Ireneo B. Orlino For Petitioner in G.R. Nos. 88831 & 84508. Montemayor & Montemayor Law Office For Private Respondent
Ireneo B. Orlino For Petitioner in G.R. Nos. 88831 & 84508. Montemayor & Montemayor Law Office For Private Respondent
Ireneo B. Orlino For Petitioner in G.R. Nos. 88831 & 84508. Montemayor & Montemayor Law Office For Private Respondent
88831 November 8, 1990 including the plebiscite on February 2,1987 for the
ratification of the 1987 Constitution, and the
MATEO CAASI, petitioner, congressional elections on May 18,1987.
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and MERITO C. After hearing the consolidated petitions before it, the
MIGUEL, respondents. COMELEC with the exception of Commissioner
Anacleto Badoy, Jr., dismissed the petitions on the
G.R. No. 84508 November 13, 1990 ground that:
G.R. No. 84508 is a petition for review on certiorari of In G.R. No. 88831, "Mateo Caasi, petitioner vs. Court
the decision dated January 13, 1988 of the COMELEC of Appeals and Merito Miguel, respondents," the
First Division, dismissing the three (3) petitions of petitioner prays for a review of the decision dated
Anecito Cascante (SPC No. 87-551), Cederico Catabay June 21, 1989 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
(SPC No. 87-595) and Josefino C. Celeste (SPC No. No. 14531 "Merito C. Miguel, petitioner vs. Hon.
87-604), for the disqualification of Merito C. Miguel Artemio R. Corpus, etc., respondents," reversing the
filed prior to the local elections on January 18, 1988. decision of the Regional Trial Court which denied
Miguel's motion to dismiss the petition for quo
G.R. No. 88831, Mateo Caasi vs. Court of Appeals, et warranto filed by Caasi. The Court of Appeals ordered
al., is a petition for review of the decision dated June the regional trial court to dismiss and desist from
21, 1989, of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. further proceeding in the quo warranto case. The
Court of Appeals held:
14531 dismissing the petition for quo warranto filed by
Mateo Caasi, a rival candidate for the position of
municipal mayor of Bolinao, Pangasinan, also to ... it is pointless for the Regional Trial Court to hear
disqualify Merito Miguel on account of his being a the case questioning the qualification of the petitioner
green card holder. as resident of the Philippines, after the COMELEC has
ruled that the petitioner meets the very basic
In his answer to both petitions, Miguel admitted that requirements of citizenship and residence for
he holds a green card issued to him by the US candidates to elective local officials (sic) and that
Immigration Service, but he denied that he is a there is no legal obstacles (sic) for the candidacy of
permanent resident of the United States. He allegedly the petitioner, considering that decisions of the
obtained the green card for convenience in order that Regional Trial Courts on quo warranto cases under the
he may freely enter the United States for his periodic Election Code are appealable to the COMELEC. (p. 22,
medical examination and to visit his children there. He Rollo, G.R. No. 88831.)
alleged that he is a permanent resident of Bolinao,
Pangasinan, that he voted in all previous elections,
These two cases pose the twin issues of: (1) whether Person identified by this card is entitled to reside
or not a green card is proof that the holder is a permanently and work in the United States." (Annex A
permanent resident of the United States, and (2) pp. 189-190, Rollo of G.R. No. 84508.)
whether respondent Miguel had waived his status as a
permanent resident of or immigrant to the U.S.A. prior Despite his vigorous disclaimer, Miguel's immigration
to the local elections on January 18, 1988. to the United States in 1984 constituted an
abandonment of his domicile and residence in the
Section 18, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution Philippines. For he did not go to the United States
provides: merely to visit his children or his doctor there; he
entered the limited States with the intention to have
Sec. 18. Public officers and employees owe the State there permanently as evidenced by his application for
and this Constitution allegiance at all times, and any an immigrant's (not a visitor's or tourist's) visa. Based
public officer or employee who seeks to change his on that application of his, he was issued by the U.S.
citizenship or acquire the status of an immigrant of Government the requisite green card or authority to
another country during his tenure shall be dealt with reside there permanently.
by law.
Immigration is the removing into one place from
In the same vein, but not quite, Section 68 of the another; the act of immigrating the entering into a
Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines (B.P. Blg. country with the intention of residing in it.
881) provides:
An immigrant is a person who removes into a country
SEC. 68. Disqualifications ... Any person who is a for the purpose of permanent residence. As shown
permanent resident of or an immigrant to a foreign infra 84, however, statutes sometimes give a broader
country shall not be qualified to run for any elective meaning to the term "immigrant." (3 CJS 674.)
office under this Code, unless said person has waived
his status as permanent resident or immigrant of a As a resident alien in the U.S., Miguel owes temporary
foreign country in accordance with the residence and local allegiance to the U.S., the country in which
requirement provided for in the election laws. (Sec. he resides (3 CJS 527). This is in return for the
25, 1971, EC). protection given to him during the period of his
residence therein.
In view of current rumor that a good number of
elective and appointive public officials in the present Aliens reading in the limited States, while they are
administration of President Corazon C. Aquino are permitted to remain, are in general entitled to the
holders of green cards in foreign countries, their effect protection of the laws with regard to their rights of
on the holders' right to hold elective public office in person and property and to their civil and criminal
the Philippines is a question that excites much interest responsibility.
in the outcome of this case.
In general, aliens residing in the United States, while
In the case of Merito Miguel, the Court deems it they are permitted to remain are entitled to the
significant that in the "Application for Immigrant Visa safeguards of the constitution with regard to their
and Alien Registration" (Optional Form No. 230, rights of person and property and to their civil and
Department of State) which Miguel filled up in his own criminal responsibility. Thus resident alien friends are
handwriting and submitted to the US Embassy in entitled to the benefit of the provision of the
Manila before his departure for the United States in Fourteenth Amendment to the federal constitution that
1984, Miguel's answer to Question No. 21 therein no state shall deprive "any person" of life liberty, or
regarding his "Length of intended stay (if property without due process of law, or deny to any
permanently, so state)," Miguel's answer person the equal protection of the law, and the
was, "Permanently." protection of this amendment extends to the right to
earn a livelihood by following the ordinary occupations
On its face, the green card that was subsequently of life. So an alien is entitled to the protection of the
issued by the United States Department of Justice and provision of the Fifth Amendment to the federal
Immigration and Registration Service to the constitution that no person shall be deprived of life,
respondent Merito C. Miguel identifies him in clear bold liberty, or property without due process of law. (3 CJS
letters as a RESIDENT ALIEN. On the back of the card, 529-530.)
the upper portion, the following information is printed:
Section 18, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution which
Alien Registration Receipt Card. provides that "any public officer or employee who
seeks to change his citizenship or acquire the status of
an immigrant of another country during his tenure
shall be dealt with by law" is not applicable to Merito
Miguel for he acquired the status of an immigrant of
the United States before he was elected to public and before he ran for mayor of that municipality on
office, not "during his tenure" as mayor of Bolinao, January 18, 1988.
In banning from elective public office Philippine
The law applicable to him is Section 68 of the Omnibus citizens who are permanent residents or immigrants of
Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881), which provides: a foreign country, the Omnibus Election Code has laid
down a clear policy of excluding from the right to hold
xxx xxx xxx elective public office those Philippine citizens who
possess dual loyalties and allegiance. The law has
reserved that privilege for its citizens who have cast
Any person who is a permanent
their lot with our country "without mental reservations
resident of or an immigrant to a
or purpose of evasion." The assumption is that those
foreign country shall not be qualified
who are resident aliens of a foreign country are
to run for any elective office under this
incapable of such entire devotion to the interest and
Code, unless such person has waived
welfare of their homeland for with one eye on their
his status as permanent resident or
public duties here, they must keep another eye on
immigrant of a foreign country in
their duties under the laws of the foreign country of
accordance with the residence
their choice in order to preserve their status as
requirement provided for in the
permanent residents thereof.
election laws.'
compliance with the one year residency requirement, cannot affect the result of the election, or deviations
the Second Division held: from provisions intended primarily to secure timely
and orderly conduct of elections." The Supreme Court
Respondent raised the affirmative defense in her in that case considered the amendment only as a
Answer that the printed word "Seven" (months) was a matter of form. But in the instant case, the
result of an "honest misinterpretation or honest amendment cannot be considered as a matter of form
mistake" on her part and, therefore, an amendment or an inconsequential deviation. The change in the
should subsequently be allowed. She averred that she number of years of residence in the place where
thought that what was asked was her "actual and respondent seeks to be elected is a substantial matter
physical" presence in Tolosa and not residence of which determines her qualification as a candidacy,
origin or domicile in the First Legislative District, to specially those intended to suppress, accurate material
which she could have responded "since childhood." In representation in the original certificate which
an accompanying affidavit, she stated that her adversely affects the filer. To admit the amended
domicile is Tacloban City, a component of the First certificate is to condone the evils brought by the
District, to which she always intended to return shifting minds of manipulating candidate, of the
whenever absent and which she has never abandoned. detriment of the integrity of the election.
Furthermore, in her memorandum, she tried to
discredit petitioner's theory of disqualification by Moreover, to allow respondent to change the seven
alleging that she has been a resident of the First (7) month period of her residency in order to prolong
Legislative District of Leyte since childhood, although it by claiming it was "since childhood" is to allow an
she only became a resident of the Municipality of untruthfulness to be committed before this
Tolosa for seven months. She asserts that she has Commission. The arithmetical accuracy of the 7
always been a resident of Tacloban City, a component months residency the respondent indicated in her
of the First District, before coming to the Municipality certificate of candidacy can be gleaned from her entry
of Tolosa. in her Voter's Registration Record accomplished on
January 28, 1995 which reflects that she is a resident
Along this point, it is interesting to note that prior to of Brgy. Olot, Tolosa, Leyte for 6 months at the time
her registration in Tolosa, respondent announced that of the said registration (Annex A, Petition). Said
she would be registering in Tacloban City so that she accuracy is further buttressed by her letter to the
can be a candidate for the District. However, this election officer of San Juan, Metro Manila, dated
intention was rebuffed when petitioner wrote the August 24, 1994, requesting for the cancellation of her
Election Officer of Tacloban not to allow respondent registration in the Permanent List of Voters thereat so
since she is a resident of Tolosa and not Tacloban. She that she can be re-registered or transferred to Brgy.
never disputed this claim and instead implicitly Olot, Tolosa, Leyte. The dates of these three (3)
acceded to it by registering in Tolosa. different documents show the respondent's consistent
conviction that she has transferred her residence to
Olot, Tolosa, Leyte from Metro Manila only for such
This incident belies respondent's claim of "honest
limited period of time, starting in the last week of
misinterpretation or honest mistake." Besides, the
August 1994 which on March 8, 1995 will only sum up
Certificate of Candidacy only asks for RESIDENCE.
to 7 months. The Commission, therefore, cannot be
Since on the basis of her Answer, she was quite aware
persuaded to believe in the respondent's contention
of "residence of origin" which she interprets to be
that it was an error.
Tacloban City, it is curious why she did not cite
Tacloban City in her Certificate of Candidacy. Her
explanation that she thought what was asked was her xxx xxx xxx
actual and physical presence in Tolosa is not easy to
believe because there is none in the question that Based on these reasons the Amended/Corrected
insinuates about Tolosa. In fact, item no. 8 in the Certificate of Candidacy cannot be admitted by this
Certificate of Candidacy speaks clearly of Commission.
"Residency in the CONSTITUENCY where I seek to be
elected immediately preceding the election." Thus, the xxx xxx xxx
explanation of respondent fails to be persuasive.
Anent the second issue, and based on the foregoing
From the foregoing, respondent's defense of an honest discussion, it is clear that respondent has not complied
mistake or misinterpretation, therefore, is devoid of with the one year residency requirement of the
merit. Constitution.
To further buttress respondent's contention that an In election cases, the term "residence" has always
amendment may be made, she cited the case of Alialy been considered as synonymous with "domicile" which
v. COMELEC (2 SCRA 957). The reliance of respondent imports not only the intention to reside in a fixed place
on the case of Alialy is misplaced. The case only but also personal presence in-that place, coupled with
applies to the "inconsequential deviations which conduct indicative of such intention. Domicile denotes
a fixed permanent residence to which when absent for have abandoned Tacloban City, where she spent her
business or pleasure, or for like reasons, one intends childhood and school days, as her place of domicile.
to return. (Perfecto Faypon vs. Eliseo Quirino, 96 Phil
294; Romualdez vs. RTC-Tacloban, 226 SCRA 408). In Pure intention to reside in that place is not sufficient,
respondent's case, when she returned to the there must likewise be conduct indicative of such
Philippines in 1991, the residence she chose was not intention. Respondent's statements to the effect that
Tacloban but San Juan, Metro Manila. Thus, she has always intended to return to Tacloban, without
her animus revertendi is pointed to Metro Manila and the accompanying conduct to prove that intention, is
not Tacloban. not conclusive of her choice of residence. Respondent
has not presented any evidence to show that her
This Division is aware that her claim that she has been conduct, one year prior the election, showed intention
a resident of the First District since childhood is to reside in Tacloban. Worse, what was evident was
nothing more than to give her a color of qualification that prior to her residence in Tolosa, she had been a
where she is otherwise constitutionally disqualified. It resident of Manila.
cannot hold ground in the face of the facts admitted
by the respondent in her affidavit. Except for the time It is evident from these circumstances
that she studied and worked for some years after that she was not a resident of the First
graduation in Tacloban City, she continuously lived in District of Leyte "since childhood."
Manila. In 1959, after her husband was elected
Senator, she lived and resided in San Juan, Metro
To further support the assertion that
Manila where she was a registered voter. In 1965, she
she could have not been a resident of
lived in San Miguel, Manila where she was again a
the First District of Leyte for more than
registered voter. In 1978, she served as member of
one year, petitioner correctly pointed
the Batasang Pambansa as the representative of the
out that on January 28, 1995
City of Manila and later on served as the Governor of
respondent registered as a voter at
Metro Manila. She could not have served these
precinct No. 18-A of Olot, Tolosa,
positions if she had not been a resident of the City of
Leyte. In doing so, she placed in her
Manila. Furthermore, when she filed her certificate of
Voter Registration Record that she
candidacy for the office of the President in 1992, she
resided in the municipality of Tolosa
claimed to be a resident of San Juan, Metro Manila. As
for a period of six months. This may
a matter of fact on August 24, 1994, respondent wrote
be inconsequential as argued by the
a letter with the election officer of San Juan, Metro
respondent since it refers only to her
Manila requesting for the cancellation of her
residence in Tolosa, Leyte. But her
registration in the permanent list of voters that she
failure to prove that she was a
may be re-registered or transferred to Barangay Olot,
resident of the First District of Leyte
Tolosa, Leyte. These facts manifest that she could not
prior to her residence in Tolosa leaves
have been a resident of Tacloban City since childhood
nothing but a convincing proof that
up to the time she filed her certificate of candidacy
she had been a resident of the district
because she became a resident of many places,
for six months only. 15
including Metro Manila. This debunks her claim that
prior to her residence in Tolosa, Leyte, she was a
resident of the First Legislative District of Leyte since In a Resolution promulgated a day before the May 8,
childhood. 1995 elections, the COMELEC en banc denied
petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration 16 of the April
24, 1995 Resolution declaring her not qualified to run
In this case, respondent's conduct reveals her lack of
for the position of Member of the House of
intention to make Tacloban her domicile. She
Representatives for the First Legislative District of
registered as a voter in different places and on several
Leyte. 17 The Resolution tersely stated:
occasions declared that she was a resident of Manila.
Although she spent her school days in Tacloban, she is
considered to have abandoned such place when she After deliberating on the Motion for
chose to stay and reside in other different places. In Reconsideration, the Commission
the case of Romualdez vs. RTC (226 SCRA 408) the RESOLVED to DENY it, no new
Court explained how one acquires a new domicile by substantial matters having been raised
choice. There must concur: (1) residence or bodily therein to warrant re-examination of
presence in the new locality; (2) intention to remain the resolution granting the petition for
there; and (3) intention to abandon the old domicile. disqualification. 18
In other words there must basically be animus
manendi with animus non revertendi. When On May 11, 1995, the COMELEC issued a Resolution
respondent chose to stay in Ilocos and later on in allowing petitioner's proclamation should the results of
Manila, coupled with her intention to stay there by the canvass show that she obtained the highest
registering as a voter there and expressly declaring number of votes in the congressional elections in the
that she is a resident of that place, she is deemed to First District of Leyte. On the same day, however, the
COMELEC reversed itself and issued a second agreement with the general proposition that for the
Resolution directing that the proclamation of petitioner purposes of election law, residence is synonymous
be suspended in the event that she obtains the with domicile, the Resolution reveals a tendency to
highest number of votes. 19 substitute or mistake the concept of domicile for
actual residence, a conception not intended for the
In a Supplemental Petition dated 25 May 1995, purpose of determining a candidate's qualifications for
petitioner averred that she was the overwhelming election to the House of Representatives as required
winner of the elections for the congressional seat in by the 1987 Constitution. As it were, residence, for
the First District of Leyte held May 8, 1995 based on the purpose of meeting the qualification for an elective
the canvass completed by the Provincial Board of position, has a settled meaning in our jurisdiction.
Canvassers on May 14, 1995. Petitioner alleged that
the canvass showed that she obtained a total of Article 50 of the Civil Code decrees that "[f]or the
70,471 votes compared to the 36,833 votes received exercise of civil rights and the fulfillment of civil
by Respondent Montejo. A copy of said Certificate of obligations, the domicile of natural persons is their
Canvass was annexed to the Supplemental Petition. place of habitual residence." In Ong
vs. Republic 20 this court took the concept of domicile
On account of the Resolutions disqualifying petitioner to mean an individual's "permanent home", "a place to
from running for the congressional seat of the First which, whenever absent for business or for pleasure,
District of Leyte and the public respondent's one intends to return, and depends on facts and
Resolution suspending her proclamation, petitioner circumstances in the sense that they disclose
comes to this court for relief. intent." 21Based on the foregoing, domicile includes
the twin elements of "the fact of residing or physical
presence in a fixed place" and animus manendi, or the
Petitioner raises several issues in her Original and
intention of returning there permanently.
Supplemental Petitions. The principal issues may be
classified into two general areas:
Residence, in its ordinary conception, implies the
factual relationship of an individual to a certain place.
I. The issue of Petitioner's qualifications
It is the physical presence of a person in a given area,
community or country. The essential distinction
Whether or not petitioner was a between residence and domicile in law is that
resident, for election purposes, of the residence involves the intent to leave when the
First District of Leyte for a period of purpose for which the resident has taken up his abode
one year at the time of the May 9, ends. One may seek a place for purposes such as
1995 elections. pleasure, business, or health. If a person's intent be to
remain, it becomes his domicile; if his intent is to
II. The Jurisdictional Issue leave as soon as his purpose is established it is
residence. 22 It is thus, quite perfectly normal for an
a) Prior to the elections individual to have different residences in various
places. However, a person can only have a single
domicile, unless, for various reasons, he successfully
Whether or not the COMELEC properly abandons his domicile in favor of another domicile of
exercised its jurisdiction in choice. In Uytengsu vs. Republic, 23 we laid this
disqualifying petitioner outside the distinction quite clearly:
period mandated by the Omnibus
Election Code for disqualification cases
under Article 78 of the said Code. There is a difference between domicile and residence.
"Residence" is used to indicate a place of abode,
whether permanent or temporary; "domicile" denotes
b) After the Elections a fixed permanent residence to which, when absent,
one has the intention of returning. A man may have a
Whether or not the House of residence in one place and a domicile in another.
Representatives Electoral Tribunal Residence is not domicile, but domicile is residence
assumed exclusive jurisdiction over coupled with the intention to remain for an unlimited
the question of petitioner's time. A man can have but one domicile for the same
qualifications after the May 8, 1995 purpose at any time, but he may have numerous
elections. places of residence. His place of residence is generally
his place of domicile, but it is not by any means
I. Petitioner's qualification necessarily so since no length of residence without
intention of remaining will constitute domicile.
A perusal of the Resolution of the COMELEC's Second
Division reveals a startling confusion in the application For political purposes the concepts of residence and
of settled concepts of "Domicile" and "Residence" in domicile are dictated by the peculiar criteria of political
election law. While the COMELEC seems to be in laws. As these concepts have evolved in our election
law, what has clearly and unequivocally emerged is Mr. De los Reyes: But we might encounter some
the fact that residence for election purposes is used difficulty especially considering that a provision in the
synonymously with domicile. Constitution in the Article on Suffrage says that
Filipinos living abroad may vote as enacted by law. So,
In Nuval vs. Guray, 24 the Court held that "the term we have to stick to the original concept that it should
residence. . . is synonymous with domicile which be by domicile and not physical residence. 30
imports not only intention to reside in a fixed place,
but also personal presence in that place, coupled with In Co vs. Electoral Tribunal of the House of
conduct indicative of such intention." 25 Larena Representatives, 31 this Court concluded that the
vs. Teves 26 reiterated the same doctrine in a case framers of the 1987 Constitution obviously adhered to
involving the qualifications of the respondent therein the definition given to the term residence in election
to the post of Municipal President of Dumaguete, law, regarding it as having the same meaning as
Negros Oriental. Faypon vs. Quirino, 27 held that the domicile. 32
absence from residence to pursue studies or practice a
profession or registration as a voter other than in the In the light of the principles just discussed, has
place where one is elected does not constitute loss of petitioner Imelda Romualdez Marcos satisfied the
residence. 28 So settled is the concept (of domicile) in residency requirement mandated by Article VI, Sec. 6
our election law that in these and other election law of the 1987 Constitution? Of what significance is the
cases, this Court has stated that the mere absence of questioned entry in petitioner's Certificate of
an individual from his permanent residence without Candidacy stating her residence in the First Legislative
the intention to abandon it does not result in a loss or District of Leyte as seven (7) months?
change of domicile.
It is the fact of residence, not a statement in a
The deliberations of the 1987 Constitution on the certificate of candidacy which ought to be decisive in
residence qualification for certain elective positions determining whether or not and individual has
have placed beyond doubt the principle that when the satisfied the constitution's residency qualification
Constitution speaks of "residence" in election law, it requirement. The said statement becomes material
actually means only "domicile" to wit: only when there is or appears to be a deliberate
attempt to mislead, misinform, or hide a fact which
Mr. Nolledo: With respect to Section 5, I remember would otherwise render a candidate ineligible. It would
that in the 1971 Constitutional Convention, there was be plainly ridiculous for a candidate to deliberately and
an attempt to require residence in the place not less knowingly make a statement in a certificate of
than one year immediately preceding the day of the candidacy which would lead to his or her
elections. So my question is: What is the Committee's disqualification.
concept of residence of a candidate for the legislature?
Is it actual residence or is it the concept of domicile or It stands to reason therefore, that petitioner merely
constructive residence? committed an honest mistake in jotting the word
"seven" in the space provided for the residency
Mr. Davide: Madame President, insofar as the regular qualification requirement. The circumstances leading
members of the National Assembly are concerned, the to her filing the questioned entry obviously resulted in
proposed section merely provides, among others, "and the subsequent confusion which prompted petitioner
a resident thereof", that is, in the district for a period to write down the period of her actual stay in Tolosa,
of not less than one year preceding the day of the Leyte instead of her period of residence in the First
election. This was in effect lifted from the 1973 district, which was "since childhood" in the space
Constitution, the interpretation given to it was provided. These circumstances and events are amply
domicile. 29 detailed in the COMELEC's Second Division's
questioned resolution, albeit with a different
xxx xxx xxx interpretation. For instance, when herein petitioner
announced that she would be registering in Tacloban
City to make her eligible to run in the First District,
Mrs. Rosario Braid: The next question is on Section 7,
private respondent Montejo opposed the same,
page 2. I think Commissioner Nolledo has raised the
claiming that petitioner was a resident of Tolosa, not
same point that "resident" has been interpreted at
Tacloban City. Petitioner then registered in her place
times as a matter of intention rather than actual
of actual residence in the First District, which is
Tolosa, Leyte, a fact which she subsequently noted
down in her Certificate of Candidacy. A close look at
Mr. De los Reyes: Domicile. said certificate would reveal the possible source of the
confusion: the entry for residence (Item No. 7) is
Ms. Rosario Braid: Yes, So, would the gentleman followed immediately by the entry for residence in the
consider at the proper time to go back to actual constituency where a candidate seeks election thus:
residence rather than mere intention to reside?
7. RESIDENCE (complete constitute loss of residence. Thus, the assertion by the
Address): Brgy. Olot, Tolosa, Leyte COMELEC that "she could not have been a resident of
Tacloban City since childhood up to the time she filed
POST OFFICE ADDRESS FOR her certificate of candidacy because she became a
ELECTION PURPOSES: Brgy. Olot, resident of many places" flies in the face of settled
Tolosa, Leyte jurisprudence in which this Court carefully made
distinctions between (actual) residence and domicile
for election law purposes. In Larena
vs. Teves, 33 supra, we stressed:
PRECEDING THE [T]his court is of the opinion and so holds that a
ELECTION:_________ Years person who has his own house wherein he lives with
and Seven Months. his family in a municipality without having ever had
the intention of abandoning it, and without having
lived either alone or with his family in another
Having been forced by private respondent to register
municipality, has his residence in the former
in her place of actual residence in Leyte instead of
municipality, notwithstanding his having registered as
petitioner's claimed domicile, it appears that petitioner
an elector in the other municipality in question and
had jotted down her period of stay in her legal
having been a candidate for various insular and
residence or domicile. The juxtaposition of entries in
provincial positions, stating every time that he is a
Item 7 and Item 8 — the first requiring actual
resident of the latter municipality.
residence and the second requiring domicile — coupled
with the circumstances surrounding petitioner's
registration as a voter in Tolosa obviously led to her More significantly, in Faypon vs. Quirino, 34 We
writing down an unintended entry for which she could explained that:
be disqualified. This honest mistake should not,
however, be allowed to negate the fact of residence in A citizen may leave the place of his birth to look for
the First District if such fact were established by "greener pastures," as the saying goes, to improve his
means more convincing than a mere entry on a piece lot, and that, of course includes study in other places,
of paper. practice of his avocation, or engaging in business.
When an election is to be held, the citizen who left his
We now proceed to the matter of petitioner's domicile. birthplace to improve his lot may desire to return to
his native town to cast his ballot but for professional
or business reasons, or for any other reason, he may
In support of its asseveration that petitioner's domicile
not absent himself from his professional or business
could not possibly be in the First District of Leyte, the
activities; so there he registers himself as voter as he
Second Division of the COMELEC, in its assailed
has the qualifications to be one and is not willing to
Resolution of April 24,1995 maintains that "except for
give up or lose the opportunity to choose the officials
the time when (petitioner) studied and worked for
who are to run the government especially in national
some years after graduation in Tacloban City, she
elections. Despite such registration, the animus
continuously lived in Manila." The Resolution
revertendi to his home, to his domicile or residence of
additionally cites certain facts as indicative of the fact
origin has not forsaken him. This may be the
that petitioner's domicile ought to be any place where
explanation why the registration of a voter in a place
she lived in the last few decades except Tacloban,
other than his residence of origin has not been
Leyte. First, according to the Resolution, petitioner, in
deemed sufficient to constitute abandonment or loss
1959, resided in San Juan, Metro Manila where she
of such residence. It finds justification in the natural
was also registered voter. Then, in 1965, following the
desire and longing of every person to return to his
election of her husband to the Philippine presidency,
place of birth. This strong feeling of attachment to the
she lived in San Miguel, Manila where she as a voter.
place of one's birth must be overcome by positive
In 1978 and thereafter, she served as a member of
proof of abandonment for another.
the Batasang Pambansa and Governor of Metro
Manila. "She could not, have served these positions if
she had not been a resident of Metro Manila," the From the foregoing, it can be concluded that in its
COMELEC stressed. Here is where the confusion lies. above-cited statements supporting its proposition that
petitioner was ineligible to run for the position of
Representative of the First District of Leyte, the
We have stated, many times in the past, that an
COMELEC was obviously referring to petitioner's
individual does not lose his domicile even if he has
various places of (actual) residence, not her domicile.
lived and maintained residences in different places.
In doing so, it not only ignored settled jurisprudence
Residence, it bears repeating, implies a factual
on residence in election law and the deliberations of
relationship to a given place for various purposes. The
the constitutional commission but also the provisions
absence from legal residence or domicile to pursue a
of the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. 881). 35
profession, to study or to do other things of a
temporary or semi-permanent nature does not
What is undeniable, however, are the following set of Private respondent in his Comment, contends that
facts which establish the fact of petitioner's domicile, Tacloban was not petitioner's domicile of origin
which we lift verbatim from the COMELEC's Second because she did not live there until she was eight
Division's assailed Resolution: 36 years old. He avers that after leaving the place in
1952, she "abandoned her residency (sic) therein for
In or about 1938 when respondent was a little over 8 many years and . . . (could not) re-establish her
years old, she established her domicile in Tacloban, domicile in said place by merely expressing her
Leyte (Tacloban City). She studied in the Holy Infant intention to live there again." We do not agree.
Academy in Tacloban from 1938 to 1949 when she
graduated from high school. She pursued her college First, minor follows the domicile of his parents. As
studies in St. Paul's College, now Divine Word domicile, once acquired is retained until a new one is
University in Tacloban, where she earned her degree gained, it follows that in spite of the fact of petitioner's
in Education. Thereafter, she taught in the Leyte being born in Manila, Tacloban, Leyte was her domicile
Chinese School, still in Tacloban City. In 1952 she of origin by operation of law. This domicile was not
went to Manila to work with her cousin, the late established only when her father brought his family
speaker Daniel Z. Romualdez in his office in the House back to Leyte contrary to private respondent's
of Representatives. In 1954, she married ex-President averments.
Ferdinand E. Marcos when he was still a congressman
of Ilocos Norte and registered there as a voter. When Second, domicile of origin is not easily lost. To
her husband was elected Senator of the Republic in successfully effect a change of domicile, one must
1959, she and her husband lived together in San Juan, demonstrate: 37
Rizal where she registered as a voter. In 1965, when
her husband was elected President of the Republic of
1. An actual removal or an actual
the Philippines, she lived with him in Malacanang
change of domicile;
Palace and registered as a voter in San Miguel, Manila.
In any event, with the enactment of Sections 6 and 7
of R.A. 6646 in relation to Section 78 of B.P. 881, 52 it
is evident that the respondent Commission does not
lose jurisdiction to hear and decide a pending
disqualification case under Section 78 of B.P. 881 even
after the elections.
G.R. No. 120265 September 18, 1995 On April 24, 1995, Move Makati, a duly registered
political party, and Mateo Bedon, Chairman of the
AGAPITO A. AQUINO, petitioner, LAKAS-NUCD-UMDP of Barangay Cembo, Makati City,
vs. filed a petition to disqualify Agapito A. Aquino 2 on the
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, MOVE MAKATI, ground that the latter lacked the residence
MATEO BEDON and JUANITO ICARO, respondents. qualification as a candidate for congressman which,
under Section 6, Art. VI of the 1987 the Constitution,
should be for a period not less than one (1) year
immediately preceding the May 8, 1995 elections. The
petition was docketed as SPA No. 95-113 and was
KAPUNAN, J.: assigned to the Second Division of the Commission on
Elections (COMELEC).
The sanctity of the people's will must be observed at
all times if our nascent democracy is to be preserved. On April 25, 1995, a day after said petition for
In any challenge having the effect of reversing a disqualification was filed, petitioner filed another
democratic choice, expressed through the ballot, this certificate of candidacy amending the certificate dated
Court should be ever so vigilant in finding solutions March 20, 1995. This time, petitioner stated in Item 8
which would give effect to the will of the majority, for of his certificate that he had resided in the
sound public policy dictates that all elective offices are constituency where he sought to be elected for one (l)
filled by those who have received the highest number year and thirteen (13) days.3
of votes cast in an election. When a challenge to a
winning candidate's qualifications however becomes
On May 2, 1995, petitioner filed his Answer dated April
inevitable, the ineligibility ought to be so noxious to
29, 1995 praying for the dismissal of the
the Constitution that giving effect to the apparent will
disqualification case.4
of the people would ultimately do harm to our
democratic institutions.
On the same day, May 2, 1995, a hearing was
conducted by the COMELEC wherein petitioner testified
On March 20, 1995, petitioner Agapito A. Aquino filed
and presented in evidence, among others, his Affidavit
his Certificate of Candidacy for the position of
dated May 2, 1995,5 lease contract between petitioner
Representative for the new Second Legislative District
and Leonor Feliciano dated April 1, 1994,6 Affidavit of
of Makati City. Among others, Aquino provided the
Leonor Feliciano dated April 28,19957 and Affidavit of
following information in his certificate of
Daniel Galamay dated April 28, 1995.8
candidacy, viz:.
On May 10, 1995, private respondents Move Makati Pursuant to the said provisions and
and Bedon filed an Urgent Motion Ad Cautelum to considering the attendant
Suspend Proclamation of petitioner. Thereafter, they circumstances of the case, the
filed an Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration of the Commission RESOLVED to proceed
COMELEC's Second Division resolution dated May 6, with the promulgation but to suspend
1995 and a 2nd Urgent Motion Ad Cautelum to its rules, to accept the filing of the
Suspend Proclamation of petitioner. aforesaid motion, and to allow the
parties to be heard thereon because
On May 15, 1995, COMELEC en banc issued an Order the issue of jurisdiction now before the
suspending petitioner's proclamation. The dispositive Commission has to be studied with
portion of the order reads: more reflection and judiciousness. 12
WHEREFORE, pursuant to the On the same day, June 2, 1995, the COMELEC en
provisions of Section 6 of Republic Act banc issued a Resolution reversing the resolution of
No. 6646, the Board of Canvassers of the Second Division dated May 6, 1995.
the City of Makati is hereby directed to The fallo reads as follows:
complete the canvassing of election
returns of the Second District of WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing,
Makati, but to suspend the petitioners' Motion for Reconsideration
proclamation of respondent Agapito A. of the Resolution of the Second
Aquino should he obtain the winning Division, promulgated on May 6, 1995,
number of votes for the position of is GRANTED. Respondent Agapito A.
Representative of the Second District Aquino is declared ineligible and thus
of the City of Makati, until the motion disqualified as a candidate for the
for reconsideration filed by the Office of Representative of the Second
petitioners on May 7, 1995, shall have Legislative District of Makati City in the
been resolved by the Commission. May 8, 1995 elections, for lack of the
constitutional qualification of
The Executive Director, this residence. Consequently, the order of
Commission, is directed to cause the suspension of proclamation of the
immediate implementation of this respondent should he obtain the
Order. The Clerk of Court of the winning number of votes, issued by
Commission is likewise directed to this Commission on May 15, 1995 is
inform the parties by the fastest now made permanent.
means available of this Order, and to
calendar the hearing of the Motion for Upon the finality of this Resolution, the
Reconsideration on May 17, 1995, at Board of Canvassers of the City of
10:00 in the morning, PICC Press Makati shall immediately reconvene
Center, Pasay City. and, on the basis of the completed
canvass of election returns, determine
SO ORDERED.11 the winner out of the remaining
qualified candidates, who shall be
immediately be proclaimed.
On May 16, 1995, petitioner filed his
Comment/Opposition with urgent motion to lift order
of suspension of proclamation. SO ORDERED. 13
On June 1, 1995, petitioner filed a "Motion to File Hence, the instant Petition for Certiorari 14 assailing
Supplemental Memorandum and Motion to Resolve the orders dated May 15, 1995 and June 2, 1995, as
Urgent Motion to Resolve Motion to Lift Suspension of well as the resolution dated June 2, 1995 issued by
Proclamation" wherein he manifested his intention to the COMELEC en banc. Petitioner's raises the following
raise, among others, the issue of whether of not the errors for consideration, to wit:
determination of the qualifications of petitioner after
the elections is lodged exclusively in the House of A
Representatives Electoral Tribunal pursuant to Section
17, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. THE COMELEC HAS NO JURISDICTION
Resolving petitioner's motion to lift suspension of his DISQUALIFICATION ISSUE INVOLVING
proclamation, the COMELEC en banc issued an Order CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES AFTER
on June 2, 1995, the decretal portion thereof residing: THE MAY 8, 1995 ELECTIONS, SUCH
COMELEC COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE In his first three assignments of error, petitioner
OF DISCRETION, AND SERIOUS vigorously contends that after the May 8, 1995
ERROR IN DIRECTING WITHOUT elections, the COMELEC lost its jurisdiction over the
NOTICE THE SUSPENSION OF THE question of petitioner's qualifications to run for
PROCLAMATION OF THE PETITIONER member of the House of Representatives. He claims
AS THE WINNING CONGRESSIONAL that jurisdiction over the petition for disqualification is
CANDIDATE AND DESPITE THE exclusively lodged with the House of Representatives
MINISTERIAL NATURE OF SUCH DUTY Electoral Tribunal (HRET). Given the yet unresolved
TO PROCLAIM (PENDING THE question of jurisdiction, petitioner avers that the
FINALITY OF THE DISQUALIFICATION COMELEC committed serious error and grave abuse of
CASE AGAINST THE PETITIONER) IF discretion in directing the suspension of his
ONLY NOT TO THWART THE PEOPLE'S proclamation as the winning candidate in the Second
WILL. Congressional District of Makati City. We disagree.
Indeed, this has been the rule in the United States respondent commission's finding that petitioner lacks
since 1849 (State ex rel. Dunning v. Giles, 52 Am. the one year residence in the district mandated by the
Dec. 149). 1987 Constitution. A democratic government is
necessarily a government of laws. In a republican
It is therefore incorrect to argue that since a candidate government those laws are themselves ordained by
has been disqualified, the votes intended for the the people. Through their representatives, they dictate
disqualified candidate should, in effect, be considered the qualifications necessary for service in government
null and void. This would amount to disenfranchising positions. And as petitioner clearly lacks one of the
the electorate in whom, sovereignty resides. At the essential qualifications for running for membership in
risk of being repetitious, the people of Baguio City the House of Representatives, not even the will of a
opted to elect petitioner Labo bona fide without any majority or plurality of the voters of the Second
intention to missapply their franchise, and in the District of Makati City would substitute for a
honest belief that Labo was then qualified to be the requirement mandated by the fundamental law itself.
person to whom they would entrust the exercise of the
powers of the government. Unfortunately, petitioner WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition
Labo turned out to be disqualified and cannot assume is hereby DISMISSED. Our Order restraining
the office. respondent COMELEC from proclaiming the candidate
garnering the next highest number of votes in the
Whether or not the candidate whom the majority congressional elections for the Second District of
voted for can or cannot be installed, under no Makati City is made PERMANENT.
circumstances can a minority or defeated candidate be
deemed elected to the office. Surely, the 12,602 votes SO ORDERED.
cast for petitioner Ortega is not a larger number than
the 27,471 votes cast for petitioner Labo (as certified
by the Election Registrar of Baguio City; rollo, p. 109;
G.R. No. 105111).
Art. 69. The husband and wife shall fix the family
domicile. In case of disagreement, the court shall
decide. The court may exempt one spouse from living
with the other if the latter should live abroad or there
are other valid and compelling reasons for the
exemption. However, such exemption shall not apply if
the same is not compatible with the solidarity of the
family. (Emphasis ours)
G.R. No. 86564 August 1, 1989 The petitioner adds that the payment of the filing fee
is required under Rule 36, Section 5, of the Procedural
RAMON L. LABO, JR., petitioner, Rules of the COMELEC providing that —
BANC AND LUIS L. LARDIZABAL, respondents warranto shall be given due course
without the payment of a filing fee in
Estelito P. Mendoza for petitioner. the amount of Three Hundred Pesos
(P300.00) and the legal research fee
as required by law.
Rillera and Quintana for private respondent.
Sec. 30. Effectivity of Regulations and The Court notes that while arguing the technical point
Orders of the Commission. — The that the petition for quo warranto should be dismissed
rules and regulations promulgated by for failure to pay the filing fee on time, the petitioner
the Commission shall take effect on would at the same time minimize his alleged lack of
the seventh day after their publication citizenship as "a futile technicality," It is regrettable,
in the Official Gazette or in at least (2) to say the least, that the requirement of citizenship as
daily newspapers of general circulation a qualification for public office can be so demeaned.
in the Philippines. What is worse is that it is regarded as an even less
important consideration than the reglementary period
The Court has considered the arguments of the parties the petitioner insists upon.
and holds that the petition for quo warranto was filed
on time. We agree with the respondents that the fee This matter should normally end here as the sole issue
was paid during the ten-day period as extended by the originally raised by the petitioner is the timeliness of
pendency of the petition when it was treated by the the quo warranto proceedings against him. However,
COMELEC as a pre-proclamation proceeding which did as his citizenship is the subject of that proceeding, and
not require the payment of a filing fee. At that, we considering the necessity for an early resolution of
reach this conclusion only on the assumption that the that more important question clearly and urgently
requirement for the payment of the fees in quo affecting the public interest, we shall directly address
warranto proceedings was already effective. There is it now in this same action.
no record that Res. No. 1450 was even published; and
as for Res. No. 1996, this took effect only on March 3, The Court has similarly acted in a notable number of
1988, seven days after its publication in the February cases, thus:
25, 1988 issues of the Manila Chronicle and the
Philippine Daily Inquirer, or after the petition was filed.
From the foregoing brief statement of
the nature of the instant case, it would
The petitioner forgets Tañ;ada v. Tuvera 4 when he appear that our sole function in this
argues that the resolutions became effective proceeding should be to resolve the
"immediately upon approval" simply because it was so single issue of whether or not the
provided therein. We held in that case that publication Court of Appeals erred in ruling that
was still necessary under the due process clause the motion for new trial of the GSIS in
despite such effectivity clause. question should indeed be deemed pro
forma.But going over the extended
In any event, what is important is that the filing fee pleadings of both parties, the Court is
was paid, and whatever delay there may have been is immediately impressed that
not imputable to the private respondent's fault or substantial justice may not be timely
neglect. It is true that in the Manchester Case, we achieved, if we should decide this case
required the timely payment of the filing fee as a upon such a technical ground alone.
precondition for the timeliness of the filing of the case We have carefully read all the
itself. In Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. v. allegations and arguments of the
Asuncion, 5 however this Court, taking into account parties, very ably and
the special circumstances of that case, declared: comprehensively expounded by
evidently knowledgeable and unusually
This Court reiterates the rule that the competent counsel, and we feel we
trial court acquires jurisdiction over a can better serve the interests of
case only upon the payment of the justice by broadening the scope of our
prescribed filing fee. However, the inquiry, for as the record before us
court may allow the payment of the stands, we see that there is enough
said fee within a reasonable time. In basis for us to end the basic
the event of non-compliance controversy between the parties here
therewith, the case shall be dismissed. and now, dispensing, however, with
procedural steps which would not
anyway affect substantially the merits
The same idea is expressed in Rule 42, Section 18, of
of their respective claims. 6
the COMELEC Rules of Procedure adopted on June 20,
1988, thus:
Sec. 18. Non-payment of prescribed
fees. — If the fees above prescribed While it is the fault of the petitioner for
are not paid, the Commission may appealing to the wrong court and
refuse to take action thereon until they thereby allowing the period for appeal
are paid and may dismiss the action or to lapse, the more correct procedure
the proceeding. (Emphasis supplied.) was for the respondent court to
forward the case to the proper court set-up is that where the dictates of
which was the Court of Appeals for justice so demand ... the Supreme
appropriate action. Considering, Court should act, and act with
however, the length of time that this finality.' (Li Siu Liat v. Republic, 21
case has been pending, we apply the SCRA 1039, 1046, citing Samal v. CA,
rule in the case of Del Castillo v. 99 Phil. 230 and U.S. v. Gimenez, 34
Jaymalin, (112 SCRA 629) and follow Phil. 74). In this case, the dictates of
the principle enunciated in Alger justice do demand that this Court act,
Electric, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, (135 and act with finality. 7
SCRA 37) which states:
... it is a cherished rule
of procedure for this Remand of the case to the lower court
Court to always strive for further reception of evidence is not
to settle the entire necessary where the court is in a
controversy in a single position to resolve the dispute based
proceeding leaving no on the records before it. On many
root or branch to bear occasions, the Court, in the public
the seeds of future interest and the expeditious
litigation. No useful administration of justice, has resolved
purpose will be served actions on the merits instead of
if this case is remanding them to the trial court for
remanded to the trial further proceedings, such as where the
court only to have its ends of justice would not be subserved
decision raised again by the remand of the case or when
to the Intermediate public interest demands an early
Appellate Court and disposition of the case or where the
from there to this trial court had already received all the
Court. (p. 43) evidence of the parties. 8
Only recently in the case of Beautifont, This course of action becomes all the more justified in
Inc., et al. v. Court of Appeals, et the present case where, to repeat for stress, it is
al. (G.R. No. 50141, January 29, claimed that a foreigner is holding a public office.
1988), we stated that:
We also note in his Reply, the petitioner says:
... But all those relevant facts are now
before this Court. And those facts
In adopting private respondent's
dictate the rendition of a verdict in the
comment, respondent COMELEC
petitioner's favor. There is therefore
implicitly adopted as "its own" private
no point in referring the case back to
respondent's repeated assertion that
the Court of Appeals. The facts and the
petitioner is no longer a Filipino
legal propositions involved will not
citizen. In so doing, has not
change, nor should the ultimate
respondent COMELEC effectively
judgment. Considerable time has
disqualified itself, by reason of
already elapsed and, to serve the ends
prejudgment, from resolving the
of justice, it is time that the
petition for quo warranto filed by
controversy is finally laid to rest. (See
private respondent still pending before
Sotto v. Samson, 5 SCRA 733;
it? 9
Republic v. Paredes, 108 Phil. 57;
Lianga Lumber Co. v. Lianga Timber
Co., Inc., 76 SCRA 197; Erico v. Heirs This is still another reason why the Court has seen fit
of Chigas, 98 SCRA 575; Francisco v. to rule directly on the merits of this case.
City of Davao, 12 SCRA 628; Valencia
v. Mabilangan, 105 Phil. Going over the record, we find that there are two
162).lâwphî1.ñèt Sound practice seeks administrative decisions on the question of the
to accommodate the theory which petitioner's citizenship. The first was rendered by the
avoids waste of time, effort and Commission on Elections on May 12, 1982, and found
expense, both to the parties and the the petitioner to be a citizen of the Philippines. 10 The
government, not to speak of delay in second was rendered by the Commission on
the disposal of the case (cf. Fernandez Immigration and Deportation on September 13, 1988,
v. Garcia, 92 Phil. 592, 597). A and held that the petitioner was not a citizen of the
marked characteristic of our judicial Philippines. 11
The first decision was penned by then COMELEC allegiance or make an affirmation of
Chigas, Vicente Santiago, Jr., with Commissioners allegiance. The wording of the oath of
Pabalate Savellano and Opinion concurring in full and affirmation is: "I ..., renouncing all
Commissioner Bacungan concurring in the dismissal of other allegiance ..." etc. This need not
the petition "without prejudice to the issue of the necessarily have any effect on his
respondent's citizenship being raised anew in a proper former nationality as this would
case." Commissioner Sagadraca reserved his vote, depend on the citizenship laws of his
while Commissioner Felipe was for deferring decision former country.
until representations shall have been made with the
Australian Embassy for official verification of the C) The marriage was declared void in
petitioner's alleged naturalization as an Australian. the Australian Federal Court in Sydney
on 27 June 1980 on the ground that
The second decision was unanimously rendered by the marriage had been bigamous.
Chairman Miriam Defensor-Santiago and
Commissioners Alano and Geraldez of the Commission D) According to our records LABO is
on Immigration and Deportation. It is important to still an Australian citizen.
observe that in the proceeding before the COMELEC,
there was no direct proof that the herein petitioner
E) Should he return to Australia, LABO
had been formally naturalized as a citizen of Australia.
may face court action in respect of
This conjecture, which was eventually rejected, was
Section 50 of Australian Citizenship Act
merely inferred from the fact that he had married an
1948 which relates to the giving of
Australian citizen, obtained an Australian passport,
false or misleading information of a
and registered as an alien with the CID upon his
material nature in respect of an
return to this country in 1980.
application for Australian citizenship. If
such a prosecution was successful, he
On the other hand, the decision of the CID took into could be deprived of Australian
account the official statement of the Australian citizenship under Section 21 of the
Government dated August 12, 1984, through its Act.
Consul in the Philippines, that the petitioner was still
an Australian citizen as of that date by reason of his
F) There are two further ways in which
naturalization in 1976. That statement 12 is
LABO could divest himself of Australian
reproduced in full as follows:
With reference to your letter dated 1 returning former Philippine citizen and was granted
February 1988, I wish to inform you Immigrant Certificate of Residence No. 223809. 17 He
that inquiry made with the Australian also categorically declared that he was a citizen of
Government through the Embassy of Australia in a number of sworn statements voluntarily
the Philippines in Canberra has elicited made by him and. even sought to avoid the
the following information: jurisdiction of the barangay court on the ground that
he was a foreigner. 18
1) That Mr. Ramon L. Labo, Jr.
acquired Australian citizenship on 28 The decision of the COMELEC in 1982 quaintly
July 1976. dismisses all these acts as "mistakes" that did not
divest the petitioner of his citizenship, although, as
2) That prior to 17 July 1986, a earlier noted, not all the members joined in this
candidate for Australian citizenship finding. We reject this ruling as totally baseless. The
had to either swear an oath of petitioner is not an unlettered person who was not
allegiance or make an affirmation of aware of the consequences of his acts, let alone the
allegiance which carries a renunciation fact that he was assisted by counsel when he
of "all other allegiance. performed these acts.
Very truly yours, For the Secretary of The private respondent questions the motives of the
Foreign Affairs: (SGD) RODOLFO COMELEC at that time and stresses Labo's political
SEVERINO, JR. Assistant Secretary affiliation with the party in power then, but we need
not go into that now.
The decision also noted the oath of allegiance taken by
every naturalized Australian reading as follows: There is also the claim that the decision can no longer
be reversed because of the doctrine of res judicata,
but this too must be dismissed. This doctrine does not
apply to questions of citizenship, as the Court has
ruled in several cases. 19 Moreover, it does not appear
I, A.B., renouncing all other allegiance, that it was properly and seasonably pleaded, in a
swear by Almighty God that I will be motion to dismiss or in the answer, having been
faithful and bear true allegiance to Her invoked only when the petitioner filed his reply 20 to
Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen the private respondent's comment. Besides, one of the
of Australia, Her heirs and successors requisites of res judicata, to wit, identity of parties, is
according to law, and that I will not present in this case.
faithfully observe the laws of Australia
and fulfill my duties as an Australian
The petitioner's contention that his marriage to an
citizen. 14
Australian national in 1976 did not automatically
divest him of Philippine citizenship is irrelevant. There
and the Affirmation of Allegiance, which declares: is no claim or finding that he automatically ceased to
be a Filipino because of that marriage. He became a
AFFIRMATION OF ALLEGIANCE citizen of Australia because he was naturalized as such
through a formal and positive process, simplified in his
I, A.B., renouncing all other allegiance, case because he was married to an Australian citizen.
solemnly and sincerely promise and As a condition for such naturalization, he formally took
declare that I will be faithful and bear the Oath of Allegiance and/or made the Affirmation of
true allegiance to Her Majesty Allegiance, both quoted above. Renouncing all other
Elizabeth the Second, Queen of allegiance, he swore "to be faithful and bear true
Australia, Her heirs and successors allegiance to Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen
according to law, and that I will of Australia ..." and to fulfill his duties "as an
Australian citizen."
faithfully observe the Laws of Australia
and fulfill my duties as an Australian
citizen. 15 The petitioner now claims that his naturalization in
Australia made him at worst only a dual national and
The petitioner does not question the authenticity of did not divest him of his Philippine citizenship. Such a
the above evidence. Neither does he deny that he specious argument cannot stand against the clear
obtained Australian Passport No. 754705, which he provisions of CA No. 63, which enumerates the modes
used in coming back to the Philippines in 1980, when by which Philippine citizenship may be lost. Among
he declared before the immigration authorities that he these are: (1) naturalization in a foreign country; (2)
was an alien and registered as such under Alien express renunciation of citizenship; and (3)
Certificate of Registration No. B-323985. 16 He later subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the
asked for the change of his status from immigrant to a Constitution or laws of a foreign country, all of which
are applicable to the petitioner. It is also worth Local Government Code providing in material part as
mentioning in this connection that under Article IV, follows:
Section 5, of the present Constitution, "Dual allegiance
of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall Sec. 42. Qualifications. — An elective
be dealt with by law." local official must be a citizen of the
Philippines, at least twenty-three years
Even if it be assumed that, as the petitioner asserts, of age on election day, a qualified
his naturalization in Australia was annulled after it was voter registered as such in the
found that his marriage to the Australian citizen was barangay, municipality, city or
bigamous, that circumstance alone did not province where he proposes to be
automatically restore his Philippine citizenship. His elected, a resident therein for at least
divestiture of Australian citizenship does not concern one year at the time of the filing of his
us here. That is a matter between him and his adopted certificate of candidacy, and able to
country. What we must consider is the fact that he read and write English, Filipino, or any
voluntarily and freely rejected Philippine citizenship other local language or dialect.
and willingly and knowingly embraced the citizenship
of a foreign country. The possibility that he may have The petitioner argues that his alleged lack of
been subsequently rejected by Australia, as he claims, citizenship is a "futile technicality" that should not
does not mean that he has been automatically frustrate the will of the electorate of Baguio City, who
reinstated as a citizen of the Philippines. elected him by a "resonant and thunderous majority."
To be accurate, it was not as loud as all that, for his
Under CA No. 63 as amended by PD No. 725, lead over the second-placer was only about 2,100
Philippine citizenship may be reacquired by direct act votes. In any event, the people of that locality could
of Congress, by naturalization, or by repatriation. It not have, even unanimously, changed the
does not appear in the record, nor does the petitioner requirements of the Local Government Code and the
claim, that he has reacquired Philippine citizenship by Constitution. The electorate had no power to permit a
any of these methods. He does not point to any foreigner owing his total allegiance to the Queen of
judicial decree of naturalization as to any statute Australia, or at least a stateless individual owing no
directly conferring Philippine citizenship upon him. allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, to preside
Neither has he shown that he has complied with PD over them as mayor of their city. Only citizens of the
No. 725, providing that: Philippines have that privilege over their countrymen.
... (2) natural-born Filipinos who have The probability that many of those who voted for the
lost their Philippine citizenship may petitioner may have done so in the belief that he was
reacquire Philippine citizenship through qualified only strengthens the conclusion that the
repatriation by applying with the results of the election cannot nullify the qualifications
Special Committee on Naturalization for the office now held by him. These qualifications are
created by Letter of Instruction No. continuing requirements; once any of them is lost
270, and, if their applications are during incumbency, title to the office itself is deemed
approved, taking the necessary oath of forfeited. In the case at bar, the citizenship and voting
allegiance to the Republic of the requirements were not subsequently lost but were not
Philippines, after which they shall be possessed at all in the first place on the day of the
deemed to have reacquired Philippine election. The petitioner was disqualified from running
citizenship. The Commission on as mayor and, although elected, is not now qualified
Immigration and Deportation shall to serve as such.
thereupon cancel their certificate of
registration. (Emphasis supplied.) Finally, there is the question of whether or not the
private respondent, who filed the quo
That is why the Commission on Immigration and warranto petition, can replace the petitioner as mayor.
Deportation rejected his application for the He cannot. The simple reason is that as he obtained
cancellation of his alien certificate of registration. And only the second highest number of votes in the
that is also the reason we must deny his present claim election, he was obviously not the choice of the people
for recognition as a citizen of the Philippines. of Baguio city.
The petitioner is not now, nor was he on the day of The latest ruling of the Court on this issue is Santos v.
the local elections on January 18, 1988, a citizen of Commission on Elections 22 decided in 1985. In that
the Philippines. In fact, he was not even a qualified case, the candidate who placed second was
voter under the Constitution itself because of his proclaimed elected after the votes for his winning
alienage. 21 He was therefore ineligible as a candidate rival, who was disqualified as a turncoat and
for mayor of Baguio City, under Section 42 of the considered a non-candidate, were all disregarded as
stray. In effect, the second placer won by default.
That decision was supported by eight members of the priceless gift that, out of more than a hundred other
Court then 23 with three dissenting 24 and another two nationalities, God has seen fit to grant him. Having
reserving their vote. 25 One was on official leave. 26 been so endowed, he must not lightly yield this
precious advantage, rejecting it for another land that
Re-examining that decision, the Court finds, and so may offer him material and other attractions that he
holds, that it should be reversed in favor of the earlier may not find in his own country. To be sure, he has
case of Geronimo v. Ramos, 27 Which represents the the right to renounce the Philippines if he sees fit and
more logical and democratic rule. That case, which transfer his allegiance to a state with more
reiterated the doctrine first announced in 1912 allurements for him. 33 But having done so, he cannot
in Topacio vs. Paredes 28 was supported by ten expect to be welcomed back with open arms once his
members of the Court 29 without any dissent, although taste for his adopted country turns sour or he is
one reserved his vote, 30 another took no part 31 and himself disowned by it as an undesirable alien.
two others were on leave. 32 There the Court held:
Philippine citizenship is not a cheap commodity that
... it would be extremely repugnant to can be easily recovered after its renunciation. It may
the basic concept of the be restored only after the returning renegade makes a
constitutionally guaranteed right to formal act of re-dedication to the country he has
suffrage if a candidate who has not abjured and he solemnly affirms once again his total
acquired the majority or plurality of and exclusive loyalty to the Republic of the Philippines.
votes is proclaimed a winner and This may not be accomplished by election to public
imposed as the representative of a office.
constituency, the majority of which
have positively declared through their WHEREFORE, petitioner Ramon J. Labo, Jr. is hereby
ballots that they do not choose him. declared NOT a citizen of the Philippines and therefore
DISQUALIFIED from continuing to serve as Mayor of
Sound policy dictates that public Baguio City. He is ordered to VACATE his office and
elective offices are filled by those who surrender the same to the Vice-Mayor of Baguio City,
have received the highest number of once this decision becomes final and executory. The
votes cast in the election for that temporary restraining order dated January 31, 1989,
office, and it is a fundamental Idea in is LIFTED.
all republican forms of government
that no one can be declared elected Fernan, (C.J.), Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Paras,
and no measure can be declared Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, Sarmiento, Cortes,
carried unless he or it receives a Griñ;o-Aquino Medialdea and Regalado, JJ., concur.
majority or plurality of the legal votes
cast in the election. (20 Corpus Juris
2nd, S 243, p. 676.)
G.R. No. 195649 April 16, 2013 all civil and political rights and privileges of the United
States of America.
vs. I solemnly swear that all the foregoing statement is
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, ROMMEL ARNADO true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
y CAGOCO, LINOG G. BALUA, Respondents. belief.7
On 3 April 2009 Arnado again took his Oath of Balua likewise presented a certification from the
Allegiance to the Republic and executed an Affidavit of Bureau of Immigration dated 23 April 2010, certifying
Renunciation of his foreign citizenship, which states: that the name "Arnado, Rommel Cagoco" appears in
the available Computer Database/Passenger
I, Rommel Cagoco Arnado, do solemnly swear that I manifest/IBM listing on file as of 21 April 2010, with
absolutely and perpetually renounce all allegiance and the following pertinent travel records:
fidelity to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of which I
am a citizen, and I divest myself of full employment of DATE OF Arrival : 01/12/2010
Arnado sought reconsideration of the resolution before Maquiling simultaneously filed his Memorandum with
the COMELEC En Banc on the ground that "the his Motion for Intervention and his Motion for
evidence is insufficient to justify the Resolution and Reconsideration. Arnado opposed all motions filed by
that the said Resolution is contrary to law."21 He Maquiling, claiming that intervention is prohibited after
raised the following contentions:22 a decision has already been rendered, and that as a
second-placer, Maquiling undoubtedly lost the
1. The finding that he is not a Filipino citizen is elections and thus does not stand to be prejudiced or
not supported by the evidence consisting of his benefitted by the final adjudication of the case.
Oath of Allegiance and the Affidavit of
Renunciation, which show that he has RULING OF THE COMELEC EN BANC
substantially complied with the requirements
of R.A. No. 9225; In its Resolution of 02 February 2011, the COMELEC
En Banc held that under Section 6 of Republic Act No.
2. The use of his US passport subsequent to 6646, the Commission "shall continue with the trial
his renunciation of his American citizenship is and hearing of the action, inquiry or protest even after
not tantamount to a repudiation of his Filipino the proclamation of the candidate whose qualifications
citizenship, as he did not perform any act to for office is questioned."
swear allegiance to a country other than the
Philippines; As to Maquiling’s intervention, the COMELEC En Banc
also cited Section 6 of R.A. No. 6646 which allows
3. He used his US passport only because he intervention in proceedings for disqualification even
was not informed of the issuance of his after elections if no final judgment has been rendered,
Philippine passport, and that he used his but went on further to say that Maquiling, as the
Philippine passport after he obtained it; second placer, would not be prejudiced by the
outcome of the case as it agrees with the dispositive
4. Balua’s petition to cancel the certificate of portion of the Resolution of the First Division allowing
candidacy of Arnado was filed out of time, and the order of succession under Section 44 of the Local
the First Division’s treatment of the petition as Government Code to take effect.
one for disqualification constitutes grave abuse
of discretion amounting to excess of The COMELEC En Banc agreed with the treatment by
jurisdiction;23 the First Division of the petition as one for
disqualification, and ruled that the petition was filed
5. He is undoubtedly the people’s choice as well within the period prescribed by law,24 having been
indicated by his winning the elections; filed on 28 April 2010, which is not later than 11 May
2010, the date of proclamation.
6. His proclamation as the winning candidate
ousted the COMELEC from jurisdiction over the However, the COMELEC En Banc reversed and set
case; and aside the ruling of the First Division and granted
Arnado’s Motion for Reconsideration, on the following
7. The proper remedy to question his
citizenship is through a petition for quo
warranto, which should have been filed within First:
ten days from his proclamation.
By renouncing his US citizenship as imposed by R.A.
Petitioner Casan Macode Maquiling (Maquiling), No. 9225, the respondent embraced his Philippine
another candidate for mayor of Kauswagan, and who citizenship as though he never became a citizen of
garnered the second highest number of votes in the another country. It was at that time, April 3, 2009,
2010 elections, intervened in the case and filed before that the respondent became a pure Philippine Citizen
the COMELEC En Banc a Motion for Reconsideration again.
together with an Opposition to Arnado’s Amended
Motion for Reconsideration. Maquiling argued that xxxx
while the First Division correctly disqualified Arnado,
the order of succession under Section 44 of the Local The use of a US passport … does not operate to revert
Government Code is not applicable in this case. back his status as a dual citizen prior to his
Consequently, he claimed that the cancellation of renunciation as there is no law saying such. More
Arnado’s candidacy and the nullification of his succinctly, the use of a US passport does not operate
proclamation, Maquiling, as the legitimate candidate to "un-renounce" what he has earlier on renounced.
who obtained the highest number of lawful votes, The First Division’s reliance in the case of In Re:
should be proclaimed as the winner. Petition for Habeas Corpus of Willy Yu v. Defensor-
Santiago, et al. is misplaced. The petitioner in the said
case is a naturalized citizen who, after taking his oath Respondent evidently failed to prove that he truly and
as a naturalized Filipino, applied for the renewal of his wholeheartedly abandoned his allegiance to the United
Portuguese passport. Strict policy is maintained in the States. The latter’s continued use of his US passport
conduct of citizens who are not natural born, who and enjoyment of all the privileges of a US citizen
acquire their citizenship by choice, thus discarding despite his previous renunciation of the afore-
their original citizenship. The Philippine State expects mentioned citizenship runs contrary to his declaration
strict conduct of allegiance to those who choose to be that he chose to retain only his Philippine citizenship.
its citizens. In the present case, respondent is not a Respondent’s submission with the twin requirements
naturalized citizen but a natural born citizen who was obviously only for the purpose of complying with
chose greener pastures by working abroad and then the requirements for running for the mayoralty post in
decided to repatriate to supposedly help in the connection with the May 10, 2010 Automated National
progress of Kauswagan. He did not apply for a US and Local Elections.
passport after his renunciation. Thus the mentioned
case is not on all fours with the case at bar. Qualifications for elective office, such as citizenship,
are continuing requirements; once any of them is lost
xxxx during his incumbency, title to the office itself is
deemed forfeited. If a candidate is not a citizen at the
The respondent presented a plausible explanation as time he ran for office or if he lost his citizenship after
to the use of his US passport. Although he applied for his election to office, he is disqualified to serve as
a Philippine passport, the passport was only issued on such. Neither does the fact that respondent obtained
June 18, 2009. However, he was not notified of the the plurality of votes for the mayoralty post cure the
issuance of his Philippine passport so that he was latter’s failure to comply with the qualification
actually able to get it about three (3) months later. requirements regarding his citizenship.
Yet as soon as he was in possession of his Philippine
passport, the respondent already used the same in his Since a disqualified candidate is no candidate at all in
subsequent travels abroad. This fact is proven by the the eyes of the law, his having received the highest
respondent’s submission of a certified true copy of his number of votes does not validate his election. It has
passport showing that he used the same for his travels been held that where a petition for disqualification was
on the following dates: January 31, 2010, April 16, filed before election against a candidate but was
2010, May 20, 2010, January 12, 2010, March 31, adversely resolved against him after election, his
2010 and June 4, 2010. This then shows that the use having obtained the highest number of votes did not
of the US passport was because to his knowledge, his make his election valid. His ouster from office does not
Philippine passport was not yet issued to him for his violate the principle of vox populi suprema est lex
use. As probably pressing needs might be undertaken, because the application of the constitutional and
the respondent used whatever is within his control statutory provisions on disqualification is not a matter
during that time.25 of popularity. To apply it is to breath[e] life to the
sovereign will of the people who expressed it when
In his Separate Concurring Opinion, COMELEC they ratified the Constitution and when they elected
Chairman Sixto Brillantes cited that the use of foreign their representatives who enacted the law.27
passport is not one of the grounds provided for under
Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 63 through which THE PETITION BEFORE THE COURT
Philippine citizenship may be lost.
Maquiling filed the instant petition questioning the
"The application of the more assimilative principle of propriety of declaring Arnado qualified to run for public
continuity of citizenship is more appropriate in this office despite his continued use of a US passport, and
case. Under said principle, once a person becomes a praying that Maquiling be proclaimed as the winner in
citizen, either by birth or naturalization, it is assumed the 2010 mayoralty race in Kauswagan, Lanao del
that he desires to continue to be a citizen, and this Norte.
assumption stands until he voluntarily denationalizes
or expatriates himself. Thus, in the instant case Ascribing both grave abuse of discretion and reversible
respondent after reacquiring his Philippine citizenship error on the part of the COMELEC En Banc for ruling
should be presumed to have remained a Filipino that Arnado is a Filipino citizen despite his continued
despite his use of his American passport in the use of a US passport, Maquiling now seeks to reverse
absence of clear, unequivocal and competent proof of the finding of the COMELEC En Banc that Arnado is
expatriation. Accordingly, all doubts should be qualified to run for public office.
resolved in favor of retention of citizenship."26
Corollary to his plea to reverse the ruling of the
On the other hand, Commissioner Rene V. Sarmiento COMELEC En Banc or to affirm the First Division’s
dissented, thus: disqualification of Arnado, Maquiling also seeks the
review of the applicability of Section 44 of the Local
Government Code, claiming that the COMELEC
committed reversible error in ruling that "the and hearing of the action, inquiry, or protest and,
succession of the vice mayor in case the respondent is upon motion of the complainant or any intervenor,
disqualified is in order." may during the pendency thereof order the suspension
of the proclamation of such candidate whenever the
There are three questions posed by the parties before evidence of his guilt is strong.
this Court which will be addressed seriatim as the
subsequent questions hinge on the result of the first. Mercado v. Manzano28
The first question is whether or not intervention is clarified the right of intervention in a disqualification
allowed in a disqualification case. case. In that case, the Court said:
The second question is whether or not the use of a That petitioner had a right to intervene at that stage
foreign passport after renouncing foreign citizenship of the proceedings for the disqualification against
amounts to undoing a renunciation earlier made. private respondent is clear from Section 6 of R.A. No.
6646, otherwise known as the Electoral Reforms Law
A better framing of the question though should be of 1987, which provides: Any candidate who has been
whether or not the use of a foreign passport after declared by final judgment to be disqualified shall not
renouncing foreign citizenship affects one’s be voted for, and the votes cast for him shall not be
qualifications to run for public office. counted. If for any reason a candidate is not declared
by final judgment before an election to be disqualified
and he is voted for and receives the winning number
The third question is whether or not the rule on
of votes in such election, the Court or Commission
succession in the Local Government Code is applicable
shall continue with the trial and hearing of the action,
to this case.
inquiry, or protest and, upon motion of the
complainant or any intervenor, may during the
OUR RULING pendency thereof order the suspension of the
proclamation of such candidate whenever the evidence
Intervention of a rival candidate in a of guilt is strong. Under this provision, intervention
disqualification case is proper when may be allowed in proceedings for disqualification
there has not yet been any even after election if there has yet been no final
proclamation of the winner. judgment rendered.29
Petitioner Casan Macode Maquiling intervened at the Clearly then, Maquiling has the right to intervene in
stage when respondent Arnado filed a Motion for the case. The fact that the COMELEC En Banc has
Reconsideration of the First Division Resolution before already ruled that Maquiling has not shown that the
the COMELEC En Banc. As the candidate who garnered requisites for the exemption to the second-placer rule
the second highest number of votes, Maquiling set forth in Sinsuat v. COMELEC30 are present and
contends that he has an interest in the disqualification therefore would not be prejudiced by the outcome of
case filed against Arnado, considering that in the the case, does not deprive Maquiling of the right to
event the latter is disqualified, the votes cast for him elevate the matter before this Court.
should be considered stray and the second-placer
should be proclaimed as the winner in the elections. Arnado’s claim that the main case has attained finality
as the original petitioner and respondents therein have
It must be emphasized that while the original petition not appealed the decision of the COMELEC En Banc,
before the COMELEC is one for cancellation of the cannot be sustained. The elevation of the case by the
certificate of candidacy and / or disqualification, the intervenor prevents it from attaining finality. It is only
COMELEC First Division and the COMELEC En Banc after this Court has ruled upon the issues raised in this
correctly treated the petition as one for instant petition that the disqualification case originally
disqualification. filed by Balua against Arnado will attain finality.
The effect of a disqualification case is enunciated in The use of foreign passport after renouncing
Section 6 of R.A. No. 6646: one’s foreign citizenship is a positive and
voluntary act of representation as to one’s
Sec. 6. Effect of Disqualification Case. - Any candidate nationality and citizenship; it does not divest
who has been declared by final judgment to be Filipino citizenship regained by repatriation but
disqualified shall not be voted for, and the votes cast it recants the Oath of Renunciation required to
qualify one to run for an elective position.
for him shall not be counted. If for any reason a
candidate is not declared by final judgment before an
election to be disqualified and he is voted for and Section 5(2) of The Citizenship Retention and Re-
receives the winning number of votes in such election, acquisition Act of 2003 provides:
the Court or Commission shall continue with the trial
Those who retain or re-acquire Philippine citizenship candidacy, thereby rendering him eligible to run for
under this Act shall enjoy full civil and political rights public office.
and be subject to all attendant liabilities and
responsibilities under existing laws of the Philippines Between 03 April 2009, the date he renounced his
and the following conditions: foreign citizenship, and 30 November 2009, the date
he filed his COC, he used his US passport four times,
xxxx actions that run counter to the affidavit of renunciation
he had earlier executed. By using his foreign passport,
(2)Those seeking elective public in the Philippines shall Arnado positively and voluntarily represented himself
meet the qualification for holding such public office as as an American, in effect declaring before immigration
required by the Constitution and existing laws and, at authorities of both countries that he is an American
the time of the filing of the certificate of candidacy, citizen, with all attendant rights and privileges granted
make a personal and sworn renunciation of any and all by the United States of America.
foreign before any public officer authorized to
administer an oath. The renunciation of foreign citizenship is not a hollow
oath that can simply be professed at any time, only to
x x x31 be violated the next day. It requires an absolute and
perpetual renunciation of the foreign citizenship and a
full divestment of all civil and political rights granted
Rommel Arnado took all the necessary steps to qualify
by the foreign country which granted the citizenship.
to run for a public office. He took the Oath of
Allegiance and renounced his foreign citizenship. There
is no question that after performing these twin Mercado v. Manzano34 already hinted at this situation
requirements required under Section 5(2) of R.A. No. when the Court declared:
9225 or the Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition
Act of 2003, he became eligible to run for public office. His declarations will be taken upon the faith that he
will fulfill his undertaking made under oath. Should he
Indeed, Arnado took the Oath of Allegiance not just betray that trust, there are enough sanctions for
only once but twice: first, on 10 July 2008 when he declaring the loss of his Philippine citizenship through
applied for repatriation before the Consulate General expatriation in appropriate proceedings. In Yu v.
of the Philippines in San Francisco, USA, and again on Defensor-Santiago, we sustained the denial of entry
03 April 2009 simultaneous with the execution of his into the country of petitioner on the ground that, after
Affidavit of Renunciation. By taking the Oath of taking his oath as a naturalized citizen, he applied for
Allegiance to the Republic, Arnado re-acquired his the renewal of his Portuguese passport and declared in
Philippine citizenship. At the time, however, he commercial documents executed abroad that he was a
likewise possessed American citizenship. Arnado had Portuguese national. A similar sanction can be taken
therefore become a dual citizen. against anyone who, in electing Philippine citizenship,
renounces his foreign nationality, but subsequently
does some act constituting renunciation of his
After reacquiring his Philippine citizenship, Arnado
Philippine citizenship.
renounced his American citizenship by executing an
Affidavit of Renunciation, thus completing the
requirements for eligibility to run for public office. While the act of using a foreign passport is not one of
the acts enumerated in Commonwealth Act No. 63
constituting renunciation and loss of Philippine
By renouncing his foreign citizenship, he was deemed
citizenship,35 it is nevertheless an act which repudiates
to be solely a Filipino citizen, regardless of the effect
the very oath of renunciation required for a former
of such renunciation under the laws of the foreign
Filipino citizen who is also a citizen of another country
to be qualified to run for a local elective position.
This act of using a foreign passport after renouncing The purpose of the Local Government Code in
one’s foreign citizenship is fatal to Arnado’s bid for disqualifying dual citizens from running for any
public office, as it effectively imposed on him a elective public office would be thwarted if we were to
disqualification to run for an elective local position. allow a person who has earlier renounced his foreign
citizenship, but who subsequently represents himself
Arnado’s category of dual citizenship is that by which as a foreign citizen, to hold any public office.
foreign citizenship is acquired through a positive act of
applying for naturalization. This is distinct from those Arnado justifies the continued use of his US passport
considered dual citizens by virtue of birth, who are not with the explanation that he was not notified of the
required by law to take the oath of renunciation as the issuance of his Philippine passport on 18 June 2009,
mere filing of the certificate of candidacy already as a result of which he was only able to obtain his
carries with it an implied renunciation of foreign Philippine passport three (3) months later.43
citizenship.39 Dual citizens by naturalization, on the
other hand, are required to take not only the Oath of The COMELEC En Banc differentiated Arnado from
Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines but also to Willy Yu, the Portuguese national who sought
personally renounce foreign citizenship in order to naturalization as a Filipino citizen and later applied for
qualify as a candidate for public office. the renewal of his Portuguese passport. That Arnado
did not apply for a US passport after his renunciation
By the time he filed his certificate of candidacy on 30 does not make his use of a US passport less of an act
November 2009, Arnado was a dual citizen enjoying that violated the Oath of Renunciation he took. It was
the rights and privileges of Filipino and American still a positive act of representation as a US citizen
citizenship. He was qualified to vote, but by the before the immigration officials of this country.
express disqualification under Section 40(d) of the
Local Government Code,40 he was not qualified to run The COMELEC, in ruling favorably for Arnado, stated
for a local elective position. "Yet, as soon as he was in possession of his Philippine
passport, the respondent already used the same in his
In effect, Arnado was solely and exclusively a Filipino subsequent travels abroad."44 We cannot agree with
citizen only for a period of eleven days, or from 3 April the COMELEC. Three months from June is September.
2009 until 14 April 2009, on which date he first used If indeed, Arnado used his Philippine passport as soon
his American passport after renouncing his American as he was in possession of it, he would not have used
citizenship. his US passport on 24 November 2009.
This Court has previously ruled that: Besides, Arnado’s subsequent use of his Philippine
passport does not correct the fact that after he
Qualifications for public office are continuing renounced his foreign citizenship and prior to filing his
requirements and must be possessed not only at the certificate of candidacy, he used his US passport. In
time of appointment or election or assumption of office the same way that the use of his foreign passport does
but during the officer's entire tenure. Once any of the not undo his Oath of Renunciation, his subsequent use
required qualifications is lost, his title may be of his Philippine passport does not undo his earlier use
seasonably challenged. x x x.41 of his US passport.
The citizenship requirement for elective public office is Citizenship is not a matter of convenience. It is a
a continuing one. It must be possessed not just at the badge of identity that comes with attendant civil and
time of the renunciation of the foreign citizenship but political rights accorded by the state to its citizens. It
continuously. Any act which violates the oath of likewise demands the concomitant duty to maintain
renunciation opens the citizenship issue to attack. allegiance to one’s flag and country. While those who
acquire dual citizenship by choice are afforded the
right of suffrage, those who seek election or
We agree with the pronouncement of the COMELEC
appointment to public office are required to renounce
First Division that "Arnado’s act of consistently using
their foreign citizenship to be deserving of the public
his US passport effectively negated his "Affidavit of
trust. Holding public office demands full and undivided
Renunciation."42 This does not mean, that he failed to
allegiance to the Republic and to no other.
comply with the twin requirements under R.A. No.
9225, for he in fact did.
We therefore hold that Arnado, by using his US
passport after renouncing his American citizenship,
has recanted the same Oath of Renunciation he took. number of votes, in which case the court issues its
Section 40(d) of the Local Government Code applies to mandamus to the board of canvassers to correct the
his situation. He is disqualified not only from holding returns accordingly; or it may find that the manner of
the public office but even from becoming a candidate holding the election and the returns are so tainted
in the May 2010 elections. with fraud or illegality that it cannot be determined
who received a plurality of the legally cast ballots. In
We now resolve the next issue. the latter case, no question as to the correctness of
the returns or the manner of casting and counting the
ballots is before the deciding power, and generally the
Resolving the third issue necessitates revisiting
only result can be that the election fails entirely. In
Topacio v. Paredes45 which is the jurisprudential spring
the former, we have a contest in the strict sense of
of the principle that a second-placer cannot be
the word, because of the opposing parties are striving
proclaimed as the winner in an election contest. This
for supremacy. If it be found that the successful
doctrine must be re-examined and its soundness once
candidate (according to the board of canvassers)
again put to the test to address the ever-recurring
obtained a plurality in an illegal manner, and that
issue that a second-placer who loses to an ineligible
another candidate was the real victor, the former must
candidate cannot be proclaimed as the winner in the
retire in favor of the latter. In the other case, there is
not, strictly speaking, a contest, as the wreath of
victory cannot be transferred from an ineligible
The Facts of the case are as follows: candidate to any other candidate when the sole
question is the eligibility of the one receiving a
On June 4, 1912, a general election was held in the plurality of the legally cast ballots. In the one case the
town of Imus, Province of Cavite, to fill the office of question is as to who received a plurality of the legally
municipal president. The petitioner, Felipe Topacio, cast ballots; in the other, the question is confined to
and the respondent, Maximo Abad, were opposing the personal character and circumstances of a single
candidates for that office. Topacio received 430 votes, individual.48 (Emphasis supplied)
and Abad 281. Abad contested the election upon the
sole ground that Topacio was ineligible in that he was Note that the sentence where the phrase is found
reelected the second time to the office of the starts with "In the other case, there is not, strictly
municipal president on June 4, 1912, without the four speaking, a contest" in contrast to the earlier
years required by Act No. 2045 having intervened.46 statement, "In the former, we have a contest in the
strict sense of the word, because of the opposing
Abad thus questioned the eligibility of To p a c i o on parties are striving for supremacy."
the basis of a statutory prohibition for seeking a
second re-election absent the four year interruption. The Court in Topacio v. Paredes cannot be said to
have held that "the wreath of victory cannot be
The often-quoted phrase in Topacio v. Paredes is that transferred from an ineligible candidate to any other
"the wreath of victory cannot be transferred from an candidate when the sole question is the eligibility of
ineligible candidate to any other candidate when the the one receiving a plurality of the legally cast
sole question is the eligibility of the one receiving a ballots."
plurality of the legally cast ballots."47
A proper reading of the case reveals that the ruling
This phrase is not even the ratio decidendi; it is a therein is that since the Court of First Instance is
mere obiter dictum. The Court was comparing "the without jurisdiction to try a disqualification case based
effect of a decision that a candidate is not entitled to on the eligibility of the person who obtained the
the office because of fraud or irregularities in the highest number of votes in the election, its jurisdiction
elections x x x with that produced by declaring a being confined "to determine which of the contestants
person ineligible to hold such an office." has been duly elected" the judge exceeded his
jurisdiction when he "declared that no one had been
The complete sentence where the phrase is found is legally elected president of the municipality of Imus at
part of a comparison and contrast between the two the general election held in that town on 4 June 1912"
situations, thus: where "the only question raised was whether or not
Topacio was eligible to be elected and to hold the
office of municipal president."
Again, the effect of a decision that a candidate is not
entitled to the office because of fraud or irregularities
in the elections is quite different from that produced The Court did not rule that Topacio was disqualified
by declaring a person ineligible to hold such an office. and that Abad as the second placer cannot be
In the former case the court, after an examination of proclaimed in his stead. The Court therein ruled:
the ballots may find that some other person than the
candidate declared to have received a plurality by the For the foregoing reasons, we are of the opinion and
board of canvassers actually received the greater so hold that the respondent judge exceeded his
jurisdiction in declaring in those proceedings that no disqualifications be not possessed by persons desiring
one was elected municipal president of the to serve as elective public officials, those qualifications
municipality of Imus at the last general election; and must be met before one even becomes a candidate.
that said order and all subsequent proceedings based When a person who is not qualified is voted for and
thereon are null and void and of no effect; and, eventually garners the highest number of votes, even
although this decision is rendered on respondents' the will of the electorate expressed through the ballot
answer to the order to show cause, unless cannot cure the defect in the qualifications of the
respondents raised some new and additional issues, candidate. To rule otherwise is to trample upon and
let judgment be entered accordingly in 5 days, without rent asunder the very law that sets forth the
costs. So ordered.49 qualifications and disqualifications of candidates. We
might as well write off our election laws if the voice of
On closer scrutiny, the phrase relied upon by a host of the electorate is the sole determinant of who should
decisions does not even have a legal basis to stand on. be proclaimed worthy to occupy elective positions in
It was a mere pronouncement of the Court comparing our republic.
one process with another and explaining the effects
thereof. As an independent statement, it is even This has been, in fact, already laid down by the Court
illogical. in Frivaldo v. COMELEC50 when we pronounced:
Let us examine the statement: x x x. The fact that he was elected by the people of
Sorsogon does not excuse this patent violation of the
"x x x the wreath of victory cannot be transferred from salutary rule limiting public office and employment
an ineligible candidate to any other candidate when only to the citizens of this country. The qualifications
the sole question is the eligibility of the one receiving prescribed for elective office cannot be erased by the
a plurality of the legally cast ballots." electorate alone.
What prevents the transfer of the wreath of victory The will of the people as expressed through the ballot
from the ineligible candidate to another candidate? cannot cure the vice of ineligibility, especially if they
mistakenly believed, as in this case, that the candidate
was qualified. Obviously, this rule requires strict
When the issue being decided upon by the Court is the
application when the deficiency is lack of citizenship. If
eligibility of the one receiving a plurality of the legally
a person seeks to serve in the Republic of the
cast ballots and ineligibility is thereafter established,
Philippines, he must owe his total loyalty to this
what stops the Court from adjudging another eligible
country only, abjuring and renouncing all fealty and
candidate who received the next highest number of
fidelity to any other state.51 (Emphasis supplied)
votes as the winner and bestowing upon him that
This issue has also been jurisprudentially clarified in
Velasco v. COMELEC52 where the Court ruled that the
An ineligible candidate who receives the highest
ruling in Quizon and Saya-ang cannot be interpreted
number of votes is a wrongful winner. By express legal
without qualifications lest "Election victory x x x
mandate, he could not even have been a candidate in
becomes a magic formula to bypass election eligibility
the first place, but by virtue of the lack of material
time or any other intervening circumstances, his
ineligibility might not have been passed upon prior to
election date. Consequently, he may have had the We have ruled in the past that a candidate’s victory in
opportunity to hold himself out to the electorate as a the election may be considered a sufficient basis to
legitimate and duly qualified candidate. However, rule in favor of the candidate sought to be disqualified
notwithstanding the outcome of the elections, his if the main issue involves defects in the candidate’s
ineligibility as a candidate remains unchanged. certificate of candidacy. We said that while provisions
Ineligibility does not only pertain to his qualifications relating to certificates of candidacy are mandatory in
as a candidate but necessarily affects his right to hold terms, it is an established rule of interpretation as
public office. The number of ballots cast in his favor regards election laws, that mandatory provisions
cannot cure the defect of failure to qualify with the requiring certain steps before elections will be
substantive legal requirements of eligibility to run for construed as directory after the elections, to give
public office. effect to the will of the people. We so ruled in Quizon
v. COMELEC and Saya-ang v. COMELEC:
The popular vote does not cure the
ineligibility of a candidate. The present case perhaps presents the proper time
and opportunity to fine-tune our above ruling. We say
this with the realization that a blanket and unqualified
The ballot cannot override the constitutional and
reading and application of this ruling can be fraught
statutory requirements for qualifications and
with dangerous significance for the rule of law and the
disqualifications of candidates. When the law requires
integrity of our elections. For one, such
certain qualifications to be possessed or that certain
blanket/unqualified reading may provide a way around Even when the votes for the ineligible candidate are
the law that effectively negates election requirements disregarded, the will of the electorate is still respected,
aimed at providing the electorate with the basic and even more so. The votes cast in favor of an
information to make an informed choice about a ineligible candidate do not constitute the sole and total
candidate’s eligibility and fitness for office. expression of the sovereign voice. The votes cast in
favor of eligible and legitimate candidates form part of
The first requirement that may fall when an that voice and must also be respected.
unqualified reading is made is Section 39 of the LGC
which specifies the basic qualifications of local As in any contest, elections are governed by rules that
government officials. Equally susceptive of being determine the qualifications and disqualifications of
rendered toothless is Section 74 of the OEC that sets those who are allowed to participate as players. When
out what should be stated in a COC. Section 78 may there are participants who turn out to be ineligible,
likewise be emasculated as mere delay in the their victory is voided and the laurel is awarded to the
resolution of the petition to cancel or deny due course next in rank who does not possess any of the
to a COC can render a Section 78 petition useless if a disqualifications nor lacks any of the qualifications set
candidate with false COC data wins. To state the in the rules to be eligible as candidates.
obvious, candidates may risk falsifying their COC
qualifications if they know that an election victory will There is no need to apply the rule cited in Labo v.
cure any defect that their COCs may have. Election COMELEC56 that when the voters are well aware within
victory then becomes a magic formula to bypass the realm of notoriety of a candidate’s disqualification
election eligibility requirements. (Citations omitted) and still cast their votes in favor said candidate, then
the eligible candidate obtaining the next higher
What will stop an otherwise disqualified individual from number of votes may be deemed elected. That rule is
filing a seemingly valid COC, concealing any also a mere obiter that further complicated the rules
disqualification, and employing every strategy to delay affecting qualified candidates who placed second to
any disqualification case filed against him so he can ineligible ones.
submit himself to the electorate and win, if winning
the election will guarantee a disregard of constitutional The electorate’s awareness of the candidate’s
and statutory provisions on qualifications and disqualification is not a prerequisite for the
disqualifications of candidates? disqualification to attach to the candidate. The very
existence of a disqualifying circumstance makes the
It is imperative to safeguard the expression of the candidate ineligible. Knowledge by the electorate of a
sovereign voice through the ballot by ensuring that its candidate’s disqualification is not necessary before a
exercise respects the rule of law. To allow the qualified candidate who placed second to a disqualified
sovereign voice spoken through the ballot to trump one can be proclaimed as the winner. The second-
constitutional and statutory provisions on placer in the vote count is actually the first-placer
qualifications and disqualifications of candidates is not among the qualified candidates.
democracy or republicanism. It is electoral anarchy.
When set rules are disregarded and only the That the disqualified candidate has already been
electorate’s voice spoken through the ballot is made to proclaimed and has assumed office is of no moment.
matter in the end, it precisely serves as an open The subsequent disqualification based on a substantive
invitation for electoral anarchy to set in.1âwphi1 ground that existed prior to the filing of the certificate
of candidacy voids not only the COC but also the
Maquiling is not a second-placer as proclamation.
he obtained the highest number of
votes from among the qualified Section 6 of R.A. No. 6646 provides:
Section 6. Effect of Disqualification Case. - Any
With Arnado’s disqualification, Maquiling then becomes candidate who has been declared by final judgment to
the winner in the election as he obtained the highest be disqualified shall not be voted for, and the votes
number of votes from among the qualified candidates. cast for him shall not be counted. If for any reason a
candidate is not declared by final judgment before an
We have ruled in the recent cases of Aratea v. election to be disqualified and he is voted for and
COMELEC54 and Jalosjos v. COMELEC55 that a void receives the winning number of votes in such election,
COC cannot produce any legal effect. the Court or Commission shall continue with the trial
and hearing of the action, inquiry, or protest and,
Thus, the votes cast in favor of the ineligible candidate upon motion of the complainant or any intervenor,
are not considered at all in determining the winner of may during the pendency thereof order the suspension
an election. of the proclamation of such candidate whenever the
evidence of his guilt is strong.
There was no chance for Arnado’s proclamation to be This Decision is immediately executory.
suspended under this rule because Arnado failed to file
his answer to the petition seeking his disqualification. Let a copy of this Decision be served personally upon
Arnado only filed his Answer on 15 June 2010, long the parties and the Commission on Elections.
after the elections and after he was already
proclaimed as the winner.
No pronouncement as to costs.
disqualification."14 It also directed the Regional even while the disqualification case against him
Election Director to speed up the reception of evidence continue upon due notice and hearing. He attached
and to forward immediately the complete records the following additional evidence in his Memorandum:
together with its recommendation to the Office of the (a) Copy of certification issued by PNP Senior
Clerk of the Commission.15 As a result, petitioner was Inspector Benjamin T. Gorre;27 (b) Certification issued
not proclaimed as winner even though the final by Elena S. Aviles, City Budget Officer;28 (c) Copy of
election results showed that he garnered 71,350 votes certification issued by Wilfredo A. Fiel, City Engineer of
as against respondent Locsin's 53,447 votes.16 Ormoc;29 (d) Joint Affidavit of Antonio Patenio and
Pepito Restituto;30and (e) Affidavits of Demetrio
At the time that the COMELEC Second Division issued Brion,31 Igmedio Rita32 and Gerardo
its Order suspending his proclamation, the petitioner Monteza.33 Respondent Locsin's memorandum also
has yet to be summoned to answer the petition for contained additional affidavits of his witnesses.34
disqualification. Neither has said petition been set for
hearing. It was only on May 24, 2001 that petitioner Petitioner's Motion to Lift the Order of
was able to file an Answer to the petition for his Suspension, however, was not resolved. Instead,
disqualification with the Regional Election Director, on June 14, 2001, the COMELEC Second Division
alleging that: (a) he has not received the summons promulgated its Resolution35 in SPA No. 01-
together with the copy of the petition; (b) he became 208 which found the petitioner guilty of indirect
aware of the matter only by virtue of the telegram solicitation of votes and ordered his disqualification.
sent by the COMELEC Second Division informing him It directed the "immediate proclamation of the
that a petition was filed against him and that the candidate who garnered the highest number of
Regional Election Director was directed to investigate votes xxx." A copy of said Resolution was sent by
and receive evidence therewith; and (c) he obtained a fax to the counsel of petitioner in Cebu City in the
copy of the petition from the COMELEC Regional Office afternoon of the following day.36
No. 8 at his own instance.17 Petitioner further alleged
that the maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of By virtue of the said Resolution, the votes cast for
barangay roads in the municipalities of Matag-ob and petitioner, totaling 71,350, were declared stray
Kananga were undertaken without his authority, even before said Resolution could gain finality.
participation or directive as City Mayor of Ormoc. He On June 15, 2001, respondent Locsin was proclaimed
attached in his Answer the following: (a) Affidavit of as the duly elected Representative of the 4th
Alex B. Borinaga;18 (b) Copy of the Excerpt from the legislative district of Leyte by the Provincial Board of
Minutes of the Regular Session of Barangay Canvassers of Leyte. It issued a Certificate of Canvass
Monterico;19 (c) Affidavit of Wilfredo A. Fiel;20 (d) of Votes and Proclamation of the Winning Candidates
Supplemental Affidavit of Wilfredo A. Fiel;21 and (e) for Member of the House of Representatives stating
Affidavit of Arnel Y. Padayao.22 that "MA. VICTORIA LARRAZABAL LOCSIN obtained a
On May 25, 2001, petitioner filed a Motion to Lift FORTY SEVEN (53,447) votes representing
Order of Suspension,23 alleging that (a) he did not the highest number of votes legally cast in the
receive a copy of the Motion to Suspend his legislative district for said office."37 Respondent
Proclamation and hence, was denied the right to rebut Locsin took her oath of office on June 18, 2001
and refute the allegations in the Motion; (b) that he and assumed office on June 30, 2001.
did not receive a copy of the summons on the petition
for disqualification and after personally obtaining a On June 20, 2001, petitioner seasonably filed with
copy of the petition, filed the requisite answer only on the COMELEC en banc a Motion for
May 24, 2001; and (c) that he received the telegraph Reconsideration38from the June 14, 2001 Resolution
Order of the COMELEC Second Division suspending his of the COMELEC Second Division which ordered his
proclamation only on May 22, 2001. He attached disqualification, as well as an Addendum to the Motion
documentary evidence in support of his Motion to Lift for Reconsideration.39 Petitioner alleged in his Motion
the Suspension of his proclamation, and requested the for Reconsideration that the COMELEC Second Division
setting of a hearing on his Motion.24 erred: (1) in disqualifying petitioner on the
basis solely of the dubious declaration of the
On May 30, 2001, an oral argument was conducted on witnesses for respondent Locsin; (2) in adopting in
the petitioner's Motion and the parties were ordered to toto the allegations of the witnesses for respondent
submit their respective memoranda.25 On June 4, Locsin; and (3) in promulgating the resolution in
2001, petitioner submitted his Memorandum26 in violation of its own rules of procedure and in directing
support of his Motion assailing the suspension of his therein the immediate proclamation of the second
proclamation on the grounds that: (a) he was not highest 'vote getter.' Respondent Locsin and her co-
afforded due process; (b) the order has no legal and petitioner in SPA No. 01-208 filed a joint Opposition to
factual basis; and (c) evidence of his guilt is patently the Motion for Reconsideration.40
inexistent for the purpose of suspending his
proclamation. He prayed that his proclamation as On June 21, 2001, petitioner filed with the COMELEC
winning congressional candidate be expediently made, en banc a Petition for Declaration of Nullity of
Proclamation,41 docketed as SPC No. 01-324, respondent Locsin as null and void. The dispositive
assailing the validity of the proclamation of respondent portion reads:
Locsin who garnered only the second highest
number of votes. Respondent Locsin filed her Answer "JUDGMENT
alleging that: (1) the Commission lost jurisdiction to
hear and decide the case because of the proclamation
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing
of Locsin and that any question on the "election,
considerations, I concur with Commissioner
returns, and qualification" of Locsin can only be taken
Resurreccion Z. Borra, Commissioner Florentino A.
cognizance of by the House of Representatives
Tuason, Jr. and Commissioner Ralph C. Lantion, in
Electoral Tribunal (HRET); (2) the case should be filed
SPA No. 01-208, to GRANT the motion for
and heard in the first instance by a Division of the
reconsideration and to REVERSE the resolution of the
Commission and not directly by the Commission en
Commission (Second Division) promulgated on June 1,
banc; and (3) the proclamation of Locsin was valid
2001, disqualifying Codilla; and subsequently, in SPC
because she received the highest number of valid
No. 01-324, to GRANT the petition of Eufrocino M.
votes cast, the votes of Codilla being stray.
Codilla, Sr., and declare as null and void the
proclamation of losing candidate Locsin.
On June 28, 2001, petitioner filed an Urgent
Manifestation42 stating that he was deprived of a fair
hearing on the disqualification case because while the
documentary evidence adduced in his
Memorandum was in support of his Motion for 1. On the Motion for Reconsideration of the
the lifting of the suspension of his proclamation, disqualification resolution against Codilla,
the COMELEC Second Division instead ruled on promulgated by the Commission (Second
the main disqualification case. In consonance with Division) on June 14, 2001 (SPA No. 01-208),
his prayer that a full-dress hearing be conducted on I vote:
the disqualification case, he submitted Affidavits of
additional witnesses43 which he claims would refute (a) to GRANT the Motion for
and substantially belie the allegations of Reconsideration of respondent-movant
petitioner's/intervenor's witnesses. A Eufrocino M. Codilla, Sr., and to
Reply,44 Rejoinder45 and Sur-Rejoinder46were REVERSE the Resolution of the
respectively filed by the parties. Consequently, the Commission (Second Division)
motion for reconsideration in SPA No. 01-208 and the promulgated on June 14, 2001, for
petition for declaration of nullity in SPC No. 01-324 insufficiency of evidence;
were submitted for resolution.
(b) to lift the order of suspension of
From the records, it appears that initially, a proclamation of petitioner Codilla,
"Resolution" penned by Commissioner Rufino S.B. issued by the Commission (Second
Javier, dated July 24, 2001, was submitted to the Division) on May 18, 2001, having
Office of the Chairman, dismissing the petition for been issued without hearing and
declaration of nullity for lack of jurisdiction and without any finding that the evidence
denying the motion for reconsideration filed by of guilt of petitioner Codilla is strong
petitioner Codilla.47 Commissioners Florentino A. and, thus, null and void;
Tuason, Jr. and Resurreccion Z. Borra submitted their
respective dissenting opinions48 to the Javier (c) to nullify the order contained in the
resolution. It bears emphasis that Commissioner Resolution of the Commission (Second
Tuason, Jr. was the ponente of the Resolution of the Division) promulgated on June 14,
COMELEC Second Division which ordered the 2001, for "(t)he immediate
disqualification of petitioner but after considering the proclamation of the candidate who
additional evidence presented by the latter, he garnered the highest number of votes,
concluded that the totality of the evidence was clearly to the exclusion of respondent" and
in petitioner's favor. Equally worth mentioning is the the concurrent order for "the Provincial
fact that Commissioner Ralph C. Lantion, who was the Board of Canvasser (sic) of Leyte to
Presiding Commissioner of the Second Division, also immediately reconvene and thereafter
dissented and voted to grant Codilla's motion for proclaim forthwith the candidate who
reconsideration on the ground that "[T]he people of obtained the highest number of votes
Leyte have spoken and I respect the electorate's will. counting out the Respondent" the
x x x." 49
same being violative of election laws,
established jurisprudence, and
On August 29, 2001, then COMELEC Chairman Alfredo resolutions of the Commission;
L. Benipayo issued a "Vote and Opinion and Summary
of Votes" reversing the resolution of the Second (d) to nullify the ruling contained in
Division and declaring the proclamation of the Resolution of the Commission
(Second Division) promulgated o June election laws, established jurisprudence, and
14, 2001, that the votes of respondent resolutions of the Commission;
Codilla are "considered stray and
invalid" said ruling being issued on the (d) to nullify the ruling contained in the
basis of an inapplicable decision, and Resolution of the Commission (Second
contrary to established jurisprudence; Division) promulgated on June 14, 2001, in
SPA No. 01-208, that the votes of respondent
(e) to order the Provincial Board of Codilla are "considered stray and invalid" said
Canvassers of Leyte, upon the finality ruling being issued on the basis of an
of this resolution, to reconvene and inapplicable decision, and contrary to
proclaim petitioner Codilla as the established jurisprudence;
winning candidate for Representative
of the Fourth Legislative district of (e) to order the provincial Board of Canvassers
Leyte to comply with its ministerial of Leyte, upon the finality of this resolution, to
duty to proclaim the candidate who reconvene and proclaim petitioner Codilla as
garnered the highest number of votes the winning candidate for Representative of
in the elections for that position; and the Fourth legislative district of Leyte he (sic)
having garnered the highest number of votes
(f) to order intervenor-oppositor in the elections for the position; and
Locsin, upon the finality of this
resolution, to vacate the office of (f) to order respondent Locsin, upon the
Representative of the House of finality of this resolution, to vacate the office
Representatives representing the of Representative of the House of
Fourth legislative district of Leyte and, Representatives representing the Fourth
for this purpose, to inform the House Legislative district of Leyte and, for this
of Representatives through the purpose, to inform the House of
Honorable Speaker of this resolution Representatives through the Honorable
for its attention and guidance; and Speaker of this resolution for its attention and
2. On the petition for Declaration of Nullity of
proclamation of respondent Ma. Victoria L. Locsin (SPC Summary of Votes
No. 01-324), I vote:
Considering the FOUR (4) VOTES of the Chairman and
(a) to GRANT the petition of Eufrocino M. Commissioners Resurreccion Z. Borra, Florentino A.
Codilla, Sr., and declare as null and void the Tuason, Jr., and Ralph C. Lantion, to grant the Motion
proclamation of losing candidate Locsin, the for Reconsideration of Codilla and reverse the
proclamation being violative of election laws, disqualification Resolution of the Commission (Second
established jurisprudence, and resolutions of Division) in SPA No. 01-208, promulgated on June 14,
the Commission on Elections; 2001, and as an inevitable consequence, in voting to
grant the petition for declaration of nullity of the
(b) to lift the order of suspension of proclamation of Ma. Victoria L. Locsin in SPC No. 01-
proclamation of petitioner Codilla, issued by 324, the verdict/opinion of the Chairman and the three
the Commission (Second Division) on May 18, (3) Commissioners taken together now stands, as it is,
2001, in SPA No. 01-208, having been issued the MAJORITY DECISION of the Commission En Banc
without hearing and without any finding that in both cases; and the "Resolution" submitted by three
the evidence of guilt of petitioner Codilla is (3) Commissioners, namely, Commissioner Rufino S.B.
strong and, thus, null and void; Javier, Commissioner Luzviminda G. Tancangco, and
Commissioner Mehol K. Sadain, is considered, as it is,
(c) to nullify the order contained in the the MINORITY DECISION of the Commission En Banc
Resolution of the Commission (Second in both cases.
Division) promulgated on June 14, 2001, in
SPA No. 01-208, for "(t)he immediate The MAJORTIY DECISION was arrived at after proper
proclamation of the candidate who garnered consultation with those who joined the majority. The
the highest number of votes, to the exclusion Chairman and the three (3) Commissioners comprising
of respondent" and the concurrent order for the majority decided that no one will be assigned to
"the provincial Board of Canvasser (sic) of write a Majority Decision. Instead, each one will write
Leyte to immediately reconvene and thereafter his own separate opinion. Commissioners Borra,
proclaim forthwith the candidate who obtained Tuason, Jr. and the undersigned Chairman submitted
the highest number of votes counting out the separate opinions. Commissioner Lantion wrote an
Respondent" the same being violative of explanation on his vote."50
The aforequoted judgment was adopted in a "Vote of physical facilities and staff support." On the basis of
Adoption" signed by Commissioners Ralph C. Lantion, this letter, a Memorandum59 dated October 8, 2001
Resurreccion Z. Borra and Florentino A. Tuason, Jr.51 was issued by Legal Affairs Deputy Secretary-General
Gaudencio A. Mendoza, Jr., for Speaker De Venecia,
Respondent Locsin did not appeal from this stating that "there is no legal obstacle to complying
decision annulling her proclamation. Instead, she with the duly promulgated – and now final and
filed a "Comment and Manifestation"52 with the executory – COMELEC Decision of August 29, 2001 x x
COMELEC en banc questioning the procedure and the x."
manner by which the decision was issued. In addition,
respondent Locsin requested and was issued an These notwithstanding, and despite receipt by the
opinion by House of Representatives Executive House of Representatives of a copy of the COMELEC
Director and Chief Legal Counsel Leonardo B. Palicte en banc resolution on September 20, 2001,60 no action
III declaring that the COMELEC has no jurisdiction to was taken by the House on the letter-appeal of
nullify the proclamation of respondent Locsin after she petitioner. Hence, petitioner sought the assistance of
had taken her oath and assumed office since it is the his party, LAKAS-NUCD-UMDP, which sent a
HRET which is the sole judge of election, returns and letter61 addressed to respondent Speaker De Venecia,
qualifications of Members of the House.53Relying on dated October 25, 2001, and signed by Party President
this opinion, respondent Locsin submitted a written Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr., Secretary-General Heherson
privileged speech to the House during its regular T. Alvarez, and Region VIII Party Chairman Sergio
session on September 4, 2001, where she declared Antonio F. Apostol, requesting the House of
that she will not only disregard but will openly defy Representatives to act decisively on the matter in
and disobey the COMELEC en banc resolution ordering order that petitioner "can avail of whatever remedy is
her to vacate her position.54 available should their action remain unfavorable or
otherwise undecisive."
On September 6, 2001, the COMELEC en banc issued
an Order55 constituting the members of the Provincial In response, Speaker De Venecia sent a letter62 dated
Board of Canvassers of Leyte to implement the October 30, 2001, stating that:
aforesaid decision. It likewise ordered the Board to
reconvene and "proclaim the candidate who obtained "We recognize the finality of the COMELEC decision
the highest number of votes in the district, as the and we are inclined to sustain it. However, Rep. Locsin
duly-elected Representative of the Fourth Legislative has officially notified the HOUSE in her privilege
district of Leyte, and accordingly issue a Certificate of speech, inserted in the HOUSE Journal dated
Canvass and Proclamation of Winning Candidate for September 4, 2001, that she shall 'openly defy and
Member of the House of Representatives x x x, based disobey' the COMELEC ruling. This ultimately means
on the city/municipal certificates of canvass submitted that implementing the decision would result in the
beforehand to the previous Provincial Board of spectacle of having two (2) legislators occupying the
Canvassers of Leyte x x x." same congressional seat, a legal situation, the only
consideration, that effectively deters the HOUSE's
On September 12, 2001, petitioner Codilla was liberty to take action.
proclaimed by the Provincial Board of
Canvassers as the duly-elected Representative of In this light, the accepted wisdom is that the
the 4th legislative district of Leyte, having implementation of the COMELEC decision is a
obtained a total of 71,350 votes representing the matter that can be best, and with finality,
highest number of votes cast in the district.56 On the adjudicated by the Supreme Court, which,
same day, petitioner took his oath of office before hopefully, shall act on it most expeditiously."
Executive Judge Fortunito L. Madrona of the Regional (emphases supplied)
Trial Court of Ormoc City.57
Hence, the present petition for mandamus and quo
On September 14, 2001, petitioner wrote the House of warranto.
Representatives, thru respondent Speaker De Venecia,
informing the House of the August 29, 2001 COMELEC
Petitioner submits that by virtue of the resolution of
en banc resolution annulling the proclamation of
the COMELEC en banc which has become final and
respondent Locsin, and proclaiming him as the duly-
executory for failure of respondent Locsin to appeal
elected Representative of the 4th legislative district of
therefrom, it has become the ministerial duty: (1) of
Leyte.58 Petitioner also served notice that "I am
the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as its
assuming the duties and responsibilities as
Administrative Head and Presiding Officer, to
Representative of the fourth legislative district of Leyte
implement the said resolution of the COMELEC en banc
to which position I have been lawfully elected and
by installing him as the duly-elected Representative of
proclaimed. On behalf of my constituents, I therefore
the 4th legislative district of Leyte; and (2) of the
expect that all rights and privileges intended for the
Secretary-General, as official custodian of the records
position of Representative of the fourth legislative
of the House, to formally register his name in the Roll
district of Leyte be accorded to me, including all
of Members of the House and delete the name of Additionally, respondent Locsin urges that the
respondent Locsin therefrom. Petitioner further resolution of the COMELEC en banc is null and void for
contends that respondent Locsin has been usurping lack of jurisdiction. First, it should have dismissed the
and unlawfully holding the public office of case pending before it after her proclamation and after
Representative of the 4th legislative district of Leyte she had taken her oath of office. Jurisdiction then was
considering that her premature proclamation has been vested in the HRET to unseat and remove a Member of
declared null and void by the COMELEC en banc. He the House of Representatives. Second, the petition for
alleges that the action or inaction of public declaration of nullity is clearly a pre-proclamation
respondents has deprived him of his lawful right to controversy and the COMELEC en banc has no original
assume the office of Representative of the 4th jurisdiction to hear and decide a pre-proclamation
legislative district of Leyte. controversy. It must first be heard by a COMELEC
Division. Third, the questioned decision is actually a
In his Comment,63 public respondent Speaker De "hodge-podge" decision because of the peculiar
Venecia alleged that mandamus will not lie to compel manner in which the COMELEC disposed of the case.
the implementation of the COMELEC decision which is
not merely a ministerial duty but one which requires Finally, respondent Locsin asserts that the matter of
the exercise of discretion by the Speaker of the House her qualification and eligibility has been categorically
considering that: (1) it affects the membership of the affirmed by the HRET when it dismissed the quo
House; and (2) there is nothing in the Rules of the warranto case filed against her, docketed as HRET
House of Representatives which imposes a duty on the Case No. 01-043, entitled "Paciano Travero vs. Ma.
House Speaker to implement a COMELEC decision that Victoria Locsin," on the ground that "the allegations
unseats an incumbent House member. stated therein are not proper grounds for a petition for
quo warranto against a Member of the House of
In his Comment,64 public respondent Secretary- Representatives under section 253 of the Omnibus
General Nazareno alleged that in reading the name of Election Code and Rule 17 of the HRET Rules, and that
respondent Locsin during the roll call, and in allowing the petition was filed late."67
her to take her oath before the Speaker-elect and sit
as Member of the House during the Joint Session of In his Reply,68 petitioner asserts that the remedy of
Congress, he was merely performing official acts in respondent Locsin from the COMELEC decision was to
compliance with the opinions65 rendered by House of file a petition for certiorari with the Supreme Court,
Representatives Chief Counsel and Executive Director not to seek an opinion from the Chief Legal Counsel of
Leonardo C. Palicte III stating that the COMELEC has the House of Representatives; that the HRET has no
no jurisdiction to declare the proclamation of jurisdiction over a petition for declaration of nullity of
respondent Locsin as null and void since it is the HRET proclamation which is based not on ineligibility or
which is the sole judge of all election, returns and disloyalty, but by reason that the candidate
qualifications of Members of the House. He also proclaimed as winner did not obtain the highest
contends that the determination of who will sit as number of votes; that the petition for annulment of
Member of the House of Representatives is not a proclamation is a pre-proclamation controversy and,
ministerial function and cannot, thus, be compelled by hence, falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
mandamus. COMELEC pursuant to section 242 of B.P. Blg.
88169 and section 3, Article IX (C) of the Constitution;
Respondent Locsin, in her Comment,66 alleged that the that respondent Speaker De Venecia himself
Supreme Court has no original jurisdiction over an recognizes the finality of the COMELEC decision but
action for quo warranto involving a member of the has decided to refer the matter to the Supreme Court
House of Representatives for under Section 17, Article for adjudication; that the enforcement and
VI of the Constitution it is the HRET which is the sole implementation of a final decision of the COMELEC
judge of all contests relating to the election, returns involves a ministerial act and does not encroach on
and qualifications of Members of the House of the legislative power of Congress; and that the power
Representatives. She likewise asserts that this Court to determine who will sit as Member of the House does
cannot issue the writ of mandamus against a co-equal not involve an exercise of legislative power but is
legislative department without grossly violating the vested in the sovereign will of the electorate.
principle of separation of powers. She contends that
the act of recognizing who should be seated as a bona The core issues in this case are: (a) whether the
fide member of the House of Representatives is not a proclamation of respondent Locsin by the COMELEC
ministerial function but a legislative prerogative, the Second Division is valid; (b) whether said
performance of which cannot be compelled by proclamation divested the COMELEC en banc of
mandamus. Moreover, the prayer for a writ of jurisdiction to review its validity; and (c) assuming the
mandamus cannot be directed against the Speaker invalidity of said proclamation, whether it is the
and Secretary-General because they do not have the ministerial duty of the public respondents to recognize
authority to enforce and implement the resolution of petitioner Codilla, Sr. as the legally elected
the COMELEC. Representative of the 4th legislative district of Leyte
vice respondent Locsin.
I 2.e having violated any of Sections 80,
83, 85, 86 and 261, paragraphs d, e,
Whether the proclamation of respondent Locsin is k, v, and cc, sub-paragraph 6 of the
valid. Omnibus Election Code, shall be
disqualified from continuing as a
candidate, or if he has been elected,
After carefully reviewing the records of this case, we
from holding the office.
find that the proclamation of respondent Locsin is null
and void for the following reasons:
First. The petitioner was denied due process
during the entire proceedings leading to the (4) Upon payment of the filing fee of
proclamation of respondent Locsin. P1,000.00 and legal research fee of P20.00,
the offices concerned shall docket the petition
and assign to it a docket number which must
COMELEC Resolution Nos. 340270 sets the procedure
be consecutive, according to the order of
for disqualification cases pursuant to section 68 of the
receipt and must bear the year and prefixed as
Omnibus Election Code, viz:
SPA with the corresponding initial of the name
of the office, i.e. SPA (RED) No. C01-001; SPA
(5) Within three (3) days from filing of the
petitions, the offices concerned shall issue
summons to the respondent candidate
together with a copy of the petition and its
(1) The verified petition to disqualify a enclosures, if any;
candidate pursuant to Sec. 68 of the Omnibus
Election Code and the verified petition to
(6) The respondent shall be given three (3)
disqualify a candidate for lack of qualifications
days from receipt of summons within which to
or possessing same grounds for
file his verified answer (not a motion to
disqualification, may be filed any day after the
dismiss) to the petition in ten (10) legible
last day for filing of certificates of candidacy
copies, serving a copy thereof upon the
but not later than the date of proclamation.
petitioner. Grounds for Motion to Dismiss may
be raised as an affirmative defense;
(2) The petition to disqualify a candidate
pursuant to Sec. 68 of the Omnibus Election
(7) The proceeding shall be summary in
Code shall be filed in ten (10) legible copies by
nature. In lieu of the testimonies, the parties
any citizen of voting age, or duly registered
shall submit their affidavits or counter-
political party, organization or coalition of
affidavits and other documentary evidences
political parties against any candidate who in
including their position paper;
an action or protest in which he is a party is
declared by final decision of a competent court
guilty of, or found by the Commission of: (8) The hearing must be completed within ten
(10) days from the date of the filing of the
answer. The hearing officer concerned shall
2.a having given money or other
submit to the Clerk of the Commission through
material consideration to influence,
the fastest means of communication, his
induce or corrupt the voters or public
findings, reports and recommendations within
officials performing electoral functions;
five (5) days from the completion of the
hearing and reception of evidence together
2.b having committed acts of terrorism with the complete records of the case;
to enhance his candidacy;
(9) Upon receipt of the records of the case of
2.c having spent in his election the findings, reports and recommendation of
campaign an amount in excess of that the hearing officer concerned, the Clerk of the
allowed by the Omnibus Election Code; Commission shall immediately docket the case
consecutively and calendar the same for raffle
2.d having solicited, received or made to a division;
any contribution prohibited under
Sections 89, 95, 96, 97 and 104 of the (10) The division to whom the case is raffled,
Omnibus Election Code; shall after consultation, assign the same to a
member who shall pen the decision, within five
(5) days from the date of consultation."
Resolution No. 3402 clearly requires the COMELEC, More, the proclamation of the petitioner was
through the Regional Election Director, to issue suspended in gross violation of section 72 of the
summons to the respondent candidate together with a Omnibus Election Code which provides:
copy of the petition and its enclosures, if any, within
three (3) days from the filing of the petition for "Sec. 72. Effects of disqualification cases and priority.-
disqualification. Undoubtedly, this is to afford the The Commission and the courts shall give priority to
respondent candidate the opportunity to answer the cases of disqualification by reason of violation of this
allegations in the petition and hear his side. To ensure Act to the end that a final decision shall be
compliance with this requirement, the COMELEC Rules rendered not later than seven days before the
of Procedure requires the return of the summons election in which the disqualification is sought.
together with the proof of service to the Clerk of Court
of the COMELEC when service has been
Any candidate who has been declared by final
completed, viz:
judgment to be disqualified shall not be voted for, and
the votes cast for him shall not be
"Rule 14. Summons counted. Nevertheless, if for any reason, a
candidate is not declared by final judgment
xxxxxxxxx before an election to be disqualified and he is
voted for and receives the winning number of
Section 5. Return.- When the service has been votes in such election, his violation of the
completed by personal service, the server shall give provisions of the preceding sections shall not
notice thereof, by registered mail, to the protestant or prevent his proclamation and assumption to
his counsel and shall return the summons to the Clerk office." (emphases supplied)
of Court concerned who issued it, accompanied with
the proof of service. In the instant case, petitioner has not been
disqualified by final judgment when the elections were
Section 6. Proof of Service.- Proof of service of conducted on May 14, 2001. The Regional Election
summons shall be made in the manner provided for in Director has yet to conduct hearing on the petition for
the Rules of Court in the Philippines." his disqualification. After the elections, petitioner was
voted in office by a wide margin of 17,903. On May
16, 2001, however, respondent Locsin filed a Most
Thereafter, hearings, to be completed within ten (10)
Urgent Motion for the suspension of petitioner's
days from the filing of the Answer, must be conducted.
proclamation. The Most Urgent Motion contained a
The hearing officer is required to submit to the Clerk
statement to the effect that a copy was served to the
of the Commission his findings, reports and
petitioner through registered mail. The records reveal
recommendations within five (5) days from the
that no registry receipt was attached to prove such
completion of the hearing and reception of evidence
service.72 This violates COMELEC Rules of Procedure
together with the complete records of the case.
requiring notice and service of the motion to all
parties, viz:
(a) Petitioner was not notified of the petition for
his disqualification through the service of
"Section 4. Notice.- Notice of a motion shall be served
summons nor of the Motions to suspend his
by the movant to all parties concerned, at least three
(3) days before the hearing thereof, together with a
copy of the motion. For good cause shown, the motion
The records of the case do not show that summons may be heard on shorter notice, especially on matters
was served on the petitioner. They do not contain a which the Commission or the Division may dispose of
copy of the summons allegedly served on the on its own motion.
petitioner and its corresponding proof of service.
Furthermore, private respondent never rebutted
The notice shall be directed to the parties concerned
petitioner's repeated assertion that he was not
and shall state the time and place of the hearing of
properly notified of the petition for his disqualification
the motion.
because he never received summons.71 Petitioner
claims that prior to receiving a telegraphed Order from
the COMELEC Second Division on May 22, 2001, Section 5. Proof of Service.- No motion shall be acted
directing the District Board of Canvassers to suspend upon by the Commission without proof of service of
his proclamation, he was never summoned nor notice thereof, except when the Commission or a
furnished a copy of the petition for his disqualification. Division is satisfied that the rights of the adverse party
He was able to obtain a copy of the petition and the or parties are not affected."
May 22 Order of the COMELEC Second Division by
personally going to the COMELEC Regional Office on Respondent's Most Urgent Motion does not fall under
May 23, 2001. Thus, he was able to file his Answer to the exceptions to notice and service of motions. First,
the disqualification case only on May 24, 2001. the suspension of proclamation of a winning candidate
is not a matter which the COMELEC Second Division
can dispose of motu proprio. Section 6 of R.A. No. suspend the proclamation of respondent, if
664673 requires that the suspension must be "upon winning, until further orders."77 (emphases
motion by the complainant or any intervenor", viz: supplied)
"Section 6. Effect of Disqualification Case.- Any We hold that absent any finding that the evidence on
candidate who has been declared by final judgment to the guilt of the petitioner is strong, the COMELEC
be disqualified shall not be voted for, and the votes Second Division gravely abused its power when it
cast for him shall not be counted. If for any reason, a suspended his proclamation.
candidate is not declared by final judgment before an
election to be disqualified and he is voted for and (b) The COMELEC Second Division did not give
receives the winning number of votes in such ample opportunity to the petitioner to adduce
election, the Court or Commission (COMELEC) evidence in support of his defense in the petition
shall continue with the trial or hearing of the for his disqualification.
action, inquiry, or protest and, upon motion of
the complainant or any intervenor, may during
All throughout the proceeding, no hearing was
the pendency thereof order the suspension of
conducted on the petition for disqualification in gross
the proclamation of such candidate whenever
violation of section 6 of R.A. No. 6646 which
the evidence of his guilt is strong." (emphases
specifically enjoins the COMELEC to "continue with
the trial or hearing of the action, inquiry, or
protest." This is also in violation of COMELEC
Second, the right of an adverse party, in this case, the Resolution No. 3402 requiring the Regional Election
petitioner, is clearly affected. Given the lack of service Director to complete the hearing and reception of
of the Most Urgent Motion to the petitioner, said evidence within ten (10) days from the filing of the
Motion is a mere scrap of paper.74 It cannot be acted Answer, and to submit his findings, reports, and
upon by the COMELEC Second Division. recommendations within the five (5) days from
completion of the hearing and the reception of
On May 18, 2001 at exactly 5:00 p.m.,75 respondent evidence.
Locsin filed a Second Most Urgent Motion for the
suspension of petitioner's proclamation. Petitioner was Petitioner filed a Motion to Lift the Order of
served a copy of the Second Motion again by Suspension of his proclamation on May 25, 2001.
registered mail. A registry receipt76 was attached Although an oral argument on this Motion was held,
evidencing service of the Second Most Urgent Motion and the parties were allowed to file their respective
to the petitioner but it does not appear when the memoranda, the Motion was not acted upon. Instead,
petitioner received a copy thereof. That same day, the the COMELEC Second Division issued a Resolution on
COMELEC Second Division issued an Order suspending the petition for disqualification against the petitioner.
the proclamation of petitioner. Clearly, the petitioner It was based on the following evidence: (a) the
was not given any opportunity to contest the affidavits attached to the Petition for Disqualification;
allegations contained in the petition for (b) the affidavits attached to the Answer; and (c) the
disqualification. The Order was issued on the very respective memoranda of the parties.
same day the Second Most Urgent Motion was filed.
The petitioner could not have received the Second
On this score, it bears emphasis that the hearing for
Most Urgent Motion, let alone answer the same on
Motion to Lift the Order of Suspension cannot be
time as he was served a copy thereof by registered
substituted for the hearing in the disqualification case.
Although intrinsically linked, it is not to be supposed
that the evidence of the parties in the main
Under section 6 of R.A. No. 6646, the COMELEC can disqualification case are the same as those in the
suspend proclamation only when evidence of the Motion to Lift the Order of Suspension. The parties
winning candidate's guilt is strong. In the case at may have other evidence which they may deem
bar, the COMELEC Second Division did not make proper to present only on the hearing for the
any specific finding that evidence of petitioner's disqualification case. Also, there may be evidence
guilt is strong. Its only basis in suspending the which are unavailable during the hearing for the
proclamation of the petitioner is the "seriousness of Motion to Lift the Order of Suspension but which may
the allegations" in the petition for disqualification. be available during the hearing for the disqualification
Pertinent portion of the Order reads: case.
"Without giving due course to the petition xxx the In the case at bar, petitioner asserts that he submitted
Commission (2nd Division), pursuant to Section 72 of his Memorandum merely to support his Motion to Lift
the Omnibus Election Code in relation to Section 6, the Order of Suspension. It was not intended to
Republic Act No. 6646 xxx and considering the answer and refute the disqualification case against
serious allegations in the petition, hereby directs him. This submission was sustained by the COMELEC
the Provincial Board of Canvassers of Leyte to en banc. Hence, the members of the COMELEC en
banc concluded, upon consideration of the additional Worse, the Resolution of the COMELEC Second
affidavits attached in his Urgent Manifestation, that Division, even without the evidence coming from the
the evidence to disqualify the petitioner was petitioner, failed to prove the gravamen of the offense
insufficient. More specifically, the ponente of the for which he was charged.82
challenged Resolution of the COMELEC Second Division
held: Petitioner allegedly violated section 68 (a) of the
Omnibus Election Code which reads:
"Indeed, I find from the records that the May 30, 2001
hearing of the COMELEC (Second Division) concerns "Section 68. Disqualifications.- Any candidate who, in
only the incident relating to the Motion to Lift Order of action or protest in which he is a party is declared by
Suspension of Proclamation. It also appears that the final decision of a competent court guilty of, or found
order for the submission of the parties' respective by the Commission of having (a) given money or other
memoranda was in lieu of the parties' oral argument material consideration to influence, induce or corrupt
on the motion. This would explain the fact that the voters or public officials performing official
Codilla's Memorandum refers mainly to the validity of functions, xxx shall be disqualified from continuing as
the issuance of the order of suspension of candidate, or if he has been elected, from holding
proclamation. There is, however, no record of any office"
hearing on the urgent motion for the suspension of
proclamation. Indeed, it was only upon the filing of
To be disqualified under the above-quoted provision,
the Urgent Manifestation by Codilla that the
the following elements must be proved: (a) the
Members of the Commission (Second Division)
candidate, personally or through his instructions, must
and other Members of the Commission en banc
have given money or other material consideration;
had the opportunity to consider Codilla's
and (b) the act of giving money or other material
affidavits. This time, Codilla was able to present
consideration must be for the purpose of influencing,
his side, thus, completing the presentation of
inducing, or corrupting the voters or public officials
evidentiary documents from both
performing electoral functions.
sides."78 (emphases supplied)
Agripino C. Alferez and Rogelio T. Sulvera in their Joint (a) Vote-buying and vote-selling.- (1) Any
Affidavit merely stated that they saw white trucks person who gives, offers or promises money or
owned by the City Government of Ormoc dumping anything of value, gives or promises any office
gravel and sand on the road of Purok 6, San Vicente, or employment, franchise or grant, public or
Matag-ob, Leyte. A payloader then scattered the sand private, or make or offers to make an
and gravel unloaded by the white trucks.85 expenditure, directly or indirectly, or cause an
expenditure to be made to any person,
On the other hand, Danilo D. Maglasang, a temporary association, corporation, entity or community
employee of the City Government of Ormoc assigned in order to induce anyone or the public in
to check and record the delivery of sand and gravel for general, to vote for or against any candidate
the different barangays in Ormoc, stated as follows: or withhold his vote in the election, or to vote
for or against any aspirant for the nomination
or choice of a candidate in a convention or
"3. That on April 20, 2001, I was ordered by Engr.
similar selection process of a political party.
Arnel Padayo, an employee of the City Engineering
Office, Ormoc City to go to Tagaytay, Kangga (sic),
Leyte as that will be the source of the sand and xxxxxxxxx
gravel. I inquired why we had to go to Kananga but
Engr. Padayao said that it's not a problem as it was (o) Use of public funds, money deposited in
Mayor Eufrocino M. Codilla, Sr. who ordered this and trust, equipment, facilities owned or controlled
the property is owned by the family of Mayor Codilla. by the government for an election campaign.-
We were to deliver sand and gravel to whoever Any person who uses under any guise
requests from Mayor Codilla."86 whatsoever directly or indirectly, xxx (3) any
equipment, vehicle, facility, apparatus, or
Similarly, the Affidavit of Basilio Bates cannot prove paraphernalia owned by the government or by
the offense charged against the petitioner. He alleged its political subdivisions, agencies including
that on April 18, 2001, a white truck with the marking government-owned or controlled corporations,
"City Government of Ormoc" came to his lot at or by the Armed Forces of the Philippines for
Montebello, Kananga, Leyte and unloaded mixed sand any election campaign or for any partisan
and that the driver of the truck told him to "vote for political activity x x x."
Codilla as a (sic) congressman during election."87 His
statement is hearsay. He has no personal knowledge However, the jurisdiction of the COMELEC to
of the supposed order of the petitioner to distribute disqualify candidates is limited to those
gravel and sand for the purpose of inducing the voters enumerated in section 68 of the Omnibus
to vote for him. The same could be said about the Election Code. All other election offenses are
affidavits of Randy T. Merin,88 Alfredo C. De la beyond the ambit of COMELEC
Peña,89 Miguel P. Pandac,90 Paquito Bregeldo, Cristeta jurisdiction.97 They are criminal and not
Alferez , Glicerio Rios,91 Romulo Alkuino, Sr.,92 Abner administrative in nature. Pursuant to sections
Casas,93 Rita Trangia,94 and Judith Erispe95 attached to 265 and 268 of the Omnibus Election Code,
respondent Locsin's Memorandum on the Motion to Lift the power of the COMELEC is confined to the
the Suspension of Proclamation. conduct of preliminary investigation on the
alleged election offenses for the purpose of
Also valueless are the affidavits of other witnesses96 of prosecuting the alleged offenders before the
respondent Locsin, all similarly worded, which alleged regular courts of justice, viz:
that the petitioner ordered the repair of the road in
Purok 6, Barangay San Vicente, Matag-ob, Leyte and "Section 265. Prosecution.- The Commission
the flattening of the area where the cockfights were to shall, through its duly authorized legal officers,
be held. These allegations are extraneous to the have the exclusive power to conduct
charge in the petition for disqualification. More preliminary investigation of all election
importantly, these allegations do not constitute a offenses punishable under this Code, and to
ground to disqualify the petitioner based on section 68 prosecute the same. The Commission may
of the Omnibus Election Code. avail of the assistance of other prosecuting
arms of the government: Provided, however,
To be sure, the petition for disqualification also That in the event that the Commission fails to
ascribed other election offenses against the petitioner, act on any complaint within four months from
particularly section 261 of the Omnibus Election Code, his filing, the complainant may file the
viz: complaint with the office of the fiscal or with
the Ministry of Justice for proper investigation
and prosecution, if warranted.
"Section 261. Prohibited Acts.- The following shall be
guilty of an election offense:
Section 268. Jurisdiction.- The regional trial court Second Division to order the immediate exclusion of
shall have the exclusive original jurisdiction to try and votes cast for the petitioner as stray, and on this
decide any criminal action or proceeding for violation basis, proclaim the respondent as having garnered the
of this Code, except those relating to the offense of next highest number of votes.
failure to register or failure to vote which shall be
under the jurisdictions of metropolitan or municipal (a) The order of disqualification is not yet final,
trial courts. From the decision of the courts, appeal hence, the votes cast in favor of the petitioner
will lie as in other criminal cases." cannot be considered "stray."
The COMELEC Second Division grievously erred when Section 6 of R.A. No. 6646 and section 72 of the
it decided the disqualification case based on section Omnibus Election Code require a final judgment
261 (a) and (o), and not on section 68 of the Omnibus before the election for the votes of a disqualified
Election Code. candidate to be considered "stray." Hence, when a
candidate has not yet been disqualified by final
(d) Exclusion of the votes in favor of the judgment during the election day and was voted for,
petitioner and the proclamation of respondent the votes cast in his favor cannot be declared stray. To
Locsin was done with undue haste. do so would amount to disenfranchising the electorate
in whom sovereignty resides.99 For in voting for a
The COMELEC Second Division ordered the exclusion candidate who has not been disqualified by final
of the votes cast in favor of the petitioner, and the judgment during the election day, the people voted for
proclamation of the respondent Locsin, without him bona fide, without any intention to misapply their
affording the petitioner the opportunity to challenge franchise, and in the honest belief that the candidate
the same. In the morning of June 15, 2001, the was then qualified to be the person to whom they
Provincial Board of Canvassers convened, and on the would entrust the exercise of the powers of
strength of the said Resolution excluding the votes government.100
received by the petitioner, certified that respondent
Locsin received the highest number of votes. On this This principle applies with greater force in the case at
basis, respondent Locsin was proclaimed. bar considering that the petitioner has not been
declared by final judgment to be disqualified not
Records reveal that the petitioner received notice of only before but even after the elections. The
the Resolution of the COMELEC Second Division only Resolution of the COMELEC Second Division
through his counsel via a facsimile message in the disqualifying the petitioner did not attain finality, and
afternoon of June 15, 200198 when everything was hence, could not be executed, because of the timely
already fait accompli. Undoubtedly, he was not able to filing of a Motion for Reconsideration. Section 13, Rule
contest the issuance of the Certificate of Canvass and 18 of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure on Finality of
the proclamation of respondent Locsin. This is plain Decisions and Resolutions reads:
and simple denial of due process.
"Sec. 13. Finality of Decisions or Resolutions.- (a) In
The essence of due process is the opportunity to be ordinary actions, special proceedings, provisional
heard. When a party is deprived of that basic fairness, remedies and special reliefs, a decision or resolution of
any decision by any tribunal in prejudice of his rights the Commission en banc shall become final and
is void. executory after thirty (30) days from its promulgation.
Second. The votes cast in favor of the petitioner (b) In Special Actions and Special Cases a decision or
cannot be considered "stray" and respondent resolution of the Commission en banc shall become
cannot be validly proclaimed on that basis. final and executory after five (5) days in Special
Actions and Special Cases and after fifteen (15) days
in all other proceedings, following their promulgation.
The Resolution of the COMELEC Second Division in
SPA No. 01-208 contains two dispositions: (1) it ruled
that the petitioner was disqualified as a candidate for (c) Unless a motion for reconsideration is
the position of Congressman of the Fourth District of seasonably filed, a decision or resolution of a
Leyte; and (2) it ordered the immediate proclamation Division shall become final and executory after
of the candidate who garnered the highest number of the lapse of five (5) days in Special Actions and
votes, to the exclusion of the respondent [herein Special Cases and after fifteen (15) days in all
petitioner]. other actions or proceedings, following its
promulgation." (emphasis supplied)
As previously stated, the disqualification of the
petitioner is null and void for being violative of due In this wise, COMELEC Resolution No. 4116,101 issued
process and for want of substantial factual basis. Even in relation to the finality of resolutions or decisions in
assuming, however, that the petitioner was validly disqualification cases, provides:
disqualified, it is still improper for the COMELEC
"This pertains to the finality of decisions or resolutions All resolutions, orders and rules inconsistent herewith
of the Commission en banc or division, particularly on are hereby modified or repealed."
Special Actions (Disqualification Cases).
Considering the timely filing of a Motion for
Special Action cases refer to the following: Reconsideration, the COMELEC Second Division
gravely abused its discretion in ordering the
(a) Petition to deny due course to a certificate immediate disqualification of the petitioner and
of candidacy; ordering the exclusion of the votes cast in his favor.
Section 2, Rule 19 of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure
is very clear that a timely Motion for Reconsideration
(b) Petition to declare a candidate as a
shall suspend the execution or implementation of the
nuisance candidate;
resolution, viz:
(1) the decision or resolution of the En Banc of More brazen is the proclamation of respondent Locsin
the Commission on disqualification cases shall which violates the settled doctrine that the candidate
become final and executory after five (5) days who obtains the second highest number of votes may
from its promulgation unless restrained by the not be proclaimed winner in case the winning
Supreme Court; candidate is disqualified.102 In every election, the
people's choice is the paramount consideration and
(2) the decision or resolution of a Division on their expressed will must at all times be given effect.
disqualification cases shall become final and When the majority speaks and elects into office a
executory after the lapse of five (5) days candidate by giving him the highest number of votes
unless a motion for reconsideration is cast in the election for the office, no one can be
seasonably filed; declared elected in his place.103 In Domino v.
COMELEC,104 this Court ruled, viz:
(3) where the ground for disqualification case
is by reason of non-residence, citizenship, "It would be extremely repugnant to the basic concept
violation of election laws and other analogous of the constitutionally guaranteed right to suffrage if a
cases and on the day of the election the candidate who has not acquired the majority or
resolution has not become final and executory plurality of votes is proclaimed winner and imposed as
the BEI shall tally and count the votes for such representative of a constituency, the majority of which
disqualified candidate; have positively declared through their ballots that they
do not choose him. To simplistically assume that the
(4) the decision or resolution of the En Banc second placer would have received that (sic) other
on nuisance candidates, particularly whether votes would be to substitute our judgment for the
the nuisance candidate has the same name as mind of the voters. He could not be considered the
the bona fide candidate shall be immediately first among the qualified candidates because in a field
executory; which excludes the qualified candidate, the conditions
would have substantially changed.
Respondent Locsin proffers a distinction between a In support of his third assignment of error, petitioner
disqualification based on personal circumstances such argued that "the Second Division's directive for the
as age, residence or citizenship and disqualification immediate proclamation of the second highest vote-
based on election offenses. She contends that the getter is premature considering that the Resolution
election of candidates later disqualified based on has yet to become final and executory."108 Clearly, the
election offenses like those enumerated in section 68 validity of respondent Locsin's proclamation was made
of the Omnibus Election Code should be invalidated a central issue in the Motion for Reconsideration
because they violate the very essence of suffrage and seasonably filed by the petitioner. Without doubt, the
as such, the votes cast in his favor should not be COMELEC en banc has the jurisdiction to rule on the
considered.106 issue.
This contention is without merit. In the recent case The fact that the Petition for Nullity of Proclamation
of Trinidad v. COMELEC,107 this Court ruled that the was filed directly with the COMELEC en banc is of no
effect of a judgment disqualifying a candidate, after moment. Even without said Petition, the COMELEC en
winning the election, based on personal circumstances banc could still rule on the nullity of respondent's
or section 68 of the Omnibus Election Code is the proclamation because it was properly raised in the
same: the second placer could not take the place of Motion for Reconsideration.
the disqualified winner.
Section 3, Article IX-C of the 1987 Constitution
II empowers the COMELEC en banc to review, on motion
for reconsideration, decisions or resolutions decided by
Whether the proclamation of respondent Locsin a division, viz:
divested the COMELEC en banc of jurisdiction to
review its validity. "Sec. 3. The Commission on Elections may sit en banc
or in two divisions, and shall promulgate its rules of
Respondent Locsin submits that the COMELEC en banc procedure in order to expedite disposition of election
has no jurisdiction to annul her proclamation. She cases, including pre-proclamation controversies. All
maintains that the COMELEC en banc was been such election cases shall be heard and decided in
divested of jurisdiction to review the validity of her division, provided that motions for reconsideration of
proclamation because she has become a member of decision shall be decided by the Commission en banc."
the House of Representatives. Thus, she contends that
the proper forum to question her membership to the Pursuant to this Constitutional mandate, the COMELEC
House of Representatives is the House of Rules of Procedure provides:
Representative Electoral Tribunal (HRET).
"Rule 19. Motions for Reconsideration.-
We find no merit in these contentions.
Section 1. Grounds for Motion for
First. The validity of the respondent's Reconsideration.- A motion for reconsideration
proclamation was a core issue in the Motion for may be filed on the grounds that the evidence
Reconsideration seasonably filed by the is insufficient to justify the decision, order or
petitioner. ruling, or that the said decision, order or ruling
is contrary to law.
In his timely Motion for Reconsideration with the
COMELEC en banc, petitioner argued that the Section 2. Period for filing Motion for
COMELEC Second Division erred thus: Reconsideration.- A motion to reconsider a
decision, resolution, order, or ruling of a
"(1) in disqualifying petitioner on the basis Division shall be filed within five (5) days from
solely of the dubious declaration of the the promulgation thereof. Such motion, if
witnesses for respondent Locsin; not pro forma, suspends the execution or
implementation of the decision,
resolution, order or ruling."
Section 3. Form and Contents of Motion for (a) The issue on the validity of the Resolution of
Reconsideration.- The motion shall be verified the COMELEC Second Division has not yet been
and shall point out specifically the findings or resolved by the COMELEC en banc.
conclusions of the decision, resolution, order
or ruling which are not supported by the To stress again, at the time of the proclamation of
evidence or which are contrary to law, making respondent Locsin, the validity of the Resolution of the
express reference to the testimonial or COMELEC Second Division was seasonably challenged
documentary evidence or to the provisions of by the petitioner in his Motion for Reconsideration. The
law alleged to be contrary to such findings or issue was still within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
resolutions. COMELEC en banc to resolve. Hence, the HRET cannot
assume jurisdiction over the matter.
Section 4. Effect of Motion for Reconsideration
on Period to Appeal.- A motion to reconsider a In Puzon vs. Cua,110 even the HRET ruled that the
decision, resolution, order or ruling when not "doctrinal ruling that once a proclamation has been
pro forma, suspends the running of the period made and a candidate-elect has assumed office, it is
to elevate the matter to the Supreme Court. this Tribunal that has jurisdiction over an election
contest involving members of the House of
Section 5. How Motion for Reconsideration Representatives, could not have been immediately
Disposed Of.- Upon the filing of a motion to applicable due to the issue regarding the validity
reconsider a decision, resolution, order or of the very COMELEC pronouncements
ruling of a Division, the Clerk of Court themselves." This is because the HRET has no
concerned shall, within twenty-four (24) hours jurisdiction to review resolutions or decisions of the
from the filing thereof, notify the Presiding COMELEC, whether issued by a division or en banc.
Commissioner. The latter shall within two (2)
days thereafter certify the case to the (b) The instant case does not involve the
Commission en banc. election and qualification of respondent Locsin.
Section 6. Duty of the Clerk of Court of the Respondent Locsin maintains that the proper recourse
Commission to set Motion for Hearing.- The of the petitioner is to file a petition for quo
Clerk of Court concerned shall calendar the warranto with the HRET.
motion for reconsideration for the resolution of
the Commission en banc within ten (10) days
A petition for quo warranto may be filed only on the
from the certification thereof." (emphases
grounds of ineligibility and disloyalty to the Republic of
the Philippines.111 In the case at bar, neither the
eligibility of the respondent Locsin nor her loyalty to
Since the petitioner seasonably filed a Motion for the Republic of the Philippines is in question. There is
Reconsideration of the Order of the Second Division no issue that she was qualified to run, and if she won,
suspending his proclamation and disqualifying him, the to assume office.
COMELEC en banc was not divested of its jurisdiction
to review the validity of the said Order of the Second
A petition for quo warranto in the HRET is directed
Division. The said Order of the Second Division was
against one who has been duly elected and proclaimed
yet unenforceable as it has not attained finality; the
for having obtained the highest number of votes but
timely filing of the motion for reconsideration
whose eligibility is in question at the time of such
suspends its execution. It cannot, thus, be used as the
proclamation. It is evident that respondent Locsin
basis for the assumption in office of the respondent as
cannot be the subject of quo warranto proceeding in
the duly elected Representative of the 4th legislative
the HRET. She lost the elections to the petitioner by a
district of Leyte.
wide margin. Her proclamation was a patent nullity.
Her premature assumption to office as Representative
Second. It is the House of Representatives of the 4th legislative district of Leyte was void from
Electoral Tribunal (HRET) which has no the beginning. It is the height of absurdity for the
jurisdiction in the instant case. respondent, as a loser, to tell petitioner Codilla, Sr.,
the winner, to unseat her via a quo warranto
Respondent contends that having been proclaimed and proceeding.
having taken oath as representative of the 4th
legislative district of Leyte, any question relative to III
her election and eligibility should be brought before
the HRET pursuant to section 17 of Article VI of the
Whether it is the ministerial duty of the public
1987 Constitution.109
respondents to
recognize petitioner Codilla, Sr. as the legally elected the rule of law except the reign of chaos and
Representative confusion.
of the 4th legislative district of Leyte vice respondent IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Petition for Mandamus is
Locsin. granted. Public Speaker of the House of
Representatives shall administer the oath of petitioner
Under Rule 65, section 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil EUFROCINO M. CODILLA, SR., as the duly-elected
Procedure, any person may file a verified petition for Representative of the 4th legislative district of Leyte.
mandamus "when any tribunal, corporation, board, Public respondent Secretary-General shall likewise
officer or person unlawfully neglects the performance register the name of the petitioner in the Roll of
of an act which the law specifically enjoins as a duty Members of the House of Representatives after he has
resulting from an office, trust, or station, or unlawfully taken his oath of office. This decision shall be
excludes another from the use and enjoyment of a immediately executory.
right or office to which such other is entitled, and
there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy SO ORDERED.
in the ordinary course of law."112 For a petition for
mandamus to prosper, it must be shown that the
subject of the petition for mandamus is
a ministerial act or duty, and not purely
discretionary on the part of the board, officer or
person, and that the petitioner has a well-defined,
clear and certain right to warrant the grant thereof.
G.R. No. 154512 November 12, 2002 On the same date, the PRA passed Resolution No. 01-
02 ("Recall Resolution" for brevity) which declared its
VICTORINO DENNIS M. SOCRATES, Mayor of loss of confidence in Socrates and called for his recall.
Puerto Princesa City, petitioner, The PRA requested the COMELEC to schedule the
vs. recall election for mayor within 30 days from receipt of
Puerto Princesa City, PRA Interim Chairman On July 16, 2002, Socrates filed with the COMELEC a
Punong Bgy. MARK DAVID HAGEDORN, PRA petition, docketed as E.M. No. 02-010 (RC), to nullify
Interim Secretary Punong Bgy. BENJAMIN and deny due course to the Recall Resolution.
JARILLA, PRA Chairman and Presiding Officer
Punong Bgy. EARL S. BUENVIAJE and PRA On August 14, 2002, the COMELEC en
Secretary Punong Bgy. CARLOS ABALLA, banc3 promulgated a resolution dismissing for lack of
JR. respondents. merit Socrates' petition. The COMELEC gave due
course to the Recall Resolution and scheduled the
----------------------------- recall election on September 7, 2002.
G.R. No. 154683 November 12, 2002 On August 21, 2002, the COMELEC en
banc promulgated Resolution No. 5673 prescribing the
VICENTE S. SANDOVAL, JR., petitioner, calendar of activities and periods of certain prohibited
vs. acts in connection with the recall election. The
THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent. COMELEC fixed the campaign period from August 27,
2002 to September 5, 2002 or a period of 10 days.
On August 23, 2002, Edward M. Hagedorn
("Hagedorn" for brevity) filed his certificate of
G.R. Nos. 155083-84 November 12, 2002
candidacy for mayor in the recall election.
Hence, the instant consolidated petitions. Petitioners argue that the COMELEC gravely abused its
discretion in upholding Hagedorn's qualification to run
G.R. No. 154512 for mayor in the recall election despite the
constitutional and statutory prohibitions against a
fourth consecutive term for elective local officials.
Petitioner Socrates seeks to nullify the COMELEC en
banc resolution dated August 14, 2002 in E.M. No. 02-
010 (RC) which gave due course to the Recall In a resolution dated September 24, 2002, the Court
Resolution and scheduled the recall election on ordered the COMELEC to desist from proclaiming any
September 7, 2002. winning candidate in the recall election until further
orders from the Court. Petitioners were required to
post a P20,000 bond.
Socrates alleges that the COMELEC gravely abused its
discretion in upholding the Recall Resolution. Socrates
cites the following circumstances as legal infirmities On September 27, 2002, Socrates filed a motion for
attending the convening of the PRA and its issuance of leave to file an attached petition for intervention
the Recall Resolution: (1) not all members of the PRA seeking the same reliefs as those sought by Adovo,
were notified of the meeting to adopt the resolution; Gilo and Ollave.
(2) the proof of service of notice was palpably and
legally deficient; (3) the members of the PRA were In the meantime, Hagedorn garnered the highest
themselves seeking a new electoral mandate from number of votes in the recall election with 20,238
their respective constituents; (4) the adoption of the votes. Rival candidates Socrates and Sandoval
resolution was exercised with grave abuse of obtained 17,220 votes and 13,241 votes, respectively.
authority; and (5) the PRA proceedings were
conducted in a manner that violated his and the Hagedorn filed motions to lift the order restraining the
public's constitutional right to information. COMELEC from proclaiming the winning candidate and
to allow him to assume office to give effect to the will
G.R. No. 154683 of the electorate.
Petitioner Vicente S. Sandoval, Jr. seeks to annul On October 1, 2002, the Court granted Socrates'
COMELEC Resolution No. 5673 dated August 21, 2002 motion for leave to file a petition for intervention.
insofar as it fixed the recall election on September 7,
2002, giving the candidates only a ten-day campaign The Issues
period. He prayed that the COMELEC be enjoined from
holding the recall election on September 7, 2002 and
The issues for resolution of the Court are:
that a new date be fixed giving the candidates at least
an additional 15 days to campaign.
1. In G.R. No. 154512, whether the COMELEC
committed grave abuse of discretion in giving
In a resolution dated September 3, 2002, the Court en
due course to the Recall Resolution and
banc enjoined the COMELEC from implementing
scheduling the recall election for mayor of
Resolution No. 5673 insofar as it fixed the date of the
Puerto Princesa.
recall election on September 7, 2002. The Court
directed the COMELEC to give the candidates an
additional fifteen 15 days from September 7, 2002 2. In G.R. Nos.155083-84, whether Hagedorn
within which to campaign. is qualified to run for mayor in the recall
election of Puerto Princesa on September 24,
Accordingly, on September 9, 2002, the COMELEC en
banc issued Resolution No. 5708 giving the candidates
an additional 15 days from September 7, 2002 within In G.R. No. 154683, the issue of whether the
which to campaign. Thus, the COMELEC reset the COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion in
recall election to September 24, 2002. fixing a campaign period of only 10 days has become
moot. Our Resolution of September 3, 2002 and
COMELEC Resolution No. 5708 granted an additional
G.R. Nos. 155083-84
15 days for the campaign period as prayed for by
Petitioners Adovo, Gilo and Ollave assail the
COMELEC's resolutions dated September 20, 2002 and
First Issue: Validity of the Recall Resolution.
September 23, 2002 in SPA Nos. 02-492 and 02-539
declaring Hagedorn qualified to run for mayor in the
recall election. They likewise prayed for the issuance Petitioner Socrates argues that the COMELEC
of a temporary restraining order to enjoin the committed grave abuse of discretion in upholding the
proclamation of the winning candidate in the recall Recall Resolution despite the absence of notice to 130
election. PRA members and the defective service of notice to
other PRA members. The COMELEC, however, found also dealt with alleged defective service of notice to
that – PRA members, we ruled that –
"On various dates, in the month of June 2002, the "Needless to state, the issue of propriety of the notices
proponents for the Recall of incumbent City Mayor sent to the PRA members is factual in nature, and the
Victorino Dennis M. Socrates sent notices of the determination of the same is therefore a function of
convening of the PRA to the members thereof the COMELEC. In the absence of patent error, or
pursuant to Section 70 of the Local Government Code. serious inconsistencies in the findings, the Court
Copies of the said notice are in Volumes I and II should not disturb the same. The factual findings of
entitled Notices to PRA. Likewise, Proof of Service for the COMELEC, based on its own assessments and duly
each of the said notices were attached to the Petition supported by gathered evidence, are conclusive upon
and marked as Annex "G" of Volumes II and III of the the court, more so, in the absence of a substantiated
Petition. attack on the validity of the same."
Notices were likewise posted in conspicuous places In the instant case, we do not find any valid reason to
particularly at the Barangay Hall. Photos establishing hold that the COMELEC's findings of fact are patently
the same were attached to the Petition and marked as erroneous.
Annex "H". The proponents likewise utilized the
broadcast mass media in the dissemination of the Socrates also claims that the PRA members had no
convening of the PRA. authority to adopt the Recall Resolution on July 2,
2002 because a majority of PRA members were
Notices of the convening of the Puerto Princesa PRA seeking a new electoral mandate in the barangay
were also sent to the following: [a list of 25 names of elections scheduled on July 15, 2002. This argument
provincial elective officials, print and broadcast media deserves scant consideration considering that when
practitioners, PNP officials, COMELEC city, regional and the PRA members adopted the Recall Resolution their
national officials, and DILG officials]. terms of office had not yet expired. They were all de
jure sangguniang barangay members with no legal
xxx disqualification to participate in the recall assembly
under Section 70 of the Local Government Code.
The City Election Officer of Puerto Princesa City in her
Certification dated 10 July 2002 certified that upon a Socrates bewails that the manner private respondents
'thorough and careful verification of the signatures conducted the PRA proceedings violated his
appearing in PRA Resolution 01-02, x x x the majority constitutional right to information on matters of public
of all members of the PRA concerned approved said concern. Socrates, however, admits receiving notice of
resolution.' She likewise certified 'that not a single the PRA meeting and of even sending his
member/signatory of the PRA complained or objected representative and counsel who were present during
as to the veracity and authenticity of their signatures.' the entire PRA proceedings. Proponents of the recall
election submitted to the COMELEC the Recall
Resolution, minutes of the PRA proceedings, the
The Provincial Election Supervisor of Palawan, Atty.
journal of the PRA assembly, attendance sheets,
Urbano Arlando, in his Indorsement dated 10 July
notices sent to PRA members, and authenticated
2002, stated, 'upon proper review, all documents
master list of barangay officials in Puerto Princesa.
submitted are found in order.'
Socrates had the right to examine and copy all these
public records in the official custody of the COMELEC.
The Acting Director IV, Region IV, in his study dated Socrates, however, does not claim that the COMELEC
30 July 2002 submitted the following denied him this right. There is no legal basis in
recommendations: Socrates' claim that respondents violated his
constitutional right to information on matters of public
'This Office, after evaluating the documents filed, finds concern.
the instant Petition sufficient in form and substance.
That the PRA was validly constituted and that the Thus, we rule that the COMELEC did not commit grave
majority of all members thereof approved Resolution abuse of discretion in upholding the validity of the
No. 01-02 calling for the recall of Mayor Victorino Recall Resolution and in scheduling the recall election
Dennis M. Socrates.' on September 24, 2002.
The three-term limit rule for elective local officials is "THE PRESIDENT: The Acting Floor Leader is
found in Section 8, Article X of the Constitution, which recognized.
MR. ROMULO:6 We are now ready to discuss
"Section 8. The term of office of elective local officials, the two issues, as indicated on the blackboard,
except barangay officials, which shall be determined and these are Alternative No. I where there is
by law, shall be three years and no such official shall no further election after a total of three terms
serve for more than three consecutive terms. and Alternative No. 2 where there is no
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of immediate reelection after three successive
time shall not be considered as an interruption in the terms."7
continuity of his service for the full term for which he
was elected." The Journal of the Constitutional Commission reports
the following manifestation on the term of elective
This three-term limit rule is reiterated in Section 43 local officials:
(b) of RA No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Government Code, which provides: "MANIFESTATION OF MR. ROMULO
"Section 43. Term of Office. – (a) x x x Upon resumption of session, Mr. Romulo manifested
that the Body would proceed to the consideration of
(b) No local elective official shall serve for two issues on the term of Representatives and local
more than three (3) consecutive terms in the officials, namely: 1) Alternative No. 1 (no further
same position. Voluntary renunciation of the reelection after a total of three terms), and 2)
office for any length of time shall not be Alternative No. 2 (no immediate reelection after three
considered as an interruption in the continuity successive terms)."8
of service for the full term for which the
elective official was elected." The framers of the Constitution used the same "no
immediate reelection" question in voting for the term
These constitutional and statutory provisions have two limits of Senators9 and Representatives of the
parts. The first part provides that an elective local House.10
official cannot serve for more than three consecutive
terms. The clear intent is that only consecutive terms Clearly, what the Constitution prohibits is an
count in determining the three-term limit rule. The immediate reelection for a fourth term following three
second part states that voluntary renunciation of office consecutive terms. The Constitution, however, does
for any length of time does not interrupt the continuity not prohibit a subsequent reelection for a fourth term
of service. The clear intent is that involuntary as long as the reelection is not immediately after the
severance from office for any length of time interrupts end of the third consecutive term. A recall election
continuity of service and prevents the service before mid-way in the term following the third consecutive
and after the interruption from being joined together term is a subsequent election but not an immediate
to form a continuous service or consecutive terms. reelection after the third term.
After three consecutive terms, an elective local official Neither does the Constitution prohibit one barred from
cannot seek immediate reelection for a fourth term. seeking immediate reelection to run in any other
The prohibited election refers to the next regular subsequent election involving the same term of office.
election for the same office following the end of the What the Constitution prohibits is a consecutive fourth
third consecutive term. Any subsequent election, like a term. The debates in the Constitutional Commission
recall election, is no longer covered by the prohibition evidently show that the prohibited election referred to
for two reasons. First, a subsequent election like a by the framers of the Constitution is the immediate
recall election is no longer an immediate reelection reelection after the third term, not any other
after three consecutive terms. Second, the intervening subsequent election.
period constitutes an involuntary interruption in the
continuity of service.
If the prohibition on elective local officials is applied to
any election within the three-year full term following
When the framers of the Constitution debated on the the three-term limit, then Senators should also be
term limit of elective local officials, the question asked prohibited from running in any election within the six-
was whether there would be no further election after year full term following their two-term limit. The
three terms, or whether there would be "no immediate constitutional provision on the term limit of Senators is
reelection" after three terms. This is clear from the worded exactly like the term limit of elective local
following deliberations of the Constitutional officials, thus:
"No Senator shall serve for more than two consecutive mayor in the 2001 elections. The Constitution and the
terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office for any Local Government Code disqualified Hagedorn, who
length of time shall not be considered as an had reached the maximum three-term limit, from
interruption in the continuity of his service for the full running for a fourth consecutive term as mayor. Thus,
term for which he was elected."11 Hagedorn did not run for mayor in the 2001
elections.16 Socrates ran and won as mayor of Puerto
In the debates on the term limit of Senators, the Princesa in the 2001 elections. After Hagedorn ceased
following exchange in the Constitutional Convention is to be mayor on June 30, 2001, he became a private
instructive: citizen until the recall election of September 24, 2002
when he won by 3,018 votes over his closest
opponent, Socrates.
"GASCON:12 I would like to ask a question with
regard to the issue after the second term. We
will allow the Senator to rest for a period of From June 30, 2001 until the recall election on
time before he can run again? September 24, 2002, the mayor of Puerto Princesa
was Socrates. During the same period, Hagedorn was
simply a private citizen. This period is clearly an
DAVIDE:13 That is correct.
interruption in the continuity of Hagedorn's service as
mayor, not because of his voluntary renunciation, but
GASCON: And the question that we left behind because of a legal prohibition. Hagedorn's three
before - if the Gentleman will remember - consecutive terms ended on June 30, 2001.
was: How long will that period of rest be? Will Hagedorn's new recall term from September 24, 2002
it be one election which is three years or one to June 30, 2004 is not a seamless continuation of his
term which is six years? previous three consecutive terms as mayor. One
cannot stitch together Hagedorn's previous three-
DAVIDE: If the Gentleman will remember, terms with his new recall term to make the recall term
Commissioner Rodrigo expressed the view that a fourth consecutive term because factually it is not.
during the election following the expiration of An involuntary interruption occurred from June 30,
the first 12 years, whether such election will 2001 to September 24, 2002 which broke the
be on the third or on the sixth year thereafter, continuity or consecutive character of Hagedorn's
this particular member of the Senate can run. service as mayor.
So, it is not really a period of hibernation for
six years. That was the Committee's stand. In Lonzanida v. Comelec,17 the Court had occasion to
explain interruption of continuity of service in this
GASCON: So, effectively, the period of rest manner:
would be three years at the
least."14 (Emphasis supplied) "x x x The second sentence of the constitutional
provision under scrutiny states, "Voluntary
The framers of the Constitution thus clarified that a renunciation of office for any length of time shall not
Senator can run after only three years15 following his be considered as an interruption in the continuity of
completion of two terms. The framers expressly service for the full term for which he was elected." The
acknowledged that the prohibited election refers only clear intent of the framers of the constitution to bar
to the immediate reelection, and not to any any attempt to circumvent the three-term limit by a
subsequent election, during the six-year period voluntary renunciation of office and at the same time
following the two term limit. The framers of the respect the people's choice and grant their elected
Constitution did not intend "the period of rest" of an official full service of a term is evident in this
elective official who has reached his term limit to be provision. Voluntary renunciation of a term does not
the full extent of the succeeding term. cancel the renounced term in the computation of the
three-term limit; conversely, involuntary severance
In the case of Hagedorn, his candidacy in the recall from office for any length of time short of the full term
election on September 24, 2002 is not an immediate provided by law amounts to an interruption of
reelection after his third consecutive term which ended continuity of service. x x x." (Emphasis supplied)
on June 30, 2001. The immediate reelection that the
Constitution barred Hagedorn from seeking referred to In Hagedorn's case, the nearly 15-month period he
the regular elections in 2001. Hagedorn did not seek was out of office, although short of a full term of three
reelection in the 2001 elections. years, constituted an interruption in the continuity of
his service as mayor. The Constitution does not
Hagedorn was elected for three consecutive terms in require the interruption or hiatus to be a full term of
the 1992, 1995 and 1998 elections and served in full three years. The clear intent is that interruption "for
his three consecutive terms as mayor of Puerto any length of time," as long as the cause is
Princesa. Under the Constitution and the Local involuntary, is sufficient to break an elective local
Government Code, Hagedorn could no longer run for official's continuity of service.
In the recent case of Adormeo v. Comelec and term of three years for purposes of counting the
Talaga,18 a unanimous Court reiterated the rule that consecutiveness of an elective official's terms in office.
an interruption consisting of a portion of a term of
office breaks the continuity of service of an elective In the same manner, Hagedorn's recall term does not
local official. In Adormeo, Ramon Y. Talaga, Jr. had retroact to include the tenure in office of Socrates.
served two consecutive full terms as mayor of Lucena Hagedorn can only be disqualified to run in the
City. In his third bid for election as mayor in 1998, September 24, 2002 recall election if the recall term is
Talaga lost to Bernard G. Tagarao. However, in the made to retroact to June 30, 2001, for only then can
recall election of May 12, 2000, Talaga won and the recall term constitute a fourth consecutive term.
served the unexpired term of Tagarao from May 12, But to consider Hagedorn's recall term as a full term of
2000 to June 30, 2001. When Talaga ran again for three years, retroacting to June 30, 2001, despite the
mayor in the 2001 elections, Raymundo Adormeo, the fact that he won his recall term only last September
other candidate for mayor, petitioned for Talaga's 24, 2002, is to ignore reality. This Court cannot
disqualification on the ground that Talaga had already declare as consecutive or successive terms of office
served three consecutive terms as mayor. which historically and factually are not.
Thus, the issue in Adormeo was whether Talaga's Worse, to make Hagedorn's recall term retroact to
recall term was a continuation of his previous two June 30, 2001 creates a legal fiction that unduly
terms so that he was deemed to have already served curtails the freedom of the people to choose their
three consecutive terms as mayor. The Court ruled leaders through popular elections. The concept of term
that Talaga was qualified to run in the 2001 elections, limits is in derogation of the sovereign will of the
stating that the period from June 30, 1998 to May 12, people to elect the leaders of their own choosing.
2000 when Talaga was out of office interrupted the Term limits must be construed strictly to give the
continuity of his service as mayor. Talaga's recall term fullest possible effect to the sovereign will of the
as mayor was not consecutive to his previous two people. As this Court aptly stated in Borja, Jr. v.
terms because of this interruption, there having been Comelec:
a break of almost two years during which time
Tagarao was the mayor.
"Thus, a consideration of the historical background of
Art. X, §8 of the Constitution reveals that the
We held in Adormeo that the period an elective local members of the Constitutional Commission were as
official is out of office interrupts the continuity of his much concerned with preserving the freedom of choice
service and prevents his recall term from being of the people as they were with preventing the
stitched together as a seamless continuation of his monopolization of political power. Indeed, they
previous two consecutive terms. In the instant case, rejected a proposal put forth by Commissioner
we likewise hold that the nearly 15 months Hagedorn Edmundo F. Garcia that after serving three
was out of office interrupted his continuity of service consecutive terms or nine years there should be no
and prevents his recall term from being stitched further reelection for local and legislative officials.
together as a seamless continuation of his previous Instead, they adopted the alternative proposal of
three consecutive terms. The only difference between Commissioner Christian Monsod that such officials be
Adormeo and the instant case is the time of the simply barred from running for the same position in
interruption. In Adormeo, the interruption occurred the succeeding election following the expiration of the
after the first two consecutive terms. In the instant third consecutive term. Monsod warned against
case, the interruption happened after the first three 'prescreening candidates [from] whom the people will
consecutive terms. In both cases, the respondents choose' as a result of the proposed absolute
were seeking election for a fourth term. disqualification, considering that the draft constitution
contained provisions 'recognizing people's
In Adormeo, the recall term of Talaga began only from power.'"19 (Emphasis supplied)
the date he assumed office after winning the recall
election. Talaga's recall term did not retroact to A necessary consequence of the interruption of
include the tenure in office of his predecessor. If continuity of service is the start of a new term
Talaga's recall term was made to so retroact, then he following the interruption. An official elected in recall
would have been disqualified to run in the 2001 election serves the unexpired term of the recalled
elections because he would already have served three official. This unexpired term is in itself one term for
consecutive terms prior to the 2001 elections. One purposes of counting the three-term limit. This is clear
who wins and serves a recall term does not serve the from the following discussion in the Constitutional
full term of his predecessor but only the unexpired Commission:
term. The period of time prior to the recall term, when
another elective official holds office, constitutes an
"SUAREZ:20 For example, a special election is called
interruption in continuity of service. Clearly, Adormeo
for a Senator, and the Senator newly elected would
established the rule that the winner in the recall
have to serve the unexpired portion of the term.
election cannot be charged or credited with the full
Would that mean that serving the unexpired portion of
the term is already considered one term? So, half a
term, which is actually the correct statement, plus one
term would disqualify the Senator concerned from
running? Is that the meaning of this provision on
disqualification, Madam President?
G.R. No. 184836 December 23, 2009 complete service for the 2004-2007 term because of
the suspension the Sandiganbayan had ordered.
AND FERDINAND N. TALABONG, Petitioners, The COMELEC en banc refused to reconsider the
vs. Second Division’s ruling in its October 7, 2008
ASILO, Respondents. following ISSUES:
The COMELEC’s Second Division ruled against the Section 43 (b) of RA 7160 practically repeats the
petitioners and in Asilo’s favour in its Resolution of constitutional provision, and any difference in wording
November 28, 2007. It reasoned out that the three- does not assume any significance in this case.
term limit rule did not apply, as Asilo failed to render
As worded, the constitutional provision fixes the term renunciation," by itself, is not without significance in
of a local elective office and limits an elective official’s determining constitutional intent.
stay in office to no more than three consecutive terms.
This is the first branch of the rule embodied in Section The word "renunciation" carries the dictionary
8, Article X. meaning of abandonment. To renounce is to give up,
abandon, decline, or resign.5 It is an act that
Significantly, this provision refers to a "term" as a emanates from its author, as contrasted to an act that
period of time – three years – during which an official operates from the outside. Read with the definition of
has title to office and can serve. Appari v. Court of a "term" in mind, renunciation, as mentioned under
Appeals,3 a Resolution promulgated on November 28, the second branch of the constitutional provision,
2007, succinctly discusses what a "term" connotes, as cannot but mean an act that results in cutting short
follows: the term, i.e., the loss of title to office. The descriptive
word "voluntary" linked together with "renunciation"
The word "term" in a legal sense means a fixed signifies an act of surrender based on the surenderee’s
and definite period of time which the law own freely exercised will; in other words, a loss of title
describes that an officer may hold an to office by conscious choice. In the context of the
office. According to Mechem, the term of office is the three-term limit rule, such loss of title is not
period during which an office may be held. Upon considered an interruption because it is presumed to
expiration of the officer’s term, unless he is authorized be purposely sought to avoid the application of the
by law to holdover, his rights, duties and authority as term limitation.
a public officer must ipso facto cease. In the law of
public officers, the most and natural frequent method The following exchanges in the deliberations of the
by which a public officer ceases to be such is by the Constitutional Commission on the term "voluntary
expiration of the terms for which he was elected or renunciation" shed further light on the extent of the
appointed. [Emphasis supplied].1avvphi1 term "voluntary renunciation":
A later case, Gaminde v. Commission on MR. MAAMBONG. Could I address the clarificatory
Audit,4 reiterated that "[T]he term means the time question to the Committee? This term "voluntary
during which the officer may claim to hold office as of renunciation" does not appear in Section 3 [of Article
right, and fixes the interval after which the several VI]; it also appears in Section 6 [of Article VI].
incumbents shall succeed one another."
The "limitation" under this first branch of the provision
is expressed in the negative – "no such official shall MR. MAAMBONG. It is also a recurring phrase all over
serve for more than three consecutive terms." This the Constitution. Could the Committee please
formulation – no more than three consecutive terms – enlighten us exactly what "voluntary renunciation"
is a clear command suggesting the existence of an mean? Is this akin to abandonment?
inflexible rule. While it gives no exact indication of
what to "serve. . . three consecutive terms" exactly
MR. DAVIDE. Abandonment is voluntary. In other
connotes, the meaning is clear – reference is to the
words, he cannot circumvent the restriction by merely
term, not to the service that a public official may
resigning at any given time on the second term.
render.1awphi1 In other words, the limitation refers to
the term.
MR. MAAMBONG. Is the Committee saying that the
term "voluntary renunciation" is more general than
The second branch relates to the provision’s express
abandonment and resignation?
initiative to prevent any circumvention of the
limitation through voluntary severance of ties with the
public office; it expressly states that voluntary MR. DAVIDE. It is more general, more embracing.6
renunciation of office "shall not be considered as an
interruption in the continuity of his service for the full From this exchange and Commissioner Davide’s
term for which he was elected." This declaration expansive interpretation of the term "voluntary
complements the term limitation mandated by the first renunciation," the framers’ intent apparently was to
branch. close all gaps that an elective official may seize to
defeat the three-term limit rule, in the way that
A notable feature of the second branch is that it does voluntary renunciation has been rendered unavailable
not textually state that voluntary renunciation is the as a mode of defeating the three-term limit rule.
only actual interruption of service that does not affect Harking back to the text of the constitutional
"continuity of service for a full term" for purposes of provision, we note further that Commissioner Davide’s
the three-term limit rule. It is a pure declaratory view is consistent with the negative formulation of the
statement of what does not serve as an interruption of first branch of the provision and the inflexible
service for a full term, but the phrase "voluntary interpretation that it suggests.
This examination of the wording of the constitutional in the electoral contest came after the term of the
provision and of the circumstances surrounding its contested office had expired so that the elective
formulation impresses upon us the clear intent to officials in these cases were never effectively
make term limitation a high priority constitutional unseated.
objective whose terms must be strictly construed and
which cannot be defeated by, nor sacrificed for, values Despite the ruling that Ong was never entitled to the
of less than equal constitutional worth. We view office (and thus was never validly elected), the Court
preventive suspension vis-à-vis term limitation with concluded that there was nevertheless an election and
this firm mindset. service for a full term in contemplation of the three-
term rule based on the following premises: (1) the
b. Relevant Jurisprudence on the final decision that the third-termer lost the election
was without practical and legal use and value, having
Three-term Limit Rule been promulgated after the term of the contested
office had expired; and (2) the official assumed and
continuously exercised the functions of the office from
Other than the above-cited materials, jurisprudence
the start to the end of the term. The Court noted in
best gives us a lead into the concepts within the
Ong the absurdity and the deleterious effect of a
provision’s contemplation, particularly on the
contrary view – that the official (referring to the
"interruption in the continuity of service for the full
winner in the election protest) would, under the three-
term" that it speaks of.
term rule, be considered to have served a term by
virtue of a veritably meaningless electoral protest
Lonzanida v. Commission on Elections7 presented the ruling, when another actually served the term
question of whether the disqualification on the basis of pursuant to a proclamation made in due course after
the three-term limit applies if the election of the public an election. This factual variation led the Court to rule
official (to be strictly accurate, the proclamation as differently from Lonzanida.
winner of the public official) for his supposedly third
term had been declared invalid in a final and
In the same vein, the Court in Rivera rejected the
executory judgment. We ruled that the two requisites
theory that the official who finally lost the election
for the application of the disqualification (viz., 1. that
contest was merely a "caretaker of the office" or a
the official concerned has been elected for three
mere "de facto officer." The Court obeserved that
consecutive terms in the same local government post;
Section 8, Article X of the Constitution is violated and
and 2. that he has fully served three consecutive
its purpose defeated when an official fully served in
terms) were not present. In so ruling, we said:
the same position for three consecutive terms.
Whether as "caretaker" or "de facto" officer, he
The clear intent of the framers of the constitution to exercised the powers and enjoyed the perquisites of
bar any attempt to circumvent the three-term limit by the office that enabled him "to stay on indefinitely."
a voluntary renunciation of office and at the same
time respect the people’s choice and grant their
Ong and Rivera are important rulings for purposes of
elected official full service of a term is evident in this
the three-term limitation because of what they directly
provision. Voluntary renunciation of a term does not
imply. Although the election requisite was not actually
cancel the renounced term in the computation of the
present, the Court still gave full effect to the three-
three term limit; conversely, involuntary severance
term limitation because of the constitutional intent to
from office for any length of time short of the full term
strictly limit elective officials to service for three
provided by law amounts to an interruption of
terms. By so ruling, the Court signalled how zealously
continuity of service. The petitioner vacated his post a
it guards the three-term limit rule. Effectively, these
few months before the next mayoral elections, not by
cases teach us to strictly interpret the term limitation
voluntary renunciation but in compliance with the legal
rule in favor of limitation rather than its exception.
process of writ of execution issued by the COMELEC to
that effect. Such involuntary severance from office is
an interruption of continuity of service and thus, the Adormeo v. Commission on Elections10 dealt with the
petitioner did not fully serve the 1995-1998 mayoral effect of recall on the three-term limit disqualification.
term. [Emphasis supplied] The case presented the question of whether the
disqualification applies if the official lost in the regular
election for the supposed third term, but was elected
Our intended meaning under this ruling is clear: it is
in a recall election covering that term. The Court
severance from office, or to be exact, loss of title, that
upheld the COMELEC’s ruling that the official was not
renders the three-term limit rule inapplicable.
elected for three (3) consecutive terms. The Court
reasoned out that for nearly two years, the official was
Ong v. Alegre8 and Rivera v. COMELEC,9 like a private citizen; hence, the continuity of his
Lonzanida, also involved the issue of whether there mayorship was disrupted by his defeat in the election
had been a completed term for purposes of the three- for the third term.
term limit disqualification. These cases, however,
presented an interesting twist, as their final judgments
Socrates v. Commission on Elections11 also tackled exercise their powers and functions until elections
recall vis-à-vis the three-term limit disqualification. were held for the new city officials. The Court ruled
Edward Hagedorn served three full terms as mayor. As that the conversion of the municipality into a city did
he was disqualified to run for a fourth term, he did not not convert the office of the municipal mayor into a
participate in the election that immediately followed local government post different from the office of the
his third term. In this election, the petitioner Victorino city mayor – the territorial jurisdiction of the city was
Dennis M. Socrates was elected mayor. Less than 1 ½ the same as that of the municipality; the inhabitants
years after Mayor Socrates assumed the functions of were the same group of voters who elected the
the office, recall proceedings were initiated against municipal mayor for 3 consecutive terms; and they
him, leading to the call for a recall election. Hagedorn were the same inhabitants over whom the municipal
filed his certificate of candidacy for mayor in the recall mayor held power and authority as their chief
election, but Socrates sought his disqualification on executive for nine years. The Court said:
the ground that he (Hagedorn) had fully served three
terms prior to the recall election and was therefore This Court reiterates that the framers of the
disqualified to run because of the three-term limit Constitution specifically included an exception to the
rule. We decided in Hagedorn’s favor, ruling that: people’s freedom to choose those who will govern
them in order to avoid the evil of a single person
After three consecutive terms, an elective local official accumulating excessive power over a particular
cannot seek immediate reelection for a fourth term. territorial jurisdiction as a result of a prolonged stay in
The prohibited election refers to the next regular the same office. To allow petitioner Latasa to vie for
election for the same office following the end of the the position of city mayor after having served for three
third consecutive term. Any subsequent election, like a consecutive terms as a municipal mayor would
recall election, is no longer covered by the prohibition obviously defeat the very intent of the framers when
for two reasons. First, a subsequent election like a they wrote this exception. Should he be allowed
recall election is no longer an immediate reelection another three consecutive terms as mayor of the City
after three consecutive terms. Second, the intervening of Digos, petitioner would then be possibly holding
period constitutes an involuntary interruption in the office as chief executive over the same territorial
continuity of service. jurisdiction and inhabitants for a total of
eighteen consecutive years. This is the very scenario
When the framers of the Constitution debated on the sought to be avoided by the Constitution, if not
term limit of elective local officials, the question asked abhorred by it.14
was whether there would be no further election after
three terms, or whether there would be "no immediate Latasa instructively highlights, after a review of
reelection" after three terms. Lonzanida, Adormeo and Socrates, that no three-term
limit violation results if a rest period or break in the
xxxx service between terms or tenure in a given elective
post intervened. In Lonzanida, the petitioner was a
private citizen with no title to any elective office for a
Clearly, what the Constitution prohibits is an
few months before the next mayoral elections.
immediate reelection for a fourth term following three
Similarly, in Adormeo and Socrates, the private
consecutive terms. The Constitution, however, does
respondents lived as private citizens for two years and
not prohibit a subsequent reelection for a fourth term
fifteen months, respectively. Thus, these cases
as long as the reelection is not immediately after the
establish that the law contemplates a complete break
end of the third consecutive term. A recall election
from office during which the local elective official steps
mid-way in the term following the third consecutive
down and ceases to exercise power or authority over
term is a subsequent election but not an immediate
the inhabitants of the territorial jurisdiction of a
reelection after the third term.
particular local government unit.
From all the above, we conclude that the Preventive Suspension and the Three-Term Limit Rule
"interruption" of a term exempting an elective official
from the three-term limit rule is one that involves no a. Nature of Preventive Suspension
less than the involuntary loss of title to office. The
elective official must have involuntarily left his office
Preventive suspension – whether under the Local
for a length of time, however short, for an effective
Government Code,17 the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
interruption to occur. This has to be the case if the
Practices Act,18or the Ombudsman Act19 – is an interim
thrust of Section 8, Article X and its strict intent are to
remedial measure to address the situation of an
be faithfully served, i.e., to limit an elective official’s
official who have been charged administratively or
continuous stay in office to no more than three
criminally, where the evidence preliminarily indicates
consecutive terms, using "voluntary renunciation" as
the likelihood of or potential for eventual guilt or
an example and standard of what does not constitute
an interruption.
That the imposition of preventive suspension can be some of them by operation of law – that may
abused is a reality that is true in the exercise of all temporarily prevent an elective office holder from
powers and prerogative under the Constitution and the exercising the functions of his office in the way that
laws. The imposition of preventive suspension, preventive suspension does. A serious extended
however, is not an unlimited power; there are illness, inability through force majeure, or the
limitations built into the laws20 themselves that the enforcement of a suspension as a penalty, to cite
courts can enforce when these limitations are some involuntary examples, may prevent an office
transgressed, particularly when grave abuse of holder from exercising the functions of his office for a
discretion is present. In light of this well-defined time without forfeiting title to office. Preventive
parameters in the imposition of preventive suspension, suspension is no different because it disrupts actual
we should not view preventive suspension from the delivery of service for a time within a term. Adopting
extreme situation – that it can totally deprive an such interruption of actual service as the standard to
elective office holder of the prerogative to serve and is determine effective interruption of term under the
thus an effective interruption of an election official’s three-term rule raises at least the possibility of
term. confusion in implementing this rule, given the many
modes and occasions when actual service may be
Term limitation and preventive suspension are two interrupted in the course of serving a term of office.
vastly different aspects of an elective officials’ service The standard may reduce the enforcement of the
in office and they do not overlap. As already three-term limit rule to a case-to-case and possibly
mentioned above, preventive suspension involves see-sawing determination of what an effective
protection of the service and of the people being interruption is.
served, and prevents the office holder from
temporarily exercising the power of his office. Term c. Preventive Suspension and Voluntary
limitation, on the other hand, is triggered after an Renunciation
elective official has served his three terms in office
without any break. Its companion concept – Preventive suspension, because it is imposed by
interruption of a term – on the other hand, requires operation of law, does not involve a voluntary act on
loss of title to office. If preventive suspension and the part of the suspended official, except in the
term limitation or interruption have any commonality indirect sense that he may have voluntarily committed
at all, this common point may be with respect to the the act that became the basis of the charge against
discontinuity of service that may occur in both. But him. From this perspective, preventive suspension
even on this point, they merely run parallel to each does not have the element of voluntariness that
other and never intersect; preventive suspension, by voluntary renunciation embodies. Neither does it
its nature, is a temporary incapacity to render contain the element of renunciation or loss of title to
service during an unbroken term; in the context of office as it merely involves the temporary incapacity to
term limitation, interruption of service occurs after perform the service that an elective office demands.
there has been a break in the term. Thus viewed, preventive suspension is – by its very
nature – the exact opposite of voluntary renunciation;
b. Preventive Suspension and the Intent of the it is involuntary and temporary, and involves only the
Three-Term Limit Rule actual delivery of service, not the title to the office.
The easy conclusion therefore is that they are, by
Strict adherence to the intent of the three-term limit nature, different and non-comparable.
rule demands that preventive suspension should not
be considered an interruption that allows an elective But beyond the obvious comparison of their respective
official’s stay in office beyond three terms. A natures is the more important consideration of how
preventive suspension cannot simply be a term they affect the three-term limit rule.
interruption because the suspended official continues
to stay in office although he is barred from exercising Voluntary renunciation, while involving loss of office
the functions and prerogatives of the office within the and the total incapacity to render service, is disallowed
suspension period. The best indicator of the by the Constitution as an effective interruption of a
suspended official’s continuity in office is the absence term. It is therefore not allowed as a mode of
of a permanent replacement and the lack of the circumventing the three-term limit rule.
authority to appoint one since no vacancy exists.
Preventive suspension, by its nature, does not involve
To allow a preventively suspended elective official to an effective interruption of a term and should
run for a fourth and prohibited term is to close our therefore not be a reason to avoid the three-term
eyes to this reality and to allow a constitutional limitation. It can pose as a threat, however, if we shall
violation through sophistry by equating the temporary disregard its nature and consider it an effective
inability to discharge the functions of office with the interruption of a term. Let it be noted that a
interruption of term that the constitutional provision preventive suspension is easier to undertake than
contemplates. To be sure, many reasons exist, voluntary renunciation, as it does not require
voluntary or involuntary – some of them personal and
relinquishment or loss of office even for the briefest
time. It merely requires an easily fabricated
administrative charge that can be dismissed soon after
a preventive suspension has been imposed. In this
sense, recognizing preventive suspension as an
effective interruption of a term can serve as a
circumvention more potent than the voluntary
renunciation that the Constitution expressly disallows
as an interruption.
G.R. No. 147927 February 4, 2002 time shall not be considered as an interruption in the
continuity of his service for the full term for which he
RAYMUNDO M. ADORMEO, petitioner, was elected.
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and RAMON Y. On March 9, 2001, private respondent responded that
TALAGA, JR., respondents. he was not elected City Mayor for three (3)
consecutive terms but only for two (2) consecutive
DECISION terms. He pointed to his defeat in the 1998 election by
Tagarao. Because of his defeat the consecutiveness of
his years as mayor was interrupted, and thus his
mayorship was not for three consecutive terms of
three years each. Respondent added that his service
Before us is a petition for certiorari, with a prayer for a from May 12, 2001 until June 30, 2001 for 13 months
writ of preliminary injunction and/or temporary and eighteen (18) days was not a full term, in the
restraining order, to nullify and set aside the contemplation of the law and the Constitution. He
resolution dated May 9, 2001 of public respondent cites Lonzanida vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 135150, 311
Commission on Elections in Comelec SPA No. 01-055, SCRA 602, 611 (1999), as authority to the effect that
which granted the motion for reconsideration and to apply disqualification under Section 8, Article X of
declared private respondent Ramon Y. Talaga, Jr., the Constitution, two (2) conditions must concur, to
qualified to run for Mayor in Lucena City for the May wit: (a) that the official concerned has been elected
14, 2001 election. Petitioner prays that votes cast in for three consecutive terms in the same local
private respondent’s favor should not be counted; and government post, and (b) that he has fully served
should it happen that private respondent had been three (3) consecutive terms.
already proclaimed the winner, his proclamation
should be declared null and void.
On April 20, 2001, the COMELEC, through the First
Division, found private respondent Ramon Y. Talaga,
The uncontroverted facts are as follows: Jr. disqualified for the position of city mayor on the
ground that he had already served three (3)
Petitioner and private respondent were the only consecutive terms, and his Certificate of Candidacy
candidates who filed their certificates of candidacy for was ordered withdrawn and/or cancelled.
mayor of Lucena City in the May 14, 2001 elections.
Private respondent was then the incumbent mayor. On April 27, 2001, private respondent filed a motion
for reconsideration reiterating that "three (3)
Private respondent Talaga, Jr. was elected mayor in consecutive terms" means continuous service for nine
May 1992. He served the full term. Again, he was re- (9) years and that the two (2) years service from
elected in 1995-1998. In the election of 1998, he lost 1998 to 2000 by Tagarao who defeated him in the
to Bernard G. Tagarao. In the recall election of May election of 1998 prevented him from having three
12, 2000, he again won and served the unexpired consecutive years of service. He added that Tagarao’s
term of Tagarao until June 30, 2001. tenure from 1998 to 2000 could not be considered as
a continuation of his mayorship. He further alleged
On March 2, 2001, petitioner filed with the Office of that the recall election was not a regular election, but
the Provincial Election Supervisor, Lucena City a a separate special election specifically to remove
Petition to Deny Due Course to or Cancel Certificate of incompetent local officials.
Candidacy and/or Disqualification of Ramon Y. Talaga,
Jr., on the ground that the latter was elected and had On May 3, 2001, petitioner filed his Opposition to
served as city mayor for three (3) consecutive terms private respondent’s Motion for Reconsideration
as follows: (1) in the election of May 1992, where he stating therein that serving the unexpired term of
served the full term; (2) in the election of May 1995, office is considered as one (1) term.1 Petitioner further
where he again served the full term; and, (3) in the contended that Article 8 of the Constitution speaks of
recall election of May 12, 2000, where he served only "term" and does not mention "tenure". The fact that
the unexpired term of Tagarao after having lost to private respondent was not elected in the May 1998
Tagarao in the 1998 election. Petitioner contended election to start a term that began on June 30, 1998
that Talaga’s candidacy as Mayor constituted a was of no moment, according to petitioner, and what
violation of Section 8, Article X of the 1987 matters is that respondent was elected to an
Constitution which provides: unexpired term in the recall election which should be
considered one full term from June 30, 1998 to June
30, 2001.
Sec. 8. – The term of office of elective local officials,
except barangay officials, which shall be determined
by law, shall be three years and no such official shall On May 9, 2001, the COMELEC en banc ruled in favor
serve for more than three consecutive terms. of private respondent Ramon Y. Talaga, Jr.. It
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of reversed the First Division’s ruling and held that 1)
respondent was not elected for three (3) consecutive incumbency, he was a private citizen, thus he had not
terms because he did not win in the May 11, 1998 been mayor for 3 consecutive terms.
elections; 2) that he was installed only as mayor by
reason of his victory in the recall elections; 3) that his In its comment, the COMELEC restated its position
victory in the recall elections was not considered a that private respondent was not elected for three (3)
term of office and is not included in the 3-term consecutive terms having lost his third bid in the May
disqualification rule, and 4) that he did not fully serve 11, 1998 elections, said defeat is an interruption in the
the three (3) consecutive terms, and his loss in the continuity of service as city mayor of Lucena.
May 11, 1998 elections is considered an interruption in
the continuity of his service as Mayor of Lucena City.
The issue before us was already addressed in Borja,
Jr. vs. COMELEC, 295 SCRA 157, 169 (1998), where
On May 19, 2001, after canvassing, private we held,
respondent was proclaimed as the duly elected Mayor
of Lucena City.
To recapitulate, the term limit for elective local
officials must be taken to refer to the right to be
Petitioner is now before this Court, raising the sole elected as well as the right to serve in the same
issue: elective position.1âwphi1 Consequently, it is not
enough that an individual has served three
WHETHER OR NOT PUBLIC RESPONDENT COMELEC consecutive terms in an elective local office, he must
ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION also have been elected to the same position for the
AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION same number of times before the disqualification can
WHEN IT ISSUED ITS RESOLUTION DATED MAY 9, apply. This point can be made clearer by considering
2001, DECLARING PRIVATE RESPONDENT RAMON Y. the following case or situation:
Stated differently, was private respondent disqualified Case No. 2. Suppose B is elected mayor and, during
to run for mayor of Lucena City in the May 14, 2001 his first term, he is twice suspended for misconduct for
elections?3 This issue hinges on whether, as provided a total of 1 year. If he is twice reelected after that, can
by the Constitution, he had already served three he run for one more term in the next election?
consecutive terms in that office.
Yes, because he has served only two full terms
Petitioner contends that private respondent was successively.
disqualified to run for city mayor by reason of the
three-term rule because the unexpired portion of the
term of office he served after winning a recall election,
covering the period May 12, 2000 to June 30, 2001 is
considered a full term. He posits that to interpret To consider C as eligible for reelection would be in
otherwise, private respondent would be serving four accord with the understanding of the Constitutional
(4) consecutive terms of 10 years, in violation of Commission that while the people should be protected
Section 8, Article X of 1987 Constitution4 and Section from the evils that a monopoly of political power may
43 (b) of R.A. 7160, known as the Local Government bring about, care should be taken that their freedom
Code. of choice is not unduly curtailed.
Section 43. Term of Office.— Likewise, in the case of Lonzanida vs. COMELEC, 311
SCRA 602, 611 (1999), we said,
This Court held that the two conditions for the
application of the disqualification must concur: a) that
(b) No local elective official shall serve for more than
the official concerned has been elected for three
three (3) consecutive terms in the same position.
consecutive terms in the same local government post
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of
and 2) that he has fully served three consecutive
time shall not be considered as an interruption in the
continuity of service for the full term for which the
elective official concerned was elected.
Accordingly, COMELEC’s ruling that private respondent
was not elected for three (3) consecutive terms should
Private respondent, in turn, maintains that his service
be upheld. For nearly two years he was a private
as city mayor of Lucena is not consecutive. He lost his
citizen. The continuity of his mayorship was disrupted
bid for a second re-election in 1998 and between June
by his defeat in the 1998 elections.
30, 1998 to May 12, 2000, during Tagarao’s
Patently untenable is petitioner’s contention that
COMELEC in allowing respondent Talaga, Jr. to run in
the May 1998 election violates Article X, Section 8 of
1987 Constitution.5 To bolster his case, respondent
adverts to the comment of Fr. Joaquin Bernas, a
Constitutional Commission member, stating that in
interpreting said provision that "if one is elected
representative to serve the unexpired term of another,
that unexpired, no matter how short, will be
considered one term for the purpose of computing the
number of successive terms allowed."6
G.R. No. 133495 September 3, 1998 18, 1988 local elections. He succeeded
to such office by operation of law and
BENJAMIN U. BORJA, JR., petitioner, served for the unexpired term of his
vs. predecessor. Consequently, such
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and JOSE T. succession into office is not counted as
CAPCO, JR., respondents. one (1) term for purposes of the
computation of the three-term
limitation under the Constitution and
the Local Government Code.
operation of law. Neither had he
served the full term because he only
continued the service, interrupted by
the death, of the deceased mayor.
G.R. No. 154829 December 10, 2003 petitioner had already been elected and served for
three consecutive terms as mayor from 1992 to 2001.
ARSENIO A. LATASA, petitioner,
vs. On March 5, 2001, petitioner Latasa filed his
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, and ROMEO Answer,2 arguing that he did not make any false
SUNGA, respondents representation in his certificate of candidacy since he
fully disclosed therein that he had served as mayor of
DECISION the Municipality of Digos for three consecutive terms.
Moreover, he argued that this fact does not bar him
from filing a certificate of candidacy for the May 14,
2001 elections since this will be the first time that he
will be running for the post of city mayor.
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
Rules of Court which seeks to challenge the resolution
Both parties submitted their position papers on March
issued by the First Division of the Commission on
19, 2001.3
Elections (COMELEC) dated April 27, 2001 in SPA Case
No. 01-059 entitled, Romeo M. Sunga, petitioner,
versus Arsenio A. Latasa, respondent, and the On April 27, 2001, respondent COMELEC’s First
Resolution of the COMELEC en banc denying herein Division issued a Resolution, the dispositive portion of
petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration. The assailed which reads, as follows:
Resolution denied due course to the certificate of
candidacy of petitioner Arsenio A. Latasa, declaring Wherefore, premises considered, the respondent’s
him disqualified to run for mayor of Digos City, Davao certificate of candidacy should be cancelled for being a
del Sur Province in the May 14, 2001 elections, violation of the three (3)-term rule proscribed by the
ordering that all votes cast in his favor shall not be 1987 Constitution and the Local Government Code of
counted, and if he has been proclaimed winner, 1991.4
declaring said proclamation null and void.
Petitioner filed his Motion for Reconsideration dated
The facts are fairly simple. May 4, 2001,5 which remained unacted upon until the
day of the elections, May 14, 2001. On May 16, 2001,
Petitioner Arsenio A. Latasa, was elected mayor of the private respondent Sunga filed an Ex Parte Motion for
Municipality of Digos, Davao del Sur in the elections of Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order Enjoining the
1992, 1995, and 1998. During petitioner’s third term, City Board of Canvassers From Canvassing or
the Municipality of Digos was declared a component Tabulating Respondent’s Votes, and From Proclaiming
city, to be known as the City of Digos. A plebiscite Him as the Duly Elected Mayor if He Wins the
conducted on September 8, 2000 ratified Republic Act Elections.6 Despite this, however, petitioner Latasa
No. 8798 entitled, "An Act Converting the Municipality was still proclaimed winner on May 17, 2001, having
of Digos, Davao del Sur Province into a Component garnered the most number of votes. Consequently,
City to be known as the City of Digos" or the Charter private respondent Sunga filed, on May 27, 2001, a
of the City of Digos. This event also marked the end of Supplemental Motion7 which essentially sought the
petitioner’s tenure as mayor of the Municipality of annulment of petitioner’s proclamation and the
Digos. However, under Section 53, Article IX of the suspension of its effects.
Charter, petitioner was mandated to serve in a hold-
over capacity as mayor of the new City of Digos. On July 1, 2001, petitioner was sworn into and
Hence, he took his oath as the city mayor. assumed his office as the newly elected mayor of
Digos City. It was only on August 27, 2002 that the
On February 28, 2001, petitioner filed his certificate of COMELEC en banc issued a Resolution denying
candidacy for city mayor for the May 14, 2001 petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration.
elections. He stated therein that he is eligible therefor,
and likewise disclosed that he had already served for Hence, this petition.
three consecutive terms as mayor of the Municipality
of Digos and is now running for the first time for the It cannot be denied that the Court has previously held
position of city mayor. in Mamba-Perez v. COMELEC8 that after an elective
official has been proclaimed as winner of the elections,
On March 1, 2001, private respondent Romeo M. the COMELEC has no jurisdiction to pass upon his
Sunga, also a candidate for city mayor in the said qualifications. An opposing party’s remedies after
elections, filed before the COMELEC a Petition to Deny proclamation would be to file a petition for quo
Due Course, Cancel Certificate of Candidacy and/ or warranto within ten days after the proclamation.
For Disqualification1against petitioner Latasa.
Respondent Sunga alleged therein that petitioner On the other hand, certain peculiarities in the present
falsely represented in his certificate of candidacy that case reveal the fact that its very heart is something
he is eligible to run as mayor of Digos City since
which this Court considers of paramount interest. This MR. MONSOD: Madam President, I was reflecting on
Court notes from the very beginning that petitioner this issue earlier and I asked to speak because in this
himself was already entertaining some doubt as to draft Constitution, we are recognizing people’s power.
whether or not he is indeed eligible to run for city We have said that now there is a new awareness, a
mayor in the May 14, 2001 elections. In his certificate new kind of voter, a new kind of Filipino. And yet at
of candidacy, after the phrase "I am eligible", the same time, we are prescreening candidates among
petitioner inserted a footnote and indicated: whom they will choose. We are saying that this 48-
member Constitutional Commission has decreed that
*Havingserved three (3) term[s] as municipal mayor those who have served for a period of nine years are
and now running for the first time as city mayor.9 barred from running for the same position.
Time and again, this Court has held that rules of The argument is that there may be other positions.
procedure are only tools designed to facilitate the But there are some people who are very skilled and
attainment of justice, such that when rigid application good at legislation, and yet are not of a national
of the rules tend to frustrate rather than promote stature to be Senators. They may be perfectly honest,
substantial justice, this Court is empowered to perfectly competent and with integrity. They get voted
suspend their operation. We will not hesitate to set into office at the age of 25, which is the age we
aside technicalities in favor of what is fair and just.10 provide for Congressmen. And at 34 years old we put
them into pasture.
The spirit embodied in a Constitutional provision must
not be attenuated by a rigid application of procedural Second, we say that we want to broaden the choices
rules. of the people. We are talking here only of
congressional or senatorial seats. We want to broaden
the people’s choice but we are making prejudgment
The present case raises a novel issue with respect to
today because we exclude a certain number of people.
an explicit Constitutional mandate: whether or not
We are, in effect, putting an additional qualification for
petitioner Latasa is eligible to run as candidate for the
office – that the officials must have not have served a
position of mayor of the newly-created City of Digos
total of more than a number of years in their lifetime.
immediately after he served for three consecutive
terms as mayor of the Municipality of Digos.
Third, we are saying that by putting people to pasture,
we are creating a reserve of statesmen, but the future
As a rule, in a representative democracy, the people
participation of these statesmen is limited. Their skills
should be allowed freely to choose those who will
may be only in some areas, but we are saying that
govern them. Article X, Section 8 of the Constitution is
they are going to be barred from running for the same
an exception to this rule, in that it limits the range of
choice of the people.
result of consecutive terms. As Commissioner Blas (b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-
Ople stated during the deliberations: created city shall be properly identified by
metes and bounds. The requirement on land
x x x I think we want to prevent future situations are shall not apply where the city proposed to
where, as a result of continuous service and frequent be created is composed of one (1) or more
re-elections, officials from the President down to the island. The territory need not be contiguous if
municipal mayor tend to develop a proprietary interest it comprises two (2) or more islands.
in their positions and to accumulate these powers and
perquisites that permit them to stay on indefinitely or (c) The average annual income shall include
to transfer these posts to members of their families in the income accruing to the general fund,
a subsequent election. x x x 13 exclusive of special funds, transfers, and non-
recurring income.15
An elective local official, therefore, is not barred from
running again in for same local government post, Substantial differences do exist between a municipality
unless two conditions concur: 1.) that the official and a city. For one, there is a material change in the
concerned has been elected for three consecutive political and economic rights of the local government
terms to the same local government post, and 2.) that unit when it is converted from a municipality to a city
he has fully served three consecutive terms.14 and undoubtedly, these changes affect the people as
well.16 It is precisely for this reason why Section 10,
In the present case, petitioner states that a city and a Article X of the Constitution mandates that no
municipality have separate and distinct personalities. province, city, municipality, or barangay may be
Thus they cannot be treated as a single entity and created, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary
must be accorded different treatment consistent with substantially altered, without the approval by a
specific provisions of the Local Government Code. He majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political
does not deny the fact that he has already served for units directly affected.
three consecutive terms as municipal mayor. However,
he asserts that when Digos was converted from a As may be gleaned from the Local Government Code,
municipality to a city, it attained a different juridical the creation or conversion of a local government unit
personality. Therefore, when he filed his certificate of is done mainly to help assure its economic viability.
candidacy for city mayor, he cannot be construed as Such creation or conversion is based on verified
vying for the same local government post. indicators:
For a municipality to be converted into a city, the Section 7. Creation and Conversion. --- As a general
Local Government Code provides: rule, the creation of a local government unit or its
conversion from one level to another shall be based on
SECTION 450. Requisites for Creation. - (a) A verifiable indicators or viability and projected capacity
municipality or a cluster of barangays may be to provide services, to wit:
converted into a component city it has an average
annual income, as certified by the Department of (a) Income. --- It must be sufficient, based on
Finance, of at least Twenty million pesos acceptable standards, to provide for all
(20,000,000.00) for the last two (2) consecutive years essential government facilities and services
based on 1991 constant prices, and if it has either of and special functions commensurate with the
the following requisites: size of its population, as expected of the local
government unit concerned;
(i) a contiguous territory of at least
one hundred (100) square kilometers, (b) Population. --- It shall be determined as
as certified by the Land Management the total number of inhabitants within the
Bureau; or, territorial jurisdiction of the local government
unit concerned; and
(ii) a population of not less than one
hundred fifty thousand (150,000) (c) Land Area. --- It must be contiguous,
inhabitants, as certified by the unless it comprises two (2) or more islands or
National Statistics Office. is separated by a local government unit
independent of the others; properly identified
Provided, That, the creation thereof shall not by metes and bounds with technical
reduce the land area, population, and income descriptions; and sufficient to provide for such
of the original unit or units at the time of said basic services and facilities to meet the
creation to less than the minimum requirements of its populace.
requirements prescribed herein.
Compliance with the foregoing indicators shall be
attested to by the Department of Finance (DOF), the
National Statistics Office (NSO), and the Lands case was first elected as vice-mayor, but upon the
Management Bureau (LMB) of the Department of death of the incumbent mayor, he occupied the
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).17 latter’s post for the unexpired term. He was,
thereafter, elected for two more terms. This Court
On the other hand, Section 2 of the Charter of the City therein held that when private respondent occupied
of Digos provides: the post of the mayor upon the incumbent’s death and
served for the remainder of the term, he cannot be
construed as having served a full term as
Section 2. The City of Digos --- The Municipality of
contemplated under the subject constitutional
Digos shall be converted into a component city to be
provision. The term served must be one "for which
known as the City of Digos, hereinafter referred to as
[the official concerned] was elected."
the City, which shall comprise the present territory of
the Municipality of Digos, Davao del Sur Province. The
territorial jurisdiction of the City shall be within the It must also be noted that in Borja, the private
present metes and bounds of the Municipality of respondent therein, before he assumed the position of
Digos. x x x mayor, first served as the vice-mayor of his local
government unit. The nature of the responsibilities
and duties of the vice-mayor is wholly different from
Moreover, Section 53 of the said Charter further
that of the mayor. The vice-mayor does not hold office
as chief executive over his local government unit. In
the present case, petitioner, upon ratification of the
Section 53. Officials of the City of Digos. --- The law converting the municipality to a city, continued to
present elective officials of the Municipality of Digos hold office as chief executive of the same territorial
shall continue to exercise their powers and functions jurisdiction. There were changes in the political and
until such a time that a new election is held and the economic rights of Digos as local government unit, but
duly-elected officials shall have already qualified and no substantial change occurred as to petitioner’s
assumed their offices. x x x. authority as chief executive over the inhabitants of
As seen in the aforementioned provisions, this Court
notes that the delineation of the metes and bounds of In Lonzanida v. COMELEC,19 petitioner was elected and
the City of Digos did not change even by an inch the served two consecutive terms as mayor from 1988 to
land area previously covered by the Municipality of 1995. He then ran again for the same position in the
Digos. This Court also notes that the elective officials May 1995 elections, won and discharged his duties as
of the Municipality of Digos continued to exercise their mayor. However, his opponent contested his
powers and functions until elections were held for the proclamation and filed an election protest before the
new city officials. Regional Trial Court, which ruled that there was a
failure of elections and declared the position of mayor
True, the new city acquired a new corporate existence vacant. The COMELEC affirmed this ruling and
separate and distinct from that of the municipality. petitioner acceded to the order to vacate the post.
This does not mean, however, that for the purpose of During the May 1998 elections, petitioner therein
applying the subject Constitutional provision, the office again filed his certificate of candidacy for mayor. A
of the municipal mayor would now be construed as a petition to disqualify him was filed on the ground that
different local government post as that of the office of he had already served three consecutive terms. This
the city mayor. As stated earlier, the territorial Court ruled, however, that petitioner therein cannot be
jurisdiction of the City of Digos is the same as that of considered as having been duly elected to the post in
the municipality. Consequently, the inhabitants of the the May 1995 elections, and that said petitioner did
municipality are the same as those in the city. These not fully serve the 1995-1998 mayoral term by reason
inhabitants are the same group of voters who elected of involuntary relinquishment of office.
petitioner Latasa to be their municipal mayor for three
consecutive terms. These are also the same In the present case, petitioner Latasa was, without a
inhabitants over whom he held power and authority as doubt, duly elected as mayor in the May 1998
their chief executive for nine years. elections. Can he then be construed as having
involuntarily relinquished his office by reason of the
This Court must distinguish the present case from conversion of Digos from municipality to city? This
previous cases ruled upon this Court involving the Court believes that he did involuntarily relinquish his
same Constitutional provision. office as municipal mayor since the said office has
been deemed abolished due to the conversion.
In Borja, Jr. v. COMELEC,18 the issue therein was However, the very instant he vacated his office as
whether a vice-mayor who became the mayor by municipal mayor, he also assumed office as city
operation of law and who served the remainder of the mayor. Unlike in Lonzanida, where petitioner therein,
mayor’s term should be considered to have served a for even just a short period of time, stepped down
term in that office for the purpose of the three-term from office, petitioner Latasa never ceased from acting
limit under the Constitution. Private respondent in that as chief executive of the local government unit. He
never ceased from discharging his duties and This Court reiterates that the framers of the
responsibilities as chief executive of Digos. Constitution specifically included an exception to the
people’s freedom to choose those who will govern
In Adormeo v. COMELEC,20 this Court was confronted them in order to avoid the evil of a single person
with the issue of whether or not an assumption to accumulating excessive power over a particular
office through a recall election should be considered as territorial jurisdiction as a result of a prolonged stay in
one term in applying the three-term limit rule. Private the same office. To allow petitioner Latasa to vie for
respondent, in that case, was elected and served for the position of city mayor after having served for three
two consecutive terms as mayor. He then ran for his consecutive terms as a municipal mayor would
third term in the May 1998 elections, but lost to his obviously defeat the very intent of the framers when
opponent. In June 1998, his opponent faced recall they wrote this exception. Should he be allowed
proceedings and in the recall elections of May 2000, another three consecutive terms as mayor of the City
private respondent won and served for the unexpired of Digos, petitioner would then be possibly holding
term. For the May 2001 elections, private respondent office as chief executive over the same territorial
filed his certificate of candidacy for the office of jurisdiction and inhabitants for a total of
mayor. This was questioned on the ground that he had eighteen consecutive years. This is the very scenario
already served as mayor for three consecutive terms. sought to be avoided by the Constitution, if not
This Court held therein that private respondent cannot abhorred by it.
be construed as having been elected and served for
three consecutive terms. His loss in the May 1998 Finally, respondent Sunga claims that applying the
elections was considered by this Court as an principle in Labo v. COMELEC,22 he should be deemed
interruption in the continuity of his service as mayor. the mayoralty candidate with the highest number of
For nearly two years, private respondent therein lived votes. On the contrary, this Court held in Labo that
as a private citizen. The same, however, cannot be the disqualification of a winning candidate does not
said of petitioner Latasa in the present case. necessarily entitle the candidate with the highest
number of votes to proclamation as the winner of the
Finally, in Socrates v. COMELEC,21 the principal issue elections. As an obiter, the Court merely mentioned
was whether or not private respondent Edward M. that the rule would have been different if the
Hagedorn was qualified to run during the recall electorate, fully aware in fact and in law of a
elections. Therein respondent Hagedorn had already candidate’s disqualification so as to bring such
served for three consecutive terms as mayor from awareness within the realm of notoriety, would
1992 until 2001 and did not run in the immediately nonetheless cast their votes in favor of the ineligible
following regular elections. On July 2, 2002, the candidate. In such case, the electorate may be said to
barangay officials of Puerto Princesa convened have waived the validity and efficacy of their votes by
themselves into a Preparatory Recall Assembly to notoriously misapplying their franchise or throwing
initiate the recall of the incumbent mayor, Victorino away their votes, in which case, the eligible candidate
Dennis M. Socrates. On August 23, 2002, respondent obtaining the next higher number of votes may be
Hagedorn filed his certificate of candidacy for mayor in deemed elected. The same, however, cannot be said
the recall election. A petition for his disqualification of the present case.
was filed on the ground that he cannot run for the said
post during the recall elections for he was disqualified This Court has consistently ruled that the fact that a
from running for a fourth consecutive term. This plurality or a majority of the votes are cast for an
Court, however, ruled in favor of respondent ineligible candidate at a popular election, or that a
Hagedorn, holding that the principle behind the three- candidate is later declared to be disqualified to hold
term limit rule is to prevent consecutiveness of the office, does not entitle the candidate who garnered the
service of terms, and that there was in his case a second highest number of votes to be declared
break in such consecutiveness after the end of his elected. The same merely results in making the
third term and before the recall election. winning candidate’s election a nullity.23 In the present
case, moreover, 13,650 votes were cast for private
It is evident that in the abovementioned cases, there respondent Sunga as against the 25,335 votes cast for
exists a rest period or a break in the service of the petitioner Latasa.24 The second placer is obviously not
local elective official. In Lonzanida, petitioner therein the choice of the people in that particular election. In
was a private citizen a few months before the next any event, a permanent vacancy in the contested
mayoral elections. Similarly, in Adormeo and Socrates, office is thereby created which should be filled by
the private respondents therein lived as private succession.25
citizens for two years and fifteen months respectively.
Indeed, the law contemplates a rest period during WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. No
which the local elective official steps down from office pronouncement as to costs.
and ceases to exercise power or authority over the
inhabitants of the territorial jurisdiction of a particular SO ORDERED.
local government unit.1âwphi1
G.R. No. 163295 January 23, 2006 term rule, Francis having, according to Alegre, ran in
the May 1995, May 1998, and May 2001 mayoralty
FRANCIS G. ONG, Petitioner, elections and have assumed office as mayor and
vs. discharged the duties thereof for three (3) consecutive
JOSEPH STANLEY ALEGRE and COMMISSION ON full terms corresponding to those elections.
ELECTIONS, Respondents.
To digress a bit, the May 1998 elections saw both
x---------------------x Alegre and Francis opposing each other for the office
of mayor of San Vicente, Camarines Norte, with the
latter being subsequently proclaimed by COMELEC
G.R. No. 163354 January 23, 2006
winner in that contest. Alegre subsequently filed an
election protest, docketed as Election Case No.
ROMMEL G. ONG, Petitioner, 6850 before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) at Daet,
vs. Camarines Norte. In it, the RTC declared Alegre as the
JOSEPH STANLEY ALEGRE and COMMISSION ON duly elected mayor in that 1998 mayoralty
ELECTIONS, Respondents. contest,4 albeit the decision came out only on July 4,
2001, when Francis had fully served the 1998-2001
DECISION mayoralty term and was in fact already starting to
serve the 2001-2004 term as mayor-elect of the
GARCIA, J.: municipality of San Vicente.
Before the Court are these two separate petitions Acting on Alegre’s petition to disqualify and to cancel
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court to nullify and set Francis’ certificate of candidacy for the May 10, 2004
aside certain issuances of the Commission on Elections elections, the First Division of the COMELEC rendered
(COMELEC) en banc. on March 31, 2004 a resolution5 dismissing the said
petition of Alegre, rationalizing as follows:
The recourse stemmed from the following essential On the basis of the words of the Highest Court
and undisputed factual backdrop: pronounced in the Lonzanida case and applicable in
the case at bench, Ong could not be considered as
Private respondent Joseph Stanley Alegre (Alegre) and having served as mayor from 1998 to 2001 because
petitioner Francis Ong (Francis) were candidates who "he was not duly elected to the post; he merely
filed certificates of candidacy for mayor of San assumed office as a presumptive winner; which
Vicente, Camarines Norte in the May 10, 2004 presumption was later overturned … when [the RTC]
elections. Francis was then the incumbent mayor. decided with finality that [he] lost in the May 1998
elections." (Words in bracket and emphasis in the
On January 9, 2004, Alegre filed with the COMELEC original).
Provincial Office a Petition to Disqualify, Deny Due
Course and Cancel Certificate of Candidacy3 of Francis. Undaunted, Alegre filed a timely motion for
Docketed as SPA Case No. 04-048, the petition to reconsideration, contending, in the main, that there
disqualify was predicated on the three-consecutive was a misapplication of the three-term rule, as applied
in the cited cases of Borja vs. Comelec and Lonzanida denied due course. In the Resolution of the
vs. Comelec, infra. Commission En banc, the Certificate of candidacy of
Francis Ong was denied due course," and elaborated
On May 7, 2004, the COMELEC en banc issued, in SPA further that:
No. 04-048, a resolution6 reversing the March 31,
2004 resolution of the COMELEC’s First Division and "x x x there is an existing policy of the Commission
thereby (a) declaring Francis "as disqualified to run for not to include the name of a substitute candidate in
mayor of San Vicente, Camarines Norte in the …May the certified list of candidates unless the substitution is
10, 2004"; (b) ordering the deletion of Francis’ name approved by the Commission.
from the official list of candidates; and (c) directing
the concerned board of election inspectors not to In view, thereof, it is recommended that 1) the
count the votes cast in his favor. substitute certificate of candidacy of Rommel Ong Gan
Ong, should be denied due course; and 2) the election
The following day, May 8, Francis received a fax officer be directed to delete his name from the list of
machine copy of the aforecited May 7, 2004 candidates."
resolution, sending him posthaste to seek the
assistance of his political party, the Nationalist The above position of the Commission was in line with
People’s Coalition, which immediately nominated his the pronouncement of Supreme Court in Miranda vs.
older brother, Rommel Ong (Rommel), as substitute Abaya (311 SCRA 617) which states:
candidate. At about 5:05 p.m. of the very same day -
which is past the deadline for filing a certificate of
"There can no valid substitution where a candidate is
candidacy, Rommel filed his own certificate of
excluded not only by disqualification but also by denial
candidacy for the position of mayor, as substitute
and cancellation of his certificate of candidacy."
candidate for his brother Francis.
The undersigned ADOPTS the recommendation of Atty. The issues for resolution of the Court are:
Alioden D. Dalaig [Director IV, Law Department],
which he quote your stand, "that substitution is not In G.R. No. 163295, whether the COMELEC acted with
proper if the certificate of the substituted candidacy is grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction in issuing its en banc resolution dated continuity of service for the full term for which the
May 7, 2004 declaring petitioner Francis as disqualified elective official concerned was elected.
to run for Mayor of San Vicente, Camarines Norte in
the May 10, 2004 elections and consequently ordering For the three-term limit for elective local government
the deletion of his name from the official list of officials to apply, two conditions or requisites must
candidates so that any vote cast in his favor shall be concur, to wit: (1) that the official concerned has been
considered stray. elected for three (3) consecutive terms in the same
local government post, and (2) that he has fully
In G.R. No. 163354, whether the COMELEC committed served three (3) consecutive terms.16
grave abuse of discretion when it denied due course to
Rommel’s certificate of candidacy in the same With the view we take of the case, the disqualifying
mayoralty election as substitute for his brother requisites are present herein, thus effectively barring
Francis. petitioner Francis from running for mayor of San
Vicente, Camarines Norte in the May 10, 2004
A resolution of the issues thus formulated hinges on elections. There can be no dispute about petitioner
the question of whether or not petitioner Francis’s Francis Ong having been duly elected mayor of that
assumption of office as Mayor of San Vicente, municipality in the May 1995 and again in the May
Camarines Norte for the mayoralty term 1998 to 2001 2001 elections and serving the July 1, 1995- June 30,
should be considered as full service for the purpose of 1998 and the July 1, 2001-June 30, 2004 terms in full.
the three-term limit rule. The herein controversy revolves around the 1998-
2001 mayoral term, albeit there can also be no
Respondent COMELEC resolved the question in the quibbling that Francis ran for mayor of the same
affirmative. Petitioner Francis, on the other hand, municipality in the May 1998 elections and actually
disagrees. He argues that, while he indeed assumed served the 1998-2001 mayoral term by virtue of a
office and discharged the duties as Mayor of San proclamation initially declaring him mayor-elect of the
Vicente for three consecutive terms, his proclamation municipality of San Vicente. The question that begs to
as mayor-elect in the May 1998 election was contested be addressed, therefore, is whether or not Francis’s
and eventually nullified per the decision of the RTC of assumption of office as Mayor of San Vicente,
Daet, Camarines Norte dated July 4, 2001. Pressing Camarines Norte from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2001,
the point, petitioner argues, citing Lonzanida vs. may be considered as one full term service in the
Comelec15, that a proclamation subsequently declared context of the consecutive three-term limit rule.
void is no proclamation at all and one assuming office
on the strength of a protested proclamation does so as We hold that such assumption of office constitutes, for
a presumptive winner and subject to the final outcome Francis, "service for the full term", and should be
of the election protest. counted as a full term served in contemplation of the
three-term limit prescribed by the constitutional and
The three-term limit rule for elective local officials is statutory provisions, supra, barring local elective
found in Section 8, Article X of the 1987 Constitution, officials from being elected and serving for more than
which provides: three consecutive term for the same position.
Sec. 8. The term of office of elective local officials, It is true that the RTC-Daet, Camarines Norte ruled in
except barangay officials, which shall be determined Election Protest Case No. 6850,17 that it was Francis’
by law, shall be three years and no such official shall opponent (Alegre) who "won" in the 1998 mayoralty
serve for more than three consecutive terms. race and, therefore, was the legally elected mayor of
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of San Vicente. However, that disposition, it must be
time shall not be considered as an interruption in the stressed, was without practical and legal use and
continuity of his service for the full term for which he value, having been promulgated after the term of the
was elected. contested office has expired. Petitioner Francis’
contention that he was only a presumptive winner in
the 1998 mayoralty derby as his proclamation was
Section 43 (b) of the Local Government Code restates
under protest did not make him less than a duly
the same rule as follows:
elected mayor. His proclamation by the Municipal
Board of Canvassers of San Vicente as the duly
Sec. 43. Term of Office. elected mayor in the 1998 mayoralty election coupled
by his assumption of office and his continuous exercise
xxx xxx xxx of the functions thereof from start to finish of the
term, should legally be taken as service for a full term
(b) No local elective official shall serve for more than in contemplation of the three-term rule.
three consecutive years in the same position.
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of The absurdity and the deleterious effect of a contrary
time shall not be considered an interruption in the view is not hard to discern. Such contrary view would
mean that Alegre would – under the three-term rule - denying due course to his certificate of candidacy by
be considered as having served a term by virtue of a force of the constitutional and statutory provisions
veritably meaningless electoral protest ruling, when regarding the three-term limit rule for any local
another actually served such term pursuant to a elective official cannot be sustained. What the
proclamation made in due course after an election. COMELEC en banc said in its May 7, 2004 assailed
Resolution commends itself for concurrence:
Petitioner cites, but, to our mind, cannot seek refuge
from the Court’s ruling in, Lonzanida vs. As correctly pointed out by Petitioner-Movant
Comelec,18 citingBorja vs. Comelec19. In Lonzanida, [Alegre]in applying the ruling in
petitioner Lonzanida was elected and served for two the Borja and Lonzanida cases in the instant petition
consecutive terms as mayor of San Antonio, Zambales will be erroneous because the factual milieu in those
prior to the May 8, 1995 elections. He then ran again cases is different from the one obtaining here.
for the same position in the May 1995 elections, won Explicitly, the three-term limit was not made
and discharged his duties as Mayor. However, his applicable in the cases
opponent contested his proclamation and filed an of Borja and Lonzanida because there was an
election protest before the RTC of Zambales, which, in interruption in the continuity of service of the three
a decision dated January 9, 1997, ruled that there was consecutive terms. Here, Respondent Ong would have
a failure of elections and declared the position vacant. served continuously for three consecutive terms, from
The COMELEC affirmed this ruling and petitioner 1995 to 2004. His full term from 1998 to 2001 could
Lonzanida acceded to the order to vacate the post. not be simply discounted on the basis that he was not
Lonzanida assumed the office and performed his duly elected thereto on account of void proclamation
duties up to March 1998 only. Now, during the May because it would have iniquitous effects producing
1998 elections, Lonzanida again ran for mayor of the outright injustice and inequality as it rewards a legally
same town. A petition to disqualify, under the three- disqualified and repudiated loser with a crown of
term rule, was filed and was eventually granted. victory. (Word in bracket added; emphasis in the
There, the Court held that Lonzanida cannot be original)
considered as having been duly elected to the post in
the May 1995 election, and that he did not fully serve Given the foregoing consideration, the question of
the 1995-1998 mayoralty term by reason of whether or not then Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano
involuntary relinquishment of office. As the Court overstepped his discretion when he issued the May 10,
pointedly observed, Lonzanida "cannot be deemed to 2004 Memorandum, ordering the implementation of
have served the May 1995 to 1998 term because he aforesaid May 7, 2004 COMELEC en banc resolution
was ordered to vacate [and in fact vacated] his post even before its finality20 is now of little moment and
before the expiration of the term." need not detain us any longer.
The difference between the case at bench Just as unmeritorious as Francis’ petition in G.R. No.
and Lonzanida is at once apparent. For one, 163295 is Rommel’s petition in G.R. No. 163354 in
in Lonzanida, the result of the mayoralty election was which he (Rommel) challenges the COMELEC's act of
declared a nullity for the stated reason of "failure of not including his name as a substitute candidate in the
election", and, as a consequence thereof, the official list of candidates for the May 10, 2004
proclamation of Lonzanida as mayor-elect was elections. As it were, existing COMELEC
nullified, followed by an order for him to vacate the policy21 provides for the non-inclusion of the name of
office of mayor. For another, Lonzanida did not fully substitute candidates in the certified list of candidates
serve the 1995-1998 mayoral term, there being an pending approval of the substitution.
involuntary severance from office as a result of legal
processes. In fine, there was an effective interruption
Not to be overlooked is the Court’s holding in Miranda
of the continuity of service.
vs. Abaya,22 that a candidate whose certificate of
candidacy has been cancelled or not given due course
On the other hand, the failure-of-election factor does cannot be substituted by another belonging to the
not obtain in the present case. But more importantly, same political party as that of the former, thus:
here, there was actually no interruption or break in
the continuity of Francis’ service respecting the 1998-
While there is no dispute as to whether or not a
2001 term. Unlike Lonzanida, Francis was never
nominee of a registered or accredited political party
unseated during the term in question; he never
may substitute for a candidate of the same party who
ceased discharging his duties and responsibilities as
had been disqualified for any cause, this does not
mayor of San Vicente, Camarines Norte for the entire
include those cases where the certificate of candidacy
period covering the 1998-2001 term.
of the person to be substituted had been denied due
course and cancelled under Section 78 of the Code.
The ascription, therefore, of grave abuse of discretion
on the part of the COMELEC en banc when it
Expressio unius est exclusio alterius. While the law
disqualified Francis from running in the May 10, 2004
enumerated the occasions where a candidate may be
elections for the mayoralty post of San Vicente and
validly substituted, there is no mention of the case
where a candidate is excluded not only by
disqualification but also by denial and cancellation of
his certificate of candidacy. Under the foregoing rule,
there can be no valid substitution for the latter case,
much in the same way that a nuisance candidate
whose certificate of candidacy is denied due course
and/or cancelled may not be substituted. If the intent
of the lawmakers were otherwise, they could have so
easily and conveniently included those persons whose
certificates of candidacy have been denied due course
and/or cancelled under the provisions of Section 78 of
the Code.
In any event, with the hard reality that the May 10,
2004 elections were already passé, Rommel Ong’s
petition in G.R. No. 163354 is already moot and