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Atlas Copco

PSA nitrogen generators

NG 7, NG 10, NG 12, NG 15, NG 27, NG 54, NG 81

Instruction book
Atlas Copco
PSA nitrogen generators

NG 7, NG 10, NG 12, NG 15, NG 27, NG 54, NG 81

From following serial No. onwards: NIG 000 003

Instruction book

Copyright notice
Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.
This instruction book meets the requirements for instructions specified by the machinery
directive 98/37/EC and is valid for CE as well as non-CE labelled machines.

2008 - 08
No. 2920 7034 04
Replaces No. 2920 7034 03
Instruction book

Table of contents

1 Safety precautions..........................................................................................................4

1.1 SAFETY ICONS...................................................................................................................................4

1.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING INSTALLATION...........................................................................................4

1.3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATION..............................................................................................5

1.4 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR...........................................................................6

1.5 SPECIFIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR NITROGEN GENERATING EQUIPMENT......................................................7

2 Description......................................................................................................................8

2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................8

2.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................9

3 Installation.....................................................................................................................13

3.1 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS.................................................................................................................13

3.2 INSTALLATION..................................................................................................................................17

3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................23

4 Operating instructions.................................................................................................24

4.1 KEYBOARD AND DISPLAY....................................................................................................................24

4.2 INITIAL START-UP..............................................................................................................................25

4.3 NORMAL OPERATION.........................................................................................................................25

4.4 PARAMETER DISPLAY........................................................................................................................27

4.5 PARAMETER SETTINGS.......................................................................................................................28

5 Maintenance..................................................................................................................31

5.1 MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................31

5.2 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE...................................................................................................................31

5.3 DISPOSAL OF USED MATERIAL.............................................................................................................32

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6 Trouble shooting..........................................................................................................33

6.1 ALARMS.........................................................................................................................................33

7 Technical data...............................................................................................................34

7.1 REFERENCE CONDITIONS...................................................................................................................34

7.2 LIMITATIONS FOR OPERATION..............................................................................................................34

7.3 PERFORMANCE DATA.........................................................................................................................34

7.4 CORRECTION FACTORS......................................................................................................................36

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1 Safety precautions

1.1 Safety icons


Danger for life


Important note

1.2 Safety precautions during installation

All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non-
observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair,
even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements
and regulations.
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorised, trained,
specialised personnel.
4. Before carrying out any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the
device. In addition, the power isolating switch must be opened and locked.

Precautions during installation

1. Place the device where the ambient air is as cool and clean as possible.
2. During installation or any other intervention on one of the connected machines, the machine must be
stopped, de-energized and the isolating switch opened and locked before any maintenance or repair. As a
further safeguard, persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to
ensure that there is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be
affixed to the start equipment.
3. The electrical connections must correspond to the local codes. The device must be earthed and protected
against short circuits by fuses in all phases. A lockable power isolating switch must be installed near the
4. For machines controlled by a central control system, a sign stating "This machine may start without
warning" must be affixed near the instrument panel.
5. In multiple compressor systems, manual valves must be installed to isolate each compressor. Non-return
valves (check valves) must not be relied upon for isolating pressure systems.

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6. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices.

Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during operation and Safety
precautions during maintenance or repair.
These precautions apply to electrical devices.
For precautions applying to the connected equipment consult the relevant instruction book.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your device.

1.3 Safety precautions during operation

All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non-
observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair,
even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements
and regulations.
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorised, trained,
specialised personnel.
4. Before carrying out any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the
device. In addition, the power isolating switch must be opened and locked.

Precautions during operation

1. Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there
is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote
start equipment.
2. Never operate the device in the presence of flammable or toxic fumes, vapours or particles.
3. Never operate the machine below or in excess of its limit ratings.
4. Keep all bodywork doors and panels closed during operation. The doors may be opened for short periods
only, e.g. to carry out routine checks. Wear ear protectors when opening a door if applicable.
5. People staying in environments or rooms where the sound pressure level reaches or exceeds 90 dB(A)
shall wear ear protectors.
6. Periodically check that:
• All guards and fasteners are in place and tight
• All hoses and/or pipes are in good condition, secure and not rubbing
• There are no leaks
• All electrical leads are secure and in good order
7. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices.

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Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during maintenance or repair.
These precautions apply to electrical devices.
For precautions applying to the connected equipment consult the relevant instruction book.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your machine.

1.4 Safety precautions during maintenance or repair

All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non-
observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair,
even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements
and regulations.
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorised, trained,
specialised personnel.
4. Before carrying out any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the
device. In addition, the power isolating switch must be opened and locked.

Precautions during maintenance or repair

1. Use only the correct tools for maintenance and repair work.
2. Use only genuine spare parts.
3. A warning sign bearing a legend such as "work in progress; do not start" shall be attached to the starting
equipment, including all remote start equipment.
4. Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there
is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote
start equipment.
5. Never use flammable solvents or carbon tetrachloride for cleaning parts. Take safety precautions against
toxic vapours of cleaning liquids.
6. Scrupulously observe cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep dirt away by covering the parts
and exposed openings with a clean cloth, paper or tape.
7. Never use a light source with open flame for inspecting the interior of the device.
8. All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to ensure that they function properly.
They may not be put out of action.
9. Before clearing the device for use after maintenance or repair, check that operating pressures, temperatures
and time settings are correct. Check that all control and shut-down devices are fitted and that they function
10. Never use caustic solvents which can damage materials of the air net.

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Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during operation.
These precautions apply to electrical devices.
For precautions applying to the connected equipment consult the relevant instruction book.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your machine.

Units and/or used parts should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly and safe manner and in
line with the local recommendations and legislation.

1.5 Specific safety precautions for nitrogen generating equipment

NG 7 up to NG 81 can be installed in the vicinity of the nitrogen consuming application without the
requirement for classification of the surrounding area as hazardous, provided that all necessary measures have
been taken to guarantee the maximum safety.
The nitrogen generating unit must be installed and used in observance of the instructions in this booklet.
Failure to observe these instructions will render the guarantee null and void and release the manufacturer from
all liability for direct or indirect damage or physical injury.
Hoses, pipes and connections used must be of the correct size and must be suitable for the working pressure.
Never use frayed, damaged or worn hoses. Connections made to the equipment must be free of strain.
Nitrogen is not a toxic gas, but when the percentage of nitrogen in the air exceeds a specific value, there is a
risk of asphyxia. You should therefore never directly inhale the produced gas, and avoid working in the
immediate vicinity of the flowing nitrogen. Given the low quantities produced, it is sufficient that the flow
of nitrogen occurs in a normally ventilated environment to avoid the risk of accumulation. Consult Atlas
Copco if in doubt.
In the direct vicinity of the generator, oxygen at various purities (normally not exceeding 30 %) is vented in
order to regenerate the towers. This concentration is not as such for creating any danger of explosion, but
oxygen promotes rapid combustion and therefore can increase the risk for fire and explosion hazards in the
presence of flammable material. In normally ventilated areas the oxygen concentration decreases quickly to
the normal concentration in air at short distance from the vent valve.
More details about the characteristics of nitrogen or oxygen can be found in the safety datasheet for nitrogen
and oxygen, both available as a separate publication (consult Atlas Copco).
If desired, an oxygen sensor can be installed in the vicinity of the nitrogen generator. This device can detect
the presence and concentration of oxygen and nitrogen.

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2 Description

2.1 General description

Working principle
NG 7 up to NG 81 nitrogen generators are intended to produce nitrogen (N2) for industrial purposes. They
use Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology to produce nitrogen by passing compressed air through a
vessel containing adsorbent material.
The adsorbents are chosen on the basis of their adsorption characteristics: the adsorbent has much more affinity
for non-product molecules than for the product gas (N2). This characteristic results in most of the desired
molecules (N2) passing through the bed and into the product stream, while undesired components (product
impurities) are captured by the adsorbent.
The PSA process is inherently a batch process, as the adsorbent bed requires periodic desorption.
Consequently, PSA systems usually contain two adsorbent vessels to provide operational continuity. At any
time, one of the vessels will be delivering product (N2) by adsorbing undesired components of the air, while
the other vessel is being regenerated by depressurization to atmospheric pressure. When the adsorbing vessel
approaches saturation, a set of valves quickly switches the functions. A buffer vessel downstream of the
nitrogen generator ensures that the delivery of nitrogen is continuous.
During the adsorption phase, high-pressure air flows through the sieve and oxygen molecules are caught while
nitrogen molecules pass on due to the different molecular size. The sieve continues to adsorb oxygen until a
saturation point is reached. During desorption, the entering air stream is cut off and the oxygen is able to leave
the tank at low pressure.

Operating principle of the nitrogen generator

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Nitrogen PSA vessels contain Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) material to remove oxygen and other
undesired components. The nitrogen is delivered by the generator at a typical pressure between 6 and 9 bar,
with a purity that can vary between 97 % and 99.999%. The amount of nitrogen produced is strongly influenced
by the requested purity.

2.2 Detailed description

Scope of supply
The supply includes:
• The nitrogen generator itself (NG 7 up to NG 81)
• An electric power supply cable with IEC350 socket. Length 5 m (approx. 16.5 ft). The supply voltage can
be 115 V 50 Hz, 115 V 60 Hz, 230 V 50 Hz or 230 V 60 Hz. Consult the dataplate.
• Two connectors: one for the alarm relay and one for the remote control
• A socket head wrench for opening the canopy panels (for NG 27, NG 54 and NG 81 only)
• centering screws (for NG 27 and NG 54 only)
• The declaration of conformity
• A service diagram of the unit
• This user manual
• A parts list
• Key for servicing silencers

Front view

Front view NG 7 up to NG 15

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Front view NG 27 up to NG 81


1 Alphanumeric display and keyboard, indicating operating status and alarms. The 4 buttons are used to
display and adjust the operating parameters.
2 Nitrogen pressure gauge: indicates the outlet pressure of the nitrogen.
3 ON/OFF switch
4 Air pressure gauge: indicates the compressed air pressure at the inlet of the nitrogen generator.

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Rear view

Rear view NG 7 up to NG 15

Rear view NG 27 up to NG 81


5 CE data label
States the model, serial number and other relevant specifications regarding the unit.

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6 Connection for alarm relay

7 Connection for remote control
8 Alarm buzzer. The buzzer is enabled in the event of an alarm condition.
9 Fuse
10 Connection for electric power supply cable
Pneumatic connection for the nitrogen line for delivery to the application (NG 7 up to NG 15)
12 ‘TO TANK’: pneumatic connection for the delivery line to the nitrogen tank
Pneumatic connection for the line returning from the nitrogen tank (NG 7 up to NG 15)
Pneumatic connection for the sampling line from the nitrogen tank for purity measurement (NG 27 up
to NG 81)
14 ‘AIR’: pneumatic connection for the compressed air line

Alarm relay contact characteristics

Electrical characteristics
• Max. switching voltage: 264 V AC
• Max. contact resistance: 0.1 Ohm
• Rated load: 8 A at 250 V AC - 8 A at 30 V DC
• Max. switching power: 2000 VA

Pin designations for connection to the alarm relay contacts:

Pin 1 = common contact
Pin 2 = NC contact
Pin 3 = NO contact

Remote control commands

Input 1
Pin 1 = +
Pin 2 = -
Function: remote start/stop command (the same function of start/stop key of the front panel keyboard). The
unit will start or stop every time voltage is applied between pin 1 and pin 2.
Input 2
Pin 3 = +
Pin 4 = -
Function: remote audible alarm reset (the same function of the “F” key of the front panel keyboard). The
alarm is reset when the voltage is applied between pin 3 and pin 4.
Electrical requirements
Input voltage: between 10 and 28 V DC
Input current (mA): (input voltage -0.6)/2.7

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3 Installation

3.1 Dimensions and weights

Dimensions NG 7 up to NG 15

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Dimensions and weight of NG 27

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Dimensions and weight of NG 54

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Dimensions and weight of NG 81

Legend to the dimension drawings

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reference description reference description

(1) weight in kg (5) connection TO TANK
(2) size of connections (6) All materials supplied are in compliance
with the requirements of the List of
Prohibited Substances
(3) connection AIR (7) connection NITROGEN
(4) connection FROM TANK

3.2 Installation

Installation area requirements

• Humidity and dust: to avoid risk of damage to electronic components, install the generator in an
environment subject to limited relative humidity and low concentration of dust. The generator must also
be protected against droplets, rain and wind. According to the Low Voltage requirements (EN61010)
indoor use is recommended for this unit (protection degree is IP 20).
• Temperature: the ambient temperature in the generator installation area must be between 5˚C (41˚F) and
40˚C (104˚F). Install the generator away from heat sources. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
• Positioning: when choosing the installation area for the generator, take into account minimum clearances
required for operation and maintenance. Consult the installation proposal drawings further in this chapter.
The nitrogen generator must be installed on a level floor, suitable for taking the weight of the generator.
• Filters: NG units can be used with oil injected compressors as well as with oil free compressors.
Please note that it is of utmost importance to prevent any dust, water or oil from entering the nitrogen
generator, because this will damage the molecular sieve material. Contact Atlas Copco for advice
in case of doubt.
• If an oil injected compressor is used, the complete filtration package (DD, PD, QD - see
installation proposal drawings) is to be installed upstream the compressed air vessel, just after
the compressor outlet.
• When an oil free compressor is used, principally no filter is required, but special applications may
require a filter downstream the nitrogen receiver, e.g. to protect the application from eventual dust
On all inlet filters, a drain tube must be installed. The drain pipes to the drain collector must not dip into
the water. For draining of pure water when oil injected compressors are used, install an oil/water separator
(consult Atlas Copco).
It is recommended to install bypass pipes with ball valves over each filter in order to isolate the filters
during service operations without disturbing the continuity of the process.
If the compressor is not equipped with a water separator (WSD), a WSD needs to be added upstream the

Handling and positioning of the nitrogen generator

The generator must be handled using suitable equipment such as a pallet mover or a forklift truck.
Remove all packaging, taking care not to damage the generator panels.
When choosing the installation area for the generator, take into account minimum clearances required for use
and maintenance.

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The generator must at all times be kept in vertical position and is not designed to be laid on its side
(even not during transport!).

Pneumatic connections
The figures illustrate the components used in a typical nitrogen generator system. The couplings for pneumatic
connections between the various system elements (nitrogen generator, compressed air tank, nitrogen tank,
utility) are located at the rear side of the NG unit.
Avoid distances exceeding 2 m (6.5 ft) between the various elements.

To facilitate the installation, AIRnet piping is recommended.

All piping is to be connected stress-free.

• Air inlet

The properties of the compressed air at the inlet of the nitrogen generator, as well as the minimum
pressure and flow rate requirements, play an important role with regard to its performance and
The compressed air used should be of a quality that meets ISO 8573-1; class 1-4-1. Using a lower
quality of compressed air will cause irreversible damage to the generator. In such case, the
manufacturer denies all liability for damages and any costs for repairs will be charged to the client.
The purity of the nitrogen produced is reduced when the air pressure at the inlet decreases.
Therefore the installation of an accordingly sized compressed air tank is recommended. In case of
any doubt with regard to the above, contact Atlas Copco for advice on the most suitable compressed
air system (compressor, dryer, filters, tank) for the specific application.

Connection of the inlet:

• Locate the air coupling, marked ‘AIR’, at the rear side of the generator.
• Connect the hose.
• Connect the other end of the hose to the compressed air tank (upper coupling).
• Connection of the nitrogen tank
• The coupling ‘TO TANK’ is located at the rear of the generator.
• Connect the hose.
• Connect the other end of the hose to the nitrogen tank.
• Locate the coupling ‘FROM TANK’ at the rear of the generator.
• Connect the hose.
• Connect the other end of the hose to the nitrogen tank.
• Nitrogen outlet
The generator produces nitrogen at a preset purity level (between 97% and 99,999%) according to the
users requirements at the time of the purchase order.
This purity level is set at the manufacturer’s facilities and cannot be modified by the user to a different
level without the intervention of a qualified Atlas Copco technician.
The nitrogen flow rate depends on the model and on the required purity.
The nitrogen pressure depends on the pressure of the compressed air at the inlet.
Connection of the outlet:
• On NG 7 up to NG 15, the nitrogen coupling, marked ‘NITROGEN’, is located at the rear side of the
On NG 27 up to NG 81, the nitrogen line must be connected to the nitrogen vessel.
• Connect the line. It is recommended to install a ball valve in the outlet line.

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Installation proposal for NG 7 up to NG 15 (typical installation with GA compressor)

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Installation proposal for NG 27 up to NG 81 (typical installation with GA compressor)


reference reference
1 compressor with integrated dryer 2c QD filter
2 DD-PD-QD filters 3 air tank
2a DD filter 4 nitrogen generator
2b PD filter 5 nitrogen tank

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• If a failure in gas supply (e.g. due to a power failure, the activation of an electrical safety device,
or a generator fault) is - even temporarily - not admissible, it can be advisable to foresee a backup
nitrogen source to enable provisional supply of gas (totally or partially automatic).
• To ensure compliance with the standards imposed by the Machinery Directive, the restart of the
generator after the electrical power supply is restored normally cannot be automatic. It must be
activated manually by the operator.
If automatic restart of the generator is necessary, this command should be entered in the setup

Assembly of the module (only for NG 54 and NG 81)

Models NG 54 and NG 81 consist of more than one module. To assemble the units, proceed as follows:
• Place the main module (i.e. the one with the control panel).
• Carefully loosen the pressure valve couplings of the second module (in case of the NG 54) and the third
module (in case of the NG 81) at the front side of the unit (A).

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• Bring up the second module (in case of NG 54) and third module (in case of NG 81).
• Put the fixation bolts at the front (B) and the rear (C) in place. The bolts are located inside the plastic bag
attached to the unit.
• Straighten the pressure valves and retighten the couplings (A).
• Set up the pressure connections with the aluminum tubes on the front (D) and the rear (E).

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• Connect the valve pressure control tubes (V1-V2-V3-V4) in parallel on the front (F) and rear (G).

Assembling more units in parallel

When two or more units of the same size or of different size are put in parallel for producing higher flows of
nitrogen, the calibration of the production flow is done automatically by the vessel.
When small size units (NG 7 - NG 15) are connected in parallel, the outlet to the nitrogen using application
should bypass the nitrogen generator and go through the vessel. For special combination of units and for fine-
tuning, please contact Atlas Copco.

3.3 Electrical connections

Electric power supply

For safety reasons, the following instructions must be observed strictly.

The electrical installation must comply with current standards, in particular regarding the earthing
• Always connect the earthing line.
• The mains socket must be located in an easily accessible position.
• Low voltage fuses on the unit are specified on the fuse label placed on the rear side of the unit.
Fuse installation at customer location is specified on the service diagram attached to the
The power consumption of the unit is 30 watt (0.03 kW).
Before any service intervention on the unit please makes sure that the electrical power is totally
disconnected. Therefore, please unplug directly the unit from the main power supply.
According to Low Voltage standard (EN61010), the unit:
• accepts a tolerance on the supply voltage corresponding to +/- 10% of the nominal supply
voltage of the unit.
• the level of pollution indicated by the norm is II.
• is suitable for operation up to 2000 m (6500 ft) altitude and maintain the CE mark. Above
this altitude, special electrical insulation of the unit is required.

Connection procedure:
• Locate the power cable connector at the rear of the generator.
• Before connecting the cable, ensure that the POWER switch is in the OFF position.
• Connect the power cable, type IEC350 supplied with the generator.

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4 Operating instructions

4.1 Keyboard and display

For your own safety, always observe all relevant safety instructions.

Keyboard and display

Display and keyboard

The keyboard on the front panel of the generator enables the user to interact with the generator to give specific
commands or to display and set parameters.
The table shows the function of the keys:

Function of the keys on the keyboard

Reference Name Function

1 Function key Selects a generator function
2 UP key Increases the selected value
3 DOWN key Decreases the selected value
4 START/STOP key Starts or stops the generator

The display comprises 2 lines of 20 characters each.

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Usually the top line displays the functions or parameters and the lower line displays the relative status and
values. If the message exceeds 20 characters, the text scrolls on the display.

4.2 Initial start-up

The generator leaves the factory pre-set and ready to start nitrogen production.
The user has access to a number of parameters (e.g. language, start-up mode, etc.). Personalization of the
settings can be done at the customer place according the parameters modification procedure. It is
recommended to have this operation carried out by specialized service people from Atlas Copco.
To start up the nitrogen generator for the first time or after a long period of standstill, proceed as follows:
1. Check that all connections are made as specified in the installation proposal.
2. Close the nitrogen line downstream the generator.
3. Switch on the generator by setting the power switch to ON.
4. Start the nitrogen production by pressing the ‘START/STOP’ key.
5. Wait until the generator reaches the standby status. In this status, the generator interrupts the normal
production cycles and the display shows the message


6. From this point the nitrogen is available for the line by opening the valve downstream the generator.

4.3 Normal operation

To switch on the generator, press the ON/OFF switch on the front of the generator. The display illuminates
and, after a few seconds, a depressurisation cycle is started automatically. During this phase, lasting maximum
60 seconds, the following message is displayed:


At the end of depressurisation, the following message is displayed:


In this condition, the generator is ready to receive the production start-up command or shutdown command.

Nitrogen production
When the generator has completed the preparation phase and the message

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is displayed, nitrogen production can be started up as follows:

Press the ‘START/STOP’ key on the keyboard.
The production cycle is started up and the following message is displayed:


• After switching on the generator, the generator runs a number of washing cycles for the
molecular sieves before starting up the actual production of nitrogen. During this phase, lasting
approximately 15 minutes, the message ‘PURGE’ is displayed. At the end of this phase,
production will be started up automatically.
• During initial start-up, the nitrogen tank still contains air. The final purity will only be reached
when this air is replaced by the nitrogen delivered by the generator. The time required for this
operation depends on the model of generator, the required purity of the nitrogen and the volume
of the tank itself.

Stopping the generator

At any time during nitrogen production the generator can be stopped by pressing the ‘START/STOP’ key.
Depending on the phase being active, the generator starts to depressurise immediately, or awaits finalisation
of the production cycle before activating depressurisation.
During depressurisation, which usually lasts from 30 to 60 seconds, the following message is displayed:


At the end of depressurisation, the following message is displayed:


There are then two alternatives:

• Switch off the generator by pressing the ‘POWER’ (ON/OFF) switch, or
• Resume the gas production by pressing the ‘START/STOP’ key.

Shutting down the generator

Correct shutdown
For correct shutdown of the generator, the display should show ‘GENERATOR READY’ first.
Next, set the ON/OFF switch (black) to OFF to turn off the generator.
Incorrect shutdown
Avoid turning off the generator directly, i.e. without first stopping it as described above.

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However, this may occur inadvertently or due to a power failure. In this case, on subsequent generator restart,
the following message is displayed:


To shut off the alarm, press function key F.

4.4 Parameter display

Generator status display

During production, the main menu displays the message:


For more information on generator status, press the UP key. The following information is displayed:

‘ AIR . . . . N2 .... YYYY’

WWW ... XXX ... ZZZZ

WWW = air pressure on inlet to the sieves, expressed in bar
XXX = nitrogen pressure in the tank, expressed in bar
YYYY = operating phase of molecular sieves CMS1
ZZZZ = operating phase of molecular sieves CMS2
The values are updated continuously to verify correct operation of the generator.
To exit this screen and return to the main menu press the DOWN key.
Operating hours display
The generator counts the hours of operation (refering to the time the generator is in the status
‘PRODUCTION’), to a maximum value of 65 535 hours. To display the operating hours, return to the main
menu (‘PRODUCTION’) and then press the DOWN key. To exit this page and return to the main menu press
the UP key.
Purity display
To display the purity of nitrogen, starting from the main menu of the display (‘PRODUCTION’), press the
UP key twice.
The purity is expressed as the residual concentration of oxygen (% O2 or ppm O2)
To return to the main menu, press the DOWN key.

If the generator is stopped for a longer period, close the inlet and outlet valve to avoid moisture from
entering the generator.

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4.5 Parameter settings

Parameter settings
The editing mode enables the display and entry of parameters that govern the generator operation. The
parameters are divided into 4 categories, 2 of which are accessible to the operator: Mode and Maintenance.
Editing Mode parameters
These parameters select the operating mode of the generator:
• Language
• Italian
• English
• German
• French
• Spanish
• Production restart after incorrect switch off:
• manual
• automatic
• enabled
• disabled
In order to access these parameters, press and hold function key F while switching on the generator. The data
will be displayed in sequence as shown above.
To modify the value, use the arrow UP and DOWN keys. To save the chosen value, press and hold function
key F and press an arrow key (UP or DOWN); this confirms the value and moves to the next parameter.
To exit this menu, press and hold function key F for a few seconds.
The parameters set by default at the factory are :
• English
• manual restart
• ‘INCORRECT SWITCH OFF’ alarm enabled

Editing Maintenance parameters

See the maintenance section.

Oxygen alarm threshold settings

From the main menu (‘PRODUCTION’ or ‘READY TO START’), press function key F to display the
following screen:



The value can be increased or decreased respectively by means of the UP key and the DOWN key. To save
the modified value and/or go to the next parameter, press and hold function key F and press the UP key. The
display will show the following:

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The value can be increased or decreased respectively by means of the UP key and the DOWN key. To save
the modified value and/or go to the next parameter, press and hold function key F and press the UP key.
To return to the main menu, press and hold function key F for a few seconds.

To ensure correct operation of the generator, the second threshold must always be higher
than the first.

Minimum nitrogen pressure alarm settings

From the second oxygen alarm settings screen, press and hold function key F and press the UP key . The
display will show the following:


XX.X bar

This value represents the nitrogen pressure in the reserve tank, below which the alarm:


is activated. The value can be increased or decreased respectively by means of the UP key and the DOWN
To save the modified value and/or go to the next parameter, press and hold function key F and press the UP
key. To return to the main menu, press and hold function key F for a few seconds.

The set default value is 1.0 bar.

Nitrogen outlet pressure adjustment on NG 7 up to NG 15

• Remove the top panel (the panel is press-fit: simply lever off using a flat headed screwdriver).
• Locate the pressure regulator (A on the figure below).
• Pull the pressure regulator knob.
• Rotate the knob to regulate the pressure to the required value (clockwise to increase). The value of the
pressure can be read on the gauge (2).

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Instruction book

• Push down the knob.

• Refit the top panel.

Nitrogen outlet pressure adjustment on NG 7 up to NG 15

The factory setting is 0.0 bare (0.0 psig) (outlet closed).

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5 Maintenance

5.1 Maintenance

For a reliable and satisfying operation of the generator, it is absolutely necessary to follow the proposed
maintenance schedule, being the result of extensive testing.
To facilitate the scheduled maintenance, a replacement interval is programmed for all components subject to
preventive replacement. During operation of the generator, this time interval decreases untill expiry, at which
point there is an automatic request for maintenance.

Expiry warnings
During nitrogen production, when the estimated lifetime of a device expires, a message is displayed, an
example of which is shown below:


To acknowledge the message, press function key F . The message is then removed and the generator proceeds
with normal operation.
At the next restart, the generator requests whether the maintenance has been performed, with display of the
following message:



Press the UP arrow key to select the answer ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. After selection of the appropriate answer, confirm
the message by pressing function key F. If the answer is ‘NO’, the message is displayed again at the next
restart, while if ‘YES’, the timer for the component is reset for future maintenance.
Note: If an alarm for incorrect shutdown is displayed on activation of the generator, this messaging procedure
is disabled, but it will be available at the next start-up.

5.2 Maintenance schedule

To maintain generator efficiency and reduce the risks of faults, strictly observe the recommended maintenance
The following table specifies the frequency of the recommended maintenance operations, expressed in
operating hours of the generator:

Component Quantity Replacement frequency

O2 analyzer with full scale 500 ppm 1 4000 hours
O2 analyzer with full scale 5% 1 8000 hours
Silencer cartridge NG 7 - 15 2 8000 hours

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Component Quantity Replacement frequency

Silencer cartridge NG 27 2 8000 hours
Silencer cartridge NG 54 4 8000 hours
Silencer cartridge NG 81 6 8000 hours
Silencer purge NG 7 - 15 1 24000 hours
Silencer purge NG 27 - 81 1 24000 hours

All spare parts required for scheduled maintenance are included in the specific Service kit. Part numbers of
the Service kits can be found in the spare parts list of the nitrogen generators.

Due to its working principle, the oxygen analyzer contains traces of lead. Please dispose of it in
accordance with the environmental regulations.
Also the used CMS (carbon molecular sieves) need to be disposed of in accordance with the
environmental regulations.
Proper and timely maintenance is extremely important to safeguard the lifetime of the CMS bed.
Atlas Copco cannot take any responsability for improper functioning of the generator if maintenance
is not done as prescribed. In this respect, regular maintenance of all equipment upstream of the
nitrogen generator, including but not limited to the compressor and the filter package used is of
extreme importance. For maintenance instructions of this equipment, please be referred to the
instruction manual of the equipment involved.

5.3 Disposal of used material

Used filters or any other used material (e.g. desiccant, lubricants, cleaning rags, machine parts, etc.) must be
disposed of in an environmentally friendly and safe manner, and in line with the local recommendations and
environmental legislation.

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Instruction book

6 Trouble shooting

6.1 Alarms

For NG 7 up to NG 81 nitrogen generators, the possible alarm conditions are the following:
In these cases the alarm is shown on the display and the alarm buzzer is activated. To stop the acoustic signal,
press the function key F.
When the concentration of oxygen in the nitrogen produced exceeds the value of the second threshold,
the operator is notified by means of an acoustic signal.
To switch off the alarm, press function key F.
The generator continues to produce nitrogen but enables a purge outlet. This condition will persist until
the nitrogen returns to a pure status, i.e. when the oxygen concentration falls below the first set threshold.
The generator can then resume normal production.
Check for the following possible causes:
• Variation in operating conditions, in particular a decrease of the compressed air pressure at the inlet
• Unsuitable quality of the compressed air at the inlet (presence of oil and/or condensate)
• Malfunction of the oxygen analyzer
If the alarm persists, contact Atlas Copco for technical assistance.
This alarm is activated after excessive consumption of nitrogen at the utility. The pressure in the nitrogen
tank falls below the set ‘MINIMUM OUTLET PRESSURE’ value.
To switch off the alarm, press function key F.
To exit the alarm conditions, reduce the nitrogen flow rate to the utility to enable the pressure in the tank
to rise above the minimum value.
This alarm is activated when the pressure and/or flow rate of the compressed air at the inlet of the generator
is too low for correct operation.
To switch off the alarm, press function key F.
To eliminate the alarm condition, turn off the generator by means of the ‘POWER’ switch. Check if the
compressor filter is not clogged and replace if necessary. If the alarm re-appears, contact Atlas Copco.
If the air inlet pressure is above the maximum allowed value, the alarm buzzer is activated and the generator
is stopped.
To switch off the alarm, press function key F.
To eliminate the alarm condition, reduce the inlet pressure. Restart the nitrogen generator by means of the
ON-OFF switch.

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7 Technical data

7.1 Reference conditions

Air pressure at generator inlet 8.5 bar 123 psi

Nitrogen outlet pressure 6 bar 87 psi
Ambient temperature (air inlet temperature) 20 ˚C 68 ˚F
Air inlet quality ISO 8573-1 class 1-4-1 ISO 8573-1 class 1-4-1

7.2 Limitations for operation

Compressed air inlet pressure, maximal 13 bar 188.5 psi

Compressed air inlet pressure, minimal 6.5 bar 94.3 psi
Ambient air temperature, maximal 40 ˚C 104 ˚F
Ambient air temperature, minimal 5 ˚C 41 ˚F

7.3 Performance data

NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81
Purity 97.000 %
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 14.0 18.0 23.0 27.0 - - -
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 494 636 812 953 - - -
Purity 98.000 %
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 43.2 86.0 129.6 (2)
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 424 565 706 847 1525 3037 4576 (2)
Purity 99.000 %
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 9.0 13.0 16.0 19.0 34.0 68.4 102.5 (2)
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 318 459 565 671 1201 2415 3619 (2)
Purity 99.500 %
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 27.0 54.0 81.0
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 265 353 441 530 953 1907 2860
Purity 99.900 %
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 4.7 6.0 8.0 9.0 16.3 32.5 48.8
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 166 212 282 318 576 1148 1723
Purity 99.990 %

34 2920 7034 04
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NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 2.5 3.3 4.0 5.0 9.0 18.0 27.0
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 88 117 141 177 318 636 953
Purity 99.999 %
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) Nm3/h 1.3 1.7 2.0 3.0 5.4 10.8 16.2
Nitrogen flow (FND) (1) scfh 46 60 71 106 191 381 572

Notes Description
(1) FND = Free Nitrogen delivery (i.e. nitrogen flow referred to inlet conditions).
During test, the rejection limit for the nitrogen flow is -5% on the nominal value, whilst purity
has zero tolerance towards lower values.
(2) Only valid at air inlet pressure above 8.5 bar (123.3 psi).

Dimensions and weight

Net data

NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81
Width mm 400 400 400 400 621 1021 1421
Width in 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 24.4 40.2 55.9
Length mm 1308 1308 1308 1308 1170 1170 1170
Length in 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 46.1 46.1 46.1
Heigth mm 1376 1376 1376 1376 2073 2073 2073
Heigth in 54.2 54.2 54.2 54.2 81.6 81.6 81.6
Net mass kg 230 270 310 350 750 1400 2050
Net mass lb 507 595 683 772 1653 3086 4519

Data of packed units

NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81
Width mm 860 860 860 860 860 1360 2040
Width in 33.8 33.8 33.8 33.8 33.8 53.5 80.3
Length mm 1460 1460 1460 1460 1600 1350 1350
Length in 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 63.0 53.1 53.1
Heigth mm 1580 1580 1580 1580 2230 2230 2230
Heigth in 62.2 62.2 62.2 62.2 87.8 87.8 87.8
Brut mass kg 310 350 390 430 880 1653 2380
Brut mass lb 683 772 860 948 1940 3644 5247

Mechanical connections

NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81
AIR inlet G 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1”F 1”F 1”F
AIR inlet NPT 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1” F 1“ F 1” F

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Instruction book

NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81
Nitrogen to tank G 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1” F 1” F 1” F
Nitrogen to tank NPT 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1” F 1” F 1” F
Nitrogen from tank G 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 4 mm PA 4 mm PA 4 mm PA
pipe pipe pipe
Nitrogen from tank NPT 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 4 mm PA 4 mm PA 4 mm PA
pipe pipe pipe
Nitrogen outlet G 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F - - -
Nitrogen outlet NPT 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F 1/2 “ F - - -

Noise emission

Noise level (1) NG 7 NG 10 NG 12 NG 15 NG 27 NG 54 NG 81

dB(A) (2) 72 72 72 72 85 85 85
dB(A) (3) 55 55 55 55 60 60 60

(1): Noise levels measured at 1 m distance from the front panel.

(2): Noise level produced during venting (approximately 1 second every cycle).
(3): Noise level produced during remaining time of the cycle.

7.4 Correction factors

Correction in function of the air inlet pressure

If the air inlet pressure to the nitrogen generator is below 8.5 bar (123.3 psi), the nitrogen flow decreases by
approximately 13 % for each bar (14.5 psi) below 8.5 bar (123.3 psi). If the pressure is above 8.5 bar, the
nitrogen flow increases accordingly.

pressure (bar) pressure (psi) correction factor

6.5 94.3 0.76
7.5 108.8 0.87
8.5 123.3 1
9.5 137.8 1.13
10.5 152.3 1.28
11.5 166.8 1.44
12.5 181.3 1.63

Correction in function of the CMS temperature (1)

temperature (˚C) temperature (˚F) correction factor

5 41 0.85
10 50 1
15 59 1
20 68 1

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temperature (˚C) temperature (˚F) correction factor

25 77 0.92
30 86 0.85
35 95 0.77
40 104 0.7

(1): Note: at working regime, the temperature of the CMS tends to reach the value of the inlet air temperature.
At start up of the unit however, the ambient temperature can influence the output of the unit. In general, the
ambient temperature during regime operation has a less strong influence. The solution which involves the
minimum error is to average the two temperatures.

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In order to be First in Mind-First in Choice® for all your quality
compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products and
services that help to increase your business’ efficiency and
Atlas Copco's pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by our
need for reliability and efficiency. Always working with you, we are
committed to providing you the customized quality air solution that
is the driving force behind your business.

No. 2920 7034 04 / 2008 - 08 - Printed in Belgium

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