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Thom couldn’t believe his luck. Last night he

stole the Ajaneus ruby, and tonight a gorgeous
woman had come to his room. He didn’t care
what she charged. She looked like she’d be
worth it, even with those furry legs. The horns
were actually kind of cute. She sat so close that
she was practically in his lap, and the low-cut
bodice gave him a spectacular view. “So, what
do you want to do tonight?” Thom asked with a
gap-toothed leer.
The woman leaned close to Thom’s ear and
whispered, “Damage.” Her hand drifted to his
crotch… and then Thom heard the sound of a
spring-loaded blade and felt the kiss of steel
between his legs. She pulled her bodice a little
lower, and Thom gulped when he saw the mark
of the assassin’s guild on her breast.

Fauns have a reputation as decadent creatures who

enjoy food, drink and... companionship... but they
actually seek art and knowledge more than they
seek pleasure. Fauns prefer trickery over brute force;
they do value physical prowess, just not on the
battlefield. Fauns are lovers and scholars, and they
have equal appreciation for fine wine or a good book.

Hands and Hooves

A faun is human from the waist up except for a pair
of curling horns or branching antlers on her head. A
faun has the legs and hindquarters of a deer or an
True-ish Love
antelope. Fauns have the same range of skin, hair A faun's love life consists of a series of torrid long-
and eye colors found in elves, and their ears are term affairs, brief flings, one-night stands or any
either pointed or deer-like. All fauns are female. combination thereof. Their idea of fidelity is to have
only one lover at a time. Children born of unions
with humans, elves, half-elves, or satyrs are of the
Wine and Song father's race if male, while girl children are always
Fauns love strong drink. They like nothing better fauns. Matings with other races are never fruitful. A
than a good party with free-flowing ale and good boy child is given up to be raised by his father’s
music, but they also have a dark side. They can fall people. Fauns prefer that their sons be raised by
prey to deep depression or violent lust, especially their fathers, but this is not strictly necessary.
when drunk. Because of this most fauns partake of Fauns who leave their homes to travel among
alcohol only when they are among friends – but they other races are often scholars seeking knowledge.
really cut loose when in faun settlements. Many others are artisans who trade in high-quality
Faun culture is as musical as it is mercantile; in musical instruments or examples of the brewer’s art.
their villages some things can literally be bought for The race also produces many rogues and sorcerers,
a song. Faun-made musical instruments are always but fauns are best known as bards and entertainers.
beautiful and well-crafted. Nearly all fauns own at
least one instrument, and they put as much effort
into maintaining their instruments as a warrior puts
into caring for his weapons.
Darkvision. You are accustomed to the gloom
One for the Books beneath the forest canopy. You can see in dim light
Fauns go adventuring for one of two reasons (though within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
each has a multitude of variations); to seek new darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
knowledge and experiences, or to gain fortune and color in darkness, only shades of gray.
glory. Any faun worthy of the name will ensure that Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving
her adventures are immortalized in songs… even if throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put
she has to write them herself. you to sleep.
Heroic fauns avoid the worst excesses of their Head Butt. You are proficient with unarmed
kind, but they still love rowdy songs, full cups and a attacks with your horns, which do 1d4 + Strength
steady supply of lovers. In matters of the heart the modifier damage of a type appropriate to your
main difference between a faun and a satyr is that subrace.
the faun makes sure that all of her partners are Virtuoso. You are proficient with the musical
willing and that they know up front that the instrument of your choice.
arrangement is temporary. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and Sylvan.
Faun Names Subrace. The major difference between faun tribes
is whether their affinity is for forests or plains.
F aun names have a Hellenic (Greco-Roman) sound Choose one of these subraces.
and usually end in "a," "e" or "is." The "ch"
combination is pronounced like a "k," and the "ae"
combination sounds like a long "a." An "e" at the No Boys Allowed
end can sound like "ee" or "ay." As written, fauns are an all-female race. If you prefer it in
A faun usually includes her mother’s name when your campaign you can ignore the reproduction rules
introducing herself for the first time. A full formal above and treat fauns as a case of sexual dimorphism;
introduction will also include the name of her they are the females of a species of which satyrs are the
birthplace or hometown. male. Or you can simply allow male fauns – especially if
your campaign features female satyrs.
Faun Names: Alanthe, Brisatis, Chyra, Elpheda,
Galandre, Gaera, Herais, Ina, Irodane, Koranthe,
Lernis, Morathis, Nema, Pherene, Romache, Leafdancer
Senia, Tartelis, Urchaea, Vaelis, Yole
Leafdancers resemble the deer that roam the world’s
Full Names: Chyra, daughter of Koranthe; Pherene
forests; they have antlers rather than true horns.
born of Tartelis; Galandre Yoleschild of Waterdeep
They are the most creative of their kind and have a
natural gift for social skills.
Faun Traits While all fauns are flirts leafdancers literally treat
seduction as an art form. Their goal is not (usually)
Fauns are as varied as the many species of deer and
to break hearts but to create a good time. An
antelope, but there are a number of traits that they
encounter that doesn’t end in a tryst is still worth it
have in common.
if the banter is sufficiently entertaining.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
Your horns do piercing damage.
increases by 2.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Age. Fauns mature slightly faster than humans
increases by 1.
do; they are physically adult by age 16. They can live
to be about 500, and they retain their youthful Beguiling Melodies. You know the friends
cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the charm person
appearance and vigor well into their 400’s.
spell, and at 5th level you learn the calm emotions
Alignment. Following rules is rarely high on a
faun’s list of priorities; they lean heavily toward the spell. You can cast each of these spells once per day
gentler aspects of chaos. Their love of fun and frolic without material or verbal components if you play a
– and their insistence that fun times be fun for all musical instrument. Your spellcasting ability for
these spells is Charisma when casting this way.
involved – gives them a preference for good.
These spells do not count against your spells known
Size. Fauns are petite and slight of build. They
or use spell slots when cast in this way.
range in height from 4 to 5 feet and typically weigh
Doe Eyes. You have advantage on Deception and
90-120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Persuasion tests if the target is a humanoid who is
Speed. Fauns are quick on the hoof. Your base
walking speed is 35 feet. attracted to your gender.
Plainstrider College of the Vine Sage
The fauns of the grasslands have the horns of
antelopes. They live and travel in herds, and long
“Let me buy you a drink,” she said, “It’s the least I
periods living in close quarters make it impossible to
can do, seeing as it will be your last.”
avoid interpersonal friction. Plainstriders comprise
the majority of mean drunks among fauns.
For fauns wine and music aren't merely social
What plainstriders lack in creativity (relative to
lubricants; they are also sources of power. Vine
their leafdancer kin) they make up for in
Sages value wine and song for the power that they
combativeness. They are the warriors of faun-kind,
grant over others and for the magic that music and
but because of their small stature they tend toward
drink unleash from within themselves.
the “fight smarter, not harder” school of thought.
Fauns created this bardic college, and fauns and
Your horns do bludgeoning damage.
satyrs are its most common adherents.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Home on the Range. You have advantage on Bonus Proficiencies
Nature and Survival tests that pertain to grasslands. When you join this college at 3rd level you gain
Songs of Woe. You know the vicious mockery proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are already
cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the heroism spell, and proficient in that skill you may select another skill
at 5th level you learn the blindness/deafness spell. from the bard skill list. You also gain proficiency
You can cast each of these spells once per day with brewer’s supplies if you don’t already have it.
without material or verbal components if you play a
musical instrument. Your spellcasting ability for In Vino Veritas
these spells is Charisma when casting this way. Also at 3rd level you can hear the truth in a person’s
These spells do not count against your spells known words, especially if those words are slurred. You
or use spell slots when cast in this way. double your proficiency bonus for Insight checks to
tell if someone is lying. You have advantage on the
check if the person has consumed alcohol within the
last hour.

For Medicinal Purposes

At 6th level you can infuse healing magic into wine
and spirits. You may expend one of your uses of
Bardic Inspiration to cause a single drink to act as a
potion of healing. If the recipient of the drink has a
Bardic Inspiration die from you the beverage acts as
a potion of greater healing instead.

Haunting Melody
At 14th level you learn the hold person spell if you
don’t already know it. You can maintain the spell
without making concentration checks by using your
bonus action to play a musical instrument. The
target has disadvantage on saving throws against
the spell for as long as it can hear you playing. When
used this way the spell has no effect on a creature
that cannot hear the music.

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