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Complexation of Procainamide With Dextrose

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Complexation of Procainamide with Dextrose

Received June 8,1981, from the University of Houston, College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics, Houston, TX 77030. Accepted
for publication November 20,1981.

Abstract The percent of procainamide complexed with dextrose was of potency after 24 hr of storage (1).It has been predicted
determined to be directly related to the concentration per mole fraction that procainamide may be forming a reversible association
of dextrose in the solution. The complexation process was reversible and complex with dextrose (2). Procainamide is considered
did not proceed at lower pH (-1.5). The rate of formation of complex was unusually stable towards hydrolysis in the pH range of 2-7
dependent on the initial pH value of the solution and the pH decreased
as the concentration of the complex increased. The increase in the con- (3) even at higher temperatures.
centration of procainamide did not change the equilibrium concentration The separation of procainamide from p -aminobenzoic
of the complex. The addition of sodium chloride or edetate disodium did acid (the major product of degradation) using high-pres-
not alter the rate of formation of the complex or its equilibrium concen- sure liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been reported (2).
tration. The addition of hydrochloric acid prevented the formation of The other product of degradation, diethylethylenediamine,
the complex and on adding hydrochloric acid after the formation of the
complex, procainamide was completely freed. did not absorb light to record a peak in the chromatogram.
An additional peak from the interaction of dextrose and
Keyphrases o Dextrose-complexation of procainamide 0 Procain- I was observed in the chromatogram.
amide-complexation, with dextrose Complexation-procainamide
with dextrose The purpose of this investigation was to study the
complexation of procainamide with dextrose. The study
was conducted using an HPLC method similar to that
Procainamide (I) is often mixed with 0.9% NaCl or 5% previously reported (2) in the literature.
dextrose solution in water. The mixture is usually ad-
ministered by continuous intravenous infusion for the EXPERIMENTAL
treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases.
Procainamide is stable when mixed with sodium chlo- Chemicals and Reagents-All chemicals and reagents were USP,
NF, or American Chemical Society grade and were used as received.
ride solution (1)but in 5%dextrose solution, the stability Procainamide hydrochloride' was used without further purification.
is doubtful (1,2). For example, one such solution lost -12% Apparatus-A high-pressure liquid chromatograph2equipped with
a multiple wavelength detector3,a recordeld, and a digital integratol.5was
Column-A semipolar column6 (30 cm long X 4-mm i.d.) consisting
of a monomolecular layer of cyanopropylsilane permanently bonded to
silica gel was used.
Chromatographic Conditions-The mobile phase was 40% (v/v)
acetonitrile in water containing 0.02 M ammonium acetate (pH -7)7, and


0 1.5 3.0
4.5 6.0

Figure 2-A plot of complexation of dextrose with procainamide (So-

lution 6 in Table l) using the equation for a reversible reaction.

1 E. R. Squibb & Sons, Princeton, N.J.

Figure 1-Sample chromatogram: Peaks 1 4 are from p-aminobenzoic 2 ALC 202 equipped with U6K universal injector, Waters Associates, Milford,
acid, complex of I with dextrose, free procainamide and methapyrilene Mass.
3 Schoeffel SF770, Westwood, N.J.
(internal standard), respectively. Chromatogram A is from a standard 4 Omniscribe 1513-12, Houston Instruments, Austin, Tex.
solution and B from a 27-hr-old solution of procainamide (Solution 9 5 Autolab minigrator, Spectra Physics, Santa Clara, Calif.
in Table I ) to which 10.0 pgiml of p-aminobenzoic acid was added before 6 pBondapakKN, Waters Associates, Milford, Mass.
final dilution. For chromatographic conditions, see text. 7 Zeromatic (SS-3)pH meter, Beckman, Fullerton, Calif.

994 I Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0022-35491821 0900-0994$0 1.0010

Vol. 71, No. 9. September 1982 @ 1982. American Pharmaceutical Association
Table I-Procainamide Hydrochloride Aqueous Solutions Table 11-Assay Results
Solution Percent of Lahel Claim Remaining, days
Solution Procainamide Dextrose, Other Ingredients Number" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1
Number HC1, % % (Final Conc)
1 - - 99.8 -
1 0.1 0 - 2 - - 1oc.2
2 0.1 0.2" 0.01 N HCI 3 - - 99.6 -
3 0.1 0.20 - 4 - - 99.9 - - - -
4 0.1 0.2a 0.45% NaClb 5 - 94.3 - 91.5 88.1 85.6 85.6
5 0.1 1.0" - 6 - 86.9 - 79.6 76.7 68.7 69.2
6 0.1 2.0" 7 - 80.2 - 66.7 60.8 59.0 59.3
7 0.1 3.0" 8 - 73.5 - 53.8 49.3 47.2 48.2
8 0.1 4.0" 9 - 64.3 - 48.3 42.3 42.5 42.7
9 0.1 5.0" 10 - 65.3 - 49.1 43.5 -
10 0.2 5.0" 11 - 64.6 - 51.5 42.7
11 0.4 5.0" - 12 - - - 65.9 - 60.1
12 0.1 3.0" 0.18%NaClb 13 - - - 67.4 58.2
13 0.1 3.0" 0.36%NaClb 14 - - - 65.1 60.1 -
14 0.1 3.0" 0.54% NaClb 15 - 99.2 - 100.4 99.8 99.7
15 0.1 3.0" 0.01 N HC1 16 100.2 99.8 - 100.4
16 0.1 0 0.5 M KH2P04 17 78.9 78.6 - 79.0
17 0.1 1.0" as above 18 60.6 61.2 - 61.4
18 0.1 2.0" as above 19 62.0 60.8 - 62.2
19 0.2 2.0" as above 20 49.3 50.2 - 51.2
20 0.1 3.0" as above 21 - 65.2 - 48.8
21 0.1 5.0" 0.05% edetate 22 97.3 - - 74.2
disodium 23 96.4 - - 64.8
22 0.1 5.OC 24 94.8 - - 57.4
23 0.1 6.5c 25 91.3 - - 52.2
24 0.1 8.OC
25 0.1 11.0' 0 For composition of the solution, see Table 1.
~~ ~~~ ~ ~~

From dextrose 5%in water, Travenol Laboratories,Deerfield,Ill. From sodium complex are reported in Table I. All were prepared using a simple solution
chloride, 0.9%in water, Travenol Laboratories,Deerfield, Ill. From dextrose an- method. The solutions were assayed (see procedure following) and
hydrous, USP, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. transferred to amber-colored bottless and stored a t room temperature
(24 *lo).They were reassayed after appropriate intervals and pH values
the flow rate was 2.0 ml/min. The detector was set a t 280 nm (wavelength were also determined.
of maximum absorption), sensitivity was 0.04, the temperature was Preparation of Assay Solution-All the solutions were diluted with
ambient, and the chart speed was 30.5 cm/hr. water to contain 15.0 pg/ml of I (based on the label claim) and 200.0 pg/ml
Preparation of Solutions-The stock solutions of procainamide of I1 (internal standard).
hydrochloride (1.0 mg/ml) and the internal standard, methapyrilene Assay Procedure-A 20.04 aliquot of the assay solution was injected
hydrochloride (5.0 mg/ml) in water, were prepared daily. A standard into the chromatograph using the described conditions. For comparison,
solution was prepared by transferring a 1.5-ml quantity of the stock so- an identical volume of the standard solution was injected after the assay
lution of I and a 4.0-ml quantity of the stock solution of methapyrilene solution eluted.
hydrochloride (11) to a 100-ml volumetric flask and then diluting with Calculations-The results were calculated using:
water to volume.
All solutions prepared for investigations of procainamide-dextrose Phl X 100 = Percent of the label claim
r Where Ph, is the ratio of the peak heights of procainamide and metha-
pyrilene of the assay solution and Ph, that of the standard solution of
an identical concentration.

0 1 2 3 4 5
oL ' I I I I I Figure 4-A plot of dextrose concentration versus percent of procain-
0.986 0.988 0.990 0.992 0.994 arnide-dextrose complex formed after 2 days of storage (Solutions 5-9
Figure 3-A plot of mole fraction of dextrose versus percent of the
complex formed after 4 days of storage (Solutions 22-25, Table I). 8 Brockway Glass Co., Brockway, Pa

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences I 995

Vol. 71, No. 9, September 1982
Table 111-DH Values of Solutions values after adding 0.1% of procainamide hydrochloride were 4.6 and 6
for Solutions 9 and 22, respectively. It is well-known (4) that solutions
Solution pH Value Remainingb of dextrose become acidic on autoclaving.
Numbera 0 1 2 3 4 8 11 A new set of solutions (16-20 in Table I) were prepared containing 0.05
- - - M phosphate buffer. The rate of complexation in these solutions was
1 5.6 - slightly higher than those without buffer (Table 11) which might be an
2 1.2 - - - -
3 5.3 - - - - experimental error. There is also a possibility of interaction of phosphates
4 5.4 - - - - with dextrose ( 5 ) ,which is under investigation.
5 5.0 - 4.8 4.5 4.0 The pH values of the solutions on storage were decreasing (Table HI),
6 4.6 - 4.4 3.8 3.7 which is probably due to release of hydrogen ions upon the formation of
7 4.6 - 4.4 3.6 3.4 complex. T h e concentration of the complex formed was directly related
8 4.6 - 4.4 3.1 3.0 to the mole ratio of dextrose (Fig. 3) in the solution. However, a t lower
9 4.6 - 4.4 3.2 3.0 concentrations of dextrose (-2-4%). especially after 2 days of storage,
10 4.6 - 4.4 3.2 3.0 dextrose concentrations were directly related (Fig. 4) to the concentra-
11 4.6 - 4.4 3.2 3.0
12 4.6 - 4.4 3.6 3.4 tions of the complex.
13 4.6 - 4.5 3.7 3.4 Keeping the dextrose concentration constant and increasing the con-
14 4.9 - 4.5 3.7 3.4 centration of procainamide did not affect the rate of formation of complex
15 1.4 - 1.3 1.3 1.3 or the equilibrium concentration (Solutions 9-11, Table 11). Also, the
16 4.4 - 4.4 4.5 - increase in the ionic strength with sodium chloride did not alter the
17 4.4 - 4.4 3.9 - equilibrium or rate of formation of the complex (Solutions 7,12-14, Table
18 4.4 - 4.4 3.8 - 11). The addition of 0.05% edetate disodium did not affect the process of
19 4.4 - 4.4 3.8 -
20 4.4 - 3.8 - complexation (Solutions 9 and 21, Table 11).
21 4.8 - 4.5 - - The process of complexation (a reversible reaction, Fig. 2) is slow and
22 6.0 6.0 - 5.0 - the time required for the equilibrium to establish is dependent on the
23 6.0 6.0 - 5.0 - initial pH of the solution (see above and data in Table 11). The equilib-
24 6.0 6.0 - 5.0 - rium concentration itself depended on the initial concentration of dex-
25 6.0 6.0 - 5.2 - trose and pH of the solution.
For Solution 6, the K, k f , and k, values for the complexation (reversible
a For composition of the solution, see Table I. Accuracy f 0.1.
process) were estimated to be 0.456, 0.0858, and 0.188 day-’, respec-
Other Experiments-A 1.5-ml quantity of a 4-day-old solution in 3%
dextrose (Solution 7 in Table I) was mixed with 2 ml of -5 N HCl. T h e None of the solutions showed any peak in the chromatogram due to
p-aminobenzoic acid even with a complex concentration of 50%. This
mixture was allowed to stand for -20 min, then 4.0 ml of the stock solu-
compound could be easily separated from I, 11, and the complex (Fig. 1).
tion of the internal standard was added, the mixture was brought to
volume (100.0 ml) with water, and assayed. Moreover, in a separate experiment (see Other Experiments), it was de-
termined that p-aminobenzoic acid did not form a complex with dextrose.
In another experiment, 50.0 mg of p-aminobenzoic acid was dissolved
in enough 5%aqueous solution of dextrose to make 50.0 ml. This solution Letting p-aminobenzoic acid stand in the presence of dextrose ( 5 4 days)
was assayed after 0-, 2-, and 4-day intervals to determine if there was a did not change its concentration or peak(s) in the chromatogram.
Since all of procainamide could be released from the complex (see
reaction between dextrose and p-aminobenzoic acid. The assay was
conducted using the HPLC method described previously since p-ami- above) by treating with hydrochloric acid (see Other Experiments), the
nobenzoic acid separated (Peak 1 in Fig. 1)from I, 11, and the complex drug probably did not decompose. The complex itself may be as active
between I and dextrose. Before injecting, the solution was diluted t o a as procainamideg. If so, there may be no stability problem on mixing I
ratio of 1.0100 with water. The concentration of p-aminobenzoic acid was with dextrose. Since blood also contains dextrose, the implications of this
process in biosystems requires further investigation.
determined by comparing the peak heights of the assay solution with a
The possibility of formation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural rather than
standard solution of an identical concentration (10.0 pg/ml).
the complex is ruled out since it is a reversible reaction (Fig. 2). the hy-
drolysis of glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural cannot be reversed (6),
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and the hydrolysis of glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural usually occurs
a t higher temperatures (no heat was used in these studies).
The results indicated that procainamide and dextrose formed a re-
versible complex (Fig. 2). This complexation could be completely pre-
vented by adding 0.01 N HCI (Solution 15 in Table 11). Furthermore, REFERENCES
procainamide could be completely released from the complex by treating (1) H. L. Kirschenbaum, L. J. Lesko, R. W. Mendes, and G. P. Sesin,
with hydrochloric acid (see Other Experiments). On treatment with -5 Am. J . Hosp. Pharm., 36,1464 (1979).
N HCI, all of the procainamide was freed from the complex formed over (2) D. M. Baaske and A. W. Malick, ibid., 37,1050 (1980).
a 4-day period in 3%aqueous solution of dextrose (Solution 7 in Table (3) A. D. Marcus and A. J. Taraszka, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed.,
11). Preliminary investigations indicated that aged solutions of dextrose 46,28 (1957).
with procainamide did not interfere with the assay procedure for pro- (4) A. Osol and G. E. Farrar, Jr., in “The Dispensatory of the United
cainamide and its complex. States of America,” 25th. ed., Lippincott, Philadelphia, Pa., 1955, p.
The rate of complex formation was dependent on the initial pH value 428.
of the solution. For example, in Solutions 22-25 that had higher initial (5) L. Stryer, in “Biochemistry,” Freeman, San Francisco, Calif., 1975,
pH values (Table III), the formation of complex was slower than in So- p. 283.
lutions 5-8 (initial pH value 4.6). A direct comparison was possible be- (6) A. N. Martin, J. Swarbrick, and A. Cammarata, in “Physical
tween Solutions 9 and 22, since both contained 5% dextrose. In Solution Pharmacy,” 2nd ed. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa., 1969, p. 369.
9, a commercial sterile solution was used (Table I) and in Solution 22,
anhydrous dextrose was used. The sterile solution of dextrose had a lower
pH (-4) uersus a fresh solution made from the powder (pH -6). The pH 9 This needs to be proven.

996 I Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Vol. 71, No. 9. September 1982

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