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Summative Test in Mapeh 9

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Second Quarter

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________________ Teacher: _______________________


I. Choose the correct answer in each question in the box below.

1. In what Era does the “Age of Reason” was known?

2. Who is the most prominent composer during the Classical period?
3. Which of the following best describes the general texture of a Classical music?
4. Who composed “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”?
5. Which musical composition designed to be played by full orchestra?
6. Which instrumental compositions has four movements?
7. What is a musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and
8. Which is the most important form that developed during Classical Era and usually the
form of first movement of a sonata or symphony?
9. Which part of the Sonata Allegro form repeats the theme as it first emerge in the
opening part?
10. Which movement uses a dance form in symphony?

F. J. Haydn L. V. Beethoven W. A. Mozart classical Renaissance

Polyponic Homophonic slow movement Sonata allegro
Sonata symphony concerto Exposition Recapitulation

II. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a Classical music?
A. Sings chant
B. Has a lighter and clearer texture
C. Extensive use of crescendo
D. Uses broken chords
2. If Mozart was known as “Child Prodigy”: Haydn was known as __________?
A. Father of symphony C. Piano Virtuoso
B. Father of Classical Era D. Poet of the Piano
3. Which is the most popular Opera Buffa composed by Mozart?
A. “Fideleo” C. “Missa Solemnis”
B. “Idomeneo” D. “The Magic Flute”
4. Which is an example of a comic opera?
A. “Idomeneo” C. “Les Miserables”
B. “Miss Saigon” D. “The Magic Flute”
5. . What cultural life was dominated during Classical Era?
A. Republican C. Democracy
B. Christianity D. Aristocracy
III. Determine the composer of each composition

6. The Clock ____________________________

7. Missa Solemnis ________________________
8. Surprise Symphony ______________________
9. Moonlight Sonata _______________________
10. The Marriage of Figaro ____________________

I. Determine the artist of each artwork.

___________________1. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

___________________2. Conversion of Saint Paul
___________________3. David
___________________4. The Transfiguration
___________________5. Samson and Delilah
___________________6. Las Meninas
___________________7. Sistine Madonna
___________________8. Monalisa
___________________9. Pieta
___________________10. Self-Portrait in old age

II. Multiple choice

1. Which of the following art characteristics does not belong to the Baroque period?
A. Drama C. Grandeur
B. Experimentation D. Simple and Clear
2. Who is the painter and architect that his main contributions to art were his unique
draftsmanship and compositional skills?
A. Donato do Niccolo di Betto Bardi C. Leonardo Da Vinci
B. MichelAngelo D. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
3. If Baroque period painters illustrated Catholic dogma in their paintings, what kind of
paintings Renaissance period depicts?
A. Accurate anatomy C. Larger than life size
B. Illusion and Spectacle D. Real life figures
4. In MichelAngelo’s pieta where the portrayal of pain is always been connected with the
idea of redemption as represented by the seated Madonna holding Christ’s body in her
arms. What principles of art did he use?
A. Rhythm C. Harmony
B. Variety D. Balance
5. Leonardo Da Vinci draws a tree at the center of a canvass and an apple on the right and
left side of the tree. What principles of art is shown in the drawing?
A. Proportion C. Rhythm
B. Emphasis D. Unity
6. The following elements of art helps to express feelings, moods, and meaning through art
symbols exept?
A. Color C. Texture
B. Shape D. Rhythm
7. Which of the following Renaissance period painter painted the last supper?
A. Donato do Niccolo di Betto Bardi C. MichelAngelo
B. Leonard Da Vinci D. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
8. A Baroque period painter who worked out solutions to pictorial problems of design that
transcend the style of any period. Who is he?
A. Gian Lorenzo Bernini C. Peter Paul Rubens
B. Amerighi da Caravaggio D. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
9. If Baroque period painters illustrated Catholic dogma in their paintings, what kind of
paintings Renaissance period depicts?
A. Real life figures C. Larger than life size
B. Illusion and Spectacle D. Accurate anatomy
10. .Which of the following choices are the idea and mood of Renaissance period art works
A. Calm and beauty C. Exaggerated motion
B. Express of Triumph D. Tension

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following dances originated from Germany?

A. Cha cha cha C. Boogie
B. Waltz D. Jive
2. .Which ballroom dance has a basic step pattern of step-close-raise down?
A. Cha cha cha C. Waltz
B. Jive D. Boogie
3. What is the basic time signature of cha cha cha?
A. 2 C. 3
4 4
B. 4 D. 2
4 4
4. .Which food group in the food pyramid serves as fuel when dancing?
A. Fruit Groups C. Carbohydrates Group
B. Fats and Oils Group D. Milk and Milk Products
5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of dancing?
A. Improve the condition of heart and lungs C. Increase blood pressure
B. Improve muscles and strength D. Increase aerobic fitness
6. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in
such training?
A. Leadership C. Courage
B. Courtesy D. Disrespectful
7. Which of the following steps is NOT included in waltz?
A. Alemana Turn C. Close Change
B. 3 Step Turn D. Reverse Turn
8. Which of the following is a term to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know
other people in a certain formal or semi-formal occasion?
A. Ballroom dances C. Dancesport
B. Festival Dances D. Social dances
9. Which of tyhe following is the attire appropriate for males in Modern Standard
A. black/ white shirt C. Black/ white sweat shirt
B. black/ white long sleeves D. Coat and tie
10. What is the general term referiring to the DO’s and DON’Ts in social dancing?
A. behaviour C. Dance demeanor
B. Character D. Dance etiquette


1. Social dance are dances that entertain people in attendance to a social function.
2. Social dances can cause chronic diseases like heart disease.
3. Cha-cha-cha is example of Modern Standard Dances,
4. Respect can be developed if one engages in social dancing activities
5. Blame your partner for missed execution of figures.

III. Fill-in the missing link with the required answer as numbered.

Name of Step Step Pattern Counting

1.) R-Bw, L-Fw 1,2
R chasse Fw R-Fw, L-C to R, R- Fw 2.)
Alemana Turn 3.) 1,2
New york (L over R) Step L across R in front, 4.)
Step R in Place, Chasse L
Sw, Step R over L in front,
Chasse R Sw

1. Stimulants, depressant, hallucinogens, narcotics and inhalants are drugs of
2. Teenagers who engage in drug use and abuse tend to have poor academic
performance and drop out of school.
3. Taking small amounts of drugs of abuse will not make a person an addict in the
long run.
4. There are more healthy and enjoyable things to do than taking drugs.
5. Drugs of abuse can help a person to prevent stress and problems.

II. Choose the correct answer in each question in the box

Gateway drugs Depressant drugs Stimulant drugs

Narcotics Hallucinogens Inhalant

_______________________1. Shabu
_______________________2. Slow down a person’s central nervous system.
_______________________ 3. Rugby/ solvent
_______________________4. Speed up a person’s central nervous system
_______________________5. Distorts reality and facts

III. Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. Which type of drugs distorts reality and facts, affects all senses and makes a user see, hear,
and feel things that don’t exist in the time being?
A. Depressants C. Narcotics
B. Hallucinogens D. Stimulants
2. Which of the following is NOT considered as a sign or symptom of drug use?
A. Declining interest in studies and work
B. Frequent involvement in petty fights
C. Severe feeling of depression and loneliness
D. Sudden loss of concentration
3. Which of the following is considered as the healthy alternative in the prevention of
substance abuse?
A. Good academic performance C. Positive interaction with people
B. Learn decision-making and resistance skills D. Strong family values
4. Drugs are against the law. If a student would practice the skill in saying “no” to drugs,
which of the following should be the best response?
A. “Would you like to see a movie with me?”
B. “No, I am not interested”
C. “I’m too young to die”
D. “I hate drugs”
5. . Which is NOT considered as a preventive factor to control substance use and abuse?
A. Consultation with responsible adults regarding problems and queries in life.
B. Having responsible adult role models
C. Participation in school clubs and activities
D. Restricted social skills and interaction

III. Give 3 risk factors and 3 protective factors of drugs use and abuse

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