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Subclass Supplement: Barbarian

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Subclass Supplement

elcome to the Subclass Supplement, a tool for
both DM's and players to expand their Barbarian
Dungeons & Dragons experience. Included
within are 12 character archetypes, one for Path of Temperance
each class in the Player's Handbook. These Barbarians who follow the Path of Temperance have learned
archetypes range from simply providing a core to control their anger, rather than letting it control them. They
path to classes which lacked one before, to master their berserk energy, weaving in and out of bursts of
giving much needed variety to those classes with only one or cold rage to destroy their enemies with furious precision.
two viable options, to simply adding more options to those
classes with already fleshed out choices. Channeled Temper
These archetypes are setting neutral, and ready to be You have learned how to harness your rage, and have much
immediately slotted into your existing campaign, whether it more control over when it begins and ends. Starting when
be published material or a homebrew adventure. Moreover, you choose this path at 3rd level, your willpower and self-
the subclasses presented within are designed to be as close control manifests itself as ki points, which you can spend for
in style and balance as those in the Player's Handbook. a number of effects:
Always check with your DM before using unpublished
material, however. You may spend 1 ki point in order to maintain your rage
No character concept survives first contact with the table, even if you have not attacked an enemy or taken damage
and the same is true of any new design. These archetypes since the last turn
have been playtested personally, but different groups have You may spend 2 ki points to go into a rage as a bonus
very different experiences. All feedback is welcome, whether action. This does not count against your normal rage limit
that be your experience with the power level of an archetype, When an enemy makes a successful attack on you, as a
how you feel about the design in general, or simply a cool reaction you may spend 1 ki point to go into rage (this
story about a game you played with one of these subclasses. consumes one of your rage uses as normal)
Please feel free to post on the page at or tweet When you take the Attack action, you may spend 1 ki
me @PhantasticJoe. point. If you do, add your rage bonus damage to each
Without further ado, let's get to the fun part! attack you make this round.
You start with 2 ki points at level 3, and gain an additional
Table of Contents ki point at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 16th level. Ki points
replenish on a short or long rest.

Subclass Supplement Purifying Rage

Your fury courses through your body, burning out any
Page impurities. At 6th level, going into a rage cures any one poison
Barbarian: Path of Temperance 1 or disease affecting you, and removes one level of exhaustion
Bard: College of Chronicles 1 Cold Truth
Cleric: Journey Domain 2 Beginning at 10th level, your tempered anger grants an icy
Druid: Circle of Communion 3 clarity, allowing you to see things as they truly are. While
raging, you have truesight out to 60ft, although you cannot
Fighter: Gladiator 3 see into the Ethereal Plane.
Monk: Way of the Inviolate 4
Final Strike
Paladin: Oath of Preservation 4 At 14th level, as an action while raging you may spend 1 ki
Ranger: Chirurgeon 5 point and score a critical hit with a melee strength weapon on
Rogue: Vanguard 5 an adjacent enemy. This ends your rage.

Sorcerer: Changeling 6
Warlock: The Collective 6
Wizard: School of Time 7 College of Chronicles
The College of Chronicles is in the business of legends. As a
member, it’s your job to go out there and find heroes,
monsters, apocalypses, and anything else that makes a good
story. If you can’t find any, some creative editing can turn any
event into something worth remembering.

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)
While they might seem foolish to outsiders, chasing or
creating wild tales instead of doing something of substance, Cleric
the Chroniclers know something that seems to have escaped
the rest of the world. Stories have the power to change things. Journey Domain
The tales that folk tell themselves and each other shape Gods of the Journey Domain — such as Hermes, Janus,
reality, and if you can channel that power, you can pull off just Akadi, Fharlangn, Khonsu, and Neptune— are patrons of
about anything. travelers, lords of the crossroads, and queens of the ocean
and sky. They bless and protect those who wander the world.
Talespinner Clerics of these gods range from explorers who brave the
Beginning at 3rd level, you can create powerful and inspiring unknown for knowledge and glory, to sailors and guards who
legends out of real acts of bravery. When you take a long rest, honor the divine by aiding on others on their journeys, to
you can write down a legend of a creature into a book or mendicant healers and judges, trusting their gods to bring
scroll you create or acquire for this purpose, to a maximum them where they are needed.
number of ½ your Bard level, rounded up. You can remove
any number of written legends whenever you take a long rest. Journey Domain Spells
Creatures with written legends are considered legendary Cleric Level Spells
Legendary creatures have advantage on Intimidation and 1st expeditious retreat, longstrider
Persuasion checks made against creatures that know the
legend. You can relate a legend over the course of one minute. 3rd find steed, pass without trace
When you grant Bardic Inspiration to a legendary creature, 5th fly, haste
you can inspire them beyond normal limits with tales of their
7th dimension door, freedom of movement
own great deeds. You grant them two dice instead of one, and
when they choose to use bardic inspiration, they roll both and 9th passwall, teleportation circle
take the higher result.
In addition, a written legend may be used as a substitute Traveler’s Blessing:
for a body part for resurrection magic. Your god smiles upon and protects those who walk the roads.
Starting at 1st level, movement builds up charges of Blessing,
Bonus Proficiencies 1 for each 30 feet traveled by any means. Distance traveled by
When you join the College of Chronicles at 3rd level, you gain teleportation counts for double (i.e. 1 charge per 15 feet
proficiency in History, Religion, and Arcana traveled). You may have any number of charges at once, but at
the end of each round your charges are capped at your
Re-record Wisdom modifier, with any number above that being lost.
The duty of a historian is to record the world, but oftentimes You can do the following with charges of Blessing:
what is recorded is not what actually transpired. Beginning at
6th level, when you take a long rest, you may rewrite an event When you land a hit, you may spend any number of
you witnessed that lasted no more than 10 minutes and charges. Add +1 to damage for each charge you spend
which took place in the last 24 hours as a legend. When you As a bonus action, you may spend any number of charges.
do, all creatures that witnessed the event must make a Gain 1 temporary hit point for each charge spent
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, and on a
failure their memory of the event is altered to follow your
Channel Divinity:
Beginning at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to
legend instead. However, for the legend to have power it must
to swap places with another being. As an action, you choose a
be truly believed, and so your memory of the event is always
creature or object within 60 feet, and teleport to their location
as they simultaneously teleport to yours. If the creature is
If an alteration of an event is extreme, the DM may decide
unwilling, they make a Wisdom saving throw against your
that certain characters have advantage on their saving throw,
spell save DC. On a successful saving throw, the swap does
or that they may automatically succeed if the legend is non-
not take place
If the legend is ever removed, the memories return to
At 6th level, whenever you cast a spell targeting only yourself,
you may also target one willing creature within 60 feet.
At 14th level, you can wrap creatures in the bonds of word
and story, binding them into your book. You may spend one
Improved Blessing:
At 8th level, your bonuses from Traveler’s Blessing are
minute weaving a tale of subjugation and bondage, directed
increased. Whenever you make an attack roll, you may spend
at a creature within 30ft. At the end of the minute, the
3 or 6 charges of blessing. If you spend 3, the attack roll has
creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. If it is conscious it
advantage. If you spend 6, the attack roll automatically hits.
makes the save with advantage. On a failure, the creature is
bound into the pages of your book as a legend. You can
release the creature by relating its legend, which takes one
Perpetual Motion:
Starting at 17th level, whenever you move you may instead
minute. Once you have bound a creature in such a way you
choose to teleport the same distance instead.
must complete a long rest before you can do so again.

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)
Trading Places
Druid At 10th level, when you successfully possess a creature, you
Circle of Communion may choose to shunt its consciousness into your own body,
rather than simply suppressing it. It follows the same rules
Druids of the Circle of Communion shift between bodies, you do with regards to stat usage and control of features. If
watching intruders in their domain from every pair of eyes. your body dies while another creature is possessing it, both
Less visible than the other circles, most of them have never you and it perish. If you trade places, your possession does
seen the face of their fellows, as each meeting of the Circle is not expire due to time, and can only end by your choice or if
conducted in a different host. To a member of the Circle of your host body dies.
Communion, all life is one.
Druids who follow Communion are often silent watchers of Undying
secret places, or protectors of hidden tribes of beasts. There At 14th level, If your body dies while you are possessing
are those who pursue their goals by more active means, another creature, you do not die. Instead, the possession
however. The subtlety and flexibility of the Unity of the Circle becomes permanent, and your host body becomes your
lends itself to information gathering or even sabotage, and permanent body.
such things are easily bartered in world where knowledge is
Vital unity
When you choose this Circle at 2nd level, you can channel the Gladiator
energy of change to instead project your consciousness into The archetypal Gladiator seeks to turn the chaos of combat
the body of another creature. You can use your Wild Shape to into a performance, a challenge in which greatness may be
attempt to assume control of any non-construct, non-undead ripped from the corpses of fallen foes. The roars of the crowd
creature with sufficiently low Intelligence, given by the table sustain them as they constantly seek greater foes and more
below. sublime victories.
Intelligence Limit Glorious Struggle
Druid Level Intelligence Beginning at 3rd level when you select this archetype,
2nd 2 whenever you kill a hostile creature, score a critical hit, or hit
a creature of size Huge or larger, you earn glory, which lasts
9th 3
10 minutes. You can have at most glory equal to your fighter
12th 4 level. When you have maximum glory, earning additional
15th 5 glory instead extends the duration by 1 minute.
glory has the following effects:
18th 6
Whenever you gain glory, you gain temporary hit points
As an action, you may choose a creature within 60 feet to equal to the number of glory you have. For example, the
possess. If the creature has low enough Intelligence, you use 1st glory gives 1 hit point, the second gives 2 hit points,
your Wild Shape and force the target to make an Charisma the third gives 3, and so on.
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, or if the At 3 glory, you have advantage on all attacks made against
creature is willing, you assume control of their body. creatures larger than you.
The rules of Wild Shape apply to the statistics and abilities
of possessed creatures, save that your equipment remains on
Playing to the Crowd
Starting at 7th level, when you have at least 1 glory, you are
your original body, and you retain the ability to cast spells as
considered proficient in Persuasion and Intimidation if you
long as the creature you are possessing (the host) has the
are not already proficient. At 5 glory, you also have advantage
requisite physical attributes (i.e. ability to speak, limbs
on Persuasion and Intimidation checks
flexible enough to create Somatic components, etc.)
In addition, while possessing a host your own body is
unconscious and immobilized. If your host dies while you are
Champion's Revelry
At 10th level, if you would earn glory and no allies are within
possessing it, you return to your body. If your body dies while
60 feet of you, earn 2 glory instead. At 5 glory, you may add
you are possessing another creature, you die. If your normal
your Charisma modifier to your damage rolls (minimum of
Wild Shape hours elapse, you return to your body. You can
additionally return to your body as an action.

Latent Susceptability Nonstop Action

At 15th level, the first time each long rest you reach 10, 20, or
Beginning at 6th level, you may add your Wisdom modifier to
30 glory, you immediately Action Surge. This does not count
your Intelligence Limit when trying to possess an
against your normal limit of Action Surges.
unconscious creature . In addition, a creature who you are
physically touching has disadvantage on its saving throw.
Edge of Glory
Starting at 18th level, when you have maximum Glory, every
hit you score is a critical hit. These critical hits do not earn

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)
Monk Oath of Preservation
Way of the Inviolate The Oath of Preservation is a sacred trust, an agreement to
The Way of the Inviolate teaches that control over the self is serve and protect another even unto death. The Oath is
all. Monks who follow this path channel their ki to warp sometimes sworn to a single person, in response to a life debt
reality according to their will. Their will power is indomitable or other personal obligation, but more often the paladin
to the point that they can deny the action of reality on their swears to protect a group, or simply to pursue the
bodies. A true master of the Way could step into the center of safekeeping of others as a way of life.
a volcano and emerge unharmed.
Tenets of Preservation
Asceticism The tenets of preservation are highly personal, each specific
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain to the group or person being protected. However, the core of
the ability to make vows, which limit both yourself and your the Oath is always the same.
opponents. You may spend 1 ki point as an action to adopt a Their Life before Mine: My life is less important than
vow. When you do so, you must choose a target within 60 those I protect. I will give it up without hesitation for them.
feet, who makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving Preservation before Harm: When given the choice
throw the vow takes hold. Once a vow has been successfully whether or not to harm another, I will choose preservation.
made, it can only be broken by you. You have access to the When there is no choice, or when I must cause harm to
following vows: protect those I care about, I will be implacable and
Vow of Silence: You vow not to utter a sound, and your Safety before Obedience: When it comes to protecting
target becomes mute those I am sworn to, their wishes matter nothing compared
Vow of Blindness: You shut your eyes against the evils of to their safety. If I must pick up my charge bodily and drag
the world, and your target becomes blinded them out of a dangerous situation I will do so.
Vow of Stillness: You resolve not to move, and your Vigilance before Rest: I will keep my watch constantly,
target’s movement speed is reduced to 0 and I will never stand down while there is danger in this
Vow of Pacifism: You choose not to attack your target, world.
and your target cannot attack you (you can both still attack
other creatures) Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin level listed
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to avoid harmful Oath of Preservation Spells
effects to your body, using sheer force of will to deny their Paladin Level Spells
ability to harm you. You may spend 1 ki point to make a
3rd compelled duel, healing word
Wisdom saving throw instead of any other type of saving
throw. 5th warding bond, aid
9th magic circle, glyph of warding
At 11th level, you can forbid other creatures from an area 13th death ward, otiluke's resilient sphere
around you. You may spend 1 ki point as an action to create a 17th wall of force, greater restoration
barrier in a 10 feet radius around you. Any creature who
begins their turn inside the barrier, or attempts to enter it by Channel Divinity
any means must make a Wisdom saving throw or be pushed When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
to the edge of the barrier. Any creature that is inside the two Channel Divinity options.
barrier when it is created makes an immediate saving throw Interpose. As a reaction, you create a connection between
at disadvantage. yourself and an allied creature within 30 feet. While this
This barrier lasts until the end of your next turn, at which connection persists, any damage that would be dealt to them
point you may choose to renew it or end it. If you choose to is dealt to you instead. (Any other effects, such as poison,
renew it, you must spend ki points equal to the number of restraint, fear, etc. are not transferred). This connection ends
rounds the barrier has been up (i.e. after the initial round, after 1 minute, or when hit points equal to five times your
renewing it takes 2 ki points, then 3, then 4, etc), in which Paladin level have been transferred.
case the barrier is renewed until the end of your next turn. Stand Aside As an action, you present your holy symbol
and speak a prayer of censure and resolve. All enemy
Unyielding creatures within 30 feet that can hear you must make a
At 17th level, you gain the ability to reject all forms of harm. Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they have
As an action, you may spend 5 ki points to become immune disadvantage on all attack rolls made against all other allied
to all types of damage for a number of rounds equal to your creatures for the next 1d4 rounds.
Wisdom modifier. Once you use this ability, you must
complete a long rest before using it again.

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)
Invigorate Decipher
At 7th level, blood shed in service of your oath grants you Starting at 7th level, your research becomes more precise,
newfound strength. At the beginning of your turn, you may granting you a deeper understanding of your prey. Whenever
regain one expended spell slot of level less than the damage you research a creature, you can infer its pattern of behavior
you have taken in the past round divided by 10. and any unusual physiology. You learn all non-magical traits
and special attacks the creature possesses. In addition, you
Spirited Defense have advantage on all Nature and Survival checks made with
Starting at 15th level, whenever an adjacent ally is attacked, regards to researched creatures.
you may use your reaction to make an attack of opportunity
against the attacker. In addition, whenever you use your Discern
Channel Divinity to Interpose and prevent damage that would In your research, you’ve begun to notice certain signs which
have taken an ally to 0 hit points, your Channel Divinity herald the use of special abilities. This lets you react quickly
immediately recharges. to special physical abilities of monsters, bracing yourself
physically or mentally or simply having an extra second to get
Avatar of Preservation away. Starting at 11th level, you have advantage on Wis, Str,
At 20th level, you take on the appearance of a spiritual avatar. and Dex saves made against non-magical abilities originating
Your eyes glow pure white, and you give off ghostly from a researched monster. For example, a red dragon’s
afterimages of yourself as you walk. Whenever an ally within breath is non-magical and creates a visual cue, perhaps a
60 feet of you would take damage, you may choose to have fiery glow around the neck or chest. In contrast, a lich casting
one of your ghosts appear in front of your ally, blocking the fireball is magical, and provides no such cues.
attack and redirecting the damage to you.
In addition, when you spend your Channel Divinity to Decimate
Interpose, you may teleport to your target and use your Beginning at 15th level, your called shots against researched
Spirited Defense. creatures are made with advantage.

Ranger Rogue
Chirurgeon Vanguard
The Chirurgeon archetype is defined by knowledge. Those Your training is focused on working as part of a group, using
who seek to follow this path must constantly be learning, your skills to create openings for your allies. You’re also a
ripping apart the corpses of their friends and foes seeking capable tactician, setting up timed strikes to cut down your
every advantage they can glean from the blood and gore. foes. Those who follow this path are often scouts in military
Once that knowledge is in hand, it is put to brutal and precise units, troubleshooters in groups of thieves, or companions
use, crippling foes with cold efficiency and avoiding and silent bodyguards to powerful noblemen and mages.
counterattacks before they even occur. A Chirurgeon may
lose the first fight, but they will not lose the second. Opportunity Strikes
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype,
Dismember whenever you hit an enemy you create an opening . You may
Starting when you select this archetype at 3rd level, you can choose one ally that can hear you, who can then use their
spend a bonus action to make any attacks you make this reaction to take an attack of opportunity against the enemy.
round into a called shot, targeting some specific point of a
creature’s anatomy. If the called shot deals more than 1/10 of Coordinate
the creature’s maximum health, the point is damaged, having At 9th level, you and your allies can set up battle plans and
some effect determined by the DM. tactics on the fly. At the beginning of combat after initiative is
A damaged part can have any number of effects, from rolled, you can choose to trade initiative scores with an ally of
crippling wings to stop a creature from flying, to shooting out your choice. In addition you can use the bonus action granted
an umber hulk’s hypnotic eyes, to slicing the vocal cords out by your cunning action to move an ally to your initiative for
of a banshee. Note that a called shot doesn’t add damage even the rest of combat. If you do, the ally may act immediately.
when vital areas are targeted, as all attacks are made with the
intent to kill. Flanking
Beginning at 13th level, you can work in tandem with your
Dissect allies, timing your attacks. You have advantage on melee
Also at 3rd level, you can spend ten minutes with a freshly attacks against enemies as long as there is an ally within 5
dead corpse in an attempt to research it. You make a Nature feet of the enemy.
check against DC 10+CR (round down), and on a success the
creature is researched. Whether the check succeeds or fails, Tactical Synergy
the corpse is destroyed. At 17th level, whenever you take the Attack action on your
You may add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of turn, you may make an additional attack for each ally on the
called shots made against researched creatures. same initiative as you.

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)
Sorcerer Warlock
Changeling The Collective
Your innate magic comes from the faerie blood that runs Your Patron is a creature of dominion and control, a being of
through your veins. Switched at a young age with a normal pure order and purpose which it imposes on the world via a
child, you are a changeling, a creature of the fae left in the hierarchy of servants and minions. Such a creature’s motives
Material plane for reasons ranging from the truly malicious to are inscrutable, as the cogs in a machine do not know the
the simply capricious. Some changelings know of their purpose towards which they work. Generally, Collectives seek
nature, or learn of it at a young age, while others go their to create order from chaos, whether or not that order is
entire lives not understanding their strange aptitude towards comprehensible to mortal minds. The most well known of
faerie magic. these is Primus, leader of the Modrons, although there exist
It is also possible for the other child, the human brought others who operate on a less visible scale.
into the realms of faerie to develop changeling magic,
although this is less common. Expanded Spell List
The Collective Let's you choose from an expanded list of
Changeling Cloak spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells
Starting at 1st level, whenever you take a long rest you may are added to the warlock spell list for you.
cast disguise self without expending a spell slot. When you do
this, the duration of the spell is extended to 24 hours. Collective Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
Displacement 1st command, shield
Also at 1st level, whenever you have the form of another
creature, whether through your Changeling Cloak or some 2nd aid, enlarge/reduce
other magic or mundane disguise, that creature has 3rd protection from energy, sending
disadvantage on all saving throws against effects originating 4th compulsion, fabricate
from you
5th planar binding, rary's telepathic bond
Natural Aptitude
Starting at 8th level, your faerie nature allows you to cast Hierarchy
spells at a rate beyond a normal mortal. Casting spells as a Your bonds to your patron allow you to create order out of
bonus action no longer prevents you from casting a non- your surroundings. When you take a long rest, you can
cantrip spell in the same round. designate a hierarchy, choosing one creature as your
superior and a number of creatures based on your level as
Shifter your subordinates. Position in this hierarchy determines the
Your changeling tendencies have grown more powerful. At function of the features granted by your patron. Once a
14th level, you learn polymorph if you do not already know it. hierarchy has been created, it is difficult to change, requiring
You can cast polymorph targeting yourself, transforming only seven straight days of meditation. Adding new subordinates
into any humanoid or fey you have seen of CR less than or to the hierarchy can be done during a long rest.
equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level rounded down. Once you cast
polymorph in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a Subordinate Table
short or long rest, although you may still cast it normally Warlock Level Number of Subordinates
using an available spell slot 1st 1
8th 2
Beginning at 18th level, your natural transformative magic 14th 4
has reached its peak. When you use your Changeling Cloak, 20th unlimited
you may shapechange instead of using disguise self. If you do,
you may not change your shapechanged form until you use
Changeling Cloak again during a long rest. All are One
Magically speaking, all subordinates are simply a part of their
superior. Whenever a spell, whether friendly or hostile,
targets a creature in the hierarchy, any effects caused by the
spell except damage are also applied to all creatuers
subordinate to the initial target. If the spell requires a save,
each creature affected by it makes a separate save.

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)
At 6th level, whenever you are hit with an attack or spell, you
Outside Assets can use your reaction to postpone the impact of that damage.
You’ve grown accustomed to using the power of others.
Instead of taking damage, it is delayed for a number of
Starting at 6th level, you can borrow prepared spells from
rounds up to your Intelligence modifier. At the end of the
your allies. As an action, you choose a spell that has been
delay, you take all delayed damage. You can only have one
prepared or is known by a willing creature within 60 feet and
instance of damage postponed at a time.
add it to your list of known spells. This effect lasts until you
take a short or long rest, and while it persists the borrowed
spell is removed from the target's list of prepared or known
Deja Vu
As an action, starting at 10th level you may force a creature
spells. After using this ability, you must finish a short or long
within 60 feet into a brief time loop. During their next turn,
rest before you do so again, unless the spell was borrowed
they must take the exact same actions they took the previous
from a creature below you in the hierarchy, in which case it
round, targeting the same targets. If any dice rolls were made,
immediately recharges.
use the previous result instead of rolling again. If the action is
impossible (previous target is dead/out of range, no more
Contract Workers spell slots), the target goes through the motions of the action
At 10th level, you learn the geas spell. You can spend an hour
even if no result is produced. After using this ability, you must
to create a binding contract infused with a geas, which
complete a short or long rest before using it again.
imposes it on whoever signs the contract without expending a
spell slot. Once you have created a contract, you must finish a
long rest before you do so again. You can still cast geas
Reversal of Fortune
At 14th level, you have the ability to send a person backwards
normally using an available spell slot.
in their time stream. As an action, you choose a creature or
object within 60 feet. If the creature is unwilling, they make
One For All an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, or if the
Starting at 14th level, whenever a creature in the hierarchy
creature is willing, they are reset to the exact state they were
takes damage, they can use their reaction to spread the
in some amount of time ago, determined by rolling 1d100
damage equally (rounded up) among themselves and all their
and consulting the table below. This reversal includes
subordinates. Each creature in the hierarchy can use this
physical location, HP, spell slots, death, etc, but does not alter
ability a number of times equal to their Charisma modifier,
memories. After using this ability, you must complete a long
after which they must complete a long rest before being to
rest before using it again.
use it again.
Time Reversed
Wizard Roll Time
01-50 1 minute
School of Time
50-75 10 minutes
As an initiate of the School of Time, you can manipulate its
unrelenting flow to your advantage. You understand how to 75-90 1 hour
shift things around in the fabric of time, trapping foes in 90-99 1 day
unending loops, borrowing magic from your future self, and
00 Roll again and double the result*
even reaching backwards and bringing a previous version of
someone into the present. Members of this school make
extremely slippery and adaptable combatants, tacticians, or *if 00 is rolled a second time, the target is sent back 1 year.
even merchants, since no matter the situation, they always
manage to be in the right place at the right time. Copyright
Time Out of Mind DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, your Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other
expert skills allow you to affect when you have your magical Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
power. logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
Then is Now. Time warps to your will, bringing your other countries.
power from the future into the present, although the transfer This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
isn’t perfect and some energy is lost into the void of time. You the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
can use Arcane Recovery as an action. If you use it this way, permission under the Community Content Agreement for
you regain no spell slots the next time you complete a long Dungeon Masters Guild.
rest. Once you have used this ability, you must take a long All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by
rest until you can use it again. You can still use Arcane Leo Goldstein and published under the Community Content
Recovery as normal. Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Now and Later. You can store some magical energy for Formatting courtesy of The Homebrewery at
future use. When you take a short rest, you may expend spell!
slots with total level equal to half your wizard level (rounded
down). If you do, the next time you take a long rest, add all
expended spell slots to your available spell slots, even if this
exceeds your normal maximum

Alican Ozturk (Order #10508766)

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