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De Anticristo

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De Anticristo

Oxford, Bodleian Manuscript Junius 121 is an 11th century manuscript measuring 11 1/10 X 6 1/2 inches,
written in Old English and Latin. It contains canons, penitentials, a confessional, two of Ælfric's Pastoral
Letters and several of his homilies, and Wulfstan's Institutes of Polity, as well as his homilies De
Anticristo (Bethurum Ib), De Regula Canonicorum (Bethurum Xa), and Be Godcundre Warnung
(Bethurum XIX). It is connected with Worcester both by the scribe Wulfgeat's signature (folio 101) and
by a copy of the Nicene Creed in the tremulous Worcester hand (folio vi). The Latin text of De Anticristo
exists in six manuscripts: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 201, pp. 66-7; Cambridge, St. John's College
42, f. 94r; Bodleian, Hatton 113, ff. 31b-33; British Library, Cotton Vespasian D.ii, ff. 28b-29; Copenhagen
Gl. Kgl. S. 1595, ff. 51-52; and Madrid, Real Biblioteca del Escorial T.I.12, f. 176r-v. In form, the "homily"
is an outline or set of notes rather than a true sermon, and the five Old English eschatological homilies
are all in one way or another indebted to the Latin outline. Major sources include Adso, Augustine,
Gregory, and the Bible. De Anticristo is in large part a translation of Wulfstan's Latin outline De
Anticristo. It appears in four manuscripts: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 201, pp. 67-68; Bodleian
Hatton 113, ff. 33-34; Bodleian Junius 121, ff. 136b-137b; and Bodleian 343, f. 142b.


1 Beloved people, understand very well so that you may correctly and carefully hold that which is most
needful for you to hold, that is, correct Christianity. For each of those who do too much that is contrary
to it or who do not teach it to others, each of those is named Antichrist. Antichrist is in Latin "contrary to
Christ", that is in English, God's adversary. He is God's adversary who abandons God's laws and teaching
and through the devil's teaching makes ill use of that which belongs to his Christianity, and then, being
himself in sin, too severely befouls or leads other people into sin. And although it may be that many
people will never see Antichrist himself with their eyes, still too many of his limbs may now be seen far
and wide and may be known by their evil, just as is read in the gospel: "False Christs will arise, [who will
show great signs, so that, if it were possible, they would lead even the elect into deception]." Widely it
will happen that false liars will arise and be plausibly deceitful, and they will mar many people and bring
them into heresy.

2 And such great affliction will occur in many ways throughout the world, as the book says, through the
devil's son, who will do such evil as never happened before in the world; for the greatest evil will come
to people when Antichrist himself comes, who never before was in the world. And it seems to us that
that time is very near at hand, for this world is from day to day always the longer the worse.
3 Now there is great need for all of God's preachers to warn God's people constantly about the terror
that is coming to mankind, lest they be caught unawares and be too quickly deceived by the devil.

4 But let each priest act in his own diocese so that the people hear it often and constantly, lest through
want of instruction God's people are lost. And although it may happen that none of us who are now
alive will live then, still we have need now earnestly to warn our sacred flocks how they may then most
warily withstand the devil Antichrist himself, when he spreads his deceitful madness most widely. And
let us also now warn very earnestly against his false teachings and pray to almighty God that he protect
us against that arch-criminal. May God protect us against the terror, and make room for us in the
eternal joy that is prepared for those who work his will. There is eternal bliss and always will be, world
without end, amen.


1 All those who profess true Christianity, but do not live by it or teach it to others as is proper, are
Antichrists, because according to this meaning they are called by that name. Antichrist means "against
Christ". Many people of this time will not see Antichrist, yet many of his limbs may be found, as is read
in the gospel: "False Christs and false prophets will arise, who will show great signs, so that, if it were
possible, they would lead even the elect into error." Understand that when he said "if it were possible,"
it was not that the Lord, who knows both past and future, was uncertain about anything, but rather that
if they are the elect it is not possible. But if it were possible, they would not be the elect. Therefore he
said "if it were possible," for although they will be anxious because of the multitude of signs, because
they will not fall they may be called the elect. Indeed, there will then be tribulations and hardships such
as there never were from the day the human species began up until that time. And if his days are not
shortened, no one will be able to be saved; but for the sake of the elect his days will be shortened, lest
they be led into error.

2 Therefore the time of the Antichrist will be three and a half times, as is signified and made manifest in
scripture: "and the holy city," that is, holy church, "will be tread underfoot for forty-two months," at
which time Enoch and Elias will come, as it is written: "And I will give to my two witnesses [and they
shall prophesy 1260 days clothed in sackcloth]." And the beast that will rise from the abyss will conquer
them and kill them and throw their bodies into the streets of the city, which is spiritually called Sodom
and Egypt, and which is also where our Lord was crucified, that is, that Jerusalem that was the first holy
city, but that afterwards was renamed because of sin and error.

3 Therefore each one who preaches in church must each day warn the people about that time, because,
as it is written, the last days will be a dangerous time, so that when those dangerous days come the
faithful will not be found unprepared, but will have been taught and educated against the enemy, the
ancient serpent who is the adversary, and will be prepared to resist him. For then there will be such
persecution of the church that, as the Lord predicted, brother will betray brother to death, and the
father his son, and sons will rise up against their parents, and they will have personal hatred for each
other. And then many will be made to stumble and will fall into faithlessness before the magnitude of
the signs and because of the greatness of the punishments and torments with which Christians will be
afflicted by the Antichrist and his ministers, who will be endured by the entire world; but, as it is written,
"he who strives until the end, he will be saved." And the wise will shine like the stars, and those who
teach many will shine like the splendor of the firmament in unending eternity.

4 Therefore it is necessary that each priest, or whoever may read sacred scripture, teach those who do
not know their danger, so that a double reward may be earned from the Lord, both for the priests and
for those they teach, and no one die through ignorance. And although many will not live to see this
persecution, still they should warn everyone in their earlier preaching, so that when the Antichrist
comes, who is the son of perdition, he will find the Christian people, without exception, prepared to
resist him and his followers and strengthened by their faith in Christ, amen.

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