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Deposit and Borrowing Operations

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Section X201 Authority to Accept or Create Demand Deposits. Banks may accept or create
demand deposits subject to withdrawal by check.

A UB/KB may accept or create demand deposits subject to withdrawal by check, without
prior authority from the Bangko Sentral.

A TB/RB/Coop Bank may accept or create demand deposits upon prior authority of the
Bangko Sentral.

§ X201.1 Prerequisites to accept or create demand deposits for thrift banks/rural

banks/cooperative banks. In addition to the Standard Pre-qualification

Requirements for the Grant of Banking Authorities enumerated in Appendix 5, a

TB/RB/Coop Bank applying for authority to accept or create demand deposits shall also
comply with the following requirements:

a. The applicant TB/RB/Coop Bank must have complied with the minimum capital required
under Subsec. X111.1. The terms capital and net assets shall have the same meaning as in
Sec. X111.

b. It has neither unpaid assessment due nor past due obligations with the PDIC; and

c. The applicant bank must have been examined by the Bangko Sentral within one

(1) year prior to the date of submission of complete documentary requirements with the
appropriate department of the SES. (As amended by Circular Nos. 696 dated 29 October
2010, 674 dated 10 December 2009 and 667 dated 01 October 2009)

§ X201.2 Requirements for accepting demand deposits.

After a TB’s/RB’s/Coop Bank’s application to accept demand deposits has been approved, it
may actually accept such deposits, subject to the following conditions:

a. Submission of a certification signed by the President/Chairman of the Board of the bank

stating that the requirements enumerated under Subsec. X201.1 have been complied with
up to the day before the checking account services are actually offered/extended to the

b. That if it is not a member of the Philippine Clearing House Corporation

(PCHC), it has appointed a commercial bank, or a normally operating thrift bank which is a
direct participant in the clearing with the PCHC/Bangko Sentral and has complied with the
minimum capital required for commercial banks, thru which it shall participate in the
check clearing system; and

c. That it has complied with all other conditions that the Bangko Sentral may impose.
The applicant bank shall submit a written notice to the appropriate supervising and
examining department of the Bangko Sentral of the actual date when the demand deposit
service is offered to the public not later than ten (10) banking days from such offering of the

§ X201.3 Sanctions. If any part of the certification submitted by the bank as required in
these guidelines is found to be false, the following sanctions shall be imposed, without
prejudice to the sanctions under Section 35 of R.A. No. 7653.

a. On the bank- Suspension of its authority to accept or create demand deposits for one (1)

b. On the certifying officer- A fine of P5,000 per day from the time the certification was
made up to the time the certification was found to be false.

Sec. X202 Temporary Overdrawings;

Drawings Against Uncollected Deposits

The following regulations shall govern temporary overdrawings and drawings against
uncollected deposits (DAUDs).

a. Temporary overdrawings. - Temporary overdrawings against demand deposit account

(DDA) shall not be allowed, unless caused by normal bank charges and other fees incidental
to handling such accounts.

Banks which violate these regulations shall be subject to a fine of one-tenth of one
percent (1/10 of 1%) per day of violation, computed on the basis of the amount of
overdrawing or fines in amounts as may be determined by the Monetary Board, but not to
exceed P30,000 a day for each violation.
Technical overdrawings arising from “force posting” in-clearing checks shall be
debited by banks under “Returned Checks and Other Cash Items (RCOCI)” which is part of
“Other Assets” in the Balance Sheet.
Items to be lodged under this account shall consist only of in-clearing checks which may
result in “technical overdrawn” accounts and shall be immediately reversed the following
day, value dated on date of original presentation of Checks and Other Cash Item (COCI) to
PCHC for Integrated Greater Manila local exchanges (Integrated GM LX) or to Regional
Clearing Center (RCC) for regional local exchanges (RLX). 1

The checks lodged under “RCOCI” which were dishonored due to insufficiency of
funds shall be returned not later than 7:30 a.m. on the clearing day immediately
following the original date of presentation of the COCI to PCHC or RCC.1
Peso DDAs maintained by foreign correspondent banks with UBs/KBs shall not be
subject to the above-mentioned regulations: Provided, That:

(a) The maintenance of non-resident correspondent bank’s peso DDAs and overdrawings
therefrom are covered by reciprocal arrangement;
(b) Temporary overdrawings are covered within fifteen (15) banking days from the date
overdrawings are incurred; and
(c) Such accounts are credited only through foreign exchange inward remittance.
b. DAUDs. DAUDs shall be prohibited except when the drawings are made against
uncollected deposits representing manager’s/cashier’s/treasurer’s checks, treasury
warrants, postal money orders and duly funded “on us” checks which may be permitted at
the discretion of each bank.
(As amended by Circular Nos. 705 dated 29 December 2010
and 681 dated 08 February 2010)

Sec. X203 Returned Checks

a. Checks without sufficient funds/ with stop payment orders. To complement the
provisions of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, (An Act Penalizing the Making or Drawing
and Issuance of a Check Without Sufficient Funds or Credit), the following regulations
shall govern checks drawn against insufficient funds and checks drawn against closed
1. The drawee bank shall affix to the check a return stamp, indicating therein the date
when the check is returned and the reason for the refusal to pay the same to the holder
2. For checks which shall be dishonored or returned by reason of insufficiency of funds or
credit, the drawee bank shall indicate the remark or notation “Drawn Against Insufficient
Funds”, “No Funds” or “Insufficient Funds” on the return stamp. For checks which shall be
dishonored or returned for the reason that such is drawn against a closed account, the
drawee bank shall indicate the remark or notation “Account Closed”.

3. Notwithstanding receipt of an order to stop payment, the drawee bank shall likewise
indicate in the return stamp, the remarks or notations mentioned in Item “2” hereof
indicating that there were no sufficient funds in or credit with such bank for the payment
in full of such check or the account is closed, if such be the fact. The bank shall also indicate
receipt of a stop payment order.

For checks which shall be dishonored for the reason that payment has been stopped, the
following shall be observed:
(a) The drawee bank shall affix to the check a return stamp indicating therein the date
when the check is returned and the reason for the refusal to pay the same to the holder
(b) The drawee bank shall indicate the remark or notation “Payment Stopped” or
“With Stop Payment Order” on the return stamp.
A COCI dishonored for the reason that such is drawn against insufficient funds or credit, or
is drawn against a closed account, or payment thereof has been stopped shall be returned
by the drawee bank to the negotiating bank not later than 7:30 AM on the clearing day
immediately following the original date of presentation of the COCI to
PCHC or RCC. 1

(1) For Local Exchanges

There shall only be one (1) clearing windows for COCIs returned due to insufficient funds or
credit, closed account and/or stop payment order in the Integrated
GM LX and RLX.1
The settlement of interbank transactions vis-à-vis covering reserve requirement/ deficiency
of banks’ DDA is shown in Appendix 39.
The AM returned COCI clearing window for COCIs dishonored due to insufficiency of funds
or credit, closed account and/or stop payment order in the Integrated GM LX and in the
RLX shall b conducted from 2:00 AM to 7:30 AM on the clearing 1 day immediately following
the original date of presentation of the COCI to PCHC or RCC.
Returned COCI in the AM clearing windows shall be given value on the same date as the
date of original presentation of the COCI to PCHC or RCC. The amount of debits and
credits on the date of original presentation shall be reversed to the extent of the amount of
credits and debits arising from the returned COCI. The process restores the balances of the
demand deposits of banks with the Bangko Sentral to their position prior to the settlement
of the clearing results affected by the COCI later returned due to insufficient funds or
credit, closed account and/or stop payment order.

(2) For Integrated GM Outward to Region, Integrated GM Inward From Region

and Region to Region Clearing Operations
A COCI dishonored by reason of insufficiency of funds or credit, drawn against a closed
account and/or stop payment order shall continue to be covered by regulations issued by
Bangko Sentral and relevant PCHC Clearing House Rules and
(3) COCI not coursed through the Clearing System
A COCI dishonored by reason of insufficiency of funds or credit, drawn against a closed
account and/or stop payment order which was not coursed through the clearing system
shall be returned by the drawee bank to the holder or the negotiating bank, as the case may
be, not later than the banking day following the date the COCI is presented for payment
with the drawee bank. The negotiating bank shall, in turn, return a COCI dishonored by
reason of insufficiency of funds or credit, drawn against a closed account and/or stop
payment order to the holder not later than the banking day following its receipt of the
dishonored COCI from the drawee bank.

b. Checks dishonored due to technical reasons. A COCI dishonored due to technical reasons
shall be returned by the drawee bank to the negotiating bank not later than the afternoon
regular clearing.
(1) For Local Exchanges There shall be two (2) separate clearing windows for COCIs
returned due to technical reasons in the Integrated GM LX and RLX.
The settlement of interbank transactions vis-àvis covering reserve requirement/ deficiency
of banks’ DDA is shown in
Appendix 39.

(a) AM Returned COCI Clearing – The AM returned COCI clearing window for COCIs
dishonored due to technical reasons in the Integrated GM LX and in the RLX shall be
conducted from 2:00 AM to 7:30 AM on the clearing day immediately following the original
date of presentation of the COCI to PCHC or RCC. 1
Returned COCI in the AM clearing window shall be given value on the same date as the
date of original presentation of the COCI to PCHC or RCC. The amount of debits and
credits on the date of original presentation shall be reversed to the extent of the amount of
credits and debits arising from the returned COCI. The process restores the balances of the
demand deposits of banks with the Bangko Sentral to their position prior to the settlement
of the clearing results affected by the COCI later returned due to technical reasons.
(b) PM Returned COCI Clearing – The PM returned COCI clearing window for COCIs
dishonored due to technical reasons shall coincide with the afternoon regular clearing. Such
returned COCI shall be given value on the date the returned COCI was presented to PCHC
for the Integrated GM LX or to RCC for the RLX.
(2) For Integrated GM Outward to Region, Integrated GM Inward from Region
and Region to Region Clearing Operations
A COCI dishonored due to technical reasons continues to be covered by circulars issued by
Bangko Sentral and relevant PCHC Clearing House Rules and Regulations1.
(3) COCI not Coursed Through the Clearing System A COCI dishonored due to technical
reasons which was not coursed through the clearing system shall be returned by the drawee
bank to the holder or the negotiating bank, as the case may be, not later than the banking
day following the date the COCI is presented for payment with the drawee bank. The
negotiating bank shall, in turn, return a COCI dishonored due to technical reasons to the
holder not later than the banking day following its receipt of the dishonored COCI from the
drawee bank.
(As amended by Circular Nos. 705 dated

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