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Heat Transfer - Course Book - 3rd Semester (Updated)

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Kurdistan Technical Institute-Sulaimani

Petroleum Department – Drilling and Refining

Module Name: Heat Transfer

Module Code: PD-302
Lecturer Name: Moslem Muhammad Amin

Academic year: 2018-2019

3rd Semester

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1. Coursebook outline ...................................................................................................................... 3

2. Module overview ......................................................................................................................... 3
3. Module objective ......................................................................................................................... 4
4. Student’s obligation ..................................................................................................................... 4
5. Forms of teaching ........................................................................................................................ 4
6. Assessment scheme ..................................................................................................................... 4
7. Student learning outcome: .......................................................................................................... 5
8. Module Reading List and References: ......................................................................................... 6
9. The Module Topics ....................................................................................................................... 6
10. Coursework and Exam ................................................................................................................. 7
11. Rules and Instructions to Be Followed by Students for Exams: ................................................... 7
12. The day before the examination.................................................................................................. 8
13. Type of exams questions ............................................................................................................. 8
14. Peer review ................................................................................................................................ 10

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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

1. Coursebook outline

1. Module name Heat Transfer

2. Lecturer in charge Moslem Muhammad
3. Department Petroleum Department – Drilling and Refining
4. Contact e-mail:
5. Time (in hours) per week Theory: 2
Practical: 3
6. Office hours Sunday 9:30 – 12:30
7. Module code PD – 302
8. Teacher's academic profile The instructor in charge of this module is M.
Moslem Muhammad. He attained his BSc and
MSc in chemical engineering. His main field of
research is Transport Phenomena. He has been
teaching and lecturing academic courses since
9. Key Qualifications

2. Module overview

This module is an introductory module in heat transfer. Heat transfer is the branch of science that
deals with the transfer of thermal energy and plays a crucial role in the design of vehicles, power
plants, refrigerators, electronic devices, buildings, bridges, and so on.

Heat transfer science has been developed through years by many scientists such as Joseph Fourier
(1768 – 1830), Josef Stefan (1835 – 1893), Wilhelm Nusselt (1882 – 1957) and many others who
contributed to this. It has three pillars, each one has different nature from the others, named
conduction, convection and radiation.

Using these laws and equations, one can attack any problem in heat transfer. For example, in most
cases, it is necessary to minimize the heat loss from a body or fluid as much as possible. On the
other hand, there are situations where the high rate of heat transfer is desirable.

In petroleum refinery and gas processing, most of the processes rely on equipment in which heat
is transferred between different fluids. For example, in distillation, the core of the process is a
reboiler and a condenser. As an another example, consider the pipes carrying a hot fluid, that
needs proper insulation so that temperature drops is minimized during the journey in large

During this module, subjects are chosen such that benefit students who will graduate as
technicians. The module starts with lectures about the basic principles, and then continues to the
discussion of various types of heat transfer equipment.

Therefore, the knowledge gathered here will enable students to obtain a better view of their
future working place, a refinery or any plant related to petroleum.

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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

3. Module objective

Upon completing this module, students will:

 Gain a knowledge of the basic concepts in heat transfer.
 Receive introductory topics that are required in solving heat transfer problems.
 Gain an understanding of the various heat transfer modes of heat transfer, conduction,
convection and radiation and their mechanism.
 Know how to work with the lab equipment and verify the laws experimentally.
 Gain an understanding of numerous types of heat transfer equipment, their application
and operations.

4. Student’s obligation

The roles and obligations of students taken this subject include the followings:
 Each student should participate and attend in the classrooms (both theoretical and
 The students must appear on time, and be patient until the class is finished.
 Students are expected to engage in classroom discussions and take notes and information
while listening.
 The homework and quizzes must be written on standard A4 paper.
 The students are expected to study outside of the classroom and prepare themselves for
presenting seminars and taking exams.
 The students are expected to finish homework and lab reports before due dates.
 Students need to respect the instructor and their classmates (in and outside) of the
classroom, and avoid any verbal or physical violence.

Note: the above instructions are rooted in academic ethics and are supported by the KTI. Any
infringement will face the law measure.

5. Forms of teaching

The method of delivery for this subject will include but not limited to the followings:
 Lecturing in the form of Power Point presentations.
 Using Google Classroom app for a good communication with the students. Class materials,
assignments or announcements will be published in the classrooms.
 Discussion and question and answer in the class.
 Continuous assessment in the form of exams and seminars to ensure the students are
coming along well with the lectures.

6. Assessment scheme

The assessment of this module has two parts: 50% for the continuous assessment and 50% for the
final exam. Of 50% continuous assessment, each

 10% Report (3% for theoretical + 7% for practical)

 5% Seminar
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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

 20% Midterm exam (8% for theoretical + 12% for practical)

 5% Homework (2% for theoretical + 3% for practical)
 5% Quizzes (2% for theoretical + 3% for practical)
 5% Activity (2% for theoretical + 3% for practical)

 Final exam

 50% of the total mark (20% for theoretical + 30% for practical)
 The type of the final exam will be Composition, true or false, Short explanations, Diagrams,
and short calculations.
 There will be at least four questions,
 The duration of the exam is 2 hours.

- This Subject is worth 8 ECTS (200 hrs of work/16 weeks)

 10 hrs homework
 5 hrs quizzes
 65 hrs lectures
 65 hrs self-study
 15 hrs report assignment
 10 hrs seminar
 10 hrs midterm exam preparation
 20 hrs final exam preparation

7. Student learning outcome:

The student who finishes studying this module, will be able to:
 Understand the basic mechanisms of heat transfer, which are conduction, convection,
and radiation, and Fourier’s law of heat conduction, Newton’s law of cooling, and the
Stefan–Boltzmann law of radiation.
 Distinguish between steady state and unsteady state conduction and apply the lumped
heat capacitance method.
 Understand the concept of thermal resistance to calculate the heat flux in composite
walls and insulation layers.
 Understand the physical mechanism of convection, and its classification.
 Obtain a knowledge of velocity and thermal boundary layers.
 Distinguish between external and internal flows, and laminar and turbulent flows as
 Recognize the importance of dimensionless numbers and use experimental correlations
to calculate the heat flux.
 Obtain a knowledge of the black body concept, the emissivity and the Kirchhoff’s law
for real bodies and calculate the heat flux associated with radiation heat transfer
 Calculate the heat flux in conditions associated with phase change processes boiling
and condensation.
 Understand the method of logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD).
 Know what is a exchanger, how it works, and classify them.
 Perform a general energy analysis on heat exchangers.

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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

8. Module Reading List and References:

- Key references:
- The principal textbook for this module are:
o Yunus Cengel, Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications, 2011, Mc
Graw Hill
o Louis Theodore, Heat Transfer Applications for the Practicing Engineer, 2011, Wiley
- Useful references:
o Lienhard, John H., A Heat Transfer Textbook, 2011, 4th edition
o Sadik Kakac, Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design, 2012, CRC

9. The Module Topics

Title of the Subject Date
1  Introduction
Practical Topics:
Lab Basics
2  Temperature and the Laws of Thermodynamics

Practical Topics: 23/09/2018

 Exp1 - PRT Simulation, Constant Voltage and Current
 Exp2 - PRT Simulation, Two, Three and Four wire Connection
3  Conduction Heat Transfer Basics

Practical Topics: 30/09/2018

 Exp3 - PRT Calibration
 Exp4 - J and K Type Thermocouple Linearity
4  Insulation and Unsteady State Conduction Heat Transfer

Practical Topics: 07/10/2018

 Exp5 - Thermocouples and the Seebeck Effect
 Exp6 - Thermocouples and Circuit Resistance
 Exp7 - Thermocouples in Series and Parallel
5  Convective Heat Transfer Basics and Correlations (1)

Practical Topics: 14/10/2018

 Exp8 - Calibration of the Liquid in glass, Gas (vapour) pressure and Bi-
metal Devices
6  Convective Heat Transfer Basics and Correlations (2)

Practical Topics: 21/10/2018

 Exp9 - NTC Thermistor Linearity
 Exp10 - Temperature Lag
7 Midterm Exam 28/10/2018
 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers (1)
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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

Practical Topics:
 Exp11 - Linear heat conduction - Standard brass materials

 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers (2)

Practical Topics: 04/11/2018
 Exp12 - Linear heat conduction - different materials

9  Radiant Heat Transfer and Fired Heaters

Practical Topics:
 Exp13 - Radial heat conduction
10  Phase Change and Heat Transfer Equipment Involving Condensation and 18/11/2018
11  Compact Heat Exchangers and Regenerators 25/11/2018

12  Refrigeration and Heat Pumps 02/12/2018

13 Lecturing and Revision 09/12/2018

14 Final Practical Exam 16/12/2018

15 New Year Holliday 25/12/2018

16 Final Theoretical Exam 05/01/2018

17 Second Trail Examinations 19/01/2018

10. Coursework and Exam

The type of final exam will be compositions, true or false, explanations, process diagrams… etc.

11. Rules and Instructions to Be Followed by Students for Exams:

o Give yourself plenty of time to revise everything, the key is preparation.

o The environment should be quite and free of distraction. Make sure you understand the
o Try to write short notes and review the material before you go to sleep
o Read the questions twice and if you are unsure of anything, don’t just ignore it, please ask.
o Think carefully before answering and plan the answer on a separate paper if that helps your
o The answer should contain preface, main contents and conclusion.
o Eat healthily, give yourself at least 10 minutes of brake for every hour of study, and make sure
you drink water regularly.

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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

12. The day before the examination

 Review the material using abbreviated notes not the lecture slides they are too long.
 Practice some exam questions and make sure you know the answer for them. Exam questions
will be provided towards the end of the module.
 Know the location and time of the exam. Plan to arrive early.
 Make sure you have eaten before the exam.
 Make sure you have some good sleep before the exam

13. Type of exams questions

Write true or false for the following statements (10 marks)
1. For large pipe diameters and large DT between pipe wall and bulk of the fluid, natural
convection effects are more.
Ans. True.
2. TEMA Class C heat exchanger is used for heavier duty applications compared to TEMA Class
R exchanger.
Ans. False.

Choose one correct answer (10 marks)
1. The minimum temperatures above which radiant heat transfer becomes predominant
a. 100 C
b. 300 C
c. 500 C
d. 700 C
Ans. B

2. Which one is the definition of the Rayleigh number?

a. The product of Grashof and Reynolds numbers
b. The product of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers
c. The product of Grashof and Prandtl numbers
d. The product of Graetz and Prandtl numbers
Ans. C

Answer the followings ( 20 marks)
1. What are the consequences of low fluid velocities in a heat exchanger?
Ans. It includes:
o Poor heat transfer coefficients.
o Increased fouling rates.
o Tube plugging for high-viscosity liquids.

2. What are the precautions required while applying mineral wool insulation to process
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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

Ans. Mineral wool insulation, when comes in contact with skin, gives rise to irritation and
skin rashes. Skilled labour using protective clothing and gloves are required.
The wool insulation requires protective sheathing in the form of metal sheets wrapped
over it to prevent peeling off due to wind or contact with moving objects.

Solve the following questions. (20
1. The Grashof and Reynolds numbers for a system involved in a heat transfer process are
approximately 100 and 50, respectively. Can free convection effects be neglected?
𝐺𝑟 100
= = 0.04
𝑅𝑒 2 502
Since 𝑅𝑒 2 ≪ 1.0 free convection effects can be neglected.

2. A glass window is 1cm thick and has an area of 3𝑚2 . The temperature at the outer surface
is 10°𝐶. The glass has a conductivity of 1.4 𝑚 𝐾. The heat transfer rate is 3 kW. Calculate the
temperature at the inner surface.
𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑄𝐿
𝑄 = −𝑘𝐴 → 𝑇1 = 𝑇2 +
𝐿 𝑘𝐴
𝑇1 = 10 + → 𝑇1 = 17.1 °𝐶

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Kurdistan Technical Institute Module Name: Heat TransferLecturer Name: Muslim Muhammad Amin

14. Peer review

I certify that:

1- I read and verify all requirements of teaching quality assurance are respected in this
module book.
2- The scientific contents are new, convenient and well organized for this stage.
3- The order of chapters are well done.
4- References are new and available for students.
That’s why I signed on this module book. And i take all responsibilities.

Name: Ibtisam Kamal

Scientific title: Professor
University: Soran
College: Engineering
Department: Chemical Engineering
Mobile: 009647502868710
Date: 22/9/2018


Best of luck

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