resistance of outcasts,
sympathizers, withered and outsiders to topple
the strongest nation in the Broken Isles and their
daemonic overlords.

Intuition: 53/100

Psychological Warfare: 61/100: A big part of

her revolution was spent inspiring the people of
Suramar to resist while assassinating/terrorizing

Experience: 73/100: technically she is over ten

thousand years old, but most of that was spent
in peace.

Audacity: 56/100:Though cautious, it is Thal

has said she would rather die than be anyone’s Mobility: 5
slave. And proved this fighting the Legion. Training :6
Max Range: Spell
Inspiration: 60/100: Well respected among the Preferred Range: Spell
Nightborne as their savior. Sub-Faction: Mag’har
Discipline: 72/100: She has shown incredible Grom was young for a chieftain, only a few
discipline in resisting her withered state for so years older than Durotan and Orgrim, and his
impetious nature showed. Grommash led the Gorian Empire to his side. Feeling confident
aggressive raids deep into ogre lands. When the he moved against –simultaneously-the Arrakkoa
ogres retaliated, they nearly destroyed the in Spires of Arak, the Draenei in Talador and
Warsong clan. Golka, Grom's mate, was Shadowmoon, the Primals/Breakers in
critically injured during the battle and pleaded Goregrond, the Frostwolf clan in Frostridge
with him to finish her off. Disgusted at her Valley, and, finally, all of Azeroth in a Dark
weakness, Grom called her "a wolf with no Portal invasion, something achieved by
teeth" and walked away, leaving her to suffer. enslaving Gul’dan.
He was similarly disgusted by the weakness of
his other warriors who had "bent like weeds." Unfortunately, fighting a war on so many fronts
simultaneously was not a good idea. The forces
Grom quickly called upon his forces to hunt of Azeroth beat back his invasion force
down the ogre raiders. However, it was a trap (inadvertently freeing Gul’dan at the same time),
set by the ogre warlord and Grom was captured. linked up with the Draenei/Frostwolves and then
The ogre warlord tried to break Grom's spirit by began a coordinated assault to defeat all Iron
strapping him to a tree and and taunting him Horde holdings. The Iron Horde pretty much lost
over the course of many days. While his body everywhere.
withered and became emaciated, Grom's will
never wavered. Declaring that "this wolf still has Eventually, Gul’dan shows up and mocks him for
teeth," he finally bit and killed the ogre warlord his various losses and failures, including of the
when he came too close. Grom returned to lead stranger (Garrosh) who was his son from
the Warsong clan as "the Warlord with the Iron another universe. Grommash, saddened by his
Will." son's death and wishing to preserve his honor,
does not agree to Gul'dan's offer and attempts
Shortly before the events of Warlords of to strike him down, only to be effortlessly
Draenor, he was visited by a stranger who incapacitated by the warlock's magic. He then
showed him altered visions of the future. takes control of the Iron Horde and keeps Grom
Grommash activated the object and was shown imprisoned.
visions about the rise and fall of the Horde in the
main universe. He also saw a figure of an orc Grom is freed by adventurers and is present
raised and named as Thrall by humans. At that during the battle against Archimonde at the
moment, the stranger interrupted the visions and Black Gate. He fights alongside Khadgar, Yrel,
kicked the shards out of Grommash's hands, and champions of Azeroth in overcoming the
ending the visions. Once he calmed himself, mighty demon lord, although Gul'dan escapes
Grommash wanted more answers. The stranger his wrath. After the battle, Grommash proclaims
responded that this is the price for Gul'dan's the victory and the freedom of Draenor to the
power which now needs to be stopped. He gathered soldiers, and will work to rebuild his
added that the alliance of the orcish clans can world alongside his former enemies.
exist without the corruption and darkness.
Grommash vowed to defeat the other world
seen in the visions as well as Gul’dan and his

Grommash moved fast. He rejected Gul’dan’s

daemonic offering in a dramatic ceremony
before slaying the great Daemon Magtheridon
with a combination of iron star technology and
The draenei and orcs lived together in peace for
axework. He united most of the Orc clans and
years and Grom, apparently the leader of the
bullied Imperator Mar'gok and the remnants of
new Mag’har organization, used that time to
unite the clans more fully and conquer the Intuition : 35/100: See Strat.
Primals. However, when the naaru arrived the
draenei became fanatical and attempted to Discipline: 53/100
forcibly convert the orcs to the Light. Grom led
Inspiration: 74/100: Among the Mag’har, he is
the resistance forces, though he was losing.
admired as a paragon of many orc values and
When the Horde came, however, he declared he
respected among the regular orcs for the
was honorbound to help them for their past
heroism of his MU version.
deeds and once Geya'rah volunteered to assist
them allowed her to go with a whole company. Corruption 55/100: Vicious, brutal and unwilling
to take prisoners or (often) non-combatants
Unfortunately a massive army of Draenei arrived
Hellscream is nonetheless willing to respect
and Garrosh instead ordered Geya’rah to take
honorable foes.
all the orcs (and their allies) she could find to
Azeroth. He then led a fatal charge to distract Personality Traits: Grommash seeks to
the Draenei long enough for the mass embody strength and personal prowess in all
teleportation spell to work. things, and tries to instill it in his followers as
well. So obsessed with strength is he that when
Offensive: Gorehowl, a magical axe. He is a
his own wife was mortally wounded, he refused
noted combatant and one of the most skilled orc
to put her out of her misery, despite begging for
warriors to ever live.
it, because he believed she was weak. That said
Defensive: Iron and leather armor. he does have honor to respect proven weaker
foes and is noted for sacrificing himself in both
Adaptive Creativity: 57/100: He deserves timeframes for the greater good of orcs.
some credit for helping to revolutionize the Iron
Horde and later the Mag’har, bringing in new KING RASTAKHAN
technologies and merging the doctrines of the
clans as one.

Tactics: 47/100: Somewhat better than strategy

as he has won multiple battles against the Ogres
and Primals.

Strategy:35/100: while Grom is a peerless

warrior, he proves to be a poor general. In the
Prime timeline, Grom is simply a blood-crazed
killing machine prone to Leeroy
Jenkinsmoments; his Alternate timeline self is Training: 8
similarly gung-ho and uninterested in strategy,
fighting on four different fronts simultaneously. Mobility: 6 (Empowered)
As a result, Alternate Grom's war against
Max Range: Spell
Azeroth didn’t go too well, and his leadership
failures eventually lead to his being usurped by preferred Range: Melee
Sub-Faction: Zandalar
Psychological Warfare: 54/100: Grom likes to “ exile without a dare to
use bullying tactics and was able to use these invade these sacred halls and demand that I
successfully to bring some orc clans and the turn over my kingdom to you? The Zandalari
ogres into his ranks. built an empire that would endure for over ten
thousand years, while your barbaric ancestors
Audacity: 87/100: Lok’tar Ogar!
scuffled in the dirt. We civilized this world. We Drakkari once did to their loa. Rastakhan and an
conquered it. And once again, you savages seek adventurer slew Vilnak'dor, the troll performing
to undermine our greatness. No...I will not the ritual, and once he was freed Rezan
surrender, because no matter what happens unleashed his fury upon the Atal'zul and their
here today...Zandalar will stand long after your Kao-Tien allies. Afterward, Rezan convinced
Alliance has crumbled to dust!” Rastakhan to realize he had grown soft and
Rastakhan swore to take Zul's head.

King Rastakhan has ruled the Zandalar for over When the time came to hunt Zul, Rastakhan
two hundred years, blessed with longevity gathered together the loa of Zuldazar and led
thanks to an ancient pact with the Loa Rexan. the charge into Atal'Dazar atop Mount
During that time he has coordinated wars from Mugamba. However, during the confrontation
afar, including against the Blood God Hakkar with Zul, Rezan was slain. Without his power
and the tumultuous events of the Cataclym. The keeping Bwonsamdi at bay, Rastakhan began
last one was particularly devastating, as King aging fast. After a blood troll attack on Zuldazar,
Rastakhan’s failure to heed the warnings of the Rastakhan made a deal with Bwonsamdi: If
Prophet Zul ensured he lost a lot of power to the Bwonsamdi gave him the power to take back his
prophet, who used his forces to aggravate empire, then Rastakhan would elevate
nations in both the Alliance & Horde. Bwonsamdi above all other loa in the Zandalari
pantheon. Bwonsamdi accepted the deal on one
Seeking the Zandalari's legendary navy, the condition: that the king's bloodline would be
Horde arrived in Zandalar with Zul and Talanji, devoted to Bwonsamdi, to serve him in life and
who had in turn sought the Horde out in secret in death.Returning to the physical realm,
to aid them against threats to the trolls. While Rastakhan led the Zandalari armies against
General Jakra'zet of the Zanchuli Council was three separate forces- invading Blood Trolls,
disgusted by the Horde presence on Zandalar, Sethrak from Vol’Dun, and Zul’s conspirators. At
Rastakhan allowed them to stay because they the height of the battle Bwonsamdi empowered
saved Talanji from the Stormwind Stockades. Rastakhan to kill Zul, though it was a bitter
He names a Horde adventurer the Speaker of victory as Zul succeeded in unlocking the Blood
the Horde, and assures them that while Talanji God Ghuun and the remnants of the kingdom
says he is ignoring the threats to his kingdom, were solely in Bwonsamdi’s hand.
he is not as blind as she thinks.

Seeing Rastakhan as a weak king and the loa

as weak gods, Zul sought to overthrow
Rastakhan and create a new troll empire with
G'huun as its god. He also planned on reviving
the first king, Dazar, to rule in Rastakhan's
stead. Zul attacked Rastakhan and nearly killed
him, but Rastakhan was saved by Pa'ku who
brought him to Zeb'ahari. With Rastakhan
unconscious, Bwonsamdi, the loa of death,
claimed his soul. The Zandalari contacted
Rezan, loa of kings, who forced Bwonsamdi to Then the Alliance invades, seeking to destroy
give up the king's soul, but Bwonsamdi promised his kingdom after having lured the majority of his
he would be seeing Rastakhan again soon. army into the swamp and blowing up his fleet.
Rastakhan attempted to defend the city, even
At Rezan's temple, Zul's followers sought to
calling upon Bwonsamdi multiple times to
drain Rezan of his power in the same way the
empower himself and resurrect countless dead
to delay the Alliance. However, it was for Audacity: 70/100: Rastakhan is not a King who
naught. After a long, brutal battle the Alliance merely sits upon his throne. While he doesn't
achieved victory and Rastakhan lived just long have the time to walk his city's streets, as his
enough to apologize to his returning daughter for daughter does, he still takes time to convene
his deal with Bwonsamdi. with concerned citizens of Zandalar. He is also
an esteemed Warrior, and a Prelate as Rezan's
Offensive: Swordsman with over 200 years of chosen, and skilled with sword and spear. In the
experience and is noted for being much stronger climax of the Zuldazar zone questline, he rides
than most other trolls. He also has some skill at upon Rezan's back to lead the charge against
magic, being able to call down plagues of toxic Zul and the Zanchuli Council which betrayed
toads on his foes or pillars of fire. This can be him..
upgraded into a Plague of Fire that basically
causes any who catch it to combust in flame, Psychological Warfare: 52/100: He knows
and then any who get burned by said terror tactics and how to instill fear, but is limited
combustion to also combust shortly thereafter. in other tactics.

Bwonsamdi’s Pact: However, his mot nostable Experience: 79/100: Over two hundred years
power-up comes from Bwonsamdi’s pact. With old, though much of that was spent in peace.
this power up he can resurrect entire armies into
thousands(or more) of murderous ghosts and Inspiration: 71/100 Loyalists among the
skeletons. As shown by the cutscene, even Zandalari would gladly give their lives for him.
animals caught in this area of effect are
Corruption: 42/100: He is a good king, though
resurrected. Furthermore Bwonsamdi can
very harsh towards any form of dissent.
empower Rastakhan’s stats to superhuman
levels, allow him use of zombie dust totems Personality Traits: He tries to be a good king,
(which can mind control a couple enemies until and holds meetings with concerned citizens
destroyed) , a replica voodoo doll to use on a often. Of course, this can take a while, and the
enemy, and just summon angry spirits line to be in the King's presence is long, but
constantly in battle. many wait for their turn to see him in his
grandeur. Some Trolls see Zandalari as the
Defensive: Augmented troll regeneration and
highest and most righteous - Rastakhan is not
the fact he is just difficult to kill, having survived
one of these, and he insists on keeping
no less than 46 assassinations. The Pact with
Speakers from every tribe within the city, such
the Death God likely also gives him some
that the most powerful tribe might aid them all.
magical defense. Finally, he is a skilled enough
alchemist to make anti-toxins. He is also a warrior born and excels at combat.
He is bold, confident and focused when knocked
Adaptive Creativity: 45/100: Rastakhan is a
out of his lethargic state.
very traditionalist commander and when taking
the field he pretty much relies on techniques the
Zandalari have always used.

Tactics: 57/100: Rastakhan is knowledgeable

around the battlefield, but he is decades out of
practice and more a warrior than a tactician.

Strategy: 50/100: See Above.

Intuition: 56/100: thanks to his pact with death

he likely has some supernatural intuition.
NATHANIOS BLIGHTCALLER the Scourge, bound to the will of the Lich King,
spreading the plague of undeath through the
kingdom of his birth. Somehow though, deep in
his soul, he knew that Sylvanas would come for
him, and she did.

Sylvanas had been freed from Arthas's grasp

during the Plaguelands civil war, and scoured
Lordaeron for signs of Nathanos. When she
found her old disciple, he had been reduced to a
pitiful sight, a decaying slave feasting on
corpses of his own making. Nathanos did not
immediately recognize her, and attempted to
attack her with the unending rage filling the void
in his soul, but was fettered by dark ranger
arrows while Sylvanas called him to his senses.
Sylvanas tore Nathanos free from the Lich
King's will and told her disheveled former pupil
of the plight of the Forsaken. She named
Nathanos her champion, in their quest to avenge
themselves upon Arthas

He took up residence in the Eastern

Plaguelands, where he directed adventurers to
fight the Scarlet Crusaders, the Scourge and
various corrupted animals. However, his
resurrection was noticed by Mathias Shaw who
Training: 7 sent agents to investigate his identity. When
said identity was confirmed, King Varian Wrynn
Mobility: 4 sent adventurers to put him down, believing
Nathanion to be a abomination. Marris survived
Max Range: Bow
by faking his own death.He laid low for a while
Preferred Range: Bow and trained Undead Hunters in Undercity.

Sub-Faction: Forsaken As the Legion began invading Azeroth, Sylvanas

called Nathanos to partake in a ritual meant to
The champion of the Banshee-Queen, Nathanos make him stronger. He agreed to take part,
Marris was the very first and last of the human though not before attempting to provoke her.
ranger lords, and a hero of the Alliance. He was When he discovered that the ritual would involve
personally trained by Sylvanas despite the val'kyr sacrificing his cousin Stephon Marris,
objections by the leaders of Quel'thalas and he felt no regret, only the duty bound oath he
accomplished many victories for the Alliance. had made towards Sylvanas. The val'kyr
proceeded to place herself between the human
After the fall of Stratholme, the Scourge swept and the undead and began chanting guttural
over the once-great nation of Lordaeron, killing words in an ancient tongue, flashes of blue and
all in its path and raising the fallen as gold pulsing from her hands. Nathanos lost his
cadaverous undead. Despite his great skill, senses for a time, his world exploding in fire and
Nathanos Marris fell as well at his house, pain. When the Blightcaller's wits returned, he
murdered by the abomination Ramstein the found that he had been transformed to become
Gorger. Nathanos rose as a mindless thrall of
stronger than before and not be as decayed and though she had accomplished just as much if
withered as he had been. not more than Saurfang. Nathanos viewed the
Horde as weak willed and short sighted, and
When the Alliance led by Genn Greymane and only Sylvanas knew what laid beyond life and
Sky Admiral Rogers took the chance to bombard had the will to act. Although some may consider
the Forsaken fleet in Stormheim, Nathanos her actions cruel, Nathanos supported her
made his queen's safety his first priority, but was regardless because life was cruel and fleeting
ordered to take the fleet on the offensive. He led and it delighted him that her plans soared over
the Forsaken forces in a counterattack against the horizon of mortality and frightened many.
the 7th Legion and worgen troops. The Nathanos was also elated to carry out Sylvanas'
Blightcaller and his men boarded the Skyfire and will — to kill kaldorei on their own soil and take
caused havoc in the hull, planting vials of blight their home for her.
to take it apart from within. Nathanos battled
Greymane on the ship's deck, and was Despite fierce resistance from the night elves,
unimpressed with his opponent until he goaded the Horde had managed to secure Ashenvale.
Genn into assuming his worgen form. They Still, Nathanos complained how steadfastly the
fought bitterly but the battle abruptly ended with night elves were resisting him, even to the bitter
the destruction of the Skyfire, which plummeted end. After rescuing Saurfang from an ambush in
down into Stormheim. Later, Nathanios directed Astranaar, Nathanos accompanied the Horde
adventurers to Sillithus to acquire Azerite and army into Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale.
oversaw the Battle of the Seething Shore. Upon learning about the appearance of the wisp
wall on the border of Ashenvale and Darkshore,
Nathanos Blightcaller helped hunt down Alliance he was confident his dark rangers and
spies infiltrating Orgrimmar and was ensuring demolishers could take it out, though Sylvanas
that the meetings of his warchief remained Windrunner warned him not to underestimate it.
private. Eventually, Varok Saurfang let Nathanos When Sylvanas ordered Varok Saurfang to find
in on his and Sylvanas' secret plan and recruited a way to Darkshore through Felwood's
Nathanos to act out an adversarial relationship mountains, Varok asked Nathanos if he knew
with him in order to trick the Alliance into any smugglers there.
thinking Saurfang was chafing against
Sylvanas's rule and was bullying her into
endorsing a major Horde campaign in Silithus.
The Alliance took the bait; fearing the Horde was
proliferating Azerite weapons, they sent a
sizable night elf fleet to Silithus as deterrence.
Tyrande Whisperwind traveled to Stormwind
City to help the Alliance leadership plan the war,
leaving only Malfurion Stormrage and his
skeleton crew of night elf defenders for the
Horde to contend with. This primed the Horde's
campaign for their true objective: the conquest
of Darnassus. He responded that they could find one and
persuade him to help the Horde. Nathanos
When the Horde army marched to Ashenvale, introduced a darkspear troll named Rejiji to
Nathanos rode with Saurfang. Nathanos Saurfang, and Reijiji led Saurfang to a
contemplated how Saurfang was trusted by the smuggler's pass they could use to scale the
Horde due to his history of warfare and mountains of Felwood. Together, Rejiji, Varok,
sacrifices, but was resentful that the Horde Nathanos and a part of the Horde army went
hadn't given Sylvanas the same trust even into Felwood, and eventually reached Darkshore
from the north. Once there, they desecrated the and is known for deploying multiple blighthounds
forests, luring the wisps to them and dispersing against the enemy.
Malfurion's wisp wall.
In melee combat, he dual wields axes.
Once the Horde breached Darkshore, the night
elves were defeated. However, Nathanos along Defensive: Light Plate armor. Also noted for his
with Sylvanas were enraged to learn that stealth capacity.
Saurfang had let Malfurion escape alive.
Adaptive Creativity: 63/100: Nathanios has
Nathanios even threatened Saurfang with
successfully incorporated all Horde races into a
violence, but Sylvanas broke it up.
military machine, though he still relies primarily
After securing Darkshore, Sylvanas gave on forsaken methods like Blight.
Nathanos and Varok orders to secure the beach
Tactics: 67/100: From Darkshore to Zandalar
and prepare to invade Teldrassil. As Sylvanas
has achieved success in most battles he has
went off to speak to a gravely injured Delaryn
fought, though quite a few were Pyrrhic victories.
Summermoon, Nathanos inspected the carnage
of the battle. His examination was interrupted by Strategy: 65/100: Though Nathanios hasn’t
Sylvanas who suddenly ordered him to burn struck a big blow yet in his wars with the Alliance
down Teldrassil. Nathanos hesitated for a he has set up hidden bases around Kul Tiras,
moment only for Sylvanas to repeat her order siphoned off some key personnel in the form of
more sharply, causing Nathanos to set off on Forsaken, and devastated some armies.
executing her command. Wide eyed, Nathanos
watched Teldrassil burn. Intuition: 50/100

During the Battle for Lordaeron, Nathanos led an Audacity: 74/100: While Nathanios does try to
assault against the Alliance alongside conserve himself when possible, if his queen
Lor'themar Theron in the back side of Lordaeron ordered it he would gladly sacrifice himself and
Keep in an attempt to stop them, but was all at his command for her whims.
defeated when void elven reinforcements led by
Alleria Windrunner came to aid King Anduin Psychological Warfare: 67/100: He is actually
Wrynn and his force. Sylvanas then ordered him pretty decent at it and almost all his tactics so far
to coordinate the ultimately successful prisoner in the Kul Tiras campaign have been to goad the
escape from the Stormwind Stockades and Alliance into attacking, provoke fear and despair
served as Sylvanas’ contact in Zandalar. There and generally play upon the other’s emotions.
he directed the war campaign against Kul Tiras,
Discipline: 75/100
stealthily setting up many bases in that sub-
continent, resurrecting key Kul Tiran figures for Inspiration: 55/100: While he commands some
intel and stealing a powerful Kul Tiran artifact respect, he is a bit of a jerkass to everyone but
known as the Abyssal Sceptor. Sylvanas.
When the Alliance invaded Zulzadar, he was the Experience: 68/100
first on the scene to lead the Horde into repelling
their forces- though he was too late to save Corruption: 73/100: There is no atrocity he
Rastakhan. won’t commit if his queen orders it, though
unlike Sylvanas he’ll occasionally feel a bit of
Offensive: Master archer and ranger, with regret.
legendary skill with the bow. He can fire magical
arrows like Sylvanas and the Dark Rangers. He Personality Traits: Except towards Sylvanas,
may also have a giant pet bat named Blightwing he is at best cold and aloof towards everyone
and at worst vicious and dismissive . This
includes to the player character, even though Max Range: Spell
the PC’s achievements dwarf his own several Preferred Range: Melee
times over (and his dialogue states he is aware Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei
of them). Furthermore, unless he's talking to or
about Sylvanas, everything he says is either an Lady Liadrin is the matriarch of the Blood
insult or condescending and abrasive. He loves Knights, Silvermoon's order of blood elf
taunting everyone, both ally and enemy. paladins. She was raised as a priest by her
adoptive father and participated in the various
He's loyal to his Banshee Queen, but he can troll wars aagainst the Armani, for they were
exercise reason when it benefits them long term. responsible for the death of her real parents.
When Anduin proposed a meeting between This included the Second War, where she and
human and Forsaken to restore family ties, her squad very nearly killed the Troll leader
Sylvanas was going to reject the offer outright. Zul’Jin, only for him to barely escape.
Nathanos was the one to examine the offer and
convince his Dark Lady that, succeed or fail,
permitting this meeting would only improve her
standing with the Forsaken.


Liadrin fought bitterly in the Third War against

the Scourge, serving in the Siege of Silvermoon
and the final battle at Quel’Danas. Only the
sacrifice of her adoptive father and his closest
friend allowed Liadrin to survive, and she was
forcibly teleported out of the battlefield by the
latter at its climax.

Following the Sunwell's compromised state and

throughout the battle, Liadrin was having
troubles with summoning of the Light, even
when she reminded herself that she could
summon it without the Sunwell. As she tried, she
once failed and later with her full focus of soul
and mind the connection was weak. As the
invasion came to an end, she was so desperate
Mobility: 5 and frenzied that she was unable to call the
Light. Wracked with guilt, Liadrin became bitter
Training: 7 towards the light and refused to call upon it.
Five years later, Liadrin still struggled with the Taking up the mantle of Blood Knight Matriarch,
guilt she felt the day the Scourge invaded Liadrin began to forge her new order; however,
Quel'Thalas: guilt for failing to protect her the Blood Knights were not initially met with
country, her brethren, her mentor; guilt for the praise. Indeed, many elves scorned them for
fear she had let control her, and guilt for not their method of empowerment. Overlooking her
dying herself. Pained by the loss of the Sunwell knights' training with pride, Liadrin could only
and quite reliant on external sources to sate her feel foolish for having been so beholden to the
hunger for the arcane, Liadrin, now living in an Light; "why be a servant, when one can be a
abandoned, run-down manor in the Ghostlands, master?" However, there would be much turmoil
etched out a living as a warrior, cutting down all these early months, and many knights felt a
Scourge remnants that crossed her path. Liadrin great, almost supernatural unease about what
had previously aided in the reclamation of they were doing and Liadrin had to sadly put
Eversong, though while others remained behind down at least one Blood Knight who went mad
to rebuild, Liadrin had vowed to end the Scourge from the experience.
forever and ventured to the undead-infested
south. There, she dealt with her rage toward the Despite its rapidly-increasing influence,
Scourge in the best way she could—destroying however, the Blood Knight order took a massive
them at every turn. blow after Prince Kael'thas sold his loyalties to
the Burning Legion, and stole M'uru from
Liadrin was summoned by the regent to Silvermoon. Liadrin observed the results of this
Silvermoon, and Halduron took her to the royal treachery herself. With the order now without its
palace, Sunfury Spire, where she reunited with source of power, a desperate Lady Liadrin
Lor'themar. They were interrupted by Belo'vir's traveled to Shattrath City to meet with its leader
successor, Grand Magister Rommath, who A'dal, another naaru, to find a new source of
made Liadrin a unique offer: the prince had sent power. In doing so, Liadrin learned from A'dal
back a subdued naaru named M'uru to that M'uru had known of his fate long ago, and
Quel'Thalas, for the elves to drain for its magic. had allowed himself to be manipulated by the
However, Rommath, Astalor Bloodsworn, and blood elves — knowing that he would be the
several other magisters were not content with catalyst to their ultimate redemption and that
this notion—they believed they had found a far Prophet Velen of the draenei had learned of it
better use for the holy being's power. some time ago. Inspired by this knowledge,
Liadrin renounced her loyalty to House
Rommath told Liadrin that her life was led by Sunstrider, and fought alongside the newly-
extremities, be it the devout priestess or the formed Shattered Sun Offensive to end Kael's
ruthless warrior. He handed her a Blood- dark ambitions on the Isle of Quel'Danas and
Tempered Ranseur, a weapon that symbolized finally to restoring Silvermoon to its greatness.
the balance between her two paths, and offered
her another option—one that would allow her to Following the death of Kael'thas, along with the
utilize both of her chosen paths; indeed, through darkened M'uru and the defeat of Kil'jaeden,
this, she would never be abandoned by the Light Liadrin travels to the site of the defiled Sunwell
again. He introduced Liadrin to the captured alongside Prophet Velen. She laments that the
M'uru, and he and Astalor assisted her in forging blood elves may never be able to atone for the
a link with the being. When Liadrin channelled sin they committed in damning M'uru to his fate,
the Light through it, there was no warmth or though Velen acquires the "heart" of M'uru, and
love, but there was power; if not at a moral cost, channels it into the Sunwell. In a massive blaze
then a physically challenging one. Accepting the of light, the font of power is restored, which
proposal, Liadrin was infused by M'uru's power Velen notes may be the start of a rebirth in the
and became the first of the Blood Knights, and a soul of a nation. Following the victory at the
new era in Thalassian history was born. Sunwell Plateau, Lady Liadrin witnessed the
rebirth of the Sunwell firsthand. Acknowledging Legion threats and defended their order hall
the road ahead as a hard one, Liadrin has since when the Death Knights came to raid. She
rekindled a far more positive relationship with served in the Second Battle of the Broken Shore
the light. The Blood Knight matriarch has turned and served on Argus.
her attention to freeing her people from their
magical addiction once and for all, and restoring However, her most notable action was, together
the sin'dorei to their greatness. with Rommath, leading a Blood Elven army to
free Suramar. . Liadrin sympathizes with the
Her Blood Knights would serve with distinction in Nightfallen, drawing parallels to the blood elves
both Northrend and Pandaria, and would soon and their own experiences with addiction and
become the most active Blood Elf military force. betrayal years prior. She believes that the
She herself served with distinction on Draenor, sin'dorei understand the Nightfallen's plight
where she was among the first through the better than any other. Liadrin has bulletins and
portal and helped the allied forces weather the posters put up within Suramar City itself to
assaults of Iron Horde. After detecting the spread word of the Horde's arrival, to offer hope
presence of demons in neighbouring Talador, to the Nightborne populace and show them that
Liadrin and her forces arrive at Auchindoun to a future lies beyond the chaos.
assist Exarch Maladaar and the Auchenai in
defending this most sacred of draenei precincts. Together with the Shal’dorei rebels and
She directs Horde members in the region to supported by Tyrande’s Night Elves, the
drive the Legion out and keep the spiritual well combined elven army successfully breaches the
out of Gul'dan's hands. city, and strikes straight to the foot of the
Nighthold, but the kaldorei, sin'dorei, quel'dorei,
When Teron'gor is identified as Liadrin and and shal'dorei are confronted by Grand Magistrix
Maladaar's opponent and the Shadow Council is Elisande herself. Using her great powers over
fought off from Auchindoun, Liadrin returns to time magic, Elisande traps the entire elven army
Sunsworn Camp to plan her next move. She and in time stasis and leaves. Liadrin is able to
Astalor Bloodsworn then relocate to Retribution escape when Khadgar returns to break her and
Point to rendezvous with Maladaar when Tyrande out of the spell, but the rest of their
Leafshadow is recovered and Auchindoun's forces remain frozen in time on the steps before
defenses are heightened. The two leaders the Nighthold.
depart to assist the player at the scoured
Remains of Xandros, arriving in time to battle Adventurers assault the underbelly of the
the pit lord Mongrethod; Liadrin destroys the Nighthold and Liadrin takes part in the fighting,
annihilan with a Light-based attack while showing up after the death of Gul’dan to
Maladaar immobilizes him. celebrate the freedom of the city.

After Shattrath City is attacked and seized by

the Shadow Council and the Sargerei, Liadrin
moves her forces to the Spire of Light to fight the
invaders back alongside the Auchenai and
Sha'tari Defense. When Socrethar's lieutenants
are slain, Liadrin goads the treacherous former
exarch into battle and confronts him at
Maladaar's side. Ultimately, Socrethar is killed.

In Legion, she became more active still as a

Paladin of the Silver Hand. Serving as a
champion for the Order master she fought
across the scope of the planet against various
Defensive: See Paladin. Plate armor that is
further enhanced by the light.


Adaptive Creativity: 56/100: Liadrin is not

exceptionally noted for her creativity, though she
can adapt when forced to.

Tactics: 75/100: Fought battles across multiple

planets and multiple foes and helped achieve
victory in all of them, with the exception of the
inconclusive Stromgarde.

Strategy: 70/100 Liadrin has shown a knack for

leading successful campaigns across multiple
fronts and often serves as a competent
underling when she isn’t in command.

Intuition: 50/100

Audacity: 68/100:

Discipline: 73/100: Though she is a woman

noted for her extremes, she has balanced such
feelings with a martial discipline and the calming
presence of the light.
Liadrin’s actions, and pleasant, sympathetic
attitude towards the Nightborne are not Experience: 81/100: Dozens of years of
forgotten. Liadrin undertakes a diplomatic experience as a priest, warrior and then
mission that convinces Thalyssra to bring her commander across multiple worlds.
faction into the Horde. In Battle for Azeroth
Inspiration: 63/100
Liadrin is one of the Horde commanders during
the Battle for Stromgarde, leading the forces of Corruption:40/100: Though ruthless in battle
the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and carrying the and possessing an intense hatred for most of
banner of the Blood Knights once again. There the sin'dorei's enemies, Liadrin is not without
appears to have been a splintering in the Order mercy. She is a pragmatist who sees no value in
of the Silver Hand, as Turalyon's forces carry the excessive cruelty or brutality
banner of the order while Liadrin does not.
Turalyon and Liadrin seem to have a unique Personality Traits: As a priestess, Liadrin was
rivalry against one another. devout, faithful, and pious. She took pride in her
role as a preserver of life and was content,
She also directs some actions in the various guided by King Anasterian, the Sunwell, and the
faction incursions, showing that of all the Blood Light. Though not disparaging of other races,
Elf characters, she is the greatest horde Liadrin prioritized her own people's well-being,
partisan. She mostly focuses on directing and considered it a positive thing for the elves to
champions to take out enemy officers though. have distanced themselves from the outside
world prior to the Third War. Liadrin's will was
Offensive: See Paladin, though one of the best
tested during the Scourge invasion, in which her
examples. She is also known for her melee skill.
ability to wield the Light was hampered by the
growing dread she felt at seeing the undead Max Range: Spell
hordes lay waste to her kingdom. Her ability to
properly channel the Light began to falter in the Preferred Range: Melee
face of these horrors, a crisis she blamed the
Sub-Faction: Coalition
Light itself for.
Liadrin was jaded and dispassionate by the
Third War's aftermath. She believed the Light, in
its fickleness, had failed not only her, but Born in the Magh’ar tribal orcs in
Quel'Thalas itself, and swore off its use. She Outland, Cromush seems to have been one of
also dealt with a great sense of guilt, having lost those who avoided the original Orcish Horde’s
elves in the war (including her foster father) conflicts with Azeroth, courtesy of the lack of
whom she had respected and loved, yet had daemon blood in his veins. Like Garrosh
survived herself. Vengeful, Liadrin reinvented however he would have entered the new
herself as a warrior, and dedicated her life to Horde’s in the beginning of the reopening of the
exterminating the Scourge. Grand Magister Black Portal, and joined the Horde soon after.
Rommath believed that Liadrin's life had been
led by extremities, from a pious priestess to a By Cataclysm, he had risen high in the ranks of
ruthless warrior. Liadrin found balance as the the Horde as a career soldier, becoming a ‘High
first Blood Knight, allowing her to reconcile her Overlord”. Then-Warchief Garrosh Hellscream
two walks of life on her own terms. One trait that demonstrated his extreme trust in his overlord
persisted from her days as a priestess was by appointing him to the position of ‘guardian’ of
Liadrin's strong belief in the importance of unity, Sylvanas Windrunner. He was supposed to
which she instilled within the Blood Knights. She watch over the Banshee Queen as a spy for the
later sought to instill it within the wider horde, Warchief, but ended up showing a surprising
and can be considered the Horde’s greatest amount of concern for Sylvanas when she was
Blood Elf Partisan. Liadrin rekindled her passion assassinated, mourning her and even kneeling
for the Light after the restoration of the Sunwell, when she was resurrected.
which now channels holy energies as well as
arcane. In perhaps the spirit of vengeance, Cromush
took part on the Forsaken assault of the
HIGH OVERLORD CROMUSH/MELISARA fortification that held those led by Lord Godfey
who assassinated Sylvanas, though in the
assault he interfered with Forsaken efforts to
use the plague against the enemy, and ended
up incapacitated by Godfrey’s poison. He next
appeared in the Hillsbarad Foothills region,
where after the heroic sacrifice of Orcus
Kinslayer he launched a plan to ensure
Forsaken dominance of the region.

Annoyed that the Frostwolves refused to help

the Forsaken, Cromush resolved to lead the
effort himself. Working together with the
Banshee Melisara he planted four Goblin Pocket
Nukes in strategic locations in the four bases of
the Alliance presence in the area. Melisara,
Mobility: 5 working together with a recruited adventurer,
saw to the capture of SI:7 operatives, the
Training: 6-7
poisoning of soldiers, death of Gnomish Inspiration: 55/100: Respected commander,
Engineers and the destruction of enemy but little else is known.
leadership. Then came the detonation of the
nukes, totally annihilating the organized Alliance Corruption: 58/100: Cromush is very much an
presence in the area. Much of former Lordaeron “ends justify the means’ type of orc and from
was made secure with that one act, and it nuking the enemy to ordering hits on enemy
remains perhaps the single greatest Horde non-combatents, Cromush will do what is
victory that has been inflicted on the Alliance. needed to win. Personality Traits: Cromush is an interesting

case. Originally appointed by Garrosh to watch
After helping to defend Hillsbarad against the over Sylvanas, he seems to become quite
Burning Legion, In Battle for Azeroth, Cromush enamored with the Forsaken cause and goes
assisted with the construction of Warfang Hold out of the way to ensure their success at every
in Shadowsong Valley and directed numerous point, even siding with them over the legendary
assaults across Kul Tiras and defenses from Frostwolf tribe. In fact, he is one of the few of
Alliance incursions in Zandalar. Throughout Garrosh’s underlings who does not seem to
these campaigns he showed a knack for show any prejudice based on race to the Other
identifying and dispensing with high priority Horde members.
targets and directed the champions of the Horde
to many victories during that time. However, he is definitely a pragmatist and
interested in results rather than winning
Offensive: Battle Ax, wielded with great Skill. honorably. He will without hesitation nuke an
Melisara is a powerful banshee enemy rather than assault a fortified position.

Defensive: Plate Armor

Adaptive Creativity: 79/100: In both BFA and

Catacylsm Cromush has shown the ability to
quickly adapt to changing circumstances and
employ both new technology and personnel, like
the AU Mag’har, to achieve victory.

Tactics: 75/100: By the time of Battle for

Azeroth, Cromush has struck many hefty blows
against the Alliance, some of them inflicting
significant causalities upon the other faction.

Strategy : 70/100: See above. Cromush serves

as the chief strategist of the Faction incursions.

Intuition: 50/100:

Audacity:65/100: Cromush is a bold warrior, but

not quite the beserker type of some of his fellow

Discipline: 55/100: Though he can be unsettled

by certain things, flying into temper at the
enemies or allies actions, he can mostly return
to his cool in a short time.
OVERLORD GEYA’RAH days when Draenei and Orc clans still had the
tentative friendship that had formed following the
Iron Horde War. She joined the military and
through her spirit and dedication quickly rose
through the ranks to become Hellscream’s own
second in command.

Unfortunately, war struck. The Draenei, driven

by the Naaru in the orc’s own biased retelling,
declared war on the Mag’har, seeking to convert
them all to the light- by force if necessary.
Durotan was slain in combat and the rest of the
Mag’har entered into a losing war. Geya’rah
assisted with the defense of Gorgrond, but it
was still only a matter of time.

Then, suddenly, intruders from Azeroth arrived,

claiming that the orcs owed them a ancient debt
for their freedom. Geya’rah objected but these
new arrivals earned her respect when they
helped her put down a orc rebellion. After
fighting off a Lightbound incursion she agreed to
lead a company of her finest volunteers to help
the Horde in Azeroth. Alas, the Lightbound
chose this moment to lead an even greater
incursion into Goregrond. Grom led a desperate
charge to give the rest of the orcs time to flee to
Azeroth and the Bronze Dragonflight’s spell
teleported all the Orcs of Goregrond and their
allies (along with a few hangers-on) to Durotar.
There, Overlord Geya’rah swore fealty to
Sylvanas Windrunner and pledged her forces to
the Horde.

Mobility: 5

Training: 5

Max Range: Melee

Preferred Range: Melee

Sub-Faction: Mag’har
Offensive: An axe. Geya’rah is a extremely
In the alternate universe’ Draenor, Durotan and potent fighter.
Draka did not have a son, but a daughter. This
strong willed women grew up as the Orc clans Defensive: Iron armor
were merging into the Mag’har and back in the
Character Traits: Geya’rah is known for the fire returned to Zuldazar with the Horde and Zul and
in her spirit and her tough, no-nonsense attitude. directed Horde champions to assist the
In many ways she is very reminiscent of the Old Zandalari in three provinces to earn their trust.
Horde, prizing strength, honor and loyalty above
all other traits. Her trust is difficult to earn but, In Nazmir, Princess Talanji led the expedition
once earned, it stays. against the Blood Trolls. After realizing the
immensity of their power, she had her Horde
PRINCESS TALANJI allies seek the aid of the native tortollians and
loa with she herself taking part in the efforts to
recruit Torga. Though the Turtle Loa was killed
before a request could be made, she did
stealthily infiltrate the blood trolls surrounding
the Loa’s corpse and, together with Horde
champions, annihilated them. She created
totems to purify the land and, in a conflict with a
mighty Herald of G’Huun, destroyed the shield
protecting the faceless one before destroying it.

Later, she worked with the Titan Keeper Hezbel

Mobility: 5 to get the ancient construct online and dueled
Grand Matriarch Atreena once more. Having
Training: 5 had enough of the Blood Trolls she and the
Horde specialist team ‘The Gob Squad” led a
Max Range: Spell assault on the Blood Troll domain. Leading an
army of Zandalari, Horde, Loa and Tortollians
Preferred Range: Spell
(turtle people) , Talanja assaulted the Blood Troll
Sub-Faction: Zandalari home base. After destroying their ability to
resurrect the dead and killing an enemy war
Talanji is the Princess of the Zandalari Empire leader, and under her direction the Gob Squad
and daughter of God King Rastakhan. She is a destroyed the Blood Troll barricades leading to
priestess of the loa Rezan. Unlike her father, their citadel. However, she underestimated the
Princess Talanji does not think the old ways are power of Grand Matriarch Atreena and was only
always best and believes that the Zandalari able to stalemate her.
must adapt if they are to survive in a changing
world. While her father's advisers were wary of She implored the Frog Loa, Krag’wa, for aid and
making an alliance with the Horde, Talanji was a it was with his head she landed on the top of the
staunch supporter of the Zandalari and Horde structure. Then, she and a Horde champion
uniting to face their common enemies. fought a long and exhaustive battle against
Atreena that finally ended in the Blood Witch’s
Talanji left Zandalar to negotiate with the Horde defeat.
because the Zanchuli Council was not doing its
duty to protect the kingdom, though she told her
father that she was simply going to go exploring.
She and Zul ended up being captured by the
Alliance. The Horde sent a strike team, including
Rokhan of the Darkspear, to infiltrate Stormwind
Stockade to free Zul and Talanji. When they
were cornered in the Harbor, Talanji summoned
Rezan to clear a path for them. Afterward she
Grand Seal, and trolls of the past and present
alike cried out for justice against the Blood God.
The time to end G'hunn was nigh and Vol'jin
requested they use his glaive to stab G'hunn's
corpse to draw his blood and show all of
Zandalar that the old god is dead.Talanji then
accompanied a team of Horde adventurers into
the Underrot and Uldir to defeat G'huun (The
Alliance was instead joined by Brann

After the deed was done, Vol'jin encouraged the

Speaker to walk with Talanji as they presented
their victory to the Zandalari people. While
Then Zulzadar fell under a three-pronged attack Talanji was initially hesitant, Vol'jin assured her
by Zul’s traitorous Zandalari, the Blood Trolls that none of this would have been possible
from up north, and a invading army of Sethrak, without her initiative, wisdom, and courage. As
all determined to unleash the Blood God Ghuun. the princess gives an impassioned speech about
Talanji rallied the civilians to take arms against Zandalar's victory over the old god's forces,
the invaders in the Zocalo. Although the Great Vol'jin claims that she is now the true leader of
Seal was destroyed, Zul's armies were routed the Zandalari.
and Zul himself killed with the aid of the
remaining Zandalari loa.

She then helped the Darkspear when the Mad

Troll Witch Doctor Zalzalane returned from the
dead with a army of zombies to plague Echo

After aiding the Darkspears on the Echo Isles,

Master Gadrin requested that Warchief Vol'jin's
ashes be placed in Atal'Dazar, the resting place
of Zandalari kings and mighty troll leaders. She and the Zandalari army were later lured
Princess Talanji accepted, and guided Gadrin outside the city by an Alliance feint. The true
and the Horde Speaker to the Golden Road of target was Zulzadar itself, and when Talanji
Atal'dazar. There, Gadrin reviewed his old realized this she rushed her forces back to the
pupil's many achievements and great deeds, city with due speed. However, it was too late
Talanji admitting she had previously heard of and her father was slain while Talanji was
Vol'jin and admired his deeds for some time. forcibly bound by her sire’s oath to serve
Bwonsamdi. She ordered Horde soldiers to
However, it turned out that the urn did not
pursue the retreating Alliance, but in the end she
contain the warchief's soul, nor did Bwonsamdi
nabbed few.
know anything about where it might be. Thus, on
the Death Loa's orders, Talanji, Gadrin, and Though worried the Horde would abandon her
Rokhan held a séance to discover what they with the destruction of their fleet, Sylvanas
could about Vol'jin's whereabouts. With the declared that their alliance would be forged
presence of his old teacher and friend, Vol'jin stronger than ever.
appeared, not to reveal what happened to him,
but to say that the Shadowlands were in turmoil: Simultaneously, Talanji began to receive more
G'hunn's influence was spreading without the visions from Vol’jin. Eventually, she began to
converse with his spirit to unravel many her father’s advisors and believe they are
mysteries like what it means to be Horde, how misleading him while, simultaneously, believing
Talanji should rule her people and just how the Horde is the future of her people.
Sylvanas got the position of warchief.
Offensive: Talanji is a loa priestess and has,
over the course of Battle for Azeroth, called
upon the powers of several loa like Akunda’s
lightning and Rezan’s holy magic. If her father
dies in this tournament, she inherits
Bwonsamdi’s pact.

Defensive: Various spells and she has shown

the ability to create a massive light shield based
on Rezan’s power.

Adaptive Creativty: 67/100 : Young and

creative, she frequently employs some new
magical device in the course of her battles.

Tactics: 65/100: while her experience is limited,

she has beaten the Blood Trolls in Nazmir and
led a massion to defeat G’huun in a sealed titan

Strategy: 55/100: She has royal training, but Mobility: 5

little is known about her overall strategy other
than her belief that the Horde is the future of the Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Intuition: 65/100: Can consult with the Loa and
Vol’Jin. Preferred Range: Melee

Experience: 58/100: She has experience Sub-Faction: Orcs

commanding a campaign in Nazmir and
Born into the Blackrock clan on Draenor, Eitrigg
controlling two armies. Still, she seems to be a
is an aging but still powerful orc warrior who was
in his late fifties by the time of the defeat of the
Audacity: 64/100 Lich King.Shortly after Blackhand was named
Warchief of the Horde, 5 years before the
Discipline: 62/100 opening of the Dark Portal, he named Eitrigg,
Orgrim Doomhammer and Varok Saurfang as
Inspiration: 59/100: Well respected by the his lieutenants, and they helped oversee the
Zandalari and the Darkspear, though the rest of Blackrock war machine as it prepared for the
the Horde would view her neutrally but fondly. war with the draenei.
Corruption: 35/100 After Blackhand was killed and replaced as
Warchief by Orgrim, Eitrigg continued to act as
Character Traits: Princess Talanji is known for
one of the new Warchief's most trusted
her willful, headstrong personality, her teasing
lieutenants. 4 years after the Dark Portal, Orgrim
humor and willingness to personally engage
managed to capture the Shadow Council
herself in fighting. She resents the old ways of
assassin Garona and tortured her until she forward, Tirion felt he owed a debt of honor to
revealed the whereabouts of the Shadow the orc.
Council. Garona swore fealty to the Horde,
prompting Orgrim to spare her life and charge However, this was not enough to prevent Eitrigg
Eitrigg to act as her handler. Garona continued from being captured. It is certain that the orc
to live under Eitrigg's watchful eye throughout would have been put to death in Stratholme, but
the Second War. She initially viewed the thanks to the timely intervention of Tirion and
Blackrock warrior as just another mindless, Thrall's new Horde, he was saved. He regarded
fanatical follower of Blackhand, but over time Tirion as his human brother after suffering such
she began to see a fading glimmer of pride and losses to save him. After meeting Warchief
honor in him. Thrall, Eitrigg found that his people had
rediscovered their shamanistic roots, and
Garona believed she could win Eitrigg's trust returned to life among his own kind. Before he
and told him everything she knew about Gul'dan left with his people, Eitrigg proclaimed that Tirion
and the Shadow Council, as well as her and he were brothers, bound by blood and
knowledge of demons and the Horde's true honor.
purpose. However, Eitrigg distrusted the
assassin and treated her words as poisonous He would serve as a advisor to Thrall for many
lies. Garona abandoned any hope of helping him years after until called upon to honor his pact
see the truth and instead bide her time until an with Tirion during the Wrath of the Lich King. He
opportunity to escape presented itself. During served in the Argent Crusade with distinction
the chaotic battles in the Hinterlands, she during that time. Later still, he was asked by
managed to slip into the forests and vanish. Thrall to advise Garrosh, though the young
Eitrigg considered hunting her down, but waging warchief did not listen to much of what he said.
war on the Alliance was more important than He later sided with the rebels to depose
recovering a single prisoner, and some part of Garrosh.
him sympathized with Garona's tortured past. As
He served alongside his son in the campaign
long as she did not turn her blades against the
against the Blackrock Orcs in the Blasted Lands.
Horde, he would let her go, and perhaps she
While Ariok his son went on a campaign of mass
would be able to find a true home.
slaughter Eitrigg served as his foil, subtly having
After the Horde was defeated by the Alliance at a recruit infiltrate the Blackrock ranks via a
the end of the war, many orcs scattered into the disguise. It was not long until this campaign of
wilderness. One of the solitary survivors was mass sabotage was felt….
Eitrigg, who dwelled on everything Garona had
Blackrock Officers were assassinated in
told him. He began to believe the half-orc's
inconvenient accidents while others were
words, and his unquestioning loyalty to the
“accidently” beaten to death as the Blackrock
Horde faded. With shame and anger in his heart,
commanders tried to brutishly instill discipline.
Eitrigg disavowed the Horde and struck out
Poison was given to the powerful Ogres of the
north in search of a place to spend the rest of
force, making them unfit for battle. Warlock
his days and die in peace.
daemon pet Imp bodies, which could be
Eitrigg wandered the wildness for years before resurrected and controlled, were cleverly
ultimately being found by Tirion Fordring. replaced with native look-alike flamekin, which
Believing Eitrigg to be a monster, the pair fought could be resurrected but not controlled, causing
in a ancient tower, though the strain of their great casualties among the magic users. Finally
battle caused the structure to collapse. Eitrigg as the head Warlock tried to summon a powerful
ended up saving the unconscious Tirion's life by and gigantic Pit Lord to aid the force however
pulling him out of the ruins. From that point
Troteman ensured his control orb was replaced planning for the Zandalari war campaign and is
by a powerless look-alike. personally responsible for bringing the Mag’har
Orcs on board.
The result is the Pit Lord was summoned, but
then proceeded to demolish the already Intuition: 57/100:
demoralized Blackrock army. At the same time
Eitrgigg secured aid via a deal with a Red Psychological Warfare: 70/100 : Eitrigg’s mass
Dragon, which joined in the Pit Lord assault, terror campaign (accidental deaths, poison,
flying high above to where the Daemon could sabotage) pretty much decimated the Blackrock
not reach . There the dragon rained down fire on Orcs as a faction, causing massive casualties in
the shattered remnants of the Blackrock clan. doing so.
Finally, just as they had before, Eitrigg and Ariok
launched a surgical strike admist the carnage to Audacity: 78/100: As opposed to the heavily
kill the remaining Blackrock Horde leaders. armored Varok Saurfang, The Ace who fights
enemies in a Tranquil Fury and reflects the Arms
When the Legion came to Azeroth, Eitrigg was Warrior specialization, Eitrigg, wearing lighter
recruited by the player Battlelord, fighting across armor, dual wields and fights his battles with a
the Broken Isles while continuing his duties as masterful handling of reckless abandon,
an Orgrimmar politician and adviser. In Battle reflecting the Fury Warrior specialization. This
For Azeroth, Eitrigg continues his service as doesn't change that he's old, wise, and
adviser, diplomat and commander. He co- experienced in tactics and diplomacy, it's just his
commands Horde troops in the Arathi Warfronts combat style.
along with Rokhan and Lady Liadrin. His
diplomatic skills remain on point, and he serves Experience: 76/100: Experience with every
as the primary diplomat for the Mag'har tribes of Horde conflict since the Horde was first founded,
alternate Draenor joining the Horde. Lastly, he and often in a command/advisory role during
personally accompanies Nathanos and the those wars. However, he does not have quite as
player to Zandalar isle, advising you and the much experience as Saurfang, preferring
Blightcaller. diplomacy when available.

Offensive: Master warrior fighting with dual- Discipline: 59/100: While calm off the field and
wielded axes. Might also be accompanied by his capable of planning meticulously in campaign,
son, Ariok, a Dire Orc. when on the battlefield Eitrigg fights in a
beserker style. He also gets really offended
Defensive: See Orc Grunt when people call him ‘greenskin’.

Adaptive Creativity: 74/100 Inspiration: 60/100: Well respected among

Tactics: 78/100: Eitrigg brought low a force that
outnumbered him countless times over and did Corruption: 40/100: while savage and brutal,
so with just four individuals- himself, his son Eitrigg very much typifies the honor of the
Ariok, a Horde Champion and a dragon Horde. If he was fighting a worthy foe in a
eventually convinced to aid the cause. He has collapsing tower, and the tower collapsed and
also shown himself a capable tactician against knocked his foe out, Eitrigg would risk his own
the Alliance’s best in Stromgarde. life to save his enemy. That said, Eitrigg is
willing to make some nasty military decisions
Strategy: 82/100: All of the sabotage was from time to time.
brilliantly designed to inflict a final, crucial blow
upon the Blackrock Orcs, and Eitrigg deserves Personality Traits: In addition to the above,
credit for planning it. He also assists with the Elitrigg is a skilled advisor, politician and
diplomat. He mixes honor and pragmatism, skill increased and, although still weak, she
being willing to save a fallen foe yet, also, going defeated and claimed her first kill of windroc.
along with Sylvanas and her terrible ambitions
(though it is unlikely Eltrigg knows the scale of Draka was successful in defeating a talbuk and
them). a clefthoof and obtained all the ingredients she
needed. She returned back to Kashur, who
DUROTAN/DRAKA revealed the true meaning of Draka's hunt, that
the ingredients and potion were not truly
needed. The hunt itself had been intended to
make Draka a strong and determined Frostwolf
orc. In the end, now proud and beautiful, Draka
joined a celebration, where she met Durotan, the
son of chieftain Garad. The two immediately hit
it off and soon life-bonded.


Mobility: 5

Training: 7

Max Range: Thrown Ax

Preferred Range: Melee

Sub-Faction: Mag’har

Born weak and sickly, Draka, famously called Durotan’s philosophy was forged by a early
The Warrior Maid, is a Frostwolf Warriormaiden incident in his life. As the Frostwolf clan was
and mate to the Clan Chieftain, Durotan, and migrating, Durotan's mother's Geyah was bit by
father of Thrall. When she was born, she wasn't a drift lurker, which caused her to enter a coma.
treated well by other Orcs, not even in her own When his brother Ga'nar voiced the option to
Clan, and her family was forced to move to the leave her to die a natural death and lead the
outskirts of the Clan as a result. Fed up with how clan out of the area, Durotan refused. As the
her family was treated, she sought out the clan Durotan and Geyah's wolf companion
wisdom of Mother Kashur, the Clan's lead Stormfang remained with her. The pair fight off a
Shamanness, and figure out if there was some pack of Garm but in doing so Durotan loses
way for her to become a proper Frostwolf himself to bloodlust and kills Stormfang in it. In
Warrior. guilt and shame Durotan wears Stormfang's fur
to this day to remind himself that even the
Kashur sent Draka on a hunt to obtain a wing noblest of Orcs may fall prey to the savagery
feather of windroc, horn of talbuk and fur of within.
clefthoof. From the three ingredients Kashur
claimed that she could make a potion to cure When his ambitious brother Fenris vanished,
Draka's illness.Young Draka started her Chieftain Garad chose Durotan as his new heir
adventure alone. She had never been allowed to apparent, over the hotheaded Ga'nar. Yet the
join any orcish hunts, and now she had to learn troubles for the Frostwolves didn't end there.
from the world itself. As time passed, Draka's The other clans banded together to forge an Iron
Horde, an army bent on conquering Draenor.
Garad refused to join the murderous campaign grudgingly slay Fenris, putting an end to the
and isolated the Frostwolf clan in its home in Thunderlord threat but also closing an unhappy
Frostfire Ridge. The other orc warlords chapter in their family's history.
mobilized to bring the Frostwolves to heel and
Garad was slain while his older brother Ga’nar Though the Thunderlords were broken, the
was captured. Frostwolves learned that a huge Iron Horde
army was marching on Frostfire from Thunder
Durotan is first encountered after the Horde Pass. Durotan then led the Frostwolves in
forces arrive on the shores of Frostfire Ridge. repelling the attack, which ended when
Though wary of the newcomers (due in part to Drek'Thar mustered his power to collapse the
Thrall's green skin), Durotan accepts Farseer pass and keep the invaders out. However in
Drek'Thar's vouching and welcomes them as order to ensure that Drek'Thar had enough time
friends to the harsh, icy home of the Frostwolf Ga'nar made the ultimate sacrifice to buy the
clan. Out of gratitude for saving his people in shaman time.
Tanaan, he assisted the Horde champions in
building an outpost, and soon left for Bladespire Determined more than ever to take the fight to
Citadel to deal with the ogre empire's local bid the Iron Horde, he and Draka left Frostridge to
for dominance. Durotan marshaled a Frostwolf form an alliance with the Laughing Skull clan in
raid to besiege the fortress, fighting his way to Goregrond. There Durotan set up a base while
its heart and claiming it for the Frostwolves. He Draka and Kaz the Shrieker teamed up to free
and Ga'nar clashed in the battle's aftermath, the the Laughing Skulls from the infectious primals.
elder brother seeking to push the advantage and At first she maintained that Kaz was just using
drive out the Thunderlords, the neighboring clan them but agreed to work and watch her
who had gladly joined the Iron Horde's call and eventually changing her attitude. They
had begun attacking Frostwolf outposts across eventually defeated the great genesaur Iyu while
Frostfire. Durotan remained behind in Durotan stayed behind and guarded the outpost.
Bladespire, hoping to conserve the clan's After recovering Primals and Breakers's
strength and strike when the timing was artifacts, she lent her strength to the adventurer
appropriate. He sent the Horde champion to in Strike While the Iron is Hot, killing Goc and
fight with alongside Draka, who defended Commander Gar.
Wor’gol from a Thunderlord attack.

Durotan eventually returned to the garrison,

where he met with Draka and a victorious
Ga'nar, the latter fresh from killing the Iron
Wolf's three sons. Ga'nar challenged Durotan to
a mak'gora for leadership of the Frostwolves.
Durotan refused, dropping his axe, and telling
his brother to strike him down in cold blood if this
is truly what he wanted for the Frostwolves.
Ga'nar relented, unwilling to kill his brother, and
reaffirms his loyalty to Durotan as chieftain. With
the clan united, Durotan prepares to settle
matters with the Thunderlord clan and staged a
raid with Ga'nar on their warlord's stronghold.
The brothers are stunned to learn that the Iron
Wolf is their own elder brother, thought dead,
who reveals he had killed their father in his bid
to join the Iron Horde. Durotan and Ga'nar
mace, reflecting that Durotan never belonged
with the Iron Horde.

However, Yrel had also survived the explosion.

She confronts Blackhand herself, goading him
into battle, and uses the Light to heal Durotan's
wounds. Fighting together (Durotan using
Maraad's discarded hammer, Yrel wielding
Durotan's discarded axe), the two beat
Blackhand down until Khadgar teleports them to
safety and blows up the Blackrock warlord's
command ship.

Durotan accompanied Thrall and the

commander to the plains of Nagrand, home of
the Warsong clan. While Thrall and Draka led
the attack from the north, Durotan led his forces
from the south against Lok-rath. When the
adventurer visited Riverside to ensure Durotan's
help for the upcoming battle, he asked to deal
with the captured orcs at Lok-rath. Although the
enemy orcs didn't surrender they were dealt with
and Durotan eventually joined Thrall, Draka,
Aggra and the Horde forces in assaulting
When the Iron Horde's army approached Garrosh Hellscream's base of Grommashar.
Talador, Durotan, Draka, Gazlowe and the Durotan and the adventurer face Garrosh head
Horde adventurers moved to Talador to reduce on, with the son of Hellscream eventually
the threat of the orcs. After spying, battling and gaining the upper hand after a brutal battle.
destroying their machinery in the coast, Durotan Thrall intervened then and challenged Garrosh
became disheartened upon learning his to one last Mak'gora, which he won.
childhood friend Orgrim Doomhammer of the
Following that both Durotan & Draka appeared
Blackrock clan had joined the Iron Horde, whose
in the Taanan campaign, where they fought
brutal conquest had led to the deaths of many
against orcs corrupted by the Burning Legion.
draenei in Talador. Durotan maintained that his
Durotan led a army in conjunction with the
friend can see sense, and eventually confronted
Draenei to assault the Iron Front, while Draka
Orgrim; however, Orgrim refused to waver from
worked with Horde champions to set up a base
his path.
deep in Burning Legion territory. Both played
During the Battle for Shattrath, Durotan's faith in subsequent roles in the final defeat of Burning
Orgrim proved justified, when his old friend Legion on Draenor.
refuses to aid in the deaths of innocent draenei
For years after Archimonde's death, the draenei
and turns against Blackhand. Durotan, Orgrim,
and orcs lived in peace until naaru arrived on
Maraad, and Yrel begin battle with an angered
Draenor and the draenei became fanatical.
Blackhand, but are overwhelmed after
Forming the Lightbound, they began to spread
Blackhand kills Orgrim and an explosion
the Light whether others wanted them to or not;
detonates, killing Maraad. Durotan is disarmed
while some orcs joined willingly, others had it
and forced to the ground, where Blackhand
forced upon them. Durotan and Draka had a
looms over him and sears him with his great
child named Geya'rah, and Durotan was killed
by the Lightbound. Decades after the battle
against Archimonde, Draka commanded a Psychological Warfare: 52/100: Sometimes
garrison in Nagrand against the Lightbound. they use tactics to inflict terror or confusion, but
Draka and other orcs were left behind when the not often.
Mag'har group led by Geya'rah escaped to
Azeroth. Disicpline: 76/100: As a child Duortan famously
succumbed to rage and accidentally killed his
mother’s wolf during it. He wears Stormfang's
pelt on his head to this day, as a constant
reminder of his failure, and a motivation to
prevent himself from succumbing to the rage
again. From all I have seen, he is one of the
most measured and calm orcs.

Experience: 73/100: By the time of BFA, they

would have had a additional thirty five years of
learning to add to their Warlords of Draenor
experience, though much of that was spent in
Offensive: Draka: Two mighty axes, dual peace.
wielded. Duirotan wields a single larger axe.
Both have heroic skill in terms of combat ability Inspiration: 58/100: A respected chieftain, if I
and are accompanied each by a giant frostwolf. counted only Frostwolves this would be higher.

Defensive: Animal furs and leather for both. Corruption: 40/100: His intentions, as they
always have been, are pure and he does no
Adaptive Crativity: 53/100: While both husband villainous deeds, even turning away the Iron
and wife can be creative if need be, they Horde. This doesn't mean the Frostwolves aren't
overwhelmingly use traditional tactics. Orcs. He and his Clan are every bit as cruel,
violent, and savage as the others
Tactics: 67/100: Together, the pair defeated
several foes many times stronger than they who Personality Traits: Durotan is a staunch
were armed with far greater tech and monsters. traditionalist and cautious conservative who
These victories did come at a big cost, however. seeks to maintain his clans old ways, while
serving with honor on the battlefield. Unlike his
Strategy: 70/100: Along with the Horde brother Ga'nar, Durotan first looks to the clan's
commanders, Durotan/Draka led a successful security and well being before letting his
campaign against numerically and mechanically personal emotions get in the way. He is
superior foes, in some provinces with very few extraordinarily disciplined, courteous of his
troops available (like Gorgrond). The rapid childhood incident.
dismantlement of the Iron Horde can be
attitbuted to the work of both them and the The fiery Draka is his partner in crime. She is
Draenei champion Yrel. incredibly determined, active and used to taking
part in her husband’s decisions as a co-equal
Intuition: 57/100: Durotan is known to consult partner. She punches him if not.
with his shaman, who is often provided with

Audacity: 60/100: Durotan is known for his

caution and tendency to plan first before
attacking, though he is famously independent
and cannot be intimidated to surrender.
HAULDRON BRIGHTWING During this time, he was supportive of
Lor'themar's decisions to keep the nation safe,
such as allying with the Forsaken to protect the
southern Ghostlands. Halduron was opposed to
the creation of the Blood Knights, and indeed
shared Warchief Thrall and High Chieftain
Cairne's deep concerns about the maltreatment
of M'uru, which led him into several arguments
with Rommath, who himself was a strong
supporter of the Blood Knights. Halduron and
Rommath would come to harsh words on many
matters, though Halduron came to develop a
respect and trust for his compatriot after
Rommath remained loyal to Silvermoon
following the devastating betrayal of Kael'thas.
With the elven scion no more, Halduron urged
the regent lord to take a more royal and
prestigious role in Quel'Thalas, though
Lor'themar was consistently opposed to this
Mobility: 5 notion.

Training: 8 In Cataclysm Hauldron teamed up with Vol’jin

and Vereesa Windrunner to take down the
Max Range: Bow Amani Trolls in Zul’Gurub, preventing them from
joining the wider Zandalari coalition.
Preferred Range: Bow
Sub-Faction: Sin’dorei In Mists of Pandaria Halduron accompanied the
Sunreaver Onslaught to the Isle of Thunder,
The Ranger-General of Silvermoon and the taking up arms in the Onslaught's name along
leader of the Farstriders, a blood elven group of with a contingent of his rangers. After departing
rangers dedicated to defending their homeland into the wilderness with Kethiel Sunlance and
against any and all threats to its safety and Elina Zaralae, Halduron focused on taking on
prosperity. A ranger of prodigious talent himself the local Zandalari threat; while he did not wish
and a veteran of both the second war & the troll to commit genocide against the Zandalari, he
skirmishes, Halduron was promoted after the fall understood that a little shortening of their
of his predecessor, Ranger-General Sylvanas numbers would not be enough to achieve
Windrunner during the Scourge invasion that victory. Halduron assuaged Horde champions
saw Quel'Thalas nearly destroyed. In those over the killings and assured them that the blood
devastating times, Hauldron led the Farstriders spilled was on his own hands, not theirs.
to save as many of their people as possible,
gradually culminating in a campaign to reclaim Finally, in Legion Hauldron joined the Unseen
Quel’thalas and the Sunwell. Path, the union of all hunters across Azeroth. He
played a pivotal role in killing the legendary
It would take several years of slow fighting Hakkar the Houndmaster and defending Dalaran
where the Elves were outnumbered –at the from his threat.
least- dozens to one but, by the time of the
Burning Crusade expansion, Hauldron had Offensive: As expected of Quel'Thalas' Ranger
reclaimed most of the physical land the General, Halduron is a master of combat (both
Sin’Dorei had lost. melee and ranged) and has been shown to wield
a variety of weapons, including spears, swords,
daggers and bows, with prowess. He has been counterpart, Grand Magister Rommath, after the
seen wielding a longspear in tandem with his betrayal of their prince to the Burning Legion.
longsword, using both of their strengths to Though tolerant and fair, Halduron can also be
dispose of larger groups of enemies ruthless to his enemies; like many Farstriders,
Halduron has a deep hatred for the Amani tribe.

As expected of Quel'Thalas' Ranger General,

Halduron is a master of combat (both melee and
ranged) and has been shown to wield a variety
of weapons, including spears, swords, daggers
and bows, with prowess. He has been seen
wielding a longspear in tandem with his
longsword, using both of their strengths to
dispose of larger groups of enemies. He is not
above using subterfuge and deception in battle,
posing as a weak target to lure bloodthirsty
enemies out of hiding.


Defensive: Light Leather

Personality Traits: Halduron Brightwing, as the

leader of the Farstriders and the Ranger-general
of Silvermoon, represents the side of
Quel'Thalas typically associated with its rangers
and woodsmen. He is a natural ranger, a
talented military leader, and is hailed by
Lor'themar as a courageous man who has
served Quel'Thalas with unwavering integrity.
Halduron has few of the haughty prejudices Mobility: 5
often associated with the elves.
Training: 7
Halduron is Lor'themar's primary confidant,
Max Range: Bow
providing level-headed counsel to his friend to
this day. While loyal to Lor'themar and his Preferred Range: Melee
regime, Halduron is willing to cross boundaries
when the situation is deemed necessary, as Sub-Faction: MokNathal
showcased in the Ghostlands. Halduron
developed a trust and respect for his
(much of this is copied from the dotesports Among his many accomplishments was the
website) assassination of numerous threatening lords of
hostile races, like the centaurs and harpies,slew
Rexxar was born into the peaceful Mok’Nathal powerful undead, foiled the Naga, went to
clan , in the northern mountains of the world of Outland briefly to kill demons and many more
Draenor. A half-breed like the majority of the feats, assisted all the while by Rokhan and Chen
clan’s population, he was restless in his youth, Stormstout. He was personally responsible for
and jumped at the opportunity to join the newly saving Baine Bloodhoof from centaur execution
formed Horde as they marched into the Dark and bombing a human fleet that sought to
Portal and towards the world of Azeroth, with destroy the Echo islands. He also challenged
dreams of conquest in their minds. the head of a Ogre clan and took it over.

For a while he fought side-by-side with his half- Eventually, his travels led him to uncover a plot
brothers and his wolf companion during the first against the Horde by none other than Admiral
and second wars, but he soon grew disillusioned Proudmoore himself, Jaina Proudmoore’s father.
with civilization and organized society, mostly Through covert guerrilla warfare, the admiral
due to the infighting and succession of betrayals and his forces were on the verge of re-igniting
that came to characterize the Horde’s early the war between the Alliance and the Horde,
years in Azeroth. against Jaina’s will.

When his loved wolf companion was killed by a Rexxar’s adventures culminated with the hunter
rogue orc warlock from Gul’dan’s clan, he confronting the admiral himself, a fight of which
decided he had enough. He then set out to he was the victor, leaving Jaina to mourn her
travel the wilderness of Azeroth, befriending the dead father. He later remarked to Thrall that
bear Misha, who would become his inseparable Jaina was indeed a human to be trusted,
companion ever since.He eventually finds because despite the pain of losing her father,
Kalimdor and wanders there. she had understood that he had been the one to
blame for his own death.
During his wandering in the wilderness of
Kalimdor, Rexxar was surprised in finding an orc After his short but eventful stay at Orgrimmar,
in the continent. After helping him fend off Rexxar decided once more that civilization
attacking beasts, he promised the dying wasn’t for him, and informed Thrall that he would
messenger that he would fulfill his duty and leave. He did, however, pledge his allegiance to
deliver the report he had for his Warchief. the Horde, saying that he would be honored to
serve whenever necessary, and the Warchief
Rexxar was greeted in Orgrimmar by Thrall, with
granted him the honorific title “Champion of the
open arms, and was sufficiently impressed with
Horde” – a mantle only ever held by a very
what the young Warchief had achieved to set
select handful of people.
aside his disdain for society and take a
contributing position within the Horde once After roaming around the wastelands of the
more. Desolace region during the early years of World
of Warcraft, and helping Horde players face the
He then proceeded to accomplish many tasks
mighty mistress of the black dragonflight, onyxia,
for the Warchief and his allies, gathering a band
Rexxar eventually departed for Outland,
of adventurers to his side as he had many
crossing once again the Dark Portal into the
adventures in the barrens and wilderness
lands that had once been Draenor.
between the Horde capital of Orgrimmar and the
human city-state of Theramore.In fact, one could
call him the first real adventurer in the Warcraft
He later leads a assault on the Northshire
Estate, where the Alliance is housing
experimental Azerite armaments. At the climax
of the battle he and a adventurer fight a primited
Azerite war machine (albeit smaller than most
variants) and defeat it and its captain, who
curses Rexxar as he dies for the death of
Daelin. Ultimately, the Horde succeeds in
stealing numerous Azerite blueprints and
weapons. He also assists Arcanist Valitros in a
There, amid a slowly shattering world, is where stealth mission to break out the Alliance prisoner
players met him last, as he attempted to salvage Lady Ashvane.
what little was left of his people, the Mok’Nathal
clan, and make peace with his father, who still Offensive:Bow, two axes and plenty of animal
bears him a grudge for defecting to the armies of pets. These include a bear Misha, a giant Hawk
the original Horde all those years ago. To do so named Spirit, a wyvern named Leokk, and a
he helped systematically take down the boar named Huffer. Also counts as a master
Bladespire Ogres, who were encroaching on the hunter
clan, and their gronn master. It is also by this
point that he is accompanied by the boar Huffer
and the wyvern Leokk.

In Legion he serves the hunting order of the

Unseen Path, fighting daemons across the
breadth of the world. Next, in Battle for Azeroth
he shows up as a Horde champion, feeling that
Jaina has gone to far in her hatred of the Horde
and needs to be put down like her father. To
fulfill his promise to Thrall to protect the Horde
he loves, Rexxar will fight until either war ends
or he does.

He fights at Warfang Hold and, though he loses

a pet wolf, managed to repel attempts by the
Alliance to claim the stronghold. Later, Rexxar Defensive: light leather armor
contacted Nathanos Blightcaller about a Kul
Tiran tidesage who could help them locate the Personality Traits: Rexxar views the Horde in
corpse of Marshal M. Valentine, who was lost at the same way he views himself as part of a
sea during the Second War. He, the adventurer, pack. He considers them family and is eager to
and Lilian Voss confronted Thomas Zelling who protect them, whether it is against the Legion,
was sick and lay away from his family so as not Daelin Proudmoore or, lately, Jaina. This does
to upset the children when he died of disease. cause him to overlook some of their faults such
Rexxar promised to ensure Zelling's family's as with Sylvanas but, on the plus side, allows
safety if Zelling helped them, but advised him to readily make new relationships with the
against Zelling becoming a Forsaken because Horde he interacts with, like Arcanist Valitros.
his family would not accept him. Against
He is honorable in battle, prefers not to harm
Rexxar's judgment, Lilian called on a Val'kyr to
civilians and is the embodiment of many Horde
raise Zelling.
LASAN SKYHORN including High Crawliac's three highest-ranking
lieutenants, the champion assaults the
Witchqueen's throne with the aid of the Skyhorn
chieftain. Impressed by the adventurer's
prowess, Lasan names them "Skyfriend" and
agrees to travel to Thunder Totem to once again
declare his allegiance to Mayla.

Afterwards, Lasan is arguably the most active

Highmountain leader in foiling the Legion
invasion. His eagle riders support Mayla’s
ground assault on the Broken Shore, fight the
Dargul in Snowblind Mesa, and plays a pivotal
role in foiling the Legion assault on
Highmountain itself. In fact, he did more to fend
off the Legion than any other leader, personally
helping the champion kill two powerful Legion
leaders and then infiltrates a Legion spaceship
Mobility: 5 to free prisoners and plant explosives on the
inside to blow it up. He also helped fend off a
Training: 6 surprise Old God assault towards the end of the
Max Range: Crossbow
In Battle for Azeroth, Lasan joins the Horde as
Preferred Range: Melee the rest of the tribes do, often representing them
in the field. He joins Rokhan, Thalyssra,
Sub-Faction: Highmountain Nathanos, and the player in freeing Princess
Talanji and Zul the Prophet from a prison in
The chieftain of the Skyhorn tribe, a tribe of Stormwind, providing both the transport to
hunters and eagle riders. A complete contrast to Stormwind, and aerial support to the escape.
most Highmountain Tauren, Lasan is a jovial, Later, he and a squad of eagle riders boards a
boisterous fellow and is rarely seen without his Alliance gunship and destroys it from the inside.
eagle mount and companion, Aviash. He is the
most eager to reaffirm his loyalties to Offensive: Long range crossbow, short range
Highmountain and bring the fight to the Burning spear. He also likes to drop bombs on the
Legion. enemy. Will almost always be on his pet eagle,
After Riverbend is destroyed by Dargrul, the
adventurer is sent by High Chieftain Mayla to Defensive: Leather armor
assist the Skyhorn tribe. Upon arriving at
Skyhorn, which is under attack by harpies, Personality Traits: Loud, friendly, and never
Lasan informs them that the drogbar are not the misses a chance to crack a joke or bellow with
only threat to Highmountain and that he will not laughter. He honestly enjoys fighting, the thrill of
send forces to support Mayla until High it and to test himself against the enemy for
Crawliac, the queen of the harpies, has been control of the skies.
dealt with. After helping secure Skyhorn from the
immediate harpy threat, the adventurer, Lasan
and his eagle riders head into the Haglands —
the heart of High Crawliac's domain. After culling
a sufficient amount of the Haglands' defenders,
NISHA/KIRO down and continue to do business. Though he
was equally committed to conflict, his planning
was more cautious and longer ranged.
Eventually, Nisha was proven right when a force
of Faithless led by Fangcaller Sraka brutally
attacked the unprepared caravan at the burrows.

Shortly after an adventurer arrives in Vol'dun,

they are captured and imprisoned by the
Faithless but are soon rescued by Nisha.The
adventurer accompanies Nisha as she kills
sethrak around the Abandoned Burrows and
helps gather equipment for her in the form of a
vulpera banner she begins carrying on her back,
a sethrak skull she equips as a helmet, and
explosives. After killing Fangcaller Sraka and
retrieving Nisha's attack plans, the vulpera and
the adventurer escape to the Vulpera Hideaway
using Nisha's wagon, with the hero lobbing
explosives to hold off the sethrak.

While the adventurer, Kaja, and Rakera ally with

the sethrak Vorrik at the Sanctuary of the
Devoted, Nisha, Kiro, Meerah, and other vulpera
continue to the Faithless' stronghold in the north
to take the fight directly to the sethrak out of
Vorrik's Sanctum. Nisha and Kiro work to rescue
vulpera slaves while Meerah organizes caravans
to carry them to safety. Some time later, the
Mobility: 5 adventurer and Vorrik join up with them, and the
hero aids Nisha in freeing and arming vulpera
Training: 6 slaves in the Crater of Conquerors. Kiro,
meanwhile, undertakes a sabotage mission of
Max Range: Crossbow espionage that sees the Sethrak cannons
disabled and their battle pets released. Nisha
Preferred Range: Melee
and the freed slaves then aid Vorrik in assaulting
Sub-Faction: Allied Support the Skycallers' Spire and she ultimately helps
Vorrik and the champion kill the Faithless ruler
Nisha lived at what is now the Abandoned Emperor Korthek.
Burrows, where she and her people lived under
constant threat from the Sethrak Empire. She
devised a plan to take the fight to the sethrak
based on intel she gathered by surveying the
sethrak compound and which she recorded in
the form of a map. She warned her caravan
leader Kiro that the sethrak would eventually
attack and that the vulpera needed to make a
preemptive strike against the snakemen, but
Kiro insisted that they instead keep their heads

Lately, they have been dealing with the Alliance,

with Nisha particularly vengeful about the
Alliance burning Vulpera caravans (that were full
of Horde supplies)

Offensive: Kiro wields a mace with average

skill, while Nisha has two Sethrak curved blade,
wielded with legendary skill.

Defensive: Light armor for both Mobility: 5

Personality: Nisha is a bit of a beserker who Training: 6

loves fighting and killing up front, while Kiro Max Range: Spell
embodies sly traits and prefers to create havoc
behind enemy lines. Preferred Range: Spell

Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei

(some credit to Know Your lore here)

*Note, like Khadgar of the Alliance, this

character would not appear in a battle vs. the

Archmage Aethas, a member of the enigmatic

Council of Six of the Kirin Tor and leader of the
Sunreavers, was present during the magi's flight
from Alterac. Along with his compatriots, Aethas
assisted the magi of Dalaran in elevating their
city into the skies of Northrend, where they
planned to do battle with the dreaded Lich King
and his minions. However, what they were met
with was quite another beast: the crazed aspect
of magic himself, Malygos. No sooner than the
Kirin Tor had began to stabilize their place
looming skyward had the Blue Dragonflight
come upon them, eager to put an end to the
mortals' reckless use of magic. Aethas
spearheaded the defense of northern Dalaran
along with Archmage Modera by creating a
massive shield over the city, the great powers of
the two archmages proving enough to
supplement the lesser magi.

As the battle for aerial supremacy raged on,

Aethas and Modera held up a grand dome over
the city, shielding it from even Malygos himself.
Aethas, Rhonin and Modera planned to burn the
blue dragons out, and then break their hold on
the shield to obliterate them directly. Though As a member of the Council of Six, Aethas was
treachery almost saw this plan undone, Aethas able to secure his people a place in the magical
succeeds in keeping the floating city still floating (and traditionally Alliance) city of Dalaran.
rather than being viciously dropped to the earth. Through his efforts, the blood elves' allies in the
After the conflict, he returned to Silvermoon to Horde were also welcomed, and Dalaran
plead for Quel’thalas’ support for the proclaimed itself an independent city. Aethas'
Sunreavers. followers took up his name, and the Horde was
granted a sanctuary within the city that also
It didn't go well for Aethas. Rommath held the bears the name of Sunreaver(though Aethas
Kirin Tor in contempt for their role in allowing himself was a little wary towards the Horde).
Kael'thas to be imprisoned in shattered Dalaran Aethas sent blood elven members of the Kirin
after the Burning Legion's assault, and for nearly Tor to the various Horde cities and bases in
allowing Garithos to execute the Blood Elves Northrend, and Aethas himself appeared via
imprisoned during the war against the Scourge. projection to advise Overlord Agmar from the
Nothing Aethas could do or say could appease Horde fortress of Agmar's Hammer.
the Grand Magister, who was not inclined to
allow a single mage of Silvermoon to assist the In Tides of War Jaina showed up in Dalaran
Kirin Tor against Malygos. Indeed, it was only requesting aid for Theramore and Aethas
through the intervention of Sylvanas Windrunner reluctanctly agreed to send Kirin Tor forces to
that the Blood Elves agreed to take part in the act as a ‘deterrent’ – a force that contained one
conflict in Northrend, and even then it was Thalen Songweaver. Unfortunately, Thalen was
primarily through Sylvanas' extorting said aid on a traitor and helped Garrosh nuke the
penalty of loss of Horde support (though Aethas settlement. Aghast, Aethas supported Jaina’s
did not like this method). ascension to the Kirin Tor as recompense.

Afterwards, he assisted Lore’thalmar and

Rommath in studying the effects of Mogu
artifacts in Quel’Thalas. During this, he was
exposed to Sha energies and ranted about his
distrust for Garrosh Hellscream, going so far as
to compare service to Garrosh to the path of
fallen prince Kael'thas. Before being freed from
the Sha, Aethas even stated that the Sin'dorei
should break free of the Horde and walk their weapon atop the Violet Citadel by siphoning the
own path. power of Kathra'natir, the dreadlord imprisoned
inside the Nightborne Soulstone. Later, he and
Later, Fanlyr Silverthorn conjured a Sunreaver Khadgar fight together on Argus.
portal at Domination Point, allowing members of
the Horde to circumvent Jaina's wards around Offensive: Fire Mage, one of the best.
Darnassus and steal an artifact named the
Divine Bell. While not shown in-game it was Defensive: See Mage, but Aethas is powerful
revealed that Aethas, after stumbling upon the enough to power one half of the spell that
portal, admonished Horde adventurers for using protected an entire city.
Kirin Tor resources for the war effort and would
Personality Traits: Aethas is a bit of an idealist,
end up being threatened into backing down.
believing that Alliance & Horde races can get
Knowing that Garrosh would know exactly who
along and tries to foster that sort of unity. That
spilled the beans (which would cost blood elven
said, he does value his people first and was
lives) and struggling with conflicting loyalties,
willing to ‘look the other way’ for their sake. He is
Aethas made the decision to "to look the other
a rational, collected if somewhat arrogant
way," gambling on Jaina's wrath being less than
Garrosh's should she find out.
That said, he is shown to be somewhat resentful
Soon time the after heist Jaina learned of it, and
of the Horde’s current path and is the only Blood
incensed at yet another betrayal on behalf of the
Elf leader to advocate leaving the organization.
Horde, expelled the entirety of the Sunreavers
from Dalaran. Aethas attempted to deter her GRAND MAGISTER ROMMATH
from this, professing his innocence and
Dalaran's status as the Sunreavers' city too,
though Jaina imprisoned him in the Violet
Citadel and begins a purge of those unwilling to
surrender. However, he and many others are
rescued by a strike team led by Rommath,
though Aethas is bitter about the experience and
assigns equal blame to the Alliance & Horde.

Aethas focused on dealing with the saurok and

the mogu. Aethas also devised theories
regarding Lei Shen's magic, which has engulfed
the isle in an anti-flying stasis. Aethas believed
the unnatural storms protecting the isle originate
from within the emperor's palace. Later still, he
takes part in the Siege of Orgimmar where he
fights alongside Sylvanas & Lor’Thalmar.

In Legion Aethas returns to Dalaran after

offering the Kirin Tor a magical Quel’dorei sword
named Felo'melorn and accompanied the
adventurer all the way to Icecrown itself, fighting
through a small legion of undead, to claim it.
This act earned Aethas’s redemption in the eyes
of the Council of Six, who wanted to focus on
the Burning Legion rather than past grudges.
Aethas aids in re-powering Dalaran's defensive Mobility: 5
Training:8 Enclave and rescue the Sunreavers remaining in
Max Range: Spell the Sunreaver's Sanctuary), Aethas himself is
Preffered Range: Spell nowhere to be found. After reviving several
Sub-Faction: Sin’Dorei wounded Sunreavers and saving their
dragonhawks (thus giving the rescued elves a
Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas and formerly a way out of the city), Rommath leaves for the
devout servant of Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, a Violet Citadel and succeeds in breaking Aethas
magister who ascended to said position out of his captivity, though a large portion of
following the losses of the Third War. He was Sin’Dorei remained in captivity. Rommath and
initially sent from Outland back to Azeroth to Aethas escape the city atop the dragonhawks
teach the blood elves remaining in Quel'Thalas rescued earlier, and return to Silvermoon.
the ways of draining magic to sate their magical
addiction, as well as to prepare its citizens for Rommath accompanies Lor'themar, Halduron
the exodus to Kael'thas' "promised land" of and Aethas to the Isle of Thunder, taking up
Outland. It was Rommath who devised and arms with the Sunreaver Onslaught. Rommath
approved of the creation of the Blood Knight leads the Horde assault on the Court of Bones,
Order. Rommath strongly believed in the overseeing the attacks on the mogu’s sorcery
importance of balance, stating that the blood cabals. Through his orders the Horde stops a
elves, with their unending hunger for magic, attempt to destroy the Sin’dorei base in the area
walk a fine line between deficiency and via magical ritual and also prevents the Mogu
overindulgence, and must tread safely between from resurrecting a mummy army of their own
the two extremes in order to be complete. dead. Much later, he co-leads a force of Blood
Knights and Magisters, together with Lady
As Prince Kael'thas returned from Outland and Liadrin, to free Suramar from the Legion and the
betrayed his people, Rommath forsook his Nightborne who serve them.
loyalty to the prince and instead chose to remain
loyal to his people.However, the events Offensive: Legendary fire mage, one of the best
shattered him, for he had believed in the prince’s of the Sin’dorei . He also appears to have some
work with all his heart. From that day forward he skill in melee combat, an oddity among mages.
vowed to never be a bystander, but a
participant. Defensive: see mage, but molten armor is one
of his specialties.
He plays a active role in the War on Pandaria,
where he and Aethas were tasked with Personality Traits: Rommath has an aloof,
investigating a Mogu artifact. Ultimately, they brusque, and often blunt manner. He is
both concluded it was corrupted and advised not generally a practitioner of pragmatism, and is
to use it. both a master-mage and a gifted politician.
Though still commanding and authoritative,
During the Purge, Rommath rushed to Dalaran Rommath's haughty disposition took a hit after
to rescue Aethas and help evacuate the Kael'thas' betrayal, which took its greatest toll on
Sunreavers during the ensuing purge of the prince's most loyal advocate. Though seen
Dalaran. Beginning with the sewers, Rommath as cold and disconcerting by some, Rommath
promptly warns the Sunreavers of the impending does have good intentions, and his true loyalty is
danger, and fights his way through the Silver reserved for the good of his people
Covenant to save those under attack. In the
chaos, Rommath takes over the center of the Rommath was one of Kael's most staunchly
city, using it as his makeshift base to strike loyal supporters. Upon travelling back to
against the Alliance. Though he succeeds in Quel'Thalas, Rommath quickly advocated the
saving a number of his people (as well as teachings spread by Illidan Stormrage,
sending Horde heroes to attack the Silver attributing it to Kael'thas. As such, when
Kael'thas' true loyalties were unveiled, Rommath Training: 6
was shattered - perhaps more so than anyone in
Quel'Thalas. Rommath has since undergone Max Range: Spell
subtle changes, most notably being in regards to
Preferred Range: Spell
the future of the blood elven people. Having lost
much of his composure, Rommath was strongly Sub-Faction: Forsaken
against committing the weathered sin'dorei to
the Northrend war, to the point where he vocally Helcular was a mage living in the Hillsbrad
condemned Lor'themar's decision to fight in it. Foothills who was taught by Kel’Thuzad the
Rommath has learned from Kael's downfall, and ways of necromancy, presumably having some
does not wish to see those events repeated. affiliation with Kel'Thuzad's Cult of the Damned.
Helcular was preparing to transform himself into
Rommath holds a strong grudge against the a lich when a human lynch mob from
Kirin Tor, stemming from his opinion that they Southshore found the cave where he was
had simply watched and waited as the sin'dorei performing the ritual, and subsequently
were slated for execution at the hands of the murdered him. They buried him in Southshore
New Alliance. As such, he is often at odds with but left his apprentice, Thaivand, alive.
Archmage Aethas Sunreaver, formerly one of
Dalaran's ruling council members, to the point Now a member of the Forsaken, Thaivand
where he flatly denied the aid of his magisters in directed members of the Horde to find Helcular's
anything pertaining to the Kirin Tor's welfare. Rod and begin the process of resurrecting him,
Despite his misgivings for what the Sunreavers so the dead mage could have his revenge on
stood for, Rommath personally rescued them the people of Southshore. This the adventurers
during the purge of Dalaran, including Aethas succeeded in and Herlcular used his
himself. necromancy to inflict havoc across Southshore.

He is an excellent strike force commander. In Cataclysm Helcular, now holding a position of

power among the Forsaken, leads the Horde in
HELCULAR the area around Southsore. Helcular now seeks
to remove the worgen threat from the Banshee
Queen's sphere of influence, and expresses the
belief that his new opponent Ivar Bloodfang
should have been killed in Silverpine. He seems
to be eager to find a method by which to remove
the worgen's immunity to the curse of undeath.
He also uses his rod to supernaturally empower
the Dark Rangers that serve under him.

In Legion, he rose to power further and

commanded the defense of Hillsbarad Foothills.

Offensive: A potent necromancer and master of

shadow magic

Defensive: Some shadow spells

Personality Traits: Helcular is one of those odd

figures who arose as a monster yet has
Mobility: 4 achieved a measure of heroism, leading Alliance
& Horde with inspiring speeches against the This came to manifest in the Battle for
Burning Legion. Darkshore, where Maiev and Sira joined a
mission to find Tyrande, who had left earlier for
SIRA MOONWARDEN a ritual. Sira, already showing depression and
uncertainty in her dialogue, left to go out on her
own to kill Nathanious and a Horde champion,
only to be slain in turn. Her bitterness towards
Maiev and a Elune she feels abandoned her
manifests, and she accepts resurrection. She
then leads Forsaken armies in the subsequent
Battle for Darkshore against her old boss,

Offensive: Dual umbra crescents and Warden

abilities (see Alliance profile). She can summon
up Avatars of Vengence.

Defensive: See Warden, Alliance

Personality Traits: In her current juncture, Sira

seems to be entirely motivated by vengeance
and resentment against Maiev, Tyrande and
Elune. She mantains her focus and tactical
knowledge however that she had in life.
Mobility: 5
Training: 7 NAZGREL
Max Range: Thrown Glaive
Preffered Range: Melee
Sub-faction: Forsaken

Sira Moonwarden is a high ranking and famous

hero of the Wardens. When Maiev Shadowsong
left her post in the aftermath of the Third War in
order to pursue Illidan, Sira took up the mantle
as unofficial leader of the Wardens in her stead.
When the Legion launched their Third Invasion,
Sira rallied the surviving Wardens against the
forces of the corrupted Cordana Felsong,
working alongside the Class Orders to combat
the Legion's forces throughout the Broken Isles.
Mobility: 8 (on wolf)
However, she had a dark side. Battle for Azeroth
Training: 6
reveals that she was deeply embittered by
Max Range: Thrown Axe
Maiev essentially abandoning her post and her
Preffered Range: Axe
comrades for the sake of her single minded
Sub-Faction: Orc
obsession with Illidan. She manages to hide her
resentment thoroughout Legion, but her A raider of the Frostwolf clan who serves as
transformation into a Forsaken in Battle brings Thrall's advisor and doesn't trust humans,
these feelings straight to the forefront. Nazgrel was the head of Thrall's security force in
Durotar and the last living descendant of Delaryn originally held the rank of lieutenant
Kash'drakor, the "Legend of the Frostwolf". among the Sentinels. Since the Cataclysm, she
In Warcraft III, he followed Rexxar around was mentored by the older and higher-ranking
Durotar on Thrall's behalf, serving as the Sentinel Cordressa Briarbow, and the two grew
Warchief's eyes and ears. close.

In World of Warcraft, he spent his time in Shortly before the War of the Thorns, Delaryn
Grommash Hold, advising Thrall on military reunited with Cordressa when the older Sentinel
matters before being shipped off to Outland in returned to Darnassus with the surviving
Burning Crusade. There, he spearheaded the Explorers' League members after the events in
Horde's offensive against Hellfire Citadel and the Silithus. Delaryn was present during a
Fel Orcs, directing the player and arranging the conversation between Cordressa and High
successful defeat of Magtheridon. Priestess Tyrande in which Tyrande informed
the two Sentinels of High Overlord Saurfang's
Though he has spent a lot of time since in apparent plans to send hundreds of Horde
Draenor, according to Legion he is still part of soldiers to Silithus. Not long after, Cordressa
the Horde military apparatus. and the other high-ranking Sentinels were
dispatched south to reinforce Silithus, while
Offensive: Giant axe and riding wolf
Delaryn and the rest of the Sentinels were sent
Defense: Chainmail. to fill their positions in Ashenvale. Delaryn wasn't
looking forward to serving in Ashenvale but was
Personality: Nazgrel is an orc torn between excited at the prospect of serving as the second-
personal desires and loyalty. He hated humans in-command to Anaris Windwood, the Sentinel
so much during the Founding of Durotar that he commander of the region, whom Delaryn
believed any attempt to negotiate with them was admired as a personal hero. However, she
an act of weakness, and yet he was absolutely quickly became disillusioned after she and the
loyal both to the position of Warchief and to others arrived in Ashenvale and discovered
Thrall personally, having gone so far as to Anaris' harsh attitude.
become blood brother to the orc.
While walking through Ashenvale days later,
DELARYN SUMMERMOON Delaryn unexpectedly reunited with her lover,
the druid Ferryn, whom she hadn't met in years.
While drowsing in each other’s' arms a few days
later, the two were awoken by a goblin rogue.
After killing the intruder, Delaryn and Ferryn
raced back to Silverwind Refuge to find that it
had come under attack. Her superior, Anaris,
was slain and Delaryn quickly found herself in
charge of the Kaldorei force in Ashenvale.
Realizing early on that she couldn’t defeat the
Horde armies herself-for most of the Sentinels
were in Feralis while every Horde race was
represented in her opposition- Delaryn opted for
Mobility: 5 a fabian strategy of delay and sabotage.
Training: 5 She and her sentinels burned bridges, stealthily
Max Range: Bow destroyed siege engines and surrounded and
Preffered Range: Bow annihilated any war group who tried to cross.
Sub-Faction: Forsaken The Night Elves recruited every civilian they
could find and even launched a attempted Teldrassil in her final moments, then gave her
assassination attempt on Saurfang himself. forces the order to burn the tree. In utter despair
However, the Horde was relentless and and bitterness, Delaryn's thoughts then turned
countered each in turn eventually, such as against Elune for having abandoned the kaldorei
freezing the river so troops could cross, sniping despite all that they had given in Teldrassil's
her magi(the ones who could burn said ice river) defense.
and Sylvanas herself foiling the assassination
attempt. When the Horde returned to Darkshore, Delaryn
was sought out by them specifically on
Delarayn never let up though, despite the Sylvanas's orders. The attempts to raise her
setback. Resolving to hold the Horde once more were fought off by the night elves, first by Sira
she garrisoned the shores of Wildbend river, Moonwarden who was slain, and then by
taking the time to free Furbolgs under Horde Tyrande and Malfurion. However, although
occupation and sabotaging an attempt to Tyrande managed to kill one of the Val'kyr, the
destroy numerous Ancient allies. There she Horde succeeded in raising not only Delaryn but
stalemated the numerically superior force, and also Sira. The two new Dark Rangers told
for a time the Night Elves held out hope that the Tyrande that she and Elune had abandoned
main Alliance fleet would be able to reinforce them despite their trust in her, and so now they
them. were Forsaken. Afterward, Delaryn became
Captain of the Forsaken's new night elf Dark
Alas the Horde moved too fast, striking from the Rangers. She would lead ambushes in the
remnants of the Shatterspear Camps and a Battle for Darkshore against the Alliance.
third army marched through a smugglers route
over the mountains. Caught between a three-
pronged attack, the Night Elves were scattered
and Delarayn fought a spirited land stand in

She was hit by multiple Horde arrows, shrugging

off the first few until the last one caused her to
collapse on the ground. In that moment, the
dying Delaryn saw Ferryn beside her, and she
realized that he was dead and that what she
saw was only an image conjured up by her Offensive: Longbow. See Dark Ranger
Defensive: See Dark Ranger
Delaryn then saw Sylvanas approaching and
asked her why she would invade the tree; the Personality Traits: Once, Delaryn was a
Horde had already won and only innocents idealistic young woman, determined to defend
remained in the tree. The Sentinel tried in vain to her people and cherishing hope. Sylvanas has
remind the warchief of her past life as destroyed that and in its place a bitter, quiet
the ranger-general of Silvermoon. Sylvanas told husk remains, eager to inflict her philosophy on
Delaryn not to grieve, for she would soon join others.
her loved ones. Delaryn explained that she
grieved for Sylvanas, for she had made life her
enemy, and that was a war she could never win;
that she could kill her people, but she could
never kill hope. In response, Sylvanas turned
Delaryn's head so that she was forced to gaze at
WAR-DRUID LOTI & HEXLORD RAAL many of the people within Zandalar's border. As
the High Priest to Pa’kuk, lord of air, Raal
commands the air force of Zandalari and he has
done well in the conflict against the Alliance and
Blood Trolls.

Beloved by the youth of Zandalar, Wardruid Loti

earned her place on the Zanchuli Council
through the demands of the next generation of
warriors and hunters. Some credit the decision
of Gonk to allow the Zandalari the worship of
many loa, not just himself. This progressive
movement, championed in voice by Loti, aided
in the resurgence of druidism as a cultural
mainstay of Zandalar. She commands the
Raptor Riders and druids of the Zandalari, and
has made a name for herself as a vicious fighter.
She also helps root out blood troll corruption in

Offensive: Raal rides a pterodactyl dropping

debris on the enemy and is armed with a bow,
while Loti fights with a spear and can turn into a
ravasaur as a druid. Raal is a shaman and Loti
Mobility: 5 is a druid, knowing spells from those categories.
Training: 6
Defensive: Stone/gold armor
Max Range: Spell
Preffered Range: Spell
Sub-Faction: Nightborne

Dictating every aspect of Zandalari society down

to the very last detail are the Scholars and the
Priesthood. Masters of magic and communing
with the spirits, these respected bastions of
knowledge stand upon fifteen millennia worth of
accumulated knowledge. The highest of these
have a seat on the Zanchuli Council, which both
advises the King and ensures his every
command is executed upon. The council is
consulted before every battle or major decision.

While most of this council was subverted by Zul,

two members remained loyal: Hexlord Raal &
Wardruid Loti.

Raal's appointment to the Zanchuli Council was

no surprise to anyone. The charming hexlord of Personality Traits: Raal likes to laugh, and
Pa'ku had won the heart of his loa and of many cracks snarky jokes, something that Loti
of the people. Seen as the "man of the people," comments as annoying.Loti, meanwhile, is fairly
Raal has taken it upon himself to represent laid back, in a casual sort of way, and finds
Pa'ku and Hexlord Raal to be a bit annoying and Kaz the Shrieker is the chieftain of the Laughing
uptight. Skull Tribe.

The pair are actually husband and wife. az was first seen once the commander with
Durotan and Draka entered the Deadgrin village
KAZ THE SHRIEKER attacked by goren. Once the Beastwatch camp
was established, she and Draka entered the
jungle's forests to search for other orcs that had
been caught in the middle of the war between
magnaron and genesaur. While initially
suspicious of Kaz, Draka comes to respect the
Laughing Skulls and admire Kaz's dedication to
her family. Horrified at the vile nature of the
botani (abducting children in particular), she
notes their savagery is what has helped them
survive in the brutal lands of Gorgrond.

Once located, Kaz ordered the adventurer to kill

the infected orcs and to find three particular
individuals - of whom all were dead, including
her mate, Torg Earkeeper. Their son, Cutter was
also caught but was kept alive and immediately
rescued. Kaz even comes to call Draka sister in
their confrontation against the attacking
genesaur Iyu, symbolizing the two clans'
growing respect for one another. After Iyu's
death, she participated in the attack on the
northern part of Gorgrond against the Iron Horde
and eventually joined the commander as a
follower and left for Frostwall.

After the defeat of the Burning Legion on

Draenor, the orcs and draenei lived in peace
alongside each other for years as they rebuilt
their world. Eventually however, naaru arrived
Mobility:5 and the draenei became fanatic, forming the
Lightbound and converting many orcs to the
Training: 7 Light whether they wanted it or not. While
Max Range: Spell several decades had passed on Draenor, only a
Close Range: Melee handful of years had passed on Azeroth. Kaz,
Sub-Faction: Mag’har now with greying hair, was one of the orcs who
teleported into Azeroth to join the Horde. She
I am going to BURN all those plant people to
participated in the defense of Zuldazar from the
ash and then sprinkle that ash on a piece of
Alliance, using goren to eat Dark Iron dwarf
meat and then feed that piece of meat to a boar
and then set that boar ON FIRE!
Offensive: Powerful shaman with a love – and
And THEN I'll get started on them.
specialty in- fire.

Defensive: Some light leather armor

Personality Traits: Kaz the Shrieker is known There he met Drek'Thar, who told Thrall that he
for her brutality and love of burning things. She was the son of the chieftain of the Frostwolves.
is a powerful shaman despite her madness. Once Thrall had found his place among the
Though she has an openly sadistic personality, Frostwolves, Drek'Thar taught him the old ways
she is fiercely protective of her son Cutter and of the Horde, before Gul'dan's corruption, stories
strangely loyal to the commander once about Frostfire Ridge, the ancestral homeland of
recruited. Against foes, she argues for fighting the Frostwolves, and soon Thrall was accepted
savagery with savagery in a cycle of gradual as a member of the clan. A frost wolf named
escalation. Snowsong eventually chose Thrall as her
companion. It was some time after that choosing
that he was called away by Drek'Thar, and came
upon a quiet place where he had never been or
THRALL seen before. Here he was to be initiated.

In one of the most spiritual experiences of his

life, Thrall befriended the spirits of Earth, Air,
Fire, Water, and the Wilds. He became the first
new shaman since Gul'dan's vile corruption of
the Horde. He returned to the camp a new orc
and became fully immersed in the old ways of
the shaman and his clan, embracing his role as
son of the chieftain. This was a significant and
symbolic event, since Thrall was the first
shaman to be accepted by the spirits since
Mobility: 5 Drek'Thar's time. Not only did this mean Thrall
Training: 6 would be destined to be one of the greatest
Max Range: Spell shamans in orcish history, but it also meant that
Preffered Range: Spell the spirits finally forgave the orcish race for
Sub-Faction: Horde consorting with demonic powers, and deemed
Thrall as the first of a brand new generation of
Go'el is the son of Durotan, former chieftain of shamans.
the Frostwolf clan, and Draka. He was born in
the year 1 in their new home in the Alterac As he celebrated, the Orc camp was visited by a
Mountains. Soon after, his parents were rude stranger, who Thrall eventually challenged
assassinated and Thrall was found by Aedelas to a dual to get him to leave. After a short but
Blackmoore, a cruel human lord who took the brutal contest, Thrall managed to disarm him,
orc baby to raise as a gladiator. His early life but was prevented from throttling the stranger by
was one full of hardship, though he was some of his clan. It was then that the stranger
educated and was known for being clever, quick revealed himself as Orgrim Doomhammer — the
and enormous even by orc standards. He did Warchief of the Horde. Doomhammer had been
make one human friend, Taretha Foxton, who contacted by Drek'Thar about the return of the
eventually helped Thrall escape. son of Durotan. The Warchief decided to
provoke Thrall into a fight to see if Drek'Thar's
After briefly becoming part of the Warsong clan praise was deserved — and it was. Not only was
led by Grom Hellscream- who taught him orcish Thrall able to challenge Doomhammer's
ways- Thrall left for the Alterac Mts to reunite strength, he also was able to best him
with the Frost Wolf Clan.
Doomhammer named Thrall his second-in-
After trekking to exhaustion, Thrall was rescued command and explained his strategy for
by the Frostwolves and taken to their camp.
liberating the encampments. Per that he was not what he seemed, that he had
Doomhammer's plan, Thrall infiltrated the camps abandoned his humanity long ago, and that he
masquerading as one of the downtrodden, had foreseen the future with the only hope for
lethargic prisoners, and then riled the orcs up the orcs' salvation was to leave Lordaeron—sail
with shows of his shamanistic powers. With the west to Kalimdor, and there, they would find
downtrodden orcs revitalized by their restored their destiny.
heritage, they quickly overran the encampments.
On the first three encampments, this proved to
be an effective tactic. On the fourth, Thrall was
too easily recognized, and thus they had to
resort to the numbers of the new Horde — and
the shamanistic powers wielded by Thrall — to
liberate the encampment.

At the fifth, they were even better prepared —

knights from Durnholde had been stationed at
the remaining encampments, so that whichever
camp they attacked, there would be a greater
resistance. During the liberation of this Thrall obeyed, and gathering the Horde,
encampment — now the Horde outpost of prepared to make their way across the Great
Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands — Sea. The clans begun assembling and he
Doomhammer was killed, impaled from behind constructed a base to give the Horde a place to
by a knight's lance. With his dying breath, he stay. Grom turned out to have been captured by
gave Thrall his black plate and warhammer, and humans, and Thrall quickly stepped in to save
named him Warchief of the Horde. him. Hellscream then got the idea, to steal the
human ships so that they could leave the human
Finally, he assaulted Blackmoore, the head of lands forever. With the Horde assembled, they
the internment camp project, at his fortress in stole the ships, and left across the Great Sea to
Durnhold. His attempts to convince Taretha to the forgotten lands of Kalimdor.
leave were foiled by the girl’s unwillingness to
abandon her family and, the next day, when Along the way, he and his orcs landed on a
Thrall was trying to get Blackmoore to peacefully island dominated by the Darkspear Trolls, who
surrender his old master threw her head from were currently under attack by a Kul Tiran
the castle battlements. In a rage, he and the outpost and a massed amount of murlocs led by
orcs stormed the battlements with Thrall killing a Naga Sea Witch. Though the orcs fought their
Blackmoore in a 1 vs 1 duel. He then called way off and rescued the Darkspears, they later
upon the spirit of the Earth to level the entire crashed their ships as a result of the Sea
castle. Witch’s dying curse. Thrall spent a significant
amount of time gathering up trolls and orcs from
Thrall and Grom spent much time gathering the wreckage, before pushing onwards with
together the dispersed forces of the Horde. But it those who they could find.
was some time later, when Thrall was with a
small force in the Arathi Highlands, that he It was closer to the interior that he met the
received a strange dream. He saw armies Tauren, and earned their respect as he fought
clashing, and fire raining from the sky, and a off the marauding centaurs. This alliance proved
voice warning him of things to come. fruitful, for in gratitude the Tauren directed Thrall
to head north to an oracle that they believed
When he awoke, he realized that it was no would give Thrall guidance. Unfrotunately, Thrall
dream, it was a vision, granted him by the discovered the Alliance had also arrived on
mysterious Prophet, who enigmatically told him
these new shores and Grom quickly engaged out to face Mannoroth in a canyon carved by the
them in skirmishes. Thrall sent Grom to falling infernals.
Ashenvale, away from the humans and where
he believed the other orc wouldn’t cause harm.
Thrall then rejoined Cairne of the Tauren, saved
Thrall put an initial assault against Mannoroth,
some wyverns (earning another alliance of their
but was subdued quickly, and would have been
race) and searched the caverns of the Oracle.
killed, had Grom not gathered his strength and
After much time, they found the Oracle's made a devastating blow against Mannoroth,
chamber, but they also found Jaina shattering his plate and driving his axe deep into
Proudmoore, and were about to battle when the his belly. However, as Mannaroth died he
Oracle appeared, revealing himself to be the managed to mortally wound Grom who passed
Prophet that Thrall and Jaina had met in with the knowledge that his blood curse had
Lordaeron. He told Thrall of Grom's corruption, been redeemed.
and that the orcs and humans must join forces
The Orcs & Humans later allied with the Night
or be destroyed. Reluctantly, Thrall agreed,
Elves to fight on the foothills of Mount Hyjall in a
desperate to save Grom.
delaying action. Causalities were immense but,
They returned to the Barrens to find Grom in by the end of the day, the mortals had managed
command of the corrupted Warsong clan, and to delay Archimonde enough to play out their
he moved against them as the demonic invasion trap. Afterwards, Thrall gathered the orcs up and
of Kalimdor began. An epic battle took place founded the city of Orgimmar in the province of
between the Warchief and Hellscream's forces Durotar. There he lived mostly at peace with the
as the fire of falling infernals lit up the night sky. nearby humans, marred only by a brief episode
Thrall, with the help of Cairne and Jaina, fought when Daelin Proudmoore seized control of the
his way through the ranks of blood-maddened settlement of Theramore and attempted to
chaos orcs, determined to reach Hellscream at destroy the Orcs. An outcast of Horde leaders
all costs. Finally, after defeating Hellscream's with the reluctance tipoff of Jaina Proudmoore
army of orcs, doomguards, felhounds, and (who didn’t want to genocide the orcs) allowed
warlocks, Thrall faced his old friend. the Horde army into the city where they slew
Daelin and then left in peace.
Hellscream taunted the Warchief, revealing to
him that the demons didn't forcefully corrupt the In the events of World of Warcraft Classic Thrall
orcs, but that the orc chieftains themselves renewed ties with the Revantusk Forest Troll
willingly chose to drink the demon's blood, in full clan, as well as brought the Forsaken into the
knowledge that it would forever enslave them to Horde upon the advice of the Tauren. He sent
the Legions dark rule. Enraged at this revelation adventurers around the world to deal with
and betrayal, Thrall charged at his old friend and Burning Legion and Old God cults as well as
the armies of Thrall and Grom along with a oversaw the military buildup that preceded the
swarm of doomguards battled. After a long and Sillithid war.
desperate struggle, Thrall regained control of
himself and managed to capture Grom's
essence in a soul gem and returned it to a Ritual
Circle, where with the combination of orcish
shamanism and elven magic, the demonic
energy was purged from Grom's system. Grom,
realizing what he had done, was instantly
apologetic, and he and Thrall immediately set
command of the invasion to the North with
Saurfang as his chief advisor.

As the combined Horde and Alliance forces

began their assault upon Angrathar the
Wrathgate, an uprising broke out within the
Forsaken capital Undercity. Varimathras and
hordes of his demonic brethren overran the city,
slaying all those who would not submit to their
dark rule. Sylvanas herself was nearly killed in
the coup, but managed to escape with a number
of loyalists and fled to Orgrimmar. Determined
not to allow the Dreadlords a foothold in Horde
territory, Thrall and Sylvanas planned an
immediate counter-attack. In the midst of their
planning, Jaina Proudmoore arrived bearing
terrible news: in the wake of Bolvar Fordragon's
death, King Varian was preparing for a possible
war with the Horde. Jaina had been sent to elicit
an explanation for the betrayal at the Wrathgate.
During the Year 25, Thrall entered negotiations Though Thrall and Sylvanas explained that the
with Quel'Thalas about joining the Horde. He Horde was not responsible for Putress, Jaina
openly opposed the blood elves' methods, but had warned them that King Varian would most
recognized the Blood Knights' strategic value. likely pursue retribution.
Ultimately, Thrall agreed to have the Blood
Elves join the Horde. Thrall along with Sylvanas and Vol'jin led the
assault into Undercity itself to reclaim it for the
A faction of orcs exists in Outland, who Horde. After fighting the Forsaken rebels and
remained untouched by demonic corruption. the demons within, the combined might of the
These orcs call themselves The Mag'har, and Horde slew the traitorous demon Varimathras.
are comprised of various orcish clans who chose The joy of victory was short-lived as Varian,
not to join Magtheridon's legion of fel orcs, and having killed Putress and hearing the orcish
appear to have been completely unaffected by cries of victory, arrived on the scene. He
the corruption wrought by Kil'jaeden. Upon confronted Thrall and declared that peace could
hearing of them, Thrall immediately made plans never be achieved after discovering the horrors
to journey to Outland and make contact with the the Forsaken had created in Undercity. Just as
Mag'har. They too were brought into the Horde. the two forces charged at one another, Jaina
Later, Thrall participated in a Alliance-Horde stopped them from killing each other by
peace conference in Theramore, though it was teleporting Varian, herself and the Alliance army
disrupted by Old God aligned assailants trying to back to Stormwind City. As Thrall lamented on
restart the faction war. the broken peace between the Alliance and the
Horde, Varok Saurfang arrived and reminded
Back at Orgimmar, Garrosh Hellscream
Thrall of his duty to lead their people. In order to
challenged Thrall to lead the Horde to first crush
ensure that no more Legion-aligned
the Alliance utterly and then move onto the
abominations crawled out of the Apothecarium,
Scourge. Thrall told Garrosh this was a stupid
Thrall sent a legion of the Kor'kron to guard the
plan and the two began to fight, a duel which
Undercity from threats outside of it and any that
was interrupted by a sudden Scourge invasion.
may remain within.
Thrall then, for some reason, gave Garrosh
When the Cataclysm occurred the elements mocked Thrall, believing that the Aspects sought
went out of whack and a drought caused a to replace him as Earth-Warder with the mortal
massive fire o burn much of Orgimmar, with shaman, and claiming that the "gift" he had been
Thrall only barely stopping it. At the same time, granted by the Titans - his charge to defend
Alliance-Horde tensions were rapidly flaring up Azeroth - was in fact a curse, imprisoning him to
as a bunch of orcs murdered Night Elves in his duty. To demonstrate, he allowed Thrall to
Ashenvale, flayed them and hung their remains experience what it was like to have the weight of
on trees. Thrall condemned the violation of a the earth on his shoulders, claiming that this was
treaty but not the act itself, as he did not want to what the Aspects wanted - "to damn you to a life
diminish orc morale, which infuriated Alliance of eternal torment", as Deathwing stated it. He
leaders . Believing healing Azeroth was more then unleashed a series of scathing attacks
important, he left the Horde in the hands of against Thrall's earthen form; because the
Garrosh Hellscream and left for Nagrand, where shaman had embraced Azeroth, and Azeroth
he learned much from ancient Mag’har shamen embraced him, his "wounds" materialized in the
and met his future wife, Aggra. He returned to physical world in the form of earthquakes.
Azeroth to attend the funeral of his old friend Finally, the Aspects called on the Earthen Ring
Cairne (killed by Garrosh) then left for the and the Cenarion Circle to break Deathwing's
Maelstorm to try to heal the planet. hold, bringing Thrall back to himself.

Unfortunately, he was captured by the Alliance In the final battle, Thrall wielded a powerful
SI:7, who wanted to use him as a hostage Thrall unleashes the artifact's power directly at
against the Horde. A force of goblins, having Deathwing, damaging his armor and causing the
recently fled Kezan, play a part in rescuing him. Aspect of Death to attempt an escape. Chasing
In gratitude Thrall aids the goblins in their battles Deathwing in an Alliance gunship, the
across the Isles, where after beating Trade adventurers leap onto the corrupted Aspect and
Prince Gallywix, he proclaims that the Cartel will remove his elementium plating, giving Thrall a
join the Horde and have a home in Azshara, and big enough opening to blast Deathwing again.
allows Gallywix to remain as the Cartel's leader; The Destroyer falls from the sky and crashes
sending goblin agents to speak with Garrosh. into the Maelstrom.

In the events of Twilight of the Aspects Thrall is Thrall and the Aspects briefly rejoice at the end
sent through time and space to foil the designs of the Destroyer, only for him to suddenly rise
of the Infinite and Black Dragonflights. He from the Maelstrom, his form melting into a
witnesses the death of his parents firsthand, molten mass of unfathomable power. The
encounters a alternate timeline where he died as adventurers work alongside the Aspects,
an infant, and fights an alternate universe preventing Deathwing from bringing about the
version of Blackmoore who had emerged as a final Cataclysm, and giving Thrall the chance to
conqueror rather than a pathetic drunk. Most fire the third and final blast from the Dragon
notably, he helps the four dragon aspects defeat Soul, completely obliterating Deathwing and
Chromatus, a massive abomination that held all saving the planet.
their powers in one form.

As Thrall and the other Aspects, including the

newly-elevated Kalecgos, debated on how to
defeat Deathwing, the shaman's spirit
communed with the earth and took an earthen
form. It was there that he encountered
Deathwing, using the power of the Old Gods to
imprison his spirit within. The corrupted Aspect
Together, they broke the new Black Portal and
escaped on stolen Iron Horde ships.

There, in the frozen province of Frostridge,

Thrall meets the alternate universe version of his
parents, Durotan and Draka, and helps the pair
free the province first from Bladespire Ogres,
then from an invading Iron Horde army. He
assists the Horde in every further campaign and
then, at last, comes face to face with Garrosh
Hellscream one last time in Nagrand. When the
adventurer and Durotan attacked Garrosh
himself, Thrall entered the fray and challenged
Garrosh to mak'gora. Garrosh agreed and they
Later, he helped prevent a vengeful Jaina met near the Stones of Prophecy, the location of
Proudmoore from destroying Orgimmar in Garadar in the main timeline, and started to
retaliation for the mana bomb dropped on fight. During the duel, Garrosh taunted and
Theramore, though this was only done through mocked him and even destroyed his beads. The
talking her down as Jaina was too powerful for tide of the battle turned when Thrall summoned
him to take on directly. It was a bitter duty, as it his elemental forces that caught Garrosh in a
was Garrosh who had performed the massacre. stone fist and a lightning bolt ended Garrosh's
Though Thrall was successful in preventing the life.
orcish genocide, his friendship with Jaina was
During the Burning Legion invasion he fought on
permanently shattered.
the Broken Shore to try to save Azeroth, only to
Thrall, having finished his job at the Maelstrom, be wounded grievously by the daemons and
he wanted to resign from the politics and train only saved by Sylvanas’ retreat. Determined to
young shaman in Durotar and live in peace with do more, he orders a meeting of all Earthen
his beloved Aggra and their newborn son Durak. Ring members and helps fight off a Legion
He was soon roped into Garrosh's conflict after invasion to end the shamanistic order.
the Warchief attempts (and fails) to murder Impressed by the power of a champion shaman
Vol'jin. Narrowly surviving the attempt on his life adventurer, Thrall hands his Doomhammer and
with the help of Chen Stormstout and Horde tittles to said champion. He then left to go raise
heroes, Vol'jin has them contact Thrall and save his family.
the Echo Isles from Garrosh's tyranny. Thrall
Offensive: Master of all four elements. Thrall
leaves to do so, reiterating what his vision of the
can command a earthquake to swallow a castle,
Horde—when it was simply an idea in the desert
create winds powerful enough to stop a
of Durotar—had first entailed.
Tsunami, induce swirling buffeting hurricane
Together, he and Vol’jin and Baine build up a force winds or command the waters over the
resistance movement to Garrosh that ultimately lands. He can unleash bolts of lightning capable
leads in a joint assault on Orgimmar together of zapping dozens at once. He would also be
with the Alliance. At the conclusion of the battle, accompanied by his wife, Aggra, a powerful
he appoints Vol’jin as the new warchief of the shaman herself and wields a giant hammer for
Horde. When the Iron Horde invaded, he took melee.
part in the counterattack, styming assaults on
Defensive: See Shaman
Azeroth and then helping to lead a force to the
other side, in conjunction with Khadgar.
= X-FACTORS== expanded the Horde’s powerbase many times
over and his diplomatic efforts helped bring in
Adaptive Creativity: 66/100: Through the Forsaken, Sin’Dorei and Goblins, as well as
combining his upbringing and experience across establishing a initial pact between Tauren-troll-
two cultures, Thrall is able to come up with orc. On the other, many of the problems the
solutions to problems that would otherwise baffle Horde faces today are due to Thrall, such as the
his cohorts. lack of resources from his decision to settle in a
barren land (Durotar), to his decision to appoint
Garrosh Hellscream leader, to many other poor

Intution: 62/100: He is capable of receiving

visions of the future, though not with regularity.

Audacity: 66/100: While Thrall is more cautious

than bold like his fellow orcs, he is far from
scared to fight and will gladly risk himself for the

Psychological Warfare: 55/100

Discipline: 57/100: While reasonably

disciplined, he is prone to fits of anger.

Experience: 71/100: Has been fighting most of

his entire life either as a gladiator, warchief or

Inspiration: 63/100: Well respected among the

Horde, though with some strain for recent

Corruption: 35/100 : In Lord of the Clans, the

Warsong Clan orders Thrall to kill a human child
they had captured to test his worthiness. Thrall
refuses because he finds no honor in killing
innocent, defenseless beings even if they will
grow up to become future enemy soldiers.
Hellscream is impressed and let the child go
unharmed. After reestablishing the Horde, Thrall
Tactics: 70/100: Thrall is considered a good
decrees that the children and civilians of the
commander who led the orcs first as rag-tag
Alliance are not to be harmed under any
freedom groups against the humans, then
against the various perils of Kalimdor and the
Burning Legion in the Third War. The only thing
that rates this ranking down is his status as a
political more than military leader (and unlike
Sylvanas, he usually keeps the two separate).

Strategy: 68/100: This category is difficult to

decide. On one hand, his system of alliances
SPEC OPS began further experimentations. As the
Undercity was under watch following the Battle
DEATHSTALKER COMMANDER for Undercity, he sometimes made use of his
BELMONT/MASTER APOETHECARY uncrowned connections to test his diseases in
secret. He was later driven to Kalimdor in BFA,
when the Alliance destroyed his testing site
outside of the Ruins of Southshore.

Deathstalker Belmont, meanwhile, quickly rose

to power as the Deathstalker Commander of the
Forsaken, aiding Sylvanas against the Gilneans
and Worgen. It was he who found the body of
Godfrey, a Gilnean noble, and helped resurrect
him and his associates so that they could learn
the inner workings of Darius Crowley’s plans.
When Godfrey betrayed Sylvanas, Deathstalker
Belmont was in charge of the retribution, which
he achieved by cornering Godfrey in
Shadowfang castle, blighting all exits so Godfrey
couldn’t escape and then sending champions in
Mobility: 4
to deal with them.
Training: 6
Max Range: Gun Belmont fought in Darkshore following the War
Preferred Range: Varies of the Thorns. He first confronted Shandris
Sub-Faction: Forsaken Feathermoon, Maiev Shadowsong, and an
Alliance adventurer at the Ruins of Auberdine,
As of Battle for Azeroth, this pair seems to work
but Maiev slew his forces and drove him off. He
later encountered Tyrande Whisperwind herself,
In life, Faranell was a respected alchemist of now the avatar of the Night Warrior, at the
great renown and spent the better part of his Ashwood Depot. While he taunted Tyrande that
days studying medicine amongst the learned the entirety of Darkshore would soon bolster the
wizards of Dalaran. He enjoyed nothing more Forsaken's armies, Tyrande slew Belmont's
than experimenting with concoctions of every forces then froze Belmont in place with Elune's
sort, always looking to create a serum for this, magic and left him to rot.
an antidote for that. After he died from the
Belmont was later held captive by the Druids of
plague and rose as one of the Forsaken, his
the Branch alongside Master Apothecary
limitless curiosity was twisted by depthless
Faranell. They were freed by the Horde and
sadism. Faranell became one of the foremost
participated in the Battle for Darkshore.
experts on the undead plague and is loyal to the
Banshee Queen. Now Faranell uses his skills in Offensive: Belmont is a master Rogue, while
service to Queen Sylvanas as the leader of the Faranell deploys multiple blight devices .
Royal Apothecary Society by crafting alchemical
monstrosities and designing newer, more Defensive: Light Leather
devastating and virulent plagues and toxins.
Personality Traits: Both are sadists, with long
For years, he labored under Grand apothecary history of torture and murder. Faranel’s purpose
Putress to weaponize every bit of disease and on the field of battle is invariably to perfect his
chemical for the Forsaken. When Putress plague, and he will doubtless seek to make it
betrayed his queen, Faranell took over and effective against whoever they are facing.
Belmont’s purpose is to spread that plague, relenting upon being shown the First Arcanist's
whether it be by stealth or overt means. token. With the help of Thalyssra's agent,
Valtrois was able to successfully reactivate the
ley station and direct its flow back to Shal'Aran,
the base of the newly-formed Nightfallen
ARCANIST VALITROS resistance faction.

Valtrois would return to Shal'Aran and work

closely with Thalyssra, now joined also by Chief
Telemancer Oculeth, as well as the outlander, to
create the foundations for their rebellion.
Specifically, she focused on tapping into
Suramar's potent ley line grid to directly bring
power to Shal'Aran. As with her fellow
nightfallen, Valtrois would also have to regularly
be fed sources of ancient mana to prevent
further mental and physical deterioration.

The more leylines brought online, the more the

power of the Nightfallen grew . Eventually, they
were able to reinvigorate a tree that grew fruit
capable of removing the Nightborne’s mana
addition. This mana addiction would, in turn, be
used to free their entire race. Grateful for the
Mobility: 5 freedom, Valitros participated in the combined
Training: 6 Elven armies’ assault on Suramar and even
Max Range: Spell fought in the Nighthold.
Preffered Range: Spell
In Battle for Azeroth she would join the Horde
Sub-Faction: Nightborne
and assist in their operations against the
Arcanist Valitros, currently a chief assistant of Alliance in Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Notably, she
the First Arcanist, lived and grew up in the city of has revealed herself to be a master of illusion
Suramar, where she specialized in leylines and magic and is capable of enshrouding herself and
the arcane. When Elisandre sided with the others in magic that emulates the faces and
Legion she was one of the many who opposed forms of other races (to a point). It is through this
such a bargain and was exiled as a result. To means that she was able to smuggle out Lady
survive, the arcanist had to scavenge ancient Ashvane from Tor Dago, the Kul Tiras version of
mana from the areas abandoned ley stations. Alcatraz.
Nevertheless, starved of the Nightwell's power, Offensive: See Mage and Nightborne Sorceror.
Valtrois physically withered into a nightfallen
She is a master in both areas and is a master
state, a shadow of her former self; however,
despite her circumstances, she remained loyal
to First Arcanist Thalyssra's position. Defense: See Mage. She can create a static
invisibility field for her group.
On one occasion, as Valtrois attempted to gain
entry to Ley Station Anora, she encountered an Personality Traits: She has something of a
outlander sent by Thalyssra to also investigate haughty and proud personality. Even while semi-
the ruin. Not aware of who sent them, Valtrois Withered, she retains her posture and attempts
soon threatened to slay the outlander, before to keep her appearance up. When she is cured
of her addiction by the Arcan'dor, the first thing Before the shield around Suramar City was
she does is run her fingers across her cheeks, raised, Oculeth maintained a workshop named
and lament that Mana is wonderful for the skin. after him and a teleportation network around the
city which fell out of use. Banished for resisting
the Legion takeover of the city, his work was still
vital to the Nightborne, who made an effort to
loot the structures connected to his old
CHIEF TELEMANCER OCCULETH workshop's network while Oculeth himself joined
the Nightfallen Rebellion.

His work proved vital to the Nightfallen

Rebellion. Thanks to his efforts the Nightfallen
was able to establish a hidden network that
allowed them rapidly move to and from the city.
At times, this network was used to directly insert
individuals in fortified zones, to warp people out
of hotzones or even to steal needed supplies. As
the rebellion began their march on Suramar City,
Oculeth, along with Khadgar, set up a telemancy
trap for a Duskwatch army and teleported it off a

In Battle for Azeroth, when the Nightborne join

the Horde, Oculeth serves to enhance the
Horde's network of portals. Surprised that the
Horde hasn't established a Bureau of
Telemancy, he properly anchors the
Honorbound's portal supply line to Dazar'alor
and maintains them with routine maintenance. In
the War Campaign Oculet proves to be
exceptionally useful in Borealus where he is able
to set up portals inside the enemy Tidesage
monstary without any prior infiltration or boots on
the ground.

Offensive: Telemancy. He can literally teleport

someone hundreds of feet in the air or to the
bottom of an ocean. - Occuleth can calculate,
remotely, without boots on the ground, the best
place to put a portal and stealthily infiltrate He is
likely also a mage, too
Mobility: 4 Defensive: See mage
Training: 6
Max Range: Spell Personality: Occuleth is genial, inquisitive
Preffered Range: Spell intellectual and a natural problem solver who
Sub-Faction: Nightborne enjoys spreading his inventions far and wide.
He is eager to provide Telemancy to the entire into a ferocious fighter, and apart from natural
Horde. physical strength she also possessed keen
intellect and a gift with languages. She mastered
GARONA the draenei language from the captives and her
clan often used her as an interpreter. After the
destruction of the Bladewind village, Garona fled
into the wilds of Terokkar Forest. As she worked
her way east she ran into the Shadow Council
and Gul'dan.

Gul’dan, being a manipulative fellow, at first won

Garona’s trust by appealing to their difficult
childhood and then when she was vulnerable,
magically enslaved her for use as his assassin.
Armed with magical daggers that hid the nature
of a death wound, Garona was sent by the
Shadow Council to assassinate many enemies
of Gul’dan in those days, including the influential
Chieftain Zargrel. As the Horde waged war on
the draenei, Gul'dan dispatched Garona with
care and precision. Influential orcs who
expressed doubt or dissent were often found
dead shortly after a skirmish with draenei forces.
The wounds did not look as if they had come
from orcish weapons, so Gul'dan was never
suspected. Nor was Garona. As a half-breed,
Mobility: 6 she lived beneath the notice of most orcs, and
those who noticed her saw only a servant of
Training: 6
Gul'dan, held on a tight leash. Her quiet work
Max Range: Couple meters
aided the Horde in securing victory against the
Preffered Range: Melee draenei, and then her blades helped maintain
Sub-Faction: Orc control in the war's aftermath. Life on Draenor
withered due to the presence of fel magic, but
Garona Halforcen was born on Draenor, about tensions within the Horde stayed manageable.
forty years prior, to an orc of the Bladewind clan Whenever they didn't, Gul'dan gave the
and a Draenei priestess. It was not a happy command, and Garona obeyed
union and, in fact, she was a product of rape.
When the vengeful Draenei retailiated it was too She was a member of one of the first raiding
late to save the mother, though Garona herself parties into Azeroth that fanned out across the
was spirited away. Black Morass. The few human hunters and
traders encountered were mostly killed, but a
Garona would be raised in barracks with her handful were captured. While the orcs neglected
father's people. She was not the first half-breed to question the humans at first because they
in the clan, but she was one of the few who couldn't understand their tongue, Garona had a
survived past childhood. As a half-orc, half- talent for learning new languages and spent
draenei outcast, Garona had found survival to much of her time speaking with prisoners,
be brutally difficult. She had learned quickly how learning human words in exchange for food and
to avoid unwinnable fights, and how to quietly kill water. She did not ask things the captives might
relentless pursuers Years of abuse turned her resist telling such as Stormwind's patrol routes,
but did eventually find valuable information managed to ensorcell Garona once more. He
about the Guardian Medivh and Karazhan from sent her to Theramore to assassinate the newly
a prisoner who cursed the orcs and said returned King Varian Wrynn and thus ruining
Stormwind's mage champion who annihilated an any possible chance of a human-orc alliance.
entire troll army would make quick work of them. Garona was also tasked to assassinate
Garona set out for Karazhan alone and was secondary targets Prince Anduin Wrynn and
captured by Medivh the moment she stepped Warchief Thrall but was ordered to kill King
within sight of the tower. Varian Wrynn at the summit at any cost. This
attack failed and she was captured by Jaina
Proudmoore. Jaina and Aegwynn discovered
that there was a spell placed on her mind and
eventually freed her once more, with Garona-
even more embittered- renewing her efforts to
slay Cho’gall.

Garona is encountered at Bloodgulch in Twilight

Highlands in the Cataclysm expansion, having
Thus began a long period of captivity for come to end the life of Cho'gall. Displeased with
Garona. Treated with respect, Garona struggled having to rely on farseers to further this goal,
with her newfound feelings of friendship towards Garona takes a more active approach to go
Medivh and his apprentice, Khadgar, while also about bringing his death. Horde players are
obeying Gul’dan’s commands. Eventually she tasked with supporting her endeavor, and a
was forced into conflict with Medvih, who was delegation of elite Kor'kron are sent to assist
revealed to be possessed by Sargeras and, her. However, Cho'gall strikes the group, leaving
together with Khadgar and a knight commander only the player and Garona to sabotage the
named Anduin Lothar, was successful. However Twilight Citadel.
the battle strained her capacity to resist
After freeing the trapped Lirastrasza and
Gul’dan’s mental commands and, in a moment
enlisting the aid of the Earthen Ring, Garona
of compulsion, she assassinated King Lane
goes about putting her revenge into motion-
Wrynn during the Battle for Stromwind.
though Cho'gall had lured her right into his
Recaptured and tortured into compliance by the grasp. Cho'gall retreats into the Bastion of
new Orc Warchief, Ogrim, Garona performed Twilight, and leaves the powerful Gronn
many functions from translating missives taken Skullcrusher the Mountain to destroy her and the
from captured Alliance messengers to fighting player. The timely arrival of Warlord Zaela, Lady
with the Horde soldiers on the front lines. Cozwynn and the Dragonmaw forces turn the
Eventually, she escaped once more and, after tables around, however, and the mighty Gronn is
convincing Khadgar to remove what lingering slain. Soon after Cho’gall would, at last, meet his
compulsions existed on her, vowed to end.
assassinate the rest of Gul’dan’s shadow

This she performed for many grizzly years

before crossing the ocean to try to murder the
ogre Cho’gall. For many months she terrorized
him, assassinating the majority of his followers
while the Ogre was unable to trap her. However,
eventually Cho’gall concocted a plan in which he
used himself as bait and during a great duel
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Later, as one of the Uncrowned, she infiltrates Max Range: Couple meters
Stormwind to destroy a deadly Legion cult and Preffered Range: Melee
participates in the Battle for Exodar, as well as Sub-Faction: Forsaken
numerous other missions across the planet.
However, her prowess draws the attention of (Credit goes to Blizzardwatch’s Know Your Lore
one Sylvanas Windrunner, who threatens for description)
Garona into serving as a Horde recruitment
officer during the Zandalari campaign. With the Lich King's defeat, the Scarlet Crusade
had nowhere to go, and many soldiers of the
Offensive: Twin daggers, wielded with great organization fell in the ensuing battle with the
skill. See also Rogue Forsaken -- including a young woman named
Lilian Voss.
Defensive: Light leather armor. Can be
considered a master rogue. Lilian Voss was awakened by Sylvanas' val'kyr,
finding herself utterly, completely horrified. Her
Personality Traits: Garona is known for her entire life had been devoted to the eradication of
independence and strong sense of personal the undead -- and after her death, she found
objectives. She is an incredibly driven herself in the position of becoming the very thing
individual, pursuing her foes across continents she'd dedicated her life to wiping out. To the
and years. In truth, she aligns neatly with neither Scarlet Crusade, the undead are an unholy
faction, for her people are Horde, but all her abomination. Every moment of Lilian's life to that
greatest friends were Alliance. date had been filled with the doctrine and dogma
of the Scarlet Crusade.
Faced with her own horrifying reflection, Lilian allies, she had to be freed from the
fled, unwilling to accept or understand what had necromancer's control by defeating her in
become of her. She sought out her father, a high combat. Though she was seen briefly on
priest of the Scarlet Crusade named Benedictus Draenor, she maintained a low profile for years
Voss. If no one else would help her, surely her after that incident.
father would know what to do. But before she
could find her father, Lilian was captured by a When The Uncrowned received word of a large
group of Scarlet Crusade nearby. Though she cave at the Broken Shore where the Burning
told them who she was, the soldiers had no idea Legion was plotting against the Armies of
what to do with the young woman and kept her Legionfall, Lilian and Fleet Admiral Tethys
locked away while news of her fate was sent to formulated a plan to stop them. With fel-infused
the high priest. gun powder taken from the Blacksail Crew,
Lilian and the Shadowblade sneaked their way
High Priest Voss knew exactly what to do when into the Lost Temple and blew the cave up.
confronted with news of his undead daughter. Lilian discovered that the Legion was using
He ordered her immediate execution. Needless homunculi, a type of undead construct so lifelike
to say, the news did not go over well with Lilian, that even she couldn't identify them, to infiltrate
and in an astonishing display of power, she cities, since the Illidari demon hunters made
burst into violet flame, leapt through the bars of demon incursions impossible. She dispatched
the cage that held her and incinerated her the Shadowblade to go after half while she took
captor. the other half, slaying heavily guarded targets in
Alliance/Horde cities.
As a result of this betrayal Lillian went on a
massive killing spree across Trisfal Glades,
destroying entire camps of Scarlet Crusaders.
This all cumulated in a questline where she at
last found her father. Lilian grabbed Benedictus
and climbed up the walls of the towers,
strangling and killing him in the process, before
hurling his body from the tower and escaping

Not satisfied, she took her campaign of murder

to the Scarlet Crusade HQ, where she and the
adventurers she directed murdered great hordes
of them. Lilian appeared again in the Scarlet
Monastery as a Hooded Crusader, directing
adventurers to clear up any rebuilding Scarlet
forces inside the Monastery and to retrieve the
Blades of the Anointed, the only weapon that is
able to permanently kill High Inquisitor
Whitemane. After the deed was done, Lilian
finally revealed herself and took the blades,
venturing to eradicate the Scourge remnant in
Scholomance, including Darkmaster Gandling.
Like Garona, Lillian Voss’s services were
Turning her wrath against the Scourge ‘requested’ by Sylvanas who basically bullied
necromancers, Lilian fought her way through Voss into service. However, she also had her
Gandling's domain, only to be subdued by the own motivations. While she still served the
darkmaster himself. Now turned against her
Uncrowned, she also recognized that Sylvanas TACTICAL & STRATEGIC SUPPORT
was going to raise more Forsaken, and saw the
opportunity to help the new Forsaken adapt to SAMURO
their situation, sparing them the suffering she
herself experienced. She has also come to
blame the human kingdoms for fostering malice
against her kind by shunning their undead
brothers and sisters, and believes it is time for
the cycle of hatred to end and that the Alliance
deserves to fall.

Offensive: Two Runeblades with the ability

summon magical shadowflame, which both saps
life and burns. She has the ability to use this
power to pull in enemies from afar or unleash
bursts that annihilates small groups. She is both
a trained assassin capable of tearing through
enemy camps and a master rogue who would
know all abilities found in that profile. Mobility: 5

Defense: Some level of plate armor and Rogue Training: 7

abilities. She also has a horn that can summon
Max Range: Melee
one Valk’yr.

Personality Traits: As a result of her Preferred Range: Melee

upbringing, Lilian is a bit unstable, vengeful and
Role: Blademaster Combatant
murderous. When assigned a target, she will
usually inflict mass destruction in her wake. She Samuro once lived in a village with his brethren.
does have some twisted sense of caring towards Unfortunately for him, a bloodthirsty wildkin
her fellow Forsaken and the Horde, but cares known as Bloodbeak destroyed his village. With
little for others, being willing to threaten families vengeance in mind, Samuro hunted Bloodbeak
and use hostages and support mass death. until he finally met with success. Bloodbeak was
slain, and Samuro could pay attention to his
newly assigned task of sabotaging a Kul Tiran
base camp near the coast, using bombs
constructed by Vol’jin.

Samuro was successful in this as well by using

stealth to place demolition charges near vital
structures of the Kul Tiran base (likely Tiragarde
Keep). With his mission accomplished, Rexxar,
Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout could continue
with a mission of their own, and Samuro was
free to continue as he wished. He continued to
serve the Horde after this.

In combat, Samuro functions as a master

Blademaster, retaining all the advanced skill of
his class in addition to knowing some new
techniques. He is a master of Windwalking and
the technique Bladestorm, during which he Role: Melee Hero
moves his blade so fast as to cut through hordes
of enemies. However where he shines is his Thura, niece of Broxigar and Varok, comes from
mastery of illusions. Not only can he summon a legacy of legendary Orcish warriors. Her uncle
multiple mirror images capable of doing actual Varok served as a lieutenant to Oggrimamr
damage, but he has greater control over them. during the second war and later lead the allied
He can even transfer his conscious and form forces of Azeroth to victory over the Slithids. Her
across these mirror images, so if his real body is uncle Broxigar, teleported to the past by events
ever destroyed he can survive so long as one of beyond his control, slew hordes of daemons and
his illusions does. died digging his axe into the very Avatar of
Sargeras. When she came of warrior age and
Offensive: Blademaster Sword- Giant Katana proved her skills, Thrall himself gave her the Axe
blade of Cenarius, the enchanted wooden axe her
uncle wielded in the War of the Ancients, which
Defensive: Little except a incredible dodging had been left with Thrall by Krasus. Brox's only
and deflection ability. other living relative that could have been given
the axe was her other uncle, Varok Saurfang, as
THURA her cousin Dranosh Saurfang had recently died
(again) in Icecrown Citadel. One of the
Saurfangs might have been given the axe before
her, but Thrall's most trusted shaman had seen
in a dream that it should go to Thura. No one
knew why the dream had occurred, but Thrall
had listened, and Thura felt honored to wield
such a fabled weapon.

In the events of the War of the Nightmare, she

was bombarded by dreams that showed
Malfurion falsely betraying her uncle in combat.
This inspired Thura to swear a blood oath to
avenge Broxigar by killing Stormrage. She
reached the Emerald Nightmare thanks to Lucan
Foxblood, a human with unique teleporting
abilities who she "convinced" to take her there.
After parting with him, she had eventually found
the tree into which Malfurion was transformed
and after struggling with Tyrande Whisperwind
was able to cut him with her axe, freeing him by
doing so. It was later revealed that it was
Malfurion himself who showed her those
dreams, doing so to make her go after him and
free him from his entrapment in the Emerald
Mobility: 5 Nightmare. He did not like deceiving her, but the
Axe of Cenarius was the only thing that could
Training: 5-6 save him.

Max Range: Melee It was then she realized that she was tricked
into doing so, and, after the capture of Ysera
Preferred Range: Melee and the awakening of Malfurion, she was
teleported out of the Nightmare together with REGHAR EARTHFURY
Tyrande, Lucan and Broll. They got attacked by
Gnarl and fall into nightmares, where she was
dreaming about Thrall as he is executing her for
her failures. Then Lucan teleported all of them
into Emerald Dream and from there into
Stormwind, where the group met Varian, who
when he saw her wanted to attack her, though
Varian was calmed by Broll. Then she
accompanied the group into an inn where night
elven ambassador lived and who has a
hearthstone connected to Darnassus. Broll
teleported there and Thura with Lucan helped
Tyrande to calm the ambassador. Lucan
teleported out of there, though the trio Training: 7
materialized in the Nightmare. There, the trio Mobility: 5
became prisoners of Emeriss and Lethon who
wanted her axe. Thanks to Tyrande, Lucan was Max Range: Spell
able to teleport her, though the axe and Tyrande
Preferred Range: Shaman
remained within the Nightmare.
Role: Advisor and Champion
Her axe was the only thing that could hurt the
Nightmare Lord, so he desperately wanted to Rehgar Earthfury was born on Draenor into a
deprive her of it. He managed to do so, but she clan warring with a band of ogres. He made his
got it back later with Broll's help, and when first kill (a trained Ogre warrior) long before the
Malfurion was striking the final blow to Xavius, normal age of an orc's rite of passage, and was
she helped him by chopping into the shadow captured by the ogres to be used as a training
tree in the Emerald Dream, while he was tool for their youths. However, Rehgar grew into
attacking it on the Azeroth. With three mighty a strong warrior, and after slaying many of their
swings on the critical spot Malfurion showed her, young fighters, was sold to the orc arenas in an
she killed Xavius's shadow tree and he died attempt to recoup their loses.
quickly after that. Thura appeared at the
wedding of Malfurion and Tyrande and Despite his young age, he was a superb warrior,
continued to serve the Horde after that. and was chosen to participate in the orcs'
invasion of Azeroth, leading to his eventual
Offensive: Axe of Cenarious: A wooden axe capture and internment. However, unable to
forged by Cenarius, blessed with the power to subjugate him, the guards sold him as a
cut through virtually anything, even the god-like gladiator to fight for the human, Lord Agrovane.
flesh of Sargeras (though it was a shallow He escaped and became a fighter in
wound). underground arenas, gaining riches and fame.

Defensive: Plate mail Using his savings, he purchased the Blackrock

orc, Bloodeye Redfist, from authorities in Booty
Personality Traits: Thura is an extremely driven
Bay, and followed Thrall's teachings, becoming
orc, with her internal motivation coming from a
a shaman. After arriving in Durotar, they traveled
need to prove herself worthy of a family legacy.
the fighting circuit, Rehgar teaching Bloodeye
To that end she will willingly go into the
the ways of the gladiator. Bloodeye became the
unknown, without question, to achieve victory.
Orc's favored champion, dominating in single
Even if it means walking into a literal nightmare.
combat, earning both himself and Rehgar riches.
Bloodeye bought his freedom, and the two Later he would take part in the new council of
pooled their money to purchase and train Tristal where he helped defend Theramore from
Valeera Sanguinar and Broll Bearmantle to join invasion and defeat the Ogre Mage Cho’Gall. In
Bloodeye in team combat. Cataclysm he worked with other shaman to
stabilize the planet. In Legion, Rehgar aids the
Shortly after, Bloodeye was killed, poisoned by Earthen Ring in the various campaigns across
the mate of a fighter he slew in the arena. Azeroth and Argus against the Burning Legion.
Following Bloodeye's funeral pyre, Rehgar set He played a notable role in the tournament to
out to find a replacement for his team. Then, as acquire the artifact known as the Fists of Ra-
if by fate, he encountered a man with amnesia Den, helping the shaman leader defeat multiple
that wrestled a crocolisk and killed it. Rehgar waves of foes including martial arts masters
brought his team to Orgrimmar where he taught Chen and Li-Li Stormstout.
them to channel their fury and use their assets
to fight individually and as a team. The Offensive: Rehgar is a martial arts master and
amnesiac human later leads Rehgar's team to has had continual experience fighting in multiple
victory in a Crimson Ring tournament at Dire wars since he was six or so. He counts as a
Maul, gaining Rehgar a fortune in gambling master Shaman and is armed with extended
winnings. claws for melee.

The human and the two cohorts, Broll and Defensive: Metal Pauldrons, Shaman defenses.
Valeera, escaped . Though Rehgar sent guards
to chase them it was a halfhearted effort for, in Additional Personality Factors: Reghar is a bit of
his heart, he secretly hoped the team would a rebel and one of the few that can and will
escape. Indeed he had even allowed the attempt stand up to the Warchief or whoever is his
in the first place, for he believed that when a overlord when necessary. He follows his heart
person’s heart desired freedom, his body would and is accepting of losses if he can see the
naturally follow. Following their escape, Rehgar justice in it. In combat he is a warrior born who is
realized that since his "heart was with them nevertheless a team player, unwilling to leave
instead of the profit he could have made from allies behind.
their service", that he has had his fill of battle
and the Crimson Ring. He has thus retired as a
gladiatorial master and offered his services to
Thrall, has been made the Warchief's trusted
advisor. Rehgar and Garrosh Hellscream used
to be in disagreement with each other: while
Garrosh wanted to destroy the Alliance, who he
considers the Horde's enemies, and take
Azeroth for their own, Rehgar wanted to remain
open to diplomacy with the Alliance and
conserve their treaty of non-agression with
Theramore. Rehgar later accompanied Thrall
and Garrosh to Theramore for a summit with
King Varian Wrynn, who was revealed to be said
amnesiac human, and the Alliance. The summit
turned disastrous however, as Twilight's
Hammer agents posing as member races of
each faction attacked all the delegates; leaving
both factions in distrust of one another.
Mobility: 5
Training: 3-6 Gazlowe is keen to remain neutral for profits
sake, but retains strong relations with the Horde.
Max Range: Various
In Warlords of Draenor Gazlowe would serve as
Preferred Range: Various the chief engineer for the Horde as they entered
the new world. It was he and his workers that
Role: Adventurer Team
built their garrisons in Frostwall, Talador and
As a youngster, Gazlowe was a thief but he farther afield . Sometimes this required direct
managed to make enough coin through his action, and in Talador he turned the Iron Horde’s
adventures to start his own legitimate business. mechashredders, drill machines and iron stars
That business boomed into one of the world's against them. In the final portion of the
most successful trading ports. Gazlowe campaign, Gazlowe provided the siege engine
manages the trading operations on Kalimdor in that blew up Taanan Gate.
the town of Ratchet.
In Legion he defended Rachet from the Burning
After the events of the Third War, Gazlowe was Legion using a modified mech suit.
approached by Thrall to be the chief engineer in
the building of Orgrimmar. He was tasked with
finding a reliable water source in the dry, harsh
climate of Durotar. Digging tunnels outside the
city in search of an underground well, Gazlowe
and his team ran into a den of kobolds, who
flooded the tunnels and drove the goblin miners
out. Gazlowe sent Rexxar to deal with the

Years and profits went on without much trouble.

There was the occasional 99-Year Old Port
stolen by Mad Magglish and pesky pirates to the
south but nothing questing adventurers couldn't
handle. It wasn't until upset fire elementals laid Offensive: Gazlowe wields a modified
blaze to Orgrimmar that Gazlowe was again mechashredder that functions much like a
asked by Thrall to rebuild the city. Settling on a normal shredder, but with rockets and
price, which was lowered several times, the explosives more mixed in. It also has a rocket
former Warchief departed for Outland. boot pack built in. Some explosives he can use
include gravity bombs, giant ‘xplodium charges’
Following the death of the beloved Cairne
and lasers fired from his suit. He can also deploy
Bloodhoof, the treacherous Grimtotem tribe rose
automated turrets that fire rockets.
up to take control of the tauren city, Thunder
Bluff. Cairne's son, Baine, sent a trusted ally Defensive: In Warcraft he comes in a giant,
named Stormsong to ask Gazlowe for aid in fortified mechashredder suit that, unlike most
their fight to take back the city. The plan called versions, includes cockpit protections.
for outrageous amounts of explosives and
weaponry, as well as zeppelins to transport ===Additional Factors==
troops. Demands were met and Gazlowe
received an enormous sum of money and, very, Personality Traits: Like many Goblins,
very rare of a goblin, he gave some of it back as Gazlowe is industrious, opportunistic, scheming
a gesture of respect to Cairne and his son. and a bit insane. He is always seeking to make
a profit and has a sincere love of giant
explosions! However, unlike many rich Goblin
kingpins, Gazlowe has shown a gentler side  Grit appears to be the nutrition supplier
towards friends. He is even willing to slightly as he is always hungry and wants to
lower the price of needed military hardware to build a barbecue during their missions.
his Tauren allies, though doing so visibly pained
him.  Newt is as deadly as her partners, she
seems to provide escape vehicles for
Gazlowe may not come cheap but he is well the missions.
worth the price. He is a fantastic and efficient
builder who set up garrisons and base buildings  Volt specializes in traps, he can evade
throughout Draenor in record time. and use nets to hold his enemies in
They were first shown in Azshara, where as part
of a six man assault force and utterly devastated
the Naga in the area, blowing up buildings,
assassinating leaders and mowing down whole
hordes of them. After their success in Azshara,
they were sent to the Twilight Highlands for
some more action. Their first assignment was to
deal with the Alliance at Highbank where they
caused major destruction with explosives and
recovered valuable goblin equipment before
Mobility: 4 escaping.. They are later sent to Dragonmaw
Pass were they ambushed the Twilight's
Training: 6 Hammer and obtained the Twilight's Hammer
Gatestone]to open the gate and move to Wyrms'
Max Range: Various Bend. From there they closed Dragonmaw Gate
to prevent Twilight reinforcements from coming
Preferred Range: Various
in.Shortly there after, they infiltrated the bowels
Role: Adventurer Team of Orgimmar to disrupt a Dark Shaman cult
sponsored by Garrosh.
The Gob Squad is a elite group of five goblins
called in to handle the most difficult (and The Gob Squad is sent to Nazmir on Zandalar to
costliest) missions available to Goblin kind. They aid in the fight against the blood trolls and
have proven their worth time and time again as G'huun. When they first arrived they came under
one of the most devastating forces in either the attack by naga. Their mech, known as the
Alliance or Horde. They compose of the A.F.M.O.D., was damaged in their landing, but
following members: repaired with the aid of an adventurer named
"Speaker of the Horde" by the Zandalari. Their
repaired mech is used to clear out the naga
 Patch is the leader of the team, which forces, and then attack Grand Ma'da Ateena and
he leads with an iron fist, always giving her corrupted Titan construct at Zul'Nazman.
the orders. Also acts as an engineer. Finally, a little later they helped defend Nazmir
from an Alliance attack. Though their mech was
 Ticker is the demolition expert of the disabled by Alliance champions early on, where
team. He is a renowned engineer in the the Zandalari champions came in they
art of explosives. reactivated their mech to cause mass
explosives, fire grenades, timed detonations like
C4, flamethrowers, rocket or grenade launchers,
sniper rifles, semi-automatic weapons and more.
For defense, outside of their suit they mostly rely
on leather armor, though at least one of their
number has healing capabilities.
A.M.O.D: The A.M.O.D is a long ranged artillery
shredder tricked out with a shield, flight ability HOBART GRAPPLEHAMMER
and several long range (1000 meter plus)
artillery options such as high yield explosive
rounds, clusters bombs and even a mini Azerite
nuke option that can kill a massive giant
(alongside anything in the immediate vicinity of
said giant) in a single explosion. They can even
‘curve’ some of these explosives, so that in
close quarters combat the mech can raise its
shield and still blow the enemy in front of them
up. In melee they seem to have the ability to
unleash electrical shockwaves, as shown by the
Battle for Zul’jan ruins.

Mobility: 4

Training: 3

Max Range: Away from battle

Preferred Range: ^^

As Shown by Sub-Faction: Goblin

Azshara, when forced out of the AFMOD the
Gob Squad is no less formidable, packing
hooked nets for ensnaring, multiple handheld
Hopart is perhaps the greatest goblin inventor in allows his prelates to use the Light and so the
Warcraft history. He was already a genius Loa can be seen as an intermediary between
before he left Kezan, but his ingenuity has only the actual source and the worshipper. This
grown in the time since. Specifically, the area of magic is ‘flavored’ by the whims of the god itself.
his genius are mainly in
Of all the entities in Warcraft the Loa come
-Minaturization: The Goblin Engineer has closest to functioning like a god in
mastered the technology of miniaturization, Warhammer(or Discworld). Loa gain in strength
being capable of turning buildings, bases or and power the more worshipers, offerings, idols
even airports into box sized equipment before and sacrifices they receive. Conversely killing
detonating them to get the full base. This worshippers, denying sacrifices and desecrating
miniaturization technology can even contain idols can weaken their power. In the event the
individuals inside, though that is not Loa is killed their followers are denied its
recommended. Occasionally there are issues power…mostly. When Rezan was killed a few
with the devices, like summoning prelates were still able to call the Light, though
interdimensional horrors and accidentally turning they were looked at with suspicion.
small rats gigantic.
Most of the Loa below count as Wild Gods, and
-Genetic Engineering: Hobart is responsible for are considered embodiments of their sacred
the creation of the hyper-intelligent raptor as well animal forms, able to control said animal forms
as the Gilbin species of aquatic goblin. and, if they die, their spirits are tied to the
Emerald Dream, meaning they can eventually
-Weapon Systems: Hobart has built a number of return. However, there are exceptions and those
powerful and sometimes weird designs such as killed by Blood Magic tend to stay dead.
the Poultryizer, the big one explosives, the
massive Azsharite bomb used on the druid All Loa are powerful and its established in the
settlement of Thas’dorah and various weapon War of the Ancients that the Wild Gods could
attachments used against the Burning Legion. take down hundreds of daemons before being
pulled down. Also all count as extremely hard to kill, with fast regeneration and innate durability,
Q&t=50s to the point where most of them that fell in
WOTA were literally dog-piled on by daemons
ZANDALARI LOA until death (or killed by a particularly powerful
Loa is the name given by trolls to the beings sorceror, like Malone dying to Archimonde).
they worship, such as the Wild Gods. Countless Each of them can summon and would be
loa exist, most weak, but some very powerful. accompanied by a small horde of their children
Most are shapeless, whereas others have (so Gonk with his ravasaurs/raptors, Pa’ku with
animal or creature forms. Some of them are her pterrodactyls etc).
even said to be ascended trolls and it is hinted
Vol’jin might become one soon. These Loa can give blessings to followers,
giving them minor powerups (for example,
The Loa are as diverse as the trolls themselves Blessing of Akunda gives you electrical attacks,
in both form and personality, though generally while the Blessing of Bwonsamdi summons
they are modeled after the personality of the angry spirits to aid you in battle). If the Loa really
animal form they take (if they take one). In trusts you, you can become a brief Avatar of the
terms of powers, A Loa can offer an incredibly Loa, during which additional power is given and
diverse selection of powers, depending on which the champion is molded into a lesser form of the
form of magic the Loa itself seeks to utilize. For Loa, that is still very powerful. See the Kimbul
example adherents of Bwonsamdi, the Death profile of an example of that in action.
God, can use his death magic while Rezan
Note, in addition to the five below, there is a six, high. She is also said to have mastery over the
Bwonsamdi, who actively helps the Zandalari. winds and probably functions like a air
However, Bwonsamdi- the Death God, never elemental.
actually fights on the battlefield and instead just
resurrects hordes of undead at the request of his Defensive: Wild God durability.
followers, most prominent among them being
Rastakhan (or, if he dies, Talanji, since the deal
is heirline based).



Pa'ku, also known as the Master of Winds, is a

pterrordax loa Pa'ku is the master of the (From TVtropes description)
Zandalari's navy, and her high priest is Hexlord
Raal. The followers of Gonk & Pa’ku do not get Gonk is the Raptor Loa, also called Packstrider,
along, which is funny as Raal & Loti are Master of Shapes, Lord of the Hunt, and the
husband and wife. Great Hunter. He is a cunning and enigmatic loa
who lives the primal life of a hunter, stalking the
When Zul betrayed Rastakhan and stabbed him, wilderness while advising hunters, warriors, and
Pa'ku took the king away to Zeb'ahari.She later druids who come to him. He has a progressive
took part in the defense of Zulzadar, battling the mindset, and while he still asks to be the primary
immense Mythrax the Destroyer alongside loa of his followers, he encourages them to learn
Kimbul & Gonk. and follow other loa as well, which gave him the
title 'Master of Shapes' when his Druidic
Unlike the other loa worshiped by the Zandalari, followers adopted many shapeshift forms to
Pa'ku tends to act aloof and rude, seeing reflect his encouragement to learn from other
mortals as below her (literally and figuratively). loa.
She is also prone to dropping followers she does
not like from great heights onto sharp rocks. Gonk is one of the few Zandalari Loa known
outside of the Zandalari Empire, perhaps
Offensive: Strong enough to pick up a fully because of his progressive mindset. When
armored Direhorn and hurl it over a cliff. In her Zalazane took the Echo Isles from the
claws she can grab immense boulders (or a Darkspear Tribe, it was Gonk who helped bridge
score of lesser soldiers) and drop them from up the connection between the disparate Priests
and Witch Doctors, and the Loa Zalazane had The unwanted painful memories that Akunda
cut them off from, and taught them how to be takes from his followers are stored in the Valley
Druids. of Sorrows, where Akunda's power (normally)
keeps them sealed away.
While Gonk may look the weakest of the Loa,
having no real magic to command, this is While he was betrayed by a follower in BFA and
incredibly deceiving. When Zul’s Civil War temporarily incapitated via magic, the
Started and most of the Loa were adventurer-champion saved him. In return,
captured/contained by Zul’s renegades, he was Akunda participated in the defense of Zulzadar,
the only Loa who turned the table and killed his helping hold off the Sethrak armies.
attackers. He then helped the Horde champion
slay many other traitors and free the other loa. Offensive: Breathes enormous Lightning Bolts
He later aided Kimbul and Pa’ku against the and can command the weather in the form of
colossus sized Mythrax and, when the Alliance storms.
invaded Zandalari territory, helped hunt down
Defensive: Loa durability and naturally tough
Void Elves in the jungle.
Offensive: Giant, fast raptor. Though he has no
special magic he is a truly excellent ambusher
and ferocious fighter.

Defensive: Loa durability. Also thought to have

some extra magic resistance.


Kimbul, the Loa of Tigers, is worshipped among

both the Zandalari and the sand trolls of the
west. Taking the form of a immense, elephant
sized tigethe,r Kimbul admires strength, cunning
and wit.

Centuries ago, Kimbul's temple in Vol'dun on

Zandalar was attacked by a naga army led by
Summoner Mepjila and Kimbul arrived too late
Akunda, the thunder lizard, is the loa of storms to save his Zandalari followers from death. He
and new beginnings. He believes that the storm hunted the remaining naga down to the last and
has the power to wash away regret and sorrow. none escaped his wrath, but as he killed the
Through a sacred ritual, Akunda enters the naga leader she cast a spell that cursed the
minds of those who come to his temple in souls of Kimbul's followers into unending
Vol'dun seeking refuge and removes the torment. Until their souls were freed, Kimbul
memories that cause them pain. His followers could not accept new followers for honor would
then all rename themselves Akunda and start a not allow it.
new life at the temple. His followers do good
works to show the loa they are worthy of his The naga once more attacked Kimbul's territory,
blessing. searching for the Ring of Tides that they had lost
there during their battle with Kimbul long ago. Krag'wa the Huge is a frog loa worshiped by the
Seeking his help against the naga threat, the Zandalari.
tortollan Tortaka tribe spoke to Kimbul at his
temple. Before he could help, Kimbul tasked an Long ago, when the trolls of Nazmir first began
adventurer with entering the Shadowlands listening to the whispering darkness, Krag'wa
where his cursed followers continued to fight for stored some of his power in the totems that
eternity and slaying Mepjila's spirit to break her surround his lair for future keeping.
spell. With his followers at peace, Kimbul moved
As Krag'wa was unwilling to bend to the will of
to protect the Tortaka tribe from the naga with
G'huun, the great frog came under attack by the
the adventurer as his avatar. Afterward he
blood trolls. They drained his children of their
accepted the Tortaka as his followers
blood and planned to sacrifice Krag'wa himself.
Kimbul participated in the defense of Zuldazar They slew every last one of his worshipers in
when Zul and his forces sought to destroy the Nazmir. From all of this, Krag'wa was greatly
Great Seal. He, Pa'ku, and Gonk battled weakened and had to be made strong
Mythrax the Unraveler while King Rastakhan again.After restoring his power by eating a feast
took care of Zul. and releasing the power sealed in his totems,
Krag'wa unleashed his fury on the blood trolls.
Offensive: Takes the form of an immense tiger
and, according to his Zandalari poem, he hs The naga also attacked Krag'wa and his
superb stealth capabilities. children, seeking to sate their addiction to magic
by draining them and his champions. After the
Defensive: Loa Durability. naga were dealt with, he began to accept new
UY90Y Krag'wa participated in the final charge against
the blood trolls led by Princess Talanji. He
KRAG’WA cleared through many blood trolls, opening the
way to their leader Grand Ma'da Ateena. He also
participated in the defense of Zuldazar when Zul
and his forces sought to destroy the Great Seal.
He held off blood trolls coming from the Blood

Offensive: Krag'wa is a physically powerful loa,

able to leap long distances and use his weight
and tongue to devastate scores of enemies.

Defensive: See Loa durability, though he might

be even more durable than most.
HORDE X-FACTORS Later, the Warcraft version of Satan found
Azeroth, covered most of it with his planet sized
body and then stabbed it in a fit of rage. Both the
Alliance and Horde are shown to be pretty non-
chalant about it afterwards.

Morale: 86/100: Lok’tar Ogar! To the soldiers of

ARMY INTIMIDATION: 72/100 – The Horde is
the Horde, the battlefield isn’t merely a
full of creatures considered monstrous by
necessary part of civilizational warfare but a
normal individuals (undead, orcs, ogres) etc and
place to bring honor and glory to themselves
make heavy use of fearsome magic (like
and their ancestors. Surrending is looked upon
Voodoo and necromancy) and menacing, deadly
as dishonorable and though such things occur
technology such as shredders and the ever-
from time to time, as shown by the Southern
frightening blight warfare. Included in their ranks
Barrens questline it is looked down upon as
are some clearly monstrous creatures, like
shameful, and when given the chance Horde
Abominations, Devilsaurs, Gronn and more.
prisoners would pretty much go on a death
quest. The elves and Forsaken have shown DISCIPLINE: 56/100: While elements of the
themselves surprisingly stoic under pressure as Horde do have high discipline, the other sections
well, with many of the Forsaken in game merely are more in touch with their beastial nature,
complaining “Oh no not this again!”. following rough orders but giving into bloodlust
in combat. That said, training and grilling can
Their inherent resistance to demoralizing effects
limit provide a limitation on this trait.
is shown prominently in the War Against the
Nightmare, where the Horde fought against COHESION: 64/100: The Horde frequently
numerically unquantifiable creations that could mixes units within different army groups, and
not be wounded by non-magical means in the with little issue. No one was bullied in and they
real realm and were specifically designed via all joined for idealogical or historical reasons.
magical perception to resemble the worst That said, there is disagreement regarding
nightmares of whoever they were fighting. The military tactics (specifically the blight) and not
main characters note that not once did the every member is as tied close to the Horde as
Alliance (or Horde) waver in fighting, even after the others.
they took huge losses against a foe that they
could not properly fight. The only instances in ESPIONAGE 70/100: The Horde has a wide
which the Alliance is known to experience a full- variety of technological and magical devices
scal rout created are when fighting against designed to help them infiltrate. These include
magical spells deliberately designed to invoke magical disguises, cloaking or invisibility spells,
rout or against powerful Eldritch abominations. stealth insertion via telemancy and various
But even these can be countered with the organizations dedicated to espionage and
presence of some of the best heroic magics with sabotage. In one notable instance, the Horde
manifestation of the Light or Elune. seeded hundreds of rogues and operatives
inside Ashenvale and triggered them all in committing mass genocide with forbidden
prepraion for an incoming invasion, killing Night weapons to further her goals.
Elven officers, decimating units, destroying REINFORCEMENT RATE:MEDIUM The
supplies and even, in one place, taking a base Alliance & Horde both have fought in wars
outright. where they have taken tens of, or even
hundreds of thousands of causialties with no
The only two traits that keep the Horde from issue yet with reinforcement, which with is
achieving as high is the Alliance is the lack of further combined with their tendency to absorb
organization the size of their SI:7 and the fact new factions into their main one to bolster
that thee Void Portals do not seem to have limits numbers.
when it comes to infiltration. I personally estimate they have hundreds of
thousands of troops left.
LOGISTICS: 78/100 – The Horde is shown to
utilize traditional means of resupply (Caravans, Additional Factors:
ships etc) but with a huge variety of exotic
means to supplement. For example, portals can Portal Groupings- The Horde has access to
be used for some instant ressuply from home many forms of portals and teleportation to cross
base (even across planets) and air transport can the land near instanteously.
provide further assistance while druids can plant
crops and pretty much grow them instantly, -Minor Portal Devices: These devices are
while mages can summon them out of thin air limited in use, either by design, lack of
(though such things do drain their mana). In individuals capable of using it, or difficulty in
addition, the Horde is zealous about using any setting it up.
local resources.
Emerald Dreamways: The Emerald
Dreamways are pathways, within the Emerald
BLOCKADE: 68/100 : The Horde can use Dream, that allow large scale movement to
traditional naval, submersible and air assets to strongholds of nature. For example one can
set up a blockade. They also utilize sea mines easily traverse the dreamways from Moonglade
and can mine coastal areas. to the the Gizzly Hills, or Nordrassil (The Great
Tree) to Seradine.Powerful druids who aren’t in
those locations can tap into the dreamways and,
through ritual, conjure up a portal to the Emerald
Dream. Through this portal the druid can enter
the dream or, as a flashback of Malfurion in
Azshara shows, reinforcements from the dream
can pour out into a battlefield. While these
portals are larger than arcane portals, they do
bring about certain weaknesses. Only powerful
druids can attempt to open up such a portal, and
then only through a dedicated ritual. Dream
AGGRESSION: 73/100: The Horde is well
pathways are only able to be set up in a self-
known for its aggression, and under Sylvanas sustaining manner in strongholds of nature,
this has only increased. Their entire creed is to which are harder to create than a leyline hub.
be bold, to act and to seize. They have done this Thus, dreamway portals can be considered
with entire provinces and resources. It is much rarer than regular arcane portals.
remarkable that within a day of Sargeras striking
the planet with his sword goblins were in the Elemental Portals – Elemental Portals are very
province looking for whatever profit could be similar to arcane portals in their look and
found while Sylvanas has shown zero hesitation function, however are far rarer thanks to their
required application. These portals require either These devices are only really used by Goblins
a significant powerup from the elementals and Gnomes, but can be used for supply
working together, or for a number of powerful transport as shown by the deadmines, to
elementals to be sacrificed to power the portal. connect bases as shown by the gnomes of
Like with many arcane portals, shaman are also Outland and personel transport, as shown by the
needed to steady and keep the portal open, or latest Tirsiguard Sound faction assault, where
else an artifact must be put into place to allow it goblins set up these things to directly portal
to be self-sustaining. troops into the battlefield.

Fel/Death Portals :In many ways, demonic That said, there are the risk that things go
portals are superior to arcane portals. They are wrong, most of them fatal but, rarely, some that
said to be ‘more efficient’ larger and last ten are (like being teleported a hundred feet in the
times as long as a regular portal. More than that air). I would suggest bringing a parachute.
it is said to be easier to make interplanetary
portals than with arcane, for the Twisting Nether
(the source of Fel) connects and transcends all
Major Teleportation Systems:
planets. However, there is a bitg asterix here for
these fel gateways require sacrifice and ritual to Mass Teleportation: Mass teleportation,
power them. Sometimes this can be the souls of detailed within the mage profile, is a means of
enemies however, as the Illidari demonstrate, physical transport that seems somewhat akin to
with not enough enemy souls sometimes the Star Trek. This is shown in the rules for the in-
summoner has to use those of his or her allies. game rulebook below, which illustrates the
Death portals are shown to look similar to fel potential dangers for the spell :
portals, but are little used. It can be surmised
they function in a similar fashion.

Regular teleportation to far off cities or lands is

quite possible so long as the mage has a
familiarity with said lands. This could help
slightly in logistics, as a mage can teleport
somewhere; fill his or her bag with supplies, than
return. However, mass teleportation is the
biggest possibility. Several Dozen mages
working together (or Jaina Proudmoore, see
Hero Profile) can teleport entire sections of their
own army up to the size of their own city
somewhere. In Warlords of Draenor when the
Orc Chief Nerzhul tried to cave-in Khadgar’s
forces the archmage teleported himself, an
Alliance/Horde strike force and numerous
prisoners out in moments. In the assault on
Silvermoon in the Third War, High Elven mages
went about the city teleporting both civilians and
Teleportation Pads: Ever Watch Star Trek?
soldiers to their protected isles whenever they
This Goblin (or Gnome) device is basically that,
could. Though they didn’t succeed in rescuing
converting a person or object into an energy
everyone from the Scourge and certainly didn’t
pattern (a process called dematerialization),
replace more conventional means of evacuation
then "beam" it to a target, where it is
(ships) they did teleport away a great many of
reconverted into matter (rematerialization).
the nascent Blood Elf race. In Legion and BFA followers of the arcane utilize the magical ley
Khadgar and Jaina used teleportation spells to lines that crisscross their planet(s) to serve as a
escape an exploding ship in space and a sort of highway through which a mage and his
blighted city, respectively. As an absolute high party can travel. While these portals are usually
end feat, the six archmages of Dalaran working only large enough for a person at a time, their
together can teleport the entire city across the size can be greatly increased with more effort
planet! and magic from their cohorts.

In these cases, the caster seems to have to To provide an analogy there is a leyline going
require either a general line of sight on the target from New York City to Washington D.C, with the
destination or have a fixed image in his or her cities themselves serving as hubs. Mages can
mind, as Jaina did with her flying ship in the open self-sustaining portrals between these
Battle for Lordaeron. This limitation is shown in hubs, meaning they don’t have to stand around
the Yrel/Blackhand cutscene, where Khadgar to maintain them. However, if a mage in New
was unable to teleport away Yrel & Durotan until York wanted to open a portal to Vermont,
the smoke cleared enough to physically see another mage would need to be stationed in
them. The mage can use his or herself as a Vermont to first open the portal and then
beacon for teleportation, going along with them, constantly maintain it open. A portal opened
though not always. The High Elven mages in the from West Virginia to Vermont- both points off
Third War could teleport others away without the leyline path- would be even more tricky to
accompanying them and a in-game lore book open, though it is doable.
gives Jaina the ability to teleport sections of her
army around. Standard Portal dimensions are 3 yards, 1 foot,
and 3/4 inches tall, 2 yards, 8 feet, 9 and 15/16
Enemies can in fact be teleported however it is a inches wide, though according to a in-game
far more difficult task to attempt than allies. This book this can apparently be doubled if needed.
is because the mage needs to have some sort of
Uses of Arcane Portals :
link with the enemy (in Cycle of Hatred,
telepathic) and the enemy can attempt to fight -Portals can be used strategically and in the
off that link with their own will, while allies mission “Victory from Within” the Brotherhood of
generally assent to it(making it easier). They the Light commander mentioned that they
would also likely need a line of sight. However it planned to open portals within a enemy held
can be done and in Warlords of Draenor a mage cathedral. Note, while the quest has you open
once teleported a corrupted mage away from them manually, the questgiver implies they
her place of power to defeat her on neutral would normally open remotely.
ground. As mentioned by a Nightborne
telemancer in Legion it is, in theory, possible for -As shown by the mission “Commando Drop”
him to teleport the enemy to ‘Depths of the Portals can be used to insert crack teams of
Great Ocean’. Both teleportation and portals commandos either for reinforcements or inside
would be exhaustive however teleportation, enemy lines.
especially en masse, even more so, as at least
with a portal a wormhole is involved. -Portals can be used to provide direct, low-grade
reinforcement to allied lines, as shown by the
Stonard conflict and the Dark Portal in Outland.

Arcane Portals: Technically, every single type -Possible fast extraction of key personel from a
of magic has access to portal like abilities. doomed conflict.
However arcane magic practioners make use of
the portal more than any other grouping. The Limitations: However, Portals are terribly
ineficient at moving whole armies, as armies
need supplies and support that are simply too A telemancer with a proper workshop can use
big to fit through any arcane portal (like the locations of small beacons carried by an
tanks).This is shown by the evacuation of operational team to directly teleport them
Teldrassil where the mages of Stormwind, needed items, including a larger beacon needed
though ultimately ending up evacuating tens of to establish a telemancy pad, or teleport items
thousands of citizens over a couple week period out with the team or before their own departure.
working constantly, opted not to send the
Alliance army through said portals, as you can However, though its main use is mobilizing
only do one and without their equipment, the troops and personnel it has many more
Alliance would be at a disadvantage vs. the applications. It can be used to insert strike
Horde in that conflict. All of this applies to the teams into hostile territory or be used to ‘lock on’
Horde as well. a particularly challenging foe to teleport
reinforcements directly to that enemy. It can
Telemancy: Telemancy is a form of even be used offensively, teleporting enemy
teleportation magic practiced exlusively by the troops off cliffs or into the bottom of the ocean. It
Shal’dorei (meaning Horde only) fusing can even be used to teleport an object right out
elements of both traditional, ley-line based of an opponent’s hands, if the telemancer is
portals, with concepts of dimensional rifting that skilled enough.
have more in common with the wormholes used
by engineers, slicing a path through the fabric of -Infastructure/Construction speed: The Horde
reality. As telemancy involves the manipulation makes heavy use of infrastructure buildings,
of space and time, telemancy is related to the such as workshops to create siege engines,
school of Transmutation and bears some arcane barracks to hold troops, airstrips to house fixed
resemblance though is wholly unique in some wing aircraft or specialized armories that can
areas. upgrade troop weapons from steel to something
even more powerful.
Telemancy is a technology-heavy field of the
arcane, with warpsleeves, phase converters, As a result they (and Warcraft factions) are
beacons to lock onto, and the telemancy pads extremely good at creating bases. There are
themselves all involved. Through sustained isntances of even stranded forces setting up
leyline feeds, two linked telemancy pads can airbases and fortresses in just weeks-
keep a portal link between two locations open something that would be made faster with the
day and night without a mage directly fueling the goblins ability to instantly deploy bases with their
spell. miniaturization technology. In Shattering, the
Tauren bribe Gazlowe to provide them with
What's also unique about telemancy as hundreds of explosives, several zepplins and
compared to other forms of arcane travel is the miscellaneous supplies. He fulfills the order in
use of beacons. A series of telemancy pads are four days. In Grizzly Hills, a Goblin Engineer
maintained from a workshop, and the claims (with exasperation) that he needs to build
telemancer managing the site can maintain a twenty Shredders by the next day
lock on beacons held by those on a dangerous
mission, able to rapidly extract them should the though I will note, it was more like rebuilding
need arise without anyone on the team needing those shredders as plenty of parts were lying
to cast or be capable of casting a portal. These around
portals have shown the capacity to more easily
transport vehicles and large squads than
traditional portals.
The Horde is increasingly using Azerite in their
war machines, weapons and armor. It is still very
uncommon, but is making a impact on the

Blighted Lands: While Horde druids can, in

theory, do the rapid growth seen in the Alliance
Azerite: Azerite is the name given to the profile, they don’t really put this into practice as
crystallized blood of Azeroth. When Sargeras much as the Night Elves. However, the Horde is
stabbed the world with his sword, it caused her more atuned with death (courtesy of the
to bleed her life essence all over the world. The Forsaken and Sylvanas, who rules them). She is
a master at deploying the blight, which destroys
almost all life wherever it is deployed and turns
what remains into mutated, hostile creatures. In
For an example of Azerite’s power, adding just this way she can destroy enemy supplies, blight
the tiniest pinch of it to gunpowder can turn a potential resources (those that Sylvanas cannot
regular pistol shot, capable of puncturing a small seize) and foil attempts to live off the land, as
hole into a wooden barrel, into a massive blast was done in Gilneas and Southshore. Enough
that utterly obliterates said barrel and, if the gun Blight will utterly ruin a province. The Forsaken
isn’t designed to handle it, blasts the wielder can even use it tactically, foiling any attempt to
several meters back. The Harbormaster flank their army by blighting the ground.
estimates that adding said powder to cannon
shot would give it the power to blow a galleon in Radios: While not as advanced as the
half with a single blow( in fact, in the quest Gnomecorder, both the Goblins & Forsaken
Righteous Retribution it is shown a small have been known to utilize their own version of
grenade of the stuff can do that). This potency radios, which can be used to provide direct
was proven in the assault on Daelin’s gate, communication with men in the field.
where Kul Tiran villagers noted with despair that
the fortifications were built from the very finest Plague of Frogs: During times of war, the
steel in all the land, only to fall apart like paper. Zandalari faced off against many powerful foes.
Anything Azerite is also said to be lighter than Some, even, that they could not break. Their
normal weapons. witchdoctors devised cursed pots and through
the use of powerful magic, summoned them at
Azerite amplifies the power of anything applied different locations within the enemy's
to. Wielding Azerite makes one feel exultant and encampment. Shortly after, a fountain of frogs
calm. It also increases one's endurance and would spring forth, causing a ruckus and
provides them with an abundance of energy, confusing the enemy in the process. Little did
increases comprehension by heightening they know that these frogs carried a plague with
insight, and also increases alertness, control, them that would quickly devastate their ranks
logic, strength, and dexterityAzerite forged into and force them to retreat or surrender
an elixercaused a dying palm tree to instantly
grow twice its size in moments, while applying it
to poison kills said tree in moments. If forged
-Mobility: The Horde, and Warcraft factions as
into armor, swords, hammers, even goblin
a whole, are a force that has a great degree of
shredders cannot penetrate it. In fact, this armor
mobility for a Fantasy race. For example Horde
withstood three solid minutes of a lightning gun
gunshipsare capable of speeds in the low
firing at it with only a slight bit of melting around
hundreds of miles per hour. Many adventurers
the edges.
or heroes own mounts to easily get from place to that have dubious reliability. Also their tendency
place a. But most particularly the Horde makes to over-scavenge to cut costs can decrease
great usage of portals, being able to reinforce reliability (something they don’t really have to
armies instantly. Its not just mages that are begin with)
capable of such feats; master druids can create
portals that one can travel through the Emerald Victory Gains: Both the Alliance and Horde are
Dream and have large forces traverse extremely dynamic, growing factions with a near constant
quickly. stream of additions every year. In nearly every
fashion both factions grow and expand. In terms
Though space and time, on land or sea, flying of personel, they are willing to use mercenaries
above the earth or even under the water, the and incorporate groups into their faction. The
Horde always has a means to travel. They also Horde, in particular, isn’t picky about who they
have drilling and mining machines, though these incorporate, so long as said faction has
aren’t as well developed as the Alliance mole something redeemable about them or is a
machine. faction Sylvanas would consider useful (and, as
the San’layen show, this net is wide).
Trait: Brutal Pragmatism : The Horde knows
war perhaps better than any other faction on Technology: In thirty years the nations of the
Azeroth . Most of their core races have engaged Horde have gone from being purely medieval
in constant warfare since their inception and with a few odd creations mixed in (experimental
Horde culture also glorizes honor in combat and planes in background lore at this point) to
military victory. The Horde cares much less than possessing mass produced tanks, aircraft
the Alliance on how said victory is achieved, so (including aerial aircraft carriers), submarines,
much as it is achieved. Many members of the scoped rifles and various oddball piece of
Horde are perfectly willing to use tactics some technology, seen by the Goblins. As shown in
would call extreme to achieve victory. every expansion to date they will attempt to
invent and use new devices even in campaign
These include the already mentioned plagues against new enemies. The Horde is ready to
and massive bombs but also go beyond, into the take enemy tech so long as it isn’t too corrupting
tactical sphere. In Ashenvale orcs used a and even eventually incorporate it wholesale.
magical spell to drive Water Elementals that
defended an Alliance base crazy, causing them
to attack the Kaldorei and giving the Horde an
opening to achieve victory.

However, this can be a weakness as well. Their

willingness to consider anything a weapon has
caused unintentional blow-back in the past, like
that time the Divine Bell made many mad.
Moreover, some members of the Horde believe
certain weaponry (Blight, Dark spells,
necromancy) are dishonorable and shameful,
and feeling increasing discontent if they are
used. This is compounded if they are fighting a
honorable foe.

-Weakness: Goblin Greed: Though Goblins do

possess powerful industrial capacity, it is
sometimes made inefficient by greed, egotism
among designers and simple insane designs
Magic: The magical classes of the Alliance and
Horde frequently attempt to capture and utilize
new essenses they come across. For example
the mages of Dalaran and the magisters of the
Sin’dorei have acquired, through working
alongside the Bronze Dragons, have introduced
limited time manipulation into their spellcraft.
Recently in Draenor Khadgar has learned to
rapidly work with Ogre spell-nullification and
Primal elemental runes to boost power in those
two areas. Warlocks have boosted their control
over demons in recent years, allowing them to
exert some control even over the mighty Eredar
and have incorporated several pieces of dark
magic from their enemies. The example goes on
for every class, including new pets for hunters.
At the base level of organization seems to be
the squad, which is typically composed (during
times of battle, as shown by Warfronts Arathi
and Darkshore) to be units numbering between
8-20. These squads contain both standard line
infantry, like footmen and sentinels, along with
specialists of both magical and technological
variety such as riflemen, mages, paladins and
the like. There is significant difference based on
race and faction. For example, Forsaken squads
in Darkshore are mixed between riflemen,
dreadguard and apothecaries, while the orcs of
Stromgarde are mixed between orc grunts, troll
skirmishers and supporting shaman, along with meritocracies, rather than aristocracy based,
rarer support, like a blood knight, witch doctor or and this allows talented commanders like
the like. That is not to say this is universal, and General Nazgrim to rise in a short amount of
specialized squads composed only of, let’s say, time. It is worth nothing that there are separate
mages or druids may exist as well. In coalition rankings for both the navy and air force, which
armies this may get mixed around, with does suggest the latter is a significant
Forsaken and goblins serving alongside each component of Horde armies.
other, for instance.
The command system is fluid and thus it is hard
Each infantry squad is led by a skilled veteran- a to cause permanent disruption to the Horde’s
powerful individual with additional abilities. To armies via assassination (but not impossible).
provide an Alliance example that also applies to Officers rise through the ranks, enlisted men
the Horde; In Stromgarde, the Horde deploys earn sudden promotions and even those
typically in squads consisting of at least 4-6 champion-adventurers can quickly become
grunts accompanied by any remaining four of effective commanders.
the following; shaman, witch doctors, and troll
skirmishers. Each is led by a veteran of one of
the above variants with unique abilities.
Sometimes (perhaps 1/5 of the time) the squad
is actually led by a champion, who has even
more impressive abilities. See the neutral profile
for more details.

Top Command
In contrast to the Alliance’s …alliance of various
faction leaders, the Horde is ruled by a military
dictatorship with the head being the warchief .
Scout The warchief maintains the Horde, has the
Grunt power to declare war for the entire Horde, take
Sergeant any precaution to ensure the stability and
First Sergeant security of the Horde's member states, and has
Senior Sergeant the final say in the induction of new Horde
Stone Guard All members of the Horde have to swear a blood
Blood Guard oath to join the Horde and are thus obligated to
Legionnaire follow the warchief's commands and support the
Centurion warchief in times of war if the warchief calls
Champion upon them for aid.
Lieutenant General
General The position of warchief can be attained by
Warlord having the previous warchief chose a successor
High Warlord or challenging the current warchief to
a Mak'gora: a prearranged duel with deadly
Though different sub-factions have their weapons between two people following a formal
own divisions, when as a coalition the procedure in the presence of witnesses and
Orgrimmar system one seems to be roughly traditionally fought until one party yields or is
used. All military systems function as killed, usually to settle a quarrel involving a point
of honor. Above all else, the title warchief is If two regional armies are close enough to
granted to those who display strength and interact with each other or join forces, they can
decisive action. Warchiefs must be able to gain do so without penalty, like Talanji & Rokhan.
respect via combat effectiveness and martial Though there are some serious racial
conquests but also have enough tact to keep the differences, it is noted that Horde races are
Horde united and stable. portrayed as bonding with each other in combat.

The warchief may accept ambassadors and Basically, every military force in the Alliance
advisors from all the different tribes and (and Warcraft in general) is likely to be multi-
members of the Horde to makes sure their racial to some degree.
voices are heard in the running of the fledgling
hegemony but ultimately, only the warchief has Formations & Azeroth
the final say in matters concerning the entire

Racial Composition
The Alliance is an organization that possesses
armies varying on the racial heterogeneity scale.
For example, armies exist like those that
assaulted the Broken Shore, Teldrassil and
defended Lordaeron that are extremely racially
homogenous. On the opposite end of the
spectrum, there are regional forces composed
primarily of one race but with significant auxiliary
support. Examples include the Forsaken with
goblin support in Darkshore, the Orc army in
Stromgarde with Darkspear support, the
Zandalari-Darkspear incursion into Nazmir etc.

Basically imagine a large, centralized pool of

units existing outside of regional command that
contains members and units of every sub-
faction. Though the individual leaders have
power to request and allocate troops, most of Warcraft armies do not function as
the pull is given to the Warchief and her neither ancient nor modern armies, but fit
designated subordinates (like Blightcaller). somewhere in between. The line and infantry
Sometimes this includes whole units, sometimes formations that so characterized pre-modern
this includes just a few specialists. These warfare are only used sparingly, and then often
contracted units are placed under the command by commanders with limited army command
of whoever leads the main army (so for (like Anduin or Admiral Taylor in Pandaria, who
Stromgarde they would be under Eitrigg’s though a skilled navy specialist had limited
command) . experience with land warfare). The
most experienced and skilled commanders in
Warcraft, like Wyrmbane, Alleria, Saurfang,
Sylvanas and the like, are virtually never shown
to utilize formation warfare.

While many have thought this to be a failing of

the setting, upon further research I have come to
believe this is a relative and unintentional
success, for the overall setting limits the
effectiveness of giant formations outside of a
few specialized areas.
In the real world, infantry formations of the line
of Alexander and Napoleon existed until the end
of the 19 century primarily thanks to inaccuracy
of firearms of that day, where 9/10 a musket
would miss at any greater ranged than 50
meters and cannons were also extremely
inaccurate and slow to fire. When firearms
started becoming more accurate- i.e. rifles were
invented- these formations first struggled to
adjust by deploying mass skirmishers before
resulting in increasing causalities that convinced
military commanders to gradually furlough
traditional line formations. This process was
already starting even before the invention of the
gattling gun though the latter certainly sped up
the trend.

In Warcraft rifles capable of shooting a target at

a half mile (800m) have existed since Warcraft 3
and are far more common than muskets.
Cannons have a firing rate that suggests they
are breechloaders at worst and at best they
have things that can perhaps exceed the rate of
fire of modern cannons (see Legion trailer). This
is, of course, before getting into more powerful
inventions like tanks and mecha. The invention
of aircraft, too, forced reconsideration of warfare
and the Alliance/Horde have air units in spades,
enough to force their own separate ranking
system. Warcraft armies do not fight in the manner
traditional armies where very large army groups
However, it is perhaps magic that is the greatest march through a land to conquer it. Instead, it
blow to traditional formations. In Warcraft magic appears like a hybrid, where innumerable small
users are extremely common (comparatively) in skirmishes and armies fight across the scope of
the universe, enough to form anywhere between a province while a few large army groups fight
1-3/1-6 of infantry squads in Warcraft. Even over a given specific area. An example is
assuming magical spells can only affect one or Darkshore, both the WOT and PTR 8.1 version,
small groups at a time, each fireball, arcane where you are fighting many small battles over
explosion, daemonic summoning or the like is the entirety of the map while a big one takes
going to cause disruption against a line place in the middle between Maiev and Sira. Or
formation, far more than it was historically able look at the mission table storyline, where we can
to take. again see multiple small conflicts fought
everywhere simultaneously or the incursions,
Add to this is the possibility that Warcraft mages which do the same thing.
combine their magical might together and blow
up entire segments of the enemy army. Though That said the argument has been made that,
such a use of magic is rare in modern times it between the merging of so many different races,
has been shown effective against massed their fighting styles, their magical capacity and
infantry before, both against the great hordes of rapidly developing technology has strained the
the Burning Legion and in the Troll Wars, where ability of Warcraft tacticians to adequately adjust
a hundred human magi trained in rudimentary their own stratagems – or even where to start,
magic so effectively annihilated the Armani troll
as neither magic nor technology are powerful
army that the trolls have never truly recovered
since. Many thousands- if not more- died from a enough to dominate one another. Sure a tank
single spell. might blow up a shaman at long range, while a
shaman could turn the ground into mud and
cause the tank to sink in. So tactics and scouts. The Reliquary is a Blood Elven
formations used today, like the staggered organization that excels in researching the past
column, haven’t seen use yet in Warcraft. and sifting through ruins for magical artifacts.
Any such magical items and evidence of sorcery
Instead, Warcraft exists in a unique place where
are collected and studied by the Blood Elves,
it is difficult for even settings inhabitants to truly who often seek to learn new sorcery for the
figure out universal rules but which traditional Sin’dorei and the Horde. However, a secondary
styles that so dominated our world are likely objective of the Reliquary is mapping the land
ineffective. and interacting with the people.

Of course there are numerous magical and

technological means available to the Alliance.
HORDE GENERAL STRATEGY For technological, the Goblins have used remote
or autonomous robots to explore in the past,
equipped with transceivers that allow instant
communication back to base. Druids can talk to
nature, shamans the elements, and both can
conduct long ranged scrying. This might include
scrying a vision of the past. Some Mages also
have scrying abilities that can detect invisible or
hidden foes, and according to the official book of
Divination they can use this ability to see stuff on
another plane of existence! The Night Elves also
use specialized moon crystals for long ranged
spying according to the initial Blood Elf storyline.
Priests, so long as they know enough
information about a specific target and his
location, can actually scry through the eyes of
Before describing the Horde strategy in full, I will any combatant for a minute at continental range.
note that the situation described in KC (of facing There are also a few certain spells or magical
random new foes in random new lands) has items that can be attuned to the signatures of
occurred several times in Warcraft lore to both other races, allowing them to disguise
the Alliance & Horde in recent years. Thus the themselves as other races. Druids can cast
initial shock period of various figures trying to
spells that allow instant translations of
figure out what the hell is going on is likely
shorter than most other factions. languages, and special equipment that can talk
to animals. There is probably not any foe that
can elude the communication or withhold
OPENING SETUP secrets from the Horde indefinitely.
As is fitting for a force that has its roots in a
RTS, the first thing the Horde does in a new land
is set up bases and fortifications. These have Should enemies be captured, some priests
the benefit of providing infrastructure for the seem to have a mystical ability to make the
army (including eventual construction of war weak of mind confess everything they know.
machines) , a route for an eventual supply line,
Due to the nature of the Light this has worked
fortifications for early assaults etc. They will also
attempt to secure resources in the local area on even Demons in the past. Death Knights can
and see if diplomacy is possible with the natives. interrogate the souls of recently deceased
This won’t take them long, and it is noted in enemies, threatening destruction if there is no
Pandaria and Draenor that they could build compliance. Thanks to arcane means, it is
massive garrisons as little as two weeks. possible for mages to learn completely new and
diverse languages extremely quickly, even
At the same time long and short ranged scouting
missions will be launched first with flying spreading the knowledge of those languages to
reconnaissance and then with more traditional others via spells. These same mages skilled in
illusion can magically disguise themselves as though willing to engage in some level of
another race, though these are of course diplomacy, will likely be preparing for war as
vulnerable to magical detection. Another means soon as they hear about a potential foe.
is to cloak entire small room sized areas which
to serve as resting and hiding places for spying,
sabotage, even assassination missions. INITIAL STRATEGY

The Horde has a number of Farseers, master

shamans who can scry distant lands for a brief
period and receive visions in their sleep of the
future. Though these visions are often fuzzy and
difficult to understand, with time comes
increased comprehension and the Orcs have
learned to place trust in their visions.

They also have a number of speakers of the

dead. Spiritwalkers and Zandalari priests are
exceedingly good at pulling spirits from the
afterlife to converse, while the Forsaken can
With the exception of the relatively peaceful
resurrect corpses of the fallen to serve as
Tauren, the Horde thrives on war. Their alliance
Forsaken (if the corpse chooses this option of a
of nations was formed on the precipice of it and
second life). The new Forsaken would have all
though all have different motivations for war
the memories from a previous life.
(orcs for honor, goblins profit, forsaken for
expansion etc) none of them, even the Tauren,
Darkspear Trolls can place sentry wards all over
shy away from it.
a given place, magically hidden devices that
provide some forewarning of movement.
The Horde in general and particularly under
Sylvanas is interested in two things- land
expansion and enemy destruction. By acquiring
the former the Horde can gain uncontested
access to new resources to fuel their war
machine, while the latter can cement their
superpower status. Too, under Sylvanas, the
Forsaken are increasingly raising the enemy into
undeath and thus fueling their power as the
Warchief pursues her own mysterious

The Horde secret services, though not as large

or organized as the SI:7, nonetheless are
focused. Enemy officers and VIPS will be sought
out for abduction or assassination, supplies will
be burned, supply routes riddled with waylayers
and every manner of sabotage possible will be
Between all of this the Horde should have a conducted. Once Occuleth and his telemancers
general idea of the enemy’s nature, disposition, have set up their telemancy, they can aid Horde
a layout of the land and locals. The Horde is squads with insertion behind enemy lines.
much more warlike than the Alliance and, Specialists like the Dark Rangers and Shadow
Hunters can use their potent magics to inflict all FOREIGN RELATIONS
sorts of havoc, while some of the more exotic When it comes to allies, the Horde is perfectly
spells of the Witch Doctors can devastate entire willing to make them out of the locals and would
armies. seek to either make them the equivalent of local
auxiliaries or even a full member of the Horde.
Troll skirmishers and Blood Elven Farstriders, Indeed, the Horde is known for casting a wide
masters of guerilla warfare, will harass enemy net in potential allies, and among their members
positions. Champions and adventurers, moving are established civilizations (Nightborne,
wherever they need to be by portal or air, are Zandalari, Sin’dorei), tribal groupings (Tauren,
going to be in the midst of all of his, amplifying Orcs), the technologically advanced (Goblin)
the carnage. At this point the air force is likely and the not-so (Hozen). Though their method of
going to start bombarding the enemy or trying to diplomacy is often blunt and brutal they can
achieve air superiority. even acquire friends among traditional enemy
races, with a key example being that their main
As I mentioned earlier Warcraft armies don’t base in Tirisgarde Sound is shared with allied
typically bunch up in large army groups- it’s human pirates.
more like a war on a thousand fronts, as smaller
groups deal their own blows to the enemy. However, should a potential ally not see the
Between common magic, exotic technology, immediate benefits of cooperation, it is possible
extreme experience and overwhelming firepower for the Horde to force them into compliance.
(for a Fantasy faction) even those that fail are This was done with Fogsail human pirates, when
likely to inflict more causalities against the a number of their members initially objected to
enemy than they suffer. Though most of these working with the Horde so Horde champions in
forces are going to be clearly dominated by one the area sponsored pirates more willing to bend
race or another, many will not and almost all will their morals. The Horde also bullied the Hozen
have significant components of another race into compliance, and outright enslaved the
inside, meaning it will be tricky for a foe to Kobold of the Stonetalon Mountains to use as
overspecialize against a given force. fodder against the Alliance. All of this fits into
Sylvanas’ desire to find more ‘arrows for her
When the main Horde armies move in, they are quiver’.
going to strike with overwhelming force. Magic,
tanks, technological innovations and more all In regards to the enemy the Horde will certainly
used in coordination to destroy enemy armies. conduct negotiations, though the more clear-
headed of their members will use such time to
The Horde is used to winning quickly to fight the gather information, identify potential dissidents
next war and, according to the official timeline, and make plans. Against evil factions like the
every conflict they have fought since Warcraft 2 Burning Legion they generally do not bother with
has lasted one year each. negotiations.
However, the Horde is far more willing to go
above and beyond than the Alliance, doing
whatever is necessary to win a war. Their first
and foremost adaption, often favored by the
Banshee Queen, is the massed use of blight to
destroy enemy armies quickly and efficiently
while making of their corpses as either new
forsaken or, if there is not enough time for that,
straight up resurrecting them with traditional
necromancy to utilize them as mindless fodder.

Though the Horde generally wants to use an

ADAPTIONS enemy province for themselves, if this proves
The Hordee excels in adaptations and, indeed, too troublesome Sylvanas will order such
have radically overhauled their military over the massed use of blight as to render it
last couple decades from one that was clearly uninhabitable. This was done to Gilneas,
medieval, to one that bordered on steampunk, to Southshore and is in the process of being done
something that somehow incorporates elements to Darkshore. This can also be done tactically,
of nearly every single technological level and and in Darkshore the Forsaken blighted sections
trope (tribal, medieval, enlightenment, modern, of the forest to prevent the Night Elves from
sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk etc) Though as flanking or ambushing them from it.
limitations technology has outpaced their ability
to utilize such technology in ways we would In general, the Horde is more willing to create
deem effective and these tropes are mostly and use superweapons than the Alliance, such
neatly sub-divided by race. as enormous bombs, ancient all powerful
If a situation or enemy army is too massive or artifacts and more.
urgent for smaller armies to take, they can group
up into larger forces. This was done in
Lordaeron, in the Broken Shore and during the WITHDRAWAL
Outland invasion in Burning Crusade. Against While the Horde might retreat, they are
enemies that would turn that advantage against notoriously adverse to surrender. Indeed, they
them (i.e. necromancers) they can instead utilize view such an act deeply dishonorable and, in the
roving bands of legendary champions combined Southern Barrens, orc prisoners were obligated
with high tech firepower like gunships to destroy to seek suicide by combat from the shame of
the enemy through precise strikes, like they did imprisonment. They are a warmongering faction
to the Lich King in Icecrown. and their very battle cry “Lok’tar Ogar” means
“Victory or Death”. While there are some
These adaptions are not only limited to the large circumstances where they would accept a white
scale but also appear on the small scale as well. peace, and others where they might retreat from
If the enemy deploys tunnels, the shamans will the battlefield, they are extremely difficult to get
try to use earth elements to collapse them or, if to surrender.
the enemy brings a powerful design, the goblins
will try to steal it (this was done with the Azerite
Tank and Steam Armor) New magic is deployed, THE HORDE NAVY
cures are developed to fight against plagues and The Horde Navy is composed of naval forces
a myriad of other adaptions are used to ensure from several different nations. These ships run
victory. on oil, though in stretch times the crafty goblins
can make biofuel from nearby critters.

SubFaction: Orc/Goblin
Type: Escort
Mobility: 5
SubFaction: Sin’dorei Training/Experience:4
Type: Cargo/Escort Crew: 20-40
Mobility: 6 Armaments
Training/Experience:7 5-10 cannon on deck
Boarding Strength: Low-moderate
Crew: 20-40
Destroyers are intermediary warships intended
to fight during naval engagements as well as
Several Ballista on deck or cannons
escort other vessels like transport
Boarding Strength: Low
ships and battleships. These things, crewed
primarily by orcs and goblins, are perhaps the
Elven Destroyers are powerful warships from the
most common Horde ship. Their main utility is
fleets of Quel'thalas. Crewed with highly-skilled
having hulls thick enough than normal cannons
Elven seafarers, these swift-sailing vessels are
cannot penetrate.
prepared to engage the enemy wherever they
may be found. Elven destroyers of the trireme
hull type employ "junk sails" in a "schooner rig".
This sail configuration is characterized by good
windward handling and generally good speed
across all sailing points (but less from running
with the wind). This is consistent with the idea
that the elven destroyer is a fast, highly
maneuverable warship.

-Forsaken ships have Blight catapults attached

instead of cannons. These blight catapults have
been upgraded to be rapid fire thanks to goblin SubFaction: Forsaken
Type: Ship of the Line
engineering and upon impact they melt flesh and
Mobility: 4
armor to skeleton. Training/Experience:5
Crew: 40-100 (real world equivalent)
6-12 Cannons (some variants)
Several Plague Catapults
Boarding Strength: Low-moderate
Scourge battleships appeared during the Third
War. After their liberation, Forsaken battleships
(previously referred to as destroyers) are now CARRIER
Forsaken warships in service to the Horde that
were first seen around the Howling Fjord.

The Forsaken do not have a harbor or any dry

docks. The Forsaken navy is composed of ships
dredged up from the bottom of the ocean. Most
of them were once among Lordaeron's fleets,
though they are capable of being built, if
necessary. . The Forsaken battleships have
been equipped with Forsaken catapults,
providing their ships with projectile weapons that
work on enemy ships and air.. According to
Sylvanas Windrunner, the Bilgewater Cartel Subfaction: Mag’har
have modified the catapults to be faster and Type: Carrier
more powerful. Indeed, in game this blight turns Mobility: 3
gryphons to skelatons instantly. Training/Experience:4-5
Crew: Dozens Armaments
A (Starts 1:50) At least 6 cannons
If equivalent to the gunship, up to thirty fixed
wing bombers and gyrocopters
Large vessels of Iron Horde design, very similar
in appearance to dreadnaughts. Used
exclusively during the war in Draenor, by the
Alliance navy, acting as mobile bases for
gyrocopters and bombers. Heavily armored and
generally effective against battleships, but
vulnerable to submarines.


Subfaction: Goblin
Type: Submarine
Mobility: 4
Crew: Couple dozen
Several Torpedos
Submersible and amphibious craft of gnomish
design, capable of carrying out many different
types of operations. Modern version first
deployed in the wake of the Cataclysm. The Subfaction: Zandalari
goblins initially tried to utilize giant sea turtles, Type: Ship of the Line
Mobility: 5
though they eventually caved and stole gnomish Training/Experience:4-5
technology. Heavily armored and possessing a Crew: Dozens to Potentially a couple hundred
varied array of weaponry. The Goblin variant Armaments
kind of resembles a squid. 6-20 (+) Ballistas
The Golden Fleet is the name given to the
collective naval force of the Zandalari Empire.
Based from their home island of Zandalar, the Darkshore, it is given small missile launchers
Zandalari fleet is one of the most powerful on instead.
Azeroth, despite recent hardships for the nation.
Though the Zandalari civilization is ancient, its
legendary fleet has only come into existence MAG’HAR DREADNOUGHT
since it became an island nation following the
Great Sundering.

They are armed with ballistas, with bolts that can

be set on fire and seem to have a explosive

Subfaction: Mag’har
Type: Ship of the Line
Mobility: 5
Crew: Hundreds easily
10 cannons along the sides covering all angles
(including rear) and larger than normal

One super large cannon on deck with swiveling

turret capable of firing an Iron Star
Two cannons mounted in the tower
Possibility of further armament.

Dreadnaughts, are large armored battleships

equipped with heavy cannons in the employ of
the Iron Horde and later the Mag’har. These
spectacular ships are perhaps the largest known
vessel in the Horde navy, armored entirely in
Subfaction: Goblin iron and thus armored against normal cannon
Type: Boat and projectiles.
Mobility: 7
Crew: 1-2
Cannon or Rockets
6E Small boat with propeller given a cannon . In
 Integration: They are a highly diverse force
of many different philosophies and
specializations that are nevertheless capable  Troop Expenditure: The Horde population
of integrating successfully on the battlefield. is not what it once was, thanks to all these
minor conflicts adding up.
 Seen It All: Thanks to the sheer number of
Warcraft expansions and foes, the Horde  Technological Overextension: While the
has the benefit of having encountered a Horde has technology in spades, the rate of
overwhelming number of ideas, magic, growth has outsped tactical doctrine and
technology and strategies. All of these were, thus they might not be used as efficiently as
if not neutralized, then at least dealt with in they could.
some manner to achieve overall victory.
There is no easy win option to beat the

 Impressive Firepower : Even greater than

their Alliance rivals, the Mag’har and Goblins
specialize in high yield weaponry.

 Common Magic: The ratio for magic users

to normal fighters is somewhere between

 Superhuman Warriors: With the possible

exceptions of the Goblins & Vulpera, the
entire Horde force is superhuman in some
form, being stronger, more agile or durable
than humans in some form.

 Win by any means: Under Sylvanas’s

leadership, the Horde has shown a
willingness to deploy wantonly necromancy
backed by chemical weaponry, high yield
explosives and dark spells. If hostages and
terroistic tactics work, they will use that too.

 Intelligence: The Alliance has numerous

intelligence agencies with a demonstrated
background in assassination, infiltration and

 Honor or Pragmatism?: The use of “Win by
Any Means” has somewhat strained relations
between the more traditional members of the
Horde, like Baine & Saurfang who feel its
dishonorable, and elements like Jastor &
Sylvanas, who are willing to freely utilize it.
These relationship issues could grow
depending on how honorable the enemy is.

 Some Cohesion Problems: The above

sometimes leads to increasing cohesion
issues in a given force.

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