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Which Way Do We Go in The Teaching of Biology? Concept Mapping, Cooperative Learning or Learning Cycle?

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International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research Vol. 4(2), pp.

18 - 29, February 2013

Available online
DOI: 10.5897/IJSTER12.008
ISSN 2141-6559 ©2013 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Which way do we go in the teaching of biology?

Concept mapping, cooperative learning or learning
Ajaja, O. Patrick
Department of Science Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. E-mail:
Tel: 08037230550.
Accepted July 11 2012

The major purpose of this study was to compare the relative effectiveness of concept mapping,
cooperative learning and learning cycle methods with the intention of identifying which one among
them will be most appropriate for teaching biology. To guide this study, five hypotheses were stated
and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The design of the study was pre-test, post-test, follow-up post-
test control group quasi experimental design. The sample of the study consisted of four mixed
secondary schools, 259 students and eight biology teachers. The major findings of the study include:
significant effect of the three instructional methods on achievement and retention; students in the
learning cycle and cooperative leaning groups significantly out scored those in the concept mapping
group on achievement and retention tests; students in learning cycle and cooperative learning groups
did not significantly differ on achievement and retention tests; males and females in all the three
groups did not significantly differ on the achievement test; and non significant interaction effect
between sex and method of instruction on achievements. It was concluded that the adoption of either
learning cycle or cooperative learning strategies will be appropriate for the teaching and learning of

Key words: Concept mapping, cooperative learning, cycle, retention.


There are several perspectives in ways in which pupils experienced with the transmission approach led to the
learn (Bennett, 2003). Four of these perspectives which development of other views of science teaching and
have been known to particularly influence science learning.
education are: transmission of knowledge; discovery Discovering learning involves presenting pupils with
learning; developmental view of learning; and information in a form which requires them to discover
constructivism. The history of science teaching has relationships within the information, and to structure and
evolved from the transmission of knowledge approach make sense of the information and relationship (Bennett,
through discovery approach to constructivism where we 2003). This form of self-directed learning could promote
are now. higher forms of thinking with the aid of meta cognitive
The transmission view of teaching and learning sees strategies (Borich, 2004). Discovery learning sees pupils
teachers as passing over their knowledge to their pupils as having a much more active role in their learning, and
(Bennett, 2003). This view Bennett noted is strongly proponents of this approach argued that the enhanced
linked to expository teaching, where the teachers stand in learning by learners is due to their active participation in
front and tell their pupils about scientific ideas. The learning process.
transmission view implies that pupils’ role in the learning The use of discovery approach for teaching and
process is largely passive, and that a pupil’s mind is what learning has been associated with science education for
is sometimes called “tabula rasa”- a blank state onto over one hundred years now. The school science
which knowledge can be written. The limitations curriculum which adopted the discovery approach to
Ajaja 19

teaching emphasized the presentation of science to learning, students gets opportunities to physically interact
pupils as a way in which they could conduct their own with instructional materials and engage in varied kinds of
inquires into the nature of things. Discovery learning in activities. This position therefore, suggests that for
science placed a strong emphasis on practical work effective learning to take place students must be actively
organized in such a way that pupils made observations, involved in the learning process.
looked for patterns and came up with possible The principle of a concept map is that it provides a
explanation for those patterns. visual means of showing connections and relationships
After a long use of discovery approach for teaching and between a hierarchy of ideas ranging from the very
learning of science, it became apparent that there were concrete to the abstract (Ajaja, 2009; Bennett, 2003).
limitations with the approach. Bennett (2003) reported Ajaja (2011) noted that concept maps help in
that questions were asked about the appropriateness of understanding ideas by showing the connections with
asking pupils to “discover” things for themselves when other ideas. The history of development of concept
both teachers and pupils knew that the answers were mapping as an instructional tool can be traced to the
already there in the form of currently accepted scientific early work of Ausubel and others in the 1970s (Ajaja,
theories. There was also a question mark over the nature 2011). Continuing, Ajaja noted that since its introduction,
of the understanding pupils developed – left to their own the concept map has become a very useful tool in
devices, to what extent do pupils “discover” the teaching and learning and particularly in science
scientifically accepted explanations of the phenomena education research. Literature on concept mapping
they experience. These identified limitations and indicates that it has been used for instruction,
criticisms levied against discovery learning paved the assessment and learning (Novak and Musonda, 1991;
way for a shift in research efforts from discovery learning Power and Wright, 1992; Trowbridge and Bybee, 1996;
to constructivism. Johnson and Raven, 1998).
The notion that learning is influenced by prior Isolated studies from literature on the effects of concept
experiences and ideas led to the development of what mapping when used as an instructional tool for teaching
has become the dominant view of learning in science and learning indicated its relevance in improving the
education today- constructivism (Bennett, 2003; cognitive and affective aspects of learning. A study
Trowbridge and Bybee, 1996). Constructivist view of conducted by Ajaja (2011) determined the effects of
learning holds that people construct their own meanings concept mapping as a study skill on students’
from what they experience, rather than acquiring achievement in biology. The major findings of this study
knowledge from other sources. The impact and indicated a significant and consistent improvement in
development of this view led to the development of biology achievement as the period of experience with the
different strategies now employed in the teaching and use of the method increased. Also students who used
learning of science. Specific examples among concept mapping as a study skill retained biological
constructivist approaches include concept mapping, knowledge longer than those who reviewed the concepts
cooperative learning and learning cycle. they were assigned to. All the students in the concept
Literature on concept mapping (Turkmen et al., 2005; mapping classroom interviewed agreed that concept
Cardak and Dikmenli, 2008; Tastan et al., 2008), maps helped them not only in the determination of the
cooperative learning and learning cycle show that they all relationships among the concepts but also shaped their
share complimentary objectives of engaging students in understanding of the concepts and increased their critical
the learning process and promoting higher thought thinking. The findings of Hall et al. (1992) and Kinchin
processes and more authentic behaviours required for (2000a, 2000b) are similar to this research finding.
scientific and technological development. It was this Kinchin (2000a) found a significant impact of concept
finding which propelled this study with the sole purpose of mapping when used for instructing secondary school
identifying the most appropriate strategy among them biology students. Kinchin (2000b), in a study comparing
which best suits the teaching and learning of biology. the effect of the use of concept mapping as a study skill
Over the years, research and curriculum development on students’ achievement, found a positive effect on
have shown that effective instruction is much more than students who used concept maps to revise and
the presentation of a concept, process, or skills summarize the materials given. On the effect of concept
(Trowbridge and Bybee, 1996). The major concern of mapping for attitudinal change, the studies by Markow
science education researchers is the identification of the and Lonning (1998) and Eravwoke (2011) found a
best instructional methods/strategies which will enable all significant and positive effect on students’ attitude when
learners to learn effectively. Wise and Okey (1983) stated used for better understanding of chemistry concepts.
that effective science classroom appears to be one in Bennett (2003) identified two major limitations of the
which students are active, kept aware of instructional use of concept mapping in instruction. First, they are not
objectives and receive feedback on their progress easy to construct, and respondents require training and
towards the stated objectives. In classroom where elem- practice in producing maps. Second, there are difficulties
ents of constructivism are incorporated in teaching and with the interpretation of concept maps in particular with
20 Int. J. Sci. Technol. Educ. Res.

devising appropriate ways of scoring to enable valid cess in the traditional classroom.
comparisons to be made. These limitations are found to A more recent study by Ajaja and Eravwoke (2010) still
frustrate low achievers in mastering the techniques reaffirmed the ability of cooperative learning when used
required for the use. as an instructional strategy to bring about significant
The cooperative learning approach to instruction is improvement in students’ achievement in school science
where students are arranged in pairs or small groups to subjects. Ajaja and Eravwoke (2010) studied the effect of
help each other learn assigned material (Trowbridge and cooperative learning strategy on students’ achievement in
Bybee, 1996). Interaction among students in cooperative Integrated Science. The findings of the study indicated
learning groups is intense and prolonged (Borich, 2004). that: students in cooperative learning group outscored
Unlike self-directed inquiry, in cooperative learning those in the lecture group in an achievement test; a
groups, students gradually take responsibility for each higher attitude score by students in cooperative learning
other’s learning. Trowbridge and Bybee (1996) identified group than those in the lecture group; and a non –
four basic elements in cooperative learning models. significant difference in achievement scores between
These basic elements include: small groups must be male and female students in the cooperative learning
structured for positive interdependence, face-to-face group.
interactions, individual accountability, and use of Moyer et al. (2007) noted that the learning cycle model
interpersonal and small group skills. of learning and teaching has evolved for the past 40
Cooperative learning has been found to be very useful years. The emergence of this model was influenced by
in several areas and prominent among them are: helping the work of Jean Piaget and its application by Robert
learners to acquire from the curriculum the basic Karplus who thought of how to apply cognitive
cooperative attitudes and values they need to think development theory and discovery learning to
independently inside and outside the classroom (Johnson instructional strategies in elementary science. Atkin and
et al., 1990); promoting the communication of pre – social Karplus (1962), with the support of the national science
behaviour, encouraging high thought processes and foundation, developed a three phase learning cycle that
fostering concept understanding and achievement. served as the central teaching/learning strategy in the
Cooperative learning brings together in adult like settings newly introduced science curriculum improvement study
which, when carefully planned and executed can provide (SCIS) programme.
appropriate models of social behaviour (Stevens and There are three phases to the learning cycle:
Slavin, 1995). Stevens and Slavin (1995), stressing the Exploration, Invention, and Discovery and were first used
importance of cooperative learning, noted that if all of the in the SCIS programme (Trowbridge and Bybee, 1996).
preceding benefits of cooperative learning were not Continuing, they noted that these terms were modified to
enough, the fact that it has been linked to increase in the Exploration, Concept Introduction and Concept
academic achievement of learners at all ability levels is Application by Karplus. Moyer et al. (2007) reported the
another reason for its use. Cooperative learning is known observation of Barman and Kofar (1989) and Hackett and
to actively engage students in the learning process and Moyer (1991) that the cycle has evolved through
seeks to improve the critical thinking, reasoning, and modification to include additional phases such as
problem solving skills of the leaner (Bramlett, 1994; engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration,
Megnin, 1995; Webb et al., 1995). extension and application, and is used to frame single
A review of studies on the effects of cooperative guided discovery lesson as well as extend experiences
learning on students’ achievement indicated that all the such as chapters and units. Moyer et al. (2007) noted
researchers made similar discoveries (Ajaja and that a fifth phase, evaluation, was incorporated into an
Eravwoke, 2010). Specifically Ajaja and Eravwoke noted elementary science programme developed by the
that studies by Stevens and Slavin (1995), Bramlet Biological Science Curriculum Study (Biological Science
(1994), Megnin (1995), Webb et al. (1995), Glassman Curriculum Study, 1992). The learning cycle format
(1989), Johnson et al. (1986) and Crooby and Owens adopted in this study is the Bybee’s (1997) five steps of
(1993) found that cooperative learning gains are not Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration and
limited to a particular ability level or sex but to all who Evaluation.
engage in it. Study of Stevens and Slavin (1995), for Most empirical studies on the effectiveness of learning
example, linked cooperative learning to increase in cycle when used as an instructional strategy found
academic achievement of learners at all ability levels significant improvement in students’ achievement,
while studies by Glassman (1989) and Johnson et al. retention, attitude and correction of misconceptions.
(1986) found cooperative learning to emphasize the Studies by Pulat (2009), Cardak et al. (2008), Nuhoglu
status and respect for all group members, regardless of and Yalcin (2006), Baser (2008), Whilder and
gender. Very importantly, the study by Crosby and Shuttleworth (2004), Lee (2003) and Lord (1999) found
Owens (1993) found that different cooperative learning that students’ achievement improved after the instruction
strategies can be employed to help low ability students to of 5E learning cycle. Specifically, the empirical study by
improve achievement, who had difficulties making suc- Lee (2003) found that the students acquired knowledge
Ajaja 21

about plants in daily life easier and understood the gap which exists in literature which needs to be filled to
concepts better when taught with learning cycle. Pulat enable researchers and science teachers fully appreciate
(2009), in another study, determined the impact of 5E the roles and effects of these three instructional
learning cycle on sixth grade students’ mathematics strategies in the teaching and learning of science.
achievement and attitude towards mathematics. The Specifically, comparing biology teaching and learning
results showed that the students’ mathematics with these three strategies, the statement of the problem
achievement improved after the instruction of learning therefore is, will the application of concept mapping,
cycle. Cardak et al. (2008) determined the effect of 5E cooperative learning and learning cycle teaching
learning cycle on primary school students’ science strategies in teaching and learning of biology produce
achievement. The results showed that the students’ similar effects on students achievement, retention and
science achievement improved after the instruction of 5E between males and females?
learning cycle.
On retention, studies by Ajaja (1998) and Nuhoglu and Research questions
Yalcin (2006) found that learning cycle enhanced the
retention of science knowledge. Nuhoglu and Yalcin To guide this study, the following research questions
specifically emphasized that learning cycle makes were raised and answered.
knowledge long lasting and that students become more 1) Is there any effect of the experimental and control
capable to apply their knowledge in other areas outside methods of instruction on students’ achievement?
the original context. 2) Is there any difference in biology achievement among
On attitude, literature generally indicated a general students taught with concept mapping, cooperative
improvement in students’ attitude when they are taught learning, learning cycle, and lecture methods?
with 5E learning cycle. Specifically studies conducted by 3) Is there any difference in biology achievement
Lord (1999), Whilder and Shuttleworth (2004) and Ceylan between males and females taught with concept
(2008) found significant differences in attitude gains mapping, cooperative learning and learning cycle?
between the experimental and control groups in favour of 4) Is there any difference in the retention of biological
the experimental groups. However, the study conducted knowledge among students taught with concept mapping,
by Kaynor (2007) on the effect of 5E on attitude towards cooperative learning and learning cycle?
science indicated that although there were attitude gains 5) Is there any interaction effect between method of
by the experimental groups, the gains were not instruction and sex on biology achievement?
From the foregoing, attempt has been made in
describing the features of the three instructional Research hypotheses
strategies currently known to be very effective for science The following null hypotheses were stated and tested at
teaching and learning (concept mapping, cooperative 0.05 level of significance to further direct this study.
learning and learning cycle) with the intention of isolating
the most effective one among them for recommendation H01: There is no significant effect of the use of concept
for the teaching and learning of biology. Specifically this mapping, cooperative learning, learning cycle and lecture
study compared the effectiveness of the three methods of teaching on achievement.
instructional strategies using the parameters of concept H02: There is no significant difference in biology
understanding measured with achievement score, sex achievement among students taught with concept
biases of methods and retention of biological knowledge. mapping, cooperative learning, learning cycle, and
lecture methods.
H03: There is no significant difference in biology
Statement of the problem achievement between male and female students taught
with concept mapping, cooperative and learning cycle
This study was propelled by the very interesting teaching strategies.
discoveries from literature that concept mapping, H04: There is no significant difference in the retention of
cooperative learning and learning cycle instructional biological knowledge among students taught with concept
strategies significantly affect students’ achievement, mapping, cooperative learning and learning cycle
attitude and retention of scientific knowledge. This teaching strategies.
development indicates a significant breakthrough in H05: There is no significant interaction effect between
science education research in the identification and method of instruction and sex on achievement.
creation of a learning environment where all students can
learn equally and effectively too. However, a question METHODOLOGY
may be asked as whether these three instructional
Design of the study
approaches will produce the same effects on students in
their study of different school science subjects. This is a The design used for this study was a 4 x 2 x 3 pre-test, post-test
22 Int. J. Sci. Technol. Educ. Res.

non equivalent control group quasi experimental factorial design. St. Charles College, Abavo, who were not part of the study. On
The design consisted of four instructional groups (concept map analysis of the test scores using Kuder-Richardson 21 formula, a
group, cooperative group, learning cycle group and lecture group), reliability index of 0.86 was obtained. This proved that the
two sexes (male and female) and repeated testing (pre-test, post- instrument was reliable and thus suitable for the study. The
test and follow-up test). The independent variable was the reliability index of 0.86 found perfectly agreed with the established
instructional strategies while the dependent variables were standard as recommended by Thorndike and Hagen (1997),
immediate achievement and retention of biological knowledge. The Wiseman (1999), Johnson and Christensen (2000), Borich (2004)
moderator variable was sex of students. and Leedy and Ormrod (2005) that reliability has to do with
accuracy and precision of a measurement procedure, a high
reliability value of 0.70 or higher shows that the test is reliable
Sample and sampling technique (accurately) measuring the characteristics it was designed to
measure. With all these findings about the instrument, it was
The samples of the study consisted of four mixed senior secondary administered on the subjects.
schools, eight biology education graduate teachers who have
taught biology for at least five years, eight senior secondary school
class II (SS II) science classes, that is, two classes per school and Treatment procedure
259 students drawn from 40 public secondary schools in Ika South
Local Government Area of Delta State. The treatment procedure adopted was the combination of three
The selected schools for the study which was done randomly treatment steps used for similar studies: effects of cooperative
using balloting were first considered for selection after due learning on integrated science students achievement (Ajaja and
consideration of some parameters. The parameters included the Eravwoke, 2010); concept mapping as a study skill: effects on
presence of well equipped biology laboratory, trained and students achievement in biology (Ajaja, 2011) and effects of 5E
experienced biology teacher and school must be mixed. To this learning cycle on students’ achievement in biology and chemistry
end, all the single sex schools and schools without laboratories (Ajaja and Eravwoke, 2012). The eight teachers used as instructors
were isolated from the study. were trained on the skills of using the instructional strategies
compared in the study.

Training of instructors
Two major instruments were used for the study. The instruments
Six of the eight instructors used for the study were trained on the
included: (i) A twelve week instructional unit on biology; and (ii)
skills of using concept maps, cooperative learning and 5E learning
biology achievement test (BAT). The 12 week instructional unit on
cycle for teaching for four days lasting for two hours per day. Three
biology covered the following topics: (1) the cell; (2) diffusion and
other specialists on instruction joined the researcher in training the
osmosis, (3) feeding definition and types and cellular respiration, (4)
instructors on the skills of concept mapping, cooperative learning
photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, and heterotrophy, (5) excretion,
and learning cycle. The first day was spent discussing the theories,
(6) growth, (7) cell reaction to its environment, (8) types of
origins and characteristics of the three instructional strategies
movement, (9) reproduction and (10) tissues and supporting
(concept mapping, cooperative learning and 5E learning cycle). On
the second day, the instructors were trained using the training
The biology achievement test (BAT) consisted of 120 multiple
manuals developed by the researcher; one each for concept
choice test items constructed by the researcher and drawn from the
mapping, cooperative learning and 5E learning cycle. The
12 weeks instructional unit. The test items were arranged into six
instructors for each of the teaching strategies were trained
sets of twenty items each for administration at the end of every two
separately by different resource persons. The training manuals
weeks instruction. The duration for treatment lasted for that long for
specifically defined the steps and stages involved in using concept
the purpose of comprehension of the methods by both teachers and
maps, cooperative learning and 5E learning cycle for teaching, and
the specific roles teachers and students play in each stage. The
The validity of the biology achievement test was done by a panel
third and fourth days were spent on practice and generation of
of three made of two experienced biology teachers drawn from
ideas on how to apply concept maps, cooperative learning and 5E
three public senior secondary schools in Ethiope East Local
learning cycle in the teaching of the selected concepts. The training
Government Area of Delta State and an expert in measurement and
came to a close when the researcher and the three other resource
evaluation. They determined the content validity of the instrument
persons were convinced that the biology teachers trained can
by critically examining the test items and relating them to the
accurately apply the strategies in teaching the selected concepts.
content of the 12 weeks instructional units. The panel’s approval of
the test items as being able to measure what it intends to measure
led to the use of the instrument for the study. Step by step treatment procedure
To determine the reliability of the instrument, the procedure
followed by Ajaja and Eravwoke (2010) in a similar study was The treatment groups consisted of:
adopted. The battery of achievement tests was constructed by
adopting a discrimination power capability of the test to discriminate a) Experimental groups (concept mapping group, cooperative
between high and low achievement of 0.3 and 0.7 as being learning group, and 5E learning cycle groups); and
acceptable. All the test items, with discrimination power of below b) Control group (lecture method group)
0.3 and higher than 0.7 were removed and reconstructed. On
difficulty level of test items, a difficulty level of between 25 to 80% A week before the commencement of treatment, all the eight
was accepted. Items with difficulty level of below and above the biology instructors used for the study were given extracts which
specified range were removed and replaced. Specifically, the contained the contents in the twelve week instructional unit. The
reliability index of the instrument was determined by adopting the extracts were taken from Modern Biology for Senior Secondary
Kuder-Richardson 21 formula. This involved the administration of Schools by Ramalingan (2008) and Biology: Principle and
the Biology achievement test (BAT) to 65 SSII biology students in Exploration by Johnson and Raven (1998). Lesson notes written on
Ajaja 23

each of the concepts in the 12 week instructional unit using the provide task assistance; (15) teaching collaborative skills; (16)
concept mapping, cooperative learning and 5E learning cycle provide closure for the lesson; (17) evaluate the quality and quantity
teaching formats were given to the specific teachers assigned to of students’ learning; and (18) assess how well the groups function.
use the various instructional strategies for teaching. This was done
to ensure that all the instructional presentations followed the 5E Learning cycle classroom: In the learning cycle classroom,
recommended format for the designated classes. The lesson notes the teachers who taught there performed the following activities by
specified both the teachers and students activities during applying the procedures recommended by Trowbridge and Bybee
instruction. (1996) strictly. The stages are as follows:
Two days before the commencement of instruction, both the
experimental and control groups were pre-tested with the 120 items Engagement
Biology Achievement Test (BAT). This was done to determine the
equivalence of the groups before treatment and be sure that any Those teachers posed problems to get the students’ attention. This
noticed change later was due to the treatment. On treatment, for was followed by pre-assessing students’ prior knowledge on the
the control group, each and all the contents in the 12 week topics. They went ahead to inform students of the objectives of the
instructional unit were presented to the students using lecture lessons. The students were reminded of what they already know
method. The two teachers who taught the control groups presented that they need to apply in learning the topics at hand. The teachers
the content materials to the students in their final forms. In the finally posed problems for students to explore in the next phase of
experimental classrooms where concept mapping, cooperative the learning cycle. This formed the point from where the next lesson
learning and 5E learning cycle instructional strategies were applied, begins.
the following activities were performed. To evaluate engagement, the teachers asked specific questions
on the topics at hand to determine their prior knowledge. These the
Concept mapping classroom: Subjects in this group were students answered orally.
introduced to and trained on how to construct concept maps
following the procedures of Novak and Gowin (1984). For example, Exploration
to create a concept map, start with what you already know. Build
from what is familiar. What are the key components or ideas in the The purpose of exploration is to have students collect data that they
topic you are trying to understand? Place each concept in its own can use to solve the problems that were posed. The teachers
individual cycle, box or other geometrical shapes. Label each arrow specifically asked the students to do the following: (i) Think freely
with descriptive terms so that your diagram can be read as a but within the objectives of the lesson; (ii) test predictions and
statement or proposition by following interconnections from top to hypotheses; (iii) form new predictions and hypotheses; (iv) try
down. With these steps learned and understood, the students alternatives and discuss them with others; (v) record your
practiced the construction of several concept maps before the observations and ideas; and (vi) suspend judgment.
commencement of instruction. To evaluate exploration, the teacher asked themselves the
On treatment, the students taught with concept mapping strategy following questions in their minds: (i) How well are the data being
were asked to read the extracts they were presented and construct collected by students? (ii) Are the procedures being carried out
a pre – instruction concept map. This was followed with 60 min pre correctly? (iii) How are the collected data being recorded? (iv) Is it
– study instruction on concepts in the various week’s instruction. orderly?
After this, the students did the study, and turned in assignments at
the end of every week’s instruction. The students in the Explanation
experimental group were found to have restructured their concept
maps briefly during the class instruction and extensively as The teachers engaged the students in discussion and asked them
homework after each week’s instruction. This post instruction to do the following at the explanation stage:
concept map constituted the experimental group’s understanding of
the concepts learned in the units of instruction. i) Explain your answers to others;
ii) Listen critically to one another’s explanations;
Cooperative learning classroom: The students in each group iii) Question one another’s explanation;
were four. The teachers in the cooperative – learning group iv) Listen to and try to comprehend explanations offered by the
incorporated the basic elements of cooperative learning into the teacher;
group’s experience: positive interdependence, face – to – face v) Refer to previous activities to guide your explanations; and
interaction, individual accountability, social skill development, and vi) Use recorded observations in explanation.
group processing as recommended by Johnson et al. (1990). In
addition, the teachers specified both the academic and social skill The teachers at this stage introduced new vocabulary, phrases, or
objectives, explained the tasks and goal structures, assigned roles sentences to label what the students have already found out – and
within the groups and described the procedure for the learning guide them to arrive at correct conclusions.
activities as demonstrated by Trowbridge and Bybee (1996). During To evaluate explanation, the teachers asked the students
the treatment period, students in the cooperative learning questions on the process of data collection and use of the data in
classrooms were instructed by the teachers who followed the explanation and arriving at conclusions. The teachers also asked
guidelines learned during their training. The highlight of the students questions on the introduced terms to determine their
contents in the training manual included the following: (1) stating comprehension.
the objectives for the lesson; (2) deciding on group size; (3)
deciding on who is to be in the group; (4) deciding on the room
arrangement; (5) deciding on the instructional materials to promote The teachers gave students new information that extended what
interdependence; (6) deciding on roles to ensure interdependence; they have been learning in the earlier parts of the learning cycle.
(7) explain the assignment; (8) explain collaborative goal; (9) The questions raised at this level enabled the students to do the
explain individual accountability; (10) explain intergroup following:
cooperation, (11) explain the criteria for success; (12) explain the
specific cooperative behaviours; (13) monitor student’s work; (14) i) Apply new definitions, explanations and skills in new but similar
24 Int. J. Sci. Technol. Educ. Res.

Table 1. Comparison of pre and post test achievement means of concept mapping, cooperative learning, learning
cycle and lecture (control) groups and t – test comparison of pre and post test means.

Group N Pre-test Χ Post-test Χ df t Critical t

Concept mapping 64 25.28 43.42 63 18.07 2.00
Cooperative learning 67 25.40 49.41 66 19.630 1.994
Learning cycle 69 25.45 50.21 68 21.90 1.994
Lecture (control) 59 25.39 36.97 58 9.143 2.00

Table 2. ANOVA Comparison of pre – test scores of concept mapping, cooperative learning, learning cycle and
lecture (control) groups.

Source of variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between groups 552.6957 3 184.2319 2.175247 0.091233 2.63779
Within groups 23036.96 272 84.69469
Total 23589.65 275

situations; RESULTS
ii) Use pervious information to ask questions, propose solutions,
make decisions and design experiments;
iii) Draw reasonable conclusions from evidence; Table 1 showed that on the pre-test scores, all the groups
iv) Record observation and explanations; and in the experimental and control groups were equivalent
v) Check the understanding among peers. on the knowledge of the concepts taught before
treatment by mere comparison of their means. This was
In the evaluation of elaboration, the teachers asked exactly the confirmed with ANOVA test. The ANOVA comparison of
kinds of questions which come under evaluation. The question the groups as shown in Table 2 indicated non-significant
types are shown under evaluation below. difference F = 2.1752, P ≥ 0.05. On the post-test scores,
Table 1 indicated that students taught with learning cycle
scored the highest marks. This was followed by students
in the cooperative learning, concept mapping and lecture
These kinds of question were asked students by the teachers at the
(control) groups respectively. All the experimental groups
end of the lesson.
scored higher marks than the control group. On the t –
i) Open-ended questions by using observations, evidence, and
test comparison of the pre-test and post-test means, the
previously accepted explanation; table indicated significant effects of the experimental and
ii) Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge of the concept of control methods on achievement. With this result, Ho1
skills; was therefore rejected.
iii) Evaluate students own progress and knowledge; and Table 3 which compared achievement test scores of
iv) Related questions that would encourage future investigation.
students in the experimental (concept map, cooperative
learning and learning cycle) groups and the control group
At the end of every two week’s instruction a post achievement test
of 20 items was administered to both the experimental and control
(lecture) indicated a significant difference among the
groups. The students test scores were averaged at the end of the groups. The calculated F was found to be greater than
12 weeks of instruction to present a single test score. Four weeks the critical F, which implies that F = 20.557, P < 0.05.
after the post test, a follow-up test using the same instrument was With this result, Ho2 was therefore rejected. The post hoc
administered to the three groups in the experimental group and the analysis using Scheffe test shown in Table 4, to
contrast group with the intention of estimating the retention of the determine the direction of the noticed significance
knowledge taught after that period of treatment.
Two statistics were used for the analysis of the collected data.
indicated the following: (i) all the students in the
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test for significant experimental groups significantly outscored those in the
differences among achievement test score means for the control control group; (ii) students in the cooperative learning and
and the experimental groups. Analysis of variance was used to learning cycle groups significantly outscored those in the
compare the males and females in the three experimental groups concept map group and; (iii) students in the cooperative
on achievement. For paired samples, t – test was used to test for
learning and learning cycle groups did not significantly
significant difference between students’ pre-instructional and post-
instructional test scores. Analysis of variance was also used to differ from one another.
compare the retention among the experimental groups. In Table 5, the ANOVA comparison of post test scores
Ajaja 25

Table 3. ANOVA summary table comparing concept mapping, cooperative learning, learning cycle and lecture (control) groups on
achievement with pre-test as co-variant.

Source of variation Type III sum of square df MS F Sig.

Corrected model 16193.423a 7 2313.346 27.297 0.000
Intercept 11369.407 1 11369.407 134.157 0.000
Pre 8263.709 1 8263.709 97.511 0.000
Method 7296.140 3 2432.047 20.557 0.000
Sex 46.823 1 46.823 0.894 0.345
Method * sex 78.817 3 26.272 0.501 0.682
Error 21271.462 251 84.747
Total 568086.790 259

Table 4. Scheffe post – hoc teat to compare the experimental and control groups.

Dependent variable (I) Method of instruction (J) method of instruction Mean difference Std. error (1-J) Sig.
5E learning cycle -13.42444* 1.92869 0.000
Lecture group group concept mapping -6.63739* 1.96311 0.011
Cooperative group -12.62163* 1.94192 0.000

Lecture group 13.42444* 1.92869 0.000

5E learning cycle group Concept mapping 6.78705* 1.88764 0.005
Cooperative group .80281 1.86559 0.980
Lecture group 6.63739* 1.96311 0.011
Concept mapping 5E learning cycle group -6.78705* 1.88764 0.005
Cooperative group -5.98424* 1.90115 0.021

Lecture group 12.62163* 1.94192 0.000

Cooperative group 5E learning cycle group 0.80281 1.86559 0.980
Concept mapping 5.98424* 1.90115 0.021

Table 5. Comparison of post-test scores of males and females in concept mapping, cooperative learning and learning cycle group by mean
and ANOVA.

Groups N Male Χ Male (N) Female Χ Female df F Fcrit

Concept mapping 64 42.57 34 43.61 30 63 0.2020 3.9958
Cooperative learning 67 50.71 32 48.84 34 66 0.6205 3.9909
5E Learning cycle 69 48.73 37 50.74 32 68 0.5192 3.9840
Lecture method 59 37.144 29 36.43 30 58 0.0619 4.0098

scores of males and females in concept mapping, between the males and females in the various
cooperative learning and learning cycle groups indicated instructional groups.
that the scores of males and females in the various Table 6, which compared the mean estimated retention
groups are not significantly different. In all the groups, the of students taught with concept mapping, cooperative
calculated F values were less than the critical F values. learning and learning cycle, indicated that students taught
With this finding, Ho3 was retained because there were with the 5E learning cycle method retained most of the
really no significant differences in post test scores biological knowledge (90.7%) than those taught with
26 Int. J. Sci. Technol. Educ. Res.

Table 6. Comparison of Χ scores of groups taught with concept mapping, cooperative learning and learning cycle on retention.
Groups N Average SD
5E learning cycle group 69 90.7 4.77
Cooperative group 67 88.43731 6.55
Concept mapping 64 81.1125 6.14

Table 7. ANOVA summary table comparing students in concept mapping, cooperative learning, and learning cycle on retention.

Source of variation SS df MS F P-value Fcrit

Between groups 8522.108339 3 2840.703 80.6477 1.02E-36 2.640001
Within groups 8982.01892 255 35.22236

concept mapping and cooperative learning, respectively. among these three popular methods for effective
In terms of retention, the group taught with 5E learning teaching and learning.
cycle method was followed by the group taught with The first finding of the study indicated that all the
cooperative method (88.44%) while the group taught with experimental methods and the control method compared
concept mapping had the least (81.11%). Table 7, which had significant effects on students’ achievement in
compared whether the noticed differences in retention biology. Since the post test scores of all the students in
scores among the students taught with concept mapping, all the groups were significantly greater than their pre-test
cooperative learning and 5E learning cycle methods were scores it therefore follows that the post achievement test
significant, with ANOVA, indicated a significant scores earned were not by chance but is a result of
difference, F = 48.1174, P 3.0417 < 0.05. With this treatment with the prescribed instructional methods. This
finding, Ho4 was rejected because the estimated retention implied that all the methods compared have the potential
of the students taught with concept mapping, cooperative to cause learning to take place but at varying degrees,
learning and 5E learning cycle was significantly different. which is the basis for this study. The ability of this study
In Table 3, a non-significant interaction effect was to establish a cause and effect relationship as found,
found between sex and method of instruction on perfectly agreed with the principle of experimental
immediate post – test achievement. This was based on research as recommended by Borich (2004), Johnson
the fact that the calculated F value is less than the critical and Christenson (2000) and Wiseman (1999). They all
F value, F = 0.501, P > 0.05. With this result, Ho5 was stated that in an experimental research, a treatment must
retained because the sex of the students did not really be confirmed to be responsible for any difference noticed.
combine with the methods of instruction to influence their Another finding of this study was a significant difference
post test scores in the various instructional groups. in achievement scores among the experimental and
The major focus of research in science education is to control groups. The variations in achievement scores
isolate the appropriate methods and strategies which can among the groups may be due to the variation in the
guarantee effective teaching and cause effective learning teaching strategies adopted in each of the groups’ and
by students. A review of literature on instructional subjects’ comprehension of the methods of instruction.
methods and strategies indicated that several new These may again have translated into influencing
methods and strategies are periodically discovered and subject’s scores in the achievement test. The post hoc
recommended for science teaching and learning. For analysis which indicated that all the students taught with
each of these new methods convincing proofs of their concept mapping, cooperative learning and learning cycle
effectiveness in science teaching and learning are strategies outscored those taught with lecture method
demonstrated. It is obvious that not all these strategies suggests that the students in the experimental groups
and methods are appropriate for all subjects and may have been more active in the learning process than
conditions. In most cases, the science teachers are at those in the lecture group and thus have contributed to
cross roads as to which methods or strategies are most their higher achievement scores. This is hinged on the
appropriate for teaching the different science subjects. fact that you learn better by doing. The low achievement
This study, therefore, is not only timely but significant in scores as found among the students taught with lecture
the sense that it will reduce the frustration science method may not be unconnected with the transmission
teachers in general and biology teachers in particular approach involved, where the teachers pass over their
face in their choice of the most appropriate method knowledge to their pupils. Bennett (2003) noted that the
Ajaja 27

transmission view implies that pupil’s role in the learning students irrespective of sex and ability to learn equally.
process is largely passive, and that a pupil’s mind is what This finding is consistent with the findings of earlier
is some-times called a “tabula rasa”. researchers on the same subject matter. Studies by Ajaja
The significant higher achievement of students taught (2011), Kinchin (2000a), Hall et al. (1992) and Candan et
with concept mapping, cooperative learning and 5E al. (2006) on concept mapping; Ajaja and Eravwoke
learning cycle over those taught with lecture method as (2010), Megnin (1995) and Webb et al. (1995) on
found in this study is consistent with the findings of earlier cooperative learning; and Pulat (2009), Lee (2003) and
researchers on this same subject matter. For example, Lord (1999) on 5E learning cycle did not report any
studies by Ajaja (2011) and Kinchin (2000a and 2000b) significant difference in achievement between males and
found significant impact of concept mapping when used females in the various groups studied. They all reported
for instructing secondary school biology students. On that learning gains were not limited to any particular sex.
cooperative learning, studies by Stevens and Slavin The methods used may have influenced the students’
(1995), Megnin (1995), Webb et al. (1995) and Bramlett understanding of the concepts equally that their
(1994) linked cooperative learning to increase in achievement scores fell within a close range.
academic achievement of all learners. Specifically, the On the estimated retention determined with the follow –
study by Ajaja and Eravwoke (2010), on the effects of up post – test, the study found that students taught with
cooperative learning on students’ achievement, indicated the 5E learning cycle, cooperative learning and concept
that students in the cooperative group outscored those in mapping retained a reasonable percentage of the
the lecture group. Considering the studies on the concept taught after four weeks of initial treatment. As
effectiveness of learning cycle, studies by Pulat (2009), shown in Table 5, the order of retention followed this
Baser (2008), Lee (2003) and Lord (1999) found that sequence: 5E learning cycle group (90.7%); cooperative
students’ achievement improved after the instruction of learning group (88.44%) while concept mapping group
learning cycle. For example, Pulat (2009), who (81.11%). The ANOVA comparison of the three
determined the effect of 5E learning cycle on experimental groups indicated significant difference
mathematics achievement, found that students’ among the groups while post hoc analysis on retention
mathematics achievement improved significantly over the indicated that students taught with 5E learning cycle and
control group after their instruction of learning cycle. cooperative learning significantly retained more than
On the noticed significant higher achievement of those taught with concept mapping method. No
students taught with cooperative learning and learning significant difference was however found on retention
cycle over those taught with concept mapping, the between students taught with 5E learning cycle and
limitations ascribed to concept mapping may be the cooperative learning methods. The finding of significant
possible explanation for the lower score. Bennett (2003) retention by students in all the instructional groups
stated that the limitations include: concept maps are not agreed with what initial researchers found using the
easy to construct and respondents need a long period of various methods. Ajaja (2011), Turkmen et al. (2005) and
training and practice before its effective use; and there Kinchin (2000b) found that students who used concept
are difficulties with the interpretation of concept maps, mapping as a study skill retained biological knowledge
and in particular with devising appropriate ways of longer. On cooperative learning, studies by Bramlett
scoring to enable valid comparison to be made. These (1994), Megnin (1995) and Webb et al. (1995) found that
limitations may have frustrated the low achievers cooperative learning improved critical thinking and
particularly and resulted in their lower achievement reasoning which derive their strength from retention.
scores to produce the lower mean score for the group. Study by Nuhoglu and Yalcin (2006) found that learning
The non-significant difference in the achievement scores cycle enhanced the retention of science knowledge.
between students in the cooperative and 5E learning The noticed lower retention of biological knowledge by
cycle groups may be explained with the active students taught with concept mapping than those taught
participation of students in learning process and the with 5E learning cycle and cooperative learning may not
cooperative activities which go on during instruction with be unconnected with the two earlier identified limitations
the two methods. This may have influenced the students’ associated with concept mapping. The problem of the
learning and understanding of the concepts they were difficulties in the construction of concept maps and their
exposed to equally. interpretation as pointed out by Bennett (2003) may have
This study again found a non significant difference frustrated particularly the low ability students in the
between the males and females in the concept mapping, effective learning and retention of the concepts they were
cooperative learning and 5E learning cycle groups. This exposed to. This may have resulted in the lower retention
finding, therefore, suggests that the three instructional found. The non-significant difference on retention
methods are suitable for science teaching and learning. between students in the cooperative learning and 5E
This position is based on the fact that the major objective learning cycle groups as found in this study may be
of science education research is to identify and isolate explained with the very high level of engaging students in
instructional methods and strategies which will enable all the learning process in the two strategies. To apply co-
28 Int. J. Sci. Technol. Educ. Res.

operative learning in the biology teaching involves 18 students should be well trained to acquire the skills
steps while the application of 5E learning cycle in the necessary for its use. The efficient acquisition of the skills
classroom entails five stages, all of which are shown in necessary for its use both by the biology teachers and
the treatment procedure. These series of activities may students will reduce the limitations associated with the
have influenced the internalization of the concepts taught method.
and their eventual retention for a longer time.
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