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Frequently Used Medical Abbreviations

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A&E Accident and Emergency Accident and Emergency

AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
ABC Airway, breathing, circulation First aid
a.c Before food (ante cibum) Therapeutics
ACBS Advisory Committee on Therapeutics
Borderline Substances
ACE Angiotensin-converting Cardiology
ACP Augmented care period Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
ACTH Adrenocorticotrophic Endocrinology
ADH Antidiuretic hormone Endocrinology
ADHD Attention deficit Paediatrics
hyperactivity disorder
AE Atrial extrasystole Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
AE Air entry Respiratory medicine
AF Atrial fibrillation Cardiology
(or flutter)
AFP Alpha-fetoprotein Obstetrics
Ag Silver Therapeutics
AI Aortic incompetence Cardiology
AID Acquired immune deficiency General medicine
ALO Act/nomyces-like organisms Clinical chemistry
ALP Alkaline phosphatase Clinical chemistry
ALT Alanine aminotransferase Clinical chemistry
(formerly SGPT)
AML Acute myeloid leukaemia General medicine
AMP Adenosine monophosphate Biochemistry
ANA Antinuclear antibody Pathology
ANF Antinuclear factor Pathology
AOM Acute otitis media Otorhinolaryngology
ARC Aids-related complex General medicine
ARDS Adult respiratory General medicine
distress syndrome
ARF Acute renal failure General medicine
Art.line Arterial line for blood Anaesthesia
pressure monitoring
AS Aortic stenosis Cardiology
ASA status American Society of Anaesthesia
Anesthetists Code
for Fitness
ASD Atrio-septal defect Paediatrics
ASO Anti-streptolysin titre Pathology
AST Aspartate aminotransferase Clinical chemistry
(formerly SGOT)
ATP Adenosine triphosphate Biochemistry
Au Gold Therapeutics
Aur. Aurist (ear drops) Therapeutics
AV Auricular ventricular Cardiology
b B………………………………………………………………………………………
BBB Bundle branch block Cardiology
BCC Basal cell carcinoma Dermatology
BCCA Branched chain amino acids Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
b.d. Twice daily (bis diem) Therapeutics
BID Brought in dead Accident and Emergency
BMI Body Mass Index General medicine
BP Blood pressure General medicine
BP British Pharmacopoeia Therapeutics
BPAP Bilateral positive airway Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
BPH Benign prostatic hypertrophy Urology
BS Blood sugar General medicine
BSE Bovine spongiform Neurology
BSO Bilateral salpingo- Gynaecology

Ca Cancer General medicine
CABG Coronary artery bypass graft Cardiology
CAD Coronary artery disease Cardiology
CAPD Continuous ambulatory Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
peritoneal dialysis
CAPD Central auditory Otorhinolaryngology
processing disorder
Caps Capsules Therapeutics
CBT Cognitive behavioural Psychiatry therapy
CCF Congestive cardiac failure Cardiology
CD Controlled drug Therapeutics
CD4 T-cell count Pathology
CDH Congenital dislocation of hip Paediatrics
CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen Oncology
CF Cystic fibrosis Paediatrics
CF Cardiac failure Cardiology
CFM Cerebral function monitor Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
CHB Complete heart block Cardiology
CHD Coronary heart disease Cardiology
CHF Congestive heart failure Cardiology
CHO Carbohydrate General medicine
CIN Cervical intraepithelial Gynaecology neoplasia
CIO Corticosteroid induced Rheumatology osteoporosis
CJD Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease Neurology
CK Creatine kinase Pathology
cm Centimetre General
CMC Carpo-metacarpal Orthopaedics
CMC OA Carpo-metacarpal Orthopaedics
CMV Cytomegalovirus Pathology
CNS Central nervous system Neurology
CO2 Carbon dioxide Anaesthetics
COAD Chronic obstructive Respiratory medicine
airways disease
COC Combined oral contraceptive Endocrinology
COPD Chronic obstructive Respiratory medicine
pulmonary disease
CPAP Continuous positive Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
airway pressure
CPR Cardio-pulmonary Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
Cr. Cream Therapeutics
CRP C-reactive protein Clinical chemistry
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid Neurology
CSM Committee on Safety Therapeutics
of Medicines
CSOM Chronic suppurative Otorhinolaryngology
otitis media
CT Computed tomography Radiology
CTCP Computed tomographic Radiology
CTD Carpal tunnel Orthopaedics
CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome Orthopaedics
CVA Cerebral vascular accident Neurology
CVP Central venous pressure Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
CVS Cardiovascular system General medicine
Cx Cervix Gynaecology
CXR Chest X-ray General medicine

D&V Diarrhoea and vomiting General medicine
DH Drug history General medicine
DIC Disseminated intravascular Pathology
DLE Discoid lupus erythematosus General medicine
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid Clinical chemistry
DNR Do not resuscitate General medicine
DNS Deflected nasal septum Otorhinolaryngology
DTs Delirium tremens General
DU Duodenal ulcer General medicine
DVT Deep venous thrombosis General medicine
Dx Diagnosis General medicine

E/C Enteric coated Therapeutics
E/T tube Endotracheal tube Anaesthesia
EBV Epstein-Barr virus Pathology
ECG Electrocardiogram Cardiology
ECT Electroconvulsive therapy Psychiatry
EDRF Endothelium-derived Pathology
relaxing factor
EEG Electroencephalogram Neurology
EKG Electrocardiogram (USA) Cardiology
EMG Electromyogram Neurology
ENT Ear, nose and throat Otorhinolaryngology
ERCP Endoscopic retrograde Radiology
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Pathology
ET Eustachian tube Otorhinolaryngology
ET Endotracheal Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
EUA Examination under Surgery anaesthetic

FBC Full blood count Pathology
FBG Fasting blood glucose Endocrinology
FEV Forced expiratory volume Respiratory medicine
FFP Fresh frozen plasma Pathology
FGF Fresh gas flow Anaesthesia
FHR Foetal heart rate Obstetrics
FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone Endocrinology
FTI (or FThl) Free thyroxine index Clinical chemistry
FVC Forced vital capacity Respiratory medicine

G Gram Therapeutics
G6PD Glucose-6-phosphate General medicine
GA General anaesthetic Anaesthesia
GC Gonococcal General
GFR Glomerular filtration rate Urology
GGT Gamma-glutamyl Clinical chemistry
GH Growth hormone Endocrinology
GHD Growth hormone Endocrinology
GI Gastrointestinal General medicine
GPI General paralysis of the insane Neurology
GSF Granulocyte-stimulating Pathology
GTN Glyceryl trinitrate Therapeutics
GTT Glucose tolerance test Endocrinology
GU Gastric ulcer General medicine
Gutt. Guttae (eye drops) Therapeutics

HAV Hepatitis A virus General medicine
Hb Haemoglobin Pathology
HbA,c Glycosylated haemoglobin Endocrinology
HBcAg Hepatitis B core antigen Pathology
HBsAg Hepatitis B surface antigen Pathology
HBV Hepatitis B virus Pathology
HCG Human chorionic Endocrinology
HCV Hepatitis C virus Pathology
HDF Haemodiafiltration Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
HDL High-density lipoproteins Cardiology
HDLC High-density lipoprotein Clinical chemistry cholesterol
HF Heart failure Cardiology
HIB Haemophilus influenzae Pathology typeB
HIV Human immunodeficiency Pathology virus
HLA Human leucocyte antigen Rheumatolgy
HOCM Hypertrophic obstructive Cardiology cardiomyopathy
HONC Hyperosmolar non- Endocrinology
ketotic coma
HP Helicobacter pylori General medicine*
HPB Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
HPC History of present General medicine condition
HPI History of present illness General medicine
HPOA Hypertrophic pulmonary Cardiology osteoarthropathy
HR Heart rate Cardiology
HRT Hormone replacement Endocrinology therapy
HSV Herpes simplex virus Pathology
HUS Haemolytic uraemic syndrome General medicine
Hx History General medicine

IABP Intra-aortic balloon pump Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
IBS Irritable bowel syndrome General medicine
ICP Intracranial pressure Neurology
ICU Intensive care unit Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
ID Intradermal Nursing
IDDM Insulin-dependent Endocrinology
diabetes mellitus
Ig Immunoglobulin Pathology
IGF Insulin-like growth factor Endocrinology
IGFBP Insulin-like growth factor Endocrinology
binding protein
IGR Intra-uterine growth retardation Obstetrics
IHD Ischaemic heart disease Cardiology
IM Intramuscular Nursing
IMB Intermenstrual bleeding Gynaecology
IOP Intraocular pressure Ophthalmology
IP Interphalangeal Orthopaedics
IPPV Intermittent positive Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
pressure ventilation
ITP Idopathic thrombo- Pathology
cytopenic purpura
ITU Intensive care unit Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
IU/L International units Pathology
per litre
IUCD Intra-uterine Gynaecology
contraceptive device
IUD Intra-uterine device Gynaecology
IUD Intra-uterine death Obstetrics and Gynaecology
IV Intravenous Nursing
IVC Inferior vena cava General medicine
IVF In-vitro fertilisation Gynaecology
IVI Intravenous insertion Paediatrics
IVP Intravenous pyelogram Urology
IVRA Intravenous regional Anaesthesia anaesthesia
IVU Intravenous urogram Urology
JRA Juvenile rheumatoid Rheumatology arthritis
JVP Jugular venous pressure General medicine

K Menarche Gynaecology
K Potassium Pathology
KP Keratic precipitates Ophthalmology

L Left Surgery
L Litre Therapeutics
LA Left auricle Cardiology
LAD Left axis deviation Cardiology
Lap chole Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Surgery
LASER Light amplification by emission Surgery stimulated
of radiation
LASIK Laser in-situ keratomileusis Ophthalmology
LBBB Left bundle branch block Cardiology
LBP Low back pain Orthopaedics
LBW Low birth weight Paediatrics
LD Lethal dose Therapeutics
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase Clinical chemistry
LDL Low-density lipoprotein Cardiology
LDLC Low-density lipoprotein Clinical chemistry
LE Lupus erythematosus General medicine
LE Left eye Ophthalmology
LFT Liver function test General medicine
LH Luteinising hormone Endocrinology
Li Lithium Therapeutics
LIH Left inguinal hernia Surgery
LIIH Left indirect inguinal hernia Surgery
LMA Laryngeal mask airway Anaesthesia
LOA Left occipito anterior Obstetrics
LOP Left occipito posterior Obstetrics
Lot. Lotion Therapeutics
LP Lumbar puncture Neurology
LSCS Lower segment Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Caesarean section
IV Left ventricle Cardiology
LVEDP Left ventricle end Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
diastolic pressure
LVF Left ventricular failure Cardiology
LVH Left ventricular hypertrophy Cardiology

m M…………………………………………………………………………………
M/R Modified release Therapeutics
MAC Minimum alveolar Anaesthesia
MAOI Monoamine oxidase Psychiatry
MCA Medicines Control Agency Therapeutics
MCH Mean corpuscular Haematology
MCHC Mean corpuscular haemoglobin Haematology

PC Present condition General medicine
PCA Patient-controlled analgesia Anaesthesia
PCB Postcoital bleeding Gynaecology
Pco2 Partial pressure carbon dioxide Anaesthesia
PCP Pneumocystis carinii Pathology pneumonia
PD Pancreatic duct Radiology
PD Parkinson's disease Neurology
PE Pulmonary embolism General medicine
PEEP Positive end-expiratory pressure Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
Pess. Pessaries Therapeutics
PET Positron emission Radiology tomography
PET Pre-eclamptic toxaemia Obstetrics
PG Prostaglandin Therapeutics
PH Past history General medicine
PID Pelvic inflammatory disease Gynaecology
PID Prolapsed intervertebral disc Orthopaedics
PKU Phenylketonuria Paediatrics
PI Plantar reflex Neurology
PMH Past medical history General medicine
PMR Polymyalgia rheumatica Rheumatology
PMS Premenstrual syndrome Gynaecology
PMS Post-marketing Therapeutics surveillance
PMT Premenstrual tension Gynaecology
PND Paroxysmal nocturnal Cardiology dyspnoea
PND Postnasal drip Otorhinolaryngology
PNS Postnasal space Otorhinolaryngology
PNS Peripheral nervous Neurology system
PO2 Partial pressure of oxygen Anaesthesia
POM Prescription only Therapeutics medicine
POMR Problem orientated General medicine medical records
PPG Post-prandial glycaemia Endocrinology
PPH Postpartum haemorrhage Obstetrics
PR By rectum (per rectum - Therapeutics
medication or examination)
PR Pulse rate General medicine
PRCA Pure red cell aplasia General medicine
PRL Prolactin Endocrinology
p.rn. When required Therapeutics {pro re nata)
PSA Prostatic-specific antigen Urology
PTCA Percutaneous transluminal Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
coronary angioplasty
PTH Parathyroid hormone Endocrinology
PTSD Post-traumatic stress Psychiatry disorder
PUO Pyrexia of unknown origin Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
PUVA Psoralens + ultraviolet light A Dermatology
PV Vaginal examination Gynaecology (per vaginam)
PVD Peripheral vascular Cardiology disease
PVR Pulmonary vascular resistance Intensive/Coronary Care Unit

q.i.d. Four times daily Therapeutics
(quater in die)
R Right Surgery
Ra Radium Radiology
RA Right auricle Cardiology
RA Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatology
RAD Right axis deviation Cardiology
RAHA Rheumatoid arthritis Immunology
haemagglutination assay
RAST Radioallergosorbent test Pathology
RBBB Right bundle branch block Cardiology
RBC Red blood cell Pathology
RDS Respiratory distress syndrome Paediatrics
RE Right eye Ophthalmology
RF Renal failure Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
RF lesion Radiofrequency lesion Anaesthesia
RFT Renal function test Urology
RIH Right inguinal hernia Surgery
RIIH Right indirect inguinal hernia Surgery
Rn Radon General medicine
ROA Right occipito anterior Obstetrics
ROM Range of movement Orthopaedics
ROP Right occipito posterior Obstetrics
ROS Review of systems General medicine
RR Respiratory rate General medicine
RS Respiratory system Respiratory medicine
RSI Repetitive strain injury Orthopaedics
RSV Respiratory syncitial virus Pathology
R/T Radiotherapy Oncology
RTA Road traffic accident Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
RV Right ventricle Cardiology
Rx Treatment (recipe) Therapeutics

SA Sino-atrial Cardiology
SAD Seasonal affective disorder Psychiatry
SBE Subacute bacterial Cardiology endocarditis
SC Subcutaneous Nursing
S/C Sugar-coated Therapeutics
SCC Squamous cell carcinoma Dermatology
SDV Specific desensitising Immunology vaccine
SH Social history General medicine
SI Sexual intercourse Obstetrics
SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate Endocrinology
secretion of ADH
SIDS Sudden infant death Paediatrics syndrome
SIRS Systemic inflammatory Pathology response syndrome
SLE Systemic lupus General medicine erythematosus
SMR Submucous resection Otorhinolaryngology
SOB Shortness of breath General medicine
SSRI Selective serotonin Therapeutics
reuptake inhibitor
SST Short synacthen test Endocrinology
Stat. Immediately {statim) Therapeutics
STD Sexually transmitted disease Gynaecology
Supp. Suppositories Therapeutics
SV Spontaneous ventilation Anaesthesia
SVC Superior vena cava General medicine
SVR Systemic vascular resistance Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
SVT Supraventricular tachycardia Intensive/Coronary Care Unit

T Triceps Neurology
T3 Tri-iodothyronine Endocrinology
T4 Thyroxine Endocrinology
T2| Trizomyil Paediatrics
Tabs Tablets Therapeutics
TATT Tired all the time General medicine
TB Tuberculosis Respiratory medicine
TC Total cholesterol Clinical chemistry
TCP Thrombocytopenia General medicine
t.d.s. Three times daily Therapeutics
(ter die sumendum)
TENS Transcutaneous electrical Anaesthesia
nerve stimulation
TG Triglyceride Clinical chemistry
THR Total hip replacement Orthopaedics
TIA Transient ischaemic attack Neurology
t.i.d. Three times daily Therapeutics
(ter in die)
TIVA Total intravenous anaesthesia Anaesthesia
TKR Total knee replacement Orthopaedics
TLC Tender loving care Nursing
TM Tympanic membrane Otorhinolaryngology
TM Tempero-mandibular Orthopaedics
TMJ Tempero-mandibular joint Orthopaedics
TNF Tumour necrosis factor Oncology
TNT Trinitrotoluene Therapeutics
TOD Transoesophageal doppler Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
TOE Transoesophageal echo Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
TOP Termination of pregnancy Obstetrics
TPN Total parenteral nutrition Intensive/Coronary Care Unit
TRH Thyroid releasing hormone Endocrinology
Ts and As Tonsils and adenoids (removal) Otorhinolaryngology
TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone Endocrinology
TSR Total shoulder replacement Orthopaedics
TSV Tenosynovitis Orthopaedics
TURP Transurethral resection Urology
of prostate
U & Es Urea and electrolytes General medicine
UAC Umbilical artery catheter Paediatrics
UDT Undescended testes Paediatrics
Ung Unguentum (ointment) Therapeutics
URTI Upper respiratory tract illness General medicine
UTI Urinary tract infection Urology
UVC Umbilical vein catheter Paediatrics


vcv Valve controlled ventilation Intensive/Coronary Care Unit

VD Venereal disease Urology
VE Vaginal examination Gynaecology
VE Ventricular extras/stole Cardiology
VF Ventricular fibrillation Cardiology
VMA Vanillylmandelic acid Endocrinology
Vq Ventilation perfusion scan Radiology
VSD Ventriculo-septal defect Paediatrics
VT Ventricular tachycardia Intensive/Coronary Care Unit

WBC White blood! cell Pathology
W-P-W Wolff-Parkinson-White Cardiology

Zn Zinc Therapeutics

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