Lectures On Differential Equations: Department of Mathematics University of California Davis, CA 95616
Lectures On Differential Equations: Department of Mathematics University of California Davis, CA 95616
Lectures On Differential Equations: Department of Mathematics University of California Davis, CA 95616
Craig A. Tracy2
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
January 2015
c Craig A. Tracy, 2000, 2014 Davis, CA 95616
email: tracy@math.ucdavis.edu
1 Introduction 1
1.1 What is a differential equation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Differential equation for the pendulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Introduction to computer software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Difference Equations 61
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.2 Constant coefficient difference equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.3 Inhomogeneous difference equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6 Weighted String 89
6.1 Derivation of differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.2 Reduction to an eigenvalue problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3 Computation of the eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.4 The eigenvectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.5 Determination of constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6.6 Continuum limit: The wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.7 Inhomogeneous problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.8 Vibrating membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.9 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Figure 1: Sir Isaac Newton, December 25, 1642–March 20, 1727 (Julian Calendar).
These notes are for a one-quarter course in differential equations. The approach is to tie
the study of differential equations to specific applications in physics with an emphasis on
oscillatory systems.
I thank Eunghyun (Hyun) Lee for his help with these notes during the 2008–09 academic
year. Also thanks to Andrew Waldron for his comments on the notes.
Craig Tracy, Sonoma, California
Symbol Definition of Symbol
R field of real numbers
Rn the n-dimensional vector space with each component a real number
C field of complex numbers
ẋ the derivative dx/dt, t is interpreted as time
ẍ the second derivative d2 x/dt2 , t is interpreted as time
:= equals by definition
Ψ = Ψ(x, t) wave function in quantum mechanics
ODE ordinary differential equation
PDE partial differential equation
KE kinetic energy
PE potential energy
det determinant
δij the Kronecker delta, equal to 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise
the Laplace transform operator
k The binomial coefficient n choose k.
Maple is a registered trademark of Maplesoft.
Mathematica is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research.
MatLab is a registered trademark of the MathWorks, Inc.
Chapter 1
Figure 1.1: Galileo Galilei, 1564–1642. From The Galileo Project : “Galileo’s discovery was
that the period of swing of a pendulum is independent of its amplitude–the arc of the swing–
the isochronism of the pendulum. Now this discovery had important implications for the
measurement of time intervals. In 1602 he explained the isochronism of long pendulums in
a letter to a friend, and a year later another friend, Santorio Santorio, a physician in Venice,
began using a short pendulum, which he called “pulsilogium,” to measure the pulse of his
patients. The study of the pendulum, the first harmonic oscillator, date from this period.”
φ(x, y, y ) = 0
From Wikipedia
1.1.1 Examples
1. A simple example of a differential equation (DE) is
= λy
where λ is a constant. The unknown is y and the independent variable is x. The
equation involves both the unknown y as well as the unknown dy/dx; and for this
reason is called a differential equation. We know from calculus that
dy = y 2 dx
• Now separate variables (all x’s on one side and all y’s on the other side):
= dx
− =1
Solving this gives c = −1 and hence the solution we want is
y(x) = −
d2 x
F (x) = m (1.1)
where F = F (x) is a given function of x and m is a positive constant. Now the
unknown is x and the independent variable is t. The problem is to find functions
x = x(t) such that when substituted into the above equation it becomes an identity.
Here is an example; choose F (x) = −kx where k > 0 is a positive number. Then (1.1)
d2 x
−kx = m 2
We rewrite this ODE as
d2 x k
+ x = 0. (1.2)
dt2 m
You can check that
x(t) = sin t
satisfies (1.2). Can you find other functions that satisfy this same equation? One of the
problems in differential equations is to find all solutions x(t) to the given differential
equation. We shall soon prove that all solutions to (1.2) are of the form
k k
x(t) = c1 sin t + c2 cos t (1.3)
m m
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. Using differential calculus1 one can verify
that (1.3) when substituted into (1.2) satisfies the differential equation (show this!).
It is another matter to show that all solutions to (1.2) are of the form (1.3). This is
a problem we will solve in this class.
1 Recall the differentiation formulas
d d
cos(ωt) = −ω sin(ωt)
sin(ωt) = ω cos(ωt),
dt dt
where ω is a constant. In the above the constant ω = k/m.
Many interesting ordinary differential equations (ODEs) arise from applications. One
reason for understanding these applications in a mathematics class is that you can combine
your physical intuition with your mathematical intuition in the same problem. Usually the
result is an improvement of both. One such application is the motion of pendulum, i.e. a
ball of mass m suspended from an ideal rigid rod that is fixed at one end. The problem
is to describe the motion of the mass point in a constant gravitational field. Since this is
a mathematics class we will not normally be interested in deriving the ODE from physical
principles; rather, we will simply write down various differential equations and claim that
they are “interesting.” However, to give you the flavor of such derivations (which you will see
repeatedly in your science and engineering courses), we will derive from Newton’s equations
the differential equation that describes the time evolution of the angle of deflection of the
The motion of the pendulum is confined to a plane (this is an assumption on how the rod
is attached to the pivot point), which we take to be the xy-plane (see Figure 1.2). We treat
the ball as a “mass point” and observe there are two forces acting on this ball: the force
due to gravity, mg, which acts vertically downward and the tension T in the rod (acting in
the direction indicated in figure). Newton’s equations for the motion of a point x in a plane
are vector equations2
F = ma
where F is the sum of the forces acting on the the point and a is the acceleration of the
point, i.e.
d2 x
a = 2 .
Since acceleration is a second derivative with respect to time t of the position vector, x,
Newton’s equation is a second-order ODE for the position x. In x and y coordinates Newton’s
2 In your applied courses vectors are usually denoted with arrows above them. We adopt this notation
when discussing certain applications; but in later chapters we will drop the arrows and state where the
quantity lives, e.g. x ∈ R2 .
d2 x d2 y
Fx = m , Fy = m ,
dt2 dt2
where Fx and Fy are the x and y components, respectively, of the force F . From the figure
(note definition of the angle θ) we see, upon resolving T into its x and y components, that
mass m
Figure 1.2: Simple pendulum
Substituting these expressions for the forces into Newton’s equations, we obtain the
differential equations
d2 x
−T sin θ = m , (1.4)
d2 y
T cos θ − mg = m 2. (1.5)
From the figure we see that
x = sin θ, y = − cos θ. (1.6)
(The origin of the xy-plane is chosen so that at x = y = 0, the pendulum is at the bottom.)
Differentiating3 (1.6) with respect to t, and then again, gives
ẋ = cos θ θ̇,
ẍ = cos θ θ̈ − sin θ (θ̇)2 , (1.7)
ẏ = sin θ θ̇,
ÿ = sin θ θ̈ + cos θ (θ̇)2 . (1.8)
Now multiply (1.9) by cos θ, (1.10) by sin θ, and add the two resulting equations to obtain
−mg sin θ = mθ̈,
θ̈ + sin θ = 0. (1.11)
• The ODE (1.11) is called a second-order equation because the highest derivative ap-
pearing in the equation is a second derivative.
• The ODE is nonlinear because of the term sin θ (this is not a linear function of the
unknown quantity θ).
• A solution to this ODE is a function θ = θ(t) such that when it is substituted into the
ODE, the ODE is satisfied for all t.
• Observe that the mass m dropped out of the final equation. This says the motion will
be independent of the mass of the ball. If an experiment is performed, will we observe
this to be the case; namely, the motion is independent of the mass m? If not, perhaps
in our model we have left out some forces acting in the real world experiment. Can
you think of any?
• The derivation was constructed so that the tension, T , was eliminated from the equa-
tions. We could do this because we started with two unknowns, T and θ, and two
equations. We manipulated the equations so that in the end we had one equation for
the unknown θ = θ(t).
• We have not discussed how the pendulum is initially started. This is very important
and such conditions are called the initial conditions.
We will return to this ODE later in the course. At this point we note that if we were
interested in only small deflections from the origin (this means we would have to start out
near the origin), there is an obvious approximation to make. Recall from calculus the Taylor
expansion of sin θ
θ3 θ5
sin θ = θ − + + ··· .
3! 5!
For small θ this leads to the approximation sin θ ≈ θ . Using this small deflection approxi-
mation in (1.11) leads to the ODE
θ̈ + θ = 0. (1.12)
We will see that (1.12) is mathematically simpler than (1.11). The reason for this is that
(1.12) is a linear ODE. It is linear because the unknown quantity, θ, and its derivatives
appear only to the first or zeroth power. Compare (1.12) with (1.2).
In this class we may use the computer software packages MatLab, Mathematica or Maple
to do routine calculations. It is strongly recommended that you learn to use at least one of
these software packages. These software packages take the drudgery out of routine calcula-
tions in calculus and linear algebra. Engineers will find that MatLab is used extenstively
in their upper division classes. Both MatLab and Maple are superior for symbolic compu-
tations (though MatLab can call Maple from the MatLab interface).
1.3.1 MatLab
What is MatLab ? “MatLab is a powerful computing system for handling the calculations
involved in scientific and engineering problems.”4 MatLab can be used either interactively
or as a programming language. For most applications in Math 22B it suffices to use MatLab
interactively. Typing matlab at the command level is the command for most systems to
start MatLab . Once it loads you are presented with a prompt sign >>. For example if I
>> 2+22
(139.8)(123.5 − 44.5)
we enter
>> 139.8*(123.5-44.5)/125
MatLab also has a Symbolic Math Toolbox which is quite useful for routine calculus
computations. For example, suppose you forgot the Taylor expansion of sin x that was used
in the notes just before (1.12). To use the Symbolic Math Toolbox you have to tell MatLab
that x is a symbol (and not assigned a numerical value). Thus in MatLab
>> syms x
>> taylor(sin(x))
4 Brian D. Hahn, Essential MatLab for Scientists and Engineers.
ans = x -1/6*x^3+1/120*x^5
Now why did taylor expand about the point x = 0 and keep only through x5 ? By
default the Taylor series about 0 up to terms of order 5 is produced. To learn more about
taylor enter
from which we learn if we had wanted terms up to order 10 we would have entered
>> taylor(sin(x),10)
If we want the Taylor expansion of sin x about the point x = π up to order 8 we enter
>> taylor(sin(x),8,pi)
A good reference for MatLab is MatLab Guide by Desmond Higham and Nicholas Higham.
1.3.2 Mathematica
There are alternatives to the software package MatLab. Two widely used packages are
Mathematica and Maple. Here we restrict the discussion to Mathematica . Here are
some typical commands in Mathematica .
1. To define, say, the function f (x) = x2 e−2x one writes in Mathematica
(The semicolon tells Mathematica not to write out the result.) Suppose we then want the
determinant of M . The command is
If we want this number in scientific notation, we would use the command N[· ] (where the
number would be put in place of ·). The answer Mathematica returns is 3.65311 × 10−63 .
The (numerical) eigenvalues of M are obtained by the command
Mathematica returns the list of 10 distinct eigenvalues. (Which we won’t reproduce here.)
The reason for the N[·] is that Mathematica cannot find an exact form for the eigenvalues,
so we simply ask for it to find approximate numerical values. To find the (numerical)
eigenvectors of M , the command is
5. Mathematica has nice graphics capabilities. Suppose we wish to graph the function
f (x) = 3e−x/10 sin(x) in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 50. The command is
3 x10 sinx
10 20 30 40 50
Figure 1.3:
1.4 Exercises
1. Use MatLab or Mathematica to get an estimate (in scientific notation) of 9999 . Now
to learn how to get more decimal places. (All MatLab computations are done to a
relative precision of about 16 decimal places. MatLab defaults to printing out the
first 5 digits.) Thus entering
on a command line and then re-entering the above computation will give the 16 digit
In Mathematica to get 16 digits accuracy the command is
>> det(A)
>> eig(A)
>> [V,D]=eig(A)
In this case the columns of V are the eigenvectors of A and the diagonal elements of
D are the corresponding eigenvalues. Try this now to find the eigenvectors. For the
determinant you should get the result 16.9706. One may also calculate the determi-
nant symbolically. First we tell MatLab that A is to be treated as a symbol (we are
assuming you have already entered A as above):
>> A=sym(A)
ans =
that is, 12 2 which is approximately equal to 16.9706.
4. Use MatLab or Mathematica to plot sin θ and compare this with the approximation
sin θ ≈ θ. For 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2, plot both on the same graph.
This exercise derives the small angle approximation to (1.11) when the pendulum is nearly
inverted, i.e. θ ≈ π. Introduce
and derive a small φ-angle approximation to (1.11). How does the result differ from (1.12)?
Chapter 2
2.1.1 Introduction
The simplest differential equation is one you already know from calculus; namely,
= f (x). (2.1)
To find a solution to this equation means one finds a function y = y(x) such that its
derivative, dy/dx, is equal to f (x). The fundamental theorem of calculus tells us that all
solutions to this equation are of the form
y(x) = y0 + f (s) ds. (2.2)
+ p(x)y = g(x). (2.3)
It’s possible to give an algorithm to solve this ODE for more or less general choices of p(x)
and g(x). We say more or less since one has to put some restrictions on p and g—that they
are continuous will suffice. It should be stressed at the outset that this ability to find an
explicit algorithm to solve an ODE is the exception—most ODEs encountered will not be
so easily solved.
But before we give the general solution to (2.3), let’s examine the special case p(x) = −1
and g(x) = 0 with initial condition y(0) = 1. In this case the ODE becomes
=y (2.4)
and the solution we know from calculus
y(x) = ex .
Taking the exponential of both sides (one can check later that there is no loss in generality
if we set c = 0) gives2 x
µ(x) = exp p(s) ds . (2.6)
1 c
y(x) = µ(s)g(s) ds + , (2.7)
µ(x) µ(x)
where µ(x), called the integrating factor, is defined by (2.6). The constant c will be deter-
mined from the initial condition y(x0 ) = y0 .
1 Notice y and its first derivative drop out. This is a good thing since we wouldn’t want to express µ in
An example
• Solution to DE is
x3 7
y(x) = + .
4 4x
Suppose an amount P , called the principal, is borrowed at an interest I (100I%) for a period
of N years. One is to make monthly payments in the amount D/12 (D equals the amount
paid in one year). The problem is to find D in terms of P , I and N . Let
We are given the additional information that the loan is to be paid off at the end of N years,
y(N ) = 0.
We want to derive an ODE satisfied by y. Let ∆t denote a small interval of time and ∆y
the change in the amount owed during the time interval ∆t. This change is determined by
• ∆y is decreased by the amount paid back in the time interval ∆t. If D denotes this
constant rate of payback, then D∆t is the amount paid back in the time interval ∆t.
Thus we have
∆y = Iy∆t − D∆t,
= Iy − D.
Letting ∆t → 0 we obtain the sought after ODE,
= Iy − D. (2.8)
This ODE is of form (2.3) with p = −I and g = −D. One immediately observes that this
ODE is not exactly what we assumed above, i.e. D is not known to us. Let us go ahead and
solve this equation for any constant D by the method of integrating factors. So we choose
µ according to (2.6),
µ(t) := exp p(s) ds
= exp − I ds
= exp(−It).
off at the end of N years, y(N ) = 0. Substituting t = N into our solution y(t) and using
this condition gives
0= − − P eN I .
Solving for D,
eN I
D = PI , (2.9)
eN I − 1
gives the sought after relation between D, P , I and N . For example, if P = $100, 000,
I = 0.06 (6% interest) and the loan is for N = 30 years, then D = $7, 188.20 so the
monthly payment is D/12 = $599.02. Some years ago the mortgage rate was 12%. A quick
calculation shows that the monthly payment on the same loan at this interest would have
been $1028.09.
We remark that this model is a continuous model—the rate of payback is at the continuous
rate D. In fact, normally one pays back only monthly. Banks, therefore, might want to take
this into account in their calculations. I’ve found from personal experience that the above
model predicts the bank’s calculations to within a few dollars.
Suppose we increase our monthly payments by, say, $50. (We assume no prepayment
penalty.) This $50 goes then to paying off the principal. The problem then is how long does
it take to pay off the loan? It is an exercise to show that the number of years is (D is the
total payment in one year)
1 PI
− log 1 − . (2.10)
Another questions asks on a loan of N years at interest I how long does it take to pay off
one-half of the principal? That is, we are asking for the time T when
y(T ) = .
It is an exercise to show that
1 1 NI
T = log (e + 1) . (2.11)
I 2
For example, a 30 year loan at 9% is half paid off in the 23rd year. Notice that T does not
depend upon the principal P .
Consider the motion of a particle of mass m in one dimension, i.e. the motion is along a
line. We suppose that the force acting at a point x, F (x), is conservative. This means there
exists a function V (x), called the potential energy, such that
F (x) = − .
Amount owed
500 000
400 000
300 000
200 000
100 000
time in years
5 10 15 20 25 30
Interest rate
0.05 0.10 0.15
Figure 2.1: The top figure is the graph of the amount owned, y(t), as a function of time t
for a 30-year loan of $500,000 at interest rates 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%. The horizontal line in
the top figure is the line y = $250, 000; and hence, its intersection with the y(t)-curves gives
the time when the loan is half paid off. The lower the interest rate the lower the y(t)-curve.
The bottom figure gives the monthly payment on a 30-year loan of $500,000 as a function
of the interest rate I.
(Tradition has it we put in a minus sign.) In one dimension this requires that F is only a
function of x and not ẋ (= dx/dt) which physically means there is no friction. In higher
spatial dimensions the requirement that F is conservative is more stringent. The concept of
conservation of energy is that
does not change with time as the particle’s position and velocity evolves according to New-
ton’s equations. We now prove this fundamental fact. We recall from elementary physics
that the kinetic energy (KE) is given by
KE = mv 2 , v = velocity = ẋ.
Thus the energy is
1 dx
E = E(x, ẋ) = m + V (x).
2 dt
To show that E = E(x, ẋ) does not change with t when x = x(t) satisfies Newton’s equations,
we differentiate E with respect to t and show the result is zero:
dE dx d2 x dV dx
= m + (by the chain rule)
dt dt dt2 dx dt
dx d2 x dV (x)
= m 2 +
dt dt dx
dx d x
= m 2 − F (x) .
dt dt
Now not any function x = x(t) describes the motion of the particle—x(t) must satisfy
d2 x
F =m ,
and we now get the desired result
= 0.
This implies that E is constant on solutions to Newton’s equations.
We now use energy conservation and what we know about separation of variables to solve
the problem of the motion of a point particle in a potential V (x). Now
1 dx
E= m + V (x) (2.12)
2 dt
is a nonlinear first order differential equation. (We know it is nonlinear since the first
derivative is squared.) We rewrite the above equation as
dx 2
= (E − V (x)) ,
dt m
dx 2
=± (E − V (x)) .
dt m
(In what follows we take the + sign, but in specific applications one must keep in mind the
possibility that the − sign is the correct choice of the square root.) This last equation is of
the form in which we can separate variables. We do this to obtain
= dt.
m (E − V (x))
The minus sign (with k > 0) means the force is a restoring force—as in a spring. Indeed,
to a good approximation the force a spring exerts on a particle is given by Hooke’s Law. In
Figure 2.3: The mass-spring system: k is the spring constant in Hook’s Law, m is the mass
of the object and c represents a frictional force between the mass and floor. We neglect this
frictional force. (Later we’ll consider the effect of friction on the mass-spring system.)
this case x = x(t) measures the displacement from the equilibrium position at time t; and the
constant k is called the spring constant. Larger values of k correspond to a stiffer spring.
Newton’s equations are in this case
d2 x
m + kx = 0. (2.15)
This is a second order linear differential equation, the subject of the next chapter. However,
we can use the energy conservation principle to derive an associated nonlinear first order
equation as we discussed above. To do this, we first determine the potential corresponding
to Hooke’s force law.
One easily checks that the potential equals
V (x) = k x2 .
(This potential is called the harmonic potential.) Let’s substitute this particular V into
dx = t − t0 . (2.16)
2E/m − kx2 /m
Recall the indefinite integral
dx x
√ = arcsin + c.
a − x2
2 |a|
Using this in (2.16) we obtain
1 1 dx
dx =
2E/m − kx2 /m k/m 2E/k − x2
1 x
= arcsin + c.
k/m 2E/k
2E k
x(t) = sin t+c . (2.17)
k m
Observe that there are two constants appearing in (2.17), E and c. Suppose one initial
condition is
x(0) = x0 .
Evaluating (2.17) at t = 0 gives
x0 = sin(c). (2.18)
Now use the sine addition formula,
in (2.17):
2E k k
x(t) = sin t cos c + cos t sin c
k m m
2E k k
= sin t cos c + x0 cos t (2.19)
k m m
x(t) = x0 cos(ω0 t) + sin(ω0 t). (2.21)
Observe that this solution depends upon two arbitrary constants, x0 and v0 .4 In (2.7),
the general solution depended only upon one constant. It is a general fact that the number
of independent constants appearing in the general solution of a nth order5 ODE is n.
The sine and cosine are periodic functions of period 2π, i.e.
sin(θ + 2π) = sin θ, cos(θ + 2π) = cos θ.
This implies that our solution x = x(t) is periodic in time,
x(t + T ) = x(t),
where the period T is
2π m
T = = 2π . (2.23)
ω0 k
Observe that the period T , for the mass-spring system following Hooke’s law, depends on
the mass m and the spring constant k but not on the initial conditions .
4 ω is a constant too, but it is a parameter appearing in the differential equation that is fixed by the
mass m and the spring constant k. Observe that we can rewrite (2.15) as
ẍ + ω02 x = 0. (2.22)
Dimensionally this equation is pleasing: ẍ has the dimensions of d/t2 (d is distance and t is time) and so
does ω02 x since ω0 is a frequency. It is instructive to substitute (2.21) into (2.22) and verify directly that it
is a solution. Please do so!
5 The order of a scalar differential equation is equal to the order of the highest derivative appearing in
the equation. Thus (2.3) is first order whereas (2.15) is second order.
In this section we use the method of separation of variables to derive an exact formula for the
period of the pendulum. Recall that the ODE describing the time evolution of the angle of
deflection, θ, is (1.11). This ODE is a second order equation and so the method of separation
of variables does not apply to this equation. However, we will use energy conservation in a
manner similar to the previous section on Hooke’s Law.
To get some idea of what we should expect, first recall the approximation we derived for
small deflection angles, (1.12). Comparing this differential equation with (2.15), we see that
under the identification x → θ and m k
→ g , the two equations are identical. Thus using the
period derived in the last section, (2.23), we get as an approximation to the period of the
T0 = = 2π . (2.24)
ω0 g
An important feature of T0 is that it does not depend upon the amplitude of the oscillation.6
That is, suppose we have the initial conditions7
then T0 does not depend upon θ0 . We now proceed to derive our formula for the period, T ,
of the pendulum.
We claim that the energy of the pendulum is given by
E = E(θ, θ̇) = m2 θ̇2 + mg(1 − cos θ). (2.26)
Proof of (2.26)
We begin with
v2 = ẋ2 + ẏ 2
= 2 θ̇2 .
We now integrate (2.28). The next step is a bit tricky—to choose the limits of integration
in such a way that the integral on the right hand side of (2.28) is related to the period T .
By the definition of the period, T is the time elapsed from t = 0 when θ = θ0 to the time T
when θ first returns to the point θ0 . By symmetry, T /2 is the time it takes the pendulum
to go from θ0 to −θ0 . Thus if we integrate the left hand side of (2.28) from −θ0 to θ0 the
time elapsed is T /2. That is,
1 dθ
T = .
2 −θ0 2g
(cos θ − cos θ0 )
T =4 . (2.29)
(cos θ − cos θ0 )
This is the sought after formula for the period of the pendulum. For small θ0 we expect
that T , as given by (2.29), should be approximately equal to T0 (see (2.24)). It is instructive
to see this precisely.
We now assume |θ0 | 1 so that the approximation
1 2 1
cos θ ≈ 1 − θ + θ4
2! 4!
is accurate for |θ| < θ0 . Using this approximation we see that
1 2 1
cos θ − cos θ0 ≈ (θ − θ2 ) − (θ04 − θ4 )
2! 0 4!
1 2 2 1 2 2
= (θ − θ ) 1 − (θ0 + θ ) .
2 0 12
From Taylor’s formula8 we get the approximation, valid for |x| 1,
1 1
√ ≈ 1 + x.
1−x 2
1 1 1
(cos θ − cos θ0 ) g θ02 − θ2 1 − 1 (θ2 + θ2 )
12 0
1 1 2 2
≈ 1 + (θ + θ ) .
g θ02 − θ2 24 0
Now substitute this approximate expression for the integrand appearing in (2.29) to find
T θ0 1 1 2 2
= 1 + (θ + θ ) + higher order corrections.
4 g 0 θ02 − θ2 24 0
lim T = T0 .
θ0 →0
Observe that the first correction term to the linear result, T0 , depends upon the initial
amplitude of oscillation θ0 .
In Figure 2.4 shows the graph of the ratio T (θ0 )/T0 as a function of the initial displace-
ment angle θ0 .
Remark: To use MatLab to evaluate symbolically these definite integrals you enter (note
the use of ’)
>> int(’1/sqrt(1-x^2)’,0,1)
>> int(’x^2/sqrt(1-x^2)’,0,1)
Numerical example
Suppose we have a pendulum of length = 1 meter. The linear theory says that the period
of the oscillation for such a pendulum is
T0 = 2π = 2π = 2.0071 sec.
g 9.8
If the amplitude of oscillation of the of the pendulum is θ0 ≈ 0.2 (this corresponds to roughly
a 20 cm deflection for the one meter pendulum), then (2.30) gives
1 2
T = T0 1 + (.2) = 2.0121076 sec.
One might think that these are so close that the correction is not needed. This might well
be true if we were interested in only a few oscillations. What would be the difference in one
week (1 week=604,800 sec)?
One might well ask how good an approximation is (2.30) to the exact result (2.29)? To
answer this we have to evaluate numerically the integral appearing in (2.29). Evaluating
(2.29) numerically (using say Mathematica’s NIntegrate) is a bit tricky because the end-
point θ0 is singular—an integrable singularity but it causes numerical integration routines
some difficulty. Here’s how you get around this problem. One isolates where the problem
occurs—near θ0 —and takes care of this analytically. For ε > 0 and ε 1 we decompose
the integral into two integrals: one over the interval (0, θ0 − ε) and the other one over the
interval (θ0 − ε, θ0 ). It’s the integral over this second interval that we estimate analytically.
Expanding the cosine function about the point θ0 , Taylor’s formula gives
cos θ0
cos θ = cos θ0 − sin θ0 (θ − θ0 ) − (θ − θ0 )2 + · · · .
cos θ − cos θ0 = sin θ0 (θ − θ0 ) 1 − cot θ0 (θ − θ0 ) + · · · .
1 1 1
√ = + ···
cos θ − cos θ0 sin θ0 (θ − θ0 ) 1 − 1 cot θ0 (θ0 − θ)
1 1
= 1 + cot θ0 (θ0 − θ) + · · ·
sin θ0 (θ0 − θ) 4
θ0 θ0
dθ dθ 1
√ = 1 + cot θ0 (θ − θ0 ) dθ + · · ·
θ0 −ε cos θ − cos θ0 θ0 −ε sin θ0 (θ0 − θ) 4
ε ε
1 1
= √ u−1/2 du + cot θ0 u1/2 du + · · · (u := θ0 − θ)
sin θ0 0 4 0
1 1
= √ 2ε1/2 + cot θ0 ε3/2 + · · · .
sin θ0 6
Choosing ε = 10−2 , the error we make in using the above expression is of order ε5/2 = 10−5 .
Substituting θ0 = 0.2 and ε = 10−2 into the above expression, we get the approximation
√ ≈ 0.4506
θ0 −ε cos θ − cos θ0
where we estimate the error lies in fifth decimal place. Now the numerical integration routine
in MatLab quickly evaluates this integral:
θ0 −ε
√ ≈ 1.7764
0 cos θ − cos θ0
for θ0 = 0.2 and ε = 10−2 . Specifically, one enters
>> quad(’1./sqrt(cos(x)-cos(0.2))’,0,0.2-1/100)
>> quad(’1./sqrt(cos(x)-cos(0.2))’,0,0.2)
what happens? This is an excellent example of what may go wrong if one uses software
packages without thinking first ! Use help quad to find out more about numerical integration
in MatLab .
The attentive reader may have wondered how we produced the graph in Figure 2.4. It
turns out that the integral (2.29) can be expressed in terms of a special function called
“elliptic integral of the first kind”. The software Mathematica has this special function
and hence graphing it is easy to do: Just enter
to get the integral in terms of this special function. You can now ask Mathematica to plot
the result.
1 1
E= mv 2 + kx2 (2.31)
2 2
x 2 v 2
+ =1
a b
where a = 2E/k and b = 2E/m. We recognize this last equation as the equation of an
ellipse. Assuming k and m are fixed, we see that for various values of the energy E we get
different ellipses in the (x, v)-plane. Thus the values of x = x(t) and v = v(t) are fixed to
lie on various ellipses. The ellipse is fixed once we specify the energy E of the mass-spring
E= m2 ω 2 + mg(1 − cos θ) (2.32)
where ω = dθ/dt. What do the contour curves of (2.32) look like? That is we want the
curves in the (θ, ω)-plane that obey (2.32).
To make things simpler, we set 2 m2 = 1 and mg = 1 so that (2.32) becomes
E = ω 2 + (1 − cos θ) (2.33)
We now use Mathematica to plot the contour lines of (2.33) in the (θ, ω)-plane (see Fig-
ure 2.5). For small E the contour lines look roughly like ellipses but as E gets larger the
ellipses become more deformed. At E = 2 there is a curve that separates the deformed
elliptical curves from curves that are completely different (those contour lines corresponding
to E > 2). In terms of the pendulum what do you think happens when E > 2?
Figure 2.5: Contour lines for (2.33) for various values of the energy E.
Figure 2.6:
log 2
T1/2 = .
Recall that the half-life T1/2 is the time T1/2 such that Q(T1/2 ) = Q(0)/2. It is known for
C14 that T1/2 ≈ 5730 years. In Carbon 14 dating9 it becomes difficult to measure the levels
of C14 in a substance when it is of order 0.1% of that found in currently living material.
How many years must have passed for a sample of C14 to have decayed to 0.1% of its original
value? The technique of Carbon 14 dating is not so useful after this number of years.
9 From Wikipedia: The Earth’s atmosphere contains various isotopes of carbon, roughly in constant pro-
portions. These include the main stable isotope C12 and an unstable isotope C14. Through photosynthesis,
plants absorb both forms from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When an organism dies, it contains the
standard ratio of C14 to C12, but as the C14 decays with no possibility of replenishment, the proportion of
carbon 14 decreases at a known constant rate. The time taken for it to reduce by half is known as the half-life
of C14. The measurement of the remaining proportion of C14 in organic matter thus gives an estimate of
its age (a raw radiocarbon age). However, over time there are small fluctuations in the ratio of C14 to C12
in the atmosphere, fluctuations that have been noted in natural records of the past, such as sequences of
tree rings and cave deposits. These records allow fine-tuning, or “calibration”, of the raw radiocarbon age,
to give a more accurate estimate of the calendar date of the material. One of the most frequent uses of
radiocarbon dating is to estimate the age of organic remains from archaeological sites. The concentration
of C14 in the atmosphere might be expected to reduce over thousands of years. However, C14 is constantly
being produced in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere by cosmic rays, which generate neutrons
that in turn create C14 when they strike nitrogen–14 atoms. Once produced, the C14 quickly combines with
the oxygen in the atmosphere to form carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide produced in this way diffuses in the
atmosphere, is dissolved in the ocean, and is taken up by plants via photosynthesis. Animals eat the plants,
and ultimately the radiocarbon is distributed throughout the biosphere.
In the problem dealing with mortgage rates, prove (2.10) and (2.11). Using either a hand
calculator or some computer software, create a table of monthly payments on a loan of
$200,000 for 30 years for interest rates from 1% to 15% in increments of 1%.
y + 2y = g(t), y(0) = 0,
1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1
g(t) =
0, t>1
We make the additional assumption that the solution y = y(t) should be a continuous
function of t. Hint: First solve the differential equation on the interval [0, 1] and then on
the interval [1, ∞). You are given the initial value at t = 0 and after you solve the equation
on [0, 1] you will then know y(1).10 Plot the solution y = y(t) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 4. (You can use
any computer algebra program or just graph the y(t) by hand.)
1. Find the equilibrium solutions. (That is solutions that don’t change with t.)
3. Using the method of separation of variables solve (2.34) for P = P (t) assuming that
at t = 0, P = P0 > 0. Find
lim P (t)
We reconsider the mass-spring system but now assume there is a frictional force present and
this frictional force is proportional to the velocity of the particle. Thus the force acting on
the particle comes from two terms: one due to the force exerted by the spring and the other
due to the frictional force. Thus Newton’s equations become
Consider a mass-spring system where x = x(t) denotes the displacement of the mass m
from its equilibrium position at time t. The linear spring (Hooke’s Law) assumes the force
exerted by the spring on the mass is given by (2.14). Suppose instead that the force F is
given by
F = F (x) = −kx − ε x3 (2.37)
where ε is a small positive number.11 The second term represents a nonlinear correction
to Hooke’s Law. Why is it reasonable to assume that the first correction term to Hooke’s
Law is of order x3 and not x2 ? (Hint: Why is it reasonable to assume F (x) is an odd
function of x?) Using the solution for the period of the pendulum as a guide, find an exact
integral expression for the period T of this nonlinear mass-spring system assuming the initial
x(0) = x0 , (0) = 0.
z = 0.
Show that z is dimensionless and that your expression for the period T can be written as
4 1
T = √ du (2.38)
ω0 0 1 − u + z − zu4
where ω0 = k/m. We now assume that z 1. (This is the precise meaning of the
parameter ε being small.) Taylor expand the function
1 − u + z − zu4
11 One could also consider ε < 0. The case ε > 0 is a called a hard spring and ε < 0 a soft spring.
Now use this approximate expression in the integrand of (2.38), evaluate the definite integrals
that arise, and show that the period T has the Taylor expansion
2π 3 2
T = 1 − z + O(z ) .
ω0 4
A (three-dimensional) force F is called a central force 12 if the direction of F lies along the
the direction of the position vector r. This problem asks you to show that the motion of a
particle in a central force, satisfying
d r
F = m 2 , (2.39)
lies in a plane.
1. Show that
:= r × p with p := mv
M (2.40)
is constant in t for r = r(t) satisfying (2.39). (Here v = dr/dt is the velocity vector
and p is the momentum vector. In words, the momentum vector is mass times the
velocity vector.) The × in (2.40) is the vector cross product. Recall (and you may
assume this result) from vector calculus that
d da db
(a × b) = × b + a × .
dt dt dt
is called the angular momentum vector.
The vector M
2. From the fact that M is a constant vector, show that the vector r(t) lies in a plane
. Also you may find helpful the vector identity
perpendicular to M . Hint: Look at r · M
From the preceding problem we learned that the position vector r(t) for a particle moving
in a central force lies in a plane. In this plane, let (r, θ) be the polar coordinates of the point
r, i.e.
x(t) = r(t) cos θ(t), y(t) = r(t) sin θ(t) (2.41)
12 For an in depth treatment of motion in a central field, see [1], Chapter 2, §8.
(Here, implies the differentiation with respect to θ, and as usual, the dot refers to
differentiation with respect to time.) Then use (2.47) and (2.51) to obtain
H2 2 2H
r̈ = r − (r ) (2.52)
r4 r5
Now, obtain a second order DE of r as a function of θ from (2.50) and (2.52). Finally,
by letting u(θ) = 1/r(θ), obtain a simple linear constant coefficient DE
u + u = (2.53)
which is known as Binet’s equation.13
In mechanics one studies the motion of a rigid body14 around a stationary point in the
absence of outside forces. Euler’s equations are differential equations for the angular velocity
vector Ω = (Ω1 , Ω2 , Ω3 ). If Ii denotes the moment of inertia of the body with respect to the
ith principal axis, then Euler’s equations are
I1 = (I2 − I3 )Ω2 Ω3
I2 = (I3 − I1 )Ω3 Ω1
I3 = (I1 − I2 )Ω1 Ω2
Prove that
M = I12 Ω21 + I22 Ω22 + I32 Ω23
1 1 1
I1 Ω21 + I2 Ω22 + I3 Ω23
2 2 2
are both first integrals of the motion. (That is, if the Ωj evolve according to Euler’s equa-
tions, then M and E are independent of t.)
13 For further discussion of Binet’s equation see [8].
14 For an in-depth discussion of rigid body motion see Chapter 6 of [1].
et+s = et es
where E(t) is the above unique solution to the ODE satisfying E(0) = 1. Show that φ
satisfies the ODE
= φ(t)
From this conclude that necessarily φ(t) = 0 for all t.]
Using the above ODE definition of E(t) show that
E(s) ds = E(t) − 1.
Show that
t2 tn
+ ···+ .
En (t) = 1 + t +
2! n!
By the ratio test this sequence of partial sums converges as n → ∞. Assuming one can take
the limit n → ∞ inside the integral (2.55),16 conclude that
∞ n
et = E(t) =
15 That is, we are taking the point of view that we define et to be the solution E(t). Here is a proof that
given a solution to (2.54) satisfying the initial condition E(0) = 1, that such a solution is unique. Suppose
we have found two such solutions: E1 (t) and E2 (t). Let y(t) = E1 (t)/E2 (t), then
dy 1 dE1 E1 dE2 E1 E1
= − 2 = − 2 E2 = 0
dt E2 dt E2 dt E2 E2
Thus y(t) = constant.
But we know that y(0) = E1 (0)/E2 (0) = 1. Thus y(t) = 1, or E1 (t) = E2 (t).
16 The series n
n≥0 s /n! converges uniformly on the closed interval [0, t]. From this fact it follows that
one is allowed to interchange the sum and integration. These convergence topics are normally discussed in
an advanced calculus course.
Suppose we wish to find a real-valued, differentiable function F (x) that satisfies the func-
tional equation
F (x) + F (y)
F (x + y) = (2.56)
1 − F (x)F (y)
1. Show that such an F necessarily satisfies F (0) = 0. Hint: Use (2.56) to get an
expression for F (0 + 0) and then use fact that we seek F to be real-valued.
2. Set α = F (0). Show that F must satisfy the differential equation
= α(1 + F (x)2 ) (2.57)
Hint: Differentiate (2.56) with respect to y and then set y = 0.
3. Use the method of separation of variables to solve (2.57) and show that
F (x) = tan(αx).
Chapter 3
Figure 3.1: eix = cos +i sin x, Leonhard Euler, Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum, 1748
+ p(x)y = f (x). (3.1)
Second order linear differential equations are linear differential equations whose highest
derivative is second order:
d2 y dy
+ p(x) + q(x)y = f (x). (3.2)
dx dx
If f (x) = 0,
d2 y dy
+ p(x) + q(x)y = 0, (3.3)
dx dx
the equation is called homogeneous. For the discussion here, we assume p and q are contin-
uous functions on a closed interval [a, b]. There are many important examples where this
condition fails and the points at which either p or q fail to be continuous are called singular
points. An introduction to singular points in ordinary differential equations can be found
in Boyce & DiPrima [4]. Here are some important examples where the continuity condition
Legendre’s equation
2x n(n + 1)
p(x) = − , q(x) = .
1 − x2 1 − x2
At the points x = ±1 both p and q fail to be continuous.
Bessel’s equation
1 ν2
, q(x) = 1 − 2 .
p(x) =
x x
At the point x = 0 both p and q fail to be continuous.
We saw that a solution to (3.1) was uniquely specified once we gave one initial condition,
y(x0 ) = y0 .
In the case of second order equations we must give two initial conditions to specify uniquely
a solution:
y(x0 ) = y0 and y (x0 ) = y1 . (3.4)
This is a basic theorem of the subject. It says that if p and q are continuous on some
interval (a, b) and a < x0 < b, then there exists an unique solution to (3.3) satisfying the
initial conditions (3.4).1 We will not prove this theorem in this class. As an example of the
1 See Theorem 3.2.1 in the [4], pg. 131 or chapter 6 of [3]. These theorems dealing with the existence and
uniqueness of the initial value problem are covered in an advanced course in differential equations.
appearance to two constants in the general solution, recall that the solution of the harmonic
ẍ + ω02 x = 0
contained x0 and v0 .
Let V denote the set of all solutions to (3.3). The most important feature of V is that
it is a two-dimensional vector space. That it is a vector space follows from the linearity of
(3.3). (If y1 and y2 are solutions to (3.3), then so is c1 y1 + c2 y2 for all constants c1 and c2 .)
To prove that the dimension of V is two, we first introduce two special solutions. Let Y1
and Y2 be the unique solutions to (3.3) that satisfy the initial conditions
We claim that {Y1 , Y2 } forms a basis for V. To see this let y(x) be any solution to (3.3).2
Let c1 := y(0), c2 := y (0) and
Now the function y0 (x) :≡ 0 satisfies (3.3) and the initial conditions (3.5). Since solutions
are unique, it follows that ∆(x) ≡ y0 ≡ 0. That is,
y = c1 Y1 + c2 Y2 .
c1 Y1 (x) + c2 Y2 (x) = 0.
Evaluate this at x = 0, use the initial conditions to see that c1 = 0. Take the derivative of
this equation, evaluate the resulting equation at x = 0 to see that c2 = 0. Thus, Y1 and Y2
are linearly independent. We conclude, therefore, that {Y1 , Y2 } is a basis and dimV = 2.
3.1.2 Wronskians
Given two solutions y1 and y2 of (3.3) it is useful to find a simple condition that tests
whether they form a basis of V. Let ϕ be the solution of (3.3) satisfying ϕ(x0 ) = ϕ0 and
ϕ (x0 ) = ϕ1 . We ask are there constants c1 and c2 such that
for all x? A necessary and sufficient condition that such constants exist at x = x0 is that
the equations
ϕ0 = c1 y1 (x0 ) + c2 y2 (x0 ),
ϕ1 = c1 y (x0 ) + c2 y2 (x0 ),
2 We assume for convenience that x = 0 lies in the interval (a, b).
have a unique solution {c1 , c2 }. From linear algebra we know this holds if and only if the
y1 (x0 ) y2 (x0 )
y1 (x0 ) y2 (x0 ) = 0.
We define the Wronskian of two solutions y1 and y2 of (3.3) to be
y (x) y2 (x)
W (y1 , y2 ; x) := 1 = y1 (x)y (x) − y (x)y2 (x). (3.6)
y1 (x) y2 (x). 2 1
From what we have said so far one would have to check that W (y1 , y2 ; x) = 0 for all x to
conclude {y1 , y2 } forms a basis.
We now derive a formula for the Wronskian that will make the check necessary at only
one point. Since y1 and y2 are solutions of (3.3), we have
Now multiply (3.7) by y2 and multiply (3.8) by y1 . Subtract the resulting two equations to
y1 y2 − y1 y2 + p(x) (y1 y2 − y1 y2 ) = 0. (3.9)
Recall the definition (3.6) and observe that
= y1 y2 − y1 y2 .
Hence (3.9) is the equation
+ p(x)W (x) = 0, (3.10)
whose solution is x
W (y1 , y2 ; x) = c exp − p(s) dx . (3.11)
Since the exponential is never zero we see from (3.11) that either W (y1 , y2 ; x) ≡ 0 or
W (y1 , y2 ; x) is never zero.
To summarize, to determine if {y1 , y2 } forms a basis for V, one needs to check at only
one point whether the Wronskian is zero or not.
Applications of Wronskians
1. Claim: Suppose {y1 , y2 } form a basis of V, then they cannot have a common point of
inflection in a < x < b unless p(x) and q(x) simultaneously vanish there. To prove
this, suppose x0 is a common point of inflection of y1 and y2 . That is,
Assuming that p(x0 ) and q(x0 ) are not both zero at x0 , the above equations are a set
of homogeneous equations for p(x0 ) and q(x0 ). The only way these equations can have
a nontrivial solution is for the determinant
y1 (x0 ) y1 (x0 )
= 0.
y2 (x0 ) y2 (x0 )
That is, W (y1 , y2 ; x0 ) = 0. But this contradicts that {y1 , y2 } forms a basis. Thus
there can exist no such common inflection point.
2. Claim: Suppose {y1 , y2 } form a basis of V and that y1 has consecutive zeros at x = x1
and x = x2 . Then y2 has one and only one zero between x1 and x2 . To prove this we
first evaluate the Wronskian at x = x1 ,
W (y1 , y2 ; x1 ) = y1 (x1 )y2 (x1 ) − y1 (x1 )y2 (x1 ) = −y1 (x1 )y2 (x1 )
Now W (y1 , y2 ; x1 ) is either positive or negative. (It can’t be zero.) Let’s assume it
is positive. (The case when the Wronskian is negative is handled similarly. We leave
this case to the reader.) Since the Wronskian is always of the same sign, W (y1 , y2 ; x2 )
is also positive. Since x1 and x2 are consecutive zeros, the signs of y1 (x1 ) and y1 (x2 )
are opposite of each other. But this implies (from knowing that the two Wronskian
expressions are both positive), that y2 (x1 ) and y2 (x2 ) have opposite signs. Thus there
exists at least one zero of y2 at x = x3 , x1 < x3 < x2 . If there exist two or more such
zeros, then between any two of these zeros apply the above argument (with the roles
of y1 and y2 reversed) to conclude that y1 has a zero between x1 and x2 . But x1 and
x2 were assumed to be consecutive zeros. Thus y2 has one and only one zero between
x1 and x2 .
In the case of the harmonic oscillator, y1 (x) = cos ω0 x and y2 (x) = sin ω0 x, and the
fact that the zeros of the sine function interlace those of the cosine function is well
d2 y
− xy = 0 (3.12)
Two linearly independent solutions to the Airy DE are plotted in Figure 3.2. We denote
these particular linearly independent solutions by y1 (x) := Ai(x) and y2 (x) := Bi(x).
The function Ai(x) is the solution approaching zero as x → +∞ in Figure 3.2. Note
the interlacing of the zeros.
Figure 3.2: The Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) are plotted. Note that the between any two
zeros of one solutions lies a zero of the other solution.
y = v y1 + vy1 and y = v y1 + 2v y1 + vy1 .
Substitute these expressions for y and its first and second derivatives into (3.3) and make
use of the fact that y1 is a solution of (3.3). One obtains the following differential equation
for v:
v + p + 2 1 v = 0,
or upon setting u = v ,
u + p+2 u = 0.
This last equation is a first order linear equation. Its solution is
y c
u(x) = c exp − p + 2 1 dx = 2 exp − p(x) dx .
y1 y1 (x)
This implies
v(x) = u(x) dx,
so that
y(x) = cy1 (x) u(x) dx.
The point is, we have shown that if one solution to (3.3) is known, then a second solution
can be found—expressed as an integral.
Since eλx is never zero, the only way the above equation can be satisfied is if
aλ2 + bλ + c = 0. (3.14)
1. Assume b2 − 4ac > 0 so that the roots λ± are both real numbers. Then exp(λ+ x) and
exp(λ− x) are two linearly independent solutions to (3.14). That they are solutions
follows from their construction. They are linearly independent since
c1 exp(λ+ x) + c2 exp(λ− x)
2. Assume b2 − 4ac = 0. In this case λ+ = λ− . Let λ denote their common value. Thus
we have one solution y1 (x) = eλx . We could use the method of reduction of order
to show that a second linearly independent solution is y2 (x) = xeλx . However, we
choose to present a more intuitive way of seeing this is a second linearly independent
solution. (One can always make it rigorous at the end by verifying that that it is
3 This corresponds to p(x) = b/a and q(x) = c/a. For applications it is convenient to introduce the
constant a.
indeed a solution.) Suppose we are in the distinct root case but that the two roots are
very close in value: λ+ = λ + ε and λ− = λ. Choosing c1 = −c2 = 1/ε, we know that
1 (λ+ε)x 1 λx
c1 y 1 + c2 y 2 = e − e
ε ε
λx e
= e
is also a solution. Letting ε → 0 one easily checks that
eεx − 1
→ x,
so that the above solution tends to
xeλx ,
our second solution. That {eλx , xeλx } is a basis is a simple Wronskian calculation.
3. We assume b2 − 4ac < 0. In this case the roots λ± are complex. At this point we
review the the exponential of a complex number.
Complex exponentials
f (z) = z 2
takes a complex number, z, and returns it square, again a complex number. (Can you
show that f = x2 − y 2 and f = 2xy?). Using complex addition and multiplication,
one can define polynomials of a complex variable
an z n + an−1 z n−1 + · · · + a1 z + a0 .
With power series come issues of convergence. We defer these to your advanced calculus
With this as a background we are (almost) ready to define the exponential of a complex
number z. First, we recall that the exponential of a real number x has the power series
ex = exp(x) = (0! := 1).
In calculus classes, one normally defines the exponential in a different way4 and then
proves ex has this Taylor expansion. However, one could define the exponential func-
tion by the above formula and then prove the various properties of ex follow from this
definition. This is the approach we take for defining the exponential of a complex
number except now we use a power series in a complex variable:5
ez = exp(z) := , z∈C (3.15)
This last formula is called Euler’s Formula. See Figure 3.3. Two immediate
consequences of Euler’s formula (and the facts cos(−θ) = cos θ and sin(θ) =
− sin θ) are
|exp(iθ)| = exp(iθ) exp(−iθ) = cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1
That is, the values of exp(iθ) lie on the unit circle. The coordinates of the point
eiθ are (cos θ, sin θ).
• We claim the addition formula for the exponential function, well-known for real
values, also holds for complex values
4A common definition is ex = limn→∞ (1 + x/n)n .
5 It can be proved that this infinite series converges for all complex values z.
We are to show
exp(z + w) = (z + w)n
∞ n
1 n k n−k
= z w (binomial theorem)
n! k
is equal to
1 k 1 m
exp(z) exp(w) = z w
k! m=0 m!
1 k m
= z w
∞ n
= z k wn−k n := k + m
n=0 k=0
k!(n − k)!
1 n!
= z k wn−k .
n! k!(n − k)!
n n!
= ,
k k!(n − k)!
λ+ = σ + iµ and λ− = σ − iµ.
That they are linear independent follows from a Wronskian calculuation. To summa-
rize, we have shown that every solution of (3.13) in the case b2 − 4ac < 0 is of the
c1 eσx cos(µx) + c2 eσx sin(µx)
for some constants c1 and c2 .
Remarks: The MatLab function exp handles complex numbers. For example,
>> exp(i*pi)
ans =
-1.0000 + 0.0000i
The imaginary unit i is i in MatLab . You can also use sqrt(-1) in place of i. This is
sometimes useful when i is being used for other purposes. There are also the functions
For example,
>> w=1+2*i
w =
1.0000 + 2.0000i
>> abs(w)
ans =
>> conj(w)
ans =
1.0000 - 2.0000i
>> real(w)
ans =
>> imag(w)
ans =
>> angle(w)
ans =
F (t) = F0 cos ωt
where F0 is the amplitude of the forcing term. All solutions to (3.17) are of the form
where xp is a particular solution of (3.17) and {x1 , x2 } is a basis for the solution space of
the homogeneous equation.
The homogeneous solutions have been discussed earlier. We know that both x1 and x2
will contain a factor
times factors involving sine and cosine. Since for all a > 0, e−at → 0 as t → ∞, the
homogeneous part of (3.18) will tend to zero. That is, for all initial conditions we have for
large t to good approximation
x(t) ≈ xp (t).
Thus we concentrate on finding a particular solution xp .
With the right-hand side of (3.17) having a cosine term, it is natural to guess that the
particular solution will also involve cos ωt. If one guesses
A cos ωt
one quickly sees that due to the presence of the frictional term, this cannot be a correct
since sine terms also appear. Thus we guess
We calculate the first and second dervatives of (3.19) and substitute the results together
with (3.19) into (3.17). One obtains the equation
−Aω 2 m + Bωγ + kA cos ωt + −Bω 2 m − Aωγ + kB sin ωt = F0 cos ωt
This equation must hold for all t and this can happen only if
−Aω 2 m + Bωγ + kA = F0 and −Bω 2 m − Aωγ + kB = 0
These last two equations are a pair of linear equations for the unknown coefficients A and B.
We now solve these linear equations. First we rewrite these equations to make subsequent
steps clearer:
k − ω 2 m A + ωγ B = F0 ,
−ωγ A + k − ω 2 m B = 0.
k − mω 2
A = F0
(k − mω 2 )2 + γ 2 ω 2
B = F0
(k − mω 2 )2 + γ 2 ω 2
We can make these results notationally simpler if we recall that the natural frequency of a
(frictionless) oscillator is
ω02 =
and define
∆(ω) = m2 (ω 2 − ω02 )2 + γ 2 ω 2 (3.20)
so that
m(ω02 − ω 2 ) γω
A= 2
F0 and B = F0
∆(ω) ∆(ω)2
Using these expressions for A and B we can substitute into (3.19) to find our particular
solution xp . The form (3.19) is not the best form in which to understand the properties of
the solution. (It is convenient for performing the above calculations.) For example, it is not
obvious from (3.19) what is the amplitude of oscillation. To answer this and other questions
we introduce polar coordinates for A and B:
where in the last step we used the cosine addition formula. Observe that R is the amplitude
of oscillation. The quantity δ is called the phase angle. It measures how much the oscillation
lags (if δ > 0) the forcing term. (For example, at t = 0 the amplitude of the forcing term is
a maximum, but the maximum oscillation is delayed until time t = δ/ω.)
A2 + B 2 = R2 cos2 δ + R2 sin2 δ = R2
tan δ =
Substituting the expressions for A and B into the above equations give
m2 (ω02 − ω 2 ) 2 γ 2 ω 2 2
R2 = F0 + F
∆4 ∆4 0
∆2 2
= F
∆4 0
R= (3.21)
where we recall ∆ is defined in (3.20). Taking the ratio of A and B we see that
tan δ =
m(ω02 − ω 2 )
3.4.1 Resonance
Figure 3.4: 1/∆(ω) as a function of ω.
Low frequencies: When ω → 0, ∆(ω) → mω02 = k. Thus for low frequencies the amplitude
of oscillation approaches F0 /k. This result could have been anticipated since when
ω → 0, the forcing term tends to F0 , a constant. A particular solution in this case is
itself a constant and a quick calculation shows this constant is eqaul to F0 /k.
High frequencies: When ω → ∞, ∆(ω) ∼ mω 2 and hence the amplitude of oscillation
R → 0. Intuitively, if you shake the mass-spring system too quickly, it does not have
time to respond before being subjected to a force in the opposite direction; thus, the
overall effect is no motion. Observe that greater the mass (inertia) the smaller R is
for large frequencies.
Maximum Oscillation: The amplitude R is a maximum (as a function of ω) when ∆(ω)
is a minimum. ∆ is a minimum when ∆2 is a minimum. Thus to find the frequency
corresponding to maximum amplitude of oscillation we must minimize
m2 ω 2 − ω02 + γ 2 ω 2 .
To find the minimum we take the derivative of this expression with respect to ω and
set it equal to zero:
2m2 (ω 2 − ω02 )(2ω) + 2γ 2 ω = 0.
Factoring the left hand side gives
ω γ 2 + 2m2 (ω 2 − ω02 ) = 0.
Since we are assuming ω = 0, the only way this equation can equal zero is for the
expression in the square brackets to equal zero. Setting this to zero and solving for ω 2
gives the frequency at which the amplitude is a maximum. We call this ωmax :
2 γ2 γ2
ωmax = ω02 − = ω 2
0 1 − .
2m2 2km
Taking the square root gives
ωmax = ω0 1− .
Assuming γ 1 (the case of very small friction), we can expand the square root to
get the approximate result
ωmax = ω0 1 − + O(γ 4 ) .
That is, when ω is very close to the natural frequency ω0 we will have maximum
oscillation. This phenomenon is called resonance. A graph of 1/∆ as a function of ω
is shown in Fig. 3.4.
3.5 Exercises
#1. Euler’s formula
Again using Euler’s formula find a formula for cos(2nθ) where n = 1, 2, . . .. In this way one
can also get identities for cos(2n + 1)θ as well as sin nθ.
are e2πik/n for k = 1, 2, . . . , n. For n = 6 draw a picture illustrating where these roots lie in
the complex plane.
In each case find the unique solution y = y(x) that satisfies the ODE with stated initial
1. y − 3y + 2y = 0, y(0) = 1, y (0) = 0.
2. y + 9y = 0, y(0) = 1, y (0) = −1.
3. y − 4y + 4y = 0, y(0) = 2, y (0) = 0.
ÿ + 3ẏ + 2y = 0
be the equation of a damped oscillator. If a forcing term is F (t) = 10 cos t and the oscillator
is initially at rest at the origin, what is the solution of the equation for this driven damped
oscillator? What is the phase angle?
#9. Wronskian
Consider (3.3) with p(x) and q(x) continuous on the interval [a, b]. Prove that if two solutions
y1 and y2 have a maximum or minimum at the same point in [a, b], they cannot form a basis
of V.
In Exercise 2.3.9 we obtained a set of three first-order differential equations for Ω1 , Ω2 and
Ω3 , which are called the Euler equations when there is no torque. Let us assume that
I1 = I2 = I3 . (The body with these moments of inertia is called a free symmetric top.) In
this case we have
Notice that Ω3 is a constant from (3.27). Show that Ω1 and Ω2 have the form of
Ω1 (t) = A sin(ωt + θ0 );
Ω2 (t) = A cos(ωt + θ0 )
where A and θ0 are some constants. Here Ω1 , Ω2 and Ω3 are three components of the angular
Show that it follows that the magnitude (length) of Ω
velocity vector Ω. is a constant. Find
an explicit expression for ω in terms of Ii and the constant Ω3 .
Chapter 4
Difference Equations
4.1 Introduction
We have learned that the general inhomogeneous second order linear differential equation is
of the form
d2 y dy
a(x) 2 + b(x) + c(x)y = f (x).
dx dx
The independent variable, x, takes values in R. (We say x is a continuous variable.) Many
applications lead to problems where the independent variable is discrete; that is, it takes
values in the integers. Instead of y(x) we now have yn , n an integer. The discrete version
of the above equation, called an inhomogeneous second order linear difference equation, is
where we assume the sequences {an }, {bn }, {cn } and {fn } are known. For example,
(n2 + 5)yn+2 + 2yn+1 + yn = en , n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .
is such a difference equation. Usually we are given y0 and y1 (the initial values), and the
problem is to solve the difference equation for yn .
In this chapter we consider the special case of constant coefficient difference equations:
a yn+2 + b yn+1 + c yn = fn
In this section we give an algorithm to solve all second order homogeneous constant coeffi-
cient difference equations
a yn+2 + b yn+1 + c yn = 0. (4.2)
The method is the discrete version of the method we used to solve contant coefficient differ-
ential equations. We first guess a solution of the form
yn = λn , λ = 0.
(For differential equations we guessed y(x) = eλx .) We now substitute this into (4.2) and
require the result equal zero,
aλ2 + bλ + c = 0. (4.3)
Let λ1 and λ2 denote the roots of this quadratic equation. (For the moment we consider
only the case when the roots are distinct.) Then
are both solutions to (4.2). Just as in our study of second order ODEs, the linear combination
c1 λn1 + c2 λn2
is also a solution and every solution of (4.2) is of this form. The constants c1 and c2 are
determined once we are given the initial values y0 and y1 :
y0 = c1 + c2 ,
y1 = c1 λ1 + c2 λ2 ,
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 · · ·
that is, each number is the sum of the preceding two numbers starting with
0 1
as initial values. These integers are called Fibonacci numbers and the nth Fibonacci number
is denoted by Fn . The numbers grow very fast, for example,
F0 = 0, F1 = 1.
The quadratic equation we must solve is
λ2 = λ + 1,
0 = c1 + c2 ,
1 = c1 λ1 + c2 λ2 .
Since λ1 > 1 and |λ2 | < 1, λn1 grows with increasing n whereas λn2 → 0 as n → ∞. Thus for
large n
Fn ∼ √ λn1 ,
Fn−1 1
lim = := ω.
n→∞ Fn λ1
The number √
ω= = 0.61803398 . . . . . .
is called the golden mean.1
In a completely analogous way to the ODE case, one proves that every solution to the
inhomogeneous linear difference equation (4.1) is of the form
where (yn )homo is a solution to the homogeneous equation (4.1) with fn = 0 and (yn )part is
a particular solution to the inhomogeneous equation (4.1).
1 More often the number √
1+ 5
φ = 1/ω = = 1.6180339887 . . .
is called the golden mean or golden ratio. Two quantities a and b are said to be in the golden ratio φ if
a+b a
= = φ.
a b
In words, a + b is to a as a is to b. A golden rectangle is a rectangle whose ratio of the longer side to the
shorter side is the golden mean φ. Since the ratio of Fibonacci numbers Fn /Fn−1 converges to φ as n → ∞,
rectangles whose long side is of length Fn and whose short side is of length Fn−1 are approximate golden
rectangles. For example, here are some approximate golden rectangles: 1 × 1, 1 × 2, 2 × 3, 3 × 5, 5 × 8,
8 × 13, and so on. The higher we go in this sequence the closer we come to the golden rectangle.
4.4 Exercises
#1. Degenerate roots
Consider the constant coefficient difference equation (4.2) but now assume the two roots
λ1,2 are equal. Show that
is a second linearly independent solution to (4.2).
#2. Rational approximations to 2
Many times nonlinear recurrence relations arise. For example, Catalan numbers Tn satisfy
the nonlinear recurrence relation
Tn = Tk Tn−1−k , n = 1, 2, . . .
2 The
√ root of two is irrational. Here is a proof that 2 is irrational. Suppose not; that is, we
suppose that 2 is a rational number. All rational
√ numbers can be written as a ratio of two integers. Thus
we assume there are integers p and q such that 2 = p/q. By canceling out common factors in p and q we
can assume that the fraction is reduced. By definition of the square root,
which implies p2 = 2q 2 . Thus p2 is an even integer since it is two times q 2 . If p2 is even then it follows that
p is even. (The square of an odd integer is an odd integer.) Since p is even it can be written as p = 2n for
some integer n. Substituting this into p2 = 2q 2 and canceling the common factor of two, we obtain
q 2 = 2p2
But this last equation means q2 ;
and hence q, is an even integer. Thus both p and q have a common factor
of two. But we√assumed that all common factors were cancelled. Thus we arrive at a contradiction to the
assertion that 2 is rational.
From Wikipedia: Pythagoreans discovered that the diagonal of a square is incommensurable with its side,
or in modern language, that the square root of two is irrational. Little is known with certainty about the
time or circumstances of this discovery, but the name of Hippasus of Metapontum is often mentioned. For a
while, the Pythagoreans treated as an official secret the discovery that the square root of two is irrational,
and, according to legend, Hippasus was murdered for divulging it. The square root of two is occasionally
called “Pythagoras’ number” or “Pythagoras’ Constant.”
where T0 := 1. Define
T (z) = Tn z n .
Show that √
1− 1 − 4z
T (z) = .
From this prove that
1 2n
Tn =
n+1 n
where nk is the binomial coefficient. Catalan numbers arise in a variety of combinatorial
problems. Here is one example:
Suppose 2n points are placed in fixed positions, evenly distributed on the cir-
cumference of a circle. Then there are Tn ways to join n pairs of the points so
that the resulting chords do not intersect.
One can easily make a table of values of Tn using, say, the Mathematica command (this
gives T1 through T10 ).
Table[{n, Binomial[2*n, n]/(n + 1)}, {n, 1, 10}]
Chapter 5
Linear systems are almost the only large class of differential equations for which
there exists a definitive theory. This theory is essentially a branch of linear
algebra, and allows us to solve all autonomous linear equations.
Let A be a n×n matrix with constant entries. In this chapter we study the matrix differential
= Ax where x ∈ Rn . (5.1)
We will present an algorithm that reduces solving (5.1) to problems in linear algebra.
The exponential of the matrix tA, t ∈ R, is defined by the infinite series1
t2 2 t3 3
etA = exp(tA) := I + tA + A + A + ··· . (5.2)
2! 3!
Remark: In an advanced course you will prove that this infinite series of matrices converges
to a n × n matrix.
It is important to note that for matrices A and B, in general,
This last fact can be proved by examining the series expansion of both sides—on the left
hand side one has to multiply two infinite series. You will find that by making use of
AB = BA the result follows precisely as in the case of complex exponentials.
Here are some examples:
A = D = diagonal matrix = diag (λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn ) .
Observe that
Dk = diag λk1 , λk2 , . . . , λkn .
∞ k
Dk = diag etλ1 , etλ2 , . . . , etλn .
1 We put the scalar factor t directly into the definition of the matrix exponential since it is in this form
2. Suppose that A is a diagonalizable matrix; that is, there exist matrices U and D with
U invertible and D diagonal such that
A = U DU −1 .
A2 = (U DU −1 )(U DU −1 ) = U D2 U −1 ,
Ak = U Dk U −1 .
∞ k
exp(tA) = Ak
∞ k
= U Dk U −1
∞ k
t k −1
= U D U
= U exp(tD)U −1 . (5.3)
In the next to the last equality, we used the fact that U and U −1 do not depend
upon the summation index k and can therefore be brought outside of the sum. The
last equality makes use of the previous example where we computed the exponential
of a diagonal matrix. This example shows that if one can find such U and D, then
the computation of the exp(tA) is reduced to matrix multiplications. This last result,
(5.3), is quite suitable for using MatLab or Mathematica.
3. Let
0 −1
A= .
1 0
A2 = −I,
and thus
A2k = A2 = (−I) = (−1)k I,
∞ k
exp(tA) = Ak (5.4)
∞ ∞
t2k 2k t2k+1
= A + A2k+1
(2k)! (2k + 1)!
k=0 k=0
∞ 2k ∞
= (−1)k I + (−1)k A
(2k)! (2k + 1)!
k=0 k=0
= cos t I + sin t A
cos t 0 0 − sin t
= +
0 cos t sin t 0
cos t − sin t
= . (5.5)
sin t cos t
Remark: You can also compute
0 −1
exp t
1 0
by the method of Example #2. Try it!
exp(tA) = A exp(tA) = exp(tA)A. (5.6)
term-by-term and the resulting series has the same radius of convergence. Note there really is something to
prove here since there is an interchange of two limits.
The last equality follows by factoring A out on the right instead of the left.
(ii) We now show that every solution of (5.7) is of the form (5.8). Let y(t) be any solution
to (5.7). Let
∆(t) := e−tA y(t).
If we can show that ∆(t) is independent of t—that it is a constant vector which we call x0 ,
then we are done since multiplying both sides by etA shows
(We used the fact that tA and −tA commute so that the addition formula for the matrix
exponential is valid.) To show that ∆(t) is independent of t we show its derivative with
respect to t is zero:
d∆ d −tA
= e y(t)
dt dt
d −tA dy
= e y(t) + e−tA (product rule)
dt dt
= −e A y(t) + e−tA (Ay(t)) (y(t) satisfies ODE)
= 0.
The next theorem relates the solution x(t) of (5.7) to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
the matrix A (in the case A is diagonalizable).
Theorem: Let A be a diagonalizable matrix. Any solution to (5.7) can be written as
x0 = c1 ψ1 + c2 ψ2 + · · · + cn ψn .
etA ψ = etλ ψ.
(This can be proved by applying the infinite series (5.2) to the eigenvector ψ and noting
Ak ψ = λk ψ for all positive integers k.) Thus
1. If A is diagonalizable and has only real eigenvalues, then any solution x(t) of (5.1) will
have no oscillations.
2. If A is diagonalizable and the real part of every eigenvalue is negative, then
x(t) = etA x0
λ1 = 4; λ2 = 1, λ3 = 0.
Since the matrix is 3 × 3 and there are three distinct eigenvalues, we know that A is
Step 2: Find the eigenvectors of A. That is we must solve the linear equations
where eigenvalues are given in Step 1. Note that the solutions will be determined only
up to an overall constant, e.g. if Aψ = λψ, then cψ is also an eigenvector where c is a
constant. Solving the above equations one finds
1 −1 −1
ψ1 = 1 , ψ2 = 2 , ψ3 = 1 .
2 1 1
Thus we have
A = U DU −1
t 4t t 4t
−1 + e3 + 2e3 −1 + et 1 − 2e3 + 2e3 c3
t 4t
t 4t
1 − e3 + e3 c1 + (1 − et ) c2 + −1 + 2e3 + e3 c3
t 4t t 4t
= −1 + 2e3 + e3 c1 + (−1 + 2et ) c2 + 1 − 4e3 + e3 c3
t 4t
t 4t
−1 + e3 + 2e3 c1 + (−1 + et ) c2 + 1 − 2e3 + 2e3 c3
Step 6: An alternative to Step 5 is to simply say the general solution is of the form
x(t) = c1 e4t ψ1 + c2 et ψ2 + c3 ψ3
where c1 , c2 and c3 are arbitrary constants (not the constants cj appearing in Step 5!)
and ψj are the eigenvectors found above.
Thus the eigenvalues of A are the same quantities λ1 and λ2 appearing above. Since
etλ1 0
x(t) = etA x0 = S S −1 x0 ,
0 etλ2
In the theory of continuous time Markov processes (see, e.g., Chapter 2 in [7]), one has a set
of states and one asks for the transition probability from state i to state j in time t. Here is
an example3
Suppose we have three states that we label 1, 2 and 3. We are given that the rates of
transition from i −→ j are known numbers qij . In this example suppose
The theory of Markov processes tells us that we form a Q-matrix whose off-diagonal elements
are qij , i = j, and whose row sums equal zero. In this example
−2 1 1
Q = 1 −1 0 (5.10)
2 1 −3
Denote by pij (t) the transition probability from state i to state j in time t. Form the matrix
then the theory of Markov processes tells us that P (t) satisfies the matrix DE
= QP (5.11)
Thus the eigenvalues are 0, −2 and −4. Since there are three distinct eigenvalues and
the matrix is 3 × 3, we know that Q is a diagonalizable matrix, see (5.3).4
Step 2. We next compute the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues. That is, we
must solve the linear equations
QΨk = λk Ψk , k = 1, 2, 3
Step 3. Form matrices U and U −1 . We know that U is formed from the eigenvectors Ψk :
↑ ↑ ↑ 1 1 −3
U = Ψ1 Ψ2 Ψ3 = 1 −1 1
↓ ↓ ↓ 1 1 5
Step 4. We now have enough information to compute exp(tQ). We let D denote the
diagonal matrix
λ1 0 0 0 0 0
D = 0 λ2 0 = 0 −2 0
0 0 λ3 0 0 −4
4 If one first defines the matrix Q, then the command Det[Q-λ*IdentityMatrix[3]] in Mathematica finds
U −1 .
Thus, for example, the transition probability from state 1 to 1 in time t is given by the
(1, 1) matrix element of P (t):
3 1 −2t 3 −4t
p11 (t) = + e + e .
8 4 8
and the transition probability from state 3 to 2 in time t is given by the (3, 2) matrix element
of P (t):
1 1
p32 (t) = − e−2t .
2 2
A −→ B −→ C
where C is assumed to be stable. We denote the decay rate of A by λA and the decay
rate of B by λB . (Since C is assumed to be stable, the decay rate of C equals zero.) An
example of such a radioactive decay (by β-decay) is Iodine–133 decays to Xenon–133 which
then decays to Cesium–133.
Introduce pα (t) equal to the amount of material α = A, B, C present at time t. We start
with an initial amount of material A which for simplicity we take to be 1. Thus the initial
conditions are
pA (0) = 1, pB (0) = 0, pC (0) = 0.
The differential equations satisfied by the pα , α = A, B, C, are
= −λA pA ,
= λA pA − λB pB ,
= λB pB .
We can write this in matrix form
= AP
P = pB
−λA 0 0
A = λA −λB 0 .
0 λB 0
We know that
P (t) = exp(tA)P (0)
so we need to compute exp(tA).
Step 1. Since A is a lower triangular matrix, the eigenvalues of A are −λA , −λB and 0.
Step 2. The corresponding eigenvectors of A are
λ −λ
0 0
ΨA = − λA
, ΨB = −1 , ΨC = 0 .
1 1
(Mathematica does these calculations easily.)
Step 3. The columns of U are the vectors ΨA , ΨB , ΨC .
Step 4.
exp(tA) = U exp(tD)U −1
−λ t −1
(λA − λB )/λB 0 0 e A 0 0 (λA − λB )/λB 0 0
= −λA /λB −1 0 0 e−λB t 0 −λA /λB −1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
−λA t
e 0 0
= −λB t
− e−λ At
e−λB t 0
λA (e −λB t
−λA t
(λA − λB ) λA (1 − e − λB 1 − e ) 1 − e−λB t 1
Step 5. To find the solution P (t) we must apply the matrix exp(tA) to the initial vector
P (0) = 0 .
This results in
pA (t) = e−λA t ,
λA −λA t
pB (t) = e − e−λB t ,
λB − λA
pC (t) = 1− λA e−λB t − λB e−λA t .
λA − λB
We now apply this to the example of Iodine–133 decay. The half-life of A:=Iodine-133
is 20.81 hours and the half-life of B:=Xenon–133 is 5.243 days. From this we can calculate
the rates after we decide whether our unit of time is hours or days—let’s take days. Then7
λA = 0.7994, λB = 0.1322.
Thus, for example, the maximum amount of Xenon–133 occurs in approximately 2.70 days.
In the figure we show the populations of the three nuclides as a function of time.
dx dy
= AetA y(t) + etA
dt dt
To satisfy the differential equation this must equal
0.6 pA t
pB t
pC t
5 10 15 20 25
x(t) = etA e−sA f (s) ds + etA x0 (5.16)
Observe that the solution of (5.15) has been reduced in (5.16) to matrix calculations and
= A(t)x + f (t) (5.17)
where now we assume the n × n matrix A(t) depends upon the independent variable t and
f (t), as before, is a given column vector of size n which in general depends upon t. We
assume that the coefficients of A(t) are continuous on some closed interval [a, b] and for
simplicity we take a < 0 < b. Everything we say below is for t in the interval a ≤ t ≤ b.
The homogeneous version of (5.17) is
= A(t)x. (5.18)
Since A is now assumed to depend upon t, the solution to (5.18) satisfying the initial
condition x(0) = x0 is not exp(tA)x0 . So what plays the role of exp(tA) when A is a
function of t?
Let xj (t), a column vector of size n, denote the solution to (5.18) satisfying the initial
condition xj (0) = ej , j = 1, 2, . . . , n, where {ek }k=1,2,...n denotes the standard basis of
Rn . It can be shown that the functions {xj (t)}j=1,...,n form a basis for the vector space of
solutions to (5.18). Form the n × n matrix X (t) whose columns are the xj (t):
↑ ↑ ··· ↑
X (t) = x1 (t) x2 (t) · · · xn (t) .
↓ ↓ ··· ↓
X (t) satisfies
X (0) = In ,
where In is the n × n identity matrix. (This follows immediately from the fact that xj (0) =
ej .) Furthermore, it can be shown that X (t) is invertible for all t. Note that X (t) satisfies
the matrix differential equation
dX (t)
= A(t)X (t),
a fact that follows immediately from the fact that for each j, dxj /dt = A(t)xj . The n × n
matrix X (t) is called the fundamental matrix. In the case when A has constant coefficients,
the fundamental matrix is exp(tA).
We now use the matrix X (t) to construct a particular solution, xpart (t), to the inhomo-
geneous equation (5.17) by following the ideas for the constant coefficient case. We seek
solutions to (5.17) of the form
xpart (t) = X (t)y(t).
We differentiate xpart (t) with respect to t:
dxpart d
= (X (t)y(t))
dt dt
dX dy
= y(t) + X (t)
dt dt
= A(t)X (t)y(t) + X (t) .
We want this to equal A(t)xpart (t) + f (t) so we get the equation
A(t)X (t) y(t) + X (t) = A(t)xpart (t) + f (t) = A(t)X (t)y + f (t)
X (t)
= f (t).
Multiplying both sides of the above equation by [X (t)]−1 gives
= [X (t)]−1 f (t).
Now integrate the above from 0 to t
y(t) = [X (s)]−1 f (s) ds,
Since the general solution to (5.17) is a particular solution plus a solution to the homogeneous
equation, we have
x(t) = X (t) [X (s)]−1 f (s) ds + X (t)x0 (5.19)
solves (5.17) with initial condition x(0) = x0 . This formula should be compared with (5.16).
To summarize,
To solve the inhomogeneous equation (5.17), one first finds the basis of solutions
{xj (t)}j=1,...,n , xj (0) = ej , to the homogeneous equation (5.18) and constructs
the n × n fundamental matrix X (t). Then the solution to the inhomogeneous
equation satisfying the initial condition x(0) = x0 is given by (5.19). Thus the
real difficulty is in solving the homogeneous problem, i.e. finding the fundamental
matrix X (t).
5.7 Exercises
#1. Harmonic oscillator via matrix exponentials
1. Using the series expansion for the matrix exponential, compute exp(tN ) where
0 1
N= .
0 0
Answer the same question for
0 1 1
N = 0 0 1 .
0 0 0
How do these answers differ from exp(tx) where x is any real number?
2. A n × n matrix N is called nilpotent9 if there exists a positive integer k such that
Nk = 0
where the 0 is the n × n zero matrix. If N is nilpotent let k be the smallest integer
such that N k = 0. Explain why exp(tN ) is a matrix whose entries are polynomials in
t of degree at most k − 1.
9 In an advanced course in linear algebra, it will be proved that every matrix A can be written uniquely
1 −1 4
A= 3 2 −1 (5.20)
2 1 −1
1. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. (You can use any software package you
like and merely quote the results.)
2. Use these to compute etA .
= Ax
where A is the 2 × 2 matrix
1 α
A= (5.23)
−α 3
For what values of α will the solutions exhibit oscillatory behavior?
Birth processes have been used since the time of Rutherford to model radioactive decay.
(Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable isotope transforms to a more stable isotope,
generally by emitting a subatomic particle.) In many cases a radioactive nuclide A decays
into a nuclide B which is also radioactive; and hence, B decays into a nuclide C, etc.
The nuclides B, C, etc. are called the progeny (formerly called daughters). This continues
until the decay chain reaches a stable nuclide. For example, uranium-238 decays through
α-emission to thorium-234 which in turn decays to protactinium-234 through β-emission.
This chain continues until the stable nuclide lead-206 is reached.
These probabilities pj (t) satisfy differential equations called the Kolmogorov forward equations:
= λj−1 pj−1 (t) − λj pj (t), j = 1, 2, . . . , N. (5.24)
The constants λj are called the decay rates. A decay rate λ is related to the half-life,
T1/2 , of the nuclide by the well-known formula
log 2
T1/2 = , log 2 = 0.693147 . . . (5.25)
We assume λi = λj for i, j = 1, . . . , N − 1. We set λ0 = 0 and λN = 0. (λN is set
equal to zero since the final state N is a stable nuclide and does not decay.)
In applications to radioactive decay, if N1 is the number of initial nuclides (the number
of nuclides in state E1 ), then N1 pj (t) is the number of nuclides in state Ej at time t.
λ1 λ2 λj−1 1
p̂j (s) = ···
s + λ1 s + λ2 s + λj−1 s + λj
3. Using the above expression for p̂j (s) partial fraction the result:
p̂j (s) =
s + λk
See if you can find expressions for cj,k . You might want to take some special cases to
see if you can make a guess for the cj,k . (The Mathematica command Apart will
prove useful.)
4. From the partial fraction decomposition of p̂j (s) explain why you can almost immedi-
ately conclude
pj (t) = cj,k e−λk t , j = 1, 2, . . . , N. (5.27)
log(λ1 /λ2 )
tm = > 0.
λ1 − λ2
In terms of the radioactive decay interpretation, this is the time when the first progeny
has a maximum population.
p1 (t) = 1 − λ1 t + O(t2 )
p2 (t) = λ1 t + O(t2 )
p3 (t) = λ1 λ2 t2 + O(t3 )
p4 (t) = λ1 λ2 λ3 t3 + O(t4 )
10 See Chapter 8 of these Notes and Boyce & Diprima, Chapter 6 [4].
8. Radon 222 gas is a chemically inert radioactive gas that is part of the Uranium 238
decay chain. Radon and its radioactive progeny are known carcinogens. Here is part
of the decay chain11
Let NRn denote the initial amount of Rn 220 and assume the other nuclides are not
present at time t = 0. Solve the Kolmogorov forward equations for this particular
birth process. (Note that here the probabilities do not sum to one since the Bi 214
also decays.) This is not so messy if you use Mathematica. Find the times when
each of the progeny have maximum population. (Highest probability) You might want
to use Mathematica’s FindRoot.
Figure 5.3: From the EPA website: Radon is a radioactive gas. It comes from the natural
decay of uranium that is found in nearly all soils. It typically moves up through the ground
to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation. Your
home traps radon inside, where it can build up. Any home may have a radon problem.
This means new and old homes, well-sealed and drafty homes, and homes with or without
basements. Radon from soil gas is the main cause of radon problems. Sometimes radon
enters the home through well water. In a small number of homes, the building materials can
give off radon, too. However, building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves.
Chapter 6
Weighted String
Because linear equations are easy to solve and study, the theory of linear oscil-
lations is the most highly developed area of mechanics. In many nonlinear prob-
lems, linearization produces a satisfactory approximate solution. Even when this
is not the case, the study of the linear part of a problem is often a first step, to
be followed by the study of the relation between motions in a nonlinear system
and its linear model.
0 1d 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d
The string is “tied down” at the endpoints 0 and (N + 1)d. The horizontal coordinates
of the mass points will be at x = d, 2d, . . . , N d. We let uj denote the vertical displacement
of the j th mass point and Fj the transverse force on the j th particle. To summarize the
variables introduced so far:
m = mass of particle,
N = total number of particles,
T = tension of spring,
d = horizontal distance between two particles,
uj = vertical displacement of j th particle, j = 1, 2, . . . N,
Fj = transverse force on j th particle, j = 1, 2, . . . N.
To impose the boundary conditions that the ends of the string are rigidly fixed at x = 0 and
x = (N + 1)d, we take
u0 = 0 and uN +1 = 0.
Newton’s equations for these mass points are
d2 uj
Fj = m , j = 1, 2, . . . , N.
This is a system of N second order differential equations. We now find an expression for the
transverse force Fj in terms of the vertical displacements.
In the diagram below, the forces acting on the j th particle are shown.
(j − 1)d jd (j + 1)d
Fj ≈ T tan β − T tan α
uj+1 − uj uj − uj−1
= T −T .
d d
d2 uj T
m = (uj+1 − 2uj + uj−1 ) , j = 1, 2, . . . , N. (6.1)
dt2 d
Note that these equations are valid for j = 1 and j = N when we interpret u0 = 0 and
uN +1 = 0. For example, for j = 1 the force F1 is determined from the diagram:
0 d 2d
(u2 − u1 ) u1
F1 = T −T
d d
= (u2 − 2u1 + u0 ) , u0 = 0.
Equation (6.1) is a system of N second order linear differential equations. Thus the
dimension of the vector space of solutions is 2N ; that is, it takes 2N real numbers to specify
the initial conditions (N initial positions and N initial velocities). Define the N × N matrix
2 −1 0 0 ··· 0 0 0
−1 2 −1 0 · · · 0 0 0
0 −1 2 −1 · · · 0 0 0
VN = .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (6.2)
. . . . ··· . . .
0 0 0 0 ··· −1 2 −1
0 0 0 0 ··· 0 −1 2
d2 u T (6.4)
+ VN u = 0.
dt2 md
Note: We could also have written (6.1) as a first order matrix equation of the form
= Ax (6.5)
where A would be a 2N × 2N matrix. However, for this application it is simpler to develop
a special theory for (6.4) rather than to apply the general theory of (6.5) since the matrix
manipulations with VN will be a bit clearer than they would be with A.
d2 x k k
+ x = 0, ω02 = . (6.6)
dt2 m m
Indeed, we will show that (6.4) is precisely N harmonic oscillators (6.6)—once one chooses
the correct coordinates. We know that solutions to (6.6) are linear combinations of
Thus we “guess” that solutions to (6.4) are linear combinations of the form
md 2
VN f = ω f.
That is, we must find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix VN . Since VN is a real
symmetric matrix, it is diagonalizable with real eigenvalues. To each eigenvalue λn , i.e.
VN fn = λn fn , n = 1, 2, . . . , N,
where an and bn are constants. This can now be easily verified by substituting this above
expression into the differential equation. To see we have enough constants of integration we
observe that we have two constants, an and bn , for each (vector) solution un . And we have
N vector solutions un —thus 2N constants in all. We now turn to an explicit evaluation of
the frequencies ωn2 —such frequencies are called normal modes.
Expanding the determinant DN in the last column, we see that it is a sum of two terms—
each a determinant of matrices of size (N − 1) × (N − 1). One of these determinants equals
(2 − λ)DN −1 and the other equals DN −2 as is seen after expanding again, this time by the
last row. In this way one deduces
DN = (2 − λ)DN −1 − DN −2 , N = 2, 3, 4, . . .
D0 = 1 and D1 = 2 − λ.
We now proceed to solve this constant coefficient difference equation (in N ). From earlier
work we know that the general solution is of the form
c 1 µN N
1 + c 2 µ2
µ2 − (2 − λ)µ + 1 = 0.
2 − λ = 2 cos θ,
Remark: We know there are at most N distinct eigenvalues of VN . The index n does
not start at zero because this would imply θ = 0, but θ = 0—due to the presence of
sin θ in the denominator of DN —is not a zero of the determinant and hence does not
correspond to an eigenvalue of VN . We conclude there are N distinct eigenvalues of VN .
These eigenfrequencies are also called normal modes or characteristic oscillations.
10 20 30 40 50
Figure 6.2: Eigenvalues λn , (6.7), for N = 50 particles.
We now find the eigenvector fn corresponding to eigenvalue λn . That is, we want a column
vector fn that satisfies
fn =
· ,
the above equation in component form is
fn,0 = fn,N +1 = 0.
This is a constant coefficient difference equation in the j index . Assume, therefore, a solution
of the form
fn,j = eijϕ .
The recursion relation becomes with this guess
ϕ = ±θn .
The fn,j will be linear combinations of e±ijθn ,
md 2
VN fn = ω fn , n = 1, 2, . . . , N,
T n
2T nπ
ωn2 = (1 − cos θn ), θn = ,
md N +1
sin(θn ) (6.9)
sin(2θn )
fn = · n = 1, 2, . . . , N.
sin(N θn )
u(t) = (an cos(ωn t) + bn sin(ωn t)) fn ,
or in component form,
uj (t) = (an cos(ωn t) + bn sin(ωn t)) sin(jθn ). (6.10)
fn · fm = 0, n = m,
where · denotes the vector dot product. The orthogonality is a direct result of the fact that
VN is a symmetric matrix. Another way to prove this is to use (6.9) to compute
fn · fm = sin(jθn ) sin(jθm ). (6.11)
To see that this is zero for n = m, we leave as an exercise to prove the trigonometric identity
njπ mjπ 1
sin sin = (N + 1)δn,m
N +1 N +1 2
where δn,m is the Kronecker delta function. (One way to prove this identity is first to use
the formula sin θ = (eiθ − e−iθ )/2i to rewrite the above sum as a sum of exponentials. The
resulting sums will be finite geometric series.) From this identity we also get that the length
of each vector, fn , is
N +1
fn = .
Given the initial vectors u(0) and u̇(0), we now show how to determine the constants an
and bn . At t = 0,
u(0) = an fn .
Dotting the vector fp into both sides of this equation and using the orthogonality of the
eigenvectors, we see that
ap = sin uj (0), p = 1, 2, . . . , N. (6.12)
N + 1 j=1 N +1
If we assume the weighted string starts in an initial state where all the initial velocities are
u̇j (0) = 0,
then the solution u(t) has components
uj (t) = an cos(ωn t) sin(jθn ) (6.14)
where the constants an are given by (6.12) in terms of the initial displacements uj (0). The
special solutions obtained by setting all the an except for one to zero, are called the normal
modes of oscillation for the weighted string. They are most interesting to graph as a function
both in space (the j index) and in time (the t variable). In figures we show a “snapshot” of
various normal mode solutions at various times t.
1 1
0.5 0.5
5 10 15 20 25 j 5 10 15 20 25 j
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
1 1
0.5 0.5
5 10 15 20 25 j 5 10 15 20 25 j
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
1 1
0.5 0.5
5 10 15 20 25 j 5 10 15 20 25 j
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
Figure 6.3: Vertical displacements uj for the two lowest (n = 1 and n = 2) normal modes are
plotted as function of the horizontal position index j. Each column gives the same normal
mode but at different times t. System is for N = 25 particles.
1 1
0.5 0.5
20 40 60 80100 j 20 40 60 80100 j
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
1 1
0.5 0.5
20 40 60 80100 j 20 40 60 80100 j
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
1 1
0.5 0.5
20 40 60 80100 j 20 40 60 80100 j
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
Figure 6.4: Vertical displacements uj for the two normal modes n = 5 and n = 10 are
plotted as function of the horizontal position index j. Each column gives the same normal
mode but at different times t. System is for N = 100 particles.
where L is the length of the string (under no tension). We assume that the mass of the
string is given by µL where µ is the mass per unit length. Thus we assume
mN → µL
The positions of the particles, jd, j = 1, 2, . . . , N , are then assumed to approach a continuous
position variable x:
jd → x
We now examine the continuum limit of the system of ordinary differential equations
d2 uj T
= (uj−1 − 2uj + uj+1 )
dt2 md
To do this we assume there exists a function u(x, t) such that
uj (t) = u(jd, t)
∂u 1 ∂2u
uj−1 = u(jd − d, t) = u(x, t) − d (x, t) + d2 2 (x, t) + O(d3 )
∂x 2 ∂x
and similarly
∂u 1 ∂2u
uj+1 = u(jd + d, t) = u(x, t) + d (x, t) + d2 2 (x, t) + O(d3 )
∂x 2 ∂x
and hence
∂ 2u
uj−1 − 2uj + uj+1 = d2 (x, t) + O(d3 )
Substituting this into our differential equations we obtain
∂2u T ∂2u
∂t2 µ ∂x2
v2 =
so that we have
∂2u 1 ∂2u
− = 0. (6.15)
∂x2 v 2 ∂t2
u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0
which corresponds to the statement that the string is tied down at x = 0 and at x = L for all
times t. In addition, we specify at t = 0 the initial displacement of the string: u(x, 0) = f (x)
where f is a given function as well as the initial velocity ∂u∂t (x, 0). The problem then is to
find the solution to (6.15) satisfying these conditions. In the next section we show how the
methods we’ve developed so far permit us to find such a solution.
∂2u d2 X ∂2u d2 T
= T (t) and = X(x) ,
∂x2 dx2 ∂t2 dt2
we have, upon substituting these expressions into (6.15) and dividing by X T the condition
1 d2 X 1 1 d2 T
= .
X dx2 v 2 T dt2
The left-hand side of the above equation is a function only of x and the right-hand side of
the same equation is a function only of t. The only way this can be true is for both sides to
equal the same constant. (We will see below that this constant has to be negative to satisfy
the boundary conditions. Anticipating this fact we write the constant as −k 2 .) That is to
say, we have
1 d2 X 1 1 d2 T
= −k 2 = 2
X dx v T dt2
This gives us two ordinary differential equations:
d2 X 2 d2 T
+ k X = 0, + k 2 v 2 T = 0.
dx2 dt2
The solution to the first equation is
sin(kL) = 0.
This is satisfied if
kL = nπ, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
(Note that n = −1, −2, . . . give the same solution up to a sign and n = 0 corresponds to
X identically zero.) The solution to the T equation is also a linear combination of sines
and cosines. Thus for each value of n we have found a solution satisfying the conditions
u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0 of the form
nπ nπv nπv !
un (x, t) = sin( x) an cos( t) + bn sin( t)
where an and bn are constants. Since the wave equation is linear, linear supposition of
solutions results in a solution. Thus
nπv !
nπ nπv
u(x, t) = sin( x) an cos( t) + bn sin( t)
is a solution satisfying u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0. We now require that u(x, 0) = f (x). That is
we want
u(x, 0) = an sin( x) = f (x)
We now use the fact that the for m, n = 1, 2, . . .
mπ nπ L
sin( x) sin( x) dx = δm,n
0 L L 2
to find L
2 nπ
an = f (x) sin( x) dx. (6.16)
L 0 L
This determines the constants an . If we further assume (for simplicity) that
(x, 0) = 0
(initial velocity is zero), then a very similar calculation gives bn = 0. Thus we have shown
nπ nπv
u(x, t) = an sin( x) cos( t) (6.17)
4T nπ 4T n2 π 2 T n2 π 2
ωn2 = sin2 ( )∼ ∼
md 2(N + 1) md 4(N + 1)2 µ L2
so that
ωn −→ v .
(Recall the definition v = T /µ.) Similarly,
njπ N nπ nπ
jθn = = x −→ x.
N +1 N +1 L L
Putting these limiting expressions into (6.14) and taking the N → ∞ limit we see that (6.14)
becomes (6.17). The only point that needs further checking is to show the an as given by
(6.12) approaches the an as given by (6.16). This requires the natural assumption that the
initial conditions uj (0) can be written in the form uj (0) = f (jd) for some smooth function
f . This is the f of u(x, 0) = f (x). A calculation then shows that (6.12) is the Riemann sum
approximation to (6.16) and approaches (6.16) as N → ∞.
The take home message is that the oscillations described by the solution to the wave
equation can be equivalently viewed as an infinite system of harmonic oscillators.
d2 u T
+ VN u = F(t) (6.18)
dt2 md
where F(t) is a given driving term. The j th component of F(t) is the external force acting
on the particle at site j. An interesting case of (6.18) is
F(t) = cos ωt f
where f is a constant vector. The general solution to (6.18) is the sum of a particular
solution and a solution to the homogeneous equation. For the particular solution we assume
a solution of the form
up (t) = cos ωt g.
Substituting this into the differential equation we find that g satisfies
md 2 md
VN − ω I g= f.
f= αn fn ,
we conclude that
g= f
2 − ω2 n
n=1 n
an = − , bn = 0 for n = 1, 2, . . . , N.
ωn2 − ω2
u(t) = 2 − ω2
(cos(ωt) − cos(ωn t)) fn (6.22)
n=1 n
2αn 1 1
= sin (ωn + ω)t sin (ωn − ω)t fn . (6.23)
ω2 − ω2
n=1 n
2 2
We observe that there is a beat whenever the driving frequency ω is close to a normal mode
of oscillation ωn . Compare this discussion with that of Boyce & DiPrima [4].
In the previous section we discussed the vibrating string. Recall that we have a string of
unstretched length L that is tied down at ends 0 and L. If u = u(x; t) denotes the vertical
displacement of the string at position x, 0 ≤ x ≤ L, at time t, then we showed that for small
displacements u satisfies the one-dimensional wave equation
∂2u 1 ∂2u
− =0
∂x2 v 2 ∂t2
where v 2 = T /µ, T equals the tension in string and µ is the density of the string. We solved
this equation subject to the boundary conditions u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0 for all t and with
initial conditions u(x, 0) = f (x) and ∂u
∂t (x, 0) = g(x) where f and g are given.
Now we imagine a uniform, flexible membrane, of mass ρ per unit area, stretched under
a uniform tension T per unit length over a region Ω in the plane whose boundary ∂Ω is a
smooth curve (with a possible exception of a finite number of corners).
We now let U = U (x, y; t) denote the vertical displacement of the membrane at position
(x, y) ∈ Ω at time t from its equilibrium position. We again assume that the membrane is
tied down at the boundary; that is1
∂2 U ∂2U
where v 2 = T /ρ. One recognizes ∂x2 + ∂y 2 as the two-dimensional Laplacian. So if we
∂2 ∂2
∆= +
∂x2 ∂y 2
the wave equation takes the form
1 ∂2U
∆U − = 0.
v 2 ∂t2
We proceed as before and look for solutions of (6.24) in which the variables separate
1 1 1 d2 T
∆u = 2 .
u v T dt2
The right-hand side depends only upon t where as the left-hand side depends only upon x, y.
Thus for the two sides to be equal they must equal the same constant. Call this constant
−k 2 . Thus we have the two equations
1 In one dimension Ω = (0, L) and the boundary of Ω consists of the two points 0 and L.
d2 T
+ ω2T = 0 where ω = kv,
∆u + k 2 u = 0. (6.25)
The differential equation for T has our well-known solutions
eiωt and e−iωt .
The second equation (6.25), called the Helmholtz equation, is a partial differential equation
for u = u(x, y). We wish to solve this subject to the boundary condition
u(x, y) = 0 for (x, y) ∈ ∂Ω.
Technically we should give this function of r and θ a new name but that would be rather pedantic.
Separation of variables
We now show that the variables separate. So we look for a solution of the form
u(r, θ) = R(r)Θ(θ).
r2 d2 R r dR 1 d2 Θ
+ + k 2 r2 = −
R dr R dr Θ dθ2
By the now familiar argument we see that each of the above sides must equal a constant,
call it m2 , to obtain the two differential equations
d2 Θ
+ m2 Θ = 0 (6.29)
d2 R 1 dR m2
+ + (k 2 − 2 )R = 0 (6.30)
dr r dr r
Two linearly independent solutions to (6.29) are
The point with polar coordinates (r, θ) is the same point as the one with polar coordinates
(r, θ + 2π). Thus our solution u(r, θ) and u(r, θ + 2π) must be the same solution. This
eimθ+im2π = eimθ
or e2πim = 1. That is, m must be an integer. If m = 0 the general solution to (6.29) is
c1 + c2 θ. But the θ → θ + 2π argument requires we take c2 = 0. Thus the general solution
to (6.29) is
am cos(mθ) + bm sin(mθ), m = 0, 1, 2, . . .
We now return to (6.30), called the Bessel equation, which is a second order linear differential
equation. General theory tells us there are two linearly independent solutions. Tradition has
it we single out two solutions. One solution, called Jm (kr), is finite as r → 0 and the other
solution, called Ym (kr) goes to infinity as r → 0. Both of these functions are called Bessel
functions. It can be shown that the Bessel function Jm (z) is given by the series expansion
z m
1 z 2j
Jm (z) = (−1)j (6.31)
2 j=0
j!(m + j)! 2
A plot of the Bessel function J0 (x) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 40 is given in Figure 6.5. In Mathematica,
Bessel functions Jm (z) are called by the command BesselJ[m,z]. Since u(r, θ) is well-
defined at r = 0 (center of the drum), this requires we only use the Jm solutions. Thus we
have shown that
are solutions to (6.28). We now require that these solutions vanish on ∂Ω. That is, when
r = a and for all θ we require the above solution to vanish. This will happen if
Jm (ka) = 0.
Bessel Function J0
10 20 30 40
Figure 6.5: The Bessel function J0 (x). First zero occurs at approximately 2.4048, the second
zero at 5.5201, the third zero at 8.6537, . . . .
That is we have to be at a zero of the Bessel function Jm . It is known that Jm has an infinite
number of real zeros, call them jm,n , n = 1, 2, . . .. Thus the frequencies that the drum can
oscillate at are
ωm,n = jm,n , m = 0, 1, 2, . . . ; n = 1, 2, . . .
where jm,n is the nth zero of the Bessel function Jm (z). These zeros can be found in
Mathematica using the command BesselJZero[m,n].
For general domains Ω one cannot solve the Helmholtz equation (6.25) by the method
of separation of variables. In general if one makes the transformations x = f (ξ, η) and
y = g(ξ, η) then one would want the curves of constant ξ (or constant η) to describe the
boundary ∂Ω and for Helmholtz’s equation to separate variables in the new variables ξ and
η. In general there are no such coordinates. For an elliptical membrane the Helmholtz
equation does separate in what are called elliptic coordinates
c c
x= cosh µ cos θ, y = sinh µ sin θ
2 2
where c ∈ R+ , 0 < µ < ∞ and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π. The curves µ = constant and θ = constant are
confocal ellipses and hyperbolas, respectively. Qualitative new phenomena arise for elliptical
(and more generally convex) membranes: the existence of whispering gallery modes and
bouncing ball modes. In the whispering gallery mode the eigenfunction is essentially nonzero
only in a thin strip adjacent to the boundary of Ω. Thus a person who speaks near the wall
of a convex room can be heard across the room near the wall, but not in the interior of the
room. For further information see [5] and references therein.
6.9 Exercises
We consider the same weighted string problem but now assume the masses lie on a circle;
this means that the first mass is coupled to the last mass by a string. The effect of this
is that (6.1) remains the same if we now interpret u0 = uN and uN +1 = u1 . Explain why
this is the case. What is the matrix VN in this case? Show that the differential equations
can still be written in the matrix form (6.4) where now the VN is your new VN . Does the
reduction to an eigenvalue problem, as in §6.2, remain the same? Explain.
Let VN be the N × N matrix found in the previous problem. Show that the eigenvalue
VN f = λf
where f0 = fN and fN +1 = f1 . Let ω denote an N th root of unity; that is, any of the values
e2πin/N , n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. For each such choice of ω, define
fˆω = fj ω j (6.33)
Multiply (6.32) by ω j and sum the resulting equation over j = 1, 2, . . . , N . Show that the
result is
2(1 − cos φ)fˆω = λfˆω
Explain why this is so. This should be compared with (6.7). Find an eigenvector fn corre-
sponding to eigenvalue λn . (Hint: Follow the method in §6.4.1.)
6.9. EXERCISES 111
Figure 6.6: Coupled pendulums. Here we assume the damping force is zero.
Consider the system of two mathematical pendulums of lengths 1 and 2 and masses m1
and m2 , respectively, in a gravitional field mg which move in two parallel vertical planes
perpendicular to a common flexible support such as a string from which they are suspended.
Denote by θ1 (θ2 ) the angle of deflection of pendulum #1 (#2). The kinetic energy of this
system is
1 1
KE = m1 21 θ̇12 + m2 22 θ̇22 ,
2 2
and the potential energy is
where Vint is the interaction potential energy.3 If there is no twist of the support, then there
is no interaction of the two pendulums. We also expect the amount of twist to depend upon
the difference of the angles θ1 and θ2 . It is reasonable to assume Vint to be an even function
of θ1 − θ2 . Thus
Vint (0) = 0, Vint (0) = 0.
3 These expressions should be compared with (2.26).
For small deflection angles (the only case we consider) the simplest assumption is then to
Vint (θ1 − θ2 ) = κ(θ1 − θ2 )2
where κ is a positive constant. Since we are assuming the angles are small, the potential
energy is then given, to a good approximation, by
1 1 1
PE = m1 g1 θ12 + m2 g2 θ22 + κ(θ1 − θ2 )2 .
2 2 2
We could change this into a system of first order DEs (the matrix A would be 4 × 4).
However, since equations of this form come up frequently in the theory of small oscillations,
we proceed to develop a “mini theory” for these equations. Define
Θ= .
Show that the equations (6.34) can be written as
Θ̈ = AΘ (6.35)
where A is a 2 × 2 matrix. Find the matrix A. Assume a solution of (6.35) to be of the form
Θ(t) = eiωt . (6.36)
Using (6.36) in (6.35) show that (6.35) reduces to
AΘ = −ω 2 Θ. (6.37)
This is an eigenvalue problem. Show that ω 2 must equal
2 1 2
ω± = (ω + ω22 + k1 + k2 )
2 1
± (ω12 − ω22 )2 + 2(ω12 − ω22 )(k1 − k2 ) + (k1 + k2 )2 . (6.38)
6.9. EXERCISES 113
Show that an eigenvector for ω+ is
f1 = 2 , (6.39)
−k2 (ω+ − ω22 − k2 )−1
and an eigenvector corresponding to ω− is
−k1 (ω− − ω12 − k1 )−1
f2 = . (6.40)
where ci are real constants. One can determine these constants in terms of the initial data
To get some feeling for these rather complicated expressions, we consider the special case
m1 = m2 = m, 1 = 2 = . (6.43)
These last conditions imply
ω1 = ω2 := ω0 .
Explain in words what these initial conditions, (6.42), correspond to in the physical set
If we define
k= ,
m 2
show that in the special case (6.42) and (6.43) that
ω+ = ω02 + 2k and ω− = ω0 . (6.44)
In this same case solve for the coefficients c1 , c2 , c3 and c4 and show that
1 1
c1 = θ0 , c2 = 0, c3 = θ0 , c4 = 0,
2 2
and hence (6.41) becomes
1 1
θ1 (t) = θ0 cos (ω+ + ω− )t cos (ω+ − ω− )t ,
2 2
1 1
θ2 (t) = θ0 sin (ω+ + ω− )t sin (ω+ − ω− )t .
2 2
d2 xn
= exp (−(xn − xn−1 )) − exp (−(xn+1 − xn )) , n = 1, 2, . . . , N, (6.47)
where xN +1 = x1 and x0 = xN . These equations are nonlinear and admit certain solutions,
called solitons, which are stable pulses. This system of equations has been extensively
studied. Here we give only a brief introduction to some of these results.4
To make the problem easier we now set N = 5 but everything that follows can be
generalized to any positive integer N .
1 1 dxn
exp (−(xn+1 − xn )/2) and bn =
an = , n = 1, . . . , 5. (6.48)
2 2 dt
Show that if xn satisfies the Toda equations (6.47), then an and bn satisfy the differential
dan dbn
= an (bn − bn+1 ) and = 2 a2n−1 − a2n . (6.49)
dt dt
Define two 5 × 5 matrices L and B, they are called a Lax pair, by
b1 a1 0 0 a5 0 −a1 0 0 a5
a1 b 2 a2 0 0 a1 0 −a 0 0
L= 0 a2 b 3 a3 0 and B =
0 a 2 0 −a 3 0 .
0 0 a3 b 4 a4 0 0 a3 0 −a4
a5 0 0 a4 b 5 −a5 0 0 a4 0
4 See, for example, Theory of Nonlinear Lattices by Morikazu Toda, Springer-Verlag, 1981.
6.9. EXERCISES 115
Thus the eigenvalues of the Lax matrix L are first integrals of motion of the Toda chain. For
general N this means that we have found N integrals of the motion. This is a remarkable
result since normally one can only find a limited number of integrals of the motion (energy,
angular momentum, etc.).
In the section “Solution to the Wave Equation” it was claimed that a similar argument
shows that the coefficients bn are equal to zero. (See discussion between (6.16) and (6.17).)
Prove that bn = 0.
We now assume that the particles in the weighted string problem are subject to a force due
to the presence of friction. (Imagine the particles are moving in a medium which offers
resistance to the motion of the particles.) Assuming the frictional force is proportional to
the velocity, the system of differential equations describing the motion is
d2 uj T duj
m = (uj+1 − 2uj + uj−1 ) − γ , j = 1, 2, . . . , N (6.52)
dt2 d dt
where γ is positive and, as before, u0 = uN +1 = 0.
5 Recall that if X is any matrix then X ∗ is the matrix obtained by taking the complex conjugate of each
1. Rewrite the system (6.52) in matrix form such that when γ = 0 the equation becomes
identical to the matrix equation (6.4).
2. Assume a solution of the form
u(t) = eiωt f (6.53)
where f is a column vector independent of t and ω is to be determined. For what
values of ω is (6.53) a solution to the matrix equation derived in part (1)?
Note: This will not require a complete reworking of the eigenvalues since you may use
the information we already have proved about VN to find the eigenvalues in this new
problem. You should not have to solve anything more complicated than a quadratic
3. Explain the significance of the fact that the ω’s you obtain are complex numbers.
4. For a large system N 1 explain why you expect some of the allowed ω’s to be purely
imaginary. Explain the significance of this result, i.e. what is the implication for the
In this section we obtain the solution of (6.25) in the case of a rectangular domain (6.26).
1. By assuming that the solution can be written as u(x, y) = X(x)Y (y), obtain a 2nd
order DE for X with independent variable x and similarly a DE for Y with independent
variable y.
6.9. EXERCISES 117
2. We assume the membrane is tied down at the boundary of the domain Ω. (This implies
boundary conditions on the solutions we seek.)
3. Show that the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the differential
equations with boundary conditions in parts (1) and (2) are
m2 π 2 mπx
µm = ; X m (x) = Am sin , m = 1, 2, · · · (6.54)
a2 a
n2 π 2 nπy
νn = ; Yn (y) = B n sin , n = 1, 2, · · · (6.55)
b2 b
4. Show that the eigenfrequencies (normal modes) of the rectangular membrane are given
by (6.27). (By dimensional analysis conclude where the factor v, which was set equal
to one here, must appear.)
5. Find the general solution to (6.25) for this rectangular domain.
3. Let η denote any N th root of unity, i.e. η N = 1 so η is of the form η = eiφ = e2πij/N
for some integer j = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. Define
V̂η = Vj η j
where j = 0, 1, 2, . . . N − 1.
5. Show that the frequencies derived in (6.60) lie on two curves, called dispersion curves.
These two curves should be compared with the one dispersion curve for the equal mass
problem. Plot the two dispersion curves.6 The curve that is zero at j = 0 is called
the acoustic mode and the other is called the optical mode.7 This is a model of a
one-dimensional lattice vibrations of a diatomic system.
and L mπ nπ 1
cos x cos x dx = L δm,n (6.62)
0 L L 2
Use (6.61) and (6.62) to show
π2 T 2 2
E(t) = n an . (6.63)
4L n=1
Note that the result is independent of t, i.e. the energy of the vibrating string is conserved.
Give a physical interpretation of this expression for E in terms of harmonic oscillators.
Chapter 7
x(t) = x0 cos(ω0 t) + sin(ω0 t), (7.1)
p(t) = p0 cos(ω0 t) − mω0 x0 sin(ω0 t). (7.2)
In quantum mechanics the notion of the state of the system is more abstract. The state
is specified by a vector Ψ in some abstract vector space H. This vector space has an inner
product (·, ·).2 Thus every state Ψ ∈ H satisfies
Ψ := (Ψ, Ψ) < ∞. (7.3)
The importance of (7.3) is that in the Born interpretation |(Ψ, Φ)|2 is interpreted as a
probability; and hence, must be finite (and less than or equal to one).3 In what is called the
Schrödinger representation, one can describe the state Ψ as a function Ψ(x) where x is the
position (of say the particle). Then |Ψ(x)|2 is the probability density of finding the particle
in some small neighborhood of the point x. Integrating this over all possible positions must
then give one.
The evolution of the state Ψ with time is determined by solving the Schrödinger equation:
i = HΨ. (7.4)
Here is the Planck’s constant4 (divided by 2π) and H is the quantum mechanical Hamil-
tonian, a linear self-adjoint operator on the space H.5
1 Actually, the second may look a little different from the earlier formulas. This is due to the fact that
we are using momentum p instead of velocity v to describe the second coordinate of (x, p). Here p0 is the
initial momentum and is related to the initial velocity by p0 = mv0 .
2 Such vector spaces are called Hilbert spaces.
3 This assumes that states Ψ are normalized so that their “length” is one, i.e. Ψ = 1.
4 In the cgs system, = 1.05457 × 10−27 erg-sec. A quantity that has the units of energy×time is called
an action. In modern particle physics a unit system is adopted such that in these units = 1. Max Planck
received the Nobel prize in 1919 for “his discovery of energy quanta”.
5 An operator H is self-adjoint if (Hψ, ψ) = (ψ, Hψ) for all ψ ∈ H. It is the generalization to Hilbert
spaces of the notion of a Hermitian matrix. There are some additional subtle questions regarding the domain
of the operator H. In these notes we ignore such questions and assume H is well-defined on all states Ψ ∈ H.
where ϕ̄ is the complex conjugate of ϕ. (Note that in most physics books the complex
conjugation is on the first slot.) The first observation, and an important one at that, is
that the state space is infinite dimensional. For example, it can be proved that the infinite
sequence of functions
xj e−x , j = 0, 1, 2 . . .
are linearly independent elements of L2 (R). Thus in quantum mechanics one quickly goes
beyond linear algebra which is traditionally restricted to finite-dimensional vector spaces.
The operator H which describes the harmonic oscillator can be defined once we give
the quantization procedure—a heuristic that allows us to go from a classical Hamiltonian to
a quantum Hamiltonian. As mentioned above, classically the state is given by the vector
(x, p) ∈ R2 . In quantum mechanics the position and momentum are replaced by operators
x̂ and p̂. For the vector space of states H = L2 (R), the position operator acts on L2 (R) by
(x̂ψ)(x) = xψ(x), ψ ∈ L2 (R)
and the momentum operator p̂ acts by differentiation followed by multiplication by the
constant −i,
(p̂ψ)(x) = −i (x), ψ ∈ L2 (R).
Since x̂ is multiplication by x we usually don’t distinguish between x and x̂. From this we
observe that in quantum mechanics the position operator and the momentum operator do
not commute. To see this, let ψ ∈ L2 (R), then
∂ψ ∂
(x̂p̂ − p̂x̂) ψ(x) = −ix + i (xψ(x))
∂x ∂x
∂ψ ∂ψ
= −ix + ix + i ψ(x)
∂x ∂x
= i ψ(x).
Introducing the commutator; namely, for any two operators A and B we define [A, B] =
AB − BA, the above can be written more compactly as6
[x̂, p̂] = i id (7.5)
6 Just as in linear algebra, if A and B are two linear operators and it holds for all vectors ψ that Aψ = Bψ,
where by id we mean the identity operator. Equation (7.5) is at the heart of the famous
Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation.
With these rules we can now define the quantum harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian given
the classical Hamiltonian (energy). Classically,7
E = KE + PE
1 2 1
= p + mω02 x2 .
2m 2
Replacing p → p̂ and x by multiplication by x we have
2 d2 1
H=− 2
+ mω02 x2
2m dx 2
so that Schrödinger’s equation becomes
∂Ψ 2 d2 Ψ 1
i = HΨ = − + mω02 x2 Ψ. (7.6)
∂t 2m dx2 2
Ψ(x, t) = A(t)ψ(x).
Substituting this into (7.6) and dividing the result by A(t)ψ(x) we find
1 dA 1
i = Hψ.
A dt ψ
Since the left hand side is only a function of t and the right hand side is only a function of
x both sides must equal a common constant. Calling this constant E (observe this constant
has the units of energy), we find
dA iE
= − A,
Hψ = Eψ.
We now examine
Hψ = Eψ (7.8)
in detail. The first observation is that (7.8) is an eigenvalue problem in L2 (R). Thus the
eigenvalues of the operator H are interpreted as energies. It is convenient to introduce
dimensionless variables to simplify notationally the differential equation. Let
mω0 2E
ξ=x , ε= .
7 Recall 1 1
the potential energy for the harmonic oscillator is V (x) = 2
kx2 = 2
mω02 x2 .
Observe that (7.10) is not a constant coefficient differential equation, so that the methods
we have developed do not apply to this equation.
The idea is to substitute this into (7.10) and to find conditions that the coefficients ak must
satisfy. Since
= a1 + 2a2 ξ + 3a3 ξ 2 + · · · = kak ξ k−1
∞ ∞
d2 v
= 2a 2 + 6a 3 ξ + · · · = k(k − 1)a k ξ k−2
= (k + 1)(k + 2)ak+2 ξ k ,
dξ 2
k=2 k=0
we have
d2 v dv
− 2ξ + (ε − 1)v = 2a2 + (ε − 1)a0 + {(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (ε − 1 − 2k)ak } ξ k .
dξ dξ
For a power series to be identically zero, each of the coefficients must be zero. Hence we
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (ε − 1 − 2k) ak = 0, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (7.12)
Thus once a0 is specified, the coefficients a2 , a4 , a6 , . . . are determined from the above recur-
rence relation. Similarly, once a1 is specified the coefficients a3 , a5 , a7 , . . . are determined.
The recurrence relation (7.12) can be rewritten as
ak+2 2k − ε + 1
= , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (7.13)
ak (k + 2)(k + 1)
8 This change of variables makes the recursion relation derived below simpler.
9 This is called the power series method.
10 Note that the k = 0 condition is 2a + (ε − 1)a = 0.
2 0
and so by the ratio test for power series, the radius of convergence of (7.11) is infinite. (This
is good since we want our functions ψ to be defined for all ξ.)
Now comes a crucial point. We have shown for any choices of a0 and a1 and for any
choice of the parameter (dimensionless energy) ε, that the function ψ(ξ) = e−ξ /2 v(ξ) solves
the differential equation (7.9) where v is given by (7.11) and the coefficients ak satisfy
(7.13). However, a basic requirement of the quantum mechanical formalism is that ψ(ξ)
is an element of the state space L2 (R); namely, it is square integrable. Thus the question
is whether e−ξ /2 v(ξ) is square integrable. We will show that we have square integrable
functions for only certain values of the energy ε; namely, we will find the quantization of
the ratio of coefficients, bk+1 /bk , is (we use (7.13) to get the second equality)
bk+1 a2k+2 4k − ε + 1 1
= = ∼ , k → ∞.
bk a2k (2k + 2)(2k + 1) k
This suggests in comparing the series for v with the series for eαz , and it can be proved,11
v(ξ) ∼ eξ , ξ → ∞.
#∞ 2k+1
Similar remarks hold for the series k=0 a2k+1 ξ . This means our solution ψ(ξ) =
2 2
−ξ /2
v(ξ)e is not square integrable since it grows as eξ /2 . Hence ψ is not a valid state
in quantum mechanics. There is a way out of this: If the coefficients ak would vanish
identically from some point on, then the solution v(ξ) will be a polynomial and thus ψ will
be square integrable. From the recurrence relation (7.13) we see that this will happen if the
numerator vanishes for some value of k. That is, if
ε = 2n + 1
power is 2n . With this normalization the polynomials are called Hermite polynomials and
are denoted by Hn (ξ). The first few polynomials are12
H0 (ξ) = 1,
H1 (ξ) = 2ξ,
H2 (ξ) = 4ξ 2 − 2,
H3 (ξ) = 8ξ 3 − 12ξ,
H4 (ξ) = 16ξ 4 − 48ξ 2 + 12,
H5 (ξ) = 32ξ 5 − 160ξ 3 + 120ξ,
H6 (ξ) = 64ξ 6 − 480ξ 4 + 720ξ 2 − 120.
to (7.9); namely,
Hψn = (2n + 1)ψn , n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
We have solved an eigenvalue problem in the infinite dimensional space L2 (R). It is conve-
nient to choose the overall normalization constant Nn such that
ψn = 1, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
En = ω0 εn = ω0 (n + 1/2), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
That is to say, the energy of the quantum oscillator cannot have arbitrary real values (as in
the case of the classical oscillator), but must be one of the discrete set of numbers
1 3 5
ω0 , ω0 , ω0 , . . .
2 2 2
12 One can compute a Hermite polynomial in Mathematica by the command HermiteH[n,x] where n is
a nonnegative integer.
13 Here N is an overall normalization constant which we choose below.
The lowest energy, 2 ω0 , is called the ground state energy and has associated wave function
1 2
ψ0 (ξ) = e−ξ /2
π 1/4
Thus the ground state energy of the quantum harmonic oscillator is nonzero. In the classical
harmonic oscillator, we can have p = x = 0 which corresponds to E = 0.
To obtain a more explicit formula for the Hermite polynomials we must solve the recurrence
relation (7.13). The polynomials Hn (x) are normalized so that the coefficient of the highest
power is 2n . This will determine a0 (when n is even) and a1 (when n is odd). We treat here
the case of n even and leave the case of n odd to the reader. First
an a2 a4 an
= ···
a0 a0 a2 an−2
The right hand side of this expression is determined from (7.13) and equals
We now determine am —the coefficient of xm — (when n is even we can take m even too).
Proceeding in a similar manner we write
am a2 a4 am
= ···
a0 a0 a2 am−2
and again note the right hand side is determined from the recurrence relation (7.13); namely,
(−1)m/2 [n(n − 2)(n − 4) · · · (n − m + 2)] [(n − 1)(n − 3) · · · 5 · 3 · 1]
The product of the two quantities in square brackets can be rewritten as
(n − m − 1)(n − m − 3)(n − m − 5) · · · 5 · 3 · 1
(n − m)!
This same formula holds for n odd if we interpret [n/2] = (n − 1)/2 when n is odd. From
(7.16) we can immediately derive the differentiation formula
= 2n Hn−1 (x). (7.17)
Orthogonality properties
where Nn are defined in (7.15) and δm,n is the Kronecker delta function.15 The functions
ψn are called the harmonic oscillator wave functions.
From the orthogonality relations we can derive what is called the three-term recursion
relation; namely, we claim that
must be a polynomial of degree less than or equal to n. Using (7.16) we can see that the
highest power is the same as the highest power of 2n Hn−1 (x). Thus the left hand side of
(7.19) is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to n − 2. It can be written as the linear
c0 H0 (x) + c1 H1 (x) + · · · + cn−2 Hn−2 (x).
We now multiply both sides of this resulting equation by Hk (x) e−x , 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2, and
integrate over all of R. Using the orthogonality relation one concludes that ck = 0.16
14 We used the fact that
(2m − 1)!!/(2m)! = 1/(2m m!)
where (2m − 1)!! = (2m − 1)(2m − 3) · · · 5 · 3 · 1.
15 δ
m,n equals 1 if m = n and 0 otherwise.
16 Perhaps the only point that needs clarification is why
2xHn (x)Hk (x)e−x dx
For applications to the harmonic oscillator, it is convenient to find what (7.16) and (7.19)
imply for the oscillator wave functions ψn . It is an exercise to show that17
n n+1
x ψn (x) = ψn−1 (x) + ψn+1 (x) , (7.20)
2 2
dψn (x) n n+1
= ψn−1 (x) − ψn+1 (x) . (7.21)
dx 2 2
Since this is an infinite sum we must say in what sense this sum converges. If we define the
partial sums
Ψn = ak ψk ,
then we say Ψn → Ψ as n → ∞ if
lim Ψ − Ψn = 0.
(Observe that Ψn , being a sum of a finite number of terms is well-defined.) Recall that the
norm · in L2 (R) is
2 2
Ψ − Ψn = |Ψ(x) − Ψn (x)| dx.
It is in this sense the series converges. Since ψn form an orthonormal sequence, the coeffi-
cients an are given simply by
an = (ψn , Ψ) .
Observe that since ψn form an orthonormal basis, the vector Ψ in (7.22) satisfies
2 2
Ψ = |an | < ∞.
is zero for 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2. Since 2xHk (x) is a polynomial of degree k + 1 ≤ n − 1, it too can be expanded
in terms of Hermite polynomials of degree less than or equal to n − 1; but these are all orthogonal to Hn .
Hence the expansion coefficients must be zero.
17 These formulas are valid for n = 0 if we define ψ
−1 (x) = 0.
O = (OΨ, Ψ) .
(The integral is zero since ψn2 is an even function of x so that xψn (x)2 is an odd function.)
The average of the square of the position in the eigenstate ψn is
$ 2% 2
x = x ψn , ψn .
This inner product (integral) can be evaluated by first using (7.20) twice to write x2 ψn as
a linear combination of the ψk ’s:
2 n n+1
x ψn = x ψn−1 + ψn+1
2 2
n n−1 n n+1 n+1 n+1
= ψn−2 + ψn + ψn + ψn+2
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1
= n(n − 1) ψn−2 + (n + ) ψn + n + 1)(n + 2) ψn+2 .
2 2 2
The inner product can now be calculated using the orthonormality of the wave functions to
$ 2% 1
x =n+ .
p̂ = 0,
$ 2% 1
p̂ = (n + ) .
If we define
∆x = x2 − x ,
∆p = p̂2 − p̂ ,
18 This is the dimensionless result. Putting back in the dimensions, the average is
(n + 1/2)
19 Again these are the dimensionless results. Putting back the units the second average is
2 1
p̂ = (n + ) mω0 .
such that
n n+1
A := an ān−1 , B := an ān+1
2 2
n≥0 n≥0
are convergent sums. (Here, as throughout, the ψn are the harmonic oscillator wave func-
tions.) The time evolution of Ψ is then given by
Ψ(x, t) = an e−iEn t/ ψn (x) (7.23)
pavg (t) = p̂ = (p̂Ψ(x, t), Ψ(x, t)) .
x0 := xavg (0) = (x̂Ψ(x, 0), Ψ(x, 0))
p0 := pavg (0) = (p̂Ψ(x, 0), Ψ(x, 0)) .
We first calculate x0 and p0 .
x0 = an ām (xψn , ψm )
& '
n n+1
= an ām (ψn−1 , ψm ) + (ψn+1 , ψm )
2 2
& '
n n+1
= an ām δn−1,m + δn+1,m
2 2
= A+B
p0 = −iA + iB.
We now calculate xavg (t) Now the state is (7.23). Proceeding as in the t = 0 case we see
xavg (t) = an ām e−i(En −Em )t/ (xψn , ψm ) .
The calculation of the inner products (xψn , ψm ) was done in the t = 0 case. Noting that
we see that
xavg (t) = e−iω0 t A + eiω0 t B. (7.24)
Similarly, we find
pavg (t) = −ie−iω0 t A + ieiω0 t B. (7.25)
Writing these averages in terms of sines and cosines and using the above expressions for x0
and p0 , we see that the average position and momentum in the state Ψ(x, t) evolve according
xavg (t) = x0 cos(ω0 t) + sin(ω0 t) (7.26)
pavg (t) = p0 cos(ω0 t) − mω0 x0 sin(ω0 t) (7.27)
One should now compare the time evolution of the quantum averages (7.26) and (7.27)
with the time evolution of the classical position and momentum (7.1) and (7.2). They are
identical. It is a special property of the quantum harmonic oscillator that the quantum
averages exactly follow the classical trajectories. More generally, one expects this to occur
only for states whose wave function remains localized in a region of space.
In §7.3 we proved the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle for the special case of the harmonic
oscillator. Here we show this is a general feature of quantum mechanics.21 First we recall
some basic facts about complex vector spaces.
1. If Ψ and Φ are any two states in our Hilbert space of states H, we have an inner
product defined (Ψ, Φ) that satisfies the properties
(a) (Ψ, Φ) = (Φ, Ψ) where z denotes the complex conjugate of z.
(b) (c1 Ψ1 + c2 Ψ2 , Φ) = c1 (Ψ1 , Φ) + c2 (Ψ2 , Φ) for all states Ψ1 , Ψ2 and all complex
numbers c1 , c2 .
(c) The length or norm of the state Ψ is defined to be Ψ2 = (Ψ, Ψ) ≥ 0 with
Ψ = 0 if and only if Ψ = 0, the zero vector in H.
2. An operator A is called Hermitian (or self-adjoint) if
(AΨ, Φ) = (Ψ, AΦ)
for all states Ψ, Φ. In quantum mechanics observables are assumed to be Hermitian.
Note this makes the expected value of the observable A in state Ψ a real number
A := (AΨ, Ψ)
= (Ψ, AΨ)
= (AΨ, Ψ)
= A.
Sometimes one writes AΨ to denote the state in which the expected value is com-
3. Just as in linear algebra, we have the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
|(Ψ, Φ)| ≤ Ψ2 Φ2 (7.28)
for all states Ψ, Φ ∈ H.
We now assume we have observables A and B that satisfy the commutation relation
AB − BA = i id (7.29)
where id is the identity operator and i is the imaginary number, i2 = −1. We showed earlier
that in units where = 1 the position and momentum operators satisfy such a commutation
relation. For a given state Ψ and observable A we define22
( )
2 2
∆A = (A − A) = A2 − A ≥ 0.
the right hand side we used the fact that (Ψ, Ψ) = Ψ2 = 1.
d2 2 2
Operator VN , N × N tridiagonal matrix L= dx2
H = − dx
2 + x
Symmetry VN f, g = f, VN g (Lf, g) = (f, Lg) (Hf, g) = (f, Hg)
7.6 Exercises
[a, a∗ ] = id.
In quantum mechanics the operator a is called an annihilation operator and the operator
a∗ is called a creation operator. On the basis of this exercise, why do you think they have
these names?
We obtained the Hermite polynomials from the recurrence relation (7.13). Alternatively,
we have a generating formula for the Hermite polynomials. Starting with this (which many
books take as the definition of the Hermite polynomials), we may obtain the Schrödinger
1. Verify that the first three Hermite polynomials H0 (ξ), H1 (ξ) and H2 (ξ) are given using
the generating formula n
2 d −ξ2
Hn (ξ) = (−1)n eξ e (7.34)
dξ n
2. The generating function (7.34) can be used to give an alternative generating function
for Hermite polynomials. Show that
2 zn
e−z +2zξ
= Hn (ξ) . (7.35)
2 2
Hint: Let F (z) = e−z and consider the Taylor expansion of eξ F (z − ξ) about the
point z = 0.
7.6. EXERCISES 139
3. Derive (7.17) from (7.35). Now derive (7.19) using (7.34) and the newly derived (7.17).
4. Use (7.17) and (7.19) to show that the Hermite polynomials are solutions of the Her-
mite equation
d2 d
Hn (ξ) − 2ξ Hn (ξ) + 2nHn (ξ) = 0. (7.36)
dξ 2 dξ
5. We know that the Hermite polynomials satisfy
Nn Hn (ξ)Hm (ξ)e−ξ dξ = δnm . (7.37)
Here by setting ψn (ξ) = Nn Hn (ξ)e−ξ /2 we see that ψn (ξ) are orthonormal in L2 (R).
Use (7.36) to obtain the differential equation that ψn (ξ) satisfy. You should obtain
(7.9) with ε = 2n + 1. This implies that ψn (ξ) = Nn Hn (ξ)e−ξ /2 is the eigenfunction
corresponding to the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian operator.
Chapter 8
Heat Equation
Figure 8.1: Joseph Fourier (1768–1830) a French mathematician and physicist best known
for initiating the study of Fourier series with applications to the theory of oscillatory systems
and heat transfer.
8.1 Introduction
The heat equation is the partial differential equation
− ∆u = 0 (8.1)
where ∆ is the Laplacian. In three-dimensions if (x, y, z) are Cartesian coordinates, the heat
equation reads
∂u ∂ 2 u ∂ 2 u ∂ 2 u
− 2 − 2 − 2 = 0,
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
whereas in one-dimension the heat equation reads
∂u ∂ 2 u
− 2 = 0. (8.2)
∂t ∂x
The heat equation has the following physical interpretation: the temperature u(x, t) at
position x and time t satisfies (8.1). This assumes that the medium is homogeneous and
the thermal diffusivity has been set equal to one. The heat equation is fundamental in
probability theory due to its connection with Brownian motion. In this chapter we show
how to solve the (8.2) subject to the initial condition u(x, 0) = f (x). The function f (x) can
be interpreted as the initial distribution of temperature.
exists. The function f*(ξ) is called the Fourier transform of f . For example, if f (x) = e−a|x| ,
a > 0, then
f*(ξ) = 2 .
a + 4π 2 ξ 2
The most important property of the Fourier transform is the Fourier inversion formula
which says given f*(ξ) we can find f (x) from the formula
f (x) = f*(ξ)e2πixξ dξ, x ∈ R. (8.4)
Then ∞
∂u ∂ 2 u 2πixξ ∂*
u(ξ, t) 2 2
− 2 = e + 4π ξ u*(ξ, t) dξ
∂t ∂x −∞ ∂t
We want this to equal zero so this will certainly be the case if
u(ξ, t)
+ 4π 2 ξ 2 u
*(ξ, t) = 0.
We solve this last equation:
2 2
*(ξ, t) = e−4π
u ξ t
*(ξ, 0).
Thus we have ∞
2 2
u(x, t) = e2πixξ−4π ξ t
*(ξ, 0) dξ.
u (8.5)
We look at I12 and transform the resulting double integral to polar coordinates:
∞ ∞
2 2
I1 = e−αξ1 e−αξ2 dξ1 dξ2
−∞ −∞
∞ 2π
= e−αr r drdθ
0 0
= 2π re−αr dr
. I1 =
We are now ready to evaluate I. Let y = x − x so the integral we wish to evaluate is
2 2
e2πiyξ−4π ξ t dξ
We make the change of variables ξ = ξ + a and choose a so that the linear term in ξ
2πiyξ−4π 2 ξ 2 t = 2πiy(ξ +a)−4π 2 t(ξ 2 +2ξ a+a2 ) = −4π 2 tξ 2 + 2πiy − 8π 2 ta ξ +2πiya−4π 2 ta2
Thus we choose
2πiy iy
a= = .
8π 2 t 4πt
With this value of a we then have
2πiyξ − 4π 2 ξ 2 t = −4π 2 tξ 2 −
∞ ∞
2 2 2 2 2
e2πiyξ−4π ξ t
dξ = e−4π tξ −y /(4t) dξ
−∞ −∞
−y 2 /(4t) 2 2 1 2
= e e−4π tξ dξ = √ e−y /(4t)
−∞ 4πt
We summarize what we have found in the following theorem:
Theorem. Let f (x) be continuous and decaying sufficiently fast at infinity so that its
Fourier transform exists. Then the solution to the one-dimensional heat equation (8.2)
satisfying the initial condition u(x, 0) = f (x) is
u(x, t) = K(x, y; t)f (y) dy (8.7)
1 2
K(x, y; t) = √ e−(x−y) /(4t) . (8.8)
0.4 t1
5 5
Figure 8.2: The heat kernel K(x, y; t), (8.8), for x = 0 as a function of y for various fixed
values of t. Note that for small t the functions is concentrated near x = 0 but for large t, K
is spread out over a wide range of values.
In Figure 8.4 we plot the solution u(x, t) as a function of x for various values of t.
2 1 1 2
Figure 8.3: The initial temperature distribution f (x) as defined in (8.9). Note that the
distribution is not smooth at zero.
We now consider the heat equation but with the spatial variable x restricted to positive
axis—the semi-infinite rod. Thus we wish to solve (8.2) with an initial heat distribution
f (x), x > 0; and we further assume, that the end of the rod, x = 0, is fixed to zero
temperature for all t > 0.
We want Ksemi (x, x ; t) to satisfy the heat equation as a function of (x, t) but we also want
This last condition will guarantee that u(0, t) = 0 for all t > 0. Observe that
satisfies these conditions. What we have done is to place a second “heat pulse” at −x . This
technique is called the method of images.
4 2 2 4
Figure 8.4: The solution u(x, t) with initial condition (8.9). Note that the solution is
“smoothed” by the action of the heat operator.
4 2 2 4
Figure 8.5: The kernel Ksemi (x, x ; t) as a function of x for the values x = 3 and t = 1/10.
2 4 6 8
Figure 8.6: Plot of u(x, t) as a function of x for three values of t = 1/10, 1/2, 1 with initial
heat distribution f (x) = e−x . As t increases the heat distribution becomes flatter and less
8.6 Exercises
∂u ∂2u ∂u
= + (1 − a) , t > 0, −∞ < x < ∞, (8.10)
∂t ∂x2 ∂x
with initial condition u(x, 0) = f (x). When a = 1 this reduces to the heat equation.
Following the method (Fourier transforms) used to solve the heat equation in §8.3, find the
analogue of equations (8.7) and (8.8).
Chapter 9
Laplace Transform
Figure 9.1: Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827) was a French mathematician known for his
contributions to celestial mechanics, probability theory and analysis. Both the Laplace
equation and the Laplace transform are named after Pierre-Simon Laplace.
F (s) = L(f )(s) = e−ts f (t) dt (9.1)
for (s) sufficiently large and positive. For the Laplace transform to make sense the function
f cannot grow faster that an exponential near infinity. Thus, for example, the Laplace
transform of ex is not defined.
We extend (9.1) to vector-valued functions f (t),
f1 (t)
f2 (t)
f (t) = . (9.2)
fn (t)
by ∞ −ts
0∞ e−ts f1 (t) dt
0 e f2 (t) dt
F (s) = L(f )(s) = .. . (9.3)
∞ −ts
e fn (t) dt
L( )(s) = sL(f )(s) − f (0). (9.4)
We now explain how matrix Laplace transforms are used to solve the matrix ODE
= Ax + f (t) (9.5)
where A is a constant coefficient n × n matrix, f (t) is a vector-valued function of the
independent variable t (“forcing term”) with initial condition
x(0) = x0 . (9.6)
First, we take the Laplace transform of both sides of (9.5). From (9.4) we see that the
Laplace transform of the LHS of (9.5) is
L( ) = sL(x) − x0 .
where we set F (s) = L(f )(s) and we used the fact that A is independent of t to conclude1
sL(x) − x0 = AL(x) + F,
(sIn − A)L(x) = x0 + F (s) (9.8)
where In is the n×n identity matrix. Equation (9.8) is a linear system of algebraic equations
for L(x). We now proceed to solve (9.8). This can be done once we know that (sIn − A) is
invertible. Recall that a matrix is invertible if and only if the determinant of the matrix is
nonzero. The determinant of the matrix in question is
which is the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A. We know that the zeros of p(s) are
the eigenvalues of A. If s is larger than the absolute value of the largest eigenvalue of A; in
s > max|λi |, (9.10)
then p(s) cannot vanish and hence (sIn − A)−1 exists. We assume s satisfies this condition.
Then multiplying both sides of (9.8) by (sIn − A)−1 results in
Equation (9.11) is the basic result in the application of Laplace transforms to the solution
of constant coefficient differential equations with an inhomogeneous forcing term. Equation
(9.11) will be a quick way to solve initial value problems once we learn efficient methods
to (i) compute (sIn − A)−1 , (ii) compute the Laplace transform of various forcing terms
F (s) = L(f )(s), and (iii) find the inverse Laplace transform. Step (i) is easier if one
uses software packages such as MatLab . Steps (ii) and(iii) are made easier by the use of
extensive Laplace transform tables or symbolic integration packages such as Mathematica.
It should be noted that many of the DE techniques one learns in engineering courses can
be described as efficient methods to do these three steps for examples that are of interest to
We now give two examples that apply (9.11).
1 You are asked to prove (9.7) in an exercise.
9.1.1 Example 1
so that
dx 0 1 0
= x+ .
dt −c −b f (t)
s −1
sI2 − A = ,
c s+b
−1 1 s+b 1
(sI2 − A) = 2 .
s + bs + c −c s
p(s) = det(sI2 − A) = s2 + bs + c
appears in the denominator of the matrix elements of (sI2 − A)−1 . (This factor in Laplace
transforms should be familiar from the scalar treatment—here we see it is the characteristic
polynomial of A.) By (9.11)
1 (s + b)y(0) + y (0) F (s) 1
L(x)(s) = 2 + 2
s + bs + c −cy(0) + sy (0) s + bs + c s
where F (s) = L(f )(s). This implies that the Laplace transform of y(t) is given by
9.1.2 Example 2
We consider the system (9.5) for the special case of n = 3 with f (t) = 0 and A given by
1 0 −1
A = 1 2 1. (9.14)
1 −1 −1
and so the matrix A has eigenvalues ±i and 2. A rather long linear algebra computation
shows that 2
s −s−1 1 −s + 2
(sI3 − A)−1 = s+2 s2 s−2 . (9.16)
s−3 −s + 1 s2 − 3s + 2
If one writes a partial fraction decomposition of each of the matrix elements appearing in
(9.16) and collects together terms with like denominators, then (9.16) can be written as
1/5 1/5 0
(sI3 − A)−1 = 4/5 4/5 0
−1/5 −1/5 0
(3 + 4s)/5 −(2 + s)/5 −1
+ 2 −(3 + 4s)/5 (2 + s)/5 1 . (9.17)
s +1
(7 + s)/5 (−3 + s)/5 −1 + s
We now apply (9.17) to solve (9.5) with the above A and f = 0 for the case of initial
x0 = −2 . (9.18)
We find
−1/5 6/5 2/5
1 −4/5 + s −6/5 + 1 −2/5 . (9.19)
L(x)(s) = (sI3 − A)−1 x0 =
s−2 s2 + 1 s2 + 1
1/5 4/5 8/5
To find x(t) from (9.19) we use Table 6.2.1 on page 300 of Boyce and DiPrima [4]; in
particular, entries 2, 5, and 6. Thus
−1/5 6/5 2/5
x(t) = e2t −4/5 + cos t −6/5 + sin t −2/5 .
1/5 4/5 8/5
One can also use Mathematica to compute the inverse Laplace transforms. To do so use
the command InverseLaplaceTransform. For example if one inputs
InverseLaplaceTransform[1/(s-2),s,t] then the output is e2t .
We give now a second derivation of (9.19) using the eigenvectors of A. As noted above,
the eigenvalues of A are λ1 = 2, λ2 = i, and λ3 = −i. If we denote by φj an eigenvector
associated to eigenvalue λj (j = 1, 2, 3), then a routine linear algebra computation gives the
following possible choices for the φj :
−1 (1 + i)/2 (1 − i)/2
φ1 = −4 , φ2 = −(1 + i)/2 , φ3 = (−1 + i)/2 .
1 1 1
Now for any eigenvector φ corresponding to eigenvalue λ of a matrix A we have
(sIn − A)−1 φ = (s − λ)−1 φ.
To use this observation we first write
x0 = c1 φ1 + c2 φ2 + c3 φ3 .
1 2 − 4i 2 + 4i
(sI3 − A)−1 x0 = (s − 2)−1 φ1 + (s − i)−1 φ2 + (s + i)−1 φ3 .
5 5 5
Combining the last two terms gives (9.19).
A = P DP −1
where D is
λ1 0 ... 0
0 λ2 ... 0
D=. .. .. ..
.. . . .
0 0 . . . λn
and each eigenvalue λi of A appears as many times as the (algebraic) multiplicity of λi .
sIn − A = sIn − P DP −1
= P (sIn − D)P −1 ,
so that
(sIn − A)−1 = P (sIn − D)P −1 )
= P (sIn − D)−1 P −1 .
Since P and P −1 are independent of s, the s dependence of (sIn − A)−1 resides in the
diagonal matrix (sIn − D)−1 . This tells us that the partial fraction decomposition of the
matrix (sIn − A)−1 is of the form
(sIn − A)−1 = Pj
s − λj
Pj = P Ej P −1
9.3. EXERCISES 157
and Ej is the diagonal matrix with all zeros on the main diagonal except for 1 at the (j, j)th
entry. This follows from the fact that
(sIn − D)−1 = Ej
s − λj
9.3 Exercises
Use the Laplace transform to find the solution of the initial value problem
1 −1 0 0 0
= 0 −1 1 x + 12 , x(0) = 0 .
0 1 −1 0 0
Let A be a n × n matrix whose entries are real numbers and x ∈ Rn . Prove that
L(Ax) = AL(x)
Let Ej denote the diagonal n × n matrix with all zeros on the main diagonal except for 1
at the (j, j) entry.
It is a fact that you will learn in an advanced linear algebra course, that if a 2 × 2 matrix
A is not diagonalizable, then there exists a nonsingular matrix P such that
A = P B P −1
λ 1
0 λ
for some constant λ.
0 1
N= .
0 0
• Relate what is said here to the remarks in the footnote in Exercise 5.5.2.
Pendulum, 5
Coupled, 111
Period, 27
Planck’s constant, 122
Population dynamics, 36
Potential energy, 20, 118, 124