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Volume 69 • Number 6


SPE’s Chief Financial Officer Steve Byrne provides an overview of
SPE’s operational adjustments made in response to the downturn
while adhering to its commitment to serve and benefit members.
The best approach for applying advanced technologies to
vertical wells is to define exactly what you want to accomplish
in a given well.
In the most drilled part of a mature, onshore basin, an operator
found a field with more than a billion barrels of oil and others are
following suit. They have learned how to find oil in formations
that long frustrated explorers, but profitable production remains
a challenge.
A drilling rig on a gravel island in
34 WITH NEW RIG SOFTWARE, AUTOMATED DRILLING the shallow waters of Smith Bay off
IS EASIER TO EMBRACE the North Slope of Alaska where
A new software for drilling rigs that is compatible with all types Caelus Energy made a discovery
with huge production potential
of existing operating systems has opened the door to the wider
and development challenges.
adoption of automation technology in North America’s shale Source: Caelus Energy.
exploration programs.
Drilling interest is growing in the Austin Chalk formation as
companies use the latest unconventional development methods
in hopes of opening a new chapter in the historic US play. DEPARTMENTS
Increasingly, hydraulic fracturing designs use mixes of particles to
temporarily plug perforations taking in most of the flow to ensure 8 Regional Update
a more even, productive stimulation. 10 President’s Column
PRODUCED WATER CHALLENGES 20 Technology Applications
Several methods are being used to handle the increased demand 24 Technology Update
for produced water handling in hydraulic fracturing activities amidst 26 E&P Notes
rising costs. 66 SPE Events
To achieve an increase in incremental oil recovery at the lowest total 92 Advertisers’ Index
cost of ownership, a multidisciplinary and integrated approach is
vital to managing technical, regulatory, and economic challenges.

An Official Publication of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Printed in US. Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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pl u g s fr o m 2¹艠 8 i n. t o 1 4 ½ i n. O D o n sli c kli n e or el e ctri c li n e. A n y of
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o ut, w ell a b a n d o n m e nt, s c a b li n er s, a n d w ell i nt e grit y t e sti n g.

w w w.t a mi ntl. c o m

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64 MATRIX STIMULATION • Lateral re-completion
Frank Chang, SPE, Petroleum Engineering Consultant, Saudi Aramco

65 Novel Coiled-Tubing Perforation Technique and Stimulation in Carbonate

Gas Well

68 Monitoring of Matrix Acidizing by Use of Resistivity Measurements

70 Cryogenic-Fracturing Treatment of Synthetic-Rock With Liquid Nitrogen
Parted Casing
Robello Samuel, SPE, Technology Fellow, Halliburton

73 What Vacuum-Insulated Tubings and Casings Bring to Thermal Wells

75 Improving Casing Integrity by Induction Brazing of Casing Connections

Available Q4, 2016

ThruPatch Packer
77 Collapse Analysis of Perforated Pipes Under External Pressure

Stephen Goodyear, SPE, EOR Deployment Lead, Shell

81 Challenges During Surface-Facility-Project Implementation for a Full-Field

Polymer Flood

84 Optimizing the Use of Miscible Injectant at the Greater Prudhoe Bay Fields Re-Frac Zone
86 Overview of Carbon Dioxide Injection and Water-Alternating-Gas

Depleted Zone

The complete SPE technical papers featured in this issue are available
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Anelise Quintao Lara, Petrobras
2017 President

2016 President
Nathan Meehan, Baker Hughes
Matthias Meister, Baker Hughes


Salis Aprilian, PT Badak NGL
We have the
2018 President
Darcy Spady, Broadview Energy
Libby Einhorn, Concho Oil & Gas
Vice President Finance
Roland Moreau, ExxonMobil Annuitant
Andrei Popa, Chevron
to see inside
Adeyemi Akinlawon, Adeb Konsult
your well.
Jeff Moss, ExxonMobil
Cam Matthews, C-FER Technologies HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, ENVIRONMENT, And like all good
Trey Shaffer, ERM
superheroes, we’ll be
Joe Frantz Jr., Range Resources


J.C. Cunha
J. Roger Hite, Inwood Solutions
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Jennifer Miskimins, Colorado School of Mines VISURAY’s revolutionary VR90®
Chris Jenkins, Independent Energy Standards

MIDDLE EAST PRODUCTION AND FACILITIES downhole X-ray diagnostic service is

Khalid Zainalabedin, Saudi Aramco Hisham Saadawi, Ringstone Petroleum Consultants now available in Europe, the Middle
Karl Ludvig Heskestad, Aker BP Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University Sea, our groundbreaking technology
NORTHERN ASIA PACIFIC DIRECTOR FOR ACADEMIA has been qualified by a major operator.
Phongsthorn Thavisin, PTTEP
Dan Hill, Texas A&M University Wherever your well and whatever its
Erin McEvers, Clearbrook Consulting AT-LARGE DIRECTORS condition, you can count on us to see
what’s happening and deliver quality
RUSSIA AND THE CASPIAN Khaled Al-Buraik, Saudi Aramco
Anton Ablaev, Schlumberger Helena Wu, Santos Ltd. images 100% of the time. A quick call
to us is all it takes to put your well
back into operation. You save time and
money, while VISURAY saves the day.
JPT STAFF The Journal of Petroleum Technology® magazine is a
registered trademark of SPE.
SPE PUBLICATIONS: SPE is not responsible for any
Glenda Smith, Publisher statement made or opinions expressed in its publications.
John Donnelly, Editor
EDITORIAL POLICY: SPE encourages open and objective
Pam Boschee, Senior Manager Magazines discussion of technical and professional subjects per-
tinent to the interests of the Society in its publications.
Chris Carpenter, Technology Editor Society publications shall contain no judgmental remarks
or opinions as to the technical competence, personal
Trent Jacobs, Digital Editor character, or motivations of any individual, company, or
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Anjana Sankara Narayanan, Editorial Manager
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Joel Parshall, Features Editor and professional tone will be returned to the contribu-
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Stephen Rassenfoss, Emerging Technology Senior Editor accepts advertising (print and electronic) for goods and
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Algeria 1350 1350 1350 1340 4
Angola 1618 1698 1668 1668
Ecuador 552 544 544 536
Gabon 200 220 220 200 2
Iran 4200 4220 4280 4300
Iraq 4565 4645 4685 4565












Kuwait1 2960 2970 2970 2830
Libya 550 580 620 678
Nigeria 1988 2023 1888 1923
Qatar 1507 1527 1527 1487
Saudi Arabia1 10590 10640 10540 10020
UAE 3196 3226 3226 3066
Venezuela 2190 2180 2150 2100 2017
TOTAL 35466 35823 35668 34713
Brent 46.57 49.52 44.73 53.32 54.58 54.87 51.59 52.31

THOUSAND BOPD WTI 45.18 49.78 45.71 51.97 52.50 53.47 49.33 51.06

Canada 3893 4135 3968 4107
China 3780 3915 3949 3855

Egypt 492 491 491 490

Mexico 2136 2104 2067 2208 2017

Norway 1766 1785 1706 1660
US 544 580 634 683 744 789 853
Russia 10826 10832 10830 10733
Canada 156 173 209 302 342 253 108
UK 781 968 982 989
USA 8785 8863 8775 8835 Latin America 183 181 184 176 179 185 182
Other2 13509 13452 13592 13137 Europe 87 97 99 98 107 94 91

TOTAL 45968 46545 46360 46014 Middle East 391 380 376 382 382 386 389

Africa 77 79 78 79 77 80 89
Total World 81434 82368 82028 80727
Asia Pacific 182 188 192 198 196 198 205

TOTAL 1620 1678 1772 1918 2027 1985 1917
Numbers revised by EIA are given in italics.
Figures do not include natural gas plant liquids.
Includes approximately one-half of Neutral Zone production.
Additional annual and monthly international crude oil production statistics WORLD OIL SUPPLY AND DEMAND‡
are available at
† Source: Baker Hughes.
‡ Source: EIA.
MILLION BOPD 2016 2017
Quarter 2nd 3rd 4th 1st

SUPPLY 96.34 97.02 98.22 97.02

DEMAND 96.13 97.63 97.67 96.70
Supply includes crude oil, lease condensates, natural gas plant liquids, biofuels, other liquids,
and refinery processing gains.

6 JPT • JUNE 2017

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begin commercial FLNG operations. The said the well has been suspended with
cargo was loaded onto the LNG carrier future possibilities of deepening and/or
Z BP has discovered natural gas in the Seri Camellia, which was expected to further testing.
North Damietta offshore concession block set sail for a South Asian market. “This
in Egypt’s East Nile Delta, the company’s accomplishment effectively demonstrates MIDDLE EAST
third discovery in the block. The Qattameya Petronas’ proven technology and capability
Shallow-1 exploration well, in which BP of adapting a conventionally land-based Z Qatar Petroleum (QP) is planning a new
has a 100% interest, was drilled to a total installation to a floating LNG facility, a development in the offshore North field,
depth of 6,434 ft in water depth of 354 ft. game-changer in today’s LNG business ending a 12-year ban on new projects so
“This latest discovery confirms our belief landscape,” Petronas President and Group it could assess the effect of its extraction
that the Nile Delta is a world-class basin,” Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Datuk Wan rate on the giant reservoir it shares with
BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley said on Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin said. Operated by an Iran. The patch, in the southern section of
26 March. The well is 37 miles north of onboard team of 145 crew members, PFLNG the field, will have a capacity of 2 Bcf/D,
Damietta city in the northern part of SATU has an LNG processing capacity of or 400,000 BOE/D, and should start
the country. The company produces 1.2 million metric tons/yr. production in 5 to 7 years, President and
approximately 40% of Egypt’s gas. CEO Saad Sherida Al Kaabi told reporters on
3 April. The North field and the connected
South Pars field in Iran constitute the world’s
Z Shell said it will drill 161 new gas wells biggest reservoir of nonassociated gas. QP
Z Petronas’ floating liquefied natural gas at its Queensland operations by the end of was quicker to exploit it, but Iran has begun
(FLNG) facility PFLNG SATU loaded its first 2018, helping to secure its ongoing promise to catch up.
cargo at the Kanowit gas field offshore to supply 10% of the country’s gas market
Miri in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia, on demand. The drilling will not affect exports NORTH AMERICA
3 April. The facility is the world’s first to from the company’s Queensland Curtis
LNG plant. Shell’s announcement came a Z Eni said its recent discovery offshore
week after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull Mexico would hold more than the
met with the company and gas producer 800 million bbl of oil it originally estimated.
ExxonMobil to discuss how to increase “This is an important find and we’ve found
supplies to offset a predicted market new layers of good light oil that make us
shortage within 2 years. Eastern Australia think there’s more,” CEO Claudio Descalzi
has experienced power blackouts and said at an industry conference on 29 March.
brownouts over the past year, and growing The company said earlier in March that its
LNG exports have led to soaring gas prices Amoca-2 well in the Bay of Campeche had
for manufacturers. found “meaningful” oil reserves. With the
exploratory project, Eni became the first
international operator to drill a well in Mexico
following the 2013 reform that opened the oil
Z Hurricane Energy reported that it believes sector to foreign investors.
the Greater Lancaster Area is a single
hydrocarbon accumulation, which would SOUTH AMERICA
make it the largest undeveloped discovery
on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. Z Shell has opened a treatment plant
Operations on the 205/23-3A Halifax well for shale oil and gas in Argentina’s Vaca
were complete with the well leading to Muerta shale play, one of the world’s largest.
an oil discovery, the company said. Initial The plant has the ability to process up
data analysis also indicated that the well to 10,000 B/D of oil from the company-
is linked to the Lancaster field and forms operated Sierras Blancas, Cruz de Lorena,
a single large hydrocarbon accumulation. and Coiron Amargo Sur Oeste blocks.
Preliminary third-party analysis of the well Investment has been increasing in the
shows a “very significant” hydrocarbon Vaca Muerta in recent months, following a
column of at least 3,792 ft within the national government agreement with labor
basement rock and it extends well below unions to lower costs, the clarification of
the local structural closure, Hurricane price supports by the national government,
said. Following discussions with the and a provincial government agreement to
UK Oil and Gas Authority, the company stabilize taxes. JPT

8 JPT • JUNE 2017


Climate Change and SPE

Janeen Judah, 2017 SPE President

In early April, the shipping lanes along of a more flexible power generation system, and pushing oil
the coastlines of Newfoundland and into new markets as it is displaced from some of its current uses
Labrador, Canada, were quite congest- (such as transportation).
ed, but not with tankers. This area of Based on these expected changes, the task force proposed
Canada—often called “Iceberg Alley”— that SPE adopt a climate change strategy that maximizes align-
was filled with 450 icebergs, floating ment with SPE’s mission and vision, while positioning us to ex-
south. This overabundance appeared pand the mission and vision should the landscape change this
suddenly; the US Coast Guard reported century. The twofold strategy includes ensuring the inclusion of
the increase from 37 to 450 icebergs in a week. SPE technologies and practices that may help address climate
What is the cause? Scientists disagree. Some state that rising change while meeting the growing energy needs of the world.
temperatures caused by global warming triggered this massive The second component is to take the necessary steps to inform
iceberg jam. Others say that it could have been caused by a SPE members about climate change issues and their connection
violent windstorm in St. John’s, Canada, a few weeks earlier. to what members do, the technologies they know and apply,
In either case, the “bergy water”—the term used by the and the partnerships and communities to which they belong
Canadian Coast Guard in its ice bulletin—has officials believ- or could belong.
ing that the number of icebergs this year will eclipse last year’s Using the power of SPE to support our members, the activi-
total of 687. ties that SPE can take include:
Opinions regarding climate change—is it real or not—are ◗ JPT articles that identify public policy developments
polar opposite. There are just as many people who passionate- related to climate change and associated public
ly believe it exists and needs to be slowed as those who do not perceptions that could impact our ability to deliver our
believe it exists. mission
Typically, SPE does not take positions on political or con- ◗ Case history knowledge sharing that promotes energy
troversial matters. We are a society that disseminates techni- efficiency in oil and gas E&P
cal knowledge for the upstream segment of the oil and gas in- ◗ Knowledge sharing to promote reduction of planned and
dustry. But this concern is so prevalent globally that last year, unplanned emissions and releases in E&P operations
the SPE Board of Directors formed a climate change task force ◗ Knowledge sharing about physical risks associated with
to identify “key aspects of climate change and public percep- changing climate and successfully managing those risks
tions of climate change.” This group also was charged with de- ◗ Supporting development of CCUS technology and
veloping a strategy for SPE’s response and recommending any practices to use within and beyond the E&P industry
actions that the society should take. ◗ Discussing new technical opportunities for members
The board also requested that recommendations developed related to climate change
by the task force avoid any approach that could be construed Of course, SPE already is actively involved in some of these
as lobbying or political advocacy, as neither is consistent with steps. The strategy further enables us to broaden our suite
SPE’s role and status as a not-for-profit organization. of activities.
The task force worked diligently for nearly a year studying Lastly, the task force reviewed the positions of other profes-
climate change policies such as the Paris Agreement, which was sional organizations, including most of our related engineering
developed at the 21st annual Conference of Parties. Population and geoscience organizations, and discovered a wide range of
growth and economic development are driving increased need approaches on climate change. For example, some organiza-
for and access to energy, so the Paris Agreement is expected to tions offered high-level assessments on climate science while
bring change over the course of this century. It has the potential others offered only policy guidance. A third set had neither
to usher in new opportunities for SPE members through deploy- assessments nor guidance.
ing carbon dioxide capture, use, and storage (CCUS), further ac- Since SPE does not have a focus on assessing climate sci-
celerating natural gas as an option to coal, changing the infra- ence or guiding policy, the task force recommended that we
structural load as natural gas becomes an essential component not develop a public position statement on climate change. At

To contact the SPE President, email

10 JPT • JUNE 2017

Icebergs floating south in the “Iceberg
Alley” near Goose Cove, Newfoundland.
Source: Getty Images.

its meeting in March, the SPE Board of Directors accepted the are both creative and doable while also being meaningful and
task force’s recommendation. reliable. These recommendations dovetail nicely with the sus-
The board approved the success plan created by the task tainability messages of my SPE president predecessor, Nathan
force. The success vision for the recommended SPE climate Meehan. If you heard him speak or read his JPT columns, you
change strategy states that: know that his common refrain was that as engineers we must
◗ The Paris Agreement calls for “a balance between “improve people’s lives,” and the key ways Nathan listed are
anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by minimizing methane emissions, reducing/eliminating flares,
sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this focusing on energy efficiency and conservation, ensuring well-
century” (net-zero), which will require significant input bore integrity, reducing our surface footprint, and eliminating
from the energy sector. oil spills. In other words, he espoused that we can go about our
◗ SPE puts its technical resources behind achieving a net- business as petroleum engineers but with a “commitment to
zero emissions world while continuing to capture the doing the right job and getting that job done right.”
value (more than energy) provided by oil and gas. I, too, have a special concern about operating in a safe and
◗ SPE events and publications should include technical environmentally responsible manner, and I have written on
content relevant to the achievement of a net-zero these topics a few times in this space. For example, in my
emissions world. November column, “To be Leaders of Integrity, We Must Earn
◗ The recommended strategy aligns with SPE member Trust,” I explained my viewpoint that small-footprint opera-
interests. tions save money. And, in a time when concern about use of
◗ SPE’s climate change strategy will drive a multiyear focus fossil fuels is growing in North America and Western Europe,
that includes technologies, skills development, our past actions affect our social license to continue to operate.
knowledge sharing, and partnerships, which will be People are concerned about our approach to sustainability and
represented in near- and long-term action plans. the potential for climate change.
◗ SPE provides its members with information needed to SPE is not in the business of making or establishing policy
understand the issue of climate change and the change. But I believe our decisions and actions as engineers
interconnectivity of their roles, technologies, and can make a positive influence on our world. As I speak to SPE
partnerships in this context. members worldwide, I usually end my presentations with a
◗ SPE pushes the thinking of what is possible with regard NASA image of Earth at night. First World nations are bright-
to research and development to address technology ly lit with electricity while other regions, primarily Africa, are
gaps. largely in the dark. We have so much work to do to bring en-
◗ SPE promotes technologies and practices that help ergy to everyone, but we must do so wisely. I like to tell people
address climate change while meeting the growing that in addition to my engineering degree from Texas A&M
energy needs of the world. University, I have a law degree, too. But lawyers don’t solve the
As SPE president, I am satisfied with the task force’s find- world’s problems; engineers do. We can engineer a better and
ings and recommendation. I believe that these action points brighter future for generations to come. JPT

12 JPT • JUNE 2017

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SPE: Weathering the Downturn

Steve Byrne, Chief Financial Officer, Society of Petroleum Engineers

When oil prices began to fall rapidly in While a few member during ATCE. The costs had increased
the last half of 2014, the impact was significantly. The Board modified the
quickly felt in all of SPE’s programs. Our way in which regional teams are select-
magazines were affected first by a reduc- programs have been ed for the finals at ATCE and reduced the
tion in advertising as companies reduced costs being borne by SPE for this pop-
their marketing budgets. Training course reduced or modified, the ular program.
attendance was next as companies cut On the events side, industry layoffs
back training and travel. Conference essential services we affected many of the volunteers who
and workshop participation declined as plan our events, putting more work
travel was constrained, and technical provide to members are in the hands of staff. SPE reduced the
programs for conferences were affect- number of workshops and forums, and
ed as authors were unable to present reduced or eliminated the exhibits at
their papers. Participation in exhibitions unchanged. some smaller conferences. Larger con-
held up for a while as many companies ferences may have had smaller exhibi-
honored commitments that had already through harder times. As it became clear tions, but SPE made every effort to give
been made, but subsequent rebooking that the industry was facing a “lower for the exhibitors good exposure to attend-
of exhibits declined. It quickly became longer” situation, we recognized that we ees and tailor the venues to the expected
apparent that all of SPE’s main programs needed to adjust our operations to fit level of activity. Staff worked to reduce
were going to be suppressed as long as industry conditions. costs associated with putting on events
prices remained low and would likely When oil prices were high, SPE ini- without negatively affecting the experi-
trail the recovery of prices on the way out tiated a number of new member pro- ence of attendees.
of the downturn. grams. One of our first steps was to As we worked to reduce expenses, it
Understanding that SPE could not examine these newer programs to deter- was necessary to make some very pain-
continue to operate in a business-as- mine whether they could be paused until ful decisions about one of our largest
usual fashion, the Board of Directors conditions improved, or reduced in expenses—SPE staff. During previous
and senior staff began examining the some manner to improve their econom- industry downturns, SPE had managed
impact to SPE and options for adjusting ics. This effort quickly spread to lon- without a layoff. But the growth over the
operations to the downturn. SPE is very ger-standing programs as well. Changes previous decade and the rapid decline
fortunate to have financial reserves to made to PetroBowl are an example of the left us with no choice but to undertake
smooth the impacts of the economic fluc- type of action taken by the Board. The a reduction in force. Over the course
tuations common to our industry. During program had grown the number of teams of 2015 and 2016, we reduced staff by
the years of high prices, we were able to involved, and SPE was covering the travel 32%. This brought SPE’s staffing back to
build a reserve fund and invest it to see us costs for many teams to attend the finals 2009 levels.
We have reviewed every SPE program
and reduced or eliminated many that are
Steve Byrne is SPE’s chief financial officer and director of business
not essential to SPE’s mission. Through-
services, responsible for global financial reporting and
out this process, our focus wasn’t solely
consolidation of SPE; treasury and investment services; facilities
management; and coordination of the global audit and on cutting back. Even as we were trying to
consolidation of all SPE legal entities. Before joining SPE, Byrne reduce costs to better align with econom-
was controller for ThinkSpark, an Oracle database and consulting ic conditions, we launched our Members
firm. Prior to ThinkSpark, he worked for Arco for 16 years where in Transition toolkit, increased online
he held various financial and tax positions in US operations as well webinars, offered free attendance days
as in the international division. He received his BBA degree in accounting and finance
from Texas A&M University and is a certified public accountant. (Continued on page 29)

14 JPT • JUNE 2017

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Bernt Aadnøy, University of Stavanger

Syed Ali—Chairperson, Consultant

Tayfun Babadagli, University of Alberta

Shale Sustainability William Bailey, Schlumberger

Mike Berry, Mike Berry Consulting

John Donnelly, JPT Editor Maria Capello, Kuwait Oil Company

Frank Chang, Saudi Aramco

Simon Chipperfield, Santos

Public and government concern over unconventional oil and gas Alex Crabtree, Hess Corporation

production continues. Hardly a month goes by before anoth- Gunnar DeBruijn, Schlumberger
er study into the potential health effects of shale production is Mark Egan, Retired
launched or a public hearing is conducted regarding the impact Mark Elkins, Retired
of a project on the local landscape.
Alexandre Emerick,
For example, last month the Southwest Pennsylvania Envi- Petrobras Research Center
ronmental Health Project opened a public health registry to Niall Fleming, Statoil
track and analyze the impact of shale gas development on peo-
Ted Frankiewicz, SPEC Services
ple living near wells, pipelines, and other infrastructure. That followed the release of a
Duke University study that concluded that hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale Stephen Goodyear, Shell

did not pollute groundwater in West Virginia but that wastewater spillage contami- Omer M. Gurpinar, Schlumberger
nated some surface water. Many of the reports and studies are drawing similar con- A.G. Guzman-Garcia, Retired
clusions—that hydraulic fracturing poses little or no risk but that contamination can Greg Horton, Retired
occur during the transportation or treatment process.
John Hudson, Shell
Shale oil and gas development has certainly changed the world order in these com-
Morten Iversen, Karachaganak Petroleum
modities, from OPEC strategy and commodity prices to global import/export patterns.
The US, with abundant gas still depressing prices, is becoming an exporter of lique- Leonard Kalfayan, Hess Corporation

fied natural gas rather than an importer. Shale oil is largely responsible for the low oil Thomas Knode, Contek Solutions
prices of the past 2 years, turning the US into the world’s “swing” producer, a position Sunil Kokal, Saudi Aramco
Saudi Arabia once held. Industry resiliency amid low oil prices led to slashing of ser- Marc Kuck, Eni US Operating
vice company costs, operational efficiencies, and high-grading of properties. As ser-
Jesse C. Lee, Schlumberger
vice costs now begin to rise, profitable production in a world of USD 40–60/bbl oil will
Douglas Lehr, Baker Hughes
require further innovation.
But the industry also continues to face regulatory challenges based on environmen- Silviu Livescu, Baker Hughes

tal concerns. Maryland has recently followed New York in legislating against hydrau- Shouxiang (Mark) Ma, Saudi Aramco
lic fracturing. A new book, Sustainable Shale Oil and Gas: Analytical Chemistry, Geo- John Macpherson, Baker Hughes
chemistry, and Biochemistry Methods by Vikram Rao and Rob Knight argues that Stéphane Menand, DrillScan
this type of policymaking is hampered by inadequate data, which in turn is caused by
Graham Mensa-Wilmot, Chevron
shortcomings in analytical techniques. The authors describe new cost-effective analyt-
Badrul H. Mohamed Jan, University of Malaya
ical methods for detecting fugitive methane as well as particulate matter and volatile
organic chemicals, including a portable shoe-box-sized mass spectrometer with per- Zillur Rahim, Saudi Aramco

formance approaching that of a laboratory machine. Eric Ringle, FMC Technologies

The last line of the book states, “That which cannot be measured, cannot be regulat- Martin Rylance, BP plc
ed or otherwise controlled or exploited.” They apply this reasoning to improving the Robello Samuel, Halliburton
economics of recovery as well. The book discusses analytical methods to illuminate
Otto L. Santos, Retired
the unconventional reservoir, including a fascinating method using DNA sequencing to
Luigi A. Saputelli, Frontender Corporation
characterize reservoir rock through examination of microbial populations.
The book lays out how analytical chemistry, geochemistry, and biochemistry play Sally A. Thomas, Retired

prominent roles in hydraulic fracturing and that they are central to the three tenets of Win Thornton, BP plc
sustainable production: protecting the environment, protecting the well-being of local Xiuli Wang, Baker Hughes
communities, and profitability. Mike Weatherl, Well Integrity
Innovation has been a necessity for survival in the low oil and gas price market, and
Scott Wilson, Ryder Scott Company
continued innovation will result in an industry resilient to future unexpected challeng-
Jonathan Wylde, Clariant Oil Services
es. And the authors contend that that innovation and production is achievable in envi-
ronmentally responsible fashion. JPT Robert Ziegler, Weatherford

To contact JPT’s editor, email

16 JPT • JUNE 2017

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Why Can’t We Apply Advanced Technologies

More Often to Vertical Wells in Mature Fields?
Rob Hull, Director, Global Technical Solutions, Halliburton

When I started working in the oil and gas For example, vertical injection wells and vetted against the available technolo-
business in the 1970s, we spent a great can be refractured using more advanced gies. How much money do you want to
deal of time designing vertical wells. The diversion technology, ultimately extend- invest in the project? What is the estimated
horizontal well was by and large a far- ing the life of the well or even potentially attainable production yield? Do you want
fetched idea on everyone’s wish list— adding more reserves. Or we can accu- quick returns or a long-term solution?
the capability to have a completion go rately apply acid in a vertical well to estab- The second step entails adopting an
through the sweet spot was almost too lish better communication with a reser- open mind regarding the application of
good to be true. Fast forward to 2017 and voir. Such applications  are now part of advanced technologies, to think outside
we are now drilling horizontals every- the mature field landscape, but the wide- the box of convention and seriously con-
where, surpassing drilling times again spread adoption of newer technologies sider the full range of what is available.
and again. often moves at a glacial pace. You can then assess and analyze various
But what about vertical wells, are we The second factor is cost. We know that technologies to determine which is best-
not still drilling those? The answer is the application of advanced technologies suited to achieve the desired results in a
“Yes, we are.” From 2011 to 2016, the can prolong the life of mature fields, but cost-effective manner. Risk can be miti-
industry drilled 117,624 vertical wells in it has to be done cost-effectively. Mature gated by “doing the homework” or by
the United States while, in that same time fields are exceptionally cost-sensitive, application of learnings from others cur-
frame, it drilled 84,200 horizontals. and any high-dollar application must rently finding success in the surround-
The fact is, vertical wells still have sev- yield acceptable returns: You are not ing areas.
eral key applications: They are typically going to pump an expensive chemical into One example is a vertical well that
used as the preliminary wellbore in explo- a well for a 0.5% return—it just does not is located in south Texas. The well was
ration, production, and acreage delinea- make sense. drilled in 1996 and declined to the point
tion, and can be used for infill drilling, Looking ahead, the well intervention that it was shut in in 2013. The well was
injection, and disposal. market for mature fields will be demand- refractured in 1996 and 1999 to keep
So, can we not apply advanced tech- ing more and more of our attention. By the production up but it continued to
nologies more often to mature vertical 2019, it is expected to be in the range of decline rapidly. Tubing was replaced in
wells? We can, but two factors need to be USD 13 billion per year globally. 2003 but even with all the maintenance
considered when doing so—technology So, what is the best approach for apply- effort, the well went from initial produc-
and cost. ing advanced technologies to the vertical tion of 400 Mcf/D to 10 Mcf/D.
First, embracing advanced technolo- wells in mature fields? In 2014, the operator made one more
gies. Some energy and production com- The first step is defining exactly what effort to revitalize the well by using
panies lead the way in innovation while you want to accomplish in a given well—a advanced technology. A tool was run via
others are more risk-adverse. Regardless, clear objective sharpens the focus of what slickline that discovered a hole in the
new technologies are consistently being you will need to get there. The strategic tubing. The tubing was replaced, and a
developed, refined, and eventually adopt- approach to understanding is ensuring two-stage refracture was performed using
ed more broadly. that the correct diagnostics are completed advanced proppant technology. The well
came back on producing 1.5 MMcf/D. With
a USD 250,000 investment by the opera-
Rob Hull is director of Halliburton Global Technical Solutions, tor, a little design work, and some faith in
leading a global team in assisting customers with using
applying newer techniques, the operator
Halliburton  technology to address challenges in deep water,
was able to exponentially increase pro-
mature fields, and unconventional assets. He has more than 35
years of experience with various evaluation and production duction and avoid abandoning the well.
operators, technology providers, and consulting groups. Hull Can we afford not to use the right appli-
holds a BS  degree in management and an MBA, both from cation of technology to get the maximum
Canterbury University. value for the asset? JPT

18 JPT • JUNE 2017

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Chris Carpenter, JPT Technology Editor

Multistage-Fracturing Service
Baker Hughes introduced the DEEPFRAC
deepwater multistage-fracturing service,
which can save operators hundreds of
millions of dollars in offshore develop-
ments through efficiency gains across
the completion phase. By use of multi-
position sleeves and patented flowback-
control technology, the service acceler-
ates or eliminates certain steps of con-
ventional multizone completion opera-
tions and enables rapid stimulation of
multiple stages. This translates into sig-
nificantly greater reservoir contact, with
an average operating-expense savings of
USD 30 to 40 million per well. Typi-
cally, after a deepwater well has been Fig. 1—Baker Hughes’ DEEPFRAC multistage-fracturing service. Proprietary
drilled, the subsequent completion phase flowback-control media is incorporated directly into the multiposition sleeve’s
involves multiple time-consuming steps. production ports to enable long-term, sand-free production without the need
In contrast, the DEEPFRAC service elimi- for conventional sand screens.
nates casing and cementing operations
and simplifies fluid logistics by using sleeve’s ball activation enables contin- ration flexibility. The sleeves used in the
ball-activated, multiposition sleeves that uous pumping, cutting the lower com- DEEPFRAC service are modular and flex-
can be installed in openhole wellbores pletion phase from weeks to days. Con- ible, enabling placement of 20 or more
containing drilling mud (Fig. 1). No tool ventional offshore stimulation systems tightly spaced stages across the pay zone
movement is needed during the DEEP- are often limited to only five zones or to ensure more-uniform treatments and
FRAC service’s stimulation process. The stages, and these systems lack configu- to maximize reservoir contact.
◗ For additional information, visit

GEODynamics introduced the SandIQ
optimized perforating technology, now
undergoing field evaluations in the Perm-
ian and Bakken. The system generates
optimized perforating geometry that
leads to improved proppant transport
in fracturing stages (Fig. 2). In addition,
SandIQ uses constant and consistent
perforating entry holes and penetration
depths in wells regardless of gun posi-
tion, well casing, and formation. Par-
ticle transport at a high fluid velocity is
complex. With the SandIQ perforating
system, proppant-placement efficiency
is improved because of the creation of a
diversion ledge in combination with a 45°
formation-entry ramp. The added down-
Fig. 2—Perforations using a conventional perforating system (top) vs. stream ledge in the casing further assists
perforations using GEODynamics’ SandIQ technology. the sand to exit more evenly along the

20 JPT • JUNE 2017

numerous clusters. SandIQ is the result
of GEODynamics’ engineering and devel-
opment efforts and is part of a broader
perforating technology suite that allows
operators to continuously improve well
completions. GEODynamics offers engi-
neering support for this continuous
improvement process using software
tools and step-rate-testing data provided
by the operator.
◗ For additional information, visit

Slickline System
Horizontal wells are known to have pro-
duction challenges as a result of inconsis-
tent slug-fluid flow, damaging solids, and
excessive gas interference. Production
through the life cycle of these wells often
requires complex and expensive artificial-
Fig. 3—Production Plus’ HEAL Slickline System enables fewer, and simpler,
artificial-lift transitions. lift strategies. Production Plus Energy
Services introduced the retrievable Hor-
izontal Enhanced Artificial Lift (HEAL)
Slickline System, which provides great-
er access to the wellbore, easier instal-
lation, simpler integrity testing, and an
economical protection solution for dam-
aging offset interwellbore communica-
tion (Fig.  3). With no moving parts, the
system easily joins to the horizontal as
part of a standard well completion and
is designed to perform for the life of the
well. The system is part of a set of config-
urations that offers producers increased
efficiency, more cost options, and the
flexibility to enhance the performance of
any artificial system, including electrical
submersible pumps, rod pumping, pro-
gressive cavity pumping, and plunger lift
through the life of a horizontal well. The
products in the HEAL suite are designed
to benefit a horizontal well’s entire pro-
ducing life—controlling fracturing flow-
back, extending the natural flow period,
simplifying transitions between artificial-
lift phases, lowering operating expenses,
and eliminating costly intermediate arti-
ficial lift.
◗ For additional information, visit

Fluid-Characterization Service
The average quality of discovered oil is
Fig. 4—The G9+ service from Geolog can characterize reservoir fluids in near- decreasing through time, and oils with
real-time. very different properties coexist in many
wells. Consequently, good completion

22 JPT • JUNE 2017

wireline logs in new wells. The system
includes the only five-detector-array
pulsed neutron tool in the world, which
enables 250% more gas-saturation mea-
surement sensitivity compared with
two-detector tools. The Raptor tool
is the only pulsed neutron tool that
offers multipoint oil and gas sensitiv-
ity calibration, which provides factory-
specification logging performance
before each job. Once raw data reach
the surface, the information is analyzed
by dedicated production petrophysicists
with an integrated single-well response
characterization, four-detector mixing,
and transparent petrophysical process-
es and software. At any point in the pro-
cess, the client is able to confer with
the production petrophysicist to see the
Fig. 5—Weatherford’s Raptor 2.0 cased-hole evaluation system offers analysis behind the answers. The sys-
multipoint oil and gas sensitivity calibration. tem offers a variety of fluid-saturation
answer products—including carbon/
and flow-assurance strategies can guar- ume within a few saturation units. The oxygen, sigma, and three-phase tech-
antee more value from assets. A continu- system provides reliable saturation data niques—along with an array of specialty
ous oil-quality profile of a reservoir, pro- that guide reservoir-rejuvenation pro- answer products. JPT
duced at wellsite, can support important grams (Fig. 5). It can also be deployed ◗ For additional information, visit
decisions for well completion, avoiding as an alternative to traditional openhole
costly downhole sampling programs and
lengthy delays waiting for lab results.
Geolog’s G9+ service can characterize Introducing Cascade 3
reservoir fluids in near-real-time, with
only a few minutes’ delay, with low rates Improve water injectivity,
of penetration using low-cost thermal-
extraction techniques formerly applied recovery, and well life.
only in analytical laboratories (Fig. 4).
This approach provides timely assess-
ments of oil quality, including wax con-
tent, presence of biodegradation or water
washing, and differentiation of oil inter-
vals with different American Petroleum
Institute gravities, all without any addi-
tional rig time. The service delivers rapid
measurements of the liquid hydrocar-
bons in the range of C9–C27 from cut-
tings. Successful applications have been
delivered in areas such as West Africa and
the Middle East, where both heavy and
high-quality oils commonly occur in the
same intervals.
◗ For additional information, visit Cascade3 removes the three failure mechanisms in injectors:
Cased-Hole Evaluation System
The Weatherford Raptor 2.0 cased-hole
evaluation system defines the location
of oil and gas within inches and vol-

JPT • JUNE 2017 23


Real-Time, Single-Run CT System Provides

Selective Perforating and Activation
Teoman Altinkopru, SPE, Schlumberger

Deeper boreholes and longer, more devi- ogies offer several key benefits, including
ated laterals are driving an evolution in a reduced footprint, accurate measure-
well intervention operations, opening ments of bottomhole pressures and tem-
opportunities for the industry to develop peratures, proper depth correlation, and
challenging wells in new frontiers as inter- precise load measurements in a unique,
vention capability expands to support the robust package for harsh and complex
most complex wells and completions. environments. These features allow
From a service company standpoint, operators to eliminate guesswork and
this phenomenon has challenged the make educated decisions as the job pro-
industry to make continued improve- gresses, respond immediately, and adjust
ments in the delivery of well intervention parameters as conditions change.
services and technologies to meet the
needs of customers and do the job right, New CT System Advantages
the first time. Development of advanced Toward that end, an innovative meth-
equipment, such as coiled tubing (CT) od for selective perforating and plug-
Fig. 1—The real-time selective
and other downhole tools that trans- perforating and activation system setting with CT provides several impor-
mit critical data and measurements in minimizes downtime, risk, and cost tant advantages, including the ability to
real time, is helping operators move into with fewer runs for single perforation accurately correlate depth between each
these new arenas and produce from wells attempts. Source: Schlumberger. detonation using fiber-optic telemetry to
that once would have been inaccessible to transmit signals.
intervention methods. well with lower drawdowns on the reser- The Schlumberger ACTive OptiFIRE
By far the most used and exposed piece voir can take 2 or more days to run in and CT real-time selective perforating and
of equipment in the oil field, CT has out of the hole. Traditionally, operators activation system is able to reach tar-
been a critical tool in moving well inter- have used surface measurements to infer get depth safely, efficiently, and cost-
vention services forward. The need for the depth from length measurements, effectively in a single CT run, a capability
accurate, real-time data in CT operations with little information and control over previously unavailable.
will continue to be a key driver for fur- what the CT is doing downhole. In a dif- The tool’s accessibility to the targeted
ther innovation. Downhole tools that can ficult horizontal well, reliance on those area is equal to that of a wireline trac-
provide real-time information on depth, assumptions can very easily lead to dis- tor but without the need for a wireline
pressure, and temperature and depth crepancies in measurements and inaccu- crew at the wellsite. Thus, the use of the
correlation are critically important and rate decision making. system minimizes environmental impact
represent a significant change from the Schlumberger made a conscious deci- and reduces time and rig costs. The tool
requirements of 10 or 20 years ago in sion more than 10 years ago to focus on accesses the zone, positions the perforat-
shallow, vertical wells, where a 0.1% dis- developing high-tech sensors that pro- ing guns, fires, and confirms detonation
crepancy was acceptable. vide real-time downhole measurements in one run (Fig. 1).
For example, intervention in an off- for greater accuracy. Today, tools that Especially suited for high-flow-rate
shore well of more than 20,000 ft deliver the capability to digitally operate wells, sub-hydrostatic wells, and unstable
requires better resolution and greater key well intervention services and equip- formations, the CT real-time selective
accuracy in the critical parameters, such ment are aiding rig crews in conducting perforating and activation system is part
as depth, pressure, and the specific activ- efficient, safer well interventions. of the platform of live CT services, includ-
ity of the CT than intervention in shorter Optimizing the performance of exist- ing depth correlation, real-time pres-
wells in less challenging settings. ing wells is a practical choice that reduc- sure and temperature monitoring, and
In this situation, a stimulation treat- es the costs and risks associated with accelerometer data obtained by means of
ment to increase the productivity of a well intervention. Innovative CT technol- built-in sensors.

24 JPT • JUNE 2017

The use of fiber-optic telemetry to
transmit signals eliminates the need to
pump fluids downhole to initiate deto-
nation, enabling operators to maintain
underbalanced conditions to reduce for-
mation damage while perforating and
avoid displacing fractures when run-
ning plug-setting tools. The tool does
not require a ball-drop or pressure-pulse
mechanism to detonate, and can be used
with a wide range of perforating guns.
The system selectively fires multiple
guns for up to 10 zones in a single run,
at different depths, overcoming conven-
tional CT perforation methods that often
require multiple runs, result in operating
restrictions caused by the limitations of
perforating heads, and compromise safe-
ty in confirming detonation. Guns can be
fired on demand, and each gun is fired
separately for greater control of the per-
foration operation.
The system is armed after it is run in
the hole and programmed using wireline
procedures through a surface system in Fig. 2—Real-time confirmation of downhole detonation using the response of
the CT cabin. The battery-activated guns (leftward from second column) the casing collar locator (CCL), accelerometer,
are fired from the bottom up. Continuous pressure, and temperature data. Source: Schlumberger.
real-time feedback on the firing opera-
tion and an electronic safety key and significantly reduced health, safety, and ments and the downhole CCL depth corre-
pin that reduces risk while perforating environmental risk by eliminating the lation tool were used to place the bottom-
enhance safety. Plug-setting is achieved need to pump fluid for detonation and hole assembly, activate the firing head,
by sending a command to the setting tool. avoiding the hydrostatic loading of the and confirm detonation within seconds.
well (Fig. 2). Use of the system resulted in significant
Maintaining Underbalance A Middle East operator successfully time and cost savings for the operator.
The CT real-time selective perforating deployed the CT real-time selective per-
and activation system has been deployed forating and activation system for a field Looking Ahead
globally, including in Mexico, the Middle test on an unconventional oil well. After Going forward, maximizing production
East, Malaysia, and Norway. To prevent seeing positive results, the customer exe- from increasingly challenging reser-
deferral of production and remove for- cuted a subsequent, more complex job voirs will only be possible through the
mation damage in a brownfield, Mexico using the tool. use of advanced technologies. Ongoing
operator Pemex selected the system to Another operator in the region chose improvements in CT, along with break-
perforate two new intervals and reperfo- the single-run system for a 6,562-ft throughs in real-time monitoring and
rate a critical production zone on a live high-pressure horizontal section of an data transmission, have had a significant
well in underbalanced conditions. unconventional, multizone gas well after impact on the well intervention market
Schlumberger deployed the system to experiencing difficulties using simple by enhancing the quality of information
accurately place the perforating guns and perforating guns and abrasive jetting, available for making job-critical deci-
activate the charges without a ball-drop which involves perforating by sandblast- sions during interventions. Thus, opera-
or pressure-pulse system. Data from ing the casing. Attempts to run plugs tors become able to produce from wells
the casing collar locator (CCL) and from and guns using a wireline tractor failed that once would have been beyond the
pressure, temperature, and accelerom- to reach total depth, leaving CT as the reach of intervention capabilities.
eter readings safely confirmed the deto- only option. As the industry pushes into new fron-
nation in real time. The operator used the CT real-time tiers, development and greater use of
The operation was carried out in selective perforating and activation sys- real-time downhole measurements will
record time and increased production tem to execute three zones, firing multiple be essential to assuring production
by 18%. The system reduced perforat- shots from the same location in the same in challenging wells efficiently, cost-
ing detonation time by 75%. Pemex also run. Gamma-ray logging tool measure- effectively, and safely. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 25


With New Advance, Natural Gas

Filtering Technology Moves Closer
to Commercial Reality
Trent Jacobs, JPT Digital Editor

Researchers at Rice University in Hous- er and easier to make than other forms on the makeup of the feed gas, these
ton have advanced their efforts to devel- of activated carbon, enough so that it parameters can be tweaked to produce
op a low-cost and relatively simple- will be commercially feasible to pro- a variation of porous carbon that is
to-make filtering material for carbon duce at scale. “Our material is also high- most effective.
dioxide separation and capture. Their ly recyclable—you can use it more than Ghosh said that the key enabling fac-
aim is for this new material to be used at 200 or 300 times,” he said. “It’s one of tor of the porous carbon is the size and
natural gas gathering facilities where it the most interesting properties of this width of its pores. Through trial and
will absorb carbon dioxide from natural porous carbon.” error, the researchers have found that
gas streams while allowing the methane In addition to midstream oil and gas some forms may have a high surface
product to pass through. applications, researchers hope the mate- area, needed to provide plenty of real
JPT featured the work in 2014 and, rial will serve as an alternative to con- estate for the separation process, but
since then, the researchers say they have ventional amine-based scrubbers used lack the optimal pore size.
figured out how to optimize their pro- in refineries, power plants, and other “If the pore sizes are too big, 3–4 nm
cess to make the material, described as industrial facilities. Ghosh pointed out wide, the [carbon dioxide molecules]
a porous-carbon sorbent, to address the that a major drawback of these scrub- will become stacked,” Ghosh explained.
different chemical makeups of natural bers is that they can be used for only “But through thermal agitation, they
gas sources. a few cycles. “After that, they become will fly out and maybe only a small
The project has received funding from useless and you have to change your amount will stay in the material.”
US independent operator Apache Cor- whole filter setup or buy a new one,” The conclusion is that the pores must
poration. The latest details were pub- he said. be no more than 1–2 nm across in order
lished last month in the Royal Society of To make the porous carbon, the Rice to effectively trap the carbon dioxide
Chemistry’s journal, Sustainable Energy researchers say only three simple con- without also trapping too much meth-
& Fuels. trols are involved: temperature, time, ane. In general, Ghosh said the material
Saunab Ghosh, a research scientist at and the ratio of potassium hydrox- absorbs eight times more carbon diox-
Rice, described the material as cheap- ide to polymer additives. Depending ide by mass than the methane.
Once the material is filled to capac-
ity, both the carbon dioxide and resid-
(a) (b) ual methane can be released by heat-
ing it to a specific temperature. This
process could be automated in a com-
mercial product, and the release of the
two gases can be controlled since they
react to different temperatures. Using
a temperature-swing technique, Ghosh
said a “high-purity” grade of methane
can be recovered and sold.
Critical for commercialization, he also
emphasized that oil and gas companies
should be able to create the porous
carbon in their own laboratories or by
those run by their third-party develop-
Microscopic images of a porous carbon that that can be optimized as it is
made to achieve a specific selectivity for natural gas and methane at natural ers. While the foundational research for
gas facilities or other types of industrial plants. Scientists say the material is this project requires a deep knowledge
affordable and will be commercially scalable. Source: Rice University. of organic chemistry, Ghosh said the

26 JPT • JUNE 2017

synthetization process is “straightfor- Among them  will be a paper outlin- ers are also investigating another
ward” enough for less-specialized tech- ing the progress  made on efforts form of porous carbon that is cheap-
nicians to follow. to modify the material to capture er than the current iteration and may
This research is ongoing and highly-corrosive sulfur dioxide, other- be more effective at absorbing car-
more results are to be published. wise known as a sour gas. Rice research- bon dioxide.

US Gulf of Mexico Hits Record Production

Trent Jacobs, JPT Digital Editor

Average oil production in the US

Gulf of Mexico reached a new bench- DEEPWATER GULF OF MEXICO FIELD STARTUPS IN 2016
mark of 1.6  million B/D in 2016, top-
Majority Project/Facility Water Depth Discovery
ping the previous record set in 2009 by Field Name Operator Name (ft) Year
44,000 B/D. January’s average produc-
Gunflint Noble Energy Freedom 6,138 2008
tion reached 1.7  million B/D, marking a
fourth straight month of increases for Heidelberg Anadarko Heidelberg 5,271 2009
the offshore region. Julia ExxonMobil Jack/St. Malo 7,087 2007
These figures were published by
the US  Energy Information Agency Kodiak BP Devils Tower 5,006 2008
(EIA), which predicts that crude output Stones Shell Turritella 9,556 2005
from the US Gulf will continue to rise Thunder Horse BP Thunder Horse 6,050 1999
into 2018. (South Extension)
Last year, there were eight offshore
Wide Berth Apache Baldpate 3,700 2009
projects commissioned in the offshore
basin, including Shell’s 50,000 B/D Caesar Tonga Anadarko Caesar/Tonga 5,000 2003
Stones floating production facility that Phase II
started up in September and Anadar-
ko’s 80,000 B/D Heidelberg spar plat- the average number of rigs drilling in rent low price environment, with expec-
form which achieved first oil in January. the US Gulf was 55 compared with 22 in tations of higher returns when crude oil
Seven more projects are slated to start 2016. Correlated to this trend is a rise in prices rise and discoveries are brought
up this year. exploratory wells drilled in proportion into production,” the report reads.
The EIA notes that the improving pro- to development wells. To read the full report: https://
duction totals come amid a significant “This reflects operators taking advan- y/detail.
decline in offshore rig activity. In 2014, tage of the lower day rates in the cur- php?id=30752&src=email.

Foamer Developed To Help Corrosion, Scale Inhibition

Stephen Whitfield, Senior Staff Writer

Wet-gas production in east and cen- The gas wells are located in the Teague shoal trend with higher porosity zones
tral Texas can often be a complicat- field in east central Texas. There are sev- that can produce significant amounts of
ed process, as corrosive fluids in gas eral producing reservoirs in the field, water and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
wells  often lead  to significant depo- but the Upper Jurassic Bossier and Cot- Wylde said the requirements for an
sition of iron sulfide scale in produc- ton Valley Lime reservoirs are the most adequate chemical component were
tion tubing.  Speaking at the SPE Oil- prolific. Wylde said the gas produced by borne of a unique combination of chal-
field Chemistry Conference, Jonathan the two reservoirs has different charac- lenges, including gas well liquid loading,
Wylde discussed the challenges in cre- teristics, which indicates that they come iron sulfide scale deposition, sulfate and
ating a chemical component to deli- from different source rock despite being carbonate scale deposition, and sweet
quefy gas wells while reducing cor- in the same field. The Bossier Sands and sour corrosion from the H2S.
rosion and preventing iron sulfide are a blend of centered gas accumula- “All in all, it was pretty challenging.
scale. Wylde is the global head of tions and prograding deltaic channel We started to see some pretty nasty stuff
application development at Clariant systems with minimal formation water, once we produced a little bit of water,”
Oil Services. and the Cotton Valley Lime is an oolitic he said.

JPT • JUNE 2017 27

Clariant performed several laboratory referred to as Well 4HR, was immedi- from iron and manganese, these type of
tests on two cocamidopropyl-betaine- ately discernable upon chemical injec- scales. Really, we get the value from the
based foamers with a phosphonate scale tion of Product 85. Whereas the well coupons,” Wylde said.
inhibitor and a quaternary-ammonium- previously needed to be shut in on a reg- The formulation was stable up to
compound-based corrosion inhibitor. ular basis, production was uninterrupt- 300°F and passed all performance
The foamers, Product 84 and Prod- ed after injection and followed a smooth tests. Wylde said that the tests showed
uct 85, differed slightly in the ratio of trend that tracked the predicted produc- it was possible to formulate a combi-
their components but were otherwise tion decline. nation foamer product with corrosion,
similar. A rotating cage autoclave test Ion and gas analysis showed that conventional scale, and exotic scale
showed that each product reduced cor- iron sulfide scale was also held in check functionalities.
rosion rates to within acceptable lim- and not depositing as a result of Prod-
its. Conventional scale inhibition testing uct 85. Coupons inserted before injec- For Further Reading
showed the minimum inhibitor concen- tion showed a significant buildup of iron SPE 184584 Development, Testing,
tration required for scale control, and sulfide deposits, while coupons injected and Field Application of a Novel
Clariant determined that the laboratory during injection were nearly untainted Combination Foamer-Iron Sulfide
results were scalable to field application. after a 4-week runtime. Wylde said the Scale Inhibitor-Corrosion Inhibitor
After successful laboratory testing, a coupons provided valuable information. in East Texas by J.J. Wylde, N. Turner,
field trial was sanctioned. Wylde said “We’ve seen this before in other field Clariant Oil Services; M. Austill,
an increase in production on one well, trials. It’s very difficult to get field data XTO Energy et al.

University Consortium Prepares for Spike

in Decommissioning
Eric van Oort, Director, Consortium for Decommissioning and Abandonment

In the music world, a coda is the final costs were estimated by IHS Markit to Researchers at the Petroleum and
section of a movement or composition. be about USD 2.5 billion. That number Geosystems Engineering department
Appropriately, it is also the acronym for is expected to rise by more than 500% at UT have fashioned the consortium
the Consortium for Decommissioning to USD 13.2 billion by 2040. Abandon- after the team’s successful Rig Auto-
and Abandonment (CODA), a Universi- ment expenses are particularly oner- mation Performance Improvement in
ty of Texas at Austin (UT)-led initiative ous to operators because unlike other Drilling (RAPID) project. The CODA is
that is designed to bring together mem- operating costs, plug and abandonment conceived as an interdisciplinary team
bers of industry and academia to help (P&A) operations offer no prospect for of researchers and students joined by
operators efficiently orchestrate the return on investment. The consortium members from industry whose goal is
final days of deepwater developments. is working to minimize the economic to investigate and promote advances in
The CODA is a response to the grow- impact on operators and to ensure effec- decommissioning technology. The con-
ing number of onshore and offshore tive P&A operations through the devel- sortium is focusing its efforts on devel-
wells, platforms, and infrastructure that opment of innovative technologies. The oping reliable and permanent sealing
are approaching the end of econom- approach replicates industry efforts technologies, cost-efficient remedia-
ic viability and soon must be plugged over past decades to develop new tech- tion techniques and remote monitor-
and removed. nologies with which to drill and com- ing methods. Research targets include
In the Gulf of Mexico deep water plete wells in various challenging envi- identifying cementitious materials that
alone, for example, 2015 abandonment ronments around the world. are compatible with nonaqueous drill-
ing muds, possess improved mechani-
cal properties compared with Portland
cements, and self-heal when damaged.
Toward those ends, university re-
searchers have developed several sys-
tems, including geopolymer cements,
which are made from aluminosilicate
powder and caustic activators. These
systems appear better-suited than
Portland cements for P&A operations
because they are compatible with non-
Focus areas of the UT Well Abandonment Consortium. aqueous fluids (NAF) in terms of fresh

28 JPT • JUNE 2017

and hardened state properties. Tests properties and self-healing abilities. It is Guest Editorial:
conducted at the university’s zonal iso- also actively pursuing cements that are SPE: Weathering
lation laboratory in Austin demonstrat- compatible with downhole fluids and
ed the material’s ability to retain com- cements having low permeability. the Downturn
pressive strength when contaminated Other areas to be considered by CODA (Continued from page 14)
by up to 40% of NAF by volume. include expansive cementing materials
Tests of the newly designed cement that can be used to plug highly deviated at many of our large events, and sought
also indicate significant self-healing wells and more advanced techniques for other ways to help members affected by
properties. When subjected to uniaxial continuous and long-term hydrocarbon the downturn. Our competency manage-
and triaxial loads beyond the yield point leak monitoring. The group also intends ment tool helps engineers at all career
7 days after it was set, the geopolymer to develop methods with which to stages focus on how they can improve
cement displayed better strength values model the long-term behavior of hard- their skills.
than did self-healing Portland cement 28 ened cementitious material in the down- During SPE’s 2017 fiscal year (1 April
days after it was set. The system’s design- hole environment, plug placement, and 2016–31 March 2017), revenue was 46%
ers presented a paper (SPE 184675) on the possible interactions between the less than during fiscal year 2014 (the
the geopolymer cement in March at the fluids that are pumped downhole as last fiscal year before prices began to
2017 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and plugging materials. fall). SPE ended fiscal year 2017 with
Exhibition in The Hague. The group will be guided going for- a loss of USD 8.4 million. In March,
Leveraging initial research in cement ward by what it perceives to be the the Board approved a breakeven fiscal
hydration, hydrocarbon sensing and most critical challenges related to plug- year 2018 budget. With prices stabilizing
innovative technologies such as fiber ging activities. These include opera- somewhat and a renewed sense of opti-
optic sensors, the team is developing a tional failures caused by cement con- mism in many parts of the industry, we
system for tracking cement placement, tamination from drilling fluids and a believe we are on the road to improved
contamination, and location. Early results longtime industry dependence on Port- financial health.
indicate that hydrocarbon-sensitive poly- land cements that may slow its accep- We have downsized in areas, but we’re
mers, connected to the surface via fiber- tance of novel cementitious materials. seeing the positive effects of doing so.
optics can be used to monitor cement for Because repairing leak paths in aban- SPE’s portfolio of conferences and work-
the presence of hydrocarbons during and doned wells is costly, the consortium shops has shrunk from 160 globally in
after abandonment operations. When will also pursue novel remediation tech- 2014 to an estimated 110 for this year,
hydrocarbons cause the polymer materi- nologies such as rigless intervention. to better match demand. We’re seeing
al within the cement to swell, fiber-optic Consortium testing will be conduct- a slight upward improvement in work-
cables detect strain, which can be mea- ed at the UT zonal isolation laboratory, shop attendance. We are offering fewer
sured and displayed graphically at the which is equipped for all API standard training courses, but the average atten-
surface. Left in the well permanently, the cementing tests including high-pressure/ dance has started to move upward.
system then allows operators and regu- high-temperature (HP/HT) consistom- While a few member programs have
lators to monitor well integrity for years eters, pressurized viscometers, stirred been reduced or modified, the essen-
after the well is abandoned. fluid loss, static gel strength, low pres- tial services we provide to members are
The group also has completed work sure and HP/HT ultrasonic cement ana- unchanged. JPT is a bit thinner than it
on modeling displacement of cement lyzers, and a curing chamber. The univer- used to be, but the technology you count
in a simulated deepwater environment. sity involvement also lends itself to CODA on is still there. The new online format
The effort has yielded an advanced goals of developing engineering research- for JPT offers additional content that
computational fluid dynamics model ers with the background and experience can’t be included in the print version.
for simulating 3D laminar flow and the to bring cementing materials knowledge OnePetro and PetroWiki are still valu-
displacement of Newtonian and yield to the industry and graduate programs able resources for members. Technical
power law fluids in concentric annuli designed around various students’ under- sections, SPE Connect, and local section
without using simplified assumptions. graduate degree disciplines. The consor- meetings remain great places to net-
The model is ready to be applied as part tium’s undergraduate research program work. Through the downturn, we have
of well cementing and plugging opera- will give students an opportunity to learn had to make many difficult tradeoffs,
tions planning. research skill with hands-on involvement but they were necessary to keep SPE
Having completed these initial inves- in CODA projects, including an outreach strong. Throughout, we have been guid-
tigations, CODA members are poised to women and underrepresented minor- ed by our mission and ensuring that SPE
to enter into further research on new ity engineering students. is as able to serve and benefit our future
technologies for well abandonment. Industry members interested in join- members as we have the loyal mem-
The consortium intends to focus on ing the UT-based consortium should bers that have been with us for many
further development of novel cementi- contact van Oort at vanoort@austin. years. In good times and bad, SPE is
tious materials with superior flexural or at 1.512.471.6262. JPT here for you. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 29

Major Alaskan Discoveries Promote
Great Expectations
Stephen Rassenfoss, JPT Emerging Technology Senior Editor

T he Pikka Field discovered by Arm-

strong Oil & Gas is just 2 to 3 miles
wide, about 30 miles long, could pro-
ment challenges are also much great-
er. And ConocoPhillips’ Willow dis-
covery could ultimately produce from
even poster sessions on the North Slope
drew crowds.
Those finds highlight advances in the
duce 1.2 billion barrels of oil, and is 3.3 to 3.9  billion, and add more than tools used to look for oil pockets trapped
one of three major finds that have shat- 400,000  B/D of production in the in the earth, and unconventional tech-
tered assumptions about what is pos- next decade. niques needed to maximize production
sible in the most explored parts of It is an impressive total, even when from conventional reservoirs that are
Alaska’s North Slope. discounted for the fact that these are tighter than the free-flowing reservoirs
“The Armstrong discovery, and espe- early estimates in a costly area for found in the aging Prudhoe Bay field
cially the size of that discovery, was stun- development in a period of strug- to the east.
ning to everyone,” said David House- gling oil prices. In addition, what “The bottom line is, because of 3D
knecht, a geologist for the US Geological has been learned about identifying seismic and because of the comple-
Survey who has done multiple assess- the subtle signs of oil trapped within tion practices used for unconvention-
ments of the potential in the area. “The two large formations—the Nanushuk als, we can now reasonably look at low-
thinking was the biggest oil pool we and the Torok—could open up great- permeable Brookian [Nanushuk and
could imagine had 200 to 250 million er opportunities. Torok] reservoirs as viable,” he said.
barrels of recoverable oil. These discov- The recent finds could turn the One sign of the industry’s confidence
eries coming in with more than a bil- Nanushuk from a minor reservoir into was bidding at state and federal lease
lion barrels or 300 million barrels, at a “virtually unexplored play fairway sales in December, where ConocoPhillips
least, really change things by an order covering at least 9000 to 15000 km2 was the most aggressive bidder, pick-
of magnitude.” that includes both onshore and shal- ing up about 600,000 net acres, said
The find by Armstrong in March low offshore areas,” said Houseknecht. Alison Wolters, a research analyst for
may not be the biggest of the three. A He made the comment during a pre- Wood Mackenzie.
discovery by Caelus Energy in Smith sentation at the recent annual meeting Analysts for Wood Makenzie set the
Bay called Tulimaniq could produce of the American Association of Petro- break-even oil price needed to profit-
twice as much oil though the develop- leum Geologists in Houston, where ably  develop the Pikka and Willow

30 JPT • JUNE 2017

A Caelus Energy drilling pad in Smith Bay
where the company made the largest of
three recent discoveries in the North Slope
of Alaska. Source: Caelus Energy.

projects at USD 50/bbl and USD 55/bbl, reservoirs in deeper Jurassic horizons images, and surface features offer no
respectively. There are other barriers, covered the cost of the infrastructure. clues that they are below.
though, to North Slope development. The recent discoveries in the Nanushuk “Like what we had found the other
“It is not just about the break-even. were hard to find because these res- times it was not our primary objec-
These are not cheap projects; they are ervoirs are narrow targets. They are tive. It was a secondary objective and it
multibillion-dollar projects. The smaller wedges of sand deposited along narrow was almost invisible on the seismic, so
companies need to find partners to spread coastal beaches and deltas, constrained you can see why everybody missed it,”
some of the risk. That is not easy,” said by land and sea, and can be from 150 to Armstrong said in the interview.
Imran Khan, senior research manager for 250  ft thick. The northern part of the field was
Wood Mackenzie. “The infrastructure has The discoveries became visible as found in 2011 by Armstrong and its
to be there. Partners have to be there. The companies such as Armstrong, a small partner Repsol at about 4,000-ft depth.
state has to have its fiscal act together. Denver independent led by its found- Two wells drilled this year extended the
A lot of things have to be in place.” er and chief executive officer, Bill Arm- field 20 miles to the south. As a result,
strong, figured out how to spot traps explorers have confirmed what sort of
Unrealized Potential using 3D seismic and imaging methods geological features are likely to hold oil,
A 1979 USGS report said the Nanushuk to highlight likely reservoirs. and have set up their seismic imaging
could become a “major hydrocarbons In an interview with the Alaska Jour- systems to highlight those possibilities.
play” in the National Petroleum Reserve in nal of Commerce, Armstrong said the “I have seen Armstrong 3D images,”
Alaska but, in the decades that followed, work leading to the discovery began with Houseknecht said. “They have figured
companies met mainly frustration. buying “tons of seismic data” covering out how to make it light up.”
Wells penetrated the Nanushuk about 500,000 acres, and then deliberately Based on the recent discoveries, which
150 times on the way to deeper targets, searching for stratigraphic traps. suggest “dozens of prospects to test,” he
and only one discovery was made and It is a difficult process because the made a successful pitch for the USGS to
produced, Houseknecht said. That small stratigraphic traps with the oil are in update its assessment of the Nanushuk
pool was developed within Conoco- sand deposits that are difficult to detect and Torok, and now he is looking for low-
Phillips’ Alpine field, where large oil even in the most detailed 3D seismic cost sources of 3D seismic, particularly

JPT • JUNE 2017 31


Map Location

0 10 20 miles Federal Boundaries AK Seaward Boundary

Existing Pipeline Proposed Permitted Pipeline
0 10 10 kilometers

The locations of the three major oil discoveries are shown: Pikka in green at the center, Willow within the Greater
Mooses Tooth in purple, and Smith Bay in the upper left. Source: US Geological Survey.

surveys subsidized by the state of Alaska, agement, are given access to 3D seismic, While he said they do get looks at
which will be made public soon. they are not allowed to share it with the other people’s seismic, what they are
While federal agencies that engage in agency whose assessments are aimed at studying on their desktops is often older
leasing, such as the Bureau of Land Man- aiding those seeking exploration targets. surveys showing only 2D cross-sections
of the subsurface. On 2D, “it is virtually
impossible to see [traps],” Houseknecht
700 North Slope Liquids Production, 2017–2030 said. “These are very subtle features ...
It is way too risky drilling on 2D alone.”
Realizing Potential
Discoveries holding billions of barrels
Liquids Production (’000 b/d)

500 of  oil invite comparisons to the giant

Prudhoe Bay field, which are not very
400 flattering. Comparing recent discover-
ies with a world-class reservoir that has
produced 14 billion bbl of oil to date
shows why it is getting harder to find
and produce oil.
200 Given the scale of the Nanushuk and
Torok plays, it might rival it someday.
100 “Maybe taken as a whole, the entire plays
across the North Slope could be that
big,”  Houseknecht said, adding, “But it
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
is not 15 billion barrels of recoverable oil
concentrated in one pool.
Other North Slope GMT-1 GMT-2 Willow Pikka
“These reservoirs are hugely differ-
By 2030, Wood Mackenzie predicts that 40% of oil production from the North ent than the main one in Prudhoe Bay,”
Slope will be from fields not yet in production. Source: Wood Mackenzie. he said. There the reservoir was made

32 JPT • JUNE 2017

Pikka Nanushuk lowstand shelf-
margin wedges and incised,
Discovery: 2011 and extended in 2016 back-stepping facies
Companies involved: Armstrong Oil & Gas
(operator) and Repsol
Estimates: 1.2 billion bbl of recoverable oil
Formation: Nanushuk
Pipeline connection: Yes
Terrain: Onshore
Highlights: 120,000 B/D production planned Torok slope-apron and
by 2021 basin-floor fans

Tulimaniq, Smith Bay 10 mi

Discovery: 2016
Companies involved: Caelus Energy (operator), This interpretation of 2D seismic by David Houseknecht of the USGS
shows the Nanushuk formation (yellow) perched on top of the Torok
NordAq Energy, and L71 Resources
formation. Source: USGS and WesternGeco/Schlumberger.
Estimates: 1.8–2.4 million bbl recoverable, and
6–10 billion bbl oil in place
Formation: Torok Estimates: Could produce 300 million bbl of light oil
Terrain: Shallow offshore, with water depth of (early estimate)
around 10 ft Formation: Nanushuk
Pipeline connection: No Terrain: Onshore at Greater Mooses Tooth area in National
Highlights: Could produce 200,000 B/D of light oil Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
(40–45 °API) Pipeline connection: Under construction, 28 miles from
ConocoPhillips’ Alpine Field
Willow Highlights: Production of up to 100,000 B/D by 2023
Discovery: 2016 of light oil and condensate, plus 30,000 B/D under
Company: ConocoPhillips development nearby

up  of  coarse-to-medium sands to con- At this early stage, Wood Mackenzie Caelus’ Oooguruk Field, where it could
glomerate, with little cementing to block has not estimated the break-even cost be tied into a line feeding the Trans-
the flow. In that reservoir, the per- of development in Smith Bay because Alaska pipeline.
meability was measured in darcies. of the lack of appraisal information, The discoveries come at a critical time
Recent finds have been in tighter rock, Wolters said. for the North Slope, whose link to export
ranging from hundreds of millidarcies Building the infrastructure for the markets has been the Trans-Alaska Pipe-
in the Nanushuk down to tens of mil- Prudhoe field was simple compared line System. Without the volumes from
lidarcies in the Torok, which is deeper with the developing fields scattered these fields coming on line in the next
and tighter. over  the harsh, environmentally sensi- decade, the flow through the aging line
While wells in the Pikka field could be tive Arctic environment. was expected to drop below the level
developed in a conventional way, House- Pikka has a pipeline running through needed to justify the cost of keeping
knecht said it is likely to be developed it, and Willow is building a short line run- it operating.
using long laterals and lateral injection ning past two earlier finds, but Smith Bay Falling production and low oil prices
wells like those in ConocoPhillips’ Alpine is about 125 miles from the nearest pipe- have also blown a hole in the state’s
field to maximize output. line connection, she said. budget, which depends on oil indus-
The Smith Bay discovery is in the Torok, The obvious onshore route to Smith try revenues. To fill that gap, Alaska’s
where Caelus will likely need to fracture Bay is off limits to development because it legislature is considering an oil indus-
the formation to generate enough pro- would go through land around Teshekpuk try tax increase for the second year
duction of the ultralight crude, he said. Lake, which is environmentally sensitive in a row.
On the plus side, the private company has and relied on by native peoples for sub- “We will see what happens,” Wolters
experience with lower-permeability pro- sistence, Houseknecht said. said, adding, “It could be difficult to plan
duction on the North Slope, and there is The likely solution would be con- development and secure capital when
a huge amount of oil under Smith Bay to structing a buried pipeline in the shal- there is so much volatility in the fis-
justify the investment. low coastal waters from Smith Bay to cal environment.” JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 33

With New Rig Software, Automated Drilling
is Easier To Embrace Trent Jacobs, JPT Digital Editor

Described as an autopilot for rigs, a new process system for drilling rigs allows many of the most routine drilling tasks to be
carried out by a computer program. The human driller in this case becomes a process overseer. Source: National Oilwell Varco.

L ast summer, while being moved

from one well pad to the next, a
rig in the Delaware Basin of Texas was
Going forward, the oilfield technol-
ogy developer is offering a more com-
plete product: automation controlled by
and safety. Pink put it this way: “You
are moving them from being a machine
operator—a crane driver effectively—
updated with some new software. It highly capable software. This integra- to being a driller again.”
took 11 hours to complete, and after the tion means that the digitally connected
rig was powered back up, it went on to surface and subsurface machines work- Small Gains Add Up
drill the vertical section of a horizontal ing on an automated rig now have a digi- The paper focuses on a single well that
well almost 3 days ahead of schedule. tal driller to take orders from. had an approved drilling schedule for
Aside from boasting an impressive “Our mantra is that the rig of the the  vertical section of 8.7 days but
stat line, that well represents an impor- future is here today—just add soft- reached a total depth of about 10,000 ft
tant milestone for National Oilwell ware,” remarked Tony Pink, the vice in 5.9 days, saving 2.8 days of rig time.
Varco (NOV) because it is the first to president of strategic sales at NOV. Pink This performance gain was the result
be drilled using the company’s closed- has been involved in the automation of multiple automated elements, and
loop automated drilling system in con- initiative at NOV since its genesis and includes efficiencies that were only real-
junction with a recently launched rig coauthored a recently published techni- ized by using the process system.
operating system, which the company cal paper (SPE/IADC 184694) detailing One of them was a reduction of drill-
technically refers to as a process auto- the Texas project that it carried out with string connection times by an average of
mation system. NOV is telling customers Calgary-based Precision Drilling and an 3.24 minutes compared with manually
that this technology not only lowers the unnamed oil and gas explorer. controlled times. With an average of 80
cost of field development, but delivers He described the tandem of NOV’s connections made for the intermediate
higher quality and straighter wellbores automated hardware and software as well section, the only section the paper
through its consistent performance. “a sophisticated autopilot for rigs” that covers in this regard, the saved time
That automated program in Texas has takes many routine tasks out of the drill- adds up to more than 4 hours. Though in
concluded, but the combined technol- er’s hands—literally. With the process total, there may be more than 300 con-
ogy package is now being used to drill system in control, drillers can lay off the nections made for the entire length of
shale wells on four rigs in the US and one joystick, stop pressing buttons, and also a modern horizontal well.
in Canada. There are 16 separate orders quit staring at screens in order to main-
for the new process system. These con- tain their drilling direction. Contractor Embraces
tracts for NOV follow more than 5 years Instead, with key rate-of-penetration Automation
spent using the hardware kit, which parameters such as weight on bit taken The inclusion of this technology in Pre-
includes wired-pipe and a weight-on-bit over by the system, drillers become cision Drilling’s premium services on its
controller, to drill through more than overseers of the well construction pro- tier-one rigs reflects a new priority for
2.5 million ft of conventional and uncon- cess. This frees them up to pay atten- what is one of the world’s largest drill-
ventional formations. tion to improving crew productivity ing outfits. Duane Cuku, the vice presi-

34 JPT • JUNE 2017


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Total Drilled Vertical Depth
2,000 Closed-loop drilling operators now have something that helps
automation services them use the technology more effective-
Project authorization ly, and at scale.
3,000 for expenditure In the upcoming automated drilling
projects all the downhole data will be
4,000 organized by formation and loaded into
4,500 the rig’s process system. That informa-
Hole Depth, ft

5,000 tion will be used to optimize the software-

5,500 controlled drilling of subsequent wells
6,000 facing similar geologic conditions.
6,500 Pink emphasized that this does
7,000 not involve emerging artificial intelli-
7,500 gence or machine-learning techniques.
8,000 “This is about humans learning,” he
said, explaining that the drillers will
be responsible for providing the input
needed to update new learnings into the
process system.
Mention of the human role raises
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.5 8.5 9.5 another point on the degrees of automa-
Total Time, days tion at play here. This system is consid-
This chart shows the vertical drilling performance of National Oilwell Varco’s
ered semi-autonomous because it relies
closed-loop drilling automation (CLDA) service vs. that of the budgeted rig on skilled people to improve its abilities,
time. The green line highlights a difference of 32%. Source: SPE/IADC 184694. and if a correction is ever needed, it can
be superseded by the driller by simply
dent of sales for rig technology at Preci- for uptake, may be ones developed by grabbing the joystick.
sion Drilling and coauthor of the paper, NOV or other companies. One key part of this data initiative will
said the firm is able to embrace automa- This agnostic approach makes it pos- depend on the success of NOV’s app store
tion on a commercial scale for the first sible to use the process system on all approach to the process system. Just like
time because of the way the new process types of rigs without concerns over smartphone makers, the firm is allowing
system works. compatibility issues. And as Cuku point- third-party developers that could include
In earlier experiences with automa- ed out, it also benefits drillers by giv- majors, service companies, and startups
tion, he said the company saw clear ing them a user interface with the same to add value to its product with their own
challenges in expanding its use of the look and feel regardless of which type of add-on features.
technology because the number of underlying control system is in use. So far, there are five core apps that
native operating systems, and different come preloaded on the control software
versions of them, installed on its rigs Capturing Lessons From to handle basic routine tasks such as con-
made reprogramming them too labori- Downhole Data trolling the speed of “tagging bottom”
ous and impractical. Pink noted that though the hardware with the bit. Two outside apps are also
“The real change for us today is hav- has a longer track record—and much under development. The company is also
ing a standardized platform, one that more is known about it through sever- making an effort to drive down the cost
gives us leverage to effectively deploy al published papers—the automation of its wired drillpipe, long seen as a bar-
software improvements across the software was being designed in parallel rier to the wider use of downhole auto-
entire fleet,” said Cuku. “Historically, the whole time. In those past case stud- mation. Pink said the aim is to reduce the
to upgrade software, you would have to ies, of which only the automation hard- price differential with conventional pipe
go out to each drilling rig, take it out of ware was used, operators did see some enough “to where it’s no longer part of
service for a period of time, and have a significant performance gains but they the discussion.”
technician work on its base control set.” also faced problems in dealing with the
This is no longer the case with the amount of raw data streaming out of the Consistency and Cadence
new process system, which requires no system’s different components. As has been seen in other heavy indus-
changes to the rig’s existing operating “Not only were they getting a fire- tries, the consistency of automated
system. Rather, it sits on top of the hose of data,” Pink said, “but they had machinery has the effect of lifting the
native system and works within the rig’s no structured way of taking those les- performance of workers by making their
technical limits. It is also able to identify sons learned, capturing them, and then jobs more predictable. The improvement
which automated components are avail- passing them out into the field.” With the in connection times achieved with the
able to work with, which, importantly process system, he added, drillers and process system is one example of this.

36 JPT • JUNE 2017

Process Controller Off
9 8.58
8 7.58 7.75
5760 5855 5949 6044 6138
Connection Depth, ft
Process Controller On
5 4.67 4.76 4.66 4.77 4.50

4691 4785 4880 4975 5069
Connection Depth, ft
Bottom To Slips Slips To Slips Slips To Bottom

This chart showing the top five drillpipe connection times of a driller and a
process system software show clear performance differences and underline
why automating routine tasks drives rig efficiencies. Source: SPE/IADC 184694.

On most automated rigs today, a new a platform like this, you can deploy any
joint of pipe is still added to the drill- number of optimization applications.”
string by hand, which introduces room But new tricks will require more CALL FOR PAPERS
for unavoidable randomness in the speed downhole data and that could be coming Submission Deadline:
at which they can be screwed togeth- soon. Earlier this year, Precision Drilling
er. But Cuku said, “If the machine sets announced that automation upgrades 26 June 2017
the stump at the exact same height each will be part of a USD 52 million capital
time, the wrench doesn’t need to be expenditure program. Dozens of rigs
adjusted and the crew knows how long will be included in this plan; however, IADC/SPE
that will take, because the time spent
coming-off-bottom and into the slips is
the number to be equipped with auto-
mated technology was not specified. DRILLING
now standardized.”
He added that as the “crews on
In a separate project, and unrelated
to the NOV partnership, Precision Drill- CONFERENCE
the floor get into a cadence with the
machine,” that the consistency in such
ing is aiming to de-man its directional
drilling service with an automated advi-
routine tasks becomes clear to see in sory system (SPE/IADC 184682). Cuku
the data. One chart comparing the best said that this technology was tested in 6–8 March 2018
five connection times made by the pro- passive mode on hundreds of wells and Fort Worth, Texas, USA
cess system and those made by a drill- has recently been used in active mode
er Cuku described as “very competent” to drill the curve on several wells. JPT
Fort Worth Convention Center
does not even have to be labeled to tell
which is which. The process system’s set For Further Reading
of times are very even, while the other SPE/IADC 184694 World First
times are noticeably uneven and signifi- Closed Loop Downhole Automation
cantly longer. Combined with Process Automation
Such examples represent only the low System Provides Integrated Drilling
hanging fruit of potential drilling effi- Automation in the Permian Basin
ciencies, Cuku said, who added, “With by T. Pink, D. Cuku, S. Pink, NOV et al.

JPT • JUNE 2017

Can Austin
Chalk Expansion
Lead to Revival?
Joel Parshall, JPT Features Editor

A ConocoPhillips rig drills a well in the Eagle Ford Shale, an area where the company has also seen encouraging results
by expanding its objectives to the Austin Chalk formation. Source: ConocoPhillips.

I nterest is growing in drilling the Aus-

tin Chalk formation, with oil and gas
companies hopeful that applying the
seen several booms, the last one com-
ing in the 1990s with the introduction
of horizontal drilling. Cumulatively, the
Chalk include GulfTex Energy, Conoco-
Phillips, Devon Energy, Marathon,
Abraxas Petroleum, and Chesapeake.
latest unconventional resource develop- formation has produced 1.7 billion BOE EnerVest, which acquires, develops,
ment technologies can open a new chap- with approximately 9,500 wells having and operates oil and gas fields on behalf
ter of expansion in a historically prolific been drilled there. of its institutional investors, is the larg-
play that dates to the 1920s. est producer in the Austin Chalk. The
Much of the new drilling is in Abundant Resources company built a substantial position
areas of the Chalk that overlie some There is good reason to believe that there beginning with its 2007 acquisi-
of the most active parts of the Eagle abundant oil and gas resources remain tion of Anadarko’s holdings in Texas’
Ford Shale play in south Texas. Drill- in the Austin Chalk. The United States Giddings field, which has been produc-
ers there are taking advantage of the Geological Survey released a study of ing since the 1930s. EnerVest’s move
additional stacked play opportunities four Austin Chalk-area assessment units into the Chalk came years before most
that can often be drilled with the same (AUs) in 2010 that estimated mean other current players.
rigs and crews they are using in the undiscovered resources for the Austin In the Giddings field, as in certain
Eagle Ford and sometimes in the same Pearsall-Giddings AU of 879 million bbl other parts of the Austin Chalk, the for-
well. Some operators may have also of oil, 1.3  Tcf of gas, and 106 million mation lies above the Eagle Ford. But
drilled in the Chalk during the depths bbl of natural gas liquids (NGLs). Three Eagle Ford development has been min-
of the industry downturn to hold leas- other AUs were estimated to hold a com- imal there, compared with core Eagle
es and temporarily defer deeper Eagle bined mean 78 million bbl of oil, 2.3 Tcf Ford activity taking place from 20 to
Ford wells. of gas, and 257 million bbl of NGLs. 80 miles southwest of the field.
The Austin Chalk extends from Mex- Among the most active participants
ico across south and east Texas and a in the latest Austin Chalk play have been Expanded Footprint
large portion of Louisiana to Missis- EnerVest, EOG Resources, Encana, and The company has since expanded its
sippi. The history of the Chalk play has Murphy. Other companies active in the Austin Chalk footprint. In three separate

38 JPT • JUNE 2017

Lift Your
We combine a wide range of
electrical submersible pumps,
robust motors, superior gas
mitigation products, and a
The US portion of the Austin Chalk trend (between black lines), with its
major producing fields shaded. The Chalk extends into Mexico. Source: collaborative operating and
Paper SPE 145117. monitoring strategy to help get
the most from your wells. Learn
how we can help you increase
transactions in 2015–2016, EnerVest Cracked the Code
production and maximize results.
acquired more than 13,000 acres con- “We discovered a new geologic concept in
centrated in Karnes County, Texas, which an existing play,” said Bill Thomas, EOG
is also in the heart of Eagle Ford activity. CEO. “Our team at EOG has cracked the
The acquisitions brought in a combined code on how to make our particular foot-
875 drilling locations and 15,900 BOE/D print in the Austin Chalk a top-tier hori-
of production. zontal play, earning returns on par with
“This is a great time in the commod- the Eagle Ford, Permian, and Bakken.”
ity price cycle to buy oil assets, espe- Not surprisingly, the company was
cially in the core of one of the hottest vague about the code-cracking geo-
plays in the US,” said EnerVest Chief logic concept. David Trice, executive
Executive Officer (CEO) John B. Walk- vice president of exploration and pro-
er as the last acquisition was com- duction, credited development of the
pleted. “With stacked reservoirs of concept to “proprietary petrophysical
the lower Eagle Ford, the upper Eagle analysis” and said the new approach
Ford, and the Austin Chalk, we see in the Chalk has enabled EOG to “drill
plenty of development opportunities at prolific wells consistently.”
today’s prices.” Trice continued, “Our high-density
EOG, also a major Eagle Ford play- completions create complex fracture
er, has assumed a high profile in the systems close to the wellbore, signif-
Chalk since taking a position there in icantly improving well performance.
the first quarter of last year. Two Karnes Also, like the Eagle Ford, the Austin
County wells in particular raised eye- Chalk benefits from the detailed work
brows in 2016. The Leonard AC Unit we conduct to determine the best tar-
101H yielded a 30-day initial produc- get. The chalk can be as thick as 140 feet
tion (IP) rate of 2,715 BOE/D, and the in some areas, but our targeting efforts
Denali Unit 101H yielded a 20-day IP keep the drill bit confined to, at best, 20
rate of 3,130 BOE/D. to 30 feet of rock.”

JPT • JUNE 2017

Premium Wells In its February Form 8-K Report to the
® EOG in 2016 began to focus on drill- United States Securities and Exchange
ing “premium wells,” defined as those Commission, Encana said it had low-
that will produce a minimum direct, ered drilling and completion costs 23%

after-tax return of 30% at an oil price of year-on-year in 2016. With new com-
USD 40/bbl. Nikolai Gouliaev, who ana- pletion designs for enhancing well per-
lyzes the upstream oil and gas industry formance, the company said, “there is
for the investor website Seeking Alpha, potential to further expand …. premi-

pointed out that “EOG’s Austin Chalk um-return well inventory” across the
wells outperform the ‘premium well’ Austin Chalk play.

7 !
definition by a wide margin.” In an April investor presentation, the

20 1 Gouliaev compared Karnes County

Austin Chalk wells completed in 2016
with EOG’s Permian Basin wells, at an
assumed price of USD 55/bbl, based
company estimated a potential 50 pre-
mium wells in its Chalk inventory to go
along with 130 in the lower Eagle Ford.
Encana considers premium wells as
on historic decline curves, oil/gas/NGL those producing a 35% after-tax return
price differentials, gas/NGL splits in at a USD 40/bbl oil price. IP30 and
well output, wellhead taxes, and lease IP180 type curves for the premium wells
operating expense per BOE. showed the Chalk wells to be equal or
January 2017
Notwithstanding Thomas’ statement superior to those in the Eagle Ford, and
placing the Chalk wells on a par with the Chalk wells had the higher EURs in
the Permian, Gouliaev calculated that bbl of liquid and BOE.
the higher estimated ultimate recov- Murphy moved into the Austin Chalk
17 ery (EUR) of the Austin Chalk wells in with a successful well in late 2015,
bbl of oil—based on a markedly higher expanding from its base in the Eagle
oil cut—more than offsets the higher Ford. With two subsequent wells, the
January 2017
EUR of the Permian wells in BOE. The company reported additional upside
Chalk wells will pay back their invest- potential. Plans call for eight wells
ment sooner than the Permian wells, in 2017.
he estimated. The company’s Chalk wells in Karnes
EOG completed 14 net Austin Chalk County have been trending above type
wells in 2016 and is set to complete curves. And Murphy says it continues to
another 25 this year. make technical advances by optimizing
The Journal of Petroleum Encana, working from its Eagle Ford landing zones with petrophysical analy-
Technology® (JPT) website position, likewise made its initial foray sis and enhancing completion designs
into the Austin Chalk in 2016. The and initial flowback operations.
has a new look and feel. The company’s first two wells, 7H and 8H
redesigned site is mobile- with lateral lengths averaging 3,400 ft, Successful Wells
yielded 30-day IP rates (IP30s) of GulfTex has participated as an interest
friendly and offers exclusive 2,000 BOE/D and 3,100 BOE/D, respec- owner in a number of the EOG-operated
tively, with oil comprising 80% of pro- Austin Chalk wells but also has drilled
online-only content. JPT duction. Over 90 days, the wells sus- some successful wells of its own there.
will continue to provide tained IP rates of 1,800  BOE/D and The company’s 2016 Moczygemba Unit
1,550 BOE/D, respectively. 103H and 104H wells achieved respec-
authoritative briefs and tive IP30s of 3,687 BOE/D (82% oil) and
features on E&P technology Just Getting Started 3,775 BOE/D (59% oil).
The company appears to be just getting Privately held GulfTex builds oil and
advancements, oil and gas started. Following its five-well Austin gas asset portfolios, structured as com-
industry issues, and news Chalk program in 2016, Encana plans panies, and periodically sells them to
to drill 10 to 15 wells there this year. benefit its private-equity investors. In
about SPE and its members. Its newest well delivered an IP30 of the second quarter of 2016, the com-
1,000 BOE/D from a Karnes County pany sold GulfTex III to EnerVest (one
location 25 miles from the 7H and 8H of the transactions discussed above),
wells at the other end of the county, sug- which comprised a significant por-
Check out the new website gesting a strong potential across the tion of GulfTex’s Eagle Ford and Austin
and sign up for the company’s acreage. Chalk assets.
eNewsletter today at JPT • JUNE 2017
However, the company retained some Revival Potential
65% of its acreage in the plays, which In January, Maranto gave a talk on the
is being drilled and developed to build Austin Chalk to the SPE Gulf Coast Sec-
GulfTex IV. tion’s Business Development Group.
Stressing that he was giving his own
Very Strong Early Results views and not necessarily those of
ConocoPhillips has been drilling and EnerVest, Maranto said there is the
evaluating the Austin Chalk since last potential for a revival if the industry can
year in connection with its overall posi- view the Austin Chalk through “a fresh
tion in the Eagle Ford. In a Novem- set of eyes.”
ber 2016 investor presentation, Al In unconventional exploration,
Hirshberg, executive vice president Maranto said, “you start where oil and
of production, drilling, and projects
at the company, said that some early
gas are already produced.” The Austin
Chalk should be viewed in light of other
data “shows very strong results with
5-month cumulative production levels
legacy conventional plays that have
been revived through “multistage, high- with Vision
that are above both the upper and lower density stimulation” of source rock, or
Eagle Ford reservoirs in the same area. rock juxtaposed to it, such as the Del- VITAL DATA FROM A
So the Austin Chalk clearly presents aware Basin in the Permian and the
some upside across parts of the Eagle SCOOP and STACK plays, he said.
Ford area.” Maranto gave numerous examples With SPECTRUMSM real-time
The company reiterated its encour- of Austin Chalk wells from the 1970s coiled tubing services, we
agement about the Chalk in an early onward, in which EURs were greatly deliver well intervention and
2017 presentation and said it will con- enhanced by the use of evolving stimula- diagnostics that help you
tinue drilling and piloting there to tion technology, which since the 1990s
monitor and optimize your
assess the resource potential. was coupled with horizontal drilling.
well’s performance – safely,
With a number of companies drilling Chalk operators have traditional-
successful wells and envisioning upside ly targeted large natural fracture net- reliably and efficiently.
in the Austin Chalk, it would not be works, which have been highly pro- Learn how we can help you
surprising to see continued expansion ductive under conventional drilling increase production and
there. However, with the Chalk’s history and completions. But for high-density maximize results.
and the industry’s recent accomplish- stimulations, these fractures pose
ments of pumping new life into long- problems of fluid loss and unwanted
standing US onshore plays by apply- gas influx, and Maranto recommend-
ing updated unconventional drilling and ed targeting less-fractured sections of
development methods, it is an enticing the Chalk.
question whether the Chalk could see a “We have to change our perspective,”
revival on the scale of its 1990s surge or he said. “We have to understand the
earlier booms. properties of the Chalk that are com-
Could the experience in the Permian parable to other plays that work.”
Basin or Oklahoma’s SCOOP (South Cen- Maranto’s message was not that a reviv-
tral Oklahoma Oil Province) and STACK al will happen if these steps are taken
(Sooner Trend, Anadarko, and Cana- but that it may happen.
dian/Kingfisher counties) plays be rep- It remains for the industry to see what
licated? Knowledgeable people don’t it can yet achieve in the Austin Chalk.
speak with certainty on such things, but But the last chapter has probably not
one such person who strongly believes been written. JPT
the industry should test the revival
hypothesis is Tony Maranto, executive For Further Reading
vice president and chief operating offi- SPE 145117 Understanding Production
cer at EnerVest. He joined the compa- from Eagle Ford-Austin Chalk System
ny last August after more than 20 years by R. Martin, R. Malpani, G. Lindsay,
with EOG, mainly focused on Oklahoma, Schlumberger et al. http://dx.doi.
and has 35 years of industry experience. org/10.2118/145117-MS

JPT • JUNE 2017

Getting More
From Fracturing
With Diversion
Stephen Rassenfoss,
JPT Emerging Technology Senior Editor
8 Mesh Beads

M ary Van Domelen makes two key points about using

diverters in fracturing designs: “It is one of the useful
tools in our unconventional stimulation tool kit,” and there is
a good chance “you are doing it wrong.”
Those two observations motivated the engineering advis-
er from Continental Resources to write “A Practical Guide
to Modern Diversion Technology” (SPE 185120), a 22-page
overview on effectively using diversion to more effectively
fracture a well by plugging the dominant fractures to divert
the pressure further down the wellbore to ensure more per-
forations are effectively stimulated.
Van Domelen’s paper, presented at the 2017 SPE
Oklahoma City Oil and Gas Symposium, is one of a spate of
recent papers by operators that show diversion is becoming
a widely used part of fracturing designs, particularly in the
oil-rich Bakken. The papers are coming from unconvention-
al pioneers such as Continental and Devon Energy, smaller
operators such as Liberty Resources and Abraxas, and even 80/20 Blend
Saudi Aramco. All report benefits from diversion, ranging
from improved production and more productive fractures
to cost savings.
Liberty reported (SPE 184828) that wells in the Bakken
using diversion produced twice as much as offset wells using
the old method, and “33% to 39%” more than predicted by
a model that uses data from comparable wells in its database
of more than 10,000 wells in North Dakota.
“We are excited about what we are doing,” said Paul
Weddle, completion manager for Liberty, who presented
the paper at the recent SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technol-
ogy Conference. “In the oil business, there are differences
(of production) of plus or minus 10% to 15%” due to local
geological variations. But with gains of more than 30%, “we
may be on to something.” The earliest wells using diver-
sion have been producing for a year and continue to exceed
their expectations.
Diversion has been quietly used by early adopters—Dev-
on’s recent paper was based on changes it made in its diver-
sion method based on testing—but in the past year the num-
Fine Mesh Powder
A range of sizes of particles are needed to plug an
opening taking in much of the fluid, and divert it
down the hole. Source: Jamplast.

42 JPT • JUNE 2017

ber of companies trying and using it has using was not diverting, and finding
grown substantially. an effective alternative. The project
The rise has transformed the busi- demonstrated that there is a payoff for
ness of Jamplast, a private company that checking to see if you are doing some-
began selling degradable polymer par- thing wrong.
ticles for diversion back in 2005 when Arguments over the value of diver-
a large oilfield service company ordered sion linger because it is hard to quantify
some for testing, said John Moisson Jr., its role in improved results. The prob-
president and founder of the company. lem is the many variables to consider
It was a small line of business until and limited data available on production
2014, when unconventional producers within stages.
started using the material for refractur-
ing older unconventional wells and com-
A statistical analysis of 14 wells by Hal-
liburton (SPE 179167) in 2016 found that Increase
pleting new ones. Demand has grown so the impact of diversion did not reach the
much in the past year that “today it is a
major part of our business,” Moisson said.
level where it was “statistically signifi-
cant” but the result did indicate it was
For those doing the completions, “helpful rather than detrimental.”
diversion was added during a period of There is no way of knowing if the Maximize
sweeping revisions in fracturing designs. results in the ground look like drawings
Many of the recent technical papers on
the subject have been written by opera-
showing rows of even fractures. But Wed-
dle said the diagnostic testing and pro-
tors in the Bakken that used the drill- duction analysis show more clusters are
ing lull during the deep slump in early producing more efficiently, and ultimate- THROUGHOUT THE
2016 to totally reconsider how they ly, “production is our strongest metric.” LIFE OF YOUR ASSETS
complete wells.
A paper by Abraxas (SPE 184851) Adding Finesse Whatever your production
described how “a legacy Bakken comple- As more water and sand are pumped at challenge, Halliburton offers
tion design was set aside to make way for higher rates to fracture long wells, diver- a full range of engineered
a ‘blank slate’ analysis.” Diversion was not sion is needed to add some “finesse,” Van solutions. From real-time
on Abraxas’ initial list of possible chang- Domelen said. The finesse is required to diagnostic well interventions
es. The process led to completions using more evenly spread millions of tons of to customized specialty
significantly more water and proppant sand among hundreds of fracture initia-
chemicals, reliable artificial
pumped at higher rates, sand instead of tion points. For example, Liberty’s high-
ceramic proppant, far longer laterals, and density perforation designs can have up lift systems, and pipeline and
diversion to ensure that a dense array of to 15 perforation clusters in each of the process pre-commissioning
perforations is stimulated more evenly. 50 stages over a 9,500-ft lateral. and maintenance solutions,
Based on the reported results in SPE Diversion is not addressing a new we’re ready to help keep your
papers and in earnings presentations, the problem. As long as companies, such production high and costs low.
efforts have generally paid off, but change as Devon and Shell, have been report- Contact us to learn more.
is often bumpy. “Early on we stubbed ing what they have observed using fiber-
our toes a time or two and pressured a optic cables to monitor fracturing, they
stage out,” because too much diverter have reported that the lion’s share of
was used, Weddle said. “But we are now the water and proppant regularly flows
seeing a lot of consistency and success.” into the first perforation cluster within
Improvements based on extensive each stage.
reviews were “a silver lining” during a Dominant fractures, such as the ones
hard time, said Kyle Haustveit, a com- shown in Fig. 1 from Devon, are a prob-
pletions engineer for Devon, who was lem on multiple levels.
a lead author on a paper (SPE 184862) For one, the initial cluster takes in so
about how the company used an array of much of the flow, it reduces the fluid to
diagnostic tests to evaluate its comple- below the level needed to effectively frac-
tion designs, sometimes with surpris- ture later perforations.
ing results. And a giant fracture is not likely to be a
By using multiple diagnostic tests it more productive one.
was able to improve its diversion by “I can’t get proppant that far out,” in a
discovering that the diverter it was really long fracture to ensure it remains

JPT • JUNE 2017

Proppant Distribution

Toe Side Heel Side

Cluster #
1 2 3 4 5 6
Proppant (lbs)

Stage #

Fig. 1—In most of the stages of this well, one perforation cluster gets far more proppant than the rest. This study by
Devon Energy using fiber-optic cables to monitor activity along the wellbore by detecting and analyzing sounds—
distributed acoustic sensing—showed most often the first cluster reached by the high-pressure stream of fracturing fluid
becomes the dominant one. Source: Devon, SPE 184862.

open and producing, said Clayton Smith, volume pumped are right, the diverter Saudi Aramco is interested in using
global director Research Development will block the dominant fractures send- diversion as a way to stimulate signifi-
and Engineering for Pressure Pumping ing the high-pressure stream down to cantly more perforations per stage, and
Services at Weatherford, adding that undertreated clusters. saving money by reducing the number
“there will never be any production from If the range of particle sizes is not of stages per well. “It is more efficient
out there.” right, it will not seal. If the total amount and cost-effective to have more clusters
Also, those long over-stimulated frac- pumped is too low, it will fail to plug. per stage,” said Kirk Bartko, a senior
tures are likely to extend to nearby Too much and it can block every perfora- petroleum engineering consultant for
wells, increasing the risk of damaging tion and stop the job. Saudi Aramco, during a presentation at
frac hits. One reason more companies are a conference.
The most widely used hydraulic frac- using diverters is that it costs a lot less
turing diverters finesse the problem by than it used to. In recent years, the Unexpected Observations
temporarily plugging dominant perfo- price has dropped by 80%, said Fran- When Devon Energy evaluated three dif-
rations by pumping pre-mixed volumes, cisco Fragachan, director of sales and ferent diverters in combination with dif-
or pills, of multisized grains of polylactic marketing for Weatherford Pressure ferent fluid formulas last year, it found
acid (PLA). Pumping Services. that one option was often doing the
Relatively small volumes of diverter Larger-sized particle types, such as opposite of what it was supposed to do
pills are dropped during short breaks flakes and pellets from Jamplast, are by frequently accelerating the growth
in pumping proppant within each stage, engineered to significantly reduce the of the dominant fracture, one had no
The particles are supposed to follow the volume of material needed in some open- impact on the growth of the largest frac-
fluid flow into the dominant opening and ings, such as an uncemented well, Mois- ture more than half the time, and one
form a plug that is strong enough to stand son said. was far more likely than the rest to con-
up to the hydraulic pressure—Weath- At this price point, Weddle said the trol the growth of the biggest fractures
erford has tested them up to 6,000 psi, additional time required to pump the (Fig. 2).
and is pushing that higher—and after- diverter during each stage is the main The combination of fluid and diverter
ward will go away by breaking down into cost consideration, not the cost of the most likely to halt growth, which is now
a benign liquid. material. He estimates the breaks added regularly used, was identified only as
Larger particles in the mix are in the pumping for diverter drops adds diverter C, Haustveit said.
designed to create a structure bridging about 6–9 hours per well. “It is still a very Details like that can be hard to find.
the opening while mid-sized and small- cost-effective way to drive performance,” Operators do not want to reveal any-
er ones fill in the gaps. If the mix and the he said. thing that gives them an edge, and ser-

44 JPT • JUNE 2017

that inverts the formula to calculate the
Diverter A / Fluid A Diverter B specification required to create an imper-
Diverter A / Fluid B Diverter C
meable plug.

Pressure Test
Fraction of Drops

There are databases to mine for diversion

information, including FracFocus where
0.4 companies disclose the chemicals used
for fracturing, but ultimately each opera-
tor has to adapt what others have done to
the well at hand.
The variables range from how the well
0.2 was drilled and completed, to variations
in the rock properties and stresses along
the wellbore.
Liberty uses from 2 lb to 30 lb of
diverter per stage, which is far less than
0 it thought would be needed when it was
Accelerates No Impact Impede Stop researching how others did diversion.
Impact of Drop on Growth of Largest Fracture The prime measure used to see if a
diverter is actually diverting is the pres-
Fig. 2—When Devon Energy compared four combinations of fluid and diverter sure change after a pill is dropped. If
to see which was most effective at slowing or stopping the growth of the
there is a sharp increase, it suggests the
dominant fracture, the results varied widely. Source: SPE 184862.
particles have blocked off the flow into
the dominant fracture and the flow is
vice companies are trying to sell their market, where there are multiple PLA now being directed elsewhere.
proprietary expertise. particle-makers, some of which claim An example of that was in the Abrax-
“The design needs to be tailored to their version is superior for reasons that as paper, which said “treating pressure
the need, to the conditions in the well. It cannot be disclosed. data indicate that PLA granular diverter
is an engineering process, not a rule of As someone who once worked for a was highly effective,” in a wellbore that
thumb,” Fragachan said. He said the fail- service company developing diverters, had not been cemented. That observa-
ure to think through a diversion design Van Domelen appreciates the desire tion addressed a significant concern:
can be poorly performing wells, time and for a competitive edge, but the secre- Could the diverter particles create a plug
money wasted on added drops of divert- cy in this area casts a “veil of mystery if the space between the casing and res-
er, or delays when too much diverter over diversion.” ervoir rock has not been cemented?
blocks all fracturing, forcing work to halt One key to creating a good seal is using Pressure response interpretation is
until the blockage clears. a wide range of particle sizes in the mix, not an exact science. During the fractur-
Operators agree that some engineer- and Van Domelen’s paper offers a formu- ing conference, the pressure responses
ing is required, but it can be largely la for that. mentioned by presenters ranged from
done in-house. It is based on the method used to around 200 psi to well over 1,000  psi,
Based on experience and some calcu- determine the mix of grains sizes need- leading to pointed questions about
lations, Weddle said Liberty commonly ed to create a gravel pack that is perme- whether those readings really indicated
uses a 50/50 mix of coarse (8 mesh)- and able enough to allow oil to flow but not the diverter was working.
medium (20–70 mesh)-sized particles. formation sand. She lays out a variation Based on Devon’s work, pressure mon-
Van Domelen suggested a mix of 25% itoring could be something people are
coarse particles, 50% medium, and 25% getting wrong.
fine PLA grains could be a good start- Diverter Design Guidelines “So many times people are defining
ing point. the effectiveness of diverters based on
1) Choose the most appropriate base
Weatherford and the two biggest ser- material
surface treating pressure alone,” Haust-
vice companies, Schlumberger and Hal- 2) Determine the correct particle size veit said.
liburton, have long sold diverters for distribution The problem with that, as Devon has
acid stimulation and have made substan- 3) Determine the amount of diverter observed when using fiber-optic moni-
tial investments in developing hydrau- required toring, are the instances when the pres-
lic fracturing diversion methods. While 4) Monitor the injection well sure rises because diverters are doing
they are all selling diversion services 5) Monitor the offset wells the opposite of what they were supposed
and supplies, no company owns the PLA Source: SPE 185120. to do: “They screen out smaller frac-

46 JPT • JUNE 2017

tures and accelerate the already domi- ing nearby offset well pressures while Further Reading
nant ones.” fracturing. Those levels can indicate if SPE 185120 A Practical Guide to Modern
“One of the first learnings was that diversion is helping to manage fracture Diversion Technology by Mary Van
fiber showed that surface treating pres- growth within the limits of the comple- Domelen.
sure increases alone is not a good indica- tion design, reducing interactions with SPE 184828 Mining the Bakken: Driving
tion that the fluid flow was diverted away nearby wells. Cluster Efficiency Higher Using Particulate
Diverters by Paul Weddle, Larry Griffin,
from the dominant fracture,” he said. Devon is also using lower-cost diag-
and Mark Pearson, Liberty Resources.
Weddle has studied those papers for nostics that can be widely used. One
SPE 184840 Innovative Diversion
the insights they offer, but the million- promising option tested by Devon used Technology Ensures Uniform Stimulation
dollar cost of those sorts of studies is not pressure readings from multiple nearby Treatments and Enhances Gas Production:
in the budget yet for smaller operators wells to predict fracture growth. Examples From Carbonate and Sandstone
like Liberty. Extreme fracture growth is increasing- Reservoirs by Zillur Rahim, Adnan Al
By using production analysis and ly being recognized as a problem as the Kanaan, Sayd Taha, Saudi Aramco, et al.
radioactive tracers, Liberty concluded it industry works to reduce damaging frac SPE 184862 New Age Fracture Mapping
significantly increased the efficiency of hits among tightly spaced wells. Diagnostic Tools-A STACK Case Study
its perforation clusters considerably, he Continental’s completion supervi- by K. Haustveit, K. Dahlgren,
said. Tests showed efficient production sors log the pressure response after each H. Greenwood, Devon Energy, et al.
from 12 to 13 clusters out of 15. That diverter drop, with a goal of an increase SPE 184851 Re-Designing From Scratch and
is better than average both in terms of of about 500 psi, which is the maximum. Defending Offset Wells: Case Study of a
the percentage producing, and the num- These observations are stored in a data- Six-Well Bakken Zipper Project, McKenzie
County, ND by Peter Bommer, and Marc
ber because it stimulated more than base that is used to analyze diversion
Bayne, Abraxas Petroleum; Michael
twice as many clusters as many widely performance, and compared with PLA
Mayerhofer, Liberty Oilfield Services, et al.
used designs. particles from competing suppliers, Van SPE 179167 Improving Hydrocarbon
Van Domelen agrees the surface pres- Domelen said. Recovery in Sliding Sleeve Completions
sure response alone is not definitive, “Based on the data we look at, they are Utilizing Diverters in the Wattenberg Field
but companies have to work with the not all equal. You get different responses by Jessica Fry, Halliburton; Erick Roach,
data available. That includes monitor- with different diverters,” she said. JPT Brett Kreyche, PDC Energy, et al.

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Permian, Bakken Operators Face
Produced Water Challenges
Stephen Whitfield, Senior Staff Writer

W ith the oil price market slowly

recovering in recent months,
hydraulic fracturing activity may in-
“What this drives us toward is the con-
clusion that increased water reuse will
likely be an operational necessity in a
umes. Digital H2O, a company that spe-
cializes in oilfield water resource fore-
casts, claimed that this was primarily due
crease at faster rates than previously recovering oil price environment.” to the large number of wells completed
expected. However, even with higher oil This article examines some of the between 2012 and 2014. Over the same
prices, operators in shale plays still face water management issues facing com- time period, water intensity has gone up.
significant budgetary issues with regards panies in the Permian Basin and the In a company webinar, Wells said that the
to water management. As demand and Bakken, two plays with different geo- amount of water used per well comple-
usage increase, and saltwater disposal logic features but similar needs to handle tion has increased, and more water has
wells (SWDs) fill to capacity, companies rising produced water volumes. been generated per well and per horizon-
looking to stay afloat will have little tal foot of wellbore length.
choice but to find alternative means to Permian Issues While completion activity has led to
store and reuse their produced water. The downturn put stress on operators an increase in water intensity in the
“Costs will go up, and the industry in the Permian Basin, but despite the Permian, the basin’s SWD capacity is
needs to be prepared,” Piers Wells, chief financial difficulties hydrocarbon and facing heavy constraints in key areas.
executive officer of Digital H2O, said. water production remained at high vol- Wells estimated that the average pressure

Fig. 1—A comparison of average monthly water volumes disposed in saltwater disposal wells (SDWs) and the average
pressure utilization of SDWs for each county in the Permian Basin. Source: Digital H2O.

48 JPT • JUNE 2017

Fig. 2—As the median pressure utilization of saltwater disposal wells increases, so does the transport distance.
Source: Digital H2O.

utilization for SWDs was 65% in 2016, tances to dispose of their waters in less- barrel. Also, the landowners want to sell
with several wells reporting utilization utilized wells. This relationship has a fresh water and make money off of it. I
approaching 100%. direct impact on water costs. would too. And then, the low costs of pro-
Fig. 1 illustrates the average monthly “As utilization pressure increases, duced water disposal are a factor, and that
water volume disposed in an SWD com- transport pressure increases, therefore doesn’t include the costs for transport.
pared to the average pressure utilization the cost to transport that water increas- Then, of course, we’re recognizing the
for SWDs for each county in the Permian es,” Wells said. “In addition, as salt- contamination risk of transporting and
Basin. A range of 60% to 80% utilization water disposal capacity increases, the storing produced water in pits. You have
is considered high, and anything above fee charged to dispose that water in salt- to use tanks, and that’s a lot of tanks.”
that is considered full utilization, mean- water disposal wells also increases, so Wells et al. (2017) predicted that
ing that the wells in that county cannot you get two factors of costs going up— renewed completion activity, continued
accept any additional water for disposal. water transport costs and water dispos- drawdown of drilled-but-uncompleted
Wells identified four counties—Gaines, al costs driven by the capacity utiliza- wells, and high legacy well produced
Yoakum, Kent, and Hockley—that are tion of the installed base of the saltwater water volumes will drive demand for
either at high or full utilization, with sev- disposal infrastructure.” additional SWD capacity. However, given
eral other counties nearing the lower the recent slowdown in available SWD
bound of the high utilization range. Permian Outlook capacity, they wrote that even a slight
Wells said that SWD pressure utiliza- At a presentation hosted by the SPE Gulf increase in produced water volumes may
tion shares a fundamental relationship Coast Section’s Waste and Water Man- lead to increasing water costs until new
with transport distance costs, as shown agement Study Group, Bridget Scanlon disposal capacity becomes available.
in Fig. 2. The light blue line in the fig- outlined the numerous challenges oper- Presuming that the price of oil con-
ure represents the median pressure uti- ators face in reusing produced water in tinues to rise, they estimated that water
lization percentage in a given month, the Permian, ranging from the low cost production in the Permian could increase
while the light green line represents the of fresh water in the area and the cost of by as much as 50 million bbl each
median transport distance in a given disposal relative to the costs of storage month.  If production increases by this
month. As the median pressure utiliza- and reuse. amount, approximately 70 million bbl of
tion increases, so does the transport dis- “Water is cheap in the Permian Basin,” produced water would need to be divert-
tance. Wells said this was likely due to said Scanlon, a senior research scientist ed from current disposal facilities to
the fact that, as SWDs near a well produc- for the Bureau of Economic Geology at new facilities or be diverted for reuse.
ing high volumes of produced water fill the University of Texas at Austin. “We A 15% volume increase in produced
up, operators have to drive longer dis- have it measured at about 25 cents per water would likely lead to multiple bot-

JPT • JUNE 2017 49

Fig. 3—A map “You can say, well, the laterals are get-
of the Bakken ting longer and that’s why we’re using
showing more water. If we divide [water usage] by
hydraulic the length of the laterals and look at the
fracturing (HF)
time trend, you see that the water use is
water use per
length of lateral increasing,” Scanlon said. “So we’re using
for oil and more water. Operators say they’re using
gas wells. The more slickwater fracs rather than gels,
Bakken includes and they probably have more frac stages,
the Northwest
so they’re trying to even out the distribu-
(NT), Eastern tion of fracking along the laterals.”
Transitional (ET), Annually, the state of North Dakota
Central Basin permits withdrawals totaling 10.3 billion
(CB), Nelson- gallons of surface water. The US Army
Little Knife
Corps of Engineers agreed to a 5-year
(NLK), and Elm
Coulee-Billings deal to make available at least 32.5 bil-
Nose (ECBN) lion gal/yr of surplus water from Lake
assessment units. Sakakawea in the Missouri River basin
Source: Scanlon via temporary and permanent withdraw-
et al. 2014.
al permits (Horner et al. 2016). On top
of that, the Western Area Water Sup-
ply Project (WAWSP) expanded the sup-
ply of potable water from the Missouri
River system for municipal, rural, and
tleneck areas in the Delaware and Mid- water use for 7,868 wells drilled from industrial use in an area near Willis-
land Basins due to high disposal utiliza- 2005 to 2013 in the Bakken and Three ton, North Dakota, a central hub of Bak-
tion, with Eddy, Lea, Hockley, Howard, Forks formations, encompassing the ken activity. The WAWSP allows up to
Reagan, and Winkler counties being the Northwest Transitional, Eastern Transi- 20% of its available water to be used
most likely areas of acute bottlenecking. tional, Central Basin, Nelson-Little Knife, for hydraulic fracturing purposes. How-
Wells estimated that areas with over- and Elm Coulee-Billings Nose assessment ever, accessing the water and transport-
ly pressured SWDs under this scenario units in Montana and North Dakota. ing it to wellsites can be challenging
would produce 35 million bbl of water per Scanlon et al. (2014) determined that for operators.
month in the Delaware, and 22 million bbl the mean hydraulic fracturing water use Scanlon said the water problems in
of water per month in the Midland. in the Bakken was 200 gal/ft of later- the Bakken are similar to those in the
Scanlon said the Central and Delaware al, ranging from 100–320 gal/ft of lat- Permian, namely in that the Bakken is a
Basins each have enough saltwater dis- eral among the different assessment semi-arid region with high levels of salin-
posal water to support hydraulic frac- units. By comparison, in the Eagle Ford ity in its produced water—approaching
turing; disposal to usage ratios were 1.7 mean water usage was 950 gal/ft of lat- 300,000 mg/L of total dissolved solids
and 2.6, respectively, based on the most eral, with usage being higher in the west- (TDS), nearly 10 times the salinity of
recent data from 2014. An increase in ern part of the formation (1,020 gal/ft seawater. Scanlon said the use of fresh
campaign drilling may also help limit the of lateral) than in the east (840 gal/ft water for well maintenance (namely the
need for SWDs, though Scanlon said it of lateral). Scanlon et al. did not com- routine flushing of production casing to
may raise questions of ownership of the pare the regions because the Permian’s remove accumulated salts and prevent
produced water. multistacked plays and mostly vertical scale deposition) skews usage figures for
“As the system evolves, maybe we see wells make it a significantly different area operators in the region.
that happening,” she said. “There’s the to measure. “The water is so saline that [operators]
issue of who holds the water—if you turn While the mean figures are lower in have to put fresh water down in it to keep
a waste into a resource, then all of a sud- the Bakken than in the Eagle Ford and it from scaling, and they don’t report
den somebody might want to own it— the Marcellus, Scanlon said the Bakken that, so we don’t know how much they’re
but, from a water quality perspective, saw a significant increase in hydraulic using. Some of the companies we deal
there is potential.” fracturing use starting in 2013, when with say, well, it could be quite a lot and
usage jumped from 310,000 gal/well to we’re trying to see how we can manage
Bakken Issues 2.8  million gal/well. This increase was using a lot of maintenance water. So in
Fig. 3 shows hydraulic fracturing water partly related to variation in average lat- some cases we could double the amount
use per length of lateral for oil and gas eral length, which led to an increase in of water being used for hydraulic fractur-
wells in the Bakken. The figure illustrates normalized water use. ing,” Scanlon said.

50 JPT • JUNE 2017

Decreasing Fresh Water Use is adjusted to achieve the optimal cross- lus Shale and the Permian Basin. Identi-
The high-salinity produced water has linking rate. The resulting fluid is stable cal formulations showed improved per-
forced operators and service com- at bottomhole static temperature condi- formance as the salinity increased. JPT
panies in the Bakken to develop alter- tions and does not contain any hydroxide
native methods to avoid running high or carbonate scales. For Further Reading
freshwater usage costs. In one such case, McMahon et al. (2015) wrote that one SPE 173783 First 100% Reuse of Bakken
Schlumberger developed a crosslinked of the benefits of this practice of reusing Produced Water in Hybrid Treatments
fracturing fluid that uses 100% pro- produced water is that the connate water Using Inexpensive Polysaccharide Gelling
duced water from the Three Forks for- produced from the well can reach ther- Agents by B. McMahon, B. MacKay, and
A. Mirakyan, Schlumberger. https://doi.
mation. The fluid contains a polysac- modynamic equilibrium with the for-
charide gelling agent, a pH adjuster, mation. The water it tested reached Horner, R.M., Harto, C.B., Jackson, R.B.,
and a proprietary metal crosslinker that equilibrium with the formation it was et al. 2016. Water Use and Management
it implemented in multistage fractur- produced from prior to production in the Bakken Shale Oil Play in North
ing for long horizontal wells. The fluid and, apart from suspended iron oxides, Dakota. Environ. Sci. Technol. (50):
does not require that the water be treat- dissolved solids and hydroxides were 3275–3282.
ed (although operators can remove sus- found to be in the solution, eliminat- acs.est.5b04079.
pended solids or other potential sources ing the need for a chemical or mechani- Scanlon, B.R., Reedy, R.C, and Nicot, J.P.
of damage), and it is designed to be toler- cal method to change the equilibrium. 2014. Comparison of Water Use for
ant to changes in water quality through- Suspended solids can be removed by Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional
out a typical frac stage. filtration, coagulation, and/or settling, Oil and Gas versus Conventional Oil.
Environ. Sci. Technol. (48): 12386–12393.
The first step of implementing the fluid and the inherent “fitness” of the water
is to hydrate the gelling agent in pro- for the formation may be beneficial Wells, P., Rothbarth, S., and Webb, F. 2017.
duced water at a suitable pH to promote for operators. The Coming Permian Basin Water Disposal
fast hydration; typical Bakken downhole Schlumberger also tested the fluid in a Bottleneck. Digital H2O, 27 January
conditions require a fluid pH above 10 variety of mixwaters with salinity levels 2017,
(SPE 173783). In the second step, a group ranging from 43,000 to 350,000 ppm permian-basin-water-disposal-bottleneck
IV metal crosslinker is added and the pH of TDS from formations in the Marcel- (accessed 25 April 2017).

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Chemical EOR—A Multidisciplinary Effort

to Maximize Value
Gabriela Alvarez Jürgenson, Christian Bittner, Stefan Stein, and Michael Büschel, BASF SE

Production from oil fields can be The implementation of a chemical assets, a laboratory-screening program
increased by enhanced oil recovery EOR (cEOR) project is often a significant will start to identify a suitable chemi-
(EOR) techniques. Among several other endeavor that not only poses technical cal solution that not only will perform
EOR methods, the injection of chemicals challenges but also represents substan- under specific reservoir conditions but
has been studied since the 1970s. tial financial risk. In recent years, cEOR also meet financial targets. The princi-
In that time, anionic polyacrylamides projects also target challenging condi- pal workstreams of a cEOR project are
(PAM) have proven to be efficient vis- tions such as high temperatures, high illustrated in Fig. 1.
cosifiers for moderate field conditions salinity, and demanding locations such as EOR-specific application test work
to reduce mobility of the displacement offshore fields. is needed, such as rheology evalua-
fluid, thus increasing reservoir sweep A multidisciplinary and integrated tions for polymers, or phase-behavior
efficiency. Surfactants mobilize oil that is approach is vital to managing techni- and interfacial-tension measurements
trapped in formation rock pores by low- cal, regulatory, and economic challenges for surfactants. The quality of the work
ering the oil/water interfacial tension. with a team of geoscientists, engineers, will rely considerably on the collabo-
Polymer flooding is now considered an chemists, and mathematical modelers ration of an experienced multidisci-
established technology, which is applied working together to achieve an increase plinary team mainly because the experi-
on a commercial scale in several coun- in incremental oil recovery at the lowest mental evaluations cover a broad range
tries. In contrast, the commercial use of total cost of ownership. of knowledge fields such as chemistry,
EOR surfactants is still limited despite physical chemistry, and reservoir and
more than 50 years of research history in From Laboratory to Full Field petroleum engineering.
this area. This can be partly explained by Once the operator has verified that While laboratory research for EOR
the technical complexity of EOR surfac- injection of chemicals is a viable option polymers will focus on measuring rhe-
tant projects and the higher cost. to enhance oil recovery in one of its ology, thermal, and mechanical stabil-

Chemical Supplier
Operator (Oil Company)
Commercial Prod.

Pilot Field Tests

and Evaluation

Chemical Scaleup

Geologic Studies Simulation

Field Test Design

Lab Screening (Phase Behavior,

Coreflood) Process Selection
(polymer flooding, alkaline-surfactant-polymer
flooding, surfactant-polymer flooding)

Reservoir Screening Chemical

Field Selection Development Fig. 1—Workstreams and phases
of a cEOR project.


52 JPT • JUNE 2017

ity, the screening of EOR surfactants in dedicated production capacity is limited. of interest. It is worth emphasizing that,
general is more complex. In most cases, Availability of raw materials and regula- except for standard PAM, most of the
a blend of several surfactants is needed tory requirements need to be considered innovative EOR chemicals are still in trial
to reduce the oil/water interfacial ten- carefully, as well as established manufac- or pilot phase and are not yet fully scaled
sion by two to three orders of magni- turing processes, to help reduce project up to a true commercial size.
tude to an “ultralow” level. These evalu- risks and cost. Risk-sharing agreements A large chemical company with expe-
ations require extensive solubility and between an operator and chemical part- rience in both polymers and surfactants
interfacial-tension measurements fol- ner can help to ease approval processes can contribute in several key areas of
lowed by phase behavior tests. and manage financial uncertainties. EOR product development and supply
Ultimately, coreflood studies will be through these methods:
required for all chemicals, polymers, and Making cEOR a Reality ◗ Product screening, new product
surfactants to assess injectivity, propa- For polymers, anionic PAM, which development, and scaleup. The
gation profile, dynamic adsorption, and is well-known in the water treatment key objective is to identify the
incremental oil recovery. The results of industry, is nicely suited to the cost- optimum chemical solution for a
porous media flow investigations can performance requirements of EOR. But given field. In case it is necessary
be used as input parameters to perform the operation window of such polymers to design new chemicals, a large
reservoir-simulation studies. is limited to mild field conditions with and experienced chemical partner
Once the chemical candidate has been temperatures below 70°C and salini- builds on a profound research and
identified, it is important in the laborato- ties less than 30,000 ppm, which leaves development expertise, which
ry phase to work out production and sup- room for innovation. also includes the development
ply concepts to cope with performance In contrast, most of the surfactants of reliable, industrial-scale
requirements and production capabili- known from cleaners, cosmetics, and manufacturing processes.
ties at the same time. Results of all men- other applications are not perfectly suit- ◗ Production and quality control.
tioned steps in the project development ed for use in EOR. Organic sulfonates, A large, international chemical
need to be fed back into laboratory work for instance, either did not have the right supplier has all processes in place
for potential adjustment. alkyl chain, or the quality of commer- to ensure the supply of chemicals
An important but sometimes over- cial products was unsteady. This result- even in large volumes with an
looked property of a cEOR solution is ed in inefficient surfactant pilot floods always consistent quality. Analytical
applicability. Using EOR surfactant for- in the 1970s. When oil prices eroded in support beyond routine quality
mulations offshore or at very low tem- the 1980s, EOR research activities were control measurements can be given
peratures needs a proper design of chem- almost abandoned. Only a few academ- during site visits in the startup
icals and their formulation to not fail in ic research groups continued working phase of a chemical flood.
the last step. in the EOR area, gaining fundamental ◗ Registration of new chemicals.
For a single-well pilot test, up to a few know-how on the relationship between This topic is especially relevant for
tons of EOR chemical formulation are molecular structure and EOR applica- the market introduction of new
needed, which can be produced in a small tion performance. This knowledge came surfactants and has to be addressed
chemical pilot facility. A multiwell pilot into use once oil prices recovered and early, as it is not only costly but may
test might demand a few hundred tons the interest of the oil and gas industry in take several months or even years.
of chemicals. Besides timely availabili- EOR was renewed. ◗ Raw materials. The long-term
ty, understanding the interplay between Several full-scale polymer flooding availability of key raw materials
production scales and product perfor- projects have been implemented since at reasonable costs is decisive for
mance is of utmost importance to be able then, first in China, later in Canada, the sustainable project economics. A
to scale EOR operations. Middle East, and several other countries. large chemical supplier is either
Project dimensions and financial expo- Over the years, quality has constantly backward-integrated in such raw
sure will significantly change once the improved so that good solubility and materials or, in case of insourcing,
project progresses to full-field scale. While injectivity today are technically achiev- may benefit from a stronger
the operator will start investing in surface able. Innovative polymers such as the new purchase position to keep costs low.
equipment and eventually even new wells, class of associative polymers will help to ◗ Supply chain. A strong global
the chemical supplier may have to invest further improve overall project econom- presence helps to set up cost-
in additional production capacity to meet ics. New polymer architectures are being effective supply chain solutions even
the chemical demand, which could be designed for harsh field conditions where for oil fields in remote locations.
several thousand tons per year. For stan- standard PAM is not applicable. In summary, close cooperation be-
dard PAM polymers, production capac- Research in the surfactant area also tween the experts of the operating com-
ity is not as much of an issue. A challenge targets more dose-effective structures, pany with those of the chemical partner
might exist for specialty surfactants that but the development of molecules that from an early stage on is vital to making
were tailored toward EOR and for which can withstand harsh conditions is also a cEOR project a success. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 53


Coiled-Tubing Applications
Alex Crabtree, SPE, Senior Adviser, Hess Corporation

This time last year, there was uncer- Efficiency and effectiveness a decrease in activity, continuing rising
tainty as to what the future held for costs, and a reduced return. However,
our industry as a whole and the coiled- will continue to be even with the lower current situation,
tubing sector in particular. Today, the strong influencing factors overall activity has not dropped to 2005
mantra appears to be “lower for longer.” levels; the demand side of the curve is
With the price of oil hovering around
in the development still trending upward. (EIA world petro-
USD 50/bbl, is this really the case? of the coiled-tubing leum consumption data show 84.7 mil-
Looking at the US Energy Informa- market sector. lion B/D in 2005 to 95.1 million B/D in
tion Administration (EIA) data for West 2016.) Therefore, efficiency and effec-
Texas intermediate and Brent spot tiveness will continue to be strong influ-
crude oil prices, it was not until 2005 ing in 2014. Placing the coiled-tubing encing factors in the development of the
that prices rose and consistently stayed sector within this context, the global coiled-tubing market sector.
above the USD 50 mark, with a short coiled-tubing-unit count has increased Efficiency and effectiveness can be
dip below that in 2008. On the cost from 1,163 in 2005 to 1,951 in 2016, achieved in differing ways. This year’s
side of the equation, the US Consum- with the peak being 2,096 units in papers provide readers with exam-
er Price Index in 2005 was 195 (1982 is 2015 (Intervention and Coiled Tubing ples of efficiencies that have been
the base year of 100) and 240 for 2016. Association worldwide coiled-tubing achieved in coiled-tubing operations.
Looking at US Bureau of Labor Statis- rig count). The papers demonstrate how problem-
tics data, oil and gas extraction employ- So what do these statistics imply? solving techniques have been applied
ment rose from 1,287,000 to 1,932,000 They would seem to reflect trends that to improve such aspects as on-site
in the US between 2005 and 2015, peak- are currently manifesting themselves: processes, fit-for-purpose equipment,
coiled-tubing-string selection for pro-
cess optimization, and more-effective
Alex Crabtree, SPE, is senior adviser for well interventions and treatment placement. JPT
well integrity with the Hess Corporation E&P Technology depart-
ment. He has more than 33 years of experience in the upstream
oil and gas industry. Crabtree holds a BS degree in mechanical
engineering. He has worked in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Recommended additional reading
Europe, North America, and South America, both onshore and at OnePetro:
offshore. Crabtree previously worked within the oilfield-services- OTC 26690 Journey to Success—
company sector, holding various engineering and management Advancement of Coiled-Tubing Drilling in
posts in research and development, field operations, downhole-tool design, and Malaysia by Zhon Wei Ooi, Petronas, et al.
technology implementation. He has authored several SPE papers and is a past SPE 182905 Coiled-Tubing Technology
program-committee chairperson for various SPE conferences and SPE Applied for Extending the Reach in Sand-Screen-
Technology Workshops. Crabtree was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2001–02 and Completed and Openhole Wells by Karim
is a member of the JPT Editorial Committee. Elrashidi, Baker Hughes, et al.

54 JPT • JUNE 2017

Custom-Designed Coiled Tubing Leads
to Success in Extended-Reach Operations

A dvanced horizontal drilling,

multistage hydraulic
fracturing, and other technologies
CT-String Design
The CT-string designs followed a coop-
vertical and horizontal sections of the
wellbore. This friction between the CT
and wellbore is produced by excessive
have helped make the Vaca Muerta erative process between the operator, the wall-contact forces generally because the
shale oil and gas resource economically CT service companies, tool providers, CT buckled into a helical shape as a re-
viable. An option to exploit this and the CT-manufacturing engineers. sult of the axial compressive forces while
resource better is to increase the Tubing forces, buckling occurrence, and running in hole. Therefore, preventing
length of the horizontal section of lockup depths were analyzed in detail helical-buckling occurrence in the CT
each well to add hydraulic-fracture to determine the optimal CT size and reduces the wall-contact forces acting
stages. Anticipated high angles in string design makeup to ensure the like- against the wellbore, allowing for force
deviated well sections, along with lihood of reaching target depth (TD) in transfer to the end of the CT string.
the extended horizontal length of the the planned extended-reach wells. Ad- By understanding the theory of buck-
planned wells, formed an expectation ditionally, hydraulic analysis was per- ling, especially helical-buckling load cal-
that conventional coiled-tubing (CT) formed to compare frictional pressure culations, CT-design engineers can alter
designs would not be able to service losses (CT, bottomhole-assembly, and the string makeup to reduce CT buckling
the new well designs. Using refined, annular) using the optimal flow rates for in extended-reach wells. Helical-buckling
custom-engineered CT-string designs annular velocities adequate to support load variables that are affected by the CT-
appears to be an economic and sufficient well cleaning. The results from string design are CT stiffness (CT geome-
efficient solution. the analysis were used to estimate fatigue try), radial clearance, and tubing weight.
accumulation in the CT strings, consider- Therefore, helical buckling can be miti-
Project Overview ing anticipated circulating pressures and gated by increasing the CT stiffness in
Increased diameter, strength, and reli- surface-equipment (reel and gooseneck the areas of maximum compression (i.e.,
ability have made CT the preferred cost- arch) dimensions. varying the geometry of the tubing to in-
effective well-intervention solution in The primary objective for the new crease the moment of inertia of that sec-
the Vaca Muerta unconventional shale CT-string design is to optimize lateral tion). Consequently, increased wall thick-
development; however, the maximum reach and available weight on bit for post- ness is placed strategically to cover the
lateral reach the CT can achieve dur- fracture mill-out operations. vertical section and the curvature of the
ing operations is a limiting factor for well where the tubing tends to buckle
well optimization. Extended-Reach more, and then it is tapered down to the
Initially, 2-in. CT strings with a sim- CT-Design Methodology minimum wall thickness quickly to re-
ple wall taper shape were an effective Excessive friction between the CT and duce weight in the horizontal.
and reliable option to complete wells in the casing causes a lockup condition that However, the number of wall thick-
the first development stage. However, prevents further penetration in the lat- nesses and the lengths of the transitions
the need for optimized design and even- eral. Friction lockup indicates that any have significant influence on the per-
larger-diameter CT with enhanced-wall- force applied at surface by the injector formance of the string, particularly on
thickness configurations became appar- and the available CT normal weight is lost extended reach, weight, and overpull.
ent when an increase of the well lateral because of local drag, especially around Technology exists that provides rapid
lengths was  attempted. the heel, and because of buckling in the wall-thickness transitions of 300 to
650  ft in length to place specific thick-
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains nesses purposefully along the length of
the string to enhance force transmis-
highlights of paper SPE 184752, “Vaca Muerta Coiled-Tubing-Operations Success
sion to the end of the tubing, increase
and the Development of Future Extended-Reach Operations,” by I.I. Galvan,
strength and stiffness, and reduce fatigue
Global Tubing; M.M. Nebiolo, R.D. Del Negro, and G.A. Landinez Gomez, YPF; accumulation and weight.
C.  Cerne,  SPE, ThruTubing Solutions; and A. Sanchez, SPE, and G. Mallanao, Friction is another variable that can
Global Tubing, prepared for the 2017 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing and Well be reduced by using vibration tools
Intervention Conference and  Exhibition, Houston, 21–22 March. The paper has (extended-reach tools) and fluid addi-
not been peer reviewed. tives such as metal-to-metal lubricants.

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

JPT • JUNE 2017 55

High-Cycled Region of the CT Strings
Proper Section Length
Extended Reach of Minimum Wall Thickness
2-in. CT×18,400 ft, Design 1

70,700 lbm
0.190 in. 0.204-in. Dual Taper Strips 0.224 in. 0.156 in.
≈1,800 ft

2-in. CT×19,350 ft, Design 2

68,700 lbm
0.190-in. Dual Taper Strips 0.204-in. Dual Taper Strips 0.204 in. 0.145 in.
≈1,500 ft

Weight Management With Greater Quick Wall-Thickness

Wall Thickness in the Bias Welds Transitions

Fig. 1—Final optimized 2-in.-CT designs showing an hourglass configuration to improve reach and reduce overall
weight. Both designs benefit from reduced weight in the uphole section, proprietary dual tapered strips that protect
the bias welds in the high-cycled region of the string, and rapid transitions to thinner wall to reduce weight in the
horizontal section.

The advantage of vibration tools or lu- length to avoid helical buckling in the weight; reduces tubing costs; and, most
bricants is so significant that, depend- well. The effective axial force and the importantly, does not affect extended-
ing on the complexity of the extended- helical-buckling-load limits were ana- reach capacity.
reach wells, they can enable reaching lyzed for each wall-thickness change in
TDs with smaller CT sizes and lighter the designs. Optimized-2-in.-CT-Design
string makeups. After many design iterations and re- Field Performance
To maximize fatigue life, CT-design en- visions of the proposed strings with The 2-in. customized CT designs have
gineers carefully select the minimum wall the CT service companies and the op- been in operation since 2015. The ad-
thickness that has the proper diameter/ erator, the final designs were achieved ditional force transfer achieved by the
wall-thickness ratio for the CT geom- (Fig. 1). These strings have a unique optimal selection of the wall-thickness-
etry. Increasing wall thickness reduces continuous-taper configuration, which transition points allowed for more avail-
CT-bending-fatigue accumulation and in- provides rapid wall-thickness transi- able set-down weight while milling
creases pressure capacity. Therefore, it tions to help with the strategic place- fracture plugs, which increased the ef-
is recommended to cover the expected ment of the wall thickness and provide ficiency of the operation. The post-job
working area of the string with increased additional tubing strength where it is analysis performed in several wells in-
wall thickness where the fatigue tends to needed most. dicated that the apparent friction fac-
accumulate faster because of short trips The new string designs feature an tors are very similar to the previously
(from kickoff point to TD). hourglass configuration, which reduc- matched friction factors analyzed with
es some of the heavy wall in the upper the previous CT designs when using lu-
2-in. CT Design Optimized for section with thinner wall thickness- bricants and a vibration tool, which
Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing es. This reduces fluid frictional pres- was expected.
The design process started by placing sure losses inside the CT because of
specific thicknesses along the tubing the restricted inner diameters; reduces (Continued on page 60)

High-Cycled Region of the CT Strings

Proper Section Length
Extended Reach of Minimum Wall Thickness

2.375-in. CT×20,300 ft

0.224 in. 0.236-in. Dual Taper Strips 0.250 in. 0.156-in. Dual Taper Strips 99,200 lbm
≈2,950 ft

Weight Management Quick Wall-Thickness Transitions

Fig. 2—Final custom-fit 2.375-in. hourglass design that includes a lighter core for weight optimization, proprietary dual
taper strip technology that protects bias welds to improve fatigue performance, greater wall thickness extended to the
end of the vertical and deviated sections of the wells to increase CT stiffness in those sections, and quick transition of
six nominal wall thicknesses at 2,950 ft to place thin wall material in the horizontal section. In addition, a 130-ksi-yield-
strength CT grade was selected to optimize service life and prevent tubing deformation because of the challenging
operating conditions.

56 JPT • JUNE 2017


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Systematic Coiled-Tubing-Efficiency
Improvement Reduces Operational Time

D eepwater coiled-tubing (CT) well

interventions can benefit from
significant rig-time reduction and
The underlying strategies of sev-
eral widely accepted continuous-
improvement programs, such as lean
standard lifts introduces waste into the
process. Proper personnel allocation ad-
dresses both wasteful cases—oversup-
cost savings associated with improved principles and the define/measure/ ply and undersupply of personnel—to
efficiencies of surface processes. analyze/implement/control methodolo- ensure efficient process completion.
Efficiency improvement requires a gy, were used to provide the link between Defined Work Plan. Inefficiencies
systematic approach and detailed performance and improvement. during the equipment-spotting pro-
analysis of each part of the process. Low-performance areas and areas of cess occur when the lift sequence and
The efficiency methodology allows for recurring nonproductive time (NPT) equipment-placement processes are han-
systematic improvement in all areas of were addressed through root-cause dled without clear direction. A document-
CT operations, specifically for surface analysis and remedial-work plans that ed work plan, with both lift sequence and
activities. The total efficiency solution were focused on specific tasks. Mean- equipment destination, is critical for effi-
described in this paper requires no while, high-performance areas were ana- cient completion of equipment spotting.
additional cost to service providers, lyzed to document the best practices for Work Site Preparation. At a mini-
and results can be seen immediately. efficient operational execution so that mum, the work site must be prepared for a
efficiency gains could be realized for the CT intervention before the equipment ar-
Deepwater Coiled Tubing duration of the campaign. rives on location. Temporary equipment,
The use of CT for well intervention Performance is compared with both tote tanks, and other miscellaneous items
can provide many downhole solutions baseline and previous-operation perfor- in the planned CT-equipment-spotting
throughout the life of a well. Although mance data so that trends and inconsis- and rig-up areas should be removed. Ad-
there is much discussion of the financial tencies could be identified easily. ditionally, any support activities, such as
and technical aspects of CT in the indus- erecting scaffolding, preparing the well
try, less conversation is directed toward Equipment Mobilization/ bay, and installing barriers, may be per-
the efficiency of CT surface processes. Demobilization and Lifting formed in advance.
The expansion of analysis, specifically The first stage of any CT operation in- Crane Operations and Availability.
to CT process efficiency both before and volves mobilizing the required equip- Perhaps the largest bottleneck during the
after in-hole operations, is necessary for ment to location. A typical CT spread equipment-spotting process is crane op-
a holistic approach to total efficiency im- may require 30 to 45 individual lifts to erations and availability. Being a shared
provement. The stages of CT operation move equipment from the workboat to resource on location, the crane must be
shown in green in Fig. 1 can be identified the rig. This first process, termed boat prioritized to ensure necessary activities
as five distinct surface activities. work and equipment spotting, is most are progressed. Perceiving the crane as
commonly tracked by total time required a temporary resource ensures optimiza-
Design Methodology to place the entire CT spread on deck. tion of use while also ensuring that the
The first stage of the efficiency solution process-work-flow design accounts for
involved analysis of past performance. Areas of Improvement. Allocation of periods of crane unavailability.
Some limited performance data were col- Personnel. Proper personnel allocation
lected and reviewed, primarily on CT rig allows for the correct number of person- Rig Up and Rig Down
up, pressure testing, and transition time nel to concentrate on a required task. Al- Stages 2 and 5 of a deepwater CT op-
between CT and wire services (wireline locating too few personnel for complex eration involve CT rig up and rig down.
and slickline). lifts or allocating too many personnel for While clearly inverse processes, rig up
and rig down exhibit a multitude of simi-
lar characteristics. The ultimate objec-
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
tives of both processes are opposing,
of paper SPE 184779, “Consistent, Systematic Approach to Deepwater Coiled-Tubing- but the nature of the work to reach the
Efficiency Improvement Substantially Reduces Operational Time, Gulf of Mexico,” by goal is nearly identical. Each addition-
Peter Weiland, SPE, Alexander Rudnik, SPE, and Eric Gagen, SPE, Schlumberger, al item rigged up must later be rigged
prepared for the 2017 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and down, whereas efficiency gains experi-
Exhibition, Houston, 21–22 March. The paper has not been peer reviewed. enced during rig up most likely will be

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

58 JPT • JUNE 2017

Deepwater CT

Stage 1 Stage 6
Boat Work and Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Boat Work and
Spotting Rig Up Pressure Test Operations Rig Down Backload
Equipment Equipment

Fig. 1—Key deepwater CT stages.

exploited during rig down. This doubles up and rig down, the following improve- tion, standard work instructions, and
the reward for optimal work flow and ment opportunities were identified. operational checklists.
efficient design. Bottleneck Aversion. Bottleneck aver- Work-Flow Management. Work-flow
Understanding the process work flow sion involves recognizing and reducing management ensures that tasks are com-
of a rig-up or rig-down series is impera- the number of tasks that may cause con- pleted in the most efficient manner to
tive for process improvement. Rig up and gestion. Eliminating at-height tasks al- complete a total process. Additionally,
rig down involve significant time work- together can have a profound effect on work-flow management involves strate-
ing at heights. Activities performed while efficiency improvement. As previous- gically allocating the proper amount of
working at heights must be reduced. In ly mentioned, any task eliminated dur- personnel resources for each task.
fact, working at heights is the largest ing rig up will also be eliminated during Multiskilling of Personnel. Specifi-
bottleneck of all surface activities. Near- rig down. cally, multiskilling is perhaps the pinna-
ly every prolonged rig-up process can be Standardization. In both design and cle of efficiency. From a work-flow per-
traced back to undesirable performance execution, standardization can guar- spective, consistency and continuity are
while working at heights. antee consistent, efficient improve- realized across all performed services
ment. It should include, as a minimum, because multiskilled personnel perform a
Areas of Improvement. Upon applying pressure-control-stack configuration, variety of tasks. Naturally, cross-trained
the systematic efficiency method to rig low- and high-pressure-line configura- crews allow the work involving multiple

Unmanned Systems
Technical Section
SPE has formed a Technical Section for members This section seeks to:
to promote the exchange of information and • Develop capability through workshops and
technology, as well as develop understanding of and conferences
competence in the area of unmanned systems.
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autonomous vehicle systems, software solutions, and
power systems for marine, air, and land environments • Promote safety, professionalism, and social
such as ROVs and drones. responsibility through ethics, certification, and
Deepen your learning and share your insights with
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JPT • JUNE 2017 59

services to occur faster because the de- form of redundant components or du- Custom-Designed
fined work plan takes into account the plicate processes that are not required
required tasks. by regulations.
Coiled Tubing Leads
Purpose-Built Equipment. Purpose- Failed Pressure Tests. Failed tests, to Success in Extended-
built equipment must be reserved for referred to as NPT, are an obvious source Reach Operations
opportunities to eliminate tasks or to of waste while pressure testing. Re- (Continued from page 56)
dramatically improve the efficiency of ducing the number of pressure tests in
certain tasks. Generally, specialized the series ultimately increases perfor-
equipment is developed to alter signifi- mance through limited exposure to fail- 2.375-in.-CT Design
cantly the method in which a certain task ure modes. Optimized for Multistage
is completed. Transition Time. Transition time Hydraulic Fracturing
must be minimized to increase the per- The proposed design enhances reach by
Pressure Testing centage of total process time that is com- decreasing tubing weight in the hori-
Stage 3 of a deepwater CT operation in- pleted as value added. Transition time, in zontal section of the well and increas-
volves low- and high-pressure testing many cases, can exceed total NPT from es stiffness in the vertical section to
of every pressure-control component. failed tests. Transition time warrants a avoid the onset of helical buckling as
Pressure testing verifies pressure integ- careful focus on managing the tasks com- much as possible. The optimal multi-
rity of blowout preventers (BOPs), BOP pleted during this period. taper configuration has 0.250 in., which
inlet valves and kill lines, treating lines, Offline vs. Online Testing. Pressure is the maximum wall thickness avail-
choke lines, CT string, and dual-flapper testing off line is highly preferred to on- able in the CT market, covering the ver-
check valves. line testing. When permitted and ap- tical and the deviated sections of the
Pressure testing, contrary to other CT proved, offline testing allows for a large wells. This is to increase weight in the
operation processes, requires a mini- percentage of pressure tests to be per- heel and help push the tubing further in
mum number of personnel and must be formed while other activities progress. the horizontal.
performed sequentially. Pressure testing On the basis of tubing-force simu-
is also suited for improvement following Resources Required lations, the 2.375-in. CT increased the
the systematic improvement methodol- for Continuous Improvement force transfer of the design, enhancing
ogy. The pressure-testing process cloaks Personnel. Continuous improvement in the downhole axial compressive force
many sources of waste that were unrec- surface processes requires an efficiency at the bottom of the CT. The analysis
ognized previously. champion (EC). This person most often indicated that this optimized 2.375-in.
is a service-company employee with ex- design will reach the TDs of planned
Process Management. A proactive, care- cellent familiarity with CT surface activi- wells with laterals longer than 2500 m
fully managed approach was deemed nec- ties and work-flow processes. However, and still have sufficient set-down weight
essary to achieve a true step change in the EC title is reflective of any individual, to mill isolation plugs. Fig. 2 shows
performance. The systematic improve- whether operator, service company, or the final configuration of the custom-
ment methodology was used to monitor third-party employee, who possesses the fit string.
the entire process on an individual-task primary objective of implementing the
level. Pressure-testing sequences were systematic methodology to improve ef- Conclusions
managed by individual tests and then the ficiency. Therefore, the EC position is not The combination of using a custom-
subtasks necessary for each test. Investi- limited to engineering personnel but is fit CT design, friction-reduction tools
gating the process on such a detailed scale expanded to a variety of positions, such and fluid additives, and superior oper-
allowed the root causes of inconsistency as service-quality coaches, internal audi- ation techniques had a great effect on
and poor performance to be analyzed. tors, or supervisors. developing longer lateral wells in Vaca
Muerta economically and efficiently.
Areas of Improvement. Significant Software Systems. Manually track- Benefits from this exercise include
pressure-testing improvement was ob- ing each process is a heuristic approach ◗ Improved reach through optimized
served after implementing the system- most suited for demonstrating the ef- CT-string design by tapering
atic improvement methodology. The en- fectiveness of the systematic approach. wall thicknesses for specific
hanced performance was a product of However, manual tracking is not rec- applications
eliminating component redundancies, ommended for long-term evaluation ◗ Understanding the associated
reducing failed pressure tests, minimiz- of performance because of the inher- friction force eliminated through
ing transition time, optimizing pressure- ent amount of time and effort required. the use of vibration tools and
control components, increasing offline To ensure continuous improvement in chemical additives
testing, managing performance, and im- every job, the systematic efficiency- ◗ Enhanced accuracy of prejob
plementing software enhancements. improvement methodology must be au- simulations
Component Redundancies. Risk tomated so that information can be col- ◗ Improved understanding of
aversion, when applied specifically to lected, stored, and analyzed without cleanout efficiencies JPT
pressure testing, materializes in the conscious effort. JPT

60 JPT • JUNE 2017

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Coiled Tubing With Real-Time-Measurement
Tools Helps Overcome Stimulation Problems

T he treatment in a deepwater,
frac-packed well with fiber-optic-
equipped coiled tubing (CT) and a
The formation consists of two lobes
of one sand package at an approximate
angle of 33°. On the basis of log data and
mined. In addition, it was hoped that
a way to correct those points of failure
could be developed while the operation
rotating, hydraulic high-pressure core samples, the permeability of the was in progress, to produce improve-
jetting tool achieved successful formation across these lobes was highly ments and negate the need for addi-
stimulation of a 500-ft-long frac- variable. On the basis of that variability, tional treatments. A variety of methods
packed zone after several previous it was believed that the most likely sce- could be used to gather data on the op-
failures using different techniques. By nario was that the upper portion of the eration: electric line, CT with electric
using CT equipped with fiber optics lower lobe was the highest-conductivity line or fiber-optic cable installed, or
and downhole measurement tools, region of the completion and that the digital slickline. However, only the CT
engineers were able to perform a previous acid treatments had mostly option offered any reasonable expec-
data-driven operation based on real- been stimulating that portion of the tation to be able to alter the treatment
time bottomhole measurements and well to the detriment of other areas. It after it was started. Traditional CT with
distributed-temperature surveys. was believed that the more-laminated- electric line installed in it was consid-
This successful treatment improved looking pay in the upper lobe, in partic- ered for the operation but rejected. Or-
productivity by 75% compared to the ular, was underperforming. dinary electric-line cable has poor re-
well before treatment. Several problems had to be overcome sistance to acid. This can be overcome
to make another stimulation successful: by cladding the electric line in plastic or
Introduction ◗ There was uncertainty about polymer armor. However, this increases
Diagnostic work indicated that a well exactly what the production the outer diameter of the electric-line
had considerable skin and flow impair- problem was with the well. cable, greatly reducing fluid pumping
ment. Several acid treatments had been ◗ Conducting the stimulations would capacity through the CT. This would re-
bullheaded into the well since initial incur high cost. duce the potential opportunity to alter
completion. The treatments were inef- ◗ Excessive interruptions of new the course of the treatment once started
fective, either producing no material well-drilling operations would and would limit the ability to clean the
results or producing only short-lived threaten to put production from screens themselves with tools installed
improvements with a quick return to new wells behind schedule. on the CT. Traditional electric line also
original conditions. ◗ The fracture pressure of the zone lacks the ability to sense changes in tem-
Slickline diagnostic work conduct- was 12,700 psi, but the pore perature across the length of the cable.
ed on the well indicated the possible pressure was 12,100 psi, leaving This capability is critical to obtaining
presence of a mechanical obstruction only a small pressure margin to detailed information about where fluids
or fish of some sort near the bottom perform an operation at matrix are entering and exiting the wellbore.
of the lower lobe of a sand package injection rates. Without this capability, electric-line-
in the well. However, lacking corre- equipped equipment can only determine
lated depth measurements, it was un- Technological Solutions fluid entry and exit where the downhole
clear whether this obstruction was A solution that allowed for real-time tools are located at any given time.
below the entire producing zone or high monitoring of the treatment was de- CT with fiber-optic cable installed
enough to obstruct some of the lower sired so that the reasons for the previ- would allow real-time data gathering as
screen section. ous stimulation failures could be deter- well as the opportunity to pump down
the CT pipe at high enough rates to po-
tentially adjust the treatment. It would
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
allow for much-more-effective screen
of paper SPE 184753, “Overcoming Challenges of Stimulating a Deepwater, Frac-
cleaning of the completion than the op-
Pack-Completed Well in the Gulf of Mexico Using Coiled Tubing With Real-Time tion of electric line in CT. It would also
Downhole Measurements,” by Eric J. Gagen, SPE, Schlumberger, Alex D. Menkhaus, allow the use of distributed-temperature
Kellogg School of Management, prepared for the 2017 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing and sensing to determine where along the
Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 21–22 March. The paper has 500-ft gross formation length the fluids
not been peer reviewed. were going.

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

62 JPT • JUNE 2017

Results The data available from this operation first significant fluid entry to the lower
All the various data-collection instru- in the field after the 171 bbl of preflush portions of the lower lobe. Because of
ments saw valuable actual use during show regions that had greater cooling the data gathered during the CT-injected
the course of the operation—not mere- and warmed up more slowly, indicative phases of the treatment, the size of the
ly functioning but gathering actionable of regions that had greater amounts of foam diverter stage in the bullheading
information. fluid injected into them. The most ob- phase of the operation was increased
After tripping past the lowermost per- vious and unexpected point of interest to try to block off the upper portions of
foration at 23,660-ft depth, the CT hit an is that the upper lobe, in particular the the well because it was clear that they
obstruction at 23,674 ft. This obstruction upper portion of the upper lobe, had the had already been effectively stimulated
was the fish or debris previously noted highest injectivity. This was not what or never needed stimulation. It appears
by slickline work in the well. The use was thought to be the case before the that this objective was achieved.
of the tension-and-compression sub was operation began. Immediately after the
important in avoiding a potential stuck- full acid treatment was completed, the Conclusions
pipe situation. Because the item required data were processed. This information Well productivity improved from approx-
extra pull to get off or out of, it is easy to was correlated with the volumes of fluid imately 4,000 to 7,000   BOPD with
imagine a scenario in which the CT could pumped to develop a map showing how no water. The improved rate was
have gotten stuck without the immediate much fluid was actually injected to each accompanied by a rise in the produc-
data and feedback from the tool down- portion of the zone. ing tubing pressure, but total rate was
hole as to what was happening. The fully processed data provide more- restricted to maintain a consistent
In this case, the debris was deep detailed information about where the drawdown and avoid completion dam-
enough in the well that all of the screen fluids went into the well, clearly showing age. This rate has been sustained for
assembly could be stimulated effective- that the top of the upper lobe took the more than 9 months after the treat-
ly without risk. Having casing-collar- greatest volume of fluid, even though the ment. Previous treatments dropped
locator data was important for confirm- entry point of fluids into the well is at the back to the baseline decline rate after
ing this. bottom of the interval of investigation at only a few weeks of production. The
Before the stimulation began, baseline 23,610 ft. operating envelope for operations of
distributed-temperature data were gath- The CT was reciprocated across the this sort was expanded, and a meth-
ered so that the subsequent treatment intervals of interest while these stages odology to evaluate future operations
could be evaluated properly. were pumped so that the screens could be was determined. JPT
When used in the field, these data were cleaned by the fluid-jetting action of the
compared with the actual data gathered high-pressure rotating wash nozzle and
during pumping operations. Tempera- to aid in diversion. Rate increased from
ture data for a pumping operation such 1.0 to 1.2 bbl/min through the course of The JPT
as this can be gathered in one of two the treatment as breakdown of the for-
ways: by comparing the baseline tem- mation allowed increased pump rates. website has
perature to the amount of cooling after Compared with the as-found condition
the stage is pumped or by comparing the of the well, the upper portions of the been updated
temperature after the stage is pumped lower lobe showed greatly increased fluid to include these
to the speed at which it heats back up entry. This indicated that it was being
toward the baseline. The first set of effectively stimulated. new features
data was gathered by pumping a 171-bbl The treating line from the stimula-
ammonium chloride preflush into the tion vessel to the rig lacked a digital
formation. All this fluid was pumped flowmeter, and pump rates varied from • Exclusive Online-Only
through the CT with the tool near the 0.5 to 9.0 bbl/min. This combination Content
bottom of the lower zone at 23,610 ft of varying rate without closely spaced
and at a constant rate of 1.1 bbl/min so data on the actual rates from one point • Mobile Friendly
that rate-diversion effects and depth- to another prevented the fluid invasion
diversion effects are eliminated from the from being calculated as it had been for • Improved Navigation
subsequent data. The preflush is impor- other stages of the operation. Neverthe-
tant to push reactive brines away from less, a clear pattern could be seen. Di-
the near-wellbore region before any acid version caused by screen cleaning in the Check it out and sign
or other reactive material is pumped CT pumped stages, foam diversion, and up for the eNewsletter
into the well. In this case, it is also im- rate assist had moved the primary points
today at
portant information because it provides of fluid entry from the upper lobe in the
a snapshot of the as-found condition of preflush stage to the upper portion of the
the formation because nothing had been lower lobe in the stages pumped through
done yet to change the injection profile the CT. This resulted in a more-balanced
of the formation. profile in the bullheaded stages, with the

JPT • JUNE 2017 63


Matrix Stimulation
Frank Chang, SPE, Petroleum Engineering Consultant, Saudi Aramco

Carbonate rock holds 60% of the global There has been ongoing induced fracturing is one idea to increase
oil and gas reserves, but they are becom- well and reservoir connectivity, although
ing more and more expensive and dif- development to add science the ability to control the depth of fractur-
ficult to develop. With large reservoirs and engineering to the art ing still needs to be worked out. It might
maturing, operators are forced to explore help operators tailor stimulation in par-
and produce from deeper resources,
of matrix stimulation so ticular reservoir and geological proper-
which are tight, highly stressed, and that the fluid volume can ties for bypassing near-wellbore damage.
under high temperature. In today’s eco- be reduced, the placement Tight formations are candidates for
nomic environment of USD 50/bbl, the hydraulic fracturing as the default. How-
cost of extracting hydrocarbon from can be more controlled, and ever, the solubility of carbonate by vari-
these reservoirs needs to be scrutinized the result can be measured ous chemicals provides opportunities to
to maximize profitability. This means extend the well drainage radius effec-
increasing drainage of wells using effec- more directly and reliably. tively without the intensive equipment,
tive stimulation and optimizing produc- material, and infrastructure demand of
tion profile along the well. stimulation so that the fluid volume can hydraulic fracturing. The industry has
Generically, carbonate matrix stimula- be reduced, the placement can be more developed significant portfolios of tech-
tion means pumping acids, retarded or controlled, and the result can be mea- nologies for stimulating carbonate reser-
unretarded with various functional addi- sured more directly and reliably. Adapt- voirs, covering intervention tools, pump-
tives, through coiled tubing or by bull- ing multiple operations in a single trip, ing processes, chemicals, and diagnostic
heading, followed with diverting agents. by combining mechanical tactics such as mechanisms. Standing alone, no tech-
Treatment volume and injection rate are jetting and chemical tactics such as ener- nology can deliver productivity optimi-
based on rules of thumb formed from gized or in-situ-generated acid, further zation and maximized cost-effectiveness.
experience accumulated in the industry allows time and cost saving while mini- Integrating technology-provider ingenu-
and based on laboratory studies with mizing risks and enhancing well produc- ity with operator knowledge in appli-
cores under achievable experimental tivity. Measuring real wormhole penetra- cability will be key to using these tech-
conditions. Success is evaluated from the tion in the reservoir will help complete nologies to make matrix stimulation
pressure and temperature response dur- the loop of design, execution, and evalu- more effective in delivering hydrocar-
ing treatments or incremental produc- ation. It adds tremendous value for engi- bons from the increasingly difficult-to-
tion increase after stimulation. There has neers to optimize the matrix treatment. tap resources. JPT
been ongoing development to add sci- Alternative physics and chemistry are
ence and engineering to the art of matrix on the horizon as well. Temperature-
Recommended additional reading
Frank Chang, SPE, is a petroleum engineering consultant in pro- at OnePetro:
duction technology with Saudi Aramco, which he joined in 2012. SPE 181845 Far-Field Diversion in
He looks after a portfolio of projects focused on developing Hydraulic Fracturing and Acid Fracturing:
new technologies in hydraulic fracturing, carbonate stimulation, Using Solid Particulates To Improve
formation-damage removal, corrosion and scale mitigation, and Stimulation Efficiency by Vanessa Williams,
sand control. Chang started his career with Stimlab in 1992 after Baker Hughes, et al.
earning a PhD degree in petroleum engineering from the SPE 183465 A Novel Approach for
University of Oklahoma. He joined Schlumberger in 1996. Chang Stimulation of a Heterogeneous Thin-
progressed through his Schlumberger career, 1996–2012, from development engineer Layered Reservoir in an Offshore Field,
to engineering adviser. During his 16-year tenure at Schlumberger, he was involved in Abu Dhabi by S.F. Nofal, Abu Dhabi Marine
development of several new products and technologies in sand control, fracturing, Operating Company, et al.
acidizing, and perforating. Chang is an author of the new SPE acidizing monograph SPE 181823 A New Acid-Fracturing-Fluid
published in 2016. He holds 23 patents, is an author of more than 40 SPE technical System for High-Temperature Deep-Well
papers, and is a member of the JPT Editorial Committee. Chang can be reached at Carbonate Reservoir by Ying Gao, China National Petroleum Corporation, et al.

64 JPT • JUNE 2017

Novel Coiled-Tubing Perforation Technique
and Stimulation in Carbonate Gas Well

A brasive perforating with coiled

tubing (CT) is a technique that
has proved to be a valuable alternative
Design of the Perforation
Technique and Yard Testing
The team was able to source a newly devel-
55-gal drums after 3.2 minutes of pump-
ing. Meanwhile, the acid-soluble material
required 6.8 minutes to penetrate the ce-
to conventional perforating with oped acid-soluble abrasive material that ment and ultimately cracked the cement
electric line. The application is enabled the same quality of perforations annulus (Fig. 1). Although the cement
particularly valuable whenever a to be created without performing a clean- annulus cracked at 6.8 minutes, water
high rate or fracture-stimulation out run because the acid from the stimula- was observed exiting the sides of the
treatment is to follow because of the tion would dissolve the abrasive material, steel drums at approximately 4.8 min-
significant reduction in tortuosity saving at least 2 days of operation. utes. These tests helped provide a better
and pumping friction losses across The abrasive material was sourced, and understanding of the additional pumping
perforations. This paper discusses a several yard tests were completed to de- time necessary to achieve the same pene-
novel approach to abrasive perforating, termine if the material had the same abra- tration effect with the new product com-
including the first-ever use of an sive characteristics as common 20/40- pared with the conventional sand.
acid-soluble abrasive material and or 100-mesh sand. It was necessary to After the tests were completed, the de-
ending with CT-jetting-assisted compare the time required to penetrate sign of the operation was begun. It was
nitrified stimulation. the steel and cement with the results ob- determined that a total of six perfora-
tained using common sand. This bench- tion clusters would be performed. Each
Introduction marking was key to determining if ad- of these clusters would include five per-
Many carbonate gas wells located in the ditional time and fluid resources were foration stages with four holes per stage,
northern section of the Ghawar reservoir necessary to obtain the same penetration. for a total of 120 perforations. As such, it
exhibit a low-permeability profile and A yard test was set up with two metallic was determined that the pumping time to
are characterized by having low reser- 55-gal drums cut halfway lengthwise and achieve a similar effect would be 45% lon-
voir pressure. Fracture gradients in a for- then welded together. This created a re- ger compared with that using convention-
mation in this area of the field are on the ceptacle that allowed the team to place a al sand; it was thus decided to increase
order of 1.12 psi/ft, which is considerably 6⅝-in. casing section with 100% stand- the value to 12 minutes (roughly 46% ad-
greater than that of more-conventional off and then fill the entire annular space ditional time), for operational ease.
tight gas formations. One particular well, with cement. The drum was then set on
located on the flank of the reservoir, was top of cement blocks, and the abrasive- Design of the Stimulation
designed to be completed with a plug- jetting tool was introduced. Operation
and-perforate acid-fracturing operation, The tests were performed on several This critical portion of the operation re-
but issues arose with this option that drums to establish a control test with the quired the use of a stimulation technique
finally caused the abandonment of the drum by use of 20/40-mesh sand and the that would maintain a wellhead pressure
fracturing treatment. To find a solution same tool configuration and then using (WHP) of less than 10,000 psi but would
that would be feasible and economical- the same test setup to pump the acid- provide deep acid penetration at the same
ly viable, an innovative perforation and soluble abrasive material. Conventional time. The decision was to use the CT-
stimulation technique was engineered sand was able to cut the pipe and pene- jetting-assisted acid-fracturing approach
for this well. trate the cement completely through the to meet both criteria, leveraging the Ber-
noulli effect of dynamic diversion and
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights deep penetration by the use of CT. This
of paper IPTC 18880, “Novel Abrasive Perforating With Acid-Soluble Material and is achieved through the use of CT-jetting-
assisted acid injection, which takes ad-
Subsequent Coiled-Tubing Jetting-Assisted Stimulation Provide Outstanding Results
vantage of the dynamics of fluid moving
in Carbonate Gas Well,” by Adrian Buenrostro, Nahr Abulhamayel, Usman Malik,
at a very high velocity to direct flow to a
Mohammad Bu Suwaileh, and Saad Driweesh, Saudi Aramco, and Alejandro specific entry point in front of the nozzle.
Chacon, José Camilo Jimenez Fadul, and José Noguera, Halliburton, prepared The pumping schedule for the CT-
for the 2016 International Petroleum Technology Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, jetting and stimulation stages was then
14–16 November. The paper has not been peer reviewed. Copyright 2016 International developed. The first two stages of the
Petroleum Technology Conference. Reproduced by permission. first cluster were planned as a diagnos-

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

JPT • JUNE 2017 65

(a) (b)

Fig. 1—(a) Cracked cement annulus after acid-soluble-material test, and (b) perforation-hole diameter in the 6⅝-in. casing.

tic approach to determine whether the with a memory gauge to achieve precise chloric acid pill to increase injectivity in
acid-soluble abrasive material could con- depth correlation for the perforation and case the face of the formation had been
tact the formation as desired; if not suc- stimulation stages. The run was com- plugged. The CT was pulled out of hole
cessful, switching to conventional sand pleted successfully, and the depth offset (POOH) 2,000 ft to stay above the acid
would be required. If successful injectivi- was corrected with the flags made on the after being spotted. At this depth, the
ty was observed, then the rest of the stag- pipe. CT was run in hole (RIH) once more acid was squeezed into the formation,
es would be completed, with the stimula- with the perforating/jetting tool to per- and the pressure suddenly dropped to
tion performed sequentially immediately form the first two stages. The plan was zero psi while being squeezed. No pres-
after each CT-jetting stage. to perform the first two stages and then sure was observed at the surface. It was
to perform an injectivity test to verify determined that the well was on vacuum
Operational Report the effectiveness of the abrasive mate- from this point forward.
The equipment was rigged up per op- rial. The injectivity test showed a steady It was decided to proceed with a ni-
erator requirements. A drifting and pressure increase. The contingency plan trified CT-jetting-assisted acid injection,
casing-collar-locator run was performed was then to spot a 50-bbl 10% hydro- which would still produce fractures, al-

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66 JPT • JUNE 2017

though with less extension. It was de- Post-Treatment Evaluation lift a continuous liquid column in the
cided that the new pump rates would To evaluate the result of the treatment, it annulus. CT was downhole for 15 hours
be 5 bbl/min or higher—to maintain CT was necessary to use a wellbore simulator at 9,000 ft while pumping nitrogen at
pressure of greater than 6,000 psi to to evaluate the effectiveness of the perfo- 500  scf/min. Two batches of liquid CT
provide control of fluid placement—with rations that were made. The stimulation protector fluid were pumped to protect
a nitrogen rate of 600 scf/min. The en- treatment that followed the perforations the CT from reservoir fluids during flow-
tire treatment was pumped with these was evaluated with a reservoir simulator. back. No circulating pressure buildup
parameters, and then CT was POOH. The The results of the simulation showed was noticed; however, WHP increased
increase in pressure observed while per- that the fractures created were 55 ft long significantly from 2,200 to 3,000 psi.
forming the CT-jetting operation corre- and approximately 50 ft in height, with After a constant gas rate was obtained,
sponds to the additional pressure in the an etched width of approximately 0.3 in. the CT was demobilized from the loca-
reel while it was being loaded with a The simulated bottomhole pressure tion and the flowback continued to clean
higher-density fluid, the abrasive mate- (BHP) closely matches the synthesized up the treatment. Eventually, the well
rial, which then dropped as the slurry en- BHP in that portion of the flowback after stabilized at approximately 30 MMscf/D,
tered into the section of CT in the well. the choke size has been left stable, which which is an outstanding figure, especially
Eventually, the pressure increased when is the portion of the flowback period that for a well that was subjected to a “last re-
the acid entered the reel and eventually is useful for correlating and evaluating, sort” treatment before being sidetracked
hit the formation, but then was reduced given that the other pressures are at rates because of wellbore issues.
once the acid dissolved the near-wellbore that have not been stabilized and the The operation was performed success-
damage in the face of the perforation. choke setting is constantly varied. fully. The acid-soluble abrasive material
External downhole pressure gauges was deemed a total success, given that
were run to evaluate the treatment later. Conclusions the perforations were generated in their
In this case, it was observed that the The treatment was completed success- entirety, and allowed for the full acid
annulus pressure was in the vicinity of fully, and the CT was used to perform a treatment to be completed. The place-
5,200 psi, which is in the same range as nitrogen-kickoff operation to bring the ment of the perforations with regard to
a full column of water in the annulus, in- well into production. CT was RIH while the target pay zone and the subsequent
dicating the positive effect of nitrifying unloading the well. The deeper the CT acid treatment paid great dividends; the
the acid treatment to maintain the acid was RIH, the higher the circulation pres- final flowback results came in six times
placement under control. sure, evidence that the nitrogen had to higher than expected. JPT

Monitoring of Matrix Acidizing
by Use of Resistivity Measurements

T his paper describes the testing

of a novel concept based on
resistivity measurements to monitor
in real time. A yard test was conducted to
verify the response of a real induction tool
to simulated wormholing features.
ers, each capable of holding a 12-in. core,
placed inside an oven. The rubber sleeves
inside the core holders have four equi-
acid-stimulation operations. It is distant pressure sensors (2.4 in. apart)
believed that the proposed concept for Resistivity Measurements connected to pressure transducers. These
monitoring the wormholing process While Coreflooding transducers can thus monitor the pres-
can be adopted in the field with the Experimental Setup and Procedure. A sure difference across a particular sec-
deployment of induction tools. The three-phase methodology was followed: tion. Consequently, the propagation of a
outcome of this novel monitoring rock-sample characterization, coreflood- wormhole can be recorded as a function
concept is expected to provide an ing and resistivity measurements, and of pressure drop in a particular section.
unprecedented level of understanding characterization of the core samples Furthermore, eight electrical-resistivity
of the depth, number, and type of after acidizing to inspect the wormhole tappings (1.25 in. apart) were placed along
wormholes being created downhole. structure and invert through the model a custom-molded rubber sleeve housing
to close the experimental loop. the core sample and were connected to a
Introduction Saturation of Cores and Porosity meter that measured inductance, capaci-
Induction-logging tools can be viewed Measurement. The core samples were tance, and resistivity. The procedure used
as an attractive option for characteriz- put under a vacuum for a few hours and for each of the core-flow tests is detailed
ing wormhole morphology resulting from weighed. Then, they were saturated in the complete paper.
the acidizing process and can be used with 50,000 ppm of sodium chloride Computed-Tomography (CT) Scan.
to assess acid-stimulation operations. (NaCl) at a pressure of 2,000 psi for a Dry cores were scanned using X-ray CT
The authors propose to extend the use few hours. After saturation, the samples with a slice thickness of 1 mm, thus gen-
of resistivity-logging tools for evaluating were weighed again; the difference in the erating approximately 300 slices of each
acid-stimulation jobs after well cleanup. weight of dry and saturated samples was core. The cross-sectional images of the
This concept relies on the significant vari- simply converted to the pore volume of rocks were obtained with an image-
ations in the electrical resistivity of the the rock. analysis and visualization software
different fluids and chemicals involved in Permeability Measurement. The per- product and were used to visualize the
the acidizing process and the increase in meability of the rock samples was mea- wormhole morphology of the acidized
the effective porosity in the near-wellbore sured by the constant-flow-rate method. core samples.
region resulting from the acid reactive This was performed by flowing deionized
dissolution. In this work, the authors con- water across the cores in the coreflood- Results and Discussion
ducted resistivity measurements while ing system while recording the pressure A series of coreflooding experiments
acidizing carbonate core samples. To do drop. The permeability was computed was conducted to investigate worm-
so, an electrically sensitive coreflooding from the pressure drop and correspond- holing in carbonates under different
setup was designed to conduct acidiz- ing flow rate using Darcy’s law. operating conditions.
ing tests of carbonate core samples while Coreflooding Experiments. The dual-
measuring the change in the electrical re- coreflood system used for the acidizing Pressure Analysis and Post-Acidizing
sistivity at multiple points along the core experiments is a high-pressure, high- Core Characterization. The differential-
and in real time. The paper shows the po- temperature core-flow test apparatus that pressure and resistance data were moni-
tential use of such measurements to mon- comprises a fluid-delivery pump, four tored while injecting acid through the
itor wormhole penetration and branching fluid accumulators, and two core hold- core samples. A typical pressure re-
sponse (normalized with respect to pre-
acidized values) is obtained from the
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
equally spaced transducers in the core
of paper SPE 181414, “Monitoring of Matrix Acidizing by Use of Resistivity sleeve as the acid is injected into the core
Measurements,” by Mehdi Ghommem, American University of Sharjah, and samples. These measurements allow for
Xiangdong Qiu, Dominic Brady, Firas Al-Tajar, Steve Crary, and Alaa Mahjoub, the estimation of breakthrough for each
Schlumberger, prepared for the 2016 SPE Annual Technical Conference and 2.4-in. section of the core sample as the
Exhibition, Dubai, 26–28 September. The paper has not been peer reviewed. wormhole forms and propagates. The

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

68 JPT • JUNE 2017

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
breakthrough volume and time were
(highly absorbent (15 pipes of (60 pipes of (120 pipes of
computed when the differential pres- spill pad to hold brine) dimensions 2×2 in.) dimensions 0.5×8 in.) dimensions 0.25×16 in.)
sure at each transducer section dropped
to zero. A pH meter was also used to cor-
roborate the point of acid exit from the
outlet, to confirm breakthrough.
After the coreflooding experiments
were completed, the cores were soaked
in fresh deionized water to be desali-
nated. Next, the core was dried at a tem-
perature of 65°C in an oven for approxi- (a) (b) (c) (d)
mately 24 hours. The cores were then Fig. 1—Jigs to simulate wormholing features.
taken for the X-ray CT analysis. All cores
were scanned under the same room con- the reactive dissolution takes place. The tached to the main PVC pipes. These pipes
ditions and with the same examination pores grow, and, after exceeding a criti- were filled with brine to mimic electrically
plan. For low injection rate (0.5 mL/min), cal pore size, they give rise to wormholes. conductive wormholes. Highly absorbent
the authors observed a thick wormhole As the wormholes propagate, the effec- spill pads were used to hold brine as need-
propagating along the core. For interme- tive porosity of the core sample increases, ed to reproduce a face-dissolution acidiz-
diate injection rates (1 and 2 mL/min), more acid flows through it, and then the ing regime (Fig. 1a). The same amount of
a thinner wormhole was obtained. Fur- electrical resistance decreases. Interest- brine was used for all cases (1.5 L).
thermore, the authors observed some ingly, the decreasing trend observed dur- Test on Air With Conductive Bore-
tortuosity in the fluid conductive path ing acid injection undergoes two different hole. The first yard test was conducted
resulting from reactive dissolution, in- slopes. The first slope is associated with on air while placing the array-induction-
dicating the presence of heterogeneity the wormhole propagation, and the sec- imager tool in a 6-in. pipe filled with fresh
in the porous medium. For higher injec- ond corresponds to the wormhole growth water to mimic a conductive borehole.
tion rates (5 mL/min), highly branched and transverse branching within the area This test was carried out in the calibra-
wormholes were obtained, indicating of investigation. The initiation of the first tion area, which is cleared of any metallic
more transverse flow of the acid and de- slope is indicative of the level of acid pen- parts that may affect the measurements.
viation from the main wormhole. etration within the core. The second slope Resistivity data were retrieved with
can be used to characterize the wormhole an integrated field-acquisition system
Resistivity Measurements. The use structure; a steep slope is indicative of and processed with a wellbore software
of resistivity to monitor the wormhole the formation of transverse branches and platform. In the obtained resistivity logs
propagation and profile is a novel con- wormhole-thickness growth as the acid for all simulated wormholing cases, the
cept that relies on the significant varia- flows through the respective core zone. array-induction-imager-tool curves ob-
tions (up to three orders of magnitude) The stabilization of resistance at higher tained for the baseline case show high re-
in the electrical resistivity of the differ- values occurs after reaching the complete sistivity values because of borehole cor-
ent fluids and chemicals involved in the breakthrough and reinjecting brine. rection introduced to data processing.
acidizing process. The work flow used to The derivation of a numerical model to The mud resistivity is 1.3 —·m. All curves
obtain the dynamic resistivity measure- determine electrical resistivity while in- corresponding to different depths of in-
ments while conducting the coreflood- jecting acid and dissolving the rock sam- vestigation overlap. For Cases 1 and 2, the
ing experiments is described here. ple is detailed in the complete paper. array-induction-imager-tool logs show
Brine was injected until stabiliza- characteristic shapes as the wormholing
tion was observed in the resistivity data. Yard Test: Response jig passed the receiver/transmitter pairs
These present the baseline preacidized of Induction Tool to Simulated in the array-induction-imager-tool array
values. Then, acid injection proceed- Wormholing Features section. This indicates the sensitivity of
ed until a complete breakthrough was A yard test using an array-induction- the induction tool to shallow wormholes.
achieved. Finally, brine was reinjected imager tool was carried out to demon- However, no changes were observed in
until stable resistivity readings were ob- strate further the capability of resistivity the array-induction-imager-tool curves
tained. A sharp decrease in the resis- measurements to monitor acidizing op- for Cases 3 and 4. In a highly resistive me-
tance values was observed when the acid erations in the field. dium (air), the induced electromagnetic
penetrates the zone under inspection. field from the array-induction-imager-
Resistivity at the first channel does not Test Procedure and Results. Prepara- tool transmitter was attenuated even in
drop immediately after acid injection. In tion of Wormholing Jigs. Jigs consisting the presence of conductive transverse
fact, wormholes do not form immedi- of 1 m (length)×8 in. (diameter) poly- pipes simulating wormholes for Cases 3
ately when the acid comes into contact vinyl chloride (PVC) pipes were fabricat- and 4. These pipes need to be connected
with the inlet face. During the wormhole- ed to simulate different wormholing fea- continuously through a conductive ma-
initiation phase, the acid penetrates into tures, as shown in Fig. 1. Transverse pipes terial so that the array-induction-imager
the matrix pores and enlarges them as of varying diameter and length were at- tool can detect the wormholes. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 69

Cryogenic-Fracturing Treatment
of Synthetic-Rock With Liquid Nitrogen

C ryogenic fracturing is a waterless

stimulation technology that
uses cryogenic fluids to fracture
fracturing technology has been demon-
strated by both laboratory experiment
and pilot field tests, the mechanism be-
the annulus space to the environment.
The purpose of liquid-nitrogen circula-
tion is to achieve a better cooling effect
unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, hind it was rarely investigated and is on the openhole section of the wellbore.
and, to date, the underlying poorly understood. A preliminary test Pressure, temperature, and stress data
mechanism has been investigated involved a series of experiments investi- were collected during the experiment.
rarely and is often understood poorly. gating patterns of surface fractures and The synthetic samples used in this
This study aims to investigate the the effect of cryogenic treatment after study are made of concrete and mold-
efficacy and feasibility of cryogenic- submerging concrete-rock samples into ed into 8×8×8-in. cubes. To better
fracturing technology in enhancing liquid nitrogen. Computed-tomography evaluate the temperature field within
the permeability of unconventional- scans showed that the fracture pene- the samples during experiments, the
reservoir-rock analogs. Laboratory trated into the center of the block authors embedded eight thermocouples
cryogenic-fracturing experiments after 30 minutes of submersion. Fur- (TCs) on the diagonals of top surfaces to
and finite-difference modeling are ther cryogenic-fluid-injection tests on the depth of 4 in., which is the middle
integrated to reveal the process concrete and shale samples have dem- plane of samples.
and mechanism of cryogenic fluids onstrated the efficacy of permeability The cryogenic-fracturing treatment
in creating fractures in synthetic- enhancement around the wellbore by was conducted on two concrete sam-
rock samples. injecting liquid nitrogen at both low and ples (TC1 and TC2). Sample TC1 was
high pressures. initially at room temperature, which is
Introduction 19°C, while sample TC2 was preheat-
Traditional hydraulic fracturing relies Experimental Approach ed in an oven to 85°C. Both samples
on mostly water-based fracturing fluids To conduct a cryogenic-fracturing treat- went through 30 minutes of cryogenic-
and usually consumes a tremendous ment in a manner similar to that seen fracturing treatment.
amount of water. The usage of water in field applications, the authors cre- For characterization, the authors
not only can cause potential formation- ated a testing environment with sample used pressure-decay tests as a measure-
damage issues but also can place a sig- sizes (8×8×8 in.) between the core and ment for average permeability of sam-
nificant stress on local water resources the real-reservoir scales. Liquid nitro- ples and acoustic measurements before
and the environment. Thus, waterless gen was circulated into cubic samples and after cryogenic treatment to obtain
stimulation technologies, especially through 6-in.-deep boreholes drilled a general idea of the extent of cryogeni-
cryogenic fracturing, are being devel- from the top of the samples and cased cally induced fractures.
oped to solve these issues. with stainless-steel tubing by epoxy for
Cryogenic fracturing uses cryogenic the top 2 in. The confining stresses were Simulation Approach
fluids such as liquid nitrogen to fracture applied on each sample by a triaxial- The simulation for the cryogenic-
unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. loading system that has the capability fracturing process was based on a
Fractures will be induced by the dramat- of providing a true triaxial-stress condi- modified enhanced-geothermal-system
ic change of temperature when a warm tion with different stresses along three simulator. The modification concerned
body, such as reservoir rock, is exposed different axes. The liquid nitrogen was fracture initiation and propagation.
to a frigid fluid, such as liquid nitrogen. drawn from a tank, injected directly into This simulation tool can simulate
Although the feasibility of cryogenic- the wellbore, and then vented through cryogenic-fracturing processes and pre-
dict the distribution of fractures. The
approach is discussed in detail in the
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
complete paper.
of paper SPE 185050, “Experimental Study and Modeling of Cryogenic-Fracturing
The basic setup for simulation fol-
Treatment of Synthetic-Rock Samples With Liquid Nitrogen Under Triaxial Stresses,” lows that of the cryogenic-fracturing
by B. Yao and L. Wang, Colorado School of Mines; T. Patterson, Devon Energy; T.J. experiment. The liquid nitrogen is sim-
Kneafsey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and X. Yin and Y. Wu, Colorado ulated as circulating through the well-
School of Mines, prepared for the 2017 SPE Canada Unconventional Resources bore and cooling the surface of the bore-
Conference, Calgary, 15–16 February. The paper has not been peer reviewed. hole. The injection pressure is set to

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

70 JPT • JUNE 2017

be 15  psi, which is the pressure of the 50
liquid-nitrogen tank.
This simulation tool is used to ob-
tain average permeability of samples, 0
by reverse modeling the pressure-decay
tests, and to predict the fracture distri-

Temperature (°C)
bution within samples.

Results and Discussion

Sample TC1, under triaxial stresses of
500, 750, and 1,000 psi, was treated –100
with circulation of liquid nitrogen for
30 minutes. The circulation pressure of
liquid nitrogen is approximately 15  psi –150
greater than the ambient pressure. Fig. 1
shows the temperature readings from
all TCs during the cryogenic-fracturing
treatment. Because TC1 and TC8 were
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
not working properly during the ex-
periment, the respective data are not Time (seconds)
shown. Contrary to expectation, TC6,
which was located farther from the well- TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC6 TC7 Borehole
bore than TC5, actually gave the lowest
temperature reading for all diagonal- Fig. 1—Temperature profiles during cryogenic-fracturing treatment.
embedded TCs. This might indicate that
there existed some high-conductivity Sample TC2 was also subjected to tri- The pressure-decay tests before and
channel through the borehole to loca- axial stresses of 500, 750, and 1,000 psi. after the cryogenic treatment showed
tions around TC6. Liquid nitrogen was circulated through an improvement of the overall perme-
The acoustic measurement showed its borehole for 30 minutes. However, ability of Sample TC2. The simulation
a uniform delay caused by tri- TC2 was preheated in an oven to 85°C, result yields an average permeability of
axial loading. However, other points which made the temperature change TC2 before treatment of approximately
showed a significant delay, indicating more dramatic during the treatment. 0.130  md. After treatment, the average
that fractures might be generated in Therefore, cryogenic-fracturing treat- permeability from simulation was in-
these locations. ment on TC2 should potentially be more creased to 0.655 md.
The pressure-decay tests before and efficient. TC5 and TC8 were compro- Fig. 2 shows a fracture plane of
after the cryogenic treatment showed an mised and did not provide reasonable TC2 after injection of dye and break-
improvement in the overall permeabil- readings. The temperature profile indi- down with high-pressure gas. The
ity of Sample TC1. The simulation result cated a pre-existing fracture on the side permeability-enhanced area was dyed
shows that the average permeability of of TC6 and TC7. red. The shape of this area agrees with
TC1 before treatment was approximate- The acoustic measurement for TC2 the simulation results.
ly 1.05×10–2 md. After treatment, the showed similar uniform delay caused
average permeability from simulation by triaxial loading, but no significant Conclusion
was increased to 1.55×10–2 md. change from induced fractures. Cryogenic-fracturing technology has
been demonstrated to be a promising
formation-damage-free and environ-
mentally friendly stimulation technol-
ogy in laboratory studies. It can achieve
reasonable permeability enhancement
solely by circulation of liquid nitrogen
through the wellbore of synthetic-rock
samples. However, without aid of pres-
sure, the extent of permeability en-
hancement is greatly restricted. The
fractures created by cryogenic fluid may
not be planar in shape, as in hydraulic
fracturing. Instead, the method might
evenly increase the permeability in the
Fig. 2—Fracture plane of TC2 after dye application and gas breakdown. affected area. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 71


Wellbore Tubulars
Robello Samuel, SPE, Technology Fellow, Halliburton

This month, I would like to bring out Sometimes, while flying focus on torque and drag, which concern
some thoughts on the advancements that tubulars. Even though we have advanced
have been made in the tubular area, an at an altitude of 35,000 ft, in the prediction of torque, drag, and
important and complex system that has I think of a drillstring and hookload estimation, challenges remain
a very, very small diameter/length aspect concerning drillstring integrity, such as
ratio and a high slenderness ratio, mak-
the fact that, if I could prediction of tool failures, buckling, and
ing it a thin wall. hold it from the plane, string stability.
Sometimes, while flying at an alti- it would be touching Can we couple fewer casings? Vari-
tude of 35,000 ft, I think of a drill- ous underlying arguments could be made
string and the fact that, if I could hold the ground. to answer this question. In the world of
it from the plane, it would be touching exponential technologies, there are many
the ground. Amazingly, we are trying ogies. Tubular manufacturing, recom- opportunities where we are breaking the
to predict the health of this long string mended practices for material strength, status quo to reduce nonproductive time
in a constrained wellbore with a few and wear are important for drill- by providing shorter connection times.
sensors at the bottom. It is like saying string integrity. We have seen in recent One of the emerging technologies is braz-
I will touch your toe with a few instru- years many technological advancements ing of the connection, leading the way to
ments and then predict the health of in tubular-manufacturing technology. coupling fewer casing runs, which can be
your whole body. The greatest challenge Tubulars also have become part of the automated very well in the future with an
is being able to bring together all aspects data-transmission network and slowly autowelding tong on the rig floor instead
of tubulars to advance in lockstep with will converge with the data-handling and of casing tongs as the casings are run into
one another. We have advanced tremen- data-transmission systems. Common the hole.
dously not only in the modeling but also thoughts for drilling engineers—when I have selected papers that present a
in materials and manufacturing technol- it comes to planning and drilling—often balanced perspective on the advance-
ment of tubulars technology. Also, I
would like to encourage attendance at
Robello Samuel, SPE, is a technology fellow at Halliburton based the tubular session in the upcoming SPE
in Houston. He has more than 30 years of multidisciplinary expe- Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-
rience in domestic and international oil and gas drilling and, for tion in San Antonio. JPT
the past 12 years, has held concurrent adjunct-professor appoint-
ments at the University of Houston. Samuel has published 12
books and more than 150 technical papers. In 2013, he received
the SPE Gulf Coast Section Drilling Engineering Award, and, the Recommended additional reading
following year, he was named an SPE Distinguished Lecturer. at OnePetro:
Samuel holds BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering and MS and PhD SPE 180437 Structural-Casing/Soil
degrees in petroleum engineering from The University of Tulsa and is a member of Interaction Effects on Wellhead Motion
the JPT Editorial Committee. He can be reached at by Udaya B. Sathuvalli, Blade Energy, et al.

72 JPT • JUNE 2017

What Vacuum-Insulated Tubings and Casings
Bring to Thermal Wells

T his paper describes both design

and economic considerations
that lead to the selection of vacuum-
tion material, and several designs are
proposed by the industry to achieve
the best thermal-performance-vs.-
vice lifetime of VIT using high vacuum
as insulation. The other insulation ma-
terial used is a microporous material
insulated tubing (VIT) or vacuum- cost equation. applied between the inner tubing and
insulated casing (VIC) for the A model was developed to assess the the outer tubing. The microporous ef-
completion of thermal wells. The temperature of the different compo- fect is the restriction of air-molecule
results shared in this paper are some nents of a well—tubing, casing, cemen- collision that leads to heat transfer.
of the parameters considered during tation, and ground—and to provide the Applying a soft vacuum, typically 10
thermal-well design: temperature on heat loss occurring during the steam in- Torr, the pore inside the microporous
the casing and the tubing, and heat jection. The results show that the wide material is smaller than the mean free
loss. Knowing these parameters, well range of VIT thermal performance pro- path of air molecules, thus reducing the
integrity can be studied and the overall vides a range of casing temperatures. heat-transfer modes. This material re-
efficiency of the process estimated. Thus, the casing thermal expansion or quires only a soft vacuum (seven-order-
thermal loads resulting from this tem- of-magnitude difference from the high
Introduction perature increase range significantly. vacuum required for the multilayer-foil
The most common thermal enhanced- technology). One major advantage of
recovery methods are cyclic steam stim- VIT Description using a soft vacuum is that the hydro-
ulation, steamflooding, and steam- A VIT is a double-walled tubing, one gen permeation does not affect the long-
assisted gravity drainage, which is inner tubing and one outer tubing with term performance.
widely used in Canada. The role of these an annular space between. The connec- The insulation of the connection of
thermal-recovery methods is to con- tion could be on either the inner tub- two consecutive VITs is the other major
vey heat into the reservoir, mainly by ing or the outer tubing. Two main as- aspect that is critical to the overall ther-
convection. The temperature of the pects will define the VIT performance mal performance. The first VIT tech-
oil increases and its viscosity decreas- and dimensions: the insulation material nologies had limits because of the poor
es significantly in the reservoir. These and how the connection between two insulation at the coupling. The thermal-
methods can substantially increase the VIT joints is insulated. There are two insulation weaknesses are even more
oil production of a field, increase the main types of insulation. The first, se- substantial at high temperature because
recovery factor, or unlock some heavy- lected when VIT was first developed, is of radiation and convection caused by
oil assets. based on the insulation material used potential fluids in the casing annulus
Typical steam-injection temperature by the space industry. It requires a high because both of these effects depend
is between 250 and 310°C; in a few cases, vacuum (10–5 Torr) coupled to a mul- strongly on the temperature difference
it could be greater than 310°C. This tilayer foil. The high vacuum will re- across the annulus. The concept of the
high-temperature application requires duce the thermal conduction and ther- insulation at the connection is to use
adapting the design of the injector wells mal convection in the annulus space. an insulator sleeve above the coupling.
to avoid any mechanical failure of the The multilayer foil will reduce the last This sleeve is typically made of Tef-
well or to mitigate heat loss through the mode of heat transfer, the radiation be- lon. An alternate design, now available
well. VIT or VIC are solutions to some of tween the inner pipe and the outer pipe. on the market, uses intermediate piec-
these issues. The phenomenon of hydrogen perme- es to cover the coupling with a layer of
VIT technologies have evolved sig- ation through the carbon steel of the vacuum insulation. Thus, the conduc-
nificantly since their first application. tubing increases the vacuum pressure tion, convection, and radiation are re-
Different materials are used as insula- of the annulus, thus reducing the ser- duced to a minimum.

This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights Model
of paper SPE 182515, “What Vacuum-Insulated Tubings (or Vacuum-Insulated The analysis model is a steady-state
Casings) Bring to Thermal Wells,” by J. Damour and D. Johannson, Majus, prepared thermal model of a horizontal slice of
for the 2016 SPE Thermal Well Integrity and Design Symposium, Banff, Canada, a well. It includes the different layers
29 November–1 December. The paper has not been peer reviewed. of a thermal well: the bare tubing or

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

JPT • JUNE 2017 73

REGISTER NOW! the VIT including the inner tubing, the the temperature differential, it
Explore offshore innovations and share outer tubing, and the gap in between; provides the heat flux in Watts
a lifetime of learning with E&P experts. the casing annulus; the casing; the ce- or Btu/hr.
mentation; and the ground. Only the ◗ Only one surface reference
radial heat flux is considered. The ther- needs to be defined, whereas the
mal resistance of each layer is calculat- K-value requires two reference
ed following formulae that are provided surfaces.
in the complete paper. The casing an- ◗ Two definitions are commonly
nulus could be filled by air; therefore, used for the K-value, leading to
radiation has to be taken into account possible misinterpretation of
with conduction. The heat flux through thermal performance. The K-value
each layer has the same value. This pro- could be defined relative to the
vides several equations having temper- outer diameter of the outer pipe
atures as the unknowns. An equation and inner diameter of the inner
solver provides the temperature results pipe, or relative to the inner
in each case. diameter of the outer pipe and the
The inputs to the model are outer diameter of the inner pipe.
◗ The steam temperature In this work, all U-values are de-
◗ The ground temperature fined relative to the external surface


◗ The VIT U-value, or the overall
heat-transfer coefficient of
the VIT
◗ Outer diameter (OD) and inner
of the inner pipe. Currently, almost all
technologies of insulated tubing use a
double-walled pipe with an inner pipe
and outer pipe. The fluid is conveyed
diameter (ID) of each layer through the inner pipe.
24-26 October 2017 ◗ The thermal conductivity of
Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil carbon-steel pipe, air, cement, Results and Conclusion and the ground The results from this study show that
◗ Convection coefficient between behind the generic name of VIT, the
the steam and the inner tubing overall thermal performance of the
selected product will yield significant
Well-Temperature Analysis variation in the well temperature or
During Steam Injection heat loss. In some pressure conditions,
Transforming Today to Power The study was based on a typical ther- the casing temperature can be higher
the Solutions of Tomorrow mal injection well. The main character- than the water-vaporization tempera-
istics of the well are ture or can be high enough to create
◗ Inner tubing OD is 3½ in. annular-pressure buildup. The thermal
◗ Casing OD is 9⅝ in. stress induced by the temperature in-
◗ Cement thickness is 2 in. crease in the casing is far from negli-
◗ Ground thickness is 15 ft. gible. With a VIT U-value higher than
◗ Steam temperature is 300°C. 1 Btu/(hr-ft²-°F), the thermal stress in-
◗ Ground temperature far from the duced represents greater than 30% of
well is 30°C. the yield strength of L80-grade casing.
New this Year! OTC Brasil ◗ Steam/oil ratio is equal to 3. The basic economics, based on the
held alongside Rio Pipeline. The thermal performance indica- results of the model, show that any im-
tor of the insulated tubing is the over- provement of the overall thermal per-
Register today and access two all heat-transfer coefficient, or the formance of a VIT will lead to additional
exhibitions at one low price. U-value; the unit expression is Btu/ oil production. That means that, apart
(hr-ft2-°F) [or W(m2•K)]. The choice of from well-integrity issues, for which VIT
the U-value over the other commonly can be the answer, the saved energy it-
used thermal conductivity, K-value, is self can make a return on investment
guided by the following: sufficient to justify VIT investment.
◗ The U-value gives the intrinsic The wide range of VIT thermal per-
thermal performance of an formance is representative of the mar-
insulated tubing, including the ket availability. Thus, during the se-
connection. lection of a VIT string for a thermal
◗ U-value measures the overall heat well, the specification of the application
transfer of a tubing; multiplied should be clearly identified to select the
by the surface reference and proper VIT. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017
Improving Casing Integrity
by Induction Brazing of Casing Connections

B razing technology allows metallurgical

joining of dissimilar materials by use
of a filler material. In this paper, brazing
investigated to overcome these difficul-
ties, including welding and gluing. How-
ever, among the technologies evaluated,
tensile machine. The stress/strain curves
and microstructures were compared with
the as-received material to examine the
technology applied to casing connections only brazing provided the strength and changes to microstructure as a function
is presented. The brazing process, or ductility with the relatively high speed of temperature. For expandable-grade
temperature/torque/time (TTT) process, for making the joints approaching that material, the pipe was expanded with
is performed with regular casing of the standard casing running process. standard expansion procedures to assess
connections, a filler material deposited the formability of the joint after brazing.
by flame spray, and a flux. Two processes Methods
were developed, one for expandable- Brazing Process. The brazing process is Filler-Material Deposition. The filler
grade material (VM50) and one for shown schematically in Fig. 1. The first material was deposited in an offline step
quenched-and-tempered-grade material. step involves deposition of the filler ma- with flame-spray technology. Both pin
terial on the threads. This operation is and box of all the samples were sprayed
Introduction carried out off line, away from the critical and coated with a thin layer of filler ma-
Casing connectors continue to be a poten- path of casing-running operations on the terial. The raw materials used were either
tial liability in complex wells that use pre- rig. This is followed by a process to make wire or powder. The casing was mounted
mium connections or expandable liners. the final brazed joint. Briefly, the pin of in a lathe to allow for even deposition of
The technology presented in this paper the joint is stabbed and made up to a frac- filler material around the circumference
applies brazing to casing connectors to tion of the required optimal torque; the of the threads. For the deposition, stan-
improve leak tightness of American Petro- filler material already deposited on the dard flame-spray procedures were fol-
leum Institute or premium connectors, en- threads is melted using heat; and the joint lowed. The pin and box were spray coated
sure leak tightness after severe plastic de- is torqued up to its final makeup torque. with a process described in the complete
formation, and increase torque capacity. This is followed by cooling of the joint paper and then were ready to be joined on
The casing connector needed to have before running in hole. It is important to the rig with the appropriate process.
mechanical and pressure integrity before note that virtually any casing connector
and particularly after expansion. How- can be joined with this technology. TTT Process. The process is defined on
ever, the extreme plastic deformation the basis of the casing-material prop-
reduced the critical cross section and Filler-Material Selection on the Basis erties. The process temperature is then
the effectiveness of the metal-to-metal of Pipe Grade. The type of filler mate- determined on the basis of the filler-
sealing mechanisms. This proved to be rial is determined on the basis of the pipe material melting temperature. Given suf-
difficult to solve with only mechanical grade, which, in turn, is determined by ficient power for the heating apparatus,
design considerations. the application. To determine the sen- the duration of the process is set by the
The bond needed relatively high shear sitivity of the pipe grade to the effect of wall thickness and conductivity of the
strength and enough ductility to cope heat treatment, a set of simple experi- casing material.
with the plastic deformation. Further- ments was carried out. The process is as follows:
more, the bond needed to be made quick- The pipe material was heated to a max- ◗ Stab connection and make up to
ly, should not alter the material prop- imum brazing temperature of 700°C and 20% of the prescribed torque.
erties of the expandable material, and left to cool in air to simulate a worst- ◗ Start heating with full power.
should be compatible with standard rig case scenario. “Dogbone” samples were ◗ Dwell at 85% of filler-material
operations. Multiple technologies were made from the pipe wall and tested in a melting temperature to allow the box
to heat up through conduction.
◗ Increase temperature to 105% of
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
filler melting temperature.
of paper SPE 184703, “Improving Casing Integrity by Induction Brazing of Casing ◗ Make up to 100% prescribed torque.
Connections,” by D. Ernens, H. Hariharan, W. van Haaften, H.R. Pasaribu, ◗ Dwell at 105% of filler melting
M. Jabs, and R. McKim, Shell, prepared for the 2017 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference temperature for full heat through to
and Exhibition, The Hague, The Netherlands, 14–16 March. The paper has not been ensure proper bonding.
peer reviewed. ◗ Stop heat.

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

JPT • JUNE 2017 75

Regular Connection Deposit Filler Material Partial Makeup Induction Brazed+Full Makeup Brazed Connection

Fig. 1—Schematic of the brazing process.

◗ Cool brazed joint with forced-air Rig-Ready Brazing System. The proto- coincides with the tempering tempera-
convective cooling. type rig-ready unit was based on the ture of quenched-and-tempered mate-
existing laboratory brazing setup. This rial grades.
Induction Heating. The choice for the meant making use of proven compo- When microstructural changes were
heat source was governed by the need nents. Furthermore, all equipment from considered, it was observed that the large
for a fast heating process. In this case, the onset of the project was designed carbides are completely dissolved back
only induction heating was found to be with rig operations in mind. into the matrix because of the effect of
capable of reliably attaining the heat- The as-built brazing system consists the heating process softening the mate-
ing rates. The induction-heating prin- of an induction heating system, a power rial, as observed in the tensile tests.
ciple is based on combining a coil with tong, and an environmental chamber to The results of the brazing trials are dis-
the casing. When alternating current is shield the hot work. The components are cussed in detail in the complete paper.
passed through the coil, a magnetic field connected by a central control system
is generated. The magnetic field induc- to allow automatic makeup of brazed Conclusions
es an opposing current in the pipe body joints similar to regular casing running. An extensive test program was used to
and then causes the pipe body to heat Each component is discussed in detail prove the feasibility and applicability of
up. The primary heating is caused by the in the complete paper. An impression of brazing on expandable and regular con-
electric resistance of the pipe material. the final setup on the rig floor is given nections. The results show that for both
For practical purposes, and given a in Fig. 2. processes there are no microstructural
known power supply, the induced heat is changes to the substrate. The pin and box
maximized for magnetic, high-electrical- Trial Preparation were metallurgically bonded by the filler
resistance materials with a minimal gap Filler-Material Selection. The VM50- material. Consequently, both processes
between coil and pipe body. The induced grade casing material used in the ex- produced leak-tight casing connectors
heat is generated only in the outer skin of pandable application can cope with before and, when applicable, after expan-
the pipe. A resonant frequency of 2 kHz high temperatures without affecting sion, as shown by full-scale tests. On the
was chosen, which gave approximately microstructure, formability, or tensile basis of these results, the following con-
0.5 mm of penetration depth. strength. This was proved by expand- clusions can be reached:
The speed of the heating process is ing brazed joints. The brazed connec- ◗ A laboratory process was proved for
governed by the spacing between the coil tion expanded without issues. Therefore, producing brazed connections by
and the pipe body, the conduction of heat it was justified that a high-melting- spraying braze material on casing
from the induction heated zone, and the temperature filler material could be used threads, making up with induction
electric power that can be delivered by that provides the ductility and shear heating, and using conventional
the induction system. The laboratory ver- strength needed. casing makeup and torquing
sion of the technology was based on a For standard casing-connection appli- procedure.
150-kW power supply with a simple axi- cation, the aim was to braze L80 through ◗ A rig-ready prototype brazing
symmetric coil design with tight clear- the Q125 grade without machine was constructed, and the
ances for maximum power efficiency. In affecting the micro- brazing process was proved in the
the rig-ready system, a compromise was structure. It is clear laboratory using modified casing
made between heating efficiency and run- from the heating trials tongs for 8⅝- and 9⅝-in. casing.
ning clearance; therefore, a larger clear- that the onset of soft- ◗ Limited pressure testing conducted
ance (approximately ening is approxi- on brazed joints has demonstrated
12.7 mm) was chosen. mately 550°C. This that it is possible to produce leak-
tight brazed connections (for both
conventional and expandable casing
joints) for the pressures tested
(350 bar).
◗ The brazing process holds promise
to enhance sealing capability
compared with existing casing
Fig. 2—Schematic of the finalized system on the rig floor. pressure ratings. JPT

76 JPT • JUNE 2017

Collapse Analysis of Perforated Pipes
Under External Pressure

T his work is a study of collapse

pressure of perforated pipes
to evaluate the effect of lateral
T 3 C F I 0 1
perforations on the radial resistance
I: Intact
of pipes under external pressure.
E: Expanded
These types of pipes represent a Pipe Number CF: With Holes Specimen
simple and economical technology SF: Without Holes Number
widely used as sand-control meshes
Fig. 1—Nomenclature of specimens.
or perforated liners.

Introduction The geometrical properties were ob- entire tube. The tube is placed inside a
One of the most common challenges tained by means of a physical mapping, hyperbaric chamber, which is filled with
to high flow rates in mature fields is taking 10 measurements in the longitu- water at a rate of 200 psi/min until the
the migration of sand to the well. High dinal direction and five in the circumfer- space between the tube and the chamber
rates of oil production together with ential direction to calculate the average wall is completely free of air; the interi-
maximum sand retention is the opti- thickness, average diameter, and initial or of the tube, however, will remain full
mal result. In accomplishing this com- imperfections (ovalization and eccen- of air. The assembly is then finally pres-
plex goal, perforated pipes play a vital tricity) of each specimen. surized to collapse, which is character-
role because they are a simple and in- ized by a distinctive noise followed by an
expensive application, and they are Material Properties. The mechan- abrupt drop in applied pressure.
widely used in the industry. Failures of ical properties were also determined
such pipes are directly related to the for each specimen by means of trac- Numerical Simulation. A tridimen-
collapse resistance of a pipe weakened tion tests on 18 proof bodies, including sional finite-element model was devel-
by the perforations. Such failures can some in the longitudinal direction and oped by use of commercial software.
occur because of the plugging of holes others in the circumferential direction. Typical meshes were used in the numer-
or changes in differential pressure. This After processing the results, the aver- ical models for intact tubes and tubes
study might contribute to future predic- age curves and values for the mechanical with holes. These meshes were deter-
tion of collapse pressures of perforated properties for each tube were defined. mined following mesh sensitivity in the
pipes without resorting to costly full- Because of the remarkable differences in circumferential, axial, and radial direc-
scale experiments. shape and behavior of the curves, an av- tions. Also, a special mesh-sensitivity
erage curve was calculated also. The re- analysis was evaluated in the region
Methodology Development sults of monotonic traction tests in the near the holes. The models were devel-
Geometric Properties. This study in- circumferential direction are shown in oped to simulate the results of the ex-
volves four intact and eight perforated Table 4 of the complete paper, and the perimental tests, with the objective of
specimens as study bodies. All of them plots are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 of the verifying their capacity to reproduce
were obtained from four pipes designat- complete paper. the physical phenomena of collapse. The
ed as T3, T4, T5, and T6. A special no- radial and axial symmetry of the tube
menclature was defined to identify each Collapse Test in Full Scale. Initially, were recognized, to save computation-
one with a sequence of letters and num- the tube to be tested was prepared by al time. Thus, only half the length of
bers. An explanation of this nomencla- using a 10-mm-thick metal tape and a the specimens was modeled (750 mm)
ture is shown in Fig. 1. 1-mm-thick rubber blanket to cover the and the circumferential superior half,
obtaining only one-fourth of the tube.
The finite-element mesh was developed
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of with 3D solid elements, which have 20
paper SPE 184946, “Collapse Analysis of Perforated Pipes Under External Pressure,” nodes and three degrees of freedom per
by K. Beltrán and T. Netto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, prepared for the node. This element presents quadratic
2017 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Mature Fields Symposium, Salvador, Bahia, displacement functions, and it is appro-
Brazil, 15–16 March. The paper has not been peer reviewed. priate for irregular meshes. Each model

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

JPT • JUNE 2017 77

Fig. 2—Real collapsed pipe (Pipe 1). Fig. 3—Real collapsed pipe (Pipe 2).

consisted of approximately 60,000 Poisson’s coefficient obtained from the during the collapse, four sections are
nodes and 9,000 elements. tensile tests. In the elastoplastic case, formed that allow the collapse to occur.
Initial geometric imperfections were a law of potential flow was adopted and In general terms, this method consists
considered with the maximum mea- associated with the von Mises plasticity of obtaining the collapse pressure by
sured ovalization in each tube and locat- theory, with a nonlinear isotropic be- verifying the cross plots of elastic oval-
ed in the center of the tube to simulate havior. For the solution method of the ization and plastic collapse. A modi-
the real geometric conditions of each modified algorithm of risk, where the fication was proposed for this model
tube. The material was modeled in the load was evaluated at each increment of later to determine the analytical col-
elastic case with a linear isotropic be- displacement, the collapse occurs when lapse pressure of tubes with holes, in-
havior, with modulus of elasticity and the load drops. cluding a geometric parameter related
to the diameter of the hole and the spac-
Analytical Approximations for In- ing between holes.
tact Pipes. American Petroleum Insti-
Technical Papers tute (API) Standards 5C2 and 5C3 can Results
be used for different types of pipes: Collapse-Pressure Experimental Test
The complete SPE technical casings, drillpipes, line pipes, and tub- and Numeric Simulations. Figs. 2 and
papers synopsized in this ings. According to the approximation 3 show real pipe collapsed after the
issue are available free to therein, there are essentially four types testing. Generally, the perforated pipes
SPE members for 2 months of failure modes: yield strength, plastic show values of collapse pressure 10%
collapse, transition collapse, and elas- lower than those of intact pipes, but this
tic collapse. To define which type of col- difference could increase or decrease
lapse formulation should be applied for as a function of other variables, such as
a specific tube, five constants must be material data, geometric hole distribu-
Subscriptions calculated and the intervals limiting the tion, and initial imperfections.
Address Change: application of each one must be evalu- The collapse values obtained from
ated. The collapse pressure is obtained the Group A material data (using the
Contact Customer Services by replacing the values of each formu- material plot obtained for each pipe)
lation. The Det Norske Veritas (DNV) show a difference of between 1 and 20%
at +1.972.952.9393 or
equation considers that the collapse is between the experimental and the nu-
+1.800.456.6863 (toll-free) a function of three properties: elastic merical pressures. This variation could
to notify of address change capacity, plastic capacity, and ovaliza- explain the differences in the material
or make changes online at tion. These functions are combined into behavior between pipes, where material a polynomial of the third degree that re- properties obtained in some test bod-
update. solves the collapse pressure. ies could represent in a better way the
structure behavior, whereas other bod-
Analytical Approximations for Per- ies have important differences and can-
Subscriptions are USD 15 forated Pipes. The mechanism of the not represent as well. To avoid this vari-
per year (members). four-hinge method was proposed more ation, the most-divergent curves were
than 30 years ago and assumes that, disregarded. The authors then deter-

78 JPT • JUNE 2017

mined an average curve and simulated the collapse pressure
again for all the pipes. This second group of results was called
Group B.

Analytical Collapse Results and Correlations. Tables 8 and

9 of the complete paper show the calculated values for the an-
alytical pressure and the differences compared with the ex-
perimental values. The results show that the best correlations
stem from the DNV equation, with differences of 11% or less.
The four-hinge method yields results with representative dif-
ferences of between 4 and 15%. On the other hand, the API
equation provides the worst correlation, showing pronounced
differences close to 30% or more. The results for perforated
pipes using the four-hinge mechanism indicate that it could be
an effective method of obtaining an approximation for the col-
lapse pressure, although the high differences between 17 and
32% suggest that using this tool could provide results with
bad approximations.
The mechanical material properties presented a wide varia-
tion in the behavior of the stain/stress curve between test bod- HIGHEST PERFORMANCE
ies from the same tube, as well as between the average curves
for each tube. One reason for these variations may be the exis-
tence of residual stresses in the tubes from which the test bod-
ies were removed. This variation also demonstrated the im- LONGEST LIFE-CYCLE
portance of having various specimens from the same tube, to
improve repeatability and reliability of material results. The
results of the circumferential traction tests presented similar
behaviors for T5 and T6. Anisotropy also showed similar val-
ues and behaviors.
The numerical model proved to be a good tool to predict
the values of collapse pressure of perforated pipes for a vast
range of geometries. The use of a pattern curve of material
data (Group B) shows results with differences of between 8
and 12%, improving on the results obtained for Group A. On
the other hand, the intact tubes had better adjustments when
compared with the perforated pipes. Group A shows differ-
ences of between 0.18 and −7%; in the case of Group B, these
were between 0.02 and 0.5%.
The differences between the experimental-collapse-
pressure values and the analytical approximations considered
in this work are considerable even in the case of intact tubes.
The API equation presented quite conservative results. The
fact that it incorporates safety factors causes the sensitivity
of the results to be lost somewhat. The four-hinge model pre-
sented reasonable results, and the DNV equation showed an
excellent fit (the safety factor was not considered in the cal-
culations there).
Vacuum Insulated Tubing
For pipes with holes, the four-hinge mechanism seems from design to installation
a weak tool for approximating collapse pressure. In other
words, for this approximation, no results close to the exper-
imental values are obtainable. One reason could be the cal-
culated geometric parameter that considers only the longi-
tudinal spacing between holes and the diameter of the hole,
disregarding other effects (for example, circumferential spac-
ing). A readjustment of the geometric parameter could be con-
sidered in future research JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017


EOR Operations
Stephen Goodyear, SPE, EOR Deployment Lead, Shell

When I started editing this section in The discipline of improved to deliver more-robust invest-
2015, the year after the oil-price crash, ment opportunities.
many industry commentators were pre- a lower-for-longer world The discipline of a lower-for-longer
dicting a strong recovery in oil price by can create the conditions world can create the conditions in which
now; instead, the concept of “lower for long-term investment decisions can be
longer” has become the present real-
in which long-term made. In the mix of new projects need-
ity. Now, many commentators expect a investment decisions ed to fill any production shortfall in the
shortfall in supply by the mid-2020s and can be made. coming decade, brownfield improved
the effect of shorter-cycle shale oil devel- and enhanced oil recovery can com-
opments to be just two of the factors pete with the alternatives available to
affecting price in the future. when real-term costs are at their highest the industry.
Sometimes, I hear the view that, with- (pushed by the high oil price) may not be SPE continues to play an important
out high oil prices, enhanced oil recovery the best strategy. role in sharing best practices to allow the
(EOR) does not have a place in the mix Significant progress in cost reduction industry to reap the benefit of project
of projects delivering the new produc- has been made in the industry follow- learnings, and I hope you find that the
tion needed over the next decade. How- ing the price downturn, not only in the selected papers and recommended read-
ever, high oil prices are not the whole direct cost of construction and opera- ing provide useful insights. JPT
story. High oil prices may cause an over- tions but also through a determined
heated market that squeezes the value drive to simplify and streamline new
from EOR. By their nature, EOR projects projects in concepts selected for facili- Recommended additional reading
are often longer-term investments, so ties and wells. Through this competi- at OnePetro:
investing in new EOR projects at a time tive scoping, project economics can be
SPE 180755 Enhanced SAGD Startup
Techniques for Improved Thermal Efficiency
Stephen Goodyear, SPE, is EOR deployment lead for Shell. He and Conformance—A Field-Test-Based
Investigation by J.M. Dragani, Cenovus
has 31 years of experience as a reservoir engineer, principally
Energy, et al.
working in EOR. Before joining Shell in 2002, Goodyear worked
for an oil and gas consultancy and, over his career, has per- SPE 180739 Results of a Polymer-
formed a wide variety of roles, including in research and field- Flooding Pilot in the Tambaredjo Heavy-
Oil Field, Suriname by E. Delamaide, IFP
development planning. He is Shell’s principal technical expert for
Technologies, et al.
gas EOR and storage solutions and has a particular interest in
next-generation carbon dioxide EOR projects and carbon cap- SPE 183362 Successful Flood-Front and
ture and storage. Goodyear holds an MMath degree from Cambridge University and Breakthrough Prediction of Miscible WAG
in a Complex Carbonate Reservoir—A Case
a PhD degree in physics from the University of Edinburgh. He is a member of the JPT
Study by Z.U.R. Qureshi, ADCO, et al.
Editorial Committee and can be reached at

80 JPT • JUNE 2017

Challenges During Surface-Facility-Project
Implementation for a Full-Field Polymer Flood

T his paper presents key challenges

in surface-facilities-project
implementation during the construction
tion. The concentrated polymer solution
is transferred from the central polymer
facility to the well pads through pipeline
the polymer solution at a high concen-
tration. Thus, the flow assurance of the
highly viscous mother solution became a
and operational-readiness phase of a distribution. Once at the well pads, the key success criterion for the project. For
project and presents results from full- concentrated polymer solution is diluted details of pressure-drop estimation and
field implementation. The key areas with injection water at a specific ratio and various consequent design aspects for the
discussed are operational difference injected into the individual wells. non-Newtonian viscous mother solution,
in the available technologies for please see the complete paper.
concentrated-polymer dissolution, Key Challenges Significance of K and n Values. K
transfer of viscous polymer mother Technologies for Concentrated- and n are the consistency coefficient and
solution with minimal viscosity loss, Polymer Dissolution. The industry the liquidity index, respectively. From the
efficacy of the pumping facility with has only two standard technologies for pressure-drop equation, which can be
high-viscosity non-Newtonian liquid, dissolving polymer into water—the found in the complete paper, the follow-
and supply-chain strategy. eductor-type units and slicing/mixing ing inferences can be made:
units. Conventional eductors work on the ◗ Pressure drops are sensitive to both
Introduction Venturi principle and allow for the mix- K and n values.
Because of positive responses from an ing of the polymer powder and water up ◗ Pressure drop varies linearly with
enhanced-oil-recovery pilot, a full-field to certain concentrations. Slicing units, length.
polymer-flood development plan was im- on the other hand, reduce the polymer ◗ Pressure drop does not vary
plemented in the Mangala field in India. particle size with a cutting head, reduc- significantly with change in flow rate
Selecting the right facility design was of ing the polymer particle to a uniform (with n<1).
paramount importance once the pilot size and allowing for significantly higher o A 100% increase in flow will lead
study confirmed the benefits of polymer polymer concentrations without affect- to only a 15% increase in pressure
flood over waterflood. A multilayered pat- ing the polymer molecular weight. drop for fluid with n=0.2.
tern drive with 129 injectors in an intense In recent years, the slicing-unit design o A 100% increase in flow will lead
brownfield execution poses immense has become more compact and capable of to only a 3% increase in pressure
challenges for facility engineering. Thus, producing highly concentrated polymer drop for fluid with n=0.04.
the world’s largest polymer-injection plant mother solution with less sensitivity to Validation From Site Observations.
was built, primarily by scaling up the pilot. flow variation. Pressure drop for a non-Newtonian fluid
in a pipeline can be calculated using the
New Facility Transfer of Viscous Polymer Mother equation in the complete paper and is
The current facility setup consists of Solution With Minimal Viscosity Loss. affected by K and n values of the fluid.
remote well pads with both produc- Transfer Facility. For a centralized poly- Hence, a realistic and correct usage of
ing and injection wells connected mer facility, it is crucial to design a ro- K and n value is key to estimating any
with the production-fluid and injection- bust mother-solution transfer facility. pressure-drop calculation.
water network. This also warrants an in-depth under- On the basis of viscosity vs. shear-rate
A central polymer-preparation facility standing of polymer-solution rheology data of the mother solution prepared in
was constructed to prepare the concen- and flow behavior. In order to use the ex- the laboratory, K and n values were esti-
trated polymer solution, called the moth- isting waterflood network optimally, the mated for various mother solutions.
er solution, at various levels of concentra- selected surface facility had to prepare The mother solutions prepared from
Polymer A, Polymer B, and Polymer C at
approximately 60°C have similar K and
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
n values.
of paper SPE 181615, “Challenges During Execution, Construction, and Operational- After commissioning of the mother-
Readiness Phase of Surface Facilities in a Full-Field Polymer-Flood Project,” by solution transfer facility, site observa-
Santosh Mohanram, Premashis Bhaumik, SPE, and Shagun Jain, SPE, Cairn tions were used to validate the applica-
India, prepared for the 2016 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, bility of the estimated K and n values and
26–28 September. The paper has not been peer reviewed. refine the pressure-drop analysis.

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

JPT • JUNE 2017 81

For an ideal case, all the K and n val- of approximately 4–20 barg. A double- close to the pumps to release the
ues derived from site observations should acting diaphragm pump boosts it fur- fatigue energy caused by pulsation
have converged at K and n value estimated ther to the required injection pressure ◗ Providing a buffer volume of storage
for the Polymer A mother solution. But, with a variable-speed-drive motor. The at the pump suction to ensure
because different polymers were used mother solution is diluted with injection seamless flow to the pump suction
and because of polymer degradation dur- water to the required viscosity in a static On the basis of these trials and modi-
ing transportation, slippage effects, and mixer before being injected to the indi- fications, the following were found to be
real-time measurement errors, a range of vidual wells. most effective in addressing the issues of
K and n values can be generated. The high-pressure injection pumps flow-induced vibrations:
It is essential that an operating enve- are low-shear positive-displacement di- ◗ Provision of buffer volume at the
lope be generated that accounts for all aphragm pumps. Low-shear pumps are pump suction will help in providing
variations of K and n values on the basis considered for this application to reduce enough suction volume to the
of available current information so that a shearing of the mother solution. Each well pumps, especially when multiple
robust system design can be adopted. is provided with this diaphragm pump to pumps are operating in parallel.
boost the pressure, and these pumps are ◗ Pulsation dampeners should be
Efficacy of Pumping Facility controlled by a variable-speed drive. The designed for the entire range of
Positive-displacement pumps were used wide variation in pressures is managed by operation at both the suction and
for high-pressure injection of the polymer varying the speed of the pump and adjust- the discharge side.
mother solution. Double-acting double- ing the stroke length. ◗ Where the suction system
diaphragm pumps were used for injection pulsation levels are significantly
of the mother solution into the individual Challenges Faced, high, redesigning of the suction
wells after dilution through available in- Field Investigations, header is critical to avoid vibration
jection water. and Modifications from cavitation and starvation.
The mother solution is transferred Piping-system failures experienced were Cavitation causes shock waves
from the central polymer facility by in- attributed largely to vibration-induced that get transmitted through the
dividual headers through independent fatigue. These failures occurred at the suction piping, which can excite
mother-solution transfer pumps. These suction line and discharge line of the acoustical resonance and cause
headers are used to transfer the mother positive-displacement pumps. The vi- piping vibration at the mechanical
solution across the well pads. At the in- bration is attributed mainly to the non- frequency of the pipe span, leading
dividual well pads, a common line re- Newtonian behavior of the polymer fluid. to failure.
ceives the polymer solution at a pressure The viscoelastic nature of the polymer ◗ The number of piping elements on
fluid is believed to induce flow-related the system must be kept as low as
vibrations in the system. possible.
The following field investigations,
Changing Your trials, and modifications were explored Supply-Chain Strategy
and executed: The full-field implementation of the proj-
Address? ◗ Changing flow and pressure of the ect warrants handling a huge amount
Let SPE know. suction and discharge piping of polymer. The polymer consumption
◗ Maintaining and monitoring the during the full-field flood is expected to
+1.972.952.9393 or
suction and discharge accumulator/ be  60 000–65 000 t/a. This is a signifi-
+1.800.456.6863 (toll-free) dampener pressure cant portion of the global polyacrylamide
◗ Providing additional pipe supports consumption and of polyacrylamide con-
at the suction and discharge piping sumed in the oil industry.
Update Your ◗ Redesigning the accumulator/ To ensure uninterrupted delivery, a
dampener for a wider range of robust supply-chain strategy was devel-
Member Profile operating pressures oped that focused on correct inventory
◗ Removing piping equipment levels, modes of transport, medium of
wherever possible to reduce the movement, and overall operating mod-
weight on the weld joint els. Polymer from multiple suppliers is
◗ Providing additional stiffeners for brought to port in containers (approxi-
pipe support mately 20–25 t per container), and inland
SPE Benefits ◗ Avoiding the cantilever of pipes or transportation is carried out through
providing support in both directions railway (inland transportation is approx-
Discover the possibilities. ◗ Reducing the length of small-bore- imately 600 km). The total cycle time for
pipe branch connection to the main one batch of containers is 75 days, and
pipe orders are placed on a monthly basis to
◗ Using flexible hose for connection ensure consistent maintenance of inven-
at the suction and discharge piping tory levels. JPT

82 JPT • JUNE 2017


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Optimizing the Use of Miscible Injectant
at the Greater Prudhoe Bay Fields

M iscible injectant (MI) has been

used at Prudhoe Bay and its
satellite fields for more than 30 years.
This paper provides an overview
of all enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR)
projects in the Greater Prudhoe Bay
(GPB) region and presents the process
and methodology for MI allocation
to these projects and to individual
injection patterns. A new approach is
used to determine the amount of MI
allocated to each project on the basis
of predicted marginal MI use per barrel
of EOR oil.

The MI-gas EOR process at Prudhoe Bay
began in late 1982. In late 1986, the Cen-
tral Gas Facility (CGF) began operation, Fig. 1—Area map of Alaska North Slope.
enabling the first field-scale EOR proj-
ect, the Prudhoe Bay Miscible Gas Proj-
ect (PBMGP), to start in early 1987. Since ly injected into the reservoir. The total gas (WAG) injection to improve areal and
then, the PBMGP has expanded to more amount of MI produced at the CGF is vertical sweep efficiencies.
than 170 injection patterns in the main the sum of the fresh MI (which can be
field of Prudhoe Bay. Fig. 1 provides forecast by the GPB full-field simulation EOR-Performance Analysis
a layout of the oil fields on the North model) and the recaptured RMI (which EOR-Benefit Evaluation in Produc-
Slope of Alaska. can be forecast by COBRA and process ers. The historical EOR oil benefit from
The CGF is a gas-processing plant that modeling). COBRA is a full-field scale- each producer can be estimated through
makes natural-gas liquids (NGLs) for up tool for predicting MI performance decline-curve analysis. For conven-
shipment in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline on the basis of type-pattern-simulation- tional WAG patterns, the incremental
System and MI for EOR projects. The model results. benefit from MI injection is evaluated
CGF currently processes an annual aver- MI gas produced at the Prudhoe Bay using an approach modified from the
age of approximately 7.5 billion scf/D of CGF is a rich gas composed primarily multiple-trend-forecasting technique.
produced gas to generate approximate- of carbon dioxide (approximately 21%), Water/oil ratio (WOR) is plotted on a log
ly 40,000 STB/D of NGL and more than methane (approximately 32%), ethane scale vs. recovery factor on a Cartesian
200  million scf/D of MI. The feed gas (20%), propane (25%), and a small scale to estimate the effect of MI injec-
comes from three different sources— amount of butane and heavier compo- tion on WOR. A WOR trend of water-
solution gas from the produced oil, free nents (approximately 2–3%). flood is established by matching the
reservoir gas from the gas cap, and re- Most of the GPB EOR projects are pat- WOR before MI injection to a waterflood
turned MI (RMI) that was previous- tern floods that use a water-alternating- type curve, which is generated from a
reservoir-simulation model. This hypo-
thetical WOR trend is compared with the
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
actual historical data, and any suppres-
of paper SPE 180420, “Optimizing the Use of Miscible Injectant at the Greater sion of WOR from the type curve is at-
Prudhoe Bay Fields,” by S.X. Ning, SPE, B.S. Jhaveri, E.M. Fueg, SPE, G. Stechauner, tributed to the effect of MI injection.
J.L. Jemison, SPE, and T.A. Hoang, BP Exploration (Alaska), prepared for the 2016
SPE Western Regional Meeting, Anchorage, 23–26 May. The paper has not been RMI Estimation in Producers. In
peer reviewed. the GPB fields, produced-gas samples

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

84 JPT • JUNE 2017

normally are taken quarterly for active modeled region is divided into injector/ oil-production rates are predicted on
MI-injection patterns. The Prudhoe producer segments. Production from the basis of previous MI-injection rates
Bay Unit Laboratory analyzes these each segment is governed by user- using EOR mobilization curves and tim-
samples and enters the compositions supplied performance curves. ing functions. All patterns are ranked at
into a local database. The rate of RMI is Fresh MI supply, RMI imported from each timestep on the basis of EOR effi-
automatically calculated on the basis of other fields, and MI exported to other ciency, with MI preferentially allocated
these compositions as well as measured fields can all be entered into COBRA, to the best patterns until all available
oil- and gas-production rates. which calculates the amount of MI avail- MI is used.
able to inject for the subject field on
Allocation of EOR Oil and RMI to In- the basis of these inputs and the RMI
jectors. WAG injection is managed at from the same field. The RMI and EOR- (Continued on page 89)
injectors by swapping between water
and MI services and controlling the
injection rates of water or MI; there-
fore, field-performance data need to
be allocated to injector-centered pat-
terns. A dynamic production-allocation
factor is used to allocate the produc- POLYMER CHEMISTRY FOR
tion rates of EOR oil and RMI back THE OIL & GAS INDUSTRY
to injectors.

Pattern Ranking. After the RMI and

EOR data are allocated to injector-
centered patterns, the patterns can be
ranked on the basis of one or more of
the following criteria:
◗ Pattern maturity as measured
by cumulative hydrocarbon pore
volume of MI injected
◗ Pattern maturity as measured by
instantaneous RMI/MI ratio
◗ Pattern efficiency as measured by
cumulative MI use (Mscf/STB)
◗ Combination of maturity and
Pattern maturity is a measure of how
mature a pattern is compared with the
project design. Another measure of pat- Oil Sands
tern maturity is the ratio of RMI to MI
injected (RMI ratio). The RMI ratio in-
creases as a pattern becomes more ma- Hydraulic Fracturing
ture, indicating that the MI injected is
mobilizing less EOR oil.
Drilling and Cementing
Performance Prediction
A holistic MI-use strategy must account
for the past performance and the pre-
dicted performance of the EOR patterns.
Enhanced Oil Recovery
MI EOR performance in GPB is predict-
ed using COBRA models.

Introduction to COBRA. COBRA is a

full-field forecasting tool for waterflood-
ing and miscible-gas injection based on
type curves developed using numerical-
simulation models. |
The basic building block of COBRA is
an injector/producer segment. The entire

JPT • JUNE 2017 85

Overview of Carbon Dioxide Injection
and Water-Alternating-Gas Sensitivity

T his paper presents an overview

of the SACROC Unit’s activity
focusing on different carbon dioxide
(CO2) injection and water-alternating- Platform
gas (WAG) projects that have made
the SACROC unit one of the most
successful CO2 injection projects Central Plain
in the world. The main objectives
of this were was to review CO2
injection and injection-rate losses
with respect to the CO2/WAG
miscible displacement process in Southwestern Area
the SACROC Unit and recommend
an injection strategy for WAG-
sensitive patterns.

The Kelly-Snyder field is the largest of a
chain of fields along the Pennsylvanian
Horseshoe atoll in the Midland Basin.
Within this field, the Scurry Area Canyon
Reef Operators Committee (SACROC)
Unit covers approximately 56,000 acres
with 2,800 million STB of original oil Fig. 1—SACROC 3D structure and thickness map.
in place (OOIP). Limestone is the dom-
inant mineral within the Canyon Reef
formation, and less than 3% of the for- Review 900 ft on the crest of the reef. A map
mation exists as thin sections of shale Primary Production. Completed in of the unit’s 3D structure and thick-
(1–10 ft in thickness) that are impor- November 1948, the Standard No. 1 ness is shown in Fig.  1. By late 1950,
tant stratigraphic markers. The forma- Jessie Brown 2 was drilled to 6,700 ft 1,600 production wells had been drilled
tion is divided into four major zones: the and produced 530 B/D from the Can- on the Kelly-Snyder field on irregular
Cisco, the Green Zone (GZ), the Upper yon Reef Formation. Located 9 miles 40-acre spacing.
Middle Canyon, and the Lower Middle northwest of Snyder, Texas, this well
Canyon (LMC). Of these, the GZ shows was the discovery well of the North Sny- Waterflooding. By 1954, the unit con-
the highest matrix permeability, signifi- der field. The Texas Railroad Commis- verted producers to water injectors
cant nonmatrix-flow features, and high- sion eventually merged this field with along a line in the center of the forma-
conductivity channels. Moreover, the the neighboring Kelly field upon rec- tion in a massive pressure-maintenance
transition zone (TZ) below the oil/water ognizing that both fields produce from program. This injection scheme allowed
contact has recently been developed in the same reservoir. The reservoir thick- injection of large volumes of water to the
parts of the SACROC Unit. ness varies from 10 ft on the flanks to thickest portion of the reservoir, ulti-
mately repressurizing the reservoir and
increasing oil production. By the end of
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
1971, the SACROC Unit was producing
of paper SPE 179569, “Overview of CO2 Injection and WAG Sensitivity in SACROC,” 134,000 BOPD and had a cumulative oil
by Reza Barati Ghahfarokhi, SPE, The University of Kansas, and Steve Pennell, production of 528 million STB.
Michael Matson, SPE, and Mark Linroth, SPE, Kinder Morgan, prepared for the
2016 SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Tulsa, 11–13 April. The paper has not Early CO2 Flooding. In 1968, an inter-
been peer reviewed. company engineering planning commit-

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

86 JPT • JUNE 2017

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tee recommended WAG injection using ment, 10-acre infill drilling and conver- Recommended remedies following in-
inverted-nine-spot injection patterns. sion resulted in high-efficiency patterns. jectivity loss include
Three pilot areas of similar hydrocar- ◗ 4–6 years of continuous CO2
bon pore volume were flooded initial- South Shore TZ Development. The TZ injection followed by a 1:1 WAG
ly. Positive results prompted the ini- is an interval with water saturations injection
tiation of Phase One in January 1972. ranging from connate water satura- ◗ Increasing injection pressure while
Before CO2 injection, however, a high- tion (approximately 20% water for the staying below parting pressure
pressure water slug was injected into SACROC Unit) to 100% water at the ◗ Addition of injection wells to
this low-pressure area to attain min- base. The oil cut will decline when pro- compensate for the reduced
imum miscibility pressure (MMP). ducing deeper in the TZ until pure water injectivity
Phase One’s oil production increased is produced at waterflood residual oil
from 30,000 to 100,000 BOPD within saturation (Sorw), approximately 26% Methods
18 months. oil for the unit. While all depths from An investigation of injectivity losses ob-
Phase Two waterflooding began in June the Sorw to the base of the TZ will pro- served during WAG injection was con-
1972, and CO2 injection began in March duce 100% water under waterflood, oil ducted across the entire SACROC Unit.
1974. Incremental oil production was ob- saturation still exists at these depths A data set containing daily CO2- and
served within several months; however, and some of it can be mobilized by CO2 water-injection rates for all WAG in-
most of the CO2 was injected using ir- injection, acting effectively like a resid- jectors was collected and divided into
regular patterns and below MMP. Phase ual oil zone. two subpopulations:
Three waterflooding began in April 1973, ◗ Injectors that demonstrate an
and CO2 was first injected in November Injectivity Loss injectivity loss over time (“WAG
1976. The majority of the incremental oil Injectivity loss of both CO2 and water sensitive”)
recovery most likely can be attributed to slugs has been a continual concern since ◗ Injectors that demonstrate a fairly
secondary production. the first field tests were conducted. De- constant injectivity over time
By the mid-1990s, using knowledge clining CO2 and water injectivity while on or injectivity that returned to
of other successful CO2 floods in Texas, a tapered WAG schedule has been noted before-WAG values rapidly (“WAG
three focused CO2-flood tests were start- on numerous injection wells since the insensitive”)
ed in Norflood, Southwest Bank, and early 2000s.
Center Line. High-WAG-ratio CO2 injec- Factors affecting WAG injection Injection-Profile Analysis. An exten-
tion was conducted at pressures below include sive record of both water- and CO2-
MMP because of variations in MMP from ◗ Heterogeneity, anisotropy, and injection profiles for the majority of
hydrocarbon components not separated stratification WAG-injector wells across the unit has
during recycling. ◗ Wettability been collected and maintained for the
◗ Fluid properties SACROC Unit. This record was ana-
Recent Developments ◗ Miscibility conditions lyzed, specifically looking for differenc-
Platform Developments. The Platform ◗ Injection techniques: tapered WAG es between the WAG-sensitive and WAG-
area contains the thickest pay in the en- vs. constant WAG insensitive subpopulations.
tire unit, with an OOIP of 951 million ◗ WAG parameters (e.g., ratio, slug
STB spanning 5,700 acres. Unfortunate- size) Single-Pattern Simulation. One repre-
ly, the area is highly heterogeneous and ◗ Physical dispersion sentative WAG-sensitive pattern in the
severe CO2-channeling issues have been ◗ Flow geometry (linear, radial, SACROC Unit was selected for this study.
observed within hours of starting CO2 and pattern influence) The pattern’s cycle was an 18-year water-
injection. Four key development options ◗ Chemical effects: acidic reactions flood, followed by a 1-year continuous
were recommended for this area: hori- ◗ Entrapment CO2 slug, followed by 3.5 years of 1:1
zontal wells, infill drilling, zonal shut- ◗ Relative permeability effects WAG injection, and concluding with a
ins, and dual injectors. ◗ Interfacial tension chase waterflood.
Poor reservoir processing rates in the ◗ Salinity and pH
LMC coupled with lower drilling costs en- Reasons for injectivity loss include Results and Discussion
couraged the operator to drill horizontal ◗ Effective mobility reduction Injectivity loss was observed in more
injectors with multiple gelled-acid frac- across all layers resulting in lower than 150 SACROC wells, with a signifi-
ture stages. injectivity of both phases cantly higher concentration in the newly
Geologically isolated GZ pinch-outs ◗ Redistribution of pressure profiles developed Platform areas. As soon as
were also targeted in the infill-drilling- from higher- to lower-permeability WAG injection started, both injectivity
expansion area using infill drilling. Early zones and productivity of the pattern started to
CO2 breakthrough was initially a prob- ◗ Relative permeability hysteresis decline. This injectivity damage has been
lem, though this has been fixed by use of because of three-phase trapping repaired in cases where injection was
large-scale gel treatments. In addition to ◗ CO2 making oil- or mixed-wet switched back to long cycles of CO2 for
gel-based conformance and squeezed ce- systems more water-wet many months.

88 JPT • JUNE 2017

Injection-Profile Analysis. WAG- Optimizing the Use of Miscible Injectant
sensitive wells typically show a wider at the Greater Prudhoe Bay Fields
vertical distribution of flow for both
(Continued from page 85)
water and CO2 during WAG injection. In-
jectivity loss occurs when WAG injection GPB COBRA Models. A COBRA model that project. New patterns are always
redistributes CO2 into zones that were has been developed for each of the ranked favorable until sufficient perfor-
previously not flooded on continuous current EOR projects in GPB. History mance data are available.
CO2. Numerous factors could underlie matching is performed to match the Another consideration when allocat-
this injectivity loss, including heteroge- observed field performance at the field ing MI is that some projects produce
neity, anisotropy effects, stratification level. Performance prediction at the more RMI than others. For this reason,
effects, wettability effects, entrapment field level is more accurate than at the when comparing MI use among proj-
effects, relative permeability effects, pattern level because allocation errors ects, net MI use is used instead of gross
and interfacial-tension effects. are canceled out, as long as the perfor- MI use.
mance curves are representative of the
Injectivity-Index Analysis. WAG- average field performance. MI-Allocation Process. GPB MI is allo-
sensitive wells showed an average injec- Each COBRA model (other than the cated to various MI projects and injec-
tivity index (bbl/psi/D) of 19.48, while PBMGP model) is run independent- tion patterns according to the follow-
WAG-insensitive wells showed an aver- ly to predict the EOR and RMI per- ing procedure:
age injectivity index of 8.48. Because formance of  the project with a prede- ◗ Analyze field performance of each
of the limited number of cored wells, termined amount of MI supply. The producer, and allocate EOR oil
the standard deviations are quite large PBMGP COBRA  model is then used to and RMI produced to injection-
for each population; however, both dis- predict EOR  and RMI performance of centered patterns.
tributions have a median value close to the PBMGP patterns, as well as the total ◗ Rank injection patterns on the
the average values. Until more data can amount of MI available for all GPB proj- basis of pattern maturity and gross
be collected, the authors recommend ects, on the basis of MI use within each project.
using continuous CO2 flooding of all ◗ CGF fresh MI supply predicted by ◗ History match the COBRA model
patterns with injectivity indices under the Prudhoe Bay full-field model of each project against field
10  bbl/psi/D until gas/oil ratio (GOR) ◗ The MI exported to all other performance at least at the field
reaches uneconomical values before projects outside PBMGP level.
starting WAG injection. ◗ The RMI from all EOR projects, ◗ Run each COBRA model at various
including PBMGP MI-supply rates to determine net
Single-Pattern Simulation. The sim- MI use as a function of MI-supply
ulation results show the smaller the MI Allocation rate.
water/gas ratio becomes (or the drier MI-Allocation Strategy. The objective ◗ Determine the cut-off value of net
the WAG injection becomes), the lower of MI allocation is to optimize EOR oil MI use on the basis of total amount
the bottomhole pressure of the injection production economically across all GPB of MI available at GPB.
well will be. This suggests that overall projects within operational constraints. ◗ Determine ideal MI rate to each
injectivity will improve significantly if Ideally, all EOR patterns in GPB would project on the basis of the cut-off
only 2  weeks of water injection is cou- be ranked together in the same way, value of net MI use.
pled with 1 year of CO2 injection when and MI would be allocated preferen- ◗ Allocate MI to all new projects on
cycling WAG injection; however, GOR tially to the highest-ranked patterns. the basis of the designed MI rates
will also increase as a result of this Practically, however, it is often more ef- until field-performance data are
change. It will  be important to opti- fective to rank patterns in each project available.
mize the WAG injection to be as dry as independently, considering the time re- ◗ Operational constraints are then
possible while maintaining an accept- quired to update the more than 300 in- applied to determine the actual
able GOR. jection patterns. Hence, MI allocation MI allocation to each EOR project
in GPB is hierarchical; first it is per- across GPB.
Conclusions formed at the project level, then at the The actual MI-injection target for each
All these observations indicate that pattern level. project is determined on the basis of the
WAG injection has been successfully re- At the project level, the amount of project’s injection capacity, the theoreti-
distributing CO2 and water into low- MI allocated to each project is deter- cal optimal MI target, and the predicted
permeability zones and has improved mined by using a uniform cut-off MI- total MI available for GPB. Operational
sweep efficiency in more-heterogeneous use value across GPB. Within a proj- constraints will also be considered in
areas of SACROC. In areas where high- ect, all injector-centered patterns field implementation of these targets.
permeability and less-heterogeneous are ranked on the basis of their ma- This process is repeated quarterly to ac-
zones exist, WAG injection has not turity and MI use. MI is allocated to count for changes in reservoir maturity,
been able to redistribute the injection the highest-ranked patterns until the seasonal effects on MI-production rate,
profiles  significantly. JPT amount of available MI is consumed for and operational constraints. JPT

JPT • JUNE 2017 89

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SPE, principal tech-
in petroleum engineering, and an MBA
from the University of Houston.
nical expert and team
Multiphase Flow leader at Shell Inter-
national Exploration
MIKE MCCAULEY, SPE, operations gen-
eral manager, Arena Offshore, and
in Pipes and and Production Inc.,
and the incoming
JIM WICKLUND, SPE, managing direc-
tor at Credit Suisse, were appointed to
SPE technical director for Management the board of directors of the National
Flow Assurance— and Information, was elected as a mem-
ber of the National Academy of Engi-
Ocean Industries Association (NOIA)
for the 2017–2018 term. McCauley
Oil and Gas Production neering for his significant theoretical joined Arena in 2007 as a production
and practical contributions to enhanced manager and became operations gen-
by Eissa M. Al-Safran oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 sequestra- eral manager in 2012. Before joining
tion. He is an adjunct faculty member at Arena, he held positions in production,
and James P. Brill the University of Houston department drilling, and reservoir engineering at
of petroleum engineering and a consult- Newfield Exploration, Vastar Resourc-
ing professor at the Stanford University es, Arco Oil & Gas, Texaco, and Getty
energy resources engineering depart- Oil, working almost exclusively in the
ment. Dindoruk is a global consultant offshore Gulf of Mexico. McCauley re-
for fluid properties (pressure/volume/ ceived a BS in petroleum engineering
temperature) and miscible/immiscible from Louisiana State University. WICK-
gas injection EOR and reservoir simula- LUND spent 15 years in the oil and gas
tion. Before joining Shell in 1997, he industry, working in geophysics and
worked at the Amoco Tulsa Research engineering before joining the finan-
Center on compositional simulator cial services industry as a research an-
development projects. Dindoruk has alyst covering the oilfield services sec-
served SPE in various capacities, in- tor. He was head of the energy research
cluding as co-executive editor of the group at Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, now
Formation Evaluation/Reservoir Engi- Royal Bank of Canada, managing di-
neering Journal and as a  Distinguished rector and head of energy research at
Lecturer during 2010–2011. He is a re- Banc of America Securities, and a port-
cipient of the SPE Cedric K. Ferguson folio manager at Carlson Capital. He
Applied Multiphase Flow in Pipes Medal and Lester C. Uren Award. He has been recognized by No. 1 rankings
and Flow Assurance—Oil and Gas holds a BS from Istanbul Technical Uni- in Institutional Investor, Greenwich
Production delivers in-depth versity, an MS from the University of Surveys, and The Wall Street Journal’s
coverage of the most recent Alabama, and a PhD from Stanford, all “Best on the Street.”
advancements in multiphase flow
technology in an easy-to-read
format. Responding to the need for In Memoriam
a more up-to-the-minute resource, This section lists with regret SPE members who recently passed away. If you
would like to report the passing of a family member who was an SPE member,
this book presents applications on
please write to
the fundamentals with new material
Cleveland Samuel Banquer, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
on heat transfer in production
William H. Bowie, Dallas, Texas, USA
system, flow assurance, transient Robert W. Clum, Houston, Texas, USA
multiphase flow in pipes, and the Arthur D. Fox, Santa Ana, California, USA
TUFFP unified model. Robert B. Gaines Jr., Midland, Texas, USA
Michael Edward Lynch, Lisbon, Portugal Leland H. Miller, Fayetteville, Texas, USA
Loyle P. Miller, Dallas, Texas, USA

JPT • JUNE 2017

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