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Oilwell Cement Shrinkage

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Shrinkage of Oil Well Cement Slurries


Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
NTNU and University of Mining and Geology
SINTEF Civil and Environmental Engineering
SINTEF Industrial Management

or microfractures before the slurry has reached a sufficient

Abstract strength. Thus, the gas migration phenomenon is thought to be ini-
Gas leakage into and through the cemented annulus in oil and tiated during the transition state, from being fluid to becoming
gas wells is a safety problem. The conditions for gas migration hard, i.e., between initial and final set of the cement.
develop when the hydrostatic pressure of the hydrating cement A low shrinkage is preferable because the resulting hydrostatic
slurry column slowly declines and finally falls below the pore pressure decline will be lower than for a slurry with high shrink-
pressure of a gas bearing formation. This pressure decline is age, i.e., pressure equilibrium between gas and slurry column is
mainly caused by chemical shrinkage of the cement. A low reached at a later point of time.
shrinkage will reduce the pressure decline and hence the risk of The chemical shrinkage may be divided into two parts: external
gas migration. shrinkage and total shrinkage. The external shrinkage expresses
A new and simple method for measurement of total chemical the bulk volume change of the slurry leading to a possible
shrinkage at high temperatures has been developed. It has microannulus between the cement and the borehole wall. The total
proved to be reliable and sensitive for monitoring the cement chemical shrinkage is the sum of the external chemical shrinkage
hydration process. The equipment was used to show that there is and the contraction pores of the slurry. The formation of contrac-
a marked difference in shrinkage behaviour for the tested slur- tion pores contribute to the connectivity between pores in a set
ries up to 180˚ C, probably due to a temperature effect on the cement and hence to its permeability.
cement hydration chemistry. The results confirmed the correla- Chemical shrinkage of oil well cements have been investigated
tion between total shrinkage and cement content, and thus it fol- by several authors. The most extensive tests have been carried out
lows that using more extender will reduce the likelihood of gas by Chenevert and Shrestha(4), and by Sabins and Sutton(5), but
migration. other papers have been presented as well(6-8). Both total(5-8) and
external chemical shrinkage(4-6) were reported with a total shrink-
age at 20 or 24 hours varying from 0.6 to 6 vol.%, while most
Introduction results were in the range of 1.5 – 3 vol.%. Only Sabins and
Sutton(5) have performed measurements of external shrinkage
Cement slurries are used in oil and gas wells for cementing the under realistic downhole conditions. According to them, most
steel casing to the wellbore and thus sealing the rock formations external shrinkage occurs when the slurry still is plastic. Their
from the well. Gas leakage into and through the cemented annulus results showed an average shrinkage of 0.15 vol.% and they calcu-
is still a problem, in particular where shallow gas sands are pene- lated the contraction pores to account for 97.5 to 99% of the total
trated and in deep gas wells, i.e., under high temperature and high shrinkage. Thus, from a gas migration point of view, the forma-
pressure (HTHP) conditions. The leakage may manifest itself tion of contraction pores is by far the largest and most important
either as vertical communication between permeable gas reser- part of the chemical shrinkage.
voirs or migration all the way to the surface. Gas pressure in
excess of the cement hydrostatic slurry pressure is the driving
force behind gas migration.
Reasons and mechanisms of gas migration are discussed by
Experimental Method
Levine et al.,(1) Sabins et al. (2), and Cheung and Beirute (3). Annular The method we have used exploits the pressure-volume rela-
gas flow may be initiated when the hydrostatic pressure of the tionship of a gas. The principle is shown in Figure 1, indicating
cement slurry declines and falls below the pore pressure of a gas initial conditions in the left hand figure. At a later stage, shown in
bearing formation due to the combined effect of shrinkage, fluid the right hand figure, the shrinkage process, consuming water,
loss to the porous well bore and gel strength build up. Normally a leads to a lower gas pressure. When the initial temperature, pres-
slurry volume reduction would be compensated for by contraction sure and volumes are known, the shrinkage can be calculated on
and downward movement of fluids from above, thus maintaining the basis of the continuously declining pressure during the test.
its hydrostatic head. However, during the setting process the The calculation is corrected for gas temperature. Total shrinkage
cement slurry develops a gel structure causing it to stick to the was measured by submerging a permeable paper cup containing
wall thus hindering compensation of the shrinkage. The second around 50 ml of cement slurry in water inside the measuring cell.
requirement for gas migration is that the cement must enable gas All samples were weighed before and after each test, and the vol-
flow into the cement either by permeability, channels, microannuli ume of the hardened sample was found by applying the principle

September 1998, Volume 37, No. 9 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
sent the set-up cannot handle downhole pressures. The tempera-
ture influence on the measurements is large: both when heating up
the cell and when the set temperature is reached. When the cell is
heated, the water inside will expand and increase the pressure.
The shrinkage calculations are therefore taken from the point
when the test temperature or pressure levels off and stabilizes.
This has the advantage that it simulates field conditions; any
shrinkage occurring before placement of the cement in a well will
not be taken into account. However, some initial but minor shrink-
age may not be observed. A stable set temperature is important for
the same reason. At 180˚ C, a 1˚ C temperature fluctuation will
lead to an apparent change of 0.3 percentage points in the cement
shrinkage. This influence is reduced at lower temperatures.

Results and Discussion

Temperature Influence
The tests were run at several temperatures ranging from 25 to
180˚ C. A total of 20 slurries were tested. The shrinkage curves
for six of the tests are shown in Figures 2 to 7 where the slurries
are named T25, T60, W90, W140, and W180. The number repre-
sents the test temperature and T stands for a very simple test slur-
ry containing only water, cement and retarder. The W slurries
contain all the necessary additives for actual oil well use. The
FIGURE 1: Principle of the shrinkage measurements. W180 slurry was run twice, both at the stated temperature and at
160˚ C. The slurry recipes are shown in Table 1.
of Archimedes. The applied pressure was in the range of six to 16 It is immediately seen that there is a considerable difference in
bars, and all parameters, including cement temperature evolution, temperature evolution and shrinkage behaviour between the six
were recorded by a data logger and stored in a personal computer. slurries in Figures 2 to 7, which of course is influenced by the dif-
The method works well and the results are repeatable, but the ferent additives they contain. However, for all slurries the temper-
method has some drawbacks. It requires precision in the initial ature peaks coincide with maximum shrinkage rates. And general-
values as any inaccuracy will lead to systematic errors, and at pre- ly, the higher the cement temperature is above the set temperature,

FIGURE 2: Total shrinkage of slurry T25. FIGURE 4: Total shrinkage of slurry W90.

FIGURE 3: Total shrinkage of slurry T60. FIGURE 5: Total shrinkage of slurry W140.

64 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

FIGURE 6: Total shrinkage of slurry W180 run at 160°C. FIGURE 7: Total shrinkage of slurry W180.

the higher the shrinkage rate is. This correlation is to be expected Both peaks again coincide with the highest shrinkage rates, and
as the temperature evolution reflects the rate of hydration and the step-wise hydration rate may be influenced by a number of
hence the shrinkage. Note the two temperature peaks of slurry organic admixtures in the slurries.
W90 and W180 (with the exception of Figure 6), the first being at Some other slurries (not presented here) were tested at 90, 140,
five to ten hours and the secondary peak around 20 – 25 hours. and 180˚ C and they exhibited the same shrinkage and tempera-

TABLE 1: Cement slurry data and recipes.

T25 T60 W90 W140 W180 A140 B140 C140 D140 E140 F140
Test temperature,˚ C 25 60 90 140 180 140 140 140 140 140 140
Slurry density, g/cc 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.05 2.15 2.05 2.00 2.06 2.07 1.98 1.88
Cement, vol.% 39.48 40.62 39.84 27.37 27.47 26.63 29.73 33.12 33.22 37.67 39.02
Shrinkage at 20h, vol.% 3.44 3.29 2.08 1.50 2.65* 1.79 1.98 2.58 2.49 2.84 3.11

Additive g/cc
API class G cement 3.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Salt water, lhk** 1.03 45.61
Accelerator, lhk 1.36 2.00
Fresh water, lhk 1.00 45.09 35.70 51.81 43.59 45.52 39.96 44.28 44.28 44.28 44.28
Retarder, type A, lhk 1.20 0.3
Retarder, type B, lhk 1.08 1.20
Anti-gas migration, 1.10 3.50
type A, lhk
Dispersant, type A, lhk 1.18 3.00
Fluid loss control, 1.07 3.50
type A, lhk
Retarder, type C, 1.42 1.00
Retarder, type D, 1.57 2.00
Fluid loss control, 1.48 0.75 1.00
type B, %bwoc
Weight material, 4.85 30.00 40.00 38.77 13.88 13.88 13.88 13.88
Anti-strength retrogr., 2.65 35.00 35.00 25.97 30.00 30.00
Anti-gas migration, 1.40 10.00 15.00 13.00 12.00
type B, lhk
Retarder, type E, lhk 1.18 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Dispersant, type B, hk 1.21 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Fluid loss control, 1.04 5.00 3.00
type C, lhk
Calcite flour, %bwoc 2.72 30.00

* This slurry run at 160˚ C exhibits a shrinkage of 1.37 vol.% at 20 hours.

** Litres per hundred kilos of cement.
*** Per cent by weight of cement.

September 1998, Volume 37, No. 9 65

FIGURE 9: Shrinkage vs. cement content at 20 hours for the six
FIGURE 8: Shrinkage of the six 140° C slurries. 140° C slurries.

ture behaviour demonstrating that this is a general trend. The lished results.
behaviour is also confirmed by Lile et al.(9) using permeability, The results show that there is a marked contrast in shrinkage
tensile strength, hydrostatic pressure and temperature as indica- behaviour over the temperature range from ambient and up to
tors. Chenevert and Shrestha(4) tested fresh water slurries at 93, 180˚ C, where the tested slurries at 90, 160, and 180˚ C exhibited
121, and 177˚ C and their medium temperature slurry showed the two temperature peaks and S-shaped shrinkage curves. This dif-
fastest initial shrinkage. ference is most likely a temperature effect on the cement hydra-
The difference in shrinkage and temperature evolution that we tion chemistry.
see in the results may also be due to a temperature effect on the It was confirmed that there is a close correlation between total
cement hydration chemistry. It is well known that curing of chemical shrinkage and cement content. A low shrinkage and a
cement already at 50 – 70˚ C leads to an uneven distribution of short transition period (i.e., fast initial shrinkage) should reduce
hydration products with a densified calcium silicate hydrate the risk of gas migration.
(CSH) layer around the remaining unhydrated cement grains
which eventually will slow down the following hydration rate. It
is possible that, at even higher curing temperatures, such a densi- Acknowledgement
fied layer is formed initially and broken off after some further
moderate hydration (rate increasing with increasing temperature), The authors would like to thank The Research Council of
leading to a renewed acceleration period of the cement hydration Norway, Norsk Hydro, Saga Petroleum and Statoil for supporting
explaining the step-wise hydration rate shown as the S-shaped this work. We also thank Vincent H.J. Bosch for carrying out
shrinkage curves in Figures 4, 6, and 7. some of the experiments.
Given that the shrinkage rate reflects the hydration rate, an ini-
tial fast shrinkage covering the transition period will limit the time REFERENCES
in which gas can enter the cement and thus reducing the likeli-
1. LEVINE, D.C, TINSLEY, J.M., and SUTTON, D.L., Annular Gas
hood of gas migration. This is the case for slurry W140. Flow After Cementing: A Look at Practical Solutions; Paper SPE
8255 presented at the 1979 SPE Annual Fall Technical Conference
Shrinkage versus Cement Content and Exhibition, Las Vegas, NV, September 23 – 26.
Elvebakk(10) used the methods of Lile et al. (9) to study the influ-
Transition Time of Cement Slurries Between the Fluid and Set State;
ence of additives on gas migration. He found that the hazard of SPE Journal, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 875-882, December 1982.
gas migration generally increased when the recipe was simplified.
3. CHEUNG, P.R., and BEIRUTE, R.M., Gas Flow in Cements;
The same slurries were also tested for shrinkage. The shrinkage
Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 1041-1048,
curves of the six slurries A140 through F140 are presented in June 1985.
Figure 8 and the slurry recipes are shown in Table 1. The differ-
ence in shrinkage level was found to be correlated with the 4. CHENEVERT, M.E., and SHRESTHA, B.K., Chemical Shrinkage
Properties of Oilfield Cements; SPE Drilling Engineering, Vol. 6,
cement content as shown in Figure 9 where the straight line fitted No. 1, pp. 37-43, March 1991.
to the data points is forced through zero, as zero cement content
should yield no shrinkage. 5. SABINS, F.L., and SUTTON, D.L., Interrelationship Between
Critical Cement Properties and Volume Changes During Cement
This correlation is self-evident and known(4,5) , but has not Setting; SPE Drilling Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 88-94, June
before been linked to the gas migration problem. As long as the 1991.
strength development of the cement slurry is satisfactory, more
use of an extender will reduce the shrinkage and the risk of gas SVEEN, J., and SELLEVOLD, E.J., Chemical Shrinkage of Oil
migration. And if the extender particles are small enough, they Well Cement Slurries; Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 7, No. 26,
will fill the space between the cement particles, lowering the pp. 85-90, April 1995.
cement permeability and thus reducing the likelihood for gas 7. PARCEVAUX, P.A., and SAULT, P.H., Cement Shrinkage and
intrusion even further. Elasticity: A New Approach for a Good Zonal Isolation; Paper SPE
13176 presented at the 1984 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Houston, TX, September 16 – 19.
Conclusions 8. STEWART, R.B., and SCHOUTEN, F.C., Gas Invasion and
Migration in Cemented Annuli: Causes and Cures; SPE Drilling
A new and simple method for measuring total shrinkage of cur- Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 77-82, March 1988.
ing oil well cements at elevated temperatures has been developed. 9. LILE, O.B., ELVEBAKK, H., BACKE, K.R., SKALLE, P., and
It has proved to be reliable and sensitive for monitoring the LYOMOV, S., A New Technique for Measuring Permeability and
cement hydration process. The recorded shrinkage at 20 hours Tensile Strength of a Curing Oil Well Cement; Advances in Cement
varied between 1.4 and 3.5 vol.% which is in agreement with pub- Research, Vol. 9, No. 34, pp. 47-54, April 1997.

66 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

10. ELVEBAKK, H., Influence of Some Additives in Curing Cement Jostein Sveen is a senior research engineer
Slurries; Report 8/94, Department of Petroleum Engineering and at SINTEF Industrial Management, Safety
Applied Geophysics, Norwegian University of Science and and Reliability in Trondheim, Norway. Dr.
Technology, 1994. Sveen is managing multidisciplinary team-
groups in SINTEF/NTNU dealing with
Provenance—Original Petroleum Society manuscript, Shrinkage petroleum related projects. He received a
of Oil Well Cement Slurries, (97-77), first presented at the 48th M.Sc. degree in petroleum technology in
Annual Technical Meeting, June 8 – 11, 1997, in Calgary, 1979 and a Ph.D. in drilling in 1987 from
Alberta. Abstract submitted for review November 25, 1996; edito- NTNU.
rial comments sent to the author(s) April 6, 1998; revised manu-
script received May 25, 1998; paper approved for pre-press May
27, 1998; final approval August 28, 1998.M

Authors’ Biographies
Knut Backe is currently a research scien-
tist at the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Department of
Petroleum Engineering and Applied
Geophysics in Trondheim, Norway. His
main areas of interest are cement, drilling
fluids and electrical geophysical methods.
He received a M.Sc. in petroleum engineer-
ing from NTNU in 1987.

Shteryo Lyomov is a research scientist at

NTNU since 1992 and an associate profes-
sor in drilling at University of Mining and
Geology (MGU) in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has
participated in research projects and devel-
opment work in drilling fluids, well
cementing, as well as formation damage.
His interests are all aspects related to
drilling. He holds M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees
in drilling from MGU. Dr., Lyomov is a
member of SPE.

Pål Skalle is currently an associate profes-

sor in drilling at NTNU. His main focus is
drilling fluid technology and hydraulics. He
received a M.Sc. in 1974 from University
of Leoben, Austria and a Ph.D. in petrole-
um engineering from NTNU in 1983. Dr.
Skalle is a member of NPF and SPE.

Ole Bernt Lile is currently an associate

professor in applied geophysics at NTNU.
He graduated in 1962 and received his
Ph.D. in 1971 at NTNU. He is a member of

Harald Justnes is chief scientist at SIN-

TEF Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Cement and Concrete, in Trondheim,
Norway. He has been with the Foundation
of Scientific and Industrial Research (SIN-
TEF) since 1985. Educated at the
Department of Inorganic Chemistry,
NTNU, his field of interest covers the
chemistry of cement, concrete, admixtures
and additives (including polymers) from
production, through reactivity, to

September 1998, Volume 37, No. 9 67

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