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RGPV Syllabus Btech Ee 5 Sem All Subjects

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New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

EE501 Electrical Machine-II

D.C. Machine-I
Basic construction of DC machines; types of DC machines and method of excitation; lap and
wave windings; Emf equation; armature reaction and methods of limiting armature reaction;
Commutation process and methods for improving commutation; Basic performance of DC
generators and their performance characteristics; Metadyne and Amplidyne; permanent
magnet DC motors; Brush less dc motors.

D.C. Machine-II
Basic operation of DC motors; Torque equation; Operating characteristics of DC motors,
Starting of DC motors- 2point, 3 point and 4 point starters; speed control of DC motors;
losses and efficiency of DC machines; testing of DC machines, direct testing, Swinburne’s
test and Hopkinson’s test. Application of DC machines.

Synchronous Machine-I
Construction; types of prime movers; excitation system including brushless excitation;
polyphase distributive winding, integral slot and fractional slot windings; emf equation,
generation of harmonics and their elimination; armature reaction; synchronous reactance and
impedance, equivalent circuit of alternator, relation between generated voltage and terminal
voltage, voltage regulation of alternators using synchronous impedance, mmf, zpf and new
A.S.A method.

Synchronous Machine-II
Salient pole machines; two reaction theory equivalent circuit model and phasor diagram;
determination of XdandXqby slip test; SCR and its significance; regulation of salient pole
alternator, power angle equation and characteristics; synchronizing of alternator with infinite
busbar,; parallel operation and load sharing; synchronizing current, synchronizing power and
synchronising torque coefficient; synchro scopes and phase sequence indicator; effect of
varying excitation and mechanical torque.

Synchronous machine-III
Synchronous motor operation, starting and stopping of synchronous motor, pull in torque,
motor under load power and torque, reluctance torque, effect of excitation, effect of armature
reaction, power factor adjustment, V curves, inverted V curves, synchronous motors as power
factor correcting device, super synchronous and sub synchronous motors, hunting and
damper winding efficiency and losses. Analysis of short circuit oscillogram, determination of
various transient, sub transient and steady reactances and time constants, expression of
transient and sub transient reactances in terms of self and mutual inductances of various downloaded from dt 08072019

winding, short circuit current, equivalent circuit. Single phase synchronous motors- hysteresis
motor, reluctance motor. Repulsion motor, stepper motor, switched reluctance


1. M.G. Say, Performance & design of AC machines, CBS publishers & distributors,
Delhi, 3rd edition
2. A.E. Clayton & N.N. Nancock, The Performance & design of DC machines CBS
publications & distributors, Delhi, 3rd edition
3. P.S. Bhimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Pub.
4. P.S. Bhimbra, Generalized theory of Electrical Machines, Khanna publishers, Delhi,
5. Ashfaq Husain, Electric Machines, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi
6. I.J. Nagrath& D.P. Kothari, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi,
7. Syed A. Nasar, Electric Machines & Power Systems, Volume I , Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi
8. M.G. Say, Performance & design of AC machines, CBS publishers & distributors,
Delhi, 3rd edition
9. M.G. Say, Performance & design of AC machines, CBS publishers & distributors,
Delhi, 3rd edition
10. A.E. Clayton & N.N. Nancock, The Performance & design of DC machines CBS
publications & distributors, Delhi, 3rd edition
11. P.S. Bhimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Pub.
12. P.S. Bhimbra, Generalized theory of Electrical Machines, Khanna publishers, Delhi,
13. Ashfaq Husain, Electric Machines, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi
14. I.J. Nagrath& D.P. Kothari, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi,
15. Syed A. Nasar, Electric Machines & Power Systems, Volume I , Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi
16. A.E. Fitzerald, C. Kingsley & S.D. Umans , Electric Machinery Tata McGraw Hill
,New Delhi ,5thedition downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

EE 502 Power Electronics

Advantages and application of power electronic devices characteristics, Symbol &
application of power diodes, power transistors, GTO, Triac, Diac, Power MOSFET, IGBT,
LASCR, Fast recovery diode, schottey diode MCTs. Principle of operation of SCR, Two
transistor analogy, brief idea of construction of SCR, Static characteristics of SCR, Condition
of turn on & off of SCR Gate characteristics, Method for turning on of SCR, Turnoff
methods, different commutation techniques (Class A,B,C,D,E, & F Commutation) firing of
SCR, Resistance firing Ckt, Resistance capacitance firing circuit, UJT firing cut, and ramp
triggering, firing for 3-Φ circuit. SCR rating & protection of SCR over voltage, Over current,
Superior firing, Design of snubber circuit and protection of gate of SCR, heating, cooling &
mounting of SCR series and parallel operation of SCR, String efficiency & problem
associated with series and parallel operation of SCR.

Operation and analysis of single phase (Half wave & Full Wave) and multiphase (Three
Phase)uncontrolled and controlled rectifier circuit with resistive, resistive & inductive load
(continuous & non continuous conduction, FW small & very large inductive loads) and RLE
loads. Estimation of average load voltage and load current for above rectifier circuits active
and reactive power input. Effect of freewheeling diode and source inductance on performance
of these rectifier circuits . Comparison of mid-point & Bridge rectifier circuits.

Series and parallel inverter, Voltage source & current source inverter, Single phase and three
phase bridge inverter, Self-cumulated inverters,, Mc- murray& MC murray bed ford
inverters, Voltage control of single phase and three phase bridge inverter, Harmonics & their
reduction techniques.

Principle of chopper operation, Various control strategies in chopper, Step up & step-up/step
down choppers, chopper configuration (Type A,B, C,D, & E), Steady state analysis of
chopper circuits, Current & voltage commutation of chopper circuits Jones & Morgens

Single phase (midpoint & bridge configuration) and three phase cyclo convertor
configuration and operating principles. AC voltage controllers (using SCRs &Traics) single
phase full wave controller with R and RL load, Estimation of RMS load voltage, RMS load
current and input power factor, three phase AC voltage controller (Without analysis) Dual
converter Switched mode voltage regulator buck, Boost, Buch & Boost, Ck regulators. downloaded from dt 08072019

1- VI Characteristics Of SCR
2- VI Characteristics Of DIAC
3- VI Characteristics Of BJT
4- Characteristics Of TRIAC
5- VI Characteristics Of MOSFET
6- Transfer Characteristics Of MOSFET
7- Output Characteristics Of IGBT
8- Transfer Characteristics Of IGBT
9- 9 - Single Phase SCR Half Controlled Converter With R Load
10- 1φ Scr Fully Controlled Converter With R-Load
11- Study Of 3φ SCR Half Controlled Converter
12- Study Of 3φ SCR Fully Controlled Converter
13- Study Of Classes Of Commutation A,B,C,D,E,F.

1- M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications, Pearson 2
Education, Singapore, 1993.
2- M Ramsmoorthy, An Introduction to transistor and their application, Affiliated East-
West Press.
3- P.C. Sen, Power Electonics, TMH.
4- M.D. Singh, K.B. Khanchandani, Power Electronics, TMH, Delhi, 2001.
5- Chakravarti A., Fundamental of Power Electronics and Drives, Dhanpat Ray & Co.,
6- Dr. P.S. Bhimbhra, Power Electonics, Khanna Pub.
Vedam Subramanyam, Power Electronics New Age International Revised II ed. 2006. downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

Departmental Elective EE- 503 (A) Electrical Power Generation & Economy

Introduction: Energy sources and their availability, Principle types of power plants, their
special features and applications, Present status and future trends. Hydro Electric Power
Plants: Essentials, Classifications, Hydroelectric survey, Rainfall run-off, Hydrograph, Flow
duration curve, Mass curve, Storage capacity, Site selection, Plant layout, various
components, Types of turbines, Governor and speed regulation, Pumped storage, Small scale
hydroelectric plants (mini and micro).

Thermal Power Plant: General developing trends, Essentials, Plant layout, Coalits storage,
Preparation, Handling, Feeding and burning, Cooling towers, Ash handling, Water treatment
plant, High pressure boilers and steam turbines, Components of thermal power plant.

Non-Conventional Power Generation: Geothermal power plants, Electricity from biomass,
Direct energy conversion systems (Solar and Wind), Thermo-electric conversion system, Fuel
cells, Magneto-Hydro dynamic system..

Gas Turbine Power Plants: Field of use, Components, Plant layout, Comparison with steam
power plants, combined steam and gas power plants. Nuclear Power Plant: Nuclear fuels,
Nuclear energy, Main components of nuclear power plant, Nuclear reactors types and
applications, Radiation shielding, Radioactive and waste disposal safety aspect..

Power Plant Economics: Cost of electrical energy, Selection of type of generation and
generation equipment, Performance and operating characteristics of power plants, Economic
scheduling principle, Load curves, Effect of load on power plant design, Load forecasting,
electric tariffs, Peak load pricing.

1. Deshpande, M.V., Power Plant Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill (2004).
2. Gupta, B.R., Generation of Electrical Energy, S. Chand (1998).
3. Deshpande, M.V., Electrical Power System Design, McGraw Hill (2004).
Wood, A.J. and Wollenberg, B.F., Power Generation and Control, John Wiley (2004). downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

Departmental Elective EE- 503 (B) Applied Instrumentation

Introduction to measurement: Definition, application and types of measurement
System Introduction to CRO, Different parts of CRO, Its Block diagram, Electrostatic
focusing, Electrostatic deflection, post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs,
Graticule, Vertical & Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope
probes and transducers, Attenuators, Application of CROs, Lissajous patterns, Special
purpose CROsMulti input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog &
Digital) Oscilloscopes.
R, L, C Measurement: Bridges: Measurement of resistance using Measurement of
inductance and capacitance by A.C. bridges: Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson bridge,
Schering bridge, Hay’sbridge, Wein’s bridge, Shielding and grounding, Q meter.
NonElectrical Quantities (Transducer): Classification of Transducers, Strain gauge,
Displacement Transducer Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and
Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT), Temperature Transducer
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor, Thermocouple, Piezoelectric
transducer, Photo emissive, Photo conductive, Photo voltaic, Photodiode, Photo
Transistor, Nuclear Radiation Detector.
Digital instruments: Advantages of digital instruments, Over analog instruments, DA,
AD conversion, Digital voltmeter, Ramp type DVM, Integrating DVM, successive
approximation DVM,frequency meter. Display devices: Digital display system and
indicators like CRT, LED, LCD, Nixies, Electro luminescent, Incandescent,
Electrophoretic image display, Liquid vapour display dotmatrix display, Analog
recorders, XY recorders. Instruments used in computer controlled instrumentation RS
232C and IEEE 488, GPIB electric interface.
Signal generator: Function generator, sweep frequency generator, Pulse and square
wave generator, Wave Analysers, Harmonic Distortion Analyser, Spectrum Analyser,
frequency counter. downloaded from dt 08072019

References Books:
1. John P. Bentley : Principles of measurement systems, Longman 1983
2. Johnson C.D: Process control instrumentation technology, 4/e, PHI, 1995
3. D.Patranabis : Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd.
New Delhi, 1999
4. Sheingold D. H.: Transducer interfacing hand book – a guide to analog signal

conditioning, analog devices Inc masschusetts, 1980.

5. Anderson N A : Instrumentation for process measurement and control :Chilton book
company 1980.
6. H. S. Kalsi: Electronics Instrumentation, TMH.
7. K. Sawhney: Instrumentation and Measurements, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
8. Helfric and Cooper: Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques;
Pearson. downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

Departmental Elective EE- 503 (C) Electrical Engg. Material

Conducting Material: Classification and main properties, High resistivity alloy:
ConstantMangann,Nichrome, Electrochemical, properties of copper, Aluminum, steel
tungsten, Molybdenum,Platinum, Tantalum, Niobium, Mercurry, Nickel, Titanum, Carbon,
Lead, thermal, Bitmetals,thermocouple,materials, specific resistance, conductance, variation
of resistance with temperature, super conductors.

Semi-Conductor Materials: General conception, variation of electrical conductivity,
Elementshaving semiconductor properties, general application, hall effect, energy levels,
conduction insemiconductors, Intrinsic conduction, impurity conduction, P and N type
impurities, electrical change,Neutrality, Drift, Mobility current flow in semiconductors P-N
junction formation by alloying, Elasing(forward and reverse) of P-n junction, Reverse
separation current, Zener effect, Junction,capacitance, hall defects and hall coefficient.

Magnetic Materials: Details of magnetic materials, reduction between B.H. and , soft and
hardmagnetic materials. Di-magnetic, Para magnetic and Ferromagnetic materials, electrical
sheet steel,cast iron. Permanent magnetic materials. Dynamic and static hysteresis loop.
Hysteresis loss, eddycurrent loss, Magnetisation, magnetic susceptibility, coercive force, core
temperature, rectangularhysteresis loop, Magnet rest square loop core materials, iron silicon,
Iron alloys

Insulating Materials: General electrical mechanical and chemical properties of
insulatingmaterial, Electrical characteristics volume and surface resistivity complex
permitivity loss, anddielectric loss, equivalent circuits of an imperfect dielectric polarization
and polarizability classification of dielectric.

Mechanical Properties: Classification insulating materials on the basis of temperature rise.
Generalproperties of transformer oil, commonly used varnishes, solidifying insulating
materials, resins,bituminous waxes, drying oils, Fibrous insulating materials, wood, paper and
cardboard, insulatingtextiles, varnished adhesive tapes, inorganic fibrous material and other
insulating materials, such asmica, ceramic, bakelite, ebonite, glass, PVC, rubber, other plastic
molded materials. downloaded from dt 08072019

1. TTTI Madras; Electrical Engineering Materials; TMH.
2. Electrical Engineering Material s & Devices; John Allison ;TMH
3. Materials for Electrical Engineering: B.M. Tareev
4. Anderson; Di-Electrics :
5. Kortisky; Electrical Engineering Materials:
6. Indulkar and S. Thruvengadem; Electrical Engineering Materials; S. Chand
7. Dekkor AK; Electrical Engineering Materials; PHI downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

Open Elective EE- 504 (A) Industrial Electronics

Power supply, rectifiers (half wave, full wave), performance parameters of power supplies,
filters (capacitor,inductor, inductor-capacitor, pi filter), bleeder resistor, voltage multipliers
.Regulated power supplies (series and shunt voltage regulators, fixed and adjustable voltage
regulators,current regulator), switched regulator (SMPS), comparison of linear and switched
power supply, switchmode converter (flyback, buck, boost, buk-boost, cuk converters).

Silicon controlled rectifies (SCR), constructional features, principle of operation, SCR
terminology, turn-onmethods, turn-off methods, triggering methods of SCR circuits, types of
commutation, comparison ofthyristors and transistors, thermal characteristics of SCR, causes
of damage to SCR, SCR overvoltageprotection circuit, Line commutated converters (half
wave rectifier withinductive and resistive load, single phase and three phase full wave
Other members of SCR familyTriacs, Diacs, Quadracs, recovery characteristics, fast recovery
diodes, power diodes, power transistor,power MOSFET, Insulated gate bipolar transistor
(IGBT), loss of power in semiconductor devices,comparison between power MOSFET,
power transistor and power IGBT.

Applications of OP-AMPBasics of OP-AMP, relaxation oscillator, window comparator, Op-
comp as rectangular to triangular pulseconverter and vice- versa, Wien bridge oscillator,
function generator, frequency response of OP-AMP,simplified circuit diagram of OP-AMP,
power supplies using OP-AMP, filters (low-pass, high pass) using OP-AMP

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)Functions, applications, advantages and disadvantages
of PLC over conventional relay controllers,comparison of PLC with process control computer
system, factors to be considered in selecting PLC,functional block diagram of PLC,
microprocessor in PLC, memory, input and output modules (interfacecards), sequence of
operations in a PLC, status of PLC, event driven device, ladder logic language, simpleprocess
control applications of PLC, Programming examples.. downloaded from dt 08072019

1. Bishwanath Paul: Industrial Electronics and control, PHI Learning.
2. Rashid: Power Electronics- Circuits, devices and applications, Pearson Education.
3. Singh and Khanchandani: Power Electronics, TMH
4. Bhimbra: Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers.
5. Moorthi: Power Electronics, Oxford University Press.
6. Webb: Programmable Logic Controllers- Principles and Applications, PHI Learning. downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

Open Elective EE- 504 (B) Signal and system

This course introduces students about the signals and systems mathematically and
understands how to perform mathematical operations on them.
Classification of signals and systems: Continuous time signals (CT signals), Discrete time
signals (DT signals) - Step, ramp, pulse, impulse, sinusoidal and exponential signals, basic
operations on signals, classifications of CT and DT signals- Periodic and aperiodic signals,
energy and power signals, random signals, CT systems and DT systems, basic properties of
systems, basic properties of systems, linear time invariant systems and properties.
Analysis of continuous time signals: Time and frequency domain analysis, Fourier series
analysis, spectrum of CT signals, Fourier transform and Laplace transform, region of
convergence, wavelet transform.
Linear time invariant continuous time systems: Differential equations representation,
block diagram representation, state variable representation and matrix representation of
systems, impulse response, step response, frequency response, relizability of systems, analog
Analysis of discrete time signals: Convolution sum and properties, sampling of CT signals
and aliasing, DTFT and properties, Z transform and properties, inverse Z transform.
Linear time invariant discrete time systems: Difference equations, block diagram
representation, impulse response, analysis of DT LTI systems using DTFT and Z transform,
state variable equations and matrix representation of systems, Digital filters.
Student after successful completion of course must possess an Understanding of various
signals and systems properties and be able to identify whether a given system exhibits these
properties and its implication for practical systems.

Evaluation will be continuous an integral part of the class as well through external

1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S Hamid Nawab, ‘Signals and Systems’, 2nd edition
2015 Pearson New International Edition
2. A. Anand Kumar, Signals and Systems, PHI, III edition, 2015
3. Mahmood Nahvi, Signals and Systems, McGraw Hill
4. Simon Haykins and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley India downloaded from dt 08072019

5. A. Nagoor Kani; ‘Signals and Systems’ McGraw Hill
6. Robert A. Gabel and Richard A.Roberts, Signals & Linear Systems, Wiley.
7. Rodger E. Ziemer, William H. Tranter, D. Ronald Fannin. Signals & systems, Pearson
Education. downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

Open Elective EE- 504 (C) Digital Control System

Introduction to Discrete Time Control System Basic building blocks of Discrete time Control
system, Sampling Theorem, Z transform and Inverse Z transform for applications for solving
differential equations, Mapping between the S-plane and the Z plane, Impulse sampling and
Data Hold.
Pulse Transfer Function and Digital PID Controllers The pulse transfer function, pulse
transfer function of Closed Loop systems, Pulse transfer function of Digital PID controller,
Velocity & Position forms of Digital PID Controller, Realization of Digital Controllers,
Deadbeat response and ringing of poles
Design of Discrete Time Control System by conventional methods Stability analysis in Z-
plane, Jury stability criterion, bilinear transformations, Design based on the root locus
method, Digital Controller Design using Analytical Design Method.
State Space Analysis of Discrete Time Control System State space representation of discrete
time systems, Solution of discrete time state space equations, Pulse transfer function matrix,
Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors and Matrix Diagonalization, Discretization of continuous time
state space equations, Similarity transformations.
Pole Placement and Observer Design Concept of Controllability and Observability, Useful
transformations in state space analysis and design, Stability improvement by state feedback,
Design via pole placement, State observers. Optimal Control Quadratic Optimal Control and
Quadratic performance index, Optimal state regulator through the matrix riccati equations,
Steady State Quadratic Optimal Control.
Reference Books:
1. Discrete Time Control systems by K. Ogata, Prentice Hall, Second Edition.
2. Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M. Gopal, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B. C. Kuo, Digital Control Systems, Oxford University Press, 2/e, Indian Edition downloaded from dt 08072019

4. Digital control of Dynamic Systems by G.F.Franklin, J.David Powell, Michael Workman
3rd Edition, Addison Wesley .
5. Digital Control Engineering by M. Gopal, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
6. Digital Control by Kannan Moudgalya, John Wiley and Sons.
7. Digital Control Systems by Contantine H. Houpis and Gary B. Lamont, Second Edition,
McGraw-Hill International. downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester

EE505 Electrical Machine-II (LAB)

1. To plot magnetisation characteristic of a separately excited DC generator

2. To perform load test on DC generators.
3. To perform load test on DC series and shunt motor
4. To perform Swinburn’s test on a DC machine and find out its efficiency under full
load condition.
5. To conduct Hopkinson’s test on a pair of DC shunt machine.
6. To perform OCC and SCC test on an alternator and determine its regulation.
7. To determine regulation of alternator using mmf and zpf methods.
8. To synchronise alternator with infinite bus bar.
9. To plot V and inverted V curves for a synchronous motor
10. To find Xdand Xqof salient pole synchronous machine by slip test.
11. To Determine negative sequence and zero sequence reactance of an alternator.
12. To determine subtransient direct axis and quadrature axis synchronous reactances of
salient pole machine. downloaded from dt 08072019


New Scheme Based On AICTE Flexible Curricula

Electrical Engineering, V-Semester


Basic simulation Mechanism and Simulation Tools, Starting and Ending MATLAB,
MATLAB Desktop, Help Browser, Types of Files, Command Input Assistance, Operators
and Special Characters, Variables and Arrays, Handling Arrays, Useful Built-in Functions,
Control Structures, Input/Output Commands, File Handling
Introduction to Plotting
The plot command, Formatting and Labeling a Plot, Multiple Plots, Adding Legend, Sub
Plots, Plotting Complex Data, 2-D and 3-D Plots, Plotting a Function, Plot Editor, Interactive
Plotting using Plotting Tool
Programming in MATLAB
MATLAB Editor, MATLAB Programming, Debugging MATLAB Programs, MATLAB
Debugger, Functions and Function Files, Differential Equation Solver, Symbolic Mathematics,
Programming Examples
Basic Electrical and Networks Applications
Analysis of Electrical Networks – Experiments based on Solution of Series-Parallel Circuits,
Solution of system with linear equations - Experiments based on mesh and nodal analysis,
Experiments for Validation of Network Theorems, Solution of Network Problems.


1. “Modelling And Simulation Using Matlab- Simulink”,2011Dr Shailendra Jain, Willey

2. “MatlabProgramming”,Rudra prasad. downloaded from dt 08072019

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