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BUSINESS EXCELLENCE A Comparative Study of Various Models - Criteria PDF

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

BUSINESS EXCELLENCE: A Comparative Study of Various Models,

Criteria’s and Awards
Vivek Shrouty1, Priyam Tiwari2

1DGM Quality at Uttam Value Steels ltd, Wardha, 2Post.Grad at NITIE, Mumbai

Abstract: In today’s era of high competitiveness there is a need of enhanced innovations and idea generations in an organization,
also there is a strong need of increased customer and employee satisfaction, organizational growth and their products/services
reliability and so there is a need of Business Excellence. From Business Excellence model’s management can evaluate its
performance with world standard benchmarks level. Author feels that there has been ample scope for implementing various
excellence practices awards other than industrial areas such as social reforms, defense system, governments policies execution etc.
This paper mainly aims to review the literature of business excellence models, their certification bodies, and various quality model’s
criteria and to put forward in centralized manner so it will be feasible for upcoming studies.

Index Terms: Business Excellence, Organizational Excellence, Excellence Models, Operational and Process Excellence,
Certification agencies etc.

Abbreviations: BE/BeX- Business Excellence, TQM- Total Quality Management, TBEM- Tata Business Excellence
Model, CPE- Criteria for Performance Excellence, OPeX- Operational Excellence, PeX- Process Excellence, EFQM-
European Foundation for Quality Management, ST- Shrouty/Tiwari.

Business Excellence is one of the outstanding practices in managing the organization based on all set of fundamental concepts
and values. These practices give a benchmark of how a world class organization should operate. These models have been
developed and continue to evolve through extensive study of the practice and values of the world’s highest performing
organizations. BE is about achieving excellence in everything that an organization does (including leadership, strategy,
customer focus, information management, people and processes) and most importantly achieving superior business results.
Operation Excellence method leads to minimal waste, high quality, and little to-no inventory in an organization. Once you have
completed this initiative, double digit cost reductions in floor space, inventory, manpower, lead-time and process waste are
quite likely. BEMs help organizations to look after their strengths and areas for improvement.

Operations Management makes organization excel in manufacturing, services, supply chain. Operations Management
for Business Excellence provide solutions to achieving and maintaining ‘excellence’ in business. It explains how to design and
improve processes according to customer requirements for achieving organizational excellence.

Human Resource Excellence is a most important division of Organizational Excellence which requires the organization
to Continually analyses its performance and strategic plan for future and to develop an organizational culture which helps
employees to do excellent job for their organization and empowering them.

1.1 BUSINESS EXCELLENCE ‘BE’ CORE VALUES AND CONCEPTS: Some of the concept for BE for an organization are
given below, these values and concepts are the attributes, beliefs and behaviors and are the foundations of BE.

 Visionary Leadership
 Customer Driven Experience
 Organization and Personal learning
 Valuing workforce members and partners
 Society and Responsibility
 Focus on future
 Focus on results and creating value

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 38
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2. LITERATURE REVIEW: Author did a literature survey on various aspects proposed by researchers before on their
business excellence criteria and author also trying to identify different parameters on basis of which different models are
proposed. To achieve organizational excellence different authors proposes different criteria related to TQM, Customer
Satisfaction, Environment Relationship, Strategic Focus etc. These different criteria’s can be used to guide organizations
towards achieving sustainable world class performance.
2.1 ASSESING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE (LES PORTER & STEVEN TANNER) (1996)- The achievement of business or
organizational excellence is at core of TQM. Achieving organizational excellence requires the organization to practice a repeating
cycle of continuous improvement (PDCA cycle) PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT.
the Business Excellence model using customer satisfaction as a critical success factor for the organization. Here, the model
measures 14 interrelated latent variables that are based on the modified pyramid model of Kanji and Asher.
2.3 KANJI BUSINESS EXCELLENCE MODEL (2002)- This model demonstrates the four major perspectives required for business
excellence. According to author, the top of all the forces required for business excellence, the leadership for assuring the process
of business excellence within an organization is most important.
 Delight the customer
 Management by fact
 People Based Management
 Continuous Improvement
TUTUNCU, DENIZ KUCUKUSTA) (2009)- The fundamental concepts of excellence are the theoretical framework that
constitutes the basis of the EFQM and defines excellence. EFQM model has two main parts and each has its own sub-dimensions.
The model includes five “enabler” criteria; leadership, policy and strategy, people, management, resources and partnerships and
2.5 TQM AS A HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT CONCEPT (KLAUS J. ZINK) (1995)- Business Excellence through integrative
management concepts. Aim of this holistic concept is to show how TQM differs from traditional quality management or quality
assurance. BE model includes Lean, Kaizen and CIP, Organizational intelligence or learning organization.


Business Excellence Models (BEMs) were first called Total Quality Management models. Business Excellence Models term
helps to communicate the importance of “excellence” in all aspects of an organization, not only product and process quality.
Author is having opinion that there exists a correlation between corporate strategy and human resource management,
Organization decisions regarding corporate strategies should see its influence on organizational behavior and human resource.
Different models considering different corporate and human resource policies are given below:

3.1 DEMINGS PRICE: The Deming’s Prize that is given to organizations, has exerted an immeasurable influence
directly and indirectly on the development of quality control/management in Japan. These organizations developed effective
quality management methods, established the structures for implementation and put the methods into practice. Those
organizations who have challenged for the prize share the feeling that they have had a valuable experience and that the
management principle of achieving a business success through quality improvement has really worked. This award recognizes
both individuals for their contributions to the field of Total Quality Management (TQM) and businesses that have successfully
implemented TQM. The purpose of the Deming Prize was to recognize those who excelled in quality control and as a way of
driving quality control. It was also established to thank Dr. Deming for his accomplishments and impact in the Japanese

Fig 1- Deming Prize Medal [1]

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 39
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.2 Malcolm Baldridge quality award- It symbolizes the highest standards of total quality management. Baldrige
Criteria for Performance Excellence (CPE) is composed of seven categories. This award considers an organization’s
environment, key working relationships, and strategic situation – including competitive environment, strategic challenges and
advantages, and performance improvement system.

Fig 2- Baldrige Excellence Model Framework [2]

3.3 GOLDEN PEACOCK NATIONALITY AWARDS: Golden Peacock Award instituted by the Institute of Directors(IOD).
India in 1991, are now regarded as a benchmark of Corporate Excellence worldwide. Golden Peacock awards for corporate
leadership and institution excellence, over the time, have become a hallmark of excellence both locally and globally. This is
largely due to its transparent and 3-Tier evaluation process, based on internationally recognized criteria.

Fig 3- Golden Peacock Model Framework [3]

Excellence models considering different criteria to find out some basic difference, same has been tabulated in TABLE-1:
TABLE-1: Distinguish between Demings, Baldrige [4] and TBE Models:
(TBEM) (Modified Baldridge Model)
1. Primary Focus Effective planning and Concentrates more
implementing of a firm’s on customers and
Covers business aspects that range from
organization and human resource
strategy and
leadership, to safety and climate change.
2. Purpose Purpose is to promote Purpose is to Purpose is to maximize enterprise-wide
quality assurance through promote effectiveness
statistical technique. competitiveness
And capabilities, and deliver organizational
through Total
Management personal learning.
3. Types of For essentially private or For manufacturing,

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 40
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Organization public manufacturing service and small TATA group

4. Overall Overall approach is based Overall approach is Overall approach Safety, Customer
Approach on Quality of based on Centricity,
management. management of
Operations Excellence, Strategy and Best
5. Scoring weight Scoring weightage is same Scoring weightage The scoring of responses to the TBEM
for all 10 criteria’s. is different for Criteria for Performance Excellence is
different criteria. based on two evaluation dimensions:
Process (ADLI)
and Results (LeTCI) With different

6. Sponsor Sponsored by Union of Sponsored by NA

Japanese Scientists and National Institutes
Engineers Standards and
7. Grading Time Grading time is of 1 year Grading time is of NA
six months


By EFQM Business excellence is outstanding practices in managing an organization, BE consider whole organization while
Operational Excellence organization follows a well-defined strategy in operation planning while Process Excellence is about
efficiency and effectiveness of an organization with minimum variations and waste. Author observed that PeX is a subset of OPeX
and OPex is subset of BeX which makes BeX a superset of OpeX and Pex. The type of excellence has been discussed below. A
model has been presented in Fig-4 which shows relationship between three excellences. Same has been tabulated in TABLE-2:
TABLE- 2: Distinguish between Organizational, Operational and Process Excellence [5]
Whole organization including strategy and End to End process flows in core and About process effectiveness and efficiency
delivery of results to all stakeholders. support process including HR in its
Included both Pex and OPex. If Pex and Deals with how people, technology, Main goal is to deliver consistent, positive
Opex are perfect Bex gives you the right tools and other resources combine outcomes with minimal variations and
direction to work on. and interact with each other. waste

Fig 4- Relationship Between BeX, OPeX, and PeX

BeX- Business Excellence

OPeX- Operational Excellence

PeX- Process Excellence

Relationship Between BeX, OPeX, and PeX [ST]

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 41
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

6. CERTIFICATION BODIES: Author analyses some Audit Agencies of India and Outside India according to their judging
criteria and their process of approving organizations to certified. Same has been tabulated in TABLE- 3

TABLE- 3: Different Certification bodies and their judging criteria. [6]

S.NO. Certification Body Judging Criteria
Measurable Impact on Business Objectives – 25 Points
Quality Maintenance Methods Used- 25 Points

1. UNICOM Innovative tools and Techniques- 25 Points

(INDIA) Customer Centricity- 25 Points

Two Radar Tools-

Enablers – (a) Approach
CII- AXIM (b) Deployment

2. (INDIA) (c) Assessment and Refinement

Results- (a) Relevance and Usability
(b) Performance

AABEs highlight successful suburban businesses and organizations.

AABEs, given for business achievement, growth and community
involvement, are presented to outstanding businesses and non-profit
DAILY HERALD BUSINESS LEDGER organizations. The companies that will be honored have shown a
consistent record of financial success, an emphasis on workplace
3. (AMERICA) quality, innovation in its processes or procedures, support of the
ANNUAL AWARDS OF BUSINESS business community, support of the community at large through
EXCELLENCE(AABE) charitable or volunteer efforts, mentoring or internship programs and
other similar projects.
Presented by the Markham Board of Trade, the Business Excellence
Awards is an annual celebration of entrepreneurial spirit, success, and
ingenuity where the Markham community comes together to
MARKHAM BOARD OF TRADE acknowledge the success of local Markham businesses. Awarded to a
company that demonstrates exemplary leadership in making their
(ONTARIO, CANADA) business or workplace accessible. Recognizes a company that fosters a
4. culture of innovation in technology, manufacturing or marketing.
The goal of these awards is to encourage entrepreneurship in the region
and enhance the image of the region nationally by celebrating the
excellence of our entrepreneurs. This award will be given to a business
GREATER MONCTON CHAMBER OF that has been operating for ten years or more. The nominee has
COMMERCE BUSINESS EXCELLENCE demonstrated excellence in business operations in a number of areas
5. AWARDS AGENCY such as production, marketing, sales, quality control, customer service,
human resources, financial management, etc.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 42
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Business Excellence Awards and their area of improvement has been discussed below:
TABLE- 4: Examples of an organization who won BE awards and their descriptions. [10]
Is the winner of the prestigious Golden Peacock Award for Business Excellence for
2013 for its professionalism and quality operations across its five marine terminals
in India. In 2012, DP World won the Golden Peacock Award for Corporate
(DUBAI) Responsibility in recognition of its responsiveness to the needs of different
1. 1 stakeholders and its ability to develop innovative partnerships to fulfil social
responsibilities geared to the welfare of the communities in which it operates.
The largest private healthcare provider in UAE, and is listed on the London Stock
Exchange. The largest distributors in the UAE, being the exclusive marketer of
iconic brands such as Nestle, Unilever, Nivea, Pfizer, Siemens, Samsung, Henkel,
(ABU DHABI) Abbott, 3M, and among many others across the verticals of pharmaceuticals,
2. 2 medical devices, consumable sand equipment, personal care, food and beverage,
household care, veterinary, education and stationery products.
Gold loan company Muthoot Finance Ltd has been bestowed with Golden Peacock
Award for ‘HR Excellence for 2013’ at a function in London. Muthoot Finance
known for the continuing commitment by business to conduct itself ethically and
3 (INDIA) contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the
workforce, their families as well as of the local community and society at large.
HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM Recognizes the continuing commitment by business to conduct itself ethically and
CORPORATION LIMITED contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the
workforce, their families as well as of the local community and society at large.
YES BANK YES BANK received this recognition for leadership in the Indian financial sector in
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development basis a rigorous three
tier assessment process done by an eminent jury comprising of CSR, sustainability
5. and human resources professionals
NATIONAL ENGINEERING National engineering Industries is the Eighth Industry from India to have won this
INDIA LIMITED award which was formerly Known as Japan Quality Medal. NEI is the First Bearing
6. 6
Manufacturing Industry across the Globe to have bagged this quality accreditation
in Nov-2015.
RANE GROUP At Rane group, pursuing excellence is a continuous journey. Conferment of Deming
Prize for 4 companies and Deming Grand Prize - formerly known as Japan Quality
7. 7 (CHENNAI)
Medal (JQM) for 3 companies is an embodiment of successful implementation of
TQM practices.

THE SONA GROUP The Group boasts the world’s largest precision forging enterprise, India’s largest
steering systems manufacturer – recognized in 1997, by the World Economic
(INDIA) Forum as a top–performing Global Growth Company; a recipient of the prestigious
8. 8 Deming Award in 2003 it received the TPM Excellence award in 2007.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 43
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

It is found to be interactive and competitive that industries are growing and putting effort to achieve world class excellence. To
achieve this excellence, there are various business excellence models and there is a need to centralized these models and in the
same time one should have the knowledge about the various certification bodies and criteria of judgement. These all aspects
have been included in this paper which will help to organization to follow the path of Business Excellence. These models of BE
also include employee engagements and motivation theory. To understand the difference between between BeX, OPeX and PeX
author proposed a model. Author feels that there has been ample scope for implementing various excellence practices awards
other than industrial areas such as social reforms, defense system, governments policies execution etc.
[10] From respective company’s websites.
[7] Operations Management for Business Excellence by David Gardner
[8] Assessing Business Excellence S.J. Tanner, L.J. Porter
[9] The Goal: Excellence in Manufacturing by Eliyahu M Goldratt.

Authors Profile:
Mr. Vivek Shrouty, BE(Mechanical), MBA (TQM & EXIM), ADFM, , Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System - IRCA Certified and LSSGB. He has been working since 1996, for 8 years with SGS
India (Society Generale de Surveillance) is the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification
company. At present, he is working as Deputy General Manager (Quality Assurance) at Uttam Value Steels Limited,
Wardha from last 12+ years. He is listed in the Inspector Listing of The American Galvanizes Association (AGA).
Life member of ISNT (Indian Society of Non-Distinctive Testing). To his credit 10 Journal and Conference Research
publications. Four students awarded M. Tech Degree under his guidance. His research interests include applied
statistics, TQM, Operation, Research and Steel Plant General Management.

Mr. Priyam Tiwari, BE (Industrial & Production) from Govt. Engineering College Jabalpur and pursuing MBA
from (Manufacturing Management), National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai. He has knowledge on
Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Science concepts. He completed internship in VHSS HDPE pipe
manufacturing at Jabalpur and has an experience on line balancing and optimization. He also successfully
completed KPMG SIX SIGMA green belt certification. His research interests include SUPPLY CHAIN, OPERATIONS,

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 44

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