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College Bus Transport Management System 2018

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The project entitled as “College Bus Management System” is mainly developed

to the transport details of college using VB as front end and SQL as back end. The
purpose of these development included in this project is to replace the original
management system with a computerized system. This system describes the whole details
of bus, driver, student, staff, trip management and fee details based on the student
destination place. In the bus details the total number of bus, services and spare parts are
described. Driver details have to maintain the attendance and route allocated for the

Bus maintenance is necessary to know the condition of the bus. Route details are
specified separately. Student details are registered at the management to know student’s
travel in the college bus is maintained. Only registered students are allowed to travel in
the college bus. Every student must know starting time of the college bus from source
place. Trip management is maintained by the administrator to know how many buses go
for particular places and total number of buses takes off from college by day to day
process. Fee payment is maintained by the office administrator. Student and staff
attendance in college bus is handled by one of the student in same bus. At last the report
generate for the total process. The Bus Management System can be using a username and
password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. Only they can add
data into the database.



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located in Coimbatore, India. CAMEO SOFTPARK was started in mid 2008 and as an
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CAMEO SOFTPARK Solution provides complete end-to-end comprehensive
business solutions. We have the right mix of domain, technology, & project management
professionals to take up the project and deliver it on time. We are a resource pool of
professionals for all types of back office operations and all other services. We have a very
good pool of IT and management professionals to handle any complex project. We create
the websites with unique design and different approach meeting all clients' requirements
to the fullest satisfaction with Web 2.0 and other International standards.

CAMEO SOFTPARK is aware that Website promotion is the continuing process

to promote a website to bring more visitors to the website. Many techniques such as web
content development, search engine optimization (also known as SEO), and search
engine submission, are used to increase the traffic to a site.

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The hardware for the system is selected considering the factors such as CPU
processing speed, memory access speed, peripheral channel speed, printer speed, seek
time & relational delay of hard disk and communication speed etc. The hardware
specifications are as follows:

Operating System : Windows XP, 7

Hard Disk : 40 GB
Keyboard : Standard Keyboard
RAM : 2 GB


The software for the project is selected considering the factors such as working
front end environment, flexibility in the coding language, Database knowledge of
enhances in Backend technology etc..

Front End : Visual Basic

Back End : MS SQL Server



.NET Frame Work:

The .NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed

by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large library and
provides language interoperability (each language can use code written in other
languages) across several programming languages. Programs written for the .NET
Framework execute in a software environment (as contrasted to hardware environment),
known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR), an application virtual machine that
provides services such as security, memory management, and exception handling. The
class library and the CLR together constitute the .NET Framework.

The .NET Framework's Base Class Library provides user interface, data access,
database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms,
and network communications. Programmers produce software by combining their own
source code with the .NET Framework and other libraries. The .NET Framework is
intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.
Microsoft also produces an integrated development environment largely for .NET
software called Visual Studio.

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

The purpose of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is to provide a

language-neutral platform for application development and execution, including
functions for exception handling, garbage collection, security, and interoperability. By
implementing the core aspects of the .NET Framework within the scope of the CLI, this
functionality will not be tied to a single language but will be available across the many

languages supported by the framework. Microsoft's implementation of the CLI is called
the Common Language Runtime, or CLR.


.NET has its own security mechanism with two general features: Code Access
Security (CAS), and validation and verification. Code Access Security is based on
evidence that is associated with a specific assembly. Typically the evidence is the source
of the assembly (whether it is installed on the local machine or has been downloaded
from the intranet or Internet). Code Access Security uses evidence to determine the
permissions granted to the code. Other code can demand that calling code is granted a
specified permission. The demand causes the CLR to perform a call stack walk: every
assembly of each method in the call stack is checked for the required permission; if any
assembly is not granted the permission a security exception is thrown.

Class library

The .NET Framework includes a set of standard class libraries. The class library
is organized in a hierarchy of namespaces. Most of the built-in APIs are part of either
System.* or Microsoft.* namespaces. These class libraries implement a large number
of common functions, such as file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database
interaction, and XML document manipulation, among others. The .NET class libraries
are available to all CLI compliant languages. The .NET Framework class library is
divided into two parts: the Base Class Library and the Framework Class Library

Memory management

The .NET Framework CLR frees the developer from the burden of managing
memory (allocating and freeing up when done); it handles memory management itself by
detecting when memory can be safely freed. Instantiations of .NET types (objects) are
allocated from the managed heap; a pool of memory managed by the CLR. When there is
no reference to an object, and it cannot be reached or used, it becomes garbage, eligible
for collection. NET Framework includes a garbage collector which runs periodically, on a
separate thread from the application's thread, that enumerates all the unusable objects and
reclaims the memory allocated to them.


The .NET Framework currently does not provide support for calling Streaming
SIMD Extensions (SSE) via managed code. However, Mono has provided support for
SIMD Extensions as of version 2.2 within the Mono.Simd namespace; Mono's lead
developer Miguel de Icaza has expressed hope that this SIMD support will be adopted by
the CLR ECMA standard. Streaming SIMD Extensions have been available in x86 CPUs
since the introduction of the Pentium III. Some other architectures such as ARM and
MIPS also have SIMD extensions. In case the CPU lacks support for those extensions,
the instructions are simulated in software

Visual Basic (VB) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can
be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB). Microsoft currently supplies
two main editions of IDEs for developing in Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio 2012,
which is commercial software and Visual Basic Express Edition 2012, which is free of
charge. The command-line compiler, VBC.EXE, is installed as part of the freeware .NET
Framework SDK


The creation of open-source tools for VB development has been slow compared to
C#, although the Mono development platform provides an implementation of VB-specific
libraries and a VB 8.0 compatible compiler written in VB, as well as standard framework
libraries such as Windows Forms GUI library.

 Option Strict – Prevents unintended type conversions. This means that you cannot
accidentally assign an ‘Integer’ value to a ‘String’ variable; however, this is not
always foolproof. VB does allow some unintended type conversions, such as an
integer value could be placed in a ‘Long’ variable.
 Named Indexers support – Examples would be properties with parameters.
 Support of legacy keywords – Although some keywords have either been
discontinued or their usages completely changed there still remains a huge
amount of support of legacy keywords; this is useful for converting legacy
projects to the current language specifications. Many will say that the VB
conversion wizard has many pitfalls; this is true, however, it does provide a
starting point in the conversion process that many other languages do not provide.

 Handling Pointers indirectly – This provides less opportunity of instability in the

produced application; aka produced applications are more secure and stable.
Cannot handle unmanaged code – This provides a more stable and secure
production of code.

 Easy to use Rapid Application Design (RAD) interface – Within a matter of
minutes a complete Graphical User Interface (GUI) can be produced; thus
requiring less programming time and less design time.

 Project wizards – When creating a new project, or just adding a new form or
button, the environment will automatically generate the default coding to have the
objects appear; in some cases there are wizards that can provide default coding to
have some functionality within the application. This translates to a working
application can be designed and coded in a fraction of time than some other
 Large Talent Pool – Since there are so many programmers that know VB you can
have a fairly easy time discussing obstacles you run across in your programming
and find ideas on how to bypass them; in the same token you may also find a
larger number of books that cover a wide variety of topics (general and specialty)
and there are an enormous number of websites that cover a wide variety of topics
and other means of support.

 Type inference refers to the automatic deduction of the type of an expression in a

programming language. If some, but not all, type annotations are already present
it is referred to as type reconstruction. The opposite operation of type inference is
called type erasure.
 VB provides managed code execution that runs under the Common Language
Runtime (CLR), resulting in robust, stable and secure applications. All features of
the .NET framework are readily available in VB.
 VB is totally object oriented. This is a major addition that VB6 and other earlier
releases didn't have.
 The framework comes with ADO.NET, which follows the disconnected
paradigm, i.e. once the required records are fetched the connection no longer
exists. It also retrieves the records that are expected to be accessed in the
immediate future. This enhances Scalability of the application to a great extent.
 VB uses XML to transfer data between the various layers in the DNA
Architecture i.e. data are passed as simple text strings.

 Error handling has changed in VB. A new Try-Catch-Finally block has been
introduced to handle errors and exceptions as a unit, allowing appropriate action
to be taken at the place the error occurred thus discouraging the use of ON
ERROR GOTO statement. This again credits to the maintainability of the code.
 Another great feature added to VB is free threading against the VB single-
threaded apartment feature. In many situations developers need spawning of a
new thread to run as a background process and increase the usability of the
application. VB allows developers to spawn threads wherever they feel like,
hence giving freedom and better control on the application.
 Security has become more robust in VB. In addition to the role-based security in
VB6, VB comes with a new security model, Code Access security. This security
controls on what the code can access. For example you can set the security to a
component such that the component cannot access the database. This type of
security is important because it allows building components that can be trusted to
various degrees.


Microsoft SQL Server is a Structured Query Language (SQL) based, client/server

relational database. Each of these terms describes a fundamental part of the architecture
of SQL Server.

A database is similar to a data file in that it is a storage place for data. Like a data
file, a database does not present information directly to a user; the user runs an
application that accesses data from the database and presents it to the user in an
understandable format.

A database typically has two components: the files holding the physical database
and the database management system (DBMS) software that applications use to access
data. The DBMS is responsible for enforcing the database structure, including:

 Maintaining the relationships between data in the database.

 Ensuring that data is stored correctly and that the rules defining data
relationships are not violated.
 Recovering all data to a point of known consistency in case of system

Relational Database

There are different ways to organize data in a database but relational databases are
one of the most effective. Relational database systems are an application of mathematical
set theory to the problem of effectively organizing data. In a relational database, data is
collected into tables (called relations in relational theory).

When organizing data into tables, you can usually find many different ways to
define tables. Relational database theory defines a process, normalization, which ensures
that the set of tables you define will organize your data effectively.

In a client/server system, the server is a relatively large computer in a central
location that manages a resource used by many people. When individuals need to use the
resource, they connect over the network from their computers, or clients, to the server.

Examples of servers are: In a client/server database architecture, the database files

and DBMS software reside on a server. A communications component is provided so
applications can run on separate clients and communicate to the database server over a
network. The SQL Server communication component also allows communication
between an application running on the server and SQL Server.

Server applications are usually capable of working with several clients at the same
time. SQL Server can work with thousands of client applications simultaneously. The
server has features to prevent the logical problems that occur if a user tries to read or
modify data currently being used by others.

While SQL Server is designed to work as a server in a client/server network, it is

also capable of working as a stand-alone database directly on the client. The scalability
and ease-of-use features of SQL Server allow it to work efficiently on a client without
consuming too many resources.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

To work with data in a database, you must use a set of commands and statements
(language) defined by the DBMS software. There are several different languages that can
be used with relational databases; the most common is SQL. Both the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) have

defined standards for SQL. Most modern DBMS products support the Entry Level of
SQL-92, the latest SQL standard (published in 1992).

SQL Server Features

Microsoft SQL Server supports a set of features that result in the following

Ease of installation, deployment, and use

SQL Server includes a set of administrative and development tools that improve
your ability to install, deploy, manage, and use SQL Server across several sites.

The same database engine can be used across platforms ranging from laptop
computers running Microsoft Windows® 95/98 to large, multiprocessor servers running
Microsoft Windows NT®, Enterprise Edition.

System analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a
system and their relationship within and outside of the system. The question is: what
must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of
the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other
related system.


In Existing System, the transport management for college is not maintained in

systematically. There is no more maintenance in attendance of students and staffs travel
with which bus. Students who are not pay the bus fee are travel in bus, management or
driver do know that the student pay the amount. This system used to know the details of
the student if they are pay or not pay. Services of the buses should not be described in
detail. Bus can be allocated by the admin with bus number wish.


 There is no maintenance of attendance details for drivers and students

 Bill for Service expenses should not give in proper manner.
 Fee maintenance handled by in separate section
 It is difficult to maintain important information in books or records.
 More manual hours need to generate required reports.
 Seat availability of each bus should not be mention
 There is proper bus maintenance


In the proposed system, the transport system deals with maintaining the details of
bus which route as it allocated. Driver details and student details of the bus are also
maintained in separate attendance. Staff details are also maintain by one of the student in
the same bus. Fee maintenance is handled by management to know who pay and who not
pay. Maintenance of bus should be in perfect. Attendance details are stored in database
by day to day process. In this system bus seat is allocated by admin for student name


 Attendance details of students and staffs are taken day to day.

 It is very easy to manage data in database.
 No specific training is required for the administrator to use this
 Bus services are representing with full details in systematic.
 Transport maintenance should be perfect
 Seat availability of each bus should be announced



File is organized to ensure that records are available for processing. It should be
designed in the line with the activity and volatility of the information and the nature of
the storage media and devices. Other considerations are (1) cost of file media (highest for
disk, lowest for tape) (2) inquiry requirements (real – time versus batch processing) and
(3) file privacy, integrity, security, and confidentiality. There are four methods of
organizing files: sequential, indexed – sequential, inverted list and direct access. Each
method is explained.

Sequential organization simply means storing and sorting in physical, contiguous

blocks within files on tape or disk. Records are also in sequence within each block. To
access a record, previous records within the block are scanned. Like sequential
organization, keyed sequential organization stores data in physically contiguous blocks.
The difference is in the use of indexes to locate records. To understand this method, we
need to distinguish among three areas in disk storage: prime area, overflow area and
index area.

File organization requires that relationships be established among data items. It

must show how characters form fields, fields form files, and files relate to one another.
Establishing relationships is done through chaining or the use of pointers.


The input data are collected and organized to make data entry easy, logical, and
error free. Each area in the input form should be identified should be specified for the
user what to write and where to write. A screen is an actually a display station that has a
buffer for storing data. The main objective of screen design is for simplicity, accurate and
quick data capture or entry. The objective in the input design is to ensure that the data
which will be processed by the system is collected and inserted into the system
efficiently according to the specified requirements, and with the minimum errors. The
basic design consideration that would satisfy the user requirements were as follows.

When the design input has been reviewed and the design input requirements are
determined to be acceptable, an iterative process of translating those requirements into a
device design begins. The first step is conversion of the requirements into system or high-
level specifications. Thus, these specifications are a design output. Upon verification that
the high-level specifications conform to the design input requirements, they become the
design input for the next step in the design process, and so on. Input facilities the entry of
data into the computer system. Input design involves the selection of the best strategy for
getting data into the computer system at the right time and as accurately as possible.


Report design is very important concept in the computerized system, without

reliable output the user may feel the entire system is unnecessary and avoids using it. The
proper output design is important in any system and facilitates effective decision making.

The basic output considerations were as follows

 Simple and legible methods were used for output using standard display controls

 All the output screens were informative and integrative in such a way the user can
fulfill his requirements

 Quality reports were made available to the user

The output is verified as conforming to its input; and it then becomes the design input for
another step in the design process.


Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database.

This logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and
physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language,
which can then be used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains
detailed attributes for each entity.

The term database design can be used to describe many different parts of the
design of an overall database system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of
as the logical design of the base data structures used to store the data. In the relational
model these are the tables and views. In an object database the entities and relationships
map directly to object classes and named relationships. However, the term database
design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base
data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database
application within the database management system (DBMS).



 Admin module
 Bus Maintenance
 Trip Management
 Fee Module
 Report Module

Admin Module

In Admin module the management has to maintain the bus details, route of the
bus travel are mention. Driver details of each and every bus are stored in database.
Student details like name, department, and course are stored in database to know the
students who are travel in college bus are specified for confirmations. Students who are
not pay the bus fee and if they travel in college bus they can be easily find by this
procedure. Buses details specify the bus by give a serial number for all buses. The bus
number should be announced by the administrator to know the route of the destination

Bus Maintenance

Bus Maintenance is the system that has to maintain the details in systematic
procedural order. Services of each bus should be specified in separate order based on the
bus number. The level of the bus maintaining should be calculated by using the database.
Bus maintenance of the college is handled by some of the admin staff maintain this
system. Availability of Seat is maintained in specific order. The repaired parts of the bus
should be specified in the separate pattern. Petrol expenses are maintained by the
management using this module.

Trip Management

Buses details specify the bus by give a serial number for all buses. Transport can
be separate by the registered numbers given by the government. Based on the register
numbers drivers can easily find their vehicles. Driver of the bus should be in charge for
the bus if it gets damaged in seats or mirrors. Trip tariff that is the cost of the college
transport should be calculated by the administrator based on the student’s destination
place. The trip of the bus should be maintained to know how many students travel for one
trip and destination place of each student.

Fee Module

The Fee Module should be maintained by the administrator of the college. Trip
tariff that is the cost of the college transport should be calculated by the administrator
based on the student’s destination place. Based on the students destination place the bus
fee should be vary.

Report Module

Report Module can specify the technical aspects of all over the whole project. It
generates the total number of trip happens for each bus. Report has been specifying to
produce college transport details like driver details; student and staff details, source and
destination of each bus are described.



The objective of feasibility study is not only to solve the problem but also
to acquire a sense of its scope. During the study, the problem definition was
crystallized and aspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined.
Consequently benefits are estimated with greater accuracy at this stage. The key
considerations are:
 Economic feasibility

 Technical feasibility

 Operational feasibility


Economic feasibility studies not only the cost of hardware, software is

included but also the benefits in the form of reduced costs are considered
here. This project, if installed will certainly be beneficial since there will be
reduction in manual work and increase in the speed of work. Since this project is
using SQL Server as back-end, it enables the user to view and access the data at the
same time.


Technical feasibility evaluates the hardware requirements, software

technology, available personnel etc. As per the requirements it provides sufficient
memory to hold and process the data as it uses SQL Server, as the back end.
Technically it is feasible as it is platform independent. It is easily portable.


Proposed system is beneficial only if they can be turned into information

systems, which will meet the organization requirements. This system supports in
producing good results and reduces manual work. Only by spending time to
evaluate the feasibility, do we reduce the chances from extreme embarrassments at
larger stager of the project.



College bus management system is generally based on regular operation for

college bus details can be stored in systematic and maintained in name wise.
Bus information system is software which will be Inform about the transport
facility in college and Institute. Bus information will provide the detail about the bus
student and manage the contents about the system. The data can be retrieved easily. The
interface is very user-friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and makes the
data processing very fast and find the bus student information quickly according to class
and name both details.
So there should be a proper Bus Management System. So that all the activities
procedure can be carried out effectively and security manner.


1. “Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed” by Alessandro Del Sole, Foreword by Beth


2. “Agile Software Engineering with Visual Studio: From Concept to Continuous

Feedback” by by Sam Guckenheimer, Neno Loje

3. “Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010” by Patrice Pelland, Pascal Paré, and

Ken Haines

4. Professional Visual Studio 2010 by Nick Randolph, David Gardner, Chris

Anderson and Michael Minutillo

5. VB 3.5 Enterprise Application Development with Visual Studio 2008: Problem

Design Solution by Vincent Varallo

6. “Programming Sql Server 2005” by Bill Hamilton, O’Reilly publications

7. “Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005” by Paul Turley, Dan Wood

8. “Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2005” by Andrew Brust, Stephen Forte.

Web References

















Bus Trip Student Driver

maintenance management details information

Vehicle trip student driver




uname Varchar2(20) Not null Username
pwd Varchar2(20) Not Null password

TABLE NAME : vehicledetails

Primary Key : vid


vid Varchar2(20) Primary Key Vehicleid
vno Varchar2(20) Not Null Vehiclename
vpuryr int NULL Vehicle purchased year
vpurdate DateTime NULL Vehicle purchased date

TABLE NAME : driverdetails

Foreign key : vid


vid Varchar2(20) Foreign Key Vehicle id
did Varchar2(20) Primary key Driver id
dname Varchar2(20) NULL Drivername
doj DateTime NULL Date of join
exp float NULL Experience
address Varchar2(20) NULL Address
phno int NULL Phone number
ledate DateTime NULL License expiry Date

TABLE NAME : studentdetail
Primary Key : sid
Foreign key : vid


vid Varchar2(20) Foreign Key Vehicle id
sid Varchar2(20) Primary key Studentid
sname Varchar2(20) NULL Studentname
dept Varchar2(20) NULL Department
year int NULL Year
address Varchar2(20) NULL Address
sphno int NULL Phonenumber

TABLE NAME : tripdetails

Foreign key : vid, sid


vid Varchar2(20) Foreign Key Vehicleid
sid Varchar2(20) Foreign key Studentid
sname Varchar2(20) NULL Studentname
place Varchar2(20) NULL Place of destination

TABLE NAME :seatdetails

Foreign key : sid,


ssid Varchar2(20) primary Key Seated
sid Varchar2(20) Foreign key Studentid
sname Varchar2(20) NULL Studentname

TABLE NAME :feesdetails
Foreign key : fid,


fid Varchar2(20) Primary Key Feesid
fno Varchar2(20) Not Null Feesno
sname Varchar2(20) NULL Studentname


Imports System.Data.Sql

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.Common

Public Class purchase_details

Public cmd As New SqlCommand

Public con As SqlConnection

Public da As SqlDataAdapter

Public dr As SqlDataReader

Public ds As New DataSet

Dim rs As SqlDataReader

Private Sub purchase_details_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

ComboBox1.Enabled = False

TextBox1.Enabled = False

TextBox2.Enabled = False

TextBox3.Enabled = False

TextBox4.Enabled = False

TextBox5.Enabled = False

TextBox7.Enabled = False

TextBox8.Enabled = False

TextBox9.Enabled = False

TextBox10.Enabled = False

TextBox11.Enabled = False

TextBox12.Enabled = False

con = New SqlConnection("data source=.;initial;uid=sa;pwd=as")



End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

ComboBox1.Visible = True


con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial ;uid=sa;pwd=as")


cmd = New SqlCommand("insert into bus values('" & ComboBox2.Text & "','"

& TextBox1.Text & "', '" & TextBox2.Text & "', '" & TextBox3.Text & "','" &

TextBox4.Text & "','" & TextBox5.Text & "','" & TextBox6.Text & "','" &

ComboBox3.Text & "','" & TextBox7.Text & "','" & TextBox8.Text & "','" &

TextBox9.Text & "','" & TextBox10.Text & "','" & TextBox11.Text & "','" &

TextBox12.Text & "','" & TextBox13.Text & "')", con)


MessageBox.Show("inserted successfully")


Catch ex As Exception




End Try

End Sub

Public Sub student bus()


cmd = New SqlCommand("select sid from bus student", con)

rs = cmd.ExecuteReader()

While rs.Read()


End While


End Sub

Public Sub dealer()


cmd = New SqlCommand("select did from bus student ", con)

rs = cmd.ExecuteReader

While rs.Read()


End While


End Sub

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


End Sub

Public Sub clear()

ComboBox1.Text = ""

ComboBox2.Text = ""

TextBox1.Text = ""

TextBox2.Text = ""

TextBox3.Text = ""

TextBox4.Text = ""

TextBox5.Text = ""

TextBox6.Text = ""

ComboBox3.Text = ""

TextBox7.Text = ""

TextBox8.Text = ""

TextBox9.Text = ""

TextBox10.Text = ""

TextBox11.Text = ""

TextBox12.Text = ""

TextBox13.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged



Dim rs As SqlDataReader

Dim id As Integer

id = ComboBox2.SelectedItem()

cmd = New SqlCommand("select name from bus student where sid ='" +

ComboBox2.Text + "'", con)

rs = cmd.ExecuteReader()


If rs.HasRows = True Then

TextBox1.Text = rs(0).ToString()

TextBox2.Text = rs(1).ToString()

TextBox3.Text = rs(2).ToString()

TextBox4.Text = rs(3).ToString()

TextBox5.Text = rs(4).ToString()

End If


End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.SelectedIndexChanged

Dim rs As SqlDataReader


Dim id As Integer

id = ComboBox3.SelectedItem()

cmd = New SqlCommand("select from bus student where sid='" + ComboBox3.Text

+ "'", con)

rs = cmd.ExecuteReader()


If rs.HasRows = True Then

TextBox7.Text = rs(0).ToString()

TextBox8.Text = rs(1).ToString()

TextBox9.Text = rs(2).ToString()

TextBox10.Text = rs(3).ToString()

TextBox11.Text = rs(4).ToString()

TextBox12.Text = rs(5).ToString()

End If


End Sub

End Class











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