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''Steam Reforming''
Dr.Maher Gamal
Dr.Noura Yehia
May – Aug 2018
There are a number of people without their help this project might not have been
accomplished, and to whom I am greatly indebted.
I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Maher Gamal and Dr.Noura Yehia
who taught me that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step
at a time and whose advice and patience encouragement aided the writing of this
project in innumerable ways.
Also I would like to thank Dr. Mustafa Azab and for their valuable suggestions,
helping me in support of this project as it was greatly needed deeply appreciated.
To my advisors, Dr.Soad and Dr.Maha special thanks for helping me. Their
encouragement and guidance through this research project and their support did not
go unnoticed.
I would like also to thank Dr.Noha for helping me in all thing in the technical
part of the project (special thanks for Dr.Noha).
I am also very grateful to Eng.Mohamed Yehia for his help and his patience
during this project, Particularly ,his huge help in devising the control system
of the project (learning from you a lot , really you are best big brother ).
The objective of this project is to develop Steam reforming of methane is the
main industrial route to produce hydrogen and synthesis gas (a mixture of
hydrogen and carbon monoxide) Syngas, or synthesis gas, is a fuel gas mixture
consisting primarily of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and very often some carbon
The name comes from its use as intermediates in creating synthetic natural gas
and for producing ammonia or methanol.
Material balance was made for the complete process starting from the raw
materials ( methane and H2O ) and ending with the products (CH4 , CO ,
CO2 and H2 ) .
Methane will mix with steam at 400 ℃ and then reacted in reformer at 800 ℃ to
produce ( CH4 , CO2 , CO , H2 and H2O ) The products will enter to knockout
to separate water from the gases.
In absorber column, CO2 amount will decrease approximately 95% of the feed
to the absorber by react with Mono ethanol amine with water coming from
stripper ''In continuous process''.
List of Contents
Chapter one Introduction..............................................................................................................1
1.1 History.............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Physical Properties ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Chemical Properties ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Methods Of Production.................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Handling And storage .................................................................................................................. 10
1.6 Safety.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Chapter Two Process Description ..............................................................................................13
2.1 Process Description “Steam Reforming’’.................................................................................. 14
Chapter Three Mass Balance ......................................................................................................20
3.1 Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) ........................................................................................22
3.2 Cold process condensate drum (flash drum) ......................................................................23
3.3 Hot process condensate drum (flash drum) .........................................................................24
3.4 Co conversion reactor..........................................................................................................24
3.5 Steam reformer ....................................................................................................................25
3.6 Pre-reformer ........................................................................................................................26
3.7 Desulfurization ....................................................................................................................28
3.8 Hydrogenation.....................................................................................................................28
Chapter Four Heat Balance .......................................................................................................30
4.1 Heat balance around reactors .............................................................................................34
4.2 Heat balance around heat exchangers .................................................................................50
Chapter Five Special Design .......................................................................................................54
Chapter Six Cost Estimation.......................................................................................................62
6.1 Calculation cost of the equipment .......................................................................................63
6.2 Cost of labor .......................................................................................................................70
6.3 Cost of utilities ....................................................................................................................70
6.4 Cost of raw material ............................................................................................................71
Chapter Seven Layout .................................................................................................................72
Chapter Eight Control .................................................................................................................81
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................83
References .....................................................................................................................................84
List of Figures
(1.1) Hydrogen structure .............................................................................................................2
(1.2) Methods of production........................................................................................................6
(1.3) Auto thermal reforming ......................................................................................................7
(1.4) Production from coal ..........................................................................................................8
(1.5) Biomass to hydrogen ..........................................................................................................9
(1.6) Handling and storage ........................................................................................................10
(5.1) Reactor type ......................................................................................................................60
(5.2) Catalyst type .....................................................................................................................61
List of Tables
(1.1) Physical properties ..............................................................................................................4
(3.1) Mass balance on (PSA)unit ..............................................................................................22
(3.2) Mass balance on cold process condensate ........................................................................23
(3.3) Mass balance on hot process condensate ..........................................................................24
(3.4) Mass balance on CO conversion .....................................................................................25
(3.5) Mass balance on steam reformer ......................................................................................26
(3.6) Mass balance on prereformer............................................................................................27
(3.7) Mass balance on desulfurization.......................................................................................28
(3.8) Mass balance on hydrogenation .......................................................................................29
(4.1) Vapor constant & delHF ...................................................................................................32
(4.2) Antoine’s constant ............................................................................................................33
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
Hydrogen (H), a colorless, odorless, tasteless, flammable gaseous substance that is the simplest
member of the family of chemical elements. The hydrogen atom has a nucleus consisting of a
proton bearing one unit of positive electrical charge; an electron, bearing one unit of negative
electrical charge, is also associated with this nucleus. Under ordinary conditions, hydrogen gas is
a loose aggregation of hydrogen molecules, each consisting of a pair of atoms, a diatomic
molecule, H2. The earliest known important chemical property of hydrogen is that it burns with
oxygen to form water, H2O; indeed, the name hydrogen is derived from Greek words meaning
―maker of water.‖
Figure (1.1)
Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe (three times as abundant
as helium, the next most widely occurring element), it makes up only about 0.14 percent
of Earth’s crust by weight. It occurs, however, in vast quantities as part of the water in
oceans, ice packs, rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. As part of innumerable carbon compounds,
hydrogen is present in all animal and vegetable tissue and in petroleum. Even though it is often
said that there are more known compounds of carbon than of any other element, the fact is that,
since hydrogen is contained in almost all carbon compounds and also forms a multitude of
compounds with all other elements (except some of the noble gases), it is possible that hydrogen
compounds are more numerous.
Elementary hydrogen finds its principal industrial application in the manufacture of ammonia
(a compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, NH3) and in the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide and
organic compounds.
Hydrogen has three known isotopes. The mass numbers of hydrogen’s isotopes are 1, 2, and 3,
the most abundant being the mass 1 isotope generally called hydrogen (symbol H, or 1H) but also
known as protium. The mass 2 isotope, which has a nucleus of one proton and one neutronand
has been named deuterium, or heavy hydrogen (symbol D, or 2H), constitutes 0.0156 percent of
the ordinary mixture of hydrogen. Tritium (symbol T, or 3H), with one proton and two neutrons
in each nucleus, is the mass 3 isotope and constitutes about 10−15 to 10−16 percent of hydrogen.
Hydrogen is transparent to visible light, to infrared light, and to ultraviolet light to wavelengths
below 1800 Å. Because its molecular weight is lower than that of any other gas, its molecules
have a velocity higher than those of any other gas at a given temperature and it diffuses faster
than any other gas. Consequently, kinetic energy is distributed faster through hydrogen than
through any other gas; it has, for example, the greatest heat conductivity.
A molecule of hydrogen is the simplest possible molecule. It consists of two protons and two
electrons held together by electrostatic forces. Like atomic hydrogen, the assemblage can exist in
a number of energy levels.
Some properties of normal hydrogen and deuterium
Table (1.1)
1.3 Chemical properties:
1.3.3 Reaction with halogen:
Hydrogen does not react with halogens at ordinary temperature. But at high temperature in the
presence of catalyst, hydrogen react to give their respective halides.
Note: The reactivity order of hydrogen with other halides is: F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2.
1.3.4 Reaction with metals:
It reduces metal oxides to metals, when heated.
1.4 Method of Production
Figure (1.2)
Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of feed stocks. These include fossil resources, such as
natural gas and coal, as well as renewable resources, such as biomass and water with input from
renewable energy sources (e.g. sunlight, wind, wave or hydro-power). A variety of process
technologies can be used, including chemical, biological, electrolytic, photolytic and thermo-
chemical. Each technology is in a different stage of development, and each offers unique
opportunities, benefits and challenges.
Steam reforming this method accounts for about 95% of the hydrogen produced in the United
6 Partial oxidation (POX):
Partial oxidation of natural gas is the process whereby hydrogen is produced through the partial
combustion of methane with oxygen gas to yield carbon monoxide and hydrogen (1.3). In this
process, heat is produced in an exothermic reaction, and hence a more compact design is possible
as there is no need for any external heating of the reactor. The CO produced is further converted
to H2 as described in equation (1.2).
Figure (1.3)
1.4.2 Production from coal
Another process is charcoal gasification1. Charcoal consists mainly of carbon and water. Burned
in a reactor at a very high temperature of between 1,200 and 1,500 °C, the charcoal releases gas
that separates and reforms to produce hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO).
Hydrogen can be produced from coal through a variety of gasification processes (e.g. fixed bed,
fluidized bed or entrained flow). In practice, high-temperature entrained flow processes are
favored to maximize carbon conversion to gas, thus avoiding the formation of significant
amounts of char, tars and phenols. A typical reaction for the process is given in equation (1.4), in
which carbon is converted to carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Figure (1.4)
Many types of organic matter can be burned to produce bio gas. Although wood (in the form of
charcoal) is the main feedstock used, plant waste such as straw is also suitable. Because biomass
sources can be replanted, the carbon footprint is low.
The simulation predicted 95 % hydrogen in the product gas. Steam gasification with CO2
adsorption using CaO as sorbent. The Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) is pretreated prior to
gasification, the moisture is removed through drying and the EFB is subsequently grinded. The
EFB and sorbent are fed into the gasifier at atmospheric temperature. The steam produced in a
steam generator is superheated to 523 K and forward to the system. The gasification process is
integrated with CO2 adsorption step and six major reactions listed in Table 1 are assumed to take
place in the gasifier. As the steam gasification process is endothermic, external energy, Q r , is
supplied. Fly ash and other solid particulates are removed from the product gas using a filter.
Next the product gas is cooled down by passing it through a scrubber. Finally a pressure swing
adsorption unit is used to purify the product gas to achieve 99.99 % pure hydrogen.
Figure (1.5)
1.5 Handling and Storage:
1.5.1 Transportation:
When hydrogen is being transported, it is compressed and kept in high-pressure composite and
metal storage tanks. It can also be transported in vehicles once it has been cooled into a liquid
and kept in some super-insulated tanks.
1.5.2 Storage:
Hydrogen can be stored physically as either a gas or a liquid. Storage of hydrogen as a gas
typically requires high-pressure tanks (350–700 bar [5,000–10,000 psi] tank pressure). Storage of
hydrogen as a liquid requires cryogenic temperatures because the boiling point of hydrogen at
one atmosphere pressure is −252.8°C. Hydrogen can also be stored on the surfaces of solids (by
adsorption) or within solids (by absorption).
Hydrogen cylinders must be stored with valve’s protective cap in place. If the cap has been
removed, the cylinder must be stored upright and secured with noncombustible straps or chains.
Hydrogen cylinders must be stored more than 20 feet away from cylinders of oxygen or other
oxidizers, e.g., bromine, chlorine, fluorine (which we do not have) or be separated by a
noncombustible wall extending not less than 18‖ above and to the sides of the stored material.
Never open the cylinder valve before making sure all your connections are secure as the static
discharge from flowing gas may cause hydrogen to be ignited.
Figure (1.6)
1.6 Hydrogen Safety
Hydrogen (H2) is an extremely flammable, colorless odorless compressed gas that is used in
many research laboratories. It has virtually no toxic effects on the human body, but it can
displace air causing asphyxiation if enough is released in an enclosed room. The biggest danger
when dealing with hydrogen is that is has a wide explosive/flammability range (4%-74% in air).
This means that even a small leak can cause a hazardous fire.
Work in an area with plenty of ventilation. If possible, work in a fume hood or use a canopy
hood as fugitive vapors, if not captured, may collect near the ceiling.
Ground all equipment and piping used with hydrogen, and make sure that you are properly
grounded before working with hydrogen. Rubber soled shoes prevent you from being grounded,
so you should touch a grounded object to discharge built up static electricity before beginning
Wear appropriate lab safety gear for the work being performed: safety glasses/ goggles, lab coat,
gloves and preferably a face shield.
If working with liquid hydrogen you must have appropriate insulated gloves and protective
shoes in addition to the appropriate safety gear. (Cryogenic liquid hydrogen can cause severe
burns to the skin due to the extremely low.
Use metal piping with hydrogen. Do not use non-conductive or plastic tubing. Be sure to
dissipate static charge when flowing hydrogen gas by electrically bonding and grounding the
cylinder, metal piping and apparatus being used.
1.7 Uses for Hydrogen :
2. Processing foods, such as hydrogenating oils or fats (like what you might find in the
margarine in your fridge).
The main use for hydrogen, though, is as rocket fuel. Liquid hydrogen fuel is used by NASA to
get space shuttles into orbit, and hydrogen batteries power the shuttles’ electrical equipment. The
hydrogen’s only byproduct is pure water, which the shuttle crew can use as drinking water!
Figure (1.7)
Chapter Two
Process Description
2.1 Process Description “ Steam Reforming ”
NG feed from B.L. at a pressure of 8.0 kg/cm²g is received in D-101 and then compressed up to
37.0 bar by using the two stages reciprocating compressors K-101. After compression the NG is
mixed with H2 recycle in the ratio of 0.05 on molar basis. H2 recycle is compressed at the proper
pressure by the using K-02A/B.
The plant feedstock (NG plus H2 recycle or off-gas) is then preheated up to 380°C in the heat
exchanger E-102 and in the CC-02.
The preheated feedstock from CC-02 enters the R-01. The effluent from R-101 then sent to R-
102A/B. the preheating of the R-101 feed is required to operate the feed of R-102A/B at the
optimum temperature for the absorption of H2S on the zinc oxide catalyst according to the
R-102A/B are operated in series. When the ZnO of the first is exhausted, it can bypassed for the
replacement of the zinc oxide, while the second remains in operation. Once the replacement is
completed it is putted in operation downstream. The gas exiting the first is tested for H2S by
Dräger tube and by laboratory analysis on daily basis.
The desulfurized feedstock is mixed under flow control with a controlled quantity of steam
super-heated at 350°C and it is further preheated to 482°C in CC-02.
The preheated feedstock is then sent to R-103 where all HCS are converted to an equilibrium
mixture of CH4, CO2 and H2. In R-103 the feed moving downwards is reformed over a high
content nickel oxide catalyst into a mixture of H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 according to the reaction:
The steam / carbon molar ratio of R-103 feed is generally determined by the feedstock
characteristics, catalyst type and purification system type; and must be enough high to prevent
the carbon formation, for the present case this ratio is 2.7 at pre-reformer inlet . The steam rate is
under flow control and the set point of the flow controller is reset by steam/carbon ratio
controller from the capacity control system. R-103 inlet temperature controlled by bypassing the
preheating coil CC-02.
Steam Reforming
The pre-reformer effluent is mixed with an additional amount of superheated process steam and
then super-heated in CC-03 up to 600°C
These reactions take place simultaneously and the product is a mixture of H2, CO, CO2, CH4 and
excess H2O, the composition of the mixture being defined by the equilibrium for reactions (1)
and (2) at the operating exits T & P.
The reforming reaction (1) is endothermic while the reaction (2) is exothermic and the volume of
the reaction products is larger than the volume of the reagents.
Since the heat required by the reaction (1) is larger than the heat developed by reaction (2), the
reaction yield increases by increasing the reformer T and by decreasing the reformer P. The
operating conditions of the reformer are then determined by the required pressure of the H2
product and by the maximum operating temperature allowed by the mechanical stress of the
catalyst tubes immersed in the radiant chamber of the reformer.
The most important aspect for the operation of a steam reformer is the prevention of carbon
The outlet reformer conditions are 870°C and 29.4 bar. The reformer effluent is cooled down to
220°C in E-103 by generating high pressure steam and then in E-104 by preheating the BFW.
The outlet temperature of the process gas from E-104 is controlled by a temperature controller
which actuated the by-pass of the process gas around E-104. the cooled reformer effluent is sent
to the CO shift section.
The flue gas from the radiant section of the reformer enters the convection section where is used
as heat source to:
Super heat the generated steam (CC-01)
H-101 is equipped with a balanced draft by using the combustion air fan F-101 and the flue gas
F-102. The draft in the radiant section of the reformer is controlled by a pressure controller
which controls the flue gas rate to the flue gas fan.
CO Shift:
The effluent from the reformer contains a considerable amount of CO due the high reforming
temperature. The CO reacts with the steam according to the exothermic reaction:
The reaction is performed adiabatically in R-104 over catalyst bed. R-104 catalyst is Cu
promoted catalyst.
Cu promoter gives increased activity and flexibility to operate at low ratio without concern or
unwanted side reactions. In the R-201the temperature of the process gas is increased from 220°C
to 313°C. The effluent of R-104 is cooled by:
Pre-heating the process steam condensate and demi-water make-up in the E-106.
The cooled effluent then enters D-104 where the condensate formed during the cooling is
separated and sent to D-105 under level control after being pre-heated in E-106. the saturated
process gas is first cooled to 55°C in E-107 and then to 37°C in E-108. The condensate formed is
separated in D-104 and sent to D-105 after being pre-heated in the E-106. The cooled gas is sent
to the PSA Unit.
PSA Unit
H2 rich gas from the D-05 is sent to the PSA unit where pure H2 is recovered at a P of 26.0 bar
by pressure sewing adsorption. 86% of H2 present in the PSA feed is recovered as pure H2. The
hydrogen balanced is collected together with impurities which is delivered by the PSA unit at a P
of 0.35 bar from absorbers into the process gas stream
Combustion System
Purpose of the combustion system is to provide the heat required by the steam reforming
reaction taken place in the catalyst tubes of the reformer. FG is burnt in 108 burners place on
the sides of the furnace (54 on each side). The burners are designed to fire PG discharged by
PSA with NG .
The major part of the eat required is provide by combustion of PG; the purge gas provides in
every operating condition of the plant an approximate contribution of 70% to the total fired
duty. NG or va The quantity of NG to be burnt is determined by a temperature controller at the
reformer bridge wall which is connected in cascade with either the NG fuel flow controller.
It is to be noted that the average composition of the purge gas changes with the operating
conditions of the process system, S/C ratio, reformer and shift outlet temperature.
The process gas flow rate from the process gas drum is controlled by pressure to the burners.
Flue gas: The generated flue gas leaves the firebox and is cooled down in the convection
section before being sent to stack through the induced draft fan F-02A/B. F-02A/B provides the
necessary draft in the furnace by pressure control PIC-046 that gives action on a damper at the
suction of F-02A/B at the base of the stack.
Flow Sheet
Block Diagram
Chapter Three
Mass balance
Calculate to produce 105Nm3/day of H2 gas :
ρ = 0.0832 kg/m3
to be Kmole/hr =
= = 171.62 Kmol/hr
This hydrogen produced by purity 99.99% as a final product
and the rest 0.01% Methane.
So :
Kmol/hr Percent%
H2 171.62 99.99%
CH4 ? 0.01%
3.1 Mass balance pressure swing adsorption (PSA)
For H2 :
M14 = M15 + M16
For CH4 :
M14 = M15 + M16
From 1 , 2 :
(73.67 % M14 - 171.62) / (30.12 %)
(5.54% M14 - 0.02) / (14.69 %)
So :
M14 = 275.37 Kmol/hr
3.2 Mass balance drum (Cold Process Separation):
For H2O :
M14 + M13 = M12
For CO2 :
M14 + M13 = M12
From 1 , 2 :
(0.67 + 99.7 % M13) / (13.64 %)
(51.36 + 0.31 % M13) / (16.18 %)
So :
M13 = 42.86 Kmol/hr
M12 = 275.37 +42.86 = 318.23 Kmol/hr
3.3 Mass balance drum (Hot Process Separator):
3.5 Mass balance steam reforming:
CH4 + H2 O CO + 3H2
CO + H2O CO2 + H2
Input: 47.62 134.37
3.6 Mass balance Pre-reformer (Methanation) :
C5H12 + 5H2O 5CO + 11H2
Input: 0.02
Input: 0.34
Input: 3.28
C2H6 + 2H2O 2CO + 5H2
Input: 7.54
CO + H2O CO2 + H2
3.7 Mass balance Desulfurization:
H2S + ZnO ZnS + H2O
Input: 5ppm
Chapter Four
Heat Balanc
Stnd. heat of
(Cp)vapor constants formation
Components (ΔoHr)
A B C D (KJ/mol)
C5 H12 -2.58*10-4 5.3*10-8
-3.626 4.87*10-1 -146.54
C4 H4S 4.48*10-1 -3.77*10-4 1.25*10-7 115.81
Thiophene -30.606
C4 H10 9.487 3.31*10-1 -1.11*10-4 -2.82*10-9 -126.23
C3 H8 -4.224 3.06*10-1 -1.59*10-4 3.21*10-8 -103.92
C2H6 5.409 1.78*10-1 -6.94*10-5 8.71*10-9 -84.74
CH4 5.21*10-2 1.2*10-5 -1.13*10-8 -74.8
Methane 19.251
CO2 19.251 7.34*10-2 -5.6*10-5 1.72*10-8 -393.77
Carbon dioxide
CO 30.869 -1.29*10-2 2.78*10-5 -1.27*10-8 -110.62
Carbon monoxide
H2 27.143 9.27*10-3 -1.38*10-5 7.65*10-9 ───
H2O 32.243 1.92*10-3 1.06*10-5 3.6*10-9 -242
H2S 31.941 1.44*10-3 2.43*10-5 -1.18*10-8 -20.18
Hydrgen sulfide
31.15 -1.36*10-2 2.68*10-5 -1.17*10-8 ───
Table (4.1) : Vapor constant & delHF
Tables of Data: some values were out of range (corresponding to
temperature and pressure), so it was obtained by Hysys:
Antoine's constants
C5 H12
15.834 2477.07 -39.94
C4 H4S 16.0243 2869.07 -51.80
C4 H10 15.6782 2154.9 -34.42
C3 H8 15.726 1872.46 -25.16
C2H6 15.6637 1511.42 -17.16
CH4 15.2243 597.84 -7.16
CO2 22.5898 3103.39 -0.16
Carbon dioxide
CO 14.3686 530.22 -13.15
Carbon monoxide
H2 13.633 164.9 3.19
H2O 18.3036 3816.44 -46.13
N2 14.954 588.72 -6.60
H2S 16.1040 1768.69 -26.06
Hydrgen sulfide
Table (4.2) : Antoine’s constants
Tref = 298 K
34 Qout from hydrogenation reactor
Tref = 298 K
Q Removed Q Added
1.22*10 1.04*106
1.22*106 1.04*106
Q removed = 1.86*105
4.1.2. Heat balance calculation around desulfurization Reactor : Qin from desulfurization reactor
TIN = 603 K Pressure at 35.7 bar
Tref = 298 K
37 Qout from desulfurization reactor
TOut = 623 K Pressure at 35.7 bar
Tref = 298 K
38 Heat of reaction calculation on desulfurization Reactor :
Reacted mole 2.90E-01 2.90E-01 2.90E-01 2.90E-01
HF Kj/mole -20.18 -348 -202.9 -242
Total Kj -5.8522 -100.92 -58.841 -70.18
Total ∆Hr = -22.2488 KJ
Q Removed Q Added
1.04E+06 1.11E+06
1036503.039 1109836.438
4.1.3. Heat balance calculation around prereformer Reactor : Qin from prereformer reactor
TIN = 755 K Pressure at 32 bar
Tref = 298 K
40 Qout from prereformer reactor
TOut = 723 K Pressure at 32 bar
Tref = 298 K
Components CO H2 H2 O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 122.5 17864.0 174891.7
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 12748.2 12437.1 7763.0
Heat of vap = (j/mole) ---- ---- 31980.0
Cp liquid (j/mole.K) ---- ---- 97.4
∫CPL×∆T liq = (j/mole) ---- ---- 20744.1
Q(comp) = (joule) 1.6E+06 2.2E+08 1.1E+10
41 Heat of reaction calculation on Prereformer Reactor :
Comp C5H12 5H2O 5CO 11H2
Reacted mole 20 100 100 220
HF Kj/mole -146.54 -242 -110.62 0
Total Kj -2930.8 -24200 -11062 0
∆Hr = 16068.8 KJ
Q Removed Q Added
1.33E+07 1.22E+07
13270192.74 12556145.15
4.1.4. Heat balance calculation around reformer Reactor : Qin from reformer reactor
TIN = 723 K Pressure at 32 bar
Tref = 298 K
Components CO H2 H2O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 122.5 17864.0 181936.1
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 12748.2 12437.1 7763.0
Heat of vap = (j/mole) ---- ---- 31980.0
Cp liquid (j/mole.K) ---- ---- 97.4
∫CPL×∆T liq = (j/mole) ---- ---- 20744.1
Q(comp) = (joule) 1.6E+06 2.2E+08 1.1E+10
44 Qout from reformer reactor
TOut = 1143 K Pressure at 30 bar
Tref = 298 K
Components CO H2 H2 O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 35670.0 172070.0 122423.6
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 26466.4 25076.8 24815.0
Heat of vap = (j/mole) ---- ---- 32840.0
Cp liquid (j/mole.K) ---- ---- 94.8
∫CPL×∆T liq = (j/mole) ---- ---- 19870.1
Q(comp) = (joule) 9.4E+08 4.3E+09 9.5E+09
45 Heat of reaction calculation on reformer Reactor :
∆Hr = 9793550 KJ
Q Removed Q Added
1.22E+07 1.64E+07
1.22E+07 2.57E+07
4.1.5. Heat balance calculation around CO converter Reactor : Qin from CO converter reactor
TIN = 513 K Pressure at 28 bar
Tref = 298 K
Components CO H2 H2O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 35670.0 172070.0 122423.6
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 6328.4 6261.9 329.9
Heat of vap = (j/mole) ---- ---- 33152.0
Cp liquid (j/mole.K) ---- ---- 93.9
∫CPL×∆T liq = (j/mole) ---- ---- 19313.4
Q(comp) = (joule) 2.3E+08 1.1E+09 6.5E+09
47 Qout from CO converter reactor
TOut = 586 K Pressure at 28 bar
Tref = 298 K
Components CO H2 H2 O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 4866.2 202863.3 91645.8
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 8526.0 8403.5 2950.1
Heat of vap = (j/mole) ---- ---- 33152.0
Cp liquid (j/mole.K) ---- ---- 93.9
∫CPL×∆T liq = (j/mole) ---- ---- 19313.4
Q(comp) = (joule) 9.4E+08 4.3E+09 9.5E+09
48 Heat of reaction calculation on CO converter Reactor :
Q Removed Q Added
8.09E+06 7.65E+06
9.36E+06 7.65E+06
4.2. Heat exchangers heat balance calculation :
TIn = 388 K
50 Out gas stream from CO converter reactor to E -2 :
Tref = 566.7 K
Components CO H2 H2 O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 4866.2 202863.3 91645.8
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 584.27 566.73 698.07
Q(comp) = (joule) 2.84E+06 1.15E+08 6.40E+07
4.2.3. Heat balance calculation around E-3 :
TOut = 613 K
Components CO H2 H2 O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 35670.0 172070.0 122423.6
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 17118.89 15879.90 21019.92
Q(comp) = (joule) 6.11E+08 2.73E+09 2.57E+09
4.2.3. Heat balance calculation around E-4 :
Out gas stream from E -3 to E -4
TOut = 513 K
Components CO H2 H2 O
C1 30.9 27.1 32.2
C2 -1.3E-02 9.3E-03 1.9E-03
C3 2.8E-05 -1.4E-05 1.1E-05
C4 -1.3E-08 7.6E-09 -3.6E-09
Moles = 35670.0 172070.0 122423.6
∫Cp×∆T = (j/mole) 3019.17 2935.03 3603.37
Q(comp) = (joule) 1.08E+08 5.05E+08 4.41E+08
Chapter Five
Special design
The water gas shift reaction (reaction 2) is a heterogeneous reaction (gas/solid).
According to (Smith et al., 2010) in this kind of application, in the WGSR step.
LTS reactors are copper based catalyst. Typical compositions include Cu, Zn, Cr and Al
Recent catalysts can be operated at medium temperatures around 300ºC.
Copper is more sensitive to catalyst thermal sintering and should not be operated at higher
Sulfur is also a poison to LTS reactors. Typical exit concentration is of 0,1% of CO.
The reaction is operated adiabatically in industrial scale, where the temperature increases
along the length of the reactor.
According to Arrhenius law of kinetics, increasing temperature increases the reaction rate.
By the other side, the thermodynamic of equilibrium or Le Châtelier principle states that
increasing the temperature of an exothermic reaction shifts the reaction to reactants side
decreasing its equilibrium conversion.
Therefore the water gas shift reaction is a balance between these effects and the reactor
optimal operational point takes into account the tradeoff between kinetics and equilibrium
driving forces.
An empirical rate expression succesfully used to describe the WGSR in ferrochrome catalysts
is a power law type: (Newsome, 1980), [1].
r – reaction rate.
Ea – activation energy.
Ko – pre exponential factor.
Keq – reaction equilibrium constant.
l, m, n, q – estimated parameters by experimental data.
Py – partial pressure of component y.
R – universal gases constant.
T – absolute temperature.
The reaction equilibrium constant derived from thermodynamics as function of temperature
is given by (Smith et al., 2010):
Mathematical modeling
In this section, mathematical expressions for the fixed bed adiabatic catalytic WGSR
Fundamental principles (conservation equations) are developed.
A basic ideal flow steady state one-dimensional model is presented.
The differential molar balance simplified to a fixed bed reactor can be expressed as equation
Xa – component “a” conversion.
W – catalyst weight.
ra – rate of reaction of component “a”.
Fa0 – molar feed rate of reactant “a”.
Fa – molar flow of component “a” leaving the reactor.
ρB – catalyst bulk density.
The ideal model assumes that concentration and temperature gradients only occur in the
Axial direction.
The only transport mechanism operating in this direction is the overall flow
it self, and is considered to be of the plug flow type.
Total number of moles :
Nt = 2.20*106 Mole/hr
Nt = 2.20*103 kmol/hr
Parameters :
L M n Q
1 1.5 -0.7 -0.7
Pi partial pressure :
Pi = * Pt
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
PA = 4.08*104 Pa
PB = 7.02*105 Pa Kp = 2.10*10 Pa
PC = 3.90*105 Pa
PD = 1.54*106 Pa
PA^l = 4.08*104 Pa
PB^m = 5.89*108 Pa
PC^n = 1.20*10-4 Pa
PD^q = 4.657*10-5 Pa
ln keq = 4.27
Keq = 7.17*10
(1/keq) = 1.40*10-2
Ea = 70800 J/mol
KO= 7.25*102
R = 8.314 J/mol.k
e^-(Ea/RT) = 1.40*10-7
( )
(KO) *( ) = 1.01*10-4
ra = 9.7711 Mol/
X y (ra)
0 2.9*102
0.05 2.6*102
0.1 2.2*102
0.15 1.9*102
0.2 1.7*102
0.25 1.5*102
0.3 1.3*102
0.35 1.1*102
0.4 9.3*10
0.45 7.9*10
0.5 6.7*10
0.55 5.6*10
0.6 4.6*10
0.65 3.7*10
0.7 2.9*10
0.75 2.2*10
0.8 1.6*10
0.85 9.8
By trapezoidal equation :
Where :
∆X = 0.05
integration 90.8
Fa0 2.1*105 mol/hr
∫ ∫
Integration =
Figure (5.2) : Catalyst type
Chapter Six
Cost Estimation
6.1 Cost of equipment :
C2 = C1 * ( )n = 0.6
Purchased cost = 1.09*104 * (1.5/1)0.6 = 1.39*104$
C2 = C1 * ( )n = 0.6
Purchased cost = 9.94*103 * (1.3/1)0.6 = 1.16*104$
Reactors cost :
Vertical vessel reactor cost (R -4) :
The vertical vessel reactor dimensions
D -5
L 3.8 m
D 2.6 m
V= (π/4) * (D)2 * L 20 m3
Equipment cost = 15 * 1000 = 1.50*104$ at diameter =2m
C2 = C1 * ( )n = 0.6
Purchased cost = 21000 * (2.6/2)0.6 = 2.46*104$
Catalyst cost for reactors
Catalyst cost for hydrogenation reactor (R - 2) = 19.5 ton * 4250 $/ton = 8.29*104 $
Shell and tube heat exchanger cost for (E -2)
Shell and tube heat exchanger dimensions
E -2
L 3m
D 0.0254m
No of tubes 83 tube
A = (π)*(D)* L*no of 20 m2
Shell and tube heat exchanger cost for (E -4 (A/B))
Shell and tube heat exchanger dimensions
E -4 (A/B)
L 3.05 m
D 0.0254m
No of tubes 154 tube
A = (π)*(D)* L*no of 37m2
Shell and tube heat exchanger cost for (E -6)
Shell and tube heat exchanger dimensions
E -6
L 3.66 m
D 0.0254m
No of tube 312 tube
A = (π)*(D)* L*no of 91m2
Cost for PSA (pressure swing adsorbtion) :
C2 = C1 * ( )n = 0.6
Purchased cost = 25200 * (1.2/2)0.6 = 1.85*104$
6.2 Estimation of Operating Labor Requirements :
6.4 Cost of raw material :
Chapter seven
Plant Layout
Plant Layout
Site Location:
The weighted score method is used to locate more than roughly the site of the plant to locate the
final site is hard work needing vast knowledge’s and experience however arty is made in this
Market is assumed to been Suez , North Sinai and Borg El Arab , these cities are
proposed as aside of this plant the final site in the one that having the highest score .
The proposed n al plant site was found to be in the Suez as it achieves the highest score .
A suitable site must be found for a new project, and the site and equipment layout planned.
Provision must be made for the ancillary buildings and services needed for plant operation; and
for the environmentally acceptable disposal of effluent. These subjects are discussed briefly in
this chapter.
The principal factors to consider are:
1. Location, with respect to the marketing area.
2. Raw material supply.
3. Transport facilities.
4. Availability of labor.
5. Availability of utilities: water, fuel, power.
6. Availability of suitable land.
7. Environmental impact, and effluent disposal.
8. Local community considerations.
9. Climate.
10. Political and strategic considerations.
Marketing area:
For materials that are produced in bulk quantities; such as, pharmaceuticals, where the cost of
the product per ton is relatively low and the cost of transport a significant fraction of the sales
price, the plant should be located close to the primary market. This consideration will be less
important for low volume production, high-priced products; such as pharmaceuticals. In an
international market, there may be an advantage to be gained by locating the plant within an area
with preferential tariff agreements; such as the European Community (EC).
Raw materials:
The availability and price of suitable raw materials will often determine the site location. Plants
producing bulk chemicals are best located close to the source of the major raw material; where
this is also close to the marketing area.
The transport of materials and products to and from the plant will be an overriding consideration
in site selection. If practicable, a site should be selected that is close to at least two major forms
of transport: road, rail, waterway (canal or river), or a sea port. Road transport is being
increasingly used, and is suitable for local distribution from a central warehouse. Rail transport
will be cheaper for the long-distance transport of bulk chemicals. Air transport is convenient and
efficient for the movement of personnel and essential equipment and supplies, and the proximity
of the site to a major airport should be considered.
Availability of labor:
Labor will be needed for construction of the plant and its operation. Skilled construction
workers will usually be brought in from outside the site area, but there should be an adequate
pool of unskilled labour available locally; and labour suitable for training to operate the plant.
Skilled tradesmen will be needed for plant maintenance. Local trade union customs and
restrictive practices will have to be considered when assessing the availability and suitability of
the local labour for recruitment and training.
Utilities (services):
Chemical processes invariably require large quantities of water for cooling and general process
use, and the plant must be located near a source of water of suitable quality. Process water may
be drawn from a river, from wells, or purchased from a local authority. At some sites, the cooling
water required can be taken from a river or lake, or from the sea; at other locations cooling
towers will be needed. Electrical power will be needed at all sites. Electrochemical processes that
require large quantities of power; for example, aluminium smelters, need to be located close to a
cheap source of power. A competitively priced fuel must be available on site for steam and
power generation.
An environmental impact assessment should be made for each new project, or major
modification or addition to an existing process.
Adverse climatic conditions at a site will increase costs. Abnormally low temperatures will
require the provision of additional insulation and special heating for equipment and pipe runs.
Stronger structures will be needed at locations subject to high winds (cyclone/hurricane areas) or
Site Layout:
The process units and ancillary buildings should be laid out to give the most economical flow of
materials and personnel around the site. Hazardous processes must be located at a safe distance
from other buildings. Consideration must also be given to the future expansion of the site. The
ancillary buildings and services required on a site, in addition to the main processing units
(buildings), will include:
1. Storages for raw materials and products: tank farms and warehouses.
2. Maintenance workshops.
6. Utilities: steam boilers, compressed air, power generation, refrigeration, transformer stations.
Plant Layout:
The economic construction and efficient operation of a process unit will depend on how well the
plant and equipment specified on the process flow-sheet is laid out.
3. Convenience of operation.
4. Convenience of maintenance.
5. Safety.
6. Future expansion.
The cost of construction can be minimized by adopting a layout that gives the shortest run of
connecting pipe between equipment, and the least amount of structural steel work. However, this
will not necessarily be the best arrangement for operation and maintenance.
Process requirements:
An example of the need to take into account process considerations is the need to elevate the
base of columns to provide the necessary net positive suction head to a pump or the operating
head for a thermosyphon reboiler.
Equipment that needs to have frequent operator attention should be located convenient to the
control room. Valves, sample points, and instruments should be located at convenient positions
and heights. Sufficient working space and headroom must be provided to allow easy access to
Heat exchangers need to be sited so that the tube bundles can be easily withdrawn for cleaning
and tube replacement. Vessels that require frequent replacement of catalyst or packing should be
located on the outside of buildings. Equipment that requires dismantling for maintenance, such
as compressors and large pumps, should be placed under cover.
Blast walls may be needed to isolate potentially hazardous equipment, and confine the effects of
an explosion. At least two escape routes for operators must be provided from each level in
process buildings.
Plant expansion:
Equipment should be located so that it can be conveniently tied in with any future expansion of
the process. Space should be left on pipe alleys for future needs, and service pipes over-sized to
allow for future requirements.
The word “Utilities” is now generally used for the ancillary services needed in the operation of
any production process. These services will normally be supplied from a central site facility; and
will include:
1. Electricity.
3. Cooling water.
5. Demineralised water.
6. Compressed air.
7. Inert-gas supplies.
8. Refrigeration.
Environmental Considerations:
All individuals and companies have a duty of care to their neighbours, and to the environment in
general. In the United Kingdom this is embodied in the Common Law. In addition to this moral
duty, stringent controls over the environment are being introduced in the United Kingdom, the
European Union, the United States, and in other industrialized countries and developing
countries. Vigilance is required in both the design and operation of process plant to ensure that
legal standards are met and that no harm is done to the environment. Consideration must be
Given to:
2. Waste management.
3. Smells.
4. Noise.
Liquid wastes:
The waste liquids from a chemical process, other than aqueous effluent, will usually be
flammable and can be disposed of by burning in suitably designed incinerators. Care must be
taken to ensure that the temperatures attained in the incinerator are high enough to completely
destroy any harmful compounds that may be formed; such as the possible formation of dioxins
when burning chlorinated compounds. The gases leaving an incinerator may be scrubbed, and
acid gases neutralized. In the past, small quantities of liquid waste, in drums, have been disposed
of by dumping at sea or in land-fill sites. This is not an environmentally acceptable method and
is now subject to stringent controls.
Solid wastes:
Solid waste can be burnt in suitable incinerators or disposed by burial at licensed land-fill sites.
As for liquid wastes, the dumping of toxic solid waste at sea is now not acceptable.
Noise can cause a serious nuisance in the neighborhood of a process plant. Care needs to be
taken when selecting and specifying equipment such as compressors, air-cooler fans, induced
and forced draught fans for furnaces, and other noisy plant. Excessive noise can also be
generated when venting through steam and other relief valves, and from flare stacks. Such
equipment should be fitted with silencers. Vendors’ specifications should be checked to ensure
that equipment complies with statutory noise levels; both for the protection of employees as well
as for noise pollution considerations. Noisy equipment should, as far as practicable, be sited well
away from the site boundary.
Earth banks and screens of trees can be used to reduce the noise level perceived outside the site.
Chapter Eight
Flow sheet
The plant has been designed to produce H2 through steam reforming of NG.
Reference :
Ullman’s Enc. of Industrial Chemistry