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Oxford Anesthesia 2022

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Rachel Freedman
Consultant Anaesthetist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS
Trust, London, UK

Lara Herbert
Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS
Trust, UK

Aidan O’Donnell
Consultant Anaesthetist, Waikato District Health Board,
Hamilton, NZ

Nicola Ross
Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS
Foundation Trust, UK

with advisory editors

Iain H Wilson
Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS
Foundation Trust, UK

Keith G Allman
Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS
Foundation Trust, UK


Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
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Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries
© Oxford University Press 2022; Chapter 15 © Tim Cook, Julius Cranshaw,
and Emira Kursumovic 2022
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted
First edition 2002
Second edition 2006
Third edition 2011
Fourth edition 2016
Fifth edition 2022
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021935486
ISBN 978–​0–​19–​885305–​3
DOI: 10.1093/​med/​9780198853053.001.0001
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Contributors ix
Abbreviations xiv

1 Good practice and safety 1

2 Preoperative considerations 21
3 Preoptimisation 47
4 At-​risk populations 69
5 Cardiovascular disease 101
6 Respiratory disease 163
7 Renal disease 191
8 Hepatic disease 201
9 Endocrine and metabolic disease 215
10 Bone, joint and connective tissue disorders 245
11 Haematology 253
12 Neurological and muscular disorders 291
13 Psychiatric disorders 327
14 Getting started 343
15 Airway assessment and management 361
16 Conduct of anaesthesia 405
17 Blood products and fluid therapy 449
18 Specific circumstances 471
19 Cardiac anaesthesia 507
20 Thoracic surgery 529
21 Neurosurgery 557
22 Vascular surgery 589
23 Orthopaedic surgery 611
24 Plastic and burns surgery 647
25 Gastrointestinal surgery 669
viii Contents

685 26 Bariatric surgery

695 27 Liver procedures
709 28 Endocrine surgery
723 29 Urological surgery
745 30 Gynaecological surgery
755 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery
783 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery
799 33 Ophthalmic surgery
817 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology
837 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia
899 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia
967 37 The major trauma patient
1033 38 The emergency patient
1051 39 Anaesthetic emergencies
1099 40 Regional anaesthesia
1151 41 Acute pain
1181 42 Drug formulary

   Index 1217


2D two-​dimensional APL adjustable pressure-​limiting
3D three-​dimensional APTT activated partial
5-​HT serotonin thromboplastin time
(5-​hydroxytryptamine) AR aortic regurgitation
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
AADR anaesthetic adverse drug ARDS acute respiratory distress
reaction syndrome
AAGA accidental awareness during AS aortic stenosis
general anaesthesia ASA American Society of
ABC airway, breathing, circulation Anesthesiologists
ABG arterial blood gas ASD atrial septal defect
AC alternating current ASIS anterior superior iliac spine
ACC American College of AST aspartate transaminase
Cardiology AT anaerobic threshold
ACE angiotensin-​converting enzyme ATLS® Advanced Trauma Life
ACF antecubital fossa Support®
ACT activated clotting time AV atrioventricular
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic A–​V arteriovenous
hormone AVM arteriovenous malformation
ADH antidiuretic hormone AVR aortic valve replacement
ADHD attention-​deficit hyperactivity AVSD atrioventricular septal defect
BCIS bone cement implantation
ADP adenosine diphosphate syndrome
AEC airway exchange catheter bd bis diem (twice daily)
AED automated external BiPAP bilevel positive airway pressure
BIS bispectral index
AF atrial fibrillation
BLS basic life support
AFE amniotic fluid embolism
BMI body mass index
AFOI awake fibreoptic intubation
BMS bare-​metal stent
AHI apnoea–​hypopnoea index
BNF British National Formulary
AIC Aintree intubation catheter
BNFc British National Formulary for
AIDS acquired immune deficiency Children
BNP brain natriuretic peptide
AKI acute kidney injury
BP blood pressure
ALF acute liver failure
bpm beats per minute
ALI acute lung injury
BURP backward, upward, and
ALP alkaline phosphatase rightward pressure
ALS advanced life support Ca2+ calcium ion
ALT alanine aminotransferase CABG coronary artery bypass grafting
a.m. ante meridiem (before noon) CAD coronary artery disease
AMI acute myocardial infarction CBF cerebral blood flow
AoA Association of Anaesthetists CC creatinine clearance
AP anteroposterior CCF congestive cardiac failure
APAGBI Association of Paediatric CEA carotid endarterectomy
Anaesthetists of Great Britain
and Ireland CF cystic fibrosis
Abbreviations xv

CFTR cystic fibrosis transmembrane CVS cardiovascular system

regulator CXR chest X-​ray
Ch Charrière (French) gauge (also d day
FG or Fr)
Da dalton
CHD congenital heart disease
DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy
CI confidence interval
DAS Difficult Airway Society
CICO can’t intubate/​can’t oxygenate
dB decibel
CK creatine kinase
DBD donation after brain death
CKD chronic kidney disease
DBS double-​burst stimulation
CLD chronic liver disease
DCD donation after
cm centimetre circulatory death
cmH2O centimetre of water DCR damage control resuscitation
CMV cytomegalovirus DCS damage control surgery
CNB central neuraxial block DES drug-​eluting stent
CNS central nervous system DHCA deep hypothermic
CO carbon monoxide; circulatory arrest
cardiac output DHS dynamic hip screw
CO2 carbon dioxide DIC disseminated intravascular
COHb carboxyhaemoglobin coagulation
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary dL decilitre
disease DLCO diffusing capacity of the lungs
COX cyclo-​oxygenase for carbon monoxide
CPAP continuous positive airway DLT double-​lumen
pressure (endobronchial) tube
CPB cardiopulmonary bypass DM diabetes mellitus
CPET cardiopulmonary exercise DMARD disease-​modifying
testing antirheumatic drug
CPP cerebral perfusion pressure DNAR Do Not Attempt Resuscitation
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation DVT deep vein thrombosis
CPSP chronic postsurgical pain EBM evidence-​based medicine
CRA continuous regional analgesia EBV estimated blood volume
CREST calcinosis, Raynaud’s, ECF extracellular fluid
oesophageal dysfunction, ECG electrocardiogram
sclerodactyly and telangiectasia
ECMO extracorporeal membrane
CRP C-​reactive protein oxygenation
CRPS complex regional pain ECT electroconvulsive therapy
ED emergency department
CRT cardiac resynchronisation
therapy EEG electroencephalogram
CS Caesarean section EF ejection fraction
CSE combined spinal/​epidural eFAST extended focused assessment
with sonography for trauma
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
eFONA emergency front of
CSHT context-​sensitive half-​time neck access
C-​spine cervical spine eGFR estimated glomerular
CT computed tomography filtration rate
cTnT high-​sensitivity troponin T EMA European Medicines Agency
CTZ chemoreceptor trigger zone EMG electromyogram
CVC central venous catheter EMLA® Eutectic Mixture of Local
CVE cerebrovascular event Anaesthetics®
CVP central venous pressure ENT ear, nose, and throat
xvi Abbreviations

EO external oblique H+ hydrogen ion

EPO erythropoietin HAS human albumin solution
ERAS enhanced recovery after Hb haemoglobin
surgery HbA1c glycosylated haemoglobin
ERCP endoscopic retrograde HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
HCO3–​ bicarbonate ion
ERPC evacuation of retained
products of conception Hct haematocrit
ESP erector spinae plane HDL high-​density lipoprotein
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate HDU high dependency unit
ETAG end-​tidal anaesthetic gas HELLP haemolysis, elevated liver
(monitoring) enzymes, low platelets
ETCO2 end-​tidal carbon dioxide HFmrEF heart failure with mid-​range
ejection fraction
ETO2 end-​tidal oxygen
HFNO high-​flow nasal oxygen
ETT endotracheal tube
HFO high-​frequency oscillation
EUA examination under anaesthesia
HFpEF heart failure with preserved
EuroSCORE European System for Cardiac ejection fraction
Operative Risk Evaluation
HFrEF heart failure with reduced
EVAR endovascular aneurysm repair ejection fraction
EVD external ventricular drain Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b
FAST focused assessment sonogram HIT heparin-​induced
in trauma thrombocytopenia
FBC full blood count HIV human immunodeficiency virus
FES fat embolism syndrome HLA human leucocyte antigen
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1s HME heat and moisture exchanger
FFP fresh frozen plasma HPA hypothalamic–p​ ituitary–a​ drenal
FGF fresh gas flow HR heart rate
FiO2 fractional inspired oxygen HRT hormone replacement therapy
HTLV human T cell
FOB flexible optical bronchoscope lymphotropic virus
Fr French gauge (also FG or Ch) HUS haemolytic uraemic syndrome
FRC functional residual capacity Hz hertz
FTc corrected flow time I:E ratio inspired:expired ratio
FTSG full-​thickness skin graft IABP intra-​aortic balloon pump
FVC forced vital capacity IBW ideal body weight
g gram ICD implantable
G Gauge (standard wire gauge) cardioverter–​defibrillator
G&S group and screen ICP intracranial pressure
G6PD glucose-​6-​phosphate ICU intensive care unit
dehydrogenase ID internal diameter
GA general anaesthetic/​ IE infective endocarditis
IGF insulin-​like growth factor
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale
IHD ischaemic heart disease
GDFT goal-​directed fluid therapy
IL interleukin
GFR glomerular filtration rate
ILD interstitial lung disease
GI gastrointestinal
iLMA intubating laryngeal
GP general practitioner mask airway
GTN glyceryl trinitrate IM intramuscular(ly)
GUCH grown-​up (patient in inch
with) congenital heart
(malformation) INR international normalised ratio
h hour IO internal oblique/​intraosseous
Abbreviations xvii

IOP intraocular pressure M molar

IP in-​plane mA milliampere
iPACK infiltration between the MABL maximal allowable blood loss
popliteal artery and capsule of MAC minimum alveolar
the knee concentration
IPP interpectoral plane MACE major adverse cardiac events
IPPV intermittent positive pressure MAO monoamine oxidase
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
ISO International Organization for
Standardization MAP mean arterial pressure
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic MCV mean corpuscular volume
purpura MELD model for end-​stage liver
IU international unit disease
IV intravenous(ly) MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
IVC inferior vena cava MEOWS Modified Early Obstetric
Warning Scoring
IVI intravenous infusion
MET metabolic equivalent of task
IVRA intravenous regional
anaesthesia mg milligram
J joule Mg2+ magnesium ion
JVP jugular venous pressure MH malignant hyperthermia
K+ potassium ion MHRA Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency
kcal kilocalorie
MHz megahertz
KCl potassium chloride
MI myocardial infarction
kg kilogram
MILS manual in-​line stabilisation
km kilometre
min minute
kPa kilopascal
MINS myocardial injury after non-​
L litre cardiac surgery
LA local anaesthetic/​anaesthesia mL millilitre
LAST local anaesthetic systemic mm millimetre
mmHg millimetre of mercury
LAVH laparoscopically assisted
vaginal hysterectomy mmol millimole
LBW low birthweight mo month
LCNT lateral cutaneous nerve mol mole
of thigh mOsmol milliosmole
LDH lactate dehydrogenase MPFL medial patellofemoral ligament
LFT liver function test mph miles per hour
LIA local infiltration analgesia MR mitral regurgitation
LMA laryngeal mask airway MRI magnetic resonance imaging
LMWH low-​molecular weight heparin MRSA meticillin-​resistant
LRTI lower respiratory tract Staphylococcus aureus
infection ms millisecond
LSCS lower-​segment Caesarean MSU midstream urine
section mT millitesla
LV left ventricle/​ventricular MTC major trauma centre
LVEDP left ventricular end-​diastolic MTP massive transfusion
pressure protocol
LVEDV left ventricular MUA manipulation under anaesthesia
end-​diastolic volume MW molecular weight
LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction 6MWT 6-​minute walk test
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy N newton
m metre Na+ sodium ion
xviii Abbreviations

NaCl sodium chloride PABA para-​aminobenzoic acid

NAP National Audit Project PaCO2 arterial partial pressure of
NAP4 National Audit Project 4 carbon dioxide
NCA nurse-​controlled analgesia PAFC pulmonary artery flotation
NDD neurological determination
of death PaO2 arterial partial pressure
of oxygen
NDMR non-​depolarising muscle
relaxant PAO2 alveolar partial pressure
of oxygen
NELA National Emergency
Laparotomy Audit PAOP pulmonary artery occlusion
NG nasogastric
PAP pulmonary artery pressure
NGT nasogastric tube
Paw airway pressure
NHS National Health Service
PCA patient-​controlled analgesia
NIBP non-​invasive blood pressure
PCC prothrombin complex
NICE National Institute for Health concentrate
and Care Excellence
PCEA patient-​controlled epidural
NJR National Joint Registry analgesia
NK natural killer (cells) PCI percutaneous coronary
nm nanometre intervention
NMB neuromuscular blockade PCV packed cell volume
NMBA neuromuscular-​blocking agent PD Parkinson’s disease
NMDA N-​methyl-​D-​aspartate PDA persistent ductus arteriosus
nmol nanomole PDE phosphodiesterase
NNT number needed to treat PDGF platelet-​derived growth
NO nitric oxide factor
N2O nitrous oxide PDPH postdural puncture headache
NSAID non-​steroidal PE pulmonary embolism
anti-​inflammatory drug PEA pulseless electrical activity
NYHA New York Heart Association PEEP positive end-​expiratory
O&D oesophagoscopy and dilatation pressure
O2 oxygen PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
OELM optimal external laryngeal PENG pericapsular nerve group
manipulation PFT pulmonary function test
OGT orogastric tube pg picogram
OHS obesity hypoventilation PICC peripherally inserted central
syndrome catheter
OIH opioid-​induced hyperalgesia p.m. post meridiem (after noon)
OLV one-​lung ventilation pmol picomole
OOP out-​of-​plane PNB peripheral nerve block
OPA oropharyngeal airway PNS peripheral nerve stimulator
OPCABG off-​pump coronary artery PO per os (oral/​orally)
bypass grafting POCD postoperative cognitive
OR odds ratio dysfunction
ORIF open reduction and internal POCT point-​of-​care testing
fixation POD post ​operative delirium
OSA obstructive sleep apnoea POND post ​operative neurocognitive
OS-​MRS Obesity Surgery Mortality disorder
Risk Score PONV post ​operative nausea and
Pa pascal vomiting
PA posterior to anterior; PORC postoperative residual
pulmonary artery curarisation
Abbreviations xix

PPI proton pump inhibitor ScvO2 central venous oxygen

ppm parts per million saturation
PPV pulse pressure variation SGA supraglottic airway; small for
gestational age
PR per rectum
SIADH syndrome of inappropriate
PRBC packed red blood cell antidiuretic hormone
PRN pro re nata (as required) (secretion)
PSG polysomnography SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
PSIS posterior superior iliac spine SIRS systemic inflammatory
PSP pectoserratus plane response syndrome
PT prothrombin time SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
PTH parathyroid hormone SLT single-​lumen tube
PV polycythaemia vera SNARI serotonin noradrenergic
PVR pulmonary vascular resistance reuptake inhibitor
qds quater die sumendus (four SOBA Society for Obesity and
times daily) Bariatric Anaesthesia
RA rheumatoid arthritis SORT Surgical Outcome Risk Tool
RAE Ring–​Adair–​Elwyn (tube) SpO2 peripheral oxygen saturation
RAST radioallergosorbent test SR sinus rhythm
RBC red blood cells SSG split skin graft
RCoA Royal College of Anaesthetists SSRI selective serotonin reuptake
RCT randomised controlled trial
STOP suction termination of
REM rapid eye movement pregnancy
RFA radiofrequency ablation SV spontaneous ventilation
rFVIIa recombinant factor VIIa SVC superior vena cava
RIMA reversible inhibitor of SVR systemic vascular resistance
monoamine oxidase A
SVT supraventricular tachycardia
ROCSM restriction of cervical
spine motion SVV stroke volume variation
ROSC restoration of spontaneous T tesla
circulation T3 liothyronine
ROTEM® rotational thromboelastometry (tri-​iodothyronine)
RR relative risk; respiratory rate T4 levothyroxine
RSC rectus sheath catheter TA transversus abdominis
RSI rapid sequence induction TA-​GvHD transfusion-​associated graft-​
versus-​host disease
rt-​PA recombinant tissue
plasminogen activator TAP transversus abdominis
RUQ right upper quadrant
TAPSE tricuspid annular plane systolic
RV right ventricle/​ventricular excursion
RWMA regional wall motion TAVI transcatheter aortic valve
abnormality implantation
s second TB tuberculosis
SAD substance abuse disorder; TBSA total body surface area
supraglottic airway device
TBW total body water
SAH subarachnoid haemorrhage
TCA tricyclic antidepressant
SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation
TCI target-​controlled infusion
SC subcutaneous(ly)
tds ter die sumendus (three
SCD sickle-​cell disease times daily)
SCIWORA spinal cord injury without TEG® thromboelastography
radiographic abnormality
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve
SCM sternocleidomastoid muscle stimulation
xx Abbreviations

TIA transient ischaemic attack VAE venous air embolism

TIC trauma-​induced coagulopathy VATS video-​assisted thoracoscopic
TIPSS transjugular intrahepatic surgery
portosystemic shunt VC vital capacity
TIVA total intravenous anaesthesia vCJD variant Creutzfeldt–​Jakob
TLCO transfer factor of the lungs for disease
carbon monoxide VEGF vascular endothelial
TMJ temporomandibular joint growth factor
TNF tumour necrosis factor VF ventricular fibrillation
TOE transoesophageal VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide
echocardiography VL videolaryngoscope
ToF tetralogy of Fallot VO2 oxygen consumption
TOF train-​of-​four VP venous pressure
TOFR train-​of-​four ratio VRIII variable-​rate intravenous
TRALI transfusion-​related acute insulin infusion
lung injury vs versus
TTL trauma team leader VSD ventricular septal defect
TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic VT tidal volume
purpura VT ventricular tachycardia
TURP transurethral resection of the VTE venous thromboembolism
VTOP vacuum termination of
U&E urea and electrolytes pregnancy
UFH unfractionated heparin vWF von Willebrand factor
UK United Kingdom w week
UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty W watt
URTI upper respiratory tract WCC white cell count
WHO World Health Organization
US United States
WPW Wolff–​Parkinson–​White
USS ultrasound scanning
X-​match cross-​match
V/​Q ventilation/​perfusion
y year
V volt
Chapter 1 1

Good practice and safety

Rachel Freedman, Lara Herbert, Aidan O’Donnell,
Nicola Ross and Mincho Marroquin-​Harris
Responsibilities of the anaesthetist 2
Looking after the patient 3
Looking after yourself 15

2 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

Responsibilities of the anaesthetist

The first general anaesthetic was administered in 1846. Today, around 313
million anaesthetics are given worldwide every year, with over 3 million in
the United Kingdom (UK) alone. Anaesthetists use highly specialised skills
to provide anaesthesia, analgesia and life-​sustaining care for patients under-
going operations and procedures. They also lead the way in safety, crisis
response and education.
Other roles for anaesthetists include the following:
• Preoperative assessment and optimisation of patients
• Intensive care medicine
• Pain medicine—​both acute and chronic
• Obstetric anaesthesia and pain relief in labour
• Resuscitation and stabilisation of patients in the emergency department
(ED) and on the ward
• Transport of acutely ill and injured patients
• The provision of anaesthesia or sedation to facilitate a wide range of
medical, dental and radiological interventions and investigations
• Prehospital emergency care
• Managerial and organisational roles both inside and outside the theatre
• Education, training and simulation.
Anaesthetists form the largest specialty group of doctors in the National
Health Service (NHS). They work closely with all other hospital special-
ties in locations throughout the hospital. They deliver individualised care,
usually on a one-​to-​one basis and at times when patients are at their most
vulnerable. Anaesthetists are therefore well positioned to be patient safety
advocates at local, national and international levels. Indeed, underpinning
all the other roles and responsibilities of the anaesthetist is the ingrained
commitment to keep patients safe.
Looking after the patient 3

Looking after the patient

Perioperative safety
Anaesthetists are recognised worldwide as leaders in patient safety.
Although modern anaesthesia is very safe, new challenges that impact on
patient safety continue to arise, such as an ageing population, the preva-
lence of medication error, and burnout among anaesthetists. Improvements
in perioperative safety have been greatest in high-​income countries, and
although outcomes have improved overall worldwide, there is an urgent
need to address the global inequalities that still exist in perioperative safety.
From a global surgical perspective, it is estimated that 313 million surgical
procedures are performed each year. From elective procedures alone,
around 17% of patients suffer harm and 0.5% die.1 Much of this harm may
be preventable.
Why do complications occur?
Accidents are inevitable in systems such as health care because of situational
complexity and the latent factors that set up humans to fail.2 It is therefore
unsurprising that errors occur in the dynamic, and sometimes stressful,
operating theatre environment. Deficiencies in human factors, such as
communication, leadership, teamworking, decision-​making and situational
awareness, have been shown to contribute substantially to patient harm.
Safety culture
• The new approach to patient safety seems to be much less about
individual projects, and more about changing the culture and creating
systems that enable reliable delivery of care.
• Even with the most flawless systems in place, however, human factors
can still lead to error.
• A safety culture starts with leaders taking ownership of safety and
exemplifying it in both actions and words on a daily basis.
• Leaders must steer the difficult balance between holding people
accountable and nurturing a supportive environment where individuals
and teams both have opportunities to learn from their mistakes and feel
empowered to voice their concerns.
• Communication is key. This may be difficult when teams change
continually. It is well recognised that steep hierarchies between
professions may impede effective communication. In poorly functioning
teams, members of staff may not feel able to raise concerns, even when
patient safety is compromised.
Strategies to improve patient safety
Below are a number of strategies that contribute towards improving pa-
tient safety. Many of these approaches are based on the understanding that
humans make mistakes. They encourage both learning from errors and the
creation of robust systems to prevent them:
• Reporting an error is fundamental to error prevention. Practitioners
need to feel safe to report their mistakes, knowing that the aim is to
improve safety, rather than to blame individuals.
• Patient safety groups champion and promote patient safety and learning,
such as the Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group (SALG).

4 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

• Technology and engineering have facilitated big gains in patient safety, e.g.
pin-​indexing of cylinders, mandatory SpO2 and capnography, advanced
intubating devices and ultrasound for vessel and nerve visualisation.
• Use of guidelines, protocols and good practice standards, e.g. National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Royal College
of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and Association of Anaesthetists (AoA)
guidance. In the UK, the RCoA is leading the way with programmes
for excellence, such as Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation
(ACSA), where participating anaesthesia departments measure their
performance against a robust set of standards.
• Outcome measures may be immediate (complication rate),
medium term (length of stay, 30d mortality) or long term (quality
of life improvements and functional improvement over 1y, National
Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA)3). We improve what we measure
and what we measure must be important to the patient.
• Quality improvement, audit and research: a growing trend is where data
from small quality improvement projects conducted by local hospital
teams are pooled at a national level, thereby giving the data greater
validity. The National Audit Projects (NAPs) and the Sprint National
Anaesthesia Projects (SNAPs) have generated information on large
numbers of patients, giving evidence-​based insight into deficits in care
and incidence of problems.4,5 The Healthcare Quality Improvement
Partnership is a huge resource of strategies for examining and instituting
best practice.
• Morbidity and mortality reviews are important, both locally and
nationally (e.g. National Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Deaths
and the maternal morbidity and mortality reviews). They examine
themes that lead to harm and aid delivery of better care through
education, training and constant review.6,7
• There is increasing evidence that simulation-​based team training
to improve technical and non-​technical skills improves both team
performance and patient outcomes.8
• Coordinated, safe care requires high-​quality handovers. There is
growing evidence that these can make a significant difference, not only
to patient morbidity, but also to mortality.
• Checklists have been shown to decrease human error, improve patient
safety and teamwork and increase the quality of care, e.g. the World
Health Organization (WHO) checklist and checklists for handovers,
procedures and emergency situations.9
• Patient education (e.g. joint schools) and assessment (e.g.
preassessment clinics) allow amelioration of risk through optimisation
and planning (for detail, see % pp. 49–52).
The WHO checklist
The WHO Second Global Patient Safety Challenge addressed surgical and
anaesthesia safety and looked at the evidence base behind surgical com-
plications. The result was a comprehensive clinical review and a 19-​point
WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (Fig. 1.1) intended to focus on key parts of
the surgical journey.10
Looking after the patient

Fig. 1.1 World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist. Reproduced with permission from the World Health Organization. M http://​​publications/​2009/​9789241598590_​eng_​Checklist.pdf © World Health Organization 2009.

6 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

• It provides a framework to ensure that crucial steps are not omitted

in operating room care. It is a team communication tool and is not
intended as a tick-​box exercise.
• The WHO checklist was trialled in four high-​and four middle-​and low-​
income countries and resulted in a reduction in surgical complications
and mortality.11
• Hospitals are encouraged to modify the checklist to reflect local
practice; eye surgery is different to cardiac surgery. Care should be
taken to avoid making it too complex or simplistic.
• Successful introduction of the WHO checklist requires a shift in theatre
culture where leadership from senior clinicians, nurses and allied health
practitioners is key.
Briefings and debriefings
Team discussion before the start and end of an operating list improves com-
munication, teamworking, theatre efficiency, planning and patient safety. A
debrief at the end of the list allows the team to both acknowledge good
practice and identify areas requiring improvement.
• When briefing and debriefing are combined with the WHO Surgical
Safety Checklist, a strong safety culture is engendered (Table 1.1).
The General Medical Council (GMC) guidance on good medical practice
states that in providing care, the anaesthetist must keep clear, accurate, le-
gible and contemporaneous records that report the relevant clinical find-
ings, the decisions made, the information given to patients and any drugs
prescribed or other investigation or treatment.12
• Good documentation in anaesthetic practice is essential for maintaining
excellent clinical care, facilitating handover of care between health care
professionals, aiding interspecialty communication and enabling patient
identification without risk or error.
• Electronic patient and anaesthetic records are becoming more
widespread. In many ways, they improve patient safety, but they come
with their own set of problems. Avoid ‘copying and pasting’ information,
as this can lead to errors. Be meticulous in saving records under your
name and protecting your passwords. Electronic prescriptions should be
checked in the same vigilant manner you would apply if you were writing
the prescription. Do not assume a computer will prevent you from
prescribing the wrong drug at the wrong time in the wrong amount.
• Previous anaesthetic charts are valuable resources for anaesthetists
during their preoperative assessment of patients. They are also useful
for education and retrospective clinical governance.
• The outcome of medicolegal cases is often dependent on the
anaesthetic record. An untidy, illegible, scantily completed chart may be
taken as indirect evidence of shoddy or inattentive care.13
• There is no standard anaesthetic record in the UK. However, the RCoA
and AoA have set out what they regard as the minimum data set for the
anaesthetic record.14
Looking after the patient 7

Table 1.1 Suggested components of briefing and debriefing

Briefing Introduction of team members and roles

Patients and procedures planned
Confirmation of order of list
Specific equipment (anaesthesia and surgery)
Any concerns relevant to the day
Debriefing Thanks to team members for specific actions
Factors that went well that were useful lessons
Factors that could be improved for next time

Drug safety
Anaesthetists are at high risk of making drug errors due to the frequency
and rapidity of drug administration. Prospective data suggest errors may
occur in 1 in every 133 anaesthetics.15,16
• H Any drug can be harmful if given in the wrong quantity, wrong
dilution or by the wrong route.
• The appearance of ampoules changes with alarming frequency as
hospitals reduce costs by sourcing the cheapest formulation. Do not
rely on pattern recognition. Pay particular attention to ampoules of
drugs that look alike or sound alike.
• Avoid distractions. Do not talk to someone else or allow other
distractions while drawing up drugs. Drug error is more likely when
fatigued, busy or distracted or when multiple anaesthetists work
• Do not assume that the drug in the ampoule is the same as the drug
labelled on the outside of the box.
• Many drugs are available in different concentrations in the same hospital
(e.g. propofol, ketamine, heparin, insulin, atropine). Before drawing up
any drug, always check the generic name, concentration, volume and
expiry date on the ampoule, preferably with a second person.
• Label syringes immediately after drawing up a drug; do not put a syringe
containing a drug down until it is labelled.
• Consider a second person to check drugs prone to errors (potassium,
insulin, heparin, inotropes).
• If you have never given the drug before, or not by that route, check
with someone who has.
• Always check controlled drugs. Sign for what you have given and what is
• Dilution of medications for paediatric patients is very anaesthetist-​
dependent (e.g. suxamethonium 50mg/​mL or 10mg/​mL, fentanyl
50 micrograms/​mL or 10 micrograms/​mL). Confirm with your team which
dilutions are being used and write these on the syringes clearly. It is easy
to make a mistake by a factor of 10 if you are in a rush. Work out doses
before the patient arrives and if in doubt, check with a second person.

8 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

• ISO26825 recommendations for pre-​printed colour-​coded labels should

be adhered to.
• Ensure any writing on labels is legible and clear, particularly the
concentration of the drug in the syringe. Use standard units and
dilutions wherever possible.
• It is preferable to use Tallman lettering (Box 1.1) to help differentiate
drug names that are similar. Tallman lettering involves a combination of
upper and lower case lettering to emphasise key differences in drugs
with similar names.
• Where available, use special red-​coloured syringes to draw up muscle
• For high-​risk drugs such as muscle relaxants, incorrectly timed
administration can be minimised by adding additional labelling covering
both the syringe and the sheathed drawing-​up needle, such that this
additional label must be torn prior to administering the drug.
• Additional ISO preprinted self-​adhesive labels can be placed on the
distal end of infusion lines to easily identify the drug being infused.
• H Avoid having drugs/​fluids poured into unlabelled pots onto a sterile
field, particularly when neuraxial or other regional procedures are being
performed. Drugs and 0.9% sodium chloride should be double-​checked
and drawn up directly into a syringe with the aid of an assistant.
Completely separate chlorhexidine and other antiseptics from other
drugs that are being drawn up when preparing for neuraxial or regional
• Drugs used for different routes of administration should be kept
• Do not administer a drug if you are unsure of what it is or its
• It is good practice to check electronic postoperative orders twice or by
another person to ensure the correct patient and order has been given.
• Admit errors; usually there is an opportunity to minimise harmful
effects and this should not be missed.
• Inform the patient of any error in a timely fashion and apologise. You
have a duty of candour.
There are multiple electronic safety systems being integrated into anaes-
thetic practice around the world to reduce drug error. For example, drugs
can be checked against allergies and comorbidities via radiofrequency or
barcoded drug labels which are scanned prior to administration. Electronic
medical records can also reduce error by providing reminders for safe drug
dosages. Similarly, software has been integrated into drug delivery devices
such as ‘smart pumps’ which warn users when dosages fall out of safe
ranges and allow cross-​checking with electronic patient data such as age,
allergies and comorbidities.

Box 1.1 Examples of Tallman lettering

• DOBUTamine • DOPamine
• ePHEDrine • EPINEPHrine
• hydrALAZINE • HYDROmorphone
• fentaNYL • SUFentanil
• cefaLEXin • cefaZOLin
Looking after the patient 9

Vigilance and crisis management

Anaesthetic emergencies may develop rapidly into life-​threatening con-
ditions that cannot be managed effectively by an individual and require a
team response. In a theatre setting, the anaesthetist is likely to be the team
member with the specialist knowledge and skills to deal with the event. This
can give rise to intense pressure. Always call for help early. A fresh pair of
hands and eyes is invaluable assistance, even if only to reassure you that you
are already dealing with the situation appropriately. Critical incident proto-
cols, cognitive aids and drills have been designed to aid in the management
of common and uncommon emergencies. Recognition of a problem is the
first step in any management strategy, and all members of a team should be
empowered to voice their concerns without fear of a derisory or dismissive
The unanticipated crisis
• H Declare problems clearly and early to the whole theatre team.
• H Call for help early.
• Resuscitation should be ongoing while you figure out the diagnosis.
• A repeated and systematic ABC approach helps render the patient ‘safe’
and buys thinking time.
• A good team leader is able to step back from the situation to consider
the whole picture. This can only be achieved through task delegation. It
is more effective if the leader knows the team members’ names (WHO
briefing), as well as their roles and expertise.
• Do not dwell on whatever or whoever ‘caused’ the crisis; use objective
and non-​judgemental communication.
• To communicate effectively, your messages or commands must be:
• Addressed: ask specifically named individuals to perform tasks
• Heard: reduce background noise (e.g. turn off the radio)
• Understood: if you make a complex request, ask the recipient to
repeat it back to you (closed loop communication).
• If the cause of the problem is unknown, say so. Voice your thoughts
and reasoning and your team is more likely to be able to help you.
Encourage others to contribute.
• Reappraise the situation regularly. Update the rest of the team with
new information.
• Often you will not be the team leader, but an equally valuable member
of the team nonetheless—​a team player. A good team player is
adaptable, understands other team members’ roles, assumes complete
responsibility for delegated problems and feeds back information to the
rest of the team.
Handling serious events and conflict in theatre
Debriefing after adverse events in theatre is recognised as a tool to facili-
tate improved teamworking. A structured approach is often used and many
hospital trusts have teams to assist with these formal debriefs. You should
also seek personal support, contact your medical defence organisation and
identify any areas where training or return-​to-​work programmes may be

10 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

Bullying and conflict are detrimental cultures within health care.

Campaigns such as ‘Knock it Out’ within anaesthesia and ‘Hammer it Out’
and ‘Cut it Out’ from our orthopaedic and surgical colleagues, respect-
ively, aim to create a positive workplace culture where individuals are
empowered to speak out against unacceptable behaviours and promote
exemplary behaviours. ‘Civility Saves Lives’ is a collective voice for the im-
portance of respect, professional courtesy and valuing each other.17
Keeping up-​to-​date
Continuing professional development refers to any learning outside of
undergraduate education or postgraduate training which helps doctors
to maintain and improve their performance. It covers the development of
knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours across all areas of a doctor’s
professional practice. It includes both formal and informal learning activ-
ities.18 Since 2012, all UK licensed doctors have to undertake 5-​yearly re-
validation to demonstrate to the GMC that they are up-​to-​date and fit to
practise. For trainees, this process is incorporated into the Annual Review
of Career Progression (or similar). Supporting information will include:
• A diary of CPD
• Quality improvement activities
• Significant events
• Feedback on your practice from patients and colleagues
• Review of compliments and complaints.
Evidence-​based medicine (EBM)
Defined as conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence
in making decisions about the care of individual patients. It teaches how to
ask a specific and relevant question arising from clinical practice, how to
access and critically appraise up-​to-​date knowledge (‘evidence’) (Table 1.2)
and then, using clinical experience and judgement, how to determine
whether the evidence is applicable to a clinical setting. Use of proven ef-
fective treatments should improve patient outcome.
• EBM depends on well-​designed studies producing reliable results, with
an emphasis on randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
• Random assignment to treatment group and objective assessment of
outcome are the best methods of avoiding bias. A consistent finding
from several RCTs is very convincing, and so the pooled results of such
trials constitute high-​level evidence.
• Small RCTs are prone to type 2 error—​incorrectly accepting the null
hypothesis, and so a beneficial (or harmful) effect of treatment might be
• Large RCTs are needed to provide sufficient study power to identify
effective treatments.
• Large, multicentre RCTs and meta-​analyses of numerous RCTs can
include a broad range of patients and health care settings to better
reflect everyday clinical practice.
• Most studies in anaesthesia are too small to detect effective treatments
that can prevent adverse outcomes; too often, they focus only on
surrogate endpoints.
Looking after the patient 11

Table 1.2 Levels of evidence

Level Description
1 Meta-​analysis of RCTs (with homogeneity) or individual RCT
with narrow confidence interval
2 Low-​quality RCT or cohort studies
3 Case-​control study
4 Case series (and poor-​quality cohort and case-​control studies)
5 Expert opinion or based on basic science research

Statistical analysis: the basics

Binary outcomes
The effect on binary outcomes (complication/​no complication) can be
summarised by the relative risk (RR) (Table 1.3) or odds ratio (OR).
• RR is the probability of an event occurring in the exposed group vs
the non-​exposed group. In order to use the RR which is based on the
incidence of an event, the exposure status of subjects must be known.
The probability (risk) of rolling a 6 on one die is 1/​6.
• Odds is a different way of considering probability, comparing the
specified outcome against the remaining possible outcomes. In this
way, the odds of rolling a 6 on one die is 1:5, for 6 possible outcomes.
The OR is the ratio of the odds of an event occurring in the exposed
group vs the odds of it occurring in the non-​exposed group. The OR
will approximate the RR for uncommon events but will otherwise
overestimate the risk and should be avoided if the RR can be used.
• An RR of 1.0 indicates no difference in risk between the groups being
compared. RR <1 d risk, and RR >1 i risk.
Numerical outcomes
Numerical outcomes (e.g. cardiac index or opioid consumption) can be
summarised as a weighted mean difference.

Table 1.3 Interpreting relative risk

Relative risk (RR) Effect on risk

0.25 75% reduction in risk
0.5 50% reduction in risk
1.0 No effect
1.5 50% increase in risk
2.0 100% (or 2-​fold) increase in risk

A null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between the two
variables being studied and any discrepancy in results is due to chance, ra-
ther than being a significant finding. Levels of statistical significance are de-
scribed by the p-​value. The smaller the p-​value, the stronger the evidence
that the null hypothesis should be rejected. A p-​value of 0.05 is taken as

12 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

expressing statistical significance (that there is only a 5% chance that the

results obtained are due to chance alone). p-​values support research hy-
potheses by rejecting null hypotheses but cannot prove that the research
hypothesis is true.
95% confidence interval (CI)
The 95% CI is the range in which we can be 95% certain the true number
lies. The width of the CI indicates the precision or reliability of the estimate.
If either 95% confidence limit were the true effect, and if such a finding
would change the conclusion of the study, then we are left with uncertainty
regarding the outcome of the study.
How to interpret a meta-​analysis
A systematic review is the process of analysing similar studies and a meta-​
analysis is the statistical method used to pool those results. A meta-​analysis
may be done using either a fixed effect model, which assumes that the indi-
vidual study results are correlated with one another and probably represent
similar study populations, or a random effects model, which does not require
this assumption. The latter should be used if there is study heterogeneity.
There are some weaknesses with a meta-​analysis, e.g. publication bias
(negative studies are less likely to be published), duplicate/​repeated publi-
cation, heterogeneity and inclusion of outdated studies; they probably inflate
the risk of type 1 error (incorrectly rejecting a true null hypothesis). Meta-​
analyses that have minimal heterogeneity, narrow CIs and a large number of
study events and that include at least one large RCT tend to be more reliable.
Forest plot: the basics
A forest plot can be used to graphically represent the individual studies con-
tributing to a meta-​analysis.
Fig. 1.2 summarises four trials comparing paravertebral block (PVB) with
epidural analgesia to reduce pulmonary complications. The PVB group in
column 1 is the intervention group and the epidural group in column 2 is
the control group.
• The estimated effect (in this case, RR) of each trial is represented by the
box and its 95% CI. The size of the box reflects the size of the study, and
this is quantified by the study weight (%). The horizontal lines through
the boxes illustrate the length of the CI. The longer the lines, the wider
the CI and the less reliable the study results. The vertical line is the
line of no effect (i.e. the position at which there is no clear difference
between the intervention group and the control group). If the CI crosses
the vertical line, then the individual study is not statistically significant.
• Pooled data are represented by the diamond at the bottom, whose
area and width are also proportional to the pooled data size and 95%
CI, respectively. If the diamond touches the vertical line (RR of 1), the
overall combined result is not statistically significant.
• In this meta-​analysis, the pooled RR is 0.41, indicating a 59% reduction
in risk of pulmonary complications in the treatment group (PVB),
compared to the control group (epidural). The CI of this estimated
RR ranges from 0.17 (83% risk reduction) to 0.95 (5% risk reduction),
which is weakly statistically significant (p = 0.04).
Looking after the patient 13

Fig. 1.2 Example forest plot showing four trials comparing paravertebral block with
epidural analgesia to reduce pulmonary complications. See text for details. Source:
data from Davies RG, Myles PS, Graham JM (2006). A comparison of the analgesic efficacy and
side-​effects of paravertebral vs epidural blockade for thoracotomy—​a systematic review and meta-​
analysis of randomized trials. Br J Anaes, 96, 418–​426.

Finding the evidence

Many helpful guides to performing literature searches are available on the
Internet. Medical librarians can also be helpful and may even perform a
literature search for you. A selection of useful literature search resources
is below.
Resources on EBM
• The Oxford Centre for Evidence-​Based Medicine. How to practise
EBM. M http://​
• Bandolier. Premier EBM site with a focus on pain.
M http://​
• The UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Produces
evidence-​based clinical guidelines. M http://​
• Turning Research into Practice (Trip). Search engine linking databases of
systematic reviews. M http://​
Literature searches
• PubMed. Free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database.
M http://​​pubmed
• OvidSP. Medical literature platform giving access to medical databases
such as Embase, Ovid MEDLINE and Cochrane.
Preappraised summaries of the evidence
• Cochrane Collaboration. Global network of systematic reviews with links
to a teaching resource for meta-​analysis. M http://​
• Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE). Evaluates the
effects of health care interventions and health service organisation and
delivery. It contains over 35 000 abstracts, reviews and protocols.
M http://​​CRDWeb

14 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

• PROSPERO. An international database of prospectively registered

systematic reviews. It aims to provide a centralised resource in which
proposed systematic reviews can be collated, so avoiding duplication.
M http://​​PROSPERO
Clinical trials and meta-​analysis
• The James Lind Library. Collection of essays on the development of
‘fair tests of treatments’. M http://​
Looking after yourself 15

Looking after yourself

H ‘First, do no harm’ begins with yourself.
Self-​care and resilience
Anaesthesia is a demanding occupation—​ from exams, shift work and
moving around for training rotations to the clinical challenges our pa-
tients pose and the need to maintain our skills and keep up-​to-​date. It is
increasingly recognised that taking time for self-​care is vital and building our
own resilience is required. We need to try to stay physically and mentally
healthy: exercise, a healthy diet, hobbies, social activities, awareness of po-
tential for addictive or destructive behaviour and seeking help when indi-
cated. All are easier said than done, and building a support network around
you is very important.
Recognising fatigue and burnout
The 2015 tragic death of an anaesthetic trainee driving home after a series
of night shifts prompted a national survey of fatigue in trainee anaesthe-
tists.19 This was followed by a 2018 survey of anaesthesia and critical care
consultants,20 showing the vast majority of respondents reported work-​
related fatigue impacting on all areas of life.
The Fight Fatigue campaign recommends a shift in culture to ensure
awareness of the importance of guarding against fatigue in maintaining pa-
tient safety and staff well-​being. This requires detection, education and pre-
vention. Practical tips for anaesthetists on night shifts have been publicised
and improvements to rest facilities while on shift have been recommended.
Burnout is a syndrome characterised by depersonalisation, emotional ex-
haustion and loss of sense of achievement.21 The clinical symptoms and
signs of burnout are often non-​specific and can include depression, irrit-
ability, insomnia, tiredness and anger. There are individual, environmental
and organisational risk factors for the development of burnout and tools
are available for practising clinicians to improve well-​being, increase resili-
ence and reduce risk of burnout. Burnout is associated with significant mor-
bidity and mortality and the management of burnout syndrome involves a
multidisciplinary approach. Beware of signs of burnout or emotional dis-
tress in yourself and colleagues. If you are struggling, seek help urgently, and
if you know of someone else who is struggling, offer support.
• DocHealth is a confidential, not-​for-​profit psychotherapeutic
consultation service for all doctors. It is delivered by consultant medical
psychotherapists based at BMA House in London.
M https://​​
• Royal Medical Benevolent Fund provides financial help for medical
students, doctors and their families who are facing financial hardship.
M https://​​
• Practitioner Health Programme is an award-​winning, free and
confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists with mental illness
and addiction problems who are working or looking to return to clinical
practice. M http://​​
• BMA support pages are devoted to well-​being services and support.
M https://​​advice-​and-​support/​your-​wellbeing#

16 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

• Doctor Support Service provides confidential phone and face-​to-​

face support for doctors facing GMC fitness to practise hearings.
M http://​​support-​at-​work/​doctors-​well-​being/​
• Doctors’ Support Network provides peer support group for doctors
with mental health concerns, including stress, burnout, mood and eating
disorders. M https://​​
• The Sick Doctors Trust is an early intervention programme for
addiction, which facilitates treatment in appropriate centres,
arranges funding for inpatient treatment and provides advocacy and
representation when required. M http://​sick-​doctors-​​
• The Couch ( This service is available to doctors registered
with There is a forum for mutual support and advice, with
the option of anonymous posting and a long list of doctors around the
UK happy to help colleagues in distress. M http://​
• Association of Anaesthetists wellbeing & support pages.
M https://​​Home/​Wellbeing-​support
• Tea & Empathy is an online peer-​to-​peer support group.
M https://​​groups/​1215686978446877;
Twitter: @tea_​empathyNHS
Drug addiction and suicide in anaesthesia
Anaesthesia can be an extremely rewarding, interesting and enjoyable
career, but it can also be stressful, exhausting and emotionally draining. The
relative availability of drugs of abuse means that unfortunately, anaesthe-
tists have one of the highest risks of developing a drug addiction and of
suicide. Care for your colleagues and care for yourself. If you are feeling
overwhelmed or disconnected, or you think a colleague may be at risk,
seek help. It is important that you comply with local guidance for recording
controlled drugs. If you suspect medications are going missing or someone
is showing signs of medication misuse, then you must report this to a se-
nior colleague. Do not confront anyone or speculate with others. The ease
of availability of these medications can be a burden and a temptation to
some; seek help from occupational health or your general practitioner (GP)
if needed.
The pregnant anaesthetist
Women make up a significant proportion of the anaesthesia workforce
and the number of ♀ anaesthetists likely to be working when pregnant
is increasing year-​on-​year.22 Anaesthetic work poses certain risks to the
mother and fetus which are hard to quantify: anaesthetic agents, ionising
radiation, exposure to infections, manual handling, prolonged standing and
shift work.
Individual risk assessments should be completed for all pregnant anaes-
thetists, and those with pre-​existing medical problems or pregnancy-​related
complications will need greater input from their occupational health phys-
ician. Your department should support you while pregnant (e.g. reducing or
stopping on-​calls, avoiding radiation, etc.).
Looking after yourself 17

If you feel well during pregnancy, you should be able to do most things
normally, but you should not put yourself at risk or carry on working if you
are fatigued or unwell. Departments and training programme directors will
be grateful for early notification to allow them the maximum time to cover
your maternity leave.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Employers have a duty to protect you from avoidable risks in the workplace.
H Keep yourself safe, first and foremost.
• Before undertaking any procedure, you should assess the likelihood
of exposure to potentially harmful agents and wear appropriate PPE.
There will be local policies to guide you. Examples of PPE include:
gloves (sterile and non-​sterile), aprons, masks of varying protection (e.g.
fluid-​resistant, respirator, aerosol-​resistant), laser goggles, lead shields,
aprons and radiation badges.
• PPE is only as good as the person putting it on. Make sure it is
appropriate for the task, fits you, you know how to don and doff it
correctly and you know how to dispose of it safely.
Blood and bodily fluid exposure
Exposure to blood and bodily fluids is a daily hazard for the anaesthetist.
Develop safe practice from the very beginning of your career to minimise
your likelihood of inoculation injury. It is hard to change your habits later
in your career.
Ensure your vaccinations are up-​to-​date; always wear PPE as per local pol-
icies, and dispose of sharps correctly.
Broken skin or mucous membranes can be contaminated with blood or
bodily fluid. Apply protective dressings to broken skin.
First aid
Remove the contaminant. If the skin is contaminated, wash with soap
and water. If the skin is breached, encourage bleeding if possible. Irrigate
contaminated mucous membranes with copious volumes of 0.9% sodium
chloride; then dry and cover if possible. Remove contact lenses if eyes are
contaminated. If in doubt about the seriousness of the injury, attend the ED.
Report to your supervisor and fill out a Reporting of Injuries, Diseases
and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) form or your local
Risk assessment
Should not be done by the recipient (contaminated person). The type of
incident, infective state of the donor (usually the patient), lifestyle risks and
vulnerability of the recipient are all important. A hollow needle that breaks
the skin carries the greatest risk of transmission (1:3 hepatitis B, 1:30 hepa-
titis C, 1:300 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)).

18 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

Occupational health
(Out of hours, notify the ED.) Post-​exposure prophylaxis may be required
(hepatitis B and HIV), and baseline bloods should be taken from the re-
cipient. A third party needs to obtain informed consent from the donor
before blood can be sent for testing.
This can be very stressful. Follow-​up with occupational health is important.
The recipient may be temporarily suspended from carrying out exposure-​
prone procedures until transmission is confirmed as negative.
Manual handling
Look after yourself by using the correct equipment and technique and at-
tending any training offered. Do not compromise your safety or that of
your team or the patient for the sake of rapidity. It is usual for the anaes-
thetist to take charge of movement of the patient in theatre; use clear com-
mands to protect both the patient and staff from injury.
• The anaesthetist is responsible for protecting unconscious patients from
harm when they are being moved. Pay attention to connected drips,
wires, airway tubing, catheter bags, surgical drains and other potential
hazards to avoid problems that can cause accidental injury to patients
or staff.
• If you are carrying an injury, contact occupational health for advice
before musculoskeletal injuries are exacerbated.
Anaesthetising colleagues and their relatives
During your career, you may be asked to anaesthetise a colleague, a friend
or their relative. The initial flattery of being approached is invariably re-
placed quickly by anxiety. It may be something you are expert in or do rou-
tinely, but the added stress of knowing the patient can be a potential hazard.
You may feel pressurised into doing something you would not normally do
at personal request or be less thorough with your consent, having assumed
understanding. Only agree if you feel happy to do so and if you have any
concerns, politely decline or ask for senior help. If you are faced with this
situation in an emergency, be aware of potential pitfalls; remain vigilant for
differences from your normal practice, and ask for senior help if needed.
Dealing with a complaint/​coroner’s inquest
Unfortunately, many of us will have to deal with a complaint, an investiga-
tion or a coroner’s inquest regarding aspects of our care during our careers.
This is an upsetting and stressful time and should not be faced alone. Seek
advice from colleagues, mentors and friends, along with your medical de-
fence organisation and your hospital’s legal team if needed.
• Sometimes the complaint occurs in your presence, but more often, it
is via written communication to a third party. Coroner’s inquests and
investigations may take many months or years to come to a conclusion,
during which time you may or may not be aware of the process.
• If you have any concerns about an event in which you have been
involved, or think there is a possibility further investigation may occur, it
is worthwhile contacting your medical defence organisation. Most have
a 24h helpline and the advice, support and reassurance they offer is very
Looking after yourself 19

• When you hear you are involved in a complaint/​investigation, inform

your supervisor or head of department.
• If you feel that the complaint/​investigation is having an adverse effect
on your ability to do your job, inform your supervisor immediately.
• A complaint should be answered promptly with an honest explanation
of the events. Ask a senior colleague, member of the hospital legal team
or defence organisation to help you.
• Resolution of a complaint involves focus on the complainant’s needs;
offer a sincere apology, explanation/​investigation or assurance it will not
happen again. You should act fairly and openly and remain accountable
for, and reflect on, your actions. Try to put things right if possible.
• If appropriate, apologise sincerely to the complainant—​often this is all
that is needed. It is advisable for both parties to have a support person
present for any meetings. Document clearly what is said.
• If you are aware of a complaint, or are involved in an event that
may warrant further investigation, make comprehensive, factual and
contemporaneous notes. A list of personnel present is very useful. If it
has been some time since the event, ask to see the notes, but do not
make a copy; ensure you comply with data protection law.
• Your own separate contemporaneous record can differ from patient
notes by also containing your thoughts, feelings, conversations and
beliefs. These notes should contain no personal identifiers. Make as full
a record as possible, as early as possible, so you are able to refer back
at a later date. Always review the data protection policies to ensure that
your record-​keeping and storage comply with the law.
Further reading
ANZCA (2020). PS51. Guidelines for the safe management and use of medications in anaes-
thesia. M https://​​safety-​advocacy/​standards-​of-​practice/​policies,-
Møller AM, Myles PS (2016). What makes a good systematic review and meta-​analysis? Br J Anaesth,
117, 428–​30.
Newport M, Smith A (2015). Implementation of evidence-​based practice in anaesthesia. BJA Educ,
15, 311–​15.
Gregory P, Edsell M (2014). Fatigue and the anaesthetist. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 14,
18–​22. M https://​​bjaed/​article/​14/​1/​18/​336242
Fleischer L (2013). Evidence Based Practice of Anaesthesiology, 3rd edn. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Burch D (2009). Taking the Medicine: A Short History of Medicine’s Beautiful Idea and our Difficulty
Swallowing it. London: Chatto & Windus.

1 The International Surgical Outcomes Study Group (2016). Global patient outcomes after elective
surgery: prospective cohort study in 27 low-​, middle-​and high-​income countries. Br J Anaesth,
117, 601–​9. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aew316.
2 Reason J (1990). Human Error, 1st edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3 National Emergency Laparotomy Audit. M https://​​
4 National Audit Projects. M https://​​
5 Health Services Research Centre. SNAP-​2 (EpiCCs). M https://​
6 National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD).
M https://​​
7 National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit. MBRRACE-​UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through
Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK. M https://​​mbrrace-​uk/​
8 Higham H, Baxendale B (2017). To err is human: use of simulation training to enhance training and
patient safety in anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth, 119, i106–​14. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aex302

20 Chapter 1 Good practice and safety

9 Saxena S, Krombach JW, Nahrwold DA, et al. (2020). Anaesthesia-​specific checklists: a system-
atic review of impact. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med, 39, 65–​73.
10 World Health Organization (2009). WHO guidelines for safe surgery 2009. Safe surgery saves lives.
M http://​​publications/​2009/​9789241598552_​eng.pdf
11 Haynes AB, Thomas WG, Berry WR, et al. (2009). A surgical safety checklist to reduce morbidity
and mortality in a global population. N Engl J Med, 360, 491–​9.
12 General Medical Council (2013). Good medical practice. M https://​www.gmc-​​ethical-​
13 Utting JE (1987). Pitfalls in anaesthetic practice. Br J Anaesth, 59, 888–​90.
14 The Association of Anaesthetists (2015). Standards of monitoring during anaesthesia
and recovery. M https://​​Home/​Resources-​publications/​Guidelines/​
15 Glavin RJ (2010). Drug errors: consequences, mechanisms, and avoidance. Br J Anaesth,
105, 76–​82.
16 Jensen LS, Merry AF, Webster CS, Weller J, Larsson L (2004). Evidence-​based strategies for
preventing drug administration errors during anaesthesia. Anaesthesia, 59, 493–​504.
17 Civility Saves Lives. M https://​​
18 Royal College of Anaesthetists. Revalidation for anaesthetists. M https://​​
19 McClelland L, Holland J, Lomas JP, et al. (2017). A national survey of the effects of fatigue on
trainees in anaesthesia in the UK. Anaesthesia, 72, 1069–​77. M https://​​
20 McClelland L, Plunkett E, McCrossan R, et al. (2019). A national survey of out-​of-​hours working
and fatigue in consultants in anaesthesia and paediatric intensive care in the UK and Ireland.
Anaesthesia, 74, 1509–​23. M https://​​doi/​full/​10.1111/​anae.14819
21 View-​Kim Wong A, Olusanya O (2017). Burnout and resilience in anaesthesia and intensive
care medicine. BJA Educ, 17, 334–​40. M https://​​bjaed/​article/​17/​10/​334/​
22 Association of Anaesthetists (2014). Occupational health and the anaesthetist. M https://​anaes-​Portals/​0/​PDFs/​Guidelines%20PDFs/​Guideline_​occupational_​health_​anaesthe-
Chapter 2 21

Tom Blincoe, Ian Densham and David Kotwinski
Better perioperative care 22
Preoperative assessment 23
Preoperative history 24
Preoperative examination 27
Preoperative investigations 28
Consultation models 31
Functional assessment 32
Risk assessment 36
Outcomes 39
Shared decision-​making 40
Consent 41
Planning postoperative care 43
Enhanced recovery after surgery 44

22 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Better perioperative care

Perioperative medicine, also known as perioperative care, is the practice
of patient-​centred, multidisciplinary and integrated medical care of patients
from the moment of contemplation of surgery until full recovery.1 The aim
is to reduce variation, increase patient satisfaction and improve outcomes.
• The number of surgical procedures performed each year is increasing.
Patients are older and more comorbid. They are undergoing more
major and increasingly complex procedures.2
• Perioperative medicine represents a concept of improved, more
efficient care using integrated care pathways that focus on patients at
the higher-​risk end of the spectrum.
• The centre for perioperative care distinguishes four distinct episodes of
any perioperative pathway, each with key elements3 (Fig. 2.1).

Before surgery
Functional assessment
Risk prediction
Shared decision-making

During surgery
Standardised care pathways
Best practice evidence-based standards

Early after surgery

Enhanced recovery
Acute pain management
Higher-level care provision

Later after surgery

Enhanced communication with primary care
Increased vigilance for sequelae of periopera-
tive complications

Fig. 2.1 Key elements of any perioperative pathway.

Preoperative assessment 23

Preoperative assessment
All patients should be assessed prior to anaesthesia. There are two main
parts to a preoperative assessment.
For planned surgery:
• A nurse-​led, protocol-​driven triage process may be the only assessment
for fit patients prior to surgery, or this may be followed by a face-​to-​
face consultation with a preoperative specialist nurse.
• Less fit patients undergoing major surgery require a comprehensive
preoperative assessment. This should be performed by an anaesthetist
or a perioperative physician who will engage in a meaningful, shared
decision-​making process.
• The second part occurs on the day of surgery. It involves a brief
systemic enquiry for new or progressive symptoms, a check of fasting
status, medications, allergies and a relevant examination.
• It is also an opportunity to discuss the planned anaesthetic technique, to
establish rapport and to alleviate concerns.
For emergency or urgent surgery in the patient with an unplanned admission:
• The two parts described above merge into a more focused risk
Objectives of preoperative assessment
• Take a full history.
• Perform an examination.
• Establish optimal management of concomitant disease.
• Establish functional status/​exercise capacity.
• Establish and discuss risk.
• Establish and discuss possible anaesthetic plans.
• Discuss concerns and expectations.
• Build rapport.
• Discuss immediate perioperative measures.
• Provide written information for further consideration.
• Document the process.
• Prevent cancellation on the day of surgery.
Further reading
There are robust guidelines for the delivery of preoperative assessment
services and recommendations for the management of comorbidities, avail-
able from the AoA, RCoA, NICE and The Preoperative Association.4,5,6,7

24 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Preoperative history
Preoperative history taking in the preoperative assessment clinic should be
comprehensive and cover the following areas.
Anaesthetic history
• Previous adverse events related to anaesthesia
• Airway difficulties (review of old charts)
• Anaphylaxis
• Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
• Difficult vascular access
• Unplanned critical care admission
• Family history of anaesthetic problems
• Malignant hyperthermia (MH) and suxamethonium apnoea.
Surgical history
• Indication for current procedure
• Patient’s attitude towards condition
• Duration and progression of symptoms
• Effect of symptoms on the patient’s life
• Trial of conservative measures/​alternative options
• Previous surgical procedures:
• May increase complexity/​duration of proposed procedure
• May have implications for regional anaesthesia/​analgesia
• Will inform risk–​benefit discussion.

Medical history
A systemic enquiry is necessary to identify symptoms where further treat-
ment or investigation may be required. Key areas of concern are:
(For detail, see % p. 164.)
• Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obstructive
sleep apnoea (OSA)
• Admissions and management of respiratory diseases
• Comparison of current and previous lung function tests.
(For detail, see % Chapter 5.)
• Ischaemic heart disease (IHD), hypertension, pulmonary hypertension,
myocardial dysfunction, valvular disease, arrhythmias
• Anaemia, previous transfusions and attitudes towards transfusion.
(For detail, see % Chapter 9.)
• Diabetes.
Preoperative history 25

(For detail, see % Considerations for the older patient, pp. 89–94;
% Chapter 12; % Chapter 41.)
• Acute or chronic pain
• Frailty and cognitive impairment
• Previous cerebrovascular event (CVE)/​transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
and residual deficit.
• Gastro-​oesophogeal reflux disease (see % p. 58)
• Nutritional status (see % p. 50; % p. 82).
(For detail, see % Chapter 7.)
• Level of impairment/​cause.
• Considerations for positioning
• Considerations for regional anaesthesia.
Social history
• Occupation or retired occupation
• Family members, relationships and local support
• Accommodation arrangements
• Level of independence and ability with activities of daily living
• Alcohol consumption/​misuse
• Smoking
• Recreational/​illicit drug use.
Drug history and allergy status
• Record a full list of current medications and details of significant
historical use, e.g. recent steroids, disease-​modifying antirheumatic
drugs (DMARDs) and chemotherapy.
• Careful perioperative management of certain medications, such as
anticoagulants and diabetic medications, is required (see % pp. 269–75;
% pp. 216–21).
• It is essential that instructions regarding medications are clear.
• Most medications can and should be continued until the morning of
• Be attentive for drugs that interact with anaesthetics (Table 2.1).

26 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Table 2.1 Common drugs that interact with anaesthetic agents

Drug group Interaction

Cardiovascular system
Angiotensin-​converting enzyme Potentially severe hypotension
(ACE) inhibitors/​angiotensin
receptor blockers (ARBs)
β-​blockers Severe hypotension ± bradycardia
Calcium channel blockers Severe hypotension, potential potentiation of
neuromuscular blockade (NMB)
Diuretics Electrolyte disturbance, potentiation of
Central nervous system
Anticonvulsants Liver enzyme induction
Benzodiazepines Potentiation of anaesthetic agents
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) Inhibition of catecholamine metabolism
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Potentiation of hypertension with vasopressors
Lithium Potentiation of non-​depolarising NMB
Steroids Adrenocortical suppression (see % pp. 230–1)
Aminoglycosides Potentiation of NMB
Oestrogens Increased risk of venous thromboembolism
Preoperative examination 27

Preoperative examination
The completeness of the physical examination as part of a preoperative
assessment will depend on the patient and the procedure. The following
aspects of physical examination, however, are usually relevant.
General appearance
• Body habitus
• Vital signs
• Fluid status
• Nutritional status
• Mobility/​aids.
Airway assessment
(For detail, see % pp. 363–7.)
• Mouth opening/​Mallampati score
• Jaw protrusion
• Dentition
• Neck range of movement
• Facial hair.
(For detail, see % p. 164.)
• Presence of dyspnoea and/​or cyanosis
• Medical interventions (oxygen (O2), nebulisers, chest drain)
• Clarity of lung fields
• Scarring/​previous surgery.
(For detail, see % Chapter 5.)
• Arterial pulses and rhythm
• Vascular access options
• Heart sounds
• Peripheral oedema
• Presence of cardiac implantable electronic devices.
(For detail, see % Chapter 12.)
• Any pre-​existing deficit.
• Range of movements relevant to positioning (e.g. shoulder joints for
• Examination of potential regional block sites.

28 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Preoperative investigations
• Preoperative investigations should be conducted according to individual
patient circumstances.
• National guidelines exist8 and should be taken into account to prevent
unnecessary tests and target those in whom investigations will inform
discussion of risk and support shared decision-​making.
• Standardised referral pathways (with specific fitness for referral criteria)
between 1° and 2° care should minimise duplication of investigations.
• NICE guidelines8 make recommendations for investigations based on
the grade of surgery and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
score (Table 2.2). They also recommend the following:
• Pregnancy testing in all women with childbearing potential
• HbA1c testing only if diabetic and no test within last 3mo
• No other tests should be offered routinely. These include chest X-​ray
(CXR), urine dipsticks, resting echocardiography and tests for sickle
cell disease or trait.

Table 2.2 Recommendations for preoperative investigations

Grade of ASA grade

ASA 1 ASA 2 ASA 3/​4
Minor Consider renal
function in those at
risk of acute kidney
injury (AKI)
Intermediate Consider Check renal
renal function and ECG
function Consider full blood
in those at count (FBC),
risk of AKI coagulation screen
Consider and lung function
ECG tests
Major/​complex Perform FBC Perform FBC, Perform FBC, renal
Consider renal renal function function and ECG
function in those at and ECG Consider
risk of AKI coagulation screen
Consider ECG if and lung function
>65y tests

Specialist investigations
• Some specialist investigations and functional assessment (see %
pp. 32–5) may be performed at preoperative assessment clinic. Some
require referral.
• Detail on these investigations is provided in the relevant specialty
chapters. A brief overview is provided here.
Preoperative investigations 29

Cardiac investigations
(See % Chapter 5, in particular pp. 104–5.)
Valvular disease
• Patients with clinically suspected valvular disease (> moderate stenosis
or regurgitation) should undergo preoperative echocardiography if
there is:
• No prior echocardiogram within 1y
• A significant change in clinical status or physical examination since the
last examination.
Assessment of left ventricular function
• d left ventricular (LV) systolic function is associated with perioperative
complications, particularly postoperative heart failure.
• The association is greatest in patients with high predicted perioperative
• In non-​cardiac surgery, consider echocardiography in patients who:
• Have unexplained dyspnoea
• Have known heart failure and worsening dyspnoea, or who have not
had assessment of their LV function within 1y
• Are potential candidates for solid organ transplant.
• Patients with significant LV impairment should be referred for specialist
cardiology opinion and optimisation of cardiac function if urgency of
surgery allows.
Cardiac stress testing
• Echocardiography at rest will not detect stress-​inducible ischaemia.9
• Exercise ECG or pharmacological stress testing has a high negative
predictive value for postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) or
cardiac death.
• Local variation will exist as to the type of stress testing preferred.
• If cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is available (and the patient
is able to exercise), then this should be considered, as it gives an
assessment of functional capacity and cardiorespiratory fitness. (For
CPET, see % pp. 33–5.)
Cardiac implantable electronic device testing
• The function of cardiac implantable electronic devices should be
checked prior to surgery if this has not been done routinely within
12mo for permanent pacemakers or 6mo for implantable cardioverter–​
defibrillators (ICDs).10
Respiratory investigations
(See % p. 164.)
• Spirometry has not been shown to be predictive of postoperative
• Preoperative spirometry can be used to:
• Aid in the diagnosis of unexplained dyspnoea
• Monitor lung function in those with known chronic lung disease
• Assess lung function in patients with neuromuscular disorders
• Predict postoperative lung function in those undergoing lung resection

30 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Lung ultrasound
• Particularly useful in the context of urgent and emergency surgery. Its
uses include:
• Exclusion of pneumothorax
• Assessment of lung parenchyma
• Diagnosis of pleural effusion.

Sleep apnoea screening

(For sleep apnoea, see % pp. 73–5; % p. 186.)
• Patients at high risk of OSA should be screened preoperatively.
Gastric ultrasound
(For fasting, see % pp. 57–8.)
• The objective of point-​of-​care gastric ultrasound is to aid decision-​
making when planning an airway management strategy.
• It can be considered where there is uncertainty over the fasting status
of patients or where there may be delayed gastric emptying (e.g.
pregnancy, diabetes, pain, obesity, etc.).
• Gastric ultrasound has been shown to be highly sensitive (1.0) and
specific (0.975) to detect or rule out a full stomach.11
Further reading
American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) (2014). 2014 ACC/​
AHA guideline on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and management of patients undergoing
noncardiac surgery. M http://​​content/​accj/​64/​22/​e77.full.pdf?_​ga=2.166
European Society of Cardiology and European Society of Anaesthesiology (2014). ESC/​
ESA guidelines on non-​ cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management.
M https://​​Guidelines/​Clinical-​Practice-​Guidelines/​ESC-​ESA-​Guidelines-​
Consultation models 31

Consultation models
Consultation models provide a structure for complex interactions that
occur between patients and doctors. They may also enable more effective
communication to take place. Many consultation models exist. One that is
frequently applied to preoperative consultation is the Calgary–​Cambridge
model.12 This consists of the following elements.
Initiating the session
• Preparation
• Establishing initial rapport
• Identifying the reason(s) for the consultation.
Gathering information to explore the case fully
• Biomedical perspective (symptoms, signs, clinical investigations)
• Patient’s perspective
• Background information.
Building the relationship
• Using appropriate non-​verbal behaviour
• Developing rapport
• Involving the patient.
Providing structure to the consultation
• Making the consultation organisation overt (summarising at the end of
a specific line of enquiry and progressing from one section to another,
using signposting and transitional statements)
• Attending to flow (structuring the consultation in a logical sequence and
attending to timing).
Explanation and planning
• Providing the correct amount and type of information
• Aiding accurate recall and understanding
• Achieving a shared understanding and incorporate the patient’s
• Planning with shared decision-​making.
Closing the session
• Ensuring appropriate point of closure
• Forward planning.
While these elements tend to be sequential, ‘building the relationship’ and
‘providing structure’ continue throughout the consultation.

32 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Functional assessment
• Evaluation of functional capacity is integral to preoperative risk
assessment; a fundamental prerequisite for safe perioperative care.
• Objective functional capacity assessments are required to support
preoperative risk stratification. Unfortunately, functional assessment
tools suffer from a paucity of evidence and a lack of unified definition
regarding the outcomes that are of most importance to patients (see %
p. 39).
• Subjective assessments have been shown to be less accurate at
identifying those with poor cardiopulmonary fitness or predicting
postoperative complications.13
• There are physical and non-​physical functional assessment tests.
Tests of functional capacity
6-​minute walk test (6MWT)
• Formal conduct of the 6MWT has been defined by the American
Thoracic Society.14 It involves the patient walking as many laps as
possible in 6min of a flat, indoor 30m course.
• It has the advantage of being simple and cheap.
• Recent evidence suggests weak correlation between the 6MWT and
CPET, and moderate correlation between the 6MWT and Duke Activity
Status Index (DASI) scores.15
Exercise ECG and pharmacological stress testing
(See % pp. 104–5.)
• For the detection of myocardial ischaemia and identification of those
in whom percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery
bypass grafting (CABG) are indicated prior to major surgery.
• Exercise ECG also provides an indication of functional capacity.
• Those with pre-​existing ECG abnormalities may undergo
pharmacological stress testing or a myocardial perfusion scan.
Perioperative cardiac biomarker screening16
• There is likely a significant amount of undiagnosed/​asymptomatic
perioperative myocardial ischaemia contributing to 30d mortality.
• Cardiac biomarker screening represents a promising alternative to,
or in conjunction with, other risk stratification methods to predict
postoperative cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
• Tests consist of preoperative natriuretic peptides (brain natriuretic
peptide (BNP), N-​terminal proBNP (NT-​proBNP)) and early
postoperative troponins.
• Postoperative troponin surveillance may help identify high-​risk patients,
particularly those urgent and emergency surgical patients lacking
detailed preoperative investigation.
• Relatively simple, well-​established medical risk reduction strategies
(including antiplatelets, statins, β-​blockade and direct oral
anticoagulants) exist for those identified with abnormal results at high
risk of morbidity and mortality.
• Cardiac biomarker testing is less expensive and resource-​intensive than
cardiac imaging, with promising predictive value for both cardiac and
non-​cardiac morbidity and mortality.
• More evidence is required prior to widespread implementation.
Functional assessment 33

Cardiopulmonary ­exercise testing

• CPET is a non-​invasive, objective assessment of exercise capacity.
• It is a dynamic, integrated evaluation of the cardiorespiratory system
which reflects the physiological reserve of an individual and can be
helpful in predicting postoperative outcomes.
• CPET is based on the premise that major surgery increases baseline O2
consumption and that there is a correlation between reduced capacity
for O2 delivery and postoperative organ dysfunction.
• Consensus clinical guidelines on indications, organisation, conduct and
physiological interpretation of CPET exist to standardise practice across
centres and to build on the existing evidence base.17
Indications for CPET
• Prognostication of surgical outcome
• To inform shared decision-​making
• Identification of patients suitable for prehabilitation
• To guide and monitor effects of preoptimisation
• To monitor effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy
• To guide intraoperative anaesthetic management
• To guide levels of postoperative care
• Identification of pathology and causes of exercise intolerance.
Preparation and consent
• Patients should receive information on the rationale for testing, the
risks, benefits and the process itself.
• A full medical history should be taken, with detail on cardiorespiratory
comorbidity and medications.
• A pretest haemoglobin (Hb) is necessary.
CPET equipment and the ­exercise protocol
• The basic CPET requirements are full resuscitation facilities, a cycle
ergometer, a metabolic cart and ancillary equipment for serial
monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), non-​invasive blood
pressure (NIBP) and ECG. Two staff members are advisable.
• The metabolic cart contains a calibrated gas analyser, a computer and
screens which display the continuous 12-​lead ECG with ST-​segment
analysis and graphical displays of the physiological changes occurring
during exercise.
• Gas flows and volumes are quantified by a pressure differential
pneumotachograph attached to the patient’s mouthpiece.
• An incremental ramp protocol is used up until the limit of exercise
tolerance is reached.
• A ramp slope (W/​min) is selected, using patient gender, age, height and
weight. It can then be adjusted according to comorbidity and functional
status to achieve a testing duration of between 8 and 12min of ramped
exercise (Table 2.3).

34 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Table 2.3 Calculating work rate increment (W/​min)

Variable Unit Sex Formula

Peak VO2 mL/​min ♂ Height (cm) –​age (y) × 20
♀ Height (cm) –​age (y) × 14
VO2 unloaded mL/​min 150+ (6 × weight (kg))

Work rate increment = (peak VO2 –​VO2 unloaded)/​100

VO2 = O2 consumption.

Test conduct
There are four stages to an exercise test:
• Rest (3min):
• To record resting baseline data.
• Unloaded cycling (3min):
• For the patient to become accustomed to a cadence of 60/​min.
• Ramp exercise (8–​12min):
• Cycling continues until failure to maintain cadence of 60/​min.
• A Borg score (rating of perceived exertion) should be recorded.
• Recovery (5min):
• Cycling continues unloaded for a short period.
• Monitor the patient until variables return to near baseline values.

Key exercise response variables17

Three main variables of cardiorespiratory function are reported in relation
to surgical outcome. Impairments in these indices are associated with an i
risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality following major non-​cardiac
• VO2 peak in mL/​kg/​min is the highest O2 uptake (VO2) achieved on
a rapid incremental test at end-​exercise. It differs from VO2 max in
that it represents the patient’s best effort, rather than a physiological
endpoint. Measured values are compared to predicted values to
determine abnormality:
• >80% predicted = not abnormal
• 71–​80% predicted = mildly reduced
• 51–​70% predicted = moderately reduced
• <50% = severely reduced.
• Anaerobic threshold (AT) in mL/​kg/​min. This is the VO2 above which
arterial lactate first begins to increase systematically during incremental
exercise, reflecting a metabolic switch to i glycolysis.
• A low AT has a predictive value for morbidity and mortality in many
surgical cohorts, with a value of <11mL/​kg/​min widely used to
delineate higher-​risk patients.
• This value should be interpreted in the context of other variables and
the broader clinical picture, rather than used as an absolute threshold
for decision-​making.
Functional assessment 35

• Ventilatory equivalents for carbon dioxide (VE/​VCO2) are indicators

of ventilatory efficiency, representing the ratio of minute ventilation to
carbon dioxide (CO2) output at any point in time.
• High values suggest hyperventilation and/​or i physiological
dead space.
• Values >34 at AT have been associated with adverse perioperative
Caution should also be applied to absolute values indexed to body weight
for VO2 peak and AT, as they overestimate risk for patients with high body
mass index (BMI) and underestimate risk for patients with a low BMI.
Interpreting CPET reports
• More holistic reporting and interpretation of CPET should guide
decision-​making away from that based purely on thresholds of specific
exercise response variables.
• A CPET report consists of an objective assessment of exercise capacity
and a more subjective review of the implications of this exercise
capacity for the suggested intervention.
• A CPET report should be viewed alongside other risk assessment tools
to inform the shared decision-​making process.
• The key elements of CPET interpretation are as follows:17
• Determine the reason for the CPET.
• Review the patient’s medical history and laboratory results.
• Note the test quality–​patient effort ± reason for termination.
• Present data in tabular and graphical forms.
• Report exercise capacity using AT and VO2 peak.
• Report other indices related to risk such as VE/​VCO2.
• Evaluate the 1° cause of exercise limitation.
• Comment on perioperative risk implications and further investigations
Duke Activity Status Index
• The DASI18 is a questionnaire which defines an individual’s exercise
capacity through the use of metabolic equivalents of task (METs) where
1 MET is the resting O2 consumption of 3.5mL/​kg/​min for a 40y old
70kg ♂ (Box 2.1).
• DASI scores were the only assessment of functional capacity to be
associated with the 1° outcome measure of death or MI within 30d in a
large prospective cohort study.13
• Patients who cannot sustain 4 METs of physical activity frequently have
adverse outcomes following high-​risk surgery.

Box 2.1 Metabolic equivalents of common tasks

1–​4 METs Eating, dressing, dishwashing, walking around the house
5–​10 METs Climbing a flight of stairs, walking on level ground at
>6km/​h, running briefly, playing golf
>10 METs Strenuous sports: swimming, singles tennis, football

36 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Risk assessment
• Surgical and anaesthetic intervention decisions are made by balancing
the benefits against the risks.
• The actual risks and benefits of any given intervention are unique to
individuals, the procedure, the type of anaesthesia and an individual’s
perception of what is risky and what a good outcome is.
• Meaningful outcomes for individual patients should be central to any
discussion on risk and the context will guide specific risk disclosure.
• Risk assessment, shared decision-​making (% p. 40) and informed
consent (% p. 41) are closely related, but distinct entities and should be
treated as such.
Estimating risk
• Reliably informing patients about risk remains a challenge.19
• Accurate and early risk stratification to identify high-​risk patients
supports the introduction of targeted measures to reduce modifiable
risk via prehabilitation and optimisation, robust intraoperative
management plans and appropriate postoperative support.
• It is essential for minimising adverse outcomes and relies on high-​quality
data at individual, institutional and national levels.
• It empowers patients and informs shared decision-​making, facilitates
communication and underpins the legal consent process.
• There are a variety of tools for risk assessment. They vary widely in
their ease of use, accuracy and what cohort or risk they refer to.
• The process of risk assessment has been shown to positively influence
patients’ care, regardless of level of risk.20
Risk can be estimated using
• Biomarkers (see % p. 32; % p. 104)
• Functional assessment (see % pp. 32–5)
• Risk assessment tools:
• Scoring systems such as ASA, Lee’s Revised Cardiac Risk Index
and the Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia
(ARISCAT) risk index
• Prediction models such as Surgical Outcome Risk Tool (SORT),
Portsmouth-​Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the
enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity (P-​POSSUM), the National
Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) risk prediction tool and
the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality
Improvement Programme (ACS NSQIP).
• Improving risk estimation tools, so that they predict outcomes that are
important to patients, remains a key challenge.
• Being able to predict outcomes that are meaningful to patients will
facilitate more informed decision-​making prior to surgery.
Risk assessment 37

Discussing risk
• Disclosure of risk has changed (following Montgomery vs Lanarkshire
Health Board21) from the practice of medical professionals informing the
patient of what they consider to be appropriate, to what a reasonable
patient would want to know.
• This reflects the legal and moral shift away from paternalism towards
autonomy and self-​determination with respect to decision-​making about
• Clinicians need to explore what patients consider to be relevant:
• It may not be appropriate to detail very serious, very rare
complications to a young, fit patient having a minor procedure, but
this should not be assumed.
• The focus of discussion for an elderly, comorbid patient listed for
major complex surgery would likely focus on survival benefit and
complications that may lead to loss of independence or a decline in
functional status. This, however, cannot be assumed.
• Ideally, comprehensive written information ± direction to online
resources should be provided and documented.
• The entire risk conversation is subject to bias and interpretation.
• Clinicians should seek to minimise such influences and support patients
in their decision-​making by providing them with information which is
tailored to their individual needs.
• Factors that may alter the perception of a given risk include:
• Exposure bias: under-​or over-​publicity
• Regional bias: geographical variation
• Severity: anxiety and fixation on serious complications, or serious
events perceived as higher risk, despite rarity
• Vulnerability: denial, ‘it won’t happen to me’
• Controllability: more accepting of risk, more understanding of
• Certainty: knowledge and understanding of events
• Familiarity: experience of prior interventions
• Presentation: spin on absolute vs relative risks, positive vs negative
presentation of numbers, e.g. ‘90% survival’ rather than ‘10%
• Words, pictures or numbers can be used to communicate risk.
• Evidence suggests considerable variation in the numerical translation of
verbal probability expressions such as ‘negligible’, ‘low’, ‘moderate’ and
‘high’ risk.22
• Patient leaflets and clear information, including an infographic of
anaesthetic risks and probability phrases, are available on the RCoA
website.23 (See Table 2.4 for summary.)

38 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Table 2.4 Common events and risks in anaesthesia

Very common: > in 0

Equivalent to one person in your family

Shivering >1 in 10
Temporary memory loss (mainly in over 60s) >1 in 10
Sickness >1 in 10
Thirst >1 in 10
Sore throat >1 in 10
Bruising >1 in 10
Common: between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100
Equivalent to one person in a street

Pain at the injection site >1 in 10 <1 in 100

Minor lip or tongue injury >1 in 10 <1 in 100
Uncommon: between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000
Equivalent to one person in a village

Minor nerve injury >1 in 100 <1 in 1000

Rare: between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 10 000
Equivalent to one person in a small town

Peripheral nerve damage that is permanent 1in 000

Corneal abrasion 1in 2,800
Damage to teeth requiring treatment 1in 4500
Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction to a drug) 1in 10 000
Very rare: between 1 in 10 000 to 1 in 100 000 or more
Equivalent to one person in a large town

Awareness during an anaesthetic 1in 20 000

Loss of vision 1in 100 000
Death as a direct result of anaesthesia 1in 100 000
Source: data from Common events and risks in anaesthesia infographic, Royal College of
Anaesthetists (M​media/​1946)23
Outcomes 39

• Audit, quality improvement and research can be used to review and
analyse patient outcome data to improve patient care.
• Routinely collecting patient outcome data and using these to guide
local practice is increasingly widespread in UK centres. For example,
Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) following hip and knee
replacement surgery have been collected since 2009.
• Measurement of outcome after surgery is essential. Well-​defined
outcome measures enable comparison between interventions, individual
practitioners and institutions, and enhance risk stratification.
• Outcome measures can be considered as either clinical outcomes or
patient-​reported outcomes.
• Clinical outcomes include mortality and morbidity; 30d and 1y mortality
are routinely and relatively easily collected.
• Morbidity has a much higher prevalence than mortality in the general
surgical population and can be assessed using various tools such as
the Postoperative Morbidity Survey (POMS)24 or the Clavien-​Dindo
• Recent emphasis has focused on the use of patient-​reported outcomes
as the more traditional and crude measures, such as 30d mortality,
unsurprisingly fail to adequately determine the impact of interventions
on patients’ lives.
• There is a need for more meaningful measures that occur more
frequently such as short-​term complications and longer-​term mortality.
• More common outcomes also yield more statistically meaningful
• The Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP)27 was
established in 2016 and aims to look at perioperative care of patients
undergoing major non-​cardiac surgery. It measures complication rates,
failure to rescue and patient-​reported outcomes. Participating hospitals
are provided with a live dashboard of their results, along with quarterly
and annual reports.
• The Standardised Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (StEP) initiative
aims to define measures used in future studies to enable comparison
between studies and consolidate the evidence base.28

40 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Shared decision-​making
• The context in which clinical decisions are made is wide-​ranging.
• Patients vary considerably in their attitudes towards their health, their
ability to make informed decisions and their understanding of options
and possible outcomes of those options.
• The legal and moral landscape in which health care decisions are made
is also changing (see % Risk assessment, pp. 36–8).
• If possible, establish patients’ values and preferences, as these should
determine the significance of various risks.29
• Shared decision-​making is the process in which clinicians and patients
work together to select tests, treatments, management or support
packages using both clinical evidence and the patient’s informed
Essential components of shared decision-​making include:
• Reliable, balanced, evidence-​based information that outlines options,
outcomes and uncertainties
• Decision support counselling with a clinician to clarify options and
• Recording, communicating and implementing patient preferences
• Shared decision-​making recognises two forms of expertise, as shown in
Box 2.2.30

Box 2.2 Sharing expertise

Clinician’s expertise Patient’s expertise
• Diagnosis • Experience of illness
• Disease aetiology • Social circumstances
• Prognosis • Attitude to risk
• Treatment options • Values
• Outcome probabilities • Preferences
Reproduced with permission from Coulter & Collins , Making Shared Decision-Making a Reality:
No decision about me, without me (M
shared-decision-making-reality), © The King’s Fund 2011.

Decision aids
• Most clinical decisions are not straightforward, with multiple options
and outcomes as possibilities. Just as clinicians are supported by clinical
guidelines, patients also require decision aids.
• Decision aids are tools that not only provide information on options,
but also help patients to decide which option to choose.
• Examples of decision aids include the following, with guidelines for
assessing the quality of any given resource: patient information sheets,
computer programs, smart phone or social media applications,
interactive websites and filmed patient/​clinician interviews.31
• The use of decision aids has been shown to result in: greater knowledge
and understanding, more accurate risk perception, greater comfort
with decisions, less regret with complications, better adherence to
treatment, no increase in anxiety and fewer patients choosing major
Consent 41

• The legal stance on consent is changing, and professionals need to keep
abreast of evolving legal developments in the jurisdiction in which they
• The key principles of biomedical ethics, autonomy and self-​
determination require clinicians to obtain consent prior to medical
• Health professionals who carry out procedures without valid consent
are liable to legal action and investigation by professional bodies.33
Guidance on the process of consent34,35
• Information should be:
• Provided as early as possible
• Written or online for future reference
• Tailored to the individual.
• Discussion should:
• Include risks, benefits and alternatives
• Include opportunity for questions
• Be fully documented.
• Exceptions to the requirement for providing information:
• Patients consistently express desire not to know
• Informing the patient would pose a serious threat
• Emergency treatment in the patient’s best interests.
• In the UK, separate written consent is not required for anaesthesia
for another procedure, although it is recommended for independent
• Consent is an ongoing process and should be obtained by either the
individual performing the procedure or a suitable delegate. It may
require repeated discussion and/​or confirmation, with documentation
at every stage.
• Patients can qualify consent by refusing aspects of treatment.35
• Valid consent requires that the patient has capacity.
• To have capacity for consent, the patient must understand and recall
the information provided, weigh up the risks and benefits, consider the
consequences of not having the procedure and communicate a decision
without coercion.
• It is the responsibility of the clinician obtaining the consent to establish
whether or not an individual has capacity.
• Capacity is not absolute. It is time-​and decision-​specific, and is subject
to change.
• The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 200536 sets out the action required
by law when a patient over the age of 16y lacks capacity. The main
principles of the MCA 2005 are that an individual must:
• Be assumed to have capacity unless proven otherwise
• Be given all practicable help to make a decision before being treated
as lacking capacity
• Not be treated as lacking capacity merely because they make an
unwise decision.

42 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

• An intervention or decision made on behalf of a person lacking

capacity must:
• Be in their best interests
• Cause the least restriction of their rights and freedom of action to
achieve the stated purpose.
Best interests
• Acting in a patient’s best interests involves consideration of social,
psychological and medical factors, and must be guided by the patient’s
own opinions, if possible.
• Family or close friends should be consulted, although this should not
compromise care if emergent.
• The Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service (IMCAS) can
provide support for patients without friends or family in England and
• Many competent individuals anticipate a loss of capacity in the future
and legally binding advance decisions (advance directives or living wills)
can be written which specify refusal of certain life-​sustaining treatment
in the event of incapacity.
• Alternatively, individuals may have made a Lasting Power of Attorney
(LPA), a legal document appointing a person with capacity to act on
their behalf with health decisions, should they lose capacity in the future
(England and Wales).35
Children and young people
(See also % p. 915.)
• Competent young people (16 and 17y olds) can give consent for
any treatment without obtaining separate consent from a parent or
• Those under 16y who demonstrate that they fully appreciate the risks
and benefits of the planned intervention can also give consent.
• On the other hand, children and young people who refuse treatment
may have their decision overridden by a parent or the court if they are
likely to suffer irreversible harm as a result of their refusal.
• When a child lacks capacity for consent, parental consent should
be sought. If such a child refuses treatment, judgement needs to be
exercised by the parent and the doctor as to the level of restraint that is
acceptable. When faced with a child who is uncontrollable for whatever
reason, the anaesthetist should consider postponing the case until
adequate premedication can be given.35
Qualified consent
• Qualified consent applies to patients who, for religious or personal
reasons, may consent to treatment in general but refuse certain aspects
of this treatment, e.g. Jehovah’s Witness patients who refuse blood
transfusion (see % p. 462).35 The details of the exact nature of the
patient’s restriction and the explanation of the risks should be carefully
Planning postoperative care 43

Planning postoperative care

• Crucial to preoperative planning is anticipating postoperative needs and
where those needs will be best met.
• About 80% of surgery is done on ambulatory, day case pathways, but
for more complex operations and comorbid patients, inpatient care is
• Local variation exists, but preoperative predicted mortality of >5%
should warrant consideration of higher levels of postoperative care
(Table 2.5).
• Intraoperative complications or unexpected findings may mean a patient
requires a higher level of care than predicted preoperatively.
• Early communication with the surgical team, bed management and
clinicians responsible for higher-​level care is recommended to ensure
patients’ care needs are met.

Table 2.5 Levels of postoperative care

Level Description
0 Patients whose needs can be met through normal ward care in an
acute hospital
1 Patients at risk of their condition deteriorating, or those recently
relocated from higher levels of care whose needs can be met on an
acute ward, with additional advice and support from the critical care
2 Patients requiring more detailed observation or intervention, including
support for a single failing organ system or postoperative care and
those ‘stepping down’ from higher levels of care
3 Patients requiring advanced respiratory support alone or basic
respiratory support, together with support of at least two organ
systems. This level includes all complex patients requiring support for
multiorgan failure

44 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

Enhanced recovery after surgery

• Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is the name given to a
programme that is designed to get patients back to normal health as
quickly as possible after major operations.
• All patients undergoing major surgery should follow an appropriate
ERAS programme.
• It is an evidence-​based approach to the perioperative pathway that has
been shown to improve outcomes and d length of hospital stay. (See
Box 2.3 for the key ERAS principles.)
• The details of individual ERAS pathways vary, depending on the type of
surgery and local needs. Example pathways are available on the ERAS
society website.37

Box 2.3 Key ERAS principles

• Patient preparation and counselling
• Optimisation of nutrition and minimisation of fasting times
• Standardised anaesthetic and analgesic regimes
• Regional and neuraxial techniques to minimise opioid usage
• Minimally invasive surgery and d use of nasogastric tubes (NGTs)
and drains
• Early mobilisation and enteral nutrition

Ongoing care
• The surgical team is responsible for patients not requiring higher-​level
care once they leave the recovery area.
• An anaesthetist must be available to review and provide advice for
patients with any problems/​complications potentially related to
anaesthesia and related procedures.
Enhanced postoperative care
• Centres in the UK are now setting up enhanced care areas that provide
care between levels 1 and 2 (sometimes called ‘level 1.5 units’) for
those higher-​risk patients who do not require admission to a high
dependency unit (HDU) but need a level of support higher than that
offered on a ward.
• Enhanced care is a relatively new and evolving concept, with the aim of
providing a higher level of observation, monitoring and interventions
than on the general ward.
• Enhanced advice and support from the critical care team should be
more easily accessible.
• Patients are under the combined care of the anaesthetic and
surgical teams.
Enhanced recovery after surgery 45

1 Centre for Perioperative Care. M https://​
2 Fowler AJ, Abbott TEF, Prowle J, et al. (2019). Age of patients undergoing surgery. Br J Surg, 106,
3 Royal College of Anaesthetists (2015). Perioperative medicine: the pathway to better surgical
care. M https://​​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​2019-​08/​Perioperative%20
4 Association of Anaesthetists (2010). Pre-​operative assessment and patient preparation –​the role
of the anaesthetist. M https://​​Home/​Resources-​publications/​Guidelines/​
5 Royal College of Anaesthetists (2017). Risk explained. M https://​​patient-​
6 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Improving health and social care through
evidence-​based guidance. M https://​​
7 The Preoperative Association. M https://​www.pre-​​
8 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016). Routine preoperative tests for elective
surgery. M https://​​guidance/​ng45
9 Sicari R, Nihoyannopoulos P, Evangelista A, et al. (2009). Stress Echocardiography Expert
Consensus Statement—​Executive Summary: European Association of Echocardiography (EAE)
(a registered branch of the ESC). Eur Heart J, 30, 278–​89.
10 Bryant HC, Roberts PR, Diprose P (2016). Perioperative management of patients with cardiac
implantable electronic devices. BJA Educ, 16, 388–​96.
11 Kruisselbrink R, Gharapetian A, Chaparro LE, et al. (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of point-​of-​care
gastric ultrasound. Anesth Analg, 128, 89–​95.
12 Kurtz SM, Silverman JD (1996). The Calgary–​Cambridge Referenced Observation Guides: an aid
to defining the curriculum and organizing the teaching in communication training programmes.
Med Educ, 30, 83–​9.
13 Wijeysundera DN, Pearse RM, Shulman MA, et al. (2018). Assessment of functional capacity be-
fore major non-​cardiac surgery: an international, prospective cohort study. Lancet, 391, 2631–​40.
14 American Thoracic Society (2002). ATS statement: guidelines for the six-​minute walk test. M
15 Shulman MA, Cuthbertson BH, Wijeysundera DN, et al. (2019). Using the 6-​minute walk test to
predict disability-​free survival after major surgery. Br J Anaesth, 122, 111–​19.
16 Ruzycki SM, Prystajecky M, Driedger MR, et al. (2020). Peri-​ operative cardiac biomarker
screening: a narrative review. Anaesthesia, 75, e165–​73. doi:10.1111/​anae.14920
17 Levett DZH, Jack S, Swart M, et al. (2018). Perioperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing
(CPET): consensus clinical guidelines on indications, organization, conduct, and physiological in-
terpretation. Br J Anaesth, 120, 484–​500.
18 Hlatky MA, Boineau RE, Higginbotham MB, et al. (1989). A brief self­administered questionnaire
to determine functional capacity (the Duke Activity Status Index). Am J Cardiol, 64, 651–​4.
19 Royal College of Anaesthetists (2019). Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP) Annual
report 2018–​19. M https://​​pages/​ar2019
20 National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (2019). The Fifth Patient Report of the National Emergency
Laparotomy Audit. M https://​​reports
21 UK Supreme Court (UKSC) (2015). Montgomery (Appellant) v Lanarkshire Health Board
(Respondent) (Scotland) UKSC 11. M https://​​cases/​uksc-​2013-​0136.
22 Wiles MD, Duffy A, Neill K (2020). The numerical translation of verbal probability expressions
by patients and clinicians in the context of peri-​operative risk communication. Anaesthesia, 75,
23 Royal College of Anaesthetists. Patient information resources: risk explained. M https://​www.rcoa.​patient-​information/​patient-​information-​resources/​anaesthesia-​risk/​risk-​explained
24 Grocott MP, Browne JP, Van der Meulenm J, et al. (2007). The Postoperative Morbidity Survey
was validated and used to describe morbidity after major surgery. J Clin Epidemiol, 60, 919–​28.
25 Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien PA (2004). Classification of surgical complications: a new pro-
posal with evaluation in a cohort of 6336 patients and results of a survey. Ann Surg, 240, 205–​13.
26 Myles PS, Boney O, Botti M, et al. (2018). Systematic review and consensus definitions for the
Standardised Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (StEP) initiative: patient comfort. Br J Anaesth,
120, 705–​11.
27 Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme. M https://​​content/​home

46 Chapter 2 Preoperative considerations

28 Moonesinghe SR, Jackson AI, Boney O, et al. (2019). Systematic review and consensus definitions
for the Standardised Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine initiative: patient-​centred outcomes. Br
J Anaesth, 123, 664–​70.
29 Sturgess J, Clapp JT, Fleisher LA (2019). Shared decision-​making in perioperative medicine: a
narrative review. Anaesthesia, 74, 13–​19.
30 The King’s Fund (2011). Making shared decision-​making a reality: no decision about me, without me.
M https://​​publications/​making-​shared-​decision-​making-​reality
31 Elwyn G, O’Connor AM, Bennett C, et al. (2009). Assessing the quality of decision support tech-
nologies using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards instrument (IPDASi). PLoS One, 4,
e4705. M https://​​10.1371/​journal.pone.0004705
32 O’Connor AM, Stacey D, Entwistle V, et al. (2017). Decision aids for people facing health treat-
ment or screening decisions. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 4, CD001431.
33 Department of Health (2009). Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment, 2nd edn.
M http://​​20130107105354/​http://​​prod_​
34 General Medical Council (2008). Dcisions making and consent. M https://​www.gmc-​​
35 Yentis SM, Hartle AJ, Barker IR, et al. (2017). AAGBI: consent for anaesthesia 2017. Anaesthesia,
72, 93–​105.
36 Mental Capacity Act 2005 (2005). Chapter 9: Lasting powers of attorney. M http://​www.legisla-​ukpga/​2005/​9/​contents
37 ERAS® Society. M https://​​guidelines/​list-​of-​guidelines/​
Chapter 3 47

Tom Blincoe, David Kotwinski, and Ian Densham
Preoptimisation 48
Prehabilitation 49
Patient blood management, anaemia and iron deficiency 53
Fasting 57
Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis 59
Antibiotic prophylaxis 62
Perioperative medications 64
Herbal medicines and anaesthesia 65
Premedicants 66

48 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

The role of the preoperative team has evolved over the past decade and
the focus is now not only on assessment, but also on patient optimisation.
This is where a collaborative approach is taken to get patients as fit for sur-
gery as possible in the time frame available.
Preoptimisation includes both lifestyle and medical optimisation of
comorbidity. The preoperative team works together with hospital special-
ists and GPs to identify and minimise risk factors for postoperative compli-
cations. With the facts, patients are then empowered to be fully involved in
shared decision-​making.
Patients’ attitudes towards surgery are likely to shift in the future. Far
from being passive participants on the ‘conveyor belt’ to surgery, patients
are being encouraged to motivate and engage in physical and psychological
training, so as to ‘get fit’ for their operations, an approach analogous to how
an athlete would prepare for a marathon.
Prehabilitation 49

Habilitation is derived from the Latin ‘habilitare’, meaning ‘to make suitable’
or ‘to enable’. Prehabilitation is the practice of enhancing a patient’s func-
tional capacity before surgery, with the aim of improving postoperative out-
comes (Fig. 3.1).1 This may include lifestyle and nutritional advice, structured
physical exercise and psychosocial support.
Physical exercise
Physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for death worldwide
(WHO, 2018). In 2015/​16, 26% of UK adults were classified as inactive
(<30min of physical activity per week).
• There is extensive evidence that exercise prolongs life and reduces CVS
disease in a dose-​related fashion.
• A sedentary lifestyle is associated with twice the risk of premature
death, compared to physically active people.2
• Patients should be encouraged to undertake a minimum of 150min of
moderate exercise or 90min of vigorous exercise per week.
• Social prescribers can signpost patients to local physical activity
initiatives. GPs may be able to prescribe free or subsidised gym
• Well-​designed studies have demonstrated that preoperative exercise
can improve exercise capacity.
• There is limited evidence to suggest preoperative exercise programmes
reduce length of stay and postoperative pain and improve physical
function following major surgery.3
• Large multicentre RCTs are under way, aiming to demonstrate a
reduction in morbidity and mortality.
• Exercise programmes need to be tailored to individual patients,
according to baseline fitness levels and the time frame available.
Psychological support
There may be a role for preoperative psychological support in those at risk
of developing persistent and difficult-​to-​control postoperative pain.

Fig. 3.1 Optimisation of surgical outcomes with prehabilitation.


50 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

(See % p. 82 for the malnourished patient.)
Patients who are at high risk of being undernourished should have formal
dietetic referral prior to surgery (Fig. 3.2).
• Consider delaying their surgery to allow time for improvement in
nutritional state.
• All patients having major surgery should have minimal fasting times and/​
or complex carbohydrate loading (including non-​insulin-​dependent
diabetic patients).4
Behavioural change
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is a behavioural change consensus
statement published by NHS Health Education England in 2016. It recog-
nises that telling people what to do is not the most effective way to change
• Staff across health, local authority and voluntary sectors have thousands
of contacts with individuals every day.
• MECC describes using these opportunities to raise awareness,
encourage change and signpost to supporting agencies using an ‘Ask,
Advise, Assist’ structure to promote health and healthy lifestyles.5
Alcohol is the most consumed recreational drug in Great Britain; 57% of
adults drink alcohol regularly and nearly 10% drink on ≥5d per week.6
• Established liver cirrhosis presents a significant risk for perioperative
morbidity and mortality, but even moderate consumption of alcohol is
associated with i rates of postoperative infection.
• Abstinence from alcohol for 6–​8w preoperatively has been
demonstrated to significantly reduce morbidity.7
• Using screening tools, such as the Fast Alcohol Screening Test and the
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, can identify those at risk of
alcohol dependence/​withdrawal and allow referral to specialist services
for detoxification programmes.
(See % p. 173.)
In the UK, 14.4% of adults smoke regularly (2018).8
• Smoking is strongly associated with higher rates of significant
postoperative complications (relative risk 1.3–​2.5).9
• Smoking cessation should occur at least 4w prior to surgery to produce
a significant reduction in risk. The longer the period of abstinence, the
greater the risk reduction.
• A meta-​analysis of preoperative smoking cessation concluded that intense
behavioural interventions significantly reduced postoperative complications
and long-​term abstinence, compared to brief interventions.10
Prehabilitation 51

Fig. 3.2 The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). The ‘Malnutrition

Universal Screening Tool’ (‘MUST’) is reproduced here with the kind permission of BAPEN (British
Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition). For further information on ‘MUST’ see M www. Copyright © BAPEN 2012.

52 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

(See % p. 70.)
UK obesity prevalence i from 15% in 1993 to 27% in 2015. In the UK, it
is the 2nd leading risk factor for developing cancer.
• Patients with BMI >40 and obesity-​related comorbidities are particularly
at risk of postoperative complications. For example, obesity doubles
the risk of joint infection after hip and knee arthroplasty.11
• Preoperative weight loss not only reduces perioperative risk,12 but may
also reduce the need for surgery.

Patient blood management, anaemia and

iron deficiency
Patient blood management
Patient blood management (PBM) is a WHO-​endorsed, multidisciplinary,
evidence-​based approach to the care of patients who are at risk of re-
quiring a perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion.
• Effective PBM programmes are associated with not only d blood
transfusions, but also improved surgical outcomes, with d infection
rates, perioperative MI and CVE and d 30d mortality, as well as reduced
length of stay, readmission rates and costs.13
• PBM comprises three pillars of care:
• Optimisation of haematopoiesis
• Minimisation of blood loss
• Management of postoperative anaemia.
• The detection and management of anaemia are central to the first
pillar—​optimisation of haematopoiesis. This is outlined below. (For
more information on PBM, see % pp. 458–9.)
Preoperative anaemia
(See also % pp. 254–6.)
The prevalence of anaemia was found to be 36% in a large multicentre co-
hort of patients undergoing major surgery.14
• Perioperative anaemia and allogeneic blood transfusion are independent
risk factors for poor postoperative outcomes such as i length of stay,
complications and mortality.15
• New recommendations quantify anaemia as Hb <130g/​dL in adult
surgical patients, irrespective of gender. Unlike the WHO definition
of anaemia, this is not gender-​specific because women have smaller
circulating volumes and during surgery are just as likely to bleed as men.
They are therefore at i risk of requiring a blood transfusion.16
• The presence of anaemia should be investigated in all surgical
procedures with expected moderate to high blood loss (>500mL).16
• Anaemia investigation and treatment should start as soon as the
decision to undertake surgery is made. This gives the longest possible
time for any treatments to be efficacious.
• Major non-​urgent surgery should be postponed to allow the treatment
of anaemia and iron deficiency.
Iron deficiency
• Iron deficiency affects >2 billion people worldwide and remains the
leading cause of anaemia.17
• Iron is an essential human bioelement with roles in erythropoiesis,
cellular respiration, O2 flux, gene regulation and immunity.
• Symptoms of iron deficiency are non-​specific and independent of
anaemia. They include pallor, fatigue, exhaustion, palpitations, shortness
of breath, ‘brain fog’, hair loss and muscle pain.
• Iron deficiency anaemia occurs in cases of severe iron deficiency.

54 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

Iron physiology
• About 65% of iron is stored in Hb within red blood cells (RBCs) ±
15–​20% is stored in macrophages, myoglobin, tissue enzymes and
cytochromes, and ± 15–​20% within the liver, spleen and marrow as
haemosiderin and ferritin.
• Circulating (ferric) iron is primarily transported on transferrin, with
typically ± 30% of the binding sites being saturated.
• Systemic iron homeostasis is primarily regulated by the hepatically
produced peptide hormone hepcidin, which inhibits the movement of
iron into the circulation. In addition to high systemic iron levels, hepcidin
levels increase in response to infection, inflammation and malignancy.
• Iron used for the synthesis of new RBCs is mainly from macrophage-​
recycled senescent RBCs.
• Normally, daily iron losses are balanced by gastrointestinal (GI)
The causes can be broadly classified into causes of absolute and functional
iron deficiency:
• Absolute iron deficiency is caused by i iron requirements, limited
supply (insufficient intake or d absorption) and chronic blood loss.
• Functional iron deficiency is caused by i hepcidin concentrations, which
may be either genetic or caused by a chronic inflammatory state.
Investigating iron deficiency
• The hallmark blood test for iron deficiency is serum ferritin (sF).
Normal sF levels are >100 micrograms/​L, with sF of <15 micrograms/​L
considered pathognomonic of iron deficiency.
• Transferrin saturation (Tsat) values of >20% are required for normal
• The main problem with sF is that it is an acute phase reactant, so iron
deficiency can exist with normal sF levels.
• In the presence of inflammation and/​or Tsat <20%, an sF level <100
micrograms/​L is indicative of iron deficiency.16
• GPs should be informed of any new diagnosis of iron deficiency
anaemia made by the preassessment service, so that the cause can be
fully investigated.
• Fig. 3.3 shows an example algorithm for the diagnosis of iron deficiency
Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia
• The aim of preoperative iron treatment is replenishing iron stores
(sF >100 micrograms/​L) and achieving Hb ≥130g/​dL, irrespective of
• Despite the focus on patients with a high transfusion risk, it is
considered good practice to treat all surgical patients with iron
deficiency anaemia.
• Patients with iron deficiency (without anaemia) undergoing high-​
transfusion risk surgery should also be considered for supplementation.
• Treatment options are either oral (PO) or intravenous (IV) iron
Patient blood management, anaemia and iron deficiency 55

Patient listed for surgery with

high transfusion risk1

Laboratory workup

Hb <130g/L

Iron investigations2



sF >30 and <100 sF >100

sF <30 + Tsat <20% or CRP >5 + Tsat <20% or CRP >5

Anaemia of chronic Anaemia of chronic

inflammation with ID inflammation

Iron supplementation Liaise with

(see text) haematologist

Fig. 3.3 Algorithm for management of patients with iron deficiency anaemia. CRP,
C-​reactive protein (mg/​L); sF, serum ferritin (micrograms/​L); Tsat, transferrin
saturation (%).
Transfusion risk >10% or estimated blood loss >500mL. Includes CABG, cardiac valve proced-
ures, colorectal resection, cystectomy, nephrectomy, 1° and revision hip or knee replacement, open
carotid artery procedures and other open aortic/​iliac vascular operations.
International consensus suggests iron investigations include sF, Tsat and CRP (or equivalent inflam-
matory marker). However, some centres use reticulocyte Hb content.
Reproduced from Klein AA, et al. (2016). International consensus statement on the peri-​operative
management of anaemia and iron deficiency. Anaesthesia, 72, 233–​47, with permission from John
Wiley & Sons Ltd. © 2016 The Authors.

56 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

Oral iron
• If >6w until surgery, then consider a trial of PO iron (40–​60mg daily
or 80–​100mg alternate days) and check Hb at 4w before surgery. If an
inadequate response or intolerant (gastric upset), then switch to an IV
treatment strategy.
• Effective in many but requires time and education to work.
IV iron
• If <4–​6w to surgery, give IV iron.
• Highly efficacious, with symptom relief achieved at d3 and an Hb
response at d5 (maximal at 2–​3w).18
• Even giving 1d preoperatively has been shown to aid postoperative
• Side effects: irreversible skin discoloration with extravasation (use an
infusion pump), fishbone reaction—​a self-​limiting reaction with flushing,
chest tightness and myalgia, and without hypotension, wheezing, stridor
or oedema (pause infusion for 15min), hypersensitivity <1/​25 000 (less
frequent with newer preparations).
• Expert haematology and pharmacist advice should be sought when
developing local policies and considering which preparations to use.
• Whilst it is recommended practice, and considered safe and effective,
to treat patients with iron deficiency preoperatively, it is important
to acknowledge the recently published PREVENTT trial. This was a
UK-based randomised controlled trial of 487 patients that concluded
that preoperative IV iron was no better than placebo in reducing the
need for blood transfusion or improving 30-day mortality in anaemic
patients undergoing major abdominal surgery.20
Postoperative iron deficiency anaemia
• All patients who had major surgery with preoperative anaemia or
moderate to severe blood loss should be screened for iron deficiency
anaemia postoperatively for a minimum of 3d.
• Early high-​dose IV iron is recommended as 1st-​line therapy.
• High blood loss requiring blood transfusion may also require
postoperative supplementary IV iron.
Further reading
Muñoz M, Acheson AG, Bisbe E, et al. (2018). An international consensus statement on the man-
agement of postoperative anaemia after major surgical procedures. Anaesthesia, 11, 1418–​31.
Fasting 57

Preoperative fasting is defined as the restriction of fluid or food intake prior
to general anaesthesia (GA) or sedation.
Prolonged periods of fasting are unnecessary and have been associated
with deleterious effects, including distress, confusion, dehydration, CVS in-
stability, electrolyte disturbance, PONV, hypoglycaemia, insulin resistance,
worse outcomes and morbidity.
Preoperative fasting
The aim of preoperative fasting, by reducing the volume and nature of gas-
tric content, is to mitigate the risk of peri-​procedural pulmonary aspiration.
• Patients should receive fasting guidance, including information on the
underlying rationale, during the anaesthetic preassessment.21
• Fasting times should be minimised, with specific consideration given to
the management of routine medication.
• ASA guidance (Table 3.1) is consistent with well-​established practice.21
• The ongoing administration of clear fluids should be addressed
continuously over the course of an operating list. A 2h fast for clear
fluids can translate into significantly longer periods in reality.
• In 2018, an international consensus statement was issued, advising a
reduced fasting period for clear fluids to 1h (with a maximum volume of
3mL/​kg) for children, in the absence of contraindications, undergoing
elective procedures22 (see % pp. 915–16). There is mounting pressure
for adult guidelines to adopt this reduced time frame.
• Examples of clear fluids include water, non-​particulate juice, black tea or
coffee and carbohydrate nutritional drinks, but not alcohol.
• The ASA considers carbonated beverages to be clear fluids, but this is
not universally accepted—​local guidelines should be followed.
• Non-​human milk is considered solid, as when mixed with gastric juices,
it congeals. Small amounts (<20%) of milk in tea and coffee divide
opinion23—​local guidelines should be followed.
• Normal gastric emptying of solids is slower and more variable than that
of fluids. Light meals (e.g. toast) have faster gastric emptying times than
foods with a high-​fat or meat content.
• Patients should not have their surgery delayed for chewing gum, sucking
a boiled sweet or smoking a cigarette immediately before coming to
• A vital, if obvious, practical point is to ensure that chewing gum is
removed before anaesthesia to prevent it from being aspirated.

Table 3.1 Summary of 2017 ASA guidance for adult preoperative fasting periods

Ingested material Minimum fast (h)

Clear liquids 2
Human breast milk 4
Light meal and non-​human milk 6
Fried fatty food and meat 8
Source: data from Anesthesiology. 2017(Mar);126(3):376–93.

58 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

Delayed gastric emptying

• Causes: metabolic, e.g. poorly controlled diabetes mellitus (DM), renal
failure, sepsis; d gastric motility, e.g. head injury; pyloric obstruction, e.g.
pyloric stenosis; gastro-​oesophageal reflux; i intra-​abdominal pressure,
e.g. pregnancy, obesity; opioids; trauma.
• Err on the side of caution when estimating time for an empty stomach
in trauma patients. The time taken to return to normal gastric emptying
after trauma has not been established and varies, depending upon the
degree of trauma and the level of pain.
• Anxiety has not been shown to have any consistent effect on gastric
Gastric ultrasound
Emerging work on the use of bedside ultrasound to ascertain residual gas-
tric content is promising.24 It is used to influence modification of the induc-
tion technique in the context of urgent or emergent surgery or for those
with delayed gastric emptying.25
Intraoperative management of the unfasted patient
• Check the patient’s fasting status at the time of the procedure.
• If delayed gastric emptying, consider prolonged fasting periods,
premedication and/​or modification of the anaesthetic induction.
• When preoperative fasting has not been achieved, the benefit of
proceeding should be balanced against the risk of pulmonary aspiration.
Considerations should include the type and volume of ingested material,
as well as the urgency of surgery.21
• Consideration of gastric decompression (e.g. via wide-​bore orogastric
tube (OGT) or NGT) should be made on a case-​by-​case basis.
• Without a clear indication for an ongoing requirement, any OGT or
NGT placed during surgery should be removed before emergence from
Postoperative resumption of oral intake
• Oral fluids should be offered post-​procedurally when patients are fully
awake and free from nausea, unless prohibited by specific instructions
from the surgeon or anaesthetist.
• If an airway has been topicalised with a local anaesthetic (LA) (e.g.
awake tracheal intubation), a patient should remain fasted until airway
anaesthesia has worn off and airway reflexes have returned.
• Return to normal diet is a central component of ERAS protocols and
postoperative surgical instructions should address this.
Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis 59

Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis

• Venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) is a common source of
perioperative morbidity and mortality.26
• Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a potentially avoidable cause of
postoperative death and typically results from a deep vein thrombosis
(DVT) originating from within lower limb venous plexuses.
• DVTs carry their own morbidity related to post-​thrombotic chronic
venous insufficiency and venous ulceration.
• Without VTE prophylaxis, historical data indicate the incidence of VTE
in surgical patients is high, with up to 50% developing a DVT and 10% a
Risk assessment for VTE and bleeding
• The risks of VTE and bleeding are influenced by patient, surgical and
anaesthetic factors (Table 3.2).
• Contributing towards the risk of VTE is the Virchow’s triad of
pathophysiological factors: hypercoagulability, abnormal venous blood
flow and endothelial damage.
• In the UK, one of the most commonly used assessments is the
Department of Health VTE Risk Assessment Tool.28 This indicates that
all adult surgical patients should be assessed:
• On hospital admission and at 24h post-​admission
• Each time their clinical situation changes (e.g. intraoperatively, and
both immediately and later postoperatively).
• Surgical patients with ≥1 VTE risk factor should be considered for
• Intermediate-​or high-​risk patients ideally should have a combination of
mechanical and pharmacological prophylaxis.29
• Risk scoring tools are available with online risk calculators and
recommended prophylactic strategies such as The Caprini Score.30
• Patients should be given an explanation of their assessment and the risk
vs benefit of any suggested prophylactic strategy.
Prophylactic management
• Prophylaxis should normally be started as soon as possible (usually
<14h after a non-​elective admission)—​unless patient, surgical or
anaesthetic considerations preclude this.29
• Some hospitals have incorporated VTE prophylaxis into an amended
WHO Surgical Safety Checklist to address intra-​and postoperative
• The type, timing, dose and duration of postoperative VTE prophylaxis
should be agreed between the surgeon and the anaesthetist, and ideally
prescribed before the patient leaves theatre.
• Prophylactic management include:
• Non-​pharmacological measures—​mechanical and inferior vena cava
(IVC) filters
• Pharmacological measures.

60 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

Table 3.2 VTE and bleeding risk factors28

VTE risk Bleeding risk

Patient factors
Thrombophilia Active bleeding
History of VTE (personal or family) Acquired bleeding disorders (e.g.
Obesity (BMI >30kg/​m2) acute liver failure)
Malignancy (active or treatment) Anticoagulant use (e.g. warfarin
Oestrogen-​containing with international normalised ratio
contraceptive* (INR) >2)
Hormone replacement Acute CVE
therapy (HRT)* Thrombocytopenia (platelets <75
Pregnancy or <6w postpartum × 109g/​L)
Age >60y Hypertension >230/​120mmHg
Phlebitic varicose veins Untreated inherited bleeding
disorders (e.g. haemophilia, von
Dehydration Willebrand disease)
Other significant medical disease
Surgical factors
Surgery causing reduced mobility Neurosurgery
Hip fracture Spinal surgery
Hip or knee replacement Ophthalmic surgery
Acute inflammatory/​intra-​ Procedures with high bleeding risk
abdominal condition
Anaesthetic factors
Total anaesthetic time >90min Neuraxial technique planned in
Total anaesthetic time >60min for next 12h
pelvic or lower limb surgery Neuraxial technique performed
Critical care admission within previous 4h

More than one VTE risk should prompt thromboprophylaxis. The risk of bleeding should
be balanced against the risk of VTE when deciding whether to offer pharmacological
thromboprophylaxis to surgical and trauma patients.4
For oestrogen-​containing contraceptive and HRT, see % p. 64.
Source: data from Risk assessment for venous thromboembolism (VTE), Department of Health,

Non-​pharmacological VTE prophylaxis

Graduated compression stockings
• Should provide graduated compression of 14–​15mmHg at the calf.
• Contraindicated in peripheral artery disease, peripheral artery bypass
grafts, peripheral neuropathy, severe leg oedema, significant limb
deformity, local vulnerable skin conditions and acute CVE.29
• Skin integrity should be monitored and if compromised, the stockings
should be removed and consideration given to the use of intermittent
pneumatic compression devices.29
Intermittent pneumatic compression devices
• Intermittent pneumatic compression devices compress the leg (35–​
40mmHg) for ± 10s every minute, promoting venous flow.
Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis 61

• There is some evidence that they are as effective as heparin in reducing

the incidence of DVT and are typically used in preference to graduated
compression stockings for higher-​risk patients.31
• They are used for patients with known i risk for DVT and in major
surgery and/​or prolonged surgery.
IVC filters
• The evidence for the use of IVC filters in patients with
a contraindication for pharmacological and mechanical
thromboprophylaxis is not robust.31
• IVC filter-​associated complications often outweigh a potential benefit.
They are therefore not routinely used in the perioperative period.
However, they could be considered for insertion in high-​risk patients
(e.g. recent proven DVT with non-​deferrable major surgery) when
other methods are contraindicated, but only on a case-​by-​case basis
and in discussion with the patient and the multidisciplinary team.
Pharmacological prophylaxis
• Low-​molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is a commonly used agent
(adjusted for both weight and renal function), e.g. for a 50–​100kg
patient, enoxaparin 40mg/​24h subcutaneously (SC) or 20mg if
creatinine clearance (CC) <30mL/​min.
• Other agents can be used but are usually surgery-​(or patient-​) specific
and reflect current evidence. These include unfractionated heparin
(UFH), rivaroxaban, apixaban, dabigatran, fondaparinux, warfarin and
aspirin.6 Local, national or international guidelines should be followed.
• Anaesthetic assessment should address the timing and management
of any pre-​and postoperative dosing, specifically with regard to any
anaesthetic procedures (e.g. neuraxial or regional techniques).
• If pharmacological prophylaxis is contraindicated, then mechanical
prophylaxis in isolation should be commenced (preferably with
intermittent pneumatic compression devices).31
(See % Chapter 36 for general paediatric anaesthesia information.)
The majority of paediatric surgical patients do not require VTE prophy-
laxis. However, the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain
and Ireland (APAGBI) Guidelines32 recommends that children aged ≥13y
should be risk-​assessed for VTE (and bleeding) and managed accordingly.
Specifically they suggest:
• Children ≥13y and >40kg, with an expected anaesthetic time >60min,
should be fitted with intermittent pneumatic compression devices
• Central venous catheter (CVC) lines are the commonest risk factor for
paediatric VTE.
• Other VTE risk factors are similar to those for an adult.
• Paediatric patients are classed as low (no risk factors), moderate risk
(one risk factor) or high risk (≥2 risk factors).
• Consider graduated compression stockings in moderate-​risk patients
(if >40kg and appropriate size).
• High-​risk patients should be assessed for potential LMWH.

62 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

Antibiotic prophylaxis
• Antibiotic prophylaxis is administered to patients as part of a care
bundle to mitigate the risk of surgical site (wound) infection.33
• Other anaesthetic components of this bundle include maintaining
patient homeostasis such as normothermia, adequate oxygenation,
tissue perfusion and targeted glycaemic control.
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis34
• Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended before:
• Clean surgery involving prosthesis or implants
• Clean-​contaminated surgery
• Contaminated surgery.
• It is not recommended for clean, non-​prosthetic, uncomplicated
• A patient’s antibiotic allergy and meticillin-​resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) status should be identified during preoperative assessment, and
prophylactic antibiotic choices tailored accordingly.
• Best practice is to inform patients preoperatively if they will need
antibiotic prophylaxis. They should also be informed postoperatively if
they received antibiotics during the operation.
• A course of antibiotic treatment should be given to patients having
surgery on dirty or infected wounds or to those with proven or
suspected systemic sepsis.
Timing of prophylactic antibiotics
• The WHO recommends that antibiotic prophylaxis is given within
60min of surgical incision.
• One exception is with infected patients where it is planned to take
surgical samples prior to administering antibiotics.
• It is recommended that prophylactic antibiotics are administered on
starting anaesthesia; however, earlier prophylaxis may be needed for
procedures requiring a tourniquet.34
• Antibiotics with long infusion durations should be commenced, so that
the infusion is complete before whichever is the earlier of knife to
skin or tourniquet inflation (e.g. vancomycin and fluoroquinolones are
infused over 60–​120min).
• Repeat antibiotic doses should be administered for procedures >2–​4h
(typically where the duration >2 half-​lives of the antibiotic) or with
associated significant blood loss (>1.5L).33,35
• It is important to note that certain patient factors, such as extensive
burns or renal failure, may impact on the half-​life of the antibiotic.
• Decisions on the choice of antibiotics and redosing should follow local
guidelines or the advice of a microbiologist.
• For procedures where S. aureus is a likely cause of surgical site infection,
consider preoperative decolonisation, e.g. with a course of nasal
mupirocin and chlorhexidine body wash.
• Screening for both MRSA and meticillin-​sensitive S. aureus can help
guide decision-​making for decolonisation and subsequent prophylactic
antibiotic choice.
Antibiotic prophylaxis 63

Infective endocarditis prophylaxis36,37

• Infective endocarditis (IE) is rare but has a high mortality rate.
• Guidelines have not been in agreement about antibiotic prophylaxis in
the prevention of IE.
• The European Society of Cardiology and the American Heart
Association have each restricted prophylactic antibiotics to those
patients with the highest risk of adverse outcomes.
• In contrast, NICE went even further and advised against prophylactic
antibiotics altogether. The exception to this is patients at risk of IE who
are undergoing a GI or genitourinary procedure at a site of suspected
or proven infection should receive antibiotics that cover organisms
causative of IE.
• There is no global consensus for patients traditionally considered
high risk. Box 3.1 outlines cardiac conditions considered at risk of IE
by NICE.

Box 3.1 Cardiac conditions at risk of IE36

• Previous IE
• Acquired heart valve disease with stenosis or regurgitation
• Heart valve replacement
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
• Structural congenital heart disease, excluding isolated atrial septal
defect (ASD), fully repaired ventricular septal defect (VSD) or fully
repaired persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and closure devices that
are thought to be endothelialised

General recommendations
• Antibiotics indicated for surgical procedures should be given as normal.
• For ‘infected surgery’ in patients at risk of IE, appropriate antibiotic
prophylaxis should be administered.
• In patients at high risk of IE, the decision to provide prophylactic
antibiotics for dental treatment should be made by treating clinicians
after discussion with the patient.
• Administration of antibiotics is not risk-​free, and local protocols should
be followed.

64 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

Perioperative medications
Prescribed, over-​the-​counter, herbal and recreational medications need
to be carefully considered at the time of the preoperative assessment.
Individualised plans that take into account patient and surgical factors (and
based on local guidelines) should be made and clearly communicated (in
written form) to the patient and teams involved in their perioperative care.
Some specific considerations include:
• Anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapies (see % pp. 269–79)
• Diabetic medications (see % pp. 216–21)
• Antipsychotics (see % p. 334)
• Renin–​angiotensin system antagonists (see % Chapter 5, in particular
% p. 107, p. 113 and p. 116)
• β-​blockers (see % Chapter 5, in particular % p. 107, p. 113 and p. 116)
• Antiepileptics (see % pp. 300–2) and anti-​Parkinson’s medications
(see % pp. 292–5).
• Statins should be continued due to their effects on improved endothelial
function, enhanced stability of atherosclerotic plaques and reduced
vascular inflammation, causing a decrease in perioperative cardiac
Oestrogen therapy
• NICE guidance39 recommends that women consider stopping oestrogen
therapy (contraception or HRT) 4w before elective surgery due to the
theoretical i risk of VTE.
• There is, however, no consensus on the perioperative advice to give
patients due to insufficient evidence for i perioperative VTE risk and
the risks of unwanted pregnancy, or the recurrence of troublesome
menopausal symptoms. These should be considered in a patient’s
decision-​making process.
• Patients should be advised on a case-​by-​case basis. If contraception is
stopped, advice must be given about alternative contraceptive measures
and discussions documented.
Herbal medicines and anaesthesia 65

Herbal medicines and anaesthesia

• About 5–​14% of patients take perioperative herbal medication.
• Of these, 70% do not disclose this fact to their doctor.
• Content of herbal remedies may vary dramatically.
• Most herbal remedies are harmless, but some may have important
consequences for anaesthesia (Table 3.3).
• The ASA recommends that patients stop herbal medications 2w before

Table 3.3 Herbal medicines which may affect anaesthesia

Drug (common name) Potential uses Perioperative concerns

Echinacea (purple Boosts immune Immunosuppression in
coneflower root) system (stimulates cell-​ long-​term use. Avoid in
mediated immunity) transplant surgery. May cause
Ephedra (Ma huang) Promotes weight i risk of cardiac arrhythmias,
loss. Used for asthma hypertension, CVE and
and bronchitis MI.41 May cause ventricular
(direct and indirect arrhythmias with halothane.
sympathomimetic) Life-​threatening interaction
with MAOIs40
Garlic Treatment of i risk of bleeding due to
hypertension, antiplatelet effects42
hyperlipidaemia and
Ginkgo (duck foot tree, Used to improve i risk of bleeding when
maidenhair tree, silver mental alertness combined with anticoagulant
apricot) (antiplatelet activity) and antithrombotic
Ginseng (American, Aimed at increasing May lower blood
Asian, Chinese, Korean physical and mental concentration of warfarin.
ginseng) stamina May cause hypoglycaemia.40
May see tachycardia and
Kava-​kava (intoxicating Anxiolytic and muscle Can increase sedative effect of
pepper, kawa) relaxant anaesthetic 40
St John’s wort Antidepression, Induction of cytochrome P450
(amber, goat weed, anxiolytic and liver enzymes. Decreases
hardhay, Hypericum, used in sleep serum digoxin levels.40 Avoid in
klamatheweed) disorders (inhibits transplant surgery.44Associated
neurotransmitter with hypertensive crisis45
Valerian (All heal, Sleeping aid Potentiates anaesthetic agents40
garden heliotrope,
vandal root)

Further reading
Skinner CM, Rangasami J (2002). Preoperative use of herbal medicines: a patient survey. Br J Anaesth,
89, 792–​5.

66 Chapter 3 Preoptimisation

• Premedicants are given before the induction of anaesthesia.
• The aims of premedication are to improve patient comfort and reduce
perioperative risk.
• Changes in anaesthetics agents and short postoperative stays have led
to the decline in premedicant prescription.
• Commonly used premedicants are outlined below. (See % p. 917 for
paediatric premedicants.)
• Paracetamol. Can be considered in all patients unless contraindicated.
Single dosing >1g for higher body weight patients is safe if max 4g/​day.
PO dose 1–​2g.
• NSAIDs. Commonly prescribed (avoid in patients with a history of
gastric ulceration and renal impairment, and caution in older patients).
Suggested PO doses: ibuprofen 400mg, diclofenac 50–​100mg.
• Topical LAs (e.g. prilocaine, EMLA®), often used in paediatrics (see
% p. 916).
(See % p. 419 for sedation.)
• Benzodiazepines. Most commonly used anxiolytics. Longer-​acting agents
may delay recovery. Effects range from mild anxiolysis to deep sedation,
depending on dose. Temazepam PO 10–​20mg, lorazepam PO 1–​2mg.
• Opioids. Strong analgesic agents that produce sedation more than
anxiolysis. Less commonly used as premedicants. PO/​intramuscular
(IM) dose of morphine10–​20mg.
• Ketamine. Produces rapid sedation and analgesia. Particularly
useful in reduced/​non-​compliant patients. Co-​administration with
benzodiazepines may reduce hallucinations. Suggested doses: PO 5–​
7mg/​kg, IM 2–​5mg/​kg, IV 0.5–​1mg/​kg.
Antacids and prophylaxis of aspiration pneumonitis
• Sodium citrate (PO 30mL of 0.3M solution). Often given prior to GA
for Caesarean section (CS), increases pH but does not decrease volume
of gastric contents.
• Proton pump inhibitors decrease volume and increase pH of gastric
contents. Also used to decrease gastric irritant effects of NSAIDs.
Omeprazole PO 20–​40mg.
• Histamine (H2) receptor antagonists decrease gastric acid secretion.
Ranitidine can be given IV or PO (IV 50mg, diluted in 20mL of 0.9%
sodium chloride, given over 2min; PO 150mg).
• Metoclopramide increases gastric emptying and decreases gastric
volume, and also has antiemetic effects. Given as 10mg PO/​IV.
• Anticholinergic. Glycopyrronium bromide often used prior to awake
tracheal intubation. Dose: IV 200–​400 micrograms.
Premedicants 67

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34 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019). Surgical site infections: prevention and
treatment. M https://​​guidance/​ng125/​chapter/​Recommendations
35 Health Improvement Scotland and Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) (2018).
Recommendations for re-​dosing antibiotics for surgical prophylaxis. M https://​​
36 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2008). Prophylaxis against infective endocar-
ditis. M https://​​guidance/​CG64/​chapter/​Recommendations#adults-​and-​
37 Tulunay Kaya C, Erol C (2018). How to achieve infective endocarditis prophylaxis. e-​Journal of
Cardiology Practice, 16, no. 33. M https://​​Journals/​E-​Journal-​of-​Cardiology-​
38 Schouten O, Boersma E, Hoeks SE, et al.; Dutch Echocardiographic Cardiac Risk Evaluation
Applying Stress Echocardiography Study Group (2009). Fluvastatin and perioperative events in
patients undergoing vascular surgery. N Engl J Med, 361, 980–​9.
39 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018, updated August 2019). Venous thrombo-
embolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary em-
bolism. M https://​​guidance/​ng89/​
40 Ang-​Lee MK, Moss J, Yuan CS (2001). Herbal medicines and perioperative care. JAMA, 286,
41 Haller CA, Benowitz NL (2000). Adverse cardiovascular and central nervous system events as-
sociated with dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids. N Engl J Med, 343, 1833–​8.
42 Wong A, Townley S (2011). Herbal medicines and anaesthesia. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain,
11, 14–​17.
43 Bebbington A, Kulkarni R, Roberts P (2005). Ginkgo biloba: persistent bleeding after total hip
arthroplasty caused by herbal self-​medication. J Arthroplasty, 20, 125–​6.
44 Ernst E (2002). St John’s wort supplements endanger the success of organ transplantation. Arch
Surg, 137, 316–​19.
45 Patel S, Robinson R, Burk M (2002). Hypertensive crisis associated with St John’s wort. Am J Med,
112, 507–​8.
Chapter 4 69

At-​risk populations
Nicholas Kennedy and Katherine Reeve
Obesity introduction 70
Common comorbidities in obesity 71
Obstructive sleep apnoea 73
Airway considerations in obesity 76
Practicalities with obese patients 77
Pharmacology in obese patients 80
Thromboprophylaxis in obesity 81

Elizabeth Fontaine
The malnourished patient 82
Cachexia related to chronic illness or malignancy 83
Anorexia nervosa 86
Short gut (bowel) syndrome 88

Stuart White
Considerations for the older patient 89
Anaesthesia for older patients 92
When not to operate on older people 94

Rebecca Mawer and Alexander Lomas

Learning disabilities and/​or autism 95
Autistic spectrum disorder 96

70 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Obesity introduction
The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide and so the number of
obese surgical patients increases. Recent UK government statistics, pub-
lished in 2019, suggest that the majority of adults are either overweight
or obese (64%).1 Obesity prevalence i steeply between 1993 and around
2000, with a slower rate of increase after that. In 2017, the proportion of
adults who were obese in the UK was 29%. Obesity is more common in
women (30%) than in men (27%). Morbid obesity has also i, with <1% in
1993, to nearly 4% in 2017.1 The rise in obesity applies not only to adults,
but also to children. Globally, the obesity rate in the United States (US) is
the highest at 40%; however, countries such as Japan and Korea have rates
lower than 10%.2
Anaesthesia and surgery may entail considerable risk for obese patients.
Obesity is a multisystem disorder, particularly involving the respiratory
system and CVS; therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is required.
Obesity is defined by the BMI. BMI is defined as weight (in kg) divided by the
height (in m squared) (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 BMI definitions

BMI (in kg/​m2) Obesity class

<19.9 Underweight
20–​24.9 Normal
25–​29.9 Overweight
30–​39.9 Obese
40–​49.9 Morbidly obese
50–​59.9 Super obese
60–​69.9 Super super obese
>70 Hyperobese
Common comorbidities in obesity 71

Common comorbidities in obesity

Respiratory system
• OSA (see % pp. 73–5; % p. 186).
• Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS):
• OHS is at the severe end-​stage of OSA in obese patients,
characterised by diurnal variation in ventilation and arterial partial
pressure of CO2 (PaCO2) >5.9 kPa. Sensitivity to CO2 is reduced due
to loss of central drive, leading to hypoventilation.
• O2 consumption is i by metabolically active adipose tissue and the
workload of supporting muscles, with associated increase in CO2
• Functional residual capacity (FRC) is reduced in the awake obese patient
and decreases significantly following induction, which may encroach
upon the closing capacity. Pulmonary compliance is d due to a heavy
chest wall and a splinted diaphragm. O2 desaturation occurs rapidly in
the obese, apnoeic patient.
• Obese patients may have clinical signs that appear to be asthma. In
many cases, the bronchoconstrictive symptoms experienced by the
obese are often due to airway closure without affecting the calibre
of the airways.3 This increase in airway closure is a direct effect of
obesity and is not due to any intrinsic lung disease. It is not improved by
bronchodilator therapy.
Cardiovascular system
• The excess adipose tissue exerts increasing metabolic demands on the
CVS, leading to i cardiac output (CO), myocardial demand and arterial
pressure, and i blood volume.
• Hypertension is more prevalent in obesity. This results in LV dilation and
hypertrophy, ultimately leading to elevated LV end-​diastolic pressure
• Blood volume is i and this, coupled with i LVEDP, increases the risk of
developing heart failure.
• Right ventricular (RV) failure (see % Chapter 5) is common in morbidly
obese patients. It can be due to LV changes, OSA and/​or OHS, which
leads to pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary hypertension. It
is difficult to diagnose, requires investigation and increases the risk of
• Obese patients are at i risk of arrhythmias.
• In addition to all these factors, the i incidence of DM and reduced level
of activity increase the risk of developing IHD in the obese population.
Endocrine system
Insulin resistance and diabetes
• Insulin resistance with hyperinsulinaemia is characteristic of obesity and
is present before the onset of hyperglycaemia.
• Hyperinsulinaemia is caused by both insulin resistance and an
impairment in glucose removal.
• Peripheral resistance to the effects of insulin on glucose and fatty acid
utilisation leads to type 2 diabetes.
• Many obese patients will be on complex antidiabetic drug regimens.
Normal protocols may not work in the obese, and their insulin
requirements appear to be greater than those of the non-​obese.

72 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

• Bariatric surgery, particularly gastric bypass, often has a profound effect

on type 2 diabetes control immediately postoperatively, before any
weight loss occurs. Complete resolution of type 2 diabetes occurs
within a year in up to 80% of patients following gastric bypass.
Metabolic syndrome
• This is defined as the occurrence of several metabolic risk factors
for both type 2 diabetes and CVS disease (abdominal obesity,
hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and hypertension). The National
Cholesterol Education Program/​Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/​ATP
III) is the most widely used, and its criteria include the presence of any
three of the following five traits:
• Abdominal obesity, defined as a waist circumference in men ≥102cm
and in women ≥88cm
• Serum triglycerides ≥1.7mmol/​L or drug treatment for elevated
• Serum high-​density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol <1mmol/​L in
men and <1.3mmol/​L in women, or drug treatment for low HDL
• BP ≥130/​85mmHg or drug treatment for elevated BP
• Fasting plasma glucose ≥5.6mmol/​L, or drug treatment for elevated
blood glucose.
• Hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglycaemia associated with obesity, along
with adipokines, may lead to vascular endothelial dysfunction, an
abnormal lipid profile, hypertension and vascular inflammation, all of
which promote the development of atherosclerotic disease.4
• The prevalence of obese patients admitted to critical care is increasing.
Outcome data show predominantly either equal or lower mortality
in obese patients than in normal-​weight, critically ill patients.5 This
phenomenon—​the obesity paradox6—​has been observed in obese
patients with heart failure and sepsis too. There is also no evidence that
surgical outcomes in obese patients are worse than in normal-​weight
These patients are more likely to have raised intra-​abdominal pressures and
are at greater risk of developing a hiatus hernia, contributing to an i risk of
reflux and aspiration.
Venous thromboembolic disease
(See also % p. 59.)
There is a significantly i risk for DVT and PE in obese subjects. In add-
ition, there is an i risk of recurrent VTE once anticoagulation treatment has
been withdrawn.7
• Obesity also appears to contribute to further increasing the risk of VTE
in a number of other settings:
• Smoking and age in patients with Factor V Leiden mutation
• Long-​duration air travel
• Women taking oral contraceptives.
Obstructive sleep apnoea 73

Obstructive sleep apnoea

Sleep apnoea8 is defined as the cessation of airflow at the mouth and nose
for at least 10s during sleep. Sufferers develop intermittent respiratory ar-
rest and hypoxaemia during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Respiration
resumes due to hypoxic stimulation.
Apnoeas may be obstructive, central or mixed. OSA, the most prevalent
(85%), occurs commonly in patients with obesity and results from obstruc-
tion of the upper airway. Central apnoea (5%) is due to intermittent loss
of respiratory drive.
General considerations
• OSA patients have an i perioperative risk. This is likely due to i upper
airway collapse and OSA-​related comorbidities.
• OSA is an independent risk factor for serious neurocognitive, endocrine
and CVS morbidity and mortality in all age groups.
• In children, OSA is most commonly associated with adenotonsillar
hypertrophy, but the severity of OSA is not always proportional to the
size of the tonsils and adenoids.
• Patients with OSA are at risk of perioperative airway obstruction and
respiratory failure while under the effects of sedatives and opioid
Diagnosis and treatment
• OSA is often diagnosed on history and examination. Overweight,
middle-​aged men who present with snoring and periods of apnoea will
almost certainly have OSA. However, for standardisation and qualitative
diagnosis, more formal investigations are required.
• The gold standard for diagnosis is polysomnography (PSG). PSG is a
scarce, lab-​based, labour-​intensive and expensive study.
• During PSG, recordings of ECG, electroencephalogram (EEG), eye
movements and electromyogram (EMG) are taken. Respiratory effort,
oronasal airflow, peripheral SpO2 and body position are commonly
also recorded. After a night’s sleep, the recordings are analysed in 30s
intervals called epochs. The stages of sleep are recorded with help of
the EEG. The apnoea–​hypopnoea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation
index (ODI) are calculated, along with the arousal index and level of
sleep disturbance.
• The AHI is the number of apnoeas per hour of sleep. The severity of
OSA can be classified according to the AHI:
• AHI <5—​normal
• AHI ≥5, but <15/​h—​mild
• AHI ≥15, but <30/​h—​moderate
• AHI ≥30/​h—​severe.
• The ODI is the number of times per hour of sleep that the blood O2
level drops ≥4% from the baseline. The severity of OSA has been
related to the ODI with the same criteria as with the AHI above, with
severe OSA relating to an ODI ≥30/​h.
• The numerous monitors can make performing PSG in children
difficult. Compared to adults, due to developmental and physiological
differences, children require age-​adjusted scoring and interpretation. For
example, obstructive apnoeas and hypopnoeas are scored if they are at
least two breaths’ duration, even if they are <10s duration.

74 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

• Home sleep apnoea testing is accessible and cost-​effective, and includes

overnight SpO2 (giving the ODI) or SpO2 and airflow and abdominal
movement monitoring (giving the ODI/​AHI).
• Several tools are available to assess OSA. Commonly used are the
Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the STOP-​Bang assessment (Box 4.1).
• Patients with significant sleep apnoea should be treated with continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) overnight using a nasal or face mask.

Box 4.1 STOP-​Bang assessment

Score (<5, low risk of OSA; ≥5, high risk of OSA):
• Snoring loudly • BMI >35kg/​m2
• Tired: daytime somnolence • Age >50
• Observed apnoeic episodes • Neck circumference >15.75in
• Pressure: hypertension • Gender: ♂
Adapted with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.:Chung F, et al. STOP Questionnaire:
A Tool to Screen Patients for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Anesthesiology 2008:108(5);812–​
21, ©2008. M https://​​anesthesiology/​article/​108/​5/​812/​8377/​

Perioperative consideration
Preoperative assessment
• OSA is undiagnosed in 80% of patients. Preoperative evaluation should
include a review of previous medical records, a history from the patient
and/​or family and a physical examination. In a recent Canadian study, in
267 preassessed patients with moderate to severe OSA, 92% and 60%
were not diagnosed by their surgeons and anaesthetists, respectively.9
• Check for airway difficulty with previous anaesthetics, hypertension and
other CVS problems. Use a screening tool such as STOP-​Bang.
• OHS is the extreme end of OSA. These patients are morbidly obese,
have significant daytime somnolence and breathlessness and are
particularly sensitive to anaesthesia and opioids. It is important to
identify them preoperatively.
• Note any current treatment and compliance such as with CPAP.
• Day surgery may be reasonable, depending on OSA severity,
comorbidities, analgesic requirements and nature of the proposed
• In patients with a new diagnosis of OSA treated with CPAP, it is
advisable to delay surgery for 1–​3mo. However, consideration for the
urgency of surgery and patient preference should be given.
• In known OSA, perform FBC (polycythaemia), SpO2 and ECG (right
heart strain). If the ECG shows right heart strain, echocardiography is
indicated to exclude RV hypertrophy.
• If hypoxic on air, consider performing an arterial blood gas (ABG).
Obstructive sleep apnoea 75

Conduct of anaesthesia
• Avoid night sedation and sedative premedication.
• Anticipate that mask ventilation and intubation may be difficult, and
prepare for this.
• A local or regional anaesthetic technique is preferred where suitable.
Use short-​acting anaesthetic/​analgesic agents where possible.
• GA preceded by preoxygenation, with tracheal intubation and
mechanical ventilation, is preferred to sedation or GA with spontaneous
ventilation (SV).
• Give NSAIDs and paracetamol.
• At the end of the procedure, ensure NMB is fully reversed and
extubate fully awake in the sitting position.
Postoperative care
• Nurse the patient sitting up whenever possible.
• High-​risk patients may require admission to HDU/​intensive care
unit (ICU).
• Administer supplementary O2, and ensure continuous SpO2 monitoring
on the ward.
• Unless contraindicated, CPAP should be administered continuously to
patients who were using it preoperatively.
• Aim to maintain the O2 saturation that the patient had preoperatively,
titrating O2 to the minimum required.
• Minimise opioid analgesics. If used, consider postoperative location,
level of staff training and need for i monitoring.

76 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Airway considerations in obesity

The RcoA’s National Audit Project 4 (NAP4) report in 2011 indicates
airway difficulties in the obese patient are twice those in the general popu-
lation, and even higher in the morbidly obese. Problems included an i fre-
quency of aspiration, difficult bag–​mask ventilation and tracheal intubation
and airway obstruction during emergence or recovery. When rescue tech-
niques were necessary in obese patients, they failed more often than in
the non-​obese. Obesity needs to be recognised as a risk factor for airway
difficulty, and plans modified accordingly.10 A BMI >30 is an independent
predictor of difficult bag–​mask ventilation.
The Society for Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia (SOBA) has issued
guidance on how to manage these patients. This includes:11
• Preoxygenation and intubation in the obese patient should be
performed with the patient in the head-​up or ramped position. This
improves the efficacy of preoxygenation, maximises the time before
desaturation, reduces the risk of reflux and reduces the incidence of
difficult intubation close to that of the non-​obese population.
• Obesity is a weak risk factor for difficult intubation, and predictors of
difficulty are generally the same as for normal-​weight patients.
• i work of breathing and early airway closure occurring during tidal
ventilation suggest that obese patients should not be allowed to breathe
spontaneously for anything other than the shortest procedure. These
patients will desaturate rapidly, so the time interval from induction of
anaesthesia to assisted ventilation of the lungs should be minimised.
Caution should be exercised using high-​flow O2 delivery systems to
increase the apnoea time of obese patients, as the evidence of safety is
• Caution should be taken with the use of supraglottic airway devices
(SADs) in patients with a BMI >35kg/​m2.
• Tracheal extubation in an obese patient should likewise be performed in
the head-​up position, with the patient awake.
• Problems usually occur because of poor planning, choice of technique
or inadequate preparation. Morbidly obese patients should be managed
by an experienced anaesthetist as part of an experienced team.
Videolaryngoscopy has a high success rate in morbidly obese patients.
Second-​generation SADs should be available in case of failed intubation.
Practicalities with obese patients 77

Practicalities with obese patients

The patient’s high BMI should be discussed at the safety brief, along with the
specific preparations required:
• Trained staff
• Number of staff
• Manual handling
• Operating table and adjuncts
• Monitoring
• Patient position
• Airway management.
Patients, if able, can walk directly into theatre and anaesthesia is induced on
the operating table, reducing manual handling risk. Operating tables with
the appropriate maximum weight allowance must be used.
• A hover mattress underneath the patient is very helpful to facilitate
patient transfer post-​surgery.
• There must be enough trained and experienced staff in theatre to assist
with moving the patient, should it become necessary.
• Standard monitoring should include a correct-​sized BP cuff. This may
be impossible in the normal upper arm position in many patients.
Using a forearm cuff is virtually always possible instead and, although
not validated, is effective and used by many bariatric anaesthetists as
• Invasive arterial catheters are rarely needed, unless for CVS indications.
• Venous cannulation is often difficult. CVCs may be necessary.
• Calf compression devices should be used, and particular care given to
pressure areas to prevent sores and nerve injury.
Patient positioning is very important. ‘Sniffing the morning air’ position may
be difficult to achieve due to the large soft tissue mass of the neck and chest
wall. A ramped position is ideal, and many adjuncts to achieve this are com-
mercially available.
• Preoxygenation in the head-​up position will slow the rapid desaturation
that can occur when supine.
• Awake fibreoptic intubation (AFOI) should be considered in any
patients who have a history or clinical signs suggestive of airway
problems. If the patient is preoxygenated to an end-​tidal O2 (ETO2)
>90%, then minimal bagging will be needed while waiting for the muscle
relaxant to take effect.
• High-​flow O2 delivery systems can be used safely for preoxygenation
but offer no advantage to face mask oxygenation to an ETO2 >90%.
• Use of short-​acting anaesthetic agents, such as remifentanil, or a
total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) technique with propofol and
remifentanil, aids rapid recovery from anaesthesia and minimise
postoperative hypoventilation and hypoxaemia.
• Monitoring of NMB is essential, as incomplete reversal of
neuromuscular-​blocking agents (NMBAs) is problematic in the obese.
• The use of rocuronium should be considered because it can be fully
reversed with sugammadex.
A single sheet guideline (Fig. 4.1) on anaesthesia for the obese patient has
been produced by the SOBA.

78 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Fig. 4.1 Anaesthesia for the obese patient, SOBA. The SOBA Single Sheet Guideline. 2019 edition, released
Dec 2019. Modified with permission from SOBA single sheet Guideline, © SOBA UK 2020. M https://​​
Practicalities with obese patients

80 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Pharmacology in obese patients

• Recommendations on which weight to use for calculating drug doses in
various classes of drug are found on the SOBA one-​page guideline (see
also % p. 79).
• Lean body weight is a part of the body composition that is defined as
the difference between total body weight and body fat weight. This
exceeds the ideal body weight (IBW) in the obese and plateaus at 100kg
for a man and at 70kg for a woman.
• The IBW in kg can be calculated by the Broca formula:
• Man: height in cm minus 100 ± 10%
• Woman: height in cm minus 105 ± 15%.
• Volume of distribution for drugs is altered due to a smaller proportion
of total body water (TBW), a greater proportion of adipose tissue, i
lean body mass and i blood volume and CO.
• Hydrophilic drugs (e.g. competitive neuromuscular blockers such as
rocuronium, vecuronium and atracurium) have similar absolute volumes
of distribution, clearance and elimination half-​lives. Base the dose on the
lean body weight.
• Lipophilic drugs (e.g. thiopental, propofol, opioids and benzodiazepines)
have i volumes of distribution, normal clearance and i elimination
half-​lives. Titrate to CO, which equates to the lean body weight in a fit
• i plasma cholinesterase activity. Suxamethonium dose should be based
on the total body weight to a maximum of 200mg.
Suxamethonium may appear to be the NMBA of choice for induction of
anaesthesia in obese patients,12 due to their reduced safe apnoea time; its
rapid onset allows rapid tracheal intubation. However, one study demon-
strated that the use of suxamethonium was associated with more rapid
desaturation, when compared to rocuronium, for RSI.13
Thromboprophylaxis in obesity 81

Thromboprophylaxis in obesity
(See also % p. 59; % p. 72.)
Obesity and surgery are known risk factors for VTE, but there is limited
information about the independent effects of obesity on the incidence of
postoperative VTE. The Million Women Study14 concluded that VTE risk
increases with increasing BMI and the associated excess risk is much greater
following surgery than without surgery. In the UK, NICE has offered guid-
ance on VTE prophylaxis in its publication Venous thromboembolism in over
16s: reducing the risk of hospital-​acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary
embolism, last updated in August 2019.15
Start mechanical VTE prophylaxis on admission. Choose any one of:
• Antiembolism stockings (thigh or knee length)
• Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (thigh or knee length).
Continue mechanical VTE prophylaxis until the patient no longer has signifi-
cantly reduced mobility.
Add pharmacological VTE prophylaxis for patients who have a low risk
for major bleeding, taking into account individual patient factors and ac-
cording to clinical judgement.
This should continue until the patient no longer has significantly reduced
mobility (minimum 7d). Some bariatric surgical centres in the UK use ex-
tended prophylaxis for up to 3w and others use a higher dosage. There
has been no guidance on the duration or dosing for the obese. Therefore,
local guidelines must be consulted when considering VTE prophylaxis in
this group.

82 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

The malnourished patient

Malnutrition affects a large proportion of patients with chronic disease—​
25% of those with COPD and 80% of patients with pancreatic or head
and neck malignancy.16,17 It affects many hospitalised patients in the western
world, as well as being a major global issue.18
Definition: imbalance between supply of essential nutrients and energy and
body’s requirements for cellular growth, maintenance and function.18
It is associated with i morbidity and infection, poor wound healing, pres-
sure ulceration, prolonged hospital stay, an i incidence of ICU requirement,
readmission to hospital and mortality.16 The causes of malnutrition are out-
lined below (Table 4.2).17,18

Table 4.2 Causes of malnutrition

Starvation Environmental: poverty, food scarcity, poor access,

war, natural disasters
Patient: inability to eat (e.g. maxillofacial deformities)
Cachexia COPD, heart failure, cancer (e.g. pancreatic, head and
neck), chronic kidney disease, liver disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, cystic fibrosis, infectious
Mental health Depression, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa
Absorption problems Inflammatory bowel conditions, short gut syndrome,
coeliac disease, hyperemesis, intestinal worms
Critical illness Post-​surgery, ICU admission, burns
(See also % Obesity introduction, p.70.)
Cachexia related to chronic illness or malignancy 83

Cachexia related to chronic illness or

Excessive weight loss in the setting of ongoing disease, with dispropor-
tionate muscle wasting. Highly predictive of mortality. i proinflammatory
cytokines19 lead to d muscle protein synthesis, i proteolysis, i lipolysis, a
negative energy balance and weight loss. Not corrected by nutritional sup-
port alone. Affects multiple organ systems. Patients require careful assess-
ment and management (Boxes 4.2 and 4.3).19,20
• Central nervous system (CNS): d cognitive function, fatigue, weakness
• Metabolic/​GI: gastric distension and delayed emptying time. i cortisol
and catecholamines. Hypoglycaemia when BMI falls <13kg/​m2
• Musculoskeletal: abnormal bone density and i risk of fractures,
hypothermia, d muscle mass
• Respiratory: d muscle function and strength, spontaneous
• Haematological: pancytopenia (anaemia and immunodeficiency)
• CVS: d CO and LV ejection fraction (EF), d BP, d heart rate (HR), loss
of cardiac muscle, mitral prolapse, i corrected QT interval, i vagal
tone, ST depression/​T wave inversion
• Renal: d glomerular filtration rate (GFR), proteinuria, TBW higher, i

Box 4.2 Diagnostic criteria for cachexia

• Unintentional weight loss ≥5%
• BMI:
• <20kg/​m2 in those aged <65y
• <22kg/​m2 in those aged ≥65y
• Albumin <35g/​L
• Low fat-​free mass
• Evidence of cytokine excess, e.g. i C-​reactive protein (CRP)
Reproduced from Morley JE et al. (2006). Cachexia: pathophysiology and clinical review.
American Journal Clinical Nutrition, 83, 735–​43 with permission from Oxford University Press.

Box 4.3 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and

Metabolism risk factors for severe undernutrition
At least one of the following:
• Weight loss >10–​15% within 6mo
• BMI <18.5kg/​m2
• Subjective Global Assessment Grade C (severely malnourished)
• Serum albumin <30g/​L (no hepatic/​renal dysfunction)
Source: data from Hirose K, et al. (2014). Perioperative management of severe anorexia ner-
vosa. BJA, 112 (2), 246–​54. M https://​​files/​ESPEN-​guideline_​Clinical-​nutrition-​

84 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Anaesthetic approach18
• Nutritional assessment:
• History: disease, infections, surgery, recent weight loss, caloric intake,
relevant drugs
• Examination: appearance, hydration status, CVS examination, BMI
• Investigation: bloods (FBC, urea and electrolytes (U&E), liver function
tests (LFTs), calcium (Ca2+), phosphate, magnesium (Mg2+), glucose,
transferrin, albumin), urine (protein and ketones), ECG, echo if
• Tools: Nutritional Risk Assessment Scale, Subjective Global
Assessment.5 Practically, these can be time-​consuming.
• Nutritional optimisation where possible, especially in leucopenia
or hypoalbuminaemia. In severe malnutrition (Box 4.3), 7–​14d of
preoperative parenteral nutrition is advisable, especially if gut function
is unlikely to return to normal postoperatively.16,20 Only consider a delay
to surgery if severe malnutrition is present.16
• Evidence suggests that preoperative carbohydrate drinks preserve
insulin sensitivity postoperatively and reduce length of stay. Limit
perioperative fasting where possible (induces metabolic stress and
impairs mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity)16.
• Correct electrolytes, including phosphate. Hydrate the patient.
• Monitor and maintain blood glucose.
• Prokinetic and antacid recommended. Consider NGT.
• Monitoring:
• Have a low threshold for invasive cardiac monitoring (susceptibility to
cardiac arrhythmia or collapse).
• Consider continuous central temperature monitoring.
• Consider calibrated neuromuscular monitoring to minimise muscle
relaxant dose and monitor for prolonged effect.
• Venous access may be challenging. Central access may be required for
monitoring and nutritional support postoperatively.
• Induction may cause CVS collapse if underfilled.
• Rapid sequence induction (RSI) recommended. Treat as having a full
• Protect pressure areas and exposed nerves (reduced muscle mass and
soft tissue).
• Bony fragility; take care when moving/​positioning.
• Avoid hypothermia with warm fluids, forced air warming blanket, heat
and moisture exchanger (HME).
• Avoid hyperventilation—​can lower potassium (K+) further.
• Pay attention to patient weight, lean and total body mass, albumin and
volume of distribution. Adjust doses appropriately.
• Muscle bulk may be reduced (reduce water-​soluble drug doses).
• Consider regional techniques to spare opioids and other drugs
metabolised by the liver.
Cachexia related to chronic illness or malignancy 85

• Extubation may be difficult (respiratory weakness and impaired upper
airway reflexes).
• Postoperative nutritional support: encourage early enteral feeding.
• Correct pH and electrolytes. Limit excessive fluids and opioids.
Prokinetics are recommended.
• Have a low threshold for ICU if available.
• Refeeding syndrome is a risk (see also % p. 87).
• Parenteral nutrition is reserved for those who cannot meet their
calorific needs within 7–​10d postoperatively (GI dysfunction, ileus,
bowel discontinuation).

86 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Anorexia nervosa
Chronic, severe, multisystem disorder with the highest morbidity and mor-
tality rate of any psychiatric disorder (up to 20%). BMI <17.5kg/​m2 is a
diagnostic criterion. Severe cases have BMI <13kg/​m2.20
• Metabolic/​GI: hypoglycaemia, liver injury, delayed gastric emptying.
Excessive loss of sodium (Na+), K+, chloride and hydrogen ions
(H+) from the stomach, hypochloraemic metabolic alkalosis and
hypokalaemia. Severe hypokalaemia is uncommon. Correct with
caution preoperatively. Hypocalcaemia may accompany hypokalaemia.
• Musculoskeletal: osteopenia, osteoporosis, i risk of fractures and
• Respiratory: loss of lung elasticity, higher airway pressures.
• Haematological: pancytopenia (anaemia and immunodeficiency).
• CVS: sinus bradycardia, d LV forces, orthostatic hypotension, mitral
prolapse, prolonged corrected QT interval, i vagal tone, pericardial
effusion, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia (very sensitive to
catecholamines or neostigmine). Cardiac arrest can occur 2° to
corrected QT interval prolongation or cardiac arrhythmia.
• Renal: d GFR, proteinuria.
• Immunological: 1° cause of death is severe sepsis (especially very low
BMI). 3 Granulocyte stimulating factor can be used.
• Endocrine: amenorrhoea, impaired thyroid function and glycaemic
control. May mimic panhypopituitarism.
Anaesthetic approach
• Full nutritional assessment (see also % p. 84), including psychiatric
• Correct hypoglycaemia (cautiously and gradually; beware rebound
hyperinsulinaemia and profound hypoglycaemia).
• Acute refeeding can be risky. There is evidence that delaying surgery
to achieve BMI >14.5kg/​m2 improves hypoglycaemia and leucopenia,
which decreases mortality.20
• Correct other electrolytes, especially K+ and phosphate. Replace Ca2+
and vitamin D.
• Short, minimally invasive operations are better due to cardiac risk.
• RSI recommended. Fasting does not guarantee an empty stomach.
• Reduce doses of NMBAs. Prolonged recovery 2° to hypokalaemia and
hypocalcaemia. Monitor neuromuscular block. Consider sugammadex
over neostigmine to reduce risk of cardiac arrhythmia.
• Carefully consider drug doses. Take into account patient weight,
hypoalbuminaemia (reduced protein binding) and renal and liver
function (reduced metabolism and excretion).
• Carefully maintain body temperature with forced air warming devices
and warmed infusions.
• Beware of positioning due to risk of pressure necrosis and nerve palsies.
• Do not overfill. Can lead to pulmonary oedema and cardiac failure.
Anorexia nervosa 87

• Beware refeeding syndrome (hypophosphataemia, hypokalaemia,
hypomagnesaemia and hypoglycaemia in response to feeding after a
period of starvation) and use an appropriate refeeding regime with
nutritional support, cardiac monitoring, and electrolyte monitoring and
• As per the NICE-​SUGAR study, avoid ‘intensive’ glucose control.20
• Be wary of postoperative infection, with rigorous attention to the
surgical site infection bundle and care of vascular access.

88 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Short gut (bowel) syndrome

Removal of half or more of the small bowel due to congenital or acquired
disease (necrotising enterocolitis, congenital defect, meconium ileus, intus-
susception, Crohn’s disease, ischaemic or traumatic bowel injury, malig-
nancy) or failure of existing gut to function.21,22
Dehydration, severe malnourishment, anaemia, electrolyte disturbance,
chronic pain, thrombosis and long-​term anticoagulation, high-​output stoma,
complications relating to feeding lines or tubes, liver failure, kidney or gall-
stones, lactic acidosis.21,22
Nutritional deficits depend on the site of non-​functioning bowel:
• Duodenum: iron, water-​soluble B vitamins, vitamin C
• Jejunum: carbohydrate, fat, protein, folate
• Ileum: bile salts, fat-​soluble vitamins A, D and E, vitamin B12, Ca2+,
magnesium, zinc (terminal ileum).
Enteral, oral and parenteral nutrition, repletion of fluids and electrolytes,
supplemental vitamins. Intestinal transplant is offered to those who have
<1m of functioning small bowel who develop complications of parenteral
Anaesthetic approach
These are usually high-​risk patients who are often home or hospital-​bound.
Assessment should be carried out via a multidisciplinary team to assess CVS
fitness, risk profile and vascular access strategy.21 Intestinal transplants take
place in specialist tertiary centres. Patients requiring other surgical proced-
ures need to be handled with a similar level of attention to detail and a
considered approach.
Considerations for the older patient 89

Considerations for the older patient

‘Elderly’ arbitrarily refers to patients >65y. They comprise the most rap-
idly expanding demographic of the surgical population. Age-​ related
physiological and cognitive decline, comorbidity and frailty all contribute
to the higher risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality among older
patients. Great care should be taken when prescribing or giving drugs to
older patients, as polypharmacy is common and both pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics are influenced by age.
Ageing is associated with progressive functional deterioration in all
systems, the effects of which may be compounded by organ-​ specific
• Significant CVS disease is present in 50–​65% of patients.
• Myocardial fibrosis and ventricular wall thickening occur, reducing
ventricular compliance. Small changes in filling may have major effects
upon CO and BP.
• Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common and reduces stroke volume through
loss of the atrial component of ventricular filling.
• Maximal CO with exercise decreases by 71% per year from the 5th
• Reduced arterial compliance causes systolic hypertension and widened
pulse pressure.
• Reduced autonomic responsiveness impairs CVS responses to
hypotension. The hypotensive effect of anaesthetic agents is therefore
likely to be more pronounced.
• Capillary permeability is i, leading to a greater risk of pulmonary
• The thirst response to reduced extracellular fluid (ECF) volume and i
plasma osmolality is reduced, increasing susceptibility to fluid depletion.
• Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia decline.
Postoperative apnoea is more common. Ventilatory reserve declines.
• O2 consumption and CO2 production fall by 10–​15% by the 7th decade.
Patients are able to tolerate a longer period of apnoea following
preoxygenation and minute volume requirement is reduced.
• Loss of elastic recoil increases pulmonary compliance, but chest wall
compliance falls due to degenerative changes in joints. Therefore, total
thoracic compliance may fall.
• Loss of septa increases the alveolar dead space. Closing volume
increases to exceed the FRC in the upright posture in patients >65y,
resulting in venous admixture. Thus, normal arterial partial pressure of
oxygen (PaO2) falls steadily [(13.3 –​age/​30) kPa or (100 –​age/​4)
• Airway protective reflexes decline, increasing the risk of postoperative
pulmonary aspiration.
• In edentulous patients, maintaining a patent airway and face mask seal
can be difficult. Leaving false teeth in situ may help.

90 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

• Renal mass and the number of glomeruli fall progressively (by 30%
in the 8th decade), resulting in reduced GFR. CC falls comparably,
although serum creatinine may not rise because of d production from
reduced muscle mass (see % p. 192).
• Tubular function deteriorates, leading to reduced renin–​aldosterone
response, antidiuretic hormone (ADH) sensitivity and concentrating
ability. As a result, all renal homeostatic functions deteriorate,
rendering elderly patients more susceptible to both fluid overload and
hypovolaemia. Hypo-​and hypernatraemia are also more likely.
• Reduced clearance of renally excreted drugs necessitates dose
adjustment. Particular care must be taken with potentially nephrotoxic
drugs such as aminoglycosides.
• Hepatic mass and blood flow fall by up to 40% by the 9th decade.
Although cellular function is relatively well preserved in healthy patients,
the reduction in size reduces clearance and prolongs the effect of drugs
that are metabolized and excreted by the liver. These include opioids,
propofol, benzodiazepines and NMBAs.
Central nervous system
• Brain size and neuronal mass decrease. The average brain weight falls
by 18% between the ages of 30 and 80y. Mild cognitive impairment
may progress to dementia, which affects 10% of patients over 65y of
age, and 20% of those over 80y. It is important to distinguish between
dementia and reversible confusional states due to hypoxia, sepsis, pain,
metabolic derangement and depression. The hospital environment can
precipitate anxiety and confusion.
• The elderly have fewer requirements for opioids and sedatives and
are more susceptible to opioid-​induced depressed consciousness and
respiration. This is likely to be due to both pharmacodynamic and
pharmacokinetic effects. Pain threshold may be i.
• Postoperative delirium (POD) and postoperative neurocognitive
disorder (POND, formerly postoperative cognitive dysfunction
(POCD)) are common in the elderly, occurring in >10% of patients.
Disturbances of cerebral perfusion and cellular oxygenation are likely
to be contributory factors. Potentially reversible risk factors for POD
include severe pain, infection, malnutrition, electrolyte imbalance,
dehydration, environmental disturbances and substance withdrawal
(alcohol, medication).
• POND describes significant perioperative decline in mental status or
awareness, occurring up to 30d (delayed neurocognitive recovery)
or 12mo (POND) after surgery, and which may persist beyond that.
It is associated with i mortality, impaired quality of life and loss of
• POND is more common after major surgery, cardiac surgery
and emergency surgery. Multifactorial causes are likely, related to
inflammatory reactions, altered hormonal homeostasis and/​or direct
anaesthetic agent toxicity. Focused anaesthesia interventions (treatment
of hypoxaemia and hypotension), guided by the depth of anaesthesia
and cerebral saturation monitoring, may ameliorate these.
Considerations for the older patient 91

• Glucose loading is increasingly poorly tolerated in elderly patients. The
incidence of DM rises to 25% in patients >80y.
Haematology and the immune system
• Hypercoagulability and DVT are more common with advancing age.
• Anaemia is more common, and the response of the marrow to anaemia
is impaired.
• Immune responses are reduced in the elderly, putting them at i risk of
infection. This is due to reduced bone marrow and splenic mass with
loss of the thymus.
• Thermoregulation is impaired, increasing the risk of hypothermia.
• Postoperative shivering increases skeletal muscle O2 consumption, while
vasoconstriction increases myocardial work and O2 demand.
• TBW is reduced, while fat percentage is i. The volume of distribution
of water-​soluble drugs is reduced, reducing dose requirements, while
that of lipid-​soluble drugs is i, which may prolong clearance.
• The initial volume of distribution falls because of reduced CO. This
reduces the dose requirement and is particularly relevant for induction
agents. Arm–​brain circulation time is prolonged, increasing the time
taken for induction agents to take effect.
• Reduced plasma albumin concentration decreases the dose requirement of
drugs such as benzodiazepines and opioids, which are bound to albumin.
• The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of inhaled agents
decreases steadily with age (6% reduction per decade) and is reduced
by around 40% by the age of 80y (see % pp. 411–12). This may be
related to a reduction in neuronal mass. Reductions in blood/​gas
partition coefficient and CO in the elderly result in shorter onset time.
• The risk of GI bleeding due to NSAIDs is i. These agents may also
contribute to the development of AKI in the presence of impaired renal
perfusion. ACE inhibitors exacerbate this risk. Fluid retention due to
NSAIDs may precipitate heart failure in susceptible patients.

92 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Anaesthesia for older patients

Perioperative mortality increases with age, ASA status and the type and
urgency of surgery. The 30d mortality after hip fracture surgery is 76.5%
in the UK (see also % pp. 642–4), and after emergency laparotomy 74% in
those aged 50, rising by 74% per decade. Outcome is improved by thorough
multidisciplinary preoperative assessment, choice of an anaesthetic tech-
nique appropriate to the patient’s condition and meticulous perioperative
care aimed at minimising physiological disturbance.
Preoperative assessment and management
• A systematic review is vital. In patients who have sustained a fracture,
an underlying medical cause for a fall should be sought.
• Day surgery is particularly appropriate for fit patients undergoing minor
surgery, as it minimises the disorientation associated with a change of
• The level of physical activity that can be sustained is a useful indicator of
cardiorespiratory fitness but is often limited by joint disease.
• The mental state should be evaluated. The abbreviated mental test or
Mini-​Mental State Examination may be useful in differentiating dementia
from acute confusional states.
• Consideration should be given to preoptimisation of medical conditions.
This may require cross-​specialty involvement and high dependency
care. The benefits of delaying surgery, while this takes place, should be
balanced against the risks, particularly in non-​elective surgery. In patients
with lower limb fractures, a delay in mobilisation may increase the risk
of pressure sores, DVT and pneumonia.
• With the exception of oral hypoglycaemics, regular medications should
be continued until the time of surgery. Alcohol should not be withheld
the day before surgery, and nicotine patches may be helpful in smokers.
Sedative premedications should generally be avoided, particularly
benzodiazepines, centrally acting anticholinergics and pethidine. Antacid
prophylaxis should be considered. Maintaining β-​blockade may reduce
the risk of MI.
• Frailty defines patients with reduced physiological capacity to
compensate effectively for external stressors such as illness and surgery.
• Frail patients are at greater risk of adverse outcomes, including
prolonged hospital stay, institutionalisation, worsening disability
and death.
• Frailty is more common in older people (10% >65y, 40% >85y), but age
is only one of numerous factors (e.g. comorbidity, strength, cognition)
used to derive predictive scoring tools.
• Several scoring tools can be used to identify frailty and monitor changes
in frailty over time (e.g. Rockwood and Edmonton). These can be useful
prognostic tools and can be used to provide older, vulnerable patients
with information and reassurance about perioperative care based on
their individual needs.
Anaesthesia for older patients 93

• Nutritional status is frequently poor in older people, under-​recognised
by clinicians and compounded by a lack of appetite resulting from
surgery, pain and nausea.
• Perioperative complications and length of hospital stay may be reduced
by nutritional supplementation prior to major surgery.
Perioperative management
• The type of anaesthesia appears less important than the care with
which it is given with regard to the patient’s physiological condition.
However, regional anaesthesia may reduce bleeding, risk of DVT,
respiratory infection and cognitive dysfunction (particularly if given
without/​with minimal sedation). MAC should be age-​adjusted or, if
using TIVA, infusions should be target-​controlled (TCI).
• Careful monitoring is necessary to detect hypotension during
GA induction and shortly after spinal anaesthesia administration.
Consideration should be given to invasive BP and depth of anaesthesia
monitoring. Prolonged arm–​brain circulation time delays the onset of IV
induction agents; flush the drugs with 0.9% sodium chloride and remain
patient to avoid an inadvertent overdose.
• Temperature should be measured, and hypothermia prevented using
fluid warmers, active body-​warming devices and elevation of ambient
• Prolonged surgery and periods of hypotension increase the risk of
pressure sores. Care should be taken to reduce pressure with soft
padding. During long procedures, it is advisable to relieve pressure and
massage vulnerable areas intermittently.
Postoperative management
• High dependency facilities should be considered if this is likely to reduce
morbidity or mortality significantly, or if an identifiable organ support is
• Fluid balance, vital signs, serum electrolytes and haematology must
be carefully monitored and treated appropriately. Patients with CVS
disease may need to have their Hb kept >90–​100g/​L.
• Reversible factors should be sought if the patient exhibits delirium
(pain, hypoxaemia, distended bladder, myocardial/​cerebral ischaemia,
electrolyte disorder, drugs).
• Pain is common but undertreated in elderly surgical patients, particularly
if cognitively impaired. Regular paracetamol prescription and regional
analgesia should always be considered and are preferable to opioids and
• Anaesthetists should facilitate postoperative patient remobilisation and
‘re-​enablement’ through age-​appropriate anaesthesia, fluid therapy,
thermoregulation, analgesia and good communication.

94 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

When not to operate on older people

Heroic curative surgery may not be appropriate if the chance of benefiting
the patient is felt to be very low. Decisions regarding futility of surgery are
difficult and should be multidisciplinary and taken at consultant level, with
the involvement of the patient and their family. Palliative procedures to im-
prove the quality of life should be considered if the patient is adequately
prepared. These decisions must be carefully documented.
• Older patients must be assumed to have the mental capacity to make
decisions about their treatment.
• Access to surgical or critical care should not be rationed on the basis of
Further reading
Griffiths R, Babu S, Dixon P, et al. (2020). Guidelines for the management of hip fractures. Guidelines
from the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia, 75, 85–​98.
White SM, Griffiths R, Baxter M, et al. (2019). Guidelines for the peri-​operative care of people with
dementia. Guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia, 74, 357–​72.
Evered L, Silbert B, Knopman DS, et al.; Nomenclature Consensus Working Group (2018).
Recommendations for the nomenclature of cognitive change associated with anaesthesia and
surgery—​2018. Br J Anaesth, 121, 1005–​12.
White SM, Altermatt F, Barry J, et al. (2018). International Fragility Fracture Network consensus
statement on the principles of anaesthesia for patients with hip fracture. Anaesthesia, 73, 863–​74.
Dodds C, Kumar C, Veering B (2014). Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia for the Elderly Patient.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Griffiths R, Beech F, Brown A, et al.; Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2014).
Peri-​operative care of the elderly 2014: Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
Anaesthesia, 69(Suppl 1), 81–​98.
Hubbard RE, Story DA (2014). Patient frailty: the elephant in the operating room. Anaesthesia,
69(Suppl 1), 26–​34.
Nadelson MR, Sanders RD, Avidan MS (2014). Perioperative cognitive trajectory in adults. Br J
Anaesth, 112, 440–​51.
Stoneham M, Murray D, Foss N (2014). Emergency surgery: the big three—​abdominal aortic an-
eurysm, laparotomy and hip fracture. Anaesthesia, 69, 70–​80.
Learning disabilities and/or autism 95

Learning disabilities and/​or autism

The term learning disability encompasses a broad range of conditions char-
acterised by impairment in information processing.23
Approximately 1.5 million people in the UK have a mild, moderate or
severe learning disability.
These patients form a heterogeneous group, often with congenital or
acquired comorbidities, including craniofacial anomalies, congenital cardiac
disease and epilepsy. Comorbidity and other factors, such as i regurgita-
tion, aspiration and some patients’ sensitivity to opioids (e.g. those with
cerebral palsy), explain a relatively high risk of respiratory complications
Patients with learning disabilities have i health care needs and also
often have behaviours that can challenge. An over-​reliance on physical or
pharmacological restraint fails to address behavioural issues, which may be
exacerbated over repeated encounters with health professionals. The aim
must be to adopt the least restrictive approach to succeed. Reasonable ad-
justments may have to be made to standard care pathways at any point in
the perioperative period to aid patient cooperation.
Communication for learning disability patients
• There should be clear signage within the hospital and ease of access
ensured for those with mobility problems.
• Difficulty in communication is the source of most problems in the care
of learning disability patients. Some patients are non-​verbal. Others
have difficulties with the speech, social or emotional domains of
• Hospital learning disability liaison services are an invaluable source of
knowledge and support for patients and carers. They serve to facilitate
communication and logistics for patients with learning disability.
• Examine and perfect your own non-​verbal communication. Most
patients will read it very well.
• Use clear, precise instructions. Avoid metaphors, abstraction, jargon and
acronyms, as these are often not understood. Use signing systems, such
as Makaton®, with the aid of parents or carers if necessary. Intensive
interaction, such as mirroring, may reduce anxiety.
• Behavioural training can be effective in the preoperative period:
• Using text or visual descriptions, such as Easy Read and social stories
or objects of reference, helps to break down a new task into a series
of achievable objectives.
• Desensitisation visits allow patients to attend the hospital and leave
without any procedures being performed. Ideally this leaves the
patient with a positive view of the hospital for future care.
• Prior use of three-​dimensional (3D) immersive videos enables
patients to take a virtual tour of the journey to theatre and the
anaesthetic room and can reduce anxiety on the day of admission.

96 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Autistic spectrum disorder

• Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) has been defined as a persistent
deficit in social communication, interaction and imagination.23
• About 50% of patients with ASD will have a learning disability.
• ♂:♀ is now recognised as closer to 3:1. Girls are more difficult
to diagnose, as they often display social camouflaging. ASD has a
prevalence of 1.5% and an onset usually by 3y, but diagnosis is often
• Restrictive, repetitive behaviours are often recognised first.
• No clear aetiology, although a number of genetic variations and
perinatal risk factors have been identified.
• Described as a ‘theory of mind’ deficit. ASD patients display an inability
to understand the impact of their behaviour on others and lack insight
into the perspectives or intentions of others.
• Patients typically have difficulties with verbal communication and/​or
non-​verbal communication, particularly with social or emotional aspects
of interactions.
• ASD patients often have significant hyper-​or hyposensory issues.
Communication points for patients with autistic spectrum
• Allow time for questions to be digested, and avoid causing confu​sion
with repeated questioning.
• Reduced abstract thinking ability means non-​literal communication is
often not understood.
• Patients often benefit from detailed, factual descriptions of each stage
of anaesthesia being broken down into small, achievable steps.
• Patients may become distressed if prevented from performing certain
repetitive, self-​stimulatory behaviour such as hand-​flapping, rocking,
spinning or verbal repetition.
• Sensory dysregulation can have profound effects on autistic patients.
They can be deeply disturbed by touch and eye contact. Keep noise
down (including that from adjacent rooms); restrict numbers in the
room, and consider dimming the lights. They may not tolerate adhesive
dressings while awake. It may be necessary to attach monitoring
immediately after induction.
• Debunking myths about ASD patients—​they do feel pain, are often
tricky because they are scared, do tell jokes and can engage with guided
Capacity and consent
• All patients should be presumed to have capacity unless an asses​sment
has shown a lack of capacity.
• Regardless of the level of capacity, every effort should be made to
provide information to patients in a format they can understand.
• Consenting requires detailed knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act
(2005)/​Adults with Incapacity Act (2000) in Scotland.
• Elective best interest meetings are held to gather the views of family
and carers, so as to understand the patient’s perceptions and beliefs
and the conditions that will be acceptable. If there is nobody suitable
Autistic spectrum disorder 97

to help make decisions about medical treatment, an Independent

Mental Capacity Advocate will be required. Best interest meetings
enable discussion about additional risks and reasonable adjustments to
• In an emergency, two clinicians involved with the patient’s care may
reach a medical best interests decision.
• The appropriate consent form must be used for a patient who lacks
capacity, signed by the 1° decision-​maker for the procedure, not
necessarily by the clinician delivering it.
Preoperative preparation
• Hospitals must provide training and policies specific to learning disability
and ASD patients.
• Patients with a learning disability or ASD should not be denied
treatment because of their disability if that treatment is in their best
• Systems must identify patients early to create bespoke care plans, with
multidisciplinary and liaison team involvement.
• Combining multiple planned treatments or investigations under a single
GA is beneficial, e.g. imaging, dental procedures and vaccinations.
• Parents and carers should be actively involved. They are an invalua-​
ble source of information on specific anxieties, triggers and beneficial
behavioural modifications.
• Request care ‘passports’ which contain individualised information.
• Comprehensive preoperative assessment and history are essential. Use
opportunistic observations for airway/​physical assessments.
• Many congenital conditions associated with learning disability have
multisystem sequelae, so a comprehensive systems enquiry is essential.
Perioperative plan
• Patients with a learning disability or ASD should ideally be first on the
operating list, with steps taken to reduce delays and waiting times.
• Maintain a calm, quiet environment. Where possible and safe, ad-​
justments should be made to accommodate patient preferences such
as dimmed lighting, own clothes and parents/​carers supporting them in
the anaesthetic room.
• A sedative/​anxiolytic premedication or clinical holding may be
advisable. Use an appropriate technique, dependent on your team’s
experience. Some suggested doses are shown in Table 4.3.
• Midazolam is beneficial for its anxiolytic effect but may not be sedative,
especially in ASD. Ketamine is useful for dissociation in adult patients
when more sedation is required. It should be used with caution in
epilepsy due to reduced seizure thresholds.
• Best interest meetings may identify some patients who require
premedication at home or in the hospital car park. Risk:benefit
assessments take into account constraints, e.g. monitoring pertaining to
these locations.
• Inhalational induction is often preferable, avoiding the stress of awake
IV cannulation. Maintenance of anaesthesia may then be switched to
the IV route. Indeed, there is increasing evidence of reduced emergence
delirium or ASD rages (recovery meltdown) with TIVA.
• Multimodal analgesia optimises pain control and reduces opioid use.

98 Chapter 4 At-risk populations

Table 4.3 Premedication regimes

Effect Drug Route Dose Max dose

Anxiolysis Midazolam PO/​IM 0.5mg/​kg 30mg
Sedation ++ Clonidine PO/​IM 2–​4 micrograms/​kg 150micrograms
Sedation and Ketamine PO/​IM 2–​3mg/​kg 300mg
dissociation (day case)

• As for induction, emergence from anaesthesia should involve minimal
physical or sensory stimulation. Early presence of carers/​family in
recovery is often invaluable.
• IV cannulae and selected monitoring should be removed as soon as it is
safe to do so, to reduce patient distress.
• Communication difficulties frequently impede pain assessment.
• Always consider pain (while excluding hypoxia) as a source of i
agitation. Behavioural serial pain scoring systems are often beneficial.
• ASD patients may experience explosive behavioural ‘meltdowns’.
Triggers include disorientation, sensory or communication issues, feeling
out of control and anxiety. Be aware of each individual’s warning signs
and minimise stimulation on waking.
• Modify discharge criteria (e.g. eating/​drinking) to allow patients to
return to their own routine and environment as soon as possible.
• Discharge documentation, instructions and prescriptions should be
completed in advance to facilitate a potentially abrupt discharge.
Autistic spectrum disorder 99

Further reading
Lyall K, Croen L, Daniels J, et al. (2017). The changing epidemiology of autism spectrum disorders.
Annu Rev Public Health, 38, 81–​102.
Short J, Calder A (2013). Anaesthesia for children with special needs, including autistic spectrum
disorder. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 13, 107–​12.

1 Health and Social Care Information Centre, Lifestyles Statistics (2014). Statistics on
obesity, physical activity and diet: England, 2014. Data quality statement. M https://
2 Organisation for Economic Co-​operation and Development (OECD) (2017). Obesity update.
M https://​​health/​obesity-​update.htm
3 Chapman DG, Irvin CG, Kaminsky DA, Dixon AE (2020). Weight loss reduces airway closure
during bronchoconstriction in obese asthmatics. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 187, A3791.
4 Lindsay RS, Howard BV (2004). Cardiovascular risk associated with the metabolic syndrome.
Curr Diab Rep, 4, 63–​8.
5 Arabi YM, Dara SI, Tamim HM, et al.; Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock
(CATSS) Database Research Group (2013). Clinical characteristics, sepsis interventions and out-
comes in the obese patients with septic shock: an international multicenter cohort study. Crit
Care, 17, R72.
6 Habbu A, Lakkis NM, Dokainish H (2006). The obesity paradox: fact or fiction? Am J Cardiol,
98, 944–​8.
7 Eichinger S, Hron G, Bialonczyk C, et al. (2008). Overweight, obesity, and the risk of recurrent
venous thromboembolism. Arch Intern Med, 168, 1678.
8 Hall A (2015). Sleep physiology and the perioperative care of patients with sleep disorders.
Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 4, 167–​72.
9 Singh M, Liao P, Kobah S, et al. (2013). Proportion of surgical patents with undiagnosed ob-
structive sleep apnoea. Br J Anaesth, 110, 629–​36.
10 Cook T, Woodall N, Frerk C (2011). Major complications of airway management in the United
Kingdom: results of the 4th National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the
Difficult Airway Society. M http://​​nap4
11 Nightingale CE, Margarson MP, Shearer E, et al. (2015). Perioperative management of the obese
surgical patient. Anaesthesia, 70, 859–​76.
12 Ingrande J, Lemmens HMJ (2010). Dose adjustment of anaesthetics in the morbidly obese. Br J
Anaesth, 105, i16–​23.
13 Taha SK, El-​Khatib MF, Baraka AS, et al. (2010). Effect of suxamethonium vs rocuronium on onset
of oxygen desaturation during apnoea following rapid sequence induction. Anaesthesia, 65, 358–​61.
14 Parkin L, Sweetland S, Balkwill A, et al.; Million Women Study Collaborators (2012). Body mass
index, surgery, and risk of venous thromboembolism in middle-​aged women: a cohort study.
Circulation, 125, 1897–​904.
15 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018, updated August 2019). Venous
thromboembolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital-​acquired deep vein thrombosis or
pulmonary embolism. NICE guideline [NG89]. M https://​​guidance/​ng89
16 Ali Abdelhamid Y, Chapman MJ, Deane AM (2016). Peri-​ operative nutrition. Anaesthesia,
71(Suppl 1), 9–​18.
17 NHS (2017). Health A–​Z: Malnutrition. M http://​​conditions/​malnutrition/​causes/​
18 Edwards S (2016). Anaesthetising the malnourished patient. Update Anaesth, 31, 31–​7.
19 Morley JE, Thomas DR, Wilson MG (2006). Cachexia: pathophysiology and clinical review. Am J
Clin Nutr, 83, 735–​43.
20 Hirose K, Hirose M, Tanaka K, Kawahito S, Tamaki T, Oshita S (2014). Perioperative manage-
ment of severe anorexia nervosa. Br J Anaesth, 112, 246–​54.
21 Lomax S, Klucniks A, Griffiths J (2011). Anaesthesia for intestinal transplant. Contin Educ Anaesth
Crit Care Pain, 11, 1–​4.
22 Szczygiel B, Jonkers-​Schuitema CF, Naber T (2010). Basics in clinical nutrition: nutritional support
in extensive gut resections (short bowel). e-​SPEN, the European e-​Journal of Clinical Nutrition and
Metabolism, 5, e63–​8. M https://​​article/​S1751-​4991(09)00052-​3/​pdf
23 World Health Organization (2018). International classification of diseases for mortality and mor-
bidity statistics, 11th revision. M https://​​browse11/​l-​m/​en
Chapter 5 101

Cardiovascular disease
Sonja Payne
Ischaemic heart disease 102
Perioperative acute myocardial ischaemia and infarction 109
Heart failure 111
Hypertension 116
Valvular heart disease 118
Aortic stenosis 120
Aortic regurgitation 122
Mitral stenosis 124
Mitral regurgitation 126
Pericardial disease 128
Cardiomyopathy 129
Patients with a transplanted heart 132

James Ip
Congenital heart disease and non-​cardiac surgery 134
Specific congenital heart disease lesions 136
Adults with congenital heart disease 138

Guillermo Martinez
Pulmonary hypertension 139

Sonja Payne
Perioperative arrhythmias 145
Narrow complex arrhythmias 147
Broad complex arrhythmias 152
Disturbances of conduction (heart block) 154
Pacemakers and defibrillators 160

Chapter reviewed by Tom Jackson

See also
% Cardiac disease and pregnancy pp. 891–2
% Severe bradycardia pp. 1060–1061
% Atrial fibrillation pp. 149–51
% Narrow complex tachycardia pp. 1062–1064
% Broad complex tachycardia p. 1062

102 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Ischaemic heart disease

Current Hospital Episode Statistics data suggest that 735 000 patients die
each year in the UK within 30d of surgery. Major adverse cardiac events
(MACE) are the largest cause of perioperative deaths, accounting for at
least 30% of deaths.
Perioperative risk of myocardial ischaemia
CVS risk is influenced by both patient and surgical factors. Patient factors
are summarised in Table 5.1.1

Table 5.1 Patient factors influencing perioperative risk of myocardial ischaemia

Major risk predictors MI <2mo prior to surgery

(markers of unstable
Unstable or severe angina
Ongoing ischaemia after MI (clinical symptoms or non-​
invasive testing)
Symptomatic heart failure with EF <40%
Significant arrhythmias (e.g. high-​grade AV block,
symptomatic arrhythmias, or supraventricular
arrhythmias with uncontrolled ventricular rate)
Severe valvular heart disease
PCI (BMS <30d, DES <1y, angioplasty <2w)
Intermediate risk History of IHD
predictors (markers of
Asymptomatic heart failure, reduced EF
stable CAD)
Heart failure with preserved EF (diastolic dysfunction)
History of cerebrovascular disease
Abnormal renal function
Minor risk predictors Advanced age
(i probability of heart
Abnormal ECG
Rhythm other than sinus
Low functional capacity
Uncontrolled systemic hypertension
Smoking history
AV, atrioventricular; BMS, bare-​metal stent; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CAD, cor-
onary artery disease; DES, drug-​eluting stent; ECG, electrocardiogram; EF, ejection fraction; IHD,
ischaemic heart disease; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI,
percutaneous coronary intervention.
Ischaemic heart disease 103

Functional capacity
Cardiopulmonary fitness is commonly used to estimate perioperative risk.
The physiological response to major surgery increases O2 demand by up to
40%, requiring a subsequent increase in O2 delivery. The ability to exercise
is an indicator of CVS reserve. It is expressed in metabolic equivalents of
task (METs) (Box 5.1). One MET is the resting O2 consumption of a 40y-​old
70kg ♂ (3.5mL/​kg/​min). Patients who cannot sustain 4 METs of physical
activity frequently have adverse outcomes following high-​risk surgery (see
also % p. 35).
METs are most commonly assessed subjectively, based on patient his-
tory, which may result in substantial misclassification of risk. More objective
measures, such as the Duke Activity Status Index (a self-​reported question-
naire about usual physical activities) or CPET, have been shown to improve
identification of patients at risk of perioperative MACE and death.2
Surgical factors are also important in determining perioperative risk
(Table 5.2).3

Box 5.1 Metabolic equivalents of common tasks

1–​4 METs Eating, dressing, dishwashing and walking around the
4–​10 METs Climbing a flight of stairs, walking on level ground at
>6km/​h, running briefly, playing golf
>10 METs Strenuous sports: swimming, singles tennis, football

Table 5.2 Risk of ischaemic heart disease by type of surgery

High risk: Major emergency surgery

>5% death/​non-​fatal MI Aortic/​major vascular surgery
Prolonged surgery with large fluid shifts
Intermediate risk: CEA/​EVAR
<5% death/​non-​fatal MI Head and neck surgery
Intraperitoneal and intrathoracic surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Prostatic surgery
Low risk: Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
<1% death/​non-​fatal MI Cataract extraction
Superficial surgery (including breast)
CEA, carotid endarterectomy; EVAR, endovascular aneurysm repair.

104 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Clinical risk indices

Risk indices integrate patient and surgical factors, providing a quantitative
estimate of perioperative risk. The Revised Cardiac Risk Index (Table 5.3)
is the most validated clinical risk index for prediction of major perioperative
cardiac complications.

Table 5.3 Revised Cardiac Risk Index

Variable Points
History of ischaemic heart disease 1
History of congestive heart failure 1
History of cerebrovascular disease 1
Use of insulin therapy for diabetes 1
Preoperative serum creatinine >177 micromoles/​L 1
High-​risk surgery 1
Total points: none = risk of MACE 3.9%; 1 = risk of MACE 6%; 2 = risk of MACE 10.1%; >2 =
risk of MACE 15%.
Source: data from Lee TH et al. Circulation. 1999;100:1043–9.

Perioperative testing
Evaluation of patients with IHD depends on the planned surgery, facilities
and time available. Special investigations are discussed below. Precise re-
commendations remain controversial, but careful history, examination and
practical application of preoperative screening tests are important. Little
advantage is gained from complex examinations which will not alter man-
agement. The positive predictive value of most tests is low. In high-​risk
patients, alternative surgical procedures or medical management may need
to be considered, with input from anaesthetists, cardiologists, surgeons and
the patient.
Special investigations
12-​lead electrocardiogram
A preoperative ECG should be performed on patients over 65y undergoing
intermediate-​risk surgery and anyone with risk factors for IHD. Patients
with IHD may have a normal or non-​specific resting ECG.
Cardiac biomarkers
• Preoperative measurement of BNP and cardiac troponins in the
perioperative period predicts myocardial injury after non-​cardiac
surgery (MINS) in patients undergoing non-​cardiac surgery.
• Biomarker assessment may complement risk prediction in patients at
high risk of MACE.3,4
• Daily troponin measurements and postoperative ECGs for 48–​72h
after non-​cardiac surgery in patients at high risk of MACE may be
recommended to detect perioperative MINS, facilitating monitoring and
medical management.
Ischaemic heart disease 105

Assessment of LV function
• Echocardiography is the most widely available test for diagnosis and
serial assessment of patients with dyspnoea or known LV dysfunction.
• Cardiac MRI provides reliable assessment of LV function, as well as
coronary artery evaluation.
Coronary CT angiography
A non-​ invasive alternative to coronary angiography. Calculates the
Coronary Artery Calcium Score which estimates risk of IHD and need for
invasive coronary angiography, but overestimates the risk of MACE, so is
not recommended for routine cardiac risk estimation.
Exercise ECG
A functional test in patients with known coronary artery disease (CAD).
Detects myocardial ischaemia through changes in ST-​segment morphology.
Interpretation is difficult if there are pre-​existing ST-​segment abnormalities
and if the patient fails to achieve target HR. High prevalence of false posi-
tives and negatives, so no longer used for CAD diagnosis. Of limited use for
risk prediction for postoperative MACE.
(See also % pp. 33–5.)
CPET is an integrative assessment of cardiovascular, respiratory and mus-
culoskeletal systems. It provides an objective assessment of functional cap-
acity. It takes 30min to perform but requires expensive equipment. It has a
low positive predictive value but may be used to guide perioperative SDM
in high-​risk patients.
Pharmacological stress testing
Moderate/​large areas of reversible ischaemia are associated with i risk of
MACE. Pharmacological stress tests provide a dynamic assessment of myo-
cardial perfusion. A normal study has a high negative predictive value. High-​
risk patients should be tested if testing will change management. Patients
who have large areas of reversible ischaemia should be considered for cor-
onary angiography.
• Myocardial perfusion imaging (thallium scintigraphy) uses a coronary
vasodilator (dipyridamole or adenosine) and a radioisotope,
thallium-​201, that rapidly accumulates within perfused myocardium.
Comparisons are made between resting and stress images. Changes
in uptake reflect reversible ischaemia, while fixed defects represent
irreversible infarcted/​scarred myocardium.
• Dobutamine stress echocardiography uses an increasing dose of
dobutamine (max 40 micrograms/​kg/​min), with simultaneous two-​
dimensional (2D) precordial echocardiography. New or worsening
regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA) is an indicator of impaired
• Stress cardiac MRI can incorporate dobutamine and vasodilator stress
testing principles to assess for RWMA and myocardial perfusion
abnormalities, helping predict the risk of future MACE.

106 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Preoperative coronary artery revascularisation

Revascularisation may be percutaneous (angioplasty/​stent insertion) or
Percutaneous coronary intervention
• Indicated preoperatively in patients with unstable IHD.
• Recent PCI is associated with i MACE and 30d mortality.
• PCI causes trauma to the vessel wall, rendering the endoluminal surface
thrombogenic until the vessel wall has healed or the stent has re-​
endothelialised. Therefore, dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin
and a P2Y12 inhibitor (e.g. clopidogrel or ticagrelor) is necessary to
prevent stent thrombosis.
• If a patient treated with DAPT post-​PCI requires an operation where
bleeding may be problematic (e.g. intracranial surgery, spinal surgery,
open aortic surgery), and the operation cannot be deferred for an
appropriate time period, consider stopping clopidogrel/​ticagrelor/​
prasugrel for 5–​7d preoperatively. Cardiology advice may include
antiplatelet bridging with a short-​acting platelet IIb/​IIIa glycoprotein
receptor antagonist (tirofiban, eptifibatide).
• Duration of DAPT is dependent on type of stent and associated acute
coronary syndrome at the time of stent insertion.
• Interruption of DAPT perioperatively is associated with a high cardiac
complication rate and requires multidisciplinary team discussion.
• Recommendations for interrupting DAPT for non-​cardiac surgery5 are:
bare-​metal stent (BMS): delay for 1mo; drug-​eluting stent (DES): delay
depends on type of DES, so liaise with cardiology. Continue aspirin
perioperatively whenever possible.
• If PCI is required prior to surgery, careful consideration should be given
to the type of stent inserted. For procedures that can be delayed by
12mo, it is reasonable to use a DES. If the procedure can be delayed
for 6–​8w, a BMS can be used. If the condition requires surgery to
be performed in the next 2–​4w, consideration should be given to
performing balloon angioplasty.
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Indications for preoperative CABG are identical to those for CABG on med-
ical grounds, i.e. >50% left main stem stenosis, >70% two-​or three-​vessel
disease (including the proximal left anterior descending artery) and/​or
LV systolic dysfunction. Elective surgery should be postponed for a min-
imum of 6w post-​CABG.
Perioperative MACE risk modification
Patients are at risk of ischaemic events and MI in the perioperative period.
MI can be classified into five types:
• Type 1: caused by an acute atherothrombotic coronary event
• Type 2: heterogeneous aetiology, resulting from a condition other than
CAD contributing to an imbalance between O2 supply and demand
• Types 3: relates to sudden unexplained cardiac death
• Type 4: relates to MI associated with PCI
• Type 5: relates to MI associated with cardiac surgery.
Ischaemic heart disease 107

About 75% of perioperative MIs are type 2,6 and the other 25% are
type 1. Reduction of the risk of MACE requires a multimodal approach,
dependent on time available and patient engagement, but involves lifestyle
changes as well as pharmacological therapy.
• Medical therapy should be continued perioperatively to protect against
ischaemic stress. If GI absorption is impaired or the patient is kept nil by
mouth, drugs should be given IV if possible.
• Aspirin alone has not been shown to reduce MACE or 30d mortality in
patients undergoing non-​cardiac surgery.3
• Long-​term β-​blockade should be continued perioperatively due to the
cardioprotective effects (decrease myocardial O2 demand).
• Initiation of β-​blockade within 24h prior to surgery is not
• There is limited evidence to suggest that high-​risk patients who
demonstrate inducible ischaemia on preoperative stress testing may
benefit from carefully titrated β-​blockade (to a HR of 60–​80bpm)
started at least 1w prior to surgery. Low-​dose bisoprolol is commonly
used. Dose titration is challenging.
• Nitrates should be continued perioperatively, IV or transdermally,
if necessary. There is no evidence that prophylactic administration
decreases the risk of perioperative cardiac complications.
• Calcium channel blockers should be continued preoperatively and
resumed as soon as possible postoperatively. Verapamil has been
shown to confer a small measure of cardiac protection in small RCTs
but must be avoided in LV impairment.
• ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) improve
survival following MI and in patients with LV dysfunction. They do not
protect against perioperative MACE. ACE inhibitors and ARBs have
been shown to increase the risk of intraoperative hypotension, but
not MACE. Other studies have shown clinically important hypotension
to be independently associated with an i risk of death, MI and CVE,
but the highest risk comes from hypotension 24h after surgery. It
has been suggested4 that withholding ACE inhibitors and ARBs 24h
before surgery and recommencing them 2d after surgery may be
appropriate, but the quality of evidence is currently low and these
drugs are very important in the management of these patients. Others
suggest stopping them only if used to treat hypertension.3 In those with
severe LV dysfunction, it may be prudent to continue ACE inhibitors
throughout the perioperative period. Cardiology advice may be needed.
• Perioperative statin administration has been shown to improve both
short-​term and long-​term cardiac outcome following non-​cardiac and
coronary bypass surgery.3,4 Statins enhance plaque stability, making
plaque rupture less likely.

108 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Anaesthetic considerations
The main goal is to maintain O2 demand and supply matching.
• Consider 5-​lead ECG monitoring.
• Invasive cardiovascular monitoring (arterial line ± central venous
pressure ± CO monitoring) should be considered for high-​/​
intermediate-​risk patients.
• Point-​of-​care ultrasound can provide real-​time assessment of
cardiovascular and respiratory function.
• Avoid hypotension, hypertension and tachycardia to minimise
myocardial demand and supply mismatching. Anticipate phases of
sympathetic stimulation (e.g. intubation, emergence) and consider using
a short-​acting β-​blocker to attenuate this.
• Pain causes sympathetic stimulation: provide effective pain control.
• Central neuraxial and regional blocks can be very effective, but not
always possible in the context of DAPT.
• Liberal transfusion triggers (Hb 90–​100g/​L) reduce the risk of MACE.7
• Consider admission to HDU postoperatively for close monitoring.

Perioperative acute myocardial ischaemia

and infarction
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
MI is defined pathologically as myocardial cell death due to prolonged is-
chaemia. AMI is universally defined as acute myocardial injury with clin-
ical evidence of acute myocardial ischaemia and detection of a dynamic
change in high-​sensitivity cardiac troponin (cTnT) values. At least one other
ischaemic feature (symptoms, new ECG changes, new RWMA, new cor-
onary thrombus)8 is required for diagnosis. Perioperative AMI occurs in 4%
of adult inpatients undergoing non-​cardiac surgery. Of these, nearly 10%
will die within 30d of surgery.9 Typical ischaemic symptoms of AMI may be
masked by the effects of drugs and distracting surgical pain.
Serial cardiac troponin measurement is a cornerstone for AMI diagnosis.
Development of cTnT assays has improved overall diagnostic accuracy.
Myocardial injury releases cardiac troponins into the systemic circulation,
with cTnT levels rising within 3–​4h after onset of myocardial injury. Levels
remain i for 10–​14d. A rise or fall (dynamic change) in cTnT implies an
acute event. At least one cTnT level above the 99th percentile of a normal
reference population is required for diagnosis of AMI.
Immediate management
• Ensure you confirm the diagnosis: perform ECG, send cTnT blood
sample and consider point-​of-​care ultrasound if available.
• Reduce O2 demand: control HR to low normal. Consider use of short-​
acting β-​blocker (esmolol 50–​200 micrograms/​kg/​min loading dose,
then 0.05–​0.2 micrograms/​kg/​min). If awake, opioids can reduce pain
associated with ischaemic symptoms.
• Optimise O2 delivery: maintain normotension. Attempt coronary artery
vasodilation with glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), either sublingual or IV.
Provide supplemental O2. Ensure adequate Hb concentration.
• In the anaesthetised patient, consider the need to abandon surgery.
• Consider administration of aspirin (NGT may be required).
• Consult cardiologist. Urgent/​emergent PCI may be warranted.
Myocardial injury after non-​cardiac surgery
MINS is defined as prognostically relevant myocardial injury due to ischaemia
that occurs during or within 30d after non-​cardiac surgery, including, but not
limited to, patients who have had an MI. MINS occurs in nearly 20% of
patients undergoing inpatient non-​cardiac surgery and is an independent
predictor of postoperative adverse cardiac events and death.8,10 More than
90% of MINS events occur in the absence of clinical signs or symptoms of
ischaemia11 and only 20% will fulfil the universal definition for MI.
Diagnostic criteria8,10
• cTnT level ≥65 nanograms/​L (or 20–​64 nanograms/​L, with absolute
change of 5 nanograms/​L) or non-​cTnT ≥30 nanograms/​L
• Occurring within 30d of non-​cardiac surgery
• Not due to non-​ischaemic aetiology (e.g. rapid AF, anaemia, sepsis)
• Ischaemic symptoms or ECG changes not necessary for MINS.

110 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Routine postoperative surveillance

Daily cTnT measurements on d1, 2 and 3 after non-​cardiac surgery, while
the patient is in hospital, in at-​risk patients (e.g. age ≥65y or with a history
of atherosclerotic disease).12
Medical management8
• Consider starting low-​dose aspirin and statin therapy.
• Consider starting ACE inhibitor if there is hypertension.
• There is some evidence that initiation of anticoagulation (MANAGE
trial) may reduce the risk of major vascular complications.12
• Role of coronary angiography and revascularisation is unclear.
• Arrange postoperative follow-​up with cardiologist as an outpatient.
Heart failure 111

Heart failure
Heart failure is the commonest cause of admission to hospital in those
aged >65y. Incidence rises with increasing age, with a 5y mortality of 750%.
Pertinent to the anaesthetist, indices estimating perioperative MACE and
mortality include heart failure as an independent prognostic variable, with
unstable or decompensated heart failure bestowing a greater burden of risk.
Heart failure is a clinical syndrome characterised by typical symptoms
(breathlessness, ankle swelling and fatigue) with or without signs (raised
jugular venous pressure (JVP), pulmonary crackles and peripheral oedema),
caused by structural and/​or functional cardiac abnormality, resulting in a
reduced CO and/​or raised intracardiac pressures at rest or during stress.8
LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction can be asymptomatic precursors
of heart failure.8 Terminology has been based on left ventricular ejection
fraction (LVEF), but symptoms may not fit with the degree of reduction in
LVEF. Current terminology used to describe heart failure is as follows: heart
failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), heart failure with preserved
ejection fraction (HFpEF) and heart failure with mid-​range ejection fraction
(HFmrEF) (is treated as per HFpEF) (Table 5.4).
Heart failure can be graded by severity of symptoms ± exercise intoler-
ance or structural disease by the New York Heart Association (NYHA)
functional classification (Table 5.5) or the American College of Cardiology/​
American Heart Association stages of heart failure (Table 5.6).
Other classification systems used to describe heart failure include:
• Chronicity: acute, subacute and chronic
• Symptoms: stable and unstable (deterioration from stable symptoms is
referred to as decompensation)
• Affected side(s): left-​and/​or right-​sided ventricular failure
• Diastolic and/​or systolic dysfunction.

Table 5.4 Criteria required to define HFpEF, HFmrEF and HFrEF


Symptoms ± Yes Yes Yes
LVEF ≥50% 40–​49% <40%
BNP or Elevated Elevated
At least one LVH/​left atrial LVH/​left atrial
additional enlargement or enlargement or
criterion diastolic dysfunction diastolic dysfunction
BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVH, left ventricular hyper-
trophy; NT-​proBNP, N-​terminal pro-​brain natriuretic peptide.
Signs may not be present in early stages or if treated.

112 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Table 5.5 New York Heart Association functional classification

1 Cardiac disease, no symptoms or limitation to ordinary physical activity
2 Mild symptoms and slight limitation during ordinary activity
3 Significant limitations in activity due to symptoms. Comfortable at rest
4 Symptoms at rest. Severe limitations
Source: data from Criteria Committee, New York Heart Association, Inc. Diseases of the Heart
and Blood Vessels. Nomenclature and Criteria for diagnosis, 6th edition Boston, Little, Brown and
Co. 1964, p 114.

Table 5.6 American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association

stages of heart failure
A At high risk of heart failure, but without symptoms or structural heart
B Structural heart disease, but without signs or symptoms of heart failure
C Structural heart disease, with prior or current symptoms of heart failure
D Refractory heart failure requiring specialised interventions
Source: data from Hunt, S.A. et al., Focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2005
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults, Journal of the American
College of Cardiology, 2009;53(15):e1–e90.

Left ventricular heart failure (LVHF)

A note on terminology: although heart failure terminology has changed
(HFpEF, HFmrEF, HFrEF), the terms systolic and diastolic left ventricular
dysfunction are still widely used. In essence, systolic dysfunction refers to
HFrEF, and diastolic dysfunction to HFpEF. HFmrEF is a grey zone in the
middle. Symptoms can be present, independent of the degree of preser-
vation of LVEF.
• Orthopnoea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea are the most sensitive
• Elevated JVP is the most sensitive clinical sign.
Other common symptoms include:
• Presence of peripheral oedema
• Uncontrolled hypertension, tachycardia or arrhythmias
• Limited exercise tolerance and exertional dyspnoea.
Echocardiography is the mainstay of LVHF investigation. Echocardiographic
changes include:
• d LVEF
• d LV filling pressure, mitral valve inflow velocity
• Evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) or left atrial
Given a normal LVEF in HFpEF, symptoms, signs, ECG (AF, LVH) and plasma
natriuretic peptides (BNP) all help with the diagnosis.
Heart failure 113

Management8, 13
Aims to delay progression of symptoms, optimise symptom management
and functional capacity and reduce mortality. Modifying risk factors (e.g.
hypertension, glycaemic control) may delay disease progression.
Medical treatment of HFrEF
The evidence for best management is clearest for HFrEF.
• ACE inhibitors reduce morbidity and mortality. Beneficial effects include
reduction in pre-​/​afterload and neurohormonal antagonism of the
renin–​angiotensin–​aldosterone system. Titrate to maximum tolerated
dose. ARBs are recommended in patients intolerant of ACE inihibitors.
• The combination of neprilysin inhibitor with ARB (sacubitril/​valsartan)
reduces cardiovascular mortality by 20% and all-​cause mortality by 16%. The
neprilysin inhibitor increases the bioavailability of natriuretic peptides. This
leads to ventricular unloading and vasodilatory effects. This combination may
be used instead of ACE inhibitor or ARB in refractory cases.
• β-​blockers (carvedilol, bisoprolol) reduce HR and myocardial O2
demand. β-​blockers should be continued throughout the perioperative
period. Use with caution in new-​onset or decompensated heart failure.
• Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, e.g. spironolactone, reduce
mortality in symptomatic patients already treated with ACE inhibitors.
Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function. Other
diuretics may be added for symptom control.
• Inotropes: digoxin may be used to control AF with rapid ventricular rate
in symptomatic heart failure or in patients in SR with severe heart failure.
• Anticoagulation: if in AF or at risk of VTE.
• Calcium channel blockers are not safe for use in HFrEF.
Device treatment
• ICDs may be indicated for high-​risk symptomatic patients or after unstable
ventricular arrhythmias. They reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death.
• Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) for those with prolonged QRS
duration. Biventricular pacing wires are placed. This aims to improve
symptoms and reduce mortality in select patients.
Medical treatment of HFpEF and HFmrEF
No specific treatments have demonstrated a reduction in morbidity or
mortality in these groups.14
• Diuretics are used as the mainstay of symptom management. They
probably reduce morbidity and mortality.
• Spironolactone reduces heart failure hospitalisations.
• β-​blockers and ACE inhibitors may be used for BP control.
• Manage AF in accordance with established clinical guidelines.
Right-​sided heart failure15
RV dysfunction is an independent predictor of MACE after non-​cardiac
surgery. Right heart failure can be broadly divided into three categories,
depending on its causation:
• 2° to pulmonary hypertension
• 2° to pericardial disease
• 2° to ventricular or valvular pathology.
Pulmonary hypertension is most commonly caused by LV failure, but other
causes include chronic lung disease, OSA and PE.
Table 5.7 lists the causes of RV failure.

114 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Table 5.7 Causes of right heart failure

d RV contractility RV volume RV pressure overload

Acute Sepsis Excessive Acidosis
Myocardial transfusion Hypoxia, IPPV, ARDS
injury/​MI LVHF PE
Myocarditis LVHF
Chronic RV Pulmonary Pulmonary
cardiomyopathy or tricuspid hypertension
Ebstein anomaly regurgitation Pulmonary stenosis
Left-​sided valvular
ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; IPPV, intermittent positive pressure ventilation;
LVHF, left ventricular heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; PE, pulmonary embolism.

Signs and symptoms of RHF

• Signs of reduced CO: hypotension, tachycardia, cyanosis
• Peripheral oedema—​the commonest clinical sign
• Elevated JVP and left parasternal heave
• Ascites and hepatic/​renal dysfunction
• Arrhythmias—​common.
• ECG may show right axis deviation and RV strain (S deflection in I, Q
deflection in III and inverted T in III).
• Check blood for anaemia and renal and thyroid dysfunction.
• Raised BNP and troponin reflect stress and injury. Along with raised
liver enzymes and prolonged international normalised ratio (INR), they
reflect poor prognosis.
• CXR may show signs of causative pathology, e.g. LVHF.
• Transthoracic echocardiogram. Tricuspid annular plane systolic
excursion (TAPSE) is a measurement of displacement of the lateral
tricuspid annulus towards the apex during systole. It is used as an
assessment of global RV function. TAPSE <16mm indicates RV systolic
dysfunction. Alternatives include transoesophageal echocardiography
(TOE), radionuclide imaging and cardiac MRI.
• Cardiac catheterisation may help if significant coronary or valvular heart
disease is suspected. Right heart catheterisation provides an accurate
assessment of pulmonary hypertension.
Medical management
Treat the underling condition (e.g. myocarditis, LVHF, PE) and aim to opti-
mise RV preload, afterload and contractility.
• Diuretics usually require high doses. Do not discontinue in a
hypotensive patient if there is evidence of volume overload. Renal
replacement therapy may be required.
• Correct physiological causes of raised pulmonary vascular resistance
(PVR) (e.g. hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidosis).
Heart failure 115

• Reduce PVR with non-​selective vasodilators (e.g. GTN or sodium

nitroprusside) or selective pulmonary vasodilators (e.g. prostacyclins,
nitric oxide, phosphodiesterase (PDE)-​5 inhibitors). Pulmonary
vasodilators improve exercise tolerance and MACE in patients with right
heart failure 2° to pulmonary hypertension.
• Consider dobutamine or milrinone, which have combined inotropic and
vasodilator properties. Vasopressors may also be required.
• In chronic right heart failure, consider sodium restriction.
• Patients with biventricular dysfunction should be managed according to
current guidelines for LVHF.
Perioperative management
Some patients may be deemed unfit for the proposed surgery. Consideration
of individual patient and surgical risk is required. Multidisciplinary discussion
will direct best patient care.
• History and examination should identify present or recent episodes of
decompensated heart failure.
• Continue medical management in the preoperative period. If
concerned, consult a cardiologist to see if changes in therapy are
needed to minimise symptoms of ventricular dysfunction.
• Tachy-​and bradyarrhythmias may occur. Consider direct current
cardioversion (DCCV) in haemodynamically unstable patients. Correct
electrolyte abnormalities. For chronic arrhythmias, aim for HR 780bpm.
Use local or regional techniques for peripheral procedures.
• Ensure adequate ventilation to maintain oxygenation and normocapnia.
Careful use of positive end-​expiratory pressure (PEEP) will reduce PVR
in patients with pre-​existing RV dysfunction.
• Invasive cardiovascular monitoring (arterial line, CVC, TOE) should be
considered for all major surgery and high-​risk patients.
• Perioperative decompensation may require treatment with vasodilator
and inotropic therapy.
• Careful monitoring of fluid balance is essential.
• All patients should have supplemental O2 following surgery.
• Good postoperative analgesia is essential to minimise detrimental
effects of catecholamine release in response to pain.
• Consider ICU/​HDU.

116 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

About 25% of the adult UK population has hypertension, defined as sys-
tolic blood pressure (BP) >140mmHg and diastolic BP >90mmHg (stage
1 hypertension). Triggers for consideration for treatment in 1° care are
≥160/​ 100mmHg or average ambulatory BP ≥150/​ 95mmHg (stage 2
hypertension).16 The link between elevated arterial pressure and CVS dis-
ease is well established, with the greatest risk associated with the highest
arterial pressures.
Evidence that moderate hypertension is associated with i perioperative
risk is limited, although CVS lability may be i. In adults undergoing non-​
cardiac surgery, maintaining systolic arterial pressure >100mmHg and mean
arterial pressure (MAP) >60–​70mmHg may reduce the risk of periopera-
tive myocardial injury, AKI and death. The degree of injury is dependent on
the severity and duration of hypotension. The association of hypertension
with end-​organ damage (IHD, heart failure, renal failure) contributes to the
likelihood of perioperative CVS complications.
Perioperative management17
Ambulatory NIBP measurement is the optimal method to establish baseline
values. Preoperative readings are unlikely to be an accurate representation
of long-​term BP control.
• 1° (essential) hypertension accounts for 95% of all cases, but consider
the possibility of 2° hypertension (e.g. renal parenchymal disease,
thyroid dysfunction, hyperaldosteronism, phaeochromocytoma). 2°
hypertension is more likely with early-​onset or malignant/​accelerated
hypertension and has specific anaesthetic implications.
• Do not defer surgery on the basis of a single BP reading on admission
to hospital. Refer to ambulatory BP reading or contact GP for a more
accurate baseline record.
• Preoperative BP targets are unclear for those on antihypertensives, but
both preoperative hypotension and hypertension are associated with an
increase in perioperative risk.
• There is insufficient evidence to support the introduction of
hypertensive medical management in the immediate preoperative
period to reduce perioperative risk.
• There is currently no upper limit of MAP that necessitates medical
management. Current evidence is contradictory, but expert opinion
recommends postponement of elective surgery in patients with arterial
pressure exceeding 180mmHg systolic and/​or 110mmHg diastolic.
• The presence of end-​organ dysfunction (including coronary or
cerebrovascular disease, impairment of renal function, signs of LVH and
heart failure) increases perioperative risk. These conditions may require
further investigation and/​or treatment, in addition to the control of
elevated arterial BP.
• Withhold ACE inhibitor/​ARB 24h prior to surgery to reduce the risk of
intraoperative cardiovascular instability (use caution in heart failure).
• Continue β-​blockers, calcium channel blockers and thiazide diuretics in
the perioperative period.
Hypertension 117

• Intraoperative BP targets may be described as absolute thresholds

(i.e. MAP >65mmHg) or relative thresholds (within 20% of baseline).
Absolute thresholds are usually easier to target, especially given the
uncertainty of accuracy of preoperative BP values.
• Patient-​specific BP targets should be set based on patient and surgical
factors. Certain surgeries (e.g. intracranial and carotid endarterectomy
(CEA)) will require a narrower BP range to minimise postoperative
• Postoperatively18 maintain systolic arterial BP >90mmHg. Postoperative
BP below this value is associated with i risk of MINS, CVE and death.
Risk is i by prolonged periods of hypotension. Injury may occur at
higher values in patients with pre-​existing hypertension.
• Postoperative hypertension is associated with i risk of MINS, CVE,
arrhythmias, heart failure and surgical site bleeding.

118 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Valvular heart disease

Valvular heart disease is found in 4% of patients over the age of 65y. Patients
with a known valve problem may already be under the care of a cardiolo-
gist. Valvular lesions most commonly occur in isolation, but multivalvular
disease (most commonly degenerative in nature) occurs in 710–​20% (de-
fined by moderate dysfunction in at least two cardiac valves).
In each case:
• Assess the significance of the pathology for the proposed surgery
• Assess for presence and progression of symptoms
• In the absence of a recent echocardiogram within 1y, or a significant
change in clinical status, obtain an echocardiogram to provide an
objective assessment of form and function. In the non-​elective
setting, point-​of-​care ultrasound may be useful to guide perioperative
• In a minority of cases, treatment of the valvular pathology is more
urgent than the surgery itself.
The patient with an undiagnosed murmur
Most heart murmurs do not signify cardiac disease. Many are related to
physiological increases in blood flow. Assess the functional capacity (DASI;
see % p. 35) and for the presence or absence of symptoms. Many asymp-
tomatic children and young adults with a murmur can safely undergo an-
aesthesia and surgery if they have a good functional capacity and are
Elderly patients may have an asymptomatic ‘aortic’ systolic murmur re-
lated to sclerotic aortic valve leaflets. Aortic sclerosis is now considered to
be an early form of aortic stenosis (AS) (715% of patients with aortic scler-
osis will develop AS within 7y) but should not cause clinical problems until
progression to AV obstruction occurs.
Factors that differentiate early asymptomatic sclerosis from stenosis
• Good exercise tolerance (>4 METs)
• No history of exertional symptoms (angina/​breathlessness/​syncope)
• Absence of slow-​rising pulse (normal pulse pressure)
• Absence of LVH/​LV strain pattern on ECG.
The auditory volume of the murmur does not help.
Take a full history and examine the ECG and CXR. Patients able to
manage 4 METs, with a normal ECG and CXR, should tolerate minor and
intermediate surgery but should have an echocardiogram prior to major
surgery. Conversely, poor functional capacity or an abnormal ECG (such as
LVH or a prior MI) should be investigated by echocardiography. For urgent
or emergent surgery, point-​of-​care ultrasound enables objective assess-
ment of cardiac valves, ventricular function and intravascular status.
Valvular heart disease 119

Prosthetic valves
• Bioprosthetic (tissue) valves do not require long-​term anticoagulation
due to low risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism.
• Mechanical valves require lifelong anticoagulation with warfarin (target
INR 2–​3.5, depending on type of valve).
• Direct oral anticoagulants are not currently recommended for
mechanical prosthetic valves.19
• Aspirin is recommended, in addition to warfarin, if low risk of bleeding.
• Anticoagulation may need to be withheld, depending on the type of
surgery (warfarin usually stopped for 5d preoperatively).
• Bridging with LMWH (or UFH if renal failure) may be required.
• Requirement for bridging therapy is dependent on risk of
thromboembolism (e.g. mechanical mitral valve, older mechanical AV,
history of thromboembolism, presence of AF).
• Newer-​generation bileaflet mechanical AV has <4% per annum risk
of thromboembolism, so bridging is not required in the absence of
additional patient-​specific risks for thromboembolism.
• Consult local policies on bridging regimes.20

120 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Aortic stenosis
AS is the commonest valvulopathy in Europe and North America. The
prevalence increases exponentially with age and 2% of the general popu-
lation have a congenital bicuspid valve, a risk factor for AS. The annual
mortality rate in patients with symptomatic severe AS is 25%.21 The risk of
perioperative MACE is high due to anaesthetic and surgical stresses.
AS is commonly due to AV calcification. Degenerative AV sclerosis is an
antecedent to clinically significant AS. Progressive valve narrowing increases
afterload, leading to concentric LVH and reduced diastolic compliance.
Elevated filling pressures and SR are required to fill the non-​compliant LV.
Normal LVEDP may reflect hypovolaemia.
Atrial contractions contribute up to 40% to the left ventricular end-​
diastolic volume (LVEDV) in AS (normally only 20–​30%). Arrhythmias will
reduce CO. There is a high risk of myocardial ischaemia due to O2 supply–​
demand mismatch. Increasing LV mass increases O2 demand. Resultant
increases in systolic wall tension and intraventricular cavity pressure com-
press subendocardial vessels during systole, making the subendocardium
vulnerable to ischaemia.
Even with normal coronary vessels, 30% of patients with AS experience
angina. Tachycardia (stress, pain) further increases O2 demand and shortens
diastole, increasing compromise of coronary perfusion and increasing is-
chaemia. Diastolic BP is crucial to maintain coronary perfusion.
History and examination
Symptoms do not correlate well with the severity of stenosis, but exertional
angina, dyspnoea and pre-​/​syncope may be present. On examination, there
may be a slow-​rising pulse with narrow pulse pressure. An ejection systolic
murmur is typically maximal at the 2nd intercostal space, right sternal edge,
and radiates to the neck.
• ECG: LVH and strain (with 2° ST–​T wave abnormalities).
• CXR: post-​stenotic dilation of the aorta, calcified aortic annulus and
signs of LV heart failure.
• Echocardiography: assesses AS severity (Table 5.8) and LV function.
• Cardiac catheterisation allows measurement of AV gradient.

Table 5.8 Aortic stenosis severity grading

Peak velocity (m/​s) Mean gradient Valve area (cm2)
Sclerosis <2.5 Normal Normal
Mild 2.5–​3 <20 >1.5
Moderate 3–​4 20–​40 1–​1.5
Severe >4 40 <1
Aortic stenosis 121

Perioperative management1,3,21
• Guidelines prioritise the presence and progression of symptoms in
decision-​making for elective non-​cardiac surgery.
• Irrespective of symptoms, a large meta-​analysis demonstrated higher
rates of MACE, but not mortality, in patients with AS undergoing non-​
cardiac surgery. Patients with AS and CAD probably represent a higher-​
risk population.
• With appropriate haemodynamic monitoring, it is reasonable
for asymptomatic patients with severe AS to undergo elective,
intermediate-​risk non-​cardiac surgery.
• Symptomatic patients with severe AS may be considered for valvular
intervention prior to elective surgery.
Haemodynamic goals
• Low-​normal HR
• Maintain SR
• Adequate preload
• Maintain systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and avoid hypotension.
• Patients with severe AS have a fixed CO. They cannot compensate for
a reduced SVR, resulting in hypotension, myocardial ischaemia and a
downward spiral of reduced contractility.
• Balance myocardial O2 supply–​demand by maintaining afterload and
avoiding tachycardia (‘slow and tight’).
• An arterial line is extremely useful—​place prior to induction.
• Titrate drugs carefully and treat hypotension promptly and aggressively.
Insertion of a CVC allows reliable administration of vasoconstrictor
therapy. Intraoperative TOE may be useful.
• Arrhythmias must be treated promptly, or haemodynamic collapse may
ensue. Consider the role of DCCV.
• Effective analgesia avoids catecholamine-​induced tachycardia and
hypertension. Central neuraxial blocks (CNBs) must be used with
caution due to significant reduction in afterload. Regional blocks can be
used alone or in conjunction with GA.
• Have a low threshold for admission to ICU/​HDU for observation and
possible need for vasopressors.

122 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Aortic regurgitation
Aortic regurgitant lesions are better tolerated than stenotic lesions.
Asymptomatic patients with normal LVEF have a favourable prognosis.
Aortic regurgitation (AR) results from diseases involving the aortic leaflets
themselves, or aortic root/​annulus incompetence.
• Aortic leaflet: degenerative disease, IE, rheumatic heart disease,
connective tissue disease, bicuspid valve
• Aortic root/​annulus: Marfan’s syndrome, connective tissue disease,
aortic dissection.
Acute AR (e.g. endocarditis or acute type A aortic dissection)
With a large regurgitant volume, the LV becomes overwhelmed acutely. LV
diastolic pressure rises, approaching aortic diastolic pressure. Untreated,
mitral regurgitation (MR) follows, leading to pulmonary oedema and circu-
latory failure. Treatment is emergency valve surgery.
Chronic AR
The return of blood back to the ventricle during diastole contributes to
preload. i LVEDV produces a compensatory increase in force of contrac-
tion and stroke volume. Aortic systolic pressure rises, but aortic diastolic
pressure is reduced due to regurgitation.
• Eccentric LVH followed by LV dilation prevents significant increases in
LV filling pressures despite large regurgitant volume. Progressive LV
dilation increases wall stress. Initially, LVEF is maintained, followed by
dilation. LV dysfunction may be masked by raised preload.
• Decompensation can be caused by further increase in LV wall stress,
leading to d diastolic compliance and LV systolic dysfunction. Heart
failure symptoms ensue.
History, examination and investigations
Most of the symptoms are 2° to heart failure in decompensated AR, but
patients may experience palpitations or angina due to reduced coronary
perfusion pressure in the setting of i LV wall stress.
• On examination, a collapsing (‘waterhammer’) pulse illustrates a wide
pulse pressure resulting in: visible neck pulsation (Corrigan’s sign),
head nodding (de Musset’s sign) or visible capillary pulsations in the
nail beds (Quincke’s sign). A diastolic murmur may be heard at the 2nd
intercostal space, right sternal edge.
• CXR: cardiomegaly, boot-​shaped heart.
• ECG: non-​specific LVH.
• Echocardiogram provides quantitative analysis of the aortic leaflets and
aortic root. Doppler studies allow estimation of regurgitant severity. LV
size and function are assessed.
Aortic regurgitation 123

Perioperative risk1
• AR increases cardiac risk during non-​cardiac surgery, especially if LV
function is reduced.
• In asymptomatic patients with severe AR, elective intermediate-​risk
non-​cardiac surgery is reasonable with appropriate perioperative
haemodynamic monitoring.
• Patients with poor functional capacity should be considered for valve
replacement surgery prior to elective surgery.
Haemodynamic goals
• High-​normal HR (790bpm)
• Adequate preload
• Low SVR
• Maintain SR
• Maintain contractility.
The selected anaesthetic technique aims to promote forward systemic flow.
Maintaining a faster HR reduces diastolic regurgitation time. A reduction in
SVR to the low-​normal range decreases afterload while maintaining cor-
onary perfusion pressure (‘full, fast and forward’).
• Spinal and epidural anaesthesia is well tolerated.
• Intra-​arterial pressure monitoring is useful for major surgery and/​or
high-​risk symptomatic patients. Non-​invasive CO monitoring is
inaccurate. TOE, if available, may guide optimisation of LV function.
• Treat perioperative supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)/​AF promptly
with synchronised DCCV (see % p. 149), particularly if associated with
hypotension. Persistent bradycardia may need to be treated with β-​
agonist or anticholinergic agents.

124 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Mitral stenosis
Rheumatic fever is the commonest cause. A minority have isolated stenosis;
the majority have mixed mitral valve disease (stenosis and regurgitation).
• Mitral valve stenosis (MS) causes underfilling of the LV and increasing
pressure and volume upstream of the valve (Table 5.9). The LV
functions normally but is small and poorly filled.
• Pulmonary vascular pressures are initially maintained by left atrial
dilation. As disease progresses, the pulmonary artery pressure
(PAP) increases. Reactive pulmonary vasoconstriction contributes to
development of pulmonary hypertension.
• Adaptive RV hypertrophy fails to compensate for volume and pressure
overload, leading to progressive RV dilation and failure.
• The pressure gradient across the narrow mitral orifice increases with
the square of the CO. Rapid HRs, especially with AF, decrease the
diastolic filling time and markedly decrease the CO.
• Chronic left atrial dilation greatly increases the risk of AF.
• Intracardiac thrombus, either in the left atrium or left atrial appendage,
may develop due to low-​velocity blood flow. If present, anticoagulation
is required.
• Critical MS is a fixed, low CO state.

Table 5.9 Valve area in mitral stenosis

Normal valve surface area 4–​6cm2

Symptom-​free until 1.6–​2.5cm2
Moderate stenosis 1–​1.5cm2
Severe stenosis <1.0cm2

Patients complain of dyspnoea, haemoptysis and recurrent bronchitis.
Fatigue and palpitations are common.
• Mitral facies: malar flush on cheeks
• Peripheral cyanosis
• Signs of right heart failure
• Tapping apex beat. Loud 1st heart sound, opening snap (if in SR) and
low-​pitched diastolic murmur heard best at the apex (with the bell of
the stethoscope).
Mitral stenosis 125

• ECG: P mitrale (left atrial enlargement) if SR. AF common
• CXR: valve calcification. Large left atrium (lateral film). Double shadow
behind the heart on posterior-​to-​anterior (PA) film. Splaying of the
carina. Kerley B lines indicating pulmonary congestion
• Echocardiogram measures the gradient and valve area (Table 5.9).
Allows assessments of RV function. Assesses for presence of
intracardiac thrombus.
Perioperative risk1
Patients with MS who meet standard criteria should undergo valvular
intervention prior to elective surgery (open or percutaneous mitral
• In asymptomatic patients with severe MS, elective intermediate-​risk
non-​cardiac surgery is reasonable with appropriate perioperative
hsemodynamic monitoring.
Haemodynamic goals
• Low-​normal HR 50–​70bpm
• Maintain SR. Cardiovert if AF occurs perioperatively
• Adequate preload
• High-​normal SVR
• Avoid hypercapnia, acidosis and hypoxia, which may exacerbate
pulmonary hypertension.
Anaesthetic goals aim to maintain the delicate balance of adequate LV filling,
while minimising decompensation of chronically i pulmonary pressures.
• Tachycardia should be avoided, as i HR reduces time for LV filling.
Short-​acting β-​blockers may be used for HR control.
• Maintain an adequate afterload. However, fluid overload may precipitate
acute pulmonary oedema. Measurement of CVP and pulmonary
capillary occlusion pressure and TOE, if available, will guide intravascular
volume management and ventricular function.
• Inotropic support may be required to optimise RV function.
• Spinal and epidural anaesthesia may be hazardous.

126 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Mitral regurgitation
Mitral regurgitant lesions are better tolerated than stenotic lesions.
Asymptomatic patients with normal LVEF have a favourable prognosis. MR
results from leaflet, chordal or papillary muscle abnormalities or as a conse-
quence of LV dysfunction (functional MR).
• Leaflet: complication of endocarditis, rheumatic disease or mitral valve
prolapse, myxomatous degeneration
• Chordal: chordae rupture after AMI or after bacterial endocarditis
• Papillary muscle: ischaemic posterior papillary muscle dysfunction
• LV failure leads to dilation of mitral valve annulus.
The left atrium is subjected to volume and pressure overload—​adaptive
dilation occurs gradually. As much as 50% of the LV volume flows into the
dilated left atrium before the aortic valve opens. LVEF is i and over time,
LV dysfunction may occur. The degree of regurgitation is determined by
the afterload, size of the regurgitant orifice and HR. A moderately i HR
(>90bpm) decreases the time for regurgitation in systole and decreases the
time for diastolic filling, reducing LV overload. Chronic MR will lead to pul-
monary vascular congestion, followed by pulmonary hypertension and right
heart failure.
History, examination and investigations
• Fatigue, dyspnoea, palpitations, symptoms of right heart failure. Acutely,
MR may present with flash pulmonary oedema
• Displaced and forceful apex due to LVH, soft S1, apical pansystolic
murmur radiating to the axilla and loud S3
• ECG: left atrial enlargement. AF is common
• CXR: left atrial and LV enlargement. Mitral annular calcification
• Echocardiogram gives quantitative estimate of regurgitant fraction,
including measuring the vena contracta (narrowest cross-​sectional area
of a fluid jet) which corresponds to the regurgitant orifice area and MR
severity. Assess ventricular function. TOE particularly useful as the left
atrium is adjacent to the oesophagus.
Mitral valve prolapse
• Common (incidental finding in 5% of population)
• Usually asymptomatic, but may be associated with atypical chest pain,
palpitations, syncope and emboli
• Mid-​systolic click and late diastolic murmur
• Echocardiogram shows enlarged redundant mitral valve leaflets
prolapsing into the left atrium during mid-​to late systole, causing
arrhythmias and regurgitation
• Antiarrhythmics must be continued perioperatively.
Perioperative risk1
MR increases cardiac risk during non-​cardiac surgery, especially if LV func-
tion is reduced.
• In asymptomatic patients with severe MR, elective intermediate-​risk
non-​cardiac surgery is reasonable with appropriate perioperative
haemodynamic monitoring.
• Patients with poor functional capacity should be considered for valve
repair/​replacement surgery prior to elective surgery.
Mitral regurgitation 127

Haemodynamic goals
• High-​normal HR (790bpm).
• Adequate preload.
• Low SVR.
• Low PVR.
• Maintain SR.
Anaesthetic goals aim to promote forward systemic flow. Maintaining a
faster HR reduces systolic regurgitation time. Bradycardia will increase LV
diastolic filling, leading to LV distension.
• A reduction in SVR to the low-​normal range decreases afterload while
maintaining coronary perfusion pressure. Spinal and epidural anaesthesia
is well tolerated.
• Intra-​arterial pressure monitoring is useful for major surgery and/​or
high-​risk symptomatic patients.
• Preload can be difficult to estimate; for major non-​cardiac surgery, a
pulmonary artery (PA) catheter and/​or TOE, if available, may be useful
to guide intravascular volume management.
• In advanced disease, pulmonary hypertension is common. Avoid factors
that increase the PAP (hypoxia, hypercapnia, high inspiratory pressures,
• Inotropic support may be required to optimise ventricular function.

128 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Pericardial disease
Acute pericarditis
• Inflammatory disease of the pericardium.
• May be idiopathic, infective, non-​infective (e.g. post-​cardiac surgery)
or autoimmune. Usually presents with chest pain. The diagnosis is
supported by widespread saddle-​shaped ST-​elevation on ECG.
• Frequently occurs with myocarditis, which may increase the likelihood
of arrhythmia and sudden death.
• Elective surgery should be postponed for at least 6w.
Constrictive pericarditis
• Chronic inflammation of the pericardium causes thickening and reduced
• Common causes include post-​infective and autoimmune diseases (e.g.
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The only effective treatment is
pericardiectomy which may be dramatically effective.
• Pulsus paradoxus (exaggerated fall in systolic BP with inspiration) may
be seen due to the thickened pericardium preserving intrapericardial
pressure. The normal maximum fall is 10mmHg.
• Systolic function of the myocardium is well maintained, but diastolic
function is severely impaired. When exercise tolerance is reduced, GA
carries a significant risk.
• Bradycardia and reduced cardiac filling are poorly tolerated.
• Elevations in intrathoracic pressure, such as during intermittent positive
pressure ventilation (IPPV), can result in profound hypotension.
• If anaesthesia is unavoidable, and regional block is not possible, then a
spontaneously breathing technique is preferable to IPPV. Preload should
be maintained, and tachycardia avoided.
Pericardial effusion
• Excessive fluid accumulation within the pericardial space.
• Effusion may be transudate, exudate, haemorrhagic or purulent,
depending on the aetiology.
• Progressive accumulation may lead to compression of cardiac chambers
and tamponade.
• Non-​specific symptoms include dyspnoea, orthopnoea, chest pain and
• Clinical signs of tamponade include Beck’s triad: raised JVP, hypotension
and muffled heart sounds.
• Echocardiography is a useful diagnostic tool.
• Urgent pericardiocentesis or a pericardial window may be required.
• Elective surgery should be postponed for at least 6w.
Cardiomyopathy 129

‘A heterogenous group diseases of the myocardium associated with mech-
anical and/​or electrical dysfunction which usually exhibit inappropriate ven-
tricular hypertrophy or dilation.22
Cardiomyopathies are either confined to the heart (1°) (Table 5.10) or
a manifestation of a systemic disease (2°), e.g. amyloidosis, haemochroma-
tosis, sarcoidosis or thyroid disease.22 Regardless of the aetiology, there is a
potential final common pathway of myocardial injury, leading to ventricular
dysfunction and clinical heart failure. Often, no disease-​specific treatment is
available. Management focuses on heart failure therapy.
There is little evidence on perioperative risk evaluation in patients
with non-​ ischaemic cardiomyopathy undergoing non-​ cardiac surgery.1,23
Markers of disease severity include poor functional capacity and reduced
LVEF. Other factors associated with poor prognosis include resting tachy-
cardia, low BP, interventricular conduction abnormalities and LV diastolic

Table 5.10 Causes of primary cardiomyopathy

Genetic Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, haemochromatosis, arrhythmogenic

RV dysplasia, dilated cardiomyopathy variants, Fabry’s disease
Acquired Tachycardia-​induced, stress-​induced, drug-​related
Mixed Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, restrictive

Stress-​induced cardiomyopathy
• Also known as Takotsubo and apical ballooning syndrome.
• Reversible cardiomyopathy characterised by transient systolic
dysfunction indistinguishable from AMI, but in the absence of CAD.
• Responsible for 72% of all acute coronary syndrome events.
• Differing mechanisms have been suggested, but possibly due to
catecholamine release.
• Commonly precipitated by sudden, emotionally (occasionally
physiologically) stressful events.
• Commonest in women aged 58–​75y (90%).
• RWMAs are beyond single vascular territory.
• Patients are often critically ill acutely: congestive cardiac failure
(CCF), arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, left ventricular outflow tract
• Mortality is in the region of 1%.
• Symptoms resolve quickly; about 10% may reoccur.
• Treatment is supportive.

130 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Restrictive cardiomyopathy
• Rare condition. The commonest cause is myocardial infiltration by
• Characterised by stiff ventricles that impair ventricular filling. Right heart
failure is often prominent. Echo shows diastolic dysfunction.
• Anaesthesia is potentially associated with high risk.
• Peripheral vasodilation, myocardial depression and reduced venous
return may cause catastrophic cardiovascular decompensation and may
precipitate cardiac arrest.
• Venous return may be further compromised by positive pressure
ventilation. Wherever possible, maintain spontaneous respiration.
• Ketamine may be useful, as it increases myocardial contractility and
peripheral resistance.
• Fluids should be given to maintain elevated right heart pressures.
Haemodynamic goals
• Maintain SR
• Adequate volume loading
• High-​normal SVR
• Avoid myocardial depression.
Dilated cardiomyopathy
This manifests as cardiac failure with impaired systolic function and dilation
of both ventricles, predominantly the LV. Functional mitral and tricuspid
incompetence occurs commonly, due to dilation of the valve annulus,
exacerbating heart failure.
• The commonest problems are heart failure, arrhythmias and embolic
• Heart failure is treated according to established guidelines (see %
pp. 111–15). Medical management includes ACE inhibitors, β-​
blockers and mineralocorticoid antagonists. Patients are frequently
anticoagulated. Synchronised biventricular pacing may be used. Some
patients may require an ICD for prevention of sudden cardiac death
(see % pp. 830–1 and p. 161).
• Peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) minimise sympathetic activation. CNB
reduces afterload. Associated hypotension must be avoided.
• Invasive monitoring with arterial and central venous catheters should be
used. Intraoperative TOE, where available, will guide fluid management
and ventricular support.
• Inotropic support may be provided with a variety of β-​agonists and
Haemodynamic goals
• Maintain SR. Avoid tachycardia.
• Adequate volume preload.
• Normal SVR. Avoid increases in afterload.
• Avoid myocardial depression; inotropic support is frequently required
with dobutamine or PDE inhibitors.
Cardiomyopathy 131

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

• Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy is predominantly an
autosomal dominant genetic disorder in 760% of cases. Symptoms
similar to AS. Sudden death is common.
• Accounts for two-​thirds of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
patients. Hypertrophy can occur in any part of the ventricle, but the
interventricular septum is commonest.
• Causes dynamic obstruction of the LV outflow during systole.
• Main feature is asymmetric hypertrophy of the interventricular septum,
which obstructs the LV outflow tract during systole.
• Ventricular systole is associated with movement of the anterior
mitral valve leaflet towards the septum (systolic anterior motion),
causing further obstruction of the outflow tract. In some patients, this
causes MR.
• As with AS, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy results in
pressure overload of the LV. Diastolic dysfunction is evident on
• Patients are prone to arrhythmias which are refractory to medical
treatment. Insertion of an ICD may be warranted for 1° prevention of
sudden cardiac death.
• Symptom management includes β-​blockers or verapamil, due to their
negative inotropic and rate-​controlling properties.
• ECG shows evidence of LVH.
• Echocardiography or cardiac MRI estimate the degree of functional
obstruction, asymmetric LVH and systolic anterior motion of the
mitral valve.
• SR is crucial to maintaining ventricular filling. Invasive haemodynamic
monitoring is indicated. Where available, TOE is a useful guide for
intravascular volume management.
• Inotropes are contraindicated as LV obstruction is exacerbated by i
myocardial contractility.
Haemodynamic goals
Maintain a ‘large ventricle’, since dynamic obstruction is reduced.
• Low-​normal HR
• Maintain SR
• Adequate volume loading
• High-​normal SVR
• Low ventricular contractility.

132 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Patients with a transplanted heart

Heart transplantation is increasing in frequency, and patients may present
to a non-​specialist centre for non-​cardiac surgery. Anaesthesia requires at-
tention to:
• Altered physiology
• Effects of immunosuppression
• Medications
• Associated risk factors.
Altered physiology
• The heart is denervated; resting HR is usually around 90–​110bpm due
to the absence of vagal tone.
• Intrinsic properties and autoregulatory functions are maintained:21
normal Frank–​Starling pressure–​volume relationship, intact
adrenoreceptors and normal impulse generation and conduction.
• The heart is preload-​dependent. Compensation for hypovolaemia
and hypotension is delayed due to denervation. An increase in
catecholamines will result in an increase in chronotropy and inotropy,
but this may take 5–​6min.
• Reinnervation is an area of ongoing controversy. Some studies have
demonstrated partial, and rarely complete, reinnervation.
• Pharmacodynamic effects are affected by denervation.21 Direct-​acting
agents should be used—​atropine has no effect on the denervated heart;
the effect of ephedrine is reduced and unpredictable, and hydralazine
and phenylephrine produce no reflex tachy-​or bradycardia in response
to their 1° action. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, isoprenaline and β-​ and
α-​blockers act as expected. Due to the potential for reinnervation,
reversal of NMB with neostigmine should be performed with caution.
• Some patients may have experienced temporary bradyarrhythmias after
transplantation. A pacemaker may be in situ.
• Contractility of the heart is close to normal, unless rejection is
developing. In the absence of sympathetic innervation, the age-​
predicted maximal HR is reduced.
Three classes of drugs are used:
• Calcineurin inhibitors (ciclosporin, tacrolimus) prevent cytokine-​
mediated T-​cell activation and proliferation.
• Nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors (azathioprine) block lymphocyte
• Steroids block the production of inflammatory cytokines, lyse T-​
lymphocytes and alter the function of the remaining lymphocytes.
Effects of treatment
• Anaemia and thrombocytopenia, as well as leucopenia, may result,
requiring treatment before surgery.24
• Ciclosporin is associated with renal dysfunction and is the most likely
cause of the hypertension that affects 40% of heart–​lung transplant
recipients. It may also prolong the action of non-​depolarising muscle
relaxants (NDMRs).
Patients with a transplanted heart 133

• Calcium antagonists increase ciclosporin levels variably and are used in

some centres to reduce the ciclosporin dose in an attempt to reduce
side effects. The effect on blood concentrations must be remembered if
calcium antagonists are omitted for any reason perioperatively.
• Renal dysfunction is also commonly caused by tacrolimus.
• Steroid supplementation may be required if large doses of prednisolone
are being used.
Associated risk factors
• Previous, and often repeated, use of central and peripheral vessels can
make IV and arterial access difficult.
• Cough may be impaired due to a combination of phrenic and recurrent
laryngeal nerve palsies. This increases the risks of sputum retention and
postoperative chest infection.
• Heart–​lung recipients will have a tracheal anastomosis. It is desirable to
avoid unnecessary intubation, but if it is necessary, use a short tube and
carefully monitor the tracheal cuff pressure. Disrupted lung lymphatic
drainage increases the risk of pulmonary oedema.21
• The transplanted heart may still develop CAD.
Choice of technique
There is no evidence to support one anaesthetic technique above another.
• Peripheral surgery under regional block is likely to be well tolerated.
• Subarachnoid or epidural block may result in marked falls in BP because
of absent cardiac innervation.
• Strict asepsis must be used with all invasive procedures.

134 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Congenital heart disease and non-​cardiac

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is common (1 in 150 births), with >85%
of affected children reaching adult life. Although many will have undergone
corrective surgery, residual problems may be present. There is a higher
incidence of adverse perioperative events in CHD patients undergoing non-​
cardiac surgery, although risk varies markedly across the cohort.
General considerations
Procedures for CHD aim to improve the patient’s haemodynamic status,
although complete normalisation is not always achieved. They may broadly
be divided as follows:
• Corrective procedures: the lesion is completely repaired, with no long-​
term sequelae (e.g. PDA and ASD closure). In some cases, a residual
defect may be present (e.g. free pulmonary regurgitation after tetralogy
of Fallot repair (ToF); see also % p. 137), requiring repeat interventions
and/​or reducing life expectancy.
• Palliative procedures: these patients may have abnormal circulations
and physiology but avoid the consequences of untreated CHD. Life
expectancy is not normal, but many survive to adulthood (e.g. Fontan
procedures; see also % p. 137).
Preoperative assessment
Aim to understand the patient’s cardiac anatomy and pathophysiology, with
a view to risk stratification and perioperative planning.
• History: define the severity of the lesion in terms of impact on normal
activities and growth. Consider relevant comorbidity (e.g. CHARGE
syndrome). Check current medication and obtain a recent cardiology
• Examination: check for cyanosis and signs of infection/​failure. Consider
neurological examination for cyanotic patients.
• Investigations: CXR/​ECG/​echocardiogram. Review cardiac catheter
data if available. Baseline peripheral O2 saturation (SpO2) in air. Lab
tests depend on the proposed surgery, but most will require FBC and
• Consider: whether surgery should proceed, in view of the risks vs
potential benefit, if the patient can or should be moved to a cardiac
centre and if postoperative ICU/​HDU will be required.
• Anticipate the likely impact of anaesthetic interventions (e.g. the effect
of high fractional inspired oxygen content (FiO2) on PVR, anaesthetic
drugs on myocardial function and SVR, positive pressure ventilation on
systemic venous return).
Factors suggestive of increased perioperative risk
• Pulmonary hypertension, particularly if RV pressures are systemic
or near-​systemic; any further rise in PVR can cause acute RV
decompensation and cardiac arrest. In this context, the presence
of an ASD or VSD can be protective; in the event of a pulmonary
hypertension crisis, a source of right-​to-​left shunt may allow CO to be
maintained (albeit at the expense of oxygenation).
• Severe ventricular outflow obstruction (e.g. Williams syndrome).
Congenital heart disease and non-cardiac surgery 135

• ‘Duct-​dependent’ or single ventricle physiology.

• Cardiomyopathy (e.g. HCM).
• Severe hypoxaemia (e.g. SpO2 <75% on air) or polycythaemia (e.g.
haematocrit (Hct) >60%).
• Severe or worsening CCF or evidence of myocardial ischaemia.
• Other markers of haemodynamic insufficiency: syncope, arrhythmias or
recent CVE.
Specific considerations
• Cyanosis results from shunting of blood from the right to the left side
of the heart through a focal defect (e.g. ToF) or complete intracardiac
mixing (e.g. single ventricle lesions, complete atrioventricular
septal defect (AVSD)). Adaptations to chronic hypoxaemia include
polycythaemia and i blood volume. Blood viscosity is i, impairing tissue
perfusion. Thrombosis (e.g. cerebral/​renal) due to polycythaemia and
coagulopathy due to platelet dysfunction and fibrinogen deficiency may
occur. i tissue vascularity may worsen bleeding.
• Air emboli: any intracardiac shunt (particularly right-​to-​left) poses the
risk of air entering the coronary or cerebral circulation, with potentially
catastrophic consequences. Meticulous ‘bubble precautions’ should
be taken.
• ‘Duct-​dependent’ or single ventricle physiology. In order to be
compatible with life, some lesions (e.g. tricuspic atresia, hypoplastic
left heart syndrome, severe aortic coarctation) require a patent ductus
arteriosus to maintain blood flow to either pulmonary or systemic
vascular beds; they will require a continuous prostaglandin infusion to
achieve this. These patients should be managed in specialist centres
as they are extremely sensitive to changes in PVR/​SVR, myocardial
contractility and preload. Aim to keep physiological parameters (e.g.
SpO2) as close to what is normal for the patient as far as possible.
Patients dependent on a Blalock–​Taussig shunt (see % p. 137) to
maintain pulmonary perfusion share similar characteristics.
• Eisenmenger’s syndrome. Irreversible elevation in PVR occurring in
response to chronic high pulmonary flow (i.e. any large left-​to-​right
shunt that is left untreated). Shunt reversal occurs, with consequent
cyanosis. The degree of shunting depends on the PVR:SVR ratio.
Increasing SVR or decreasing PVR leads to higher arterial SpO2. Avoid
reductions in SVR (neuraxial anaesthesia) and rises in PVR (hypoxia/​
hypercapnia /​acidosis). Associated with i morbidity and mortality.

136 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Specific congenital heart disease lesions

There are >100 forms of CHD, but the commonest lesions are: ASD,
VSD, PDA, ToF, AS, coarctation of the aorta and transposition of the great
arteries. Lesions not amenable to biventricular repair are usually man-
aged palliatively by producing a Fontan circulation (also known as a total
cavopulmonary connection).
Atrial septal defect (secundum type)
• A defect in the membrane of the fossa ovalis, accounting for 80% of
ASDs. Often asymptomatic.
• Results in a left-​to-​right shunt with right heart volume overload.
• Can be closed surgically or transcatheter.
Atrial septal defect (primum type)
• Endocardial cushion (or partial atrioventricular (AV) canal) defect—​may
involve AV valves.
• The more severe form AVSD is associated with Down’s syndrome and
results in severe pulmonary hypertension if left untreated (see
% pp. 139–44).
• Surgical repair of these lesions may result in complete heart block.
Ventricular septal defect
• Commonest form of CHD, resulting in a left-​to-​right shunt which, in
turn, causes i pulmonary blood flow and left heart volume overload. As
with any lesion causing excessive pulmonary blood flow, they are at risk
of developing pulmonary hypertension and shunt reversal (see
% p. 135, Eisenmenger’s syndrome).
• A small single VSD may be asymptomatic with a small left-​to-​right shunt
(pulmonary:systemic flow (Qp:Qs) ratio <1.5:1).
• A moderate VSD (Qp:Qs ratio 2–​3:1) may present with mild CCF.
• Patients with a large VSD have equal pressures in their right and left
ventricles and present at around 2mo of age with severe CCF. They
require early repair. However, if they need anaesthesia for another
procedure prior to definitive cardiac surgery, they can be challenging.
They should be intubated for all but the most minor procedures,
and increases in the left-​to-​right shunt should be avoided (e.g. avoid
hyperventilation and high FiO2). Care should be taken with fluid
administration, and inotropic support may be required.
• Those unsuitable for definitive repair (e.g. very small babies, multiple
muscular VSDs) may require PA banding to protect the pulmonary
circulation, preventing the development of pulmonary hypertension.
This band tightens as the child grows, leading to RV pressure loading
and progressive cyanosis. The band is removed when the child is large
enough for full repair or the defects have closed spontaneously.
• May be closed transcatheter in certain circumstances.
Patent ductus arteriosus
• Represents 10% of CHD lesions. Incidence is 20–​30% in preterm
neonates. Produces a left-​to-​right shunt, resulting in CCF and
raised PVR. Diastolic run-​off from the proximal aorta to the PA can
compromise distal organ perfusion (e.g. gut, kidneys).
• Can be closed surgically or transcatheter.
Specific congenital heart disease lesions 137

Tetralogy of Fallot
• Pulmonary stenosis, VSD, overriding aorta and RV hypertrophy.
• May be prone to cyanotic episodes (‘tet spells’) due to intermittent RV
infundibular spasm causing i right-​to-​left shunting. If this occurs under
anaesthesia, treatment includes: 100% O2, IV fluid, adequate analgesia/​
anaesthesia to reduce circulating catecholamines and increasing SVR
(e.g. by bringing the knees towards the chest and/​or IV vasopressors).
• Before full repair, may be treated medically with β-​blockers or surgically
via a modified Blalock–​Taussig shunt—​a Gore-​Tex® tube interposed
between the subclavian and pulmonary arteries.
• Full repair of ToF is usually undertaken in the first 6mo of life.
Transposition of the great arteries
• Accounts for 7–​8% of CHD, in which the aorta arises from the RV and
the PA from the LV; a VSD occurs in 730%.
• In order to be compatible with life, there must be a source of mixing
(i.e. PDA, ASD or VSD) to allow oxygenated pulmonary venous blood
to reach the systemic circulation.
• Preoperative management usually consists of a prostaglandin infusion ±
balloon atrial septostomy if mixing is inadequate.
• Repair is usually with an arterial switch procedure in the first 2w of life.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the Fontan circulation
• Hypoplastic left heart syndrome accounts for around 2% of CHD and
carries a significant mortality risk, with 770% surviving to 5y.
• Patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome undergo a 3-​stage repair,
usually involving a neonatal Norwood operation, followed by a Glenn
shunt at 3–​6mo, and finally a completion Fontan procedure (also called
a total cavopulmonary connection) at 3–​5y.
• After total cavopulmonary connection, all superior vena cava (SVC)
and IVC blood flows directly into the PA, bypassing the right heart.
Pulmonary blood flow is thus passively dependent on systemic venous
• The aim is to volume-​offload the RV, while providing acceptable arterial
saturations (75–​85%); however, the Fontan circulation inevitably leads
to high venous pressures, liver congestion, protein-​losing enteropathy
and pleural and pericardial effusions.
• Hypovolaemia can lead to hypoxia and CVS collapse. IPPV results in
a fall in CO, and high ventilatory pressures result in poor pulmonary
• These children are particularly vulnerable and should be managed in a
specialist centre, whenever possible.

138 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Adults with congenital heart disease

Anything but the most straightforward situation should be discussed, and
the patient referred to a congenital cardiac centre.
Uncorrected disease
• ASDs/​VSDs may be small and of no haemodynamic significance. Apart
from the risk of paradoxical emboli, small defects present with no
anaesthetic issues.
• Large left-​to-​right shunts will cause progressive pulmonary hypertension
and eventual shunt reversal (Eisenmenger’s syndrome). Once
irreversible pulmonary hypertension has developed, surgical correction
is not possible. These patients are at high risk. If surgery is absolutely
necessary, it should be performed in a specialist centre.
Corrected disease
• These patients have either had spontaneous resolution or a corrective
procedure. They can generally be treated as normal.
• Best assessment of CVS function is generally exercise tolerance.
• Exclude surgical sequelae/​continuing disease.
• Exclude any associated congenital abnormalities.
Palliated disease
• These patients have had operations that improve functional capacity
and life expectancy but do not restore normal anatomy. Operations
include Senning and Mustard for transposition of the great arteries
(arterial switch is now preferred) and Fontan pathway for single
ventricle lesions (e.g. hypoplastic left heart syndrome and pulmonary
• An understanding of the underlying physiology is required to avoid
complications when anaesthetising these patients. Management is best
provided in specialist cardiac centres.
• In patients with a Fontan circulation, blood leaves a single ventricle and
passes through the systemic circulation, then through the pulmonary
circulation, before returning to the heart. As a result, the systemic
venous pressure is high, providing a pressure gradient across the
pulmonary vascular bed. Any pulmonary hypertension is poorly
tolerated and results in reduced ventricular filling. The high venous
pressure can result in life-​threatening haemorrhage from mucosal
procedures such as adenoidectomy (or nasal intubation!).
Pulmonary hypertension 139

Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension describes a situation of elevated pressure in the
pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary hypertension has many aetiologies and
can complicate most cardiovascular and respiratory conditions (Table 5.11).
Although the aetiology may be different, the sequelae of endothelial dys-
function, vasoconstriction and vascular remodelling are common.25
Normal mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) is 14mmHg. Pulmonary
hypertension is defined as a mPAP ≥25mmHg measured by right heart cath-
eterisation at rest.
• Mild mPAP 25–​40mmHg
• Moderate mPAP 41–​55mmHg
• Severe mPAP >55mmHg.
Pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) is distinct from the other classes of
pulmonary hypertension and is defined as pre-​capillary pulmonary hyper-
tension with PA occlusion pressure ≤15mmHg and PVR >3 Wood units,
in the absence of other causes of pre-​capillary pulmonary hypertension.
PAH accounts for 45% of pulmonary hypertension, with chronic thrombo-
embolic pulmonary hypertension being the second commonest (19%), fol-
lowed by left heart disease. Pulmonary hypertension is classified into groups
of similar pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical presentation and haemo-
dynamic characteristics (Table 5.11).26

Table 5.11 Updated clinical classification of pulmonary hypertension

Class Aetiology Examples

1 PAH Idiopathic PAH, drug-​or toxin-​induced,
associated with CHD/​portal hypertension/​HIV
or persistent pulmonary pulmonary hypertension
of the newborn
2 Pulmonary Pulmonary hypertension due to heart failure
hypertension due (HFpEF and HFrEF), valvular disease and
to left heart disease congenital cardiomyopathies
3 Pulmonary Obstructive, restrictive or mixed lung disease,
hypertension due hypoxia without lung disease and developmental
to lung disease lung disorders
and/​or hypoxia
4 Pulmonary Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary
hypertension due hypertension and other PA obstructions
to pulmonary
artery obstructions
5 Pulmonary Haematological disorders, systemic and metabolic
hypertension with disorders, complex CHD
unclear mechanism

140 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms are non-​specific and initially exercise induced, mainly related to
RV dysfunction and low cardiac output state, such as dyspnoea, fatigue,
angina and syncope. Rupture or distension of vessels in the pulmonary vas-
cular bed may cause symptoms, e.g. haemoptysis and hoarse voice (com-
pression of left recurrent laryngeal nerve). Other symptoms related to the
causative disease process may also be present. Examination may reveal
signs of right heart failure, a pansystolic murmur (tricuspid regurgitation)
and a diastolic murmur (pulmonary regurgitation).
Diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension
• Right heart catheterisation is the gold standard for diagnosis as mPAP
can be measured directly.
• TOE is often the 1° investigation due to its availability. Pulmonary artery
systolic pressure (PASP) is estimated from peak tricuspid regurgitation
velocity and right atrial pressure can be used to stratify pulmonary
hypertension. Note the stratification is different to that obtained
from right heart catheterisation (mild pulmonary hypertension: PASP
35–​45mmHg; moderate pulmonary hypertension: PASP 46–​59mmHg;
severe pulmonary hypertension: PASP >60mmHg).
• The aetiology of pulmonary hypertension may also be diagnosed by
• ECG: may be normal or show P pulmonale, right axis deviatio, RV
hypertrophy, right bundle branch block, RV strain or prolonged
corrected QT.
• The 6MWT is the most widely used test for prognostication.27
• CPET is becoming more widely used for therapeutic decision-​making
and adds to information from the 6MWT.28
Other tests should then be used to delineate the aetiology25
• CXR: COPD and sarcoidosis
• Computed tomography pulmonary angiography or V/​Q scan:
thromboembolic disease
• Sleep studies: OSA
• Liver ultrasound: portopulmonary hypertension
• Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): cardiomyopathy and CHD.
Severity of pulmonary hypertension can be classified by mPAP and PASP
(see above) or functionally using the NYHA classification (Table 5.12).
PAH remains an incurable condition. Treatment advances in the last decade
have slowed progression and improved symptoms, but prognosis remains
poor. Pulmonary hypertension-​specific therapies (Table 5.13) are licensed
for PAH only. In the UK, only pulmonary hypertension specialists are able
to prescribe them.
Treatment options for other classes of pulmonary hypertension largely
depend on treating the underlying cause. Patients with chronic thrombo-
embolic pulmonary hypertension should be referred for consideration for
pulmonary endarterectomy and they may be also considered for some pul-
monary hypertension-​specific therapies as per PAH.25
Pulmonary hypertension 141

Table 5.12 New York Heart Association functional classification of pulmonary


1 Pulmonary hypertension with no symptoms or limitation to ordinary
physical activity
2 Pulmonary hypertension with mild symptoms and slight limitation during
ordinary activity
3 Pulmonary hypertension with marked limitation of physical activity.
Comfortable at rest
4 Pulmonary hypertension with signs of right heart failure, possibly even at
rest. Inability to carry out any activity without symptoms

Table 5.13 Treatment for pulmonary artery hypertension

Treatment Notes
Non-​specific treatment Anticoagulation (idiopathic
PAH only)
Diuretics for decompensated right
heart failure
O2 reduces PVR, but no evidence
for long-​term O2 therapy
Calcium channel blockers <10% of patients benefit
Synthetic prostacyclin analogues Epoprostenol shown to improve
(epoprostenol, iloprost, treprostinil) survival in idiopathic PAH
Treprostinil and inhaled iloprost
shown to improve symptoms and
reduce clinical events
Endothelin receptor antagonists Macitentan reduces progression of PAH
and death. Ambrisentan and bosentan
improve symptoms ± progression
PDE-​5 inhibitors Sildenafil and tadalafil improve exercise
capacity and symptoms
Guanylate cyclase stimulation Riociguat beneficial in PAH
Transplantation Heart–​lung and double-​lung
transplantation improves survival in
idiopathic PAH

142 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

(See % pp. 524–5 for cardiac surgery and pulmonary hypertension.)
Evidence is lacking, but postoperative mortality after non-​cardiac surgery
ranges from 4–20% depending on the series. Although RV contractility can
be normal in mild disease, systolic dysfunction is common and progresses
with worsening class of pulmonary hypertension. Systemic BP is usually low
(disease-​and treatment-​related). Table 5.14 lists some of the factors that
are used to assess the 1y mortality risk.27 Consider referring any patient in
the intermediate-​or high-​risk categories to a specialist pulmonary hyper-
tension centre for their surgery.
Risk factors associated with increased perioperative mortality and morbidity25
• NYHA class ≥2
• 6MWT <300m
• PVR >–​5
• Elevated right atrial pressure (>14 mmHg)
• Low cardiac index in right heart catheterisation (<2.4L/​m2)
• History of: CAD, PE, chronic kidney disease (CKD) and RV
hypertrophy with severe systolic dysfunction
• Emergency surgery
• Intermediate-​/​high-​risk surgery
• Duration of surgery >3h
• Intraoperative vasopressor requirement.

Table 5.14 Some determinants used to estimate 1y mortality (mainly based on

expert opinion)
Low risk Medium risk High risk
<5% 5–​10% >10%
Clinical signs Absent Absent Present
Progressive No Slow Rapid
WHO functional I II–​III IV
6MWT >440m 165–​440m <165m
CPET Peak VO2 >65% Peak VO2 35–​65% Peak VO2 <35%
predicted predicted predicted
VE/​VCO2 <36 VE/​VCO2 VE/​VCO2 >45
Biochemical BNP <50 BNP 50–​300 BNP >300
markers nanograms/​L nanograms/​L nanograms/​L
NT-​proBNP <300 NT-​proBNP 300–​ NT-​proBNP
nanograms/​L 1400 nanograms/​L >1400
Imaging Right atrial Right atrial area Right atrial
area <18cm2 18–​26cm2 area >26cm2
No pericardial No/​minimal Pericardial
effusion pericardial effusion
Source: data from Galiè N et al., 2015 ESC/ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment
of pulmonary hypertension), European Heart Journal, 2016;37(1):67–119, M https://doi.
Pulmonary hypertension 143

Perioperative management25
H Maintain RV and pulmonary circulation coupling, and prevent a pul-
monary hypertension crisis.
• Many anaesthetic drugs affect RV contractility and PVR (Table 5.15).
• Basic haemodynamic goals:
• Maintain systolic BP at baseline if possible, or at least a minimum
systolic pressure of 90mmHg and 40mmHg above systolic PAP.
• MAP ≥65mmHg and 20mmHg above mPAP.
• Lowest right atrial pressure to maintain MAP >65mmHg.
• Give supplementary O2 (O2 is a pulmonary vasodilator); avoid hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction.
• Avoid hypothermia (causes pulmonary vasoconstriction and V/​Q
• Invasive arterial monitoring to aid rapid response to changes in BP and
allow for intermittent sampling.
• Intraoperative TOE or PA catheter should be considered in all patients
with severe pulmonary hypertension or evidence of right heart failure.
• Obtund sympathetic response to laryngoscopy to avoid increase in
PVR and atrial tachyarrhythmias, which can lead to right heart failure
and death. For rhythm control, amiodarone is the drug of choice; use
digoxin if rhythm control not possible. β-​blockade is poorly tolerated.

Table 5.15 Effect of anaesthetic drugs in pulmonary hypertension

Medication Effect
Isoflurane, desflurane, Marked, dose-​dependent reduction in RV
sevoflurane contractility
Increase in PVR (not sevoflurane)
Propofol Reduces RV contractility, RV ejection fraction and
cardiac index
Thiopental Reduced RV contractility and SVR
Ketamine Increases PVR (adults only)
Vasopressors: noradrenaline, Improve perfusion of right coronary artery, reduce
vasopressin PVR/​SVR ratio, enhance RV contractility and
marginally improve CO
Inotropes: adrenaline, Increase RV contractility
dobutamine, levosimendan
Inodilators: PDE-​3 inhibitors Reduce PVR and improve PVR/​SVR ratio.
(e.g. milrinone) Reduction in SVR can compromise coronary artery
blood flow
IV vasodilator: sildenafil Can be given PO and IV, so could be an option for
patients already on oral therapy
Inhaled pulmonary Nitric oxide, epoprostenol, prostacyclin, iloprost
vasodilators and treprostinil have all been used perioperatively,
but in small numbers

144 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

• Use low-​dose vasoconstrictor to maintain systolic BP if needed.

• Conventional ventilation with low PEEP is generally well tolerated (PEEP
reduces atelectasis, mPAP and shunt but increases RV afterload, as does
hypercapnia and acidosis).
• Patients are preload-​dependent but tolerate overload poorly. Fluid
therapy should be targeted and restrictive. Consider CVP monitoring to
estimate baseline preload. Blood loss should be replaced promptly.
• CNB is safe, but acute hypotension must be avoided. Gradual lumbar
epidural anaesthesia may be considered to minimise rapid block of
sympathetic fibres. Increases in both HR and pulmonary afterload cause
reflex increases in RV contractility via thoracic sympathetic fibres. This
homeometric autoregulation maintains coupling between the RV and
pulmonary circulation. Blocking these fibres with a thoracic epidural
could cause a critical reduction in CO, leading to right heart failure.
• Prepare for events during surgery which may affect preload, afterload
or pulmonary flow, e.g. cementing during orthopaedic surgery,
microemboli after tourniquet release, pneumoperitoneum during
laparoscopic surgery, cross-​clamping of major blood vessels and change
of patient positioning.
• Pain should be planned for and treated aggressively.
• HDU/​ICU postoperatively.
• Common causes of postoperative death are right heart failure,
arrhythmias, sepsis, PE, respiratory failure and MI.
Pregnancy and pulmonary hypertension25
• Mortality is still high and patients should be advised accordingly.
• Most centres favour elective CS over vaginal delivery.
• There is no consensus on whether GA or regional anaesthesia is better;
maternal morbidity remains around 20%.
• Deaths occur due to RHF and PE.
Perioperative arrhythmias 145

Perioperative arrhythmias
(See also % Chapter 39.)
Perioperative cardiac arrhythmias are common and may result in signifi-
cant morbidity and mortality. In the setting of pre-​existing arrhythmia, rate
and rhythm control should be optimised prior to surgery, as perioperative
stressors can lead to marked deterioration.
Preoperative recognition of potential risk factors and triggers may allow
prevention and/​or rapid management of arrhythmia.
When providing IV drug treatment for arrhythmia management, ensure a
defibrillator is readily available in case of rhythm deterioration.
Risk factors for new-​onset perioperative arrhythmia or deterioration of
pre-​existing arrhythmia may be classified according to patient factors and
context-​specific triggers (Table 5.16).

Table 5.16 Risk factors for perioperative arrhythmia

Patient factors Pre-​existing cardiac disease (e.g. IHD, conduction

abnormality, valvular disease, heart failure)
Advanced age
Electrolyte disturbance
Hormonal imbalance (e.g. thyroid dysfunction,
Due to acute disease process (e.g. LRTI, sepsis, SAH,
anaemia, PE)
Obstructive sleep apnoea
Anaesthetic triggers Intubation
Drug-​induced (e.g. anticholinergics, LA toxicity)
Inadequate pain management
Electrolyte abnormalities
Intraoperative hypotension
Insertion of central vascular catheters
Surgical triggers Cardiothoracic surgery
Activation of ANS reflex (e.g. oculocardiac reflex in
ophthalmic surgery, peritoneal traction)
Intravascular fluid shifts
ANS, autonomic nervous system; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; LA, local anaesthetic; LRTI,
lower respiratory tract infection; PE, pulmonary embolism; SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Practical diagnosis of arrhythmias

• Assess ABC.
• Ensure appropriate monitoring is applied: SpO2, ECG and NIBP.
• Provide O2 if hypoxic.
• Ensure adequate IV access.
• Assess for presence of adverse features (shock, syncope, myocardial
ischaemia or heart failure). If present, emergency management is required.

146 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Arrhythmia assessment is ideally undertaken with a 12-​lead ECG. This

is often impractical intraoperatively. Alternative leads may be interrogated
using a traditional 3-​or 5-​lead intraoperative ECG configuration.
• What is the ventricular rate?
• Is the QRS complex of normal duration or widened?
• Is the QRS regular or irregular?
• Are P waves present, and are they normally shaped?
• How is atrial activity related to ventricular activity?
Ventricular rate
• Calculate the approximate ventricular rate (divide 300 by the number of
large squares between each QRS complex).
• Tachyarrhythmia: rate >100bpm; bradyarrhythmia: rate <60bpm.
QRS complex
• Supraventricular rhythms include nodal rhythms and arise from a focus
above the ventricles. Since the ventricles still depolarise via the normal
His/​Purkinje system, the QRS complexes are of normal width (<120ms
or three small squares) and are termed ‘narrow complex rhythms’.
• Arrhythmias arising from a ventricular focus will be ‘broad complex’
with a QRS width of >0.12s. In the presence of AV or bundle branch
block, a supraventricular rhythm may have broad complexes (2%).
• Irregular rhythm suggests ectopic beats (atrial or ventricular), AF, atrial
flutter with variable block or 2nd-​degree heart block with variable
P waves
• The presence of P waves indicates atrial depolarisation. Absent P waves
with an irregular ventricular rhythm suggest AF, whereas a sawtoothed
pattern is characteristic of atrial flutter.
Atrial/​ventricular activity
• Normally, there will be one P wave per QRS complex. Any change in
this ratio indicates a block to conduction between atria and ventricles.
Narrow complex arrhythmias 147

Narrow complex arrhythmias

Narrow complex arrhythmias are characterised by QRS complexes <0.12s.
Sinus arrhythmia
Irregular spacing of normal complexes associated with respiration. Constant
P–​R interval, with beat-​to-​beat change in the R–​R interval. Normal finding,
especially in young people.
Sinus bradycardia
Rate <60bpm, with normal P–​QRS–​T complexes. Unnecessary to cor-
rect in a fit person with no haemodynamic compromise (usually when HR
>40bpm). May be normal in athletic patients or due to vagal stimulation.
Other causes include: drugs (e.g. β-​blockers, digoxin, anticholinesterases,
halothane, suxamethonium), MI, sick sinus syndrome, raised intracranial
pressure (ICP), hypothyroidism and hypothermia. Correct the underlying
cause, e.g. stop the surgical stimulus. Incremental doses of atropine up to
20 micrograms/​kg, or glycopyrronium up to 10 micrograms/​kg IV. Patients
on β-​blockers may be resistant, and an isoprenaline infusion is occasionally
required (0.5–​10 micrograms/​min) (adrenaline is an alternative).
Temporary cardiac pacing is rarely required.
Sick sinus syndrome
May coexist with AV nodal disease. Episodes of AV block, atrial tachycardia,
atrial flutter and AF may occur.
• The commonest causes are congenital and advanced age.
• May be asymptomatic or present with dizziness or syncope.
• Consider permanent pacing if symptomatic.
Atrial ectopics
These are common and benign. Causes include: ischaemia/​hypoxia, inad-
equate depth of anaesthesia, sepsis, shock and anaesthetic drugs.
Correct any underlying cause, but treatment unnecessary if solitary.
Long QT syndrome
• Can be genetic or drug-​induced and causes prolonged ventricular
repolarisation due to abnormalities in the cardiac ion channels. It
can lead to polymorphic VT or torsade de pointes and subsequent
ventricular fibrillation (VF). Around 60% of patients are symptomatic
(syncope, seizure-​like episodes, cardiac arrest).
• Patients should have preoperative cardiology assessment, as there is a
high risk of perioperative malignant ventricular arrhythmias which may
be refractory.
• Avoid medications that have well-​documented or moderate association
with prolonged QT (e.g. ondansetron, octreotide, macrolides,
amiodarone, droperidol) and use caution with drugs with i potential
to precipitate torsade de pointes in genetic long QT (e.g. ephedrine,
phenylephrine, adrenaline, cocaine).
• Perioperative management includes β-​blockade.
• Normalise all electrolytes and prevent sympathetic activation (pain,
sedative premedication, laryngoscopy, extubation, hypercapnia, etc.).

148 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

• Invasive monitoring is advisable. Maintain temperature (hypothermia

prolongs QT) and adequate analgesia is essential.
• For torsade de pointes management, see % p. 153.
• Consider postoperative ICU.
Regular supraventricular tachycardia
Sinus tachycardia
Rate >100bpm with normal P–​QRS–​T complexes. Most often an appro-
priate autonomic response to a physiological stress.
Causes include:
• Inadequate depth of anaesthesia, pain, surgical stimulation
• Fever/​sepsis, hypovolaemia, anaemia, heart failure, thyrotoxicosis
• Drugs, e.g. atropine, ketamine, catecholamines.
• Correct the underlying cause where possible.
AV nodal re-​entry tachycardia
Often paroxysmal with sudden onset. Rate 150–​200bpm.
Caused by re-​entry circuit within the AV node comprising two pathways
with different conduction speeds. P wave often obscured by QRS complex
due to almost simultaneous activation of atria and ventricles.
Terminates with adenosine administration.
AV re-​entry tachycardia
Sudden onset. Rate 150–​200bpm. Caused by abnormal myocardial fibres
that form an accessory pathway bypassing the AV node. Conduction
through this pathway may be ante-​or retrograde. ECG morphology de-
pends on the direction of electrical travel through the re-​entry circuit. In
orthodromic conduction (via AV node with retrograde conduction through
accessory pathway), P waves occur after narrow QRS complex. In anti-
dromic conduction (via accessory pathway with retrograde conduction
through AV node), there are regular wide QRS complexes due to slow ven-
tricular depolarisation. Terminates with adenosine administration.
Wolff–​Parkinson–​White (WPW) syndrome
A type of congenital AV re-​ entry tachycardia with evidence of pre-​
excitation; early activation of ventricles due to bypass of AV node via an
accessory pathway. Classic ECG pattern of pre-​excitation include: short PR
interval (<120ms) and delta wave (Fig. 5.1). Emergent treatment is DCCV.

Fig. 5.1 This patient has WPW syndrome as they have delta waves (slurred QRS
upstrokes) in beats 1 and 4 on this rhythm strip. The delta wave both broadens the
ventricular complex and shortens the PR interval. If a patient with WPW has AF,
avoid AV node blockers such as diltiazem, verapamil and digoxin—​but flecainide
may be used. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from
Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford University Press 2017.
Narrow complex arrhythmias 149

Atrial flutter
Often caused by a re-​entry circuit at the tricuspid valve. Associated with
cardiac disease. Atrial depolarisation is 7300bpm. However, ventricular rate
is determined by AV conduction, resulting in an AV block. The commonest
AV ratio is 2:1. Higher degrees of AV block can occur, usually due to drugs
which lower ventricular conduction.
Associated risk of thromboembolism similar to AF.
Acute management entails:
• Synchronised DCCV if adverse features are present or new onset under
anaesthesia. Requires sedation or GA, but lower energy (70–​120J) may
suffice.29 Nearly 100% conversion.
• If haemodynamically stable: vagal manoeuvres, carotid sinus massage or
Valsalva manoeuvre may terminate re-​entry SVT and may be helpful in
differentiating SVT from atrial flutter and fast AF. Adenosine blocks AV
nodal conduction and is especially useful for terminating re-​entry SVT.
Give 6mg IV rapidly, followed by a large 0.9% sodium chloride flush into
a large proximal vein (e.g. antecubital). Record ECG during the injection.
If rate slows, look for atrial activity to aid diagnosis. If no effect, give
12mg IV bolus. The effects of adenosine last only 10–​15s. It should be
used with caution in asthma due to risk of bronchospasm.
• Acute rate and rhythm control: β-​blockers (rate) or amiodarone
(rhythm), as per treatment for AF below. Digoxin should be avoided
as it facilitates conduction through the AV accessory pathway in WPW
syndrome and may worsen tachycardia.
Irregular supraventricular tachycardia
Atrial fibrillation
• The most commonly sustained arrhythmia after surgery. Associated
with increase in length of stay, incidence of postoperative CVE and
in-​hospital mortality.30 Table 5.17 illustrates strategies to prevent
perioperative AF.31
• Disordered generation of atrial electrical impulses leads to
uncoordinated atrial activity that is conducted intermittently and
irregularly to the ventricles via the AV node (Fig. 5.2).
• Atrial contraction contributes up to 30% of ventricular filling. The
onset of AF, particularly in the setting of rapid ventricular rate, causes a
reduction in ventricular filling and CO.
• Thrombi may form within the atria, due in part to blood stasis, and
embolise systemically. Annual risk of thromboembolic events and need
for anticoagulation may be estimated with prognostic models (i.e.
• ECG demonstrates: irregularly irregular rhythm without P waves,
narrow QRS (<120ms) unless conduction abnormality (e.g. pre-​
existing bundle branch block), variable ventricular rate and absence of
isoelectric baseline. Aberrancy, or functional conduction delay, refers to
the broadening of the QRS as the rate gets faster.
Management of acute atrial fibrillation
• Goal: restore CO and ensure adequate oxygenation.
• Determine presence of adverse features: shock, syncope, myocardial
ischaemia and heart failure.31

150 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

• In patients with no adverse features present, evaluate underlying causes

and correct precipitating factors where possible. Either a rate or a
rhythm control management strategy is reasonable.
• If adverse features present, perform urgent synchronised DCCV. Start
at 120–​150J, and increase incrementally if required.
• Anticoagulation should be started as soon as possible and continued for
at least 4w; but ideally lifelong if otherwise not contraindicated. (See
Table 5.18.)32

Table 5.17 Prevention of new-​onset AF or rapid ventricular rate in pre-​existing/​

paroxysmal AF

Preoperative Assess patient risk factors

Formulate plan for perioperative anticoagulation
Continue AV nodal-​blocking drugs until morning of
surgery (e.g. β-​blockers, CCBs)
Investigate causes of new-​onset AF
Consider delaying surgery in patients with RVR
Intraoperative Avoid and treat anaesthetic-​/s​ urgery-​related triggers
Treat unstable AF RVR with electrical cardioversion
Treat stable AF RVR with rate control agents
Avoid arrhythmogenic drugs (i.e. ketamine, adrenergic
vasopressors, glycopyrronium)
Postoperative Consider CPAP in patients with OSA
POCUS in patients with haemodynamic instability
Treat unstable AF with electrical cardioversion
Treat stable AF with rate control agents
Continue rate control agents at discharge until follow-​up
Antithrombotic therapy when appropriate
AV, atrioventricular; CCB, calcium channel blocker; OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea; POCUS,
point-​of-​care ultrasound; RVR, rapid ventricular rate.
Karamchandani K, Khanna AK, Bose S; et al (2020) Atrial fibrillation: current evidence and man-
agement strategies during the perioperative period. Anesth Anal 130(1); 2-13.

Table 5.18 Anticoagulation for AF rhythm control

Low risk Consider anticoagulation prior to DCCV

CHA2DS2-​VASc 0 Anticoagulation not needed
<48h duration post-​cardioversion
Higher risk Start anticoagulation ASAP prior
CHA2DS2-​VASc ≥1 to DCCV
<48h duration Long-​term anticoagulation recommended
>48h or unknown duration Anticoagulation ≥3w prior to DCCV
Narrow complex arrhythmias 151

Acute ventricular rate control33

• β-​blockers—​esmolol 0.5mg/​kg IV bolus over 1min; then 0.05–​
0.25mg/​kg/​min or metoprolol 2.5–​10mg IV bolus. Caution in HFrEF.
Cardioselective β-​blockers are unlikely to adversely affect respiratory
• Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem 15–​25mg IV or verapamil 2.5–​10mg
IV, repeated as required). Use with caution in combination with β-​
blockers. Contraindicated in HFrEF.
• Amiodarone may be used as 1st-​line rate control in patients with HFrEF,
as digoxin is often ineffective in high adrenergic states.34
Acute rhythm control33
DCCV restores SR quicker and more effectively than pharmacological
cardioversion, but pharmacological cardioversion does not require sed-
ation/​GA or fasting. Amiodarone: 300mg IV loading dose (in 5% glucose)
via central vein over 1h, followed by 900mg over 23h. May be given via per-
ipheral line in an emergency but has a high incidence of thrombophlebitis.
Can be combined with digoxin or β-​blockers. May precipitate bradycardia/​
AV block/​hypotension.

Fig. 5.2 (a) AF: note the irregular spacing of QRS complexes and lack of P waves.
(b) AF with a rapid ventricular response (sometimes referred to as ‘fast AF’). No
pattern to QRS complex spacing, and rate >100bpm. (c) Atrial flutter with 2:1 block
(two P waves for every one QRS complex). The P waves have the classic ‘sawtooth’
appearance. Alternate P waves are merged with the QRS complex. Reproduced with
permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook
of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford University Press 2017.

152 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Broad complex arrhythmias

Ventricular ectopics
In the absence of structural heart disease, these are usually benign, but in
patients with ventricular disease, they may occasionally herald the onset of
runs of ventricular tachycardia (VT) (Fig. 5.3).
• Identify and correct any reversible causes (e.g. hypoxia, d K+, i Mg2+).
• If the underlying sinus rate is slow (<50bpm), then ‘ectopics’ may be
ventricular escape beats. Try increasing the rate using IV atropine or

Fig. 5.3 Bigeminy—​a normal QRS is followed by a ventricular ectopic beat (*), then
a compensatory pause; this pattern then repeats. The ectopic beats have the same
morphology as each other, so probably all share an origin. Reproduced with permission
of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical
Medicine. © Oxford University Press 2017.

Ventricular tachycardia
This is a serious, potentially life-​threatening arrhythmia. The QRS is always
wide. P waves may be seen if there is AV dissociation (Fig. 5.4). May be
monomorphic (a single ventricular focus with uniform QRS complexes) or
polymorphic (multiple ventricular foci with an irregular QRS morphology).
Perioperative triggers include:
• Myocardial ischaemia, hypoxia and hypotension
• Fluid overload
• Electrolyte imbalance (low K+, Mg2+, etc.)
• Injection of adrenaline or other catecholamines
• Drugs which prolong the QT interval (e.g. amiodarone, ondansetron,

Fig. 5.4 VT with a rate of 235/​min. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing
Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford
University Press 2017.

• Confirm the presence of CO (central pulse, arterial line waveform,
• If no evidence of CO, commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
and advanced cardiovascular life support with immediate defibrillation.
Broad complex arrhythmias 153

• If evidence of CO, assess for adverse features. If present, promptly

perform synchronised DCCV (start at 120–​150J; increase if required). If
the patient relapses into VT, amiodarone may be given to sustain SR.
• If no adverse features present, treat with amiodarone 300mg IV,
preferably via a CVC, over 20–​60min, followed by 900mg over 23h.
Torsade de pointes
A type of polymorphic VT occurring in the context of prolonged QT.
Defined by a characteristic of the QRS complexes twisting around the ECG
isoelectric line, with a high risk of degenerating into VF (Fig. 5.5). Often
associated with haemodynamic compromise, necessitating immediate de-
fibrillation.33 Even if there is evidence of CO, defibrillation is performed as
synchronisation is not possible.
If stable, give Mg2+ 2g IV loading dose over 10–​20min. Continue Mg2+
infusion at 1–​4g/​h. Monitor plasma levels. Consult cardiology for ongoing
management and preventative therapy.
Do not give amiodarone as QT interval will be prolonged further.

Fig. 5.5 Torsade de pointes tachycardia. Reproduced with permission of Oxford

Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. ©
Oxford University Press 2017.
Supraventricular tachycardia with aberrant conduction
An SVT may be broad complex due to aberrant conduction between the
atria and ventricles. This may appear only at high HRs (rate-​related aberrant
conduction). SVT caused by an abnormal or accessory pathway (e.g. WPW
syndrome) will be of normal width if conduction in the accessory pathway
is retrograde (i.e. it is the normal pathway that initiates the QRS complex),
but broad complex if conduction is anterograde in the accessory pathway.
Adenosine may be used diagnostically to slow AV conduction and may re-
veal the underlying rhythm in atrial flutter or atrial tachycardia. In the case
of SVT, it may also result in conversion to SR. In practice, however, all broad
complex tachycardias should be treated as VT until proven otherwise.
Ventricular fibrillation
• This results in cardiac arrest. There is chaotic and disorganised
contraction of the ventricular muscle, and no QRS complexes can be
identified on the ECG (Fig. 5.6).
• Immediate DCCV as per established resuscitation protocol (200J) (see
% pp. 1055–7).

Fig. 5.6 VF. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from
Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford University Press 2017.

154 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Disturbances of conduction (heart block)

First-​degree block
Delay in conduction through the AV node to the ventricles. Prolongation of
the P–​R interval to >200ms. Normally benign but may progress to 2nd-​or
3rd-​degree block (Fig. 5.7).
Second-​degree block—​Mobitz type I (Wenckebach)
Progressive lengthening of the P–​R interval and then failure of conduction
of an atrial beat. This is followed by a conducted beat, and the cycle repeats.
Common in young athletic adults with high vagal tone. May occur during
inferior MI and tends to be self-​limiting. Asymptomatic patients do not nor-
mally require treatment perioperatively but may require long-​term pacing,
as Wenckebach block may progress to higher degrees of block (Fig. 5.7).
Second-​degree block—​Mobitz type II
Intermittent atrial depolarisation without a subsequent ventricular beat (2:1
or 3:1 are common forms). This often progresses to complete heart block
(Fig. 5.7).
Third-​degree block/​complete heart block
Complete failure of conduction between the atria and ventricles.
Occasionally, a transient phenomenon due to severe vagal stimulation. Very
rarely, it may be congenital (Fig. 5.7).
Bundle branch block
If there is a delay in depolarisation of the right or left bundle branches, this
will cause a delay in depolarisation of part of the ventricular muscle, with
subsequent QRS widening.
Right bundle branch block
Wide complexes with an ‘RSR’ in lead V1 (may appear ‘M’-​shaped) and
a small initial negative downward deflection, followed by a larger upward
positive wave, and then a 2nd downward wave in V6. Often benign but may
be indicative of myocardial disease (Fig. 5.8).
Left bundle branch block
Septal depolarisation is reversed, with change in the initial direction of the
QRS complex in every lead. Left bundle branch block is nearly always rep-
resentative of a disease process. Further interpretation of the ECG, other
than the rate and rhythm, is difficult in the presence of left bundle branch
block (Fig. 5.9).
Bifascicular block
Combination of right bundle branch block and block of the left anterior
or left posterior fascicle. Right bundle branch block with left anterior
hemiblock is more common and appears as an ‘RSR’ in V1, together with
left axis deviation. Right bundle branch block with left posterior hemiblock
is less common and appears as right bundle branch block with an abnormal
degree of right axis deviation. However, other causes for right axis devi-
ation should be considered, and it is a non-​specific sign (Fig. 5.10).
Disturbances of conduction (heart block) 155

Trifascicular block
Sometimes used to indicate the presence of a prolonged P–​R interval to-
gether with bifascicular block.


First-degree AV block. P–R interval = 0.28s.


Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) AV block. With each successive QRS,

the P–R interval increases until there is a non-conducted P wave.


Mobitz type II AV block. Ratio of AV conduction varies from 2:1 to 3:1.


Complete AV block with narrow ventricular complex.

There is no relation between atrial and the slower ventricular activity.

Fig. 5.7 Rhythm strips of heart blocks. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing
Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford
University Press 2017.

156 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Preoperative management
• First-​degree heart block in the absence of symptoms is common. It
needs no specific investigation or treatment.
• Second-​or 3rd-​degree heart block may need pacemaker insertion.
If surgery is urgent, this may be achieved quickly by inserting a
temporary transvenous wire prior to definitive insertion.
• Bundle branch, bifascicular or trifascicular block (bifascicular with
1st-​degree block) will rarely progress to complete heart block during
anaesthesia, and so it is not common practice to insert a pacing wire,
unless there have been episodes of syncope.
Indications for preoperative pacing
• Symptomatic 1st-​degree heart block
• Symptomatic 2nd-​degree (Mobitz type I) heart block
• Second-​degree (Mobitz type II) heart block
• Third-​degree heart block
• Symptomatic bifascicular block or symptomatic 1st-​degree heart
block plus bifascicular block (trifascicular block)
• Symptomatic sinus node disease.

Intraoperative heart block

• Atropine is rarely effective but may be administered.
• If hypotension is profound, then an isoprenaline infusion (alternative is
adrenaline) can be used to temporise: 1–​10 micrograms/​min.
• Dilute 1mg in 50mL of 5% glucose/​glucose–​0.9% sodium chloride,
and titrate to effect (1.5–​30mL/​h).
• Transcutaneous pacing may be practical intraoperatively if electrodes
can be placed.
• Transvenous pacing is both more reliable and effective, and relatively
easy. A PA catheter introducer of adequate size to pass the wire is
inserted into the internal jugular or subclavian vein.
• Insert balloon-​tipped pacing wire to the 20cm mark.
• Inflate the balloon and connect the pulse generator at 5V.
• Advance until ventricular capture. When this happens, deflate the
balloon and insert a further 5cm of catheter.
• If the 50cm mark is reached and the catheter is coiling up or not
entering the heart, deflate the balloon; withdraw to the 20cm mark,
and try again.
Fig. 5.8 Right bundle branch block—​broad QRS, M pattern in V1 and sloped S wave (with the eye of faith, a ‘W’ shape) in V5. MaRRoW
= RBBB. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Ramrakha P et al. Oxford Handbook of Cardiology. © Oxford University
Press 2012; © Punit Ramrakha and Jonathan Hill (Editor’s contribution) 2012.
Disturbances of conduction (heart block)

Chapter 5
Cardiovascular disease

Fig. 5.9 Left bundle branch block: wide QRS with a W pattern in V1 (slight notching in upstroke of S wave—​clearer in V3) and the M pattern in V6.
WiLLiaM = LBBB. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford
University Press 2017.
Fig. 5.10 ECG showing bifascicular block. There is a wide QRS complex with an RSR pattern in V1 and a deep, slurred S wave in V6 (=
RBBB). The QRS in lead 1 is positive and lead aVF negative (= left anterior hemiblock). There is also second-​degree AV nodal block (Mobitz
type I or Wenckebach). Observing the rhythm strip from the 1st P wave, there is a gradually prolonging PR interval and the P wave that
follows the 6th QRS complex is blocked. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford
Disturbances of conduction (heart block)

Handbook of Clinical Medicine. © Oxford University Press 2017.


160 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

Pacemakers and defibrillators

Pacemakers are usually used to treat bradyarrhythmias (Fig. 5.11).
However, biventricular systems are used to improve the functional capacity
and quality of life in selected patients with severe heart failure.
The Heart Rhythm Society and Heart Rhythm UK pacemaker codes are
used to describe pacemaker types and function (Box 5.2). The code con-
sists of five letters or positions. The first three describe antibradycardia
functions and are always stated. The 4th and 5th positions relate to add-
itional functions.

Box 5.2 US/​UK pacemaker positions (and possible

• Position 1: chamber-​paced (O/​V/​A/​D)
• Position 2: sensing chamber (O/​V/​A/​D)
• Position 3: response to sensing (O/​T/​I/​D)
• Position 4: programmability or rate modulation (O/​P/​M/​R)
• Position 5: antitachycardia functions (O/​P/​S/​D)
O, none; A, atrial; V, ventricular; D, dual; P, programmable; M, multiprogrammable; R, rate
modulation; S, shock; T, trigger; I, inhibit.

Fig. 5.11 ECG of a paced rhythms strip. Reproduced with permission of Oxford

Publishing Limited through PLSclear from Wilkinson I et al. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. ©
Oxford University Press 2017.

Implications for anaesthesia and surgery

The most recent permanent pacemaker check should confirm an adequate
battery life, normal function of the pacemaker system and pacemaker de-
pendency. A preoperative ECG will provide confirmation of the expected
function, e.g. AV synchronicity, polarity and baseline rate.
• Electromagnetic interference (most commonly diathermy) can cause
inappropriate triggering or inhibition of a paced output, asynchronous
pacing, reprogramming (usually into a backup mode) and damage to
device circuitry. Pacing wires may also act as aerials and cause heating
where they contact the endocardium.
• Bipolar diathermy is safe. If unipolar diathermy is necessary, position
the plate so that current passes away from the pacemaker and use brief
bursts and the lowest possible amplitude.
• Pacemakers should be set to the asynchronous (VOO) mode
in permanent pacemaker-​dependent patients. A cardiac
electrophysiologist may be consulted for temporary reprogramming.
Alternatively, a medical-​grade magnet may be applied over the
pulse generator. Postoperative pacemaker interrogation by a cardiac
electrophysiologist will ensure appropriate programming and sensing-​
pacing thresholds.
Pacemakers and defibrillators 161

Implantable cardioverter–​defibrillators
ICDs should be deactivated prior to surgery where diathermy might be
used (the ICD will detect the signal as VF and deliver a shock). A magnet
placed over the ICD inhibits their function. The patient should be moni-
tored throughout surgery, and then the device reactivated postoperatively.
While deactivated, an external defibrillator should be immediately available,
with pads applied pre-​emptively.
Further reading
Andropoulos DB, Stayer SA, Mossad EB, Miller-​Hance WC, eds. (2015). Anesthesia for Congenital
Heart Disease. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-​Blackwell.
Nasr VG, Dinardo JA (2017). The Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Handbook. Hoboken, NJ:
Thorne S, Bowater S (2017). Adult Congenital Heart Disease. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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cardiovascular evaluation and management of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: a report
of the American College of Cardiology/​American Heart Association Task Force on practice
guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol, 64, e77–​137.
     2 Wijeysundera DN, Pearse RM, Shulman MA, et al. (2018). Assessment of functional capacity be-
fore major non-​cardiac surgery: an international, prospective cohort study. Lancet, 391, 2631–​40.
     3 Kristensen SD, Knuuti J, Saraste A, et al. (2014). ESC/​ESA guidelines on non-​cardiac surgery;
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diovascular assessment and management of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the
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     5 Mehta SR, Bainey KR, Cantor WJ, et al. (2018). CCS/​CAIC Focused update of the guidelines for
the use of antiplatelet therapy. Can J Cardiol, 34, 214–​33.
     6 Helwani MA, Amin A, Lavigne P, et al. (2018). Etiology of acute coronary syndrome after non-​
cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology, 128, 1084–​91.
     7. Cortes-​Puch I, Wiley BM, Sun J, et al. (2018). Risks of restrictive red blood cell transfusion strat-
egies in patients with cardiovascular disease: a meta-​analysis. Transfus Med, 28, 335–​45.
    8 Devereaux PJ, Biccard BM, Sigamani A, et al. (2017). Association of postoperative high-​
sensitivity troponin levels with myocardial injury and 30-​day mortality among patients undergoing
noncardiac surgery. JAMA, 317, 1642–​51.
    9 Thygesen K, Alpert JS, Jaffe AS, et al. (2018). Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction.
J Am Coll Cardiol, 72, 2231–​64.
10 Devereaux PJ, Szczekilk W (2019). Myocardial injury after non-​cardiac surgery: diagnosis and
management. Eur Heart J, ehz301
11 Devereaux PJ, Duceppe E, Guyatt G, et al. (2018). Dabigatran in patients with myocardial injury
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Lancet, 391, 2325–​34.
12 Buse GL, Manns B, Lamy A, et al. (2018). Troponin T monitoring to detect myocardial injury after
noncardiac surgery: a cost-​consequence analysis. Can J Surg, 61, 185–​94.
13 Ponikowski P, Voors AA, Anker SD, et al. (2016). ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment
of acute and chronic heart failure: The Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and
chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J, 37, 2129–​200.
14 Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, et al. (2017). ACC/​AHA/​HFSA focused update of the 2013
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Cardiolgy/​American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart
Failure Society of America. Circulation, 136, e137–​61.
15 Konstam MA, Kiernan MS, Bernstein D, et al. (2018). Evaluation and management of right-​sided
heart failure: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 137,
16 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019). Hypertension overview. M http://​path-​pathways/​hypertension

162 Chapter 5 Cardiovascular disease

17 Sessler DI, Bloomstone JA, Aronson S, et al. (2019). Perioperative Quality Initiative concensus
statement on preoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery. Br J Anaesth,
122, 563–​74.
18 McEvoy MD, Gupta R, Koepke EJ, et al. Perioperative Quality Initiative concensus statement on
postoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery. Br J Anaesth, 122, 75–​86.
19 Nishimura RA, Otto CM, Bonow RO, et al. (2017). AHA/​ACC Focused update of the 2014
AHA/​ACC Guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease. Circulation,
135, 1159–​95.
20 Douketis JD, Johnson JA, Turpie AG (2004). Low-​ molecular weight heparin as bridging
anticoagulation during interruption of warfarin. Assessment of a standardized perioprocedural
anticoagulation regime. Arch Intern Med, 164, 1319–​26.
21 Kwok CS, Bagur R, Rashid M, et al. (2017). Aortic stenosis and non-​cardiac surgery: a systematic
review and meta-​analysis. Int J Cardiol, 240, 145–​53.
22 Maron BJ, Towbin JA, Thiene G, et al. (2006). Contemporary definitions and classification of
cardiomyopathies. Circulation, 113, 1807–​16.
23 Wu AH (2007). Management of patients with non-​ischemic cardiomyopathy. Heart, 93, 403–​8.
24 Subramaniam K, Sakai T (2017). Anesthesia and Perioperative Care for Organ Transplantation. New
York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
25 Pilkington SA, Taboada D, Martinez G (2015). Pulmonary hypertension and its management in
patients undergoing non-​cardiac surgery. Anaesthesia, 70, 56–​70.
26 Simmonneau G, Montani D, Celermajer DS, et al. (2019). Haemodynamic definitions and up-
dated clinical classification of pulmonary hypertension. Eur Respir J, 53, 1801913.
27 Galie N, Humbert M, Vachiery JL, et al. 2015 ESC/​ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treat-
ment of pulmonary hypertension. Eur Respir J, 46, 903–​75.
28 Farina S, Correale M, Bruno N, et al. (2017). The role of cardiopulmonary exercise tests in pul-
monary arterial hypertension. Eur Respir Rev, 27, 170134.
29 Pitcher D, Nolan J (2015). Guidelines: peri-​arrest arrhythmia. Resuscitation Council UK. M http://​​resuscitation-​guidelines/​peri-​arrest-​arrhythmias
30 Kalra R, Parcha V, Patel N, et al. (2020). Implications of atrial fibrillation among patients with ath-
erosclerotic cardiovascular disease undergoing noncardiac surgery. Am J Cardiol, 125, 1836–​44.
31 Karamchandani K, Khanna AK, Bose S, et al. (2020). Atrial fibrillation: current evidence and man-
agement strategies during the perioperative period. Anesth Analg, 130, 2–​13.
32 January CT, Samuel Wann L, Calkins H (2019). AHA/​ACC/​HRS focused update of the 2014
AHA/​ACC/​HRS guideline for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: a report of the
American College of Cardiology/​American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice
Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. Circulation, 140, e125–​51.
33 Kirchhof P, Benussi S, Kotecha D, et al. (2016). ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fib-
rillation developed in collaboration with EACTS. Eur Heart J, 37, 2893–​962.
34 Kristensen SD, KKnuuti J, Saraste A, et al. (2014). ESC/​ESA guidelines on non-​cardiac surgery;
cardiovascular assessment and management: The Joint Task Force on non-​cardiac surgery: car-
diovascular assessment and management of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the
European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA). Eur Heart J, 35, 2383–​431.
Chapter 6 163

Respiratory disease

Sarah Jarvis
Assessment of respiratory function 164
Effects of surgery and anaesthesia on respiratory function 167
Predicting postoperative pulmonary complications 168
Strategies to reduce postoperative pulmonary
complications 170
Postoperative admission to HDU/​ICU 172
Smoking and respiratory tract infections 173
Asthma 174
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 178
Bronchiectasis 181
Cystic fibrosis 182
Restrictive pulmonary disease 184
Sleep-​related breathing disorders 186
Sarcoidosis 187
Anaesthesia after lung transplantation 188

164 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Assessment of respiratory function

A complete history and physical examination are the most important elem-
ents of preoperative risk assessment.1,2 (See % Chapter 2 for generic infor-
mation about perioperative medicine.)
• Identify significant risk factors for postoperative pulmonary
complications (see % pp. 168–9).
• Note details of hospital admissions with respiratory disease, particularly
any intensive care admissions.
• If chronic lung disease, compare current respiratory function with
previous disease trends.
• Explore symptoms such as cough and sputum production. Send a
sputum specimen for culture and sensitivity.
• Note past and present cigarette consumption.
• Review current treatment, reversibility of symptoms with
bronchodilators and steroid intake.
• There is evidence that screening for sleep apnoea affects surgical
complication rates. It is advisable to question obese patients about
symptoms suggestive of OSA prior to major surgery (see % pp. 73–5).3
• Beware of a history suggesting undiagnosed chronic lung disease, e.g.
exercise intolerance or unexplained dyspnoea.
• Using Roizen’s classification, undiagnosed dyspnoea of grade II or worse
may require further investigation (Table 6.1).
• Abnormal findings are predictive of pulmonary complications after
abdominal surgery.1
• Look for evidence of obstructive lung disease. Signs such as d breath
sounds, wheeze or i expiratory phase are important.
Preoperative respiratory investigations used to inform preoperative risk as-
sessment are outlined in Table 6.2.

Table 6.1 Roizen’s classification of dyspnoea

Grade 0 No dyspnoea while walking on the level at normal pace

Grade I ‘I am able to walk as far as I like, provided I take my time’
Grade II Specific street block limitation: ‘I have to stop for a while after
one or two blocks’
Grade III Dyspnoea on mild exertion: ‘I have to stop and rest, going from
the kitchen to the bathroom’
Grade IV Dyspnoea at rest
Assessment of respiratory function 165

Table 6.2 Preoperative respiratory investigations

Uses/​notes Advantages Disadvantages

SpO2 Good screening Easily available Non-​specific
tool for all patients Gives baseline
May prompt further
Helps to stratify risk
Useful before high-​
risk surgery4
Informal stair Immediate Easy to do with a Informal test
climb qualitative patient in clinic if Impractical if limited
understanding of stairs nearby mobility
degree of dyspnoea Informs further
Peak COPD/​asthma Ward-​based test/​ Technique-d​ ependent
expiratory assessment patient’s own home
flow rate record
CXR Investigating Easy to do Small dose of
dyspnoea/​stridor Informative radiation
Most findings are
and do not affect
Spirometry* Differentiates Can be done Recent evidence that
between restrictive at bedside/​in spirometry does not
and obstructive lung laboratory predict pulmonary
defects Forced expiratory complications, so it
Quantifies severity volume in 1s (FEV1) is not a routine test
of defects <1L predicts prior to high-​risk
Valuable test for likelihood of needing surgery5 and not
lung resection respiratory support to be used as the
surgery candidates post-​major surgery 1° reason to deny
due to poor cough surgery
Flow–v​ olume To assess extrinsic More accurate Requires specialist
loops and intrinsic airway information (than respiratory
obstruction obtained with equipment
spirometry) on Complex to interpret
ventilatory function Poor effort mimics
and upper airway the flow seen
obstruction in upper airway
ABGs To quantify actual Easy to do in Invasive
or suspected outpatients Painful
chronic CO2 Instant results
retention Helpful to compare
SpO2 <92% with previous results
may influence
postoperative SpO2
target vs baseline

166 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Uses/​notes Advantages Disadvantages

Transfer Evaluation of Quick and safe
factor/​ restrictive and
diffusing obstructive lung
capacity disease, as well as
of the lung pulmonary vascular
for carbon disease
CT thorax Assess extent of Informative Radiation exposure
lung disease, e.g. Now more routinely Need to lie flat may
bullae/​cysts/​ available challenge those with
fibrosis/​mass both intrinsic and
lesions impinging extrinsic respiratory
major airways failure
spiral CT for PE/​
aortic dissection
Ventilation/​ Reports Radiation exposure
perfusion likelihood of PE Hard to interpret in
(V/​Q) scan Assesses patients presence of other
undergoing lung pathology
resection to predict
effect of surgery
on pulmonary
6MWT (see Assessment of Correlates well with Also reflects CVS
% p. 32) degree of dyspnoea pulmonary function status, cooperation
tests (spirometry and determination
and lung volumes) Impractical for those
Provides a reliable with limited mobility
test of pulmonary
CPET (see % Used to Provides data on As with 6MWT
pp. 33–5) differentiate ventilatory efficiency Requires specialist
dyspnoea of and response to knowledge to
unknown cause exercise interpret
(CVS vs respiratory) Helpful in predicting
mortality, morbidity
and length of stay6
See Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Gradation of severity of airflow obstruction

FEV1 % predicted
Stage 2: moderate 50–​79%
Stage 3: severe 30–​49%
Stage 4: very severe <30% or <50% with respiratory failure
Source: data from National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2018) Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease in over 16s: diagnosis and management NICE guideline 115. Updated July 26, 2019.

Effects of surgery and anaesthesia on

respiratory function
Effects of surgery
• Upper abdominal operations are associated with pulmonary
complications in 20–​40% of the general surgical population.1
• Incidence with lower abdominal surgery is 2–​5%.
• Upper abdominal or thoracic surgery is associated with a profound d in
lung volume; vital capacity (VC) is d by 50–​60%; FRC is d by about 30%.
Diaphragmatic dysfunction, pain and splinting are important contributing
• A d lung volume is not seen with surgery on the extremities.
Effects of anaesthesia
• On induction of anaesthesia, FRC is d by 15–​20% (7450mL); the
diaphragm relaxes and moves cranially; the rib cage moves inward.
• FRC may be d by 50% of the awake supine value in morbidly obese
patients. PEEP may reduce these effects. FRC is relatively maintained
during ketamine anaesthesia.
• Under anaesthesia, the closing capacity (the lung volume at which
airway closure begins) encroaches upon the FRC, contributing to the
risk of atelectasis, pneumonia and V/​Q mismatching. This happens
more readily in smokers, the elderly and those with underlying lung
• Chest CT shows atelectasis in the dependent zones of the lungs in
>80% of anaesthetised subjects. Microatelectasis results in areas of
the lungs that are perfused but not ventilated, leading to impaired gas
exchange and consequent postoperative hypoxaemia.
• Intubation halves the dead space by circumventing the upper airway.
• The ventilatory response to hypercapnia is blunted, and the acute
responses to hypoxia and acidaemia almost abolished by anaesthetic
vapours at concentrations as low as 0.1 MAC.
• Inhibition of cough and impairment of mucociliary clearance of
secretions contribute to the risk of postoperative infection.
• Most of these adverse changes are more marked in patients with lung
disease but usually improve within a few hours postoperatively. After
major surgery, they may last several days.

168 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Predicting postoperative pulmonary

Postoperative pulmonary complications include atelectasis, infection,
prolonged mechanical ventilation, respiratory failure, exacerbation of
underlying chronic lung disease and bronchospasm.7
• They are as prevalent as cardiac complications and contribute similarly
to morbidity and mortality.
• They are d by preoperative identification of patients with pre-​existing
respiratory dysfunction.
• Even for patients with severe pulmonary disease, surgery that does
not involve the abdominal or chest cavities is inherently of low risk for
serious perioperative pulmonary complications.
Predictors of perioperative pulmonary complications
Patient factors • Pulmonary hypertension9
• Increasing age (>50y) • ASA grade 2 or greater
• Smoking within 8w of surgery • Functional dependence
• OSA8 • Serum albumin <30g/​dL.
Procedure-​related factors
• Prolonged surgery
• Residual NMB10
• Upper abdominal and thoracic surgery
• Neurosurgery, head and neck surgery
• Vascular surgery, especially aortic aneurysm repair
• Emergency surgery.
Risk calculators
(For risk assessment, see % pp. 36–8.)
There are a number of tools used to evaluate risk of respiratory complica-
tions postoperatively:
• Arozullah: two scoring systems exist, one to predict postoperative
pneumonia, and the other to predict postoperative respiratory failure
• Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia (ARISCAT)
• Gupta
• American College of Surgeons National Surgery Quality Improvement
Programme (ACS NSQIP) universal calculator.
The Arozullah and ARISCAT indices detailed below provide a simplified
approach to preoperative pulmonary risk estimation and are useful tools
to stratify risk and identify those patients most likely to benefit from risk
reduction strategies.
Arozullah respiratory failure risk index11
(See Table 6.4.)
• Procedure-​related risk factors dominate this index, with type of surgery
and emergency surgery being the most important predictors.
• Scores predict postoperative respiratory failure: <10pts 0.5%, 11–​19pts
1.8%, 20–​27pts 4.2%, 28–​40pts 10.1%, >40pts 26.6%.
Predicting postoperative pulmonary complications 169

Table 6.4 Arozullah respiratory failure risk index

Predictor Score
Age 60–​69y 4
Age ≥70y 6
Partially or fully dependent functional status 7
Blood urea nitrogen >30mg/​dL 8
Albumin <3g/​dL 9
Neck surgery 11
Neuro, upper GI, peripheral vascular surgery 14
Thoracic surgery 21
Abdominal aortic surgery 27
Emergency surgery 11
Reproduced from Arozullah A et al., Multifactorial risk index for predicting postoperative re-
spiratory failure in men after major noncardiac surgery, Annals of Surgery, 232(2), 242–​53, with
permission from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. © 2001.

ARISCAT risk index

(See Table 6.5.)
Scores predict postoperative pulmonary complications: <26pts 1.6%,
26–​44pts 13.3%, >45pts 42.1%.

Table 6.5 ARISCAT score for postoperative pulmonary complications

Predictor Score
Age 51–​80 3
Age >80 16
Preoperative SpO2 91–​95% 8
Preoperative SpO2 ≤90% 24
Respiratory infection within 1mo 17
Preoperative Hb ≤100g/​L 11
Upper abdominal incision 15
Intrathoracic incision 24
Surgery 2–​3h 16
Surgery ≥3h 23
Emergency 8
Reproduced from Canet J et al., Prediction of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in a
Population-​based Surgical Cohort, Anesthesiology,113(6), 1338–50, with permission from Wolters
Kluwer Health, Inc. © 2010. M

170 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Strategies to reduce postoperative

pulmonary complications
(See % Chapter 3 for generic information on preoptimisation.)
• Smoking cessation as early as possible12 (see % p. 50; % p. 173).
• Regular ipratropium or tiotropium for all patients with clinically
significant COPD.
• Inhaled β-​agonists, as required, for patients with COPD or asthma who
have wheeze or dyspnoea.
• Preoperative glucocorticoids for COPD or asthma patients who are not
optimised and whose airway obstruction is not maximally d.
• Delay elective surgery if respiratory tract infection is present (see %
p. 173).
• Antibiotics only for patients with lower respiratory tract infection
• Preoperative inspiratory muscle training and chest physiotherapy. This
involves breathing exercises, aerobic exercise, incentive spirometry
(deep breathing facilitated by a simple mechanical device), education on
active breathing and forced expiration techniques.
• Procedures <4h duration preferable.
• Regional anaesthesia if appropriate. The benefits of opioid-​based
analgesia (patient control, mobility and avoidance of bladder
catheterisation) should be weighed against the benefits of regional
analgesia (avoidance of high-​dose systemic opioids, preservation of
respiratory function) and discussed with the patient preoperatively.
• Epidural or spinal anaesthesia may confer lower risk than GA, though
this remains an area of debate.
• Avoid long-​acting muscle relaxants if possible. Residual NMB is
associated with hypoventilation which increases postoperative
• Choose laparascopic or endoscopic surgery over open surgery if
• Lung-​protective ventilation (low tidal volume (VT) 6–​8mL/​kg of
IBW, PEEP 6–​8cmH2O and recruitment manoeuvres every 30min)
is associated with a reduction in adverse pulmonary events. The
IMPROVE study showed the rate of postoperative pulmonary
complications after abdominal surgery was significantly lower in the
group receiving low VT ventilation.13
• Respiratory performance, FRC and clearance of secretions are
improved when sitting or standing, compared with the supine position.
Aim for upright posture postoperatively if possible.
• Monitor the respiratory rate (RR) and O2 saturation. Respiratory
deterioration may present in a non-​specific way (confusion, tachycardia,
fever, malaise). Regular review to trigger urgent investigation and
aggressive therapy.

• Seek assessment and advice of the intensive care/​outreach team early

if the patient does not respond to initial treatment.
• Early postoperative chest physiotherapy aids clearance of secretions
and decreases atelectasis.
• Administer supplemental O2 for up to 72h postoperatively, particularly
if the patient is receiving opioids. Anaesthetic agents exert a dose-​
dependent depression on the sensitivity of central chemoreceptors,
reducing the stimulatory effect of CO2. This effect can occur for
up to 72h postoperatively and is commonest at night. Preoperative
measurement of PaO2, SaO2 and PaCO2 is essential to establish realistic
targets for each patient.
• Humidification of O2 aids physiotherapy and sputum clearance.
• High-​flow O2 may be useful (up to 70L/​min). This must be warmed and
humidified to reduce drying of secretions and mucous membranes. It
can improve oxygenation and ventilation by washing out of pharyngeal
dead space, decreasing inspiratory effort, meeting inspiratory flow rates
and provision of some CPAP.
• CO2 retainers (advanced COPD) may be dependent on hypoxaemia
as their main ventilatory drive due to downregulation of central
chemoreceptors. The concentration of delivered O2 should be
controlled (e.g. by Venturi mask) and titrated in order to optimise
oxygenation and prevent hypoventilation. Adequate monitoring should
be available, ideally using serial ABG measurement (pulse oximetry
shows only SpO2).
• Accurate management and documentation of fluid balance is essential.
Adequate intravascular filling is required to maintain perfusion of vital
organs. However, patients with lung disease are at i risk of pulmonary
oedema. (A dilated RV may mechanically compromise the function of
the LV.) Fluid overload is poorly tolerated in these patients. Maintain a
high index of suspicion.
• Good analgesia is essential for the maintenance of efficient respiratory
function, compliance with physiotherapy, early mobilisation and
minimising cardiac stress. Regular paracetamol and (where not
contraindicated) NSAIDs should be prescribed.
• Involve the pain management team to ensure adequate analgesia.

172 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Postoperative admission to HDU/​ICU

• Ideally, admission to ICU or HDU should be planned preoperatively
(see % p. 43 for generic information on postoperative planning).
• Patients may require admission for ventilatory support (CPAP, bilevel
positive airway pressure (BiPAP), invasive ventilation) or i levels of
monitoring and nursing care that are not available on the surgical ward.
• The precipitating reasons for admission to the ICU or HDU are listed in
Table 6.6.

Table 6.6 Reasons for postoperative ICU or HDU admission

Predictable Unpredictable
Borderline or established failure of Unexpected perioperative complications
gas exchange preoperatively (e.g. fluid overload, haemorrhage)
Intercurrent respiratory infection Inadequate or ineffective regional
(with urgent surgery) analgesia with deterioration in respiratory
Chest disease productive of Unexpectedly prolonged procedure
large amounts of secretions (e.g.
Major abdominal or thoracic surgery Acidosis
Major surgery not amenable to Hypothermia
regional analgesia and necessitating
systemic opioids
Long duration of surgery Depressed conscious level/​slow recovery
from anaesthetic/​poor cough
Smoking and respiratory tract infections 173

Smoking and respiratory tract infections

• Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, a highly addictive substance, and
≥4700 other chemical compounds, 43 of which are carcinogenic.
• Respiratory tract mucus is produced in greater quantities, but
mucociliary clearance is less efficient.
• Smokers are more susceptible to respiratory events during anaesthesia
and to postoperative atelectasis/​pneumonia. Abdominal or thoracic
surgery and obesity increase these risks.
• Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) levels may reach 5–​15% in heavy
smokers, causing reduced O2 carriage by blood. COHb has a similar
absorption spectrum to oxyhaemoglobin and will cause falsely high O2
saturation readings.
Risk reduction
• Abstinence from smoking for 8w is required to decrease respiratory
complications to a rate similar to that of non-​smokers.12
• Smokers unwilling to stop preoperatively will still benefit by refraining
from smoking for 12h before surgery. During this time, the effects of
nicotine (activation of the sympathoadrenergic system with raised
coronary vascular resistance) and COHb will decrease.
• i airway irritability risks i coughing, laryngospasm and desaturation
during induction and airway manipulation. Minimise risk by using a less
irritant volatile agent (e.g. sevoflurane) and deepening anaesthesia
• Maintaining spontaneous breathing via an endotracheal tube (ETT) or
supraglottic airway (SGA) may be awkward due to airway irritation.
Consider LA to the vocal cords, opioids, NMBAs and IPPV.
Respiratory tract infections
(For respiratory tract infections in children, see % pp. 913–14.)
• Patients who have respiratory tract infections producing fever and
cough, with or without chest signs on auscultation, should not undergo
elective surgery under GA due to i risk of postoperative pulmonary
• Adult patients with simple coryza are not at significantly i risk of
developing postoperative pulmonary problems, unless they have pre-​
existing respiratory disease or are having major abdominal or thoracic
• Laryngospasm may be more likely in patients with a recent history of
upper respiratory tract symptoms who are asymptomatic at the time of
• Compared with asymptomatic children, children with symptoms of
acute or recent upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) are more likely
to suffer from transient postoperative hypoxaemia (SpO2 <93%). This is
most marked when intubation is necessary.15

174 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Asthma16,17,18 is a disorder of variable severity, which causes symptoms re-
sulting from airway obstruction, inflammation and hyper-​responsiveness.
• Symptoms are most frequently a combination of shortness of breath,
wheeze, cough and sputum production.
• Bronchial wall inflammation is a fundamental component and results in
mucus hypersecretion, epithelial damage and an i tendency for airways
to constrict.
• It is differentiated from COPD by the presence of childhood symptoms,
diurnal variation, specific trigger factors (especially allergic), absence of
smoking history and response to previous treatments.
General considerations
• Most well-​controlled asthmatic patients tolerate anaesthesia and surgery
well. The incidence of perioperative bronchospasm and laryngospasm
in routine surgery is <2%, especially if routine medication is continued.
• The frequency of complications is i in patients >50y and in those with
active disease.
• Poorly controlled asthmatic patients are at risk of perioperative
problems (bronchospasm, sputum retention, atelectasis, infection,
respiratory failure).
• Avoid anaesthetising patients with suboptimally controlled asthma for
elective surgery.17
Preoperative assessment
• The severity of asthma is frequently underestimated, especially if it is
• Key indicators of severe disease include a history of frequent
exacerbations, hospital visits and, most importantly, prior tracheal
intubation and mechanical ventilation to manage a severe attack.
• Document any allergies/​drug sensitivities, especially the effect of
aspirin/​NSAIDs. The prevalence of aspirin-​induced asthma (measured
by oral provocation) is 21% in adult and 5% in paediatric asthma
patients. Much lower rates are quoted if verbal history is used to assess
prevalence (3% and 2%, respectively).
• Ask about trigger factors and recent respiratory tract infections. Viral
infections are potent triggers of asthma, so postpone elective surgery if
symptoms suggest URTI.
• The type, dose, frequency and degree of benefit of therapy provide
important clues about the severity and control of the disease.
• Examination is often unremarkable but should focus on detecting signs
of acute bronchospasm, active lung infection (which should defer
surgery), chronic lung disease and right heart failure.
• Advise patients to stop smoking at least 8w prior to surgery.
• Patients with mild asthma (peak flow >80% of predicted and minimal
symptoms) rarely require extra treatment prior to surgery. Consider
adding a short-​acting β2-​agonist just prior to surgery.18
• Moderately controlled patients should add inhaled corticosteroids to
their β2-​agonists 1w prior to surgery.
Asthma 175

• Poorly controlled asthmatics (>20% variability in PEFR) may need to

add oral corticosteroids to their regimen such as oral prednisolone 20–​
40mg daily for 1w. Consider preoperative review by a chest physician.
• Start chest physiotherapy preoperatively if major surgery.
• Emphasise the benefits of good compliance with treatment prior to
surgery (Table 6.7).

Table 6.7 Perioperative recommendations for asthma medications

Class of drug Examples Perioperative Notes

β2-​agonists Salbutamol, Convert to High doses may
terbutaline, nebulised lower K+ and cause
salmeterol preparation tachycardia and
Anticholinergic Ipratropium Convert to
drugs nebulised form
Inhaled steroids Beclometasone, Continue inhaled If >1500
budesonide, formulation micrograms/​24h
fluticasone of beclometasone,
adrenal suppression
may be present
Oral steroids Prednisolone Continue as IV If >10mg/​24h,
hydrocortisone until adrenal suppression
taking PO is likely (see %
p. 230–1)
Leukotriene Montelukast, Restart when taking
receptor antagonist zafirlukast oral medications
Mast cell stabiliser Disodium Continue by inhaler
Phosphodiesterase Aminophylline Continue where In severe asthma,
inhibitor possible consider converting
to an infusion

(For preoperative respiratory investigations, see Table 6.2.)
• Serial home measurements of PEFR are more informative than a single
reading. Measure the response to bronchodilators, and look for ‘early
morning dip’ (suggesting suboptimal control).
• Spirometry helps to detect the chronic residual effects of acute asthma
and to stratify the severity of the disease.
• Results of peak flow and spirometry are compared with predicted
values based on age, sex and height.
• Blood gases are only necessary in assessing patients with severe asthma,
particularly prior to major surgery.

176 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

• ECG may show right atrial or RV hypertrophy, acute strain, right axis
deviation and right bundle branch block, although these are often
associated with acute asthma attacks and are reversible.19
• CXRs reveal flattened diaphragms if the lungs are hyperinflated. Useful
to evaluate for pulmonary congestion, oedema or infiltrates.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• The overriding goal is to avoid bronchospasm.
• Consider premedicating the patient with nebulised salbutamol 2.5mg
and an anticholinergic agent, such as glycopyrronium or atropine, to dry
out secretions and suppress upper airway vagal responses.
• Consider the need for an arterial line intraoperatively in high-​risk cases
to facilitate ABG measurement.
• No definitive evidence shows that one method is superior to another.
• When asthma is poorly controlled, regional techniques are ideal for
peripheral surgery. Spinal anaesthesia or plexus/​nerve blocks are
generally safe, provided the patient is able to lie flat comfortably.
• Where GA is necessary, use short-​acting anaesthetic agents. Short-​
acting opioid analgesics (e.g. alfentanil, remifentanil) are appropriate for
procedures with minimal postoperative pain or when a reliable regional
block is present (Table 6.8).
• Intubation may provoke bronchospasm. Consider potent opioid cover
(alfentanil). LA to the cords may help. Only instrument the airway when
the patient is in a deep plane of anaesthesia. The use of an SGA may
be preferable to tracheal intubation in asthmatic patients; however, the
benefits of these must be weighed up against the risks of an unsecured
• Ventilatory strategies, such as limiting peak inspiratory pressures and VT
and decreasing the inspiratory: expiratory (I:E) ratio, assist in avoiding
air trapping and auto-​PEEP.
• Caution with/​avoid desflurane and histamine-​releasing drugs such as
morphine, atracurium and mivacurium.
• Inspired gases should be humidified to avoid airway irritation.
• Stimulating manoeuvres, such as airway suctioning, should be avoided or
only performed while the patient is deeply anaesthetised.
• Caution with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in asthmatics due to
their muscarinic side effects such as bronchospasm. Consider using
rocuronium as this can be reversed with sugammadex if required.
• Prophylactic use of antiemetic agents or antacids should be considered
to avoid aspiration, which can trigger severe bronchospasm.

Table 6.8 Drugs considered safe for asthmatics

Induction Propofol, etomidate, ketamine, midazolam

Opioids Pethidine, fentanyl, alfentanil, remifentanil
NMBAs Suxamethonium, vecuronium, rocuronium, pancuronium,
Volatile agents Halothane, isoflurane, enflurane, sevoflurane
Others IV lidocaine
Asthma 177

Severe bronchospasm during anaesthesia

(See % pp. 1078–9.)
Postoperative care
• Patients with severe asthma undergoing major abdominal or thoracic
surgery should be admitted to HDU/​ICU for observation.
• If acute bronchospasm persists at the end of the operation, or there are
concerns about extubation, consideration should be given to a period
of postoperative mechanical ventilation to avoid having to reverse the
NMBA and to allow time for airway recovery. Mechanical ventilation is
not without risks in this population, however, so liaise with the intensive
care team early.
• Ensure all usual medications are prescribed after surgery.
• Following major abdominal or thoracic surgery, good pain control is
important and epidural analgesia is frequently the best choice, provided
widespread intercostal blockade is avoided.
• If prescribing patient-​controlled analgesia (PCA), consider fentanyl if
morphine has previously exacerbated bronchospasm.
• Prescribe O2 for the duration of the epidural or PCA.
• Prescribe regular nebuliser therapy, with additional nebulised
bronchodilators as needed.
• Review the dose and route of administration of steroid daily.
• Regular NSAIDs can be used if tolerated in the past. Avoid in brittle and
poorly controlled asthmatics.
• If there is increasing dyspnoea and wheeze following surgery,
consider other possible contributing factors (LV failure and PEs are
potent triggers of bronchospasm). Also consider fluid overload and
pneumothorax (check for recent central line).

178 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COPD20,21,22,23 is a common, preventable and treatable disease. It is charac-
terised by airflow obstruction that is usually progressive and associated with
an enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and the lungs to
noxious particles or gases.
• The more familiar terms ‘chronic bronchitis’ and ‘emphysema’ are now
included within the COPD diagnosis.21
• Chronic bronchitis is defined as a chronic, productive cough for 3mo
in each of two successive years in a patient in whom other causes
of cough (e.g. bronchiectasis) have been excluded. Small airway
inflammation causes obstruction and air trapping, which results in V/​Q
mismatching and poor respiratory muscle mechanics.
• Emphysema is a histological diagnosis of abnormal and permanent
enlargement of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, without
obvious fibrosis. Loss of alveolar structural integrity leads to d gas
transfer, as well as V/​Q mismatching.
• Often it is not possible to distinguish between the two subtypes, and
the relative contribution of each varies from patient to patient.
• The most important risk factor for COPD is cigarette smoking. Other
factors associated with COPD include occupational exposure to
dusts, atmospheric pollution, poor socioeconomic status, age, ♀ sex,
repeated viral infections and α-​1 antitrypsin deficiency. Genetic factors
may also be implicated.
• A diagnosis of COPD should be considered in patients over the age of
35 who have a risk factor (generally smoking) and who present with
exertional breathlessness, chronic cough, regular sputum production,
frequent winter ‘bronchitis’ or wheeze. The presence of airflow
obstruction should be confirmed by performing post-​bronchodilator
spirometry. Airflow obstruction defined by an FEV1/​forced vital capacity
(FVC) ratio of <0.7 is used to diagnose COPD.22
• There is no single test to assess the severity of COPD. Instead, it
is assessed using a range of factors, including measurement of the
degree of airflow obstruction, the level of disability, the frequency of
exacerbations, FEV1, TLCO, the degree of breathlessness, exercise
tolerance and BMI.
General considerations
• i risk of perioperative pulmonary complications.
• Frequent exacerbations of COPD can occur, causing a rapid and
sustained worsening of the patient’s symptoms beyond normal day-​to-​
day variations.
• COPD is not an absolute contraindication to any surgery.
• The further the procedure from the diaphragm, the lower the
complication rate.
• COPD is associated with a number of comorbidities such as lung
cancer, CVS disease and pulmonary hypertension, osteoporosis, anxiety
and depression.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 179

Preoperative assessment
• Ask about smoking, dyspnoea, cough and sputum production.
• Establish the exercise tolerance, asking specifically about hills and
stairs. A simple exercise test such as stair climbing is safe and simple to
perform and correlates well with more formal exercise testing.
• Enquire as to the frequency of exacerbations, timings of the most
recent course of antibiotics or steroids, hospital admissions and
previous requirements for invasive and non-​invasive ventilation.
• Poor nutritional status (albumin <30g/L) is a strong predictor of
postoperative pulmonary complications.
• d breath sounds, prolonged expiration and wheeze are predictive of
postoperative pulmonary complications.
• If possible, postpone surgery and commence appropriate treatment if
symptoms and signs of an active respiratory infection are found.22
• Preoperative spirometry is useful both to assess severity of disease and
to evaluate whether the patient is at their best baseline. Identification of
severe airflow obstruction is important in patients who are candidates
for upper abdominal or thoracic surgical procedures.
• Check ABGs in patients with moderate to severe COPD. Useful to
determine postoperative respiratory parameters.
• ECG may reveal right heart disease (RV hypertrophy or strain) or
concomitant IHD. Consider echocardiography.
• CXR is not mandatory. It should be considered if there is clinical
evidence of current infection or recent deterioration in symptoms.
Preoperative optimisation
(For generic information on preoptimisation, see % Chapter 3.)
• Every effort should be made to assist patients in stopping smoking.
• All patients with symptomatic COPD should receive daily inhaled
ipratropium or tiotropium.23
• Inhaled β-​agonists should be used, as needed, for symptoms and
wheezing in the perioperative period.
• Continue patients’ usual inhaled medication perioperatively.
• Patients with COPD, persistent wheeze and functional limitations,
despite bronchodilators, should be treated with perioperative
glucocorticoids. Ideally, these patients should be reviewed by a
respiratory physician preoperatively.
• If patients have severe COPD, postoperative respiratory failure is
likely after abdominal or thoracic surgery. Plan for elective HDU/​ICU
• Preoperative chest physiotherapy may reduce the incidence of
intraoperative bronchial plugging or pneumonitis.
• Pulmonary prehabilitation in the form of patient education, exercise
training and behavioural interventions may be useful.24
• Consider the need for preoperative nutritional supplementation.

180 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Conduct of anaesthesia
• GA, and in particular tracheal intubation and IPPV, is associated
with adverse outcomes. Such patients are prone to bronchospasm,
laryngospasm, CVS instability, barotrauma, hypoxaemia and i rates of
postoperative pulmonary complications.
• Consider avoiding GA by using a regional anaesthetic technique. This
may be limited by some patients’ inability to lie flat.
• Consider using an arterial line for both beat-​to-​beat BP and repeated
blood gas analysis.
• Where GA cannot be avoided, preoxygenate attentively.
• Avoid intubation where possible. Some patients, however, are
unsuitable for a spontaneously breathing technique (particularly those
who are obese and breathless and require long operations). Patients
with heavy sputum production may benefit from endotracheal toilet.
• If using IPPV, consider using PEEP and allowing more time for exhalation
by decreasing the RR or the I:E ratio (typically 1:3–​1:5). These
approaches may help to reduce air trapping and the development
of auto-​PEEP, both of which can cause an increase in intrathoracic
pressure, leading to CVS instability, pulmonary barotrauma, hypercapnia
and acidosis.
• Ensure the NMBA is fully reversed and the patient is warm and well
oxygenated and has a PaCO2 close to their normal preoperative values
prior to extubation.
• Extubate in the sitting position.
• Bronchodilator treatment may be helpful peri-​extubation.
• Extubation of the high-​risk patient directly onto non-​invasive ventilation
may reduce the work of breathing and air trapping.
Postoperative care
• Those patients with severe disease or significant comorbidities should
be managed in a high dependency setting capable of regular ABG
measurements and the provision of non-​invasive ventilation.
• Hypoventilation as a result of residual anaesthesia or opioids should be
avoided, as this may lead to hypercapnia and hypoxia.
• Encourage early mobilisation.
• Use of 0.9% sodium chloride nebulisation, suctioning and physiotherapy
are useful to prevent atelectasis and to encourage sputum production.
• Continue with nebulised salbutamol (2.5mg four times daily (qds)) and
ipratropium (500 micrograms qds) until fully mobile. Change back to
inhalers at least 24h before discharge.
• Effective analgesia is a significant determinant of postoperative
pulmonary function. Epidural anaesthesia is an attractive option, as it
reduces the risk of respiratory failure because of excessive sedation
from opioids. It should therefore be considered if appropriate.23
Bronchiectasis 181

Bronchiectasis has similar features to COPD. The diagnosis is usually estab-
lished clinically on the basis of a chronic daily cough with thick, mucopurulent
sputum production, and radiographically by the presence of bronchial wall
thickening, dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles on chest CT scans.
• Acquired disorder characterised by permanent abnormal dilation and
destruction of the bronchial and bronchiolar walls.
• Multiple aetiologies can lead to the pathophysiological processes that
cause bronchiectasis, including airway obstruction (e.g. foreign body
aspiration), defective host defences, cystic fibrosis (CF), rheumatic
diseases, dyskinetic cilia, smoking, pulmonary infections and allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
General considerations
• Patients with bronchiectasis need to be optimised before undergoing
any major surgery which will inhibit coughing and impair respiratory
• Once established, bacterial infections can be difficult or impossible to
eradicate. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common pathogen that may be
chronic and associated with intermittent exacerbations of respiratory
• The mainstay of treatment for bronchiectasis is regular physiotherapy,
frequent courses of appropriate antibiotics and treatment of any
asthmatic symptoms.
Preoperative assessment
• Consultation with the patient’s chest physician is essential.
• Send a sputum sample for culture. A course of IV antibiotics and
physiotherapy for 3–​10d immediately prior to surgery may be
necessary. Use current or most recent sputum cultures, with advice
from the microbiologist/​local protocols, to guide appropriate
prescribing. If in doubt, assume P. aeruginosa infection.
• Maximise bronchodilation by converting to nebulised bronchodilators
and increase the dose of prednisolone by 5–​10mg/​24h if on long-​term
oral steroids.
Investigations and conduct of anaesthesia
• As per COPD (see % pp. 179–80). Also send a sputum sample for
Postoperative care
• Arrange regular physiotherapy (three times daily (tds)) and nightly if
severely affected.
• Continue appropriate IV antibiotics for at least 3d postoperatively or
until discharged.
• Maintain adequate nutrition, especially if any malabsorption.
• Refer to the respiratory physician early if there is any deterioration in
respiratory symptoms.

182 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Cystic fibrosis
CF25,26,27 is a multisystem, autosomal recessive disease and is the commonest
lethal genetic disease in Caucasians.
• Caused by mutations in a single gene, the CF transmembrane regulator
(CFTR) gene on chromosome 7.
• The CFTR is a chloride channel found at the apical border of epithelial
cells which line most exocrine glands in the body. All mutations causing
CF affect chloride conductance through this channel, resulting in loss of
chloride transport and disturbance of the Na+/​chloride balance needed
to maintain a normal thin mucus layer.
• In CF, the mucus is viscid and less well cleared by the cilia.
• Clinical manifestations include progressive lung disease (frequent
LRTIs, chronic hypoxaemia and cor pulmonale), nasal problems
(chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps), hepatobiliary system disease due to
obstruction of bile ductules (focal biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension,
multinodular biliary cirrhosis), meconium ileus, recurrent abdominal
pain, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and CF-​related diabetes, infertility
and osteoporosis.
General considerations
• Patients with severe disease are best managed in a major centre with
multidisciplinary input.25
• Neonates may present for surgical treatment of meconium ileus.
• Common elective surgical procedures for CF patients include nasal
polypectomy, enteral feeding or vascular access device placement.
• Almost all patients with CF have symptoms of bronchiectasis.
• The postoperative complication rate in CF is only 10% (mostly
pulmonary), but half of these operations are for minor ear, nose and
throat (ENT) procedures.
• Day case surgery is uncommon in CF patients; however, it is possible if
disease is stable and there is good baseline function.
Preoperative assessment
• Gain a history of therapy, medications and exacerbations.
• Exclude or treat active chest infection.
• Ascertain the patient’s functional ability.
• Note details of the non-​respiratory components.
• Always inform the patient’s physician of a surgical admission.
• Perform FBC, U&E, coagulation study, LFTs and blood glucose.
• Respiratory tests include CXR, baseline ABG analysis and spirometry.
Spirometry generally shows an obstructive pattern, with d FEV1 and
FEV1/​FVC ratio.
• In advanced disease, an ECG and echocardiogram are useful to
diagnose cor pulmonale.
• A 6MWT or CPET forms part of the prelung transplant workup in
many centres. The results of this may be available when patients
present for non-​transplant surgery.
Cystic fibrosis 183

Conduct of anaesthesia
• Consider placing an arterial line to facilitate frequent ABG analysis.
• Consider using CO monitoring in patients with cor pulmonale who
present for major surgery.
• For short/​non-​abdominal/​non-​thoracic procedures, an SGA with a
spontaneously breathing patient may minimise the adverse effects of
GA on respiratory mechanics.
• An ETT allows bronchial toilet and improved ventilatory control.
• Avoid nasal intubation, where possible, due to the high incidence of
nasal polyposis.
• Keep airway pressures as low as possible when using positive pressure
ventilation. Monitor for pneumothorax.
• Use humidified gases.
• Short-​acting drugs should be used, wherever possible, to facilitate rapid
• Patients are often cachectic, so careful positioning and padding are
• Consider a regional anaesthetic technique, where appropriate, to avoid
airway manipulation and to optimise postoperative analgesia.
Postoperative care
• Aim to minimise the risk of development of a postoperative respiratory
tract infection.
• Aim to extubate early.
• Ensure NMB is fully reversed.
• For patients who use home non-​invasive ventilation, ensure that the
patient’s own equipment is available immediately postoperatively.
• Chest physiotherapy should be resumed as early as possible.
• It is appropriate for patients with advanced disease to be monitored in a
high dependency setting.
• For patients with FEV1 <1L, PaO2 <9.3kPa or PaCO2 >6.6kPa, consider
a period of postoperative ventilation.
• 80% of CF patients have pancreatic malabsorption. Maintaining
adequate nutrition after surgery is essential, as is the advice of an
experienced dietitian.

184 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Restrictive pulmonary disease

Restrictive lung disease is characterised by a reduction in all lung volumes
with preservation of expiratory flow and d compliance on pulmonary func-
tion tests (PFTs). The many disorders that cause a decrease in lung volume
may be classified into intrinsic and extrinsic pulmonary disease.
Intrinsic disorders or interstitial lung disease
• A diverse group of disorders (often referred to as interstitial lung
• Classified together because of similar clinical, radiographic, physiological
or pathological manifestations.
• An initial inflammatory reaction in the alveoli is followed by collagen
deposition and fibrosis.
• This diffuse parenchymal disease results in lungs that are smaller in
volume with d compliance and impaired gas exchange.
• There are >300 conditions included in the total number of interstitial
lung diseases. Some have no cause, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis being
the commonest.
• Some of the causes of interstitial lung disease include:
• Exposure to occupational agents causing pneumoconiosis (asbestos,
coal, cotton)
• Exposure to environmental agents (dust, fungus, mould)
• Drug-​induced pulmonary toxicity (amiodarone, bleomycin,
methotrexate, infliximab, etanercept and paraquat poisoning)
• Radiation to chest
• Post-​infection
• Autoimmune disorders (sarcoid, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid
arthritis (RA), SLE and scleroderma).
• Infections that can cause interstitial opacities on CXR include
fungal, atypical bacterial and viral pneumonias. They often occur in
immunocompromised hosts.
• Treatment is usually with oral steroids, but other immunosuppressive
therapy may be used. Young patients may be considered for lung
transplantation if severely affected.
Extrinsic disorders
• Chest wall components include the bony structures (ribs, spine),
respiratory muscles and nerves connecting the CNS with the
respiratory muscles.
• Conditions that alter chest wall structure affect the mechanics of
ventilation and may result in respiratory compromise. These include
ankylosing spondylitis, congenital deformities (pectus excavatum, flail
chest, kyphoscoliosis), thoracoplasty, abdominal processes (morbid
obesity, ascites) and chest wall tumours.
• Neuromuscular disorders affecting chest wall nerves and muscles
decrease the ability of the respiratory muscles to inflate and deflate
the lungs, resulting in chronically reduced lung volumes and restrictive
physiology. This can be acute (Guillain–​Barré) or chronic (multiple
sclerosis, myasthenia gravis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
(see % p. 309).
Restrictive pulmonary disease 185

Preoperative assessment
• Should focus on determining the degree of respiratory impairment and
establishing the extent of involvement of other organs.
• A history of exertional dyspnoea (or at rest) should be evaluated
further with ABGs and PFTs.
• Discuss seriously affected patients with a respiratory physician.
• Many patients are stable and only slowly deteriorate over some years.
These patients may tolerate surgery relatively well.
• ABGs often remain normal until late. Reduced PaO2 reflects significant
disease, and CO2 retention is a late sign, implying impending ventilatory
• Obtain spirometry (lung volumes are d) and gas transfer if these have
not been done within the previous 8w. A VC of <15mL/​kg is indicative
of severe dysfunction.
• Echocardiogram to look for evidence of right heart failure.
• CPET may aid perioperative risk stratification for patients undergoing
high-​risk intra-​abdominal surgery.28
• CXR changes will be according to the underlying condition.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• As for other pathologies, consider regional techniques.
• Minimise positive pressure ventilation and airway instrumentation. Spinal
disease may preclude subarachnoid or epidural blocks.
• If IPPV is necessary, minimise peak airway pressures using pressure-​
controlled ventilation with a high rate and low VT.
• Check need for additional steroid cover for those patients on regular
steroid therapy (see % pp. 230–1).
• Maintain a high index of suspicion for pneumothorax.
Postoperative care
• Consider postoperative ICU/​HDU admission following major
surgery. May be suitable for elective training in non-​invasive ventilation
techniques preoperatively.
• The work of respiration is optimised by slow deep breaths and is easier
in the sitting position. Extubate sitting upright.
• Give supplemental O2, and maintain SpO2 >92%.
• Good physiotherapy and analgesia are vital to achieve sputum clearance.
With severe disease, minor respiratory complications may precipitate
respiratory failure.
• Mobilise early.
• Treat respiratory infection vigorously.
• Ensure steroid cover continues in appropriate formulation.

186 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Sleep-​related breathing disorders

Sleep-​related breathing disorders are characterised by abnormal respiration
during sleep. They occur in both adults and children. There are four major
groups of sleep-​related breathing disorders:29
• Central sleep apnoea syndromes
• OSA disorders (see % pp. 73–5)
• Sleep-​related hypoventilation disorders
• Sleep-​related hypoxaemia disorder.
The hypoventilation/​hypoxaemia groups are due to a variety of pulmonary
parenchymal, vascular, neuromuscular or chest wall disorders, and are rela-
tively rare.
Central sleep apnoea syndromes
Central sleep apnoea is a disorder characterised by repetitive cessation or
decrease of both airflow and ventilatory effort during sleep. The condition
can be 1° (idiopathic central sleep apnoea) or 2° (see Table 6.9 for detail).
Risk factors are age >65 (1.1% vs 0.4%), ♂ gender, chronic opioid use and
comorbidities such as heart failure.

Table 6.9 Primary and secondary central sleep apnoea

Sleep Causes Characteristics History Investigation

1° Idiopathic Repetitive Daytime sleepiness Laboratory-​
central Prematurity/​ cessation/​d Poor concentration based PSG
sleep neonates in airflow and Poor sleep quality is gold
apnoea ventilatory standard
effort during Desaturations at (see %
sleep night may cause pp. 73–4)
nocturnal angina
or paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnoea
Morning headache
2° Cheyne–​Stokes Central As above PSG
central type (CCF apnoeas Symptoms of the
sleep or CVE) that occur coexisting illness,
apnoea Drugs during the e.g. orthopnoea,
High-​altitude decrescendo peripheral oedema
periodic portion of or asymmetrical
breathing the cyclic weakness
crescendo–​ History of opioid
decrescendo use or recent time
respiratory at high altitude
Sarcoidosis 187

Multisystem disease of unknown aetiology characterised by the formation
of non-caseating granulomata, which occur in any body tissue and heal with
• Affects all ages, with highest prevalence at 20–​40y
• More common in black individuals in the US.
General considerations
• Pulmonary changes occur in 50% of cases. Pleural, peribronchial and
alveolar granulomata are replaced by fibrosis. Hilar lymphadenopathy
may cause bronchial obstruction and distal atelectasis. Infiltration of the
bronchial mucosa may cause stenosis. Mucosal infiltration of the nose,
nasopharynx, tonsils, palate or larynx can occur.
• Cardiac effects (in 20%). RV failure 2° to lung disease. Myocardial
and valvular granulomata are rare. Conduction abnormalities, VT and
sudden death have been reported.
• Can also involve skin and cause uveitis/​iritis and hypercalcaemia.
Preoperative assessment
• Pulmonary and cardiac features are most important.
• May have extensive pathology, but only minor symptoms.
• Note steroid treatment or other immunosuppressive drugs.
• Preoperative PFTs may reveal a restrictive defect. TLCO (DLCO) may
be d. ABGs will determine the level of hypoxaemia.
• ECG may show RV hypertrophy or arrhythmias.
• Check serum Ca2+ for hypercalcaemia (treat with systemic steroids).
Conduct of anaesthesia
• If respiratory function is impaired, consider avoidance of GA and the
use of LA/​regional anaesthesia.
• Consider regional analgesia for abdominal surgery if significant
respiratory disease.
• Give appropriate steroid cover if needed.
Postoperative care
• Nurse the patient sitting upright.
• Good postoperative analgesia.
• Chest physiotherapy/​breathing exercises.

188 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

Anaesthesia after lung transplantation

(See also % Patients with a transplanted heart, pp. 132–3.)
Indications for surgery after lung transplantation may be:
• Unrelated to the transplant
• Related to the disease precipitating the transplant (emphysema,
α-​1 antitrypsin deficiency, pulmonary fibrosis, 1° pulmonary
hypertension, CF)
• Due to complications with the transplant
• Due to complications from lifelong immunosuppression.
General considerations30
• Loss of afferent and efferent innervation distal to bronchial anastomosis
results in loss of the cough reflex to stimuli distal to the anastomosis,
and neurally mediated changes in the bronchomotor tone.
• Airway reactivity does not appear to be i.
• Mucociliary clearance is impaired in the pulmonary allograft, which,
together with immunosuppression and impaired cough, places the
patient at i risk for perioperative pneumonia.
• Hypoxic vasoconstriction is not impaired, so during an episode of
acute rejection, pulmonary blood flow may be directed away from the
transplanted lung.
• Lymphatic drainage is severed but then re-​established 2–​4w post-​
transplantation. Transplanted lungs are at particular risk of pulmonary
oedema, especially in the early postoperative period.
• Allograft function may be compromised at any time by episodes of
acute rejection, which are often difficult to distinguish clinically from
pulmonary infection.
• In double-​lung transplant, the heart may be denervated, has a higher
resting HR (90–​100bpm) and may be more susceptible to arrhythmias.
Preoperative assessment
• Assess the status of the transplanted lung(s). Have there been any
episodes of rejection, immunosuppression or infection?
• All but the most urgent procedures should be delayed if there is a
reversible complication present.
• In patients with single-​lung transplants, careful attention should be
paid to establish the extent of disease and the degree of compromise
in the native lung because these factors may have implications for the
provision of mechanical ventilation, e.g. differential lung ventilation
requiring a double-​lumen tube may be required.
• Symptoms such as dry cough and dyspnoea 8–​12mo postoperatively
may indicate obliterative bronchiolitis, the predominant feature of
chronic transplant rejection. This is characterised by progressive
narrowing of the small airways.
• Evaluate the extent of any residual systemic disease and the effects of
immunosuppressive drugs on other organ function.
• Assess for airway narrowing or compromise. Previous tracheostomy
may have caused a degree of subglottic stenosis.
• Coordinate with transplant or respiratory services. Make a plan for
whether they will need to review the patient perioperatively.
Anaesthesia after lung transplantation 189

Conduct of anaesthesia
• The interaction of immunosuppressive drugs (ciclosporin, steroids,
azathioprine) with anaesthetic drugs is more theoretical than clinical.
• Stress doses of steroids will be required in most cases.
• Attention to aseptic techniques is important, as immunosuppression
occurs with most chemotherapeutic drugs.
• There is no evidence to suggest that placing CVCs on the side opposite
the transplanted lung is safer.
• Monitor neuromuscular function and avoid high doses of opioid in
order to achieve early extubation.
• To minimise the risk of damage to the tracheal/​bronchial anastomosis,
intubation should leave the tube just through the cords and the cuff
carefully inflated and checked intraoperatively. Place double-​lumen
tubes under direct vision using a flexible optical bronchoscope (FOB).
• The basic goal in ventilation is ensuring adequate oxygenation and
ventilation while minimising peak airway pressures and O2.
• A mask or SGA is not contraindicated, although there is a risk of silent
aspiration in patients with no carinal cough reflex.
• Strict attention to fluid balance is required.
• Aim for early return of pulmonary function and extubation.
Postoperative care
• Postoperative admission to ICU is only indicated when anaesthesia is
complicated by inadequate recovery of respiratory function, the surgical
condition or the presence of rejection or infection.
• Chest physiotherapy, postural drainage and incentive spirometry in the
postoperative period may be beneficial.
Further reading
Elsharkawy H, Lewis B, Farag E (2008). Anesthetic challenges in patients after lung transplantation.
Internet J Anesthesiol, 20, N1.

1 Lawrence VA, Dhanda R, Hilsenbeck SG, et al. (1996). Risk of pulmonary complications after
elective abdominal surgery. Chest, 110, 744–​50.
2 Brooks-​Brunn JA (1997). Predictors of postoperative pulmonary complications following abdom-
inal surgery. Chest, 111, 564–​71.
3 Chung F, Yegneswaran B, Liao P, et al. (2008). STOP questionnaire: a tool to screen patients for
obstructive sleep apnea. Anesthesiology, 108, 812–​21.
4 Canet J, Gallart L, Gomar C, et al. (2010). Prediction of postoperative pulmonary complications
in a population-​based surgical cohort. Anesthesiology, 113, 1338–​50.
5 Qaseem A, Snow V, Fitterman N, et al. (2006). Risk assessment for and strategies to reduce peri-
operative pulmonary complications for patients undergoing noncardiothoracic surgery: a guide-
line from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med, 144, 575.
6 Guazzi M, Arena R, Halle M, et al. (2018). 2016 focused update: clinical recommendations for
cardiopulmonary exercise testing data assessment in specific patient populations. Eur Heart J, 39,
7 Smetana GW, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE; American College of Physicians (2006). Preoperative
pulmonary risk stratification for noncardiothoracic surgery: systematic review for the American
College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med, 144, 581–​95.
8 Memtsoudis S, Liu SS, Ma Y, et al. (2011). Perioperative pulmonary outcomes in patients with
sleep apnea after noncardiac surgery. Anesth Analg, 112, 113–​21.
9 Price LC, Montani D, Jaïs X, et al. (2010). Noncardiothoracic nonobstetric surgery in mild-​to-​
moderate pulmonary hypertension. Eur Respir J, 35, 1294–​302.

190 Chapter 6 Respiratory disease

10 Murphy GS, Szokol JW, Marymont JH, et al. (2008). Residual neuromuscular blockade and critical
respiratory events in the postanesthesia care unit. Anesth Analg, 107, 130–​7.
11 Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, et al. (2000). Multifactorial risk index for predicting
postoperative respiratory failure in men after major noncardiac surgery. The National Veterans
Administration Surgical Quality Improvement Program. Ann Surg, 232, 242–​53.
12 Celli BR (1993). Perioperative respiratory care of the patient undergoing upper abdominal sur-
gery. Clin Chest Med, 14, 253–​61.
13 Futier E, Constantin J-​M, Paugam-​Burtz C, et al. (2013). A trial of intraoperative low-​tidal-​volume
ventilation in abdominal surgery. N Engl J Med, 369, 428–​37.
14 Fennelly ME, Hall GM (1990). Anaesthesia and upper airway respiratory tract infections—​a non-​
existent hazard? Br J Anaesth, 64, 535–​6.
15 Levy L, Pandit UA, Randel GI, et al. (1992). Upper respiratory tract infections and general anaes-
thesia in children. Anaesthesia, 47, 678–​82.
16 Woods BD, Sladen RN (2009). Perioperative considerations for the patient with asthma and
bronchospasm. Br J Anaesth, 103 (suppl 1), i57–​65.
17 Applegate R, Lauer R, Lenart J, et al. (2013). The perioperative management of asthma. J Allergy
Ther, S11, 007.
18 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2017, updated 2020). Asthma: diagnosis,
monitoring and chronic asthma management (NICE quality standard NG80). M
https://​ w​ g uidance/​ n g80/​ r esources/​ a sthma-​ d iagnosis-​ m onitoring-​
19 Siegler D (1977). Reversible electrocardiographic changes in severe acute asthma. Thorax,
32, 328.
20 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018, updated 2019). Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in over 16s: diagnosis and management (NICE quality standard NG115). M
21 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (2018). Global strategy for the diag-
nosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2019 Report). M
22 Lumb A, Biercamp C (2014). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and anaesthesia. Contin
Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 14, 1–​5.
23 American Thoracic Society (2005). COPD guidelines for health professionals. M http://​www.​go/​copd
24 Lumb AB (2019). Pre-​operative respiratory optimisation: an expert review. Anaesthesia, 74
(Suppl 1), 43.
25 Della Rocca G (2002). Anaesthesia in patients with cystic fibrosis. Curr Opin Anesthesiol, 15,
26 Huffmyer JL, Littlewood KE, Nemergut EC (2009). Perioperative management of the adult with
cystic fibrosis. Anesth Analg, 109, 1949–​61.
27 Fitzgerald M, Ryan D (2011). Cystic fibrosis and anaesthesia. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain,
11, 204–​9.
28 Moran J, Wilson F, Guinan E, et al. (2016). Role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a risk-​
assessment method in patients undergoing intra-​abdominal surgery: a systematic review. Br J
Anaesth, 116, 177.
29 Sateia MJ (2014). International Classification of Sleep Disorders—​third edition: highlights and
modifications. Chest, 146, 1387–​94.
30 Haddow GR (1997). Anaesthesia for patients after lung transplantation. Can J Anaesth, 44,
Chapter 7 191

Renal disease

Quentin Milner
Glomerular filtration rate and creatinine clearance 192
Chronic kidney disease 193
Anaesthetic drugs in CKD 196
Acute kidney injury 198

192 Chapter 7 Renal disease

Glomerular filtration rate and creatinine

Renal dysfunction is an independent risk factor for postoperative morbidity
and mortality and has important implications for the clearance of many
commonly used drugs. Accurate calculation and recognition of renal dys-
function are therefore required. Estimation of the GFR is largely accepted
as the best overall index of kidney function.
GFR is the total filtration rate of all functioning nephrons. It varies with
age, sex and body size. Inulin clearance is the gold standard measure of
GFR, although this is not used regularly in clinical practice. Instead, GFR
is estimated using formulae derived from serum creatinine, a product of
skeletal metabolism. GFR has a rectangular hyperbolic relationship with cre-
atinine, meaning it must drop by 50% before serum creatinine begins to rise.
For this reason, serum creatinine is not a good marker of GFR on its own.
Creatinine is secreted by the proximal tubule, as well as filtered by the
glomerulus, and so creatinine clearance (CC) exceeds GFR slightly. CC
can be either measured directly or estimated using formulae. Commonly
used equations are the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) and
Cockcroft–​Gault equation. Both use serum creatinine in combination with
age, sex, weight or race to estimate GFR. The Chronic Kidney Disease
Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-​EPI) equation is a new equation based
on serum creatinine and race.
Kidney function is proportional to kidney size, which is proportional to
body surface area. Recent standards suggest estimated glomerular filtration
rate (eGFR) should be indexed to the normal mean body surface area for
young adults (1.73m2). The MDRD and CKD-​EPI equations both estimate
GFR adjusted for body surface area and can therefore be applied to deter-
mine kidney function, regardless of a patient’s size.
Certain patient groups have dramatically different serum creatinine pro-
duction or elimination, compared to the normal patient population. Patients
with i CC include patients with cystic fibrosis or burns and pregnant
women. Patients with lower limb amputations or muscle wasting disorders
can have a lower muscle mass, thus reducing serum creatinine. Patients with
cirrhosis have less hepatic conversion of creatine to creatinine, so have
falsely low serum creatinine levels. Other sources of error include extremes
of muscle mass and body size, diet, drugs affecting tubular secretion of
creatinine (cimetidine, trimethoprim, fenofibrate), dialysis, antibiotics and
interference with creatinine assay (bilirubin, glucose and ketones).
Chronic kidney disease 193

Chronic kidney disease

CKD is defined as kidney damage or abnormalities of kidney structure re-
sulting in GFR <60mL/​min/​1.73m2 for 3mo or more. It is a multisystem
disease (Box 7.1). Patients often have complex medical histories, take a
multitude of drugs and may have severe systemic complications.

Box 7.1 Main causes of CKD

DM 40%
Hypertension 24%
Glomerulonephritis 7%
Chronic pyelonephritis 5%
Polycystic renal disease 4%
Unknown cause 20%

Classification of CKD
CKD is classified based on the GFR and the level of proteinuria. Patients
are classified as G1–​G5 based on the eGFR, and A1–​A3 based on the
albumin:creatinine ratio. The higher the stage (G1–​G5) (Table 7.1) and the
greater the amount of protein present in the urine (A1–​A3), the more ‘se-
vere’ the CKD.1

Table 7.1 Stages of renal dysfunction by GFR

GFR category GFR (mL/​min/​1.73m2) Terms
G1 ≥90 Normal or high
G2 60–​89 Mild decrease relative to young adult
G3a 45–​59 Mild–​moderate decrease
G3b 30–​44 Moderate–​severe decrease
G4 15–​29 Severe decrease
G5 <15 Kidney failure
Reproduced with kind permission from KDIGO © 2012 M

• Determine the underlying cause, previous surgery, including
transplantation, and drug therapy.
• These patients are high risk, particularly diabetics with CKD G3–​G5.
• Check for hypertension, DM and anaemia. IHD is common and often
silent, especially in diabetics. Incidence of calcific valvular heart disease
and LV failure is i. Autonomic neuropathy is common. Pericardial
effusions are rare if dialysis is effective.
• Check the type of dialysis: peritoneal or haemodialysis? Do they have a
central line or fistula?
• Determine the residual urine output per day.
• Examine for fluid overload (dependent oedema, basal crepitations,
dialysis record, dry and wet weights) or hypovolaemia (postural
hypotension, low JVP, thirst, skin turgor, oliguria).

194 Chapter 7 Renal disease

• Allow 4–​6h to elapse after haemodialysis before surgery. This allows

fluid compartment equilibration and metabolism of residual heparin.
Indications for urgent dialysis include hyperkalaemia, fluid overload,
acute acidosis and symptomatic uraemia. If volume overload occurs
postoperatively, the patient will need extra dialysis.
• If major surgery, plan postoperative care with renal and ICU teams.
• FBC: usually well-​compensated and tolerated normochromic
normocytic anaemia due to d erythropoiesis, red cell survival and GI
losses. Aim for Hb 80–​100g/​L; transfusion can worsen hypertension
and precipitate heart failure.
• Electrolytes: a recent serum K+ is essential and if >6.0mmol/​L, dialysis
will be required. Drugs causing raised K+ include suxamethonium,
NSAIDs, β-​blockers, ACE inhibitors, spironolactone, tacrolimus and
ciclosporin. Na+ may be low due to water retention. Hypocalcaemia
and hyperphosphataemia are common, but rarely symptomatic. A mild
metabolic acidosis is frequent, and the ability to compensate for further
acidosis is poor.
• Coagulation: INR, activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and
platelet count are usually normal. Uraemia affects platelet function and
causes a prolonged bleeding time. Dialysis improves coagulation once
heparin has worn off. Thrombocytopathy is not corrected by platelet
transfusion but may be improved by cryoprecipitate or desmopressin
(0.3 micrograms/​kg in 30mL of 0.9% sodium chloride over 30min).
Tendency to thrombosis in fistula in stage G5 CKD on haemodialysis.
Perioperative care
• Venous access and fistulae: many patients have an upper limb
arteriovenous (A–​V) fistula. Avoid cannulation and NIBP in this arm.
Protect the fistula arm with padding. Try to cannulate the dorsum of
the hand to avoid damage to the veins in the forearm and antecubital
fossa which may be needed for future fistulae. Use dialysis catheters for
IV access only as a last resort, and remember that the dead space may
contain high-​dose heparin (at least 1000IU/​mL). Aspirate and discard.
Arterial cannulation may compromise future A–​V fistula formation and
should only be used where absolutely necessary.
• Fluid and electrolyte balance must be carefully managed. Many patients
have some residual renal function and urine output. Maintaining this is
essential. Normovolaemia is ideal. Replace fluid losses promptly. Avoid
• If large fluid shifts are likely, CVP or oesophageal Doppler monitoring
is useful. These patients may have had multiple CVP lines, so use
ultrasound. Avoid the femoral vein in patients suitable for transplants
and the subclavian vein in those needing dialysis, as the incidence of
stenosis is high.
• The type and volume of fluid administered affect renal outcomes.
Dynamic measures of fluid responsiveness (straight leg raise, pulse
pressure variation) are better at gauging fluid deficit in these patients.
There is little evidence on which fluid is best in the perioperative
setting; however, current literature supports the use of balanced
Chronic kidney disease 195

crystalloid solutions (rather than high chloride solutions) in critical care

environments. Albumin solutions can be indicated in renal patients with
high fluid demands to lessen interstitial volume overload.2
• Suxamethonium elevates serum K+ by 0.5mmol/​L. Hyperkalaemia is
worsened by acidosis, so avoid hypoventilation and hypercarbia.
• Delayed gastric emptying due to autonomic neuropathy and i
gastric acidity make gastric reflux more likely. Most patients are on
H2 antagonists/​PPIs (cimetidine may cause confusion and should be
avoided). In practice, RSI is reserved for patients who are not fasted or
who have symptomatic reflux and a normal serum K+.
• Immunity: sepsis is a leading cause of death in CKD. Inhibition of
humoral and cell-​mediated immunity occurs. Careful attention to
asepsis is required for all invasive procedures.
• Hepatitis B and C are common.
• Any patient with CKD is at i risk of developing AKI. Prevention is most
important (see % pp. 198–200), but postoperatively, renal function
must be checked.
• Liaise carefully with the renal unit about the timing/​need for dialysis
postoperatively. Use epidurals with caution.
• Prescribe analgesics carefully (see % p. 197).
• Pay attention to fluid balance. In oliguria, hourly fluid maintenance
should replace fluid losses plus 30mL/​h for insensible losses. Avoid
nephrotoxic drugs and periods of hypotension.

196 Chapter 7 Renal disease

Anaesthetic drugs in CKD

Most drugs are excreted by the kidneys, either unchanged or as metabolites.
Loading doses of drugs are often unchanged, but maintenance doses should
be reduced and/​or the dosing interval prolonged. Hypoalbuminaemia and
acidosis increase the free drug availability of highly protein-​bound drugs
(e.g. induction agents). Most anaesthetics reduce renal blood flow, GFR and
urine output (Table 7.2).
• Analgesics: most opioids are excreted by the kidney and so have
a prolonged duration of action in CKD. The long-​acting morphine
metabolite morphine-​6-​glucuronide has far greater potency than
morphine itself. Avoid pethidine (meperidine), as its metabolite
norpethidine can cause convulsions. Fentanyl has inactive metabolites
but accumulates with prolonged use (10% renally excreted). Alfentanil
and remifentanil may be used in normal doses. Half-​lives of codeine
and dihydrocodeine are prolonged five times, so avoid. Oxycodone
has active metabolites, so reduce the dose and increase the dose
interval. Tramadol and its active metabolites are renally excreted. The
manufacturer does not recommend its use in end-​stage renal failure.
• PCA morphine or fentanyl (10 micrograms bolus, 5min lockout time)
can be used, but with caution. In theory, the reduction in excretion
increases the plasma concentration, thus reducing demand.
• Paracetamol is safe in normal doses. Avoid NSAIDs, even if anuric.
• Induction agents: reduce the doses of benzodiazepines, thiopental
and etomidate by 730% because of changes in protein binding, volume
of distribution and cardiac function. However, the dose of propofol
required for a bispectral index (BIS) of 50 is i. Wake-​up following
propofol infusion is faster.
• The elimination of volatile anaesthetic agents is not dependent on
the renal function. Isoflurane, halothane and desflurane are all safe.
Sevoflurane is safe for induction but will produce inorganic fluoride ions
with prolonged use (avoid >4 MAC hours total).
• Muscle relaxants: suxamethonium is discussed on % pp. 194–5;
plasma cholinesterase activity is unchanged in CKD. Atracurium and
cisatracurium are logical choices. Vecuronium and rocuronium can be
used as single doses, with prolonged duration of action. Mivacurium
clearance is d. Always use a peripheral nerve stimulator. Sugammadex
is excreted in the urine unchanged, but its action does not depend
on renal excretion. It appears to be safe to use in severe CKD but is
not recommended for GFR <30mL/​min, as clearance may take much
longer and repeated muscle relaxation with atracurium may be needed.3
It is unpredictably removed by dialysis.
• The excretion of neostigmine and glycopyrronium is prolonged.
• The duration of action of LAs is reduced. Reduce maximum doses
by 25% because of d protein binding and a lower CNS seizure
threshold. Epidurals and spinals work well, but consider the i risks
of hypovolaemia after dialysis, haemorrhage and spinal haematoma
Anaesthetic drugs in CKD 197

• Anaesthesia for A–​V fistula formation: ask the surgeon where the fistula
is to be formed. Local infiltration works well for brachiobasilic fistulae.
An axillary/​supraclavicular brachial plexus block is recommended for
a brachiocephalic fistula, and evidence shows a better fistula outcome.
Patients may need extra LA in the axilla and mild sedation. Avoid
hypotension to prevent fistula thrombosis. The fistula may be used for
dialysis after 3–​4w. Synthetic grafts can be used immediately but do not
last as long.
• Peritoneal dialysis uses the large surface area of the peritoneum to
exchange fluid and metabolites via temporary (hard) or permanent
Tenckhoff (soft) catheters in the lower abdomen. It is inefficient
but can run continuously. Catheter placement or removal usually
requires a mini-​laparotomy but can be done under LA ± sedation if
necessary. Dialysis fluid should be drained before anaesthesia to prevent
respiratory function compromise. Patients can usually omit 24–​48h of
postoperative dialysis, but a period of haemodialysis may be needed if
undergoing bowel surgery.
• Most antibiotics are excreted by the kidney. It is common to use a
normal loading dose, with reduced and/​or delayed maintenance doses.
If in doubt, check in the British National Formulary (BNF) or with a

Table 7.2 Anaesthetic drugs and CKD

Safe drugs Drugs safe in limited Contraindicated
or reduced doses drugs
Premedication Lormetazepam,
midazolam, temazepam
Induction Propofol Ketamine, etomidate,
Maintenance Isoflurane, desflurane, Sevoflurane Enflurane
halothane, propofol
Muscle Suxamethonium, Vecuronium, Pancuronium
relaxants atracurium, rocuronium
Opioids Alfentanil, remifentanil Fentanyl, morphine, Pethidine,
oxycodone codeine,
Local Bupivacaine, lidocaine
anaesthetics (reduce dose by 25%)
Analgesics Paracetamol NSAIDs

198 Chapter 7 Renal disease

Acute kidney injury

AKI is defined as any of the following:
• Increase in serum creatinine by ≥0.3mg/​dL within 48h; or
• Increase in serum creatinine by ≥1.5 times the baseline, which is known
or presumed to have occurred within the prior 7d; or
• Urine volume <0.5mL/​kg/​h for 6h.
AKI is categorized into three stages:
Stage 1 is defined as any one of the following:
• An increase in serum creatinine by ≥26micromol/​L within 48h
• A ≥50% rise in serum creatinine within 7d (25% in children)
• Urine volume <0.5mL/​kg/​h for 6h (>8h in children)
Stage 2: serum creatinine doubles and/​or urine <0.5mL/​kg/​h ≥12h
Stage 3 is defined as any one of the following:
• Serum creatinine triples or >354 micromoles/​L
• Anuria ≥12h or <0.3mL/​kg/​h urine for ≥24h
• Renal replacement therapy required
• eGFR <35mL/​min in patients <18y.
Perioperative management of AKI
AKI developing in the perioperative period has a high mortality. Table 7.3
highlights the risk factors for developing AKI.

Table 7.3 Risk factors for perioperative AKI

Pre-​existing CKD, DM, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, previous

AKI, neurological or cognitive impairment affecting diet,
over 65y
Perioperative Sepsis, hypotension, hypovolaemia, dehydration
Drugs Nephrotoxins: antibiotics, NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors,
lithium, chemotherapy agents, radiological contrast media
Trauma Rhabdomyolysis (myoglobinaemia from crush injuries)
Surgery Emergency, intraperitoneal, biliary surgery in the
presence of obstructive jaundice (hepatorenal syndrome)
Renal and abdominal vascular surgery
Intra-​abdominal Any cause of abdominal distension
Urinary obstruction

• Preoperative rehydration is essential, and any fluid deficit should be
corrected before surgery. Invasive monitoring may be needed.
• Remember that an adequate BP is needed for renal perfusion and
this is relative to the patient’s baseline. A MAP under 80mmHg for
≥10min has been linked to i risk of AKI,4 but this may be inadequate in
hypertensives. Inotropes may be required.
Acute kidney injury 199

• Aim to prevent further deterioration of renal function and maintain an

adequate urine output (>0.5mL/​kg/​h). Remember, urinary catheters
can block.
• Intra-​abdominal hypertension (pressure >20mmHg) can occur following
major abdominal surgery and causes anuria by direct compression of
the renal pelvis and reduced renal perfusion.
• Seek advice from the renal unit/​ICU about postoperative care and
dialysis if hyperkalaemic, acidotic, symptomatic uraemia or fluid
overloaded or in pulmonary oedema.
• eGFR and serum creatinine are the main initial measurement for
diagnosis. Serum urea is much less specific since it is i in dehydration,
GI bleeding, sepsis and excessive diuretic use.
• Check electrolytes, especially serum K+.
• Check for and treat hyperglycaemia.
• Urinary electrolytes may help differentiate hypoperfusion (Na+
<20mmol/​L, urine osmolality >500mOsmol/​kg) from acute tubular
necrosis (Na+ >20mmol/​L, urine osmolality <500mOsmol/​kg). These
results are meaningless if diuretics have been given.
• Stop nephrotoxic drugs: NSAID, ACE inhibitor/​ARB and K+-​sparing
• Metformin may accumulate, causing lactic acidosis.
• Aminoglycosides should not be used unless no suitable, less nephrotoxic
alternative is available.
• Contrast-​induced nephropathy should be predicted and avoided if
possible. Volume loading with crystalloid or sodium bicarbonate may
be helpful if contrast is used. IV sodium bicarbonate 1.26% 3mL/​kg/​
h for 1h preoperatively, and then 1mL/​kg/​h until 6h postoperatively.
Acetylcysteine PO may also be useful.
• The outcome from polyuric AKI is better than oliguric AKI. Diuretics
should be used to manage fluid overload but usually are not indicated in
AKI otherwise. Furosemide is given initially as an IV bolus of 20–​40mg.
In patients with established renal failure, furosemide 250mg may be
infused over 1h.
• There is no evidence to support the use of low-​dose dopamine.
• Mannitol (0.5g/​kg IV) may improve urine flow.
Emergency management of hyperkalaemia
(See % pp. 240–1.)

200 Chapter 7 Renal disease

Further reading
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2013). Acute kidney injury: prevention, detection and
management. NICE guideline [NG148]. M https://​​guidance/​ng148

1 Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (2012). KDIGO 2012 clinical practice guideline for
evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease, Kidney Int, 3, 1–​150. M https://​​
2 McLean DJ, Shaw AD (2018). Intravenous fluids: effects on renal outcomes. Br J Anaesth, 120,
3 de Souza CM, Tardelli MA, Tedesco H, et al. (2015). Efficacy and safety of sugammadex in the
reversal of deep neuromuscular blockade induced by rocuronium in patients with end stage renal
disease. Eur J Anaesthesiol, 32, 681–​6.
4 Wesselink EM, Kappen TH, Torn HM, et al. (2018). Intraoperative hypotension and the risk of
postoperative adverse outcomes: a systematic review. Br J Anaesth, 121, 706–​21.
Chapter 8 201

Hepatic disease
Ashleigh Williams and John Christie
Liver disease 202
Anaesthetic management of patients with liver disease 205
Drug metabolism and liver disease 211
Postoperative liver dysfunction or jaundice 212

202 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

Liver disease
Liver disease can be classified as chronic liver disease (CLD) and acute liver
failure (ALF). ALF can be subclassified into hyperacute, subacute, and acute.
Common causes of ALF and CLD are listed in Table 8.1.
Chronic liver disease
• CLD is defined as impairment of liver synthetic and metabolic function
present for >26w.
• Chronic inflammation leads to fibrosis and cirrhosis (nodular
regeneration and disruption of liver architecture), leading to portal
• Cirrhosis can be compensated (function preserved) or decompensated
(presence of ascites, encephalopathy or oesophageal varices).
• Once there is evidence of decompensation, survival is around 5y, so
assessment for transplantation should be considered.
• Portal hypertension in CLD leads to engorgement of the anastomoses
between portal and systemic circulations, leading to varices at the
gastro-​oesophageal junction, haemorrhoids and dilated abdominal
wall veins (caput medusae). Patients with varices are at risk of acute
bleeding, which is associated with a high mortality rate.
• Impaired hepatic synthetic function leads to low albumin and plasma
proteins. This contributes to oedema/​ascites and has implications for
drug protein-​binding.
• Ascites: liver fibrosis leads to portal hypertension and, in combination
with salt/​water retention 2° to hyperaldosteronism, splanchnic
vasodilation and low serum albumin, fluid accumulates in the peritoneal
cavity. More commonly seen in CLD. Spironolactone long term may
exacerbate electrolyte disturbances and renal dysfunction.
Acute liver failure
• ALF is a process involving rapidly progressing liver necrosis and an
inflammatory response with physiological derangement similar to sepsis.
• Patients develop the triad of hepatocellular dysfunction (jaundice),
coagulopathy and encephalopathy, without prior known liver disease.
• ALF can be classified by time interval from onset of jaundice to
encephalopathy (Table 8.2).
• Hyperacute ALF is typical of paracetamol overdose, although jaundice
is often absent (coagulopathy and deranged LFTs used as surrogate for
onset time).
• The precipitating cause ultimately results in liver necrosis and an
inflammatory response with physiological derangement similar to sepsis.
Absence of hepatic encephalopathy, defined as acute liver injury, has a
better prognosis.
• For specific ALF management and referral criteria, see % p. 210.
Liver disease 203

Table 8.1 Causes of liver failure

Cause Acute Chronic

Paracetamol Accounts for majority of
cases (>70%) in the UK
Alcohol Acute alcoholic hepatitis Commonest cause in the
UK. Chronic alcoholism
may be complicated by
alcohol withdrawal peri-​or
postoperatively (see %
p. 338) or by acute alcoholic
Other drugs and Carbon tetrachloride, Isoniazid, methyldopa,
toxins Amanita phalloides methotrexate, amiodarone,
mushrooms, idiosyncratic carbon tetrachloride,
drug reactions Amanita phalloides
Viral hepatitis Commonest cause Hepatitis B:​3% of those
worldwide. Types A–​E, infected as an adult develop
cytomegalovirus, herpes chronic hepatitis B infection
simplex, Epstein–​Barr virus,
Hepatitis C:​75% develop
seronegative hepatitis
chronic infection. Main risk
factor for infection is IV
drug abuse

Table 8.2 Subtypes of acute liver failure

Subtype Onset Transplant-​free survival (%)

Hyperacute Within 7d 30
Acute 1w to 1mo 33
Subacute 1–​3mo 14

Liver disease: a multisystem problem

Impairment is most commonly due to dehydration, sepsis or nephrotoxic
drugs. Renal failure in the context of liver failure confers a high mortality;
the precipitating cause should be investigated and treated. Up to 50% of
patients presenting with ALF will also have AKI. Ensure adequate hydration
and renal blood flow.
Hepatorenal syndrome
A diagnosis of exclusion in patients with cirrhotic liver disease as a conse-
quence of altered renovascular tone. Type 1: rapidly progressive; type 2:
slower in onset and associated with diuretic-​resistant ascites. Both are asso-
ciated with poor prognosis and liver transplantation may be the only defini-
tive treatment. Diagnostic criteria: urinary Na+ <10mmol/​L, urine:plasma
osmolality and creatinine ratios >1, normal CVP and no diuresis on central
volume expansion underlying CLD and ascites.

204 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

Hepatopulmonary syndrome
Occurs when intrapulmonary vascular dilations contribute to hypoxia in
liver disease, possibly 2° to i production or d clearance of vasodilators
such as nitrous oxide (N2O). Intrapulmonary shunting further contributes
to V/​Q mismatch, i A–​a gradient and low PaO2. The only definitive treat-
ment is liver transplantation.
Pulmonary hypertension
A serious complication present in 0.25–​4% of all patients with cirrhosis. It
is thought to occur due to local pulmonary production of vasoconstrictors
that occurs while systemically vasodilation predominates.
Toxic metabolites build up (particularly ammonia, due to deranged amino
acid metabolism), leading to progressive encephalopathy (Box 8.1). Give
regular lactulose to prevent constipation. Encephalopathy in CLD her-
alds decompensation and a precipitating cause should be sought. Reduced
Glasgow coma scale (GCS) and loss of airway reflexes may cause respira-
tory failure. Patients with grade III/​IV encephalopathy need intubation to
protect their airway and ventilation permits manipulation of ICP.

Box 8.1 West Haven classification of encephalopathy

Grade 0 Alert and orientated
Grade I Drowsy and orientated
Grade II Drowsy and disorientated
Grade III Rousable stupor, restlessness
Grade IV Coma: ​unresponsive to deep pain
Source: data from Conn HO et al. Comparison of lactulose and neomycin in the treatment
of chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy. A double blind controlled trial, Gastroenterology,
Anaesthetic management of patients with liver disease 205

Anaesthetic management of patients

with liver disease
CLD presents to the anaesthetist and surgeon more frequently than acute
liver disease. While the underlying cause and disease course differ between
ALF and CLD, the physiological consequences are similar and will be dis-
cussed together. Specific considerations in ALF are discussed at the end.
Patients with liver disease have a high perioperative risk which is pro-
portional to the degree of hepatic dysfunction. All patients should have a
thorough preoperative assessment, including signs, symptoms and risk fac-
tors for liver disease.
• Symptoms: anorexia, malaise, weight loss, easy bruising, itching, right
upper quadrant (RUQ) pain
• Signs: jaundice, palmar erythema, spider naevi, caput medusae,
gynaecomastia, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, testicular atrophy
• Risk factors: alcohol excess, IV drug abuse, obesity, autoimmune
conditions, haemodialysis, haemophilia, unprotected sexual intercourse
and previous blood transfusion.
Risk assessment
• Assessment of risk for surgery and anaesthesia in CLD may be estimated
by the Child’s classification (Table 8.3), originally designed to guide
mortality in portal decompressive surgery, or by the model for end-​stage
liver disease (MELD) score, which was designed to predict 3mo survival
in transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) patients.
• MELD scoring requires serum bilirubin, creatinine and INR. Online
calculator: M
• Acute active hepatitis or liver failure is a contraindication to elective
surgery. Elective surgery is contraindicated in Child–​Pugh class C and
MELD score >15 as mortality is 740%.
• Child–​Pugh class B or MELD score 10–​15 should be approached with
caution, and Child–​Pugh class A or MELD score <10 can proceed with
elective surgery.
• Generic illness severity scoring tools, such as SOFA (Sequential Organ
Failure Assessment) or APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
Evaluation II), may be more accurate in acutely unwell patients with CLD.
• Surgical risk in CLD depends on the extent of hepatic impairment,
in addition to the urgency and type of surgery. Common causes of
mortality in the perioperative period include sepsis, renal failure,
bleeding and worsening liver failure with encephalopathy.
Preoperative laboratory investigations
• FBC and clotting studies: anaemia is contributed to by chronic blood
loss, hypersplenism, haemolysis, chronic illness and malnutrition.
• Electrolytes and creatinine: urea is often falsely low due to d hepatic
production. Hyponatraemia and hypokalaemia are common. Diuretic
use may exacerbate electrolyte disturbances.
• Glucose: impaired glycogen storage and glucose utilisation.
• LFTs.
• Hepatitis screening: hepatitis B and C are highly contagious to clinical
staff via parenteral inoculation and universal precautions must be strictly

206 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

Table 8.3 Surgical risk assessment: Child’s classification, as modified by Pugh

Mortality Minimal (<5%) Modest (5–​50%) Marked (>50%)

Bilirubin (micromoles/​L) <25 25–​40 >40
Albumin (g/​L) >35 30–​35 <30
PT (s, prolonged) 1–​4 (INR <1.7) 4–​6 (INR 1.7–​2.3) >6 (INR >2.3)
Ascites None Moderate Marked
Encephalopathy (see None Grades I and II Grades III
% p. 204) and IV
Nutrition Excellent Good Poor
INR, international normalised ratio; PT, prothrombin time.

Assessment of liver function

• Serum LFTs (Table 8.4) are rarely specific, but prothrombin time (PT),
albumin and bilirubin are sensitive markers of overall liver function.
Serial measurements are useful and indicate trends. Avoid giving fresh
frozen plasma (FFP), unless treating active bleeding, as PT is an excellent
guide to overall liver function.
• Liver transaminases (aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine
aminotransferase (ALT)) are sensitive to even mild liver damage and
have no role in mortality prediction. Levels may decrease in severe
• Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is raised with biliary obstruction.
• Imaging techniques: ultrasound is the main initial investigation of
obstructive jaundice. Other useful investigations include endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), CT and magnetic
resonance cholangiography.
• LFTs must always be interpreted alongside a careful history and
examination. The liver has a large functional reserve and can often
withstand considerable damage before LFTs become deranged.
Preoperative investigations
• ECG is essential as electrolyte abnormalities may precipitate
arrhythmias and alcohol excess may result in AF and cardiomyopathy.
Prolonged corrected QT is relatively common, and hyperbilirubinaemia
may precipitate bradyarrhythmias.
• Echocardiography: cardiomyopathy may develop in association with
causes of CLD, particularly alcohol excess. Pericardial effusions and
diastolic dysfunction also develop in cirrhosis. Smoking is associated
with alcohol excess and is an independent risk factor for CAD.
• ABG.
Anaesthetic management of patients with liver disease 207

Table 8.4 Liver function tests

Test Normal range Raised

Bilirubin 2–​17 Haemolysis
micromoles/​L Gilbert’s syndrome
Acute and chronic liver failure
Biliary obstruction
AST 0–​35IU/​L Non-​specific (found in liver, heart,
muscle, etc.)
Hepatocellular injury
ALT 0–​45IU/​L Specific
Hepatocellular injury
Degree of elevation can point to
>1000: acute viral hepatitis, drugs,
autoimmune hepatitis and ischaemia
100–​200: acute viral hepatitis, alcohol and
non-​alcoholic fatty liver disease
ALP 30–​120IU/​L Physiological (pregnancy, adolescents,
Bile duct obstruction (stones, drugs,
1° biliary cirrhosis
Metastatic liver disease
Bone disease
γ-​glutamyl 0–​30IU/​L Non-​specific (found in heart, pancreas
transpeptidase and kidneys)
Alcoholic liver disease
Albumin 40–​60g/​L Non-​specific (affected by nutritional status,
catabolism, and urinary and GI losses)
Prognostic in chronic liver disease
PT and INR 10.9–​12.5s Non-​specific (vitamin K deficiency,
(INR 1.0–​1.2) warfarin therapy, disseminated
intravascular coagulation)
However, best prognostic marker in ALF

CLD is associated with a poor nutritional state and predisposes to i inci-
dence of postoperative complications. Preoperative nutrition may help to
reduce this in major elective surgical procedures.
The presence of varices in patients with known liver disease must be es-
tablished, as this is a contraindication for the use of oesophageal Doppler
probes/​TOE and oesophageal temperature probes.

208 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

Perioperative considerations
PPIs or H2 antagonists should be used preoperatively. RSI will further re-
duce the risks of gastric aspiration. Sedative medication may precipitate or
worsen encephalopathy.
Standard monitoring should be used, with consideration given to invasive
arterial and CVP monitoring. CVP monitoring is controversial but allows
for centrally administered vasopressors and venous access. Perioperative
haemodynamic instability can worsen hepatic function; MAP should be
maintained within 10–​20% of preoperative levels. Hepatic blood flow and
O2 delivery should be maintained; CO monitoring may be useful, although
transthoracic echocardiography or oesophageal Doppler may be contra-
indicated in varices.
Drug effects
Even in severe liver disease, the problem is usually one of exaggerated ef-
fects on the CNS, rather than poor liver metabolism. Hepatic blood flow is
altered by anaesthetic drugs (e.g. α-​ and β-​agonists/​antagonists), positive
pressure ventilation, PEEP and surgical technique. In most cases, anaesthesia
reduces hepatic blood flow. (See % Drug metabolism and liver disease,
p. 211.) Desflurane best preserves hepatic blood flow, is least metabolised
and has a quicker emergence time, but sevoflurane and isoflurane are also
acceptable volatiles to use.
Regional techniques
Can be useful adjuncts, but neuraxial techniques are contraindicated in the
presence of coagulopathy. Most LAs are metabolised by the liver.
Low SVR and arterial pressure, i HR and volume expansion 2° to an acti-
vated renin–​angiotensin system seen in both ALF and CLD. Vasopressors
may be required; ​maintain MAP >75mmHg. Portosystemic, pulmonary and
cutaneous shunting (spider angiomata) contributes to a hyperdynamic, high
CO state, often i by up to 50%. Alcohol excess is associated with car-
diomyopathy; cirrhosis is associated with a high incidence of cardiac dys-
function (‘cirrhotic cardiomyopathy’), and concurrent smoking is a risk
factor for CAD. Preoperative assessment, including echo, where indicated.
Propranolol to reduce portal pressures.
Hypoxia is common and multifactorial in CLD. Ascites causes splinting of
the diaphragm, basal atelectasis and collapse. Excess PEEP will increase
hepatic venous pressure and ICP. Tense ascites may affect respiratory
mechanics; ​consider percutaneous drainage.
Pulmonary hypertension
Consider echo if suspicion of pulmonary hypertension (see % pp. 139–44).
This may be precipitated by sedatives, GI bleeding, infection, surgical op-
erations, trauma, hypokalaemia, constipation or acute severe liver failure.
Anaesthetic management of patients with liver disease 209

Very common in liver disease; t​he liver synthesises all clotting factors,
except factor VIII. Coagulopathy is attributed to several mechanisms (d
synthesis of clotting factors and clearance of activated clotting factors,
quantitative and qualitative platelet abnormalities and hyperfibrinolysis).
Consider vitamin K. Reversal of coagulopathy with FFP, cryoprecipitate and
platelets directed by thromboelastography (TEG®)or similar point-​of-​care
testing (POCT). Ensure adequate provision is made for cross (X)-​matched
blood and clotting products.
CO monitoring/​goal-​directed fluid therapy (GDFT) may be useful. Tense
ascites may impair renal blood flow and give a falsely high CVP. Avoid hypo-
tension and nephrotoxic drugs, and aim for urine output >1mL/​kg/​h.
Portal hypertension
Use of oesophageal Doppler/​TOE/​oesophageal temperature probes is
contraindicated. Treatment with β-​blockers may contribute to periopera-
tive hypotension. A low CVP may reduce the risk of variceal or GI bleeding.
Consider draining preoperatively as hypotension, hypoventilation and as-
piration are all i with tense ascites.
Patients with liver disease have impaired hepatic glycogen storage and are
prone to hypoglycaemia. Check blood glucose levels regularly. Give 10%
glucose infusions if <2mmol/​L, and monitor plasma K+.
Immune function
Infections of the respiratory and urinary tracts are common. In the pres-
ence of ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis may cause significant
sepsis—​have a low index of suspicion. Intraoperative antibiotic prophylaxis
should be given where indicated.
Fluid resuscitation
Sodium chloride 0.9% is recommended 1st line, and sodium bicarbonate
may be considered if significant acidosis. Addition of glucose-​containing
fluids if hypoglycaemic. Caution is required as over-​resuscitation with crys-
talloid may worsen cerebral oedema.
Other considerations
IM and SC injections risk haematoma formation if coagulopathic or
thrombocytopenic. Care with positioning; the skin may be fragile. Muscle
wasting may leave patients prone to neuropraxia and pressure damage.
Postoperative considerations
• Patients with advanced liver disease will need postoperative intensive
care or high dependency care.
• Postoperative decompensation of CLD carries a high mortality.
• Constipating analgesics, such as opioids, should be prescribed with
concurrent lactulose to prevent encephalopathy.
• Postoperative ileus may also precipitate encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients.
• Complications include delayed wound healing, sepsis, renal impairment
and bleeding.

210 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

• Fluid balance should be carefully monitored postoperatively, aiming for

a urine output of 1mL/​kg/​h.
• Coagulopathy increases the risk of postoperative bleeding and
haematoma formation.
Specific considerations for ALF
H Active acute hepatitis is a contraindication to elective surgery. Due to high
perioperative mortality, patients should have all surgery postponed (unless
a true emergency) until at least 30d after LFTs have returned to normal.
• Care is largely supportive, with specific treatments depending on
underlying cause (acetylcysteine infusion in paracetamol overdose,
delivery of fetus if pregnancy-​related, penicillin for Amanita phalloides,
chelating agents and/​or haemodialysis in iron overdose, protease
inhibitors in acute hepatitis B infection, aciclovir in herpes simplex virus
infection and corticosteroids in autoimmune hepatitis).
• Coagulation: reversal of coagulopathy should not be routinely carried
out, as PT provides a surrogate marker of hepatic function. Reversal is
indicated for invasive procedures or active bleeding.
• Management may be best delivered in an ICU/​HDU environment. The
presence of grade II encephalopathy or worse should prompt ICU review.
• Patients with encephalopathy, deteriorating INR, hypoglycaemia or
acidosis should be discussed urgently with a hepatologist in a specialist
liver unit (for King’s College criteria for liver transplant, see Box 8.2).
• Orthotopic liver transplantation may be the definitive treatment in some
severe cases. Spontaneous recovery is only seen in around 40% of cases.
Box 8.2 King’s College criteria for transplant referral in
acute liver disease
• Arterial pH <7.25 following volume resuscitation >24h post-​
overdose (OD)
• Serum lactate >3.5 following volume resuscitation >12h post-​OD
• Serum lactate >2.5 following volume resuscitation >24h post-​OD
Or ALL of the following:
• Grade III–​IV encephalopathy
• Creatinine >300 micromoles/​L
• PT >100s
(or two of the above with non-​septic deterioration in organ function, e.g.
vasopressors, increasing FiO2)
• PT >100s
• Presence of encephalopathy AND any three of the following:
• Age <10 or >40y
• PT >50s
• Bilirubin >300 micromoles/​L
• Duration of jaundice before encephalopathy >7d
• Aetiology: non-​A, non-​B hepatitis, drug reaction
Source: data from O’Grady JG et al. Early indicators of prognosis in fulminant hepatic failure,
Gastroenterology, 1989;97(2):439–45.
Drug metabolism and liver disease 211

Drug metabolism and liver disease

• The vast majority of drugs, including anaesthetic drugs, are metabolised
by the liver (Table 8.5).
• Most drugs are initially metabolised by the cytochrome P450 system.
In phase I, they are either oxidised or reduced, and in phase II, they are
conjugated with a glucuronide, glycine or sulphate to enhance water
solubility and excretion in bile or urine.
• In early alcoholic liver disease, the cytochrome P450 system is often
induced, leading to rapid metabolism of drugs, whereas this is reversed
in end-​stage disease.
• The liver has a large functional reserve, so these functions are usually
preserved until end-​stage disease.
• Pharmacodynamics and the sensitivity of target organs for sedatives and
anaesthetics may be altered, with coma easily induced in end-​stage liver
• d portal blood flow in hepatic fibrosis reduces 1st-​pass metabolism.
• Hypoalbuminaemia increases free drug in plasma.
• There is an i volume of distribution due to ascites and Na+/​water
• Biotransformation enzymes may increase or decrease activity.
• Reduced liver cell mass results in reduced enzyme synthesis (e.g. plasma
cholinesterase) activation or deactivation.
• d biliary excretion of drugs due to obstructive jaundice.

Table 8.5 Anaesthetic drugs in liver failure

Drugs safe in liver Drugs to be used with Drugs

failure caution (may need contraindicated in
reduced dosage) liver failure
Premedication Lorazepam Midazolam, diazepam

Induction Propofol,
Maintenance Desflurane, Enflurane Halothane
sevoflurane, (possibly)*
isoflurane, N2O
Muscle Atracurium, Rocuronium,
relaxants cisatracurium vecuronium,
Opioids Remifentanil Fentanyl, alfentanil,
morphine, pethidine
Analgesics Paracetamol NSAIDs, lidocaine,
Halothane has been rarely reported to cause hepatitis (see % p. 213).

212 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

Postoperative liver dysfunction or

Postoperative jaundice is relatively common; haematoma reabsorption or
blood transfusion can result in a high bilirubin load. Significant liver dysfunc-
tion is uncommon in previously healthy patients.
Mild elevation of liver transaminases has a varied aetiology and often re-
solves without treatment. LFTs more than double the normal range suggest
hepatocellular injury. Hepatitis due to volatile agents is extremely rare, es-
pecially with newer agents, and is largely a diagnosis of exclusion.
• Common causes include reduced hepatic O2 delivery 2° to hypoxia or
hypotension, drugs, trauma or infective causes (Table 8.6).
• Benign postoperative intrahepatic cholestasis mimics biliary obstruction
and usually occurs after major abdominal surgery.

Table 8.6 Causes of postoperative liver dysfunction or jaundice

Bilirubin overload Blood transfusion

(haemolysis) Haematoma resorption
Haemolytic anaemia (sickle-​cell, prosthetic heart valve,
glucose-​6-​phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency)
Hepatocellular injury Exacerbation of pre-​existing liver disease
Hepatic ischaemia: hypovolaemia, hypotension, cardiac
Drug-​induced (antibiotics, halothane)
Viral hepatitis
Cholestasis Intrahepatic (benign, infection, drug-​induced, e.g.
cephalosporins, carbamazepine, erythromycin)
Extrahepatic (pancreatitis, gallstones, bile duct injury)
Congenital Gilbert’s syndrome

Halothane hepatitis
The use of halothane has been largely superseded by other volatile agents,
so it is becoming a historical phenomenon. Halothane has been linked to
postoperative liver dysfunction. Two syndromes are recognised:
• The first is associated with a transient rise in LFTs and low morbidity,
often after initial exposure.
• The second is thought to occur after repeated exposure and has an
‘immune’ mechanism with the development of fulminant hepatic
failure and high mortality. It is rare, with an incidence of 1 in 35 000
• Antibodies specific to fulminant hepatic failure patients exposed to
halothane are found in 70% of such patients. It is postulated that a
halothane oxidative metabolite binds to liver cytochromes to form a
hapten and induces a hypersensitivity reaction. All patients exposed to
halothane have altered liver proteins, but it is unknown why only a few
develop liver failure.
Postoperative liver dysfunction or jaundice 213

Other inhalational anaesthetic agents

• The chance of an ‘immune’ reaction to a volatile agent occurring is
thought to relate to the amount it is metabolised. Halothane is 20%
metabolised, enflurane 2% and isoflurane 0.2%. Products of enflurane
metabolism have been shown to alter liver proteins and there have
been rare case reports linking enflurane with liver damage. There is a
theoretical basis for crossreactivity with previous halothane exposure.
Isoflurane is considered safe for use in patients at risk of hepatic failure,
as are sevoflurane and desflurane.
Intravenous fluids in liver disease
• It is important to maintain adequate peri-​and postoperative hydration,
as there is a high risk of AKI.
• Glucose 5% or 10% is unsuitable as a resuscitation or maintenance
fluid, as it provides little intravascular volume replacement and may
exacerbate hyponatraemia and cerebral oedema. It is useful in the
correction of hypoglycaemia.
• Sodium chloride 0.9% or Hartmann’s solution are both good choices of
crystalloid, although Hartmann’s may present an external lactate load
and the high Na+ load in 0.9% sodium chloride may worsen ascites.
• Human albumin solution (HAS) 4.5% is a useful colloid, especially if
synthetic liver function is impaired and serum albumin is low.
• If oliguria persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation, IV terlipressin
0.5–​2mg IV qds, in conjunction with daily HAS, may improve renal
• Perioperative removal of ascites will result in postoperative
reaccumulation. This should be accounted for in the fluid balance.

214 Chapter 8 Hepatic disease

Further reading
Hickman L, Tanner L, Christein J, et al. (2019). Non-​hepatic abdominal surgery in patients with cir-
rhotic liver disease. Gastrointest Surg, 23, 634.
Northup PG, Friedman LS, Kamath PS (2019). AGA clinical practice update on surgical risk as-
sessment and perioperative management in cirrhosis: expert review. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol,
17, 595.
Hernaez R, Solà E, Moreau R, et al. (2017). Acute-​on-​chronic liver failure: an update. Gut, 66, 541–​53.
Machicao VI, Balakrishnan M, Fallon MB (2014). Pulmonary complications in chronic liver disease.
Hepatology, 59, 1627–​37.
Lee WM, Stravitz RT, Larson AM (2012). Introduction to the revised American Association for the
Study of Liver Diseases Position Paper on acute liver failure 2011. Hepatology, 55, 965.
Argo CK, Balogun RA (2009). Blood products, volume control, and renal support in the coagulopathy
of liver disease. Clin Liver Dis, 13, 73.
Trotter JF (2009). Practical management of acute liver failure on ITU. Curr Opin Crit Care, 15, 163–​7.
Chapter 9 215

Endocrine and metabolic

Joanna Poole and Hannah Blanshard
Diabetes mellitus 216
Acromegaly 222
Thyroid disease 223
Parathyroid disorders 226
Adrenocortical insufficiency 228
The patient on steroids 230
Cushing’s syndrome 232
Conn’s syndrome 233
Apudomas 235
Hypokalaemia 238
Hyperkalaemia 240
Hyponatraemia 242
Hypernatraemia 244

See also:
% Endocrine surgery pp. 709–21

216 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Diabetes mellitus
Insulin is necessary, even when fasting, to maintain glucose homeostasis and
balance stress hormones (e.g. adrenaline). It has two classes of action:
• Excitatory: stimulating glucose uptake and lipid synthesis
• Inhibitory (physiologically more important): inhibits lipolysis, proteolysis,
glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis.
Lack of insulin is associated with hyperglycaemia, osmotic diuresis, dehy-
dration, hyperosmolarity, hyperviscosity predisposing to thrombosis and
i rates of wound infection. Sustained hyperglycaemia is associated with
i mortality, hospital stay and complication rates.
DM is present in 10–​15% of the surgical population.
• Type 1 diabetes (20%): immune-​mediated and leads to absolute
insulin deficiency. Patients cannot tolerate prolonged periods without
exogenous insulin. Glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis occur, resulting
in hyperglycaemia and ketosis. Treatment is with insulin.
• Type 2 diabetes (80%): a disease of adult onset, associated with
insulin resistance. Patients produce some endogenous insulin and their
metabolic state often improves with fasting. Treatment may be diet
control, oral hypoglycaemics and/​or insulin.
General considerations
Many diabetic patients are well informed about their condition and have
undergone previous surgery; discuss management with them. Hospital dia-
betes teams can be useful for advice. The overall aims of perioperative
diabetic management are to maintain physiological glucose levels (above
hypoglycaemic levels, but below those at which deleterious effects of
hyperglycaemia become evident) and prevent hypokalaemia, hypomagnes-
aemia and hypophosphataemia.
Preoperative assessment
• CVS: IHD (sometimes asymptomatic), cerebrovascular disease, MI and
cardiomyopathy are all associated with DM. Autonomic neuropathy can
lead to tachy-​or bradycardia and postural hypotension.
• Renal: 40% of diabetics develop microalbuminuria, which is associated
with hypertension, IHD and retinopathy. This may be reduced by
treatment with ACE inhibitors.
• Respiratory: perioperative chest infections are more common,
especially if other risk factors such as smoking and obesity.
• Airway: thickening of soft tissues (glycosylation) occurs, especially in
ligaments around joints, leading to limited joint mobility syndrome.
Intubation may be difficult if the neck is affected or there is insufficient
mouth opening.
• GI: 50% of patients have delayed gastric emptying ± reflux.
• i risk of wound infection.
• Peripheral neuropathy is common; document any existing sensory loss if
regional technique planned.
Diabetes mellitus 217

• Measure glycosylated Hb (HbA1c), a measure of recent glycaemic
control (normal 20–​48mmol/​mol, 4–​6.5%). If HbA1c is >69mmol/​mol
(8.5%), refer to the team that manages their diabetes for optimisation.
Surgery may then proceed with caution. A value >85mmol/​mol (10%)
suggests inadequate control. Refer to the diabetes team, and only
proceed if surgery is urgent or if they feel the patient’s control is as
good as it can be.
• Patients with hypoglycaemic unawareness should be referred to the
diabetes specialist team, irrespective of HbA1c.
Preoperative management
• Make an individualised diabetes management plan, agreed with the
patient, for the preadmission and perioperative period.
• Place the patient 1st on the operating list, if possible.
• Individuals with type 1 diabetes should NEVER go without insulin, as
they are at risk of diabetic ketoacidosis.
• The Enhanced Recovery Partnership Programme recommends high-​
carbohydrate drinks prior to surgery. This may compromise blood
sugar control and is not recommended for people with insulin-​treated
• Patients with a planned short starvation period (no more than one
missed meal in total) should be managed by modification of their usual
diabetes regime, avoiding a variable-​rate IV insulin infusion (VRIII)
wherever possible.
• Patients expected to miss >1 meal should have a VRIII.
• For suggested perioperative management of insulin, see Table 9.1.
For suggested perioperative management of non-​insulin diabetic
medication, see Table 9.2.
Perioperative management
• Monitor blood glucose on admission, and hourly during the day of
surgery. Aim for blood glucose level of 6–​10mmol/​L; 4–​12mmol/​L is
• If blood glucose is >12mmol/​L either pre-​or post-​surgery, check
capillary blood ketones or urinary ketones. If capillary blood ketones
are >3mmol/​L or urinary ketones > +++, cancel surgery.
• Consider an RSI if gastric stasis is suspected.
• Regional techniques may be useful for extremity surgery and to reduce
the risk of undetected hypoglycaemia.
• Autonomic dysfunction may exacerbate the hypotensive effect of
spinals and epidurals.
Patients undergoing surgery with a long starvation period
(i.e. two or more missed meals)
• A number of glucose, K+ and insulin regimes have been described
in the past (e.g. Alberti), but the VRIII is widely used and should be
commenced on admission.
• If the patient is already on a long-​acting insulin analogue, this should be
continued at 80% the usual dose, even if planning to use a VRIII through
the perioperative period.

218 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Table 9.1 Perioperative management of insulin therapy when no more than one
missed meal

Morning surgery Afternoon surgery

Always check blood glucose on admission
Once daily in evening Reduce the night before by Reduce the night before
20% by 20%
Once daily in morning Reduce by 20% on day before Reduce by 20% on day
surgery AND on day of before surgery AND
surgery on day of surgery
Twice daily: one Halve the usual morning dose Halve the usual
injection twice a morning dose
day, i.e. biphasic or
ultralong acting
Twice daily: two Calculate total dose of Calculate total dose of
injections twice a morning insulin(s); give half as morning insulin(s); give
day, i.e. short and intermediate acting only in the half as intermediate
intermediate acting morning acting only in the
3–​5 injections daily Basal bolus regimens: omit Give usual morning
morning and lunchtime insulin dose(s); omit
short-​acting insulins; keep lunchtime dose
basal unchanged
Premixed morning insulin:
halve morning dose and
omit lunchtime dose
Source: data from Barker P et al. (2015) Peri-​operative management of the surgical patient with
diabetes. Anaesthesia, 70, 1427–​40.

• Glucose/​insulin infusions should be administered through the same

cannula to prevent accidental administration of insulin without glucose.
Both infusions should be regulated by volumetric pumps, with an
antireflux valve on the IV glucose line.
• Hartmann’s solution should be used in preference to 0.9% sodium
chloride in those patients not requiring a VRIII.
• The recommended 1st-​choice solution for VRIII is 0.45% sodium
chloride with 5% glucose, and either 0.15% or 0.3% potassium chloride
(KCl); however, this is not always available.
• Glucose 4% and 0.18% sodium chloride; 10% glucose or 5% glucose
are acceptable. Whenever giving hypotonic parenteral fluids, beware
of hyponatraemia. Preferably give 10% glucose at 60mL/​h, rather than
5% glucose at 120mL/​h (prevents water overload, particularly in the
• If K+ <4.5mmol/​L, add 10mmol KCl to each 500mL bag of glucose.
• Start VRIII using a syringe pump. Adjust according to local guidelines
for VRIII (see example in Table 9.3). Test blood glucose hourly initially.
Patients on >100 units of insulin/​day will need higher doses of insulin
by infusion.
Diabetes mellitus 219

Table 9.2 Perioperative management of oral diabetic medication when no more

than one missed meal

Morning surgery Afternoon surgery

Always check blood glucose on admission

Acarbose Omit morning dose if Give morning dose if

NBM eating
Meglitinide Omit morning dose if Give morning dose if
(repaglinide or NBM eating
Metformin* Take as normal Take as normal
Sulfonylurea Omit morning dose Omit all (whether once
(e.g. glibenclamide, (whether once daily or daily or twice daily)
gliclazide) twice daily)
SGLT-​2 inhibitors Omit Omit
(e.g. dapagliflozin)
Pioglitazone Take as normal Take as normal
DDP-​4 inhibitor Take as normal Take as normal
(e.g. sitagliptin,
vildagliptin, saxagliptin)
GLP-​1 analogue Take as normal Take as normal
(e.g. exenatide, liraglutide)
DPP-​4, dipeptidyl peptidase-​4; GLP-​1, glucagon-​like peptide-​1; NBM, nil by mouth; SGLT-​2,
sodium–​glucose cotransporter-​2.
If contrast medium is to be used and estimated GFR <50mL/​min/​1.732, metformin should be
omitted on the day of surgery and for the following 48h.
Source: data from Barker P et al. (2015) Peri-​operative management of the surgical patient with
diabetes. Anaesthesia, 70, 1427–​1440.

Table 9.3 VRIII infusion

Blood glucose Initial rate of insulin infusion Insulin infusion rate if blood
(mmol/​L) (units/​h) glucose not <10mmol/​L (units/​h)
<4.0 0.5—​if a long-​acting insulin has been continued, stop and treat
as for hypoglycaemia
4.1–​7.0 1.0 2.0
7.1–​9.0 2.0 3.0
9.1–​11.0 3.0 4.0
11.1–​14.0 4.0 5.0
14.1–​17.0 5.0 6.0
17.1–​20.0 6.0 8.0
>20 Check infusion running, and seek diabetes team or medical

220 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Perioperative treatment of hyperglycaemia

For well-​controlled patients (HbA1c <69mmol/​mol) undergoing surgery
with a short starvation period (one missed meal) and preoperative hyper-
glycaemia (blood glucose >12mmol/​L):
• Type 1 diabetes: give SC rapid-​acting insulin analogue. Assume that
1 unit will drop blood glucose by 3mmol/​L, but take advice from the
patient wherever possible. Recheck blood glucose hourly. If surgery
cannot be delayed, commence VRIII.
• Type 2 diabetes: give 0.1 units/​kg of SC rapid-​acting insulin analogue,
and recheck blood glucose 1h later to ensure it is falling. If surgery
cannot be delayed or the response is inadequate, commence VRIII.
• Blood glucose <4mmol/​L is the main danger to diabetics
perioperatively. Fasting, recent alcohol consumption, liver failure and
septicaemia commonly exacerbate this.
• Characteristic signs are tachycardia, light-​headedness, sweating and
pallor. This may progress to confusion, restlessness, incomprehensible
speech, double vision, convulsions and coma. If untreated, permanent
brain damage will occur, made worse by hypotension and hypoxia.
• Anaesthetised patients may not show any of these signs. Monitor
blood sugar preoperatively and then hourly if stable, and suspect
hypoglycaemia with unexplained changes in the patient’s condition.
• If hypoglycaemia occurs, give 75mL of 20% glucose over 15min
or 150mL of 10% glucose, and repeat blood glucose after 15min.
Alternatively, give 1mg of glucagon (IM or IV); 10–​20g (2–​4 teaspoons)
of sugar by mouth or an NGT is an alternative.
Transferring from a variable-​rate intravenous insulin
infusion to subcutaneous insulin or oral treatment
Restarting oral hypoglycaemic medication
• Recommence oral hypoglycaemic agents once the patient is ready to
eat and drink.
• Be prepared to withhold or reduce sulfonylureas if the food intake is
likely to be reduced.
• Metformin should only be recommenced if the eGFR >50mL/​min/​
Restarting subcutaneous insulin for patients already established on insulin
• Conversion to SC insulin should be delayed until the patient is able to
eat and drink without nausea and vomiting.
• Should take place when the next meal-​related SC insulin dose is due.
• Restart the normal presurgical regime. Be aware that insulin
requirement may change due to postoperative stress, infection or
altered food intake.
• Consult the diabetes team if blood sugar is outside the acceptable range
• Ensure overlap between the VRIII and the 1st injection of the fast-​acting
insulin. The fast-​acting insulin should be injected SC with the meal, and
the VRIII discontinued 30–​60min later.
Diabetes mellitus 221

For patients on basal bolus insulin

• If the patient was previously on a long-​acting insulin analogue, such as
Lantus® or Levemir®, this should have been continued and so the patient
only needs to restart their normal short-​acting insulin at the next meal.
For patients on continuous subcutaneous insulin
• Commence the SC insulin infusion at their normal basal rate as long as
not at bedtime.
• VRIII should be continued until the next meal bolus has been given.
Further reading
Barker P, Creasey PE, Dhatariya K, et al.; Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
(2015). Peri-​operative management of the surgical patient with diabetes. Anaesthesia, 70,
Simpson AK, Levy N, Hall GM (2008). Perioperative IV fluids in diabetic patients—​don’t forget the
salt. Anaesthesia, 63, 1043–​5.

222 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

A rare clinical syndrome caused by overproduction of growth hormone
from the anterior pituitary. Patients may present for pituitary surgery (see
% pp. 567–8) or require surgery unrelated to their pituitary pathology.
Preoperative assessment
• Cardiac assessment for hypertension (30%), IHD, cardiomyopathy,
heart failure, conduction defects and valvular disease.
• Possible difficult airway management and intubation due to large
head and tongue, hypertrophy of the larynx and trachea, vocal cord
thickening and strictures and chondrocalcinosis of the larynx. Consider
direct/​indirect laryngoscopy preoperatively if vocal cord or laryngeal
pathology is suspected.
• Enlargement of the thyroid (25%) may compress the trachea.
• Twenty-​five per cent of patients have diabetes.
• Snoring and daytime somnolence may indicate sleep apnoea (70%).
Chronic OSA can cause elevated PAP.
• Kyphoscoliosis may worsen respiratory function.
• Medications: somatostatin analogues (octreotide, lanreotide) may cause
vomiting and diarrhoea. Bromocriptine, a long-​acting dopamine agonist,
is often used to lower growth hormone levels and can cause severe
postural hypotension.
• Symptoms and signs of raised ICP or nerve compression (e.g. carpal
tunnel syndrome).
• ECG as routine. Echocardiogram if patient symptomatic or has
• CXR if cardiorespiratory problems.
• Blood glucose.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Large face masks, long-​bladed laryngoscopes and gum elastic
bougies may make airway management and intubation easier. Use a
videolaryngoscope (VL) if available. AFOI is the technique of choice
for patients with anticipated difficult intubation. More problems
experienced with extubation than intubation.
• A long table may be required.
• Nerve compression syndromes are common, so take care to protect
vulnerable areas (ulnar nerve at the elbow, median nerve at the wrist,
and common peroneal nerve below the knee).
Further reading
Menon R, Murphy P, Lindley A (2011). Anaesthesia and pituitary disease. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit
Care Pain, 11, 133–​7.
Nemergut EC, Dumont AS, Barry UJ, et al. (2005). Perioperative management of patients under-
going transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. Anesth Analg, 101, 1170–​81.
Thyroid disease 223

Thyroid disease
May present for thyroidectomy (see % pp. 710–13) or non-​thyroid surgery.
General considerations for non-​thyroid surgery
• Commonly due to autoimmune thyroid destruction.
• CVS complications include d blood volume, d CO (up to 50%),
bradycardia, hypotension and IHD. Pericardial effusions also occur.
• Respiratory muscle weakness, impaired hypoxic/​hypercapnic drive
and OSA.
• Also associated with anaemia, hypoglycaemia, hyponatraemia,
i thrombotic tendency, impaired hepatic drug metabolism and renal
clearance affecting drug clearance.
• Reduced gastric motility and i postoperative ileus.
• If clinical evidence of hypothyroidism, delay elective surgery to obtain
a euthyroid state. Liaise with an endocrinologist. Suggest levothyroxine
(T4), starting dose 50 micrograms, increasing to 100–​200 micrograms
PO over several weeks. The elderly are susceptible to angina and heart
failure after thyroxine replacement due to i cardiac work. Start with
25 micrograms T4, and increase by 25 micrograms at 3-​to 4-​weekly
• If surgery is urgent, use liothyronine (T3), 10–​50 micrograms slow IV
injection with ECG monitoring (consider half dose if suspected cardiac
• Euthyroid sick syndrome refers to suppression of serum thyroid
hormone occurring in euthyroid patients due to concurrent illness.
Subclinical hypothyroidism is a risk factor for postoperative AF, but
there is no clear evidence hormone replacement should be given in this
• Myxoedema coma is an emergency with mortality of up to 80%.
Presents with confusion, drowsiness, bradycardia, hypotension and
hypothermia. May be precipitated by infection or cold and require IV
thyroxine replacement.
Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis)
• Typically presents with weight loss, hypertension, sweating and cardiac
arrhythmias (especially AF). Treatment is with carbimazole (30–​45mg
PO daily for 6–​8w). This inhibits iodination of tyrosyl residues in
thyroglobulin. Occasionally, in severe cases with a large thyroid, Lugol’s
iodine is substituted 10d preoperatively to reduce gland vascularity.
• β-​blockade is started if there are signs of tremor or palpitations.
Non-​cardioselective β-​blockers (propranolol 30–​60mg tds) are most
effective. β1-​adrenergic blockade treats tachycardia and β2-​adrenergic
blockade prevents the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. Calcium
channel blockers are an alternative for those with reactive airway

224 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Preoperative assessment
• Elective surgery should only occur when patient is euthyroid (HR
<80bpm, no hand tremor). Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism
usually have no anaesthetic problems and no delay is needed.5
• A goitre can cause respiratory obstruction, so look for tracheal
deviation and retrosternal extension. Look for evidence of tracheal
compression with shortness of breath (may be positional), dysphagia
and stridor (occurs with 50% compression). Infiltrating carcinoma may
make any neck movement difficult and is an independent predictor of
difficult intubation.
• SVC obstruction can occur. Look for distended neck veins that do not
change with respiration.
• Check for other autoimmune disorders.
(See % pp. 710–11.)
Conduct of anaesthesia
Hypothyroid patients
• Give all drugs slowly. Susceptible to profound hypotension, which may
be relatively resistant to the effects of catecholamine therapy.
• Actively warm as low metabolic rate predisposes to hypothermia.
• Tendency to hypoventilate; controlled ventilation is recommended.
• Drug metabolism is slower, so reduce the dose of relaxants and opioids
and monitor twitch response.
Hyperthyroid patients
• Continue β-​blockade to reduce the possibility of a thyroid storm.
• Consider invasive arterial BP monitoring.
Special considerations
Thyroid storm
• A life-​threatening exacerbation of the hyperthyroid state, with evidence
of decompensation in one or more organ systems (mortality 20–​30%).
• Usually presents 6–​24h post-​surgery with fever (>40°C), sweating,
sinus tachycardia (>140bpm), coma, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
• If presents intraoperatively, may be difficult to distinguish from MH.
Higher mixed venous partial pressure of CO2 and higher creatine kinase
(CK) in MH.
• Rehydrate with IV 0.9% sodium chloride and glucose.
• Treat hyperthermia with tepid sponging and paracetamol. Do not
give NSAIDs or aspirin, as they displace thyroid hormone from serum
binding sites.
• Give propranolol (1mg increments, up to 10mg), with CVS monitoring,
to decrease the pulse rate to <90bpm. Alternatively, give esmolol
(loading dose 250–​500 micrograms/​kg, followed by 50–​100
• Give hydrocortisone (200mg IV qds) to treat adrenal insufficiency and
to decrease T4 release and conversion to T3 at very high levels.
Thyroid disease 225

• Give propylthiouracil (1g loading dose via NGT, followed by 200–​300mg

qds). This inhibits thyroid hormone release and also decreases the
peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 (not immediate).
• After blockade by propylthiouracil, give sodium iodide (500mg tds IV),
potassium iodide (five drops qds via NGT) or Lugol’s iodine (5–​10
drops qds via NGT).
Hypothyroid coma
• A rare form of decompensated hypothyroidism (mortality 15–​20%),
precipitated by infection, trauma, cold and CNS depressants.
• Characterised by coma, hypoventilation, bradycardia, hypotension and
severe dilutional hyponatraemia.
• Rehydrate with IV glucose and 0.9% sodium chloride.
• May require cardiorespiratory stabilisation and ventilation.
• Warm slowly. Sudden warming may lead to extreme peripheral
• Give stress-​dose steroids (e.g. hydrocortisone 100mg qds IV), in case
they have concomitant 1° or 2° adrenal insufficiency, a common result
of hypothyroidism.
• Give levothyroxine 200–​400 micrograms IV bolus, followed by 100
micrograms the next day, less in patients with CVS disease. Consider
a combination of IV T3 and T4, particularly if urgent surgery required.
The conversion of T4 to T3 is suppressed in hypothyroid coma, and
T3 is more active than T4. In hypothyroid coma give 5–20 micrograms
liothyronine sodium IV, every 12h; can be increased to 5–20
micrograms every 4h if required.
• Transfer to ICU.
Further reading
Palace MR (2017). Perioperative management of thyroid dysfunction. Health Serv Insights, 10,
Manzullo EF, Ross DS (2014). Non-​thyroid surgery in the patient with thyroid disease. UpToDate. M
Bahn RS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, et al. (2011). Hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxi-
cosis: management guidelines of the American Thyroid Association and American Association of
Clinical Endocrinologists. Thyroid, 21, 593–​646.

226 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Parathyroid disorders
General considerations
The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), which acts on
the bones and kidneys to increase serum Ca2+ and decrease serum phos-
phate. It stimulates osteoclasts to release Ca2+ and phosphate into the ECF
and simultaneously increases phosphate excretion and Ca2+ reabsorption in
the kidney. Patients may present for parathyroidectomy (see % pp. 714–15)
and non-​parathyroid-​related surgery.
• 1° hyperthyroidism: usually an adenoma causing high PTH, high
Ca2+ and low phosphate. Associated with familial multiple endocrine
neoplasia (MEN) type 1. Tumours rarely palpable and are located at
surgery. Methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) up to 1mg/​kg is
given preoperatively to localise the parathyroid gland.
• Fifty per cent of cases are asymptomatic, and presentation is often
subtle. May present with anorexia, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting and
constipation, hypertension, shortened QT interval, polydipsia, polyuria,
renal calculi, depression, poor memory and drowsiness.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
• Results from compensatory parathyroid hypertrophy due to chronic
low Ca2+. Complicates CKD.
• Parathyroid hyperplasia causes high PTH, normal or low Ca2+ level and
a high phosphate level.
• Usually presents as excessive bone resorption (seen earliest in the radial
aspect of the middle phalanx of the 2nd digit) or calcification of the
vascular system, organs and soft tissues.
• Treat medically with dietary phosphate restriction and calcium and
vitamin D supplements. Medical therapy fails in 5–​10% of patients on
long-​term dialysis and surgery becomes necessary.
• Risks of surgery are bleeding, recurrent hyperparathyroidism,
hypoparathyroidism and injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerves.
Patients should undergo dialysis within 1d of surgery and then 48h
postoperatively or as required.
• Watch for postoperative hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia.
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism
• Parathyroid hyperplasia progresses to autonomous secretion, behaving
like an adenoma. Excessive secretion of PTH continues, despite
correction of renal failure. Only a few cases require operation.
Hypercalcaemic crisis
• Occurs most commonly in the elderly with undiagnosed
hyperparathyroidism and with malignant disease. Dehydration
results in anorexia and nausea/​vomiting which exacerbates the cycle.
Characterised by weakness, lethargy, mental changes, abdominal pain
and coma.
• Serum Ca2+ >4.5mmol/​L is life-​threatening and can be rapidly, but
transiently lowered with phosphate (500mL of 0.1M neutral solution
over 6–​8h).
Parathyroid disorders 227

• Rehydration is the 1° treatment (4–​6L of fluid often required).

• Pamidronate (60mg in 500mL of 0.9% sodium chloride over 4h) is the
1st-​line treatment. Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of osteoclastic
bone resorption. Effect is rapid and long-​lasting.
• Calcitonin, 3–​4U/​kg IV, then 4U/​kg SC bd, causes a rapid, but
temporary decrease in skeletal release of Ca2+ and phosphate.
• The 2nd-​line treatment, once volume repletion has been achieved, is
forced 0.9% sodium chloride diuresis with furosemide (40mg IV every
4h). Loop diuretics decrease the proximal tubular resorption of Ca2+.
Consider central pressure monitoring in the elderly at risk of LV failure.
• Hydrocortisone (200–​400mg IV daily) in patients with malignancy.
• Dialysis is reserved for patients with renal failure.
Perioperative plan
(See % p. 715.)
• If serum Ca2+ <3mmol/​L, with no ECG changes or end-​organ
impairment, then proceed with the operation.
• If serum Ca2+ >3mmol/​L, ECG is abnormal or CVS or renal
impairment, the operation should be postponed until after treatment.
• Usually caused by parathyroidectomy, but post-​radiotherapy and
idiopathic cases also occur. Patients with a history of extensive neck
dissection should have serum Ca2+ measured before surgery.
• Results in hypocalcaemia (ionised Ca2+ <0.9mmol/​L, corrected
Ca2+ <2.2mmol/​L). Trough level usually occurs at 20h following
parathyroidectomy and normalises by d3.
• Corrected Ca2+ is total Ca2+ corrected to albumin concentration; add
0.1mmol/​L to Ca2+ for each 5g/​L albumin is below 40g/​L.
• The presenting features are due to low Ca2+ levels and manifest as
carpopedal spasm, tetany, dysrhythmia, hypotension and prolonged P–​R
interval on ECG.
• Treat with Ca2+ (calcium gluconate 10mL 10% IV over 10min, followed
by 40mL in 1L of 0.9% sodium chloride over 8h).
• Low serum magnesium is also common and can be treated with
magnesium sulfate (1–​5mmol IV slowly).
Further reading
Sasidharan P, Johnston IG (2009). Parathyroid physiology and anaesthesia. Anaesthesia tutorial of the week.
M https://​​Documents/​142%20Anaesthesia%20&%20the%20parathyroid%20

228 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Adrenocortical insufficiency
Primary adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison’s disease)
Destruction of adrenal cortex by autoimmune disease (75%), infection
(tuberculosis (TB)), septicaemia, acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS), haemorrhage, metastases, and surgery. Associated with gluco-
corticoid and mineralocorticoid deficiency.
Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency
Insufficient adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) to stimulate the ad-
renal cortex due to pituitary suppression by exogenous steroids or gen-
eralised hypopituitarism usually from pituitary or hypothalamic tumours.
Associated with glucocorticoid deficiency only.
Clinical features of adrenal insufficiency
Weakness, fatigue (100%), nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss (60%),
myalgia and joint pain. Some features more pronounced or found only in
Addison’s disease: skin hyperpigmentation (90%), postural hypotension
(90%) and salt craving. Skin pallor found only in 2° insufficiency.
Acute adrenal crisis
Medical emergency characterised by dizziness, weakness, sweating, abdom-
inal pain, nausea and vomiting or coma.
Causes may be inadequate stress-​related steroid replacement in patients
with chronic adrenal insufficiency, adrenal haemorrhage or pituitary apo-
plexy (apoplexy is defined as a sudden neurological impairment, usually due
to a vascular process, i.e. infarction or haemorrhage).
• Serum shows: low glucose, low Na+ (90%) and raised K+ (70%). Ca2+,
urea and creatinine are raised in Addison’s disease only.
• Table 9.4 shows biochemical diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency.
• Hydrocortisone, 20mg in the morning and 10mg at night PO.
• Fludrocortisone, 0.1mg PO, to replace aldosterone in Addison’s disease.
Perioperative management of patients with Addison’s
• Joint care with an endocrinologist is advisable.
• Give all medication on the morning of surgery.
• For any nil-​by-​mouth regime, give IV 0.9% sodium chloride to prevent
dehydration and maintain mineralocorticoid stability.
• Hydrocortisone 100mg before surgery, then continuous infusion at rate
of 200mg/​24h intraoperatively. Postoperatively, the infusion can be
reduced to 100mg/​24h infusion or give 50mg 6-​hourly.
• Once eating and drinking, start double normal dose for 48h, extended
to 1w if recovery complicated.
• It is worth noting that 20mg hydrocortisone is equivalent to 0.05mg
fludrocortisone, so with hydrocortisone doses of 50mg or more,
mineralocorticoid replacement in 1° adrenal insufficiency can be reduced.
• If any postoperative complications arise, e.g. fever, delay the return to
normal dose.
• Four-​hourly blood glucose and daily electrolytes.
Adrenocortical insufficiency 229

Table 9.4 Biochemical diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency

Test Normal range Definite adrenal insufficiency

1° 2°
Early morning 165–​680nmol/​L Cortisol <165nmol/​L and Cortisol
cortisol ACTH >22.0pmol/​L <100nmol/​L
Early morning 1.1–​11.0pmol/​L Not diagnostic
Standard short Peak cortisol Peak cortisol <500nmol/​L Peak cortisol
Synacthen® test* >500nmol/​L <500nmol/​L
Insulin Peak cortisol Peak cortisol
tolerance test** >500nmol/​L <500nmol/​L

Serum cortisol at 0 and 30min after 250 micrograms of Synacthen® IV.
Serum glucose and cortisol at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90min after insulin (0.1–​0.15 units/​kg IV).
Test only valid if symptomatic hypoglycaemia (serum glucose <2.2mmol/​L) is achieved. Gold
standard test—​close supervision mandatory.

Adrenal crisis (Addisonian crisis)

• Classically presents as hypotension, hyponatraemia, hyperkalaemia and
hypoglycaemia with abdominal pain.
• Can resemble hypovolaemic shock but can also mimic septic shock with
fever, peripheral vasodilation and high CO.
• In patients with type 1 diabetes, deterioration of glycaemic control with
recurrent hypoglycaemia can be a presenting sign of a crisis.
• O2 100% and ventilatory support if necessary. Refer to ICU/​HDU.
• IV fluids to restore blood volume, 0.9% sodium chloride to replace Na+
deficit initially at 1000mL/​h and glucose for hypoglycaemia.
• Baseline cortisol and ACTH prior to hydrocortisone.
• Hydrocortisone 200mg, followed by 100mg qds. If given IV, no faster
than 10mg/​min to avoid vascular damage.
• Dexamethasone 4mg IV can be given if the diagnosis has not been
confirmed, since this does not interfere with the measurement of
cortisol and ACTH stimulation testing.
• Vasopressor resistance may occur before steroid replacement.
• Treat the precipitating cause.
Relative adrenal insufficiency in the critically ill
• Relative hypoadrenalism in ICU patients occurs in 730–​50% of septic
patients. Consider in patients with increasing inotrope/​vasopressor
requirements or prolonged mechanical ventilation. Treat with 200mg
hydrocortisone IV.
• Abnormal short Synacthen® test is a poor prognostic indicator.
Further reading
Wass J, Howlett T, Arlt W, et al. (2017). Surgical guidelines for Addison’s disease and other forms of
adrenal insufficiency. Addison’s Disease Self-​Help Group Surgical Guidelines, A5. M https://​www.​surgery
Bornstein SR, Allolio B, Arlt W, et al. (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal insuffi-
ciency: an Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 101, 364–​89.

230 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

The patient on steroids

Steroids are commonly used to suppress inflammatory and immunological
responses, as well as in treatment of adrenocortical insufficiency. These
patients may develop perioperative complications from their underlying
disease or from a potentially impaired stress response due to hypothalamic–​
pituitary–​adrenal (HPA) suppression. Recent research suggests that small,
physiological replacement doses are adequate. Table 9.5 shows the AoA
guidance on recommended doses for intra-​and postoperative steroid
cover in adults receiving adrenosuppressive doses of steroids (equivalent
to ≥5mg prednisolone).

Table 9.5 AoA guidelines on adult glucocorticoid replacement (2020)

Intraoperative Postoperative
Major 100mg hydrocortisone at Reduce infusion rate by
surgery and induction, then initiate infusion at 50% and normal dose
CS rate 200mg/​24h. Alternatively, when eating
6–​8mg dexamethasone at Complicated recovery:
induction will suffice for 24h continue double normal
dose for 2–​7d or until
complications resolve
Body As above Double regular dose for 2d
surface +
Bowel HPA suppression possible: Double normal dose for 24h
procedures IV fluids + 100mg
hydrocortisone IV for bowel
prep and induction
HPA suppression unlikely:
continue normal dose
(equivalent IV dose if nil by
Labour Hydrocortisone 100mg IV at
onset of labour, followed by
infusion at rate 200mg/​24h
Source: data from Woodcock, T et al. (2020) Guidelines for the management of glucocorticoids
during the peri-​operative period for patients with adrenal insufficiency. Anaesthesia, 75:654–​63.

Hypothalamic–​pituitary–​adrenal suppression
• Endogenous cortisol (hydrocortisone) production is of the order of
25–​30mg/​24h (following a circadian pattern). During stress induced by
major surgery, it rises to 75–​100mg/​d and can remain elevated for a
variable period of time (up to 72h following cardiac surgery).
• Prednisolone is a synthetic glucocorticoid with the general properties of
corticosteroids. Prednisolone exceeds hydrocortisone in glucocorticoid
and anti-​inflammatory activity, being 3–​4 times more potent on a
weight basis than the parent hormone; however, it is less active than
The patient on steroids 231

hydrocortisone in mineralocorticoid activity. It is often given PO for

chronic conditions to limit water retention. In contrast, hydrocortisone
can be given IV or PO, making it suitable for use perioperatively (for
conversion, see Box 9.1). Its high mineralocorticoid activity and resulting
fluid retention make it unsuitable for chronic disease suppression.
• Fludrocortisone is available only in the oral preparation. It may be
withheld on the day of surgery and while the patient is receiving stress
doses of hydrocortisone.
• Low-​dose steroid treatment (<10mg prednisolone per day) usually
carries little danger of HPA suppression.
• HPA suppression may occur after PO, topical, parenteral, nebulised and
inhaled routes (e.g. 1500 micrograms/​d beclometasone).
• HPA suppression can be measured using various methods. In practice,
the short Synacthen® (corticotropin) test is reliable and cheap.
• Patients are given 250 micrograms IV Synacthen® (synthetic
corticotropin), and serum cortisol is measured at 0, 30 and 60min.
Normal peak cortisol (420–​700nmol/​L) indicate the ability of the
patient to mount a stress response. Insulin tolerance tests can be
performed under the supervision of an endocrinologist, for equivocal

Box 9.1 Steroid equivalence

Prednisolone 5mg equivalent to: Hydrocortisone 20mg
Methylprednisolone 4mg
Betamethasone 750 micrograms
Dexamethasone 750 micrograms
Cortisone acetate 25mg
Deflazacort 6mg
Triamcinolone 4mg

Further reading
Woodcock T, Barker P, Daniel S, et al. (2020). Guidelines for the management of glucocorticoids
during the peri-​operative period for patients with adrenal insufficiency. Anaesthesia, 75, 654–​63.
Liu MM, Reidy AB, Saatee S, et al. (2017). Perioperative steroid management: approaches based on
current evidence. Anesthesiology, 127, 166–​72.

232 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Cushing’s syndrome
Cushing’s syndrome describes excess plasma cortisol. Commonly caused
by overtreatment with steroids. The 2nd commonest cause is a pituitary ad-
enoma (Cushing’s disease). Ectopic ACTH (e.g. oat cell carcinoma of lung),
adrenal adenoma and adrenal carcinoma are also possible causes.
Clinical features
• Round ‘moon’ face, truncal obesity, bruised and fragile skin
• Proximal myopathy and osteoporosis
• High Na+, bicarbonate (HCO3–​) and glucose; low K+ and Ca2+.
• High plasma cortisol with loss of diurnal variation (peak 6 a.m., trough
midnight). Normal cortisol range 7140–​700nmol/​L dependent on time
of day and clinical context.
• i urinary 17-​(OH)-​steroids.
• Loss of suppression with dexamethasone 2mg.
• ACTH level high with ectopic ACTH, normal/​high in pituitary disease
and low with adrenal disease or ectopic cortisol administration.
Preoperative assessment
• Many patients have ECG abnormalities (high-​voltage QRS and inverted
T waves), which may make IHD difficult to exclude. These will revert to
normal after curative surgery.
• Eighty-​five per cent of patients are hypertensive, often poorly
controlled, and LVH should be looked for.
• Sleep apnoea and gastro-​oesophageal reflux are common and difficult
intubation should be anticipated if facial adipose tissue i.
• Sixty per cent of patients have diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance
and a VRIII may be appropriate (see % p. 219).
• Obesity may make venous access difficult.
• Patients are at risk of peptic ulcer disease, so give prophylactic antacid
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Position the patient carefully intraoperatively due to i risk of pressure
sores and fractures 2° to fragile skin and osteoporosis.
Further reading
Nieman LK, Biller BMK, Findling JW, et al. (2015). Treatment of Cushing’s syndrome: an Endocrine
society clinical guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 100, 2807–​31.
Domi R (2011). Cushing's surgery: role of the anesthesiologist. Indian J Endocrinol Metab, 15, 322–​8.
Conn’s syndrome 233

Conn’s syndrome
Excess of aldosterone produced from an adenoma (60%) or benign hyper-
plasia of the adrenal gland (35–​40%) or an adrenal carcinoma (rare).
General considerations
Aldosterone promotes active reabsorption of Na+ and excretion of K+
through the renal tubules. Water is retained with Na+, resulting in an in-
crease in ECF volume. To a lesser extent, there is also tubular secretion of
H+ ions and Mg2+, resulting in a metabolic alkalosis.
Clinical features
• Refractory hypertension, hypervolaemia, metabolic alkalosis.
• Spontaneous hypokalaemia (K+ <3.5mmol/​L); moderately severe
hypokalaemia (K+ <3.0mmol/​L) during diuretic therapy despite PO K+.
• Muscle weakness, especially in ethnic Chinese, 2° to hypokalaemia.
• Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 2° to renal tubular damage.
• Impaired glucose tolerance in 750% of patients.
Preoperative assessment for adrenalectomy
• Spironolactone, a competitive aldosterone antagonist, is given
to reverse the metabolic and electrolyte effects and restore
normovolaemia. Doses of up to 400mg/​d may be required.
• The patient should have normal serum K+ and HCO3–​ if possible.
• Hypertension is usually mild and well controlled on spironolactone.
• Calcium channel blockers, such as nifedipine, are effective
antihypertensive agents with aldosterone-​secreting adenomas.
• Aldosterone (pg/​mL) to renin (nanograms/​mL/​h) ratio >400.
• 2° hyperaldosteronism: raised serum aldosterone, but normal ratio.
• Important to distinguish between adenoma and hyperplasia as adenoma
is usually treated surgically and hyperplasia medically.
• Adrenal vein sampling, radiolabelling, CT and MRI are all used.
Conduct of anaesthesia for adrenalectomy
Unilateral adrenalectomy should ideally be performed laparoscopically.
Handling of the adrenal gland during surgery can cause CVS instability but is
not as severe as with a phaeochromocytoma (see % pp. 716–19).
• A short-​acting α-​blocker should be available (phentolamine 1mg
boluses IV).
• Check blood glucose perioperatively.
• Chronic hypokalaemia has an antagonistic action upon insulin secretion/​
release and may result in abnormal glucose tolerance with the stress of
Postoperative care
• K+ supplements and spironolactone should be discontinued
• Give hydrocortisone IV postoperatively until the patient can tolerate
oral hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone.
• Hypertension may persist after removal of the adenoma, presumably
due to permanent changes in vascular resistance.

234 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Management of patients with Conn’s syndrome for non-​

adrenal surgery
Such patients usually have bilateral hyperplasia of the zona glomerulosa.
Hypertension is usually more severe and may require additional therapy
(ACE inhibitors are useful). Try to restore K+ to normal value preopera-
tively. Perform CVS assessment as for any hypertensive patient.
Further reading
Funder JW, Carey RM, Mantero F, et al. (2016). The management of primary aldosteronism: case de-
tection, diagnosis and treatment: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab, 101, 1889–​916.
Apudomas 235

Tumours of amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells
which are present in the anterior pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal me-
dulla, GI tract, pancreatic islets, carotid bodies and lungs. Apudomas in-
clude phaeochromocytoma, carcinoid tumour, gastrinoma, VIPomas and
insulinoma and may occur as part of the MEN syndrome. In 2017, the
European Neuroendocrine Society released guidance on perioperative
management of neuroendocrine tumours.1
(See % pp. 716–19.)
Carcinoid tumours
• Carcinoid tumours are derived from argentaffin cells and produce
peptides and amines. They occur in the GI tract (75%), bronchus,
pancreas and gonads. Mainly benign, but of those that are malignant,
only about a quarter release vasoactive substances into the systemic
circulation, leading to the carcinoid syndrome.
• Mediators are metabolised in the liver; carcinoid syndrome thus
occurs if: (1) liver metastasis; (2) tumour drainage bypasses the portal
circulation; and (3) precursors are so copious they overwhelm hepatic
enzyme capacity, e.g. high lymph node metastasis burden.
• Niacin deficiency or pellagra can occur due to the consumption of
niacin in serotonin production.
• Vasoactive substances include serotonin, bradykinin, histamine,
substance P, prostaglandins and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).
• Patients with an asymptomatic carcinoid tumour have simple carcinoid
disease and do not present particular anaesthetic difficulties.
• Patients with carcinoid syndrome can be extremely difficult to manage
• Symptoms such as flushing (multiple episodes a day) are predictive of
sequelae such as carcinoid heart disease.
Carcinoid syndrome
• Affects about 10% of patients with carcinoid tumours.
• Patients may have symptoms related to the tumour (e.g. intestinal
obstruction or haemoptysis).
• Vasoactive peptides result in intermittent flushing, especially of the
head, neck and torso (90%), or diarrhoea (78%), which may lead to
dehydration and electrolyte disturbances.
• Other symptoms include bronchospasm (20%), hypotension,
hypertension, tachycardia and hyperglycaemia.
• Twenty per cent of patients have heart disease related to carcinoid.
Endocardial fibrosis of the pulmonary and tricuspid valves leads to right
heart failure, so consider an echocardiogram preoperatively. ECG may
show RV hypertrophy.
NT-​proBNP has been shown to be predictive of both heart disease and
• Check FBC, electrolytes, LFTs and clotting if metastases present.
• X-​match blood.
(See % pp. 720–1 for conduct of anaesthesia.)

236 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

• Excess production of gastrin by benign adenoma, malignancy or
hyperplasia of D cells of the pancreatic islets.
• Gastrin stimulates acid production from gastric parietal cells. Leads to
Zollinger–​Ellison syndrome, severe peptic ulceration and diarrhoea.
• May also have GI bleeds, perforation, electrolyte disturbance and
volume depletion.
• Treatment includes high-​dose PPIs (e.g. omeprazole), H2 receptor
antagonists and octreotide.
• May present for surgery related to gastrinoma, e.g. perforation, or
pancreatic resection of the tumour or a totally unrelated pathology.
Actively look for anaemia from gastric ulceration and coagulopathy from
liver dysfunction.
• Patients require perioperative invasive pressure monitoring for major
• Continue omeprazole postoperatively (up to 60–​80mg/​day), as the
gastric mucosa may have become hypertrophied, producing excess acid.
• Rare tumour secreting VIP which leads to Verner–​Morrison syndrome.
• Characterised by profuse watery diarrhoea, intestinal ileus, abdominal
distension, confusion, hypokalaemia, achlorhydria, hypomagnesaemia,
hyperglycaemia, metabolic alkalosis and tetany.
• VIP inhibits gastrin release; therefore, give H2 receptor-​blocking drugs
preoperatively to prevent rebound gastric acid hypersecretion.
• Will often require a period of resuscitation with correction of fluid
losses and electrolytes prior to surgery.
• Treat medically with somatostatin analogues (octreotide). If this fails, try
steroids (such as methylprednisolone) and indometacin (a prostaglandin
• Sixty per cent malignant with liver metastases, so all warrant resection.
• Use invasive pressure monitoring for major surgery.
• ABG to check the acid–​base status and electrolytes.
• Rare tumour of β cells of the pancreas which secrete insulin.
• Whipple’s triad of clinical presentation: fasting hypoglycaemia,
symptoms of hypoglycaemia and relief of symptoms when glucose
is given.
• Diagnosis also made by a fasting blood glucose <2.2mmol/​L, i insulin,
i C-​peptide and no plasma sulfonylurea.
• Patients often have to eat high-​carbohydrate diets and limit exercise to
avoid hypoglycaemia; this predisposes to obesity and its sequelae.
• Medical treatment is used to reduce symptoms. Diazoxide (a non-​
diuretic benzothiazide which inhibits the release of insulin and stimulates
glycogenolysis) has been used but has unpredictable efficacy and is
avoided in hypoglycaemic presentations. Can cause significant fluid
retention and oedema.
• Octreotide is also used. It binds with somatostatin receptors on
insulinomas and decreases insulin secretion in 40–​60% of patients; it
can, however, worsen hypoglycaemia and should be monitored.
Apudomas 237

• Tumours rarely malignant, but if so, enucleation or pancreatic resection

• Start 10% glucose and K+ infusion preoperatively, and monitor blood
glucose closely perioperatively, particularly at the time of tumour
• Almost immediate rise in glucose once tumour resected (IV glucose
may be paused temporarily to observe for this).
• Tumour of α cells of the pancreas.
• Glucagon stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis,
resulting in i blood glucose and DM. Ketoacidosis is rare, since insulin is
also i.
• Characterised by a rash (necrotising migratory erythema which presents
in the groin/​perineum and migrates to the distal extremities).
• Often cachectic and may require antibiotics for skin infection.
• Associated with weight loss, glossitis, stomatitis, anaemia and diarrhoea.
• Patients usually have liver metastases at presentation.
• Treatment consists of surgical debulking and somatostatin analogues.
• i incidence of venous thrombosis and PE, so give prophylactic
antithrombotic therapy.
Further reading
Mancuso K, Kaye AD, Boudreaux JP, et al. (2011). Carcinoid syndrome and perioperative anesthetic
considerations. J Clin Anesth, 23, 329–​41.
Powell B, Al Mukhtar A, Mills GH (2011). Carcinoid: the disease and its implications for anaesthesia.
Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 11, 9–​13.

1 Kaltsas G, Caplin M, Davies P, Ferone D, et al.; Antibes Consensus Conference participants
(2017). ENETS Consensus Guidelines for the Standards of Care in Neuroendocrine Tumors:
pre-​and perioperative therapy in patients with neuroendocrine tumors. Neuroendocrinology, 105,

238 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Defined as plasma K+ <3.5mmol/​L.

• Mild • 3.0–​3.5mmol/​L
• Moderate • 2.5–​3.0mmol/​L
• Severe • <2.5mmol/​L
• d intake.
• i K+ loss: vomiting or nasogastric (NG) suctioning, diarrhoea, pyloric
stenosis, diuretics, renal tubular acidosis, hyperaldosteronism, Mg2+
depletion, leukaemia.
• Intercompartmental shift: insulin, alkalosis (pH increase of 0.1 decreases
K+ by 0.6mmol/​L), β2-​agonists and steroids.
Clinical manifestations
• ECG changes: T wave flattening and inversion, prominent U wave, ST-​
segment depression, prolonged P–​R interval.
• Dysrhythmias, d cardiac contractility.
• Skeletal muscle weakness, tetany, ileus, polyuria, impaired renal
concentrating ability, d insulin secretion, d growth hormone secretion,
d aldosterone secretion, negative nitrogen balance.
• Encephalopathy in patients with liver disease.
• Check U&E, creatinine, Ca2+, phosphate, Mg2+, HCO3–​ and glucose if
other electrolyte disturbances suspected. Hypokalaemia resistant to
treatment may be due to concurrent hypomagnesaemia.
• Exclude Cushing’s and Conn’s syndromes.
• Oral replacement is safest, up to 200mmol/​d, e.g. KCl (Sando-​K®) two
tablets qds = 96mmol K+.
• IV replacement: essential for patients with cardiac manifestations or
skeletal muscle weakness or where oral replacement not appropriate.
• Aim to increase K+ to 4.0mmol/​L if treating cardiac manifestations.
• Maximum concentration for peripheral administration is 40mmol/​L
(greater concentrations than this can lead to venous necrosis); 40mmol
KCl can be given in 100mL of 0.9% sodium chloride over 1h, but only
via an infusion device, with ECG monitoring, in an HDU/​ICU/​theatre
environment and via a central vein. Plasma K+ should be measured at
least hourly during rapid replacement. K+ depletion sufficient to cause
0.3mmol/​L drop in serum K+ requires a loss of 7100mmol of K+ from
total body store.
Hypokalaemia 239

Anaesthetic considerations
Predominant issue is risk of arrhythmia. Hypokalaemia is significantly as-
sociated with postoperative gastric transit delay, i.e. ileus, its own source
of morbidity.2
• Classically, K+ <3.0mmol/​L has led to postponement of elective
procedures (some controversy exists about this in the fit, non-​digitalised
patient who may well tolerate chronically lower K+ levels, e.g. 2.5mmol/​
L, without adverse events).
• For emergency surgery, if possible, replace K+ in the 24h prior to
surgery. Aim for levels of 3.5–​4.0mmol/​L. If this is not possible, use an
IV replacement regime, as documented earlier, intra-​/​perioperatively.
• If HCO3–​ is raised, then the loss is probably long-​standing with low
intracellular K+ and will take days to replace.
• May increase sensitivity to NMB; therefore, need to monitor.
• i risk of digoxin toxicity at low K+ levels. Aim for K+ of 4.0mmol/​L in a
digitalised patient.
Further reading
Freshwater-​Turner D (2006). Sodium, potassium and the anaesthetist. Anaesthesia UK. M https://​​article.aspx?articleid=100676

2 Zhu Q, Li X, Tan F, et al. (2018). Prevalence and risk factors for hypokalemia in patients sched-
uled for laparoscopic colorectal resection and its association with post-​operative recovery. BMC
Gastroenterol, 18, 152.

240 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Defined as plasma K+ >5.5mmol/​L.

• Mild • 5.5–​6.0mmol/​L
• Moderate • 6.1–​7.0mmol/​L
• Severe • >7.0mmol/​L
• i intake, e.g. IV administration, rapid blood transfusion.
• i urinary excretion, e.g. renal failure (acute or chronic), adrenocortical
insufficiency, drugs (K+-​sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors,
ciclosporin, etc.).
• Intercompartmental shift of K+, e.g. acidosis (H+ is taken into the cell,
in exchange for K+), rhabdomyolysis, trauma, MH, suxamethonium
(especially with burns or denervation injuries), familial periodic paralysis.
• Pseudohyperkalaemia due to in vitro haemolysis.
• Commonest risk factors are AKI, cardiovascular disease, CKD, diabetes
and drugs affecting CVS/​renal–​aldosterone–​angiotensin system.
Clinical manifestations
• ECG changes, progressing through peaked T waves, widened QRS,
prolonged P–​R interval, loss of P wave, loss of R wave amplitude, ST
depression, VF, asystole. ECG changes potentiated by low Ca2+, low Na+
and acidosis.
• Muscle weakness at K+ >8.0mmol/​L.
• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
• Treatment should be initiated if K+ >6.5mmol/​L or ECG changes
• Unlike hypokalaemia, the incidence of serious cardiac compromise
is high and therefore, intervention is important. Treat the cause, if
• Ensure IV access and cardiac monitor.
• Insulin 10 units in 50mL of 50% glucose IV over 30–​60min. This has
the fastest onset of action and is very effective in reducing serum K+ by
shifting K+ into the cells. Beware rebound occurs within 2h.
• β2-​agonist, salbutamol 5–​10mg nebulised, but beware tachycardia.
Should see a response at 30min and has a longer duration of action than
• 5–​10mL of 10% calcium gluconate or 3–​5mL of 10% calcium chloride.
Ca2+ stabilises the myocardium by increasing the threshold potential.
Rapid onset, short-​lived.
• If acidotic, give HCO3–​ 50mmol IV.
• Ion exchange resin: calcium polystyrene sulfonate (e.g. Resonium
calcium) 5g PO or 30g per rectum (PR) 8-​hourly. This binds K+ in
the gut.
• If initial management fails, consider dialysis or haemofiltration.
Hyperkalaemia 241

Anaesthetic considerations
• Do not consider elective surgery. If life-​threatening surgery, treat
hyperkalaemia first.
• Avoid Hartmann’s solution and suxamethonium; rocuronium is the
preferred choice, although suxamethonium has been used safely with K+
of 5.5.3 Monitor NMB, since effects may be accentuated.
• Avoid hypothermia and acidosis.
• Control ventilation to prevent respiratory acidosis.
• Monitor K+ regularly.
Further reading
Kovesdy CP (2017). Updates in hyperkalemia: outcomes and therapeutic strategies. Rev Endocr
Metab Disord, 18, 41–​7.

3 Schow AJ, Lubarsky DA, Olson RP, et al. (2002). Can succinylcholine be used safely in
hyperkalaemic patients? Anesth Analg, 95, 119–​22.

242 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Defined as serum Na+ <135mmol/​L.

• Mild 125–​134mmol/​L
• Moderate 120–​124mmol/​L
• Severe <120mmol/​L

ECF volume is directly proportional to total body Na+ content. Renal Na+
excretion ultimately controls the ECF volume and total body Na+ content.
To identify the causes of abnormalities of Na+, assess plasma and urinary
Na+ levels and the patient’s state of hydration. Causes are summarised in
Fig. 9.1. Presentation depends on speed of onset, rather than on absolute
Na+ level—​it is rare to get clinical signs if Na+ >125mmol/​L.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms, nausea/​vomiting, muscular weakness, head-
ache, lethargy, seizures, coma and respiratory depression.
Treatment of acute symptomatic hyponatraemia (<48h)
• Aim to raise serum Na+ by 2mmol/​L/​h until symptoms resolve.
Complete correction is unnecessary. May need to infuse hypertonic
(3%) sodium chloride at a rate of 1.2–​2.4mL/​kg/​h through a large vein
(can be i to 4–​6mL/​kg/​h if seizures/​coma). Care needed—​measure
Na+ levels hourly.
• In cases of fluid excess, give furosemide 20mg IV.
Treatment of chronic hyponatraemia
• Asymptomatic, fluid-​restrict to 1L/​d.
• Symptomatic (>48h): aim to correct serum Na+ by 5–​10mmol/​d. Rapid
correction (serum Na+ rise of >0.5mmol/​L/​h) can lead to central
pontine myelinolysis, subdural haemorrhage and cardiac failure.
• Hypovolaemic: correct with 0.9% sodium chloride (removes ADH
response that accentuates Na+/​water imbalance).
• Hypervolaemic: fluid-​restrict and give furosemide. For syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (secretion) (SIADH), also give
demeclocycline 300–​600mg/​d.
• Consult with an endocrinologist and treat the underlying cause.
Anaesthetic implications
• No elective surgery if Na+ <120mmol/​L or symptomatic
hyponatraemia. If surgery urgent, consult endocrinologist and assess
risk/​benefit ratio.
Further reading
Leise MD, Findlay JY (2017). Hyponatremia in the perioperative period: when and how to correct.
Clin Liver Dis, 9, 111–​14.
Sterns RH (2015). Disorders of plasma sodium—​causes, consequences and correction. N Engl J
Med, 372, 55–​65.
Serum sodium

Plasma osmolarity Plasma osmolarity

280–295 mmol/kg Plasma osmolarity >295mmol/kg

Hypovolaemic Hypervolaemic
Urinary sodium >20mmol/L
Urinary sodium ≤20mmol/L Urinary sodium Urinary sodium ≤20mmol/L
GI: fistula, diarrhoea, RENAL LOSS, e.g. RENAL FAILURE CIRRHOSIS
vomiting Renal failure HYPOTHYROIDISM
Urine osmolarity < serum osmolarity
Skin: sweat, burns Adrenocorticoid NEPHROTIC SYNDROME
Cirrhosis insufficiency PREGNANCY

Fig. 9.1 Diagnosis of hyponatraemia.


244 Chapter 9 Endocrine and metabolic disease

Defined as serum Na+ >145mmol/​L.

• Mild 145–​150mmol/​L
• Moderate 151–​160mmol/​L
• Severe >160mmol/​L

Caused by excessive salt intake or, more frequently, inadequate water in-
take. Important to assess the volume status.
Renal (loop/​osmotic diuretics, intrinsic renal disease, post-​obstruction) and
extrarenal (diarrhoea/​vomiting, burns, excessive sweating, fistulae).
Diabetes insipidus, insensible losses.
Na+ ingestion/​administration of hypertonic sodium chloride, Conn’s syn-
drome, Cushing’s syndrome.
• CNS symptoms likely if serum Na+ >155mmol/​L due to hyperosmolar
state and cellular dehydration, e.g. thirst, confusion, seizures and coma.
• Features depend on the cause, e.g. water deficiency will present with
hypotension, tachycardia and d skin turgor.
• Correct over at least 48h to prevent occurrence of cerebral oedema
and convulsions.
• Treat the underlying cause. Give oral fluids (water), if possible.
• Hypovolaemic (Na+ deficiency): 0.9% sodium chloride until
hypovolaemia corrected, then consider 0.45% sodium chloride.
• Euvolaemia (water depletion): estimate the total body water (TBW)
deficit; treat with 5% glucose.
• Hypervolaemic (Na+ excess): diuretics, e.g. furosemide 20mg IV and 5%
glucose; dialysis if required.
• Diabetes insipidus: replace urinary losses, and give desmopressin (1–​4
micrograms daily SC/​IM/​IV).
Anaesthetic implications
• No elective surgery if Na+ >155mmol/​L or hypovolaemic.
• Urgent surgery: consider CVP monitoring and be aware of dangers of
rapid normalisation of electrolytes.
Further reading
Bagshaw SM, Townsend DR, McDermid RC (2009). Disorders of sodium and water balance in hos-
pitalized patients. Can J Anaesth, 56, 151–​67.
Chapter 10 245

Bone, joint and connective

tissue disorders
David Howell
Rheumatoid arthritis 246
Ankylosing spondylitis 249
Systemic lupus erythematosus 250
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) 251
Scoliosis 251
Achondroplasia 252

246 Chapter 10 Bone, joint and connective tissue disorders

Rheumatoid arthritis
RA is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder, mainly involving synovial
joints, but with extra-​articular effects. Overall prevalence in the UK is 1.5
per 100 000 in ♂, and 3.6 per 100 000 in ♀, with a peak incidence in the
7th decade. It also affects children as Still’s disease. There is a higher-​than-​
average mortality due to both the disease itself and the presence of con-
current disorders.
Preoperative assessment
• Temporomandibular: assess for limited mouth opening.
• Cricoarytenoid: fixation of the cricoarytenoid joints may lead to voice
changes or even rarely to stridor from glottic stenosis. The larynx can
also be obstructed by amyloid or rheumatoid nodules. Minimal oedema
may lead to airway obstruction postoperatively.
• Atlantoaxial subluxation occurs in 725% of severe rheumatoid
patients, but of these, only a quarter will have neurological signs or
symptoms. Risk factors include disease duration >8y, glucocorticoid
use, seropositivity and nodular and erosive peripheral joint disease.
Enquire about tingling hands or neck pain, and assess the range of neck
movement (Table 10.1).
• Subaxial subluxation (i.e. below C2): >2mm loss of alignment is
significant. Look for this particularly if the patient has undergone
previous fusion at a higher level.
• Other joints: assess joint deformities with a view to positioning and
possible regional anaesthesia. Manual dexterity may be important if
planning to use standard PCA apparatus after surgery.
• CVS: i risk of CAD. Systemic vasculitis may lead to arterial occlusion in
various organs and Raynaud’s. They may have myocardial fibrosis and
amyloid or nodular involvement. Pericarditis and pericardial effusions
uncommon. Aortic incompetence and endocarditis rare. At risk of VTE.
• Respiratory: interstitial lung disease leading to restrictive defects may
also be 2° to drugs (fibrosing alveolitis, pneumonitis). Pulmonary
nodules. Pleural disease (pleuritis and effusions) and airway involvement
(obliterative bronchiolitis). Costochondral disease may reduce chest
wall compliance.
• Haematological: normocytic, normochromic anaemia of chronic
disease. Drug-​associated myelosuppression and NSAID-​associated
blood loss. Felty’s syndrome is a combination of splenomegaly
and neutropenia and may be associated with anaemia and
• Nervous system: central (due to axial involvement) and peripheral
compression neuropathies (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome).
• Sjögren’s syndrome and resultant dry eyes put patients at risk of corneal
ulceration under anaesthesia.
• Infections: common from the disease itself and drug effects.
• Renal and hepatic: CKD commonly from drugs, less frequently from
glomerulonephritis. d albumin, i fibrinogen and α-​1 acid glycoprotein
(acute phase protein).
• Fragile skin and difficult venous access.
Rheumatoid arthritis 247

Table 10.1 Atlantoaxial subluxation

Type Incidence Pathology Imaging

Anterior 80% Destruction of transverse >3mm between
ligament odontoid and arch
C1 forward on C2 of atlas in lateral
Exacerbated by neck flexion flexion
Posterior 5% Destruction of Loss of odontoid
odontoid peg peg on lateral neck
C1 backward on C2 extension
Exacerbated by neck
Vertical 10–​20% Odontoid moves >4.5mm movement
upward through foramen of odontoid above
magnum to compress the McGregor line
cervicomedullary junction (lateral view)
Destruction of lateral
masses of C1
Lateral Uncommon Destruction of C1/​C2 >2mm difference in
facet joints lateral alignment on
Spinal nerve + vertebral odontoid view
artery compression
Lateral/​rotation of C1
on C2

• Rheumatologist or spinal surgeon involvement is recommended
in patients with neurological symptoms or signs and in those with
persistent neck pain. Preoperative cervical spine flexion/​extension
views are controversial. Stabilisation surgery may be necessary before
elective surgery is undertaken. Specialist radiological advice should be
• PFTs should be carried out for patients with suspected respiratory
• Nasendoscopy preoperatively if suggestion of cricoarytenoid arthritis.
• Echocardiography is needed if there is valvular or pericardial
involvement and in symptomatic cardiac disease.
Drugs in the perioperative period
• Steroid use should be minimised prior to surgery. Steroid
supplementation if indicated (see % pp. 230–1).
• NSAIDs: continue to enable early mobilisation. Stop if postoperative
bleeding is a potential problem, hypotension or deterioration in renal
• DMARDs: these drugs include gold, penicillamine and
immunosuppressant drugs such as methotrexate, azathioprine,
cyclophosphamide, ciclosporin, leflunomide and sulfasalazine. Continue
as little evidence that omission reduces postoperative complications
(wound infections). If leucopenic or for high-​risk procedures, consult
with the rheumatologist.

248 Chapter 10 Bone, joint and connective tissue disorders

• Biological DMARDs include tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors

(etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab), IL (interleukin)-​1
inhibitors (anakinra), IL-​6 inhibitors (tocilizumab) and B-​cell inhibitors
(rituximab). The potential i risk of postoperative infection needs to be
balanced against the risk of perioperative flare. Consider ceasing at least
one dosing interval prior to surgery, or longer for high-​risk procedures.
Specifically, rituximab and tocilizumab should ideally be stopped 3–​6mo
and 4w, respectively, prior to elective surgery. Recommence around
14d postoperatively if uncomplicated postoperative course.
Operative considerations
• Consider regional anaesthesia (may be technically difficult), if possible,
to minimise the need for airway instrumentation.
• Unless it is certain that the cervical spine is stable, all rheumatoid
patients should be treated as if they have an unstable spine, given that
the majority of patients with atlantoaxial subluxation are asymptomatic.
Restriction of cervical spine motion (ROCSM) is necessary during
airway manipulation while the patient is unconscious. If intubation
is necessary, consider videolaryngoscopy or fibreoptic intubation
if difficulties are anticipated, and a smaller ETT in the setting of
cricoarytenoid disease.
• Blood conservation strategies in anaemic patients.
• Ensure careful positioning and padding/​protection of vulnerable areas.
Note comfortable position before induction, then try to maintain this
during surgery.
• Avoid hypothermia which may increase the risk of wound infection.
• Monitor for post-​extubation oedema from cricoarytenitis.
• Adequate pain control and physiotherapy for early mobilisation.
• DVT prophylaxis (see % pp. 59–61) until the patient is fully mobile.
• Maintain fluid intake, and monitor renal function.
Ankylosing spondylitis 249

Ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory arthritis of the sacroiliac joints and spine, leading to ankylosis
and ‘bamboo spine’. Associated with HLA-​B27 in >90% of cases. More
common in ♂, with peak age onset in the 3rd decade.
• Progressive kyphosis and fixation of the spine may hinder intubation.
Conventional intubation and tracheostomy may be impossible.
Atlantoaxial subluxation and myelopathy can occur rarely. There may
be limited mouth opening from temporomandibular involvement.
Use of intubating laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or videolaryngoscopy
described, but fibreoptic intubation usually preferred.
• At risk of occult cervical fracture with minimal trauma, so ensure the
head is supported and not left self-​supporting.
• Cricoarytenoid arthritis may make cords susceptible to trauma and
• Spinal anaesthesia is often difficult; consider using a paramedian
approach. Possible i risk of epidural haematoma with epidural block.
• Restrictive pulmonary disease from diminished chest expansion and
spinal mobility. Effective external cardiac massage may be impossible.
• Deformity leads to difficulty with positioning, particularly if a prone
position is required.
• Apical fibrosis, which contributes to the restrictive lung defect.
• AR (1%). Mitral valve involvement and conduction defects are rare.
• Amyloid may cause renal involvement.
• Cauda equina syndrome may occur in long-​standing cases.
• Side effects of NSAIDs and biological and non-​biological DMARDs (see
% pp. 247–8 and pp. 1155–6).

250 Chapter 10 Bone, joint and connective tissue disorders

Systemic lupus erythematosus

This is a chronic multisystem autoimmune disease, commonest in young
♀, especially in pregnancy. It is characterised by the presence of numerous
antibodies, including antinuclear antibody, and immune-​mediated tissue
Preoperative assessment
• Skin and joint involvement is common, as are oral and pharyngeal
• CVS: pericarditis in 15% of cases. Myocarditis, endocarditis and
conduction abnormalities are less common. Raynaud’s phenomenon
30%. CAD.
• Respiratory: infections and PEs common. Pleuritis and pleural effusion.
Pulmonary fibrosis less common.
• Neurological: cranial and peripheral nerve lesions may occur 2° to
arteritis and ischaemia. Transverse myelitis, leading to weakness or
paraplegia, is rare. Depression, psychosis and seizures are possible.
• Renal: glomerulonephritis, which may lead to nephrotic syndrome and
renal failure.
• Haematological: cytopenias, clotting disorders or hypercoagulable states
can occur. Immune thrombocytopenia or circulating anticoagulants (e.g.
antibodies to factor VIII) may be present. Up to a third of patients with
SLE may demonstrate features of antiphospholipid syndrome (see %
p. 289).
• Higher risk of CVE with antiphospholipid antibodies.
• Steroids and other immunosuppressant drugs are used.
• There may be absolute or relative contraindications to neuraxial blocks
in patients taking anticoagulants or in patients with coagulopathy (see
% p. 1110). The presence of a peripheral nerve lesion may be a relative
contraindication to neuraxial/​regional nerve blockade.
• Maintenance of normothermia may reduce the risk of infection, as well
as lessening the impact of Raynaud’s phenomenon, if present.
• Laryngeal erythema and oedema are common—​try to minimise trauma
to the airway.
• Consider hourly urine output and invasive monitoring.
• Steroid supplementation (see % pp. 230–1).
• Strict asepsis with invasive procedures, as i risk of infection.
• Perioperative VTE prophylaxis.
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) 251

Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)

A progressive multisystem disease characterised by widespread vascular
dysfunction and fibrosis of the skin and viscera.
The limited cutaneous form, comprising calcinosis, Raynaud’s, oe-
sophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia (CREST), is more
common (60% of cases) than the more aggressive diffuse cutaneous form,
which has more widespread effects and a high mortality.
The following may be relevant to anaesthesia:
• CVS: Raynaud’s, pericarditis or myocardial fibrosis. Conduction defects.
Pulmonary hypertension is common.
• Pulmonary: fibrosing alveolitis in both forms (40% in diffuse form).
• Renal: may develop renal crisis associated with malignant hypertension.
• GI: oesophageal reflux invariable.
• Airway: limited mouth opening and tightened skin around the face/​
neck, leading to difficult mask ventilation and intubation. Careful airway
instrumentation in setting of telangiectasia.
• Dermal thickening and contractures: difficulty with IV access and
• Immunosuppressant medication.

Progressive lateral curvature of the spine with added rotation. Scoliosis may
lead to an increasing restrictive ventilatory defect which, in turn, leads to
hypoxia, hypercapnia and pulmonary hypertension. Scoliosis may be idio-
pathic (775%) or 2° to other conditions with anaesthetic implications:
• Muscular dystrophies
• Poliomyelitis
• Cerebral palsy
• Friedreich’s ataxia
• Marfan syndrome and Ehlers–​Danlos syndrome.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Formal PFTs. Cobb angle exceeding 65° is likely to be associated with
compromised respiratory function.
• Check for pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure.
• Some muscular dystrophies may be associated with cardiac
abnormalities. Consider echocardiography (see % p. 318).
• May be difficult laryngoscopy.
• Neuraxial anaesthesia more difficult.
• Intraoperative spinal cord monitoring is recommended for all spinal
deformity corrective surgery (see % pp. 629–33).
• Invasive arterial monitoring and potential significant blood loss.
• Multimodal analgesia, including regional techniques (e.g. paravertebral
blocks) where possible.
• Plan for high dependency or intensive care in complex cases.

252 Chapter 10 Bone, joint and connective tissue disorders

The commonest form of dwarfism is caused by premature ossification of
bones, combined with normal periosteal bone formation, giving a charac-
teristic appearance of short limbs and a relatively normal cranium. The fol-
lowing should be noted:
• Large head and tongue, mid-​facial hypoplasia, obesity and small
larynx may lead to difficulties managing the airway. Laryngoscopy may
additionally be compromised by pectus carinatum.
• Foramen magnum stenosis is common. Avoid hyperextension during
• Central and peripheral venous access is often difficult.
• Use an appropriately sized BP cuff.
• OSA is common (see % pp. 73–5).
• Restrictive ventilatory defects may occur and can lead to pulmonary
• Regional techniques may be difficult.
• The back may be normal. The epidural space is often narrowed with
spinal canal stenosis. The volume of LA needed for a subarachnoid
and epidural block is reduced. Epidural over spinal anaesthesia may be
preferred due to ability to titrate to desired height.
• The patient is of normal intelligence.
Further reading
Holroyd CR, Seth R, Bukhari M, et al. (2019). British Society for Rheumatology biologic DMARD
safety guidelines in inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatology, 58, 220–​6.
Spiegel J, Hellman M (2015). Achondroplasia: implications and management strategies in anesthesia.
Anaesthesia News. M https://​​Review-​Articles/​Article/​10-​15/​
Samanta R, Shoukrey K, Griffiths R (2011). Rheumatoid arthritis and anaesthesia. Anaesthesia, 66,
Ben-​Menachem E (2010). Systemic lupus erythematosus: a review for anesthesiologists. Anesth Analg,
111, 665–​76.
Woodward LJ, Kam PCA (2009). Ankylosing spondylitis: recent developments and anaesthetic im-
plications. Anaesthesia, 64, 540–​8.
Mitra S, Nilanjan D, Gomber K (2007). Emergency caesarian section in a patient with achondroplasia:
an anaesthetic dilemma. J Anesth Clin Pharmacol, 23, 315–​18.
Chapter 11 253

Peter Valentine and Pete Ford
Anaemia 254
Sickle-​cell disease 257
Porphyria 260
Rare blood disorders 263
Disorders of coagulation 265
Haemophilia and related disorders 267
Thrombocytopenia 268
Anticoagulants 269
Antiplatelet drugs 277
Fibrinolytic drugs 280
Haemostatic drug therapy 281
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 283
Coagulation tests 284
Hypercoagulability syndromes 288

254 Chapter 11 Haematology

Anaemia is defined as Hb below normal for age and sex. Conventionally,
this is <130g/​dL in an adult ♂ and <120g/​dL in an adult ♀. Common
causes of anaemia in the surgical patient are:
• Blood loss: acute or chronic (usually resulting in iron deficiency)
• Bone marrow failure: infiltration by tumour or suppression by drugs
• Megaloblastic anaemias: folate or vitamin B12 deficiency
• Complex anaemias: effects on production and breakdown, e.g. renal
failure, RA and hypothyroidism
• Haemolytic anaemias: either inherited (thalassaemia, sickle-​cell disease
(SCD), spherocytosis) or acquired (autoimmune, drugs, infections), or
physical (mechanical heart valves, disseminated intravascular coagulation
(DIC), prolonged marching known as ‘march haemoglobinuria’).
• Chronic disease or inflammation leads to i hepcidin release from the
liver which inhibits iron absorption from the gut despite normal to high
ferritin. Unlikely to respond to oral iron therapy.
• Associated with fatigue, dyspnoea, palpitations, headaches and angina.
Severity often reflects the speed of onset more than the degree of
anaemia, as there is less time for adaptation.
• Common causes should be elicited, including relevant family history;
always enquire about NSAIDs and alcohol.
• Respiratory and cardiovascular pathology may be worsened by the
anaemia or make its impact greater.
• Measure Hb prior to surgery in appropriate patients (see % p. 28),
including all those at risk of anaemia undergoing major surgery and
patients with significant comorbidities, especially heart or lung
• Much can be deduced from Hb and mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
alone but in many instances a blood film gives additional useful
• Confirmatory tests, such as ferritin, cobalamin (B12) and folate levels,
reticulocyte count, direct Coombs’ test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR), liver and renal function and bone marrow cytology, should be
requested, as appropriate.
Patients scheduled for elective surgery should have FBC checked in the
weeks approaching the operation so that abnormalities can be investigated
and corrected in time (Fig. 11.1).
• Where surgery can be safely postponed, it is more appropriate and
safer to treat the underlying cause and raise the Hb slowly with simple,
effective measures, e.g. PO or IV iron and B12 injections. Transfusing a
patient with pernicious anaemia may precipitate heart failure.
Fig. 11.1 Algorithm for classification of perioperative anaemia. Reproduced from Klein AA, et al. (2016). International consensus
statement on the peri-​operative management of anaemia and iron deficiency. Anaesthesia, 72, 233–​47, with permission from John Wiley &

Sons Ltd. © 2016 The Authors.


256 Chapter 11 Haematology

IV iron preparations are now available that can be given over a few min-
utes and will render a patient immediately iron-​replete; typical Hb increase
10–​20mg/​L after 10d (see also % pp. 54–6).
• Many IV preparations exist. A common preparation is iron isomaltoside
(Monofer®); a single dose of 20mg/​kg (typically 1000mg) will render a
patient iron-​replete with a 15min infusion and with minimal side effects.
Check your local protocol or discuss with a haematologist.
Perioperative blood transfusion
(See also % pp. 450–9.)
Recent RCTs have confirmed that transfusion is not required for mild an-
aemia, even in the presence of CVS disease. In some of these trials, the use
of a lower ‘transfusion trigger’ has been associated with lower mortality.
Coexisting disease, chronicity of anaemia and the expected perioperative
blood loss all inform the decision of whether to transfuse or not. The fol-
lowing are accepted levels for transfusion:
• Red cell transfusion is indicated if the Hb level is <70g/​L.
• Checking a HemoCue® gives comparable results to a Coulter counter
and can help to avoid a transfusion if >80g/​L.
• For patients with IHD:
• Mild (angina rarely): accept Hb 70–​80g/​L
• Moderate (angina regularly, but stable): accept Hb 80–​90g/​L
• Severe (recent MI, unstable angina): accept Hb 100g/​dL or higher.
Sickle-cell disease 257

Sickle-​cell disease
Sickle-cell disease (SCD) is caused by inheriting sickling haemoglobinopathies,
either in the homozygous (HbSS; sickle-​cell anaemia) or heterozygous
(HbAS; sickle-​cell trait) state, or in combination with another Hb β chain
abnormality such as Hb C (HbSC disease), Hb D (HbSD disease) or β-​
thalassaemia (HbS/​β-​thal). It is estimated that there are now over 15
000 patients with SCD in Britain. SCD is endemic in parts of Africa, the
Mediterranean, the Middle East and India. The highest incidence is from
equatorial Africa; all patients from areas with a high prevalence should have
a sickle test preoperatively.
The pathology of SCD is primarily a result of vaso-​occlusion by sickled
red cells, leading to haemolysis and tissue infarction. This can be precipi-
tated by hypoxia, hypothermia, pyrexia, acidosis, dehydration or infection.
Other variant haemoglobins Hb C and Hb D-​Punjab, in association with
HbS, enhance the sickling process, whereas HbF (fetal Hb) impedes it.
• Susceptibility to sickling is proportional to the concentration of
HbS. In the heterozygous state (sickle-​cell trait), sickling is extremely
uncommon as ​HbS concentration is <50%.
• These patients have a positive sickle solubility test (Sickledex®),
but normal blood film and Hb level. This can be confirmed by Hb
electrophoresis or, in an emergency, a normal blood film should suffice.
• These patients do not need special treatment, other than avoidance of
extreme hypoxia, dehydration, infection, acidosis and hypothermia.
Clinical features
The manifestations of SCD do not become apparent before 3–​4mo of age,
when the main switch from fetal to adult Hb occurs.
• There is great variability, not only between patients, but also within
individual patients at different periods of life. Many remain well most of
the time.
• Vaso-​occlusive crises are the commonest cause of morbidity and
mortality. The presentation may be dramatic with an acute abdomen,
‘acute chest syndrome’ (acute pneumonia-​like), CVE, priapism and
painful dactylitis. By the time patients reach adulthood, most will
have small, fibrotic spleens and are functionally asplenic, with the
associated risk of overwhelming septicaemia. A less acute complication
is proliferative retinopathy due to retinal vessel occlusion and
neovascularisation (more common in HbSC disease).
• Aplastic crises are characterised by temporary shutdown of the
marrow, manifested by a precipitous fall in Hb and an absence of
reticulocytes. Infection with parvovirus B19 and/​or folate deficiency are
the two precipitating factors.
• Sequestration crises occur mainly in children. Sudden massive pooling of
red cells in the spleen can cause hypotension and severe exacerbation
of anaemia, with fatal consequences, unless transfusion is given in time.
• Haemolytic crises manifest by a fall in Hb and a rise in reticulocytes/​
bilirubin, and usually accompany vaso-​occlusive crises. Chronic
haemolysis leads to gallstones in virtually all patients with SCD, though
many remain asymptomatic.

258 Chapter 11 Haematology

Laboratory features
• Hb is usually 6–​9g/​dL (often lower than suggested by the clinical
picture). Reticulocytes are almost always i, and the film shows sickled
cells and target cells. Howell–​Jolly bodies are present if the spleen
is atrophic. Leucocytosis and thrombocytosis are common reactive
features. In the sickle-​cell trait, the Hb and film are normal.
• Screening tests for sickling which rely on deoxygenation of HbS are
positive in both HbSS and HbAS.
• Hb electrophoresis distinguishes SS, AS and other haemoglobinopathies.
Measurement of the HbS level is important in certain clinical situations
where a level of <30% is aimed for. It is not necessary to wait for the
results of electrophoresis before embarking on emergency surgery.​
Clinical history, Hb level, a positive sickle test and the blood picture
usually allow distinction between SCD and the sickle-​cell trait.
As no effective routine treatment exists for SCD, care is directed towards
prophylaxis, support and treatment of complications. Folic acid supple-
ments, pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccinations
and penicillin prophylaxis (to protect from the susceptibility to infection
caused by d splenic function) are recommended from an early age, prefer-
ably within a comprehensive care programme.
• For crises: rest, rehydration with PO/​IV fluids, antibiotics if infection is
suspected; maintain PaO2; keep warm; prompt and effective analgesia
(traditionally diamorphine/​morphine is used over pethidine; regional
anaesthesia very effective).
• Blood transfusions may be lifesaving, but the indications are limited.1
Exchange transfusions have a role in some vaso-​occlusive crises (acute
chest syndrome, CVE). Always discuss with a haematologist. For
patients with high perioperative risk, transfusing to achieve an HbS level
of <30% may decrease complications but is controversial.
Preoperative preparation
Always seek expert advice from a haematologist well before surgery. A
sample for group and antibody screening should be sent well in advance,
as previously transfused sickle-​cell patients often have red cell antibodies.
Perioperative and postoperative care
Special attention must be given to hypoxia, dehydration, infection, acidosis,
hypothermia and pain. These considerations should be continued well into
the postoperative period.
• Dehydration: allow oral fluids as late as possible, and pre-​and
postoperative IV fluids.
• Hypoxia: pulse SpO2 and prophylactic O2.
• Prophylactic antibiotic cover should always be considered because of
i susceptibility to infection.
• Positive pressure ventilation may be required to achieve normocapnia
and avoid acidosis.
• Hypothermia should be avoided by warming the operating room,
using a fluid warmer and active warming such as a Bair Hugger®. Core
temperature should be monitored.
• Regional anaesthesia is not contraindicated, and tourniquets can be
used if limbs are meticulously exsanguinated prior to inflation.
Sickle-cell disease 259

HbSC disease
• Results from compound heterozygosity for HbS and HbC.
• Affects 0.1% of African Americans.
• Causes SCD, but phenotype may be milder than homozygous HbSS.
• Patients develop anaemia, splenomegaly, jaundice, aseptic necrosis of
the femoral head, hepatic disease, retinal disease and bone marrow and
splenic infarcts.
• Myocardial necrosis has been described after GA.
• Management principles are as for SCD.
• Patients with HbSC disease are more prone to retinal disease and often
maintain splenic function into adult life.

260 Chapter 11 Haematology

The porphyrias are a group of diseases in which there is an enzyme defect
in the synthesis of the haem moiety, leading to an accumulation of pre-
cursors that are oxidised into porphyrins. There are hepatic and erythro-
poietic varieties. There are eight different forms of porphyria. There are
three autosomal dominant acute hepatic forms, with typically 50% reduc-
tion in usual enzyme activity, that affect the administration of anaesthesia.
Acute intermittent porphyria
The commonest and most severe form of acute porphyria. Common in
Sweden. i urinary porphobilinogen and d-​aminolaevulinic acid.
Variegate porphyria
Common in Afrikaners. i Copro-​and protoporphyrin in the stool. Dermal
Hereditary coproporphyria
Very rare. i urinary porphyrins. Dermal photosensitivity.
Porphyric crises
• Attacks occur most frequently in women in the 3rd to 4th decades.
• Fifty per cent of normal enzyme activity is usually enough to maintain
haemostasis. i demand for haem increases flow through pathway and
increases aminolaevulinic acid and porphyrin production, leading to
symptoms. Factors increasing haem demand, including haemorrhage,
induction of P450 enzymes, stress and dehydration, should be avoided.
• Acute porphyric crises may be precipitated by drugs, stress, infection,
alcohol, menstruation, pregnancy, starvation and dehydration.
• Symptoms include acute abdominal pain, vomiting, motor and sensory
peripheral neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, cranial nerve palsies,
mental disturbances, coma, convulsions and pyrexia.
General principles
• Patients may never have had an attack; therefore, a positive family
history must be taken seriously.
• Individuals may have normal biochemical tests between attacks.
• Patients may present with unrelated pathology, e.g. appendicitis.
• Symptoms may mimic surgical pathologies, e.g. acute abdominal pain,
acute neurology.
• Any patient giving a strong family history of porphyria must be treated
as potentially at risk. Latent carriers may exhibit no signs and be
potentially negative to biochemical screening, but still be at risk from
acute attacks.
Anaesthetic management
Many commonly used drugs are thought to have the potential to trigger
porphyric crises. However, it is difficult to be definitive, as crises can also be
triggered by infection or stress, which often occur simultaneously. Table 11.1
lists the relative safety of commonly used anaesthetic drugs in patients with
porphyria. The website M www.drugs-​ contains more com-
plete and up-​to-​date prescribing information.
Porphyria 261

Table 11.1 Anaesthetic drugs in porphyria

Not Probably safe Probably or Porphy-

porphyrinogenic possibly por- rinogenic
Anaesthetic Propofol Sevoflurane Ketamine Thiopental
agents Isoflurane Etomidate Halothane
Antiemetics Cimetidine Ondansetron Dexa-
and antacids Omeprazole Cyclizine methasone
Neuro- Suxamethonium Atracurium
muscular-​ Mivacurium Vecuronium
blocking Rocuronium Pancuronium
Reversal Intralipid® Neostigmine Flumazenil
agents Sugammadex
Analgesics Morphine Fentanyl
Pethidine Alfentanil
Clonidine Ibuprofen
Aspirin Paracetamol
Local Bupivacaine Lidocaine
anaesthetics Prilocaine Levo-
Sedatives Diazepam Dex-
Midazolam medetomidine
Cardio- Adrenaline Ephedrine Amiodarone Methyldopa
vascular Noradrenaline Phenylephrine Hydralazine
Adenosine Atropine
Antibiotics Benzylpenicillin Ceftriaxone Clarithromycin
Teicoplanin Cefalexin
Other Dalteparin Furosemide Hydro-
Enoxaparin Haloperidol cortisone
Salbutamol Olanzapine Prednisone

262 Chapter 11 Haematology

• It is important to minimise stress, so consider premedication with

• Minimise preoperative fasting. Use 5% glucose/​0.9% sodium chloride IV.
• Regional anaesthesia is useful, but in acute porphyric crises, regional
anaesthesia should be avoided as neuropathy may be rapid in onset and
progressive. Detailed preoperative examination and documentation of
any neuropathy are essential. Bupivacaine is considered safe for epidural
• PONV prophylaxis is especially recommended, as prolonged starvation
time can be contributory to porphyric crises.
• Measure BP invasively during an acute crisis, as hypovolaemia is
common and autonomic neuropathy may cause labile BP.
• Once common causes (e.g. pain, light anaesthesia) are ruled out,
hypertension and tachycardia should be treated promptly with β-​
blockers such as metoprolol.
• Treat seizures with diazepam, propofol or magnesium sulfate (avoid
barbiturates and phenytoin).
• Manage the patient on ICU/​HDU if a crisis is suspected.
• Remember that the onset of a porphyric crisis may be delayed for
up to 5d.
Treatment of acute porphyric crises
• Withdraw drugs that may have precipitated the crisis.
• Give haem arginate 3mg/​kg IV once daily for 4d (leads to negative
feedback to aminolaevulinic acid synthetase—​the initial enzyme
responsible for haem production). Treat infection, dehydration and
electrolyte imbalance, and give glucose (20g/​h).
• Treat symptoms with ‘safe’ drugs.
• Monitor the patient appropriately.
Rare blood disorders 263

Rare blood disorders

Hereditary spherocytosis
Autosomal dominant condition in which erythrocytes have a smaller sur-
face to volume ratio and are abnormally permeable to Na+.
• Inflexible red cells are phagocytosed in the spleen, resulting in
microspherocytic anaemia with marked reticulocytosis. The blood film
is usually diagnostic.
• Splenomegaly is common. Splenectomy leads to a 50–​70% increase in
red cell survival.
• Splenectomy should not be performed in children <6y of age and
should ideally be preceded by pneumococcal, meningococcal and Hib
vaccines and lifelong PO penicillin, to help avoid infection.
• There are no particular anaesthetic considerations.
Glucose-​6-​phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
X-​linked trait with variable penetrance in African Americans and people
from the Mediterranean.
• The disease may afford some protection against malaria.
• The glucose-​6-​phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme is responsible
for the production of NADPH, which is involved in the cell’s defence
against oxidative stresses such as oxidative drugs and infections (usually
viral, but also septicaemia, malaria and pneumonia).
• Drugs producing methaemoglobinaemia, such as nitroprusside and
prilocaine, are contraindicated, as patients are unable to reduce
methaemoglobin, thereby diminishing the O2-​carrying capacity.
• Ingestion of broad (fava) beans results in haemolysis (favism).
• Usually haemolysis of red cells occurs 2–​5d after exposure, causing
anaemia, haemoglobinaemia, abdominal pain, haemoglobinuria and
• Demonstration of Heinz bodies and red cell G6PD assay are diagnostic,
but G6PD levels may be falsely raised or normal in acute haemolysis.
• Signs and symptoms include: headache, breathlessness, nausea,
tachycardia, fatigue and cyanosis.
• Treatment includes discontinuation of the offending agent, and
transfusion may be required.
• Anaesthetic management should focus on avoiding drugs that cause
oxidative stress or can induce methaemoglobinaemia (Table 11.2).2
There are circumstances where clinical necessity may outweigh the
potential risk of drug administration, but this should be considered with
expert advice and careful observation for the signs and symptoms of
• Pain-​induced stress can cause haemolysis, so ensure good pain relief.
Thalassaemias are due to absent or deficient synthesis of α-​ or β-​globin
chains of Hb. The severity of these disorders is related to the degree of
impaired globin synthesis.
• The hallmark of β-​thalassaemia is anaemia presenting in the 1st year
of life.
• α-​thalassaemia is more commonly associated with hydrops fetalis.

264 Chapter 11 Haematology

• Diagnosis is confirmed by Hb electrophoresis and/​or globin chain

• The disease is prevalent in people of Mediterranean (mainly β), African
(β and non-​deletional α), and Asian (deletional α) ethnicity.
• Regardless of the underlying chain involved, thalassaemia is classified as
major, intermediate, or minor.
• Those with thalassaemia major are transfusion-​dependent.
• Iron from transfused blood builds up in the reticuloendothelial system,
until it is saturated, when iron is deposited in parenchymal tissues,
principally the liver, pancreas, endocrine system and heart.
• Preoperative assessment of the degree of major organ impairment
(heart, liver, pancreas, endocrine) due to iron overload.
• High-​output heart failure with intravascular volume overload is common
in severe anaemia. Treat preoperatively by cautious transfusion to
correct anaemia and minimise further overload.
• Previous transfusion exposure may cause antibody production, and
therefore X-​matching may be delayed.
The hyperplastic bone marrow of the major thalassaemias may cause over-
growth and deformity of the facial bones and difficult intubation; this is less
common with current management.

Table 11.2 Drug safety in patients with G6PD

Safe Controversial/​ Unsafe

Bupivacaine Paracetamol Alfentanil Aspirin (high dose)
Glycopyrronium Pethidine Aspirin Diclofenac
bromide Phenytoin (low dose) Diazepam
Halothane Propofol Fentanyl Gentamicin
Heparin Rocuronium Isoflurane Lidocaine
Ibuprofen Suxamethonium Metronidazole Methylthioninium
Ketamine Thiopental Midazolam chloride (methylene
Mannitol Tramadol Penicillin blue)
N2O Prilocaine Metoclopramide
Neostigmine Remifentanil EMLA® cream
Sevoflurane Quinolones
Vitamin K Sulfonamide
Source: data from: Foedinger A, Luger TJ. (2016) Glucose-​6-​phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency Anästh Intensivmed 57:S115–​38. M
Disorders of coagulation 265

Disorders of coagulation
(For regional anaesthesia and coagulation abnormalities, see % p. 1110.)
The classic description of the clotting cascade was initially proposed in
1964 by Macfarlane and was generally accepted for over 50y. This histor-
ical description involves two pathways, an extrinsic pathway and an intrinsic
pathway, that both converge on a common pathway which leads to the for-
mation of a fibrin clot. Both pathways are complex and involve sequential
proteolytic activation of proenzymes by plasma proteases (clotting factors),
resulting in the formation of thrombin, which then splits the fibrinogen mol-
ecule into fibrin monomers.
With further advances in the knowledge of in vivo blood coagulation, a
cell-​based model of coagulation was developed, proposing that coagulation
takes place on different cell surfaces in four overlapping steps:
• Initiation
• Amplification
• Propagation
• Termination.
The cell-​based model allows a more thorough understanding of how coagu-
lation works in vivo and sheds light on the pathophysiological mechanism for
certain coagulation disorders. Congenital disorders of clotting may not be
present until challenged by trauma or surgery in adult life.
• Acquired disorders are due to d synthesis of coagulation factors,
i consumption (e.g. DIC, massive blood loss) and i production of
substances that interfere with factor function.
• A family history may be elicited—​haemophilia A and B (sex-​linked
recessive), von Willebrand’s disease (autosomal dominant with variable
penetrance)—​but cannot be relied upon. Family history is absent in 30%
of haemophilia cases.
• Response to previous haemostatic challenges (tonsillectomy, dental
extractions) may indicate the severity of the coagulopathy; for
example, in severe haemophilia A (factor VIII <2%), bleeding occurs
spontaneously; in mild haemophilia A (factor VIII 5–​30%), bleeding
occurs only after trauma.
• Concurrent and past medical problems, such as liver disease,
malabsorption (vitamin K deficiency), infection, malignancy (DIC) and
autoimmune disease (SLE, RA), as well as medications (anticoagulants,
aspirin and NSAIDs), may be relevant.
• Abnormalities due to liver disease and vitamin K deficiency; give
daily vitamin K (phytomenadione) 10mg IV slowly. FFP (15mL/​kg)
may be needed, in addition, if the presenting symptom is bleeding.
Coagulation tests may be misleading in the presence of liver disease,
overemphasising the bleeding risk; consider using TEG® to evaluate the
true underlying coagulopathy.3
For blood test results in common coagulation disorders, see Table 11.3.

266 Chapter 11 Haematology

Table 11.3 Blood results in common coagulation disorders

Disorder Platelet INR APTT TT Fibrinogen Other

Haemophilia A Normal Normal i Normal Normal d VIII
Haemophilia B Normal Normal i Normal Normal d IX
von Willebrand’s Normal Normal i Normal Normal d VIII,
disease (usually) vWF, i
Liver disease Normal i i Normal Normal dV
or d or d
Vitamin K Normal i i Normal Normal d II, VII,
deficiency IX, X
DIC Normal i i i Normal i FDPs,
or d or d D-​dimers
Massive d i i Normal Normal Normal
transfusion or i or d FDPs
Heparin (un- Normal Normal i i Normal i anti-​Xa
fractionated) (rarely or i
Heparin Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal i anti-​Xa
(LMWH) (rarely
Warfarin Normal i i Normal Normal d II, VII,
Lupus Normal Normal i Normal Normal DRVVT
anticoagulant or i +ve,
APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation;
DRVVT, dilute Russell’s viper venom time; FDPs, fibrin degradation products; INR, inter-
national normalised ratio; LMWH, low-​molecular weight heparin; TT, thrombin time; vWF, von
Willebrand factor.
Haemophilia and related disorders 267

Haemophilia and related disorders

Inherited disorders of blood coagulation include:
• Haemophilia A (X-​linked defect in factor VIII activity)
• Haemophilia B (X-​linked defect in factor IX)
• von Willebrand’s disease (types 1 and 2 are autosomal dominant; type 3
is autosomal recessive).
Haematological advice should always be sought.
• Untreated mild haemophilia requires strenuous effort to avoid blood
• Desmopressin infusion of 0.3 micrograms/​kg in 50–​100mL of 0.9%
sodium chloride over 30min, with the use of tranexamic acid, can be
used for mild disease or where there is low risk of bleeding.
• If possible, factor levels should be measured prior to surgery and should
be 50–​100% of normal and maintained for 2–​7d post-​procedure.
• If factors are necessary, the treatment of choice is now recombinant
factor concentrate, in accordance with established guidelines.
• Cryoprecipitate (contains factor VIII) and FFP (contains factor IX)
should be used to correct these clotting factors only in an emergency or
if concentrate is unavailable.
• NSAIDs, other anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs and IM injections
should be avoided.
• von Willebrand’s disease is divided into four subtypes: types 1, 2 and
3, and platelet type. Type 2 has four subtypes 2A, 2B, 2M and 2N.
Desmopressin is given prior to surgical procedures in types 1 and 2A. It
works by stimulating the release of von Willebrand factor (vWF) from
endothelial cells. A rise in vWF is seen 30–​60min after the infusion and
maintained for about 6h.
• Desmopressin should not be given to type 2B because of
thrombocytopenia and thrombotic complications. Desmopressin is not
effective in types 2M and 2N.
• The treatment of choice for patients who are non-​responders to
desmopressin is virus-​inactivated factor VIII concentrate of intermediate
• Haematologists may now advise treatment with recombinant vWF
marketed under the name Vonvendi®.

268 Chapter 11 Haematology

Defined as a platelet count <150 × 109/​L.
• Spontaneous bleeding is uncommon, until the count is < 20 × 109/​L.
Causes of thrombocytopenia include:
• Failure of platelet production: selective (hereditary, drugs, alcohol,
viral infection) or general marrow failure (aplasia, cytotoxic drugs,
radiotherapy, infiltration, fibrosis, myelodysplasia, megaloblastic
• i platelet consumption: with an immune basis (idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), drugs, viral infections, SLE,
lymphoproliferative disorders) or without an immune basis (DIC, TTP,
cardiopulmonary bypass)
• Dilution, following massive transfusion of stored blood
• Splenic pooling (hypersplenism).
Preoperative preparation
Unexplained thrombocytopenia should be investigated before elective
surgery, as the appropriate precautions will be determined by the
underlying cause.
• Minor procedures may be performed without platelet support,
provided adequate pressure is applied to the wound.
• For invasive procedures such as central line insertion, transbronchial
biopsy, liver biopsy or laparotomy, platelets should be >50 × 109/​L.
• For epidural or spinal anaesthesia, a platelet count of 80 × 109/​L is
adequate (see % p. 841).
• For operations in critical sites, such as the brain or eyes, the platelet
count should be raised to 100 × 109/​L.
• In ITP, platelet transfusions should be reserved for major haemorrhage,
since platelet survival is extremely short-​lived. Preparation for surgery
entails the use of steroids or high-​dose immunoglobulins initially.
• In TTP, platelets are relatively contraindicated. Treatment should consist
of plasma or plasma exchange, steroids and, where platelets >50 ×
109/​L, LMWH and aspirin.4
Postoperative management
If microvascular bleeding continues, despite a platelet count of >50 × 109/​
L, suspect DIC. If confirmed by coagulation tests, give FFP and cryoprecipi-
tate, as appropriate.
• IM injections, aspirin and NSAIDs should be avoided.
• Desmopressin 0.3 micrograms/​kg in 50–​100mL of 0.9% sodium
chloride over 30min may improve platelet function in renal failure.
Anticoagulants 269

Anticoagulants are used to reduce thromboembolic risk. However, in pa-
tients requiring surgery, they i the risk of major bleeding. It is important
to know the indication for anticoagulation and weigh the risk of VTE if it is
stopped vs the risk of significant bleeding if it is continued.
The commonest indications for anticoagulation are AF, mechanical heart
valves, previous VTE, thrombophilia, cancer or other prothrombotic state.
Of these, AF is the commonest. Based on current evidence, patients are
now treated with a broad range of anticoagulants based on their own in-
dividual risk factors. Direct oral anticoagulants are now generally favoured
over warfarin.5 A meta-​analysis of 12 studies in 2015 showed an overall
improvement in CVE prevention, a reduction in intracranial haemorrhage
and a reduction in mortality when direct oral anticoagulants were used,
compared to warfarin, for patients with AF and one other risk factor.6 They
also require no monitoring, unlike warfarin.

A word about terminology CHEST guidelines 20167 refer to non-​vitamin

K antagonist oral anticoagulants as NOACs, however there are
other interpretations of this acronym. The International Society of
Thrombosis and Haemostasis and the Association of Anaesthetists
use the term direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs). These drugs are also
referred to as TSOACs (target-specific oral anticoagulants).

AF increases a patient’s risk of CVE and the CHA2DS2-​VASc score is used to
quantify this risk (Table 11.4). It is used to inform the discussion regarding the
risks and benefits of long-​term anticoagulation. Patients are scored 0–​9. The
score is also an indication of annual CVE risk (e.g. score of 1 = annual CVE
risk 1.3%; score of 4 = annual CVE risk 4%; score of 9 = annual CVE risk of
15.2%). Anticoagulation should be considered in anyone with a score of ≥1
(except when the only risk factor is ♀ sex), although antiplatelets may suffice
with scores ≤2. A balanced decision for treatment must also include assess-
ment of the patient’s annual risk of a major bleed 2° to the anticoagulation.
Perioperative risk
Weighing up the risks of stopping anticoagulation or not requires know-
ledge of the surgery and how likely major or significant blood loss is, as well
as a calculation of the patient’s thrombotic risk.
Surgical bleeding risk is divided into:
• Low risk (e.g. dental and minor skin procedures)
• Moderate risk (e.g. general surgery, joint replacement, genitourinary or
maxillofacial surgery)
• High risk, both of bleeding or bleeding into an enclosed space (cardiac,
complex general, vascular, posterior chamber ophthalmic, spinal and
intracranial surgery).

270 Chapter 11 Haematology

Table 11.4 CHA2DS2-​VASc score

Condition Points
C Congestive heart failure (or LV systolic dysfunction) 1
H Hypertension: BP consistently above 140/​90mmHg (or treated 1
hypertension on medication)
A2 Age ≥75y 2
D Diabetes mellitus 1
S2 Prior CVE or transient ischaemic attack or thromboembolism 2
V Vascular disease (e.g. peripheral artery disease, myocardial 1
infarction, aortic plaque)
A Age 65–​74 1
Sc ♀ sex 1
Reprinted from Chest, 137, Lip G, Refining clinical risk stratification for predicting stroke and
thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation using a novel risk factor-​based approach: the Euro Heart
Survey on atrial fibrillation, 263–​72, Copyright © 2010, with permission from The American
College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Evidence for perioperative bleeding risk in patients on antithrombotic

therapy is limited. Individual assessment based on the surgery, surgical ex-
pertise and patient risk factors should be made.
• Thrombotic risk can be difficult to calculate due to the many
indications for anticoagulation. Table 11.5 shows a risk stratification for
perioperative thromboembolism.6,8
Table 11.5 Risk stratification for perioperative thromboembolism

Risk category Mechanical heart AF VTE

High Any mitral valve CHA2DS2-​VASc VTE within 3mo
prosthesis or score of ≥6 Severe
caged-​ball or tilting Rheumatic thrombophilia*
disc aortic valve valvular disease
Intermediate Bileaflet aortic valve CHA2DS2-​VASc VTE
prosthesis + ≥1 score of 4–​5 within 3–​12mo
of the following: CVE or TIA Non-​severe
AF, CVE, TIA, >3mo ago thrombophilia**
hypertension, DM, Recurrent VTE
congestive heart
failure, age >75y Active cancer

Low Bileaflet aortic valve CHA2DS2-​VASc VTE >12mo ago with

score of ≤3 no other risk factors
Severe thrombophilia is defined as deficiency in protein C, protein S or antithrombin; antibodies
and those with multiple abnormalities.
Non-​severe thrombophilia is defined as heterozygous for factor V Leiden or prothrombin gene
Source: data from Hornor MA, et al. American College of Surgeons' Guidelines for the
Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Medication. J Am Coll Surg. 2018;227:521–36 and
Douketis JD, et al. Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy, Chest 2012;141:
Anticoagulants 271

As a general rule, the risk from a major perioperative bleeding event is likely
to be less than that from thrombosis. Consider, for example, that the risk
of major bleeding on antithrombotic agents is estimated at 6–​10%, whereas
the mortality associated with:8
• Embolic CVE is 37%
• Mechanical heart valve thrombosis is 17.5%
• VTE (DVT or PE ) is 5–​10%.
Fig. 11.2 illustrates perioperative management of a warfarinised patient
relative to surgical bleeding risk and their risk of VTE.

Assess bleeding risk of the


Low Intermediate High

risk risk risk

As for high thrombotic risk

Assess thrombotic Start intravenous unfractionated
risk heparin on day before surgery
Stop 6 h before surgery
Continue Restart intravenous unfractionated
warfarin if INR is heparin once haemostasis secured
in range

Low risk Intermediate risk High risk

Stop warfarin 4–5 days Stop warfarin 4–5 days Stop warfarin 4–5 days
before surgery before surgery before surgery
Use prophylactic dose of Use prophylactic dose of Use treatment dose of
LMWH as indicated by LMWH 2 days before LMWH 2 days before
thrombotic nature of surgery surgery
procedure Stop LMWH before Last LMWH dose 24 h
Restart warfarin on surgery before surgery
day of procedure Restart warfarin on Restart warfarin on
day of the procedure evening of day of
Restart LMWH once surgery
haemostasis is adequate Restart LMWH when
haemostasis adequate.
Consider prophylactic
dose 12 h after operation

Fig. 11.2 Perioperative management of anticoagulation based on risk

assessment. Reproduced with permission from Thachil J et al. Management of surgical patients
receiving anticoagulation and antiplatelet agents. British Journal of Surgery 2008;95:1437–48.
Copyright © 2008 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

272 Chapter 11 Haematology

• If using continuous IV infusion (IVI) of UFH for patients with a high risk
of bleeding, start at 1000 units/​h and adjust to keep the APTT between
1.5 and 2.5 (Fig. 11.2).
• Direct oral anticoagulants do not require bridging, but timing of the last
preoperative dose is variable and covered later in the chapter.
• It is worth noting that the perioperative risk of arterial
thromboembolism in patients who have AF and no anticoagulation
is 71%.
• Perioperatively, additional methods of VTE prophylaxis should be
considered (e.g. compression stockings and pumps) in all patients at risk
of VTE despite anticoagulation (see % pp. 59–61).
Timing of surgery
Consider whether the surgery can be delayed in order to reduce the risk of
VTE and associated morbidity and mortality.
• Prematurely stopping anticoagulation after VTE within the 1st month
confers an estimated 30d risk of recurrent VTE of 40%. This falls to an
annual risk of 15% after 3mo.
• Vena cava filters should be considered in patients who have had VTE
<4w ago and require interruption of their anticoagulation or in whom
postoperative anticoagulation may be delayed >12h.
Warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, was the original anticoagulant used in
patients with AF and remains the only treatment with established safety
for patients with AF and rheumatic heart disease and/​or mechanical heart
valve prosthesis.
• Warfarin results in synthesis of non-​functional vitamin K-​dependent
factors (II, VII, IX and X, proteins C and S), prolonging PT, but may take
up to 48h to become effective.
• Warfarin is highly effective but has a narrow therapeutic window,
requiring regular testing and dose adjustment.
• Warfarin is associated with haemorrhagic CVE, and intracranial and GI
• The INR compares a patient’s PT to a control, indicating the degree of
• It reduces the risk of CVE by 67% and mortality by 25%, compared with
control (aspirin or no therapy).
• Once the INR is <2, alternative pre-​and postoperative prophylaxis
should be considered.
Recommended INR targets
• INR 2–​2.5 for prophylaxis of DVT
• INR 2.5 for treatment of DVT/​PE, prophylaxis in AF and
• INR 3.5 for recurrent DVT/​PE or mechanical heart valves

The effects of warfarin can be reversed in a number of ways, dependent

on the urgency.
Anticoagulants 273

• If no bleeding and INR <5, reducing or omitting a dose is usually

sufficient, but if INR 5–​9, 1–​2mg vitamin K PO should also be given.
• If there is minor bleeding or a grossly raised INR >9, give 2–​5mg
vitamin K PO or IV.
• For emergency surgery or life-​threatening bleeding, specialist
haematological advice should be sought. Prothrombin complex
concentrates (PCCs) have replaced FFP as 1st-​line treatment. The dose
varies, depending on the initial INR. PCC (e.g. Octaplex® or Beriplex®)
is a pooled blood product and prothrombotic, and can be associated
with DIC. Vitamin K 10mg should also be given as a slow IV injection.
Where PCC is not available, then 10–​15mL/​kg FFP can be given,
although it is not quite as effective.
The important anaesthetic interactions with warfarin include:
• Potentiation (by inhibition of metabolism): alcohol, amiodarone,
cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, co-​trimoxazole, erythromycin, indometacin,
metronidazole, omeprazole, paracetamol
• Inhibition (by induction of metabolism): barbiturates, carbamazepine.
Drugs that affect platelet function can increase the risk of warfarin-​associ-
ated bleeding, e.g. aspirin and NSAIDs.
Heparin (UFH and LMWH)
A parenterally active anticoagulant that potentiates antithrombin, which, in
turn, inactivates thrombin and factor Xa, along with other proteases.
• Used for prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolism.
• Heparin is a polymer of variable length. Available as UFH or LMWH
which has undergone fractionation to make the effects more
• Common LMWHs include dalteparin, enoxaparin and tinzaparin. Doses
can vary, depending on renal function and body weight.
• Suggested daily SC doses for surgical VTE prophylaxis in high-​risk adults
>50kg, eGFR >30mL/​min/​1.73m2: tinzaparin 4500 units, dalteparin
5000 units, enoxaparin 40mg.
• Heparin is metabolised in the liver and renally excreted. Use caution
with LMWH in patients with renal failure.
• Complications of heparin include heparin-​induced thrombocytopenia
(HIT), which can cause serious venous and arterial thrombosis. Patients
on UFH for 5d or more should have their platelet counts checked. This
is less of a problem with LMWH.
• UFH is given by IV bolus or IVI. It is monitored by prolongation of
APTT (maintain at 1.5–​2.5 times the normal laboratory value). It has a
narrow therapeutic window with complex pharmacokinetics and great
interpatient variation in dose requirements. Half-​life is 1–​2h.
• A validated regime is to give a bolus of 80 units/​kg, followed by an
infusion of 18 units/​kg/​h, checking the 1st APTT after 6h.
• Protamine is used to reverse both UFH and LMWH; however, the
neutralising effect of protamine on the inhibition of factor Xa is 95%
for UFH, but only 55% for LMWH. It should be given slowly to avoid
• Reversal of UFH: if given within 15min of UFH, 1mg of protamine IV
neutralises 100 units of UFH. After this, less protamine is required, as
heparin is rapidly excreted.

274 Chapter 11 Haematology

• Reversal of LMWH: 1mg of protamine is given per 1mg of enoxaparin

or 100 units of dalteparin. Halve the dose if >8h since administration.
• LMWH has largely replaced UFH for both prophylaxis and treatment of
thromboembolism and unstable CAD. Administered once daily by SC
injection, it needs no monitoring (although antifactor Xa levels can be
measured in renal failure).
Direct oral anticoagulants
Direct thrombin (factor IIa) inhibitors
Direct thrombin inhibitors were developed to overcome some of the limi-
tations of the indirect thrombin inhibitors (UFH and LMWH).
• They offer a predictable response as protein binding is minimal.
• They also do not cause HIT.
They are divided into: univalent—​binding only to the catalytic (active) site
of thrombin; and bivalent—​binding to both the catalytic site and a 2nd site,
Univalent direct thrombin inhibitors: argatroban and dabigatran
• Argatroban binds reversibly to thrombin. Given IV, its plasma half-​life is
39–​51min and it undergoes hepatic metabolism to inactive metabolites.
Approved for prophylaxis or treatment of thrombosis in patients with
HIT, and as an anticoagulant in patients with or at risk of HIT requiring
PCI. Monitored via APTT.
• Dabigatran is administered PO. It is licensed for extended VTE
prophylaxis after hip and knee replacement surgery, and to reduce the
risk of CVE and systemic embolism in patients with non-​valvular AF.
Bivalent direct thrombin inhibitors: hirudin and bivalirudin
• Hirudin, originally isolated from saliva of the medicinal leech, binds
irreversibly to thrombin. It has a plasma half-​life of 60min if given IV
(120min if given SC) and is renally excreted. APTT is used to monitor
the effect, aiming for 1.5–​2.5 times normal. It is approved for treatment
of arterial and venous thromboembolism complicated by HIT and as an
alternative to heparin for CPB surgery.
• Bivalirudin is a reversible thrombin inhibitor. Peak plasma levels are
reached after 15–​20min IV administration. Half-​life is 730min, with
80% eliminated by plasma enzymes and 20% by renal excretion.
Monitored by activated clotting time (ACT).9 Reversal in emergency is
by recombinant factor VIIa, FFP and cryoprecipitate (or fibrinogen) or
modified ultrafiltration. It is approved for use in coronary angioplasty.
Direct factor Xa inhibitors
• Anticoagulants acting directly on factor X, which can be given PO and
have rapid onset and offset.
• They inactivate both circulating and clot-​bound Xa.
• There is no need to monitor drug effect, although antifactor Xa assay
can be used if needed.
• Examples include apixaban, rivaroxaban and edoxaban.
Anticoagulants 275

Indirect factor Xa inhibitor

• Fondaparinux is a synthetic inhibitor of factor Xa, which can be
given PO or IV. Monitoring is not required, but since it is excreted
largely unchanged, the dose should be altered in renal failure. APTT
may be altered but is not a true reflection of action. It is licensed
for prophylaxis of VTE in immobilised medical patients, after joint
replacement or abdominal surgery and in the treatment of DVT and PE
or acute coronary syndrome. Usual dose is 2.5mg SC for surgical VTE
prophylaxis after major orthopaedic surgery.
Reversal of direct oral anticoagulants
If there is minor bleeding or no bleeding, just discontinue the agent. If there
is major haemorrhage, specific reversal agents can be used (see Table 11.6),
but also consider:
• Activated charcoal (only within 3h of ingestion)
• Dialysis for dabigatran
• 4-​factor PCC which contains factors II, VII, IX and X
• Recombinant factor VIIa
• Tranexamic acid.
Idarucizumab is used for reversal of dabigatran; it is a humanised mono-
clonal antibody fragment that binds specifically to dabigatran and its me-
tabolites, thereby reversing the anticoagulant effect. Full reversal dose is
5g (+ 5g if a 2nd dose is required). Dabigatran can be restarted after 24h.
Andexanet alfa is used for reversal of apixaban and rivaroxaban.
Andexanet alfa is a recombinant form of human factor Xa protein which
binds specifically to apixaban or rivaroxaban. At the time of writing, this
product is not yet licensed in the UK.

276 Chapter 11 Haematology

Table 11.6 Summary of direct oral anticoagulant characteristics

Apixaban Rivaroxaban Edoxaban Dabigatran

Dose (normal renal 5mg twice 20mg once 30–​60mg 150mg once daily
function) daily daily once daily*
Action Direct Direct factor Direct Direct thrombin
factor Xa Xa inhibitor factor Xa inhibitor
inhibitor inhibitor
CVE prevention in Q Q Q Q
non-​valvular AF
VTE prevention and Q Q Q
Prophylaxis after Q
acute coronary
syndrome or CAD
Half-​life (h) 12 5–​13 10–​14 12–​17
Reversal with 4-​ Q Q Q Q
factor PCC
Specialist reversal Andexanet Andexanet No Idarucizumab
available alfa alfa
Last dose before CC ≥30mL/​min, stop for 24h CC ≥80mL/​
operation: low risk CC 15–​29mL/​min, stop for 36h min, stop
of bleeding (NICE for 24h
guidance 2020**) CC 50–​79,
stop for 48h
CC 30–​49,
stop for 72h
Last dose before Stop for 48h CC ≥80mL/​
operation: high risk min, stop
of bleeding (NICE for 48h
guidance 2020**) CC 50–​79,
stop for 72h
CC 30–​49,
stop for 96h
CC, creatinine clearance.
Dose dependent on patient weight.
NICE guidance on oral anticoagulation, updated January 2020. M https://​​
Antiplatelet drugs 277

Antiplatelet drugs
Antiplatelet drugs decrease platelet aggregation and inhibit thrombus for-
mation in the arterial circulation where anticoagulants have little effect.
Their indications include 1° or 2° prevention of CVE and CVS disease.
There are now many antiplatelet medications available, some of which are
summarised in Table 11.7.10
Aspirin irreversibly acetylates the active site of cyclo-​oxygenase (COX) 1
(2 at higher doses), which blocks the production of thromboxane A2, a
powerful promoter of platelet aggregation. Recovery of platelet function
requires formation of new platelets. Low-​dose aspirin is a mainstay for 2°
prevention of thrombotic vascular events in vascular and cardiac disease.
Also used in angina, post-​coronary artery bypass surgery, intermittent clau-
dication, AF and 1° prevention of IHD. Once stopped, it takes around 7–​
9d for platelet function to return to normal. This risk of bleeding must be
balanced against the possibility of precipitating a thromboembolic event,
particularly in patients with unstable angina.
A nucleoside transport and phosphodiesterase inhibitor, dipyridamole is an
antiplatelet and a vasodilator. It is used in 2° prevention of CVE or with
low-​dose aspirin for post-​coronary artery surgery and valve replacement. It
has an elimination half-​life of 10h. There is variability in the literature as to
when, if at all, dipyridamole needs to be stopped prior to surgery. The AoA
states that it does not need to be stopped at all prior to regional blocks, but
other sources recommend it should be stopped anywhere from 24h to 7d.
Check your local policy.
Adenosine diphosphate/​P2Y12 inhibitors
P2Y12 is the chemoreceptor responsible for adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
stimulation of the glycoprotein IIb/​IIIa receptor. Stimulation of IIb/​IIIa re-
ceptors leads to enhanced platelet degranulation, thromboxane release
and prolonged platelet aggregation. Antagonism of the P2Y12 receptor may
be irreversible with clopidogrel or prasugrel, or reversible with ticagrelor
or cangrelor. Often used with aspirin as DAPT for acute coronary syn-
drome, but also after PCI, CABG, AF in patients unable or unwilling to
take anticoagulants, CVE (not prasugrel) and peripheral vascular disease.
Clopidogrel remains the commonest agent, but guidelines are continu-
ally being revised. Recent evidence suggests that prasugrel and ticagrelor
may be more effective than clopidogrel, but with a higher risk of bleeding.
Cangrelor is given IV and may be an option for patients requiring PCI who
have not been loaded with oral therapy.
Glycoprotein IIb/​IIIa inhibitors
These medications compete with fibrinogen and vWF for IIb/​IIIa receptors.
They prevent both platelet crosslinking and platelet-​derived thrombus for-
mation. They are all given IV and are potent inhibitors of platelet activity.
Abciximab is a large monoclonal antibody with a high affinity for binding
to the glycoprotein IIb/​IIIa receptor. It has the longest duration of action
and has a UK licence as an adjunct to aspirin and UFH in PCI. While its
biological half-​life is 12–​24h, due to slow clearance, its functional half-​life is

278 Chapter 11 Haematology

up to 7d, so it must be stopped 1w prior to elective surgery. Eptifibatide

and tirofiban both have a rapid onset of action and a short half-​life and are
used to prevent early MI in unstable angina and non-​ST-​elevation myocar-
dial infarction. Significant recovery of platelet aggregation is seen 4h after
infusion is stopped and therefore, they only need to be stopped 4–​8h be-
fore elective surgery.
Epoprostenol is prostacyclin or prostaglandin I2 prepared in drug form. It
is a potent peripheral and pulmonary vasodilator, as well as an antiplatelet
medication. It is used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, and in
haemodialysis where heparin is contraindicated. It is given by IVI and has a
short half-​life.
Perioperative management of antiplatelet drugs
Perioperative management of patients on antiplatelet therapy requires:
• Understanding the indication
• Timing of index event (i.e. CVE, MI, PCI)
• Risk of stent thrombosis
• Consequences of delaying surgery
• Risk of surgical bleeding.
Continuation of aspirin monotherapy is widely accepted, unless surgery has
a risk of major blood loss (e.g. CABG and transurethral prostatectomy) or
risk of bleeding in confined space (posterior chamber ophthalmic, spinal
and intracranial surgery). If in doubt, ask the surgeon. If aspirin needs to be
stopped, the last dose should be 7d prior to surgery.
Dual antiplatelet therapy
With the increase in 1° PCI and coronary stenting, DAPT has become com-
monplace, often with aspirin and clopidogrel. After placement of a coronary
stent, antiplatelet drugs are required to prevent late in-​stent thrombosis.
BMS only require DAPT for 6w, compared to the older-​generation DES
which require 12mo. The European Society of Cardiology now suggests
that a patient’s bleeding and thrombosis risk should be assessed on an indi-
vidual basis and newer-​generation DES may only require DAPT for as little
as 6mo to >12mo.11,12
Wherever possible, it is recommended to complete the full course
of DAPT prior to elective non-​cardiac surgery. Early discontinuation of
antiplatelet therapy is the most significant determinant of stent thrombosis,
which can have a mortality of up to 50%. If surgery must occur while the
patient is on DAPT, consider if it needs to be stopped. If there is a low
risk of bleeding, it is often possible to continue DAPT. In surgical proced-
ures where DAPT must be stopped, it may be possible to stop the P2Y12
inhibitor, but continue aspirin monotherapy perioperatively. Patients with
a high risk of bleeding perioperatively will need to stop DAPT. Stopping
DAPT and starting parenteral glycoprotein IIb/​IIIa inhibitors in the peri-
operative period has been proposed in patients with high thrombotic risk,
and some centres may advocate bridging with heparin. If a patient must have
surgery while on DAPT, then liaison with both the surgeon and physician
responsible for starting the DAPT (usually the cardiologist) is paramount.
Antiplatelet drugs 279

Management of intraoperative bleeding

TEG®, rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM®) and Platelet Mapping
Assays may be helpful in guiding management. Acute bleeding associated
with antiplatelet medications can be partially treated with platelet transfu-
sion, but free drug may continue to inhibit the transfused platelet function.
Consider FFP, cryoprecipitate, recombinant factor VII and (with little evi-
dence) desmopressin.
Restarting antiplatelet drugs
Antiplatelet drugs should be restarted as soon as possible, guided by the
surgeon and their assessment of the risk of bleeding.

Table 11.7 Summary of antiplatelet medication

Aspirin Clopidogrel Prasugrel Ticagrelor Abciximab Epo-

Mechanism COX-​1 ADP ADP ADP Glyco- Prosta-
of action inhibition receptor receptor receptor protein glandin I2
antagonist antagonist antagonist IIb/​IIIa inhibits
receptor thrombo-
inhibitor xane A2
Half-​life 15–3​ 0min 7–​9h 7h 7–​9h 10–​15min <6min
Typical 300mg 300–​ 60mg 180mg 0.25mg/​ None
loading 600mg kg
Typical 75–​ 75mg 5–​10mg 90mg bd 0.125mg/​ 4ng/​kg/​
daily main- 300mg kg/​min min
Time to 30% at 40% at 3d 2–​3d 57% at 12h <30min
recover 48h 24h
Dosing may vary, depending on age, weight and renal function.
Source: data from Oprea AD, et al. Perioperative management of antiplatelet therapy, British
Journal of Anaesthesia, 111(1) 2013, i3–​17.

280 Chapter 11 Haematology

Fibrinolytic drugs
These drugs act as thrombolytics by activating plasminogen to plasmin; this
degrades fibrin and therefore dissolves thrombi.
• Newer drugs, such as reteplase and tenecteplase, are given by bolus
injection, making them ideal for early community injection.
• Alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-​PA)) and
streptokinase are given by continuous infusions.
• Used for AMI where benefits outweigh risks, e.g. when PCI not
• Benefit greatest with early injection, ECG changes with ST-​elevation or
new bundle branch block and anterior infarction.
• Alteplase, reteplase and streptokinase need to be given within 12h
of symptom onset, ideally within 1h; use after 12h requires specialist
advice. Tenecteplase should be given as early as possible and usually
within 6h of symptom onset.
• Should be used in combination with antithrombin (LMWH) and
antiplatelet (aspirin) therapy to reduce early reinfarction.
• Alteplase, streptokinase and urokinase can be used for other
thromboembolic disorders such as DVT and PE. Alteplase is also used
for acute ischaemic CVE. Treatment must be started promptly.
• Contraindications include any risk of bleeding, especially trauma
(including prolonged CPR), recent surgery and GI tract and intracerebral
• Streptokinase can cause allergic reactions and should be used only once.
Antibodies can inactivate the drug.
• Serious bleeding calls for the discontinuation of therapy and may require
coagulation factors. Cryoprecipitate (high levels of factor VIII and
fibrinogen) and FFP (factors V and VIII), as well as platelets, may all be
required. Antifibrinolytic drugs, such as aminocaproic acid or tranexamic
acid, may also be useful.
• Bleeding times are prolonged for up to 24h after these drugs. In
emergency surgery, reversal will be required.
• Urokinase is also licensed to restore the patency of occluded IV
catheters and cannulae blocked with fibrin clots. Inject directly into the
catheter or cannula 5000–​25 000 units dissolved in a suitable volume
of 0.9% sodium chloride to fill the catheter or cannula lumen; leave for
20–​60min, then aspirate the lysate; repeat, if necessary.
Haemostatic drug therapy 281

Haemostatic drug therapy

Tranexamic acid (and aminocaproic acid)
Both these drugs are synthetic derivatives of the amino acid lysine and
reversibly bind to plasminogen, preventing its conversion to plasmin and
therefore its ability to cleave fibrin.
• Tranexamic acid is ten times more potent than aminocaproic acid.
• The CRASH 2 Trial13 found tranexamic acid to decrease the risk of
death in people who have significant bleeding due to trauma by 30% if
given within 3h from the initial trauma; 1g IV over 10min, followed by 1g
over the next 8h.
• The CRASH 3 Trial14 supports the use of tranexamic acid in traumatic
brain injury.
• Neither trial suggested an increase in vaso-​occlusive events.
• Tranexamic acid is increasingly used to reduce surgical blood loss.
• Other uses include postoperative bleeding in prostatectomy and dental
extractions (particularly in haemophilia), cardiac and craniofacial surgery
and menstrual bleeding.
• Also useful in the reversal of thrombolytic drugs.
• Contraindicated in renal failure, epilepsy, benign gynaecological
interventions (e.g. myomectomy), following an acute VTE and
fibrinolysis due to DIC without any significant bleeding.
• Usual dose of tranexamic acid is 1g tds PO for relatively minor bleeding
such as menorrhagia or epistaxis.
• For surgical bleeding (or anticipated bleeding as in orthopaedic surgery,
e.g. total knee replacement), a typical dose would be 1g IV (or 10–​
20mg/​kg) given prior to incision. A 2nd dose of 0.5–​1g IV may be given
postoperatively for continued bleeding.
A serine protease inhibitor, it inhibits free plasmin (but not bound plasmin).
• The drug was temporarily withdrawn worldwide following the Blood
Conservation Using Antifibrinolytics in a Randomized Trial (BART)
trial15 after studies suggested that its use i the risk of complications or
death in cardiac surgery.15,16 In February 2012, the European Medicines
Agency (EMA) reverted its previous standpoint regarding aprotinin and
recommended that the suspension be lifted.
• The drug is still available—​Nordic became the manufacturer in 2012.
• It is contraindicated for repeated use within a year due to anaphylaxis.
• It can cause renal failure and is contraindicated in renal insufficiency.
• The drug is useful during the anhepatic phase of liver transplantation
where its use is guided by TEG®.
An analogue of arginine vasopressin which induces the release of vWF from
the vascular endothelium to increase both vWF and factor VIII.
• Can be used (0.3 micrograms/​kg given in 50–​100mL of 0.9% sodium
chloride over 30min) for haemophilia A and von Willebrand’s disease to
double or quadruple the levels of vWF or factor VIII.
• Platelet function may also be improved in patients with renal failure and
aspirin-​induced platelet dysfunction.

282 Chapter 11 Haematology

Factor VIIa
Recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) acts at the ‘tissue factor–​factor VIIa’ com-
plex at the site of endothelial damage.
• This effect appears localised to the area where the vessel is damaged,
leading to few systemic side effects.
• Numerous case reports have shown rFVIIa to have potent haemostatic
effects, even when other treatments have failed, regardless of the cause
of bleeding. Its use to stop bleeding during operations is off-​licence,
however. These potential benefits have to be weighed up against
its thrombogenic risk; a Cochrane review (updated February 2011)
concluded the data supporting the off-​licence use of rFVIIa were weak,
and the use of rFVIIa outside its current licensed use—​haemophilia and
inhibitory alloantibodies and for prophylaxis and treatment of patients
with congenital factor VII deficiency—​should be restricted to clinical
• Dosing and mode of delivery (IV bolus or continuous infusion) have still
not been established (20–​40 micrograms/​kg has been used).
Prothrombin complex concentrates
Dried prothrombin complex is prepared from human plasma and contains
factor IX, together with variable amounts of factors II, VII and X. Often
referred to as 4-​factor PCC.
• Indications are treatment and prophylaxis of congenital or acquired
deficiency of factors II, VII, IX and X (such as during warfarin
• Contraindications are angina, recent MI and history of HIT.
• Side effects include thrombosis and hypersensitivity, including
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 283

Disseminated intravascular coagulation

DIC occurs when a disease process disturbs normal haemostasis and leads
to abnormal coagulation and fibrinolysis within the vasculature. It is often
termed consumptive coagulopathy due to the extent of clot formation
‘using up’ clotting factors. Overactivation of coagulation leads to the pro-
duction of thrombi consisting of fibrin and platelets. Thrombi in the micro-
circulation and larger vessels lead to further clot formation. Fibrinolysis
follows, forming fibrin degradation products. End-​organ damage can then
occur from hypoperfusion, thrombosis and/​or bleeding.
DIC may be acute or chronic. Chronic DIC occurs slowly, allowing
balance between consumption and regeneration of clotting products, and is
typically seen in malignancy (pancreatic, gastric, ovarian) and in patients with
haemangiomas, aneurysms and carcinomatosis. Acute DIC is seen with:
• Sepsis, often Gram-​negative bacteria
• Malignancy, e.g. acute promyelocytic leukaemia, mucinous tumours
(pancreatic, gastric, ovarian) and brain tumours. Cancer procoagulant is
a proteolytic enzyme capable of activating factor X
• Trauma, especially to CNS, or crush injuries
• Obstetric complications: pre-​eclampsia, amniotic fluid embolism (AFE)
• Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction following ABO incompatibility.
Tissue factor release from monocytes plus generation of cytokines
(TNF, IL-​1) and reduced nitric oxide (NO) lead to clot formation and
• Fat embolism.
• Heat stroke and amphetamine overdose.
Presentation and diagnosis
Presentation of DIC can be in the form of bleeding, VTE and arterial throm-
bosis with organ failure, with renal, hepatic, lung, CNS and adrenal being
Laboratory abnormalities are variable and non-​specific, dependent on
the severity of the DIC. The following would support a diagnosis of DIC:
• i PT and APTT, thrombin time and D-​dimer
• d platelets, fibrinogen, clotting factors VII, X, V and II, coagulation
inhibitors antithrombin III and proteins C and S
• Differential diagnosis typically presenting with thrombocytopenia,
but with otherwise normal coagulation studies, include other
microangiopathies (e.g. TTP and complement-​mediated haemolytic
uraemic syndrome (HUS)).
Treatment aims to be supportive and should be discussed with a

284 Chapter 11 Haematology

Coagulation tests
Standard laboratory coagulation tests typically look at isolated areas of the
clotting cascade and can be related to intrinsic and extrinsic pathways in the
classical coagulation model. In the bleeding coagulopathic patient, pH, tem-
perature and ionised Ca2+ can also be measured for correction.
• PT: the time in s for clot to form, following addition of thromboplastin
and Ca2+ to citrated plasma. Detects deficiencies or inhibitors of factors
II, V, VII and X, and fibrinogen. Normal range: 11–​13.5s.
• INR: comparison of PT with laboratory reference sample to allow easy
standardisation. Detects deficiencies or inhibitors of factors II, V, VII and
X, and fibrinogen. Used for monitoring warfarin. Normal range: 0.8–​1.1.
• APTT: time for clot to form after an intrinsic factor activator (i.e. kaolin)
and Ca2+ added to citrated plasma. Detects deficiencies or inhibitors of
factors XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, V and II, and fibrinogen. Normal range: 25–​35s.
• Fibrinogen: usually calculated from a coagulation assay, e.g. Clauss assay
(thrombin added to dilute plasma until clot forms). Normal range: 2–​4g/​L.
POCT provides rapid and accurate information typically in theatre or the
ICU, allowing targeted, rather than empirical, treatment. There are three
main types of point-​of-​care coagulation testing:
• Coagulation time analysers, e.g. PT/​APTT/​ACT
• Viscoelastic clot strength analysers, e.g. TEG® and ROTEM®
• Platelet function analysers.
Coagulation time analysers
• PT and APTT can be measured by a small portable analyser. A drop of
whole blood is added to a cuvette. This can be useful for monitoring
warfarin status or heparin therapy.
• ACT is used in patients treated with high concentrations of UFH. A
drop of whole blood is added to a cuvette and the sample activated
using kaolin or celite. Often used in CPB surgery. Normal range: 70–​
120s. For CPB, the target ACT is usually in the range of 400s.
Viscoelastic tests: thromboelastography/​
Two analysers TEG® and ROTEM® are available and measure the
strength and elastic properties of clotting whole blood. TEG® uses
thromboelastography, while ROTEM® uses rotational thromboelastometry.
These viscoelastic tests give functional information on the time taken for
clot formation to begin, the speed and strength of clot formation and clot
lysis. Unfortunately, the standard tests are unable to test platelet function.
The potent platelet activation by thrombin overwhelms the effects of the
weaker platelet activators (ADP and arachidonic acid) on which antiplatelet
medications work. Newer Platelet Mapping Assays can be used with some
viscoelastic tests to allow assessment of antiplatelet drugs.
Techniques to assess the viscoelastic properties of clotting can involve
a rotating cup into which a wire is inserted, a spinning wire in a cup and,
more recently, subjecting the blood to vibration whereby the vertical move-
ment of the blood meniscus is measured under LED illumination. A number
of different reagents are used in both techniques, but no matter the tech-
nique, the same trace is produced which facilitates targeted correction of
coagulopathy (Fig. 11.3). The nomenclature and normal values differ be-
tween the two techniques (Table 11.8).
Coagulation tests 285

Fig. 11.3 Typical trace for both TEG® and ROTEM®.

TEG® uses kaolin as the reagent and tests the intrinsic pathway.
• Rapid TEG® (rTEG®) takes just 15min, compared with over 30min
for a standard trace, and uses kaolin and tissue factor to activate the
extrinsic pathway, which speeds up the test. In this test, the R-​value is
replaced by the TEG-​ACT value which is measured in s, rather than in
minutes. The remainder of the TEG parameters do not differ from the
standard test.
• Functional fibrinogen includes tissue factor and a platelet inhibitor
(abciximab) which removes the platelet contribution to clot strength, so
that the fibrinogen component can be seen independently.
• Platelet Mapping is a new addition to the TEG® repertoire and is
explained below.
ROTEM® has a number of different tests:
• INTEM uses phospholipid and ellagic acid to test the intrinsic pathway
and is similar to APTT.
• EXTEM also uses tissue factor to test the extrinsic pathway and is
similar to PT.
• FIBTEM uses a platelet inhibitor (cytochalasin D) to inhibit the platelet
contribution and isolate the fibrinogen contribution to clot strength.
• HEPTEM is essentially the same as INTEM, but with the addition of
heparinase which eliminates heparin from the sample, uncovering any
other underlying coagulopathy.
• APTEM uses aprotinin to rule out excessive fibrinolysis which could be
an indication for tranexamic acid.
• ECATEM is prolonged in patients on direct thrombin inhibitors. Using
ecarin, a prothrombin activator, it is similar to the ecarin clotting
time test.

286 Chapter 11 Haematology

Table 11.8 Normal values for TEG® and the ROTEM®

Clotting time (time to R 4–​8min
2mm amplitude) INTEM** 137–​246s
EXTEM** 42–​74s
Clot kinetics (2–​20mm K* 1–​4min CFT:
amplitude) INTEM** 40–​100s
EXTEM** 46–​148s
Clot strength (α angle) α* 47–​74° INTEM** 71–​82°
EXTEM** 63–​81°
Maximum strength MA* 55–​73mm MCF:
INTEM** 52–​72mm
EXTEM** 49–​71mm
Clot lysis CL30, CL60 LI30, ML
Kaolin activated.
CFT, clot formation time; CL30, clot lysis at 30min; CL60, clot lysis at 60min; CT, clotting time;
K, kinetics; LI30, lysis index at 30min; MA, maximum amplitude; MCF, maximum clot firmness;
ML, maximum lysis; R, reaction time.

Interpretation of a ROTEM® or TEG® is similar to learning how to interpret
an ECG. A stepwise approach is used initially and later pattern recognition
(Fig. 11.4).
Prolongation of clotting time/​clot formation time or reaction/​kinetics times
Has the patient had heparin? A HEPTEM assay will be able to rule this out.
If heparin has been given and reversal is required, consider protamine. If no
heparin, the results are due to clotting deficiencies, so consider FFP.
Reduced maximum amplitude or maximum clot firmness
Perform a FIBTEM or a functional fibrinogen test. Is maximum amplitude
or maximum clot firmness reduced using these tests? If so, the result is
due to fibrinogen deficiency, so consider using cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen
concentrate. If not, the result is due to platelet deficiency, so correct with
platelet transfusion.
Increased CL30/​CL60 or LI30/​LI60
There is excessive fibrinolysis, so consider an antifibrinolytic. An APTEM
test will inhibit fibrinolysis, bringing LI30 and LI60 back to normal limits,
confirming the result.
Coagulation tests 287

Normal R; K; MA; Angel: normal

Factor deficiency
R; K: prolonged;
MA; Angle: decreased

Platelet blockers
R; normal; K: prolonged;
MA: decreased

Fibrinolysis (UK, SK or t-PA)

Presence of t-PA
R; normal;
MA: continuous decrease
LY30 > 7.5%; WBCLI30 < 97.5%;
LY60 > 15.0% WBCLI60 < 85%
R; K: decreased;
MA; Angle: increased

Stage 1
Hypercoagulable state with
secondary fibrinolysis

Stage 2
Hypercoagulable state

Fig. 11.4 Characteristic TEG® traces.

Platelet function analysers

Both quantitative and qualitative defects in platelet function can lead to
major bleeding after surgery or trauma. This may be genetic, due to a dis-
ease process, consumptive or as a result of an antiplatelet agent. There
are now many point-​of-​care platelet analysers available. They have specific
activators to detect COX inhibitors (e.g. aspirin), P2Y12 antagonists (e.g.
clopidogrel) and glycoprotein IIb/​IIIa antagonists (e.g. abciximab).
• Similar to viscoelastic tests for coagulation, a graph is produced and
typically, inhibition of platelet function is reported as a percentage (e.g.
platelet function is 90% inhibited by clopidogrel in this sample).
• Analysers include PFA-​100®, Plateletworks®, TEG Platelet Mapping®,
VerifyNow®, Multiplate® and ROTEM PM®. With the exception of PFA-​
100® which is only for aspirin, all these analysers measure all three types
of antiplatelet agents.

288 Chapter 11 Haematology

Hypercoagulability syndromes
A pattern of RBC changes that usually results in Hb >17.5g/​dL in ♂ and
>15.5g/​dL in ♀. This is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the red
cell count to 6.0 and 5.5 × 1012/​L and an Hct of 55% and 47%, respectively.
• 1°: polycythaemia vera (PV)
• 2°: due to compensatory erythropoietin (EPO) increase (high altitude,
cardiorespiratory diseases—​especially cyanotic, heavy smoking,
methaemoglobinaemia) or inappropriate EPO increase (renal diseases:
hydronephrosis, cysts, carcinoma; massive uterine fibromyomata;
hepatocellular carcinoma; cerebellar haemangioblastoma)
• Relative: stress or spurious polycythaemia. Dehydration or vomiting
• Plasma loss: burns, enteropathy.
Polycythaemia vera
Presenting features include headaches, dyspnoea, chest pain, vertigo, prur-
itus, epigastric pain, hypertension, gout and thrombotic episodes (particu-
larly retinal).
• Splenomegaly is typical.
• Thrombocythaemia occurs in 50% of cases.
• Differential diagnosis is with other causes of polycythaemia. These can
be excluded by history, examination and blood tests, including bone
marrow aspiration, ABGs and EPO levels.
• Genetic testing can reveal the JAK2 mutation in 90–​95% of patients with
PV, and in 50% of patients with myelofibrosis.
• Therapy is aimed at maintaining a normal blood count by venesection
and myelosuppression with drugs.
• Thrombosis is a potential cause of death, and 10% of cases develop
myelofibrosis and rarely acute leukaemia.
Essential thrombocythaemia
Megakaryocyte proliferation and overproduction of platelets are the dom-
inant features, with a sustained platelet count >450 × 109/​L.
• Closely related to PV, with recurrent haemorrhage and thrombosis as
the principal clinical features.
• Abnormal large platelets or megakaryocyte fragments may be seen on a
blood film.
• Differential diagnosis is from other causes of a raised platelet count,
e.g. haemorrhage, chronic infection, malignancy, PV, myelosclerosis and
chronic granulocytic leukaemia.
• Platelet function tests are consistently abnormal.
• Hydroxycarbamide is the mainstay of therapy, but some treatments are
more toxic.
Hypercoagulability syndromes 289

Antiphospholipid syndrome
This is a rare, but increasingly recognised syndrome resulting in arterial or
venous thrombosis or recurrent miscarriage, with a positive laboratory test
for antiphospholipid antibody and/​or lupus anticoagulant. It may present
with another autoimmune disease such as SLE (2°) or as a 1° disease. The
main feature of the disease is thrombosis, with a spectrum from subacute
migraine and visual disturbances to accelerated cardiac failure and major
CVE. Arterial thrombosis helps distinguish this from other hypercoagulable
states. Paradoxically, the LA leads to a prolongation of coagulation tests,
such as the APTT, but detailed testing is needed before the diagnosis can
be confirmed. Patients may present for surgery because of complications
(miscarriage, thrombosis) or for incidental procedures. Initially, patients are
started on aspirin, but after a confirmed episode of thrombosis, they usually
remain on lifelong warfarin. High risk of thrombosis in these patients means
that if warfarin needs to be stopped for surgery, IV heparin should be com-
menced both pre-​and postoperatively.
Anaesthesia and surgery in the hypercoagulable patient
There are no published guidelines, but it seems prudent that elective pa-
tients who are polycythaemic should be venesected to a normal blood
count to decrease the risk of perioperative thrombosis.
• Antithrombotic stockings and intermittent compression devices should
be used with SC heparin.
• Haematological advice may be required.

290 Chapter 11 Haematology

Further reading
McIlmoyle K, Tran H (2018). Perioperative management of oral anticoagulation. BJA Educ, 18,
Keeling D, Tait RC, Watson H; British Committee of Standards for Haematology (2016). Peri-​
operative management of anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy. Br J Haematol, 175, 602–​13.
Klein AA, Arnold P, Bingham RM, et al. (2016). AAGBI guidelines: the use of blood components and
their alternatives 2016. Anaesthesia, 71, 829–​42.
Dimitrova G, Tulman DB, Bergese SD (2012). Perioperative management of antiplatelet therapy in
patients with drug-​eluting stents. HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth, 4, 153–​67.
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2005). Blood transfusion and the anaes-
thetist: blood component therapy. M https://​www.e-​safe-​​sessions/​02_​05/​pdf/​

1 Davis BA, Allard S, Qureshi A, et al. (2017). Guidelines on red cell transfusion in sickle cell dis-
ease. Part I: principles and laboratory aspects. Br J Haematol, 176, 179–​91.
2 Foedinger A, Luger TJ (2016). Glucose-​ phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Anästh
Intensivmed, 57, S115–​38.
3 Stravitz RT, Lisman T, Luketic VA, et al. (2012). Minimal effects of acute liver injury/​acute liver
failure on hemostasis as assessed by thromboelastography. J Hepatol, 56, 129–​36.
4 Scully M, Hunt BJ, Benjamin S, et al. (2012). Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and other thrombotic microangiopathies. Br J Haematol,
158, 323–​35.
5 Hicks T, Stewart F, Eisinga A (2016). NOACs versus warfarin for stroke prevention in patients
with AF: a systematic review and meta-​analysis. Open Heart, 3, e279.
6 Douketis JD, Spyropoulos AC, Spencer FA, et al. (2012). Perioperative management of
antithrombotic therapy. Chest, 141, e326S–​50S.
7 Kearon C, Akl EA, Ornelas J, et al. (2016). Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease. Chest, 149,
8 Hornor MA, Duane TM, Ehlers AP, et al. (2018). American College of Surgeons’ Guidelines for
the perioperative management of antithrombotic medication. J Am Coll Surg, 227, 521–​36.
9 Koster A, Faraoni D, Levy JH (2018). Argatroban and bivalirudin for perioperative anticoagulation
in cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology, 128, 390–​400.
10 Oprea AD, Popescu WM (2013). Perioperative management of antiplatelet therapy. Br J Anaesth,
111, 3–​17.
11 Wijns W, Kolh P, Danchin N, et al. (2010). Guidelines on myocardial revascularization: The Task
Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the
European Association for CardioThoracic Surgery (EACTS). Eur Heart J, 31, 2501–​55.
12 Kristensen SD, Knuuti J, Saraste A, et al. (2014). 2014 ESC/​ESA Guidelines on non-​cardiac sur-
gery: cardiovascular assessment and management. Eur Heart J, 35, 2383–​431.
13 Roberts I, Shakur H, Coats T, et al. (2013). The CRASH-​2 trial: a randomised controlled trial and
economic evaluation of the effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events and
transfusion requirement in bleeding trauma patients. Health Technol Assess, 17, 1–​79.
14 The CRASH-​3 Trial Collaborators (2019). Effects of tranexamic acid on death, disability, vascular
occlusive events and other morbidities in patients with acute traumatic brain injury (CRASH-​3):
a randomised, placebo-​controlled trial. Lancet, 394, 1713.
15 Fergusson DA, Hebert P, Mazer D, et al. (2008). A comparison of aprotinin and lysine analogues
in high-​risk cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med, 358, 2319–​31.
16 Henry D, Carless P, Fergusson D, Laupacis A (2009). The safety of aprotinin and lysine-​derived
antifibrinolytic drugs in cardiac surgery: a meta-​analysis. CMAJ, 180, 183–​93.
Chapter 12 291

Neurological and muscular

Adam Young, Selin Kabadayi, and Sarah Marsh
Parkinson’s disease 292
Cerebrovascular events 296
Epilepsy 300
Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions 303
Neuromuscular disorders 309
Motor neurone disease 310
Multiple sclerosis 311
Guillain–​Barré syndrome 312
Myasthenia gravis 314
Muscular dystrophies 317
Rare conditions 322
Drug considerations in neurological disorders 324

292 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Parkinson’s disease
General considerations
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a multisystem neurological disorder character-
ised by a triad of muscle rigidity, bradykinesia and a resting tremor. Loss of
dopaminergic neurones in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia results in
a dopamine deficiency and excessive thalamic inhibition. This leads to the
classical symptoms seen. The disease affects over 100 000 people in the
UK, with a prevalence of 71% in those aged over 65, and is associated with
an i risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality. The disease is incurable
and progress cannot be slowed; treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms
with either medication or surgical intervention such as insertion of a deep
brain stimulator.
Drug therapies
• The goal of drug therapy is to increase the amount of dopamine readily
available within the CNS (Table 12.1) and to reduce cholinergic activity. This
can be achieved either by administering a dopamine agonist or by inhibiting
the enzymatic breakdown of dopamine in the CNS by monoamine oxidase
B (MAO-​B) or catechol-​O-​methyltransferase (COMT).
• Drug therapy is, however, limited by severe side effects (nausea and
confusion), especially in the elderly. Up to 20% of patients will remain
unresponsive to drug therapy.
• Dopamine is administered as a prodrug (such as levodopa) to allow it to
cross the blood–​brain barrier, and must be administered with a DOPA
decarboxylase inhibitor (such as carbidopa) to prevent peripheral
• Anticholinergic drugs are used when symptoms are mild and tremor
predominates, and can be useful in drug-​induced parkinsonism.

Table 12.1 Drug therapies in Parkinson’s disease

Class of drug Examples Notes

Dopamine precursors Levodopa–​ Short half-​life necessitates frequent
in combination with carbidopa administration
DOPA decarboxylase Levodopa–​
inhibitor benserazide
Dopamine agonists Pramipexole Adjunctive therapy; also used
(enteral) Ropinirole if levodopa therapies cause
Bromocriptine intolerable side effects
Dopamine agonists Rotigotine Transdermal patch
(parenteral) Apomorphine SC infusion; highly emetogenic
MAO-​B inhibitors Selegiline Avoid pethidine and selective
Rasagiline serotonin reuptake inhibitor/​TCA–
risk of serotonin syndrome
COMT inhibitors Entacapone Caution with drugs metabolised by
Tolcapone COMT (adrenaline, noradrenaline)
Anticholinergics Procyclidine Limited efficacy; side effects
Benztropine (confusion, urinary retention)
limit use
Parkinson’s disease 293

Preoperative assessment
Patients with PD have i perioperative morbidity and mortality, as well as
an i length of stay.
In addition, the complexity of the timing and administration of drug ther-
apies necessitates a multidisciplinary approach during the perioperative
period, including from a PD specialist.
Important points:
• A history of dysphagia or excessive salivation (sialorrhoea) is suggestive
of upper airway dysfunction and indicates an i risk of failing to protect
the airway during the perioperative period. This may manifest as
aspiration, laryngospasm or postoperative pulmonary complications
such as infection.
• Respiratory function may be further impaired by rigidity and
bradykinesia, as well as sputum retention.
• Cardiovascular instability can result from arrhythmias or orthostatic
hypotension 2° to the disease itself or as a side effect of medications.
• The management of medication administration must be clear and
appropriate preparations made to be able to source and administer the
drug; where enteral medications cannot be given, substitutive parenteral
therapy must be instigated (see % p. 292).
• The patient should be warned that, even with extensive planning,
perioperative management of their parkinsonism may not be optimal
and distressing symptoms may recur. Delirium is also common, with
reported rates as high as 60%.
Drugs to avoid
• Several drugs commonly used in the perioperative period are
contraindicated in PD as they can significantly worsen symptoms or
cause harmful interactions.
• Antiemetics (prochlorperazine, droperidol, metoclopramide) antagonise
dopamine and exacerbate symptoms.
• Pethidine interacts with selegiline which can lead to serotonin syndrome
(see % p. 332).
• Synthetic opioids cause presynaptic inhibition of dopamine and cause
dose-​related muscle rigidity.
• Clonidine can cause profound hypotension by enhancing the relative
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Medications for PD should continue uninterrupted until the start of
anaesthesia. Distressing symptoms may develop as little as 3h after a
missed dose and acute withdrawal of drugs may precipitate symptoms
resembling neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
• Consider antisialagogue premedication in the presence of significant
sialorrhoea such as glycopyrronium (200–​400 micrograms IM).
• Patients with PD have a high incidence of dysphagia, gastroparesis and
gastro-​oesophageal reflux. Consideration therefore should be given to
securing the airway with RSI and intubation.
• Fixed flexion deformity of the neck can occur.

294 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

• Regional anaesthesia has advantages for those with a difficult airway or

significant respiratory or cardiovascular complications. It also allows a
rapid return to oral intake. However, muscle rigidity and tremor can
interfere with positioning, surgery and monitoring and the sympathetic
blockade can exacerbate autonomic dysfunction.
• Hypotension is common and can be difficult to treat.
• Domperidone, which does not cross the blood–​brain barrier, may be
used safely.
• If dysphagia will prevent administration of oral analgesia, an NGT may
be required.
• Muscle rigidity may result in the patient being unable to operate patient-​
controlled analgesia.
• For prolonged procedures, administration of dopaminergic medications
through an NGT may be necessary.
Postoperative care
• H The 1° consideration is restoration of dopaminergic therapy
to prevent an exacerbation of symptoms or an acute withdrawal

Withdrawal syndromes in Parkinson’s disease

Parkinsonism–​hyperpyrexia syndrome
This follows an abrupt withdrawal of levodopa and resembles neuroleptic
malignant syndrome with rigidity, pyrexia, autonomic instability and im-
paired mental status. It is treated by reinstigating dopaminergic agents and
has a high mortality if untreated.
Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome
This condition manifests with neuropsychiatric symptoms, including de-
pression, fatigue, irritability, diaphoresis and orthostatic hypotension.

• Patients with advanced disease should be considered for admission to

critical care due to the high risk of potential complications.
• If prolonged GI dysfunction is anticipated postoperatively (such as
following emergency laparotomy), parenteral antiparkinson therapy
must be instigated. This can be commenced relatively easily with the use
of rotigotine patches or apomorphine infusions (more difficult to dose,
however, and highly emetogenic).
Dosing of rotigotine
• Take advice from a specialist in the management of PD for conversion
of enteral medications to transdermal rotigotine.
• In an emergency, or if specialist help is unavailable, dose equivalence
calculators are available online at
M http://​
Parkinson’s disease 295

Special considerations
• Implantation of deep brain stimulators is increasingly being performed
in patients with advanced disease. Should the patient then require
further unrelated surgery, standard precautions for implantable devices
should be used such as using bipolar diathermy. The device should be
turned off prior to anaesthesia and checked postoperatively.
• Postoperative delirium is common in patients with PD and may
be delayed. A thorough assessment should be made for potential
triggers such as hypoxia or urinary retention. Non-​pharmacological
management, such as orientation measures, are preferable to
pharmacological treatment. However, if required, low doses of
benzodiazepines or quetiapine can be given. Dopamine antagonists such
as haloperidol must be avoided.
Further reading
Roberts DP, Lewis SJG (2018). Considerations for general anaesthesia in Parkinson’s disease. J Clin
Neurosci, 48, 34–​41.
Chambers DJ, Sebastian J, Ahearn DJ (2017). Parkinson’s disease. BJA Educ, 17, 145–​9.

296 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Cerebrovascular events
CVEs are a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In the UK, 1.2
million people have a history of CVE. Around 85% of CVEs are ischaemic in
nature, and 15% are haemorrhagic. The resulting clinical outcome can range
from no deficit, a relatively mild focal neurological deficit to profound dis-
ability. Given the ongoing improvement in outcomes following CVEs, these
patients are increasingly likely to present for surgery and, as such, require
careful perioperative management.
H The most important risk factor for a perioperative CVE is a
previous CVE.
General considerations
Outcome following a perioperative CVE is poor and optimal 2° prevention
measures are extremely important to maximise recovery. Perioperative
hypotension can, for example, precipitate a watershed infarct at a vulner-
able boundary between vascular territories.
When to operate following a CVE
• The risk of major adverse cardiovascular events is markedly i following
CVE. This risk decreases with time and plateaus after 9mo but remains
elevated compared to a patient who has never suffered a CVE.1
• If possible, delay surgery for 9mo after a CVE, unless the benefits of
earlier surgery outweigh the risks.
• TIAs require urgent investigation by a CVE physician and non-​
emergency surgery should be delayed until this is completed.
• Emergency surgery should not be delayed; surgery within 3d of a CVE
may have a better outcome than surgery at d3–​14 due to delayed
impairment of cerebral autoregulation.2

Preoperative assessment
• Common associations with CVEs are older age, frailty, hypertension,
diabetes, respiratory disease, and cardiac disease.
• Medication and lifestyle changes should all be encouraged, including:
cessation of smoking, anticoagulation for valvular heart disease and
AF, lipid-​lowering medications, glycaemic control and healthy diet to
normal BMI.
• For the symptomatic patient with known carotid artery stenosis of
>60%, discussion with a vascular surgeon regarding consideration for
endarterectomy may be appropriate.
• Physical disability may mean that impaired cardiorespiratory reserve is
not immediately obvious.
• Neurological examination is necessary prior to anaesthesia so that any
new perioperative neurological deficit can be identified early.
• Ischaemic CVEs are associated with AF. An ECG is required to
determine the underlying cardiac rhythm. Rate control may be required.
• Assess for bulbar involvement. Tracheal intubation may be needed and
the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications is raised.
• If patients are taking oral anticoagulation, INR, eGFR or CC will be
needed to inform preoperative cessation of these drugs.
• Post-​CVE epilepsy occurs in 710% of patients. Antiepileptic drugs should
be continued in the perioperative period.
Cerebrovascular events 297

Antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy

• Aspirin and clopidogrel are the most commonly used antiplatelet
drugs for 2° prevention of CVEs.
• Anticoagulant drugs, such as warfarin, or direct oral anticoagulants,
such as apixaban, are used to reduce the risk of embolic CVEs, usually
in the setting of AF.
• Withdrawal of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy is associated
with an i risk of perioperative CVE, thought to be due to rebound
hypercoagulability aggravating the prothrombotic state that exists
after surgery.3 The i risk of CVE must be balanced against the risks of
i surgical bleeding and the exclusion of central neuraxial techniques.
This decision may require specialist physician, anaesthetic and surgical
input and documented discussion with the patient.
• Ideally, antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents should be continued in
procedures with a low risk of bleeding.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Antihypertensive medication should be continued in the perioperative
period, with the exception of ACE inhibitors and ARBs which should be
withheld for 24h before and after surgery. These medications may cause
profound, resistant hypotension, especially at induction.
• Contractures may make venous access and patient positioning
• Suxamethonium can cause hyperkalaemia in hemiplegic patients; this has
been reported as early as 1w and as late as 6mo after CVE.
• Haemodynamic instability may occur due to a relatively fixed vascular
system. Invasive arterial monitoring and careful use of vasoactive agents
may be required.
• Anaesthetic technique does not appear to influence the risk of
perioperative CVE, except in lower limb arthroplasty where neuraxial
blockade may reduce the risk of death or further CVE.
• Intraoperative hypotension should be avoided in patients at risk of
perioperative CVE. BP should be maintained at the patient’s baseline.
If a baseline BP is not available, the MAP should not be allowed to
decrease below 80mmHg.4
• Hypotension and hypocapnia must be avoided to prevent the
watershed area around the infarcted cerebral tissue from also becoming
irreversibly damaged.
• Blood glucose should be maintained between 4 and 10mmol/​L.
• Metoprolol should not be used to treat intraoperative hypertension—​it
is associated with an i risk of perioperative CVE. Other β-​blockers
appear to be safe.
• New neurological signs postoperatively will require urgent imaging and
discussion with the CVE team.

298 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Mechanical thrombectomy
• Mechanical thrombectomy or clot retrieval is an intervention that can
remove an obstructing embolus from the affected vessel.
• A minimally invasive angiographic technique is used with a catheter
passed via the groin or wrist to the site of the embolus.
• If performed promptly, the neurological deficit can be minimised or
even reversed completely.
• The procedure can be carried out under GA or sedation. GA may be
preferred if there is bulbar involvement, agitation or a reduced level
of consciousness (e.g. basilar artery thrombus).
• Patient outcome correlates with BP management, not the anaesthetic
technique. Hypotension is particularly poorly tolerated. Systolic
pressure should be maintained at 140–​180mmHg, with diastolic
pressure <105mmHg.5
Postoperative care
• Reinstate anticoagulants as soon as the surgical team allows.
• Intraoperative BP targets should continue postoperatively.
• Consider critical care admission for comorbid patients or those with
bulbar involvement.
Haemorrhagic CVE
• This may be due to aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage,
spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage, rupture of an arteriovenous
malformation, haemorrhage into a tumour or cerebral amyloid
• Hypertension is the commonest risk factor for spontaneous
intracerebral haemorrhage.
• Other risk factors include DM, cigarette smoking and alcohol excess.
• Patients who survive the acute phase may be significantly impaired
with weakness, contractures and/​or cognitive deficits.
• BP following intracerebral haemorrhage should be maintained
<140mmHg systolic.6
• When bleeding has occurred due to an aneurysmal rupture, systolic
BP should be maintained between 110 and 160mmHg until the
aneurysm is secured.7
(See also % p. 576.)
Cerebrovascular events 299

1 Jorgensen ME, Torp-​Pedersen C, Gislason GH, et al. (2014). Time elapsed after ischaemic CVE
and risk of adverse cardiovascular events and mortality following elective noncardiac surgery.
JAMA, 312, 269–​77.
2 Christiansen M, Andersson C, Gislason GH, et al. (2017). Risks of cardiovascular adverse events
and death in patients with previous CVE undergoing emergency noncardiac, nonintracranial sur-
gery: the importance of operative timing. Anesthesiology, 127, 9–​19.
3 Mehdi Z, Birns J, Partridge J, et al. (2016). Perioperative management of patients with a history of
CVE or transient ischaemic attack undergoing elective non-​cardiac surgery. Clin Med, 16, 535–​40.
4 Minhas JS, Rook W, Panerai RB, et al. (2020). Pathophysiological and clinical considerations in the
perioperative care of patients with a previous ischaemic CVE: a multidisciplinary narrative review.
Br J Anaesth, 124, 183–​96.
5 Talke PO, Sharma D, Heyer EJ, et al. (2014). Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and
Critical Care Expert Consensus Statement: anesthetic management of endovascular treatment
for acute ischaemic CVE: endorsed by the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery and the
Neurocritical Care Society. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 26, 95–​108.
6 Hemphill JC, Greenberg SM, Anderson CS, et al. (2015). Guidelines for the management of spon-
taneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American
Heart Association/​American CVE Association. Stroke, 46, 2032–​60.
7 Nathanson MH, Andrzejowski J, Dinsmore J, et al. (2020). Guidelines for safe transfer of the
brain-​injured patient: trauma and CVE, 2019: guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists and
the Neuro Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society. Anaesthesia, 75, 234–​46.

300 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Epilepsy is characterised by a predisposition of the brain to generate ab-
normal, synchonous, neuronal activity. The clinical manifestations vary
widely and can be focal or generalised, with consciousness maintained or
impaired. Epilepsy may be idiopathic or 2° to a structural, metabolic or trau-
matic cause. Antiepileptic drug therapy is used to reduce and/​or control
the rate of seizures. Surgery or implantation of neuromodulatory devices
(such as a vagus nerve stimulator) may be required in refractory cases.
General considerations
• It is vital that antiepileptic drug therapy is maintained throughout the
perioperative period, through either enteral or parenteral routes.
Preoperative assessment
• The nature, timing and frequency of seizures should be recorded, along
with a full drug history and timing of antiepileptic drug therapy. This
can help to determine strategies to minimise disruptions in treatment
• Any associated medical conditions must also be assessed.
• If there is suboptimal control of seizures or in those where return to
therapy may be delayed after surgery, consult their specialist.
• Consider drug titres in patients as a baseline prior to major surgery or if
control is suboptimal.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Perioperatively antiepileptic drugs may need to be given, parenterally if
• Specific drug considerations are considered in Table 12.2.
• Check electrolyte and glucose levels as derangement reduces seizure
threshold, as does hypocapnia.
• IV induction can be performed with propofol or thiopental as both
have anticonvulsant properties at doses used for GA. Ketamine has
proconvulsant properties when used at low doses, but anticonvulsant
properties at GA doses.
• Regional anaesthesia may help to minimise disruption in antiepileptic
drug regimes and can also negate the possibility of missed seizure
activity occurring under GA. LAs can readily cross the blood–​brain
barrier and result in seizure activity if maximum doses are exceeded.
• Carefully assess any abnormal movements on induction or emergence
as misdiagnosing dystonic movements or shivering as epilepsy can have
profound implications for the patient (Box 12.1).

Box 12.1 Driving and epilepsy

A perioperative seizure in a patient holding a UK driver’s licence can result
in withdrawal of the licence for up to 1y. The impact of this on a patient’s
life cannot be overstated. Advice on fitness to drive is available from the
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (M http://​​dvla).
Epilepsy 301

Table 12.2 Drugs with special considerations in epilepsy

Drug Notes
Pethidine and tramadol Both lower the seizure threshold and should
be avoided
Alfentanil Enhances EEG activity and prolongs seizures in
electroconvulsive therapy; avoid or use with
Ketamine Proconvulsant at low doses, but anticonvulsant
at anaesthetic doses (>1mg/​kg IV)
Etomidate Avoid as associated with postoperative
seizures. Prolongs seizure duration in
electroconvulsive therapy
Metoclopramide, High incidence of dystonic reactions which
prochlorperazine, droperidol may lead to confusion with epileptic activity
Enflurane Associated with postoperative seizures (no
longer available in the UK)
Aminosteroid neuromuscular Hepatic enzyme induction by antiepileptic
blockers (e.g. vecuronium, drugs may shorten duration of action

What if oral or nasogastric therapy is not possible?

Phenytoin, sodium valproate and levetiracetam can be given IV at equiva-
lent doses to the oral formulation and carbamazepine can be given rectally.
Hypoalbuminaemia, acid–​base derangement and concomitant drug admin-
istration can markedly affect the antiepileptic drug levels. Advice from a
pharmacist and measurement of drug levels in the critically ill is very helpful.
Postoperative care
• Ensure antiepileptic therapy is reinstated as soon as possible.
• See Table 12.3 for antiepileptic medication considerations.
• Abnormal movements in the postoperative period may not be due to
epilepsy. Look for other causes of seizure/​abnormal movement. The
consequences of a postoperative seizure for some patients will be

302 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Table 12.3 Antiepileptic medication considerations and interactions

Effect Consequence
Enzyme inducers (e.g. Reduce serum concentration of certain drugs,
carbamazepine, phenytoin, e.g. valproate, lamotrigine, steroids, oral
phenobarbital) contraceptives, amiodarone, digoxin, warfarin
Enzyme inhibitors (e.g. valproate Increase serum concentration of certain
and stiripentol) drugs, e.g. lamotrigine, phenobarbital,
nimodipine, amitriptyline, warfarin
Metabolism inhibited by other Clarithromycin and erythromycin
drugs increase serum concentration of
Amiodarone increases serum
concentration of phenytoin
May cause toxic levels of antiepileptic drugs
Metabolism induced by other Oral contraceptives markedly reduce serum
drugs lamotrigine concentrations, which may result
in subtherapeutic levels
Pharmacokinetic effects on Continuous NG feed impairs gastric
absorption, distribution or phenytoin absorption
excretion Highly protein-​bound drugs (valproate,
phenytoin) may displace other drugs
from protein-​binding sites—​rarely of
clinical importance
Effect on NMBAs Antiepileptic drugs may potentiate the
effect of non-​depolarising neuromuscular
blockers when administered acutely, yet
cause resistance to their effects in chronic
use. Caused by a combination of effects such
as enzyme induction and upregulation of
acetylcholine receptors
Impaired clearance of Renal/​hepatic failure, hypoalbuminaemia
antiepileptic drugs

Further reading
Carter EL, Adapa RM (2015). Adult epilepsy and anaesthesia. BJA Educ, 15, 111–​17.
Perks A, Cheema S, Mohanra JR (2012). Anaesthesia and epilepsy. Br J Anaesth, 108, 562–​71.
Johannessen SI, Johannessen Landmark C (2010). Antiepileptic drug interactions: principles and clin-
ical implications. Curr Neuropharmacol, 8, 254–​67.
Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions 303

Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions

In the UK, there are 750 000 patients currently living with chronic spinal
cord injuries. Around 1000 people sustain a new spinal cord injury in the
UK each year, with trauma being the commonest aetiology. Non-​traumatic
causes include infection, vascular disruption and degenerative disease. The
average age of patients suffering a spinal cord injury is increasing due to falls
from standing height in the expanding elderly population. Complex physio-
logical changes render anaesthetic management of these patients challen-
ging in both the acute and chronic phase.
Phases of acute spinal cord injury
Injury to the spinal cord results in three physiologically distinct phases. (See
also % p. 1003.)
This starts almost immediately. There is massive catecholamine release
due to direct stimulation of the spinal cord, which causes hypertension and
tachycardia. This may result in myocardial ischaemia, cardiac failure and pul-
monary oedema.
Neurogenic shock
This stage follows rapidly and lasts for several weeks; most commonly seen
in lesions above T6. Disruption of autonomic pathways below the level of
injury results in hypotension (due to loss of sympathetic tone) and brady-
cardia (if the cardiac accelerator fibres at T1–​T4 are affected). Unopposed
vagal tone may result in severe bradycardia or even asystole during pro-
cedures such as laryngoscopy and tracheal suctioning. The patient will be
hypotensive, but peripherally warm and vasodilated; excessive fluid admin-
istration can result in pulmonary oedema and early use of vasopressors
should be considered to maintain organ perfusion.
Spinal shock
This phase accompanies neurogenic shock and commences at the time
of injury. It initially consists of flaccid areflexia with loss of sensation and
motor paralysis. A four-​phase course is described, with reflexes begin-
ning to return 1d after injury and achieving a hyperreflexive, spastic state
after 71y. Autonomic dysreflexia is a life-​threatening manifestation of this
hyperreflexia (see below).
Primary and secondary injury
• 1° injury occurs at the time of the injury itself.
• 2° injury begins within minutes of the 1° injury and is due to spinal
cord oedema and ischaemia. The extent of 2° injury can be modified
by optimal management, e.g. stabilisation of affected vertebrae,
avoidance of hypotension.
• Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA)
describes a neurological deficit without X-​ray or CT evidence of
injury to the spinal column. MRI will usually identify the lesion.
Maintain a high index of suspicion if clinical features do not correlate
with initial imaging.

304 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Anaesthetic management of acute spinal cord injury

Whether the patient is in the ED or theatre, a high index of suspicion should
be maintained for coexisting life-​threatening injuries, as these occur in ap-
proximately one-​third of spinal cord injury patients. A patient who has suf-
fered major trauma and is unconscious should be assumed to have a spinal
cord injury until proven otherwise (see % Spinal trauma, pp. 1002–3.
Manual in-​ line stabilisation is mandatory during laryngoscopy to pre-
vent extension of the cervical spine from causing further damage.
Videolaryngoscopy may result in less movement of the cervical spine than
direct laryngoscopy. AFOI can also be considered. Coughing or gagging
must be avoided.
Ventilatory support may be required in cervical and high thoracic lesions.
Table 12.4 describes the ventilatory impact of cervical injury depending on
the level. In spinal cord injury where ventilation is dependent entirely on the
diaphragm, the patient should remain supine or slightly head down. This
increases VC as the abdominal contents push the diaphragm up into the
chest, allowing greater excursion during inspiration. For neuroprotective
reasons, normocapnia should be maintained and hypoxia avoided.
In neurogenic shock, hypotension is due to sympathetic outflow disruption
and subsequent vasodilation. Avoid excessive fluid resuscitation as this may
precipitate pulmonary oedema; judicious use of vasopressors and vagolytic
agents is recommended. Assuming no major haemorrhage is present, a
neuroprotective MAP target of 85–​90mmHg may help to optimise spinal
cord perfusion and reduce 2° injury. Early urinary catheterisation is advised
to prevent vagal stimulation caused by bladder distension and to allow ac-
curate fluid balance calculations.
The extent of the spinal cord injury should be classified using the American
Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale. Neurological deficit often does
not fit the patterns of spinal cord injury, as described in Table 12.5, in the
acute setting. Note that spinal cord injury alone does not cause loss of con-
sciousness and so intracranial pathology should be excluded. Maintenance
of in-​line immobilisation is mandatory until spinal cord injury can be ex-
cluded with clinical examination or radiological investigation.
Ensure a full 2° survey is performed to identify any concurrent injuries. Be
aware that there is a risk of hypothermia due to peripheral vasodilation.
Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions 305

Table 12.4 Respiratory effects by level of lesion

Above Loss of phrenic nerve innervation results in diaphragmatic paralysis and

C3 complete dependence on mechanical ventilation
C3–​C5 Variable diaphragmatic function remains; mechanical ventilation may be
required, depending on extent of loss of function
C6–​C8 Diaphragmatic function is intact and may be adequate to support
inspiratory effort in combination with accessory neck muscles.
Intermittent non-​invasive ventilatory support may be required. Cough
is markedly impaired, with consequent risk of sputum retention,
atelectasis and pneumonia
Below Minimal ventilatory compromise, but cough may be impaired with i risk
C8 of sputum retention and pneumonia

Table 12.5 Patterns of spinal cord injury

Type Injury pattern Consequences

Complete No intact neurones pass Complete absence of motor and
through the site of injury sensory function below the lesion
Anterior cord Usually due to disruption of Loss of motor function, pain
syndrome the anterior spinal artery and temperature sensation
below the lesion
Preservation of fine touch,
proprioception and vibration
Brown-​ Cord hemisection (e.g. Ipsilateral loss of motor
Séquard trauma) function, fine touch,
syndrome proprioception and vibration
below the lesion
Contralateral loss of pain and
Central cord Injury to central grey Greater motor impairment in
syndrome matter of the cord, most upper limbs, compared to lower
commonly in the cervical limbs
Posterior cord Rare—​can be due to Loss of vibration, fine touch and
syndrome infarction of posterior spinal proprioception below the lesion
arteries, trauma or disc

Autonomic dysreflexia
Autonomic dysreflexia is a potentially life-​threatening condition, charac-
terised by an inappropriate autonomic response to a stimulus below the
level of the spinal cord lesion. It is seen in up to 50–​70% of patients with
a spinal cord injury at or above T6. The incidence is greater with higher
lesions and complete cord injury. It may occur as early as 3w following
the initial injury.
Common precipitants include: pain, bladder distension, urinary tract in-
fections, catheter insertion and faecal impaction.

306 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Activation of the sympathetic chain causes intense vasoconstriction and

subsequent hypertension, compounded by loss of descending inhibitory
control due to cord injury. Features include hypertension, headache,
flushing, sweating and anxiety.
Life-​threatening hypertension can cause cardiac emergencies, including
myocardial ischaemia, arrhythmias and pulmonary oedema. Neurological
complications are also possible, including seizures and intracranial
Management involves determining the cause of the autonomic dysreflexia
and managing the consequent hypertension:
• Exclude bladder distension and constipation, and search for trigger.
• Sublingual GTN or nifedipine 10mg, or slow IV hydralazine 20mg.
• If hypertension persists, IV GTN, phentolamine or magnesium may
be used.

Chronic spinal cord injuries and anaesthesia

Chronic spinal cord injuries result in marked alterations of physiology.
• Reduced blood volume and anaemia
• Postural hypotension due to pooling of blood in the lower limbs
resulting from lack of muscle pump and reduced sympathetic tone
• Spasticity and hyperreflexia causing contractures. Baclofen
(γ-​aminobutyric acid agonist) is the commonest medication used to
treat contractures and can be administered intrathecally via an SC
pump. This must be taken into account when applying a diathermy pad
or performing neuraxial anaesthesia.

Following a spinal cord injury, upper motor neurone denervation results in
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors propagating beyond the motor endplate
of the neuromuscular junction. Suxamethonium administration can cause
an elevated release of K+ due to the i number of receptors being de-
polarised. Life-​threatening hyperkalaemia can occur. Suxamethonium is
contraindicated from 72h to 6mo after injury.

Conduct of anaesthesia
• Patients are likely to have undergone multiple previous anaesthesia;
review previous anaesthetic charts.
• If surgery is planned for an insensate region, autonomic dysreflexia may
still be precipitated, even if pain is not. It may be possible to undergo
the procedure without anaesthesia, but vigilance for the sequelae of
autonomic dysreflexia must be maintained.
• Autonomic dysreflexia and IHD are common. Consider invasive arterial
BP monitoring, especially if significant fluid shifts are anticipated.
• Laryngoscopy may be difficult if there has been cervical fixation.
• Spinals and epidurals are advantageous in reducing postoperative
ventilation and autonomic dysreflexia. Less cardiovascular instability
as sympathetic tone is already reduced. May be unreliable and can be
difficult to determine the level of block achieved in complete spinal cord
Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions 307

lesions. A change in tone from spasticity to flaccid paralysis can indicate

an effective block. Scoliosis and previous surgery can make spinal and
epidural placement difficult.
• If upper limb surgery is being performed in a patient with impaired
respiratory function, consider carefully the risks of a brachial plexus
block. Phrenic nerve palsy may cause a dramatic deterioration in
respiratory function.
• Consider RSI as gastric emptying is delayed, particularly with higher
spinal cord injuries.
• Prolonged ventilation and a tracheostomy can result in respiratory
complications such as altered lung dynamics and tracheal stenosis—​
ensure such issues are investigated prior to surgery.
• A proportion of patients with high cervical injuries require domiciliary
ventilation via an uncuffed tracheostomy tube. Consider replacing this
for a cuffed tube before ventilation.
• Any history of autonomic dysreflexia should be carefully explored.
• Reduced chest wall compliance due to intercostal muscle spasticity in
cervical lesions results in hypoventilation and an abnormal response to
hypercapnia. Sleep apnoea is more frequent.
• Anticholinergics may be required for any procedure that is likely to
stimulate the vagus nerve (e.g. laryngoscopy, laparoscopy) if cardiac
accelerator innervation is impaired (T1–​4).
• Accelerated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is seen and may be
asymptomatic due to the inability to stress the CVS. Have a high index
of suspicion for cardiovascular complications.
• Impaired thermoregulation is common, therefore consider siting a
temperature probe.
• Osteoporosis is common; take great care when moving patients. Ensure
meticulous positioning; atrophic skin with poor cutaneous perfusion is
at high risk for developing pressure areas.
• Over 50% of patients have chronic neuropathic pain and may be on
long-​term analgesics. A tailored perioperative analgesic regime is
required involving acute and chronic pain teams.
• High risk of VTE; consider the need for mechanical and/​or
pharmacological thromboprophylaxis.
Postoperative care
• Patients with injuries at the cervical level should be recovered in
a supine position to optimise respiratory function by maximising
diaphragmatic excursion.
• Autonomic dysreflexia may occur due to pain from the surgical site or
other common triggers.
• In cervical and upper thoracic lesions, respiratory function will be
suboptimal and the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications is
high. Consider elective postoperative respiratory support.
Obstetric anaesthesia
(See % pp. 838–9.)
• Obstetric patients with chronic spinal cord injury have an i risk of
preterm delivery, thromboembolism, sepsis and CS. Assessment in an
obstetric anaesthetic clinic is highly advisable, with a detailed plan made
for management in both elective and emergency situations.

308 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

• The effect of the gravid uterus on diaphragmatic excursion may greatly

affect respiratory function in patients with high thoracic/​cervical
injuries. An increase in respiratory support may be required and regular
measurement of VC should be performed.
• While a spinal can usually be sited, performing an epidural in an area of
spinal fusion frequently can result in failure, a dural tap or an inadequate
block. An alternative plan should be considered.
• Patients with a history of autonomic dysreflexia should be particularly
closely monitored.
• Anaemia of chronic spinal cord injury may be compounded by
• Patients with lesions above T10 are unlikely to feel contractions. They
can, however, be a trigger for autonomic dysreflexia. Epidural analgesia
is the most effective way of preventing this and consideration should be
made to siting this prior to induction of labour, especially as it may be
challenging to insert and assess.
• Pre-​eclampsia should always be considered as a differential diagnosis to
suspected autonomic dysreflexia in these patients.
• Patients have exaggerated postural hypotension and tolerate aortocaval
occlusion poorly. Great care must be taken with patient positioning.
• The contracted uterus may still act as a trigger for autonomic
dysreflexia. If an epidural is present, consider leaving it in situ for up to
48h in case this occurs.
• Postpartum autotransfusion of blood from the contracted uterus may
be sufficient to cause pulmonary oedema and respiratory failure in
patients with cervical lesions.
Further reading
Eldahan KC, Rabchevsky AG (2018). Autonomic dysreflexia after spinal cord injury: systemic patho-
physiology and methods of management. Auton Neurosci, 209, 59–​70.
Burke D, Fullen BM, Stokes D, et al. (2016). Neuropathic pain prevalence following spinal cord injury:
a systematic review and meta-​analysis. Eur J Pain, 21, 29–​44.
Petsas A, Drake J (2015). Perioperative management for patients with a chronic spinal cord injury.
BJA Educ, 15, 123–​30.
Neuromuscular disorders 309

Neuromuscular disorders
Neuromuscular disorders can be categorised into acquired or hereditary
conditions, and the anatomical site affected (Table 12.6). Common condi-
tions will be discussed in more detail.

Table 12.6 Categorisation of neuromuscular disorders

Acquired Prejunctional Motor neurone disease (amyotrophic lateral

sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy, spinal bulbar
muscular atrophy), multiple sclerosis, Guillain–​
Barré syndrome, peripheral neuropathies
Junctional Myasthenia gravis, Lambert–​Eaton myasthenic
syndrome, congenital myasthenic syndrome
Post-​junctional Inflammatory myopathies and critical illness
polyneuropathy and myopathy
Hereditary Prejunctional Peripheral neuropathies, e.g. Charcot–​Marie–​
Tooth, Friedreich’s ataxia
Post-​junctional Muscular dystrophies, e.g. Duchenne,
Becker, limb-​girdle, myotonic dystrophy,
fascioscapulohumeral, Emery–​Dreifuss
Non-​dystrophic myotonias: myotonia
congenita, periodic paralysis, central core
disease, myotonia fluctuans
Metabolic and mitochondrial disorders,
e.g. lactate dehydrogenase deficiency,
mitochondrial myopathy

Neuromuscular conditions are a concern for the anaesthetist as many

will have some of the features listed below:
• Respiratory: pharyngeal and respiratory muscle involvement results
in respiratory insufficiency, aspiration risk and OSA. Difficult airways
due to dysmorphic features that can be a feature of some diseases.
Restrictive pulmonary picture due to scoliosis
• Cardiovascular: autonomic dysfunction, cardiomyopathy and
conduction defects
• Metabolic: electrolye imbalance, rhabdomyolysis due to sustained
muscle contraction, MH-​like phenomena
• Pharmacological: sensitivity to muscle relaxants and life-​threatening
sequelae of suxamethonium administration.

310 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Motor neurone disease

Motor neurone diseases are a group of neurodegenerative disorders in
which motor neurone degeneration leads to progressive muscle weakness.
Most commonly sporadic, but they can also be hereditary and infection-​
related. The disease can affect purely lower motor neurones (progressive
muscular atrophy), upper motor neurones (1° lateral sclerosis), mixed
upper and lower neurones (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or variants re-
stricted to upper/​lower limbs or the bulbar region.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is the commonest form of motor neurone
disease. It initially presents with weakness, atrophy and fasciculation of per-
ipheral muscles (usually those of the hands) and progresses to axial and
bulbar weakness, including dysarthria and dysphagia. There is no sensory
loss and cranial nerves are unaffected.
Death usually results from respiratory failure, with 50% of patients dying
within 20mo of diagnosis. Management is focused on symptom relief and
palliation, led by a multidisciplinary team. Complex end-​of-​life discussions
are mandatory and interventions such as domiciliary non-​invasive ventila-
tion should be considered in totality. Around 50% of patients with motor
neurone disease will experience changes in cognitive function, ranging from
mild impairment to severe dementia, so forward planning is essential.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Consider PFTs prior to surgery.
• Autonomic dysfunction can lead to significant hypotension during
induction, positive pressure ventilation and postural changes.
• Denervation of muscle leads to atrophy and development of
extrajunctional acetylcholine receptors. Suxamethonium should
therefore be avoided as it may cause life-​threatening hyperkalaemia.
• NMBAs should be used at d doses due to i sensitivity.
• Respiratory complications are common, including i risk of
postoperative ventilation, weaning difficulties, infection and atelectasis.
Those with bulbar involvement are at particular risk and elective critical
care admission should be considered.
• Consider regional anaesthesia techniques where possible, but minimise
the dose of LA to prevent nerve toxicity.
• Baclofen is sometimes used for spasticity and should not be abruptly
withdrawn due to precipitation of MH-​like crisis.
Further reading
Feigin VL, Nichols E, Alam T, et al. (2019). Global, regional, and national burden of neurological dis-
orders, 1990–​2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet,
18, 459–​80.
Multiple sclerosis 311

Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the CNS characterised
by the development of inflammatory plaques, demyelination and axonal
damage to the brain and spinal cord. Onset usually occurs in early adult-
hood; the disease may relapse and remit or follow a chronic progressive
course. Treatment aims are to limit progression and manage symptoms.
General considerations
• Patients are frequently on multiple medications. Immunosuppressants to
manage disease progression (e.g. steroids, interferon beta), analgesics
for neuropathic pain and antispasmodics. Perioperative management
and potential interactions must be considered.
• Symptoms range from isolated visual disturbances to severe weakness
and typically recur and relapse. Profound spasticity, respiratory failure
and bulbar palsy can occur in end-​stage disease.
• Demyelinated axons are sensitive to heat; an increase in temperature
may cause a marked deterioration in symptoms.
Preoperative assessment and investigation
• A documented, detailed preoperative neurological examination is
essential, especially if a regional technique is planned.
• Assess the current state of the disease and consider delaying elective
surgery if the patient is actively relapsing.
• Review any change in respiratory function. Bulbar palsy causes an i risk
of aspiration and reduced airway reflexes in the postoperative period.
Critical care may be required.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• GA itself does not affect the course of multiple sclerosis.
• Demyelinated axons are more susceptible to LA toxicity. Use the lowest
possible dose of LA, in combination with adjuncts such as low-​dose
• Peripartum use of spinal or epidural techniques does not appear to
affect the occurrence of a postpartum relapse. Prior full neurological
examination and discussion with the patient are required to prevent the
patient from incorrectly attributing a postpartum relapse to anaesthesia.
• Suxamethonium should be avoided when severe weakness and
spasticity are present as it may result in life-​threatening hyperkalaemia.
• Response to non-​depolarising drugs is normal.
• Autonomic dysfunction can lead to haemodynamic instability.
• Pyrexia should be avoided, if possible, and treated aggressively with
cooling measures.
Further reading
Kopp SL, Jacob AK, Hebl JR (2015). Regional anesthesia in patients with preexisting neurologic dis-
ease. Reg Anesth Pain Med, 40, 467–​78.

312 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Guillain–​Barré syndrome
Guillain–​Barré syndrome is a rare disease (1:100 000) forming part of a
group of neuropathic conditions characterised by progressive weakness
and absent reflexes. The most common presentation is an acute inflam-
matory demyelinating polyneuropathy presenting with progressive motor
weakness. Less common subtypes or variants are listed in Table 12.7. The
anaesthetic implications related to NDMRs persist after recovery of symp-
toms and therefore they should be used with caution in patients with a
history of Guillain–​Barré syndrome.
Guillain–​Barré syndrome often occurs as an autoimmune response fol-
lowing a viral or bacterial illness within the preceding month. Weakness
is classically ascending and symmetrical, with associated areflexia. Sensory
and autonomic dysfunction can also occur. Severity can range from mild to
severe debilitation. Diagnosis is based on clinical features, CSF testing (high
protein, low WCC) and nerve conduction studies.
In patients with Guillain–​Barré syndrome:
• 725% will require intubation and mechanical ventilation
• 710% will die from associated complications
• 710% will suffer long-​term neurological complications and physical
Treatment is generally supportive, however, regardless of subtype. Specific
interventions such as immunoglobulins or plasmapheresis may be used
to reduce neural inflammation and expedite recovery. Steroids are not

Table 12.7 Guillain–​Barré syndrome variants

Miller–​Fisher Rare. Ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, bulbar and facial weakness

syndrome and absent reflexes. Specific antibodies often identified.
Good prognosis
Acute motor Strongly associated with Campylobacter jejuni and sometimes
axonal neuropathy Haemophilus influenzae infections; more common in summer
(AMAN) and in younger patients. Acute motor weakness with sensory
preservation. Axonal degeneration with no demyelination.
Specific antibodies can be identified
Acute motor-​ Similar to AMAN, but patients present with rapid and
sensory axonal severe motor and sensory dysfunction with muscle wasting.
neuropathy Recovery probably poorer than with AMAN

General considerations
The main systemic effects of Guillain–​Barré syndrome and the subsequent
anaesthetic implications are summarised in Table 12.8.
Guillain–Barré syndrome 313

Table 12.8 Systemic effects of Guillain–​Barré syndrome and anaesthetic


Autonomic Over-​or underactivity of both sympathetic and
dysfunction parasympathetic nervous systems:
• Tachyarrhythmias, AV block, prolonged QT and
• Haemodynamic instability during induction,
positive pressure ventilation or postural changes
• Ileus, urinary retention and abnormal sweating
Consider invasive cardiovascular monitoring and large-​
bore IV access
Weakness of PFTs preoperatively
respiratory muscles
Risk of aspiration—​consider RSI
Difficulty clearing secretions: risk of pulmonary
Difficulty weaning from ventilatory support:
postoperative ventilation ± tracheostomy
Bulbar and facial i risk of aspiration and upper airway collapse
Neuropathic pain Difficult perioperative analgesic management—​
multimodal approach recommended
Neurological deficits Document any pre-​existing deficit if performing regional

Specific anaesthetic considerations

The 1° goals of anaesthesia in patients with Guillain–​Barré syndrome are to:
• Minimise aspiration risk
• Maximise respiratory function
• Maintain haemodynamic stability
• Avoid depolarising NMBAs; there is upregulation of acetylcholine
receptors at the neuromuscular junction, which can persist for a
prolonged period after recovery. Administration of suxamethonium
risks precipitating hyperkalaemia and subsequent life-​threatening
arrhythmias. These patients also have i sensitivity to NDMRs.
Further reading
Willison HJ, Jacobs BC, van Doorn PA (2016). Guillain–​Barré syndrome. Lancet, 388, 717–​27.

314 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune condition characterised by muscle
weakness and fatigability on repetitive exertion. It is caused by antibodies
acting at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor on the postsynaptic mem-
brane of the neuromuscular junction. Fewer functioning receptors are then
available for acetylcholine to bind to, resulting in impaired generation of
action potentials and subsequent muscle weakness. Disease onset shows a
bimodal distribution, primarily in younger women and older men. Thymus
hyperplasia may have a role.
Symptoms range from mild ptosis to life-​threatening bulbar and respira-
tory insufficiency. Weakness illustrates fatigability. Ptosis is often the 1st sign.
Diagnosis is made with blood tests for ​acetylcholine receptor antibodies,
edrophonium administration or the ice-​pack test. The mainstay of chronic
management is oral anticholinesterase medication. Some patients may
require immunosuppressant therapy with steroids, plasma exchange or IV
immunoglobulins. A myasthenic crisis is an exacerbation of the disease that
necessitates mechanical ventilation due to respiratory or bulbar impairment.
General considerations
• Optimal management of the disease in the perioperative period is
imperative. Involvement of a neurologist may help symptom control and
to reduce the risk of a myasthenic crisis.
• Patients who have recently undergone plasmapheresis will
have depleted plasma-esterase levels, prolonging the effect of
suxamethonium, mivacurium, ester-​linked LAs and remifentanil.
Preoperative assessment
• Take a full drug history and determine the effect of a missed dose of
anticholinesterase (missing a dose may precipitate severe symptoms).
Plan how anticholinesterase therapy will be administered in the
perioperative period (Table 12.9).
• Assess weakness and the duration and progression of symptoms.
Isolated, long-​standing ocular symptoms are less likely to progress.
• Assess bulbar and respiratory function. Intubation and ventilatory
support may be required.

Table 12.9 Adult treatment for myasthenia gravis

Drug Dose Notes

Pyridostigmine 30–​120mg 4-​to 6-​ Gradual onset and offset. Reduced
PO hourly. Max 450mg/​ severity of side effects. No parenteral
24h preparation available
30mg of PO pyridostigmine = 1mg of
IV neostigmine
Neostigmine 1–​2.5mg 2-​to 4-​ Anticholinergic agents required to avoid
SC/​IM hourly. Max 20mg/​ marked bradycardia
Neostigmine 15–​30mg 2-​hourly. i GI side effects and shorter duration of
PO Max tolerable dose action than pyridostigmine
Myasthenia gravis 315

Conduct of anaesthesia
• Maintain anticholinesterase therapy up to the time of induction.
• Avoid premedication with agents that may worsen symptoms of
myasthenia or cause sedation.
• Intubate if FVC <15mL/​kg.
• Use short-​acting anaesthetic agents to minimise respiratory depression
on emergence.
• LA or regional anaesthesia should be used where possible.
• Patients are resistant to suxamethonium. It can be used, but an i dose
is required (1.5–​2.0mg/​kg). Do not administer any other neuromuscular
blocker until no fade is present on quantitative nerve monitoring.
• Non-​depolarising drugs: doses of 10–​20% normal are often adequate.
Monitor response with a quantitative nerve stimulator.
• Use short-​acting non-​depolarising relaxants that are metabolised
spontaneously or reversed by sugammadex.
• Neostigmine use may trigger a cholinergic crisis, especially if the patient
is taking other anticholinergic medications.
• Avoid ester-​linked LAs, such as prilocaine, as anticholinesterase therapy
may interfere with metabolism.
• Aminoglycosides, macrolides and fluoroquinolones all have
neuromuscular-​blocking activity.
• Magnesium reduces presynaptic acetylcholine release at the
neuromuscular junction.
• IV lidocaine infusions may cause weakness.
• Steroids may worsen weakness in high doses.
• Ca2+ channel and β-​blockers, gabapentinoids, phenothiazines and
phenytoin can all affect neuromuscular function and care should be taken.
• Use multimodal analgesia to minimise the use of opioids.
• Extubate only if neuromuscular function is adequate.
• Consider admission to critical care for ongoing respiratory support.
Postoperative care
• Reinstitution of drug therapy is vital. An NGT may be required if bulbar
symptoms prevent swallowing.
• In the event of GI failure, instigate parenteral therapy and seek expert
opinion from a neurologist.
• Close monitoring of respiratory function is mandatory, ideally with
serial VC measurements.
• Blood gases and SpO2 may be normal up to the point of respiratory

Predictors for postoperative ventilation

• Preoperative bulbar • Preoperative VC <2.9L
symptoms • Intraoperative blood loss >1000mL
• Previous myasthenic crisis • Major body cavity surgery
• Duration of disease >6y • Serum acetylcholine receptor
• Coexisting chronic antibody >100nmol/​L
respiratory disease • Pronounced decremental response
• Pyridostigmine dose on repetitive nerve stimulation

316 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Special considerations
Myasthenic crisis vs cholinergic crisis
• Myasthenic crisis occurs when a patient with myasthenia receives
insufficient medication and a cholinergic crisis occurs when the patient
receives too much anticholinesterase therapy. They have similar
presentations; both may cause paralysis, bronchospasm, respiratory
failure and diaphoresis.
• Can be distinguished with a small dose of edrophonium which improves
a myasthenic crisis, but this can precipitate respiratory failure in
cholinergic crises.
• In a cholinergic crisis (e.g. organophosphate poisoning), too much
acetylcholine at the nicotinic receptor produces flaccid paralysis
and parasympathetic effects from the muscarinic receptors such
as salivation, lacrimation, and GI upset. Treatment is IV atropine or
glycopyrronium bromide to counteract the muscarinic effects.
• Myasthenic crises can also be triggered by trauma, infection or
metabolic disturbances and can result in bulbar and respiratory muscle
weakness which improves with anticholinesterase treatment.
• Current evidence favours thymectomy in myasthenic patients; clinical
outcome is improved with a reduction in myasthenic crises and the need
for immunosuppressive therapy.
• Trans-​sternal, transcervical or thoracoscopic approaches can be used.
• Anaesthetic management for thymectomy follows the general principles
outlined above.
Lambert–​Eaton myasthenic syndrome
Lambert–​Eaton myasthenic syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder that
causes proximal muscle weakness. It is associated with malignancy, particu-
larly small cell lung cancer.
• Antibodies to voltage-​gated Ca2+ channels impair acetylcholine release
from the presynaptic junction into the synaptic cleft.
• Unlike in myasthenia, muscle weakness is improved by exercise and
anticholinesterase medication is less effective.
• Amifampridine is a treatment that enhances acetylcholine release at the
neuromuscular junction.
• Autonomic dysfunction and bulbar involvement may occur in advanced
• Patients with Lambert–​Eaton myasthenic syndrome are extremely
sensitive to both depolarising and non-​depolarising NMBAs. These
should be used with caution and in reduced doses.
• Postoperative issues are similar to those in patients with myasthenia
Further reading
Wolfe GI, Kaminski HJ, Aban IB, et al. (2016). Randomized trial of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis.
N Engl J Med, 375, 511–​22.
Muscular dystrophies 317

Muscular dystrophies
Muscular dystrophies are a collective group of progressive muscle dis-
orders, most often caused by defective or absent glycoproteins in the
muscle membrane such as dystrophin. There are >30 forms of muscular
dystrophies. Inheritance follows one of three patterns:
• X-​linked recessive: Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular
dystrophy, scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy
• Autosomal recessive: most ‘limb girdle’ types, scapulohumeral
muscular dystrophy, congenital muscular dystrophy, childhood muscular
• Autosomal dominant: facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, some
oculopharyngeal/​ocular muscle dystrophies.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy and myotonic dystrophy are discussed
below. Table 12.10 summarises features of some of the other muscular
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common muscular dystrophy
(incidence of 1:5000 ♂ newborns) and is rapidly progressive. It is caused
by an alteration in the gene for dystrophin, a cytoskeletal protein that con-
tributes to the strength, stability and functionality of myofibrils. This leads
to disruption of the integrity of the sarcolemma and, consequently, myo-
fibril atrophy, necrosis and fibrosis. Although primarily an X-​linked condi-
tion affecting ♂ , some ♀ carriers are symptomatic, exhibiting a milder
General considerations
• Muscle weakness typically manifests between the ages of 2 and 5.
• It is characterised by a waddling gait, asymmetrical lower limb strength,
delayed motor milestones, calf hypertrophy and falls.
• Proximal muscles are involved before distal, and lower limb extremities
are affected before upper limb.
• Affected ♂ are usually wheelchair-​bound by the age of 12 and suffer
from concomitant scoliosis and contractures. Death occurs from cardiac
or respiratory failure typically in 20–​30s.
• Key aspects of management are physiotherapy and treatment with
glucocorticoids to slow progression of muscular weakness.
• MD patients may test positive for MH, but this can be a false positive.
Treat as MH susceptible (see % pp. 1096–8).
Physiological considerations
• Cardiovascular: dilated cardiomyopathy (up to 50% of those aged 15 or
over will have dilated cardiomyopathy), myocardial degeneration, heart
failure and arrhythmias (AF/​atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia (VT) or
VF). Signs and symptoms of heart failure in non-​ambulatory individuals
are often subtle.
• Respiratory: progressive respiratory muscle weakness, mucus plugging,
atelectasis, pneumonia and restrictive respiratory failure. Management
includes physiotherapy with assisted coughing, assisted ventilation,
subsequent daytime ventilation and tracheostomy.
• Musculoskeletal: severe kyphoscoliosis, muscular contractures and
osteoporosis (worsened by glucocorticoid use).

318 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

• Haematological: vascular smooth muscle and platelet dysfunction can

result in i blood loss.
• GI: oesophageal dysmotility, delayed gastric emptying causing reflux.
Preoperative assessment and investigations
• Multidisciplinary team involvement is paramount prior to any surgical
• Specific perioperative management is based on the recommendations
of an international body of experts in the management of Duchenne
muscular dystrophy (for Further reading, see % p. 320).
• Respiratory: physician review, comprehensive spirometry, measurement
of O2 saturation and assessment of blood or end-​tidal carbon dioxide
(ETCO2) level if saturations are <95% on air are recommended
preoperatively. Preoperative training in the use of assisted cough
techniques (if baseline peak cough flow <270L/​min) and non-​invasive
ventilation are advised (necessary if baseline FVC <30% predicted,
strongly recommended if FVC <50% predicted).
• Cardiovascular: ECG, echocardiography and cardiology review. Patients
may be on antiarrhythmic medications or have implanted cardiac
• CK is often elevated, but a baseline level is useful in case of
perioperative complications such as rhabdomyolysis.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Volatile agents and suxamethonium use in Duchenne muscular
dystrophy have been implicated in ‘anaesthesia-​related rhabdomyolysis’
(severe rhabdomyolysis with hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest). These drugs
should therefore be avoided. The condition produces signs similar to,
but distinct from, those of MH.
• If volatile anaesthesia is used for induction, it should be discontinued as
soon as possible, with conversion to TIVA.
• Non-​depolarising neuromuscular blockers are safe, although reduced
doses are required. Suxamethonium should be avoided.
• There is a risk of haemodynamic instability due to cardiac disease,
especially in major surgery. Consider invasive arterial monitoring.
• Regional analgesia can minimise opioid use and potential postoperative
respiratory complications.
• Patients on glucocorticoids may require perioperative stress dosing.
• Consider extubating patients directly onto non-​invasive ventilation if
their FVC is <50% predicted (and especially if <30% predicted). Ideally,
extubation should be delayed until the secretion load is minimal and O2
saturations are at baseline on air.
• Assisted cough techniques should be used postoperatively in patients
with baseline peak cough flow <270L/​min to reduce the risk of retained
secretions and pneumonia.
Muscular dystrophies 319

Myotonic dystrophy
Myotonic dystrophy is an autosomal dominant disorder that usually pre-
sents in the 2nd or 3rd decade of life. It exhibits symptoms and signs of
both dystrophies and myotonias. Abnormal Na+ or chloride channels in the
musculature result in the discharge of repetitive action potentials, leading
to sustained muscle contraction in response to stimulation. The disease is
progressive and has multisystem effects. Life expectancy depends on the
subtype of disease and may be normal or reduced.
General considerations
Clinical features are highly variable but include:
• Degradation of cardiac conduction system leading to dysrhythmias and
AV block. Mitral valve prolapse and cardiomyopathy possible
• Respiratory insufficiency due to atrophy of respiratory muscles and
diaphragm, impaired cough, OSA and central respiratory depression
• Muscular atrophy, particularly facial and peripheral muscles
• Dysphagia, dysmotility, reduced gastric emptying and bulbar palsy—​
i risk of aspiration
• Possible cognitive impairment after 2nd decade of life
• DM, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency and gonadal atrophy
• Pregnancy may aggravate the disease, and an elective CS is often
required due to uterine muscle dysfunction.
Preoperative assessment
• Assess respiratory function with spirometry; consider CXR and arterial
blood gases if significant impairment suspected.
• ECG ± echocardiography to look for dysrhythmias and cardiac
dysfunction. An implantable pacemaker may be in situ.
• Serum thyroid function tests, glucose and cortisol measurements.
Conduct of anaesthesia
H It is vitally important to avoid factors that may precipitate sustained
muscular contraction.
These include: hypothermia, drugs, shivering, mechanical or electrical
muscle stimulation including diathermy and NMBA monitoring.
• Premedication with a prokinetic and/​or antacid is helpful as patients are
at risk of aspiration; RSI may be required.
• Patients are sensitive to sedatives, so use sparingly.
• Avoid suxamethonium as it may cause sustained muscle contractures,
rhabdomyolysis and hyperkalaemia. Rocuronium allows use of
sugammadex for reversal, allowing complete reversal of NMBA and
avoiding the risk of drug-​induced muscle contraction. Atracurium can
also be used. Do not use nerve stimulator or anticholinesterase as these
may provoke muscle contraction.
• Inhalational anaesthetic agents have been implicated in rhabdomyolysis
and MH-​like reactions. Consider TIVA. If using inhalational maintenance,
avoid high concentrations which may affect cardiac contractility and
• Induction agents cause profound CVS depression.

320 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

• Sustained muscular contraction may make intubation, ventilation and

subsequent surgery difficult, and are not classically responsive to NMB.
Quinine and phenytoin have been reported to attenuate problematic
sustained contractions, as well as direct infiltration of the muscle
with LA.
• Invasive arterial monitoring should be considered in patients
with cardiovascular impairment. Facilities should be available for
transcutaneous pacing in case of significant bradyarrhythmia.
• Consider regional anaesthesia or analgesia to minimise the use
of sedatives and opioids. Note that this does not prevent muscle
contraction in the area of block, however.
• Opioids may cause sustained muscle contraction.
• Avoid hypothermia; warm theatre and fluids, and use forced air
warmers, even during short procedures.
Postoperative care
• Consider HDU/​ICU for anything other than minor surgery.
• Chest physiotherapy is vital.
• Prolonged postoperative ileus can occur.
Further reading
Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, et al.; the DMD Care Considerations Working Group (2018).
Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 2: respiratory, cardiac, bone
health, and orthopaedic management. Lancet Neurol, 17, 347–​61.
Schieren M, Defosse J, Böhmer A, et al. (2017). Anaesthetic management of patients with myop-
athies. Eur J Anaesthesiol, 34, 641–​9.
Birnkrant DJ, Panitch HB, Benditt JO, et al. (2007). American College of Chest Physicians Consensus
Statement on the respiratory and related management of patients with Duchenne muscular dys-
trophy undergoing anaesthesia or sedation. Chest, 132, 1977–​86.
Table 12.10 Summary of features of some muscular dystrophies
Usual age at Most affected muscles Progression Respiratory Cardiac Anaesthetic notes
Duchenne muscular 2–​5y Arms, legs and spine 20–​30y Respiratory and Conduction As for myotonic
dystrophy ♂ only (loss of gait by 10y) laryngeal muscles abnormalities, dystrophy (see
involved arrhythmias, % p. 319)
dilated cardio
Becker muscular Late childhood Arms, legs and pelvis 30–​60y
myopathy and
dystrophy (partial to early
heart failure are
dystrophin deficit) adulthood
possible with all
Myotonic dystrophy 10–​40y Contractures, particularly Slow—​type 1 more Respiratory and pha muscular dystro
distal, spinal and respiratory severe ryngeal weakness phies. Look for
Limb-​girdle muscular Late childhood Proximal muscle weakness Moderate, life expec PPM
dystrophy to early tancy reduced to
adulthood middle age
Emery–​Dreifuss Childhood Joint contractures (Achilles, Moderate, life expec Difficult intubation
dystrophy elbow, spine) tancy reduced to and regional techni
middle age ques
Congenital muscular Birth Muscle weakness, hypotony Variable Severe restrictive lung
dystrophies and contractures disease
Muscular dystrophies

322 Chapter 12 Neurological and muscular disorders

Rare conditions
There are many rare neurological conditions that require a considered
approach to anaesthesia. A brief discussion of several key conditions is
outlined below.
Creutzfeldt–​Jakob disease
This is a neurodegenerative, prion-​related disease that may be sporadic,
inherited or transmitted through contaminated surgical instruments, trans-
fused human tissue or dietary exposure to the bovine form of the disease.
There is a rapid cognitive and neurological decline over months, leading to
death. Anaesthetic considerations are based on the severity of neurological
impairment. While there are no particular isolation precautions required,
airway equipment must be single-​use only and surgical instruments should
be disposed of following the procedure, as autoclaving does not destroy
transmissible prions.
A condition characterised by chronic peripheral neuromuscular denerv-
ation. Most forms are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. Muscle
atrophy results in spinal and limb deformities; restrictive lung disease, dif-
ficult airway management and postoperative respiratory failure may result.
Avoid suxamethonium due to the risk of severe hyperkalaemia. NDMRs
may have a prolonged action; consider using a reversible agent.
Critical illness polyneuromyopathy
Critical illness polyneuromyopathy describes an overlapping syndrome of
diffuse, symmetrical, flaccid muscle weakness that occurs in critically ill pa-
tients and can contribute to failure to wean from mechanical ventilation.
There is no specific treatment other than best supportive care, treating
the underlying condition and minimising risk factors during critical illness.
There are no specific concerns regarding the conduct of anaesthesia.
Suxamethonium should be avoided.
Familial periodic paralysis
Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis
An autosomal dominant condition in which episodes of flaccid paralysis are
triggered by hyperkalaemia and stress states such as cold and hunger. Loop
diuretics can be used for preoperative K+ reduction. Avoid medications
that increase serum K+ such as suxamethonium. Volatile agents are safe to
use. Physiological stress should be avoided by maintaining normothermia,
minimising fasting and infusing glucose-​containing fluids during surgery.
Assess for paralysis on emergence from anaesthesia; patients may remain
paralysed for a prolonged period postoperatively and require mechanical
Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis
This is an autosomal dominant condition. Patients present with se-
vere muscle weakness 2° to hypokalaemia. The focus of treatment is on
maintaining a normal serum K+ level and avoiding hypothermia. Paralysis
should be assessed for on emergence from anaesthesia.
Rare conditions 323

There is a theoretical link between hypokalaemic periodic paralysis

and MH as both conditions are related to an abnormality in the gene
for the dihydropyridine receptor. Patients have been reported to exhibit
hypermetabolic states following administration of drugs that trigger MH.
Consider therefore avoiding the use of volatile agents. Suxamethonium
should be avoided in all cases.
Friedreich’s ataxia
An autosomal recessive ataxia characterised by skeletal muscle weakness
and progressive limb ataxia. Cardiac involvement usually leads to death
from cardiac failure. Avoid suxamethonium due to the risk of marked
hyperkalaemia. Diaphragmatic involvement may result in the need for
postoperative ventilation. Haemodynamic instability can occur due to myo-
cardial involvement; consider invasive arterial BP monitoring.
Further reading
Marsh S, Pittard A (2011). Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 2: specific neuromuscular
disorders. BJA Educ, 11, 119–​23.


Drug considerations in neurological

Chapter 12

(See Table 12.11.)

Table 12.11 Drug considerations in specific neurological disorders

Disorder Suxamethonium Non-​depolarising Anticholinergics Comments

muscle relaxant
Motor neurone disease 0 d Respiratory compromise

Multiple sclerosis N Avoid hyperthermia

Parkinson’s disease N N Caution Avoid drugs that worsen parkinsonism

CVE (hemiplegia) 0 N Avoid hypotension and hypocapnia

Spinal cord injury 0 N Observe for autonomic dysreflexia

Epilepsy N N/​i Avoid drugs that reduce seizure threshold. Hepatic enzyme
induction may reduce duration of NDMRs
Neurological and muscular disorders

Guillain–​Barré syndrome 0 d Autonomic instability

Myasthenia gravis i d 0 Avoid drugs interfering with neuromuscular transmission

Disorder Suxamethonium Non-​depolarising Anticholinergics Comments
muscle relaxant
Lambert–​Eaton syndrome d d Autonomic dysfunction

Myotonic dystrophy 0 d 0 Avoid cold, shivering and mechanical and electrical stimulation
Muscular dystrophy 0 d Respiratory and cardiac compromise

Friedreich’s ataxia d N Avoid negative inotropes

Charcot–​Marie–​Tooth 0 d d thiopental dose

Hyperkalaemic periodic 0 d Avoid K+, avoid prolonged fasting

Hypokalaemic periodic 0 d Maintain normokalaemia and normothermia
Creutzfeldt–​Jakob disease N N Dispose of airway and surgical instruments following case

Critical illness 0 d Consider underlying critical illness

poly neuromyopathy
0, must avoid; i, give higher dose; d, give reduced dose; N, normal dose.
Source: data from Marsh, S; Pittard, A; (2011). Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 2: specific neuromuscular disorders. BJA Education 11(4): 119–​123.
Drug considerations in neurological disorders
Chapter 13 327

Psychiatric disorders
Aidan O’Donnell
Psychiatric disorders 328
Antidepressant drugs 330
Antipsychotic drugs 334
Agitated patients on the ward 335
Substance abuse disorder 336
Electroconvulsive therapy 339

See also
% Long-​term opioid use and the opioid-​dependent patient
pp. 1176–8

328 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

Psychiatric disorders
The anaesthetic implications of psychiatric illness include:
• Where capacity of the patient to give informed consent may be
impaired (e.g. dementia, mania, psychosis)
• Where the psychiatric illness itself also causes physical illness (e.g.
anorexia nervosa)
• Where the psychiatric medication may interact with anaesthetic drugs
and techniques (e.g. antidepressants).
Some form of psychiatric illness is present in about 10% of the UK popu-
lation at any time, but most patients are usually well-controlled. The com-
monest psychiatric disorder is depression. Many patients are on long-​term
drug therapy, which should be continued perioperatively where possible.
Major psychiatric illness affects about 1% of the population and carries a
significant risk of self-​harm or suicide. Misuse of alcohol and drugs is also
common among the psychiatric population. The stress of hospitalisation for
surgery may exacerbate coexisting psychiatric problems.
The ability to give consent is assumed unless proven otherwise, as laid
out in the Mental Capacity Act (England and Wales, 2005) and the Adults
with Incapacity Act (Scotland, 2000). Patients who are detained under the
Mental Health Act (1983) may be compelled to accept psychiatric treat-
ment (but not other types of treatment) under the terms of the Act. In the
UK and other countries, someone with ‘Lasting Power of Attorney’, previ-
ously Enduring Power of Attorney, may legally give (or withhold) consent
on behalf of a patient who has been deemed to lack capacity. Check for an
advanced decision/​directive (‘living will’) as this may supersede or limit the
powers of the Lasting Power of Attorney.1
Preoperative anxiety is common and can be managed with explanation, re-
assurance, oral premedication, IV sedation (e.g. midazolam 1–​2mg) or a
combination of these. Anxiety disorder may be acute or chronic, or occur
as part of other disorders (e.g. depression). Extreme agitation may make
cannulation difficult. Patients may hyperventilate. Higher doses of induction
agents may be required.
Attention-​deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
This condition is present in 1.4–​3% of children; more common in boys.
Behavioural problems may make children uncooperative at induction, and
disrupted behaviour can be worse for a few days afterward. Children with
severe ADHD are often prescribed methylphenidate, an amphetamine-​
like drug, which could theoretically cause them to require i doses of an-
aesthetics. In practice, anaesthesia in this group of children is manageable
without special precautions, and their stability is helped by continuing their
usual medications2 (see also % p. 914).
Psychiatric disorders 329

Dementia refers to an irreversible global deterioration in higher mental
functioning. Fifty per cent of cases are due to Alzheimer’s disease.3
• Prevalence: 1% aged 65–​74, rising to 10% aged >75 and 25% aged >85y.
Slightly more common in women.
• Mean life expectancy is 77y from diagnosis.
• Patients may be unable to give informed consent. In the absence of
a Lasting Power of Attorney, clear documentation of the patient’s
incapacity and reasons to proceed (e.g. the patient’s best interests)
should be made.
• Patients can be confused and may be agitated (occasionally violent) or
profoundly withdrawn.
• Patients with mild to moderate dementia are commonly treated with
anticholinesterase drugs such as donepezil, rivastigmine or galantamine.
These may prolong the action of suxamethonium and partially
antagonise the effects of non-​depolarising NMB drugs.
• Regional anaesthesia may still be desirable if significant comorbidity;
ketamine (e.g. 5–​20mg IV) may facilitate this and preserves airway
reflexes and BP (titrate to effect). (Midazolam may cause disinhibition,
which may paradoxically worsen agitation.)
• The association between postoperative neurocognitive disorder
(POND) and dementia remains unclear, but dementia is considered a
risk factor for the development of POND (see % p. 90).
Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a chronic, severe multisystem disorder, which carries
the highest morbidity and mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder (see
% pp. 86–7).

330 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

Antidepressant drugs
The aetiology of depression is complex and multifactorial. The monoamine
theory of depression postulates that depression is caused by functional de-
ficiency of serotonin and noradrenaline in the CNS. Manipulation of CNS
monoamines remains the most successful pharmacological approach to de-
pression. Several families of drugs have this effect.4,5
Tricyclic antidepressants
TCAs, such as amitriptyline or imipramine, have largely been superseded by
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (fewer side effects and safer
in overdose) for the treatment of depression. However, TCAs may be used
in the treatment of other problems, e.g. chronic pain. They need to be given
for 2–​4w to become effective.
• TCAs block the reuptake of monoamines (e.g. serotonin,
noradrenaline) from the synaptic cleft by competing for a transport
• Most have atropine-​like side effects: dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary
retention and constipation. Other common side effects are sedation,
postural hypotension and delayed gastric emptying.
• They are strongly bound to plasma proteins, and their effects may be
enhanced by competing drugs (e.g. aspirin, warfarin, digoxin).
• In overdose, TCAs cause agitation, delirium, respiratory depression
and coma. Cardiac arrhythmias with prolongation of the QT interval
are frequent. There is no specific antidote, and treatment is supportive,
although intensive care may be required. Alkalinisation of plasma
reduces the amount of free drug.
• TCAs should not be withdrawn perioperatively.
• i sensitivity to catecholamines may result in hypertension and
arrhythmias, following the administration of sympathomimetic drugs
(adrenaline, noradrenaline). Indirect sympathomimetics (e.g. ephedrine,
metaraminol) should be used with caution.
• Anticholinergic drugs (e.g. atropine) which cross the blood–​brain
barrier may contribute to postoperative confusion.
• Co-​administered tramadol increases the risk of serotonin syndrome.
• St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) contains alkaloids which resemble
TCAs in structure and is useful and safe in mild depression, but can also
contribute to serotonin syndrome (see % p. 332).
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants worldwide and
are also prescribed for other conditions, e.g. panic disorder, obsessive–​
compulsive disorder. They are highly specific inhibitors of presynaptic
reuptake of serotonin from the synaptic cleft and are much less toxic in
overdose than TCAs. Common examples include fluoxetine, sertraline and
• Common side effects affect the GI tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
upper GI bleeding) and the CNS (insomnia, agitation, tremor, headache,
sexual dysfunction). CVS side effects are rare (occasional reports of
• SSRIs may precipitate coronary vasoconstriction in those with IHD.
• Check Na+, especially in the elderly, as SSRIs have been known to cause
hyponatraemia 2° to SIADH (see % p. 242).
Antidepressant drugs 331

• High doses may impair platelet aggregation and cause prolonged

bleeding times. Check coagulation screen.
• SSRIs inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes, which may prolong or enhance
the activity of other drugs, notably warfarin, theophylline, phenytoin,
carbamazepine, tolbutamide, benzodiazepines (diazepam, midazolam),
type 1c antiarrhythmics (e.g. flecainide), TCAs and some NSAIDs.
• SSRIs may interact with other drugs with serotonergic properties
to cause serotonin syndrome. This includes the opioids tramadol,
pethidine, pentazocine and dextromethorphan.
• SSRI use is common, and anaesthesia usually uneventful.
• Abrupt withdrawal of SSRIs can precipitate a withdrawal syndrome.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
MAOIs are 3rd-​line antidepressants with significant anaesthetic implications
due to their many drug and food reactions. The enzyme MAO is present on
mitochondrial membranes where it inactivates monoamine neurotransmit-
ters in the cytoplasm. It has two isoenzymes MAO-​A and MAO-​B.
• MAO-​A preferentially metabolises serotonin, noradrenaline and
adrenaline, and predominates in the CNS. MAO-​B preferentially
metabolises non-​polar trace amines such as the neurotransmitter
phenethylamine. It predominates in the liver, lungs and non-​neural cells.
• Dopamine and tyramine (found in cheese and other foods) are
substrates for both MAO-​A and MAO-​B.
• The older MAOIs phenelzine, tranylcypromine and isocarboxazid bind
covalently to MAO. Regeneration of new enzyme takes 2–​3w. Ideally,
they should be stopped at least 2w prior to surgery. This may provoke
relapses in symptoms and should not be done without consultation with
a senior psychiatrist. If stopped for <2w, patients should be considered
as still on MAOI.
• Phenelzine decreases plasma cholinesterase levels and prolongs the
action of suxamethonium.
• Newer drugs are reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A
(RIMAs). Moclobemide is the only RIMA available in the UK and can be
omitted safely for 24h preoperatively.
• Linezolid (antibiotic) is a non-​selective reversible MAOI.
• Selegiline is a MAO-​B inhibitor used in PD. At doses of <10mg/​d, it
is not necessary to stop it preoperatively as there is no reaction with
sympathomimetics. Pethidine, however, should still be avoided.
• Methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) has MAOI properties.
• Indirect sympathomimetics (ephedrine, metaraminol, amphetamine,
cocaine, tyramine) are metabolised by MAO and may have a greatly
exaggerated effect. Displacing noradrenaline from neurotransmitter
vesicles can cause a life-​threatening hypertensive crisis.
• Direct sympathomimetics (e.g. noradrenaline, adrenaline,
phenylephrine, methoxamine, dopamine, dobutamine, isoprenaline)
may have an exaggerated effect and should be used with caution.
• Treat hypotension initially with IV fluid, then with cautious doses of
phenylephrine (e.g. 10–​20 micrograms).
• Opioid drugs: MAOIs can inhibit hepatic microsomal enzymes,
prolonging the action of opioids and enhancing their effect.

332 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

• Pethidine is contraindicated with all MAOIs because of the risk of

serotonin syndrome. Avoid tramadol and dextromethorphan, which
also have serotonergic properties.
• LA drugs (except cocaine) are safe (caution if contain adrenaline). Axial
and regional blocks are ideal; however, hypotension should be treated
cautiously. Felypressin is a satisfactory alternative to adrenaline if a
vasoconstrictor is required.
• Anticholinergic drugs (atropine, glycopyrronium) are safe.
Serotonin syndrome
Serotonin syndrome is a toxic crisis resulting from i synaptic levels of
serotonin in the brainstem and spinal cord due to overdose of SSRIs or a
combination of other drugs affecting serotonin (especially TCAs, MAOIs,
pethidine and tramadol). It presents as a clinical triad:
• Alteration in behaviour (agitation, confusion)
• Abnormal motor activity (rigidity, myoclonus, hyperreflexia)
• Autonomic instability (pyrexia, tachycardia, diarrhoea, unstable BP).
It may progress to seizures, oculogyric crises, DIC, rhabdomyolysis,
myoglobinuria, AKI, arrhythmia, coma and death. It may mimic the neuro-
leptic malignant syndrome (see % p. 334) (Table 13.1)6 and MH. The patient
is likely to require intensive care. Treatment is mainly supportive, and the
episode usually lasts <24h.4,6
Lithium is an inorganic ion used as a mood stabiliser in the treatment of
bipolar affective disorder. It has a low therapeutic ratio, with an optimal
plasma concentration of 0.4–​1.0mmol/​L.7
• Chronic use causes weight gain, renal impairment and hypothyroidism.
• Lithium toxicity occurs at >1.5mmol/​L and is exacerbated by
hyponatraemia, diuretic therapy and renal disease. Features include
lethargy, restlessness, nausea, vomiting, thirst, tremor, polyuria, renal
failure, ataxia, convulsions, coma and death. Haemodialysis is effective.
• Lithium potentiates both depolarising and non-​depolarising NMB; nerve
stimulator monitoring should be used.
• Lithium may cause T-wave flattening or inversion, but clinically
important CVS effects are rare.
• NSAIDs should be used with caution (risk of exacerbating renal
impairment and causing toxicity).
Antidepressant drugs 333

Table 13.1 Comparison of serotonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant


Serotonin syndrome Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Cause Serotonergic drugs (MAOIs, Not clear, but likely to involve
TCAs, SSRIs, stimulants, dopamine receptor blockade
ondansetron, St John’s (typical and atypical antipsychotics,
wort) metoclopramide, promethazine,
Features Tachycardia Tachycardia
Tachypnoea Tachypnoea
Hypertension Hypertension
Hypersalivation Hypersalivation
Hyperthermia Hyperthermia
Coma Coma
Hyperreflexia + clonus Hyporeflexia
Dilated pupils Normal pupils
i bowel sounds d or normal bowel sounds
i tone (especially in lower Lead-​pipe rigidity
Treatment Discontinue causative drugs Discontinue causative drugs
Supportive treatment Supportive treatment
Short-​acting drugs (e.g. Control BP (e.g. clonidine, esmolol)
esmolol) to control BP Fluid to prevent renal failure
If hypotensive, can give associated with rhabdomyolysis
noradrenaline, adrenaline Benzodiazepines for agitation
or phenylephrine Active cooling if needed
Benzodiazepines for Amantadine, bromocriptine and
agitation dantrolene (avoid if LFTs deranged)
Active cooling if needed have all been used
Cyproheptadine 12mg PO
if supportive care fails

334 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

Antipsychotic drugs
Antipsychotic drugs
Antipsychotic drugs (formerly known as neuroleptics) include haloperidol,
chlorpromazine, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone, and are used in the
treatment of schizophrenia and similar disorders. Their main action is antag-
onism at CNS dopamine (D2) receptors, but most antagonise other recep-
tors, including histamine (H1), serotonin (5-​HT2), acetylcholine (muscarinic)
and α-​adrenergic receptors. Many have antiemetic effects.4,5
• Common side effects include sedation, extrapyramidal motor
disturbances and tardive dyskinesia with chronic use. Less common
side effects include gynaecomastia, weight gain, postural hypotension,
antimuscarinic effects, obstructive jaundice and agranulocytosis (rare,
but severe).
• Many drugs prolong the QT interval, especially when combined with
other drugs which may do the same (e.g. antidepressants).
• Clozapine is associated with a risk of agranulocytosis.
• Abrupt withdrawal of antipsychotic medication is dangerous.
• Antipsychotic drugs potentiate sedative and hypotensive effects of
anaesthetic agents (including opioids).
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
A rare idiosyncratic reaction to antipsychotic drugs which resembles MH
and serotonin syndrome (see % p. 332) (Table 13.1). Typical patients are
young ♂ . Features include hyperthermia, tachycardia, extrapyramidal dys-
function (rigidity, dystonia) and autonomic dysfunction (sweating, labile BP,
salivation, urinary incontinence). CK and WCC are raised. Patients should
be treated in the ICU. Mortality approaches 20%.6
Agitated patients on the ward 335

Agitated patients on the ward

Anaesthetists may be asked to help with sedation of agitated patients on
general wards and are more likely to be familiar with the effects of sedation
than junior medical or surgical staff.
• Patients are likely to be in an acute confusional state or delirium,
exacerbated by pain, unfamiliar/​threatening surroundings and strangers.
They may be disoriented, agitated, disinhibited or violent, and may
experience visual or auditory hallucinations.
• When presentation is acute in a previously lucid patient, the cause is
usually organic. Establishing and treating the cause may remove the
need for sedation.
• Exclude hypoglycaemia, hypoxia, pain, alcohol withdrawal and a full
• Differential diagnosis includes infection (chest, urine, lines), drugs
(cocaine, LSD, sedatives, analgesics) and metabolic derangement (e.g.
hyponatraemia, hypoglycaemia). Less frequently: head injury, CVE,
acute psychiatric disorder (e.g. mania) and acute porphyria.
Approach to the patient
• Ensure the safety of yourself and other staff. A calm and reassuring
approach will help the patient and any onlookers.
• If physical restraint is necessary, ensure plenty of help is available
(hospital security, porters and even the police) and discuss with a
• Establish venous access, if possible, and bandage the cannula.
• Aim to render the patient calm and cooperative, rather than
• Do not leave a sedated patient unattended.
Drug therapy
• Haloperidol 5mg IV initially (reduce dose in the elderly, e.g. 1mg).
Repeat after 5min if required. Titrate to effect. Maximum dose: 18mg/​
24h, according to BNF, but higher doses are occasionally warranted.
• Midazolam 1–​2mg IV may also be useful (titrate to effect). May cause
paradoxical disinhibition, especially in the elderly.
• Alcohol withdrawal: give diazepam 5–​10mg IV (or chlordiazepoxide
50mg PO), and repeat as required.
• Ketamine is useful in emergencies if the patient is extremely violent or
dangerous. Give 0.5–​1mg/​kg IV (or 5–​10mg/​kg IM).
• Do not use propofol (too short-​acting), opioids (respiratory
depression) or drugs with which you may be unfamiliar. Clonidine may
provoke hypotension.
• In ED, or where the history is unknown, further investigation (e.g. CT
scan) may be appropriate. In this circumstance, RSI of anaesthesia with
full monitoring may be required.

336 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

Substance abuse disorder

General considerations
In the UK, about 10% of adults have used an illegal drug in the past year.
Misuse of street drugs occurs in all socioeconomic groups. A substance
abuse disorder (SAD) exists when the extent and pattern of substance use
interfere with the psychological and sociocultural integrity of the person.
Patients with SAD may be abusing CNS depressant drugs (alcohol, benzodi-
azepines, opioids) or CNS stimulant drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy,
• Acute intoxication may impede informed consent. In addition, the
effects of the drug may counteract (stimulants) or enhance (sedatives)
the effects of anaesthetic drugs. Consider drug misuse in all patients
with a reduced conscious level or requiring emergency surgery and
• Chronic drug misuse is associated with poor nutrition, medical and
psychiatric comorbidity and the presence of viral infections.
• IV drug users often have no accessible veins. IV drug misuse is
associated with IV infective complications. HIV and viral hepatitis are the
commonest. Bacterial endocarditis is rare but serious, and associated
with pulmonary abscesses, embolic phenomena from vegetations and
• Drugs in common use fall into several groups (Table 13.2).
Combinations of drugs are common, often with alcohol. Street drugs
may be impure or deliberately adulterated with other substances.
• Anaesthetists may be at elevated risk of SAD (see % p. 16).

Table 13.2 Street drugs in common use

Drug Clinical signs

Cannabis Tachycardia, abnormal affect (e.g. euphoria, anxiety, panic or
psychosis), poor memory, fatigue
Stimulants: cocaine, Tachycardia, labile BP, excitement, delirium, hallucinations,
amphetamines, hyperreflexia, tremors, convulsions, mydriasis, sweating,
ecstasy hyperthermia, exhaustion, coma
Hallucinogens: Sympathomimetic, weakly analgesic, altered judgement,
LSD, phencyclidine, hallucinations, toxic psychosis, dissociative anaesthesia
Opioids: morphine, Euphoria, respiratory depression, hypotension, bradycardia,
heroin, oxycodone constipation, pinpoint pupils, coma

Anaesthetic considerations in patients with SAD8

• Keep a high index of suspicion, especially in trauma.
• Difficult venous access: IV drug users may be able to direct you to
a patent vein. Consider ultrasound scanning (USS) for vein location;
rarely, the patient may need central venous cannulation. Consider
inhalational induction.
• Take full precautions against infection risk.
Substance abuse disorder 337

• Plan postoperative analgesia with the patient preoperatively.

• Do not attempt drug withdrawal perioperatively.
• Effective management of acute pain in patients with SAD may be
complicated by:
• Psychological and behavioural characteristics
• Presence of the drug of abuse and morbidities related to it
• Physical dependence (physiological phenomenon characterised by a
withdrawal reaction when the drug is withdrawn or an antagonist is
administered) and the risk of withdrawal
• Medications used to assist with drug withdrawal or rehabilitation
• Ethical dilemmas arising as a result of the need to balance concerns of
undermedication against anxieties about safety and possible abuse or
diversion of the drugs.
• Management of pain in patients with SAD should focus on prevention
of withdrawal, effective analgesia and symptomatic treatment of
affective and behavioural problems.
(See % pp. 1157–60.)
Cannabis is cheap and widely available, and consumption is common, usu-
ally by smoking. The active ingredients have a very long half-​life, but toxicity
seems to be low. Evidence for the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids (e.g.
for analgesia) is sparse. In practice, ordinary cannabis use causes few prob-
lems for anaesthetists.
• Do not prescribe purified cannabinoids for analgesia.
Cocaine and crack cocaine8,9
Cocaine is usually ‘sniffed’ in powder form. Free-​base (‘crack’) cocaine is
heat-​stable and can be smoked. Frequent cocaine use predisposes to di-
lated cardiomyopathy due to microinfarcts from small-​vessel ischaemia,
which may be asymptomatic in its early stages.
• Cocaine’s effects are mediated by central and peripheral adrenergic
stimulation. Most of the life-​threatening side effects of cocaine
(including MI and CVE) are due to vasospasm and can be treated using
combinations of vasodilators, antiarrhythmic agents and α/​β-​blockers
titrated against effect, using full invasive monitoring.
• Avoid vasoconstrictors (including those in LA preparations):
hypertensive crisis may result. If vasopressors are required in theatre,
use very small doses, and titrate against response.
• Accidental intra-​arterial injection of cocaine can cause critical limb
and organ ischaemia. Successful treatment has included aggressive
anticoagulation, thrombolysis and vasodilator therapy.
• Use caution in instrumenting the airway or nasopharynx, as chronic
nasal use can cause perforation of the nasal septum or soft palate.
• Includes MDMA (‘ecstasy’) as well as methamphetamine (‘meth’).
• Amphetamines mimic endogenous monoamines and cause excitation
and euphoria. Toxicity is treated symptomatically. Labetalol is effective
in controlling BP. Beware of hyperthermia and dehydration.

338 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

Alcohol use is common and causes problems as a result of both acute in-
toxication and the health effects of chronic consumption. Ask all adults
about alcohol consumption. Surgery should be avoided, if possible, in the
acutely intoxicated as consent is difficult.
• Ketoacidosis may present after binge drinking, in association with
vomiting and fasting. Blood alcohol levels may already have normalised.
• Acute intoxication may cause vomiting, dehydration, hypoglycaemia
and delayed gastric emptying. Careful rehydration, with attention to
electrolytes and glucose, and RSI are advised.
• Chronic alcohol excess induces tolerance to GA and is associated with
an increase in postoperative complications, including infection.
• Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterised by a dilated, hypokinetic LV
and d EF. Patients may present with CCF and oedema, exacerbated by
low serum albumin. Consider echocardiography.
• Alcoholic liver disease: the earliest form is reversible fatty liver,
progressing to alcoholic hepatitis (abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice,
fever) and later cirrhosis (jaundice, ascites, portal hypertension, hepatic
failure). Correct clotting abnormalities preoperatively. X-​match blood.
Patients with liver failure may require intensive care if surgery is planned
(see also % pp. 205–10).
• Consider IV thiamine to reduce the risk of Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
• Anticipate alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Most patients can tolerate
24h abstinence perioperatively—​many hospitals have benzodiazepine
regimens to prevent withdrawal syndrome.
• Seizures are most commonly seen 6–​48h after cessation of drinking,
typically tonic–​clonic. Several fits over a period of a few days are
common. Low K+ and Mg2+ predispose. Seizures may be preceded
by disorientation and agitation (delirium tremens). Treat with
benzodiazepines, e.g. diazepam 10mg IV, repeated as required.
Electroconvulsive therapy 339

Electroconvulsive therapy
Procedure Electrically induced seizure
Time 5–​10min
Pain ±
Position Supine
Blood loss Nil
Practical technique Short IV GA, face mask only, bite-​block

General considerations
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is safe and effective in the treatment of
mental disorders, most commonly severe depression unresponsive to
drugs, or where there is self-​neglect or a high risk of suicide. ECT is com-
monly carried out in an isolated site—​ensure skilled assistance, adequate
monitoring and resuscitation facilities. Anaesthetic equipment may be older
or unfamiliar.12
Physiological effects of electroconvulsive therapy
During the seizure, there is parasympathetic hyperactivity, bradycardia and
hypotension, lasting about 15s, followed by a more prolonged (5min) sym-
pathetic stimulation: tachycardia, hypertension, dysrhythmias and i myo-
cardial O2 requirement. During this time, there is also i ICP, cerebral blood
flow and cerebral O2 requirement. There may also be hypersalivation,
i intragastric pressure, i intraocular pressure (IOP) and occasionally
A careful preoperative assessment (including investigations) should be
undertaken, as for any GA. Consent is normally arranged by the psychiatry
team. ECT is typically given twice weekly for several weeks, reducing in
frequency as the patient improves. Read the notes for documentation of
previous problems.
• Absolute contraindications: recent MI or CVE, phaeochromocytoma,
intracranial mass lesion, intracranial or aortic aneurysm.
• Relative contraindications: uncontrolled angina, CCF, severe
osteoporosis, major bone fracture, glaucoma, retinal detachment. ECT
during pregnancy is acceptable.
• Avoid sedative premedication, which is anticonvulsant.
• Glycopyrronium (0.1–​0.3mg IV) may be used to reduce secretions and
to counteract bradycardia. Consider antacids if history of reflux.
Efficacy of ECT is dependent on seizure quality, as measured by EEG-​
derived variables, rather than just on duration. There is no further benefit
beyond about 60s of seizure time. Good technique provides short GA,
muscle relaxation to lessen the risk of trauma, attenuation of physiological
effects and rapid recovery.12,13,14
• Thorough preoxygenation is recommended.
• All GAs shorten the seizure in a dose-​related fashion; use light doses.

340 Chapter 13 Psychiatric disorders

• Any traditional induction agent may be used for induction. Propofol

attenuates the sympathetic response but shortens the seizure
more than the others. Etomidate shortens the seizure less, but
the sympathetic response may be more pronounced. Inhalational
sevoflurane is effective but takes longer.
• The combination of a small dose of propofol with remifentanil (1
microgram/​kg) provides good conditions and attenuation of the
sympathetic response. A combination of ketamine and propofol is
sometimes used.
• Suxamethonium (0.5–​1mg/​kg) is given to ‘modify’ the seizure (reduces
muscle power to prevent injury). Mivacurium (0.2mg/​kg) may be
used instead but will probably require reversal. The combination of
rocuronium and sugammadex is also effective.
• Insert a bite-​block to prevent damage to the mouth and teeth.
• Maintain the airway with a face mask and/​or oral airway. Hand-​ventilate
the patient with O2 until breathing resumes afterward.
• The psychiatrist may titrate the magnitude of the stimulus to the quality
of the seizure; be prepared to maintain the anaesthetic with further
boluses of induction agent if a 2nd stimulus is required.
• Sympathetic response may also be attenuated with alfentanil (10
micrograms/​kg) or esmolol (e.g. 0.25mg/​kg). Labetalol, sodium
nitroprusside and hydralazine have also been used.
• Seizure augmentation: both caffeine and theophylline lower the seizure
threshold and prolong the seizure. Moderate hyperventilation with bag
and mask before the seizure is also somewhat effective.
• If the seizure lasts longer than 60s, it should be terminated, e.g. with
propofol titrated to response.
• Post-​ictal agitation, confusion or aggression may occur in some patients.
They should be nursed in a calm environment and may occasionally
require sedation (e.g. midazolam 1mg IV).
• Headache and muscle pains are commonly reported and usually
respond to simple analgesics.
• Drowsiness and cognitive impairment are very common but typically
resolve within a few hours.
• No evidence of memory loss is demonstrable at 6mo. However,
patients sometimes complain of memory loss for specific life events.
• Other complications include nausea, exacerbation of IHD, fractures/​
dislocations, dental/​oral injury and laryngospasm.
• ECT does not increase the risk of other types of seizure.
• Overall mortality is about 1 per 80 000 treatments.
Electroconvulsive therapy 341

1 Yentis SM, Hartle AJ, Barker IR, et al. (2017). AAGBI: consent for anaesthesia 2017: Association
of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Anaesthesia, 72, 93–​105.
2 Cartabuke RS, Tobias JD, Rice J, et al. (2017). Hemodynamic profile and behavioral character-
istics during induction of anesthesia in pediatric patients with attention deficit hyperactivity dis-
order. Paediatr Anaesth, 27, 417–​24.
3 Needham MJ, Webb CE, Bryden DC (2017). Postoperative cognitive dysfunction and dementia:
what we need to know and do. Br J Anaesth, 119(S1), i115–​25.
4 Saraghi M, Golden LR, Hersh EV (2017). Anesthetic considerations for patients on antidepres-
sant therapy—​Part I. Anesth Prog, 64, 253–​61.
5 Peck T, Wong A, Norman E (2010). Anaesthetic implications of psychoactive drugs. Contin Educ
Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 10, 177–​81.
6 Bartakke A, Corredor C, van Rensburg A (2020). Serotonin syndrome in the perioperative
period. BJA Educ, 20, 10–​17.
7 Flood S, Bodenham A (2010). Lithium: mimicry, mania, and muscle relaxants. Contin Educ Anaesth
Crit Care Pain, 10, 77–​80.
8 Beaulieu P (2017). Anesthetic implications of recreational drug use. Can J Anesth, 64, 1236–​64.
9 Roberts TN, Thompson JP (2013). Illegal substances in anaesthetic and intensive care practices.
Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 13, 42–​6.
10 Blincoe T, Chambler D (2019). Alcohol and anaesthesia. Br J Hosp Med, 80, 485.
11 Chapman R, Plaat F (2009). Alcohol and anaesthesia. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 9, 10–​13.
12 Bwalya GM, Bajekal R, Waite J (2019). Anaesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy. In: Ferrier
IN, Waite J (eds). The ECT Handbook, 4th edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp.
13 Uppal V, Dourish J, Macfarlane A (2010). Anaesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy. Contin Educ
Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 10, 192–​6.
14 Weiss A, Hussain S, Ng B, et al. (2019). Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists professional practice guidelines for the administration of electroconvulsive therapy.
Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 7, 609–​23.
Chapter 14 343

Getting started
Mincho Marroquin- Harris
Getting started 344
Anaesthetic gases 345
Anaesthetic machine 348
Breathing systems 350
Ventilation 352
Airway equipment 355
Long-​term venous access 359

344 Chapter 14 Getting started

Getting started
A thorough working knowledge of anaesthetic equipment is essential for
safe and effective anaesthetic practice. Although many different types of
equipment are in use throughout the world, a few basic principles underlie
the functions of nearly all of them.
Anaesthetic gases 345

Anaesthetic gases
Piped medical gases and scavenging system (PMGSS)
The PMGSS is part of the hospital infrastructure and supplies clinical areas
with compressed O2 and vacuum. Operating theatres are also supplied with
N2O, medical air and gas scavenging.
• The PMGSS is a system of seamless copper alloy pipes. Pipes are
cleaned, degreased and free of particulate matter. Colour-​coding is used
on the outside of pipes at set intervals. These pipes supply the terminal
gas outlets in clinical areas.
• Terminal outlets are labelled and colour-​coded, and have self-​sealing
Schrader valves to prevent gas leakage. Each gas has a specific outlet
shape and diameter to prevent misconnection of equipment to the
wrong outlet.
• Alarms are activated in case of gas failure with low pressure (<370kPa)
and at high pressures (>500kPa).
• Isolation valves located in theatre complexes allow PMGSS to be turned
off in case of leak, fire or other emergency.
• Most incidents occur just following installation rather than during long-​
term use. Consequently, after installation or modifications, an inspection
process is performed to ensure the correct gases are being supplied to
wall outlets.
• Safety standards and colour codes for medical gas supplies for both
pipeline and cylinder storage conform to International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) requirements. The US (and hence the airline
industry) observes its own colour scheme, in which O2 is colour-​coded
O2 is stored in bulk for hospital supply, either in a vacuum-​insulated evapor-
ator (VIE) or in a cylinder manifold.
Vacuum-​insulated evaporator
The VIE is the typical main O2 store for most hospitals and is a large tank of
liquid O2. One litre of liquid O2 can provide >800L of gaseous O2. Typically,
the VIE is sized to hold 200–​1000L. In order to maintain its liquid state, the
VIE stores O2 at –​183°C at a pressure of 1050kPa. Prior to entering the
PMGSS, O2 flows through a pressure regulator to provide a supply pressure
of 400kPa.
Cylinder manifold
A cylinder manifold consists of two banks of cylinders which are at least size
G (Table 14.1). When one bank of cylinders is exhausted, a reduction in
pressure will automatically open the 2nd bank, ensuring ongoing gas supply.
Cylinder supply
O2 is available in individual portable cylinders of various sizes. Since O2 is a
gas in the cylinder, the gauge pressure is directly proportional to the quan-
tity in the cylinder. Traditional steel cylinders are pressurised to 13 700kPa,
but more modern materials allow higher pressures in the cylinder. A type E
cylinder at 13 700kPa contains 680L of gaseous O2.

346 Chapter 14 Getting started

Nitrous oxide
N2O for hospitals is often stored in a cylinder manifold, though smaller fa-
cilities may mount a N2O cylinder on the back of the anaesthetic machine.
The mains pressure of N2O is 400kPa.
• N2O is stored as a liquid in the cylinder at 4500kPa. The gauge pressure
is not proportional to the quantity in the cylinder.
• High ambient temperatures could cause the N2O cylinder to explode.
Therefore, the cylinder is only partially filled with liquid to allow for
some expansion.
Medical air
Medical air is atmospheric air which is dehydrated and ultrafiltered to re-
move particulates. It can be supplied by an air compressor, in cylinder form
or as ‘synthetic air’ blended from gaseous O2 and nitrogen. It is often sup-
plied at two mains pressures: 700kPa to drive surgical tools, and 400kPa for
medical and anaesthetic uses.
Medical gas cylinders
Under the ISO standard, all medical gas cylinders have a white body. The con-
tents of the cylinder are denoted by the colour of the shoulder (Table 14.1).
Newer materials allow the cylinders to be light and sustain high internal
pressures. A pin-​index system prevents the incorrect gas from being con-
nected to the yoke of the anaesthetic machine.

Table 14.1 Description of medical gas cylinders*

Shoulder colour Pressure when steel cylinder is

full (kPa)
O2 White 13 700
Air White/​black 13 700
N2O French blue 4500(maintains this pressure until
almost empty)
Entonox® Blue/​white 13 700
Heliox® Brown/​white 13 700
(28% O2, 72% helium)
CO2 Grey 5000
* Some suppliers may vary. Check product information.

Vacuum system
The vacuum system includes both medical suction and scavenging for anaes-
thetic gases. The suction for both systems is provided by electrical pumps,
so it is susceptible to power outage.
Medical vacuum
Provides high vacuum to suction for sputum or blood. A pressure of –​40kPa
or below is provided with a sustained flow of at least 40L/​min.
• Suctioned material is collected in a reservoir to prevent contamination
of the PMGSS.
• Loss of suction pressure can occur from disconnection/​leak in the
apparatus, blockage of filter or excessive demand.
Anaesthetic gases 347

The anaesthetic gas scavenging system

Removes expelled anaesthetic gases to minimise exposure of staff in the
operating room.
• Provides high flow (80–​130L/​min) just below atmospheric pressure.
• Gases released from the adjustable pressure-​limiting (APL) valve or
expiratory port of the ventilator are collected in a reservoir before
passing to the disposal system and ultimately vented to the atmosphere.
• A flow indicator on the side of the anaesthetic machine shows that the
scavenging system is working within safe flow rates.
• Tubing connectors for the vacuum systems are sized specifically so that
they cannot be accidentally attached to airway equipment.

348 Chapter 14 Getting started

Anaesthetic machine
The continuous-​ flow anaesthetic machine receives a supply of high-​
pressure gases, reduces the pressure to safe levels and provides accurate
and controlled flow of gases and vapour to the patient via a breathing
system (Fig. 14.1).
High-​pressure system
Takes high-​pressure gas (from cylinders or wall outlets) and steps it down
to the working pressure of the machine, at the flow-​control valves or flow-
meters. In older machines, this is mechanical; newer machines feature elec-
tronic control of the process.
• Gas pressures from the PMGSS are measured and reduced by
regulators. Valves ensure flow is unidirectional.
• Safety features include antihypoxia and low-​pressure alarms. If the O2
supply fails, the supply of N2O is also stopped.
Low-​pressure system
Extends from the flow-​control valves/​flowmeters to the common gas
outlet. In modern anaesthetic machines, the flow and composition of gases
are set digitally. Gases are regulated electronically based on feedback from
electronic flow and gas-​content sensors. Traditional anaesthetic machines
use flowmeters. Flow is adjusted by a control knob and displayed by the
height of a rotating bobbin in a fluted glass column. Flowmeter controls are
labelled and colour-​coded, and the O2 control is distinguishable by touch.
Provide precise concentrations of volatile agents. Traditional variable-​bypass
plenum vaporisers are calibrated mechanical devices. Newer vaporisers are
electronically controlled. Some devices are not vaporisers in the strictest
sense such as the dual-​circuit gas-​vapour blenders used for desflurane or
the direct-​injection devices which inject precise amounts of volatile into the
gas flow under electronic control.
Common gas outlet
This is the final pathway of gases and volatile agents out of the machine.
It is standardised with a 22mm external and 15mm internal connector.
Traditionally, the breathing attachment was connected here, but in many
modern machines, the connection is internal and the common gas outlet
is absent.
Oxygen flush
• Rapidly provides 100% O2 to the common gas outlet at high flow (30–​
75L/​min). This O2 bypasses the low-​pressure system and contains no
anaesthetic gases. The high flow and pressure have the potential for
causing barotrauma.
• Many machines feature an auxiliary O2 outlet with its own flowmeter.
However, the O2 has the same source as the common gas outlet and
should not be used if there is a problem with this supply.
Anaesthetic machine 349

Fig. 14.1 Simplified schematic of a continuous-​flow anaesthetic machine.

Further reading
Hartle A, Anderson E, Bythell V (2012). Checking anaesthetic equipment 2012. Anaesthesia,
67, 660–​8.

350 Chapter 14 Getting started

Breathing systems
For paediatric breathing systems, see % pp. 910–12. In anaesthesia, many
different breathing attachments are used to bridge the gap from the an-
aesthetic machine to the patient. One of the commonest examples in use
is the circle breathing circuit, as it is versatile and efficient (Fig. 14.2). It
comprises an inspiratory limb, an expiratory limb, a reservoir bag, a valve
and a CO2 absorber. Gas flows via the inspiratory limb to the patient via a
Y-​piece, then leaves via the expiratory limb. Exhaled gas is recycled through
the CO2 absorber, which allows very economic use of anaesthetic gases
and agents. This, in turn, minimises atmospheric pollution. The recycling of
expired gases allows heat and moisture to be conserved.
Features of the circle system
• Low-​resistance corrugated tubing has low compliance and low
resistance. Tubing connectors have standard 22mm (external) and
15mm (internal) dimensions.
• Unidirectional (‘flutter’) valves are present on both limbs and prevent
backflow. Moisture may accumulate on the expiratory valve, making it
• The APL valve allows the anaesthetist to adjust the pressure in the
system during manual ventilation.
• The reservoir bag allows hand ventilation, manual appreciation of
airway compliance and visualisation of SV.
• The CO2 absorber (containing pellets of predominantly calcium
hydroxide) is located on the expiratory limb. It chemically removes CO2
in an exothermic reaction which also produces water vapour.
Other adjuncts and considerations
• An O2 analyser is always positioned on the inspiratory limb.
• The heat and moisture exchange (HME) filter was designed to prevent
particulate material from being inadvertently inhaled. Modern filter
technology provides an effective bacterial and viral barrier. The
HME filter minimises loss of heat and moisture to dry fresh gas by
providing up to 70% relative humidity. It functions poorly at high minute
ventilation and low temperatures.
• A CO2 and volatile sampling line often attaches to, or near, the HME
filter .
• At steady state and in ideal conditions, the fresh gas flow (FGF) can be
reduced to provide the patient’s basal O2 requirement (e.g. 250mL/​
min) plus some volatile. However, at low flows, most of the gas the
patient receives is their own recycled expired gas. H This can result
in the patient receiving lower FiO2 and anaesthetic agents than those
selected. Some machines offer electronic control of FiO2 and end-​tidal
volatile concentrations. Higher FGF is recommended at induction of
anaesthesia to ensure MAC is reached rapidly.
• Paediatric circle systems have a small (e.g. 500mL) reservoir bag and
narrower tubing.
Breathing systems 351

Fig. 14.2 Layout of a circle breathing attachment. Reproduced from Brockwell RC:
Inhaled Anesthetic Delivery Systems. In Miller RD (ed): Anesthesia, 6th ed, p 295. Philadelphia,
Churchill Livingstone, 2004, with permission from Elsevier.

Semi-​closed breathing attachments

The efficiency and versatility of the circle system have led to it being used
almost universally. However, there are two main drawbacks: complexity
of design and resistance to breathing. There is still a role for simpler semi-​
closed breathing systems. These were classified by WW Mapleson in 1954,
but all require FGF far higher than the circle system to prevent rebreathing
of exhaled CO2.
The Mapleson F attachment is a modified T-​piece with an open-​ended
reservoir bag. It is still favoured among anaesthetists for infants, because
of its extremely low resistance to gas flow and the ability to hand-​ventilate
with great precision and sensitivity.

352 Chapter 14 Getting started

Self-​inflating bag
The self-​inflating resuscitation bag allows the anaesthetist to deliver positive
pressure ventilation without an O2 source, e.g. ventilation outside of the
operating theatre, resuscitation of a collapsed casualty or in case of venti-
lator malfunction. A self-​inflating bag should always be immediately available
in theatre.
• There are several brands with different sized bags, typically adults 1.5–​
2L and paediatrics 250mL to 1L bags.
• A unidirectional valve controls the direction of flow and prevents
rebreathing of CO2. There is little apparatus dead space. The casing is
clear, allowing the valve to be assessed during an equipment check.
• A PEEP valve may be applied to the expiratory port.
• The patient end of the self-​inflating bag can be connected to anaesthetic
face masks, ETTs or LMAs.
• When a face mask is attached, it is recommended to use 15L/​min of O2
which may splint the unidirectional valve slightly open, reducing work of
breathing. Otherwise spontaneous breaths should be assisted due to i
work of breathing through the unidirectional valve.
• The bag reinflates with room air, but an O2 line and a reservoir bag can
be added. High FiO2 is possible with a good seal.
Mechanical ventilation
The goal of mechanical ventilation in the anaesthetised patient is to support
adequate gas exchange and minimise iatrogenic injury.
Modes of ventilation
When patient-​centred outcomes are considered, no particular ventilation
mode has been shown to be better than another. Modern ventilators offer
a large variety of electronically controlled modes, the terminology of which
varies between manufacturers. Mandatory modes tend to ignore any re-
spiratory effort from the patient, but triggered (supportive) modes permit
the patient to initiate a breath, which is then augmented by the ventilator.
Volume control ventilation
Volume control ventilation is a mandatory mode of ventilation where the
anaesthetist sets a desired VT and RR. This mode is tolerant of changes in
respiratory compliance, though any d in compliance may lead to i airway
pressures, and volume control ventilation usually delivers higher pressures
for the same VT, compared to pressure control ventilation. The mode is
usually intolerant of leaks.
Pressure control ventilation
Pressure control ventilation is a mandatory mode where the anaesthetist
sets the pressure to be delivered and the RR. This mode is tolerant of small
leaks, but any d in respiratory compliance will lead to d in VT.
Pressure control ventilation, volume guaranteed (PCV-​VG)
This is a mandatory mode of ventilation which attempts to provide the
advantages of both pressure control ventilation and volume control ven-
tilation, delivering a set VT at the lowest possible pressure. This allows for
relatively constant VT despite changes in respiratory compliance.
Ventilation 353

Pressure support ventilation

Pressure support ventilation is a triggered mode of ventilation. The ven-
tilator senses when the patient initiates a breath and then delivers a set
pulse of positive pressure to augment the respiratory effort. Supporting the
patient’s breathing in this way may reduce work of breathing and potentially
improve oxygenation by increasing mean inspiratory pressure. The patient
determines the RR with no backup rate, so prolonged apnoea may occur if
the patient does not trigger the ventilator.
Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation
Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation provides a set number
of ventilator-​controlled breaths and provides support to any spontaneous
breaths the patient takes in addition. This is to allow for better patient–​
ventilator synchronisation.
The ideal FiO2 is not known. The effects of GA (supine position, d FRC, i
dead space) make oxygenation less efficient, and many patients will become
desaturated below an FiO2 of 30%.
• Keeping FiO2 low while providing adequate SaO2 may minimise the
risk of O2 toxicity, coronary/​cerebral vasoconstriction and absorption
• High FiO2 may be needed in severely anaemic patients or during
massive haemorrhage or other emergencies (see % pp. 1070–2).
• Oxygenation can be improved by i FiO2 or i mean inspiratory
pressure, or both. The mean inspiratory pressure may be i by i
inspiratory time, i inspiratory pressure or i PEEP.
Clearance of carbon dioxide
CO2 clearance is proportional to minute ventilation (VT × RR). Most pa-
tients can tolerate a modest i ETCO2 without coming to harm, but in some
circumstances (e.g. neurosurgery), tight control of CO2 is needed.
Lung-​protective ventilation
Considered the standard of care for mechanical ventilation as it has been
demonstrated to reduce postoperative pulmonary complications.1 Aims
• VT 6–​8mL/​kg (IBW, not actual body weight)
• Individualised PEEP (usually ≥5cmH2O), with or without recruitment
• Airway plateau pressures <30cmH2O.
Positive end-​expiratory pressure
PEEP is the airway pressure above atmospheric pressure at end-​expiration.
It is usually set between 5 and 20cmH2O.
• PEEP is important as it provides pressure to splint open alveoli during
expiration. This improves oxygenation, minimises alveolar collapse
and minimises trauma from collapse and re-​expansion of alveoli during
mechanical ventilation.
• Methods to titrate PEEP include titrating up or down to find the best
compliance or best gas exchange, or titrating PEEP to oesophageal
pressure with oesophageal manometry.

354 Chapter 14 Getting started

• Higher PEEP may be required if the patient is in a head-​down position

or obese or during laparoscopic surgery.
• Lower PEEP may be required in obstructive lung disease to minimise gas
trapping and hyperinflation, or in life-​threatening hypotension or states
of low preload.
Inspiratory:expiratory (I:E) ratio and flow rates
By default, the I:E ratio is set to 1:2.
• Higher I:E ratios (e.g. 1:4 or higher), and thus shorter inspiratory time,
provide more time for exhalation, so minimise gas trapping, at the cost
of i inspiratory flow rate and i peak airway pressure.
• Lower I:E ratios (e.g. 1:1 or 1:1.5) provide better oxygenation and more
time for alveoli to participate in gas exchange. Beware of gas trapping or
breath-​stacking due to inadequate exhalation.
1 Miskovic A, Lumb AB (2017). Postoperative pulmonary complications. Br J Anaesth, 118, 317–​34.
Airway equipment 355

Airway equipment
For paediatric airway equipment, see % pp. 908–10.
Endotracheal tube
The ETT remains the gold standard for securing and protecting the airway.
It is usually made of polyvinyl chloride, which is clear. Silicone tubes are
softer to reduce trauma, but opaque. The size of the tube refers to its in-
ternal diameter in mm.
• The proximal end has a standard 15mm connector. The tube has
markings for length. The distal end has a bevelled tip assisting passage
through the vocal cords, and often a Murphy eye to reduce the
likelihood of obstruction against the wall of the airway. ETTs should
have a radio-​opaque insert for visualisation on X-​ray.
• The cuff is normally the low-​pressure, high-​volume type. Cuff pressure
can be measured via the pilot balloon and should be 20–​30cmH2O. Very
small-​diameter tubes (e.g. for neonatal use) usually have no cuff (see %
pp. 922–4). There are many variations on the basic ETT design.
Ring, Adair and Elwyn (RAE) tubes
These are preformed tubes, designed to pass downward over the chin
(oral) or upward over the forehead (nasal), and hence obstruct the surgical
field as little as possible. They can be difficult to pass over a bougie, and the
position of the bend varies by manufacturer.
Nasal tubes tend to be made of silicone to reduce trauma.
Reinforced tubes
These have a metallic coil in the wall of the tube which reduces kinking.
Laser-​proof tubes
These are resistant to laser and used for surgery involving laser in the oro-
pharynx. They may have two cuffs in case one is punctured by the laser (see
% pp. 478–9).
Microlaryngeal tubes
These have a smaller outer diameter for the same inner diameter and are
longer. Used for laryngeal surgery.
Neural integrity monitor
Enable monitoring of laryngeal nerve function via EMG and attached
Double-​lumen tubes (DLTs)
There are two tubes, within one outer casing, which can be ventilated
together or independently. These tubes allow lung isolation for thoracic
surgery. The sizing and shaping of DLTs are specific to this tube (see %
pp. 535–7).
Laryngectomy and tracheostomy tubes
Short, kink-​resistant, J-​shaped tubes for placement into a tracheostomy.
Supraglottic airways
Since the introduction of the classic LMA in the late 1980s, there has been
considerable modification and refinement of the basic design, leading to a
wide range of devices becoming available.
The SGA (also referred to as supraglottic airway device (SAD)) consists
of a flexible tube ending in a soft (usually inflatable) cuff designed to form

356 Chapter 14 Getting started

a seal around the larynx without entering it. SGAs are popular due to ease
of placement and avoid many of the drawbacks of intubation, e.g. d sym-
pathetic stimulation, d sore throat, d trauma to teeth and airway struc-
tures, d bronchospasm, d coughing on emergence. With a reasonable seal,
SGAs are suitable for mechanical ventilation. They do not provide protec-
tion from laryngospasm or aspiration. Newer designs incorporate a gastric
channel to d risk of aspiration.
First-​generation SGA
One airway tube with the laryngeal mask cuff at the end (Fig. 14.3).
Common variants of the classic LMA include:
• Flexible LMA: longer and narrower, wire-​reinforced tube to prevent
kinking, allowing movement away from surgical field
• Intubating LMA (Fastrach®): designed to allow blind intubation of the
trachea by passing a Fastrach® ETT through the airway channel. This
device is rigid and has a preformed 90° curve.

Fig. 14.3 A #4 Ultimate™ laryngeal mask, an example of a 1st-​generation

SGA. Courtesy Aidan O’Donnell.
Second-​generation SGA
These have design features that are intended to reduce the risk of pul-
monary aspiration of gastric contents, such as a gastric channel from the
tip of the cuff up to the proximal end. Some also incorporate a rigid airway
channel, or bite-​block. They may permit blind or fibreoptic intubation via
the airway channel. Common examples include ProSeal® LMA often used
for IPPV or PSV, and i-​gel® which has a gel-​filled laryngeal cuff which requires
no inflation. Often used in ED and prehospital care. (See Fig. 14.4.)
‘Third-​generation’ SGA
This term has appeared in commercial literature for some products. It cur-
rently has no uniform definition in published literature.
Airway equipment 357

Fig. 14.4 A #4 Auragain™, an example of a 2nd-​generation SGA. Courtesy Aidan


Other airway adjuncts

Oropharyngeal airways (OPAs) (e.g. Guedel) are tubes made of rigid
plastic that follow the curvature of the palate and open the upper airway by
holding the tongue away from the posterior pharyngeal wall. Flanges on the
external end limit the depth of insertion and should rest on the teeth/​lips.
They are colour-​coded to help rapidly identify the size and have a standard-
ised sizing from 000 to 6. Inappropriately sized OPAs may worsen obstruc-
tion. Not tolerated in awake patients.
Nasopharyngeal airways are made of soft tubing (sized by internal diameter
(ID) in mm) designed to prevent occlusion of the pharynx by the soft palate.
Better tolerated in awake patients than OPAs. To reduce the risk of epi-
staxis, lubricate well and consider topical vasoconstrictor application prior
to gentle insertion following the floor of the nasal cavity.
Direct laryngoscopes
Designed to provide line of sight to the glottis for intubation. The Macintosh
blade is the most popular design, curved longitudinally with a flange to
sweep the tongue out of the way, and a blunt tip designed to engage the
vallecula and lift the epiglottis forward, exposing the glottis. The handle con-
tains batteries and a light source. Other direct laryngoscopes include:
• Straight blades. The tip of the straight blade is designed to lift the
epiglottis, which is especially suitable for intubating children.
• McCoy blade. A variant of the Macintosh blade with a manual hinge
which allows the tip of the blade to further elevate the epiglottis and
improve the view.
Videolaryngoscopes (VLs)
Advantages include a better view, which can be seen by assistants, less ex-
tension of the neck and less trauma to the mouth. (See Fig. 14.5.) There
are a variety of systems available from different manufacturers. They can be
classified by the design of the blades.

358 Chapter 14 Getting started

Fig. 14.5 A McGrath™ VL. Courtesy Aidan O’Donnell.

• Macintosh blades, e.g. C-​MAC®, McGrath®, Glidescope®

• Hyperangulated blades—​permit visualisation of the larynx without
alignment of the oropharyngeal and laryngeal axes. Examples include
the D-​blade for C-​MAC® and X-​blade for McGrath®. A stylet or bougie
is required to direct the ETT into the larynx
• Blades with ETT-​guiding channels, e.g. Pentax Airway Scope® or King
Endotracheal tube introducers
Intubating stylet
Made of malleable metal. It is inserted into an ETT to preform it to a de-
sired shape or curvature prior to intubation.
Intubating bougie
A flexible, long plastic device with an angled tip used to facilitate intubation
of an anterior larynx. The ETT is then railroaded over the bougie. Modern
variants are hollow to permit a degree of oxygenation.
Airway exchange catheter
Designed to be passed down an ETT and left in the airway as the ETT is re-
moved, and to act as a guide for a replacement ETT if required. It is hollow
to permit oxygenation.
Long-term venous access 359

Long-​term venous access

Long-​term venous access is a term used to describe venous cannulae, both
central and peripheral, that can remain in situ for protracted periods of time
(Table 14.2). Patients can be discharged with some types in situ, facilitating
early discharge and community care. As experts in vascular access, place-
ment of these lines often falls to anaesthetists or radiologists. Common
indications include cancer chemotherapy, long-​term antibiotics, total par-
enteral nutrition or repeated transfusion/​venesection. Long-​term venous
catheters avoid the risks and costs of repeated short-​term access such as
peripheral cannulation.
Choice of device
Requires consideration of indication, duration of therapy, risk of contamin-
ation of catheter, anatomical idiosyncracies and risk from sclerosant drugs.
The Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC)
provides an evidence-​based algorithmic approach that can assist clinicians in
choosing the best device for their patient.
Midline catheters
Midline catheters are 10–​20cm soft catheters inserted via the antecubital
fossa, with the tip of the device situated in the upper 3rd of the basilic
or cephalic vein, and short of the great vessels. Although not long-​term
venous access, midline catheters may be useful for short to medium term
access (e.g. 1–​4w) for drugs that are safe to infuse into peripheral veins
(e.g. antibiotics).
Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)
A PICC is typically inserted in the upper limb via the basilic or brachial
vein, proximal to the cubital fossa (the cephalic vein is often avoided due to
its tortuous course as it joins the axillary vein). The advantages of PICCs
are their safer insertion and convenient position. Disadvantages include risk
of thrombosis, infection, occlusion, malposition and rarely arrhythmia or
damage to great vessels or pericardial tamponade. Some can be used for
venous blood sampling; others cannot and will reduce the life of the cath-
eter. If in doubt, check.

Table 14.2 Service life of various intravenous access devices

Device Normal duration

Peripheral cannula 48–​72h
Midline catheter 14–​28d
Non-​cuffed, non-​tunnelled CVC 5–​14d
Tunnelled, non-​cuffed CVC 5–​21d
PICC Several months
Tunnelled, cuffed CVC (Hickman line) Months/​years
Subcutaneous port catheter Months/​years
CVC, central venous catheter; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter.

360 Chapter 14 Getting started

Tunnelled, cuffed CVCs

Tunnelled catheters (e.g. Hickman™, Broviac™, cuffed Groshong™) reduce
the risk of the catheter becoming infected. Infection risk is reduced by the
tunnel itself and by a subcutaneous Dacron cuff which anchors the catheter
and induces surrounding fibrosis which acts as a barrier to bacteria. It takes
3w for fibrous adhesions to develop, and hence they should not be inserted
for shorter-​term use.
• Catheters are usually inserted into the subclavian or internal jugular
vein, with the right side being favoured as it provides a shorter and
simpler route to the vena cava.
• Broviac™ catheters have a smaller lumen than Hickman™ catheters,
but both have open venous ends. Groshong™ lines have a valve on
the venous end which prevents back bleeding and air embolism but
prevents the catheter from being cut down in size prior to insertion.
Syringes <10mL should not be used on tunnelled catheters, as high
pressure may damage the catheter tubing.
Port catheters
Port catheters are used for prolonged periods of intermittent therapy, e.g.
chemotherapy. The catheter has a silicone entry port that is located under
the skin, usually on the chest, abdomen or arm. The SC location results in
much lower infection rates than tunnelled catheters, and enables bathing/​
Accessing the port is gained by a specific ‘non-​coring’ needle pushed through
the silicone membrane to the reservoir below. Initial access to the port causes
discomfort, and topical LA cream can be applied 30min before. There is a
distinct ‘clunk’ as the needle hits the back wall of the port after penetrating
the membrane. The needle may be left in situ if repeated access is required.
Practical advice
Multidisciplinary discussion prior to insertion of long-​term venous access
is needed for patients with chronic kidney disease who may require future
dialysis, as it is imperative to preserve peripheral and central veins.
The catheter tip should be positioned in the lower SVC or the cavoatrial
junction (up to two vertebral spaces below the carina on CXR). Position
is often confirmed or facilitated by fluoroscopy at the time of placement,
but this can move over time. Traditionally, optimal tip position has been
regarded as at the level of the carina on CXR (corresponding to the upper
border of the pericardium, to minimise the risk of cardiac tamponade). The
catheter should run in the long axis of the vein, i.e. not abutting the vein at
an acute angle. This is important as catheter position may change with res-
piration, body position or upper limb movement.
Placement of the tip in large-​diameter, high-​flow vessels reduces the risk
of thrombosis, migration with a risk of extravasation and sclerosis of veins.
Further reading
Bodenham A, Babu S, Bennett J, et al. (2016). Safe vascular access 2016. Anaesthesia, 71, 573–​85.
Chopra V, Flanders SA, Saint S, et al. (2015). The Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous
Catheters (MAGIC): results from a multispecialty panel using the RAND/​UCLA Appropriateness
Method. Ann Intern Med, 163(6 Suppl), S1–​40.
Hudman L, Bodenham AR (2013). Practical aspects of long-​term venous access. Contin Educ Anaesth
Crit Care Pain, 13, 6–​11.
Galloway S, Bodenham AR (2003). Safe removal of long-​term cuffed Hickman-​type catheters. Hosp
Med, 64, 20–​3.
Chapter 15 361

Airway assessment and

Jules Cranshaw, Emira Kursumovic and Tim Cook
Airway terminology 362
Airway assessment 363
Unanticipated difficult airway in adults 368
Intubating critically ill patients 373
Equipment and techniques for management of difficult
intubation 379
Emergency front of neck airway 381
Management of the obstructed airway 384
Rapid sequence induction 388
Inhalational induction 391
Awake tracheal intubation 393
Apnoeic oxygenation 397
Extubation after difficult intubation 399
Airborne respiratory viruses 403

This chapter copyright © Tim Cook, Julius Cranshaw and Emira Kursumovic

362 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Airway terminology
There is an increasing focus on standardising airway nomenclature for safer
and more effective communication. All who manage the airway should use,
as far as possible, the same terminology. Some terms are archaic and can
be simplified. Latin or ancient Greek should not be needed! The following
terms are used in this chapter:
• Flexible optical bronchoscope (FOB) in preference to fibreoptic
bronchoscope. The abbreviation is retained, but this better reflects
modern equipment which does not contain fibres.
• Awake tracheal intubation (ATI) in preference to awake fibreoptic
intubation (AFOI). Modern ATI may be performed with many
instruments, including videolaryngoscopes. Few are now fibreoptic.
• Cannot intubate, cannot oxygenate (CICO) in preference to ‘cannot
intubate, cannot ventilate’, ‘total airway failure’ or other similar
descriptors. Safe communication requires all the words are spoken.
‘CICO’ may be used in writing, but in speech, different pronunciations
(khy-​kho, si-​co, psycho, etc.) and incomprehension hinder a time-​critical
• Cricoid force in preference to cricoid pressure. This is applied in units
of force (N or kg) and is correctly described as such.
• Front of neck airway (FONA) and in an emergency, eFONA, in
preference to front of neck access, emergency surgical airway,
infraglottic access, etc.
• Supraglottic airway (SGA) in preference to supraglottic airway
device (SAD).
• Tracheal tube (TT) in preference to endotracheal tube (ETT).
For basic information on adult and paediatric airway equipment, see
% pp. 355-8; % pp. 908-10.
The division between first-​and second-​generation SGAs is pragmatic with
first-​generation devices being ‘simple airway tubes’, including the ‘classic
LMA’ and ‘flexible LMA’. Second-​generation devices are those with design
features intended to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric con-
tents. These include the ‘LMA ProSeal™’, ‘LMA Supreme™’ and ‘i-​gel®’.
Further reading
Chrimes N, Cook TM (2017). Critical airways, critical language. Br J Anaesth, 118, 649–​54.
Airway assessment 363

Airway assessment
The difficult airway is the most important cause of anaesthesia-​related
morbidity and mortality. Around 30% of deaths attributable to anaesthesia
are associated with problematic airway management. Some catastrophes
are due to suboptimal management in unforeseen circumstances. Others
are due to poor planning in patients with known or predictable difficul-
ties. History, examination and investigations must detect risks to airway
maintenance, ventilation and oxygenation, not just difficult laryngoscopy.
Assessment must inform an airway ‘strategy’ that anticipates and avoids
predicted difficulties, or mitigates adverse effects.
• Beware multiple predictors of difficulty (an indication of high risk).
• Difficulty or failure with one airway management technique is associated
with difficulty and failure with other techniques.
• Intubation is difficult in 71:50 cases (71:10 in ICU) and impossible in
71:200–​1500, depending on setting. Beware risk factors for rapid
hypoxaemia (pregnancy, obesity, infants, existing hypoxaemia). These
mandate great care planning intubation and ventilation strategies (e.g.
preoxygenation, peroxygenation, high-​pressure airway seal and PEEP).
• Be familiar with your rescue devices: SGAs, VLs, intubation aids and
Predictors of difficult airway management
Question the patient and check health care records, anaesthetic charts,
alerts and databases for previous airway difficulties, including:
• Anaesthesia-​associated dental damage or severe sore throat
• Associated syndromes (e.g. Down, Klippel–​Feil, craniofacial)
• Acquired difficulties (e.g. pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, RA, ankylosing
spondylitis, acromegaly, Still’s disease, snoring, OSA)
• Iatrogenic problems (e.g. C-​spine fusion, oral/​pharyngeal radiotherapy,
laryngeal/​tracheal/​temporomandibular joint (TMJ) surgery).
• Anatomical impediments (e.g. small mouth, receding chin, high arched
palate, large tongue, bull neck, obesity, large breasts).
• Acquired problems (e.g. head/​neck burns, goitre, tumour, haematoma,
infection, abscess, restrictive scars). Reduced mouth opening and
temporomandibular advancement (e.g. dental abscess, quinsy, TMJ
surgery, post-​radiotherapy).
• Poor C-​spine movement, especially upper extension.
• Poor dentition (e.g. anterior gaps, sharp/​loose/​protruding/​inward/​
awkward teeth).
• Orthopaedic/​neurosurgical/​orthodontic equipment (e.g. neck collar,
halo traction, external fixator, stereotactic locator, dental wiring).
• If using the nasal route for FOB, check patency of nasal passages.
• Facial hair may hide adverse anatomical predictors.
• Some hairstyles cause difficult intubation.

364 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

• Check imaging (including CXR) for potentially difficult anatomy. A
recent, focused CT/​MRI will give more valuable information.
• Check C-​spine X-​rays. Occipito-​atlanto-​axial disease is more predictive
of difficult direct laryngoscopy than disease below C2.
• Loss of cervical disc space predicts difficult intubation.
• Flexion/​extension or dynamic C-​spine studies can confirm instability.
Plain X-​rays are inadequate predictors of cervical stability.
Predictors of difficult mask ventilation
• Mask ventilation is difficult in 71–​3% of cases; impossible in 71:600.
• Age >60yr, ♂ sex, full beard, BMI >35kg/​m2, previous difficult tracheal
intubation, snoring, OSA, absence of teeth, thyromental distance <6cm,
modified Mallampati classes 3 and 4 (Fig. 15.1), facial abnormalities, neck
radiotherapy, DIFFMASK score ≥5.1
• The DIFFMASK score uses ten predictors of difficult mask ventilation
and ranges 0–​18. Scores 6–​10 merit detailed further assessment; higher
scores predict risk.
Predictors of difficult SGA insertion and ventilation
• First-​time SGA insertion and ventilation fails in >5% of attempts.
• Difficult SGA placement is associated with: narrow gape (insertion
may be impossible); intraoral/​pharyngeal masses (e.g. lingual tonsils);
obesity; and poor dentition.
• Second-​generation SGAs are more likely to succeed at first insertion.
Some can aid intubation. Higher laryngeal seal pressures (726–​
30cmH2O vs 715–​20cmH2O) may enable ventilation of patients with
low chest compliance and use of PEEP. With higher oesophageal seal
pressures and a drain port, they may reduce aspiration risk.
Predictors of difficult direct laryngoscopy
• Direct laryngoscopy needs a line of sight from upper teeth to glottis. It
entails mouth opening, extension of upper C-​spine and displacing the
mandibular arch tissues.
• Predictive tests check one or more of these capabilities, but direct
laryngeal view grade (Fig. 15.2) correlates modestly with difficult
intubation. Most failures occur with grade 2 or 3. Functional grades
have therefore been proposed (Fig. 15.3).
• Problems with predictive tests include frequent false positives (a
smaller number are actually difficult) and negatives (most difficulties are
unpredicted). Combining tests exacerbates these problems.
Interincisor gap (II gap)
The distance between the incisors (or alveolar margins) with the mouth
open maximally:
• <3cm predicts difficulty.
• <2.5cm—​SGA insertion will also be difficult.
Mandibular protrusion
• Class A: can protrude lower incisors anterior to upper incisors.
• Class B: can protrude lower incisors to, but not beyond, upper incisors.
• Class C: cannot protrude lower incisors to upper incisors.
Classes B and C are associated with difficulty.
Airway assessment 365

Fig. 15.1 Modified Mallampati classes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Fig. 15.2 Cormack and Lehane’s classification of laryngeal view.

Grade 1 Grade 2A Grade 2B Grade 3A Grade 3B Grade 4

Easy Restricted Difficult

Fig. 15.3 Cook’s modified classification of the laryngeal view. Grades 1–​4 refer to
Cormack and Lehane’s classification. In Cook’s classification, ‘easy’ views (glottis visible) require
no adjuncts; ‘restricted’ views (posterior laryngeal structures visible or epiglottis liftable) require
a bougie; ‘difficult’ views (epiglottis not liftable or not visible) require advanced techniques to

Upper lip bite test

The patient attempts to bite as far up their upper lip as they can:
• Class I: lower incisors bite upper lip, upper lip mucosa invisible
• Class II: upper lip mucosa partially visible
• Class III: the lower incisors fail to bite the upper lip.
Class III is a strong predictor of difficult laryngoscopy.2
Mallampati test (with Samsoon and Young’s modification)
(See Fig. 15.1.)
Position yourself opposite the patient. Examine the oropharynx while
the patient opens his/​her mouth maximally, protruding the tongue without

366 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

• Class 1: faucial pillars, soft palate and uvula visible

• Class 2: faucial pillars and soft palate visible—​uvula tip masked by base
of tongue
• Class 3: only soft palate visible.
• Class 4: soft palate not visible.
Class 3 and 4 views (no posterior pharyngeal wall view) are associated with
difficult laryngoscopy. This test is prone to interobserver variation. Used
alone, it correctly predicts about 50% of difficult laryngoscopies and has a
false positive rate of >95%.
Extension of the upper cervical spine
When limited, the risk of difficult direct laryngoscopy is i. Movement may
be assessed by:
• Flexing the head on the neck, immobilising the lower C-​spine with one
hand on the neck, then fully extending the head. Placing a pointer on the
vertex or forehead allows estimation of the angle of movement.
• Placing one finger on the patient’s chin and one finger on the occipital
protuberance, and extending the head maximally.
With normal C-​spine mobility, the finger on the chin is higher than the
one on the occiput. Level fingers indicate moderate limitation. If the finger
on the chin remains lower than the one on the occiput, there is severe
Thyromental distance (Patil test)
Tip of thyroid cartilage to tip of mandible, neck fully extended:
• Normal >7cm; <6cm predicts 775% of difficult laryngoscopies.
• Combined Patil and Mallampati tests (<7 cm and classes 3–​4) increase
the specificity (97%) but decrease the sensitivity (81%).
Sternomental distance (Savva test)
Sternal notch to tip of mandible, neck fully extended, mouth closed:
<12.5cm associated with difficulty (positive predictive value 82%).
Wilson score
• Five factors: weight, upper C-​spine mobility, jaw movement, receding
mandible and protruding upper teeth. Factors are scored, some
objectively and some subjectively, from broadly normal to severely
abnormal, and allocated 0, 1 or 2 points.
• A total score of ≥2 predicts 75% of difficult intubations; 12% false
MACOCHA score3
• Identifies critically ill patients at risk of difficult intubation.
• The name is an aide memoire for its variables.
• Weighted variables: Mallampati 3 or 4 (scores 5); Apnoea/​OSA (scores 2);
reduced C-​spine mobility (this and all others score 1); Mouth Opening
<3cm; Coma; severe Hypoxaemia; non-​Anaesthetist intubator.
• Range 0–​12 (score >2 predicts difficult intubation).
Predictors of difficult videolaryngoscopy
• Narrow and rigid oro-​and laryngopharynx (e.g. tumour, trauma,
cervical pathology, radiotherapy change), fixed neck flexion.
• A narrow gape relative to a wide VL makes insertion difficult or
Airway assessment 367

Predictors of difficult paediatric mask ventilation and

• Difficult mask ventilation has a similar prevalence to that in adults but
is i in the very young. Insert a ‘shoulder roll’ for children <2y. Beware
laryngospasm as a cause of difficult mask ventilation.
• Difficult intubation is associated with weight <10kg, short thyromental
distance (micrognathia) and >2 direct laryngoscopy attempts before an
indirect technique.
Predictors of difficult front of neck airway
• Obesity (i pretracheal tissue makes reaching the trachea more difficult),
goitre and other anterior neck masses or vessels, infection/​scarring,
tracheal deviation, fixed neck flexion, previous neck radiotherapy,
surgical collar/​external fixator preventing access.
• Inspect a recent CT/​MRI. Ultrasound may be useful.
Predictors of difficult awake tracheal intubation
• In experienced hands, the complication of unplanned removal of an
FOB, VL or TT during ATI is 1–​2%.4
• Predictors include: inadequate oxygenation, uncooperative patients,
operator and/​or assistant inexperience, suboptimal environments
(e.g. ED or ICU), airway blood or unmanageable airway secretions,
inadequate topical anaesthesia, oversedation, inability to pass a nasal
tube, ill-​fitting adjuncts (e.g. FOB conduits; see % p. 395), very narrow
airway (‘cork-​in-​bottle’) and larger TT.
Further reading
Roth D, Pace NL, Lee A, et al. (2019). Bedside tests for predicting difficult airways: an abridged
Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy systematic review. Anaesthesia, 74, 915–​28.
Kheterpal S, Healy D, Aziz MF, et al.; Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG)
Perioperative Clinical Research Committee (2013). Incidence, predictors, and outcome of difficult
mask ventilation combined with difficult laryngoscopy: a report from the multicenter periopera-
tive outcomes group. Anesthesiology, 119, 1360–​9.
Cook TM, MacDougall-​Davis SR (2012). Complications and failure of airway management. Br J
Anaesth, 109 Suppl 1, i68–​85.
Ramachandran SK, Mathis MR, Tremper KK, et al. (2012). Predictors and clinical outcomes from
failed Laryngeal Mask Airway Unique™: a study of 15,795 patients. Anesthesiology, 116, 1217–​26.
Kheterpal S, Han R, Tremper KK, et al. (2006). Incidence and predictors of difficult and impossible
mask ventilation. Anesthesiology, 105, 885–​91.
Shiga T, Wajima Z, Inoue T, et al. (2005). Predicting difficult intubation in apparently normal patients:
a meta-​analysis of bedside screening test performance. Anesthesiology, 103, 429–​37.
Yentis S (2002). Predicting difficult intubation—​worthwhile exercise or pointless ritual? Anaesthesia,
57, 105–​9.
Cook TM (2000). A new practical classification of laryngeal view. Anaesthesia, 55, 274–​9.
Langeron O, Masso E, Huraux C, et al. (2000). Prediction of difficult mask ventilation. Anesthesiology,
92, 1229–​36.
Lundstrom L, Rosenstock C, Wetterslev J, et al. (2019). The DIFFMASK score for predicting diffi­cult
facemask ventilation: a cohort study of 46,804 patients. Anaesthesia, 74, 1267–76.
Detsky ME, Jivraj N, Adhikari NK, et al. (2019). Will this patient be difficult to intubate?: the ra­tional
clinical examination systematic review [published correction appears in JAMA (2020) 323, 1194].
JAMA, 321, 493–503. doi:10.1001/ jama.2018.21413

368 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Unanticipated difficult airway in adults

• Adverse events usually develop from both difficult intubation and
difficult mask ventilation.
• When disasters occur, patients die from failed oxygenation, not failed
• Difficult ventilation makes oxygenation harder.
• Call for the ‘difficult airway trolley’ and experienced help early. Avert
detrimental consequences: desaturation, multiple interventions causing
airway trauma and CICO, aspiration and awareness.
• Use a ‘strategy’; a pre-​agreed sequence of plans that manages failure of
previous attempts.
• Preoxygenate to delay desaturation. Give 100% O2 whenever airway
problems are anticipated or develop.
• Confirm tracheal intubation with capnography and examination.
• Attend regular training in creating FONAs.
Unanticipated difficult tracheal intubation
Consider this four-​step strategy (Fig. 15.4) to maintain oxygenation.
Plan A: mask ventilation and tracheal intubation
• Optimise the 1st laryngoscopy. Use the ‘sniffing position’. With obesity,
use ‘ramping’ 20–​25°. Preoxygenate. Target ETO2 >85%. Ensure
complete NMB.
• Use a laryngoscope and blade with which you have training and
experience. Ready a 2nd choice that you are also trained to use.
‘Shared-​screen’ VLs aid teamwork.
• A smaller TT provides a better view and easier passage than larger.
Improve the view by optimal external laryngeal manipulation (OELM),
or backward, upward, rightward pressure (BURP) with cricoid force.
• Use a gum elastic bougie (GEB), TT introducer or stylet carefully. If the
view or TT passage is difficult, reduce any cricoid force. Have suction
ready. Maintain oxygenation by mask ventilation with O2 between
attempts. Limit attempts (≤3). Allow a more experienced colleague one
attempt. If Plan A fails, declare, ‘Failed intubation’.
Plan B: ventilation with an SGA
SGAs rescue the airway in >90% of cases (see % pp. 355–7; % p. 379).
Remove any cricoid force. Have suction ready. Limit attempts (≤3).
• In difficulty, try a different insertion technique, size or SGA.
• If oxygenation is successful, ‘stop and think’ about options: wake up;
proceed with the SGA; intubate via the SGA with FOB assistance
(one attempt only); create a tracheostomy or cricothyroidotomy in
controlled circumstances.
• If oxygenation fails, declare, ‘Failed SGA ventilation’.
Plan C: face mask ventilation—​a final attempt
• Ensure complete NMB. If you successfully oxygenate, and waking will
sustain this, reverse NMB and wake the patient.
• Beware. Residual anaesthesia, airway trauma and airway or pulmonary
pathology may make waking unfeasible.
• If Plan C fails, declare clearly, ‘I cannot intubate and cannot oxygenate.
We need to perform an emergency front of neck airway!’
• Hypoxic brain injury and cardiac arrest are imminent.
Unanticipated difficult airway in adults 369

Plan A: Facemask ventilation and tracheal

Optimise head and neck position If in difficulty call for help
Adequate neuromuscular blockade Succeed
Confirm tracheal intubation with
Direct/Video Laryngoscopy (maximum
3 + 1 attempts)
External laryngeal manipulation
Remove cricoid force
Maintain oxygenation and anaesthesia
Declare failed intubation
Options (consider risks and
Plan B: Maintaining oxygenation: SGA benefits):
insertion Succeed 1. Wake the patient up
2nd generation device recommended 2. Intubate trachea via the SGA
Change device or size (maximum 3 attempts) 3. Proceed without intubating the
Oxygenate and ventilate trachea
4. Tracheostomy or
Declare failed SGA ventilation cricothyroidotomy
Plan C: Facemask ventilation Wake the patient up
If facemask ventilation impossible, paralyse
Final attempt at facemask ventilation Post-operative care and follow up
Use 2 person technique and adjuncts • Formulate immediate airway
Declare CICO management plan
• Monitor for complications
Plan D: Emergency front of neck access • Complete airway alert form
Scalpel cricothyroidotomy • Explain to the patient in person and in
• Send written report to GP and local
This flowchart forms part of the DAS Guidelines for unanticipated difficult intubation in
adults 2015 and should be used in conjunction with the text.

Fig. 15.4 Unanticipated difficult tracheal intubation. Reproduced from Difficult Airway
Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Difficult
Airway Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6), 827–​848. doi:10.1093/​bja/​
aev371. Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial purposes must be sought
directly from Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.

Plan D: emergency front of neck airway

• Several techniques are described. Be decisive.
• Based on your training, choose scalpel or cannula cricothyroidotomy.
Familiar kit must be immediately available.
• Continue oxygenation efforts with mask or SGA. Maintain complete
NMB. Hyperextend the neck.
• Perform a laryngeal handshake: move the upper larynx from side to
side between thumb and index finger; slide the fingers to the thyroid
laminae; stabilize the larynx between middle finger and thumb; use the
index finger to find the cricothyroid membrane. Stabilise the larynx with
one hand.
• For the scalpel cricothyroidotomy technique, see % p. 381 and Fig 15.7.
• For the cannula technique, see % pp. 381–3.

370 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Unanticipated difficult face mask ventilation

• The commonest cause is lost upper airway patency. Rarer causes are
listed below.
• An effective seal requires good mask fit (consider leaving well-​fixed
dentures), good technique and assistance. Ensure complete NMB.
• Reposition the patient to improve ventilation, not laryngoscopy.
• Insert a correctly sized oropharyngeal airway (OPA). Use a ‘VE’
grip, thumbs caudad on each side of the mask while simultaneously
performing a chin lift and jaw thrust with your fingers. Ask an assistant
to hold the O2 ‘flush’ button if needed and to attempt gentle ventilation
(two-​person technique). Another assistant may provide more effective
jaw thrust.
• Reduce any cricoid force. Have suction ready.
• Ventilation via an SGA or intubation usually forms part of a strategy for
unanticipated difficult mask ventilation.
• Consider a nasal airway, but beware bleeding.
Other causes of difficult face mask ventilation
• Anaesthetic circuit problems (e.g. switch, blockage, disconnection,
leak). Check entire circuit, mask and catheter mount before induction.
Change to a self-​inflating bag and new mask if doubt remains.
• Laryngospasm (see below; % p. 1073).
• Bronchospasm (see % pp. 1078–1079). Beware in asthma, anaphylaxis
and smokers.
• Foreign body (e.g. throat pack, object from anaesthetic circuit, teeth,
denture, blood clot, mucus plug). Exclude by inspection and FOB.
• Laryngeal pathology (rare). eFONA, including tracheostomy, may be
• Lower airway pathology (rare, e.g. mediastinal masses). Tracheal
intubation or rigid bronchoscopy may be lifesaving.
Laryngospasm in adults
Laryngospasm can be rapidly fatal. Consider in airway obstruction without
obvious supraglottic cause. Sometimes preceded by stridor or a character-
istic ‘crowing’ noise, it may be instant, complete and silent.
• Inspect the airway. Use suction to remove all contaminants.
• Obtain a tight mask seal and patent upper airway (as above). Close
the expiratory valve. Apply CPAP with 100% O2. Use an assistant to
squeeze the bag and to attempt gentle manual ventilation.
• ‘Forcible’ jaw thrust or bilateral anterior pressure on the mandibular
rami just in front of the mastoid process (Larson’s point) may ‘break’
laryngospasm by a combination of stimulation and airway opening.
• Deepening anaesthesia with a small dose of propofol (20–​50mg) may
relax laryngospasm.
• If desaturation begins, consider a small dose of IV suxamethonium (0.1–​
0.5mg/​kg actual body weight). If laryngospasm is severe, intubate using
IV 1–​1.5mg/​kg (actual body weight, maximum 150mg).
• If there is no venous access, consider submental intralingual
suxamethonium 3mg/​kg (actual body weight, maximum 150mg) with
massage; or IM in the thigh 4mg/​kg (actual body weight, maximum
150mg) with massage.
• Before waking, consider a change in airway management (e.g. exchange
a TT for an SGA) to try to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Unanticipated difficult airway in adults 371

Diagnosing oesophageal intubation

• Always suspect oesophageal intubation after difficult intubation. Patients
continue to die of this avoidable complication.
• Do not induce anaesthesia without a working waveform capnograph.
• Tracheal intubation and ventilation produce a sustained waveform
capnograph trace.
• Even after cardiac arrest, a small waveform trace will be seen, with or
without chest compressions.
• Difficult mask ventilation can push expired CO2 into the oesophagus
and stomach. After oesophageal intubation, this CO2 may be detected
but will rapidly diminish to zero with ventilation.
• Rarely, complete obstruction (circuit, tube, airway or severe
bronchospasm) prevents ventilation, and no trace can be produced.
• Otherwise, a flat trace indicates no lung ventilation; oesophageal
intubation should be assumed and excluded—​‘No trace equals wrong
• Clinical signs may be used but are unreliable, as you tend to see and
hear what you expect and want.
• If in doubt, remove the TT. Oxygenate.
Paediatric considerations
(For management of paediatric airway, see % pp. 921–4.)
• Consider specific paediatric guidelines.
• Hypoxaemia is rapid in neonates, infants and small children if ventilation
is inadequate. Maintain oxygenation and consider options.
• Each direct laryngoscopy, after the first, is associated with complications
(e.g. desaturation <85% and cardiovascular instability).
• Minimise the number of direct laryngoscopic attempts. Consider VL or
FOB-​assisted intubation possibly via an SGA.
• SGA insertion failure is lower in older children than in adults, but failure
is associated with more cardiorespiratory complications.
• Reflex responses to airway manipulation or suxamethonium, aggravated
by hypoxaemia, may cause bradycardia and cardiac arrest.
Paediatric laryngospasm
(See % p. 921 for additional information.)
• Laryngospasm is more common than in adults and hypoxaemia
develops faster. Decision-​making and action must be quicker.
• Consider deepening anaesthesia with propofol 0.5mg/​kg; a small dose
of IV suxamethonium (0.1–​0.5mg/​kg); or, if laryngospasm is severe,
intubate with IV suxamethonium 1mg/​kg (maximum 150mg) (2mg/​kg
in infants). Intubation without NMB may be attempted but is not always
possible. If there is no IV access, submental intralingual suxamethonium
3mg/​kg (maximum 150mg) with massage will relax the larynx in 72min.
Alternatively, give IM suxamethonium 4mg/​kg in the thigh (maximum
150mg) with massage.
• Beware stomach inflation during ventilation attempts.
• This can trigger vagal reflexes and regurgitation, and splint the
• Consider early gastric drainage.

372 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Obstetric considerations
(For failed intubation in obstetric anaesthesia, see % p. 864.)
• The incidence of failed intubation is high (71:300) due to patient,
surgical and environmental factors.
• Consider obstetric difficult airway guidelines. Most advocate ≤2
intubation attempts, with one more reserved for an experienced
• High-​flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) delays desaturation after induction of
GA (see also % p. 397).
Follow-​up of patients with difficult airways
• Document difficulties and successful and unsuccessful approaches in
health care records.
• Make sure these are easily accessible and prominent (e.g. in ‘Alert’
sections). Complete an ‘airway alert’ form for local and national (e.g.
DAS) databases.
• Advise patients that they may register with independent medical alert
providers. Warn about delayed symptoms of airway trauma and how to
seek help.
Intubating critically ill patients 373

Intubating critically ill patients

Critically ill patients often need emergency intubation in challenging circum-
stances and ‘hostile’ environments. Environmental stress undermines team-
work (human factors). When intubation is difficult, hypoxaemia increases,
but waking the patient may not be lifesaving.
• In the ICU and ED, intubation fails first time in >10% of cases.
Desaturation to <80% occurs in 720%. Difficulties are more likely to be
managed suboptimally. Airway catastrophes in the ICU are more likely
to lead to brain damage and death.5
• Prepare for airway difficulty, aspiration, hypotension (systolic BP
<90mmHg in 730%) and CVS collapse (cardiac arrest in 2%).5
• Optimise oxygenation before, during and after intubation.
• Training and experience with kit are essential.
The ‘Vortex Approach’ vs an ‘Airway Strategy’
The Difficult Airway Society (DAS) and other guidelines provide didactic
strategies to manage unanticipated difficult intubation after inducing GA in
the form of logically prioritised sequences of plans. The ‘Vortex Approach’
to airway crises is unconstrained by this context and removes potentially re-
stricting and complex linearity. It uses a simple visual cognitive aid; a picture
of a vortex with an outer zone where oxygenation is successful; and an inner
zone where the patient is in danger, marked with three equally spaced icons
for face mask ventilation, SGA insertion and tracheal intubation. In crisis, each
technique may be tried in any order. With each device a maximum of three
attempts or one optimal attempt is permitted and might move a patient out
of the vortex or risk tipping them further in towards eFONA. Failure of all
attempts or critical deterioration mandates eFONA. The ‘Vortex Approach’
is currently considered complementary to airway algorithms.
• Consider an A, B/​C, D airway management strategy (Fig. 15.5).
• Identify risks of difficult intubation (e.g. MACOCHA score; see %
p. 366) and difficulty with rescue techniques.
• If you suspect upper airway pathology and time allows, obtain a
nasendoscopic view of the larynx.
• Identify aspiration risk. Leave an NGT. Stop feed. Aspirate the stomach.
Consider RSI.
• After assessment: modify your plan accordingly.
• Brief your team. Allocate roles (e.g. CVS management). Use checklists
and cognitive aids such as in Fig. 15.6. Know how to access expert
airway help quickly. Be aware of time passing.
• Check your kit. Have familiar second-​generation SGAs, FOB and
eFONA kit immediately available. Apply routine monitoring (at least).
Waveform capnography is mandatory.
• Perform a laryngeal handshake. Consider marking the trachea and
midline. Use ultrasound if needed and trained. Mark the cricothyroid
membrane in the neck position that cricothyroidotomy will be
• Be prepared to manage acute adverse CVS changes during and after
intubation (particularly with recruitment manoeuvres).

374 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Fig. 15.5 Tracheal intubation in critically ill adults. Reproduced from Difficult Airway
Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Difficult
Airway Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6), 827–​848. doi:10.1093/​bja/​
aev371. Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial purposes must be sought
directly from Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.
Fig. 15.6 Intubating checklist for critically ill adults. Reproduced from Difficult Airway Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in
adults. Difficult Airway Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6), 827–​48. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aev371. Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial
Intubating critically ill patients

purposes must be sought directly from Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.

376 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Plan A
The goal is timely, atraumatic first-​time intubation by optimising position,
NMB, laryngoscopy, teamwork and equipment. This is supported by
maximised preoxygenation and peroxygenation. Beware a low PaO2 after
preoxygenation predicts hypoxaemia after induction.
Consider using:
• Tight-​fitting mask, O2 at 15L/​min with a system enabling some CPAP,
e.g. Water’s circuit (Mapleson C).
• HFNO at 30–​70L/​min.
• CPAP with 100% O2.
• Non-​invasive ventilation with 100% O2.
• Nasal cannula O2 at 5L/​min while the patient is awake and 15L/​min
when the patient is induced.
Nasal cannulae can prevent mask seal. If a seal is made, simultaneous
HFNO may cause high airway pressure, as HFNO systems have no pres-
sure relief valve.
• HFNO contraindications include basal skull and facial fractures.
• Running HFNO, a breathing system, e.g. Water’s circuit (Mapleson C),
and a ventilator simultaneously requires three near-​patient O2 sources.
• Existing CPAP and non-​invasive ventilation systems might be left in situ
during induction, but plan when and how to remove masks quickly to
allow laryngoscopy.
HFNO or nasal O2 at 15L/​min should be provided until intubation is
Raise the bed head up 20–​30° to aid oxygenation. Tilting the whole bed
may be safer in known or suspected spinal injury. Start with the ‘sniffing
position’. In obesity, ‘ramp’ the upper body so the external auditory meatus
is level with the sternal notch and the face horizontal.
• Ketamine may have advantages over other induction agents. Small doses
during preoxygenation may ease cooperation.
• Rapid-​acting opioids, such as fentanyl or alfentanil, may aid CVS stability.
• For rapid NMB, rocuronium has advantages over suxamethonium;
fewer contraindications and adverse effects (fasciculations consume
O2). Rocuronium 1.2mg/​kg achieves intubating conditions as fast as
suxamethonium 1mg/​kg.
• If indicated, ask a trained assistant to apply cricoid force—​10N (1kg) on
induction, i to 30N (3kg) after loss of consciousness. Cricoid force may
reduce aspiration and stomach inflation but, especially if excessive, can
impede face mask ventilation, laryngoscopy and passage of the TT. VL
may aid appropriate cricoid force. Remove cricoid force if vomiting and
when inserting an SGA.
• While waiting for effective NMB, sustain oxygenation by ventilation.
Ventilation may also control PaCO2. This might be important in raised
ICP, pregnancy, pulmonary hypertension and acidaemia. Keep airway
pressure low (preferably <20cmH2O) to avoid stomach inflation.
Reduce cricoid force if ventilation is difficult. Have suction ready.
Intubating critically ill patients 377

• Use a laryngoscope and blade with which you have gained confidence.
Ready your second choice. Limit intubation attempts to ≤3. Allow an
expert one attempt. Maintain oxygenation between attempts.
• If direct laryngoscopy is your first approach, ready a GEB, introducer or
stylet. Use carefully. Avoid ‘blind’ insertion.
• Consider VL as your first choice if trained. Switch to VL if you have
difficulty. It is likely VL will improve your view, reduce trauma and
increase success. If trained, use a hyperangulated blade with a stylet
when a Macintosh-​style blade fails. Use your assistants. VL with a screen
shared by assistants can direct them to improve OELM, BURP and
cricoid force. Blood, secretions and reflux may hamper VL (and direct
• Reduce or release cricoid force if the view or TT passage is
problematic. Be ready with suction.
• Where there is difficulty, choose a TT type and size allowing the best
laryngeal view, easy passage and least trauma. TTs with subglottic
suction have larger external diameter. The size and type may not be
optimal for long-​term ICU ventilation. However, TT exchange after
stabilisation may be safer than failing with a large TT.
• If Plan A fails, declare clearly, ‘Failed intubation!’
• Call for expert help.
• Open and prepare your eFONA kit.
• If Plan A succeeds, planned and preset ventilation strategies may re-​
establish and improve oxygenation quickly.
Plan B/​C for failed intubation
The goal is successful oxygenation (Plan B). The ‘high’ seal pressure pro-
vided by a second-generation SGA may enable you to ventilate a low-​
compliant chest with PEEP. Aspiration risk is reduced.
• Minimise insertion attempts (≤3).
• If an attempt fails, try a new SGA size, type, insertion technique or
• One failed optimal attempt might enable you to rule out SGA insertion
as a successful approach.
• Attempt mask ventilation (Plan C) between SGA insertion attempts.
Insert a correctly sized OPA. Use a ‘VE’ grip, thumbs caudad on each
side of the mask. Use your fingers to lift the chin. Ask an assistant to
add ‘jaw thrust’. Use a Water’s circuit (Mapleson C) to give 100% O2
with CPAP.
• Minimise mask ventilation attempts (≤3).
• One failed optimal attempt might lead you to abandon mask ventilation
as a successful option.
• Consider a nasal airway, but beware bleeding.
• Allow an expert one attempt at SGA insertion and mask ventilation,
BUT they may choose an immediate eFONA.
• Recognise failure of Plans B and C within 1min.
• Clinical deterioration and worsening oxygenation mandate rapid
transition to eFONA.
• Declare clearly, ‘I cannot intubate and cannot oxygenate. We need an
emergency front of neck airway!’ (Plan D).

378 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

• If oxygenation via an SGA or mask ventilation is successful, stop and

think. Consider your plan.
• Wait for an expert if stability allows.
• Waking may not be an option due to neurological impairment, drug
effects, airway pathology, pulmonary pathology and other critical
• If oxygenation via an SGA is acceptable, consider FOB-​assisted
intubation via the SGA. If feasible, make one optimal attempt only.
• If a TT is essential, consider eFONA during stability, especially if
oxygenation is precarious, ventilation is difficult, aspiration is a risk
and FOB-​assisted intubation is unlikely or has failed.
• Do not wait for life-​threatening hypoxaemia to proceed to eFONA.

Further reading
Higgs A, McGrath BA, Goddard C, et al. (2018). Guidelines for the management of tracheal intub-
ation in critically ill adults. Br J Anaesth, 120, 323–​52.
Black AE, Flynn PER, Smith HL, et al. (2015). Development of a guideline for the management of the
unanticipated difficult airway in pediatric practice. Paediatr Anaesth, 25, 346–​62.
Frerk C, Mitchell VS, McNarry AF, et al. (2015). Difficult Airway Society 2015 guidelines for manage-
ment of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Br J Anaesth, 115, 827–​48.
Mushambi MC, Kinsella SM, Popat M, et al. (2015). Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association and Difficult
Airway Society guidelines for the management of difficult and failed tracheal intubation in obstet-
rics. Anaesthesia, 70, 1286–​306.
Cook TM, MacDougall-​Davis SR. (2012). Complications and failure of airway management. Br J
Anaesth, 109 Suppl 1, i68–​85.
Cook TM, Woodall N, Harper J, et al; Fourth National Audit project (2011). Major complications of
airway management in the UK: results of the Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College
of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society. Part 2: intensive care and emergency depart-
ments. Br J Anaesth, 106, 632–​42.
Nolan JP, Kelly FE (2011). Airway challenges in critical care. Anaesthesia, 66 (Suppl 2), 81–92.
De Jong A, Molinari N, Terzi N, et al. (2013). Article 1. Early identification of patients at risk for
difficult intubation in the intensive care unit: development and validation of the MACOCHA
score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 187, 832–9. doi:10.1164/
rccm.201210- 1851OC

Equipment and techniques for

management of difficult intubation
For basic information on adult and paediatric airway equipment, see %
pp. 355–8; % pp. 908–10.
GEBs and tracheal tube introducers
• There are numerous designs. Performance varies. Incorrect use risks
airway trauma and perforation. Rigidity increases trauma risk.
• These devices ease intubation with ‘restricted’ glottic views
(laryngoscopy grades 2b and 3a; see % p. 365). ‘Blind’ passage is
discouraged (e.g. in grade 3b or 4 view). It risks airway trauma.
• Keep the device anterior and midline to avoid the piriform fossae and
oesophageal insertion. An assistant may ‘feel’ the device pass through
the larynx. You may feel it ‘bumping’ down tracheal rings. Do not insert
beyond the carina (724–​26cm). Do not deliberately elicit ‘rotation’ or
‘hold-​up’ (740cm) by entering the bronchi. This can cause trauma.
• ‘Railroad’ the TT over the device, carefully maintaining the pharyngeal
space with the laryngoscope. Rotation 90° counterclockwise may avoid
a bevel sticking on the larynx. A smaller TT or one with a bullet tip is
easier to ‘railroad’.
Intubation via an SGA
• An SGA can act as a ‘dedicated airway’, enabling oxygenation and
ventilation during intubation via the airway channel.
• FOB increases success to near 100%.6 ‘Blind’ intubation via an SGA is
not recommended due to higher failure and complication rates.
• One technique uses an Aintree Intubation Catheter (AIC) (Cook Critical
Care®) (ID 4.7mm, external diameter 6.3 mm) over an FOB. Place
the AIC supracarinally, and then remove the SGA and FOB. A TT (ID
7.0mm) is railroaded over the AIC. This is suitable for a number of SGAs
(e.g. i-​gel® and LMA ProSeal™). It is less well suited to the LMA Supreme™
or Laryngeal Tubes™ because of their narrow airway lumens.
• The airway channel of some SGAs can accommodate a TT. These allow
intubation and leaving the SGA in situ. Beware. Before attempting to
railroad a TT through an SGA, you must know the TT will fit through
and that its cuff will reach the trachea (e.g. consider LMA Fastrach™
(intubating LMA) or Parker Flex-​Tip® reinforced TT).
• There are various devices. They are not equal. All require training and
experience for safe and effective use.
• VLs provide better laryngeal views than direct laryngoscopes. With skill,
they increase intubation success in difficult airways. Use by unskilled
practitioners in crises is discouraged.
• VLs may become less useful if their ‘eye’ is covered by secretions or
blood but the impact is no greater on a VL than direct laryngoscope.
• VL uses less force than direct laryngoscopy, reducing airway trauma
and facilitating ATI. Some prefer intubating with VL during C-​spine
There are three main types.

380 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Bladed videolaryngoscopes
• Include straight and Macintosh style (enabling direct laryngoscopy) and
hyperangulated blades (which do not). May be single use or reusable.
• Blade design may facilitate standard, midline or paramedian insertion
and enable some airway manipulation, but a stylet or bougie may be
essential to intubate.
• These include C-​MAC®, GlideScope®, I-​view™ and McGrath™.
Conduited videolaryngoscopes
• Have a channel to guide a TT into the camera view.
• TT size and type relative to the conduit may affect intubation success.
Avoid relatively small TTs. They may ‘cut the angle’ created by the
channel and point posteriorly.
• These include Airtraq™, Pentax AWS®, King Vision™ and Venner A.P.
Optical stylets
• Are preformed rigid or malleable metal guides connecting an imaging
system to an eyepiece or screen.
• A TT is preloaded, manipulated to the glottis and advanced into the
trachea. Stylets require minimal mouth opening but have limited ability
to displace tissues.
• They may be used for ATI or as a ‘light wand’.
• These include Bonfils®, Levitan, Shikani and Trachway®.
Further reading
Cook TM, Kelly FE (2017). A national survey of videolaryngoscopy in the United Kingdom. Br J
Anaesth, 118, 596–​600.
Lewis SR, Butler AR, Parker J, et al. (2016). Videolaryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy for adult
patients requiring tracheal intubation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 11, CD011136.
Zaouter C, Calderon J, Hemmerling TM (2015). Videolaryngoscopy as a new standard of care. Br
J Anaesth, 114, 181–​3.
Behringer EC, Kristensen MS (2011). Evidence for benefit vs novelty in new intubation equipment.
Anaesthesia, 66 Suppl 2, 57–​64.
Dhara SS (2009). Retrograde tracheal intubation. Anaesthesia, 64, 1094–​104.
Waters DJ (1963). Guided blind endotracheal intubation. Anaesthesia, 18, 158–​62.
Emergency front of neck airway 381

Emergency front of neck airway

Rescue techniques for ‘cannot intubate, cannot oxygenate’
• eFONA can prevent hypoxic brain damage and death in CICO
situations if used rapidly and effectively before critical desaturation.
• Anticipation and preparation are key.
• eFONA relies on palpable landmarks. Identifying these takes practice.
When eFONA may be needed, if the situation allows, the landmarks
should be identified and marked with the patient in the position in which
eFONA will be undertaken. In obesity, ultrasound may help but is an
acquired skill.
• During airway difficulty, eFONA equipment should be called for early. If
difficulty progresses, it should be opened and prepared, well before it is
needed. This reduces delays and is a cognitive aid.
• Continue oxygenation efforts from above during insertion.
See also % p. 1095.
Scalpel cricothyroidotomy
(See Fig. 15.7.)
• Cricothyroidotomy ‘kits’ should be immediately available wherever GA
is induced.
• Less fine motor skill is required than cannulation.
• With a cuffed TT, scalpel cricothyroidotomy allows effective
conventional ventilation, capnography and oxygenation faster than
cannula techniques, while preventing aspiration.
• Tracheal location can be confirmed by capnography or FOB.
• Risks include failure, bleeding (sufficient to obscure the scalpel, bougie
or TT entering the trachea), creating a false passage, soft tissue
trauma and tracheal ± oesophageal damage. An uncuffed TT risks
hypoventilation and aspiration.
Cannula cricothyroidotomy
• Cannulating may be more familiar than using a scalpel.
• Insert a narrow (<4mm ID) cannula through the cricothyroid
• Tracheal position must be confirmed by aspirating air during and after
insertion. It is important to confirm position before ventilating.
• Attach a high-​pressure ventilation device. Cannulae may enable
wire-​guided dilation to insert a tracheostomy tube or catheter using
dedicated kits.
• Risks include failure, cannula kinking, obstruction, misplacement and
tracheal ± oesophageal damage. Some cannulae are <5cm long and may
not reach the trachea effectively with obesity or oedema.
• Risks of high-​pressure source cannula ventilation include subcutaneous
emphysema (sufficient to obscure neck anatomy and reinsertion)
and barotrauma. Inadequate exhalation via an obstructed upper
airway risks breath-​stacking, hyperinflation, CVS collapse and tension
• Risks increase in emergency circumstances.

382 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management


Continue 100% O2
Declare CICO

Plan D: Emergenecy front of neck airway

Continue to give oxygen via upper airway
Ensure neuromuscular blockade
Position patient to extend neck

Scalpel cricothyroidotomy
Equipment: 1. Scalpel (number 10 blade)
2. Bougie
3. Tube (cuffed 6.0mm ID)

Laryngeal handshake to identify cricothyroid membrane

Palpable cricothyroid membrane

Transverse stab incision through cricothyroid membrane
Tum blade through 90˚ (sharp edge caudally)
Slide coudé tip of bougie along blade into trachea
Railroad lubricated 6.0mm cuffed tracheal tube into trachea
Ventilate, inflate cuff and confirm position with capnography
Secure tube
Impalpable cricothyroid membrane
Make an 8–10cm vertical skin incision, caudad to cephalad
Use blunt dissection with fingers of both hands to separate tissues
Identify and stabilise the larynx
Proceed with technique for palpable cricothyroid membrane as above

Postoperative care and follow up

• Postpone surgery unless immediately life
• Urgent surgical review of cricothyroidotomy site
• Document and follow up as in main flow chart

This flowchart forms part of the DAS Guidelines for unanticipated difficult
intubation in adults 2015 and should be used in conjunction with the text.

Fig. 15.7 Cannot intubate, cannot oxygenate. Reproduced from Difficult Airway Society
2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Difficult Airway
Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6), 827–​48. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aev371.
Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial purposes must be sought directly from
Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.

Ventilating with narrow (<4mm ID) cannulae

• Cannulae <4mm ID require a high-​pressure O2 source using commercial
‘injectors’ or an improvised apparatus from ‘wall’ 4 bar O2. These may
take time to collect and assemble. A breathing system or self-​inflating
bag is ineffective.
• Exhalation must occur via the upper airway as the cannula is too
narrow. Maximise upper airway patency (e.g. airway manoeuvres), and
leave any OPA or SGA in place from Plan B or C.
Emergency front of neck airway 383

• If exhalation is impossible, reduce O2 flow to <0.5L/​min. This provides

some O2 and reduces risks created by hyperinflation.
• Hypercapnia is a risk. Make a rapid plan for conversion to a definitive
airway. Ask for specialist surgical assistance if available.
• The Ventrain® is a single-​use device capable of O2 insufflation and
generation of subatmospheric pressure (suction) to improve expiration
through a 2mm ID catheter. Failed ventilation and hyperinflation risks
are reduced.
• The Rapid-​O2® device for jet ventilation has a flow and pressure release
enabling potentially safer oxygenation.
Ventilation with wide (≥4mm ID) cannulae
• Catheters ≥4mm ID are suitable for conventional ventilation but may
only be adequate when cuffed or the upper airway is obstructed.
• Larger catheters can be placed with a Seldinger technique, e.g. Cook®
Melker cricothyrotomy catheter (4.0 mm ID uncuffed / 5.0mm ID
Paediatric considerations
(See % pp. 923–4.)
• CICO is rare in infants.
• The cricothyroid membrane is cephalad and difficult to identify.
• Models suggest scalpel and cannula techniques have high risks of
posterior tracheal wall and oesophageal damage.
• Cannula cricothyroidotomy may be preferable because it risks less
damage to surrounding neck structures.
• Adult eFONA techniques may be appropriate in older children.
Further reading
Duggan LV, Ballantyne Scott B, Law JA, et al. (2016). Transtracheal jet ventilation in the ‘can’t intubate
can’t oxygenate’ emergency: a systematic review. Br J Anaesth, 117 suppl 1:i28–​38.
Cook TM, Woodall N, Frerk C; Fourth National Audit Project (2011). Major complications of airway
management in the UK. Results of the Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College of
Anaesthetists and Difficult Airway Society. Part 1: anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth, 106, 617–​31.
Henderson JJ, Hamaekers AE (2011). Equipment and strategies for emergency tracheal access in the
adult patient. Anaesthesia, 66 Suppl 2, 65–​80.
Cook TM, Nolan JP, Cranshaw J, et al. (2007). Needle cricothyroidotomy. Anaesthesia, 62, 289–​90.

384 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Emergency management of the

obstructed airway
This section concerns unexpected critical airway obstruction (e.g. pre-
senting to ED or occurring on a ward or ICU). Elective or fast-​track man-
agement of partial airway obstruction in ENT patients is discussed on %
pp. 762–4.
• These cases are always difficult and stressful for the patient and the
airway team.
• Unfamiliar environments and personnel require heightened ‘situation
awareness’. Establish experience and skill of individuals at the scene.
Summon multidisciplinary senior and expert help urgently.
• Approaches to relieving the obstruction differ according to:
• Level(s) of obstruction.
• Urgency. This limits time to investigate the site, extent and severity of
the obstruction and the involvement of related structures.
• The patient’s physiological state. Hypoxic patients can be anxious,
confused and uncooperative.
• The patient’s location. The airway team’s preferred location is
usually a dedicated equipped operating theatre, but the patient’s
condition may deteriorate during, or due to, transfer. An experienced
judgement must be made whether to risk airway stabilisation in situ,
in challenging circumstances with reduced resources, or transfer to a
safer environment. Know what essential equipment can be brought
quickly to the bedside that will function effectively.
• Always give O2 (e.g. HFNO, nasal cannulae or mask) throughout.
• If inflammation is a component of the obstruction, nebulised adrenaline
(transiently) and corticosteroids (slowly) may help.
• Experienced anaesthetists and operators must agree a ‘strategy’ to
relieve the obstruction with backup plans. Poor planning and execution
increase risks. Ensure your team knows what to do.
• All approaches risk life-​threatening complications: bleeding, swelling and
total obstruction.
• As lesions may progress quickly, recently successful approaches to
known lesions may fail.
• H IV induction and laryngoscopy, with or without NMB, and no backup
plan, is NOT a ‘strategy’.
• Take a careful history; ask about dyspnoea and cough, especially lying
flat, night-​time panic, swallowing and reflux.
• Examine the patient. Determine best breathing position and do not
insist the patient moves from this for the purposes of examination.
Severity is suggested by respiratory distress, accessory muscle use,
voice change or inspiratory stridor (laryngeal signs), monophonic
wheeze or expiratory stridor (intrathoracic signs), positional dyspnoea,
hypoxaemia and silent chest. In chronic obstruction, signs may be
reduced or absent.
Emergency management of the obstructed airway 385

• Review existing investigations. In extremis, it is unlikely that further

investigation is possible, but if the situation allows, obtain:
• Nasendoscopic laryngoscopy
• CT/​MRI with 3D reconstruction
• CXR: although less informative, it is easy to obtain, non-​invasive
and avoids the supine position. It may suggest tracheal deviation or
reduced tracheal diameter.
• Interpret all available information intelligently to ascertain:
• The level(s) of obstruction: oral, supraglottic, laryngeal, subglottic
(mid-​tracheal and/​or lower tracheal)
• The nature of the lesion: mobility, friability, collapsibility and severity
• Ease of eFONA. Examine the front of the neck.

Oral, supraglottic and laryngeal obstruction

Common causes: trauma, burns, tumour, infection, stenosis.
Challenge: a safe approach to, and passage of a TT or ventilating catheter
beyond the laryngeal inlet.
• If not Plan A, eFONA is often the backup plan. Thus an experienced
operator, engaged in the strategy, must be scrubbed, equipped, assisted
and ready to perform eFONA in a crisis. If this occurs, consider an SGA
to assist ventilation under GA and NMB.
• Consider prophylactically assisting oxygenation via a cricothyroid
cannula. It may enable jet ventilation in a crisis.
• Awake techniques are rarely easy in distressed, hypoxic patients, but
consider ATI and awake FONA.
• SV under GA: slow incremental propofol TCI or inhalational
induction, then laryngoscopy with VL, FOB or VL-​assisted FOB. Direct
laryngoscopy is not the preferred option. Pass an appropriate TT or
ventilation catheter. Have a backup plan for apnoea, especially if mask
ventilation will be difficult.
• In specialist hands:
• TIVA, rapid NMB and rigid bronchoscopy. The bronchoscope
establishes airway patency and acts as a dedicated airway while
assessment, ventilation, oxygenation and surgery take place.
• IV induction or TIVA, rapid NMB and insertion of an anterior
commissure laryngoscope as a conduit for a bougie, then intubation.
• With fixed laryngeal or tracheal stenosis: TIVA, rapid NMB and
insertion of an SGA as a dedicated airway prior to definitive surgical
management of the obstruction.
Subglottic: mid-​tracheal
Common causes: airway or retrosternal tumour, e.g. goitre. Obstructing
masses may expand suddenly due to haemorrhage.
Challenges: passing a TT or suitable ventilating catheter into a potentially
displaced larynx and trachea and beyond the narrowing. The lesion may
preclude eFONA. Attempts may risk bleeding and complete obstruction.
• Delineating the obstruction is vital, if at all possible.
• The end of the TT or ventilating catheter must lie safely between the
end of the obstruction and the carina.
• Patient position (sitting up, lateral, prone) may be crucial for SV.

386 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

• ATI. Consider if mask ventilation will be difficult. However, ATI may be
intolerable to the patient or cause crisis. Coughing, respiratory distress
and passing an FOB, TT or ventilating catheter through a narrowing may
critically increase obstruction (‘cork-​in-​a-​bottle’).
• In specialist hands:
• FOB-​guided insertion of a long, narrow TT (e.g. microlaryngeal
tube, endobronchial tube or AIC (6.3mm external diameter)) allows
conventional ventilation.
• Jet catheters (e.g. LazerJet®, Hunsaker) or other narrow catheters,
such as Cook® airway exchange catheters, enable jet ventilation
but risk barotrauma. A route of exhalation is essential. A Tritube®
(4.4mm external diameter) used with a Ventrain® or Evone® ventilator
enables ‘jet’ inspiration and assisted expiration, reducing the chance
of barotrauma.
• If rigid bronchoscopy is available: IV induction and rapid NMB or
inhalational induction, and passage of a rigid bronchoscope. The
bronchoscope also allows resection, laser or stenting.
• Inhalational induction may be very slow and worsen obstruction,
especially in collapsible lesions. Have a backup plan, especially if mask
ventilation is likely to be difficult.
Lower tracheal lesions and bronchial obstruction
Common causes: tumours, trauma and large mediastinal masses. These are
best managed in specialist centres with facilities for CPB but may present to
ED in extremis. Depending on the lesion, laser resection or stenting may be
required to maintain a patent airway.
• Either IV induction with rapid NMB or inhalational induction followed
by passage of a rigid bronchoscope or FOB-​guided double-​lumen or
endobronchial tube.
Have a management plan for extubation, which may need to be delayed.
Prolonged instrumentation may cause upper airway oedema. Transfer to
ICU or HDU is often necessary before extubation.
Further considerations
• A specific tissue diagnosis may enable preoperative shrinking of a lesion
with antibiotics, steroids, chemotherapy or radiotherapy where time
• Heliox (premixed helium/​O2 containing 21–​40% O2) improves gas flow
through narrowed airways, but the FiO2 is low. Increasing FiO2 reduces
the effect of the helium. Specific delivery systems and ventilators for
Heliox exist. Heliox can be useful for any obstruction but is usually a
temporary measure while organising definitive management.
Emergency management of the obstructed airway 387

Further reading
Ahmad I, El-​Boghdadly K, Bhagrath R, et al. (2019). Difficult airway society guidelines for awake tra-
cheal intubation (ATI) in adults. Anaesthesia, 75, 509–​29.
Cook TM, Morgan PJ, Hersch PE (2011). Equal and opposite expert opinion. Airway obstruction
caused by a retrosternal thyroid mass: management and prospective international opinion.
Anaesthesia, 66, 828–​36.
Patel A, Pearce A, Pracy P (2011). Head and neck pathology. In: Cook TM, Woodall N, Frerk C
(eds). 4th National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society.
Major complications of airway management in the United Kingdom. Report and findings, March 2011.
London: The Royal College of Anaesthetists; pp. 143–​54. M https://​www.nationalauditprojects.​NAP4_​home
Nouraei SA, Giussani DA, Howard DJ, et al. (2008). Physiological comparison of spontaneous and
positive-​pressure ventilation in laryngotracheal stenosis. Br J Anaesth, 101, 419–​23.
Gerig HJ, Schnider T, Heidegger T (2005). Prophylactic percutaneous transtracheal catheterisa-
tion in the management of patients with anticipated difficult airways: a case series. Anaesthesia,
60, 801–​5.
Ovassapian A, Yelich SJ, Dykes MHM, et al. (1983). Fibre-​optic nasotracheal intubation—​incidence
and causes of failure. Anesth Analg, 63, 692–​5.

388 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Rapid sequence induction

For general information on induction of anaesthesia, see % p. 406.
• ‘Classic’ RSI comprises IV induction of anaesthesia with a
predetermined dose of induction agent, immediately followed by rapid
NMB combined with cricoid force, and tracheal intubation to reduce
the risk of pulmonary aspiration of stomach contents.
• There is variation in practice.
• If airway assessment indicates intubation will be difficult, consider a
local/​regional anaesthetic technique or ATI.
• A checklist is recommended, particularly when performing an RSI in
the non-​theatre environment. Agree a strategy for failed intubation.
Difficulty occurs in 71 in 20 and failure in 71 in 200 RSIs.
• Anaesthetic machine, vaporisers and anaesthetic infusion pumps, breathing
system, ventilator, suction, intubation aids, TT cuff and rescue equipment.
• The operating table, trolley or bed should be able to lift head up and
tip down.
• Two functioning laryngoscopes (preferably including VL).
• Reliable wide-​bore IV access with fluid running.
• Drawn-​up predefined dose of induction agent (propofol 1–​2.5mg/​kg;
ketamine 1–​2mg/​kg; thiopental 2–​5mg/​kg). Ketamine is favoured in
unstable patients. TCI of propofol ± remifentanil is possible.
• Drawn-​up predefined dose of suxamethonium (1–​1.5mg/​kg) or
rocuronium (1–​1.2mg/​kg).
• Emergency drugs (anticholinergics and vasopressors).
• Leave an NGT in situ. Aspirate stomach contents.
• Position head up 20–​25°. Use the ‘ramped’ position for obese patients.
• Position in the ‘sniffing’ (‘flextension’) position with lower neck flexed,
upper neck extended on a firm pillow.
• Switch on suction. Place in easy reach.
• Apply routine monitoring, including waveform capnography.
• Preoxygenate. Options:
• Tight-​fitting mask with O2 15L/​min for 3–​5min or until ETO2 is >85%.
(Do not remove mask until laryngoscopy)
• In extreme emergency, four VC breaths with O2 flush.
• Consider peroxygenation with HFNO or nasal cannulae with O2 15L/​min.
• Ask a trained assistant to apply cricoid force 10N (1kg), beginning as
induction starts.
• Give the induction agent, immediately followed by the NMBA.
• Ask your assistant to increase cricoid force to 30N (3kg) at full loss of
• Gently mask ventilate to reduce risk of hypoxaemia.
• Intubate 30–​45s after IV suxamethonium or fasciculations end, or 45–​
60s after rocuronium.
• Inflate the cuff, hand-​ventilate and confirm correct TT placement by
capnography and clinical examination.
• When correct TT position is confirmed, ask the assistant to remove
cricoid force.
Rapid sequence induction 389

• RSI with cricoid force increases the risk of difficult intubation, partly due
to pressure of time and incorrect cricoid force.
• Excessive induction agent may cause CVS collapse, especially in the
presence of hypovolaemia or septic shock.
• Inadequate induction agent may cause tachycardia and hypertension.
Thiopental, in particular, risks accidental awareness during GA (AAGA).
Cricoid force
• Applying cricoid force is a skill. It is often poorly taught and practised.
• Learn to identify the cricothyroid membrane. It is usually in the middle
of the neck, below the ‘Adam’s apple’ at the 2nd skin crease. The
cricoid cartilage is immediately below.
• Hold the cricoid cartilage between the thumb and middle finger and
push onto the neck with the index finger.
• Practise applying the correct force. Compress an air-​filled, sealed
syringe positioned vertically on the plunger. Compressing 20mL of air to
12mL, or 50mL to 32mL requires 730N (3kg).
• Correct application improves direct laryngoscopy, reduces the risk of
gastric inflation and does not occlude the airway.
• Excessive force >50N (>5kg) produces airway obstruction and makes
intubation more difficult.
• If intubation is difficult, reduce and if necessary, remove cricoid force.
This may improve the laryngeal view and enable intubation. Have
suction ready. If a patient regurgitates, cricoid force may need to be
• BURP may improve the laryngeal view but increases the risk of
obstruction. If ventilation is difficult, remove BURP.
• Release cricoid force if a patient vomits early during induction. Vomiting
does not occur after loss of consciousness.
• Bimanual force (other hand behind the neck) has not been shown to be
of benefit in supine patients and uses up one of the assistant’s hands. It
is not recommended.
• Some patients may only tolerate cricoid force after induction.
• Applying consistent cricoid force is difficult for >5min.
• If intubation fails, cricoid force must be removed to enable SGA
• RSI with cricoid force has not been proven to reduce aspiration.
• Titrating induction agent to loss of consciousness is sometimes
• Rapid-​acting opioids of short duration are often used to aid
haemodynamic stability and improve intubation conditions, e.g. alfentanil
(10–​30 micrograms/​kg) or remifentanil (1–​2 micrograms/​kg) 1min
before induction. Lidocaine (1–​1.5mg/​kg) is less commonly used.
• Using sufficient opioid to avoid NMB is not commonly practised nor
• After RSI for CS, beware neonatal respiratory depression if opioids are
given to the mother on induction.
• It is a fallacy that ‘RSI is safe because the patient will wake if there are
airway complications’. In the event of failed intubation, whatever drug
combination is used, induction agents and NMBAs are very unlikely

390 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

to wear off before the onset of life-​threatening hypoxaemia (and

awareness). Manage the airway, oxygenate and provide IV anaesthesia.
• Reversing rocuronium with sugammadex (16mg/​kg) in response to
airway difficulty is likely to be rapid only if the drug is predrawn up or
in the room in adequate quantities. It does not guarantee restoration of
breathing. It will not reverse pathological obstruction.
Paediatric considerations
(See % p. 924.)
• Appropriate cricoid force has not been established for children.
• Young children are unlikely to cooperate with preoxygenation and
application of cricoid force before induction.
Further reading
McLelland CH, Bogod DG, Hardman JG (2009). Pre-​oxygenation and apnoea in pregnancy: changes
during labour and with obstetric morbidity in a computational simulation. Anaesthesia, 64, 371–​7.
Li CW, Xue FS, Xu YC, et al. (2007). Cricoid pressure impedes insertion of, and ventilation through,
the ProSeal laryngeal mask airway in anesthetized, paralyzed patients. Anesth Analg, 104, 1195–​8.
Neilipovitz DT, Crosby ET (2007). No evidence for decreased incidence of aspiration after rapid
sequence induction. Can J Anaesth, 54, 748–​64.
Heier T, Feiner JR, Lin J, et al. (2001). Hemoglobin desaturation after succinylcholine-​induced apnea: a
study of the recovery of spontaneous ventilation in healthy volunteers. Anesthesiology, 94, 754–​9.
Vanner R, Asai T (1999). Safe use of cricoid pressure. Anaesthesia, 54, 1–​3.
Sellick BA (1961). Cricoid pressure to control regurgitation of stomach contents during induction of
anaesthesia. Lancet, 2, 404–​6.
Inhalational induction 391

Inhalational induction
See also % pp. 408–9.
Relative indications
• To avoid IV induction: children, needle phobia, difficult IV access.
• To maintain airway patency and SV during induction:
• Anticipated difficult intubation ± difficult mask ventilation, e.g. acute
epiglottitis, perilaryngeal tumours
• Inhaled foreign body
• Bronchopleural or tracheo-​oesophageal fistula.

Preparation and practice

• Explain the process to the patient/​parents/​carers on the ward. Warn
parents/​carers about the ‘excitation’ stage.
• An antisialagogue is optional.
• Without IV access, have a skilled assistant present to obtain IV (or
intraosseous (IO)) access at sufficient anaesthetic depth or in crisis.
• Apply routine monitoring as soon as possible.
• Use a tight-​fitting mask to speed induction. In young children, some
prefer a cupped hand to deliver the fresh gas supply initially.
• Use 100% O2 with actual or anticipated airway obstruction.
• Use sevoflurane. It is the best tolerated agent in routine use. Although
it can be started at 8%, tolerance may be improved by gradual
introduction and a 50:50 mix of N2O and O2, which also speeds
• When tolerated, use CPAP and gentle assisted ventilation to maintain
the airway and speed induction.
• Beware. A belief that inhalational induction is always safe, because if
the airway obstructs, anaesthesia will reverse and adequate SV will
restart, is not supported by fact. Persistent obstruction, laryngospasm,
hypoxia and arrhythmia can occur and lead to morbidity and mortality.
Anticipate difficulty. Have a rescue plan.
• Mask leak, low alveolar ventilation (e.g. partial/​intermittent obstruction,
breath-​holding) and high CO slow induction.
• The correct stage to cannulate veins, instrument the airway, apply
cricoid force or intubate is a matter of experience and may be
• During airway intervention, rapid offset with sevoflurane may cause
lightening of anaesthesia.
• The ‘excitation’ stage may be long and associated with complications.
Induction will only progress if the airway is patent.
• Additional cautious IV induction, while maintaining spontaneous
breathing, may rarely be appropriate.
• Inhalational induction may be part of a ‘strategy’ for managing airway
obstruction, but you must have backup plans.

392 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

A spontaneous breathing technique with propofol TCI

Maintaining spontaneous breathing during slow, careful induction by incre-
mental propofol TCI is an alternative to inhalational induction. It similarly
demands early detection of airway problems. It also requires understanding
and experience of the effects of pre-​programmed pharmacokinetic models,
particularly as they relate to weight, obesity and children. It has some
• Sedative levels of propofol provide anxiolysis, assisting the progress of
• Increasing depth of anaesthesia is independent of ventilation.
• The rate of increase in depth is titrated by the anaesthetist (not dictated
by the patient).
• In difficulty, stopping the infusion enables anaesthesia to lighten, without
requiring a patent airway.
• Airway reflexes (coughing, bucking and laryngospasm) can be rapidly
• Secretions are not increased.
• Assisted ventilation may be attempted at an earlier stage, even when
still responsive to verbal stimulus.
• Airway adjuncts are also tolerated considerably earlier.
• Staff and the environment are not exposed to anaesthetic gases.
Paediatric considerations
(See % pp. 919–20.)
• Explanation and support are essential.
• Optimal positioning depends on size. Young children may settle best
on the carer’s lap. The carer should be instructed to restrain the child
gently during induction. For older children, sitting on a trolley may be
more appropriate.
Further reading
Patel A, Pearce A, Pracy P (2011). Head and neck pathology. In: Cook TM, Woodall N, Frerk C
(eds). 4th National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society.
Major complications of airway management in the United Kingdom. Report and findings, March 2011.
London: The Royal College of Anaesthetists; pp. 143–​54. M https://​www.nationalauditprojects.​NAP4_​home
Awake tracheal intubation 393

Awake tracheal intubation

• ATI must be considered when airway management will, or is, predicted
to be hazardous.
• ATI should be the first plan when ventilation by face mask or SGA will
be difficult and front of neck anatomy impedes elective and emergency
tracheal access.
• ATI should present low risks to patients, preserving airway tone,
patency and SV.
• In experienced hands, ATI has 98% success with either FOB or
VLs.4 Other devices may be used, depending on experience and
• Success depends on setup, skill, cooperation and safe, effective LA.
Sedation is optional but has risks. Oxygenation remains the priority.
• Have backup plans for airway obstruction and inadequate ventilation,
including postponement, high-​risk GA and eFONA.
• Known or anticipated difficult airway: particularly if backup plans are at
higher than normal risk of failure (e.g. morbid obesity, OSA)
• Known or suspected C-​spine instability (e.g. trauma or RA)
• Head and neck pathology affecting the airway or its manipulation
• Progressive airway obstruction
• Previous failed intubation.
Relative contraindications
• Unreliable cooperation that jeopardises safety and success
• Airway contamination likely to obscure scope optics (e.g. bleeding)
• Coagulopathy. Beware causing bleeding, particularly by the nasal route
• Critical airway obstruction (e.g. periglottic masses and stenosis). Beware
causing complete airway obstruction, laryngospasm and coughing.
Absolute contraindications
• Patient refusal
• LA allergy.
• Explain the procedure to the patient and obtain consent.
• Consider antisialagogue premedication and sedation.
• Decide an airway topicalisation method.
• Optimise setting and ‘ergonomics’. Ideally, use an operating theatre.
• Organise your team. Rescue strategies must be ready and understood.
Include and ready the surgical team.
• Consider using a checklist or cognitive aid to improve teamwork.
• Consider the DAS ATI method (Fig. 15.8).
• Apply routine monitoring.
• Maintain oxygenation with supplemental O2, HFNO if available.
• Clear a soiled airway carefully with suction.
• Limit the number of attempts (preferably ≤3 and one by an expert).
• After intubation, visualise the carina AND confirm intubation success
with capnography by connecting the breathing system. The bag should
move with respiration when the cuff is inflated.

Chapter 15
Airway assessment and management

Fig. 15.8 Difficult Airway Society ATI technique. Reproduced from Ahmad I,. et al. (2019). Difficult airway society guidelines for awake
tracheal intubation (ATI) in adults, Anaesthesia, 75(4), 509–​28 with kind permission of the Difficult Airway Society.
Awake tracheal intubation 395

Local anaesthesia
• Specific airway nerve blocks (sphenopalatine, ethmoid,
glossopharyngeal, superior laryngeal, recurrent laryngeal) can be
effective in skilled hands. Topical LA is an alternative.
• The DAS ATI LA technique is outlined in Fig. 15.8. Lidocaine is
potentially safer than other LAs. Nebulised, it has variable success.
Transtracheal LA injection is invasive, effective and ensures careful
examination of the front of the neck. The total dose of lidocaine should
not exceed 9mg/​kg, but this is rarely needed.
• Treatments for toxicity must be immediately available.
Postoperative care
• Plan extubation and potential reintubation carefully. If the airway
remains at risk, delay extubation. The TT may need to be exchanged for
another type or size to facilitate intensive care.
• Postoperatively, if you can, check if direct laryngoscopy is possible.
• Keep the patient starved until airway sensation and reflexes have
returned. After lidocaine, this usually takes >2h.
• Reusable FOB, VLs and other instruments must be decontaminated and
Dealing with difficulty
• Sedation can help anxiety, discomfort and intolerance but can cause
airway obstruction, cardiorespiratory depression and hypoxia. Sedation
is not a substitute for effective LA.
• A cautious remifentanil or dexmedetomidine infusion may be safer than
propofol.4 Another anaesthetist monitoring sedation improves safety.
Adding another drug (e.g. midazolam) adds risk. Antagonists must be
immediately available if using opioids and benzodiazepines.
Oral route
• Specialised FOB conduits, e.g. the Berman Airway, Ovasappian Airway
and Williams Airway Intubator, protect the FOB and can improve
laryngoscopy. However, they may not fit well and move from the
midline, making laryngoscopy and intubation difficult.
• Awake insertion of an SGA as a conduit has been described.
Nasal route
• This may be the only option with a narrow gape.
• Assess the patency of nasal passages and any history of epistaxis.
• Topical vasoconstrictors (e.g. phenylephrine) reduce bleeding risk.
• Guiding a TT through the nose with an FOB before advancing to the
larynx avoids realising the TT will not pass through the nose later.
• Nasal dilators (e.g. lubricated nasopharyngeal airway or Hegar cervical
dilators) may make TT passage easier but risk epistaxis.

396 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Type of tracheal tube

• With an FOB, use a TT with a rounded tip (optimised), e.g. LMA
Fastrach™ or Parker Flex-​Tip™. A small size that fits snugly on the FOB
reduces laryngeal impingement during passage and airway trauma.
• Optimised TT, sizes and introducers, including simultaneous FOB, might
also increase VL ATI success.
• Effective TT lubrication is essential.
• Using an FOB, ‘black’ is the airway, and ‘pink’ the airway wall. Aim for
• ‘Red out’ suggests the FOB tip is against the mucosa. Withdraw until
recognisable structures are seen, then advance more slowly, avoiding
the mucosa.
• If negotiating the oropharynx is difficult: ask the patient to protrude
their tongue and jaw; ask an assistant to pull the tongue forwards with
gauze and provide gentle jaw thrust; or insert a laryngoscope.
• Ask the patient to breathe deeply to inhale LA into the trachea and
widen the aperture as the TT approaches the glottis.
• Railroading problems may be overcome by gentle anticlockwise TT
• Warn the patient that breathing may be difficult as you railroad the TT.
• Refusal, coughing, airway bleeding, laryngospasm, vomiting,
regurgitation, aspiration, airway obstruction, hypoxaemia.
• Complications may occur in up to 18% of cases. Call for help early.
Further reading
Woodall NM, Harwood RJ, Barker GL (2008). Complications of awake fibreoptic intubation without
sedation in 200 healthy anaesthetists attending a training course. Br J Anaesth, 100, 850–​5.
Walker A, Smith A (2007). Promoting awake fibreoptic intubation. RCoA Bulletin, 46, 2329–​33.
Popat M (2001). Practical Fibreoptic Intubation. Oxford: Butterworth-​Heinemann.
Ovassapian A, Krejcie TC, Yelich SJ, et al. (1989). Awake fibreoptic intubation in the presence of a
full stomach. Br J Anaesth, 62, 13–​16.
Ovassapian A, Yelich SJ, Dykes MHM, et al. (1983). Fibre-​optic nasotracheal intubation—​incidence
and causes of failure. Anesth Analg, 63, 692–​5.
Ahmad I, El-Boghdadly K, Bhagrath R, et al. (2020). Difficult Airway Society guidelines for awake
tracheal intubation (ATI) in adults. Anaesthesia, 75, 509–28.
Apnoeic oxygenation 397

Apnoeic oxygenation
• Preceded by effective preoxygenation, administering O2 via a patent
airway prolongs time to desaturation during apnoea.7
• Alveolar O2 diffusing into blood draws O2 from the airways by
convection. Optimising lung volume and blood flow matching, e.g. by
positioning and CPAP, may enhance this process. Air entrainment must
be minimised.
• Insufflation sources for airway surgery include nasal cannulae, a RAE
TT wrapped round the cheek, nasopharyngeal airways and catheters,
dedicated ports on surgical laryngoscopes and bronchoscopes, and
airway and cricothyroid catheters.
• Note that insufflation devices rarely incorporate pressure-​limiting
valves. Inadequate O2 egress from the airway can cause barotrauma.
High-​flow nasal oxygenation
HFNO systems deliver heated, humidified O2 via nasal cannulae at up to
50–​70L/​min. Perioperative systems typically provide 100% O2 only. With
SV, HFNO can provide CPAP (75cmH2O) when the mouth is closed.
Anatomical dead space and upper airway resistance are reduced.
Uses of HFNO
To decrease the risk of hypoxia during intubation in
• Anticipated and known difficult airway management
• Obesity (BMI >40kg/​m2)
• Obstetric patients
• Critically ill patients.
With a patent upper airway, HFNO can enable prolonged apnoeic oxy-
genation during airway management. Beware. An airway rescue strategy
is essential.
Tubeless anaesthesia
• Transnasal humidified rapid-​insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE),
i.e. continuous HFNO during apnoea, is a method of increasing apnoea
time in patients with difficult airways undergoing ‘tubeless’ upper airway
• Sustained oxygenation may exceed 30min, sometimes up to 71h, in
some low-​risk patients.
• Patient selection is crucial. Hypoxaemia onset is more rapid with
• Although gas mixing by turbulence and cardiogenic airway oscillation
enables some CO2 clearance, some hypercarbia is the norm.
• ETCO2 measurement can be obtained by intermittent ventilation but
values underestimate PaCO2 which rises unpredictably. PaCO2 may be
>10kPa after 20min. Blood gas or transcutaneous CO2 monitoring has
been recommended but is not routine.

398 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Contraindications to HFNO
• Maxillofacial trauma (e.g. base of skull, mid-​facial fractures)
• Epistaxis
• Nasal obstruction
• Airway laser or diathermy (fire risk)
• Lack of patient cooperation
• Contraindications to CPAP.
A plan for preoxygenation and THRIVE with HFNO
• Set up and warm the system before the patient arrives.
• Apply HFNO at 720L/​min immediately on arrival.
• Ask the patient to breathe through their nose, mouth closed.
• Position 20–​45° head up.
• Increase O2 flow to 50–​70L/​min if tolerated.
• After induction and loss of consciousness, maintain oropharyngeal
patency with two-​handed jaw thrust.
• Increase O2 flow to 70L/​min.
• Place nasal cannulae on the forehead.
• Confirm you can mask ventilate.
• Return the nasal cannulae to the nares.
Special considerations
• To reduce barotrauma risk, make sure the APL valve of any breathing
system is fully open if you apply simultaneous mask O2 and HFNO.
• Even though HFNO may provide prolonged oxygenation, when an
aspiration risk is present or the airway may be lost, secure the airway by
intubation as quickly as feasible.
Further reading
Patel A, Nouraei SA (2015). Transnasal humidified rapid- insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE):
a physiological method of increasing apnoea time in patients with difficult airway. Anaesthesia,
70, 323–9.
Hermez LA, Spence CJ, Payton MJ, et al. (2019). A physiological study to determine the mechanism
of carbon dioxide clearance during apnoea when using transnasal humidified rapid insufflation
ventilatory exchange (THRIVE). Anaesthesia, 74, 441–​9.
Lyons C, Callaghan M (2019). Uses and mechanisms of apnoeic oxygenation: a narrative review.
Anaesthesia, 74, 497–​507.
Gustafsson IM, Lodenius Å, Tunelli, et al. (2017). Apnoeic oxygenation in adults under general anaes-
thesia using Transnasal Humidified Rapid-​Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE)—​a physio-
logical study. Br J Anaesth, 118, 610–​17.
Ward JJ (2013). High-​flow oxygen administration by nasal cannulae for adult and perinatal patients.
Respir Care, 58, 98–​122.
Groves N, Tobin A (2007). High flow nasal oxygen generates positive airway pressure in adult volun-
teers. Aust Crit Care, 20, 126–​31.
Extubation after difficult intubation 399

Extubation after difficult intubation

• Develop a ‘strategy’ for extubation that manages airway obstruction.
Extubation should not be an emergency.
• Check any required equipment. Assemble and brief skilled personnel.
Assess risks of laryngeal dysfunction on extubation (e.g. recurrent
laryngeal nerve injury, laryngospasm), difficult reintubation (e.g. bleeding
and swelling) and new airway impediments (e.g. cervical fusion, external
fixators, dental wiring).
• Consider surgical airway optimisation (e.g. haemostasis, haematoma
evacuation, stitches to bring the tongue forward).
• If your strategy in difficulty is eFONA, consider an elective FONA.
• If deferring extubation might reduce risks, consider postponing
extubation and reassessing.
• Consider a course of corticosteroids to reduce inflammatory oedema.
Preparation before extubating awake
• Clear the entire upper airway carefully.
• Suction the trachea.
• Empty the stomach, if necessary.
• Perform a ‘leak’ test. Deflate the cuff (if present). Ventilate at low
pressure. Check for leak around the TT. If there is no leak, consider
deferring extubation. (The sensitivity and specificity of this test are
imperfect and depend critically on TT size.)
• Place the patient in their most advantageous position for breathing and
airway patency. This is often sitting up.
• Preoxygenate to an ETO2 70.9.
• Insert a ‘bite block’ to prevent TT or SGA occlusion.
• Fully reverse NMB.
• Wake.
• Extubate when obeying commands and breathing normally.
• Anaesthetics with rapid offset may be advantageous.
• Provide high-​flow O2, HFNO or CPAP as indicated.
• Monitor in the recovery period for as long as necessary.
Difficult Airway Society extubation guidelines (2015)
(See Figs. 15.9 and 15.10.)
• ‘Low-​risk’ patients are at low risk of aspiration, exacerbations of life-​
threatening disease and airway compromise.
• ‘At-​risk’ patients are at risk of aspiration, acute exacerbation of life-​
threatening conditions (e.g. bronchospasm, cardiac failure, raised ICP),
airway obstruction (e.g. due to airway trauma, surgery, oedema, OSA,
obesity) and difficult rescue oxygenation.
• Awake extubation is the default for both groups. All other techniques
are considered ‘advanced’ and require practice, teamwork and attention
to detail.
• In ‘low-​risk’ patients, extubating during ‘deep’ anaesthesia may reduce
risks of exacerbating life-​threatening conditions and adverse surgical
outcomes (e.g. bleeding and dehiscence). However, these benefits
must be balanced with risks of airway obstruction after extubation, and
coughing and laryngospasm during emergence.

Chapter 15
Airway assessment and management

Fig. 15.9 Difficult Airway Society Extubation Guidelines: low-​risk algorithm. Reproduced from Popat M, et al. Difficult Airway Society
Guidelines for the management of tracheal extubation. Anaesthesia 2012; 67:318–​40, with permission from the Association of Anaesthetists of Great
Britain & Ireland/​Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Fig. 15.10 Difficult Airway Society Extubation Guidelines: at-​risk algorithm. Reproduced from Popat M, et al. Difficult Airway Society
Guidelines for the management of tracheal extubation. Anaesthesia 2012; 67:318–​40, with permission from the Association of Anaesthetists of Great
Extubation after difficult intubation

Britain & Ireland/​Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


402 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

• For some ‘at-​risk’ patients, two ‘advanced’ techniques may reduce

risks of exacerbating life-​threatening conditions and adverse surgical
outcomes, but avoid these techniques if reintubation will be difficult.
• Remifentanil infusion-​assisted extubation. Emergence occurs during
remifentanil suppression of airway reflexes. The TT is tolerated
during SV or breathing to command. Extubation occurs awake with
patient cooperation. Beware. Perfect titration can be difficult.
• TT exchange for an SGA. Emergence with an SGA in situ maintains
the airway, is usually well tolerated and may reduce risks of laryngeal
soiling. Several methods exist. Deep anaesthesia or NMB are needed
to avoid airway reflexes during exchange. Airway pathology or
surgery can preclude SGA insertion.
• One ‘advanced’ technique, proposed when reintubation will be
difficult, involves inserting an airway exchange catheter as a conduit for
• All staff caring for the patient require training in airway exchange
catheter use.
• The airway exchange catheter is passed through the TT into the
trachea before extubation. Thin airway exchange catheters (11 Fr)
can be tolerated awake. LA applied to the airway exchange catheter
improves tolerance.
• The airway exchange catheter must be secured above the carina
(depth marker ≤25cm from the mouth in adults) and position
checked with CXR.
• Distal migration can cause perforation.
• Reintubation is complex and requires great care for success. If
reintubation is required, anaesthesia, NMB, a narrow specialised
TT if possible (e.g. LMA Fastrach™ or Parker FlexTip®) and VL aid
• O2 should NOT be given via an airway exchange catheter. If required,
O2 should be delivered by conventional means.
Further reading
Maclean S, Lanam C, Benedict W, et al. (2013). Airway exchange failure and complications with the
use of the Cook airway exchange catheter: a single centre cohort of 1177 patients. Anesth Analg,
117, 1325–​7.
Popat M, Mitchell V, Dravid R, et al.; Difficult Airway Society Extubation Guidelines Group (2012).
Difficult Airway Society Guidelines for the management of tracheal extubation. Anaesthesia, 67,
Duggan LV, Law JA, Murphy MF (2011). Brief review: supplementing oxygen through an airway ex-
change catheter: efficacy, complications, and recommendations. Can J Anaesth, 58, 560–​8.
Airborne respiratory viruses 403

Airborne respiratory viruses

• The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome-​coronavirus-​2
(SARS-​CoV-​2) in 2019 led to a global pandemic of this coronavirus
disease (COVID-​19).
• Previous coronavirus outbreaks included SARS-​CoV (causing severe
acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS-​CoV (causing Middle East
respiratory syndrome). Similar outbreaks should be anticipated.
• These viruses are spread by inhalation of droplets and aerosols at short
distances. Contact and distant aerosol spread are controversial.
• Some airway procedures have been designated as aerosol-generating
procedures (AGPs) requiring enhanced precautions against aerosol
transmission. The science supporting this is evolving.
• Appropriate steps should be taken during airway management to
reduce cross-​infection risk.
• Fundamental infection control includes: separating patients with and
without infection; isolation; exemplary cleaning, decontamination and
disinfection processes; minimising ‘footfall’ and the duration of direct
patient care; and training in donning and doffing personal protective
equipment (PPE).
Tracheal intubation
This should be Safe, Accurate and Swift (SAS).
Safe: for both staff and patient
• Ensure adequate preparation by using a checklist.
• Wear PPE for AGPs (e.g. FFP3/​N95 filter mask, eye protection, fluid-​
resistant long-​sleeved gown, gloves).
• When you can, use a well-​ventilated room (e.g. >12 air changes/h),
ideally with negative pressure.
• Minimise staff present: an intubator, an assistant and a ‘runner’ outside
the room.
• Place a combined HME/viral filter between the breathing system and
catheter mount.
• Insert a closed tracheal suction system.
• Avert accidental disconnection. Push and twist circuit connections.
• Check and appropriately preset a ventilator.
• Minimise or avoid mask ventilation or airway pressure before
intubation. If ventilation is necessary, use low O2 flow. Optimise mask
seal with a ‘VE’ grip (thumbs caudad on each side of the mask with your
fingers lifting the jaw; ask an assistant to squeeze the bag).
• Inflate the TT cuff before ventilating. Avoiding leakage, manage cuff
pressure appropriately when possible.
• Minimise any breathing system disconnection during the procedure.
Accurate (familiar and reliable technique)
• Maximise first attempt success: use experienced intubator; familiar kit,
including VL; rapid, complete NMB.
• Use rescue techniques in which you are trained and that are proven and
reliable. Avoid untried and untested techniques.
• Use a second-​generation SGA for airway rescue (better seal).

404 Chapter 15 Airway assessment and management

Swift (timely, without rush or delay)

• Preoxygenate for 3–​5min with routine monitoring.
• Use an RSI technique for emergency intubation. Consider ketamine 1–​
2mg/​kg, rocuronium 1.2mg/​kg or suxamethonium 1.5mg/​kg (maximum
150mg). Prepare for CVS instability.
• Rapidly confirm successful tracheal intubation with capnography.
Confirm mechanical ventilation and O2 presettings are appropriate.
Further reading
Cook TM (2020). Personal protective equipment during the coronavirus disease (COVID) 2019
pandemic—​a narrative review. Anaesthesia, 75, 920–​7.
Cook TM, El-​Boghdadly K, McGuire B, et al. (2020). Consensus guidelines for managing the airway
in patients with COVID-​19. Guidelines from the Difficult Airway Society, the Association of
Anaesthetists the Intensive Care Society, the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and the Royal
College of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia, 75, 785–​99. M https://​​10.1111/​anae.15054
Tran K, Cimon K, Severn M, et al. (2012). Aerosol generating procedures and risk of transmission
of acute respiratory infections to healthcare workers: a systematic review. PLoS One, 7, e35797.

1 Lundstrom L, Rosenstock C, Wetterslev J, et al. (2019). The DIFFMASK score for predicting diffi-
cult facemask ventilation: a cohort study of 46,804 patients. Anaesthesia, 74, 1267–​76.
2 Detsky ME, Jivraj N, Adhikari NK, et al. (2019). Will this patient be difficult to intubate?: the ra-
tional clinical examination systematic review [published correction appears in JAMA (2020) 323,
1194]. JAMA, 321, 493–​503. doi:10.1001/​jama.2018.21413
3 De Jong A, Molinari N, Terzi N, et al. (2013). Article 1. Early identification of patients at risk
for difficult intubation in the intensive care unit: development and validation of the MACOCHA
score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 187, 832–​9. doi:10.1164/​
4 Ahmad I, El-​Boghdadly K, Bhagrath R, et al. (2020). Difficult Airway Society guidelines for awake
tracheal intubation (ATI) in adults. Anaesthesia, 75, 509–​28.
5 Nolan JP, Kelly FE (2011). Airway challenges in critical care. Anaesthesia, 66 (Suppl 2), 81–​92.
6 Brimacombe J, Keller C, Vosoba Judd D (2004). Gum elastic bougie-​guided insertion of the
ProSeal™ Laryngeal Mask Airway Is superior to the digital and introducer tool techniques.
Anesthesiology, 100, 25–​9.
7 Patel A, Nouraei SA (2015). Transnasal humidified rapid-​ insufflation ventilatory exchange
(THRIVE): a physiological method of increasing apnoea time in patients with difficult airway.
Anaesthesia, 70, 323–​9.
Chapter 16 405

Conduct of anaesthesia
John Newland and Heng-​Yi (Henry) Wu
Induction of general anaesthesia 406
Maintenance and TIVA 410
Sedation 419
Neuromuscular blockade 420
Neuromuscular function monitoring 423
Reversal of neuromuscular blockade 425
Depth of anaesthesia monitoring 426
Cardiac output monitoring 430
Temperature control 434
Patient positioning for surgery 435

Alexandra Cardinal and Nicholas Eaddy

Postoperative nausea and vomiting 442

See also
% Conduct of anaesthesia pp. 913–25

406 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Induction of general anaesthesia

Induction of GA establishes a state of reversible unconsciousness smoothly,
safely and pleasantly, while maintaining haemodynamic stability and ventila-
tion. Risk assessment, planning and vigilance are needed during this time of
complex physiological change. For patients and relatives, this is a time of un-
familiarity, anxiety and stress. Establishing rapport and putting the patient at
ease during induction is an important skill to master, with each anaesthetist
developing their own techniques and style to achieve this.
Preparation for induction
Induction plan
This should be based on your preoperative assessment of the patient (see
% p. 23).
• The detail of this assessment will depend on the urgency of the
operation and the complexity of the patient and surgery.
• Particular focus should be paid to airway assessment, aspiration risk,
allergies, stability of comorbidities and cardiopulmonary reserve.
• Consider backup plans and communicate these to your team.
• Seek advice if the assessment identifies significant issues.
Theatre preparation
Ensure anaesthetic equipment is checked and emergency equipment is
available. Prepare drugs, with emergency drugs rapidly accessible.
• Ensure WHO Surgical Safety Checklists are followed (see % p. 5).
Preparing for induction
The patient’s head should be placed in the sniffing position (neck flexed and
head extended), with the head end of the bed elevated 20–​30°. Morbidly
obese patients should be in the ramped position.
Aim for an ETO2 >80% to allow for a longer safe apnoea time. An air-
tight seal with the mask is important to increase ETO2. Application of PEEP
(by closing the APL valve slightly), CPAP (by using the ventilator) or nasal
cannulae (for apnoeic oxygenation) can be helpful in patients who may de-
saturate quickly.
A quiet atmosphere prior to induction is important to help reduce patient
anxiety and allow the focus to remain on the patient.
Difficulties with induction
Induction can be a busy and complex time. Unexpected haemodynamic
instability or a difficult airway can quickly task-​overload anaesthetists and
potentially deteriorate into an emergency.
• Do not hesitate to ask for a 2nd pair of experienced hands to be
present during induction if difficulties are anticipated.
Induction technique
Induction is accomplished using either IV or inhalational agents or a com-
bination of both. Careful preassessment will determine the induction tech-
nique and doses of induction agents.
Induction of general anaesthesia 407

Intravenous induction
IV induction is faster and more reliable than inhalational induction and is
generally preferred in adults.
• Multiple drugs are often co-​administered to reduce dose-​dependent
side effects of each individual drug.
Induction agents
• Propofol (1–​2.5mg/​kg) is the commonest agent used. It provides rapid
onset and emergence, making it suitable for day case surgery. It has
antiemetic properties and can be used for maintenance of anaesthesia.
Propofol obtunds airway reflexes and as such, it is the ideal drug to use
with an SGA. Moderate hepatic or renal impairment do not alter its
pharmacokinetics significantly.
• Ketamine (1–​2mg/​kg IV or 5–​10mg/​kg IM) has multiple administration
routes available, making it very versatile. Despite having a direct
myocardial depressant effect, sympathetic stimulation results in a largely
cardiovascularly stable induction. Airway reflexes and respiratory drive
are preserved, but i salivation can lead to upper airway obstruction. It
is frequently used in the ED and the prehospital environment.
• Thiopental (2–​5mg/​kg) produces a smooth induction of anaesthesia
with a well-​defined endpoint, usually within 30s. Airway reflexes are
largely preserved, making it less suitable for use with an SGA. Intra-​
arterial injection can cause tissue necrosis.
• Etomidate (0.3mg/​kg) is useful for induction of haemodynamically
unstable patients as it causes the least cardiovascular depression of all
the IV induction agents. Controversy exists around its use as it causes
reversible adrenocortical suppression for 12–​24h. A single induction
dose is safe, but continuous infusions may lead to an increase in
mortality in critically ill patients.
Titrating propofol
Propofol causes the greatest fall in BP of all IV induction agents, primarily
due to vasodilation. It therefore requires careful titration of a ‘sleep dose’,
with consideration of factors such as patient weight, age, CO and arm–​
brain circulation time.
• In low CO states (shocked patients or the elderly), the body
compensates by diverting a higher proportion of the CO to the brain,
reducing flow to other areas of the body. This results in a smaller initial
volume of distribution and a greater proportion of the drug diverted
towards the cerebral circulation. Furthermore, the time taken for the
drug to reach the brain is prolonged. Thus, a slow titration of a reduced
dose is the safer way to induce these patients.
Opioids work synergistically with propofol to allow a dose reduction, as
well as obtund the autonomic response to airway instrumentation.
• Timing of administration should take into consideration time to peak
effect. Fentanyl (1–​2 micrograms/​kg) should be administered 3–​5min
prior to the induction agent, whereas alfentanil (10–​30 micrograms/​kg)
or remifentanil can be administered concurrently due to their faster
onset of action.

408 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

• Midazolam (0.5–​5mg) is commonly used as a co-​induction agent
to reduce the propofol dose required, therefore minimising the
cardiovascular effects of propofol. It can also reduce the incidence
of PONV.
• Lidocaine (0.5–​1.5mg/​kg) can reduce the induction dose, as well as
blunt stimulus from airway instrumentation. A small amount (20–​40mg)
can be added to 200mg of propofol to reduce pain on injection.
Neuromuscular-​blocking agents
NMBAs (see % pp. 420–2) are generally used to facilitate intubation, but
care must be taken to avoid awareness. As such, NMBAs should only be
given after loss of consciousness.
Rapid sequence induction
An RSI (see % pp. 388–90) is performed in those with a high aspiration
risk. This technique involves delivering a predetermined dose, rather than
a sleep dose, of IV induction agent, avoiding titration. This is immediately
followed by an NMBA and early intubation.
• Opioids, particularly alfentanil, can be considered for use in RSI.
Other considerations
• Adequate depth of anaesthesia needs to be achieved prior to insertion
of an SGA to avoid biting, hiccupping, breath-​holding or laryngospasm.
Reduce opioid dose to facilitate SV.
• Spontaneous breathing induction of anaesthesia with slow incremental
titration of a TCI of propofol is a useful technique, particularly in airway
• In those with actual, or potential for, haemodynamic instability,
preloading with IV fluid and co-​administration of a vasopressor infusion
may be necessary.
• High-​dose opioid, including remifentanil, may be used to blunt the
sympathetic response to laryngoscopy.
Inhalational induction
(See also % p. 919.) Indications for inhalational induction (see % pp. 391–2)
• Avoiding awake IV access, e.g. in children, needle-​phobic patients and
patients with difficult IV access
• To maintain SV during induction (TIVA is becoming more popular for
this indication).
Inhalational induction, whether of a child or an adult, requires cooperation
from the patient. Age-​appropriate explanation and interaction form part of
the ‘art of anaesthesia’.
• Sevoflurane is the commonest agent used and the best tolerated. A
50:50 mix of N2O:O2 improves tolerance and speeds onset.
• If inhalational induction is used for difficult IV access, have a skilled
assistant present to secure cannulation early.
Induction of general anaesthesia 409

Paediatric considerations
Parental understanding and support are essential, as their assistance is often
very useful. Warn parents about the excitation phase, with noisy breathing
and movement to be expected.
• Optimal positioning will depend on child size. Between ages 2 and 5,
the child can be sat on the parent’s lap, with the parent cuddling/​gently
restraining the child during induction. For older and younger children,
the operating table or bed may be more appropriate.
• A close-​fitting face mask speeds up induction; however, in those
children not wanting to accept a mask, a cupped hand to deliver the
fresh gas supply can be used initially before moving to a mask.
• Slowly uptitrating sevoflurane is better tolerated in children.
Difficulties with inhalational induction
• In adults, it can take a long time to achieve adequate depth of
anaesthesia. It can be further slowed by a leak around the mask, airway
obstruction, breath-​holding and high CO.
• The excitement stage may be long and associated with complications
such as airway obstruction. Induction will only progress past this phase
if the airway remains patent. Application of PEEP/​CPAP/​gentle assisted
ventilation can be useful if airway obstruction occurs.
• H The traditional view that inhalational induction is safe because if the
airway obstructs, anaesthesia will lighten is false. The NAP4 report1
highlighted that in practice, when total airway obstruction occurs,
patients do not exhale the volatile and hypoxia rapidly ensues. If
this technique is used for a difficult airway, have backup airway plans
Further reading
King A (2019). Induction of general anesthesia: overview. [In UpToDate database on the Internet] M

410 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Maintenance and TIVA

Following induction of anaesthesia, maintenance may be achieved by ei-
ther inhalational or IV anaesthesia, or a combination of both. The choice
of which technique to employ comes down to patient and surgical factors,
as well as the anaesthetist’s preference. No matter what technique is em-
ployed, the endpoints for maintenance anaesthesia remain the same: un-
consciousness, amnesia, analgesia, akinesia and physiological homeostasis.
The maintenance period between induction and emergence requires the
application of a wide range of knowledge and skills, as well as planning and
Phases of anaesthesia care
Induction: mind the gap
The shift from induction to maintenance phases frequently requires transi-
tioning between anaesthetic agents, commonly IV to volatile. This requires
careful attention, as the offset of IV induction agents can occur before the
volatile has reached adequate levels, resulting in a period where the overall
concentration of anaesthetic agents may be lower than desirable. This time
also coincides with transferring and positioning of patients, during which
ventilation, and thus volatile delivery, can be interrupted. Consequently,
this phase of anaesthesia is associated with a higher incidence of accidental
awareness. To reduce this risk, an age-​adjusted MAC target of at least 0.7
should be achieved as soon as possible following induction.
• Complicating this period is a high incidence of post-​induction
hypotension. Causes are multifactorial, but it is associated with older
age, emergency surgery and higher ASA scores. Even short periods of
pre-​incisional hypotension have been linked to unfavourable patient
• The transition phase is a balancing act between providing adequate
anaesthesia to prevent awareness and avoiding the vasodilatory effect
of the anaesthetic agents.
• Fluid boluses and vasopressors should be used to treat hypotension,
instead of reducing the depth of anaesthesia.
Both depth of anaesthesia and analgesia are not static and may require ti-
tration, especially during periods of intense stimulation such as surgical in-
cision, dilation of sphincters, tunnelling of ventriculoperitoneal shunts, etc.
Experienced anaesthetists are often able to predict stages in the surgery
where anaesthetic levels will need to be titrated, minimising haemodynamic
Optimal timing for discontinuation of anaesthetic agents will depend on the
specific agents, doses used and the duration of their administration, as well
as patient-​specific factors. A conservative approach is advised as the out-
comes of early emergence tend to be worse than delayed emergence.
Maintenance and TIVA 411

The depth of anaesthesia for maintenance requires consideration of
whether NMBAs are used. Without NMBAs, maintenance anaesthesia
needs to be dosed higher to inhibit spinal reflexes and prevent movement.
When using NMBAs, a lower dose is required to maintain unconsciousness
and prevent awareness only. However, NMBAs are a known risk factor for
awareness as movement, a marker of light depth of anaesthesia, is inhibited.
Combined technique
All maintenance anaesthetic agents have dose-​dependent cardiovascular ef-
fects and variable offset times. Combined techniques, using inhalational and
IV techniques, can be used to minimise the total dose of any one agent, thus
minimising side effects and potentially hastening emergence, particularly in
long procedures. However, this does increase complexity and the risk of
error, possibly increasing the likelihood of awareness from underdosing or
cardiovascular compromise from a ‘double anaesthetic’. Depth of anaes-
thesia monitoring (see % pp. 426–9) should be considered if this technique
is employed, particularly when using NMBAs.
Inhalational anaesthesia
Volatile agents remain key components of modern GA. They are proven to
be safe, easy to use and effective. There are, however, disadvantages, many
being dose-​dependent (Table 16.1).

Table 16.1 Advantages and disadvantages of inhalational agents

Advantages Disadvantages
Ease of administration Myocardial depression and vasodilation
IV not required for induction i risk of PONV
End-​tidal concentration gives Trigger for MH
estimate of effect site concentration Potent greenhouse gases
Anaesthetic preconditioning Tocolytic
Bronchodilation Airway irritation (isoflurane, desflurane)
Emergence delirium in children

The dose of volatile agents is dependent on their potency, which is ex-

pressed as the minimum alveolar concentration of a volatile, at one atmos-
pheric pressure, producing immobility in 50% of adult subjects exposed to
a standard noxious stimulus (MAC). MAC values differ for each agent and
are inversely related to lipid solubility. Desflurane is the least lipid-​soluble;
thus, 6.6% is required to achieve 1 MAC, whereas sevoflurane is more lipid-
soluble and only requires 1.8% for 1 MAC.
• Memory formation is inhibited at around 0.3 MAC (MAC aware) and
loss of movement to command is 0.5–​0.7 (MAC awake). Therefore,
we expect an inadequately anaesthetised patient to move before
experiencing recall. Opioids dramatically reduce the MAC required to
suppress movement due to effects on the spinal cord, but have a lesser
effect on the dose required to suppress awareness.

412 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

• MAC requirement is also dependent on a number of patient

characteristics. Concurrent use of CNS depressants, patients’
haemodynamic state and their age are the most important covariates to
consider, with most anaesthetic machines now providing age-​adjusted
MAC values.
Titration of volatiles
Speed of volatile onset and offset is determined by: FGF, inspired concen-
tration of volatile, FRC, minute volume, CO and blood gas solubility.
• There is no significant difference in onset between commonly used
volatiles, but this is not the case for offset.
• With longer duration of anaesthesia, volatile solubility and body
composition become increasingly important factors determining offset.
This is due to accumulation of volatile in tissues. Modern anaesthetic
agents such as sevoflurane and desflurane have relatively low
solubility and thus have a distinct advantage over older volatiles such
as isoflurane. The more soluble the agent, the sooner washout must
commence as the operation ends, to allow timely emergence.
Fast uptake and elimination due to low blood and tissue solubility, allowing
rapid titration and recovery. Non-​pungent, thus suitable for inhalational
Has the lowest blood and tissue solubility of the potent volatile inhalation
agents, resulting in very rapid uptake and elimination, with little accumula-
tion in tissues. It is beneficial in prolonged operations, the morbidly obese
and those for whom an accelerated emergence is desired. It is pungent and
thus unsuitable for inhalational inductions. It can also cause airway irritation,
tachycardia, bronchospasm or laryngospasm, particularly in asthmatics or
when rapidly uptitrated. The benefits of desflurane need to be weighed
against its higher cost and negative environmental impact, as it is a potent
greenhouse gas.
Now less commonly used due to the favourable properties of newer
agents. Slower offset due to higher blood and tissue solubility, compared
with sevoflurane and desflurane.
Nitrous oxide
Commonly used as an adjuvant to volatile anaesthetics during induction;
less commonly used for maintenance. It is inexpensive and widely available.
Co-​administration allows for a reduction in MAC of other volatile agents,
but it cannot be used as the sole agent due to its low potency. It is rapidly
titratable due to its low solubility and is useful for its analgesic and anxiolytic
properties. It increases the incidence of PONV, but this can be overcome
by antiemetic prophylaxis. It must be avoided in patients with gas-​trapped
spaces (e.g. bowel obstruction, middle ear conditions, pneumothorax,
pneumocephalus). N2O is also a greenhouse gas and contributes to ozone
Maintenance and TIVA 413

TIVA utilises IV agents alone, avoiding the use of inhalational agents.
Although theoretically any combination of induction agent and opioid can
be used, in practice, the commonest agent used is propofol alongside an
opioid. Pharmacokinetic models for TCI have resulted in i use of TIVA in
various clinical settings (Table 16.2).

Table 16.2 Advantages and disadvantages of TIVA

Indications and advantages Disadvantages

Reduced PONV Plasma or effect site concentrations
Improved quality of recovery are not easily measured
Does not require an anaesthetic Potentially i risk of awareness
machine—​useful for remote-​ Dependent on the continuity of a
location anaesthesia and functioning IV line
transporting intubated patients TCI models may be inaccurate in
Safe in MH some patients (e.g. obese)
Can be used for surgery requiring Syringes need to be replaced
spinal cord monitoring (scoliosis intraoperatively, presenting
surgery) opportunity for error
Ideal for tubeless airway surgery Pain on injection
Potentially more environmentally May require additional monitoring
friendly than gases and vapours equipment (processed EEG)
Reduced emergence delirium in May be more expensive than
children volatiles

Choice of agent
Ideal TIVA agents have fast onset and offset to allow rapid titration and
recovery. Generally, the offset of IV agents slows as the duration of the
infusion increases, which is reflected in the context-​ sensitive half-​time
(CSHT). Propofol and remifentanil exhibit short CSHTs and thus are the
closest to ideal TIVA agents available. Opioids serve two purposes during
TIVA. They provide analgesia and allow a reduction in the required dose
of propofol due to their synergistic effect. If remifentanil is used, a longer-​
acting opioid should be given 30–​40min prior to stopping the infusion to
cover postoperative pain.
Administering TIVA
There are several effective ways to perform TIVA. The use of TCI is recom-
mended over other methods, if available.
Anaesthetist-​administered boluses
Can be useful for very short procedures but often results in excessive drug
at the time of bolus or inadequate effect prior to the next bolus. This oscil-
lation can lead to cardiovascular instability and/​or awareness.
Manually controlled infusion regimes
These regimes allow anaesthetists to utilise a ‘multicompartmental model’
without the use of pharmacokinetic infusion pumps. They are not appro-
priate for all patients. Boluses and infusion rates may need to be altered to
achieve adequate depth of anaesthesia (Table 16.3).

414 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Table 16.3 Suggested manual infusion regimes for propofol and remifentanil

Known as the 50mL of 1% 1mg/​kg induction bolus
‘Bristol’ regime propofol 10mg/​kg/​h for 10min
Achieves a plasma (500mg) 8mg/​kg/​h for 10min
propofol concentration 6mg/​kg/​h for maintenance
of 73 micrograms/​mL
Achieves a remifentanil Remifentanil 50 0.5 micrograms/​kg/​min for 3min
plasma concentration of micrograms/​mL 0.25 micrograms/​kg/​min for
76 nanograms/​mL maintenance

Target-​controlled infusions
TCIs allow accurate maintenance of concentrations of anaesthetic agents.
The technique requires an infusion pump programmed with a pharmacokin-
etic model. Instead of selecting a set rate, a target concentration is set, with
a target of either plasma (Cpt) or effect site (Cet). The pump will automat-
ically adjust its infusion rate to achieve a predicted target site concentration.
Basic pharmacokinetics
A multicompartment model is often used to describe the redistribution and
elimination of drugs such as propofol. The drug is delivered into a central
compartment (V1), with the initial induction bolus calculated according to
the estimated volume of V1. The drug is then distributed to compartments
V2 and V3. Movement of the drug between compartments is governed by
rate constants (K) (Fig. 16.1).
• Although the various compartments are often equated to biological
compartments within the human body, such as blood vessel rich/​
poor, this is technically incorrect. Compartments and rate constants
are purely a mathematical construct used to predict target site
concentrations, with the models validated in small populations of
• Depending on which model is used, compartmental size and rate
constants can be either fixed or variable. Variable parameters are
determined by patient data entered into the pump.
Plasma vs effect site targeting
Cpt achieves and maintains a predetermined target plasma concentration
of drug as rapidly as possible without overshooting. Plasma concentration
will not approximate effect site (CNS) concentration until a steady state is
reached, which can take a number of minutes. Thus, onset of anaesthesia
using Cpt is slow. This can be overcome by targeting a higher Cpt transi-
ently during induction, then reducing it to the desired maintenance level.
Cet achieves a faster effect site concentration by overshooting the plasma
concentration and, as such, is more useful for rapidly achieving the desired
depth of anaesthesia.
Maintenance and TIVA 415

Drug administered

V2 K12 K13
V1 V3
Central Slowly equilibrating
K21 compartment
K31 compartment

Ve Ke0
Drug eliminated Effect site

Fig. 16.1 The multicompartment pharmacokinetic model. K refers to the rate

constant of transfer between compartments.

Starting infusions
• Use a TIVA checklist for safety (Table 16.4).
• Timing of when to start each infusion should be guided by time to
peak effect. If using Cet, both remifentanil and propofol can be started
simultaneously. If using Cpt, remifentanil will equilibrate at the effect
site long before propofol, potentially leading to an apnoeic (but aware)
patient. In this instance, propofol should be started first.
• Some anaesthetists employ a stepwise increase of target concentrations,
starting at 0.5–​1.0 micrograms/​mL of propofol and increasing by 0.5–​
1.0 micrograms/​mL increments once the target site has equilibrated.
This method avoids a large initial bolus and the associated CVS
instability. It also allows identification of the Cet at which the patient
becomes unrousable. The target concentration is i above this level for
a layer of safety, but it does guide the minimal level that will be required
to keep the patient anaesthetised.
When used correctly, TCI accurately predicts measured plasma concentra-
tions of drugs in most patients. However, due to pharmacodynamic vari-
ation, target concentrations must still be titrated to achieve the required
effect in any individual. Targets need to be adjusted based on age, ASA
status, adjuvant agents used, degree of surgical stimulation and processed
EEG (Table 16.5).
When to stop the infusions
This is a balance between maintaining adequate anaesthesia and facilitating
rapid emergence. TCI targets can be gradually d near the end of surgery,
but caution must be exercised as wound closure can sometimes be a signifi-
cant noxious stimulus.

416 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Table 16.4 TIVA checklist

Infusion Prior to using pumps, ensure they are serviced, plugged into the
pumps mains power and charged.
checked Ensure low-​and high-​pressure alarms are set—​this can warn of
disconnection or a blocked cannula, respectively.
A well-​ Ideally insert the line yourself and avoid sites where a tissued
functioning line is hard to detect, e.g. antecubital fossa. Secure the line firmly
IV line to the patient’s skin.
Keep the line visible throughout the case to allow early
identification of disconnection, leakage or a tissued cannula.
TIVA Use a dedicated TIVA administering set which incorporates:
administering • Antisiphon valves on the drug lines
tubing • A non-​return valve on the IV fluid line
• Minimal dead space between the patient and where the drugs
and IV fluid mix
• Luer lock rather than Luer slip connections.
Drug Have drugs already drawn up in preparation for syringe
preparation exchanges.
Monitoring Consider processed EEG, particularly if NMBAs are used.
Practical Ensure the infusion continues after altering pump settings or a
aspects syringe exchange.
Specific to Be aware that most TCI pumps will forget their programming
running TCI with complete failure of both mains and battery power.
Have a backup plan in the event of pump failure.
Ensure the right model is used for the right drug.
Ensure drug dilutions and syringe size and type are correctly
entered into the pump.
Double-​check patient data are entered correctly.
Ensure targets are suitable for the patient’s age and ASA status.

Table 16.5 Suggested minimum TCI target concentrations

Age Spontaneous breathing IPPV

Propofol Remifentanil Propofol Remifentanil
(micrograms/​mL) (nanograms/​mL) (micrograms/​mL) (nanograms/​mL)
<50 4–​6 1–​3 3–​4 5–​8
>50 2–​4 1–​2 2–​3 3–​6

• Avoid reducing targets inappropriately to facilitate a more rapid

emergence, particularly in short cases. However, after a prolonged
TIVA-​based anaesthetic, often emergence is slow and reducing targets
before the end of surgery may be appropriate. This can be guided by
processed EEG monitoring if used or with knowledge of the Cet at
which the patient became unrousable.
Maintenance and TIVA 417

• Most patients wake at a propofol Cet of 1–​2 micrograms/​mL.

Remifentanil can be continued at an effect site of 1–​2 nanograms/​mL
to smooth extubation and then stopped. H Remain vigilant for post-​
extubation apnoea.
Schnider vs Marsh
Each pharmacokinetic model uses different fixed and variable parameters,
which helps to explain some of the important differences.
• Early Marsh models only provided Cpt, though the newer Modified
Marsh now provides Cet. Age and weight are entered into the pump;
however, only weight is used to calculate compartment sizes. The age
input is only there to prevent the model’s use in those <16y.
• Schnider’s model provides both Cpt and Cet. Age, sex, weight and
height parameters are entered into the pump.
• The most important clinical difference between Schnider and Marsh
is the V1 compartment size. Marsh is 19.4L vs Schnider 4.27L for an
85kg person. As a result, Marsh will give a larger bolus when uptitrated,
compared to Schnider (when the same target site is used). This is
important because:
• Schnider may be more useful in frail/​unstable adults as
haemodynamic side effects are lessened.
• Using Cpt with Schnider should really be avoided as the fixed, small
V1 leads to inconsistent results with inappropriately small boluses,
independent of patient size.
Depth of anaesthesia monitoring for TIVA
H As TIVA has no ‘end-​tidal’ equivalent, it is recommended that processed
EEG monitoring be used as an additional tool to determine depth of anaes-
thesia, particularly in paralysed patients (see % pp. 426–9).
Morbid obesity
TIVA in the morbidly obese is practised, but caution must be exercised as
TCI models are not validated in these patients and as such, target concen-
trations become unreliable. Currently, there is no consensus on whether
to input total, lean, ideal or adjusted bodyweight for these patients. If TCI
is used, target concentrations should be titrated to clinical effect, with pro-
cessed EEG strongly recommended. The recent development of models
specifically designed for the morbidly obese will likely resolve many of these
The use of TIVA in children is becoming increasingly popular due to reduc-
tion in PONV and emergence delirium, as well as use in conditions such
as muscular dystrophy and central core myopathy. Paediatric TCI models
• Kataria: 3–​16y and >15kg
• Paedfusor: 1–​16y and 5–​61kg.
Although this age group seems predisposed to propofol-​related infusion
syndrome in critical care settings, the risk of this developing during anaes-
thesia seems exceptionally low.

418 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Environmental impact of anaesthesia

As there is minimal metabolism of inhalational agents, nearly all end up in
the environment unchanged. Although globally they are a small contributor
to total greenhouse gas emissions, health organisations and anaesthetists
have an important role to play in mitigating climate change and environ-
mental degradation by reducing our carbon footprint. Per bottle of vola-
tile, sevoflurane (250mL) produces 49kg of CO2 equivalents, whereas
desflurane (240mL) produces 886kg.2

• The climate crisis has repercussions for population health.3 Reducing

carbon emissions is vital to mitigate this effect. Anaesthetists are well
placed to make these reductions within health care.
• Anaesthetic gases have a damaging effect on the environment.2
The NHS Long Term Plan 2019 identifies reducing anaesthetic
gas emissions as part of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.4 In
particular, desflurane and N2O should be avoided as much as possible.
• Peripheral nerve blocks, neuraxial blocks and TIVA are significantly
less carbon-​intensive than volatiles,5,6 and should be considered
whenever clinically appropriate.
• Currently, anaesthetic gas capture technology is not widely
established. As such, reliance on the future potential of technology is
insufficient to meet the requirements of the NHS Long Term Plan.
• Other important concerns include embodied carbon within
equipment and pharmaceuticals, as well as the significant contribution
of the supply chain.7 For example, over their lifetime, reusable
equipment has been consistently shown to cost less and have a lower
carbon footprint than disposable items.8
• Medical waste is tangible evidence of anaesthesia’s environmental
impact, but strategies to manage waste alone only addresses a small
fraction of the carbon footprint of health care.7
• By choosing low-​carbon, sustainable, cost-​effective treatments and
technologies, it is possible to maintain or improve patient outcomes
while reducing the environmental, social and economic impacts of
anaesthetic practice.
Courtesy of Dr Chris Allen, Environmental Sustainability (Anaesthetic) Fellow, Newcastle, UK.

Further reading
Al-​Rifai Z, Mulvey D (2016). Principles of total intravenous anaesthesia: practical aspects of using
total intravenous anaesthesia. BJA Educ, 16, 276–​80. doi: 10.1093/​bjaed/​mkv074
Al-​Rifai Z, Mulvey D (2016). Principles of total intravenous anaesthesia: basic pharmacokinetics and
model descriptions. BJA Educ, 16, 92–​7. doi: 10.1093/​bjaceaccp/​mkv021
Campbell M, Pierce JMT (2015). Atmospheric science, anaesthesia, and the environment. BJA Educ,
15, 173–​9. doi: 10.1093/​bjaceaccp/​mku033
Sedation 419

See % Premedicants, p. 66; for premedication in children, see % pp. 917–18.
Sedation refers to the use of drugs to produce anxiolysis, analgesia and a
degree of amnesia, to allow patients to tolerate uncomfortable treatments
or investigations without resorting to GA. Anaesthetists are well placed to
provide effective and safe sedation. When offered by non-​anaesthetists, the
level of training, techniques used and degree of observation of the patient
are highly variable.
• There is a perception that sedation is less stressful or safer than GA.
Sedation may be requested in isolated areas such as radiology or the
ED. Standards of equipment, assistance and monitoring may not be the
same as in theatre. Nonetheless, sedation has the potential to pose
significant risks.
• Sedation is a continuum from alertness to GA. Therefore, definitions of
levels of sedation are somewhat arbitrary.
Minimal sedation
Minimal sedation is where a mild anxiolytic is provided. The patient remains
conscious and has normal response to verbal stimulation.
Conscious sedation
Conscious sedation refers to a state where the patient may have their
eyes closed but will still obey commands or respond to verbal interaction.
Respiration is usually preserved.
Deep sedation
The patient responds only to repeated or painful stimuli, by purposeful
movement (not simply withdrawal). Manoeuvres may be required to keep
the airway open. This state is close to GA and may inadvertently turn into it.
Good practice
It is good practice to perform a full anaesthetic assessment on someone
requiring sedation. Insert a cannula and apply routine monitoring. An anaes-
thetic assistant is likely to be helpful.
• Titrate drugs slowly to effect. Short-​acting benzodiazepines are effective
for anxiolysis and amnesia, but have no analgesic effect. Opioids have
synergistic effects if used with them. TCI propofol is a good choice, as it
is highly titrable if the patient becomes too deep.
• Often the most stimulating part is near the beginning, e.g. injection of
LA into a sensitive area.
• Sedation is often carried out on elderly patients with significant
comorbidities. Sedation in the elderly may produce paradoxical
disinhibition and agitation.
• Communication is reassuring to the patient and allows monitoring of
their conscious level.

Further reading
Blayney MR (2012). Procedural sedation for adult patients: an overview. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care
Pain, 12, 176–​81. doi:10.1093/​bjaceaccp/​mks016

420 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Neuromuscular blockade
Depolarising agents
Suxamethonium is the only depolarising NMBA in clinical use. Given IV
(dose 1–​2mg/​kg), it has a fast onset of action (<1min), making it the ideal
agent when performing an RSI or for use in an airway emergency. Its short
duration of action (5–​10min) also means that it is well suited for procedures
that require a brief period of muscle relaxation (e.g. ECT). Suxamethonium
can also be given IM (dose 2–​4mg/​kg) in the absence of IV access.
Metabolism is by plasma cholinesterase, a hepatically synthesised circu-
lating enzyme. Acquired factors that reduce the level of circulating plasma
cholinesterase (e.g. hepatic diseases, malnutrition) or reduce plasma cholin-
esterase activity (e.g. presence of anticholinesterase drugs, pregnancy) can
therefore lead to an increase in duration of action.
Congenital factors, such as variants in the genes that encode the plasma
cholinesterase enzyme, can reduce its activity and prolong the duration of
action of suxamethonium (Table 16.6).9
Adverse effects of suxamethonium may be predictable or unpredictable.

Table 16.6 Inheritance of plasma cholinesterase

Type Genotype Dibucaine Apnoea Incidence

number duration
Normal EuEu 80 1–​5min 94%
Atypical EuEa 60 10min 1:25
Atypical EaEa 20 2h 1:3000
Silent EuEs 80 10min 1:25
Silent EsEs Minimal 2h 1:100 000
Fluoride-​resistant EuEf 75 10min 1:300 000
Fluoride-​resistant EfEf 65 2h 1:150 000

Predictable adverse effects

Related to muscle fasciculation:
• Postoperative myalgia, especially in young, muscular adults.
• Increase in ICP and IOP. This is of minimal clinical significance in healthy
patients but makes suxamethonium relatively contraindicated in those
with an already raised ICP (e.g. traumatic brain injury) or in situations
where any rise in IOP is undesirable (e.g. penetrating eye injury).
• Increase in plasma K+ concentration (by 0.5mmol/​L after 1mg/​kg dose).
This is inconsequential in most patients but may have deleterious effects
in those who are already hyperkalaemic (see % pp. 240–1).
• Parasympathomimetic actions, especially after repeated doses in
children. These include bradycardia and i salivary and bronchial
Neuromuscular blockade 421

Unpredictable adverse effects

• H Anaphylaxis; suxamethonium has the highest rate of anaphylaxis,
compared to other NMBAs (11 per 100 000 exposures in the NAP6
• H MH; suxamethonium is a known triggering agent in predisposed
• H Exaggerated hyperkalaemic response. This is due to the proliferation
of extrajunctional, fetal-​type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in certain
neuromuscular conditions (spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophies,
prolonged immobilisation) and after severe burns. Stimulation of
these abnormal receptors by suxamethonium results in greater than
expected intracellular to extracellular K+ leakage. Suxamethonium is safe
within the first 24h of spinal cord injury or burns, with risk increasing
after 2–​3d.
Non-​depolarising agents
Non-​ depolarising NMBAs can be classified by their structures into
aminosteroids (rocuronium, vecuronium) and benzylisoquinoliniums
(mivacurium, atracurium).
Dosing is based on the dose at which 50% of the patients would achieve a
95% twitch height depression (ED95). After a standard intubation dose (ED95
× 2), onset of action is within 2–​3min and duration of action ranges from
15min (mivacurium) to 30–​40min for other agents. Onset of action for
rocuronium can be reduced to within 30s when given at a higher dose (ED95
× 4), making it a useful alternative to suxamethonium when performing an
RSI (Table 16.7).

Table 16.7 Dosing of non-​depolarising NMBAs

Non-​depolarising ED95 Dose for standard intubation

Rocuronium 0.3mg/​kg 0.6mg/​kg (1–​1.2mg/​kg for RSI)
Vecuronium 0.05mg/​kg 0.1mg/​kg
Mivacurium 0.07mg/​kg 0.15mg/​kg
Atracurium 0.25mg/​kg 0.5mg/​kg
Cisatracurium 0.05mg/​kg 0.1mg/​kg

Elimination of aminosteroids is by a combination of hepatic metabolism

and biliary and renal excretion. Mivacurium is metabolised by plasma cho-
linesterase and its duration of action can be prolonged by the same factors
as outlined above for suxamethonium. The metabolism of atracurium is
unique in that the majority of the drug undergoes non-​organ-​dependent
Hofmann elimination (spontaneous degradation at body temperature and
physiological pH), making it the ideal agent for use in patients with hepatic
or renal impairment.

422 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Adverse effects of non-​depolarising NMBAs

• Rocuronium: pain on injection.
• Atracurium: direct histamine release and production of a potentially
epileptogenic metabolite (laudanosine). Cisatracurium is an
enantiomerically pure preparation of atracurium that is more potent
with less or no histamine release and significantly lower laudanosine
• Anaphylaxis: rates are said to be similar among the non-​depolarising
NMBAs (3–​6 per 100 000 exposures in the NAP6 study),10 although
some data suggest a higher rate for rocuronium.11 H Risk of cross-​
reactivity is high between suxamethonium and aminosteroid NMBAs; in
these patients, consider using a central neuraxial or regional anaesthesia
technique. If this is not possible, consider a relaxant-​free GA technique.
If an NMBA is necessary, consider using cisatracurium or atracurium
due to their low intrinsic rates of anaphylaxis and low risk of cross-​
reactivity in the setting of proven NMBA hypersensitivity.11
Neuromuscular function monitoring 423

Neuromuscular function monitoring

H Monitoring of neuromuscular function is mandatory whenever an
NMBA is used. It can be used at induction to optimise timing for tracheal
intubation, during maintenance to guide repeat NMBA dosing and at emer-
gence to aid reversal of NMBA.
• A peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) is applied to the skin over a
peripheral nerve such as the ulnar nerve. It delivers a current of
40–​70mA, a supramaximal stimulus sufficient to depolarise all axons.
The different patterns of stimulation and their uses in different clinical
situations is summarised in Table 16.8.12
• Assessment of muscle contractions may be qualitative or quantitative.
• Qualitative assessment relies on the visual and/​or tactile confirmation
of muscular contractions and is therefore limited by its subjective nature
and its inability to discern minor degrees of block. For example, fade
on the train-​of-​four (TOF) cannot be detected subjectively at a TOF
ratio (TOFR) >0.4; for double-​burst stimulation (DBS), this occurs at
TOFR >0.6.
• Quantitative assessment is the gold standard. This employs a mechano-​
myographic, accelero-​myographic or kine-​myographic device coupled
to the patient’s thumb to objectively measure the number and strength
of adductor pollicis contractions.
• If the hands are not accessible, stimulation of the facial nerve and
qualitative assessment of orbicularis oculi and corrugator supercilii
muscle contractions is a reasonable alternative.
• Clinical tests such as sustained head lift or hand grip for 5s have
traditionally been used as indicators of adequate reversal of NMB. They
have been shown to be inaccurate and unreliable and should not inform
clinical practice.

424 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Table 16.8 Patterns of stimulation

Pattern of Muscle response to Muscle response Uses

stimulation depolarising NMBA to non-​depolarising
Single twitch Determines
(ST): one onset of
stimulus at 1s action.
or 10s intervals Stimulus Stimulus Requires
(1 or 0.1Hz) a baseline
before NMBA
Response during Response during
onset of block onset of block
Train of four Assesses
(TOF): four degree of non-​
stimuli at 0.5s depolarising
intervals (2Hz) Stimulus Stimulus NMBA block
and recovery
needing a
Response during Response during measurement.
partial blockade partial blockade Allows for
(no fade) (fade) quantitative
using TOFR
Post-​tetanic Evaluation of
count (PTC): the degree
tetanic of block even
stimulation Stimulus Stimulus when there is
(50Hz for 5s), no response to
3s pause, then TOF
ST stimulation
at 1Hz
Response not Response
useful clinically
Double-​burst Slight
stimulation qualitative
(DBS): two improvement
bursts of two in the
minitetanic Stimulus Stimulus evaluation
50Hz stimuli of fade,
separated by compared with
0.75s TOF-​induced
Response during Response during fade
partial blockade partial blockade
(no fade) (fade)
Reversal of neuromuscular blockade 425

Reversal of neuromuscular blockade

Why reverse neuromuscular blockade?
Postoperative residual curarisation (PORC) is defined as having a TOFR
of <0.9 after anaesthesia. It is common (estimated incidence of 40% in re-
covery)13 and often under-​recognised.
• PORC is associated with i rates of postoperative pulmonary
complications such as respiratory failure, microaspirations, hypoxaemia
and the need for reintubation.
How to reverse neuromuscular blockade
Suxamethonium-​and mivacurium-​induced NMB does not require pharma-
cological reversal. Giving an anticholinesterase drug may paradoxically in-
crease the duration of block due to inhibition of plasma cholinesterase.
For other NMBAs, anticholinesterase drugs and sugammadex are the
two main classes of reversal agents available. The choice of agent and dose
required depend on the type of NMBA used and the depth of paralysis at
the time of reversal. This is summarised in Table 16.9.13
• Neostigmine is an example of an anticholinesterase. When given at a
dose of 0.05–​0.07mg/​kg, it has an onset time within 1–​2min, reaching
its peak effect around 10min, and duration of action of around 30min. It
is co-​administered with an antimuscarinic drug such as glycopyrronium
(dose 0.01–​0.015mg/​kg) to mitigate anticholinesterase action at
muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
• Sugammadex is a cyclodextrin compound designed specifically to
encapsulate aminosteroid NMBAs. Onset is rapid (within 2–​3min),
even in the setting of profound aminosteroid-​induced NMB, when
given in appropriate doses. Sugammadex cannot be used to reverse
non-​aminosteroid-​induced NMB.

Table 16.9 Time course of recovery from rocuronium-​induced neuromuscular

blockade, associated monitoring and appropriate reversal

Depth of Time after 0.6mg/​kg Neuromuscular Reversal drug and

block dose of rocuronium monitoring modalities dosage (mg/kg)
(median and range in TOFC PTC TOFR SGX Neo
Profound 5(3–​15) 0 0 0 16 None
Deep 12(5–​22) 0 ≥1 0 4–​8 None
Moderate 26(17–​38) 1–​3 NA 0 2 0.05–​
Shallow 30(20–​45) 4(fade) NA 0.1–​0.4 2 0.05
Minimal 43(30–​60) 4(no NA >0.4 to 2 0.02
fade) <0.9
Full 50(35–​85) 4(no NA ≥0.9 None None
recovery fade)

Neo, neostigmine; PTC, post-​tetanic count; SGX, sugammadex; TOFC, train-​of-​four count;
TOFR, train-​of-​four ratio.

426 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Depth of anaesthesia monitoring

AAGA with explicit recall of intraoperative events is relatively common;
prospective studies using the modified Brice interview have consistently re-
ported an incidence of around 1–​2 per 1000 cases.14 Retrospective studies,
such as NAP5, reveal a much lower incidence (1 per 20 000 cases overall).15
Regardless, its occurrence can be devastating to the patient, with long-​term
psychological harm such as post-​traumatic stress disorder a possibility.
AAGA occurs when too little anaesthetic is delivered to the brain. This
may be due to:
• Failure of delivery, e.g. IV cannula failure during TIVA
• Inadequate anaesthesia to maintain unconsciousness. This may be
unintentional (e.g. not accounting for age-​related changes in MAC
requirement) or intentional (e.g. purposefully reducing anaesthetic dose
during periods of cardiovascular instability).
The risks of AAGA can be reduced by monitoring the effects anaesthetic
drugs have on the brain or by monitoring anaesthetic drug concentrations.
Monitoring anaesthetic drug effects on the brain
Patient response to stimulation
A fully conscious patient is able to respond purposefully to verbal com-
mand or light tactile stimulation while maintaining a patent airway and SV.
Increasing anaesthetic depth leads to progressive unresponsiveness to ex-
ternal stimuli, beginning with loss of verbal contact.
• The patient is judged to be in a deep plane of anaesthesia sufficient for
surgery to commence when there is no response to sustained painful
stimuli. However, in the presence of NMB, it becomes impossible
to use this to distinguish an awake, paralysed patient from one who
is adequately anaesthetised. Autonomic signs of arousal such as
tachycardia, hypertension and lacrimation are unreliable indicators of
• Therefore, use of NMBAs is considered the most frequently implicated
risk factor for AGAA. Avoidance of pharmacological paralysis might be
the most effective method of prevention, but this may not be indicated
in all patients or possible for all surgery.
Processed EEG (pEEG) monitoring
The anaesthetised brain undergoes characteristic EEG changes, shifting
from a high-​frequency, low-​amplitude asynchronous signal to one that is
lower frequency, higher amplitude and more regular. This is followed by
burst suppression where episodes of electrical quiescence (suppression)
are interspersed with high-​ frequency, high-​
amplitude electrical activity
(bursts), and then finally a completely isoelectric EEG (Fig. 16.2).16
Unfortunately, raw data from multichannel EEG are too complex for the
anaesthetist to process in real time to guide anaesthesia titration, limiting
their applicability. In contrast, commercial pEEG monitors, such as the
BIS®, Narcotrend® and E-​Entropy® monitors, use EEG data obtained from
forehead electrodes to generate a simplified, user-​friendly output (a cal-
culated dimensionless variable between 0 and 100), giving an indication
of the degree of cortical suppression (Table 16.10). This is done by using
algorithms derived from analysing EEG data of healthy volunteers with
known consciousness levels and exposed to known concentrations of
anaesthetic drugs.
Depth of anaesthesia monitoring 427


98 Awake

80 Sedation



0 Isoelectricity

Fig. 16.2 EEG changes and corresponding BIS values with increasing depth of

Table 16.10 Commonly used commercial pEEG monitors

Device Main output and range Target range

BIS® BIS: 0 (almost flat EEG activity) to 100 40–​60
Narcotrend® Narcotrend stage: stage A (awake) Stage E
to F (deep anaesthesia)
Narcotrend index: 0 (no detected
electrical activity) to 100 (awake)
E-​Entropy® Response entropy: 0 (suppressed 40–​60
EEG) to 100 (awake)
State entropy: 0 (suppressed EEG)
to 90 (awake)
SedLine® Patient State index (PSi): 0 25–50
(suppressed EEG) to 100 (awake)

428 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Limitations of pEEG monitors

• Electromechanical interference can falsely elevate the displayed value.
This may be due to artefacts from electrical equipment used in the
vicinity of the pEEG electrodes or signal contamination from facial
muscle activity. Studies have demonstrated a fall in BIS with onset of
muscle paralysis and a rise after reversal of blockade.
• Ketamine and N2O do not produce the same pattern of EEG changes as
described above, making pEEG monitors less useful when they are used
to supplement propofol or volatile anaesthesia.
• A 15–​30s time lag in the processing of raw EEG data means that the
monitors are only able to provide information about the conscious
state after it has arisen. Therefore, there is a risk of AAGA if a pEEG
monitor is used reactively. Instead, anaesthesia should be deepened
in anticipation of an impending surgical stimulus before a rise in pEEG
values has occurred.
Monitoring anaesthetic drug concentrations
End-​tidal anaesthetic gas (ETAG) monitoring
ETAG monitoring provides a real-​time display of volatile anaesthetic con-
centration in the brain as long as a state of equilibrium is reached between
the lungs (where the measurements take place), plasma and the brain (the
target end-​organ). When the measured concentration is compared to the
MAC value of each agent, it gives an indication as to whether the dose de-
livered is adequate in achieving a certain clinical endpoint on a population
level. Incidence of AAGA is low when the measured concentration is above
0.7 age-​adjusted MAC.
Limitations of ETAG monitoring
• Population-​derived quantal dose–​response relationships such as MAC
may not apply to individuals; thus, a 0.7 age-​adjusted MAC may be an
underdose or an overdose for certain patient groups.
• Limited utility around the time of induction as equilibrium has yet been
achieved; therefore, measured ETAG concentrations do not accurately
represent concentrations in the brain.
Estimated plasma and effect site propofol concentrations
Point-​of-​care blood propofol measurement is not currently widely available.
Instead, a TCI pump estimates plasma and effect site propofol concentra-
tions based on its algorithm and patient variables.
Limitations of estimating propofol concentrations
• The pump assumes successful IV delivery of propofol and would display
an adequate estimated brain propofol concentration, even when an IV
cannula has failed.
• Population-​derived assumptions do not apply well to individuals at the
fringes of the pharmacokinetic models, e.g. the obese or elderly.
• Current pharmacokinetic models are not validated in pregnancy.
Depth of anaesthesia monitoring 429

Evidence-​based approach to the use of depth of anaesthesia

ETAG monitoring is simple, reliable and readily available. Its alarm should
be turned on and set to an age-​adjusted MAC of >0.7 whenever a vola-
tile agent is used as the primary anaesthetic. Use of an additional pEEG
monitor is unnecessary, even in high-​risk patients, as prospective RCTs
(B-​Unaware, BAG-​RECALL, MACS) have failed to demonstrate the su-
periority of a BIS-​guided protocol in reducing AAGA, when compared to
ETAG monitoring.17,18,19
Processed EEG monitors should be used for patients receiving an NMBA
with TIVA or for those having TIVA who are at high risk of AAGA. The
B-​Aware trial demonstrated that a BIS-​guided protocol (aiming for a BIS of
between 40 and 60) reduces the risk of AAGA, compared to using clinical
signs alone.20
Processed EEG monitors may also have a role in:
• Titrating anaesthetic dose in those who are at risk of an underdose
(e.g. chronic substance misusers) or an overdose (e.g. frail patients) of
volatile anaesthesia when targeting an age-​adjusted MAC of >0.7
• Titrating TIVA in patients outside of the demographic norms of the
pharmacokinetic models employed in TCI systems.

430 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Cardiac output monitoring

Accurate quantification of CO is an integral part of advanced haemo-
dynamic monitoring, which is a cornerstone in the management of high-​
risk surgical and critically ill patients. Monitoring CO helps guide IV fluid
therapy and vasopressor and inotropic support, with the aim of improving
CO and O2 delivery to tissues. When incorporated into protocols with
target thresholds, they form the basis of GDFT.
Goal-​directed fluid therapy
The fundamental principle of GDFT is to minimise complications associ-
ated with fluid imbalance perioperatively through optimisation of CO and
tissue perfusion. Parameters from CO monitors are used to help differen-
tiate fluid-​responsive from non-​fluid-​responsive patients. Fluid-​responsive
patients are on the upward slope of the Frank–​Starling curve (Fig. 16.3),
with a fluid challenge resulting in an i stroke volume and CO. Repeated
fluid boluses may continue to improve the stroke volume. Once a patient
reaches the plateau on the Frank–​Starling curve, there is no further im-
provement in stroke volume. Ongoing fluid administration will be ineffective
or even potentially harmful. In this setting, vasopressors may be employed
to support BP, or if CO remains low, this may be a situation suitable for
inotropic support.

Fluid-responsive Non-fluid-responsive
Fluid administration will Fluid administration
improve cardiac output ineffective or potentially
Stroke volume/
cardiac output


Fig. 16.3 Simplified explanation of the Frank–​Starling law.

• The evidence supporting GDFT is conflicting. Early studies showed

dramatic improvements in morbidity and mortality which led to rapid
uptake into clinical practice and incorporation into ERAS protocols.21
However, more recent large RCTs have failed to replicate many of
these findings. This is likely the result of widespread uptake of ERAS
and restrictive fluid strategies as a standard of care. Although GDFT
appears to be superior to traditional liberal or fixed volume approaches,
Cardiac output monitoring 431

it seems to offer minimal additional benefit when compared to a

restrictive fluid strategy, especially if this is combined with ERAS.
• This is not to say GDFT is redundant. Literature has consistently
demonstrated a reduction in morbidity and hospital length of stay when
GDFT is applied to high-​risk surgical patients.22 Further, following the
publication of the RELIEF trial,23 overly restrictive fluid regimes may also
be harmful in higher-​risk patients undergoing major abdominal surgery.
GDFT may therefore have greater benefit in high-​risk patients and thus
should be reserved for this patient group.
Cardiac output monitors
There are numerous CO monitors available utilising various technologies,
which can lead to confusion when trying to differentiate among them.24
They can be invasive, minimally invasive or non-​invasive. They can also be
calibrated or non-​calibrated, with parameters being directly measured or
Pulmonary artery flotation catheter
Regarded as the gold standard for measuring CO.
• Cold or room temperature 0.9% sodium chloride is injected into the
right atrium through the proximal port, with temperature change
measured in the PA using a thermistor close to the tip of the catheter.
CO and other parameters are then derived using the thermodilution
curve and the Stewart–​Hamilton equation.
• Newer devices can provide continuous CO by instead mildly heating
the blood and measuring the temperature change in the PA.
• Reliability of measurements can be affected by tricuspid incompetence,
shunts and misplacement of the catheter tip.
• Use has declined due to PA catheters being associated with i mortality
in ICU patients and the availability of less invasive monitors.
Minimally invasive
Arterial waveform analysis
These devices analyse the shape of the arterial waveform to calculate
stroke volume, CO and many other derived parameters. They are able
to provide continuous haemodynamic information, allowing for real-​time
monitoring of fluid responsiveness.
• Accuracy is dependent on the consistency of the waveform and can be
affected by arrhythmias, rapid changes in haemodynamic stability, valve
insufficiency, aortic aneurysms and the use of an intra-​aortic balloon
pump (IABP).
• Non-calibrated devices use a sensor attached to a standard arterial
cannula. They cannot measure a true CO but derive this from the
arterial trace. As such, they provide less accurate absolute numbers,
compared to calibrated devices. However, they are still able to provide
useful numerical trend information which can guide therapy.
• Non-calibrated devices:
• ProAQT™—​pulse contour analysis
• LiDCOrapid™—​pulse power analysis
• Flotrac™ with EV1000™ or Vigileo™ monitors—​pulse contour analysis.

432 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

• Calibrated devices utilise a 2nd technique intermittently to accurately

measure CO and then correlate this with the arterial trace to provide a
continuous CO. As such, they are resistant to changes in haemodynamic
stability and tend to provide more accurate absolute numbers. They
often require insertion of a central venous line and are therefore slightly
more invasive than non-calibrated devices.
• Calibrated devices:
• PiCCOplus™—​pulse contour analysis calibrated with transpulmonary
thermodilution. Requires a thermistor-​tipped arterial catheter and a
central venous line.
• LiDCOplus™—​pulse power analysis calibrated with transpulmonary
lithium dilution. A lithium sensor attaches to a standard arterial
cannula. Lithium chloride is injected into either a central venous line
or peripheral cannula. Measurements are affected by concurrent
lithium treatment and high peak doses of NMBA. Contraindicated in
<40kg and 1st trimester of pregnancy.
• Volumeview™ with EV1000™ monitor—​pulse contour analysis
calibrated with transpulmonary thermodilution. Requires a
thermistor-​tipped catheter in the femoral artery and a central
venous line.
Doppler technology
• Oesophageal Doppler measures blood flow velocity in the descending
aorta and multiplies this by the estimated cross-​sectional aortic area to
calculate stroke volume. Aortic diameter is estimated from a nomogram
or directly measured, depending on the device.
• Oesophageal Doppler-​guided fluid management has been associated
with reduced hospital stay.
• Placement in patients at risk of oesophageal trauma or bleeding needs
special consideration.
• Inaccuracy of absolute values can be caused by epidural anaesthesia,
thoracic aortic aneurysms or morbid obesity, although trends and
dynamic parameters can still be used to guide fluid therapy.
Vascular unloading technique
Also known as the finger volume clamp method. An infrared light source
and a sensor continuously measure blood volume in a finger. A finger pres-
sure cuff inflates and deflates to maintain a constant blood volume. This
fluctuation in cuff pressure produces a continuous BP waveform from which
haemodynamic variables can be derived. These are new to the market, with
limited validation studies.
Applied Fick principle
A rebreathing loop incorporating CO2 and airflow sensors is attached to
the ventilator circuit, allowing partial rebreathing of CO2. Assuming CO2
production, alveolar ventilation and CO remain unchanged over the re-
breathing cycle, CO can be calculated. Requires an intubated, sedated and
mechanically ventilated patient. It is unable to provide many of the useful
parameters other devices provide.
Cardiac output monitoring 433

Cyclical changes in blood flow within the thorax induce changes in impedance
to alternating electrical current, which can be measured using electrodes.
Newer devices use bioreactance, which is less susceptible to interference and
shows good correlation with pulmonary artery flotation catheters (PAFCs).
Parameters of volume responsiveness
Most CO monitors display a multitude of measured and derived haemo-
dynamic parameters. These can be either static or dynamic.
Static parameters
• These parameters include stroke volume, CO, CVP, pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure (PAOP), mixed venous O2 saturations, SVR, etc.
Unfortunately, the absolute values for these parameters fail to predict volume
responsiveness in the majority of patients. However, they can be reliably used
to observe trends and the effect of interventions such as fluid administration.
Dynamic parameters
• These include stroke volume variation (SVV) and pulse pressure variation
(PPV). Changes in intrathoracic pressure due to IPPV induce changes
in the stroke volume and pulse pressure as a result of a reduction in
preload. The greater the change in stroke volume or pressure, the
greater the likelihood that the patient is intravascularly deplete.
• Dynamic parameters are superior to static parameters when
determining volume responsiveness; however, the reliability of these
variables can be adversely affected by arrhythmias, right heart failure,
spontaneous breathing and VT <8mL/​kg.
Fluid administration
The interpretation of data from CO monitoring should be made in light
of clinical examination and investigations such as serum lactate and base
deficit trends.
• When trying to optimise stroke volume, fluid is usually administered in boluses
over 5min, in volumes of around 3mL/​kg (200–​250mL) (Table 16.11).
• The response to a passive leg raise (or head-​down position) is also
a reversible way to demonstrate whether the patient is likely to be

Table 16.11 Recommended thresholds for GDFT

Parameter Thresholds Intervention

Stroke volume (SV) SV increase >10% following Give further volume
200–​250mL fluid challenge challenge of 250mL
over 5–​10min
SV increase <10% following No further fluid. Continue
200–​250mL fluid challenge to monitor SV
over 5–​10min
SVV, PPV >12–​13% Give volume challenge of
Corrected flow time <0.35s Give volume challenge of
(FTc) (oesophageal 250mL

434 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Temperature control
Core body temperature in an awake patient is tightly controlled between
36.7°C and 37.1°C. Deviation above or below these temperatures causes
the hypothalamus to initiate behavioural and autonomic mechanisms to re-
store normothermia. This tight regulation is lost under GA and neuraxial
anaesthesia due to:
• Drug-​induced vasodilation
• Abolition of behavioural responses to thermal discomfort and
• Resetting of the threshold temperatures in which autonomic responses
are activated, resulting in a widened range.
The anaesthetised patient is prone to hypothermia (defined as core body
temperature <36°C). This typically occurs in a triphasic pattern.
Phase 1
Rapid loss of 71°C within the first 30–​45min of anaesthesia due to heat re-
distribution from the core compartment to the peripheries.
Phase 2
Loss of 71°C over 2–​3h from radiation (40%), convection (30%), evapor-
ation (25%) and conduction (5%).
Phase 3
A plateau occurs when heat loss is finally matched by heat production as
maximal vasoconstriction is activated.
Hypothermia in the perioperative period is not benign. Adverse conse-
quences include:
• Coagulopathy and an i need for transfusion
• i risk of surgical site infection
• i rate of MACE
• Reduced rate of drug metabolism (e.g. prolonged NMB and delayed
emergence from anaesthesia).
Measures to reduce the risk of perioperative hypothermia include:
• Identifing high-​risk patients (high ASA grade, low BMI, undergoing major
surgery and using a combined general/​neuraxial technique) and treating
hypothermia before commencing anaesthesia
• Monitoring core body temperature (distal oesophagus, nasopharynx,
tympanic membrane or bladder) at 30min intervals
• Maintaining ambient temperature in preop areas and operating theatres,
prewarming fluids to 37°C for IV administration or internal irrigation
and humidifying respiratory gases using an HME filter
• Active cutaneous warming, most commonly achieved using a forced
air device, which should be used for all procedures with anaesthesia
time >30min
• Active internal warming techniques, such as CPB and peritoneal
lavage, are invasive and therefore are not indicated for most routine
Patient positioning for surgery 435

Patient positioning for surgery

Positioning patients for surgery is a compromise between optimising sur-
gical access and limiting patient harm from its deleterious effects.
Supine position
The supine position provides good operative access for many procedures.
One or both arms may be abducted out on padded arm boards or tucked
in next to the patient’s body using lift sheets (Fig. 16.4).
Physiological changes
• Reduced FRC due to cranial displacement of the diaphragm when lying
supine, compounded by the loss of diaphragmatic tone after induction
of anaesthesia. This can be mitigated by the use of PEEP or a slight
head-​up tilt.
• Aortocaval compression. This can occur in advanced stages of
pregnancy leading to hypotension. It may be alleviated by a slight
leftward bed tilt or by using a wedge under the right hip.
Potential complications associated with supine positioning
• The arms should be abducted <90° to avoid stretch injury to the
brachial plexus; the forearm should be neutral or in supination to
minimise pressure on the ulnar nerve. When adducted, the arm should
be in a neutral position, with the palm facing the patient.
• Back strain—​this can be reduced by placing a pillow under the knees to
restore the normal lumbar lordotic curve.
• Pressure injuries to the occiput, sacrum and heels can occur after
prolonged contact with the operating table. Intermittent repositioning
of the head and the use of gel heel pads and gel mattress help reduce
this risk by pressure redistribution.

Fig. 16.4 Supine position. Image courtesy of Medical photography, Waikato District
Health Board.

436 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Trendelenburg (head-​down) position

Trendelenburg positioning requires the supine patient to be tilted head
down, improving access to pelvic organs. The patient is secured using a
variety of devices, including slip-​resistant table padding, straps and vacuum
bean bag supports. The arms may be abducted and secured onto arm
boards or, more commonly, adducted and tucked in by the side.
Complications associated with Trendelenburg position
• Increase in venous return and central blood volume (effect increases
with degree of tilt). May compromise patients with cardiac disease.
• Reduced FRC and lung compliance, leading to impaired ventilation and
• Venous congestion leading to raised ICP and IOP and the potential for
airway oedema after a long case.
• Patients may slide on the table, resulting in pressure areas, inadvertent
endobronchial intubation, traction on lines and tubes or limbs falling
from the table.
• Passive regurgitation of gastric contents is more likely.
Reverse Trendelenburg position
With reverse Trendelenburg positioning, the supine patient is tilted head up
to improve access for open or laparoscopic upper abdominal surgery. The
patient is secured onto the operating table, as described previously, with
the addition of a padded foot board if necessary.
Venous pooling in the lower extremities is the most significant adverse
physiological change. This leads to a reduction in venous return, CO and
BP. Increasing the angle of tilt and a diminished cardiac reserve exaggerate
the magnitude of these changes. Implementing a gradual, incremental head
elevation, giving IV fluids together with a vasopressor and applying com-
pression stockings may mitigate these effects.
Potential complications are similar to those described above, except that
the risk for passive regurgitation is not elevated.
Lithotomy and Lloyd-​Davies positions
With lithotomy positioning, the supine patient’s legs are separated, with
the hips and knees flexed to a variable degree and supported using stirrups
or slings (Fig. 16.5). This is often used in combination with a degree of
Trendelenburg to provide access for urological, gynaecological and rectal
procedures. In hip fracture surgery, a hemilithotomy position may be used
where the operative leg is placed in traction and the non-​operative leg in a
lithotomy stirrup.
The Lloyd-​Davies position is similar to lithotomy, with the hips and knees
flexed to a much lesser extent (Fig. 16.6).
Adverse physiological effects occur as a result of a rise in abdominal pres-
sure, which can in turn obstruct venous return (leading to hypotension),
reduce lung compliance and impair ventilation.
Potential complications associated with lithotomy positioning
• Crush injury to the hand of the adducted arm is possible when the
stirrup is being adjusted or when the foot section of the operating table
is reattached. It is thus imperative to confirm that the hands are in a safe
position before these actions are carried out.
Patient positioning for surgery 437

Fig. 16.5 Lithotomy position. Image courtesy of Medical photography, Waikato District
Health Board.

Fig. 16.6 Lloyd-​Davies position. Image courtesy of Medical photography, Waikato District
Health Board.

• The peroneal nerve is at risk of compression injury against the fibular

head in the stirrup, and the sciatic nerve is at risk of stretch injury from
prolonged, extreme hip flexion.
• Compartment syndrome is possible for surgery lasting longer than
2–​3h in the lithotomy position.25 Legs should therefore be elevated to
the least possible extent for the shortest amount of time. Concurrent
Trendelenburg positioning, intraoperative hypotension and the use of a
sequential compression device on the calves have also been implicated
and should either be minimised or avoided.

438 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Lateral decubitus position

The lateral decubitus position allows access to the non-​dependent side for
operations such as hip arthroplasty. Flexion is often added just beneath
the iliac crest to increase exposure for operations such as nephrectomy
or thoracotomy.
The torso is kept in place using a vacuum bean bag or pelvic and lumbar
supports. The head should be kept neutral using pillows (check lower
ear is not folded and eyes not pressed upon). The dependent arm rests
on a padded arm board, with a roll placed between the chest wall and
the operating table to alleviate pressure on axillary structures. The non-​
dependent arm is secured on an arm support. Legs are placed in slight
flexion, with a pillow between the knees (Fig. 16.7).

Fig. 16.7 Lateral decubitus position. Image courtesy of Medical photography, Waikato
District Health Board.

Physiological changes include

• Venous pooling in the dependent leg leads to reduced venous return,
CO and MAP. This is exacerbated by concurrent lateral flexion at the
hips, especially if the IVC becomes obstructed.
• Increase in V/​Q mismatch in mechanically ventilated patients due to
preferential perfusion in the dependent lung and preferential ventilation
in the non-​dependent lung. This can result in hypoxaemia.
Potential complications associated with lateral decubitus positioning
• The brachial plexus in the dependent arm is at risk of compression
injury in the axilla; the chest should therefore be supported with a roll
caudal to this point or by using a bean bag with its upper edge aligned
below the level of the axilla.
• The brachial plexus in the non-​dependent arm is at risk of stretch injury
if patient’s neck is flexed laterally downwards or if the arm is placed in
Patient positioning for surgery 439

forward flexion >90°, as is often required in thoracic surgery. The head

should therefore be supported in a neutral position throughout the
operation and the extent and duration of forward arm flexion should be
discussed with the surgeon.
• The peroneal nerve in the dependent leg is at risk of compression
against the fibular head and the operating table; adequate padding is
Prone position
The prone position is used for the posterior approach to the spine, super-
ficial procedures on the back, surgery on posterior extremities and rectal
and buttock procedures.
Patients are usually anaesthetised and intubated in the supine position
before being turned prone onto the operating table. The head is rested on
a foam or gel head rest or held in skull pins using a Mayfield clamp system.
The torso is supported using firm rolls or bolsters under the chest and
pelvis, taking care not to compress the abdomen. More commonly for
spinal surgery, a dedicated torso support system such as the Wilson frame
or a specialised Jackson table is used. Arms are placed on arm boards in the
‘surrender’ position—​the shoulders in slight forward flexion and abduction,
the elbows flexed and the hands up. Arms are tucked in by the side if there
is limited range of motion in the upper extremities. The hips and knees are
flexed, with the feet resting on a pillow (Fig. 16.8).

Fig. 16.8 Prone position. Image courtesy of Medical photography, Waikato District
Health Board.

440 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Complications of abdominal compression

• Caval compression leads to a reduction in venous return, CO and MAP.
It also increases the risk of epidural venous plexus bleeding during spine
• Cranial displacement of the diaphragm leading to reduced compliance
and impaired ventilation.
Complications associated with prone positioning
• Injuries can occur while turning an anaesthetised patient prone. This has to
be done in a coordinated fashion by staff familiar with the process. Tubes,
lines and catheters need to be secured to prevent dislodgement. Monitoring
cables should be minimised or removed completely to avoid entanglement.
• Neurovascular compromise can occur in the upper extremities due
to axillary compression or stretch injury from overabduction and
overextension of the shoulders.
• Prone spinal surgery is associated with ischaemic optic neuropathy,
resulting in permanent vision loss. Risk factors include prolonged
multilevel surgery and large volume blood loss. The use of the Wilson
frame has also been implicated, potentially because it positions the head
below the level of the heart.26 Measures to reduce this risk include:
staging complex spinal surgery; avoiding hypotension; large-​volume
crystalloid fluid administration; and keeping the head neutral at, or
above, the level of the heart.
Sitting position
Surgery on structures in the posterior fossa of the cranium or on the
shoulder often requires the patient to be in the sitting position. Measures to
ensure safety in this position include:27
• Fixing the head in skull pins for neurosurgery or supporting it between a
headrest and a padded face mask for shoulder surgery.
• Ensuring the buttocks are firmly against the operating table and aligned
with the break of the bed. A safety strap across the lap and pillows
under the legs prevent the patient from sliding caudally.
• Placing adducted arms on padded armrests adds lateral stability. For
shoulder surgery, the operative arm can be secured to a commercial
arm-​holding device or rested freely on a padded Mayo stand (Fig. 16.9).
Physiological changes associated with the sitting position are similar to those
already outlined for the reverse Trendelenburg position.
Complications associated with sitting position
• CVE. The sitting position is associated with a drop in cerebral perfusion
pressure, potentially resulting in ischaemia. Maintaining O2 delivery is
essential. This can be achieved by having:
• Adequate pressure. Set a MAP target around the patient’s baseline
(or at least 70mmHg for an otherwise healthy patient) and maintain
this with vasopressors and IV fluids. The table should be raised in
a gradual, incremental manner to allow time for treatment to be
instituted. Ensure measurements reflect pressure in the cerebral
circulation by zeroing the arterial line transducer at the level of the
external auditory meatus. If NIBP monitoring is used, the hydrostatic
pressure difference between the level of the cuff and the brain should
be accounted for and the MAP target adjusted accordingly (1mmHg
for every 1.25cm difference in height).
Patient positioning for surgery 441

Fig. 16.9 Sitting position. Image courtesy of Medical photography, Waikato District
Health Board.

•Adequate flow. The position of the head and neck should be

anatomical to ensure that neck vessels are not occluded. Avoid
hypocapnia which induces cerebral vasoconstriction.
• Adequate O2 content. Avoid anaemia and hypoxaemia.
• Use of IV sedation and interscalene regional anaesthesia rather than
GA with IPPV has been shown to be associated with less hypotensive
episodes for shoulder surgery in the sitting position and may be the
preferred technique in higher-​risk patients.
• Venous air embolism (VAE). This is possible during posterior fossa
craniotomy because the operative site is above the level of the heart
and injury to dural venous sinuses simultaneously creates a pressure
gradient and a portal of entry for air entrainment.
• Pressure injuries at the elbow and over the ischial tuberosity, resulting in
ulnar and sciatic nerve compression respectively.
Further reading
Welch MB (2019). Patient positioning for surgery and anesthesia in adults. [In
UpToDate database on the Internet] M https://​​contents/​

442 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Postoperative nausea and vomiting

(See also % p. 925.) Nausea is the unpleasant sensation of the need to
vomit. Vomiting is the forced expulsion of upper GI contents via the mouth.
• PONV refers to nausea or vomiting occurring during the first 24–​48h
after surgery. The incidence is around 30% in adults and 42% in children,
rising to 80% in unmedicated high-​risk patients.
• Post-​discharge nausea and vomiting refers to PONV experienced after
discharge from recovery. The incidence is about 37%.
Consequences of PONV
• Patient morbidity: wound dehiscence, bleeding, pulmonary aspiration,
oesophageal rupture, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, d patient
• i health care costs: prolonged stay in post-​anaesthesia care unit,
delayed hospital discharge, unanticipated hospital admission,
readmission to hospital post-​discharge.
Neural pathways for nausea and vomiting
Afferent inputs arise via the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ; also known
as the area postrema), the GI tract via the vagus nerve, the vestibular
system and the cerebral cortex.
• The CTZ is a circumventricular organ located on the dorsal surface of
the medulla, on the floor of the 4th ventricle. It lacks the characteristic
endothelial tight junctions of the blood–​brain barrier, allowing
communication between the CSF and blood.
• The vomiting centre/​‘central pattern generator for vomiting’ is the
integration of these inputs into a final common pathway and is located
in the medulla.
The nucleus tractus solitarius triggers vomiting by stimulating the rostral
nucleus, nucleus ambiguus, ventral respiratory group and dorsal motor nu-
cleus of the vagus.
• Vomiting is preceded by characteristic autonomic changes (salivation,
sweating, hypertension, tachycardia, cutaneous vasoconstriction) and
subsequent coordinated contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal
muscles to expel gastric contents.
The following receptors are involved: histaminergic (H1), dopaminergic
(D2), serotonergic (5-​HT3), muscarinic and neurokinin (NK-​1).
Risk factors for PONV
Patient factors
• ♀ gender (3× risk)
• Previous PONV or motion sickness (2–​3× risk)
• Non-​smokers (2× risk)
• Age <50y (2× risk).
Note: ASA status, BMI, menstrual cycle phase, perioperative fasting status
and preoperative anxiety have no proven association with PONV.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting 443

Anaesthetic factors
• Use of volatile anaesthesia (2× risk). Note this risk increases in a dose-​
dependent manner and risk peaks in the first 2–​6h following surgery
• Duration of anaesthesia (1.5× risk if exceeding 90min)
• Postoperative opioid use (1.5× risk). Note that this is independent of
the opioid administered
• Use of N2O (1.5× risk).
Note: NGT placement, muscle relaxant reversal and use of supplemental
O2 have no proven association with PONV.
Surgical factors
• Laparoscopic surgery, gynaecological surgery and cholecystectomy.
Note: head and neck, breast, abdominal, posterior cranial fossa and oph-
thalmic surgery are all associated with i PONV but have not been proven
to be independent risk factors.
Simplified risk scores for predicting PONV
• The Apfel PONV risk score assesses four domains: ♀ gender, history
of PONV and/​or motion sickness, non-​smoking status and predicted
postoperative use of opioids. When zero, one, two, three or four factors
are present, the risk of PONV is 10%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%, respectively.
• The Koivuranta PONV risk score assesses five domains: ♀ gender,
non-​smoking status, history of PONV, history of motion sickness and
duration of surgery >60min. If zero, one, two, three, four or five risk
factors are present, the incidence of PONV is 17%, 18%, 43%, 54%,
74% and 87%, respectively.
• The POVOC PONV risk score for paediatric patients assesses five
domains: duration of surgery ≥30min, age ≥3y, strabismus surgery and
history of PONV in the child or of PONV in his/​her relatives. When
zero, one, two, three or four risk factors are present, the incidence is
9%, 10%, 30%, 55% and 70%, respectively.
• The Apfel PDNV score assesses five domains: ♀ gender, age <50y,
history of PONV, opioid use in the post-​anaesthesia care unit and
nausea in the post-​anaesthesia care unit. When zero, one, two, three,
four or five factors are present, the risk of PONV is 10%, 20%, 30%,
50%, 60% and 80%, respectively.
Prevention and prophylaxis
Risk assessment
• If low risk (0–​1 risk factors), consider no prophylaxis.
• If moderate risk (2–​3 risk factors), consider 1–​2 interventions.
• If high risk (4+ risk factors), consider >2 interventions, including
regional anaesthesia.
Methods to reduce PONV
• Prophylactic antiemetic administration (Table 16.12).
• Avoid GA and opioids by using LA or regional anaesthesia (9×
reduced risk).
• Avoid volatile and N2O by using propofol for induction and maintenance
(number needed to treat (NNT) = 5).
• Use multimodal analgesia to reduce opioid requirement.
Non-​pharmacological methods to reduce PONV include adequate hydra-
tion, and acupuncture at P6 point, on the volar wrist (NNT = 5).


Table 16.12 Drugs available for prophylaxis and treatment of PONV

Intervention Mechanism Dose NNT Notes

First line
Chapter 16

Dexamethasone Steroid 4–​8mg IV at 4 4mg equal in effect to 1.25mg of droperidol and 4mg of ondansetron.
induction Reduces postoperative opioid use. Does not increase risk of wound
Single dose only infection, may cause lability in blood glucose readings in diabetic patients
Droperidol Butyrophenone 0.625–​1.25mg IV at 5 Superior to metoclopramide. Similar effect on corrected QT (QTc) interval
D2 antagonist induction to ondansetron; however, when used together, does not significantly further
Q8H increase QTc. Haloperidol at low doses (<2mg) has similar antiemetic
efficacy. May cause sedation, anxiety, extrapyramidal signs (EPS) and
abnormal LFTs
Ondansetron 5HT3 antagonist 4–​8mg IV at end of 6 Less effective than aprepitant and palonosetron. Similar activity to
surgery granisetron, tropisetron and dolasetron. Constipation and headache are
Conduct of anaesthesia

Q6H common. May cause elevated LFTs

Second line
Aprepitant NK-​1 antagonist Single dose of 40–​80mg 4 40h half-​life. More effective than ondansetron at 24 and 48h postoperatively
PO preinduction
Cyclizine H1 antagonist 25–​50mg IV 10 Small increase in HR via anticholinergic activity. May cause sedation, dry
Antimuscarinic Q8H mouth and blurred vision. Painful on injection
IV fluid Suppression of 30mL/​kg IV 5in high-​risk Superior to 10mL/​kg IV. No difference between crystalloid or colloid. ADH
ADH release patients release associated with nausea and vomiting
Intervention Mechanism Dose NNT Notes
Metoclopramide Benzamide 10–​20mg IV 30 for 10mg EPS, abdominal cramping, orthostatic hypotension, QTc prolongation,
D2 antagonist Q8H 16 for 25mg sedation, hyperprolactinaemia
Midazolam Benzodiazepine 2mg IV 30min prior to 6 More effective 30min prior to end of surgery than as a premed
end of surgery
Prochlorperazine Phenothiazine 5–​20mg IV EPS, orthostatic hypotension, QTc prolongation, sedation,
D2 antagonist 12.5mg IM hyperprolactinaemia
Propofol Unknown TIVA 5 Only administer in a monitored environment. Antiemetic effect of small
20mg IV boluses boluses likely brief
PRN for
Scopolamine Anticholinergic 1.5mg transdermal 6 2–​4h for onset of effect. May cause visual disturbance, dry mouth and
(hyoscine patch from the evening dizziness. CNS effects in elderly patients
hydrobromide) prior up to 2h before
Postoperative nausea and vomiting

446 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

Treatment principles
Using combination therapy with drugs targeting different receptor classes is
the most effective strategy due to their additive effect.
• Ondansetron, dexamethasone and droperidol are the most studied and
are widely considered to be 1st-​line antiemetics in both the prophylaxis
and treatment of nausea and vomiting.
• In the context of failed prophylaxis, repeating doses of prophylactic
antiemetics already administered is of no benefit. Choose a drug from
another class.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting 447

Further reading
Gan TJ, Diemunsch P, Habib AS, et al. (2014). Consensus guidelines for the management of
postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg, 118, 85–​113.
Apfel CC, Meyer A, Orhan-​Sungur M, Jalota L, Whelan RP, Jukar-​Rao S (2012). Supplemental intra-
venous crystalloids for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: quantitative review.
Br J Anaesth, 108, 893–​902.
Apfel CC, Philip BK, Cakmakkaya OS, et al. (2012). Who is at risk for postdischarge nausea and
vomiting after ambulatory surgery? Anesthesiology, 117, 475–​86.
Lee A, Fan LT (2009). Stimulation of the wrist acupuncture point P6 for preventing postoperative
nausea and vomiting. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2, CD003281.
Apfel CC, Kranke P, Eberhardt LH, Roos A, Roewer N (2002). Comparison of predictive models for
postoperative nausea and vomiting. Br J Anaesth, 88, 234–​40.

1 Cook T, Woodall N, Frerk C (eds); 4th National Audit Project of The Royal College of
Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society (2011). Major complications of airway manage-
ment in the United Kingdom. London: Royal College of Anaesthetists.
2 Campbell M, Pierce JMT (2015). Atmospheric science, anaesthesia, and the environment. BJA
Educ, 15, 173–​9. doi:10.1093/​bjaceaccp/​mku033
3 The Lancet, Health and Climate Change Commission. Countdown on health and climate change.
M https://​​commissions/​climate-​change
4 National Health Service. NHS Long Term Plan 2019. M https://​​
5 Kuvadia M, Cummis CE, Liguori G, et al. (2020). ‘Green-​gional’ anesthesia: the non-​polluting
benefits of regional anesthesia to decrease greenhouse gases and attenuate climate change. Reg
Anesth Pain Med, 45, 744–​5.
6 Sherman J, Le C, Lamers V, Eckelman M (2012). Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of anesthetic
drugs. Anesth Analg, 114, 1086–​90.
7 NHS Sustainable Development Unit (2018). Reducing the use of natural resources in health and
social care, 2018 report. M https://​​policy-​strategy/​reporting/​natural-​
8 McGain F, Muret J, Lawson C, Sherman F (2020). Environmental sustainability within anaesthesia
and critical care. Br J Anaesth, 125, 680–​92.
9 Lin T, Smith T, Pinnock C (eds) (2016). Fundamentals of Anaesthesia, 4th edn. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. M https://​​core/​books/​fundamentals-​of-​
10 Harper NJN, Cook TM, Garcez T, et al. (2018). Anaesthesia, surgery, and life-​threatening allergic
reactions: epidemiology and clinical features of perioperative anaphylaxis in the 6th National
Audit Project (NAP6). Br J Anaesth, 121, 159–​71.
11 Sadleir PHM, Clarke RC, Bunning DL, Platt PR (2013). Anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking
drugs: incidence and cross-​reactivity in Western Australia from 2002 to 2011. Br J Anaesth,
110, 981–​7.
12 Ortega R, Brull SJ, Prielipp R, Gutierrez A, De La Cruz R, Conley CM (2018). Monitoring neuro-
muscular function. N Engl J Med, 378, e6.
13 Naguib M, Brull SJ, Johnson KB (2017). Conceptual and technical insights into the basis of neuro-
muscular monitoring. Anaesthesia, 72(S1), 16–​37.
14 Mashour GA, Avidan MS (2015). Intraoperative awareness: controversies and non-​controversies.
Br J Anaesth, 115 Suppl 1, i20–​6.
15 Pandit JJ, Andrade J, Bogod DG, et al. (2014). 5th National Audit Project (NAP5) on accidental
awareness during general anaesthesia: summary of main findings and risk factors. Br J Anaesth,
113, 549–​59.
16 Wildes TS, Winter AC, Maybrier HR, et al. (2016). Protocol for the Electroencephalography
Guidance of Anesthesia to Alleviate Geriatric Syndromes (ENGAGES) study: a pragmatic,
randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open, 6, e011505. M https://​​content/​6/​6/​
17 Avidan MS, Jacobsohn E, Glick D, et al. (2011). Prevention of intraoperative awareness in a high-​
risk surgical population. N Engl J Med, 365, 591–​600.
18 Avidan MS, Zhang L, Burnside BA, et al. (2008). Anesthesia awareness and the bispectral index.
N Engl J Med, 358, 1097–​108.
19 Mashour GA, Shanks A, Tremper KK, et al. (2012). Prevention of intraoperative awareness with
explicit recall in an unselected surgical population: a randomized comparative effectiveness trial.
Anesthesiology, 117, 717–​25.

448 Chapter 16 Conduct of anaesthesia

20 Myles PS, Leslie K, McNeil J, Forbes A, Chan MTV (2004). Bispectral index monitoring to prevent
awareness during anaesthesia: the B-​Aware randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 363, 1757–​63.
21 Gustafsson UO, Scott MJ, Hubner M, et al. (2019). Guidelines for perioperative care in elective
colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations: 2018.
World J Surg, 43, 659.
22 Watson X, Cecconi M (2017). Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-​operative period: the past,
the present and the future. Anaesthesia, 72, 7–​15.
23 Myles PS, Bellomo R, Corcoran T, et al. (2018). Restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy for major
abdominal surgery. N Engl J Med, 378, 2263–​74.
24 Kobe J, Mishra N, Arya VK, Al‑Moustadi W, Nates W, Kumar B (2019). Cardiac output moni-
toring: technology and choice. Ann Card Anaesth, 22, 6–​17.
25 Stornelli N, Wydra FB, Mitchell JJ, Stahel PF, Fabbri S (2016). The dangers of lithotomy posi-
tioning in the operating room: case report of bilateral lower extremity compartment syndrome
after a 90-​minutes surgical procedure. Patient Saf Surg, 10, 18.
26 [No authors listed] (2019). Practice advisory for perioperative visual loss associated with spine
surgery 2019: an updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on
Perioperative Visual Loss, the North American Neuro-​Ophthalmology Society, and the Society
for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care. Anesthesiology, 130, 12–​30.
27 Higgins JD, Frank RM, Hamamoto JT, Provencher MT, Romeo AA, Verma NN (2017). Shoulder
arthroscopy in the beach chair position. Arthrosc Tech, 6, e1153–​8.
Chapter 17 449

Blood products and fluid

Nicholas Eaddy and Alexandra Cardinal
Blood products 450
Patient blood management 458
Massive transfusion 460
Jehovah’s Witnesses 462
Fluid therapy 464

450 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Blood products
The goal of transfusion is to efficiently correct tissue hypoperfusion,
coagulopathy or anaemic hypoxaemia, while minimising the risk of
transfusion-​related adverse outcomes for patients. Blood products are
largely obtained through voluntary donation prior to undergoing expensive
and labour-​intensive processing, storage and dispensing. Consideration of
both the intrinsic and financial values of blood products is appropriate. In
this spirit, we aim to give the right blood products to the right patients at
the right time in the right amount.
Donation and testing
Whole blood donation
Each donor provides 500mL of blood. A total of 470mL goes on to be pro-
cessed while 30mL is utilised for routine testing. Donors can typically give
blood four times annually.1
Apheresis donation
A cell separator is used to collect plasma, platelets, white cells or haemato-
poietic progenitor cells. Donor red cells are returned to the donor. Donors
may give these fractions every 2w.1
Donated blood is tested for ABO/​rhesus D (RhD) blood groups and
screened for infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human T
cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-​1/​2 and syphilis). Donations at risk of mal-
aria or Chagas disease are tested for Plasmodium and Trypanosoma cruzi.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody-​negative components derived from CMV
antibody-​negative donors are available for immunosuppressed patients and
Blood processing
Whole blood is a heterogeneous suspension of cellular and protein elem-
ents in plasma. Donated blood is usually processed into a range of blood
components and fractionated products (Table 17.1).2 In low-​and middle-​
income countries, and in military surgery, whole blood is often used.
Prestorage leucodepletion
Filtration reduces the risk of bloodborne infections such as HTLV-​1/​2 and
CMV. Leucodepletion may also prevent alloimmunisation, febrile reactions
and transfusion-​related acute lung injury (TRALI).
Centrifugation and cryoprecipitation
Separates red cells, platelets, plasma and protein components.
Gamma or X-​ray irradiation eliminates lymphocytes for patients at risk of
transfusion-​associated graft-​versus-​host disease (TA-​GvHD).
Viral inactivation
Plasma-​derived products (e.g. FFP and cryoprecipitate) to be used in those
born after 1996 in the UK are sourced from outside the UK and have under-
gone viral inactivation with either solvent detergent or methylene blue.2
Blood products 451

Table 17.1 Comparison of blood components

Packed red Platelets FFP Cryoprecipitate

blood cells
Derivation Centrifuged Pooled buffy Apheresis Controlled
from single-​ coat from donation from thawing of
donor whole centrifugation a ♂ donor. single-​donor
blood from 4–​6 Rapidly frozen FFP. Pooled from
whole blood within 8h of 4–​6 donors
donations or donation
by apheresis
from a single
Composition Hct 50–​70% >240 × 109 0.5g fibrinogen, 2g fibrinogen,
suspended in platelets factor VII vWF, factor
SAGM* >0.7IU/​mL, VIII, factor XIII,
labile factors fibronectin,
factor VII
Volume 300mL 300mL 300mL Pooled
Storage 2–​6°C 20–​24°C on –​30°C –​30°C
an agitator
Shelf-​life 35d 7d 2y (frozen) 2y (frozen)
4h (thawed 4h (thawed
2–​6°C) room temp)
Dose 4mL/​kg will 1 unit will 10–​15mL/​kg 1 unit per 30kg
increase Hb increase body weight to
by 10g/​L platelet count increase plasma
by 20–​40 × fibrinogen by
109/​L 1.0g/​L
Sodium chloride 0.9%, adenine, glucose and mannitol.

Other derived products

• Fibrinogen concentrate is a freeze-​dried powder containing 1g of
purified human fibrinogen which has undergone pasteurisation and
sterile filtration. Stored at room temperature for up to 30mo, it
is reconstituted and raises a patient’s fibrinogen by 70.25g/​L. No
thawing or blood type matching is required. Indicated for use in
hypofibrinogenaemia, cardiac surgery, obstetric bleeding and major
• Recombinant factor VIIa is a freeze-​dried powder used in patients
with congenital factor VII deficiency, in bleeding episodes in patients
with haemophilia A or B, with inhibitors to factors VIII or IX, and
occasionally in those with severe uncontrolled bleeding as part of a
massive transfusion. Dosing should be discussed with a haematologist
(see % p. 282).1

452 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

• Prothrombin complex concentrate (e.g. Prothrombinex®) is a sterile,

freeze-​dried powder for reconstitution containing 500IU of purified
human factors II, IX and X. It also contains small amounts of factors V
and VII, 25IU of antithrombin III and 200IU of heparin. Used to replace
congenital factor deficiencies when purified single-​factor concentrates
are unavailable, or for the reversal of vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants
(e.g. warfarin). It does not need to be X-matched or thawed. Dosing is
dependent on coagulation studies, desired clotting profile, patient weight
and the factor deficiency being reversed.1
• Individual factor concentrates are available for congenital or acquired
factor deficiencies.1
• Immunoglobulin products. Immunoglobulin concentrate contains
160mg/​mL of human plasma proteins and is 98% immunoglobulin
(mainly immunoglobulin G). Specific immunoglobulins are obtained from
individuals with a high titre of the antibody required and include tetanus,
anti-​D and hepatitis B immunoglobulin. Mostly administered via a slow
IM injection, except for IV immunoglobulin.1
• Albumin suspension concentrations vary internationally but are typically
available in 4–​5% (40–​50g/​L) and 20% (200g/​L). They are pasteurised
to reduce the transmission of viral diseases (see % p. 467).
Safe transfusion
• Informed consent. Competent patients should be provided with
information on risks, benefits and alternative therapies.
• Confirm patient identity, verbally with the patient if possible and by
identification band.
• Check unit to be transfused against prescription. Check unit is within
expiry date and that unit numbers match between the laboratory-​
generated label attached to the pack and the pack itself.
• Inspect the bag, ensuring integrity of the plastic casing. Look for
discoloration or evidence of clumping.
• Infuse through a blood administration set with a 170–​200 micrometres
integral screen filter. Typically each filter can be used for 4 units of
packed red cells during normal transfusion or 8–​10 units during a massive
transfusion, provided flow rates are adequate without evidence of
clogging of the filter. Platelet concentrates should not be infused through
giving sets that have been used for red cells due to risk of clumping.
Infuse each unit within recommended time frames (Table 17.2).1,2
• Monitor for adverse events.
• Single unit transfusion. In stable, non-​bleeding, normovolaemic patients,
transfusion should be conducted 1 unit at a time.2
• Documentation. A 100% traceability of transfused blood is a legal
requirement in the UK2 and other countries.
Compatibility testing
Group and screen
A patient’s blood sample is tested to determine ABO and RhD antigen type
and to detect red cell antibodies. The sample validity period during which
X-​matched blood may be provided depends on the patient’s transfusion
and obstetric history and varies from 72h to 21d. Once transfusion has
commenced, samples are valid for 72h.
Blood products 453

Table 17.2 Time limits for infusions

Component Start time Completion time

Packed red cells <30min <4h
Platelets Immediately <1h
FFP <30min <4h
Cryoprecipitate Immediately <4h

Compatibility testing
This involves either a serological crossmatch to ensure compatibility or an
electronic crossmatch on the basis of the antibody screen.
Transfusion compatibility
ABO compatibility
Normal individuals produce immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies against the
A or B antigens which are not expressed on their cells. ABO compatibility
prevents acute haemolytic transfusion reactions caused by recipient IgM
antibodies binding A or B antigens on donor red cells.1
• Red cells express ABO antigens and recipients must be transfused with
ABO-​compatible units to prevent serious harm or death.1
• Platelets weakly express ABO antigens. Therefore, recipients should be
transfused with ABO-​compatible units. Non-​ABO-​compatible units of
platelets can be used in the event of life-​threatening haemorrhage, but
these platelets will have a reduced lifespan in vivo.1
• Cryoprecipitate and FFP contain anti-​B or anti-​A IgM antibodies,
depending on the donor blood group. For donated plasma to be
compatible, it must not contain IgM antibodies against antigens
expressed on recipient cells.1
(See Table 17.3.)

Table 17.3 ABO compatibility of components and recipients

Recipient Compatible donor

Red cells Platelets FFP/​cryoprecipitate
O O O or A O, A, B or AB
A A or O A or O A or AB
B B or O B or O B or AB
AB AB, A, B or O AB, A, B or O AB
Unknown O O AB

454 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

RhD compatibility
Immunoglobulin G antibodies against the RhD antigen (also known as anti-​
D) only form as a result of allogeneic exposure (e.g. transfusion or preg-
nancy). Compatibility testing prevents exposing RhD-​negative recipients to
the RhD antigen in transfused units.1
• Red cells express RhD antigens. This is of particular importance for all
♀ of reproductive potential to prevent future haemolytic disease of
the newborn (due to maternal anti-​D harming RhD-​positive fetuses).
RhD-​positive blood may be provided for RhD-​negative ♂ or ♀ beyond
reproductive age if blood bank reserves of RhD-​negative blood are
• Platelets do not express RhD antigens. However, units should be RhD-​
compatible with the recipient as the RhD antigen is highly immunogenic
and residual red cells in the units may sensitise RhD-​negative patients.1
• Cryoprecipitate and FFP may contain red cell fragments; however,
these are far less immunogenic than whole red cells. Therefore,
cryoprecipitate and FFP of any RhD type can be safely given.1
Positive antibody screens
Patients with positive antibody screens may require specific antigen-​negative
blood components. Not all antibodies detected are of clinical significance,
and discussions with blood bank and a transfusion specialist are warranted.
Uncrossmatched blood
Immediate dispensing of emergency O RhD-​negative blood is reserved
for haemorrhagic emergencies in the absence of a group and screen.2
Obtaining blood samples for transfusion X-​matching is a priority early in
haemorrhage management. Group-​specific blood (ABO/​RhD) can be is-
sued significantly quicker than fully grouped and screened blood (15min vs
45min). Although it has undergone limited testing, group-​specific blood is
an alternative to using O RhD-​negative blood when transfusion is required
urgently but not immediately.
Transfusion indications and triggers
Clinical judgement, lab results, POCT and best available evidence deter-
mine the blood components to be prescribed, as well as the timing, dose
and rate of administration. Consideration should also be given to risks,
benefits and available alternatives to transfusion.
Globally, red cell transfusion policies have become increasingly restrictive
in response to emerging evidence of harm associated with unnecessary
transfusion. FFP should not be given for prolonged PT or INR in the ab-
sence of bleeding. For transfusion triggers, see Table 17.4 (red cell),2,4 Table
17.5 (cryoprecipitate),2 Table 17.6 (platelet)2,4 and Table 17.7 (FFP).2
Blood products 455

Table 17.4 Haemoglobin transfusion triggers

Hb level Red cell transfusion indication

<70g/​L Transfusion threshold for clinically stable ICU patients5
<80g/​L Patients with acute coronary syndrome, hip fractures or CVS
70–​100g/​L Intraoperative major blood loss or evidence of hypoxaemia
>90g/​L Transfusion usually inappropriate. Exceptions include impaired
tissue O2 delivery such as cerebral ischaemia or sepsis

Table 17.5 Cryoprecipitate transfusion triggers

Cryoprecipitate transfusion indication

Massive transfusion Given empirically; aim for fibrinogen >1.5g/​L2
Obstetric haemorrhage Given empirically; aim for fibrinogen >1.5g/​L2
DIC If clinical bleeding and consumptive coagulopathy.
Aim for fibrinogen level >1.0g/​L2
Functional fibrinogen assays may guide cryoprecipitate transfusion more accurately than absolute
levels in the presence of dysfibrinogenaemia (see % pp. 284–6).

Table 17.6 Platelet transfusion triggers

Platelet count Platelet transfusion indication

<10 × 109/​L Transfusion indicated as risk of spontaneous
<20 × 109/​L Transfusion indicated in the presence of risk factors
for haemorrhage (minor bleeding, sepsis) or in
critically ill patients2
<50 × 109/​L Transfusion is indicated for most invasive surgery.2
AoA now recommends >50 × 109/​L for performance
of regional blockade2
<75 × 109/​L Transfusion is indicated in massive haemorrhage2 in
order to consistently maintain platelet count at >50
× 109/​L
<100 × 109/​L Transfusion is indicated for high-​risk closed-​
compartment surgeries (ocular surgery,
neurosurgery) 2
Other Regardless of platelet count, transfusion may be
appropriate in the presence of pharmacological
platelet inhibition or inherited disorders of platelet
function (see % pp. 277–9)
Contraindications/​ TTP, HUS, HIT, immune thrombocytopenic purpura

456 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Table 17.7 FFP transfusion triggers

Platelet count FFP transfusion indication

Coagulation factor/​ Only if specific factors are unavailable.2 Treatment of
protein deficiencies pseudocholinesterase deficiency
Massive transfusion Empirically as 1:1 ratio with RBCs, or 15mL/​kg per
blood volume. Maintain INR <1.52
Warfarin reversal FFP used when PCC inappropriate or unavailable
TTP For plasma exchange therapy2
DIC Indicated if DIC is associated with bleeding.2 Initial
dose is 15mL/​kg to maintain INR <1.5

Transfusion risks
Transfusion safety requires robust and reliable systems from the point of
blood donation to the point of administration. Timely reporting of adverse
events to blood banks is an essential step to aid systems improvement for
the future. Adverse events include:1
• Febrile non-​haemolytic transfusion reaction (1–​3:100) occurs within
30min of transfusion and is mediated by either cytokines or alloimmune
reactions to contaminant leucocytes. Simple cooling and paracetamol
are sufficient for mild reactions (<1.5°C rise in temperature). Mitigated
by slowing infusions.
• Minor allergy (1–​5:500) commonly presents with mucocutaneous
manifestations, flushing, angio-​oedema or urticaria due to recipient
antibodies against leucocyte antigens or plasma proteins.
• Hypotension (1–​2:1000). Idiosyncratic reaction, possibly related to
bradykinin in transfused blood to recipients on ACE inhibitors. Defined
as a 30mmHg drop in systolic BP.
• Transfusion-​associated circulatory overload (1–​10:1000). Incidence is
determined by both the volume transfused and patient comorbidity.
• Hypothermia. Prevalent in rapid infusions of large volumes of
blood products. Can worsen all physiological processes, including
cardiovascular function and coagulation.
• Immunosuppression. Transfusion may influence the recurrence or
spread of malignancies, as well as the incidence of postoperative
bacterial infections through immunomodulation.
• Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction (1–​8:100 000). Severe, life-​
threatening reaction occurring within 24h of red cell transfusion due to
ABO incompatibility. Rarely may result from Kell, Duffy or Kidd antigen
incompatibility. Recipient antibodies bind to and haemolyse transfused
erythrocytes, causing complement activation, inflammation, DIC and
shock. Signs and symptoms may be indistinguishable from bacterial
sepsis or anaphylaxis.
Blood products 457

• Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction (1:5000). Usually occurs

within 7d but may occur up to 28d after transfusion due to previous
recipient allosensitisation to erythrocyte antigens during pregnancy
or a previous transfusion. Results in jaundice, anaemia and rarely
splenomegaly and renal injury due to haemoglobinaemia.
• Bacterial sepsis (<1:10 000). Rare, but the leading cause of transfusion-​
related mortality. Contamination may occur at any point from donor
phlebotomy to recipient infusion. The highest risk is seen in platelet
transfusions, which are stored at room temperature and are most prone
to bacterial growth. Sepsis due to contaminated red cell transfusion has
a 60% mortality. Inspection of blood components to detect clumping or
discoloration may detect contamination.
• Anaphylaxis (<1:20 000). Recipient immune reactions can occur against
any component (see % pp. 1081–3 for anaphylaxis management).
• Viral infection. Screening of donors and donated blood for viral
infections mitigates most risk. Residual risk results from individuals
donating blood during ‘window periods’ of active viral infection. Overall
the risk of contracting bloodborne viral infection from transfusions is
1:9.2 million for HIV, 1:6.9 million for hepatitis C and 1:0.8 million for
hepatitis B.
• Post-​transfusion purpura (<1:100 000). Most common in ♀ who
have been previously pregnant, due to recipient antibodies against
human platelet-​specific antigen. Rare and potentially lethal due to
thrombocytopenic haemorrhage.
• TRALI (<1:5000). Non-​cardiogenic pulmonary oedema which occurs
within 6h of transfusion of plasma or plasma-​containing components.
Clinically indistinguishable from ARDS. Severe microvascular injury
results from recipient antibody reactions against transfused leucocyte
or neutrophil antigens. Risk is reduced through use of ♂-​only plasma
components as multiparous women have higher titres of antihuman
neutrophil antigen and antihuman leucocyte antigen (HLA), implicated in
• TA-​GvHD. A usually fatal complication occurring 1–​6w following
transfusion. Transfused viable lymphocytes engraft within an
immunocompromised host. These engrafted lymphocytes proliferate
and precipitate multiorgan failure and death through autoimmunity.
Blood warmers
Warming systems are not required for routine transfusion. Indications in-
clude massive transfusion, neonatal exchange transfusions, rewarming
during CPB and transfusions for patients with clinically significant cold re-
active antibodies (cold haemagglutinin disease). Blood components must
not be warmed >41°C and warmers should be fitted with visible thermo-
meters and audible alarms to avoid haemolysis.1

458 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Patient blood management

Perioperative anaemia is an independent predictor of morbidity and mor-
tality, and blood transfusion is a further independent predictor of poor clinical
outcome.6 Patient blood management is an evidence-​based, multidisciplinary
approach to reducing requirements for allogeneic blood transfusions and
improving patient outcomes.6,7 A patient’s own blood is now recognised as
a resource which should be conserved and managed to reduce transfusion
rates. Patient blood management consists of three pillars: improving red cell
mass, reducing blood loss and optimising physiological tolerance to anaemia.6
(See also % p. 53.)
Improving red cell mass
Anaemia is defined by the WHO as an insufficient circulating red cell mass
with Hb <120g/​L in ♀ and <130g/​L in ♂.8 Interventions to improve red
cell mass increase the margin before transfusion thresholds are reached.
Red cell mass is i by:
• Investigating anaemia (see % p. 54)
• Iron replacement (see % p. 56)
• B12 and folate replacement in the presence of deficiencies
• Haematopoietic growth factors. Human recombinant EPO stimulates
erythropoiesis from bone marrow progenitors6 and is most effective in
patients with renal failure who have reduced levels of endogenous EPO.
Reducing blood loss
• History: identify history of prior haemorrhage, menorrhagia, dental
bleeding, easy bruising and inherited bleeding tendencies.6
• Anticoagulation stewardship: withhold anticoagulant/​antiplatelet agents
as appropriate (see % pp. 269–75; % pp. 278–9).
• Surgical technique: minimally invasive/​percutaneous surgery, local
vasoconstriction, topical haemostatic agents (e.g. fibrin glues),
tourniquets and surgical devices (ultrasonic or laser scalpels).
• Anaesthetic technique: venous pressure can be reduced by avoiding
high intrathoracic pressure, careful patient positioning and avoiding
hypercapnia. Coagulation is optimised by maintaining normothermia and
avoiding acidaemia and hypocalcaemia. Procedure-​specific techniques:
venodilation in liver surgery, TIVA in ENT surgeries and avoiding jugular
venous obstruction in neurosurgery.
• Tranexamic acid: widely used antifibrinolytic with surgical applications in
trauma, obstetrics, cardiac surgery and orthopaedics.9,10 Administered
IV and topically10 (see % p. 281; % pp. 880–1; % pp. 976–8).
• Desmopressin: synthetic analogue of ADH used in von Willebrand
disease and to improve platelet function in uraemia, cirrhosis and
other platelet function disorders. At high doses (>0.3 micrograms/​
kg), desmopressin induces the release of vWF and factor VIII from
endothelial cells1 (see % p. 281). Caution must be exercised in
decompensated cardiac failure and hyponatraemia due to antidiuresis.
• Red cell salvage: cell salvage should be considered for all patients
where >500mL, or >10% of total blood volume, loss is predicted.7
Autologous whole blood is collected via suction tubing into a reservoir
during surgery using a filter. The blood is anticoagulated with citrate
or heparin, centrifuged to isolate red cells and washed with 1–​2L of
0.9% sodium chloride before being resuspended and reinfused.11 Cell
Patient blood management 459

salvage produces packed red cells suspended in 0.9% sodium chloride,

with an Hct of 50–​60%, without coagulation factors or platelets. Cell
salvage devices can provide the equivalent of 10 units of bank blood
per hour. Absolute contraindications to cell salvage include aspiration of
substances that must not be given IV (e.g. chlorhexidine wash or fibrin
glues).11 Relative contraindications requiring risk–​benefit assessment
and consent from the patient include collection of blood containing
septic material, malignant cells, and amniotic fluid.11 Leucodepletion
filters reduce the risk associated with salvaged blood in cancer surgery
or from an infected surgical field. In cancer surgery, allogeneic blood
transfusion may worsen outcomes, possibly by immunomodulation, so
some centres advocate cell salvage to avoid this. In CS, the SALVO trial
did not record any AFE following the routine use of cell salvage, but also
did not demonstrate any reduction in allogeneic transfusion.12 This has
prompted guidelines to recommend cell salvage during CS only where
there is high risk of obstetric haemorrhage.11
• Autologous transfusion: recipients donate and store their own
blood for future requirements to eliminate the need for donor blood
transfusion. Preoperative autologous donation involves blood donation
once a week for 4w leading up to surgery. Acute normovolaemic
haemodilution involves whole blood collection immediately
preoperatively; normovolaemia is maintained with crystalloid volume
expansion. Units are anticoagulated, stored and reinfused once surgical
bleeding is encountered.6
• Phlebotomy: avoid unnecessary blood sampling, and sample minimum
blood volumes for tests that are required.
Optimising physiological tolerance to anaemia
Anaemia reduces O2 delivery to tissues by reducing oxyhaemoglobin con-
centrations. This can be partially compensated by optimising cardiorespira-
tory function and minimising the metabolic demands of tissues to match O2
supply to demand.
• Oxygenation: i FiO2, hyperventilation.6
• Tissue perfusion: increase both CO and tissue perfusion with fluid
therapy, vasopressors and inotropes.6
• O2 consumption: reduced by treating pain and infection.6 In severe life-​
threatening anaemia, hypothermia, hyperbaric oxygenation, sedation,
muscle paralysis and mechanical ventilation can also reduce metabolic

460 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Massive transfusion
More than 5 units of PRBCs in <4h or >10 units of PRBCs administered to
a patient within 24h is considered a massive transfusion.
• Goals of therapy are to expand circulating volume rapidly, economically
and without adverse effects.
• The current standard of care in the resuscitation of severe
haemorrhage is administration of blood components (platelets, plasma
and PRBCs) in a 1:1:1 ratio.13
Physiology of massive haemorrhage and transfusion14
• Rapid, large-​volume haemorrhage results in systemic hypoperfusion and
reduced O2 delivery to tissues, causing acidosis.
• Acidosis, hypothermia and coagulopathy are known as the ‘triad of
death’ in massive haemorrhage. Each individually causes worsening of
the other two components of the triad.
• Hypoperfusion also activates the protein C pathway, deactivating
factors Va and VIIIa and initiating fibrinolysis and coagulopathy.
• Consumption of clotting factors may lead to DIC.
• Administration of cold IV fluids and exposure of the patient for vascular
access and resuscitation may lead to hypothermia.
• Hypothermia and acidosis reduce myocardial contractility, precipitate
bradycardia and dysrhythmias and cause vasodilation and hypotension.
They also reduce activity of clotting factors and platelets, with clotting
factor function d by 10% for every 0.1 reduction in pH.
• Transfused red cells are not as effective at O2 delivery as endogenous
red cells.
Resuscitation priorities during massive haemorrhage and
(See also % p. 971.)
Adequate staffing and assistance
• Call for additional senior surgical and anaesthetic help.
• Nominate a crisis leader to manage and assign roles to staff present.
• Notify blood bank and declare need for massive transfusion; this will
result in more blood bank staff dedicated to X-​matching and thawing
blood products in readiness for use.
• A dedicated ‘runner’ to obtain blood products from the blood bank.
• Additional staff to check/​administer blood products as they arrive.
• Additional theatre staff to set up key equipment.
Maintain circulating volume
• Obtain rapid source control of haemorrhage (e.g. surgical, endoscopic,
interventional radiology).
• Immediately request 3 units of PRBCs; use O-​negative emergency
blood if X-​matched blood not immediately available.
• Obtain large-​bore IV access; give crystalloid until blood arrives.
• Increase FiO2 to 100% to improve tissue O2 delivery. Consider reducing
dose of anaesthetic agent administered.
Massive transfusion 461

Request additional equipment

• Rapid-​infusing device (e.g. Belmont™ or Level-​1™)
• Deployment of cell salvage.
Prevent hypothermia
• Forced air warming devices (e.g. Bair Hugger™)
• Increasing the ambient room temperature
• Infusing via fluid warmers.
Prevent and treat coagulopathy
• Balanced transfusion of blood products in 1:1:1 ratio.
• POCT to identify factor deficiencies and detect DIC.
• ABG, formal FBC, coagulation studies and electrolytes sent to the lab
and marked as urgent—​should be performed every 30min.
• Consider dose of antifibrinolytic (tranexamic acid, 1g IV over 10min) if
within 3h of traumatic event.
• Consider recombinant factor VIIa (NovoSeven®; 90 micrograms/​kg IV)
if surgical bleeding controlled and pH >7.2. Use with caution in patients
at risk of thrombosis and discuss with haematologist.
• Discuss with haematologist in non-​surgical uncontrolled bleeding (e.g.
variceal bleeding) unresponsive to PRBCs/​FFP/​platelets, anticoagulated
patients or patients with inherited bleeding disorders.
Treat sequelae of massive transfusion
Treat d Ca2+ and i K+ with slow IV injection of 10mL of calcium chloride
10% (see % pp. 240–1 for further treatment of i K+).
Treatment goals1
Mean arterial pressure
• Do not aim to normalise until there is surgical control.
• >50mmHg (>70mmHg if head injury).
• >70g/​L.
• >1.5g/​L (>2g/​L in obstetric patients).
• >75 × 109/​L.
Ionised calcium
• >1mmol/​L on blood gas sample.
• 7.35–​7.45.
• <1.5 times upper limit of normal/​baseline.

462 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Jehovah’s Witnesses
There are over 8 million members of the Jehovah’s Witness movement
worldwide.15,16,17 Most Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse receipt of ‘primary blood
components’ (whole blood, including autologous preoperative donation,
PRBCs, platelets, white cells and FFP). The acceptance of ‘blood fractions’
is variable and up to each individual’s interpretation of the church’s teach-
ings. Blood fractions, or derivatives, include cryoprecipitate, clotting factor
concentrates, albumin and immunoglobulin. So long as lines are primed
with non-​blood fluids, intraoperative cell salvage is often acceptable, as are
apheresis, haemodialysis, CPB and normovolaemic haemodilution. IV iron
and tranexamic acid are pharmacological agents that present no quandary
and may reduce postoperative anaemia. Determining and documenting pre-
cisely which products, components and techniques a Jehovah’s Witness pa-
tient is willing to accept are therefore of critical importance when planning
for surgery.16,17
Ethical and legal considerations
Competent patients
Competent patients have the right to autonomously decline transfusion.
For this to be informed consent, an anaesthetist is obliged to inform pa-
tients of the risks, benefits and alternatives to their decision, including the
probable outcomes of doing nothing. Clinicians must also be satisfied that
a patient’s decision is free from coercion,16 which may require consenting a
patient individually, away from family or associates. Administration of blood
products to a competent patient who has refused blood transfusion is un-
lawful and may lead to professional and criminal proceedings against the
Advance directives
Advance directives state a patient’s acceptance or otherwise of specific
medical interventions for situations in which they would be unable to pro-
vide consent. They must contain clear and medically interpretable instruc-
tions about the treatments which are acceptable or unacceptable. They
must also be clear that these directives are to apply even if a patient’s life
is at risk.17 Advance directives may be issued by a church; however, these
often lack sufficient medical detail.16 Many hospitals will therefore have
checklist-​styled forms to clearly document a patient’s consent.
Emergency surgery
Conscious and competent patients
Conscious and competent patients must be provided the opportunity
for informed consent and have their wishes regarding blood transfusion
acceptance—​or refusal—​respected.16,17
Unconscious or incompetent patients
Unconscious or incompetent Jehovah’s Witness patients present uncer-
tainty. In emergency situations where a patient’s wishes are unknown, doc-
tors must act in the best interests of the incompetent patient, which may
include providing blood transfusion.17 Opinions of relatives or associates
that the patient would not accept a blood transfusion are insufficient, and
advance directives should be sought and verified. If the proposed treatment
Jehovah’s Witnesses 463

is included in a verified advance directive, the patient’s wishes must be re-

spected unless there is evidence that the directive no longer represents the
patient’s wishes. 17 Inclusion of senior departmental and legal support staff
is advisable.
Children of Jehovah’s Witnesses may present particular difficulty. If the
parents refuse permission for blood transfusion, it may be necessary to
apply for a legal guardianship in order to administer a blood transfusion. In
an emergency situation, when the child of Jehovah’s Witnesses is likely to
die without blood transfusion, blood should be given.17 Courts are likely to
uphold this medical decision.16
Elective surgery
• Early assessment: meet the patient as early as possible to maximise
available time for communication, optimisation and planning.
• Patient blood management (see % pp. 458–9): optimise red cell mass
preoperatively; minimise bleeding and optimise physiological tolerance
to anaemia. Patients should be assessed >6w before major surgery to
ensure Hb >130g/​L.17
• Multidisciplinary input to produce a comprehensive management
• Clearly communicate with the patient at each stage of planning.
Support people (e.g. family members, church members or the
Jehovah’s Witness hospital liaison) may assist communication and the
understanding of both parties.17 Be mindful that patient consent must be
free from coercion.16
• Document all meetings, discussions, correspondence, consents and
advance directives.
• Surgical planning: decide when, where, how and by whom the patient
will be operated upon. Consider booking surgery early in the week and
1st on the list to allow for expedient management of complications if
they occur. Plan for a senior surgical team, minimally invasive surgery
and staged procedures if appropriate. The role of interventional
radiologists for pre-​embolisation or placement of arterial balloon
catheters should also be considered.
• Autologous transfusion: strongly consider red cell salvage—​the
majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses will accept this. Acute normovolaemic
haemodilution may also be acceptable.17
• Intraoperative: issues need to be highlighted at team briefing and during
the surgical safety checklist.17
• Postoperative: anticipate requirement for critical care, monitoring
and resources required for expedient intervention for haemorrhagic
complications. Ensure thorough handover, including the wishes of the

464 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Fluid therapy
Routine fasting for minor surgery is usually well tolerated by healthy patients
with minimal disturbance to fluid status or electrolyte levels.18 The magni-
tude of disturbance to fluid and electrolyte homeostasis is dependent on
fasting times, the extent of surgery, age, patient comorbidity and the nature
and severity of acute pathology present. Disease, anaesthesia, trauma and
surgery precipitate a combined metabolic, neuroendocrine, immunological
and inflammatory stress response which readily disrupts fluid homeostasis
(Table 17.8). Concepts such as liberal, restrictive and goal-​directed fluid
therapy have all gained popularity within the last two decades at various
times. Clarity around the optimal strategy for a given patient, with a given
pathology and a given collection of comorbidities, undergoing a given sur-
gery remains elusive, however.
Normal fluid and electrolyte balance
Under normal homeostatic conditions, net input and output of fluid and
electrolytes are equal. Mean 24h water intake, around 2500mL, roughly
constitutes 1500mL of fluid, 750mL of food and 250mL of metabolic water.
Output is balanced with 1500mL as urine, 100mL in faeces and 900mL as
insensible loss. Daily requirements of electrolytes are listed in Table 17.8.

Table 17.8 Daily requirements of common electrolytes

Plasma concentration (mmol/​L) Daily requirement

Na+ 135–​145 1–​1.5
K+ 3.5–​5.0 1–​1.5
Mg2+ 0.75–​1.05 0.1–​0.2
Ca2+ 2.12–​2.65 (total), 1.0 (ionised) 0.1–​0.2
Cl–​ 95–​105 0.07–​0.22
Phosphate 0.8–​1.45 20–​40

Fluid compartments
Water constitutes 60% total body weight (600mL/​kg). TBW comprises:
• Intracellular fluid: 66% total body weight (400mL/​kg)
• ECF: 33% total body weight (200mL/​kg)
• Interstitial fluid: 75% ECF (150mL/​kg)
• Plasma: 25% ECF (50mL/​kg).

The glycocalyx
• Structure: membrane-​bound, carbohydrate-​rich proteoglycan and
glycoprotein layer on the luminal surface of vascular endothelium.
• Function: vascular permeability, coagulation, inflammation, antioxidation
and regulating transluminal oncotic pressures.19 A non-​circulating
volume of 700–​1000mL of plasma volume is fixed within the endothelial
glycocalyx. Theoretically, isotonic crystalloid will distribute through this,
while colloid fluids will not.
Fluid therapy 465

• Pathology: the glycocalyx is readily disturbed by trauma, metabolic/​

osmotic insults, inflammation, hypovolaemia, hypervolaemia and
artificial colloids. Collectively, this is called shock-​induced
endotheliopathy and results in fluid movement from the intravascular to
the interstitial compartments.19
Assessment of fluid status
Accurate assessment of fluid status is difficult, but history, examination and
bedside tests are usually sufficient to assess potential fluid responsiveness.
This clinical assessment is then supported by available investigations.
• History: fasting times, self-​reported oral intake/​GI losses, blood loss,
timing since last dialysis, etc.
• Medications: diuretics, antihypertensives.
• Fluid balance chart: assess trends between enteral and parenteral fluid
intake, balanced against GI losses, urine output and surgical drains, etc.
• Vital signs: trends in BP, HR, RR, GCS and urine output.
• Clinical examination (Table 17.9): possibly the least predictive tool
when assessing fluid responsiveness.20
• Passive leg raise: increases preload in the volume-​deplete patient to
augment stroke volume and BP. This is a simple, highly predictive means
of assessing the utility of fluid therapy in a hypotensive patient. If
negative, a patient is highly unlikely to be fluid-​responsive.20
• SVV/​PPV: cyclical changes in intrathoracic pressure from positive
pressure ventilation induce changes in LV preload. This variation in
preload, as seen in SVV and PPV, is predictive of fluid responsiveness.
• CVP: low CVP <8mmHg is associated with fluid responsiveness.20 CVP
monitoring is unlikely to be useful in haemodynamically stable patients.21
• Haemodynamic monitoring: PPV, oesophageal Doppler, PICCO™,
LiDCO™ rapid, PA catheters and Cheetah NICOM®, especially with
dynamic fluid challenges, are probably the most reliable method of
measuring and replacing lost fluid.
• CXR: provides evidence of cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion and
pulmonary oedema due to fluid overload.
• Laboratory investigations: tissue hypoperfusion will manifest in acidosis,
acidaemia, lactataemia and reduced base excess. Elevated creatinine/​
urea/​Hct, reduced CC and low urine acidity/​Na+ concentration
indicate dehydration.
• Echocardiography: quantifies ventricular function, as well as preload,
via vena caval and ventricular filling. Respiratory variation in vena cava
diameter >15% is associated with fluid responsiveness.20

Table 17.9 Signs and symptoms of dehydration

Body weight loss (%) Signs and symptoms

5 Thirst, dry mouth
5–​10 d peripheral perfusion, d skin turgor, postural dizziness,
oliguria, d CVP, lassitude, tachycardia
10–​15 i RR, hypotension, anuria, delirium, coma
>15 Life-​threatening

466 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Dynamic fluid challenges

This is a real-​world approach to fluid management, commonly employed in
the theatre environment.
• Use boluses of 100–​200mL of crystalloid.22 Assess clinical response to
boluses. Haemodynamic endpoints may include improvements in urine
output, HR, stroke volume, BP, CVP, PPV, SVV, lactate, pH, etc.
• Remain vigilant for alternative causes for haemodynamic compromise.
Hypoperfusion may be due to hypovolaemic or cardiogenic causes, or
distributive or obstructive processes.
• Assess cumulative blood loss and requirement for transfusion.
• Repeat boluses, with frequent reassessment.
(See Table 17.10.)
Balanced salt solutions
Examples: Hartmann’s solution, Plasma-​Lyte 148®:
• First-​line replacement therapy in the perioperative period.
• Isotonic balanced salt solutions are the 1° maintenance fluid for all major
surgery at 1–​3mL/​kg/​h.
• Physiological composition, used to replace ECF.
• Organic anions offset chloride concentrations to maintain
electroneutrality. May reduce iatrogenic hyperchloraemic metabolic
acidosis and associated renal dysfunction, associated with infusions of
solutions with higher chloride concentrations.23,24,25,26,27
• The addition of K+ and Ca2+ may limit usefulness in i K+ or with citrated
blood transfusions.
Sodium chloride 0.9%
• Commonly used for electrolyte replacement and useful for replacing
electrolyte-​rich GI losses.
• Infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride solutions is associated with
hyperchloraemic acidosis which may induce renal hypoperfusion and
inflammation.26 This may contribute to AKI in both critically unwell and
non-​critically unwell patients.23,24,25,26,27
Glucose solutions
Examples: Glucose 5%, glucose 4%–​sodium chloride 0.18%:
• Glucose 5% is a convenient way of giving free water, used to restore
dehydration associated with water loss.
• d Na+ may occur with excessive use; therefore, these have little role in
routine daily fluid management in adults.
• No role as plasma expanders due to deleterious osmotic effects.
• Glucose solutions are not an effective energy source for metabolism,
but glucose is available in 10%, 20% and 50% solutions to promote
Fluid therapy 467

(See Table 17.10.)
Colloids are homogeneous, non-​ crystalline substances, consisting of
large molecules which persist in the vascular compartment to expand the
functional plasma volume (lasting several hours to several days). Duration
of action is determined by physicochemical properties, integrity of the
glycocalyx/​capillary membrane and pharmacokinetics of metabolism and
Human albumin solution
• Molecular weight (MW) 69 000.
• Available as a 4–​5% solution for the treatment of hypovolaemia, and as
a salt-​poor 20% solution for the treatment of hypoalbuminaemia.
• Like other blood products, HAS is manufactured from fractionation
of whole blood. Concern of theoretical transmission of variant
Creutzfeldt–​Jakob disease (vCJD) in the UK has resulted in this product
currently being imported from the US, and it is thus expensive.
• Albumin has not been shown to improve survival in either all-​comer
admissions to intensive care28 or in the treatment of severe sepsis.29
• Used in the treatment of hypovolaemic shock, although post hoc
analysis of the SAFE trial demonstrated an association with i mortality
when albumin was used, rather than 0.9% sodium chloride, in the
resuscitation of critically ill patients with traumatic brain injuries.30
• Also used as a priming fluid in CPB and as a replacement solution in
plasma exchange.

Table 17.10 Composition of common intravenous fluids

Na+ K+ Ca2+ Chloride Other pH mOsmol/​L Cost

(mmol/​ (mmol/​(mmol/​ (mmol/​L) (£/​L)
L) L) L)
Sodium 154 154 5 308 1
Glucose 30 30 Glucose 4 263 1
4%–​sodium 40g
Glucose 5% Glucose 4 278 1
Hartmann’s 131 5 2 111 Lactate 6.5 278 2
solution 29mmol/​
Gelofusine® 154 <0.4 <0.4 120 Gelatin 7.4 274 10
Albumin <160 <2 136 Albumin 7.4 95
4–​5% 40–​50g

468 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

Examples: Gelofusine® 4%, Physiogel®, Gelafundin® 4%:
• Succinylated gelatins (MW 30 000), presented in sodium chloride
• Manufactured from bovine collagen from bovine spongiform
encephalopathy-​free herds. There have been no reports of vCJD.
• Initially these have a powerful osmotic effect. Administration may
rarely lead to histamine release, causing bronchospasm, urticarial rash,
hypotension and tachycardia. May trigger anaphylaxis.
• Therapeutic maximal dose is limited by haemodilution.
Hydroxyethyl starches
• Starch solutions have been associated with considerable side effects,
including accumulation, pruritus, renal impairment,31 coagulopathy,
haemorrhage, anaphylaxis and death.
• Hydroxyethyl starch products were withdrawn in the UK in 2013
because of safety concerns over their use as resuscitation fluids in
critically ill patients and patients with pre-​existing renal dysfunction.
Liberal vs restrictive fluids
Over the last two decades, styles of administering fluids have varied be-
tween liberal strategies (designed to replace ‘3rd space’ fluid shifts and ‘in-
sensible’ losses from surgery) and restrictive strategies, aiming to achieve
‘zero balance’, or zero weight gain due to postoperative fluid retention.32
Many ERAS pathways incorporate restrictive strategies. However, both lib-
eral and restrictive strategies have been associated with problems.
• From this point of uncertainty, the RELIEF trial by Myles et al. in 2018
has offered some guidance to clinicians.33 This multicentre trial of 3000
patients undergoing major abdominal surgery had a restrictive arm and
a liberal arm during and up to 24h after surgery. AKI and renal
replacement therapy rates were lower in the liberal arm, although
disability-​free survival was the same in both groups.
• There is now support for ‘moderately liberal’ fluid regimens for major
abdominal surgery requiring 10–​12mL/​kg/​h of IV fluid administered
intraoperatively and 1.5mL/​kg/​h in the following 24h post-​surgery.
Other major surgeries which do not result in major fluid shifts are
unlikely to require as much fluid.33,34
Goal-​directed fluid therapy
GDFT uses a combination of fluids and inotropic agents administered in a
predetermined algorithm to optimise blood flow to organs.
IV fluids and inotropes are sequentially administered to achieve specific
haemodynamic endpoints (CVP, MAP, stroke volume, CO, cardiac index,
etc.). Although appealing, GDFT has not resulted in significant benefits for
patients. Clinical benefits seen in small trials have not been corroborated in
later literature. Nonetheless, GDFT remains in many ERAS protocols for
abdominal surgery worldwide.
Fluid therapy 469

1 New Zealand Blood Service (2016). Transfusion Medicine Handbook, 3 rd edn. Auckland: New
Zealand Blood Service.
     2 Klein AA, Arnold P, Bingham RM, et al. (2016). AAGBI guidelines: the use of blood components
and their alternatives 2016. Anaesthesia, 71, 829–​42.
     3 Curry N, Foley C, Wong H, et al. (2018). Early fibrinogen concentrate therapy for major haem-
orrhage in trauma (E-​FIT 1): results from a UK multi-​centre, randomised, double blind, placebo-​
controlled pilot trial. Crit Care, 22, 164.
     4 Muñoz M, Acheson AG, Bisbe E, et al. (2019). An international consensus statement on the man-
agement of postoperative anaemia after major surgical procedures. Anaesthesia, 73, 1418–​31.
      5 Mueller MM, Van Remoortel H, Meybohm P, et al. (2019). Patient blood management: recom-
mendations from the 2018 Frankfurt Consensus Conference. JAMA, 321, 983–​97.
    6 Desai N, Schofield N, Richards T (2018). Perioperative patient blood management to improve
outcomes. Anesth Analg, 127, 1211–​20.
    7 Franchini M, Marano G, Veropalumbo E, et al. (2019). Patient blood management: a revolu-
tionary approach to transfusion medicine. Blood Transfus, 17, 191–​5.
     8 World Health Organization (2011). Haemoglobin concentrations for the diagnosis of anaemia and
assessment of severity. M http://​​vmnis/​indicators/​haemoglobin.pdf
     9 CRASH-​2 trial collaborators; Shakur H, Roberts I, Bautista R, et al. (2010). Effects of tranexamic
acid on death, vascular occlusive events and blood transfusion in trauma patients with significant
haemorrhage (CRASH-​2): a randomised, placebo-​controlled trial. Lancet, 376, 23–​32.
10 Ker K, Beecer D, Roberts I (2013). Topical application of tranexamic acid for the reduction of
bleeding. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 7, CD010562.
11 Klein AA, Bailey CR, Charlton AJ, et al. (2018). Association of Anaesthetists guidelines: cell sal-
vage for peri-​operative blood conservation. Anaesthesia, 73, 1141–​50.
12 Kha KS, Moore PAS, Wilson MJ, et al. (2017). Cell salvage and donor blood transfusion during
cesarean section: a pragmatic, multicentre randomised controlled trial (SALVO). PLoS Med, 14,
13 Holcomb JB, Tilley BC, Baraniuk S, et al. (2015). Transfusion of plasma, platelets and red blood
cells in a 1:1:1 vs 1:1:2 and mortality in patients with severe trauma: the PROPPR randomized
clinical trial. JAMA, 313, 471–​82.
14 Chang R, Cardenas JC, Wade CE, Holcomb JC (2016). Advances in the understanding of trauma-​
induced coagulopathy. Blood, 128, 1043–​9.
15 Lima GL, Byk J (2018). Trauma and early blood transfusion: the challenging hemorrhage manage-
ment in Jehovah's Witnesses. Rev Col Bras Cir, 45, e1974.
16 West JM (2014). Ethical issues in the care of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Curr Opin Anesthesiol,
27, 170–​6.
17 Klein AA, Bailey CR, Charlton A, et al. (2019). Association of Anaesthetists: anaesthesia and peri-​
operativecare for Jehovah’s Witnesses and patients who refuse blood. Anaesthesia, 74, 74–​82.
18 Jacob M, Chappell D, Conzen P, Finsterer U, Rehm M (2008). Blood volume is normal after pre-​
operative overnight fasting. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 52, 522–​9.
19 Astapenko D, Benes J, Pouska J, Lehmann C, Islam S, Cerny V (2019). Endothelial glycocalyx
in acute care surgery—​ what anaesthesiologists need to know for clinical practice. BMC
Anesthesiology, 19, 238.
20 Bentzer P, Griesdale DE, Boyd J, MacLean K, Sirounis D, Ayas NT (2016). Will this hemodynam-
ically unstable patient respond to a bolus of intravenous fluids? JAMA, 316, 1298–​309.
21 Marik PE, Baram M, Vahid B (2008). Does central venous pressure predict fluid responsiveness?
A systematic review of the literature and the tale of seven mares. Chest, 134, 172–​8.
22 Biais M, de Courson H, Lanchon R, et al. (2017). Mini-​fluid challenge of 100 ml of crystalloid
predicts fluid responsiveness in the operating room. Anesthesiology, 127, 450–​6.
23 Young P, Bailey M, Beasley R, et al. (2015). SPLIT: effect of a buffered crystalloid solution vs saline
on acute kidney injury among patients in the intensive care unit. JAMA, 314, 1701–​10.
24 Shaw AD, Bagshaw SM, Goldstein SL, et al. (2012). Major complications, mortality, and re-
source utilization after open abdominal surgery: 0.9% saline compared to Plasmalyte. Ann Surg,
255, 821–​9.
25 Burdett E, Dushianthan A, Bennett-​Guerrero E, et al. (2012). Perioperative buffered versus non-​
buffered fluid administration for surgery in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 12, CD004089.

470 Chapter 17 Blood products and fluid therapy

26 Self WH, Semler MW, Wanderer JP, et al. (2018). SALT-​ED: balanced crystalloids versus saline in
noncritically ill adults. N Engl J Med, 378, 819–​28.
27 Semler MW, Self WH, Wanderer JP, et al. (2018). SMART: balanced crystalloids versus saline in
critically ill adults. N Engl J Med, 378, 829–​39.
28 The SAFE Study Investigators (2004). SAFE: a comparison of albumin and saline for fluid resusci-
tation in the intensive care unit. N Engl J Med, 350, 2247–​56.
29 Caironi P, Tognoni G, Masson S, et al. (2014). ALBIOS: albumin replacement in patients with
severe sepsis or septic shock. N Engl J Med, 370, 1412–​21.
30 The SAFE Study Investigators (2007). SAFE: saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in patients
with traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med, 357, 874–​84.
31 Myburgh JA, Finfer S, Bellomo R, et al. (2012). CHEST: hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid
resuscitation in intensive care. N Engl J Med, 367, 1901–​11.
32 Brandstrup B, Svendsen PE, Rasmussen M, et al. (2012). Which goal for fluid therapy during
colorectal surgery is followed by the best outcome: near maximal stroke volume or zero fluid
balance? Br J Anaesth, 109, 191–​9.
33 Myles PS, Bellomo R, Corcoran T, et al.; Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
Clinical Trials Network and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials
Group (2018). Restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy for major abdominal surgery. N Engl J Med,
378, 2263–​74.
34 Miller TE, Myles PS (2019). Perioperative fluid therapy for major surgery. Anesthesiology, 130,
Chapter 18 471

Specific circumstances
Matthew Evans and Leigh Kelligher
Oncological impact of anaesthesia 472
Oncological considerations 474

Susanna Ritchie-​McLean
General principles of laser surgery 476
Safety in laser surgery 478

Jakob Mathiszig-​Lee
Robotic surgery 480

Mary Stocker
Day surgery 483
Conduct of day case anaesthesia 487

Laura Bainbridge
Neurological determination of death 493
Organ donation surgery after brain death 497
Major anaesthetic mishaps: what to do in the aftermath 503

472 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Oncological impact of anaesthesia

The perioperative period
The perioperative period is a crucial phase in the surgical treatment of
cancer, and events occurring during this time may affect patients’ onco-
logical outcomes.
Surgical tissue trauma and manipulation have been shown to produce
both local and haematogenous spread of tumour cells from the 1° tumour.
This and occasions where resection has been incomplete result in the per-
sistence of viable malignant cells throughout the perioperative period—​so-​
termed ‘minimal residual disease’.
The surgical stress response creates a protumorigenic microenvironment
within the body via a variety of mechanisms, including:
• Release of growth and angiogenic factors: prostaglandin E2, platelet-​
derived growth factor (PDGF), insulin growth factor (IGF), hypoxia-​
inducible factor 1α, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
• Release of factors that promote tumour cell invasiveness: such as
matrix metalloproteinases
• Induction of intracellular mitogenic signalling pathways, promoting
cellular proliferation and reducing apoptosis
• Immunosuppression, especially of cell-​mediated immunity with a
reduction in both the volume and activity of natural killer (NK), CD4
and CD8 cells. This part of the immune system is thought to be
particularly vital in the detection and destruction of micrometastases.
The perioperative period therefore may comprise a ‘perfect storm’ of cir-
cumstances that favour the early recurrence/​metastasis of cancer. There is
evidence from both animal and human studies for this effect.
Rationale for the role of anaesthesia in influencing
oncological outcome
There is a large body of evidence demonstrating how various anaesthetic
techniques/​perioperative interventions may modify different elements of
the surgical stress response.
It is postulated that by altering both the nature and magnitude of the
stress response, different anaesthetic techniques may produce different
postoperative oncological outcomes.
Current controversies and the corresponding evidence
Volatile anaesthesia vs TIVA
Volatile anaesthetic agents have been shown to induce the expression of
tumorigenic growth factors (including hypoxia-​inducible factor 1α and IGF)
and produce immunosuppression, principally via inhibition of NK cells and
cytotoxic T-​lymphocytes. Conversely, propofol has been shown to reduce
the expression of hypoxia-​inducible factor 1α and have much less immuno-
suppressive effects. This has led to a body of opinion that propofol-​based
TIVA may be preferential to volatiles in oncological surgery and may even
be associated with better oncological outcomes. While there are a number
of retrospective cohort studies that support this hypothesis, there are no
positive prospective studies to date. A recent prospective RCT found no
benefit of propofol TIVA with regional anaesthesia vs volatile anaesthesia
Oncological impact of anaesthesia 473

and opioids in breast cancer patients. The definitive case for the benefit of
propofol over volatile anaesthesia in cancer surgery is yet to be made; how-
ever, it should be noted that no evidence exists showing propofol is worse.
Opioid analgesia
Opioid analgesics mediate their effect principally via the mu-​opioid re-
ceptor. This receptor is known to be overexpressed on many cancer cell
types and is postulated to play a role in tumour growth and development.
High levels of mu-​opioid receptor expression have been correlated with
worse oncological outcomes in clinical studies. It has therefore been postu-
lated that perioperative opioids may be tumorigenic via their action on, and
induction of, the mu-​opioid receptor. The clinical evidence to date does not
support this and it remains a theoretical risk.
Regional anaesthesia
Following on from the theoretical risk of opioid analgesics, it has been
postulated that, by minimising surgical stress and reducing opioid usage,
regional anaesthesia may be beneficial in oncological surgery. Current evi-
dence is mixed and the use of regional anaesthesia for this purpose alone
cannot be recommended.
Via inhibition of COX, NSAIDs reduce the expression of a number of
growth factors, including prostaglandin E2, which has been implicated
in a variety of tumorigenic processes. It is postulated that perioperative
NSAID use may therefore reduce the risk of tumour recurrence/​metas-
tasis. Clinical evidence of a significant effect following perioperative NSAID
administration is lacking.
Steroids are known to be immunosuppressive and therefore, it has been
questioned whether the use of dexamethasone perioperatively is appro-
priate in cancer surgery. There is no clinical evidence to support this hy-
pothesis at the time of writing.
Recommendations for practice
While there is biological plausibility for some of the interventions above
being recommended/​avoided in cancer surgery, definitive evidence—​and
therefore evidence-​based guidance for practice—​is still some way off.
The best approach has to be a pragmatic one, taking into account the
patient’s needs and preferences and the options available. The overall
guiding principle must be to adopt a strategy that minimises the physiological
insult and stress of surgery and produces a rapid, high-​quality recovery and
return to premorbid function, allowing the patient to move on to the next
phase of their cancer treatment in the optimum time frame. Initiatives such
as ERAS, or other fast-​track recovery programmes, utilising many of the
interventions described above, produce good short-​term postoperative re-
covery and may also be beneficial for oncological outcomes.

474 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Oncological considerations
General considerations
Cardiac injury
May be induced by drugs (anthracyclines, fluorouracil, trastuzumab) or the
stress of chemotherapy on a compromised heart. Anthracycline-​induced
cardiac failure may be irreversible and has a mortality of above 30%.
Bleomycin Exposure as part of chemotherapy conveys the potential risk of
rapidly progressive pulmonary toxicity. Pulmonary toxicity occurs in 10% of
patients exposed to bleomycin, with acute, followed by chronic, fibrosing
alveolitis. Avoidance of high inspired O2 concentrations and careful fluid
management are recommended. Bleomycin is notably administered in germ
cell tumours and Hodgkin lymphoma.
Cytokine release syndrome An acute systemic inflammatory response to
immunotherapies, including chimeric antigen receptor T-​ cell therapy,
heralded by fever. Associated features may range from mild flu-​ like
symptoms to severe life-​threatening circulatory collapse.
Hepatic veno-​occlusive disease A progressive obliteration of venous channels
in the liver.
Tumour lysis syndrome Can follow initial chemotherapy (typically for
lymphoma and high-​count leukaemias). Mass cell death leads to acute renal
impairment, with hyperkalaemia, hyperuricaemia, hyperphosphataemia and
Mediastinal masses (Particularly in leukaemia or lymphoma patients)
can cause complete airway collapse under anaesthesia, even in the
asymptomatic. Warning signs include stridor, wheeze, orthopnoea and SVC
SVC obstruction Can arise from compression by a tumour or lymph
nodes (usually bronchogenic carcinoma) or direct vessel invasion. Pleural
effusions and ascites are common in ovarian cancer, metastatic disease and
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Occur in 10% of cancer patients1 (especially lung, lymphoma, breast, pros-
tate, ovarian and pancreatic tumours). Anaesthetic considerations:
• Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is common in small-​cell lung
cancer and breast, thymus and GI tract tumours (see % p. 316).
• Cushing’s syndrome may occur in tumours of the lung, pancreas,
thymus and ovary (see % p. 232).
• Hypercalcaemia may be caused by bony metastases or PTH-​like
• Hyponatraemia and SIADH-​like syndromes may be caused by small-​cell
lung cancer and also lymphoma, leukaemia and pancreatic/​carcinoid
tumours (see % p. 242).
• Cachexia can be caused by vomiting, loss of appetite or other GI
disturbances. Hypoalbuminaemia (<35g/​L) is a risk factor for poor
Oncological considerations 475

Radiotherapy May cause fever and nausea/​vomiting, and patients may be

dehydrated. Previous radiotherapy causes ongoing localised fibrosis, which
may impede laryngoscopy and airway management.
Chemotherapy Commonly causes immunosuppression and myelosup-
VTE Affects at least 15% of cancer patients.
Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) orders May be present in cancer
patients. Where these conflict with safe anaesthetic principles, it is
reasonable to modify or suspend the order perioperatively (see % p. 42).
Anaesthesia for oncological procedures
Venous access port insertion (e.g. Portacath)
Commonly targets the left subclavian vein as the 1st-​choice access vessel,
and makes use of a totally implantable venous access device. Line place-
ment can be under GA or LA ± sedation, dependent on local practices
and patient choice. Following insertion, a chest radiograph is required to
confirm placement and exclude complications, including pneumothorax and
haemothorax. PICC lines are frequently used in oncology patients. (See also
% p. 360.)
Isolated limb perfusion Used in some centres for unresectable cases of
cutaneous melanoma and sarcoma. It involves obtaining access to an
extremity artery and vein, an extracorporeal circuit and a pneumatic
tourniquet to isolate the target limb. It enables significantly higher
concentrations of cytotoxic agents (e.g. melphalan and TNF-​α) to be
administered while limiting systemic side effects. Consequently, careful
monitoring for evidence of systemic leakage is required, and appropriate
invasive monitoring and central venous access is advised.
Brachytherapy Places a radioactive source close to the tumour via an
applicator. It is often used in patients unfit for surgery and may involve
single or multiple treatments. Procedures usually last 1.5–​3h but may be
longer and may include a transfer to CT. Blood loss is usually minimal,
but postoperative pain may be an issue. Postoperative radioactivity can
require patients to be recovered in an isolated environment. Anaesthetic
options are:
• Light GA
• Sedation (although this may not produce reliable immobility)
• Epidural or spinal anaesthesia (some procedures may outlast spinal
block, requiring the insertion of catheters). (See % p. 729.)
1 Pelosof L, Gerber D (2010). Paraneoplastic syndromes: an approach to diagnosis and treatment.
Mayo Clin Proc, 85, 838–​54.
2 Nazha B, Moussaly E, Zaarour M, et al. (2015). Hypoalbuminaemia in colorectal cancer prognosis:
nutritional marker or inflammatory surrogate? World J Gastrointest Surg, 7, 370–​7.

476 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

General principles of laser surgery

Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation. The laser is a high-​energy light beam capable of delivering a large
amount of energy to very small areas. H Lasers have numerous medical and
surgical applications, but also create unique hazards to patients and staff.
• Light is a form of radiant energy that spans the mid-​range of the electro-
magnetic spectrum. Laser light is generated by applying energy to a ‘lasing
medium’ to cause photon release. Light is generated when electrons move
from higher-​to lower-​energy shells surrounding the nucleus of an atom.
• Because the emitting atoms in a lasing medium are all identical, the
photons released when the electrons change shells are also identical—​
the photons are all of the same wavelength (colour); they are in-​phase
(the peaks and troughs of the wave are synchronised, amplifying, rather
than cancelling out, each other), and they have the same polarisation
(wave orientation). This explains why laser light is of much higher
intensity and energy than normal light.
• Mirrors direct escaping photons back into the lasing medium to
generate the release of yet more photons. The laser beam escapes
through a narrow aperture in the mirror.
• Fibreoptic bundles are used to transmit visible and near-​infrared
wavelength lasers. Lasers of longer wavelength, e.g. the CO2 laser, can
only be directed by a series of mirrors.
• The type of atoms in the lasing medium determines the laser
wavelength, which in turn determines the tissue penetration and clinical
applications. Each substance has a particular absorption spectrum,
which is determined by its chemical structure. Laser light at, or close to,
these frequencies will be the most effective (Table 18.1).
• Laser light striking a tissue surface may be:
• Reflected: reflection off shiny surfaces may damage the eyes of staff
in the vicinity.
• Transmitted to deeper layers: lasers pass through tissues to a variable
depth, which is partially determined by the wavelength.
• Scattered: shorter wavelengths induce greater scattering.
• Absorbed: this produces the clinical effect when the absorbed light is
converted to heat. Organic tissue contains various substances capable
of absorbing light. These are termed chromophores and include Hb,
collagen and melanin. Each substance has a particular absorption
spectrum, which is determined by its chemical structure.

Table 18.1 Types of surgical laser in common use

Laser type Wavelength (nm) Colour

Dye laser 360–​670 Blue to red
Argon 488–​515 Blue/​green
Helium–​neon 633 Red
Ruby 694 Red
Nd–​YAG 1064 Near-​infrared
CO2 10 600 Far-​infrared
General principles of laser surgery 477

Examples of medical lasers

Pulsed dye laser
This uses light at a wavelength that targets RBCs within blood vessels. The
energy is dissipated within the dermis and causes only minimal epidermal
scarring. This is used mainly for treating port wine skin lesions. Children
requiring laser therapy to these lesions will often be subjected to mul-
tiple treatments, usually under GA. Postoperative pain may be a problem,
particularly if large areas are treated. Combinations of paracetamol and
NSAIDs may be effective, but occasionally opioid analgesics are required.
Carbon dioxide laser
These lasers have a long wavelength (10 600nm, outside the visible spec-
trum) and are preferentially absorbed by water. Target cells are heated
to the point of vaporisation by the beam. They penetrate to only a very
shallow depth, so tissue damage can be directly observed. They are used in
aesthetic facial surgery to reduce the wrinkling associated with ageing, and
in ENT practice to vaporise vocal cord and airway lesions. Care must be
taken to avoid eye and airway injury (see % pp. 478–9).
Nd–​YAG laser
This laser is also outside the visible range and, unlike the CO2 laser, is trans-
mitted through clear fluids and absorbed by dark matter. It can penetrate
to a depth of 1cm. It has multiple applications, including airway neoplasms,
vascular malformations and ophthalmic surgery.

478 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Safety in laser surgery

The main hazards from laser surgery are inadvertent tissue damage to either
the patient or to staff, risk of fire and inhalation of laser plume particles.
• H A designated laser safety officer should be present at all times when
a laser is in use. In the UK, anyone in theatre where laser is being used
should have had the appropriate training. Theatre doors should be
locked from the inside, and signs displayed outside. A checklist should
be completed prior to turning the laser on.
• Medical instruments used with lasers should have matt (rather than
shiny) surfaces to reduce reflection of laser beams around the theatre.
• H Eyes are very susceptible to injury. Retinal and corneal damage can
occur, depending on the frequency of the beam. All operating room
personnel must wear safety glasses appropriate for the laser in use.
These should have side shields to protect the lateral aspect of the eye.
If an anaesthetised patient is receiving laser radiation near the eyes,
protective matt metallic eye covers should be applied.
• Some lasers may damage exposed skin, so anaesthetised patients must
have all exposed skin covered with moist swabs. In all cases, the eyes
should be taped closed and covered with moist swabs. Many types of
surgical drapes and anaesthetic tapes are combustible.
• Some skin preparation fluids are flammable and should not be used
during laser surgery.
• H Laser light can ignite plastic and rubber materials. Carefully consider
the optimum method of airway maintenance if lasers are employed
within the airway. The simplest method is to use a laser-​safe ETT.
HFNO or jet ventilation may also be employed (Fig. 18.1). A low FiO2,
e.g. 30%, reduces the risk of fire but also decreases apnoea time.
• IV anaesthesia is usually employed to ensure an adequate depth of
anaesthesia. It is also important to prevent the patient from moving or
coughing, so a suitable muscle relaxant should be administered, and
NMB monitored with a nerve stimulator.
• If the use of an ETT is required, unmodified conventional plastic tubes
cannot be used, because they support combustion and can potentially
cause airway fires. Various laser-​safe ETTs are available. The cuffs of
these tubes are vulnerable and can be protected by damp pledgets. The
cuff should be filled with 0.9% sodium chloride, which can be mixed
with methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) so that a cuff puncture
is obvious.
• Both N2O and O2 readily support combustion. If using a circuit, 30% O2
with air is a sensible choice.
• If a fire occurs in an airway during laser surgery, switch off the laser
immediately, remove the tube and flood the airway with 0.9% sodium
chloride. Once the fire is extinguished, mask ventilation with 100% O2
should be initiated. Reintubation and bronchoscopy with lavage may be
required. Severe damage may require a tracheostomy.
• H A laser plume is created at the site of contact with human tissue.
This contains fine particulates which are potentially hazardous to health
workers. Smoke evacuation systems must be used to remove laser
plume contaminants. Aerosolisation of viruses can occur during laser
surgery for papillomata—​special masks are worn to reduce the risk.
Safety in laser surgery 479

Fig. 18.1 A LaserJet ETT, with a side port for CO2 sampling. Courtesy Aidan

Further reading
Magee P (2018). Physics for anaesthesia. Magnetic resonance imaging; depth of anaesthesia moni-
toring; LASER; and light spectroscopy. BJA Educ, 18, 102–​8. doi:10.1016/​j.bjae.2017.12.004
Pearson KL (2017). Anaesthesia for laryngo-​tracheal surgery, including tubeless field techniques. BJA
Educ, 17, 242–​8. doi:10.1093/​bjaed/​mkx004
Kitching AJ, Edge CJ (2003). Lasers and surgery. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 3, 143–​6.

480 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Robotic surgery
The number of procedures undertaken robotically around the world con-
tinues to grow, with an increasing variety of surgery now possible with ro-
botic systems (Table 18.2).
• Advantages for the surgeon include i comfort while operating, 3D
video, filtering out of any tremor and scaling of movement to allow for
precision work.
• Patient-​based advantages include a better cosmetic result from
minimally invasive approaches, reduced pain from port sites and
reduced length of stay.
• The effect of robotic surgery on outcomes is controversial and
procedure-​specific. While some papers suggest better oncological
outcomes from robotic procedures, there have been warnings about
poorer survival from other robotic procedures for cancer.
• The i cost and length of time it takes to complete robotic surgery
are an important consideration for institutions, particularly at the
establishment of any robotic programme.
• The considerations for the anaesthetist are largely due to positioning,
length of procedure and the significantly reduced access to the patient
caused by most robotic systems. The docking and undocking of a robot
often takes significant time and rapid removal is rarely possible.

Table 18.2 Examples of robotic surgery procedures

Specialty Procedure Considerations
Breast Mastectomy Supine, axillary approach
Cardiac Mitral valve replacement Bleeding from remote port sites
Colorectal Large bowel resections Steep head-​down, bowel
ENT Thyroidectomy Axillary or transoral approach
Base of tongue tumours
Urological Prostatectomy Steep head-​down
Orthopaedic Arthroplasty

It is important to clarify with the surgeon how they will need the patient
positioned as it is likely to be much more extreme or different from a non-​
robotic procedure. A high-​quality team brief is critical to the smooth run-
ning of a robotic theatre.
• The docking of the robot is one of the rate-​limiting steps of robotic
surgery and so it is useful to ensure a consistent theatre team to reduce
the delay this incurs to a minimum.
• The preassessment of the patient should be as normal. However,
for procedures where prolonged steep head-​down is anticipated, a
note should be made of significant glaucoma as this may lead to an i
incidence of ophthalmic complications, including visual loss.
Robotic surgery 481

• In robotic laparoscopic surgery, consideration should be made whether

the patient will tolerate a prolonged pneumoperitoneum for robot-​
assisted surgery.
• Patients due for intra-​abdominal surgery, for which an intracorporeal
anastomosis is planned, may have received bowel prep and this should
be enquired about in order to plan fluid therapy.
The overwhelming number of robotic procedures will be done under GA in
order to ensure a fixed reference point for the robot and due to the length
of most procedures.
• Due to limited access to the patient during surgery, the default airway
choice is an ETT. This should be taped (rather than tied) to facilitate
venous drainage of the head.
• H Care must be taken with eyes, particularly in robotic laparoscopic
surgery when the combination of pneumoperitoneum and steep
positioning increases the risk of regurgitation and chemical burns. Eyes
should be securely taped, and pads placed.
• H Robot manipulators can extend significantly beyond where a human
operator would hold an instrument. Robotic arms can cause significant
injury to the patient before their clash detection is activated. This
should be mitigated by a secure horizontal metal bar to protect the face
or other vulnerable areas of the patient. If the patient is repositioned
during the procedure, it is important to be vigilant for any new potential
clashes between robot and patient.
• IV access should be well secured with extensions that allow remote
injection of medication. Infusions should be prepared and connected
before docking.
• Positioning of the patient is the most important aspect of robotic
surgery. Meticulous attention should be paid to the proper padding of
vulnerable areas, wires, IV lines and the use of any patient supports.
• If shoulder supports are used to prevent the patient from slipping while
in the head-​down position, care should be taken that the head is not
hanging free, as this can cause a traction injury of the brachial plexus.
• H Where feasible, breaks of extreme positioning should be taken every
90–​120min to mitigate the risk of compartment syndromes.
• Some robotic systems allow for synchronisation between the table and
robot movements and it is important to check if this is the case before
adjusting the table position while the robot is docked.
• Patient movement during the procedure can cause significant problems
and so an infusion of either muscle relaxant or remifentanil is useful.
• Prior to extubation, a leak test should be performed, as there can be
significant airway oedema.
• H Cerebral oedema 2° to prolonged head-​down may lead to agitation
and delirium in the immediate recovery period.
• Typically, the analgesic plan should be the same as for the non-​robotic
case but can be titrated down as familiarity with the procedure

482 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

• Spinal anaesthesia is an excellent option for robotic laparoscopic

surgery, but given the length of some procedures, it may need to be
supplemented at the end with abdominal wall blocks if an open incision
is made to deliver the specimen or create an anastomosis.
Further reading
Ashrafian H, Clancy O, Grover V, Darzi A (2017). The evolution of robotic surgery: surgical and
anaesthetic aspects. Br J Anaesth, 119(s1), i72–​i8. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aex383
Maerz DA, Beck LN, Sim AJ, Gainsburg DM (2017). Complications of robotic-​assisted laparoscopic
surgery distant from the surgical site. Br J Anaesth, 118, 492–​503. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aex003
Irvine M, Patil V (2009). Anaesthesia for robot-​assisted laparoscopic surgery. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit
Care Pain, 9, 125–​9. doi:10.1093/​bjaceaccp/​mkp020
Day surgery 483

Day surgery
A surgical ‘day case’ is a patient who is admitted, operated upon, and dis-
charged on the same calendar day. In the UK (unlike the US), a 24h stay
is not classed as day surgery, as this requires overnight admission and a
hospital bed.
The surgery must have been planned as day surgery. Patients who are
booked as inpatients but are successfully discharged on the day of surgery
will not appear in hospital day case statistics. Booking potential day case pa-
tients via an inpatient pathway can result in patient cancellation due to lack
of availability of a postoperative bed which would not have been required
if a day surgery pathway was planned from the outset.
Organisation is the key to efficient, good-​quality day surgery and requires
close cooperation between all agencies involved, including surgeons, anaes-
thetists, day unit staff, GPs, patients and their carers.
Facilities An efficient organisation requires ‘ring-​fenced’ theatres and ward
space. Day surgery can be managed successfully in a variety of hospital
configurations; however, day cases on inpatient wards and theatres have
a higher admission rate and will suffer cancellation when there are bed
shortages. Self-​contained units with their own facilities, but within an acute
hospital, offer the best option.
Escalation It is essential that day surgery facilities will not be used to
accommodate overnight patients at times of hospital escalation. At times
of escalation, it is even more important that the day surgery unit continues
to function efficiently and hence enable the majority of elective surgery to
proceed uninterrupted.
Staff Adequately trained and experienced staff should perform day case
anaesthesia and surgery to minimise unplanned admissions. The day surgery
environment provides many opportunities for training of junior staff, but
supervision and guidance from senior clinicians are essential. The unit
should be staffed with nurses and operating department practitioners who
are in themselves expert day surgery practitioners, invested in the success
of the day surgery team.
Day surgery procedures
The British Association of Day Surgery has produced a directory which
details over 200 procedures now deemed appropriate to be undertaken
on a day case basis. Day surgery is no longer confined to minor procedures
but embraces the majority of elective surgery and a large percentage of
urgent surgery. There is no time limit for surgical duration; however, consid-
eration must be given when scheduling an operating theatre list to potential
postoperative recovery times for more complex surgery, such that longer
procedures will usually be undertaken in the morning or early afternoon.
For a procedure to be appropriate for day surgery, the following criteria
must be met:

484 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

• It should be possible to control pain with simple oral analgesia

supplemented, if appropriate, by regional anaesthetic techniques.
• The patient must be able to eat and drink postoperatively.
• The patient must be able to mobilise (with aids if required)
Example day surgery procedures are shown in Table 18.3.

Table 18.3 Example day surgery procedures

Gynaecology Laparoscopic hysterectomy, vaginal repair, vaginal

General surgery Laparoscopic fundoplication
Urology Laparoscopic nephrectomy, laparoscopic prostatectomy, laser
resection of prostate
Breast surgery Mastectomy, all non-​reconstructive breast cancer surgery
Vascular surgery Endovascular aneurysm repair
Orthopaedics Total hip/​knee or shoulder replacement
Emergency Appendicectomy, testicular torsion, ‘hot’ laparoscopic
surgery cholecystectomy, laser of ureteric stones

Emergency day surgery

Moving emergency surgical procedures to an ambulatory pathway confers
many benefits to hospitals and patients. Where possible, patients should
be seen and assessed in a surgical assessment unit and discharged home
to wait in their own homes rather than a hospital bed for their procedure.
Traditionally, many patients awaiting ‘urgent’ surgical procedures, such as
appendicectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, evacuation of retained
products of conception (ERPC) or surgical abscess drainage, are not
prioritised for the emergency list and end up being fasted for a number of
days, occupying surgical beds until a slot becomes available.
There are a variety of opportunities for urgent patients to be scheduled:
• Dedicated 1st slot on emergency list: the patient attends the day unit at
7.30 a.m. and is prioritised as the 1st patient on the emergency list. Surgery
can be undertaken while the team is coordinating the day’s activity.
• Planned slots on elective day surgery lists: high-​volume urgent
procedures can be accommodated on elective day surgery lists
by setting aside a number of dedicated slots, e.g. ERPC on a
gynaecology list.
• Running dedicated emergency day surgery lists: this enables the patient
to be discharged and brought back to an urgent day surgery list within
the next 48h, rather than spend 2d in hospital awaiting a theatre slot,
e.g. ‘hot’ laparoscopic cholecystectomy, management of urgent ureteric
• Proactively filling any vacant slots on elective day surgery lists or vacant
lists with emergency day surgery patients: available theatre time, due
to elective cancellations or unanticipated early finish of day surgery
lists, can be utilised by early communication with emergency teams, e.g.
appendicectomy, management of ectopic pregnancy, testicular torsion.
Day surgery 485

Patient preparation and optimisation

Patients should follow a sequential pathway and undergo preoperative as-
sessment by experienced day surgery nursing staff, according to set day case
criteria. Nurses should have the support of a consultant anaesthetist whom
they can approach for advice.
• Ideal practice is where patients attend assessment at the hospital on
the day of their surgical outpatient appointment. This is convenient
for patients, avoiding an additional hospital visit. It also ensures time to
complete any investigations and to review difficult patients.
• Some patient groups can undergo telephone assessment, in particular
those who are young, fit, on no medication and undergoing a procedure
that does not require specific tests. However, most patients benefit
from a face-​to-​face assessment.
• Successful day surgery requires anaesthetic departments to consider
patients who fall outside traditional guidelines and judge if they can be
made fit for day surgery.
• Protocols can be used for preoperative investigations, but these should
be kept to those absolutely essential for the surgery, as very few
investigations in a day surgery pathway alter management.
• Clear instructions must be given to the patient regarding what will
happen on the day of surgery, what they need to bring on the day and
the organisation of someone to take them home and care for them
postoperatively. These instructions should be reinforced with clear
written information.
• Most cancellations on the day of surgery can be avoided by careful
preoperative assessment by experienced staff. Those due to acute
illness, however, may still occur.
Day case patient selection criteria
Criteria need to be agreed with the anaesthetic department and will vary
according to the day surgery unit setting, e.g. more challenging patients and
procedures can be undertaken where the unit is integrated into a hospital
with all support services. Stand-​alone units on isolated sites will need more
conservative criteria. However, patients deemed inappropriate for surgery
in these off-​site units may still undergo a day surgery pathway via the main
hospital facility.
Health status (ASA) Day surgery is no longer reserved purely for the fit
and healthy. Most patients with stable medical conditions are appropriate
for day surgery, and many complex patients will do better in a day case
environment if they are managed appropriately, e.g. insulin-​dependent
diabetics, severe COPD patients, patients on dialysis or those who suffer
from epilepsy. If a patient with an unstable medical disease is presenting for
surgery, they should have their condition optimised before proceeding with
surgery and can then often be managed via a day case pathway. Always try
to remember these two questions:
• What can we do to enable this patient to be managed as a day case?
• Would anything be done differently if the patient were to be treated
as an inpatient? If the answer to the question is no, then day surgery is
probably the optimal pathway.

486 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Age There is no upper age limit. Physiological fitness should be considered,

rather than the chronological age, remembering that the elderly are usually
better managed in their home environment. Babies as young as 6w can
be managed on a day case basis (excluding premature infants <60w post-​
gestational age due to the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)).
Obesity With appropriately skilled staff and equipment, even the morbidly
obese can be successfully managed as day cases. It can be the ideal option,
as early mobilisation reduces the risk of complications. There is no longer
any BMI limit for day surgery. Assessment should include questions about
OSA as caution should be used with regard to postoperative opioid
medication if OSA is suspected (see % pp. 73–5).
Transport and social support All patients must be escorted home by a
responsible, informed adult and, in most cases, be adequately supervised
during their recovery at home for a minimum of 24h. Some units now
employ carers for patients without home support to enable them to
be treated as day cases. There is increasing acceptance that patients
undergoing more minor surgery (this excludes airway or laparoscopic
surgery) who are judged appropriate at preoperative assessment and
wish to go home alone are permitted to do so and this is preferable to an
overnight hospital admission. Patients must have suitable home conditions
with adequate toilet facilities, and a telephone should be readily available for
advice in an emergency. Patients must agree/​understand that they should
not drive, cycle, operate machinery or consume alcohol for 24h after their
anaesthetic. This advice must be contained in preoperative verbal and
written instructions given to the patient, and reinforced prior to discharge.
Geography Though it is procedure-​dependent, as a rule, the patient should
live within 1h travelling distance from a hospital which could deal with
complications arising from the surgery that has been undertaken. This may
not always be the hospital where the surgery was performed.
Conduct of day case anaesthesia 487

Conduct of day case anaesthesia

The principles of day surgery anaesthesia are well established:
• Premedication with oral analgesia
• Short-​acting anaesthetic agents
• Avoidance of emetogenic medication
• Multimodal analgesia
• Short-​acting opioids for rescue analgesia if required
• Good postoperative analgesia.
• Avoid sedative premedication, if at all possible. If necessary (usually
only for patients with behavioural issues), use PO midazolam, up to
0.5mg/​kg, in a little undiluted sweet fruit cordial (as it tastes awful).
• Routine use of antacid drugs is unnecessary; however, in those with a
history of regurgitation, ranitidine 300mg PO, or omeprazole 40mg PO,
is appropriate.
• Oral analgesics. Paracetamol 1g and NSAIDs reach peak effect after
1–​2h and are a useful adjunct to anaesthesia, with very few side effects.
Controlled-​release NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen 1600mg) preoperatively are
very effective and provide long-​acting postoperative pain relief.
• Patients should be encouraged to remain warm and hydrated
preoperatively. Delaying changing from street clothes into theatre
gowns until absolutely necessary minimises hypothermia, and
encouraging liberal consumption of water preoperatively minimises
rates of PONV. Increasing evidence supports free access to water
preoperatively rather than arbitrary ‘cut-​off ’ times after which a patient
must not drink, which are associated with excessive periods of fluid
• Short-​acting agents should be used. TIVA is ideally suited to day surgery;
however, units have also had success with sevoflurane. Avoid agents
likely to contribute to PONV such as N2O or long-​acting opioids (e.g.
• For larger procedures, use incremental fentanyl, up to 2–​4 micrograms/​
kg in divided doses. IV morphine should be avoided.
• Consider NSAIDs, if not already given, and LA for every suitable
• Patients should be kept warm and hydrated with 1L of crystalloids
(15mL/​kg for paediatric patients). This reduces the incidence of
dizziness and PONV and aids recovery.
• Whenever possible, use an LMA, avoiding intubation, muscle relaxants
and reversal agents. LMAs for gynaecological laparoscopy and
reinforced LMAs for wisdom tooth extraction can be used safely in
many circumstances.
• Antiemetics are not indicated routinely, especially if emetogenic triggers
(such as N2O, volatile anaesthesia or long-​acting opioids) are avoided,
but should be reserved for treatment of any PONV or for prophylaxis
in those with a significant history of PONV or surgical procedures with
a high incidence of PONV (e.g. ovarian/​tubal surgery, squints, scrotal
surgery) (see % pp. 442–3).

488 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

• Balanced analgesia with paracetamol, NSAIDs, LA and short-​acting
opioids is usually adequate. If more analgesia is needed, it is imperative
to use it early; consider IV fentanyl 50–​100 micrograms.
• Give PO morphine or other agents such as tramadol if stronger
analgesia is required. Remember that morphine in doses above 0.1mg/​
kg increases the admission rate.
• Antispasmodic agents, such as hyoscine, and physical therapies, such as
hot water bottles, may help, particularly for cramping lower abdominal
pain following gynaecological surgery.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting
(See also % pp. 442–8.)
• A multifactorial approach to the prevention of PONV should be used.
The Apfel scoring system may significantly overestimate the risk of
PONV if the anaesthetic techniques described above are employed.
Patients experiencing PONV must be actively managed before
discharge home.
• For high-​risk patients, LA techniques or GA using TIVA, avoidance of
opioids, multimodal analgesic therapy, good hydration (IV fluids) and
minimal fluid fast are appropriate. Dexamethasone 8mg, in combination
with cyclizine 50mg, or a 5-​HT3 antagonist are effective prophylactic
agents. This is an approach that works well and leaves only a small
number of patients requiring rescue treatment postoperatively.
Regional anaesthesia
(See also % Chapter 40.)
The i use of ultrasound enables many procedures to be undertaken
under purely regional anaesthesia with huge efficiency gains, particularly
if entire lists are undertaken this way. It is reasonable to discharge pa-
tients with working plexus blocks, thus allowing the benefit of prolonged
postoperative analgesia. Remember that patients need special instructions
on the care of the anaesthetised part so as to avoid inadvertent damage.
This would include a sling for patients with brachial plexus blocks.
Local anaesthesia
Surgeons should be encouraged to use liberal infiltration of LA for any in-
cision ‘if you cut it, block it’. For many procedures such as inguinal hernia
repair or breast cancer surgery, surgical infiltration is as effective as re-
gional anaesthesia. It can also be more efficient and associated with fewer
Specific blocks
Field block performed by the surgeon Excellent for LA hernia repair, as
provides postoperative analgesia and obviates the need for GA. LA for
inguinal surgery is best placed by the surgeon under direct vision. Attempt
at ilioinguinal nerve block by anaesthetists has a high incidence of blockade
of the femoral nerve, with subsequent unplanned admission due to difficulty
Conduct of day case anaesthesia 489

Spinals Shorter-​acting spinal agents such as 1%​chloroprocaine (40–​

60min duration) and 2% hyperbaric prilocaine (90–​ 120min duration)
have revolutionised the ability to provide a day surgery spinal anaesthetic
service with rapid postoperative mobilisation. This has been pivotal in
the introduction of day case arthroplasty services to many units (see Fig.
18.2 for an example flow chart). If shorter-​acting agents are unavailable,
consider reduced-​ dose spinals (5–​ 7.5mg of bupivacaine). This gives
a similar onset of anaesthesia with less motor block and a shorter
discharge time, compared with standard doses (4h vs 6h). Bupivacaine
0.25% (3–​3.5mL) has become widely used for day case joint replacement
surgery; however, it is important to use the racemic mixture, rather than
levobupivacaine which is associated with a more patchy, unreliable block
when used at lower concentrations.
Femoral blocks These are usually inappropriate due to difficulty mobilising
postoperatively; however, subsartorial blocks which block the sensory, but
not the motor, branch of the femoral nerve are ideal for procedures such as
anterior cruciate ligament repair, or unicondylar or total knee replacement.
Discharge drugs
All patients should have a supply of suitable oral postoperative analgesics at
home or be given them on discharge. There should be procedure-​specific
analgesic protocols to ensure consistent prescribing between clinicians
(Table 18.4). Audit of postoperative pain scores should be undertaken to
ensure the protocols are appropriate.
Discharge criteria
• Stable vital signs.
• Fully awake and orientated.
• Tolerating oral fluids.
• Passing urine is only essential after specific procedures (e.g. urology,
gynaecology) or spinal/​caudal anaesthesia.
• Ambulant.
• Pain and nausea well controlled.
• Minimal bleeding or wound drainage.
Specific discharge criteria for regional techniques
Spinal anaesthesia
• Full recovery of motor power and proprioception
• The patient has passed urine.
Regional blocks
• Understanding of protection of partially blocked limb
• Instructions regarding when the block should have regressed and whom
to contact if it has not
• Adequate mobility on crutches, if required.

490 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Procedure-targeted spinal anaesthesia

2% hyperbaric prilocaine and 1% isobaric chloroprocaine

Haemorrhoids, fissure, fistula,
Saddle block? abscess, EUA
Yes Perianal abscess
No 10–20mg Circumcision/meatoplasty
Vulval surgery

>T10 block?
GENERAL Epigastric/
umbilical hernia
No Prilocaine GYNAE Diagnostic
60mg+ laparoscopy
UROLOGY Ureteroscopy
+/– stent and laser
>1 h?
Prilocaine GENERAL Inguinal/femoral
No hernia
(2–3mL) Recurrent or bilateral hernia

Chloroprocaine Bilateral varicose veins

40–50 mg ORTHO ACL/MPFL repair
GYNAE Vaginal repair
GENERAL Single varicose veins/RFA
veins lumps/bumps, inguinal hernia +/– vaginal hysterectomy
ORTHO Knee arthroscopy (incl bilat), UROLOGY TURP
ACL/MPFL repair, foot/ankle surgery
GYNAE Hysteroscopy D&C,
TVT, minor procedures
UROLOGY BNI, cysto/diathermy,
check cystoscopy

Fig. 18.2. Protocol for use of short-​acting spinal anaesthetic agents in day

surgery. Courtesy Dr Robbie Erskine, Dr Gillian Turner and Eleanor Erskine.

Discharge organisation
Written and verbal discharge information must be provided. It is essen-
tial that patients are given the contact number of someone in the hospital,
should they require advice overnight. This may be the day surgery unit
within opening hours and either a surgical ward or senior surgical nurse
overnight. It is not appropriate for patients to be directed to out-​of-​hours
GP services or emergency departments.
Conduct of day case anaesthesia 491

Table 18.4 Example protocol for day surgery take-​home analgesia

Expected pain Example procedures Analgesia protocol

None Cystoscopy None
Mild Prostatic biopsy Paracetamol 1g qds
Moderate Dental extractions Paracetamol 1g qds
Mastectomy Ibuprofen 400mg qds
Severe Laparoscopic Co-​codamol 30/​500
cholecystectomy 2 tabs qds
Laparoscopic hysterectomy Ibuprofen 400mg qds
Hernia repair Macrogol one sachet bd

Postoperative admission
The most common reasons for overnight admission are:
• The patient not fulfilling discharge criteria before the unit closes
• Observation after surgical or anaesthetic complications
• Unexpectedly more extensive surgery
• Uncontrolled pain or PONV.
Overall, unanticipated admission rates will depend upon the surgical case
mix undertaken. With increasingly complex procedures entering the day
surgery arena, timely discharge is more challenging to achieve, and consid-
eration to the development of a procedure-​specific anaesthetic guideline
is required. Examples of procedures where this has been found useful in-
clude joint replacements, hysterectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy and
Follow-​up, audit and benchmarking
Patient follow-​up is an essential part of the day surgery pathway to en-
sure patients are comfortable and satisfied postoperatively. The most ef-
fective method of undertaking this is via a postoperative telephone service.
A structured questionnaire should be undertaken covering the following:
• Postoperative pain score
• PONV score
• Patient satisfaction
• Satisfaction with the day surgery pathway
• Requirement for any postoperative advice or support.
This service provides detailed audit information, analysis of which drives
continuous service improvement. It also provides the opportunity for pa-
tient support, should they have any queries or concerns following their

492 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Further reading
Association of Anaesthetists, British Association of Day Surgery (2019). Guidelines for day case sur-
gery 2019. M https://​​Portals/​0/​Images/​Guidelines%20cover%20images/​
Fox B (2019). Spinal Anaesthesia for Day Surgery Patients: A Practical Guide, 4th edn. London: British
Association of Day Surgery.
Jackson I, McWhinnie D, Skues M (2012). The pathway to success—​ management of the
day surgical patient. M https://​​the-​pathway-​to-​success-​-​-​
Smith I, McWhinnie D, Jackson I, eds. (2012). Day Case Surgery (Oxford Specialist Handbooks).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2010). Pre-​operative assessment and patient
preparation—​the role of the anaesthetist. London: Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain
and Ireland.
Chung F, Mezei G (1999). Adverse outcomes in ambulatory anesthesia. Can J Anaesth, 46, RI8–​26.
British Association of Day Surgery. M http://​ [for updates, a series of handbooks
on topics referred to in this chapter, and new day surgery links].
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia. M http://​
Neurological determination of death 493

Neurological determination of death

Dying is a process. Death can be diagnosed when that process has pro-
gressed to the irreversible loss of the capacity for consciousness, combined
with the irreversible loss of the capacity to breathe.
The standard used for neurological determination of death (NDD) in
many countries is that of brain death. This requires the loss of all brain
function (cerebral and brainstem). In the UK, brainstem death is used for
NDD. In contrast to brain death, brainstem death does not require that all
brain functions have ceased, only that any functions that might persist do
not indicate any form of consciousness. The clinical determination of whole
brain death and brainstem death are the same and stressing the differences
between them results in unnecessary confusion and controversy.
• The 1° reason to confirm brainstem death is that it provides a legal
and ethical basis for the withdrawal of invasive ventilation. Secondly,
confirmation of brainstem death enables the donation of organs for
transplantation if that is consistent with the patient’s and their families’
wishes (deemed consent applies; see % pp. 497–502).
• The most common causes of brainstem death are traumatic brain
injury, intracranial haemorrhage and hypoxic brain injury. To diagnose
brainstem death, the patient needs to fulfil certain preconditions and
have absent brainstem reflexes.
• Two doctors are required to determine death by neurological criteria.
The qualifications required of the doctors vary between jurisdictions,
but they must be familiar with, and competent at, brainstem testing. At
least one should be a consultant.
Preconditions for neurological determination of death
• Patient comatose, apnoeic and dependent on mechanical ventilation.
• Coma caused by irreversible brain damage of a known aetiology.
• The patient must be normotensive (MAP ≥60mmHg in an adult and an
age-​appropriate BP in children).
• The patient must be normothermic (temperature >34°C).
• Reversible causes for brainstem depression excluded: sedatives, muscle
relaxants, alcohol and metabolic or endocrine disturbances (severe
untreated hypothyroidism or hypoadrenalism) (Table 18.5).
• Absence of acute liver failure or decompensated chronic liver disease.
• If there is any doubt about the persisting effects of opioids or
benzodiazepines, an appropriate antagonist should be administered at
the time of examination or drug levels measured (thiopental <5mg/​L,
midazolam <10 micrograms/​L).
• Unless it is known for certain that neuromuscular-​blocking medications
have not been administered, a PNS or other recognised method (e.g.
EMG) should always be used to confirm that neuromuscular conduction
is normal.
• It must be possible to examine all brainstem reflexes, with at least one
ear and one eye available for examination.
• It must be possible to perform an apnoea test. Severe hypoxic
respiratory failure or high cervical spine injury may preclude this.

494 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

• A period of observation is required from when the patient meets the

preconditions and has a GCS 3, with fixed pupils and absent cough, and
is apnoeic.
• Clinical testing should be delayed for 24h when the cause of coma
is hypoxic–​ischaemic encephalopathy or if the patient has been

Table 18.5 Acceptable metabolic levels to fulfil preconditions of clinical testing*

Factor Acceptable range (mmol/​L)
Na+ 115–​160
K+ >2
Mg2+ 0.5–​3
Phosphate 0.5–​3
Glucose 3–​20
Urea <40
These are not prescriptive and should not replace clinical judgement, especially if there has
been rapid correction.

Testing for absence of brainstem responses

Tests of brainstem reflexes should be performed only when the precondi-
tions are fulfilled.
• The pupils are fixed and there is no response to sharp changes in the
intensity of incident light. The pupils are usually dilated, but this is not
essential for the diagnosis.
• The corneal reflex is absent.
• There is no motor response within the trigeminal nerve distribution to
painful stimuli applied centrally or peripherally. Spontaneous and reflex
movements (spinal reflexes) may persist in brainstem-​dead patients.
• The oculovestibular reflex is absent. There is no eye movement in
response to the injection of 50mL of ice-​cold water into the external
auditory meatus, with the head at 30° to the bed. Direct access to the
tympanic membrane should be verified using an otoscope. The eyes
should be observed for at least 1min after each injection.
• There is no gag in response to posterior pharyngeal stimulation.
• There is no cough reflex in response to a suction catheter passed down
the ETT.
Confirmation of apnoea
This test is done last to avoid unnecessary hypercapnia or hypoxaemia,
should any of the other reflexes be present.
• The patient should be preoxygenated by ventilating with 100% O2 for
at least 5min and the minute ventilation reduced to achieve an end-​tidal
PaCO2 of 6kPa (45mmHg). ETCO2 can be used to guide the start of
the apnoea test and when to measure an arterial PaCO2 but does not
replace the pre-​and post-​arterial PaCO2.
Neurological determination of death 495

• Check an ABG to confirm that PaCO2 is at least 6kPa and the pH

is <7.4. In patients with chronic CO2 retention, the CO2 should be
allowed to rise such that the pH is <7.4 before commencing the
apnoea test.
• The patient is then disconnected from the ventilator and the ETT is
attached to a self-​inflating bag with at least 5cmH2O of PEEP and 15L/​
min of O2 flow. This provides apnoeic oxygenation and minimises
• Observe the patient continuously for a minimum of 5min for any
respiratory movement. The PaCO2 should be measured and should be
high enough to ensure an adequate stimulus to ventilation.
• The apnoea test is positive (absent breathing) if no spontaneous
respiration is observed and the PaCO2 has risen by >0.5kPa.
• The ventilator is then reconnected with settings to allow gradual return
of the ABGs to the pretest level.
The criteria for NDD in children over 2mo of age are the same as in adults.
• NDD by clinical examination in neonates <37w of post-​conceptual age
is unreliable due to the immaturity of brainstem reflexes.
• Between 37w of post-​conceptual age and 2mo of age, it is possible
to confirm death by neurological criteria, but caution is required and
specialist advice recommended.
• At least one of the doctors examining the child should be a
NDD testing may be performed on patients who are on ECMO.
• A guideline for performing this test is available from the Faculty of
Intensive Care Medicine and the Intensive Care Society of the UK.
Ancillary and confirmatory investigations
Ancillary tests or confirmatory tests are not required in the UK. However, if
preconditions are not met and where a full neurological examination is not
possible (e.g. extensive facial trauma, inability to perform apnoea test due
to high cervical spine injury or hypoxia), it is essential to perform further
• Investigations should be deferred until responsiveness, examinable
brainstem reflexes and breathing effort are all absent.
• Investigations may include neurophysiological demonstration of
loss of bioelectrical activity in the brain (e.g. EEG) and radiological
demonstration of absent cerebral blood flow or brain tissue perfusion
(e.g. CT angiography, 4-​vessel angiography, transcranial Doppler).
• The two testing doctors must determine the utility of additional
investigations and it is recommended they should seek further
professional opinion from other specialties and other expert centres,
where appropriate.

496 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Other considerations
• The tests must be performed twice, each by a different doctor.
• The diagnosis should not normally be considered until at least 6h after
the onset of an apnoeic coma or 24h after the restoration of circulation
if the cause was a cardiac arrest.
• If prolonged hypothermia (<34°C for >6h) has occurred, the
tests should be performed at least 24h after the restoration of
• Death is confirmed after the 2nd set of tests, but in the UK, the time of
death is recorded as the completion of the 1st set.
• The coroner (Procurator Fiscal in Scotland) should be informed in the
usual referral manner. If organ donation is contemplated, this should be
• Care of the relatives is essential at this time, irrespective of whether the
patient is to be an organ donor or not.
• Observations that are incompatible with the diagnosis of brainstem
death include seizures, decorticate and decerebrate posturing and limb
movements elicited with stimulation in the cranial nerve distribution
• Observations that are compatible with brainstem death include spinal
reflexes, blushing and the absence of diabetes insipidus.
• Spinal reflexes can be spontaneous or in response to stimulus. They do
not occur in the motor distribution of the cranial nerves or in response
to stimulation within the cranial nerve distribution.
Circulatory determination of death
For organ donation following circulatory determination of death, the fol-
lowing observations are required:
• The person responsible for confirming death must observe apnoea,
unconsciousness and the absence of pulsatility on an arterial line trace
or of electrical activity on ECG for 5min.
• After 5min of continued cardiorespiratory arrest, death is confirmed
if there is no pupillary response to light, no corneal response and no
motor response to supraorbital pressure.
Further reading
Smith M (2018). Brain death. In: Bersten AD, Handy JM (eds). Oh’s Intensive Care Manual, 8th edn.
Elsevier. pp. 673–​80.
Smith M (2015). Brain death: the United Kingdom perspective. Semin Neuro, 35, 145–​51.
Oram J, Murphy P (2011). Diagnosis of death. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 11, 77–​81.
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2008). A code of practice for the diagnosis and confirmation
of death. M https://​​reports-​guidance/​ukdec-​reports-​and-​guidance/​
Organ donation surgery after brain death 497

Organ donation surgery after

brain death
Procedure Procurement of donor organs via midline laparotomy and
median sternotomy
Time Up to 6h, depending on which organs are retrieved
Pain N/​A
Position Supine
Blood loss Large fluid losses likely, X-​match 4 units
Practical IPPV, central venous line and arterial line

Transplantation of donated organs to selected patients with end-​stage

organ failure is a successful and cost-​effective therapy, improving both
quality and duration of life. However, demand for donor organs continues
to exceed supply. Organ donation discussions should be considered as a
usual part of ‘end-​of-​life care’.
There are few absolute contraindications to donation (e.g. transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies, disseminated metastatic malignancy), but
many relative contraindications, and so it is recommended that all potential
donors are identified and discussed early with the organ donation agency
before being ruled out and prior to any family discussions about donation.
Legislative changes in the UK mean that deemed consent now applies for all
potential donors over 18y old who have lived in the UK for >12mo. Families
must be consulted and their objections to donation must be respected.
The characteristics of deceased donors continue to change, with relative
stability in the number of donors after brain death (DBD) and ongoing in-
crease in donors after circulatory death (DCD) (see % pp. 501–2).
There are tending to be fewer donors after traumatic brain injury and
more from CVE, hypoxic–​ ischaemic encephalopathy and other non-​
traumatic conditions.
The number of donors with comorbidities or potentially reversible organ
dysfunction is increasing. This is a result of changes in admission criteria to
the ICU and end-​of-​life practices, and more liberal acceptance by transplant
services of these donors.
Brainstem death is associated with a series of predictable physiological
changes that, if inadequately managed, can lead to significant deterioration
in organ function.
Pathophysiology of brainstem death
• Early, short-​lived, massive sympathetic outflow occurs during brainstem
herniation, causing hypertension, tachycardia, myocardial dysfunction,
impaired organ perfusion and tissue ischaemia.
• Autonomic collapse results in a reduction in CO, loss of vasomotor
tone, hypotension and atropine-​resistant bradycardia. If untreated,
hypoperfusion of all organs will occur. Tissue ischaemia can trigger
a systemic inflammatory response that contributes to cardiovascular

498 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

• Deterioration in lung function may occur due to neurogenic pulmonary

oedema and acute lung injury (ALI).
• Endocrine changes are variable in timing and severity. Posterior pituitary
function is commonly lost. Reduced ADH secretion leads to neurogenic
diabetes insipidus, with hypovolaemia and electrolyte disorders (i Na+,
d K+, d phosphate).
• Some anterior pituitary function may remain, but a fall in T3 and T4
levels may cause myocardial dysfunction and a global shift to anaerobic
• Hyperglycaemia is due to both reduced circulating insulin and insulin
• Release of tissue fibrinolytic agents and plasminogen activators from the
necrotic brain causes a coagulopathy.
• Hypothermia occurs due to reduced whole body metabolism,
hypothalamic dysfunction and loss of large volumes of dilute urine
in untreated diabetes insipidus, and from the inability to shiver and
Prior to donation
Maintaining physiological support to a patient until brainstem testing is
undertaken preserves the opportunity for a discussion with the family about
the potential for organ donation.
• Typically, once a potential donor is identified, there will be several
conversations between the hospital staff, the organ donation agency
and the family.
• In anticipation of cardiovascular instability as brainstem death occurs, a
multilumen central line (internal jugular or subclavian is preferable), one
large peripheral IV line for rapid infusion (14G or 16G) and an arterial
line (upper limb preferable) should be sited.
• Check that brainstem death has been confirmed and that consent for
organ donation has been obtained from the relatives and the coroner.
• Emphasis in management changes from cerebral resuscitation to optimal
organ perfusion and oxygenation. When sympathetic hyperactivity
occurs, use a short-​acting β-​blocker (e.g. esmolol) to treat severe
hypertension (MAP >130mmHg) and tachycardia. Do not use long-​
acting agents or aim for full β-​blockade.
• At the time of brainstem death, sympathetic tone is lost and
hypotension occurs. Give a volume challenge of resuscitation fluid
(500mL to 1L) and be prepared to start vasopressin (0.01–​0.04
units/​min). Some countries use noradrenaline as their 1st choice of
• Large fluid volumes can be lost through untreated diabetes insipidus
and unrecognised blood loss. Ensure adequate intravascular volume
resuscitation using appropriate clinical assessments and investigations.
• It is not necessary to raise the CVP if BP and other perfusion goals are
met. Avoid fluid overload in potential lung donors as this reduces the
number of donor lungs that can be retrieved.
• If hypotension persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation and
treatment of vasoplegic shock, an inotrope may be required. There is
little evidence to justify one specific agent over another.
Organ donation surgery after brain death 499

• If inotropic requirements remain high, search for blood loss, sepsis or

cardiac dysfunction. If available and ICU staff are familiar with their use,
serial echocardiography, continuous TOE or PAFC may be helpful in
guiding therapy.
• Patients on vasopressin may still require desmopressin (DDAVP®) to
control diabetes insipidus as this has greater antidiuretic effect. Start
with a dose of 4 micrograms and repeat if urine output remains >3mL/​
• Lung function is commonly abnormal due to direct lung injury,
pulmonary oedema, atelectasis and pneumonia. Lung donation is usually
possible if PaO2 >40kPa on 100% O2 and 5cmH2O of PEEP.
• Minimise ventilator-​induced lung injury by ventilating with VT of
6–​8mL/​kg. Use at least 5cmH2O PEEP, the lowest FiO2 to maintain
O2 saturations of >92%, and ventilate according to the targets in
Table 18.6.
• Continue regular chest physiotherapy, 2-​hourly suctioning and turns.
• Thromboprophylaxis, infection control measures and oral hygiene
should be continued.
• Enteric feeding may reduce inflammation and have beneficial effects
in the transplanted organs, but if gastric aspirates are high, the risk of
aspiration is i.
• Prevent hypothermia by using warmed IV fluids and warming blankets.
• The use of hormone therapy with T3 replacement, methylprednisolone
and vasopressin varies among transplant centres. Their use should be
guided by the local retrieval team or in-​house protocols.
• Correct i Na+ with 5% glucose in water. i Na+ (Na+ >155mmol/​L) in
the donor has been associated with worse outcomes for liver transplant
recipients. Aim for serum Na+ of 135–​150mmol/​L.
• Use 1mL/​kg/​h maintenance fluid as 5% glucose in water. Resuscitation
fluids (e.g. 0.9% sodium chloride, PlasmaLyte® 148) are not maintenance
fluids and their continued use may lead to oedema, hyperosmolarity and
organ dysfunction.
• d K+ can occur during brainstem death and increase the risk of cardiac
dysrhythmias. Replace K+ IV and aim for serum K+ of 4.0–​4.9mmol/​L.
• Maintain glucose between 4 and 12mmol/​L, with insulin as required to
prevent glycosuria.
• Clotting abnormalities should be corrected with clotting factors and
• FBC, coagulation screen and LFTs should be measured at least daily.
• Blood gases (with Hb, Na+, K+, glucose and lactate), as well as serum
urea and creatinine, should be measured 6-​hourly (more frequently if
clinically indicated).
• Order CXR, ECG and echocardiography for potential heart/​lung
donors. Transplant teams may request other investigations, e.g.
coronary angiogram or CT thorax.
• Target physiological parameters are outlined in Table 18.6.

500 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Table 18.6 Target parameters for organ retrieval

Target parameters
MAP 60–​80mmHg
Pulse 60–​120/​min
Cardiac index >2.1L/​min/​m2
Core temperature 36–​37.5°C
Hb >70g/L for CV stable donor
>90g/L for unstable donor
SpO2 >95% with lowest FiO2 to maintain PaO2 >10kPa
VT 6–​8mL/​kg
PaCO2 NHS guidelines: 5–6.5kPa as long as pH>7.25
ANZICS and US guidelines: 4.7–6.0kPa
Plateau pressure <30cmH2O
Urine output 0.5–​2mL/​kg/​h

• The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (or similar) should be applied.
• During the organ retrieval operation, the anaesthetist should aim to
maintain physiological stability in the donor to ensure the donated
organs are in optimal condition for transplantation.
• Standard monitoring is required, plus an arterial line, core temperature
and urine output.
• Patients who are brain-​dead cannot experience pain and lack
consciousness and so a true ‘anaesthetic’ is not required. However,
spinal cord function remains intact and administration of NMBAs, volatile
agents and, at times, an opioid is required to prevent spinal reflex motor
responses and reduce spinal sympathetic responses (tachycardia and
hypertension) that can occur spontaneously or during surgical stimulation.
• Opioids are sometimes given to suppress catecholamine-​mediated
sympathetic activity, although they may not be sufficient. GTN or a β-​
blocker may also be needed to treat hypertension.
• Spinal reflexes in the limbs can be distressing for observers and could
potentially lead to contamination of the operative field. Excessive
sympathetic responses can result in myocardial injury or excessive
bleeding, with subsequent haemodynamic instability and detrimental
effects on graft function.
• Large and frequent haemodynamic fluctuations occur due to compression
of the IVC, manipulation of the adrenal glands and blood/​fluid loss.
Hypotension is treated with crystalloids, blood products, vasopressin
infusion and inotropes as indicated. There is no role for synthetic colloids as
these may impair graft function. Have 4 units of RBCs available in theatre.
• Broad-​spectrum antibiotics are given as per local transplant protocol.
• Cardiothoracic and abdominal surgeons work concurrently to mobilise
the organs.
Organ donation surgery after brain death 501

• IV heparinisation (300 units/​kg) should be administered on request

of the surgeons prior to aortic cross-​clamping. This is to prevent clot
formation in retrieved organs.
• Following aortic cross-​clamp and the start of perfusion fluids,
mechanical ventilation ceases and the anaesthetist is no longer required.
• Organs are retrieved in the order of the heart, lungs and then liver.
• The abdominal surgical team continues to operate in circulatory arrest,
retrieving the kidneys, pancreas and blood vessels.
Special considerations
Ongoing care of the patient includes maintenance of their dignity and
showing empathy and sensitivity in dealing with the donor’s family.
• Good communication within an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust
is paramount throughout the management of the potential organ donor.
• The quality of care afforded to the multiorgan donor could affect the
outcome of >6 recipients.
• In the event of a cardiac arrest in theatre, CPR should be commenced
as procurement of the liver and kidneys can still proceed rapidly with
cross-​clamping of the aorta at the diaphragm and infusion of cold
preservation solution into the distal aorta and portal vein.
Donation after circulatory death
Retrieval of organs for the purpose of transplantation can occur under spe-
cific circumstances when death is confirmed using cardiorespiratory criteria
(see % p. 496).
• DCD was previously referred to as donation after cardiac death or non-​
heart-​beating organ donation.
• Relative contributions of DBD and DCD vary around the world. DCD
has i significantly in the UK in the last decade and now accounts for
almost 40% of deceased organ donors.
• The liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas and lungs are all potentially donatable
after DCD.
• DCD may be considered only once a decision has been made that it is
in the best interests of the patient to withdraw life-​sustaining therapies.
This is followed by discussions with the organ donation agency and with
the patient’s family.
• Managing a potential DCD donor through the donation pathway is a
complex process.
• When life-​sustaining therapies are withdrawn, standard end-​of-​life care
continues, including administration of medications to prevent suffering.
The location where this occurs will be determined by local practice.
• If lung donation is to occur, it is permissible to reintubate the donor to
prevent aspiration. A single recruitment manoeuvre may be required,
but repeat insufflation of the lungs is not appropriate.
• If death does not occur within the time frame to allow organ donation,
there should be an established plan for ongoing end-​of-​life cares. The
option of tissue donation should remain.

502 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Further reading
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (2019). The statement on death and
organ donation, 4th edn. M https://​​wp-​content/​uploads/​2020/​07/​
Martin-​Loeches I, Sandiumenge A, Charpentier J, et al. (2019). Management of donation after brain
death in the ICU:the potential donor is identified, what’s next? Intensive Care Med, 45, 322–​30.
Pasternak JJ (2019). Neuroanesthesiology update. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 31, 178–​98. doi:10.1097/​
Streat SJ (2018). Organ donation. In: Bersten AD, Handy JM (eds). Oh’s Intensive Care Manual, 8th
edn. Elsevier. pp. 1205–​14.
Anderson TA, Bekker P, Vagefi PA (2015). Anesthetic considerations in organ procurement surgery:
a narrative review. Can J Anesth, 62, 529–​39. doi:10.1007/​s12630-​015-​0345-​8
Manara AR, Murphy PG, O’Callaghan G (2012). Donation after circulatory death. Br J Anaesth, 108
(S1), i108–​21. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aer357
McKeown DW, Bonser RS, Kellum JA (2012). Management of the heart-​beating brain-​dead organ
donor. Br J Anaesth, 108, i96–​107. doi:10.1093/​bja/​aer351
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. UK Donation Ethics Committee. M https://​​
NHS Blood and Transplant Service. M https://​​
Major anaesthetic mishaps: what to do in the aftermath 503

Major anaesthetic mishaps: what to do

in the aftermath
Over the course of a career, most anaesthetists will experience at least one
catastrophic anaesthetic mishap which will result in either death or major
injury for the patient.
The psychological consequences of this are variable. Whether a death is
‘anticipated’ or ‘unexpected’ is not relevant, as any death, serious injury or
‘near miss’ in theatre can have a profound and potentially lasting psycho-
logical impact on the anaesthetist.
Immediate actions in the operating theatre
Contact a senior colleague
A consultant anaesthetist should be involved as soon as possible. These are
rare events which carry heavy emotional loads and the actions required in
the aftermath are unfamiliar to most. You will need help and this must be
Clinical notes Detailed, truthful and ideally contemporaneous notes of the
event should be recorded. During a resuscitation, this task may be allocated
to another member of the team, but it is essential the anaesthetist records
a full account as soon as possible with a time and date. This record should
include: details of preoperative discussions, the patient’s premorbid
condition, how the emergency was recognised and treated and the
anaesthetic record annotated as necessary.
If possible, keep an encrypted copy of your clinical notes with additional
information (your thought processes and opinions), as medicolegal events
take time and your memory may fade.
Caring for the patient If the patient has died, this needs to be certified.
All intraoperative deaths must be reported to the coroner (England and
Wales) or the Procurator Fiscal (Scotland). Although lines, tubes and other
equipment should typically remain in place, the patient can be cleaned,
and wounds sutured closed and dressed, in preparation for viewing by the
If the patient has not died, the anaesthetist should follow up on the pro-
gress of the patient. The patient will now be under the 1° care of another
team (likely ICU) and the anaesthetist’s role is to show appropriate interest
and empathy for their wellbeing, but they should not get involved in treat-
ment decisions, prognostication or independent discussions with the family.
Isolate equipment and drugs If there is concern that equipment or
medications were the cause of the catastrophe or if the cause is unknown,
then all procedural equipment, medications and syringes must be isolated
and stored for subsequent investigations. If there is concern the theatre or
anaesthetic machine have contributed to the event, the theatre should be
closed pending investigation.

504 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Caring for the family A formal meeting with the family needs to be arranged
immediately. Bad news must not be broken over the phone, although they
should be informed there has been a complication and that they need
to come to the hospital immediately. It is advisable they bring a support
person. If English is not the family’s first language, a translator must be used.
Breaking bad news can be challenging, especially for those who do not
do it very often. This involves a team approach and should include senior
members of the anaesthetic, nursing and surgical teams.
Prior to meeting with the family, a brief premeeting should occur with
the attendees to identify who will be the 1° spokesperson; if the patient has
survived, this role may be most appropriately performed by the intensivist
now caring for the patient. At the premeeting, a summary of the events and
facts to be discussed should be agreed upon. Information that is unknown
should be acknowledged.
The meeting should take place in a quiet room where interruptions will
not occur. All members of the team should be introduced, as well as all
family members. It is important the bad news is delivered succinctly at the
beginning, in easy-​to-​understand, non-​medical language. Apologising to the
family that this event has occurred is not an admission of guilt, but a sign of
both empathy and caring and may provide comfort to a grieving family. A
bad news meeting can be emotionally draining for all concerned and only
a small proportion of the information presented may be retained. If the
family asks questions to which you do not know the answer, reply honestly
and tell them if and how you will find out this information. A record of the
meeting must be documented in the clinical notes and should include who
attended, what was covered and what follow-​up is planned.
Caring for the team Ideally, after a major event, the theatre should be
immediately closed and subsequent cases cancelled or performed by
another team. A ‘hot’ debriefing session should be facilitated as soon as
possible. This allows staff to talk about what has happened and aims to
defuse emotions. It is also used to let staff know what other resources
are available to them, e.g. counselling or further more formal debriefing
Caring for the anaesthetist It is essential that the anaesthetic department
provides support for the anaesthetist.
Surveys reveal >70% of anaesthetists who experience a catastrophic
perioperative event will have a high degree of emotional impact, experi-
encing guilt, anxiety, sleeplessness, fear of judgement by colleagues and of
litigation, anger and reliving the event.3 They may also suffer from phys-
ical effects such as tiredness, muscle tension and nausea. These are a nat-
ural consequence of such an event but should lessen within a week or so.
Depending on the event and the individual, time off work to emotionally
recover may be helpful and on return to work, additional support may be
Support from a mentor should be sought or arranged by the clinical lead
as soon as possible. Discussing the events in an open, non-​judgemental
manner can assist the anaesthetist in coming to terms with what has
Major anaesthetic mishaps: what to do in the aftermath 505

happened. Professional psychological support may also be required and the

anaesthetist should be assisted in accessing this. Occupational health may
need to be notified. A 2nd ‘cold’ debrief with all team members may be
Notifying other staff members It is important to remember the other health
professionals who have been caring for the patient, e.g. ward nurses and
house officers, who should be told directly rather than hearing it through
the ‘hospital grapevine’. The patient’s GP should also be advised.
Formal investigations and medicolegal considerations Following a major
anaesthetic catastrophe, one or more investigations may take place. Any
doctor who is involved should assist with these investigations in order
to identify the cause of the event and whether lessons can be learnt to
prevent further events occurring. The hospital will provide legal advice to
the individual doctor, but it is recommended that the anaesthetist notifies
their own medical defence organisation as soon as possible.
Mortality and morbidity meeting This should be chaired by a senior
anaesthetist and should be undertaken in a manner so as to learn lessons
from the incident, as opposed to apportioning blame. It may be most useful
to do this once other investigations have been completed and the cause
is known.
Internal enquiry/​root cause analysis With unexpected serious incidents, it is
extremely likely an internal enquiry will be undertaken. This will typically
involve the anaesthetist being interviewed and giving a statement. The
aim of this sort of enquiry is to identify any processes, system failures
or other weaknesses in order to prevent the event occurring again.
However, disciplinary actions can potentially follow, and so notifying your
medical defence organisation is recommended. They will provide you with
advice and representation as needed. It is also wise to take a mentor or
trusted colleague along to provide support, as these investigations can add
considerable stress.
Coronial inquest All deaths under anaesthesia or related to an operation
require referral to the coroner (or the Procurator Fiscal in Scotland).
Inquests may take place months after the death and so good record-​keeping
is vital.
Medical Council investigation If there are concerns about a doctor’s
performance or competence during a critical incident, the General Medical
Council (GMC) should be notified. The GMC will inform the individual
if a complaint has been received and ask them to respond. Following an
initial investigation, the GMC may determine no further action is required,
issue a formal warning, agree undertakings with the individual to address
a problem in their practice or refer the case to the Medical Practioners
Tribunal Service.

506 Chapter 18 Specific circumstances

Criminal prosecution Police investigations are unusual. They occur if there are
suspicious circumstances, if it is felt that a clinician has been grossly negligent
or as a recommendation following a coronial inquest. Any communications
with the police should be done in conjunction with your medical defence
organisation. These investigations are invariably extremely slow and can
take months or even years to complete. Any doctor involved in this must
be offered support as this process is incredibly stressful.
Civil litigation Following a major anaesthetic mishap, a civil case for negligence
can potentially be brought against the doctor or the hospital. This is an
exceedingly slow process and can drag on for years.
Further reading
Clegg I, MacKinnon R (2014). Strategies for handling the aftermath of intraoperative death. Contin
Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 14, 159–​62. doi:10.1093/​bjaceaccp/​mkt050
Association of Anaesthetists (2005). Catastrophes in anaesthetic practice—​dealing with the aftermath.
M http://​​10.21466/​g.CIAP.2005
Bacon AK, Morris RW, Runciman WB, et al. (2005). Crisis management during anaesthesia: re-
covering from a crisis. Qual Saf Health Care, 14, e25. doi:10.1136/​qshc.2002.004333
White SM (2003). Death on the table. Anaesthesia 58, 515–​19. doi:10.1046/​j.1365-​2044.2003.03241.x
Aitkenhead AR (1997). Anaesthetic disasters: handling the aftermath. Anaesthesia, 52, 477–​82.

3 Gazoni FM, Amato PE, Malik ZM, et al. (2012). The impact of perioperative catastrophes on an-
esthesiologists: results of a national survey. Anesth Analg, 114, 596–​603. doi:10.1213/​ANE.0b013
Chapter 19 507

Cardiac anaesthesia
Kelly Byrne, Kate Goldstone and Peter Simmons
Perioperative considerations 508
Intraoperative transoesophageal echocardiography 510
Cardiopulmonary bypass 511
Myocardial protection during CPB 512
Cardiac anaesthesia: routine elective surgery 513
Surgery specific considerations 516
Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest 521
Intra-​aortic balloon pump 523
Cardiac surgery, pulmonary hypertension, the right
ventricle 524
Controversies in cardiac surgery 526

See also
% Anaesthesia for transcatheter aortic valve implantation p. 834

508 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Preoperative considerations
As with all anaesthetic assessment, it is crucial in cardiac surgery to under-
stand the indications for the surgery and the expected benefits, so an
effective risk–​benefit analysis can be undertaken. Most successful cardio-
thoracic units will use a multidisciplinary team approach where the best
option for the patient is considered among cardiologists, surgeons, an-
aesthetists and critical care specialists. Decisions regarding the choice be-
tween a percutaneous intervention and surgery are not as clear-​cut as they
were previously, and may depend on institutional expertise or protocols.
Increasingly, there are two potential intervention pathways for patients
to consider. There are well-​described guidelines for the indications for
CABG and the timing of valve replacement or repair. According to cur-
rent guidelines, CABG has a survival benefit over PCI in patients with left
main stem disease, severe (>70% stenosis) three-​vessel disease, reduced
EF, DM and patients with a SYNTAX score (used to score the complexity
of CAD) >22.1
Valve replacement should be considered in symptomatic patients, pa-
tients where the valve disease is severe and the patient is considered low
risk for surgery and those where there has been myocardial change as a
result of the valve lesion, even in the absence of symptoms, e.g. ventricular
dilation in AR or MR.2
In addition to the routine preoperative assessment, careful attention
should be paid to:
• Recent MI and stability of ischaemic symptoms
• History of heart failure
• Bleeding history
• Current rhythm and history of arrhythmia
• Other organ dysfunction, and reserve including cerebral reserve
• Previous cardiac surgery or interventions
• Previous radiotherapy to the chest
• Assessment of LV function (usually via echocardiography, occasionally
LV ventriculogram during angiogram)
• Other important echocardiographic findings (significant valvular heart
disease, presence of i pulmonary pressures, RV dysfunction)
• Configuration of CAD if present
• Exercise tolerance—​gives an indication of cardiorespiratory reserve
• Routine investigations, including the following:
• Bloods: FBC, U&E/​eGFR, LFTs, coagulation, group and screen (G&S)
• ECG, CXR, echocardiography, angiogram (or CT angiogram)
• Additional tests (e.g. iron studies, cardiac biomarkers, HbA1c, PFTs,
carotid artery doppler)
• A history of dysphagia, hiatus hernia or surgery on the oesophagus,
relevant and important for any patient requiring TOE insertion.
Preoperative considerations 509

• ACE inhibitors and ARBs are stopped perioperatively in many centres.
• Check that antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (including novel oral
anticoagulants) have been stopped appropriately. Platelet assays can be
undertaken to determine whether any residual activity remains.
• With cardiac preadmission clinics and day of surgery admissions, many
centres do not premedicate patients the night prior to surgery.
• Patients often receive midazolam after IV cannula placed in theatre.
• A cautious approach should be taken if administering premedication in
patients with pulmonary hypertension/​RV dysfunction, or severe AS.
Risk stratification
The EuroSCORE II and Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) scoring sys-
tems are frequently used cardiac risk models (Table 19.1). They predict an
individual’s mortality after cardiac surgery. These risk calculators are avail-
able online at:
• M http://​​stswebriskcalc/​calculate
• M http://​​calc.html
Some preoperative interventions aim to improve an individual’s risk profile,
such as:
• IABP for those with critical CAD
• Placement of defibrillation pads in those with a history of VF arrest
• Preoperative pulmonary vasodilators in those with i PAP
• Awareness that patients with critical mitral stenosis and AS tolerate AF

Table 19.1 Comparison of STS and EuroSCORE II risk scores

STS scoring system EuroSCORE II

Patient Demographics, weight, height, Demographics, renal
factors blood tests, comorbidities, impairment, extracardiac
endocarditis, smoking and drinking arteriopathy, mobility,
status, family history, mediastinal chronic lung disease, cardiac
radiation, home O2, cardiac surgery, preoperative state,
interventions DM, endocarditis
Cardiac NYHA class, angina, MI, NYHA class, angina, MI,
factors arrhythmias, LV function, LV function, pulmonary
pulmonary hypertension, number hypertension
of diseased vessels, antiplatelets,
valvular disease, resuscitation
Operative Urgency, type of operation, IABP Urgency, type of operation,
factors or ECMO preoperatively surgery on thoracic aorta

510 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Intraoperative transoesophageal
TOE has become standard practice during cardiac surgery in many centres,
although this is not completely without controversy. While generally
very safe, there is a 0.2% chance of complications during intraoperative
TOE, ranging from minor abrasions to oesophageal rupture (0–​0.3%).3
Oesophageal rupture can be fatal and is i in elderly ♀.
Class I indications
Valve repair or replacement, unexplained haemodynamic instability.
Absolute contraindications
• Perforated viscus, oesophageal stricture, oesophageal tumour,
oesophageal perforation, laceration, oesophageal diverticulum, active
upper GI bleed.
A comprehensive perioperative TOE includes 28 standard 2D TOE views.3
(See Fig. 19.1.)

Four chamber Two chamber LAX

cx RCA or LAD

Fig. 19.1 This image demonstrates the typical distributions of the right coronary
artery (RCA), left anterior descending (LAD) and circumflex (Cx) artery supply
to the left ventricle, as seen on 2D TOE. Modified with permission from Lang RM
et al. Recommendations for chamber quantification: a report from the American Society of
Echocardiography’s Guidelines and Standards Committee and the Chamber Quantification Writing
Group, developed in conjunction with the European Association of Echocardiograpy, a branch of
the European Society of Cardiology. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2005; 18:1440–​63, with permission
from Elsevier.
Cardiopulmonary bypass 511

Cardiopulmonary bypass
• CPB replaces the function of the heart and lungs while the heart is
arrested, allowing for a bloodless, motionless surgical field.
• The pump (roller or centrifugal) requires full anticoagulation of the
patient with systemic heparin.
• The pump is primed with crystalloid, heparin, mannitol, HAS and
HCO3–​. The pump delivers non-​pulsatile flow of around 2.4L/​min/​
m3 (correlating with a normal cardiac index), maintaining a MAP of
between 50 and 70mmHg.
• Volume can be added to the pump via the reservoir or removed by
ultrafiltration to maintain an Hct of 20–​30%.
• CPB causes platelet dysfunction, haemolysis and consumption of
coagulation factors. This is minimal for the first 2h but increases with
prolonged duration.
• Membranous oxygenators are incorporated into the CPB circuit,
providing oxygenation via diffusion down a concentration gradient
over a large surface area; increasing gas flow removes more CO2, and
increasing the O2 concentration increases alveolar partial pressure of
oxygen (PAO2).
(See Fig. 19.2.)


cannula Venous


O2 Reservoir


Fig. 19.2 Schematic of CPB circuit. Venous blood drains into a reservoir bucket; a
pump controls onward flow through the oxygenator and a bubble filter ensures no
gas embolises into the systemic circulation via the arterial cannula.

512 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Myocardial protection during CPB

The myocardium is protected by achieving diastolic electrochemical arrest
following the delivery of a cardioplegic solution. A cross-​clamp is placed on
the aorta proximal to the cannula to isolate the coronary circulation and
heart from the patient’s circulation.
• There are a number of different cardioplegia solutions that can be
used to arrest the heart. The basic mechanism of action is to alter the
resting membrane potential of the heart so that it arrests in diastole.
Institutional beliefs tend to drive the use of particular cardioplegia
• The most widely used cardioplegic solution consists of crystalloid mixed
with blood and can be administered warm or cold. The crystalloid
contains high concentrations of K+ which precipitates the arrest of the
heart in diastole. Glutamate and aspartate may be added to promote
oxidative phosphorylation.
• Delivered via an antegrade approach either via injection into the aortic
root following cross-​clamping or, in the instance of AR, following
aortotomy and direct cannulation of the coronary ostia (this requires
fibrillation of the heart to prevent bleeding).
• Alternatively, it is administered via a retrograde approach by cannulating
the coronary sinus (infusion pressure is monitored by running a pressure
line from the retrograde cannula to the anaesthetic CVP or PAP
transducer). This approach is not as effective for right heart protection
but can be followed by anterograde administration.
• CPB allows for systemic cooling to 18–​32°C to reduce the metabolic
rate and protect vital organs. Greater depth of cooling is associated
with increasing risk of coagulopathy and platelet dysfunction.
Cardiac anaesthesia: routine elective surgery 513

Cardiac anaesthesia: routine elective

Procedure CABG/​valve surgery
Pain +++/​++++
Position Supine ± crucifix
Blood loss X-​match 4 units
Practical ETT, IPPV, arterial line, large-​bore peripheral IV access
techniques and/​or vascular sheath, CVC with pressure monitoring,
urinary catheter, temperature monitoring, CPB, TOE

The following approach to anaesthesia can be applied to any patient

having cardiac surgery. There are additional considerations for valve, or
complex cardiac, surgeries and these points of difference are outlined sub-
sequently in this chapter.
• Insert large-​bore peripheral venous access and arterial lines pre-​
induction (check whether the surgeon is harvesting radial grafts).
Preoxygenate, administer 5–​10 micrograms/​kg fentanyl and gently
induce with volatile or IV anaesthetic agents. Paralyse with an NMBA.
Intubate and maintain anaesthesia with volatile anaesthesia or TIVA (no
significant difference in mortality at 2y with either group),4 and ventilate
with a mixture of O2-​enriched air.
• A CVC (3–​4 lumens) is then inserted and will provide sufficient access
in the presence of a large-​bore peripheral line. A vascular sheath can be
added as a volume line or a conduit for a PAFC.
• PAFC may be indicated for LVEF <30%, mitral valve surgery, severe
pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary hypertension with severe RV
dysfunction—​essentially, any situation where cardiac output or PAPs are
likely to change rapidly or unpredictably.
• Many centres routinely use TOE for intraoperative monitoring.
• Five-​lead ECG monitoring (lead II for rhythm, lead V5 for ischaemia).
Consider external defibrillator pads for significant left main stem disease
as these patients have an i risk of arrhythmia.
• Nasopharyngeal and urinary catheter temperature probes.
• Depth of anaesthesia monitoring (CPB is associated with i risk of
• Prophylactic antibiotics are given prior to skin incision.
• Periods of apnoea are often requested prior to CPB (sternotomy and
internal mammary artery harvest).
• Aim to maintain cardiovascular stability; anticipate hypertensive
surges, and treat appropriately. A repeated dose of fentanyl is often
administered prior to sternotomy.
• A vasopressor infusion is usually connected to the CVC and titrated to
maintain a MAP >65mmHg.

514 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

• Blood conservation strategies are employed: cell salvage, minimal

IV fluid prior to CPB to avoid haemodilution and infusion of an
antifibrinolytic agent (usually tranexamic acid) to reduce blood loss.6
• Baseline bloods: ABG, ACT ± point-​of-​care TEG® prior to, or shortly
after, commencing surgery.
Establishing cardiopulmonary bypass
• The patient is anticoagulated with 300–​400 units/​kg heparin
(administered centrally to minimise risk of delivery failure), aiming for
an ACT of >480s.
• Aim for systolic BP <100mmHg for aortic cannulation to minimise the
risk of dissection.
• The venous cannula is placed directly into the IVC or right atrium and
the patient is connected to the CPB pump with extreme care to avoid
any air bubbles in the lines.
• Careful closed-​loop communication is used to initiate CPB by removing
the venous clamp at the pump and allowing drainage into the reservoir.
The pre-​primed pump returns blood to the circulation via the aortic
cannula. Once the pump is at ‘full flow’, the ventilator is turned off.
Amnesia during bypass is provided by volatile anaesthetics used by the
perfusionists or an infusion of propofol may be commenced.
• Drugs may be redosed at this time, including antibiotics (to account for
i volume of distribution) and NMBA.
• Blood gases and ACT are checked every 30min.
Surgery is carried out with readministration of cardioplegia as required.
Typical procedures include CABG, mitral valve repair/​replacement and
aortic valve replacement. Procedures may be combined, depending on the
severity of concurrent disease (e.g. CAD with moderate aortic valve dis-
ease) in order to prevent a redo-​sternotomy in the future and potentially to
avoid complications in the perioperative period where concurrent valvular
disease may become clinically significant.
Separation from cardiopulmonary bypass
• Once the procedure has been completed, the team prepares for
separation from CPB.
• After the aortic cross-​clamp has been removed, the perfusionist
progressively clamps the venous line, reducing the flow through the
CPB pump and allowing the heart to do some work and contribute to
cardiac output.
• It is essential to ensure the following:
• Core temperature is >36ºC.
• ABG parameters are normalised (correct i K+ and d Ca2+).
• The heart has a rhythm and rate compatible with life (may require
defibrillation or pacing)—​aim for HR of 70–​100bpm.
• Ventilation is recommenced (turn on the volatile agent if using for
maintenance) and machine alarms are activated.
• Vasopressors are running and volume status is assessed.
• Cardiac function can be assessed using TOE: filling, contractility
and valvular function. If a valve has been repaired or replaced, it is
interrogated after separating from CPB but before protamine, with the
option of reinstating CPB if required.
Cardiac anaesthesia: routine elective surgery 515

• Active recruitment of collapsed lungs is helpful before reinstating

• It is usual practice to come off bypass relatively underfilled, with the
perfusionist transfusing 100mL boluses as guided to ensure ventricular
filling. If cardiac output is impaired, inotropy can be added.
• Once the patient is stable following separation from bypass and there
are no concerns regarding replaced or repaired valves, protamine is
administered to reverse the anticoagulant effect of heparin (1mg for
each 100 units of heparin). H Ensure the team has been informed
beforehand and the perfusionist turns off the pump suckers.
• Protamine can cause systemic hypotension and pulmonary hypertension
and should be administered slowly to minimise these effects.
• Once the volume from the pump has been returned to the patient’s
systemic circulation, the aortic cannula can be removed (take care to
keep the systolic BP <100mmHg).
• ACT, TEG® and ABG are repeated to guide transfusion and cell-​salvaged
blood is transfused. Desmopressin 0.3 micrograms/​kg may be given to
support platelet function.
• Once haemostasis is satisfactory, haemodynamics are stable and the
chest is closed, the patient is transferred, with ETT in situ, to ICU.
• The patient is transferred to the cardiac ICU after surgery. Once the
patient is warm and stable, and any bleeding from the chest drains is
within unit protocols, the sedation is weaned to facilitate extubation.
The following criteria should be met:
• CVS: MAP >65mmHg, with stable haemodynamics; pacing reliable or
patient’s own native sinus rhythm established
• Respiratory: O2 weaned to ≤28%; adequate minute ventilation on a
spontaneous breathing ventilator mode
• Metabolic: acid–​base status normal; a very mild increase in lactate
is common in the hours immediately post-​surgery, but a significant
increase could indicate poor cardiac output
• Coagulation: check FBC + coagulation test ± TEG®/​ACT; blood loss
should be <100mL/​h. Patient normothermic
• Neurological: able to follow commands.
• PCA fentanyl/​morphine is administered for analgesia.
• Some centres use regional anaesthetic techniques in a multimodal
analgesic approach to minimise systemic opioids.

516 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Surgery-​specific considerations
For the following specific procedures, the same considerations apply as for
routine cardiac surgery, with the addition of the following points.
Off-​pump coronary artery bypass grafting
Advantages of off-​pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCABG) are
perceived to be avoiding manipulation of the great vessels, therefore re-
ducing the risk of atheroma embolisation, and avoiding the physiological
insult of CPB.
• Line placement is the same as on-​pump CABG.
• Active warming device(s) are required to maintain normothermia.
• The surgeon performs bypass grafts on a beating heart aided by
stabilising and suction devices (Octopus® and Starfish® devices) to
position the heart and isolate the target vessel. Intracoronary shunts
help minimise intraoperative ischaemia.
• Significant haemodynamic instability can occur with lifting of the heart,
particularly to access the posterior heart for grafting the left circumflex
or crux of the right coronary artery.
• Techniques to counter BP changes: vasopressors (phenylephrine may
allow more rapid titration than noradrenaline); crystalloid to augment
preload; positioning of the bed head down/​up to increase/​reduce
venous return; atropine to prevent vagally mediated bradycardia; low-​
dose inotrope to support severe LV impairment; IABP for left main
stem disease.
• Heparin 150 units/​kg is given, aiming for an ACT of 7300. Reversal of
heparin at the end varies by surgeon preference.
• TOE useful for pre-​and post-​graft assessments. Images often poor
intraoperatively due to anatomical distortion. Refractory hypotension
may be due to severe MR when heart lifted.
• Be prepared to transition rapidly to bypass if patient is unstable. Rate of
conversion from off-​to on-​pump CABG varies in publications (1–​15%).7
Emergency conversion (after distal anastomoses have been started) is
associated with i morbidity and mortality.
• OPCABG may result in a d blood transfusion rate, compared with
CABG, as well as d length of ICU stay. OPCABG is associated with a
lower rate of successful revascularisation, although this is not associated
with an i risk of postoperative MACE.
• No reduction in CVE has been demonstrated in trials comparing
OPCABG to on-​pump CABG.7,8
• Debate remains regarding long-​term mortality outcomes for OPCABG
vs on-​pump CABG, with some analyses reporting no difference and
others showing a small, significant trend towards a mortality benefit at
>5y for on-​pump CABG.7
Surgery-specific considerations 517

Emergency coronary artery bypass grafting

This patient group may include unsuccessful PCI with ongoing ischaemia,
persistent acute coronary syndrome not amenable to PCI and coronary
artery dissection as a complication of coronary angiography or PCI.
• Patients will have a recent history of DAPT administration and are at
high risk of bleeding.
• Patients may have intravascular access from the catheter lab (arterial
line, vascular sheath) or the presence of an IABP.
• Patients often present in cardiogenic shock.
• Central venous access may be placed prior to induction to facilitate
administration of inotropes.
• Induction strategies include: midazolam 5–​10mg, etomidate (reduced
dose 0.05–​0.2mg/​kg) or ketamine 0.5–​1mg/​kg, supplemented with
cautiously titrated fentanyl (these patients are highly dependent on
sympathetic drive).
• Progression to CPB will depend on patient stability after induction.
• Left internal mammary artery is often preferred as a conduit for severe
left anterior descending artery disease and needs to be harvested prior
to CPB, but if the patient is unstable, then grafting with vein conduit
only may be appropriate. Vein can be harvested while on bypass.
• Platelet mapping (see % p. 287) should be carried out in addition to
standard POCT to assess platelet function, and there should be a low
threshold for platelet transfusion.
• i risk of AKI due to contrast load and the patient’s critical status.
• Patients have a higher likelihood of requiring inotropic or mechanical
Redo surgery
Redo cardiac surgery via a sternotomy is technically more challenging than
1° surgery, with i morbidity and mortality. A multidisciplinary team ap-
proach to these specific cases is important as percutaneous interventional
cardiology strategies, such as stenting coronary bypass grafts and valve-​in-​
valve procedures, may be an alternative to redo sternotomy.
• i risk associated with:
• Patient factors: age >70; DM; COPD; history of CVE; renal failure;
NYHA III–​IV; severe LV systolic impairment (LVEF <20%)
• Surgical factors: prosthetic valve endocarditis as indication for redo
surgery; urgent surgery; >2 previous sternotomies; mediastinal
• Identify and treat iron deficiency anaemia preoperatively.
• Review the preoperative planning CT scan for important information
about the patency of grafts, aortic pathology and the proximity of
cardiovascular structures to the posterior sternum, as well as the extent
of adhesions.

518 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

• Ensure large-​bore IV access in case of massive haemorrhage.
• Place external defibrillation pads prior to induction because of i risk
of ventricular arrhythmias and difficulty accessing the chest for internal
• Ensure availability of immediate access to PRBCs.
• Femoral or axillary cannulation may precede sternotomy if surgeon
considers patient very high risk for re-​entry (institution of peripheral
bypass allows greater control of haemorrhage/​ischaemia but requires
sternal re-​entry to be performed with systemic heparinisation).
• Sternal re-​entry may be complicated by adhesions between the sternum
and key cardiovascular structures such as the RV, grafts or great vessels.
Injury can cause haemorrhage, ischaemia, arrhythmias or cardiac arrest.
• Longer surgical and CPB time resulting in i risk of transfusion and
coagulopathy. POCT is to guide therapy.
• Myocardial protection in redo surgery is more difficult in the presence
of a functioning internal mammary artery graft. Supplementing
antegrade cardioplegia with retrograde cardioplegia with temporary
occlusion of the internal mammary artery graft may be used to
overcome this.
Valve surgery
Table 19.2 highlights aspects of patient presentation and management spe-
cific to each valve surgery which tailor the standard approach to cardiac
surgery for grafting. (See % pp. 120–7 for haemodynamic goals of specific
valve lesions.)

Table 19.2 Valve surgery

Operation Preop Pre-​CPB Post-​CPB

Aortic valve Timing of AVR Maintain MAP/​diastolic Common
replacement—​ should balance pressure at induction to require
stenosis risk of surgery/​ to ensure coronary vasopressor
living with a perfusion after AVR,
prosthetic LVH and diastolic but less so for
valve/​ dysfunction common inotropes
anticoagulation/​ Tachycardia/​arrhythmias Patients with
need for redo poorly tolerated due LVH require
surgery with the to reliance on the adequate filling
development contribution of atrial In severe LVH,
of irreversible systole for LV filling there is a risk of
cardiac SAM post-​AVR
deterioration Avoid vasodilators which
reduce preload Sequential
Care with central A-​V pacing is
venous access wires beneficial in
causing arrhythmias LVH to optimise
If single-​procedure AVR, LV filling using
progress onto CPB is atrial kick

Surgery-specific considerations 519

Table 19.2 (Contd.)

Operation Preop Pre-​CPB Post-​CPB
Aortic valve May coexist LV dilation compensates Sequential
replacement—​ with aortic for severe AR for years A-​V pacing
regurgitation pathology before LV systolic and a cautious
(dilation/​ dysfunction occurs. LV approach
aneurysm/​ dysfunction is a poor to filling is
dissection) prognostic sign important for a
Acute severe Anaesthetic agents dilated LV
AR poorly reduce LV afterload, Inotrope
tolerated. which is beneficial support may
Can present Faster HR helps be needed due
with severe promote higher aortic to increase
dyspnoea, diastolic pressure and in afterload
respiratory forward flow post-​AVR
failure and low Careful use of
CO. Urgent vasopressors which
surgery may be increase SVR, worsening
required regurgitant fraction
In chronic In moderate or greater
AR, severe LV AR, an additional
dilation (LVESD cardioplegia strategy
indexed >2cm/​ is required due to
m2) less likely backward flow of
to remodel antegrade cardioplegia
following and LV dilation
surgery, with
worse prognosis
Mitral valve Major cause of Take great care with Ongoing
replacement—​ mitral stenosis is sedation to avoid management
stenosis rheumatic heart reduction in preload, of pulmonary
disease as well as hypercapnia/​ hypertension
May coexist hypoxia which will required
with other valve worsen pulmonary Inotropes
abnormalities hypertension commonly
Patients may Goals at induction required
be young at similar to AS, but with
presentation additional meticulous
High incidence attention to minimising
of AF, severe increases in PAP and
pulmonary protecting the RV
hypertension Careful use of fluids
(raised PAP may because further
be irreversible) increases in LAP
and RV can cause acute
dysfunction pulmonary oedema
PA catheterisation useful
for monitoring PAP/​CO


520 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Table 19.2 (Contd.)

Operation Preop Pre-​CPB Post-​CPB
Mitral valve TTE assessment MR tolerated well at TOE
repair or of LVEF will induction, with the assessment
replacement—​ overestimate effect of anaesthesia in essential for
regurgitation true LV systolic reducing SVR improving assessing
function in forward flow success
severe MR Careful use of of mitral
Acute MR can vasopressors which can valve repair
occur due to increase regurgitant MVR corrects
sternal trauma fraction the low-​
or IHD. Acute PAFC useful if significant resistance
MR often pulmonary hypertension retrograde
precipitates ejection route.
acute It is common
pulmonary to need an
oedema inotrope post-​
Pulmonary MVR to support
hypertension a dysfunctional
common LV

AF, atrial fibrillation; AR, aortic regurgitation; AS, aortic stenosis; AVR, aortic valve replace-
ment; CO, cardiac output; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; HR, heart rate; IHD, ischaemic heart
disease; LAP, left atrial pressure LV, left ventricle/​ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection
fraction; LVESD, left ventricular end-​systolic diameter; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MAP,
mean arterial pressure; MR, mitral regurgitation; MVR, mitral valve repair or replacement;
PAFC, pulmonary artery flotation catheter; PAP, pulmonary artery pressure; RV, right ventricle/​
ventricular; SAM, systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve;
SVR, systemic vascular resistance; TOE, transoesophageal echocardiograph; TTE, transthoracic
Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest 521

Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest

• Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) is used in cases where
complete cessation of the circulation is required to enable a bloodless
field for the surgeon to complete the operation. The basis of this
technique predates the invention of CPB and was the 1° technique for
undertaking cardiac surgery in parts of the USSR for several decades.9 It
is used primarily for aortic arch surgery and pulmonary endarterectomy.
• The metabolic requirements of the tissues, and most crucially the brain,
are significantly reduced by hypothermia. Traditionally, the patient
was cooled to 18°C to afford maximal cerebral protection during
the cessation of circulation. While this is a widely accepted practice,
it may be more accurate to cool the patient until an isoelectric EEG
is obtained on modified EEG monitoring. There is unlikely to be any
further reduction in cerebral O2 requirements once an isoelectric EEG is
obtained. It is unpredictable in any given patient at what temperature an
isoelectric EEG is obtained.
• The safe period for cessation of the circulation is again unpredictable
between patients but is generally thought to be up to 40min in the
presence of an isoelectric EEG.10 Certainly, circulatory arrest times
of over 40min have been associated with i CVE rates.11 The advent
of widely available cerebral oximetry monitoring may provide extra
information as to the safe duration of circulatory arrest.
• In cases expected to require >40min before the circulation can be
recommenced or in cases where the cerebral oximetry values fall by
>20% relative to baseline, it is possible to instigate selective antegrade
perfusion of the head and neck vessels, which allows perfusion of the
brain without affecting the surgical field. This may be superior to DHCA
alone in protecting the brain, although high-​quality RCT evidence is
currently lacking.
• DHCA has multiple other effects, apart from reducing the O2
consumption of the organs. It has profound effects on the coagulation
system, and transfusion is frequently required following circulatory
arrest. Also, crucial to ensuring a good outcome for the patient is
careful rewarming. A slower rewarming rate may be associated with
improved cognitive performance at 6w.12
Ascending aorta and aortic arch surgery
• Can be elective surgery to treat aneurysmal disease of the ascending
aorta, or acute surgery to treat a dissection of the ascending aorta.
• Arterial hypertension and connective tissue disease are the most
prominent risk factors for aortic syndromes.
• Complicated surgery that is generally performed in specialist centres,
although, dependent on geographical restrictions, most units may need
the ability to deal with acute dissections.
• While DHCA is not mandatory for all aortic arch surgery, it is probably
the most commonly used technique (see % pp. 599–600).
• Branch-​first aortic arch surgery has been described,13 which allows
replacement of the aortic arch without DHCA.
• The following principles apply to both acute and elective thoracic aortic
surgery, with acute surgery representing the higher risk type of surgery.

522 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

• Acute aortic (Stanford type A) dissection is a cardiac surgical emergency
and the patient can present in extremis.
• Depending on the anatomical location of aortic pathology, tamponade,
cardiogenic shock, myocardial ischaemia, visceral ischaemia or arch
vessel occlusion may be present.
• Without surgery, mortality can be as high as 2% per hour, so expedient
care is imperative.14
• For acute cases, aggressive preoperative BP control is important,
including the use of antihypertensive infusions (GTN/​labetalol/​
esmolol), to prevent progression of dissection.
• The following monitoring is required:
• Nasopharyngeal temperature (representing brain temperature)
• Core temperature measurement (often urinary catheter)
• Modified EEG monitoring (BIS™/​Entropy™)
• Cerebral oximetry—​should be available
• Potentially >1 arterial line, dependent on planned CPB cannulation
sites—​aiming to monitor proximal (right radial) and distal aortic arch
flow (left radial/​femoral).
• Avoidance of hypertension during laryngoscopy and intubation is
essential to prevent aortic rupture.
• Peripheral bypass cannulae may be placed prior to sternotomy,
depending on aortic pathology. TOE can be used to confirm wire
placement within the true lumen of the aorta during femoral arterial
• When DHCA is instituted, drug infusions are stopped.
• On rewarming, infusions are recommenced.
• Consider running a heparinase TEG® once core temperature reaches
36°C to guide transfusion (cryoprecipitate and FFP take time to thaw).
• Inotropic support is often required to allow separation from CPB.
• These patients are at high risk of bleeding.
• These patients are at high risk of coagulopathy and neurological
disturbance or injury. Prolonged intubation after these procedures is
Intra-aortic balloon pump 523

Intra-​aortic balloon pump

• An IABP is inserted percutaneously in awake or asleep patients.
• A balloon catheter is positioned with its tip 1–​2cm distal to the left
subclavian artery in the thoracic aorta.
• The balloon is inflated with helium in early diastole following closure
of the aortic valve, thereby augmenting aortic diastolic pressure and
coronary blood flow. It then rapidly deflates at the onset of systole
during isovolumetric contraction, reducing the impedance to LV ejection
when the aortic valve opens.
• Via these mechanisms, it improves the myocardial O2 supply–​demand
ratio, increases CO and supports the aortic Windkessel mechanism.
• The balloon may be triggered by ECG or the arterial pressure wave
• Indications:
• Complications of an AMI, including cardiogenic shock
• Acute post-​infarct MR
• Ventricular septal rupture
• Ongoing severe unstable angina
• Refractory ventricular arrhythmias
• Failure to wean from CPB
• Low CO syndrome following cardiac surgery.
• Contraindications:
• Moderate or greater AR
• Aortic dissection or significant aortic aneurysm
• Severe peripheral arterial disease
• Severe coagulopathy
• Uncontrolled sepsis.
• The position of the balloon may be checked on CXR, with fluoroscopy
or with TOE.
• Patients need to be monitored for vascular complications (e.g. leg
ischaemia, kidney injury, direct femoral vessel injury). It should not be
left in standby mode for >20min due to risk of thrombus formation.
• Literature is inconclusive (available studies criticised for being
underpowered), but potential survival benefit with preoperative IABP
placement in high-​risk patients undergoing CABG (EF <30% plus one or
more additional risk factors: reoperation, unstable angina, preoperative
use of IV GTN, left main stem stenosis, AMI within the previous 7d,
non-​elective operation, NYHA III–​IV symptoms).16,17

524 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Cardiac surgery, pulmonary hypertension

and the right ventricle
(See % p. 139.)
• Left heart disease is the commonest cause of pulmonary hypertension.
Raised left atrial pressure is transmitted retrogradely to the pulmonary
veins, capillaries (isolated post-​capillary pulmonary hypertension) and
finally pulmonary arteries (combined pre-​and post-​capillary pulmonary
• Cardiac surgical patients with mitral valve disease have a high incidence
of severe pulmonary hypertension. However, pulmonary hypertension
can develop 2° to long-​standing LV systolic or diastolic dysfunction due
to any cause. Pulmonary hypertension is less common but also possible
with aortic valve disease.
• Patients with moderate or severe pulmonary hypertension undergoing
cardiac surgery are at i risk of morbidity and mortality.19
• The clinical significance is that the RV has limited capacity to compensate
for raised PAP or acute increases in afterload. When the RV fails, it
dilates, and via interventricular dependence, the intraventricular septum
shifts towards the LV. i RV systolic pressure reduces the gradient for
RV coronary perfusion, risking RV subendocardial ischaemia and further
dilation. LV preload is then compromised with reduced CO and a
patient’s haemodynamics can rapidly become unstable.20
• RV systolic function is often transiently reduced following cardiac
surgery. Acute RV failure can occur in the perioperative period.
Patients with moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension are at higher
risk, especially if they have preoperative RV dysfunction. Pulmonary
hypertension may be under-​represented in moderate to severe RV
dysfunction where the RV cannot generate a high PAP. In these cases,
measuring the PVR may reveal the extent of the problem.
• Pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) is estimated non-​invasively
using transthoracic echocardiography by measuring RV systolic pressure
from the tricuspid valve regurgitation jet and then adding right atrial
pressure (RAP): (PASP = RAP + 4(Vtr)2).
• The gold standard for measuring PAP and PVR is a right heart
catheter study.
• The goals for managing pulmonary hypertension and RV
dysfunction are:
• Maintenance of RV coronary perfusion pressure by maintaining SVR/​
MAP and thereby optimising aortic diastolic pressure
• Minimising increases in RV afterload
• Keeping PaCO2 low normal and avoiding hypoxia
• Using a ventilator strategy that limits plateau and driving pressure
(avoid high VT and PEEP)
• Pulmonary vasodilators can be used to reduce PAP/​RV afterload.

• Inhaled pulmonary vasodilators19 avoid systemic hypotension and

worsening V/​Q mismatch. NO 5–​40ppm requires a proprietary
delivery system, but the following agents can be given to an awake
patient via a Hudson mask nebuliser or to intubated patients via the
ETT using an in-​line ultrasonic nebuliser device:
• Iloprost (prostacyclin analogue) 25–​50 micrograms every 2–​4h
• Milrinone 2–​5mg every 1–​2h
• GTN 5mg (very short-​acting).
• Improve RV inotropy with low-​dose adrenaline or an inodilator such as
dobutamine or milrinone.
• Maintain sinus rhythm/​AV synchrony.
• TOE used to assess RV volume status.
• Correct acidosis.
• A PA catheter can be helpful to monitor the impact of treatment on
PAP and CO.

Table 19.3 Grading systems for pulmonary hypertension

Mild (mmHg) Moderate Severe (mmHg)

Estimating PH using TTE21 PASP 35–​45 PASP 46–​59 PASP >60
Grading PH on right heart mPAP 25–​40 mPAP 41–​55 mPAP >55
catheter study22
PVR >3WU indicates raised PVR and more severe PH.
mPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; PH, pul-
monary hypertension; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; TTE, transthoracic echocardiog-
raphy; WU, Wood units.

526 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

Controversies in cardiac surgery

Aprotinin is a serine protease inhibitor that has been proven to reduce
blood loss in cardiac surgery when compared to placebo. Concerns re-
garding an i incidence of renal dysfunction and mortality23 in patients who
had received aprotinin led to its withdrawal from the market in 2007. In
2012, the EMA reversed this decision and aprotinin was relicensed for low-​
risk patients.
There is much debate about the current role of aprotinin in clinical
practice. Strong evidence for the benefit of tranexamic acid in reducing
blood loss during cardiac surgery24 has probably led this to be the 1st-​line
antifibrinolytic in most cardiac units, at the expense of an i postoperative
seizure rate.
However, contrary to the EMA’s decision to license for only low-​risk pa-
tients, there may be a place for aprotinin use in the patient who is at very high
risk of bleeding, and in the situation where the risk of postoperative seizure
is high and therefore use of tranexamic acid carries with it particular risk.
Transfusion threshold
Transfusion threshold in cardiac surgery has been a much-​debated topic in
the literature for several years. The basic conflict is that the myocardium
has a high O2 extraction ratio. Therefore, maintaining a higher Hb level is
attractive in promoting O2 supply in a situation where it may be constricted
by coronary artery stenosis. However, this theoretical benefit is offset by
the theoretical disadvantage of suppression of the immune system with au-
tologous blood transfusion and therefore increasing the chance of local or
systemic infection.
After a number of flawed retrospective studies, two large prospective
studies have attempted to resolve this question. TiTRE225 enrolled patients
postoperatively to transfuse or not transfuse if the patient hit a certain Hb
target. The TRICS 326 trial enrolled and randomised patients preoperatively
to either a restrictive (transfusion if Hb reaches 70) or a liberal transfusion
strategy (transfusion if Hb falls to 90) during the entire intraoperative and
postoperative period.
While the subtleties of these different approaches and the slightly diver-
gent results of these trials (in TiTRE2, the higher Hb patients tended to do
better, and in TRICS, the lower Hb patients tended to do better) can be
debated, the take-​home message is probably the same. Having a transfu-
sion threshold of 70g/​L of Hb is mostly likely to be non-​inferior to having a
higher transfusion threshold.
There have been two notable large studies into the use of steroids in car-
diac surgery, both of which have shown no statistically significant differ-
ence in mortality between high-​dose steroids (1mg/​kg dexamethasone27
and 500mg methylprednisone)28 and placebo. However, despite this, many
units continue to routinely use steroids in their clinical practice. The SiRS
trial came close to showing a statistically significant difference in terms of
mortality (5% vs 4%; p = 0.19),28 and the DeCS trial showed a reduction in
infective complications in patients receiving steroids.27
Controversies in cardiac surgery 527

There may still be some benefit to some patient-​centred outcomes such

as quality of recovery with the use of steroids in cardiac surgery. However,
it is unlikely that there is a benefit with regard to major complications such
as mortality, CVE or MI following cardiac surgery.
1 Hillis LD, Smith PK, Anderson JL, et al. (2011). 2011 ACCF/​AHA Guideline for coronary artery
bypass graft surgery: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/​American
Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 124, e652–​735.
  2 Nishimura RA, Otto CM, Bonow RO, et al. (2017). 2017 AHA/​ACC Focused Update of
the 2014 AHA/​ACC guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease.
Circulation, 135, e1159–​95.
  3 Hahn RT, Abraham T, Adams MS, et al. (2013). Guidelines for performing a comprehensive
transesophageal echocardiographic examination: recommendations from the American Society
of Echocardiography and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. J Am Soc Echocardiog,
26, 921–​64.
  4 Landoni G, Lomivorotov VV, Neto CN, et al. (2019). Volatile anesthetics versus total intravenous
anesthesia for cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med, 380, 1214–​25.
  5 Smith D, Goddard NG (2014). Awareness in cardiothoracic anaesthetic practice—​where now
after NAP5? Anaesthesia, 70, 130–​4.
  6 Society of Thoracic Surgeons Blood Conservation Guideline Task Force; Ferraris VA, Brown JR,
Despotis GJ, et al. (2011). 2011 Update to The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the Society of
Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists blood conservation clinical practice guidelines. Ann Thorac Surg,
91, 944–​82.
  7 Gaudino M, Angelini GD, Antoniades C, et al. (2018). Off-​pump coronary artery bypass grafting:
30 years of debate. J Am Heart Assoc, 7, e009934.
  8 Shaefi S, Mittel A, Loberman D, Ramakrishna H (2018). Off-​pump versus on-​pump coronary
artery bypass grafting—​a systematic review and analysis of clinical outcomes. J Cardiothorac Vasc
Anesth, 33, 232–​44.
  9 Guvakov D, Bezinover D, Lomivorotov VV, et al. (2019). The ‘Ice Age’ in cardiac surgery: evolu-
tion of the ‘Siberian’ method of brain protection during deep hypothermic perfusionless circula-
tory arrest. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 33, 3366–​74.
10 Gupta P, Harky A, Jahangeer S, Adams B, Bashir M (2018). Varying evidence on deep hypo-
thermic circulatory arrest in thoracic aortic aneurysm surgery. Tex Heart Inst J, 45, 70–​5.
11 Svensson LG, Crawford ES, Hess KR, et al. (1993). Deep hypothermia with circulatory arrest.
Determinants of stroke and early mortality in 656 patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 106, 19–​28;
discussion 28–​31.
12 Grigore AM, Grocott HP, Mathew JP, et al. (2002). The rewarming rate and increased peak tem-
perature alter neurocognitive outcome after cardiac surgery. Anesth Analg, 94, 4–​10.
13 Matalanis G, Koirala RS, Shi WY, Hayward PA, McCall PR (2011). Branch-​first aortic arch replace-
ment with no circulatory arrest or deep hypothermia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 142, 809–​15.
14 Nienaber CA, Clough RE (2015). Management of acute aortic dissection. Lancet, 385, 800–​11.
15 Parissis H, Graham V, Lampridis S, Lau M, Hooks G, Mhandu PC (2016). IABP: history-​evolution-​
pathophysiology-​indications: what we need to know. J Cardiothorac Surg, 11, 122.
16 Pilarczyk K, Boening A, Jakob H, et al. (2015). Preoperative intra-​aortic counterpulsation in high-​
risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a meta-​analysis of randomized controlled trials. Eur J
Cardiothorac Surg, 49, 5–​17.
17 Deppe A-​C, Weber C, Liakopoulos OJ, et al. (2017). Preoperative intra-​aortic balloon pump use
in high-​risk patients prior to coronary artery bypass graft surgery decreases the risk for morbidity
and mortality—​a meta-​analysis of 9,212 patients. J Cardiac Surg, 32, 177–​85.
18 Denault A, Deschamps A, Tardif J-​C, Lambert J, Perrault L (2010). Pulmonary hypertension in
cardiac surgery. Curr Cardiol Rev, 6, 1–​14.
19 Thunberg CA, Morozowich ST, Ramakrishna H (2015). Inhaled therapy for the management of
perioperative pulmonary hypertension. Ann Cardiac Anaesth, 18, 394–​402.
20 Vlahakes GJ (2012). Right ventricular failure after cardiac surgery. Cardiol Clin, 30, 283–​9.

528 Chapter 19 Cardiac anaesthesia

21 Bossone E, D’Andrea A, D’Alto M, et al. (2013). Echocardiography in pulmonary arterial hyper-

tension: from diagnosis to prognosis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, 26, 1–​14.
22 Budev MM, Arroliga AC, Jennings CA (2003). Diagnosis and evaluation of pulmonary hyperten-
sion. Cleve Clin J Med, 70, S9.
23 Fergusson DA, Hébert PC, Mazer CD, et al. (2008). A comparison of aprotinin and lysine ana-
logues in high-​risk cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med, 358, 2319–​31.
24 Myles PS, Smith JA, Forbes A, et al. (2016). Tranexamic acid in patients undergoing coronary-​
artery surgery. N Engl J Med, 376, 136–​48.
25 Murphy GJ, Pike K, Rogers CA, et al. (2015). Liberal or restrictive transfusion after cardiac sur-
gery. N Engl J Med, 372, 997–​1008.
26 Mazer CD, Whitlock RP, Fergusson DA, et al. (2017). Restrictive or liberal red-​cell transfusion for
cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med, 377, 2133–​44.
27 Dieleman JM, Nierich AP, Rosseel PM, et al. (2012). Intraoperative high-​dose dexamethasone for
cardiac surgery. JAMA, 308, 1761.
28 Whitlock RP, Devereaux PJ, Teoh KH, et al. (2015). Methylprednisolone in patients undergoing
cardiopulmonary bypass (SIRS): a randomised, double-​blind, placebo-​controlled trial. Lancet,
386, 1243–​53.
Chapter 20 529

Thoracic surgery
Charlotte Earnshaw and Kajan Kamalanathan
General principles 530
Enhanced recovery after surgery 532
Miscellaneous thoracic procedures 533
Isolation of the lungs 535
Management of one-​lung ventilation 538
Rigid bronchoscopy and stent insertion 540
Superior/​cervical mediastinoscopy and endobronchial
ultrasound 541
Lung surgery: wedge resection, lobectomy and
pneumonectomy 542
Lung volume reduction surgery, bullectomy and endobronchial
valves 544
Drainage of empyema and decortication 546
Repair of bronchopleural fistula 547
Pleurectomy/​pleurodesis 549
Oesophagectomy 551
Chest injury 553

See also
% Thoracoscopic sympathectomy p. 607
% First rib resection p. 608
% Trache​oesophageal fistula p. 936
% Inhaled foreign body p. 947
% Chest injuries pp. 553–5

530 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

General principles
Successful thoracic anaesthesia requires the ability to control ventilation of
the patient’s two lungs independently, management of the shared lung and
airway and a clear understanding of planned surgery.
Long-​term smoking, bronchial carcinoma, pleural effusion, cardiac dis-
ease, oesophageal obstruction and cachexia are all common and can signifi-
cantly reduce the cardiorespiratory physiological reserve.
General considerations
• Discuss planned procedure and potential problems with the surgeon.
• Smoking cessation, optimising respiratory function and cardiovascular
fitness in preparation for surgery reduce perioperative morbidity.
• Place patients on an ERAS pathway at time of referral (see % pp. 44).
• The lateral decubitus position, with the operating table ‘broken’ to
separate the ribs, is used for the majority of procedures.
• Increasingly, cases are done by video-​assisted thoracoscopic surgery
• Postoperative mechanical ventilation stresses pulmonary suture lines
and increases air leaks and risk of chest infection; avoid, if possible.
• Minimise respiratory dysfunction by providing good analgesia and
physiotherapy. Patients go to HDU/​specialist ward postoperatively.
• Postoperative O2 is routine to compensate for i V/​Q mismatch.
Warmed humidified 40% O2 via a face mask is recommended after
pulmonary surgery.
General preoperative assessment considerations
• Pay attention to functional status and cardiorespiratory reserve.
• Patients with significant cardiac disease form a high-​risk group.
• Discuss results of CXR and CT scans with the surgeon, focusing
on airway problems making DLT placement problematic, tumours
impinging on the chest wall and crossing fissures or vessels.
Preoperative assessment for lung resection
Risk assessment is based upon history, examination and assessment of func-
tional status, in combination with spirometry, tests of diffusion capacity (e.g.
DLCO) and calculation of Thoracoscore.
• The Thoracoscore gives an estimate of mortality risk based on a
number of variables (e.g. demographics, degree of dyspnoea and
comorbidities, performance status and type of surgery). It is especially
useful in the consent process. A multidisciplinary team approach is
essential and should involve the patient, anaesthetist, surgeon, clinical
nurse specialists, respiratory physician and radiologist.
• Patients may be classified as:1,2
• Clinically fit—​good exercise tolerance, normal spirometry: accept for
• Major medical problems, minimal exercise capacity, grossly impaired
PFTs: consider alternative treatment
• Reduced exercise capacity (shortness of breath climbing two flights of
stairs) and abnormal spirometry, with or without moderate coexisting
disease: further assessment and careful evaluation of risks/​benefits of
General principles 531

• PFTs (see % p. 164) are often used to determine suitability for lung
resection surgery by estimating the postoperative lung function. Put
the results in the context of the patient’s general health and proposed
• Spirometry should be performed in addition to tests of diffusion
capacity (e.g. DLCO). Patients with diffuse alveolar lung disease can
have severely impaired gas transfer with relatively normal spirometry.
• Predicted postoperative (ppo) value of the PFT results is calculated by
the following formula: ppo = preoperative value × (19 –​number of
segments resected)/​19.
• If preoperative DLCO or ppoFEV1 is <40% predicted normal, the
patient should undergo CPET prior to surgery.
• CPET assesses VO2max which is used to inform the risk of
perioperative morbidity and mortality. Patients with a VO2max 10–​
15mL/​kg/​min are higher risk and should have postoperative HDU
admission. VO2max <10mL/​kg/​min are very high risk and surgery
may not be appropriate—​further discussion is needed with the
multidisciplinary team and with the patient.
• All patients undergoing pneumonectomy or bilobectomy should
have CPET, echocardiography and a postoperative HDU admission.
Ventilation scans may be used to assess for non-​functional lung (e.g.
atelectasis beyond an obstructing tumour). All patients with an active
cardiac condition should undergo cardiology review.
• Chronic pain syndrome after thoracic surgery occurs in 25–​60% of
patients and the risk is i by high-​intensity postoperative pain, so optimal
analgesia is essential.
• Inadequate analgesia increases the neurohumoral stress response,
impairing mobilisation and respiration and increasing complications.
• Combining opioid-​sparing agents such as paracetamol, NSAIDs,
clonidine, magnesium, ketamine, glucocorticoids and a regional block is
• Regional anaesthesia typically involves surgically performed internal
intercostal nerve blocks alongside a paravertebral catheter for both
open and video-​assisted thoracotomy (equivalent analgesic efficacy to
epidurals, but associated with fewer adverse events and may be better
suited to patients taking anticoagulants or in renal failure).
• Continuous postoperative infusion of levobupivacaine 0.375% for 48–​
72h at 0.1mL/​kg/​h via the paravertebral catheter is advised.
• Limiting the use of PCAs aids enhanced recovery and VATS procedures
are generally less painful.
• Thoracic epidural may be necessary for bilateral procedures (match the
level of block to that of the incision—​usually T5/​6 or T6/​7).4
• Perineural catheters and regional analgesia into the serratus anterior or
erector spinae plane can be considered for single-​port VATS and also
provide good analgesia for rib fractures (see % pp. 995–6).

532 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Enhanced recovery after surgery

An ERAS pathway is initiated at referral and follows the patient to discharge.
It encompasses multiple elements that, when delivered in combination, im-
prove patient outcome. Attenuation of the stress response and organ dys-
function reduces length of stay and complications.
Preoperative recommendations
• Patient engagement, education and psychological preparation are
paramount to improving motivation and compliance with pulmonary
rehabilitation programmes and reducing postoperative pain.5
• Assessment of nutritional status and weight loss. Prescribe oral
nutritional supplements for malnourished or at-​risk patients.
• Smoking cessation and reducing alcohol consumption 4w preoperatively
reduces pulmonary complications and risk of death.
• Identify anaemic patients and correct iron deficiency. Blood transfusion
has been shown to reduce lung cancer survival, but if unavoidable,
preoperative transfusion is preferable to intraoperative.
• Prehabilitation programmes for those with borderline lung function or
poor exercise capacity improve physiological reserve.
• Avoid starvation and consider carbohydrate loading.
• Minimise postoperative respiratory dysfunction with good analgesia and
physiotherapy. Preoperative sedative agents should be avoided.
Perioperative recommendations
• Appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis, skin preparation and temperature
monitoring are mandatory. Avoid hypothermia.
• A combination of regional and general anaesthetic techniques permits
early extubation. Most volatiles weakly inhibit hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction, but with little impact at ≤1 MAC. Lung-​protective
ventilation should be employed (see % p. 170).
• PONV should be avoided (see % pp. 442–7). Higher-​risk patients
should be given multimodal antiemetic prophylaxis.
• Aim for euvolaemia (dry lung) with balanced crystalloid; avoid being
over-​restrictive (2–​3mL/​kg/​h not been shown to be detrimental).
• Minimally invasive surgery is preferred; avoid external suction on chest
tube, if possible.
• Warmed, humidified 40% O2 to compensate for i V/​Q mismatch after
pulmonary surgery. O2 3L/​min via nasal cannulae is better tolerated and
satisfactory for most other patients.
• Early mobilisation, physiotherapy, incentive spirometry and mechanical
and pharmacological VTE prophylaxis are all recommended, if possible.
• New-​onset AF or atrial flutter is common postoperatively, with an
incidence of 12%. β-​blockers should be continued; replace magnesium
and consider preoperative diltiazem or postoperative amiodarone.
Digoxin should not be used.
Miscellaneous thoracic procedures 533

Miscellaneous thoracic procedures

(See Table 20.1.)

Table 20.1 Miscellaneous thoracic procedures

Operation Description Time Position/​ Notes

(pain) approach
Fibreoptic Visual 5–​10min Supine GA rarely used.
broncho- inspection (+) Single-​lumen tube
scopy of tracheo- (SLT) (8–​9mm)
bronchial with bronchoscopy
tree ± biopsy diaphragm on angle
and bronchial piece. IPPV with
brushings/​ relaxant appropriate to
lavage duration. Expect high
airway pressures while
scope in ETT. Suction
can empty breathing
system. Surgeon may
perform via DLT at start
of a major case
Lung biopsy Diagnostic 30–​60min VATS (open DLT and one-​lung
sampling of (+++/​ procedure ventilation (OLV)
lung tissue ++++) becoming facilitate VATS
for localised rare) procedures. Patients
or diffuse with diffuse disease can
abnormality have very poor lung
function. Minor blood
loss, G&S: X-​match if
Oesopha- Visual 5–​20min Supine Regurgitation risk, so
goscopy inspection of (–​/​+) RSI advised. SLT on
and dilation oesophagus left side of mouth—​
(O&D) via rigid or watch for airway
fibreoptic obstruction and ETT
scope ± displacement during
dilation of procedure. Flexible
stricture oesophagoscopy often
done under IV sedation
Oesophageal Endoscopic 10–​30min Supine Often emaciated,
stent placement (+/​++) may be anaemic.
insertion of tubular Preoperative IV fluids
stent through to correct dehydration.
oesophageal RSI, SLT and awake
stricture extubation in lateral
position. Small risk of
oesophageal rupture


534 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Table 20.1 (Contd.)

Operation Description Time Position/​ Notes
(pain) approach
Fundo- ‘Antireflux’ 2–​3h Supine/​ Fundoplication patients
plication/​ procedure: (+++/​ laparotomy. often obese—​check
hiatus hernia fundus of +++++) Lateral/​ respiratory function.
repair stomach left thora- RSI or AFOI mandatory.
wrapped cotomy. DLT helpful for thoracic
around lower Majority approach. Multimodal
oesophagus, done and regional analgesia
may need laparo- advised. Moderate
gastroplasty scopically blood loss, G&S: if Hb
to lengthen <120, X-​match 2 units
Pectus Correction of 3–​5h Supine, Primarily cosmetic
excavatum/​ ‘funnel chest’/​ (+++/​ arms to unless deformity severe.
carinatum ‘pigeon chest’ ++++) sides, Usually young, fit adults.
repair deformity of midline GA, IPPV via SLT. Risk
sternum sternal of pneumothoraces.
incision Minimally invasive
technique for pectus
excavatum repair is
becoming increasingly
popular. Moderate to
severe blood loss, X-​
match 2 units
Thymectomy Excision of 2–​3h VATS, Usually for myasthenia
residual thymic (++/​ semi-​lateral gravis. Check for
tissue and/​ +++) position airway compression,
or thymoma other autoimmune
from superior diseases, thyroid
and anterior function and steroid,
mediastinum immunosuppressive
and anticholinesterase
therapy (see % p. 316).
anaesthesia, small doses
of muscle relaxant
or use rocuronium/​
sugammadex. Likely to
need HDU bed postop.
Moderate blood loss,
X-​match 2 units
Isolation of the lungs 535

Isolation of the lungs

Achieving independent ventilation of the lungs is not always straightfor-
ward. OLV is associated with complications and should be used only when
the benefits outweigh the risks.
Indications for OLV
Absolute indications
Avoid contamination of a lung in cases of infection, massive pulmonary
haemorrhage or bronchopulmonary lavage; control the distribution of ven-
tilation in massive air leaks or severe unilateral lung disease (e.g. giant bullae
and lung cysts) and for VATS procedures.
Relative indications
Improving access for surgery. If isolation proves difficult, communicate with
the surgeon as lung retraction may be an alternative.
Double-​lumen endobronchial tubes (DLTs)
• DLTs are the most common and most versatile approach.
• DLTs are described as ‘right’ or ‘left’, according to the main bronchus
they are designed to intubate.
• Right-​sided tubes have a hole in the wall of the endobronchial section
(Murphy’s eye) to facilitate ventilation of the right upper lobe.
• Sizes of plastic DLTs are given in Charrière (Ch) gauge (equivalent to
French gauge), which is the external circumference of the tube in mm.
Thus, a 39Ch tube has an external diameter of about 13mm. Note that
the diameter of the bronchial segment of the tubes varies between
manufacturers (for the same tube gauge).
• The lumens of DLTs are small, compared with standard SLTs. The IDs
of the lumens of the 39 and 35Ch Broncho-​Cath® DLTs are only 6.0
and 4.5mm, respectively.
• Bronchoscopic placement and checking require a narrow scope (<4mm
in diameter).
Types of double-​lumen endobronchial tube
• Carlens’ (left-​sided): has a carinal ‘hook’ to aid correct placement.
• White’s (right-​sided): has a carinal hook and slit in the tube wall.
• Robertshaw (right-​and left-​sided): D-​shaped lumens; traditionally a red
rubber, now available as single-​use in small, medium and large.
• Single-​use PVC (right-​and left-​sided): high-​volume, low-​pressure cuffs;
bronchial cuff and blue-​coloured pilot tube; radio-​opaque marker stripe
running to the tip of the bronchial lumen; available in sizes 28–​41Ch,
e.g. Mallinckrodt®, Broncho-​Cath® and Sheridan®.
Right or left?
• Right-​sided DLTs are harder to place due to the fact that the Murphy’s
eye needs to be placed over the right upper lobe bronchus. This means
there is less margin for error. The right-​sided DLTs absolutely need a
fibreoptic bronchoscope check for positioning. Right-​sided tubes are
required for surgery on the left main bronchus, obstruction of the left
main bronchus or a short left main bronchus.

536 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

• Left-​sided DLTs are easier to place and more commonly used. They
can be used for most cases, although for VATS major lung resections,
the opposite side tube to the side of surgery is preferred. This avoids
trauma from the end of the bronchial portion of the tube.
Placement of double-​lumen endobronchial tube
• Assess the risks/​benefits of using a DLT.6
• Check the DLT prior to use, including checking both cuffs and that all
connections fit together appropriately, including the Y-​connector.7
• Most plastic DLTs are supplied with a malleable stylet which can be used
to adjust the curve of the tube to facilitate intubation.
• Commence intubation with the concavity of the endobronchial section
of the DLT facing anteriorly. Once the tip is past the glottis, withdraw
the stylet and rotate the tube 90–​180° to bring the oropharyngeal curve
into the sagittal plane. Gently advance while bringing the DLT back into
a neutral position.
• Advance the tube to around 29cm, which is the average depth for
patients who are 170–​180cm tall. There is a 1cm change in depth for
every 10cm variation in the patient’s height from this position.8
• Do not simply advance until resistance as this could result in trauma.
• At this stage, treat the DLT as an ordinary ETT. Inflate the tracheal cuff,
check for ETCO2 and confirm placement in both lungs.
• The diameter of a DLT makes intubation more difficult than with a
standard tube, even with a good view of the larynx. Despite a grade 1
view of the larynx, the DLT can end up in the oesophagus, so vigilance
should be maintained throughout.
• Bougies can be used, but check that they are compatible with a DLT.
Other useful equipment for a difficult DLT are a VL and an airway
exchange catheter (AEC).
Confirmation of double-​lumen endobronchial tube position (left)
• Clamp the tracheal lumen on the Y-​connector and open the port to
feel for a leak. Look at the movement of the chest and check if there is
appropriate unilateral expansion.
• Inflate the bronchial cuff until the leak disappears. Check with the DLT
manufacturer the maximum amount of air that can be placed into the
cuff. Continue to observe movement of the chest and that it is unilateral
and appropriate for the side that has been clamped.
• Another method to check that the DLT is in the correct position is to
auscultate over the side you wish to isolate. Listen while placing the
clamp on and inflating the bronchial cuff; if correct, the chest sounds
should disappear.
• Next, confirm it is possible to isolate and achieve OLV of the opposite
(operative) lung via the tracheal lumen by clamping the opposite side on
the Y-​connector.
• ETTs often move when the patient is placed in the lateral position.
Recheck isolation and OLV once in position and before surgery.
Isolation of the lungs 537

Fibreoptic bronchoscope
• Ideally, the position of every DLT should be checked bronchoscopically.
At the very least, a suitable bronchoscope must be immediately
available to assess DLT placement if there are clinical problems with the
tube or with OLV.
• The position of a right-​sided tube should always be checked with a
bronchoscope to ensure correct position of the Murphy’s eye.
• It may be necessary to use the bronchoscope to help intubate the
correct bronchus and then railroad the tube over the bronchoscope.
Several bronchoscopic studies have shown that up to 80% of DLTs are
malpositioned to some extent, even when clinical signs are satisfactory.
The upper surface of the bronchial cuff (blue) should lie just below the
carina when visualised via the tracheal lumen.
Bronchial blocker technique
• Bronchial blockers (Univent™ tube or Arndt endobronchial blocker)
are useful in patients who are difficult to intubate, have distorted
tracheobronchial anatomy/​tracheostomy and occasions when
isolation of a lobar bronchus is required (localised bronchiectasis
or haemorrhage, lung abscess, bronchopleural fistula, previous lung
resection and poor tolerance of OLV).9
• A balloon-​tipped catheter (‘blocker’) is manipulated through an SLT
into the appropriate main (or lobar) bronchus with the aid of a narrow
fibreoptic bronchoscope.
• Good lubrication of both the bronchoscope and blocker is essential.
• The position of the blocker should be rechecked after the patient has
been positioned for surgery. They move out of position easily.
• Placement is usually straightforward in the supine position but can be
awkward in the lateral position.
• The lung or lobe is isolated from ventilation by inflating the balloon
within the bronchus. The lung slowly collapses, as the trapped gas is
absorbed or escapes via the blocker’s narrow central lumen.
• Collapse can be accelerated by ventilating with 100% O2 for a few
minutes and then inflating the blocker at end-​expiration when lung
volume is at its minimum.
• Reinflation of the collapsed lung requires deflation of the blocker and
consequent loss of isolation of the lungs. A DLT will maintain separation
of the airways to each lung until extubation.
• During pneumonectomy or sleeve resection (bronchial reanastomosis),
the blocker has to be withdrawn to allow surgical access to the
• There are two modern forms of bronchial blocker: Univent™ tube
(SLT with an internal channel containing an adjustable blocker bearing a
high-​volume, low-​pressure cuff ) and Arndt wire-​guided endobronchial
blocker (Cook™). This is a stiff catheter with a cylindrical cuff and
an adjustable ‘wire’ loop at its tip to guide the blocker along the
fibreoptic bronchoscope into the required bronchus (special adapter
allowing deployment through a conventional single-​lumen or cuffed
tracheostomy tube).

538 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Management of one-​lung ventilation

A V/​Q mismatch is created when a patient is put onto OLV leading to a
shunt. Patients tend to be turned lateral, allowing the weight of the medi-
astinum and abdominal contents to reduce the FRC. The Bohr effect (O2
being released from Hb) can occur due to the physiological changes due to
a raised CO2 and resulting respiratory acidosis.10,11
Initiating one-​lung ventilation
• Start with typical ventilator settings you would use during two-​lung
• Increase FiO2 to 0.5–​1.0 before initiating OLV. Note the airway pressure
(Paw) generated by this VT.
• Clamp the Y-​connection to the operative (non-​dependent) lung, and
open the sealing cap on that lumen of the DLT to allow the gas to
• If correctly isolated, the VT should drop to around two-​thirds of what it
was when not isolated.
• If Paw is excessive (>35cmH2O) or rises abruptly with each inspiration,
exclude mechanical causes (e.g. kinked connector, clamp incorrectly
placed) and DLT malposition or obstruction (e.g. ventilating the lobe,
rather than the lung, sputum plugs, opening of the tracheal lumen
against the wall of the trachea).
• Adjust VT and ventilator profile to limit the Paw to ≤35cmH2O, and
ideally to ≤30cmH2O. Incidence of ALI is reduced by employing a
‘protective ventilation strategy’: lower Paw, PEEP 5–​10cmH2O.
• Some monitoring systems allow you to compare the spirometry loop
before and during OLV.
• Observe SpO2 and ETCO2 closely. If necessary, increase the ventilatory
rate to maintain an acceptable minute volume and CO2 clearance.
• Check with the surgeon that the lung is collapsing (may take a few
minutes in patients with obstructive airways disease) and that the
mediastinum has not ‘sunk’ into the dependent hemithorax. It is at these
points where good communication with the surgeon is essential.
• If the lung fails to come down, gentle suction via a DLT suction catheter
may help.
Hypoxia on one-​lung ventilation
• Hypoxia is a frequent complication of OLV.12
• It usually occurs after a few minutes of OLV (as O2 in the non-​ventilated
lung is absorbed).
• SpO2 dips but then often rises again, due to hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction as blood flow through the non-​ventilated lung
Actions: the ventilated lung
• Increase the FiO2 and hand-​ventilate with 100% O2; this is to ensure the
circuit is intact and delivering O2 which will exclude circuit disconnection
and O2 failure. It will also help with checking compliance of the
ventilated lung and if there are any secretions.
• Increase the minute ventilation.
Management of one-lung ventilation 539

• Check the tube position with a fibreoptic scope and make sure that the
tube has not moved to obstruct the upper lobe.
• Suction out any secretions.
• Maintain perfusion with fluid and vasopressors.
• Apply PEEP to the ventilated lung, but be aware this can worsen the
Actions: the non-​ventilated lung
• Insufflate O2 via a suction catheter.
• Apply CPAP via a separate circuit to the non-​ventilated lung.
• Requires discussion with surgeon as will make operative view more
difficult, which is particularly a problem during VATS.
• Clamp the PA, but this is only really an option near completion of a
Returning to two-​lung ventilation
• Gently suction the non-​ventilated lung to clear any blood or pus—​use
the long suction catheters supplied with the DLT.
• Close the sealing cap on the lumen to the non-​ventilated lung and
remove the clamp on the Y-​connector.
• Switch to manual ventilation and reinflate the collapsed lung under
direct vision. Long, sustained ventilation breaths are effective, and
inflation pressures of up to 30cmH2O are often required to fully re-​
expand all areas of the lung.
• The surgeon will commonly observe for air leaks at this point and may
ask for a specific Paw to be generated.
• Return the patient to mechanical ventilation and, unless significant
volumes of the lung have been resected, return to the original two-​lung
ventilator settings and FiO2.
• Adjust the RR to maintain normocapnia.
• Always be prepared to return to OLV immediately, should problems
occur, e.g. large air leak from the operated lung. It is prudent to keep
your fibreoptic scope nearby until you are completely satisfied with
the lungs.
• Many anaesthetists advocate deflating the bronchial cuff as soon as
possible to prevent bronchial wall necrosis.

540 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Rigid bronchoscopy and stent insertion

Procedure Endoscopic inspection of tracheobronchial tree ± biopsy,
stents, removal of foreign body
Time 10–​20min
Pain +
Position Supine with head and neck extended
Blood loss Usually minimal
Practical TCI propofol, alfentanil/​remifentanil, rocuronium,
techniques sugammadex for high-​risk cases
IPPV through bronchoscope with O2 via Venturi needle
and Sanders injector
Apnoeic oxygenation via HFNO

• Check for airway obstruction: stridor, tracheal tumour on CT scan or
history of foreign body inhalation.
• Suitable as a day case procedure in appropriate patients.
• Warn about postoperative coughing, haemoptysis and sore throat.
• Combined with mediastinoscopy to assess suitability for resection.
• The airway will be unprotected, so patients at risk of regurgitation may
need premedication with omeprazole or ranitidine.
• Give full preoxygenation and check the jet ventilator is working before
anaesthetising the patient.
• It is safer to anaesthetise these patients in theatre with the surgical team
ready to go as soon as the patient is anaesthetised.
• Coordinate low-​frequency jet ventilation with surgical activity—​the
surgeons will say when not to ventilate.
• Dexamethasone can be given to reduce airway swelling.
• Sit fully upright as soon as awake.
• A blood clot can cause severe lower airway obstruction, requiring
immediate intubation, suction and repeat bronchoscopy.
Special considerations
• A stimulating procedure that can generate a marked hypertensive
• Extreme CVS responses need to be obtunded, and profound relaxation
provided, but with prompt return of laryngeal reflexes and spontaneous
• Rarely, a biopsy can precipitate a life-​threatening airway bleed.
• Stent insertion can be technically difficult and may involve periodic loss
of airway control.

Superior/​cervical mediastinoscopy and

endobronchial ultrasound
Procedure Inspection and biopsy of tumours and lymph nodes in
superior and anterior mediastinum via small suprasternal
or anterior intercostal incision
Time 20–​30min
Pain +
Position Supine or slightly head up, arms by sides, and head ring
with bolster under shoulders
Blood loss Usually minimal, but potential for massive haemorrhage;
Practical IPPV via SLT
techniques LA and/​or propofol TCI for endobronchial ultrasound

• Suitable as day case procedure in appropriate patients.
• Check for SVC obstruction and tracheal deviation or compression due
to large mediastinal masses.
• Sometimes preceded by rigid bronchoscopy (‘Bronch & Med’).
• Ensure the airway is secure as the head will be obscured by drapes.
• Give boluses of IV fentanyl during surgery.
• Insert a 16-​gauge (G) cannula in a lower leg vein after induction (see %
Special considerations, p. 541).
• Beware surgical compression of the trachea (monitor VT and Paw).
• Paracetamol and NSAID. Usual day case precautions.
Special considerations
• There is the potential for massive haemorrhage from the great vessels.
The risk is i in patients with SVC obstruction (hence cannula in the leg).
May require immediate sternotomy.
• Mediastinotomy can cause a pneumothorax, recurrent laryngeal nerve
injury and VAE.
Endobronchial ultrasound
• An alternative method for mediastinal staging of lung cancer. Can be
done with LA ± sedation or GA (TIVA).
• Effectively, this is a flexible bronchoscopy through either a laryngeal
mask or a single-​lumen ETT, so be prepared for problems with
ventilation and you may need to hand-​ventilate on relatively high flows.

542 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Lung surgery: wedge resection,

lobectomy and pneumonectomy
Procedure Excision of pulmonary tissue either selectively (wedge re-
section or lobectomy) or a whole lung (pneumonectomy)
Time 2–​4h
Pain +++++
Position Lateral decubitus with table ‘broken’, elbows flexed to
bring forearms parallel to face
Blood loss 100–​500mL; occasionally significantly more; G&S
Practical IPPV via DLT using OLV. Paravertebral regional anaes-
techniques thesia with catheter for postoperative analgesia, arterial

• Cancer is the commonest indication for lung resection; others include
benign tumours, bronchiectasis and TB.
• Patients require extensive preoperative assessment to assess
cardiovascular and functional fitness.
• Large majority of wedge resections and lobectomies now performed by
VATS. This can be done with multiple ports or a single port, depending
on the case and surgical preference.
• Assess the airway with respect to placement of the DLT.
• Ensure patient education, commence ERAS protocol and plan the
postoperative analgesia regime.
• Select the appropriate DLT and check lung isolation carefully after
• The choice of side of tube to use will be dependent on the case and
surgical technique. For VATS for major lung resections, use opposite
side tube to side of operation to avoid any trauma to bronchus during
• Place arterial line for most cases involving OLV.
• OLV facilitates surgery and prevents soiling of the dependent lung.
• Continuous display of the Paw/​volume loop is a valuable adjunct to
monitoring and managing OLV.
• Surgical manipulation often causes cardiac and venous compression,
which reduces the CO/​BP and may cause arrhythmias.
• Suction the airway to the collapsed lung prior to reinflation.
• The bronchial suture line is ‘leak-​tested’ under 0.9% sodium chloride by
manual inflation to 20–​30cmH2O.
• Use multimodal analgesia as described previously.

• Aim to extubate the patient awake and sitting at the end of the
• Prescribe continuous humidified supplementary O2.
• Ensure good analgesia is achieved. Many centres are now using
paravertebral analgesia, rather than epidurals, especially for VATS
cases. Intercostal blocks can also be placed under direct vision by the
• Good regional analgesia may avoid excessive amounts of opioids and
PCA may not be required.
• A CXR is usually required postoperatively.
Special considerations
• Occasionally, patients with bronchial carcinoma may have ‘non-​
metastatic’ manifestations (Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome or
ectopic hormone production) (see % p. 316; % p. 232; % pp. 235–7).
• Perioperative mortality from pneumonectomy is 5–​13%. ALI occurs in
4% of resections and the mortality rate is 30–​50%.13
• Additional risk factors include the inflammatory response to surgery,
chronic alcohol abuse, genetic predisposition, intraoperative plateau
pressures >15cmH2O and >4000mL of IV fluid in first 24h.
• Incidence may be reduced by the intraoperative use of lung-​protective
strategies (as established in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
management) and GDFT.
• Heparinisation may be required during sleeve lobectomy if vessel
resection is necessary.

544 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Lung volume reduction surgery,

bullectomy and endobronchial valves
Procedure Non-​anatomical resection, or occlusion, of regions of
hyperinflated and poorly functioning pulmonary tissue
Time 2–​5h
Pain +++/​+++++
Position Median sternotomy (bilateral surgery): supine with arms
to sides. Thoracotomy or VATS: lateral decubitus (as for
lung resection)
Blood loss 100–​500mL; G&S
Practical Careful IPPV with OLV
techniques Paravertebral catheter for analgesia

Lung volume reduction surgery is a surgical treatment for selected patients

with severe respiratory failure 2° to emphysema.14 The aim is to reduce
the total lung volume to more physiological levels by resecting the most
diseased areas, thereby improving the respiratory function. Most of these
patients belong to a group in which GA would normally be avoided at any
cost. The procedure is also considered for those with bullous disease and
recurrent pneumothoraces.
• Patients require intensive assessment, careful selection and optimisation
prior to surgery.
• These are extremely high-​risk cases which are being performed less
frequently due to the relatively high mortality risk (around 8%).
• A clear understanding of the pathophysiology and adequate thoracic
experience are essential to safe anaesthetic management.15
• Surgery may be performed via sternotomy or thoracotomy or by VATS.
• Arterial line required for invasive monitoring.
• Thorough preoxygenation is necessary as desaturation can be rapid.
• There is a serious risk of rupturing emphysematous bullae with IPPV,
causing leaks and tension pneumothoraces.
• N2O is contraindicated.
• Limit the risk of ‘gas trapping’ and dynamic pulmonary hyperinflation
by deliberate hypoventilation and permissive hypercapnia (pH >7.2).
Recommend VT 5–​6mL/​kg, RR 10–​12 breaths/​min, I:E ratio 1:4 and Paw
• Air trapping can prolong collapse of the operative lung. External
pressure by the surgeon and endobronchial suctioning can help.
• Bronchospasm and sputum retention with mucus plugging can also be a
• Cautious fluid use is advised unless the patient requires fluid/​blood due
to haemorrhage.

• Aim to extubate at the end of the procedure. HDU or ICU care will be
required in most cases.
• Watch closely for air leaks and alert surgeons to any concerns.
• Requires excellent pain relief, skilled physiotherapy and a pulmonary
rehabilitation programme.
Special considerations
• Commonest complication is prolonged air leak: >7d in 50% of patients.
• Mortality from recent series is 5–​10%.
• The National Emphysema Treatment Trial demonstrated that lung
volume reduction surgery benefits patients with predominantly upper
lobe disease and a low baseline exercise capacity.
• Patients with an isolated congenital bulla or ‘lung cyst’ require the same
careful intraoperative anaesthetic management but are usually much
fitter and do not normally require invasive cardiological assessment.
Endobronchial valves
• These are one-​way valves that are placed into specific lung segment
to prevent air moving in during inspiration but allow air and mucus to
leave during expiration. The idea is that this will lead to atelectasis of
emphysematous areas of the lung.16
• This procedure is done bronchoscopically with either sedation or GA.
• There is much less morbidity associated with this technique, compared
to complete lung reduction surgery.
• Interlobar collateral ventilation which occurs in up to two-​thirds of
patients with severe emphysema will prevent the use of endobronchial
valves. In this scenario, endobronchial coils may be considered.17

546 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Drainage of empyema and decortication

Procedure Surgical removal of pus (empyema) and organised thick,
fibrinous pleural membrane (decortication)
Time Drainage 20–​40min; decortication 2–​3h
Pain +++/​+++++
Position Lateral decubitus for VATS
Blood loss Simple drainage: minimal
Decortication: 500–​2000mL; X-​match 2 units
Practical GA, ETT and IPPV with DLT advised for decortication
techniques (risk of air leaks); arterial line, CVP if septic and will re-
quire vasopressors

Thoracic empyema describes pus-​filled pockets in the pleural space. Often

2° to pneumonia, but also caused by penetrating chest trauma, broncho-
genic carcinoma or post-​surgery.19
• Patients may be overtly septic and respiratory function often already
compromised by pneumonia or prior lung resection.
• Check for bronchopleural fistula created by erosion into the lung.
• Usually drained by rib resection and large-​bore intercostal drain.
• VATS approach if patient can tolerate OLV.
• If a thoracotomy is required, an epidural should be considered.
• Decortication frequently causes significant haemorrhage.
• Arterial line ± CVP, depending on how septic the patient is.
• Be prepared for conversion to thoracotomy.
• Multimodal analgesia with serratus anterior or erector spinae block (for
VATS procedures), with intercostal blocks at the start. Paravertebral
catheters are not possible due to loss of the pleura.
• HDU is recommended for decortication in debilitated patients.
Special considerations
• Surgical goal is to remove infected tissue, including pleural ‘peel’, fully
re-​expand the lung, and obliterate the infected pleural space.
• Air leaks are common following decortication of the visceral pleura, and
lobectomy is occasionally required for a massive air leak.
• Decortication is a major procedure which requires careful evaluation of
risks and benefits in elderly, frail and sick patients.
Repair of bronchopleural fistula 547

Repair of bronchopleural fistula

Procedure Closure of communication between pleural cavity and
trachea or bronchi
Time 2–​3h (for thoracotomy approach)
Pain ++++/​+++++
Position Keep sitting upright, with affected side tilted down until
good lung isolated, then lateral decubitus for thoracotomy
Blood loss 300–​800mL; G&S. X-​match if anaemic
Practical RSI induction and fibreoptic-​guided endobronchial intub-
techniques ation with DLT

The severity of symptoms is proportional to the size of the fistula—​big

fistulae with large air leaks cause severe dyspnoea and may necessitate ur-
gent respiratory support; critical care input is imperative. Features are pro-
ductive cough, haemoptysis, fever, dyspnoea, SC emphysema, persistent air
leak and falling fluid level in the post-​pneumonectomy space on the CXR.
• Patients are often debilitated, with the respiratory function
compromised by infection and prior lung resection.
• Check previous anaesthetic charts for ease of intubation and the type
of DLT used.
• Check the anatomy of the lower airway carefully on CXR—​it is often
distorted by previous surgery.
• Patients require resuscitation and a functioning chest drain prior to
• Key principles are to protect the ‘good’ lung from contamination and to
control the distribution of ventilation. Failure to adequately isolate the
lungs after induction will put the patient at grave risk.
• Commence invasive arterial pressure monitoring before induction.
• Lung isolation must be confirmed prior to positive pressure ventilation
or repositioning of the patient.
• Many thoracic anaesthetists use a modified RSI and advance the DLT
under direct vision with a fibreoptic bronchoscope to ensure correct
placement in the bronchus contralateral to the fistula, before ventilation
is commenced.
• Ideally, three anaesthetists are required, one for laryngoscopy and
intubation, one to man the fibreoptic scope and one to watch the
• Once the tube has been confirmed in the correct bronchus by fibreoptic
bronchoscopy, inflate the bronchial cuff first and ventilate directly on
the bronchial port of the tube.
• The potential exists to enlarge the fistula by inappropriate placement of
the DLT.
• IPPV increases gas leakage, causing loss of VT and the risk of tension
pneumothorax. Minimise Paw.
• Plan HDU/​ICU care for all but the most straightforward cases.
• Extubate as soon as possible.

548 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Special considerations
• Most fistulae are postoperative complications of pneumonectomy
or lobectomy, but some are 2° to pneumonia, lung abscesses and
• Anaesthesia for repair of a bronchopleural fistula is challenging and not
recommended for an ‘occasional’ thoracic anaesthetist!
Pleurectomy/pleurodesis 549

Procedure Stripping of parietal pleura from inside of chest wall
(pleurectomy). Production of adhesions between parietal
and visceral pleura either chemically (talc, tetracycline) or
by physical abrasion (pleurodesis)
Time Pleurectomy 1–​2h; pleurodesis 20–​40min
Pain +++/​++++
Position Lateral decubitus for VATS or open thoracotomy
Blood loss Can bleed from the stripped pleura; G&S
Practical IPPV and OLV advised for open/​VATS procedures

• Patients fall into two groups: the relatively young and fit with recurrent
pneumothoraces (check for asthma) and older patients compromised
by COPD or recurrent pleural effusions (check respiratory reserve).
• Check a recent CXR for pneumothorax and/​or effusion.
• Ensure any infection is treated.
• A preoperative intercostal drain is advised if pneumothorax present.
• Check the planned surgical approach.
• Discuss postoperative analgesia and the regional technique.
• Keep Paw as low as possible in patients with a history of pneumothorax.
• Be alert for pneumothoraces, as they can tension rapidly on IPPV, even
with a drain in situ, and can be on the ‘healthy’ side.
• Avoid N2O.
• Aim for full expansion of the lung at the end of the procedure to
oppose the parietal and visceral pleurae.
• Extubate and sit the patient upright before transfer to the recovery
• A CXR is needed to check full lung expansion. Pleural inflammation
usually causes severe pain, particularly when abrasion of the pleura is
• Multimodal analgesia is again imperative but tend to avoid NSAIDs
which may make pleurodesis less effective due to anti-​inflammatory
• Paravertebral blocks are usually unsuitable due to damage to the pleura.
Intercostal blocks can be sited at the start of the procedure.

550 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

Special considerations
• Pleurectomy is usually performed for recurrent pneumothorax,
combined with stapling of the lung tissue responsible for recurrent air
leaks (usually apical ‘blebs’ or small bullae).
• Pleurodesis is often used to manage malignant pleural effusions
(mesothelioma, metastatic carcinoma)—​there may be large volumes of
fluid causing significant respiratory compromise.
• Patients with massive pleural effusions (more than two-​thirds of
the hemithorax on CXR or >2000mL) should have these ‘tapped’
and partially drained at least 12h before surgery, because rapid
intraoperative reinflation of the collapsed lung can precipitate unilateral
postoperative ‘re-​expansion’ pulmonary oedema.
• Patients with extensive effusions are also at risk of circulatory collapse
when turned ‘effusion side up’ for surgery. The mechanism is probably
a combination of mediastinal shift and high intrathoracic pressure from
IPPV reducing the venous return and CO. If this occurs, return the
patient to the supine position and drain the effusion before proceeding.
Oesophagectomy 551

Procedure Total or partial excision of oesophagus with mobilisation
of stomach (occasionally colon) into chest
Time 3–​6h
Pain +++++
Position Supine with arms by sides and/​or lateral decubitus for
Blood loss 500–​1500mL; X-​match 2 units
Practical IPPV, OLV via DLT or bronchial blocker, arterial/​CVP
techniques lines, urinary catheter, thoracic epidural or paravertebral
catheter for thoracoabdominal incision

Types of procedure
Minimally invasive
Thoracoscopic oesophageal mobilisation, laparoscopic gastric mobilisation
and cervical anastomosis.
Laparotomy and right thoracotomy, often laparoscopic-​assisted.
Laparotomy and cervical anastomosis.
Left thoracotomy crossing the costal margin and diaphragm.
McKeown 3-​stage
Laparotomy, right thoracotomy and cervical anastomosis.
• Establish the indication for surgery—​usually oesophageal cancer, but
occasionally for non-​malignant disease (benign stricture, achalasia).
• Preoperative malnutrition or cachexia is common and associated with a
higher risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality.
• Preoperative adjuvant chemotherapy may leave residual
immunosuppression but can dramatically improve dysphagia.
• Some centres utilise enhanced recovery protocols.
• Will need HDU or ICU, depending on local protocols.
• Consider all patients with oesophageal disease to be at risk of
regurgitation; some patients may require a modified RSI.
• If thoracotomy is planned, use a DLT or bronchial blocker.
• Prepare for long surgery, sometimes involving repositioning.
• Multimodal analgesia is necessary, including regional block. NSAIDs
should be avoided, but give intraoperative paracetamol and magnesium.
Consider clonidine, and for shoulder tip pain, tramadol.
• Plan regional anaesthesia according to the surgical approach.
Paravertebral catheter infusion with morphine PCA for the
thoracoabdominal approach. For laparotomy/​thoracotomy, a mid-​
thoracic epidural is advised for intra-​and postoperative use.

552 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

• An NGT will be required initially. It is removed for resection and

reinserted under surgical guidance following anastomosis.
• Monitor the core temperature, and be obsessional about keeping the
patient warm.
• A fluid-​restrictive regime is advised, typically 2mL/​kg/​h as an infusion,
with additional fluid boluses as guided by haemodynamic parameters for
hypovolaemia. Vasopressors should be used where required.
• Check Hb and blood gases regularly.
• Arrhythmias and reduced CO causing hypotension may occur during
intrathoracic oesophageal mobilisation.
• Change the DLT to an SLT to improve surgical access prior to cervical
anastomosis (if performed).
• Early extubation is ideal. If cold (<35.5°C) or haemodynamically
unstable, ventilate until the condition improves.
• Patients require intensive and experienced postoperative nursing care in
a specialist ward, HDU or ICU.
• Use a jejunostomy or nasoduodenal tube for early enteral feeding. A
bridle can be useful in these patients who are prone to postoperative
Special considerations
• Oesophagectomy has one of the highest perioperative mortality rates
of all elective procedures (up to 5%, even in specialist centres).
• Sixty-​six per cent of deaths are from systemic sepsis 2° to respiratory
complications or anastomotic breakdown.
• Over 30% of patients suffer a major complication.
• The majority of centres perform minimally invasive (endoscopic)
oesophagectomy. Beware ‘tension capnothorax’ if the pleura is
breached during laparoscopic hiatal dissection.
• Occasional practice in anaesthesia (or surgery) for oesophagectomy is
not recommended.
Chest injury 553

Chest injury
The emergency diagnosis and initial treatment of major thoracic trauma are
described on % pp. 995–8. This section deals with the anaesthetic manage-
ment of rib fractures and the definitive repair of ruptures of the diaphragm,
oesophagus and tracheobronchial tree.
Rib fractures
• These are common and associated with a high risk of respiratory
complications. Trauma injuries are increasingly being seen in those
aged >65y who have i comorbid burden and polypharmacy, including
• Prompt multimodal analgesia including paracetamol, NSAID where
appropriate, oral or PCA opioids and regional block are essential to
improve respiratory mechanics and reduce complications.
• Regional analgesia can be afforded by paravertebral catheter insertion
or fascial plane catheters. An increasing number of ultrasound-​guided
erector spinae or serratus anterior plane blocks are being performed,
which are both relatively simple to do, reduce the risk of pneumothorax
and can be performed in coagulopathic patients.
• Plane block catheters can be bolused with 30–​40mL of 0.25%
levobupivacaine and then run as 10mL/​h of 0.125% levobupivacaine.
• Paravertebral catheter insertion is an alternative and provides a reliable
unilateral block with reduced hypotension, motor blockade and urinary
retention seen with thoracic epidurals, which are no longer considered
the gold standard in traumatic rib fractures.
• Operative fixation may be indicated, especially in those with flail
segments and uncontrollable pain.
• Humidified O2, nebulised 0.9% sodium chloride and respiratory
physiotherapy also help reduce respiratory complications. Non-​
invasive ventilation or high-​flow O2 reduce atelectasis and improve the
paradoxical movement of a flail segment. IPPV should be avoided, if
Repair of ruptured diaphragm
• Clinical features and diagnosis are described on % p. 998.
• May present as a chronic condition or as intestinal obstruction of a
herniated bowel, so check preoperative fluid and electrolyte status.
• The defect should be closed promptly, but rarely emergently.
• The surgical approach is via a standard lateral thoracotomy or a
thoracoabdominal incision. DLT facilitates surgical access.
• Management is as for a fundoplication (see % p. 534).
• Avoid N2O, as it distends the bowel and may make reduction of the
hernia more difficult.
• An NGT should be used to decompress the stomach.
Repair of ruptured oesophagus
• Clinical features and diagnosis are described on % p. 997. Surgical
emphysema and empyema are frequently present.
• Other causes of oesophageal rupture include excessive abdominal
straining and uncoordinated vomiting (Boerhaave’s syndrome).

554 Chapter 20 Thoracic surgery

• Oesophageal perforation can be caused by foreign bodies but is often

iatrogenic (during endoscopic procedures).
• Mediastinitis is followed rapidly by sepsis and a systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS), with associated problems of circulatory
shock, renal failure and ARDS.
• The principles of surgical management are initially drainage and
prevention of further contamination.
• Endoscopy will determine the extent of oesophageal disruption.
• Small tears in unfit patients may be managed conservatively with chest
drainage and NG suction, but often urgent surgery is required.
• Patients should be stabilised preoperatively (chest drainage, IV fluid
replacement, analgesia, invasive monitoring and inotropic support).
• Intraoperative management is as for oesophagectomy.
• Upper and lower oesophageal injuries require right and left
thoracotomy, respectively.
• 1° closure may be possible if the oesophagus is healthy; if not,
oesophagectomy will be required.
• Arrhythmias are common, particularly AF, due to mediastinitis.
• Change the DLT for an SLT before transfer to ICU.
• All patients are high risk of major complications for several days.
• Early postoperative feeding via feeding jejunostomy or parenterally.
• There is a significant incidence of dehiscence, resulting in an
oesophagopleurocutaneous fistula with high mortality.
Repair of tracheobronchial injury
• Most patients with significant tracheal/​bronchial disruption do not reach
hospital alive.
• Clinical features of laryngeal and tracheobronchial injuries are described
on % p. 998.
• 100% O2 and relief of tension pneumothorax (see % p. 974).
• If ventilation and oxygenation are acceptable, call for thoracic surgical
assistance and try to assess and identify the site of airway injury by
fibreoptic bronchoscopy before intubation.
• Airway management and anaesthetic principles apply as for a large
bronchopleural fistula (see % pp. 547–8).
• Adequate positive pressure ventilation may be impossible with an SLT.
• A torn bronchus can be isolated by fibreoptic-​guided intubation of the
contralateral intact main bronchus with an appropriate DLT.
• An uncut SLT can be guided past an upper tracheal tear with a
bronchoscope, so its cuff lies distal to the injury.
• Once the airway is secure and ventilation is stabilised, proceed to an
urgent thoracotomy for repair.
• Carinal disruption may require CPB to maintain oxygenation during
• Inappropriate management can lead to long-​term airway problems.
Chest injury 555

Further reading
El-​Boghdadly K, Wiles MD (2019). Regional anaesthesia for rib fractures: too many choices, too little
evidence. Anaesthesia, 74, 564–​8.
Wilson WC, Benumof JL (2005). Anesthesia for thoracic surgery. In: Miller RD (ed). Miller’s
Anesthesia, 6th edn. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; pp. 1847–​930.
Ghosh S, Latimer RD (1999). Thoracic Anaesthesia Principles and Practice. London:

1 Lim E, Baldwin D, Beckles M, et al.; British Thoracic Society, Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery
in Great Britain and Ireland (2010). Guidelines on the radical management of patients with lung
cancer. Thorax, 65 (Suppl 3), iii1–​27.
2 Hackett S, Jones R, Kapila R (2019). Anaesthesia for pneumonectomy. BJA Educ, 19, 297–​300.
3 Short HL, Kamalanathan K (2018). Has analgesia changed for lung resection surgery? Anaesthesia,
73, 444–​9.
4 Slinger P, Campos JH (2020). Anaesthesia for thoracic surgery. In: Gropper M, Miller R, Cohen N
(eds). Miller’s Anesthesia, 9th edn. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; pp. 1648–​716.
5 Batchelor TJP, Rasburn NJ, Abdelnour-​Berchtold E, et al. (2019). Guidelines for enhanced re-
covery after lung surgery: recommendations of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Society and the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS). Depth of placement of left
double-​lumen endobronchial tubes. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 55, 91–​115.
6 Ashok V, Francis J (2018). A practical approach to one lung ventilation. BJA Educ, 18, 69–​74.
7 Dr Gallagher’s Neighborhood. Lung isolation. M https://​​watch?v=9oV_​
8 Brodsky JB, Benumof JL, Ehrenwerth J, Ozaki GT (1991). Depth of placement of left double-​
lumen endobronchial tubes. Anesth Analg, 73, 570–​2.
9 Campos JH (2003). Which device should be considered the best for lung isolation: double-​lumen
endotracheal tube versus bronchial blockers. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol, 20, 27–​31.
10 Wilson WC, Benumof JL (2005). Physiology of one lung ventilation. In: Miller RD (ed). Miller’s
Anesthesia, 6th edn. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; pp. 1890–​4.
11 Conacher I (1998). Dynamic hyperinflation—​the anaesthetist applying a tourniquet to the right
heart. Br J Anaesth, 81, 116–​17.
12 Karzai W, Schwarzkopf K (2009). Hypoxemia during one lung ventilation: prediction, prevention
and treatment. Anesthesiology, 110, 1402–​11.
13 Slinger PD (2006). Postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema: good news, bad news. Anesthesiology,
105, 2–​5.
14 Elayaperumal AK, Jackson RE (2018). Anaesthesia for lung volume reduction surgery and
endobronchial valves. BJA Educ, 18, 193–​8.
15 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2017). Endobronchial valve insertion to reduce
lung volume in emphysema. Interventional procedures guidance [IPG600]. M https://​www.nice.​guidance/​ipg600
16 Zoumot Z, Davey C, Jordan S, et al. (2017). Endobronchial valves for patients with heteroge-
neous emphysema and without interlobar collateral ventilation: open label treatment following
the BeLieVeR-​HIFi study. Thorax, 72, 272–​9.
17 Shen KR, Bribriesco A, Crabtree T, et al. (2017). The American Association for Thoracic Surgery
consensus guidelines for the management of empyema. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 153, 129–​46.
Chapter 21 557

Gemma Nickols and Amit Goswami
General principles 558
Craniotomy 561
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 563
Evacuation of traumatic intracranial haematoma 564
Pituitary surgery 567
Posterior fossa surgery 569
Awake craniotomy 572
Intracranial aneurysms 575
Complications of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage 576
Intracranial aneurysm clipping 578
Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms 580
Endovascular thrombectomy 582
Venous air embolism 584
Resuscitation in neurosurgery 586

See also
% Spinal surgery pp. 629–33
% Cervical spine fracture p. 1020

558 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

General principles
Intracranial pressure
Normal ICP is 5–​15mmHg. Changes in ICP reflect changes in the volume
of intracranial contents held within the confines of the skull (brain sub-
stance 1200–​1600mL, blood 100–​150mL, CSF 100–​150mL, ECF <75mL).
Compensatory mechanisms initially reduce the effect of an intracranial
space-​occupying lesion on ICP by displacing the CSF into the spinal sub-
arachnoid space, increasing the absorption of CSF and reducing intracranial
blood volume. Eventually, these mechanisms are overwhelmed, and further
small increases in intracranial volume result in a steep rise in ICP (Fig. 21.1).
If a lesion develops slowly, it may reach a relatively large volume before
causing a significant rise in ICP. Conversely, a small lesion may have devel-
oped quickly, allowing little time for compensation.


ICP 60


Intracranial volume

Fig. 21.1 Intracranial pressure and volume.

Causes of raised intracranial pressure

• i brain volume: generalised swelling, cerebral oedema
• Mass effect: space-occupying lesion, haematoma, tumour, abscess
• i CSF volume: i production or d resorption, e.g. hydrocephalus,
meningeal inflammation
• i blood volume:
• i CBF: hypoxia, hypercapnia, volatile anaesthetic agent
• i cerebral venous volume: i thoracic pressure, venous stasis/​
thrombosis, venous obstruction in the neck, head-​down tilt, coughing
• Other: benign or idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
Cerebral perfusion pressure
Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is the effective pressure that results in
blood flow to the brain. Venous pressure (VP) at the jugular bulb is usually
zero or less, so CPP is related to ICP and MAP alone.
CPP = MAP –​(ICP + VP)
The CPP varies with the patient’s MAP, but CBF is maintained constant by
General principles 559

Cerebral blood flow

Autoregulation maintains CBF (50mL/​100g brain tissue/​min) between a
MAP of 60 and 150mmHg. Outside this, CBF varies passively with perfusion
pressure. In patients with chronic hypertension, the lower and upper limits
of autoregulation are higher than normal, so a MAP that may be adequate
in a normal patient may lead to cerebral ischaemia in the hypertensive pa-
tient. Autoregulation is also impaired or abolished acutely in the presence
of brain tissue acidosis, i.e. with hypoxia, hypercapnia, acute intracranial
disease and following head injury.
CBF varies with:
• Metabolism: CBF is primarily determined by the metabolic demands of
the brain; i during epileptic seizures and with pain/​anxiety. d in coma,
hypothermia and with anaesthetic agents.
• CO2 tension: hypocapnia l cerebral vasoconstriction and d CBF. The
greatest effect is at normal PaCO2 where a change of 1kPa (7.5mmHg)
results in a 30% change in blood flow. MAP modifies the response
of CBF to hyperventilation. High perfusion pressures increase the
responsiveness to hyperventilation, whereas hypotension of 50mmHg
abolishes the effect of PaCO2 on CBF.
• O2 tension: PaO2 is not an important determinant of CBF, cerebral
vasodilation occurring only <7kPa (53mmHg).
• Temperature: cerebral metabolism d 75% per °C, thereby d CBF.
• Viscosity: there is no effect on CBF when the Hct is between 30% and
50%. CBF will increase with reduced viscosity.
• Anaesthetic agents.
Measuring intracranial pressure
• Ventricular: a catheter inserted into a lateral ventricle via a burr hole
is the gold standard, also allowing drainage of CSF. Risks include
haemorrhage at insertion and ventriculitis with prolonged use. Insertion
may be difficult in cerebral oedema and small ventricles.
• Intraparenchymal: microminiature silicone strain gauge monitors
inserted into the brain parenchyma. Current commonest technique.
Anaesthesia in presence of raised intracranial pressure
• Symptoms and signs to identify patients with i ICP preoperatively:
• Early: headache, vomiting, seizures, focal neurology, papilloedema.
• Late: hypertension and bradycardia. Agitation, drowsiness, coma,
Cheyne–​Stokes breathing, apnoea. Ipsilateral, then bilateral, pupillary
dilatation; decorticate, then decerebrate posturing.
• Investigations: evaluate CT/​MRI scans for presence of generalised
oedema, midline shift, acute hydrocephalus and site/​size of any lesion.
Management aims
Do not increase ICP further.
• Avoid increasing CBF by avoiding hypercapnia, hypoxia, hypertension
and hyperthermia. Use IPPV to control PaCO2, and ensure good
oxygenation, adequate analgesia and anaesthetic depth.
• Avoid increasing VP. Avoid coughing and straining, the head-​down
position and obstructing the neck veins with ETT ties.

560 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

• Prevent further cerebral oedema. While patients are generally fluid-​

restricted, it is important to maintain intravascular volume and CPP. Do
not use hypotonic solutions; fluid flux across the blood–​brain barrier
is determined mainly by plasma osmolality, not oncotic pressure.
Maintenance of a high normal plasma osmolality is essential.
• Maintain CPP: hypotension will decrease CPP in the presence of a
raised ICP. Control BP using fluids and vasopressors, as necessary. Aim
for CPP 60–​70mmHg.
• Avoid anaesthetic agents that increase ICP (see below).
Specific measures to decrease intracranial pressure
• Reduce cerebral oedema using osmotic or loop diuretics, or both. Give
mannitol 0.25–​1g/​kg over 15min or 5% sodium chloride (100mL) and
furosemide 0.25–​1mg/​kg. Insert a urinary catheter in patients receiving
• Modest hyperventilation to PaCO2 of 4.0–​4.5kPa (30–​34mmHg) has
a transient effect in reducing ICP for 24h, but should be used only as
a temporising measure. Excessive hyperventilation results in cerebral
ischaemia and loss of autoregulation.
• Corticosteroids reduce oedema surrounding tumours and abscesses
but have no role in head injury. They take several hours to work.
Dexamethasone 4mg 6-​hourly often given electively preoperatively.
• CSF may be drained via a ventricular or lumbar drain.
• Position the patient with a head-​up tilt of 30° to reduce CVP. Ensure
that MAP is not significantly reduced, as the overall result could be a
reduction in CPP.
Anaesthetic agents and intracranial pressure
• Volatile agents uncouple metabolism and flow, reducing cerebral
metabolism, while increasing CBF and ICP. They abolish autoregulation
in sufficient doses. Halothane causes the greatest increase in ICP, and
isoflurane the least. ICP is unaffected by concentrations of <1 MAC
of isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane. N2O is a weak cerebral
vasodilator increasing CBF, and therefore ICP. It has also been shown to
increase cerebral metabolic rate.
• IV anaesthetic agents all decrease cerebral metabolism, CBF and ICP,
with the exception of ketamine. Ketamine has some neuroprotective
properties, with its use controversial in neurosurgery. CO2 reactivity
and autoregulation of the cerebral circulation are well maintained during
propofol/​thiopental anaesthesia.
• Other drugs:
• Suxamethonium causes a rise in ICP through muscle fasciculation,
increasing VP. This effect is of little clinical relevance. Suxamethonium
can still be used when rapid intubation is required in the unstarved
patient, although its use has largely been superseded by rocuronium.
• Opioid analgesics have little effect on CBF and ICP if hypercapnia is
avoided. CO2 reactivity is maintained.
Craniotomy 561

Procedure Excision or debulking of tumour, brain
biopsy, drainage of cerebral abscess
Time 1–​12h
Pain +/​+++
Position Supine, head-​up tilt or lateral decubitus
Blood loss 0–​2000mL, G&S ± X-​match
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV, arterial line

• Assess the patient’s current neurological state, including symptoms and
signs of raised ICP, documenting deficits. Assess the gag reflex.
• Intracranial tumours may be metastatic; 1° sites include lung, breast,
thyroid and bowel.
• Check CT/​MRI scans: the duration and complexity of the procedure
are determined by the size, site and vascularity of lesions.
• Patients vomiting or receiving diuretics may have disordered
electrolytes. Patients receiving dexamethasone may be hyperglycaemic.
• Restrict IV fluids if cerebral oedema present. Avoid glucose-​containing
solutions, which can cause hyperglycaemia, associated with a worse
outcome after brain injury. They also reduce osmolality, resulting in i
cerebral oedema.
• Mechanical methods of DVT prophylaxis should be utilised.
• Prophylactic or therapeutic anticonvulsants may be required.
Levetiracetam (loading dose 500–​1000mg) is now much more
frequently used than phenytoin (loading dose 15mg/​kg), with evidence
for better efficacy.
• Patients undergoing burr hole biopsy require standard monitoring.
Those scheduled for craniotomy also need an arterial line, and a urinary
catheter for long procedures and patients on diuretics. Neuromuscular
and core temperature monitoring are desirable. Depth of anaesthesia
monitoring should be considered, especially with TIVA.
• Induce with propofol bolus or TCI infusion (or thiopental 3–​5mg/​kg if
available), combined with remifentanil infusion or fentanyl. Give slowly
to avoid reducing BP and CPP. A non-​depolarising relaxant is used to
facilitate intubation. Remifentanil usually attenuates the hypertensive
response to intubation. Additional agents such as lidocaine 1.5mg/​kg or
a β-​blocker (labetalol 5mg increments) can be used. Use an armoured
ETT to prevent kinking, and tape in place, as ties may cause venous
• Ensure adequate eye protection to avoid injury.
• Avoid N2O. Maintain anaesthesia using either a volatile agent
(sevoflurane/​isoflurane <1 MAC) or TCI propofol. Remifentanil
infusion (micrograms/​kg/​min) or TCI (nanograms/​mL) or intermittent
fentanyl boluses can be titrated to response. Top-​up doses of muscle
relaxants are rarely required when remifentanil is used.

562 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

• Patients may be placed in the supine or lateral/​park bench position.

Avoid extreme neck flexion or rotation. If the head is turned for
surgery, support the shoulder to reduce the effect on neck veins
and maintain venous return. Protect all pressure points. Maintain a
head-​up tilt.
• Application of the Mayfield 3-​point fixator to secure the head can cause
a marked hypertensive response. Pin sites can be infiltrated with LA,
and, if necessary, give a small bolus dose of remifentanil or propofol.
• Aim for normotension during most procedures. Modest hypotension
may infrequently be required to improve the surgical field. Aim for
normocapnia PaCO2 of 4.5–​5kPa (33–​38mmHg).
• Avoid hypotonic solutions for fluid maintenance. Replace blood loss
with colloid or blood.
• Maintain normothermia. Hypothermia is rarely indicated.
• Use intermittent pneumatic compression device to the calves or feet.
• Closure of the dura, bone flap and scalp takes at least half an hour.
Administer IV morphine or oxycodone at this stage to provide analgesia
when remifentanil is stopped. Sudden hypertension on awakening may
be treated with small boluses of labetalol. Avoid coughing.
• Further IV opioid may be required in the immediate postoperative
recovery period.
• Craniotomies can be managed postoperatively in a high-​care area on
the neurosurgical ward, or on the HDU. Continued monitoring of the
patient’s conscious level and neurological state is essential. Consider
postoperative sedation and ventilation if there is continuing cerebral
oedema or if the patient was severely obtunded preoperatively.
• On return to the ward, the majority of patients will experience pain
in the mild to moderate range. At this stage, codeine phosphate (30–​
60mg), combined with regular paracetamol, is usually sufficient in >90%
of patients, with oral morphine for breakthrough.
Special considerations
• The use of NSAIDs for postoperative analgesia needs careful
consideration. While reducing opioid requirements, they also increase
bleeding time. A postoperative intracranial haematoma is a serious
complication; thus, they are not often routinely prescribed, and if
needed, a delayed start may be sensible.
• Scalp blocks can be considered as a systemic analgesia sparing adjunct,
performed at either the beginning or end of surgery.
• A central line is indicated for complex craniotomies or poor peripheral
access. It allows measurement of CVP, infusion of vasoactive drugs and
aspiration of air in the case of VAE.
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 563

Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Procedure CSF drainage for hydrocephalus
Time 45–​120min
Pain ++
Position Supine, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV

Shunts are inserted for hydrocephalus, with CSF diverted from the cerebral
ventricles to other body cavities, from where it is absorbed. Most com-
monly, a ventriculoperitoneal shunt is created, more rarely a ventriculoatrial
or ventriculopleural shunt. An occipital burr hole enables a tube to be
placed into the lateral ventricle. This is then tunnelled SC down the neck
and trunk, and inserted into the peritoneal cavity through an abdominal
incision. A flushing device can be placed in the burr hole to keep the system
clear, and a valve system is incorporated to prevent CSF draining too rapidly
with changes in posture.
• As for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2). Assume i ICP in all patients.
• Patients requiring shunts are often children; therefore, usual paediatric
considerations apply.
• Emergency cases may have a full stomach, requiring RSI.
• Shunt procedures are shorter and simpler than craniotomies. Use
routine monitoring. Arterial lines are not usually required, unless
significant comorbidity.
• IV antibiotic treatment or prophylaxis is required and intrathecal
antibiotics are usually administered by the surgeon. Strict antisepsis
protocols are normally followed to reduce the incidence of infection.
• Advancing the trocar to allow tunnelling of the shunt is particularly
stimulating. Additional analgesia and/​or muscle relaxation is often
required at this stage.
• Establish warming with forced air warming blanket or underbody heated
mat, as large area of patient often exposed.
• Any deterioration in conscious level is an indication for a CT scan to
exclude shunt malfunction or a subdural haematoma.
Special considerations
• Risk of intracranial haemorrhage if CSF drained too rapidly.
• Shunts often block or become infected, requiring revision.
• Watch for signs of a pneumothorax, as the trocar is placed SC.

564 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Evacuation of traumatic intracranial

Procedure Evacuation of extradural, subdural or
intracerebral haematoma
Time 1–​6h
Pain +/​+++
Position Supine, head-​up
Blood loss 200mL+, G&S ± X-​match
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV, arterial line, CVC

Intracranial haematoma may be extradural, subdural or intracerebral.

• Extradural: usually the result of a tear in the middle meningeal artery.
Frequently associated with a skull fracture, except in children. Urgent
evacuation is required, certainly within an hour of pupillary dilation.
• Subdural haematoma: bleeding from the bridging veins between the
cortex and dura. Early evacuation of an acute subdural haematoma
likely improves outcome. Chronic subdural haematomas may occur
in the elderly, often after trivial injury. They present insidiously with
headaches and confusion, and can be evacuated via a burr hole under
GA or LA.
• Intracerebral haematoma: there may be some benefit for early surgery
in reduced GCS. Commonly spontaneous in hypertensive individuals,
as a complication of treatment with anticoagulants or bleeding from an
intracranial aneurysm.
• As for head injury (see % pp. 989–94).
• Most patients will have a reduced or deteriorating GCS.
• ICP is usually raised.
• Patients may have associated injuries, requiring resuscitation and
treatment in their own right (see % Chapter 37). Protect the spine, if
• Patients may have a full stomach, requiring RSI. Insert an OGT after
• Check the blood clotting profile and the availability of blood products,
prior to surgery. Reversal of anticoagulants or antiplatelets may be
required, with management of novel anticoagulants more problematic,
but reversal agents increasingly available.
• Consider administration of tranexamic acid (loading 1g), ideally within
3h of injury (CRASH 3 trial).
• As for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2).
• Patients require standard monitoring, including invasive BP monitoring.
A CVC may be required if poor peripheral access.
• Ensure smooth induction and normotension. Maintain CPP using fluids
and vasopressors if necessary. Assume the ICP is 20mmHg and attempt
to maintain a CPP of 60–​70 mmHg (MAP 80–​90mmHg), but certainly
an SBP ≥100–​110mmHg, dependent on age.
Evacuation of traumatic intracranial haematoma 565

• Ensure a head-​up tilt; avoid N2O; ventilate to an ETCO2 of 4.5kPa.

• Give mannitol (0.25–​1g/​kg) or 5% sodium chloride (2–​6mL/​kg) and
furosemide (0.25–​1mg/​kg) as required.
• Once decompression has occurred, there may be a decrease in
systemic BP, which can usually be treated with volume replacement or
• Most patients should be transferred to ICU. Further management
should be guided by a protocol to maintain CPP and prevent 2° brain
injury (see below).
Special considerations
• It is essential for the subspecialty teams to communicate and set
priorities in the management of patients with multiple injuries. Priorities
will vary from patient to patient.
• Hypotension in a head-​injured patient is a medical emergency and must
be treated promptly and aggressively.
Postoperative and intensive care unit management of the
head-​injured patient
• Management of head-​injured patients is similar for postoperative
patients and those not requiring surgery. Patients are best managed
using a protocol designed primarily to maintain adequate CPP/​cerebral
oxygenation and control ICP. It involves preventing, identifying and
treating causes of 2° brain insults (Fig. 21.2).
• Causes of 2° insults are:
• Intracranial: haematoma, oedema, convulsions, hydrocephalus,
abscess, hyperaemia
• Systemic: hypotension, hypoxia, hyponatraemia, pyrexia, anaemia,
sepsis, hypercapnia, hyperglycaemia.
• Steroids should not be administered to patients following severe head
• Consider the use of anticonvulsants for prophylaxis of post-​traumatic

Chapter 21

Fig. 21.2 Guidelines for managing adults with severe head injuries in the ICU.
Pituitary surgery 567

Pituitary surgery
Procedure Trans-​sphenoidal hypophysectomy
Time 90–​300min
Pain ++
Position Supine, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Nil usually, but large if venous sinus disrupted, G&S
Practical ETT, IPPV, arterial line

Pituitary tumours account for 10–​15% of all intracranial tumours. They

present with:
• Hormone hypersecretion (acromegaly, Cushing’s disease, prolactinoma,
• Hormone hyposecretion (adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism,
diabetes insipidus)
• Mass effects (headaches, visual field defects, hydrocephalus).
Hypophysectomy is undertaken urgently if the patient’s sight is deteriorating
Special considerations for acromegalic patients (see also % p. 222):
• Possible airway compromise due to macroglossia, prognathism and
hypertrophy of the epiglottis/​vocal cords. Advanced airway techniques
may be required (videolaryngoscopy, AFOI).
• Hypertension, LVH, IHD, cardiomyopathy.
• OSA in up to 70%.
• DM and other endocrine pathology.
Special considerations for Cushing’s patients (see also % p. 232):
• Hypertension, truncal obesity, OSA
• Electrolyte abnormalities (hypokalaemia)
• Glucose intolerance/​DM
• Higher risk of perioperative thromboembolic disease
• Steroid cover necessary pre-​and postoperatively.
• As for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2).
• Invasive arterial monitoring generally advised.
• A throat pack should be inserted following intubation to reduce
laryngeal soiling.
• A topical vasoconstrictor, e.g. Moffett’s solution (see % p. 758) may be
instilled into each nostril to improve surgical conditions.
• Surgical access is via the sphenoidal air sinuses.
• If there is suprasellar extension, a lumbar drain can be inserted into the
CSF. The anaesthetist may be required to instil a volume of sterile 0.9%
sodium chloride to advance the tumour into the operative field.
• Major haemorrhage may occur if there is disruption of the cavernous
sinus/​carotid arteries, which are lateral to the pituitary gland.

568 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

• Diabetes insipidus may occur within 12–​24h of surgery, in up to
50% of patients. It is managed initially with IV desmopressin (0.25–​1
micrograms). Can be given PO subsequently if required.
• Cerebrospinal rhinorrhoea may occur. It is usually self-​limiting, but
if persistent, intermittent CSF drainage via a lumbar drain may be
required. Occasionally, surgery to repair the CSF leak is required.
Special considerations
Patients with preoperative panhypopituitarism or who develop post-
operative endocrine disturbances should be referred to an endocrinologist
for advice on hormone replacement.
If a craniotomy is planned, rather than a trans-​sphenoidal approach, refer
to % pp. 561–2.
Posterior fossa surgery 569

Posterior fossa surgery

Procedure Excision or debulking of tumour, vascular procedures,
foramen magnum decompression
Time 3–​14h
Pain +/​+++
Position See below
Blood loss 100–​2000mL, G&S
Practical ETT, IPPV, arterial line, consider CVP/​monitoring for
techniques VAE

• The posterior fossa lies below the tentorium cerebelli and contains the
pons, medulla and cerebellum. Within the brainstem lie the main motor
and sensory pathways, the lower cranial nerve nuclei and the centres
that control respiration and CVS function.
• An increase in pressure in this area results in d consciousness,
hypertension, bradycardia, respiratory depression and loss of protective
airway reflexes.
• The exit pathways for CSF from the ventricular system are also located
here and obstruction results in hydrocephalus.
• Space-​occupying lesions and surgical disturbance in this area can
therefore have a profound physiological impact.
• Common pathologies requiring surgery include tumours, vascular
malformations, cysts, cranial nerve lesions and craniocervical
• Patients with posterior fossa lesions may have a reduced level of
consciousness and impaired airway reflexes. Bulbar palsy may lead to
silent aspiration. Pulmonary function must be assessed.
• Patients with pre-​existing impaired airway reflexes may require
postoperative ventilation or tracheostomy.
• Assess ICP: may be raised. If hydrocephalus is present, ventricular
drainage may be required before the definitive procedure.
• Assess the fluid status: may be dehydrated if vomiting. A reduced
intravascular volume will result in hypotension on induction or if placed
in the sitting position.
• Check electrolytes and glucose, particularly if taking diuretics or
• Assess CVS function, particularly the presence of untreated
hypertension, postural hypotension and septal defects.
• As for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2).
• Insert an NGT if risk of postoperative bulbar dysfunction.
• Further specialised monitoring is required for posterior fossa surgery,
including monitoring for VAE (see % pp. 584–5) and nerve tract
injury. The appropriate neurophysiological monitor used to detect
a nerve tract injury depends upon the neural pathway at risk during
the procedure. Spontaneous or evoked EMG activity, somatosensory

570 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

evoked potentials or brainstem auditory evoked potentials are

frequently monitored. Lumbar CSF drainage is occasionally required
to improve surgical conditions and to reduce the incidence of
postoperative CSF leaks.
• Surgical interference with vital centres may result in sudden and
dramatic CVS changes. Inform the surgeon—​gentler retraction or
dissection usually resolves the problem. Use drugs, such as atropine and
β-​blockers, only if absolutely necessary, as they make the interpretation
of further changes difficult.
• The need to assess conscious state and the presence of a cough reflex
must be balanced against a smooth extubation, avoiding excessive
coughing and an associated rise in ICP. This can be difficult to achieve.
• If concerns exist about a poor or absent cough postoperatively,
the patient may require a period of postoperative ventilation ±
tracheostomy placement.
Patient positioning
• Surgical access to the posterior fossa requires the patient to be sitting,
prone or lateral. Careful attention is required in positioning the patient,
as procedures are often prolonged.
• Sitting position: use of this position is uncommon. It provides optimum
access to midline lesions, improves cerebral venous drainage and lowers
ICP. However, complications include haemodynamic instability, VAE
and the possibility of paradoxical air embolism, pneumocephalus and
quadriplegia. Absolute contraindications include cerebral ischaemia
when upright and awake, the presence of a patent ventriculoatrial shunt
or a right-​to-​left cardiac shunt (should be screened for preoperatively).
Relative contraindications are patent foramen ovale, uncontrolled
hypertension and extremes of age. To achieve this position, the head
and shoulders are gradually elevated, with the neck partially flexed and
the forehead resting on a horseshoe ring mounted on a frame. Avoid
excessive head flexion, since this can cause jugular compression, swelling
of the tongue and face and cervical cord ischaemia.1
• Prone position: allows good surgical access without the risks associated
with the sitting position. Abdominal compression should be avoided, as
it results in i cerebral VP. This is achieved by adequately supporting the
chest and pelvis.
• Lateral position: the lateral or ‘park bench’ position is particularly
suitable for lateral lesions such as acoustic neuroma and operations on a
cerebellar hemisphere. The neck is flexed and the head rotated towards
the floor, ensuring that the jugular veins are not obstructed. Pressure
points over the shoulder, greater trochanter and peroneal nerves should
be protected.
Posterior fossa surgery 571

• Most patients can be safely extubated and managed on a neurosurgical
HDU postoperatively.
• Airway obstruction can occur after posterior fossa surgery due to
macroglossia, partial damage to the vagus nerve and excessive flexion of
the cervical spine.
• Surgery on the medulla or high cervical lesions carries a significant risk
of postoperative impairment of the respiratory drive.
• The patient should be admitted to ICU for ventilation if the
preoperative state was poor, the surgical resection was extensive, there
is significant cerebral oedema, there is evidence of an inadequate cough
or there are intraoperative complications.
Special considerations
• Acoustic neuroma: the facial nerve is particularly vulnerable and is
monitored using evoked EMG needles placed over the face. This allows
the surgeon to identify when the nerve is at risk. NMBA should be
used only at induction to allow intubation. Often the 8th nerve function
is also monitored to preserve any residual hearing. This requires a
constant level of anaesthesia, so that neurophysiological changes
can be attributed to surgery, rather than to variations in anaesthetic
depth. These requirements can be easily met using TIVA (propofol and
• VAE (see % pp. 584–5).
• Postoperative analgesia is managed as for craniotomy.

572 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Awake craniotomy
Procedure Excision of tumours in eloquent cortex, epilepsy surgery,
implantation of deep brain stimulator electrodes
Time >1.5h
Pain +/​+++
Position See below
Blood loss 100–​2000mL, G&S
Practical LMA, arterial line

• Awake craniotomy allows intraoperative assessment of the patient’s

neurological status. It is commonly used in the excision of tumours from
eloquent areas of the cortex (sensory, motor, speech areas).
• Proposed benefits of awake craniotomy include i tumour resection
(with associated improved survival benefit), a reduced requirement for
high dependency care, reduced hospital length of stay and a reduction in
postoperative complications such as nausea and vomiting.2
• A variety of anaesthetic techniques exist, including LA ± conscious
sedation or GA. In cases of conscious sedation or GA, the patient
is woken up for intraoperative assessment, or ‘testing’, before being
resedated or reanaesthetised.
• During intraoperative testing, direct electrical stimulation may be
applied to areas of the cortex to see if this produces transient
functional deficit. This procedure, referred to as cortical mapping, can
result in seizures.
• As for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2).
• Both the neurosurgeon and neuroanaesthetist must be experienced in
awake craniotomy.
• Appropriate patient selection, based on patient comorbidity and
psychological and surgical factors, is of paramount importance.
• Absolute contraindications include patient refusal, an inability to lie still
for any length of time and confusion.2
• Relative contraindications include patient anxiety, cough, OSA and
barriers to communication.2
• Preoperative preparation of the patient is vital. Meeting before the day
of surgery allows the procedure to be discussed in detail and can help
allay patient anxiety.3
• Consider premedication with antireflux medication. Sedative
premedication should be avoided.
• Anticonvulsant prophylaxis should be prescribed routinely for all
patients, with dexamethasone for those undergoing tumour surgery.
Awake craniotomy 573

The surgery can be simply divided into three phases:
1. From start of surgery to bone flap removal and dural opening
2. Resection of the lesion with functional testing
3. From completion of resection to closure.
• Aims of anaesthesia are to ensure adequate sedation, analgesia,
cardiorespiratory stability, avoidance of hypercapnia, nausea and
vomiting, as well as ensuring an awake and cooperative patient when
required for intraoperative testing.
• Routine monitoring as for craniotomy should be used, including urinary
catheterisation if the procedure is expected to be prolonged.
• The location of the lesion will determine patient position—​commonly
the supine or lateral position is used. The patient will need to lie in this
position for a prolonged period of time. Positioning the patient awake,
if possible, can allow the most comfortable position to be achieved.2
• Effective LA is key to successful awake surgery. This can be achieved
through a scalp block or local infiltration by the surgeon.3
• There is no clear consensus as to the best anaesthetic technique.
This decision should be made on a case-​by-​case basis, dependent
upon patient and surgical factors.2,3 Two common techniques are
discussed below.
• Additional complications of awake surgery include seizures, failure to
complete intraoperative testing and unplanned conversion to GA.3
Using an Asleep–​ Awake–​ Asleep technique, the patient is given a GA
during the initial phase of the craniotomy. The patient is then woken for
intraoperative testing before being reanaesthetised for closure.
• Either TIVA or a volatile can be used. A commonly used recipe is TIVA
(propofol and remifentanil) using an SGA with IPPV.3
• Benefits include avoidance of complications of the sedation technique
(hypoxia, hypoventilation, airway obstruction) and the ability to
control CO2.2
Conscious sedation technique
Using a conscious sedation technique, the patient is sedated without airway
intervention during the initial phase and then woken up for testing. The pa-
tient can be resedated for closure.
• Commonly used drug infusions include propofol, remifentanil and
• Benefits include improved compliance with testing, reduced opioid and
vasoactive requirements and reduced hospital length of stay.3
• Achieving the right balance of sedation can be difficult—​too little
sedation can result in pain and discomfort, while too much can result
in hypoventilation ± airway obstruction. Hypercapnia can lead to a
raised ICP.3

574 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

• A long-​acting opioid (morphine, oxycodone) should be administered at
the end of the procedure.
• Other aspects of postoperative care are as for craniotomy (see %
pp. 561–2).
Special considerations
• Discuss the plan for the management of seizures and emergency airway
management in the team brief.
• Ensure that a calm and quiet atmosphere is maintained in theatre.
The patient should be draped in a fashion that allows constant access
to the patient’s airway and minimises the feeling of claustrophobia.
Transparent drapes can be used to achieve this.
Text in ‘Awake craniotomy’ reproduced with permission of FinalPush ©
Intracranial aneurysms 575

Intracranial aneurysms
• Aneurysms occur at vessel junctions. Cerebral arteries have a weaker,
less elastic muscle layer than systemic vessels.
• The commonest sites are the junction between the anterior cerebral
artery and the anterior communicating artery (40%), the bifurcation of
the middle cerebral artery (34%) and the junction between the distal
internal carotid artery and the posterior communicating artery (20%).4
• They are more common in ♀ and 40–​60y olds. In 20% of cases,
they are multiple. In the UK, the incidence is 6–​12/​100 000 per year.
Autopsy studies show unruptured aneurysms are present in 76% of the
• Risk factors include hypertension, smoking, positive family history,
polycystic kidney disease, cocaine use and connective tissue disorders
such as Ehlers–​Danlos and Marfan syndromes.6
• Aneurysms do not usually rupture until they are >7mm in diameter.
They then present as a subarachnoid or an intracerebral haemorrhage.
• Classic symptoms include sudden onset of severe headache with loss
of consciousness, which may be transient in mild cases. Occasionally, a
patient presents with a focal neurological deficit due to the pressure of
an enlarging aneurysm on surrounding structures.
• The World Federation of Neurosurgeons (WFNS) grade of SAH is
related to morbidity and mortality (Table 21.1).
• Following aneurysm rupture, definitive management is either by
endovascular treatment or surgical clipping. Endovascular treatment,
most commonly coiling, is used for the majority of cases.4
• Current guidance recommends treatment should be performed to
secure the aneurysm within 48h of ictus for patients with WFNS grades
1–​3. If presentation is delayed, treatment should occur within 48h of
diagnosis. The timing for treatment in poorer-​grade patients is less

Table 21.1 World Federation of Neurosurgeons grading of SAH

Grade GCS* Motor deficit

1 15 –​
2 13–​14 –​
3 13–​14 +
4 7–​12 ±
>5 3–​6 ±
See % Table 37.4.
Source: data from Drake CG, et al. Report of World Federation of Neurological Surgeons
Committee on a universal subarachnoid hemorrhage grading scale. Journal of Neurosurgery.

576 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Complications of aneurysmal
subarachnoid haemorrhage
Neurological complications
• Rebleeding is an independent prognostic factor for poor outcome. The
risk of rebleeding is 5–​10% within the first 72h, with the highest risk
period within the first 24h. The overall aim of management is to prevent
rebleeding by securing the aneurysm.5
Delayed cerebral ischaemia
• Vasospasm is defined as arterial narrowing, demonstrated radiologically,
with a corresponding clinical picture. It can be seen in up to 70% of
patients on angiography.4,9
• Delayed cerebral ischaemia is defined as neurological deterioration
caused by ischaemia lasting over an hour that is not attributable to
another cause. While delayed cerebral ischaemia can be caused by
vasospasm, it can also occur independently of vasospasm.4
• Despite treatment, delayed cerebral ischaemia can result in cerebral
infarction and death. It is seen in 722% of patients and is an independent
prognostic factor for poor outcome.5,8
• Peak incidence occurs at 4–​10d after the initial bleed.4
• Calcium channel blockers: nimodipine is a relatively selective calcium
channel antagonist with effective penetration of the blood–​brain barrier.
It is started at the time of diagnosis and continued for 3w (60mg NG/​
PO 4-​hourly). Alternatively, it can be administered IV (0.5–​1mg/​
h, increasing to 2mg/​h) centrally. Nimodipine may cause systemic
hypotension, which should be managed aggressively with fluids and, if
necessary, vasopressors.
• Classical treatment of delayed cerebral ischaemia involves ‘triple H
therapy’: Hypertension, Hypervolaemia and Haemodilution. Concerns
exist with elements of this treatment, including the risk of pulmonary
oedema as a result of hypervolaemia and reduced O2 carriage resulting
from haemodilution.
• Current recommendations from the American Heart Association/​
American Stroke Association are for induced hypertension and
maintenance of euvolaemia in the treatment of delayed cerebral
• For severe cases, refractory to medical management, endovascular
therapy can be considered. Evidence exists for the use of both intra-​
arterial vasodilators, such as nimodipine and verapamil, and transluminal
balloon angioplasty.7
• Blood in the subarachnoid space may obstruct drainage of CSF and
result in hydrocephalus and raised ICP. About 30% of patients will
develop hydrocephalus requiring CSF diversion.5,8
• Hydrocephalus must be ruled out by a CT scan before attributing
neurological deterioration to delayed cerebral ischaemia.

Other neurological complications

These include seizures and cerebral oedema.
Medical complications
Life-​threatening medical problems occur in a significant proportion of pa-
tients. Many of the cardiorespiratory complications following SAH are
related to the massive sympathetic surge and catecholamine release that
follow SAH.
• Cardiorespiratory complications include:4
• ECG changes ranging from non-​specific changes (common) to
clinically significant arrhythmias (4–​8% of patients)
• Myocardial injury
• Ventricular dysfunction
• Pulmonary oedema.
• Hyponatraemia may result from cerebral salt wasting syndrome or
• Other complications include DVT, pneumonia and hepatic, renal and GI
Outcome following subarachnoid haemorrhage
• SAH is associated with significant mortality and morbidity.
• Fifty per cent of patients will die within 1mo of the initial haemorrhage.
Only 25% will return to a relatively normal life, the remainder requiring
assistance with activities of daily life.5
• Unfavourable outcomes are associated with i age, a poor WFNS
grade at presentation, rebleeding prior to aneurysm treatment, delayed
cerebral ischaemia and the presence of hydrocephalus requiring CSF

578 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Intracranial aneurysm clipping

Procedure Clipping of intracranial aneurysm
Time >3h
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine, head-​up, lateral or prone
Blood loss 200–​2000mL, X-​match 2 units
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV, arterial line ± CVP

Clipping an aneurysm involves the use of microsurgery to apply a spring clip

across the neck of the aneurysm. Aneurysms arising from branches of the
vertebral or basilar arteries require a posterior fossa craniotomy, whereas
others may be reached from a frontal or frontoparietal approach.
• Although the procedure can be performed electively to treat
unruptured aneurysms, the majority of cases follow an aneurysm
rupture. Assess carefully for complications associated with SAH (see %
pp. 576–7).10
• Document preoperative BP, GCS, pupillary response and the presence
of any focal neurology.
• Rupture of the aneurysm before it is secured can lead to significant
blood loss. Ensure X-​matched blood is available.
• Discuss with the surgeon whether temporary flow arrest or temporary
clip application is planned. Discuss the plan for management in the event
of intraoperative aneurysm rupture.
• As for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2), but note the following.
• The key anaesthetic aim is to maintain cerebral perfusion while avoiding
rises in BP that can result in aneurysm rupture. Induced hypotension is
no longer performed routinely because of risk of cerebral ischaemia.7
• Optimal BP targets remain unclear. One guideline suggests a systolic
BP of 110–​160mmHg following spontaneous SAH. The authors of this
document acknowledge there is limited evidence for this suggestion.11,12
• Institute standard monitoring, including invasive BP monitoring, prior to
• A CVP line is not routinely required. Consider insertion in patients
with cardiovascular comorbidity or those at high risk of vasospasm
• Ensure adequate venous access with large-​bore cannulae.
• Maintain core temperature at 36.5–​37.5°C.13
• Prior to application of the permanent clip, the surgeon may ask for
temporary flow arrest or apply a temporary clip.
• Temporary flow arrest can be achieved using adenosine. If use of
adenosine is planned, apply transcutaneous pads to allow pacing if
required. Ensure there are no contraindications to adenosine use.13
Intracranial aneurysm clipping 579

• Alternatively, a temporary clip can be applied to a proximal vessel

to control the aneurysm prior to clipping. Induced hypothermia,
administration of hypnotics and increasing BP have all been described
as ways of minimising cerebral ischaemia following temporary
clip application. There is no evidence these techniques improve
• Once the permanent clip is in place, the aneurysm is secure.
• Aim for smooth emergence, avoiding coughing and an associated
rise in ICP. This is especially important if the aneurysm has not been
definitively secured.10,13
• Brain swelling may result from cerebral ischaemia, associated with
temporary clip application, or peri-​procedural aneurysm rupture.
Patients should be transferred ventilated to ICU for ongoing care.10
• Patients with an uncomplicated procedure can be extubated and nursed
postoperatively on HDU.
• A decrease in the GCS postoperatively may indicate vasospasm,
intracranial haematoma or hydrocephalus. Perform a CT scan.
• Aneurysm rupture occurs most commonly during aneurysm dissection
and clipping. Creation of a bloodless field will assist the surgeon in
securing the aneurysm:13
• Induce hypotension, targeting a MAP of 50–​60mmHg. This can be
achieved with a bolus of propofol. This will also lower the cerebral
metabolic rate. Alternatively, short-​acting agents such as esmolol can
be used.13
• The surgeon may ask for temporary flow arrest using adenosine.
• If depth of anaesthesia monitoring is used, titrate propofol boluses to
achieve burst suppression until the aneurysm is secured.13
• Once secured, volume resuscitate with crystalloid and/​or blood.
• If rupture occurs prior to aneurysm exposure, signs include a sudden
rise in ICP and/​or haemodynamic change. Management options include
proceeding with surgery or abandoning surgery in favour of imaging ±
endovascular treatment. Institute treatment for raised ICP13 (see %
pp. 559–60).

580 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Endovascular treatment of intracranial

Endovascular treatment, most commonly coiling, is performed by an inter-
ventional neuroradiologist within a radiology suite. Detachable platinum
coils are released into the aneurysmal lumen via microcatheters inserted
in the femoral artery until occlusion of the aneurysm is achieved. Newer
techniques include the placement of stents, as well as coils, allowing more
technically challenging aneurysms to be treated endovascularly.14
• Treatment may be performed for unruptured and ruptured aneurysms.
Patients treated after aneurysm rupture may present with complications
of SAH (see % pp. 576–7).
• Document preoperative BP, GCS, pupillary response and the presence
of any focal neurology.
• If an external ventricular drain (EVD) is in situ, note the height of the
drain and confirm it is not obstructed. The drain should be closed
during patient transfer but set to the correct height and left open during
the procedure. If the radiology table moves up or down, the height of
the drain will need to be adjusted.
• There is no consensus to the best anaesthetic technique. Some centres
perform endovascular coiling in carefully selected patients (compliant
patient with good WFNS grade) using conscious sedation. Concerns
exist about patient movement, making the procedure both technically
more difficult and potentially increasing the risk of peri-​procedural
aneurysm rupture.11
• By minimising patient movement, GA provides better operating
conditions for the radiologist. Intubation provides a definitive airway,
useful where access to the head is restricted, and allows control
of CO2.
• The key anaesthetic aim is to maintain cerebral perfusion while avoiding
rises in BP that can result in aneurysm rupture.
• As with intracranial clipping, optimal BP targets remain unclear.
• Arterial line insertion preinduction aids careful BP control. The femoral
artery introducer sheath inserted by the radiologist can be transduced;
however, this is placed after induction.
• Induce anaesthesia with propofol, opioid and a muscle relaxant of
choice. Fentanyl or remifentanil are used to obtund the pressor
response to laryngoscopy.
• Set the ventilator to aim for normocapnia (PaCO2 4.5–​5kPa).12
• Obtain large-​bore IV access. Insert a temperature probe and use
patient-​warming devices. As large volumes of contrast and intra-​arterial
fluid can be given during the procedure, insert a urinary catheter.
• Either TIVA or a volatile can be used for maintenance. Avoid N2O.
• Remifentanil infusion reduces the risk of coughing. Alternatively,
intermittent boluses, or an infusion, of muscle relaxant can be used.
• The procedure is minimally stimulating. Metaraminol boluses or infusion
may be required to maintain target BP.
Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms 581

• Once the aneurysm has been successfully treated, the femoral sheath
is removed. An artificial collagen plug (e.g. AngioSeal™) can be used to
seal the hole in the artery. Alternatively, haemostasis can be achieved
by applying manual pressure for 15–​20min. The patient should remain
anaesthetised until this is achieved.
• Aim for smooth emergence, avoiding coughing and an associated
rise in ICP. This is especially important if the aneurysm has not been
definitively secured.14
• Patients with a reduced postoperative GCS should have a CT scan to
exclude hydrocephalus or vascular complications.
• Analgesic requirements are minimal postoperatively.
• Peri-​procedural aneurysm rupture, and the resultant intracranial
haemorrhage, can be life-​threatening. Intracranial hypertension
can cause hypertension, with or without bradycardia. Contrast
extravasation may be seen by the radiologist on imaging.
• Aim to reverse the heparin and reduce MAP to the level before
the bleed.
• Institute treatment of raised ICP (see % pp. 559–60).
• If the extravasated blood load is significant, an EVD may be required,
if not already in place. Craniotomy, evacuation of intracranial
haematoma and aneurysm clipping may also be required.14
• Other complications include intraoperative vasospasm and vascular
occlusion due to arterial thromboemboli and misplaced coils.14
Special considerations
• Unfamiliar environment, remote site, radiation, radiology equipment,
contrast media, heparin, antiplatelet drugs and thrombolysis.

582 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Endovascular thrombectomy
Procedure Interventional neuroradiological procedure where oc-
clusive thrombus is aspirated in acute CVE
Time 1–​2h
Pain +
Position Supine
Blood loss Usually minimal
Practical LA, conscious sedation, GA (ETT, arterial line)

• Acute ischaemic CVE accounts for 785% of all cases of CVE.15
• A proportion of patients with acute ischaemic CVE will be eligible for
endovascular thrombectomy. This is an interventional procedure where
the thrombus is aspirated, resulting in cerebral reperfusion.15
• The decision to proceed with endovascular thrombectomy is based
on the time since onset of symptoms, severity of CVE, location of the
thrombus within the cerebral circulation and pre-​existing functional
status of the patient.15
• This is a true time-​critical emergency—​the greater the duration of
time before vessel recanalisation, the greater the degree of cerebral
• Challenges can include:
• Acute effects such as dysphasia and hemiparesis
• Chronic comorbidities such as hypertension, AF, DM
• Fasting status
• Remote location of the interventional radiology suite.
• Options for anaesthesia include LA, with or without conscious sedation,
and GA.
• Three single-​centre RCTs comparing GA with conscious sedation for
endovascular thrombectomy have produced equivocal results. Meta-​
analyses of these trials suggest GA is associated with better functional
• For cases under GA:
• Intubation and ventilation allow airway protection and control
of CO2.
• Co-​induction with opioids allows dose-​sparing of propofol and
obtunds the pressor response to laryngoscopy.
• Invasive BP monitoring is recommended prior to induction. However,
this should not delay the start of the procedure.
• Either TIVA or a volatile can be used for maintenance.
Endovascular thrombectomy 583

• For cases under sedation:

• Options for sedation include midazolam, dexmedetomidine,
remifentanil or propofol TCI.15
• Titrate sedation to patient response, aiming for a patient who is
comfortable and easily rousable.
• Administer supplemental O2 and attach capnography to monitor
respiratory effort.
• Irrespective of the anaesthetic technique, it is essential to maintain
haemodynamic stability. Excessive hypotension will reduce collateral
blood flow to the ischaemic penumbra and worsen the infarct; excessive
hypertension can cause haemorrhage.
• Limited data exists concerning perioperative blood pressure
management. Guidance from 2014 suggested systolic BP targets
are 140–180mmHg if the patient has been thrombolysed, and 140–
220mmG if not. More recently, a retrospective analysis has suggested a
target MAP of 70–90mmHg is associated with better outcomes.18,19
• For all patients, maintain SpO2 between 94% and 98% and maintain
• Provided the procedure is uncomplicated, most patients can be cared
for postoperatively on a hyperacute stroke unit after recovery.15
• Patients who had a reduced GCS preoperatively, or who have poor gas
exchange precluding extubation, may require a period of postoperative
• At the end of the procedure, a target postoperative BP should
be specified. Patients may require vasopressor support to achieve
this target. This may also necessitate ongoing care in a higher
dependency area.
Special considerations
• As per endovascular treatment of aneurysms (see % pp. 580–1)
• Basilar artery occlusions, which can interrupt the blood supply to the
brainstem, are more commonly associated with a reduced level of
consciousness and/​or signs of brainstem dysfunction.
Text in ‘Endovascular thrombectomy‘ reproduced with permission of
FinalPush © 2020.

584 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Venous air embolism

• VAE is the entrainment of air into the venous circulation, leading to
systemic effects.
• The volume of air entrained to cause significant injury is unknown
but estimated to be 3–​5mL/​kg in adults. The greater the rate of
entrainment, the smaller the lethal volume.
• VAE can occur whenever the operative site is higher than the right
atrium. Its incidence is particularly high during craniotomy in the sitting
position and when the surgeon is dissecting tissues that do not allow
veins to collapse despite a negative pressure within them (e.g. the
emissary veins in the posterior fossa).
• There are three main consequences of VAE:
• Pulmonary microvascular occlusion, resulting in an i physiological
dead space, hypoxia and pulmonary oedema
• Air bolus (larger volume) causing obstruction to RV ejection, leading
to pulmonary arterial hypertension and RV failure
• Paradoxical air embolism (see below).
• Signs of VAE depend on the rate and volume of air entrained and
include: decrease in ETCO2, bronchoconstriction, hypoxia, arrhythmias,
myocardial ischaemia, hypotension and cardiac arrest.
• N2O does not increase the risk of VAE but may worsen its outcome.
Detection of venous air embolism
• ETCO2 is generally the most useful monitor, as it is widely available
and sensitive. Air embolism results in a sudden reduction in ETCO2.
Hyperventilation, low CO and other types of embolism will also result
in ETCO2 reduction.
• Doppler ultrasound uses ultra high-​frequency sound waves to detect
changes in blood flow velocity and density. It is the most sensitive
non-​invasive monitor; however, it is not quantitative and does not
differentiate between a massive or a physiologically insignificant air
• TOE is the most sensitive and specific monitor, but is invasive and
difficult to place, and needs expertise to interpret. However, it can
detect as little as 0.02mL/​kg of air.
• PA catheters are invasive, but sensitive monitors for VAE. However, an
increase in PAP is not specific for air and they are very rarely sited.
• The least sensitive monitor is a precordial or an oesophageal
stethoscope to detect a ‘millwheel’ murmur. This is apparent only after
massive VAE, which is usually clinically obvious.
• Avoid the sitting position, unless essential.
• Elevate the head only as much as necessary.
• Ensure adequate blood volume to maintain a positive CVP.
• Small amounts of PEEP (5–​10cmH2O) may reduce the risk of air
entrainment, although controversial.
• Medical antishock trousers may be used to increase VP and reduce
hypotensive episodes in patients in the sitting position.
• Identify susceptible patients, if risk factors cannot be mitigated.
Venous air embolism 585

• Treatment is supportive.
• Inform the surgeon, who should flood the operative field with fluid. This
stops further entrainment of air and allows the identification of open
veins that can be cauterised or waxed if within bone.
• If possible, position the operative site below the level of the heart to
increase VP.
• Stop N2O immediately if used, and increase the FiO2 to 1.0.
• Consider increasing PEEP (not with patent foramen ovale).
• Support the BP with fluid and vasopressors.
• Attempt to aspirate air from the CVP line. The tip should be placed
close to the junction of the SVC and the right atrium, and ideally
confirmed radiologically prior to surgery.
• If a large volume of air has been entrained and surgical conditions
permit, turn the patient into the left lateral decubitus position to
attempt to keep the air in the right atrium. Or alternatively the
Trendelenburg position. There is little evidence for this.
• Commence CPR, if necessary. This may break down a larger air bubble.
Paradoxical air embolism
• Air emboli may enter the systemic circulation through the Thebesian
veins in the heart, the bronchial vessels or a patent foramen ovale. Such
defects may be small.
• Small volumes of air in the systemic circulation can have disastrous
consequences, resulting in temporary or permanent symptoms of CVE
or ischaemia of other organs.
• Intracardiac septal defects are an absolute contraindication to surgery
in the sitting position. This should be screened preoperatively in
high-​risk cases.

586 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Resuscitation in neurosurgery
• Cardiac arrest during anaesthesia for non-​cardiac surgery occurs with
an incidence of 0.01–​0.34%.
• Factors such as type of neurosurgical procedure and patient positioning
can have a significant effect on the occurrence of cardiac arrest.
• Appropriate management may need immediate attention to the
underlying cause.20
Specific factors influencing CPR
The surgical procedure
• Procedures on the anterior hypothalamus, brainstem, cerebello-pontine
angle, pituitary and trigeminal nerve can cause arrhythmias.
• Generally, severe bradycardia with hypotension and potentially asystole
can occur, caused by the trigeminocardiac reflex.
• Caused by surgical traction/​instrumentation—​temporarily ceasing this
often leads to resolution.
• If bradycardia persists, atropine (500–​600 micrograms up to 3mg) can
be administered, or glycopyrronium bromide (200–​400 micrograms).
Adrenaline may be required if no response, and CPR if asystole.
• VAE can lead to cardiovascular collapse and cardiac arrest (see %
pp. 584–5).
The position of the patient
• Neurosurgical positioning can present significant challenges during
cardiovascular resuscitation.
• Common positions include supine, lateral/​park bench, prone and
occasionally sitting.
• The Mayfield 3-​point head fixator is frequently used and the clamp
needs to be released before chest compressions commence, to avoid
damage to the cervical spine and skull (fixed head and mobile torso).
• Patient positioning will need to be adjusted to safely allow CPR and
defibrillation to occur.
• CPR can be commenced in the prone position initially. Adequacy can
be determined from ETCO2 and arterial line monitoring (often in situ).
Turning supine will take time and personnel.
• Defibrillation pad positions: standard pad position if patient supine/​
sitting; anteroposterior position if lateral; and posterolateral or biaxillary
position if prone.
Wound management
• The open wound needs to be expediently managed by surgeon.
Special management considerations
• Diagnosis and management of cardiac arrest should be managed
as per advanced life support (ALS) and specific Cardiac Arrest in
Neurosurgery algorithm (Fig. 21.3).
• Variation from the ALS algorithm is an initial dose of adrenaline. Give
IV aliquots of 50–​100 micrograms up to 1mg initially. This will prevent
rebound hypertension and potential haemorrhage if resuscitation is
successful. Further doses are given at 1mg.
Resuscitation in neurosurgery 587

Fig. 21.3 Cardiac Arrest in Neurosurgery algorithm. Reproduced with the kind
permission of Resuscitation Council UK

588 Chapter 21 Neurosurgery

Further reading
Pasternak JJ, Lanier WL (2011). Neuroanesthesiology update 2010. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 23, 67–​99.
[Postgraduate issue on clinical neurosciences] (2007). Br J Anaesth, 99, 1–​138.

1 Jagannathan S, Krovvidi H (2014). Anaesthetic considerations for posterior fossa surgery. Contin
Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 14, 202–​6.
2 Burnand C, Sebastian J (2014). Anaesthesia for awake craniotomy. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care
Pain, 4, 6–​11.
3 Sewell D, Smith M (2019). Awake craniotomy: anesthetic considerations based on outcome evi-
dence. Curr Opin Anesthesiol, 32, 546–​52.
4 Luoma A, Reddy U (2013). Acute management of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 13, 52–​8.
5 Gough MJ, Goodwin APL, Shotton H, Butt A, Mason M (2013). Managing the flow? A review of the
care received by patients who were diagnosed with an aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. A report
by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. M https://​
6 Keyrouz S (2019). Subarachnoid haemorrhage. BMJ Best Practice. M https://​bestpractice.bmj.
7 Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party (2016). National clinical guideline for stroke, 5th edn. M
8 Galea JP, Dulhanty L, Patel HC (2017). Predictors of outcome in aneurysmal subarachnoid hem-
orrhage patients: observations from a multicenter data set. Stroke, 48, 2958–​63.
9 Li K, Barras CD, Chandra RV, et al. (2019). A review of the management of cerebral vasospasm
after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. World Neurosurg, 126, 513–​27.
10 Nathanson MH, Moppett I, Wiles M (2011). Neuroanaesthesia. Oxford Specialist Handbooks in
Anaesthesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
11 Castioni CA, Amadori A, Bilotta F, et al. (2017). Minerva Anestesiologica, 83, 956–​71.
12 Nathanson MH, Andrzejowski J, Dinsmore J, et al. (2020). Guidelines for safe transfer of the
brain-​injured patient: trauma and stroke, 2019. Guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists
and the Neuro Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society. Anaesthesia, 75, 234–​46.
13 Moore LE, Teig MK, Tarnal V (2019). Anesthesia for intracranial neurovascular
procedures in adults. M https://​​contents/​
14 Patel S, Reddy U (2016). Interventional neuroradiology. BJA Educ, 16, 147–​52.
15 Dinsmore J, Elwishi M, Kailainathan P (2018). Anaesthesia for endovascular thrombectomy. BJA
Educ, 18, 291–​9.
16 Zhang Y, Jia L, Fang F, Ma L, Bowen C, Faramand A (2019). General anesthesia versus conscious
sedation for intracranial mechanical thrombectomy: a systematic review and meta-​analysis of
randomized clinical trials. J Am Heart Assoc, 8, e011754.
17 Schönenberger S, Hendén PL, Simonsen CZ, et al. (2019). Association of general anesthesia vs
procedural sedation with functional outcome among patients with acute ischemic stroke under-
going thrombectomy: a systematic review and meta-​analysis. JAMA, 322, 1283–​93.
18 White PM, Bhalla A, Dinsmore J, et al. (2014). Standards for providing safe ischaemic stroke thromb-
ectomy services. M https://​​wp-​content/​uploads/​2015/​03/​Standards_​for_​
19 Rasmussen M, Schonenbergen S, Henden PL, et al. (2020). Blood pressure thresholds and neuro-
logic outcomes after endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke: an analysis of individual
patient data from 3 randomized clinical trials. JAMA Neurol, 77(5), 622–31.
20 Resuscitation Council UK (2014). Management of cardiac arrest during neurosurgery in adults. M
Chapter 22 589

Vascular surgery
Mark Stoneham
General principles 590
Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 592
Emergency open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm 595
Endovascular stenting of elective or emergency abdominal aortic
aneurysm 597
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair 599
Carotid endarterectomy 601
Peripheral revascularisation 604
Axillobifemoral bypass 605
Amputations 606
Thoracoscopic sympathectomy 607
First rib resection 608
Arteriovenous fistula formation 609
Varicose vein surgery 610

See also
% Ascending aorta and aortic arch surgery pp. 521–2

590 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

General principles
Vascular surgery usually involves operating on arteries diseased by ath-
erosclerosis, causing poor peripheral blood flow (ischaemia) or emboli.
Mortality is high; elective abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery has a
mortality of 2.4%,1 while that of ruptured AAA is 30–​40%. Operations may
be long and involve blood transfusion, marked fluid shifts and significant im-
pairment of lung function. In the UK, all major vascular operations now take
place in designated ‘vascular centres’.
• Vascular patients are usually elderly arteriopaths with significant
associated disease. Hypertension (66%), IHD (angina, MI), heart failure,
DM and COPD (many are current or ex-​smokers) are common.
Many patients are taking aspirin, β-​blockers, diuretics, heart failure
medication, insulin and/​or oral hypoglycaemics.
• Some patients are anticoagulated; others will receive anticoagulants
perioperatively—​consider the pros and cons of regional techniques
carefully (see % p. 591). However, regional techniques can reduce
morbidity and mortality (see % p. 1109).
• Vascular patients tend to have serial operations, so there may be
several previous anaesthetic records to review. A significant minority
of vascular operations occur out of hours and these are often high-​risk
procedures in high-​risk patients.
• Measure NIBP in both arms as these may differ due to arteriopathy (use
the higher BP side clinically; put your arterial line in this side).
• All patients require prophylactic antibiotic cover.
• Develop a working relationship with your vascular surgeon; you will
have a better chance of being warned of untoward events (e.g. aortic
clamping/​unclamping, sudden massive blood loss, etc.). Vascular
surgery is the only anaesthetic subspecialty where the presence of a
specialist consultant vascular anaesthetist has been shown to reduce
long-​term mortality of major vascular surgery. The most likely cause for
this is better teamwork.2
Preoperative assessment
• Quantify the extent of any cardiorespiratory disease, both in terms of
the planned surgical procedure and the postoperative period. Carefully
consider (and document) if regional anaesthesia is appropriate.
• Include direct questions about exercise tolerance (walking distance on
the flat, ability to climb stairs) and the ability to lie supine. Look for signs
of cardiac failure.
• Investigations: FBC, U&E, coagulation, LFTs, ECG and CXR.
Continue β-​blockers and statins perioperatively. Anxiolytic premedication
may be useful for major surgery.
General principles 591

Regional anaesthesia and analgesia in vascular surgical

Regional anaesthesia may be used alone for distal vascular surgery and is
commonly used for carotid surgery. Epidural analgesia has been recom-
mended by NICE to supplement GA for AAA. The advantages of regional
techniques include:
• Improved patient monitoring (CEA)
• Reduced hospital stay and cost (CEA)
• Improved blood flow, reduced DVT, reduced reoperation (peripheral
• Postoperative pain relief (AAA, distal revascularisation, amputation)
• Reduced pulmonary complications (AAA)
• Pre-​emptive analgesia for amputations—​possible reduction in phantom
limb pain
• Treatment of proximal hypertension during aortic cross-​clamp.
Epidural catheters and anticoagulation
(See % p. 1109.)
1 Howell SJ (2017). Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in the United Kingdom: an exemplar for the
role of anaesthetists in perioperative medicine. Br J Anaesth, 119 Suppl 1, i15–​22.
2 Walsh SR, Bhutta H, Tang TY, et al. (2010). Anaesthetic specialisation leads to improved early-​and
medium-​term survival following major vascular surgery. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 39, 719–​25.

592 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

Procedure Excision of aortic aneurysmal sac and replace-
ment with synthetic graft (tube/​trouser graft)
Time 2–​4h
Pain ++++
Position Supine, arms out (crucifix)
Blood loss 500–​2000+ mL, X-​match 6 units. Suitable for
cell salvage
Practical techniques ETT + IPPV, arterial + CVP lines. CO
monitoring. Epidural/​spinal morphine for
postoperative pain relief

• The elderly often have multiple coexisting diseases.
• The 30d mortality for elective open surgery is 2.4% (predominantly MI
and multiorgan failure).
• A dynamic assessment of the cardiac function is required for all elective
aortic surgery and for any patients with symptomatic/​new cardiac
disease. CPET is the ‘gold standard’ for all patients undergoing AAA
repair (see % pp. 33–5). Refer patients with critical IHD to cardiology
for angiography and possible coronary revascularisation before aortic
surgery. Emergent vascular patients may have to undergo surgery
before such dynamic investigations.
• PFTs (including ABG analysis while breathing air) should be performed
in patients with significant respiratory disease.
• Careful preoperative assessment is essential. Scrutinise the ECG for
signs of ischaemia, and check for any renal impairment. Check access
sites for CVC and arterial line.
• HDU/​ICU for postoperative care. Alert the patient to this plan,
especially if a period of postoperative IPPV is planned. Preoptimisation
is performed in a few units but is not widespread—​patients are
admitted to the HDU/​ICU preoperatively to have lines, etc. inserted
and to have the haemodynamic status ‘optimised’.
• Continue the usual cardiac medications perioperatively.
• Have available vasoconstrictors (ephedrine and metaraminol),
vasodilators (GTN) and β-​blockers (labetalol).
• Two 14G or greater IV access.
• Monitor intraoperative temperature and be obsessive about
temperature control from the start. Avoid heat loss, as it is easier to
keep a patient’s temperature constant than to try to increase it. Use a
fluid warmer (ideally fast-​flow) and a forced air warmer (avoiding the
lower limbs while the aortic cross-​clamp is in place, as this may worsen
limb ischaemia).
• There is no good evidence supporting the use of isovolaemic
haemodilution. Cell salvage should be mandatory—​there is good
evidence that it reduces usage of allogeneic blood in aortic surgery.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 593

• Arterial line and thoracic epidural (T6–​T11) preinduction. Take a

baseline blood gas some time before cross-​clamping.
• Have syringe drivers available for inotropes and vasodilators.
• Use 5-​lead ECG (leads II and V5) to increase the sensitivity of detection
of myocardial ischaemia.
• Multiple-​lumen CVC after induction. Consider inserting a PAFC
introducer to the right internal jugular or left subclavian vein in complex
cases, as this will allow rapid fluid administration and facilitate PA
catheter insertion if necessary.
• Continuous CO monitoring is useful during the cross-​clamp period for
all patients, particularly those with impaired cardiac function. Possibilities
include: PA catheter, LiDCO™, PiCCO™ and oesophageal Doppler;
however, the latter is not accurate during aortic cross-​clamping.
• Careful induction with intra-​arterial BP monitoring. Use moderate/​high-​
dose opioid, e.g. remifentanil (0.1–​0.2 micrograms/​kg/​min) or high-​
dose fentanyl (5–​10 micrograms/​kg). Treat hypotension with fluids at
first and then with cautious vasoconstriction (metaraminol 0.25–​0.5mg).
There is no difference in cardiac outcome between sevoflurane-​based
anaesthesia and TIVA.3
• Insert a urinary catheter for hourly measurements of urine output.
• Heparin 3000–​5000 units is usually given just before cross-​clamp. This
may be reversed after unclamping with protamine 0.5–​1mg per 100
units heparin IV slowly—​hypotension results if given too quickly.
• Proximal hypertension may follow aortic cross-​clamping and is due to
a sudden increase in SVR, i SVC flow and sympatho-​adrenal response.
Treat by deepening the anaesthesia and/​or with a bolus of β-​blocker
(labetalol 5–​10mg), GTN infusion or epidural LA.
• While the aorta is clamped, metabolic acidosis will develop due to
ischaemic lower limbs. Maintaining the minute ventilation will cause
respiratory alkalosis to develop, which will minimise the effects of this
metabolic acidosis when the aorta is unclamped. Check ABGs to assess
Hct, metabolic acidosis, respiratory compensation and ionised Ca2+.
• Cross-​clamp time is usually 60+min. During this time, start giving fluid,
aiming for a moderately i CVP (5cmH2O greater than the baseline) by
the time unclamping occurs. This helps CVS stability, reduces sudden
hypotension and may help preserve the renal function. Release of the
cross-​clamp one limb at a time also helps haemodynamic stability.
• Hypotension following aortic unclamping is caused by d SVR, relative
hypovolaemia and myocardial ‘stunning’ due to the return of cold
metabolic waste products from the legs. Treat with IV fluids and/​or
lighten the anaesthetic depth and/​or with small doses of inotropes, e.g.
adrenaline 10-​microgram aliquots (1mL of 1:100 000) and/​or a bolus
of calcium gluconate (up to 10mL of 10%). Inotropes may be needed
• For fluid replacement, give isotonic crystalloid or colloid to replace
insensible, 3rd space and initial blood loss. Give blood products when
a deficiency is identified, e.g. Hct <25%, platelets <100 × 109/​L. Check
the ACT (normal <140s) if you suspect coagulopathy. TEG® will give
you the whole coagulation picture.
• TOE may provide useful data during the cross-​clamp period.4

594 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

• ICU/​HDU is essential postoperatively. HDU may be appropriate for
otherwise fit patients who are warm and haemodynamically stable, and
with a working epidural. Otherwise transfer to ICU intubated.
• Opioid infusion and/​or PCA if no epidural. Routine observations of
arterial and CVP monitoring, distal pulses and urine output should be
continued postoperatively to assess haemodynamic stability. There is
potential for large fluid shifts which need replacement.
Special considerations
• Management of epidural: a bolus of epidural diamorphine 2–​3mg at
induction will last for 12–​24h. Use epidural LA sparingly until the aorta
is closed. It is easier to treat the hypotension of aortic unclamping with
a functioning sympathetic nervous system.
• Renal failure occurs in 1–​2% of cases, is multifactorial in origin and is
associated with a mortality of 50% following AAA repair. It is more
likely if the cross-​clamp is suprarenal. There is no evidence that
dopamine prevents renal failure, merely acting as an inotrope. Mannitol
is used routinely by some (0.5g/​kg during cross-​clamp) as a free radical
scavenger and an osmotic diuretic. Avoid hypovolaemia, and monitor
the urine output hourly.
3 Lindholm EE, Aune E, Norén CB, et al. (2013). The anesthesia in abdominal aortic surgery
(ABSENT) study: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial comparing troponin T release
with fentanyl-​ sevoflurane and propofol-​ remifentanil anesthesia in major vascular surgery.
Anesthesiology, 119, 802–​12.
4 Matyal R, Hess PE, Asopa A, Zhao X, Panzica PJ, Mahmood F (2012). Monitoring the variation in
myocardial function with the Doppler-​derived myocardial performance index during aortic cross-​
clamping. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 26, 204–​8.
Emergency open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm 595

Emergency open repair of abdominal

aortic aneurysm
A true anaesthetic and surgical emergency. It may be:
• Acute: presents with CVS collapse. Death is likely, unless the rupture is
contained in the retroperitoneal space
• Dissecting: dissects along the arterial intima, presenting with back/​
abdominal pain.
Prehospital mortality for ruptured AAA approaches 50%, and half of those
reaching hospital also do not survive. Overall mortality is 40%.
The IMPROVE trial compared open and endovascular repair for rup-
tured AAA and found little difference in outcome, so many centres are
now preferring endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for ruptured AAA.5
Management of open ruptured AAA is as for elective AAA, with the fol-
lowing additional considerations:
• Where doubt exists and the patient is haemodynamically stable, the
diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound or CT scan.
• If hypovolaemic shock is present, resuscitate to a systolic pressure
of 90mmHg. Avoid hypertension, coughing and straining, as this may
precipitate a further bleed. Titrate IV morphine against pain.
• Preinduction, insert two 14G peripheral cannulae and (ideally)
an arterial line. Use of the brachial artery may be necessary, and
sometimes an arterial ‘cut-​down’ is indicated. Central venous access
can wait until after the cross-​clamp is applied. If peripheral IV access is
difficult, insert a PAFC introducer into the right internal jugular vein.
• Epidural analgesia is usually inappropriate.
• A urinary catheter can be placed before or after induction.
• Induction must be in theatre, with the surgeons scrubbed, surgical
preparation completed, drapes on and blood available in theatre and
checked. RSI is usually required. Suitable induction agents include
midazolam/​remifentanil, etomidate (also give hydrocortisone 50–​
100mg) and ketamine. As soon as endotracheal intubation is confirmed,
the surgeons can begin. Treat hypotension with IV fluids and small doses
of vasopressors/​inotropic agents.
• Hot air warming and at least one warmed IVI are essential (a fast-​flow
blood warmer is invaluable).
• Use a colloid or crystalloid, depending on preference. Use a balanced
crystalloid such as Hartmann’s solution, rather than 0.9% sodium
chloride (helps prevent metabolic acidosis).
• Have both IV lines running maximally at induction. One assistant should
be dedicated to managing IV fluid and ensuring an uninterrupted supply.
Once the cross-​clamp is applied, some haemodynamic stability may be
• Cell salvage, if available, is mandatory.
• Hypothermia, renal impairment, blood loss and coagulopathy are
common perioperative problems. Hypothermia is a particular hazard, as
bleeding postoperatively is likely (platelet function is markedly reduced
below 35°C). While there is no place for routine administration of
platelets and FFP, consider early use when needed.

596 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

• Do not attempt to extubate at the conclusion of surgery—​a

postoperative period of ventilation on the ICU is essential to allow the
correction of biochemical/​haematological abnormalities.
• Use near-​patient testing (Hb and TEG®), if available, to guide blood
product administration. If the patient is exsanguinating and X-​matched
blood is not available, use type-​specific.
5 Improve Trial Investigators (2017). Comparative clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of
endovascular strategy v open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: three year results
of the IMPROVE randomised trial. BMJ, 359, j4859.

Endovascular stenting of elective or

emergency abdominal aortic aneurysm
Procedure Placement and deployment of bifurcated stent by inter-
ventional radiologists into aortic aneurysmal sac via
femoral arteries
Time 1–​4h
Pain +
Position Supine
Blood loss 0–​2000+ mL, X-​match 6 units
Practical Spinal + sedation, arterial line

This technique has become widely adopted in the last 15y. It is certainly
associated with lower operative morbidity and mortality than standard
open AAA repair,6 but it is still unproven whether it lowers the risk of an-
eurysm rupture; thus, postoperatively, patients must be kept under CT
surveillance for the rest of their lives. Significant complications, such as mi-
gration of the stent and endoleak, can develop, as well as rupture of the
original aneurysm sac.
• The procedure is performed in the angiography suite with the
interventional radiologists. In many hospitals, vascular surgeons gain
access to the aorta via the femoral arteries, and the stent is inserted by
an interventional radiologist, although all the procedure may be done
by one or the other. Most straightforward EVAR procedures are done
percutaneously; thus, LA may be suitable.
• During elective EVAR, if the aneurysm ruptures (incidence is around
2%), mortality rises to >50%.
• Preassessment, monitoring and X-​matching are all exactly as for an
open repair. However, since the patient will not undergo aortic cross-​
clamping, patients who have been refused open surgery because of
significant LV impairment may tolerate EVAR. ICU is usually not needed
postoperatively. Guidelines for who should be offered EVAR or open
repair are still under development.
• GA, regional anaesthesia or LA is appropriate, depending on
preference, although regional anaesthesia/​LA may shorten the
procedure and hospital stay.7,8
• Postoperatively, the patient may go to the HDU or the vascular ward
for overnight monitoring. Hospital stay is usually only 24–​48h.
• Complex EVAR procedures in which custom-​made, fenestrated grafts
allow reconnection of visceral aortic branches may take longer than
standard EVAR and are usually therefore best performed under GA.
• EVAR is also now an increasingly popular technique for patients
presenting with ruptured AAA. A balloon is inserted into the femoral
artery percutaneously and inflated above the rupture which confers
some haemodynamic stability. The IMPROVE Trial showed similar 30d
mortality between open (37.4%) and endovascular (35.4%) techniques,
but with women faring better than men with the EVAR technique.
Hospital costs were marginally lower for the EVAR group.5

598 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

• EVAR for ruptured AAA may be performed under GA or LA. A

commonly used combination technique involves the inflation balloon
being inserted under LA to prevent haemodynamic collapse, followed
by induction of GA once haemodynamic stability improves.
6 Paravastu SC, Jayarajasingam R, Cottam R, et al. (2014). Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic
aneurysm. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 23, CD004178.
7 Asakura Y, Ishibashi H, Ishiguchi T, Kandatsu N, Akashi M, Komatsu T (2009). General versus
locoregional anesthesia for endovascular aortic aneurysm repair: influences of the type of anes-
thesia on its outcome. J Anesth, 23, 158–​61.
8 Armstrong RA, Squire YG, Rogers CA, Hinchliffe RJ, Mouton R (2019). Type of anesthesia for
endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 33, 462–​71.
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair 599

Thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysm repair
Procedure Excision of aortic aneurysmal sac extending above the
origin of the renal arteries and replacement with a syn-
thetic graft. May involve thoracotomy and the need for
Time 3–​6h
Pain ++++
Position Supine, arms out (crucifix), may be right lateral if
Blood loss 1000mL –​+++, X-​match 8 units, plus platelets and FFP
Practical DLT + IPPV, arterial + CVP lines. Thoracic epidural

Thoracic aneurysms of the ascending aorta require median sternotomy and

CPB. Transverse aortic arch repair often requires hypothermic circulatory
arrest as well.
In many vascular centres, most patients with thoracic AAA undergo
endovascular repair which has many similarities to EVAR.
However, precautions to protect the spinal cord, such as spinal fluid
drainage, are commonly performed for thoracic EVAR.
Thoracic EVAR operations are usually carried out with the patient
under GA.
Special considerations
As for infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair, with the following considerations:
• The aneurysm may compress the trachea and distort the anatomy of
the upper vasculature.
• Intensive care is essential for postoperative ventilation and stabilisation,
until acidosis and hypothermia are corrected and the lungs fully
• The aortic cross-​clamp will be much higher than for a simple AAA. This
means that the kidneys, liver and splanchnic circulation will be ischaemic
for the duration of the cross-​clamp.
• Access to the thoracic aorta may require OLV, so a left-​sided DLT may
be required (see % pp. 535–7). A Univent® tube is a possible alternative
(see % p. 537).
• Proximal hypertension following aortic cross-​clamping is more
pronounced. Use aggressive vasodilation with GTN (infusion of 50mg/​
50mL run at 10mL/​h until it starts to work) or esmolol (2.5g/​50mL at
• Hypotension following aortic unclamping is often severe, requiring
inotropic support postoperatively—​use adrenaline (5mg/​50mL),
starting at 5mL/​h.
• Acidosis is a particular problem—​metabolic acidosis develops during
cross-​clamping and is potentially exacerbated by respiratory acidosis
due to prolonged OLV. Use balanced crystalloids; consider using HCO3–​
and ventilate postoperatively until it is resolved.

600 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

• Renal failure occurs in up to 25% of cases; principally related to the

duration of cross-​clamping. Monitor urine output; give mannitol 25g
before cross-​clamping, and maintain the circulating volume.
• Spinal cord ischaemia, leading to paralysis, may develop. This is related
to the duration of cross-​clamping and occurs because a branch of the
thoracic aorta (artery of Adamkiewicz) reinforces the blood supply of
the cord. Techniques used for prevention (none is infallible) include: CSF
pressure measurement and drainage through a spinal drain, spinal cord
cooling through an epidural catheter, intrathecal Mg2+, distal perfusion
techniques, CPB and DHCA. Surgeons performing this surgery have
their own preferred techniques.
• Fluid balance is as for infrarenal AAA, although blood loss will be more
extreme; blood transfusion will almost certainly be required, and
platelets and FFP are more commonly used. Cell salvage is mandatory.
Carotid endarterectomy 601

Carotid endarterectomy
Procedure Removal of atheromatous plaque from the internal ca-
rotid artery. The internal carotid artery is clamped and
opened, the plaque removed and the artery closed dir-
ectly or with a patch
Time 1–​3h
Pain ++
Position Supine, head-​up. Contralateral arm board
Blood loss Minimal, G&S
Practical Cervical plexus block + sedation, or
techniques ETT + IPPV, arterial line

An operation to reduce the incidence of CVE in symptomatic (TIA or cere-

brovascular accident) patients with >70% internal carotid artery stenosis.
Combined perioperative mortality and cerebrovascular accident incidence
of 1–​5%. Patients usually elderly arteriopaths, but preoperative dynamic
cardiac assessment is not required.
• Monitoring cerebral perfusion during carotid cross-​clamping is
important. Advocates of regional anaesthesia cite the advantages of
having a conscious patient in whom neurological deficits are immediately
• Under GA, other techniques are used for monitoring cerebral perfusion
such as EEG processing, somatosensory evoked potential monitoring,
transcranial Doppler of the middle cerebral artery and near-​infrared
spectroscopy. Each unit will have its own protocols.
• Considerable controversy exists as to whether to use GA or regional
anaesthesia. The largest RCT ever carried out comparing the two
anaesthetic techniques failed to show any difference in outcome.9
Teamwork is probably the most important factor in reducing surgical
risk, rather than any particular technique.
• Elderly patients, often with severe CVS disease. Most are hypertensive.
BP control during CEA can be difficult.10
• Determine the normal range of BP from ward charts. Measure BP in
both arms. Use the highest of the two, and aim for 160/​90mmHg.
• Document pre-​existing neurological deficits, so that new deficits may be
more easily detected.
• Have available vasoconstrictors (ephedrine and metaraminol) and
vasodilators (GTN, labetalol).
• Premedicate with a sedative or anxiolytic, particularly if using GA.
• IV access (20G and 14G) plus an arterial line in the contralateral arm
(out on an arm board).
• Monitoring: 5-​lead ECG, arterial line, NIBP, SpO2, ETCO2.
• Maintain BP within 20% of baseline. During cross-​clamping, maintain
BP at or above baseline. If necessary, use vasoconstrictors, e.g.
metaraminol (10mg diluted up to 20mL; give 0.5mL at a time).

602 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

General anaesthesia for carotid endarterectomy

• Careful IV induction. BP may be labile during induction and intubation.
Give generous doses of short-​acting opioids, and consider spraying the
cords with lidocaine.
• Most anaesthetists use an ETT; the LMA cuff has been shown to reduce
carotid blood flow, but this is of unknown significance. Secure the tube,
and check connections very carefully (the head will be inaccessible
during surgery).
• Remifentanil infusion, combined with superficial cervical plexus block,
gives ideal conditions, with rapid awakening. Otherwise isoflurane/​
opioid technique. Maintain normocapnia. Avoid N2O.
• Extubate before excessive coughing develops. Close neurological
monitoring in recovery until fully awake.
The ‘awake carotid’
• Patient preparation and communication are vital.
• Cervical dermatomes C2–​C4 may be blocked by deep, intermediate
or superficial cervical plexus block performed using ultrasound or by
anatomical methods11 (see % p. 1118).
• Avoid deep block in patients with respiratory impairment, as they may
not tolerate unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. The learning curve for
the superficial block is steeper than the deep, but more LA is typically
used and all blocks have complications described. Infiltration along the
jawline helps to reduce pain from the submandibular retractor.
• Ensure the patient’s bladder is emptied preoperatively. Give IV fluids
only to replace blood loss; a full bladder developing, while the carotid is
cross-​clamped, can be tricky to manage.
• Sedation (e.g. remifentanil 0.05–​0.1 micrograms/​kg/​min) may be
carefully employed during block placement and dissection. Once
dissection is complete, patient discomfort is reduced, so sedation can
be stopped. Avoidance of sedation during carotid cross-​clamping will
allow better neurological assessment. Give O2 throughout.
• An L-​bar angled over the patient’s neck allows good access.
• Despite an apparently perfect regional block, 750% of patients will
require LA supplementation by the surgeon, particularly around the
carotid sheath. This is reduced using remifentanil sedation and can also
be treated by direct lidocaine spray once dissection is complete.
• Monitor the patient’s speech, cerebration and contralateral motor
power while the carotid is cross-​clamped. Neurological symptoms and
signs are usually similar to those with which the patient presented.
• Neurological deficit presents in three ways:
• Profound unconsciousness on cross-​clamping
• Subtle, but immediate, deficit following cross-​clamping, e.g. confusion,
dysphasia, delay in answering questions
• Delayed deficit, usually related to relative hypotension.
• Attentive monitoring of the patient is vital, particularly during cross-​
clamping. If a neurological deficit develops, try augmenting the BP which
may improve ipsilateral cerebration by increasing the pressure gradient
across the circle of Willis. Increase the inspired O2 concentration. Tell
the surgeon immediately who will get a carotid shunt ready. Recovery
should be rapid, once the shunt is in place. If not, convert to GA (use of
an LMA probably easiest at this stage).
Carotid endarterectomy 603

• For patients who do not tolerate being awake, GA is the best option,
although techniques have been described in which the patient is ‘woken
up’ intraoperatively to check neurological function.
• Careful observation in a recovery room for 2–​4h is mandatory. HDU is
preferable for patients who develop a neurological deficit.
• Airway oedema is common in both GA and regional cases, due to
dissection around the airway. Cervical haematoma occurs in 5–​10% of
cases—​remove skin sutures in recovery to allow drainage. Immediate
re-​exploration is required for developing airway obstruction. Although
the block may still be working, plan for emergent control of the airway.
• Haemodynamic instability is common postoperatively. Hyperperfusion
syndrome, typically presenting as headaches which may lead ultimately
to haemorrhagic CVE, is caused by areas of the brain previously
‘protected’ by a tight carotid stenosis being suddenly exposed to
hypertensive BP. Thus, BP must be tightly controlled. Careful written
instructions should be given to staff about haemodynamic management.
An example is:
• If systolic BP >160mmHg, give labetalol 5–​10mg boluses IV or a
hydralazine infusion
• If systolic BP <100mmHg, give colloid 250mL stat.
• New neurological symptoms and signs require immediate surgical
consultation and investigation.
• Carotid stenting is a developing procedure for symptomatic carotid
patients performed in the radiology suite, in which a stent is placed
under LA into the stenotic carotid artery. Anaesthetic supervision may
be required because of the complications, which include perioperative
CVE and haemodynamic disturbances. CVE rates of carotid stenting
remain higher than of operative intervention.
9 GALA Trial Collaborators Group (2008). General anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for ca-
rotid surgery: a randomized, controlled trial. Lancet, 372, 2132–​42.
10 Stoneham MD, Thompson JP (2009). Arterial pressure management and carotid endarterec-
tomy. Br J Anaesth, 102, 442–​52.
11 Stoneham MD, Stamou D, Mason J (2015). Regional anaesthesia for carotid surgery. Br J Anaesth,
114, 372–​83.

604 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

Peripheral revascularisation
Procedure Bypass operations for occlusive arterial disease. A vein or
a synthetic graft is used to bypass occluded arteries
Time 1–​6h
Pain +++
Position Supine
Blood loss Usually 500–​1000mL, X-​match 2 units
Practical Combined spinal/​epidural with sedation, arterial line.
techniques ETT/​IPPV, consider LMA

• Femoro-​popliteal bypass = femoral to above-​knee popliteal artery.

• Femoro-​distal bypass = femoral to anterior or posterior tibial artery.
• Femoro-​femoral crossover = from one femoral artery to another.
• Constitute a large proportion of elective vascular surgery.
• Duration of surgery is unpredictable and overruns are not uncommon.
• Assess the CVS. Usually better tolerated than aortic surgery. A dynamic
assessment of the cardiac function is not usually necessary, unless there
have been new developments, e.g. unstable angina.
• The choice between GA and regional anaesthesia is up to the individual.
There is a suggestion that regional anaesthesia is associated with lower
reoperation rates. Long operations (>3h) mean regional techniques
need careful thought.
• IV access: ensure at least one large (14 or 16G) IV cannula.
• Use arterial pressure monitoring unless it is a very short procedure.
Otherwise standard monitoring with 5-​lead ECG. CVC not required.
• GA techniques include ETT plus IPPV or LMA plus SV. The surgeon
should be able to perform femoral nerve block perioperatively.
• Regional anaesthesia offers good operating conditions and
postoperative analgesia. Single-​shot spinal anaesthesia with plain
bupivacaine, intrathecal clonidine (15–​30 micrograms) and diamorphine
(250–​500 micrograms) can give good surgical anaesthesia for up to
6h. If using epidural anaesthesia, epidural diamorphine (2–​3mg) and
an infusion of 0.25% bupivacaine at 5–​10mL/​h will provide similar.
Put the spinal in, with the patient sitting, so they can hang their leg off
the bed, which will reduce their pain until the block is working. Give
supplemental O2. If the patient requests sedation, propofol TCI is ideal.
• Heparin (3000–​5000 units) should be given before clamping—​reverse
with protamine 0.5–​1mg/​100 units of heparin slowly after unclamping.
• O2 overnight.
Axillobifemoral bypass 605

Axillobifemoral bypass
Procedure Extraperitoneal bypass (trouser graft) from axillary artery
to femoral arteries
Time 2–​4h
Pain ++++
Position Supine
Blood loss <1000mL, X-​match 2 units
Practical GA—​ETT, IPPV, arterial line, consider CVC

This operation is performed less commonly due to the rapid advance of

stenting techniques; however, it is still occasionally performed on patients
with completely occluded aortoiliac vessels. It is a last-​chance operation for
patients with completely occluded aortic or iliac arteries. Some will already
have had aortic surgery and have infected grafts. It is an extraperitoneal
operation, so patients with severe cardiorespiratory disease who might be
excluded from aortic surgery may tolerate it better. However, do not be
misled—​it is still a long operation which can involve significant blood loss,
morbidity and even mortality.
• Usual preoperative assessment of vascular patients (see % p. 590).
Try to obtain recent information about the cardiac function. An
echocardiograph can easily be done at the bedside.
• Some of these patients will be very sick, either from pre-​existing
cardiorespiratory disease or from infected aortic grafts. Surgery may be
their only hope of life, although it carries very high risk. Provided the
patient understands this, the operation may be appropriate. These are
not cases for inexperienced trainees to undertake alone.
• GA with ETT and IPPV is appropriate. An arterial line and large-​gauge
cannula are mandatory; CVP monitoring is optional.
• Heparin/​protamine will be required at clamping/​unclamping.
• Extubation at the end of surgery is usually possible, but a period of time
on the HDU is recommended, if possible.
• PCA for postoperative analgesia.

606 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

(Below/​through/​above knee, Syme’s, digits, etc.)
Procedure Removal of necrotic or infected tissue due to vascular
Time 30–​120min
Pain ++++
Position Supine
Blood loss Usually 200–​500mL, G&S
Practical Spinal or epidural with sedation. Sciatic/​femoral blocks
techniques ± GA

• Commonly sick, bed-​bound diabetic patients with significant CVS
disease who have had repeated revascularisation attempts previously.
• Many will be in considerable discomfort preoperatively (less so the
diabetics) and may be on large doses of enteral or parenteral opioids.
Regional analgesia may give more predictable postoperative relief.
• Spinal anaesthesia ± sedation offers excellent anaesthesia which can
be directed unilaterally. The duration of block (and postoperative
pain relief ) can be extended with intrathecal diamorphine (250–​500
micrograms) or intrathecal clonidine (15–​30 micrograms).12
• Diabetic patients presenting for amputations commonly have peripheral
neuropathy. As a result, ankle blocks are very successful for minor
amputations of the foot.
• Epidural analgesia offers better postoperative analgesia and can be sited
preoperatively, if required (pre-​emptive analgesia).
• GA is an option, but additional regional blockade is advisable (combined
sciatic/​femoral blocks will ensure analgesia for up to 24h). A wound
catheter may be placed next to the sciatic nerve by the surgeon for
postoperative infusion of LA (e.g. bupivacaine 0.25% at 10mL/​h).
• Occasionally, these patients are septic due to the necrotic tissue. The
only way they will improve is to have the affected part amputated, so
cancellation may not be an option.
• Regional analgesia is the best option; otherwise PCA.
• Phantom limb pain is a problem for 60–​70% of amputees at some time. It
must be distinguished from surgical pain. If possible, get pain team input.
• Pre-​emptive analgesia (preoperative siting of epidural) is believed by
some to reduce the incidence and severity of chronic pain.
• Combined sciatic/​femoral nerve blocks are an alternative to an
epidural, particularly when the patient is receiving anticoagulation.
• Even with perfect regional analgesia, you may need to continue enteral
opioids postoperatively.
12 Ypsilantis E, Tang TY (2010). Pre-​emptive analgesia for chronic limb pain after amputation for
peripheral vascular disease: a systematic review. Ann Vasc Surg, 24, 1139–​46.
Thoracoscopic sympathectomy 607

Thoracoscopic sympathectomy
Procedure For patients with sweaty palms/​axillae. The sympathetic
trunk is divided via a thoracoscope inserted through a small
axillary incision
Time 30–​60min
Pain ++
Position Supine, affected arm on arm board
Blood loss Minimal
Practical IPPV via DLT, SV via LMA

• Patients are usually young and fit with hyperhidrosis (sweaty palms and
• Surgical technique involves cutting the thoracic sympathetic trunk at T2
or T3 thoracoscopically.
• Traditionally, this is done using one-​lung anaesthesia (DLT), with the
patient in the reverse Trendelenburg position.
• A simpler technique involves the patient breathing spontaneously
through an LMA. When the surgeon insufflates CO2 into the pleural
cavity, the lung is pushed away passively, allowing surgery to take place.
The degree of shunt produced is less dramatic than with OLV. Assisted
ventilation must be avoided, except to reinflate the lung manually at the
end. The CO2 insufflator machine regulates intrapleural pressures.
• With either technique, at the conclusion of the procedure, the lung
must be re-​expanded (under the surgeon’s direct vision) to prevent a
• LA can be deposited by the surgeon directly onto the sympathetic trunk
and into the pleural cavity.
• A postoperative chest radiograph is required to confirm lung reinflation.
• Synchronous bilateral sympathectomy is a much more challenging
operation. This can lead to profound hypoxia when the 2nd lung is
collapsed, due to persistent atelectasis in the 1st lung. It is certainly
inappropriate for all but the very fittest patients.

608 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

First rib resection

Procedure Resection of the 1st/​cervical rib in patients with thoracic
outlet syndrome
Time 1–​2h
Pain ++
Position Supine, affected arm on arm board
Blood loss Minimal
Practical IPPV via ETT, avoid muscle relaxants

• Patients are usually young and fit.

• The position is similar to that for thoracoscopic sympathectomy.
• Muscle relaxants should be avoided, as the surgeon needs to be
able to identify the brachial plexus perioperatively. Intubate under
opioid/​induction agent alone, or use mivacurium/​opioid, and then
hyperventilate with isoflurane/​opioid or similar.
• At the conclusion of surgery, the wound is filled with 0.9% sodium
chloride, and manual ventilation performed with sustained inflation
pressures >40cmH2O. This is to check for a lung leak and exclude a
pleural injury.
• A superficial cervical plexus block provides good postoperative
analgesia (see % p. 1118; % pp. 602–3).
• A postoperative CXR is required in recovery.
Arteriovenous fistula formation 609

Arteriovenous fistula formation

Procedure Creation of an A–​V fistula usually in the upper limb to
facilitate haemodialysis
Time 1–​2h
Pain +
Position Supine, operating arm out on side table
Blood loss Minimal
Practical Brachial plexus block, IPPV via ETT

• These patients, by definition, have renal failure, so they may have

hypertension, DM, fluid imbalance, previous transplants, failed fistulae,
uraemia, coagulopathy, hyper-​/​hypokalaemia, anaemia or chronic
• The patient may have been, or may still be, receiving a heparin infusion
to try to keep the old fistula patent.
• There may be a venovenous dialysis line in situ. Avoid using this for IV
access unless there are no alternatives.
• Know when the patient was last dialysed. Check K+ and Hb. Think
about volume overload or hypovolaemia. Be cautious giving IV fluids,
which should not contain K+.
• Discuss carefully with the surgeon exactly where the fistula will be
formed and avoid cannulae/​arterial line/​BP cuff on this side.
• Avoid cannulating large veins in the forearm or antecubital fossa as
these may be required for A–​V fistulae in the future. Use veins on the
dorsum of the hand, if possible. Only site an arterial line if vital.
• Local infiltration is often possible for 1° AV fistula creation.
Otherwise, regional anaesthesia is the best option unless the patient is
anticoagulated.13 Ultrasound-​guided brachial plexus block is appropriate.
For proximal surgery, use the supraclavicular or interscalene approach,
whereas the axillary approach may be better for more distal surgery.
• GA probably requires airway protection due to autonomic neuropathy.
Difficult intubation is possible (prayer sign). Use appropriate muscle
relaxants, e.g. cisatracurium, atracurium.
• Consider the effects of renal impairment on drug metabolism when
prescribing postoperative analgesia.
13 Cerneviciute R, Sahebally SM, Ahmed K, Murphy M, Mahmood W, Walsh SR (2017). Regional
versus local anaesthesia for haemodialysis arteriovenous fistula formation: a systematic review
and meta-​analysis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 53, 734–​42.

610 Chapter 22 Vascular surgery

Varicose vein surgery

Procedure Removal of tortuous veins of the lower extremities:
High tie and strip—​long saphenous vein removal
(sometimes bilateral)
Short saphenous vein surgery—​tied off in popliteal fossa
Time 30min to 3h
Pain ++
Position Supine or prone for short saphenous surgery
Blood loss Up to 1000mL
Practical LMA/​SV for most; ETT/​IPPV for prone

• The number of patients undergoing varicose vein surgery has

dramatically fallen due to the introduction and popularity of techniques
such as endovenous laser ablation or sclerotherapy. Despite this, there
is still a core of patients who require surgery.
• Patients are usually young and fit.
• The main operation is usually combined with multiple avulsions to
remove varicosities. These are minute scars, which can, however, bleed
• Blood loss can be minimised by elevating the legs intraoperatively.
• Patients may need combined long and short saphenous surgery (i.e. two
operative incisions on the same leg) and may require turning during the
operation. In selected slim patients without aspiration risk, this can be
done with the patient breathing spontaneously through an LMA.
• A combination of NSAIDs and LA into the groin wound gives good
postoperative analgesia. Caudal anaesthesia is possible for prolonged
• Bilateral surgery is common and takes 30–​60min per incision.
• Redo surgery is also common and can be more prolonged.
Further reading
Calero A, Illig KA (2016). Overview of aortic aneurysm management in the endovascular era. Semin
Vasc Surg, 29, 3–​17.
Thompson JP, Howell S, Telford RJ, eds. (2014) Vascular Anaesthesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Atkinson C, Ramaswamy KK, Stoneham MD (2013). Regional anesthesia for vascular surgery. Semin
Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 17, 92–​104.
Moores C, Nimmo A, eds. (2012). Core Topics in Vascular Anaesthesia. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Chapter 23 611

Orthopaedic surgery
Richard Griffiths and David Brooks
General principles 612
Fat embolism syndrome 614
Bone cement implantation syndrome 615
Tourniquets 616
Total hip replacement 618
Revision of total hip replacement 620
Total knee replacement 621
Arthroscopic lower limb procedures 623
Cruciate ligament repair 624
Ankle surgery 625
Foot surgery 627
Spinal surgery 629
Shoulder surgery 634
Total shoulder replacement 637
Elbow replacement surgery 638
Anaesthesia for hand surgery 639
Anaesthesia for femoral neck fracture 642

See also
% Regional anaesthesia pp. 1099–1146
% The major trauma patient pp. 967–1032
% Pelvic injuries p. 1001
% Spinal trauma pp. 1002–3
% Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions pp. 303–8
% Amputations p. 606
% Congenital talipes equinovarus p. 945
% Femoral osteotomy p. 946

612 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

General principles
• About 220 000 major joint replacements are performed annually in
England and Wales.1
• The population is ageing and these patients are now likely to be obese
with multiple comorbidities.
• Many operations are amenable to regional anaesthesia and ultrasound-​
guided LA blocks (see % p. 613).
• Patient education before surgery, using joint schools, has promoted
patient choice and highlighted areas, such as the anaesthetic technique,
well before the day of surgery.
• Liaison with the surgeon is essential, particularly if undertaking regional
• Arthritis often makes assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness difficult.
• If planning a regional technique (particularly CNB), it is important
to consider factors affecting clotting (timing of the last dose of
anticoagulant) and discuss specific risks and benefits with the patient2,3
(see % pp. 1100–1101).
• A high risk of VTE occurs with certain operations requiring
antithromboembolic measures, e.g. LMWH, stockings, foot pumps (see
% pp. 59–61).
• Give IV antibiotic prophylaxis as per local protocols, but be aware of
the potential for anaphylaxis4 (see % pp. 62–3).
• Utmost care with positioning is essential to avoid soft tissue or nerve
injuries. This is a shared responsibility between the anaesthetist and the
• Maintenance of normothermia with blood warmers and forced air
warming blankets can reduce both morbidity and mortality.
• Hypotension should be avoided.5
• Consider invasive monitoring for those patients with CVS disease
and those having revision lower limb surgery, especially if from a
periprosthetic fracture.
• Blood loss may be significant.
• Monitor blood loss accurately. Consider cell salvage, including drain
• A urinary catheter should be inserted for long procedures or when
epidurals/​spinal opioids are used.
• Local infiltration analgesia (LIA), using low-​dose, high-​volume LA,
is an effective technique for pain reduction in elective hip and knee
arthroplasty surgery.6
• Good analgesia will have a positive effect on recovery, mobility and
• Liaise with the surgeon if prescribing NSAIDs, but use with care in
those over 75 (see % p. 91; % pp. 1155–6).
General principles 613

Regional anaesthesia
• Regional anaesthesia may be used for most joint replacements (alone
or with carefully administered sedation). Benzodiazepines should be
avoided in elderly patients. CNB and major nerve blocks are commonly
performed (see % pp. 1099–146).
• In major orthopaedic surgery, blocks may provide postoperative pain
relief and may reduce PONV.
• There is some evidence that regional anaesthesia, either alone or
in combination with GA, may improve outcome in hip and knee
arthroplasty, although these data are based on large observational
• Good fixation of cement and joint prosthesis requires a dry, bloodless
surgical field. Regional anaesthesia (particularly spinal/​epidural) reduces
bleeding at the surgical site, without the need for other pharmacological
hypotensive anaesthetic techniques.
• Surgeons often prefer the operating conditions produced by regional

614 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Fat embolism syndrome

• Fat embolism syndrome (FES)9 is associated with trauma or surgery
and has an extremely variable presentation; diagnosis is often made by
• Although embolisation of fat occurs frequently, the syndrome is
comparatively rare (1%).
• Early surgery and avoidance of intramedullary fixation have both
reduced the incidence.
• Current treatment is supportive (early mortality 1–​20%), but serious
long-​term complications are uncommon.
• FES is classically seen in patients with long bone fractures who develop
sudden tachypnoea and hypoxia.
• Although sometimes a petechial rash is seen (check conjunctivae), a firm
diagnosis is frequently difficult.9
Features (as defined by Gurd)10
• Respiratory symptoms: tachypnoea, dyspnoea, bilateral crepitations,
haemoptysis, diffuse shadowing on CXR
• Neurological signs: confusion, drowsiness
• Petechial rash.
• Tachycardia
• Retinal change: fat or petechiae
• Jaundice
• Renal: oliguria or anuria.
• Thrombocytopenia
• Sudden decrease in Hb by 20%
• Raised ESR
• Fat macroglobulinaemia.
• Early resuscitation and stabilisation are vital.
• Early O2 therapy may prevent onset of syndrome.
• May require mechanical ventilation (10–​40% of patients).
• Steroid use is controversial.9
• FES usually resolves within 7d.
Bone cement implantation syndrome 615

Bone cement implantation syndrome

• Methyl methacrylate bone cement is an acrylic polymer that has been
used extensively in orthopaedic surgery for 40y.
• Its use is associated with the potential for hypoxia, hypotension and
CVS collapse.
• Fatal cardiac arrest is a reported complication.
• There are many suggested aetiologies, of which fat embolisation
appears to be the most likely.
• Air embolisation (Doppler evidence in 30% of patients) and direct
effects of the cement are also possible.
• There is now a proposed classification of bone cement implantation
syndrome (BCIS), ranging from grade 1, with mild hypotension and
hypoxia, to grade 3, with CVS collapse.11
• The incidence of grade 3 BCIS was 0.5% in the Anaesthesia Sprint Audit
of Practice, conducted by the National Hip Fracture Database in 2014.12
• Following this report, a patient safety consensus document was
produced which was a collaboration between the AoA, the British
Orthopaedic Association and the British Geriatric Society.13
Prevention and treatment
• Certain patient groups, such as those with significant cardiorespiratory
disease and those on diuretics, are at i risk.13
• A ‘cement curfew’ should be part of the WHO checklist and each
member of the theatre team should have specific roles and should not
leave theatre around the time of prosthesis insertion.
• The conduct of anaesthesia and surgery are summarised in Table 23.1
from the guideline Reducing the risk from cemented hemiarthroplasty for
hip fracture.13

Table 23.1 Summary of recommendations for the conduct of surgery and

anaesthesia during cemented hemiarthroplasty

Conduct of surgery Anaesthetist to confirm communication that preparation

of femoral canal for cement is commencing
Femoral canal prepared
Pressurised lavage system recommended to clean
endosteal bone of fat and marrow
Distal suction catheter on top of intramedullary plug.
Cement inserted in retrograde fashion
No excessive pressurisation in high-​risk patients
Conduct of Ensure adequate hydration pre-​and intraoperatively
anaesthesia Maintain vigilance after femoral head removed
Closed loop communication when surgeon
communicates preparation of the femoral canal
Maintain the systolic BP within 20% of preinduction
values throughout. Use vasopressors and/​or fluids.
Invasive BP monitoring in high-​risk patients
Be ready for CVS collapse (metaraminol/​adrenaline)
Source: data from Griffiths R et al. (2015). Safety guideline: Reducing the risk from cemented
hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture 2015. Anaesthesia, 70, 623–​6.

616 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Tourniquets are commonly used to produce a bloodless field.14
• Only pneumatic tourniquets should be used. Mechanical tourniquets
can cause areas of unpredictably i pressure in underlying tissues.
• Small tourniquets on fingers and toes are dangerous, because they are
easily forgotten. Use a rubber strip with artery forceps.
• Expressive exsanguination using an Esmarch bandage is contraindicated
in cases of tumour or severe infection because of the risks of
dissemination. It is also contraindicated if DVT is suspected; fatal PE has
been reported.15 It also represents a potential risk of LV failure from
fluid overload if compression of both legs is carried out simultaneously
(adds 15% to the circulating volume); therefore, limit to one leg only in
patients at risk. Effective exsanguination can be achieved by arm or leg
elevation for 5min at 90°, without mechanical compression.
• Peripheral arterial disease is a relative contraindication to use.
• Avoid in severe crush injuries.
• Sickle-​cell disease: use of tourniquets is controversial. Sickling of RBCs
under anoxic conditions causes thrombosis, but some surgeons use limb
tourniquets after full exsanguination. If employed, use for as short a
time as possible (see also % pp. 257–9).
Site of application
• The upper arm and thigh have sufficient muscle bulk to distribute the
cuff pressure evenly and are the recommended sites.
• For short operations (<1h) in fit patients, a calf tourniquet is preferred
by some surgeons.
Cuff width
• The American Heart Association concluded that if a
sphygmomanometer cuff has a width of 20% greater than the diameter
of the upper arm or 40% of the circumference of the thigh (to a
maximum of 20cm), then the pressure in the underlying central artery
will be equal to that in the cuff. This avoids the need for excessively high
cuff pressures.
• Modern silicone cuffs tend to be smaller than this, measuring 90mm in
width (bladder 70mm) for the arm and 105mm (bladder 75mm) for the leg.
• Cuff length should exceed the circumference of the extremity by
7–​15cm. The cuff should be positioned at the point of maximum
circumference of the limb.
• The tissues immediately underlying the cuff should be protected with
cotton wool. This is not necessary with a correctly applied modern
silicone cuff.
• Base on patient’s BP measured on the ward preoperatively.
• Upper limb: systolic BP + 50mmHg. Lower limb: twice systolic BP. This
higher pressure is needed because there is often not enough room
above the operating site for a full-​sized cuff.
• The use of lower inflation pressures may minimise complications
following the use of tourniquets and speed up postoperative recovery.
In a normotensive patient, a pressure of 200mmHg should be ideal for
the upper limb and 250mmHg for the lower limb.
Tourniquets 617

Tourniquet time
• The minimum time possible should be the aim.
• Notify the surgeon at 1h, and remove as soon as possible after that.
• If the operation is difficult, the time can be extended to 1.5h. Two
hours should be regarded as a maximum, but this will not be safe for all
• PEs can occur following tourniquet release. When monitored using
TOE, the rate was higher with i tourniquet time.16
Tourniquet pain
• After 30–​60min of cuff inflation, a patient may develop an increase
in HR and diastolic BP. This response results from ‘tourniquet pain’.
This also occurs under anaesthesia, although the response is usually
abolished by spinal or epidural techniques.
• In volunteers, when a tourniquet is inflated, a dull pain, associated with
an increase in BP, occurs after 30min.
• Often the physiological changes are resistant to analgesic drugs and i
depth of anaesthesia. β-​blockers, in particular labetalol, may be useful.
• Small doses of ketamine given IV (0.25mg/​kg) before tourniquet
inflation has been reported to attenuate these BP rises.17,18

618 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Total hip replacement

Procedure Prosthetic replacement of femoral head and acetabulum
Time 60–​90min
Pain +++
Position Lateral or supine
Blood loss 300–​500mL
Practical Spinal with/​without sedation or GA ± LIA or nerve block

Total hip replacement is one of the most frequently performed orthopaedic

operations. The 17th annual report from the National Joint Registry (NJR)1
shows that there were around 100 000 1° hip operations each year be-
tween 2016 and 2019. The average age of patients for 1° hip arthroplasty
was almost 69y. Cemented arthroplasties account for 26% of all operations,
with uncemented procedures totalling another 35%. Between 2006 and
2019, the number of cemented prostheses has stayed the same, but as a
proportion of the total, it has halved.1 Regional anaesthesia offers several
advantages7 and can be supplemented with sedation or GA. Prevention of
thromboembolic complications is of the utmost importance.
NICE have produced a guideline on the perioperative management of
hip replacements.6
• Careful preoperative evaluation of the patient is essential.
• Patients contemplating hip replacement should receive advice on
preoperative rehabilitation.6
• No patient should be operated on electively who is anaemic (aim for
Hb >130g/​L in men and women) and blood transfusion is rare in 1° hip
arthroplasty19 (see % pp. 254–6).
• Antithrombotic measures should commence on admission (see %
pp. 59–61).
• Place an 18G or larger cannula in the upper arm (if a lateral position is
• Ensure adequate hydration prior to performing spinal anaesthesia and
during cement insertion.
• For single-​shot spinal anaesthesia: 2–​3mL of hyperbaric bupivacaine
0.5%, depending on patient size. Diamorphine (0.25–​0.5mg) may be
added for more prolonged analgesia but can cause unpleasant PONV.
• When using spinal anaesthesia in the lateral position, TCI propofol is a
useful sedation technique, with face mask supplemental O2.
• Avoid benzodiazepines in the elderly, as their use may lead to acute
• Epidural analgesia is rarely indicated for 1° hip arthroplasty.
• Peripheral nerve blocks offer some advantages over systemic analgesia.20
• Aim to maintain BP at an adequate level, based on preoperative
readings; hypotension is not indicated.5
Total hip replacement 619

• Intraoperative antibiotic prophylaxis as per local protocol will be

required (see % pp. 62–3).
• Actively warming the patient reduces intraoperative blood loss
significantly and reduces morbidity and mortality.
• Consider IV tranexamic acid.6
• Surgeons usually prefer the patient to be placed on their bed in the
supine position, with the legs abducted using a pillow, to prevent
dislocation of the prosthesis.
• Antithromboembolic prophylaxis is important—​at least 1% of patients
develop DVT, even with measures in place (see % pp. 59–61).
• O2 therapy for up to 24h is advisable in most patients.
• Hb should be checked 24h postoperatively.
• Patients are mobilised as soon as possible after surgery; ideally,
rehabilitation should be offered on the day of surgery, if possible.6
Simple oral opioids with regular paracetamol or NSAIDs are usually
sufficient for postoperative analgesia. Caution with NSAIDs in the
elderly (see % p. 91; % pp. 1155–6).
Bilateral total hip replacement
This procedure is now rarely performed. Around 5000 have been recorded
by the NJR since 2006. In the latest NJR report,1 there were 386 bilateral
procedures performed out of around 101 000 cases..

620 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Revision of total hip replacement

Procedure Revision of previous total hip replacement
Revision may include one or both components
Time 1–​4h, depending on complexity
Pain ++++
Position Lateral or supine
Blood loss 1L, occasionally considerably more, X-​match 2 units
Practical Regional or GA ± nerve block

Aseptic loosening was the commonest indication in 2019 NJR data, and
over 16% of the procedures were for periprosthetic fractures.1
General principles as for total hip replacement, except:
• The operation may take longer, but timings are variable. Discuss with
your surgeon beforehand.
• Blood loss can be significant, with 1L or more commonly lost
• Postoperative pain can be a significant problem.
• As for 1° hip replacement, including a urinary catheter.
• If significant blood loss is anticipated or the patient’s CVS status
indicates it, insert an arterial line and make use of near-​patient
monitoring to assess fluid status and Hb concentration.
• Technique should be planned, according to the length of surgery, the
operative position and patient factors.
• If CNB is contraindicated, consider supplementing GA with nerve
blocks (femoral, 3-​in-​1 or psoas compartment lumbar plexus).
• Use blood recovery and autologous transfusion wherever possible.
• Perioperative blood transfusion is frequently required, and blood loss
may be substantial. Two units of X-​matched blood should be available
in theatre, with the ability to obtain more within 30min.
• Consider IV tranexamic acid.6
• Mobilisation varies with the complexity of the revision and the strength
of reconstruction.
• PCA is a suitable alternative.
• Supplemental O2 is required for 24h or longer, particularly if significant
blood loss or an underlying cardiorespiratory disease.
• Remember thromboembolic prophylaxis (see % pp. 59–61).
Total knee replacement 621

Total knee replacement

Procedure Prosthetic replacement of the knee joint
Time 45–​90min
Pain ++++/​+++++
Position Supine
Blood loss Minimal with tourniquet; 250–​500mL without. G&S
Practical Spinal analgesia plus LIA
techniques GA plus LIA
Ultrasound-​guided adductor canal block17

Similar patient population to hip surgery. Often a shorter operation with

less blood loss and less chance of cement hypotension. A tourniquet is
commonly used, so be aware of tourniquet pain. Postoperatively, pain can
be extreme and must be anticipated.
There has been a move towards nerve blocks that spare the motor com-
ponent, so that mobilisation is not impaired. An example of this is the ad-
ductor canal block.21
NICE have produced a guideline on the perioperative management of
knee replacements.6
As for hip surgery.
• The patient is always supine, and therefore, airway control under
sedation can be a problem.
• Spinal anaesthesia, with or without intrathecal opioids, is the preferred
technique.22 GA is often used.
• A tourniquet is commonly used; therefore, perioperative blood loss is
not problematic, although expect to lose up to 500mL (and frequently
more) from the drains in the 1st hour postoperatively. There is a trend
to reduce the use of the tourniquet.
• Consider IV tranexamic acid.6
• If a tourniquet is used, one may see ‘breakthrough’ of tourniquet pain
after about 1h, causing CVS stimulation and hypertension. This is more
common with leg blocks and is treated by deepening anaesthesia or
adding IV opioid. Ketamine (0.25mg/​kg) is effective at preventing the
associated rise in BP.17 Ensure the patient is well preloaded before the
tourniquet is released. A short-​lived reperfusion event is common (fall
in BP and SaO2, rise in ETCO2) and is usually best prevented by fluid
loading before and during tourniquet release.

622 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

• Postoperative pain is usually the most significant problem, and this is the
main determinant of the anaesthetic technique. Many patients are now
already on opioids, and this makes the management of postoperative
pain more difficult.
• When blood loss into the drains continues to be brisk after the first
500mL, the surgeon will often clamp the drains for a period of time.
• Ideally, rehabilitation should be offered on the day of surgery if
Bilateral total knee replacement
• Bilateral knee replacements should only be considered in young, fit,
motivated patients. Elderly patients and those with significant CVS
disease are high risk.
• The advantage is that two admissions/​operations are avoided.
• The disadvantage is that bilateral total knee replacement is a major
CVS stress and is associated with unpredictable blood loss and fluid
• This can be achieved under regional anaesthesia and bilateral adductor
canal blocks, but frequently GA may be required for over 2h of surgery.
Revision of total knee replacement
• Same as 1° knee replacement, except it takes longer (≥2h).
• The technique is as for 1° knee replacement.
• If done without a tourniquet, then 2 units of blood should be
Arthroscopic lower limb procedures 623

Arthroscopic lower limb procedures

Procedure Arthroscopy, examination under anaesthesia
(EUA) and washout ± excision of torn car-
tilage, meniscal surgery/​loose body removal,
synovectomy, ligament reconstruction
Time 20–​60min
Pain ++
Position Supine, with leg over side of table
Blood loss Nil
Practical techniques GA/​LMA or ambulatory spinal anaesthesia

General principles
• The patient population is generally younger than those having joint
• Smaller procedures are done as day cases and therefore require a
technique that allows early ambulation and discharge home.
• Virtually all are done on the knee, though arthroscopy is also performed
on the ankle.
• Arthroscopy for knees with osteoarthritis is not supported by evidence
of effectiveness.23
• Premedication with paracetamol and NSAID.
• GA/​LMA is a ‘standard’ day case anaesthetic with IV opioids such as
fentanyl 1 microgram/​kg.
• Ambulatory spinal anaesthesia can be achieved with prilocaine due to its
rapid onset, predictable regression and low incidence of adverse effects
(see % p. 490).24
• A tourniquet is often used.
• Prescribe NSAIDs and strong oral analgesics to take home.
• Many surgeons instil 10–​20mL of 0.5% bupivacaine ± morphine (10mg)
into the joint cavity for postoperative pain relief.
• Ketamine in low dosage (IV) has been suggested to enhance analgesia
• Ideally, IV morphine should be avoided in day case arthroscopic
procedures due to the high incidence of PONV.
• EUA ± washout can be performed under intra-​articular and infiltration
LA alone. Nerve blocks have been used but are limited by the long
duration of action of anaesthesia and the failure to block the site of the
arterial tourniquet.

624 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Cruciate ligament repair

Procedure Arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate
ligament using patellar tendon ± hamstrings
Time 1.5–​2h
Pain +++/​++++
Position Supine
Blood loss Nil
Practical techniques LMA + GA ± adductor canal block
Spinal is an alternative

• These operations are of two main types: using the patellar tendon
only for the repair, and using both the patellar tendon and hamstring
• Usually 12h of analgesia are required prior to mobilisation.
• Nerve blocks have been used but hinder postoperative mobilisation.
• Oral opioids, combined with paracetamol and NSAIDs, are the
mainstay of analgesia.
• If the hamstrings are used, the operation takes longer and there is more
postoperative pain.
Ankle surgery 625

Ankle surgery
General principles
• Four main types of procedure: tendon transfers, open reduction and
internal fixation (ORIF) of fractures, joint arthrodesis and prosthetic
joint replacement (Table 23.2).
• Ankle arthrodesis takes 1–​2h. Tendon transfer is generally quicker than
this, and joint replacement may take longer.
• These operations are amenable to regional anaesthetic techniques,
either alone or combined with GA.
• Tourniquets are often used, and tourniquet pain has to be considered
(see % pp. 616–17).
• Patients may be supine, prone or occasionally on their side.
• In the case of ORIF following trauma, surgery may need to be
undertaken urgently if distal circulation is compromised. Beware of the
risk of aspiration from a full stomach, and also take time to ensure that
any other significant injury has been properly managed.
• If regional block is considered for ORIF, check that there is no concern
about the development of compartment syndrome postoperatively, as
the symptoms may be masked by the block (see % p. 1005).
• Local, regional, general or a combination of techniques can be used for
all procedures on the ankle.
• Nerve blocks under ultrasound guidance are popular and, for ankle
surgery, require sciatic (or popliteal) and femoral (or saphenous) nerve
blockade. The saphenous nerve (terminal branch of the femoral nerve)
supplies the skin down to the medial malleolus of the ankle (see %
p. 1140).
• Nerve blocks following a spinal anaesthetic improve analgesia well into
the 1st postoperative day. GA can also be combined with nerve blocks.
• Care must be taken in trauma cases with fractured ankles, as nerve
blocks may mask compartment syndrome. Always discuss your
proposed technique with the surgeon. The general rule is that nerve
blocks are best avoided in ankle trauma cases. Local infiltration is useful.
• Tendon transfer surgery takes up to 1h and is not particularly painful
• ORIF may be an emergency if the vascular supply is compromised, and
an RSI is the best anaesthetic option in this situation. A good alternative
for ORIF is spinal anaesthesia. The addition of intrathecal opioid (e.g.
diamorphine 0.25–​0.5mg) prolongs the period of analgesia.
• Ankle joint replacement is a procedure that is increasing in popularity.
Usually the procedure is accomplished within 2h.

Chapter 23

Table 23.2 Summary of ankle procedures

Procedure Time (h) Pain (+ to Position Blood loss Practical technique

Tendon transfer/​repair 71 ++ Supine (ruptured Nil with tourniquet GA + LMA with infiltration of LA by
tendo-​Achilles—​prone) surgeon
Spinal if supine. IPPV if prone
ORIF of ankle fracture Variable ++/​+++ Supine, occasionally on side Nil with tourniquet GA (if in doubt, RSI) or spinal
1.5–​2 or prone Generally avoid nerve blocks
Orthopaedic surgery

Arthrodesis of ankle joint 1.5–​2 +++ Supine Nil with tourniquet GA or spinal with nerve blocks
Spinal + nerve blocks
Prosthetic replacement 2+ ++/​+++ Supine Nil with tourniquet GA + nerve blocks
of ankle joint Spinal + nerve blocks
Foot surgery 627

Foot surgery
General principles
• Most operations are on the forefoot and toes, e.g. 1st metatarsal
osteotomy, Keller’s, excision of ingrowing toenails and terminalisation
of toes. Other operations in the midfoot include tendon transfers and
some osteotomies (Table 23.3).
• The patient population varies, and many are elderly. Those for
terminalisation of toes may well have concomitant problems such as
diabetes and/​or CVS disease.
• Osteotomies tend to be painful postoperatively.
• Surgical time is 30min to 1h.
• Many are done as day cases and require early ambulation and discharge
with adequate pain relief.
• Nerve blocks make a valuable contribution to postoperative analgesia,
particularly in osteotomies and nail bed excision, and promote early
ambulation. However, onset time is relatively long and they need to be
performed a full 40min prior to surgery, if planned without GA. With
experience, this can work well, but for the less experienced, it is best to
undertake them primarily for postoperative pain relief in combination
with LMA and GA.
• Patients may find an ankle block painful, so sedation may be required.
• Adrenaline must not be used for ‘ring’ or ‘web-​space’ blocks and is best
avoided in ankle blocks if the peripheral circulation is poor.
• Breakthrough pain from the tourniquet can be a problem, especially if
surgery is longer than 45min. Place the tourniquet as distally as possible
to reduce this effect.
• Regional blocks useful for foot surgery include ring/​web-​space or ankle
blocks for toe surgery, ankle block for forefoot surgery and sciatic (or
popliteal) nerve block for operations on the midfoot. Most commonly,
these blocks are performed for postoperative pain relief and are
combined with GA (see % pp. 1142–4).
• An alternative in all cases is spinal anaesthesia.

Chapter 23

Table 23.3 Summary of forefoot procedures

Site Procedure Time (min) Pain (+ to Position Blood loss/​ Technique

+++++) X-​match
Toes Excision of nail bed, 30 +++ Supine Nil Ring or toe web block with sedation or GA/​
terminalisation LMA + ankle block
Forefoot Tendon transfers 30–​60 +/​++ Supine Nil GA/​LMA + local infiltration
Ankle block with sedation or GA/​LMA
Orthopaedic surgery

Forefoot 1st metatarsal 30–​60 +++ Supine Nil GA/​LMA with ankle block or infiltration
osteotomy, Keller’s
Midfoot Tendon transfers 30–​60 +/​++ Supine Nil GA/​LMA + local infiltration
Midfoot Osteotomy 30–​60 +++ Supine Nil GA/​LMA ± sciatic nerve block at knee
Spinal surgery 629

Spinal surgery
Surgery on the spinal column between the atlanto-​occipital junction and
the coccyx.26,27
Can be loosely divided into four categories (Table 23.4):26,27,28
• Decompression of the spinal cord and nerves
• Stabilisation and correction of spinal deformity
• Excision of spinal tumours
• Trauma.
General principles
Children present for scoliosis surgery,28 young and middle-​aged adults for
decompressive surgery and older patients for stabilisation.
• Most procedures are in the prone position,29 although anterior and
lateral approaches are used. Some procedures will involve turning the
patient during the operation (see % pp. 435–41).
• Airway access will be limited during surgery and must be secure.
• Prevent excessive abdominal or thoracic pressure due to incorrect
patient positioning, which may compromise ventilation and circulation.
• Surgical blood loss can be considerable. Ensure good vascular access
and accurate measurement of blood loss. Consider tranexamic acid and
cell salvage.
• Long procedures necessitate active prevention of heat loss.
• Assessment of spinal function may be required during the procedure
and monitoring can be affected by the choice of anaesthetic technique.30
• Fastidious attention to detail is necessary to evade the many inherent
complications in spinal surgery.
• Thorough preoperative assessment is essential. Any existing
neurological deficit must be documented prior to the induction of
• Plans for the recovery period should be made in advance and will be
dictated by local experience. Long cases, those involving excessive
blood loss and major paediatric cases will need postoperative care in
the HDU. Few patients require postoperative ventilatory support.
• Secure venous access is critical. It may be difficult to access the cannula,
so an extension with a three-​way tap is recommended. If multiple
infusions are planned, additional cannulae may be prudent.
• Not all cases require invasive arterial pressure monitoring. Indications
include planned postoperative critical care admission, predicted
intraoperative instability, high predicted blood loss and a requirement
for intraoperative blood investigations.
• Central venous access is not required for most cases.
• Choice of anaesthetic will be dictated by personal experience, but
most will choose an IV induction with muscle relaxation and opioid
supplementation. Both volatile anaesthesia and TIVA are frequently
used. Remifentanil is useful perioperatively. The need for intraoperative
neuromonitoring may preclude the use of volatile anaesthetic gases.


Table 23.4 Summary of spinal surgery procedures

Operation Description Time (h) Position Blood loss/​ Pain (+ to Notes

Chapter 23

X-​match +++++)
Discectomy or Excision of herniated 1–​2 Prone Not significant +/​++ Microdiscectomy can be done as day case
microdiscectomy intervertebral disc
Cervical discectomy Excision of herniated 2 Prone/​head Not significant ++/​ May be an emergency with neurological deficit
cervical intervertebral on horseshoe +++
disc or halo
traction pins
Spinal fusion ± Correction of 1–​2 Prone 500–​2000mL, +++/​ May take bone graft from pelvis
decompression spondylolisthesis or (then 1 per X-​match 4 units ++++ Metal implantation
Orthopaedic surgery

spinal stenosis for pain level)

or instability—​often
several levels
Cervical fusion ± Fusion of unstable neck 2–​3 Supine 300–​1000mL, ++/​ Neck can be very unstable and need AFOI.
decompression (e.g. arthritis, trauma) or prone. G&S +++ Application of traction pins very stimulating
Cervical Retraction of the carotid sheath in anterior
traction in cervical discectomy and fusion may cause
place or haemodynamic instability
applied at Postoperative airway compromise is a possibility
Operation Description Time (h) Position Blood loss/​ Pain (+ to Notes
X-​match +++++)
Excision of spinal Tumours may be 1° 2–​6+ Supine, prone Potentially +++/​ Often difficult surgery with potential for major
tumour (e.g. or 2° from any part of or lateral tilt massive, X-​ ++++ blood loss and neurological damage
vertebrectomy) the spine match 6 units +
clotting factors
Kyphoscoliosis Correction of major 3–​6+ Supine and/​or Potentially +++/​ Often in children with severe restrictive
surgery spinal deformities in prone massive, X-​ +++++ respiratory disease and coexisting abnormalities.
patients who may have match 6 units + May involve surgery in abdominal and thoracic
severe physical disability clotting factors cavities. Spinal nerve monitoring used in some
available centres. May need postop ICU for IPPV
Repair of vertebral Repair for neurological 2–​6 Supine and/​or 500–​2000mL, ++/​ Often associated with other major injury
fracture deficit or instability prone X-​match 4 units ++++ (especially rib fracture). May be in ICU/​IPPV.
Neurological deficit often not reversible. Note:
suxamethonium may be contraindicated
Spinal surgery

632 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

• If spinal cord integrity is at risk during surgery, it may be necessary to

use spinal cord monitoring.30 This is a specialist service provided by a
neurophysiologist but may require that muscle relaxation is allowed
to wear off. It may be necessary to deepen the anaesthesia during this
phase, but in reality, this is rarely a problem.
• In patients with paraplegia or other large areas of muscle denervation
(2d to 8mo), suxamethonium should be avoided (see % p. 306;
% p. 421).
• Prophylactic antibiotics should be given as per local protocol (see %
pp. 62–3).
• Airway access is likely to be limited once the procedure has started, so
securing oral endotracheal intubation with a non-​kinking tube is usual. It is
critical to have a plan for how to manage inadvertent tube displacement.
Patients with unstable necks due to trauma or RA can be intubated using
an awake tracheal intubation technique (see % pp. 246–8; % pp. 393–6).
Some patients will require MILS, depending on the degree of instability
and the anticipated difficulty of intubation (see % p. 973). The tube
should be moulded around the face, with no bulky joints adjacent to
the skin. A throat pack may be used to decrease the flow of secretions
onto the pillow, and the tube then secured with adhesive tape or film. If
a throat pack is used, this must be recorded and part of the pack should
be left outside of the mouth so that it is visible.
• Attention to detail and the use of padding are vital to protect
pressure areas.
• Most patients will be paralysed and ventilated for these procedures,
with positional considerations noted above.
• Check the position of the ETT when the patient has been turned.
Check that ventilation is adequate, without excessive inflation pressures,
before surgery starts, as the only recourse may be to return the patient
to the supine position if problems develop.
• Blood loss may be significant, with venous oozing proving hard to
control. Tranexamic acid is commonly used. The use of cell salvage
techniques (see % pp. 458–9) is advisable for long procedures involving
instrumentation of multiple levels. All patients should have samples
grouped and saved, and more major procedures should have blood X-​
matched, even if cell salvage is employed (see below).
• Near-​patient testing techniques such as TEG® or ROTEM® can help to
guide transfusion requirements (see % pp. 284–6).
• Hypotensive anaesthesia may reduce blood loss during major
spinal surgery. The MAP should be maintained at a safe level—​for
normotensive patients, >60mmHg. Invasive blood pressure monitoring
is mandatory when the BP is being manipulated.
• The type of analgesia required will vary, depending on the magnitude
of surgery. Minor procedures (e.g. microdiscectomy) may manage with
NSAIDs alone, in association with infiltration of the operative site with
LA. Most procedures will necessitate opioids. PCA morphine is effective
after adequate IV loading. The use of regional analgesia is encouraged
where there is no need to assess neurological function, and the use of
epidural and paravertebral analgesia is growing in popularity for major
procedures such as correction of scoliosis. The catheter is usually
placed by the surgeon at the end of the procedure, and infusions of LA
or opioids continued for several days postoperatively.
Spinal surgery 633

• Effective analgesia is particularly crucial for surgery to the thoracic

spine where postoperative respiratory function will be compromised
if analgesia is inadequate. Consider also using incentive spirometry and
chest physiotherapy.
The prone position
(See % pp. 439–40 for full discussion of prone positioning.)
• Turning the patient from supine to prone requires log rolling by a
trained team, compromising at least six members of staff, to avoid
applying twisting forces in the axial plane.27,29 This is especially important
for the poorly supported cervical spine, which may be unstable due to
fractures or degenerative disease.
• During long cases, it may be necessary to move the patient’s limbs
and head every hour to avoid stagnation of peripheral blood and the
development of pressure necrosis. Pay particular attention to the nose,
eyes, chin, elbows, knees and ankles.
• Ophthalmic complications are well documented and can include corneal
abrasions through to visual loss.
• Pressure on the abdomen can be transmitted to the valveless epidural
veins and result in i bleeding.
Intraoperative neuromonitoring
• Neurological damage can result during operations on the spine. It is
possible to use neuromonitoring techniques to assess neural pathways
during surgery and thus increase safety.27,30
• Intraoperative monitoring has superseded the ‘wake-​up test’ when
patients were woken in the middle of surgery and asked to perform
simple motor functions before being reanaesthetised.
• Modalities include: somatosensory evoked potentials, motor evoked
potentials, EMG and EEG.
• Volatile anaesthetic agents decrease the amplitude of motor evoked
potentials in a dose-​related manner.
• NMBAs abolish motor evoked potential signals.
• It is essential for the neurophysiologist to know what drugs have been
given, as this will affect the interpretation of signals.
• TIVA with propofol and opioids is a popular technique.

634 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Shoulder surgery
General considerations
• Shoulder surgery is often excruciatingly painful, more so than many
other day case procedures.31,32
• Pain is not predictable and may last for several days, although it is
undoubtedly worst within the first 48h.
• A multimodal approach to analgesia is crucial.
• Heterogeneous patient population: from young athletic patients with
trauma through to elderly patients with numerous comorbidities such as
• Arthroscopic procedures are generally less painful than open
procedures. Patients get effective postoperative analgesia if the surgeon
injects LA within the joint space at the end of surgery.
• Bankart’s and capsular shift operations for recurrent dislocations are
more painful for larger, muscular patients, but not generally as painful as
cuff repairs and open acromioplasties.
• Massive cuff repairs are often extremely painful, and an interscalene
block is useful. Consider a PCA, and a loading dose of morphine during
surgery. Consider an interscalene catheter with infusion of LA.33
Arthroscopic shoulder procedures
• Used diagnostically and for surgical procedures.
• Examples: acromioplasty, stabilisation, adhesiolysis and rotator cuff
• Two to three ports (e.g. posterior port for viewing and anterior or
lateral ports for instrumentation).
• Posterior port may require additional LA infiltration if surgery is
performed under interscalene block alone.32
Open shoulder procedures
• Examples: arthroplasty of the glenohumeral joint, open stabilisation,
open rotator cuff repair, subacromial decompression and procedures
for trauma.32
Preoperative considerations
• Discuss the planned anaesthetic technique with the patient, with
particular emphasis on proposed regional anaesthetic techniques and
their complications.
• Choice of anaesthetic technique will depend on both patient and
surgical factors.
• The RCoA produces patient information leaflets such as Nerve blocks
for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand which may be provided to the
patient prior to surgery.34
• If surgery is to be performed with the patient conscious or sedated
while employing a regional technique, the patient must understand that
they are not receiving a GA.35
• Patients may not tolerate awake surgery, even with a fully working
block, as instruments and drapes may be close to the face.32
• Patients should be aware of the likely postoperative course and the
intended postoperative pain management regime.
Shoulder surgery 635

• Many patients are elderly; severe rheumatoid disease is common and

patients may have atlantoaxial instability and extra-​articular involvement
(see % pp. 246–8).
• Ask about respiratory function/​reserve if planning an interscalene block
(some diaphragmatic function will be lost for several hours).
• Check the airway (particularly in RA) and range of neck movement.
Some patients may require awake tracheal intubation.
Ultrasound-​guided regional anaesthetic techniques
• Refer to % Chapter 40 for details of how to perform specific blocks
(see % pp. 1119–27).
• Ultrasound-​guided regional anaesthesia has numerous advantages
in shoulder surgery: reduced postoperative pain despite reduced
concomitant perioperative opioid usage, reduced PONV and
subsequently improved patient satisfaction.31
• Regional techniques can be used on their own, or in combination with
sedation or in conjunction with a GA.
• IV access should be inserted into the opposite arm or the feet prior to
commencing the block.
• The appropriate block will depend upon the specific operative
requirements, but common examples are interscalene and
supraclavicular blocks.
• Continuous catheter-​based interscalene block may provide superior
analgesia, compared with single-​injection interscalene block, in major
shoulder surgery without increasing side effects or complications.
• Patients should be made aware of the adverse effects of the intended
nerve block.
Intraoperative considerations
• The efficacy of any regional anaesthetic technique should be confirmed
prior to commencing surgery.
• Use full monitoring, whether or not GA/​sedation is to be used.
• Ensure the patient’s bladder is empty prior to starting surgery, or insert
a urinary catheter for longer procedures.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis should be given as per local protocols (see %
pp. 62–3).
• Avoid intraoperative hypothermia.
• Patients are usually positioned with their head distal to the anaesthetist,
which presents several challenges:31,32
• Pay particular attention to the security of the airway which may be
covered by drapes and be out of sight.
• Airway options include a supraglottic device, a south-​facing RAE tube
or a flexible ETT, depending upon the operation.
• Long ventilator and gas sampling tubing is required.
Long IV lines are required.
• Positioning: supine, head-​up tilt, lateral, beach-​chair position (see %
pp. 440–1).
• Be aware of complications when the patient is steeply head up in the
beach-​chair position:32
• Cardiovascular instability or cerebral ischaemia; may benefit from a
vasopressor infusion or cerebral oximetry monitoring.
• Consider invasive arterial BP monitoring in selected patients.
• Air embolus.

636 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

• Ensure the head and neck are properly secured.

• Ensure eye padding.
• Heels and arms at risk of pressure sores, so ensure they are padded
• Avoid overstretching the brachial plexus.
• The ulnar nerve at the elbow is vulnerable.
• Flex the legs at the knees (e.g. with a pillow) to avoid stretching the
• If the patient will be conscious during the operation, the surgical drapes
must not cover their face.
• Have a strategy for managing intraoperative pain if the patient is awake
(e.g. alfentanil bolus).
• Make use of multimodal analgesic techniques intraoperatively.
• The surgeon can infiltrate LA intraoperatively.
• Consider the use of tranexamic acid if there is significant blood loss.36
Postoperative considerations
• Most procedures can be performed as a day case, so the patient will be
able to go home postoperatively.
• Patients must be given strict guidance to protect the limb while the
nerve block is still working. A suitable sling can help to support the limb.
• The nerve block will eventually wear off (often when the patient is at
home) and the patient can experience extreme discomfort.
• The patient must be prescribed (and encouraged to take) a multimodal
analgesic regime, including paracetamol, NSAIDs and opioids.
• The patient should have appropriate postoperative physiotherapy.6
Total shoulder replacement 637

Total shoulder replacement

Procedure Prosthetic shoulder replacement
Time 2–​3h
Pain +++/​++++
Position Supine, head-​up or deck-​chair
Blood loss 250–​500mL
Practical techniques GA with ETT (south-​facing RAE) + IPPV,
interscalene block ± interscalene catheter33

NICE has produced a guideline on the perioperative management of

shoulder replacements.6
• Acute trauma, osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tear, trauma sequelae, other
inflammatory arthropathies and avascular necrosis.1,37
• Osteoarthritis of the shoulder is the commonest indication for elective
shoulder replacement.
• Increasingly common as the population ages. The 2012–​2019 NJR
data showed the median age of patients was 73y.1
• Presentation: pain, d shoulder movement and function.
• Initial treatment is non-​operative: activity modification, oral analgesia,
physiotherapy and steroid injections.
• If non-​operative strategies fail, the patient may require a shoulder
Types of shoulder replacement
• 1° total shoulder replacement: best indicated for patients with intact
and functional rotator cuff muscles.
• Reverse total shoulder replacement: does not rely on an intact rotator
cuff, often used in older patients.
• Hemiarthroplasty: younger patients with 1° osteoarthritis and in
proximal humeral fractures.
Procedure-​specific considerations
(For general principles, see % pp. 634–6.)31,32
• If interscalene block has been performed, anaesthesia is usually
unremarkable. Sometimes breakthrough stimulation occurs during the
glenoid phase (may receive fibres from T2 which are not always covered
by the block). If no interscalene block, load the patient with morphine
and ask the surgeon to infiltrate with LA.
• Pain is worst in the first 24h postoperatively. PCA/​intermittent
morphine is usually satisfactory.
• Consider tranexamic acid if there is significant blood loss.36

638 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Elbow replacement surgery

Procedure Prosthetic elbow replacement
Time Variable
Pain +/​++
Position Supine, arm out on table
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques GA, LMA/​ETT, ultrasound-​guided regional tech-
nique, tourniquet, multimodal analgesia

In 4373 operations between 2012 and 2019, NJR data show the median age
of patients for 1° elbow replacement was 68y.1
Indications for elbow replacement surgery
• Acute trauma
• Osteoarthritis
• Other inflammatory conditions
• Trauma sequelae
• Essex-​Lopresti fracture
• Avascular necrosis.
Types of elbow replacement surgery
• Total prosthetic replacement
• Radial head replacement
• Lateral resurfacing
• Distal humeral hemiarthroplasty.
Anaesthetic technique
• Assess the patient for manifestations of rheumatoid disease (see %
pp. 246–8).
• Insert IV access into the side opposite to surgery.
• Ultrasound-​guided regional anaesthetic techniques will provide
intraoperative and postoperative analgesia38 (e.g. supraclavicular (see %
pp. 1120–1) or infraclavicular block (see % pp. 1121–2)).
• Prophylactic antibiotics as per local protocol (see % pp. 62–3).
• A tourniquet is often used; ketamine may help with tourniquet pain.
• Ensure careful positioning to prevent tissue injury and to reduce
postoperative pain from other arthritic areas.
• Postoperative ulnar nerve compression is common and may necessitate
further surgery.
Anaesthesia for hand surgery 639

Anaesthesia for hand surgery

Procedure Various
Time Variable
Pain +/​+++
Position Supine, arm out on table
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques Regional analgesia ± GA, multimodal analgesia,

The majority of hand surgery procedures (Table 23.5) are suitable for LA or
regional anaesthesia as a day case. This can be combined with GA or add-
itional sedation, if required. Some procedures, such as carpal tunnel release
or trigger finger release, can be done under local infiltration alone. IV re-
gional anaesthesia (IVRA), e.g. Bier’s block, is suitable for procedures below
the elbow of 30min or less (see % p. 1127).
An upper arm tourniquet is almost always used for any type of hand
surgery. Positioning and duration of use will be an important determinant
of whether the patient is able to tolerate regional anaesthesia or LA alone.
Patients with a good brachial plexus block will usually tolerate 60–​90min of
arm ischaemia.38
An axillary brachial plexus block can provide excellent anaesthesia to
the hand, arm and forearm, although tourniquet pain may be a problem.
Other approaches include infra-​and supraclavicular approaches (see
% pp. 1120–1; % pp. 1121–2).38
• Full assessment as for GA. The patient may request a GA, and regional
anaesthesia may fail.
• Check that patients can lie flat for the proposed duration of operation if
planned to be awake.
• Assess movement of the operative arm. Can the patient achieve the
necessary position for regional block or the surgery planned?
• Discuss the planned anaesthetic technique with the patient, with
particular emphasis on proposed regional anaesthetic techniques and
their complications.
• The RCoA produces patient information leaflets such as Nerve blocks
for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand which may be provided to the
patient prior to surgery.34
• If surgery is to be performed with the patient conscious or sedated
while employing a regional technique, the patient must understand that
they are not receiving a GA.35
• Make sure the patient’s bladder is empty.
• Use full monitoring, whether or not GA/​sedation is to be used.
• Prophylactic antibiotics as per local protocol.
• Perform a local block, with the patient awake or lightly sedated.
• Choose an appropriate and familiar block for the planned site of
surgery ± tourniquet.


Table 23.5 Surgical procedures on the hand

Operation Description Time (min) Pain (+ to Notes

Chapter 23

Trigger finger release and carpal Tendon or nerve release 5–​15 + These procedures can usually be carried out under LIA
tunnel release
Dupuytren’s contractures Usually confined to ulnar and <60 + GA with wrist block or infiltration. Brachial plexus block
(simple) median distribution. Usually <30min with upper arm tourniquet ± GA. Quick procedure:
tourniquet time wrist block with wrist tourniquet
Dupuytren’s contracture Severe disease or redo procedure 60–​120 + Prolonged tourniquet time means that a brachial plexus
(complex) may need skin grafting block or a GA with local block is often required
Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) MCP joint replacement usually for 30 per joint ++/​+++ Generally frailer patients with systemic disease
joint replacement (e.g. rheumatoid
Orthopaedic surgery

Tenolysis, capsulotomies, These procedures may need patient 15–​60 +/​++ If hand movement is required, then any block must be
tendon grafts participation to assess the adequacy distal. A wrist block with sedation is usually adequate
of the procedure
Digit reimplantation Microvascular surgery Hours ++ GA is usually required because of the prolonged
procedure. Regional anaesthesia for the sympathectomy
is helpful
Ulnar head excision or Surgery for wrist pain in rheumatoid 30–​60 ++/​+++ As pain is severe, a single-​shot brachial block or catheter
trapeziectomy disease technique is ideal, with or without GA
Anaesthesia for hand surgery 641

• Augment plexus anaesthesia with elbow or wrist blocks, as necessary,

to improve success rates (see % pp. 1124–6; % pp. 1126–7).
• Provide sedation or GA, depending on safety and the patient’s wishes.
Have equipment and drugs ready to convert to sedation or GA, if
necessary, during the operation.
• Surgery involving soft tissues and the skin is generally less painful than
surgery to the bones and joints.
• Simple analgesic combinations are usually adequate for the less painful
• Opioids or regional catheter techniques may be required for the more
painful operations.
• Some patients dislike the postoperative ‘dead arm’ following brachial
plexus block.
Special considerations
• Tourniquet pain can be reduced by blocking the intercostobrachial
nerve SC on the medial aspect of the upper arm above the level of the
tourniquet (see % p. 1124).
• Adrenaline-​containing solutions should be avoided near digits.

642 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

Anaesthesia for femoral neck fracture

Procedure Cannulated screws, dynamic hip screw (DHS),
cemented/​uncemented hemiarthroplasty, total
hip replacement
Time 10–​90min
Pain +/​+++
Position Supine (? on hip table), occasionally lateral
Blood loss 250–​750mL
Practical techniques SV LMA and regional block
Spinal ± sedation

Hip fractures are common: 767 000 per annum in the 2020 National Hip
Fracture Database report39 (80% ♀). Every hospital that does hip fracture
surgery should have a National Hip Fracture Database Anaesthesia Lead.
Average age is 84y, and 80% occur in those >75y. In Western society, the
lifetime risk is 18% (women) and 6% (men). The 3mo mortality is 712%,
increasing to 21% at 1y.40
• Physiological reserve is reduced, and comorbidity is common. Ideally,
resuscitation should start as soon as the patient is admitted to hospital.
Thorough preoperative assessment must take place, and surgery should
be scheduled for the earliest possible daytime session.
• Patients should be risk-​assessed prior to surgery, e.g. with the
Nottingham Hip Fracture Score, a frailty score and the 4AT delirium
• Surgical treatment can be either fracture fixation or femoral head
replacement, depending on the nature of the fracture, surgical
preference, previous mobility and life expectancy.
• Determine which procedure is to be performed (Table 23.6). Cannulated
hip screws are quick, largely non-​invasive procedures with a small incision
and little blood loss. Cemented/​uncemented hemiarthroplasty is a longer
procedure, similar to the femoral part of a 1° hip replacement. DHS/​
Richards screw and plate are intermediate procedures.
• Any decision to delay surgery should be based on a realistic attempt
to improve the patient’s medical condition, rather than a fruitless
pursuit of ‘normal’ values. A mild chest infection is unlikely to improve
in a bed-​bound elderly patient, whereas frank pneumonia with sepsis
and dyspnoea may respond to rehydration, antibiotics and chest
• Surgery should not be delayed pending echocardiography for suspected
valvular disease.2
• Hip fracture surgery should take place within 36h of sustaining a
• Many patients will be taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy; see
the AoA guideline for advice on specific management2 (see % p. 1109).
• Good communication between the surgeons, orthogeriatricians and
anaesthetists is important. There should be a daily multidisciplinary team
discussion of each patient scheduled for surgery.
Table 23.6 Surgical procedures for fractured neck of femur

Operation Description Time (min) Pain (+ to +++++) Position Blood loss/​ Notes
Cannulated screws Screws across femoral neck 20 +++ Supine, hip Nil Minimally invasive, small
(previously ‘Garden screws’) table thigh incision. Can be done
with local/​nerve block
and sedation, if necessary.
Richards screw and plate Plate along femur, with 30–​45 ++ Supine, hip <400mL Somewhat larger thigh
(RSP) compression screw into table incision/​blood loss.
femoral head X-​ray-​guided
Dynamic hip screw (DHS) As RSP 30–​45 ++ Supine, hip <400mL As RSP
Dynamic compression As RSP 30–​45 ++ Supine, hip <400mL As RSP
screw (DCS) table
Total hip replacement As for total hip replacement 60–90 Offered to those who Lateral A recent study shows the
were able to walk incidence of 2° procedures
independently and after 2y does not differ
were not cognitively significantly between patients
impaired prefracture. For who receive total hip
displaced intracapsular arthroplasty and those who
fractures receive hemiarthroplasty42
Intramedullary nail Used for extracapsular 45–​60min For extracapsular Supine
fractures fractures
Anaesthesia for femoral neck fracture

644 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

• Dehydration is common, as oral intake is often much reduced. IV fluids

must be commenced as soon as the patient is admitted to hospital.
• Analgesia should be commenced, as often the patient is in considerable
pain. A fascia iliaca block instituted in an ED setting can provide
‘dynamic’ analgesia and reduces the requirement for opioids.41
• For fracture fixation, the patient is usually positioned supine on a
‘hip table’. This involves placement of a groin prop, with the table
supporting the upper body only. Feet are tied into shoe supports,
and the table is then elevated to allow radiographic screening. For
hemiarthroplasty, the patient is lateral or supine on an ordinary
operating table.
• Blood loss is variable. Much of the measured loss is old haematoma, but
significant haemorrhage may occur and necessitate transfusion.
• Transfusion trigger is controversial but should be 90g/​L.43
• Choice of anaesthetic technique. Regional anaesthesia and GA are
both advocated, but the recent emphasis is on the maintenance of
physiological stability, particularly maintenance of BP.2,44,45
• Peripheral nerve blocks should be used routinely to supplement GA or
spinal anaesthesia (see % pp. 1135–44).2
• Sedation may be necessary, but any sedative can produce
unpredictable effects in the elderly and should only be used when
• Check pressure points after placement on the ‘hip table’, as these
patients are prone to pressure damage.
• Use some form of passive or active warming device to prevent
hypothermia. Insulate the head, and secure a warming blanket/​
polythene sheet around the chest and lower abdomen.
• BCIS is a problem with hip fracture (see % p. 615).11,12,13
• Take care to avoid intraoperative hypotension.
• Pain is often only due to the incision, which is small for cannulated
screws and DHS, but larger for hemiarthroplasty, although DHS
procedures may cause a considerable amount of postoperative pain.46
• Fracture pain will be reduced but is still present on rolling and turning
in bed.
• Postoperative analgesia can be provided by regular IV paracetamol;
opioids should be used sparingly.47 Most patients will require some
postoperative analgesia, although some do not. Take care with NSAIDs
because of the i risk of GI and renal complications (see % p. 91;
% pp. 1155–6).
• Some patients may require a period of monitoring in the post-​
anaesthesia care unit, HDU or ICU postoperatively.2
Special considerations
• In high-​risk patients, procedures can be undertaken with LA alone.
• Morbidity and mortality risks should be understood by the patient and
relatives, and in some patients, the resuscitation status should be reviewed.
• A useful resource for all anaesthetists involved in the management of
hip fracture patients is the NHS Hip Fracture Perioperative Network.48
Anaesthesia for femoral neck fracture 645

1 National Joint Registry (2020). 17th Annual report. National Registry for England, Wales and
Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. Surgical data to 31 December 2019. https://reports.
2 Griffiths R, Babu S, Dixon P, et al. (2021). Guideline for the management of hip fractures 2020.
Guideline by the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia, 76, 225–​37.
3 Harrop-​Griffiths W, Cook T, Gill H, et al. (2013). Regional anaesthesia and patients with abnor-
malities of coagulation. Anaesthesia, 68, 966–​72.
4 Royal College of Anaesthetists (2018). National Audit Project 6 Summary. M https://​www.​downloads/​NAP6%20Chapter%206%20-​%20Summary%20of%20
5 Salmasi V, Maheshwari K, Yang D, et al. (2017). Relationship between intraoperative hypotension,
defined by either reduction from baseline or absolute thresholds, and acute kidney and myocar-
dial injury after noncardiac surgery. Anesthesiology, 126, 47–​65.
6 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2020). Joint replacement (primary): hip, knee
and shoulder. NICE guideline [NG157]. M https://​​guidance/​ng157
7 Memtsoudis SG, Sun X, Chiu YL, et al. (2013). Perioperative comparative effectiveness of anes-
thetic technique in orthopedic patients. Anesthesiology, 118, 1046–​58.
8 Hunt LP, Ben-​Shlomo Y, Clark EM, et al. (2013). 90 day mortality after 409,096 total hip replace-
ments for osteoarthritis, from the NJR for England & Wales: a retrospective analysis. Lancet, 382,
9 Newbigin K, Souza CA, Torres C, et al. (2016). Fat embolism syndrome: state-​of-​the-​art review
focused on pulmonary image findings. Respir Med, 113, 93–​100.
10 Gurd AR, Wilson RI (1974). The fat embolism syndrome. J Bone Joint Surg, 56B, 408–​16.
11 Donaldson AJ, Thomson HE, Harper NJ, et al. (2009). Bone cement implantation syndrome. Br J
Anaesth, 102, 12–​22.
12 Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (2014). Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme,
National Hip Fracture Database, Anaesthesia Sprint Audit of Practice (ASAP). M https://​www.nhfd.​20/​hipfractureR.nsf/​vwContent/​asapReport/​$file/​onlineASAP.pdf
13 Griffiths R, White SM, Moppett IK, et al. (2015). Safety guideline: reducing the risk from ce-
mented hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture 2015. Anaesthesia, 70, 623–​6.
14 Deloughry JL, Griffiths R (2009). Arterial tourniquets. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain,
9, 56–​60.
15 Boogaerts JG (1999). Lower limb exsanguinations and embolism. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg, 50, 95–​8.
16 Hirota K, Hashimoto H, Kabara S, et al. (2001). The relationship between pneumatic tourniquet
time and the amount of pulmonary emboli in patients undergoing knee arthroscopic surgeries.
Anesth Analg, 93, 776–​8.
17 Satsumae T, Yamaguchi H, Sakaguchi M, et al. (2001). Preoperative small dose ketamine pre-
vented tourniquet induced arterial pressure increase in orthopaedic patients under general anes-
thesia. Anesth Analg, 92, 1286–​9.
18 Kam PC, Kavanaugh R, Yoong FF (2001). The arterial tourniquet: pathophysiological conse-
quences and anaesthetic implications. Anaesthesia, 56, 534–​6.
19 Muñoz M, Acheson AG, Auerbach M, et al. (2017). International consensus statement on the
peri-​operative management of anaemia and iron deficiency. Anaesthesia, 72, 233–​47.
20 Guay J, Johnson RL, Kopp S (2017). Nerve blocks or no nerve blocks for pain control after
elective hip replacement (arthroplasty) surgery in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10,
21 Grevstad U, Mathiesen O, Lind T, et al. (2014). Effect of adductor canal block on pain in patients
with severe pain after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized study with individual patient analysis.
Br J Anaesth, 112, 912–​19.
22 Andersen LO, Gaarn-​Larsen L, Kristensen BB, Husted H, Otte KS, Kehlet H (2010). Analgesic ef-
ficacy of local anaesthetic in knee arthroplasty: volume v concentration. Anaesthesia, 65, 984–​90.
23 Bandolier. Surgery for arthritic knees. M http://​​band102/​b102-​3.html
24 Rattenberry W, Hertling A, Erskine R (2019). Spinal anaesthesia for ambulatory surgery. BJA
Educ, 19, 321–​8.
25 Menigaux C, Guignard B, Fletcher D, et al. (2001). Intraoperative small-​dose ketamine enhances
analgesia after outpatient arthroscopy. Anesth Analg, 93, 606–​12.
26 Raw DA, Beattie JK, Hunter JM (2003). Anaesthesia for spinal surgery in adults. Br J Anaesth, 91,
27 Nowicki RWA (2014). Anaesthesia for major spinal surgery. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain,
14, 147–​52.

646 Chapter 23 Orthopaedic surgery

28 Young CD, McLuckie D, Spencer AO (2019). Anaesthetic care for surgical management of ado-
lescent idiopathic scoliosis. BJA Educ, 19, 232–​7.
29 Feix B, Sturgess J (2014). Anaesthesia in the prone position. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain,
14, 291–​7.
30 Levin DN, Strantzas S, Steinberg BE (2019). Intraoperative neuromonitoring in paediatric spinal
surgery. BJA Educ, 19, 165–​71.
31 Hewson DW, Oldman M, Bedforth NM (2019). Regional anaesthesia for shoulder surgery. BJA
Educ, 19, 98–​104.
32 Beecroft C, Coventry DM (2008). Anaesthesia for shoulder surgery. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit
Care Pain, 8, 193–​8.
33 Vorobeichik L, Brull R, Bowry R, et al. (2018). Should continuous rather than single-​injection
interscalene block be routinely offered for major shoulder surgery? A meta-​analysis of the anal-
gesic and side-​effects profiles. Br J Anaesth, 120, 679–​92.
34 Royal College of Anaesthetists, Association of Anaesthetists, Regional Anaesthesia United
Kingdom (2020). Nerve blocks for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand. [Information for pa-
tients and families] M https://​​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​2020-​05/​10-​
35 Pandit JJ, Andrade J, Bogod D, et al.; Royal College of Anaesthetists, Association of Anaesthetists
of Great Britain and Ireland (2014). 5th National Audit Project (NAP5) on accidental awareness
during general anaesthesia: summary of main findings and risk factors. Br J Anaesth, 113, 549–​59.
36 Kuo L, Hsu W, Chi C, et al. (2018). Tranexamic acid in total shoulder arthroplasty and reverse
shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-​analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 19, 60.
37 Pandya J, Johnson T, Low AK (2018). Shoulder replacement for osteoarthritis: a review of sur-
gical management. Maturitas, 108, 71–​6.
38 Brown AR (2002). Anaesthesia for procedures of the hand and elbow. Best Pract Res Clin
Anaesthesiol, 16, 227–​46.
39 Royal College of Physicians (2020). National Hip Fracture Database Report 2020 annual report
40 Parker MJ, Pryor GA, Myles J (2000). 11 year results in 2,846 patients of the Peterborough
hip fracture project: reduced morbidity, mortality and hospital stay. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand,
71, 34–​8.
41 Foss NB, Kristensen BB, Bundgaard M, et al. (2007). Fascia iliaca compartment blockade for
acute pain control in hip fracture patients: a randomized, placebo-​controlled trial. Anesthesiology,
106, 773–​8.
42 HEALTH Investigators; Bhandari M, Einhorn TA, Guyatt G, et al. (2019). Total hip arthroplasty or
hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture. N Engl J Med, 381, 2199–​208.
43 Klein AA, Arnold P, Bingham R, et al. (2016), AAGBI guidelines: the use of blood components
and their alternatives 2016. Anaesthesia, 71, 829–​42.
44 White SM, Moppett IK, Griffiths R, et al. (2016). Secondary analysis of outcomes after 11,085
hip fracture operations from the prospective UK Anaesthesia Sprint Audit of Practice (ASAP-​2).
Anaesthesia, 71, 506–​14.
45 Neuman MD, Silber JH, Elkassabany NM, et al. (2012). Comparative effectiveness of regional
versus general anesthesia for hip fracture surgery in adults. Anesthesiology, 117, 72–​92.
46 Foss NB, Kristensen MT, Palm H, et al. (2009). Postoperative pain after hip fracture is procedure
specific. Br J Anaesth, 102, 111–​16.
47 Cuvillon P, Ripart J, Debureaux S, et al. (2007). [Analgesia after hip fracture repair in elderly pa-
tients: the effect of a continuous femoral nerve block: a prospective and randomised study]. Ann
Fr Anesth Réanim, 26, 2–​9.
48 NHS Networks. Hip Fracture Perioperative Network (HipPeN). M http://​​
Chapter 24 647

Plastic and burns surgery

Brian Chen, Simon Davis and Fynn Maguire
General principles 648
Breast surgery 653
Breast reduction 656
Breast augmentation 658
Free flap surgery 659
Liposuction 662
Skin grafting and burns reconstructive surgery 664

See also
% Burns: early management pp. 1013–18

648 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

General principles
The complexity of anaesthesia for plastic and burns surgery ranges from
the routine to the challenging. Some extensive procedures (e.g. free flap
repairs, craniofacial reconstruction) may involve invasive monitoring, exten-
sive blood loss and postoperative intensive care support. See Table 24.1 for
a range of plastic surgical procedures.
Regional techniques and sedation
Minor body surface procedures may be performed under LA infiltration
alone. Significant body surface procedures in those unfit for GA, such as
excision and grafting of skin tumours, can be accomplished using extensive
infiltration of LA and IV sedation. Upper and lower limb surgery is especially
suitable for regional anaesthesia. Consider the surgical site, placement of
tourniquets and the location of split skin grafts (SSGs), if required, when
deciding on the best regional block. Long procedures or those which would
benefit from ongoing regional sympatholysis, such as digit reimplantation,
would benefit from a regional catheter. Sedation to supplement a regional
technique may be required in anxious patients or for longer or extensive
procedures. Use any sedative technique which is familiar and appropriate
for the patient’s physiology, ideally with an agent which is easily titratable.
Propofol (0.5–​1.0 micrograms/​mL TCI or 10–​15mL/​h of 1% solution), with
or without supplemental midazolam (1–​2mg), is effective. Alternatively,
remifentanil (0.5–​1.0 nanograms/​mL TCI or 5mL/​h of 1mg in 20mL solu-
tion) offers both sedation and analgesia, and respiratory depression can be
avoided if the infusion rate is slowly titrated upward.
The difficult airway
(See also % pp. 363–4.) Patients with head and neck pathology causing
airway difficulty are often encountered. Airway difficulty may arise from
anatomical deformity due to tumour, trauma, infection, previous oper-
ations, radiotherapy or scarring. Competence in difficult airway techniques
(e.g. awake intubation) is required. The ‘shared airway’ is regularly a feature
of head and neck surgery. Discuss with the surgeon which tube you pro-
pose to use and by which route to achieve the best surgical access (oral,
nasal, conversion to tracheostomy) and how the tube will be secured (tied,
taped, stitched).
Poor access to the patient
The operating site may be extensive (e.g. burns debridement) or multiple
(e.g. free flap procedures). This may produce added difficulty with:
• Heat conservation: it may be difficult to achieve enough access to
the patient’s body surface area to maintain temperature. Heated
underblankets are useful.
• Monitoring: ECG leads, the pulse oximeter probe and the BP cuff may
all be difficult to position adequately.
• Vascular access: position cannulae away from the operative field. Use
femoral vessels or the foot, if necessary. Long extension sets may be
General principles 649

Long operations
Patients undergoing complicated reconstructive procedures may be in
theatre for many hours. Give careful consideration to:
Vascular access Check that line placement will not interfere with the site of
surgery. Invasive arterial monitoring is desirable. A central venous line can
assist with estimations of the intravascular volume and provide dependable
venous access in the postoperative period. Site at least one large-​bore
peripheral (14–​16G) cannula for fluid administration and a small cannula
(20–​22G) for other infusions such as TCI and PCA.
Blood loss Ensure blood has been X-​matched. The initial dissection is usually
the period of most blood loss, and a moderate hypotensive technique may
help to limit this. Thereafter, losses may be insidious and ongoing. Aim
to keep track by swab weighing, visual estimation and regular Hb or Hct
measurement. Non-​invasive CO monitoring can help optimise the fluid
status. Assessment of stroke volume, flow time or SVV, using devices such
as LiDCO™, may give valuable information to the anaesthetist.
Fluid balance Urinary catheterisation is essential. Ensure careful monitoring of
fluid balance, especially in children and patients with poor cardiorespiratory
Body temperature Monitor the core temperature (e.g. rectal, nasopharyngeal,
oesophageal). Maintain the temperature by using low FGFs, an HME filter,
warmed IV fluids, a warm ambient theatre temperature (e.g. 24°C), a
heated mattress or a forced air warming blanket. Take care not to overheat
the patient.
Positioning Ensure that structures, such as the cervical spine and brachial
plexus, are not in positions of stress. Take care with pressure areas. Pad
bony prominences and raise the heels off the table.
VTE DVT prophylaxis is often initiated during surgery. All patients should
have thromboembolism compression stockings and intermittent calf
compression while in theatre, and be assessed for daily LMWH.
NGT Consider emptying the stomach. Children are especially prone to
gastric distension during prolonged procedures.
Eye care Lightly tape and pad the eyes for protection. Avoid excessive
padding, since this may negate the natural protection afforded by the bony
orbit. Prophylactic antibiotic ointment is unnecessary. Do not allow corneal
abrasion to develop from surface drying. A simple eye ointment is helpful if
the eyes are left uncovered.
ETT cuff pressure Cuff pressure will gradually increase if N2O is used.
Where possible, recheck the cuff pressure at intervals during the case.
Postoperative care Discuss the preferred site of postoperative care with the
nursing staff and surgical team. Surgeons often prefer patients to return
to the plastic surgery ward where wound care and nursing observation
may be more attuned to the specifics of the operation. Closer patient
observation, invasive monitoring and regular blood gas estimation may be
more achievable in an ICU/​HDU. The site for immediate postoperative
care is principally dictated by the general condition of the patient.

650 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

Table 24.1 Miscellaneous plastic surgical procedures

Operation Description Time Pain Position Blood Notes

(min) (+ to loss/​
+++++) X-​match
Abdomino- Excision of 120 ++ to Supine G&S LMA or
plasty redundant +++ ETT, IPPV
abdominal skin
Carpal Release of 30 + Supine, Nil LA
tunnel flexor sheath arm (tourni- infiltration,
release at the wrist board quet) brachial
to relieve plexus block
median nerve or day case
entrapment GA
Dupuytren’s Excision of 60–​90 + Supine, Nil Brachial
contracture contracted arm (tourni- plexus block
palmar fascia board quet) or day case
External Excision of 30 + Supine, Nil LMA and SV
angular congenital head
dermoid dermoid ring
cyst, usually
from lateral
Flexor/​ Repair of 30–​120 + to Supine, Nil Brachial
extensor hand tendons ++ arm (tourni- plexus block
tendon following board quet) ± GA, LMA
repair trauma. Often and SV,
multiple. May IPPV for
be extensive. extensive
May involve repairs
Gynaeco- Excision or 45 + to Supine Nil LMA and SV
mastia liposuction ++
of excess ♂
breast tissue
Hypo- Correction 90 ++ Supine Nil LMA and
spadias of congenital SV. Caudal
repair abnormality or penile
of ♂ urethra. block
Usually infant
Insertion SC insertion of 45 + to Supine, Nil LMA and SV
of tissue 0.9% sodium ++ head
expander chloride-​filled ring
silicone bags,
often scalp
General principles 651

Operation Description Time Pain Position Blood Notes

(min) (+ to loss/​
+++++) X-​match
Neck, axilla Block 90–​120 ++ Supine, 2 units LMA or
and groin dissection of head ETT, IPPV
dissection regional lymph ring
nodes to excise
2° malignant
Otoplasty Uni-​/​bilateral 60 + Supine, Nil Paediatric
correction of 30° patients.
prominent ears head up Flexible
LMA and SV.
Day case
Preauricular Excision of 45 + Supine, Nil LMA and SV
sinus congenital sinus head
tract, often ring
Pretibial Excision of 45 + to Supine Nil Spinal or
laceration pretibial wound ++ GA
and SSG
Rhytid- Cosmetic 180–​ + to Supine, Nil LMA or
ectomy facelift, 240 ++ 30° ETT, IPPV.
occasionally head up Permissive
combined hypotension
with septo-
Syndactyly Release of 60–​180 ++ Supine Nil LMA and
congenital (tourni- SV. ETT +
fusion of quet) IPPV for
two or more extensive
digits. May be repairs
bilateral. May
require full-​
thickness skin
graft (FTSG)

652 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

Smooth emergence
Avoid the patient coughing and straining at the end of the procedure. This
will put tension on delicate suture lines and increase bleeding and haema-
toma formation, especially for facial procedures. Deep extubation, deep
conversion of ETT to LMA (Bailey manoeuvre), extubation with a run-
ning remifentanil infusion or IV lidocaine 1.0mg/​kg bolus 2min prior to
extubation can smooth emergence.
• Most procedures are performed on the body surface. These tend to be
less painful than procedures involving the body cavities and are usually
amenable to LA infiltration or regional block. Continuous catheter
techniques may be useful in limb procedures.
• Patients recovering from head and neck procedures are often
surprisingly comfortable despite extensive surgery.
• Major body cavities and abdominal musculature are usually not involved.
The pain experienced after an abdominoplasty is significantly less than
pain following a laparotomy.
• Plastic surgery procedures seldom involve new fractures of long bones.
• The GI tract is usually unaffected. The oral route for drugs is frequently
available, which may make dosing and administration of analgesics
Attention to detail
Successful anaesthesia for plastic surgery requires careful attention to de-
tail. Patients for aesthetic surgery will have high expectations and will be
well informed.
Breast surgery 653

Breast surgery
General considerations
Breast cancer is now the commonest cancer in the UK, and the incidence
has i by >20% over the last 25y. Mortality from breast cancer, however, has
fallen steadily since 1990, probably because of earlier detection and improved
treatment. Over this time, there have been significant advances in more ex-
tensive combined procedures of breast resection and reconstruction. Radical
mastectomy is now rarely indicated, as better efficacy is shown for breast-​
conserving treatment, such as wide local excision of tumour, in addition to
chemotherapy or radiotherapy, compared to full mastectomy alone. The min-
imally invasive technique of sentinel lymph node biopsy has now predomin-
antly replaced axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer staging.
Anxiety is often high. It is important to gain the patient’s confidence at the
preoperative visit, discuss analgesia and prescribe anxiolysis if necessary.
• Adverse effects from any neoadjuvant therapies should be considered
and optimised. Patients who have recently undergone chemotherapy
may be immunocompromised. Check FBC for evidence of bone
marrow suppression and anticipate potentially difficult venous access.
• Reconstructive procedures, mastectomy following radiotherapy,
mastectomy where breasts are large and breast reduction surgery increase
the risk of blood loss. Check Hb and ensure blood is grouped and screened.
LMA and SV are often appropriate for short-​to medium-​length procedures.
Use intubation and mechanical ventilation for prolonged procedures, the
obese and patients at risk of aspiration.
• Avoid placing venous access on the side of surgery.
• Standard monitoring is appropriate for most procedures. Longer
procedures will require active warming and temperature measurement.
• Additional invasive monitoring may be required for prolonged
reconstructive procedures, including free flap surgery.
• Give multimodal analgesia, including NSAID, systemic opioid and
regional techniques, if possible.
• Breast surgery patients are at high risk of PONV. Avoid causative
agents, and administer prophylactic antiemetics. TIVA may be useful.
• Beware of the blue dyes used in sentinel lymph node biopsy as they
have been associated with anaphylaxis.
Regional analgesia
Regional techniques may offer advantages in some cases; however, the risks
in healthy women undergoing minor procedures may outweigh the benefits.
• Consider regional techniques for more radical procedures, e.g. radical
mastectomy/​axillary clearance and breast reconstruction.
• Regional techniques include paravertebral block, thoracic epidural,
interfascial plane (pectoral nerve and serratus anterior plane) blocks,
intercostal blocks and intrapleural block. Beware of the complications
of each technique. An ultrasound-​guided approach is advocated.
• Recent evidence suggested that breast surgery supplemented by a
paravertebral block does not reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.1

654 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

• Minor procedures, including wide local excision with sentinel lymph
node biopsy, could be suitable for day case surgery.
• HDU may be required after extensive procedures.
• If a paravertebral catheter or thoracic epidural is sited, continue infusion
Special considerations
Patients may present with previous breast surgery and axillary clearance.
Cannulation should be avoided in the arm on the affected side due to the
risk of infection and potential development of lymphoedema. There is
limited evidence of the risk of short-​term cannulation on the affected side,
and if venous access is limited, it may be appropriate to use the affected side
and remove at the end of the case.
• Chronic pain, typically presenting in the affected anterior chest wall,
ipsilateral axilla or upper arm, may occur following breast surgery.
Incidence is as high as 20–​50% after mastectomy. Intensity of the
pain following extensive surgery, postoperative radiotherapy and
chemotherapy are risk factors.
• Breast reconstruction following mastectomy is common. The two main
methods include implant-​based or autologous tissue flap reconstruction.
The tissue flap can be transferred as a free flap or a pedicled flap.
Options for flap reconstructions are listed in Table 24.2.
1 Sessler DI, Pei L, Huang Y, et al. (2019). Recurrence of breast cancer after regional or general
anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 394, 1807–​15.
Breast surgery 655

Table 24.2 Types of tissue flap reconstruction

Type Donor site Free or pedicled Harvest position

TRAM Transverse rectus Free or pedicled Supine
abdominis muscle
DIEP Deep inferior epigastric Free Supine
SIEA Superficial inferior Free Supine
epigastric artery
Latissimus Latissimus dorsi muscle Pedicled Lateral decubitus
LAP Lumbar artery perforator Free Prone
Gluteal Superior gluteal artery Free Prone or lateral
perforator, inferior gluteal decubitus
artery perforator
DCIA Deep circumflex iliac Free Supine
PAP Profunda femoris artery Free Supine or prone
TUG Transverse upper gracilis Free Supine
TFL Tensor fasciae latae Free Supine
LTTF Lateral transverse thigh Free Supine
ALT Anterolateral thigh Free Supine

656 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

Breast reduction
Procedure Reduction of breast size by glandular resection. Usually
Time 3h
Pain ++
Position Supine, 30° head-​up, periodic deck-​chair. Arms may be
positioned on boards, or with elbows flexed and hands
placed behind the upper part of the buttocks
Blood loss 500mL, G&S
Practical IPPV via ETT or LMA

Bilateral breast reduction is not primarily an aesthetic procedure. These
patients may suffer from severe neck and back pain. Participating in ex-
ercise and sport is not possible. There may be symptoms of emotional
• Patients are usually fit; aged 20–​40y. Many surgeons exclude patients
with a BMI >30 due to a higher incidence of wound breakdown,
infection and haematoma formation.
• A mastopexy is a surgical procedure for correcting breast ptosis when
breast volume is adequate. Anaesthetic implications are similar. Blood
loss is less.
• Check FBC and G&S. X-​matching is generally unnecessary, except for
larger reductions.
• Timing in relation to the menstrual cycle is unimportant.
• All patients should receive DVT prophylaxis (compression stockings,
daily LMWH).
• IPPV may be preferable, since the surgeon often puts pressure on the
chest wall during surgery. IPPV will maintain satisfactory chest expansion
with good aeration and control of PaCO2, and help minimise blood loss.
An LMA may be satisfactory for IPPV.
• Place ECG electrodes on the patient’s back. Lie the patient on
incontinence pads to absorb blood loss.
• Take care to position the patient carefully on the operating table. The
anaesthetic machine is usually at the head end. Ensure that the chest
and arms are symmetrical. Confirm that vascular cannulae are secured
well and padded if the hands are to be positioned behind the buttocks.
Local pressure damage to the skin may otherwise ensue.
• The patient may be placed in a deck-​chair position briefly multiple
times throughout the operation to allow the surgeon to check breast
symmetry. The position changes mandate care with securing airway,
vascular access, monitoring and maintenance of CPP.
• Blood loss depends on the surgical technique. Use of cutting diathermy
causes less bleeding than a scalpel. Infiltration with dilute adrenaline-​
containing LA helps reduce blood loss. All surgeons have their own
recipe. Check the dosage being used; in practice, this is seldom a
concern (see % p. 1102).
Breast reduction 657

• Fewer than 5% of patients require transfusion. Mild falls in Hb are well

tolerated in this young patient group.
• Moderate reductions may involve removal of 500g of tissue per breast.
• Bilateral breast reduction does not cause significant postoperative pain.
Following a dose of morphine towards the end of surgery, regular
simple analgesics and NSAIDs are usually adequate. IV PCA is generally
• Haematoma formation is an early complication. Occasionally, nipple
perfusion may be compromised and requires decompression of the
pedicle. Return to theatre may be indicated. Later complications include
wound infection, dehiscence and fat necrosis.
Special considerations
Occasionally, patients for massive breast reduction are encountered
(>1kg of tissue removal per breast). Two to 4 units of blood should be
X-​matched. The complication rate is higher.

658 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

Breast augmentation
Procedure Bilateral or unilateral augmentation of breast size
Time 90min
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine, 30° head-​up. Arms may be out on boards, or with
elbows flexed and hands placed behind the upper part of
the buttocks
Blood loss Minimal
Practical SV or IPPV via LMA

Breast augmentation may be performed for:
• Reconstruction following mastectomy
• Correction of breast asymmetry
• Aesthetic bilateral augmentation.
Patients are usually fit and well.
Position on the operating table as for breast reduction.
• The four 1° augmentation techniques include inframammary,
periareolar, transaxillary and transumbilical.
Postoperative discomfort may be related to the size of the implants. Large
implants cause more tissue stretching and postoperative pain.
• In general, breast augmentation appears to cause more discomfort than
breast reduction. Give regular simple analgesics. Opioid analgesia may
be needed, but PCA techniques are seldom required.
• Haematoma formation may require early return to theatre. Later
complications include infection, capsule formation and rupture.
Special considerations
An association between silicone breast implants and the development of
systemic symptoms of connective tissue diseases has been suggested. This
association has not been proven, following data from large studies.
• Soybean oil-​filled implants have been withdrawn from use in the UK.
There are insufficient data concerning the long-​term consequences
of soybean oil breakdown. Sodium chloride 0.9% implants are not
perceived as sufficiently realistic and are unpopular with many women.
Free flap surgery 659

Free flap surgery

Procedure The transfer of tissue from a donor site and micro-
vascular anastomosis to a distant recipient site
Time Variable, depending on procedure, often 6–​8h or longer
Pain ++/​+++
Position Variable.Usually supine. May require position change
during surgery
Blood loss Variable, G&S to X-​match 4–​6 units
Practical ETT + IPPV, arterial line, CO monitoring, urinary cath-
techniques eter, patient warming

A free flap is a transfer of tissue with its blood supply from one part of the
body to another when the vessels are disconnected during the transfer and
microvascularly reanastomosed to a new artery and vein at or near the re-
cipient site. The transferred tissue volume may contain skin, muscle, nerve,
fascia and bone. Free flaps are commonly used to provide tissue cover for
large defects following trauma or resection for malignancy, or when com-
plex tissue is required to regain normal aesthetics or function.
• Surgical success depends on establishing and maintaining adequate
flap perfusion. Hypercoagulable states, such as sickle-​cell anaemia and
polycythaemia, are contraindications to surgery. Smokers should be
advised to stop smoking for at least 4w before surgery due to nicotine-​
induced vasoconstriction, carbon monoxide (CO)-​related tissue
hypoxia and blood hypercoagulability caused by i platelet aggregation.
In oncology patients, consider chemotherapy-​related organ system
dysfunction and anticipate difficulty gaining IV access.
• Elderly patients with head and neck cancer are often heavy smokers and
drinkers and may have significant cardiac and respiratory comorbidity, as
well as poor nutritional state. Their airway anatomy may be distorted,
especially with previous head and neck surgery or radiotherapy,
increasing the risk of a difficult intubation.
The physiological aim of anaesthesia is to optimise circulatory flow through
the grafted flap. Anaesthetic management is largely guided by 1st principles
and application of the Hagen–​Poiseuille equation:
where Q = flow rate, ΔP = pressure gradient, r = vessel radius, l = vessel
length, and η = blood viscosity.
The variables which can be controlled by the anaesthetist are pressure
gradient, viscosity and vessel radius.
• Free flap surgery is a long procedure on multiple body sites and all patients
should have a GA. Pain often originates from the flap donor site or from
SSGs taken to cover deficits in either the donor or the recipient site and a
regional block of these areas adds to effective analgesia. The flap itself is
denervated and insensate and the recipient site is often relatively pain-​free.

660 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

• Either propofol or volatile maintenance can be justified. Propofol lowers

SVR, is rapidly metabolised and is an antiemetic, may avoid postoperative
shivering and may be more favourable to microvascular circulation by
avoiding the effect of volatiles on red cell membrane stiffness. Isoflurane
maintains microcirculatory flow. Sevoflurane may attenuate ischaemic–​
reperfusion injury and desflurane has a faster offset. Due to the duration
of surgery, N2O should be avoided. The addition of a remifentanil
infusion offers intraoperative analgesia and marked vasodilation
controlling arterial pressure, and negates the need for an NMBA.
• Vascular access can be limited if the upper limbs are involved as
flap donor or recipient or the patient has previously undergone
chemotherapy. An arterial line is useful for measuring the Hct throughout
surgery and as an additional tool in estimating fluid requirements.
• Viscosity is closely related to Hct and rises steeply when Hct exceeds
40%. Aim for 30–​35% which gives the best balance between blood
viscosity, arterial O2 content and tissue O2 delivery.
• IV fluid is administered to ensure adequate flap perfusion, with the
aim of normovolaemic haemodilution in a patient with lowered
SVR. The disrupted lymphatic system of a flap increases the risk
of interstitial oedema. Excessive plasma expansion can disrupt the
endothelial glycocalyx layer and is associated with oedema and flap
failure. Comparative studies between crystalloid and colloid regimens
during microvascular surgery are limited. Crystalloids have a poor
volume-​expanding ability and are known for their predisposing effect on
oedema, although colloid use is becoming increasingly uncommon amid
concerns of anaphylaxis and renal injury. Regardless of fluid selection,
current practice is fluid-​restrictive, not exceeding 6mL/​kg/​h. GDFT is
becoming more common as minimally invasive CO monitors using pulse
contour analysis are now widely available.
• The use of vasoconstrictors is a contentious issue. While controlled
hypotension during the initial dissection phase of surgery can reduce
surgical blood loss, a return to normotension during anastomosis of the
flap is targeted to ensure an adequate perfusion pressure through the
tissue. There are fears that systemic vasoconstriction leads to reduced
flap perfusion despite very few good-​quality studies to support this.
General advice is judicious use of both fluid and vasoconstrictors, such
as metaraminol, to achieve normotension in a euvolaemic patient.
• Hypothermia leads to vasoconstriction, in addition to the i risk of
myocardial ischaemia, perioperative blood loss and surgical site infection.
Intraoperative hypothermia develops in a characteristic pattern whereby
the greatest fall in core temperature is within the first 30–​45min of
induction. Warming measures should ideally start before induction and
care should be taken to maintain patient temperature throughout surgery
and into the recovery phase. If surgery requires a large body surface area
of the patient to be exposed, consider an underbody heating device or
a forced air warmer. This is in addition to the usual interventions of an
overbody forced air warmer, an HME filter and IV fluid warming.
• Ensure adequate ventilation to normalise arterial PO2 and PCO2. Both
hypoxia and hypocapnia will cause vasoconstriction, and hypercapnia
can cause sympathetic nervous system stimulation.
Free flap surgery 661

• Aim for a smooth emergence, avoiding any strain on suture lines.
• Vasoconstriction from cold, pain, low circulating volume, hypotension
and hypocapnia will threaten the flap and should be addressed. If
postoperative shivering occurs, exclude hypothermia and consider
treating with a forced air warming device, 0.5–​3mg/​kg IV tramadol or
20–​50mg IV pethidine.
• In addition to regional anaesthesia, oral opioids are usually sufficient.
Consider IV PCA when swallowing is impaired such as with head and
neck flaps. NSAIDs have been associated with flap haematoma, but
selective COX-​2 inhibitors, such as celecoxib, have been shown to
be safe.
• Flap observation is a specialised nursing skill and care is often best
provided on the plastic surgery ward. The need to escalate to
critical care will be determined by patient factors. Postoperative flap
observation will evaluate the Doppler signal of the arterial supply, flap
colour, capillary refill time, skin turgor, skin temperature and bleeding on
pinprick. Compromised flaps can be salvaged if early detection occurs.
A revision operation on a compromised flap should employ the same
anaesthetic principles to promote optimum flap perfusion.
Special considerations
• The reimplantation of severed digits or limbs should be managed as for
a free flap. A brachial plexus catheter is helpful in managing reimplanted
digits as it provides a continuous vasodilated limb.
• A pedicle flap is constructed when A–​V connections remain intact, but
the raised flap is rotated to fill a neighbouring defect. This procedure
requires the same anaesthetic principles to optimise flap circulation.
• Overall free flap survival is >95%; patients in a poor general condition
with coexisting disease have the highest risk of flap failure.

662 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

Procedure Vacuum aspiration of SC fat via a small skin incision and a
specialised blunt-​ended cannula
Time Variable 30–​90min
Pain +
Position Variable, depending on site. Usually supine
Blood loss 1% of the volume of fat aspirated with fluid infiltration
Practical Local infiltration with IV sedation/​LMA and SV

Liposuction is a procedure to manage lipoma, gynaecomastia or reducing
the bulk of transplanted flaps. Alternatively, a cosmetic procedure where
adipose tissue is either removed or used for autologous fat grafting.
• In the obese patient, be aware of altered drug pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamic effects and consider associated comorbidities such as
metabolic syndrome, hypertension, DM, IHD and OSA.
• Use caution with patients vulnerable to large doses of adrenaline used
(IHD, MAOI use) or large volume of fluid infiltrated (cardiac or renal
• The total amount of fat aspirated depends on patient requirement and
surgical judgement.
• Fat is infiltrated with dilute LA with adrenaline. Back-​and-​forth
movement of the cannula disrupts fatty tissue, which is then aspirated
by either a suction apparatus or a syringe.
• Injection of fluid helps fat breakdown and aids aspiration. A typical
recipe for an SC infiltration solution would be 1000mL of warmed 0.9%
sodium chloride or Hartmann’s solution containing 50–​100mL of 1%
lidocaine (0.05–​0.1% in final solution) and 1mL of 1:1000 adrenaline.
The ‘Superwet’ technique of 1mL of infiltrate per 1mL of anticipated
aspirate is commonly used.
• The ‘Tumescent’ technique refers to a large volume of LA/​adrenaline
infiltrate to produce tissue turgor. Developed as an outpatient
technique and performed without additional anaesthesia or sedation.
A total of 3mL of infiltrate per 1mL of aspirate is often used. There is
little evidence that this technique is superior to the Superwet technique,
and it may produce more complications. It may provide unsatisfactory
anaesthesia when used alone, and sedation or GA may be required.
• Blood loss depends on the volume of LA/​adrenaline infiltrate used and
the extent of liposuction required. Loss is 71% of the volume of the
aspirate for the Superwet and Tumescent techniques. This may increase
to 40% without SC infiltration.
• Extensive liposuction physiologically resembles a burn injury, and large
fluid shifts result. Replace aspirate 1:1 with IV crystalloid, although take
caution with the Tumescent technique where there is a net fluid gain.
Patients with heart failure are at risk of pulmonary oedema.
Liposuction 663

• While procedural mortality is rare, the leading cause is VTE and

appropriate mechanical and/​or pharmacological prophylaxis should be
• Limit total adrenaline dose to 6mg to avoid toxicity. Due to delayed
absorption, peak plasma levels are reached after 3–​5h. Patients with
IHD should have the dose limited and be observed over this period.
• Dose safety limits for LA infiltration are controversial.
• Doses significantly higher than the conventional lidocaine/​adrenaline
toxic dose (7mg/​kg) are often used. This may be possible due to
adrenaline-​related vasoconstriction slowing drug absorption, poor
vascularity of fat, sequestration of the lipophilic LA into fat and
aspiration of much of the infused solution before the LA has been
absorbed. Most studies have shown safety with lidocaine doses of up
to 35mg/​kg, but keep in mind peak plasma levels occur 8–​12h after
infiltration. All facilities performing liposuction should have 20% lipid
emulsion available for managing LA toxicity.
• Pressure dressings are usually applied.
• Encourage oral fluids, and monitor urine output.
• Check Hct following extensive liposuction (>2500mL of aspirate).
• Bruising can be considerable.
• Use NSAIDs and simple analgesics for pain relief.
Special considerations
Complications are associated with excessive liposuction. In the UK, aspir-
ation is restricted to 72L of fat. Considerably higher-​volume procedures
have been reported, especially in the US (in excess of 10L). Morbidity is
related to high aspiration volume and high lidocaine dosage.

664 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

Skin grafting and burns reconstructive

Procedure Free skin grafts applied to surgically created raw surfaces
following debridement, or to granulating wounds
Time Variable 30min to 2h
Pain ++/​+++ (especially the donor site)
Position Variable. Depends on the area to be grafted. Usually supine
Blood loss Nil for simple grafts. Extensive debridement and grafting of
burns may require 6–​8 units
Practical GA/​LMA and SV (with lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
techniques or fascia iliaca block if thigh donor site). Spinal for lower
limb surgery

Patients for simple excision and grafting of isolated lesions may be other-
wise well.
• Elderly patients for excision/​grafting of skin lesions or pretibial
lacerations may be in poor general health. A local or regional technique
may be preferable to GA. Sedation may be necessary for long
procedures or in those unable to lie still.
• Patients with extensive burns for debridement and grafting require
careful assessment.
Full-​thickness skin graft
Consists of the epidermis and dermis. Used in small areas where the thick-
ness, appearance and texture of the skin are important. Usually harvested
with a scalpel. FTSG can be harvested using SC LA infiltration with a 27G
needle. The donor site needs to be closed directly. Common sites include:
• Post-​auricular skin for grafts to the face
• Groin or antecubital fossa to the hand for management of flexion
Split skin graft
Consists of the epidermis and a variable portion of the dermis. Much wider
usage than FTSG. Usually harvested with a skin graft knife or a power-​
driven dermatome. Donor sites will heal spontaneously within 2w. Donor
sites are chosen according to the amount of skin required, the colour and
texture match and local convenience. Meshing is used to expand the extent
of the area that the graft is required to cover. Common donor sites are the
thigh, the flexor aspect of the forearm, the upper arm and the abdomen.
SSG can be harvested using LA cream. It should be applied at least 2h in
advance and covered with an occlusive dressing. Anaesthesia does not ex-
tend into the deeper dermis, so the technique is unsuitable for FTSG. The
lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (LCNT) or fascia iliaca block provides
useful analgesia of a thigh donor site. If regional block is not possible, then
surgical infiltration of LA will be useful. Excess harvested skin can be stored
at 4°C for 2–​3w.
Skin grafting and burns reconstructive surgery 665

The SSG donor site is a painful wound. Supplement with LA (LCNT or
femoral block) where possible. The type of dressing is important for donor
site healing and comfort. Common dressings used are alginate dressings or
an adhesive retention tape (such as Mefix®). Dressings are removed once
the donor site has healed in 2–​3w. NSAIDs and simple analgesics are usually
required for 3–​4d. Itching follows when the acute pain settles and healing
is under way.
Acute burns surgery
(See also % pp. 1013–18.) Extensive debridement and grafting of burns
are major procedures. Current management is to aim to debride burnt
tissue and cover at the earliest opportunity (often within 48h). Debrided
areas may be covered with autograft (SSG or FTSG taken from healthy skin
on the patient), allograft (skin from cadaveric donors) or a range of com-
plex burns dressings. This converts the burn to a healthy surgical wound.
Potential sources of sepsis are eradicated; fluid shifts are less, and intensive
care management tends to be more stable. Wounds not covered with auto-
graft will require further surgery in the following weeks to cover the wound
fully with the patient’s own skin. This process may take many weeks of
repeated procedures.
• Two anaesthetists may be required. Two surgical teams will
considerably speed up the procedure and help minimise complications.
• Ensure 6–​8 units of red cells are X-​matched. Debrided tissue bleeds
freely. Losses can be rapid and difficult to estimate, particularly in
small children. Regularly check Hct, and maintain at 730%. Correct
coagulopathy. Massive transfusion may be required.
• Perform a careful airway assessment: intubation is required for all but
the smallest of burn debridements. Face mask ventilation may be made
difficult by facial burns and the presence of feeding tubes. Laryngoscopy
may be compromised by upper airway oedema due to burns and
resuscitation. Securing the airway by tape or ties may not be possible
with facial burns; suturing or even wiring the tube may be necessary.
• Use lung-​protective ventilation: ventilation requirements will be high
due to the high metabolic rate. Hypercapnia may have to be tolerated.
• Significant improvements in blood loss and patient comfort are achieved
with surgical infiltration of tumescent solution containing adrenaline and
LA (e.g. bupivacaine) into the tissues being debrided and used as donor
sites. Care should be taken to not exceed toxic LA doses, although
large doses of adrenaline can be infiltrated. Reduction in vasopressor
requirements and lactic acidosis may be seen.
• Temperature control: a large exposed body surface area will lose heat
rapidly by radiation and evaporation. Measure core temperature and
use all methods available for heat conservation. This should include
active warming of fluids, use of an HME filter, underpatient warmer,
forced air warmer and attention to minimising patient exposure.
Ongoing discussion with the operating team can ensure that only
areas currently being operated on remain exposed; other areas can be
covered with sterile insulation (e.g. Gamgee tissue). Little body surface
area may be available for warming blankets; however, these should be
utilised. The ambient temperature in the operating theatre will often

666 Chapter 24 Plastic and burns surgery

need to be kept at a temperature that is uncomfortable for staff (above

30°C is common). If patient core temperature is being maintained,
reducing operating room temperature first will be well received.
• Monitoring: pragmatism towards patient monitoring is required; not
all monitoring usually essential for large procedures may be possible.
Placement of non-​invasive monitoring devices may be difficult. An
arterial line facilitates measurement of BP and blood sampling. A
central venous line is valuable to provide reliable venous access for this
and future procedures, and helps in the management of intravascular
volume. A urinary catheter is essential.
• Access: maintain strict asepsis during line insertion. Cannulae may need
to be stitched. Try to place through intact skin. This may not always
be possible; discuss with the surgical team for other options. Good
sites for vascular access may be in short supply and these should only
be used when absolutely necessary. Lines may be easily dislodged.
Attentiveness by the anaesthetist may avert unplanned removal of lines
by the surgical team.
• Suxamethonium is contraindicated, except in the first 48h following
burn. Massive K+ release may cause cardiac arrest. NDMR dosing and
frequency requirements are i, due to hypermetabolism, i protein
binding to α-​1 acid glycoprotein and alterations in acetylcholine
receptors at the neuromuscular junction.
• Postoperative care: return to the burns unit. Large body surface area
burns (e.g. >40%) or those with additional injury (e.g. smoke inhalation)
may need continued ventilation on ICU until warm and stable.
• Analgesia is best provided by IV opioids. Requirements can be
substantial. Suggest early intervention of the acute pain team. Good
pain management is important to enable early mobilisation, which is
critical to minimise contracture formation and maintain function.
• Dressing changes can often be facilitated humanely on the ward with
experienced nursing staff. Anaesthetic support may be required to
provide sedation and analgesia. Entonox® or ketamine/​midazolam
sedation are useful, but occasionally further agents are required.
Consideration should be given to the limitations of providing care in a
remote environment.
• Antibiotics and early nutrition are important to increase survival.
NGT or nasojejunal tube are often required to provide or supplement
Chronic burns surgery
Patients often require ongoing surgery for many years after initial recovery
from an acute burn. This is usually for scar revision and contracture release.
These patients can present with unique challenges, depending on the se-
verity and location of their initial injury and how they have healed:
• Airway: scarring following face and neck burns can result in significant
limitations in mouth opening and neck movement, which will not
improve after GA and paralysis. Laryngoscopy may be impossible. AFOI
must be considered. An LMA may be a useful rescue device, even in an
anatomically challenging airway. Previous airway management should be
reviewed, but progression of scarring may render this obsolete.
Skin grafting and burns reconstructive surgery 667

• Access: scarring over conventional venous and arterial access sites

makes cannulation difficult. If it is away from the surgical field, these are
often still viable with ultrasound.
• Positioning: contractures may prevent conventional positioning on
the operating table. Careful attention to padding pressure areas and
supporting the limbs and head will reduce risk of further injury.
• Psychological: patients have often had a prolonged and traumatic stay in
hospital following their initial injury, with multiple trips to the operating
theatre. Post-​traumatic stress disorder is common. Ask for their input
on what has worked well previously, and offer a premed.
• Pain: can be significant and poorly tolerated in this patient group.
Consider regional anaesthesia to supplement GA if a block will cover
the surgical site. Have a low threshold for involving the acute pain team.
• Early mobilisation and engagement with the multidisciplinary team
remain critical for scar management, and effective analgesia will allow
Further reading
Bittner EA, Shank E, Woodson L, Martyn JAJ (2015). Acute and perioperative care of the burn-​
injured patient. Anaesthesiology, 122, 448–​64.
Chapter 25 669

Gastrointestinal surgery
Matt Rucklidge and Peter Garnett
Major GI surgery 670
Open GI surgery 672
Summary of open GI procedures 672
Laparoscopic GI surgery 674
Summary of laparoscopic GI procedures 678
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 680
Laparoscopic appendicectomy 681
Inguinal hernia repair 682
Anal and perianal procedures 683

670 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

Major GI surgery
General considerations
Major abdominal surgery generates a neuroendocrine, metabolic and in-
flammatory response which may result in adverse physiological changes,
including pulmonary dysfunction, i cardiac demand, pain, nausea and
vomiting. This may result in delayed mobilisation, prolonged hospital stays
and i morbidity and mortality. Principles of prehabilitation and ERAS
should be applied (see % pp. 44–6). Major GI surgery may be performed by
open and minimally invasive (laparoscopic and robotic) techniques.
Preoperative preparation
• History, examination, ECG if indicated, FBC, U&E. Other blood tests,
as indicated by patient comorbidities.
• Assessment of exercise function (e.g. CPET; see % pp. 33–5). Optimise
cardiac and respiratory function.
• Optimise nutrition. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease may be
significantly malnourished and immunosuppressed.
• Discuss multimodal analgesia. Key components for GI surgery include:
abdominal wall blocks and catheters (see % p. 1168), wound catheters,
IV lidocaine infusions (see % p. 1171) and neuraxial blocks (see %
pp. 1114–17).
• Withhold ACE inhibitors/​ARBs 24h before surgery. The VISION study
found reduced risk of mortality, CVE and myocardial injury if withheld.1
• Consider premedication with H2 antagonist or PPI if at risk of
regurgitation, and discuss RSI if indicated.
• Determine whether postoperative HDU/​ICU care is indicated and
ensure a bed is booked before surgery.
• Balance the health of the patient with the complexity and duration of
the surgical procedure, and consider the additional information invasive
monitoring will provide against the risks involved in placement and
interpretation (Table 25.1).
• Minimise the period of fasting. Continue clear fluids until 2h prior to
surgery and administer oral carbohydrate preload (caution in diabetic
• Large-​bore IV access, with long extension if access to arms restricted.
Arms are commonly placed by the sides in laparoscopic colorectal
surgery, limiting access intraoperatively.
• Perform neuraxial block for postoperative analgesia if indicated, e.g.
spinal with long-​acting opioid (e.g. diamorphine or morphine) or low
thoracic epidural.
• Institute invasive monitoring as indicated.
• Consider appropriate line placement for postoperative parenteral
feeding. This may be required in patients undergoing procedures for
inflammatory bowel disease.
• RSI if evidence of bowel obstruction or risk of regurgitation.
• Prophylactic antibiotics before skin incision.
• Consider the need for perioperative steroid supplementation. Steroid
therapy is common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Major GI surgery 671

• Avoid prolonged exposure during preparation for surgery, and establish

active patient warming as soon as possible (fluid warmer, hot-​air
blanket, warming mattress). Monitor central temperature and aim for
• Avoid hypotension. There are strong associations between
intraoperative hypotension and adverse outcomes, including myocardial
injury and death. Maintaining systolic BP >100mmHg may reduce risk.2
• PONV is common after GI surgery. Reduce risk by adequate hydration,
multimodal analgesia to avoid or limit opioids and administration of
different classes of antiemetic.
• Procedures may be prolonged; pay special attention to protecting
pressure areas.
• Be prepared for lithotomy or the Lloyd-​Davies position (see
% pp. 436–7) and a need for steep Trendelenburg (head-​down) that
may impair CVS and respiratory function.
• Use a moderately liberal (1–​2L positive) or goal-​directed approach
to fluid management. A restrictive fluid regimen is not associated with
improved disability-​free survival, compared to a liberal regimen, but is
associated with a higher rate of AKI.3
• Aim for the patient to drink, eat and mobilise in the immediate
postoperative period.
• Prescribe overnight O2, and continue as required, to maintain SpO2
>95%. Supplemental O2 should be prescribed if using an opioid-​based
analgesic technique.
• Treat nausea and vomiting aggressively.
• Monitor fluid balance closely. Consider ongoing losses from abdominal
drains, ileostomy and NG aspirate. Measure urine output hourly for at
least 24h following major surgery.
• Arrange a CXR if CVP line sited.
• Continue epidural or abdominal wall catheter LA administration if sited.
• Prescribe regular simple analgesia, e.g. paracetamol and NSAIDs
if not contraindicated. Be aware that enteral absorption may be
impaired in some patients after abdominal surgery. Other agents,
including clonidine, gabapentinoids and ketamine, may be beneficial and
reduce postoperative opioid use and opioid side effects, including gut
• Refer to acute pain team for postoperative review.
• Worsening postoperative pain may indicate a complication of surgery.
• Consider daily FBC/​U&E until return of normal bowel function.

Table 25.1 Suggested indications for additional monitoring

Minimally invasive Major abdominal surgery with potential fluid shifts, CVS
CO monitoring compromise, likely requirement for perioperative inotropes
Arterial line CVS, respiratory compromise, major blood loss, need for
blood gas sampling
CVP line Need for vasopressors and/​or inotropes. Requirement for
postoperative parenteral nutrition

672 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

Open GI surgery
Despite the increasing range and complexity of abdominal procedures
performed laparoscopically, open techniques remain common and are
listed on % p. 672. Open GI surgery is associated with i pain and tissue
trauma, and may impair postoperative respiratory and GI function, com-
pared with minimally invasive surgical techniques. Some open abdominal
procedures may require the patient to be turned prone intraoperatively
(e.g. abdominoperineal resection).

Summary of open GI procedures

(See Table 25.2.)

Table 25.2 General surgical open procedures

Operation Time Position Blood Notes and analgesia

(h) loss (L)
Gastrectomy: 2–​3 Supine 0.5–​1 Consider neuraxial
Resection of the analgesia (epidural or
stomach spinal); consider CVP
and arterial line
Pancreatectomy: 3–​6 Supine 0.5–​2 Often long and
Resection of the complex surgery
pancreas Consider
Commonly performed neuraxial analgesia
as part of a Whipple (epidural or
procedure (pancreat- spinal); consider
icoduodenectomy) CVP and arterial
Cholecystectomy: 1 Supine 0.5 Right upper quadrant
Resection of the gall incision. Transversus
bladder abdominis plane
(TAP) block or wound
catheter ± PCA
Appendicectomy: 1 Supine Min Right lower quadrant
Resection of the incision; consider TAP
appendix block ± PCA
Right hemicolectomy: 1–​3 Supine 0.5–​1 Consider neuraxial
Resection of the right analgesia (epidural
colon or spinal) or rectus
sheath catheters ±
Left hemicolectomy: 1–​3 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider neuraxial
Resection of the left analgesia (epidural
colon or spinal) or rectus
sheath catheters ±
Open GI surgery 673

Operation Time Position Blood Notes and analgesia

(h) loss (L)
Anterior resection: 2–​3 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1.5 Consider neuraxial
Resection of the rectum analgesia (epidural
or spinal) or rectus
sheath catheters ±
Abdominoperineal 2–​4 Lloyd Davies. 0.5–​2 Consider neuraxial
resection: Possible analgesia (epidural
Resection of the rectum transition or spinal) or rectus
and anus to prone sheath catheters ±
intraopera- PCA
Hartmann’s procedure: 1–​3 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider neuraxial
Resection of the analgesia (epidural
sigmoid colon with or spinal) or rectus
colostomy sheath catheters ±
Reversal of Hartmann’s: 1–​2 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1.5 Consider neuraxial
Laparotomy with bowel analgesia (epidural
ends reanastomosed or spinal) or rectus
sheath catheters ±
Closure of loop 0.5–​1 Supine Min Minor procedure but
colostomy or loop generally requires
ileostomy: muscle relaxation.
Reversal of ileostomy Rarely may convert to
via stoma site laparotomy. May need
abdominal wall block

674 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

Laparoscopic GI surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is well established for an increasing range and com-
plexity of elective and emergency procedures. The principles of laparo-
scopic surgery can also be applied to robotically assisted GI procedures.
Laparoscopic and robotic techniques can both be considered minim-
ally invasive surgery. Minimally invasive surgery may have significant
intraoperative effects on cardiopulmonary physiology because of the ef-
fects of the pneumoperitoneum and patient positioning (see Table 25.3).
However, benefits of laparoscopy over laparotomy include:
• Reduced tissue trauma, wound size and postoperative pain
• Improved postoperative respiratory function
• Reduced postoperative ileus
• Earlier mobilisation, shorter hospital stays
• Improved cosmetic results.
Surgical requirements
• Creation of a pneumoperitoneum by insufflation of gas (usually CO2)
into the peritoneal cavity.
• CO2 is non-​combustible, colourless, non-​toxic and highly soluble, and
is continuously insufflated into the abdomen to maintain a pressure of
• Devices that warm and humidify CO2 for laparoscopic abdominal
procedures are in use, but their effect on clinical outcomes is unclear.
• Adequate NMB is required in laparoscopy to optimise operating
conditions and limit intra-​abdominal pressure.
• Muscle relaxation is essential while docked in robotic surgery to avoid
unexpected patient movement and injury.
Patient positioning
• Patient position will be determined by the type of surgery (see %
p. 678).
• Patients placed head-​down are at greater risk of pulmonary impairment,
including reduction in FRC, V/​Q mismatch and atelectasis. There is an
i risk of endobronchial intubation due to cephalad movement of the
lungs exacerbated by the pneumoperitoneum.
• Long periods positioned steeply head-​down can result in facial,
airway and cerebral oedema. This must be considered when planning
• Regurgitation of gastric contents in the head-​down position can result in
conjunctival chemical injury. Ensure eyes are protected.
• Patients placed head-​up are at i risk of reduced BP and CO due to d
venous return. Those most at risk include the hypovolaemic patient, the
elderly and patients with pre-​existing CVS disease.
• Patients are at risk of injury from slipping in both head-​up and head-​
down positions. Consider use of specialised poisoning devices, e.g. non-​
slip padding, shoulder supports.
Laparoscopic GI surgery 675

Effects of gas insufflation

• The physiological effects of pneumoperitoneum are summarised in
Table 25.3.
• Stretching of the peritoneum may cause vagal stimulation, resulting
in bradycardia and occasionally asystole. Treat with vagolytics, e.g.
atropine, glycopyrronium, and ensure the surgeon ceases insufflation
and releases the pneumoperitoneum.
• Gas insufflation may result in sympathetic response, leading to
hypertension and tachycardia.
• CO2 is readily absorbed from the peritoneum and may cause
hypercapnia and acidosis.
• Extraperitoneal gas insufflation may occur through a misplaced trocar
or insufflation needle, via an anatomical defect (e.g. between the pleura
and the peritoneum) or when gas under pressure within the abdomen
dissects through tissue planes. This may result in SC emphysema,
pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium or pneumothorax.
• Venous gas embolism may rarely occur when gas is inadvertently
insufflated directly into a blood vessel. Physiological effects are less with
CO2 than air due to its greater plasma solubility; however, a significant
embolism may be fatal.

Table 25.3 Physiological effects of pneumoperitoneum

Respiratory CVS
Airway pressure i Venous return d
Pulmonary compliance d CO nd
V/​Q mismatch i Risk of arrhythmias i
Neurological GI
ICP ni Risk of regurgitation      i
CPP ni

Trauma associated with abdominal access

• Accessing the abdominal cavity by trocar or insufflation (Veress
needle) may cause damage to organs (e.g. spleen, bladder, liver, bowel,
stomach). Organ damage may not always be apparent at the time of
• Damage to blood vessels may result in massive haemorrhage,
necessitating rapid conversion to an open procedure.

676 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

• Contraindications to laparoscopic surgery are relative; risks are i with
IHD, valvular heart disease, i ICP and hypovolaemia.
• All patients must be considered at risk of conversion to an open
procedure, and a plan for analgesia considered.
• Laparoscopic procedures are increasingly performed in obese patients
due to improved postoperative recovery when compared to an open
procedure. However, the deleterious effects of the pneumoperitoneum
and positioning may be exaggerated in this patient group.
• GA with endotracheal intubation, muscle relaxation and controlled
ventilation is considered the safest technique, as it protects against
pulmonary aspiration and enables control of PaCO2.
• Avoid gastric distension during bag–​mask ventilation which may increase
the risk of gastric injury during trocar insertion. Consider inserting a
gastric tube if laparoscopic entry via the left upper abdomen (Palmer’s
point) is planned.
• A urinary catheter may be required in lower abdominal procedures to
decompress the bladder and reduce the risk of injury.
• Systemic absorption of CO2 and raised intra-​abdominal pressure will
require i minute volume and result in higher intrathoracic pressure.
• Aim for normocapnia, but beware of adverse effects of high
intrathoracic pressure. Controlling ETCO2 during prolonged
procedures, especially in the obese and head-​down position, can
be difficult and may occasionally necessitate intermittent release of
intraperitoneal gas or tolerance of a degree of hypercapnia.
• If high inspiratory pressures are encountered, exclude endobronchial
intubation and inadequate NMB. Consider a change to pressure-​
controlled ventilation and a reduced I:E ratio (e.g. 1:1).
• Analgesia requirement is dictated by the procedure (see % p. 678).
Pain may be intense intraoperatively, but postoperative pain is generally
much less than for open procedures. Perioperative IV lidocaine infusion
may reduce postoperative pain and bowel dysfunction following
laparoscopic surgery.
• Avoid hypovolaemia as this exaggerates the deleterious CVS effects of
• Laparoscopic surgery is associated with a high incidence of nausea
and vomiting. Administer prophylactic antiemetics and prescribe
• Invasive arterial BP and CVP monitoring may be required for extensive
procedures or for patients with CVS or respiratory compromise.
Causes of hypoxia
• Hypoventilation: inadequate ventilation due to pneumoperitoneum and
head-​down positioning.
• Reduced CO: IVC compression, arrhythmias, haemorrhage, myocardial
depression, venous gas embolism, extraperitoneal gas.
• V/​Q mismatch: reduced FRC, atelectasis, endobronchial intubation,
venous gas embolism, pulmonary aspiration and rarely pneumothorax.
Laparoscopic GI surgery 677

• At the end of the procedure, encourage the surgeon to expel as much
intraperitoneal gas as possible to reduce postoperative pain.
• LA infiltration of port sites and intraperitoneal administration of LA may
reduce postoperative analgesia requirements.
• Pain varies and is often worst in the first few hours. Shoulder tip pain
due to diaphragmatic irritation may be troublesome but is usually short-​
lived. Significant pain extending beyond the 1st day raises the possibility
of intra-​abdominal complications.
Special considerations
• An SGA may be used for some laparoscopic procedures. This should
be avoided if the patient has a history of reflux or obesity and the
procedure is anticipated to be difficult or prolonged, especially in the
head-​down position.
• Regional anaesthesia is not generally used as the sole anaesthetic
technique because of the high level of block required to cover the

678 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

Summary of laparoscopic GI procedures

(See Table 25.4.)

Table 25.4 General surgical laparoscopic procedures

Operation Time Position Blood Notes and

(h) loss (L) analgesia
Gastrectomy: 2–​3 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5 Consider CVP
Resection of the with head up and arterial line
Pancreatectomy: 4–​8 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Often long and
Resection of the with head up complex surgery
pancreas Consider CVP
Commonly performed and arterial line
as part of a Whipple Consider
procedure (pancreatico- neuraxial
duodenectomy) analgesia
Up to 20%
risk of open
Cholecystectomy: 1 Supine with Min Consider gastric
Resection of the gall head up and tube to deflate
bladder left tilt stomach for
port insertion
Appendicectomy: 1 Supine with Min Consider TAP
Resection of the head down block
appendix and left tilt
Right hemicolectomy: 1–​3 Supine with 0.5–​1 Consider
Resection of the right variable head neuraxial
colon up/​down analgesia or
and left/​right PCA
tilt during
Left hemicolectomy: 1–​3 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider
Resection of the left with variable neuraxial
colon head up/​ analgesia or
down and left/​ PCA
right tilt during
Anterior resection: 2–​4 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider
Resection of the rectum with variable neuraxial
head up/​ analgesia. Be
down and left/​ aware of time
right tilt during spent in extreme
procedure positioning
Summary of laparoscopic GI procedures 679

Operation Time Position Blood Notes and

(h) loss (L) analgesia
AP resection: 3–​5 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider
Resection of the rectum with variable neuraxial
and anus head up/​ analgesia. Be
down and left/​ aware of time
right tilt during spent in extreme
procedure positioning
transition to
prone intra-
Hartmann’s procedure: 1–​3 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider
Resection of the sigmoid with variable neuraxial
colon with colostomy head up/​ analgesia or
down and left/ ​ PCA. Be aware
right tilt during of time spent
procedure in extreme
Reversal of Hartmann’s: 1–​2 Lloyd-​Davies 0.5–​1 Consider
Removal of end-​ with variable neuraxial
colostomy with bowel head up/​ analgesia or
ends reanastomosed down and left/​ PCA. Significant
right tilt during chance of
procedure conversion to

680 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Procedure Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder
Time 40–​80min
Pain ++
Position Supine, 15–​20° head-​up, slight left tilt
Blood loss Not significant
Practical techniques GA, ETT, IPPV

• Patients are classically, though not always, ‘♀, forty, fair, fat and fertile’.
• Gallstone-​associated pancreatitis may make surgery more difficult and
increase the risk of conversion to an open procedure.
• With appropriate patient selection and perioperative techniques, the
procedure can be performed as a day case.
• Avoid gastric distension during bag–​mask ventilation which may increase
the risk of gastric injury during trocar insertion. Consider inserting a
gastric tube prior to abdominal access.
• Ensure adequate IV access; haemodynamic changes may be profound
and there is potential for sudden blood loss.
• The combination of pneumoperitoneum and obesity may make
ventilation difficult.
• High risk for PONV. Administer prophylactic antiemetics.
• Short-​acting opioids (alfentanil or fentanyl) may counter the
haemodynamic fluctuations and limit postoperative opioid-​related side
• Ask the surgeon to infiltrate the port sites with LA.
• About 5% of cases require conversion to an open procedure.
• Prescribe regular simple analgesics, opioid as required (PRN), antiemetic
and IV fluids until tolerating oral fluids.
Special considerations
• This can be a very stimulating procedure, particularly during diathermy
around the liver.
• LA applied to the gall bladder bed may reduce postoperative analgesic
requirements (e.g. 20mL of 0.25% bupivacaine).
• If conversion to open cholecystectomy, pain can be significant and
a PCA may be required. LA should be infiltrated by surgeons, and a
wound catheter or a subcostal TAP block may be beneficial.
Laparoscopic appendicectomy 681

Laparoscopic appendicectomy
Procedure Resection of appendix
Time 20–​40min
Pain ++
Position Supine
Blood loss Not significant
Practical techniques RSI, ETT, IPPV, TAP block

• Patients are often young and fit unless appendix ruptured, in which case
they may be septic and unwell.
• In the unwell patient, resuscitate preoperatively and administer timely
• Conversion to open appendicectomy is more likely if the appendix is
• Occasionally presents in the elderly. May be the presenting condition of
caecal adenocarcinoma requiring subsequent right hemicolectomy.
• Prophylactic antibiotics.
• RSI. Patients may be unfasted or at risk of aspiration due to delayed
stomach emptying 2° to intra-​abdominal pathology.
• Consider NSAID and paracetamol IV.
• Encourage the surgeon to infiltrate LA or perform a right-​sided
TAP block.
• Extubate awake (consider left lateral position).
• Prescribe regular simple analgesics and opioid PRN, antiemetics and IV
fluids until tolerating oral fluids.

682 Chapter 25 Gastrointestinal surgery

Inguinal hernia repair

Procedure Repair of inguinal muscular canal defect through
which bowel may protrude
Time 30–​60min
Pain ++
Position Supine
Blood loss Not significant
Practical techniques GA, SV, SGA, inguinal field block. Spinal. Local
infiltration and/​or sedation

• Patients are usually older adult ♂ or young children.
• Can usually be performed as a day case procedure.
• Inguinal LA field block may be used as a sole technique for surgery or to
complement GA.
• The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves are easily blocked, 2cm caudal
and medial to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).
• The genitofemoral nerve is located 1–​2cm above the midpoint of the
inguinal ligament, deep to the aponeurosis of the external oblique. This
may be left to the surgeon to block, reducing the risk of vascular or
peritoneal puncture.
Special considerations
• Inguinal hernia repair may be performed laparoscopically.
• Patients who are unfit and/​or elderly may benefit from hernia repair
under LA. However, some hernias may prove difficult to repair
under LA and a spinal anaesthetic or GA may be preferable to avoid
intraoperative GA conversion. Confirm with the surgeon the suitability
for LA repair.
• A low-​dose propofol infusion may be a useful adjunct in cases
performed under LA.
• Other hernia repairs are commonly performed. It is important to
establish the type of hernia repair and anaesthetic requirements. An
incisional hernia repair may vary from a minor repair of a laparoscopic
port site hernia to a complex repair of a large anterior abdominal wall
Anal and perianal procedures 683

Anal and perianal procedures

Procedure Haemorrhoidectomy, fissure, sphincter repair,
perianal abscess, pilonidal sinus
Time 20–​30min
Pain +++
Position Supine, lithotomy, head-​down, occasionally
Blood loss Not significant
Practical techniques GA, SV, SGA. Spinal (‘saddle block’)

• Assess suitability for SGA/​lithotomy/​head-​down position.
• Consider ETT if the patient is obese or at risk of aspiration.
• Often intensely stimulating procedures, and laryngospasm is common.
Maintain deep anaesthesia and consider short-​acting opioids (fentanyl or
alfentanil) and/​or N2O.
• Potential for bradycardia or asystole due to increase in vagal tone.
Anticipate and have vagolytic to hand.
• LA infiltration by the surgeon during the procedure often provides
effective pain relief.
• Avoid PR route of drug administration.
• Prescribe regular simple analgesics and opioid PRN.
• Consider aperients for discharge, particularly if opioids used.
Special considerations
• Surgery for pilonidal sinus may require prone positioning. Confirm with
surgeon preoperatively and prepare patient accordingly.
• Avoid spinal anaesthesia followed by immediate head-​down tilt.
• A sacral-​only spinal block (‘saddle block’) using heavy bupivacaine is a
useful alternative, with little effect on CVS dynamics.
1 Roshanov PS, Rochwerg B, Patel A, et al. (2017). Withholding versus continuing angiotensin-​
converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers before noncardiac surgery: an
analysis of the vascular events in noncardiac surgery patients cohort evaluation prospective co-
hort. Anesthesiology, 126, 16–​27.
2 Sessler D, Bloomstone JA, Aronson S, et al. (2019). Perioperative quality initiative consensus
statement on intraoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery. Br J Anaesth,
122, 563–​74.
3 Myles PS, Bellomo R, Corcoran T, et al. (2018). Restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy for major
abdominal surgery. N Engl J Med, 378, 2263–​74.
Chapter 26 685

Bariatric surgery
Nicholas Kennedy and Katherine Reeve
Introduction 686
Indications for surgery 687
Risk scoring in bariatric surgery 688
Intragastric balloon insertion/​removal 689
Gastric banding 690
Gastric bypass 692
Sleeve gastrectomy 694

686 Chapter 26 Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery describes a variety of procedures that are performed on
people with obesity. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the
stomach with gastric banding, removal of part of the stomach or rerouting
part of the small intestine.
When anaesthetising patients for bariatric surgery, perioperative factors
discussed in % Chapter 2 should be considered.
Bariatric surgery should occur in a multidisciplinary team setting with
rigorous preoperative assessment, intraoperative pathways and consider-
ation for postoperative location and management.
Indications for surgery 687

Indications for surgery

NICE guidelines 2014
Bariatric surgery is a treatment option for people with obesity if all of the
following criteria are fulfilled:1
• They have a BMI of ≥40kg/​m2 or between 35kg/​m2 and 40kg/​m2 and
other significant disease (e.g. type 2 diabetes or high BP) that could be
improved if they lose weight.
• All appropriate non-​surgical measures have been tried, but the
person has not achieved or maintained adequate, clinically beneficial
weight loss.
• The person has been receiving or will receive intensive management in a
tier 3 service.
• The person is generally fit for anaesthesia and surgery.
• The person commits to the need for long-​term follow-​up.
In addition, in 2014, NICE brought out specific points relating to bariatric
surgery for people with recent-​onset type 2 diabetes:
• Offer an expedited assessment for bariatric surgery to people with a
BMI of ≥35kg/​m2 who have recent-​onset type 2 diabetes, as long as
they are also receiving or will receive assessment in a tier 3 service (or
• Assessment for bariatric surgery should be considered in people with a
BMI of 30–​34.9kg/​m2 and/​or people of Asian family origin at a lower
BMI who have recent-​onset type 2 diabetes.
1 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2014). Obesity: identification, assessment and
management. Clinical guideline [CG189]. M http://​​guidance/​cg189

688 Chapter 26 Bariatric surgery

Risk scoring in bariatric surgery

The Obesity Surgery Mortality Risk Score (OS-​MRS) is a validated scoring
system for risk stratification in bariatric surgery, and it aims to aid informed
consent discussions, guide surgical decision-​making and allow standardisa-
tion of outcome comparisons between treatment centres (Table 26.1).2

Table 26.1 Obesity Surgery Mortality Risk Score

Risk factor Points

Age >45y 1
Hypertension 1
♂ sex 1
Risk factors for PE* 1
BMI ≥50kg/​m2 1

Risk group (score) Postoperative mortality risk (death/​total number

of patients)
Class A (0 or 1 points) 0.2%
Class B (2 or 3 points) 1.1%
Class C (4 or 5 points) 2.4%
* Previous VTE, pulmonary hypertension, preoperative vena cava filter or hypoventilation due
to obesity.
Reprinted from Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 3(2), DeMaria EJ et al. Obesity surgery
mortality risk score: proposal for a clinically useful score to predict mortality risk in patients
undergoing gastric bypass, 134–​40, Copyright (2007), with permission from American Society for
Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc.

2 Demaria EJ, Murr M, Byrne TK, et al. (2007). Validation of the Obesity Surgery Mortality Risk
Score in a multicenter study proves it stratifies mortality risk in patients undergoing gastric bypass
for morbid obesity. Ann Surg, 246, 578–​82.
Intragastric balloon insertion/removal 689

Intragastric balloon insertion/​removal

Procedure Placement of 700mL silicone balloon into stomach via
gastroscope which is inflated with 700mL of 0.9% sodium
chloride dyed with methylthioninium chloride (methylene
blue). Balloons are removed after 6–​12mo via gastroscopy
Time 15–​30min
Pain None
Position Left lateral or sitting up
Blood loss None
Practical IV sedation, topical anaesthesia or GA, ETT

Intragastric balloons are typically inserted in:
• Patients with BMI 25–​35kg/​m2 as a weight loss adjunct in those who do
not qualify for bariatric surgery. These patients are usually very low risk.
• Very high-​BMI patients often >60–​70kg/​m2, usually with many
significant comorbidities, in whom invasive surgical procedures are
deemed too risky.
• Topical anaesthesia is possible in cooperative patients.
• Low-​risk patients are usually suitable for IV sedation, and often an
anaesthetist is not required. Left lateral position is usual for insertion of
the balloon. Balloon removal can be done in a similar fashion.
• IV sedation may be poorly tolerated and risky in high-​risk patients
due to hypoventilation, hypoxia and airway obstruction. A GA with
intubation and ventilation may be indicated.
• Very large patients tolerate lying on their side very poorly and are
better dealt with sitting up.
Special considerations
• Intragastric balloon insertion is associated with considerable
nausea immediately postoperatively. Antiemetics should be given
perioperatively and prescribed for the patient to take home. There is
no nausea associated with balloon removal.
• Balloon removal can sometimes be surgically tricky and may take longer.
• Both insertion and removal of balloons can usually be done as day case
procedures, even in high-​risk patients.

690 Chapter 26 Bariatric surgery

Gastric banding
Procedure Placement of silicone adjustable band around the top of
the stomach to create a small pouch above it. A small in-
jection port is placed SC and connected to the band with
tubing to allow the band to be inflated with 0.9% sodium
chloride to control passage of food past it
Time 45–​90min
Pain +
Position Supine, head-​up
Blood loss Minimal
Practical GA, ETT, IPPV (with PEEP)

• Gastric banding is a relatively straightforward laparoscopic procedure
with a very low mortality rate.
• Gastric banding is commonly used for the lower-​BMI and lower-​risk
bariatric surgical patients. However, some centres use gastric banding
for most of their cases and some patients choose banding, so some
very high-​BMI and high-​risk patients present.
• Preoperative analgesia with paracetamol is recommended.
• Ensure equipment (e.g. operating table, hover mattress) appropriate for
weight and adequate staff numbers are available.
• Insert two IV cannulae.
• Take extreme care in positioning the patient to avoid damage due to
pressure or overhanging tissue.
• Take precautions to ensure the patient does not slide down the table
when head-​up.
• Standard perioperative monitoring. Use forearm BP cuff if upper arm
too large or wrong shape to place a cuff.
• Preoxygenate fully in head-​up position.
• Intubation and ventilation are mandatory. Use VT appropriate for IBW
or lean body mass.
• Face mask ventilation can be difficult. Expect rapid desaturation during
apnoea, and have a plan for airway management. RSI is not mandatory.
• Use short-​acting anaesthetic agents such as sevoflurane. TIVA with
propofol is a good technique, but correct dosing may be difficult.
• Good NMB is important.
• Antiemetics are important immediately postoperatively to prevent
strain on the band sutures. Give two drugs perioperatively.
• Opioid analgesia is usually required postoperatively; usually fentanyl or
morphine. Limit intraoperative opioid and titrate dosage upwards in
• Patients should be woken up and extubated sitting up. Plan for an
electric bed.
• Ensure the surgeon infiltrates all port sites with LA.
Gastric banding 691

• Ensure patients are nursed sitting up in recovery.
• Titrate opioids in recovery.
• Most patients can be safely managed without HDU, but this should be
considered for patients with significant OSA.
• Encourage early mobilisation.
• Thromboprophylaxis as per local protocol.

692 Chapter 26 Bariatric surgery

Gastric bypass
Procedure Roux-​en-​Y gastric bypass. Almost always laparoscopic
Time 90–​200min
Pain ++
Position Supine, head-​up
Blood loss >500mL, occasionally more due to ooze from splenic
injury or stomach. G&S required
Practical GA, ETT, IPPV (with PEEP)

• Gastric bypass involves a small bowel anastomosis, formation of a
Roux limb, creation of a gastric pouch and a gastrojejunal anastomosis.
Surgical techniques differ, and it is important to establish in what order
the surgeon will do the procedure.
• Many surgeons ask for a large (typically 34Fr) bougie (or large NGT
or dilator) to be passed orogastrically by the anaesthetist during
pouch formation. This identifies the pouch and prevents stapling of
the oesophagus. The bougie is then pushed distally into the Roux limb
during gastrojejunal anastomosis to allow suturing around it. There are
other techniques involving circular staplers, so ensure you understand
what is used, how it works and when it is needed. Discuss with the
surgeon preoperatively.
• Antiemetics immediately postoperatively to prevent strain on the
anastomosis. Two agents are recommended perioperatively.
• Postoperative CPAP is quite safe. No evidence of damage to the gastric
Special considerations
• Sometimes surgeons ask for an NGT to be inserted to decompress the
stomach prior to pouch formation. If so, insert it orogastrically, and
remove as soon as the stomach is decompressed. Leaving an NGT in
situ runs the risk of stapling it into the pouch, an avoidable disaster.
• Many surgeons test the gastrojejunal anastomosis for leaks by asking
for an OGT to be passed into the pouch after the anastomosis is
complete. Leak testing is achieved either by injecting air down the
OGT and observing for bubbles in the fluid that has been added via
the laparoscope, or by injecting 760mL of dilute methylthioninium
chloride (methylene blue) into the pouch. Leaks are usually obvious to
see. Beware of the dyed fluid refluxing back into the mouth. Inserting a
sucker into the mouth during this procedure helps prevent the dye from
either being aspirated or refluxing out and onto the patient’s face and
hair! Consider cricoid pressure during this procedure.
Gastric bypass 693

• Postoperative complications to watch for:

• Anastomotic leak: tachycardia (postoperative tachycardia is a leak
until proven otherwise), excessive pain, pain on drinking.
• In the event of a suspected leak, the best investigation is usually to
relaparoscope the patient as soon as possible.
• Bleeding: signs of severe bleeding similar to any other procedure.
Staple line bleeding can present as melaena or haematemesis in the
first 24h. Unless the patient is shocked, conservative management is

694 Chapter 26 Bariatric surgery

Sleeve gastrectomy
Procedure Stomach divided by stapling to reduce it to about 25%
of its original size. A large portion of the stomach along
the greater curvature is removed through a small inci-
sion. The result is a sleeve or tube-​like structure. Almost
always laparoscopic
Time 90–​150min
Pain ++
Position Supine, head-​up
Blood loss >500mL, occasionally more due to ooze from stomach
staple line. G&S required
Practical GA, ETT, IPPV (with PEEP)

• Sleeve gastrectomy is becoming increasingly common as the weight loss
procedure of choice.
• Often performed in high-​risk patients, instead of a gastric bypass, as it is
an easier and quicker procedure.
• Some surgeons ask for a large (typically 34Fr) bougie (or large NGT
or dilator) to be passed orogastrically by the anaesthetist during the
procedure. This allows the surgeon to staple alongside the bougie,
identify the anatomy and prevent stapling of the oesophagus. Ensure
you understand what is used, how it works and when it is needed.
Discuss with the surgeon preoperatively.
• Antiemetics immediately postoperatively to prevent strain on the
anastomosis. Two agents are recommended perioperatively.
• Avoid hypotension after stomach stapling. This helps identify staple line
bleeding, reducing the risk of postoperative bleeding.
• Postoperative CPAP is safe.
Special considerations
• As per gastric bypass.
Chapter 27 695

Liver procedures
Alwyn Kotze and Nilmini Manawaduge
Anaesthetic management of acute oesophageal bleeding 696
Anaesthesia for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
procedure 698
Liver transplantation 699
Hepatic resection 704

696 Chapter 27 Liver procedures

Anaesthetic management of acute

oesophageal bleeding
Acute variceal haemorrhage is a medical emergency. Overall mortality
in upper GI bleeding is 2–​10%.1 Anaesthetists will usually be involved if
patients at risk of dying.
Effective resuscitation and definitive therapy should be instituted simul-
taneously. Subsequent management targets normalisation of physiological
parameters, alongside strategies to prevent rebleeding.2
• Rapid assessment of Airway, Breathing and Circulation status.
• Supplementary O2 PRN.
• Early airway control if indicated. Balance risk of airway loss against
haemodynamic consequences of RSI.
• Insert large-​bore IV cannulae × 2; consider CVP and arterial line.
• Use crystalloids for initial fluid resuscitation. No RCTs of fluid
management in this situation, but balance essential between avoiding
hypotension and avoiding exacerbation of bleeding.
• IV tranexamic acid reduces mortality and should be used early.3
• Urgent FBC, coagulation, point-​of-​care coagulation testing, U&E,
• Urinary catheter if unstable.
• Keep nil by mouth.
Transfusion management
• Manage exsanguinating bleeding using massive haemorrhage protocol.4
• PRBCs: follow a restrictive strategy—​transfuse if bleeding and
haemodynamically unstable or if Hb <70–​80g/​L.
• FFP and/​or cryoprecipitate indicated in patients with haemodynamic
instability and coagulopathy (INR >1.5 times normal or fibrinogen level
<1.5g/​L, respectively).
• Platelets are indicated in patients who are actively bleeding and
haemodynamically unstable, and have platelet count <50 × 109/​L.
• In patients on warfarin with active bleeding, reverse with PCC.
Stopping the bleeding
Medical management, along with endoscopic interventions:
• Stop NSAIDs.
• Consider stopping antiplatelet agents—​discuss with appropriate
• Pharmacological therapy (terlipressin, somatostatin or somatostatin
analogues), e.g. terlipressin 1–​2mg IV 6-​hourly (reduce if high risk
for CAD).
• Prophylactic antibiotic therapy for 48h.
• No role for acid suppression drugs (e.g. H2 blockers, PPIs) before
• Endoscopy alongside resuscitation if haemodynamically unstable,
otherwise within 24h of bleeding. Band ligation or sclerosant injection
will be used for variceal haemorrhage and adrenaline may be injected
around ulcers.
Anaesthetic management of acute oesophageal bleeding 697

Salvage interventions
• Interventional radiology may be indicated for patients who rebleed after
endoscopic treatment if appropriate expertise is available. TIPSS is the
treatment of choice.
• Balloon tamponade with an oesophageal and gastric balloon should be
used only where endoscopic and drug treatments have failed. There is
a high risk of fatal complications (aspiration, oesophageal tear/​rupture
and airway obstruction) and therefore, this should be used only in
Stabilisation and prevention of rebleeding
• Consider ICU/​HDU admission in situations described above or
according to usual physiological criteria.
• Prophylactic β-​blockade (propranolol 40–​160mg bd) reduces portal
pressure and decreases rebleed rate from 70% to 50%.

698 Chapter 27 Liver procedures

Anaesthesia for transjugular intrahepatic

portosystemic shunt procedure
• TIPSS: percutaneous creation of a vascular connection between portal
and systemic circulations, reducing portal venous pressure.5,6
• Indicated in treatment of portal hypertension and its complications
(refractory variceal bleeding and diuretic-​resistant ascites).
• A stent is placed radiologically between the hepatic and portal veins,
allowing blood to bypass dilated oesophageal and gastric veins.
• May be elective (for ascites) or emergent (variceal bleeding).
• Anaesthesia requires good IV access and invasive arterial line monitoring
to aid cardiovascular stability. Inotropes, vasopressors and blood
components should be easily available.
Preoperative considerations
• Assess the hepatic functional impairment, haemodynamic stability, risk
of aspiration, presence of heart failure and encephalopathy.7
• TIPSS is contraindicated if there is severe pulmonary hypertension,
severe tricuspid regurgitation or severe heart failure.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• Usually undertaken in an angiography suite; hence, all anaesthetic issues
related to remote-​site anaesthesia apply.
• Prophylactic broad-​spectrum antibiotics should be administered before
the procedure and should be continued for 24h.
• Conscious sedation or GA are acceptable; if the patient is at high risk, it
is safer to give GA with RSI and ETT.
• Either inhalational agents or TIVA technique using short-​acting hypnotic
agents, muscle relaxants and opioids are appropriate in order to ensure
rapid post-​procedure recovery.
• The internal jugular vein is cannulated to access the hepatic vein via
a sheath. A cutting-​edged catheter is introduced through the liver
parenchyma into a branch of the portal vein under fluoroscopy with
contrast. The tract is dilated and a metallic stent is placed.
• Intraoperative complications can include those related to accessing the
internal jugular vein (or femoral, if this route is used). Procedure-​specific
complications include massive bleeding due to inadvertent hepatic
artery puncture or hepatic capsular tear.
• TIPSS may precipitate acute cardiac failure, as the shunt leads to an i
venous return and preload. Post-​procedural worsening of jaundice or
encephalopathy may be seen in 20% of patients and 20% fail to control
variceal bleeding, even after the procedure.8
• Post-​procedure sepsis is possible.
• Patients are managed either in critical care or on gastroenterology/​
hepatology wards according to unit criteria (conscious level,
haemodynamics, etc.).
• Evidence suggesting that early TIPSS in variceal bleeding improves
outcome requires further study.9,10,11
Liver transplantation 699

Liver transplantation
Procedure Transplantation of entire liver
Time 4–​10h
Pain Variable, but less than other comparable procedures (e.g.
gastrectomy, thoracotomy). PCA; avoid NSAIDs
Position Supine, one or both arms out
Blood loss Extremely variable. 0–​10 000mL, X-​match 6 units and con-
sider need for thawing other components before surgery.
Cell salvage and point-​of-​care coagulation management
vital. Use donated blood and components as necessary
Practical ETT, IPPV

The majority of patients who present for liver transplantation have end-​
stage liver disease. The commonest indication worldwide is post-​hepatitis
C cirrhosis,12 but alcohol-​related cirrhosis and hepatic cancers are the com-
monest aetiologies in the UK.13 Other conditions requiring transplantation
include: 1° sclerosing cholangitis, viral hepatitis (B, C), polycystic liver dis-
ease, 1° biliary cirrhosis and metabolic liver disease.
Transplants are performed semi-​electively as graft availability is the rate-​
limiting step. Patients with end-​stage liver disease are ranked in order of
priority according to a pre-​agreed allocation system, then matched to the
1st suitable organ based on considerations including compatibility and graft
size. A minority with fulminant or subacute liver failure are listed ‘super-​
urgently’ and receive priority over end-​stage liver disease patients. In the
UK, offers are allocated nationally based on the United Kingdom model for
End-​Stage Liver Disease (UKELD) and Transplant Benefit Score (TBS) that
considers both risk of death without, and life expectancy gained after liver
Liver transplantation is performed under GA guided by invasive moni-
toring, with resuscitation facilities (including fluid and donated and/​or sal-
vaged blood components) and vasoactive drugs being readily available. Key
anaesthetic objectives are to maintain normal systemic physiology and to
stabilise vital organ function (including graft function) despite unique chal-
lenges at different surgical stages.
Potential recipients are assessed by a multidisciplinary team, including,
as a minimum, a hepatologist, a transplant surgeon and an anaesthetist.
Opinions are sought from others as required (intensivist, dietitian, psych-
ologist, physiotherapist, substance misuse specialist and medical specialties)
before listing. Individual decisions are made based on regularly updated na-
tional selection policies and risk scoring systems (e.g. UKELD/​TBS in the
UK or MELD in the US).15,16 Preoperative assessment includes investigation/​
treatment of the following.

700 Chapter 27 Liver procedures

Issues related to the liver disease

• Jaundice, hyponatraemia, ascites, pleural effusions, renal failure 2° to
liver disease (hepatorenal syndrome), hepatopulmonary syndrome,
portopulmonary syndromes (associated severe portal and pulmonary
hypertension, leading to RV failure and potential cardiac arrest
intraoperatively), coagulopathy (prolonged PT, low platelet count,
fibrinolysis), varices (oesophageal, gastric, rectal, abdominal wall),
hepatic encephalopathy, systemic vasodilation with hypotension and
cardiac failure and poor nutritional state.
• Haemodynamic instability can result from cardiac consequences of the
underlying pathology (e.g. alcoholic cardiomyopathy), from pericardial
effusions and from circulatory failure due to vasodilation and low SVR.
Anaemia resulting in low plasma viscosity further reduces effective
tissue perfusion.
• Smoking, DM (a common comorbidity with hepatitis C), IHD, pre-​
existing renal impairment of other aetiology.
Screening investigations
• As for any major abdominal surgery (FBC, U&E, clotting, ECG, CXR).
Detailed abdominal imaging as requested by the surgeon. Resting
echocardiography and spirometry.
Evaluation of physiological reserve is essential
• History and bedside assessment of frailty (e.g. Liver Frailty Index)
for all patients. CPET and/​or pharmacological/​myoview stress
echocardiography for specific indications.
• Preoperative fluids are not routinely administered, except in patients
with renal impairment and hyperacute liver failure (glucose-​based
• Venous ± arterial access before induction.
• Anaesthesia: intubate the trachea. Gastric emptying often delayed in
end-​stage liver disease; consider the need for RSI. Vasopressors may be
• Establish arterial, central venous and wide-​bore access if not done
preinduction. CO monitoring is often necessary to guide fluid and
vasopressor administration. Pulse contour analysis or TOE are used and
in patients with suspected pulmonary hypertension, PA catheterisation
is considered.
• Broad-​spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis, large-​bore NGT and core
temperature monitoring. Forced air warming.
• Ventilate to normocapnia, using O2-​enriched air and volatile agent
(isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane). Establish infusion of an opioid
agent (alfentanil, remifentanil, fentanyl). Paralysis is maintained with
either intermittent boluses or infusions.
• Patients undergoing transplantation for fulminant liver failure are at risk
of raised ICP. Controversy exists whether volatile agents worsen ICP,
even where hypercapnia is avoided. Measures to reduce intracranial
hypertension are advisable.
Surgical techniques vary but share common features.
Liver transplantation 701

Pre-​anhepatic/​dissection phase
Bilateral subcostal (‘Mercedes’)/​reverse L subcostal incision. The liver,
porta hepatis and surrounding structures are exposed, its anatomy de-
fined and slings placed around the major vessels. Haemorrhage from dis-
section, varices and pre-​existing coagulopathy is common. Most bleeding
is venous and can be limited by judicious maintenance of low CVP, as for
liver resection.
Anhepatic phase
Portal and hepatic veins divided. Explantation of native liver and IVC prep-
aration for implantation. New liver inserted. Caval and portal anastomoses
fashioned. Two main techniques are used for hepatectomy and implantation
of the donor liver (Fig. 27.1):
• Cava-​cavostomy: division of the hepatic veins with caval preservation,
followed by a ‘piggy back’ implant where the new liver, with its own
attached vena cava, is anastomosed cava-​to-​cava with the recipient’s
IVC either side-​to-​side or end-​to-​side. Surgery is usually performed
with the native vena cava side-​clamped, so that venous return is
relatively preserved.
• Classical technique: liver explant with its included portion of the IVC.
Anastomosis of the donor vena cava above and below the liver (‘caval
replacement’). Now less popular as it requires caval cross-​clamping
with reduced venous return and consequent refractory hypotension.
Venovenous bypass is employed in some centres to facilitate venous
return (femoral vein to right internal jugular or brachiocephalic vein).
Venovenous bypass uses heparin-​bonded extracorporeal circuitry;
systemic anticoagulation is unnecessary.
• Anastomosis fashioned between donor and recipient portal vein.
• While anhepatic, patients with acute liver failure may become
profoundly hypoglycaemic. This is less common in end-​stage liver
• Hypocalcaemia, lactic acidosis, coagulopathy and hypoglycaemia
progressively occur during the anhepatic phase. Regular monitoring and
prompt treatment are essential.

Fig. 27.1 (a) Classical technique; (b) ‘Piggy back’ technique of orthotopic liver
transplantation. This image was published in BJA Education, 17(1), Kashimutt S, Kotze, A.
Anaesthesia for liver transplantation, 35–​40, Copyright © The Author 2016.

702 Chapter 27 Liver procedures

Neohepatic stage
Graft reperfusion, hepatic artery anastomosis and biliary reconstruction.
Reperfusion phase
• Begins with the re-​establishment of blood flow through the liver
(portal vein to vena cava). Reperfusion syndrome occurs, with
cytokines release, complement activation and transient reduction
in core temperature. Immediately after reperfusion, there is a rapid
elevation in plasma K+, as it is washed out of the previously ischaemic
graft along with other products of hepatocyte breakdown. At the
start of reperfusion, a bolus dose of 10mmol calcium chloride helps
protect against the cardiac effects of sudden K+ flux. Arrhythmias
are common and cardiac arrest occasionally occurs. Profound
hypotension is common unless the circulation is actively supported with
appropriate fluid and vasoactive drug therapy (e.g. noradrenaline up
to 2 micrograms/​kg/​min, adrenaline 10 micrograms or phenylephrine
boluses of 500 micrograms to 1mg aliquots). As graft hepatocyte
function returns, electrolyte gradients are restored. Hypotension
at this stage results from myocardial depression and subsequently
vasodilation. Myocardial depression usually resolves within 2 or 3min,
but vasodilation may persist for several hours. In severely ill patients, an
infusion of noradrenaline may subsequently be required. Some centres
use a prophylactic vasopressin analogue, such as terlipressin, before
• The haemodynamic and biochemical mayhem of reperfusion resolves
rapidly if the graft is functioning. Persisting acidosis or hypocalcaemia are
suggestive of graft 1° non-​function, which represents a transplantation
emergency. This may necessitate urgent retransplantation. Early
promising signs of graft function include a rise in body temperature
due to i metabolism, hyperglycaemia from enhanced gluconeogenesis,
normalisation of coagulopathy, bile production and lactate clearance.
Coagulopathy is managed with haemostatic agents (tranexamic acid/​
protamine) and blood or blood product transfusion guided by POCT
(TEG®/​ROTEM®/​point-​of-​care INR/​ABG).
• Following reperfusion, the hepatic artery is reanastomosed, and finally
the bile duct reconstructed by direct duct-​to-​duct anastomosis/Roux-
en-Y loop.
• Other considerations:
• Induction immunosuppression (e.g. methylprednisolone 0.5–​1g) is
administered before graft reperfusion in some centres.
• K+ and Ca2+ should be monitored regularly during surgery and
supplemented, when required, to maintain normal values. Some
centres use Ca2+ infusion (3–​5mmol/​h) from the dissection phase.
• There is no proven strategy for avoiding renal failure, other than
optimising fluid balance and avoiding nephrotoxins. In patients at
particularly high risk, avoidance of nephrotoxic immunosuppressants
(such as ciclosporin, tacrolimus) in the early postoperative period
may have a role.
Liver transplantation 703

• Patients should be managed in ICU. Early extubation is often feasible
and further facilitates improvement of early graft blood flow due to
negative intrathoracic pressure during SV, reduced ICU stay and d
incidence of nosocomial infections.
• Analgesia: PCA/​epidural/​paravertebral blocks have all been described.
However, regional techniques are discouraged in many centres because
of coagulopathy, instead relying more on regular systemic analgesics
(opioid PCA, paracetamol) and occasionally wound catheters. Avoid
NSAIDs (interaction with calcineurin inhibitors to induce renal failure).
• Postoperative fluids: maintenance fluid/​NG feed at 1.5mL/​kg/​h.
• Bleeding postoperatively is relatively uncommon.
• Graft 1° non-​function/​initial poor function due to vascular issues
(hepatic artery thrombosis, portal vein thrombosis) or the graft itself
occurs in up to 5–​10% of cases,17 requiring retransplantation.
• Other postoperative problems include sepsis, AKI and acute rejection.
These are managed medically with good results.
• Immunosuppression is usually started with standard triple therapy
(steroid/​mycophenolate/​tacrolimus) and then tailored to the individual,
guided by unit policy. Other drugs in current use include basiliximab,
ciclosporin, azathioprine and sirolimus.
• Long-​term results of liver transplantation are continually improving.
One-​year survival figures in major centres now run between 85% and
97% (risk-​adjusted),13 with a good long-​term quality of life.

704 Chapter 27 Liver procedures

Hepatic resection
Procedure Resection of liver tissue
Time 2–​6h
Pain As for transplantation. Epidural more common
Position Supine, arms out, reverse Trendelenburg position
Blood loss Minimal to 900mL, X-​match 5–​10 units
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV

The major indication for hepatic resection is metastatic colorectal adeno-

carcinoma, for which it improves 5y survival by 30%, compared to no
intervention.18 Other indications are benign and malignant 1° hepatobiliary
tumours, donor hepatectomy for liver transplantation and occasionally liver
trauma. The principles underlying anaesthesia are similar to those for any
patient undergoing a major laparotomy.
• Major liver resection usually involves removal of 30–​75% of functional
hepatic tissue. Remaining hepatocytes function poorly for some days;
short-​acting drugs should be used.
• Increasingly, surgeons are using minimally invasive techniques.
• Laparoscopic liver resection decreases intraoperative bleeding,
transfusion requirements and postoperative ascites.19 It presents
different anaesthetic challenges due to pneumoperitoneum, with
consequent haemodynamic instability.
• Drugs that might compound postoperative hepatic encephalopathy
or which rely on hepatic metabolism should be avoided, e.g.
• Most resections are accomplished with minimal blood loss, but
catastrophic haemorrhage may occur.
• Resection commences with perihepatic dissection and identification of
vascular anatomy.
• Intraoperative diagnostic ultrasound is often used to pinpoint lesions
requiring resection.
• Bleeding occurs from either vascular inflow (portal vein, hepatic artery)
or venous back bleeding. Branches of the hepatic artery and portal vein
to the segment of the liver to be resected have usually been ligated,
so inflow bleeding should not be a major problem. In practice, the line
of resection often passes through a watershed area between vital and
devitalised tissue. Maintaining a low CVP reduces venous back bleeding
(often difficult in laparoscopic resections). Remaining inflow bleeding
may require intermittent portal vein cross-​clamping (the ‘Pringle
manoeuvre’). This results in a degree of ischaemia–​reperfusion injury
to the remaining liver tissue, and potentially poor postoperative liver
function. This can be minimised by intermittent (rather than continuous)
clamping. A brief period of vascular occlusion followed by reperfusion
before sustained ischaemia (‘preconditioning’) may be beneficial.
Hepatic resection 705

• Resection of tumours located in critical sites of the liver and very

radical liver resections are now possible. The liver is totally excised
and dissected ex vivo/​ex situ following perfusion with an ice-​cold
preservation solution. Healthy parts of the liver are then attached
to the vena cava and reimplanted. This is a prolonged and difficult
procedure and anaesthetically similar to a liver transplant. Venovenous
bypass is sometimes required.20
• Most patients are otherwise relatively fit unless they have parenchymal
liver disease.
• Those who have undergone neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy are at
higher risk as it can deplete functional cardiorespiratory reserves.
• The degree of planned resection plays a major role in modifying the
anaesthetic technique as well as monitoring due to risk of bleeding and
postoperative liver failure.18
• Preoperative assessment should thus be tailored. Apart from routine
investigations for any major surgery, particular attention should be
paid to liver function (including coagulation), Child–​Pugh scoring and
cardiorespiratory function.
• Large-​bore venous access. Arterial line. CVP monitoring may be used,
depending on bleeding risk and predicted need for vasoactive therapy.
Active warming.
• Regular monitoring of blood glucose is essential as there is a risk of
• Thoracic epidural analgesia is utilised to good effect postoperatively,
though there is controversy (but little data) on the risks posed by
postoperative coagulopathy.21 Alternatives are intrathecal opioids, PCA
and wound catheters (or a combination).
• Aim to preserve hepatic blood flow, thus minimising liver injury.
Intubation and IPPV with a volatile agent are the commonest way of
achieving this.
• Isoflurane and sevoflurane may enhance ischaemic preconditioning and
help preserve hepatic function where the Pringle manoeuvre is used.
Fluid and haemodynamic management
• Maintaining a low CVP (<5cmH2O) substantially reduces bleeding. This
approach has dramatically reduced transfusion requirements, with no
reported adverse consequences, despite the theoretically i risk of
an air embolus. A higher CVP target may be necessary to reduce the
risk of renal ischaemia in patients at risk or in those with poor cardiac
• Techniques to lower the venous pressure include pre-resection
fluid restriction, epidural boluses, head-​up tilt and nitrate or diuretic
• Surgical manipulation of the liver can cause significant reductions in
venous return with hypotension. Close communication between the
anaesthetist and the surgeon is essential.

706 Chapter 27 Liver procedures

• Early tranexamic acid decreases transfusion requirements.

• Blood components are required in massive haemorrhage or prolonged
hepatic inflow obstruction or where very little hepatic tissue remains.
Point-​of-​care coagulation testing allows rational treatment. However,
intraoperative coagulopathy is relatively uncommon.
• Peak disturbances in clotting are seen on postoperative d2–​3.
• Patients who have undergone >50% resection should initially be
managed in an HDU for monitoring of liver function and to manage
pain with either epidural or PCA.
• Postoperative liver insufficiency: coagulopathy or encephalopathy may
develop in those who have undergone very major resections. This has
practical implications for the timing of removal of epidural catheters,
etc. which may require FFP cover.
• Postoperative renal dysfunction, hypoglycaemia, sepsis and intra-​
abdominal infections occur more commonly in extensive resections or
high-​risk patients.
• The overall results of radical hepatic resection are very encouraging,
with many cases treated that were previously considered inoperable.
Many remain disease-​free 5y following resection. In those cases where
recurrences arise, further hepatic resection is often possible.
Hepatic resection 707

1 Stanley AJ, Laine L (2019). Management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. BMJ, 364, l536.
2 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2012). Acute upper gastrointes-
tinal bleeding overview. [NICE pathway] M http://​​pathways/​
3 Bennett C, Klingenberg S, Langholz E, et al. (2014). Tranexamic acid for upper gastrointes-
tinal bleeding. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 11, CD006640. M https://​​
4 Vadera S, Yong CWK, Gluud LL, et al. (2019). Band ligation versus no intervention for primary
prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in adults with cirrhosis and oesophageal varices.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 6, CD012673.
5 Chana A, James M, Veale P (2016). Anaesthesia for transjugular intrahepatic porto systemic shunt
insertion. BJA Educ, 16, 405–​9.
6 DeGasperi A, Corti A, Corso R, et al. (2009). Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
(TIPS): the anesthesiological point of view after 150 procedures managed under total intravenous
anesthesia. J Clin Monit Comput, 23, 341–​6.
7 Pivalizza EG, Gottschalk LI, Cohen A, et al. (1996). Anesthesia for transjugular intrahepatic
portosystemic shunt placement. Anesthesiology, 85, 946.
8 Duncan IC (2004). The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) procedure—​a re-
view. SA J Radiol, 8, 4–​8.
9 Afdhal NH, Curry MP (2010). Early TIPS to improve survival in acute variceal bleeding. N Engl J
Med, 362, 2421–​2.
10 Rajoriya N, Tripathi D (2014). Historical overview and review of current day treatment in the
management of acute variceal haemorrhage. World J Gastroenterol, 20, 6481–​94.
11 García-​Pagán JC, Caca K, Bureau C, et al. (2010). Early use of TIPSS in patients with cirrhosis and
variceal bleeding. N Engl J Med, 362, 2370–​9.
12 NHS Blood and Transplant (2012). Guideline for referral for liver transplant assessment. M http://​​pdf/​advisory_​group_​papers/​LAG/​referral_​for_​transplantation.pdf
13 NHS Blood and Transplant (2019). Annual report on liver transplantation. Report for 2018/​2019
(1 April 2009–​31 March 2019). M https://​​umbraco-​assets-​
14 Trotter JF (2017). Liver transplantation around the world. Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 22, 123–​7.
15 Kashimutt S, Kotze A (2017). Anaesthesia for liver transplantation. BJA Educ, 17, 35–​40.
16 Deshpande R, Chadha RM (2018). Anaesthesia for orthotopic liver transplantation.
Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week 377. M https://​​atotw/​
17 Pretto EA, Biancofiore G, DeWolf A, et al. (2015). Oxford Textbook of Transplant Anaesthesia and
Critical Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
18 Hartog A, Mills G (2009). Anaesthesia for hepatic resection surgery. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care
Pain, 9, 1–​5.
19 Egger ME, Gottumukkala V, Wilks JA, et al. (2017). Anesthetic and operative considerations for
laparoscopic liver resection. Surgery, 161, 1191–​202.
20 Cheng F, Yang Z, Zeng CJ, et al. (2018). Anaesthetic management of modified ex vivo liver resec-
tion and autotransplantation. Ann Transplant, 23, 274–​84.
21 Kelliher L, Jones C, Dickinson M, et al. (2013). Epidural anaesthesia and analgesia for liver resec-
tion. Anaesthesia, 68, 975–​6.
Chapter 28 709

Endocrine surgery
Pete Ford and Peter Valentine
Thyroidectomy 710
Parathyroidectomy 714
Phaeochromocytoma 716
Carcinoid tumours 720

710 Chapter 28 Endocrine surgery

Procedure Removal of all or part of the thyroid gland
Time 1–​2h, depending on complexity
Pain +/​++
Position Shoulder bolster and head ring. Head-​up tilt
Blood loss Usually minimal. Potentially major if retro-
sternal extension
Practical techniques IPPV + reinforced ETT

General considerations
(See also % pp. 223–5.)
• Complexity can vary from removal of a thyroid nodule to removal of a
long-​standing retrosternal goitre to relieve tracheal compression.
• Retrosternal goitre is usually excised through a standard incision, but
occasionally a sternotomy is required.
• Recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands may be damaged or
• Straightforward unilateral surgery can be performed under superficial
and deep cervical plexus block, but GA is usual (see % p. 1118).
• Ensure that the patient is as near euthyroid as possible (see %
pp. 223–5).
• Check for complications associated with hyperthyroidism: AF,
tachycardia, proptosis.
• Acute preparation of thyrotoxic patients involves iodine and
glucocorticoid—​both inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 and narrow the
window (7–​10d) for surgery, necessitating joint management with the
surgeon and endocrinologist.
• Check biopsy histology for malignancy.
• Ask about duration of goitre. Long-​standing compression of the trachea
may be associated with tracheomalacia.
• Ask about positional breathlessness. Assess the airway.
• Examine the neck. How big is the goitre? Consistency: malignant goitres
are hard. Can you feel below the gland (retrosternal spread)? Is there
evidence of tracheal deviation (check the radiograph)?
• Look for signs of SVC obstruction: distended neck veins that do not
vary with the respiratory cycle.
• Listen for stridor.
• Check the range of neck movements preoperatively, and do not extend
them outside of their normal range during surgery.
• Preoperative paracetamol/​NSAIDs (PO or PR) help postoperative pain
• FBC, U&E, Ca2+ and thyroid function tests are routine.
• Chest radiograph. Check for tracheal deviation and narrowing. Thoracic
inlet views may be necessary if retrosternal extension is suspected,
Thyroidectomy 711

and to detect tracheal compression in the anterior–​posterior plane

(retrosternal enlargement may be asymptomatic).
• CT scan accurately delineates the site and degree of airway
encroachment or intraluminal spread. Advisable if there are symptoms
of narrowing (e.g. stridor, positional breathlessness) or >50% narrowing
on the radiograph. Plain radiographs overestimate diameters, due to
magnification effects, and cannot be relied on when predicting ETT
diameter and length. Furthermore, a CT scan will help assess the degree
of retrosternal extension.
• ENT consultation to document cord function for medicolegal
purposes is not routine in all units, unless an abnormality is likely, e.g.
previous surgery and malignancy. Pre-​existing cord dysfunction may
be asymptomatic. Fibreoptic examination also defines any possible
laryngeal displacement (useful in airway planning). Look for photographs
or diagrams in notes.
Airway planning
• The majority of cases are straightforward, even when there is some
tracheal deviation or compression. A reinforced ETT will negotiate
most distorted tracheas and permit optimal head positioning. Tracheal
compression by a benign goitre will often accommodate an ETT
beyond the predicted size, as the gland is soft. Preoxygenation should
be followed by IV induction and a neuromuscular-​blocking drug (after
checking that the lungs can be inflated manually).
• The following features should lead to a more considered approach and
may require discussion with the surgeon and radiologist:
• Malignancy. Cord palsies are likely. Distortion and rigidity of
surrounding structures. Possibility of intraluminal spread. The larynx
may be displaced. The tumour can produce obstruction anywhere
from the glottis to the carina.
• Significant respiratory symptoms or >50% narrowing on chest
radiograph or lateral thoracic inlet view.
• Coexisting predictors of difficult intubation.

Options to secure the airway for complicated thyroid

• Teamwork between the anaesthetist and the surgeon is the key to
successful and safe airway management.
• Inhalational induction with sevoflurane in patients with stridor and a
suspected difficult upper airway. Stridor and d minute ventilation delay
the onset of sufficiently deep anaesthesia for intubation. Topical LA may
be useful.
• Fibreoptic intubation (see % pp. 393–6). Attempts to pass a fibreoptic
bronchoscope in an awake patient with stridor are difficult, as the
narrowed airway may become obstructed by the instrument. May be
useful where there is marked displacement of the larynx or coexisting
difficulties with intubation, e.g. ankylosing spondylitis.
• An SGA may be difficult to place in patients with laryngeal displacement.

712 Chapter 28 Endocrine surgery

• Tracheostomy under LA. This will only be possible if the tracheostomy

can be easily performed below the level of obstruction.
• Ventilation through a rigid bronchoscope is a backup option when
attempts to pass an ETT fail. The surgeon and necessary equipment
should be immediately available for complex cases, particularly those
involving significant mid-​to lower tracheal narrowing.
• ‘Plan C’ of the difficult airway algorithm (perform a cricothyroid
puncture) may not be an option.
• Eye padding, lubrication and tape are important, especially if the patient
has exophthalmos.
• Tracheal manipulation during surgery can be very stimulating. Full
relaxation or use of remifentanil should be used to prevent coughing
during surgery.
• Electrophysiological monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerves is now
common intraoperatively, using specialised reinforced ETTs with EMG
capability. Neuromuscular-​blocking drugs should therefore be avoided
during maintenance of anaesthesia.
• Securely fix the ETT with tape, avoiding ties around the neck. Access to
check the tube is difficult during the procedure.
• Head and neck extension with slight head-​up tilt.
• Consider a superficial cervical plexus block for postoperative analgesia.
Some surgeons infiltrate SC with LA and adrenaline before starting. LA
at the end can produce spurious nerve palsies (see % p. 1118).
• Arms to sides, IV extension.
• Communicate with the surgeon if there are excessive airway pressures
during manipulation of the trachea. Obstruction may be due to airway
manipulation distal to the tube or the bevel of the tube abutting on the
• Monitor muscle relaxation on the leg.
• In cases of long-​standing goitre, some surgeons like to feel the
trachea before closing to assess tracheomalacia. They may ask for
partial withdrawal of the ETT, so that the tip is just proximal to the
operative site.
• At the end of surgery, reverse the muscle relaxant and extubate with
the patient sitting up to reduce venous compression. Use an extubation
technique that minimises coughing to reduce early 2° haemorrhage.
This might include waking up on remifentanil. Any respiratory difficulty
should lead to immediate reintubation. The traditional practice of
inspecting the cords immediately following extubation is difficult and
unreliable. Possible cord dysfunction and postoperative tracheomalacia
are better assessed with the patient awake and sitting up in the
recovery room.
• Intermittent opioids with PO/​PR paracetamol and NSAIDs.
• The opioid requirement is reduced with SC infiltration and superficial
cervical plexus block.
• Use fibreoptic nasendoscopy if there is doubt about recurrent laryngeal
nerve injury.
Thyroidectomy 713

Postoperative stridor
• Haemorrhage with tense swelling of the neck. Remove clips from the
skin, and sutures from the platysma/​strap muscles to remove the clot.
In extremis, this should be done at the bedside. Otherwise return to
theatre without delay. A haematoma will affect lymphatic and venous
drainage of the upper airway, causing laryngeal and pharyngeal oedema.
Removing the haematoma will not always restore airway patency
immediately. IV dexamethasone and nebulised adrenaline may help
• Tracheomalacia. Long-​standing large goitres may cause tracheal collapse.
This is a very rare complication. Immediate reintubation, followed by
tracheostomy, may be necessary.
• Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsies. This may present with
respiratory difficulty immediately postoperatively or after a variable
period. Stridor may only occur when the patient becomes agitated.
Assess by fibreoptic nasendoscopy. May require tracheostomy.
Other postoperative complications
• Hypocalcaemia from parathyroid removal is rare. Serum Ca2+ should be
checked at 24h, and again daily if low.
• Presentation: may present with signs of neuromuscular excitability,
tingling around the mouth or tetany. May progress to fits or ventricular
• Diagnosis: carpopedal spasm (flexed wrists, fingers drawn together)
may be precipitated by cuff inflation (Trousseau’s sign). Tapping over the
facial nerve at the parotid may cause facial twitching (Chvostek’s sign).
Prolonged QT interval on ECG.
• Treatment: serum Ca2+ below 2mmol/​L should be treated urgently with
10mL of 10% calcium gluconate over 3min plus alfacalcidol 1–​5g PO
(calcium gluconate is preferable, as calcium chloride will cause tissue
necrosis if extravasation occurs). Check the level after 4h, and consider
Ca2+ infusion if still low. If hypocalcaemic, but level above 2mmol/​L,
treat with PO Ca2+ supplements (see also % p. 227).
Thyroid crisis
(See % pp. 224–5.)
Pneumothorax is possible if there has been retrosternal dissection.
Further reading
Dempsey GA, Snell JA, Coathup R, et al. (2013). Anaesthesia for massive retrosternal thyroidectomy
in a tertiary referral centre. Br J Anaesth, 111, 594–​9.
Cook TM, Morgan PJ, Hersch PE (2011). Equal and opposite expert opinion. Airway obstruction
caused by a retrosternal thyroid mass: management and prospective international expert opinion.
Anaesthesia, 66, 828–​36.
Farling PA (2000). Thyroid disease. Br J Anaesth, 85, 15–​28.

714 Chapter 28 Endocrine surgery

Procedure Removal of solitary adenoma or four glands for
Time 1–​3h
Pain +/​++
Position Shoulder bolster and head ring. Head-​up tilt
Blood loss Usually minimal
Practical techniques IPPV + ETT

General considerations
(See % p. 226.)
• Usual indication for operation is 1° hyperparathyroidism from
parathyroid adenoma.
• With preoperative localisation, removal of simple adenoma has been
described using sedation and LA. GA is more usual.
• Carcinoma may require en bloc dissection.
• Total parathyroidectomy may also be performed in 2°
hyperparathyroidism associated with CKD.
• Hypercalcaemia may produce significant debility, particularly in the
Hypercalcaemia is usual. With moderate elevation, ensure adequate hydra-
tion with 0.9% sodium chloride. Levels over 3mmol/​L should be corrected
before surgery, as follows:
• Urinary catheter
• One litre of 0.9% sodium chloride in the 1st hour, then 4–​6L over 24h
• Pamidronate 60mg in 500mL of 0.9% sodium chloride over 4h
• Watch for fluid overload—​CVP measurement may be necessary.
Monitor electrolytes, including Mg2+, phosphate and K+.
Severe hypercalcaemia may occasionally necessitate emergency surgery. It
may cause arrhythmias and may antagonise the effects of NDMRs.
• Preoperative imaging using ultrasound and technetium-​99m sestamibi
scanning may be used to localise parathyroid adenomas, allowing a
minimal access or targeted approach with a 2cm incision over the
suspected gland.
• 2° hyperparathyroidism occurs 2° to low serum Ca2+ in CKD. In this
• Total parathyroidectomy may be required. Control afterwards is
easier if no functioning parathyroid tissue is left.
• Dialysis will be required preoperatively.
• The risk of bleeding is i.
• Alfacalcidol is usually started preoperatively.
• 1° hyperparathyroidism has been associated with an i risk of death
from CVS disease, hypertension, LVH, valvular and myocardial
calcifications, impaired vascular reactivity, alterations in cardiac
conduction, impaired glucose metabolism and dyslipidaemia. PTH has
serious consequences on cardiac function in renal failure.
Parathyroidectomy 715

• A less utilised technique these days is to use methylthioninium chloride

(methylene blue) to highlight the parathyroid glands. Most useful in
four-​gland hyperplasia; parathyroids are highly vascular and take up
the dye faster than surrounding tissues. If given too early, however, the
effect is lost, as the surrounding tissue colours. The usual dose is 5mg/​
kg, diluted in 500mL, given over 1h prior to surgery. Complications
include restlessness, paraesthesiae, burning sensation, chest pain,
dizziness, headache and mental confusion. SpO2 will not be accurate if
the infusion is too fast.
• Similar anaesthetic considerations to thyroid surgery. Airway
encroachment is not usually a problem.
• Operation times may be unpredictable, especially if frozen section or
parathyroid assays are performed. Consider active heat conservation.
• Point-​of-​care PTH assays are available, making intraoperative
measurement of PTH possible in minimally invasive or targeted surgery,
thereby allowing a rapid assessment of success intraoperatively.
• Extubation requires a cough-​free technique, reducing the incidence of
early 2° haemorrhage.
• Serum Ca2+ checked at 6h and 24h. Hypocalcaemia may occur (for
diagnosis and treatment, see % p. 713). Continuation of alfacalcidol
in 2° hyperparathyroidism lessens the chance of hypocalcaemia
• Perform fibreoptic nasendoscopy if recurrent laryngeal nerve damage is
• Pain not usually severe, especially with LA infiltration or superficial
cervical plexus blocks. PR paracetamol is useful. Avoid NSAIDs in
patients with poor renal function.
Further reading
Mihai R, Farndon JR (2000). Parathyroid disease and calcium metabolism. Br J Anaesth, 85, 29–​43.

716 Chapter 28 Endocrine surgery

Procedure Removal of one or two adrenals or extra-​adrenal tumour
Time 1–​2h open, possibly longer if laparoscopic
Pain +/​++ (depending if open or laparoscopic)
Position Lateral or supine for open, lateral for laparoscopic
Blood loss Variable
Practical IPPV + ETT, arterial and CVP lines ± CO monitor

• Tumours of chromaffin cells secreting noradrenaline (commonest),

adrenaline or dopamine (least common). May secrete >1 amine.
• May secrete other substances, e.g. VIP, ACTH.
• Ninety-​nine per cent occur in adrenals; 10% are bilateral; may be
anywhere along the sympathetic chain from the base of the skull to the
• Most are benign; a few are malignant.
• Occur in all age groups, less commonly in children.
• Can occur in association with MEN2A (medullary thyroid carcinoma,
parathyroid adenomas) and MEN2B (medullary thyroid carcinoma and
Marfanoid features). Both have abnormalities of the RET oncogene on
chromosome 10.
• Also found in patients with neurofibromatosis 1 and von Hippel–​Lindau
• Hypertension can be constant, intermittent or insignificant.
• Association of palpitations, sweating and headache with hypertension
has a high predictive value.
• Anxiety, nausea and vomiting, weakness and lethargy are also common
• Acute presentations include pulmonary oedema, MI and
cerebrovascular episodes.
• Can present perioperatively. Unless the diagnosis is considered and
appropriate treatment instituted, the mortality rate is high—​up to 50%.
• Clinical suspicion.
• With i genetic testing of families, more patients are being diagnosed
before they become symptomatic (up to 30% familial).
• Urinary catecholamines or their metabolites (metadrenaline and
normetadrenaline) measured either over 24h or overnight.
• CT radiocontrast may provoke phaeochromocytoma crises, and its use
must be avoided in unblocked patients. Modern contrast agents may
be used.
• MIBG (meta-​iodobenzylguanidine) scan: a radiolabelled isotope of
iodine taken up by chromaffin tissue.
• MRI.
• Search in the abdomen first, and widen the search if tumour not
located. MIBG is particularly helpful in revealing unusual sites.
Phaeochromocytoma 717

Investigations relevant to anaesthesia

• Echocardiography: patients with a history of ischaemia or signs of heart
failure require cardiac echocardiography. Rarely, patients can present
with a catecholamine cardiomyopathy.
• Blood glucose: excess catecholamines result in glycogenolysis and insulin
resistance; some patients become frankly diabetic.
• Refer the patient to an experienced team. It is not acceptable to
manage on an occasional basis.
• Usual management is sympathetic blockade with first α-​and then
β-​blocker, if required, for tachycardia (phenoxybenzamine, a non-​
competitive, non-​selective α-​blocker, and then atenolol/​propranolol/​
• Phenoxybenzamine causes postural hypotension, lethargy and nasal
• Whereas α-​blockade is generally considered a necessity, the use of
β-​blockade is more controversial and some anaesthetists will actively
avoid them at the time of surgery.
• Preoperative blockade:
• Allows safe anaesthesia for removal of the tumour
• Prevents hypertensive response to induction of anaesthesia
• Limits surges in BP seen during tumour handling.
• Avoid unopposed β-​blockade; there is a theoretical risk of increasing
vasoconstriction and precipitating a crisis. Although this has been
reported, many patients will already have received β-​blockers for
hypertension before presentation, without adverse effects.
• Prazosin and doxazosin have been used. These are competitive,
selective α1-​blockers. They do not inhibit presynaptic noradrenaline
reuptake and thus avoid the tachycardia seen with non-​selective α-​
blockade. The literature contains reports both in favour and against the
use of selective blockade.
• Calcium channel blockers (particularly nicardipine) have been used.
They inhibit noradrenaline-​mediated Ca2+ influx into smooth muscle but
do not affect catecholamine secretion by the tumour.
• Metirosine is an inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis. It is toxic and not
widely used.
• There are no absolute criteria for fitness for surgery.
Assessment of sympathetic blockade
• Patients will often be admitted a few days prior to surgery to observe
BP control and/​or have had outpatient 24h ambulatory BP monitoring.
• Aim for BP <140/​90mmHg, with HR <100bpm.
• Erect and supine BP and HR. Should exhibit a marked postural drop
>20mmHg, with compensatory tachycardia.
• The duration of blockade is determined by the practicalities of tumour
localisation and scheduling of surgery.
• Blockade is started to treat symptoms, as well as to prepare for surgery.

718 Chapter 28 Endocrine surgery

• Laparoscopic or open adrenalectomy through a midline, transverse or
flank incision (introduction of gas for laparoscopic resection can result
in hypertension in normal subjects, and this may be exaggerated in
patients with phaeochromocytomas).
• Premedication PRN (e.g. temazepam 20–​30mg).
• Monitoring to include direct BP and CVP (triple lumen to allow drug
infusions). Consider CO monitoring in patients with CVS disease and
catecholamine cardiomyopathy.
• Large-​bore IV access.
• Monitor and maintain temperature, particularly during laparoscopic
resection which can be prolonged.
• Induction: avoid agents that release histamine, and thus catecholamines
(use propofol, alfentanil or remifentanil and vecuronium or
• Hypotension is unlikely at induction and can be treated with either
ephedrine, metaraminol or phenylephrine. Due to preoperative α-​
blockade, doses will likely need to be i. Rarely, dilute adrenaline may be
• Maintenance: if using volatile, use isoflurane or sevoflurane. Desflurane
should be avoided, as it can cause sympathetic nervous system
• Consider epidural with opioid and LA for open procedures
(sympathetic blockade will not prevent catecholamine-​induced
vasoconstriction); otherwise fentanyl/​alfentanil/​remifentanil until
tumour removal, when morphine (10–​20mg) can be substituted.
• Nicardipine and Mg2+ are also useful (block catecholamine release,
block receptors and provide direct vasodilation and possibly myocardial
• Mg2+ is started prior to induction, given as a bolus of 2–​4g, and then
continued at a rate of 1–​2g/​h. It is normal for the patient to feel
nauseated with the Mg2+ bolus.
• Surges in BP can occur at induction, with formation of the
pneumoperitoneum and with tumour handling. The fluctuations in
BP tend to be transient, and medication needs to respond in a similar
fashion. Hypertension can be treated in a number of ways: intermittent
2g boluses of Mg2+, boluses of remifentanil, phentolamine, sodium
nitroprusside or labetalol (if associated with tachycardia).
• Control HR at <100bpm with the β-​blocker of choice.
• Once the tumour is resected, BP takes several minutes to decline.
Prevent hypotension by ensuring an adequate preload. Maintain a high
CVP of 10–​15mmHg. Several litres of a crystalloid may be needed.
• Hypotension following resection can be due to low CO or a low
SVR. Treat the former with low-​dose adrenaline, and the latter
with metaraminol or phenylephrine. Vasopressin has been used in
resistant hypotension. Terlipressin 1mg bolus, followed, if required, by
vasopressin, starting at 0.04 units/​min, then titrated to effect.
• It is unusual to require inotropic support by the time the patient is ready
to leave theatre, unless there are coexisting medical problems.
Phaeochromocytoma 719

• Patient should be nursed in ICU/​HDU for 12h.
• Monitor blood glucose. The withdrawal of catecholamine excess can
lead to severe hypoglycaemia.
• If both adrenals are resected, the patient will require steroid support
immediately. Hydrocortisone 100mg bolus in theatre, decreasing to
maintenance dose after surgical stress. Fludrocortisone 0.1mg daily may
be commenced with oral intake.
• Even when only one adrenal is removed, patients may occasionally be
relatively hypoadrenal and require support. If this is suspected (e.g.
unexpectedly low BP), a small dose of hydrocortisone (50mg) will do
no harm, while the result of cortisol estimation is awaited.
Special considerations
• There are many reports of the combination of a newly diagnosed
phaeochromocytoma and pregnancy. Overall mortality is up to 17%.
• Phenoxybenzamine and metoprolol are safe.
• If phaeochromocytoma is diagnosed before mid trimester, it should be
resected at this stage.
• There is high mortality associated with normal delivery; consider lower-​
segment Caesarean section (LSCS), with or without resection of the
phaeochromocytoma at the same procedure.
Management of an unexpected phaeochromocytoma
• Any patient who has unexplained pulmonary oedema, hypertension or
severe unexpected hypotension should prompt consideration of the
diagnosis; however, it can be very difficult. There is no quick available
test to support the diagnosis in the acute situation.
• Once the diagnosis has been considered, if possible, surgery should be
discontinued to allow acute treatment, investigation and blockade prior
to definitive surgery. Attempts to remove the tumour during a crisis
may result in significant morbidity, or even mortality.
• Treatment acutely should consist of vasodilators and IV fluid; this
may be counterintuitive in a patient with severe pulmonary oedema.
The circulating volume in patients with phaeochromocytoma may be
markedly reduced, and vasodilation will result in a profound drop in BP.
GTN can usually be successfully titrated in this situation.
• Patients who present with hypotension have an acutely failing heart due
to profound vasoconstriction. These are the most difficult patients in
whom to make the diagnosis and to treat. Additional catecholamines in
this situation merely fuel the fire but are difficult to resist. The mortality
rate is very high.
Further reading
Subramaniam R (2011). Phaeochromocytomas—​current concepts in diagnosis and management.
Trends Anaesth Crit Care, 1, 104–​10.
James MFM (2010). Adrenal medulla: the anaesthetic management of phaeochromocytoma. In:
James MFM (ed). Anaesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
pp. 149–​69.
Prys-​Roberts C (2000). Phaeochromocytoma—​recent progress in its management. Br J Anaesth,
85, 44–​57.
O’Riordan JA (1997). Pheochromocytomas and anesthesia. Int Anesthesiol Clin, 35, 99–​127.

720 Chapter 28 Endocrine surgery

Carcinoid tumours
Carcinoid tumours are derived from argentaffin cells and produce pep-
tides and amines. They occur in the GI tract (75%), bronchus, pancreas and
gonads. Surgery may be performed to remove the 1° tumour and debulk
liver metastases in carefully selected patients.
Conduct of anaesthesia in patient with carcinoid syndrome
Best managed by centres familiar with the difficulties. Major complications
anticipated include profound swings in BP, fluid and electrolyte shifts and
• Preoperatively treat symptomatically with antidiarrhoeal agents,
bronchodilators, correction of dehydration/​electrolyte imbalance and
treatment of heart failure.
• Preoperatively, some centres will use continuous infusions of octreotide
50–​100 micrograms/​hour; others give 100 micrograms SC tds. Although
schedules vary from weeks (SC) to hours (IVI), both are only of benefit
even if given before surgery to suppress basal amine turnover.
• Avoid factors that may trigger carcinoid crises: anxiety and drugs that
release histamine, e.g. morphine.
• Premedication: anxiolytic (benzodiazepine) and octreotide 50–​500
micrograms SC 1h preoperatively, if not already treated; otherwise
continue with preoperative regime.
• Monitoring should include invasive BP preinduction (both induction
and surgical manipulation of the tumour can cause large swings), CVP,
regular blood glucose and blood gases. CO monitoring will guide fluid
therapy and help in managing hormone-​induced preload and afterload
variations, particularly if cardiac complications present.
• Right heart failure increases hepatic venous congestion which
predisposes to bleeding in liver surgery. Limiting IV fluid initially in these
patients and permitting controlled hypotension may reduce bleeding.
• Consider an epidural. Benefits include a reduced risk of a carcinoid crisis
with d stress response 2° to good analgesia; however, low doses of LA
should be used.
• Give octreotide 100 micrograms IV diluted to 10 micrograms/​mL,
slowly at induction. Prevent pressor response to intubation.
• Suxamethonium has been used safely for RSI, although fasciculations
may theoretically stimulate hormone release by increasing the intra-​
abdominal pressure, so consider rocuronium.
• Maintenance: both TIVA and inhalation techniques have been used
• Octreotide (10–​20 microgram boluses IV) to treat severe hypotension.
• Avoid all histamine-​releasing drugs (atracurium, morphine) and
catecholamines (release serotonin and kallikrein, which activate
• Labetalol, esmolol or ketanserin (5-​HT2 receptor blocker) can be used
for hypertension.
• ICU or HDU is required.
Carcinoid tumours 721

• Patients may wake very slowly (thought to be due to serotonin).

• Hypotensive episodes may occur, as surgery may have reduced, rather
than eliminated, the tumour, thus requiring further IV boluses of
octreotide (10–​20 micrograms).
• Wean octreotide over 7–​10d following tumour resection.
Further reading
Mancuso K, Kaye AD, Boudreaux JP, et al. (2011). Carcinoid syndrome and perioperative anesthetic
considerations. J Clin Anesth, 23, 329–​41.Powell B, Al Mukhtar A, Mills GH (2011). Carcinoid: the
disease and its implications for anaesthesia. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 11, 9–​13.
Chapter 29 723

Urological surgery
Mark Catolico
Cystoscopic procedures 724
Transurethral resection of the prostate 728
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour 731
Open simple prostatectomy and radical prostatectomy 732
Nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy 733
Radical cystectomy 735
Robot-​assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy 737
Percutaneous stone removal 739
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 740
Testicular surgery 741

Jeremy Campbell
Renal transplant 742

See also
% Circumcision/hypospadias repair p. 941
% Orchidopexy p. 942

724 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Cystoscopic procedures
• A large number of urological procedures are performed via the
cystoscope. These include cystoscopy, transurethral resection of the
prostate (TURP), bladder neck incision, transurethral resection of
bladder tumour, ureteroscopy and/​or stone removal or stent insertion.
• The majority of patients are undergoing procedures for benign prostatic
hypertrophy or carcinoma of the bladder. The incidence of both these
conditions increases markedly over 60y, and bladder cancer is smoking-​
related, so patients frequently have CAD and COPD.
• FBC, creatinine and electrolytes should be checked preoperatively,
because bladder cancers can bleed insidiously. Both bladder cancer and
benign prostatic hypertrophy can cause an obstructive uropathy/​renal
impairment, and drugs and the technique should be chosen accordingly.
• Flexible cystoscopy is largely used for diagnostic purposes, does
not require full bladder distension and can normally be performed
under LA. Biopsies can be taken this way, with only a small amount
of discomfort, and skilled surgeons can perform retrograde ureteric
catheterisations. Occasional patients insist on sedation/​GA for flexible
cystoscopy. Midazolam or propofol is ideal.
• Rigid cystoscopy requires GA, due to the scope diameter and the use
of an irrigating solution to distend the bladder and allow visualisation
of the surgical field. If large volumes of irrigant are absorbed, systemic
complications due to fluid overload can result (see % pp. 729–30).
• Spinal anaesthesia works well for rigid cystoscopic procedures and is
commonly used for TURP. Sensory supply to the urethra, prostate,
bladder neck and bladder mucosa is from S2 to S4. Pain from bladder
distension, however, is carried by T10–​L2, so a higher block is required.
Many patients will request sedation. In the elderly population, 1–​2mg of
midazolam is usually adequate. Higher doses may result in loss of airway
control, confusion and restlessness. A low-​dose propofol infusion is an
alternative. Spinal anaesthesia is advantageous for patients with severe
COPD, as long as the patient can lie flat without coughing.
• Either hyperbaric or isobaric bupivacaine can be used. Hyperbaric
bupivacaine usually produces a higher block than the isobaric solution,
especially when the injection is performed with the patient in the lateral
position and then turned supine; 2.5–​3mL of ‘heavy bupivacaine’ 0.5%
usually gives a block to T10. Do not tilt the patient head-​down, unless
the block is not sufficiently high.
• Other short-​acting drugs increase options for effective ambulatory
spinal anaesthesia (level T10 and below); 40–​50mg (4–​5mL) of plain ​
chloroprocaine 1% for procedures of up to 40min, or 40–​60mg (2–​
3mL) of hyperbaric prilocaine 2% for procedures lasting up to 90min.
These options provide more predictable spinal anaesthesia, compared
with bupivacaine, and quicker readiness for discharge (see % Fig. 18.2).
• Patients with chronic chest disease tend to cough on lying flat. During
surgery under regional block, coughing can seriously impair surgical
access. Sedation can help to reduce the cough impulse.
• Patients with spinal cord injuries (see % pp. 303–8) often require
repeated urological procedures. Bladder distension during cystoscopy is
very stimulating and prone to cause autonomic hyperreflexia, so a GA
or spinal is advisable—​check previous anaesthetic charts.
Cystoscopic procedures 725

• Take particular care in positioning elderly patients in lithotomy,

especially those with joint replacements.
• Permanent pacemakers are not normally a problem, even with the
almost continuous diathermy required for TURP, as long as the
diathermy plate is positioned caudally, usually on the thigh.
• Implantable defibrillators can be triggered by the diathermy, so need to
be switched off preoperatively (see % pp. 161–2).
• Penile erection can make cystoscopy difficult and surgery hazardous. It
usually occurs due to surgical stimulation when the depth of anaesthesia
is inadequate, and can usually be managed by deepening anaesthesia. If
the erection still persists, small doses of ketamine can be useful.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis (single dose of an agent with Gram-​negative
cover) is often required, particularly if the patient has an indwelling
urinary catheter, an obstructed ureter and positive results on
preoperative midstream urine (MSU). Gentamicin 3mg/​kg is popular.
• DVT prophylaxis: graduated compression stockings or pneumatic calf
compression devices are generally considered adequate in low-​risk
patients undergoing cystoscopic procedures, as most will mobilise
rapidly following surgery. However, LMWH should also be used
in patients with additional risk factors or those who have recently
undergone other surgery and a period of immobility (see % pp. 273–4).
Postoperative complications of rigid cystoscopic procedures
• Perforation of the bladder can occur and can be difficult to recognise,
especially in the presence of a spinal block, which may mask abdominal
pain. Perforations are classified as extraperitoneal when pain is said to
be maximal in the suprapubic region, and intraperitoneal when there is
generalised abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain due to fluid tracking up
to the diaphragm and signs of peritonism. Intraperitoneal perforations
need fluid resuscitation and urgent surgery to prevent progressive
• Bacteraemia can have a very dramatic onset with signs of profound
septic shock. If the diagnosis is made quickly, there is usually a rapid
response to IV fluids and appropriate antibiotics (e.g. gentamicin single
dose of 3–​5mg/​kg, followed by cefuroxime 750–​1500mg 8-​hourly;
modify according to sensitivities on preoperative MSU). Always
suspect this diagnosis with unexplained hypotension after a seemingly
straightforward urinary tract instrumentation.
• Bladder spasm is a painful, involuntary contraction of the bladder
occurring after any cystoscopic technique, most commonly in patients
who did not have an indwelling catheter preoperatively. Diagnosis is
supported by failure of irrigation fluid to flow freely in and out of the
bladder. It responds poorly to conventional analgesics but is often
eased by small doses of IV benzodiazepine, e.g. diazepam 2.5–​5mg or
hyoscine butylbromide 20mg slow IV or IM.
• Bleeding and fluid overload are dealt with under anaesthesia for TURP
(see % pp. 728–30).

726 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Miscellaneous urological procedures

Table 29.1 presents the important information for those procedures which
are not covered in the individual topics within this chapter.

Table 29.1 Other urological procedures

Operation Description Time Pain Position Blood Notes

(min) (+ to loss/​
++++) X-​match
Uretero- Investigate 20–6​ 0 + Lithotomy Nil LMA + SV.
scopy obstruction, Check renal
remove function.
stones Possible
Insert To relieve 20 + Lithotomy Nil LM + SV.
ureteric ureteric Possible
stent obstruction, antibiotic
using image prophylaxis
Remove Cystoscopy 10–​20 + Lithotomy Nil Awake or
ureteric to retrieve LMA + SV.
stents stent Often possible
with flexible
scope and LA
Insert Trans- 15 + Lithotomy Nil Sedation +
suprapubic cutaneous or supine LA or LMA
catheter insertion of + SV. Often
catheter into frail patients
full bladder with advanced
Bladder Transurethral 15–​30 ++ Lithotomy Nil LMA + SV.
neck diathermy Younger
incision incision of patients than
prostate at TURP
bladder neck
Urethro- Recon- 90–​ ++++ Lithotomy 300–​ ETT + IPPV
plasty struction 240 2000mL ± epidural.
of urethra Beware
narrowed by prolonged
trauma or lithotomy.
infection—​ Consider
very variable epidural for
procedure postoperative
Nesbit’s Straightening 60–​ +++ Supine Nil LMA + SV.
procedure of penile 120 Consider
deformation caudal or
from penile block
Cystoscopic procedures 727

Operation Description Time Pain Position Blood Notes

(min) (+ to loss/​
++++) X-​match
Circum- Excision of 20 ++ Supine Nil LMA + SV
cision foreskin + LA. Penile
block or
caudal useful.
lidocaine gel
to take home.
LA alone
possible in frail
Urethral Stretching 10 + Lithotomy Nil LMA or spinal.
dilation of narrowed or supine Possible
urethra with antibiotic
serial dilators prophylaxis
Urethral Incision 10 + Supine Nil LMA + SV
meatotomy to widen
Orchid- Removal 20–4​ 5 ++ Supine Nil LMA + SV
ectomy of testis—​ + ilioinguinal
through groin block. Need
or scrotum, to block to
depending on T9/​10 if
pathology using regional
due to
Vasectomy Division of 20–4​ 0 ++ Supine Nil LMA + SV.
vas deferens Often under
via scrotal LA
Pyeloplasty Refashioning 90–​ ++++ Lateral 300–​ ETT + IPPV
of obstructed 120 ‘kidney 500mL + epidural/​
renal pelvis position’ PCA. Similar
via loin considerations
incision. as
Children and nephrectomy.
young adults May be
blood loss in
Prostatic Minimally 15–​30 + Lithotomy Nil LMA + SV. LA
urethral lift invasive ± sedation is
‘UroLift®’ treatment possible
implant for benign

728 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Transurethral resection of the prostate

Procedure Cystoscopic resection of the prostate using diathermy
wire—​monopolar/​glycine irrigation being replaced by bi-
polar resectoscopes with 0.9% sodium chloride irrigation
Time 30–​90min, depending on size of the prostate
Pain +
Position Lithotomy ± head-​down
Blood loss Very variable (200–​2000mL), can be profuse and con-
tinue postoperatively; G&S
Practical Spinal ± sedation is method of choice
techniques GA, LMA and SV

• Patients are frequently elderly with coexisting disease and on multiple
• Check creatinine and serum Na+; suggest postponing surgery if Na+ is
significantly low, as this is likely to fall further with absorption of irrigant.
• Heart failure or uncontrolled AF is a particular risk due to fluid
absorption. Aim for optimal medical control preoperatively.
• Assess the mental state and communication—​spinal anaesthesia is
difficult if the patient is confused or deaf.
• Insert a large cannula, and use warmed IV fluids.
• Spinal anaesthesia: in theory, it is easier to detect changes in the mental
state and signs of fluid overload (see % pp. 729–30); shown in some,
but not all, studies to reduce blood loss; 2.5–​3mL of bupivacaine (plain
or hyperbaric) or consider alternative LA solutions (see % Fig. 18.2);
frequent BP check—​hypotension unusual with the above doses but can
occur suddenly; check BP at the end when the legs are down (unmasks
• GA: consider intubation if the patient is very obese or has a history of
reflux; intraoperative fentanyl or morphine plus multimodal analgesia
(paracetamol, NSAID and tramadol/​codeine) are usually adequate;
unusual to need opioids postoperatively.
• Blood loss can be difficult to assess. In theory, can be calculated from
measuring Hb and the volume of discarded irrigation fluid. In practice,
it is more common to visually assess the volume and colour, but this
can be misleading. Checking the patient’s Hb with a bedside device (e.g.
HemoCue®) is useful. Blood loss is generally related to the size and
weight of prostatic tissue excised (normally 15–​60g), the duration of
resection and the expertise of the operator.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis usually required.
• Obturator spasm (see % p. 731).
• Fluid therapy: crystalloid can be used initially. Bear in mind that a
significant volume of hypotonic irrigating fluid may be absorbed, so do
not give excessive volumes and never use glucose. Be ready to transfuse
if the Hb falls below the transfusion trigger.
Transurethral resection of the prostate 729

• Bladder irrigation with 0.9% sodium chloride via a three-​way catheter
continues for 724h, until bleeding is reduced; inadvertent slowing of
irrigation can lead to clot retention.
• There is generally little pain, but discomfort from the catheter or
bladder spasm may be a problem (see % p. 725).
• Severe pain suggests clot retention, bladder spasm or bladder
perforation (see % p. 725).
• Clot retention can give a very distended painful bladder and vagal
symptoms. It requires washout, sometimes under anaesthetic.
• Bleeding can continue and require further surgery; resuscitation may be
• Measure FBC, creatinine and electrolytes the day following surgery.
Special considerations
• Hypothermia may result when large volumes of irrigation fluid are used
(the fluid should be warmed to 37°C).
• If the prostate is very large (>100g), a simple open prostatectomy may
carry fewer complications.
• The risk of complications increases with resection times of >1h. If
a resection is likely to take longer than an hour, consider limiting the
resection to one lobe only, leaving the other to be done at a later date.
• Bipolar TURP has been shown to reduce the overall complication rate,
transfusion rate and TURP syndrome.
Laser TURP and transurethral vaporisation of the prostate
• Several ‘minimally invasive’ techniques using lasers and other forms
of heat have been developed which reduce the prostate size.
These generally cause less bleeding and absorption of fluid so are
sometimes chosen for patients perceived to be at higher risk from
conventional TURP.
• Laser vaporisation techniques can be done under LA on an outpatient
basis. These may be preferred in patients on anticoagulation because of
their haemostatic effect on prostate tissue.
Brachytherapy for localised prostate carcinoma
• This consists of insertion of radioactive pellets through rods positioned
in the prostate under ultrasound control. This is usually done outside of
theatre in the radiotherapy department.
• The patient may require two or more procedures in the same day.
Repeated GAs are possible, but a spinal catheter topped up before each
procedure works well. Consider risks of remote site anaesthesia.
• For a single treatment, a spinal, using 0.5% bupivacaine with fentanyl 15
micrograms, is effective and allows safe transfer to radiotherapy.
TURP syndrome
• A combination of fluid overload and hyponatraemia, which occurs when
large volumes of irrigation fluid are absorbed via open venous sinuses.
• Classic TURP uses monopolar cautery. Therefore, non-​conductive
(non-​electrolyte) irrigation fluid must be used to allow diathermy
current to be focused and avoid thermal burns. The most commonly
used irrigant is glycine 1.5% in water, which is hypotonic (osmolality

730 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

• Glycine is a non-​essential amino acid which functions as an inhibitory

neurotransmitter, and it is unclear whether glycine toxicity plays a part
in the syndrome. Ammonia is a metabolite of glycine and may also
contribute to CNS disturbance.
• Bipolar TURP has become a more common procedure, which allows
use of isotonic irrigation fluid. Hyponatraemia is far less likely; however,
absorption of large volumes causing overload may still occur. A meta-​
analysis comparing monopolar vs bipolar TURP found that the bipolar
technique eliminated the ‘TURP syndrome’ and had a lower overall
complication rate.
• The most effective way of managing TURP syndrome is through early
detection and prevention.
• Prevention includes avoiding monopolar cautery (non-​isotonic
irrigation), minimising fluid absorption by using low infusion pressures
(bladder pressure <15mmHg), monitoring the quantity of irrigation fluid
absorbed (consider terminating the procedure if >2L fluid deficit) and
limiting the duration of surgery.
• Signs of pulmonary oedema, cerebral oedema and hyponatraemia are the
usual presenting features. Choosing regional anaesthesia allows for early
• Early symptoms include restlessness, headache and tachypnoea, and
these may progress to respiratory distress, hypoxia, frank pulmonary
oedema, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, confusion, convulsions
and coma. In the anaesthetised patient, the only evidence may be
tachycardia and hypertension. Rapid absorption of a large volume can
lead to reflex bradycardia. Hypotension can also occur. The diagnosis
can be confirmed by low serum Na+. An acute fall to <120mmol/​L is
always symptomatic. A quick check of Na+ is often possible by checking
an ABG (use venous blood, unless concerned about acid/​base balance).
• If detected intraoperatively, notify the surgeon; bleeding points should
be coagulated, surgery terminated as soon as possible and IV fluids
stopped. Give furosemide 20–​40mg, and check serum Na+ and Hb.
Support respiration with O2 or intubation and ventilation, if required.
Administer IV anticonvulsants, if fitting.
• Both severe acute hyponatraemia and overly rapid correction of
chronic hyponatraemia can result in permanent neurological damage
(most commonly central pontine myelinolysis).
• If serum Na+ remains >120mmol/​L, fluid restriction should suffice.
If <120mmol/​L and associated with neurological signs, consider
giving hypertonic sodium chloride (1.8–​3%) to restore Na+ to around
125mmol/​L (see % p. 242). Give 1.2–​2.4mL/​kg/​h of 3% sodium
chloride until symptomatic improvement. Correction should ideally
not be faster than 1.5–​2mmol/​L/​h for 3–​4h, then 1mmol/​L/​h until
symptomatic improvement or Na+ >125mmol/​L. Maximum rise should
not exceed 12mmol/​L in 24h.
• Beware of compounding effects on Na+ by other simultaneous
treatments (diuretics, colloids, etc.).
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour 731

Transurethral resection of bladder

Procedure Cystoscopic diathermy resection of bladder tumour
Time 10–​40min
Pain +/​++ and bladder spasm
Position Lithotomy
Blood loss 0 to >500mL
Practical GA with LMA; spinal ± sedation

• Slow-​growing tumours of the bladder epithelium are common in the
elderly. They are best managed by periodic resection of the tumours
within the bladder, rather than aggressive complete removal.
• Commonest in smokers; check for CAD and COPD.
• Check Hb; chronic blood loss is common.
• Check renal function.
• Refer to previous anaesthetic charts; many patients have repeated
• Obturator spasm occurs when the obturator nerve, which runs
adjacent to the lateral walls of the bladder, is directly stimulated by
the diathermy current. It causes adduction of the leg and can seriously
impair surgical access and increase the risk of bladder perforation. It can
usually be controlled by reducing the diathermy current or intermittent
use of NMBAs.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis.
• Pain can be a problem with extensive resections; NSAIDs are useful
(check renal function) and oral opioids may be needed.
• Bladder spasm is common (see % p. 725).
Special considerations
• If using a spinal anaesthetic, ensure block to above T10 (see % pp. 724–6).

732 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Open simple prostatectomy and radical

Procedure Simple retropubic (Millen procedure): open excision of
grossly hypertrophied benign prostate shelled out of cap-
sule; radical retropubic: open complete excision of malig-
nant prostate and pelvic lymph nodes with anastomosis
Time 60–​120min (simple); 120–​180min (radical)
Pain +++/​++++
Position Supine
Blood loss 300–​1000mL (simple); 500–​2000mL (radical)
X-​match 2 units, and use cell salvage if available
Practical ETT, IPPV, remifentanil ± rectus sheath catheters ± PCA

• Simple prostatectomy is usually carried out in elderly men and can be
treated as TURP.
• Radical: patients are selected if relatively young and medically fit.
• Check renal function.
• Consider COX-​2 selective inhibitors, gabapentinoids and
dexamethasone as preoperative analgesic interventions.
• Consider HDU bed for radical prostatectomy, depending on local
practice and medical factors.
• Prepare for major blood loss with a large IV cannula, blood warmer,
forced air warming blanket, etc.
• A Pfannenstiel-​type incision is used for simple, and lower midline for
radical, prostatectomy.
• Consider using an arterial line and CVP line or CO monitoring,
particularly in patients with CVS disease.
• Ensure blood is available, and reorder intraoperatively, as necessary.
• Cell salvage techniques can be useful where blood loss is expected to
be substantial (radical prostatectomy).
• Air embolism is a possible complication.
• Epidural analgesia is no longer recommended (see the European Society
of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy’s PROSPECT reference, %
Further reading, p. 744).
• Consider using remifentanil infusion intraoperatively.
• For open prostatectomy, LA wound infiltration administered at the end
of surgery is recommended. Lidocaine infusion is recommended for
radical prostatectomy. PCA may be a useful alternative.
Nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy 733

Nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy

Procedure Excision of kidney for tumour, other pathologies or
live donor
Time 1–​2.5h
Pain +++/​++++
Position Supine or lateral (kidney position)
Blood loss Depends on pathology, 300 to >3000mL. G&S/​
X-​match, as required
Practical techniques ETT + IPPV ± thoracic epidural or wound infiltra-
tion catheter

• Ascertain the pathology and surgical incision planned before deciding on
the technique and monitoring.
• Check Hb; renal tumours can cause anaemia without blood loss.
• Check BP and renal function; ‘non-​functioning’ kidney or renovascular
disease is associated with renal impairment and hypertension.
• Consider cell salvage intraoperatively.
• Check serum electrolytes; renal tumours can cause inappropriate ADH
• Check the chest radiograph if there is a tumour; there may be
metastases, pleural effusions, etc.
• Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an option for patients with small
cortical tumours (<3cm), and those who present a high surgical risk or
have compromised renal function.
• Nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy can be carried out via open,
laparoscopic or robot-​assisted laparoscopic approaches.
• For large tumours and polycystic kidneys, surgical practice in the UK
is an open laparotomy via a paramedian or transverse incision for a
tumour, and a loin incision with a retroperitoneal approach for other
pathologies or donor nephrectomy.
• Loin incision requires the ‘kidney position’, i.e. lateral with the patient
extended over a break in the table. A marked fall in BP is common on
assuming this position due to reduced venous return from the legs and
possible IVC compression. Further compression during surgery may
result in a severe reduction in venous return and CO.
• Ask the surgeon about the predicted extent of surgery; a large tumour
may necessitate extensive dissection, possibly via a thoracotomy, or
opening of the IVC to resect tumour margins, in which case sudden,
torrential blood loss is possible. Occasionally, the IVC is temporarily
clamped to allow dissection and to control haemorrhage; this gives a
sudden fall in CO. Inform the surgeon if BP falls suddenly; have fluids
and blood checked and available to infuse immediately under pressure,
and have a vasoconstrictor or an inotrope, such as metaraminol or
ephedrine, prepared.

734 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

• Use large IV cannulae, blood warmer, central venous line and arterial
line if the procedure is anything other than an uncomplicated, non-​
malignant nephrectomy or a small isolated tumour.
• If an epidural is used, a high block will be required postoperatively, but
use it cautiously intraoperatively until bleeding is under control.
• All approaches are painful; epidurals are useful but need to cover up to
T7/​8 for a loin incision. Rectus sheath catheters may be useful for the
anterior approach. PCA or an opioid infusion is an alternative.
• Intercostal blocks will give analgesia for several hours after a loin
• Wound infiltration catheters have also proved very effective.
• NSAIDs are useful if renal function is good postoperatively and the
patient is not hypovolaemic. Use cautiously.
• Monitor hourly urine output.
Partial nephrectomy
• Recommended as the preferred option in organ-​confined tumours
measuring up to 7cm.
• Blood loss can be large, as vessels are more difficult to control.
• Some surgeons suggest the administration of mannitol 12.5g,
furosemide 10mg and/​or heparin 3000 units before clamping of the
renal artery in an attempt to maintain renal perfusion and minimise
ischaemia. Cooling with ice can also be used.
• If the renal function is markedly impaired preoperatively, optimisation
of fluid balance throughout the perioperative period is extremely
important. Admission to HDU postoperatively should be considered.
Radical cystectomy 735

Radical cystectomy
Procedure Excision of bladder plus urinary diversion procedure (e.g.
ileal conduit) or neobladder reconstruction (orthotopic
bladder formation)
Time 3–​5h (longer with bladder reconstruction)
Pain ++++
Position Lithotomy plus head-​down
Blood loss 700 to >3000mL, X-​match 4 units, use cell salvage
Practical ETT, IPPV, arterial line ± oesophageal Doppler/​CVP ±
techniques rectus sheath catheters/​PCA/​epidural

• Consider the use of an ‘enhanced recovery pathway’.
• Check for IHD/​COPD, plus renal function and FBC.
• Book an HDU bed, depending on local practice/​coexisting problems.
• Ensure thromboprophylaxis is prescribed.
• The commonest postoperative problem is prolonged ileus, which
contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality, and several of the
measures recommended are thought to reduce its incidence.
• Prepare for major blood loss; large IV cannulae, blood warmer, CVP or
oesophageal Doppler CO and direct arterial monitoring are routine.
Ensure blood is available, and reorder intraoperatively, as necessary.
Consider autotransfusion intraoperatively. If blood salvage is used,
discontinue it when the bowel is opened.
• If rectus sheath catheters are to be used, insert after induction. Surgical
incision is subumbilical midline and does not permit easy placement of
catheters during surgery.
• Remifentanil infusion gives stable anaesthesia and controllable BP; mild
hypotension can aid surgery by reducing blood loss.
• Epidurals are now used infrequently, but if placed, use cautiously
intraoperatively; there will be plenty of time after the main blood-​losing
episode to establish an adequate block.
• Take measures to prevent heat loss, e.g. forced air warming blanket.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis as for bowel resection.
• Use of NGTs is now rare; ask the surgeon if specifically required.
• Blood loss can be insidious from pelvic venous plexuses; consider
weighing swabs.
• Air embolism is a possible complication, as in any major pelvic surgery.
• Rectus sheath catheters (for up to 5d), with or without a PCA,
have proven very effective. Visceral pain tends to last for 24–​36h
postoperatively, requiring parenteral opioids. This technique enables
early mobilisation, return of bowel function and d postoperative ileus/​
length of hospital stay. There is some evidence that anastomotic leak
is i with the use of NSAIDs, so use cautiously after checking the renal

736 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

• Use CVP/​urine output to guide fluid replacement; requirements are

usually large due to intraperitoneal loss and ileus.
• Urine output via a new ileal conduit is difficult to monitor, as drainage
tends to be positional. Following orthotopic reconstruction, urine drains
from a number of different catheters so needs to be calculated each
hour to monitor output.
• Early feeding, as part of enhanced recovery, may be associated with a
reduced incidence of certain postoperative complications.
• Leakage from a ureteric anastomosis may present as urine in the
abdominal drain; confirm by comparing biochemistry of the drainage
fluid and urine from the conduit.
Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy 737

Robot-​assisted laparoscopic
(See % pp. 480–2.)

Procedure Robot-​assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy

Time 120–​180min
Pain +/​++
Position Lithotomy with steep Trendelenburg
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV, remifentanil, arterial line

• The commonest use of surgical robots to date is in urology, mostly for
radical prostatectomy (robot-​assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy).
• Advantages to the patient may include a reduction in blood loss, pain
and length of stay ± a reduced incidence of incontinence and erectile
• Advantages to the surgeon over conventional laparoscopy include
provision of 3D vision, filtration of any hand tremor, scaling of hand
movements, greater range of movements within the patient and a
comfortable and stable position.
• Positioning of the patient is important. Long operative times with steep
head-​down tilt have been associated with:
• Neurapraxia (especially brachial). Take care with positioning, and use
shoulder brace. Do not hyperextend the legs in lithotomy.
• Facial/​airway oedema and stridor.
• Acid burns to eyes and oral ulceration due to reflux of gastric acid.
Premedicate with a PPI (omeprazole 40mg); consider an OGT (not
NGT due to epistaxis risk) and throat pack, and protect the eyes with
lubricating ophthalmic ointment/​pads.
• i ICP (exacerbated by hypercapnia) and i IOP (beware patients with
• Insert ETT as short as possible (risk of endobronchial intubation), and
tape in position to minimise cerebral venous obstruction.
• Access to the patient is poor, so ensure reliable, large-​bore venous
access on the left side because of robot arm positioning.
• Robotic equipment is locked in position once inserted into the
abdomen, so any inadvertent patient movement can cause grave
surgical complications. A remifentanil infusion works well and allows
intermittent boluses of muscle relaxant only as required.
• Avoid using N2O.
• Communicating with the surgeon may be difficult due to the bulk and
space required for the equipment. The team needs to be familiar with
the audio equipment and also able to undock and remove the robot
quickly in case of an emergency requiring resuscitation.
• Large urine output can interfere with the surgical field; use minimal IV
fluid (<1000mL) until anastomosis is complete (may also reduce the risk
of airway oedema).

738 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

• Perform leak test prior to extubation to assess airway swelling.
• Cerebral oedema may be problematic. A short-​acting volatile agent
with remifentanil allows rapid assessment of the conscious level
postoperatively. Most patients experience a degree of cerebral irritation
or agitation initially on wakening.
• Postoperative pain is considerably less than for open procedures but
can still be severe enough to require opioid analgesia for a short period,
in addition to simple analgesics. In some institutions, use of intrathecal
diamorphine up to 1mg is commonly used.
Percutaneous stone removal 739

Percutaneous stone removal

Procedure Endoscopic excision of renal stone via
Time 60–​90min
Pain ++/​+++
Position Prone oblique
Blood loss Variable, 0–​1000mL
Practical techniques ETT and IPPV

• Usually healthy young and middle-​aged adults, but stones may be due to
an underlying metabolic problem or due to bladder dysfunction from a
neurological disability.
• Check renal function.
• Patient initially in the lithotomy position to insert ureteric stents, then
turned semi-​prone to place nephrostomy posterolaterally below the
12th rib, under radiographic control—​be aware of the potential to
dislodge lines and for pressure area damage.
• Consider a reinforced ETT to prevent kinking, and secure well. The
head needs to be turned toward the operative side, so it is best to
position the ETT in the same side of the mouth.
• Support the chest and pelvis to allow abdominal excursion with
• Support and pad the head, arms and lower legs, and pad the eyes.
• Check ventilation during and after position changes.
• Ventilation may need to be temporarily interrupted for radiographs.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis may be required.
• Pain from nephrostomy is variable.
• Multimodal: paracetamol, NSAIDs (check renal function), PCA
morphine or PO tramadol.
Special considerations
• Hypothermia can occur if large volumes of irrigation fluid are used.
• Insertion of nephrostomy is often close to the diaphragm, with
the possibility of breaching the pleura, causing a pneumothorax or
hydrothorax—​if in doubt, perform a CXR postoperatively.
• Rupture of the renal pelvis is a recognised complication, when large
volumes of irrigant may enter the retroperitoneal space.
• Postoperative Gram-​negative septicaemia is a significant risk after any
urinary tract surgery for stones (see % pp. 1035–9).

740 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

Procedure Non-​invasive fragmentation of renal stones using
pulsed ultrasound
Time 20–​40min
Pain +/​++
Blood loss Nil
Practical techniques Sedation for adults. GA/​LMA for children

In the early days of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, patients were sus-
pended in a water bath in a semi-​sitting position, which produced a number
of problems for the anaesthetist. Developments in the 1980s meant that
a water bath was no longer required, and more recent refinements of the
ultrasound beam have made it less uncomfortable, so that, with most cur-
rent lithotripters, only few patients need anaesthesia or sedation.
• Patients often undergo repeated lithotripsy, so refer to previous
treatment records where possible.
• Premedication with paracetamol/​NSAIDs (note renal function) is
usually effective for treatment.
• Lateral position with arms above the head.
• Renal stones are located using ultrasound or an image intensifier, and
the shock wave focused on the stones.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis may be required.
Mild discomfort only; oral analgesics or NSAIDs are adequate.
Special considerations
• Shock wave can cause occasional dysrhythmias, which are usually
self-​limiting. If persistent, the shock waves can be delivered in time
with the ECG (refractory period). Judicious use of anticholinergics
(glycopyrronium 200 micrograms) will increase the HR and increase the
frequency of delivered shock.
• Pacemakers can be deprogrammed by the shock wave; seek advice
from a pacemaker technician.
• Energy from shock waves is released when they meet an air/​water
interface. It is advisable to use 0.9% sodium chloride, rather than air, for
‘loss of resistance’ if siting an epidural.
Testicular surgery 741

Testicular surgery
Procedure Removal/​biopsy of testis, marsupialisation of hydrocele,
vasectomy, testicular torsion
Time 30min to 1h
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine
Blood loss Not significant
Practical GA, LMA, spermatic cord block. RSI/​ETT if emergency
techniques (e.g. torsion). Spinal or LA infiltration

• Often suitable for day surgery.
• Beware vagal responses—​have atropine ready.
Special considerations
• Innervation of testes and scrotum: somatic innervation is via the
ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, pudendal and posterior scrotal nerves
(branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh) with nerve
root contributions from L1 to S3. Autonomic innervation is from the
sympathetic chain T10–​L4 and the parasympathetic plexus S1–​S3. Local
techniques therefore need to cover T10–​S3.
• A spermatic cord block can be used as an adjunct to GA or as part of a
local technique for scrotal surgery. The block covers all nerves, except
the pudendal and posterior scrotal branches. If used as part of an LA
technique, supplemental infiltration of the scrotal skin is also required.
• The spermatic cord is best blocked under direct vision by the surgeon.
However, if a local technique is planned, feel for the spermatic cord as it
enters the top of the scrotum, and infiltrate 5–​10mL of LA around it.

742 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Renal transplant
Procedure Transplantation of cadaveric or live donor organ
Time 90–​180min
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine
Blood loss Not significant to 500mL
Practical ETT and IPPV, CVP

• Usual problems relate to CKD and uraemia (see % pp. 193–5).
• Chronic anaemia is common (Hb usually around 80-100g/L). Do not
transfuse to normal levels.
• IHD is common and should be assessed and treated during workup for
• There has often been recent haemodialysis. Therefore, some degree of
hypovolaemia is common.
• Check post-​dialysis bloods, including K+.
• Avoid A–​V fistulae when placing IV cannulae and BP cuff. Avoid using
antecubital veins or veins on the radial side of the wrist, if possible (they
may be needed for future fistulae).
• Gently fluid-​load prior to induction; wide swings in arterial pressure
may occur.
• Commonly used agents that are safe in renal failure include fentanyl,
remifentanil, propofol, atracurium and sevoflurane.
• Consider a central line under ultrasound guidance and monitor CVP.
Avoid the subclavian vein (risk of subclavian stenosis which precludes a
future fistula). Consider an arterial line.
• Prior to graft reperfusion, administer fluids to increase CVP to 12–​
15mmHg and MAP to >80mmHg to optimise perfusion. Ephedrine
and/​or metaraminol may be used cautiously to increase BP if the
patient is optimally filled.
• Maintain normothermia.
• Many centres administer diuretics (e.g. mannitol/​furosemide)
and immunosuppressants (e.g. methylprednisolone) prior to graft
reperfusion. Check local protocols.
• Avoid blood transfusion if possible, although it may be needed if there
is surgical bleeding or Hb <80g/L.
Renal transplant 743

• Regular paracetamol and PCA is usually adequate. A fentanyl PCA
is preferable. Be cautious with morphine due to reduced clearance
and risk of respiratory depression. An epidural/​spinal is not
usually necessary; there is a risk of bleeding on insertion (residual
anticoagulation from haemodialysis, poor platelet function, etc.) and
may cause hypotension. Consider a TAP block.
• Avoid NSAIDs.
• Monitor CVP and urine output hourly. Maintain mild hypervolaemia to
promote diuresis. Many units have protocols.

744 Chapter 29 Urological surgery

Further reading
Morkane CM, Fabes J, Banga NR, Berry PD, Kirwan CJ (2019). Perioperative management of adult
cadaveric and live donor renal transplantation in the UK: a survey of national practice. Clin Kidney
J, 12, 880–​7.
Rattenberry W, Hertling A, Erskine R (2019). Spinal anaesthesia for ambulatory surgery. BJA Educ,
19, 321–​8.
Dutton TJ, Daugherty MQ, Mason RG, McGrath JS (2014). Implementation of the Exeter enhanced
recovery programme for patients undergoing radical cystectomy. BJU Int, 113, 719–​25.
Berger JS, Alshaeri T, Lukula D, Dangerfield P (2013). Anesthetic considerations for robot assisted
gynecologic and urology surgery. J Anesth Clin Res, 4, 1–​7.
Irvine M, Patil V (2009). Anaesthesia for robot-​assisted laparoscopic surgery. Contin Educ Anaesth
Crit Care Pain, 9, 125–​9.
O’Donnell AM, Foo ITH (2009). Anaesthesia for transurethral resection of the prostate. Contin Educ
Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 9, 92–​6.
Issa MM (2008). Technological advances in transurethral resection of the prostate: bipolar versus
monopolar TURP. J Endourol, 22, 1587.
Maffezzini M, Campodonico F, Canepa G, Gerbi G, Parodi D (2008). Current perioperative man-
agement of radical cystectomy with intestinal urinary reconstruction for muscle-​invasive bladder
cancer and reduction of the incidence of postoperative ileus. Surg Oncol, 17, 41–​8.
Hanson R, Zornow M, Conlin M, Brambrink A (2007). Laser resection of the prostate: implications
for anesthesia. Anesth Analg, 105, 475–​9.
SarinKapoor H, Kaur R, Kaur H (2007). Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery. Acta Anaesthesiol
Scand, 51, 1354–​67.
Conacher ID, Soomro NA, Rix D (2004). Anaesthesia for laparoscopic urological surgery. Br J
Anaesth, 93, 859–​64.
European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy. Radical prostatectomy. Summary recom-
mendations. Notes on PROSPECT recommendations. M https://​​wp-​content/​up-
Chapter 30 745

Gynaecological surgery
Claire Todd
General principles 746
Evacuation of retained products of conception/​suction or
vacuum termination of pregnancy 749
Diagnostic laparoscopy/​laparoscopic sterilisation 750
Hysterectomy 751
Ectopic pregnancy 753

746 Chapter 30 Gynaecological surgery

General principles
Many gynaecological patients are fit and undergo relatively minor proced-
ures as day cases. Others are inpatients undergoing more major surgery.
Elderly patients often require operations to relieve pelvic floor prolapse.
• Many patients are apprehensive, with corresponding higher induction
doses required.
• PONV is a particular problem. With high-​risk patients, use
appropriate techniques; avoid N2O, give prophylactic antiemetics and
consider TIVA.
• Pelvic surgery is associated with DVT. Ensure that adequate prophylactic
measures are taken.
• Prophylactic antibiotics reduce postoperative wound infection rates for
certain operations. Check your hospital protocol.
• Vagal stimulation may occur during cervical dilation, traction on the
pelvic organs or the mesentery or during laparoscopic procedures.
• Take care during patient positioning. Patients are often moved
up or down the table, when airway devices can be dislodged and
disconnections can occur. Pre-​existing back or joint pain may be
worsened in the lithotomy position, and if the legs are supported in
stirrups, there is a potential for common peroneal nerve injury.
• It may be reasonable to ask the gynaecologist to administer analgesic
drugs rectally during anaesthesia. Ensure that you have the patient’s
permission to do so.
• Ensure patients are kept warm during longer cases.
• Major gynaecological surgery can incur considerable blood loss and may
be prolonged. Cell salvage should be available for such cases.
• Many gynaecological operations formerly done through an open
approach (e.g. hysterectomy, tubal pregnancy repair) are now done
primarily using laparoscopic techniques.
Miscellaneous gynaecological procedures
Table 30.1 presents the important information for those procedures which
are not covered in the individual topics within this chapter.
General principles 747

Table 30.1 Other gynaecological procedures

Operation Description Time Pain Position G&S/ Notes

(min) X-m
​ atch
Colpo- Abdominal 40 +++ Supine Nil ETT, IPPV
suspension procedure
for stress
Cone Removal of 30 ++ Litho- Nil May bleed post-
biopsy/​ the terminal tomy operatively.
LLETZ* part of LMA, SV
the cervix
through the
Hystero- Inspection of 20 + Litho- Nil LMA, SV
scopy endometrial tomy
Biopsy ±
removal of
Laparotomy, Abdominal 120 ++++ Supine 2units Ovarian
investigative assessment tumours may
of pelvic be adherent
mass to adjacent
Potentially large
blood loss
Myo- Abdominal 60 +++ Supine G&S Blood loss may
mectomy excision of be greater than
fibroids from expected.
uterus ETT, IPPV
Oophorec- Removal of 40 +++ Supine Nil ETT, IPPV
tomy ovaries
Repair, Repair of 20 ++ Litho- Nil Often combined
anterior anterior tomy with vaginal
vaginal wall hysterectomy.
Repair, Repair of 20 ++ Litho- Nil Often combined
posterior posterior tomy with vaginal
vaginal wall hysterectomy
Sacro- Abdominal 60 +++ Supine G&S ETT, IPPV
colpopexy repair of
vault prolapse
Sacrospinous Vaginal 40 ++ Litho- Nil LMA, SV
fixation operation for tomy
vault prolapse


748 Chapter 30 Gynaecological surgery

Table 30.1 (Contd.)

Operation Description Time Pain Position G&S/ Notes
(min) X-m
​ atch
Shirodkar Insertion 20 ++ Litho- Nil May need
suture of suture tomy antacid
around cervix prophylaxis and
to prevent ETT (see %
recurrent p. 896)
Thermo- Thermal 20 ++ Litho- Nil May require
ablation obliteration tomy opiods.
of LMA, SV
TCRE* Endoscopic 30 + Litho- Nil Systemic
resection of tomy absorption
endometrium of water may
occur from
the glycine
Treat as
for TURP
Vulvectomy, Excision of 90 +++ Litho- G&S LMA, SV
simple vulva tomy
Vulvectomy, Excision of 150 ++++ Litho- 2units Consider
radical vulva and tomy regional
lymph nodes anaesthesia for
* LLETZ, large loop excision of the transformation zone; TCRE, transcervical resection of

Evacuation of retained products

of conception/​suction or vacuum
termination of pregnancy
Procedure ERPC; STOP/​VTOP
Time 10–​20min
Pain +
Position Lithotomy
Blood loss Usually minimal
Practical techniques LMA, SV, day case

• ERPC: remaining products of conception may have to be surgically
removed after an incomplete miscarriage. This usually occurs between
6w and 12w gestation. Substantial blood loss may have occurred
preoperatively and may continue perioperatively. IV access and
crystalloid infusion are required if the haemorrhage appears anything
more than trivial.
• Suction or vacuum termination of pregnancy (STOP/​VTOP) is a
procedure undertaken at up to 12w gestation.
• LMA or face mask. Intubate unfasted emergency patients. Avoid high
concentrations of volatile agents due to the relaxant effect on the
uterus. Propofol induction followed by intermittent boluses or propofol
TCI and an opioid (alfentanil or fentanyl) is appropriate.
• A drug to help contract the uterus and reduce bleeding may be
requested. Oxytocin 3–​5 units can be given slowly.
Oral analgesics and antiemetics.
Special considerations
• Pregnancies beyond 12w can be terminated surgically by dilation and
evacuation. The procedure is similar to a STOP/​VTOP, but there is
greater potential for blood loss.
• If there are symptoms of reflux oesophagitis, ranitidine or PPI
premedication and intubation are indicated.
• If a pregnancy has gone beyond 16w, it may be terminated medically
with prostaglandin. These patients may still require an ERPC and are
more likely to suffer significant blood loss.

750 Chapter 30 Gynaecological surgery

Diagnostic laparoscopy/​laparoscopic
Procedure Intra-​abdominal examination of gynaecological
organs ± treatment ± clips to Fallopian tubes
Time 30–​60min
Pain +/​++
Position Lithotomy
Blood loss Nil
Practical techniques LMA/​ETT, IPPV, day case

• Usually young and fit. Give oral analgesics preoperatively.
• Use a short-​acting opioid (e.g. fentanyl).
• Administer antiemetics to ensure same-​day discharge.
• Encourage infiltration of the skin incisions with LA.
• The traditional airway management is endotracheal intubation with
minimal doses of muscle relaxants, as cases are generally quick. Monitor
with a nerve stimulator, using reversal agents accordingly.
• An alternative technique for uncomplicated short procedures is to use
an LMA. This is only suitable for non-​obese patients; the potential for
gastric regurgitation and aspiration must be assessed carefully. Surgeons
may find SV difficult and request paralysis.
Further opioids or antiemetics may be required.
Special considerations
• Bradycardias are common due to vagal stimulation. Atropine should be
readily available; ask surgeons to release the pneumoperitoneum.
• Shoulder pain is common postoperatively due to diaphragmatic
irritation. Although self-​limiting, it can be difficult to treat and is d by
expelling as much CO2 as possible at the end of the procedure.
• If significant endometriosis is found and excised, postoperative pain can
be severe and same-​day discharge is likely to be difficult.
• Very rarely, CO2 gas may be inadvertently injected intravascularly,
resulting in VAE (see % pp. 584–5). This results in V/​Q mismatch,
with a fall in ETCO2, impaired CO, hypotension, arrhythmias and
tachycardia. Alert the surgeon and resuscitate the patient.
• If an LMA is used, consider premedication with PO ranitidine or a PPI,
and the use of a device with a gastric channel (e.g. ProSeal™).
Hysterectomy 751

Procedure Removal of uterus (may also include ovaries ± Fallopian
tubes as bilateral salpingo-​oophorectomy)
Time 1–​3h, depending on surgical approach
Pain + to +++
Position Supine, head-​down or lithotomy
Blood loss 250–​1500mL, G&S
Practical LMA, SV suitable for vaginal hysterectomy
techniques ETT, IPPV required for laparoscopic or open cases
Spinal diamorphine useful for analgesia

• Indications for hysterectomy vary from vaginal/​uterine prolapse,
menorrhagia and uterine fibroids to gynaecological malignancies.
• Patients may be anaemic if they have had menorrhagia or
postmenopausal bleeding.
• Renal function may be abnormal if an abdominal mass has been
compressing the ureters.
• PONV is common.
• Those who have been treated with preoperative chemotherapy to
debulk tumours are frequently anaemic, frail and malnourished. They
should be considered high-​risk patients.
• Cell salvage should be used for all open and radical hysterectomies.
• Ensure prophylaxis for DVT has been initiated.
• Airway management as above.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis is usually required.
• Steep, head-​down positioning is required for a laparoscopic approach.
• Blood loss is variable; some hysterectomies bleed more than expected.
X-​match blood early if bleeding appears to be a problem.
• Heat loss through the abdominal incision can be significant. Use a forced
air warming blanket over the upper body during the operation.
• Pain is usually reasonably well controlled with oral analgesics for vaginal
and laparoscopic cases. These patients are usually ready for discharge
within 48h.
• Open cases will require additional postoperative analgesia. Options
include PCAs, rectus sheath catheters and central neuraxial blockade.
Spinal anaesthesia with diamorphine is now preferred to epidurals.
Vaginal hysterectomy
• Often supplemented by an anterior ± posterior repair which reduces
bladder and bowel prolapse through the vagina. It is usually not possible
to remove the Fallopian tubes and ovaries during a vaginal hysterectomy
because of the restricted surgical field.

752 Chapter 30 Gynaecological surgery

• Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) is designed to

enable the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries to be removed through
the vagina. The operation begins with a laparoscopy, during which the
broad ligament is identified and detached. Once satisfactory mobility of
the gynaecological organs has been achieved at laparoscopy, they are
removed vaginally.
Total laparoscopic and abdominal hysterectomy
• With advanced laparoscopic techniques, the number of open cases
being performed has d. They are now normally reserved for advanced
malignancies and cases where it is felt that the uterus is too large to
remove via a laparoscopic approach.
• Both laparoscopic and open procedures require good muscle relaxation.
• Laparoscopic hysterectomies being performed for cervical or uterine
malignancies are increasingly being combined with sentinel lymph node
biopsies. Blue dye is injected around the cervix which allows sentinel
lymph node sampling intraoperatively. There is a risk of anaphylaxis.
• Radical hysterectomy is undertaken in patients who have cervical and
uterine malignancies. In addition to the uterus, the Fallopian tubes,
and often the ovaries, are removed and the pelvic lymph nodes are
dissected out. These operations take much longer, and there is a
potential for substantial blood loss. An arterial line and goal-directed
fluid therapy should be considered. Spinal anaesthesia for postoperative
pain relief is useful.
Ectopic pregnancy 753

Ectopic pregnancy
Procedure Laparoscopy (less commonly laparotomy) to
stop bleeding from ruptured tubal pregnancy
Time 60min
Pain ++/​+++ (depending on surgical approach)
Position Lithotomy
Blood loss Can be massive, X-​match 2 units
Practical techniques ETT, IPPV

• The presentation is variable. A stable patient may have ill-​defined
abdominal pain and amenorrhoea; others may present with life-​
threatening abdominal haemorrhage. At least one large-​bore IV cannula
should be inserted prior to theatre, and crystalloids or blood products
infused, according to the clinical picture.
• FBC, X-​match and possibly a clotting screen should be requested on
• Seek help from a 2nd anaesthetist if the patient is unstable.
• Careful IV induction as significant blood loss can be concealed.
• Continue IV fluid resuscitation and actively warm the patient.
• Clotting abnormalities are not uncommon if large volumes of blood
have been lost. Send a clotting screen or perform point-​of-​care
coagulation testing.
• Analgesia requirements will vary, depending on surgical approach. May
require a PCA.
Special considerations
• Patients are young and generally compensate for significant volumes
of blood loss, meaning the preoperative clinical picture can be falsely
• In most centres, the operation is performed laparoscopically and
only converted to a laparotomy if there are complications. Be aware
that the pneumoperitoneum may impede venous return, resulting in
Chapter 31 755

Ear, nose and throat

Grant Turner
General principles 756
Preoperative airway obstruction 762
Jet ventilation 765
Grommet insertion 766
Tonsillectomy/​adenoidectomy: child 767
Tonsillectomy in adults 769
Myringoplasty 770
Stapedectomy/​tympanoplasty 771
Nasal cavity surgery 772
Microlaryngoscopy 773
Tracheostomy 776
Laryngectomy 778
Radical neck dissection 780
Parotidectomy 781

See also
% Cleft lip and palate pp. 943–4

756 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

General principles
Airway problems are the major concern in ENT surgery, related to both the
underlying clinical problem and the shared airway.
Presenting pathology may:
• Produce airway obstruction
• Make access difficult or impossible.
Surgeons working in, or close to, the airway can:
• Displace, obstruct or damage airway equipment
• Obscure the anaesthetist’s view of the patient
• Limit access for the anaesthetist during operation
• Produce bleeding into the airway (intra-​and postoperatively)
• Potentiate postoperative airway swelling/​obstruction.
The surgeon and anaesthetist should plan together to use techniques/​equip-
ment that provide good conditions for surgery, while maintaining a safe,
secure airway. Whenever an airway problem is suspected intraoperatively,
correcting it is the first priority, stopping the surgery, if necessary. Other
structures around the head are inaccessible during surgery and need pro-
tection, especially the eyes. Ensure they are kept closed with appropriate
tape, padded as necessary, and that pressure from equipment is prevented,
especially for long cases.
Airway/​ventilation management
Tracheal tube or laryngeal mask airway
• Traditionally, an ETT has been used for airway protection for the
majority of ENT work.
• Preformed RAE tubes provide excellent protection with minimal
intrusion into the surgical field.
• An oral, south-​facing RAE tube is used for nasal and much oral surgery,
although a nasal tube (north-​facing) allows better surgical access to the
oral cavity.
• An LMA, often of the reinforced flexible type, offers an alternative
approach. It provides adequate protection against aspiration of blood
or surgical debris and avoids complications of tracheal intubation/​
extubation. It restricts surgical access to a greater degree, however,
and is more prone to displacement during surgery (with potentially
catastrophic results).
Spontaneous ventilation or intermittent positive pressure ventilation
• Continuous NMB is not required for most ENT surgery and facial nerve
monitoring is commonly utilised.
• Ventilator advances mean many ENT anaesthetists favour SV or
pressure-​supported SV. This allows titration of analgesia and improves
success for deep extubation techniques.
• The use of remifentanil/​opioid infusions to optimise surgical conditions
(and avoid NMBs) commonly requires IPPV through either ETTs
or LMAs.
• Spontaneously ventilating patients with an IV anaesthetic technique is
now commonplace. Multiple induction techniques are described.
General principles 757

Deep or light extubation

• Many ENT procedures create bleeding into the airway. Suction (and
pack removal) under direct vision before extubation is essential in such
cases, taking care not to traumatise any surgical sites.
• One particular danger site for blood accumulation is the nasopharynx
behind the soft palate, an area not readily visible. Blood pooling here
can be aspirated following extubation, with fatal results (‘coroner’s
clot’). It is best cleared using a nasal suction catheter or a Yankauer
sucker rotated so its angled tip is placed behind the uvula.
• Excessive coughing may exacerbate bleeding risk and contributes to
extubation technique selection.
• Laryngospasm can follow extubation, particularly in children, from
recent instrumentation of the larynx or irritation by blood. The risk is
minimised by extubating either deep or light (not in between).
Deep extubation
• Deep extubation is best suited to SV/​supported SV. At the end of
surgery, continue, or even increase, the anaesthetic agent concentration,
but change gases to 100% O2 to increase the FRC store. After careful
suction, insert a Guedel airway; turn the patient left lateral/​head-​down
(tonsil position); check respiration is regular (turning can produce
transient coughing/​breath-​holding), then extubate.
• Check airway/​respiration are intact, and keep the patient in this
position until airway reflexes return. Since the patient remains
unconscious initially in recovery, care from appropriately skilled
recovery staff is essential, with an anaesthetist immediately available in
case of airway complications.
Light extubation
• Light extubation is recommended in all patients with a difficult airway or
significant respiratory compromise.
• After careful suctioning, any residual NMB is reversed, anaesthetic
agents discontinued and the trachea extubated after laryngeal reflexes
have returned.
• Light extubation often produces a brief period of coughing/​restlessness
initially. This is less frequent with the use of opioids.
Throat packs
• A throat pack1 (wet gauze or tampon) is often used around the ETT/​
LMA to absorb blood that might otherwise pool in the upper airway.
• It is particularly useful during nasal operations (where bleeding can be
substantial and is not cleared during surgery) and during dental surgery.
• The pack must be removed before extubation, as it can lead to
catastrophic airway obstruction if left. Recognised systems to ensure
removal include:
• Tying or taping the pack to the ETT
• Placing an identification sticker on the ETT or patient’s forehead
• Including the pack in the scrub nurse’s count
• Standardising whether removal of the throat pack at the end of
surgery is a surgical or an anaesthetic task, but always performing
direct laryngoscopy prior to extubation regardless.

758 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Nasal vasoconstrictors
• Topical vasoconstrictors are routinely used to reduce bleeding in nasal
surgery, administered by spray, gel or soaked swabs. Cocaine-​containing
solutions (e.g. Moffett’s solution: cocaine, sodium bicarbonate and
adrenaline) are declining in usage, largely due to concerns over drug
storage/​availability and systemic toxicity (hypertension, arrhythmias,
euphoria). Maximum topical cocaine dose is 3mg/​kg.
• Proprietary decongestants are a commonly used alternative such as
pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine, which are equally effective.
• Systemic absorption can result in a transient sympathomimetic
• Infiltration with adrenaline-​containing solutions may be used in addition,
with greater risk of systemic effects.
• The intense opioid action of remifentanil, combined with its rapid
recovery profile, has led to its widespread use in ENT, particularly for
major cases.
• Normally given by infusion, clinical applications include:
• Middle ear surgery/​major head and neck resections (controlled
arterial pressure reduces bleeding)
• Parotidectomy (facilitates IPPV without relaxant)
• Laryngoscopy/​pharyngoscopy (attenuates hypertensive response)
• Procedures requiring nerve monitoring (NMBs contraindicated).
• Beware of bradycardia/​hypotension when used at induction,
particularly in the elderly.
• Interpatient variability greatly limits the value of predetermined infusion
• For major surgery, to prevent postoperative rebound hypertension/​
agitation in recovery, continue remifentanil at a low infusion rate or give
longer-​acting opioid (morphine) 15–​20min before the end of surgery;
clonidine up to 2 micrograms/​kg IV or dexmedetomidine may also be
of use.
Miscellaneous ear, nose and throat procedures
Table 31.1 presents the important information for those procedures which
are not covered in the individual topics within this chapter.
1 NHS Improvement (2018). Recommendations from National Patient Safety Agency alerts that re-
main relevant to the Never Events list 2018. M https://​​documents/​2267/​
Table 31.1 Miscellaneous ENT procedures

Operation Description Time Pain Position Blood loss Notes

Mastoidectomy Clearance of 90–​120 ++ Head-​up tilt, head tilted Minimal RAE tube or LMA, SV or IPPV. Bloodless field
cholesteatoma from to side on ring needed (see stapedectomy). If disease close to
mastoid cavity facial nerve, surgeon may request no relaxant used
(see parotidectomy)
Drilling of ear Excision of external 60–​90 ++ Head-​up tilt, head tilted Minimal RAE tube or LMA, SV or IPPV
exostoses auditory (‘swimmer’s’) to side on ring
Bone-​anchored Application of BAHA 90–​120 ++ Head-​up tilt, head tilted Minimal LA plus sedation or GA with RAE tube or LMA,
hearing aid to side on ring SV or IPPV
Cochlear implant Insertion of cochlear 120–​180 ++ Head-​up, head tilted to GA, ETT/​LMA, nerve monitoring, microscopic
implant side on head ring surgery, vertigo/​PONV risk
Manipulation Correction of nasal 1–​15 + Supine Small If quick, preoxygenate plus propofol only. If longer,
under anaesthesia fracture RAE tube or reinforced LMA plus throat pack.
(MUA) nose Occasionally bleeds dramatically
Removal of foreign Removal of foreign 5–​10 Nil Supine, head ring Nil Gas induction, RAE tube or LMA, throat pack, SV.
body from nose body from nose, usually Avoid positive pressure face mask ventilation if
in child possible (risk of pushing foreign body down into
lower airway)
General principles


Table 31.1 (Contd.)
Operation Description Time Pain Position Blood loss Notes
Rhinoplasty Cosmetic alteration or 60–​90 ++ Head-​up tilt, head ring Small RAE tube or reinforced LMA, SV or IPPV, throat
Chapter 31

reconstruction of nose pack. Moderate hypotension useful to decrease

using bone/cartilage bleeding: remifentanil ideal
Lateral rhinotomy Resection of nasal 90 ++ Head-​up tilt, head ring Moderate RAE tube or reinforced LMA, SV or IPPV, throat
tumour via lateral pack. Moderate hypotension useful to decrease
rhinotomy bleeding
Uvulopalato- Excision of uvula and lax 20–​30 +++ Supine, pad under Small RAE tube or reinforced LMA, SV or IPPV. Laser-​
pharyngoplasty tissue from soft palate, shoulders proof tube if needed. Regular postop NSAID plus
(UPPP) sometimes using laser paracetamol. OSA precautions if indicated
Submandibular Excision of blocked/​ 45–​60 ++ Supine, pad under Small RAE tube or reinforced LMA on opposite side, SV
gland excision diseased submandibular shoulders, head ring or IPPV
Tracheobronchial Removal of inhaled 20–​30 Nil Supine, pad under Nil Deep inhalational anaesthesia using O2 and
foreign body foreign body using rigid shoulders sevoflurane, allowing surgeon intermittent access.
Ear, nose and throat surgery

removal bronchoscope, usually LA spray. Glycopyrronium useful to prevent

in child (see also % bradycardia and dry secretions, improving surgical
p. 947) view
Laryngoscopy in Examination of larynx 15–​20 Nil Supine, pad under Nil Inhalational induction, LA spray to larynx. Either SV
child in child, usually for shoulders via rigid surgical laryngoscope (circuit connected
recurrent stridor or to scope) or LMA and fibreoptic laryngoscopy
aspiration through it (ideal for small child and enables larynx
to be viewed during emergence)
Direct Examination of pharynx 10–​15 + Supine, pad under Nil Check for reflux. Small (6–​7) oral RAE tube
pharyngoscopy using rigid shoulders secured on left, IPPV, mivacurium or intermittent
pharyngoscope suxamethonium. Risk of bleeding if biopsies done
Endoscopic Division of opening 15–​20 + Supine, pad under Nil Preoxygenate, avoid face mask ventilation, small
stapling of to pharyngeal pouch shoulders (6–​7) oral RAE tube secured on opposite side,
pharyngeal pouch using staple gun IPPV. NGT at end and IV fluids as nil by mouth
endoscopically postoperatively
Excision of Excision of pharyngeal 45–​60 + Supine, pad under Nil Preoxygenate, avoid face mask ventilation, small
pharyngeal pouch pouch via external shoulders, head ring (6–​7) oral RAE tube secured on opposite side,
approach IPPV. Surgeon may want oesophageal bougie
inserted to help recognise anatomy. Antibiotic
cover, NGT at end and IV fluids as nil by mouth
Insertion of Insertion of speaking 15 + Supine, pad under Nil Microlaryngoscopy tube inserted via tracheostomy,
speaking valve (e.g. valve via trache- shoulders, head ring IPPV, mivacurium or intermittent suxamethonium,
Provox ) oesophageal puncture remifentanil or alfentanil to reduce CVS response
following laryngectomy
Pharyngolaryn- Extended resection 6–​10h ++++ Supine, pad under Major, No access to patient whatsoever! Prepare as
gectomy of larynx and pharynx shoulders, head ring X-match for laryngectomy with all lines, plus DLT if doing
for tumour of hypo- 4-6 units thoracotomy. Consider epidural analgesia for
pharynx, using laparotomy/​thoracotomy (using plain LA) with
oesophagectomy and PCA morphine to cover remaining surgical sites.
stomach pull-​up or ICU mandatory postoperatively (see also
free jejunum transfer. % pp. 551–2)
Involves laparotomy ±
General principles

762 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Preoperative airway obstruction

(See also % pp. 384–7.)
• Patients with preoperative airway obstruction usually present for
surgery either to establish the diagnosis or to relieve the obstruction.
• Obstructions may be supraglottic, glottic or subglottic. The commonest
level for obstruction is the larynx, which classically produces stridor
(high-​pitched, inspiratory).
• In adults, tumours are the commonest cause of acute upper airway
obstruction, though a haematoma or an infection (including epiglottitis)
is also possible. In children, an infection (croup) or a foreign body is
more likely; in the UK, Hib vaccination has virtually eliminated childhood
• OSA considerations are addressed elsewhere (see % pp. 73–5).
• Extreme airway obstruction will cause obvious signs of respiratory
distress at rest. Exhaustion or an obtunded conscious level are late signs
and indicate the need for immediate intervention.
• If the obstruction has a gradual onset, patients can compensate very
effectively, and moderately severe obstruction can develop without
gross physical signs. Features to help recognise a substantial degree of
upper airway obstruction include:
• Long, slow inspirations, with pauses during speech
• Recent marked deterioration in exercise tolerance
• Worsening stridor during sleep (history from spouse).
• Oropharyngeal lesions rarely present with airway obstruction, and
assessment is normally straightforward on preoperative examination.
Important features are limitation of mouth opening and tongue
protrusion, and identification of any masses compromising the airway.
• Useful information may come from radiographs (plain films, CT/​MRI)
or ENT clinic flexible or indirect laryngoscopy.
Management: assessment and holding measures
For life-​threatening airway obstruction, emergency intervention may be
needed, but usually surgery will be a planned procedure. Determine how
time-​critical airway management is. Is there time for further investigations?
For emergencies, avoid undue delays. While preparing theatre, consider
whether holding measures may be of benefit.
High-​flow nasal oxygen
• O2 delivery via high-​flow nasal cannulae has revolutionised airway
management—​multiple devices, including Optiflow™, provide low-​level
positive pressure and improve airway patency, improve oxygenation
and decrease work of breathing and distress. May be incorporated into
awake intubation technique and prolong apnoeic oxygenation.
• Useful if associated oedema/​inflammation, unlikely to cause harm in
acute setting and may be beneficial. Little direct evidence of benefit in
adult airway obstruction, but improve symptoms in children with croup
and improve laryngeal oedema and post-​extubation stridor in adults.2
Preoperative airway obstruction 763

Nebulised adrenaline
• Appears to be useful in reducing stridor associated with various
obstructive aetiologies in case reports (better evidence lacking). Widely
utilised, 1–​5mg of adrenaline nebulised in O2.
• Medical Heliox (mixtures may be 21/​70 or 30/​70 O2/​helium). A similar
viscosity to air, but lower density increases tendency to laminar flow and
decreases resistance in turbulent flow. Limited by reduced O2 content
of any mixture useful for flow characteristics.
Continuous positive airway pressure
• Splints any collapsing airway segment. Variable availability in emergency
setting and high-​flow nasal cannulae likely better tolerated.
Consider potential benefit of further investigations:
• Nasendoscopy: quick and relatively low risk of airway trauma, may
offer significant information; anaesthetist should be present if not
• CT: rapid and accurate assessment, usually well tolerated, may be
performed lateral or even supine if necessary. Reconstructions allow 3D
assessment. No information on any dynamic or postural contribution to
airway patency.
• MRI: gold standard for soft tissue imaging; however, limited availability,
prolonged scan times and expected intolerance of supine position with
coil over airway render MRI largely impractical in acute setting.
Management: approach to securing airway
The main problems in securing airway access are:
• Airway obstruction likely to be worsened by lying the patient flat, GA
(all techniques) or instrumenting the airway (laryngospasm, bleeding).
• Identifying the laryngeal inlet may be difficult because of anatomical
distortion (especially supraglottic lesions), secretions or blood.
• Severe stenosis may make passage of the tube difficult (particularly
glottic or subglottic tumours).
There is little evidence to support any one particular anaesthetic technique.
Patient presentations and anaesthetic experience vary widely. However,
the use of IV induction agents and/​or NMBAs carries the catastrophic risk
of CICO in a patient unable to breathe spontaneously. Advances in O2
delivery techniques and VL are transforming planned approaches to the
obstructed airway, and high-​flow nasal cannulae may augment any chosen
technique and offer ongoing oxygenation and potentially provide some
airway splinting during securing of the airway.
Traditionally, the three main options for establishing secure access in an
obstructed airway are:
• Direct laryngoscopy and intubation under deep inhalational anaesthesia
(SV): increasing consideration of SV under IV anaesthesia.
• AFOI under LA
• Tracheostomy under LA (or deep inhalational GA with face mask or
LMA in less severe cases).

764 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Whichever technique is used, a full range of equipment should be pre-

pared, including different laryngoscopes, cricothyroidotomy kit and tubes
in various sizes. A small ETT kept in ice will be stiffer, useful to get past a
tight stenotic lesion.
• AFOI under LA is generally most useful for supraglottic lesions where
anatomical orientation is the main problem; for stenotic lesions of the
glottis/​subglottis, the scope may block the airway completely.
• Deep inhalational anaesthesia, best with sevoflurane in O2, may be slow
because of reduced minute ventilation. A moderate degree of CPAP
is effective at keeping the airway patent, as anaesthesia deepens. Once
deep, LA spray to the larynx extends the available time for laryngoscopy
before reflexes return.
• In children, deep inhalational anaesthesia is the only realistic option;
best undertaken with the child sitting, comforted by a parent, and may
be safer to site IV cannula after induction in small children to minimise
upset. Avoid delays because of rapid and unpredictable decline in
• In childhood epiglottitis, distortion of the epiglottis can make
recognition of the glottis very difficult; a useful tip is to press on the
child’s chest and watch for a bubble of gas emerging from the larynx.
• Mason and Fielder3 reviewed the merits of each technique for airway
obstruction at different levels but concluded none is universally certain,
safe and easy, and the final decision in each case will be strongly
influenced by the particular skills and experience of the anaesthetist and
surgeon concerned.
• If complete airway obstruction occurs and all conventional attempts
to secure the airway fail, emergency surgical access to the airway is the
only option. Surgical cricothyroidotomy is preferable to tracheostomy
for emergency airway access, as it is quicker to perform, more
superficial and less likely to bleed (above the thyroid gland) (see %
p. 381).
2 Fan T, Wang G, Mao B, et al. (2008). Prophylactic administration of parenteral steroids for
preventing airway complications after extubation in adults: meta-​analysis of randomised placebo-​
controlled trials. BMJ, 20, a1841.
3 Mason RA, Fielder CP (1999). The obstructed airway in head and neck surgery. Anaesthesia,
54, 625–​8.
Jet ventilation 765

Jet ventilation
Jet ventilation describes the delivery of a jet stream of gas from a high-​
pressure source, delivered into an open airway and generally relying on
passive exhalation. Jet ventilation carries significant risks, i by unfamiliarity
with the technique. Jet delivery via misplaced/​misdirected cannula can have
catastrophic consequences. Inadequate gas exchange is common.
• Low-​frequency jet ventilation, usually achieved using an injector system,
such as the manually driven adjustable-​flow Manujet®, but also describes
rescue techniques for CICO scenarios utilising more simply constructed
systems. This may be connected via:
• Cricothyroidotomy needle/​cannula placed through the cricothyroid
membrane under LA before induction and aimed towards the carina.
Commercial versions available or a Tuohy needle can be used.
• Jet catheter (rigid, non-​compliant) with the tip placed midway down
the trachea. Multiple catheters available with gas sampling/​pressure
monitoring port or made from laser-​resistant material.
• Injector needle attached to the proximal end of the operating
laryngoscope/​rigid bronchoscope, and ventilation started when
correctly aligned with larynx/​trachea. Various needle sizes available
with different flow rates. Technique not suitable if good view of
larynx is unobtainable and has disadvantage of blowing debris/​smoke
into trachea with ventilation.
• High-​frequency jet ventilation requires specialised ventilators capable
of performing high frequencies (typically 1–​10Hz) and experience
with the technique. Warmed and humidified inspiratory jets are
electronically controlled. Air is entrained along with inspiratory jet
but smaller VTs utilised. Frequency, driving pressure, inspiratory time
and gas composition are usually adjustable; however, the degree of air
entrainment means delivered FiO2 may vary.
• Most modern systems monitor airway pressures and feature cut-​offs
and improved safety features. Inspiratory pauses are required for
more accurate CO2 sampling.
• Indications for jet ventilation importantly include:
• Emergency airway management via a transtracheal/​cricothyroid
membrane cannula
• Airway surgery (including laser) for laryngeal/​tracheal stenosis, major
conducting airway surgery
• Thoracic surgery, including non-​dependent lung ventilation during lung
isolation techniques.
• Lung-​protective ventilation strategies/​rescue in ICU.

766 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Grommet insertion
Procedure Myringotomy and grommet insertion, usually bilateral
Time 5–​15min
Pain +
Position Supine, head tilted to side, head ring
Blood loss Nil
Practical Face mask or LMA, SV using T-​piece or paediatric circle

• Usually children (1–​8y), normally day case.
• Repeated ear infections; check for recent URTI.
• Paracetamol/​NSAID PO.
• LMA commonly used.
• Face mask suitable if surgeon happy to work round it, but assistant
needed to adjust vaporiser, etc. Insert Guedel airway before draping,
and ensure reservoir bag visible throughout (T-​piece ideal if face
mask used).
• Need for additional analgesia unlikely.
Special considerations
• If face mask airway difficult, change early to LMA.
• Reflex bradycardia occasionally seen related to partial vagal innervation
of tympanic membrane.
Tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy: child 767

Tonsillectomy/​adenoidectomy: child
Procedure Excision of lymphoid tissue from oropharynx (tonsils) or
nasopharynx (adenoids)
Time 20–​30min
Pain +++
Position Supine, pad under shoulders
Blood loss Usually small, can bleed postop
Practical South-​facing RAE tube or reinforced LMA, placed in
techniques groove of split blade of Boyle–​Davis gag; SV or IPPV

• Careful history to exclude/​define OSA or active infection. Consider
overnight bed if history/​sleep study indicates moderate/​severe OSA.
• Topical LA on hands (mark sites of veins).
• Consider paracetamol/​NSAID PO.
• Consent for PR analgesia if to be used.
• IV or inhalational induction (sevoflurane ± N2O): oropharyngeal airway
useful if nasopharynx blocked by large adenoids.
• Intubate (RAE) using relaxant or deep inhalational/​IV anaesthesia, or
insert LMA using propofol/​opioid or deep inhalational anaesthesia.
• Secure in midline, no pack (obscures surgical field).
• Beware surgeon displacing/​obstructing tube intraoperatively,
particularly after insertion or opening of Boyle–​Davis gag.
• T-​piece ideal for SV, but ensure reservoir bag always visible.
• Reliable IV access essential, IV fluids routine.
• Analgesia with morphine or fentanyl titrated IV plus paracetamol/​
NSAID (if not given preoperatively). Consider tramadol.
• Antiemetic: at least one recommended—​dexamethasone or
• Careful suction of oropharynx and nasopharynx at end under direct
vision (generally done by surgeon).
• Extubate left lateral/​head-​down (tonsil position), with oropharyngeal
airway. Refer to deep or light extubation discussion (see % p. 757).
• Keep patient in tonsil position until airway reflexes return.
• High-​quality recovery care essential.
• Analgesia with IV morphine/​fentanyl initially, then PO paracetamol/​
NSAID/​morphine. Dexmedetomidine has been used.
• Leave IV cannula (flushed) in place in case of bleeding.
Special considerations
• In small children, a pillow/​roll under the shoulders can be used to
provide the necessary tilt.
• Avoid blind pharyngeal suction with a rigid sucker, as this may start
bleeding from the tonsil bed.

768 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

• Best available evidence unable to demonstrate NSAIDs increase

bleeding risk.4 Heterogeneity of drug/​timing/​surgical technique noted.
• LA infiltration of the tonsil bed is not recommended.
• Beware continual swallowing in recovery, a sign of bleeding from the
tonsil/​adenoid bed.
• Adenoidectomy/​tonsillectomy now widely done as a day case with
an extended (5–​6h) postoperative stay; morphine still suitable for
• Concern about possible transmission of vCJD via contaminated
equipment used in adenotonsillectomy led to a single-​use policy in the
UK in 2001, which was subsequently lifted in the light of further data.
Bleeding after adenotonsillectomy
• May be detected in recovery or many hours later.
• Loss may be much greater than readily apparent (swallowed blood).
• Senior anaesthetist must be involved.
• Problems include:
• Hypovolaemia
• Risk of aspiration (fresh bleeding and blood in stomach)
• Difficult laryngoscopy because of blood in the airway or oedema
• Residual anaesthetic effect.
• Resuscitate preoperatively; check Hb (HemoCue® ideal); X-​match,
and give blood, as needed. Note: Hb will fall as IV fluids administered
• Options:
• RSI: enables rapid airway protection, but laryngoscopy may be difficult
(blood, swelling)—​generally preferred
• Inhalational induction left lateral/​head-​down: allows time for
laryngoscopy but takes longer, and unfamiliar technique to many.
• Use wide-​bore gastric tube to empty stomach after bleeding stopped.
• Extubate fully awake.
• Extended stay in recovery for close monitoring.
• Nasopharyngeal pack occasionally needed (secured via tapes through
nose) if bleeding from adenoids cannot be controlled. Usually very
uncomfortable: patient may need midazolam/​morphine to tolerate.
• Check postoperative Hb.
4 Lewis SR, Nicholson A, Cardwell ME, et al. (2013). Nonsteroidal anti-​inflammatory drugs and
perioperative bleeding in paediatric tonsillectomy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 7, CD003591.
Tonsillectomy in adults 769

Tonsillectomy in adults
As for child, except:
• Usually more painful postoperatively in adult: give morphine/​long-​acting
opioid in theatre. Consider tramadol.
• IPPV with relaxant technique used more commonly. Deep extubation
may be more reliant on airway adjuvant.
• Occasionally, patients present with peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). Now
normally treated with antibiotics, and tonsillectomy performed later. If
drainage essential because of airway swelling, pus usually aspirated with
syringe and large needle under LA infiltration.

770 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Procedure Reconstruction of perforated tympanic membrane
with autograft (usually temporalis fascia)
Time 60–​90min
Pain ++
Position Supine, head tilted to side, head ring, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Minimal
Practical South-​facing RAE tube or LMA (usually reinforced); SV
techniques or IPPV

Usually young, fit patients.
• Ensure coughing avoided during surgery; LA spray to larynx; monitor
NMB if IPPV–​relaxant technique used.
• Dry field improves the surgical view, though not as important as for
stapedectomy; head-​up tilt and avoiding hypertension/​tachycardia
normally sufficient.
• Remifentanil infusion suitable.
• Routine antiemetic useful.
• PRN paracetamol or NSAID PO/​IV; may need morphine.
• PRN antiemetic.
Special considerations
Using N2O may produce diffusion into the middle ear and risk the graft
lifting off; either avoid or discontinue 20min before the end of the case.
Stapedectomy/tympanoplasty 771

Procedure Excision/​reconstruction of damaged middle ear
Time 2–​4h
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine, head tilted to side, head ring, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Minimal
Practical South-​facing RAE tube or LMA (usually reinforced).
techniques IPPV normally. Arterial line often used

• Check for CVS disease, as this will limit the degree of hypotension
• Oral premedication options include benzodiazepines, β-​blockers and
• If surgical use of nerve integrity monitoring, avoid NMBs.
• Bloodless field enables greater surgical accuracy. Simple measures
include: potent opioid preinduction; ensuring coughing avoided at
intubation (LA spray to larynx helpful); head-​up tilt to reduce VP.
• Further benefit achieved by lowering arterial BP (mean of 50–​60mmHg
in healthy patients) and HR (<60bpm).
• Remifentanil infusion ideal to achieve this. Alternatively, use IV labetalol
(combined α-​/β ​ -​blocker, 5mg increments) or IV β-​blocker (metoprolol
1mg increments, esmolol infusion) plus vasodilator (isoflurane,
hydralazine 5mg increments). Arterial line strongly advised with CVS
disease or if potent vasodilators used; head-​up tilt further reduces
perfusion pressure to the brain.
• Give at least one antiemetic routinely. Consider prochlorperazine
(discuss vertigo risk with surgeon).
• Regular antiemetic for 24–​48h.
• PRN paracetamol or NSAID PO/​IV/​PR; may need morphine.
Special considerations
• N2O diffusion into the middle ear may disrupt surgery, though less
important than in myringoplasty. Either avoid or discontinue 20min
before the end of the case.

772 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Nasal cavity surgery

Procedure Submucous resection of septum, septoplasty,
turbinectomy, polypectomy, functional endoscopic sinus
Time 20–​100min
Pain ++
Position Supine, head ring, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Usually minor
Practical South-​facing RAE tube or LMA (usually reinforced); SV or
techniques IPPV. Throat pack

• Obstructive airways disease often associated with nasal polyps.
• Combination of procedures mentioned in the box above frequently
• Face mask ventilation often needs Guedel airway due to blocked nose.
• Nasal vasoconstrictor usually applied (topical or infiltration).
• Leave eyes untaped for polypectomy (the optic nerve can be close, and
the surgeon needs to check for eye movement).
• TIVA and remifentanil ideal for improved surgical conditions; aim to
control arterial BP (mean 50–​60mmHg in healthy individuals).
• Suction pharynx (particularly behind soft palate for the ‘coroner’s clot’;
see % p. 757) before extubation; less easy with LMA.
• Analgesia with PRN paracetamol or NSAID PO/​IV/​PR.
• Nose usually packed, producing obstruction of nasal airway; if
disturbing to patient, or in cases of OSA, nasopharyngeal airway(s) can
be incorporated into the pack.
• Sit patient up as soon as awake to reduce bleeding.
Special considerations
• Leave IV cannula in overnight, as can bleed postoperatively.
Microlaryngoscopy 773

Procedure Examination of larynx using operating microscope (plus
excision/​biopsy; may use laser)
Time 10–​30min
Pain +/​++
Position Supine, pad under shoulders, head extended
Blood loss Nil
Practical Microlaryngeal tube and conventional IPPV. TIVA and
techniques jet ventilation using injector system (O2 plus entrained
air) via:
• Injector needle on the operating laryngoscope
• Semi-​rigid tracheal catheter
• Cricothyroidotomy needle/​cannula

Ventilation during microlaryngoscopy

Spontaneous ventilation/​apnoeic oxygenation with unsecured airway
• Discuss with surgeon if laryngeal function to be visualised (uncommon);
requires SV technique.
• High-​flow nasal cannulae and TIVA technique allow uninterrupted
surgical access (in appropriate patients). Poor airway protection.
If resection to occur, aerosolisation of blood/​pathogens is a
consideration. Gas blender-​compatible equipment may facilitate laser
surgery in experienced centres. (See % pp. 476–9.)
• Prolonged apnoeic oxygenation with HFNC well described if immobile
field essential.5
• May be preferred surgical airway technique if posterior lesion.
Microlaryngeal tube and conventional intermittent positive pressure ventilation
• Microlaryngeal tubes are longer ETTs with a small internal and
outer diameter and a high-​volume/​low-​pressure cuff, and available
typically in sizes 4 and above. They allow greater surgical access than
conventional ETTs.
• Enables maintenance of anaesthesia with inhalational agents,
conventional IPPV strategies and monitoring of gas exchange and airway
• Protects against aspiration of blood/​surgical debris but obstructs up to
one-​third of posterior glottis from view.
• Use long, slow inspiration for IPPV because of high resistance of
tube. Measured inflation pressure will be high, but the patient’s airway
pressures distal to tube will be lower.
• Laser-​compatible microlaryngeal tubes are available (all with significantly
i external diameter).

774 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Jet ventilation
(See % p. 765.)
• Ventilation achieved using an injector system, and delivered usually via
rigid jet catheter.
• Induce in theatre, or use an LMA or a microlaryngeal tube initially; then
remove, place jet catheter and commence jet ventilation when surgical
team ready.
• Ensure the anaesthetic machine in theatre is situated close to enable
easy face mask ventilation at induction/​recovery.
• TIVA needed for maintenance (propofol/​remifentanil infusion).
• Ventilation techniques vary, depending on device and surgery. Adjust
inspiratory flow (alter injector settings, or change needle size) to
produce appropriate degree of chest expansion.
• Accurate flow/​pressure measurement not easy; barotrauma a potential
risk, oxygenation often exceeds CO2 clearance.
• Stop ventilation intermittently during surgical work (clear
communication essential).
• Provides minimal obstruction to surgical view.
• At end of the case, may continue jet ventilation until SV re-​established
or more commonly discontinue and ventilate by alternate airway until
SV recommences.
• Patients often elderly and usually smokers; CVS/​respiratory system
problems common.
• Carefully assess the airway for evidence of obstruction. History,
examination, ENT clinic assessment, plain films and CT scan may
all help, but if any degree of stridor present, obstruction must be
substantial (see % pp. 384–7).
• Ensure all equipment is ready before induction, including
cricothyroidotomy kit, and surgeon is prepared for emergency
tracheostomy, if required.
• If airway obstruction suspected, secure airway initially, using principles
outlined (see % Emergency management of the obstructed airway,
pp. 384–7). Inserting a cricothyroid cannula under LA preinduction
provides a route for ventilation in the event of total obstruction.
Detailed airway and rescue preplanning essential.
• Give short-​acting opioid (alfentanil, remifentanil) to attenuate
hypertensive response. High-​dose infusion may prevent need for muscle
relaxation if surgical field immobility required.
• If muscle relaxation planned, use of rocuronium and reversal with
sugammadex may be an option.
• LA spray to larynx reduces risk of laryngospasm, though this impairs
airway protection, so recover left lateral, head-​down.
Microlaryngoscopy 775

• Analgesia with PRN paracetamol or NSAID PO/​IV/​PR.
• May develop stridor postoperatively from oedema of an already
compromised airway. Dexamethasone 8–​12mg IV sometimes used to
prevent this. Consider nebulised adrenaline.
Special considerations
• Careful planning required if airway laser to be utilised.
• Airway laser surgery carries significant risk of airway fire, as well as
collateral tissue damage/​injury to both patient and staff. Excellent
teamwork and adherence to local health and safety policies essential.
• Microlaryngoscopy can be used to inject inert material (e.g. silicone)
into paralysed vocal cords to improve phonation, though this can lead
to airway obstruction if overdone.
5 Patel A, Nouraei SAR (2015). Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange
(THRIVE): a physiological method of increasing apnoea time in patients with difficult airways.
Anaesthesia, 70, 323–​9.

776 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Procedure Insertion of an ETT via neck incision
Time 30min
Pain ++
Position Supine, pad under shoulders, head ring, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Normally small, though can bleed from thyroid vessels
Practical IPPV, ETT with tubing going ‘north’, changed to tracheos-
techniques tomy tube during case. LMA if airway not a problem, IPPV
or SV. Can be done under LA

• Normally done for long-​term ICU ventilation or airway obstruction.
• ICU patients almost certainly already intubated. If ventilation difficult
and oxygenation critical, set up ICU ventilator in theatre, using TIVA,
rather than inhalational agents.
• Stop NG feeds, if applicable.
• If tracheostomy is for airway obstruction, secure airway initially, using
principles outlined (see % Preoperative airway obstruction, pp. 762–4).
• Before induction, ensure all equipment prepared (including
cricothyroidotomy kit) and the surgeon ready for emergency
tracheostomy, if required.
• Secure ETT with tape to allow easy removal during case, with pilot cuff
readily accessible.
• Aspirate NGT (if present), and clear oropharynx of secretions before
• Drape patient to allow anaesthetist access to ETT for tube change.
• Long tubing needed for breathing circuit and gas sampling.
• Before changing to tracheostomy tube, preoxygenate for 3–​4min
(increasing volatile agent as necessary), and check NMB is adequate.
• Ensure scrub nurse has correct tracheostomy tube and sterile
catheter mount.
• Deflate ETT cuff before surgeons incise trachea, so it can be reinflated
and ventilation continued if problems occur.
• Withdraw ETT slowly into upper trachea (do not remove from trachea
until tracheostomy secure and certain), and connect breathing circuit
and capnograph to new tracheostomy tube via sterile catheter mount.
• Beware false passage created during tracheostomy tube insertion,
especially in the obese; check position with fibreoptic endoscopy, if
any doubt.
• If problems occur, remove tracheostomy tube and advance ETT back
down trachea.
• Regular suction to new tracheostomy (blood, secretions).
• Humidify inspired gases.
• Analgesia in recovery with paracetamol or NSAID IV/​PR or morphine
IV. Usually little analgesia required thereafter.
Tracheostomy 777

• A new tracheostomy often produces protracted coughing—​morphine,

benzodiazepines or low-​dose propofol useful for control.
• Antiemetic, as required.
• If tracheostomy tube comes out, reinsertion can be very difficult in first
few days; orotracheal intubation often more practical. Two retraction
sutures left in tracheal incision are useful for identifying and opening
the stoma.
Special considerations
• Can be done under LA, though difficult in a dyspnoeic, struggling
• In ICU, tracheostomy is now usually done percutaneously, using
dilational technique; theatre cases are likely to be the difficult ones.
• Tracheostomy is not the ideal route of approach for emergency airway
access; cricothyroidotomy is more accessible and less likely to bleed
(see % p. 381).
• LMA can be used if tracheostomy is done at start of larger procedure
and upper airway normal.
Tracheostomy tubes
• Specific features available include:
• Inner tube (e.g. Shiley®): permits removal for cleaning
• Adjustable flange: length can be modified for short trachea or
deep stoma
• Channel in obturator for guide-​wire
• Fenestration: allows speech by patient occluding the lumen with a
finger and exhaling through hole in back wall of tube. Alternatively,
speaking valves such as the Passy Muir® Valve can be added.
• Tube change:
• New tube must be inserted with obturator in place to prevent stomal
• May be difficult to find trachea in new tracheostomy; guide-​wire may
be useful.
• Prepare for orotracheal intubation in case of problems.
• Cannot be left in place longer than 28d (classified as an implant

778 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Procedure Excision of larynx (epiglottis and glottis) with creation of
an end-​stomal tracheostomy
Time 3–​4h
Pain +++
Position Supine, pad under shoulders, head ring, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Moderate to substantial; X-​match 2 units
Practical IPPV, ETT with tubing going ‘north’, changed to
techniques tracheostomy during case
Arterial line, urinary catheter, CVP line for long/​
complicated surgery or if indicated by cardiac disease

• Some degree of airway obstruction likely. Patient likely to have had
recent GA (for diagnosis) to guide airway management; beware if some
time has elapsed.
• If no recent GA, assess the airway as for microlaryngoscopy (see %
pp. 773–5).
• Usually smokers; CVS/​respiratory system problems and malnutrition
• Discuss implications of tracheostomy preoperatively (communication,
secretions, coughing produced by tube). Speech therapist will do much
of this.
• Insert fine-​bore NG feeding tube at induction, and fix securely (can be
sutured to nasal septum).
• Warming blanket and fluid warmer.
• Long tubing needed for breathing circuit and gas sampling tube.
• Remifentanil infusion ideal.
• Substantial blood loss can accumulate under drapes at back of neck and
may not be apparent until end of case.
• For CVP access, all neck lines hinder surgery; femoral best, though
antecubital fossa (ACF) or subclavian can be used.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis for at least 24h.
• When changing to tracheostomy tube, see precautions for
tracheostomy (see % pp. 776–7), though end-​stoma makes tracheal
access safer and easier.
• During surgery, long tube (armoured or special preformed) via
tracheostomy is useful to enable surgical access round stoma, then
changed for standard tracheostomy tube at end.
• HDU ideal.
• Humidification and regular suction essential (blood, secretions).
• New tracheostomy produces protracted coughing—​morphine,
benzodiazepines or low-​dose propofol useful for control.
• Analgesia with PRN morphine IV/​NG, plus PRN paracetamol or
NSAID NG/​IV/​PR. Analgesic requirements usually surprisingly low.
• Antiemetic, as required.
Laryngectomy 779

Special considerations
• Beware of air emboli (see % pp. 584–5) during dissection—​early
detection by sudden fall in ETCO2.
• For previous laryngectomy patients presenting for surgery, to ventilate
via stoma, use paediatric face mask turned through 180°, LMA applied
to neck or intubate awake after LA spray to stoma. Tracheostomy tube
insertion is usually easy, though check stoma for stenosis or tumour
recurrence, and always preoxygenate.
• Partial laryngectomy, with laryngeal reconstruction and temporary
tracheostomy, favoured by some as alternative to radiotherapy in early
laryngeal tumours.

780 Chapter 31 Ear, nose and throat surgery

Radical neck dissection

Procedure Excision of sternomastoid, internal and external jugular
veins and associated lymph nodes. Modified or selective
neck dissection preserves some of these structures (not-
ably internal jugular vein)
Time 2–​4h
Pain + (selective neck dissection +++)
Position Supine, pad under shoulders, head on ring tilted to side,
head-​up tilt
Blood loss Moderate to substantial, X-​match 2–​4 units
Practical IPPV, ETT with tubing going ‘north’ or south-​facing RAE
techniques tube on opposite side. Arterial line, urinary catheter,
CVP line if surgery likely to be long/​complicated or with
cardiac disease

• Assess airway carefully, as may be an associated head and neck tumour
or previous major surgery.
• May be performed with another procedure, e.g. laryngectomy.
• Forced air warming blanket and fluid warmer.
• Long tubing is needed for the breathing circuit and gas sampling.
• Remifentanil infusion ideal.
• Can bleed briskly from large neck vessels, with substantial accumulation
of blood under drapes (may not be apparent until end of case).
• For CVP access, femoral is best. Must avoid remaining jugulars, as head
and neck venous drainage dependent on them.
• Head and neck oedema likely for several days (impaired venous
drainage). Keep head up as much as possible, and avoid excessive IV
• To reduce chance of agitation/​rebound hypertension and wound
haematoma in recovery, continue remifentanil at a low infusion rate,
or give morphine 15–​20min before end of surgery; clonidine up to 2
micrograms/​kg IV or dexmedetomidine also very useful. Treat any
hypertension early.
• Analgesia with PRN paracetamol or NSAID PO/​IV/​PR, morphine PO/​
IV. Surprisingly low analgesic requirements normally.
• Antiemetic, as required.
Special considerations
• Beware of air emboli during dissection—​early detection by sudden fall
in ETCO2 (see % pp. 584–5).
• Surgical manipulation of carotid sinus can produce marked bradycardia.
• If neck dissection previously done on other side, oedema is usually
worse and can raise ICP. Dexamethasone 8–​12mg IV preoperatively
(then 4mg IV 6-​hourly) is used by many to reduce this.
Parotidectomy 781

Procedure Excision of parotid gland, usually preserving facial nerve
Time 2–​5h
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine, head ring, head tilted to side and moderately
extended, head-​up tilt
Blood loss Small/​moderate, G&S. Greater for malignancy
Practical South-​facing RAE tube and IPPV normally used, though
techniques SV possible for suitable patients. Reinforced LMA and
IPPV or SV also possible. No NMB during dissection
around facial nerve

• Check if suitable for SV—​not if elderly, obese or respiratory disease.
• Check mouth opening, especially if malignant.
• Forced air warming blanket, fluid warmer ± urinary catheter.
• Avoid NMB after initial dose (check recovery with PNS) to allow
surgical testing for facial nerve.
• Remifentanil infusion ideal to allow IPPV without NMB and also reduce
blood loss.
• Alternatively, suppress respiratory drive with other opioid, volatile
agent or propofol infusion, plus moderate hyperventilation.
• LA spray to larynx useful to prevent coughing.
• If SV used, ensure patient settled initially using high level of
volatile agent.
• To reduce chance of agitation/​rebound hypertension and wound
haematoma in recovery, continue remifentanil at a low infusion rate or
give morphine 15–​20min before end of surgery; keep head up, and treat
hypertension early; clonidine up to 2 micrograms/​kg IV is very useful.
• Antiemetic, as required.
• Analgesia with PRN morphine IV/​PO, paracetamol or NSAID PO/​IV/​PR.
Special considerations
• Surgeon normally uses nerve stimulator to identify facial nerve during
dissection and may wish to leave ipsilateral eye exposed to monitor
• Large-​bore IV access at start, as occasionally bleeds substantially
(especially malignant tumours).
Chapter 32 783

Maxillofacial and dental

Alastair Martin and John Bowden
Oral/​maxillofacial surgery 784
Fractures of the orbitozygomatic complex 786
Mandibular fractures 787
Maxillary/​mandibular osteotomy 788
Maxillofacial tumour surgery 790
Sedation for dentistry 792
General anaesthesia for dentistry 793
Dental extractions 794
Extraction of impacted/​buried teeth 796

See also
% Radical neck dissection p. 780
% Parotidectomy p. 781
% Tracheostomy pp. 776–7

784 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Oral/​maxillofacial surgery
General principles
Anaesthesia for intraoral/​maxillofacial procedures requires management of
a shared (often difficult) airway. Nasal intubation is frequently used to im-
prove surgical access to the mouth, facilitate X-​rays and allow assessment
of bite alignment. At the preoperative visit, check nostril patency and ask
about epistaxis and the use of anticoagulants. Discuss the choice of airway
with the surgeon.
• Simple intraoral procedures are usually possible using a reinforced LMA.
For unilateral intraoral procedures, an oral ETT (e.g. RAE tube) placed
on the opposite side of the mouth may be acceptable. Oral airways may
be dislodged, and vigilance is required (particularly LMAs which tend to
obstruct as they migrate forwards).
• If the nasal route is chosen for intubation, use LA and/​or a
vasoconstrictor mixture (lidocaine 5%/​phenylephrine 0.5% or
xylometazoline). There are many varieties of nasal tube; the ‘Ivory
Preformed North-​Facing Nasal’ from Portex® is ideal. These preshaped
tubes are made of soft material and cause little nasal trauma. Sizes of
6.0, 6.5 and 7.0mm should be available. Place in warm water before
use to soften the material even further. The tube should be padded
with gauze to protect the patient’s forehead. Consider fixing the ETT,
NGT and temperature probe with clear adhesive film. Avoid excessive
tension/​pressure on the alar margin which risks causing necrosis. The
surgeon will need to recheck periodically.
• Patients who have had previous surgery and/​or radiotherapy may have
thick, fixed (‘woody’) soft tissues and poor neck mobility. Intubation
may be harder than predicted by bedside tests. Consider VL techniques
(e.g. CMAC®/​Glidescope® or fibreoptic intubation).
• Protect the eyes with tape and eye pads or surgically positioned plastic
contact lenses (e.g. the Crouch Corneal Protector®).
• Position the patient with the head at the opposite end to the anaesthetic
machine. A long breathing circuit and gas analysis/​spirometry lines
are normally required. Secure the breathing circuit with a tube holder.
Ensure the pilot cuff is accessible and clear from the eyes.
• Stabilise the head with a horseshoe or head ring. For operations on
the roof of the mouth, use a bolster under the shoulders to extend
the neck further. Positioning the patient slightly head-​up will reduce
• Routine use of throat packs is not recommended. If they are used, they
should be placed by the surgeon and a robust system should be in place
to ensure that they are not inadvertently left in situ. This should include:
• Discussion at ‘Time Out’
• A visual reminder (e.g. throat pack sticker and an entry on the swab/​
sharps board)
• Confirmation of removal in the ‘Sign Out’ swab count
• Clear documentation.
Oral/maxillofacial surgery 785

• There is a risk of aspiration of blood, pus and debris. The oropharynx
and larynx should be suctioned at the end of the case (preferably under
direct vision). Patients should be extubated sitting at 30–​45° to reduce
bleeding from venous congestion (or in the left lateral position with
head-​down tilt if there is a high risk of airway soiling).
• Some anaesthetists extubate the patient using a ‘deep’, spontaneous
breathing technique. Some exchange the ETT for an LMA and allow the
patient to wake slowly in recovery. Others prefer to extubate awake.
• Whichever technique is used, the aim is to avoid bleeding and swelling
caused by coughing and straining. The use of a nasotracheal tube or
LMA, which do not stimulate the gag reflex as much as an oral tube,
facilitates a smoother extubation. Consider also spraying the vocal
cords with lidocaine at intubation.
• If a nasal tube has been used, it is possible to convert it into a
nasopharyngeal airway by withdrawing it until the tip lies in the
oropharynx, inserting a safety pin (to prevent the tube from slipping
back into the nostril) and cutting at the 15cm mark.

786 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Fractures of the orbitozygomatic

Procedure Elevation of fractured zygomatic complex ± fixation
Time 10–​180min
Pain +/​++
Position Supine, with head-​up tilt, head ring
Blood loss Minor (may be more with internal fixation)
Practical Oral RAE tube and IPPV. LMA/​SV for simple elevation

Fractures may occur in isolation or be associated with damage to other

parts of the facial skeleton. Interference with movement of the coronoid
process of the mandible by the depressed zygomatic complex may limit
mouth opening. Following elevation, the fracture may be stable or unstable
and require internal fixation. Unstable fractures require plating or wiring via
skin or intraoral incisions.
• Assess for associated injuries, particularly head and neck injuries.
Treatment of these fractures does not have high clinical priority (unless
there is ocular compromise from retrobulbar haemorrhage). The
operation is often easier 5–​7d later when facial swelling has reduced.
• Make a careful airway assessment.
• Intubate the patient with an oral RAE tube. For simple fracture
elevations, a flexible LMA may be used, but discuss with the surgeon
whether open fixation of the fracture is planned.
• Lubricate and protect the eye on the non-​operative side.
• Give antibiotics according to local protocols if metalwork is to be
inserted (e.g. co-​amoxiclav 1.2g or clindamycin 600mg), and steroids
(e.g. dexamethasone 6.6mg IV) as requested.
• Be prepared for potential bradycardia (vagally mediated) when the
zygoma fracture is reduced (Gillies’ lift).
• Extubate with the patient breathing spontaneously. Do not apply
excessive pressure over the zygoma with the face mask post-​extubation.
• IV opioids may be required in recovery.
• Prescribe oral analgesia for the ward.
• Eye observations in recovery and on the ward to detect postoperative
retrobulbar haemorrhage (which would require a return to theatre).
Mandibular fractures 787

Mandibular fractures
Procedure Reduction and fixation of a fractured mandible
Time 1–​3h
Pain +
Position Supine, with head-​up tilt, head ring
Blood loss Variable.G&S usually not required
Practical techniques Nasal tube and IPPV. Fibreoptic intubation may
be required

Mandibular fractures can be treated by closed reduction and indirect skel-

etal fixation (using interdental wires, arch bars or splints) or open reduction
and direct skeletal fixation using bone plates. Direct skeletal fixation is more
common. Indirect skeletal fixation is now rarely used, when the patient’s
teeth may be wired together at the completion of surgery. On occasion,
external fixation may be required.
• Ensure careful assessment for associated injuries.
• Make a meticulous assessment of the airway. There may be severe
trismus and marked soft tissue swelling.
• Assess nostril patency. Check for evidence of basal skull fracture and
CSF leak, as these contraindicate nasal intubation and require discussion
with a specialist neurosurgical centre.
• Nasal intubation, tracheostomy or submental intubation. The surgeons
cannot work around an oral airway.
• Acute trismus makes intubation look potentially difficult preoperatively,
as mouth opening may be markedly limited, but this tends to relax
following induction. Patients with older fractures and those complicated
by infection tend not to relax as much.
• Marked swelling may make intubation more difficult, and an AFOI may
occasionally be required.
• Bilateral mandibular fractures allow i anterior jaw displacement after
induction, but airway maintenance by face mask may not always be easy
due to swelling and loss of jaw structure. An RSI may be appropriate
with suxamethonium or rocuronium (have sugammadex available).
• Gas induction and effective preoxygenation may be more difficult due to
pain when applying the face mask.
As for patients having maxillary/​mandibular osteotomies (see % pp. 788–9).

788 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Maxillary/​mandibular osteotomy
Procedure Surgical realignment of facial skeleton
Time 3–​6h
Pain ++
Position Supine, with head-​up tilt, head ring
Blood loss Variable. Occasionally can be severe. G&S
Practical techniques Nasal tube and IPPV. Consider arterial line

Patients presenting for orthognathic surgery may have malformations iso-

lated to one or both jaws or have multiple craniofacial deformities as part
of a syndrome. Patients are usually in their late teens or early twenties and
are generally fit and healthy. When an osteotomy is performed, the bone is
plated and often transiently stabilised by wiring the maxilla and mandible to-
gether. Rarely the patient remains ‘wired’ at the end of the case. If vomiting
or bleeding were to occur postoperatively, fatal airway obstruction may
ensue, unless the fixation can be quickly removed. This requires expertly
trained staff and adequate postoperative facilities.
• Assess the airway carefully. Check the nostrils for patency.
• Check Hb and G&S (as per local guidelines).
• Thromboembolic prophylaxis: compression stockings; consider the use
of intermittent pneumatic compression boots in theatre.
• Intubate nasally using a preformed nasal tube (see % p. 784). Spraying
the cords and larynx with lidocaine may reduce coughing on extubation.
• Good venous access. Consider invasive pressure monitoring due to the
length of surgery.
• Put lubricating ophthalmic ointment into the eyes and protect them with
pads and tape or plastic contact lenses.
• Position the patient carefully on the operating table. Place the head on a
ring and tilt the table head-​up.
• Mild induced hypotension is useful to help minimise blood loss. Avoid
hypertension. Consider remifentanil infusion (0.1–​0.75 micrograms/​
kg/​min, or TCI 2–​6 nanograms/​mL, although >12 nanograms/​mL may
occasionally be needed). Other choices include GTN infusion (2–​10mg/​
h) and β-​blockade (e.g. labetalol 5–​10mg boluses or by infusion). As a
general guide, maintain the MAP at 60mmHg or above.
• Give IV antibiotics as per local protocol (e.g. co-​amoxiclav 1.2g or
clindamycin 600mg) and steroids (e.g. dexamethasone 6.6mg IV) to
minimise swelling.
• Administer prophylactic antiemetics (ondansetron plus cyclizine) to
minimise the risk of nausea and vomiting. Dexamethasone is also
• Keep the patient warm. Measure the core temperature; warm IV fluids
and use a heating mattress and/​or hot air blower. These may need to
be reduced after 2–​3h, as patients tend to overheat.
Maxillary/mandibular osteotomy 789

• Monitor blood loss carefully. HemoCue® is a useful way of tracking Hb

concentration in theatre.
• The patient’s jaws will rarely be wired together on completion of
surgery. Ensure that throat packs are removed and the oropharynx is
cleared of blood and debris before this is done.
• Extubate the patient once fully awake. Withdraw the nasal tube
(15cm mark at the nostril); insert safety pin and cut to leave as a
nasopharyngeal airway.
• Use multimodal analgesia, including opioid, intraoperatively.
• Ensure that you and the nursing staff are familiar with the position of
any wires that hold the jaws together. Make sure wire cutters are always
with the patient if the jaws remain wired.
• Some units send these patients to HDU. Others send them to the ward
after an extended period in recovery.
• Administer humidified O2.
• Ensure all oral analgesics are prescribed in a soluble form. PCA or IM
opioids should also be prescribed.
• Continue prophylactic antibiotics and steroids postoperatively, as per
your unit’s protocol (usually 24–​48h).
• Prescribe IV fluids. Encourage the patient to take fluid by the oral route
as soon as possible.

790 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Maxillofacial tumour surgery

(See also % pp. 784–5.)

Procedure Resection of head and neck tumour. May include tracheos-

tomy formation, access surgery, neck dissection, ablative
surgery and graft or flap reconstruction
Time 2–​10+ h
Pain ++
Position Supine, head ring, head-​up tilt, pad under shoulders if neck
dissection or roof of mouth surgery
Blood loss Moderate. Group and save is usually sufficient
Practical IPPV with north-​facing preformed nasal ETT, or RAE on
techniques the other side. May need tracheostomy. Arterial line,
urinary catheter for long cases with reconstruction

• Assess airway, paying attention to tumour site and size, relevant
imaging, obstructive symptoms, mouth opening and neck mobility,
anaesthetic records, history of radiotherapy and previous maxillofacial/​
neck surgery. Discuss with the surgeon.
• Patients frequently have a history of smoking and high alcohol intake.
Look for cardiovascular and respiratory comorbidity.
• Prepare long breathing circuit.
• Position and drape to allow access to head, neck and donor sites.
• Apply warming blanket and insert a temperature probe. Warming may
need to be reduced after 2–​3h, as patients tend to overheat.
• Fine-​bore feeding NGT should be inserted before surgery begins if
likely to be needed postoperatively.
• Ensure pressure areas are padded. Check periodically—​pressure
damage and tissue loss can occur with prolonged surgery (especially
heels, elbows, nose and forehead).
• Give appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis as per local protocol (e.g. co-​
amoxiclav 1.2g or clindamycin 600mg).
• Give steroids (e.g. dexamethasone 6.6mg) to reduce postoperative
swelling and for analgesia.
• If the surgery involves laser resection, minimise risks to the patient and
staff by reducing FiO2, using a laser tube if possible, inflating the cuff
with 0.9% sodium chloride (± methylthioninium chloride (methylene
blue)), using smoke-​filtering masks and wearing eye protection. The
surgeon should use protective 0.9% sodium chloride-​soaked swabs,
non-​reflective instruments and smoke extraction (see % pp. 476–9).
• Avoid hypertension (see % pp. 1068–9). Normalise BP before wound
closure to check for bleeding.
Maxillofacial tumour surgery 791

Reconstructive flap surgery

• Maxillofacial reconstructions are performed using local (e.g. nasolabial),
regional (e.g. pectoralis major) or free flaps (particularly from the radial
forearm/​fibula/​anterolateral thigh).
• Major operations may be lengthy, 6–​10+ h.
• The same principles apply as for plastic surgery free flaps (see %
pp. 659–61), with the added complication of a potentially difficult
airway, both pre-​and post-​surgery.
• Keep the patient warm. Hypothermia increases surgical site infection
rates, and vasoconstriction and vascular spasm may threaten flap
• Avoid hypertension. Allow lower BP during tumour resection and
raising of the flap to reduce blood loss. Thereafter, aim for near
preoperative BP. Consider advanced haemodynamic monitoring if
familiar (e.g. LiDCO®). Avoid excessive IV crystalloid administration as
oedema and swelling may compromise flap blood flow.
• Surgical stimulation varies widely during these operations. Remifentanil
provides good titratable opioid cover and easier BP control. Ensure a
longer-​acting opioid is administered before waking.
• Consider regional blocks or LA infusions for peripheral donor sites.
• HDU or ICU care is usually indicated postoperatively for fluid balance,
BP control, flap monitoring and rapid airway rescue if needed.
• Traditionally, surgical tracheostomies were often performed because of
the risk of postoperative airway compromise. Sedation and overnight
ventilation on the ICU with a nasal ETT are becoming increasingly
common and may avoid tracheostomy.
• Avoid heavy-​handed systemic analgesia as this may lead to
postoperative hypotension when the surgical stimulus has abated.
Sedation should be titrated down to minimise the need for fluid boluses
and vasopressors.
• The patient should be nursed with the head and neck in a neutral
position to avoid tension on, or compression of, newly anastomosed
• Ensure throat packs are removed before transfer to recovery or ICU.
• Assess airway for oedema and swelling. Plan the extubation carefully; it
is often riskier than intubation.
• Keep head-​up to minimise oedema, venous congestion and pain.
• Analgesia with regular paracetamol, NSAID and PO/​IV morphine
(these procedures are often less painful than they look). PCA is
sometimes required and may be useful for donor site pain.

792 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Sedation for dentistry

Patients who are unable to tolerate dental treatment under LA can often
be managed by a combination technique using sedation. These procedures
are usually performed by the dentist in the dental clinic. PO or IV sed-
ation can be provided by short-​acting benzodiazepines such as midazolam.
Inhalational sedation can be provided by subanaesthetic concentrations of
N2O (up to 50%) in O2 using a nasal mask—​termed ‘relative analgesia’.
Whichever route of administration is used, it is important to ensure that
the patient remains conscious throughout. The patient must be monitored
by a trained member of staff (and not the operator who may be distracted
by the procedure).
General considerations
• Patients should be ASA 1 or 2. (Patients with significant comorbidities
should have their procedures in the hospital setting with an anaesthetist
• Patients will require an escort for the procedure and to care for them
• Written instructions should be provided regarding limitations on driving
(as for GA) and operating machinery postoperatively. The patient
should be told to avoid a heavy meal/​alcohol prior to treatment.
Patients should follow standard starvation guidelines when an
anaesthetist is present and conversion to GA is a possibility.
• Inhalational sedation cannot be used in patients with nasal obstruction
or those unable to cooperate with breathing through a nasal mask.
• LA is used in all patients after sedation has been established.
• The patient should be able to communicate throughout the procedure.
• Resuscitation equipment must be available.
Suitable regimes
• Single-​agent regimes are safer.
• For adults, midazolam 2mg IV; wait 90s, then give 1mg every 30s
until sedated. Expect to give 6–​10mg (Society for Advancement of
Anaesthesia in Dentistry guidelines). Reduce the dose in the elderly.
• Low-​dose propofol infusion (only with suitable training).
• O2 (100%) via nasal mask; add 10% N2O for 1min, then 20% for 1min.
Continue increments of 5% until sedated (up to 50%).
Special considerations
• Have flumazenil available for reversal of midazolam.
• Allow at least 1h for recovery following IV sedation.
• Following N2O sedation, 100% O2 must be administered to prevent
diffusion hypoxia.
• The patient can be discharged once they are able to stand and walk
General anaesthesia for dentistry 793

General anaesthesia for dentistry

General considerations
• GA for dental procedures should be undertaken in hospital and
reserved for patients unable to tolerate LA (i.e. young children, adults
with learning difficulties, impacted/​buried teeth).
• Patients with learning difficulties may have trouble understanding the
procedure and are often anxious. A short-​acting anxiolytic agent, such
as midazolam, and a topical anaesthetic cream may help.
• Patients may have a more complex medical disorder such as Down’s
syndrome or other congenital abnormality. It is important to exclude
any significant cardiac pathology.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis against infective endocarditis should not routinely
be used for dental patients. For high-​risk patients, prophylaxis may be
appropriate. NICE recommends that clinicians should apply clinical
judgement on an individual basis, explaining risks and benefits and
involving the patient in the decision.
• Patients requiring extensive work can be treated in a day case unit but
may require overnight stay if they have major comorbidities.
• Positioning. There is no longer a place for ‘dental chair’ anaesthesia.
Postural hypotension can easily be overlooked. It is now standard
practice to keep patients supine or slightly head-​up.
• LA infiltration should be used whenever possible. Care with very young
children where it may lead to accidental biting/​laceration.
• Dental labelling. Deciduous teeth are assigned letters A–​E in each
quadrant, and adult teeth are numbered 1–​8. Roots are indicated by
‘x’, supernumerary (extra) teeth by ‘$’ and buried or unerupted teeth
by a circle around the letter/​number. These are drawn with the patient
‘facing you’ and may be written as a complete mouth grid (as shown in
Fig. 32.1) or as quadrants.
• Simple extractions may be very quick procedures, lasting a few minutes.
LMAs (flexible) are preferable for multiple extractions. A prop/​gag
is inserted by the surgeon to facilitate surgical access; ensure that it
does not obstruct the airway. During extractions, airway patency must
be maintained and may require jaw support. When extractions are
complete, a pack is positioned over the dental sockets to absorb any
oozing blood.
• Restoration work can take over an hour and often requires intubation
and ventilation. To facilitate X-​rays and bite assessment, a nasal tube
may be required.

794 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Dental extractions
Procedure Dental extractions
Time 2–​30min (much longer for additional restorative
work in adults)
Pain +/​++
Position Supine
Blood loss Nil
Practical techniques LMA/​nasal mask (nasal ETT for prolonged re-
storative work)

• Usually children 3–​12y, dental phobics or patients with learning
• Beware of undiagnosed pathology, e.g. heart murmurs.
• Obtain consent for analgesic suppositories, if required.
• Give pre-​emptive oral analgesia, e.g. paracetamol and ibuprofen.
• If a sedative premedication is needed, consider buccal or nasal
midazolam (500 micrograms/​kg, max 10mg). Buccal absorption is more
rapid than oral. Effects are variable, and the patient should be closely
observed. Higher doses of up to 20mg (off product licence) have been
used successfully in larger adults.
• Ketamine, dexmedetomidine and clonidine are alternatives.
• Apply a topical anaesthetic for cannulation if IV induction planned.
• Give propofol for IV induction, and sevoflurane for inhalational
• Tape the eyes closed.
• Maintenance with volatile agent or IV agent.
• Use LA infiltration (by dentist/​oral surgeon); opioids are not usually
needed for short day cases.
• Simple extractions do not usually require antibiotic cover.
• Stabilise the head and neck manually during the procedure.
• Place young children in the lateral position, slightly head-​down at the
• Regular paracetamol and ibuprofen.
Special considerations
• The operator may apply considerable pressure during extraction, often
resulting in an airway-​obstructing ‘reverse jaw thrust’. The anaesthetist
should apply counterpressure to support and stabilise the head and
• Beware of potential hypoxia. Give 100% O2 for maintenance, if
• Children with blocked noses can be safely anaesthetised using an LMA
(provided there is no URTI).
• (See Fig. 32.1 for dentition labelling nomenclature.) X-​rays should be
displayed during surgery to ensure the correct teeth are removed.
Dental extractions 795

Quadrant labelling: Full set of deciduous teeth: Full set of adult teeth:

Upper right Upper left EDCBA ABCDE 87654321 12345678

Lower right Lower left EDCBA ABCDE 87654321 12345678

1: central incisor
2: lateral incisor 8 8
3: cuspid/canine
4: 1st premolar
5: 2nd premolar 8 13xx 8
6: 1st molar Example documentation
7: 2nd molar
8: 3rd molar (wisdom teeth)
X: roots
$: unerupted teeth

Fig. 32.1 Dentition labelling.


796 Chapter 32 Maxillofacial and dental surgery

Extraction of impacted/​buried teeth

Procedure Removal of teeth
Time 3–​45min
Pain +
Position Supine, head ring, bolster under shoulders if upper teeth
to be extracted
Blood loss Minimal
Practical LMA and SV, nasal tube and IPPV (extubate awake or
techniques deep)

• Careful assessment of the airway. Check nostrils for patency.
• If the patient has a dental abscess, there may be marked swelling of the
face and severe trismus. AFOI may be necessary (see % pp. 393–6).
• Consider an LMA/​oral tube for simple/​unilateral extractions.
• For more complex procedures, consider a preformed nasal tube.
• Protect the eyes with tape and pads.
• The surgeon should anaesthetise the appropriate terminal branches of
the maxillary division (infraorbital, greater palatine, nasopalatine) and
mandibular division (inferior alveolar, lingual, buccal, mental) of the
trigeminal nerve with LA.
• Give an opioid and NSAID/​paracetamol pre-​or intraoperatively.
• IV antibiotics may be administered to minimise the risk of infection
(e.g. co-​amoxiclav 1.2g or clindamycin 600mg for patients with penicillin
allergy). Check your local antibiotic policy.
• Steroids (e.g. dexamethasone 6.6 mg IV) may be given for antiemesis
and to minimise swelling.
• Balanced analgesia with regular paracetamol and NSAIDs. Prescribe
rescue analgesia with PRN tramadol or codeine phosphate. (Codeine is
no longer advised for children.)
Special considerations
• Talk to the surgeon to ascertain the likely length of surgery. Remember
that some patients require GA only because they are ‘dental-​phobic’.
The surgical extractions may be simple, and the operative time
consequently very short. A short-​acting muscle relaxant may be
Extraction of impacted/buried teeth 797

Further reading
Royal College of Anaesthetists (2021). Chapter 12: guidelines for the provision of anaesthesia services
for ENT, oral maxillofacial and dental surgery 2021. M https://​​gpas/​chapter-​12
Athanassoglou V, Patel A, McGuire B, et al. (2018). Systematic review of benefits or harms of routine
anaesthetist-​inserted throat packs in adults: practice recommendations for inserting and counting
throat packs: an evidence-​based consensus statement by the Difficult Airway Society (DAS), the
British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BAOMS) and the British Association of
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (ENT-​UK). Anaesthesia, 73, 612–​18.
Coyle M, Tyrrell R, Godden A, et al. (2013). Replacing tracheostomy with overnight intubation to
manage the airway in head and neck oncology patients: towards an improved recovery. Br J Oral
Maxillofac Surg, 51, 493–​6.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2008, updated 2016). Prophylaxis against infective
endocarditis: antimicrobial prophylaxis against infective endocarditis in adults and children undergoing
interventional procedures. Clinical guideline [CG64]. M https://​​guidance/​cg64/​
Coulthard P (2006). Conscious sedation guidance. Evid Based Dent, 7, 90–​1.
The Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry (SAAD). M http://​​
Chapter 33 799

Ophthalmic surgery
Peter B Williamson
Relevant anatomy and physiology 800
Preoperative considerations 802
Local anaesthetic techniques 804
General anaesthesia and sedation 808
Vitreoretinal surgery 811
Cataract and anterior chamber surgery 812
Strabismus surgery 813
Dacryocystorhinostomy 814
Penetrating globe injury 815

800 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

Relevant anatomy and physiology

The orbit
The bony orbit (Fig. 33.1) is a 40–​50mm deep, pyramid-​shaped recess in the
cranial bones (with the apex slightly angulated nasosuperiorly) which con-
tains the globe and ocular muscles surrounded by loose connective tissue.
Nerves and vessels enter via the superior and inferior orbital fissures and
mostly remain inside ‘the cone’ of muscles. Globe movement is controlled
by the extraocular muscles, innervated by cranial nerves (CN) III, IV and VI
(III + LR6SO4 is a useful aide memoire). The sensory components are via the
1st and 2nd divisions of the trigeminal nerve (CN V).
The globe
In relation to the orbit, the globe sits anteriorly, high and closer to the zygo-
matic bone on the temporal side. Needle access is therefore safest either
at the medial canthus or inferotemporally. The ‘axial length’ quantifies the
depth the globe reaches in the orbit, with higher values suggesting a longer,
‘sausage-​shaped’ eye which may preclude peribulbar blocks. The sclera is
the fibrous exterior of the globe, protecting the deeper choroidal, middle
and inner retinal layers. Immediately superficial to the sclera is the poten-
tial space bounded by the white and avascular Tenon’s capsule, which can

Tendon of
superior oblique
Central compartment
Levator palpebrae septum
Superior rectus


Inferior rectus

Maxillary sinus
Fascial sheath septum
of eyeball

Fig. 33.1 Vertical section through the orbit. Reproduced with permission of Oxford
Publishing Limited through PLSclear from McLeod G, et al. (2012) Principles and Practice of Regional
Anaesthesia, with permission from Oxford University Press. Copyright © Oxford University Press,
Relevant anatomy and physiology 801

be accessed to administer a sub-​Tenon’s block. The most superficial layer

visible is the conjunctiva, which is loose to allow eye movement and inserts
into the limbus of the eye (the boundary of the cornea).
The cone
Delineated by the four rectus muscles, the cone contains both key sites for
the action of anaesthetic drugs (sensory nerves, the ciliary ganglion and the
insertion of CN III, IV and VI into their respective extraocular muscles) and
structures best avoided (the optic nerve, and retinal artery and vein). The
aim of a peribulbar block is to deposit LA outside the cone and allow it to
spread gradually to intraconal structures, whereas with retrobulbar block,
the needle enters the cone itself and a smaller volume of LA is directly in-
jected to the area of interest.
Intraocular pressure
The IOP is made up of aqueous/​ vitreous humour volume, choroidal
blood volume and extraocular tone. It is akin to ICP in many ways and the
normal range is 10–​20mmHg in the healthy intact globe. The IOP can in-
crease dramatically during coughing, vomiting or laryngospasm, resulting in
catastrophic expulsive haemorrhage if the globe is open. Preventing these
events and controlling IOP is key and can be achieved through:
• Head-​up position and GA with muscle relaxants
• Avoidance of direct eye compression and the pressor response during
airway management
• Physiological manipulation of choroidal blood volume with modest
hyperventilation to an ETCO2 of 3.5–​4.0kPa and avoidance of
• Pharmacological manipulation with acetazolamide 500mg IV (reduces
aqueous production) and mannitol 0.5mg/​kg IVI (increases vitreous
drainage), while mindful of the uncatheterised patient due to excessive
diuresis on the operating table
• Minimising LA volume during blocks.
Oculocardiac reflex
Unique to ophthalmic surgery, and most commonly seen during squint and
glaucoma surgery, the oculocardiac reflex is triggered by pressure on the
extraocular muscles or the globe itself and results in a powerful vagal re-
sponse via the short and long ciliary nerves. Clinically, this manifests as a
sudden bradycardia (and, in extreme cases, asystole), sometimes accom-
panied by apnoea and vomiting. Prophylaxis against the reflex is via:
• LA techniques which block the ciliary afferent nerves (sub-​Tenon’s and
peribulbar blocks or intracameral LA injection)
• Avoidance of hypercapnia
• Administering glycopyrronium bromide 200–​400 micrograms.
Treatment of the bradycardia is via removal of surgical traction or pressure,
appropriate vagolytics (glycopyrronium 200–​600 micrograms or atropine
300–​600 micrograms) and support of CO.

802 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

Preoperative considerations
Preoperative assessment
Although classically described as the ‘extremes of age’, all age groups can
present for ophthalmic surgery:
• Paediatric: treatment of congenital pathology and strabismus
• Adult: treatment of refractive errors, floaters, penetrating eye injury
and ptosis
• Elderly: treatment of cataracts, retinal detachment and glaucoma.
The patient population tends to share some common features:
• DM or hypertension: predisposition to retinal pathology and
detachment; relevant as risk factors for cerebrovascular disease
and IHD
• COPD: predisposition to retinal vascular disease, more likely to cough
during surgery
• Thyroid disease: predisposition to ocular pathology; relevant as risk
factors for OSA and difficult airway
• Systemic diseases with ophthalmic presentations such as multiple
sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, sarcoidosis and connective tissue
• Anxiety: very few people are relaxed about the notion of a surgeon
performing microsurgery on one of their most valued organs, let alone
awake with a drape over their head.
In addition to standard preoperative assessment and in-​depth questioning
regarding the issues above, make special note of:
• The patient’s ability to lie flat and still
• Axial length (if available) on cataract biometry—​if >26mm, it may
preclude peribulbar block
• INR/​APTT/​anticoagulant usage—​peribulbar blocks may be
contraindicated with a certain degree of coagulopathy (exact cut-​offs
may be dictated by local protocols)
• Tamsulosin—​predisposes to ‘floppy iris syndrome’ which can make a
routine cataract more difficult.
Anaesthetic strategy
Determining conduct of anaesthesia (LA, sedation or GA) is one of the
most crucial strategic decisions to be made preoperatively.
LA techniques can be used in conjunction with sedation or GA as appro-
priate and each combination will present a different risk/​benefit analysis. LA
techniques are usually preferred due to minimising cardiovascular instability
and drug load, providing good operating conditions and maintaining high
list turnover. They can also be performed by most ophthalmic surgeons.
Patient cooperation during block insertion is highly indicative of their likely
behaviour on the operating table.
• Patient factors: level of cooperation/​hearing/​comprehension, degree
of anxiety and claustrophobia, movement disorders precluding
remaining still and flat, predilection for coughing, ASA grade and factors
which increase the risk of GA
• Anaesthetic factors for converting to GA: ease of IV access, degree of
shared airway
Preoperative considerations 803

• Surgical factors: length and complexity of procedure, degree of surgical

stimulation/​postoperative pain, need for normal muscle tone (e.g.
for blepharoplasty), degree of akinesia required and likely impact of
patient movement, multiple site surgery (e.g. donor site surgery for
oculoplastics), need for vision in operative eye following surgery
• Logistical factors: impact on list booking and turnover, level of
postoperative care required.

804 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

Local anaesthetic techniques

Topical anaesthesia
Topical anaesthesia is the least invasive LA modality and is quick, simple,
very safe, cheap and suitable for most superficial procedures, including
cataracts. There are virtually no contraindications beyond being able to lie
flat for the procedure, and IV access is not needed. Vision is also intact
postoperatively which is especially important if you are operating on the
only functioning eye. Topical anaesthesia is limited by the fact that it confers
only simple surface analgesia and no akinesia, and is relatively ineffective in
the inflamed eye.
• Simple instillation of drops (proxymetacaine 0.5%, tetracaine 1%,
oxybuprocaine 0.4%) is all that is required.
• The surgeon will often supplement topical anaesthesia by blocking the
iris and ciliary body with an injection of LA into the anterior chamber
(intracameral) once surgery is under way.
Drugs for blocks
• Lidocaine 2%: more than sufficient for cataract surgery.
• Bupivacaine 0.5%: suitable for block under GA for postoperative
analgesia, or longer surgery awake if time allows the block to evolve.
• A 1:1 mixture of 2% lidocaine and 0.5% bupivacaine provides balance
between onset, duration and quality of the block for longer procedures.
• Hyaluronidase 2–​30 units/​mL is sometimes added to aid block spread
and reduce IOP, although this must be balanced against the risk of
occasional severe allergy or anaphylaxis.
Volume of LA for blocks
• Higher volumes of LA improve onset and quality of the block.
• High volumes will also deliberately proptose a ‘deep eye’ and facilitate
surgical access.
• However, high volumes will also increase IOP and make anterior
chamber surgery difficult, especially with glaucoma.
• Sub-​Tenon’s blocks usually require 73.0–​5.0mL of LA.
• Peribulbar blocks usually involve a total of 5.0–​10.0mL of LA, depending
on the number of injections and desired effect.
Sub-​Tenon’s block
(See Fig. 33.2.) Performing a sub-​Tenon’s block is simple and relatively safe,
conveys modest analgesia and akinesia and can be performed in most pa-
tients, including those with long axial lengths and/​or taking anticoagulants.
Its principle disadvantages are disruption and oedema of the conjunctiva
(chemosis), which makes some surgical procedures more challenging (e.g.
trabeculectomy, port insertion for vitrectomy), and performing the block
becomes more challenging with successive procedures due to scarring of
the planes (although an alternative superotemporal approach can be used),
and vision is blocked postoperatively. The eye can be unsightly and irritated
at 24–​48h, but this is usually mild and treated with simple analgesia and LA
drops. IV access is only usually required if sedation is indicated.
• Position the patient supine.
• Apply proxymetacaine 0.5% and iodine drops to the operative eye.
Local anaesthetic techniques 805

(a) (b)



Fig. 33.2 Sub-​Tenon’s block. (a) Making the incision in the inferior nasal quadrant of
the conjunctiva for a sub-​Tenon’s block. (b) Cross-​section through the orbit showing
the position of the needle during a sub-​Tenon’s block. M, extraocular muscles; ON,
optic nerve. Black triangles, Tenon’s fascia; black arrow, sub-​Tenon’s space; white
arrow, conjunctiva .Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear
from Warman P. et al. (2014) Oxford Specialist Handbook of Regional Anaesthesia, Stimulation and
Ultrasound Techniques. Copyright © Oxford University Press, 2014.

• Clean the lids, eyelashes and eyebrows with iodine prep solution, then
retract the lower lid with a speculum.
• Ask the patient to look ‘up and out’ or to follow your fingers to the
correct position.
• Identify an avascular area about 5mm away from the limbus in the
inferonasal quadrant.
• Use Moorfields forceps to lift the conjunctiva.
• Make a small incision with blunt-​ended Westcott’s scissors; you should
see the plain white, relatively avascular Tenon’s capsule.
• In some cases, you can proceed straight to insertion of a blunt sub-​
Tenon’s cannula in an inferonasal direction and then injection; in others,
further blunt dissection of the plane with the scissors is required.
• Once the cannula is past the equator of the globe (syringe almost
vertical, perpendicular to the patient), you can administer LA
injectate—​warn the patient they will experience some pressure behind
the eye at this point.
• Usual volume of injectate is 3.0–​5.0mL of LA; then tape the blocked
eye closed.
• Complications: if you see considerable chemosis, you might be in
the wrong plane (subconjunctival); more serious complications are
extremely rare.
Peribulbar block
(See Fig. 33.3.) An extraconal injection of LA; quick to perform either via
the conjunctiva (cleaner and easier to anaesthetise) or transcutaneously
(if the patient cannot keep eye open) without requiring a speculum; pro-
vides good akinesia and analgesia with minimal disruption of conjunctiva.
However, as a sharp needle technique, it introduces the risk of globe per-
foration (<0.1%) and retrobulbar haemorrhage (0.07%). It is more dan-
gerous in the long eye (axial length >26mm increases the risk of globe

806 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

(a) (b)

Fig. 33.3 Peribulbar (extraconal) block. (a) An inferotemporal injection for a

peribulbar block. (b) Needle position for peribulbar block. Reproduced with permission
of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear from a) Warman P. et al. (2014) Oxford Specialist
Handbook of Regional Anaesthesia, Stimulation and Ultrasound Techniques © Oxford University Press,
2014; b) McLeod G et al. (2012) Principles and Practice of Regional Anaesthesia. © Oxford University
Press, 2012.

perforation) and is relatively contraindicated with anticoagulants (but safe

with aspirin) and absolutely contraindicated in the perforated or infected
eye. Vision is also blocked for a prolonged period postoperatively. IV access
is a risk/​benefit analysis but suggested, given the risk of systemic complica-
tions (e.g. bradycardia or seizure).
• Establish IV access if required and attach basic monitoring.
• Prepare LA injectate in a 10mL syringe.
• Position the patient either supine or sitting up.
• Apply proxymetacaine 0.5% and iodine drops to the operative eye.
• Ask the patient to look straight ahead.
• Establish needle entry point: junction of middle and lateral thirds of
a horizontal line across the orbit, 1mm above the inferior orbital rim
either through the conjunctiva or the skin.
• Insert the 25G (orange) 25mm hypodermic needle with slight inferior
intent away from the globe (in case patient moves forwards).
• If the patient remains still, advance the needle perpendicularly to the
inferior orbit floor (if you make contact with the orbital floor, a slight
superior adjustment allows you to stay on target), aiming for the needle
tip to be at the same depth as the posterior pole of the globe (usually
most, if not all, of your needle length is utilised).
• Aspirate before administering 5.0–​8.0mL of LA injectate; warn your
patient of a pressure behind the eye.
• If using an integrated two-​injection technique, or top-​up is required due
to poor akinesia, proceed with a medial canthus injection.
Local anaesthetic techniques 807

• Establish needle entry point: at the medial canthus, clear of the lacrimal
apparatus and medial to the caruncle at the very edge of the skinfold.
• Insert 25G 25mm hypodermic needle perpendicular to the patient’s
face, parallel to the medial wall of the orbit, to a depth of 10–​20mm
and administer a further 2.0–​4.0mL of LA injectate, then tape the
blocked eye closed.
• Look for: akinesia of the eye, ptosis and block of orbicularis oculi.
• Complications: local complications include lower lid filling (which can
be remedied with firm digital massage), patient complaining of numb
teeth, globe perforation (if you see involuntary movement of the globe,
stop the block immediately and inform your surgeons) and retrobulbar
haemorrhage (rapidly proptosing eye); systemic side effects include
bradycardia and vasovagal syncope, or seizures in very rare cases.
Retrobulbar block
(See Fig. 33.4.) Retrobulbar block (intraconal injection of LA) is no longer
routinely performed due to the higher incidence of retrobulbar haemor-
rhage, globe perforation, LA toxicity and total spinal. It is still of clinical
relevance as rapid ptosis and block onset with only a few mL of LA during a
peribulbar block could indicate inadvertent retrobulbar block—​either stop
injecting or adjust the dose to 2.0–​4.0mL. Inform your surgeon of likely
retrobulbar injection.

Tendon of
Central compartment superior oblique
Levator palpebrae septum
Superior rectus
nerve Superior

Inferior rectus septum
Maxillary sinus
Fascial sheath
of eyeball

Fig. 33.4 Retrobulbar (intraconal) block. Reproduced with permission of Oxford

Publishing Limited through PLSclear from McLeod G, et al. (2012) Principles and Practice of Regional
Anaesthesia, with permission from Oxford University Press. Copyright © Oxford University
Press, 2012.

808 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

General anaesthesia and sedation

The main anaesthetic objective with GA is to eradicate any form of move-
ment during surgery (even inconsequential movement, such as leaning on
the table, is perceived by the surgeon down the microscope), with the
2° objective being lowering IOP via a combination of PaCO2 control and
inducing a ‘tranquil circulation’.
Fortunately, there are some factors which make ophthalmic anaesthesia
slightly easier than one would initially expect, namely:
• The minimal degree of tissue trauma, stress response and blood loss
• LA techniques reducing the need for long-​acting opioids in most cases.
However, the challenge is:
• Having the patient deep and/​or paralysed enough to prevent any
movement right up until the end of surgery, but having them awake and
maintaining their own airway straight afterwards in the context of a high
turnover day case list in a remote site.
• Balancing the best way of controlling IOP via PaCO2 (intubating
and ventilating) vs the technique least likely to cause coughing on
emergence (SGA).
• The patient population is usually ASA 3.
A standard induction with propofol and a short-​acting opioid (remifentanil,
alfentanil or fentanyl) is ideal, in anticipation of analgesia being provided
either by topical drops or an LA block.
• Even small doses of non-​depolarising neuromuscular blockers (e.g.
rocuronium) are useful in abolishing laryngospasm at induction and
movement of the eye during surgery (the extraocular muscles are
exquisitely sensitive to NMB drugs) but are best avoided in very short
surgery, such as cataract extractions, unless use of sugammadex is
• Glycopyrronium bromide 200 micrograms is useful to obtund the
oculocardiac reflex and dry up secretions to prevent laryngospasm on
• Tape the non-​operative eye (note this is the opposite of cases done
under block).
• Induction usually takes place on a pillow for patient comfort and to
facilitate neck movement for airway management, but before surgery
is usually swapped for a rigid support pillow (e.g. Rubens pillow) to
prevent head movement during surgery.
• Standard antiemetics are indicated to prevent PONV.
In many ways, SGAs are ideal as they eliminate the need for laryngoscopy
and are more likely to facilitate a coughless emergence; however, this
needs to be weighed against the risk of aspiration and/​or losing the airway
without immediate access to the head.
• Depending on the degree of access the surgeon requires, either a
reinforced LMA or a 2nd-​generation supraglottic device would be
sufficient in most cases.
• If intubating, a south-​facing RAE tube is ideal in most cases, although
reinforced tubes can also be used.
General anaesthesia and sedation 809

Maintenance and ventilation

• Propofol/​remifentanil TIVA is more likely to confer a coughless
emergence without emergence delirium or PONV; however, depth of
anaesthesia monitoring is often confounded by surgical pressure on the
• Volatile maintenance with sevoflurane facilitates a spontaneously
breathing patient being transferred to recovery to wake in their own
time, but can be associated with coughing during the procedure due to
• N2O is best avoided, as some ophthalmic procedures involve injection
of gas of precise density into the eye.
• SV via an SGA is suitable for most short cases such as cataracts;
however, some patients will naturally settle at a PaCO2 which
significantly raises IOP and makes anterior chamber work difficult, so be
prepared to take over ventilation if required.
• Controlled ventilation allows best control of IOP but often requires
additional drug load, which makes rapid wake-​up after a 10min case
• If utilising controlled ventilation, avoid high airway pressures and watch
for subtle changes in the PAW waveform which suggest the patient is
recovering from NMB or is about to obstruct, and manage these before
they fully manifest.
• Non-​depolarising neuromuscular blockers are useful as part of a
balanced anaesthetic technique to help abolish movement during
surgery—​regular boluses throughout a longer case (e.g. 10–​20mg of
rocuronium or atracurium) guided by the length of surgery and time to
finish are usually used, rather than infusions; standard neuromuscular
monitoring and appropriate reversal at the end of the case are both
• Intraoperative hypertension causes IOP to rise and should be treated
with IV agents, with common drugs of choice being opioids (if pain is
the cause), magnesium, clonidine, esmolol/​labetalol (although caution
with COPD and DM) and occasionally phentolamine, depending on the
degree of hypertension.
Many GA ophthalmic procedures do not require long-​acting opioids for
postoperative analgesia as the patients can be given topical LA drops or a
block under GA by the surgeons.
• Notable exceptions are some oculoplastics and vitreoretinal procedures
which require modest doses of a longer-​acting opioid such as fentanyl,
morphine or diamorphine, depending on the degree of stimulation
which breaks through the LA block.
• A bolus of a short-​acting drug such as alfentanil at induction to facilitate
airway instrumentation usually suffices if a surgeon is going to insert a
block before or shortly after surgery commences.
• If a block is going to be performed at the end of the procedure (e.g.
trabeculectomy), then remifentanil TCI can be used intraoperatively to
obtund surgical stimulation but prevent narcosis in recovery.

810 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

The key objective at emergence is to prevent coughing, which raises IOP
and strains ophthalmic sutures.
• Optimising the conditions and timing for the removal of the airway are
both important.
• Additional techniques sometimes employed to remove the airway
include: deep extubation and/​or exchange to an SGA/​oropharyngeal
airway, spraying the cords with lidocaine and IV injection of lidocaine
• If surgery is proceeding under topical or block, it is not uncommon for
the patient and/​or surgeon to request sedation.
• There is still a widespread belief that sedation is universally ‘safer than
GA’ when, in fact, the patient can be disinhibited, uncooperative and
free to move and/​or hypoventilate intraoperatively.
• Careful patient selection is vital.
• IV access, supplementary O2 and standard monitoring are required—​
capnometry attached to either nasal cannulae or a face mask modified
to avoid impinging on the surgical field is ideal.
• Midazolam 0.5–​2.0mg has a role despite the risk of POND, given the
need for both cooperation and anxiolysis.
• Very low doses of propofol (10–​30mg) can also provide anxiolysis and
gentle suppression of consciousness during block insertion.
• Boluses of opioids such as alfentanil (100–​200 micrograms) or fentanyl
(25–​50 micrograms) can be titrated to effect if the patient experiences
pain, but must be offset against the risk of inducing nausea and vomiting.
• Allow the patient to wake after block insertion, but before surgery
begins—​patients who regain consciousness after this are likely to be
distressed by their change in situation (different room, drapes, light
shining in their eye, etc.) and reach for their eye almost as a reflex.
• Reassure patients verbally; hold their hand, and regain their full
cooperation before surgery.
• Have a plan to convert to GA if required.
Vitreoretinal surgery 811

Vitreoretinal surgery
Procedures Intraocular posterior chamber retinal surgery, including
vitrectomy, cryo/​laser therapy, removal/​insertion of oil/​
gas, scleral banding and retinopexy
Time 90–​180min
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine
Blood loss None
Practical Reinforced LMA + IPPV + LA block
techniques ETT (RAE or reinforced) + IPPV + LA block
LA block ± sedation

• Past medical history often includes COPD, hypertension, DM and IHD
as these are also risk factors for retinal disease.
• Check axial length if possible—​patients may have long eyes (hence the
retinal detachment) which may preclude peribulbar block.
• Patients sometimes come for repeat admissions and are used to having
ophthalmic procedures (it can be difficult to site a sub-​Tenon’s because
of scarring of the tissue planes).
• ‘Mac-​on’ retinal detachments (where the macula remains undetached)
are urgent sight-​saving procedures.
• Surgery is long, stimulating and performed in the dark.
• Many require a GA due to length and complexity of the procedure.
• Additional LA block is highly advised to smoothe out the intense
stimulation, and is often inserted by the surgeon following port insertion
(either a sub-​Tenon’s or careful medial peribulbar).
• Ensure adequate opioids on board to cover the extremely stimulating
port insertion (alfentanil bolus or remifentanil infusion).
• IPPV via an SGA with either TIVA or a volatile is ideal.
• Avoid N2O as the surgeons use gases of specific densities and
postoperative posturing to hold retinal detachments in place.
• Modest doses of fentanyl, morphine or diamorphine may be required
for postoperative analgesia in very painful cases, e.g. cryotherapy.
• Ensure adequate depth of anaesthesia during the final phases of
surgery—​the ports are removed last, so the globe is ‘open’ right to the
• The LA block is usually sufficient.
• Some patients might require simple analgesics, e.g. paracetamol and
tramadol, especially if cryotherapy was part of surgery.

812 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

Cataract and anterior chamber surgery

Procedures Cataract extraction and intraocular lens insertion, photo-
coagulation of ciliary body, insertion of aqueous shunt,
Time +/​+++
Pain +
Position Supine
Blood loss None
Practical Topical LA
techniques LA block + sedation
Reinforced LMA + IPPV + LA block
ETT (RAE or reinforced) + IPPV + LA block

• Ensure the patient can be still and flat for cataract extraction.
• Highlight any manual handling issues which might disrupt a high-​turnover
• Cataract extractions are almost always performed under topical LA or
sub-​Tenon’s block.
• Requests for sedation are not uncommon (see % p. 810).
• Tape a swab over the ear on the operative side to catch irrigation fluid.
• GA cataracts can usually be undertaken with the patient spontaneously
breathing through an SGA—​opioids at induction are to be used
cautiously, given the 10–​15min procedure time.
• Patients with active inflammation, e.g. due to glaucoma, often need a
block as topical LA is less effective.
• Shunt insertion and trabeculectomy are longer procedures, which
usually require a GA and can be blocked by the surgeons towards the
end (owing to the operation being on the conjunctiva itself ).
• For longer procedures, IPPV is recommended; using an LMA to facilitate
coughless emergence must be balanced against the risk of aspiration.
• Postoperative analgesic requirements are negligible as topical LA is very
Strabismus surgery 813

Strabismus surgery
Procedures Extraocular squint correction
Time 60min
Pain ++
Position Supine
Blood loss None
Practical techniques Reinforced LMA + IPPV/​SV
ETT (RAE or reinforced) + IPPV

• Common paediatric day case.
• Patients are usually otherwise well. Strabismus can occasionally be part
of a syndrome.
• Consider a sedative premedication if the child is distressed (they may
have visual impairment).
• Requires a GA (IV or inhalational induction as indicated).
• Avoid suxamethonium as it alters extraocular muscle tone and there
may be some association between squints and MH.
• Depth of anaesthesia should facilitate neutral gaze; TIVA with propofol
is useful as it also reduces PONV.
• Be vigilant for the oculocardiac reflex—​avoid hypercapnia and be
prepared to treat with vagolytics.
• SV via an LMA is usually sufficient; IPPV may be required if ETCO2 is
high; intubate if indicated.
• Multimodal PONV prophylaxis (ondansetron 0.1 mg/​kg,
dexamethasone 0.1 mg/​kg).
• Sub-​Tenon’s block performed by the surgeon, paracetamol 15mg/​kg
and diclofenac 1mg/​kg for postoperative analgesia (avoid opioids if
• There is a high incidence of PONV, especially with opioids.
• Moderate analgesic requirements, e.g. PO morphine or tramadol.
• Standard paediatric day case concerns.

814 Chapter 33 Ophthalmic surgery

Procedures EUA tear duct, insertion of drainage tube,
Time 45min
Pain +/​++
Position Supine + head-​up
Blood loss Low, but near airway
Practical techniques ETT (RAE or reinforced) + IPPV
Reinforced LMA + IPPV

• Usual concerns for eye and ENT surgery apply.
• Establish if the patient is likely to tolerate hypotension.
• Standard anaesthetic induction of choice as indicated.
• Using an SGA avoids complications of intubation, but blood may soil
the airway in some difficult procedures.
• Multimodal approach to minimising blood loss: Moffett’s solution/​
co-​phenylcaine to the nose after induction, IPPV desirable as moderate
hypocapnia reduces blood loss, head-​up tilt to improve venous
drainage, moderate induced hypotension (remifentanil can be useful).
• Traditionally, a throat pack was used for all cases, but this is falling out
of favour based on risk/​benefit.
• Analgesia usually consists of paracetamol, an NSAID and remifentanil
infusion plus a bolus of longer-​acting opioid.
• Magnesium can also be useful both to reduce BP and as an analgesic.
• Ask your surgeon to give LA to the ducts if possible.
• Postoperative analgesia can be provided by paracetamol, an NSAID and
an oral opioid such as tramadol or codeine.
Penetrating globe injury 815

Penetrating globe injury

Procedures EUA, repair of globe rupture, closure of
punctum, enucleation
Time ++/​+++
Pain +++
Position Supine
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques ETT (RAE or reinforced) + IPPV

• In addition to standard anaesthetic concerns, adults with penetrating
eye injury are often extremely anxious, in pain and unfasted.
• Children represent a particular problem as they are usually also
uncooperative, crying and rubbing their eye.
• Surgery is an emergency, as coughing or straining can result in expulsive
haemorrhage of globe contents, but must be balanced against fasting
and optimising for GA.
• Use preoperative opioid analgesia with extreme caution (as vomiting is
catastrophic) and give pre-​emptive antiemetics.
• Patients should generally be treated as being at risk of aspiration,
rendering SGAs less useful.
• Depending on the clinical scenario, induction can be ‘ophthalmic’ or an
RSI for rapid airway control in the unfasted patient, or have elements
of both.
• RSI dose of rocuronium (1.0–​1.2mg/​kg) with rescue dose of
sugammadex (16mg/​kg) on standby in case of difficult airway is ideal.
• Suxamethonium raises IOP (vs induction agents which lower it) and
familiarity with its use is falling; however, it may still be used.
• Intubating with VL as 1st-​line reduces the pressor response and
removes the need for multiple laryngoscopies with difficult airways.
• LA techniques are not effective (or even possible) with these cases;
long-​acting IV opioids are commonly required.
• Recovery analgesia can be provided with topical LA drops and boluses
of fentanyl, morphine or diamorphine as required.
• Regular ward analgesia can be paracetamol, an NSAID of choice and a
PRN weak opioid given PO.
Further reading
Anker R, Kaur N (2017). Regional anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery. BJA Educ, 17, 221–​7. M
Chapter 34 817

Anaesthesia for radiology

and cardiology
Alex Wickham
Anaesthesia for diagnostic imaging 818
Anaesthesia for CT 819
Anaesthesia for MRI 820
Anaesthesia for interventional radiology 823

Katherine Holmes, Craig Dunlop and David

Anaesthesia for cardiology procedures 826
Anaesthesia for cardioversion 828
Anaesthesia for angiography 829
Anaesthesia for cardiac device insertion and removal 830
Anaesthesia for electrophysiology procedures (AF and VT
ablation) 832
Anaesthesia for transcatheter aortic valve implantation 834

See also
% Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms p. 580
% Endovascular thrombectomy p. 582
% Endovascular stenting of elective or emergency abdominal
aortic aneurysm p. 597
% Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta
p. 1000

818 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for diagnostic imaging

Anaesthetists are increasingly working within medical imaging departments.
However, the environment remains potentially hazardous, and the equip-
ment unfamiliar. Ensure that experienced, trained assistance and full moni-
toring are available. Familiarise yourself with the staff and surroundings.
Locate the nearest resuscitation facilities (self-​inflating bag/​mask, portable
O2, ‘crash’ trolley and defibrillator) and confirm that your assistant and the
radiographers also know where these are located.
Indications for anaesthesia
• Young or uncooperative children. Infants (under 2mo) may sleep
through a scan if given a feed and wrapped up well.
• Older children or adults with psychological, behavioural or movement
• Acute trauma patients or patients receiving intensive care.
• Interventional procedures under ultrasound, CT or MRI guidance that
require analgesia, sedation or anaesthesia.
Anaesthesia: general points
• Patients requiring anaesthesia for elective scans have a range of
problems. Check the indications for the scan and the nature of the
underlying pathology, e.g. developmental delay, epilepsy, malignancy,
psychiatric disease or movement disorders. Beware the ‘undiagnosed’
paediatric patient and syndromes with CVS manifestations.
• Choice of sedation or GA depend upon individual patient needs, the
nature of the scan and the skills of the anaesthetist.
• Check whether the anaesthetic machines are using piped gases or
cylinders. If using cylinders, confirm that a full spare O2 cylinder is
immediately available.
• Plan the location of the anaesthetic machine, suction, monitoring
and the configuration and routing of the breathing system with
radiographers in advance. Ensure the breathing circuit is sufficiently long
for any gantry movement.
• Decide where to induce the patient—​a dedicated induction area may
not be available or may be very small. It is usual to induce on a tilting
trolley, then transfer to the scanner when anaesthetised.
• Certain equipment configurations (e.g. anaesthetic machine in the scan
room and monitors in the control room) may require two anaesthetists
to manage the patient safely.
• Satisfactory recovery facilities must be available, i.e. an appropriately
equipped recovery bay staffed by an experienced recovery nurse near
the scanner. If not available, arrangements for safe transfer of the
patient to an operating department recovery room must exist.
• Intensive care patients requiring diagnostic imaging should be managed
with full transport monitoring and ventilatory support. Ideally, the ICU
medical team should supervise the patient and review the scan with the
reporting radiologist before return to the ICU.
Anaesthesia for CT 819

Anaesthesia for CT
• CT scanning does not restrict the type of equipment used, but space
can be limited, so compact machines and monitors are ideal.
• The patient, anaesthetic machine and monitors must all be visible from
the control room.
• The patient’s head is usually accessible during CT scanning, so an SGA
may be used if airway protection is not required.
• Anaesthesia or sedation sufficient to produce immobility and lack of
awareness is all that is required for diagnostic procedures.
• CT scanning uses ionising radiation, so it is preferable for the
anaesthetist to monitor the patient from outside the scan room. If it
is necessary to remain near the patient, wear appropriate radiation
protection and use barriers if available.
• Cannulae, catheters, drains and ETTs can pull out during movement of
the patient through the scanner—​check nothing snags beforehand.
Contrast media
• IV contrast media for X-​ray imaging are usually iodine-​based, non-​ionic,
water-​soluble compounds. Agents may trigger allergic reactions (ask
about iodine sensitivity).
• Radiographers will usually give IV contrast, but you may be asked to
administer it in anaesthetised/​paediatric patients. The radiographers
should ensure the correct volume (dependent on preparation,
investigation, age and weight) is provided according to local policy.
• Some ‘dynamic’ investigations (e.g. aortography) require contrast to be
administered while the scan is occurring.
• Contrast is viscous and can be difficult to inject through small cannulae
or injection ports.
• Automated contrast injectors should not be connected to standard
central venous lines. The high pressure developed by the rapid injection
of viscous medium down a long, narrow lumen can burst the line.
PowerLine® catheters allow power-​injection of contrast media.
• Contrast media may cause kidney injury in patients with dehydration
or impaired renal function, so ensure patients are adequately hydrated.
Lactic acidosis can be precipitated in patients taking biguanides
(metformin)—​ideally avoid for 48h before and after the scan.
Practical considerations
• Move metal-​containing objects (e.g. ECG leads, pressure transducer
cables) away from the area being scanned to prevent X-​ray artefact.
• Thoracic and abdominal scans may require ‘breath-​holds’ of a few
seconds to reduce respiratory movement artefact. Both paralysed and
spontaneously breathing patients can be ventilated manually, and their
lungs held in inspiration for each individual scan.
• The patient’s arms ideally need to be positioned above the head during
thoracic and abdominal scans. Soft Velcro straps attached to the gantry
or wide adhesive tape are useful for securing the limbs.

820 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for MRI

MRI uses superconducting electromagnets to generate powerful mag-
netic fields. Computers create images from the radiofrequency signals
generated by hydrogen nuclei that move in and out of alignment with the
high-​frequency magnetic pulses. Most scanners use 1.5–​3.0T magnets, but
higher-​strength machines are entering clinical practice. MRI produces de-
tailed images, particularly of soft tissues, and is free from the dangers of
ionising radiation. Increasingly, invasive procedures are being performed
within MRI scanners, including some operations. Provision of safe anaes-
thesia for MRI requires specialised equipment and careful organisation.
The MRI scanner is an unpleasant claustrophobic environment—​the pa-
tient must lie in a narrow, noisy tunnel, with the imaged body part sur-
rounded by a radiofrequency coil (a frame-​like device). Typical scans last
15–​25min, but complex scans may take much longer. Up to 3% of adults
cannot tolerate scanning without sedation or anaesthesia.
• Displacement from static magnetic field: small ferromagnetic materials
within the 3mT field can become projectiles which may injure or kill,
while large objects can crush or trap. Foreign bodies (some heart
valves, aneurysm clips, steel splinters in the eye) can move, causing
haemorrhage or blindness. Implanted devices (cardiac pacemakers
or neurological stimulators) may move or be inactivated or
reprogrammed. Electric motors in syringe pumps may run erratically,
and magnetic media (credit cards, mobile phones) will be erased.
Beyond the 0.5mT boundary is considered safe.
• Noise: rapid magnetic field changes can cause >80dB noise and damage
hearing. Use MRI-safe earplugs or defenders during scan.
• Oscillating radiofrequency fields can cause heating, rapidly causing
severe burns. Remove or limit conductive materials, e.g. metal in
clothing. Pacemaker wires may also heat—​ensure they are MRI safe.
• Helium escape: in the event of an emergency magnetic field shutdown
(a ‘quench’), liquid helium coolant rapidly expands to a gas. This should
vent outside the building, but some may enter the MRI suite, causing a
hypoxic environment, requiring urgent evacuation.
• Gadolinium contrast agents are used in up to 30% of scans. Side effects
include headache, nausea, dizziness, local burning and wheals. Severe
hypotension/​anaphylactic reactions are rare (71:100 000). Newer
agents are associated with lower risk of nephrogenic sclerosing fibrosis.
Patient and staff safety
• To avoid injury, all patients having an MRI scan must complete a
screening/​consent form. For children or sedated ICU patients, such
forms must be completed on their behalf by relatives or staff.
• Staff must also complete a screening questionnaire and leave metallic
objects, mobile phones, pagers, wallets, etc. outside the room.
• Patients and staff with cardiac pacemakers must remain outside the
0.5mT boundary.
Anaesthesia for MRI 821

Equipment safety
All equipment and implants are classified into one of three categories:
• MRI Safe: contains no material that would cause a hazard. Can be taken
right into the scanner.
• MRI Conditional: safe for use under conditions specified by the
manufacturer. Do not place MRI conditional kit on the moving table as it
might move beyond the 5mT line.
• MRI Unsafe: must not be taken into the MRI scanner.
The scan room is usually shielded to stop external electrical interference
swamping the MRI signals. All electrical equipment in the scan room must
also be fully shielded. Electrical conductors entering the room (e.g. moni-
toring cables) require special radiofrequency filters.
Two alternative approaches are feasible
• Specialised ‘MRI Conditional’ equipment within the scan room
• Conventional kit outside the magnetic field in the control room.
Departments should standardise on one approach, depending on space,
funds and frequency of use. Each approach has its pros and cons.
Typical setup
• Induction and recovery area adjacent to, but outside the scan room,
equipped with conventional anaesthetic machine and monitoring.
• Non-​magnetic tipping trolley for patient transfer into the scanner.
• Piped gases, scavenging and suction in induction and scan areas.
• Either a compact anaesthetic machine and ventilator in the control
room with a 10m coaxial (Bain) breathing system and a gas/​agent
side-​stream analyser with capnograph display fitted with an extended
sampling tube (increases the response time by 5–​10s).
• Or an ‘MRI Conditional’ anaesthetic machine in the scan room with
circle circuit.
• ‘MRI Conditional’ monitoring devices: fibreoptic pulse oximeter probe
with shielded cable; ECG with carbon fibre leads and electrodes; NIBP
cuffs with an extended hose and non-​metallic connectors.
• Multiple manufacturers produce ‘MRI Conditional’ monitor units within
the scan room, with a slave unit in the control room.
Practical considerations and techniques
• Patient access is restricted physically and ‘magnetically’. Ensure the
airway and vascular access are well secured.
• Intubate and ventilate: babies and small children (<10kg), patients with
raised ICP (or suspected raised ICP) or patients needing a protected
airway. A RAE tube keeps the breathing circuit clear of the coil in
patients having head scans.
• SV via an SGA can be considered in larger children and adults with no
risk of raised ICP. Do not use a flexible LMA containing a metal wire
spiral. i-​gels have no metallic components.
• Tape the pilot balloon of a cuffed ETT or LMA outside the coil to avoid
image distortion by the metal spring.

822 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

• Benzodiazepine sedation (PO or IV) may be used for healthy, but
claustrophobic adults. Strong analgesia may be required for patients
with severe back or root compression pain to tolerate positioning.
• The role of sedation for MRI scanning in children is unclear. Some
children’s centres have reported successes with structured sedation
programmes, e.g. using dexmedetomidine. However, the safety of
having heavily sedated children in the medical imaging department
without direct anaesthetic supervision has been questioned.
Tips for IPPV through a 10m breathing system
• Use a system that functions as a ‘T-​piece’ (Mapleson D or E), so dead
space is unaffected by the length. Ayre’s T-​piece and Bain systems work
well. Both can be used for babies and small children.
• Airway pressures measured near the ventilator may not accurately
represent distal pressures at the ETT.
• VT delivered to the lungs will be reduced by ‘compression losses’ of the
gas within the system and by expansion of the tubing during inspiration,
making it difficult to compensate for significant leaks around uncuffed
ETTs—​use a slightly larger tube to minimise leaks.
• As a result of these effects, IPPV using a simple pressure generator
(e.g. Penlon Nuffield 200 with a Newton valve) may not be effective in
children weighing >15kg.
• i expiratory resistance of some long systems (e.g. Ayre’s T-​piece)
generates a PEEP which increases with FGF.
Intensive care patients
• MRI scans in ICU patients confer greater risk and require detailed
planning. The risk/​benefit balance should be assessed by senior
clinicians. Avoid scanning patients who are haemodynamically or
otherwise unstable unless this will have a substantial impact on
• As the patient may lack capacity, full checks (including, if necessary, plain
radiographs) must be performed to confirm there are no hazardous
metallic implants or foreign bodies present.
• Conventional monitoring (including ICP transducers and temporary
pacing wires) should be removed or replaced with ‘MRI Safe’ equipment
before the patient enters the scan room.
• Infusion lines must be long enough to allow pumps to be located at a
safe distance from the magnet—​ideally outside the scan room. Prepare
duplicate pumps in the control room, with extended infusion lines
threaded with the breathing system into the scan room. Connect the
patient to the running infusions while outside the room. Be especially
cautious with infusions such as noradrenaline—​check the patient is
stable, then move into the scanner.
Cardiac arrest
• Start basic life support (BLS) with a non-​metallic self-​inflating bag.
Rapidly remove the patient from the scan room on a non-​magnetic
trolley and continue ALS outside the 0.5mT boundary.
• Do not attempt ALS in the scan room and do not allow the cardiac
arrest team into the scan room.
Anaesthesia for interventional radiology 823

Anaesthesia for interventional radiology

Interventional radiology uses a variety of imaging modalities (fluoroscopy,
CT, ultrasound or MRI) to guide minimally invasive diagnostic or thera-
peutic procedures. Interventional radiology procedures avoid open sur-
gery, thereby reducing post-​procedure pain and shortening recovery times.
Interventional radiology suites are usually ‘remote’, in the X-​ray depart-
ment, but hybrid radiology/​theatre suites are increasingly common.
Indications for anaesthesia
• Patients required to be very still for long periods of time
• Painful procedures
• Paediatric patients.
Anaesthesia for interventional radiology: general points
• Hazards are as previously described for CT and MRI.
• Interventional radiology suites are often ‘isolated’—​depending on the
workload, invest in an anaesthesia trolley to securely store familiar
equipment and drugs.
• Anaesthetic technique and airway choice depend on the patient’s
condition, planned procedure, positioning required, fasting status
and the need for airway protection. Options include monitored care,
sedation, GA and regional techniques or a combination.
• Scavenging may not be possible, so an activated charcoal absorber
(e.g. Aldasorber) may be required or TIVA may be used. Induction
and emergence generally take place within the radiology suite, while
recovery may be in main theatres.
• The interventional radiology table usually does not tilt, will be controlled
by a radiographer and may move during procedures. It is recommended
to induce anaesthesia on an anaesthetic trolley and transfer the patient
after induction.
• Ensure lines and tubes are secured and that there is sufficient circuit
length to account for table and fluoroscopy C-​arm movements.
• Access to the patient may be limited by radiological equipment—​ensure
you have IV access with a three-​way tap and extension tubing.
Vascular procedures: angioplasty/​stenting
• A balloon-​tipped catheter is inserted into a narrow or blocked vessel,
and the balloon inflated. A stent may be placed to keep it open. Some
vascular, cardiac and trauma-​related procedures do not require GA but
require an anaesthetist for monitored care. Balloon dilation/​temporary
occlusion of certain vascular structures can cause vagal responses.
• Endovascular repair of AAA (see % pp. 597–8) is associated with a
lower mortality and may be favoured in significantly comorbid patients
at high perioperative risk from open surgery. This may be done under
regional, neuraxial anaesthesia (± sedation) or GA. Such procedures
may now take place in hybrid interventional radiology–​theatre suites.
• Patients may be required to lie supine for several hours after the
procedure to prevent puncture site bleeding.

824 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

• Blood vessels are selectively occluded to treat or prevent bleeding and
stop tumour growth. A variety of agents, including metal coils, special
foams, plugs and microbeads, are used to induce the embolus.
• Superficial procedures, the use of alcohol for embolisation or procedures
involving AVMs can be very painful and require sedation or GA.
• Interventional radiology treatment of intracranial aneurysms requires
GA because the patient must be completely still. Similar anaesthetic
techniques as for craniotomy (see % pp. 561–2; % pp. 580–1), with an
ETT, invasive monitoring, avoidance of changes in CPP and maintenance
of normocapnia and normothermia, should be used.
• Uterine artery embolisation is included in NICE guidance [IPG367] for
fibroid disease. Balloon occlusion of uterine arteries can be considered
prior to CS in a patient anticipated to bleed, or can be inserted
emergently in the management of 1° postpartum haemorrhage (though
the logistical challenges to facilitate this transfer are often considerable).
• Chemoembolisation: combination of delivering cancer treatment
directly to a tumour and then blocking its blood supply.
• Patients who require emergency embolisation for trauma-​related
haemorrhage (e.g. spleen, kidney, liver, intercostal arteries) require
the presence of an anaesthetist, even if not having sedation or GA, to
manage the transfusion and all other aspects of their care.
Radiofrequency ablation
• RFA destroys tissue by heating, e.g. a tumour. Although the ablation
of the tumour is fairly quick, the localisation can take time and the
procedure is painful and stimulating, so requires a GA.
• RFA is commonly used to treat hepatic and renal tumours—​either
metastases, difficult-​to-​reach tumours, or tumours in those patients
who are too frail for an open procedure.
Thrombolysis and thrombectomy
• Minimally invasive dissolution, or removal, of blood clots to improve
blood supply. Contrast media is used to help define the clot, which is then
dissolved by medication or removed by a mechanical device. This can
be used in the acute management of CVE, to treat arteries in diseased
vascular beds, DVT, coronary emboli, PEs and thromboses in fistulae.
• Anaesthetic technique for acute CVE thrombectomy should be
determined on an individual patient basis. Whether LA only, sedation
or GA is chosen, adherence to standard physiological targets (see
% pp. 558–60; % pp. 578–9) is required.
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
(See % p. 698.)
• A stent, inserted via the jugular vein, is used to connect the portal vein
and hepatic vein, thereby reducing portal hypertension and bleeding risk
in patients with end-​stage liver disease.
• GA with ETT and invasive monitoring is the preferred technique due
to procedure duration and the patient’s physiological condition and
comorbid disease. Coagulopathy is common, may be profound, and
should be corrected.
• Peri-​procedural risks include haemorrhage, heart failure and
encephalopathy. Postoperative care may require HDU.
Anaesthesia for interventional radiology 825

Other procedures
• Vertebroplasty/​cementoplasty: injection of cement into bone to reduce
pain in tumours and fractures. Can be painful and requires sedation or
• Cryoablation: destruction of tissue by freezing. Typically not painful, and
often sedation is all that is required.
• Vascular catheter placement: sedation and LA are suitable for most
patients; GA will be required for children.
• GI viscera can be dilated and stented. Oesophageal dilation can be
painful and requires analgesia and consideration of requirement for
airway protection in case of regurgitation.
• IVC filter insertion: not painful.
Fluid aspiration, biopsies and percutaneous drain
• Usually performed under ultrasound guidance, but may require CT for
deeper structures. Typically not painful.
• Discuss positioning and apnoeic periods with the radiologist

826 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for cardiology procedures

These procedures generally take place in the cardiac catheterisation labora-
tory (the ‘cath lab’) and many of the additional considerations of anaes-
thesia for radiology apply. Establishing good team communication from the
start is essential.
Indications for anaesthesia
• There has been a move away from ‘single operator’ procedures
(cardiologist managing both procedure and sedation simultaneously) to
regular anaesthetic support, with the aim of improving safety, efficiency
and efficacy.
• Ablation procedures are facilitated by GA as this provides an immobile
patient and ventilation control.
• Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) avoids operative aortic
valve replacement (AVR) and is done under either LA or GA in the
cath lab.
• Angioplasties can be done under LA, but sedation may be required for
patients agitated after out-​of-​hospital cardiac arrest.
• Cardioversions usually require just a brief face mask GA. Airway control
may be needed for TOE for atrial clot.
• While some permanent pacemakers and devices can be inserted under
LA (± minimal sedation), subpectoral chest wall insertion sites require
GA. Wire removal always requires a GA as these procedures can be
lengthy and complicated, with a risk of significant blood loss.
• Otherwise fit and well patients for electrophysiology studies may prefer
a GA.
Anaesthesia: general points
• Choice of sedation or GA and the type of GA depends upon the needs
of the patient and the nature of the procedure. Patients range from
fit, well and coming in from home to those unwell on the coronary
care unit, those septic from infected devices and those with critical AS
deemed unsuitable for cardiac surgery.
• Before starting, check you have all the drugs drawn up that
you anticipate using for anaesthesia and those you may want in
an emergency (such as metaraminol, ephedrine, atropine and
suxamethonium). Access to opioids or muscle relaxants can be delayed
by your remote location.
• GAs may require several infusion pumps. Other equipment such as
depth of anaesthesia monitoring or a jet ventilator (e.g. for atrial
ablations) may be required and are likely to be stored centrally.
• Check the anaesthetic machine and suction and that monitoring is
available, and consider the positioning with respect to both during
induction of anaesthesia and afterwards. Consider the path of the C-​
arm and location of electrophysiology screens, defibrillator trolley, drip
stands and pumps and also your own location in relation to this.
• Close monitoring and access to the patient will need to be balanced
against operator access and your own radiation safety. A lead apron and
thyroid screen is mandatory and regular visitors to the cath lab should
wear a radiation monitoring device.
Anaesthesia for cardiology procedures 827

• Induction of the patient is most easily performed in the lab itself, but
this comes with noise and distraction—​be prepared to manage this.
Make sure there is good access to the patient’s airway, your drug and
airway trolleys and anaesthetic machine when inducing anaesthesia on
the procedure table. Move the C-​arm out of the way, if possible.
• In some situations (difficult airway, risk of regurgitation, morbid
obesity), it may be better to induce the patient on a trolley or bed to
allow for a more head-​up position or the ability to tilt the trolley.
• Maintaining normothermia can be challenging—​use a fluid warmer and
an underbody forced air warming device.
• Many patients are anticoagulated. For those who are not (or have
had their anticoagulation reversed for the procedure), remember to
consider VTE prophylaxis such as calf pumps.
• Ensure recovery facilities are available with an appropriately equipped
recovery bay and experienced recovery nurses. In some situations, it
may be necessary to transfer the patient to a theatre recovery area.
• Some patients will need to remain monitored on the cardiology ward
overnight. The need to apply compression to groin access sites may
limit the degree of head-​up positioning in the early postoperative
• In the event of unexpectedly prolonged and complicated procedures,
maintain contact with colleagues in theatres such as the duty
anaesthetist or the on-​call anaesthetic team. Breaks, advice and/​or
immediate help may be required. Anaesthetic activities running over
time in remote sites can be easily overlooked.

828 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for cardioversion

• Cardioversions can be elective or emergency and the former are most
likely to be performed in the cath lab.
• Despite coming in from home, and therefore being relatively stable,
patients often have documented poor ventricular function that has been
worsened by their dysrhythmia. Other comorbidities are common.
Patients are usually day case and in AF.
• A single synchronised shock is usual (maximum of three).
• Check anticoagulant compliance or adequacy of INR.
• May need definitive airway management for associated TOE (used to
check if suspicion of atrial appendage clot), otherwise position head-​up
with face mask and preoxygenation. Have a backup airway management
plan prepared.
• Propofol ± midazolam are usually sufficient for a face mask GA.
Although cardioversion is very stimulating, it rarely requires
opioids afterwards. Atropine may be needed for sinus bradycardia
• Placing pads front to back is most effective, especially in the obese or
if previous repeated shocks. Consider in situ devices (e.g. permanent
pacemakers) when placing pads.
• Before commencing anaesthesia, check the team is ready and discuss
defibrillator safety; the operator may be anyone from a cardiology
specialist nurse practitioner to an inexperienced junior doctor.
• If the patient has an ICD in situ, an electrophysiologist should be
present. The device may be used to perform the shock; however, the
battery drainage outweighs the potential risk of damage to the ICD, so
an external defibrillator is preferred.
• Emergency cardioversions can be for atrial or ventricular dysrhythmias
and performed anywhere in the hospital, depending on urgency.
Unstable patients in the resuscitation bay will need very little in the way
of sedation; unfasted patients may need RSI if high risk.
• Even in cases of urgency, skilled airway assistance for the anaesthetist
must be available and all drugs and equipment should be checked.
Anaesthesia for angiography 829

Anaesthesia for angiography

Angiograms and angioplasty are most commonly performed under LA by
the cardiologist, but some situations require a GA or sedation from the
• Elective and urgent ward angiography patients will usually have their
procedure under LA ± minimal sedation from the cardiologist.
• Patients who have survived an out-​of-​hospital cardiac arrest may need
emergency angiography and revascularisation. They can be unstable but
distressed and agitated, needing careful sedation. Aim for avoidance
of further cardiorespiratory disruption or loss of consciousness, but
prepare for the possibility of airway intervention and vasopressor/​
inotropic support. These patients will go to the coronary care unit post-​
procedure if stable enough.
• Unresponsive patients will need intubation and ventilation and transfer
to ICU post-​procedure. Conversely, patients already admitted to ICU
after an arrest may require transfer to the lab for investigation.
• Challenges involve an unfamiliar environment and team, alongside the
time pressures for revascularisation.
• Good communication between the anaesthetist and the cardiologist
is essential to balance the need for safe patient monitoring against
swift intervention and avoid risks such as exposure to radiation of a
distracted anaesthetic team.
• Good venous access needs to remain easily accessible to the
anaesthetist and if the patient is awake and agitated, they will need to
hear reassurance. A plan and equipment for airway management must
be in place if they are not already intubated. There should be dedicated
skilled airway assistance available.

830 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for cardiac device insertion

and removal
• Devices may be permanent pacemakers, ICDs or have a combined
function. Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) devices have three
venous leads to mimic normal physiology while pacing and can be CRT-​
P (pacemaker) or CRT-​D (defibrillator).
• S-​ICD pacemakers are extravascular (subcutaneous) and placed in the
chest wall between the serratus anterior and the latissimus dorsi, with
tunnelling of leads towards the sternum.
• ICDs are placed in patients who are at risk of sudden death due to
malignant cardiac arrhythmias. Patients range from young and otherwise
fit adults with normal cardiac contractility to extremely compromised
cardiac patients.
• Device insertion can be under LA alone or LA with sedation from the
cardiologist, LA with deeper sedation (such as propofol TCI) from the
anaesthetist, or GA.
• Fluoroscopy/​X-​rays will be used and so radiation protection is
• Relevant factors to consider in anaesthetic planning are: indication,
cardiac function, procedure requirements and duration and patient
preference (Table 34.1).
Device insertion
• Pacemakers and ICDs that are not being tested are usually inserted
by the cardiologist in the pacing lab under LA without the need for
anaesthetic support.
• ICD insertion can be for 1° or 2° prevention and the latter group of
patients are likely to have greater comorbidity.
• If the ICD requires testing (e.g. for patients with hypertrophic
obstructive cardiomyopathy, complex anatomy or right-​sided devices),
this necessitates either deep sedation or a GA.

Table 34.1 Procedures and appropriate anaesthetic

Procedure GA/​LA/​airway Note

Permanent pacemaker LA ± sedation Usually by cardiologist
ICD insertion LA ± sedation Can be 1° or 2° prevention
ICD insertion GA (LMA/​ETT) If device test planned.
Arterial line
S-​ICD insertion GA (with LA infiltration) ± regional blockade
CRT insertion GA or LA + sedation Poor ventricular function
Permanent pacemaker LA ± sedation GA if deep/​wound revision
box change
Lead/​system extraction GA (ETT) May be infected. Risk of
major haemorrhage
Anaesthesia for cardiac device insertion and removal 831

• If the device implantation is likely to be more stimulating than usual

(sited in a deeper location, e.g. subpectoral or within chest wall S-​
ICDs), a GA is indicated.
• Chest wall regional blockade could be considered (instead of GA)
for the insertion of SC ICDs in high-​risk grown-​up congenital heart
(GUCH) patients.
• Insertion of devices for CRT can take longer and need anaesthetic
support. These patients will, by definition, have more comorbidities and
be at higher risk.
• Prophylactic antibiotics are given for device insertion.
Device extraction
• Devices/​systems are usually extracted for infection, lead migration or
breakage. Box changes alone should be relatively straightforward, but
lead extraction can be high risk, depending on the number and location
of leads, duration in situ and likely degree of scarring and extraction
• In all lead extraction cases, major haemorrhage should be prepared
for and difficult cases should have a cardiac surgeon and cardiac bypass
standing by.
• Although a single-​lumen ETT is standard, consider a DLT if very high
concern (e.g. in extractions with a previous midline sternotomy for
access to the SVC and brachiocephalic vein if needed.)
• Patients should not be anticoagulated or anaemic, and should have
blood available and large venous access in situ, preferably right-​sided.
• Although the cardiologist can gain arterial access femorally at the
start of the procedure, a dedicated radial arterial line can be used for
induction and emergence/​recovery, leaving femoral access free for
bypass intervention.
• Team brief should include discussion of potential adverse events and a
clear plan for what happens should they occur.
• Infected leads and systems will require antibiotics at induction if not
already given, e.g. teicoplanin. Patients may be systemically unwell and/​
or chronically septic.
• If the system is infected, a new device is not usually inserted
immediately as the infection needs to be treated first, so a temporary
pacing wire may be needed in the interim, depending on the underlying
dysrhythmia. Pacing access may be femoral or via the neck veins.

832 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for electrophysiology

procedures (AF and VT ablation)
With advances in technology, mapping and ablation procedures are be-
coming more frequent. Ablation is now commonly performed as a 2nd-​line
therapy for both paroxysmal and persistent AF. Ablation can also be per-
formed for atrial flutter and ventricular arrhythmias such as VT. Common
ablation techniques use radiofrequency energy (burning) or cryothermy
Preoperative considerations
• Most patients come in from home on the day and are functionally well,
in either sinus rhythm or rate-​controlled AF.
• However, there may be those who have poor cardiac function
destabilised by their dysrhythmia and unstable inpatients with resistant
VT on the coronary care unit.
• While solely right-​sided procedures may be day cases, most will require
an inpatient bed overnight.
• Anxious patients may require GA for electrophysiology studies.
Procedural points
• Long procedures (2–​4h) requiring minimal patient movement and/​or
ventilation control mean that GA is preferable.
• The main target for atrial ablation is isolation of the four pulmonary
veins. For persistent AF, left atrial ‘substrate’ ablation may also be
needed, prolonging the procedure.
• RFA requires mapping systems to identify arrhythmia trigger sites
and pathways, necessitating careful positioning of multiple electrodes
by the lab electrophysiologists (usually applied prior to anaesthetic
• There will be ionising radiation used for much of the procedure.
Ventilation and access
• There is respiratory excursion compensation within the mapping
systems, but mechanical ventilation should also be optimised.
• IPPV with a low VT and high RR can be used throughout or in
conjunction with periods of jet ventilation via a jet catheter placed
inside the ETT (Monsoon/​Mistral ventilator, frequency 150, for 30–​
60min). Some centres use jet ventilation throughout; however, lung
disease or obesity may limit this. Use a TIVA anaesthetic with EEG/​BIS®
monitoring if jet ventilation is used.
• Only a large accessible peripheral access is required for simple atrial
ablation, unless other patient comorbidities make an arterial line
• Ventricular ablations usually require an arterial line either at induction
or prior to the procedure. The cardiologist can gain arterial access (and
central venous, if needed) in the groin and a pressure waveform can be
slaved from this.

Other considerations
• The procedure table is narrow and does not tip or go head up. Table
controls may be distant and unfamiliar—​the radiographer can assist.
Patients with a difficult airway or obesity may be better anaesthetised
on a trolley and transferred once asleep.
• Use an ‘underbody’ forced air warmer with temperature monitoring.
• Femoral venous access is used to access the heart; remifentanil infusion
as part of the anaesthetic technique can reduce coughing at extubation
and subsequent groin haematoma.
• Sodium chloride 0.9% irrigation around the ablation catheter tip
results in a significant fluid load (1.5L). Balance with restricted fluids
± vasopressors if needed, as urinary catheterisation is not usually
• In the cath lab, the WHO sign-​in is performed with the whole team.
• Once the patient is asleep, wires, monitors, drip stands and the
anaesthetic machine need to be positioned to avoid the C-​arm and
allow visualisation of the monitor and patient access as required.
During the procedure
• Relatively unstimulating procedure—​BP support may be required.
• TOE can be needed to visualise trans-​septal left atrial access when
challenging with fluoroscopy alone.
• Heparin is always given for left-​sided procedures, even when the patient
is anticoagulated. ACT target usually >300s and reversed by protamine
at the end; this is usually managed by the cardiologist.
• Induced arrhythmias may cause haemodynamic instability and it can be
necessary to cardiovert the patient during the procedure.
• Isoprenaline and adenosine may be given at the discretion of the
cardiologist towards the end of the procedure and will cause
tachyarrhythmias and brief asystole, respectively.
• Analgesia requirements are minimal—​LA at access sites, IV paracetamol
and antiemetics are sufficient.
• An in–​out catheter can improve comfort in recovery.
• Include vascular injury/​pseudoaneurysms/​haematomas/​A–​V fistulae
• The cardiologist will routinely perform a TOE at the end of the
procedure to check for tamponade; a sudden unexplained drop in
BP during the procedure could indicate tamponade and should be
communicated (1:100–​1:200 risk).
• Oesophageal injuries such as perforation or atrio-​oesophageal fistula
are serious complications but typically present 7–​10d post-​AF ablation.
• Phrenic nerve injury is usually transient and is particularly common
during cryoballoon ablation of AF.
• Pericardial effusion (1:100–​1:200).
• CVE (1:250).

834 Chapter 34 Anaesthesia for radiology and cardiology

Anaesthesia for transcatheter aortic

valve implantation
• Increasingly common procedure to avoid operative AVR. Initially
performed in high-​risk patients (frail/​elderly/​comorbidities), indications
now extending to lower-​risk patients.
• Establish extent of appropriate intervention in case of complication, e.g.
suitability for sternotomy/​bypass/​CPR.
• Most commonly performed transfemorally (percutaneous);
alternatively, transapically (mini-​thoracotomy) where there are issues
with femoral access. Less common approaches include transaxillary,
transaortic and transcaval.
• Transfemoral approach usually performed under LA with sedation.
• Requires good peripheral access. Arterial and central venous pressures
can be measured from procedural access. Sedation requirements can be
minimal and depend on the individual. Prepare patient for intervention
points, i.e. LA infiltration, device insertion and valve deployment.
• Transapical/​transaortic approach—​set up as for CPB: arterial line, CVP,
large-​bore IV access, urinary catheter, external defibrillator pads.
• Typically TCI for GA (e.g. remifentanil, propofol, relaxant; intubate and
ventilate with O2/​air).
• Have emergency drugs prepared for all TAVI procedures. Consider
noradrenaline infusion to maintain systemic BP.
• Procedure involves rapid atrial pacing to permit valvotomy and
placement of the prosthetic valve—​maintain BP (>100mmHg) before
this starts, and have adrenaline (1:10 000) drawn up, as the heart may
be stunned immediately following this. Ventilation does not need to
stop for valve positioning.
• Have hypotensive agents (e.g. esmolol, GTN) available post-​valve
insertion, as hypertension can be marked.
• Analgesia: infiltrate all wounds with LA and give IV paracetamol
for postoperative pain relief; consider paravertebral block for
• For the transapical approach: more analgesia is required; blood should
be available in the angiography suite for LV apical ventriculotomy, and
consider cell salvage. Early extubation is ideal.
• Recover supine (femoral access closure), with supplemental O2, and
recover with full monitoring as for any anaesthetic.
• Be aware of TAVI complications—​these include arrhythmia/​heart
block/​tamponade/​rupture/​valve malposition or migration/​coronary
Special considerations
• Digoxin increases the risk of arrhythmia—​omit on the day.

Further reading
Wilson SR, Shinde S, Appleby I, et al. (2019). Guidelines for the safe provision of anaesthesia in
magnetic resonance units 2019. Guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists and the Neuro
Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Anaesthesia, 74, 638–​50.
Dooley N, Lowe M, Ashley EMC (2018). Advances in management of electrophysiology and atrial
fibrillation in the cardiac catheter laboratory: implications for anaesthesia. BJA Educ, 18, 349–​56.
Levy D, Bigham C, Tomlinson D (2018). Anaesthesia for patients with hereditary arrhythmias part I:
Brugada syndrome. BJA Educ, 18, 159–​65.
Royal College of Radiologists (2018). Sedation, Analgesia and Anaesthesia in Radiology Department,
2nd edn. London: Royal College of Radiologists.
Harris P, Lysitsas D (2016). Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. BJA Educ, 16, 221–​9.
Mavrides E, Allard S, Chandraharan E, et al.; Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
(2016). Prevention and management of postpartum haemorrhage. BJOG, 124, e106–​49.
Landrigan-​Ossar M (2015). Common procedures and strategies for anaesthesia in interventional
radiology. Curr Opin Anesthesiol, 28, 458–​63.
Barnard M, Martin B (2010). Cardiac Anaesthesia (Oxford Specialist Handbooks). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2010). Uterine artery embolisation for fibroids.
Interventional procedures guidance [IPG367]. M https://​​guidance/​IPG367
Sweeting CJ, Thomas PW, Sanders DJ (2002). The long Bain breathing system: an investigation into
the implications of remote ventilation. Anaesthesia, 57, 1183–​6.
Chapter 35 837

Obstetric anaesthesia and

James Eldridge, Nicola Cox, Alisha Allana
and Heidi Lightfoot
Physiology and Breastfeeding and drug
pharmacology 838 transfer 867
Analgesia for labour 840 Retained placenta 869
Central neuraxial blocks for Fetal neuroprotection 870
labour analgesia 841 In utero fetal death 871
The poorly functioning Pregnancy-​induced hypertension
epidural 844 and pre-​eclampsia 872
Complications of CNB Eclampsia 877
analgesia 845 HELLP syndrome 878
Dural puncture and postdural Massive obstetric
puncture headache 848 haemorrhage 879
Remifentanil for labour Commonly used uterotonics
analgesia 852 and doses 883
Caesarean section 853 Placenta praevia and accreta 884
Caesarean section: epidural 855 Amniotic fluid embolism 886
Caesarean section: spinal 857 Obesity and pregnancy 887
Caesarean section: CSE 858 Maternal sepsis 889
Inadequate anaesthesia 860 Cardiac disease and
Hypotension 861 pregnancy 891
Caesarean section: general Surgery during pregnancy 893
anaesthesia 862 Cervical cerclage (cervical
Failed intubation 864 stitch) 896
Postoperative analgesia 865 Maternal resuscitation 897
Summary of dosing regimes 866

See also
% Obstetric anaesthesia in the patient with a spinal cord injury
pp. 307–8
% Pregnancy and trauma p. 988

838 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Physiology and pharmacology

From early in the 1st trimester, a woman’s physiology changes under the
influence of increasing progesterone and oestrogen production. The effects
are widespread.
• CO increases by 750%. Diastolic BP falls in early pregnancy and is at
its lowest at 20w gestation, returning to prepregnant levels by term.
Systolic BP follows the same pattern but is less affected. CVP and
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are not altered.
• CO increases further during labour, peaking immediately post-​delivery.
Preload and afterload change rapidly at delivery. This is a period of high
risk for women with impaired myocardial or valvular function.
• Uteroplacental blood flow is not autoregulated and so is dependent on
uterine artery BP.
• Aortocaval occlusion occurs when the gravid uterus rests on the aorta
or the IVC. Near term, complete caval occlusion in the supine position
is almost universal. Most women have sufficient collateral circulation,
so only 10% develop overt supine hypotensive syndrome. Even if
normotensive, placental blood supply may be compromised in the
supine position. After the 20th week of gestation, a left lateral tilt or
uterine displacement should be employed. If either mother or fetus is
symptomatic, the tilt should be increased.
• Plasma volume increases by 50% by term while red cell mass only
increases by 30%, resulting in physiological anaemia of pregnancy.
• Pregnant women become hypercoagulable early in the 1st trimester
and it is at this time deaths from PE occur most commonly. Plasma
concentrations of factors I (fibrinogen), VII, VIII, IX, X and XII increase,
but antithrombin III levels decrease. All pregnant women undergoing
surgery should be risk-​assessed for thromboprophylaxis.
• PaCO2 decreases to 74.0kPa (30mmHg) in early pregnancy. FRC
decreases by 20% at term, resulting in airway closure in 50% of supine
women. This, combined with a 60% increase in O2 consumption,
renders pregnant women at term vulnerable to hypoxia when supine,
especially if combined with a raised BMI.
• In labour, painful contractions and excessive breathing of Entonox® can
result in further hyperventilation and marked alkalosis may occur. An
arterial pH in excess of 7.5 is common.
• While whole gut transit time is increased in pregnancy, gastric emptying
and acidity are little changed. However, gastric emptying is slowed
in established labour and almost halted by systemic opioids. Barrier
pressure (the difference in pressure between the stomach and the
lower oesophageal ‘sphincter’) is reduced, but the incidence of
regurgitation into the upper oesophagus during anaesthesia in otherwise
asymptomatic individuals is not significantly different in the 1st and 2nd
• By 48h postpartum, intra-​abdominal pressure, gastric emptying, volume
and acidity are all similar to non-​pregnant controls. Lower oesophageal
sphincter tone may take longer to recover, but in the absence of other
indications for intubation, mask anaesthesia is acceptable 48h after
Physiology and pharmacology 839

• Renal blood flow increases by 75% at term and GFR by 50%. Both urea
and creatinine plasma concentrations fall.
• Neurological tissue has a greater susceptibility to the action of LA
during pregnancy and ‘MAC’ is also reduced.
• The volume of distribution increases by 5L, affecting predominantly
polar (water-​soluble) agents. Lipid-​soluble drugs are more affected by
changes in protein binding. The fall in albumin concentration increases
the free active portion of acidic agents, while basic drugs are more
dominantly bound to α-​1 glycoprotein. Some specific binding proteins,
such as thyroxine-​binding protein, increase in pregnancy.
• Plasma cholinesterase concentration falls by about 25%, but due
to the increased volume of distribution, the duration of action of
suxamethonium is little changed.

840 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Analgesia for labour

• The three most commonly used analgesics in labour are inhaled N2O,
opioids and CNB techniques—​spinals, combined spinal/​epidurals
(CSEs) and epidurals.
• For many women, acceptable analgesia in labour does not mean
complete absence of all sensation and there are numerous practices
that can help mothers through labour. These include prepared
childbirth, massage, acupuncture, warm water baths and transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Although the evidence that these
alter pain scores is weak, they are all useful techniques.
• N2O/O2 (Entonox®) is the most commonly used inhalational agent and
is possibly more efficacious and safer than a single dose of pethidine.
However, complete analgesia is never attained with it. Entonox® can
induce nausea and presyncope, and with prolonged exposure, N2O has
adverse effects on the haematological and immunological systems. N2O
is a greenhouse gas.
• Worldwide, pethidine remains one of the most popular opioids for
labour analgesia. However, it has a long half-​life in the fetus (18–​23h),
reduces fetal HR variability, is associated with changes in neonatal
neurobehavioural scores and can affect breastfeeding. If regional
analgesia is contraindicated, a fentanyl or remifentanil PCA may be
more beneficial (see % pp. 1162–3). IM diamorphine is also used in the
UK, although it may prolong labour by over an hour.
• CNB analgesia remains the most effective form of analgesia.
• Uterine pain is transmitted in sensory fibres which accompany the
sympathetic supply to T10–​L1, while vaginal pain is transmitted via the
pudendal nerve to S2–​S4 nerve roots. Paracervical and pudendal nerve
blocks can block the pain of labour, but CNB techniques are more
effective and have largely replaced them.
• CNB techniques can be expected to provide effective analgesia in
over 85% of women. CNB analgesia is associated with hypotension, i
oxytocin use and i incidence of maternal pyrexia, but is not associated
with an increase in CS rates. With low concentrations of epidural LA
(i.e. ≤0.1% bupivacaine), there is no increase in the instrumental delivery
rate. Fetal umbilical pH is marginally improved with epidural analgesia.
• Using ‘low-​dose’ epidural techniques can reduce the incidence of
hypotension and motor blockade and increase maternal satisfaction.
The instrumental delivery rate can be reduced by:
• Decreasing the total dose of LA administered by establishing, as well
as maintaining, CNB analgesia with low-​dose LA and opioid
• Using patient-​controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) or intermittent
top-​ups to maintain analgesia. In general, infusions deliver a greater
total dose of LA than intermittent top-​ups, while PCEA delivers the
smallest total dose.
Central neuraxial blocks for labour analgesia 841

Central neuraxial blocks for labour

See also % pp. 1114–17.
• Maternal request.
• Expectation of operative delivery.
• Conditions which might make GA difficult or life-​threatening (e.g.
morbid obesity, difficult airway).
• Maternal comorbidities, in particular those where sympathetic
stimulation might cause maternal or fetal deterioration, specific CVS
disease (e.g. regurgitant valvular lesions), severe respiratory disease
(e.g. CF), specific neurological disease (e.g. intracranial AVMs, spinal
cord injury) and some obstetric disease (e.g. pre-​eclampsia without
coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia).
Absolute contraindications
• Maternal refusal or allergy.
• Local infection or severe systemic sepsis.
• Uncorrected hypovolaemia or uncontrolled haemorrhage.
• Coagulopathy: expert opinion on precise values when CNB cannot
be used varies; always consider risk and benefit for individual patients.
Spinal analgesia is probably safer than epidural analgesia. Generally, in
the absence of pharmacological agents that affect clotting, a platelet
count >75 × 109/​L with a normal clotting screen is considered safe.
However, a slightly lower platelet count may be acceptable in patients at
high risk from GA. Tests of coagulation and platelet count should usually
be within 6h of the procedure, but also consider the rate at which the
platelet count is falling. The AoA guidelines can be accessed online.1
• Raised ICP (excluding the majority of individuals with communicating
idiopathic intracranial hypertension).
Relative contraindications
• Expectation of significant haemorrhage.
• Untreated systemic infection.
• Specific cardiac disease (e.g. severe valvular stenosis, Eisenmenger’s
syndrome, peripartum cardiomyopathy).
• Previous back surgery with scarring of the epidural space may cause
difficulty in placement of an epidural, increase the risk of a dural
puncture and may reduce the analgesic efficacy. Intrathecal techniques
would be expected to work normally.
Most UK anaesthetists do not take written consent before inserting an epi-
dural for labour analgesia, but an ‘appropriate’ explanation must be given.
Many women do not accurately recall information given in labour. The ex-
planation and all the adverse effects discussed should be documented. The
Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association has produced an information website
and card for mothers, available in multiple languages, which includes a quan-
titative estimate of the incidence of a variety of potential complications,
including neurological injury (M https://​

842 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Epidural analgesia for labour

• Make sure a trained midwife is available to provide one-​to-​one care.
• Establish IV access. In the absence of previous haemorrhage or dehydration,
when low-​dose LA techniques are used, fluid loading is unnecessary.
• Sterile technique: mask, hat, gown and gloves should be worn.
• Position either in full lateral or sitting (finding the midline may be easier
when sitting).
• Record fetal HR before and during the establishment of analgesia.
• Skin sterilisation with 0.5% chlorhexidine is common in the UK. Most
sterilising solutions, including chlorhexidine, are neurotoxic. Avoid
contamination of the CNB equipment or the anaesthetist’s gloves. It is
sensible to complete skin sterilisation before the neuraxial equipment
is unwrapped. Chlorhexidine must be allowed to dry before the skin is
• Locate the epidural space using a Tuohy needle. Loss of resistance to
0.9% sodium chloride may slightly reduce the incidence of accidental
dural puncture and ‘missed segments’ when compared to loss of
resistance to air.
• The chance of puncturing a vessel with the catheter is reduced if 10mL
of 0.9% sodium chloride is flushed into the epidural space before
inserting the catheter. Warn about discomfort when threading the
• Leave 3.5–​5cm of catheter in the epidural space; longer increases risk
of unilateral block and shorter increases risk of catheter pulling out of
the epidural space.
• Aspirate the catheter to check for blood or CSF. If blood is aspirated,
withdraw the catheter, leaving a minimum of 3cm in the space. If blood
is still present, remove the catheter and reinsert.
• Give a test dose. The dose should be sufficient to produce a
significant but not dangerously high block within 5min if the catheter
is unexpectedly in CSF. Testing for IV placement of the catheter using
1:200 000 adrenaline has both high false positive and negative rates.
Many anaesthetists will use 8mL of 0.1% bupivacaine with a dilute
opioid (2 micrograms/​mL fentanyl) as the test dose.
• After 5min, load with further (dilute) LA to establish analgesia (12mL of
0.1% bupivacaine with 2 micrograms/​mL fentanyl).
• The complete absence of a detectable block after a loading dose should
raise the suspicion of a malpositioned catheter. Remember ‘every dose
is a test dose’!
• Measure BP every 5min for at least 20min after every bolus dose.
• Epidural analgesia can be maintained by one of four methods:
• PCEA. A variety of regimens have been proposed. In general, larger
volumes of low-​concentration bupivacaine with opioid produce more
effective analgesia, e.g. 5–​10mL boluses of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2
micrograms/​mL fentanyl and a 15–​20min lockout period.
• A continuous infusion of LA (5–​12mL/​h of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2
micrograms/​mL fentanyl).
• Intermittent top-​ups of LA administered by midwife (rare in the
UK—​superseded by PCEA).
• Programmed intermittent epidural boluses. These have a reduced
risk of breakthrough pain compared to continuous infusions, without
increasing the risk of an instrumental delivery.
Central neuraxial blocks for labour analgesia 843

Combined spinal/​epidural analgesia for labour

• Low-​dose subarachnoid LA and/​or opioid, together with subsequent
top-​ups of weak epidural LA, produces rapid onset of analgesia with
minimal motor block (10–​15min quicker than epidural alone).
• CSEs can be advantageous when re-​establishing analgesia for women
who have had a failed epidural or for women who are so distressed by
pain that they are unable to remain still while an epidural is sited. They
are used routinely in some centres.
• There is some evidence of improved epidural analgesia after the initial
spinal analgesia has receded.
CSEs can be performed as a needle-​through-​needle technique or as sep-
arate injections in the same or different intervertebral spaces.
• Locate epidural space at the L3/​4 interspace or below, with a Tuohy
needle. The level of the iliac crests usually corresponds to the spinous
process of L4 (Tuffier’s line), although there is variation between
individuals. Pass a 25–​27G pencil-​point needle through the Tuohy
needle to locate the subarachnoid space and inject subarachnoid
solution (e.g. 0.5–​1.0mL of 0.25% bupivacaine with 5–​25 micrograms
• Without rotating the epidural needle, insert an epidural catheter.
Separate injection technique
• Perform spinal at L3/​4. Inject subarachnoid solution (e.g. 0.5–​1.0mL of
0.25% bupivacaine with 5–​25 micrograms fentanyl).
• Insert an epidural catheter at a different interspace.
• This technique is particularly helpful when women are too distressed
to cooperate. Once spinal analgesia is established, an epidural can be
performed with a more compliant patient.
After 15min, check the sensory and motor block and then give the epidural
test dose. If the epidural has been unintentionally sited intrathecally, the
block will change significantly within 5min.
Continue maintenance as per epidural analgesia alone (see % pp. 855–6).
Dural puncture epidural
The dural puncture epidural is a modification of the combined spinal epi-
dural.2 A dural puncture is performed with a 25G (not 27G) pencil-​point
needle. No intrathecal agents are injected and then an epidural is inserted
and run in the usual fashion. The analgesia obtained is slightly quicker in
onset than a standard epidural and the quality of analgesia is slightly better.
This is probably a result of epidural solution leaking into the CSF through
the hole created by the 25G needle. The incidence of maternal hypoten-
sion, pruritus and uterine hyperstimulation is lower than with a CSE.

844 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

The poorly functioning epidural

Look for the pattern of failure (Table 35.1). Remember that a full bladder
may cause breakthrough pain. It is important to be confident that the epi-
dural could be topped up for a CS if required. Therefore, if in doubt, resite
the epidural. (See also % p. 1164.)

Table 35.1 Solutions for the poorly functioning epidural

Pattern of failure Remedy

No detectable block despite at least Resite epidural
10mL of 0.25% bupivacaine (or
Unilateral block 1. Top up in a lateral position, with
Assess the block: the painful side down. Use dilute,
Are both feet symmetrically warm large-​volume LA and opiate (this
and dry? is usually more effective than
high-​concentration, low-​volume
Is the pattern of sensory blockade solutions)
consistent with where the pain is felt?
2. Withdraw the catheter 2–​3cm and
give a further top-​up
3. Resite epidural
Missed segment 1. Top up with opioid (i.e. 50–​100
True missed segments are rare. micrograms fentanyl). The
Commonly, a ‘missed segment’ felt in intrathecal mode of action will
the groin is a partial unilateral block minimise segmental effects
2. Continue as per ‘unilateral block’
Back pain 1. Top up with more LA and opioid.
Often associated with an occipito-​ To achieve a sufficiently dense
posterior position of the fetus and block, higher concentration of LA is
may require a dense block to establish occasionally required
Perineal pain 1. Check sacral block and that the
bladder is empty
2. Top up with more LA in sitting
3. Continue as per unilateral block
Complications of CNB analgesia 845

Complications of CNB analgesia

Around 25% of labouring women in the UK receive epidural analgesia, and
the obstetric population as a whole account for 45% of all CNBs. Long-​
term complications after CNB occur less frequently in the obstetric popu-
lation than in the general population, probably because the duration of
epidural analgesia is relatively short and the population is generally healthy
and younger.3
Hypotension is common after CNB anaesthesia, but less so after CNB an-
algesia. Aim to maintain systolic BP >90% of baseline. Uterine blood flow
is not autoregulated, so prolonged or severe hypotension will cause fetal
compromise. Fluid loading is not routinely required when using low doses
of LA, but if hypovolaemia is suspected, this should be corrected before
starting CNB analgesia.
If hypotension occurs, treat quickly:
• Position patient fully laterally or sitting up. Avoid aortocaval occlusion.
• Give an IV fluid bolus of crystalloid solution.
• Give vasopressor (e.g. 6mg IV ephedrine) and repeat as necessary.
• If fetal distress occurs, call obstetrician. Consider O2 via face mask.
Remember that brachial artery pressure may not reflect uterine artery
blood flow. If fetal distress is detected and is chronologically related to a
CNB procedure, treat as above, even in the absence of overt hypotension.
Subdural block
Subdural block occurs when the epidural catheter is misplaced between the
dura mater and the arachnoid mater. In obstetric practice, the incidence of
clinically recognised subdural block is <1:1000 epidurals. However, subdural
blocks may be clinically indistinguishable from epidural blocks. Definitive
diagnosis is radiological. The classical characteristics of a subdural block are:
• A slow onset (20–​30min) of a block that is inappropriately extensive
for the volume of LA injected. The block may extend to the cervical
dermatomes and a Horner’s syndrome may develop.
• The block is often patchy and asymmetrical. Sparing of motor fibres to
the lower limbs may occur.
• A total spinal may occur with top-​up doses. This is probably due to an
increase in volume causing the arachnoid mater to rupture.
If a subdural placement is suspected, resite the epidural catheter.
Total spinal
Total spinals are the commonest cause of maternal cardiac arrest in UK
delivery suites. The incidence of unexpectedly high blocks or total spinal
is variously reported to be between 1:100 to 1:100 000 CNBs, depending
on definition. Symptoms and signs are usually immediate, although delayed
onset may occur, possibly caused by a change in maternal position or a
subdural catheter placement. Spinal blocks performed in the presence of a
partially functioning epidural block have a high risk of causing unexpectedly
high blocks or a total spinal.

846 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

The onset of a total spinal usually follows a sequence of initial difficulty

in coughing (commonly seen during CNB anaesthesia for CS), then loss of
hand and arm strength, followed by difficulty with talking, breathing and
swallowing, then loss of consciousness.
If a block is rising abnormally rapidly, think about the likely cause:
• If the high block followed a subarachnoid injection of hyperbaric LA
(e.g. most spinals), or followed an excess dose into a correctly sited
epidural catheter, position the patient head up.
• If the high block followed either an intentional or an unintentional
injection of plain LA into the subarachnoid space (e.g. with an
unrecognised spinal catheter, rather than an epidural catheter), remember
that plain LA is hypobaric compared to CSF, so a head-​up position may
encourage the block to spread further. Gently position the mother in
a left lateral position to minimise dural compression through epidural
vein engorgement (which occurs with caval occlusion) and observe very
closely. Sudden movements may cause CSF to move further cephalad.
• Make sure that the equipment for ventilatory and cardiovascular
support are immediately available. Respiratory paralysis, cardiovascular
depression, unconsciousness and fixed, dilated pupils may ensue.
• Call for help and follow the ABC approach. Maintain airway and
ventilation; avoid aortocaval compression and provide CVS support.
• Even if consciousness is not lost, intubation may be required to protect
the airway. A reduced induction dose is often necessary.
• Careful maternal and fetal monitoring is essential and, if appropriate,
delivery of the fetus. In the absence of fetal distress, CS is not an
immediate requirement.
• Ventilation is usually needed for 1–​2h until the block recedes. Before
extubation, check the patient has good handgrip strength.
Accidental IV injection of local anaesthetic
At the time of siting, 5% of epidurals catheters are completely or partially in
a blood vessel. While these are usually detected and corrected, remember
that ‘every dose is a test dose’. The maxim is to avoid injecting any single
large bolus of LA intravenously.
• Always checking for blood in the catheter
• Always being alert to symptoms of IV injection with every dose of LA,
even when previous doses were uncomplicated
• Dividing all large doses of LA into small aliquots
• Using appropriate LAs
• Maintaining vigilance for incorrect connection of IVIs to epidural
catheters. NAP3 reported a higher incidence of epidural to IV
connections in obstetric patients. Using non-​interchangeable CNB
connectors (i.e. NRFit® systems) will reduce this risk.
• If neurological or cardiovascular symptoms occur, stop injecting the
LA. Treat according to BLS/​ALS protocols and administer 20% lipid
emulsion (see % pp. 1092–3).
Complications of CNB analgesia 847

Neurological damage
• Neurological sequelae following delivery under GA is as common as
delivery under CNB anaesthesia, suggesting that obstetric causes from
nerve compression (e.g. pressure from fetal head, prolonged labour or
poor maternal positioning) are probably more common than any effects
from the CNB technique.
• Direct nerve root damage may be associated with pain on insertion
of a CNB. Temporary neurological deficits occur in roughly 1:3000
procedures. Prolonged neurological deficit is much rarer (71:15 000)
and permanent major neurological damage probably occurs in
<1:80 000 CNBs in the obstetric population.
• Neurological damage from potentially reversible causes, such as
infection (e.g. vertebral canal abscess), ischaemia or haemorrhage (e.g.
subdural haematoma), may be immediate or delayed.
• It is unusual to have a dense motor block (an inability to straight leg
raise) in the context of low-​concentration LA epidural infusions or
if >4h have passed since the last high dose of spinal or epidural LA.
Immediate anaesthetic review is indicated.
• If an epidural haematoma is suspected and an epidural catheter is in situ,
this should remain until the diagnosis has been excluded as removal may
worsen potential bleeding. Removal of epidural catheters in any patient
should be done with consideration of coagulation status.
• Symptoms from a vertebral canal abscess can occur anytime between a
few days to several months after the CNB procedure. Diagnosis can be
difficult, with fever, back pain, neurological deficit and signs of localised
infection variably present. A high index of suspicion is required.
• Reversibility is time-​critical. Depending on the context, urgent MRI with
neurosurgical review and/​or nerve conduction studies may be required.
Dural puncture and postdural puncture headache
(See % pp. 848–51.)

848 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Dural puncture and postdural puncture

• When loss of CSF through a dural tear is greater than production,
CSF pressure falls and the brain sinks, stretching the meninges.
This stretching is thought to cause headache, sometimes with neck
stiffness and cranial nerve involvement. Compensatory vasodilation of
intracranial vessels may further worsen symptoms.
• Dural puncture may be intentional (as in CSE or spinal anaesthesia) or
unintentional (as a complication of an epidural), and both may cause
headache. Inadvertent dural puncture should occur in <1% of epidurals,
although up to 40% of inadvertent dural punctures may not be
recognised at the time of the procedure. If a dural puncture occurs with
a 16G Tuohy needle, the incidence of postdural puncture headache
(PDPH) is >50%.
• The risk of PDPH following spinal anaesthesia with a 25G pencil-​point
needle is 2–​10%. These headaches are usually mild, self-​limiting and
often not recognised. The incidence of severe headache requiring blood
patching is 71:650. Symptoms may not develop for several days.
• All midwives, as well as obstetric and anaesthetic staff, should be alert
to the signs of PDPH, as symptoms may not develop for several days.
If untreated, headaches are not only unpleasant but, very rarely, can
be life-​threatening. Intracranial haemorrhage, subdural haematoma,
cerebral venous thrombosis and coning of the brainstem have all been
Management of accidental dural puncture can be divided into immediate
management of an inadvertent dural puncture and late management if a
PDPH develops.
Immediate management of inadvertent dural puncture
The aim is to achieve effective analgesia without further complication. If
a dural puncture occurs, a catheter can be either threaded and left in situ
(now an intrathecal catheter) or removed and an epidural catheter rein-
serted. Both techniques are described below. The patient should be in-
formed at the earliest opportunity that a dural puncture has occurred and
of the likely sequelae. All patients at risk of developing a PDPH should be
reviewed daily by an anaesthetist until resolution.
Intrathecal catheter technique
• After a dural puncture, do not move the Tuohy needle. Pass 2–​3cm of
catheter into the subarachnoid space.
• Label the catheter clearly as an intrathecal catheter and only allow
anaesthetists to perform top-​ups.
• Give through the catheter intermittent top-​ups of 1.0–​2.5mg
bupivacaine ± 5–​25 micrograms fentanyl. Tachyphylaxis may occur
with prolonged labour. Make sure that the dead space of the catheter
and filter is known and accounted for (usually 71.1mL). The dead space
can either be left with a known solution within it or flushed with the
appropriate volume of 0.9% sodium chloride after each top-​up.
• Communicate and document which technique is being used.
Dural puncture and postdural puncture headache 849

The principle advantage of this technique is that the chance of per-

forming another dural puncture is removed. Also, the need for epidural
blood patch (although not the incidence of PDPH) may be reduced. While
the quality of analgesia may be excellent, unfamiliarity with dosing, tachy-
phylaxis and movement of the intrathecal catheter out of the intrathecal
space may compromise this.
The greatest risk of this technique is that the catheter may be mistaken
for an epidural catheter.
Removal of the Tuohy needle/​epidural catheter
• Reinsert the epidural at a different interspace, usually one space higher.
Consider asking a senior colleague to help.
• Run the epidural as normal, but beware of intrathecal spread of LA
causing high blocks.
• All top-​ups should be given cautiously by an anaesthetist.
Beware... that when large top-​ups are given for an operative procedure,
intrathecal spread through the dural tear can result in an unexpectedly
high block.
Late management of postdural puncture headache
Headaches in the postnatal period are common and other causes of head-
aches should be considered (dehydration, tiredness, migraines, anaemia,
meningitis, SAH, venous sinus thrombosis, pituitary bleeds). Common fea-
tures of a PDPH include:
• A history of a dural puncture (although in one-​third of PDPHs following
epidural analgesia, the original dural puncture was not recognised at the
time of insertion).
• Onset 24–​48h postdural puncture but can be up to 5d. Untreated, they
are said to last 7–​14d, but the evidence is poor.
• Headache made worse by standing. Headache is often absent after
overnight bed rest but returns after mobilising. However, 5% of PDPHs
are not postural.4
• The headache is usually fronto-​occipital and may be associated with
neck stiffness and muffled hearing.
• The headache may be relieved by tight abdominal compression which
can be useful diagnostically.
• Photophobia and difficulty in accommodation are common. Hearing
loss, tinnitus and CN VI nerve palsy with diplopia are possible. If these
signs develop, women should be encouraged to have a blood patch
as these are an indication of a more severe headache and the nerve
injuries may not recover if the dural puncture is not treated promptly.
Treatment is either conservative, alleviating symptoms while waiting for the
dural tear to heal, or actively attempting to ‘seal’ the puncture. Epidural
blood patching is the only commonly used method of sealing dural tears,
although neurosurgical closure has been performed.
Prophylactic treatment
There is a high incidence of bacteraemia shortly after delivery. This, com-
bined with poor efficacy, means that prophylactic blood patching has fallen
out of favour.

850 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Symptomatic treatment
• Bed rest alleviates symptoms, but the effect is usually transient
and increases the risk of VTE. If immobile for ≥24h, consider VTE
prophylaxis (time LMWH doses to avoid delaying blood patch if
• Adequate fluid intake (usually oral) should be encouraged, although
there is no evidence that hydration reduces the incidence of PDPH.
Excessive fluid intake may be harmful.
• Simple analgesics are the mainstays of symptomatic treatment. They
should always be offered, even though they are unlikely to completely
relieve a PDPH.
• Caffeine reduces intracranial vasodilation which is partially responsible
for the headache. There is limited evidence that the severity of PDPH
is reduced and some concern that seizures may be increased with high-​
dose caffeine. A maximum of 900mg of caffeine is recommended per
day, reduced to 200mg if breastfeeding. A high-​energy drink or coffee
contains 7150mg of caffeine.
• There is insufficient evidence currently to recommend routine use of
any of the following: sphenopalatine ganglion block, greater occipital
nerve blocks, theophylline, ACTH analogues, steroids, triptans,
gabapentin, acupuncture, epidural opioid or fluid.4
• Definitive treatment is with epidural blood patching.
Epidural blood patch
Only a third of postpartum women with PDPH will have complete reso-
lution of symptoms after an epidural blood patch, although 50–​80% will re-
port some benefit. Relapse can occur and the need for a 2nd blood patch is
common.5 Lower success rates occur if blood patches are performed <48h
after the dural puncture.
The proposed mechanism of action of blood patch is twofold—​blood
injected into the epidural space compresses the dural sac and raises the ICP,
which can produce almost instant improvement in pain. Secondly, blood
forming a clot over the dural tear seals the CSF leak and the dural sac grad-
ually refills.
Although serious complications after blood patching are rare, backache
is common—​35% of women experience some discomfort 48h post-​patch
and 16% have prolonged backache (mean duration 27d). Repeated dural
puncture is possible, and neurological deficits, arachnoiditis, infection,
epileptiform fits and cranial nerve damage have all been reported.
• Written information should be offered to the patient and written
consent obtained. Consent should include reference to the success
rate (as above), and that repeat dural puncture is possible, that back
pain during and for several days after epidural blood patch is common
and that there can be significant and rare complications, including nerve
damage, bleeding and infection.
• The patient should be apyrexial with a normal WCC.
• Two operators are required. One should be an experienced
‘epiduralist’, and the other is required to take blood in a sterile manner.
• The patient may benefit from a period of bed rest before performing
the patch to reduce the CSF volume in the epidural space.
Dural puncture and postdural puncture headache 851

• Aseptic technique must be meticulous at both the epidural site and the
site of venepuncture.
• Blood injected into the epidural space predominantly spreads cephalad,
so blood patches should be performed at the same or lower interspace
as the dural puncture, with the woman in the lateral position to
minimise CSF pressure in the lumbar dural sac.
• When the epidural space has been identified, 20mL of blood is
• Inject the blood slowly through the epidural needle until either a
maximum of 20mL has been given or pain develops (commonly in
the back or legs). If pain occurs, pause and if the pain resolves, try
continuing a slow injection. If the pain recurs, then stop.
• Maintain bed rest for 2h to allow a clot to form.
• As far as possible, the patient should avoid straining, lifting or excessive
bending for 48h.
• Follow-​up is still required and every woman should have clear
instructions to contact the anaesthetists again if symptoms recur.

852 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Remifentanil for labour analgesia

Remifentanil is an ultrashort-​acting, potent mu-​agonist synthetic opioid,
which is broken down by non-​specific tissue and plasma esterases. It
has a half-​life of about 6min and a rapid onset time of 30–​60s. Although
remifentanil readily crosses the placenta, it is also rapidly metabolised in
the fetus. These features make remifentanil a useful analgesic agent in la-
bour.6 Like all opioids, it does not produce complete analgesia but is more
effective than IM pethidine. Although its analgesic effect may be similar
to fentanyl PCA, remifentanil is associated with a decreased requirement
for fetal resuscitation, but an increased incidence of maternal respiratory
depression (5–​93%). Remifentanil should only be used with direct (in the
room) supervision. There have been numerous case reports of maternal
respiratory arrests.
As there is a significant risk of respiratory depression, a training pro-
gramme for all midwifery and anaesthetic staff must be completed before
remifentanil is introduced to a labour ward.
The ideal PCA regimen has not been established. Many proposed tech-
niques are based on body weight, but the technique below is based on a
fixed dose which has the advantage of simplicity and hence safety.
• Of critical importance is establishing one-​to-​one care with a trained
individual (midwife) who must be continuously present in the room.
• No opioid should have been used in the previous 4h.
• Establish dedicated IV access.
• PCA bolus dose of 20–​40 micrograms and lockout of 2min.
• Monitor with continuous SpO2.
• Give O2 if SpO2 <94% on air.
• Thirty-​minute observations of RR, sedation score and pain scores.
• Always flush the cannula when a PCA is discontinued.
• Call the anaesthetist if:
• The patient is not rousable to voice
• RR <8 breaths/​min
• SpO2 <94% despite O2 supplementation.
Caesarean section 853

Caesarean section
With all CS, it is vital that the obstetrician clearly communicates the degree
of urgency to all staff. The classification in Table 35.2 is a modification of
that originally proposed by Lucas.

Table 35.2 Categories of urgency of Caesarean section

Category 1 Maternal or fetal compromise with immediate threat to the life

of mother or fetus
Category 2 Maternal or fetal compromise that is not immediately
Category 3 No maternal or fetal compromise but requires early delivery
Category 4 No maternal or fetal compromise. Delivery timed to suit
mother and maternity services

• Any emergency CS requires transfer of the patient to theatre as rapidly

as possible. Fetal monitoring should be continued until abdominal skin
preparation starts.
• Category 1 CS: aim to deliver the fetus as quickly as possible while
not compromising maternal safety. While it is the obstetrician’s
responsibility to call the urgency of the CS, it is the anaesthetist’s
responsibility to choose a method of anaesthesia that is safe. While in
many centres, GA is common for Category 1 sections, CNB anaesthesia
is a valid alternative. Do not be pressured into choosing a form of
anaesthesia that is inappropriate for the mother.
• Category 2–​4 CS: usually performed under CNB anaesthesia.
• Remember that the classification of urgency should be continuously
reviewed. Category 1 sections can become Category 2, and vice versa.
• Remember to document the following times: time informed, time into
theatre, time anaesthetic was ready, time of knife to skin and time of
Central neuraxial blockade for Caesarean section
(See also % pp. 1114–17.) CNB anaesthesia for CS was initially driven by
maternal preference. It was subsequently found to be safer than GA, al-
though with good-​quality training and modern anaesthetic standards and
equipment, the difference in maternal mortality appears to be less than it
was in the past.
Advantages of CNB include:
• Both mother and partner can be present at the delivery
• Minimal risk of aspiration and lower risk of anaphylaxis
• The neonate is more alert, promoting early bonding and breastfeeding
• Fewer drugs are administered, with less ‘hangover’ than after GA
• Postoperative analgesia is better with earlier mobilisation.
Mothers who are nervous about having a CS under CNB should be given a
clear explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of CNB and GA but
should not be coerced into having either technique.

854 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

There are three principal techniques for CNB: epidural, spinal and CSE.
Epidural anaesthesia is mostly used for women who already have labour
epidural analgesia. Spinal anaesthesia is the most popular technique for
elective CS, although in some centres, CSE is preferred.
The speed of onset of sympathectomy that occurs with spinal anaes-
thesia (as opposed to epidural) results in a greater fall in maternal CO and
BP (see % p. 861) and may be associated with a more acidotic neonate at
delivery. When there is particular concern about the speed of onset of a
block, a CSE approach can be used, injecting only a small dose of intrathecal
LA and extending the block if required using the epidural catheter. Spinal
anaesthesia generally provides a better quality of analgesia than epidural
Preparation for CS
Whatever anaesthetic technique is chosen, careful history should be taken
and appropriate examination performed. This should include checking:
• Blood group and antibody screen. Routine X-​matching of blood is not
required, unless haemorrhage is expected or antibodies that interfere
with X-​matching are present.
• Ultrasound reports to establish the position of the placenta. A low-​
lying anterior placenta puts a woman at risk of major haemorrhage,
particularly if associated with a scar from a previous CS (see %
pp. 884–5).
An explanation of the technique should be offered. Although CS under
CNB becomes routine for the anaesthetist, it can be intimidating for the
mother. Reassurance and support are important. The possibility of compli-
cations must be mentioned, including the risk of intraoperative discomfort
and its management. Pain during CNB remains a leading obstetric anaes-
thetic cause of maternal litigation. Document all complications that are
Caesarean section: epidural 855

Caesarean section: epidural

Advantages Disadvantages
• A functioning labour epidural is • Slow onset
easy to top-​up • Large doses of LA
• More stable BP (than spinal) • Poorer quality of block than
• Intraoperative top-​up possible spinal anaesthesia
• Epidural can be used for
postoperative analgesia

Indications for CS under epidural anaesthesia

• Women with a functioning epidural for labour analgesia.
• Some specific maternal diseases where rapid changes in SVR might be
problematic (e.g. some cardiac disease), although commonly these
individuals will have a careful CSE.
• Preparation relevant for all CS:
• History/​examination/​explanation and consent.
• Ensure that antacid prophylaxis has been given.
• Establish 16G or larger IV access. Start crystalloid co-​load.
• Give antibiotic prophylaxis as per local guidelines.
• Insert epidural catheter at the L2/​3 or L3/​4 vertebral interspace.
• Position patient in the supine position with left lateral tilt/​wedge.
• Test dose, then incrementally top-​up the epidural with LA and opioid:
• Boluses of 5–​8mL of 2% lidocaine with 1:200 000 adrenaline ±
sodium bicarbonate every 2–​3min up to a maximum of 7mg/​kg
(720mL). If bicarbonate is used, add 2mL of 8.4% bicarbonate to
18mL of 2% lidocaine with 1:200 000 adrenaline,
• 5mL of 0.5% bupivacaine/​levobupivacaine or 0.75% ropivacaine
every 4–​5min up to a maximum of 2mg/​kg in any 4h period. Single-​
enantiomer LAs may offer some safety advantage; however, lidocaine
is still safer than either ropivacaine or levobupivacaine.
• Opioid (e.g. 100 micrograms fentanyl or 2.5mg diamorphine) improves
the quality of the analgesia.
• Establish an S4–​T4 block (nipple level). A slightly lower dermatomal
block height may be accepted if epidural opioid is given with epidural
LA (e.g. T6 to light touch). Always check the sacral dermatomes, as
epidural LA occasionally does not spread caudally. Anaesthesia to light
touch is more reliable at predicting adequacy of block than loss of cold
sensation. Document the level of block obtained and the adequacy of
perioperative analgesia.
• Hypotension is much less common than with intrathecal techniques.
However, if hypotension does occur, treat hypotension with the
following (see also % p. 861):
• Boluses of 500mL of crystalloid
• Phenylephrine 50–​100 micrograms IV bolus (expect a reflex
bradycardia) or ephedrine 6mg IV
• Increasing the left uterine displacement.

856 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

• At delivery, give 2–​5 units of oxytocin as a slow IV bolus. If tachycardia

must be avoided, then an IVI of 40 units of oxytocin in 500mL of
crystalloid given over 4h is an acceptable alternative.
• At the end of the procedure, give an NSAID unless contraindicated
(e.g. 100mg diclofenac PR).
• Epidural diamorphine (2.5mg) given at the time of surgery improves
postoperative analgesia, while epidural fentanyl has little postoperative
analgesic benefit.
• Prescribe postoperative analgesia and VTE prophylaxis as per local
Caesarean section: spinal 857

Caesarean section: spinal

Advantages Disadvantages
• Quick onset • Limited duration
• Good-​quality analgesia • Inadequate analgesia is difficult to
• Easy to perform correct
• Use of opioids provides • Rapid changes in BP and CO
postoperative analgesia

Spinal anaesthesia is the most commonly used technique for elective CS.
• Preparation as per CS under epidural (see % pp. 855–6).
• A sitting position usually makes finding the midline easier, which may
be helpful with obese patients and may be associated with a faster
onset, although the height of block is less predictable. A lateral position
is associated with a slower onset of block, particularly if a full lateral
position is maintained until the block has fully developed. The block
height may be slightly more consistent, and women sometimes find it
more comfortable than sitting.
• Perform spinal anaesthetic at L3/​4 interspace or lower using a 25G
or smaller pencil-​point needle. The level of the iliac crests usually
corresponds to the spinous process of L4 (Tuffier’s line), although there
is variation between individuals.
• With the orifice pointing cephalad, inject the anaesthetic solution,
e.g. 2.5mL of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine with 300 micrograms
diamorphine or 15 micrograms fentanyl. Intrathecal diamorphine
improves postoperative analgesia, while intrathecal fentanyl has little
postoperative analgesic benefit.
• After injection of the solution, move the woman to a supine position
with left lateral tilt or wedge. When hyperbaric LA solutions are used, it
is important that the cervical spine is kept elevated (pillow) to prevent
LA spreading to the cervical dermatomes.
• Hypotension is more common with spinal anaesthesia than with
epidural anaesthesia. Try to prevent hypotension, rather than treating it
after it has occurred. When possible, a continuous infusion of pressor
agent should be started at the time of the injection of spinal LA (see
% p. 861).
• Continue as for epidural anaesthesia for CS (see % pp. 855–6).

858 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Caesarean section: CSE

Advantages Disadvantages
• Quick onset • Rapid change in BP and CO
• Good-​quality analgesia • Technically more difficult
• Intraoperative top-​up possible • Higher failure rate of spinal
• Epidural can be used postoperatively • Untested epidural catheter

In some centres, CSE is the technique of choice for CS. Indications

• Limiting the speed of onset of a block. A small initial intrathecal dose of
LA can be supplemented through the epidural as required.
• Expectation of prolonged surgery.
• Ability to use the epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia.
• Preparation as per CS under epidural (see % pp. 855–6).
• There are two commonly used techniques—​a needle-​through-​needle
technique where the spinal needle is passed through the epidural
needle, and a separate injection technique. The needle-​through-​needle
technique is associated with a higher incidence of failure to locate
CSF with the spinal needle but only involves one injection. If the two-​
injection technique is used, the epidural is usually sited first at L2/​3
or above and then the spinal injection is performed at L3/​4 or below.
There is a theoretical risk of damaging the catheter with the spinal
• If the spinal block is inadequate, inject LA or 10mL of 0.9% sodium
chloride through the epidural catheter. (0.9% sodium chloride works by
compressing the dural sac, causing cephalad spread of intrathecal LA.)
Needle-​through-​needle technique
• Use either a dedicated CSE set or a Tuohy needle and a long 25G (or
smaller) pencil-​point needle. Locate the epidural space at L3/​4 or
below with a Tuohy needle and then pass the long spinal needle through
the Tuohy needle into the intrathecal space. Inject anaesthetic solution
with the needle orifice pointing cephalad (e.g. 2.5mL of 0.5% hyperbaric
bupivacaine with 300 micrograms diamorphine or 15 micrograms
• Insert the epidural catheter. Aspirate the catheter carefully for CSF.
Two-​needle technique
• Insert an epidural at L2/​3 or above. After the catheter is in position,
perform a spinal injection at L3/​4 or below with a 25G or smaller
pencil-​point needle.
With either technique, testing the catheter with LA before the intra-
thecal dose has receded may be unreliable. However, using the catheter
intraoperatively is reasonable, as the anaesthetist is continuously present to
deal with the consequences of an intrathecal injection. This may not be true
if opioids are given through the catheter for postoperative analgesia at the
end of the procedure before the block has receded.
Continue as for spinal anaesthesia for CS (see % p. 857).
Caesarean section: CSE 859

Special considerations
• Although the incidence of major complications of CNB, as identified by
the Third National Audit Project of the RCoA, was higher when a CSE
technique was used, the numbers were very small (two or four patients,
depending on whether an optimistic or a pessimistic analysis was used)
and the study cautions against overinterpretation of these results.

860 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Inadequate anaesthesia
Every patient should be warned of the possibility of intraoperative discom-
fort and this should be documented. Of attempted CNB anaesthetics for
CS 1-5% are inadequate for surgery. The majority should be identified be-
fore the operation commences.
Inadequate block identified before surgery has started
• If no block develops, then the catheter is incorrectly positioned. It may
be reinserted or a spinal performed.
• If a partial but inadequate block has developed, the epidural may be resited
or withdrawn slightly. If the toxic limit for the LA agent has been reached,
elective procedures can be abandoned, but for urgent procedures, a GA
or a spinal anaesthetic will be required. Be very cautious about converting a
partially functioning epidural anaesthetic to a spinal anaesthetic. Although a
normal spinal dose of hyperbaric LA is commonly used, aggressive control
of the spread of LA is needed to prevent a high or total spinal occurring.
This is done by positioning the head up initially and then slowly lowering the
head to achieve the required level of block.
• If no block develops, a repeat spinal may be performed.
• If a partial but inadequate block develops, an epidural may be inserted
and slowly topped up.
• Use a GA if required.
Intraoperative inadequate block
In this situation, good communication with the mother and surgeon is es-
sential. If possible, stop surgery. Identify the likely cause of pain (e.g. in-
adequately blocked sacral nerve roots, peritoneal pain). Try to give the
mother a realistic expectation of continued duration and severity of pain.
If the pain has occurred before the delivery of the fetus, it is very likely that
a GA will be required.
• If the patient requests GA, in all but exceptional circumstances, comply.
• If the anaesthetist feels that the severity of pain is not acceptable,
persuade the patient that GA is required.
Reassure and treat with:
• Inhaled N2O
• IV opioid (e.g. 25–​50 micrograms fentanyl, repeated as necessary)—​
inform the neonatologists that opioid has been given
• Surgical infiltration of LA (care with total dose)
• GA.
• Treat as per spinal anaesthesia, but in addition, epidural opioid (e.g. 100
micrograms fentanyl) and/​or more epidural LA can be given.
Hypotension 861

Hypotension is common with CNB anaesthesia, especially spinal anaes-
thesia.7 Preventing hypotension, rather than treating it after it has occurred,
is associated with better fetal and maternal outcomes. Aim to maintain the
systolic BP at ≥90% of baseline.
Prophylactic pressor agents are key, but it is also important to minimise
aortocaval occlusion (i.e. lateral tilt) and a fluid co-​load should be routine
unless fluid is being restricted.
Pressor agents
Using prophylactic pressor agents is beneficial for both mother and fetus.
α-​agonists (phenylephrine and metaraminol) should be considered as the 1°
agents. Ephedrine (6mg bolus) is an acceptable alternative, despite possibly
causing marginally more fetal acidosis than phenylephrine. Noradrenaline,
which has both α and β action, has been shown to have marginal advantage
over phenylephrine, but currently its use as a peripheral infusion remains
controversial. Phenylephrine bolus doses of 50–​100 micrograms can cause
reflex bradycardias, so if possible, use a phenylephrine or metaraminol in-
fusion instead. A reduction in HR is associated with a reduced CO, so treat
bradycardia with either ephedrine or an anticholinergic agent. A simple re-
gime for phenylephrine infusion is outlined below.
• Put 20mL of 100 micrograms/​mL of phenylephrine in a syringe driver.
• Start infusion of 30mL/​h as the spinal solution is injected.
• Titrate to response in increments of 10mL/​h.
• Expect the HR to slow—​give anticholinergic agents as required.
• Reduce and stop the infusion post-​delivery.
• In pre-​eclamptic and hypertensive individuals, start at a lower
infusion rate.
Crystalloid preloading is ineffective at preventing hypotension, and in
women with severe pre-​eclampsia, large preloads are harmful, predisposing
to pulmonary oedema. Using colloids as a preload is more effective, but
colloids are associated with a variety of problems, including anaphylaxis and
clotting abnormalities.
While preloading with crystalloid is ineffective, co-​loading crystalloid
(giving fluid as the block is establishing) is more effective.
A co-​load should:
• Be given immediately before or during the onset of the CNB technique
to minimise redistribution
• Be limited to 10–​15mL/​kg of crystalloid. Larger volumes should be
avoided as they offer little advantage and may be harmful. (More fluid
may be given intraoperatively if clinically indicated.)
Do not delay an emergency CS to allow a fluid preload to be administered.

862 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Caesarean section: general anaesthesia

Elective GA for CS is now uncommon in the UK. Safety remains a concern
as many of the major anaesthetic complications still relate to difficulties with
the airway. Failed intubation is much more frequent in obstetric than in non-​
obstetric anaesthesia (see % p. 864). All obstetric anaesthetists should be
familiar with a failed intubation drill.
Indications for GA
• Maternal request
• Category 1 CS—​while GA is the most commonly used technique, CNB
is only marginally slower with a well-​drilled anaesthetic team
• Failed CNB or CNB contraindicated (e.g. coagulopathy, maternal
• Additional/​long surgery planned which may make CNB less acceptable.
• History and examination, including airway assessment.
• Using a GA checklist can be very helpful to reduce stress and errors.
• Antacid prophylaxis—​see details below.
• Position supine with left lateral tilt/​wedge. Consider head-​up position
to improve view at laryngoscopy (especially in obese patients).
• Preoxygenate for 3–​5min or with 4–​8 VC breaths with a high flow
through the circuit and a good face mask seal. At term, women have
a reduced FRC and a higher RR and O2 consumption. This reduces
the time required for denitrogenation but also reduces the time from
apnoea to arterial O2 desaturation. The use of nasal O2 should be
• Perform RSI. The risk of awareness without recall may be increased if
the dose of induction agent is reduced. Consider using a short-​acting
opioid. (Be aware that opioids administered before delivery may increase
neonatal respiratory depression, so always inform the neonatologist.)
• Induction is usually performed with either propofol or thiopental.
Ketamine can be used if clinically indicated.
• A 7.0mm ETT is adequate and may make intubation easier.
• Ventilate with 50% O2 in N2O. If severe fetal distress is suspected, then
75% O2 or higher may be appropriate. Maintain ETCO2 at 4.0–​4.5kPa
(30–​34 mmHg).
• Rapidly increase the end-​tidal concentration of anaesthetic agent to at
least 0.75 of MAC.
• At delivery, give 2–​5 units of oxytocin IV bolus (or IVI of 40 units of
oxytocin in 500mL of crystalloid, infused over 4h if tachycardia to be
avoided), opioid (e.g. 10–​15mg morphine) and IV paracetamol.
• At the end of the procedure, consider surgical infiltration of LA or
performing regional blocks (e.g. TAP, ilioinguinal, quadratus lumborum
or rectus sheath).
• An NSAID can be given PR or IV.
• Extubation is a high-​risk procedure—​extubate awake.
• Midwives may be less familiar with recovery and airway care. The same
standard of recovery staff should be available to women on labour
wards as in a normal theatre recovery unit.
Caesarean section: general anaesthesia 863

Antacid prophylaxis
Aspiration of particulate matter, blood or bile is associated with worse
outcomes than aspiration of gastric fluid. Fluid aspiration is commonly as-
sociated with chemical pneumonitis and the severity of this is, in turn, de-
pendent on the volume and acidity of the aspirated fluid. Use of antacids
and prokinetic agents can elevate the gastric pH and reduce the intragastric
volume. A suggested regime is the following.
Elective surgery
• Ranitidine 150mg or omeprazole 40mg PO 12h and 2h before surgery.
• Metoclopramide 10mg PO 2h before surgery.
• 30mL of 0.3M sodium citrate immediately before induction of GA.
(Gastric pH >2.5 is maintained for only 30min after 30mL of 0.3M
sodium citrate. If a GA is required after this, a further dose of citrate is
Emergency surgery
If prophylaxis has not already been given:
• Ranitidine 50mg by slow IV injection immediately before surgery.
Remember this will not alter the risk if aspiration occurs during
induction but may offer benefit by the time of extubation.
• Metoclopramide 10mg IV injection immediately before surgery.
• 30mL of 0.3M sodium citrate PO immediately before induction of GA.
Effect of general anaesthesia on the fetus
Lower fetal Apgar scores at 1 and 5min are more common when GA is used
for CS. Most anaesthetic agents, except for muscle relaxants, rapidly cross
the placenta. Thiopental can be detected in the fetus within 30s of admin-
istration, with peak umbilical vein concentration occurring at around 1min.
Umbilical artery to umbilical vein concentrations approach unity at 8min.
Opioids administered before delivery may cause fetal depression. If there is
a specific indication for opioids before delivery, they should be given and the
neonatologist informed. Hypotension, hypoxia, hypocapnia and excessive
maternal catecholamine secretion may all be harmful to the fetus.

864 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Failed intubation
(See also % pp. 368–72.)
Failed intubation occurs much more commonly in the obstetric popula-
tion (71:400).8 If a failed intubation occurs, the mortality is 71:90. Causes of
failed intubation include obesity, increased fatty tissue, pharyngeal/​laryngeal
oedema, large tongue, large breasts, incorrect cricoid pressure, complete
dentition and the experience and training of anaesthetic staff.
The Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association and the DAS produced three
algorithms in 2015: (1) for safe obstetric GA, (2) for obstetric failed in-
tubation and (3) for CICO scenarios (M https://​www.oaa-​​as-
2015.pdf ).
Before embarking on a GA, it is important to have thought about alterna-
tive plans if intubation is difficult or if intubation fails, and to have discussed
these plans with the anaesthetic assistant. GA checklists can greatly assist
with this.
In the event of a failed intubation, deciding on whether to continue sur-
gery or to wake the mother can be difficult. Factors to consider include the
mother’s condition, the fetal condition (while waiting for the muscle re-
laxant to wear off, fetal monitoring can be reapplied and this may give useful
additional information), the experience of the anaesthetist, the anticipated
difficulty of the surgery, patient factors, including obesity and starvation
status, and the difficulty of alternative methods of anaesthesia. Additional
factors that can only be established after the airway has been rescued after
a failed intubation include the method by which the airway is rescued (i.e.
2nd-​generation SGA device or difficult mask ventilation) and whether any
airway trauma has occurred. Remember that when a failed intubation oc-
curs, the priority is oxygenation.
If the decision is to continue surgery, ideally a 2nd-​generation SGA device
would be inserted (release cricoid pressure before insertion), and empty
the stomach with an OGT. The anaesthetist will have to decide on whether
to opt for spontaneous respiration or paralyse (ideally with rocuronium if
sugammadex is readily available) and ventilate. Remember to ask the ob-
stetricians to avoid fundal pressure at delivery if possible, because fundal
pressure can increase intragastric pressure to >70mmHg. Try to avoid fur-
ther instrumentation of the airway, but be prepared for front of neck ac-
cess, and if familiar, have a fibreoptic scope immediately to hand.
Postoperative analgesia 865

Postoperative analgesia
Most postpartum women are very well motivated and mobilise quickly.
However, effective analgesia does allow earlier mobilisation. The main-
stays of postoperative analgesia are opioids, NSAIDs and paracetamol. The
route that these are given is dependent on the intraoperative anaesthetic
Intrathecal/​epidural opioid
• CNB fentanyl lasts little longer than CNB LA and has little postoperative
analgesic benefit. If an epidural catheter is left in situ, epidural fentanyl
may be given as an infusion or as intermittent postoperative boluses
(50–​100 micrograms up to 2-​hourly for two or three doses). However,
this is rarely done.
• Intrathecal diamorphine (300–​400 micrograms) can be expected to
provide 6–​18h of analgesia. More than 40% of women will require no
other postoperative opioid. Higher doses have been recommended
but are associated with an increased incidence of side effects. Pruritus
is very common (60–​80% of cases), although only 1–​2% have severe
pruritus. The evidence that antihistamines reduce pruritus caused by
CNB opioids is poor.
• Epidural diamorphine (2.5mg in 10mL of 0.9% sodium chloride)
provides 6–​10h of analgesia after a single dose. Intermittent doses may
be given if the epidural catheter is left in situ.
• Intrathecal preservative-​free morphine (100 micrograms) provides long-​
lasting analgesia (12–​18h). However, pruritus and nausea are common.
Doses above 150 micrograms are associated with increased side effects
without improved analgesia. The low lipophilicity of morphine may
increase the risk of late respiratory depression. Epidural morphine
(2–​3mg) provides analgesia for 6–​24h, but pruritus is again common and
nausea occurs in 20–​40% of cases. Diamorphine is used much more
commonly in the UK than morphine.
IV patient-​controlled analgesia or oral opioids
• IV PCA or PO opioids can be used, although these are not as effective
as CNB analgesia.
Neonatal effects of maternal opioids
• A small quantity of opioid may be transferred to the neonate through
breast milk (see % pp. 867–8). Rarely, this can be associated with
neonatal respiratory depression.
• NSAIDs are very effective postoperative analgesics, reducing opioid
requirements. They should be administered regularly whenever
possible, but beware renal impairment in severe pre-​eclampsia, and
care with significant haemorrhage.

866 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Summary of dosing regimes

(See Table 35.3.)

Table 35.3 Summary of dosing regimens

Procedure Technique Suggested dose

Labour Epidural loading 20mL of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2
micrograms/​mL fentanyl in divided doses
Epidural infusion 10mL/​h of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2
micrograms/​mL fentanyl
Top-​ups 10–​20mL of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2
micrograms/​mL fentanyl
CSE Intrathecal: 0.5–​1mL of 0.25% bupivacaine
with 5–​25 micrograms/​mL fentanyl
Epidural: top-​up and infusion as above
PCEA 10mL boluses of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2
micrograms/​mL fentanyl with a 15–​20min
LSCS* Spinal 2.5mL of 0.5% bupivacaine in 8% glucose
(‘heavy’) + 300 micrograms diamorphine
Epidural 15–​20mL of 2% lidocaine with 1:200 000
(± 0.5–​2mL of preservative-​free 8.4%
sodium bicarbonate)
CSE Normal spinal dose (reduce if slow onset of
block is required)
If needed, top up the epidural with 5mL
aliquots of 2% lidocaine with 1:200 000
adrenaline or 0.5% (levo)bupivacaine
Post-​LSCS GA Bilateral ilioinguinal nerve blocks, rectus
analgesia sheath blocks, TAP blocks or local infiltration
at end of surgery
IV aliquots of morphine until comfortable
Further opioid can be given PO or IV (PCA is
commonly used)
75mg diclofenac IV and 1g paracetamol
IV before extubation, followed by 50mg
diclofenac PO 8-​hourly
CNB and GA Regular paracetamol analgesics PRN
CNB 100mg diclofenac PR at end of surgery,
followed by 50mg diclofenac PO 8-​hourly
Epidural diamorphine (2.5mg) in 10mL of
0.9% sodium chloride. On rare occasions the
epidural catheter is left in situ and doses can
be repeated up to 4-hourly
* LSCS, lower-​segment Caesarean section.
Breastfeeding and drug transfer 867

Breastfeeding and drug transfer

For drugs to be transferred to a neonate through breastfeeding, they must
be secreted in the milk and absorbed in the neonatal GI tract and must not
undergo extensive 1st-​pass metabolism in the neonatal liver.
In general, for breastfed infants, the neonatal serum concentration of a
drug is <2% of maternal serum concentration, resulting in a subtherapeutic
dose. Most drugs are therefore safe. There are some exceptions, either
because transfer is much higher or because transfer of even small quantities
of a drug is unacceptable. Drugs with high protein binding may displace bili-
rubin and precipitate kernicterus in a jaundiced neonate.
Factors that make significant transfer more likely include low maternal
protein binding, lipophilicity or, with hydrophilic drugs, a molecular weight
of <200Da and weak bases which increase the proportion of ionised drug
in the weakly acidic breast milk, leading to ‘trapping’.
Most opioids have a milk-​to-​maternal plasma ratio of 72, while NSAIDs
have ratios of 70.1 or below, and paracetamol of 1.

Table 35.4 Drug safety in breastfeeding

Drug Comment
Opioids Small amount delivered to neonatal serum. Minor concern
about the long duration of action of pethidine’s metabolite
norpethidine. Avoid codeine, and care with other oral opioids
if mother or neonate excessively drowsy (see % p. 868)
NSAIDs Most NSAIDs are considered safe in breastfeeding. Some
would advise caution with aspirin because of unsubstantiated
concerns about causing Reye’s syndrome in the neonate
Antibiotics Penicillins and cephalosporins are safe, although trace
amounts may be passed to the neonate
Tetracycline should be avoided (although absorption
is probably minimal because of chelation with calcium
in milk)
Chloramphenicol may cause bone marrow suppression in
the neonate and should be avoided
Ciprofloxacin is present in high concentrations in breast
milk and should be avoided
Antipsychotics Generally suggested that these are avoided, although the
amount excreted in milk is probably too small to be harmful.
Chlorpromazine and clozapine cause neonate drowsiness
Cardiac drugs Amiodarone is present in milk in significant amounts and
breastfeeding should be discontinued
Most β-​blockers are secreted in minimal amounts. Sotalol
is present in larger amounts
While enalapril and captopril have no known adverse
effects, other ACE inhibitors, ARBs and amlodipine should
be avoided
Anticonvulsants While carbamazepine does not accumulate in the neonate,
phenobarbital and diazepam may. Neonates should be
observed for evidence of sedation

868 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Timing of administration just after breastfeeding can reduce drug transfer.

Breastfeeding constitutes a metabolic and fluid stress for the mother, so
keep the mother well hydrated and try to minimise periods of nil by mouth.
Treat nausea and vomiting promptly.
Codeine, oxycodone, dihydrocodeine and oral morphine
Small quantities of opioid are transferred in breast milk, but the risk of neo-
natal respiratory depression is very small. However, there have been case
reports of neonatal respiratory depression after maternal administration
of PO morphine, oxycodone and dihydrocodeine and one neonatal death
following prolonged use of postoperative codeine. Postnatal women taking
opioids should be observed and if they, or their offspring, appear exces-
sively drowsy, the opioid should be stopped. Breastfeeding women should
not be discharged with opioid analgesia.
Table 35.4 gives information on some agents. A more comprehensive list
of drugs compatible with breastfeeding can be found at:
The Breastfeeding Network: M https://​
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed): M https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Retained placenta 869

Retained placenta
• IV access with 16G or larger cannula.
• Assess total amount and rate of blood loss and cardiovascular stability.
Blood loss may be difficult to accurately assess. If rapid blood loss is
continuing, then urgent X-​match and evacuation of placenta under GA
is required.
• CNB anaesthesia is safe, provided estimated blood loss is <1000mL,
but if there are signs suggesting hypovolaemia, GA may be required.
• Remember antacid prophylaxis.
• For GA, use an RSI technique with a cuffed ETT.
• CNB anaesthesia can be performed either by topping up an existing
epidural or with a spinal (e.g. 2–​2.5mL of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine
plus 15 micrograms fentanyl or 300 micrograms diamorphine
intrathecally). A T7 block reliably ensures analgesia.
• Occasionally, uterine relaxation is required. Under GA, this can be
produced by increasing the halogenated vapour concentration. Under
CNB anaesthesia, a sublingual GTN spray is usually effective, although
expect transient hypotension.
• On delivery of the placenta, give 5 units of oxytocin ± an infusion of
oxytocin (e.g. 40 units in 500mL of crystalloid over 4h).
• At the end of the procedure, give an NSAID unless contraindicated.

870 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Fetal neuroprotection
• Magnesium should be considered for all women expected to deliver
before 34w gestation to reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy in
the baby.9
• Dose of magnesium for neuroprotection is 4g IV bolus of magnesium
sulfate over 15min, followed by an IVI of 1g/​h until birth or for 24h,
whichever is sooner.
• Patients receiving magnesium should be monitored every 4h for signs of
toxicity, including recording pulse, BP, RR and deep tendon reflexes.
• If the patient develops oliguria or renal failure, monitoring for
magnesium toxicity should be performed more frequently and a
reduction in the dose of magnesium should be considered.

In utero fetal death

• The death in utero of a formed fetus is emotionally devastating for a
family. The delivery can also be very traumatic, and it is important to
be as supportive as possible during this period. The cause of fetal loss
is varied and often uncertain. Remember that in utero deaths can be
associated with concealed abruption, sepsis and DIC.
• Sometimes women will have to be delivered by CS, but the majority
undergo a vaginal delivery.
• Analgesia for labour includes all the normal techniques. Patient-​
controlled IV opioids are often used, as is CNB analgesia. However,
before any CNB techniques are performed, check that maternal clotting
is normal. Clotting derangement can occur even when the fetal death is
thought to have occurred very recently.
• Delivery by CS can be performed under regional anaesthesia or GA.
This should be guided by maternal preference, as well as maternal

872 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Pregnancy-​induced hypertension and

Pre-​eclampsia remains a leading cause of worldwide maternal deaths.
Estimates of incidence vary geographically but are of the order of 2–​8% of
all pregnancies. Although a systemic disorder, its pathogenesis is primarily
placental. The precise aetiology is complex and incompletely understood.
Immunological factors, genetic factors and endothelial dysfunction, as well
as abnormalities in placental implantation, fatty acid metabolism, coagula-
tion and platelet factors, are all implicated. Early-​onset and late-​onset pre-​
eclampsia are increasingly recognised as separate, although interrelated,
subtypes. Early onset is primarily of placental cause, while late onset is not
only related to placental factors but also with maternal genetic predispos-
ition to cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Early-​onset disease is usually
more severe.
Definitions are arbitrary. Often diagnosis is made by considering the whole
picture. However, commonly used definitions are:
Sustained systolic BP >140mmHg or diastolic BP >90mmHg.
Chronic hypertension
Hypertension that existed before the 20th week of pregnancy or those
already taking antihypertensive medication prepregnancy.
Gestational hypertension
Hypertension that develops after the 20th week of pregnancy.
• New-​onset hypertension with one or more other features:
• Proteinuria (urine protein:creatinine ratio ≥30mg/​mmol or
albumin:creatinine ratio ≥8mg/​mmol, or ≥1g/​L [2+] on dipstick)
• Other maternal organ dysfunction (renal, hepatic or neurological)
• Haematological involvement
• Uteroplacental dysfunction (fetal growth restriction or abnormal
uteroplacental blood flow on ultrasound).10
• Pre-​eclampsia with any of the following features all have a greater
potential for poor outcome: severe hypertension that does not
respond to treatment or is associated with ongoing or recurring severe
headaches, visual scotomata, nausea or vomiting, epigastric pain,
oliguria, progressive deterioration in laboratory blood tests such as
rising creatinine or liver transaminases, a falling platelet count or failure
of fetal growth or abnormal Doppler findings.
• The distinction between early and late forms of pre-​eclampsia is
important as early onset is commonly associated with a higher risk.
Onset before the 35th gestational week is considered ‘early onset’.
• Eclampsia (see % p. 877) refers to convulsions occurring in pregnancy
or the puerperium in the absence of other causes. Signs of pre-​
eclampsia may not be manifest until after a fit.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia 873

• Hypertension and i sensitivity to catecholamine and exogenous
• Reduced circulating volume, but i TBW
• SVR is usually i and CO reduced
• i capillary permeability which may result in:
• Pulmonary oedema—​be very careful to avoid fluid overload
• Laryngeal and pharyngeal oedema. Voice change may give an
indication of this. Stridor is a very worrying sign.
• Reduced platelet count with i platelet consumption and
hypercoagulability with i fibrin activation and breakdown—​DIC
may result
• i Hct due to reduced circulating volume.
Renal function
• Reduced GFR
• i permeability to large molecules resulting in proteinuria
• Oliguria in severe disease.
Cerebral function
• Headache, visual disturbance and generalised hyperreflexia
• Cerebrovascular haemorrhage
• Eclampsia (resulting from cerebral oedema or cerebrovascular
vasoconstriction). Clonus indicates a high risk of imminent eclampsia.
Fetoplacental unit
• Reduced fetal growth with associated oligohydramnios
• Poor placental perfusion and i sensitivity to changes in maternal BP.
• Non-​reassuring CTGs.
• Changes in umbilical arterial blood flow. A reduction of umbilical arterial
diastolic blood flow, and particularly reverse diastolic flow, is indicative
of poor fetal outcome and an indication for early intervention.
Management of pre-​eclampsia
• Antiplatelet agents (aspirin 75–​150mg) should be prescribed for patients
at high risk (such as chronic hypertension, type 1 or type 2 diabetes
or previous hypertensive disease) or with two or more moderate risk
factors (such as booking BMI >36kg/​m2 and age >40y).
Early detection
• There are a variety of cardiovascular and biochemical markers that can
predict pre-​eclampsia, including placental growth factor (the Triage PlGF
test) and the sFlt-​1/​PlGF ratio.11 These tests can help to exclude pre-​
eclampsia in women between 20w and 35w of gestation.

874 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Symptom control
• Further management is aimed at controlling the symptoms of pre-​
eclampsia and preventing major harm to mother or fetus, until the
placenta is delivered. After delivery of the placenta, severe symptoms
will usually start to resolve within 24–​48h.
• In general, delivery is not indicated before 37w gestational age, unless
BP cannot be controlled to below 160/​90mmHg or there are other
medical indications.
• If the fetus is preterm at the time of delivery, when possible, delivery
should be delayed for administration of steroids to promote fetal lung
maturation. Magnesium may also be administered, not only to reduce
the risk of eclampsia, but also for fetal neuroprotection.
• After 37w gestational age, timing of the delivery should be agreed
between a senior obstetrician and the mother.
Antihypertensive therapy
• BP should be controlled to below 135/​85mmHg to reduce maternal
morbidity, particularly from intracranial haemorrhage, encephalopathy
and myocardial ischaemia/​failure. If the BP is above 160/​110mmHg,
urgent treatment is required. BP should be measured every 15–​30min
until it is below 160/​110mmHg. Once below 160/​110mmHg, the aim is
to control BP to <135/​85mmHg.
• In the UK, the 1° antihypertensive agent is the combined α-​ and β-​
blocker labetalol. If contraindicated or additional agents are required,
nifedipine or methyldopa can be used. In severe or resistant cases, IV
agents may be required (as below).
• ACE inhibitors should be avoided as they are associated with
oligohydramnios, stillbirth and neonatal renal failure.
• Rapid control of severe hypertension can be achieved with:
• Labetalol (5–​10mg IV every 10min)
• Hydralazine (5mg IV aliquots to a maximum of 20mg). The 1st IV
dose of hydralazine is sometimes given with a 500mL crystalloid
fluid bolus.
• PO nifedipine (10mg). Sublingual nifedipine should be avoided
because of rapid changes in placental circulation, which may
compromise fetal condition.
Protection from eclampsia
• Magnesium sulfate reduces the incidence of eclampsia. Magnesium
treatment should be considered if any of the following are present:
clonus, persistent or recurrent headaches, visual scotoma, nausea and
vomiting, epigastric pain, oliguria, severe hypertension or progressive
deterioration in renal or liver function tests.
• For magnesium dosing, see % p. 877.
Fluid management
Fluid management in severe pre-​eclampsia is critical. Intravascular volume
is depleted, but TBW is increased. Excessive fluid load may result in pul-
monary oedema, but underfilling may compromise fetal circulation and
renal function. General principles are:
• Fluid management protocols should be followed, and a named individual
should have overall responsibility for fluid therapy.
• Measure hourly urine output.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia 875

• Usually total fluid intake is limited to 80mL/​h. Beware of fluid loads

being delivered with drugs. It may be necessary to increase the
concentrations of agents such as oxytocin or magnesium to stay within
the 80mL/​h limit.
• Avoid fluid loading before CNB analgesia.
• Be cautious with fluid during CS; aim for neutral balance at the end.
• Invasive BP monitoring is indicated in severe pre-​eclampsia for:
• Monitoring the response to laryngoscopy and surgery during GA
• Taking repeated ABGs
• Monitoring rapidly acting hypotensive agents.
• CVP monitoring is rarely indicated, even in severe pre-​eclampsia.
Analgesia for vaginal delivery
• Effective epidural analgesia controls excessive surges in BP during labour
and is recommended.
• Check platelet count before performing an epidural. The ‘acceptable’
level of platelet count is debatable and based on little evidence.
However, common general guidelines are:
• If the platelet count is <100 × 109/​L, a clotting screen is required.
• If the platelet count is >75 × 109/​L and the clotting screen is normal,
then CNB techniques are acceptable.
• With a platelet count of <75 × 109/​L, a careful assessment from a
senior individual is required and the potential risks and benefits should
be discussed with the patient.
• Usually a platelet count within 6h of insertion is adequate, but if
maternal condition is deteriorating or if the platelet numbers are rapidly
falling, then a count must be performed immediately before placement.
• Fluid loading before CNB analgesia is not required, but monitor BP and
fetus carefully and treat changes in BP promptly with cautious doses of
ephedrine or phenylephrine.
Anaesthesia for CS in pre-​eclamptic patients
GA or CNB may be used. GA is indicated if significant thrombocytopenia
or coagulopathy have developed.
General anaesthesia
• Assess the airway carefully. Sometimes partners may be better able
to assess the onset of facial oedema. A history of stridor is of major
concern. A selection of small tube sizes must be available. Consider
AFOI in severe cases.
• Obtund the hypertensive response to laryngoscopy, e.g. alfentanil 1–​
2mg (inform paediatrician that opioids have been used) and/​or labetalol
10–​20mg before induction. Remifentanil TCI or bolus may be useful if
the anaesthetist is familiar with its use. In very severe pre-​eclampsia,
intra-​arterial pressure monitoring is required before induction.
• If magnesium has been used, expect prolongation of action of NDMRs.
Use a reduced dose and assess neuromuscular function with a nerve
• Magnesium can also cause uterine relaxation, particularly with GA; an
oxytocin infusion may be helpful.
• Ensure adequate analgesia before extubation. The hypertensive
response to extubation may also need to be controlled with
antihypertensive agents (e.g. labetalol 10–​20mg).

876 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

CNB anaesthesia
Despite the depleted intravascular volume that occurs with severe pre-​
eclampsia, pre-​eclamptic patients are less prone to the hypotensive con-
sequences of CNB anaesthesia than normal individuals. Spinal anaesthesia
consistently produces better analgesia than epidural anaesthesia and should
not be avoided.
• Platelet count and, if necessary, a clotting screen should be assessed.
• A reduced volume of fluid co-​load should be used. By the end of
the procedure, aim to have given no more crystalloid than measured
blood loss.
• Use ephedrine or phenylephrine as indicated. However, be cautious
because they may have an increased effect.
Effective postoperative analgesia is required, but avoid NSAIDs as these pa-
tients are prone to renal impairment and may have impaired platelet count
or function. When the proteinuria has resolved, which is often within 48h,
NSAIDs may be introduced.
Continue care in HDU or ICU.
Eclampsia 877

Around 2:10 000 pregnancies in the developed world,12 but there are wide
international variations. Remember most seizures in pregnancy are not due
to eclampsia. Always be alert to the differential diagnosis.
• Eclamptic fits occur most commonly in the 3rd trimester or within 12h
of delivery.
• Eclampsia is a life-​threatening event.
• Management is aimed at immediate control of the fit and 2° prevention
of further fits.
• Airway (left lateral position with jaw thrust), breathing (bag and mask
ventilation and measure O2 saturation), circulation (obtain IV access and
measure BP when possible; avoid aortocaval compression).
• Control fits with magnesium:
• Load with 4g IV over 5min, followed by 1g/​h for 24h.
• Recurrent seizures should be treated with 2–​4g IV bolus over 5min.
• The therapeutic magnesium plasma concentration is 2–​4mmol/​L.
Magnesium levels may be monitored clinically or with laboratory
monitoring. Loss of reflexes occurs at concentrations of >5.0mmol/L,
reduced RR at concentrations of 6.0-7.0mmol/L and cardiac arrest at
concentrations of >12.0mmol/L. Reduce infusion rate with oliguria.
• Patients on calcium channel antagonists are at particular risk of toxicity.
• Toxicity can be treated with IV calcium (e.g. 10mL of 10% calcium
chloride or calcium gluconate).
• If eclampsia occurs before delivery, once the fit has been controlled,
think about the urgency of the delivery. In general, providing the fetus
is not distressed, eclampsia is not an indication for emergency CS. The
patient should be stabilised on magnesium and then consideration given
to vaginal or operative delivery. Care should be continued on HDU
or ICU.

878 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

HELLP syndrome
Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets comprise the HELLP
syndrome. It is usually associated with pre-​eclampsia or eclampsia, but
these are not a prerequisite for diagnosis. Severe HELLP syndrome has a
5% maternal mortality. HELLP rarely presents before the 20th week of ges-
tation, but one-​sixth of cases present before the 3rd trimester and a further
third present postnatally (usually within 48h of delivery). Symptoms are
sometimes of a vague flu-​like illness, which may delay diagnosis. Maintain a
high index of suspicion.
Features of HELLP
• Evidence of haemolysis (a falling Hb concentration without evidence
of overt bleeding, haemoglobinuria, elevated bilirubin in serum and
urine, elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)). Haemolysis is the least
common element of HELLP and is an indication of severe disease.
• Elevated LFTs: AST or ALT. Epigastric or RUQ abdominal pain is present
in 90% of women with HELLP. Liver failure and hepatic rupture may
occur. Elevation of AST to >150 units/​L is associated with a poorer
maternal outcome. Consider the differential diagnosis of acute fatty
liver of pregnancy. Remember the potential for hypoglycaemia. Most
women with RUQ pain and a platelet count of <20 × 109/​L have had
an intrahepatic or subcapsular bleed.
• A falling platelet count: platelets <100 × 109/​L are of concern, while a
count <50 × 109/​L is indicative of severe disease.
• Hypertension and proteinuria are present in 80% of women with
HELLP and 50% suffer nausea and vomiting. Convulsions and GI
haemorrhage are occasional presenting features.
The only definitive treatment is delivery of the placenta. Steroids do not
alter disease progression, but if maternal condition allows, delivery may be
delayed, allowing administration of steroids to promote fetal lung maturity
if needed.
• The method of delivery depends on maternal condition and the
likelihood of successfully inducing labour. Severe HELLP syndrome may
require an urgent CS.
• Coagulation abnormalities may preclude the use of CNB. Consideration
must be given to both the absolute platelet number as well as its rate of
fall. All patients require a clotting screen.
• Be prepared for major haemorrhage.
Further management is supportive, with appropriate replacement of blood
products as required.
• Invasive monitoring is dictated by clinical condition of the patient.
• ARDS, renal failure and DIC may develop.
• After delivery of the placenta, recovery starts within 24–​48h.
Massive obstetric haemorrhage 879

Massive obstetric haemorrhage

At term, the gravid uterus receives 10–​20% of the CO and when haem-
orrhage occurs, blood loss can be rapid. In the developing world, haem-
orrhage is the leading cause of maternal death. ‘Normal’ blood loss after
vaginal delivery is of the order of 250–​400mL and around 500–​1000mL
after CS. Blood loss is usually underestimated.
Although various definitions have been proposed for massive haem-
orrhage, acute blood loss of >1000mL should prompt full resuscitation
measures. Beware of women with low body weight where any loss can
proportionally be more significant.
Protocols for major haemorrhage should be available in every delivery
suite and training should include team simulation drills. Patients with risk
factors for bleeding should be actively managed, including counselling re-
garding place of delivery, pre-​emptive IV access and active management of
the 3rd stage. Antenatal iron deficiency anaemia, which affects more than
a third of pregnancies; is associated with increased bleeding at delivery and
should be treated with supplementation. Consider IV iron for women who
fail to respond to PO iron.
Aetiology of obstetric haemorrhage
• Placental abruption. Bleeding is often associated with pain. Blood loss
may be concealed with retroplacental bleeding. Fetal compromise is
common. While small bleeds may be treated conservatively, significant
bleeds have a fetal mortality as high as 35%.
• Placenta praevia/​accreta (see % pp. 884–5). Usually associated with
small, painless bleeds, but bleeding may be catastrophic.
• Uterine rupture. Fetal distress is almost universal. Usually happens in the
presence of a previous uterine scar and is classically said to be painful,
but painless dehiscence can occur.
Postnatal: the four ‘T’s
Uterine atony is associated with chorioamnionitis, long labour and uterine
distension (e.g. polyhydramnios, multiple gestation). Uterine inversion is a
rare complication and is also associated with atony. To enable resiting of the
uterus paradoxically further tocolysis may be required. After the uterus is
resited, uterotonics should be given.
Retained placentas can cause massive haemorrhage, but often bleeding
is minimal. Retained products of conception are the leading cause of late
Genital tract trauma can cause significant blood loss. Surgical control is usu-
ally achievable. Significant retroperitoneal haematomas, while rare, may be
extensive and life-​threatening.
The risk of haemorrhage is increased by any factor that reduces the efficacy
of coagulation. AFE and abruption are the two commonest obstetric causes
of hypofibrinogenaemia.

880 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Diagnosis of haemorrhage is usually self-​ evident, although concealed
bleeding can occur, especially with placental abruptions. In addition, signs
of cardiovascular decompensation may be delayed, as women are usu-
ally young and fit and start with a pregnancy-​induced expansion of their
intravascular volume. Beware the woman with cold peripheries—​this is ab-
normal in pregnancy. Hypotension is a late and worrying sign.
• In the event of a major haemorrhage requiring surgery, do not delay
operation until X-​matched blood is available.
• Clear communication with the patient, relatives and other members of
the health care team is vital.
• Ongoing blood loss calculation should be contemporaneously
communicated between team members and recorded.
• Call for help. Senior anaesthetic and surgical staff should be present.
Blood transfusion services should be alerted.
• Follow ABC principles.
• Give supplemental O2. If laryngeal reflexes are obtunded, intubate and
• In antenatal patients, avoid aortocaval compression.
• Insert two 14G cannulae and take blood for X-​matching, FBC and
clotting screen, including fibrinogen. Bedside measurements of Hb,
lactate and clotting, when available, are very useful, but a single normal
bedside Hb estimate in the face of acute massive bleeding should not
delay giving of blood.
• Fluid resuscitate initially with crystalloid (ideally warmed).
• If required, give Group O rhesus-​negative blood (i.e. ongoing blood loss
of 2–​3L and/​or the presence of ECG abnormalities).
• Start appropriate monitoring. Urine output and invasive monitoring of
central venous and arterial pressures may be indicated, depending on
rate of blood loss and maternal condition. However, early monitoring
of CVP is not essential, as hypotension is almost always due to
• Treat the cause of haemorrhage (see below).
• If surgery is required:
• Do not perform CNB if the patient is hypovolaemic.
• Beware coagulopathies in the presence of concealed abruption.
• With continuing haemorrhage, further equipment, including warming
devices and rapid transfusion devices and lines, should be available.
Temperature should be monitored and optimised to aid coagulation.
• Fibrinogen is important and levels of <2.0g/​dL after 1L of blood
loss are associated with major haemorrhage. Aim to maintain
fibrinogen >2.0g/​dL. This can be done with fibrinogen concentrate or
cryoprecipitate. Two pools of cryoprecipitate will increase fibrinogen
concentration by 71.0g/​dL, depending on the rate of consumption.
FFP, although containing some fibrinogen, may not be able to elevate
fibrinogen concentration above 2.0g/​dL, as plasma from non-​pregnant
donors generally have fibrinogen concentrations below this level and so
may conversely contribute to dilution.13
Massive obstetric haemorrhage 881

• Goal-​directed therapy using bedside monitoring of coagulation

(TEG®/​ROTEM®) is used in some centres, following agreed treatment
• In the absence of clotting results, in cases where hypofibrinogenaemia
may be suspected (e.g. massive abruption, AFE), empiric use of
cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrates may be considered.
• If cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrates are not available, after 4
units of red cells and ongoing bleeding, give 715mL/​kg of FFP. Larger
volumes may be required if the PT/​APTT ratio is >1.5.
• Platelets should be transfused to maintain a level of >75 × 109/​L.
• The antifibrinolytic agent tranexamic acid (1g slow IV repeated after
30min if bleeding continuing) has been shown to reduce death due
to bleeding from postpartum haemorrhage, with no increase in
complications. It should be given as soon as possible in haemorrhage of
over 1000mL.14
• Cell salvage use is now well established in obstetric practice. Although
most recent evidence shows no significant reduction in allogeneic
blood transfusion when used routinely during CS, it may be useful in
situations of haemorrhage or where haemorrhage is expected.15 To
reduce the reinfusion of fetal tissue, do not collect fluid that is rich
in amniotic fluid. The use of leucocyte depletion filters may reduce
contamination, although more recent data indicate the filtration process
alone is effective without the risk of filter-​related bradykinin-​mediated
hypotension and the increased processing time. With major rapid blood
loss, allogeneic blood will still be needed.
• During massive transfusion, calcium supplementation may be needed.
• Once blood loss has been controlled, before extubation, make sure the
patient is warm, has a normal lactate and is passing urine. Continue care
on HDU or ICU.
Specific treatment for haemorrhage
Think of the cause of the bleeding. Often treatment is surgical, by either
removing tissue or repairing trauma. Uterine atony can be treated with
uterotonics and, in some circumstances, can also be treated surgically with
uterine brace sutures. Applying direct pressure to the bleeding site can be
done manually, or with balloons or packs. Ultimately, hysterectomy may be
required to control bleeding.
• Firm bimanual pressure can temporarily control postpartum
haemorrhage due to uterine atony.
• Manual or mechanical, external or internal pressure on the aorta may
be lifesaving.
• Uterotonics can only be used in the postnatal period. A common
sequence is 2–​5 units oxytocin bolus, oxytocin infusion, ergometrine
500 micrograms slow IV or IM, carboprost 250 micrograms IM
repeated every 15min (max 2mg). There are contraindications to all
these agents, so consider the appropriate uterotonic on an individual
basis (see % p. 883).
• Uterine compression brace sutures (B-​Lynch suture, etc.) may be

882 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

• Intrauterine balloon tamponade (Bakri® balloons, Rusch balloons,

condom catheters, Sengstaken–​Blakemore or Foley catheters have all
been advocated). Usually they are left in situ for up to 24h and then
deflated over a period of hours.
• Surgical ligation of blood vessels, direct pressure on bleeding points and
firm manual pressure can all help control blood loss, while a circulating
volume is re-​established and/​or coagulopathy is corrected. Consider
leaving packs in situ and then re-​exploring the abdomen 6–​24h later.
• Interventional radiology is especially useful when major haemorrhage
is anticipated. It may not reduce the incidence of Caesarean
hysterectomy but probably reduces blood loss. Balloon catheters can
be prophylactically placed in the anterior division of the internal iliac
vessels before delivery (and then inflated after delivery). Interventional
radiology can also be used during an unexpected major bleed, but
be very cautious of moving a patient to a radiology suite if they are
cardiovascularly unstable. The relative risk and benefit of interventional
radiology is still being assessed.
• Ultimately, hysterectomy may be required. The decision to perform a
hysterectomy should not be delayed until the patient is in extremis.
Commonly used uterotonics and doses 883

Commonly used uterotonics and doses

There are substantial differences in the dose requirements, particularly of
oxytocin. In women undergoing elective CS, the dose of oxytocin required
to produce effective uterine contraction is substantially lower than for
intrapartum women. Either oxytocin or carbetocin can be used as 1st-​line
drugs. Second-​line drugs are either ergometrine or a prostaglandin.16 (See
Table 35.5.)

Table 35.5 Uterotonics

Drug Dose Comment

Oxytocin (e.g. 2–​5 Synthetic hormone causing
Syntocinon®) unit bolus uterine contraction and peripheral
30–​50 units vasodilation
in 500mL of 5 units can cause a temporary drop
crystalloid in systolic BP of 30%; tachycardia is
and titrated common. Give slowly
as indicated Dose requirement for elective CS
is lower than that for intrapartum
Has mild ADH action
Carbetocin 100 micrograms Long-​acting analogue of oxytocin (half-​
IV over 1min life 40min vs 5–​10min). Experience still
limited in pre-​eclampsia, eclampsia and
epilepsy; manufacturer suggests to avoid
it in these groups.
Relatively expensive
Ergometrine 0.5mg IM or slow An ergot alkaloid derivative
IV injection Effective uterine constriction
Nausea and vomiting are very
Systemic vasoconstriction may
produce dangerous hypertension;
avoid in at-​risk groups (e.g. pre-​
eclampsia and specific cardiac
Carboprost (e.g. 0.25mgIM every Uterine constrictor
Hemabate®) 15min to a max Causes nausea, vomiting and
(15-​methyl of 2mg diarrhoea. May produce pyrexia
prostaglandin F2α) and severe bronchospasm, alter
pulmonary shunt fraction and induce
hypoxia (caution in asthmatics)
Misoprostol 0.8–​1mg PR Uterine constrictor.
Same cautions as carboprost

884 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Placenta praevia and accreta

Placenta praevia
The term placenta praevia is used when the placenta partially or completely
covers the internal os, and ‘low-​lying’ describes when the placenta sits
within 20mm of it. A low-​lying placenta resolves in many cases as the lower
segment of the uterus develops during pregnancy. Diagnosis is usually made
by ultrasound. Repeat ultrasounds are offered for assessment nearer term.
The incidence is 71:200 pregnancies, but higher with previous uterine scars
and multiparity.
Obstetric management usually involves preserving the pregnancy until the
36th gestational week. The risk of haemorrhage increases rapidly after this.
Premature labour, bleeding or fetal distress may necessitate earlier delivery.
If at 36w gestation, a vaginal delivery is not possible, a CS is performed.
Patients with placenta praevia are at risk of haemorrhage: firstly because
the lower uterine segment does not contract as effectively as the body of
the uterus, so after separation of the placenta, the placental bed may con-
tinue to bleed following delivery; secondly because the obstetrician may
have to divide the placenta at LSCS to deliver the fetus; thirdly because
the placenta may have grown into the uterine wall (placenta accreta—​
see below), preventing the placenta from separating and the uterus from
Three questions can be used to evaluate the implications of placenta
• Is a vaginal delivery possible? This is unlikely if the placenta extends to
within 2cm of the os, especially if the fetal head is not engaged in the
• If not, does the placenta cover the anterior lower segment of the
uterus? If it does, the obstetrician may have to divide the placenta at
LSCS to deliver the fetus and increased blood loss is likely.
• Is there a uterine scar from previous surgery? Placenta accreta is more
common if the placenta overlies a uterine scar and the risk of significant
haemorrhage increases further.
Placenta accreta, increta and percreta
Placenta accreta occurs when the placenta implants abnormally into the
uterine wall.
• In placenta accreta, the placenta grows through the endometrium to
the myometrium.
• In placenta increta, the placenta grows into the myometrium.
• In placenta percreta, the placenta invades through the myometrium into
the uterine serosa and surrounding structures.17
The endometrium usually provides a cleavage plane between the placenta
and the myometrium. Because this plane is absent, the placenta fails to sep-
arate from the uterus post-​delivery and uterine contraction is impaired.
This can result in life-​threatening haemorrhage. The risk of haemorrhage
increases sequentially with placenta accreta, increta and percreta.
The incidence of accreta is rising, possibly because of the increasing num-
bers of CS. The risk of an adherent placenta increases with the number
of uterine scars. With three uterine scars and an overlying placenta, the
chance of an accreta is 40%, increasing to 61% and 67% with four or five
Placenta praevia and accreta 885

scars respectively. Previous uterine surgery, the presence of uterine fi-

broids and previous uterine compression sutures are also associated with
placenta accreta. Diagnosis of percreta may be made by ultrasound, but if
still equivocal, MRI may be helpful. However, placenta accreta and increta
are often diagnosed at surgery.
Anaesthetic management
• Anaesthetic management is dictated by the likelihood of major
haemorrhage, maternal preference and experience of the team.
• Although the sympathectomy that occurs with CNB may make control
of BP more difficult, practical experience shows that CNB can be safely
used for placenta praevia, providing the patient is normovolaemic
before starting. However, if significant haemorrhage does occur,
hypotensive and bleeding patients require reassurance which may divert
the anaesthetist’s attention and the experience is unlikely to be pleasant
for the mother.
• CNB anaesthesia should therefore only be undertaken by experienced
anaesthetists with additional help available. If CNB anaesthesia is
considered appropriate, mothers should be warned that a GA may be
required, usually in the first 10min after delivery.
• If intubation is anticipated to be difficult, it should be undertaken at
the start of the operation, so that the anaesthetist is not dealing with
bleeding and a difficult intubation at the same time.
• For bleeding patients, a GA is the preferred choice.
• Experienced obstetricians and anaesthetists are essential.
• Interventional radiology may be considered (see % pp. 881–2).
• Two to 8 units of blood should be X-​matched, depending on
the anticipated risk of haemorrhage, and equipment for massive
haemorrhage must be present.
• Cell salvage should be used if available (see % pp. 458–9).
• Obstetric staff experienced in Caesarean hysterectomy should be
immediately available.
• Two 14G cannulae should be inserted.
• If CNB anaesthesia is used, a CSE may offer advantages as the surgery
may be prolonged.
• Have a selection of uterotonics to hand. Even if massive haemorrhage is
not encountered, an oxytocin infusion is advantageous.
• If massive bleeding does occur, follow massive obstetric haemorrhage
guidelines (see % pp. 879–82). Remember hysterectomy may be the
only method of controlling bleeding. Excessive delay in making this
decision may jeopardise maternal life. Close communication with the
surgical team is crucial.
• Even if no significant bleeding occurred intraoperatively, continue to
observe closely in the postnatal period as haemorrhage may still occur.

886 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Amniotic fluid embolism

AFE is recognised by the abrupt onset, during labour, delivery or immedi-
ately postpartum, of hypoxia, cardiovascular collapse (usually right heart
failure initially, followed by left heart failure and pulmonary oedema), seiz-
ures or DIC.18,19 It is thought to be caused by fetal tissue entering maternal
circulation and causing abnormal activation of immunological mechanisms.
Because the diagnosis is commonly one of exclusion, the estimate of the
incidence varies considerably but is of the order of 1:12 000 to 1:40 000
deliveries, with a mortality of 10–​40%.
• AFE is associated with:
• Age >35y
• Multiparous women
• Obstructed labour, particularly associated with uterine stimulants
• Multiple pregnancies
• Short labours
• Operative deliveries.
• AFE should be considered if any of the following occurs in the absence
of other potential causes:
• Sudden collapse with acute hypotension and fetal distress
• Pulmonary oedema (>90% of cases) and cyanosis (80%)
• Coagulopathy (80%)—​fibrinogen commonly falls precipitously;
remember that haemorrhage may be concealed
• Seizures (50%)
• Cardiac arrest (occurs in nearly 90% of severe cases).
Care with the use of uterine stimulants and timely diagnosis of obstructed
labour may help to reduce the incidence.
Once AFE has occurred, treatment is purely supportive:
• Senior staff should be present
• Maternal and fetal survival are dependent on early delivery of the fetus:
• Alert haematology and activate the major haemorrhage plan.
• Hypofibrinogenaemia is very common in AFE. Measure coagulation
profile regularly. If bedside measurement of clotting is not available
(TEG® or ROTEM®), consider giving prophylactic cryoprecipitate or
fibrinogen concentrate and platelets.
• ICU will be required for those who survive the initial insult.
Obesity and pregnancy 887

Obesity and pregnancy

(See also % pp. 70–81.)
In high-​income countries, obesity is increasing. Adult obesity prevalence
in England has almost doubled between 1993 and 2019.20
Maternal obesity is a major risk factor for death from thromboembolic
disease and cardiac disease. It is also associated with gestational diabetes,
pre-​eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage, wound infections, operative de-
liveries and shoulder dystocia. Fetal effects include an increased incidence
of miscarriage, neural tube defects, macrosomia and admission to neonatal
intensive care.
Anaesthetic concerns include difficult IV access, difficulty in performing
CNB techniques, a propensity for desaturation due to a combination of
reduced FRC and i O2 consumption, an i difficulty in intubation and high
inflation pressures. OSA can develop or be made worse by pregnancy.
Management is geared to reviewing women in the antenatal period, as-
sessing the level of risk, especially if GA is required, and having a plan docu-
mented in the patient’s notes.
In many units, a BMI of 40 at booking is the cut-​off for reviewing women
in an anaesthetic antenatal clinic, although internationally, recommenda-
tions vary from BMI >30 to BMI >45.
Key points to consider are:
• Is intubation or GA likely to be problematic?
• If yes, women should be encouraged to have an epidural early in labour
and they should be warned that in the event of a GA, there may be
delay to ensure that a senior anaesthetic team is present. This delay
may have implications for the fetal health if fetal distress is present.
• There should be a written plan documenting who needs to be
present for an anaesthetic.21 In general, this should be a senior
anaesthetist, but individual assessment should be made. One or even
two consultants may be required for some individuals.
• Are the lumbar spinous processes palpable?
• It is harder to site epidurals in larger women, with failure of epidural
analgesia reported to be up to 25%. There is also an i risk of dural
puncture if the depth to the epidural space is >6cm. When the
spinous processes are difficult to palpate, it is more likely that CNB
will be difficult.
• Advise women of the advantage of an early epidural. This allows
time for senior anaesthetists to be summoned and for resiting if the
epidural fails.
• There should be written guidance as to who should site the epidural.
• Some centres recommend ultrasound to assist in siting epidurals.
However, experience is needed. If ultrasound is used, having the
probe in a longitudinal orientation gives a more accurate prediction of
the depth to the epidural space than when the probe is transverse.
• Do patients suffer from sleep apnoea?
• If so, are they using CPAP machines? If they do, remind patients to
bring their CPAP machine to the delivery suite.
• Look for signs of right heart failure (ECG/​echocardiography as
• Remember these patients may become very sedated by opioids.
Especially in the event of a GA, think about whether HDU care is
needed postoperatively.

888 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

• Is venous access likely to be difficult?

• If so, early venous access should be obtained. Ultrasound may be of
assistance. Very rarely, central venous lines may be needed.
• At the antenatal visit, some discussion about limiting weight gain in
pregnancy and weight loss after pregnancy may be helpful but needs to
be done diplomatically.
Consideration should also go into the equipment available in the delivery
suite, maternity theatres and maternity wards. Most units have the appro-
priate BP cuffs, theatre tables, lateral transfer equipment such as hover mat-
tresses and a selection of airway devices. Some units use ramps to position
patients on theatre tables. Many units do not have the appropriate hoists,
wide wheelchairs and seated scales for the supermorbidly obese.
When admitted in labour, make sure that all members of the team are
aware of the plan and that appropriate equipment is to hand.
• If an operative procedure is required, remember that epidural and, to a
lesser extent, spinal anaesthesia will often spread higher than expected.
Watch blocks as they develop very closely and divide epidural top-​ups
into small aliquots.
• If a GA is required, consider HFNO as part of the preoxygenation
process. Be very careful to optimise maternal position. Consider steep
head-​up position at both intubation and extubation.
• Make sure that appropriate airway equipment is immediately to hand.
• Make sure that the surgical team for operative procedures is also
appropriately senior.
• Beware a large panniculus (excessive fatty tissue in the lower abdomen).
This can worsen aortocaval occlusion and make surgery very difficult.
Sometimes, rather than reflecting the panniculus, the surgical incision is
performed above it.
• Remember that recovery for these individuals, especially those with
sleep apnoea, is potentially dangerous. Think about the appropriate site
and level of observation required.
Maternal sepsis 889

Maternal sepsis
Maternal sepsis is a life-​threatening condition defined as organ dysfunction
resulting from infection during pregnancy, childbirth, post-​abortion or the
postpartum period and accounts for 15% of maternal deaths worldwide.
The pathophysiology remains incompletely understood, but sepsis is asso-
ciated with a dysregulated host response to infection. Organ dysfunction
can be considered to be an acute increase in the Sequential Organ Failure
Assessment (SOFA) score by ≥2 points and reflects an overall mortality risk
of 710% in a general hospital population with suspected infection.22 Patients
with suspected sepsis can be stratified as high risk using the qSOFA (a quick
SOFA or ‘HAT’) which is two or more of:

• Hypotension: systolic BP ≤100mmHg

• Altered mental status: any GCS <15
• Tachypnoea: RR ≥22.

• Septic shock is defined as sepsis with a vasopressor requirement to

maintain a MAP >65mmHg plus a lactate level >2mmol/​L in the
absence of hypovolaemia.23
• Maternal deaths are often associated with a failure to recognise
sepsis quickly and inadequate or inappropriate early treatment. Early
recognition and treatment of the signs and symptoms of maternal sepsis
are crucial.
• Recognition of sepsis may not be easy. Use of ‘track and trigger’
systems, such as Modified Early Obstetric Warning Scoring (MEOWS)
charts, is recommended. Pregnancy causes modulation of the immune
system to accept foreign proteins and this increases the risk of infection.
Remember women can appear well, despite widespread inflammation.
Usually HR, BP, temperature and/​or RR give an indication of early
stages of sepsis. Once suspected, a key element to the management is
early review by a senior doctor and instigation of urgent management
and resuscitation.
• Some or all of the following may be present:
• Temperature >38°C or <36°C. Hypothermia is a significant finding
that may indicate severe infection
• Persistent HR >100bpm
• Tachypnoea (RR >22 breaths/​min)
• Leucopenia or leucocytosis (WCC <4 × 109/​L or >12 × 109/​L)
• Sore throat, flu-​like symptoms or a productive cough
• Diarrhoea and/​or vomiting
• Abdominal, pelvic or loin pain
• Premature rupture of membranes ± offensive vaginal discharge
(offensive suggests anaerobes; serosanguinous suggests streptococcal
• Abnormal or absent fetal heartbeat
• Rash
• Impaired mental state/​confusion/​lethargy
• Headache/​neck stiffness
• Urinary symptoms
• Wound infection: spreading cellulitis or discharge

890 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

• Hypotension
• Arterial hypoxaemia
• Raised lactate
• Acute oliguria (urinary output <0.5mL/​kg/​h)
• Deranged renal function
• Deranged liver function
• Altered mental status
• Coagulation abnormalities
• Hyperglycaemia in the absence of DM.
Management of patients with suspected/​confirmed sepsis
• Management of sepsis is aimed at stabilising the patient while diagnosing
and treating the underlying cause. Treatment is more likely to be
effective if appropriate therapy is started early.
• A multidisciplinary team approach is required and should include
obstetricians, midwives, anaesthetists, microbiologists and critical
care staff. Critically ill patients should be cared for in level 2 or 3
facilities with the capability for invasive techniques of monitoring and
experienced nursing/​midwifery staff.
• A protocoled approach is recommended for early resuscitation with
goal-​directed treatment.
• While the ‘sepsis six’ is no longer the sole goal, following its principles
remains useful for early treatment. Within 1h, aim to achieve:
• O2 therapy (maintain saturations >94%)
• Bloods, blood cultures and septic screen
• IV antibiotics
• Fluid therapy
• ABG (monitoring pH and lactate)
• Continuous monitoring, including urine output.
• Reassess the patient regularly; involve critical care as necessary and
ensure the consultant obstetrician and anaesthetists are informed and
updated. Source control should also be considered a priority.
Cardiac disease and pregnancy 891

Cardiac disease and pregnancy

(See also % Chapter 5.)
Cardiac disease remains the leading cause of maternal death in the UK.24
Cardiomyopathies and IHD are each responsible for 725% of the total
deaths, with sudden arrhythmic death and aortic dissection making up
another 25%. Valvular disease accounts for a little under 10% of cardiac
Pregnancy and labour present a significant cardiac stress to women. As
a generality, if women are symptomatic with minimal activity before preg-
nancy, particularly if symptomatic at rest, the course of pregnancy is likely
to be stormy, with mortality of the order of 20–​30%. Prepregnancy coun-
selling is crucial in high-​risk individuals.
Pregnancy is not recommended in women with the following:
• Pulmonary arterial hypertension
• Severe ventricular dysfunction (EF <30% or NYHA classes III–​IV)
• Previous peripartum cardiomyopathy with residual impairment
• Severe MS or severe symptomatic AS
• Systemic RV with moderate/​severely reduced function
• Severe aortic dilation or severe (re-​)coarctation
• Vascular Ehler–​Danlos syndrome
• Fontan with any complication.
General management is covered in this section as an outline only—​each
patient should have an individualised plan; assess early and involve a multi-
disciplinary team consisting of a combination of obstetricians, anaesthetists,
cardiologists, midwives and neonatologists. Investigations should be per-
formed as indicated. The risk to the fetus from procedures such as chest
radiographs is minimal.
Have a written plan for the delivery and ask the woman to keep a copy
on her at all times.
• Consider site (ranging from a normal delivery suite to a cardiac
theatre in a tertiary centre) and modality of delivery. Is vaginal delivery
acceptable? Is epidural analgesia indicated? Should pushing in the
2nd stage be limited? With each condition, consider the effects of
vasodilation, vasoconstriction and positive and negative inotropic
and chronotropic agents. Have written guidance on the acceptability
of CNB analgesia/​anaesthesia or GA, as well as the use of oxytocin
(potent vasodilator) and ergometrine (potent vasoconstrictor). Think
about the appropriate treatment for hypotension.
• Consider anticoagulation. Patients with mechanical heart valves are at
high risk in pregnancy. Warfarin, despite its known teratogenicity, is the
anticoagulant of choice for women with mechanical heart valves if the
daily dose is <5mg/​day.
• In most situations, rapid changes in pre-​or afterload should be avoided,
so always use oxytocin with extreme caution and preferably only as an
• Expect the period of highest risk to be in the 1–​2h post-​delivery
(vasoactive uterotonics are given; there is unpredictable blood loss and
unpredictable volume of autotransfusion and CO usually peaks).
• Continue management on ICU if appropriate

892 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

General considerations for specific conditions

• Pulmonary hypertension has a very high maternal mortality.
• Fixed CO states—​avoid sudden changes in afterload.
• Cyanotic heart lesions (i.e. right-​to-​left shunts) will not tolerate
reductions in SVR; nevertheless, epidural analgesia is sometimes used to
minimise the stress of labour. Onset of analgesia must be slow, and use
phenylephrine to maintain afterload. GA is probably the technique of
choice for CS.
• AS may become symptomatic during pregnancy. Serial
echocardiography is often used. GA or slow-​onset CNB have both
been advocated for CS. The technique is probably less important than
the skill with which it is applied. Avoid tachycardia and reduction in
afterload. Loss of sinus rhythm should be treated promptly.
• Valvular insufficiencies are usually well tolerated during pregnancy.
• Women with symptomatic Marfan’s disease (particularly if the aortic
root is dilated >50mm or 27mm/​m2 body surface area) or type 4
(vascular) Ehlers–​Danlos syndrome have a high risk of aortic dissection.
They are usually maintained on β-​blockers. Unexplained severe chest
pain is an indication for CXR and echocardiography.
• MI during pregnancy has 20% mortality. Infarction occurs most
commonly in the 3rd trimester. If possible, delivery should be delayed
at least 3w after infarction. Both elective CS and vaginal delivery have
been advocated. In either case, cardiac stress should be minimised with
effective analgesia.
• Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a dilated cardiomyopathy that occurs
between the last month of pregnancy and 5mo postpartum. The
diagnosis is based on echocardiography and is a diagnosis of exclusion.
The incidence has marked geographic variation, ranging from 1:100
in parts of Nigeria to 1:4000 in the US. Estimates of mortality range
from 7% to 50%. The treatment should be multidisciplinary, with
the expectation of severe LV dysfunction. Bromocriptine may be
used to stop lactation and enhance LV recovery, but is controversial.
The cardiomyopathy can recur and if the cardiomyopathy did not
completely resolve, the mortality in subsequent pregnancies is very high.
Preconceptual counselling is crucial.
Surgery during pregnancy 893

Surgery during pregnancy

One to 2% of women require incidental surgery during pregnancy.
Remember that although various fetal risks (such as fetal loss, premature
labour, low birthweight (LBW) and teratogenicity) are attributed to surgery
during pregnancy, fetal wellbeing is intimately tied to maternal wellbeing. In
general, what is good for the mother is good for the fetus.
General considerations
• When possible, delay surgery until the postnatal period or alternatively
into the 2nd trimester, when teratogenic risks to the fetus are reduced
(the fetus is at greatest risk of major teratogenesis during the first 12w
of gestation). Risks must be discussed (including miscarriage) with the
patient and documented.
• Make sure that the obstetric team are aware that surgery is planned.
• Remember gastric acid and VTE prophylaxis. Pregnant women are
hypercoagulable from the 1st trimester.25,26
• Consider regional anaesthesia. The combination of a mother
maintaining her own airway together with minimal fetal drug exposure
is desirable. However, data demonstrating that regional anaesthesia is
safer than GA are lacking.
• In asymptomatic women with no other indication for intubation, it is
acceptable not to perform an RSI up to 18w gestation. However, be
aware that lower oesophageal sphincter tone is reduced within the first
few weeks of pregnancy and intra-​abdominal pressure rises in the 2nd
trimester. Use RSI if patients are symptomatic or have additional risk
factors for regurgitation.
• Every effort must be made to maintain normal maternal physiological
parameters throughout the perioperative period.
• From the 20th week of gestation, use left lateral tilt to reduce
aortocaval compression. Uterine blood flow may be compromised in
the supine position.
• Light anaesthesia is associated with increased catecholamine release,
which reduces placental blood flow.
• The tocolytic effect of inhalational agents is advantageous.
• Fetal monitoring may be beneficial. In general, in the UK, fetal HR is
monitored pre-​and post-​surgery, but not intraoperatively.
• Treat haemorrhage and avoid hypovolaemia and anaemia which impact
on fetal oxygenation.
• The 1° risk to the fetus is premature labour in the postoperative period.
Detection and suppression of premature labour are vital. Women
should be told to report sensations of uterine contractions so that
appropriate tocolytic therapy can be instituted.
• Effective postoperative analgesia is required to reduce maternal
catecholamine secretion. Regional analgesia with LA agents may be
preferential. Simple analgesics such as paracetamol and codeine can be
used. NSAIDs should be avoided.

894 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

The fetus is at greatest risk of major teratogenesis during the period of or-
ganogenesis, predominantly in the first 12w of gestation. However, minor
abnormalities may occur after this. Causes of teratogenicity are diverse,
including infection, pyrexia, hypoxia and acidosis, as well as the better rec-
ognised hazards of drugs and radiation. Establishing whether drugs are ter-
atogens can be difficult. Current information on the risk of exposure to
many medications (but excluding most anaesthetic agents) can be found
at the UK Teratology Information Service (M http://​ or
the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS) (M
• Benzodiazepine exposure just before delivery may cause neonatal
drowsiness and hypotonia. Case reports associating benzodiazepines
with cleft lip formation have not been substantiated and a single dose
has never been associated with teratogenicity. Chronic administration
may cause neonatal withdrawal symptoms post-​delivery.
• Ranitidine and omeprazole are not known to be harmful.
Induction agents
• Thiopental. Clinical experience with thiopental suggests that this is a
very safe drug to use.
• Propofol is safe to use during CS at term, but use in early pregnancy has
not been formally investigated, although it is not teratogenic in animal
• Etomidate is an inhibitor of cortisol synthesis, and if used for CS,
neonates have reduced cortisol concentrations. It is not teratogenic in
animal studies.
• Ketamine should be avoided in early pregnancy as it increases
intrauterine pressure, resulting in fetal asphyxia. This increase in
intrauterine pressure is not apparent in the 3rd trimester.
Inhalational agents
• Halogenated inhalational agents have been used extensively in
pregnancy and are safe. While theoretical concern has been expressed
about an increase in neuroapoptosis with these agents, a single
relatively short exposure is unlikely to have negative effects.27 At
high concentrations, maternal BP and CO fall, resulting in a significant
reduction in uterine blood flow. These agents also cause uterine
relaxation, which may be beneficial.
• Despite early concerns, epidemiological studies suggest that N2O is
safe. However, given that anaesthesia can be easily delivered without
N2O, it is sensible to avoid this agent.
• Muscle relaxants: because these agents are not lipophilic, only very small
quantities cross the placenta and so fetal exposure is limited. These
agents are safe to use.
• Anticholinesterase inhibitors: these agents are highly ionised and so, like
muscle relaxants, do not readily cross the placenta and are safe to use.
Chronic use of pyridostigmine to treat myasthenia gravis may cause
premature labour.
Surgery during pregnancy 895

• Opioids readily cross the placenta, but brief exposure is safe. Long-​
term exposure will cause symptoms of withdrawal when the fetus
is delivered. Animal studies suggest possible fetal teratogenicity if
prolonged hypercapnia or impaired feeding develop as side effects of
opioid exposure.
• Chronic exposure to NSAIDs in early pregnancy may be associated
with increased fetal loss and in the 3rd trimester may cause premature
closure of the ductus arteriosus and persistent pulmonary hypertension
of the newborn. Single doses are unlikely to be harmful.
• Bupivacaine and lidocaine are safe. When used near delivery,
bupivacaine has no significant neonatal neurobehavioural effects, while
lidocaine may have a mild effect. Cocaine abuse during pregnancy
increases fetal loss and may increase the incidence of abnormalities in
the genitourinary tract.
• Concern has been expressed about an association between chronic
exposure to ondansetron during the 1st trimester and cleft lip. Where
possible, ondansetron should be avoided in the 1st trimester; however,
single doses are unlikely to increase risk significantly.

896 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

Cervical cerclage (cervical stitch)

(See % p. 893 for surgery during pregnancy.)

Procedure Surgical treatment of incompetent cervical os

Time 20min
Pain +
Position Lithotomy
Blood loss Nil
Technique Spinal, epidural or GA

Cervical cerclage is performed to prevent premature cervical dilation and

loss of fetus (usually in 2nd trimester). It is one of the commonest surgical
procedures during pregnancy. Causes of an incompetent cervix include:
congenital abnormalities, cervical scarring/​surgery and hormonal imbal-
ance. Usually performed between 14w and 26w gestation, rarely precon-
ception. Emergency cerclage may be required in the face of a dilating cervix
and bulging membranes, although this is less successful than prophylactic
Type of surgery
• Transvaginal procedures are commonest (Shirodkar and McDonald
procedures). They require anaesthesia for insertion but can be removed
by obstetricians at around the 38th week gestation without anaesthetic.
• The transabdominal procedure requires two operations, one for
insertion and another for a CS for delivery and removal of the suture. It
also carries a greater risk of ureteric involvement.
• The risks of cerclage include membrane rupture (more common if the
membranes are already bulging), infection, haemorrhage and inducing
premature labour.
• As per surgery during pregnancy.
• Both CNB and GA may be used.
• If GA is used and uterine relaxation is required to allow bulging
membranes to be reduced, the halogenated vapour concentration
can be increased.
• For regional anaesthesia, a T8–​T10 level is required for intraoperative
comfort. If uterine relaxation is required, 2–​3 puffs of sublingual GTN
spray may be used and repeated as necessary, although transient
hypotension is to be expected.
• As per surgery during pregnancy.
Maternal resuscitation 897

Maternal resuscitation
Maternal cardiac arrest is fortunately rare. All the normal resuscitation drugs
should be used as indicated and defibrillation is safe for the fetus. Adrenaline
is also the drug of choice in major anaphylactic reactions. Severe hypoten-
sion associated with anaphylaxis results in very poor fetal outcomes.
The basic algorithms for adult resuscitation (see % pp. 1052–7) are ap-
propriate for maternal resuscitation, with several important differences:
• After 20w gestation, attempts must be made to minimise aortocaval
obstruction while performing effective cardiac compressions. The
fetus can be displaced with firm lateral pressure (manual uterine
• After 4min, if CO has not been re-​established, the fetus should be
delivered. This improves the chance of maternal, as well as fetal,
• Pregnant women have reduced oesophageal sphincter tone and both
cricoid pressure and intubation should be performed as early as
Consideration should be given to the diagnosis and treatment of obstetric
causes of maternal arrest, including:
• Cardiac events
• Intracranial events
• Sepsis
• Haemorrhage
• PE
• Iatrogenic events:
• Hypermagnesaemia: treat with 10mL of 10% calcium chloride or
• High or total spinal (which is the commonest cause of maternal
cardiac arrest on delivery suites in the UK)28—​supportive treatment
• LA-​induced arrhythmia—​treat with 20% lipid emulsion (see %
pp. 1092–3).
1 Association of Anaesthetists (2013>). Regional anaesthesia and patients with abnormalities
of coagulation. M https://​​Home/​Resources-​publications/​Guidelines/​
2 Chau A, Bibbo C, Huang CC, et al. (2017). Dural puncture epidural technique improves labor
analgesia quality with fewer side effects compared with epidural and combined spinal epidural
techniques: a randomized clinical trial. Anesth Analg, 124, 560–​9.
3 Cook TM, Counsell D, Wildsmith JAW (2009). Major complications of central neuraxial block:
report on the Third National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Br J Anaesth,
102, 179–​90.
4 Russell R, Laxton C, Lucas DN, et al. (2019). Treatment of obstetric post-​dural puncture head-
ache. Part 1: conservative and pharmacological management. Int J Obstet Anesth, 38, 93–​103.
5 Russell R, Laxton C, Lucas DN, et al. (2019). Treatment of obstetric post-​dural puncture head-
ache. Part 2: epidural blood patch. Int J Obstet Anesth, 38, 104–​18.
6 Ronel I, Weiniger CF (2019). Non-​regional anaesthesia for labour: remifentanil in obstetrics. BJA
Educ, 19, 357–​61.
7 Kinsella SM, Carvalho B, Dyer RA, et al. (2018). International consensus statement on the man-
agement of hypotension with vasopressors during caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia.
Anaesthesia, 73, 71–​92.
8 Kinsella SM, Winton AL, Mushambi MC, et al. (2015). Failed tracheal intubation during obstetric
general anaesthesia: a literature review. Int J Obstet Anesth, 24, 356–​74.
9 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2015, updated 2019). Preterm labour and birth.
NICE guideline [NG25]. M https://​​guidance/​ng25

898 Chapter 35 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia

10 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019). Hypertension in pregnancy: diagnosis and
management. NICE guideline [NG133]. M https://​​guidance/​ng133
11 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016). PIGF-​based testing to help diagnose
suspected pre-​eclampsia. Diagnostics guidance [DG23]. M https://​​guidance/​
12 Pollock W, Peek MJ, Wang A, et al. (2020). Eclampsia in Australia and New Zealand: a pro-
spective population-​based study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 60, 533–​40. M https://​obgyn.​doi/​abs/​10.1111/​ajo.13100
13 Collis R, Collins PW (2015). Haemostatic management of obstetric haemorrhage. Anaesthesia,
70 (suppl 1), 78–​86.
14 Shakur H, Roberts I, Fawole B, et al.; WOMAN Trial Collaborators (2017). Effect of early tran-
examic acid administration on mortality, hysterectomy, and other morbidities in women with
post-​partum haemorrhage (WOMAN): an international, randomised, double-​blind, placebo-​
controlled trial. Lancet, 389, 2105–​16.
15 Khan KS, Moore PAS, Wilson MJ, et al. (2017). Cell salvage and donor blood transfusion during
cesarean section: A pragmatic, multicentre randomised controlled trial (SALVO). PLoS Med,
14:e1002471. M https://​​10.1371/​journal.pmed.1002471
16 Heesen M, Carvalho B, Carvalho JCA, et al. (2019). International consensus statement on the use
of uterotonic agents during Caesarean section. Anaesthesia, 74, 1305–​19.
17 Goh W, Zalud I (2016). Placenta accreta: diagnosis, management and the molecular biology of
the morbidly adherent placenta. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 29, 1795–​800.
18 Benson MD (2017). Amniotic fluid embolism mortality rate. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 43, 1714–​18.
19 Shamshirsaz AA, Clark SL (2016). Amniotic fluid embolism. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am, 43,
20 Baker C (2021). Obesity statistics. House of Commons Library. Briefing Paper Number 3336,
January 2021. M https://​​research-​briefings/​sn03336/​
21. Denison FC, Aedla NR, Keag O, et al.; Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
(2018). Care of women with obesity in pregnancy: green-​top guideline No. 72. BJOG, 126,
22 Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW (2016). The Third International Consensus Definitions
for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-​3). JAMA, 315, 801–​10.
23 Shankar-​Hari M, Phillips GS, Levy ML, et al. (2016). Developing a new definition and assessing
new clinical criteria for septic shock: for the Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis
and Septic Shock (Sepsis-​3). JAMA, 315, 775–​87.
24 Knight M, Clarke B, Head C, et al. (2019). Lessons on cardiovascular care. In: Knight M, Bunch K,
Tuffnell D, et al. (eds) on behalf of MBRRACE-​UK. Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care—​Lessons
learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths
and Morbidity 2015–​17. Oxford: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford;
pp. 20–​44.
25 Tuffnell D, Knight M, Mackillop L; MBRRACE-​UK VTE Chapter-​Writing Group. Lessons for pre-
vention and treatment of thrombosis and thromboembolism. In: Knight M, Bunch K, Tuffnell D,
et al. (eds) on behalf of MBRRACE-​UK. Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care—​Lessons learned
to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and
Morbidity 2014–​16. Oxford: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford;
pp. 34–​41.
26 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2015). Reducing the risk of venous thrombo-
embolism during pregnancy and the puerperium. Green-​top guideline No 37a. M https://​www.​globalassets/​documents/​guidelines/​gtg-​37a.pdf
27 Sun LS, Li G, Miller TLK, et al. (2016). Association between a single general anesthesia exposure
before age 36 months and neurocognitive outcomes in later childhood. JAMA, 315, 2312–​20.
28 Beckett VA, Knight M, Sharpe P (2017). The CAPS Study: incidence, management and outcomes
of cardiac arrest in pregnancy in the UK: a prospective, descriptive study. BJOG, 124, 1374–​81.
Chapter 36 899

Paediatric and neonatal

Simon Berg and Stewart Campbell
Neonatal/​infant physiology 900 Patent ductus arteriosus 937
Fluid management 905 Pyloric stenosis 938
Anaesthetic equipment 908 Intussusception 939
Conduct of anaesthesia 913 Herniotomy 940
Postoperative pain relief 926 Circumcision/​hypospadias
Caudal block 929 repair 941
Epidural/​subarachnoid Orchidopexy 942
block 931 Cleft lip and palate 943
Peripheral nerve blocks 932 Congenital talipes
Down’s syndrome/​trisomy equinovarus 945
21 933 Femoral osteotomy 946
Diaphragmatic hernia 934 Inhaled foreign body 947
Gastroschisis/​exomphalos 935 Sedation 948
Tracheoesophageal fistula 936 Medical problems 949

Paediatric emergencies
Paediatric advanced life Neonatal resuscitation 956
support 951 The collapsed, septic child 959
Asystole and pulseless electrical Stabilisation of the sick child
activity 954 (prior to PICU transfer) 961
Ventricular fibrillation or Paediatric doses and
pulseless ventricular equipment 963
tachycardia 955

See also
% Tonsillectomy/​adenoidectomy: child pp. 767–8
% Severe bronchospasm pp. 1078–9
% Anaphylaxis pp. 1081–5
% Management of trauma pp. 1019–24

900 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Neonatal/​infant physiology
Paediatric anaesthesia embraces patients from the premature neonate to
the adolescent. Major differences exist between the anatomy, physiology
and pharmacological response of children and adults (Tables 36.1, 36.2 and
36.3). In anaesthetic terms, special considerations apply to the neonate.
• Neonate: first 44w of post-​conceptual age
• Infant: 1mo to 1y
• Child: 1–​16y
• Young person: 16–​18y
• Premature infant: <37w gestational age
• SGA: small for gestational age
• Low birthweight (LBW): <2500g
• Very low birthweight (VLBW): <1500g
• Extremely low birthweight (ELBW): <1000g.

Respiratory considerations
• At birth, each terminal bronchiole opens into a single alveolus instead of
fully developed alveolar clustering. The 20–​50 million alveoli are thick-​
walled and alveolar growth continues by multiplication to reach 300
million by adolescence.
• Cartilaginous ribs are horizontally aligned, so that the ‘bucket handle’
action of the adult thorax is not possible. Intercostal muscles are poorly
developed, with a lower proportion of type 1 muscle fibres and fatigue
more easily. The diaphragm has a more horizontal attachment, reducing
mechanical advantage.
• Ventilation is essentially diaphragmatic and rate-​dependent. Abdominal
distension may cause splinting of the diaphragm, leading to respiratory
• Chest wall compliance is high because of the cartilaginous thorax;
intercostal or sternal recession is common with i work of breathing or
airway obstruction.
• Closing volume occurs within tidal breathing in the neonate. Minor
decreases in FRC increase the pulmonary shunt and lead to lung
collapse. The application of CPAP improves oxygenation and reduces
the work of breathing.
• Narrow airways result in i resistance, up to the age of 8y. Nasal
resistance represents almost 50% of total airway resistance, accentuating
the problem of children with nasal congestion who are obligate nasal
breathers. An NGT can increase resistance by 50% in neonates.
• Apnoea is a common postoperative problem in preterm neonates.
It is significant if the episode exceeds 20s or induces cyanosis or
bradycardia. CPAP may be helpful, with the distending pressure
triggering stretch receptors in the chest wall.
• Due to the higher metabolic rate and alveolar minute volume, volatile
agents achieve a more rapid induction and emergence than with
adults. They are profound respiratory depressants; most anaesthetised
neonates require intubation and controlled ventilation.
• Respiratory parameters of the neonate are summarised in Table 36.1.
Neonatal/infant physiology 901

Table 36.1 Respiratory parameters in the neonate and adult

Parameter Neonate Adult

VT (spontaneous) (mL/​kg) 7 7–​10
VT (IPPV) (mL/​kg) 7–​10 10
Dead space (mL/​kg) 2.2 2.2
VD:VT ratio 0.3 0.3
RR (breaths/​min) 30–​40 15
Compliance (mL/​cmH2O) 5 100
Resistance (cmH2O/​L/​s) 25 5
Time constant (s) 0.5 1.1
O2 consumption (mL/​kg/​min) 7 3
Parameters for children over 2y approximate to adult values.
Estimate RR from the formula = 24 –​age/​2.

Cardiovascular considerations
• PVR falls at birth, in response to a rise in PaO2/​pH and a fall in PaCO2.
Subsequent closure of the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus may
reverse with hypoxia and acidosis, leading to pulmonary hypertension
and right-​to-​left shunt (transitional circulation).
• The neonate has small ventricles with reduced contractile mass and
poor ventricular compliance. CO is higher than in adults (200mL/​kg/​
min) and rate-​dependent. Normal systolic pressure is 70–​90mmHg with
low SVR.
• HR of up to 200 bpm can be tolerated. Bradycardia occurs in response
to hypoxia and should be treated with O2, rather than atropine.
Neonatal and infant HR <60 bpm require external cardiac compression.
• Autonomic and baroreceptor control is fully functional at term, but
vagally mediated parasympathetic tone predominates.
• Incidence of CHD is 7–​8 per 1000 live births; 10–​15% have associated
non-​cardiac pathology. All neonates with midline defects should be
assessed for related cardiac lesions.
• CVS parameters in children are summarised in Table 36.2.
Gastrointestinal considerations
• The liver is immature. Enzyme systems have matured by 12w, but some
drugs are metabolised more slowly and others by different enzyme
pathways from adults. The action of barbiturates and opioids in the
neonate is prolonged and enhanced.
• Bilirubin metabolism is affected by a poorly developed glucuronyl
transferase system. Rises in unconjugated bilirubin may lead to neonatal
jaundice and kernicterus by crossing the blood–​brain barrier. Some
drugs (e.g. diazepam, vitamin K) displace bilirubin from plasma proteins
and can exacerbate jaundice.
• Glycogen stores are reduced in neonates. The premature baby and
stressed neonate are vulnerable to hypoglycaemia.

902 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Table 36.2 Cardiovascular parameters in children

Age (y) HR (bpm) Mean systolic BP Mean diastolic BP

(mmHg) (mmHg)
Neonate 80–​200 50–​90 25–​60
1 80–​160 85–​105 50–​65
2 80–​130 95–​105 50–​65
4 80–​120 95–​110 55–​70
6 75–​115 95–​110 55–​70
8 70–​110 95–​110 55–​70
10 70–​110 100–​120 60–​75
12 60–​110 110–​130 65–​80
Mean systolic BP over 1y = 80 + (age in y × 2).

• Vitamin K-​dependent factors are low at term. Routine administration of

vitamin K 1mg IM may prevent haemorrhagic disease of the newborn
and is recommended before surgery in the 1st week of life.
• Gastro-​oesophageal reflux is common in neonates.
Renal considerations
• Nephron formation is complete at term but contains only 20% of the
adult cellular component.
• GFR reaches adult values by 2y as renal blood flow increases with
decreasing vascular resistance.
• Tubular function is immature, reaching adult values by 6–​9mo.
• Initially, neonates are unable to excrete a large water or Na+ load.
• Glucose and Na+ reabsorption are less efficient in premature infants.
• Because of the high metabolic rate and insensible losses, infants are
more susceptible to dehydration.
• It may be necessary to reduce drug dosages or extend frequency
Haematological considerations
Circulating blood volume is estimated as shown in Table 36.3.
• Post-​delivery Hb concentrations range from 130 to 200g/​L
(average 180g/​L), depending on the degree of placental transfusion.
Subsequently, Hb concentration falls, as the increase in circulating
volume exceeds growth in bone marrow activity and erythropoietin
levels fall. The resulting ‘physiological anaemia of infancy’ varies from
100 to 120g/​L.
• The predominant Hb type at term is HbF (80–​90%). By 4mo, this has
fallen to 10–​15% and been replaced by HbA. HbF has a higher O2
affinity due to reduced 2,3-​diphosphoglycerate levels.
• Preoperative Hb <100g/​L is abnormal and should be investigated.
Neonatal/infant physiology 903

Table 36.3 Estimating paediatric circulating blood volume

Neonate 90mL/​kg
Infant 85mL/​kg
Child 80mL/​kg

Central nervous system

• Neurones are completely formed at term, but the total number of
brain cells is reduced.
• Dendritic proliferation, myelination and synaptic connections develop in
the 3rd trimester and first 2y of life.
• The blood–​brain barrier is more permeable in neonates—​barbiturates,
opioids, antibiotics and bilirubin all cross more readily.
• Autoregulation of the cerebral circulation is present from birth.
• The brain contains a higher proportion of fat, which may allow volatile
agents to reach higher concentrations more rapidly.
• All neonates, however immature, feel pain. The premature neonate may
be hypersensitive due to a relative increase of transmitters mediating
nociception with the later development of descending inhibitory
• Dose requirements of volatile agents vary with age. The neonatal MAC
is comparable to adult values and decreases with prematurity. MAC
peaks at 1y (750% greater than adult values), then declines to reach
adult levels by the onset of puberty (see % pp. 411–12).
• Weight estimation formulae (Table 36.4) provide a guide for calculations
before the arrival of a child to the ED. They should be quickly replaced
by using a Broselow tape or weighing the child.
• All paediatric patients should be weighed preoperatively.

Table 36.4 Estimating the ideal weight of paediatric patients

Birth 3–​3.5kg
0–​1y Weight = [age (mo)/​2] + 4
1–​5y Weight = [age (y) × 2] + 8
6–​12y Weight = [age (y) × 3] + 7

• Poorly developed thermoregulatory mechanism. High surface area to
volume ratio with minimal SC fat and poor insulation. Vasoconstrictor
response is limited, and the neonate is unable to shiver.
• Non-​shivering thermogenesis is achieved by metabolism in brown fat
found in the back, shoulders and legs, and around the thoracic vessels.
This considerably increases O2 consumption and may worsen pre-​
existing hypoxia. Brown fat is deficient in premature infants.

904 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• Neonates lose heat during surgery by conduction, convection and

evaporation, but predominantly by radiation.
• GA depresses the thermoregulatory response. Heat is lost from the
core to the cooler peripheral tissues. Prolonged hypothermia can lead
to a profound acidosis, with impaired perfusion. Platelet function is
impaired, but clotting factors are unaffected above 32°C. The duration
of opioids and muscle relaxants is prolonged.
Measures to conserve heat loss
• Theatres should be heated before surgery to warm the walls and raise
the ambient temperature; 21°C is adequate for larger children, but
infants and neonates may require 26°C. In practice, this is too hot;
theatre temperature of 21°C is an adequate compromise if active
measures are taken to reduce heat loss and maintain the ‘microclimate’
around the patient. Close doors to avoid draughts.
• Avoid exposure of the child; this applies particularly in the anaesthetic
room. The head is relatively large in infants and should be covered with
a hat, Gamgee or polythene. The rest of the body can also be insulated
with warm Gamgee and transparent drapes.
• Use active warming devices: warming mattress, convective warm air
blanket, overhead radiant heaters.
• Humidify and warm anaesthetic gases. Heated water vapour humidifiers
are available, but disposable HMEs are usually satisfactory.
• IV fluids, blood, surgical prep and wash fluids should be warmed.
• Temperature measurement is essential in neonatal surgery, paediatric
surgery of intermediate to long duration and where major fluid and
blood loss is expected.
Fluid management 905

Fluid management
Eighty per cent of neonatal total body weight is water; the value is higher
in the preterm infant and reaches an adult level of 60% by 2y. Extracellular
water constitutes 45% of TBW at term (over 50% in the preterm) but at-
tains an adult value of 35% by early childhood. Plasma volume tends to stay
constant at 5% of total body weight, independent of age.
• Turnover of water is over double that of the adult; 40% of extracellular
water is lost daily in infants as urine, faeces, sweat and insensible
losses. A small increase in loss or reduction in intake can rapidly lead to
• Daily fluid maintenance is calculated from the calorie requirement:
100kcal/​kg for the infant, with older children requiring 75kcal/​kg, and
adults 35kcal/​kg. Each kcal requires 1mL of water for metabolism.
Neonatal fluid requirements
• Fluid is initially given cautiously, as the kidneys cannot easily excrete a
water or Na+ load. Newer ‘cold-​light’ phototherapy does not require i
fluid intake.
• The fluid of choice is 10% glucose. This is adjusted in increments of
2.5% to achieve normoglycaemia. A blood sugar below 2.6mmol/​L is
treated with 2mL/​kg of 10% glucose.
• Routinely added electrolytes are Na+ 3mmol/​kg/​d and K+ 2mmol/​kg/​d.
Other electrolytes, including Ca2+, are added as indicated.
• The first 5d of neonatal fluid requirements are given in Table 36.5.1
Preterm requirements are dependent on birthweight and may be
proportionally higher.

Table 36.5 First 5d neonatal fluid requirement (mL/​kg/​d)

Days of life Term

Day 1 50–​60
Day 2 70–​80
Day 3 80–​100
Day 4 100–​120
Day 5 120–​150

Paediatric fluid requirements

• Maintenance is calculated using the ‘4–​2–​1’ regime.
• The fluid of choice is 0.45% sodium chloride/​5% glucose:
• 4mL/​kg/​h (100mL/​kg/​d) for each of the first 10kg
• 2mL/​kg/​h (50mL/​kg/​d) for each of the second 10kg
• 1mL/​kg/​h (25mL/​kg/​d) for each subsequent kg.

Maintenance requirement makes no allowance for extra losses from

gastroenteritis, intestinal obstruction and insensible loss from pyrexia.
Additional Na+ and K+ may also be required.

906 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Perioperative fluid management

Perioperative fluids comprise the basic maintenance requirement plus re-
placement of other observed fluid losses. These are replaced by isotonic
crystalloid, i.e. 0.9% sodium chloride, Hartmann’s solution, albumin or
blood, according to the clinical need. Glucose 1% or 2.5%/​Hartmann’s
solution (add 10mL or 25mL of 50% glucose to 500mL of Hartmann’s
solution) is a useful perioperative fluid for infants. Regular blood glucose
measurement is essential in neonatal surgery.1
• Transfusion is required after 15% of blood loss or use a transfusion
trigger of 70g/​L.
• Estimated blood volume (EBV) (Table 34.3) and maximal allowable
blood loss (MABL) (Box 36.1) should be calculated prior to surgery.
• Swabs should be carefully weighed, and suction volumes recorded. Cell
salvage can be utilised for children >10kg.
• Postoperatively, use 0.45% sodium chloride/​5% glucose (or Hartmann’s
solution for children >8–​10y) at two-​thirds of maintenance.

Box 36.1 Maximal allowable blood loss calculation

MABL = (Hb initial − Hb low)/Hb low x EBV

Postoperative hyponatraemia
• Postoperative hyponatraemia (serum Na+ <135mmol/​L) is uncommon,
but more likely with the administration of hypotonic solutions, e.g.
0.18% sodium chloride/​4% glucose.
• Symptoms are often non-​specific, including nausea, vomiting and
headache (a common early sign). It may also present as seizure or
respiratory arrest.
• Hyponatraemic seizures respond poorly to anticonvulsants, and initial
management should be to administer an infusion of 3% sodium chloride.
Plan to increase serum Na+ to >125mmol/​L or until symptoms improve
(1mL/​kg of 3% sodium chloride should raise serum Na+ by 1mmol/​L).
• Asymptomatic hyponatraemia can be managed with 0.9% sodium
chloride. If hypervolaemic, restrict fluids to 50% of maintenance.
Fluid resuscitation
Shock is the clinical state in which delivery of O2 and metabolic substrates
is inadequate for cellular demand.
• In compensated shock, oxygenation of the vital structures (brain and
heart) is maintained by sympathetic reflexes at the expense of non-​
essential tissues. BP remains normal, with an increase in SVR.
• In decompensated shock, hypotension develops and vital organ
perfusion is compromised.
• With irreversible shock, there is cyanosis, bradycardia and gasping
respiration. This is a preterminal event.
• Hypovolaemia is the commonest cause of circulatory failure in children.
Other causes of shock include pump failure (cardiogenic), distributive
(sepsis, anaphylaxis, neurogenic) and obstructive (cardiac tamponade,
tension pneumothorax).
Fluid management 907

Assessment of dehydration and hypovolaemia

Assessment of dehydration and hypovolaemia is made predominantly on
clinical signs (Table 36.6).
• i capillary refill time ≥2s, cold and blue peripheries and an increasing
core–​peripheral temperature gap with a thready pulse are early signs of
• Rising HR may reflect pain, anxiety or fever.
• Oliguria and a reduced level of consciousness are late signs.
• Hypotension does not occur until >35% of blood volume is lost (Table 36.7).
• Administer fluid boluses of 20mL/​kg crystalloid, either 0.9% sodium
chloride or Hartmann’s solution, and then reassess.
• Give blood when 15% of the circulating volume is lost (Table 36.3) or
if no improvement after 40mL/​kg. Aim for Hb of 70g/​L or packed cell
volume (PCV) of 25%.2
• 4mL/​kg of blood raises the Hb concentration by 10g/​L. Transfused blood
should be fresh, if possible, warm, filtered and CMV-​negative for neonates.
It can be rapidly transfused using a syringe and a three-​way tap.
• The ‘swing’ of the arterial or SpO2 trace is a valuable aid in assessing
intravascular loss. CVP may be less sensitive in smaller children because
of the greater venous capacitance.

Table 36.6 Clinical assessment of dehydration in paediatrics

Sign 5% dehydration 10% dehydration
Skin Loss of turgor Mottled, poor capillary return
Fontanelle Depressed Deeply depressed
Eyes Sunken Deeply sunken
Peripheral pulses Normal Tachycardia, weak pulse
Mental state Lethargic Unresponsive
Replacement volume (mL) = weight (kg) × % loss, e.g. a 10% loss in a 5kg infant requires a
replacement volume of 50mL.

Table 36.7 Clinical assessment of hypovolaemia in paediatrics

Sign Compensated Uncompensated Irreversible

HR i ii id
Systolic BP Normal/​i Normal/​d id
Pulse volume Normal/​d d dd
Capillary refill Normal/​i i ii
Skin colour Pale Mottled White/​grey
Skin temperature Cool Cold Cold
Mental status Agitated Lethargic Unresponsive
RR Normal/​i ii Sighing
Fluid loss <25% 25–​40% >40%

908 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Anaesthetic equipment
See also % Breathing systems, pp. 350–2; % Airway equipment, pp. 355–8.
Oropharyngeal airway
• Range in size from 000 to 4 (4–​10cm in length).
• Rarely useful in neonates who are obligate nasal breathers but may be
advantageous in older children or in mask ventilation to prevent gastric
• Estimating the size of the airway is crucial. Incorrect size will worsen
the airway obstruction. Correct length is equal to the distance from the
incisors to the angle of the jaw.
• The airway should not be inverted during insertion in infants, as this may
damage the palate.
Nasopharyngeal airway
• Limited application in paediatric practice. Tolerated at lighter levels of
anaesthesia than an OPA and may be of use during induction/​recovery
of some congenital airway problems or OSA.
• Well lubricated prior to insertion; bleeding is possible from mucosal or
adenoidal trauma, especially in younger children.
• Appropriate length is equal to the distance from the tip of the nostril to
the tragus of the ear.
• If an ETT is used as a modified nasopharyngeal airway, the size is
calculated by: (age/​4 + 3.5).
Face masks
• Clear plastic masks with an inflatable rim provide an excellent seal for
SV and assisted ventilation.
• Manufactured in a round or teardrop shape; the round shape is suitable
for neonates and infants. Also available as ‘flavoured’ masks.
• Transparent design allows for observation of cyanosis/​regurgitation and
the presence of breathing.
• Size is estimated to fit an area from the bridge of the nose to the cleft
of the chin.
Supraglottic airway devices
• Tables 36.8 and 36.9 describes how to choose the appropriate size of
• Indications and insertion techniques are similar to adult use. An
alternative method of insertion is to advance it partially inflated and
upside down behind the tongue before rotating through 180°.
• Smaller sizes have i complication rates. The effectiveness of these
smaller masks is not established for resuscitation.
• Intubating LMA (iLMA) available in size 3 which is potentially useful for
older children.
• Both the LMA ProSeal™ and i-​gel® are available in a full range of
paediatric sizes.3
• LMA is best secured in slight flexion, and i-​gel® in slight extension.
Anaesthetic equipment 909

Table 36.8 Estimating LMA sizes in children

Size of LMA Weight (kg) Cuff volume (mL)

1 0–​5 2–​5
1.5 5–​10 5–​7
2 10–​20 7–​10
2.5 20–​30 12–​14
3 >30 15–​20

Table 36.9 Estimating i-​gel® sizes in children

Size of i-​gel® Patient size Patient weight guidance

1 Neonate 2–​5
1.5 Infant 5–​12
2 Small paediatric 10–​25
2.5 Large paediatric 25–​35
3 Small adult 30–​60

• Laryngoscope blades available in different lengths from size 0 to 3.
• Straight-​blade preferable for infants ≤6mo due to high anterior larynx
(see % p. 909 for paediatric intubation).
• Polio and McCoy blades are also available.
• Many video laryngoscopes are available in paediatric sizes.
Endotracheal tubes
• Traditionally uncuffed paediatric ETTs have been used and are available
from 2.0mm to 7.0mm ID. Table 36.10 describes how to choose an
appropriate size of uncuffed tube.
• Uncuffed ETT ID (mm) may also approximate to the length of the
child’s middle finger (cm).4
• Standard cuffed tubes are available from 3.0mm ID. Microcuff® tubes
have a more distal, high-​volume, low-​pressure cuff. Use of a cuffed
ETT reduces intubation attempts to correctly size a tube and improves
ventilation characteristics without increasing the incidence of post-​
extubation stridor.5
• Specific indications include children at high risk of aspiration, poor
lung compliance and facial burns. Cuff pressure should be limited to
20cmH2O and continuously monitored. Tube sizes are a half size lower
than uncuffed tube.
• Paediatric versions of the RAE, armoured, and laser tubes all exist. A
north-​facing uncuffed preformed tube has been developed for routine
paediatric surgery.

910 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Table 36.10 Paediatric endotracheal tube sizes

Weight or age ETT ID (mm)

>2kg 2.5
2–​4kg 3.0
Term neonate 3.5
3mo to 1y 4.0–​4.5
Over 2yr Tube size = age/​4 + 4
Cuffed tube size = age/​4 + 3.5 (also check packaging as
manufacturer variation exists)

• The paediatric trachea is conical. The narrowest part is at the level of

the cricoid ring, the only part of the airway completely surrounded by
cartilage. If the ETT is too large, it will compress the tracheal epithelium
at this level, leading to ischaemia with consequent scarring and the risk
of subglottic stenosis.
• A correctly sized tube is one in which ventilation is adequate, but a
small audible leak of air is present when positive pressure is applied at
• Paediatric 8.5mm connectors can be used as an alternative to the
standard 15mm connector. Catheter mounts should be avoided
because of the large dead space involved.
• Tube length in cm can be calculated as:
• Oral tube: age/​2 + 12 (or tube size × 3)
• Nasal tube: age/​2 + 15.
• Tube placement needs to be meticulous to avoid endobronchial
intubation or inadvertent extubation.
• To assess the length of tube to be passed below the vocal cords, use
the black guide line at the distal end of the tube or the tube size in cm.
Ultimately, the position must be confirmed clinically by auscultation.
Anaesthetic breathing systems
Ayre’s T-​piece with Jackson–​Rees modification
• The Jackson–​Rees modification of the Ayre’s T-​piece (Mapleson F) is
a commonly used breathing system in paediatric anaesthetic practice.
Suitable for all children up to 20kg, beyond which it becomes inefficient.
Low-​resistance, valveless, lightweight circuit. The expiratory limb
exceeds the VT to prevent entrainment of room air during SV. The
open-​ended 500mL reservoir bag or Jackson–​Rees modification allows:
• Assessment of the VT
• The ability to partially occlude the bag for CPAP or PEEP
• The potential for assisted or controlled ventilation
• Qualitative appreciation of lung compliance
• Reduction in dead space during SV (FGF washes out expired gas
during the expiratory pause).
• Scavenging is limited. However, some versions of the T-​piece
incorporate a closed bag with an expiratory valve and a scavenging
attachment. Requirements for FGF are higher in SV than in controlled
ventilation. Recommendations are 2–​3 times the alveolar minute
Anaesthetic equipment 911

volume for spontaneous breathing, or 1000mL plus 200mL/​kg in

controlled ventilation. FGF is dependent on the respiratory pattern. A
rapid RR requires a higher FGF. Conversely, an end-​expiratory pause
during controlled ventilation will help reduce the FGF.
• Most children require a minimum FGF of 3L, which can then be
adjusted to achieve normocapnia and an inspired CO2 concentration
of <0.6kPa (4.5mmHg). Partial rebreathing allows conservation of heat
and humidification.
• ETCO2 concentration may be underestimated in children below 10kg
from dilution of expired gases. Sampling should be distal in the circuit.
Circle absorption systems
• Paediatric circle systems using 15mm lightweight hose are suitable for
children over 5kg. The unidirectional valves may increase resistance to
breathing and should not be allowed to become damp.
• During controlled ventilation, the leak around the ETT may require gas
flows to be i.
Bain system
The coaxial Mapleson D system is unsuitable for children under 20kg due to
resistance of the expiratory valve.
Mechanical ventilation
• Standard adult ventilators are suitable down to 20kg.
• Below 20kg, a paediatric ventilator should be capable of delivering small
VT, rapid RR, variable inspiratory flow rates and different I:E ratios.
• Calculation of a small VT may be compromised because of compression
of gases in the ventilator tubing and a variable leak around the ETT.
More sophisticated ventilators may be capable of measuring expired VT,
which is of more practical value.
• Some ventilators are designed to work with specific breathing systems.
The Newton valve converts the Penlon Nuffield 200 ventilator from a
time-​cycled flow generator to a time-​cycled pressure generator and can
be attached directly to the expiratory limb of the Ayre’s T-​piece. It is
suitable for neonates and children up to 20kg.
• New anaesthetic workstations incorporate integral ventilators attached
to circle systems suitable for paediatric practice.
• Pressure-​controlled ventilation is commonly used and reduces the
risk of barotrauma/​pneumothorax. This mode will compensate for a
leak around the ETT, but not for changes in lung compliance, partial or
complete tube obstruction or bronchospasm.
• Volume control can make an allowance for changes in lung compliance,
but at a potential cost of high peak airway pressures. It does not
compensate for leaks around the ETT.
• The use of volume guarantee/​pressure control provides a balance.
• Ultimately, setting ventilator parameters is based on clinical observation.
Inspiratory flow, pressure or volume is gradually i until adequate
chest movement is observed. Measurement of capnography and SpO2
confirms normocapnia and adequate oxygenation. The peak airway
pressure is kept to a minimum.

912 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• Most children can be ventilated adequately with inspiratory pressures

of 16–​20cmH2O and an RR between 16 and 24 breaths/​min. Normally,
inspiratory pressure should not exceed 30cmH2O. The rate can be
adjusted accordingly to achieve normocapnia. A minimum PEEP of
4cmH2O is advisable for infants and neonates to maintain FRC.
• The immediate ability to hand-​ventilate using the Ayre’s T-​piece is
essential. It should always be available in the event of unexpected
desaturation or ventilator failure (plus a bag–​valve–​mask). Mechanical
ventilation may be unsuitable for the small premature neonate.
• With gastroschisis and exomphalos, hand ventilation facilitates
assessment of changes in lung compliance to help determine how much
of the abdominal contents should be reduced back into the abdominal
cavity. Hand ventilation during repair of a tracheoesophageal fistula can
allow the surgeon maximum exposure and time to perform the repair.
Conduct of anaesthesia 913

Conduct of anaesthesia
See % Chapter 16 for general information on conduct of anaesthesia.
Preoperative assessment
(See % Chapter 2 for general information on preoperative considerations.)
The preoperative visit is essential in establishing a rapport with both
parents and children and in helping to dissipate anxiety. Communication
should be simple, informative and truthful.
• Involve the parents, but try to question the child directly when
appropriate and stay at eye level if possible.
• A preadmission visit reduces parental anxiety and is beneficial to
children over 6y. Play therapists can help provide an informal setting and
prepare the child by describing the course of events from the ward to
induction of anaesthesia. A collection of photographs, video or virtual-​
reality tools may be helpful.6
Preoperative investigations
Routine preoperative Hb is indicated for:
• Neonates and ex-​premature infants under 1y
• Children at risk of SCD (see % pp. 257–9)
• Children for whom intraoperative transfusion may be necessary
• Children with systemic disease.
A preoperative Hb of <100g/​L is abnormal and needs to be investigated.
It does not necessarily entail cancellation if the child is haemodynamically
stable and otherwise well.
Routine biochemistry is required for:
• Children with metabolic, endocrine or renal disease
• Children receiving IV fluids.
The child with an upper respiratory tract infection
The preschool child develops 6–​8 URTIs per year. Almost 25% of children
have a chronic runny nose due to seasonal rhinitis or adenoidal infection.
• Anaesthesia in the presence of an intercurrent URTI is associated with a
higher risk of complications in younger children, particularly <1y. There
is an i incidence of coughing, breath-​holding, desaturation, excess
secretions, airway obstruction, laryngospasm and bronchospasm. This
risk is i if the child is intubated.
• Children with moderate to severe chest infections should be
postponed. This will include those with productive cough, purulent nasal
discharge, pyrexia, abnormal chest auscultation and signs of viraemia or
constitutional illness, including diarrhoea and vomiting.
• The child with a mild URTI is a difficult problem. The history in these
cases is crucial. It is important to decide whether the child is at the
beginning or at the end of the URTI. Other members of the family or
children at school may have already experienced the same infection, and
this can provide useful information.
• A child deemed to be post-​viral, apyrexial, with no chest signs and constitu-
tionally well is probably fit for surgery, even if they have a runny nose.
• The decision to proceed is not always clear and requires careful
discussion with the parents. Level of urgency, complexity of surgery,
informed consent, good clinical judgement and experience are key
factors in these decisions.

914 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• Preoperative bronchodilators may reduce adverse airway events.

Propofol induction is associated with fewer complications than
sevoflurane. Awake extubation is the safer option.
• Significant URTI requires postponement for a minimum of 2w and
at least 4w if lower respiratory tract involvement is suspected.
Bronchiolitis warrants a delay of at least 6w.
The child with a murmur
The majority of pathological murmurs are diagnosed perinatally. These chil-
dren will already be under the care of paediatric cardiology.
• Previously unreported murmurs are commonly heard at 2–​4y. The
majority are functional.
• A systolic murmur with normal heart sounds and palpable peripheral
pulses in a child with normal O2 saturations and no limitation in exercise
tolerance can be assumed to be innocent. If any doubt, defer surgery
until a formal assessment has been made.
• NICE guidelines no longer recommend routine antibiotic prophylaxis for
surgery in patients at risk of infectious endocarditis. However, if a child
requires prophylactic antibiotics for a GI or genitourinary procedure,
these should also include drugs effective against organisms that cause
infectious endocarditis.
The anxious or uncooperative child
Two-​thirds of children have significant anxiety at induction. This may be due
to fear of pain, e.g. cannulation, or general anxiety about anaesthesia and
the operation.
• Children with behavioural issues, such as autism or ADHD, may
cause particular problems.7,8 If the problem can be anticipated, a
multidisciplinary approach should be adopted and a plan instituted
for the anaesthetic room. (See % pp. 95–6 for patients with learning
disabilities and/​or autism.)
• Some general tips:
• Agree a plan with the parents beforehand and involve the parents as
much as possible.
• Medical equipment can be frightening. Keep the amount on display to
a minimum and draw up drugs in advance.
• Minimise the number of people in the anaesthetic room and maintain
a calm, quiet atmosphere.
• Only one person at a time should speak to the child, at eye level if
• Adapt the technique to the child’s personality and
developmental level.
• Support coping strategies or distraction techniques, e.g. book,
bubbles or digital aids.
• Premedication can be useful, and older children may choose this option.
PO or buccal midazolam is commonly used, with dexmedetomidine
or ketamine as an alternative, either alone or in combination with
midazolam. Clonidine may be a useful option for autistic children.
• A decision on whether to proceed should centre on the best interests
of the child.
• There should be a clinical holding policy as a guideline to facilitate clinical
Conduct of anaesthesia 915

Child protection
• Child protection training is mandatory for all hospital staff who work
with children.9
• Anaesthetists may become suspicious of child abuse during
resuscitation, on PICU, in the anaesthetic room, during the course of a
surgical procedure or rarely by direct disclosure.10
• In these situations, it is essential to act in the best interests of the child.
• If there is concern about suspected abuse, the first point of contact
should be the named clinical lead for safeguarding children or the
consultant paediatrician on call.
(See also % p. 42.)
Allow time at the end of the preoperative assessment for parents and
children to ask questions. Adopt the principle of shared decision-​making
and discuss the risks associated with GA. Discuss the options of IV or
inhalational induction and plans for postoperative pain relief.
• Obtain consent for suppository, neuraxial blockade or regional/​
peripheral nerve block, if indicated.
• A young person is deemed competent to consent from 16y.
• Children under 16y may have the capacity to decide, depending on their
ability to understand what is involved (Gillick competence). A Gillick-​
competent child can consent to treatment against parental wishes but
cannot refuse it.
Anaesthetic neurotoxicity
• There is evidence from infant animal models that neuronal apoptosis
and neurodegeneration may be caused by prolonged or multiple
• To date, results from studies in the human infant have failed to show
adverse effects on cognitive development from a single anaesthetic
episode of short duration <1h.
• Parents/​carers can be advised that surgery is carried out in infants only
when necessary and that currently there is no indication of a long-​term
neurological effect from a single anaesthetic exposure.11
Preoperative fasting
(See % pp. 57–8.)
Fasting instructions (Table 36.11) are designed to minimise the risk of re-
gurgitation of gastric contents with consequent pulmonary aspiration.
• Fasting reduces the gastric volume but does not guarantee an empty
stomach. Prolonged fasting does not further reduce the risk of
aspiration and, in infants, can lead to dehydration and hypoglycaemia.
• Infants may be at greater risk of regurgitation due to reduced lower
oesophageal sphincter tone and a tendency for stomach distension
during mask ventilation. However, the incidence of pneumonitis
following aspiration in children is much lower than in adults.12
• One-​hour fluid fasting for clear fluids does not significantly alter gastric
pH or residual volume, compared with 2h.13
• Clear fluids can be given safely up to 1h preoperatively,14 and the intake of
fluids (either water or a fruit squash drink) should be encouraged. Children
are less irritable at induction, and there may be a reduction in PONV.

916 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Table 36.11 Guidelines for preoperative fasting periods

Ingested material Minimum fast (h)

Infants <1y Children >1y
Clear liquids 1 1
Breast milk 4 4
Formula milk 6 6
Light meal and all milk 6 6
Source: data from Thomas M, et al. (2018). Consensus statement on clear fluids fasting for
elective pediatric general anesthesia. Pediatr Anesth, 28, 411–​14; however, there may be unit

• Contraindications to reduced fasting times include gastro-​oesophageal

reflux disease, oesophageal stricture, achalasia, gastroparesis and severe
cerebral palsy.
• The data for milk and solid food are less clear. Breast milk is cleared
from the stomach more rapidly than formula milk in infants.
• Every unit should have fasting guidelines. Close liaison with ward staff
ensures that children receive adequate clear fluid preoperatively and
that milk feeds for neonates and infants are appropriately timed.
Topical anaesthetics
Topical LA preparations reduce the pain of venepuncture and facilitate IV
• EMLA® cream is a eutectic mixture of 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5%
prilocaine in a 1:1 ratio. It should be applied for at least 45min and
can produce vasoconstriction. The duration of action is 30–​60min.
EMLA® should be avoided in premature infants <37w and used with
caution in children <1y receiving medication that may predispose to
• Ametop® is a 4% gel formulation of tetracaine (amethocaine). The
onset time is 30min for venesection and 45min for cannulation. There is
a prolonged duration of action (4–​6h) after the gel has been removed.
It is licensed from 4w of age and has vasodilating properties. There may
be a higher incidence of allergic reactions. The gel should be applied
for no longer than 90min and removed earlier if a rash or itchiness
• LMX 4® is topical 4% lidocaine and should be applied at least 30min
before procedure. It should not be left on the skin >60min in a 1–​2mo
old, 4h if 3–​11mo and 5h if 1–​17y.
• It is important to identify the veins to be anaesthetised and not blindly
apply the LA preparation to the dorsum of each hand. Keep the area
bandaged to prevent removal or licking of the preparation!
• Ethyl chloride is a cryoanalgesic. It is useful when topical LA
preparations are either contraindicated or forgotten.
Conduct of anaesthesia 917

(See % Premedicants, pp. 66–8; % Sedation, p. 419.)
Routine sedative premedication is not necessary (‘parents are often the
best premedication’).
• Sedative premedication is used to reduce anxiety and facilitate
compliance at induction (Table 36.12).15
• It may also reduce PONV and postoperative delirium. Postoperative
amnesia with midazolam may reduce postoperative behavioural
changes, including nightmares, bedwetting and eating disorders,
especially in the preschool child.
• Recovery time may be prolonged.
• Indications for premedication include excessive anxiety or non-​
compliance, previous distress, learning disability and behavioural issues.
• Contraindications include an anticipated difficult airway, OSA, reduced
conscious level, raised ICP and i risk of aspiration.
• Infants have not yet developed a fear of strangers and appear relatively
undisturbed when separated from their mothers. The preschool child
is vulnerable to separation anxiety in a strange environment, but
without the ability to reason. Children from 3 to 6y may require a
simple explanation and children from 6 to 12y will need a more detailed
explanation and a sense of control. Older children or adolescents may
request premedication.
• PO midazolam is commonly used. It acts within 20–​30min to reduce
anxiety, leading to a more cooperative child, but with minimal delay
in recovery. The IV formulation is often used but is extremely bitter
and should be diluted in fruit juice or paracetamol syrup. The newer
preparation of buccal midazolam (Buccolam®) is tasteless and requires
little cooperation from the child. It does not affect fasting and has a
quicker onset of 10–​15min. Midazolam can also be given intranasally
where it has a rapid onset of action within 5–​15min but is poorly
tolerated because of the burning sensation in the nasal mucosa. Use a
mucosal atomiser device and divide the dose between each nostril.
• Ketamine causes excessive salivation and postoperative emergence
delirium (although these may be less frequent in children). It should be
given PO in combination with midazolam or IM as a last resort (use
the 50mg/​mL preparation). The latter option would require careful
discussion with the parents.
• Clonidine is tasteless. It may reduce the postoperative analgesic
requirement. It has a slow onset and recovery time and may cause
bradycardia and hypotension; there is no amnesic effect.
• Dexmedetomidine may be useful intranasally as a 3rd-​line drug if other
options have failed.
• An antisialogogue may be required for children with excessive
secretions, e.g. Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy, and for the
suspected difficult airway in younger children and co-​administration
with ketamine. Absorption of oral atropine is variable. To be
certain of efficacy, administer atropine 10 micrograms/​kg IM 30min
preoperatively or glycopyrronium bromide (5 micrograms/​kg) IM or IV.

918 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Table 36.12 Sedative premedication

Drug Dose Route Onset Duration

1st line
Midazolam 0.5mg/​kg PO 20–​30min 1–​2h
Max: 20mg
0.2mg/​kg Buccal 10–​15min 1–​2h
Max: 10mg
0.3mg/​kg Nasal 10–​15min 1–​2h
Max: 10mg
2nd line
Midazolam + 0.5mg/​kg + PO 20min 1–​3h
ketamine 3mg/​kg
Clonidine 4micro​grams/​ PO 45–​60min 6h
Midazolam + 0.5mg/​kg + 2 PO 30min 6h
clonidine micro​grams/​kg
3rd line
Ketamine 5–​10mg/​kg PO 20–​30min 3–​4h
3mg/​kg IM 5–​10min 3–​4h
Dexmedetomidine 2–4micro-​ Nasal 45min 90min
Max: 200

Parents in the anaesthetic room

In the UK, a parent is routinely allowed into the anaesthetic room, while
their child is anaesthetised. Enforced separation disempowers the parent
and is an emotionally traumatic experience for both parent and child.
• Parents are naturally anxious over the loss of control, a strange
environment and the possibility of adverse events. Unfortunately, this
parental anxiety may communicate itself to the child.
• Parental presence should not be compulsory. It is not always beneficial
and may even be counterproductive with a very anxious parent.
Evidence of benefit has only been demonstrated for children older than
4y with a calm parent attending the induction.
• Preschool children are especially at risk of behavioural disturbance,
probably because of difficulties in reasoning. In contrast, some
adolescents may not wish their parents to accompany them.
• Anaesthetic induction appears to be the most distressing event
experienced by parents. Separation from the child after induction,
watching the child become unconscious and the degree of stress
experienced by the child before induction are all important factors.
• The parent should always be accompanied by a nurse or play therapist
who can support and escort them out of the theatre suite after
induction of anaesthesia. It is less common to allow both parents into
the anaesthetic room; be aware of the space constraints.
Conduct of anaesthesia 919

Induction of anaesthesia
(See also % pp. 406–9.)
• Induction should occur in a child-​friendly environment. A dedicated
paediatric theatre is not always an option. In these circumstances, a
customised paediatric anaesthetic trolley incorporating a comprehensive
range of airway and vascular equipment is important.
• Prepare drugs and equipment before the child arrives. Recheck the
weight (Table 36.4).
• Online calculators or smartphone apps can be useful to check doses.
• Precalculate the dose (and volume) of atropine and suxamethonium in
prepared syringes, as it may be given by your assistant in an emergency
(see Table 36.15). A 10mL syringe of propofol is useful as a 1st-​line
treatment for laryngospasm.
• SpO2 is the minimum monitoring acceptable in the anaesthetic room,
although it will not read accurately on the agitated child. Many children
will tolerate an ECG and a BP cuff prior to induction.
Inhalational induction
(See also % pp. 391–2.)
• It is important to learn more than one method. Not all children are
susceptible to the same technique.
• Sevoflurane is rapidly acting, enabling a smooth induction. It is not
odourless but is relatively non-​irritant. For the suspected difficult airway,
use sevoflurane in 100% O2; otherwise 50% N2O/​O2 is satisfactory, and
anecdotally N2O may obtund the child’s sense of smell, facilitating induction.
• Emergence delirium has a reported incidence of 20% with sevoflurane.
There is a strong association with ENT surgery, preschool ♂ , parental
and patient anxiety, rapid awakening and inadequate analgesia. A single
dose of propofol 1mg/​kg at the end of surgery may be of benefit.
• Involve the parent as much as possible. This may involve holding the
child or even helping with the induction.
• Position the child either supine on the trolley or across the lap of the
parent, so that the parent or anaesthetic assistant can gently restrain the
arms, if necessary. Warn the parent that the child’s head will become
floppy and need support.
• For smaller children, a cupped hand method is useful. Occlude the end
of the bag to direct all the FGF towards the patient’s mouth and nose.
• A face mask is often tolerated by older children. This can be held by the
parent, child or anaesthetist, and the child can be encouraged to blow
up the bag ‘like a balloon’. A flavoured face mask may be useful initially,
but the volatile agent rapidly becomes the dominant smell.
• The parent should be warned of abnormal movements when the child
is nearly anaesthetised.
• Once anaesthesia is achieved and the eyelash reflex is absent,
anaesthesia can be maintained with another volatile agent, if desired.
Intravenous induction
• The smaller child sits across the parent’s lap, and the arm is placed
under the parent’s axilla, thereby obstructing the child’s view. The older
child will usually lie on the trolley, with the parent on one side holding
the child’s hand, while the other is cannulated.
• The induction agent of choice is propofol 3–​5mg/​kg, with 1% lidocaine
(1mL/​10mL propofol) added to reduce pain on injection.

920 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Propofol is licensed for children over 1mo.

• If using a small vein, the dilution of propofol with an equal volume of
0.9% sodium chloride significantly reduces pain on injection.
• The Paedfusor TCI system is approved for >1mo or >5kg.16 The dose
is age-​dependent and proportionally greater than the adult dose due to
the higher volume of distribution and clearance in children.
• Thiopental 4–​6mg/​kg is a suitable alternative and is licensed for
neonates (2mg/​kg).
• Ketamine 2mg/​kg is useful for haemodynamically compromised
patients, usually in conjunction with fentanyl 1–​2 micrograms/​kg.
Emergence phenomena are less common in children, especially in
combination with midazolam, but the incidence of PONV and salivation
is higher.
Comparison of intravenous and inhalational induction
• IV induction is simple and safer but is associated with more hypoxia,
possibly because children are rarely preoxygenated.
• Inhalational induction produces more coughing and laryngospasm.
• In practice, it seems prudent to opt for IV induction, if possible, unless
the child actively chooses an inhalational method.
Tips for cannulation
Securing IV access can be difficult, even for paediatric anaesthetists! It is im-
portant to realise this; relax and send for help, if necessary. Good lighting,
patience, competent anaesthetic assistance and a selection of cannulae with
prepared 0.9% sodium chloride flush syringes are all essential.
• Neonates often have surprisingly good superficial veins on the hand
and wrist. Conversely, healthy children between 3mo and 2y can be
notoriously difficult because of the fat pads over the hands and feet.
Filling a knotted disposable surgical glove with warm water and placing
over the dorsum of the hand may be helpful.
• Compression of a limb by the assistant should be gentle to act
as a venous, rather than an arterial, tourniquet. The skin is often
mobile and should be gently stretched. In neonates, it may be easier
for the anaesthetist to flex and squeeze the wrist with their non-​
cannulating hand.
• Examine the wrists and dorsum of the feet for superficial veins. Scalp
veins are possible in neonates. Long saphenous and cephalic veins may
be palpated.
• In some children, most commonly in the feet, the skin is surprisingly
tough and a small nick in the skin with a 21G needle may be necessary.
Loosening the cap of the cannula or priming with 0.9% sodium chloride
will enhance flashback of blood in small veins.
• Transfixion is possible in smaller children. It is potentially useful for
all veins, but especially in ‘blind’ long saphenous and femoral vein
cannulation. Slowly pull back the cannula until in the vein, and then
gently advance.
• If cannulating the femoral vein, a small support under the pelvis and
slight external rotation may be useful.
• A handheld near-​infrared device (e.g. AccuVein®) can be very useful
for identifying veins on the dorsum of the hands and feet that can be
neither visualised nor palpated.
Conduct of anaesthesia 921

• Ultrasound is useful for difficult access. A small ‘footprint’ probe of

7–​10MHz is suitable for most ages. It is particularly useful for central
venous and peripheral arterial access, but veins in the upper arm and
the long saphenous vein can also be visualised.16
• If all else fails, intraosseous access can be an invaluable alternative.
Observing aseptic precautions, prepare an area of the skin over the
anteromedial aspect of the tibia, 1cm below and medial to the tibial
tuberosity. The IO needle is inserted perpendicularly to the skin and
advanced in a twisting, pushing movement against the bone, until there
is a sudden loss of resistance. The position is confirmed if the needle
remains upright without support and marrow can be aspirated, and fluid
can be administered without SC swelling around the entry site. Children
can be successfully anaesthetised via this route and the IO route is
particularly useful in fluid resuscitation of the shocked child before
definitive IV access can be gained. Routine blood samples, including X-​
match, can be taken from this site before induction. Battery-​powered
devices are available (EZ-​IO®).
• Surgical cut-​down is rarely needed and often technically difficult, and
should be reserved as a last resort.
Airway management
Airway complications, including coughing, laryngospasm and upper airway
obstruction, are more common in children.
• Use chin lift and jaw thrust to maintain a clear airway.
• Hyperextension of the neck in the neonate often occludes the airway,
and a neutral position is usually more successful. A small shoulder
roll (towel or gauze roll) may be beneficial to achieve this. For older
children, the adult ‘sniffing the morning air’ position should be adopted.
• Smaller children do not require a pillow; this may lead to unwanted
head flexion.
• The paediatric face mask should be accurately sized and held gently,
but firmly, on the face with the thumb and forefinger. The other fingers
should curl around and grip the mandible. It is important to avoid
pressing on the floor of the mouth, which will push the tongue forward
and obstruct the airway.
• Early use of an OPA may be useful in older children, especially if the
child has grossly enlarged tonsils. Caution in a lightly anaesthetised child,
as this risks laryngospasm.
• A nasopharyngeal airway may be helpful. This should be well lubricated.
It is indicated in cases of micrognathia and can be inserted at lighter
levels of anaesthesia.
• The most important technique in the management of the airway is
judicious use of CPAP. Ensure a good seal with the face mask, and then
partially occlude the bag of the Ayre’s T-​piece.
(See also % pp. 370–1.)
Laryngospasm is more common in children. Additional risk factors include
inhalational induction, asthma, URTI and chronic lung disease. Children be-
come cyanotic more rapidly than adults because of i metabolic rate/​O2
consumption and reduced FRC.

922 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• Bradycardia is a premorbid event, indicating an inadequate CO and a

significant risk of cerebral hypoxia.
• Partial laryngospasm management:
• 100% O2
• Gentle assisted ventilation
• Propofol incremental 0.5mg/​kg boluses.
• Complete laryngospasm management:
• 100% O2
• Assisted ventilation may exacerbate the condition by inflating the
stomach and forcing the arytenoids and false cords against the true
vocal cords
• Early administration of suxamethonium:
1–​2mg/​kg IV
4mg/​kg IM to thigh with massage
3mg/​kg submental (extraoral approach), intralingual with massage is
described, but not preferred due to less familiarity with this route.
• Atropine 10–​20 micrograms/​kg may be necessary. Precalculate
these doses and volumes.
(For ETT size, see % p. 910.)
• Neonatal intubation is not normally difficult, only different. The
neonate has:
• Proportionately larger head, shorter neck, larger tongue and smaller
• Larynx that is more anterior/​superior (C3–​C4, compared
with C5–​C6)
• Epiglottis that is large, floppy, U-​shaped and with obliquely angled
vocal cords.
• In the absence of recognised medical conditions with associated airway
complications, paediatric intubation is usually straightforward.
• Below 6mo of age, a straight-​bladed laryngoscope can improve the view
of the glottis. The head should be in a neutral position, and the shoulders
supported if necessary. Advance the straight blade past the larynx,
then withdraw slowly until the larynx becomes visible, i.e. the blade is
posterior to the epiglottis. (The blade is used to lift the large, floppy, U-​
shaped epiglottis out of the way.) Gentle cricoid pressure is often helpful.
If nasal intubation is required, use a laryngoscope blade with minimal
guttering to allow more room for instrumentation in the oropharynx.
Over 6mo of age, a curved blade is usually easier. Intubation can be
performed with the blade resting in the vallecula, as in adults.
• Most intubated neonates will also require an NGT (8–​10Fr).
• Always have a range of ETTs available, including a half size above and
below the original estimation.
• Complications are common. Oesophageal and endobronchial
intubation, extubation, kinking of the tube and disconnection should
all be anticipated. Secretions are far more likely to cause obstruction
because of the smaller tube sizes involved, and periodic suction may
be necessary. Confirm the length of the tube by auscultation before
Conduct of anaesthesia 923

• Intubation increases the work of breathing. The reduction in the

cross-​sectional area of the neonatal trachea with a size 3.5 tube in situ
increases airway resistance by a factor of 16. Most intubated infants
should undergo controlled ventilation as part of the anaesthetic
Tube fixation
Tube fixation is crucial. The neonatal trachea is only 4cm in length.
Inadvertent extubation and endobronchial intubation are common.
• Secure with a ‘three-​point fixation’ to prevent movement of the tube in
all three planes.
• Two pieces of trouser-​shaped Elastoplast® may be used, with one ‘leg’
across the upper lip while the other ‘leg’ is wrapped around the tube.
An OPA helps splint the tube.
• There are numerous other methods of fixation, all equally valid. The
tube should be secured to the maxilla, rather than to the more mobile
Difficult intubation
(See also % p. 367; % Unanticipated difficult airway in adults, pp. 368–72.)
The key to difficult intubation is to identify the at-​risk patient and plan
accordingly with appropriate assistance and equipment.
• Some conditions are well known to be associated with airway problems
(e.g. Pierre–​Robin, Treacher Collins and Goldenhar syndromes). Other
patients can be identified by assessment of the airway preoperatively,
specifically the presence of micrognathia and retrognathia.18
• Optional premedication with atropine 20 micrograms/​kg IM or
glycopyrronium 5 micrograms/​kg IM 30min preoperatively to dry
• The traditional method is deep inhalational anaesthesia with CPAP and
IV access. Laryngoscopy and intubation are attempted with the patient
breathing spontaneously.
• Halothane is now rarely available, and sevoflurane is the agent of
choice. A propofol infusion can be used to supplement this technique.
• HFNO can double apnoea time for desaturation <90% in well
• A blind nasal approach to intubation is possible, but experience in the
technique is declining and there is a risk of trauma.
• An SGA will often secure the airway adequately, without the need for
• If intubation is still necessary, it may be possible to pass a bougie
through an SGA into the trachea and then railroad an ETT. A size 3
iLMA is available and may be suitable for a larger child. An FOB can also
be used via the LMA.
• Videolaryngoscopy allows a magnified, high-​resolution view of the
airway, with visual confirmation of intubation. The blade is usually
inserted in the midline without a tongue sweep. Most are now available
in a range of neonatal and paediatric sizes.20
• FOB intubation is rarely necessary. Children need to be anaesthetised,
but a propofol infusion is an alternative method to volatile anaesthesia.
Smaller-​size neonatal and paediatric bronchoscopes do not all have a
suction channel and should be checked to confirm that the selected ETT
will fit over them.

924 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• Conventional ETTs may be difficult to railroad, and armoured tubes

should be considered. Alternatively, a guide-​wire can be inserted into
the trachea using the suction channel. An exchange catheter is passed
over the wire, and then the ETT railroaded over the exchange catheter.
• A tracheostomy is rarely required. It is exceedingly difficult as an
emergency procedure. Paediatric percutaneous cricothyroidotomy
cannulae are available in 18G and 16G sizes and should be available in
the anaesthetic room.
• Paediatric DAS guidelines for the difficult airway should be readily
Rapid sequence induction
(See also % pp. 388–90.)
• Ranitidine and metoclopramide are not routinely prescribed.
• Preoxygenation does not usually present problems with infants and
older children but may be more difficult in preschool children.
• Inhalational induction may be necessary, after which cricoid force can be
applied while breathing spontaneously.
• Suxamethonium should be preceded by atropine to prevent
bradycardia. Rocuronium 1.2mg/​kg is a suitable alternative.
• Cricoid force may reduce aspiration and stomach inflation but,
especially if excessive, can impede face mask ventilation, laryngoscopy
and passage of the ETT. It should be reduced if difficulties with
ventilation or laryngoscopy are encountered.
• There should be a low threshold for using an NGT in neonates and
small infants. If already in situ in the neonate, it should remain in place,
rather than being removed. There is no consensus for older children.
• The child should be extubated awake in the left lateral position.
• Position the infant and smaller child with both arms raised at the level
of the head. Exposure of the hand allows assessment of the pulse,
peripheral temperature, colour and capillary refill. A blocked IV may be
more easily cleared and a new cannula may be easier to site.
• The pulse oximeter probe should be sited on the same arm as the
IV infusion, and the contralateral arm to the BP cuff. Avoid oximeter
probes on the feet, as the trace is often lost once abdominal surgery
• Check that the ETT is still in situ and securely fixed, and that the lungs
are being ventilated adequately and equally.
• The connections should all be secure, and the breathing system
supported, if necessary.
• Confirm that cannulae are secure, working and accessible; extension
tubing may be necessary. Three-​way taps allow the administration of
drugs and fluid volume when necessary. Neonatal surgery requires a
minimum of two cannulae (maintenance and volume).
• Blood sugar should be checked regularly.
• Even small air bubbles in IV fluids can be potentially harmful to infants,
especially in the presence of an ASD or VSD.
Conduct of anaesthesia 925

• Theatre temperature should be about 21°C and preheated. The child’s

head should be covered, and body exposure reduced to a minimum.
It is easier to prevent hypothermia than to treat it. Both IV fluids and
surgical wash should be warmed.
• Minimum monitoring should include ECG, BP (with appropriately
sized cuff ), SpO2, capnography, temperature, inspired and expired
anaesthetic agent (if used) and gas monitoring, airway pressure
and peripheral nerve stimulation (if an NMBA has been used). The
ventilator alarm should be set to appropriate values.
• The width of the BP cuff should be 20% greater than the diameter of
the arm to avoid artefactually raised BP.
• Electronic monitoring is often unreliable with the sick or shocked
neonate. It should support, but not replace, clinical observation.
• Do not let surgery start until you are ready and the preoperative checks
have been completed.
• Anaesthetic complications in paediatric practice are as common during
maintenance as at induction or in the postoperative period.
Following surgery, the child should be warm, well oxygenated, normocarbic
and pain-​free. A cold, acidotic neonate will not breathe postoperatively.
• SGAs can be removed, either deep or awake. If an armoured LMA is
in situ, a bite block will be needed. There is often a stage shortly before
waking when the mouth opens slightly to mimic a small yawn; this is an
ideal opportunity to deftly remove the LMA.
• Most children should be extubated awake. If warm and with adequate
analgesia, this is tolerated well. Exceptions include tonsillectomy and
other procedures when coughing is to be avoided. In these cases, deep
extubation may be preferable.
• Neonates should be extubated awake, preceded by an assisted
ventilation to preoxygenate the lungs.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting
(See also % pp. 442–6.)
PONV is unusual under the age of 3y and more common in post-​pubertal
girls. Predictors include type of procedure (adenotonsillectomy, squint sur-
gery), duration of surgery, travel sickness and previous PONV.
• Opioids increase the risk of PONV. Regional anaesthesia and other
opioid-​sparing techniques should be encouraged.
• There is some evidence of reduced PONV with TIVA in children. N2O
does not appear to be associated with an i risk of PONV in children.
• In children at high risk of PONV, consider combination therapy of IV
ondansetron 150 micrograms/​kg up to 4mg IV and dexamethasone 150
micrograms/​kg up to 8mg.22
• Cyclizine is no longer recommended for reducing PONV in children.

926 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Postoperative pain relief

Children feel pain as much as adults. Underdosage is common due to in-
adequate knowledge and fear of side effects. Poor-​quality pain relief can
lead to prolonged hospital stay, maladaptive behaviour (temper tantrums,
bed-​wetting and nightmares) and chronic pain issues.
• Similar principles to adult practice apply (see % pp. 1152–3), including the
application of multimodal analgesia and specialised pain charts.23
• Pain assessment can be challenging with infants and neonates. Use
physiological/​behavioural pain scales, e.g. the Children’s Revised
Impact of Event Scale (CRIES) is used for infants ≥38w of gestation.
Characteristics of crying, O2 requirement, i vital signs, facial expression
and sleep state are scored. A maximal score of 10 is possible. If the
CRIES score is >4, further pain assessment should be undertaken.
Analgesic administration is indicated for a score of ≥6.
• The FLACC Scale is used for children who are unable to communicate
their pain (ages 2–​7). Each of the five categories (face, legs, activity,
consolability and cry) is scored from 0 to 2. The total score will lie in the
range of 0–​10, where 0 represents no pain and 7–​10 represents severe
• Older children may be able to self-​report using faces charts, e.g. Wong–​
Baker or visual analogue scales.
• Use non-​pharmacological methods such as explanation, reassurance and
distraction (stories, play, music).
• Paracetamol and NSAIDs (Table 36.13) are widely prescribed for minor
cases/​day surgery and for their opioid-​sparing effects. Drugs should
be given regularly. Single doses of IV perioperative analgesics should
be documented on the ward drug chart to avoid duplicate doses being
given postoperatively.
• Codeine is no longer recommended for children under 12y.
• Opioids: morphine infusions can be administered cautiously to
neonates, and as nurse-​controlled analgesia (NCA) for smaller children
with a background infusion. PCA can be used effectively in children as
young as 6y, some with a low background infusion. Bolus function must
not be activated by parents (Table 36.14).
• Caudal analgesia and PNBs are extremely useful for day cases.
• Epidural blockade is of proven benefit in abdominal and orthopaedic
surgery. Below 6mo, it is technically easier, and possibly safer, to insert
the catheter via the caudal route (see % pp. 929–30).
• Ultrasound-​guided blocks are common in children using the same
principles and landmarks as adults.
• Nerve infusion catheters and wound catheters are gaining popularity.
• Liaison with ward staff is crucial, and a standardised multidisciplinary
team approach, preferably with an acute pain service, is ideal.
• Drugs doses may need to be modified in obese or underweight patients.
Postoperative pain relief 927

Regional anaesthesia
Successful regional blockade provides conditions for light and haemo-
dynamically stable GA. The stress response is attenuated and early, pain-​
free emergence is possible, leading to a smooth postoperative recovery.
• Few children tolerate these techniques awake, and the majority of
regional blocks are performed on anaesthetised patients.
• Motor blockade is unnecessary and low concentrations of LA can
be used. The most widely used solutions are 0.25% bupivacaine/​
levobupivacaine and 0.2% ropivacaine.

Table 36.13 An example of analgesia prescribing guidance in children

Mild to moderate pain

Neonates and infants 10mg/​kg IV 8-​hourly
15mg/​kg PO 6-​hourly
10–​50kg 15mg/​kg PO/​IV 6-​hourly
>50kg 1g PO/​IV 6-​hourly
1–​3mo 5mg/​kg PO 8-​hourly
>3mo 10mg/​kg PO 6-​hourly
>6mo 1mg/​kg PO/​PR 8-​hourly
0.5mg/​kg IV 6-​hourly

100micrograms/​kg PO 6-​hourly

Moderate to severe pain

Neonate to 3mo 100micrograms/​kg PO 3–​4 hourly
3mo to 1y 200micrograms/​kg PO 3–​4 hourly
>1y 300micrograms/​kg PO 3–​4 hourly
NSAIDs: caution with renal impairment, asthma and low platelets. If possible, administer
with food.
Note that there may be slight variation in guidance between different institutions.
Do not exceed adult doses.
Source: data from Mason DG et al. Guidance for prescribing pain relief in children. Paediatrics
at the Nuffield Department of Anaesthetists (P@NDA), Oxford University Hospitals NHS
Trust, 2019.

928 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Table 36.14 Typical IV morphine options for severe postoperative pain in


Morphine 50–​100 micrograms/​kg IV incremental boluses

Morphine Morphine 1mg/​kg in 50mL of 0.9% sodium chloride, i.e.
infusion 20 micrograms/​kg/​mL
Rate: 1–​2mL/​h (20–​40 micrograms/​kg/​h)
Morphine NCA Morphine 1mg/​kg in 50mL of 0.9% sodium chloride, i.e.
20 micrograms/​kg/​mL
Rate: 0.5–​1mL/​h. Bolus: 1mL. Lockout: 15–​20min
Morphine PCA Morphine 1mg/​kg in 50mL of 0.9% sodium chloride, i.e.
20 micrograms/​kg/​mL
Rate: 0–​1mL/​h. Bolus: 1mL. Lockout: 5min
Caudal block 929

Caudal block
Caudal extradural analgesia has a wide application in children. It is suitable
for all surgery below the umbilicus, including general surgery, urology and
orthopaedics. The technique is easier than with adults, with a higher suc-
cess rate of 795%. Epidural fat is less dense and less tightly packed in chil-
dren, with the result that LA can spread more easily and quickly. Therefore,
caudals can achieve a higher dermatomal block.24
• Position the patient in the left lateral position, with the legs flexed at the
hip. Aseptic technique is a prerequisite.
• Identify the sacral hiatus as the apex of an equilateral triangle with
the base formed by a line joining the posterior superior iliac spines
(Fig. 36.1).
• Alternatively, with the hips flexed at 90°, a line extended along the
midline of the right femur will intersect with the sacral hiatus. The natal
cleft does not always correspond to bony midline structures.
• Define the boundaries of the sacral hiatus. This is again a triangle
with the base formed by a line joining the sacral cornua and the apex
representing the lower part of the 4th sacral vertebra. The sacral hiatus
is covered by the sacrococcygeal membrane.
• Direct a short-​bevelled 22G or 20G cannula at 60° to the skin from the
midpoint of the line joining the sacral cornua. A small ‘give’ indicates
penetration of the sacrococcygeal membrane. Flatten the cannula or
needle slightly, then advance. If using a cannula, withdraw the stylet
to just behind the cannula before advancing the cannula into the
caudal space. Do not advance the needle or cannula any more than
is necessary. Advancement of a cannula, rather than a needle, may
reduce the incidence of inadvertent dural or vascular puncture. Easy
progression of the cannula is a good prognostic indicator of success.
• Draw up your medications now—​this ensures patience to observe any
blood or CSF flow passively up the cannula.
• Use a double-​aspiration technique; if the cannula is in a small vein, the
vein may simply collapse with the 1st aspiration. Aspiration should be
repeated during injection of the LA. The commonest reason for a failed
attempt is positioning the needle too caudally.
• Ultrasound can be used to assess the caudal anatomy and to confirm
the spread of the injectate in the caudal extradural space.25
• Levobupivacaine 0.25% is commonly administered. Current guidelines
recommend that doses should not exceed 2.5mg/​kg for caudal
bupivacaine, and the recommended volumes are 0.5mL/​kg for blockade
of sacral dermatomes, 1.0mL/​kg for lumbar dermatomes or 1.25mL/​kg
for lower thoracic dermatomes.24 Duration of the block averages 4–​8h.
• Caudal blockade can be extended with clonidine 1–​2 micrograms/​kg
but can cause intraoperative hypotension and postoperative sedation.
• Adrenaline has been implicated in cases of spinal ischaemia and should
be avoided.
• Morphine and diamorphine increase the incidence of urinary retention
and should be reserved for surgery in which catheterisation is required.
• Ketamine is no longer recommended, especially in younger children,
because of the potential risk of neuronal apoptosis.

930 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia



Fig. 36.1 Anatomy for caudal block.

Advantages/​complications of caudal analgesia

• Simple, safe and successful, with a wide range of indications.
• Motor block, paraesthesiae, hypotension, urinary retention, inadvertent
dural puncture and intravascular injection can all occur. All these
complications are rare using a single-​shot caudal technique.
Continuous caudal epidural analgesia
Caudal injection is restricted in its duration of action. A catheter can be
introduced into the epidural space via the caudal route. It is a safe and ef-
fective method of administering epidural analgesia in infants. The single
curve of the back allows the catheter to thread into the epidural space;
the tip of the catheter should be close to the level of the dermatomes that
need to be blocked.
• Over 2y of age, the development of a lumbosacral curvature tends to
lead to a higher failure rate. However, some authors claim comparable
success rates.
• Because of the proximity of the perineum, a caudal catheter should not
be left in situ for longer than 36h.
Epidural/subarachnoid block 931

Epidural/​subarachnoid block
(See also % pp. 1114–17.)
Epidural block
(See also % pp. 1164–6.)
Epidural blockade is technically more difficult in children and requires ex-
perience. The ligamentum flavum is less well developed, and the interver-
tebral spaces are narrower. In infants, the epidural space is rarely located
at a depth >15mm and often as superficially as 10mm from the skin. The
technique is similar to that used in adults. Either a midline or a paramedian
approach is acceptable. The NAP3 study demonstrated that paediatric epi-
durals resulted in fewer complications than adults.26 Severe neurological
complications, including fatalities, have been reported in association with
using air to find the epidural space in neonates. The caudal route may rep-
resent a safer alternative with this group.
• Epidural needle: 18G for infants/​children, 19G for neonates/​infants
(catheter ‘end-​hole’ only).
• For suitable doses, see Table 36.15.
Subarachnoid block
Paediatric spinal anaesthesia can be useful for herniotomy in neonates. The
procedure requires training specific to paediatrics and an experienced assistant.
• The infant needs to be firmly gripped in the lateral or sitting position.
The needle should be directed at right angles to the skin in the midline
below L3, with L5–​S1 reported as the safest approach. Prior infiltration
of LA into the skin will help prevent patient movement.
• The block has a rapid onset, but duration is rarely >40min. If sedation
is required during the surgery, the incidence of postoperative apnoea is
comparable with a GA technique.
• Spinal needle: 5cm, 22G.
• For suitable doses, see Table 36.15.

Table 36.15 Regional analgesia doses in children

Caudal extradural blockade Sacral: 0.5mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine

Lumbar: 1mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine
Thoracolumbar: 1.25mL/​kg (0.25%
bupivacaine diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride)
Supplements to extend duration Clonidine 1–​2 micrograms/​kg
of caudal
Lumbar epidural (intraoperative) 0.75mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine
Thoracic epidural (intraoperative) 0.5mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine
Epidural infusion 0.1% bupivacaine + fentanyl 2 micrograms/​
mL (sterile premixed bag)
Rate: 0.1–​0.4mL/​kg/​h
Spinal block 0.1mL/​kg of 0.5% ‘heavy’ bupivacaine +
0.06mL for needle dead space
Nerve infusion catheters 0.1–​0.4mL/​kg/​h
Wound catheters 0.1–​0.4mL/​kg/​h
Wound infiltration 1mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine

932 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Peripheral nerve blocks

PNBs are covered in depth in % Chapter 42. Only additional paediatric-​
specific information is covered here.27 Refer to % Chapter 42 for advice on
safety and performance of regional nerve blockade. Be advised that paedi-
atric LA doses are quoted as mL/​kg of a specific concentration of a specific
LA, as the volume is important. Do not confuse with maximum doses which
still apply and must be calculated to ensure they are not exceeded (see %
p. 1102).
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block
(See % pp. 1131–2.) Useful alternative to caudal blockade in herniotomy,
hydrocele and orchidopexy. It does not block pain from traction of
the spermatic cord or visceral peritoneum and is unsuitable for a high
orchidopexy. There is a 10% incidence of femoral nerve block. Should be
avoided for neonatal herniotomy, as the LA may obscure the operating
field. The block can be performed easily under direct vision by the surgeon.
Of note, the entry point is 1cm medial to the ASIS, not 2cm as in adults.
• Dose: 1mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine (retain 1–​2mL for an SC fan
injection laterally, medially and inferiorly).
Dorsal nerve block of penis
(See % p. 1132.) This block is indicated for distal surgery to the penis,
including circumcision, meatoplasty and simple hypospadias repair.
• Also consider ring block at base of penis with 25G or 27G needle, as
penile block does not always block the ventral surface of the penis.
• Dosage: 0.5mL/​kg of 0.5% bupivacaine.
Transversus abdominis plane block
(See % p. 1133.) Indicated for lower abdominal surgery, including
herniotomy, appendicectomy and some laparoscopic surgery.
• Dosage: 1mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine.
Rectus sheath block
(See % pp. 1133–4.) Indicated for midline hernias and single-​port laparo-
scopic surgery.
• Bilateral block with total dose: 1mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine.
Femoral nerve block
(See % p. 1136.) This block is indicated for surgery to the knee or femur.
• Dose: 0.5mL/​kg of 0.5% bupivacaine.
Sciatic nerve block
(See % pp. 1138–40.) This block is indicated for ankle surgery or lower limb
procedures, in combination with a femoral nerve block.
• Dosage: 0.5mL/​kg of 0.5% bupivacaine.
Axillary block
(See % p. 1122.) This block is indicated for hand and lower arm surgery.
• Dosage: 0.5mL/​kg of 0.5% bupivacaine.
Down’s syndrome/trisomy 21 933

Down’s syndrome/​trisomy 21
Down’s syndrome is the commonest congenital abnormality (1.6 per 1000
deliveries). It is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality and char-
acteristic dysmorphic features, including:
• Impaired global development
• Congenital cardiac defects (40%; predominantly endocardial cushion
• Eisenmenger’s syndrome (especially if there is associated OSA)
• Recurrent respiratory tract infection (relative immune deficiency
and a degree of upper airway obstruction from tonsillar/​adenoidal
• Atlantoaxial instability (30%, but frequently asymptomatic; routine X-​ray
not indicated; avoid excessive neck movement)
• Epilepsy (10%)
• Obesity and potentially difficult venous access
• Hypothyroidism (40%)
• i incidence of gastro-​oesophageal reflux
• Prone to hypoventilation (consider IPPV).
• Perform careful airway assessment: relatively large tongue, crowding of
mid-​facial structures, high arched narrow palate, micrognathia and short,
broad neck.
• Perform careful cardiorespiratory assessment (including investigation).
• Beware asymptomatic disease; optimise where possible, and have a
reduced threshold for postoperative HDU/​ICU.
• Hypotonia (up to 75%) may compromise the airway.
• These patients are prone to atelectasis and respiratory tract infections;
consider humidified O2 ± physiotherapy.
• Often uncooperative (sedative premedications are often helpful; caution
if airway obstructed).
• Drying agents may be useful if hypersalivation (H caution: may have
exaggerated sensitivity to mydriatic/​cardiac effects of atropine).
• Pain management may be problematic; consider regional blocks/​LA.
PCA possible in selected patients.
• Parents/​carers often indispensable in managing postoperative agitation.

934 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Diaphragmatic hernia
Procedure Repair of defect in diaphragm either by suturing to
abdominal wall or with a synthetic graft
Time 1–​2h
Pain +++
Position Supine
Blood loss Usually minimal to moderate
Practical techniques GA plus IPPV, arterial line

• 1:3000–​4000 deliveries; 85% left-​sided; cardiac anomalies in 20%.
• Diagnosis usually made antenatally on ultrasound. Present in respiratory
distress: i RR, cyanosis, with a scaphoid abdomen. CXR diagnostic.
• Overall mortality of 30% from lung hypoplasia, abnormal pulmonary
vasculature and pulmonary hypertension.
• Usually already intubated and ventilated. Ventilatory support can include
high-​frequency oscillation (HFO) and NO.
• For high-​risk cases, surgery may need to take place on the special care
baby unit if conventional ventilation is not possible.
• An NGT is essential preoperatively to prevent the stomach and small
bowel in the chest cavity from compressing the lung.
• Cautious ventilation via a face mask; avoid N2O.
• NGT, 2 × IV cannulae, right radial arterial line (preductal sampling).
• Keep airway pressures <25cmH2O (pulmonary hypoplasia and
consequent risk of pneumothorax). Use RR to improve ventilation.
• High-​dose fentanyl (25 micrograms/​kg) to reduce pulmonary
vasoconstriction response to surgical stress.
• Postoperative ventilation for at least 24h, then attempt to wean.
• Infant may deteriorate within 12h due to pulmonary hypertensive
crises. Pulmonary vasculature is reduced and abnormal l exaggerated
vasoconstrictive response to hypoxaemia and acidosis.
• Rarely, if minimal defect, extubate immediately.
Special considerations
• Pulmonary hypertension may be significant. Initial management includes
assisted hyperventilation with 100% O2 and fluid boluses. Other
therapies include epoprostenol, sildenafil and N2O.
• ECMO is a last resort but has been used.
• To assist weaning, a thoracic epidural may be of benefit, inserted either
conventionally or via the caudal route.
Gastroschisis/exomphalos 935

Procedure Replacement of abdominal contents into the
abdominal cavity
Time 2h
Pain ++/​+++
Position Supine
Blood loss Moderate
Practical techniques GA + IPPV; NGT; arterial line

• Usually diagnosed in utero. Incidence of 1:3000–​4000.
• Gastroschisis: defect in the anterior abdominal wall, usually on the
right, causing herniation of abdominal contents without a covering
sac; associated with LBW and thickened bowel wall due to exposure
to amniotic fluid; associated with younger maternal age and lower
socioeconomic status. Repair is an urgent procedure.
• Exomphalos: failure of the gut to return to the abdominal cavity during
fetal development l persistent herniation through the umbilical cord
which covers it. May include other abdominal organs. i incidence of
associated anomalies, including cardiac disease.
• Exposed abdominal contents result in large evaporative heat and water
losses and predispose to infection. They should initially be covered with
cling film or equivalent.
• May already be intubated. Otherwise intubate conventionally.
• Intraoperative analgesia: fentanyl 1.5–​10 micrograms/​kg or epidural if
extubation within 48h is contemplated.
• Ventilate in the head-​up position, especially if the abdomen is tense.
• Assiduous attention to fluid balance. There may be large abdominal
losses of crystalloid and protein.
Special considerations
• Lines should be sited in the arms, as abdominal distension may impair
venous return from the lower body.
• Consider inserting a percutaneous long line or central line for parenteral
feeding—​postoperative oedema makes cannulation difficult.
• Manual ventilation is useful to assess the effect of replacement of
abdominal contents on lung compliance to determine the correct
degree of abdominal reduction before closure.
• Complete reduction is not always possible. A silo is then created
around the extra-​abdominal contents to be gradually reduced on the
ICU. Fluid loss and infection are major issues in these cases.

936 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Tracheoesophageal fistula
Procedure Ligation of fistula plus anastomotic repair of
oesophageal atresia
Time 2h
Pain +++
Position Left lateral for right thoracotomy
Blood loss Moderate
Practical techniques GA + IPPV; arterial line

• Incidence of 1:3500; 85% comprise oesophageal atresia with distal
fistula. Majority diagnosed in utero; always exclude in cases of
• High incidence of prematurity (30%) and cardiac disease (25%).
• Presents with choking, cyanosis on feeding and inability to pass NGT.
• Constant risk of pulmonary aspiration. A double-​lumen Replogle tube
in the oesophagus allows irrigation and suction.
• Inhalational or IV induction. Gentle mask ventilation to minimise gastric
distension via a fistula.
• Careful ETT placement. Confirm symmetrical ventilation with the
tube distal to the fistula. Manual ventilation may be necessary to assess
lung compliance after ligation of the fistula, to assist in repair of the
oesophagus and to periodically reinflate the left lung. Surgical retraction
may impede ventilation.
• Intraoperative access will be needed to pass the transanastomotic tube
nasally to facilitate oesophageal repair.
• Intraoperative analgesia: fentanyl (5–​10 micrograms/​kg) or epidural by
either the thoracic or caudal route, if early weaning is anticipated.
• The operation is performed via thoracoscopic repair or via a right
thoracotomy extrapleural approach (unless right-​sided aortic arch
present; 5% of cases; necessitates left thoracotomy).
• Thoracoscopic compression of the ipsilateral lung makes desaturation
common; direct compression of vascular structures (IVC and the right
atrium) reduces venous return. CO2 absorption l hypercarbia and
acidosis which may be poorly tolerated by these neonates.28
• Majority are ventilated postoperatively, especially if oesophageal repair
is under tension. Critical to secure the NGT or transanastomotic tube.
Special considerations
• The fistula is normally situated on the posterior aspect of the trachea,
just proximal to the carina. An FOB can be used to confirm ETT
Patent ductus arteriosus 937

Patent ductus arteriosus

Procedure Ligation or clipping of ductus arteriosus
Time 1h
Pain +
Position Left thoracotomy
Blood loss Usually minimal. Occasionally massive if the
vessel is torn
Practical techniques IPPV, fentanyl

• Small premature babies: 25% of premature infants <1.5kg recovering
from hyaline membrane disease have a patent ductus arteriosus.
Associated with other cardiac anomalies.
• Indications are for failure of medical treatment which include ibuprofen,
indometacin or paracetamol, ventilator dependence and risk of
developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
• High-​risk group. Operation may be undertaken on the special care baby
• Patient is usually already ventilated with full monitoring.
• Adequate IV access for transfusion. Arterial monitoring.
• IPPV with O2/​air and fentanyl up to 10 micrograms/​kg with a low dose
of volatile agent.
• Active heat conservation.
• Keep saturations < 96% to avoid retinopathy of prematurity.
• Local infiltration for analgesia, interpleural block by surgeon or thoracic
epidural if early weaning considered.
• Postoperative ventilation until stable, then attempt to wean.
Special considerations
• Sudden ligation of the ductus may precipitate an acute rise in systemic
BP and increase the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage. The duct
should be clamped gently, or alternatively the concentration of the
volatile agent can be temporarily i.
• Older children requiring patent ductus arteriosus occlusion tend to be
fit, although some present with cardiac failure. The procedure can be
performed percutaneously as a day case using a coil device.

938 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Pyloric stenosis
Procedure Splitting the pylorus muscle longitudinally down
to the mucosa
Time 30min
Pain +
Position Supine
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques GA + IPPV, ? RSI

• Incidence of 1:350 births; more common in first-​born ♂ ; 80% are ♂ ;
10% are premature.
• Present with biochemical abnormalities, notably hypochloraemic
alkalosis. May be dehydrated. Operation is never urgent, and full
resuscitation should occur.
• Electrolytes, particularly chloride and HCO3–​, and pH should be within
normal limits, with chloride ≥100mmol/​L.
• No complete agreement, but there is a risk of pulmonary aspiration
from gastric outflow obstruction.
• An NGT is mandatory and will be in situ. Aspirate, and do not remove.
It does not reduce the effect of cricoid pressure and may act as an
escape valve if mask ventilation increases intragastric pressure.
• IV access is usually in place. Consider RSI ± cricoid pressure if there is
excessive NG loss (>2mL/​kg/​h).
• Fentanyl (1 microgram/​kg) plus paracetamol IV. Local infiltration (up to
1mL/​kg of 0.25% bupivacaine ± adrenaline) pre-​incision.
• Can be performed laparoscopically, in which case a rectus sheath block
may be useful.
• Extubate awake in the left lateral position.
• Remove the NGT at the end of the procedure unless mucosa breached.
• Give paracetamol regularly and PO morphine PRN.
• Feed within 6h, but maintain IV fluids until feeding is established.
• Apnoea alarm overnight.
Special considerations
• Resuscitate with 5% glucose/​0.45% sodium chloride plus 20mmol/​L
potassium chloride (HCO3–​ <32mmol/​L). More severe cases will
require 0.9% sodium chloride. Replace NG loss with 0.9% sodium
Intussusception 939

Procedure Reduction of invaginated bowel
Time 1–​3h
Pain +++
Position Supine
Blood loss Moderate, may be large
Practical techniques RSI + IPPV

• Intussusception is the commonest cause of obstruction in infants over
2mo of age; incidence of 2:1000 births.
• Invagination of the bowel into an adjacent lower segment, usually at the
terminal ileum or ileocaecal valve. Rarely caused by a polyp or Meckel’s
diverticulum (5% of cases).
• Presents with paroxysmal pain, blood and mucus in stool (redcurrant
jelly stool), and a sausage-​shaped mass in the right abdomen.
• 70% of cases are reduced by air or barium enema.
• Child may be profoundly shocked. Urgent fluid resuscitation with gastric
decompression and electrolyte correction will be needed and blood
may be required. Delay can result in perforated or necrotic bowel. Fluid
loss may be greater than expected.
• RSI. Retain the NGT in situ.
• Fentanyl 2–​5 micrograms/​kg plus volatile agent.
• Two cannulae of adequate size. CVP line in severe cases.
• Routine monitoring, temperature measurement and urinary catheter.
• Prolonged intussusception with ischaemic gut requiring resection often
leads to metabolic acidosis and septic shock. Admission to a paediatric
ICU will be required.
• TAP block, wound catheter or local wound infiltration, and morphine
Special considerations
These children can be very challenging. They will have had unsuccessful
barium enema in the district general hospital and air enema in the regional
centre, both with sedation. They may be inadequately resuscitated. Venous
access is often challenging and a significant resuscitation is often necessary.

940 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Procedure Excision of patent processus vaginalis
Time 30min
Pain ++
Position Supine
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques LMA/​SV or ETT/​IPPV; spinal, caudal or local

• Majority are fit ASA 1 children. More common in boys.
• 20% of preterm babies present for surgery at 740w post-​conceptual age
or when ready to leave the special care baby unit.
• Children: inhalational or IV induction with LMA, then caudal or
ilioinguinal block and intraoperative opioids if necessary.
• Infants: intubate with controlled ventilation. With neonates, avoid
ilioinguinal block, as spread of LA may obscure the surgical field. Use
either caudal or postoperative infiltration.
• Paracetamol IV or diclofenac suppository.
• Day case: regular paracetamol and ibuprofen.
• Admit term babies <4w and ex-​premature infants <60w post-​
conceptual age overnight for SpO2 and apnoea alarm monitoring.
Special considerations
• No consensus on the most appropriate regional block. Caudal blockade
is indicated for bilateral herniotomy repair and children <20kg.
Ilioinguinal block is effective in children >5kg.
• Laparoscopic repair becoming common. Local infiltration adequate.
• The ex-​premature baby may be small and O2-​dependent with chronic
lung disease. Postoperative apnoea and bradycardia are documented
risks associated with GA for this group. Avoid hypocarbia and
hypothermia; O2 saturations of 90–​95% are acceptable. Caffeine
(10mg/​kg IV) given at induction reduces the risk of apnoea by 70%.
• To avoid a GA in the high-​risk premature infant, a spinal technique may
be used. This may be technically difficult and complicated by a bloody
or dry tap. It is too short-​acting for bilateral repair. Single-​shot caudal is
an alternative method. Supplementary sedation results in the same risk
of postoperative apnoea as with GA.
• A strangulated hernia that does not reduce is an emergency and
requires fluid resuscitation and an NGT. Precautions should be taken
against regurgitation and aspiration.
Circumcision/hypospadias repair 941

Circumcision/​hypospadias repair
Procedure Removal of prepuce (foreskin)/​restoration of ur-
ethral opening to the tip of the penis
Time Circumcision: 20min; hypospadias: 1–​3h
Pain ++
Position Supine
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques LMA + SV/​IPPV, caudal/​penile block/​ring block

• Circumcision: common day case procedure; move towards conservative
management, including simple stretch or preputioplasty.
• Hypospadias is usually an isolated problem, but there may be an
association with certain rare dysmorphic syndromes.
• Obtain consent for a regional block and suppository.
• Inhalational or IV induction.
• If procedure <1h, LMA plus SV.
• If procedure >1h, LMA or ETT plus IPPV.
• Regional block: caudal or penile block (if hypospadias is distal) (see
% pp. 929–30; % p. 931; % p. 1132).
• Paracetamol IV and diclofenac PR.
• Regular paracetamol and NSAIDs. Hypospadias: consider morphine
NCA (not always necessary).
• Topical lidocaine gel can be applied frequently, without exceeding the
toxic dose.
Special considerations
• Hypospadias repair: may be a simple procedure, e.g. meatal
advancement and glanduloplasty, or extensive involving a buccal mucosa
graft. Adjust anaesthetic technique accordingly.
• A regional block should be performed prior to the surgery. Avoid
erection with a regional block plus an adequate depth of anaesthesia.
• There is no consensus as to the optimal strategy for pain relief. Caudal
is technically easier in infants, and penile block may be more suitable in
children over 10kg. Ring block is easier in boys >5kg. All methods are
• Circumcision is one of the most painful day case procedures; parents
should be warned and advised to apply topical gel regularly and
continue paracetamol for several days.

942 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Procedure Release of undescended testis into scrotum
Time 45min
Pain ++
Position Supine
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques SV, LMA + regional block

• Boys, usually over 2y (2% of population).
• Common day case procedure.
• Obtain consent for a suppository and regional block.
• Inhalational or IV induction. LMA.
• Regional technique: caudal, ilioinguinal block or local infiltration.
• Paracetamol IV or diclofenac PR.
• Give supplementary opioids, if indicated.
• Regular paracetamol and ibuprofen. PO morphine if necessary.
Special considerations
• Adequate analgesia is difficult if the testis is high. In this case, aim for
a high-​volume, low-​concentration mid-​thoracic caudal block. Use
1.25mL/​kg volume of 0.25% bupivacaine with 0.9% sodium chloride
(observing maximum bupivacaine dose) (see % pp. 929–30; % p. 931).
• If an ilioinguinal block is used, only the anterior part of the scrotum is
anaesthetised; use local infiltration for the scrotal incision (see %
p. 932; % pp. 1131–2).
• Testicular traction, even with a seemingly adequate blockade, may
lead to intraoperative bradycardia or laryngospasm, especially with
an ilioinguinal block. Surgery should be stopped, and anaesthesia
deepened; supplementary opioids may be required.
• Suspected torsion of the testis is a surgical emergency, and the need for
an RSI will have to be considered. Local infiltration is adequate.
• A high testis may need surgery in two stages. The 1st procedure is to
identify the testis and, if possible, bring it down to the inguinal ring.
This is usually performed laparoscopically and will require intubation,
controlled ventilation with intraoperative opioids, IV paracetamol and
diclofenac PR.
Cleft lip and palate 943

Cleft lip and palate

Procedure Repair of defect in upper lip and palate
Time 2–​3h
Pain ++
Position Supine, head ring, shoulder support
Blood loss Minimal for cleft lip. Moderate for cleft palate
Practical techniques IPPV. Armoured or RAE tube

• Incidence of 1:300–​600 births but can be 1:25 with a family history.
• Both the lip and palate are involved together in 50% of cases.
• Isolated cleft palate incidence of 1:2000 live births. i incidence of
congenital abnormalities.
• Associated syndromes often involve a difficult airway, e.g. Pierre–​Robin,
Treacher Collins and Goldenhar syndromes. Therefore, make a careful
assessment of the airway.
• Discuss risks and complications.
• Administer IM atropine 20 micrograms/​kg 30min preoperatively if a
difficult airway is suspected.
• Inhalational or IV induction. If difficult airway is suspected, consider
inhalational induction with CPAP if necessary. Intubate deep with
the child breathing spontaneously or following muscle relaxant.
Videolaryngoscopy may be necessary.
• Caution when surgeon inserts gag. A preformed RAE tube may become
obstructed or kinked, especially the smaller sizes.
• Use a throat pack, and make sure the eyes are protected.
• Encourage LA infiltration to improve analgesia and d blood loss.
• Fentanyl (2–​4 micrograms/​kg) before LA, then morphine 50–​150
micrograms/​kg plus paracetamol IV.
• Dexamethasone 0.25mg/​kg + three postoperative doses to prevent
postoperative swelling.
• Consider an infraorbital nerve block for cleft lip repair.
• Extubate awake. Suction the pharynx early and carefully to prevent
damage to the repair.
• Nasal stents may be inserted to maintain patency of the airway. A
tongue stitch is rarely used.
• Regular paracetamol and ibuprofen. IV morphine may be required

944 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Special considerations
• Intubation is usually uncomplicated.
• The laryngoscope blade rarely lodges in the cleft. If there is a problem,
a roll of gauze can fill the gap.
• Prolonged surgery may cause a swollen tongue from pressure of the
mouth gag.
• Cleft palate repair can produce upper airway obstruction, and extreme
care is needed for extubation.
• With airway problems, opioids should be given cautiously.
Postoperative monitoring should include SpO2 and apnoea alarm.
• Cleft lip is usually repaired at 3mo, and cleft palate at 6–​9mo. The lip
may be repaired at the neonatal stage to improve the scar and assist
maternal bonding. There is little evidence to support this.
Congenital talipes equinovarus 945

Congenital talipes equinovarus

Procedure Correction of club foot abnormality
Time 45–​90 min
Pain ++
Position Supine, sometimes prone for posterior release
Blood loss Minimal
Practical techniques SV + LMA or ETT + IPPV, caudal
If prone, then ETT + IPPV, caudal

• Occurs in 1:1000 births.
• Usually an isolated anomaly but may occur in association with some
myopathic diseases, hence i theoretical risk of MH.
• Obtain consent for a suppository and regional block.
• Inhalational or IV induction. If prone, intubate and ventilate. Give
additional opioids, if indicated.
• Extended caudal blockade: 1mL/​kg of 0.25% levobupivacaine +
clonidine (see % pp. 929–30; % p. 931).
• Paracetamol IV and diclofenac PR.
Regular paracetamol and ibuprofen plus PO morphine PRN.
Special considerations
For prolonged pain relief, either top up the caudal at the end of the pro-
cedure by using an indwelling epidural catheter or extend the duration of
the block by adding clonidine (1–​2 micrograms/​kg) to the initial dose of

946 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Femoral osteotomy
Procedure Stabilising the hip in congenital dislocation by re-
aligning the proximal femur
Time 2h
Pain +++
Position Supine
Blood loss Moderate/​potentially large
Practical techniques SV + LMA or ETT + IPPV, caudal/​epidural

• Usually an isolated defect. More common in girls or where there is a
family history.
• Obtain consent for a regional block and suppository.
• Inhalational or IV induction. Adequate IV access.
• Caudal block plus clonidine (see % pp. 929–30; % p. 931) if hip spica to
be applied.
• Alternatively, femoral nerve block + LA to skin incision.
• Lumbar epidural if high osteotomy (see % p. 931).
• Intraoperative opioids if regional block not possible (% pp. 926–8).
• Paracetamol IV and diclofenac PR.
• Employ heat conservation measures.
• Attention to blood loss.
• A hip spica provides support and helps with pain relief.
• Extended caudal or morphine NCA, with regular NSAIDs and
• Epidural infusion (Table 36.15) with regular paracetamol, NSAIDs + PO
morphine PRN.
Special considerations
• Blood loss may be extensive if revision surgery. Consider cell saver.
• A hip spica complicates urinary retention in girls.
Inhaled foreign body 947

Inhaled foreign body

Procedure Removal of foreign body from bronchial tree
Time 30–​60min
Pain +
Position Supine
Blood loss Nil
Practical techniques SV or IPPV

• Commonest reason for bronchoscopy in the 1–​3y age group.
• May present as an emergency acute airway obstruction.
• Presentation of lower airway obstruction may occur several days
after a history of coughing. Peanut oil is an irritant and leads to
mucosal oedema and chemical pneumonitis. CXR shows characteristic
hyperinflation of affected side during expiration, but a foreign body is
not always visible.
• Treat symptoms as indicated, e.g. dehydration, pneumonia, wheeze.
• Inhalational induction is usual to avoid displacing the object further. Use
100% O2 with sevoflurane.
• TIVA is becoming a more popular maintenance technique.
• Apply topical anaesthesia to the vocal cords (4% lidocaine, up to 3mg/​
kg), and consider a drying agent (atropine 20 micrograms/​kg IM 30min
preoperatively or 10 micrograms/​kg IV at induction, or glycopyrronium
5 micrograms/​kg IM or IV).
• Prior to bronchoscopy, maintain airway with a face mask or LMA.
• Rigid bronchoscopy: the Storz bronchoscope has an attachment for a
T-​piece. Check compatibility before the procedure.
• For foreign objects in the upper airways, maintain SV. If tracheal/​ball–​
valve obstruction suspected, IPPV is contraindicated.
• If the foreign body is in the lower airway, then IPPV with a muscle
relaxant is acceptable, since the object will be pushed distally by
the bronchoscope until it can be grasped by forceps. Give assisted
ventilation via a T-​piece or high-​frequency jet ventilation.
• This may be a difficult surgical procedure.
• If bronchoscopy is traumatic, give dexamethasone 0.25mg/​kg IV, then
two doses 8-​hourly of 0.125mg/​kg.
• Consider physiotherapy, bronchodilators and antibiotics as indicated.

948 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• The expansion of imaging techniques and diagnostic and therapeutic
interventions has led to a rise in demand for sedation services.29
• The safe sedation of children for procedures requires a systematic
approach. Compared with GA, sedation is neither cheaper nor safer.
• Anaesthetists are not always available to administer sedation, and other
medical or nursing personnel may be involved. Sedation guidelines are
essential29 and monitoring of SpO2 is mandatory. With appropriate
planning, nurse-​led sedation services have been developed at several
centres following strict protocols. The children are fasted conventionally
but allowed unrestricted clear fluids.
• Safety is paramount—​facilities must include an airway trolley and
monitoring and resuscitation equipment, together with all personnel
necessary to sedate the child and carry out the specific procedure. All
standard anaesthetic equipment should be available for resuscitation.
• Each sedated child must be supervised by an appropriate nurse or
doctor trained in paediatric resuscitation. Experienced medical staff
must be immediately available to assist with sedation problems or
resuscitation. There must be a contingency for overnight admission if
recovery is prolonged.
• The adult concept of sedation with verbal contact maintained is not
practical in children. There may be little difference between deep
sedation, as defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and
uncontrolled anaesthesia. Ideal conditions achieve depression of the
nervous system, allowing the procedures to occur, with preservation of
airway reflexes. In practice, this is difficult to achieve.
• It is important not to confuse sedation with analgesia. Painful
procedures may require a topical anaesthetic cream, infiltration with
LAs and occasionally systemic opioids.
• Contraindications include children with potential airway issues, apnoeic
episodes, respiratory disease, raised ICP, risk of pulmonary aspiration
and epilepsy.
• Medications used:
• Chloral hydrate 50–​100 micrograms/​kg for younger children.
• Midazolam (0.5mg/​kg PO or incremental bolus doses of 0.05–​
0.1mg/​kg IV, up to a maximum of 0.4mg/​kg) can produce good
conditions for sedation; additional property of amnesia.
• Ketamine (6–​10mg/​kg PO or 0.5–​1mg/​kg IV boluses every 10–​
15min) is indicated for short, painful procedures and may be used in
combination with midazolam. Emergence delirium is less of a problem
with children, but a drying agent is often required.
• Propofol can be used alone or in combination with remifentanil for
endoscopy sedation, but the use of these drugs should be reserved
for anaesthetists.29
• Dexmedetomidine 1 microgram/​kg and/​or infusion 0.2–​1
micrograms/​kg/​h. Can cause bradycardia.
• Surprisingly young children can tolerate scans awake with
encouragement, careful explanation and parental presence.
Medical problems 949

Medical problems
Acute laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)
• Croup occurs predominantly in epidemics in autumn and early spring.
The peak age of incidence is 6mo to 2y. It is viral in aetiology. The
majority of cases are due to parainfluenza, but influenza and respiratory
syncytial virus are possible.
• Symptoms are coryzal for the first few days but then progress to a
characteristic barking cough/​hoarseness with profuse secretions and
occasional dysphagia. Pyrexia is mild or absent.
• The larynx, trachea and bronchi are all involved and become
oedematous, leading to the onset of stridor. An anxious child will
exacerbate the condition, as the trachea will tend to collapse on
• The majority of children respond to conservative measures and
reassurance. In severe cases, steroids (dexamethasone 0.25mg/​kg IV
followed by two further doses 8-​hourly of 0.125mg/​kg) and nebulised
adrenaline (0.5mg/​kg, up to a maximum of 5mg) are required.
• 10% of children are admitted, and 1% will require intubation.
• The majority of children have a single isolated episode.
Acute epiglottitis
• This is an acute life-​threatening infection caused by Hib. It most
commonly presents at 2–​3y.
• There is a rapid onset of oedema of the epiglottis and aryepiglottic
folds. The child has a high temperature, usually >39.5°C, and presents
sitting or leaning forwards, with drooling saliva, and unable to swallow,
with the tongue pushed forwards. Inspiratory and expiratory stridor is
rapidly progressive and is a late sign.
• Acute epiglottitis is a medical emergency. The antibiotic of choice is
ceftriaxone (50mg/​kg IV once daily). Intubation is indicated in 60% of
cases. In some centres, all children are routinely intubated.
• Following the introduction of the Hib vaccine, this condition is now
Anaesthetic management of croup and acute epiglottitis
• The differential diagnosis between croup and epiglottitis is not always
obvious. If epiglottitis is even remotely suspected, there must be liaison
with an ENT surgeon at consultant level.
• Induction occurs in the anaesthetic room or operating theatre, with the
full range of appropriate equipment and monitoring available.
• During anaesthesia, the ENT surgeon should be scrubbed in theatre,
with the tracheostomy set open.
• Traditionally, IV access has been contraindicated prior to induction
because of the risk of acute glottic closure. However, the use of a
topical cream facilitates an atraumatic venepuncture. Unless access is
obviously difficult, cannulation should proceed before anaesthesia.
• Inhalational induction is performed in the sitting position, with
sevoflurane in 100% O2. Once anaesthetised, the child can be moved
to a more recumbent position and maintained with sevoflurane, up to
concentrations of 8%, if needed. CPAP should be routinely applied, but
the airway is not usually difficult to maintain.

950 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• In croup, laryngoscopy is usually straightforward, but the ETT size

required may be surprisingly small. Start with one size smaller than
normal. Older children may require a tube that has been cut to a
longer length. If possible, once the airway is secure, the child should be
reintubated nasally since this is better tolerated. Profuse secretions are
always a problem and frequent suction is necessary. Intubation is usually
required for at least 2–​3d, and bronchoscopy is indicated if an air leak
around the tube fails to develop.
• With epiglottitis, intubation may be exceedingly difficult. Laryngoscopy
often reveals an abnormal anatomy with no obvious glottic opening.
Careful inspection or pushing gently on the chest may reveal movement
of small amounts of mucus, indicating tidal flow. The child should be
intubated, using a stylet, so that the ETT can be immediately railroaded,
if necessary. The tube size will be smaller than predicted.
• Once intubation has been achieved, oedema rapidly settles. Following
demonstration of a leak around the tube, extubation is normally
possible within 36h. Dexamethasone is often given prior to extubation
to reduce laryngeal oedema.
Paediatric advanced life support 951

Paediatric advanced life support

Cardiopulmonary arrest in children is usually 2° to decompensated respira-
tory or circulatory failure rather than cardiac in origin. The commonest
arrest scenario in children is bradycardia proceeding to asystole—​a re-
sponse to severe hypoxia and acidosis. Oxygenation, ventilation and good-​
quality chest compressions should therefore be a priority of management
(Fig. 36.2).
• Performing chest compression is tiring; if possible, rotate team
members every 2min.
• VF is relatively uncommon but may complicate hypothermia, tricyclic
poisoning and children with pre-​existing cardiac disease (Fig. 36.3).
• Many parents wish to be present at resuscitation. A team member
should be available to explain the process and provide support.
• Adopt a SAFE approach:
• Shout for help.
• Approach with care.
• Free the patient from immediate danger.
• Evaluate the patient’s ABC.
• Assess the airway and breathing first. Give five rescue breaths (chest
seen to rise and fall) before assessing the circulation. Each breath should
take about 1–​1.5s.
• Check the carotid pulse in a child, but use the brachial pulse in an infant.
Feel for no more than 10s.
• Commence basic life support using a ratio of 15 compressions:2
ventilations at 100–​120 compressions/​min (five cycles). Each
compression should depress the sternum one-​third of the
anteroposterior (AP) diameter (74cm in infants and 5cm in children).
• Chest compressions should be started if a central pulse cannot be
palpated or the child has a pulse rate <60bpm with poor perfusion.
• Where no vascular access is present, immediate IO access is
• Once the airway has been secured, chest compressions should be
continued at 100–​120/​min uninterrupted, with breaths administered at
a rate of 10–​12/​min.
• Once restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is achieved,
ventilate the child at 12–​20 breaths/​min to normalise PaCO2.
952 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia


Shout for help

Open airway

Not breathing normally

5 Rescue breaths

No signs of life

15 Chest compressions

2 Rescue breaths
15 Chest compressions

Call resuscitation team

(1 min CPR first, if alone)

Fig. 36.2 Paediatric basic life support. Reproduced with the kind permission of
Resuscitation Council UK.
Paediatric advanced life support 953

Fig. 36.3 Paediatric advanced life support. Reproduced with the kind permission of
Resuscitation Council UK.
954 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Asystole and pulseless electrical activity

This is a more common arrest scenario in children (Fig. 36.4).
• Continue CPR using 15 compressions:2 breaths with high-​flow O2.
• If intubated, continue uninterrupted chest compressions and ventilate at
10–​12 breaths/​min.
• Secure IO access if vascular access not possible.
• Give adrenaline 10 micrograms/​kg (0.1mL/​kg of 1:10 000 solution).
Repeat at alternate cycles (3–​5min).
• Review rhythm every 2min.
If no improvement, consider reversible causes (Box 36.2).

Box 36.2 Reversible causes (4Hs and 4Ts)

Hypoxia Thromboembolism
Hypovolaemia Tension pneumothorax
Hyper-​/​hypokalaemia Tamponade (cardiac)
Hypothermia Toxins

Ventilate x5 with high-

concentration oxygen

CPR 15:2 100–120/min

for 2min

Intubate and establish

IV or IO access

10 micrograms/kg every 3–5min

CPR 15:2 100–120/min Consider IV fluid bolus of

for 2min 20mL/kg

Rhythm and pulse check Seek expert help

Fig. 36.4 Asystole or pulseless electrical activity.

Post-​resuscitation care
• Titrate O2 for O2 saturations of 94–​98%.
• Maintain CO2 4.5–​5.0kPa.
• Avoid hypotension. Consider fluids and/​or inotropes.
• Suggested, but no statistical evidence for, mild hypothermia 32–​34°C.30
• Moderate glucose control.

Ventricular fibrillation or pulseless

ventricular tachycardia
(See Fig. 36.5.)

Ventilate x5 with high-

concentration oxygen

CPR 15:2 100–120/min until

defibrillator available

Rhythm check

1 x DC shock Adrenaline 10 micrograms/kg

4J/kg or AED IV/IO every 3–5min

Immediately resume Once intubated, give

CPR 15:2 for 2 min uninterrupted compressions

Rhythm check

Further shock at 4J/kg Continue 2-min cycles of

followed by immediate CPR review rhythm/shock/CPR
for 2min while awaiting expert help

Fig. 36.5 Ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

• Continue shocks 4J/​kg every 2min. Resume CPR immediately after
defibrillation without checking output.
• Standard automated external defibrillators (AEDs) may be used in
children over 8y. Purpose-​made paediatric pads are recommended for
children aged 1–​8y, if available. Below 1y, a manual defibrillator should
be used if available, but an adult AED can be used.
• Give adrenaline 10 micrograms/​kg (= 0.1mL/​kg of 1:10 000 solution)
and amiodarone 5mg/​kg after a 3rd shock, once compressions have
been resumed.
• Repeat adrenaline every alternate cycle (3–​5min).
• Further antiarrhythmic agents:
• Repeat amiodarone 5mg/​kg IV after 5th shock.
• Torsade de pointes/​h ypomagnesaemia: magnesium sulfate
• There is no evidence that atropine confers any benefit in asphyxial
bradycardia or asystole.
• Calcium: routine use associated with i mortality. Indicated for
hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia and calcium channel blocker overdose.
• Sodium bicarbonate 1mmol/​kg: routine use not recommended.
Indicated for hyperkalaemia and tricyclic overdose.
956 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Neonatal resuscitation
Condition Acute neonatal asphyxia during the birth process
Presentation Floppy, blue or pale, HR <60bpm, diminished re-
spiratory effort
Immediate action Delay cord clamping for at least 1min. Dry, wrap
and warm the baby. Open and clear airway, five
inflation breaths with air (2–​3s at 30cmH2O)
Follow-​up action Cardiac compressions (3:1) at 120/​min if <60bpm,
review ventilation
Investigations Record Apgar scores (Table 36.16), take cord gases
Also consider Hypovolaemia, diaphragmatic hernia, pneumo-
thorax. Consider therapeutic hypothermia

Risk factors
• Known fetal distress; Category 1 emergency CS; meconium-​stained
liquor; <35w gestation.
• Prolonged delivery; vaginal breech; instrumental delivery; shoulder
dystocia; multiple births.
• Maternal drugs: opioids, GA for CS.
• Preterm delivery (prognosis is very poor if gestation <23w).
• A normal newly delivered baby is pink, breathes spontaneously within
15s, has a HR >100bpm and good muscle tone and is vocal.
• A baby requiring resuscitation is floppy, silent, blue or pale, has a HR
<100bpm and gasping, diminished or absent respiratory effort (see
Apgar scores in Table 36.16).

Table 36.16 Apgar scores

0 1 2
Colour Pale/​blue Blue extremities Pink
HR (bpm) Absent <100 >100
Response to stimulation Nil Movement Cry
Muscle tone Limp Some flexion Well flexed
Respiratory effort Absent Poor effort/​weak cry Good
Source: data from Apgar A (1953) A proposal for a new method of evaluation of the newborn
infant. Anesth Analg, 32; 250–​9.

Immediate management
• Keep the theatre warm. Dry and wrap the baby. Actively maintain
temperature between 36.5°C and 37.7°C. Keep warm under a radiant
heater. Use polythene wrapping for preterm babies <30w.
• Consider ECG and preductal SpO2 (right hand). Maintain
saturations <95%.
Neonatal resuscitation 957

• Open and clear the airway, but keep the neck in a neutral position.
• Routine suctioning is not recommended.
• Give five effective inflation breaths (2–​3s at 30cmH2O) initially with air.
• HR should increase; continue ventilating at 30–​40 breaths/​min, until
spontaneous effort is adequate.
• If HR remains <60bpm, commence chest compressions with thumbs
around the chest, at a compression rate of 120/​min and a ratio of 3:1
breaths. Compress the chest diameter by one-​third.
• Reassess HR every 30s.
(See Fig. 36.6.)
Subsequent management
• In the neonate that remains unresponsive despite oxygenation, consider
intubation and drugs (Table 36.17). This is seldom required.

Table 36.17 Resuscitating the neonate

40/​40 35/​40 30/​40

gestation gestation gestation
Weight (kg) 3.5 2.5 1.5
ETT ID (mm) 3.5 3.0 2.5
ETT length (cm) 9.5 8.5 7.5
Adrenaline 1:10 000 (IO/​IV) (mL) 0.35–​1.0 0.25–​0.75 0.15–​0.45
Sodium bicarbonate 4.2% IV (mL) 3.5–​7 2.5–​5 1.5–​3
Glucose 10% IV (mL) 17–​35 12–​25 7–​15
Volume IV (O-​negative/​0.9% sodium 35–​70 25–​50 15–​30
chloride) (mL)

Other considerations
• If response to resuscitation is prompt (required support breaths only
and now making good, spontaneous respiratory effort), return the baby
to the parents.
• For ventilatory depression thought to be due to maternal opioids, give
naloxone 200 micrograms IM.
• Therapeutic hypothermia is indicated for term or near-​term infants with
moderate to severe hypoxia.
Further reading
Resuscitation Council (UK) (2015). Guidelines: Resuscitation and support of transition of babies at
birth. M https://​​library/​2015-​resuscitation-​guidelines/​resuscitation-​
958 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Fig. 36.6 Neonatal life support. Reproduced with the kind permission of Resuscitation
Council UK.
The collapsed, septic child 959

The collapsed, septic child

Condition Sepsis with hypoperfusion and/​or respiratory failure
progressing to capillary leak and multiorgan failure
Presentation Irritability, inappropriate crying, drowsiness, confu-
sion, poor interaction with parents, lethargy or be-
coming unrousable, along with other features such as
tachypnoea and reduced urine output
Immediate action High-​flow O2, fluid resuscitation, antibiotics
Follow-​up action Referral to a specialist paediatric critical care unit
Investigations Blood cultures, lactate, urine output
FBC, clotting, U&E, glucose
Also consider Hypovolaemia/​blood loss, anaphylaxis, poisoning,
cardiac abnormality

Risk factors
• Prematurity, immune deficiency, chronic cardiorespiratory disease,
endocarditis, CNS infections.
• Exposure to MRSA, Gram-​negative bacteria, nosocomial infection and
Recognition of at-​risk child
• Suspected or proven infection plus two out of: temperature <36.5°C
or >38.5°C, tachycardia, altered mental state, prolonged capillary refill
time (>2s), immunocompromise and hypotension.
• Look for signs of warm or cold shock:
• Warm shock: vasodilation, bounding peripheral pulses, wide pulse
• Cold shock: cool peripheries, capillary refill time >2s, narrow pulse
Red flag signs
• Any one sign of the following: lactate >2mmol/​L; extreme tachycardia
or tachypnoea; SpO2 <90%, grunting, cyanosis, apnoea; reduced level
of consciousness, persistent hypotension and non-​blanching rash/​
mottled skin.
Immediate management
• Aggressive early management improves prognosis. Hypovolaemia is
severe and often under-​resuscitated.
• ABC: maintain/​support airway; high-​flow O2 via a non-​rebreathing
mask; consider ventilatory support ± intubation.
• Rapid fluid boluses of 20mL/​kg of crystalloid/​albumin: 80–​100mL/​kg
may be required to restore normovolaemia.
• Correct hypoglycaemia: 2mL/​kg 10% glucose.
• Inotropic support: if no significant response to fluid, start adrenaline
0.1–​0.5 micrograms/​kg/​min.
• Antibiotics: cefotaxime 50mg/​kg IV 1st line; for 2nd line, discuss with
local microbiology team.
• Early referral to specialist centre.
960 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Subsequent management
• Ventilation under sedation and paralysis: target VT 4–​7mL/​kg, initial
PEEP 5cmH2O. Saturation >95%.
• Inotropes:
• Cold shock: adrenaline 0.1–​0.5 micrograms/​kg/​min IV
• Warm shock: noradrenaline 0.1–​0.5 micrograms/​kg/​min IV.
• Risk of adrenal failure: hydrocortisone 1mg/​kg qds IV.
• Consider the possibility of meningitis/​encephalitis and raised ICP.
• Stabilise for transfer and prepare handover documentation. A retrieval
service may be provided by the receiving unit.
Other considerations
• Significant fluid shift from capillary leakage may result in pulmonary
oedema 2° to fluid resuscitation. If drugs are required to intubate
the child, anticipate an exaggerated fall in BP and adjust the dose
accordingly. Use ketamine, fentanyl, rocuronium and cuffed ETT. It is
wise to start inotropes and fluid resuscitation before induction.
Further reading
NHS Children’s Acute Transport Service (CATS) (2020). Clinical guidelines: septic shock. M https://​​wp-​content/​uploads/​guideline-​sepsis.pdf
Randolph AG, McCulloh RJ (2014). Paediatric sepsis: important considerations for diagnosing and
managing severe infections in infants, children and adolescents. Virulence, 5, 179–​89.
Stabilisation of the sick child (prior to PICU transfer) 961

Stabilisation of the sick child (prior to

PICU transfer)
• Anaesthetists may be required to assist with the stabilisation of critically
ill children, including difficult airway management, prior to surgery or
• Seek early contact and advice from the local paediatric intensive care
retrieval team. Initial resuscitation remains the responsibility of the local
medical teams.
• Frequently involves the coordination of multidisciplinary teams,
including paediatricians, intensivists, anaesthetists and surgeons.
Management of sick children should follow a systematic, evidence-​based
• These cases will often take place away from theatres and familiar
surroundings. The availability of a trained assistant is essential.
• Checklists for drugs and equipment, as well as emergency ‘grab bags’,
will improve readiness.
• ‘Run-​throughs’ or simulation will improve familiarity and identify
potential problems with working in unfamiliar locations.
General principles
Airway and breathing
• Indications for intubation:
• Protection of airway (low conscious level, facial trauma, burns)
• Control of ventilation (respiratory failure, head injury).
• Cuffed tube, if possible (see % p. 360). Avoid precutting smaller tubes.
Capnography should be used.
• If equipment, monitoring or personnel are not optimal, consider risk/​
benefits of moving location, e.g. theatres.
• Induction: ketamine (0.5–​2mg/​kg) with rocuronium (1.2mg/​kg). Must
be fluid-​resuscitated first. Use reduced induction doses if unstable.
• Ventilation: pressure control ventilation usually appropriate. Aim
for normocapnia and O2 saturations of 94–​98%. PEEP is helpful if
• Sedation: various regimens. Morphine and midazolam infusions are
popular (Table 36.18). Propofol is acceptable for short transfers
(remember analgesia).
• IV access. Consider IO, if difficult. Central access may be needed.
• Isotonic fluid for boluses: 20mL/​kg repeated. Be aware that intubation
more likely after 40mL/​kg. Blood transfusion may be required after
40mL/​kg isotonic fluids (see % p. 978 for fluid resuscitation).
• If blood loss is the cause, give blood products early. While waiting for
blood products to arrive, give up to 20mL/​kg fluid in 10mL/​kg fluid
• Inotropes may be needed in addition to ongoing fluids/​blood products
to improve haemodynamics. Discuss with your local PICU or transfer
team (Table 36.18). Adrenaline and dopamine can be given peripherally.
• Arterial line may be useful, but rarely essential.
962 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

Table 36.18 Infusion regimes of selected PICU drugs

Medication Dosing details

Morphine infusion (sedation) 20–​80 micrograms/​kg/​h
If <50kg, 1mg/​kg in 50mL 1mL/​h = 20 micrograms/​kg/​h
If >50kg, 50mg in 50mL
Midazolam infusion (sedation) 50–​200 micrograms/​kg/​h
If <10kg, 5mg/​kg in 50mL 1mL/​h = 100 micrograms/​kg/​h
If >10kg, 50mg in 50mL
Propofol 2–​5mg/​kg/​h; titrate to effect
Dopamine infusion 2–​10 micrograms/​kg/​min
<15kg 15mg/​kg in 50mL (central access)
1mL/​h = 5 micrograms/​kg/​min of this mix
Halve concentration if giving peripherally
Dopamine infusion 2–​10 micrograms/​kg/​min
>15kg 200mg in 50mL (central access)
80mg in 50mL (peripheral access)
Adrenaline infusion 0.1–​0.5 micrograms/​kg/​min
<15kg 0.3mg/​kg in 50mL
1mL/​h = 0.1 micrograms/​kg/​min of this mix
Noradrenaline infusion 0.1–​0.5 micrograms/​kg/​min
>15kg 4mg in 50mL

Further reading
Many local retrieval service websites include guidelines and drug calculators. For example: Wales
& West Acute Transport for Children service (WATCh). M https://​​about
Managing Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia (MEPA). [Simulation-​based training] M https://​
Spotting the Sick Child. [Education and case studies] M http://​
Roberts S, ed. (2019). Paediatric Anaesthesia, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Paediatric doses and equipment 963

Paediatric doses and equipment

(See Table 36.19.)

Table 36.19 Paediatric quick reference guide

Age Approx- Body Percentage ETT size ETT LMA Suxa- Atropine
imate surface of adult drug (mm) length size meth- dose
weight area dose (cm) onium (micro-
(kg) (m ) (approximate)
dose grams) IV
(mg) IV
Term 3.5 0.23 12.5(1/​8th) 3.5 9 1 7 35
1mo 4.2 0.26 14.5 3.5 10 1 8 40
3mo 6 0.33 15 3.5 10 1.5 12 60
6mo 7.5 0.38 22 3.5/​4.0 11 1.5 15 75
1y 10 0.47 25(1/​4) 4.0 12 1.5/​ 20 100
2y 12 0.53 30 4.5 13 2 24 120
3y 14 0.61 33 4.5/​5 13/​ 2 28 140
5y 18 0.73 40 5.0/​5.5 14.5 2.5 36 180
7y 22 0.86 50(1/​2) 6.0 15.5 2.5 44 220
10y 30 1.10 60 6.5cuffed 17 3 60 300
12y 38 1.30 75(3/​4) 7.0cuffed 18 3/4 75 380
Note: weights are approximations only. Patients should be weighed accurately.

Weight/​blood pressure estimation (1–​10y)

• Child’s weight in kg (see % p. 903)
• Normal systolic BP in mmHg = (age in y × 2) + 80.
• ETT ID in mm = (age in y/​4) + 4
• ETT length (oral) to lips in cm = (age in y/​2) + 12
• ETT length (nose) to lips in cm = (age in y/2) + 15
• LMA#1 (cuff volume 4mL): <6.5kg
• LMA#2 (cuff volume 10mL): 6.5–​20kg
• LMA#2.5 (cuff volume 14mL): 20–​30kg
• LMA#3 (cuff volume 20mL): >30kg.
Estimated drug doses
(See also % p. 963.)
• Adrenaline 10 micrograms/​kg
• Aminophylline 5mg/​kg
• Amiodarone 5mg/​kg
• Atropine 10–​20 micrograms/​kg
• Bicarbonate 1mmol/​kg (use 4.2% <1y)
• Calcium chloride 0.2mL/​kg of 10% solution slowly
• Calcium gluconate 0.6mL/​kg of 10% solution
964 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

• Cefotaxime 50mg/​kg
• Diazepam 0.1mg/​kg IV; 0.5mg/​kg PR
• Glucose (10%) 2mL/​kg
• Ketamine 2mg/​kg
• Lorazepam 0.1mg/​kg for status epilepticus (repeatable after 10min)
• Magnesium 25–​50mg/​kg
• Naloxone 0.1mg/​kg
• Neostigmine 50 micrograms/​kg
• Paraldehyde 0.1mg/​kg
• Phenytoin 10–​20mg/​kg
• Salbutamol 2.5mg nebuliser.
• Blood volume: 75mL/​kg (1–​10y), 70mL/​kg (>10y)
• Fluid bolus: 20mL/​kg.
These estimations are not valid for premature infants and are intended as
rough guides only.31
Paediatric doses and equipment 965

Further reading
Roberts S, ed. (2019). Paediatric Anaesthesia, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
James I, Walker I, eds. (2013). Core Topics In Paediatric Anaesthesia. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Bingham R, Lloyd Thomas A, Sury M, eds. (2007). Hatch and Sumner’s Textbook of Paediatric
Anaesthesia, 3rd edn. London: Hodder Arnold.
Baum VC, O’Flaherty JE (2006). Anaesthesia for Genetic, Metabolic and Dysmorphic Syndromes of
Childhood, 2nd edn. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Black A, McEwan A (2004). Paediatric and Neonatal Anaesthesia: Anaesthesia in a Nutshell. Edinburgh:

1 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2015). Intravenous fluid therapy in children and
young people in hospital. M https://​​guidance/​ng29
2 Resuscitation Council (2015). Fluid administration for volume resuscitation. In: European
Paediatric Life Support Manual, 4th edn; pp. 52–​3.
3 Mihara T, Asakura A, Owada G, et al. (2017). A network meta-​analysis of the clinical properties
of various types of supraglottic airway device in children. Anaesthesia, 72, 1251–​64.
4 Ritchie-​McLean, Ferrier V, Clevenger B, et al. (2018). Using middle finger to determine the in-
ternal diameter of uncuffed tracheal tubes in paediatrics. Anaesthesia, 73, 1207–​13.
5 Chambers NA, Ramgolam A, Sommerfield D, et al. (2018). Cuffed vs. uncuffed tracheal tubes
in children: a randomised controlled trial comparing leak, tidal volume and complications.
Anaesthesia, 73, 160–​8.
6 Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust (2014). Your child’s general anaesthetic –​magic milk and
squidgy masks. M https://​​watch?v=0QfFL2CGkU0
7 O’Sullivan M, Wong G (2013). Preinduction techniques to relieve anxiety in children undergoing
general anaesthesia. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain, 13, 196–​9.
8 Elliott AB, Holley AL, Ross AC, et al. (2018). A prospective study comparing perioperative anx-
iety and posthospital behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder vs typically developing
children undergoing outpatient surgery. Pediatr Anesth, 28, 142–​8.
9 Wilkinson K, Cranston AJ (2018). Safeguarding for anaesthetists: working to protect children.
Anaesth Intensive Care Med, 19, 433–​6.
10 Royal College of Anaesthetists, Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and
Ireland (2016). Protecting children in theatre. M https://​​watch?v=JpxXd6C
11 Association of Anaesthetists, Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Royal College of Anaesthetists, College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (2019). Joint profes-
sional guidance on the use of general anaesthesia in young children. M https://​​news/​
12 Kelly CJ, Walker RW (2015). Perioperative pulmonary aspiration is infrequent and low risk in
paediatric anaesthetic practice. Paediatr Anaesth, 25, 36–​43.
13 Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2018). APA Consensus
statement on updated fluid fasting guidelines. M https://​​news/​
14 Thomas M, Morrison C, Newton R, et al. (2018). Consensus statement on clear fluids fasting for
elective pediatric general anesthesia. Pediatr Anesth, 28, 411–​14.
15 The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. Sedative premedication guidelines. M https://​www.rch.​uploadedfiles/​main/​content/​anaes/​sedative_​premedication_​guidelines.pdf
16 Gaynor J, Ansermino JM (2016). Paediatric total intravenous anaesthesia. BJA Educ, 16, 369–​73.
17 Schindler E, Schears GJ, Hall RS, et al. (2012). Ultrasound for vascular access in paediatric pa-
tients. Pediatr Anesth, 22, 1002–​7.
18 Krishna SG, Bryant JF, Tobias JD (2018). Management of the difficult paediatric airway in the
pediatric patient. J Pediatr Intensive Care, 7, 115–​25.
19 Humphries S, Schiber A (2020). Nasal high flow oxygen in pediatric anesthesia and airway man-
agement. Pediatr Anesth, 30, 339–​46.
20 Park R, Peyton JM, Fiadjoe JE, et al. (2017). The efficacy of GlideScope® videolaryngoscopy com-
pared with direct laryngoscopy in children who are difficult to intubate: an analysis from the
paediatric difficult intubation registry. Br J Anaesth, 119, 984–​92.
966 Chapter 36 Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia

21 Difficult Airway Society (2012). Paediatric difficult airway guidelines. M https://​​guide-

22 Martin S, Baines D, Holtby H, et al., on behalf of The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists
of Great Britain and Ireland (2016). Guidelines on the prevention of post-​operative vomiting in chil-
dren. M https://​​sites/​default/​files/​inline-​files/​2016%20APA%20POV%20
23 Vittinghoff M, Lonnqvist P-​A, Mossetti V, et al. (2018). Postoperative pain management in chil-
dren: guidance from the pain committee of the European Society for Paediatric Anaesthesiology
(ESPA Pain Management Ladder Initiative). Pediatr Anesth, 18, 1–​14.
24 Wiegele M, Marhofer P, Lonnqvist P-​E (2019). Caudal epidural blocks in paediatric patients: a
review and practical considerations. Br J Anaesth, 122, 509–​17.
25 Bowling T, for (2013). Ultrasound guided pediatric caudal block. M https://​​watch?v=WyqoaJFFOFs
26 Royal College of Anaesthetists (2009). NAP3. The 3rd National Audit Project of The Royal College
of Anaesthetists. Major complications of central neuraxial block in the United Kingdom. M https://​​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​2019-​09/​NAP3%20report.pdf
27 New York School of Regional Anesthesia (NYSORA). Peripheral nerve blocks for children. M
https://​ w ​ f oundations- ​ o f- ​ regional- ​ a nesthesia/ ​ s ub- ​ s pecialties/ ​ p ediatric-​
28 Choumanovai I, Sanusiii A, Evans F (2017). Anaesthetic management of tracheo-​oesophageal fis-
tula/​oesophageal atresia. Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week 364.
29 Zielinska M, Bartkowska-​Sniatkowska A, Becke K, et al. (2019). Safe paediatric procedural sed-
ation and analgesia by anaesthesiologists for elective procedures: a clinical practice statement
from the European Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiology. Pediatr Anesth, 29, 583–​90.
30 Neilsen N, Wettersley J, Cronberg T (2013). Targeted temperature management at 33*C versus
36*C after cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med, 369, 2197–​206.
31 Resuscitation Council (UK) (2015). Guidelines: Paediatric advanced life support. M https://​www.​library/​2015-​resuscitation-​guidelines/​paediatric-​advanced-​life-​support
Chapter 37 967

The major trauma patient

Oliver Dodd and Alex Wickham
The patient journey 968

Oliver Dodd
Primary survey and resuscitation 971

Alex Wickham
Damage control resuscitation 982
Pregnancy and trauma 988

Oliver Dodd and Alex Wickham

Head and traumatic brain injury 989
Thoracic injury 995
Abdominal and pelvic injuries 999
Spinal trauma 1002
Limb and extremity injuries 1004
Gunshot, blast and crush injuries 1006
Traumatic cardiac arrest 1009

Edwin Clitheroe
Burns: early management 1013

Fleur Cantle
Major trauma in children 1019

Nicholas Freeman
Silver trauma 1025

See also
% Massive transfusion p. 460–1

968 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

The patient journey

Trauma is injury caused when physical energy is transferred to the body
from an outside force. Kinetic energy may be blunt or sharp in nature.
Other mechanisms include pressure (blast injuries) and thermal (hot/​cold/​
electrical/​chemical burns).
Penetrating injuries result from an object entering the body (and some-
times exiting the body), causing damage along the path. They can be classi-
fied as low velocity (knife/​stabbing) or high velocity (gunshot wound). The
range of injury is vast and depends on what instrument is used, how much
force is applied and in which direction and which body cavity/​organ/​tissue
is penetrated.
Blunt trauma are injuries that occur when an object does not enter the
body. It may be caused by an impact (road traffic collision, fall from height,
crush) or assault. It produces a spectrum of effects from minor, single-​
system to life-​threatening, multisystem injuries. Typically, these include con-
tusions, abrasions, lacerations, tearing (shear forces) and fractures to the
affected body parts. The degree of damage depends on the mass and speed
of the moving object.
The major trauma system
Severely injured patients who are treated in a major trauma centre (MTC)
have better outcomes than those treated in smaller trauma units. Since 2010
in London, and 2012 in the rest of the UK, trauma networks have been set
up whereby ambulances and prehospital services can bypass smaller trauma
units to take trauma patients directly to an MTC.1
The MTC provides specialists in the management of major trauma and
ensures critically injured patients are treated by the right people in the right
place in the right time frame. Paediatric MTCs offer specialist treatment for
patients below 16y old.
Prehospital care
The patient journey begins at the point of injury. Prehospital services have
adapted and grown over time to improve patient management and out-
come prior to arrival at the MTC. Prehospital emergency anaesthesia for
intubation, blood administration and resuscitative thoracotomy are among
the procedures that can now be provided in the field by appropriately
trained prehospital clinicians. These teams are supported by specialist
ground and air ambulance services which transport these patients to the
most appropriate centre.
Advance warning and concise communication using an ATMIST2,3 pre-​
alert to the ED will allow the team to prepare (Box 37.1). This ensures
essential resuscitation drugs, blood, staff and equipment are available be-
fore the patient’s arrival. Code words given by the prehospital team allow
organisational systems to be activated, e.g. blood products to be present
on arrival, specialist surgical teams pre-​alerted and theatres to be made
immediately available.
The patient journey 969

Box 37.1 ATMIST pre-​alert communication tool

• Age and name
• Time of incident
• Mechanism of injury
• Injuries top to toe
• Vital Signs (initial and significant changes)
• Treatment.
Also include estimated time of arrival, mode of transport and specialist
resources required to be standing by.

Arrival in the resus room

Trauma teams
Resuscitation of the major trauma patient is most effective when under-
taken by a team of specifically trained doctors and nurses with the leader-
ship of a trauma team leader (TTL). Allocated roles include: TTL, 1° survey
doctor, nurse, scribe, runner and blood monitor (if transfusion anticipated).
Team members work in parallel to simultaneously perform assessment, in-
vestigations, procedures and treatments under the direction of the TTL.
As an anaesthetist presenting to the ED prior to arrival of the patient, it is
important to identify and introduce yourself (name and grade) to the TTL.
The TTL will brief the team using ATMIST and allocate roles. As the anaes-
thetist, you are likely to be allocated airway management and neurological
assessment. Check your equipment; draw up medications if appropriate
and prepare for arrival of the patient.
Critical information from the prehospital phase of the patient journey must
be handed over to the trauma team on arrival. Prior to handover, a rapid
assessment is made by the TTL to ensure the patient has:
• A patent airway
• A pulse
• No uncontrolled, external, catastrophic haemorrhage.
This rapid assessment should take <10s and, once complete, is verbalised
to the team. Alternatively, the TTL can ask the prehospital team if they
have any immediate concerns. Only once the TTL is satisfied no immediate
action needs to be taken, can patient handover start.4 Handover should be
concise and completed within a minute. Avoid distractions, such as placing
monitoring, during this time to ensure you pay attention to the handover.
The team can then commence the next phase of the management.
Resuscitation room management
Traditional teaching by the well-​known Advanced Trauma Life Support®
(ATLS®)5 framework considers the initial management in four phases:
• 1° survey
• Resuscitation
• 2° survey
• Definitive care.

970 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

The first two phases are carried out simultaneously, during which there is
multidisciplinary discussion and planning for the next steps of patient care,
e.g. theatre, CT, ICU or ward. The 2° survey (see % p. 980) is not started
until the patient has been adequately resuscitated and stabilised. Clear
documentation should be made of each stage of the process: examination
findings, investigations and treatment, including medications and transfu-
sion. Interruptions in care for investigations and handover between teams
(e.g. ED to theatre) are common, and outstanding tasks must be recorded
(e.g. 2° survey not complete) so they are not forgotten. As the anaesthetist,
you may accompany the patient from the ED, via imaging, to theatre and
onwards to the ICU, so you are uniquely placed to provide continuity of
care, ensuring that tasks are completed and details retained.
Primary survey and resuscitation 971

Primary survey and resuscitation

• During the 1° survey, the TTL should have a hands-​off approach,
standing at the foot of the bed directing the team, while simultaneously
maintaining an overview and good situational awareness. Closed
loop questions and clear objectives from the TTL allow for a smooth
transition through the phase of immediate management.
• The principles of the 1° survey are to identify and resolve life-​
threatening injuries in order of priority (Table 37.1).

Table 37.1 Principles of the primary survey and resuscitation

C Catastrophic haemorrhage Control via direct pressure and tourniquet

A Airway with C-​spine Maintain airway patency and control the
control C-​spine
B Breathing Identify and treat chest injuries to ensure
oxygenation and ventilation
C Circulation Identify causes of shock and treat
D Disability Perform a rapid assessment of neurological
E Exposure Ensure full exposure of the patient while
preventing hypothermia

Management of catastrophic haemorrhage

• Life-​threatening bleeding will lead to exsanguination and death unless
prompt treatment is instigated. Sequential management involves use
of elevation, direct pressure, indirect pressure to a proximal artery,
trauma pressure dressings, topical haemostatic agents (e.g. Celox™) and
• H If the trauma patient is >20w pregnant, aortocaval compression
from the gravid uterus will exacerbate hypotension. A left lateral tilt or
manual left displacement of the gravid uterus should be instituted as
early as possible and maintained throughout resuscitation to optimise
preload. Consider the possibility of pregnancy in any ♀ trauma patient
of childbearing age. (See also % pp. 460–1.)
Airway with cervical spine control
• The priority during resuscitation of any severely injured patient is to
ensure a patent airway and maintain oxygenation. In doing so, strategies
to avoid exacerbating any C-​spine injury must be employed.
• Assume the presence of a spinal injury in any patient who has sustained
significant blunt trauma, until clearance procedures have been

972 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• Exclusion of C-​spine injury must be undertaken by an experienced

clinician after clinical examination and imaging have been completed. A
reliable clinical examination cannot be obtained if the patient:
• Has sustained a significant closed head injury
• Is intoxicated
• Has a reduced conscious level from any other cause
• Has significant pain from an injury, which ‘distracts’ attention from
the neck.6
• Practical considerations need to be taken into account when applying a
rigid collar and blocks, especially to agitated patients or elderly patients
who may have pre-​existing spinal conditions.
• Jaw thrust is the preferred technique to open an airway in trauma
patients, as it minimises movement of the C-​spine.
• The use of direct visual suction (taking care not to stimulate vomiting
in the obtunded patient) and adjuncts such as an oropharyngeal
airway can be used.
• Avoid instrumenting the nasopharynx in head injury patients due
to the possibility of base of skull fractures allowing access to the
cranium. H Nasopharyngeal airways and NGTs should be used with
extreme caution.
• In the spontaneously breathing patient, O2 is delivered with a
reservoir (non-​rebreathing) mask which delivers FiO2 8 0.85.
• A non-​exhaustive list of indications for intubation are listed in Box 37.2.
Prior to intubation, it is extremely important to document a precise
GCS and pupil assessment.
Induction of anaesthesia and intubation of the major trauma patient
(See % p. 388.)
• Teamwork is key to 1st-​time success. There needs to be clear
communication between the TTL and the clinician performing the
• Prepare: prepare and check all drugs and equipment. Refamiliarise
yourself with the equipment available (e.g. VLs or emergency
cricothyroidotomy equipment).

Box 37.2 Indications for endotracheal intubation

• Airway obstruction unrelieved by basic airway manoeuvres
• Impending airway obstruction (e.g. inhalational injury and burns)
• Airway compromise (e.g. soiling from maxillofacial injuries)
• Respiratory failure: consider intubation for head-​injured patients to
maintain normocapnia and PaO2 ≥8kPa
• Damage control or resuscitative surgery
• Expedient intubation for analgesic/​humanitarian reasons
• Combative/​uncooperative patient, compromising further
investigation or treatment
• Reduced or rapidly reducing GCS or loss of laryngeal reflexes.
Historically GCS ≤8; however, patients with a higher GCS may still
require intubation
Primary survey and resuscitation 973

• Allocate clear roles: 1st intubator, 2nd intubator (if available), airway
assistant, drug administrator, cricoid pressure, MILS of the C-​spine.
• Vocalise the airway plan and strategy for failed intubation. An intubation
checklist should be used.
• MILS of the C-​spine: unless the trauma is an isolated penetrating injury,
full MILS C-​spine immobilisation should be used during intubation. MILS
can be maintained from the side (ideal as the team member then does
not interfere with the intubator) or head-​end of the patient. It should
be instituted prior to removal of the collar or blocks and continues
until they are replaced at the end of intubation. Traction must not be
• Preoxygenate: consider augmenting Mapleson C/​circle circuit high
FiO2 and 5cmH2O PEEP with nasal O2 cannulae at 15L/​min placed
pre-​intubation if SpO2 <90%. If the patient’s ventilatory effort is
inadequate, gentle assisted ventilation, avoiding inflating the stomach,
can be used.
• Cricoid pressure, if used, should be two-​handed (anterior and
posterior) to prevent displacement of any C-​spine injuries.
• Induce anaesthesia. All induction drugs have the potential to cause
vasodilation and compound hypotension.
• Ketamine, fentanyl and rocuronium have become the drug
combination of choice in major trauma, for both prehospital and in-​
hospital emergency use. The dose regimens should be sensitive to the
patient’s physiology.
• For the trauma patient without physiological compromise: 3
micrograms/​kg fentanyl, 2mg/​kg ketamine and 1mg/​kg rocuronium is
appropriate (a ‘3-​2-​1 induction’).
• For physiologically unstable patients, reduce the doses to 1
microgram/​kg fentanyl, 1mg/​kg ketamine and 1mg/​kg rocuronium (a
‘1-​1-​1-​ induction’).
• If the patient is critically unwell, ketamine in reduced doses and
rocuronium alone may be used.
• Alternative agents: thiopental can be used for normotensive head
injuries. Suxamethonium 1.5mg/​kg can be used in the immediate
aftermath of trauma, even in patients with burns or spinal injury;
however, in patients with severe muscle injury or if there is a
suspicion of raised K+ from other causes, it should be avoided.
• Blood/​fluid should be connected to a large-​bore cannula and volume
given to compensate for the effects of anaesthesia.
• Laryngoscopy:
• Anticipate difficult laryngoscopy. Full C-​spine immobilisation with
collar, blocks and tape limits neck movement to 5% of the normal
range, resulting in Cormack and Lehane grade III or IV views in 64%
of patients. Removing the anterior portion of the hard collar and
using assistant-​provided MILS makes it easier, but 22% of patients will
still have grade III views at laryngoscopy.7
• VLs with hyperangulated blades are the preferred method for
intubation to reduce movement of the atlanto-​occipital and
atlantoaxial joints.

974 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• If there is airway or maxillofacial trauma, direct laryngoscopy is ideal

as a small amount of blood on a VL camera will rapidly obscure any
view. A size 4 Macintosh blade with a short handle is suitable.
• Some advocate use of bougie on 1st attempt.
• If intubation is impossible, an SGA will provide a temporary airway
but may not prevent aspiration. Refer to Fig. 15.4 (see % p. 369) for
DAS algorithm.
• ETT. A large, cuffed single-​lumen ETT should be used. Confirm ETT
placement with ETCO2 (preferably waveform). This needs to be
verbalised clearly to the TTL.
Breathing problems and thoracic trauma
The aim is to identify and correct the immediately life-​threatening condi-
tions which can follow blunt or penetrating thoracic trauma:
• Tension pneumothorax
• Open pneumothorax
• Massive haemothorax
• Flail chest
• Airway disruption/​obstruction
• Cardiac tamponade.
Other non-​life-​threatening conditions will be discussed later in the chapter.
• A systematic approach, including inspection, palpation, percussion
and auscultation, paying specific attention to the axillae, neck, upper
abdomen and back will help to identify these pathologies.
• Early use of thoracic ultrasound as part of the extended focused
assessment with sonography for trauma (eFAST) will pick up cardiac
tamponade or massive haemothorax and is more sensitive in picking up
pneumothorax than CXR in the supine patient. It can also give a crude,
but useful appreciation of fluid status by looking at the IVC.
Tension pneumothorax
• Suspect if: thoracic trauma, hypotension, tachycardia and respiratory
• Signs: reduced air entry and chest wall movement on the affected
side with resonant percussion note. Tracheal deviation is a late and
inconsistent finding.
• Treatment: decompression by lateral thoracostomy in the 4th or 5th
intercostal space (in pregnant patients, the 4th intercostal space is
preferred), anterior to the mid-​axillary line. This is followed by chest
tube insertion. Following thoracostomy, an audible rush of air may be
heard and accompany prompt improvement in physiology.
• Needle decompression in the 2nd intercostal space, mid-​clavicular line,
should be considered a technique of last resort if no one is available to
perform tube thoracostomy.
Open pneumothorax
An open pneumothorax should be treated by covering the exterior wound
with a non-​occlusive, one-​way valve dressing, such as an Asherman Chest
Seal™, followed by a chest drain inserted at a separate site on the same side
of the chest.
Primary survey and resuscitation 975

Massive haemothorax
• Defined as 1000–​1500mL of blood in the thoracic cavity in an adult. It
causes both hypovolaemia and impaired ventilation.
• It usually occurs 2° to a laceration of the intercostal artery or vein and
less commonly from a mediastinal vessel.
• Signs: reduced chest wall movement and stony dull percussion can be
supported by thoracic ultrasound which reveals a large collection of
blood above the diaphragm.
• Immediate treatment includes:
• High-​flow O2
• Large-​bore IV access × 2
• Chest drain insertion
• Blood product resuscitation via a rapid infusor device (see % p. 460).
Start the transfusion as the haemothorax is released.
• Caution is needed with chest drain insertion as this procedure may
dislodge a clot and cause further active bleeding.
• Ongoing drainage of blood from the intercostal drain of 100–​200mL/​h
over the subsequent hours will indicate the need for thoracotomy or
interventional radiology.
Flail chest
• A flail segment occurs when two or more adjacent ribs are fractured in
two or more places.
• Patients will present with pain and, if conscious, shallow and painful
• Signs: paradoxical movement of the chest wall may not always be
present (some flails are only seen radiologically), but there will
be tenderness, bruising, crepitus and underlying lung contusion ±
• The principles of treatment are as per pulmonary contusion (see
% pp. 995–6.
• Rib fixation within 3–​5d of injury has demonstrated shorter length of
hospital stay and better analgesic outcomes.8
Airway disruption
• Patients with major airway disruption will often asphyxiate at the scene.
Survivors may present with severe surgical emphysema, pneumothorax,
haemothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium and
pneumoperitoneum. These injuries are often the consequence of high-​
energy transfer and shear forces.
• Diagnosis is often made by the anaesthetist when trying to manage
blood in the airway, difficult intubation and, once intubated, a major
air leak.
• Fibreoptic bronchoscopy or, if stable enough, CT are diagnostic.
• Depending on the level of disruption, management may be surgical or,
for some small bronchopleural fistulae, conservative.

976 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Cardiac tamponade
• Cardiac tamponade should be considered in any trauma patient who
has sustained a penetrating injury to the chest, neck or upper abdomen.
Cardiac tamponade can also occur in blunt trauma, especially in patients
taking oral anticoagulants, but this is rare.
• Beck’s triad (hypotension, distended neck veins and muffled heart
sounds) is unreliable, especially in a noisy ED. Thoracic ultrasound will
demonstrate diastolic RV collapse and blood in the pericardial space.
This is diagnostic of cardiac tamponade.
• The initial management of cardiac tamponade involves improving
preload through volume resuscitation (blood products), while the TTL
arranges definitive surgical intervention.
• If the patient deteriorates in the ED despite this, a resuscitative bilateral
anterior (‘clamshell’) thoracotomy and pericardiotomy with repair of
the myocardium should be undertaken (see % pp. 1010–11).
Circulation and shock
During the 1° survey, always suspect and actively look for haemorrhage
and shock. Place pregnant patients in the left lateral position or manually
displace the uterus to the left. Shock is defined as inadequate delivery of
oxygenated blood to tissues. Causes are shown in Table 37.2.
• Suspicion of circulatory compromise may come from the pre-​alert and
mechanism of injury, while recognition of shock should begin at the
rapid assessment and handover.
• The TTL will coordinate simultaneous:
• Circulatory assessment and identification of hypovolaemia
• Haemostasis
• Treatment of haemorrhage.
• During the 1° survey, HR, BP, RR, capillary refill time, conscious level
and pallor may help to identify patients with shock.
• Traditional ATLS® teaching classifies shock into grades I–​IV; however,
this has been widely scrutinised, with fewer than half of European
ATLS® instructors declaring they would use this tool.9 Certain drugs,
being cold and some pre-​existing medical conditions may lead to
overestimation of blood loss, while the tool underestimates blood loss
in children, pregnancy, blunt trauma and athletes.9
• A shock index (HR/​systolic BP) of >1 can help identify shock in patients
with apparently relatively normal physiology.10

Table 37.2 Shock

Type of shock Example causes

Hypovolaemic Haemorrhage, burns, interstitial losses, dehydration
Cardiogenic 1° myocardial event, including injury and ischaemia
Obstructive Cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, massive PE
Distributive Neurogenic, usually caused by a spinal injury above T6
Septic, due to systemic inflammatory response
Anaphylactic, type 1 hypersensitivity reaction
Primary survey and resuscitation 977

• Bedside use of ultrasound may help identify the presence of blood and/​or
the cause of shock (e.g. pericardial fluid, an empty IVC, blood in the
abdomen or chest).
• Control of haemorrhage begins with direct pressure, indirect pressure,
tourniquets, pelvic and long bone splints.
• Large-​bore IV (14 or 16G), IO or central access is attained in major
trauma patients as early as possible.
• Send blood samples for: venous blood gas (lactate), FBC, G&S or X-​
match, electrolytes, coagulation profile (TEG® or ROTEM® if available).
POCT can be extremely useful.
• If significant bleeding is suspected or evident, tranexamic acid is
given within 3h of injury (1g over 10min), if not already given by the
prehospital team, followed by 1g over 8h.
• If the patient is known to be on anticoagulants with ongoing bleeding,
use of factor concentrates or reversal agents may be indicated.
• Major trauma patients are at risk of the ‘lethal triad’ of acidosis,
coagulopathy and hypothermia. Pay attention to keeping the patient
warm—​measure temperature, limit exposure to that which is required
for assessment/​procedures and use active warming and warmed blood
Resuscitation goals
• The goals of resuscitation are to optimise tissue oxygenation (Box
37.3).11,12 Acute shocked trauma patients are in a dynamic situation and
should be reassessed regularly.
• Patients with haemorrhagic shock will respond in one of three ways to
blood product administration:
• Improve
• Transiently improve, then deteriorate, requiring further fluid
• Not improve.
• Practically, until major bleeding has been stopped, volume resuscitation
should be titrated to maintain palpable central pulses,8 systolic BP
of 80–​90mmHg, MAP of 50–​60mmHg3 and diastolic pressures of
25–​35mmHg (to achieve coronary perfusion).1 Conscious level is a
good indicator of cerebral perfusion in awake patients. Young, healthy
patients may tolerate a lower BP, while elderly patients may need
a higher BP—​this is up to the clinical judgement of an experienced
anaesthetist/​TTL on an individual basis13 (see % p. 1026).
(See % p. 1020 for paediatric parameters.)
• In the complex patient with traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries
and ongoing haemorrhage, the BP target depends on the dominant
condition. If haemorrhagic shock is the predominant problem,
restrictive volume resuscitation should be employed. If traumatic brain
injury is the predominant issue, a less restrictive approach, targeting SBP
of 100–​110mmHg and MAP of ≥80mmHg, should be used to maintain
cerebral perfusion prior to surgery.3,11,14,15
• Patients who do not have a sustained improvement require further
blood product resuscitation and definitive management of their
haemorrhage. This can be achieved by surgery (see % pp. 982–3) or
interventional radiology (see % p. 824) with ongoing correction of

978 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• If the source of bleeding is unknown, the TTL, in conjunction with the

trauma/​general surgeon, must decide if the patient will go straight to
theatre or undergo CT first. This will depend on the stability of the
patient, but unless lifesaving surgery is required immediately, patients
generally benefit from CT scans.16
• Deterioration in the resuscitation room despite fluid resuscitation may
lead to traumatic cardiac arrest (see % pp. 1009–11).

Box 37.3 Goals of resuscitation

• Systolic BP 80–​100mmHg (head-​injured patient: MAP >80mmHg)
(see caveats above)
• HR <120bpm
• SpO2 >95%
• Hb 70–​100g/​L
• INR <1.6
• Lactate <4mmol/​L
• Base excess > –​6
• Fibrinogen >1.5g/​L
• Platelets >50 × 109/​L (aim for >75 × 109/​L)
• pH >7.2
• Core temperature >35.0°C
• Ionised calcium >1.1mmol/​L
Source: data from Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 1 Critical Bleeding Massive
Transfusion (2009) National Blood Authority Australia Updated 2011.

Fluid administration in major trauma

• The use of crystalloid in traumatic haemorrhage is limited to prehospital
teams that do not carry blood and patients who will not receive blood
products (e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses).3
• For full guidance on haemostatic resuscitation, see % pp. 983–4.
• Initial balanced resuscitation, using warmed PRBCs/​FFP/​platelets in a
1:1:1 ratio, is recommended.17
• In the UK, all hospitals should have a massive transfusion protocol
(MTP), which can be initiated based on local thresholds, for significant
haemorrhage. The MTP alerts the transfusion laboratory of a major
haemorrhage and guarantees the delivery of certain blood products,
which may vary between hospitals. Typically, there is an initial pack
containing PRBCs and FFP and a 2nd pack that includes PRBCs, FFP,
cryoprecipitate (or fibrinogen concentrate) and platelets.
• See Box 37.4 for initial dosage of blood products.18 Further
administration is guided by laboratory testing or POCT, e.g. ABG and
• Consider calcium chloride after 2–​4 units of blood.
• Assess pupils for size, equality and reactivity to light.
• A relative afferent pupillary defect with facial trauma may alert the team
to a retro-​orbital haematoma which needs immediate decompression
with lateral canthectomy.
Primary survey and resuscitation 979

• Formal assessment of GCS (see % Table 37.4, p. 990) and gross motor
function bilaterally will alert the TTL to major spinal and intracranial
injuries. This needs to be accomplished prior to intubation.
• If not already administered, tranexamic acid should be given in isolated
head-​injured patients with reduced GCS (9–​12) prior to CT brain if
within 3h of the injury.19
• Ensure that blood glucose level and analgesia have been addressed by
this point.

Box 37.4 Initial dosage of blood products

Hb <70g/​L Rate of administration guided by rate of
blood loss. Aim for 70–​90g/​L (>80g/​L if
cardiac history)
INR >1.5 Give FFP 15–​20mL/​kg
Fibrinogen <1.0g/​L Give two packs (2 × 5 unit pools)
Platelets <50 × 109/​L Give one adult therapeutic dose

Source: data from Hunt B et al. (2015) A practical guideline for the haematological management
of major haemorrhage British J Haematology 170(6), 788–​803.

• It is important to expose the patient completely and inspect the axillae,
back and groin for penetrating injuries (a ‘stab check’), while making
attempts to avoid hypothermia.
• Often a log roll is not performed prior to a trauma CT (if indicated),
but the TTL should have an appreciation of all major obvious wounds.
(See % Table 37.3 and Box 37.5.)
• Imaging should aid in decision-​making and the early planning phase of
the patient journey, as well as provide diagnoses.
• X-​rays of the chest and pelvis may be performed as part of the 1° survey.
• Ultrasound can be performed quickly in the ED to identify free fluid
(blood) in the perihepatic and perisplenic regions indicating abdominal
haemorrhage. eFAST is a structured assessment looking for:
• Blood in the perihepatic, perisplenic, pericardial and pelvic areas
• Air (pneumothoraces) via anterior thoracic windows.
• Ultrasound can be used to identify blood in the abdomen but should
not be used to rule out the presence of blood, as there is significant
operator dependency and, even in experienced hands, retroperitoneal
and small volumes of blood can be missed.20 Even if no fluid is identified,
this does not rule out other abdominal injuries which may require
surgical intervention.

980 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• eFAST has become controversial in some units where expedient trauma

CT is preferred as the initial investigation of choice.
• A trauma CT (see % p. 819) images the head, neck, chest, abdomen
and pelvis. It is often prioritised after the 1° survey in adults. The aim is
to gain as much information of the injuries as quickly as possible. The
injection of contrast allows for greater diagnostic information. The
Camp Bastion Protocol for trauma CT is commonly used. (See %
pp. 1022–3 for guidance in paediatric patients.)
• The Primary Assessment Report21 is a method by which the radiologist
can rapidly provide information that will change immediate management
and disposition of the patient. A formal report will be issued
subsequently when the radiologist has fully reviewed the films.

Table 37.3 Imaging

Ultrasound CT scan
Indication Screening for free fluid in unstable Diagnosis of organ injury
patients in haemodynamically stable
Advantages Fast, sensitivity 83–​87%, can Most specific for injury (92–​
detect free fluid and some solid 98%), will also demonstrate
organ injury perforation
Dis- Operator-​dependent; misses Takes time and involves
advantages diaphragm, bowel and some transfer away from resus
pancreatic injuries room
May delay CT

Log roll
If the patient is stable, a log roll may be appropriate prior to moving on to
the 2° survey. The purpose of the log roll is to ensure the back has been
visualised and if a full trauma scan has not been done, the TTL will assess
the spine for tenderness and sensation.
The secondary survey
The 2° survey requires a systematic head-​to-​toe examination of the patient.
It will also include management of peripheral injuries, an ECG, complete
neurological examination and, if required, a formal orthopaedic review, a
urinary catheter and American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) chart com-
pletion. The 2° survey often occurs outside the ED in major trauma, after
resuscitation, surgery or transfer to critical care, and formal documentation
of this step, when it occurs, is important.
Primary survey and resuscitation 981

Box 37.5 Summary of NICE guidance on imaging in

major trauma3
• Patients with suspected chest trauma or suspected haemorrhage:
perform imaging urgently; images should be interpreted immediately
by a health care professional with training and skills in this area.
• Patients with suspected haemorrhage and haemodynamic instability
who are not responding to volume resuscitation: limit diagnostic
imaging (CXR and pelvis X-​ray or FAST) to the minimum needed to
direct intervention.
• Patients with suspected haemorrhage who are responding to
resuscitation or have normal haemodynamic status: consider
immediate CT.
• Use whole-​body CT in adults (≥16y) with blunt major trauma and
suspected multiple injuries.
• FAST in major trauma patients:
• Do not use FAST or other diagnostic imaging before immediate CT
or as a screening modality to determine the need for CT.
• A negative FAST does not exclude intraperitoneal or
retroperitoneal haemorrhage.
FAST, focused assessment with sonography for trauma.
Source: data from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) Major trauma: as-
sessment and initial management NICE guideline 39 M https://​​guidance/​ng39

982 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Damage control resuscitation

(See also % pp. 460–1.)
• Haemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable death in the first 24h
after trauma, accounting for 50% of deaths.15
• Damage control resuscitation (DCR) is a treatment strategy that aims to
preserve life in bleeding trauma patients by stopping haemorrhage and
proactively countering the ‘lethal triad’ of hypothermia, acidaemia and
• The key elements of DCR include:
• Haemorrhage control and restoration of perfusion via damage
control surgery (DCS)
• Haemostatic resuscitation to prevent and treat trauma-​induced
coagulopathy (TIC)
• Permissive hypotension.
• DCR consists of four phases:
• Phase 0: recognition, rapid transport to hospital/​theatre and start of
• Phase 1: DCS and continued DCR
• Phase 2: ICU-​based physiological and biochemical stabilisation
• Phase 3: return to theatre for definitive repair of injuries.

Damage control surgery

• DCS involves an abbreviated operation to control life-​threatening
injuries and restore physiology, rather than correct anatomy. Initially
described by Rotondo,23 the goal is to preserve life.
• DCS may be essential in non-​trauma centres to stabilise a patient prior
to transfer to a tertiary centre.
• The decision to use DCS should be made early, but not lightly. Timely
selection of appropriate patients for DCS ensures maximal benefit;
the later DCS is applied, the less successful the outcome. Around 10%
of major trauma patients require DCS, but the risk of morbidity and
mortality is significantly higher and there are resource implications.22
If the patient has normal physiology or responds promptly to
resuscitation, then definitive repair should be attempted. Surgery should
be matched to the physiology—​if a patient deteriorates during their
procedure, DCS should be utilised.
• There is no single threshold for DCS, rather a ‘global’ view should
be used to select patients. When the severity of surgical bleeding
exceeds the patient’s capacity to respond, DCS should be considered.
Indications of physiological exhaustion include:11,21,22
• Preselected, based on mechanism of injury, e.g. penetrating trauma or
high-​energy blunt trauma
• Metabolic compromise: pH <7.25, base excess < –​6, lactate >2.5
• Massive transfusion, i.e. >10 units of PRBCs
• Coagulopathy on POCT/​lab results or clinical evidence
• Hypothermia <34.0–​35.0ºC.
• Once the need for DCS has been identified, the patient should be
rapidly transported to theatre. Investigations should only help identify
which body cavity to open—​CXR, pelvic X-​ray and eFAST.
Damage control resuscitation 983

• Typical DCS procedures include resuscitative laparotomy, resuscitative

thoracotomy, pelvic packing, junctional surgery (i.e. neck/​groins/​
axillae) and external fixation of fractures. More than 1 surgical team may
operate simultaneously.
• The patient should be positioned and the skin prepared to enable
extension of the initial incision into another body cavity or junctional
zone, e.g. in the crucifix position.
• DCS consists of four key principles:
• Haemorrhage control: using packs, vessel ligation, suturing, organ
excision (e.g. splenectomy, nephrectomy, linear resection of lung
tissue), shunts and haemostatic adjuncts
• Control contamination: debridement and removal of contaminants
followed by closure of bowel injuries—​small injuries may be simply
sutured, while larger injuries should be stapled and the bowel ends
left discontinuous
• Protect the patient from further injury
• Temporary closure.
• DCS procedures should last <60–​90min. Resuscitation and correction
of physiology should continue in ICU thereafter.
Haemostatic resuscitation
• Haemostatic resuscitation11,17,21,22,24 is the aggressive treatment of TIC.
• TIC is caused by multiple factors and is associated with i morbidity and
• Hypoperfusion, resulting from the injury itself, causes an endogenous
• Formation of clots leads to a consumptive coagulopathy.
• Hypothermia and acidaemia (together with TIC make the ‘lethal
triad’) exacerbate dysfunction further.
• Stored blood is physiologically imperfect, particularly so if >22d
old. Even if you provide excellent resuscitation, you will be providing
resuscitation with fluid that has inferior clotting and O2-​carrying ability
to the patient’s own.
• Transfusion should follow the local major haemorrhage/massive
transfusion protocol. The major haemorrhage protocol should be
initiated to alert the transfusion laboratory and portering services, in
addition to clinical teams, that significant haemorrhage is expected.
Typical major haemorrhage protocol triggers include blood given by
prehospital services, at TTL discretion based on pre-​alert information,
blood loss of ≥150mL/​min or actual/​anticipated blood loss of ≥30%
of circulating volume in 3h (71500mL). PRBCs and blood products are
often issued as emergency ‘packs’, which enable abbreviated ordering
of the products. The ‘packs’ are virtual and may not arrive together,
depending on what is immediately available.
• ‘Shock/​trauma packs’ often contain 4 PRBCs and 4 FFP (prethawed, if
possible). O+ blood can be given to ♂ patients. Further ‘packs’ may
contain similar products and quantities but also include cryoprecipitate
(or fibrinogen concentrate) and platelets.
• Initial transfusion ratios target the empirical optimum transfusion ratio
of 1:1:1 PRBCs to FFP to platelets, which was demonstrated to improve

984 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

outcomes in the PROPPR trial.17 A ‘pool of platelets’ contains 4–​6 units,

so giving one pool every 4–​6 PRBCs maintains the ratio balance.
• Use a rapid transfusor device to warm and deliver all blood products,
apart from platelets. The rate of transfusion should be guided by an
estimation of the deficit and the rate of ongoing blood loss.
• Tranexamic acid (1g or 15mg/​kg in children) should be given IV over
10min as soon as possible within the first 3h after injury to counter
hyperfibrinolysis. A 2nd dose of 1g should be infused over the next 8h.
• Calcium chloride 10%: give 10mL approximately every 4 units of
PRBCs, or if ionised calcium ≤1.0mmol/​L, to treat hypocalcaemia from
consumption and citrate chelation.
• Early and regular blood gas analysis and viscoelastic assays (TEG®/​
ROTEM®) should be used, in addition to clinical information, to target
further transfusion to the individual patient’s need. Base excess, lactate,
pH, viscoelastic assay values and rate of ongoing blood loss guide the
resuscitation. In acute haemorrhage, Hb is unreliable, but targeting 70–​
100g/​L and platelets >50 × 109/​L is recommended.11,18 H Do not wait
until Hb has dropped to these values before starting transfusion, as you
will struggle to catch up.
• Switch to type-​specific or X-​matched blood at the earliest opportunity.
• Replace fibrinogen. Target TEG®/​ROTEM® values or Clauss fibrinogen
levels (>2g/​L preferably, and at least >1.5g/​L). Two pools of
cryoprecipitate will provide 71g of fibrinogen. Up to 3–​4g may be
needed initially. Alternatively, use fibrinogen concentrate, which does
not need to be thawed.
• Correct hyperkalaemia: 50mL of 50% glucose and 15 units of insulin
infusion over 20–​30min to maintain K+ 3.5–​4.5mmol/​L.
• Crystalloid and colloid fluids should be avoided to prevent worsening
the dilutional coagulopathy, unless there is no other option. Small
volumes, e.g. 250mL boluses, should be used.
• Reverse anticoagulated patients: PCC, e.g. Octaplex®, or other
appropriate reversal agents.
• Further management: PCC, recombinant factor VIIa and warm whole
blood (if available) may be considered for resistant coagulopathy, in
conjunction with haematology advice.
Permissive hypotension
• Permissive hypotension is a temporarily tolerated passive process
until the bleeding is stopped definitively by surgery or interventional
• There is little high-​quality evidence for permissive hypotension.
But studies have shown that attempting to normalise BP in active
haemorrhage with fluids or vasopressors is counterproductive, creating
a cycle of bleeding from i hydrostatic pressure followed by requirement
for further fluids/​vasopressors.21,25,26 However, there is ongoing debate
about the validity of this research, as most was conducted before
modern balanced transfusion and DCR-​based approaches.
• Practically, until major bleeding has been stopped, volume resuscitation
should be titrated to maintain palpable central pulses,3 systolic BP
of 80–​90mmHg, MAP of 50–​60mmHg11 and diastolic pressures of
25–​35mmHg (to achieve coronary perfusion).21 Conscious level is a
Damage control resuscitation 985

good indicator of cerebral perfusion in awake patients. A lower BP in a

young, healthy patient who is cerebrating may be acceptable, but this is
up to the clinical judgement of an experienced anaesthetist/​TTL on an
individual basis. Elderly patients may need a higher systolic pressure (see
% p. 1026).
• In complex patients with both haemorrhagic shock and traumatic
brain injury (GCS ≤8)/​spinal cord injury, the BP targets depend on the
dominant condition. If haemorrhagic shock is the predominant problem,
restrictive volume resuscitation should be employed. If traumatic brain
injury is the predominant issue, a less restrictive approach, targeting
systolic BP of 100–​110mmHg and MAP of ≥80mmHg, should be used
to maintain cerebral perfusion.3,11,14,15
• Transient use of vasopressors, targeting the above values, can be
considered in life-​threatening hypotension while volume replacement is
• Note, the above BP values are population-​based rules of thumb. Elderly
patients may need higher MAP and systolic BP.
• When haemorrhage is controlled, carefully resuscitate to more
normotensive BPs to optimise organ perfusion. The shorter the
period of permissive hypotension, the better for organ perfusion
and morbidity. The concept of ‘hybrid resuscitation’27 acknowledges
the need to reduce the period of hypotension, partially restoring
the BP after 1h, even if definitive haemostasis is not achieved. This
provides a greater degree of tissue perfusion prior to complete surgical
Additional considerations
Vascular access
• Two 14–​16G cannulae in a large peripheral vein.
• Large-​bore central access 8.5Fr (PAFC introducer/​Arrow® MAC™) into
the subclavian or internal jugular vein. Avoid insertion distal to a source
of haemorrhage, i.e. avoid the femoral vein in abdominal trauma.
• Resuscitation, theatre transfers and surgery should not be delayed for
central or arterial lines (there is no such thing as a ‘quick’ line!). Position
the patient to allow insertion once surgery has started, e.g. in the
crucifix position.
• Temporary vascular access can be achieved by IO cannulae in the
humeral heads, if necessary.
Hypothermia management
• Target a core temperature >36°C.
• Monitor temperature with an orally placed oesophageal
temperature probe.
• Warm all blood products/​fluids.
• Use both underbody and overbody forced air warming blankets and
cover other exposed areas with Gamgee/​blankets.
• Warm humidified breathing circuit.
Human factors
• Providing DCR for severely injured major trauma patients is challenging.
Diagnoses and multiple interventions need to occur simultaneously.
Senior clinicians should be present throughout.

986 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• Clear communication, calm leadership, active followership and

situational awareness from team members are key.
• Roles should be assigned, including: team and subteam leader(s), blood
and transfusion monitors and scribe.
• Regular communication between surgical teams and anaesthetists is
recommended every 15–​20min during surgery. ‘SNAP-​Chat’28 is a
mnemonic that aids covering:
• Surgical progress/​systolic BP
• Number of blood products
• ABG, coagulation and temperature
• Plan until next interval.
• A hot debrief when the patient has left theatre is extremely useful both
as a learning tool and to support staff wellbeing. Further debriefing and
support may be needed after on-​table deaths, extreme injuries and
mass casualty events.
Damage control anaesthesia
(See % pp. 972–4.)
• Preoxygenation should start using 15L/​min via a non-​rebreathing face
mask while en route to theatre if the patient is awake.
• In theatre, if inducing for lifesaving haemorrhage control surgery, the
patient should have their skin prepared and draped and the surgical
team ready to put knife to skin immediately after intubation.
• A primed rapid infusor should be connected to a large-​bore cannula
giving volume to compensate for anaesthesia and release of any
• DLTs are not recommended, even for thoracic cases, due to the
additional complexity (and lack of familiarity for most anaesthetists) in
an already difficult situation. A bronchial blocker can be used, or a single
lumen tube advanced endobronchially, if required.
• Ventilation: initially, limit intrathoracic pressure to avoid further
compromising a shocked circulation. Suggested starting parameters are
FiO2 100%, RR 10 breaths/​min, VT 5–​6mL/​kg and PEEP 0–​4cmH2O,
aiming for oxygenation. As the circulating volume expands, minute
ventilation and PEEP can be i and FiO2 reduced to more normal levels.
• Maintenance of anaesthesia: volatile maintenance is recommended over
TIVA to avoid additional workload in changing syringes. Target a MAC
of 0.4–​0.6, with 50-​microgram fentanyl boluses (2–​3mg total dose for
case) to provide simple, CVS-​stable anaesthesia. Fentanyl provides a
degree of vasodilation to aid the replacement of lost circulating fluid
and lactate clearance. Larger doses can cause haemodynamic instability.
• Antibiotics: determined by local policy, dependent on the incision.
• Analgesia: fentanyl boluses as above. Further small doses of ketamine
and paracetamol may be used as appropriate. Regional anaesthesia may
be considered but is often impractical.
• Constantly re-​evaluate: when bleeding is controlled, slow down the
rate of blood product infusion to avoid fluid-​overloading the patient.
• Intraoperative problems:
• Unexplained d BP and i HR: consider hypovolaemia, pneumothorax,
pericardial tamponade or retroperitoneal vessel injury.
• Unexplained hypoxia and rise in inflation pressures: consider tension
Damage control resuscitation 987

• Unexplained i BP: consider pain, i ICP (search for associated

neurological signs), or rarely traumatic disruption of the thoracic
aorta (causing a pseudocoarctation effect).
• If pH <7.1, consider sodium bicarbonate.
• Transthoracic echocardiography can be useful to assess the fluid status
of the heart chambers for those trained in its use.
• Pass an OGT to empty the stomach prior to extubation if this is
• Although patients initially may be hypocoagulable, they often become
progressively hypercoagulable. Veno-​thromboprophylaxis should be
instigated early when warranted.
Stages II and III: restoration of normality and
definitive repair
• The ICU team will aim to reverse the physiological and biochemical
effects of injury and hypotension. They will use invasive monitoring and
POCT to optimise blood flow, continue correction of coagulopathy and
rewarm the patient. A tertiary survey will occur and any further imaging
be undertaken (if the patient is ‘stable’ after surgery, a CT scan can be
completed en route to ICU).
• Restoration of normal physiology may take up to 48h, though this
may occur quicker. Some patients may require an unplanned return to
theatre to manage further bleeding, a shunt occlusion or abdominal
compartment syndrome.
• Definitive surgical repair may require several trips to theatre,
particularly in the case of polytrauma patients. Procedures should be
performed 48–​72h after the initial surgery when the patient’s physiology
has been corrected; the patient should be normothermic and have
normal clotting and haemodynamics.
• Procedures should be planned such that appropriate specialist surgical
teams are prepared. It is possible, and more efficient, if surgical teams
from different specialties work simultaneously to achieve >1 procedure
per trip to theatre. However, major trauma patients at 48–​72h post-​
injury are still finely balanced physiologically and can still deteriorate if
surgery is prolonged. Plans should be in place for staging surgery.
• Be prepared for further blood loss and fluid losses. Invasive monitoring,
frequent POCT and correction with blood, fluids and inotropes are
• ALI: trauma patients are at high risk of hypoxia from ALI. This may
be 2° to direct pulmonary contusion or due to fat embolism from
orthopaedic injuries (see % p. 614). Lung-​protective ventilation and
advanced ventilatory modes may be required to maintain appropriate

988 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Pregnancy and trauma

Trauma affects 7% of pregnancies,29 typically road traffic collisions, falls and
domestic violence. Standard assessment and management principles should
be followed as optimal resuscitation of the mother also benefits the fetus.30
Considerations in the pregnant woman
• The anatomical and physiological changes of pregnancy (see %
pp. 838–9) mean injury patterns may differ, depending on the stage of
pregnancy, and the woman’s response can be altered.29,30,31
• After 12w gestation, the uterus expands out of the pelvis and displaces
intra-​abdominal organs which may be relatively protected.
• Later in pregnancy, the raised diaphragm means ‘chest trauma’ could
also involve abdominal structures.
• Injuries to the uterus can lead to placental abruption, preterm labour
(most commonly), premature rupture of membranes and uterine
• Blunt trauma is more likely to cause placental abruption, while
penetrating abdominal trauma is more likely to involve the uterus itself
(which provides some protection to abdominal viscera). The gravid
uterus can complicate laparotomy (see % p. 893).
• Pregnant women have a larger circulating blood volume and
compensate for bleeding well; fetal distress (on cardiotocography) may
be the 1st sign of physiological instability.
Adaptations to the initial assessment and management
• Visibly pregnant women (typically >20w gestation) should be placed in a
20° left lateral tilt or the uterus displaced.
• Perform a pelvic examination; take an obstetric history, and obtain a
cardiotocography trace.
• X-​rays and CT scans should not be withheld if indicated, but shield the
fetus where possible.
• Additional teams who should attend, in addition to the standard trauma
team, include obstetrics/​midwifery and neonatal.
• Ensure VTE prevention is prescribed.
• Test for fetomaternal haemorrhage (affects 730%) with a Kleihauer test
and use anti-​D immunoglobulin in all rhesus-​negative women.
• Chest drains, if required, should be inserted 1–​2 intercostal spaces
above normal.
• A perimortem CS may improve maternal resuscitation if started within
4min of the cardiac arrest starting (see % p. 897).
Head and traumatic brain injury 989

Head and traumatic brain injury

Head injury is defined as trauma to the cranium, which may include a trau-
matic brain injury. Facial injury is also discussed here.
Head injuries may not be suspected at scene, so head-​injured patients
often present to non-​specialist centres and rely on 2° transfer to a neuro-
surgical centre. In the UK, trauma networks have helped to ensure patients
with moderate and severe head trauma are transferred directly to an MTC
with a neurosurgical facility.
Head injuries and traumatic brain injury are often graded by GCS (see
% Table 37.4, p. 990) into mild (GCS 13–​14), moderate (GCS 9–​12) and
severe (GCS ≤8). There is an increasing probability of poor outcome with
decreasing GCS in a stepwise manner. Overall, 30d mortality following trau-
matic brain injury is 720%. If the initial GCS is reliably obtained and not
tainted by medications or intubation, 720% of the patients with GCS ≤5 will
survive and <10% of these will have a functional survival.32 Age is a strong
factor influencing mortality and morbidity, with children doing better than
adults and adults >60y having significantly worse outcomes.32
There are various ways to define brain injuries. In this text, they are cat-
egorised as 1° or 2° brain injury. 1° injury occurs at the time of impact and 2°
brain injury refers to the changes that occur hours to days after the 1° event.
Primary brain injury
Occurs at the time of the traumatic event and is associated with cranial
fracture, parenchymal contusion, axonal shearing/​laceration and vascular
injury. It can be diffuse or focal.
Secondary brain injury
Occurs after the traumatic event due to the pathophysiological conse-
quences of the 1° injury. It can be exacerbated by reduced cerebral perfu-
sion, ischaemia (global or local) and i metabolic requirements 2° to:
• Hypoxia
• Hypotension
• Intracranial hypertension
• Haemorrhage (intraparenchymal, subdural and extradural)
• Seizures.
The Glasgow Coma Scale and AVPU scores
Calculating the GCS (Table 37.4) accurately is important for planning care
and aiding prognostication after head trauma and traumatic brain injury. For
paediatric patients, see Table 37.5 or use AVPU. Reliable calculation must
occur prior to intubation and without the effect of medications, which is not
always possible if therapy has been started prehospital.
Medical therapy cannot affect the impact of 1° traumatic brain injury but
can influence the degree of the 2° insult, potentially salvaging watershed
areas. The principles of managing head-​injured patients therefore are to
optimise cerebral perfusion and oxygenation and reduce ongoing bleeding.
During the 1° survey, management of the airway, control of ventilation
and oxygenation and maintenance of BP are key components to reducing 2°
injury. Anaesthesia to facilitate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in
the agitated patient with reduced GCS may also be essential.

990 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Table 37.4 Glasgow Coma Scale

Response Score
Best motor Obeys commands 6
response Localises pain 5
Normal flexion withdrawal (stimulus to supraorbital 4
Abnormal flexion to pain 3
Extension to pain 2
No motor response 1
Best verbal Orientated 5
response Confused 4
Inappropriate words 3
Inarticulate sounds 2
No verbal response 1
Eye opening Eyes open 4
Eyes open to speech 3
Eyes open to pain 2
No eye opening 1
Reprinted from The Lancet, 304:7872, Teasdale G, Jennett B, Assessment of coma and impaired
consciousness, pp. 81–​84, Copyright (1974), with permission from Elsevier.

Table 37.5 Modification of GCS for children under 5y

Response Score
Best motor response Obeys commands (>2y) 6
Localises to pain (<2y) 5
Normal flexion to pain (>6mo) 4
Abnormal flexion to pain 3
Extension to pain 2
No motor response 1
Best verbal response Orientated (>5y) 5
Words (>1y) 4
Vocal sounds (>6mo) 3
Cries (<6mo) 2
No verbal response 1
Eye opening Eyes open 4
Eyes open to speech 3
Eyes open to pain 2
No eye opening 1
Using this scoring system, the maximum GCS is 9 at 0–​6mo, 11 at 6–​12mo, 13 at 1–​2y and 14
at 2–​5y.
Source: data from Reilly PL, et al., Assessing the conscious level in infants and young children: a
paediatric version of the Glasgow Coma Scale, Childs Nerv Syst, 1988:4(1):30–3.
Head and traumatic brain injury 991

Patients with reduced GCS may have impaired laryngeal reflexes and be
unable to protect their airway. Indications for intubation are as per major
trauma (Box 37.2) but, in addition, may include:
• Spontaneous hyperventilation causing PaCO2 <4.0kPa
• To enable CT scan
• Recurrent seizures uncontrolled by simple benzodiazepines.
The ETT should be secured with tape, rather than with ties, to prevent
compromising cerebral venous drainage and risk increasing ICP.
Adequate oxygenation and ventilation will reduce the risk of 2° brain injury.
CBF is affected by extracellular pH which is, in turn, related to PaCO2 (see
% p. 559).
Once intubated, initial ventilatory strategies should aim for:
• Normocapnia: PaCO2 4.5–​5.0kPa. Be mindful that ETCO2 will be
70.5kPa lower than PaCO233—​take note of the ABG value. Reducing
PaCO2 will result in vasoconstriction and d cerebral perfusion.
Hyperventilation to PaCO2 of 4.0kPa (avoid lower) is recommended as a
temporising measure to reduce i ICP, but should be avoided, if possible,
during the first 24h after injury as CBF is often critically reduced.34
• Normoxia: SpO2 >95% and PaO2 ≥8kPa. Recent AoA guidance for
transfers recommends PaO2 ≥13kPa.35
• VT of 6–​7mL/​kg. While lung-​protective strategies are preferred, VT can
be i, if needed, to prevent hypoxia or hypercapnia.36,37
• PEEP ≤5cmH2O: changes to intrathoracic pressure (PEEP) should be
minimised to reduce the effects on venous drainage and MAP, and thus
ICP and CBF, respectively.
• The injured brain can lose the ability to autoregulate blood flow and is
dependent on systemic pressures. H A single episode of hypotension
(systolic BP <90mmHg) confers a doubling of mortality and an increase
in morbidity during acute management.
• In isolated head injury, aim for MAP of >90mmHg. Mortality may be
reduced and outcomes improved if systolic BP is maintained at:
• ≥100mmHg in patients 50–​69y
• ≥110mmHg in patients 15–​49y and >70y.34
• The recommended target for CPP (CPP = MAP –​ICP) is
• Trauma patients often present clinical conundrums with opposing
treatment strategies for different injuries. Treatment of the most
life-​threatening injury takes precedence. If a trauma patient has
uncontrolled haemorrhage, a systolic BP of 100mmHg is preferred until
haemorrhage control. A systolic BP <90mmHg is associated with poor
• The correct fluid of resuscitation will depend on other injuries, but
avoidance of hyponatraemia is important. If haemorrhagic shock is
the dominant condition, continue restrictive volume resuscitation; if
traumatic brain injury is the dominant condition, use a less restrictive
volume resuscitation approach to maintain cerebral perfusion. Be

992 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

mindful that significant blood loss can occur from isolated scalp wounds
and during operative management of isolated head injuries. Be prepared
to transfuse these patients.
• In isolated head injury with GCS of 9–​12, 1g tranexamic acid should be
given if within 3h of injury and any anticoagulants should be reversed
The Glasgow Coma Scale, pupillary examination and motor function are key
to neurological assessment and prognostication in traumatic brain injury.
• Eyes should be examined for:
• Signs of orbital trauma
• Pupillary response to light
• Pupillary size (>4mm is recommended as a measure of dilated
• Anaesthetists are well positioned at the trauma call to look in the ears
for haemorrhage and CSF indicative of base of skull fracture.
• Analgesia, sedation and adequate NMB are essential in the management
of traumatic brain injury to reduce cerebral metabolism and straining.
TCI propofol is acceptable for maintenance of anaesthesia.
• Keep the neck in the midline and tilt the bed/​trolley to a 30° head-​up
position to reduce ICP by improving venous return.
Other considerations
• The use of high-​dose barbiturates is only recommended for control of
raised ICP refractory to standard medical and surgical treatment and
can cause significant haemodynamic instability.34
• Post-​traumatic seizures are common (up to 12%). Seizure prophylaxis
with phenytoin or levetiracetam should be started, dependent on local
• Seizures in awake patients are managed as normal but would highlight
the possible need for intubation.
• Hyperglycaemia should be avoided.
• Maintain normothermia. There is no evidence supporting early
hypothermia.38 Hyperthermia should be managed aggressively.
• Ensure laxatives are prescribed.
Emergent management of raised ICP
• ICP should be kept <22mmHg. Prior to direct measurement
(intraventricular or intraparenchymal), elevated ICP may be identified
by clinical signs or at head CT with ventricular and sulcal effacement,
compression of basal cisterns and herniation.
• Raised ICP is associated with pupillary and haemodynamic changes.
In severe traumatic brain injury, abnormalities of pupillary response
or pupil size asymmetries are often associated with neurological
deteriorations and are correlated with poor neurological outcome.39
• Classically, the Cushing reflex is described as hypertension, bradycardia
and apnoea in response to intracranial hypertension. The bradycardia is
often preceded by tachycardia.40
Head and traumatic brain injury 993

• Patients who develop signs of worsening raised ICP should be managed

immediately (see % p. 560). Temporising therapeutic interventions include:
• Hyperventilation to 4.0kPa
• Mannitol 0.25g/​kg (repeated up to max 1g/​kg). Can drop BP
• Hypertonic sodium chloride 3–​6mL/​kg of 3% (or 2–​6mL/​kg of 5%).

Head and C-​spine CT may form part of the trauma CT. In isolated head
injuries, NICE guidelines indicate the cohort of adult patients that should
be imaged (Box 37.6).41
Surgically significant abnormalities seen on CT should be discussed with
a neurosurgical unit.
Regardless of imaging, other reasons for discussing a patient’s treatment
plan with a neurosurgeon include:
• GCS <8 after initial resuscitation
• Unexplained confusion >4h
• Deterioration in GCS and progressive focal neurology
• A seizure without full recovery
• Definite or suspected penetrating injury
• A CSF leak.
Referral and disposition will depend on local guidelines. Transfer of critic-
ally ill patients with traumatic brain injury must be accompanied by a doctor
with suitable competencies and experience in brain injury transfer.35,42

Box 37.6 Summary of NICE indications for head CT in

trauma patients
CT head within 1h of CT head within 8h of
assessment in ED assessment in ED*
• GCS <13 on admission; or GCS • ≥65y
<15 2h after injury • History of bleeding disorder
• Depressed, open or basal skull • Dangerous mechanism of injury
fracture • >30min retrograde amnesia
• Post-​traumatic seizure • Patients on anticoagulant
• Focal neurological deficit treatment, with no other
• Vomiting > once indications, should also undergo
a CT head scan within 8h
If patient has had some loss of consciousness or amnesia since injury, a report should be
available within 1h.
Source: data from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019). Head injury:
assessment and early management NICE guideline 176. M https://​​guidance/​

Secondary survey
As part of the 2° survey, it is important to check the skull and eyes for other
injuries. Give antibiotics if open skull fractures are present. Base of skull
fractures, although treated conservatively, need to be highlighted such that
NGTs are not inserted.

994 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Clinical signs of base of skull fracture

• Early signs: haemotympanum, clear fluid and blood from the nose or
ear, scleral haemorrhage with no posterior margin.
• Late signs, 12–​24h post-​injury: bruising over the mastoid (Battle’s sign),
orbital bruising (raccoon or panda eyes).
Maxillofacial trauma
• Severe intractable bleeding from maxillofacial injuries, although
uncommon, can be life-​threatening and is usually managed as part
of the 1° survey. Managing the airway and ongoing bleeding prior to
interventional radiology or surgical repair is essential. Early decision-​
making, involvement of other specialists (maxillofacial and ENT) and
clearly verbalising the airway plan are important.
• Intubation using VL may be difficult due to bleeding. Direct visualisation
with high-​volume suction kit can aid ETT placement.
• Front of neck access should be anticipated and planned for (see %
p. 381).
• Bleeding points are often hard to localise. Severe haemorrhage may
require packing, manual reduction of fractures, balloon tamponade,
angiography with embolisation or direct external carotid artery ligation
to obtain haemostasis. In intubated patients, mid-​facial haemorrhage can
be reduced by splinting and stabilising the mid-​facial fractures. Providing
a line of fixation from the clavicles, through the rigid cervical collar,
bite blocks and nasal balloons, allows a degree of haemostasis to be
Thoracic injury 995

Thoracic injury
In the prehospital environment, severe thoracic injury accounts for 25% of
trauma deaths.44 Thoracic trauma can occur after:
• Direct injury: e.g. seat belts, intrusion of vehicle wreckage,
penetrating trauma
• Rapid deceleration, resulting in shearing forces that may lead to
traumatic aortic and lung injuries.
The immediate life-​threatening conditions (tension pneumothorax, open
pneumothorax, massive haemothorax, flail chest, airway disruption/​ob-
struction and cardiac tamponade) need to be identified and treated rapidly
during the 1° survey; these are addressed on % pp. 974–6. There are six
further potentially life-​threatening injuries, which can occur after thoracic
• Pulmonary contusion and rib fractures
• Cardiac contusion
• Traumatic aortic injury
• Oesophageal injury
• Ruptured diaphragm
• Rupture of the tracheobronchial tree.
Pulmonary contusion and rib fractures
Pulmonary contusions and rib fractures are common following blunt thor-
acic trauma and are associated with a high risk of respiratory complications.
Mechanisms include impact, deceleration and seat belt injuries. Examination
may reveal external bruising and focal points of tenderness, indicating likely
underlying rib fractures. Young adults and children have i chest wall com-
pliance which may result in significant pulmonary contusion without rib frac-
tures, while elderly patients may suffer significant rib injuries after a simple
fall; these can be associated with considerable morbidity and mortality.45
Pulmonary contusions
The earliest indicator of pulmonary contusion is hypoxia.
• CXR may show patchy infiltrates over the affected area but is often
initially normal. It may, however, reveal other pathology which would
raise the suspicion of pulmonary contusion, e.g. rib fractures, flail
segment, haemo-​or pneumothorax. Less than 50% of pulmonary
contusions are apparent on admission, compared to 92% at 24h.46
• Typically, hypoxia from lung contusion progresses over 24–​48h,
associated with reduction in lung compliance and worsening respiratory
• If these patients are ventilated, they may require higher levels of PEEP
to maintain oxygenation. Lung-​protective strategies and careful fluid
resuscitation are also important to avoid worsening lung injury.
Rib fractures
• Rib fractures (see % p. 553) are painful; they reduce chest wall
excursion, leading to hypoventilation, and impair coughing ability, leading
to sputum retention. These combine to cause atelectasis. Additionally,
gas exchange is impaired in injured lung tissue, causing V/​Q mismatch.
H Inadequate analgesia worsens hypoxia associated with pulmonary
contusion and rib fractures by d ventilation, i atelectasis and i risk of
superimposed infection.

996 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• Patients with rib fractures should be managed using a pathway that

incorporates analgesia, respiratory support and physiotherapy.
• Chest trauma scores47 help stratify injury severity and type of analgesia
(e.g. PO/​PCA/​regional nerve catheters/​thoracic epidural) and guide
level of care (i.e. ward/​HDU/​ICU). They include parameters such as
age, number of ribs fractured, comorbidities, concomitant anticoagulant
use and SpO2, and sometimes include a frailty score.
• Indications for admission, critical care involvement, type of respiratory
support (i.e. mask O2/​HFNO/​non-​invasive ventilation/​intubation) and
further imaging (e.g. chest CT) and indication for referral for rib fixation
can also be included in these protocols.
• Prompt multimodal analgesia, including paracetamol, NSAIDs if
appropriate, oral or PCA opioids, and regional analgesia are essential
to improve the ability to breathe and cough, thereby reducing
• There are numerous regional analgesia options, each supported
by relatively low-​quality evidence. The most widely advocated in
contemporary practice are epidural or paravertebral catheters and
ultrasound-​guided erector spinae (ESP) (see % p. 1130) or serratus
anterior plane blocks. ESP and serratus anterior plane are both
relatively simple, have a lower risk of pneumothorax (compared with
paravertebral) and are safer in anticoagulated patients.
• Serratus anterior plane and ESP catheters can be bolused with 30–​40mL
of 0.25% levobupivacaine (weight-​dependent) ± 1:200 000 adrenaline,
followed by an infusion of 10mL/​h of 0.125% levobupivacaine.
• Paravertebral catheters and epidurals have the best available evidence
base. Paravertebrals can provide a reliable unilateral block with a reduced
side effect profile, compared with thoracic epidurals (see % p. 1128).
• Operative fixation may be indicated if there is significant deformity,
ongoing air leak, uncontrollable pain in spite of optimal analgesia or flail
segments with paradoxical movements.
• Humidified O2, nebulised 0.9% sodium chloride and respiratory
physiotherapy also help reduce respiratory complications. Non-​
invasive ventilation or high-​flow O2 reduce atelectasis and improve the
paradoxical movement of a flail segment. IPPV should be avoided, if
Cardiac contusion
• Cardiac contusion should always be suspected in patients with
deceleration injuries and/​or sternal fractures.
• A 12-​lead ECG should be performed as part of the 2° survey.
• There is a range of injury from minor myocardial contusion with raised
troponin to free wall or valvular rupture.
• Patients who have an abnormal ECG (ST-​segment changes, arrhythmia
such as PVC, SVT or heart block) and raised cardiac markers should be
admitted for 24–​48h with ECG monitoring.
• Echocardiography is a useful adjunct when evaluating hypotensive
patients or patients with other clinical signs, including chest pain, ECG
abnormalities and elevated cardiac enzymes. Experience is needed to
interpret the subtle signs associated with cardiac contusion.48
Thoracic injury 997

• Often patients with severe cardiac contusion will have other injuries
mandating their admission to HDU/​ICU.
• Severe myocardial contusion may require the use of inotropic support,
and although late complications including heart failure, arrhythmia and
aneurysm have been reported, they are rare.
Traumatic aortic injury
Around 80% of patients with traumatic aortic injury will die at the scene.
Although deceleration and falls account for the majority of cases, pene-
trating trauma is also a recognised cause.49
A high index of suspicion and a low threshold for CT and angiography
are the best diagnostic tools. ‘Cardinal’ CXR signs such as widened medi-
astinum, pleural capping and blunting of the aortic knuckle are not always
present. Checking bilateral BP is of limited value.
The site of the injury will dictate where the blood may collect; damage to
the intrapericardial portion of the aorta will lead to a cardiac tamponade,
and injuries to the extrapericardial aorta will lead to mediastinal haematoma
and haemothorax.
Grade of traumatic aortic injury
• Type 1: intimal tear
• Type 2: intramural haematoma
• Type 3: pseudoaneurysm
• Type 4: rupture (e.g. periaortic haematoma, free rupture).
Management of traumatic aortic injury
• Type 1 injuries: non-​operative management consisting of aggressive HR
and BP control and serial imaging. Systolic BP should be maintained at
100mmHg and HR <100bpm with β-​blockers and vasodilators if not
• Type 2, 3 and 4 injuries: repair is recommended. Endovascular
intervention is becoming the mainstay of treatment if the anatomy is
favourable due to the significant morbidity associated with open repair.
While awaiting repair, control BP and HR as per type 1 injuries. Delayed
repair may be appropriate for patients who are haemodynamically
stable with severe coexisting injuries.51
Oesophageal injuries
Oesophageal trauma is uncommon due to the relative protection afforded
by the chest wall. Oesophageal injuries normally occur in two places:
• Lower portion (commonest) associated with severe blunt trauma to the
• Cervical region (less common) 2° to penetrating trauma.
Oesophageal rupture leads to mediastinitis, pneumomediastinum and a left-​
sided pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Severe pain out of proportion to
the apparent injuries, pain on swallowing and shock should alert the clin-
ician to the presence of an oesophageal injury. Oesophageal rupture carries
a high mortality and early use of antibiotics and surgical repair is recom-
mended52 (see % p. 553 for repair of oesophageal injuries).

998 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Ruptured diaphragm
Diaphragmatic rupture can be caused by both blunt and penetrating trauma
to the abdomen. Up to 15% of penetrating thoracoabdominal trauma
will involve the diaphragm. The commonest cause of blunt diaphragmatic
trauma is due to seat belt injuries and is more common from side impact
than frontal collision.4 The left side is more commonly involved, but when
the right hemidiaphragm is involved, hepatothorax can occur. Underlying
vascular damage can initially be masked due to the effect of the liver in
the chest.
Some diaphragmatic injuries are asymptomatic, with the diagnosis made
after CT. However, it is not uncommon for bowel to be felt on finger
thoracostomy. Subsequent herniation and strangulation are a significant
complication. Diaphragmatic rupture requires surgical repair (see % p. 553
for repair of diaphragmatic injuries).
Rupture of the tracheobronchial tree
• Tracheobronchial injuries surviving to hospital treatment are rare.53
Blunt trauma causes include deceleration, hyperextension and shear
forces, while penetrating injuries usually occur in the cervical trachea.
• Although airway management is key to the 1° survey, tracheobronchial
injuries can be missed in 25–​68% of patients.54 There should be raised
suspicion for tracheobronchial injury when SC emphysema is seen over
the neck, a pneumothorax fails to reinflate after insertion of a chest
drain or there is evidence of excessive air leakage.
• Patients with distress and clinical suspicion of airway injury should be
immediately intubated, preferably under FOB guidance to place the
ETT distal to the injury or facilitate one-​lung ventilation. Methods of
intubation include orotracheal (direct or VL), fibreoptic, through open
neck wound or tracheostomy.
• Injuries of the intrathoracic airway are more challenging. The use of
long ETTs bypassing the injury for single-​lung ventilation has been
(See % p. 554 for repair of tracheobronchial injuries.)
Abdominal and pelvic injuries 999

Abdominal and pelvic injuries

Abdominal trauma
The 2nd commonest, and leading preventable, cause of death in the first
24h after trauma is major haemorrhage.55 The abdomen is largely unpro-
tected and susceptible to both blunt and penetrating trauma. Solid (e.g. liver,
spleen, kidney) and hollow (e.g. small and large bowel, bladder) abdominal
viscera can be injured, as well as retroperitoneal vessels, diaphragmatic rup-
ture and trauma to the abdominal wall. Road traffic collisions account for
the majority of blunt abdominal trauma, while stabbing accounts for most
penetrating cases in the UK.
Abdominal trauma may cause major haemorrhage or soiling of the
peritoneum and may be intra-​or retroperitoneal. Early haemodynamic
compromise from abdominal injuries arises solely from bleeding; the peri-
toneum can accommodate nearly all of a patient’s circulating blood volume
and represents an uncontrollable bleeding source. Eviscerated bowel and
peritoneal blood can both stimulate a vagal response. Patients with serious
injuries who appear physiologically compensated can deteriorate without
warning. Watch for isolated BP drops, unexplained persistent tachycardia
and raised base deficit.
Abdominal trauma can pose a diagnostic and management challenge due
to the spectrum of injury and treatments available. A common dilemma
during management of a trauma patient is deciding if they are stable enough
for CT or if they need to go straight to theatre/​interventional radiology for
immediate treatment. CT imaging can help target surgery, but the delay in
surgical control may be deleterious. Attention to the mechanism and pat-
tern of injury will suggest likely injuries and appropriate resuscitation, while
careful examination of the abdomen, use of eFAST and response to initial
resuscitation will help guide the team. The priority is deciding on the next
course of action, not the definitive diagnosis.
Treatment options
Indications for urgent laparotomy include ongoing blood loss or gross
haemodynamic instability, with or without a positive eFAST examination,
significant solid/​hollow viscus injury, generalised peritonitis, foreign body
in situ or evisceration. If the patient is physiologically well, then a definitive
surgical procedure can be performed; otherwise DCS should be started.
Interventional radiology techniques, such as angiography and embol-
isation, can be used to manage arterial bleeding from solid organs, e.g.
spleen, liver and kidneys, dependent on the grade of injury. These ap-
proaches can preserve organ function, in addition to avoiding surgical mor-
bidity. Interventional radiology can also be used to control bleeding from
abdominal/​thoracic wall vessels. The anaesthetic team must accompany
the patient for any acute interventional radiology procedure, as if the pa-
tient had gone to theatre, to provide continued resuscitation (± DCR),
analgosedation and/​or anaesthesia.56 Interventional radiology procedures
may take place in a remote location, so the usual considerations about re-
mote site anaesthesia apply (see % pp. 823–5).

1000 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Laparoscopy may be used in selected patients with either blunt or pene-

trating trauma as a diagnostic tool and therapeutic technique. The rationale
for this mode of surgery is to reduce the burden of ‘negative laparotomy’
and complications of laparotomy. Indications include suspected hollow
viscus or diaphragmatic injury, free fluid from unknown source/​mesentery
and screening for peritoneal breach.57 Contraindications include haemo-
dynamic instability, absence of indications for open surgery and brain injury.
The patient should be positioned as per a laparotomy in case conversion is
necessary, which occurs in 710–​20% of cases.57
Non-​operative management comprising monitoring of vital signs, serial
abdominal examinations (more frequently than 4-​hourly) and regular FBC/​
blood gases is also increasingly being used. Surgical intervention should
occur if there is haemodynamic instability, signs of peritonitis, a drop in Hb
>30g/​L or a rise in WCC.58
Damage control surgery
(See % pp. 982–3.)
Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta
Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) involves
inserting an endovascular balloon, typically via an open femoral artery cut-​
down, into the aorta and advancing it to predetermined ‘landing zones’.
The balloon is then inflated to control bleeding below this level. It is a tem-
porising measure for non-​compressible, uncontrolled torso haemorrhage.
Three distinct aortic ‘landing zones’ are described:59
• Zone 1: between left subclavian and coeliac artery. Useful for intra-​
abdominal haemorrhage. Leads to the greatest physiological changes
• Zone 2: between coeliac artery and the most caudal renal artery.
No-​occlusion zone
• Zone 3: between the most caudal renal artery and aortic bifurcation.
Useful for pelvic fractures/​haemorrhage and injuries of the groin/​
femoral junction.
The literature is heterogeneous in regard to the indication and patient
population of most benefit; however, growing levels of evidence support
the use of REBOA in selected cases.60
REBOA is a temporising measure, rendering the structures below is-
chaemic; therefore, minimising the inflation duration is key. Patients should
be taken rapidly to theatre where surgical repair of the bleeding source
can be performed. REBOA deflation can lead to hypotension from reduced
afterload and returning cold blood, emboli, ischaemic metabolites and
haemorrhage; it should be done slowly and the balloon reinflated if more
volume resuscitation is needed. The anaesthetic team should be prepared
with volume replacement, drugs and means of managing a cardiac arrest.
Sheath removal may need formal vascular repair.59
Abdominal and pelvic injuries 1001

Pelvic injuries
• Pelvic ring injuries occur in 8–​9% of all blunt force trauma and mor​tality
rates range from 10% to 50%, depending on the extent of haemorrhage
and associated injuries.
• Life-​threatening haemorrhage may result. Most bleeding is usually from
tearing and shearing forces on the venous plexus at the back of the
pelvis. A small proportion is from arterial injury (<10%) and bleeding
from the surface of the fractures themselves.
• Associated urological injuries can result in severe long-​term disability
and are potentially fatal.
• Open fractures of the pelvis involving the vagina and rectum are
associated with a mortality of 30–​50%. These injuries may be difficult to
diagnose initially.
Injury classification
The Young and Burgess classification of pelvic fractures uses three mechan-
istic descriptions, each with degrees of severity.
• AP compression (‘open book’) I–​III. Associated with frontal collisions.
• Lateral compression I–​III. Associated with lateral collisions.
• Vertical sheer. Associated with falls from height.
• Immediate management of the unstable patient with pelvic trauma is
placement of a pelvic binder, which reduces the potential space within
the pelvic cavity.61
• The pelvic binder can be left in place for several hours and, if an injury
is identified, should only be removed when personnel are available who
can repair the injury.
• After a pelvic binder is removed, repeat a pelvic X-​ray.
• Haemorrhage control can be achieved by:
• Pelvic external fixation—​will clamp both sides of the pelvis together,
reducing pelvic volume and tamponading bleeding. This will take
precedence over laparotomy in an open book or vertical shear
• Pelvic packing to manage venous bleeding in the unstable patient.
• Selective angiography and embolisation to manage arterial bleeding.
• A single gentle attempt at catheterisation by an experienced doctor is
permissible, even if the CT findings suggest urethral injury.
• Note, multiple surgical teams may be operating at once in pelvic injuries.

1002 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Spinal trauma
Between 250 000 and 500 000 patients around the world suffer a spinal
cord injury each year. Of these, 790% are due to traumatic events such as
road traffic collisions, falls and violence. Outcome after a spinal cord injury
depends on the severity and location of the lesion. Below the level of in-
jury, there may be complete or partial loss of sensory/​motor function. The
commonest level affected is C5.62 Patients with spinal cord injuries are 2–​5
times more likely to die prematurely.63
The 1° spinal cord injury results from the initial traumatic event, directly
damaging ascending and descending pathways and blood vessels. The com-
monest 1° mechanism of spinal cord injury is an impact, followed by con-
tinued compression.64 The acute phase of 2° injury occurs within minutes of
the 1° event and results from the consequences of the 1° injury, including:
local haemorrhage, hypotension, vasospasm, hypoperfusion, ischaemia,
cytokine release, oedema and neurotransmitter accumulation.63,64
The principles of management of a spinal cord injury are similar to those
of traumatic brain injury. The aims are to preserve neurological function and
reduce further injury by minimising 2° injury. The most effective treatment
in this case is early surgical decompression within 8h of injury.65
Primary survey
• On arrival in the ED, the patient may be on a vacuum mattress, ‘scoop’
or spinal board. Historically, spinal boards have been used for transport,
but these are extrication devices only. They should be removed as soon
as possible in the ED to avoid pressure areas developing using a ‘log roll’
technique (see % p. 1003). Every movement of the patient should be
well coordinated.
• The mechanism of injury, signs and symptoms will alert the team to
the presence of a spinal cord injury. Polytrauma patients should always
be considered as having a spinal cord injury until formal assessment,
including radiological investigations, has been completed.
Airway and cervical spine control
• Patients should arrive in the ED with C-​spine control and spinal motion
restriction; however, this is not always the case. When performing
MILS or placing a hard collar, no patient should have their head or
neck forced into a neutral spine position and no deformity should be
• Early intubation and ventilation may be required as high cervical injury
above C3 leads to apnoeic respiratory arrest. Patients with spinal cord
injury are also at a higher risk of aspiration.66 (See % pp. 972–4 for
information regarding intubating the immobilised patient.)
Supported ventilation may be required in the patient who has a thoracic
injury or cervical injury sparing the diaphragm (C3–​5) due to reduced
chest excursion. Respiratory effort may deteriorate over time in the supine
Spinal trauma 1003

Neurogenic shock, due to sudden loss of autonomic tone, may develop in
a patient with a cervical or high thoracic injury. Bradycardia and hypoten-
sion (systolic BP <90mmHg) in the presence of cervical or high thoracic
trauma should be managed with fluid and vasopressor infusion to maintain
a spinal cord perfusion pressure >60–​65mmHg,67 which in practice entails
maintaining a MAP >85–​90mmHg for 5–​7d after injury.62 Metaraminol is a
simple 1st-​line choice, but central venous access to facilitate noradrenaline
is recommended. When the injury is associated with polytrauma, every ef-
fort must be made to avoid ongoing haemorrhage. It may not be possible
to differentiate between the two causes of shock, especially when there is
loss of sensation below the injury level.
• The ASIA chart is currently the most widely accepted and employed
clinical record for spinal cord injury. The ASIA chart is repeated at 48h
to ascertain if the injury is incomplete or complete. A complete spinal
cord injury is suspected when there has been no change in neurological
deficit in this time.
• The ASIA chart is performed as part of the 2° survey, and perianal
sensation and tone should be included as this may demonstrate sacral
sparing. Prognostication may be complicated by the presence of spinal
shock and should not be discussed as part of the initial assessment and
Log roll
‘Log rolling’ a patient requires a minimum of five people: three to control
the patient’s body and limbs, ensuring minimal movement of the spine; one
to control the C-​spine and lead the log roll; and one to inspect the back.
Often formal examination of the back is delayed until after the trauma CT.
Removing the trauma scoop should be done using a modified log roll, util-
ising the smallest tilt/​brace required to remove the split board.
Spinal shock
Generally, this is a reversible condition where there is complete loss of
sensation, muscle tone, power, autonomic activity and areflexia below the
level of the injury. This can last anywhere from hours to a number of weeks.
(See also % p. 303.)
Autonomic dysreflexia
Rarely seen in the acute stage of spinal cord injury, but occasionally oc-
curs in the following days and weeks. Most often occurs with lesions
above T6. Defined as episodic hypertension and associated bradycardia
(baroreceptor-​mediated) due to disorganised autonomic reflexes. Life-​
threatening hypertension can occur, precipitated by noxious stimuli below
the level of the injury, most commonly bladder or bowel distension. Other
symptoms include headache, sweating, flushing and anxiety. Management is
focused around removing the stimulus and acutely managing the hyperten-
sion. Head-​up positioning and short-​acting agents such as GTN sublingual
spray (400 micrograms) and sublingual nifedipine (5–​10mg) are all treat-
ment strategies.

1004 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Limb and extremity injuries

• Extremity injuries are very common in the polytrauma patient.
Assessment of extremity and soft tissue trauma usually falls into
the 2° survey, unless there are features of significant uncontrolled
haemorrhage or closed long bone fractures of the femur.
• Management of open fractures and extremity lacerations should follow
the principles of haemorrhage control using tourniquets and splinting.
Femoral fractures can account for 1–​1.5L of blood loss. Alignment of a
displaced fracture and traction splinting should occur in the 1° survey if
there are features of paraesthesiae, poor circulation or cardiovascular
• Limb-​threatening soft tissue injuries requiring urgent intervention
• Vascular injuries proximal to the elbow or knee
• Major joint dislocations
• Crush injury
• Compartment syndrome
• Open fracture
• Fracture with neurovascular injury.
• Arterial injuries associated with fracture or dislocation are rare, but
the limb must be revascularised as a surgical emergency, as after
3–​4h, irreversible tissue damage can occur. Common sites of arterial
involvement include knee and elbow dislocations and severe tibial
and femoral fractures. Diagnosis of an ischaemic limb can be aided by
waveform SpO2.68
• Manipulation and reduction of orthopaedic injuries can occur in the ED.
Common agents used for provision of analgesia ± anaesthesia in this
setting include ketamine, fentanyl and methoxyflurane (Penthrox™).
• Relocation or realignment and immobilisation of fracture sites
significantly reduces pain and may reduce bleeding.
• A careful examination of the peripheral nervous and vascular systems
must be performed and clearly recorded for all injuries. This must be
repeated and recorded after any manipulation or surgery.
• For open fractures, IV antibiotics should be given within 1h of injury69
and local guidelines will dictate the choice.
• In the UK, hind-​or mid-​foot fractures and compound fractures of long
bones need to be discussed with, and possibly transferred to, a centre
which can provide orthoplastic care.
• Fat embolism (see % p. 614) is associated with long bone injury and
manipulation, particularly compound femoral fractures. Although it is
generally rare, it can be fatal in up to 15% of patients.
• Extremity trauma can be extremely painful and may progress to chronic
pain.70 Aggressive multimodal analgesia is warranted, including early use
of antineuropathic agents.
• Regional nerve blocks, e.g. fascia iliaca blocks (see % p. 1135), are
routinely placed in the ED for pain control. Documentation of the block
must be clear. There is controversy over their use in patients at risk of
compartment syndrome, compounded by a lack of high-​quality evidence.
There are case reports illustrating that peripheral nerve blocks both
do, and do not, mask the pain of compartment syndrome. A recent
Limb and extremity injuries 1005

systematic review concluded that peripheral nerve blocks do not affect

the pain perception from acute compartment syndrome,71 although
epidurals may delay the diagnosis.72 The risk, in part, depends on the
type and location of the fracture and the planned surgical management,
e.g. if fasciotomies are planned as part of immediate surgical repair,
compartment syndrome is unlikely to be a problem. It is wise to discuss
the use of regional anaesthesia with the orthopaedic/​trauma team on a
case-​by-​case basis prior to performing any procedure.
Compartment syndrome
• Is a limb-​and potentially life-​threatening condition that occurs when
injured muscle groups contained in poorly compliant osseofascial
compartments expand, creating a tissue pressure greater than the
perfusion pressure, leading to ischaemia and tissue necrosis. If
prolonged, permanent muscle and nerve damage can occur.
• It is most commonly caused by trauma (soft tissue, with or without
fracture), typically closed fractures of the tibia and forearm,73 crush
injuries and burns.
• Pulses are often present early and it is the presence of ‘out-​of-​
proportion pain’ and pain on passive movement which will raise the
clinical suspicion. Swelling, skin turgor, sensory deficits and paresis may
also occur.
• Diagnosis is clinical and notoriously difficult; therefore, a high index of
clinical suspicion is required. Compartment pressures can be measured
in sedated patients—​a difference of 30mmHg between the diastolic
BP and the compartment pressure suggests an i risk of compartment
syndrome. An absolute compartment pressure of 40mmHg, with
clinical symptoms, indicates a consideration for urgent fasciotomy for
• When diagnosed, fasciotomy should occur within <1h.

1006 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Gunshot, blast and crush injuries

Gunshot injury
Gunshot wounds are associated with extensive tissue damage caused by the
transfer of kinetic energy. Low-​velocity bullets, such as from a pistol, result
in crush and laceration injuries. Secondary projectile, e.g. bone or bullet
fragments, may move on unpredictable trajectories. High-​velocity rounds,
such as fired by a rifle, create a rapidly expanding and collapsing vacuum in
the wake of the bullet’s trajectory, sucking in debris. This results in cavity
formation and significant tissue destruction not just in the path of the bullet,
but also in surrounding tissues. The degree of tissue destruction and cavi-
tation is affected by the yaw and tumble motion of the bullet along the tra-
jectory within the body. A small entry wound can belie the extent of tissue
injury. The unpredictable path of the bullet and contamination throughout
its course are responsible for significant injury. Surgical debridement of all
devascularised or soiled tissue is imperative to avoid sepsis.
Blast-​related injury
Injuries result from exposure to pressure waves caused by explosions and
can result in unique injury patterns, which are not commonly seen, in mul-
tiple patients at the same time. Injury severity is determined by the type of
explosive device, the geography of the explosion (enclosed spaces reflect
the blast wave) and the proximity of the victim. The predominant injury
patterns in survivors are a combination of standard penetrating and blunt
trauma. Blast injuries can be defined by five mechanisms (Table 37.6).
Primary blast lung injury
Primary blast lung injury (often called ‘blast lung’) is the commonest, fatal,
1° blast injury among initial survivors.74 The lungs are particularly prone to
damage, with widespread disruption of the alveolar–​capillary membrane,
leading to air embolus and hypoxia. Patients are at high risk of pulmonary
oedema. It is rare for this injury to exist in isolation. ‘Blast lung’ is a clinical
diagnosis and characterised by V/​Q mismatch, hypoxaemia and dyspnoea.
Pulmonary injuries can range from scattered petechiae to confluent haem-
orrhage, sometimes with associated pneumothoraces. The pattern of in-
filtration produces a classic butterfly appearance on CXR; however, initial
imaging may not demonstrate the extent of the damage. An inflammatory
phase follows the initial injury.
Embolic events
Air embolism is thought to be an early cause of death for non-​survivors at
the scene. Pulmonary fat embolism may be detected in as many as 75% of
Management of these patients is as for all trauma patients; however, specific
mention should be made of the following:
• Always consider tension pneumothoraces which need to be treated
• Confusion and agitation are common and may be due to the blast wave
itself or to cerebral air embolism.
Gunshot, blast and crush injuries 1007

Table 37.6 Mechanisms of trauma in blast injuries

Type Characteristics
Primary Mechanism: overpressurisation by the blast wave causes rapid
compression and expansion of gas-​filled structures
Affects: gas-​filled structures
Examples: blast lung, bowel haemorrhage and perforation
from shear forces, tympanic membrane rupture and middle
ear damage, globe rupture, traumatic brain injury without
signs of head injury
Secondary Mechanism: flying debris and bomb fragments
Affects: any part
Examples: penetrating ballistic (fragments) or blunt injuries,
eye penetration (± occult)
Tertiary Mechanism: individual thrown by, or crushed by structures
thrown by, the blast wind
Affects: typically blunt injuries to any body part
Examples: fractures and traumatic amputation, closed and
open traumatic brain injury
Quaternary Mechanism: all explosion-​related injuries, illnesses or diseases
not due to the above. Includes exacerbation or complications
of existing conditions
Affects: any part
Examples: burns, inhalational injuries, crush injuries, closed
and open traumatic brain injury, respiratory disease from
dust, smoke or toxic fume inhalation, angina, hyperglycaemia,
Quinary Mechanism: tissue contamination from post-​detonation
Affects: any part
Examples: nuclear, biological, chemical, bloodborne viruses,
human remains

• Lung injury is often heterogeneous and lung-​protective ventilation

strategies should be employed to avoid overdistension of unaffected
alveoli. Note, permissive hypercapnia may have deleterious effects in
the polytrauma patient with head injury.
• Lung compliance is often reduced and i PEEP may be required.
• Hypoxia may be a consequence of inhalational injury or toxic fumes, as
well as ‘blast lung’.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment and strategies to
protect personnel must be employed if there is suspicion of toxic
• The tympanic membrane is the most vulnerable structure to 1° blast
injury and should be visualised during the 2° survey, if not before.

1008 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Crush injury
Crush injuries are caused by physical compression leading to direct injury
or ischaemia.76 The limbs are most commonly involved (legs > arms), but
multiple injury patterns are possible. Injury severity is determined by the
magnitude and duration of the crush.
• Fractures and open injuries will require standard treatment of fixation,
debridement, tetanus toxoid and antibiotics.
• Compressive forces to the torso can cause a wide spectrum of blunt
or penetrating injuries, including organ contusions/​rupture, vascular
damage, fractures, haemorrhage and evisceration. Standard treatments,
including lung-​protective ventilation, pelvic binders and prompt
multimodal analgesia, are required.
Crush syndrome: if significant muscle mass is crushed, potentially life-​
threatening systemic manifestations, known as ‘crush syndrome’, may
occur. Crush syndrome results from traumatic rhabdomyolysis and the re-
lease of intracellular contents (K+, myoglobin, phosphate, urate and CK)
into the circulation following reperfusion of the injured muscle/​organ.
The systemic effects and their management include:
• Reperfusion can lead to acute hypovolaemia and hypotension.
Significant volume/​fluid replacement may be needed to compensate
for fluid sequestration into the interstitium, to restore BP and to
maintain renal perfusion. Infusions and boluses should be titrated to the
individual patient and regularly reassessed.
• Rhabdomyolysis:
• AKI may occur from myoglobinuria. Mannitol may be needed initially
to encourage diuresis, but haemofiltration/​dialysis may also be
required later.
• Electrolyte disturbances/​metabolic abnormalities—​h yperkalaemia
and hypocalcaemia. Observe for cardiac arrhythmias and correct as
• Metabolic abnormalities: lactic acidosis resulting from ischaemic
tissues can exacerbate the electrolyte abnormalities.
• Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% 1mL/​kg slow bolus, with further doses
titrated to effect, can help.
• Compartment syndrome can occur as injured tissues swell. Prophylactic
fasciotomies may be needed.
• In addition to the specific nuances of crush syndrome, multiorgan
failure, ARDS, TIC and sepsis can also occur.
Traumatic cardiac arrest 1009

Traumatic cardiac arrest

A cardiac arrest 2° to trauma is managed differently to a cardiac arrest due
to a medical cause. Importantly, should the mechanism of injury and col-
lateral history suggest a 1° medical arrest, followed by trauma (e.g. single-​
vehicle accident without brakes being applied or low-​impact trauma leading
to cardiac arrest), then standard ALS should be instituted. VF and pulseless
VT are usually associated with non-​traumatic cardiac arrest; however, PEA
and asystole are more common in traumatic cardiac arrest. The 1° goals
in traumatic cardiac arrest are to stop exsanguination, relieve obstructive
causes of shock and optimise oxygenation/​ventilation.
Survival after traumatic cardiac arrest is poor. Overall survival rates
with penetrating trauma are 5–​10%. Patients with isolated cardiac wounds
treated by expert teams can achieve greater survival rates. Patients with
blunt trauma have a worse outcome, and resuscitative thoracotomy is most
likely to be successful if the patient has vital signs on admission and CPR has
been performed for <15min77 (Fig. 37.1).
Indicators of the potential for favourable outcome after traumatic cardiac
arrest include:
• Penetrating injury, especially single puncture with a knife (rather than a
bullet) and RV injury
• Presence of signs of life at any time since medical contact
• Cardiac arrest <10min
• Visible cardiac activity on eFAST.
Management priorities for traumatic cardiac arrest
The below interventions should be performed concurrently by a
trauma team.
Deprioritise chest compression
• Chest compressions are unhelpful in extreme hypovolaemia and
potentially in tamponade. They also impede the ability to deliver
potentially lifesaving procedures, may worsen injuries, add iatrogenic
injuries and can slow transfusion from rapid infusors.
• Once a reversible cause has been corrected, chest compressions may
help to support organ perfusion while blood volume resuscitation
Optimise oxygenation and ventilation
• Give 100% O2 and intubate the patient. If the intubation is difficult,
consider using an SGA.
• Perform bilateral open thoracostomies in the 4th to 5th intercostal
space, anterior axillary line, to release tension pneumothoraces.
Stop bleeding
• Temporising methods include direct and indirect pressure, haemostatic
agents, tourniquets, pelvic binders, REBOA and resuscitative
• Transfer to an operating theatre, interventional radiology or hybrid
suite for definitive management should occur as soon as practicable for
definitive haemorrhage control.

1010 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Actively restore physiology

• The principles are as per DCR (see % pp. 982–7)—​obtaining vascular
access, aggressive restoration of circulating volume using haemostatic
principles and warming the patient.
Resuscitative thoracotomy
A resuscitative thoracotomy is a bilateral anterior (‘clamshell’) thoracotomy
performed prehospital, in the ED or in the operating theatre as part of the
immediate lifesaving resuscitation.
Accepted Penetrating chest/​epigastric injury associated with cardiac
arrest (any rhythm) or periarrest (e.g. decompensating
tamponade/​persistent hypotension) within last 10min
Relative Penetrating intra-​/e​ xtrathoracic injury, pulseless and
absent signs of life*, CPR <15min
Blunt thoracic injury with cardiac arrest and previous signs
of life
Contra- CPR for >15min or >10min without response for
indications penetrating and blunt trauma injury, respectively
Unsurvivable concomitant injuries
Signs of life = pulse, movements, GCS >3, eye or gag reflexes and cardiac activity on ECG or

Achieving a good outcome from resuscitative thoracotomy relies on a
number of components:
• A clear goal:
• Release of cardiac tamponade
• Control of cardiac, vascular or pulmonary haemorrhage
• Occlusion of descending thoracic aorta to reduce haemorrhage
below the diaphragm and increase blood flow to heart and brain
• Control of air embolism
• Provision of open cardiac massage.
• Personnel should have the expertise to perform the procedure.
• It needs a team approach with clear direction. If the TTL is the only
individual skilled in resuscitative thoracotomy, they should temporarily
hand over team leadership to another senior team member to allow
them to task-​focus. The anaesthetist is responsible for securing the
airway and may be required to gain large-​bore or central venous access.
• There needs to be a clear chain of survival such that when ROSC is
achieved, ongoing care is planned and there is no hiatus in the flow of
• It is important to recognise that once initiated, the ongoing management
of resuscitative thoracotomy and traumatic cardiac arrest will use a
large number of personnel and resources.
• TCA should not be attempted if:
• There are no signs of life within the previous 15min
• Trauma is incompatible with life, e.g. decapitation or brain tissue loss.
Traumatic cardiac arrest 1011

• Stop CPR.
• Ensure the patient has an ETT or SGA in place.
• Perform bilateral finger thoracostomy in the 4th or 5th
intercostal space.
• Connect the two thoracostomies with a clamshell incision, using heavy-​
duty (e.g. TuffCutt®) scissors or similar, to cross the sternum.
• Insert a retractor to open the chest cavity to the maximal extent.
• Lift the pericardium with forceps and make a midline longitudinal inverse
‘T’ incision to the pericardium. This avoids the phrenic nerves which
pass laterally on the pericardial sac.
• Deliver the heart from the pericardial sac.
• Close any wounds to the cardiac muscle with staple or interrupted
sutures. If you are unsure what to do, you can put a finger in the hole
• A 2nd operator can provide pressure on the descending aorta.
• Concurrently infuse blood and blood products. The right atrial
appendage can be used if vascular access is not possible to obtain.
• Control any bleeding that may be evident after ROSC, especially the
internal mammary arteries.
• Resuscitation should be terminated as a team decision and should be
considered if:
• There is no ROSC after reversible causes have been addressed
• There is no evidence of cardiac activity in the absence of a
tamponade (if ultrasound is used prior to thoracotomy).

1012 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Fig. 37.1 Traumatic cardiac arrest algorithm. Local guidelines may be adapted to
include the use of ultrasound and variations for the gravid patient. Reprinted from
Resuscitation, 95, Truhlar A et al., European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation
2015, Section 4. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances, 148–​201, Copyright © 2015, with
permission from the European Resuscitation Council and Elsevier.
Burns: early management 1013

Burns: early management

(See also % p. 665.)
General considerations
• Major burns account for 5% of traumatic injuries across the UK.79
• Treat life-​threatening injuries; traumatic injuries and burns often coexist.
• Fire is the commonest cause of burns in adults; scalding is the
commonest cause in children. Most injuries occur at home.
• Burns may be associated with alcohol intoxication, epilepsy or
psychiatric illness.
• Consider the possibility of non-​accidental injury in children.
• Mortality is related to age, total body surface area (TBSA) burnt, burn
depth, presence of inhalational injury and hypothermia. Commonly
used burns prognostic scoring systems, e.g. BOBI (Belgian Outcome
of Burn Injury) score, FLAMES (Fatality by Longevity, APACHE II
score, Measured Extent of burn and Sex), revised Baux score and ABSI
(Abbreviated Burn Severity Index), use these parameters with various
weightings. Use Box 37.7 to guide decision about transfer to a major
burns centre.
Airway (with cervical spine control)
• Burns to the head and neck may rapidly cause airway obstruction from
oedema. Inhalation of hot gases usually causes airway injury above the
• Signs of potential airway compromise: singed nasal hairs, hoarse voice,
productive cough and soot-​stained sputum.
• Clinical judgement will determine the need for immediate intubation.
Maximum wound oedema occurs 12–​36h after injury when
fluid resuscitation is well under way, although the airway may be
compromised much earlier. H If in doubt, intubate early using a large,
uncut ETT; subsequent oedema can be considerable.80
• Clinical features shown to correlate with intubation include: full-​
thickness facial burns, stridor, respiratory distress, oedema on
laryngoscopy, smoke inhalation and singed nasal hairs.81
• When considering a surgical airway with overlying burns, a longitudinal
incision is advised.
• Give O2 15L/​min, using a face mask with a reservoir bag, aiming for
saturations of 94–​98%.82
• Intubation may be required in patients who are:
• Unconscious from coexisting trauma or from inhalation of toxic
substances such as carbon monoxide (CO)
• Developing acute respiratory failure due to smoke inhalation or
blast injury
• In need of extensive resuscitation, sedation and analgesia following a
major burn.

1014 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Circulation (with haemorrhage control)

• Burns >25% TBSA produce a marked systemic inflammatory response,
accompanied by an increase in capillary permeability and generalised
• Insert cannulae through intact skin, wherever possible. Start IV fluids
for burns:
• >15% TBSA in adults (some units advocate 20%)
• >10% TBSA in children.
• Hartmann’s solution is the preferred resuscitation fluid for burns.
• The fluid requirement in the first 24h in adults and children is 2–​4mL/​
kg/​% TBSA. Give half the calculated fluid in the first 8h from the time
of injury, and give the remainder in the next 16h.
• Maintenance fluids are required, in addition to the calculated
resuscitation fluid. Ensure fluid is warmed.
• These calculated values are an estimate. Volume required will be guided
by the urine output (>0.5–​1.0mL/​kg), blood gas values and CVS
• Test the urine for haemochromogens (myoglobin/​Hb) arising from
muscle damage and red cell breakdown. If positive:
• Increase the urine output to 1–​2mL/​kg/​h.
• Alkalinise urine: infuse 1.25% sodium bicarbonate solution.
• Promote diuresis: add 12.5g of mannitol to each litre of Hartmann’s
Neurological deficit
• Head injury is common in burns associated with road traffic collisions,
falls and blasts.
• CO poisoning and alcohol intoxication are common causes of altered
Exposure (with temperature control)
• Remove all clothing to assess the extent of burn injury. If clothing is
stuck to the skin, cut around the area, leaving the adherent fabric in
place. Keep the patient warm.
• Assess the percentage TBSA burnt. The ‘rule of nines’ conveniently
divides the adult body surface into multiples of 9%; this is inaccurate
for small children. The palmar surface of a patient’s hand and fingers
is 71% TBSA. Mobile phone applications such as Mersey Burns (M
https://​ can be useful in TBSA estimation. Detailed
assessment of the burn area is made by referring to a Lund and
Browder chart (Fig. 37.2; Table 37.7).
• Assess the burn depth; burns may be superficial or deep; in practice,
most injuries are a mixture of both.
• Superficial: affecting the epidermis only (sunburn, flash burns) or
involving the superficial part of the dermis (producing a blister).
These burns are painful and pinprick sensation is preserved. Healing
will occur without the need for grafting.
• Deep: consisting of deep dermal burns (no capillary refill beneath
the blister, since blood vessels are destroyed) or full-​thickness
burns (involving the entire epidermis and dermis, possibly including
underlying structures). Burns may have a white, waxy appearance.
Pinprick sensation is lost.
Burns: early management 1015

Fig. 37.2 Lund and Browder chart.

Table 37.7 Percentage of area affected by growth

1mo 1y 5y 10y 15y Adult

Half of head 91/​2 81/​2 61/​2 51/​2 41/​2 31/​2
Half of thigh 23/​4 31/​4 4 41/​2 41/​2 43/​4
Half of leg 21/​2 21/​2 23/​4 3 31/​4 31/​2

Immediate wound care

• Cool the burn wound with cold running water (12ºC is optimal);83 this
helps reduce the production of inflammatory mediators and reduces
tissue damage. Continue cooling for at least 20min. Cooling the burn is
an effective analgesic and can be done up to 3h after the initial injury.84
H Monitor for hypothermia which is independently associated with i
• Burns are initially sterile. Cover with ‘cling film’ to limit evaporation and
heat loss and reduce pain.
• Monitor SpO2, ECG, urine output, core temperature and NIBP.
The pulse oximeter cannot detect COHb and will over-​read the O2
saturation of Hb; use a co-​oximeter to obtain an accurate estimation of
the percentage of oxyhaemoglobin.
• Arterial lines for patients with major burns or inhalational injury.
• Gastroparesis is common, so insert an NGT if major burns.

1016 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

• Check FBC (including Hct), urea/​creatinine, electrolytes, glucose and

COHb; X-​match blood and consider trace elements (copper, selenium,
zinc) in severe burns.
• Analgesia is important. Although skin sensation is lost over deep burns,
the surrounding area is very painful.
• There is no evidence to support the use of any particular opioid.
Morphine, fentanyl and methoxyflurane are equally efficacious.86
Ongoing analgesia with PCA may be necessary.
• Eschar is the coagulated dead skin of a full-​thickness burn; it cannot
expand, as tissue oedema progresses. Circumferential burns to limbs
may result in limb ischaemia; circumferential burns to the trunk may
reduce chest wall compliance and impede ventilation.
• Escharotomy, the release of the burn wound by incision down to SC fat,
is performed in the operating room. Incisions are made longitudinally
along the medial and lateral sides of the limbs; on the trunk, incisions
are made along the anterior axillary line down to the upper abdomen.
Ensure blood is available; bleeding can be extreme.
• Patients are often already sedated and ventilated. Lightly sedated
patients will need additional sedation and analgesia.
Special circumstances
Inhalation of toxic substances
CO poisoning is common—​check COHb. The severity of symptoms may
not correlate with the percentage of COHb and may mimic alcohol intoxi-
cation (Table 37.8).
• CO reduces the capacity of blood to carry O2, causing tissue hypoxia.
PaO2 is normal. CO also binds avidly to other haem-​containing
compounds, especially the cytochrome system. The half-​life of COHb is
250min when breathing room air; this is reduced to 40min when breathing
100% O2. O2 therapy should be continued, since a 2° peak of COHb
occurs after 24h and is attributed to washout of CO from cytochromes.
• Hyperbaric O2 therapy reduces the half-​life of COHb to just 15–​30min;
however, the precise role of hyperbaric O2 is controversial87 and is
highly subject to the availability of hyperbaric facilities. Indications for
discussion with a hyperbaric facility include:
• Any loss of consciousness, neurological abnormality or cognitive
• Chest pain, abnormal ECG and cardiac enzymes
• Pregnancy
• Inability to assess adequately.
• Other toxic products of combustion may include cyanide; ammonia;
phosgene; hydrogen chloride, fluoride or bromide; and complex organic
compounds. These toxic substances may produce:
• A chemical burn to the respiratory tract
• Interstitial lung oedema, impaired gas exchange and ARDS
• Systemic acid–​base disturbances
• Rising lactate without hypoxia.
• Hydrofluoric acid binding serum Ca2+ and causing hypocalcaemia.
Burns: early management 1017

Table 37.8 Symptoms associated with CO poisoning

COHb (%) Symptoms

0–​15 None (smokers)
15–​20 Headache, mild confusion
20–​40 Nausea and vomiting, disorientation, fatigue
40–​60 Hallucinations, ataxia, fits, coma
>60 Death

Chemical burns
• Hands and upper limbs are the most frequently affected areas.
• Staff must protect themselves with gloves, apron and face mask.
• Remove contaminated clothing as early as possible and place in a secure
container for disposal.
• Industrial or household alkalis and acids are commonly used chemicals,
e.g. bleach, washing powder, disinfectants, drain cleaner, paint stripper.
Immersion in complex hydrocarbons (petrol, diesel) without ignition
may cause systemic toxicity. Phosphorus burns may result from
fireworks or military applications.
• Tissue damage continues until the chemical is neutralised or diluted with
water. Early, continuous and prolonged (1h) irrigation with cold water is
vital for burns (except elemental Na, K and lithium).
• Specific treatments include:
• Hydrofluoric acid: used in the glass industry, highly toxic. Burns of 2%
TBSA can be fatal. Tissue penetration by fluoride ions causes deep
chemical burns. Inactivate toxic fluoride ions by application of topical
calcium gluconate burn gel and 10% calcium gluconate injections
into the burn wound (0.5mL/​cm2 of surface burn), extending 0.5cm
beyond the burn margin. Do not use calcium chloride; it is an irritant.
Consider intra-​arterial (10mL of 10% calcium gluconate in 40mL of
5% glucose over 4h) or IV (Bier’s block; 10–​15mL of 10% calcium
gluconate plus 5000 units of heparin, diluted up to 40mL in 5%
• Phosphorus: white phosphorus ignites spontaneously when exposed
to air; it can be extinguished by water. Apply copper sulphate
solution, converting phosphorus to black cupric phosphide.
• Bitumen: common injury in the UK from road maintenance. It is liquid
at 150°C and causes thermal burns. Cool with water; remove the
bitumen with vegetable or paraffin oil.
• Cyanide: hydroxocobalamin 5mg IV or 12.5g sodium thiosulfate
should be considered in patients with features of cyanide poisoning.
These treatments are controversial but have fewer side effects than
dicobalt edetate which should be reserved for confirmed cases of
cyanide poisoning.

1018 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Electrical burns
• Low voltage (<1000V) causes a local contact burn. The 50Hz
alternating current (AC) domestic supply is particularly likely to cause
cardiac arrest. Muscle spasm may prevent release of the electrical
source. There is no associated deep tissue damage.
• High voltage (>1000V) causes flash burn or deep tissue damage due
to current transmission. High-​voltage cables carry 11 000 or 33 000V;
electric shock produces an entrance and exit wound, which may require
fasciotomy under GA. Haemochromogens released from muscle and
damaged red cells may cause AKI.
• A direct strike by lightning (ultrahigh voltage, high current) has a very
high mortality. Current may flow up one leg and down the other,
producing an entry and exit wound. Respiratory arrest is common.
Side flash (nearby lightning strike producing current that flows over the
surface of the victim) causes superficial burns.

Box 37. 7 British Burn Association criteria for transfer to

a burns centre
• Burn >10% TBSA (adult) or >5% TBSA (child), or full-​thickness burn
>5% TBSA
• Burn to face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum or major joints
• Electrical and chemical burns
• Inhalational injury
• Circumferential burn to the limbs or chest
• Patients at extremes of age
• Patients with medical conditions which may complicate treatment
Major trauma in children 1019

Major trauma in children

Paediatric major trauma encompasses a diverse and heterogeneous group
of pathologies and problems. Few health care professionals have clinical ex-
pertise exclusively in this area, making the team approach to the assessment
and management of children essential. This section provides an overview of
the management of major trauma in children, in particular focusing on the
differences from adult care.
Data from the UK’s Trauma Audit and Research Network88 show the
mean age of the most severely injured children is 6.5y, with a peak in
the 1st year of life and another after 6y of age. The most frequently re-
ported mechanisms were road traffic collisions (42%), falls (32%) and non-​
accidental injury (10% in <2y). Of the most severely injured children, the
most frequently injured body part was the head (74%), followed by the
thorax (20%).
Catastrophic haemorrhage
Catastrophic haemorrhage is usually managed in the prehospital setting and
general principles apply such as direct pressure to active bleeding, use of
haemostatic dressings, pressure over proximal vessels or applications of
tourniquets when required. See Table 37.9 for a guide to sizing of chest
drains, catheters and NGTs, and Table 37.10 for normal systolic BP and HR
dependent on age.
The estimated blood volume in children is dependent on age:
• 90–​100mL/​kg for premature infants
• 80–​90mL/​kg for the term infant to 3mo
• 70mL/​kg in children older than 3mo
• 65mL/​kg in obese children.
(For information on maximum allowable blood loss calculation, see %
p. 906.)
(See % p. 900 for differences in assessment and management of the paedi-
atric airway.) In the context of major trauma, there is a high risk of airway
obstruction, particularly in significant head injury with reduced GCS or se-
vere multisystem trauma.
• Indications for intubation include:
• Reduced GCS
• Significant chest injury resulting in impaired oxygenation
• To facilitate assessment and imaging such as CT or MRI in a distressed
or agitated child.
• Suggested rapid anaesthetic for paediatric trauma patients:
• Ketamine 1–​2mg/​kg ± fentanyl 1microgram/​kg, rocuronium 1mg/​kg
• Suxamethonium 1.5mg/​kg as an alternative (not in renal failure, burns
>12h, rhabdomyolysis or high spinal cord injuries).
• Continued sedation after intubation is typically with morphine and
midazolam (propofol can be used if sedation is for a short period only).
Example regime: morphine 20–​80 micrograms/​kg/​h and midazolam
120–​360 micrograms/​kg/​h or propofol 2–​5mg/​kg/​h.

1020 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Table 37.9 Chest drain, NGT and urinary catheter size by weight

3–​5kg 6–​9kg 10–​11kg 12–​18kg 19–​22kg 23–​30kg >30kg

Chest 10–​12Fr 12–​16Fr 16–​20Fr 20–​24Fr 24–​28Fr 28–​32Fr 32–​42Fr
NGT 8–​10Fr 10Fr 10Fr 10–​12Fr 12Fr 12–​14Fr 14–​16Fr
Foley 6Fr 6Fr 6–​8Fr 8–​10Fr 10–​12Fr 12Fr 12–​14Fr

Table 37.10 Normal vital signs in children

HR (bpm) Systolic BP (mmHg) RR (breaths/​min)

Preterm 120–​180 40–​60 50–​70
0–​1mo 100–​160 50–​70 35–​55
1–​12mo 80–​140 70–​100 30–​40
1–​3y 80–​130 70–​110 20–​30
3–​6y 80–​110 80–​110 20–​30
6–​12y 70–​100 80–​120 18–​24
12+y 60–​90 100–​120 14–​22

Cervical spine
C-​spine injuries in children are rare, but when present, they more frequently
occur in the upper cervical spine (C1–​4) due to the relatively higher head-​
to-​body size ratio and higher fulcrum. With increasing age, the fulcrum
lowers and lower cervical spine injuries become more common. The spinal
skeleton is relatively mobile and can be significantly distracted without an
underlying spinal fracture; this leads to SCIWORA. If plain X-​rays or CT
scans do not reveal a bony injury, but the neurological exam is abnormal,
SCIWORA should be suspected and imaging with MRI is required.
The cervical spine must, wherever possible, be stabilised until a C-​spine
injury is ruled out.89
If attempts at immobilising the cervical spine are causing distress and agi-
tation, the risks and benefits of continued attempts must be assessed.
• In conscious children, use MILS whenever possible.
• In unconscious children or when MILS cannot be maintained,
immobilisation should be performed with a properly fitting collar, blocks
and tape.
• If no properly fitting collar is available, towels or blankets, etc. should be
used to improvise an immobilisation device.
Major trauma in children 1021

Breathing and chest assessment

• In young children, the chest wall is soft and pliable. The ribs are aligned
horizontally and the intercostal muscles are weak. Rib fractures are
much less common in children and, when present, represent significant
traumatic force. Tension pneumothoraces are poorly tolerated as
children develop hypoxia more rapidly than adults due to diminished
FRC and a higher metabolic rate.
• The management of significant chest injuries is the same as for adult
patients in many cases; the use of adequate analgesia and supplemental O2
may be all that is needed. An intercostal drain must be considered in large
haemothoraces or pneumothoraces causing respiratory compromise or if
the patient is being placed on positive pressure ventilation.
Children initially compensate very well for blood volume loss; tachycardia
and hypotension are late signs. Mild agitation, sweating and confusion may
all suggest impending circulatory collapse.
Abdominal assessment
Children have a relatively thin abdominal wall, a more horizontal diaphragm
and altered organ proportion and placement, and in infants, the bladder is
intra-​abdominal. Therefore, the intra-​abdominal organs are more exposed
than in adults, rendering them more vulnerable to injury.
Visceral injuries are managed conservatively where possible, with sur-
gery reserved for those children who remain unstable despite aggressive
Pelvis and long bones
Pelvic fractures are rare in children, but more likely in high-​speed road traffic
collisions with lateral side impact or pedestrian vs vehicle. An appropriately
sized pelvic binder, or a folded sheet, wrapped around the child at the level
of the greater trochanters (if a binder is unavailable) should be used for
haemorrhage control if there is a suspicion of pelvic injury.
Femoral injuries are relatively more common. When assessing the skel-
eton, the margins of the pelvis should be palpated gently, as should the full
length of the femurs, looking for swelling, tenderness, bruising and crepitus.
Managing haemorrhage
• IV access can be difficult in a child who is shocked and cold. If initial
attempts at peripheral IV access are unsuccessful and the child requires
immediate resuscitation, IO access should be gained, usually at either
the proximal tibia or the distal femur.
• If a child is actively bleeding, resuscitate with blood (consider O-​
negative blood initially until X-​matched blood is available). Crystalloid
10mL/​kg can be used initially, but this is not recommended if blood
is available. Balanced blood product resuscitation should be delivered
following the principles described in DCR (see % pp. 982–7). (See Table
37.11 for transfusion targets.)
• In haemorrhage, give IV tranexamic acid 15mg/​kg (max 1g) within 3h,
followed by a maintenance dose of 2mg/​kg/​h over the next 8h.90
• A transfusion of 40 mL/​kg of blood products within the first 24h
indicates a critically unwell child who is at i risk for early and
in-​hospital death.

1022 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Table 37.11 Transfusion targets in children

Blood product Target Dosage

FFP 1:1 ratio with PRBCs 5–​20mL/​kg
For children born after 1996,
FFP is virally inactivated (e.g.
Platelets ≥75 × 109/​L 10–​15mL/​kg
Cryoprecipitate Fibrinogen >1.5g/​L 10mL/​kg

Pupils should be assessed and a measure of consciousness, such as AVPU,
documented and repeatedly assessed.
Exposure and environment
Full exposure and examination of the child while limiting heat loss are crit-
ical. Underbody forced air warmers and paediatric fluid warmers with re-
duced dead space are useful.
Primary survey imaging
• Children are believed to be more sensitive to high doses of radiation
and this, together with a growing body of evidence suggesting a
relationship between exposure to ionising radiation and a risk of
developing malignancy, leads to a more conservative approach to
imaging, compared to adult patients. The ‘as low as reasonably
achievable’ principle leads to an imaging strategy built around judicious
use of plain films and targeted CT + MRI. (See Box 37.8 for a useful
framework for imaging of children in major trauma.)6,91
• Whole-​body CT scan is still appropriate in children with severe injuries
or injuries affecting >1 body region, where the overall risks and benefits
have been carefully considered. Imaging should not be prioritised at the
expense of careful examination, observation and stabilisation.
Imaging guidelines
Indications for CT head within 1h of ED presentation for children sustaining
a head injury are as per adults (Box 37.8), but with a number of additional
• Suspicion of non-​accidental injury
• GCS <14 (<15 in under 1y) on initial ED assessment
• Tense fontanelle
• Children <1y with presence of bruise, swelling or laceration of >5cm
on the head
• More than one of the following:
• Loss of consciousness lasting >5min
• Abnormal drowsiness
• ≥3 discrete episodes of vomiting
• Dangerous mechanism of injury
• Amnesia (anterograde or retrograde) lasting >5min.

The Royal College of Radiologists suggests the following guidance as a deci-

sion tree for paediatric imaging.91
Major trauma in children 1023

Box 37.8 When to perform imaging of the cervical spine

in children <16y
• Perform MRI for children if there is strong suspicion of cervical spinal
cord injury, as indicated by the Canadian C‑spine rule and/​or clinical
assessment and/​or abnormal neurological signs or symptoms.
• Consider plain X‑rays in children who do not fulfil the criteria for MRI
but clinical suspicion remains, and discuss the findings of the plain
X‑rays with a consultant radiologist.
• For children who have sustained a head injury, perform CT cervical
spine if any of the following apply:
• GCS <13 on initial assessment
• The patient has been intubated
• Focal peripheral neurological signs
• Paraesthesiae in the upper or lower limbs
• Definitive diagnosis of C-​spine injury is needed urgently
• Other areas scanned for head injury or multiregion trauma
• There is strong clinical suspicion despite normal X-​rays
• Plain X-​rays are technically difficult or inadequate
• Plain X-​rays identify a significant bony injury.

Is the mechanism of injury consistent with major trauma?

• No: image as per clinical suspicion.
• Yes: perform 1° survey and CXR; if the CXR suggests significant
intrathoracic injury, perform a CT thorax.
• Yes, but suspicion of isolated C-​spine injury only: C-​spine plain films
normally enough to rule out bony injury.
Does the child meet NICE criteria for CT head?
• Yes: request head and if there is suspicion of severe multisystem
trauma, consider C-​spine CT.
Is there severe multisystem trauma, a lap-​belt injury, abdominal ecchymosis,
distension or tenderness, persistent hypovolaemia or PR/​NG bleeding?
• Yes: abdominal CT (pelvic and abdominal X-​rays are not indicated in
paediatric trauma).
Concern of, or abnormal neurology consistent with, spinal injury?
• Yes: request plain spinal films and MRI spine.
MRI is preferable in children due to the i incidence of SCIWORA and
avoidance of ionising radiation.
The role of FAST
Generally, focused abdominal sonography in trauma (FAST) is not recom-
mended in paediatric trauma. The technique is operator-​dependent and
has only a modest sensitivity in detecting haemoperitoneum. If imaging is
needed, CT should be requested.

1024 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Paediatric cardiac arrest

The evidence around specific adjustments required to standard ALS in
children with traumatic cardiac arrest is limited.92 The mechanism of in-
jury helps predict possible injury patterns and potential reversible causes—​
interventions should focus on the treatment of the underlying cause.
Thoracotomy should be considered if the skill exists within the team, for
appropriate cases, e.g. penetrating thoracic or abdominal trauma, where
intervention post-​thoracotomy is more likely to be possible.
The adult traumatic cardiac arrest algorithm (see % Fig 37.1) is similar
to that for children, produced by Vassallo et al.92 The authors noted that
before assuming a traumatic cause of cardiac arrest in children, causes of
hypoxia, e.g. drowning, asphyxiation and impact apnoea, must be excluded.
Paediatric considerations for the trauma team
• Paediatric trauma covers a broad range of emotional intelligence, but
it is likely that the patient will be more anxious than an adult patient.
Accordingly, the trauma call should be adapted.
• Rationalise the team. Paediatric trauma teams can be large and appear
daunting. Staff who are not immediately needed should be asked to
step away.
• Allocate one person to do the 1° survey and one person to be at the
head end, talking to and calming the child.
• Encourage the parents to be present and visible. They should also have
a chaperone explaining what is happening.
A child presenting to hospital as a major trauma call can be considered a
red flag for potential safeguarding issues. Rarely, the trauma call may be
due to non-​accidental injury, but more often injuries result from neglect or
wider social stressors within a family. Older children and adolescents may
become injured because of their own risk-​taking behaviour or peer group
All children presenting to trauma services should have these issues ex-
plored and local safeguarding services should be involved in their care.
Where necessary, concerns will need to be escalated beyond the local
Analgesia in paediatric trauma
(See % p. 926 for further detail on analgesia for children.) One of the
biggest contributors to fear in paediatric trauma patients is pain, and this
should be addressed early on in the patient journey. If surgery or imminent
intubation is thought to be likely, then oral medications should be avoided.
Suggested strategies include:
• Paracetamol (IV)
• Entonox® in older, awake patients
• Intranasal or IV opioids (diamorphine or fentanyl)
• Ketamine 250–​300 micrograms/​kg IM, IV, PO
• Morphine IV 50–​200 micrograms/​kg (max 10mg).
Silver trauma 1025

Silver trauma
‘Silver trauma’ generally describes trauma in patients ≥60y. A fall from
standing is the commonest mechanism, and the commonest injury is a frac-
tured neck of femur. However, rib and fragility fractures, head injury and
major haemorrhage are also commonly seen.
Frailty, lack of physiological reserve, sarcopenia, comorbid disease and
medication all impact on the type and severity of traumatic injuries and
their presentation.93,94,95,96 Older people are at significant risk of losing their
pretrauma level of function. Improving outcomes and the process of re-​
enablement begins at triage. The Trauma Audit and Research Network
(TARN) data consistently show that elderly patients are undertriaged, as-
sessed by more junior team members, may be denied interventions and
face delays to treatment and transfer to trauma centres.97 Use of compre-
hensive geriatric assessment and frailty screening tools is recommended to
facilitate more informed early decision-​making in older trauma patients.98
The falls history
‘A mechanical fall’ is commonly documented as the mechanism of injury in
silver trauma. This overlooks an important consideration: what precipitated
the fall? Assessment, examination and investigation of these patients should
aim to determine both the reason for the fall, the trauma caused by the fall
and any associated injuries (e.g. burns, rhabdomyolysis caused by periods of
immobility)—​the input of orthogeriatricians is invaluable. Establishing the
cause of the fall can be aided by the following sieve:
• Cardiac: chest pain, new breathlessness, collapse on exercise?
• Neurological: preceding loss of consciousness? Symptoms of CVE,
headache, seizures?
• Drug-​related: alcohol, medication changes?
• Orthostatic: PD, DM, bleeding, sepsis, medication?
• Environment: ill-​fitting shoes, postprandial or post-​micturition,
emotional state?
Emergency assessment
The salient differences in injury and physiological patterns are summarised
below. Be mindful that major life-​changing injuries to the head, neck and
chest can result from low-​energy falls from standing.
Airway with C-​spine control
Can be compromised or complicated by lack of, or displaced, dentures and
restrictions in neck movement due to arthritic or spondylytic changes.
• Presence of severe degenerative disease of the cervical spine puts
elderly patients at risk of worsening neurological outcome with poorly
fitting hard collars. Padding and tape may be more appropriate and help
avoid hyperextended positions and pressure sores.99
• Upper C-​spine injuries are more common.
• Degenerative disease makes spinal contusion and central cord
syndrome more likely and interpretation of images more difficult.100
• Have a low threshold for C-​spine imaging. NICE guidance indicates that
even without signs or symptoms of cervical spine injury, if there is the
potential for C-​spine injury in a person >65y, then a CT head should be
performed.6 If there is a head or face injury, think neck injury too. If CT
head is indicated, so is CT cervical spine.

1026 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Multiple rib fractures, flail segments and haemo-​/​pneumothoraces may re-
sult from simple falls.
Chronic lung disease and reduced muscle mass may impair the patient’s
ability to increase respiratory effort, making d pO2 and i pCO2 more likely.
• Anticoagulation for cardiac and vascular disease is common in the ‘silver
trauma’ patient, turning what may have been a small haemorrhage into
a major haemorrhage. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet history should be
specifically sought for all patients. POCT of coagulation and platelet
function (e.g. TEG® or ROTEM®) can be useful. Where bleeding is
suspected, reversal of anticoagulation should be initiated promptly if
possible (see % p. 272).
• Hypertension is common, so physiological parameters for activation
of major haemorrhage protocols should be adjusted. Systolic BP
<110mmHg and/​or a pulse of >90bpm should raise suspicion of
hypovolaemia/​haemorrhage. β-​blocker use prevents/​reduces the
tachycardia response to hypovolaemia, which can reduce clinical
suspicion of haemorrhage and also reduce the physiological method by
which cardiac output and tissue perfusion are maintained.
• Invasive monitoring and repeated measurement of lactate and base
deficit help guide resuscitation. Base deficit changes more acutely,
whereas lactate can lag behind the clinical picture.
Neurological assessment
• Cerebral atrophy increases the relative skull vault space such that
significant intracranial bleeding may go unnoticed, without an initial
decrease in GCS. Repeat re-​evaluation and a low threshold for CT head
are necessary.
• Patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications with a head injury
and a normal initial CT head may require a repeat scan.
• Elderly patients have reduced metabolism and muscle mass and are
often discovered, having fallen some time ago, lying on the floor. These
considerations render them more susceptible to hypothermia. Active
warming begins in the ED and should continue until the patient is
Electrolyte disturbance
• Elderly patients are more likely to have deranged electrolytes due to
comorbidities (e.g. CKD) or medicines (e.g. diuretics).
Undertreated pain is a significant cause of delirium, so timely assessment
and provision of multimodal analgesia are especially important in this at-​risk
group. NSAIDs are relatively contraindicated. Conversely, opioids can also
cause delirium; regular oxycodone is preferred over morphine because it
has better oral bioavailability and no active metabolites and does not ac-
cumulate in renal impairment. Laxatives should be co-​prescribed. Regional
anaesthesia (single shot or via catheters), where suitable, is ideal for redu-
cing opioid needs.
Silver trauma 1027

Delirium is a disorder in which there is an acute confusional state, usually
with a fluctuating course, characterised by disturbed consciousness, cog-
nitive function or perception. In older people, especially those with pre-​
existing cognitive impairment, it is usual to find several factors contributing
to delirium.101
The ‘PInCH ME’102 mnemonic (Table 37.12) is a useful aide memoire
to use when reviewing patients, in order to screen for and treat causes
of delirium. The 4AT103 (M https://​ is a validated tool
that quickly and easily detects delirium in routine clinical practice. Patients
should be given their usual visual and auditory aids to allow them to engage
with their environment as soon as possible.

Table 37.12 Risk factors for delirium

Risk factors
P Pain Fractures and injuries
In Infection Skin and chest wall injuries, surgical site
C Constipation Opioids and immobility
H Hydration Nil by mouth, unable to reach drinks or hold cups,
M Medication Polypharmacy and alcohol or substance withdrawal
E Electrolytes Glucose, Na+ and K+ derangement

Anaesthesia and surgery

• Time in theatre and under anaesthesia is a tiny proportion of the overall
hospital journey, but its conduct can significantly impact remobilisation,
re-​enablement and rehabilitation.
• Ceilings of care/​DNAR orders and their adaptation in the perioperative
period should be discussed with the patient and multidisciplinary team.
The ReSPECT tool may aid this.95
• Providing a homeostatic anaesthetic is of key importance. Proactively
maintain a systolic BP within 20% of normal104 and a MAP of
≥65mmHg.105 A vasopressor infusion is ideal for this (but ensure
• Consider inhalational induction or co-​induction and use age-​adjusted
MAC ± depth of anaesthesia monitoring.
• Limit LA dose in spinal anaesthesia (e.g. hip fractures, ≤2mL of 0.5%
heavy/​plain bupivacaine) and avoid adjunctive opioids, or at most
restrict to 20 micrograms of fentanyl.
• Maintain Hb around 90–​100g/​L.106,107
• Regional anaesthesia improves analgesia, reduces opioid requirement
and reduces delirium.
• Avoid ‘deliriogenic’ drugs, e.g. ketamine, cyclizine, atropine, midazolam.
For sedation, propofol as a TCI has a better side-effect profile
compared to midazolam.
• POCT should be employed to direct transfusion and fluid requirements
in theatre and on the ward.

1028 Chapter 37 The major trauma patient

Surgery care bundles are helpful in silver trauma patients. These prompt
consideration of common issues during recovery and the inpatient stay, and
provide appropriate parameters for early warning scores (e.g. BP, HR, Hb).
Elder abuse
Can take many forms, e.g. physical, financial, sexual, neglect, emotional and
discriminatory. Be vigilant for the signs and if suspected, adhere to local
reporting mechanisms.
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103 Saller T, MacLullich AMJ, Perneczky R (2020). The 4AT—​an instrument for delirium detection
for older patients in the post-​anaesthesia care unit. Anaesthesia, 75, 410.
104 Griffiths R, Beech F, Brown A, et al. (2014). AAGBI working party: peri-​operative care of the
elderly 2014. Anaesthesia, 69 (Suppl 1), 81–​98.
105 Salmasi V, Maheshwari K, Yang D, et al. (2017). Relationship between intraoperative hypo-
tension, defined by either reduction from baseline or absolute thresholds, and acute kidney
and myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a retrospective cohort analysis. Anesthesiology,
126, 47–​65.
106 Hovaguimian F, Myles PS (2016). Restrictive versus liberal transfusion strategy in the periopera-
tive and acute care settings: a context-​specific systematic review and meta-​analysis of random-
ized controlled trials. Anesthesiology, 25, 46–​61.
107 Docherty AB, O’Donnell R, Brunskill S, et al. (2016). Effect of restrictive versus liberal trans-
fusion strategies on outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease in a non-​cardiac surgery
setting: systematic review and meta-​analysis. BMJ, 352, i1351.
Chapter 38 1033

The emergency patient

Shardha Chandrasekharan, Ravi Mistry and
Daniel Frei
Tracheal intubation of critically ill adults 1034
Sepsis and septic shock 1035
Emergency laparotomy 1040
The ICU patient going to theatre 1044
Transferring the critically ill 1046

1034 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

Tracheal intubation of critically ill adults

(See also % pp. 368–9 and % p. 373–8.) (See Fig. 38.1.)

Fig. 38.1 Tracheal intubation of critically ill adults. Reproduced from Difficult Airway
Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Difficult
Airway Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6): 827–​48 (2015) doi:10.1093/​
bja/​aev371. Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial purposes must be sought
directly from Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.
Sepsis and septic shock 1035

Sepsis and septic shock

• The current definition of sepsis is life-​threatening organ dysfunction
due to a dysregulated host response. Historic distinctions between a
systemic inflammatory response and infection have been removed.1
• qSOFA is used as a rapid clinical screen for sepsis; >2 of the following
are required:
• Hypotension (SBP <100mmHg)
• Altered mental status (GCS <15)
• Tachypnoea (RR >22 breaths/​min).
• Septic shock is defined as the presence of sepsis with hypotension
requiring vasopressors to achieve a MAP >65mmHg and lactate
>2mmol/​L despite adequate fluid resuscitation.
• Even with vigilance and treatment, sepsis and septic shock carry a high
• The response to sepsis is complex and involves many pro-​and anti-​
inflammatory mediators. The severity of illness is determined more by
the nature of the individual inflammatory response than by the infection.
• Pathological effects caused by these mediators include vasodilation,
impairment of the glycocalyx, capillary permeability, impaired tissue O2
utilisation and septic cardiomyopathy.
• Tissues may become hypoxic for several reasons, including hypotension
(vasodilation, hypovolaemia, myocardial depression), microvascular
thrombosis (activation of coagulation), tissue oedema (acting as a
barrier to O2 diffusion) and shunting past some capillary beds. Hypoxia
drives anaerobic metabolism and lactic acidosis and may occur despite
adequate O2 delivery, due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Reperfusion
of previously hypoxic tissues can cause further release of damaging
reactive O2 species.
• The resuscitation of a septic patient is started as soon as the condition
is recognised. International guidelines for the treatment of sepsis and
septic shock are frequently updated.2 Current goals within the 1st hour
of resuscitation are:3
• To measure lactate (and remeasure if initial lactate is >2mmol/​L)
• To obtain blood cultures before administering antibiotics
• To administer broad-​spectrum antibiotics, guided by local
microbiology policies
• Rapid administration of 30mL/​kg crystalloid for hypotension or
lactate levels of >4mmol/​L. Caution in patients with LV failure and
consider need for fluid warming.
• Administer vasopressors to achieve a MAP >65mmHg if hypotension
persists after fluid resuscitation.
• Induction of anaesthesia in the septic patient is hazardous, and every
effort should be made to resuscitate the patient preoperatively.
However, this must be balanced against the urgency of the surgery and
the need for source control. Surgical source control may initially worsen
the clinical state by precipitating a septic shower or haemorrhage.

1036 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

• Establish vascular access and monitoring as soon as possible and before

induction of anaesthesia:
• Secure large-​bore IV cannulae
• Arterial line
• Urinary catheter (can be done post-​induction)
• CVP line if a need for centrally administered vasoactives/​inotropes/​
parenteral nutrition is anticipated (can be performed post-​induction)
• In the presence of advanced sepsis, consider non-​invasive CO
monitoring using the preferred local method.
• Preoxygenate patients with 100% O2 to increase SpO2, ideally >92%4
prior to induction.
• A higher MAP target may be appropriate in those with AKI and a
background of hypertension.5
• Ensure blood is available—​maintain Hb >70g/​L. A higher transfusion
threshold may be needed in acute haemorrhage. Transfusion should be
balanced with factor replacement and utilisation of adjuncts (calcium,
warming to normothermia, tranexamic acid) (see % p. 454).
• Consider IV hydrocortisone (50mg 6-​hourly) if hypotension remains
poorly responsive to adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressors.6,7
• If the patient requires high-​level postoperative monitoring or support,
discuss with critical care staff.
Interpretation of investigations in the septic patient
• FBC: expect a high WCC with neutrophilia, although a low WCC may
be evidence of overwhelming sepsis. A low platelet count is common
due to septic coagulopathy and thrombocytosis is also common in
• U&E: elevated creatinine indicates AKI and an elevated urea:creatinine
ratio may indicate dehydration.
• Coagulation: non-​iatrogenic i INR suggests septic coagulopathy.
• Blood glucose: stress-​induced hyperglycaemia is common and might be
exacerbated by catecholamines (classically adrenaline). Low glucose is
concerning and supports the presence of advanced sepsis or hepatic
• ABGs:
• Metabolic acidosis; early respiratory compensation may not be
maintained as the patient becomes obtunded.
• Hypoxia is multifactorial and common.
• High-​anion gap metabolic acidosis may be due to tissue
hypoperfusion and hyperlactatemia, but other causes include blood
ketones due to diabetic ketoacidosis, accumulation of toxins/​drugs
(i.e. metformin) and AKI. Lactate will also rise due to catecholamines,
particularly adrenaline. If a normal-​anion gap metabolic acidosis is
present, consider common causes such as excessive 0.9% sodium
chloride administration (chloride will be high) or GI bicarbonate loss.
• The CXR may show evidence of non-​cardiogenic pulmonary oedema,
indicating the development of ARDS. The PaO2:FiO2 ratio can used to
determine the onset and severity of ARDS.8
Sepsis and septic shock 1037

Induction and maintenance of anaesthesia

• d anaesthetic, sedative and opioid dose usually required. Carefully
titrated induction drugs will achieve greater CVS stability, but the risk of
aspiration may necessitate a more rapid administration of medication
(RSI). The use of ketamine 1–​2mg/​kg IV is increasingly popular as
an induction drug in the critically ill. Although cardiovascularly stable,
etomidate is associated with i mortality in septic patients.
• If acidotic and needing RSI, consider low-​pressure ventilation to avoid
hypercapnia worsening acidosis.
• Anticipate and prepare for cardiovascular collapse on induction due
to vasodilation and sympatholysis. Ensure vasopressor drugs are
available (e.g. adrenaline 1:10 000) and prepared (e.g. metaraminol,
phenylephrine and ephedrine). Metaraminol or phenylephrine infusion
can be useful at induction (see % p. 1209), but ensure infusion lines
primed before inducing anaesthesia.
• Insert and suction an NGT, if not already in place.
• Neuraxial blockade should be used cautiously due to risks of infective
complications, sympatholysis with exaggerated hypotension and septic
coagulopathy which might have developed since the most recent
blood tests. If an epidural catheter is inserted, analgesia can be titrated
once CVS stability is achieved or postoperatively (i.e. in the ICU). IV
antibiotics should be given prior to a neuraxial procedure.
• A depth of anaesthesia monitor allows for titration of maintenance
anaesthesia and reduces the risk of awareness.9
• The effects and duration of action of all commonly administered
anaesthetic agents are unpredictable due to an altered volume of
distribution, metabolism, organ blood flow and function.
• Avoid NSAIDs (including COX-​2-​selective agents) due to the risk
of AKI.
• Blood glucose control should be implemented, aiming for a blood sugar
level of <10mmol/​L while avoiding hypoglycaemia.10
Maintaining tissue oxygenation in the operating room
• Use balanced salt solutions.11 Albumin might be considered when
large volumes of crystalloid are used, but there is no evidence for
improvement of patient-​centred outcomes.12 Starches are harmful and
(See % p. 1209 for doses.) After adequate fluid resuscitation, noradren-
aline infusion titrated to a MAP >65mmHg is 1st line for its vasopressor
effects. Occasionally, and cautiously, vasopressin might be used as an add-
itional vasoactive drug, but evidence for patient-​centred benefit is lacking. If
inotropy is required, adrenaline or dobutamine should be used. If the cause
for hypotension is unclear, an intraoperative echo (transthoracic echocardi-
ography or TOE, dependent on access) can help direct management.

1038 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

Induction, oxygen and positive end-​expiratory pressure

• Desaturation with apnoea is rapid and should be anticipated due
to factors such as shunt and i basal metabolic rate. Preparation
with preoxygenation, aiming for an ETO2 >90% (if possible), and
consideration of apnoeic oxygenation (i.e. with high-​flow nasal
cannulae) can be lifesaving. Equipment used to oxygenate and initiate
ventilation should be able to provide PEEP.
• Commence ventilation with an FiO2 of 1.0 and titrate downwards to
achieve an SaO2 >90%, with PEEP starting at 5cmH2O.
• If the patient remains on a high FiO2 (>0.5) due to hypoxia, further
titration of PEEP can be useful (increasing the PEEP to 10cmH2O and
greater). There needs to be careful attention to haemodynamics (as
venous return will decrease and right heart afterload will increase, and
occasionally the shunt may be exacerbated).
• Blind recruitment manoeuvres are harmful in the ICU (risks include
cardiovascular collapse and ventilator-​induced lung injury) and should be
used very cautiously.14
• Persistent difficulty with oxygenation should prompt postoperative
prone positioning and consideration of ECMO referral.15
• Intra-​and extraparenchymal pathology and i capillary permeability
in sepsis decrease lung compliance and produce high plateau airway
pressures, with a risk of ventilator-​induced lung injury.
• In patients with early ARDS, every effort should be made to provide
lung-​protective ventilation, limiting the peak airway pressure to
30cmH2O and VT to 6–​8mL/​kg of the IBW.16 Permissive hypercapnia
should be tolerated to a lowest pH of 7.15, with anticipation of
resistance to catecholamines and a difficulty in oxygenation met with
PEEP titration. Airway pressure targets should only cautiously be raised
with expert titration using tools like the driving pressure (Pplat –​PEEP
= <15cmH2O).17
• Ongoing difficulty with ventilation may benefit from NMB, alongside
sedation (though more recent evidence is conflicting).18,19
1 Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour C, et al. (2016). The third international consensus definitions
for sepsis and septic shock (sepsis-​3). JAMA, 315, 801–​10.
2 Rhodes A, Evans LE, Alhazzani W, et al. (2017). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guide-
lines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016. Intensive Care Med, 43, 304–​77.
3 Levy MM, Evans LE, Rhodes A (2018). The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundle: 2018 update.
Intensive Care Med, 44, 925–​8.
4 Beasley R, Chien J, Douglas J, et al. (2015). Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand oxygen
guidelines for acute oxygen use in adults: swimming between the flags. Respirology, 20, 1182–​91.
5 Asfar P, Meziani F, Hamel JF, et al. (2014). High versus low blood-​pressure target in patients with
septic shock. N Engl J Med, 370, 1583–​93.
6 Annane D, Renault A, Brun-​Buisson C, et al. (2018). Hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone for
adults with septic shock. N Engl J Med, 378, 809–​18.
7 Venkatesh B, Finfer S, Cohen J, et al. (2018). Adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy in patients with
septic shock. N Engl J Med, 378, 797–​808.
8 Ranieri VM, Rubenfeld GD, Thompson BT, et al. (2012). Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the
Berlin definition. JAMA, 307, 2526–​33.
9 Jonker WR, Hanumanthiah D, O’Sullivan EP, Cook TM, Pandit JJ (2014). A national survey (NAP5-​
Ireland baseline) to estimate an annual incidence of accidental awareness during general anaes-
thesia in Ireland. Anaesthesia, 69, 969–​76.
Sepsis and septic shock 1039

10 Finfer S, Bellomo R, Blair D, et al. (2009). Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critic-
ally ill patients. N Engl J Med, 360, 1283–​97.
11 Semler MW, Self WH, Wanderer JP, et al. (2018). Balanced crystalloids versus saline in critically
ill adults. N Engl J Med, 378, 829–​39.
12 Finfer S, Bellomo R, Boyce N, et al. (2004). A comparison of albumin and saline for fluid resusci-
tation in the intensive care unit. N Engl J Med, 350, 2247–​56.
13 Myburgh JA, Finfer S, Bellomo R, et al. (2012). Hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid resuscitation
in intensive care. N Engl J Med, 367, 1901–​11.
14 Cavalcanti AB, Suzumura ÉA, Laranjeira LN, et al. (2017). Effect of lung recruitment and titrated
positive end-​expiratory pressure (PEEP) vs low PEEP on mortality in patients with acute respira-
tory distress syndrome—​a randomized clinical trial. JAMA, 318, 1335–​45.
15 Guérin C, Reignier J, Richard JC, et al. (2013). Prone positioning in severe acute respiratory dis-
tress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 368, 2159–​68.
16 Brower RG, Matthay MA, Morris A, Schoenfeld D, Thompson BT, Wheeler A (2000). Ventilation
with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the
acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 342, 1301–​8.
17 Amato MBP, Meade MO, Slutsky AS, et al. (2014). Driving pressure and survival in the acute
respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 372, 747–​55.
18 Papazian L, Forel JM, Gacouin A, et al. (2010). Neuromuscular blockers in early acute respiratory
distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 363, 1107–​16.
19 Moss M, Huang DT, Brower RG, et al. (2019). Early neuromuscular blockade in the acute respira-
tory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 380, 1997–​2008.

1040 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

Emergency laparotomy
(See also % pp. 1035–9; % pp. 1044–5.)
Indications for laparotomy include: bowel obstruction, perforation, in-
fection, ischaemia and bleeding. Physiological derangement and organ dys-
function are associated with both the underlying disease process and the
surgery itself:
• CVS instability due to vasoplegia and altered CO due to d preload,
depressed myocardial function and arrhythmias exacerbated by
electrolyte dysfunction and acidosis.
• Impaired oxygenation from V/​Q mismatching due to atelectasis, d
FRC, fluid extravasation into pulmonary interstitium, reduced lung
compliance, abdominal distension and/​or pain, leading to i work of
breathing or i inspiratory pressures.
• Renal hypoperfusion, i abdominal pressures and septic mediators can
cause AKI.
• Coagulopathy which may be related to sepsis or major bleeding.
Anaemia and bleeding might be exacerbated by acidosis, dilution and
• Stress-​induced hyperglycaemia and altered drug metabolism. Tissue
hypoxia is a common cause of metabolic acidosis and demonstrated by
a high blood lactate and a high anion gap (>14).
The recurrent UK National Emergency Laparotomy Audit highlighted that
the 30d mortality of emergency laparotomy remains 710%. Outcomes are
worse in the elderly. The mortality benefit from standardisation of care
has plateaued and wider organisational changes may be required to achieve
further reductions.20
Multiple risk factors associated with mortality have been identified
(including age, ASA, emergency surgery and peritoneal soiling).21
Preoperative assessment
• While a period of preoperative resuscitation may benefit some
patients, this should not delay surgery which should be performed by an
experienced team.
• A validated risk scoring tool (e.g. the NELA risk calculator M https://​​riskcalculator) and assessment of frailty should be
conducted preoperatively. This allows for discussion of individualised
benefit vs risk with the patient and family, mobilisation of consultant-​led
services and ICU/​HDU admission for those with an estimated mortality
of >5%.
• O2 should be administered preoperatively to all hypoxic patients.
• Peritonitis and sepsis are common. Prompt antibiotic cover within the
1st hour in line with local guidelines should be given to cover Gram-​
positive, Gram-​negative and anaerobic bacteria.22
• An NGT should be inserted in patients with intestinal obstruction.
• Administration of balanced crystalloids is encouraged to minimise
acidosis and AKI.23
• Investigations: FBC, electrolytes (including Mg2+), LFTs, amylase, clotting,
lactate, G&S, ECG and CXR where appropriate. Reported CT imaging
can assist surgical planning.
• Electrolytes will often be deranged and should be corrected as soon as
possible perioperatively.
Emergency laparotomy 1041

• Aim for a blood sugar level <10mmol/​L (avoid hypoglycaemia).24

• Metabolic lactic acidosis is common and may improve with titrated fluid
and CVS support.
• Bleeding should be anticipated and reversal of anticoagulant therapy
must be considered (see % pp. 269–76).
Intraoperative care
• A high-​risk patient warrants the presence of a consultant anaesthetist
and surgeon.20
• IABP monitoring should be established prior to induction.
• Secure a large-​bore IV cannula prior to induction and connect warm
fluid/​fluid warmer.
• Aspirate the NGT prior to induction.
• Anticipate major hypotension following induction. Have vasopressors
(ephedrine, metaraminol, phenylephrine and/​or adrenaline) and
vagolytics (atropine, glycopyrronium) drawn up and to hand. Consider
vasoconstrictor infusions from the start.
• A CVC may be required for vasopressor and inotrope infusions,
administration of electrolytes and postoperative parenteral nutrition.
• Perform maximal preoxygenation and anticipate rapid desaturation.
High-​flow nasal cannulae may provide apnoeic oxygenation.
• Careful consideration of the risk of CVS collapse from induction drug
dosage vs the risk of aspiration is essential (see % p. 388), as all agents
can precipitate life-​threatening hypotension. Ketamine (1–​2mg/​kg IV) or
midazolam may be useful in the severely compromised patient.
• Rocuronium at RSI dosage (0.9–​1.2mg/​kg) or suxamethonium.
• Depth of anaesthesia monitoring can allow for titration of anaesthesia
and may reduce both the risks of hypotension and awareness.25
• Ventilation can be challenging. Raised intra-​abdominal pressure leads to
i airway pressures. Employ a lung-​protective ventilation strategy with
PEEP titration.
• Fluid assessment:
• Enquire about any underlying cardiac conditions.
• Know how much and which fluids have been administered
• Goal-​directed fluid technologies may help (e.g. oesophageal Doppler,
pulse wave analysis, CVP), although there is limited evidence that they
improve outcomes in abdominal surgery.
• A restrictive fluid strategy has been shown to increase AKI in non-​
urgent abdominal surgery.26
• In addition to balanced crystalloids, ensure that balanced blood
products are readily available, with consideration of adjuncts (calcium,
temperature control and tranexamic acid). Coagulation studies and
viscoelastic studies can be used to guide transfusion.
• Patients who require repeated bolus doses of vasopressors, despite
what is judged to be adequate volume administration, should be
commenced on a vasopressor infusion early. Noradrenaline via CVC is
the 1st choice for the septic patient. Adrenaline or dobutamine may be
useful in patients with measured or suspected low CO.27
• Measure core temperature and maintain normothermia to minimise
coagulopathy and altered drug pharmacokinetics.

1042 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

• Analgesia:
• Opioids remain the mainstay for intraoperative analgesia in most
• Caution with remifentanil and associated bradycardia,
• Neuraxial blockade should be used cautiously due to risks of
infective complications, sympatholysis and septic or haematological
• Rectus sheath catheters can be inserted at the end of the procedure,
and LA administered postoperatively (see % p. 1133).
• Monitor lactate and ABGs throughout the case to help guide
perioperative response to therapies and aid decision-​making on the
postoperative disposition.
Postoperative care
• Consider ICU/​HDU in high-​risk or at-​risk patients. Elderly and frail
patients have a higher mortality and ideally would be admitted to critical
care. If an ICU/​HDU bed is unavailable, patients should be kept in
recovery for ongoing observation, and the same level of care provided
with ongoing reassessment of organ dysfunction.20
• Assess for the risk of abdominal compartment syndrome. High
ventilatory pressures (>30cmH2O) with hypoxia at the time of closure
are concerning and should be discussed with the surgeon and intensivist
(laparostomy may be helpful).
• Urine output should target >0.5mL/​kg/​h. In patients with persistently
low urine output, assess fluid balance and reconsider vasoactive support
to minimise AKI. AKI might be multifactorial (e.g. hypoperfusion, septic
AKI, nephrotoxins, abdominal compartment syndrome). Continuous
renal replacement therapy might be required.
• Optimise analgesia and provide chest physiotherapy to reduce the
risk of hospital-​acquired pneumonia (with early commencement of
antibiotics if suspected).
• VTE prophylaxis when surgeon happy.
• Consider antacid prophylaxis if patient not able to eat.
• Consider parenteral nutrition if patient to remain nil by mouth.
• Specialist geriatrician input is recommended for elderly and frail patients.
• Timely communication with the family is important as the patient’s care
Emergency laparotomy 1043

20 NELA Project Team (2019). Fifth Patient Report of the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit,
December 2017 to November 2018. London: Royal College of Anaesthetists.
21 Eugene N, Oliver CM, Bassett MG, et al. (2018). Development and internal validation of a novel
risk adjustment model for adult patients undergoing emergency laparotomy surgery: the National
Emergency Laparotomy Audit risk model. Br J Anaesth, 121, 739–​48.
22 Levy MM, Evans LE, Rhodes A (2018). The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundle: 2018 update.
Intensive Care Med, 44, 925–​8.
23 Semler MW, Self WH, Wanderer JP, et al. (2018). Balanced crystalloids versus saline in critically
ill adults. N Engl J Med, 378, 829–​39.
24 Finfer S, Bellomo R, Blair D, et al. (2009). Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critic-
ally ill patients. N Engl J Med, 360, 1283–​97.
25 Jonker WR, Hanumanthiah D, O’Sullivan EP, Cook TM, Pandit JJ (2014). A national survey
(NAP5-​Ireland baseline) to estimate an annual incidence of accidental awareness during general
anaesthesia in Ireland. Anaesthesia, 69, 969–​76.
26 Myles PS, Bellomo R, Corcoran T, et al. (2018). Restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy for major
abdominal surgery. N Engl J Med, 378, 2263–​74.
27 Rhodes A, Evans LE, Alhazzani W, et al. (2017). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guide-
lines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016. Intensive Care Med, 43, 304–​77.

1044 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

The ICU patient going to theatre

Care of a critically ill patient needing surgery can be challenging, and se-
nior anaesthetists and surgeons must be involved to facilitate timely and
appropriate perioperative planning. Routine aspects of anaesthesia pre-
operative assessment remain relevant to the critically ill patient and must
not be overlooked.
Preoperative assessment
A system-​ based patient evaluation of active life-​ threatening problems,
organ function and current level of support can be gained at the bedside,
with discussion with the critical care medical and nursing teams. The patient
may not be able to give consent. This should be obtained from the medical
enduring power of attorney (usually next of kin), advance directives re-
spected and if required or treatment guided by the best interests standard.
• Respiratory: note the patient’s current level of respiratory support
and recent trends, and formulate a perioperative ventilation strategy.
Knowledge of additional respiratory therapy (secretion load,
bronchodilators) can be valuable to troubleshoot intraoperative
• Cardiovascular: note volume and type of fluids administered and
vasopressor/​inotrope infusions rates. Recent echocardiography, CVP
and CO monitors may help guide further therapy.
• Confirm IV access. Know which lines are available for use without
compromising other therapies. Know which line is best for rapid fluid
• Check recent FBC, U&E, coagulation studies, glucose and ABG. Ensure
a valid G&S ± X-​matched blood is available.
• Intubated patients are often lightly sedated to allow tube tolerance and
comfort, with the risks of prolonged sedation. Ensure adequate level of
anaesthesia prior to muscle relaxation.
• Check if any scheduled drugs will be due in theatre (e.g. antibiotics).
• Fasting: evidence is emerging for non-​airway surgery that in intubated
patients, a shorter fasting period may be acceptable to reduce delays
and extended caloric deficits. Aspirate NGTs prior to theatre.
Conduct of anaesthesia
• If the patient is not intubated, the decision of where to intubate (ICU
vs theatre) is influenced by available personnel, need for equipment,
familiarity with environment and clinical stability.
• Exercise vigilance when transferring between bed and operating table, as
there is a risk of losing lines and tubes. Where the patient is on multiple
infusions, transferring and maintaining the pumps on a single infusion
stack will reduce tangling of lines, disconnections and inadvertent drug
errors. Transfer the patient towards, not away, from lines.
• Disconnect the ETT from the anaesthesia circuit prior to transfer; the
ETT can be clamped prior to disconnection if there is concern about
infection, atelectasis or derecruitment.
• Increasing depth of anaesthesia can be achieved with any combination
of opioids, sedatives/​analgesia, TIVA or inhalational agents.
• NMBAs may be needed to facilitate intubation, ventilation or surgery.
Ensure you hand over to the ICU team the timing of their delivery.
The ICU patient going to theatre 1045

• Use of a processed EEG may reduce the incidence of awareness.

Maintenance of lighter depths of anaesthesia may not reduce morbidity
or mortality as previously thought.
• Fluid therapy should reflect whether the patient may still be in the
resuscitative or stabilisation and optimisation phase of their illness. The
choice of fluid will be influenced by surgical losses, the metabolic status
and the 1° pathology.
• Analgesic strategies depend on whether the patient will be waking up
postoperatively or not. Liaise with the ICU team to formulate a plan.
• Ensure a full verbal and written handover is given to the ICU medical
and nursing staff, and clearly communicate any important postoperative
events and outcomes.
• Contact next of kin if appropriate.
Further reading
Short TG, Campbell D, Frampton C, et al. (2019). Anaesthetic depth and complications after major
surgery: an international, randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 394, 1907–​14.
Segaran E, Barker I, Hartle A (2016). Optimising enteral nutrition in critically ill patients by reducing
fasting times. J Intensive Care Soc, 17, 38–​43.
Hoste EA, Maitland K, Brudney CS, et al. (2014). Four phases of intravenous fluid therapy: a concep-
tual model. Br J Anaesth, 113, 740–​7.
Pandit JJ, Andrade J, Bogod DG, et al. (2014). The 5th National Audit Project (NAP5) on accidental
awareness during general anaesthesia: summary of main findings and risk factors. Anaesthesia,
69, 1089–​101.

1046 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

Transferring the critically ill

Transfer of a critically ill patient within or between health care facilities may
be needed to access specialist investigations or procedures or for repat-
riation and rehabilitation. Transferring patients requires trained staff and
careful preparation in order to not compromise the level of care delivered
and to ensure patient and staff safety. Specialised transport teams may im-
prove outcomes but are not always available. Before transferring any critic-
ally ill patient, the risks of transfer should be weighed against the potential
benefits of transfer.
Chain of command and planning
• Once an indication for transfer and the receiving unit have been
identified, one coordinator assumes overall responsibility for the
whole transfer process. This person should understand the transport
modalities available and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as
the experience of the staff involved.
• The initiation of a transfer should follow clear guidelines and
protocolled channels of communication.
• The transfer should not adversely affect the provision of care at the
transferring hospital by depleting staff numbers or available equipment.
Transfer modality
• Patients may be transferred by road or air.
• Different facilities are available in different vehicles and craft, and the
choice depends on the requirements of the patient. Ideally, for ICU
transfer, there should be reasonable access to the patient, electrical
supply, O2 supply, adequate lighting and ability to communicate within
the vehicle and the hospitals.
• Factors influencing the choice of transport modality include: effect
on patient’s condition, availability, staff experience/​training, locations
involved, distance, road situation (closures/​rush hour), weather
and cost.
• Whatever the modality, respect the staff of the vehicle or craft in which
you are; they know it intimately and can advise you on the best way to
avoid difficulties en route.
Aeromedical transfer (helicopter and fixed-​wing aircraft)
• Often used for longer distances where time is of the essence.
• Most aircraft are pressurised to 1500–​2000m above sea level, but
pressure inside the helicopter is dependent on the height they fly.
Height of helicopter transfer may be dependent on the flight path.
Reduced barometric pressure can have deleterious effects on patients.
Air-​filled cavities expand as atmospheric pressure decreases with
altitude. Pneumothoraces, obstructed bowel or air emboli can worsen.
Pre-​emptive chest drains and NGTs may be required. Endotracheal cuffs
may expand.
• There is a decrease in O2 partial pressure at altitude, so non-​ventilated
patients may require additional O2 support.
• Both fixed-​wing aircraft and helicopters may be located at a nearby
airport, so that the 1° mode of transport may be preceded or followed
by an ambulance transfer. More often hospitals have on-​site helipads
allowing for site–​site transfer.
Transferring the critically ill 1047

• Helicopter transfer involves greater vibratory forces and noise,

compared to fixed-​wing aircrafts or ambulances, and carrying capacity,
patient access, air speed and range are lower than with fixed-​wing
aircrafts, making it less suitable over longer distances.
Ambulance transfer
• Road transport is cheaper and often faster to mobilise and presents
fewer physiological disturbances and easier patient access.
• The standards for an emergency ambulance stipulate the presence of a
minimal O2 supply of 2000L (usually 2F-​sized cylinders), direct current/​
AC power inverters and basic monitoring equipment. However, it is
best to assume that everything will be supplied by the transfer team.
• When considering road safety, the goal is to facilitate smooth and rapid
transfer, with minimum acceleration and deceleration. High-​speed
travel is rarely necessary. The driver will decide on the need for lights
and sirens, depending on the road conditions and information from the
transfer team.
Familiarity with the transfer environment aids planning and preparation for
the transfer and potential emergency scenarios.
Patient preparation
• Dependent on urgency of transfer (ruptured AAA vs stable ICU
patient). Stabilisation and interventions must be weighed against urgency
of transfer. Even if stable, prepare for clinical deterioration en route.
• The airway is usually secured with an ETT if deterioration is anticipated.
Ventilated patients should be safely established on the transport
ventilator before departure. Check ABG if possible.
• IV access must be robustly secured, reliable and readily accessible. Use
extension lines.
• Arterial lines may be more reliable than NIBP which can be affected by
movement and vibration.
• Chest drains, NGTs and catheters, if sited, must be secured.
• Ensure sedation is adequate for i stimulation during transit and
administer NMBA if needed.
• Protect pressure areas, while ensuring patient and equipment are
securely fastened to the transport stretcher.
• Have means to keep the patient warm—​children are extremely
susceptible to hypothermia.
• Inform the receiving team that you are leaving the base hospital.
• Inform relatives about the transfer and advise them what to do at the
receiving hospital.
Drugs, equipment and monitors
• The range of drugs and equipment available should allow maintenance
of current management, treatment of predictable changes in the
patient’s condition and the treatment of acute medical emergencies
(Table 38.1).

1048 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

Table 38.1 Checklist for transfer equipment and medications

Airway and breathing Suction equipment, tracheal tubes, connectors, ties,

stethoscope, tracheostomy tubes (if appropriate),
face masks, airways, self-​inflating bag with reservoir,
laryngoscopes, spare batteries, gum elastic bougie
Circulation Cannulae plus IV dressings and tape, appropriate IV
fluids/​blood and associated giving sets. Syringes, needles
and safe sharps disposal container
Resuscitation drugs Adenosine, adrenaline, amiodarone, atropine,
calcium chloride, furosemide, glucose, GTN spray,
hydrocortisone, lidocaine, lorazepam, metoprolol,
naloxone, noradrenaline, salbutamol (with
appropriate delivery equipment), 0.9% sodium
chloride, sodium bicarbonate
Drug labels
Sedation and Propofol, midazolam
NMDAs Atracurium, rocuronium or suxamethonium
Neurological Mannitol, hypertonic sodium chloride
Additional paediatric Paediatric O2 mask with reservoir bag, tracheal
equipment tubes, small cannulae, appropriately sized self-​
inflating bag with reservoir, laryngoscope and stylets
IO needle
Magill forceps and suction catheters. Paediatric drug
doses calculated and written down
10% glucose for correction of hypoglycaemia

• Gravity-​fed drips are unreliable in moving vehicles, so pumps and

pressure bags should be used and mounted at, or below, the level of
the patient to enable access to the patient.
• O2 and drugs supply should be in excess of estimated transport
requirements. Drugs that will be affected by interruptions should be
preconnected, with scope to ‘double pump’.
• Know if your vehicle has its own O2 supply.
• ECG and BP are susceptible to motion artefact, and NIBP may rapidly
deplete the battery.
• Ensure all battery-​dependent equipment is charged and plugged into a
power source in the transport vehicle, if possible.
You and your team
• Transfers can happen near the end of your shift. Recognise your
limitations and fatigue, and do not go on a transfer if you do not feel
comfortable to do so.
• Ensure you have the appropriate medical indemnity to go on a transfer.
Consider non-​sedating antiemetic prior to transfer if you have a history
of travel sickness.
• Wear warm clothes and take money with you.
• Understand how you and your equipment (e.g. ICU monitors, infusion
pumps) will get back to the base hospital. This may be by taxi (know
how this will be paid for).
Transferring the critically ill 1049

Table 38.2 Checklist for preparation to transfer a patient

Airway Is the airway safe? If in doubt, intubate

Cervical spine control
Breathing Portable ventilator settings. Check ABG after 15min on the
portable ventilator, before departure
Self-​inflating bag–​valve device in the event of a ventilator/​
O2 failure
Adequate O2 reserves
Insert a chest drain if there is a possibility of a
pneumothorax (e.g. fractured ribs)
Circulation Stable circulation with good access
Controlled external bleeding
Invasive BP when indicated
Inotropes: if in doubt, have them prepared and
ready to run
Pumps and batteries
Consider inserting a urinary catheter, and monitor output
Disability Adequate sedation, analgesia and NMBA
GCS, pupillary signs
Exposure Avoid hypothermia
Splint long bones
Forgotten All notes, referral letter, results, radiographs (including CT
scans) and blood products
Inform the receiving unit that you are leaving the base
Inform relatives
Take contact numbers
Take warm clothing, mobile phone, food and credit card/​
money for the team!
Plan for the return journey
Medical indemnity and insurance for death or disability of
transfer staff

• Ensure you have enough personal protective equipment (specialist

equipment may be required).
• Take a charged telephone with the numbers of the base and receiving
hospital contacts.
• Relatives, especially of paediatric patients, often request to travel with
the patient. For air transfers, the pilot decides who can be transported
as weight restrictions apply. Always discuss with the vehicle/​aircraft
crew prior to agreeing to a travel request, and ensure everyone
(including yourself ) is briefed before boarding.
• Whatever the mode of transport, try to position yourself so you have a
view of the patient and monitoring.
• Equipment can become a missile in the event of a sudden deceleration,
so ensure it is secured correctly.

1050 Chapter 38 The emergency patient

• Helicopters and, less so, ambulances are noisy and you may be
required to wear ear protectors. Alarms are unreliably heard, even at
their maximum setting, so monitoring should be visible. If there is a
paramedic more familiar with the environment than you are, ask them
to help en route, such that you are able to remain hands-​off, if possible,
and maintain situational awareness.
• Take: a concise handover, photocopy of the patient’s notes and drug
charts, pertinent imaging and lab results.
• The transport record should document the patient’s clinical status
before, during and after transport, relevant medical conditions,
environmental factors, therapy given, adverse logistical events and
procedures undertaken.
• Perform a predeparture checklist (Table 38.2).
Further reading
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2009). Inter-​hospital transfer. London:
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM); Australian and New Zealand
College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA); College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia
and New Zealand (CICM) (2015). Guidelines for transport of critically ill patients. M
https:// ​ w ​ g etattachment/​ b d5938d2-​ d 3ab-​ 4 546-​ a 6b0-​ 0 14b11b99b2f/​
Whiteley S, Mark J, Barratt H, Binks R (2011). Guidelines for the transport of the critically ill adult.
London: Intensive Care Society.
Chapter 39 1051

Anaesthetic emergencies
Andrew Kane, Richard Armstrong, Jerry P Nolan
and Jasmeet Soar
Adult basic life support 1052
Adult advanced life support 1055
Post-​resuscitation care 1058
Severe bradycardia 1060
Tachycardia 1062
Severe hypotension in theatre 1065
Severe hypertension in theatre 1068

Sorcha Evans
Severe hypoxia in theatre 1070
Severe laryngospasm 1073
Air/​gas embolism 1074
Aspiration 1076
Severe bronchospasm 1078
Pulmonary oedema 1080
Anaphylaxis 1081
Anaphylaxis follow-​up 1084
Latex allergy 1086
Intra-​arterial injection 1088
Incomplete reversal of neuromuscular blockade 1090
Local anaesthetic toxicity 1092

Difficult Airway Society

Unanticipated difficult intubation 1094
Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate 1095

Terasa Bulger, Lisa Barneto and Phil Hopkins

Malignant hyperthermia 1096

See also
% Airway assessment and management p. 361
% Paediatric emergencies pp. 951–64

1052 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Adult basic life support

(See Fig. 39.1.)

Fig. 39.1 Resuscitation Council UK adult in-​hospital cardiac arrest

algorithm. Reproduced with the kind permission of the Resuscitation Council UK.
Adult basic life support 1053

• Shout for help early.

• Look for chest movement, listen for air flow and feel for a carotid
• If absent or uncertain, declare cardiac arrest and immediately call the
resuscitation team.
• Gasping, agonal breaths and seizure-​like movements are common in the
early moments after cardiac arrest and should not be mistaken for signs
of circulation.
• Immediately start CPR.
• Apply defibrillation pads, check the rhythm, and give a shock if VF or
pulseless VT (VF/​pVT).
• Follow the ALS algorithm.
Chest compressions
• Give compressions at about 120/​min at a depth of 5–​6cm in the lower
half of the sternum.
• Allow full recoil of the chest, with equal time in compression and
• Change the person doing compressions about every 2min.
• Use a mechanical compression device if manual compressions are
impractical, prolonged or during transport.
• Give 30 chest compressions, before giving two ventilation breaths.
• Use an inspiratory time of 1s and achieve a normal chest rise.
• Give the maximum inspired O2 feasible.
• When the patient’s trachea is intubated, give continuous compression
at about 120/​min and ventilate the lungs at ten breaths/​min without
pausing compressions. This can also be done with an SGA when there is
a good seal.
Application of defibrillation pads
• Analyse the rhythm using self-​adhesive pads as soon as is possible.
• Continue chest compressions while placing the pads.
• Place one pad below the right clavicle and the other in the left mid-​
axillary line at the position of the V6 ECG electrode (lateral to any
breast tissue). Ensure good adhesive contact with both pads.
• Alternative pad positions are AP or biaxillary.
• Pause briefly (<5s) to assess the rhythm.
• If shockable (VF/​pVT), restart compressions and charge the defibrillator
during compressions. Once charged, pause the compressions and give
shock. Immediately resume compressions.
• Check rhythm after 2min of compressions.
Suspected cervical spine injury
• Do not delay starting CPR when there is a risk of spinal cord damage.
Untreated cardiorespiratory arrest will kill the patient.
• Minimise neck movement and try and keep the neck in a neutral
position, but do not compromise resuscitation interventions.

1054 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

At-​risk patients
• All patients should have prior decisions about CPR to prevent
inappropriate CPR attempts.
• Use an early warning scoring system (e.g. National Early Warning Score
2 (NEWS2)) to identify deterioration and escalate care.
Further reading
European Resuscitation Council. M https://​
Resuscitation Council UK. M https://​
Adult advanced life support 1055

Adult advanced life support

(See Fig. 39.2.)

Fig. 39.2 Resuscitation Council UK—​adult advanced life support

algorithm. Reproduced with the kind permission of the Resuscitation Council UK.

1056 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

High-​quality CPR
• Ensure high-​quality chest compressions with minimal interruption.
• Aim for <5s for all pauses for interventions.
• When a shockable rhythm (VF/​pVT) is seen, restart chest
compressions and charge the defibrillator.
• Pause to deliver the shock and immediately resume compressions.
• Ensure everyone is clear when shock is delivered.
• Use at least 150J in an adult. Follow defibrillator manufacturer’s
instructions. Escalate shock energy if initial shocks fail.
• Remove O2 face mask or bag–​valve–​mask to >1m.
• Leave O2 circuit connected for an SGA or tracheal tube.
• Continue compressions for 2min until the next rhythm check.
• Use three ‘stacked’ shocks for a witnessed VF/​pVT where a
defibrillator is immediately available, e.g. cardiac catheter lab.
• Precordial thump has a low chance of success if no defibrillator
• Change pad position (e.g. to anterior–​posterior) if VF/​pVT persists.
Airway management and ventilation
• Assess and open the airway; use head-​tilt, chin-​lift and/​or jaw thrust.
• Use an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway if needed.
• Use suction to clear secretions and gastric contents.
• Give 100% inspired O2 during CPR. After ROSC, target SpO2 94–​98%.
• Use a stepwise approach (bag–​valve–​mask, SGA or tracheal tube).
Use whichever technique works best to deliver high-​quality CPR with
minimal interruption to compressions.
• When the patient’s trachea is intubated, give continuous compressions
at about 120/​min and ventilate the lungs at ten breaths/​min without
pausing compressions. This can also be done with an SGA when there is
a good seal.
• Use waveform capnography to confirm correct tracheal tube
placement. Remember even in cardiac arrest, ‘No trace = wrong place’.
• Use front of neck access for airway (see % pp. 381–3) if unable to
Drugs in cardiac arrest
• Give 1mg of adrenaline IV or IO every 3–​5min (10mL of 1:10 000
solution) during cardiac arrest.
• For VF/​pVT, delay 1st dose of adrenaline until after the 3rd shock.
• Give amiodarone 300mg IV or IO after three shocks for VF/​pVT.
• Lidocaine 100mg can be used if amiodarone is not available.
Treat reversible causes
• Use the ‘4 Hs and 4Ts’ approach: hypoxia, hypovolaemia, hyperkalaemia
(and other metabolic disturbances), hypothermia, thrombosis, tension
pneumothorax, tamponade and toxins.
• Consider anaesthesia-​specific causes: malignant hyperthermia, LA
toxicity, bone cement implantation syndrome, CO2/​air/​amniotic fluid
embolism, anaphylaxis, adverse drug reactions.
Adult advanced life support 1057

• Use ultrasound/​echocardiography if skilled to do so.

• If available, the use of extracorporeal circulatory support (ECMO)
can be used to restore circulation and buy time to treat the
underlying cause.
Modifications during anaesthesia
• Alert the theatre team and call for help early.
• Start chest compressions immediately.
• Discontinue surgery if no surgical cause.
• Initially give small incremental doses of IV adrenaline (50 micrograms)
and use standard dosing of 1mg every 4min if required.
• Rapidly identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. airway problems,
retraction and vagal tone, haemorrhage).
• Chest compressions can be started by compressing between the
scapulae for patients in the prone position.
• If the patient is not supine, emergency repositioning is required into the
supine position to continue resuscitation.
Further reading
Resuscitation Council UK (2014). Management of cardiac arrest during neurosurgery in adults. M
European Resuscitation Council. M https://​
Resuscitation Council UK. M https://​

1058 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Post-​resuscitation care
Following cardiac arrest, ROSC is the 1st step in what may be a prolonged
period of treatment. Unless the duration of cardiac arrest is very short, the
patient will be unconscious and is likely to develop the post-​cardiac arrest
syndrome, which is associated with a marked systemic inflammatory re-
sponse. The anaesthetist may be expected to initiate treatment in the ED,
the operating room, the critical care unit or on the general ward. The aims
of post-​resuscitation care are to:
• Prevent a further cardiac arrest
• Define and treat the underlying disease process
• Limit organ damage
• Predict non-​survivors.
Prevention of further cardiac arrest
• Optimise oxygenation. If fully conscious following a short-​duration
cardiac arrest, give O2 via a face mask.
• Most patients will require assisted ventilation via a tracheal tube.
• After ROSC, once SpO2 can be measured reliably or ABG values are
obtained, titrate the inspired O2 to achieve a saturation of 94–​98% or
PaO2 of 10–​13kPa.
• Provide ventilation to maintain normocarbia. Excessive ventilation will
cause hypocarbia and may cause cerebral ischaemia from cerebral
• Maintain sedation with a propofol infusion, combined with a short-​
acting opioid.
• Avoid hypotension (MAP <65mmHg). Target MAP to achieve adequate
urine output (>0.5mL/​kg/​h) and normal or decreasing lactate.
• Correct electrolyte disturbances, particularly K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+.
• Control blood glucose—​treat blood glucose with insulin if it exceeds
10mmol/​L; maintain in the range of 4–​10mmol/​L.
Define and treat the underlying disease process
• Establish the patient’s pre-​arrest medical condition.
• Confirm correct placement of ETT and exclude pneumothorax with
CXR ± ultrasound.
• Perform early echocardiography in all patients in order to detect any
underlying condition and quantify myocardial dysfunction.
• Consider CT brain and CT pulmonary angiography.
Limit organ damage
• ST-​elevation on the 12-​lead ECG is an indication for urgent coronary
angiography and PCI if indicated. In patients without ST-​elevation
on the ECG, consider urgent coronary angiography if there is a
high probability of acute coronary occlusion (e.g. patients with
haemodynamic and/or electrical instability).
• Treat patients remaining comatose after ROSC with targeted
temperature management. Maintain a constant target temperature
between 32°C and 36°C for at least 24h.
• Avoid fever for at least 72h after ROSC in patients who remain in coma.
• Control seizures with propofol, benzodiazepines, levetiracetam or
sodium valproate.
Post-resuscitation care 1059

Prediction of non-​survivors
• About 8% of all those sustaining an out-​of-​hospital cardiac arrest will
survive to hospital discharge; the figure for in-​hospital cardiac arrest is
about 23%.
• Short duration of cardiac arrest/​CPR achieves better neurological
• Prognostication in unconscious patients is unreliable for at least 72–​96h
after ROSC.
• Ensure that sedative drugs have cleared and use multiple modalities:
clinical examination, imaging (CT and/​or MRI), biomarkers (e.g. neuron-​
specific enolase) and electrophysiology (EEG, somatosensory evoked
• Myocardial, neurological and other organ function may all improve
slowly, given appropriate support over a period of time—​at least 3–​7d
of intensive care should be considered in the comatose patient with
ROSC following cardiac arrest.
Further reading
Nolan JP, Sandroni C, Böttiger BW, et al. (2021). European Resuscitation Council and European
Society of Intensive Care Medicine Guidelines 2021: Post-resuscitation care. Resuscitation, 161,

1060 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Severe bradycardia
(See Fig. 39.3.)

Fig. 39.3 Resuscitation Council UK—​adult bradycardia algorithm. Reproduced with

the kind permission of the Resuscitation Council UK.
Severe bradycardia 1061

• During anaesthesia, stop surgical stimulus (e.g. eye retraction/​

• If bradycardia persists, give atropine 0.5mg IV increments up to 3mg.
Repeat atropine every 3–​5min up to 3mg.
• Alternatively, use glycopyrronium in 50–​100 microgram increments.
• If ineffective, consider other drugs (e.g. adrenaline 2–​10 micrograms/​
min IV or isoprenaline 5 micrograms/​min) or temporary pacing.
• If transcutaneous pacing, check for electrical capture on the ECG and
that there is an associated pulse. The patient may need analgesia and/​or
• Start chest compressions and follow ALS algorithm if brady-​asystole
that is unresponsive to treatment.
• Discuss early with cardiology regarding temporary transvenous pacing
and/​or urgent permanent pacemaker insertion if immediately available.
• Even without adverse features, a period of recent asystole, Mobitz type
2 block, complete heart block and ventricular pauses >3s is high risk.
These patients need monitoring and consideration of pharmacological
treatment or pacing.
Consider reversible causes of bradycardia
MI, AF, post-​
cardiac surgery, drugs/​
toxins, electrolyte abnormalities,
hypothermia, hypothyroidism, hypovolaemia, hypoxaemia and infections
(e.g. Lyme).
Specific antidotes
Ca2+ channel blocker overdose
• Give 10% calcium gluconate 1–​2g or 10% calcium chloride 3–​6g over
β-​blocker overdose
• Give glucagon 3–​10mg IV, then 3–​5mg/​h IVI. Consider high-​dose insulin
1 unit/​kg bolus, followed by 0.5 units/​kg/​h.
Digoxin toxicity
• Give digoxin antibody fragment; one vial binds 70.5mg of digoxin.
Further reading
Kusumoto FM, Schoenfeld MH, Barrett C, et al. (2019). 2018 ACC/​AHA/​HRS Guideline on the
evaluation and management of patients with bradycardia and cardiac conduction delay: a report
of the American College of Cardiology/​American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical
Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. Circulation, 140, e382–​482.
European Resuscitation Council. M https://​
Resuscitation Council UK. M https://​

1062 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

(See Fig. 39.4.)
Unstable tachycardias
• For sinus tachycardia, ensure adequate anaesthesia and analgesia.
• Check ABCDE. Rapidly correct hypoxia, hypovolaemia and electrolyte
abnormalities (K+, Mg2+).
• In otherwise normal patients, a ventricular rate of up to 150/​min
is normally well tolerated, but patients with impaired function may
decompensate at lower rates.
• For all tachycardias, assess for life-​threatening adverse features:
syncope, shock, myocardial ischaemia and heart failure. If present,
perform synchronised direct current cardioversion. Patient may need
• For direct current cardioversion, use 70–​120J for atrial flutter and
narrow complex tachycardia, and 120–​150J for broad complex
tachycardia and AF.
• If direct current cardioversion fails, give 300mg IV amiodarone over
10–​20min, then reattempt direct current cardioversion. Follow this with
900mg IV amiodarone over 24h.
• If cardiac arrest or pulseless VT, start ALS algorithm.
• If the patient is stable, aim to use pharmacological methods 1st line.
There is usually time to seek expert help (see % pp. 147–51).
Stable, regular broad complex tachycardia
• This is likely to be VT or a supraventricular rhythm with a bundle
branch block. Treat with amiodarone. Seek expert help.
Stable, irregular broad complex tachycardia
• Likely AF with a bundle branch block. Most cases should be treated as
AF (see % pp. 149–51).
• This may be polymorphic VT (i.e. torsade de pointes), but this is
likely to be seen with adverse features or cardiac arrest. Treat with
magnesium sulfate 2g IV and seek expert help.
Stable, regular narrow complex tachycardia
• Sinus tachycardia is a physiological response. Identify the underlying
cause and treat.
• Paroxysmal SVT (AV nodal re-​entry tachycardia and AV re-​entry
tachycardia) represents abnormal conduction pathways allowing rapid
ventricular rate. Atrial activity is often not visible on the ECG.
• Atrial flutter with variable AV conduction presents as a narrow complex
tachycardia. The atrial flutter rate is classically 300/​min, and so a ratio
of 2:1 conduction gives a ventricular rate of 150/​min.
• Try vagal manoeuvres.
• If ineffective, give IV adenosine, starting with 6mg, then 12mg (repeat
12mg; if necessary, consider 18mg).
• Differentiating narrow from broad complex tachycardia can be difficult,
especially at high ventricular rates. Vagal manoeuvres or adenosine
should slow AV conduction of an SVT, but not a VT.
Tachycardia 1063

Adult tachycardia

Fig. 39.4 Resuscitation Council UK—​adult tachycardia algorithm. Reproduced with

the kind permission of the Resuscitation Council UK.

1064 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

• Theophylline interacts with adenosine and tends to block its effect.

• Dipyridamole and carbimazole potentiate the effects of adenosine.
• Adenosine should be used with caution in WPW syndrome and should
be avoided in asthmatics. Warn patients of the transient unpleasant
sensation before adenosine administration.
• If adenosine is ineffective, try IV verapamil 5–​10mg or short-​acting IV
β-​blocker (esmolol or metoprolol).
• Do not use verapamil and a β-​blocker together.
Stable, irregular narrow complex tachycardia
• Narrow complex tachycardia in an unstable patient.
• Correct rate with a short-​acting β-​blocker IV.
• Consider amiodarone or digoxin in heart failure.
• AF may require anticoagulation of the patient prior to cardioversion
(patients with AF >48h). Discuss with cardiologists.
Further reading
European Resuscitation Council. M https://​
European Society of Cardiology. M https://​​
Resuscitation Council UK. M https://​
Severe hypotension in theatre 1065

Severe hypotension in theatre

Patient factors Hypovolaemia
Obstructed venous return
i intrathoracic pressure
Cardiac failure and dysrhythmia
Severe sepsis or septic shock
Anaesthetic Measurement error
factors Excessive depth of anaesthesia
High regional block
Drug error
Action O2
Look for cause; A, B, C, D
Trendelenburg if appropriate
IV fluid challenge
Treat cause
Investigations ECG, ABGs, echocardiography, troponin, CXR

Risk factors
• Preoperative fluid deficit (dehydration, diarrhoea and vomiting,
blood loss).
• Mediastinal/​hepatic/​renal surgery (blood loss and caval compression).
• Pre-​existing myocardial disease/​dysrhythmia.
• Multiple trauma.
• Sepsis.
• Carcinoid syndrome with liver or lung tumour/​metastases (bradykinin).
• ACE inhibitors and ARBs.
Differential diagnosis
• Measurement error: clinical assessment and manual palpation of the
distal pulse, while repeating NIBP. Check when pulsation returns
against the monitor deflation figure. If using intra-​arterial BP, check the
transducer height is at the level of the heart.
• Check peripheral perfusion; warm peripheries may suggest sepsis.
• Raised intrathoracic pressure can be caused by a pneumothorax or
capnothorax (during laparoscopic surgery where the diaphragm is
breached by insufflated gas). If tension pneumothorax is suspected,
(particularly following central line insertion and IPPV), the trachea
will be shifted away from a hyperresonant lung field, which will
have diminished breath sounds. Neck veins may be engorged. Treat
immediately by decompressing the pleural cavity with a large-​bore
cannula placed in the 2nd intercostal space in the mid-​clavicular line, or
a thoracostomy.

1066 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

• Suspect hypovolaemia if the patient has HR >100bpm, RR >20

breaths/​min, capillary return >2s, cool peripheries, collapsed veins, a
narrow and peaked arterial line trace or marked respiratory swing on
either CVP or arterial line trace. Dehydration may be indicated by thirst,
a dry tongue and dark, concentrated urine, and elevated blood cell
counts, urea, creatinine and electrolytes.
• Suspect cardiac failure if the patient has HR >100bpm, RR >20
breaths/​min, engorged central veins, capillary return >2s, cool
peripheries, pulmonary oedema or worsening SpO2 with fluid challenge.
• Suspect an embolic event (e.g. gas/​thrombus/​cement/​fat/​amniotic
embolus) if sudden d ETCO2, d SpO2, loss of palpable pulse, PEA
and rise in CVP. Air or gas embolus likely if there is an open venous
bed above the level of the heart. Suspect cement or fat embolus if
temporarily related to intramedullary surgery or cementing.
• Suspect fat embolus or cement reaction in the presence of multiple
bony injuries or long bone.
• Drug-​related: iatrogenic drug responses (e.g. in patients with
porphyria—​see % pp. 260–2; or histamine release) and drug errors
(e.g. wrong dilution or LA toxicity).
• High central neural blockade (including unexpected central spread from
peribulbar/​interscalene). May be heralded by Horner’s syndrome (small
pupil, ptosis, stuffy nose, anhidrosis).
• Anaphylaxis: hypotension 1st feature in 46%, bronchospasm/​high
airway pressure (18%), tachycardia (9.8%), cyanosis/​O2 desaturation
(4.7%), bradycardia (3%), reduced/​absent capnography trace (2.3%)
and cardiac arrest (1.2%).
Immediate management
• Check what the surgeons are doing (caval compression/​blood loss/​high
pneumoperitoneal pressure); prevent further blood losses by clamp or
direct pressure.
• Administer high FiO2.
• Maintenance of organ perfusion and oxygenation is more important
than achieving BP alone. BP = SVR × CO; therefore, improvement in
CO (CO = stroke volume × HR) may help ameliorate low perfusion
Call for help early
• Including asking for massive haemorrhage protocol if bleeding.
Optimise preload
• If CVC sited, observe change in CVP from baseline and response to
fluid challenges. Trend is more informative than actual number.
• Lifting the legs to 20° (passive leg raise), or the Trendelenburg position,
returns blood into the central venous compartment, thus increasing
stroke volume.
• Fluid challenge of 10mL/​kg of crystalloid/​colloid.
• Using a vasopressor infusion.
• Give blood and blood products for massive haemorrhage. Correct
coagulopathy. Give tranexamic acid.
Severe hypotension in theatre 1067

• After each intervention, assess response (BP/​HR/​CVP) and repeat if

Increase contractility
• Ephedrine 6mg IV (mixed direct and indirect action); adrenaline 10
micrograms IV (β1,2 and α activity).
• Consider calcium slow IV (up to 10mL of 10% calcium chloride).
Systemic vasoconstriction
• Note: α-​agonists increase perfusion pressure but may reduce CO.
Metaraminol 1–​2mg IV; phenylephrine 0.25–​0.5mg IV; adrenaline 10
micrograms IV, noradrenaline infusion.
Subsequent management
• 12-​lead ECG and troponin to check for myocardial injury.
• FBC/​ABG/​HemoCue® to check for anaemia.
• Correct acidosis to improve myocardial response to inotropes. Check
ABGs, and correct respiratory acidosis first. If a severe metabolic
acidosis exists (arterial pH <7.1, base excess ≤10mmol/​L), consider
using bicarbonate 50mmol (50mL of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate).
• Maintenance infusion of vasoconstrictor (e.g. adrenaline or
noradrenaline) or inotrope (e.g. dobutamine), if required.
Other considerations
• Adrenaline 1:10 000 = 100 micrograms/​mL; dilute in 10mL of 0.9%
sodium chloride to get a 1:100 000 solution (10 micrograms/​mL).
• Patients taking β-​blockers may not demonstrate tachycardia, despite
significant hypovolaemia.

1068 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Severe hypertension in theatre

Consider Inadequate depth of anaesthesia/​analgesia
Measurement error
Iatrogenic drug error
Raised ICP
Thyroid storm
Carcinoid syndrome
Action Stop surgery until controlled
Confirm readings
Increase depth of anaesthesia and analgesia
Vasodilators, β-​blockade, α-​blockade, calcium channel
blockers as required
Investigations ECG, troponin, thyroid function tests, 24h urinary cat-
echolamine metabolite excretion or plasma catechol-
amine metabolites

Risk factors
• Untreated or ‘white coat’ hypertension preoperatively (i lability).
• Aortic surgery (cross-​clamp may ii SVR).
• Drugs: MAOIs (plus pethidine), ketamine, ergometrine.
• Family history of MEN (type 2) syndrome, medullary thyroid carcinoma,
Conn’s syndrome.
• Acute head injury.
Differential diagnosis
• Hypoxia/​hypercapnia: go through ABC, and check for patient colour
and SpO2.
• Inadequate depth of anaesthesia: check volatile agent concentration;
sniff test (smell gases); check TIVA pump, line and IV cannula.
• Inadequate analgesia: if in doubt, administer opioid (e.g. alfentanil 10–​20
micrograms/​kg) and observe effect. Consider remifentanil infusion.
• Measurement error: palpate the distal pulse manually, while repeating
NIBP; check when pulsation returns against the monitor deflation figure.
Invasive BP: check the transducer height.
• Iatrogenic drug response: cocaine, wrong drug (such as ephedrine and
adrenaline), or wrong dilution (remember surgical drugs, e.g. adrenaline
with LA, Moffett’s solution, phenylephrine).
• Pre-​eclampsia: if over 20w pregnant, check for proteinuria, platelet
count ± clotting studies and LFTs.
• Thyroid storm causing elevated T4 and T3 levels.
• Phaeochromocytoma causing elevated plasma catecholamine levels.
• Cushing response: hypertension and reflex bradycardia (baroreceptor-​
mediated). This intracranially mediated response maintains cerebral
perfusion in the presence of i ICP (see % pp. 559–60).
Severe hypertension in theatre 1069

Immediate management
• ABCDE approach: identify and treat the underlying cause.
• Keep calm and aim for an acceptable safe BP value based on patient’s
age and comorbidities.
• Avoid alternating between severe hypertension and severe
hypotension. The aim is to minimise myocardial stress leading to MI,
arrhythmia or failure (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy), and to minimise the
risk of hypertensive stroke and surgical bleeding.
• If difficult BP to control, insert an arterial line for continuous BP
monitoring early.
• Consider the following drug options to decrease SVR and control HR.
The choice of drug will depend on availability:
• Vasodilators (may cause tachycardia): i volatile concentration,
but beware of increasing desflurane which may cause sympathetic
activation at >1.5 MAC. Hydralazine 5mg slow IV every 15min.
GTN (50mg/​50mL; start at 3mL/​h, and titrate to BP) or sodium
nitroprusside (50mg/​50mL and titrate with care for fine control).
Magnesium sulfate 2–​4g slow IV (8–​16mmol) over 10min, followed by
infusion of 1g/​h.
• β-​blockade (particularly in the presence of i HR or dysrhythmias):
esmolol 25–​50mg bolus doses, then 50–​200 micrograms/​kg/​
min. (Note that esmolol is supplied as 10mg/​mL and 250mg/​mL
solutions.) Labetalol 5–​10mg IV PRN (1–​2mL increments from a
100mg/​20mL ampoule). β:α block ratio = 7:1.
• α-​blockade (particularly in the presence of normal or d HR):
phentolamine 1–​2mg IV PRN (10mg ampoule made up to 10mL).
• Calcium channel blockade with IV nicardipine in 2.5mg increments.

Subsequent management
• Phaeochromocytoma crisis, or thyroid storm, may require prolonged
treatment and ICU admission. Liaise with endocrinologist to ensure the
correct samples are taken for investigation, and further treatments (e.g.
antithyroid drugs, iodine, steroids for thyroid storm).
• Check for evidence of MI and myocardial injury (troponin, 12-​lead ECG,
• Patient may require longer-​term medication for BP. For
phaeochromocytoma, this includes an α-​blocker (phenoxybenzamine or
doxazosin), and if they have tachycardia, a β-​blocker.

1070 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Severe hypoxia in theatre

Equipment Incorrect flow meter settings
problems Machine or O2 failure
Inadequate peripheral perfusion
Failure to ventilate Hypoventilation
Misplaced ETT
Airway obstruction
i airway resistance
Shunt Airway secretions
d hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Pulmonary oedema
Aspiration of gastric contents/​blood
Pre-​existing pathology
Poor O2 delivery Systemic hypoperfusion
Action 100% O2
Call for help
Check airway and ventilation; lungs to machine
Check for cardiovascular cause
Investigations SpO2, capnography, temperature, CXR, ABG, FOB

Risk factors
• Reduced FRC (obesity, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy) reduces O2
• Failure to preoxygenate exacerbates airway difficulties at induction.
• Laryngospasm can result in negative-​pressure pulmonary oedema.
• Head and neck surgery (shared access to the airway) increases the risk
of undetected disconnection.
• History of CHD or detection of a heart murmur (left-​to-​right
• Chronic lung disease.
• Methaemoglobinaemia (interpreted as deoxyhaemoglobin by pulse
• Systemic absorption of patent blue dye.
Differential diagnosis
• Inappropriate FiO2: use an O2 analyser at all times.
• Signal error: reduced peripheral perfusion in hypovolaemic,
hypotensive, hypothermic patients or AF, Raynaud’s. Does the patient
appear cyanotic?
• Obstruction of airway equipment: check for kinks (e.g. during
positioning of gag during tonsillectomy), foreign bodies in filter/​ETT,
water in circuit.
• Ventilation problem: is ETT same depth as it was? Has it been dislodged?
Look for chest movement with auscultation over the stomach and in
both axillae. Is the patient hypoventilating? Look at minute ventilation
Severe hypoxia in theatre 1071

(common after opioids or insufflation of abdomen during laparoscopy—​

take note of the insufflation pressure). Has the capnograph waveform
changed, indicating obstruction, restriction or hypoperfusion? Has the
peak ventilatory pressure changed? Common in Trendelenburg position,
laparoscopy or endobronchial placement of ETT.
• i airway resistance (laryngospasm, bronchospasm).
• Aspiration/​airway secretions: aspirate with tracheal suction catheter.
• Tension pneumothorax: suspect, particularly following CVC insertion
and accompanied by cardiovascular signs.
• Hypovolaemia: HR >100bpm, RR >20 breaths/​min, capillary return
>2s, cool peripheries, a narrow and peaked arterial line trace or marked
respiratory swing to either CVP or arterial line trace (quantifiable using
PPV; >10% suggests hypovolaemia).
• Cardiac failure: HR >100bpm, RR >20 breaths/​min, engorged central
veins, capillary return >2s, pulmonary oedema or d SpO2 with fluid.
• Air or gas embolus: pre-​existing low CVP and open venous bed. Signs
include sudden d ETCO2, d SpO2, loss of palpable pulse, PEA and
subsequent rise in CVP.
• Other embolic events (thrombus/​cement/​fat/​amniotic fluid) during at-​
risk surgery (intramedullary surgery, cementing, obstetrics).
• Cardiac shunt (e.g. VSD, ASD plus d SVR with reversal of flow).
• MH: especially if accompanied by i ETCO2, i RR, i HR and i ectopics.
• Anaphylaxis: CVS collapse, bronchospasm, angio-​oedema, erythema,
rash, urticaria.
• Second gas effect: especially in recovery after using N2O.
Immediate management
Administer 100% O2.
Manual ventilation gives tactile feedback. Perform recruitment manoeuvre,
e.g. 30cmH2O for 40s (be alert for cardiovascular effects, e.g. hypotension
during recruitment). Expose the chest, breathing circuit and airway connec-
tions. If steep head-​down, consider supine position until hypoxia resolved.
Treat by increasing the volatile agent concentration and IV salbutamol (250
micrograms) (see % pp. 1078–9). Sometimes no wheeze will be heard as
bronchospasm severely limiting air entry; eliminate ETT obstruction by
gently passing a suction catheter through, then treat as above.
Misplaced ETT
Confirm ETT position at teeth, and look for rise and fall of the chest with
auscultation over the stomach and in both axillae and the capnograph trace.
Direct or videolaryngoscopy to ensure ETT through cords.
Ruling out equipment problems
Switching to self-​inflating bag with alternative O2 supply immediately rules
out machine and circuit problems, but ensure means of keeping patient an-
aesthetised without inhalational agent. This does not rule out problem with
ETT or filter/​HME. If in doubt about the inspired O2 concentration, use
a separate cylinder supply (as a last resort, use room air via a self-​inflating
bag = 21% O2). The source of a leak or obstruction is not as important as
oxygenation of the patient. Make the patient safe first, then use a system-
atic approach.

1072 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Use fluid/​blood/​vasopressors as needed. During laparoscopy, check insuf-
flation pressures and ask surgeon if they can be reduced if needed.
Severe right-​to-​left shunt
Severe hypoxia occurs when blood starts flowing through a congenital heart
defect in the presence of low SVR, thus bypassing the pulmonary circula-
tion. The resultant hypoxaemia exacerbates the problem by causing hyp-
oxic pulmonary vasoconstriction which increases PVR and the tendency for
blood to shunt across the cardiac defect. Treatment is therefore twofold:
(1) to increase SVR by lifting the legs/​Trendelenburg and giving adrenaline
plus IV fluid, especially in sepsis; and (2) to minimise PVR by removing PEEP,
avoiding high intrathoracic pressure and maximising FiO2.
Other considerations
• In chronic bronchitis, the bronchial circulation can shunt up to 10% of
the CO.
• The foramen ovale remains patent in 20–​30% of patients but is normally
kept closed, because the left atrial pressure is usually higher than the
right atrial pressure. IPPV, PEEP, breath-​holding, CCF, thoracic surgery
and PE can reverse the pressure gradient and result in shunt.
• Always check the SpO2 probe is well positioned and has a good trace.
However, this should not be presumed to be the offending problem
until other causes have been excluded!
Severe laryngospasm 1073

Severe laryngospasm
Condition Acute glottic closure by the vocal cords
Presentation Crowing or absent inspiratory sounds and
marked tracheal tug
Immediate action 100% O2, CPAP
Larson’s manoeuvre (vigorous jaw thrust)
Remove irritants from the airway
Deepen anaesthesia
Follow-​up action Muscle relaxation if intractable
Also consider Bronchospasm
Laryngeal trauma/​airway oedema
Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
Inhaled foreign body
Epiglottitis; croup

Risk factors
• Light anaesthesia, especially in anxious patients.
• Intense surgical stimulation: anal stretch, cervical dilation, etc.
• Extubation of a soiled airway.
• Thyroid surgery.
• Hypocalcaemia (neuromuscular irritability).
• Multiple crowns, poor dentition (inhaled foreign body).
Immediate management
(See % p. 370.)
• Remove the stimulus that precipitated the laryngospasm.
• Check that the airway is clear of obstruction or potential irritants,
including airway adjuncts in the light patient.
• Administer 100% O2 and CPAP.
• If unsuccessful, deepen anaesthesia with propofol or sevoflurane.
• If this fails, muscle relaxant is required. Suxamethonium 0.25–​0.5mg/​kg
IV or 3mg intralingual/​submental or 4mg/​kg IM thigh.
• Monitor for pulmonary oedema. Decompress stomach with an OGT.
Other considerations
• Risk may be reduced by co-​induction with IV opioids, IV lidocaine, or by
topical lidocaine spray prior to laryngoscopy.
• Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve trauma results in paralysis of one
vocal cord and causes hoarseness, ineffective cough and the potential to
aspirate. Bilateral vocal cord paralysis is more serious, leading to stridor
on extubation. This may mimic laryngospasm but does not get better
with standard airway manoeuvres. The patient will require reintubation,
and possibly tracheostomy.
• Tracheomalacia is likely to cause more stridor with marked negative
inspiratory pressure, so treat initially with CPAP.

1074 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Air/​gas embolism
(See also % pp. 584–5.)
Condition Venous gas produces an airlock in RV and ob-
structs pulmonary capillaries
Presentation d ETCO2
d SpO2
Hypotension and loss of palpable pulse
i CVP, then d CVP
Immediate action Stop insufflating gas
Ensure open wound lower than heart
Flood wound and compress drainage veins
Follow-​up action i venous pressure; turn off N2O; left lateral head-​
down tilt; CVS support
Investigations Auscultation; Doppler; ECG; CXR
Also consider Breathing circuit disconnection
Other causes of PEA (4Hs and 4Ts)
Cement reaction
Pulmonary thromboembolism

It is claimed that symptoms/​signs of an air embolus appear following

0.5mL/​kg/​min of intravascular gas.
Risk factors
• Patient: spontaneously ventilating (negative CVP), patent foramen ovale
(risk of paradoxical emboli).
• Anaesthesia: hypovolaemia, any open vascular access point, operation
site higher than the heart, pressurised infusions.
• Orthopaedic surgery: multiple trauma, long bone surgery (especially
intramedullary nailing), hip surgery, shoulder surgery in beach chair.
• General surgery: laparoscopic procedures, hysterectomy, neck surgery,
vascular surgery, middle ear procedures.
• Neurosurgery: posterior fossa operations in the sitting position (almost
• High index of suspicion is needed in the ‘at-​risk’ patient.
• Respiratory: dramatic fall/​loss of the ETCO2 trace and fall in SpO2.
• CVS: severe chest pain if awake, tachycardia, arrhythmia, sudden i CVP
due to fall in CO and rise in PVR.
• PEA arrest may occur. ECG may show signs of acute ischaemia, e.g. ST-​
segment depression of >1mm.
• Neurological: CVE-​like symptoms, failure to wake up.
• Classically, a ‘millwheel’ murmur can supposedly be heard.
• Doppler ultrasound can detect 0.25mL of air.
Air/gas embolism 1075

Immediate management
• Eliminate possibility of breathing circuit disconnection; give 100% O2;
check the ECG trace and pulse.
• Increase venous pressure with rapid IV fluids ± vasopressors.
• If PEA arrest occurs, commence the ALS protocol for non-​VF/​VT
cardiac arrest.
Prevent further gas/​air entrainment
• Surgeon to apply compression to major drainage vessels, flood the
surgical field with irrigation fluid or cover with damp pack, stop
reaming, etc.
• Decompress any gas-​pressurised system/​cavity, e.g. the abdomen
during laparoscopy.
• Lower the operation site to below the heart level.
Turn off N2O
• N2O will expand any intravascular gas volume.
Central venous line
• Classic teaching is to tip the patient head-​down in the left lateral
position, to keep the bubble of gas in the right atrium or apex of the
RV. It can then be aspirated via a central line advanced into the right
atrium or will eventually dissolve. In practice, even if a CVP line is in situ,
aspiration is likely to be difficult.
Moderate CPAP
• Advocated as a means of rapidly increasing the intrathoracic pressure,
and therefore CVP, in the event of a gas embolus. While this
manoeuvre may limit the extent and progress of an air embolus, it
must be borne in mind that 10% of patients may have a patent foramen
ovale. Sustained rise in right atrial pressure may then lead to a right-​to-​
left shunt and paradoxical air embolism to the cerebral circulation.
Subsequent management
• Ask the surgeon to apply bone wax to exposed bone edges.
• Correct any pre-​existing hypovolaemia.
• Perform a 12-​lead ECG to look for ischaemia. Air in coronary arteries is
suggestive of paradoxical air embolism.
• Consider hyperbaric therapy, if available. i ambient pressure (3–​6 bar)
will decrease the volume of gas emboli.
Other considerations
CO2 is the safest gas to use for laparoscopic insufflation. It is non-​flammable
and more soluble than other agents. Should a gas embolus occur, it will dis-
solve over time. The priority of management should therefore be to limit
the extent and central progress of the gas ‘bubble’, thereby minimising its
systemic CVS effect.

1076 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Condition Chemical pneumonitis; foreign body obstruction and
Presentation d SpO2, i RR, i HR, d lung compliance
Immediate action Minimise further aspiration
Secure the airway
Follow-​up action 100% O2 and consider CPAP
Empty the stomach
Investigations CXR; bronchoscopy
Also consider Pulmonary oedema

Risk factors
• Full stomach/​delayed emptying (many causes, including opioids, recent
trauma, DM, CKD).
• Known reflux.
• Raised intragastric pressure (intestinal obstruction, pregnancy,
laparoscopic surgery, high BMI).
• Anaesthesia—​topically anaesthetised airway, LMA (especially 1st
generation), light anaesthesia.
• Oral/​nasal surgery where ‘coroner’s clot’ may be aspirated from
nasopharynx on extubation.
• Steep Trendelenburg position.
• Clinical: auscultation may reveal wheeze and crepitations.
• CXR: diffuse infiltrative pattern, especially in the right lower lobe
distribution (but often not acutely).
Immediate management
• Avoid a GA in high-​risk situations, if possible.
• Use of an RSI when appropriate.
• Administer 100% O2, and minimise the risk of further aspirate
contaminating the airway.
• If light anaesthesia: suction and put into recovery position.
• If under GA, suction; consider securing the airway with ETT ±
cricoid pressure (controversial—​avoid if actively vomiting, as risk of
oesophageal rupture or when it distorts the view on laryngoscopy).
Subsequent management
• Empty the stomach with a large-​bore NGT prior to extubation.
• Monitor respiratory function and arrange a CXR. Look for evidence of
oedema, collapse or consolidation.
• If SpO2 remains <90%, despite 100% O2, there may be solid food
material obstructing part of the bronchial tree. Consider performing a
Aspiration 1077

• If maintaining SpO2 with minimal requirements, extubate. May require

post-​extubation CPAP and chest physiotherapy.
• Refer to ICU if requiring support or concern regarding solid material in
Other considerations
• The NAP4 audit found that aspiration was the leading cause of airway-​
related mortality. The risk was i greatly for higher ASA status and
emergency surgery. Thus, thorough preoperative assessment and
appropriate planning are pertinent to reduce the risk.
• Corticosteroids may modify the inflammatory response early after
aspiration, but do not alter the outcome, except by potentially
interfering with the normal immune response.
• Prophylactic antibiotics are not generally given routinely (unless
infected material aspirated) but may be required to treat subsequent 2°
• If the gastric aspirate has been buffered to pH 7, the resulting aspiration
pneumonitis is less severe, volume for volume, than if it is highly acidic.
However, solid food material can produce prolonged inflammation,
even if the overall pH is neutral.
• Consider aspiration of a blood clot in patients undergoing intraoral
procedures with difficult ventilation and lack of capnograph trace. This
is potentially life-​threatening. Bronchial suction, exchange of airway,
reintubation and bronchoscopy may be required to remove the clot.
Further reading
Cook T, Woodall N, Frerk C, et al. (2011). Aspiration of gastric contents and of blood. In: 4th
National Audit Project of The Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society. Major
complications of airway management in the United Kingdom. Report and findings. Chapter 19, pp.

1078 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Severe bronchospasm
Presentation i airway pressure
Sloping expiratory capnograph trace
Wheeze or silent chest
i HR
Immediate action 100% O2
Salbutamol 250 micrograms IV/​2.5mg neb;
aminophylline 250mg slow IV
Magnesium sulfate 2g IV
Follow-​up action Hydrocortisone 200mg
Investigations CXR; ABG
Also consider Breathing circuit obstruction
Kinked ETT/​cuff herniation
Endobronchial intubation/​tube migration
Foreign body in airway

Risk factors
• Asthma; particularly with previous acute admissions, especially to ICU,
and/​or systemic steroid dependence.
• Paediatric: prematurity and LBW.
• Trigger exposure: smoke, allergens.
• Intercurrent respiratory tract infection.
• Carinal irritation by ETT.
• i airway pressure, i expiratory phase of capnography waveform.
• Central trachea, with bilaterally hyperexpanded and resonant lung fields
± expiratory wheeze (absent if severe).
• Severe bronchospasm is a diagnosis of exclusion. The quickest method
of ascertaining the source of i airway resistance is to connect a self-​
inflating bag directly to the ETT (not HME) and manually ventilate. If the
inflation pressure still feels too high, the problem is due to airway/​ETT
obstruction or reduced compliance.
• Eliminate ETT obstruction by passing a suction catheter. Perform gently
to prevent further bronchospasm via carinal irritation.
Immediate management
• 100% O2.
Increase the volatile agent concentration
• Sevoflurane is the least irritant and is less likely to precipitate
dysrhythmias in the presence of hypercapnia. However, this may be
insufficient in severe bronchospasm.
Specific treatment
• Salbutamol and aminophylline (see Table 39.1).
Severe bronchospasm 1079

Table 39.1 Drug doses in bronchospasm

Adult Paediatric
Salbutamol: IV (slow) 250micrograms 15micrograms/​kg
Salbutamol: nebulised 2.5–​5mg every 15min 2.5–​5mg every 15min
Salbutamol: puffs Ten puffs Ten puffs
Ipratropium bromide 0.25–​0.5mg 4–​6h 0.25mg 4–​6h
Aminophylline (IV) 250mg slowly 5mg/​kg slowly
Ketamine (IV) 2mg/​kg 0.5–​1mg/​kg
Magnesium (IV) 2g slowly 40mg/​kg slowly
Adrenaline (IV) 10micrograms 1microgram/​kg
Hydrocortisone (IV) 200mg 4mg/​kg

Subsequent management
• If immediate treatment fails, consider ipratropium bromide, adrenaline
IV boluses, ketamine or magnesium (Table 39.1).
• Give hydrocortisone.
• Check for drug allergies to agents already administered.
• Arrange CXR—​check for pneumothorax and ETT tip position
(withdraw if carinal).
• Check ABGs and electrolytes (prolonged use of β2-​agonists causes
• Refer to ICU.
Other considerations
• Gas trapping: i mean intrathoracic pressure may result from IPPV in the
presence i expiratory time. If pulse pressure falls and neck veins appear
distended, consider obstructed venous return and a dependent fall in
CO. Disconnect the ETT from the circuit and push on chest; preload
should be restored as intrathoracic pressure is d, and pulse pressure
and VT should improve.
• Ventilator settings in bronchospasm: 100% O2, low RR and prolonged
expiration (I:E ratio 1:3 or 1:4); accept i ETCO2, provided SpO2 is
adequate (permissive hypercapnia).
Further reading
British Thoracic Society, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2008). British guideline on the
management of asthma. A national clinical guideline. Revised July 2019. M https://​www.brit-​​quality-​improvement/​guidelines/​asthma/​

1080 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Pulmonary oedema
Condition i hydrostatic pressure
i vascular permeability
d plasma colloid osmotic pressure
Negative interstitial pressure
Obstructed lymphatic drainage
Presentation Pink frothy sputum, i HR, i RR, d SpO2, i CVP,
Immediate action 100% O2, sit up/​reverse Trendelenburg. Opioids,
diuretics and vasodilators
Investigations CXR; ECG; ABG; echocardiography
Also consider Asthma

Risk factors
• Cardiogenic: MI, severe hypertension, CCF.
• Non-​cardiogenic: airway obstruction (negative pressure), neurogenic,
sepsis, aspiration, pre-​existing lung disease, impairment of lymphatic
drainage and rapid lung expansion.
• Clinical: wheeze; pink, frothy sputum; fine crackles; quiet bases; gallop
rhythm; i JVP; liver engorgement.
• i HR; i RR; d SpO2; i airway pressure; i CVP; d PAOP.
• CXR: basal shadowing; upper lobe diversion; hilar haze; bronchial
cuffing; pleural effusions; septal/​interlobar fluid lines.
• ECG: evidence of right heart strain; evidence of MI.
Immediate management
• If awake and breathing spontaneously: sit up to offload the pulmonary
vasculature and improve FRC; 100% O2 via mask/​HFNO/​CPAP
• If anaesthetised and intubated: commence IPPV with PEEP (5–​
10cmH2O), 15° head-​up position to reduce atelectasis and improve
FRC; aspirate free fluid from the trachea intermittently.
• Furosemide 50mg IV.
• Diamorphine 5mg IV.
• Vasodilator if hypertensive (e.g. GTN 0.5–​1.5mg sublingually or 10mg
transcutaneous patch. IV GTN only if arterial line in situ).
Anaphylaxis 1081

Condition Immunoglobulin E-​mediated type 1 hypersensitivity
reaction to an antigen, resulting in histamine and
serotonin release from mast cells and basophils
Presentation i HR, d BP, rash, wheeze, oedema
Immediate action Remove trigger
100% O2
Elevate legs and fluid resuscitation
IV adrenaline 20–​50 micrograms
Follow-​up action Chlorphenamine 10–​20mg
Hydrocortisone 100–​300mg
Investigations Plasma tryptase; directed allergy testing, ABG
Also consider Airway obstruction
Tension pneumothorax
Anaphylactoid reaction
Histamine release (atracurium)
Cardiogenic shock

Risk factors
• IV administration of the antigen.
• Note that cross-​sensitivities with NSAIDs and muscle relaxants mean
that previous exposure is not always necessary.
• True penicillin allergy is a reaction to the basic common structure
present in most penicillins (the β-​lactam ring).
• Antibiotics (46%), muscle relaxants (33%), chlorhexidine (10%) and
patent blue are the most frequent triggers.
• CVS collapse (51%)
• Erythema (45%)
• Bronchospasm (40%)
• Rash (13%)
• Angio-​oedema (12%)
• Urticaria (8.5%).
Immediate management
• Stop any potential triggers, particularly IV agents. Be aware of
chlorhexidine-​coated central lines.
• Call for help.
• 100% O2; maintain the airway and consider intubation.
• Lay the patient flat, with the legs elevated/​Trendelenburg position.
• Give adrenaline in IV increments every 1–​2min. Alternatively, give
adrenaline IM, repeated after 5min, if necessary (Table 39.2).
• Give IV crystalloid fluids 20mL/​kg.

1082 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Table 39.2 Drug doses in anaphylaxis

<6mo 6mo to 6y 6–​12y >12y

Adrenaline (IM) 150 150 300 500
micrograms micrograms micrograms micrograms
Adrenaline (IV) 1 microgram/​ 1 microgram/​ 1 microgram/​ 20–​50
kg kg kg micrograms
Hydrocortisone 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg
Chlorphenamine 250 2.5mg 5mg 10mg
(IV/​IM) micrograms/k​ g

Subsequent management
• Adrenaline infusion (1st line): 0.05–​0.1 micrograms/​kg/​min or
noradrenaline 0.05–​0.1 micrograms/​kg/​min (see % p. 1209).
• Resistant hypotension: consider glucagon in those on a β-​blocker (1–​
2mg IV every 5min); vasopressin (IV bolus 1–​2 units, then 2 units/​h).
• Antihistamines: consider PO non-​sedating antihistamine when awake.
Alternatively, IV/​IM chlorphenamine; however, evidence to support
their use is weak.
• Corticosteroids may help prevent or shorten protracted reactions.
• Consider bronchodilators (see % p. 1071) for persistent bronchospasm.
• Pregnancy: consider left uterine displacement or CS within 4min if
arrest or periarrest.
• Check for the presence of airway oedema by letting down the ETT cuff
and confirming a leak prior to extubating.
Other considerations
• NMBAs are responsible for 60–​70% of serious anaesthetic adverse drug
reactions (AADRs), frequently on 1st contact.
• The quaternary ammonium group found in neuromuscular-​blocking
drugs is present in other drugs, foods, cosmetics and hair care products.
Previous sensitisation is possible, predominantly in ♀ .
• Clinically, anaphylactic reactions may be indistinguishable from
anaphylactoid responses. Isolated cutaneous erythema is commonly
seen following IV thiopental or atracurium. If there are no further
histaminoid manifestations, investigation is unwarranted.
• Timing is important. Onset is usually rapid following an IV drug
bolus. Slower onset is expected if, for example, gelatin infusion, latex
sensitivity or diclofenac suppository is responsible.
Anaphylaxis 1083

Further reading
Royal College of Anaesthetists (2018). Anaesthesia, surgery and life-​threatening allergic reactions. Report
and findings of the Royal College of Anaesthetists’ 6th National Audit Project: perioperative anaphyl-
axis. M https://​​NAP6Report#pt
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) and Australian and New Zealand
Anaesthetic Allergy Group (ANZAAG) (2016). Perioperative anaphylaxis management guide-
lines. M https://​​getattachment/​ce1ac7fb-​45c3-​434c-​9da9-​7a61f14916b8/​
Resuscitation Council UK (2008). Emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions. Revised 2016. M

1084 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Anaphylaxis follow-​up
Investigation of reactions
Referral to anaesthetic allergy clinic
Referral to an allergy clinic is the responsibility of the anaesthetist and
should include:
• Anaesthetic chart
• Drug chart
• Timings of all administered substances
• Tryptase results and timings.
A list of specialist clinics is available on the British Society for Allergy and
Clinical Immunology website (M https://​
Serum tryptase evaluation
Tryptase is a neutral protease released from secretory granules of mast
cells during degranulation. In vivo half-​life is 3h (compared with 3min for
histamine), and it is stable in isolated plasma or serum.
• Take three venous blood samples—​immediately after resuscitation, at
1–​2h (not later than 6h) and baseline levels at 24h. Serum should be
separated and stored at –​20°C and sent to an appropriate laboratory.
• Basal plasma tryptase concentration is usually <11 nanograms/​mL.
Levels of up to 15 nanograms/​mL are seen in pseudoallergy, e.g.
anaphylactoid reactions. In patients with low baseline tryptase levels,
even if levels remain within normal limits, a level of >2 nanograms/​mL +
1.2 × baseline is indicative of anaphylaxis.
Radioallergosorbent/​C AP tests
• Radioallergosorbent tests (RASTs) for antigen-​specific immunoglobulin
E antibodies have now been largely superseded by the CAP system
• Currently, only helpful in confirming penicillin, suxamethonium,
chlorhexidine and latex allergy. Sensitivity is low, and a negative result
still requires skin testing.
Skin testing
• Diagnosing an AADR depends on skin prick test or intradermal testing.
In proven neuromuscular-​blocking drug anaphylaxis, no in vitro test has
been shown to have comparable specificity and sensitivity.
• Tests should take place at 4–​6w post-​event to allow the regeneration of
immunoglobulin E.
• Antihistamines should not have been given within the last 5d.
• Testing is required to all drugs given before the event. Remember
antibiotics, latex, chlorhexidine and lidocaine, if mixed with propofol.
Suspected LA allergy is best tested by challenge.
• Negative control is with 0.9% sodium chloride (to exclude
dermographia). Positive control is with a commercially available
histamine solution. The latter demonstrates a normal skin response.
Wheal and flare give a reference for reactions to test drugs.
• Wheal >2mm wider than the 0.9% sodium chloride control is
interpreted as positive. Positive test with undiluted drug is repeated
with 1:10 dilution to reduce the chance of a false positive.
Anaphylaxis follow-up 1085

• Following a positive result, other drugs in the same pharmacological

group are tested. In neuromuscular-​blocking drug allergy, up to 60% of
people may be sensitive to other relaxants.
• If there is a strong history, but negative skin prick test, diluted drugs can
be tested by intradermal testing.
After testing
• The patient should be informed and given a letter describing the
reaction and potential triggering agents used until testing is completed.
• An allergy alert should be added to the case notes, and treating GP,
anaesthetist and proceduralist/​surgeon informed.
• Patients may consider wearing a medical alert bracelet.
• Report the reaction to Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA) (‘yellow card system’). AADRs are currently
Future anaesthesia
• Avoid all untested drugs related to the original culprit.
• Do not use IV ‘test’ doses; this is unsafe if a true allergy exists.
Further reading
Resources regarding follow-​up of UK suspected anaphylactic reactions can be located at: M https://​​NAP6-​Resources?newsid=1256#pt
Laxenaire MC, Mertes PM (2001). Anaphylaxis during anaesthesia. Results of a two year study in
France. Br J Anaesth, 87, 549–​58.
Fisher MM, Bowey CJ (1997). Alleged allergy to local anaesthetics. Anaesth Intensive Care, 25, 611–​14.

1086 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Latex allergy
Latex is derived from the sap of Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree). Hev b
proteins within latex act as the major allergens (there are 14 types—​Hev
b1–​14). Latex, although previously commonly found in much anaesthetic
and surgical equipment, has significantly lessened with the awareness of the
prevalence of latex allergy. However, this should not result in complacency
in preventing such reactions.
Classification of reaction
Irritant contact dermatitis
Non-​allergic, irritant contact dermatitis, presenting over minutes to hours.
Damage to skin due to exogenous substance causing irritation.
Contact dermatitis
Type 4 (delayed) hypersensitivity reaction, based on allergic sensitisa-
tion mediated by T-​lymphocytes. Presents over 48–​72h with an eczema-
tous eruption. This can progress to lichenification and scaling on chronic
Type 1 hypersensitivity
Development of latex sensitivity is dependent on previous exposure.
Immunoglobulin E-​mediated type 1 hypersensitivity has been attributed to
Hev b proteins in latex. The three main presentations are:
• Contact urticaria: particularly of health care workers, typically 10–​
15min following, and usually at the site of, exposure. This may develop
into a more severe reaction
• Asthma and rhinitis: characterised with bronchospasm and secretions.
Inhalation of airborne latex particles from powdered gloves has been
• Anaphylaxis: this is more commonly encountered intraoperatively.
IV and membrane inoculation are the commonest triggers; however,
donning of gloves and indirect contact have also been described.
High-​risk individuals
Eight per cent of the population are sensitised to latex; however, 1.4% of
the population exhibit a latex allergy. Latex anaphylaxis appears to be more
common in ♀. There are certain groups at particular risk of developing
latex sensitivity.
Multiple surgical procedures
Patients with repeated exposure to latex have an i risk.
Neural tube defects, including spina bifida
Incidence of latex sensitivity due to recurrent bladder catheterisation is
Associated medical conditions
Patients with atopy, asthma, rhinitis and severe dermatitis have an i inci-
dence of sensitivity.
Health care workers
Prevalence of sensitivity can be between 3% and 12%.
Latex allergy 1087

Rubber industry workers, occupations involving the use of protective
equipment (policemen, hairdressers, service food workers).
Fruit allergens
Patients allergic to fruit have an 11% risk of a latex reaction. Crossreactivity
has been demonstrated with certain fruit allergens (banana, chestnut, avo-
cado, passion fruit, tomato, grape, celery, peach, watermelon, cherry and
kiwi fruit).
Prevention of latex anaphylaxis
• All team members need to be alerted if a patient has a latex allergy.
• The operating theatre should be prepared the night before as this
reduces the number of latex particles in the air. The patient should be
scheduled 1st on the list.
• ‘Latex allergy’ notices should be placed on theatre doors.
• Only use latex-​free equipment.
• Remove non-​essential equipment from the vicinity of the patient.
• Limit staff traffic during surgery.
• Resuscitation equipment must be latex-​free.
• There is no evidence to support prophylactic use of antihistamines and
Clinical features of latex anaphylaxis
Onset is normally 20–​60min following exposure and progressively worsens
over 5–​10min. Treat as for anaphylaxis (see % pp. 1081–3).
Further reading
Lieberman P, Nicklas RA, Oppenheimer J, et al. (2010). The diagnosis and management of anaphyl-
axis practice parameter: 2010 update. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 126, 477–​80.
Bousquet J, Flahault A, Vandenplas O, et al. (2006). Natural rubber latex allergy among health care
workers: a systematic review of the evidence. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 118, 447–​54.
Suli C, Lorini M, Mistrello G, Tedeschi A (2006). Diagnosis of latex hypersensitivity: comparison of
different methods. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol, 38, 24–​30.
Cullinan P, Brown R, Field A, et al.; British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2003). Latex
allergy. A position paper of the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Clin Exp Allergy,
33, 1484–​99.
Hepner DL, Castells MC (2003). Latex allergy: an update. Anesth Analg, 96, 1219–​29.

1088 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Intra-​arterial injection
Condition Unintentional intra-​arterial injection of medication
can cause: paraesthesiae, pain, motor dysfunction,
compartment syndrome, gangrene and limb loss
Presentation Intense burning pain on injection; distal blanching;
Immediate action Stop injection, label cannula, flush with 0.9% sodium
chloride and maintain tissue perfusion
Follow-​up action Anticoagulation and specialist referral
Investigations APTT
Also consider Extravasation
Dilution error of drug administered

Historically, barbiturates and benzodiazepines have been implicated in

many of the inadvertent intra-​arterial injections, but many drugs, including
antihistamines and antibiotics, have resulted in serious harm.
Risk factors
• Arterial line in situ for BP monitoring.
• Multiple ports for IV and arterial lines.
• Cannulae placed under difficult circumstances (hypotensive, obese
patients, emergent situation) and not flushed. If in doubt, take a blood
gas from the line.
• Proximity of the brachial artery makes antecubital fossa cannulae more
prone, but also aberrant ulnar or radial arteries can be cannulated at
the wrist.
• Stronger drug concentration (e.g. 5% thiopental).
• Not well defined and may depend on medication but results in tissue
ischaemia distal to injection site.
• One proposed mechanism: chemical endarteritis characterised by
arterial vasospasm, local release of noradrenaline, crystal deposition
within the distal arteries (thiopental), subsequent thrombosis and distal
ischaemic necrosis.
• Intense burning pain on injection that may last for several hours.
• Blanching of the skin and blistering.
• Within 2h: oedema, hyperaesthesia, motor weakness.
• Later: signs of arterial thrombosis ± gangrene, necrosis.
Intra-arterial injection 1089

Immediate management
Empirical, aimed at maintaining distal perfusion and symptomatic relief.
• Stop injecting and keep the cannula in situ, labelled clearly, and place an
IV cannula.
• If the drug administered was highly irritant, flush the vessel with 0.9%
sodium chloride or heparinised 0.9% sodium chloride and then maintain
cannula patency with slow infusion.
• Initiate anticoagulation with heparin (APTT 1.5–​2) and discuss with
vascular surgeon.
• Administer LA via the cannula to reduce vasospasm and pain.
• Give analgesia.
• Administer a vasodilator (e.g. papaverine 40mg) through cannula or
consider prostacycline analogue (iloprost) IV.
• Once the immediate reaction has subsided, if the hand is well perfused
and pink, remove the cannula and apply sufficient pressure to the
puncture site to minimise local haematoma formation.
• Inform the patient of what has happened and document all actions
Subsequent management
• To reduce pain, consider a sympathetic blockade (via stellate ganglion or
brachial plexus) or guanethidine block (consult a chronic pain specialist).
• Anticoagulation with heparin to reduce the risk of late arterial
• Re-​establishment of blood flow to extremity if necessary.
• Treat sequelae of tissue hypoperfusion (fasciotomy/​amputation/​skin
• Rehabilitation and follow-​up.

1090 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Incomplete reversal of neuromuscular

(See also % pp. 420–2 and % p. 425.)

Condition Residual competitive antagonism at nicotinic acetylcholine

receptor of neuromuscular junction
Presentation Uncoordinated, jerky movements during the recovery
phase. Inability to maintain an airway/​inadequate minute
Action Maintain and protect airway, and provide adequate
ventilation and reassurance
Maintain/​re-​establish anaesthesia, if appropriate
Reverse aminosteroids with sugammadex
Investigations PNS: TOF/​DBS/​post-​tetanic count
Also consider High volatile agent concentration
Hyperventilation (ETCO2 <4kPa)
CO2 narcosis (ETCO2 >9kPa)
Intracerebral event/​injury

NMBAs are routinely monitored prior to extubation. Reversal of NMBAs

with neostigmine 50 micrograms/​ kg, accompanied by glycopyrronium
bromide, is commonplace. A TOFR >0.9 indicates a return of neuromus-
cular activity acceptable for extubation. Residual NMB in recovery, despite
reversal with neostigmine, can occur and generates extreme anxiety in
Risk factors
• Recent dose of relaxant or drug administration error.
• Renal and hepatic impairment causing delayed elimination of NMBA
(except atracurium).
• Perioperative administration of magnesium (>1.25–​2.5mmol/​L).
• Hypothermia.
• Acidosis and electrolyte imbalance.
• Co-​administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics.
• Myasthenia gravis (reduced number of receptors).
• Competition with drugs also metabolised by plasma cholinesterase
(etomidate, ester LAs and methotrexate).
• Low levels of plasma cholinesterase (pregnancy, renal and liver
disorders, hypothyroidism).
• Abnormal plasma cholinesterase (suxamethonium apnoea).
• Uncoordinated, jerky patient movements are suggestive of an
inadequate reversal of NMB. Sustained head lift off the pillow for 5s is a
good clinical indicator of adequate reversal.
• TOF is classically measured as adductor pollicis twitches in response
to supramaximal stimulation via two electrodes placed over the ulnar
nerve (see % p. 423).
Incomplete reversal of neuromuscular blockade 1091

• DBS may be useful to appreciate small degrees of residual block vs the

TOFR (see % p. 423).
• Post-​tetanic count is used to monitor deep relaxation when the TOF
will not show any twitches. A 50Hz tetanic stimulus is applied for 5s,
followed by single stimuli at 1Hz. Post-​tetanic facilitation in the presence
of non-​depolarising blockade allows a number of twitches to be seen.
Reversal with an anticholinesterase should be possible with a count
of >10.
• If no twitches, establish that the PNS is working.
Immediate management
• ABC.
• If patient still has an ETT, assess depth of anaesthesia—​if contributing
to hypoventilation, reduce; if patient awake and anxious, deepen. If
ETCO2 is not normal, correct by adjusting ventilatory settings (consider
pressure support ventilation).
• If the patient has been extubated, reassure them; consider a sedative.
Open the airway, remove secretions and support ventilation with
careful bag–​mask assistance.
• If neostigmine has been given, ensure it was the correct dose (50
micrograms/​kg) and the cannula was flushed.
• If you have used an aminosteroid muscle relaxant (rocuronium,
vecuronium and pancuronium), administer sugammadex at a dose of
2–​4mg/​kg if available.
• Hypothermia, electrolyte imbalance and acidosis will impair reversal and
should be corrected.
• Aminoglycoside or Mg2+ can interfere with reversal which may improve
with calcium gluconate (10mL of 10% IV) titrated to effect.
Subsequent management
• Wait patiently—​this is not an emergency!
• Explain to the patient what has happened; apologise and arrange
counselling, if required. Awareness is difficult to predict and the use of
the Brice interview questionnaire may help in this scenario.
Other considerations
• A dual (phase II) blockade occurs when large amounts of
suxamethonium are used.
• Suspected myasthenia gravis should be confirmed postoperatively with
an edrophonium test.
Further reading
Lenz A, Hill G, White PF (2007). Emergency use of sugammadex after failure of standard reversal
drugs. Anesth Analg, 104, 585–​6.

1092 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Local anaesthetic toxicity

Condition Excessive LA in systemic circulation
Presentation Excitatory CVS and neurological symptoms followed
by CVS and neurological depression
Immediate action Stop LA administration
Resuscitate and support
Treat seizures
Lipid emulsion therapy
Follow-​up action ICU if CVS collapse, awareness of pancreatitis as a
potential complication of lipid emulsion
Investigations ABG, ECG, amylase or lipase
Also consider Anaphylaxis
Other causes of cardiac arrest (4Hs + 4Ts)

Risk factors
• Type of LA:
• Short-​ vs long-​acting
• Ester vs amide (prilocaine is an ester which is rapidly metabolised by
the liver with less risk of LA toxicity)
• Intrinsic vasoconstrictive effects (reduces systemic absorption and
thus improves safety, e.g. ropivacaine)
• Formulation (bupivacaine is a racemic mixture with the R-​enantiomer
binding more firmly and released more slowly from the myocardium).
• Site of block: intercostal > central neuraxial > brachial plexus > SC.
• Single vs infusion/​multiple dosing (i overall dose).
• Conduct of block: not visualising needle tip with ultrasound scanning,
overly firm pressure with probe causing compression of veins
preventing their identification, failure to aspirate causing inadvertent IV
administration; not using incremental dosing or test dose; performance
on anaesthetised patient rather than awake.
• Comorbidities: cardiac failure (susceptible to myocardial depressant),
liver disease (reduced metabolism), renal disease (reduced clearance).
• High-​risk groups: elderly, paediatric and pregnant.
• Light-​headedness, dizziness, drowsiness, tingling around the lips and
fingers, or more generalised, metallic taste, tinnitus, blurred vision.
• Confusion, restlessness, incoherent speech, tremors or twitching,
leading to convulsions, with loss of consciousness and coma.
• Bradycardia, hypotension, CVS collapse and respiratory arrest.
• ECG changes (prolongation of QRS and PR interval, AV block and/​or
changes in T-​wave amplitude).
Local anaesthetic toxicity 1093

Immediate management
• Discontinue injection.
• Call for help.
• ABC and administer 100% O2.
• Intubation may be required to prevent hypoxic CVS collapse.
Hyperventilation may help by i pH in metabolic acidosis.
• CPR if pulseless—​commence the ALS protocol (see % pp. 1055–7).
• Treat convulsions with IV:
• Midazolam 3–​10mg
• Diazepam 5–​15mg
• Lorazepam 0.1mg/​kg
• Propofol 20–​60mg
• Thiopental 50–​150mg.

Lipid emulsion therapy

• Give an IV bolus injection of 20% lipid emulsion, e.g. Intralipid® 20%,
1.5mL/​kg over 1 min (100mL for a 70kg patient).
• Start an IVI of 20% lipid emulsion at 15mL/​kg/​h (1000mL over 1h for a
70kg patient).
• Repeat the initial bolus twice at 5min intervals if an adequate circulation
has not been restored.
• After 5min, double the infusion rate if an adequate circulation has not
been restored.
• Continue CPR, the ALS protocol and lipid infusion until a stable
circulation has been restored.
• The mechanism of action is thought to be through extraction of
lipophilic LAs from aqueous plasma and tissues or by counteracting
LA inhibition of myocardial fatty acid oxidation, although other
theories exist.
Other considerations
• Propofol is not a suitable alternative to lipid emulsion.
• Resuscitation attempts can be prolonged due to prolonged protein
binding of the offending LA.
• Methaemoglobinaemia may occur with high doses of prilocaine
(>600mg in an adult) 2° to the metabolite O-​toluidine. Treat with
methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue 1–​2mg/​kg).
• Allergic reactions to LAs are extremely rare. The ester groups are
more prone to exhibit allergic reactions than amides, because they are
metabolised to para-​aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which acts as a hapten.
There is also a cross-​sensitivity of ester-​type agents with sulfonamides.
Allergic reactions range from simple local irritation with rash or urticaria
to laryngeal oedema or anaphylaxis.
Further reading
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2010). AAGBI safety guideline.
Management of severe local anaesthetic toxicity. M https://​​Portals/​0/​PDFs/​
Association of Anaesthetists. Management of severe local anaesthetic tox-
icity. M https://​​Home/​Resources-​publications/​Guidelines/​

1094 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Unanticipated difficult intubation

(See Fig. 39.5; see % pp. 368–9.)

Plan A: Facemask ventilation and tracheal

Optimise head and neck position If in difficulty call for help
Adequate neuromuscular blockade Succeed
Confirm tracheal intubation with
Direct/Video Laryngoscopy (maximum
3 + 1 attempts)
External laryngeal manipulation
Remove cricoid force
Maintain oxygenation and anaesthesia
Declare failed intubation
Options (consider risks and
Plan B: Maintaining oxygenation: SGA benefits):
insertion Succeed 1. Wake the patient up
2nd generation device recommended 2. Intubate trachea via the SGA
Change device or size (maximum 3 attempts) 3. Proceed without intubating the
Oxygenate and ventilate trachea
4. Tracheostomy or
Declare failed SGA ventilation cricothyroidotomy
Plan C: Facemask ventilation Wake the patient up
If facemask ventilation impossible, paralyse
Final attempt at facemask ventilation Post-operative care and follow up
Use 2 person technique and adjuncts • Formulate immediate airway
Declare CICO management plan
• Monitor for complications
Plan D: Emergency front of neck access • Complete airway alert form
Scalpel cricothyroidotomy • Explain to the patient in person and in
• Send written report to GP and local
This flowchart forms part of the DAS Guidelines for unanticipated difficult intubation in
adults 2015 and should be used in conjunction with the text.

Fig. 39.5 Unanticipated difficult tracheal intubation. Reproduced from Difficult Airway
Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Difficult
Airway Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6): 827–​48 (2015) doi:10.1093/​
bja/​aev371. Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial purposes must be sought
directly from Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.
Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate 1095

Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate

(See Fig. 39.6; see % p. 381.)


Continue 100% O2
Declare CICO

Plan D: Emergenecy front of neck airway

Continue to give oxygen via upper airway
Ensure neuromuscular blockade
Position patient to extend neck

Scalpel cricothyroidotomy
Equipment: 1. Scalpel (number 10 blade)
2. Bougie
3. Tube (cuffed 6.0mm ID)

Laryngeal handshake to identify cricothyroid membrane

Palpable cricothyroid membrane

Transverse stab incision through cricothyroid membrane
Tum blade through 90˚ (sharp edge caudally)
Slide coudé tip of bougie along blade into trachea
Railroad lubricated 6.0mm cuffed tracheal tube into trachea
Ventilate, inflate cuff and confirm position with capnography
Secure tube
Impalpable cricothyroid membrane
Make an 8–10cm vertical skin incision, caudad to cephalad
Use blunt dissection with fingers of both hands to separate tissues
Identify and stabilise the larynx
Proceed with technique for palpable cricothyroid membrane as above

Postoperative care and follow up

• Postpone surgery unless immediately life
• Urgent surgical review of cricothyroidotomy site
• Document and follow up as in main flow chart

This flowchart forms part of the DAS Guidelines for unanticipated difficult
intubation in adults 2015 and should be used in conjunction with the text.

Fig. 39.6 Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate. Reproduced from Difficult Airway Society
2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults. Difficult Airway
Society intubation guidelines working group, BJA, 115(6): 827–​48 (2015) doi:10.1093/​bja/​aev371.
Permission for the use of these algorithms for commercial purposes must be sought directly from
Difficult Airway Society as they hold the copyrights.

1096 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

Malignant hyperthermia
(See also % pp. 322–3.)

Condition Life-​threatening hypermetabolism in genetically

susceptible patients triggered by volatile agents
and suxamethonium
Presentation d SpO2, i ETCO2, i HR, i core temperature,
muscle rigidity, dysrhythmias, DIC
Immediate action Stop volatile agents
Hyperventilate with high-​flow 100% O2
Dantrolene 2.5mg/​kg
Follow-​up action Correct acidosis, i K+ and coagulopathy
Promote diuresis
Monitor for compartment syndrome
Investigations ABGs, K+; clotting studies; CK
Also consider Rebreathing
CO2 absorption from pneumoperitoneum
Extended tourniquet time
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Recreational drug toxicity, e.g. Ecstasy
Thyroid storm

Risk factors
• Family history.
• Exposure to suxamethonium or volatile agents (even if previous
exposures were uneventful).
• Heat stroke, exercise-​induced rhabdomyolysis, central core disease.
• Some neuromuscular diseases have idiosyncratic MH-​like reactions.
• Sustained jaw rigidity after suxamethonium (masseter spasm).
• Unexplained i ETCO2 (IPPV) or i minute ventilation (SV), plus
unexplained i HR; accompanied, or followed, by an increasing core
• Falling SpO2, despite i FiO2.
• CVS instability, dysrhythmias, especially multiple ventricular ectopics,
peaked T-​waves on ECG.
• Generalised muscle rigidity.
Immediate management
Turn off volatile agent, stop giving suxamethonium
• Declare an emergency. Ask for help and dantrolene immediately.
• Hyperventilate with 100% O2, preferably not from the anaesthetic
machine containing volatile agent. Prepare an alternative method of
keeping the patient anaesthetised (e.g. propofol infusion).
• Ask the surgical team to conclude surgery as quickly as possible.
Malignant hyperthermia 1097

• Give dantrolene 2.5mg/​kg. Select dose based on actual body weight to
maximum 300mg per dose.
• Repeat dose every 10min until PaCO2 <6kPa and decreasing body
temperature. No cumulative ceiling dose. (Mortality associated with
insufficient dosing.)
Activated charcoal filters
• If available, place on inspiratory and expiratory limbs of the circle
breathing system.
• Reduce temperature by exposing the patient, ice to the groin and
axillae, cold fluids and extracorporeal heat exchange if available.
• Check ABGs and K+, and correct acidosis/​hyperkalaemia.
Subsequent management
• Place invasive monitoring (arterial line and CVP line).
• Send a clotting screen for DIC and serum CK assay.
• Promote diuresis with fluids and mannitol. Monitor for AKI.
• Avoid calcium channel blockers; treat arrhythmias with magnesium or
amiodarone or metoprolol.
• Will require HDU/​ICU admission for at least 24h after resolution of
metabolic derangement.
• Monitor for recrudescence; likelihood increases with increasing
metabolic derangement during initial episode.
• Monitor for rhabdomyolysis and compartment syndrome.
• Refer to the MH investigation unit for follow-​up.
Other considerations
• There are two formulations of dantrolene: Dantrium® 20mg (mixed
with 60mL of sterile water) and Ryanodex® 250mg (mixed with 5mL of
sterile water). Ryanodex® is currently unavailable in Europe. A 100kg
adult requires 12 ampoules of Dantrium® per dose.
• The use of visual aids for task prioritisation, such as prepared task cards
allocating roles, improves team performance during an MH crisis (see
M http://​​mh-​task-​cards/​)
• Follow-​up involves DNA testing for ryanodine receptor RYR1
mutations. If DNA negative, a muscle biopsy will be offered with in vitro
halothane and caffeine contracture tests.
• Beware of using bicarbonate to correct acidosis if the acidosis is
principally respiratory, since the reaction with H+ produces an i
CO2 load.
Anaesthesia for known or suspected MH-​susceptible
• MH patients should not be denied surgery solely because of MH.
• Preoperative questioning about personal and family anaesthetic history
is essential to identify potential MH patients.
• It is not essential to test suspected cases prior to surgery, provided
individual assessment has been made of the risks involved.

1098 Chapter 39 Anaesthetic emergencies

• An MH-​‘safe’ technique (i.e. avoid suxamethonium and volatile agents),

such as propofol TIVA or regional anaesthesia, is appropriate (all other
drugs are MH ‘safe’).
• Dantrolene is not required prophylactically. It is unpleasant for the
patient and prolongs the action of NDMRs. It should be available.
• Standard monitoring, i.e. ECG, NIBP, SpO2, ETCO2. A baseline core
temperature should be established before the procedure and monitored
for 4h postoperatively.
• The anaesthetic machine must be purged and flushed to remove traces
of volatile agents. In modern machines with complex internal silicon
components, this can take at least 70min, and then high FGF must be
maintained throughout the case.
• A cost-​effective alternative is the use of activated charcoal filters. These
reduce machine preparation time to 2min, e.g.Vapor-​Clean® activated
charcoal filters.
Instructions for use of activated charcoal filters
• Remove vaporisers from the anaesthetic machine.
• Flush circuit for 90s with O2 or air at 10L/​min using the ventilator with a
2L test lung attached.
• Change the breathing circuit and soda lime while maintaining flushing at
10L/​min. Use new ETT and face masks.
• Insert activated charcoal filters on both the inspiratory and expiratory
ports of the breathing system. Two activated charcoal filters are used
to remove the risk of incorrectly placing a single filter on the expiratory
limb which is ineffective.
• Maintain FGF of 10L/​min for 90min from the commencement of the
• After 90min, it is safe to reduce FGF to 3L/​min.
• Activated charcoal filters are single-​use items and can be used at 3L/​
min for a total of 12h.
Further reading
Hopkins PM, Girard T, Dalay S, et al. (2021). Malignant hyperthermia 2020. Guideline from the
Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia, 76, 655–​64.
UK Malignant Hyperthermia Registry. M https://​
European Malignant Hyperthermia Group. M https://​

Useful contact
UK MH Investigation Unit, Academic Unit of Anaesthesia, Clinical Sciences Building, St James’s
University Hospital, Leeds LS9 7TF. Emergency telephone number 07947 609601.
Chapter 40 1099

Regional anaesthesia
Mark Fairley
Fundamentals of safe practice 1100
Local anaesthetics and adjuncts 1102
Finding nerves 1104
Needle design 1108
Continuous regional anaesthesia 1108
Regional anaesthesia and coagulation disorders 1109
Regional anaesthesia and nerve injury 1112
Nerve blocks: central neuraxial blocks 1114
Nerve blocks: neck 1118
Nerve blocks: upper limb 1119
Nerve blocks: trunk 1128
Nerve blocks: lower limb 1135
Resources 1145

1100 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Fundamentals of safe practice

Patient consent
In terms of regional anaesthesia, this will include:
• An explanation of how the block will be performed and if any sedation
or GA will be used in addition to the regional block.
• An explanation of the risks and benefits of the regional anaesthesia
technique and any alternatives. Generic risks relevant to most regional
techniques include failure, local anaesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)
and vessel and nerve damage. Generic benefits usually include less pain,
less opioids and their side effects (e.g. less nausea and vomiting) and
earlier mobilisation. Technique-​specific risks and benefits should also be
mentioned, and the consent process documented.
• Regional anaesthesia should ideally be performed in a quiet, calm
environment, in an unhurried manner. Specific ‘block rooms’ are
becoming popular for this purpose.
• Appropriate aseptic precautions should be taken.
• Equipment necessary for the regional anaesthetic should be prepared,
and drugs clearly labelled.
• The equipment and drugs necessary for resuscitation and administration
of GA should be immediately available and checked.
• Monitoring should include the continuous presence of an anaesthetist
and the provision of ECG, NIBP and SpO2.
• Trained assistance is as necessary for the safe and effective conduct of
regional anaesthesia as it is for GA.
Documentation of the procedure should include the following:
• Whether the patient is anaesthetised, sedated or awake
• Block performed; needle used
• Nerve location technique used (ultrasound, PNS, loss of resistance)
• Volume and concentration of LA used, along with any adjuncts
• If using a PNS, the stimulus duration, current threshold and whether the
start of LA injection was associated with ‘twitch abolition’
• If using ultrasound, consideration of recording images, as per local
facility capability and policies
• Whether the injection was easy without resistance or if any injection
pressure monitoring was used
• Whether any pain or paraesthesiae was experienced on injection
• Any complications that occurred
• The block effect and any supplementation required.
Training and supervision
The acquisition of a detailed knowledge of the anatomy and pharmacology
should be followed by a study of the block to be performed. The trainee
should then discuss the block with an appropriately experienced teacher
and should observe the performance of the block. The teacher should
closely supervise the trainee in the performance of the block for as many
times as is necessary, to be confident that the trainee is both competent
and safe.
Fundamentals of safe practice 1101

All trainees should focus on learning a small number of basic blocks that
cover the vast majority of surgical procedures. A proposed list of these
high-​value basic blocks that all general trainees should learn has recently
been published1 (Table 40.1).
Regional anaesthesia fellowships and diplomas are formal training path-
ways added on to general training for those wanting advanced skills in
regional anaesthesia.

Table 40.1 Proposed high-​value basic ultrasound-​guided regional anaesthetic


Anatomical Plan A (basic blocks) Plan B/​C/​D (advanced blocks)

Shoulder Interscalene brachial Superior trunk block, combined
plexus block axillary and suprascapular nerve blocks
Below Axillary brachial plexus Infraclavicular block, supraclavicular
shoulder block block
Hip Femoral nerve block Fascia iliaca block, lumbar plexus block
Knee Adductor canal block Femoral nerve block ± iPACK block
Foot and Popliteal sciatic block Ankle blocks, proximal sciatic nerve
ankle block
Chest wall Erector spinae plane Paravertebral, superficial serratus
block anterior plane, PSP and IPP blocks
Abdominal Rectus sheath block Quadratus lumborum blocks
Reproduced from Turbitt LR et al. Future directions in regional anaesthesia: not just for the
cognoscenti, Anaesthesia, 2019:75;293–​7, with permission from Wiley. © 2019 Association on
Note some names of blocks have been changed from the original article, in line with 2021 inter-
national consensus on nomenculture.

Personal audit
Regional anaesthetists should keep a record of the blocks they perform.
Difficulties encountered, success rates and complications should be re-
corded and should be both compared with available published data and dis-
cussed in an appraisal process. Lower success rates or higher complication
rates than are currently accepted, or any serious complications, should be
discussed with an appropriate colleague.

1102 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Local anaesthetics and adjuncts

Local anaesthetics
Properties of common LAs are listed in Table 40.2.

Table 40.2 Properties of common local anaesthetics

Local pKa Onset Protein Duration Maximum dose

anaesthetic binding (%) of action (mg/​kg)
Bupivacaine 8.1 Medium 95 Long 2
Levobupivacaine 8.1 Medium 95 Long 2
Ropivacaine 8.1 Medium 94 Long 3
Prilocaine 7.7 Fast 55 Medium 6
(8 with adrenaline)
Lidocaine 7.7 Fast 65 Medium 3
(7 with adrenaline)

LAST occurs when an excessive amount of LA enters the circulation.

Risk can be reduced by observing maximum doses, injecting slowly in small
boluses, interspersed with frequent gentle aspirations to exclude accidental
intravascular needle placement, and use of ultrasound.2,3 Older, sicker
patients, single-​site large doses and more vascular injection sites can all
increase risks.
Levobupivacaine and ropivacaine are less toxic than bupivacaine. The
higher toxicity of bupivacaine is related to the R-​enantiomer which binds
more firmly and is released more slowly from the myocardium.
Toxicity from prilocaine is less likely because of its rapid metabolism,
primarily by the liver. Methaemoglobinaemia may occur with high doses
(>600mg in an adult) and should be treated with methylthioninium chloride
(methylene blue 1–​2mg/​kg).
Allergic reactions to LAs are extremely rare. The ester groups are more
prone to exhibiting allergic reactions than amides. (See % pp. 1092–3 for
presentation and management of LAST.)
• Table 40.3 provides a list of adjuncts commonly added to LAs to
improve their effects.
• None of the currently used adjuncts are approved for perineural
administration. Optimal doses are not clearly established.
• Ensure any adjunct preparation is preservative-​free.
Local anaesthetics and adjuncts 1103

Table 40.3 Commonly used adjuncts to local anaesthetics

Drug Characteristics
Dexamethasone Prolongs long-​acting LA block by 4–​8h.4 Also has
similar effects when given IV. Possibly incompatible with
ropivacaine as crystallisation demonstrated in vitro. Can
increase blood sugar level. Dose 4mg
Clonidine Prolongs block by 1.5–​2.5h.4 Effective in epidural,
caudal, spinal and peripheral nerve blocks. Use is limited
by hypotension, bradycardia and sedation. Dose 150
Dexmedetomidine Prolongs block by 3–​4h.4 Longer than clonidine, but not as
long as dexamethasone. i risk of sedation, bradycardia and
hypotension. Suggestion that it may cause more differential
block (sensory greater than motor) and may have some
neuroprotective effects. Dose 50–​60 micrograms
Bicarbonate Added to reduce pain from SC injection and to increase
speed of onset by increasing pH of solution, and therefore
fraction of unionised LA. Add 1mL of 8.4% to every
10mL of lidocaine or 20mL of bupivacaine. Discard LA if
precipitate forms
Opioids Proven synergism with intrathecal and epidural LA. Beware
delayed respiratory depression with intrathecal morphine.
All opioids have been used. Of doubtful benefit in
peripheral blocks. Intrathecal remifentanil is contraindicated
due to the presence of glycine
Glucose Used to increase baricity of LA for intrathecal use.
Hyperbaric bupivacaine contains 80mg/​mL of glucose.
Allows more consistent spread of block and provides the
opportunity to control spread by altering patient position
Hyaluronidase Used in eye blocks to enhance LA spread. Dose 15 units/​mL

1104 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Finding nerves
Anatomical landmark techniques
The safe practice of regional anaesthesia is based on a detailed knowledge
of anatomy and its variations. Although most techniques based solely on
surface anatomy and the palpation of deeper structures have now been
superseded by PNS and ultrasound, several purely anatomical landmark-​
based blocks are still effective and practical, e.g. spinal. Ultrasound and
PNS techniques still require good anatomical knowledge for their safe and
effective use.
Clicks, pops and loss of resistance
Some fascial plane techniques, e.g. fascia iliaca block, have relied upon the
sensation of a blunt or blunted needle passing through a fascial plane to
identify the correct anatomical location for injection. These ‘clicks’ and
‘pops’ take experience to appreciate and have a significant failure rate. With
ultrasound availability, most of these techniques have been superseded.
However, they still have a role where ultrasound is not available or not
practical. Loss of resistance has been used successfully for many decades to
identify the epidural space correctly and remains the technique of choice.
Direct contact between needle and nerve may result in an unpleasant ‘elec-
tric shock’ sensation that is felt in the distribution of the target nerve. This
is termed ‘paraesthesia’ and, before the introduction of nerve stimulation,
was often sought as confirmation of needle proximity to a nerve. With the
availability of PNS and ultrasound machines, paraesthesia is now seen as
an unnecessary needle–​nerve contact that could potentially increase the
risk of nerve damage. However, in experienced hands and in the absence
of nerve stimulators and ultrasound machines, this technique may still be
effectively used.
Nerve stimulation
The use of nerve stimulators dominated the art of nerve location in the
final 20y of the last century and is still widely practised. The production of
evoked muscle contractions at low current levels (0.2–​0.5mA) is thought
to confirm the placement of a needle near a nerve, while the production
of evoked contractions at very low current thresholds (<0.2mA) is thought
to indicate possible intraneural needle tip placement. If the target nerve
contains sensory fibres, the sensation may be unpleasant. The use of nerve
stimulators remains popular, either on their own, if no ultrasound machine
is available, or in combination with ultrasound. When used with ultrasound,
they can provide the anaesthetist with reassurance that the structure on the
screen is the target nerve, demonstrate twitches and functional anatomy to
educate trainees and, as an additional monitor, can help exclude intraneural
needle tip placement.
Finding nerves 1105

Using a peripheral nerve stimulator

• Connect the stimulating needle to the negative lead (black) and the
ground electrode and the ECG pad to the positive lead (red): ‘negative
to needle, positive to patient’.
• Keep the ECG electrode at least 20cm from the site of injection. Start
with a current of 1.0–​2.0mA and a frequency of 2Hz. In theory, a
stimulus duration of 0.1ms will preferentially stimulate motor nerves,
rather than sensory nerves, and may be less unpleasant for the patient.
• Insert the insulated needle. At all times, move the needle slowly and
gently, watching for signs of nerve stimulation. Aim to move the needle
in small, steady steps, no more than 1–​2mm at a time.
• When the desired muscle contractions are evoked, try to optimise the
position of the needle to obtain a good motor response in the muscles
supplied by the target nerve while reducing the stimulating current to
• If twitches continue to occur at <0.2mA, withdraw the needle slightly
as this may indicate intraneural needle placement.
• Aspirate to exclude intravascular needle placement and inject 1mL of
LA solution. The motor response should disappear because the nerve
is displaced by fluid (‘twitch abolition’). If the motor response does
not disappear with the initial 1mL, suspect that the needle may be
intraneural. Withdraw the needle slightly before further injection.
• Inject the full volume in small boluses, interspersed by careful
aspirations. If there is any pain or significant resistance to injection, stop
immediately and withdraw the needle slightly as this may also indicate
intraneural placement.
Ultrasound has become increasingly available in the last 10–​20y and has
allowed the direct vision of needle tip placement and LA spread relative to
the target nerve and surrounding structures.
Long-​axis and short-​axis imaging
Cylindrical structures like nerves and vessels can be imaged in long axis,
meaning the structure is parallel to the long axis of the probe, giving a long
rectangular view of the structure across the screen. Short-​axis imaging
means the structure is perpendicular to the long axis of the probe, resulting
in a short circular view of the structure in the middle of the screen. Short-​
axis imaging is the most popular for nerve blocks as it is easier to keep
the target nerve in the imaging plane and the relative positions of any sur-
rounding neurovascular structures are more easily seen.
In-​plane and out-​of-​plane needling
When using an in-​plane (IP) needling technique, the needle is inserted from
one end of the probe and passed along the long axis of the probe, so the
image is of the entire length of the needle. This has the advantage that you
can keep the tip of the needle visible as you advance it. With the out-​of-​
plane (OOP) needling technique, the needle is inserted at right angles to
the long axis of the probe and only a cross-​section of the needle is visible at
any one time as a small white dot. The probe must be moved to continually

1106 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

reimage the needle tip as it is advanced. OOP needling is popular for vas-
cular access as catheters need to be advanced along the long axis of the
vessel. IP needling is popular for most nerve blocks as the needle tip can
be imaged as it is advanced. Inexperienced ultrasound users are probably
safer using the IP needling technique. Experienced operators can use either
IP or OOP safely.
Developing skills
Manipulating the ultrasound probe and needle in 3D, while looking at the
2D image on the screen, can be a difficult skill to acquire. Some tips that can
accelerate your passage from novice to expert include:
• Get taught properly by experienced ultrasound users.
• Learn from all available media: online videos, mobile apps, ultrasound
and cadaver courses and phantoms, as well as books.
• Do not only practise when performing a block. Practise scanning
easily accessible aspects of yourself, colleagues and consented patients
whenever you can to become familiar with the knobology, probe
manipulation and identification of the sonoanatomy. Practise needle
imaging with commercially available or easily made phantoms or meat
Using ultrasound
• Plan the ergonomics. Position yourself, your hands and the screen in a
line, so you can easily look from your needle and probe to the display.
This usually means the machine is on the opposite side of the patient.
Make sure you know which end of the probe corresponds to the left
and right side of the display.
• Make small, slow movements of the probe. Like a torch beam, a small
change in angle sweeps the beam through a large arc.
• Perform a prescan to identify the sonoanatomy; tilt the probe to make
the image of the nerve bright (anisotropy), then maintain that probe
tilt by holding the probe low and stabilising your hand on the patient.
Look at your hands and insert the needle from the near end of the
probe, making sure the needle trajectory is aiming along the centre of
the ultrasound beam. Once the needle has advanced under the probe,
look at the screen and slide (do not change the tilt) the probe slightly as
required to bring the needle into view.
• The needle needs to be in the 1mm-​wide ultrasound beam to be
seen. Echogenic needles and needle imaging software can make a
needle image brighter but will not help if the needle is not in the
ultrasound beam!
• You should not advance the needle or inject if you cannot see its tip.
• Beware of obliquely imaged needles which will give a false tip
appearance. Ensure you can recognise an obliquely imaged needle.
• You should see the LA distending the tissues as soon as you inject the
first mL. If you do not, stop injecting as either you are not imaging your
needle tip or you may be in a compressed vessel.
Finding nerves 1107

• Never inject against high resistance. Consider use of an injection

pressure monitoring device and/​or perform injection yourself rather
than have an assistant inject.
• Swelling of the nerve with separation of its fascicles indicates intraneural
injection. Stop injecting and withdraw slightly.
• Following injection, perform a postscan of the sonoanatomy to confirm
correct target and check spread of LA.
Evidence for ultrasound
The use of ultrasound has revolutionised regional anaesthesia practice in
the last 20y. Its use has been shown to decrease the time taken to perform
nerve blocks, accelerate block onset, increase block success rate, decrease
the dose of LA used and decrease the incidence of certain complications
such as vascular puncture and LAST.2,5 Its use has become standard of care
in most countries.

1108 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Needle design
Many types of needle design are commonly used for regional anaesthesia,
whether PNBs or central neuraxial blocks.
• Long-​bevelled needles (usually 10–​15°) are sharp and pass readily
through tissues, without giving the operator a clear sensation of passage
of the needle through tissue planes and fascial layers. These are more
likely to enter nerves than short-​bevelled needles; hence they are
rarely used.
• Short-​bevelled needles (18–​45°) are less likely to enter individual
nerves, making them safer. They also provide the operator with more
feel of the passage of the needle through fascial layers. They are
currently the most popular tips for PNBs.
• Pencil-​point needles are popular for spinal anaesthesia, as they are
thought to separate the fibres of the dura mater, rather than cut them
as would a bevelled needle. They are associated with a lower incidence
of PDPH than the use of the bevelled alternative (often called the
Quincke-​tip needle). Pencil-​point needles are rarely used for PNBs as
they are too difficult to pass through intact skin and fascial planes.
• Tuohy needles were originally designed to allow epidural
catheterisation, but the tip design has also been adapted for use in
placing peripheral nerve catheters. They also provide a lot of resistance
to passing through fascial planes, enhancing the feel of ‘pops’ used in
some landmark techniques.
• Insulated needles are coated with a non-​conducting material that allows
current flow only from a small area at the tip of the needle. This can
improve accuracy of nerve location with PNS.
• Echogenic needles have been designed to more effectively reflect
ultrasound waves, via geometric indentations on their shaft, enhancing
visibility, especially at steeper angles of insertion.

Continuous regional anaesthesia

• Catheters can be placed near nerves to provide prolonged neural
blockade. Studies have shown that continuous regional anaesthesia
(CRA) provides superior analgesia to systemic techniques, while
accelerating early mobilisation and improving rehabilitation. In addition,
the side effects of opioids are minimised or avoided.6
• Surveillance during CRA is important. The patient needs to be taught
how to care for an insensate limb, and both patient and carers need to
be taught to identify the signs and symptoms of LA toxicity and catheter
sepsis. CRA carries with it all the complications of single-​shot blocks,
along with additional risks of LA toxicity, catheter misplacement or
movement and bacterial colonisation and sepsis.
• Nerve catheter placement is an advanced technique for experienced
Regional anaesthesia and coagulation disorders 1109

Regional anaesthesia and coagulation

• Blood vessels are frequently encountered and damaged during the
performance of regional anaesthesia. These may be large vessels,
such as the axillary, subclavian and femoral arteries, or small blood
vessels such as epidural veins. Fortunately, the small holes made by
regional needles in patients with normal coagulation very rarely lead to
significant morbidity. Those with abnormalities of coagulation, however,
can suffer significantly.7
• The use of anticoagulant drugs to prevent or treat VTE is increasing
rapidly, along with the number and potency of the drugs employed for
such purposes.
• Haemorrhage can be significant in non-​compressible locations.
Haematomas can compress nerves and other anatomical structures.
The presence of even a relatively small haematoma in the non-​
distensible spinal canal can cause permanent spinal cord injury.
• Different blocks have different relative risks of bleeding complications:
• Neuraxial
• > deep block, e.g. quadratus lumborum, paravertebral
• > perivascular blocks, e.g. supraclavicular, femoral
• > fascial plane blocks, e.g. fascia iliaca, erector spinae plane
• > superficial blocks, e.g. ankle blocks, forearm blocks.8
• Catheter insertion involves a greater risk than single-​shot blocks.
• Ultrasound techniques allow vessel imaging and have been shown
to reduce the risk of vessel puncture relative to non-​ultrasound
• Coagulopathy is therefore a relative contraindication to the
performance of regional anaesthesia techniques. The degree of
contraindication will depend upon the extent of the coagulation defect,
the specific block planned, the block technique and the likely benefit of
the regional anaesthesia technique, compared to the alternatives. These
decisions should be made by experienced clinicians, familiar with current
guidelines, in consultation with the patient.
• Several guidelines for the management of patients with abnormalities of
coagulation exist:
• AoA (2013)9 M https://​​
Home/​Resources-​publications/​Guide lines/​
• American Society of Regional Anaesthesia (2018)7 M https://​rapm.​content/​rapm/​43/​3/​263.full.pdf
• Canadian Anesthesiologists Society (2019)8 M https://​​
Table 40.4 is drawn from the AoA guidelines9 (see also % p. 276.)

1110 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Table 40.4 Recommendations related to drugs used to modify coagulation

Drug Acceptable Administration Acceptable time after block

time after of drug performance or catheter
drug for block while spinal removal for next drug dose
performance or epidural
catheter in
UFH SC prophylaxis 4h or normal Caution 1h
time ratio
UFH IV treatment 4h or normal Caution 4h
time ratio
LMWH SC 12h Caution 4h
LMWH SC 24h Not 4h
treatment recommended
Danaparoid Avoid Not 6h
prophylaxis (consider anti-​ recommended
Xa levels)
Danaparoid Avoid Not 6h
treatment (consider anti-​ recommended
Xa levels)
Bivalirudin 10h or normal Not 6h
APTTR recommended
Argatroban 4h or normal Not 6h
APTTR recommended
Fondaparinux 36–​42h Not 6–​12h
prophylaxis* (consider anti-​ recommended
Xa levels)
Fondaparinux Avoid Not 12h
treatment* (consider anti-​ recommended
Xa levels)
NSAIDs No additional No additional No additional precautions
precautions precautions
Aspirin No additional No additional No additional precautions
precautions precautions
Clopidogrel 7d Not 6h
Prasugrel 7d Not 6h
Regional anaesthesia and coagulation disorders 1111

Drug Acceptable Administration Acceptable time after block

time after of drug performance or catheter
drug for block while spinal removal for next drug dose
performance or epidural
catheter in
Ticagrelor 5d Not 6h
Tirofiban 8h Not 6h
Eptifibatide 8h Not 6h
Abciximab 48h Not 6h
Dipyridamole No additional No additional 6h
precautions precautions
Warfarin INR ≤1.4 Not After catheter removal
Rivaroxaban 18h Not 6h
prophylaxis* recommended
(CC >30mL/​min)
Rivaroxaban 48h Not 6h
treatment* recommended
(CC >30mL/​min)
Dabigatran 48h Not 6h
prophylaxis or recommended
(CC >80mL/​
(CC 50–​80mL/​min) 72h Not 6h
(CC 30–​50mL/​min) 96h Not 6h
Apixaban 24–​48h Not 6h
prophylaxis recommended
(Alteplase, anistreplase, reteplase, streptokinase) 10d Not 10d
Manufacturer recommends caution with use of neuraxial catheters.
Manufacturer recommends that neuraxial catheters are not used.
Reprinted with permission from Harrop-​Griffiths W et al. (2013) Guidelines: regional anaesthesia
and patients with abnormalities of coagulation. Anaesthesia, 68, 966–​72. © 2013 The Authors.
Anaesthesia published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Association of Anaesthetists
of Great Britain and Ireland.

1112 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Regional anaesthesia and nerve injury

• Perioperative peripheral nerve dysfunction is due to many causes
and may even be pre-​existing and only noted for the 1st time in
the perioperative period. Intraoperative causes include ischaemia
due to hypotension and vascular occlusion, tourniquets, pressure
from haematomas, thermal injury from electrocautery, poor patient
positioning, retraction or direct surgical trauma. Postoperative
causes include oedema, inflammatory neuropathy, compression from
immobilising devices and compartment syndrome. Identifying the cause
with certainty is usually not possible.
• Estimates of the incidence of postoperative peripheral nerve
dysfunction associated with regional anaesthesia vary widely, depending
on type of block, time since block, patient factors and symptoms
reported. Minor sensory-​only abnormalities during the first few
days after proximal brachial plexus blocks can be as high as 1:10,3
while significant sensory and/​or motor abnormalities persisting for
6–​12mo can occur up to 1:2000.2,3,5 The likelihood of postoperative
nerve dysfunction depends upon many factors, including which nerve
block is performed, how the nerve block is performed, the age of
the patient and their comorbidities. Mechanisms include direct needle
trauma, injectate neurotoxicity and ischaemia from vasoconstriction or
compression. Most perioperative peripheral nerve symptoms are not
related to regional anaesthesia and most fortunately resolve with the
passage of days or weeks.
• Visualisation of the nerves and needle tip with ultrasound allows the
anaesthetist to achieve a very low incidence of needle–​nerve contact,
thereby minimising the chances of needle–​nerve trauma.
• Intraneural injection (direct injection inside the epineurium of a nerve)
increases the risks of direct needle trauma and injectate neurotoxicity.
It can also be associated with high injection pressures leading to
ischaemic injury. The hallmarks of intraneural injection include low
current thresholds when using a PNS, high injection pressures, pain on
injection, failure of the evoked contractions to disappear at the start of
LA injection and swelling of the nerve with separation of fascicles when
visualised with ultrasound. If any of these are encountered, injection
should cease immediately and the needle repositioned.
• Publications suggest the interscalene brachial plexus block is the
PNB with the highest incidence of postoperative nerve dysfunction
symptoms.3 Great caution should be exercised when placing a needle
anywhere near the upper reaches of the brachial plexus.
• It appears that children only very rarely suffer nerve injury from regional
anaesthesia and pregnant women undergoing spinal and/​or epidural
anaesthesia also have a very low incidence. Conversely, it appears
that the elderly, obese patients, patients with DM and those with pre-​
existing neurological conditions are at a higher risk of nerve damage.
• The management of perioperative peripheral nerve dysfunction
involves its early recognition, discussion with surgeons regarding
possible causes, and if minor sensory changes only, reassurance that
most of these will spontaneously resolve is usually all that is required.
If significant deficits, motor deficits or non-​resolving symptoms, referral
Regional anaesthesia and nerve injury 1113

to a neurologist, nerve conduction studies, MRI and EMG can all assist
in the identification of the severity and location of the injury. There
is little that can be done to hasten the recovery of nerve function or
to minimise the extent of the nerve injury once harmed. If there is
acute compression from a haematoma, especially in the spinal canal,
urgent surgical decompression is indicated. If there is neuropathic pain,
appropriate antineuropathic pain medications should be prescribed.
• Recovery of neurological function is mercifully the norm. More than
90% of cases of neuropathy thought to have resulted from regional
anaesthesia recover within 3mo, and >99% within a year.10
Awake or asleep?
• PNBs are currently performed in awake, sedated or asleep patients.
Controversy exists as to whether performing blocks on anaesthetised
patients places the patient at i risk.
• In theory, awake patients may get symptoms of needle–​nerve contact
and warn the anaesthetist before further needle advancement or
injection is performed, possibly averting nerve injury. Awake patients
may also complain of early symptoms of LA toxicity from inadvertent
intravascular injection, warning the anaesthetist to cease further
injection and possibly averting a major LAST event.
• However, needle–​nerve contact and intraneural injection are known
to not always cause symptoms. Patient symptoms cannot therefore
be relied upon and other monitors of needle–​nerve contact and
intraneural injection should be used. These are ultrasound visualisation
of intraneural needle tip placement, LA injection causing distension of
the nerve with separation of fascicles, low-​threshold currents if using
a PNS, failure of evoked contraction disappearance on injection of
the LA and difficulty with injection/​high injection pressure. Paediatric
anaesthetists argue that for most of their patients, ‘awake’ is not an
option; they are perhaps fortunate that the incidence of nerve damage
associated with PNBs in children is very low.
• The performance of PNBs on the non-​anaesthetised patient need
not be unpleasant for the patient. Many anaesthetists successfully use
sedation with small doses of a benzodiazepine (e.g. midazolam) and/​
or an opioid (e.g. fentanyl) or infusions of small amounts of propofol
or remifentanil. The increasing use of ultrasound for nerve location is
known to improve patient comfort if the evoked contractions produced
by nerve stimulators are avoided. It is therefore relatively easy to
perform ultrasound-​guided blocks on patients who are lightly sedated.
• While there is currently no hard evidence to support either ‘awake’ or
‘asleep’ PNBs, it seems prudent to perform them in responsive patients
when possible.
(See also % p. 927.)

1114 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Nerve blocks: central neuraxial blocks

Spinal and epidural anatomy
• The spinal cord terminates at 7L1 in adults and at 7L3 in infants.
• The line joining the iliac crests (intercristine or Tuffier’s line) is at
7L4 level.
• C7 is the most prominent spinous process; T7 is at the inferior angle of
the scapula level.
• The subarachnoid space ends at 7S2 in adults, and is lower in children.
• The subarachnoid space extends laterally along the nerve roots to the
dorsal root ganglia.
• The subdural space is a potential space between the dura and the
• The epidural (extradural) space lies between the walls of the vertebral
canal and the spinal dura mater. It is a low-​pressure space, occupied by
areolar tissue, loose fat and the internal vertebral venous plexus.
• The ligamentum flavum is thin in the cervical region, reaching maximal
thickness in the lumbar region (2–​5mm).
Spinal block
Indications Lower abdominal surgery (CS, inguinal hernia), lower limb
surgery, perineal surgery.
Landmarks Spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae and the line joining
the iliac crests (Tuffier’s line).
Technique The patient should be sitting or lying on their side. Mark a line
joining the iliac crests. Identify the spinous process at the level of this line.
The nearest interspace at this level is L3/​4 (there is significant variation).
Spinal blocks should always be carried out caudal to this space to avoid
trauma to the tail end of the spinal cord (the conus).
Midline At the level of the interspace, insert a needle in the midline. With
a 15° cephalad angulation, advance until a click or pop is felt (the dura is
pierced) at an approximate depth of 4–​6cm. After confirming free flow
of CSF, carefully connect the syringe containing the LA. Aspirate gently
before and after injection to confirm correct placement in CSF throughout
injection. Inject slowly.
Paramedian One to 2cm lateral to the upper border of the spinous process,
insert a needle perpendicular to the skin to contact the lamina of the
vertebra. Withdraw slightly, reinserting the needle 15° medially and 30°
cephalad to pass over the lamina through the interlaminar space. Advance
until a click or pop is felt. Aspirate and inject as above.
Relative contraindications AS or mitral valve stenosis (hypotension and
inability to compensate by increasing CO). Hypovolaemia (hypotension).
Previous back surgery (technical difficulty). Neurological disease (i risk
of neurological complications). Systemic sepsis (i incidence of epidural
abscess, meningitis).
Nerve blocks: central neuraxial blocks 1115

Absolute contraindications
• Local sepsis
• Patient refusal
• Anticoagulation (see % pp. 269–75).
Local anaesthetic drugs and doses for spinal anaesthesia
• Dosing of LA in adults depends upon age and pregnancy. The older
the patient, the less drug will be needed. This is thought to be due
to degenerative changes of the vertebral column and i sensitivity of
neural tissue to LA. Pregnant patients need less than their non-​pregnant
counterparts, due to epidural vein engorgement compressing the
thecal sac.
• Bupivacaine 0.5% is usually used. ‘Heavy’ is hyperbaric and contains 8%
glucose. ‘Plain’ is isobaric at body temperature.
• Due to spread to the dependent part of the thoracic kyphosis in the
supine position, hyperbaric solutions can be used to achieve a higher
block and provide an ability to influence height with position changes of
the patient.
• A volume of 2.5–​3.0mL of a hyperbaric solution of LA will reach
T6–​T10 in most non-​pregnant young adults placed in the recumbent
position shortly after spinal injection.
• Pregnant patients require less, often 1.8–​2.2mL (see % p. 857).
• The volume of plain LA needed tends to be a little higher.
• Lidocaine is associated with a risk of cauda equina syndrome, transient
radicular irritation and transient neurological symptoms.
• Ropivacaine can be used but does not come in a ‘heavy’ preparation
and has a shorter duration of action than bupivacaine.
• Opioids are often added to improve the quality of the block. (See
% p. 1166; Table 41.9.)
• Ensure any drug preparations intended for intrathecal use do not
contain preservatives.
Clinical tips
• If there is difficulty at L3/​4, ideally go down, not up, as the level of
termination of the conus is variable. Surface identification of the L3/​
4 interspace is inaccurate; 70% of clinicians mark it as a higher space.
Ultrasound can be used to improve accuracy.
• A sitting position increases CSF pressure, and hence improves CSF flow
with fine needles. It is also easier to find the midline in obese patients in
this position.
• A lateral position offers patient comfort and the possibility of sedation.
• Problems are often due to the lumbar spine not flexed enough, or a
short introducer not inserted enough and a too flexible needle. When
difficulty is encountered in an elderly, osteophytic patient, consider a
22G Quincke-​tip needle. PDPH is rare in this patient group.
• When hitting bone at a superficial level, this can only be the top of
spinous processes. This is a good sign that you are midline and need to
keep walking the needle cephalad or caudad.

1116 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

• When hitting bone at a deep level, this is more likely to be lamina. Ask
the patient to identify on which side you are. If they can identify one
side, you are out of the midline and need to redirect to the opposite
side. If they state ‘middle’, you could be deep on a spinous process and
could continue walking cephalad or caudad, recheck landmarks or try
another level.
• Hypotension (due to sympathetic block), bradycardia (if block extends
to the mid-​thoracic region): can progress to cardiac arrest.
• High block (compromising breathing, may extend to ‘total spinal’ with
loss of consciousness, apnoea and cardiorespiratory arrest).
• Urinary retention.
• Nerve damage (see % pp. 1112–13).
• PDPH (see % pp. 848–51).
• Infection: abscess, meningitis.
• Spinal canal haematoma: more likely in patients with disorders of
coagulation. Can cause spinal cord compression and permanent
paraplegia if not urgently decompressed with laminectomy.
• The serious complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia have been
the subject of a nationwide audit in the UK—​The RCoA’s 3rd National
Audit Project (NAP3) 2009. The incidence of permanent injury due
to neuraxial blocks was 1:25 000–​1:50 000, with an incidence of death
or paraplegia of 1:50 000–​1:140 000. The incidence of complications
in children, obstetric patients and those undergoing chronic pain
procedures was very low. There was an excess incidence of serious
complications in elderly patients with epidurals used during and after
surgery, and in patients undergoing CSEs, a finding supported by other
large studies (M http://​​nap3).
Ultrasound for central neuraxial block
• Ultrasound for CNB is usually used to prescan the anatomy and
identify landmarks before performing the procedure. Ultrasound allows
identification of the midline, the accurate spinal level, an estimation of
the depth to the ligamentum flavum, the angle of insertion needed to
reach the space and the level with the widest interlaminar space for
needle passage. It can increase success and decrease technical difficulty,
the number of needle reinsertions and redirections and the risk of
traumatic procedures, and may therefore improve safety.11
• While this technique may not be of benefit to all patients, it may be
particularly useful in those with abnormal anatomy or in those whose
bony landmarks are not palpable. It is, however, a difficult skill in the
difficult patient (e.g. morbid obesity) where it is most useful. Practice is
required to become competent.
• Ultrasound can also be used as a teaching aid as it allows demonstration
of the anatomy by the instructor and confirmation to the student that
they have identified the correct insertion point and maximum depth to
insert the needle (Fig. 40.1).12
Nerve blocks: central neuraxial blocks 1117

Fig. 40.1 Low lumbar transverse interlaminar sonoanatomy. Erector spinae (E),
psoas (P), interspinous ligament, facet joints and vertebral body (tan), posterior and
anterior complexes (orange), spinal canal (yellow). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

A suggested technique for pre-​procedural ultrasound

If landmarks cannot be confidently palpated Using a low-​frequency curvilinear
probe placed transversely over the sacrum, slide the probe cephalad over
the lumbar spine, marking the midline. With the probe then in a parasagittal
plane just off the midline (parasagittal oblique interlaminar view), identify
the sawtooth appearance of the lamina. Starting from the continuous white
line of the sacrum, slide cephalad over the sawtooth pattern of the laminae,
marking spinal levels to accurately identify levels, including L3/​4. At this
level, rotate the probe to a transverse orientation (transverse interlaminar
view) and identify the interspinous ligament between spinous processes.
Small movements of the probe are required. Rock the probe to ensure the
interspinous ligament shadow is vertical on the screen—​this reveals any
rotation of the spine. Tilt the probe to identify the anterior complex (anterior
dura and vertebral body) and posterior complex (ligamentum flavum and
dura). Note the depth to the posterior complex as this indicates the depth
to the dura. Take account of indentation of the skin from probe pressure.
When the best view of the anterior complex is achieved (this indicates a
bony window to the spinal canal), the direction of the ultrasound beam is the
direction the needle should be inserted. Look at the probe, note any tilt or
angulation, mark the position on the patient by marking the centres of each
side of the probe, remove the probe and draw your crosshairs, marking the
needle insertion site. Perform the procedure knowing, at what level you are,
that there is a bony window to the spinal canal, the direction required and
the depth to space.
If landmarks can be confidently palpated The first half of this procedure can
be omitted, and the level selected by palpation. This space can then be
quickly checked with one probe position (transverse interlaminar) for: a
bony window (anterior complex visible), any rotation of the spine (L or
R rocking of probe required to make the interspinous ligament shadow
vertical on the screen), the angle of insertion between the spinous
processes (cephalad or caudad tilt of the probe) and the depth to space
(depth to the posterior complex). Put the probe down and perform the
procedure with this extra information.
Epidural block
(See % pp. 841–4; % pp. 855–6; % p. 1103; % pp. 1114; % p. 1157;
% pp. 1164–6.)

1118 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Nerve blocks: neck

Cervical plexus block
Indications Analgesia or anaesthesia for carotid surgery and other superficial
neck procedures.
Positioning Lateral, or supine with the patient’s head turned to
contralateral side.
Ultrasound ‘Intermediate’ block of superficial cervical plexus nerves usually
performed. Place probe transverse on lateral neck, starting at about
cricoid level. Identify C7 (absent anterior tubercle) and C6 (wide foramen,
prominent anterior tubercle) transverse processes. Slide cephalad,
identifying C5 and C4 (carotid often divides at C4). Block usually performed
at C4 level. Identify lateral border of sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)
superficially. Target is plane between deep border of SCM and deep cervical
fascia (prevertebral fascia) overlying deep muscles. Branches of the cervical
plexus may be seen travelling in this plane from anteromedially, as they leave
the transverse processes, to posterolaterally where they wrap around the
posterior boarder of the SCM. Insert needle IP from posterior, infiltrating
this plane and surrounding any nerve-​like structures (Fig. 40.2).12

Fig. 40.2 Cervical plexus sonoanatomy. Cervical plexus (yellow), carotid artery
(red), internal jugular vein (blue), C5 transverse process (tan), muscles (burgundy),
C5 nerve root (R), SCM (S), needle path (white line), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of
Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique ‘Superficial’ block (SC infiltration) usually performed.

The point of injection is at the midpoint of the posterior border of the
SCM. Injection fanned SC cephalad and caudad from this point along the
posterior border of the SCM.
Volume 10–​15mL.
Side effects Nil with SC ‘superficial’ block. Deeper needle insertion during
‘intermediate’ block may result in phrenic, recurrent laryngeal and brachial
plexus nerve block.
Complications Nerve injury, haematoma.
Tips ‘Deep’ cervical plexus block at nerve root depth, at higher cervical
levels, has greater risks and side effects and is rarely indicated.
Caution in severe respiratory compromise or contralateral phrenic palsy
due to risk of phrenic block.
Nerve blocks: upper limb 1119

Nerve blocks: upper limb

(See Figs. 40.32, 40.33, 40.34 and 40.36.)
Interscalene brachial plexus block
Indications Analgesia for shoulder surgery.
Positioning Lateral, or supine with head turned to contralateral side.
Ultrasound The brachial plexus roots can be visualised lateral to the carotid
and internal jugular between the scalene muscles. The classic ‘traffic lights’
pattern of nerve roots in the interscalene groove usually represents C5
and C6 divided, alternatively C5, C6 and C7. A muscle bridge commonly
exists between C7 and C8, impairing imaging and LA spread to C8 and
T1. C7 transverse process is usually deeper than those above and has an
absent anterior tubercle which allows imaging of the vertebral artery and
vein. C6 transverse process is often wide with a prominent anterior tubercle
(Chassaignac’s tubercle). The posterior IP approach is the most popular,
although anterior and OOP approaches are also used. Position the probe in
the transverse plane with the carotid vessels on the edge of the image and the
interscalene groove in the centre. Identify C5, C6 and C7 roots (Fig. 40.3).12

Fig. 40.3 Interscalene brachial plexus sonoanatomy. C5 (5), C6 (6), C7 (7) roots
(yellow), carotid artery (C), internal jugular vein (J), vertebral artery and vein (V), C7
transverse process (tan); muscles (burgundy), scalenus anterior (A), scalenus medius
(M), phrenic nerve (P), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique Insertion point is at the level of the cricoid cartilage

(C6), lateral to the lateral border of the SCM, in the palpable ‘groove’
between the scalenus anterior and the scalenus medius. Direct the needle
towards the contralateral elbow. The nerves are very superficial, a depth of
no greater than 2.5cm.
PNS twitches C5 deltoid, C6 biceps. Triceps or pectoralis major contractions
may be acceptable if deltoid or biceps contractions are not found. Phrenic
nerve stimulation means the needle is too anterior. Levator scapulae
stimulation indicates the needle is too posterior (on the dorsal scapular nerve).
Volume 10mL with ultrasound technique. Traditionally 720mL with landmark
Side effects Phrenic nerve block (up to 100%), subjective dyspnoea,
Horner’s syndrome, recurrent laryngeal nerve block causing a hoarse voice.

1120 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Complications Minor paraesthesiae lasting days or weeks are more common

with this block than others; vessel puncture, intravascular injection, intrathecal
or epidural injection, pneumothorax, damage to nerve roots, damage to
dorsal scapular or long thoracic nerve as they pass through middle scalene.
Tips This block should ideally be performed on awake or lightly sedated
patients by experienced clinicians due to risks of serious complications.
Avoid in patients with severe respiratory disease and contralateral phrenic
nerve palsy because of phrenic nerve block.
Supraclavicular brachial plexus block
Indications Analgesia or anaesthesia for distal humerus, elbow, forearm,
wrist or hand surgery.
Positioning Supine or semi-​reclined with head turned to contralateral side.
Ultrasound The brachial plexus is superficial and easily visible as it passes
over the 1st rib, lateral to the subclavian artery. The probe is placed parallel
and cephalad to the clavicle, in the supraclavicular fossa. An IP technique
with lateral needle entry is most popular. The brachial plexus appears as
a ‘triangular-​shaped bunch of grapes’ immediately lateral to the subclavian
artery. If the probe is angled caudad slightly under the clavicle, it is usually
possible to image the plexus and subclavian artery on top of the 1st rib, with
the pleura deep on both sides of the rib shadow. Performing the procedure
with this image of the plexus on the rib, rather than on the pleura, reduces
the pneumothorax risk. The dorsal scapular artery may often be seen
passing through the plexus at this level—​ check with colour Doppler
(Fig. 40.4).12

Fig. 40.4 Supraclavicular brachial plexus sonoanatomy. Brachial plexus (yellow),

subclavian artery (red), subclavian vein (blue), pleura and lung (pink), 1st rib (tan),
muscles (burgundy), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 20–​30mL as necessary to surround the plexus.

PNS twitches Finger flexion or extension.
Side effects Horner’s syndrome, phrenic nerve block.
Complications Pneumothorax, artery puncture, intravascular injection.
Paraesthesia is common from needle–​nerve contact.
Nerve blocks: upper limb 1121

Tips Colour-​flow Doppler is advised to identify all vessels close to, or passing
through, the plexus. Avoid in patients with severe respiratory disease and
contralateral phrenic nerve palsy because of risk of phrenic nerve block.
Injection should include the angle between the artery and the 1st rib (the
‘corner pocket’) to increase success rate of blocking the lower trunk. The
suprascapular nerve (needed for shoulder coverage) has often just left the
plexus at this level and may be seen travelling posterolaterally under the
Infraclavicular paracoricoid brachial plexus block
Indications Analgesia or anaesthesia for elbow, wrist or hand.
Positioning Supine with the arm adducted and resting by the side.
Ultrasound The ultrasound probe should be positioned in a parasagittal
plane just medial to the coracoid process. Deep to the pectoralis muscles,
the axillary artery is seen cephalad to the vein, with the lateral, medial and
posterior cords around the axillary artery. The cords of the brachial plexus
can be deep and difficult to visualise. Using an IP technique from cephalad,
the needle tip should be advanced until it lies posterior to the artery
(Fig. 40.5).12

Fig. 40.5 Infraclavicular paracoricoid brachial plexus sonoanatomy. Brachial plexus

cords (yellow), axillary artery and vein (red, blue), pectoralis major (PM), pectoralis
minor (Pm), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique The coracoid process of the scapula may be palpated

inferior to the lateral 3rd of the clavicle. It must be differentiated from
the acromion, which can be palpated as a bony continuation of the distal
clavicle. The point of insertion is 1.5cm medial and 1.5cm caudal to the
most anterior point of the coracoid. The depth can vary between 3cm and
9cm, depending on body mass.
PNS twitches Pectoralis major: expected at 1–​ 2cm depth (needle too
superficial); lateral cord: elbow flexion (do not accept; too lateral); medial
cord: wrist flexion (acceptable); posterior cord: wrist or finger extension

1122 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Volume 20–​30mL.
Side effects Nil.
Complications Vascular puncture, intravascular injection, pneumothorax.
Tips Never angle the needle medially as this can increase the risk of
Axillary brachial plexus block
Indications Anaesthesia for hand surgery; analgesia for forearm, wrist or
hand surgery.
Positioning Supine with the arm abducted to 90°.
Ultrasound The ultrasound probe should be positioned high in the axilla
along the axillary crease, imaging the axillary artery in short axis. Three
nerves sit adjacent to the artery. The median nerve is usually superficial and
anterior, the ulnar nerve superficial and posterior, the radial nerve deep and
posterior. The musculocutaneous nerve is more anterior, most commonly
in the plane between the biceps and the coracobrachialis, or in the body of
the coracobrachialis (Fig. 40.6).12

Fig. 40.6 Axillary brachial plexus sonoanatomy. Median nerve (M), ulnar nerve (U),
radial nerve (R), musculocutaneous nerve (Mc), axillary artery and compressed veins
(red, blue), humerus (tan), coracobrachialis (C), triceps (T), needle path (white), LA
spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

PNS twitches Radial: thumb, wrist or finger extension; ulnar: adduction of

the thumb, little finger flexion; median: finger and wrist flexion and pronation
of the wrist; musculocutaneous: biceps and brachialis contraction.
Volume 20mL.
Complications Artery puncture (compress for 5min if it occurs), intravascular
Tips Highly variable anatomy exists. Following the nerves up from their
location in the arm may help with identification in the axilla. There may be
multiple veins, usually compressed by probe pressure. Great care should
be exercised to avoid IV injection of LA. Aspirate and ensure LA spread in
tissues is observed with injection.
Nerve blocks: upper limb 1123

Suprascapular nerve block, posterior approach

Indications Analgesia of shoulder, as part of multimodal analgesia for
arthroscopic shoulder surgery or when interscalene block contraindicated.
Often combined with other nerve blocks, e.g. axillary nerve.
Positioning Sitting or lateral.
Ultrasound Place the probe parallel and immediately cephalad to the spine
of the scapula. Tilt probe caudad to image floor of the suprascapular fossa,
deep to the trapezius and supraspinatus. Slide probe laterally until ‘hockey
stick’ appearance of lateral end of the suprascapular fossa. The nerve and
artery run in a fascial compartment deep to the supraspinatus. Artery
sometimes seen; nerve rarely seen (Fig. 40.7).12

Fig. 40.7 Suprascapular nerve sonoanatomy. Suprascapular nerve (yellow),

suprascapular artery (red), suprascapular fossa (tan), trapezius (T), supraspinatus (S),
needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

PNS twitches Supraspinatus and infraspinatus.

Volume 10mL.
Complications Arterial puncture.
Tips Nerve often not seen, but fascial compartment deep to the
supraspinatus easily seen and filled with LA. Can be deep in muscular
patients, impairing imaging. Bone backstop aids safety. If the probe is tilted
cephalad, the suprascapular notch may be imaged (break in continuous
white line of suprascapular fossa bone). Do not perform block in notch as
this increases the risk of pneumothorax.
Axillary nerve block
Indications Analgesia of shoulder. Innervates anterior joint, deltoid and
overlying skin. Usually combined with suprascapular nerve block for
arthroscopic shoulder surgery or when interscalene contraindicated.
Positioning Sitting or lateral.
PNS twitches Anterior deltoid.

1124 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Ultrasound The probe is placed in a parasagittal plane over posterolateral

humeral neck. The posterior circumflex humeral vessels are identified
coursing around the neck of the humerus. The nerve is often not seen but
runs in proximity to (usually cephalad to) the vessels, deep to the deltoid,
distal to teres minor insertion, proximal to triceps insertion (Fig. 40.8).12

Fig. 40.8 Axillary nerve sonoanatomy. Axillary nerve (yellow), posterior circumflex

humeral vessels (red, blue), humerus (tan); deltoid (D), teres minor (T), needle path
(white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 10mL.
Complications Vessel puncture.
Tips Needle can be inserted from cephalad or caudad end of probe.
Intercostobrachial nerve block
Indications Anaesthesia of skin to upper medial arm. Commonly added
to brachial plexus blocks for vascular surgery at ACF that may extend
proximally to medial aspect of arm or for tourniquet tolerance.
Positioning Arm abducted 90°.
Ultrasound Place probe transversely in axillary crease to image axillary
vessels. Slide probe posteriorly, placing vessels on anterior edge of image.
Insert needle IP from anterior to infiltrate from vessels posteriorly and
superficial to deep fascia of arm (superficial to muscles). Nerve not easily
identified. Infiltrate plane and surround any nerve-​like structures.
Landmark technique Palpate axillary artery in axillary crease. Perform SC
infiltration from artery posteriorly.
Complications Vessel puncture.
Tips Intercostobrachial nerve block can also be achieved via a high
superficial serratus anterior plane block; however, more volume will be
Median, ulnar and radial nerve blocks in the forearm
Indications Anaesthesia or analgesia of hand.
Positioning Supine with arm abducted 90°.
Ultrasound Allows these nerves to be blocked anywhere along their course
from the axilla to the wrist.
Nerve blocks: upper limb 1125

Median nerve Commonly traced proximally from carpel tunnel and blocked
mid forearm between superficial and deep flexor digitorums. Alternatively,
in the ACF, it sits medial and slightly deep to the brachial artery between
the brachialis and pronator teres. In the medial aspect of the upper arm, it
is superficial, adjacent to the brachial artery (Fig. 40.9).12

Fig. 40.9 Median nerve mid-​forearm sonoanatomy. Median nerve (yellow), ulnar
and radial arteries (red), ulnar and radius (tan), deep flexor digitorum (D), superficial
flexor digitorum (S), flexor carpi radialis (F), needle path (white), LA spread
(cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Radial nerve Commonly blocked in lateral aspect of distal upper arm where
it leaves the spiral groove of the humerus and travels in the plane between
the brachialis and brachioradialis before dividing into superficial and deep
branches around the level of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (Fig.

Fig. 40.10 Radial nerve ACF sonoanatomy. Radial nerve (yellow), brachial artery
(red), cephalic and cubital veins (blue), brachioradialis (Br), brachialis (B), needle path
(white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Ulnar nerve Commonly traced up from the medial wrist where it is found
adjacent to the ulnar artery. The nerve and artery separate from each
other two-​thirds of the way up the forearm, which is a commonly blocked
location. Alternatively, in the medial aspect of the upper arm, it is superficial
and posterior to the brachial artery and median nerve where it courses with
the ulnar collateral vessels before passing deep towards the cubital tunnel
of the elbow (Fig. 40.11).12

1126 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Fig. 40.11 Ulnar nerve mid-​forearm sonoanatomy. Ulnar nerve (U), ulnar artery
(red), ulnar (tan); deep flexor digitorum (D), superficial flexor digitorum (S), flexor
carpi ulnaris (F), median nerve (M), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy
of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique
Median nerve Position the patient with their arm slightly abducted, elbow
slightly flexed and forearm supinated. Feel the brachial artery at the
antecubital fossa crease. The median nerve lies medial and deep to the ar-
tery. A pop may be felt on passing through the fascial plane to reach the
nerve. It usually lies at 1–​2cm depth.
Radial nerve Position as above. Radial nerve lies between the insertion of
the biceps and brachioradialis, proximal to the flexor crease in the ACF. It is
slightly deeper than the median nerve at 2–​4cm depth.
Ulnar nerve The elbow should be slightly flexed, with the arm abducted
at the shoulder and externally rotated to expose the ulnar groove at the
elbow, or with the hand on the contralateral shoulder and arm across the
chest. The ulnar nerve lies in the groove between the medial epicondyle of
the humerus and the olecranon process. Pressure neurapraxia may develop
from blocking at the groove, so the point of injection is often 2–​3cm
proximal to this, at a depth of 1–​3cm.
PNS twitches
Radial Thumb, wrist or finger extension.
Ulnar Adduction of the thumb, little finger flexion.
Median Finger and wrist flexion and pronation of the wrist.
Volume 5mL per nerve.
Complications Artery puncture.
Wrist block
Indications Analgesia or anaesthesia for hand surgery.
Landmark technique
Median nerve Passes between the palmaris longus (look for the tendon
in the middle of the wrist when clenching the fist and flexing the wrist)
and the flexor carpi radialis. Inject 2–​3cm proximal to the wrist creases, at
71cm depth
Nerve blocks: upper limb 1127

Ulnar nerve Runs between the ulnar artery and flexor carpi ulnaris, deep to
both. Inject 1–​2cm proximal from the wrist creases from the ulnar side of
the wrist towards the radius underneath the flexor carpi ulnaris, 1cm depth.
Radial nerve Becomes SC 3–​5cm proximal to wrist joint. Can be blocked by
infiltrating SC 72–​3cm proximal to the anatomical snuffbox at the base of
the thumb over the dorsum of the radius.
Tips Avoid median nerve block and wrist block in patients with carpal tunnel
Digital (ring) block
Indications Distal finger or toe surgery.
Landmark technique The nerves run on either side of the phalanges, two on
the palmar side and two on the dorsal side of each finger.
• Insert a 25G needle just distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint from
the dorsal side (less painful), past the proximal phalanx on either side of
the finger to be blocked.
• Inject 2–​4mL of LA (non-​adrenaline-​containing) on either side, while
withdrawing the needle.
Complications Vascular puncture, digital ischaemia.
Intravenous regional anaesthesia—​Bier’s block
Indications Anaesthesia for superficial arm surgery or fracture reduction.
Maximum operation length limited to about 30min. Can be used for
lower limb.
Technique Measure the patient’s BP. Insert one IV cannula into the limb
requiring surgery, and one into another limb. Apply a double-​or single-​
cuff tourniquet to the upper arm. Reliable arterial compression cannot be
obtained over the forearm as vessels will be held open between the radius
and ulna. The limb should be exsanguinated with a compression bandage or
by elevation if fractured. The cuff should then be inflated to 50–​100mmHg
above the patient’s systolic BP. A non-​adrenaline-​containing LA with low
systemic toxicity, such as prilocaine 0.5%, should be used. Inject slowly:
40mL for small, 50mL for medium and 60mL for a large arm. Alternatively,
lidocaine 0.5% can be used, maximum dose 250mg. Other LAs are not
appropriate. The patient should be warned that the arm will begin to feel
warm and appear mottled. Surgery can start within a few minutes. On no
account should the tourniquet cuff be deflated before 15min for prilocaine
and 20min for lidocaine. Potentially devastating systemic toxicity can occur if
large volumes of LA are released before it becomes bound or metabolised.
If tourniquet pain is experienced during the procedure and a double cuff
is used, the distal cuff can be inflated before deflating the proximal cuff.
The tissue under the distal cuff should be anaesthetised at this stage. The
technique is contraindicated if pre-​existing circulatory difficulties, e.g. crush
injury, homozygous SCD, peripheral vascular disease. A reliable tourniquet
and resuscitation equipment are essential.
Complications LAST.

1128 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Nerve blocks: trunk

(See Fig. 40.36.)
Anatomy of the nerve supply to the thorax and abdomen
The muscles and skin of the chest and abdomen are supplied by the spinal
nerves T2–​T12, with a contribution from L1 in the inguinal region. These
mixed spinal nerves emerge from the intervertebral foramen into the
paravertebral space, dividing into the dorsal and ventral rami. The dorsal
rami supply the deep muscles and skin over the dorsum of the trunk. The
ventral rami form the intercostal nerves, which pass into the neurovascular
plane between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles. A lateral cu-
taneous branch is given off before the costal angle, piercing the intercostal
and overlying muscles in the mid-​axillary line. The intercostal nerves end as
an anterior cutaneous nerve.
Thoracic paravertebral block
Indications Analgesia for breast surgery, thoracic surgery, open
cholecystectomy, renal surgery or fractured ribs.
Positioning Sitting or lateral.
Ultrasound Imaging the paravertebral space is difficult due to depth and
predominance of bone shadows and is recommended for experienced
• With the probe in the sagittal plane over midline spinous processes,
slide laterally to identify transverse processes. Too far laterally and
curved ribs with the pleura between will be easily imaged. Slide
back medially and the pleura and ribs disappear deep and the more
superficial, squared-​off appearance of the transverse processes come
into view. Tilting the probe laterally will help to image the pleura as it
dives deep under the transverse processes (Fig. 40.12).12

Fig. 40.12 Thoracic paravertebral sagittal view. Pleura and lung (pink), superior
costotransverse ligament (orange), transverse processes (superficial, tan) rib necks
(deep, tan), trapezius (T), erector spinae (E), needle path (white), LA spread
(cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

• Alternatively, with the probe in the transverse orientation, the spinous

process can be placed on the edge of the image and the contour of the
lamina rising to the transverse process can be imaged with the bone
shadow deep to it. Lateral to the transverse process, the pleura or
rib are imaged. Slide or tilt the probe off the rib to image the pleura
Nerve blocks: trunk 1129

disappearing under the transverse process. The innermost intercostal

membrane can be imaged as it extends from adjacent to the pleura to
the transverse process (Fig. 40.13).12

Fig. 40.13 Thoracic paravertebral transverse view. Pleura and lung (pink),

innermost intercostal membrane (orange), spinous process and transverse process
(tan), trapezius (T), erector spinae (Es), external intercostal muscle (E), needle path
(white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

• Following identification of relevant sagittal or transverse sonoanatomy

as above, an IP or OOP needle approach can be used. Needle imaging
is difficult due to the steep angle of insertion. Use bony landmarks and
hydrolocation to identify the needle tip. Depression of the pleura with
injection is a positive sign of correct needle tip placement.
• Alternatively, the transverse process location and depth can be marked
with ultrasound and then the landmark technique used.
Landmark technique Palpate the spinous processes. The needle insertion
point is 2.5cm lateral to the cephalad aspect of the spinous process at the
desired block level. The needle should be inserted to contact the transverse
process usually at a depth of 2–​4cm; note the depth at which this occurs.
After contact with bone, withdraw the needle slightly and change the angle
such that the needle will pass cephalad to the transverse process. At this
point, a loss of resistance technique can be used, or the needle can be
simply inserted 1cm further than the depth at which the transverse process
was first encountered. Aspirate to exclude blood or air before injecting
the LA.
Volume 5mL per level or 20mL at a single level.
Side effects Epidural spread, sympathetic block.
Complications Pneumothorax, LA toxicity, intravascular injection.
Tips To reduce the risk of pneumothorax, try to keep the needle tip in
the ultrasound image at all times. If imaging or block performance is too
difficult to ensure safe practice, an alternative and more superficial block,
e.g. erector spinae plane or retrolaminar, may be chosen.

1130 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Erector spinae plane block

Indications Still being clarified by clinical trials. Consider for chest wall
analgesia, e.g. rib fractures, thoracotomy, breast surgery, when paravertebral
risk considered too great, or too difficult to perform.
Positioning Sitting or lateral.
Ultrasound With the probe in the sagittal plane over midline spinous
processes, slide laterally to identify the transverse processes. Too far
laterally and the curved surface of the ribs with the pleura between will be
easily imaged. Slide back medially and the pleura and ribs disappear deep and
the more superficial, squared-​off appearance of the transverse processes
come into view. The muscles immediately superficial to the transverse
processes are the erector spinae. Insert the needle IP from the caudad end
of the probe. Aim for the cephalad side of the transverse process. Hit bone
and pull back a touch or advance past the cephalad edge of the transverse
process, injecting a small amount to identify the opening of the correct
fascial plane between the erector spinae and the transverse process. The
LA should open an elliptical fascial plane space in the cephalad–​caudad
direction when correctly positioned (Fig. 40.14).12

Fig. 40.14 Erector spinae sonoanatomy. Pleura and lung (pink), transverse

processes (tan), trapezius (T), rhomboids (R), erector spinae (E), needle path
(white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 20–​30mL.
Complications Pneumothorax, LA toxicity, sympathetic block, epidural
Tips Can be performed bilaterally and at multiple levels.
A useful option if paravertebral considered too difficult.
Pectoserratus plane (PSP) and interpectoral plane (IPP)
Indications Analgesia to breast, axilla, pectoral muscles and anterolateral
chest wall.
Positioning Supine with arm abducted 45–​90°.
Nerve blocks: trunk 1131

Ultrasound Place probe in a parasagittal orientation in deltopectoral groove

just below clavicle. Identify pectoralis major and minor. Rotate distal end of
probe laterally towards axilla 30–​45°. Slide probe inferolaterally along the
direction it is pointing towards the axilla. Identify serratus anterior deep
to pectoralis minor and immediately superficial to ribs. The target planes
are between the two pectoral muscles and between pectoralis minor and
serratus anterior. Insert needle from cephalad end of probe to deposit LA
in these planes (Fig. 40.15).12

Fig. 40.15 PSP and IPP sonoanatomy. Pleura and lung (pink), ribs (tan), pectoralis
major (PM), pectoralis minor (Pm), serratus anterior (S), needle path (white), LA
spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 20–​30mL.
Side effects Some surgeons have objected to PSP and IPP for breast cancer
surgery as LA tracks to the axilla, distorting fascial planes and there is a risk
of needle trauma to malignant nodes.
Complications Vessel puncture, pneumothorax, LAST.
Tips IPP block involves placing LA between the pectoralis major and minor
only. This only blocks the medial and lateral pectoral nerves innervating the
pectoral muscles. Useful for breast implants or pacemaker insertions that
are deep to pectoralis major. PSP and IPP also blocks the lateral cutaneous
branches of the intercostal nerves, providing analgesia to the anterolateral
chest wall, the intercostobrachial nerve innervating the axilla and the long
thoracic nerve innervating the serratus anterior.
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric block
Indications Analgesia for inguinal hernia, orchidopexy or hydrocele surgery.
Positioning Supine.
Ultrasound The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves are branches of the
lumbar plexus. The nerves run initially in the TAP before piercing first the
internal oblique (IO) and then the external oblique (EO) muscles to provide
sensory innervation over the lower abdomen and upper thigh. Ultrasound
can be used to identify the correct planes, or it may be possible to locate
specific nerves. Place the probe between the ASIS and the umbilicus, and
scan caudally. Blood vessels may lie with the nerves and aid in identification.
Use an IP technique with the needle from either end of the probe. The
nerves most commonly lie between the transversus abdominis (TA) and IO,
but variations are common (Fig. 40.16).12

1132 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Fig. 40.16 Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves sonoanatomy. External oblique (E),
internal oblique (I), transversus abdominis (T), iliacus (IL), ilium (tan), peritoneum
(green), ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves (yellow), needle path (white), LA
spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique The classical technique relies on performing a plane

block between the TA and IO and between the IO and EO to block the
ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves, respectively. The point of needle
insertion is 2cm medial to the ASIS. Inject after the 1st pop; insert the
needle deeper and inject after the 2nd pop.
LA dose 5–​10mL in each plane.
Side effects Femoral nerve block.
Complications Puncture of bowel, intravascular injection.
Tips Nerves often close to ilium at ASIS level; they will travel medially as
you scan caudally.
Penile block
Indications Circumcision.
Landmarks Palpate the symphysis pubis above the root of the penis. Insert
a 25G needle at the lateral base of the shaft of the penis to just touch
the inferior border of the pubis. When contact is made, withdraw slightly;
change the needle angle to pass just beneath the pubis—​a pop may be felt
at 1–​2cm when Buck’s fascia is pierced. If an assistant pulls down slightly
on the end of the penis, the passage through the fascia will become more
apparent. Inject 5mL (or 0.1mL/​kg of bupivacaine 0.5% in children); repeat
on the other side. Performing an additional infiltration SC around the
root of the penis onto the scrotum blocks input from the ilioinguinal and
genitofemoral nerves but increases the risk of bleeding.
Complications Haematoma.
Tips Never use adrenaline-​containing solutions. A caudal block may be
easier and a more appropriate analgesia for circumcision in infants. If
stimulation is noted during the surgery, ask the surgeon to supplement the
block (most commonly around the frenulum).
Nerve blocks: trunk 1133

Midaxillary transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block

Indications Analgesia for incisions to the lower abdominal wall.
Ultrasound Place the ultrasound probe on the lateral abdominal wall
between the costal margin and the iliac crest to image in the transverse
plane. Identify the three muscle layers (EO, IO and TA). The TA is usually
the thinnest and the most hypoechoic layer. Deep to the TA, intraperitoneal
structures will be seen moving. An IP technique with the needle coming
from the anterior is used. The target plane is between the IO and the TA
(Fig. 40.17).12

Fig. 40.17 Midaxillary TAP sonoanatomy. Peritoneum and intraperitoneal (green),

external oblique (E), internal oblique (I), transversus abdominis (T), needle path
(white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique Classically, the block is performed in the triangle of

Petit, which is located above the iliac crest, with the EO muscle forming the
anterior border and the latissimus dorsi the posterior border. The EO is
still present as fascia in this area, so two pops should be felt as the needle
passes perpendicular to the skin, just above the iliac crest, before injection
of the LA.
Volume 20–​30mL per side.
Complications Puncture of bowel, intrahepatic or intrasplenic injection, LAST.
Tips Be careful with LA dose when performing this bilateral large-​volume
block. A subcostal TAP block can also be performed to cover incisions from
T8 to T10.
Rectus sheath block
Indications Analgesia for upper midline abdominal incisions.
Ultrasound Place the probe in a transverse orientation on the anterior
abdominal wall at or above the umbilicus level, depending on incision
location. Identify the three lateral muscle layers, the linear semilunaris,
the rectus muscle and the peritoneum. The target plane is immediately
superficial to the posterior rectus sheath. Use an IP technique from lateral
to inject between the rectus muscle and the posterior rectus sheath
(Fig. 40.18).12

1134 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Fig. 40.18 Rectus sheath block sonoanatomy. Peritoneum and intraperitoneal

(green), linear semilunaris (orange), rectus abdominis (R), external oblique (E),
internal oblique (I), transversus abdominis (T), needle path (white), LA spread
(cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique To perform the block, four points should be marked

at 5cm cephalad/​5cm lateral and 5cm caudad/​5cm lateral on each side of
the umbilicus. A short bevelled or blunted 22G needle should be inserted
through the skin and SC tissue. The 1st fascial plane is the anterior rectus
sheath. A scratch technique of wiggling the needle against the resistance
(and feeling a ‘scratching’ sensation) may make it more apparent before
‘popping’ through the plane. The needle should then be inserted until a
2nd resistance is felt, but no further, and 10–​15mL injected. The technique
should be repeated at the other three locations.
Volume 20–​30mL per side.
Complications Bowel puncture, LAST.
Tips Beware of superior epigastric vessels running in this plane, often seen
with ultrasound. Perform bilaterally for midline incisions. Not possible on
lower abdomen below arcuate line due to absence of posterior rectus
Nerve blocks: lower limb 1135

Nerve blocks: lower limb

(See Figs. 40.35 and 40.36.)
Fascia iliaca block
Indications Popular analgesia for patients suffering from a fractured neck of
the femur, analgesia for hip surgery, femur and anterior and lateral thigh.
Positioning Supine. Flatten the bed as much as possible to open any flexing
of the hip. Tilt the whole bed head-​up if the patient requires some head-​up
positioning rather than flexing in the middle.
Ultrasound Two techniques described.
Infrainguinal As per femoral nerve block (see % p. 1136), with the aim of
identifying the fascia iliaca and placing the LA under the fascia iliaca a few cm
lateral to the neurovascular bundle.
Suprainguinal The probe is placed over the ASIS in a parasagittal orientation.
Slide the probe inferomedially along the inguinal ligament towards the pubic
symphysis. After a few cm, the anterior inferior iliac spine should be seen
as a peaked hyperechoic shape. Overlying this is the iliacus muscle with
the EO muscle superficial and cephalad and the sartorius superficial and
caudad, together making a ‘bow-​tie’ appearance. The fascia iliaca is the
hyperechoic fascial layer covering the superficial surface of the iliacus. The
deep circumflex iliac vessels are usually seen superficial to the fascia iliaca in
the pelvis. Insert the needle from the caudad end of the probe, aiming for
LA to spread under the fascia iliaca, deep to deep circumflex iliac vessels, in
a cephalad direction (Fig. 40.19).12
Landmark technique Find the junction of the middle and lateral thirds of the
inguinal ligament, joining the ASIS and the pubic tubercle. Move 2cm distal
and 2cm lateral. The aim is to be lateral to the neurovascular bundle. The
needle needs to pass through the fascia lata (1st pop) and fascia iliaca (2nd
pop). A large blunt needle, e.g. Tuohy, will facilitate feeling the pops.
Volume 30–​40mL.
Complications Vascular puncture, nerve injury, LAST intraperitoneal
Tips Reliably blocks the femoral nerve and usually the lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve.

Fig. 40.19 Suprainguinal fascia iliaca sonoanatomy. Fascia iliaca (orange), deep
circumflex iliac vessels (red, blue), anterior inferior iliac spine (tan), internal oblique
(IO), sartorius (S), iliacus (I), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark

1136 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Femoral nerve block

Indications Analgesia for hip, knee or femoral shaft surgery. Combined with
sciatic nerve block to produce anaesthesia or analgesia for surgery to the
lower leg.
Positioning Supine. Flatten the bed as much as possible to open any flexing
of the hip. Tilt the whole bed head-​up if the patient requires some head-​up
positioning rather than flexing in the middle.
Ultrasound Place the probe in a transverse orientation in the inguinal
crease over the femoral vessels. Identify the femoral vein and artery. Stay
as proximal as possible. If the femoral artery has divided, you are usually
too distal. Immediately deep and lateral to the artery, you will see a large
hypoechoic muscle—​ the iliopsoas. On the superficial surface of the
iliopsoas is a bright hyperechoic fascia, the fascia iliaca, that runs medially
deep under the artery. A more superficial fascia that runs superficial to the
artery is the fascia lata. The femoral nerve is usually seen as a flattened,
hyperechoic honeycomb structure between the iliacus and the fascia iliaca
lateral to the artery. Tilting the probe is often required due to anisotropy
of the nerve. Advance the needle from the lateral end of the probe to
penetrate the fascia iliaca at the lateral edge of the nerve. LA can be placed
above and/​or below the nerve or just below the fascia iliaca lateral to the
artery if nerve not seen (Fig. 40.20).12

Fig. 40.20 Femoral nerve sonoanatomy. Femoral nerve (yellow), femoral artery
and vein (red, blue), fascia iliaca (orange), iliopsoas (IP), pectineus (P), needle path
(white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique Palpate the femoral artery beneath the inguinal

ligament; 71–​1.5cm lateral to this is the femoral nerve. Insert the needle
1cm distal to the ligament; two ‘pops’ may be felt as the needle passes the
fascia lata, then the fascia iliaca. Depth to nerve of 2–​4cm.
PNS twitches Patella dance.
Volume 10–​20mL.
Complications Arterial puncture, intravascular injection, nerve injury.
Tips Imaging difficulty often due to scanning too distally. The femoral nerve
quickly flattens and divides a few cm distal to the inguinal ligament. In obese
patients, an assistant may be required to retract abdominal pannus.
Nerve blocks: lower limb 1137

PENG block
Indications Analgesia of hip joint. This is a new block still needing clinical
trials to clarify indications.
Ultrasound Place transverse probe over ASIS. Scan caudally and medially a
few cm to image the anterior inferior iliac spine. Rotate medial end of probe
45° and tilt caudally to image the ilium from the anterior inferior iliac spine
to the iliopubic eminence as a continuous hyperechoic line. Too distal and
the femoral head and joint space will be imaged. Identify femoral vessels and
femoral nerve. Psoas tendon is often seen as a hyperechoic area deep in
psoas muscle. Insert needle from lateral end of probe. Target is plane deep
to psoas and psoas tendon immediately anterior to bone between anterior
inferior iliac spine and iliopubic eminence (Fig. 40.21).12

Fig. 40.21 PENG block sonoanatomy. Femoral artery (red), femoral vein

(blue), femoral nerve (yellow), psoas muscle and tendon (P), iliacus (I), ilium from
anterior inferior iliac spine to iliopubic eminence (tan), needle path (white), LA
(cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 10–​20mL.
Complications Vessel puncture, femoral nerve injury, bladder or ureter injury.
Tips If the femoral head is imaged, you are too distal and need to slide
the probe proximally to image the ilium from anterior inferior iliac spine to
iliopubic eminence.
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Indications Analgesia for incisions on lateral thigh.
Ultrasound Place the probe transversely just distal to the ASIS and slide a
few cm caudally. Identify the sartorius medially as the most superficial, more
echogenic, boat-​shaped muscle. Laterally is the tensor fascia lata. Superficially
between the two is often a small, triangular, fat-​filled compartment containing
the small hyperechoic nerve. The nerve often divides as it is traced distally and
usually runs superficial to the sartorius as it is traced proximally. The needle
can be passed IP from the lateral end of the probe or OOP (Fig. 40.22).12
Landmark technique The nerve runs under the inguinal ligament, just
medial to the ASIS and superficially over the sartorius muscle. The nerve
can be blocked 2cm medial and 2cm caudal to the ASIS. Insert the needle
perpendicular to the skin to a depth of 1–​3cm, until you feel the needle pass
through the fascia lata, and inject here.

1138 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Fig. 40.22 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve sonoanatomy. Sartorius (S), tensor
fascia lata (T), rectus femoris (R), lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (yellow), fat-​
filled triangular fascial compartment (orange), needle path (white), LA spread
(cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 5–​10mL.
Complications Nerve injury.
Tips If you are unable to visualise the nerve, you can infiltrate the plane
superficial to the sartorius, just distal to the ASIS where the nerve
usually runs.
Subgluteal sciatic nerve block
Indications Rarely indicated as more distal block usually preferred. Analgesia
for ankle or foot surgery, or for lower limb amputation. Combined with
femoral nerve block for analgesia of the leg.
Ultrasound Place a curvilinear probe midway between the greater
trochanter and ischial tuberosity in an oblique transverse orientation.
Identify the gluteus maximus superficially, the greater trochanter laterally,
the ischial tuberosity medially and the quadratus femoris deep. The sciatic
nerve is usually a flattened hyperechoic structure in the fascial plane joining
these two bony landmarks deep to the gluteus maximus, superficial to the
quadratus femoris. Nerve stimulation is helpful in confirming nerve location.
IP needle from lateral side (Fig. 40.23).12

Fig. 40.23 Subgluteal sciatic sonoanatomy. Sciatic nerve (yellow), gluteus maximus
(G), quadratus femoris (Q), femur (F), ischium (I), needle path (white), LA spread
(cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.
Nerve blocks: lower limb 1139

Landmark technique Position the patient in the Sims’ position/​recovery

position, with the operative leg uppermost. Identify and mark the posterior
superior iliac spine (PSIS), the greater trochanter of the femur and the sacral
hiatus. Draw a line between the PSIS and greater trochanter, and between
the greater trochanter and sacral hiatus. Draw a 3rd line perpendicular from
the midpoint between the PSIS and greater trochanter to intersect the 2nd
line. This is the point of needle insertion perpendicular to the skin to a
depth of 5–​10cm.
PNS twitches Tibial component—​plantar flexion of the foot (optimal);
common peroneal component—​ eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot
(withdraw the needle and aim more medially); gluteal muscles—​direct
stimulation, needle too shallow.
Volume 15–​20mL.
Complications Intravascular injection, nerve injury.
Tips Nerve can be difficult to see due to depth, anisotropy and sometimes
a very flattened nerve in the fascial plane. Care with LA maximum doses if
performing with femoral or other blocks.
Popliteal sciatic nerve block
Indications Very popular for foot, ankle and lower leg surgery. Covers
everything below the knee, except skin on the medial leg, including medial
malleolus periosteum (saphenous nerve).
Positioning Lateral preferred, but can be performed supine or prone.
Ultrasound Place the probe transversely in the popliteal fossa. Identify the
popliteal vessels and the tibial nerve superficial to the vessels. Trace the
tibial nerve proximally to identify the smaller common peroneal nerve
coming from the lateral side to join the tibial nerve usually about 10cm
(highly variable) above the popliteal crease. Block usually performed where
the two nerves are first enclosed in a common sheath (Fig. 40.24).12

Fig. 40.24 Popliteal sciatic sonoanatomy. Tibial nerve (T), common peroneal nerve
(C), popliteal artery and vein (red, blue), biceps femoris (B), semimembranosus (S),
needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

1140 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Landmark technique Lateral approach, supine, with the knee slightly flexed,
mark the groove between the vastus lateralis (above) and biceps femoris
(below). Draw a line down from the superior border of the patella where
it crosses this groove. Insert a 22G 100mm needle, directed posteriorly
25–​30° and slightly caudally. The needle passes through the biceps femoris
into the popliteal fossa, ​initially encountering the common peroneal nerve,
then the tibial nerve.
PNS twitches Common peroneal nerve, f​ oot dorsiflexion and eversion; tibial
nerve, f​oot plantarflexion and inversion.
Volume 20mL.
Tips If this junction location is too deep and imaging poor (due to obesity),
the nerves can be blocked more distally where they are more superficial
and easily imaged as two separate nerves. Branches to the sural nerve may
have come off and be missed if too distal. Anisotropy is prominent with
these nerves; tilt probe to maximise brightness of nerve.
Saphenous nerve block
Indications Provides analgesia for the medial lower leg and ankle.
Usually combined with popliteal sciatic to complete coverage of lower
leg and ankle.
Ultrasound The saphenous nerve is small and difficult to image in the leg. The
adductor canal block is therefore usually performed.
Landmark technique The patient should be supine, with the leg externally
rotated. Identify the tibial tuberosity and inject 10–​15mL SC from the tibial
tuberosity towards the medial tibial condyle.
Adductor canal and distal femoral triangle blocks
Indication Usually performed to achieve saphenous nerve and nerve to
vastus medialis block for total knee replacement or combined with popliteal
sciatic to complete lower leg coverage.
Positioning Supine with hip slightly flexed and externally rotated.
Ultrasound Place probe transversely over anteromedial aspect of mid thigh.
Identify the femoral artery with the sartorius muscle superficial to it. The
sartorius is usually a small, boat-​shaped muscle slightly more echogenic
than other muscles. The target is the area lateral to the artery deep to the
vasoadductor membrane (bright fascial plane between the sartorius and
the artery). The saphenous nerve is sometimes able to be visualised in this
location. Pass the needle IP from the lateral end of the probe (Fig. 40.25).12
Volume 10mL.
Complications Artery puncture.
Tips Ensure LA spreads deep to vasoadductor membrane lateral to artery.
Usually performed at mid thigh level which is usually a distal femoral triangle
block. Sliding more distally becomes an adductor canal block which blocks
saphenous nerve only.
Nerve blocks: lower limb 1141

Fig. 40.25 Adductor canal sonoanatomy. Saphenous nerve (yellow), superficial

femoral artery and vein (red, blue), sartorius (S), vastus medialis (V), adductor
magnus (A), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

iPACK block
Indication Posterior capsule analgesia for total knee replacement, often
combined with distal femoral triangle or adductor canal block for motor-​
sparing analgesia.
Positioning Supine, hip flexed and externally rotated, knee slightly flexed.
Ultrasound Place curvilinear probe over medial aspect of distal thigh
just above level of proximal patella. Identify femur and popliteal artery.
Target plane is between artery and femur. Slide probe posteriorly into a
posteromedial location, so needle trajectory is parallel to posterior surface
of femur. Insert needle from medial end of probe, and advance between
femur and popliteal artery until 2cm lateral to artery. Inject a few mL here
and remainder while withdrawing to infiltrate plane between artery and
femur (Fig. 40.26).12

Fig. 40.26 iPACK block sonoanatomy. Femur (tan), popliteal artery and vein (red,
blue), sartorius (S), semimembranosus (Sm), biceps femoris (B), vastus medialis (V),
needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Volume 10–​20mL.
Complications Artery puncture, tibial or common peroneal nerve block.
Tips Easily combined with distal femoral triangle or adductor canal block.

1142 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Ankle block
Indications Analgesia or anaesthesia to the foot.
Positioning Depending on the nerve to be blocked, position as convenient in
­figure 4 position, supine or lateral.
• The tibial nerve is blocked first due to slowest onset. Place probe
proximal to medial malleolus between tibia and Achilles tendon. Identify
posterior tibial artery and veins. The tibial nerve usually lies posterior to
vessels lying on the flexor hallucis longus muscle and sheath. The flexor
hallucis longus tendon within the muscle should not be confused with
the nerve. Trace these structures proximal and distal to confirm their
identity. Pass needle IP from posterior end of probe (Fig. 40.27).12

Fig. 40.27 Tibial nerve ankle sonoanatomy. Tibial nerve (yellow), posterior tibial
artery and veins (red, blue), great saphenous vein (S), tibialis posterior tendon (T),
flexor digitorum longus (D), flexor hallucis longus (H), tibia medial malleolus (tan),
needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

• The saphenous nerve is usually the most difficult to image. Place the
probe transversely over the anteromedial ankle with light pressure (or
use a tourniquet) to identify the greater saphenous vein. Slide the probe
proximally and distally on the vein to identify the saphenous nerve
running in close proximity. It may be divided around the vein. Pass the
needle from the posterior end of the probe to surround the vein if
nerve not identified (Fig. 40.28).12

Fig. 40.28 Saphenous nerve ankle sonoanatomy. Tibia medial malleolus (tan),
posterior tibial vessels and tibial nerve (P), great saphenous vein (S), saphenous nerve
(yellow), flexor digitorum longus (D), tibialis posterior (T), flexor hallucis longus (H),
needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.
Nerve blocks: lower limb 1143

• The deep peroneal nerve is identified with the probe transversely

positioned over the anterior ankle joint. Identify the anterior tibial
artery. Trace the artery proximally and back distally to identify the deep
peroneal nerve as a small hypoechoic circle or a string of circles passing
over the artery from medial to lateral. Pass the needle IP from medial
or lateral, depending on the position of the nerve relative to the artery
(Fig. 40.29).12

Fig. 40.29 Deep peroneal nerve ankle sonoanatomy. Tibia (tan), deep peroneal
nerve (yellow), anterior tibial artery and veins (red and blue), tibialis anterior (T),
extensor hallucis longus (H), extensor digitorum longus (D), needle path (white), LA
spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

• The superficial peroneal nerve is found with the probe transverse on

the lateral aspect of the fibula. Scan from middle third to distal third,
looking for peaking of the bony contour of the fibula pointing to the
intermuscular fascial plane between the peroneus brevis posteriorly and
the extensor digitorum longus anteriorly. The superficial peroneal nerve
is usually seen exiting this intermuscular plane to continue distally in the
SC plane. Pass the needle IP from anterior or posterior (Fig. 40.30).12

Fig. 40.30 Superficial peroneal nerve sonoanatomy. Fibula (tan), tibialis anterior (T),
extensor digitorum longus (D), peroneus longus and brevis (P), superficial peroneal
nerve (yellow), needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

1144 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

• The sural nerve can be blocked by placing the probe transversely over
the posterolateral leg just proximal to the lateral malleolus. Identify
the peroneus brevis anteriorly, the Achilles tendon posteriorly and the
lessor saphenous vein in the fascial plane between them. Use light probe
pressure to avoid squashing the vein. The nerve is difficult to see but is
usually near the vein. The nerve can be traced from mid-​posterior calf
where it exits the deeper planes between the medial and lateral heads
of the gastrocnemius and then travels laterally in the SC tissues towards
the lateral malleolus. Pass the needle IP from anterior or posterior,
surrounding the vein if nerve not seen (Fig. 40.31).12

Fig. 40.31 Sural nerve ankle sonoanatomy. Fibula (tan), peroneus brevis (P), flexor
hallucis longus (H), soleus (S), lesser saphenous vein (blue), sural nerve (yellow),
needle path (white), LA spread (cyan). Courtesy of Mark Fairley.

Landmark technique Palpate the tibial artery posterior to the medial

malleolus. To block the tibial nerve, inject just behind the tibial artery.
The saphenous nerve is usually blocked by infiltrating a ring of 5mL of LA
from the medial malleolus anteriorly to the tibial ridge. To block the deep
peroneal nerve, palpate the dorsalis pedis artery and insert the needle
just lateral to the artery. When contact is made with bone, withdraw the
needle slightly and inject. To block the sural nerve, raise an SC wheal of LA
from the lateral malleolus inferiorly to the Achilles tendon. The superficial
peroneal nerve can be blocked by infiltrating 10mL SC medially and laterally
over the dorsum of the foot, 2–​3cm distal to the intermalleolar line.
Volume With ultrasound identification of nerves, 2–​5mL each is usually
enough. With the landmark technique and SC infiltration, 5–​10mL each is
often required.
Side effects Five injections can be painful in awake patients. Use a fine
Complications Arterial puncture, nerve injury.
Tips A proximal tourniquet during ultrasound-​guided block helps with vein
filling and identification. For forefoot surgery, saphenous nerve block not
Resources 1145

• Sensory innervation (Figs. 40.32–​40.35)
• Cutaneous dermatomes (Fig. 40.36).
• American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA).
M https://​​
• European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA).
M https://​​
• New York School of Regional Anesthesia (NYSORA).
M https://​​
• Regional Anaesthesia United Kingdom (RA-​UK).
M https://​www.ra-​​
• Ultrasound for Regional Anesthesia. M http://​
Mobile applications
• AnSo Anaesthesia Sonoanatomy. Sumo Enterprises Pty Ltd. 15-​1-​2020.
Version 1.1. Apple App Store. M https://​​au/​app/​
• Regional anesthesia Reference. University of Washington. 6-​3-​20. Version
2.1.1. Apple App Store. Google Play. M https://​​
• Echo Blocks. WaveWeb. 6-​3-​20. Version 1.0.5. Apple App Store.
M https://​​echoblocksapp/​
YouTube channels
• Ki-​Jinn Chin. M https://​​channel/​
• Vicente Roqués Escolar. M https://​​channel/​
• LSORA Videos. M https://​​channel/​UCV8d6B_​
1 Turbitt LR, Mariano ER, El-​Boghdadly K (2020). Future directions in regional anaesthesia: not just
for the cognoscenti. Anaesthesia, 75, 293–​7.
2 Neal JM, Brull R, orn J-​L, et al. (2016). The Second American Society of Regional Anesthesia and
Pain Medicine evidence-​based medicine assessment of ultrasound-​guided regional anesthesia:
executive summary. Reg Anesth Pain Med, 41, 181–​94.
3 Neal JM (2016). Ultrasound-​guided regional anesthesia and patient safety update of an evidence-​
based analysis. Reg Anesth Pain Med, 41, 195–​204.
4 Desai N, Albrecht E, Ei-​Boghdadly (2019). Perineural adjuncts for peripheral nerve block. BJA
Educ, 19, 276–​82.
5 Marhofer P, Harrop-​Griffiths W, Kettner SC, Kirchmair L (2010). Fifteen years of ultrasound
guidance in regional anaesthesia: Part 1. Br J Anaesth, 104, 538–​46.
6 Ilfeld BM (2017). Continuous peripheral nerve blocks: an update of the published evidence and
comparison with novel, alternative analgesic modalities. Anesth Analg, 124, 308–​35.
7 Horlocker TT, Vandermeuelen E, Kopp SL, et al. (2018). Regional anesthesia in the patient re-
ceiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy: American Society of Regional Anesthesia and
Pain Medicine Evidence-​Based Guidelines (Fourth Edition). Reg Anesth Pain Med, 43, 263–​309.
8 Tsui BCH, Kirkham K, Kwofie MK, et al. (2019). Practice advisory on the bleeding risks for periph-
eral nerve and interfascial plane blockade: evidence review and expert consensus. Can J Anesth,
66, 1356–​84.

1146 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

9 Working Party; Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland; Obstetric Anaesthetists'
Association; Regional Anaesthesia UK (2013). Regional anaesthesia and patients with abnormal-
ities of coagulation: the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland The Obstetric
Anaesthetists' Association Regional Anaesthesia UK. Anaesthesia, 68, 966–​72.
10 Lalkhen AG, Bhatia K (2011). Perioperative peripheral nerve injuries. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit
Care Pain, 12, 38–​42.
11 Perlas A, Chaparro LE, Chin KJ (2016). Lumbar neuraxial ultrasound for spinal and epidural anes-
thesia. Reg Anesth Pain Med, 41, 251–​60.
12 Sumo Enterprises Pty Ltd. AnSo Anaesthesia Sonoanatomy. 15-​1-​2020. Version 1.1. Apple App
Store. M https://​​au/​app/​anso-​anaesthesia-​sonoanatomy/​id1202779264

Declaration of interest
The author is the producer of the AnSo Anaesthesia Sonoanatomy mobile application.

Cutaneous Sensory Distribution

Fig. 40.32 Arm cutaneous sensory innervation. Copyright American Society of Regional

Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Resources 1147

Muscluar Sensory Distribution

Fig. 40.33 Arm muscular sensory innervation. Copyright American Society of Regional

Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Osseous Sensory Distribution

Fig. 40.34 Arm osseous sensory innervation. Copyright American Society of Regional

Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

1148 Chapter 40 Regional anaesthesia

Fig. 40.35 Leg sensory innervation. Copyright American Society of Regional Anesthesia
and Pain Medicine. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Resources 1149


C3 C4
C4 C8
C5 T1
T1 T3
T2 T4
T2 T3 T6
T4 T7
T3 T9
T4 T5 T9
T6 T10
T5 T11
T6 T7 T12
T7 T9 L1
T8 T9 L2
T9 L3
L1 T10 L4
T10 T11
L2 T11 L5
L3 T12 S1
L4 T12 S2
L1 S4
S2 S1 C5 S2 S3 S5
C7 C8 L2
L5 S1 S2 L1

L3 L2


S1 L5 L4

S1 S2
L5 L4

Fig. 40.36 Cutaneous dermatomes. Reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing

Limited through PLSclear from McLeod G, et al. (2012) Principles and Practice of Regional
Anaesthesia, with permission from Oxford University Press. Copyright © Oxford University
Press, 2012.
Chapter 41 1151

Acute pain
Adrian Dashfield
Introduction 1152
Analgesic drugs 1155
Patient-​controlled analgesia 1162
Epidural analgesia 1164
Continuous peripheral nerve blockade 1167
Abdominal wall blocks 1168
Stimulation-​produced analgesia: transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation and acupuncture 1169
Non-​opioid adjuvant analgesic drugs 1170
Long-​term opioid use and the opioid-​dependent patient 1176
Specific patient groups 1179

David Kibblewhite
Persistent pain patients in acute pain 1173

1152 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Problems with inadequate acute pain management
Kehlet1 identified the aim of postoperative pain relief was firstly to provide
subjective comfort, secondly to reduce the magnitude of the surgical stress
response and thirdly: ‘to enhance restoration of function by allowing the
patient to breathe, cough and move easily’. Severe postoperative pain and
the stress response to surgery cause i morbidity and mortality.
• CVS: tachycardia, hypertension and i peripheral vascular resistance
cause i myocardial O2 consumption/​demand and myocardial ischaemia.
Altered regional blood flow (sympathetic stimulation), reduced mobility,
venous stasis and i clotting cause venous thrombosis.
• Respiratory system: abdominal/​thoracic pain results in diaphragmatic
splinting and weakened cough. Reduction in lung volumes, atelectasis
and sputum retention cause chest infections and hypoxaemia.
• GI: delayed gastric emptying and reduced intestinal motility. This can be
a direct effect of pain or as a side effect of opioids and surgery.
• Genitourinary: urinary retention.
• Metabolic/​endocrine: release of vasopressin, aldosterone, renin,
angiotensin, cortisol, glucagon, growth hormone and catecholamines
and reduction in insulin and testosterone lead to i protein breakdown,
impairment of wound healing/​immune function, Na+ and water
retention, i fibrinogen and platelet activation and i metabolic rate.
• Chronic pain: there is increasing evidence that patients who suffer from
acute pain are more likely to develop chronic pain.
• Psychological: poor acute pain management can lead to patient anxiety,
sleeplessness, fatigue and distress well into the postoperative period.
• Cancer survival: surgical stress produces an environment that favours
tumour growth and metastasis.
• Despite these insights, there remains compelling evidence that pain
after surgery is often poorly managed, and up to 40% of patients report
severe pain that negatively impacts on their recovery.2
Measurement of pain
Verbal rating scales Stratify pain intensity according to commonly used
adjectives such as ‘mild’, ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’. They are widely applied
and easy for patients to use. The semiquantitative nature makes them less
suitable for research purposes.
Numerical rating scales Take the two extremes of the pain experience and
have a numerical scale in between ‘no pain’ and ‘worst imaginable’, for
example. These scales are robust, reproducible and easy for patients to
understand. A disadvantage is that a digital scale reduces the capacity to
detect subtle changes, as the digits act as anchoring points.
Visual analogue scales Similar to numerical rating scales, with two extremes
of the pain experience on either end of the scale. The patient is asked to
mark across a line of standard length (usually 100mm). The distance along
this line is used. The continuous data generated make analysis easier than
with verbal or numerical rating scales.
Introduction 1153

Currently, pain assessment tends to be linked to the delivery of analgesic

drugs with the aim of reducing subjective pain scores. Routine use of pain
scores that promote restoration of function has not been widely adopted
and no scoring tools have been validated. An alternative, simplified 3-​point
functional activity score has been developed by Scott and McDonald3 and is:
• A: no limitation of (relevant) activity because of pain
• B: mild limitation of activity because of pain
• C: unable to complete activity because of pain.
This simple score utilises functional ability to determine pain relief.
World Health Organization analgesic ladder
In 1986, WHO proposed the analgesic ladder (Fig. 41.1). It was intended to
be logical, safe and applicable to many different types of pain, and consists
of drugs which are easily available in most countries.

Chapter 41
Acute pain

Fig. 41.1 The WHO analgesic ladder. Source: data from M https://​​iris/​rest/​bitstreams/​1173681/​retrieve

Analgesic drugs 1155

Analgesic drugs
The action of paracetamol is via a number of central mechanisms, including
effects on prostaglandin production and serotonergic, opioid, NO and can-
nabinoid pathways. Analgesic and antipyretic, without anti-​inflammatory
activity. Excreted renally after glucuronide and sulphate conjugation in the
liver. A hepatotoxic metabolite N-​acetyl-​p-​benzoquinoneimine is normally
inactivated by conjugation with hepatic glutathione. In paracetamol over-
dose, this pathway is overwhelmed, leading to hepatic cell necrosis. Toxicity
may occur in certain patients, even within the recommended dose range,
because of altered metabolism.
• Usually given PO or PR, but available as an IV preparation. Particularly
effective when administered IV.
• Recommended dose 4g/​d in adults. Most effective when prescribed
regularly, rather than PRN. The MHRA licensed dose of paracetamol
is the same for all routes of administration in adults over 50kg. In
July 2010, the MHRA issued a Drug Safety Update for dosing IV
paracetamol in neonates, infants and children, following a number of
cases of accidental overdose. The dose in children weighing ≤10kg is
now 7.5mg/​kg (>10kg: 15mg/​kg).
Non-​steroidal anti-​inflammatory drugs
Analgesic, anti-​inflammatory, antiplatelet and antipyretic actions are due to
inhibition of the enzyme COX, and consequently the synthesis of prosta-
glandins, prostacyclins and thromboxane A2 from arachidonic acid.
• Two types of COX: C ​ OX-​1 is normally present in the kidney, GI
mucosa and platelets where prostaglandin contributes to normal organ
function. COX-​2 is associated with inflammatory mediators following
tissue damage. COX-​2 inhibitors may be associated with fewer adverse
effects than COX-​1.
• NSAIDs have some central, as well as peripheral, activity. Absorption
from the upper GI tract is rapid. Metabolised in the liver, excreted in the
• Opioid-​sparing effect of between 20% and 40%. May be used as the
sole analgesic for mild to moderate pain. Side effects with NSAIDs are
relatively common.
• The VIGOR study,4 in which patients on low-​dose aspirin were
excluded, found an i risk of MI for patients given rofecoxib, compared
to naproxen. Rofecoxib and some other COX-​2 inhibitors have been
withdrawn from clinical practice because of further concerns about the
risks of CVS events, including MI and CVE. Celecoxib and etoricoxib
remain available in the UK for the relief of pain in osteoarthritis, RA and
ankylosing spondylitis. IV parecoxib remains a useful analgesic drug in
the perioperative period.
• In January 2010, the MHRA assessed the i thrombotic risk at three
additional events per 1000 patient-​years. The i risk relates mainly
to MI and includes CVE and peripheral events in some studies. For
the majority of patients, the potential increase in the thrombotic risk
is small. In patients with pre-​existing risk factors for, or a history of,
cerebrovascular disease, the risk may be higher (Table 41.1).

1156 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Table 41.1 NSAID prescribing

Prescribe with caution in Contraindications to Contraindications to NSAIDs

patients with COX-​2 inhibitors
History of GI ulceration IHD Active or recurrent (≥2) GI
or high risk of adverse Inflammatory bleeding or ulceration
GI events bowel disease History of NSAID-​induced
Cerebrovascular disease Peripheral arterial GI bleed or ulceration
Coagulation disorders disease Known hypersensitivity to
Hypertension Cerebrovascular NSAIDs, including aspirin
DM disease Severe hepatic impairment
Smokers CCF (NYHA II–​IV) (albumin <25g/​L)
Connective tissue Severe heart failure
disorders Severe renal impairment
IHD (eGFR <30mL/​min/​1.73m2)
Peripheral arterial disease
Hepatic, renal and cardiac
Women trying to
NICE Guidelines 2019. M https://​​nsaids-​prescribing-​issues#!scenario

• The effect of conventional NSAIDs and coxibs on bone healing

is unclear. After a fracture, COX-​2 results in local release of
prostaglandins as part of the acute inflammatory response, which
plays a role in the induction of osteoblasts to promote bone healing.
Ketorolac has been linked to higher non-​union rates after spinal fusion
surgery, but studies are often of poor quality and design. There is no
robust scientific evidence to discard the use of NSAIDs or coxibs in
patients suffering from a fracture, especially if prescribed for a short
period of time, to treat acute pain.
Inhalational analgesia
Ideal for procedures of short duration such as dressing changes, removal of
drains, labour and application of traction.
• Entonox® (50% N2O, 50% O2) is a quick-​acting, potent analgesic of
short duration which relies on self-​administration. Side effects include
drowsiness, nausea, excitability and augmentation of respiratory
depressant drugs. Rapid diffusion increases volume of gas-​containing
cavities. Contraindications thus include pneumothorax, decompression
sickness, intoxication, bowel obstruction, bullous emphysema and head
• Isonox® (isoflurane 0.2–​0.75% in Entonox®). Lower concentrations of
isoflurane produce less drowsiness.5
• Penthrox® (methoxyflurane) is a volatile anaesthetic which is analgesic at
low concentrations and supplied in a handheld, single-​use inhaler device
containing 3mL of liquid agent. Often used in prehospital care and EDs.
Caution in renal impairment. Avoid daily use due to nephrotoxicity of
fluoride ions.
Analgesic drugs 1157

Opioid drugs act as agonists at opioid receptors, found mainly in the brain
and spinal cord, but also peripherally. The opioid system comprises four
types of receptor: mu-​, delta-​and kappa-​opioid and nociceptin. Opioid
receptors all have selective endogenous peptides. Analgesia elicited by
clinically applied opioids act predominantly via the mu-​opioid receptor.
Tolerance to mu-​opioid receptor analgesics may be attenuated by both
nociceptin and delta-​opioid receptor antagonism.
Morphine Remains the gold standard against which all new analgesics are
compared. It is the least lipid-​soluble opioid in common use. Metabolised in
the liver, with only 10% excreted unchanged by the kidney. The metabolite
morphine-​6-​glucuronide is more potent than morphine. The other main
metabolite is morphine-​ 3-​glucuronide which has no analgesic activity.
Both metabolites are excreted in the kidney. Accumulation can occur after
prolonged use in patients with impaired renal function. Dose ranges and
dose intervals vary according to the route of administration.
Diamorphine A prodrug (diacetylmorphine) rapidly hydrolysed to 6-​
monoacetylmorphine and then morphine. Diamorphine is much more
lipid-​soluble than morphine and thus has a more rapid onset of action than
morphine when given by epidural or IV route.
Fentanyl Highly lipid-​soluble synthetic opioid with a short duration of action
because of rapid tissue uptake. The high lipid solubility makes it suitable for
transdermal administration. Metabolites of fentanyl are inactive. Fentanyl is
commonly administered IV, epidurally, intrathecally, buccally or via the nasal
mucosa as a spray.
Pethidine Analgesic with anticholinergic and some LA activity. Primarily
metabolised in the liver, with metabolites excreted in the kidney. One of the
main metabolites is norpethidine with a half-​life of 15–​20h. Norpethidine is
a potent analgesic. High blood concentrations can lead to CNS excitation.
Patients with impaired renal function are at risk. Pethidine can be used to
treat postoperative shivering associated with volatile anaesthetic agents and
epidural and spinal anaesthesia.
Codeine A prodrug for morphine. Usually administered for the treatment
of mild to moderate pain. About 10% of the dose is converted to
morphine. Metabolism to morphine requires an enzyme (CYP2D6) which
is part of the cytochrome P450 system; 8–​10% of Caucasians lack this
enzyme, obtaining little or no benefit. This variable metabolism results in
an unpredictable analgesic efficacy, a high NNT and a concurrent risk of
inadvertent overdose. Subsequently, codeine is not recommended for use
in children, pregnancy or breastfeeding mothers.
Tramadol Synthetic, centrally acting opioid-​like drug. Less than half of its
analgesic activity is at the mu-​opioid receptor. It inhibits noradrenaline
and serotonin uptake at nerve terminals. Lower tolerance and abuse
potential, less respiratory depression and constipation reported, compared
to other opioids. Metabolised in the liver and excreted in the kidney. The
main metabolite of tramadol is O-​desmethyltramadol (M1) which is more
potent. Formation of M1 also depends on the presence of CYP2D6 within
the cytochrome P450 system.

1158 Chapter 41 Acute pain

All opioids are equianalgesic if adjustments are made for the dose and
route of administration. Allowance should be made for long-​term opioid
therapy, incomplete cross-​tolerance between opioids, differing half-​lives
and interpatient variability (Table 41.2).
Opioids have a similar spectrum of side effects. There is considerable
interpatient variability, and some patients may suffer from more side effects
with one particular drug compared to another.
Side effects include respiratory depression (d RR and VT and irregular
respiratory rhythm), sedation, euphoria, dysphoria, nausea and vomiting,
muscle rigidity, miosis, bradycardia, myocardial depression, vasodilation,
delayed gastric emptying, constipation and pruritus.

Table 41.2 Equianalgesic dosages

Opioid IM/​IV (mg) PO (mg)

Morphine 10 25
Diamorphine 5 –​
Fentanyl 0.15–​0.2 –​
Pethidine 100 250
Codeine –​ 175
Tramadol 100 100

Opioid antagonists Act at all opioid receptors. Naloxone is the most

commonly used. By titrating the dose of naloxone administered, it is
possible to reverse side effects such as respiratory depression, nausea and
vomiting and sedation, without antagonising the analgesic effects. It must be
remembered that naloxone is effective for about 60min.
Routes of administration
Oral bioavailability of most opioids is limited due to 1st-​pass metabolism.
The slower onset and longer duration of controlled-​release formulations
make rapid titration impossible. Immediate-​release PO opioids (e.g. mor-
phine syrup, oxycodone) are preferred for early management of acute pain.
PO fentanyl should be restricted to treating breakthrough pain in patients
receiving opioid therapy for chronic cancer pain.
Intermittent SC or IM opioids Traditional route of administration ordered 4-​
hourly PRN. A reluctance to give opioids more frequently than 4-​hourly
often leads to failure of regimens. Blood levels of an opioid need to reach
a minimum effective analgesic concentration before any relief of pain is
perceived. This requires an adequate initial dose. The only way to achieve
good pain relief is to titrate the dose of opioid for each patient.
Intermittent IV opioid To achieve sustained pain relief without excessive
drowsiness and respiratory depression, small doses of opioids should be
given often. This technique of opioid administration is suitable for recovery
wards, but not for routine maintenance of analgesia by untrained staff.
Commonly used regimens are 1–​3mg of morphine or 20–​60 micrograms
of fentanyl every 5min, until the patient is comfortable. Morphine can take
up to 15min to exhibit its full effect.
Analgesic drugs 1159

Continuous IV infusion To avoid peaks and troughs in blood opioid

concentrations associated with intermittent administration, continuous
opioid infusions are sometimes used. Close observation and monitoring of
the patient is essential. Patients are best made comfortable with IV boluses
to ‘load’ the patient.
Intrathecal opioids Intrathecal opioids are administered at the same time as
the intrathecal LA during spinal anaesthesia. Fentanyl 10–​30 micrograms
has a rapid onset (10–​20min) and a short duration of action (4–​6h). After
a single administration, it can be used in day case arthroscopic surgery to
enhance analgesia, without prolonging hospital stay. Diamorphine 0.3–​
0.4mg is used for analgesia after an elective CS. Doses of up to 1mg of
diamorphine have been used. Intrathecal morphine 0.1–​0.2mg has been
shown to give good postoperative pain relief following hip arthroplasty;
0.3–​0.5mg of morphine similarly provides good postoperative relief
following knee arthroplasty.
Intranasal diamorphine Very effective in children (>1y) needing acute
analgesia. A suitable dosing regime is 0.1mg/​kg in 0.2mL of 0.9% sodium
chloride (0.1mL to each nostril). To prepare the solution, add 10mg of
diamorphine to 20/​weight (kg) of 0.9% sodium chloride (mL), and draw up
0.2mL. Fentanyl nasal spray is available as a 50-​microgram or 100-​microgram
metered spray. Use should be restricted to treating breakthrough pain in
patients receiving opioid therapy for chronic cancer pain.
Transmucosal administration Fentanyl lollipops (PO transmucosal fentanyl
citrate) allow absorption from the oral mucosa. More frequently used
for anaesthetic premedication in children. Can be used for breakthrough
analgesia in opioid-​tolerant patients with cancer.
Transdermal administration Very lipid-​soluble opioids are absorbed through
the skin. Fentanyl patches are available in five sizes (12–​100 micrograms/​h),
and patches are replaced every 72h. Buprenorphine patches are available as
low-​dose 7d-​release patches or in higher-​dose patches replaced every 72h.
Steady plasma concentrations occur, on average, 12h after application of
the transdermal patch. Dangerously high plasma concentrations can occur
if patients are actively warmed while wearing a transdermal patch. Although
not suitable for acute pain management, the recommended dose in chronic
pain, based on the daily parenteral morphine dose, is shown in Tables 41.3
and 41.4.
The Oxford league table of analgesic efficacy is a helpful synthesis of all
the available evidence about the relative efficacy of commonly used anal-
gesics. An extract of the league table is provided in Table 41.5.
Acute opioid toxicity results in opioid-​ induced ventilatory impair-
ment. Comorbidity and co-​administration of other sedating drugs (e.g.
gabapentinoids, benzodiazepines, other opioids) increases the risk of harm.
In 2017, the UK MHRA issued a safety alert on the dangers of concomitant
use of gabapentin with opioids and mandated that these patients should be
carefully observed for signs of respiratory depression. As a result, sedation
scoring should now be mandatory for all patients receiving opioids and the
concomitant use of other sedative agents avoided where possible.

1160 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Table 41.3 Transdermal fentanyl vs morphine

Transdermal fentanyl dose PO morphine dose in 24h Parenteral morphine dose

(micrograms/​h) (mg) in 24h (mg)
12 30 4–​11
25 60 8–​22
50 120 23–​37
75 180 38–​52
100 240 53–​67
125 450 68–​82
150 540 83–​97

Table 41.4 Transdermal buprenorphine vs morphine

Transdermal buprenorphine dose PO morphine Parenteral morphine dose

(micrograms/​h) dose in 24h (mg) in 24h (mg)
5 12 1–​3
10 24 2–​5
20 48 4–​9
35 84 6–​15
52.5 126 8–​22
70 168 14–​22

There is universal acceptance that a global prescribed opioid crisis exists

and it is timely for clinicians to reflect on their role in potentially facilitating
this crisis. There is some evidence that reducing the duration of discharge
medication prescriptions may reduce the incidence of subsequent opioid
dependence.6 Modified-​release opioid preparations have been identified as
one of the main causes of the prescribed opioid crisis and ideally should be
avoided in the management of post-​surgical pain in the opioid-​naïve surgical
patient. If an institution does decide to use modified-​release preparations
in perioperative pain management, they should be strictly dose-​and time-​
limited and must not be included in discharge medication.
Analgesic drugs 1161

Table 41.5 The Oxford league table of analgesic efficacy

Analgesic NNT Lower Higher CI

Diclofenac 100mg 1.8 1.6 2.1
Paracetamol 1000mg + codeine 60mg 2.2 1.7 2.9
Parecoxib 40mg (IV) 2.2 1.8 2.7
Diclofenac 50mg 2.7 2.4 3.1
Ibuprofen 600mg 1.7 1.4 2.3
Ibuprofen 400mg 2.5 2.4 2.7
Ketorolac 10mg 2.6 2.3 3.1
Paracetamol 650mg + tramadol 75mg 2.6 2.3 3.0
Ibuprofen 200mg 2.7 2.5 2.9
Diclofenac 25mg 2.6 2.2 3.3
Pethidine 100mg (IM) 2.9 2.3 3.9
Morphine 10mg (IM) 2.9 2.6 3.6
Parecoxib 20mg (IV) 3.0 2.3 4.1
Ketorolac 30mg (IM) 3.4 2.5 4.9
Paracetamol 500mg 3.5 2.2 13.3
Paracetamol 1000mg 3.8 3.4 4.4
Paracetamol 600/​650mg + codeine 60mg 4.2 3.4 5.3
Aspirin 600/​650mg 4.4 4.0 4.9
Tramadol 100mg 4.8 3.8 6.1
Tramadol 75mg 5.3 3.9 8.2
Paracetamol 300mg + codeine 30mg 5.7 4.0 9.8
Tramadol 50mg 8.3 6.0 13.0
Codeine 60mg 16.7 11.0 48.0
CI, confidence interval; NNT, number needed to treat.
Source: data from M http://​​booth/​painpag/​Acutrev/​Analgesics/​lftab.

1162 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Patient-​controlled analgesia
PCA refers to self-​administration of IV opioids and helps overcome the
marked variability in response to postoperative opioids. Patients titrate their
plasma opioid concentration to remain in the analgesic window (above the
minimum effective analgesic concentration and below the minimum toxic
concentration). The inherent safety of PCA lies in the fact that excessive
doses of opioid will not be delivered, should the patient become sedated.
No one but the patient is allowed to operate the PCA demand button.
Patient-​controlled analgesia regimens
• The most commonly used opioid is morphine. Fentanyl, pethidine,
tramadol and other opioids have also been used. No opioid is
noticeably superior to any other, although a greater incidence of
pruritus may be seen with morphine; on an individual basis, one opioid
may be better tolerated than another.
• The optimal bolus dose consistently results in analgesia without side
effects. Initial values for PCA variables are given in Table 41.6.
• For paediatric use of PCA, see % pp. 926–7.

Table 41.6 PCA regimes

PCA variable Drug and dose Comments

Loading dose 0mg Patients should be comfortable
before starting PCA
Bolus dose Morphine 1mg Patients over the age of 70y
Pethidine 10mg may require half this amount
Fentanyl 20 micrograms
Diamorphine 0.5mg
Tramadol 10mg
Concentration Varies, depending on pumps Should be standardised in
used and hospital protocols hospital protocols for each drug
Lockout interval 5min is usual

Background 0mg/​h If used, the background infusion

infusion rate (mg/​h) usually should not
exceed the bolus dose (mg)
Dose limit 30mg morphine or No clear opinion on how this
equivalent in 4h facility should be used. Often no
dose limit is set

• Equipment malfunction is rare. Interference in pump operation has been
reported following current surges and static electricity. Modern PCA
pumps have a number of fail-​safe design features where the program
defaults to the lowest setting possible for a bolus dose. Most machines
have a battery backup lasting up to 8h. Failure of antireflux valves has
led to cases of respiratory depression.
Patient-controlled analgesia 1163

• Operator error is much more common. Programming errors, use

of the wrong drug or incorrect drug concentrations and incorrect
background infusions have all been reported and have led to fatalities
due to respiratory depression.
• Nausea and vomiting:
• Add an antiemetic to the PCA (ondansetron 4mg, cyclizine 50–​
100mg, haloperidol 2mg)
• Prescribe an antiemetic on a regular basis
• Change the opioid.
• Breakthrough pain: add regular NSAID and paracetamol, if not
contraindicated. Increase the bolus dose, or consider a background
infusion if severe.
• Respiratory depression: this is caused by the direct action of opioids
on the respiratory centre. All opioids, given in equianalgesic doses,
have the same potential for respiratory depression. This is a relatively
uncommon side effect, and if doses are properly titrated, the risk is
small. The best early clinical indicator of respiratory depression is
increasing sedation. Opioid doses are adjusted, so that the sedation
score remains below 2 (Table 41.7). Respiratory depression (RR <8/​
min) is reversed with IV naloxone (100–​400 micrograms).

Table 41.7 Sedation scores

Sedation score
0 Patient wide awake
1 Mild drowsiness. Easy to rouse
2 Moderate drowsiness. Easy to rouse
3 Severe drowsiness. Difficult to rouse
4 Asleep but easy to rouse

1164 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Epidural analgesia
Regional anaesthesia reduces acute pain and chronic pain after some sur-
gical procedures and can reduce length of hospital stay.7 Other benefits of
epidural analgesia are:
• The incidence of postoperative atelectasis and pulmonary infection is
reduced, improving oxygenation. Effective pain relief allows the patient
to cough, breathe deeply and cooperate with physiotherapy. Epidural
analgesia combined with GA reduces pulmonary complications in
thoracic, abdominal and lower limb procedures, and is of proven benefit
in patients with pulmonary disease.8,9
• The hypercoagulable response to surgery is attenuated, and fibrinolytic
function is improved by attenuation of the stress response. This has
been shown to be of benefit for graft survival in patients undergoing
lower limb revascularisation.
• Epidural analgesia reduces pain and opioid consumption, and has been
shown to reduce the duration of both ileus and time to 1st flatus.
There has been concern that epidural analgesia increases the risk of
anastomotic leakage perhaps caused either by gut hypoperfusion or by
an increase in peristalsis 2° to associated sympathectomy, but this has
not been consistently demonstrated.
• Reduction in surgical site infections.9
• There is, however, no survival benefit in high-​risk patients, despite being
beneficial in terms of pain relief and respiratory function.10
• Patient refusal, staff untrained in epidural care on wards and
contraindications to catheter or needle placement (local or general
sepsis, hypovolaemia, coagulation disorders, concurrent treatment with
anticoagulant drugs and some central neurological diseases).
Breakthrough pain
• Adding regular PO/​PR/​IV NSAID and paracetamol, if not
• Bolus dose (3–​5mL), followed by i infusion rate.
• Check all connections and insertion site.
• Check the block level (with ice or touch). If block patchy or unilateral,
withdraw the catheter to 2cm in space.
• Bolus dose of opioid only (fentanyl 50–​100 micrograms, diamorphine
• Pruritus; give naloxone (50–​100 micrograms), and consider adding 300
micrograms to infusion fluids or removing the opioid from the epidural
infusion. Antihistamines may give some relief.
• Hypotension: check fluid status of the patient who is probably relatively
hypovolaemic. Check block height. Consider reducing the infusion rate.
If acute/​severe, raise the legs; give fluid bolus and vasopressor.
• Motor block: reduce the infusion rate. Consider reducing LA
• Complications of epidural analgesia are summarised in Table 41.8 (see
also % p. 844).
Epidural analgesia 1165

Table 41.8 Complications of epidural analgesia

Complication Incidence (%) Management

Dural puncture 0.16–​1.3 Bed rest, analgesia, hydration, blood patch
(see % pp. 848–51)
Headache (benign, 16–​86 Bed rest, analgesia, hydration; suspect dural
not PDPH) puncture
Nerve or spinal 0.016–​0.56 Immediate neurological assessment
cord injury
Catheter 0.15–​0.18 Remove catheter, and resite if appropriate
Epidural abscess 0.01–​0.05 MRI or CT scan. Immediate neurosurgical
and haematoma 0.0004–​ assessment. Antibiotics (see also %
0.03 p. 847)
Respiratory 0.13–​0.4 Decrease in opioid concentration may be
depression required
Hypotension 3–​30 IV fluids ± vasopressors. Temporarily
reduce or stop infusion
Pruritus 10 Naloxone IV (50–​100 micrograms) ±
Urinary retention 10–​30 (in ♂ ) Catheterisation
Motor block 3 Check for catheter migration. Temporarily
cease infusion. Consider epidural
haematoma (see % p. 847)
Schug, S.A., Palmer, G.M., Scott, D.A., et al. Acute pain management: scientific evidence. 4th
edn. Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine,
Melbourne; 2015.

Drugs used for epidural analgesia

To minimise the side effects of each class of drug and provide optimal anal-
gesia, a combination of an opioid and a low concentration of LA solution is
given by continuous infusion. Commonly used mixtures are:
• Bupivacaine 0.125% with 5 micrograms/​mL of fentanyl or 100–​125
micrograms/​mL of diamorphine
• Bupivacaine 0.1% with 5 micrograms/​mL of fentanyl or 100
micrograms/​mL of diamorphine
• Bupivacaine 0.0625% with 2 micrograms/​mL of fentanyl or 50
micrograms/​mL of diamorphine.
There is no universally accepted optimal combination of drugs. Infusion
rates vary, according to the concentration, surgical site and dermatomal
level of the epidural catheter placement. Usual infusion rates for the above
solutions are 8–​15mL/​h for adult patients, and reduced rates of 4–​8mL/​
h in patients over 70y of age. Some anaesthetists reduce or avoid epidural
opioids in the very elderly and use LA solutions only.

1166 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Intrathecal opioids
Opioids can be administered intrathecally, in combination with LA,
during spinal anaesthesia. The opioid is delivered directly into the CSF, so
avoiding distribution into epidural fat and blood vessels. Consequently, the
doses used are much smaller, compared to epidural or parenteral routes
(Table 41.9).
• The more lipid-​soluble the drug, the more rapid the onset and the
shorter the duration of action.
• Pethidine has LA, as well as opioid, properties. It can be used as the sole
drug for spinal anaesthesia (requires higher doses).
• Delayed or late respiratory depression can occur with the less lipid-​
soluble drugs (particularly morphine). Increasing patient age, high doses
of opioid administered intrathecally, concurrent use of sedatives and
systemic opioids are associated with i risk of respiratory depression.
• Diamorphine (if available) offers the best combination of duration of
analgesia with fewest side effects.

Table 41.9 Comparison of intrathecal opioids

Opioid Intrathecal Onset Duration (h) Epidural dose

dose (min)
Morphine (preservative-​free) 0.1–​0.2mg 15–​30 8–​24 2–​3mg
Pethidine (preservative-​free) 10–​25mg <5 1–​2 10–​50mg
Fentanyl 10–​25 <10 1–​4 50–​100
micrograms micrograms
Diamorphine 0.25–​0.5mg <10 10–​20 2.5–​5mg

Spinal infection
Extreme vigilance is needed for all patients who have had epidural anal-
gesia because of the risk of spinal infection.11,12 Only 13% of patients with
an epidural abscess present with the classical triad of fever, backache and
neurological signs and symptoms. Back pain is the initial symptom in 75% of
cases. Fever occurs in 66% of cases. Only two out of three patients have
leucocytosis. A raised ESR (>30mm) is a consistent finding. If there is suspi-
cion of infection, a full infection screen and blood cultures are mandatory.
The epidural catheter should always be removed immediately and sent to
the laboratory for microbiological investigation. Ninety per cent of spinal
infections are bacterial, mainly Staphylococcus aureus. MRI with gadolinium
is the investigation of choice. The whole spine should be scanned early,
before neurological signs and symptoms occur. Once muscle weakness is
present, only 20% of patients regain full function, even after spinal surgery.
Poor recovery is predicted by patient age (older patients do worse), extent
of cord compression and duration of neurological symptoms (<36h has
better prognosis). Mortality from an epidural abscess is 10%. Treatment is
based on surgical or percutaneous abscess drainage and antibiotics. Steroids
are contraindicated.
Continuous peripheral nerve blockade 1167

Continuous peripheral nerve blockade

There are many potential benefits of continuous PNB. Successful catheter
placement relies on a high degree of skill in a practitioner who is already
very familiar with single-​shot PNB (see % p. 1108).
Table 41.10 suggests typical bolus and infusion rates for PNB: ​0.5% or
0.25% ropivacaine or levobupivacaine is commonly used for the initial
bolus; 0.1–​0.25% levobupivacaine or ropivacaine is used for the continuous
infusion. Safe doses must be calculated on a per kg basis for every patient.
Do not exceed 0.6mg/​kg/​h for either levobupivacaine or ropivacaine.
Absolute contraindications for this technique include: patient refusal, skin
infection at or near the puncture site, systemic infection, pyrexia, bleeding
diathesis (including systemic anticoagulation), peripheral neuropathy and
compartment syndrome.

Table 41.10 Typical bolus and infusion rates for peripheral nerve blockade

Catheter site Initial bolus Basal rate Patient-​controlled bolus

(mL) (mL/​h) (mL)
Interscalene 25–​35 3–​5 3–​5
Axillary 30 5–​10 5
Femoral/​fascia iliaca 30 4–​6 5–​10
Sciatic 15–​20 2–​4 2–​4

1168 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Abdominal wall blocks

Abdominal wall blocks are performed on the principle of high-​volume LA
deposition within a fascial plane13 (see % pp. 1128–34). Abdominal wall
blocks avoid the risks and adverse effects of CNB and provide a relatively
safe alternative to thoracic epidural anaesthesia. These blocks may there-
fore be warranted where epidural anaesthesia has not been possible either
for technical reasons or due to patient wishes, where the risk of complica-
tions is i (e.g. sepsis, coagulopathy or pre-​existing neurological conditions)
or in circumstances such as unexpected conversion to an open surgical
• The duration of abdominal wall blockade can also be prolonged by
catheter placement, especially where enhanced recovery protocols
are used.
• There are a number of ultrasound-​guided techniques for abdominal wall
blocks for intra-​abdominal surgery: TAP, quadratus lumborum, erector
spinae plane and transversalis fascia plane blocks.
• Infusion of LA by catheter into the posterior rectus sheath can provide
effective postoperative analgesia and reduce opioid requirements.
Rectus sheath catheter (RSC) insertion can be performed by
the anaesthetist under ultrasound guidance or by the surgeon at
• RSC LA dosing regimens reported in the literature vary.14 Manual bolus
regimens include: 20mL of ropivacaine 0.2% or 20mL of bupivacaine
0.25% or 20mL of levobupivacaine 0.25% 6-​hourly to each catheter.
Pump-​delivered LA bolus regimens via a Y-​connector to both RSCs
include: 40mL of ropivacaine 0.2% 4-​hourly and 18mL of ropivacaine
0.5% 4-​hourly. Continuous LA infusion of ropivacaine 0.2% at 8mL/​h
via an elastomeric pump connected to each RSC has been described.

Stimulation-​produced analgesia:
transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation and acupuncture
Stimulation techniques activate the body’s pain modulation systems. The
gate control theory of pain by Melzack and Wall in 1965 provided a model
to explain this phenomenon.
• Incoming noxious pain signals are reduced by presynaptic and
postsynaptic inhibition in laminae 1–​5 in the dorsal horn of the spinal
cord. Modulatory input arrives via the descending pathways and
lateral branches from myelinated afferent A-​fibres. A-​fibres arise in
low-​threshold mechanoreceptors activated by TENS, and in high-​
threshold mechanoreceptors activated by needles used in acupuncture
• TENS: A-​fibres are recruited at 50–​200Hz and respond to low-​intensity
stimulation, increasing levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitters
dynorphin A and B in the dorsal horn. Pain relief occurs immediately
but lasts only as long as stimulation continues.
• Acupuncture: A-​fibres are recruited at 2–​4Hz, responding to high-​
intensity stimulation by increasing inhibitory neurotransmitter met-​
enkephalin levels in the dorsal horn. Pain relief takes 20–​30min but lasts
hours or days.

1170 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Non-​opioid adjuvant analgesic drugs

The occurrence of persistent postsurgical pain following surgery is be-
coming increasingly recognised. Acute postoperative neuropathic pain does
not usually occur in isolation; there will also be nociceptive pain as a result
of tissue damage/​inflammation.
• About 14% of patients presenting to the pain clinic attribute their pain
to surgery, with the pain beginning acutely.
• Patients may complain of an unusual type of pain different from the
usual postoperative nociceptive pain. Patients often describe the pain as
burning or shooting in nature. Pain may extend beyond the territory of
a single peripheral nerve.
• The pain is often poorly responsive to opioid analgesia, despite high
doses being administered and may be:
• Allodynia: pain following a normal innocuous stimulation
• Hyperalgesia: pain disproportionate to a noxious stimulus
• Dysaesthesias: spontaneous unpleasant abnormal sensations.
• The presence of a neurological deficit, such as brachial plexus avulsion
or spinal cord injury, makes the presence of acute neuropathic pain
more likely.
• Risk factors for persistent postsurgical pain include young adult
age group, genetic predisposition, psychosocial factors, severity of
perioperative pain, neuropathic pain, general chronic pain states and
type of surgery.15,16 These patients may benefit from an ‘individualised’
pain management plan.
Currently, there is some evidence to support the use of the following inter-
ventions in preventing persistent postsurgical pain.7
Mechanisms of neuropathic pain involve CNS changes and i per-
ipheral nerve excitability. Drug therapy focuses on reducing neuronal
hyperexcitability and reducing activity of the N-​methyl-​D-​aspartate
(NMDA) receptor in an attempt to reverse neuronal changes.
Ketamine NMDA receptor antagonist in the CNS and peripheral nervous
system. NMDA receptor activation has a key role in the development
of central sensitisation, wind-​up and pain memory, resulting in chronic
postsurgical pain (CPSP). Ketamine has been used as an adjuvant analgesic
in a variety of settings, with a reported reduction of up to 25% in pain
intensity and 30–​50% in analgesic consumption up to 48h after surgery.
The analgesic effect of ketamine is independent of the type of opioid
used, timing of ketamine administration and dose of ketamine.17 Major side
effects are uncommon. Psychomimetic side effects are more common in
patients undergoing awake procedures, compared to GA.18. At the present
time, there is insufficient evidence to recommend ketamine as a routine
perioperative analgesic. More concrete evidence is required to ascertain
the role of ketamine in modulating the development of CPSP.
Non-opioid adjuvant analgesic drugs 1171

Gabapentinoids Gabapentin and pregabalin are increasingly used as

adjuvants for perioperative analgesia. They act on presynaptic Ca2+ channels
and inhibit neuronal Ca2+ influx. They may prevent central sensitisation and
subsequent hyperalgesia and allodynia. Gabapentinoids have been used
to contribute to better postoperative pain management, enhance opioid
analgesia, prevent opioid tolerance, reduce the incidence of PONV, pruritus
and urinary retention and prevent persistent postsurgical pain, as well as
having useful anxiolytic and sleep-​ modulating properties. However, a
recent meta-​analysis has thrown doubt on the routine use of these drugs
perioperatively.19 They are not likely to be sufficiently effective if used as
sole agents for the management of acute postoperative pain.8,20 Common
side effects are drowsiness, dizziness and gait disturbance.
Lidocaine Lidocaine has analgesic, anti-​inflammatory and antihyperalgesic
properties. Level 1 evidence from GI surgery demonstrates d pain scores,
opioid analgesic consumption and side effects.21 IV lidocaine can be a useful
acute pain adjunct to achieve enhanced recovery after surgery. Patients may
show particular benefit when they have acute hyperalgesia and opioids are
not effective in treating acute pain. IV lidocaine is contraindicated when
other regional anaesthesia techniques are concurrently used, especially
where boluses or large doses of any LA are used. Examples include epidural,
plexus blocks and TAP blocks. IV lidocaine infusion can be administered 4–​
8h after the last epidural, regional catheter bolus or TAP block and is best
initiated without giving a bolus dose first. Having appropriate monitoring
and nursing policies in place is vital before considering a lidocaine infusion
for acute pain. There is no clear consensus on the dose, but many studies
used a bolus of 100mg or 1.5–​2mg/​kg at least 30min prior to incision,
followed by an infusion of 1.5–​2mg/​kg/​h intraoperatively and up to 24h
postoperatively. No major complications were reported. IV lidocaine may
prevent the development of CPSP by inhibition of NMDA receptors and
polymorphonuclear leucocyte priming.
α2-​adrenoceptor agonists This group of drugs are a useful adjuvant
in perioperative care because of several extra-​ analgesic properties,
such as sedation, anxiolysis, prevention of postoperative shivering and
PONV, mitigation of the stress response, anaesthetic-​ sparing effect
and supplementing neuraxial and peripheral nerve blocks. They act at
supraspinal, spinal and peripheral sites, causing membrane hyperpolarisation
and reduced Ca2+ conductance into cells. Clonidine and dexmedetomidine
are the two commonly used drugs in this class. Dexmedetomidine is
78 times more specific at the receptor, but analgesic efficacy seems
comparable.22 A recent review showed that systemic clonidine and
dexmedetomidine were associated with a moderate decrease in pain
intensity, opioid consumption and early postoperative nausea. Clonidine
was associated with i intraoperative and postoperative hypotension, and
dexmedetomidine with i incidence of bradycardia. The best dose, timing
and route of administration required to produce maximum benefit and
minimum harm are unknown. Currently, there is no evidence to suggest
that perioperative use of α2-​agonists has a preventive analgesic effect or
reduces the incidence of CPSP.

1172 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Post-​amputation pain Pre-​ emptive regional analgesia (regional analgesia

commenced before surgical incision with the aim of being more effective
than the same treatment started after surgery) has conferred little
benefit for preventing CPSP. In contrast, preventative regional analgesia
has demonstrated some promising results (although data are limited).
Perineural blockade provides excellent analgesia for surgical stump pain
following limb amputation, and in doing so can attenuate peripheral and
central sensitisation that may either prevent or at least minimise the impact
of phantom pain. Many studies looking at the use of regional anaesthesia
in the prevention of phantom limb pain discontinue neural blockade
within 48h of surgery. Borghi et al.23 demonstrated a very significant
reduction in the incidence of phantom limb pain with the use of prolonged
perineural blockade. They reported only a 2% incidence of phantom pain
by continuing neural blockade for up to 80d after amputation. Prolonging
perineural blockade to this extent is unlikely to be feasible in most hospitals,
but enhancing existing practice is possible.
Continuous perineural blockade is commenced perioperatively with
400mL of ropivacaine 0.2% infused via an elastomeric pump at 10mL/​h
if a single catheter is used or 5mL/​h per catheter if two infusions are re-
quired for above-​knee amputations. Perineural blockade is continued for a
minimum of 80h after amputation to get a patient beyond the crucial 1st
days of maximal pain in order to minimise sensitisation. Local experience
indicates this is probably the single most important technique for acute pain
management after amputation and is crucial in decreasing the likelihood of
developing significant phantom limb pain.
Persistent pain patients in acute pain 1173

Persistent pain patients in acute pain

Basic principles
Patients with persistent pain presenting for surgery present an additional
challenge to the anaesthetist striving for effective postoperative pain con-
trol. The concept of total pain is very useful. Pain is a combination of phys-
ical, spiritual, emotional and social injury, not simply tissue damage. Most
of these patients have some form of psychiatric illness such as depression,
anxiety, emotional dysregulation or personality or addictive disorder. These
will impact on their perception of pain, and therefore recovery. Clearly it is
not the role of the anaesthesthetist to address these issues, but an under-
standing of, and empathy with, them is hugely beneficial for the anaesthetist,
the patient and the nursing staff.
Preoperative assessment
The underlying principle is to fully optimise the patient. Ideally this group of
patients will have seen a pain physician and have a plan for acute pain, but
this is often not the case. An acute pain plan for the patient with persistent
pain is about mood, as well as drug management.
It is very useful to establish baseline pain levels. For all its faults, the nu-
merical 0–​10 scale is very useful, easy to use and well understood. (A mild–​
moderate–​severe scale can also be used.) This is important because if the
baseline pain is 7/​10, there is little point aiming for a pain score of 3/​10
after surgery. There is a move away from describing pain as the ‘5th vital
sign’ and from aiming to completely abolish pain. The current thinking is to
focus on optimisation and function. Pain is 2° to function and although im-
portant, elimination of pain should not be the 1° endpoint. This concept is
sometimes difficult to accept for patients, their relatives and those looking
after them.
• Patients are often already on a number of medications with the
potential for interactions. For simplicity, there are two major groups:
• Respiratory depressants: opioids, benzodiazepines and
• Potential to cause serotonin syndrome: SSRIs, serotonin
noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors (SNARIs), TCAs, lithium, 5-​HT3
inhibitors, ketamine, pethidine and, to a lesser degree, fentanyl.
Tramadol is very potent in this regard. In this group of patients, it
is not always possible to avoid co-​prescribing these medications.
Therefore, the concept of ‘serotonin load’ is useful; as the load
increases, so does the risk.
• The psychosocial history is probably the most important aspect of care
in this group but, with modern day-​of-​surgery admission, arguably the
most difficult to address.
Drug management
• Use the simple analgesic ladder.
• Use regional nerve or plexus catheters where possible.
• Opioids (see % pp. 1176–8 for long-​term opioid use and the opioid-​
dependent patient). Consider PCA in this group.
• Ketamine.24 There are a number of effective dosing regimes for either
perioperative or postoperative use. A conservative and safe maximum
is 0.1mg/​kg/​h. Infuse at this rate for 24–​48h only. If the patient requires

1174 Chapter 41 Acute pain

higher doses or a longer duration for pain control, then discuss with a
pain specialist.
• Lidocaine infusions:14 1–​2mg/​kg/​h or combined with ketamine, e.g.
25mg of ketamine added to 20mL of 2% lidocaine running at 0.1mL/​
• Antineuropathic medications. These include TCAs (amitriptyline 10mg
nocte, NNT of 3–​4) and gabapentinoids (e.g. gabapentin 300mg tds,
NNT of roughly 7).
• Psychotropic drugs. This group can be particularly useful for
management of distress. Haloperidol 2.5–​5mg IV or PO is probably
most familiar to anaesthetists, but the atypical antipsychotics quetiapine
(12.5–​25mg) or risperidone ( 0.5–​1.0mg) are also helpful.
• Benzodiazepines are also useful to manage distress. Consider lorazepam
(1–​2mg), temazepam or diazepam.
Non-​drug management
On occasion, despite best management, no relief from pain can be
obtained. It is important to eliminate ongoing tissue damage and request a
surgical review if necessary. Once this has been ruled out, then it is useful
to bear in mind the concept of total pain and explore these avenues. This
can be very rewarding if you are comfortable in this area, but equally it may
be appropriate to ask for psychiatric consultation.
Sometimes a patient in this group has less pain than predicted and follows
a relatively normal clinical pathway, but most commonly pain is a major
problem. As a simple rule of thumb, this group will need three times the
analgesia for three times as long and be three times as sore, no matter what
you do.
Distress management
Distress and anxiety compound pain are often manifest as out-​of-​control
pain, even in those in whom you would not expect such a response.
Reassurance or sometimes specialist pain or psychiatric input may be re-
quired. Refer to the flow chart in Fig. 41.2.
Plan and progress
It is important that all members of the treating team are consistent in their
approach to analgesic management. A well-​documented plan is key. It is ac-
ceptable to change the plan, but communicate with all members of the team
and the patient. Sometimes patients can play on the lack of consistency and
split the team. Remember to start discharge planning well in advance.
Persistent pain patients in acute pain 1175

Out-of-control pain

Take history, examine patient,

check blood results
and available imaging

Yes Concerned this is new or

Request a surgical review
progressive pathology?

Review analgesic medications

Try simple measures such as
Is anxiety a major feature?
breathing techniques

Add analgesics carefully Can you safely add more

Explore psychosocial issues

If unsuccessful, try anxiolytics or major

Diazepam 2−5mg, haloperidol
quetiapine 12.5−25mg,
risperidone 0.5−1mg

Ask for psychiatric or

pain specialist help
Try to avoid simply adding
more medication

Fig. 41.2 Aide memoire for approaching persistent pain patients with acute
perioperative pain.

1176 Chapter 41 Acute pain

Long-​term opioid use and the opioid-​

dependent patient
The number of patients who are receiving long-​term opioid therapy has i
dramatically, and the provision of analgesia in the perioperative period can
be challenging. There is evidence to suggest that two-​thirds of patients re-
ceiving a dose of >120mg/​d PO morphine equivalent, or those treated for
a duration of >3mo, are likely to continue their medication for years. The
aim is to bring acute pain under control.
• Opioid-​dependent patients normally fall into one of three groups:
opioid addicts, chronic non-​cancer pain and cancer pain. The principles
of management are the same for each group.
• Tolerance is a decrease in sensitivity to opioids, resulting in less effect
from the same dose. Opioid-​tolerant patients report higher pain scores
and lower incidence of opioid-​induced nausea and vomiting.
• Physical dependence is a physiological phenomenon characterised by
a withdrawal reaction when the drug is withdrawn or an antagonist is
• Addiction is a pattern of drug abuse characterised by compulsive use
despite evidence of harm.
• Pseudoaddiction is an iatrogenic drug-​seeking behaviour, normally
due to undertreatment of acute pain by the physician, and perhaps
‘undertreated patient’ would be a more appropriate term for
this group.
• Withdrawal: symptoms and signs of withdrawal include yawning,
sweating, anxiety, rhinorrhoea, lacrimation, tachycardia, hypertension,
diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps. On average,
these symptoms peak at 36–​72h after the last dose. Aims of treatment
are provision of analgesia, prevention of opioid withdrawal and
management of abnormal drug-​taking behaviour. Non-​opioid analgesics,
such as paracetamol and NSAIDs, should be prescribed regularly if
possible. Opioid-​tolerant patients are at risk of opioid withdrawal
if non-​opioid analgesic regimens or tramadol are used. PO or SC
clonidine (50 micrograms 8-​hourly) can be used to treat symptoms of
opioid withdrawal.
• An objective assessment of function, e.g. the ability to cough, may be a
better guide to opioid requirements than pain scores.
• Opioid requirements will, in general, be much higher than in non-​
opioid-​dependent patients. The initial dose prescribed should take the
patient’s current opioid requirement into account. It may be difficult
to judge current opioid use when illicit drugs have been taken. The
GP, local pharmacist or drug rehabilitation centre may provide helpful
• Whenever possible, regional analgesic techniques should be used.
• PCA with larger-​than-​average bolus doses is the preferred means of
administrating opioids.25 PCA settings may need to include a background
infusion to replace the usual opioid dose, and a higher bolus dose. Total
dose should be i until acceptable analgesia is achieved or until side
effects prohibit any further dose increase. Opioid rotation may be of
use, particularly with an agent of higher intrinsic opioid agonist activity.7
Long-term opioid use and the opioid-dependent patient 1177

• The aim is to eventually discharge the patient on no more opioid than

was used before admission. Normally, dose reductions of 20–​25%
every day towards the preadmission opioid intake will avoid symptoms
of withdrawal.
• Patients in drug-​free recovery may be concerned about the risk of
relapse into active SAD if given opioids for acute pain management. Use
of multimodal analgesic strategies, reassurance that the risk of reversion
is small and information that ineffective analgesia can paradoxically lead
to relapses in recovering patients help avoid undertreatment.
Opioid-​induced hyperalgesia
Opioid-​induced hyperalgesia (OIH) is a paradoxical phenomenon whereby
an opioid can induce a pronociceptive state in the CNS. OIH was first ob-
served in patients taking methadone for opioid addiction. The underlying
mechanism is complex but likely to involve a combination of glial cell activa-
tion, NMDA receptor activation, glutaminergic activation and alterations in
opioid intracellular signalling. As a result, the treatment of OIH necessitates
an opioid dose reduction. This can be a difficult concept to understand for
a patient who is in pain, as well as for their doctor. Nevertheless, it is often
difficult to clinically distinguish between opioid tolerance, OIH and progres-
sion of the underlying disease process. Importantly, patients with OIH may
report more diffuse and widespread pain and ‘sensitivity’ which does not
respond to an increase in the dose of opioid. It was previously thought that
OIH only occurred in patients on long-​term opioids, but both tolerance and
OIH have been associated with short-​term use of high-​potency opioids,
e.g. remifentanil.
Converting from IV to PO opioid
Patients will need to be converted back to PO medication as their clin-
ical situation allows. A typical strategy for returning to PO medication is
to identify the IV opioid consumption in the previous 24h and convert this
to an equivalent PO dose. Fifty per cent of this PO equivalent dose is then
given in a sustained-​release form, and one-​sixth of the equivalent dose is
prescribed as an immediate-​release preparation every 4h.
Opioid maintenance programmes
Opioid maintenance programmes often use a single daily dose to prevent
withdrawal and not to treat pain. Splitting the dose into two or three div-
ided doses can increase the analgesic effect.
A long-​acting mu-​agonist, NMDA antagonist and monoamine reuptake in-
hibitor. Patients who are receiving methadone maintenance therapy should
be managed as any other opioid-​tolerant patient. In the acute pain setting,
methadone should be continued at the same dose. If the patient is unable
to take methadone PO, substitution with parenteral methadone or other
opioids may be required in the short term. Additional opioids should be
used to manage acute pain if appropriate.

1178 Chapter 41 Acute pain

A long-​acting competitive opioid antagonist with a duration of action of
748–​72h. Chronic use results in i sensitivity to morphine-​induced analgesia
and a doubling of brain mu-​and delta-​opioid receptors, which may return
to baseline in 76d post-​treatment. It is recommended to stop naltrexone
72h prior to surgery, and it is important to note that although patients may
be resistant to opioids while taking naltrexone, they may then become
extremely opioid-​sensitive once stopping it. It is therefore imperative to
maximise opioid-​sparing strategies (e.g. regional anaesthesia) and consider
managing the patient in a high dependency setting in the postoperative
period, to ensure appropriate monitoring of treatment. Usual maintenance
dose is 25–​50mg daily.
This partial opioid agonist is used in the treatment of opioid addiction.
Commonly prescribed doses are 8–​32mg. The high receptor affinity and
long half-​life of buprenorphine result in difficulty obtaining effective an-
algesia by simply adding further opioid. At high doses of Suboxone®
(buprenorphine and naloxone), e.g. 22–​32mg, there is a theoretical con-
cern that buprenorphine will antagonise the effect of a full agonist. There
are very few reports describing perioperative pain management of patients
administered high-​dose buprenorphine. Strategies in this situation have
included continuing the usual dose of buprenorphine and either (1) pro-
viding additional full opioid agonists or (2) prescribing supplemental doses
of buprenorphine. An alternative strategy involves rotating to a full agonist
before surgery such as methadone. The author recommends continuing the
patient’s usual dose of buprenorphine, maximising the use of opioid-​sparing
adjuncts, and using conventional full opioid agonists to treat acute pain. The
doses of opioid required for analgesia may be appreciably higher than one
would expect for other opioid-​tolerant patients and in view of this, it may
be advisable to monitor the patient in a high dependency environment.
Specific patient groups 1179

Specific patient groups

Substance abuse disorder
A substance abuse disorder (SAD) exists when the extent and pattern of
substance use interfere with the psychological and sociocultural integrity
of the person. Patients with SAD may be abusing CNS-​depressant drugs
(alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids) or CNS-​stimulant drugs (cocaine, am-
phetamines, ecstasy, cannabinoids).
Effective management of acute pain in patients with SAD may be
complicated by:
• Psychological and behavioural characteristics
• Presence of the drug of abuse and morbidities related to it
• Physical dependence (physiological phenomenon characterised by a
withdrawal reaction when the drug is withdrawn or an antagonist is
administered) and the risk of withdrawal
• Medications used to assist with drug withdrawal or rehabilitation
• Ethical dilemmas arising as a result of the need to balance concerns of
undermedication against anxieties about safety and possible abuse or
diversion of the drugs
• Management of pain in patients with SAD which should focus on
prevention of withdrawal-​effective analgesia and symptomatic
treatment of affective and behavioural problems.
Personality disorders
Personality disorder is common among those with persistent pain and by
definition, this is a difficult group to manage. There is no magic approach.
Stick to basic principles and the outline above. Revisit the concept of total
pain. Communication is the key—​to the patient, to the team and to the GP.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
There is evidence that those who have previously had CRPS are more
likely to develop CRPS from a subsequent injury or surgery (up to 1000
times). There is no magic preventative approach. Appropriate consent is
therefore very important. The evidence around use of high-​dose vitamin C
(500–​1500mg/​d for 50d) is controversial and of low quality as it is extrapo-
lated from older ♀ wrist fractures.26 Consider regional techniques and/​or
intraoperative ketamine, although this is empirical.
This is a difficult disease to understand, but even more difficult to endure.
This is the archetypal example of central sensitisation where non-​noxious
stimuli are interpreted as noxious. In a perioperative patient, sorting out
what is noxious vs non-​noxious is extraordinarily difficult. These patients
are very sensitive to even minor stimuli and often have multiple drug
Further reading
Royal College of Anaesthetists (2020). Guidelines for the provision of anaesthesia services for inpatient
pain management. M https://​​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​2020-​02/​GPAS-​
Simpson GK, Jackson M (2017). Perioperative management of opioid-​tolerant patients. BJA Educ,
17, 124–​8.
Faculty of Pain Medicine. Opioids Aware. M https://​​opioids-​aware

1180 Chapter 41 Acute pain

1 Kehlet H (1994). Postoperative pain relief: what is the issue? Br J Anaesth, 72, 375–​8.
2 Gerbershagen HJ, Aduckathil S, van Wijck AJ, et al. (2013). Pain intensity on the first day after sur-
gery: a prospective cohort study comparing 179 surgical procedures. Anesthesiology, 18, 934–​41.
3 Scott DA, McDonald WM (2008). Assessment, measurement and history. In: Macintyre PE,
Rowbotham D, Walker S (eds). Clinical Pain Management: Acute Pain, 2nd edn. London: Hodder
Arnold; pp. 135–​53.
4 Bombardier C, Laine L, Reicin A, et al. (2000). Comparison of upper gastrointestinal toxicity of
rofecoxib and naproxen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. VIGOR Study Group. N Engl J Med,
343, 1520–​8.
5 Ross JAS (2000). Isoflurane entonox mixtures for pain relief during labour. Anaesthesia, 55,
6 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. British National Formulary. M https://​bnf.nice.​
7 Schug SA, Palmer GM, Scott DA, et al. (2015). Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence. 4th
edn. Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain
8 van Lier F, van der Geest PJ, Hoeks SE, et al. (2011). Epidural analgesia is associated with im-
proved health outcomes of surgical patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Anesthesiology, 115, 315–​21.
9 Smith LM, Cozowicz C, Uda Y, et al. (2017). Neuraxial and combined neuraxial/​general anes-
thesia compared to general anesthesia for major truncal and lower limb surgery: a systematic
review and meta-​analysis. Anesth Analg, 125, 1931–​45.
10 Hopkins PM (2015). Does regional anaesthesia improve outcome? Br J Anaesth, 115, Suppl 2,
11 Royal College of Anaesthetists (2009). National audit of major complications of central neuraxial
block in the United Kingdom. Report and findings. M http://​​nap3
12 Joshi SM, Hatfield RH, Martin J, et al. (2003). Spinal epidural abscess: a diagnostic challenge. Br J
Neurosurg, 17, 160–​3.
13 Chin KJ, McDonnell JG, Carvalho B, et al. (2017). Essentials of our current understanding: ab-
dominal wall blocks. Reg Anesth Pain Med, 42, 133–​83.
14 Cowlishaw PJ, Kotze PJ, Gleeson L, et al. (2017). Randomised comparison of three types of
continuous anterior abdominal wall block after midline laparotomy for gynaecological oncology
surgery. Anaesth Intensive Care, 45, 453–​8.
15 Schug SA, Bruce J (2017). Risk stratification for the development of chronic postsurgical pain. Pain
Rep, 2, e627.
16 van Helmond N, Olesen SS, Wilder-​Smith OH, et al. (2018). Predicting persistent pain after sur-
gery: can predicting the weather serve as an example? Anesth Analg, 127, 1264–​7.
17 Laskowski K, Stirling A, McKay WP, et al. (2011). A systematic review of intravenous ketamine
for postoperative analgesia. Can J Anaesth, 58, 911–​23.
18 McCartney CJL, Sinha A, Katz J (2004). A qualitative systematic review of the role of N-​methyl-​
D-​aspartate receptor antagonists in preventive analgesia. Anesth Analg, 98, 1385–​400.
19 Verret M, Lauzier F, Zarychanski R, et al. (2020). Perioperative use of gabapentinoids for the
management of postoperative acute pain: a systematic review and meta-​analysis. Anaesthesiology,
133, 265–​79.
20 Reddi D (2016). Preventing chronic postoperative pain. Anaesthesia, 71, 64–​71.
21 Barreveld A, Witte J, Chahal H, et al. (2013). Preventive analgesia by local anaesthetics: the re-
duction of postoperative pain by peripheral nerve blocks and intravenous drugs. Anesth Analg,
116, 1141–​61.
22 Blaudszun G, Lysakowski C, Elia N, Tramer MR (2012). Effect of perioperative systemic α-​2
agonists on postoperative morphine consumption and pain intensity: systematic review and
meta-​analysis of randomized controlled trials. Anesthesiology, 116, 1312–​22.
23 Borghi B, D’Addabbo M, White P, et al. (2010). The use of prolonged peripheral neural blockade
after lower extremity amputation: the effect on symptoms associated with phantom limb syn-
drome. Anesth Analg, 111, 1308–​15.
24 Loftus RW, Yeager MP, Clark JA, et al. (2010) Intraoperative ketamine reduces perioperative
opiate consumption in opiate-​dependent patients with chronic back pain undergoing back sur-
gery. Anesthesiology, 113, 639–​46.
25 Naa-​Afoley Quaye A, Zhang Y (2019). Perioperative management of buprenorphine: solving the
conundrum. Pain Med, 20, 1395–​408.
26 Zollinger PE, Tuinebreijer WE, Breederveld RS, Kreis RW (2007). Can vitamin C prevent
complex regional pain syndrome in patients with wrist fractures? A randomized, controlled,
multicenter dose-​response study. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 89,1424–​31.
Chapter 42 1181

Drug formulary
Andrew Bradley
Drug formulary 1182
Infusion regimes 1209

Chapter 42

Drug formulary
(See Table 42.1.)

Table 42.1 Drug formulary

Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Drug formulary

Adenosine Endogenous nucleoside with 2nd-​ or 3rd-​degree Flushing, dyspnoea, 1mo to 1y: 0.1mg/​kg fast 6mg fast IV bolus,
antiarrhythmic activity. Slows heart block. Long headache, AV block, IV bolus, increasing by followed by 12mg at
conduction through AV node. QT. Asthma/​COPD. transient angina 0.05–​0.1mg/​kg every 1–​ 1–​2min, then further
Treatment of acute paroxysmal Reduce dose in 2min to max 0.5mg/​kg 12mg at 1–​2min, as
SVT (including WPW) or heart transplant or (max 12mg ). >12y: as necessary. Reduce to
differentiation of SVT from VT. dipyridamole treatment adult quarter of dose if giving
Duration 10s with dipyridamole
Adrenaline Endogenous catecholamine Arrhythmias, especially Hypertension, 1. Refer to paediatric 1–​3. IV/​IM/​ETT 1mL
with α and β action: with halothane. Caution tachycardia, anxiety, anaphylaxis emergency aliquots of 1:10 000
1. Treatment of anaphylaxis in elderly. Via central hyperglycaemia, (see % pp. 1081–3) up to 5–​10mL
2. Bronchodilator catheter whenever arrhythmias. Reduces 2. ETT 0.1mL/​kg (0.5–​1mg). Infusion
possible uterine blood flow of 1:1000 (100 2–​20 micrograms/​min
3. Positive inotrope (0.04–​0.4 micrograms/​
4. Given by nebuliser for croup kg/​min)
3. Infusion 0.05–​1
5. Prolongation of LA action. micrograms/​kg/​min 4. Nebulisation 5mL of
1:1000 contains 1mg/​mL, 1:1000 (max 5mg)
1:10 000 contains 100 4. Nebuliser 0.5mL/​kg
(up to 5mL) of 1:1000 5. Max dose for
micrograms/​mL, 1:200 000 infiltration
contains 5 micrograms/​mL 5. Maximum dose
for infiltration 2 micrograms/​kg
6. Cardiac arrest 6. 1mg (10mL of
2 micrograms/​kg
6. 10 micrograms/​kg, 1:10 000), every
refer to cardiac arrest 3–​5min
(see % pp. 1052–4)
Alfentanil Short-​acting, potent opioid Use IBW Respiratory Injection: 5–​20 250–​750 micrograms
analgesic depression, micrograms/​kg, then 10 (5–​10 micrograms/​kg).
Duration 10min bradycardia, micrograms/​kg boluses Attenuation of CVS
Sedation in ICU hypotension. Infusion: 10–​100 response to intubation:
Prolonged half-​life in micrograms/​kg over 10–​20 micrograms/​kg
neonates 10min, then 0.5–​1 Sedation: infusion 2mg/​h


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Amiodarone Mainly class III antiarrhythmic, Via central catheter. Commonly causes >1y IV: 5mg/​kg over 5mg/​kg over 20–​
useful in treatment of Sinoatrial heart block, thyroid dysfunction 20–​120min. Infusion: 120min, followed by
Chapter 42

supraventricular and ventricular thyroid dysfunction, and reversible corneal 5 micrograms/​kg/​min, infusion if required,
arrhythmias pregnancy, porphyria, deposits max 1.2g/​24h. 5mg/​kg max 1.2g in 24h.
iodine sensitivity. Dilute slow IV bolus for defib-​ 300mg slow IV bolus for
in glucose 5%, not 0.9% resistant VF/​VT defib-​resistant VF/​VT
sodium chloride
Atenolol Long-​acting, cardioselective Asthma, heart failure, Bradycardia, 0.05mg/​kg every 5min, 5–​10mg over 10min
β-​blocker AV block, verapamil hypotension, max four doses
treatment d contractility
Drug formulary

Atracurium Benzylisoquinolinium NDMR. Potentiated by Mild histamine release Intubation: 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg Use IBW
Undergoes Hofmann aminoglycosides, loop and rash common with Maintenance: Intubation: 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg
elimination plus non-​specific diuretics, Mg2+, higher doses. Flush 0.1–​0.2mg/​kg Maintenance:
enzymatic ester hydrolysis. lithium, d temp, with 0.9% sodium Infusion: 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg/​h, 0.1–​0.2mg/​kg
Useful in severe renal or d K+, d pH, prior use chloride before and monitor blockade
hepatic disease. of suxamethonium, after Infusion: 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg/​h,
Duration 20–​35min volatile agents. monitor NMB
Store at 2–​8°C
Atropine Muscarinic acetylcholine Obstructive uropathy Decreases secretions IV: 10–​20 micrograms/​kg. 300–​600 micrograms.
antagonist. Vagal blockade at and CVS disease. and lower oesophageal Control of muscarinic Prevention of muscarinic
AV and sinus node increases HR Glaucoma, myasthenia sphincter tone, relaxes effects of neostigmine: effects of neostigmine:
(transient decrease at low doses gravis bronchial smooth 20 micrograms/​kg. IM/​ 600–​1200 micrograms
due to weak agonist effect). muscle. Confusion in SC: 10–​30 micrograms/​kg.
Tertiary amine, therefore elderly PO: 40 micrograms/​kg
crosses blood–​brain barrier
Bicarbonate Alkaline salt used for Precipitation with Alkalosis, Dependent on degree of Dependent on degree of
(sodium) correction of acidosis and to calcium-​containing hypokalaemia, acidosis. 1mL/​kg of 8.4% acidosis. Resuscitation:
enhance onset of action of solutions, i CO2 hypernatraemia, solution (1mmol/​kg) 50mL of 8.4%, then
LAs. 8.4%, 1000mmol/​L. Dose production, necrosis hypocalcaemia recheck blood gases.
(mmol) in acidosis: weight (kg) on extravasation. Via Bicarbonation of LA:
× base deficit × 0.3 central catheter if 1mL of 8.4% to 20mL
possible of bupivacaine. 1mL
of 8.4% to 10mL of
Bupivacaine Amide-​type LA used for Greater cardiotoxicity Toxicity: tongue/​ Infiltration/​epidural: max 0.25–​0.75% solution.
infiltration and epidural and than other LAs. Do circumoral numbness, dose dependent upon Infiltration/​epidural:
spinal anaesthesia. Slower not use for IVRA. restlessness, tinnitus, injection site; 2mg/​kg/​4h max dose dependent
onset than lidocaine. Duration Adrenaline-​containing seizures, cardiac arrest recommended upon injection site;
3–​6h (slightly prolonged by solutions contain 2mg/​kg/​4h (2mg/​kg
adrenaline ), pKa 8.1 preservative and do not with adrenaline). 0.75%
prolong action solution contraindicated
in pregnancy
Buprenor- Opioid with both agonist and May precipitate Nausea, respiratory 6mo to 12y: IV 3–​6 Slow IV/​IM: 300–​600
phine antagonist actions. Duration 6h withdrawal in opioid-​ depression, micrograms/​kg tds (max micrograms qds.
dependent patients. constipation 9 micrograms/​kg) Sublingual: 200–​400
Only partially reversed 12–​18y: IV 300–​600 micrograms qds
by naloxone micrograms tds
Calcium Electrolyte replacement, Necrosis on Arrhythmias, 0.1mL/​kg of 10% 2–​10mL of 10% solution
chloride positive inotrope, extravasation. hypertension, solution, slow IV (10mg/​kg, 0.07mmol/​kg)
hyperkalaemia, Incompatible with hypercalcaemia
hypermagnesaemia. Calcium bicarbonate
chloride 10% contains Ca2+
680 micromoles/​mL


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Calcium As calcium chloride. Calcium Less phlebitis than As calcium chloride 0.3–​0.5mL/​kg of 10% 6–​15mL of 10% solution
Chapter 42

gluconate gluconate 10% contains Ca2+ calcium chloride solution (max 20mL) (30mg/​kg, 0.07mmol/​
225 micromoles/​mL kg)
Carboprost Synthetic prostaglandin F2α Asthma, DM, epilepsy, Fever, bronchospasm. Never give IV.
analogue used to treat severe jaundice, anaemia, Nausea, vomiting, 250 micrograms deep
postpartum haemorrhage glaucoma. Large doses flushing. May cause IM or directly into
due to uterine atony (after may cause uterine CVS collapse myometrium. Repeat,
ergometrine and oxytocin rupture if needed, after at least
failed) 15min.
Drug formulary

Max dose 2mg/​24h

Chloral- Formerly a popular hypnotic Avoid prolonged use. Gastric irritation, PO: 30–​50mg/​kg as
hydrate in children Caution in elderly, ataxia single dose for sedation
gastritis and porphyria (up to 1g)
Chlor- Sedative antihistamine. Relief Prostatic hypertrophy, Drowsiness, dry PO 0.1mg/​kg, up to Slow IV/​IM: 10mg qds.
phenamine of allergy, urticaria, anaphylaxis urinary retention, mouth 4mg qds PO: 4mg qds
(see % pp. 1081–3) glaucoma, porphyria
Cisatra- Single isomer of atracurium As for atracurium Enhanced effect in Intubation: (>1mo) Intubation:
curium with greater potency, longer myasthenia gravis, 150 micrograms/​kg. 150 micrograms/​kg.
duration of action and less effects antagonised by Maintenance (>2y) Maintenance:
histamine release. anticholinesterases. 30 micrograms/​kg every 30 micrograms/​kg every
Duration 55min Monitor response 20min. Infusion: (>2y) 20–​30min. Infusion:
with PNS 0.06–​0.18mg/​kg/​h 0.06–​0.18mg/​kg/​h
Clonidine Centrally acting α2-​agonist. Rebound hypertension Hypotension, sedation Over 6mo: 150–​300 micrograms
Reduces requirement on acute withdrawal of 1–​3 micrograms/​kg over 5min. Epidural:
for opioids and volatile chronic therapy slowly. PO premed: 75–​150 micrograms in
anaesthetics. Enhances epidural 4 micrograms/​kg. 10mL of 0.9% sodium
analgesia Caudal: 1 microgram/​kg chloride
Cyclizine Antihistamine, antimuscarinic, Caution in severe heart Drowsiness, dry IV/​IM/​PO: 1mg/​kg, IV/​IM/​PO: 50mg tds
antiemetic agent failure mouth, blurred vision, up to 50mg tds
Dantrolene Direct-​acting skeletal muscle Avoid combination Skeletal muscle 1mg/​kg, repeated every 1mg/​kg, repeated every
relaxant used in treatment with calcium channel weakness (22%), 5min to max of 10mg/​kg 5min to max of 10mg/​kg.
of MH and neuroleptic blockers (verapamil), phlebitis (10%) Usually 2.5mg/​kg
malignant syndrome. as may cause
20mg/​vial. Reconstitute in hyperkalaemia and
60mL of warm water, and give CVS collapse. Crosses
via blood giving set placenta
Desmo Synthetic analogue of Caution in hypertension Hypertension, Diabetes insipidus: Diabetes insipidus:
pressin vasopressin (ADH) with longer and CVS disease angina, abdominal IV/​IM/​SC 0.5–​2 IV/​IM/​SC 0.5–​2
duration of action and reduced pain, flushing, micrograms/​d (not per micrograms/​d (not per
pressor effect. Used for hyponatraemia kg). Haemophilia: 0.3 kg). Haemophilia: 0.3
neurogenic diabetes insipidus micrograms/​kg (in 50mL micrograms/​kg (in 50mL
and haemophilia (enhances of 0.9% sodium chloride of 0.9% sodium chloride
factor VIII activity) over 30min IV) over 30min IV)


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Dexametha- Prednisolone derivative Interacts with See Prednisolone IV/​IM/​SC: 83–​333 IV/​IM/​SC: 3.3–​6.6mg.
sone corticosteroid. Less Na+ anticholinesterase micrograms/​kg, Cerebral oedema:
Chapter 42

retention than hydrocortisone. agents to increase 1–​2 divided doses 8–​16mg initially, then
Cerebral oedema, oedema weakness in myasthenia (max 20mg/​d). Cerebral 5mg qds (use 3.8mg/​mL
prevention, antiemetic gravis. Dexamethasone oedema: see BNF for preparation)
0.75mg, Children. Croup: Antiemetic: 3.3–​6.6mg
prednisolone 5mg 150 micrograms/​
Different kg ± repeat at 12h.
formulations available Antiemetic:
(dexamethasone 150 micrograms/​kg (max
Drug formulary

sodium phosphate, 8mg)

sodium phosphate).
Dosing refers to
dexamethasone base
Diamor- Potent opioid analgesic Spinal/​epidural use Histamine release, IV/​SC: 20–​100 IV/​IM/​SC: 2.5–​5mg
phine associated with risk of hypotension, micrograms/​kg, then 4-​hourly. Epidural: 2.5mg
respiratory depression, bronchospasm, 15 micrograms/​kg/​h. diluted in 10mL of LA/​
pruritus, nausea nausea, vomiting, Epidural: 2.5mg in 60mL 0.9% sodium chloride,
pruritus, dysphoria of 0.125% bupivacaine then 0.1–​0.5mg/​h.
at 0.1–​0.4mL/​kg/​h. Spinal: 0.25–​1mg*
Intranasal: 100 *
Caution in patients
micrograms/​kg in 0.2mL >80y
of 0.9% sodium chloride
Diazepam Long-​acting benzodiazepine. Thrombophlebitis: Sedation, circulatory 0.2–​0.3mg/​kg. PR: IV/​IM/​PO: 2–​10mg,
Sedation or termination of emulsion (Diazemuls®) depression 0.5mg/​kg as Stesolid®, or repeat if required (max
status epilepticus. Alcohol less irritant to veins. may use IV preparation tds)
withdrawal Reduce in elderly
Diclofenac Potent NSAID analgesic for Hypersensitivity to GI upset or bleeding, >1y: PO/​PR: 1mg/​kg tds. PO/​PR: 25–​50mg tds
sodium mild to moderate pain aspirin, asthma, severe bronchospasm, Max 150mg/​d. (or 100mg 18-​hourly).
renal impairment, tinnitus, fluid retention, PR: NR <6mo Max 150mg/​d
peptic ulceration, platelet inhibition,
proctitis thrombotic events
Digoxin Cardiac glycoside. Weak Reduce dose in Anorexia, nausea, Rapid IV/​PO loading: Rapid IV loading:
inotrope and control of elderly. Enhanced fatigue, arrhythmias, 20–​35 micrograms/​kg stat 250–​500 micrograms
ventricular response in effect/​toxicity in blurred/​yellow vision over 30min. Maximum
supraventricular arrhythmia. hypokalaemia. Avoid 1mg/​24h. PO loading:
Therapeutic levels cardioversion in toxicity 1–​1.5mg in divided
0.8–​2 micrograms/​L doses over 24h.
(1.2–​2.6nmol/​L) PO maintenance:
125–​250 micrograms/​d
Doxapram Respiratory stimulant Epilepsy, airway Risk of arrhythmia. 1mg/​kg slowly. Infusion: 1–​1.5mg/​kg over >30s.
acting through carotid obstruction, acute Hypertension 0.5–​1mg/​kg/​h for 1h. Infusion: 2–​4mg/​min
chemoreceptors and medulla. asthma, severe CVS NR <12y
Duration 12min disease
Droperidol Butyrophenone related to α-​adrenergic blocker. Vasodilation, Antiemetic: 25–​50 Antiemetic: 0.5–​2.5mg
haloperidol. Neuroleptic PD hypotension. Dystonic micrograms/​kg (max
anaesthesia and potent reactions dose 1.25mg qds)
antiemetic. Duration 4h


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Ephedrine Direct and indirect Caution in elderly, Tachycardia, 3–​6mg repeated (dilute
sympathomimetic (α-​and hypertension and CVS hypertension 30mg in 10mL of 0.9%
Chapter 42

β-​adrenergic action). disease. Tachyphylaxis. sodium chloride, 1mL

Vasopressor, safe in pregnancy. Avoid with MAOI increments). IM: 30mg
Duration 10–​60min
Ergometrine Ergot alkaloid used to control Severe cardiac disease Vasoconstriction, IM: 1mL as
uterine hypotony or bleeding. and hypertension hypertension, vomiting Syntometrine®. Careful
Syntometrine® = ergometrine slow IV: 250–​500
500 micrograms/​mL and micrograms, with
Drug formulary

oxytocin 5 units/​mL antiemetic cover

Esmolol Short-​acting cardioselective β-​ Asthma, heart failure, Hypotension, SVT: 0.5mg/​kg over SVT: 0.5mg/​kg over
blocker. Metabolised by red cell AV block, verapamil bradycardia. May 1min, then 50–​200 1min, then 50–​200
esterases. Treatment of SVT treatment prolong action of micrograms/​kg/​min micrograms/​kg/​min.
or intraoperative hypertension. suxamethonium Hypertension:
Duration 10min 25–​100mg, then 50–​300
Fentanyl Synthetic phenylpiperidine Reduce dose in elderly. Circulatory and 1–​5 micrograms/​kg, up 1–​5 micrograms/​kg (up
derivative opioid analgesic. Delayed respiratory ventilatory depression. to 50 micrograms/​kg to 50 micrograms/​kg).
High lipid solubility and depression and pruritus High doses may if ventilating Epidural: 50–​100
cardiostability. Duration if epidural/​spinal produce muscle postoperatively. Infusion: micrograms (diluted in
30–​60min rigidity 2–​4 micrograms/​kg/​h 10mL of 0.9% sodium
Spinal: 5–​20 micrograms
Flumazenil Benzodiazepine receptor Benzodiazepine Arrhythmia, seizures 10micrograms/​kg (max 200micrograms, then
antagonist. Duration 45–​90min dependence (acute 200 micrograms), repeat 100 micrograms at 60s
withdrawal), resedation if required (max 50 intervals (up to max
if long-​acting micrograms/​kg). Infusion: 1mg). Infusion: 100–​400
benzodiazepine 2–​10 micrograms/​kg/​h micrograms/​h
Furosemide Loop diuretic used in treatment Hypotension, 0.5–​1.5mg/​kg bd 10–​40mg slowly
(frusemide) of hypertension, CCF, renal tinnitus, ototoxicity,
failure, fluid overload hypokalaemia,
Gabapentin Structural analogue γ-​ Avoid abrupt Nausea, vomiting, Seizures: d1 10mg/​kg Pain: d1 300 mg od,
aminobutyric acid. Indications: withdrawal, elderly, abdominal pain, (max 300mg) od, d2 300mg bd, then
postherpetic neuralgia, renal impairment malaise then bd, then tds, max 300mg tds to max
neuropathic pain, focal seizures 70mg/​kg 3.6g/​d
Glucagon Polypeptide hormone used in Glucose must be Hypertension, <25kg: 0.5 units (0.5mg). SC/​IM/​IV: 1 unit (1mg).
treatment of hypoglycaemia administered as hypotension, nausea, >25kg: 1U (1mg) β-​blocker overdose
and overdose of β-​blocker. soon as possible. vomiting unresponsive to
Hyperglycaemic action lasts Phaeochromocytoma atropine: 2–​10mg (max
10–​30min. 1 unit = 1mg 10mg) in glucose 5%
Glucose Treatment of hypoglycaemia in 50% solution irritant, 0.5mL/​kg of 50% 25–​50g (50–​100mL of
unconscious patient therefore flush after solution; use more dilute 50% solution). Can use
administration into solutions: bolus 5mL/​kg more dilute solutions
large vein. <20% 10%, repeat PRN


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Glyceryl Organic nitrate vasodilator. Remove patches before Tachycardia, 10–​30 micrograms/​kg/​h, Infusion: 0.5–​10mg/​h.
Chapter 42

trinitrate Controlled hypotension, defibrillation to avoid hypotension, starting dose up to 300 Sublingual tabs: 0.3–​1mg
angina, CCF electrical arcing headache, micrograms/​kg/​h. Max PRN. Sublingual spray:
nausea, flushing, 600 micrograms/​kg/​h 400 micrograms PRN.
methaemoglobinaemia Patch: 5–​10mg/​24h
Glyco- Quaternary ammonium Caution in glaucoma, Paradoxical 4–​10 micrograms/​kg 200–​400 micrograms.
pyrronium anticholinergic agent. CVS disease. Unlike bradycardia in small Control of muscarinic
bromide Bradycardia, blockade atropine, does not doses. Reduces lower effects of neostigmine:
(glyco- of muscarinic effects cross blood–​brain oesophageal sphincter 200 micrograms for each
Drug formulary

pyrrolate) of anticholinesterases, barrier tone 1mg neostigmine

Haloperidol Butyrophenone derivative Neuroleptic malignant Extrapyramidal NR IM/​IV: 2–​10mg 4-​ to
antipsychotic. syndrome. Half dose reactions 8-​hourly (max 18mg/​d).
Useful antiemetic in elderly Antiemetic: 0.5–​2mg IV.
PO: 0.5–​3mg
Heparin Endogenous Monitor APTT. Haemorrhage, Low dose: IV 50–​75 Low dose SC:
(unfraction- mucopolysaccharide used for Reversed with thrombocytopenia, units/​kg, then 10–​15 5000 units bd.
ated) anticoagulation. Half-​life 1–​3h. protamine hyperkalaemia units/​kg/​h. Full dose: Full dose IV: 5000 units,
100 units, 1mg IV 200 units/​kg, then then 18 units/​kg/​h
15–​30 units/​kg/​h. infusion. Anticoagulation
Anticoagulation for for bypass: IV 300–​400
bypass: IV 300–​400 units/​kg
Human Dried prothrombin complex, Risk of thrombotic Discuss with Discuss with
prothrombin prepared from human plasma. events haematologist haematologist
complex Rapid reversal of warfarin
(Beriplex®, anticoagulation
Hydralazine Direct-​acting arteriolar Higher doses required i HR, CO, stroke 0.1–​0.5mg/​kg 5mg every 5min to max
vasodilator used to control in rapid acetylators. SLE volume 4-​ to 6-​hourly of 20mg
arterial pressure. Duration
Hydrocorti- Endogenous steroid with Hydrocortisone 20mg, Hyperglycaemia, 4mg/​kg, then IV/​IM: 50–​200mg qds.
sone anti-​inflammatory and prednisolone 5mg hypertension, 2–​4mg/​kg qds Adrenal suppression
(cortisol) potent mineralocorticoid psychiatric reactions, and surgery: 25mg at
action (steroid of choice in muscle weakness, fluid induction, then 25mg
replacement therapy, active retention qds. PO: 10–​30mg/​d
form of cortisone). Treatment
of allergy
Hyoscine Antimuscarinic agent used as See Atropine See Atropine 2–​6y: IV/​IM 5mg. IV/​IM: 20mg slowly,
butyl- an antispasmodic (racemic 6–​12y: IV/​IM 5–​10mg. repeated if necessary
bromide hyoscine) >12y: adult dose
Hyoscine Antimuscarinic sedative, See Atropine. Avoid in See Atropine IM/​SC: 15 micrograms/​kg IV/​IM/​SC: 200–​600
hydro- antiemetic agent used as elderly due to delirium (max 600 micrograms) micrograms.
bromide premedication (L-​isomer of PO: 300 micrograms tds


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Insulin Human soluble pancreatic Monitor blood glucose Hypoglycaemia, Ketoacidosis: 0.1–​0.2 Ketoacidosis: 10–​20 units,
Chapter 42

(soluble) hormone facilitating and serum K+. hypokalaemia units/​kg (max 20 units), then 5–​10 units/​h. Sliding
intracellular transport of Store at 2–​8°C then 0.1 units/​kg/​h scale (see % pp. 218–19).
glucose and anabolism. DM, (max 5–​10 units/​h) Hyperkalaemia (see %
ketoacidosis and hyperkalaemia pp. 240–1)
Intralipid® 20% emulsion used in See % pp. 1092–3 for 1.5mL/​kg bolus, followed 1.5mL/​kg bolus,
treatment of severe LA toxicity LA toxicity guidelines by 15mL/​kg/​h followed by 15mL/​kg/​h
Ketamine Phencyclidine derivative Emergence delirium Bronchodilation. Induction: IV 0.5–​2mg/​kg, Induction: IV 1–​2mg/​kg,
producing dissociative reduced by i, BP, uterine tone, IM 5–​10mg/​kg. Infusion: IM 5–​10mg/​kg. Infusion:
Drug formulary

anaesthesia. Induction/​ benzodiazepines. salivation. Respiratory 10–​45 micrograms/​kg/​ 1–​3mg/​kg/​h (analgesia

maintenance of anaesthesia Caution in depression if given min. Caudal: 0.5mg/​kg only 0.25mg/​kg/​h)
in high-​risk and hypovolaemic hypertension. Control rapidly. Weak evidence (preservative-​free only)
patients excess salivation with for transient i ICP,
antimuscarinic agent more likely lowers.
Small i in CBF. Safe in
TBI (recent evidence)
Labetalol Combined α-​(mild) and β-​ Asthma, heart failure, Hypotension, 0.2mg/​kg boluses up to 5mg increments up to
adrenergic receptor antagonist. AV block, verapamil bradycardia, 0.5mg/​kg (max 20mg 100mg. Infusion:
BP control without reflex treatment bronchospasm, liver <12y). Infusion: 20–​160mg/​h (in glucose)
tachycardia. Duration 2–​4h damage 0.5–​3mg/​kg/​h
Levobupiva- Levorotatory (S) enantiomer Use IBW See Bupivacaine) See Bupivacaine. Max See Bupivacaine). Max
caine of bupivacaine with reduced See Bupivacaine) dose: 2mg/​kg dose: 2mg/​kg
Lidocaine Amide-​type LA: Adrenaline-​containing Toxicity: tongue/​ 1. Antiarrhythmic: 1. Antiarrhythmic: 1mg/​
1. Treatment of ventricular solutions contain circumoral numbness, 0.5–​1mg/​kg, then kg, then 1–​4mg/​min
arrhythmias preservative. Max restlessness, tinnitus, 10–​50 micrograms/​ 2. Attenuation of
2. Reduction of pressor dose dependent upon seizures, cardiac kg/​min pressor response:
response to intubation injection site: ​ arrest. Prolongs action 2. Attenuation of pressor 1.5mg/​kg
3mg/​kg/​4h (6mg/​kg of neuromuscular response: 1.5mg/​kg 3. LA: 0.5–​2% solution
3. LA, rapid onset, duration with adrenaline) blockers. Use IBW
30–​90min (prolonged by 3. LA: 0.5–​2% solution 4. Systemic analgesia:
adrenaline), pKa 7.7 4. Systemic analgesia: slow IV bolus dose
4. Perioperative systemic NR without expert of 1–​1.5mg/​kg over
analgesia allowing reduction guidance 2-4min (max. 20min),
of opioid requirement then infusion 0.5–​2mg/​
kg/​h (usual starting rate
Lorazepam Benzodiazepine: d requirement for Respiratory depression Status 0.1mg/​kg; 1. PO: 1–​4mg 1–​2h
1. Sedation or premedication anaesthetic agents. Half in combination with max 4mg preoperatively. IV/​
2. Status epilepticus in elderly opioids. Amnesia IM: 1.5–​2.5mg
Duration 6–​10h 2. Status: 4mg IV,
repeat after 10min if


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Magnesium Essential mineral used to treat: Potentiates muscle CNS depression, 1. Hypomagnesaemia: 1. Hypomagnesaemia:
Chapter 42

sulfate 1. Hypomagnesaemia relaxants. Monitoring hypotension, muscle 0.2–​0.4mmol/​kg 0.5–​1mmol/​kg

2. Arrhythmias of serum level essential weakness (max 20mmol/​d). (max 160mmol/​5d),
during treatment. Check levels check levels
3. Eclamptic seizures Myasthenia and 2. Arrhythmias: 2. Arrhythmias/​asthma:
4. Severe asthma muscular dystrophy. 25–​50mg/​kg over 2g (8mmol) over
Magnesium sulfate 50%, Heart block. 10min (max dose 10min, repeat once if
500mg/​mL, 2mmol Mg2+/​mL. Magnesium sulfate 2g), repeat once if necessary
Normal plasma level Mg2+ 1g = Mg2+ 4mmol necessary 3. Eclampsia: 4g
Drug formulary

0.75–​1.05mmol/​L. Therapeutic (16mmol) over 10min,

level 2–​4mmol/​L then 1g/​h for 24h
(see % pp. 872–6)
Mannitol Osmotic diuretic used for renal Extracellular volume Diuresis, AKI, 0.25–​1.5g/​kg 0.25–​2g/​kg (typically
protection and reduction of expansion, caution in hypertonicity 0.5g/​kg of 20% solution)
ICP. 20% solution, 20g/​100mL severe renal and CVS
Metaraminol Potent direct-​/​indirect-​ MAOIs, pregnancy. Hypertension, 10micrograms/​kg, then 0.5–​2mg. Dilute 10mg
acting α-​adrenergic Caution in elderly reflex bradycardia, 0.1–​1 micrograms/​kg/​ in 20mL of 0.9% sodium
sympathomimetic. Treatment and hypertensives. arrhythmias, d renal min, >12y chloride, and give
of hypotension. Extravasation can cause and placental perfusion 0.5–​1mL increments
Duration 20–​60min necrosis (increase dilution in
Methyl- 1. Treatment of G6PD deficiency. Blue Tachycardia, nausea, 1mg/​kg slow IV 1mg/​kg slow IV
thioninium methaemoglobinaemia coloration causes stains skin, allergy (max 7mg/​kg) (max 7mg/​kg)
chloride 2. Ureteric identification during acute changes in SpO2 reported
(methylene surgery (renally excreted) readings
blue) 3. Identification of parathyroid
glands during surgery
4. Identification of sentinel
node during cancer surgery
Meto- Dopaminergic antiemetic which Hypertension in Extrapyramidal/​ PO/​IM/​IV: 0.15mg/​kg, PO/​IM/​IV: 10mg tds
clopramide increases gastric emptying and phaeochromocytoma. dystonic reactions up to 5mg tds (>60kg,
lower oesophageal sphincter Inhibits plasma (treat with up to 10mg tds)
tone cholinesterase. benztropine or
Increases IOP procyclidine)
Metoprolol Cardioselective β-​blocker Asthma, heart failure, Causes bradycardia, 0.1mg/​kg up to 5mg 1–​5mg over 10min,
AV block, verapamil hypotension and over 10min repeat if required (max
treatment d cardiac contractility 15mg)
Mivacurium Short-​acting NDMR. See Cisatracurium. See Cisatracurium. Intubation: 0.15–​0.2mg/​kg. Intubation:
Metabolised by plasma Avoid in asthma Some histamine Maintenance: 0.1mg/​kg. 0.07–​0.25mg/​kg (doses
cholinesterase. Duration release Infusion: 8–​10 of 0.07, 0.15, 0.2 and
6–​16min (often variable). micrograms/​kg/​min 0.25mg/​kg produce
Enhanced duration if low block for 13, 16, 20 and
plasma cholinesterase. 23min, respectively).
Antagonised by neostigmine,​ Maintenance: 0.1mg/​kg.
but avoid giving too early Infusion: 0.4–​0.6mg/​
to avoid inhibiting drug kg/​h


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Morphine Opioid analgesic. Prolonged risk of Histamine release, PO: 0.05–​0.3mg/​kg IV: 2.5–​10mg. IM/​SC:
Half-​life 2–​4h respiratory depression, hypotension, 4-​hourly. IV boluses: 50–​ 5–​10mg 4-​hourly. PO:
Chapter 42

pruritus, nausea when bronchospasm, 100 micrograms/​kg. For 10–​30mg 4-​hourly.

used via spinal/​epidural nausea, vomiting, PCA, NCA and infusion, PCA: 1mg/​5min lockout.
pruritus, dysphoria see % p. 926 Infusion: 1–​3.5mg/​h.
Epidural: 2–​5mg
Spinal: 0.1–​1mg
Drug formulary

Naloxone Pure opioid antagonist. Can be Beware renarcotisation Common: 5–​10 micrograms/​kg. 200–​400 micrograms,
used in low doses to reverse if reversing long-​acting Arrhythmias, dizziness, Infusion: 5–​20 titrated to desired
pruritus associated with opioid. Caution in headache, hyperten- micrograms/​kg/​h. effect. Treatment of
epidural opioids and as depot opioid-​dependent sion, hypotension, IM depot in newborn: opioid/​epidural pruritus:
IM injection in newborn of patients, ​may nausea, vomiting 200 micrograms. Pruritus: infusion rate 0.25–​1
mothers given opioids precipitate acute 0.5 micrograms/​kg micrograms/​kg/​h
withdrawal. Duration ± bolus of
of action 30min 40–​100 micrograms
Neostigmine Anticholinesterase used for: Administer with Bradycardia, nausea, 50micrograms/​kg with 1. 50–​70 micrograms/​kg
1. Reversal of NDMR antimuscarinic agent excessive salivation atropine 20 micrograms/​ (max 5mg) with
2. Treatment of (muscarinic effects) kg or glycopyrronium atropine 10–​20
myasthenia gravis 10 micrograms/​kg micrograms/​kg or
Duration 60min IV (2–​4h PO) 10–​15 micrograms/​kg
2. PO: 15–​30mg at
suitable intervals
Neostigmine Combination of neostigmine See Neostigmine See Neostigmine 0.02mL/​kg (dilute 1mL 1–​2mL over 30s
and glyco- metilsulfate (2.5mg) and with 4mL of 0.9% sodium
pyrronium glycopyrronium (500 chloride, give 0.1mL/​kg).
micrograms) per 1mL Max 2mL
Omeprazole PPI. Reduction in gastric acid Liver disease, max Headache, diarrhoea, PO: 0.7–​1.4mg/​kg up to PO/​slow IV: 20–​40mg/​d.
secretion 20mg od prolonged QT 40mg od. IV: 0.5mg/​kg/​d Premedication PO:
40mg. Bleeding peptic
ulcer: 80mg bolus, then
8mg/​h for 3d
Octreotide Somatostatin analogue used Pituitary tumour GI disturbance, SC: 1–​5 micrograms/​kg SC: 50 micrograms
in treatment of carcinoid, expansion, reduced gallstones, hyper-​and 6-​ to 8-​hourly od/​bd, i up to 200
acromegaly and variceal need for antidiabetic hypoglycaemia micrograms tds. IV: 50
bleeding (unlicensed use) treatments micrograms diluted in
0.9% sodium chloride
(ECG monitoring)
Ondanse- Serotonin (5-​HT3) receptor QT interval Hypotension, >1y: slow IV Slow IV/​IM/​PO: 4–​8mg
tron antagonist antiemetic prolongation headache, flushing 100 micrograms/​kg tds
(max 4mg) qds
Oxycodone Opioid used for moderate Porphyria, acute Nausea, vomiting, PO: Oxynorm® >1mo: PO: Oxynorm® 5mg
pain, often in palliative care. abdomen dysphoria, drowsiness initially 200 micrograms/​ 4-​ to 6-​hourly, i as
IV preparation available: dose kg (max 5mg) 4-​to 6-​ required. Oxycontin®
1–​10mg 4-​hourly hourly. >12y: adult doses 10mg bd, i as required


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Oxytocin Nonapeptide hormone which Avoid rapid Vasodilation, Postpartum slow IV:
stimulates uterine contraction. administration. Fetal hypotension, flushing, 5 units, followed, if
Chapter 42

Induction of labour and distress tachycardia required, by infusion

prevention of postpartum 10 units/​h (40 units in
haemorrhage 40mL of 0.9% sodium
Pancuro- Long-​acting aminosteroid See Cisatracurium See Cisatracurium. Intubation: 0.1mg/​kg. Intubation: 0.1mg/​kg.
nium NMDR. Little histamine i HR and BP Maintenance: Maintenance:
release. Duration 45–​65min due to vagolysis 0.02mg/​kg, PRN 0.02mg/​kg, PRN
and sympathetic
Drug formulary

Pantoprazole PPI used to inhibit gastric acid Liver disease, Headache, pruritus, NR PO/​slow IV: 40mg od
secretion pregnancy. Renal bronchospasm (max 80mg)
Paracetamol Mild to moderate analgesic and Neonates: PO Liver damage in Slow IV: 15mg/​kg qds Slow IV: >50kg, 1g qds;
antipyretic 10–​15mg/​kg 6-​hourly overdose (max 60mg/​kg/​d) <50kg, 15mg/​kg qds.
(5mg/​kg if jaundiced). (10–​50kg, max 60mg/​kg; PO: 0.5–​1g qds
Max 60mg/​kg/​d. >50kg, max 4g/​d). PO/​
<10kg: IV 7.5mg/​kg PR: 20mg/​kg for 1st
6-​hourly. dose, then 10–​15mg/​kg
Max 30mg/​kg/​d qds (max 75mg/​kg/​d,
up to 4g/​d). PR loading
dose: 30–​40mg/​kg
(>44w post-​conception)
Paraldehyde Status epilepticus Dilute neat solution Rash Deep IM: 0.2mL/​kg. Deep IM: 5–​10mL.
with equal volume of PR: 0.3mL/​kg PR: 10–​20mL
olive oil before PR
Parecoxib Prodrug of valdecoxib. Severe renal GI upset, thrombotic Not evaluated for use IV/​IM: 40mg, then
COX-​2 inhibitor. Licensed for impairment, peptic events in <18s 20–​40mg 6-​ to 12-​hourly
acute pain ulceration, IHD (max 80mg/​d)
and inflammatory
bowel disease.
Hypersensitivity to
sulphonamides and
aspirin. Reconstitute
with 0.9% sodium
Pethidine Synthetic opioid: Seizures possible in Respiratory >12y: IV/​IM/​SC: 0.5–​1 IM/​SC: 25–​100mg
1. Analgesia high dosage: ​max daily depression, mg/​kg (max 100mg). 3-​hourly. IV: 25–​50mg.
2. Postoperative shivering dose 1g/​d hypotension, Infusion: 5mg/​kg in 50mL PCA: 10mg/​5min
(20mg/​kg/​d). MAOI dysphoria of 5% glucose at 1–​3mL/​h lockout. Shivering:
(100–​300 micrograms/​ 10–​25mg
Phentol- α1-​ and α2-​adrenergic Treat excessive Hypotension, 0.1mg/​kg, then 5–​50 2–​5mg (10mg in 10mL
amine antagonist. Peripheral hypotension with tachycardia, flushing micrograms/​kg/​min of 0.9% sodium chloride,
vasodilation and controlled noradrenaline or 1mL aliquots)
hypotension. Treatment of methoxamine (not
extravasation. adrenaline/​ephedrine
Duration 10min due to β effects)



Table 42.1 (Contd.)

Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Chapter 42

Phenyl- Selective direct-​acting Caution in elderly Reflex bradycardia, 2–​10 micrograms/​kg, 20–​100 microgram
ephrine α-​adrenergic agonist. and CVS disease. arrhythmias then 0.1–​0.5 increments (10mg in
Peripheral vasoconstriction Hyperthyroidism micrograms/​kg/​min 500mL of 0.9% sodium
and treatment of hypotension. chloride, 1mL aliquots).
Duration 20min IM: 2–​5mg. Infusion:
30–​60 micrograms/​min
(5mg in 50mL of 0.9%
sodium chloride at 0–​
Drug formulary

Phenytoin Anticonvulsant and treatment Avoid in AV heart Hypotension, AV IV loading dose: 20mg/​kg (max 2g) over
of digoxin toxicity. Serum block, pregnancy and conduction defects, 20mg/​kg over 1h 1h (dilute to 10mg/​mL in
levels 10–​20mg/​L (40–​80 porphyria. Monitor ataxia. Enzyme 0.9% sodium chloride),
micromoles/​L) ECG/​BP on IV induction then 100mg tds.
administration Arrhythmia: 3.5–​5mg/​kg
(rate <50mg/​min)
Potassium Electrolyte replacement Dilute solution before Rapid infusion can 0.5mmol/​kg over 1h. 10–​20mmol/​h (max
chloride (see % pp. 238–9) administration cause cardiac arrest. Maintenance: concentration 40mmol/​L
High concentration 1–​2mmol/​kg/​d peripherally). With ECG
causes phlebitis monitoring:
up to 20–​40mmol/​h
via central line (max
Pregabalin Binds to voltage-​dependent Avoid abrupt Dry mouth, Pain: 150mg 2–​3
calcium channels and decreases withdrawal, severe constipation, oedema, divided doses with slow
release of neurotransmitters. CCF, renal impairment dizziness increase. Epilepsy: 25mg
Adjunct for focal seizures bd increasing
Prednisolone Orally active corticosteroid. Adrenal suppression, Dyspepsia and PO: 1–​2mg/​kg od. PO: initially 20–​60mg od,
Less mineralocorticoid action severe systemic ulceration, Croup: 4mg/​kg, then reduced to 2.5–​15mg od
than hydrocortisone infections osteoporosis, 1mg/​kg tds for maintenance
myopathy, psychosis,
impaired healing, DM
Prilocaine Amide-​type LA. Less toxic than Adrenaline-​containing Toxicity: tongue/​ NR <6mo LA: 0.5–​2% solution.
lidocaine. Used for infiltration solutions contain circumoral numbness, 6mg/​kg/​4h (max
and IVRA. Rapid onset. preservative. Significant restlessness, tinnitus, dose dependent upon
Duration 30–​90min (prolonged methaemoglobinaemia seizures, cardiac arrest injection site); 9mg/​kg
by adrenaline), pKa 7.9 if dose >600mg. with adrenaline
Prochl Phenothiazine antiemetic Hypotension on rapid Tardive dyskinesia >10kg: PO: 0.25mg/​kg IM: 12.5mg tds. PO:
orperazine IV administration. and extrapyramidal tds. IM: 0.1–​0.2mg/​kg tds 20mg, then 5–​10mg tds
Neuroleptic malignant symptoms
Procyclidine Antimuscarinic used in acute Glaucoma, GI Urinary retention, dry <2y: 0.5–​2mg. IV/​IM: 5–​10mg, repeat
treatment of drug-​induced obstruction. Lower mouth, blurred vision 2–​10y: 2–​5mg. after 20min if needed
dystonic reactions (except dose in elderly >10y: adult dose
tardive dyskinesia)



Table 42.1 (Contd.)

Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Chapter 42

Propofol IV induction agent. Rapid Reduce dose in elderly Apnoea, hypotension, Induction: 2–​4mg/​kg. Induction: 2–​3mg/​kg.
recovery and little nausea. or if haemodynamically pain on injection. Infusion: 4–​15mg/​kg/​h. Infusion: 6–​10mg/​kg/​h.
1° drug in TIVA unstable. Caution Myoclonic spasms, NR induction <1mo. TCI: initially 4–​8
in severe allergy to rarely convulsions NR maintenance <3y micrograms/​mL, then
peanuts, soya and 3–​6 micrograms/​mL
soybean oil (reduce in elderly)
Propranolol Non-​selective β-​adrenergic Asthma, heart failure, Bradycardia, 0.1mg/​kg over 5min 1mg increments, up to
antagonist. Controlled AV block, verapamil hypotension, AV 5–​10mg
Drug formulary

hypotension, symptomatic treatment block, bronchospasm

treatment of thyrotoxicosis
Protamine Basic protein produced from Weakly anticoagulant Severe hypotension, Slow IV: 1mg per 1mg Slow IV: 1mg per 1mg
salmon sperm. Heparin and marked histamine pulmonary heparin (100 units) to be heparin (100 units) to be
antagonist release. Risk of allergy hypertension, reversed reversed
Ranitidine Histamine (H2) receptor Porphyria Tachycardia IV: 1mg/​kg slowly tds IV: 50mg (diluted in
antagonist. Reduction in gastric (max 50mg). 20mL of 0.9% sodium
acid secretion PO: 2–​4mg/​kg bd chloride, given over
2min) qds. IM: 50mg
qds. PO: 150mg bd or
300mg od
Rocuronium Rapidly acting aminosteroid See Cisatracurium Mild tachycardia. Intubation: 0.6–​1mg/​kg. Intubation: 0.6–​1mg/​kg.
NDMR. RSI (avoiding See Cisatracurium Maintenance: 0.1–​0.15 Maintenance: 0.1–​0.15
suxamethonium). Duration mg/​kg. Infusion: mg/​kg. Infusion:
10–​40min (variable). Intubating 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg/​h 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg/​h
conditions within 1min
Ropivacaine Amide-​type LA agent. Possibly Acute porphyrias, Toxicity: tongue/​ 0.2–​1% solution. 0.2–​1% solution.
less motor block than other cardiovascular disease, circumoral numbness, Maximum dose Infiltration/​epidural: max
agents. Duration similar to complete heart block, restlessness, tinnitus, dependent upon injection dose dependent upon
bupivacaine, but lower toxicity. epilepsy, myasthenia seizures, cardiac arrest site, 3–​4mg/​kg/​4h injection site, 3–​4mg/​
pKa 8.1 gravis kg/​4h
Salbutamol β2 receptor agonist. Treatment Monitor K+ Tremor, vasodilation, Slow IV: 1mo to 2y, 250micrograms slow IV,
of bronchospasm. Larger doses concentration with tachycardia, 5 micrograms/​kg; >2y, then 5 micrograms/​min
now suggested in paediatrics or higher doses hypokalaemia 15 micrograms/​kg (up to 20 micrograms/​
IV. Tocolytic agent in obstetric (max 250 micrograms). min).
anaesthesia Infusion: 1–​5 Nebuliser: 2.5–​5mg PRN
Nebuliser: <5y, 2.5mg;
>5y, 2.5–​5mg
Sufentanil More potent thiamylal See Fentanyl See Fentanyl Analgesia: 10–​30 Analgesia: 10–​30
analogue of fentanyl (five times micrograms (0.2–​0.6 micrograms (0.2–​0.6
potency). Analgesia. micrograms/​kg). micrograms/​kg).
Duration 20–​45min Anaesthesia 0.6–​8 Anaesthesia 0.6–​8
micrograms/​kg micrograms/​kg


Table 42.1 (Contd.)
Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Sugammadex Specific cyclodextrin reversal Wait 24h after Binds with If two twitches present If two twitches
agent for rocuronium and use before using contraceptive pill from TOF, 2mg/​kg. Full present from TOF, give
Chapter 42

vecuronium rocuronium/​ reversal NR at present 2mg/kg; 4mg/kg if

vecuronium in neuromuscular blockade
patient; fusidic acid reoccurs; and 16mg/kg
or flucloxacillin may to reverse full intubating
displace relaxant from dose of rocuronium
sugammadex within 6h immediately
Suxa- Depolarising muscle relaxant. Prolonged block in i IOP. Bradycardia IV: 1–​2mg/​kg. 1–​1.5mg/​kg.
Drug formulary

methonium Rapid short-​acting muscle plasma cholinesterase with 2nd dose IM: 3–​4mg/​kg Infusion: 0.5–​10mg/​min
paralysis. Phase II block deficiency,
develops with repeated doses hypokalaemia,
(>8mg/​kg). Store at 2–​8°C hypocalcaemia.
MH, neuromuscular
disorders. i serum K+
(normally 0.5mmol/​L,
greater in burns,
trauma, upper motor
neurone injury)
Tapentadol Moderate to severe pain Reduce in hepatic Diarrhoea, dyspepsia, Consult tertiary >18y PO: 50mg 4-​to 6-​
managed only by opioids impairment weight loss consultant hourly, max 700mg
Temazepam Benzodiazepine.Sedation or d requirement for Respiratory depression PO: 0.3mg/​kg PO: 10–​40mg 1h
premedication. Duration 1–​2h anaesthetic agents in combination with preoperatively. NR <12y preoperatively (elderly
opioids. Amnesia 10–​20mg)
Thiopental Short-​acting thiobarbiturate. Accumulation Hypotension.Necrosis Induction: neonate 2–​4 Induction/​cerebral
Induction of anaesthesia, with repeated if intra-​arterial mg/​kg, child 5–​6mg/​kg. protection: 3–​5mg/​kg.
anticonvulsant, cerebral doses. Caution in Status: 2–​4mg/​kg, then Anticonvulsant: 0.5–​2
protection. Recovery due to hypovolaemia and 8mg/​kg/​h mg/​kg PRN
redistribution elderly. Porphyria
Tramadol Analgesic thought to have Only 30% antagonised Nausea, dizziness, dry >12y: adult dose PO: 50–​100mg 4-​hourly.
less respiratory depression, by naloxone. Caution mouth. i side effects Slow IV/​IM: 50–​100mg
constipation, euphoria and in epilepsy. Previously in conjunction with 4-​hourly (100mg initially,
abuse potential than other not recommended for other opioids then 50mg increments
opioids. Has opioid and non-​ intraoperative use. to max 250mg).
opioid mechanisms of action MAOI Max 600mg/​d
Tranexamic Inhibits plasminogen activation, Avoid in Dizziness, nausea Slow IV: 10–​15mg/​kg tds. Slow IV: 0.5–​1g tds.
acid reducing fibrin dissolution thromboembolic PO: 10–​25mg/​kg tds PO: 15–​25mg/​kg tds
by plasmin. Reduced disease, renal
haemorrhage in major trauma, impairment and
prostatectomy and dental pregnancy
extraction. Can be used for
surgical bleeding in obstetric
haemorrhage and prophylaxis
in arthroplasty
Vasopressin Synthetic ADH used in Extreme caution in Pallor, coronary Diabetes insipidus Diabetes insipidus SC/​
treatment of diabetes insipidus, coronary vascular vasoconstriction, SC/​IM: <12y, 0.1–​0.4 IM: 5–​20 units 4-​hourly.
resistant vasodilatory shock, disease water intoxication micrograms/​d; >12y, 1–​4 Septic shock infusion:
variceal bleeding micrograms/​d. See BNF 1–​4 units/​h. Variceal
for Children for specific bleed: 20 units over
indications 15min


Chapter 42

Table 42.1 (Contd.)

Drug Description and perioperative Cautions and Side effects Dose (paediatric) Dose (adult)
indications contraindications
Vecuronium Aminosteroid NDMR. See Cisatracurium See Cisatracurium Intubation: 80–​100 Intubation: 80–​100
Cardiostable and no histamine micrograms/​kg. micrograms/​kg.
Drug formulary

release. Duration 30–​45min Maintenance: 20–​30 Maintenance: 20–​30

micrograms/​kg. Infusion: micrograms/​kg. Infusion:
0.8–​1.4 micrograms/​ 0.8–​1.4 micrograms/​
kg/​min kg/​min

bd, twice daily; ET, endotracheal; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; NR, not recommended; od, once daily; PO, per os (oral); qds, four times daily; SC, subcutaneous; SL, sublingual; tds,
three times daily. Doses are IV and dilutions in 0.9% sodium chloride, unless otherwise stated.
Infusion regimes
(See Table 42.2.)

Table 42.2 Infusion regimes

Drug Indication Diluent Dose Suggested regime Infusion Initial rate Comments
(60kg adult) range (adult)
Adrenaline Treatment of 0.9% 2–​20 micrograms/​min 5mg/​50mL (100 1.2–​12+ 5mL/​h Via central catheter. Suggest
hypotension sodium (0.04–​0.4 micrograms/​ micrograms/​mL) mL/​h 1mg/​50mL for initial intraoperative
chloride, kg/​min) use (or 1mg/​500mL if no central
5% glucose access)
Alfentanil Analgesia 0.9% 0.5–​1 micrograms/​ Undiluted (500 0–​8 mL/​h 4mL/​h 1–​2mg can be added to 50mL of
sodium kg/​min micrograms/​mL) propofol for infusion
5% glucose
Aminophylline Bronchodilation 0.9% 0.5mg/​kg/​h 250mg/​50mL 0–​6mL/​h 6mL/​h First 5mg/​kg can be given over
sodium (5mg/​mL) 20min if theophylline-​naïve
chloride, Caution in patients already
5% glucose receiving theophyllines (serum
level 10–​20mg/​L); 0.6mg/​
kg of aminophylline should
increase serum level by 1mg/​L
Side effects include
tachydysrhythmias, tachypnoea,
seizures and nausea


Table 42.2 (Contd.)
Drug Indication Diluent Dose Suggested regime Infusion Initial rate Comments
(60kg adult) range (adult)
Amiodarone Treatment of 5% glucose Loading infusion 5mg/​kg 300mg/​50mL 25–​50 25mL/​h Via central line (peripherally ‘in
arrhythmias only over 20–​120min, then (6mg/​mL) mL/​h, extremis’). Max 1.2g in 24h. Adjust
Chapter 42

900mg over 24h then to therapeutic levels

Atracurium Muscle relaxant 0.9% 0.3–​0.6mg/​kg/​h Undiluted 1.5–​4 3mL/​h Assess rate with nerve stimulator
sodium (10mg/​mL) mL/​h
5% glucose
Digoxin Rapid control of 0.9% 250–​500 micrograms 250–​500 0–​100 50mL/​h ECG monitoring suggested
Drug formulary

ventricular rate sodium over 30–​60min; micrograms/​50mL mL/​h

chloride, 0.75–​1mg over 2h
5% glucose
Dobutamine β1-​adrenergic 0.9% 2.5–​10 micrograms/​ 250mg/​50mL 2–​7mL/​h 2mL/​h ECG monitoring advised.
agonist, positive sodium kg/​min (5mg/​mL) Hypertension and arrhythmias
inotrope and chloride,
chronotrope. 5% glucose
Cardiac failure
Dopamine Naturally 0.9% 2–​10 micrograms/​ 200mg/​50mL 2–​9mL/​h 2mL/​h ECG monitoring advised.
occurring sodium kg/​min (4mg/​mL) Via central line. Avoid in
catecholamine chloride, phaeochromocytoma (due to
with α, β1 and 5% glucose noradrenaline release)
activity. Inotropic
Esmolol β-​blocker 0.9% 50–​200 micrograms/​ 2.5g/​50mL 3–​15 3mL/​h ECG monitoring
sodium kg/​min (50mg/​mL) mL/​h
5% glucose
Glyceryl Controlled 0.9% 0.5–​12mg/​h 50mg/​50mL 0.5–​12 5mL/​h
trinitrate hypotension sodium (1mg/​mL) mL/​h
5% glucose
Heparin Anticoagulation 0.9% 24 000–​48 000 50 000 units/​50mL 1–​2mL/​h 2mL/​h Check APTT after 12h.
sodium units/​24h (1000 units/​mL) See local guidelines
5% glucose
Insulin DM 0.9% Sliding scale 50units/​50mL Sliding Sliding
(soluble) sodium (1 unit/​mL) scale scale
Isoprenaline Synthetic 0.9% 0.5–​10 micrograms/​min 1mg/​50mL (20 0.5–​30 7mL/​h MHRA special order request
catecholamine sodium micrograms/​mL) mL/​h required. Caution with IHD,
with β1-​ chloride, hyperthyroidism, DM . Paediatric
adrenergic 5% glucose dose; bolus 5 micrograms/​kg.
agonist activity. Infusion: 0.02–​1 micrograms/​
Treatment of kg/​min
heart block and
and β-​blocker



Table 42.2 (Contd.)

Drug Indication Diluent Dose Suggested regime Infusion Initial rate Comments
(60kg adult) range (adult)
Chapter 42

Ketamine GA 0.9% 1–​3mg/​kg/​h 500mg/​50mL 6–​18 10mL/​h Induction 0.5–​2mg/​kg

sodium (10mg/​mL) mL/​h
5% glucose
Ketamine Analgesia 0.9% 0.2mg/​kg/​h 200mg/​50mL 0–​6mL/​h 3mL/​h With midazolam 2–​5mg/​h
sodium (4mg/​mL)
5% glucose
Drug formulary

Ketamine ‘Trauma’ mixture 0.9% 0.5mL/​kg/​h 50mL mixture 15–​45 30mL/​h 200mg ketamine + 10mg
sodium (4mg/​mL ketamine) mL/​h midazolam+ 10mg vecuronium
chloride in 50mL
Lidocaine Ventricular 0.9% 4mg/​min for 30min, 500mg/​50mL 6–​24 24mL/​h After 50–​100mg, slow IV bolus.
(lignocaine) arrhythmias sodium 2mg/​min for 2h, then (10mg/​mL, 1%) mL/​h ECG monitoring
chloride 1mg/​min for 24h
Lidocaine Postoperative 0.9% Loading dose 1.5mg/​ 2% lidocaine neat 1.5–​6 3mL/​h Use IBW. ECG monitoring
(lignocaine) analgesia sodium kg over 2-4min (max. (20mg/​mL) mL/​h throughout. Avoid in hypotension,
chloride 20min), followed by hypovolaemia, heart block,
0.5–​2mg/​kg/​h concurrent regional technique with
LA. Caution with renal, hepatic and
cardiac dysfunction. Monitor for
signs of toxicity and sedation
Morphine Analgesia 0.9% 0–​3.5mg/​h 50mg/​50mL 0–​3.5 2mL/​h Monitor respiration and sedation
sodium (1mg/​mL) mL/​h hourly. Administer O2
Naloxone Opioid antagonist 0.9% >1 microgram/​kg/​h 2mg/​500mL (4 100mL/​h Rate adjusted according to
sodium micrograms/​mL) response
5% glucose
Noradrenaline Catecholamine 5% glucose 2–​25 micrograms/​min 4mg/​40mL (100 1.2–​12+ 5mL/​h Via central line. Potentiated by
α-​adrenergic (0.04–​0.5 micrograms/​ micrograms/​mL) mL/​h MAOIs and TCAs
agonist. kg/​min, up to If infusion >0.5micrograms/kg/min
Treatment of 1 microgram/​kg/​min consider adding a second
hypotension in extremis, weaned as ionotropic agent
soon as possible)
Octreotide Somatostatin 0.9% 25–​50 micrograms/​h 500micrograms/​ 2–​5mL/​h 5mL/​h Use in variceal bleeding unlicensed
analogue sodium 50mL (10
chloride micrograms/​mL)
Oxytocin Prevention of 0.9% 0.02–​0.125 units/​min 30units in 500mL 30–​125 125mL/​h Individual unit protocols vary
uterine atony sodium (10 units/​h) (0.06 units/​mL) mL/​h
5% glucose
Phenylephrine Treatment of 0.9% 30–​60 micrograms/​min 5mg in 50mL (100 18–​36 30mL/​h Gaining popularity for regional
hypotension sodium micrograms/​mL) mL/​h Caesarean
5% glucose



Table 42.2 (Contd.)

Drug Indication Diluent Dose Suggested regime Infusion Initial rate Comments
Chapter 42

(60kg adult) range (adult)

Phenytoin Anticonvulsant 0.9% 20mg/​kg 900mg/​90mL Up to 50 180mL/​h ECG and BP monitoring. Complete
prophylaxis sodium (administer mg/​min within 1h of preparation
chloride via 0.22–​0.5
micrometre filter)
Propofol Anaesthesia 6–​10mg/​kg/​h Undiluted 36–​60 TCI: initially 4–​8 micrograms/​mL,
(10mg/​mL) mL/​h then 3–​6 micrograms/​mL
Drug formulary

Propofol Sedation 0–​3mg/​kg/​h Undiluted 0–​20 TCI: 0–​2.5 micrograms/​mL

(10mg/​mL) mL/​h
Remifentanil Analgesia during 0.9% 0.1–​1.0 2mg/​40mL (50 5–​40 8mL/​h Metabolised by non-​specific
GA or labour as sodium micrograms/​kg/​min micrograms/​mL) mL/​h (2mL/​h esterases, duration 5–​10min. May
PCA chloride, PCA in labour: if spon- be mixed with propofol;
5% glucose 25–​75 micrograms taneous SV: 125 micrograms/​50mL;
bolus, 3min lockout breathing) IPPV: 250–​500 micrograms/​50mL
(0.5–​1.5mL of 50
Salbutamol Bronchospasm 5% glucose 5–​20 micrograms/​min 1mg/​50mL (20 15–​60 30mL/​h After 250 micrograms, slow IV
micrograms/​mL) mL/​h bolus
Sodium Acidosis (Weight (kg) × base Undiluted (8.4% 8.4%, 1000mmol/​L. Via central
bicarbonate deficit × 0.3) mmol solution) line, if possible
Vasopressin Vasodilatory 5% glucose 0.01–​0.04 units/​min Argipressin 1.5–​6 3mL/​h Side effects become more common
shock (synthetic mL/​h with higher doses and with little
vasopressin) 20 clinical benefit. Central access only
units (1mL) in 50mL

Helpful hints when calculating infusion rates.

3mg/​kg/​50mL, then 1mL/​h = 1 microgram/​kg/​min; 3mg/​50mL, then 1mL/​h = 1 microgram/​min.
Rate (mL/​h) = 60 × rate (micrograms/​kg/​min) × weight (kg)/​concentration (micrograms/​mL).

Note: Tables, figures, and boxes are indicated by an italic t, f, and b following the page number.
A acute kidney injury adult basic life support
see AKI 1052–​4
AAA repair 592–​4 acute laryngotra breathing 1053
emergency 595–​6 cheobronchitis 949 chest compressions 1053
ABC acute liver failure 202–​4 defibrillation 1053
air/​gas embolism 1075 anaesthetic see also resuscitation
anaphylaxis 1081 management 206 Adults with Incapacity Act
burns patients 1013–​14 causes 203t (Scotland) (2000) 328
elderly patients 1025–​6 subtypes 203t advance directives 42
paediatric emergencies transplant referral Jehovah’s Witnesses 462
951, 959 criteria 210b psychiatric patients 328
pulmonary oedema 1080 acute motor axonal advanced life support
severe bronchospasm 1078 neuropathy 312t adult 1055–​7
severe hypertension 1069 acute motor-​sensory paediatric 951, 953f
severe hypotension 1066 axonal neuropathy Advanced Trauma Life
severe hypoxia 1071 (AMSAN) 312t Support (ATLS) 969–​70
see also resuscitation acute pain 1152 children 953f
abciximab 277–​8, 279t acute renal failure see AKI see also resuscitation
regional anaesthesia 1110t adalimumab 24​8 aeromedical
abdominal hysterectomy 752 Addison’s disease 228 transfer 1046–​7
abdominal injuries 999–​1000 perioperative AF 149–​51
children 1021 management 228 ablation 832–​3
abdominal wall blocks 1168 Addisonian crisis 229 anticoagulant
abdominoperineal resection adductor canal block 1140 therapy 269–​75
672t, 678t adenosine 149, 1182t heart failure 113
abdominoplasty 650t in porphyria 261t hyperthyroidism 223
ABG 165t thallium scintigraphy 105 management 149–​50, 150t
chronic liver disease 206 adenosine diphosphate/​ prevention 150t
COPD 179 P2Y12 inhibitors 277 risk stratification 270t
restrictive pulmonary ADHD 328 AHI 109
disease 185 adjuvant analgesia in AIDS 228
ablation perioperative air embolism 135, 584–​5,
intracardiac 832–​3 care 1170–​2 1074–​5
endometrial 747t adrenal crisis 229 blast injuries 1006
tumours 733, 824 adrenalectomy 233 paradoxical 585
abortion 749 see also airborne respiratory
acarbose 219t phaeochromocytoma viruses 403–​4
accidental awareness during adrenaline 758, 1182t airway 971–​4
GA see awareness anaphylaxis 1081, assessment 363–​7
under anaesthesia 1082t, 1082 burns patients 1013
ACE inhibitors bronchospasm 1079t cannot intubate, cannot
and breastfeeding 867t children 962t, 963–​4 oxygenate 381, 1095
heart failure 113 drug interactions 331–​2 cricothyroi
ischaemic heart infusion 1209t dotomy 381–​3
disease 106–​7 in porphyria 261t rescue techniques 381–​3,
in pregnancy 894 pulmonary 382f
achondroplasia 252 hypertension 143t children 921
acromegaly 222 resuscitation 1056 face masks 908
ACTH sepsis and septic nasopharyngeal 908
Cushing’s syndrome 232 shock 1037 oropharyngeal 908
activated charcoal filters 1098 adrenocortical stabilisation prior to PICU
acupuncture 1169 insufficiency 228–​9 transfer 961
acute epiglottitis 949–​50 see also Addison’s disease supraglottic airway
acute intermittent adult advanced life support 908, 909t
porphyria 260 1055–​7 trauma 1019

1218 Index

airway (Contd.) latex 1086–​7 suicide 16

difficult local anaesthetics 1093 anakinra 248​
plastic surgery 648 see also anaphylaxis anal surgery 672t, 678t
predictors of 363–​4, 367 allodynia 1170–​2 analgesia 1155–​60
unanticipated 368–​72 α-​agonists 1069 acupuncture 1169
disruption 975 alteplase 280 analgesic efficacy 1161t
elderly patients 1025 ambrisentan 141t analgesic ladder 1153, 1154f
ENT surgery 756–​7 ambulance transfer 1047 benefits of 1152
equipment 355–​8 Ametop® cream 916 burns 1016
front of neck aminocaproic acid 281 children 1024
difficult, predictors of 367 aminophylline 176t in CKD 197t
emergency 369, 381–​3 bronchospasm 1079t continuous peripheral
glottic view 365f dose in children 963–​4 nerve blockade 1167
head injuries 991 infusion 1209t elderly patients 1026
laryngeal view 365f amiodarone 1182t epidural see epidural
obstruction 384–​7 AF 151 anaesthesia
preoperative 762–​4 and breastfeeding 867t inhalational 1156
ophthalmic surgery 808 dose in children 963–​4 league table of
preoperative drug interactions 302t analgesics 1161t
examination 27 infusion 1209t obstetric 840
respiratory viruses, in porphyria 261t oncology 473
airborne 403–​4 resuscitation 1056 ophthalmic surgery 809
terminology 362 tachycardia 149, 151 patient-​controlled see PCA
thyroidectomy 711 VT 152–​3 plastic surgery 652
trauma 975 amitriptyline 302t postoperative
children 1019 amlodipine 867t Caesarean section 865
elderly patients 1025 amniotic fluid embolism 886 children 926–​7
see also intubation amphetamines 336t, 337 in pregnancy 895
AKI 198–​200 drug interactions 331–​2 premedication 66
and liver disease 203 amputations 606 TENS 1169
risk factors 198t phantom limb pain 1172 thoracic surgery 531
alanine aminotransferase postoperative pain 1172 trauma
206, 207t amyotrophic lateral children 1024
Albers–​Schonberg disease sclerosis 310 elderly patients 1026
see osteopetrosis anaemia 254–​6, 458–​9 anaphylaxis 1081–​3
albumin 206, 207t, 451–​2 classification algorithm 255f blood transfusion 456–​7
in elderly patients 91 perioperative blood follow-​up 1084–​5
human albumin solution transfusion 256 latex 1086
467, 467t postoperative 56 clinical features 1087
alcohol preoptimisation 53–​6, 55f prevention 1087
abuse 338 in RA 246 NMBAs 422
prehabilitation 50 anaesthetic breathing systems treatment 1081, 1182t
Alcohol Use Disorders see breathing systems see also allergy
Identification Test 50 anaesthetic drugs andexanet alfa 275, 276t
aldosterone 233 concentrations 428–​9 aneurysm
alfentanil 186t, 1182t local see LAs aortic 592–​600
in CKD 197t anaesthetic history 24 see also AAA repair
in ECT 339–​40 anaesthetic machine 348–​ endovascular treatment
in epilepsy 301t 9, 349f see EVAR
in G6PD deficiency 264t anaesthetic risk 38t intracranial 575
induction of anaesthetist clipping of 578–​9
anaesthesia 407 blood and bodily fluid endovascular
infusion 1209t exposure 17–​18 treatment 580–​1
in liver failure 211t drug addiction 16 aneurysmal SAH
in porphyria 261t fatigue and burnout, medical complications 577
alkaline phosphatase recognising 15–​16 neurological
206, 207t pregnancy 16–​17 complications 576–​7
allergy resilience 15 outcome 577
in asthma 174–​5 responsibilities 2 angiography 829
blood transfusion 456 self-​care 15–​20 angioplasty 823
history taking 25 major mishaps 504–​5 failed 517
Index 1219

angiotensin-​converting MAOIs see MAOIs cerebrovascular events,

enzyme inhibitors see St John’s wort 330 prophylaxis 296
ACE inhibitors SSRIs 330–​1 regional anaesthesia 1110t
angiotensin receptor TCAs 330 reversal 275
blockers see ARBs antiemetics VTE prophylaxis 61
ankle arthrodesis 626t drug interactions 293 aplastic crisis in sickle-​cell
ankle block 1142–​4 PONV 443, 444t disease 257
ankle joint replacement 626t in pregnancy 895 apnoea
ankle surgery 625 anti-​epileptic drugs see central 186, 186t
ankylosing spondylitis 249 anticonvulsants suxamethonium
articular 249 antifibrinolytics 281–​2 420t, 1090
non-​articular 249 aminocaproic acid 281 apnoea–​hypopnoea index
anorexia nervosa 86–​7, 329 aprotinin 281 see AHI
antacids 66 tranexamic acid 281, apnoeic oxygenation 397–​8
caesarean section 938 702, 1182t apomorphine 292t, 294
anterior chamber blood appendicectomy 672t
surgery 812 management 458–​9 laparoscopic 678t, 681
anterior cord cardiac surgery 526 applied Fick principle 432
syndrome 305t antihistamines see aprepitant 444t
antiarrhythmics 1056 antiemetics aprotinin 281
antibiotics antihypertensives cardiac surgery 526
and breastfeeding 867t hydralazine 874, 1182t APTT 284–​7
prophylaxis 62–​3 labetalol 874, 1182t CKD 194
decolonisation 62 perioperative continuation coagulation disorders 266t
IE 63 116–​17, 298 apudoma 235–​7
timing 62 antiphospholipid AR 122–​3
anticholinergic drugs syndrome 289 perioperative risk 123
292, 292t antiplatelet drugs 277–​9 valve replacement 518t
anticholinesterases see cerebrovascular events, see also TAVI
cholinesterase prophylaxis 296 ARBs
inhibitors dual antiplatelet therapy and breastfeeding 867t
anticoagulants 269–​75 (DAPT) 278 heart failure 113
apixaban 274, 276t antipsychotic drugs 334 ischaemic heart
reversal 275 and breastfeeding 867t disease 106–​7
argatroban 274 antiseptics 7–​8 ARF see AKI
bivalirudin 274 antisialagogues 66–​8 argatroban 274
cerebrovascular events, anxiety 328 regional anaesthesia 1110t
prophylaxis 296 anxiolytics argon laser 476t
dabigatran 274, 276t ASD 97, 98t ARISCAT risk index
reversal 275 premedication 66 169, 172t
edoxaban 274, 276t aorta Arozullah risk index
fondaparinux 275 REBOA 1000 168, 169t
heart failure 113 traumatic injury 997 arrhythmias,
heparin 266t, 273–​4 aortic aneurysm perioperative 145–​6
LMWH 61, 119, 266t, abdominal see AAA repair atrial/​ventricular
273–​4, 1110t dissection 521–​2 activity 146
unfractionated 61, thoracoabdominal broad complex see broad
119, 266t, 273–​4, 599–​600 complex arrhythmias
1110t, 1182t aortic arch diagnosis 145–​6
VTE prophylaxis 61 surgery 521–​2 heart block 154–​6
hirudins 274 aortic valve disease narrow complex 147–​51
pulmonary regurgitation see AR obesity 71
hypertension 141t stenosis see AS P waves 146
regional anaesthesia 1110t aortic valve QRS complex 146
rivaroxaban 274, 276t replacement 518t risk factors 145t
reversal 275 TAVI 834–​5 arterial blood gases
warfarin 119, 266t, 272–​3 Apgar scores 956t see ABG
VTE prophylaxis 61 apheresis donation 450 arterial injection, accidental
anticonvulsants 302t apical ballooning 1088–​9
and breastfeeding 867t syndrome 129 arterial waveform
antidepressants 330–​2 apixaban 274, 276t analysis 431–​2

1220 Index

arteriovenous fistula asystole, children 954 B

formation 609 atenolol 1182t
arthritis, rheumatoid see RA atlantoaxial subluxation bacteraemia 725
arthroplasty see shoulder 246, 247t bacterial sepsis 456–​7
surgery; THR; TKR ATMIST pre-​alert 968, 969b bad news, breaking 504
arthroscopic surgery 623 atracurium 421–​2, 1182t Bain breathing system 911
ankle 625 adverse effects 422 balloon pump, intra-​
cruciate ligament in CKD 196–​7, 197t aortic 523
repair 624 dose 421t bamboo spine 249
shoulder joint 637 infusion 1209t bare-​metal stents 106
AS 120–​1 in liver failure 211t bariatric surgery 686–​94
haemodynamic goals 121 obesity 80 gastric banding 690–​1
history and in porphyria 261t gastric bypass 692–​3
examination 120 atrial ectopics 147 indications 687
investigations 120 atrial fibrillation see AF intragastric balloon
perioperative atrial flutter/​tachycardia 149 insertion and
management 121 atrial septal defect removal 689
severity grading 120t primum 136 risk scoring 688
valve replacement 518t secundum 136 sleeve gastrectomy 694
see also TAVI at-​risk populations 70–​99 see also obesity
ascending aorta surgery 521–​2 anorexia nervosa 86–​7 base of skull fracture 994
ascites 202 ASD 95 basic life support
TIPSS 698 cachexia 83–​5 adults 1052–​4
ASD 95, 136 elderly patients 89–​91 children 952f
capacity 96–​7 learning disabilities 95 beating heart donors
communication 96 malnutrition 82 497–​502
consent 96–​7 obesity 70–​81 Becker muscular
perioperative plan 97 short gut syndrome 88 dystrophy 321t
postoperative care 98–​9 atropine 1182t beclometasone 176t
preoperative children 917, 963t benzodiazepines 894
preparation 97 dose 963–​4 obesity 80
see atrial septal defect; and MAOIs 331–​2 premedication 66
see autistic spectrum in porphyria 261t benztropine 292t
disorder attention-​deficit benzylpenicillin 261t
aspartate transaminase hyperactivity disorder β2-​agonists 176t
206, 207t see ADHD in hyperkalaemia 240
aspiration 1076–​7 autistic spectrum disorder in severe bronchospasm
aspiration pneumonitis see ASD 1078–​9
prophylaxis 66 autologous blood in tocolysis, see salbutamol
caesarean section 938 transfusion 458–​9 β-​blockers
aspirin 277, 279t autonomic AMI 109
and breastfeeding 867t dysreflexia 305–​6 and breastfeeding 867t
cerebrovascular events, AVPU score 989 heart failure 113
prophylaxis 296 AVR see aortic valve severe hypertension 1069
efficacy 1161t replacement; see betamethasone 231b
in G6PD deficiency 264t also TAVI bicarbonate 1103t, 1182t
myocardial infarction 110 awake craniotomy 572–​4 dose in children 963–​4
PCI procedures 106 awake tracheal intubation Bier’s block 1127
in porphyria 261t 393–​6, 394f bifascicular heart block
prosthetic heart valves 119 difficult, predictors 154, 159f
regional anaesthesia 1110t of 367 bilirubin 206, 207t
VTE prophylaxis 61 awareness under overload 212t
asthma 174–​7 anaesthesia 426–​9 bioimpedance 433
anaesthesia 176 axillary brachial plexus block bioreactance 433
obesity 71 932, 1122 bisoprolol 113
perioperative axillary nerve block 1123–​4 ischaemic heart
medication 176t axillobifemoral bypass 605 disease 106–​7
postoperative care 177 Ayre’s T-​piece with bispectral index 426–​8, 427t
safe drugs 186t Jackson–​Rees see also depth of
severe bronchospasm modification 910–​11 anaesthesia
1078–​9 azathioprine 132–​3, 247–​8 bitumen burns 1017
Index 1221

bivalirudin 274 Prothrombinex® 451–​2 BMI 70, 70t

regional recombinant factor bodily fluid exposure,
anaesthesia 1110t VIIa 451–​2 anaesthetist 17–​18
bladder red cells 451t bone-​anchored hearing aid
cystectomy 735–​6 whole blood 450 insertion 333t
neck incision 726t donation 450 bosentan 141t
spasm 725 blood sugar see blood bougie, intubating see
tumour, transurethral glucose intubating bougie
resection 731 blood tests BP see blood pressure
bladed videolaryngoscopes APTT see APTT brachial plexus block
357, 380 arterial blood gases axillary 1122
blast injuries 1006–​7 see ABG day case surgery 488
mechanisms of full blood count see FBC infraclavicular
trauma 1007t group and screen 452 paracoricoid 1121–​2
bleeding see haemorrhage liver function tests interscalene 1119–​20
bleomycin 474 see LFTs supraclavicular 1120–​1
blood conservation 458–​9 PT 207t, 284–​7 brachytherapy, prostate
blood count see FBC urea and electrolytes see carcinoma 729
blood donation 450 electrolytes; U&Es bradycardia
apheresis 450 blood transfusion severe 1060–​61
testing 450 anaemia 256 sinus 147
whole blood 450 autologous 458–​9 brain, electronic monitoring
blood exposure, children 426–​8, 427f, 427t
anaesthetist 17–​18 targets 1022t brainstem death 493–​6
blood gases see ABG trauma 1021 organ retrieval 497–​502
blood glucose compatibility 453–​4 pathophysiology 497–​8
acromegaly 222 ABO 453, 453t breast surgery 653–​4
diabetes mellitus 217 RhD 454 augmentation 658
hyperglycaemia, testing 452–​3 flap types 655t
perioperative 220 complications 456–​7 gynaecomastia 650t
hypoglycaemia 220 acute reactions 456–​7 post-​mastectomy/​
phaeochromocytoma 717 delayed reactions 456–​7 lumpectomy
blood loss see haemorrhage TRALI 456–​7 reconstruction 658
blood management 458–​9 transfusion-​associated reduction 656–​7
autologous circulatory breastfeeding and drug
transfusion 458–​9 overload 456 transfer 867–​8
intraoperative cell transfusion-​associated breathing see respiratory
salvage 458–​9 graft versus host function
see also PBM disease 456–​7 breathing systems 350–​1
blood patching 850–​1 group and screen vs cross-​ Ayre’s T-​piece with
blood pressure 116–​17 matching 452–​3 Jackson–​Rees
in children 902t, 1020t indications and triggers modification 910–​11
diastolic 902t 454, 455t Bain system 911
invasive 578–​9 Jehovah’s children 910–​11
non-​invasive 194–​5, 590–​ Witnesses 462–​3 circle system 350, 351f, 911
1, 1015–​16 massive 460–​1 Mapleson systems 351
severe hypertension perioperative 256 mechanical ventilation
1068–​9 safe 452 352, 911–​12
severe hypotension 1065–7 threshold, cardiac semi-​closed 351
systolic 902t, 1020t surgery 526 see also ventilation
blood products 450–​7, 451t time limits for broad complex
albumin 451–​2 infusions 453t arrhythmias 152–​3
cryoprecipitate 267, 451t variceal haemorrhage, management 152–​3
donation and testing 450 acute 696 tachycardia 1062
FFP 451t see also blood products supraventricular
fibrinogen blood volume 135, 223, 906 with aberrant
concentrate 451–​2 children 903t conduction 153
immunoglobulin obese patients 71 ventricular 152
products 451–​2 spinal cord lesions 306 torsade de pointes 153
platelets 451t blood warmers 457 ventricular ectopics 152
processing 450 blunt trauma 968 VF 153

1222 Index

Broca formula for IBW 80 C central venous 360

bromocriptine 292t peripherally inserted
bronchial blocker technique CABG 106, 513–​15 central catheters 359
537 emergency 517 venous 359–​60
bronchiectasis 181 off-​pump 516 capacity, ethical 41–​2
anaesthesia 180 cachexia 83–​5 ASD 96–​7
bronchopleural fistula anaesthesia 83 CAPD see peritoneal
repair 547–​8 complications 83 dialysis
bronchoscopy diagnostic criteria 83b capnography 911–​12,
fibreoptic 533t, 537 risk factors 83b 924–​5, 961
rigid 540 Caesarean section 853–​4 capsulotomy 640t
bronchospasm 1071, categories of urgency 853t captopril 867t
1078–​9 CSE 858–​9 carbamazepine 302t, 867t
drug doses 1079t dosing regimes, carbetocin 883t
Brown-​Séquard summary 866t carbimazole 223
syndrome 305t epidural analgesia 855–​6 carbon dioxide
budesonide 176t general anaesthesia 862–​3 clearance 353–​4
bullectomy 544–​5 effect on fetus 863 carbon dioxide laser
bundle branch block failed intubation 864 476t, 477
154–​5, 157f pregnancy carbon footprint 418
left 154, 158f hypertension 875 carbon monoxide poisoning
right 154, 157f inadequate 1016, 1017t
bupivacaine 1182t anaesthesia 860 carboprost 883t, 1182t
children 931t postoperative carboxyhaemoglobin
in CKD 197t analgesia 865 173, 1016
in G6PD deficiency 264t NSAIDs 865 carcinoid syndrome 235
in liver failure 211t opioids 865 carcinoid tumours
ophthalmic surgery 804 regional anaesthesia 853–​4 235, 720–​1
in porphyria 260–​2, 261t pregnancy cardiac arrest 1052–​7
in pregnancy 895 hypertension 876 children 951
regional anaesthesia spinal anaesthesia 857 traumatic 1024
1102t, 1102 calcium during MRI 822
buprenorphine 1182t daily requirement 464t maternal 897–​8
in substance abuse 1178 hypercalcaemia 714–​15 post-​resuscitation care
transdermal 1159–​60, hypocalcaemia 713 1058–​9
1160t calcium antagonists see thoracotomy 1010–​11
burnout 15–​16 calcium channel traumatic 1009–​11
burns blockers children 1024
airway 1013 calcium channel blockers cardiac arrhythmias
analgesia 1016 delayed cerebral see arrhythmias,
area 1014 ischaemia 576 perioperative
Lund and Browder ischaemic heart cardiac biomarkers 32
chart 1015f disease 106–​7 ischaemic heart
chemical 1017 phaeochromocytoma 717 disease 104
early pulmonary cardiac catheterisation
management 1013–​18 hypertension 141t AS 120
electrical 1018 severe hypertension 1069 heart failure 114
escharotomy 1016 calcium chloride 1182t see also PCI
exposure 1014 dose in children 963–​4 cardiac contusion 996–​7
inhalation of toxic calcium gluconate 1182t cardiac enzymes 1016
substances dose in children 963–​4 see also troponins
1016, 1017t Calgary–​Cambridge cardiac investigations,
monitoring 1015–​16 consultation model 31 preoperative 29
resuscitation 1013–​18 cangrelor 277 cardiac output
skin grafts 664–​7 cannabis 336t, 337 monitoring 430–​3
suxamethonium cannot intubate, cannot monitors 431–​3
contraindicated oxygenate 381, 1095 minimally invasive 431–​2
in 665–​6 cricothyroidotomy 381–​3 oesophageal Doppler
transfer to burns rescue techniques 432, 433t
centre 1014b 381, 382f pulmonary artery
BURP 389 cannulation catheters 431
Index 1223

cardiac resynchronisation heart murmurs see heart cerebral blood flow 559
therapy see CRT murmurs cerebral ischaemia,
cardiac stress testing 29 hypertension 116–​17 delayed 576
cardiac surgery 508–​27 pulmonary 139–​44 cerebral palsy, fetal
CABG see CABG ischaemic heart neuroprotection 870
controversies 526–​7 disease 102–​8 cerebral perfusion
CPB 511–​12, 514 myocardial pressure 558
DHCA 521–​2 infarction 109–​10 cerebrovascular disease 298
IABP 523 obesity 71 cerebrovascular event
preoperative pericardial disease 128 see CVE
considerations 508–​9 in pregnancy 891–​2 certolizumab 248​
drugs 509 transplanted heart 132–​3 cervical cerclage 896
pulmonary valvular heart disease see cervical spine
hypertension 524–​5 valvular heart disease elderly patients 1025
redo 517–​18 cardiovascular history 24 emergency care 971–​4
risk scoring 509 cardiovascular system, children 1020
routine elective 513–​15 preoperative fusion 630t
RV function 524–​5 examination 27 CHA2DS2-​VASc score
specific cardioversion 828 269, 270f
considerations 516–​18 carotid Charcot–​Marie–​Tooth
TOE 510 endarterectomy 601–​3 syndrome 322
valve surgery 518t, 518 awake 602–​3 drug considerations 324t
cardiac tamponade 976 carpal tunnel release CHD 134–​5
cardiogenic shock 976t 640t, 650t adults with 138
cardiology procedures, carvedilol 113 ASD 136
anaesthesia for 826–​7 cataract extraction 812 Eisenmenger’s
angiography 829 catheter syndrome 135
cardiac device insertion central venous 360 Fontan circulation 137
and removal 830–​1 epidural 842, 845, HLHS 137
cardioversion 828 1108, 1165 non-​cardiac
electrophysiology suprapubic 726t surgery 134–​5
procedures 832–​3 Tenckhoff 196–​7 PDA 136
indications 826 urinary, by weight 1020t risk factors 134–​5
TAVI 834–​5 vascular, placement 825 tetralogy of Fallot 137
cardiomyopathy 129–​31 caudal block 929–​30 transposition of the great
alcoholic 338 advantages/​ arteries 137
causes 129t complications 930 VSD 136
dilated 130 anatomy 930f checklists
HOCM 131 children 929–​30 anaesthesia 4–​6, 5f
restrictive 130 continuous caudal epidural drug administration 7–​8
stress-​induced 129 analgesia 930 intubating critically ill
cardiopulmonary bypass CCF 134–​5, 136, 1072 patients 375f
see CPB cefalexin 261t patient transfer
cardiopulmonary exercise cefotaxime 963–​4 1048t, 1049t
testing see CPET ceftriaxone 261t TIVA 416t
cardiopulmonary cell saver see intraoperative WHO 4–​6, 5f
resuscitation see CPR cell salvage chemical burns 1017
cardiovascular cement implantation chest compressions 1053
disease 102–​62 syndrome 615 see also CPR
arrhythmias, cementoplasty 823 chest drain,
perioperative 145–​6 central cord syndrome 305t in children 1020t
narrow central nervous system tension
complex 147–​51 elderly patients 90 pneumothorax 974
broad complex neonates 903 chest injuries 553–​5,
arrhythmias 152–​3 central neuraxial 974–​6, 995–​8
cardiomyopathy see anaesthesia 306 aortic injury 997
cardiomyopathy central venous cardiac contusion 996–​7
CHD 134–​5 cannulation 360 children 1021
CPET 105 femoral 580–​1 diaphragmatic rupture
elderly patients 89 internal jugular 701 553, 998
heart failure 111–​15 cephalosporins 867t life-​threatening 974–​6

1224 Index

chest injuries (Contd.) heart murmurs 914 stabilisation prior to PICU

oesophageal rupture herniotomy 940 transfer 961–​2
553–​4, 997 hypospadias 941 Still’s disease see RA
pulmonary induction of strabismus 813
contusion 995–​6 anaesthesia 919–​20 talipes equinovarus 945
rib fractures 553, 995–​6 inhalational 409, TIVA 417
tracheobronchial injury 919, 920 tonsillectomy/​
554–​5, 998 IV 919–​20 adenoidectomy 767–8​
chest wall, extrinsic parents in anaesthetic topical anaesthetics 916
conditions 184 room 409 tracheal
chest X-​ray see CXR rapid sequence 924 tube 909–​10, 910t
child protection 915 inhaled foreign body 947 tracheoesophageal
childbirth see labour and intubation 909–​10, 922–​4 fistula 936
delivery difficult 923–​4 trauma 1019–​24
children 900–​66 tube fixation 923 analgesia 1024
airway 921 intussusception 939 cardiac arrest 1024
cannot intubate, cannot Jehovah’s Witnesses 463 FAST 1023
oxygenate 383 laryngoscopy 333t, 909 imaging 1022
difficult, laryngospasm 371, 921–​2 safeguarding 1024
predictors of 367 maintenance of uncooperative 914
difficult, anaesthesia 924–​5 upper respiratory tract
unanticipated 371 mechanical infection 913–​14
anaesthetic ventilation 911–​12 VF 955
neurotoxicity 915 medical vital signs 1020t
blood pressure 902t problems 949–​50 VTE prophylaxis 61
blood volume 903t nerve blocks 932 weight 903, 963
cannulation 920–​1 axillary block 932 see also infants; neonates
circumcision 941 dorsal nerve of penis chloral hydrate 1182t
cleft lip/​palate 943–​4 932 children 948
consent 42, 915 femoral nerve 932 chloramphenicol 867t
death, neurological ilioinguinal and chlordiazepoxide 335
determination of 495 iliohypogastric 932 chlorhexidine 7–​8
diaphragmatic rectus sheath 932 chloride 464t
hernia 934 sciatic 932 chlorphenamine 1082, 1182t
Down’s syndrome 933 TAP block 932 chlorpromazine 867t
drug doses 963–​6 orchidopexy 942 cholecystectomy 672t
emergency procedures patent ductus laparoscopic 678t, 680
ABC 951, 959 arteriosus 937 cholestasis 212t
advanced life support physiological cholinergic crisis 316
951, 953f parameters 963t cholinesterase,
asystole and pulseless PONV 925 plasma 420–​1
electrical postoperative inheritance 420t
activity 954 analgesia 926–​7 cholinesterase
basic life support 952f premedication 917, 918t inhibitors 425
collapsed, septic preoperative Chronic Kidney Disease
child 959–​60 assessment 913 Epidemiology
intraosseous preoperative fasting 57, Collaboration
access 920–​1 915–​16, 916t equation 192
neonatal resuscitation preoperative chronic kidney disease
956–​7, 958f investigations 913 see CKD
stabilisation prior pulseless VT 955 chronic liver disease 202
to PICU pyloric stenosis 938 anaesthetic
transfer 961–​2 regional anaesthesia 927 management 205–​10
VF/​pulseless VT 955 caudal block 929–​30 causes 203t
femoral osteotomy 946 drug doses 931t chronic obstructive
fluid requirements 905 epidural block 931 pulmonary disease
gastroschisis/​ subarachnoid block 931 see COPD
exomphalos 935 reversal of chronic renal failure
Glasgow Coma anaesthesia 925 see CKD
Scale 990t sedation 948 CICO see cannot intubate
grommet insertion 766 septic collapse 959–​60 cannot oxygenate
Index 1225

ciclosporin 132–​3, 247​ thrombocytopenia blood transfusion 452

cimetidine 261t 268, 273–​4 children 42, 915
ciprofloxacin 867t thromboelastography/​ psychiatric patients 328
circle breathing system 350, thromboelastometry regional anaesthesia 1100
351f, 911 284–​6, 592–​3 obstetric 841
circulatory access 194–​5 von Willebrand’s disease consultation models 31
circulatory arrest, deep 266t, 267 continuing professional
hypothermic 521–​2 coagulation tests 284–​7 development 10
circulatory system coagulopathy, see contraceptive pill see OCP
burns patients 1014 coagulation disorders COPD 178–​80
children 964–​6, 1021 cocaine 336t, 337, 758 anaesthesia 180
stabilisation prior abuse, in pregnancy 895 coproporphyria,
to PICU drug interactions 331–​2 hereditary 260
transfer 961–​2 cochlear implant 333t coronary artery bypass
head injuries 991–​2 Cockcroft–​Gault grafting see CABG
trauma 976–​8 formula 192 Coronary Artery Calcium
elderly patients 1026 codeine 1157 Score 105
see also ABC and breastfeeding coronary CT
circumcision 726t, 941 867t, 868 angiography 105
cirrhosis 202, 208 children 926–​7 coroner’s inquest 18–​
cisatracurium 186t, 1182t in CKD 197t 20, 505
adverse effects 422 dosage 1158t corrected flow time 433t
in CKD 196–​7, 197t efficacy 1161t Corrigan’s sign 122
dose 421t colleagues, anaesthetising 18 corticosteroids see steroids
in liver failure 211t colloids 467–​8, 467t cortisone acetate 231b
‘Civility Saves Lives’ 9–​10 colposuspension 747t COVID-​19 403–​4
CJD 322 coma COX-​1 inhibitors 1155–​6
drug considerations 324t AVPU score 989 COX-​2 inhibitors 1155–​6
and tonsillectomy 767–​8 Glasgow Coma Scale contraindications 1156t
CKD 193–​5 989, 990t CPB 511
anaesthesia 196–​7 hypothyroid 225 coming off bypass 514
causes 193b combined spinal/​epidural myocardial protection 512
classification 193, 193t see CSE going on bypass 514
safe drugs 197t common gas outlet 348 CPET 29, 33–​5, 105, 165t
see also renal dialysis compartment cystic fibrosis 182
clarithromycin syndrome 1005 pulmonary
drug interactions 302t crush injury 1008 hypertension 140
in porphyria 261t complaints 18–​20 restrictive lung
cleft lip/​palate 943–​4 complex regional pain disease 185
clonidine 335, 1182t syndrome see CRPS work rate increment
ASD 98t complications of calculation 34t
children 917, 918t, 931t anaesthesia 3 CPR
drug interactions 293 pulmonary 168–​71 adult 1052
neuropathic pain 1171 computed neonatal 956–​7
in porphyria 261t tomography see CT neurosurgery 586–​8, 587f
regional anaesthesia 1103t conduited videolaryn paediatric 951
clopidogrel 277, 279t goscopes 380 in trauma 1009–​10
cerebrovascular events, cone biopsy 747t crack cocaine 337
prophylaxis 296 confidence interval 12 craniotomy 561–​2
PCI procedures 106 conflict in theatre 9–​10 awake 572–​4
perioperative congenital heart disease creatinine 205
discontinuation 106 see CHD creatinine clearance 192
regional anaesthesia 1110t congenital muscular CREST syndrome 251
clozapine 867t dystrophies 321t Creutzfeldt–​Jakob disease
coagulation cascade 265 congenital talipes see CJD
coagulation disorders 265 equinovarus 945 CRF see CKD
haemophilia 266t, 267 Conn’s syndrome 233–​4 cricoarytenoid joint
platelet function connective tissue fixation 246
analysers 287 disorders 246–​52 cricoid force/​pressure 389
and regional consent 41–​2 children 390
anaesthesia 1109 ASD 96–​7 trauma 972–​4

1226 Index

cricothyroidotomy cutaneous warming 434 follow-​up, audit and

cannula 381–​3 CVE 296–​9 benchmarking 491–​2
scalpel 381, 382f drug considerations 324t local anaesthesia 488
unanticipated crisis 9 haemorrhagic 297 specific blocks 488–​9
crisis management 9 CXR 165t organisation 483
aftermath 503–​6 acromegaly 222 patient preparation and
critical illness 968–​1028 AR 122 optimisation 485
ICU patient needing AS 120 patient selection 485–​6
surgery 1044–​5 chronic liver disease 206 PONV 488
intubation 373–​8, COPD 179 postoperative
374f, 1034 cystic fibrosis 182 admission 491
checklist 375f heart failure 114 procedures 483–​4, 484t
‘Vortex Approach’ mitral regurgitation 126 regional anaesthesia 488
vs an ‘Airway mitral stenosis 125 discharge criteria
Strategy’ 373 pulmonary 489, 490f
patient transfer 1046–​50 hypertension 140 de Musset’s sign 122
sepsis and septic shock restrictive lung dead space
1035–​9 disease 185 (respiratory) 901t
trauma see trauma cyanide toxicity 1017 death
critical illness polyneuro cyanosis 135 circulatory
myopathy 322 cyclizine 1182t determination 496
drug considerations 324t in porphyria 261t fetal 871
cromoglycate see disodium PONV 444t neurological
cromoglicate cyclophosphamide 247​ determination 493–​6
croup 949–​50 cylinders, medical gas on operating table 503–​6
CRPS 1179 346, 346t legal proceedings
CRT cystectomy 735–​6 505, 506
heart failure 113 cystic fibrosis 182–​3 decision aids 40
insertion and removal of cystoscopic decision-​making, shared
devices 830–​1 procedures 724–​6 40, 40b
cruciate ligament repair 624 postoperative decortication 546
crush injuries 1008 complications 725 deep brain stimulation 294
crush syndrome 1008 cytokine release deep cervical plexus
cryoablation 825 syndrome 474 block 1118
cryoprecipitate 267, 451t deep hypothermic
transfusion 453t, 453, circulatory arrest
454, 455t
D see DHCA
crystalloids 466, 467t dabigatran 274, 276t deep vein thrombosis
CSE regional anaesthesia 1110t see DVT
Caesarean section 858–​9 reversal 275 defibrillation 1053, 1056
inadequate block 860 VTE prophylaxis 61 deflazacort 231b
labour and delivery 843 dacryocystorhinostomy 814 dehydration
needle-​through-​needle dalteparin 261t clinical assessment
technique 858 damage control 907, 907t
two needle technique 858 anaesthesia 986–​7 signs and symptoms 465t
CT resuscitation 982–​7 delayed cerebral
anaesthesia for 818, 819 restoration of normality ischaemia 576
chest 165t and definitive delirium
children 1022, 1022b–​3, repair 987 elderly patients 1027
1023 surgery 982–​3 risk factors 1027t
contrast media 819 danaparoid 1110t postoperative, see POD
coronary angiography 105 dantrolene 1182t delirium tremens 338
hazards 819 dapagliflozin 219t dementia 329
head injuries 993, 993b day surgery 483–​92 dental procedures 792–​6
practical anaesthesia 487–​92 anaesthesia 792
considerations 819 cancellations 483 extractions 794
thyroidectomy 710–​11 discharge criteria 489 impacted/​buried
CT pulmonary discharge drugs 489 teeth 796
angiography 140 discharge organisation 490 sedation 793
Cushing’s syndrome 232 driving 486 see also maxillofacial/​
‘Cut it Out’ 9–​10 emergency 484 dental surgery
Index 1227

dentition labelling 795f diaphragmatic hernia 934 DNAR orders 475

depolarising muscle diaphragmatic rupture DOACs 269
relaxants 420–​1 553, 998 dobutamine
depth of anaesthesia 426–​9 diazepam 335, 1182t drug interactions 331–​2
EEG methods 426–​8, and breastfeeding 867t heart failure 114–​15
427f, 427t dose in children 963–​4 infusion 1209t
dermatomes 1149f in G6PD deficiency 264t pulmonary
desflurane in liver failure 211t hypertension 143t
in CKD 196–​7, 197t in porphyria 260–​2, 261t sepsis and septic
environmental effects 418 diazoxide 236–​7 shock 1037
and ICP 560 dibucaine number 420t stress echo
in liver failure 208, 211t DIC 266t, 283 cardiography 105
maintenance of diclofenac 1182t documentation 6
anaesthesia 412 children 927t blood transfusions 452
metabolism 213 efficacy 1161t burn charts 1014, 1015f
in porphyria 261t in G6PD deficiency 264t drug charts 926–​7
pulmonary premedication 66 major mishaps 503, 504
hypertension 143t difficult airway regional
desmopressin 268, plastic surgery 648 anaesthesia 1100
281, 1182t unanticipated 368–​72 domperidone 293–​4
blood management 458–​9 see also cannot intubate, dopamine
haemophilia 267 cannot oxygenate children 962t
diabetes insipidus 568 difficult drug interactions 331–​2
von Willebrand’s intubation 367, 369f infusion 1209t
disease 267 children 923–​4 dopamine agonist
dexamethasone 230t, extubation 399–​402, withdrawal
231b, 1182t 400f, 401f syndrome 294
oncology 473 unanticipated 368–​9, 388–​ Doppler ultrasound
in porphyria 261t 90, 1094 584, 1074
PONV 444t DIFFMASK score 364 dorsal nerve block of
regional anaesthesia 1103t digit reimplantation 640t penis 932
dexmedetomidine digital block 1127 double-​burst
children 917, 918t, 948 digoxin 1182t stimulation 424t
neuropathic pain 1171 AF 151 Down’s syndrome 933
in porphyria 261t drug interactions 302t doxapram 1182t
regional anaesthesia 1103t heart failure 113 doxazosin 717
dextromethorphan 331–​2 infusion 1209t driving after day-​case
dextrose see glucose and TAVI 834–​5 surgery 486
solutions dihydrocodeine 868 droperidol 1182t
DHCA 521–​2 dilated cardiomyopathy 130 drug interactions 293
diabetes insipidus 244 diltiazem 151 in epilepsy 301t
nephrogenic 233 dipyridamole 277 PONV 444t
neurogenic 497–​8 regional anaesthesia 1110t drug administration
postoperative 568 thallium scintigraphy 105 checklist 7–​8
preoperative 497–​8 direct oral anticoagulants drug history 25
diabetes mellitus 216–​21 see DOACs drug
hyperglycaemia 220 discectomy 630t interactions 26t, 331–​2
hypoglycaemia 220 disease-​modifying antiemetics 293
IV insulin/​glucose 220–​1 antirheumatic drugs antiepileptics 302t
type 1 216 see DMARDs MAOIs 331–​2
type 2 216 disodium cromoglicate 176t in PD 293
obesity 71–​2 disseminated intravascular drug metabolism in liver
diagnostic imaging, coagulation see DIC disease 211, 211t
anaesthesia for 818 distributive shock 976t Duchenne muscular
CT 819 diuretics 113, 114–​15 dystrophy 317–​
MRI 820–​2 pulmonary 18, 321t
dialysis see renal dialysis hypertension 141t ductus arteriosus see PDA
diamorphine 1157, 1182t DLTs 355, 535–​7 Duke Activity Status Index
dosage 1158t cardiac device 35, 35b, 103
intrathecal 1166, 1166t extraction 831 Dupuytren’s contracture
in pregnancy 865 DMARDs 247–​8 640t, 650t

1228 Index

dural puncture 848–​51 mitral regurgitation 126 electroencephalogram,

blood patching 850–​1 mitral stenosis 125 processed see pEEG
epidural 843 myocardial monitoring
immediate contusion 996–​7 electrolyte balance 464
management 848–​9 pulmonary electrolytes
late management 849 hypertension 140 chronic liver disease 205
prophylaxis 849 RA 247 CKD 194
symptomatic restrictive lung disease 185 daily requirement 464t
treatment 850 transoesophageal 700–​2 elderly patients 1026
DVT see venous transthoracic 114 replacement 464–​70
thromboembolism echogenic needle 1108 see also U&Es
dwarfism 252 eclampsia 872–​7 electronic brain monitoring
dye laser 476t, 477 definition 872 426–​8, 427f, 427t
dynamic fluid challenge 466 ecstasy 336t, 337 electronic medical
dysaesthesias 1170–​2 ECT 339–​40 records 7–​8
dyspnoea, Roizen’s ectopic beats electrophysiology
classification 164t atrial 147 procedures 832–​3
dysreflexia, ventricular 152 embolisation,
autonomic 305–​6 ectopic pregnancy 753 radiological 824
edoxaban 274, 276t embolism
EEG, processed see pEEG air/​gas 135, 584–​5,
E monitoring 1074–​5
ear(s) eFONA see front of blast injuries 1006
cochlear implant 333t neck airway amniotic fluid 886
exostoses 333t Eisenmenger’s fat 614
ear, nose and throat surgery syndrome 135 blast injuries 1006
see ENT surgery elbow replacement 638 limb injuries 1004–​5
EBM 10 elderly patients 89–​91 thrombus see venous
levels of evidence 11t abuse 1028 thromboembolism
resources 13 anaesthetic emergence from
ECG management 92–​3 anaesthesia 410
acromegaly 222 cardiovascular disease 89 ophthalmic surgery 810
AF 149, 151f CNS disease 90 plastic surgery 652
AR 122 endocrine aspects 91 emergency laparotomy
AS 120 frailty 92 1040–​3
COPD 179 haematology 91 perioperative
cystic fibrosis 182 immune system 91 care 1041–​2
heart failure 114 liver disease 90 postoperative care
hyperkalaemia 240 nutrition 93 1042–​3
hypokalaemia 238 perioperative preoperative assessment
ischaemic heart management 93 1040–​1
disease 104 pharmacology in 91 emergency procedures
in liver disease 206 postoperative 1034–​50, 1052–​98
mitral regurgitation 126 management 93 AAA repair 595–​6
mitral stenosis 125 preoperative assessment angiography 829
P waves 146 and management 92 CABG 517
preoperative 28t renal disease 90 cardioversion 828
pulmonary respiratory disease 89 cervical spine
hypertension 140 thermoregulation 91 injuries 971–​4
QRS complex 146 TIVA in 417 children
WPW syndrome 148f trauma 1025–​8 ABC 951, 959
see also arrhythmias, anaesthesia and surgery advanced life support
perioperative 1027–​8 951, 953f
echinacea 65t analgesia 1026 asystole and pulseless
echocardiography delirium 1027 electrical
acromegaly 222 when not to operate 94 activity 954
AR 122 electrical burns 1018 basic life support 952f
AS 120 electrocardiogram collapsed, septic
cystic fibrosis 182 see ECG child 959–​60
heart failure 112–​13 electroconvulsive therapy neonatal
in liver disease 206 see ECT resuscitation 956–​7
Index 1229

stabilisation prior Enduring Power of total spinal 845–​6

to PICU Attorney 328 continuous caudal 930
transfer 961–​2 enflurane 186t contraindications 1164
VF/​pulseless VT 955 in CKD 197t drugs used for 1165
front of neck airway in epilepsy 301t labour and delivery 842–​3
369, 381–​3 in liver failure 211t CSE 843
intubation 1034 metabolism 213 dural puncture 843
resuscitation see enhanced recovery after poorly functioning 844
resuscitation surgery see ERAS spinal cord lesions 307–​8
Emery–​Dreifuss enoxaparin spinal cord lesions 307–​8
dystrophy 321t in porphyria 261t troubleshooting 844, 1164
EMLA® cream 916 VTE prophylaxis 61 epidural blood patch 850–​1
in G6PD deficiency 264t ENT surgery 756–​81 epiglottitis, acute 949–​50
premedication 66 airway 756–​7 epilepsy 300–​2
empyema, drainage of 546 extubation 757 antiepileptic drugs
enalapril 867t grommet insertion 766 301, 302t
encephalopathy 208 jet ventilation 765 and driving 300b
endarterectomy, laryngectomy 778–​9 drug considerations 324t
carotid 601–​3 microlaryngoscopy 773–​5 safe drugs 301t
endobronchial myringoplasty 770 epinephrine see adrenaline
ultrasound 541 nasal cavity surgery 772 EPO 458
endobronchial valves 545 nasal vasoconstrictors 758 epoprostenol 278, 279t
endocrine history 24 parotidectomy 781 pulmonary hypertension
endocrine surgery 710–​21 preoperative airway 141t, 143t
carcinoid tumours 720–​1 obstruction 762–​4 eptifibatide 106, 277–​8
parathyroidectomy 714–​15 radical neck dissection 780 regional anaesthesia 1110t
phaeo chromocytoma stapedectomy/​ equipment 344
716–​19 tympanoplasty 771 airway 355–​8
pituitary surgery 567–​8 throat packs 757 anaesthetic machine 348–​9
thyroidectomy 710–​13 tonsillectomy/​ breathing systems 350–​1
endocrine/​metabolic adenoidectomy gases 345–​7
disease 216–​44 adults 769 long-​term venous
acromegaly 222 children 767–​8 access 359–​60
adrenocortical tracheostomy 776–​7 MRI 821
insufficiency 228–​9 entacapone 292t neonatal
apudoma 235–​7 Entonox® 1156 anaesthesia 908–​12
Conn’s syndrome 233–​4 see also nitrous oxide patient transfer 1047–​
Cushing’s syndrome 232 environmental impact of 8, 1048t
diabetes mellitus 216–​21 anaesthesia 418 ventilation 352–​4
hyperkalaemia 240–​1 ephedra 65t ERAS 44–​6
hypernatraemia 244 ephedrine 861, 1182t principles 44b–​6
hypokalaemia 238–​9 drug interactions 331–​2 thoracic surgery 532
hyponatraemia 242 in porphyria 261t erector spinae plane
obesity 71–​2 sepsis and septic block 1130
parathyroid shock 1037 ergometrine 883t, 1182t
disorders 226–​7 epidural anaesthesia and ERPC 749
patients on steroids 230–​1 analgesia 1114 erythromycin 302t
thyroid disease 223–​5 acute pain 1164–​6 erythropoietin 458
endometrium, endoscopic anatomy 1114 escharotomy 1016
resection 747t Caesarean section 855–​6 esmolol 1182t
endoscopic procedures inadequate block 860 AF 151
endometrial children 931 AMI 109
resection 747t complications 845–​ in ECT 339–​40
pharyngeal pouch 7, 1165t infusion 1209t
stapling 333t accidental IV tachycardia 151
endotracheal tube see ETT injection 846 thyroid storm 224–​5
endovascular aneurysm dural puncture 848–​51 essential
repair, see EVAR hypotension 845 thrombocythaemia 288
end-​tidal anaesthetic gas neurological damage 847 ETAG monitoring 428–​9
monitoring see ETAG spinal infection 1166 etanercept 24​8
monitoring subdural block 845 ethyl chloride 916

1230 Index

etomidate 186t F investigation of anaemia

in CKD 196–​7, 197t 55f, 254, 255f
in ECT 339–​40 face masks 908 fetus
in epilepsy 301t facelift (rhytidectomy) 650t death in utero 871
induction of factor VIIa, recombinant effect of general
anaesthesia 407 282, 451–​2 anaesthesia on 863
in liver failure 211t failed intubation neuroprotection 870
in porphyria 261t Caesarean section 864 FEV1/​FVC ratio 182
in pregnancy 894 cannot intubate, cannot FFP 451t
sepsis and septic oxygenate 381, transfusion 453t, 453,
shock 1037 382f, 1095 454, 456t
ETT 355, 604 rapid sequence fibreoptic bronchoscopy
double-​ induction 389–​90 533t, 537
lumen 355, 535–​7 falls 1025 fibrinogen 266t, 284–​7
introducers 358, 379 familial periodic fibrinogen
ophthalmic surgery 808 paralysis 322–​3 concentrate 451–​2
paediatric 909–​10, 910t drug considerations 324t fibrinolytics 280
RAE 355, 756, 759t, 784, fascia iliaca block 1135 fibromyalgia 1179–​80
808, 943 Fast Alcohol Screening Fick principle, applied 432
reinforced 561–​2, 711 Test 50 Fight Fatigue
smokers 173 fasting 57t, 59–​61 campaign 15–​16
trauma 972–​4 children 915–​16, 916t finger volume clamp
EUA delayed gastric method 432
eye 814, 815 emptying 58 fistula
lower limb 623 fat embolism for dialysis 609
EuroSCORE II 509t blast injuries 1006 bronchopleural 547–​8
euvolaemic limb injuries 1004–​5 tracheoesophageal 936
hypernatraemia 244 fat embolism syndrome 614 flail chest 975
EV1000™ 431–​2 fatigue in anaesthetist 15–​16 flow–​volume loops 165t
EVAR 597–​8 favism 263 fludrocortisone 228, 230–​1
evidence-​based medicine FBC 28t fluid balance 464
see EBM chronic liver disease 205 neonates 905–​7
exenatide 219t CKD 194 fluid compartments 464
exercise ECG 32 cystoscopic fluid management 379–​80
exercise programmes 49 procedures 724–​6 assessment of fluid
exercise testing thyroidectomy 710–​11 status 465
cardiopulmonary Felty’s syndrome 246 children 905
see CPET felypressin 331–​2 perioperative 906
functional capacity 103 femoral nerve block colloids 467–​8, 467t
ischaemic heart 932, 1136 crystalloids 466, 467t
disease 105 femoral osteotomy 946 glucose solutions see
exomphalos 935 femoro-​distal bypass 604 glucose solutions
external angular femoro-​femoral crossover liberal vs restrictive
dermoid 650t graft 604 fluids 468
extraconal block see femoro-​popliteal bypass 604 liver resection 705–​6
peribulbar block femur, neck fracture 642–​6 neonates 905–​7
extracorporeal membrane fentanyl 186t, 1157, 1182t sepsis and septic shock 1037
oxygenation 495 children 931t trauma 978
extracorporeal shock wave in CKD 196–​7, 197t fluid therapy, goal-​directed
lithotripsy 740 dosage 1158t 430–​1, 433t, 468–​70
extremity in G6PD deficiency 264t flumazenil 1182t
injuries 1004–​5 induction of in porphyria 261t
extubation anaesthesia 407 fluticasone 176t
difficult intubation 399–​ intrathecal 1166, 1166t focused abdominal
402, 400f, 401f in liver failure 211t sonography in
ENT surgery 757 in porphyria 261t trauma 1023
maxillofacial/​dental transdermal 1159–​ FONA see front of
surgery 785 60, 1160t neck airway
eye injury 815 trauma 972–​4 fondaparinux 275
eye surgery see ophthalmic ferritin regional anaesthesia 1110t
surgery normal levels 54 VTE prophylaxis 61
Index 1231

Fontan circulation 137 obesity 72 in porphyria 261t

foot surgery 627 opioids 1157–​60 in severe
foreign body pain 1152 hypertension 1069
inhaled 947 pregnancy 838–​9 in tocolysis 869
nose 333t spinal cord lesions 306–​7 glycocalyx 464–​5
tracheobronchial 333t gastric ultrasound 30, 58 glycoprotein IIb/​IIIa
forest plot 12, 13f gastrinoma 236 inhibitors 277–​8
fractures gastrointestinal effects of glycopyrrolate see
base of skull 994 obesity 72 glycopyrronium
femoral neck 642–​6 gastrointestinal history 25 glycopyrronium 1182t
mandible 787 gastrointestinal surgery see children 917
nose 333t GI surgery in G6PD deficiency 264t
orbitozygomatic gastroschisis 935 and MAOIs 331–​2
complex 786 gelatins 468 in porphyria 261t
pelvis 1001 Gelofusine® 467t premedication 66–​8
ribs 553, 995–​6 general anaesthesia glycosylated
vertebrae 630t Caesarean section 862–​3 haemoglobin 217
frailty 92 ophthalmic surgery 802–​ goal-​directed fluid therapy
Frank–​Starling curve 430–​ 3, 808–​10 430–​1, 433t, 468–​70
1, 430f gentamicin 264t gold 247​
FRC GFR 192 good practice
anaesthesia effects 167 GI surgery 670–​83 anaesthetising colleagues
surgery effects 167 anal and perianal and their relatives 18
free flap surgery 659–​61 procedures 683 continuing professional
Freidreich’s ataxia 324t inguinal hernia repair 682 development 10
fresh frozen plasma see FFP laparoscopic 674–​7 EBM 10
Friedreich’s ataxia 323 appendicectomy 681 responsibilities of
front of neck airway cholecystectomy 680 anaesthetist 2
difficult, predictors of 367 summary of sedation 419
emergency 369, 381–​3 procedures 678 statistical analysis 10
functional assessment 32–​5 major 670–​1 graduated compression
functional capacity (METs) 103 open 672 stockings 60, 725
functional residual capacity summary of graft versus host
see FRC procedures 672 disease 456–​7
fundoplication 533t Gilbert’s syndrome 212t grafting see skin grafting
furosemide 1182t ginkgo 65t grommet insertion 766
ginseng 65t GTN see glyceryl trinitrate
Glasgow Coma Scale Guedel airway see
G 989, 990t oropharyngeal airway
G6PD deficiency 263, 264t glibenclamide 219t Guillain–​Barré
gabapentin 1182t gliclazide 219t syndrome 312–​13
neuropathic pain 1171 glomerular filtration rate 192 drug considerations 324t
γ-​glutamyl glottic view 365f systemic effects 313t
transpeptidase 207t glucagon 1182t variants 312t
garlic 65t glucagonoma 237 gunshot injury 1006
gas embolism 1074–​5 glucose sodium chloride gynaecological
gas insufflation 675, 675t solutions 466, 467t surgery 746–​53
gases, medical 345–​7 glucose solutions 466, ectopic pregnancy 753
gastrectomy 672t, 678t 467t, 1182t ERPC/​STOP/​VTOP 749
sleeve gastrectomy 694 dose in children 963–​4 hysterectomy 751–​2
gastric banding 690–​1 dose in hypoglycaemia 220 laparoscopy/​laparoscopic
gastric bypass 692–​3 hyperbaric LA 1103t sterilisation 750
gastric emptying, delayed 58 and hyperglycaemia 561 gynaecomastia 650t
alcohol 338 glyceryl trinitrate 1182t
anorexia nervosa 86 AMI 109
antidepressants 330 heart failure 114–​15
CKD 194–​5 infusion 1209t H2 antagonists 66
diabetes 242 in aortic aneurysm repair haematocrit see Hct
liver disease 700–​2 599–​600 haematological
muscular dystrophy 317–​18 in autonomic disorders 254–​90
myotonic dystrophy 319 dysreflexia 305–​6 anaemia see anaemia

1232 Index

haematological disorders reversal 672t, 678t intraoperative 156

(Contd.) Hartmann’s solution management 156
coagulation disorders 466, 467t second-​degree (Mobitz
265, 284–​7 contraindication in type I, Wenkebach)
haemophilia 267 hyperkalaemia 241 154, 155f
hypercoagulability HbA1c see glycosylated second-​degree (Mobitz
syndromes 288–​90 haemoglobin type II) 154, 155f
leukaemia 238, 288 HBV 456–​7 third-​degree 154, 155f
porphyria 260–​2 Hct 659–​60, 665–​6 trifascicular 155
rare 263–​4 HCV 456–​7 heart disease see
sickle-​cell disease 257–​9 HDU admission 172, 185 cardiovascular disease
thrombocytopenia AAA repair 592, 594 heart failure 111–​15
268, 273–​4 adrenal crisis 229 classification 112t
haematological values, asthma 177 device treatment 113
elderly patients 91 bronchopleural fistula 547 investigations 114
haematoma, carcinoid tumours 720–​1 LV 112–​13
intracranial 564–​5 cystectomy 735 medical management
haemodialysis 196–​7 emergency laparotomy 113, 114–​15
haemodynamic goals 123 1040–​41 perioperative
haemodynamic variables, intracranial aneurysm 579 management 115
derived 433 ischaemic heart right 113–​15
haemoglobin disease 108 causes 114t
in anaemia 254 liver resection 706–​7 stages 112t
glycosylated 217 lung volume reduction terminology 111–​15, 111t
in polycythaemia 288 surgery 545 heart murmurs
in sickle-​cell disease 257–​9 massive obstetric children 914
thalassaemia 263–​4 haemorrhage 881–​2 undiagnosed 118
haemophilia 266t, 267 maxillary/​mandibular heart rate 902t
haemorrhage osteotomy 789 children 1020t
catastrophic 460, 971 oesophagectomy 552 helium–​neon laser 476t
children 1019–​24 phaeochromocytoma 719 helium–​oxygen
children spinal surgery 629–​33 mixture 386–​7
catastrophic 1019–​24 head injuries 989–​94 HELLP syndrome 878
trauma 1021 AVPU score 989 see also pre-​eclampsia
hypovolaemic Glasgow Coma Scale hemicolectomy 672t, 678t
shock 976–​8 989, 990t heparin 266t, 273–​4
massive obstetric 879–​82 imaging 993, 993b in G6PD deficiency 264t
post-​tonsillectomy/​ intubation/​ventilation 991 infusion 1209t
adenoidectomy 768 management 565, 566f LMWH 61, 119,
risk factors 59, 60t seizures 992 266t, 273–​4
subarachnoid 297, 576–​7 maxillofacial regional
variceal 696–​7 trauma 993–​4 anaesthesia 1110t
haemorrhoidectomy 683 secondary survey 993–​4 regional anaesthesia
haemostatic drug see also neurosurgery LMWH 1110t
therapy 281–​2 headache, postdural UFH 1110t
haemostatic puncture see dural unfractionated 61, 119,
resuscitation 983–​4 puncture 266t, 273–​4, 1182t
hallucinogens 336t Healthcare Quality regional
haloperidol 335, 1182t Improvement anaesthesia 1110t
halothane 186t Partnership 3–​6 VTE prophylaxis 61
in CKD 196–​7, 197t hearing aids, bone-​ heparin-​induced thrombo
in G6PD deficiency 264t anchored 333t cytopenia 273–​4
and ICP 560 heart hepatic disease see liver
in liver failure 208, 211t myocardial disease
metabolism 213 contusion 996–​7 hepatic
in porphyria 261t transplanted 132–​3 encephalopathy 204
halothane hepatitis 212 heart block 154–​6 West Haven
‘Hammer it Out’ 9–​10 bifascicular 154, 159f classification 204b
hand surgery 639–​41 bundle branch block 154–​ hepatic veno-​occlusive
Hartmann’s procedure 5, 157f disease 474
672t, 678t first-​degree 154, 155f hepatitis
Index 1233

alcoholic 338 hypercalcaemia 714–​15 hypokalaemia 238–​9

halothane-​induced 212 hypercalcaemic crisis 226–​7 diagnosis 243f
HBV 194–​5 hypercapnia 167 hypokalaemic periodic
HCV 194–​5 permissive 544, 1079 paralysis 322–​3
and liver disease 205, ventilatory response drug considerations 324t
207t, 210, 212–​13 to 89 hyponatraemia 242
hepatocellular injury 212t hypercoagulability postoperative 906
hepatopulmonary syndromes 288–​90 TURP syndrome 729–​30
syndrome 204 antiphospholipid hypoparathyroidism 227
hepatorenal syndrome 289 hypoplastic left heart
syndrome 203 essential thrombocy syndrome HLHS 137
herbal medicines 65, 65t thaemia 288 hypospadias 650t, 941
hereditary polycythaemia 288 hypotension
coproporphyria 260 polycythaemia vera 288 blood transfusion 456
hereditary hyperglycaemia 216–​21 induced 578–​9
spherocytosis 263 avoidance in head obstetric anaesthesia 861
hernia repair injuries 992 permissive 984–​5
diaphragmatic 934 brainstem death 497–​8 post-​epidural 845
hiatus 533t carcinoid syndrome 235 preload 861
inguinal, adult 682 glucose-​containing pressor agents 861
inguinal, children 940 solutions causing 561 severe 1065–​7
heroin 336t VIPoma 236 hypothermia 434
see also diamorphine hyperkalaemia 240–​1 trauma 985
HFNO see high-​flow nasal hyperkalaemic periodic elderly patients 1026
oxygenation paralysis 322 head injuries 992
hiatus hernia repair 533t drug considerations 324t see also temperature
high-​flow nasal hypernatraemia 244 control
oxygenation 397–​8 euvolaemic 244 hypothyroid coma 225
hip replacement see THR hypervolaemic 244 hypothyroidism 223
hirudins 274 hypovolaemic 244 anaesthesia 224
history taking 24–​5 hyperparathyroidism 226 hypovolaemia
HIV 456–​7 secondary 226 children 907, 907t
Horner syndrome tertiary 226 management 907
sign of high block 845, hypertension 116–​17 management 976–​8
1065–​6, 1119, 1120 autonomic silver trauma 1026
HPA suppression 230–​1 dysreflexia 305–​6 see also massive
HRT 64 definition 872 haemorrhage
human albumin solution obesity 71 hypovolaemic
467, 467t perioperative hypernatraemia 244
human prothrombin management 116–​17 hypovolaemic shock 976–​
complex 1182t pregnancy 872–​6 8, 976t
hyaluronidase 804 anaesthesia for in children 906
regional anaesthesia 1103t Caesarean hypoxia, severe 1070–​72
hydralazine 1182t section 875–​6 differential diagnosis
in ECT 339–​40 analgesia for vaginal 1070–​71
in porphyria 261t delivery 875 immediate management
in pre-​eclampsia 874 pathophysiology 873 1071–​2
hydrocephalus 576 pulmonary 139–​44 risk factors 1070
hydrocortisone 230t, 1182t severe 1068–​9 ventilatory response to 89
Addison’s disease 228 spinal cord lesions 303 hysterectomy 751–​2
anaphylaxis 1082t hyperthermia abdominal 752
bronchospasm 1079t head injuries 992 caesarean 881–​2
equivalent prednisolone malignant see MH vaginal 751–​2
dosage 231b hyperthyroidism 223 hysteroscopy 747t
thyroid storm 224–​5 anaesthesia 224
hydrofluoric acid burns 1017 hypertrophic obstructive
hyoscine butylbromide 1182t cardiomyopathy 131
hyoscine hydrobromide see hypervolaemic I:E ratio 354
scopolamine hypernatraemia 244 IABP 523
hyperalgesia 1170–​2 hypocalcaemia 713 ibuprofen 491t
OIH 1177 hypoglycaemia 220 children 927t

1234 Index

ibuprofen (Contd.) immunoglobulin infliximab 24​8

efficacy 1161t products 451–​2 infraclavicular paracoricoid
in G6PD deficiency 264t immunosuppression brachial plexus
in porphyria 261t blood transfusion 456 block 1121–​2
premedication 66 in heart transplant 132–​3 infusion 1209t
tooth extractions 794 in liver transplant 703 inguinal hernia repair 682
IBW 80 in lung transplant 189 inhalational anaesthesia
ICDs surgical stress 411–​12, 1156
electronic 29 response 472 advantages and
heart failure 113 implantable cardioverter–​ disadvantages 411t
insertion and defibrillators 161–​2 inhalational induction 391–​
removal 830–​1 HRS/​HRUK codes 160b 2, 408–​9
preoperative testing 29 induction of children 392
ICP 558–​9, 558f anaesthesia 406–​9 inhaled foreign body 947
anaesthesia 559–​60 cardiology inotropes
decreasing 560 procedures 826–​7 heart failure 113
measuring 559 children 919–​20 sepsis and septic shock 1037
raised 558, 559–​60 inhalational 392, 409, INR 207t, 284–​7
management 992–​3 919, 920 CKD 194
ICU IV 919–​20 coagulation disorders 266t
postoperative admission parents in anaesthetic heart failure 114
172, 1042–​3 room 409 warfarin therapy 272–​3
AAA repair 592, 594 rapid sequence 924 insulated needle 1108
Addisonian crisis 229 difficulties 406 insulin 216–​21, 1182t
bronchopleural inhalational 391–​2, 408–​9 infusion 1209t
fistula 547 children 392, 409, resistance 71–​2
carcinoid 919, 920 transfer to SC/​
tumours 720–​1 pregnancy 893 oral treatment
chest injury 553–​4 IV 407–​8, 919–​20 regime 220–​1
emergency laparotomy ophthalmic surgery 808 insulin tolerance test 230–​1
1040–​41 opioids in 407 insulinoma 236–​7
head injury 565, 566f pregnancy 894 intensive care unit see ICU
intracranial preparation 406 intercostobrachial nerve
aneurysm 579 rapid sequence 388–​90 block 1124
lung volume reduction children 924 interincisor gap 364
surgery 545 failed intubation 389–​90 intermittent pneumatic
neuroleptic malignant septic shock 1037 compression
syndrome 334 sepsis and septic devices 60–​1
oesophagectomy 552 shock 1037 internal enquiry 505
transfer to operating technique 406–​9 internal warming 434
room 1044–​5 transition to maintenance international normalised
transfer to other facility phase 410 ratio see INR
1046–​50 trauma 972–​4 interscalene brachial plexus
see also HDU infants block 1119–​20
admission; PICU blood volume 903t interstitial lung disease 184
idarucizumab 275, 276t definition of 900 interventional
IDDM 216–​21 physiology 900–​4 radiology 823–​5
see also diabetes mellitus premature 900 intra-​aortic balloon pump
ideal body weight see IBW see also children see IABP
IE infection intra-​arterial injection
prophylaxis 63 airborne respiratory 1088–​9
risk factors 63b viruses 403–​4 intracranial aneurysms 575
iliohypogastric nerve block respiratory tract 173 clipping 578–​9
932, 1131–​2 children 913–​14 endovascular
ilioinguinal nerve block spinal, post-​epidural 1166 treatment 580–​1
932, 1131–​2 viral, from blood intracranial
iLMA 908, 909t transfusion 456–​7 haematoma 564–​5
iloprost 141t, 143t see also sepsis intracranial pressure see ICP
imaging, anaesthesia for infective endocarditis see IE intragastric balloon insertion
see diagnostic imaging, inferior vena cava filters see and removal 689
anaesthesia for IVC filters Intralipid® 1182t
Index 1235

in porphyria 261t microlaryngoscopy 773 jet ventilation 386, 765,

intraocular lens MRI anaesthesia 822 774, 832
implantation 812 ipratropium 176t
intraocular pressure see IOP bronchospasm 1079t
intraoperative cell iron
salvage 458–​9 intravenous 56 kava-​kava 65t
intraoperative monitoring normal physiology 54 ketamine 186t, 335, 1182t
brain activity 426–​8, supplementation, abuse 336t
427f, 427t oral 56 ASD 97, 98t
burns patients 1015–​16 deficiency 53–​6 avoidance in
depth of anaesthesia 426–​9 postoperative 56 pregnancy 894
neuromuscular 423 preoptimisation 53–​6, 55f bronchospasm 1079t
oesophageal Doppler see ischaemic heart children 917, 918t, 919–​
oesophageal Doppler disease 102–​8 20, 948, 963–​4
monitor anaesthesia 108 in CKD 197t
intraosseous CABG 106 in ECT 339–​40
access 920–​1 clinical risk indices 104, 104t in epilepsy 301t
intravenous fluids see functional capacity 103 in G6PD deficiency 264t
IV fluids obesity 71 and ICP 560
intrinsic lung disease 184 patient factors 102t induction of
intubating bougie 358, 379 PCI 106 anaesthesia 407
intubation 373–​8, 972b–​4 perioperative medical infusion 1209t
airborne respiratory therapy 106–​7 neuropathic pain 1170
viruses 403–​4 perioperative risk 102–​3 in porphyria 261t
ATI 393–​6, 394f perioperative testing 104 premedication 66
cannot intubate, cannot special pulmonary
oxygenate 381, 1095 investigations 104–​5 hypertension 143t
cricothyroidotomy 381–​3 surgical factors 103t restrictive
rescue techniques isocarboxazid 331–​2 cardiomyopathy 130
381, 382f isoflurane 186t sepsis and septic shock 1037
children 909–​10, 922–​4 in CKD 196–​7, 197t trauma 972–​4
difficult 923–​4 in G6PD deficiency 264t ketoacidosis
trauma 1019 and ICP 560 alcoholic 338
tube fixation 923 inhalational analgesia 1156 diabetic 217, 1036
critical illness 373–​8, in liver failure 208, 211t ketorolac
374f, 1034 maintenance of children 927t
checklist 375f anaesthesia 412 efficacy 1161t
‘Vortex Approach’ metabolism 213 kidney
vs an ‘Airway in porphyria 261t nephrectomy/​partial
Strategy’ 373 pulmonary nephrectomy 733–​4
difficult 367, 369f hypertension 143t transplantation 742–​4
children 923–​4 Isonox® 1156 kidney disease 192–​200
extubation 399–​402, isoprenaline creatinine clearance 192
400f, 401f drug interactions 331–​2 elderly patients 90
management 379–​80 infusion 1209t see also AKI; CKD
unanticipated 368–​ ITU see ICU kidney stones
9, 388–​90 IV fluids 466–​8, 467t extracorporeal shock
double-​lumen long-​term see long-​term wave lithotripsy 740
tube 536 venous access percutaneous removal 739
failed see failed intubation PONV 444t knee replacement see TKR
head injuries 991 trauma 978 ‘Knock it Out’ 9–​10
misplaced tube 371 see also fluid management kyphoscoliosis, surgery 630t
nasal see nasal intubation IV induction 407–​8, 919–​20
neonates 909–​10 IVC filters 61
trauma 972–​4, 972b–​4 insertion 825
see also airway labetalol 874, 1182t
intussusception 939 in ECT 339–​40
IOP 801
J labour and delivery 840
iPACK block 1141 jaundice, central neuraxial
IPPV 756 postoperative 212–​13 blocks 841–​3
electrophysiology Jehovah’s Witnesses dosing regimes,
procedures 832 42, 462–​3 summary 866t

1236 Index

labour and delivery (Contd.) accidental IV injection 846 in liver failure 211t
epidural analgesia 842–​3 ATI 395 neuropathic pain 1171
complications 845–​7 common adjuncts 1103t ophthalmic surgery 804
CSE 843 day surgery 488 in porphyria 261t
poorly functioning 844 and MAOIs 331–​2 in pregnancy 895
regional anaesthesia 841–​3 in myasthenia gravis 314 regional anaesthesia 1102t
remifentanil 852 ophthalmic surgery 802–​ resuscitation 1056
see also Caesarean section 3, 804–​7 lignocaine see lidocaine
Lambert–​Eaton regional anaesthesia 1102 limb fractures
syndrome 316 premedication 66 femoral neck 642–​6
drug considerations 324t systemic major trauma 1004–​5
lamotrigine 302t toxicity see LAST ORIF 625, 626t
laparoscopy 674–​81 laser surgery 476–​9 limb-​girdle muscular
appendicectomy 678t, 681 laser wavelength/​ dystrophy 321t
cholecystectomy colour 476t limb injuries 1004–​5
678t, 680 microlaryngoscopy 773–​5 children 1021
gas insufflation 675, 675t prostate surgery 729 compartment
gynaecological surgery 750 safety 478–​9 syndrome 1005
hysterectomy 752 lasers 477 linezolid 331–​2
patient positioning 674 LAST 1092–​3, 1102 lipid emulsion therapy 1093
perioperative care 676 Lasting Power of Attorney liposuction 662–​3
pneumoperitoneum see LPA liraglutide 219t
675, 675t lateral decubitus position literature searches 13
postoperative care 677 438–​9, 438f lithium 332
preoperative lateral femoral cutaneous measurement of cardiac
assessment 676 nerve block 1137–​8 output 431–​2
robot-​assisted latex allergy 1086–​7 lithotomy position 436–​7,
prostatectomy 737–​8 anaphylaxis 1086 437f
sterilisation 750 clinical features 1087 lithotripsy, extracorporeal
surgical requirements 674 prevention 1087 shock wave 740
trauma 675 league table of liver
laparotomy 747t analgesics 1161t oesophageal bleeding,
emergency 1040–​3 learning disabilities 95 acute 696–​7
laryngeal mask airway communication 95 resection 704–​7
see LMA leflunomide 247​ transplantation 699–​703
laryngeal view 365f legal proceedings ultrasound 140
laryngectomy 778–​9 death on operating table variceal haemorrhage,
pharyn 505, 506 acute 696–​7
golaryngectomy 333t major anaesthetic mishaps liver disease 202–​13
laryngoscopy 505, 506 acute 202–​4
airway 971–​4 leukaemia 238, 288 anaesthetic
children 333t, 909 levetiracetam 301 management 206
difficult, predictors seizure management 992 transplant referral
of 364–​6 levobupivacaine 1182t criteria 210b
grade of view 365f in porphyria 261t alcoholic 338
laryngoscopes 357–​8 regional anaesthesia anaesthetic
microlaryngoscopy 773–​5 1102t, 1102 management 205–​10
videolaryngoscopy 357–​8, thoracic surgery 531 Child’s classification
358f, 379–​80 levodopa–​benserazide 292t 205, 206t
bladed levodopa–​carbidopa 292t chronic 202
videolaryngoscopes levosimendan 143t anaesthetic
357, 380 LFTs 207t management 205–​
conduited videolaryn carcinoid syndrome 235 10
goscopes 380 chronic liver disease 206 coagulation disorders 266t
difficult, predictors of 366 LiDCOplus™ 431–​2 drug metabolism 211, 211t
laryngospasm 370 lidocaine 186t, 1182t elderly patients 90
in children 371, 921–​2 in CKD 197t hepatic
severe 1073 in G6PD deficiency 264t encephalopathy 204
laryngotracheobronchitis, induction of oesophageal varices 207
acute 949–​50 anaesthesia 408 postoperative 212–​13
LAs 1102 infusion 1209t safe drugs 211t
Index 1237

TIPSS 698 PENG block 1137 bronchospasm 1079t

liver function tests see LFTs popliteal sciatic nerve daily requirement 464t
liver resection 704–​7 block 1139–​40 dose in children 963–​4
fluid and haemodynamic saphenous nerve fetal
management 705–​6 block 1140 neuroprotection 870
liver transplantation subgluteal sciatic nerve pre-​eclampsia 874
699–​703 block 1138–​9 sulphate 1182t
referral criteria 210b sensory innervation 1148f in porphyria 260–​2
living wills 42 trauma see extremity magnetic resonance imaging
psychiatric patients 328 injuries see MRI
Lloyd-​Davies position 436–​ LPA 42 maintenance of
7, 437f psychiatric patients 328 anaesthesia 410–​18
LMA 756 LSCS see Caesarean section children 924–​5
children 908, 909t LSD 336t ophthalmic surgery 809
difficult Lugol’s iodine 223, 224–​5 sepsis and septic shock
predictors of 364, 367 lung disease 1037–​9
unanticipated 370 intrinsic 184 TIVA 413–​18
ophthalmic surgery 808 see also respiratory disease volatile agents 411–​12
oral/​maxillofacial surgery lung surgery major anaesthetic
784, 785 bronchopleural mishaps 503–​6
see also supraglottic airway fistula 547–​8 major GI surgery 670–​1
LMWH 61, 119, bullectomy 544–​5 major trauma centre
266t, 273–​4 empyema drainage and see MTC
regional anaesthesia 1110t decortication 546 Making Every Contact
LMX 4® 916 lobectomy 542–​3 Count 50
lobectomy, lung volume reduction malignant
pulmonary 542–​3 surgery 544–​5 hyperthermia see MH
local anaesthetics see LAs pneumonectomy 542–​3 Mallampati
log roll 981 wedge resection 542–​3 test 365–​6, 365f
long QT syndrome 147–​8 see also thoracic surgery malnutrition 82
long-​term venous lung ultrasound 30 causes 82t
access 359–​60 lung volume reduction MUST 51f
catheter tip position 360 surgery 544–​5 Malnutrition Universal
devices 359–​60, 359t lung(s) Screening Tool
insertion 360 biopsy 533t see MUST
loop colostomy blast injury 1006 mandibular fractures 787
closure 672t compliance 901t mandibular protrusion 364
loop ileostomy closure 672t isolation of 535–​7 mannitol 1182t
lorazepam 1182t resection 530–​1 in G6PD deficiency 264t
dose in children 963–​4 resistance 901t manual handling 18
in liver failure 211t surgery 542–​3 MAO-​B inhibitors 292t
in porphyria 261t transplanted 188–​90 MAOIs 331–​2
premedication 66 lupus anticoagulant 266t massive obstetric
lormetazepam 197t LV haemorrhage 879–​82
low birthweight 900 heart failure 112–​13 massive transfusion 460–​1
low molecular weight LV function mastoidectomy 333t
heparin see LMWH ischaemic heart maxillary/​mandibular
lower limb disease 105 osteotomy 788–​9
arthroscopic preoperative maxillofacial/​dental
procedures 623 investigation 29 surgery 784–​96
nerve blocks 1135–​44 LVH 122, 232, 714–​15 anaesthesia 784
adductor canal extraction of impacted/​
block 1140 buried teeth 796
ankle block 1142–​4
M extubation 785
fascia iliaca block 1135 MAC 411–​12 mandibular fractures 787
femoral nerve age-​related 91 orbitozygomatic complex
block 1136 children 903 fractures 786
iPACK block 1141 elderly patients 91 osteotomy 788–​9
lateral femoral macitentan 141t tumour surgery 790–​1
cutaneous nerve MACOCHA score 366 see also dental procedures
block 1137–​8 magnesium maxillofacial trauma 993–​4

1238 Index

maxillofacial tumour PONV 444t perioperative risk 125

surgery 790–​1 in porphyria 261t valve area 124t
flap reconstruction 791 premedication 66 valve replacement 518t
MCV 254 metoprolol 1182t mivacurium 421–​2, 1182t
mean cell volume see MCV AF 151 dose 421t
mechanical ventilation tachycardia 151 in ECT 339–​40
352, 911–​12 metronidazole in myasthenia gravis 314
lung-​protective 353 in G6PD deficiency 264t in porphyria 261t
see also IPPV in porphyria 261t Mobitz heart block
median nerve block 1124–​6 METs (exercise) 35, 35b, 154, 155f
mediastinal masses 474 103, 103b moclobemide 331–​2
mediastinoscopy 541 MH 1096–​8 model for end-​stage liver
medical air 346 and hypokalaemic periodic disease see MELD
medical gases 345–​7 paralysis 322–​3 Modification of Diet
medical history 24–​5 treatment 1096–​7 in Renal Disease
medical vacuum 346 MI, perioperative 102–​8, 109 equation 192
meglitinide 219t microdiscectomy 630t monitoring, intraoperative
MELD 205 microlaryngeal tube 773 see intraoperative
MEN 226, 235–​7 microlaryngoscopy 773–​5 monitoring
Mental Capacity Act (2005) ventilation 773–​4 monoamine oxidase
41–​2, 328 midaxillary transversus inhibitor see MAOIs
Mental Health Act abdominis plane montelukast 176t
(1983) 328 block 1133 morphine 1157, 1182t
M-​Entropy® 426–​8, 427t midazolam 186t, 335 abuse 336t
meperidine see pethidine ASD 97, 98t and breastfeeding 868
MERS 403–​4 children 917, 918t, children 926–​7, 927t,
MERS-​CoV 403–​4 948, 962t 928t, 962t
meta-​analysis 11–​12, 14 in CKD 197t in CKD 196–​7, 197t
metabolic disease see dental sedation 793 dosage 1158t
endocrine/​metabolic in G6PD deficiency 264t efficacy 1161t
disease induction of infusion 1209t
metabolic equivalents anaesthesia 408 intrathecal 1166, 1166t
of tasks see METS in liver failure 211t in liver failure 211t
(exericse) PONV 444t in porphyria 261t
metabolic syndrome 72 in porphyria 260–​2, 261t. premedication 66
metaraminol 1182t Middle East respiratory mortality and morbidity
drug interactions 331–​2 syndrome see MERS meeting 505
sepsis and septic midline catheters 359 motor neurone disease 310
shock 1037 Miller–​Fisher syndrome 312t drug considerations 324t
metformin 219t milrinone MRI
methadone 1177 heart failure 114–​15 anaesthesia for 818, 820–​2
methaemoglobin 263, 288 pulmonary equipment 821
methaemoglobinaemia 1070 hypertension 143t cardiac arrest during 822
local anaesthetic ‘mind the gap’ 410 children 1022, 1022b–​
toxicity 1093 mineralocorticoid receptor 3, 1023
methotrexate 247​ antagonists 113 hazards 820
methoxamine 331–​2 minimum alveolar intensive care patients 822
methoxyflurane 1156 concentration practical
methyldopa 874 see MAC considerations 821–​2
in porphyria 261t misoprostol 883t pulmonary
methylene blue see mitral valve hypertension 140
methylthionium chloride prolapse 126 safety aspects 820–​1
methylprednisolone 231b regurgitation 126–​7 stress perfusion
methylthioninium chloride haemodynamic goals 127 imaging 105
331–​2, 1182t perioperative risk 126 MTC 968
in G6PD deficiency 264t valve replacement 518t multicompartment
metirosine 717 replacement pharmacokinetic
metoclopramide 1182t MR 518t model 415f
drug interactions 293 stenosis 518t multiple sclerosis 311
in epilepsy 301t stenosis 124–​5 drug considerations 324t
in G6PD deficiency 264t haemodynamic goals 125 murmur, undiagnosed
Index 1239

adult 118 nasogastric tube 220, 293–​ respiratory function

child 914 4, 649, 700–​2, 784 900, 901t
muscle relaxants neonates 922–​4 resuscitation 956–​7
depolarising 420–​1 by weight 1020t thermoregulation 903–​4
non-​depolarising 421–​2 see also nasal intubation weight 903
safety measures 7–​8 nasopharyngeal airway see also children
see also NMB 357, 908 neostigmine 314t, 1182t
muscular dystrophy 317–​20 nateglinide 219t dose in children 963–​4
Becker 321t National Audit Projects in G6PD deficiency 264t
congenital 321t see NAPs in porphyria 261t
drug considerations 324t National Confidential reversal of NMB 425
Duchenne 317–​18, 321t Enquiry into nephrectomy 733–​4
limb-​girdle 321t Perioperative nerve blocks see regional
musculoskeletal Deaths 3–​6 anaesthesia/​analgesia
examination, National Emergency nerve injury in regional
preoperative 27 Laparotomy Audit anaesthesia 1112–​13
musculoskeletal history 25 see NELA Nesbitt’s procedure 726t
MUST 51f National Institute for Health neuraxial anaesthesia 306
myasthenia gravis 314–​16 and Care Excellence neuraxial blocks 1114–​17
drug considerations 324t see NICE caudal block 929–​30
drugs in 314t nausea and vomiting central block 841–​3
myasthenic crisis 316 see PONV epidural block 931, 1114
myocardial Nd–​YAG laser 476t, 477 spinal block 931, 1114–​17
contusion 996–​7 neck ultrasound 1116–​17, 1117f
myocardial infarction see MI, nerve blocks 1118 neurogenic shock 303
perioperative deep cervical plexus neuroleptic malignant
myomectomy 747t block 1118 syndrome 334
myotonic dystrophy superficial cervical plexus serotonin syndrome
319, 321t block 1118 comparison 333t
drug considerations 324t radical dissection 780 neurological deficit
myringoplasty 770 needle-​based blocks burns patients 1014
in ophthalmic children 1022
anaesthesia 804–​7 elderly patients 90
N needles trauma 1026
naloxone 1158, 1182t pencil-​point needles epidural analgesia 847
dose in children 963–​4 for spinal trauma
infusion 1209t anaesthesia 1108 children 1022
in porphyria 261t for regional elderly patients 1026
naltrexone 1178 anaesthesia 1108 neurological
NAPs 3–​6 Tuohy needle 1108 disorders 27–​324
Narcotrend® 426–​8, 427t NELA 3–​6 neurological examination,
narrow complex neonates preoperative 27
arrhythmias 147–​51 anaesthetic neurological history 25
AF 149–​51 equipment 908–​12 neuromuscular blockade
atrial ectopics 147 blood volume 903t see NMB
atrial flutter/​ cardiovascular function neuromuscular
tachycardia 149 901, 902t disorders 309
long QT syndrome 147–​8 central nervous drug considerations 324t
re-​entry 148 system 903 Guillain–​Barré
sick sinus syndrome 147 conservation of heat syndrome 312–​13
sinus arrhythmia 147 loss 904 motor neurone
sinus bradycardia 147 definition 900 disease 310
tachycardia 1062–​4 fluid balance 905–​7 multiple sclerosis 311
sinus 148 fluid muscular
nasal cavity surgery 772 requirements 905 dystrophies 317–​20
nasal intubation 138 fluid resuscitation 906 myasthenia gravis 314–​16
contraindication to 787 gastrointestinal neuromuscular
neonatal 922–​4 function 901–​2 monitoring 423
oral/​maxillofacial haematology 902, 903t patterns of
surgery 784 physiology 900–​4 stimulation 424t
nasal vasoconstrictors 758 renal function 902 neuropathic pain 1170–​2

1240 Index

neurosurgery 558–​88 non-​steroidal anti-​ prehabilitation 52

aneurysm inflammatory drugs prevalence 70
clipping 578–​9 see NSAIDs respiratory system 71
endovascular noradrenaline SOBA guidelines 79f
treatment 580–​1 children 962t thromboprophylaxis 81
aneurysmal SAH drug interactions 331–​2 TIVA 417
297, 576–​7 infusion 1209t VTE 72
craniotomy 561–​2 in porphyria 261t see also bariatric surgery
awake 572–​4 pulmonary obesity hypoventilation
intracranial hypertension 143t syndrome see OHS
aneurysms 575 sepsis and septic Obesity Surgery Mortality
pituitary surgery 567–​8 shock 1037 Risk Score 688t
posterior fossa norepinephrine see obstetric anaesthesia/​
surgery 569–​71 noradrenaline analgesia 838–​98
resuscitation 586–​8 normal sodium chloride amniotic fluid
thrombectomy 582–​3 466, 467t embolism 886
traumatic intracranial nose breastfeeding and drug
haematoma 564–​5 foreign body 333t transfer 867–​8
venous air fractures 333t Caesarean section see
embolism 584–​5 rhinoplasty 333t Caesarean section
ventriculoperitoneal rhinotomy 333t cervical cerclage 896
shunt 563 NSAIDs 1155–​6, 1156t difficult airway 372
NIBP 194–​5, 590–​1, and breastfeeding 867–​ dosing regimes,
1015–​16 8, 867t summary 866t
nicardipine 717 contraindications 1156t fetal neuroprotection 870
NICE 3–​6 CKD 196–​7, 197t hypotension 861
NIDDM 216–​21 coagulation labour and delivery 840
see also diabetes mellitus disorders 267 analgesia 840
nifedipine 874 sepsis and septic central neuraxial
nimodipine shock 1037 blocks 841–​3
delayed cerebral in liver failure 211t epidural anaesthesia see
ischaemia 576 oncology 473 epidural anaesthesia
drug interactions 302t OSA 75 regional
95% confidence interval 12 postoperative anaesthesia 841–​3
nitrates 106–​7 analgesia 865 remifentanil 852
nitric oxide 143t in pregnancy 895 massive
nitroprusside see sodium premedication 66 haemorrhage 879–​82
nitroprusside regional anaesthesia 247–​ maternal
nitrous oxide 346 8, 1110t resuscitation 897–​8
avoidance in nutrition maternal sepsis 870
pregnancy 894 in chronic liver disease 207 obesity 887–​8
environmental effects 418 elderly patients 93 placenta accreta 884–​5
in G6PD deficiency 264t prehabilitation 50 placenta praevia 884
and ICP 560 retained placenta 869
in liver failure 211t spinal cord lesions 307–​8
maintenance of
O uterotonics 883
anaesthesia 412 obesity 70–​81 see also pregnancy
ophthalmic surgery 809 airway considerations 76 obstruction, airway 384–​7
in porphyria 261t cardiovascular system 71 preoperative 762–​4
NMB 420–​2 comorbidities 71–​2 obstructive shock 976t
awareness under day surgery 486 OCP
anaesthesia 426 definitions 70, 70t drug interactions 302t
induction of endocrine system 71–​2 perioperative 64
anaesthesia 408 gastrointestinal effects 72 octreotide 1182t
obesity 77, 80 guidelines 79f gastrinoma 236
reversal 425 OSA 76 infusion 1209t
incomplete 1090–​91 perioperative ocular blocks 804–​7
non-​depolarising muscle practicalities 77 peribulbar 805–​7, 806f
relaxants 421–​2 pharmacology in 80 retrobulbar 807, 807f
non-​opioid adjuvant positioning 77, 79f sub-​Tenon’s 804–​5, 805f
analgesics 1170–​2 in pregnancy 887–​8 oculocardiac reflex 801
Index 1241

odds ratio 11 penetrating eye injury 815 fat embolism

oesophageal bleeding, preoperative syndrome 614
acute 696–​7 considerations 802–​3 femoral osteotomy in
oesophageal Doppler sedation 810 children 946
monitor 432, 433t strabismus 813 foot 627
oesophageal intubation 371 vitreoretinal 811 fractures
oesophageal rupture 553–​ opioid antagonists 1158 femoral neck 642–​6
4, 997 opioid-​induced hyperalgesia pelvic 1001
oesophageal stents 533t see OIH 1177 vertebral 630t
oesophageal varices 207 opioids 1157–​60 hand 639–​41
oesophagectomy 551–​2 abuse 336t regional anaesthesia 613
oesophagoscopy and AMI 109 talipes equinovarus 945
dilatation (O&E) 533t and breastfeeding 867–​ shoulder see shoulder
oestrogen therapy 64 8, 867t surgery
off-​pump CABG 516 dependence 1176–​8 spine 629–​33
OHS 71, 74 dosage 1158t THR 618–​19
omeprazole 1182t drug interactions 331–​2 revision 620
gastrinoma 236 and ICP 560 TKR 621–​2
in porphyria 261t induction of tourniquets 616–​17
in pregnancy 894 anaesthesia 407 OSA 73–​5
premedication 66 maintenance preoperative screening 30
oncology 472–​5 programmes 1177–​8 osteotomy
brachytherapy of obesity 80 femoral 946
prostate 729 oncology 473 maxillary/​
ondansetron 261t, 1182t postoperative mandibular 788–​9
PONV 444t analgesia 865 otoplasty 650t
in pregnancy 895 in pregnancy 895 outcomes of surgery 39
one-​lung ventilation 535–​9 premedication 66 oxycodone 197t, 1182t
bronchial blocker regional anaesthesia 1103t abuse 336t
technique 537 routes of administration and breastfeeding 868
return to two-​lung 1158–​60 in CKD 197t
ventilation 539 intrathecal 1166, 1166t oxygen 345
oophorectomy 747t transdermal 1159–​ consumption 901t
operating table 60, 1160t in septic shock 1038
deaths 503–​6 optical stylets 380 oxygen flush 348–​9
ophthalmic surgery 800–​15 orbit 800 oxygen–​helium
anaesthesia 802–​3 orbitozygomatic complex mixture 386–​7
emergence from 810 fractures 786 oxytocin 883t, 1182t
general 808–​10 orchidectomy 726t infusion 1209t
general vs local 802–​3 orchidopexy 942
local anaesthetic organ transplantation
solutions 804 beating heart donors
local anaesthetic 497–​502 P waves 146
techniques 804–​7 donation after circulatory PA pressure, raised 584
needle-​based death 501–​2 pacemakers/​
blocks 804–​7 kidney 742–​4 defibrillators 160–​2
topical 804 liver 699–​703 HRS/​HRUK codes 160b
anatomy and organophosphate implantable cardioverter–​
physiology 800–​1 poisoning 316 defibrillators 161–​2
anterior chamber ORIF 625, 626t implications 160
procedures 812 oropharyngeal airway insertion and
cataract 812 357, 908 removal 830–​1
dacryo orthopaedic surgery 612–​46 pacing 156
cystorhinostomy 814 ankle 625 packed red cells 451t
ocular blocks 804–​7 arthroscopic lower limb time limits for
peribulbar block 805–​ procedures 623 infusions 453t
7, 806f cement implantation paediatric anaesthesia, see
retrobulbar block syndrome 615 children
807, 807f cruciate ligament paediatric drug doses 963–​4
sub-​Tenon’s block 804–​ repair 624 paediatric
5, 805f elbow 638 equipment 963–​6

1242 Index

paediatric intensive care unit parecoxib 1161t, 1182t troubleshooting 1163

see PICU Parkinson’s disease 292–​5 PCI 106
PAH 139–​44 anaesthesia 293–​4 PD see Parkinson’s disease
pain, acute 1152 drug considerations 324t PDA 136, 937
abdominal wall drug interactions 293 PDE-​3 inhibitors 143t
blocks 1168 treatment 292, 292t PDPH see dural puncture
measurement 1152–​3 withdrawal PE see venous
neuropathic after syndromes 294 thromboembolism
surgery 1170–​2 parkinsonism–​hyperpyrexia peak expiratory flow rate
non-​opioid-​based adjuvant syndrome 294 see PEFR
analgesic drugs parotidectomy 781 peak flow see PEFR
in perioperative partial nephrectomy 733–​4 pectoserratus plane (PSP)
care 1170–​2 patent ductus arteriosus and interpectoral plane
persistent 1173–​4 see PDA (IPP) blocks 1130
tourniquet 617 patent foramen ovale 136, pectus carinatum 533t
see also analgesia 570, 582–​3, 1072 pectus excavatum 533t
pain, total 1173–​4 normal closure 901 pEEG monitoring 426–​8,
pain ladder 1153, 1154f patient blood management 427t, 429
pain management see see PBM PEEP 353–​4
analgesia patient-​controlled analgesia one-​lung ventilation 538–​9
pain, neuropathic see see PCA in septic shock 1038
neuropathic pain patient position 435–​41 PEFR 165t
pancreatectomy 672t, 678t laparoscopy 674 pelvic injuries 1001
pancreaticoduodenectomy lateral decubitus 438–​ children 1021
672t, 678t 9, 438f pencil-​point needles for
pancuronium 186t, 1182t lithotomy 436–​7, 437f spinal anaesthesia 1108
in CKD 197t Lloyd-​Davies 436–​7 penetrating injuries 968
in porphyria 261t neurosurgery, and penetrating eye injury 815
pantoprazole 1182t resuscitation PENG block 1137
PaO2 185 586, 587f penicillamine 247​
paracetamol 491t, prone 439–​40, 439f penile block 1132
1155, 1182t spinal surgery 633 dorsal nerve of penis 932
and breastfeeding 867–​8 reverse Penthrox® 1156
children 927t Trendelenburg 436 percutaneous coronary
in CKD 196–​7, 197t sitting 440–​1, 441f intervention see PCI
efficacy 1161t spinal surgery 633 percutaneous kidney
in G6PD deficiency 264t supine 435, 435f stone 739
in liver failure 211t Trendelenburg 436 perianal surgery 672t, 678t
OSA 75 patient transfer peribulbar block 805–​
overdose 202, 203t, aeromedical 1046–​7 7, 806f
210, 210b ambulance 1047 pericardial effusion 128
in porphyria 261t burns 1014b pericarditis 128
premedication 66 checklists 1048t, 1049t acute 128
tooth extractions 794 critical illness 1046–​50 constrictive 128
paradoxical air drugs, equipment and periodic paralysis,
embolism 585 monitors 1047–​ familial 322–​3
paraesthesia 1104 8, 1048t drug considerations 324t
paraldehyde 1182t ICU to operating room perioperative blood
dose in children 963–​4 1044–​5 transfusion 256
paralysis 411 preparation 1047–​50, perioperative care 22
neuromuscular blockade, 1048t, 1049t medications 64
see neuromuscular stabilisation of children perioperative pathway 22f
blockade prior to PICU peripheral nerve
paraneoplastic transfer 961–​2 stimulators 1105
syndromes 474 transfer modality 1046–​7 peripheral
parathyroid disorders 226–​7 Patil test 366 revascularisation 604
hypercalcaemic PBM 53, 458–​9 peritoneal dialysis 196–​7
crisis 226–​7 PCA 1162–​3 persistent pain 1173–​4
hyperparathyroidism 226 children 926–​7 personal protective
hypoparathyroidism 227 complications 1162–​3 equipment see PPE
parathyroidectomy 714–​15 in CKD 196–​7 personality disorder 1179
Index 1243

pethidine 186t, 197t, placenta, retained 869 posterior cord

1157, 1182t placenta accreta 884–​5 syndrome 305t
and breastfeeding 867t placenta increta 884–​5 posterior fossa
in CKD 197t placenta percreta 884–​5 surgery 569–​71
contraindicated with placenta praevia 884 postoperative care
MAOIs 331–​2 Plasma-​Lyte 148® 466 levels 43t
dosage 1158t plasma cholinesterase 420t planning 43
drug interactions 293 plastic surgery 648–​67 postoperative delirium
efficacy 1161t access to patient 648 see POD
in epilepsy 301t analgesia postoperative nausea and
in G6PD deficiency 264t breast 653–​4 vomiting see PONV
intrathecal 1166, 1166t augmentation 658 postoperative
in liver failure 211t reduction 656–​7 neurocognitive
in porphyria 261t burns reconstructive disorder see POND
phaeochromocytoma 716–​ surgery 664–​7 post-​resuscitation care
19 difficult airway 648 1058–​9
pregnancy 719 free flap surgery 659–​61 post-​tetanic count 424t
severe hypertension liposuction 662–​3 potassium
1068, 1069 long operations 649 daily requirement 464t
unexpected 719 regional anaesthesia 648 hyperkalaemia 240–​1
phantom limb pain 1172 rhinoplasty 333t hypokalaemia 238–​9
pharmacokinetics, liver skin grafting 664–​7 potassium chloride 1182t
disease 211 platelet count 266t potassium iodide 224–​5
pharmacological stress platelet function PPE 17
testing 32, 105 analysers 287 pramipexole 292t
pharyngeal pouch platelets 451t prasugrel 277, 279t
endoscopic stapling 333t transfusion 453t, 453, PCI procedures 106
excision 333t 454, 455t regional anaesthesia 1110t
pharyngolaryngectomy 333t pleurectomy 549–​50 prazosin 717
pharyngoscopy 333t pleurodesis 549–​50 preauricular sinus 650t
phencyclidine 336t PMGSS 345 prednisolone 176t, 230–​
phenelzine 331–​2 pneumonectomy 542–​3 1, 1182t
phenobarbital 302t, 867t pneumoperitoneum steroid equivalents 231b
phenoxybenzamine 717 675, 675t pre-​eclampsia 872–​6
phentolamine 1182t pneumothorax 713 anaesthesia for Caesarean
phenylephrine 1182t traumatic 974 section 875–​6
drug interactions 331–​2 POD 90 analgesia for vaginal
infusion 1209t polycythaemia 288 delivery 875
in porphyria 261t polycythaemia vera 288 definition 872
sepsis and septic POND 90 management 873–​5
shock 1037 PONV 442–​8 see also eclampsia
phenytoin 301, 302t, 1182t children 925 pregabalin 1182t
dose in children 963–​4 consequences 442 neuropathic pain 1171
in G6PD deficiency 264t day surgery 488 pregnancy
infusion 1209t management 446–​8 of anaesthetist 16–​17
seizure management 992 neural pathways 442 cardiac disease 891–​2
phosphate 464t prevention and eclampsia 872–​7
phosphorus burns 1017 prophylaxis 443, 444t ectopic 753
PiCCOplus™ 431–​2 risk factors 442–​3 HELLP syndrome 878
PICCs 359 risk scores 443 hypertension 872–​6
PICU popliteal sciatic nerve block anaesthesia for
drug infusion 1139–​40 Caesarean
regimes 962t porphyria 260–​2 section 875–​6
stabilisation of safe drugs 261t analgesia for vaginal
children prior to porphyric crises 260 delivery 875
transfer 961–​2 treatment 262 pathophysiology 873
pioglitazone 219t port catheters 360 obesity 887–​8
piped medical gases and positioning see patient phaeochromocytoma 719
scavenging system position physiology/​
see PMGSS positive pressure ventilation pharmacology 838–​9
pituitary surgery 567–​8 see IPPV pre-​eclampsia 872–​6

1244 Index

pregnancy (Contd.) procyclidine 292t, 1182t chronic liver disease 206

pulmonary promethazine 333t pulmonary artery
hypertension 144 prone position 439–​40, 439f catheters 431
spinal cord lesions 307–​8 spinal surgery 633 pulmonary artery
surgery during 893–​5 propofol 186t, 1182t hypertension 139–​44
analgesics 895 children 919–​20, 948, 962t pulmonary
antiemetics 895 in CKD 196–​7, 197t complications 168–​71
induction agents 894 in ECT 339–​40 pulmonary contusion 995–​6
inhalational agents 894 ETAG monitoring 428 pulmonary embolism
premedication 894 in G6PD deficiency 264t see venous
teratogenicity of and ICP 560 thromboembolism
drugs 894 induction of pulmonary
termination 749 anaesthesia 407 hypertension 139–​44
trauma 988 titration 407, 408 anaesthesia 142
prehabilitation 49–​52, 49f infusion 1209t anaesthetic drug
premature infants 900 in liver failure 211t effects 143t
premedication 66–​8 in porphyria 260–​2, 261t cardiac surgery 524–​5
ASD 97, 98t in pregnancy 894 classification 139t, 141t
children 917, 918t obesity 77, 80 diagnosis 140
vascular surgery 590 PONV 444t grading systems 525t
preoperative assessment 23 pulmonary and liver disease 204, 208
functional 32–​5 hypertension 143t mortality risk 142t
history taking 24–​5 sedation 419 perioperative
objectives 23 TIVA 413–​18, 414t management 143–​4
preoperative care stopping infusion 415–​17 pregnancy 144
consultation models 31 target symptoms and signs 140
risk assessment 36–​7 concentration 416t treatment 140, 141t
preoperative propranolol 1182t pulmonary oedema 1080
examination 27 thyroid storm 224–​5 pulse contour
preoperative investigations propylthiouracil 224–​5 analysis 431–​2
28–​30, 28t prostacyclin 143t pulse pressure variation
preoptimisation 48 prostate carcinoma, (PPV) 433, 433t
anaemia 53 brachytherapy 729 pulseless electrical
antibiotic prophylaxis 62–​3 prostatectomy activity 954
blood management 53 laser 729 pupils
fasting 57–​8, 57t open/​radical 732 dilated 333t
herbal medicines 65, 65t robot-​assisted fixed 494
iron deficiency 53–​6, 55f laparoscopic 737–​8 pinpoint 336t
perioperative see also TURP trauma 992
medications 64 prostatic urethral lift 726t unequal 559–​60, 564–​5
prehabilitation 49–​52 prosthetic heart valves 119 purpura, post-​
premedicants 66–​8 anticoagulant transfusion 456–​7
VTE prophylaxis 59–​61 therapy 269–​75 p-​values 11–​12
pressor agents 861 perioperative pyeloplasty 726t
pressure control thromboembolism, pyloric stenosis 938
ventilation 352 risk stratification 270t pyridostigmine 314t
volume guaranteed 352 protamine 1182t
pressure support prothrombin complex
ventilation 353 concentrates
pretibial laceration 650t (PCCs) 282 QRS complex 146
prilocaine 1182t prothrombin time see PT qualified consent 42
in G6PD deficiency 264t Prothrombinex® 451–​2 Quincke’s sign 122
in porphyria 261t proton pump inhibitors 66 quinolones 264t
premedication 66 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 181
regional anaesthesia psychiatric
1102t, 1102 disorders 328–​40
primary survey 971–​80 consent to treatment 328 RA 246–​8
processed EEG monitoring ECT 339–​40 perioperative drug
see pEEG monitoring sedation of agitated therapy 247–​8
prochlorperazine 1182t patients 335 radial nerve block 1124–​6
drug interactions 293 substance abuse 336–​8 radical cystectomy 735–​6
in epilepsy 301t psychological support 49 radical neck dissection 780
PONV 444t PT 206, 207t, 284–​7 radiofrequency ablation 824
Index 1245

see also ablation documentation 1100 midaxillary transversus

radiology, anaesthesia for finding nerves 1104–​7 abdominis plane
diagnostic imaging 818 labour and delivery 841–​3 block 1133
CT 819 local anaesthetics 1102 pectoserratus plane
MRI 820–​2 lower limb 1135–​44, 1148f (PSP) and
interventional adductor canal interpectoral plane
cardiology 826–​7 block 1140 (IPP) blocks 1130
interventional ankle block 1142–​4 penile block 1132
radiology 823–​5 fascia iliaca block 1135 rectus sheath
RAE 333t, 355, 756, 784, femoral nerve block 1133–​4
808, 943 block 1136 TAP block 932, 1133
paediatric 909–​10 iPACK block 1141 thoracic paravertebral
ranitidine 1182t lateral femoral block 1128–​9
in porphyria 261t cutaneous nerve ultrasound in
in pregnancy 894 block 1137–​8 1101t, 1105–​7
premedication 66 PENG block 1137 upper limb and shoulder
rapid sequence induction popliteal sciatic nerve 635, 1146f, 1147f
see RSI block 1139–​40 axillary brachial plexus
rasagiline 292t saphenous nerve block 1122
rectum, resection 672t, 678t block 1140 axillary nerve
rectus sheath block sensory innervation 1148f block 1123–​4
932, 1133–​4 subgluteal sciatic nerve Bier’s block 1127
red cells 451t block 1138–​9 brachial plexus block 488
salvage 458–​9 neck 1118 digital block 1127
transfusion 453t, 453, deep cervical plexus infraclavicular
454, 455t block 1118 paracoricoid brachial
redo cardiac surgery 517–​18 superficial cervical plexus plexus block 1121–​2
re-​entry arrhythmias 148 block 1118 intercostobrachial nerve
regional anaesthesia/​ needle design 1108 block 1124
analgesia 1100–​45 and nerve injury 1112–​13 interscalene brachial
adjuncts to 1102, 1103t neuraxial 1114–​17 plexus block
breast surgery 653 caudal block 929–​30 1119–​20
Caesarean section 853–​4 central block 841–​3 median nerve
pregnancy epidural block 931, 1114 block 1124–​6
hypertension 876 spinal radial nerve block 1124–​6
children 927, 932 block 931, 1114–​17 sensory innervation
axillary block 932 ultrasound 1116–​17, 1146f, 1147f
caudal block 929–​30 1117f supraclavicular
dorsal nerve of penis 932 oncology 473 brachial plexus
drug doses 931t ophthalmic surgery 804–​7 block 1120–​1
epidural block 931 peribulbar block 805–​7, suprascapular nerve
femoral nerve 932 806f block 1123
ilioinguinal and retrobulbar block ulnar nerve
iliohypogastric 932 807, 807f block 1124–​6
rectus sheath 932 sub-​Tenon’s block 804–​5, wrist block 1126–​7
sciatic nerve 932 805f relative risk 11
subarachnoid block 931 personal audit 1101 interpreting 11t
TAP block 932 in porphyria 260–​2 remifentanil 186t
choice of block resources 1145 in CKD 197t
day surgery 488 safe practice 1100–​1 in ECT 339–​40
orthopaedic surgery 613 training and in ENT surgery 758
plastic surgery 648 supervision 1100–​1 in G6PD deficiency 264t
vascular surgery 591 trunk and abdomen induction of anaesthesia 407
see below for 1128–​34 infusion 1209t
individual blocks abdominal wall in liver failure 211t
and coagulation blocks 1168 in myasthenia gravis 314
disorders 1109 erector spinae plane obesity 77
consent and block 1130 obstetric analgesia 852
preparation 1100 iliohypogastric TIVA 413, 414t, 415
continuous 1108 block 1131–​2 stopping infusion 415–​17
dermatomes 1149f ilioinguinal block 1131–​2 target concentration 416t

1246 Index

renal dialysis 196–​7 adult advanced life VTE prophylaxis 61

fistula formation 609 support 1055–​57 robotic surgery 480–​2
haemodialysis 196–​7 adult basic life support laparoscopic
peritoneal dialysis 196–​7 1052–​054 prostatectomy 737–​8
renal failure cardiac arrest 1010–​11 rocuronium 186t, 421–​
acute see AKI care after 1058–​059 2, 1182t
chronic see CKD children 951 adverse effects 422
renal history 25 damage control 982–​7 in CKD 196–​7, 197t
repaglinide 219t restoration of normality dose 421t
resilience 15 and definitive in ECT 339–​40
respiratory dead space 901t repair 987 in epilepsy 301t
respiratory disease 164–​90 haemostatic 983–​4 in G6PD deficiency 264t
asthma 174–​7 maternal 897–​8 in liver failure 211t
bronchiectasis 181 neonatal 956–​7, 958f obesity 77, 80
COPD 178–​80 neurosurgery 586–​8 in porphyria 261t
cystic fibrosis 182–​3 sepsis and septic shock time course of
elderly patients 89 1035–​6 recovery 425t
postoperative admission trauma trauma 972–​4
to HDU/​ICU 172 damage control 982–​7 Roizen’s classification 164t
restrictive pulmonary primary survey 977–​ ropinirole 292t
disease 184–​5 8, 978b ropivacaine 1182t
sarcoidosis 187 secondary survey 980 regional anaesthesia
sleep-​related 186 see also ABC 1102t, 1102
transplanted lungs 188–​90 resuscitative endovascular ROTEM® 284–​6, 285f, 286t
respiratory function 1053 balloon occlusion of rotigotine 292t, 294
assessment of 164 the aorta 1000 RSI 388–​90, 408
burns patients 1013 retained placenta 869 children 924
children reteplase 280 failed intubation 389–​90
stabilisation prior to retrobulbar block 807, 807f sepsis and septic
PICU transfer 961 reversal of NMB 425 shock 1037
trauma 1021 children 925 ruby laser 476t
effects of surgery/​ incomplete 1090–​91 RV failure 524–​5
anaesthesia 167 obesity 77 obese patients 71
head injuries 991 reverse Trendelenburg
investigations 165t position 436
in liver disease 206, 208 Revised Cardiac Risk
and obesity 71 Index 104t sacrocolpopexy 747t
postoperative rhabdomyolysis sacrospinous fixation 747t
complications 168–​71 from crush injury 1008 sacubitril 113
severity of airflow in muscular dystrophies safe anaesthesia
obstruction 169t 318, 319–​20 blood and bodily fluid
smoking 173 rheumatic fever 124–​5 exposure 17–​18
respiratory history 24 rheumatoid arthritis see RA blood transfusion 452
respiratory investigations, rhinoplasty 333t briefings and debriefings
preoperative 29–​30 rhinotomy 333t 6, 7t–​8
respiratory rate 901t rhytidectomy (facelift) 650t drug safety 7–​8
children 1020t ribs improvements in
respiratory system first rib resection 608 safety 3–​6
elderly patients 1026 fractures 553, 995–​6 manual handling 18
preoperative rigid bronchoscopy 540 perioperative 3
examination 27 ring block 1127 PPE 17
respiratory tract riociguat 141t vigilance and crisis
infection 173 risk management 9
children 913–​14 of anaesthesia 38t WHO checklist 4–​6, 5f
respiratory viruses, assessment 36–​7 safe drugs
airborne 403–​4 relative 11 asthma 186t
restrictive interpreting 11t CKD 197t
cardiomyopathy 130 rituximab 248​ epilepsy 301t
restrictive pulmonary rivaroxaban 274, 276t G6PD deficiency 264t
disease 184–​5 regional anaesthesia 1110t liver disease 211t
resuscitation 971–​80 reversal 275 porphyria 261t
Index 1247

safety culture 3 anaesthesia 1037 skull fracture, base of 994

SAH children 959–​60 SLE 250
complications 576–​7 resuscitation 1035–​6 sleep apnoea syndrome
grading 575t tissue 73–​5, 186, 186t
haemorrhagic CVE 297 oxygenation 1037–​9 sleep studies 140
outcome 577 sequestration crisis in sickle-​ sleeve gastrectomy 694
St John’s wort 65t, 330 cell disease 257 small for gestational age 900
salbutamol 176t, 1182t serious events in smart pumps 7–​8
bronchospasm 1079t theatre 9–​10 smoking 173
dose in children 963–​4 serotonin syndrome 332 prehabilitation 50
hyperkalaemia 240 neuroleptic malignant 6MWT 32, 165t
infusion 1209t syndrome cystic fibrosis 182
in porphyria 261t comparison 333t pulmonary
salmeterol 176t severe acute respiratory hypertension 140
saphenous nerve syndrome see SARS social history 25
block 1140 sevoflurane 186t sodium
sarcoidosis 187 children 919 daily requirement 464t
SARS 403–​4 in CKD 196–​7, 197t hypernatraemia 244
SARS-​Cov/​SARS-​CoV-​ in ECT 339–​40 hyponatraemia 242, 729–​
2 403–​4 environmental effects 418 30, 906
Savva test 366 in G6PD deficiency 264t sodium bicarbonate,
saxagliptin 219t and ICP 560 infusion 1209t
scavenging system 347 induction of sodium chloride
sciatic nerve block anaesthesia 408–​9 with glucose 466, 467t
in children 932 in liver failure 208, 211t normal 466, 467t
popliteal 1139–​40 maintenance of sodium citrate 66
subgluteal 1138–​9 anaesthesia 412 sodium iodide 224–​5
scleroderma 251 metabolism 213 sodium nitroprusside
scoliosis 251 in porphyria 261t in ECT 339–​40
surgery 630t pulmonary heart failure 114–​15
scopolamine (hyoscine hypertension 143t sodium valproate 301, 302t
hydrobromide) 1182t shared decision-​making sotalol 867t
PONV 444t 40, 40b speaking valve
secondary survey 980 Shirodkar suture 747t insertion 333t
sedation 419 shock spherocytosis,
agitated patients 335 cardiogenic 976t hereditary 263
children 948 distributive 976t spinal anaesthesia 1114–​7
conscious 419 hypovolaemic 906, 976–​ Caesarean section 857
deep 419 8, 976t inadequate block 860
dental procedures 792 neurogenic 303 children 931
good practice 419 obstructive 976t complications 1116
minimal 419 septic see septic shock contraindications 1116
ophthalmic surgery 814 spinal 303 drugs and doses 1115
seizures short gut syndrome 88 total spinal block 845–​6
alcohol withdrawal 338 shoulder surgery 634–​6 spinal cord lesions 303–​8
head injuries 992 total shoulder anaesthesia 304–​7
see also epilepsy, replacement 637 drug considerations 324t
eclampsia , ECT sick sinus syndrome 147 injury patterns 305t
selective serotonin reuptake sickle-​cell disease 257–​9 injury phases 303, 1003
inhibitors see SSRIs sickle-​cell trait 257–​9 obstetric
selegiline 292t, 331–​2 sildenafil 141t anaesthesia 307–​8
drug interactions 293 silver trauma 1025–​8 spinal fusion 630t
self-​care 15–​20 sinus arrhythmia 147 spinal infection 1166
major mishaps 504–​5 sinus bradycardia 147 spinal injuries 1002–​3
sepsis 1035–​9 sinus tachycardia 148 adult basic life
anaesthesia 1037 sitagliptin 219t support 1053
bacterial 456–​7 sitting position 440–​1, 441f see also spinal cord lesions
investigations 1036 six-​minute walk test spinal shock 303
maternal 870 see 6MWT spinal surgery 629–​33
resuscitation 1035–​6 skin grafting 664–​7 anaesthesia 629–​33
septic shock 1035–​9 burns patients 665–​6 prone position 633

1248 Index

spirometry 29, 165t substance abuse 336–​ in myasthenia gravis 314

COPD 179 8, 1179 in neurological
restrictive lung by anaesthetist 16 disorders 324t
disease 185 street drugs 336, obesity 77, 80
spironolactone 113 336t, 337 in porphyria 261t
SpO2 165t sub-​Tenon’s block 804–​ trauma 972–​4
SSG 664, 665 5, 805f SVC obstruction 474
SSRIs 330–​1 suction termination of SVT 148–​9
anaesthesia 330–​1 pregnancy see STOP with aberrant
stair climb 165t sufentanil 1182t conduction 153
stapedectomy 771 sugammadex 1182t Swanson’s joint
statins 106–​7 in CKD 196–​7 replacement 640t
myocardial infarction 110 in ECT 339–​40 sympathectomy,
perioperative 64 in porphyria 261t thoracoscopic 607
statistical analysis 10 reversal of NMB 425 Synacthen® test 230–​1
stents 823 suicide in anaesthesia 16 synchronised intermittent
airway 540 sulfasalazine 247​ mandatory
aortic aneurysm 597–​8 sulphonamide ventilation 353
bare metal 106 antibiotics 264t syndactyly 650t
drug-​eluting 106 superficial cervical plexus systemic lupus
oesophageal 533t block 1118 erythematosus 250
ureteric 726t superior/​cervical systemic sclerosis 251
sterilisation, mediastinoscopy 541 systemic vascular resistance
laparoscopic 750 superior vena cava (SVC) see SVR
sternomental distance 366 obstruction 474 systolic blood pressure
steroids 132–​3, 230–​1 supine position 435, 435f 902t, 1020t
cardiac surgery 526–​7 supraclavicular brachial
comparative plexus block 1120–​1
potencies 230–​1 supraglottic airway 355–​6,
drug interactions 302t 356f, 357f, 362 tachycardia 1062–​4
HPA suppression 230–​1 children 908, 909t atrial 149
perioperative 230t difficult insertion, broad complex 1062
Still’s disease see RA predictors of 364 narrow
stiripentol 302t intubation via a 379 complex 1062–​4
STOP 749 see also LMA sinus 148
STOP-​Bang 74b suprapubic catheter 726t supraventricular 153
strabismus 813 suprascapular nerve ventricular 152–​3
street drugs 336, 336t, 337 block 1123 tacrolimus 132–​3
streptokinase 280 supraventricular tadalafil 141t
stress incontinence 747t tachycardia 148–​9 Takotsubo
stress-​induced surgical history 24 cardiomyopathy 129
cardiomyopathy 129 suxamethonium 186t, 420–​ talipes equinovarus 945
stress testing 105 1, 1182t Tallman lettering 7–​8, 8b
stridor, postoperative 713 adverse effects 422 TAP block 932, 1133
nebulised adrenaline 763 apnoea 420t, 1090 children 932
see also airway obstruction cerebrovascular tapentadol 1182t
stroke volume 430–​1, 433t events 298 target-​controlled infusions
stroke volume variation children 963t see TIVA
(SVV) 433, 433t in chronic spinal cord TAVI 834–​5
STS score 509t lesions 306 TB 542
subarachnoid block see in CKD 194–​5, 196–​ TCAs 330
spinal block 7, 197t TCRE 747t
subarachnoid haemorrhage contraindication team briefings/​debriefings
see SAH in burns 665–​6 6, 7t, 9–​10
subaxial subluxation 246 in hyperkalaemia 241 major mishaps 504
subdural block 845 in ECT 339–​40 TEDS 788
subglottic stenosis 909–​10 in G6PD deficiency 264t teeth
subgluteal sciatic nerve and ICP 560 extractions 794
block 1138–​9 and intraocular impacted/​buried
submandibular gland pressure 815 teeth 796
excision 333t in liver failure 211t labelling 795f
Index 1249

see also dental procedures ERAS 532 anaesthesia 224

TEG® 281, 284–​5, 285f, general principles 530–​1 hyperthyroidism 223
286t, 287f lung see lung surgery hypothyroidism 223
teicoplanin 261t lung isolation 535–​7 thyroid function
temazepam 1182t lung volume reduction tests 710–​11
in CKD 197t surgery 544–​5 thyroid storm 224–​5, 1069
premedication 66 miscellaneous thyroidectomy 710–​13
temperature control 434 procedures 533t airway planning 711
blood warming 457 oesophagectomy 551–​2 thyromental distance 366
children 904 one-​lung ventilation 535–​9 thyrotoxicosis 223
cutaneous warming 434 pleurectomy/​ TIA 296
internal warming 434 pleurodesis 549–​50 ticagrelor 277, 279t
see also thermoregulation rigid bronchoscopy and PCI procedures 106
tendon grafts 640t stent insertion 540 regional anaesthesia 1110t
tendon repair 626t, 650t superior/​cervical tidal volume 901t
tenecteplase 280 mediastinoscopy 541 TIPSS 698, 824
tenolysis 640t thoracic trauma 974–​ tirofiban 106, 277–​8
TENS 1169 6, 995–​8 regional anaesthesia 1110t
teratogenicity of drugs 894 airway disruption 975, 998 tissue expanders, insertion
terbutaline 176t aortic injury 997 of 650t
termination of cardiac contusion 996–​7 tissue
pregnancy 749 cardiac tamponade 976 oxygenation 1037–​9
testicular surgery 741 children 1021 TIVA 413–​18
orchidopexy in diaphragmatic injury 998 advantages and
children 942 flail chest 975 disadvantages 413t
tetracaine cream 916 haemothorax 975 in ASD 97
tetracycline 867t oesophageal injury 997 checklist 416t
tetralogy of Fallot 137 pneumothorax, children 417
thalassaemias 263–​4 tension 974 environmental effects 418
thermoablation, pneumothorax, open 974 microlaryngoscopy 774
endometrial 747t pulmonary obesity 77, 417
thermoregulation contusions 995–​6 oncology 472–​3
elderly patients 91 rib fractures 929 Schnider vs Marsh 417
neonates 903–​4 thoracoabdominal aortic spontaneous breathing
see also temperature aneurysm repair induction 392
control 599–​600 target concentrations 416t
thiopental 1182t thoracoscopic TKR 621–​2
children 919–​20 sympathectomy 607 tocilizumab 24​8
in CKD 196–​7, 197t thoracotomy, resuscitative TOE 700–​2
in G6PD deficiency 264t 1010–​11 cardiac surgery 510
and ICP 560 see also thoracic surgery electrophysiology
induction of THR 618–​19 procedures 833
anaesthesia 407 revision surgery 620 pulmonary
in liver failure 211t throat packs 757, 784 hypertension 140
obesity 80 thrombectomy TOF 423, 424t
in porphyria 261t endovascular intracranial tolcapone 292t
in pregnancy 894 298, 582–​3, 824 tonsillectomy/​
pulmonary thrombocythaemia, adenoidectomy
hypertension 143t essential 288 adults 769
trauma 972–​4 thrombocytopenia 268 bleeding after 768
thoracic paravertebral heparin-​induced 273–​4 children 767–​8
block 1128–​9 thromboelastography and CJD 767–​8
thoracic surgery 530–​55 see TEG topical anaesthesia
analgesia 531 thromboembolism children 916
bronchopleural fistula see venous ophthalmic surgery 804
repair 547–​8 thromboembolism torsade de pointes
chest injury 553–​5 thrombolysis 824 153, 153f
empyema drainage 546 thromboprophylaxis, in total hip joint replacement
endobronchial obesity 81 see THR
ultrasound 541 thymectomy 316, 533t total intravenous
endobronchial valves 545 thyroid disease 223–​5 anaesthesia see TIVA

1250 Index

total knee joint replacement transposition of the great secondary survey 980
see TKR arteries 137 secondary survey 980
total pain 1173–​4 transthoracic silver 1025–​8
total spinal block 845–​6 echocardiography 114 spinal 1002–​3
tourniquets 616–​17 transurethral resection teams/​team leader 969
tracheal intubation see of bladder tumour 731 thoracic 974–​6
intubation of prostate see TURP Trendelenburg position 436
tracheobronchial foreign transurethral vaporisation reverse 436
body 333t of prostate 729 treprostinil 141t, 143t
tracheobronchial injury transvenous pacing 156 triamcinolone 231b
554–​5, 998 transversus abdominal plane tricyclic antidepressants
tracheoesophageal block see TAP block see TCAs
fistula 936 tranylcypromine 331–​2 trifascicular heart block 155
tracheostomy 776–​7 trapeziectomy 640t trigger finger release 640t
see also cricothyroidotomy trauma 968–​1028 triple H therapy 576
tracheostomy tubes 777 abdominal injuries trisomy 21, see Down’s
train-​of-​four monitoring 999–​1000 syndrome
423, 424t airway 971–​4 troponins 109
tramadol 1157–​8, 1182t blast injuries 1006–​7 heart failure 114
in CKD 197t brain 989–​94 trunk, nerve blocks 1128–​34
contraindicated with burns 1013–​18 erector spinae plane
MAOIs 331–​2 cardiac arrest secondary block 1130
dosage 1158t to 1009–​11 iliohypogastric
efficacy 1161t chest 553, 974–​6, 995–​8 block 1131–​2
in epilepsy 301t children 1019–​24 ilioinguinal block 1131–​2
in G6PD deficiency 264t imaging 1022–​3, midaxillary transversus
tranexamic acid 281, 1022b–​3 abdominis plane
702, 1182t circulation and shock 976–​8 block 1133
blood management 458–​9 crush injuries 1008 pectoserratus plane (PSP)
cardiac surgery 526 elderly see silver trauma and interpectoral plane
transcatheter aortic valve exposure/​environmental (IPP) blocks 1130
implantation see TAVI control 979 penile block 1132
transcutaneous electrical eye injury 815 rectus sheath
nerve stimulation fluid resuscitation 978, 979b block 1133–​4
see TENS gunshot injury 1006 TAP block 932, 1133
transcutaneous pacing 156 head 989–​94 thoracic paravertebral
transfer factor (diffusing imaging 979–​80, 980t, 981 block 1128–​9
capacity) 165t children 1022–​3, tryptase 1084
transfusion-​associated 1022b–​3 TT, coagulation
circulatory overload immediate care 968–​70 disorders 266t
(TACO) 456 induction of tuberculosis see TB
transfusion-​associated anaesthesia 972–​4 tubes 355
graft versus host intracranial chest, see chest drain
disease 456–​7 haematoma 564–​5 double-​lumen see DLT
transfusion-​related intubation 972–​4, 972b–​4 microlaryngeal 773
acute lung injury limbs and extremities misplaced 371
(TRALI) 456–​7 1004–​5 nasogastric see
transient ischaemic log roll 981 nasogastric tube
attack 296 maxillofacial 993–​4 in children 909–​10, 910t
transoesophageal neurological tracheostomy 777
echocardiography assessment 978–​9 see also ETT
see TOE head injuries 992 tumour lysis syndrome 474
transplanted heart patient journey 968–​70 tumour necrosis factor
anaesthetic pelvic injuries 1001 inhibitors 247–​8
technique 133 prehospital care 968 tunnelled, cuffed CVCs 360
immunosuppression 132–​3 pregnancy 988 Tuohy needle 1108
physiology 132 primary survey 971–​80 TURP 728–​30
risk factors 133 resuscitation TURP syndrome 729–​30
transplantation, damage control 982–​7 TUVP 729
kidney 742–​4 haemostatic 983–​4 tympanoplasty 771
transplanted lungs 188–​90 primary survey 971–​4 tyramine 331–​2
Index 1251

U laparoscopic 737–​8 regional anaesthesia/​

nephrectomy/​partial analgesia 591
U&Es 84 nephrectomy 733–​4 thoracoscopic
thyroidectomy 710–​11 open/​radical sympathectomy 607
see also electrolytes, prostatectomy 732 varicose vein surgery 610
creatinine percutaneous stone vascular unloading
ulnar head excision 640t removal 739 technique 432
ulnar nerve block 1124–​6 renal transplant 742–​4 vasectomy 726t, 741
ultrasound testicular 741 vasoconstrictors
endobronchial 541 transurethral resection of nasal 758
neuraxial nerve blocks bladder tumour 731 sepsis and septic
1116–​17, 1117f TURP 728–​30 shock 1037
regional anaesthesia TURP syndrome 729–​30 vasodilators 1069
1101t, 1105–​7 URTI in children 913–​14 vasopressin 1182t
uncooperative children 914 uterotonic drugs 883 infusion 1209t
unfractionated heparin 119, uvulopalato pulmonary
266t, 273–​4, 1182t pharyngoplasty 333t hypertension 143t
regional anaesthesia 1110t sepsis and septic
VTE prophylaxis 61 shock 1037
upper limb nerve blocks V vasopressors 114–​15
1119–​27 V/​Q scan 165t vecuronium 186t, 421–​
axillary brachial plexus pulmonary 2, 1182t
block 1122 hypertension 140 in CKD 196–​7, 197t
axillary nerve block 1123–​4 vacuum-​insulated dose 421t
Bier’s block 1127 evaporator see VIE in epilepsy 301t
brachial plexus block 488 vacuum system 346–​7 in liver failure 211t
digital block 1127 vaginal hysterectomy 751–​2 obesity 80
infraclavicular paracoricoid valerian 65t in porphyria 261t
brachial plexus valsartan 113 venous access, long-​
block 1121–​2 valvular heart term see long-​term
intercostobrachial nerve disease 118–​19 venous access
block 1124 AR 122–​3 venous air embolism 584–​5
interscalene brachial AS 120–​1 venous cannulation see long-​
plexus block 1119–​20 mitral stenosis 124–​5 term venous access
median nerve MR 126–​7 venous thromboembolism
block 1124–​6 preoperative CHA2DS2-​VASc score
radial nerve block 1124–​6 investigation 29 269, 270f
sensory innervation prosthetic heart obesity 72
1146f, 1147f valves 119 prophylaxis 59–​61
supraclavicular brachial vaporisers 348 anticoagulants 269–​72
plexus block 1120–​1 variceal haemorrhage, cardiology
suprascapular nerve acute 696–​7 procedures 826–​7
block 1123 varicose vein surgery 610 children 61
ulnar nerve block 1124–​6 variegate porphyria 260 graduated compression
wrist block 1126–​7 vascular lesions 575 stockings 60
upper lip bite test 365 vascular surgery 590–​610 intermittent pneumatic
ureteric stent 726t amputations 606 compression
ureteroscopy 726t aortic aneurysm repair devices 60–​1
urethral dilation 726t abdominal 592–​6 IVC filters 61
urethral lift, prostatic 726t thoracoabdominal obesity 81
urethral meatotomy 726t 599–​600 oestrogen therapy 64
urethroplasty 726t A–​V fistula formation 609 pharmacological 61
urinalysis 205 axillobifemoral bypass 605 risk factors 59, 60t
urokinase 280 carotid endarterectomy risk stratification 269–​
UroLift® implant 726t 601–​3 75, 270t
urological surgery 724–​44 first rib resection 608 ventilation, positive pressure
cystectomy 735–​6 peripheral CO2 clearance 353–​4
cystoscopic revascularisation 604 difficult, predictors of 364
procedures 724–​6 premedication 590 head injuries 991
extracorporeal shock preoperative jet 765, 774, 832
wave lithotripsy 740 assessment 590 mechanical 352, 911–​12

1252 Index

ventilation, positive pressure VIE 345 water balance 464

(Contd.) vigilance 9 dehydration
lung-​protective 353 vildagliptin 219t clinical assessment
microlaryngoscopy 773–​4 VIPoma 236 907, 907t
modes 352–​3 viral infection, signs and
one-​lung 535–​9 airborne 403–​4 symptoms 465t
ophthalmic surgery 809 viral infection from blood see also fluid status
oxygenation 353 transfusion 456–​7 waterhammer pulse 122
resuscitation 1056 vitamin K websites, useful
self-​inflating bag 352 deficiency 266t evidence, finding 12
sepsis and septic shock in G6PD deficiency 264t self-​care 15–​16
1038–​9 vitreoretinal surgery 811 wedge resection 542–​3
ventricular ectopics volume control Wenkebach heart block
152, 152f ventilation 352 154, 155f
ventricular fibrillation see VF Volumeview™ 431–​2 Whipple procedure
ventricular rate 146 von Willebrand’s disease 672t, 678t
ventricular septal defect 266t, 267 Whipple’s triad 236–​7
see VSD VSD 136 WHO Analgesic
ventricular VT 152–​3, 152f Ladder 1153
tachycardia see VT ablation 832–​3 WHO Second Global
ventriculoperitoneal pulseless 955 Patient Safety
shunt 563 VTOP 749 Challenge 4–​6
verapamil vulvectomy 747t WHO Surgical Safety
ischaemic heart Checklist 4–​6, 5f
disease 106–​7 whole blood 450
tachycardia 151
W donation 450
Verner–​Morrison warfarin 266t, 272–​3 Wilson score 366
syndrome 236 cerebrovascular events, WPW syndrome 148,
vertebral fracture prophylaxis 296 148f, 149
repair 630t drug interactions 302t wrist block 1126–​7
vertebroplasty 823 prosthetic heart valves 119
VF 153, 153f regional anaesthesia 1110t
children 955 VTE prophylaxis 61
videolaryngoscopy 357–​8, warming zafirlukast 176t
358f, 379–​80 cutaneous 434 Zollinger–​Ellison syndrome
difficult, predictors of 366 internal 434 236

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