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Manufacture of Soap From Fatty Acids

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I f new production facilities are needed, then con-

........................................F::::q " 7 sideration should be given to installing one of the
continuous saponification processes. They require
[ I , t--:7 . .
- . r~. ......
. . .
a--qq '
about one-tenth the usual kettle house space for equal
production. They require a little more electricity for
pumps and mixers, but save a great deal of steam.
[, ! --Fil:::t! ~,! , i! // I I All of them are producing acceptable soap in some
/ L lwl ~ , ],,! i / i part of the world. The De Laval process is probably
LI i I ~: >::,--,--"~ ,~-+r F%_ the best from the point of view of ease of getting on
stream and adjusting to variations in composition
of fat stocks, but it is the most expensive and, as
presented here, is more costly than the others to op-
erate because os the excess caustic in the glycerine
lyes. With all the continuous processes you may find
| ...... | . . . . .
a difference in the odor of the soap produced because
of the lack of steam distillation during processing and
either the separation of no niger or recycling without
Fro. 9 taking off a niger degrading.
3. Finally, with glycerine prices declining you REFEI~E NGE S
should examine the cost of putting on wash lyes. 1. B a i l e y - - I n d u s t r i a l Oil & Fat Products, 2nd edition, p. 844.
It is feasible to completely eliminate the wash 2. Ferguson, R. ]=I., Oil & Soap, 14, 1 1 5 - 1 1 8 ( 1 9 3 7 ) .
3. Davidsohn, Better, and Davidsohn, Soap M a n u f a c t u r e , Vol. 1,
lyes and the half finish without changing the p. 82.
glycerine recovery greatly. 4. Jones, L. n . , JAOCS, 85, 630 ( 1 9 5 8 ) .

Manufacture of Soap from Fatty Acids

A. B. HERRICK and ERIC J U N G E R M A N N , Soap Research and Development Dept.,
Armour & Company, Chicago, Illinois

OAP MANUFACTURE via the f a t t y acid route has been splitter and auxiliary equipment is whether a catalyst
S practical only since the development of con-
tinuous fat-splitting equipment of the countercurrent
is to be used or not. The catalyst most often em-
ployed in commercial splitters is zinc oxide. Others
type in the 1930's and 1940's by workers at Colgate- tried include NaOtt, KOH, LiOH, MgO,Ca(OH2).
Palmolive-Peet Company, E m e r y Industries, and The zinc catalyst is converted to zinc soaps before
Procter and Gamble (1,2,3). the fat enters the splitter. This catalyst was found by
The two general methods of making soap, 1) direct Lascaray (8) and was the most effective one tried.
saponification of fat and 2) fat splitting followed b y The f u n c t i o n of this catalyst is to assist in emulsifying
distillation and saponification, both have some ad- the triglyceride oil with water to permit the hydrolysis
vantages and disadvantages. The many features of to begin without the lengthy induction period other-
direct saponification of triglycerides by batch and wise required. When a certain amount of hydrolysis
continuous methods are covered by another paper (4) to f a t t y acid has occurred, the solubility is greatly
presented at this Short Course. increased and the reaction proceeds rapidly.
I t is the purpose os this paper to describe the proc- I f a catalyst is employed, additional equipment is
esses and equipment involved in manufacturing soap required to mix the zinc oxide with the fat and get
from fats via f a t t y acids in some detail, and to it into solution before the fat enters the splitter, and
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the var- also to remove it from still bottoms after distillation.
ious soap making procedures. A simplified schematic Without a catalyst, a larger splitter is required to
diagram of the process being described is shown in obtain the same rate of t h r o u g h p u t at the equivalent
F i g u r e 1. extent of reaction (97-99% split). Since other aux-


A number of excellent reviews have been written

on fat splitting (5,6,7) and f a t t y acid distillation. WATER

Essentially, the hydrolysis of triglycerides to f a t t y
acids and glycerine by reaction of water and fat u n d e r REFINED
conditions of high temperature and pressure is a WATER - -
simple chemical process. To obtain high yields of f a t t y
acids, the reverse reaction in the equilibrium must be
repressed by countereurrent washing to remove the
glycerine from the reaction zone. A simple diagram
of a fat splitter is shown in F i g u r e 2. The rate of DRY SOAP

the reaction is controlled by the temperature in the GLYCERINE BOTTOMS CAUSTIC

splitter and by the amount of catalyst used. SWEET'WATER SODA

An important feature in the design of the fat Fie. 1. Schematic diagram of fatty acid route to soap.

Feed ;ra~k

Iseco~eo,y ,','eat,r u
H.~ 5TE~,~ A,CtO ~U ETANK
750 PJ'~i
n z:

~Pzso c 700 pm~

FIG. 3. Schematic diagram of a Mills continuous f a t t y acid

FIG. 2. Diagram of a Colgate-Emery fat splitter.
L u r g i still, and embodies the use of flash (dry) dis-
iliary equipment is not required, and bottoms handling tillation r a t h e r than L u r g i ' s steam distillation prin-
is simplified, there are also advantages to non-catalytic ciple. I n addition the internal design of the Mills
splitting. The difference in throughput of a splitter still uses two separate pot stills with entrainment
with various amounts of catalyst added has been re- separators r a t h e r than the annular heaters used by
ported by K. Burrow (5). At a given water/oil Lurgi. The f a t t y acid feed to the Mills still is pre-
input ratio in the column, and a fixed % glycerine heated to about 450F and the operating pressure is
in the fatty acids, the throughput of fatty acids can a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 mm of mercury.
be increased from 3,600 Ib/hr at 0.05% catalyst to Column designs for the third type of still, the
over 6,000 lb/hr at 0.25% zinc oxide. The basic equip- semi-fractionating type are similar to the fractionating
ment for fat splitting is a tall, narrow autoclave. still of Ports (10), (Fig. 4) but with fewer theoretical
Preheated triglyeeride oil is p u m p e d into this vessel plates. This type of still is used to remove an " o d o r
near the bottom and water near the top. The tem- c u t " for soap-making. These generally employ a
p e r a t u r e employed is 450-500F, and the pressure, certain mnount of steam to minimize the effects of
which must be high enough to keep the water liquefied, relative!y long residence times in the still. The bubble
is in the 600-700 psi range. The f a t is slowly con- cap or sieve-tray columns are employed when it is
verted to f a t t y acid as it rises through the column and desired to remove a small amount of low-boiling
passes out the top through an expansion chamber material f r o m the f a t t y acids, either to improve odor
or flash cooler to storage before distillation. The or to obtain short chain f a t t y acids for other applica-
water, falling in droplets down through the column tions.
by gravity, dissolves the glycerine liberated during
the reaction and carries it out the bottom of the col-
u m n as a dilute solution known as sweetwater. The I m p r o v e m e n t of color or odor stability of soaps is
crude f a t t y acids are collected and then distilled in often accomplished by partial selective hydrogenation
at some point in the process prior to saponification.
a continuous still.
The purpose of this step is to hydrogenate polyun-
Distillation saturated linkages which are known to be the source
Continuous v a c u u m distillation of the crude f a t t y of most r a p i d rancidity development. Hydrogenation
acids is carried out to remove residual f a t t y glyeerides is used p r i m a r i l y when inferior grades of animal fats
f r o m the stream and to improve color and odor to the are employed in soap-making, p a r t i c u l a r l y in conjunc-
point where resultant f a t t y acids are suitable for tion with the simpler continuous stills which do not
soap making. Three types of stills are suitable for remove an " o d o r - c u t " of low-boiling f a t t y acids.
continuous distillation of f a t t y acids: The L u r g i de- H y d r o g e n a t i o n in a continuous system can be of the
sign, the Mills modification of the L u r g i still, and fixed bed or fluidized bed type. More i m p o r t a n t per-
semi-fraetionating stills containing bubble-caps or haps is whether fats or f a t t y acids are to be hydro-
sieve-trays in addition to the e n t r a i n m e n t separations genated. H y d r o g e n a t i o n of glyeerides requires the
used in the L u r g i and Mills stills. use of less catalyst, but more careful p r e t r e a t m e n t of
The L u r g i still is a steam distillation system in fats is needed to prevent catalyst poisoning. F a t t y
which the f a t t y acid and high pressure steam are acid hydrogenation m a y present problems related to
fed into the central riser tube and vigorous ebulli- removal of catalyst, but poisoning is less likely. Eco-
tion ensues. The v a p o r impinges on an umbrella- nomic considerations and ease of processing will dic-
type e n t r a i n m e n t cowl, which returns unvaporized tate the choice of method.
higher boiling material to an a n n u l a r gallery con- Saponification or Neutralization of F a t t y Acids
taining high pressure steam coils. H e r e the high- Neutralization of f a t t y acids with alkali metal
boilers arc vaporized and sent past a second entrain- hydroxides or carbonates is a s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d and
ment separator. This still operates at 400F and 4 m m rapid reaction which readily lends itself to continuous
m e r c u r y pressure. I t was the earliest of the con- or batch processing. I t can be carried out in a variety
tinuous f a t t y acid distillation units and has been of kettles, crutchers or other similar batch reactors or
modified by m a n y workers in this area since its de- in continuous equipment in which the streams of f a t t y
velopment in 1922 (9). acid and alkali are controlled by a) flow meters (11),
The Mills still (Fig. 3) is a modification of the b) proportioning p u m p s connected by a variable ratio
gear (5), c) viscosity of the resulting soap, or d) p H manufacturers. In m a n y cases, antioxidants are
of the saponification mixture. added to toilet soaps to retard oxidation. This
Manufacturing Differences problem is particularly acute when f a t t y acids are
prepared and used. Acids from animal fats are
A number of problems differing from those en- very sensitive to oxidation, and must be prevented
countered in direct saponification of triglycerides r e - from coming into contact with air. I n e r t gases
sult from following the f a t t y acid route to soap. are used to blanket distilled f a t t y acids before
These fall into the general categories of Raw Material neutralization. In cases where prolonged storage
Handling, Odor Stability and B y - P r o d u c t Utilization.
of f a t t y acids is anticipated, antioxidants should
A. Raw Material Handling. In conventional soap boil- be employed in addition to inert gas blanketing.
ing it is necessary to carry out nluch of the desired When f a t t y acids are accidentally held for any
purification at the glyceride oil stage before charg- length of time they are redistilled before saponi-
ing to the kettle. The usual treatments involved fication.
bleaching of color with activated clay, or bleaching
earths, often preceded by alkali refining to remove C. By-Product Utilization. The useful disposal of by-
free f a t t y acids of bad odor from the fat. On the products is an economic necessity in most processes
other hand, treatment before splitting is usually and soap-making is no exception. In conventional
restricted to centrifuging or filtering to remove direct saponification nigre phase soap may repre-
suspended inorganic and proteinaceous material. sent up to 20% of the fat charged to the kettle, and
Washing with water or trisodium phosphate solu- must be cleaned up by washing or degraded to a
tion just prior to centrifuging is sometimes em- lower quality soap. In the distillation of f a t t y
ployed. Only simple pretreatment is needed since acids, still overheads and bottoms constitute the
the p r i m a r y purification stage in the f a t t y acid principal by-products. Up to 2-3% of overheads
route is distillation of f a t t y acids. This direct, and 10-12% of bottoms may be obtained.
controllable purification stage eliminates other Tallows overheads are used primarily in indus-
traditional procedures (such as repeated brine trial soaps, but tallow bottoms or mixed stock bot-
washes and removal of nigre phase) employed in toms could be recirculated to the splitter or still
soap boiling or continuous saponification. especially if catalytic splitting is employed. Re-
Another aspect of raw material handling is mix- circulation to the splitter gives a savings in cata-
ing of fats and oils before sp]itting. Some manu- lyst, since the zinc soaps remain in the bottoms.
facturers (5) mix oils before splitting, hence carry Recirculation to the still returns both heat and
out the entire operation from splitting through f a t t y acid. E v e n t u a l l y a zinc removal process is
distillation and saponification on mixed feed stock. required. When non-catalytic splitting is em-
I t is also possible to split and distill tallow and ployed, bottoms handling is simplified, since first
coconut oil separately, mixing the distilled acids r u n bottoms can be segregated and resplit sepa-
just before saponification. rately to yield f a t t y acids of fair-to-good quality
In this procedure, larger "odor-cut" fractions for blending with other f a t t y acids to make, for
can be removed from poor grade acids than from instance, a second quality toilet soap or good qual-
the better stocks, and the six and eight carbon ity industrial soaps.
acids can be removed from coconut f a t t y acids for Another difference between fat saponification
f u r t h e r processing. The scheduling of splitters and processes and the f a t t y acid route to soap is the
stills becomes more complex when each g]yceride ease of maintaining continuous analytical process
raw material is handled separately rather than as control with the latter. Analysis of f a t t y acid mix-
a mixture. tures (12) by gas chromatographic techniques pro-
B. Odor Stability. The problem of odor stability or vides good control on blends for soapmaking and
rancidity prevention is a familiar one to most soap on by-product f a t t y acids.

FIG. 4. Continuous fractionating still for fatty acids designed by Potts.


2. E m e r y I n d u s t r i e s Inc., U.S. 2,486,630 ( 1 9 4 9 ) ; :British P a t e n t

Summary 594,141 ( 1 9 4 7 ) .
Soap manufacture from f a t t y acids is a well estab- 3. Mills, V., P r o c t e r a n d Gamble, U.S. 2,156,863 ( 1 9 3 9 ) ; U.S.
2,159,897 ( 1 9 8 9 ) ; U.S. 2,233,845 ( 1 9 4 1 ) ; British P a t e n t 482,535
lished process with some advantages over continuous ( 1 9 3 8 ) ; C a n a d i a n P a t e n t 365,544 ( 1 9 3 7 ) .
saponification of neutral fats. These include: 4. Schulerud, A. L., ffAO(3S, 40, 6 0 9 - 6 1 5 ( 1 9 6 3 ) .
5. B u r r o w , K., Trans. Instn. Chem. Engrs.31, 250 261 ( 1 9 5 3 ) .
1) Ability to use cheaper fats. 6. Allen, It. D., et al., Chem. E n g . Prog. 43, 459 ( 1 9 4 7 ) .
2) Easier glycerol recovery. 7. B a r n e b y , It. L., a n d A. C. Brown, JAOCS, 25, 95 (1948).
3) Better control over by-products. 8. L a s c a r a y , I~., Fette u. Seifen, 46, 628 ( 1 9 3 9 ) ; Ind. Eng. Chem.
41, 786 ( 1 9 4 9 ) ; Seifensieder--Ztg., 64, 122 ( 1 9 3 7 ) .
4) V e r s a t i l i t y - - f a t t y acids can be used to make 9. L u r g i Gesellschaft fuer "vVaermetcchnik. G e r m a n P a t e n t 392,874
other derivatives than soaps. (1922).
REFEI~E NC'E S 10. Potts, R. It., U.S. 2,322,056 ( 1 9 4 3 ) .
1. Ittner, ~r tI., Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., U.S. 1,918,603 ( 1 9 3 3 ) ; 11. Ledgett, U.S. 2,594,461.
U.S. 2,139,589 ( 1 9 3 8 ) ; U.S. 2,221,799 ( 1 9 4 0 ) ; U.S. 2,435,745 12. Beck, E. 0., E. J u n g e r m a n n , a n d W. M. Linfield, JAOCS, 89,
( 1 9 4 8 ) ; U.S. 2,458,170 ( 1 9 4 9 ) ; U.S. 2,480,471 ( 1 9 4 9 ) . 53-55 (1962).

Continuous Sulfonation Techniques

S. I. SILVIS and MARIO B A L L E S T R A , Ing. Mario BaUestra & Co., S.p.A., Milano, Italy

HE SULFONATIONof alkyl benzene and the sulfation The next stage in the development of the sulfona-
T of f a t t y alcohol have been under continuous study
not only by the detergent manufacturers, but also
tion process was that of continuous processing rather
than batch. Here the only advantages were possibly
by the suppliers of detergent manufacturing equip- lower plant costs and lower operating costs, since there
ment and of detergent raw materials. was not any improvement in product quality.
When detergents were first introduced to the market Later came High Active Ingredient (AI) which
they were generally in powder form and the active allowed the separation of the major portion of the
ingredients employed could contain large amounts of sulfuric acid present in the acid mix prior to neutrali-
sodium sulfate without presenting any undue prob- zation. P r o d u c t with an active content of 87-88%
lems. However, with the advent of the liquid prod- on a d r y basis can be produced by such a process.
ucts, active ingredients containing little inorganic B u t m a n y liquid formulas demanded still higher
salt were essential--and it is this fact which has active contents. The advent of stabilized liquid S0a
stimulated, to a major extent, the development work made it possible to economically prepare a product
on sulfonating with SOn rather than with oleum. with 96-97% AI on a d r y basis. The suppliers of
I think that it will be worth a few minutes of our this stabilized liquid S0a developed batch processes
time to follow briefly the development of the sulfona- which included the vaporization of the liquid S0a,
tion process so that we might better appreciate the diluting this with dried air to approximately 10% by
problems that had to be overcome to arrive at the volume, and contacting this gaseous stream with alkyl
present s t a g e - - t h a t is, sulfonation using gaseous S03 benzene previously weighed and placed in the reactor
produced directly from the burning of sulfur. tank. Although the use of liquid S03 has economic
Throughout this discussion keep several points in advantages over the use of oleum, it was the inability
mind: of this process to match the product quality produced
on the oleum plants that prevented it from being
1) P r o d u c t quality is the key to the acceptability readily accepted by the major detergent manufac-
of a process, and for alkyl benzene the specifica- turers. I t should be mentioned that there is one
tions are: 98% completion of reaction and a m a n u f a c t u r e r who claims to have a continuous process
white paste upon neutralization with the alkali. using vaporized S03 but there arc no details available
2) The color of the neutralized paste is good or on this.
bad depending upon the ability of the process There is another batch process operating today
to remove the heat of reaction instantaneously. which uses the technique of reacting liquid S03 with
3) The heat of reaction for the sulfonation in- alkyl benzene in the presence of liquid S 0 2 - - a n d
creases with increasing oleum s t r e n g t h s - - a n d conducting this reaction at very low temperatures.
is a maximum when S03 is used. The product produced by this process is excellent.
Mr. Morrisroe pioneered the commercial development
Thus it is easy to understand that the first produc- of this process.
tion units were batch plants and the sulfonating Now we come to the latest stage of development
agent was 10-20% oleum. In these plants the alkyl for the su]fonation r e a c t i o n - - a n d this is the burning
benzene was weighed and placed in a tank; then the of sulfur to produce the required S03 and coupling
oleum was slowly added until the quantity required this directly to the sulfonation reactors for continuous
by the formula was also placed into the tank. With operation.
the two reactants now intimately mixed, they were This combination of sulfur burning and sulfona-
now permitted to digest for 30-45 rain. After the tion has economic advantages and has been worked
digestion period the neutralization of this acid mix out to a high degree of precision by the Ing. Mario
was carried out. Ballestra Co. There are others who have followed
Continuing engineering development w o r k ~ t o more this type of processing and we will attempt to show
efficiently remove the heat of reaction at the point the basic differences between various processes.
of contact of the oleum with the alkyl benzene--soon Very few details are available concerning other proc-
permitted the use of 25% oleum. esses. Therefore our attempt to compare other opera-

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